HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL HEIGHTS FILING 1 LOT 1 LEGAL\ 75 south fronttge road Yall. colorado 8'1657 (303) 4792138 (3Gr) 47e'2139 otlice ot community development September 5, 1991 Stafford Financial CorpAttn: Nina 21031 Ventura Boulevard #9t9 Woodland, California 91354Fax: 818-592-6054 Re: Lot 1, Vail Heights Subdivision, 2189 Charnonix Lane, Vail Dear Nina: If the above property was legally constructed within Eagle County,but does not conform to Town of Vail zoning codes, it is consideredlegal nonconforming. ff the property is destroyed by fire or othercalamity, by act of God or by the public enemy, the structure maybe restored, provided the restoration is commenced within one year and diligently pursued to completion. All new construction must conform to the applicable Uniforn Building Code, Uniform Fire Codeand other relevant codes regarding safety and construction whichare in effect at the tine rebuilding is proposed. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, ,58r6r,t,.-{ Betsy RUsolack Plannj-ng Tecbnician F <o ;cOFBUILDINGTY; p.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGrE; CO.-PH. (303) 328-5339 PERMIT OATE Julv 18 rppr-rcrrr Reinecke Con struction AooREss (NO.t 0342 ( STR EE T)(CONTR'S LICENSE) NUMAER OFpERMrr ro prrt in forrnrlqtinn qnd lOrfigrstgryol DwELLING ur.rrs (TYPE OF IMPROVEMEIiIT) NO. (PROPOSEO UsE) 19 75 PEeMrr No. ZON ING AT I LOCAT ION)o rsTR rcT ( NO.)(STREETI SETWEEN ANO (CROgS STREET){CRO55 STREET): IL @ oo oz to L suBDrvrsroN Vail Heiehts Subd. Lot 1 Filing LLr-eLocK-srzE SUILOING IS TO BE -FT. WIOE BY- FT. LONG BY FT. It{ HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE UsE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR F OUNOAT ION REMARKS: AREA OR VOLUME EsrrMArED cosr $ lnrooo-on FEE"'' 6 ae^na {CUBIC/SOUARE FEET) owxan R & Properties BUTLDTNG DEpr.nooness BY (Affidavi] on ievem ddc ol opplication fo bc completed by outhorized og6nt of iln.i) o couEAGLE NTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date CASH ITEM Buildino Permit Fee Application For Subd iv ision Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Va riance Aopeal Fee Code: (Buildin ) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received AMOUNT All items are received no-payment of any item. N9 700 for collection only and this receipt sha be cancelled lor ", dtacrrt J41rt9 - EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo oFFrctAL RECETPT t RECEI'ED ,.1 o"" 'Jgnt&# , 'gJ$i, "-" 6:", frt,, CASH AMOUNT ITEM * --{-&-t: Perm it Fee J.OO't. oo Application For Su bd iv ision I icat io n Zone Chan Conditional Use Spec ial Use Variance Aooeal Fee Code: (Bu ilding) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection onty and this receipt shall be cancelled for no-pay ment of any item. d N9 847 ",JUla/r-!-'//LLLA+ IBUrDftc PERMTT APPLrciTtoN Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. t4 rfl I Vail Heiohts Subdivision Vail Heiqhts {!stt etrecxeo sxs rr ) Siubdivi si on 576-5836es P. 0. Box 1195 Vail, Colo. 8L65'7 L lC ErtlS E NO. necke. Jr. Const. Co. Box 5l? Vail 4?6-57D8 atcHtTEct oi DEltcNel MAIL AODR E5 S PHONE LtcEr{5E NO. ETIGIHEER PHONE 80211 455-3J22 LtcENSE tO. 5- ..Lel I Grav. Inc 2'727 Brvant 5t. Denver Ml lL aoDi Es s ataNcH U3E OT IUILDING7 6-P1** Condomini um 8 ctas ol work: fl NEtrv ts ADolTloN n ALTERATIoN d nrpntn E M0vE tr REMoVE 9 Oescribe work: Foundation & lor.,rer leve1 to accomodate moved structure l0 Change ol use from PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEE1f Vafuation of work:$ /0rOOO,OO Occu pancy Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ol Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Firo Sprlnkleis Requlred !yg5 [N6 OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES: NOTlCE SEPARATE PEBMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OB AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PEBMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO E}E TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. FIRE OEPT. