HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL HEIGHTS CONDOS LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Crmmunity Developn€nt 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cllorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us ,\ r/l 'ltA_ t . , Project n"r"t larJ ltlrrrdta 61d4fl|t^^ir,t*t DRB Number: DR8040336 Project Description: REGRADE AND REPAVE PARKING LOT AND PLANT SEVEML ASPEN TREES. THE PORTION OF THIS APPUCATION REGARDING THE NEW ROOF WAS WITHDMWN. Participants: OWNER KING, CURTIS 071L612004 Phone: PO bOX 3375 VAIL co 81658 License: APPLICANT KING, CURTIS 0/16/2004 Phone: PO BOX 3375 VAIL co 81658 License: Prcject Address: 2059 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Locauon: 2059 CHAMONIX I-ANE legal Description: lot: 15 Block Subdivision: VAIL HEIGHTS Parel Number: 210311.103dX Comments: SeeOonditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mouon By: Action: SrAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval= 09/OI20M C,onditions: C.ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and constuction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Va,Z H-7* Cond: CON0006647 The applicant shall install a minimum of five (5) 3-inch caliper aspens within the Town of Vail right-of-way. The proposed locations should be shown on a site plan so that it can be verified that they are not within the sight visibility triangle which should be submitted prior to beginning grading for the parking lot. The new trees should be planted as close to the edge of the parking new parking lot as possible wlth the locations to be approved by both the planning and public works departments. Cond: CON0006649 The applicant shall submit to public works both a irrevocable right-of-way permit for all improvements made within the Town rightof-way and a public way permit to allow for private work to occur within the Town right-of-way prior to the staft of any work on the site. Cond: CON0006650 The applicant shall install wheel stops along the southern edge of the new parking area. The proposed plans do not show a wheel stop in the parking space to the norttl of the retaining walls around the fire hydrant. Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: 325O.OO TOl,fNffi Application for Design Review Eeparfnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel; 970.479.2L39 Jax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projecE requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Ilesign rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences withan one year of the approval. RECEIt,ED JUL 16 Description of the Request: Location ofthe Proposal: tot: 1Q Bbck:suuaivision: VA*u \LztiL+< Physical Address: Parcel l{o.: Zonang: Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:'6o-*.2 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Mailing Address: Phone:3 a'".---e E-mail Address:Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alterafon (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alterauon (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor cfranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rwiew Board. No Fee tr tr Page 1 of L3ltIltTlO3 PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildino Materials Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffrts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. 5ahrus morr.r-.t\*. 3g' So ,/vto-,^ brail,{- *fAr../ Page 5 of t3lIIlrTlO3 o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the bp of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. LighUng Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of flxturres,o Include height above grade, lumens oupug luminous aneacr Attach a cut sheet for each proposed future. II. REPAIITITPROPOSAUS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental Information is required: o Color chip or color sample indudlng the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural eleration drawings whlch clearfy indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, dmrs, fascia, soffits, etc.) The follorving is an example: Page 5 of L3lLIlt7l03 **lr* ****,1*'t:i**rtt**:t** t* a***l{.