HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE BUILDING VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE LEGALProJect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Application Li T6 - 738 > '..r ' {F9? ,.'/ll L i,-c.--/.,?-a rJ u-*r{ ll",'t( (O ?(e'57 '- c- ."<) ci s ., Lo, <Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: +1. BlockLegal Description: Lot Com ments: rt&Zone '' ;r'ct*, c-,tt'ua i*f .nc,-{4 = /O.-f d Design Review Board na,A €/a/q= I' DISAPPROVAL ,, , ,/ / Motion by: " ', ,T'g 4 ( ., .-,),{,;.. t4[' BSeconded by: SgE6 E statt Approval IRt ,'':il''l APPLrcArroN DA'E f''zc:-? z SI GN/AWNING APPLIC'ATION Type NAME oF pERsoN SUBMrrrrNc- / o"oA e.6,{M,. rHoN'.//l-2193"'8?3?-' NAME oF owNER i. a-(A*t- ,nonn_,fua .<*o*pgg ,2azl4 €- SIGNAIURE OF LOCATION OF PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ,\trr (Please Print or NAME OF PROJECT ADDF€SS REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION PROJECTING, TI{E FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN OF THE ETC) , / SIGN/AWNING (FREE ST INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. rNG, WALtr,, rl srcN oR AwNTNG MATERTAL * / ry, SIZE OF OVERALL STGN,SIZE OF LETTERING AI'ID LOGO / n F. HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE .r, ./ SIGN ABOVE GRADE T LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) LENGTH oF BU'TNESS FR.NTAGE eu 50 v I CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FOOT OF SIG DATE .lI z 4 Site Plan ELevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed focation Colored scale drawing Sanple of proposed materials Photograph of sign if availabLe 5. 6. Sign Administrator OVER TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the following information is requiredt i 1. 2. ? 4. J. A compLeted sign/awning application (attached) . A site plin showing the exact location where the sign is to be located. . ,. A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the proposed sign. A scaled drawing whicb details the design of the sign, as follows: (a) Colored exactly as sign will be.(b) A list of materials to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas, Paintr etc. )(c) Phot,ograph of sign if. available.(d) Specific let.Lering style and size. 5. rf an awning is proposed, submit drawings showing exactly hovr and where the awning is attached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that will be used in conjungtion wj.t.h the si.gn or awning. If proposing an awningl. lighting is not allowed to shine through the entire awning which calls undue attent.ion to the business. Lighting miiy spotlight only the actual sign letstering on the awniirg. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POTNTERS Check sign code - verify'tite, height etc. Be specific, vagueness on design, slze, constructicn may delay the approval of your sign. Measure fronEage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMI?TAL. If this application requires a separate review by any J.ocal, State or Federal agency other t.han the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by S200.00. Exanples of such review, may include, but are not. Iimit.ed to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, eLc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at. the applicant's requestr dny matter is postponed for hearing, causing t,he matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re- publication shal1 be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed hy the Community Development Department to have significant design, Iand use ox oLher issues which may have a significant impact on the comnunity nay require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consuLtant is needed to review any application, Community DevelopmenL may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shaLL be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the tine he fileg his application with the Cornrnunity Devef opment Department. I Upon compJ"et.ion of t.he review of the application by the consult4nt, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultanl- which have not been paid to the consultant sha. i be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town i; excess of t-he amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid . c the Town by the applicant wit,hin 30 days of notification ;.y the Town. lffitnrro,*-t*-"tf f if GEs,erc rl -'r 9"it a/') V) aa H Fz z L rttrld o- €uo- , ru n| ? H L. l/g, Ipel l* u5. 56t rs urPr Lt6-lleef -rejrsI l5JH5 .ls.Ju6. $J 6',8- CARTS6'B-L/9. @ I? t it I € =u. 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