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUN PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR ilJ o FoTm IOO.I 11.73 INTERNATIoNAL coNFERENGE oF BUILDING oFFIcIALs. ' o r-\ b-3-?6 ' i,r v- INSPECTIOffAPPROVALS t.OATE REMARTT IT{SPECTOR FOU$DATTONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL &' WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FFAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP. ETC. County of Eagle EI,EGTRICAL PERMIT tou Nane......-.&xM.f.,(- ,(o*t = ula!- UfuJ Date or Apprication..-. fu//- A1./j..... .. ......rs....Lf-.-..... N9 341, .,.) , t Electrical contractor-..-. .fr2Uru-ffi Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $.............".... ......... $--..-.......-...-...-..-...- $ -&-o-,Q-c.-. $......,F-..Q..O... .. $d/- o_0 Applicant-...--. slglat!re Date Paid.......%*/rc Received By -glaltd/tr^Y'e4"'//// fYY APPROVAI.S Plan Chocker THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED Oil JOB SITE DURING COI{STRUCTIOT{ ,I8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE NEQI'TRED FOR INSPECTIONS o ELECTRIC AL PERMIT APPLI ION o CAT Ju rid iction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT PERMIT VALIDATION '/)ii\*"/' r) .t ., -) ,.,fu"= /{*3*6" lNsPEcroR :/ C. ".... Ti-.., ' 7n,,,,.J. hcts<- &-- R, f#.1 )>' l'ucsTu'' fllsee etrecxeo sxe:tl C--c-".1. Ro,c -(.--1- MAIL ADORESS , " n.t l- E( . -t-v, <- ARCHI TEC I OR DESIGNEF MAI I- AODR EsS PHONE LICENsE NO. ENCII{EER L AODRES9 PHOI{E LICENSE NO. MAI! AOOiESS AEATCH USE OF BUILDING LTERATION N HEPAIR8 Clas of work: tr NEW D A00lTl0N Oescribe work: t-. d a 11 out.c,a dru.4 - lno-.{ '1 b,, H-" n Tota IFECEPTACLE Outtets SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Je' o a'-i- l>t. ,n, 7- *J 8,, o TotalLIGHTING F ixtures FIXTURESAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO gY: RANGES CLO. DRYER WTR. HTR. GARBAGE OIsP. STA. COOK TOPNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 OAYS, OB IF CONSTBUCTION OB WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 9IGNAIURE O' CON OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. 'A H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER TJFOLE IIUNDGD. Form 1OO.3 9-69 irEoiDEi FioM: TNTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE OF BUtLDtNG OFFtCtALS a !O 3c'. LOa iOlLEs a rAsADEr|Ar CA|.tlORNtA 9llOl DATE T ITEM . REMARKS INSPECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. DATE INSPEC.ctN FIEEUEST EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n panrrrl READY FOR INSPECTION FR' 3:/d ^@ APPROVED ! orsnppRovED fl nrrNsPEcr I uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREGTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPEC.GIN FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen E plnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ,^, /a4() ^.@ APP ROVED E orsappRovED fl nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTlONS DorE@ rNseeciloru HEBUEsT DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGjit COUNTY ! penrtel READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rat /.'4 d *6)MON COMMENTS: ! or seer Rov E D E nerNsPEcr E uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR rNspecloru FlEeuEsr EAGLE oUNTY('^ DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen ! pennel.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI /,'o c ^r@MON COMMENTS: APPROVED CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED fl netNsPEcr INSPECTOR DArE ,<'- /6 -"/,, PLUMBIRc PERMTT appuclrloN Jurisdiction ot {'. tL (.. "{q --* Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. C e o.1. i?-.-' 'l^.,tsTU., l' U., ( C.G,-d- filsre errrcxeo snrrr) Ll-, ((-(---'d o- u^bln ,a{t.1 (,(- 8> Z-sTd A'CBITECY OR OE3I6NEi IL AOORESS ltcENSE r'lo. MAIL AOORESS PHOI{E LICETSE NO. ss lial{cH USE O; IUILOING 7 8 Ctassof work: O NEw D AD0tn0N iKLTERATI0N D REPAIR o '.rJ ly.-c- d Typo of Fixtur. or lt m WATER CLOSET (TOIL€TISPECIAL CONDITIONS: c',.r, lotno, - J-azsa -L LAVATORY (WASH BASIN' KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASHE R APPAOV€O fOA ISSUANC€ aYl LAUNDRV TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDE D OR ABAN OONE D FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. I HEREAY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAM]NED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL TH€PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION, 3t Gr{aluil oF coNiRAcroi DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. oUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM B R EAKE RS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATED ItN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT , "#J 3Y "2 PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION CK, INSPECTOR iioioEi tioMi INTERNATIoNAL coNFERENCE OF BUILOtNG OFFtCtALS a 6O 50. LO3 FOBLTS a FAaAOEXA. CALttOir.lA 9l',lOl\ Form l0o.2 9-69 ,/ t."