***+*'t**tt{'****l{"t'f* ********++***'tl*'l * ***** * *lt 'l * ********+***t t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement i*tf *'t*t**'|t*+!t**t*'tt*t**t**t*'|****:t't *t * l'{.*{.* *'t't't*'t* *{.* *'t* f ***'ltt'f ****f *i 'l* **'r* * **.1'l'}l *:f 'l'l*||t StaEements Nr.nnber: R040005235 Amount: $25O.OO 07/L6/2OO4o4:04 PM Pa)rment MeEhod: Check Init: iIS lilotation : #364a lvATr' HEIGHTS COIIDO ASSC. . Permit No: DRBO4O336 Ty?e: DRB-l,linor Alt,comrn/lnrtti Parcel llo: 2103114 03 0 04 Sit.e Addrese: 2059 CHAl,lOt{IX In[ VAIL, Location: 2059 CITAIIIONIX LAIIE Total FeeE3 $250 - oo This Palment : $250.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: 9250. oo Balance: $O. OO *:tt*t*'t******l*********a:t***t***'tttt**f'|**,t***t*'t*'******'t*l+a***ld.*,|'|*******d.i.**l***r;*****t* ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES 250. 00 -dJl '{gs- ,lt r U,i r:( i,rl I__1 D I . 'L- {F=& |i:t*; "-- !t'. - t I' .:; ! Part1,"5 i6t A*i* '- 4"A I t# a' a w,€, Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com August 19,2004 Vail Heights Condominium Associalion Phase lll c/o Curtis King 2059 Chamonix Lane #12 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Heights 2059 Chamonix Lane/Lot 16, Vail Heights Mr. King, This letter is to inform you that the Design Review Board reviewed your proposal on August 18, 2004, at their regularly scheduled meeting. At that meeting the Design Review Board (DRB) tabled your application as there was not a represenlative present. However, they did give staff the authority to stalf approve the parking lot modilication if a minimum of 5, 3-inch caliper, Aspens were to be planted within the right-of-way. Staff has asked Public Works il this would be acceptable, to which they responded that only a revocable right-of-way permit would be required for the landscaping within the right-oFway and thal it must not be planled within the site visibility triangle. On lhe issue of the proposed rubber membrane roofing the DRB stated lhat it would be denied if you were lo return before them with the same material. The DRB has only approved the rubber membrane roofing on flat roofs which typically have a parapet wall screening it from view. Staff and the DRB realize that the low pitch of your roof leaves few options in terms of roofing, however, tar and gravel is acceptable not the rubber membrane. ln your voicemail to me you stated that you would withdraw the re-roof portion of your application il the DRB lound the proposed membrane unacceptable. lf afler reading lhis letter you decide lo move forward only with the parking lot improvements and the dumpster enclosure please let me know thal is your intention. I will staff approve the parking lo1 changes and the dumpster enclosure if you are amenable to plant a minimum of 5, 3-inch caliper, Aspens wilhin the right-of-way. This will help to provide some visual interest and some minimal screening as your parking lot is in close proximity to Chamonix Lane. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contacl me at 970-479-2148. f,-p ^""r.""o r "t^ Senior Planner Cc:File DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJEGT: MEMORANDUM August 9,2004 ComDev Planners Clare Sloan Vail Heights Parking lmprovements On August 6,2004, Leonard Sandoval and I met with the representative for the Vail Heights Condominium Association, Curtis King. The application proposes to re-roof the building and to regrade the parking lot. The site is nonconforming because the parking spaces do not meet minimum standards and the parking is deficient by four spaces. lf the parking stalls were to meet town requirements, the site would lose approximately 4 spaces when the site is presently deficient 4 parking spaces. The subject property was annexed into the town and was not developed under current zoning standards. According to Chapter 12-18, it is my interpretation that the parking spaces may continue as nonconforming sizes when the lot is re-graded and re-paved since, "no such maintenance or repair shall increase the discrepancy between the use, structure, or site improvement and the development standards prescribed by this title" (12-18-6). 