- 7/ o o i. . -L, r. EAOLE SUNTY V OEPARTTI|EN? S FI,ANI{IIIO ANO DTI'ILOFMANf Eade Oqmty Arlrr P. O. Eot. ?89 Erglrr Cdotd 8163t Orrgr Rrr P. O' Box l0l Wlr Oolot$ altst irr. tlb hb. go-tgr-?{ Cmrgr nr' Ersrpt|on nf Aortl C Aorrrtt Qcrmlrlm*r d lhrlr frcld trrrStne m ,t Not'r6t fiTl atgn d Itr ocilrntdrrn m? for ysr pnd.ct. Tl{r ar? lr rrnll$lr d ihlr dtto ctd Jtuld br rordrd hy ryo./ r frlt r po.dHa. atfhrn frm forr Mlfff 3' alCt Dfnctor of Flntlrtj 3flkr oct Eord of Canty Oonrnf*loro !7 EAOI6 COUt{Ty v DBPAnf,Ir{ElIT Of PLANNIN0 AND D&VBT,OPMENT Srgle Couty Aaau P.O. ler ?00 Pbsar 388-88St ' Ergto. Golorrdo f163r !0 Novcnbor 19?5 Ororgr Bru P.O. Eor 1!86 Vdl, Colorrdo 8166? lrt Flb No. 8r-8E-?l: chorjt nru Erasp$on At tb.tr rr3ulrr n oUDl oa lD }{ovrn:ber 10?6, tbr Erglo County Plrnnlng Conml..bn rttped your Con&ntnlum Phn lon Gore lrago Condoplnlumc ll. Ihis Plsn rtm bt rat to tba Bo.d of Connty CornnlrQtoi.s!:r os l0 ivovember 19?6 for tbclr lDPtoDrf$. aGtton, (-/ ,>N Strphro lrom fo&lhp'B3!!tog Dlr'otor Brl;,,o Prt1., l)r: 5e-t+->.1 r/-'r!'t4t ,t,, i l{ R & L Propertles Box 1395, Vail, CoLcado 81657 Phone 303 476-5836 Dear Sir: This request for an exempE,Lon is behg subrritEed by R & L Properties, a partnership of my brother Fred Lazarus IV of Washington, D.C. and rryaelf,. In 1,97:l we purchased a sinplex apartoent buildlng io Blgborn 3rC -Addltion, Iot I, Block 1..whlch we suLsequently condomlniGiEd as---6;- @nd sold durlng che next tlro years whlIe re- malnlng as individual owne rs of unics ln the bullding. During ehls past srinter and gusmer the hlgtway deparcment purchaeed all untts for their right-of-tay, and ln aucllon eol.d the building back Eo R & L Propercies ln August, 1974. Our plans aEe to nrove Ehe bullding to Lot 1, Filing I, Vall Heigbts chls fall and subject to approval co reinstall lt there next spring or earl.y sutrmer on a ner foundation and newly bullt loner fl,oor. The bull.ding w111 agai,n be nacoed the Gore Range Condominiun and the six units sill be sold as primary resldents to Local families. In requesting an exemplion I vould reques! you to conslder the following: ---.*-----\_ \ - I:--'Lot 1, Filing 1, Vail Heights)was originally plaEted as conrmerctal/ rou compliaice rlih'the original covenanEs for the land and similar to other plojects in Ehe vlcinity such as Vail Helghts 1 and 2 to che N.E. and the Pine Ridge Townhouses lunedlately adJa- cent to the S.W. Our building will cover only 1200 square feet on a half- acre lot. 2. Tbe bullding ls an aEtractlve exlsting strucEure and relocated on Lot l, Filing l, Vail Heighes, shall arcblt,eetualLy flt into the loca- tlon very well. The lot ltself is quite f,lat and nill present few problens for eicher consEruction or drainage. 3. Our plans for parklng provlde 12 spaces based on 1.5 spaces per bedroom as per the pollcy o{ the Vail Village West Architectural Control CornmitEee. Our parking pLans wllt allon us to ruxirnlze the green space on the lot whlle providlng convenient access to the bullding. 4. We have recelved confirmation that, water and sewer service is available from Jlm Collins of the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitatlon Distrlct. My Ehanks for your atEention to our request. S incerely, $i *-1 George'F"au \ R & L Properries o 9ctcber 28, :,9?tt l.':, Loui.'s Li'.':r;ston /30 Flagsr.af:. 1'.oad 3rr:.1.Jar, iol,.,:.:idc Dea r l,ou : Zn:l.osoC j.s tl r,,-, n,;ter i:ril on Cco:.,--],:, i,;rlrrs pro;er:+-. 'r,,e lrave ai;pr;tc:l lt :.ur-,.:l .:'-rse).ve s , :r i+.h tt e f o11ori.ng rrlcor$endaLions : t. iiecr;,.'::re ,l,,.1 L':ra i; f ir:u::,, nusL !'-, ec.r,-ed tc sj.te this fa11 , tlrrt c-1,'n.:: F:we ircuse to :,.i.:.r?. of si{-r:, i.n ;en.:r'a1 lccail.; rr lhat i+- '";11.'l }:e r-,ar:enariLly. 2, Slrongly recor.cend ihat bui1d:.ri- lircat,lcn tx: noue,J r:.c,tLr'. I furt"-e: f:::n exir'-i;'.; iri::e .:.