12-18-3: SITES: Sites lawfully established pursuant to regulations in effect prior to the effective date hereof which do not conform to the minimum lot area and dimension requirements prescribed by this title for the district in which they are situated may be continued and shall be deemed legally established building sites, subject to the site development standards prescribed by this title. No such site shall be further reduced in area or dimensions. (Ord. 8(1973) S 20.300) 12-18-5D: STRUCTURE AND SITE IMPROVEMENT D. Off Street Parking And Loading: Structures or site improvements which do not conform to the off street parking and loading requirements of this title may be enlarged; provided, that the parking and loading requirements for such addition shall be fully satisfied and that the discrepancy between the existing off street parking and loading facilities and the standards prescribed by this title shall not be increased. (Ord. 8(1973) S 20.500) l2-18-6: MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: Nonconforming uses, structures, and site improvements may be maintained and repaired as necessary for convenient, safe, or efficient operation or use; provided, that no such maintenance or repair shall increase the discrepancy between the use, structure, or site improvement and the development standards prescribed by this title. (Ord. 8(1973) S 20.600) Status: I Approved Golrmrur.rw DEVELopMENT Rounnc Fonm Z Apprcved with conditions fl Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Date Routed: Routed By:Planner Date Due:07t28to4 Description of work:Parking lot improvements Address: Leqal:Lot I lBlock:l Subdivision: Comments:Date Reviewed:7-2744 Need additional review by Fire Provide and Title Show on site olan-,4 ft concrete oan with 2' invert per TOV standards, Pan may be 6 ft wide. First 10 of driveway entrance must meet TOV standards, driveway cannot exceed 8%. Min. drivewav entrance must be 20' wide, adiust and revise. For two way traffic. Show all parking spaces perTOV standards - $ x 'l$. shaw lee@e ff Have olans been submifted to ERWS for review? Reouardins the Fire Hvdrant. Boulder wall must meet ERWS & Fire Department Standards, as shown boulder wall must be moved back futher. Standards call for 7 feet clearence on sides, 4 ft on rear. Show location of trash enclosure Show location of snow atea. Provide Provide an Revocable ROW permit when submitting for the permits. for Parking within ROW, lsandoval cK- Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaunent of Cdnmunity Development 75 South Fontage Road, VaiL Colora6 81657 tel: 97Oi792L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwuci.vail.co.us Projcct Namc: Vail Heights Condominiums DRB Numbcr: DR8010156 Prcject Deccriptlon: Reconstruct failed retaining walb Participantr: OWNER MCCARTHY, COLLEEN A. 06/14/2001 Phone: PO BOX 1416 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT MCCARTHY, COLLEEN A. 06/14/2001 PhONC: PO BOX 1416 VAIL CO 81658 License: CONTRACTOR GREAT DMDE CONSTRUCION 06/1412001 Phone: P O BOX 1292 GYPSUM, CO 81637 License: 124-A Project Addrcce: 2059 CHAMONDf( LN VAIL location: LcA.l Dcscrlptlonr Lot: 1,{-l Block: Subdivieion: VAIL HEIGHTS CONDO Parcel Number: 210311,{03012 Commcnts: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Clark Brittain Action: APPROVED Second By: Bill Pierce Vote: 5-0 DatedApprovalt 06l27l2OOL C;onditione: Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: CON(X)H833 That the adjacent property owner's approval be required. Cond: CON0004834 That a building permit be required, Cond: CON0004835 That it be troweled to look like stucco with no stones to be added b the finbh. Plnnner: Ann Kjerulf DRB Fe PaH: $20.00 EASEMENT DEED (\>eot&( \'t4>rltotSta THIS EASEMENT DEED, by and between Crooked Ski Townhouse Association, a Colorado non-profit corporation, whose legal address is 2039 Chamonix Iane, Vail, Colorado 81657, herein-after referred to -as the Grantor, and Vail Heights III Condominium Owners' Association, a Colorado non-profit corporation, whose legal address is Unit 12,2059 Chamonix Lane, Vail, Colorado-81657, heieinafter referred toas the Grantee: VITNESSETH, That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00). the receiot and adeouacv of which is hereby acknowledeed. has eranted. baleain6d. sold and conveved. dnd bv these presents doei srant. bare"ain. sell, ionvey ind c"onfirni unto the Grantie, it's succlssors arid assigns, theTollowingtescribed re.al pioperty, situate, lying and being in the County of Eagl-e and State of Cdlorado, to wrt: the non-exclusive rieht to install soils nails at a depth of approximately eisht feet and extending approximitely twenw-five feet into Lot f7, Vail Hiieha, Filiire No. 1, Town of Vail. eouirtv of Eaele. Statti of Colorado. commonly referrid to as 2d39 Chamonix Lane, Vail, Co[orado {rcs2, more particulariy describeil on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this refeience. This Easement is for the benefit and appurtenant to those lands thereof, situate in the County of Eagle, and State of Colorado,i'nd described as follows: Lot 16, Vail Heights, Filing No. 1, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, commonly referred to as 2059 N. Frontage Rd. \f., Vail, Colorado 81657. The consideration for this deed is less than $500.00; therefore, no documentary fee is required to be paid. Acceotance of this Easement bv the Grantee. Vail Heiehs III Condominium Owners'hssociation, shall constitute it's agreement a; follows: " 1. Grantor, Crooked Ski Townhouse Association, expressly reserves the right to use the eascment eianted by virtue of this easement deed for ill pu'rposes not in co;flict with the rights graited to thl Grantee, Vail Heights III Condomiiriuir Owners Association. 2. Grantee shall abide'iy all governing statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations of the County of Eagle or of thi StatC of Colorido. 3. Grantee agrees that it shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Grantor, it's successors and. aiigns, from and against airy. claim, liability, obligation, loss, damage, assessment, ,udgment, cost or. expense, lncludrng reasonable attorney's rees ano exPenses and costs rncurred ln rnvestrgatmg, prepan{rg gr djle.norng agarnsE any lrtrgatlon or claim, action, suit, or proceeding of any kind which is any manner relates or is attributable ig ""i claiins of da"mage aiising from Granteeis activities undertaken pursuant to thls agreementr 4. The Grantee agrees to repair and maintain the retaining wall on the easement granted herein at it's sole cost and expense. 5. This agreement shall be a covenant 111rrning with the land described herein, and shall be for tht benefit of Grantee and all subsequeit owners of such lands. 6. At such time and in the event that the easement described herein shall be abandoned, Grantee's real property intercst in the easemcnt shall immediately revert to and be theieafter merged wittr ?he iervient estate. , z. Jhis agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, executors, adfiunrstrators, successors and assrgns. Dared this Tbday of July,2001. EASEMENT DEED GRANTEE: VAIL HEIGHTS III CONDOMINIUM O\TNERS' ASSOCIATION Byt Utc g Presi GRANTOR: Crooked Ski Townhouse Assn., a Colorado non-profit corporation STATE OF COLORAD' COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ) The foregoing casement was acknowledged before me this f d"V of July, 2001, by W:-a as Eesident of the Vail Heights III Condominium Owners' Association' a Colorado non-orofit comoration. I t'\Titness m!'hand and official seal. My commission expircs: + Itd lo 4 ffitcst STATE OF COLORADO COLINTY OF EAGLE ) ) ) '[)" u^/ , co trcs -7 A Theforegoi4g easement was acknowledged before me this |-O"rof July, 2Opl,b-y lJq,t;t 5h n,inAi oresident of the Crookdd Ski Townhouse-Kociitiori, i Coloradb# -\non-prolrt co{PoraEron. I 'Vitness myhand and official seal. My commissionexpires: 5,/2r "{ ?4', 3.o "E 96. 