-iC;': lcxr,hcr::e.;. ' l-.!.nC : '::ili.. ,'.r.er" '-r ;, ;'1e:e L :-i,'i'.:3 ls slr clvn no',r', Lo sel1r(] as t",:f t-'c, r L":t;r.:en r.l'w builClni; a.".d Fine il.L:!;e. 3. Suggost li.,r drivr:, l!t Ilrk!-"g- i:|alls, for.52r o-.'crall. jjnensictt:. .lLsc reccnrnrlnj turn aro'ir::d ifea ill :r',.rlii ei:C ci p.L:.kin; Cr i-;e. ll. liew a'lil'.r;i<;r to natcL n:aterisl i:hi.rr6;1'.:s, etc. ) raC eclor"s of exc:i:tirr; iical-C approi:ial.e ;-lur ll ,.'L:-lnl tL,is -rver and pl.eese fei us 'rar,'e yr;ur ,,,c,il.l appr'+:c: j.:l.r: yc'.lr r:eturning th+ enclosed natr:.ral- for r,:rr f iles :r- S:l3nrf ,l rllr;)l'i.'e"l . ?:ani: you. j. j CL\l':'leIitS. as weLL ::s wnlb u 6scr "?r: t,,Nlg:y3ry p&ft,tEt p,r{, ?:; frrr&&;*r* Oll, ff,\r 11 r.opSPqf.,,* ,*{, #'#'t"P $ t,tfri. --' - ft noo €.1;t,.r,;E t" *:.: g-? ,?":,t I /J. * , ,a.-,: .? ii _- ,. .r' , '." ' '; ! bil.| y'.4,, /". ft,f ,; *.'- '' f)q.l ,:* ,.-. *,,,-.'.,", ' , 'l*' d .. ,l c*r., ' ' .. --)' :, r -r - ?.rl tta,Y t.tl )r a I;ri,l 4 "'- | a f mO t/t fill4J- t: t1'ti.{,qf t.r,t, 7'rr .1. r. hI f.. ,..'E :: t-,;(t |l EESIc@y /|YAII8I.E ,(r*u- lir ii.,..'&.,i., - - 3^ *!*y 7eg .''J a$ea f,;:t;-* #".11 r'&l ? P,1, ,i -'t- H.APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuont to Section 6.01 of the Eogle County Subdivision Regulotions I (we) hereby opply for exemption from the provisions with soid regulolions os to my (our) proposed development known os . rrore s€rge cordonri*i{xn | ^--!^r- Lot I' Filing 1, Vail Heights, Eagle County, coforadoLOCOred: And comprising ..99. +9reF. +9!. . . . . divided . .The .bqilqi4s .wiil .be .divide4 .intq .6 .interests, .but .the .land .wiLl . . . . remain undivided. It is understood ihoi ony oction by this Commission gronting soid request for soid regulolions exemplion opplies only to the proposed development os shown on the ' '66)i '13E5 ' . .v.AI!. .SaLaBADa. (Must be signed by oll the record owners of the property) Doted . ,..... Received By..., RESOLUTION The foregoing App licotion hos been considered by the Boord this . '?.6. Y - - . . . doy of ..hA&.q'J...... 19 .7.1.. which finds ond determines thot this Division of Londs is not within the purposes for which the subdivision regulotions were odopted ond therefore soid Applicotion is gronted (d#). with attached conditions Boord of County Commissioners e\ of Eosle fo-rltY' , ay h;:+..J .1.r;fgm?1k%. Choirmqn See conditions on attached letter of 27 March 1975. RECEI\IED 0c1 1B 1914 . .*o,#"'[:l:$.t"li'"" Recommended for Approval by the Eagle County Planning Commission at their regular meeting on 19 March 1975. Rod Slifer, Chairman Poge 3l O EAGLE couNry O DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 81631 27 March 1975 Mr. George Rau P. O. Box 1395 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Se-88-74 Exemption Lot 1, Filing 1, Vail Heights At their special meeting on 26 March 1975, the Board of County Commissioners gave their approval to your Exemption Appl ication (copy enclosed), with the fol lowing conditions: (a) That the parking lot access be moved from the intersection of Chamonix Lane and San Moritz Way a minimum of ten feet; (b) That a drainage ditch be instal led between the site and Chamonix Lane, directing al I lot runoff to existing culvert. The specif ics of ditch design must be cleared with the County Engineer (c) That the approval of subject exemption not be in effect until such time as the requested zone change (to RMF) is granted. lf you have any questions, yourre welcome to contact this office. S incerely, Q^r-t*t]"e/,/4/ Quentin Mitchell, Jr. ' P lanning Assistant Qv/tot cc: Board of County Commissioners; W.V. Smith, County Engineer o EAGLE couNrY I DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 27 March 1975 {.t Mr. George Rau P. O. Box 1395 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Se-88-74 Exemption Lot 1, Filing 1, Vail Heights At their special meeting on 26 March 1975, the Board of County Commissioners gave their approval to your Exemption Appl ication (copy enclosed), with the following conditions: (a) That the parking lot access be moved from the intersection of Chamonix Lane and San Moritz Way a minimum of ten feetl (b) That a drainage ditch be instal led between the site and Chamonix Lane, directing al I lot runoff to