'rca 6 ttr 2Anr 6 ? 3- \ nE/ TElkijrfft /u// ?..50, I ,4,rs,e -s<- (-^ o-rS .^ t -$, ""'-<s'--- --* G> 'f FL o'la.. I l-.l-T- // P r- I I -1 I I I I I I I I I I II \ /_J-J'nt ag lr'o t t -71tt ///_J-_L Uutr /O /.4rea 6 Uptr q f Area 4 UNrr 3 I U,vtr 7 1' UNtr 4 i t/rvtr I V/X L4NE 6o2 J"o lvl ,/| ,./ \ .'"L-'' $li -/ t."' "j\ ',../. -..'.,.. -',- -'' .',. -t'' --t'.,.. -,- a t DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, June 20, 2001 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION ' LUNCH - Gommunity Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Andy Blumetti Charles Acevedo MEMBERS ABSENT SITE VISITS 1. Andersson residence - 4995 Juniper Lane 2. Law residence - 4460 Glen Falls Lane 3. Vail Heights - 2059 Chamonix Lane 4. Vail Maniott - 715 W. Lionshead Circle 5. Lodge at Yail - 174 Gore Creek Drive ) tt c ). a 12:00 pm 2:00 pm AllisonDriver: PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Andersson residence - A final review of a proposed addition' 4995 Juniper Lane/Lot 9, Block 5, Bighom Subdivision. Applicant:' Mats & Andrea Andersson, represented by Eric^Jotnson MOTION: Charles Acevedo SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. Thal the deck rails on the secondary unit be finished to match the deck rails on the Primary unit. 2. Weiss residence - Final review of proposed addition. Ann 3838 Bridge Road/Lots 11 & 12, Bighorn 2nd Addition. Applicant: Gary Weiss, represented by Steve Riden M'OTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: S0 APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. That the addition be approved by staff once there is PEC approval, approved hazard mitigation, and Public Works issues are resolved' Z. That the livlng room windows be more consislent with other on the building. 3. That the tower design be reviewed by staff' 3:00 pm Allison I t 3. Law Residence - Conceptual review of a new single-family residence' 4460 Glen Falls Lane / Lot 9, Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant: Don and Susan Law, represented by S'H. Cole Construction CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE Allison Ann 4.Maniott Hotel - A final review of a proposed seasonal tent for special events 715 W. Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3'Filing & Lots Allison C & D. Morcus Subdivision. ApPlicani: Vail Maniott Mcirtoru, Bill Pierce SECoND: Charles Acevedo VoTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. Thai the tent be removed no later than Oct. 30, 2001 and musl be reapplied for on a YeadY basis. 2. That different surfacing material & tent be explored prior to next yea/s application. 5. Beaver Dam residence - Proposed changes to approved plans' Bill 383 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'" Filing' Applicant: A2Z Holding, LLC, represenied by Fritzlen Pierce Architects. viorro1, Andy Blumetti SECoND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 (Pierce recused) APPROVED WITH - CONDITIONS: 1. That the fire requirements be met using non-combustible comlgated, roof material with approved non-wavy fascia details' 2. That Pre-Patina coPper be used' 3. That ihe similarity and rigidness of windows be changed' 4'Thatthedoor&garagedoordetailsbechangedtoremovethe,.x's.,' 6. Lodge at Vail - Final review of a new planter wall and pedestrian walk. Brent 174-Gore Creek Drive / Lot A' Block 5C, Vail Village Filing #1 Applicant: The Lodge at Vail, represented by Charlie Viola TABLED 7. Vail Heights Phase lll - Replace retaining wall' 2059 Chamonix Lane/Lot 16, Vail Heights' Applicant: Vail Heights Phase lll Ctndominium Association Morton' chrk