existing culvert. The specifics of ditch design must be cleared with the County Engineer(c) That the approval of subject exemption not be in effect until such time as the requested zone change (io RMF) is granted. lf you have any questions, yourre welcome to contact this office. S incerely, Q"*-*-4"frfufu Quentin Mitchel l, Jr. Planning Assistant QM/Kt cc: Board of County Commissioners; W.V. Smith, County Engineer O EA.LE cotNTY I DEPARfiVIENT OF PLANNINO AND DEVELOPMENT Eglr Cotnty Atrft( P. O. Box?09 Ptsf 323't3lF Eglrr Cdor6 att31 20 MiEh 19tl Mr. Ooorgl Rar R md L Pnrpr*lor Box l@t Vallr Cdotd El6tt Rol Fllo l.lo. So-88-74 EnmPtlon lrt thrlr |leuli| rnrtlrrg sr 19 Mrufi 19t!tr tr Erglo County PlrmltA corrnledqr r.oomrn-td.d m'otrd of yar Appllodlcr ftor Errptlqr trun th. Eelo Aqtl U gttdvlrlqr B.Ouldlcre wlth tlr iof lwlq cqldltlqr vur lra\rt dlsrllrdl 1. Tlrd aootF b th. pr|(lng lot b. rrpt,td ftorn 0t. ldrtroatlm C Ch*ronlx Llllo 2. Thd e ddlqn dltch bo plad dong ttr vYlt-llo of chnrsilx Ltrlc boldr Ur rltr to dlr.ct d,drqp aYay fro|,n ur tod r.rfcc ttd lnto thr oclrtlng culvtt. 3. zom Clrrpr thd lE brrn t*fnhd h gtrtd. wr vuqdd dr llkr to nmlnd you til ur ePlladlqr !.. of stoo.oo tq, thc arr cftlrer rtqr:i lt luv drr' Tfrr ncornrnmdetlqu wlll br fraar*ed tO tta Edr Cotmty Eo;ld of Oorr*y Oornmlarlqr6 d th.lr +rclal rrrrtlrn q1 26 M1;tfi 1975, b1glmlng d 9t0O A'M' In tlr Eqb Oor.rrtY Artu, R€rn 3. lf yc.r lurn rry qntlcr, yurrr. rvrlernc to cc'lt6t thlr offlcor Sksrlyt Qrrntln Mltc*rll' Jr. Planrlng Arrldt* oMrd ccr Boad of Cotrrty Oorrrnbdomru BACIA COT'NTY DEPANf,MEIIT fi PI,ANNINO AND DS|UELOP 8.31. County Anttct P. O. Bor ?80Erlf.' Colorrdo 81681 16 Jeaurry 10?6 Pboac 988-839E Mr. Georar Rru B rnd L Pnopcrtler Eor 130E VrO. Colorrdo ElSg? Btl Flh No. 3c-8t-?{ Ernptloa Bru At tbolr rp3ulu Blr$nt o! It J.ouut le?6, th. Brglc Cotrnty Plr$lD8 Conmleelga trbt.d your pnottot untll ruob r Unr rr tbo :ontng rnd denrltt ooafltot orn bc rrlolvod. Atro, drrr to thlr dcprrtmcat lr r rrrlttra otreruoc from thr Vdl Erfbtr Arobttroturd Commlttor, rllorla3 plrornrat of r prc-bullt rtruoturc o tbc lot. Ar tou Lnow, tblr rcqulrcnont lr ln rooorduoe wlth the Vrll Erl3hte, Flllnt *1 Protrotlvr Corcarntr, drt d ? Ootobc 1900. *:tl!Et1:'r?. ''!-rncDlf you hrvc r,ny qucrtloar. youf re mloonr to ooatrot thlr oftloo. Slaorrely, qlcDtla Mltohcll, Jr. Plemlry A.rlltr[t QM/Kt oo: bud of Coulty Conmlrslonrrr EACTA COUIITY OF PI,ANNINO A}TD Ertla Counly Annrx,: l{r. Ocorjr Br[ R ud L F$opcrtlrr Bor 18eE Vetl, Colorrdo 6166? ' Br: Flls !{o. 8r-08-?l Rru Ercmptloa .t. Delr Grorgr: , At tbd! rrjdrr B..UD8 on t8 flrorubrr 1C?1, tbr Erglr'Coqlty PlrlDtl8 Eaolorcdr phrrr ltld ooplcr of tlp bttcrt teu mry br ushrram ot. I would ruggcd:tb$ yor frt te louob rttf, tbtr olltoc to affcot r ooldlarllon of oflorte f! tha purlrlt ol thr racndmrat whlob rppe.ra loocr3lrto If yot hrvr ray gumttoar, ;/outrG roloonl !o aootrot t'hlr offloc. Hr. Rod SIifer Chairnan, Eagle County Plannlnq Connl s s Lon Vail, Co lorado Dear P.od t. . Attacheci ls a letter ls self-exnlanatory. I recelved fron Cu 7 to 30 agree ttee t . srnal1 ltith th e. his needs con6lusLons or a srnryIe and a your6,'i Hugh n. t{arder county AttorhoY . .:-., . fuentln HttcheIl ir tl1 o,tt,*' iiF#^:.:i :'h " ouu|tnou*, EAGLE COUNTY ANNEX P.O. Box ?89 Eagle, Colorado B 1631 22 November 1974 Phone 328-6338 Hugh Warder County Attorney Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Hugh : As 'rze discussed yester.day, a siiuation has arisen which begs an answer to the question of how a lot can be allowed to contain a greater density of new development than that allowed by the County Zoning Resolution, which applies to the land in question. The .ituation in question consists of an applicant's desire to place an existing six-unit rilding upon a one-half acre lot in Vail Heights. There is no County approval of a specific density for lots in Vail Heights. The lot js zoned RSM, with a permitted density of roughly 5# units per acre which is far below ihe 12 units per acre effective density of the proposed development. It is the opinion of the Planning Department staff that the Zoning Resolution precludes all actions short of a formal amendment to the Zoning Resolution, incorporating a zone dislrict