Briltain sEcoND: BillPierce VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. That the adjacent property owneis approval be required' 2. That a building permit be required' 3. That it be troweied to look like stucco with no stones to be added to the finish' Staff Approvals Parker residence - Change bay window to.2 double hung windows' 483 Gore Creek Drive/Lol 7, Vail Village 4'' Filing' Applicant: Foxhall and Helen Parker Allison John Galt - Wall and hanging signs. Ann 193 Gore Creek Drive/Gore Creek Plaza. Applicant: Charles H. Rosenquist Logan residence - Minor changes to approved plans' Allison 814 Potato Paich Drive/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant Logan FamilY Trust Knight residence - Window/door replacement. Judy 385Gore Creek Drive, #201/Lol 14-1, Vorlaufer Condos. Applicant: Constance B. Knight Town of Vail entrance sign - Host of the 2001 Mountain Bike World Championships' Ann Main Vail RoundabouULot 9A, Vail Village Filing 2' Applicant: Town of Vail Sorotta residence - Deck removal, enlarge 2 windows, roof extension, relocate doors' Bill 1593 Matterhom Circle/Lot 28, Matterhom Village. Applicant: SandY Sorotta Johnson residence - 74 sq. ft. Interior conversion, window & door replacement' Bill 174 E. Gore Creek Drive/Lol A, The Lodge Apt. Condo' Applicant: Judith Johnson Lucas residence - Reroof. JudY 4337 Slreamside Circle/Lot 7, Bighom 4th Addition. Applicant: James and Sari Lucas Collins residence - Addition of 151 sq' ft. .. Bill 1115 Homsilver circle/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 8th Filing' Applicant: Carol C. Collins Zopf residence - Balcony addition. Brent 894 Spruce CourVLot 9,'Btock 3, Vail Village 9tn Filing. Applicant: 894 SPruce LLC The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection.during regular'office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Tovn of Vail Community Divelopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479'2138 for information' Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for informafon. *lt+*+*ti***t**'t+f+********t***'i't+++**tt+tt'tr'lr{r**+***+*tt+**:f*ttt*****+*t***t'l*tl*++ii*++*+'t*** TowN oF VAIL, coLoRADo strt€m€trt '1.****'t* *****'t**** **'l****{.** *+t *'t * +tl +** * t+ *t * **+* ii'1.'}'t"f t t*****+*+ * 'lt'l* l|*{"i'l* +'+it't **'}*t | *'t* ttt** Statement Number: R000000948 Amount: $20.00 06lL,/zooaoB:03 PM Payment ethod: Check Inlt: JAR Notation: 15970 per dt No: DR8010156 Type: DRB - Iinor Alteration Parcel No: 210311403012 Site Addreee: 2059 CHAIiIONIX LN ITAIL, IJocation: Total Fees: $20.00 Ttria Fayment: $2O.OO Total AIiIr Pmt6: $20'00 Balance: S0.00 *t+**:;1.**'i**'t***'l*,t'|{r*****l t't,+*{.* *'t!'}*t**** *** ***+**+!r*'}'t'}***{t***{"1+*****++**'l*'}*'l{t* +l{t*:}*{t'}'* ACCOI,'NT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR ()O1OOOO31122O() DESIGN RE'/IEI.I FEES 20.00 ***a*****+t.**t'*,t*f t*'t*t'f *:tr*f t+'i'f +tt****'t*+t**t*+**{r**++'t*t++f *f '}'}*ttf ********+'t'}+*+'t+t*+af *+ TowN oF VAIL, coLoRADo stoteNnent 't +*'t't't't't't**{r'}f f*** t't{rtt* ****+ t*** * | t** *** * 't **** * + *** {r ** * *rt'l'}*+ ****** * *********t* *'l**f {'}'l* *'l' 'lt** Statement Number: R000000948 Amount: $20.00 06/1'5/2oolo5:03 Pll Palment Method: Check lnlE: JAR llotatlon: 159?0 Pertrit No: DR8010156 l]pe : DRB - l,linor Alteration Parcel No: 210311403 012 Site AddresE: 2O59 CHAMONLK IN \/AIL Lrocat,iOn: Total Feeg: 520.00 Thie Fayment: $2O.OO Total AIJL Pmta: $20.00 Balance: 50.00 !t*t***!r**'*+*'|'ttt****t*'a,ita't***t:t't***t+*!r******'t'it***!t**t*t****+******r*****r***tl:t*+**+***'t*a ACCOI.JNTITEMLIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122(I() DESIGN REVIEI.J FEES 20 .00 H ARTM ANN ENGINEERING IN I266 TEXAS AVE GRAN D JUNCTION CO 8I50 I-7638 (970) 245-6200 Fax 9970 245-6202 Em ail burthartm@ earthlink.net June 13,2001 SUM MARY TABLE of Soil Nail S tability Calculations using SN A,ILZ 3.09b Soil nail tendons shall be R32 M AI rods as provided by Dyw