of a density higher than currently allowed, and a subsequent rezoning of the subject land to the newly created district designation. Another possible action, again an amendment, would be to remove or modify the provisions of Zoning Resolution section 9.04.06 (c) and 9.04.07. This having been done, it would then be necessary to receive a variance from density provisions applicable to the subject land. As stated, this is the interpretation by the staff, alone. The Planning Commission requests that you respond, offering any additlonal courses of action you find possible. Best regards , Quentin lVlitchell , Jr. Planning As s i stant Qm/ac Nov 2 5 1914 O3 COLORADO OEPARTMEIIT OF HEATTII 12IO EAST IITH AVENUE . DENVER,COLORADO Edward G. Dreyfulr- !1.D., 80220 . PHONE 388-6lll lt.P.E. : Executlve Dlrector November 22, 1974 Mr. l{ichael S. Blair Planning D i rector Department of Planning and Development Eagle County P. 0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado Sl63l Re: Sg-30-73 Revised Preliminary Plan, Benchmark ,.z5e-88-7\ Exemptlon from Subdivision Regulations R a L Properties Se-90-74 Halderman Exemption Se-89-74 Sterker Exemptlon Dear I'lr. Blai r The Colorado Department of Health has no objections to the appllcatlons referred to above. Ve ry t you rs , Assistant Director of Public Health Env i ronmenta I Programs RDS,/K|./W:dec r'9l Y I NO\/2, Dcpl. (Jf i,i;i;;i:rI E gle County, 1q 7,1 'l j ,:i. CuiO. DEPA,i*, "? :#""""J [Nr oru'l*r* EACLE COUNTY SDUEX P.O. Eox ?89 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Coloredo 8r631 82 November 19?4 Hugh Werder County Attorney Ergle, Colonrdo 8103X Derr Hugh: Ag we dleougEed yeeterdey, r slturtlon hre rrleen whloh bege an anewar to the queatton of how r lot crn be altowed to aontaln r grertor denalty of new development thrn thet dftowsd by tbe County Zonlag Reeolutlon. whtob rppllea to the lrnd ln queetlon. Tbe sltuetlon ln quectlon oordsts of an eppllorntrs destre to phoe en exlettng atx-unlt butldlng upoa a one-hrU aore lot ln Vrtl Hotghte. Ttrere te no County epprovrl ol r speotftc denetty for lots tn Vrtl Belghte. The lot b zoned RSM, wlth a permltted denetty of roughly Stf, untte p€r 1016 whlch lg trr below tbe 12 ualte per eore cfteotlve dcnelty of the propoeed development. It ls the oplulon of tbe Plrnnlng Dcpertment strff thrt tbe Zonlng Reeolutlon procludea dl rotloas ehort of r formd rmendment to the Zontng Reeolutlon, lnoorporrting r zoac dlstrlot of e denstty hlgher tlrrn ourrently allowed, rnd r eubeequent rezonlng of the eubJcot lrnd to the newly oreeted dtetrtot deelgnttlon. Another posclble totlon, egrln en tmendment, would be to removc or modlfy the provlelong ol Zonlng Reeolutton ecotlon 9.04.06 (c) rnd 9.04.0?. ltla hrvlng been done, lt sould then be necesalry to recalve r vlrlmoe from denslty provlelone rppllcrblo to the eubleot lmd. Ae ettted, thle te the lnterpretrtlon by thc etrff , elone. lbe Plrnnltrg Commlsslon requaste thrt you respond, offerlng rny eddltloncl ooureeg ol sotton you ftnd poeelble. Quentin Mlthhell, Jr. Plennlng Aeglatrnt Qm/ec '.i q.orDr Ril R rrdL Prup.rtlrl Fox l8C6 Vdl, @lo16 OtO? 'X'll'ff;HS-'4 Ennr'* Al tlh r.ttrlr mxtlno ar S t{o'wrrt* t$tfr sr. Egle Oanrty Plmlng Corrnlllon t6l.dyour Appltodhr lot Enrptlon frun 0rl Edr Ocu*y Sr$dlvlrlm Rrguldlom prcidln0 nroluthn of [ri eontllgt wlth lhr *]illly Ffiwlrlfiil ot Sn Oanrty Zcrfne n sh,4lsr. lvlon frslllcrlly, your hrrloprcd prupoar cr dftctlw drnrlty oil lwrlvr (lf) rnlt p.r *nr, uf* th. *ny f lgrilf ta? Cf ru In whloh yur lot lhr lr rur4hfy flrr nd qr-tult (6[) wUg p.? st Ort ln iqrc*r slth thlr dtlcr te dlan mrrra to rrofw trll. Slmrtrly, O.rnlln Mltdrrll, Jr. Pbvrlrg Arrldrrt Qrr./trt oor For{ of Oar*rfiy Qonrnlrlorrn @uRTHOUSI P. g. tortlf ETtr, Oo|srtb Slcct 2l l{qnr5* l9[f ;. ,,t.. : Ptwl 32t-fi1E0 ,:i: il "t. r '! : /, _ Box 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 November L8, L974 Mike Bl-air, Eagl-e County Pla:iner /" Eaglo County PJ-anning Department P. O. Box ?89Eagle, CoLorad.o 81631 Dear Mikel The Geonge Rau R and. L Properties was submlited to the Eagte Counby Dis br.iet for revi evr ancl comment. lfe trould reconsnend that a detailed drainasie and reveq-wtation plan be submitted. prior to bui1d1ng. Thisshould include the