idag Systems International. Rods are to be hot dip galvanized for corrosion protection.Ft Post grouting ports on self-drilling MAI rods pre- pared for drilling in soils. Drill the rods in to desigrr location while slowly pumping grout tluough the rod to support the hole and fill it. After the grout stiffens wash out the stiffened grout in the central hole to prepar€ for post grout injection. Repeat after each injection if more than one are required. Allow 4 hours between multiple grout injections to allow a strong seal to develop. D0 NOT stress soil nails more than l0o/o of design load or 5 kips to seat the soil-bond. Place job-fabricated washer plates on soil nails and snug up hex nuts to hold in olace. Self-drilling rods with shop-built 3/4" plate dirt bits showing flame-cut, post-grout holes made in one side of the rod with a cutting torch These holes are burned 6-inches from the bottom, and on l2-inch centers for 4 feet. c W all Height SV I Ft V ertical Ft Horiz Ft Ft N ail Length N um b er oflevels Factor of S afety D ata F ile N ame 7 z f,l0 2.46 CHE I 9 a 5 5 l0 1.66 CHE, 7 12 2 5 5 20 2 1 69 CHE 5 5 )30 1.72 CHE 3 z 5 5 30 l .5 3 CHE 6 4 35 6 I .5 8 CHE 2 *:*ig 3i;nt; oo ttI I MATERTAL MD(PROPORNONS kE/m3 lbs./cu.yd. Normal Portland Cement (TYpe I)400 675 Silica Fume 50 85 l0 mm (3/8 in.) Coarse Aggregate (SSD)460 775 Concrete Sand (SSD)ll00 1855 Water 180 305 Water Reducing Admixture 2liters 68 fl.o2. (US) Super plasticizer T liters 237 fl.o2. (US) 30 mm (ll/4 in.) Steel Fiber 60 100 Air Entraining Admixture As required for As required for Air Content 7 + lo/o 7+l%o TOTALS:22s9 Slump 80+20mm 3 + 1in. Minimum 28 Day Compressive Strsngth 40MPa 5800 psi EXAMPLE OF ALTERNATE POST GROUTING PROCEDT'RE If you must use a low pressure pump, like a Moyno 3L6, 225 psi 3-stage progressive cavity pump, use this procedure. 1.0 install first-stage grout or primary grout in the hole by filling it with a tremie pipe or through PVC-Pipe grout valve assembly. 1.10 through and inside of casing 1.20 or through post-grout valve assembly 2.0 Clean out l/2-nch PVC Post Grout pipe with 3/8-inch plastic flush-water line inside post grout line in case of cement leakage into the post-gout valve assembly line 3.0 Wait for cement grout sample in cup to become firm to touch. Indent slightly with finger pres- swe. Post grout line in case 4.0 Rupture primary grout with about 5 gallons of water pumped into post-grout valve assembly pipe with grout pump. This should be done as soon as grout sample in cup is firm to touch, in 3 to 4 hours. Post grout channels for grout channels are developed by this procedure. 5.0 Post grouting injection is initiated after the primary first stage grout has firmly set for 8-hours pump pressure grcut through post grout pipe until a) pump pressure reaches the maximum pres- sure of 225 psi or b) S-sacks of grout mixture are pumped and target pressure above primary presflre reading is not reached and grout flows easily into soil easily, then stop pumping grout, wash out line, pump 5-gallons of water as in step 1.0 allow to set overnight and repeat post-grout valve assembly as in 5.0 until maximum pump pressure is developed. Post grouting is then com- plete. Wash out --clean PVC post-grout valve assembly tube with hydrant water. Rupture and break grout--pump water with grout pump to rupture first stage grout and make chan- nels for post-grout valve assembly injection through grout valve rubber sleeves. Post grouting injection pumping cement grout tfuough grout valves into the soil up to maximum pump pressure or 300 psi. Do not pump more than 8-sacks if no pressure increase develops_ H ARTM ANN ENGINEERIN G INC I266 TEXAS AVE GRAND JUNCTION CO 8I50I.7638 (970J 245-6200 Fax 9970 245-6?