type of drainage, and the types and. Amounts of grasses to be planted. Also, there shorjldbe some means of pnotecblon afford.ed. to adjacent lot OrrYnefS. iie would al-so reconmend. that cuts to be made i_n back ofthe parking 1ot be sloped to not less thab 3:1 andproperly reseed.ed, or have proper bank stabilizatlonprovid.ed. Another necornmendation woul-d. be to have the area alongsideof the roaC adjacent to the property should also be-t -reseeded and/or riprapped rvith materLals to prevent excessive sed-imenb runoff . Sli nn ar--o-l rr Ross E. Chambers, Presid-ent RECEIVED NOV 1 B 1e74 oept. 0f Ptanring & Devel. fsgla County. Colo. request for exernptionSoil Conservatior- EAGI,E COI'NIY ENGINEER Courthouge P. O. Box 734 Eagle, Colorado 81631 12 November L974 Phone 328-633? RECEIVED NOV 1 z 1gt4 D(;-t. (.lt ii.riI;r:t 8, Devel. Etjls Co;ri.),, Caio. MEMORANDUM To: Eagle County Planning Commission From : W.V. Smith, County Engineer Subject: File No. Se-88-74 Rau Exemption This office has reviewed subject application and the site, and concurs with the comments of the Technical Review Committee. With regards to the proposed parking area, it is recommended that the applicant be required to relocate it closer to the building to allow area for snow removal and more importantly to maintain a good sight triangle for vehicular drivers at the adjacent intersection. WVS/ac cc: Mike Blair Applicant JOHN W. ROLD Di rector JOHN D. VANDERHOOF Governor LRL/skl cc: Land COTORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERIMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892.2611 Novembet I, 1974 Mr. Mlchael S. Bl"alr Eagle County PJ-anner P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8163L Dear Mr. Blair:R3: SE-88-74 EXXMPTION R & L PROPERTIES lie have revlened the above referenced exemptlon and have no obJ ectlon to lts approval. Engineering Geologlst USe COrrrniSSlOn GEOLOGY ST0RY OF THE PAST . . . KEY TO THE FUTURE RFCF/YED Al nr '"uv 1 Z tg/4 u(),,. i-t,,_ Eueu counilr u ,u.ouut. Sincerely, o/4 OOI'RTHOUgE AT$|EX P. Or gox ne nuil CiF-tlXF Effr, oolqfifi 6l@l ? t{ovrmbrr le?l i Mtr Grorgl Rrr R rrd L F;qp*tln Eox l$t Ydli Oolorrdo BlCt? Ru Fllo tb. 8t C8-74 tr*nptlon Ral EErptbn At tlrl? rnntlng on ? trbwrt* t9?4, ih. ?aotrit,od Rrvlrrr Oorrrnlttf ( rgrt*p d bofn|orl dvlrrr lrqrr yttqlr rgmgl..) rwfiryrd forr rypllcdlm end oiltrr th. lollowlng ccrrrrrrtr rrd noommanddbn to y6l, and $r Plrnlrg Oorrnlslan tor wrctd.'lrtl irptovrl id lca of th. prop.rtyt lo Mqr padthte drar ild loorlf tlrafftor rrry trpm lntrastlon. 2, Rorr.d rrd rtSlllr dl flll on borit of ptklrp rtrl. Slnaanfyr - ,r .i .t Q$ntln Mlteholl.l ,Jrr . Pfarnlng Aarletnt ! Ol'r/d ocr Bod ol Ooutty Oonvltfrllgilir oo oo - l5l5 Aropohoe Slreel Denver Colorodo 80201 (3O3) 534-1261 ()ne Park Central P. O. Box 84O November 5, L97 4 REC.TI\/fD IVOV e rct4 'Oept. ut I,: bste wl;.;,a. Eagle County Planning Departrnent P. O. Box 535 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Pre liminary Plot Plan R & L Properties Exanption Gentlemen: We have examined the above captioned plot plan and find thatat this time Vlestern has no facilities on the land to be plotted. Please note that we are a gas transmission utility and our approval- does not reflect our ability to serve subject sub- divisions. Very truly yours , ,(h- &4h-"u4 e DLT:sj Daniel L. Tekavec Associate Right-of -Way Agent t,t{ No BDB: jt oo BYRON D. BROWN Boxb47-vArL.coLoRADo81657 oFFTcETELEpH'NE:476-2211 REAL ESTATE CO.Corner of Bridge Street & Gore Creek Orive October 30, 1974 Mr. Michael Blair Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: FiIe No. Se-88-74 Dear Mike: After reviewing the plans of Mr. George Rau, the Vail Village West Water and Sanitation District finds no problem in servicing this project. If it is at aII possible, the district would appreciate independent water shut-off for each unit. D{-- svdn D. Brown Pr'esident, VaiI Village t{est lTater & SanitationDistrict ' :',ifD 0CT "1 1 1974 De;,I. L: ir ..: ll t,ltel. Eagle Couri'.y, coio- Sincerely, 4m o U States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT GLenrcod Springs Resource Area P.O. Box 1009 Glemuood Springs, CoLorado 816ol- october 29, 1974 Michael Blair, Planning Director Eagle @unty Dept. of Planning E De\telopnent P.o. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mi.ke : we have reviered the ReL Properties exenption application (Se-88-74) and have no comments to make at this tine. o tednl t^\ IN TDPLY TEFSI .rO 1785.2 RrCifr/tD Sincerely yours, ,hd-a7'/'/-' Stewart A. wheeler, Area Manager fl ri 'r-Li,r i Qn|) \ L)c/i. i, t. .. rrrru co,r"iy, i,-l/,1 Cclo. cz ,,,44 0gb VR & L Propertler Box 1395, Vall , Colcado 81657 Phone 303 476-5836 Dear Slr: Thls requect for an cxerytlon la bdrg aubrnltted by R & L propertlec, a partnershlp of my brother Fred Lazarus IV of Weehlngton, D.C. aad myaclf. Io 1971 ne purchaccd a elrylex apartmnt bullding ln Bighorn 3rdAddltlon, IDt 1, Block l, shlch re cubgequently condonlnlumlzed a! the Gore Raage Condonlnlun and sold durlng thc next tuo y€ar! rhlle re- nalnLng sr lndivldual onrnrc of unltg ln the butldlng. During thls Past nintcr and cumer the hlgtway dopertnent purchared all unlte for Chcl,r rlght-of-nayr and ln auction eold the buildlng back to R & LPropertler tn Auguat, 1'974. Our planr are to @ve che bulldtag to Lot 1, Flllng 1, Vatl Helghtr t,hta fall and aubJect to approval to relnltall lt ther6 next lpring orearly sumGr on a ncr foundatlon snd nevly bullt loncr floor. The bulldlng w111 agaln be nanedthe Gore Range Condonlnlun and thc rlx uolts w111 be aold as prlnary resldenta to loca1 fatlllca. In rcquectlng an cxenptloo I sould request you to coneldcr thc follonlng: 1. Lot 1, Flling 1, Vall Helghtt waa orlgl,nally platted ar comnerclal/mtltlFanlty and our projcct wl1l bc tn coryllancc nlth the orlginal covcnqntrfor tbe land and slnllar to other projects ln the vlclnlty ruch ar Vall Itelgbtc l and 2 to the N.E. and the Plne Rldge Townhouscr lmedl.ately adJa- caot to thc S.t{. Our butldlng ri1l cover only 1200 rquare feet on a brlf- acre lot. 2. The butlding lc an attractivc exlatlng structure and relocated on Lot 1, F1llng 1, Veil. llelghtc, shall archltecrually fit lnto thc loca-tlon very well. The lot ttcelf, la qulte flat aod w111 present few problenr for eithcr constructlon or drainage. 3. Orr plana for parklng provlde 12 epacea baaed on 1.5 apacca pcr bcdrooo as per the pollcy of the Vall Vlllage Welt Archlrectural ControlComittee. &rr parklng planr will allor u! to maxtnlzc the grecn rpacc on the lot rhl1e provldlng convcnl,ent accear to thc bulldlng. 4. We bave recelved confirnatloo thst rater and cder gcrvl,ce 1g avallable fron Jln Golllns of the Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Sanltatlon Dlttrlct. l{y thankc for your attcntl,otr to our request. .:.5ill$'^-RECflVED OCTI a 19iq Ibf*; 0f Pl:ri,r:.., Eagle County. rt R & L Propertler EAGLE COUNT o Y Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Da* /a - 3/ , $7/RECEIVED OF ITEM Bu ildino Permit Fee Application For Subdivision A Zone Change Cond itional Use Specia I Use Variance Aooeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zon ing) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for no-payment of any item. AMOUNT,.4rccx31 N9 284 collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for o 4Z # -4-" /""'*/ <V / /zzsZS C),tzz O ZrZ /Z/ LZ^"" //-4 /Z'-'.-",, /-'L'-/ 824*,G,.,u ,4,-/*-Z z,z-*rzyd-J-u/4--//-a' .rt l//zzZr. .-62r'" Z-4' . ,/ ,t rlt ,// W;1'" / )zL=4- r...* / 4.4 L/,r/r' L-zz:./. ;;-/ fu/ ^ --v The -Boar d o f Trus t e ei -ift ne 15ffii- o f ll-aglffi iFwiil ttre exemption at a regfular meeting September 17, L974. It was moved, seconded and al-l voted aye that the exenp- tion be granted. Yours tru1Y, 'l,u 5lo*tr C. W. Shafer T own Manager CwS/vjc t t o= "ot = *, or=i.tniui^['1il o= ut"r = r, COURTHOUSE ANNEX P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 Re: File No. Se-88-74 Exemption from Subdivision Regulations R and L Properties Appl icant: George Rau R and L Properties Box 1395 Vai l, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewith is an appl ication and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their reoular meetino on 20 November 1914. In accordancewith C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations Section 6.00, 1972, you have 24 days from date mai led within which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this off ice. Thank you very much, !.t.'t -/z-/.-/"zz_-u Nt{chael S. Blair D irector MSB/Kt