-02 Em a il burthartm@ earth lirk.net June 13,2001 SUMMARY TABLE of Soil Nail Stability Calculations using SN AILZ 3.09b Soil nail tendons shall be R32 M AI rods as provided by Dyw idag Systems International. Rods are to be hot dip galvanized for corrosion protection.Ft Post grouting ports on self-drilling MAI rods pre- pared for drilling in soils. Drill the rods in to design location while slowly pumping grout through the rod to support the hole and fill it. After the grout stiffens wash out the stiffened grout in the cenkal hole to prepare forpost grout injection. Repeat after each injection if more than one are required. Allow 4 hours between multiple grout injections to allow a strong seal to develop. D0 NOT stress soil nails more than lUoh of design load or 5 kips to seat the soil-bond. Place job-fabricated washer plates on soil nails and snug up hex nuts to hold in place. Self-drilling rods with shop-built 3/4" plate dirt bits showing flame-cut, post-grout holes made in one side of the rod with a cutting torch These holes are burned 6-inches from the bottom, and on l2-inch centers for 4 feet. W all H eig ht SV I Ft V ertical FI Horiz Ft Fr Nail Length Number oflevels Factor of S afety D ata F ile N ame 7 5 l0 2.46 CHE 1 9 2 5 5 l0 2 t.66 CHE 7 t2 2 )5 20 1.69 CH E 5 t7 ))30 4 |.72 CHB 3 zl z {5 30 4 1.53 CHE 6 26 2 5 35 6 l .5 8 CHE 2 *:atig 5o>4 Eft EXAMPLE OFAXTER}IATE POST GROUTING PROCEDURE If you must use a low pressure pump, like a Moyno 3L6, 225 psi 3-stage progressive cavity pump, use this procedure. 1.0 install first-stage grout or primary grout in the hole by filling it with a tremie pipe or through PVC-Pipe grout valve assembly. 1.10 through and inside ofcasing 1.20 or through post-grout valve assembly 2.0 Clean out l/2-inch PVC Post Grout pipe with 3/8-inch plastic flush-water line inside post grout line in case of cement leakage into the post-grout valve assembly line 3.0 Wait for cement grout sample in cup to become firm to touch. Indent slightly with finger pres- sure. Post grout line in case 4.0 Rupture primary grout with about 5 gallons of water pumped into post-grcut valve assembly pipe with grout pump. This should be done as soon as grout sample in cup is firm to touch, in 3 to 4 hours. Post grout channels for grout charmels are developed by this procedure. 5.0 Post grouting injection is initiated after the primary first stage grout has firmly set for 8-hours pump pressure grout through post grout pipe until a) pump pressue reaches the maximum pres- sure of225 psi or b) 8-sacks ofgrout mixture are pumped and target pressure above primary pressrue reading is not reached and grout flows easily into soil easily, then stop pumping grout, wash out line, pump S-gallons of water as in step 1.0 allow to set ovemight and repeat post-grout valve assembly as in 5.0 until maximum pump pressure is developed. Post grouting is then com- plete. Wash out --clean PVC post-grout valve assembly tube with hydrant water. Rupture and break grout--pump water with grout pump to rupture first stage grout and make chan- nels for post-grout valve assembly injection through grout valve rubber sleeves. Post grouting injection pumping cement grout through grout valves into the soil up to maximum pump pressure or 300 psi. Do not pump more than 8-sacks if no pressure increase develops- GREAT DMOE CONSTRUCITON, tNC. P.O. BOX 1292 GYPSUM, CO 816:17 970-4t640n2 ev/; et ac ro/ )o"r^ l///|raaT t/q;/ lhgrlC E &a/a /rt,, ) r / gho/i=F -Mt fo. €efea",t1- )nr6//o7o.t -//, rt e2/ lr, ;y foi / aei /t, *,-/ I o€/yu-/ Fax 97G.47&2O72 Helical Pieing . Mudjacking . Qaaspte Sawing grdivide@vail.rct FROM : TI{E BMGffiE CI€GII-E Fo.l-lt ' brrnd Fatl &S:l*, flousr'ov ""'y//,__ /ry euro L-| Crl hrCcrlp M V/*'re Z.ort<', #/z f/t{7 is-,mepz{zp #e i:4' /"l@roo aAB 7hs, ,fta/z Fa il*r"fr, \J/a-f VazLm, glne fua,rl"'w/l 1tutu 4v#izaM o 1l'l.trtl t'oktr rftt)'ott t(.'ttttl.2 Goncr#: SANDS iiilit 'liiit ltiir'.t iliirl tlttitil ntti ()l lttrtr'titt'ni ilr,il lth'trtlt iti lln'r \' :irttt.q. , I t i t . , t I t i t . t t t t t i l,i,l ti.t i,tii.,l tt\ llI' ( () (t(,1(, Iti.sIrtiIiiItlit j' r'lititit't tuttl ni\t('i li)tul irtitfri til.. tltti it.s tt (i)(II i tt,t)\,itttI n'Llittt t'.t it't.: irtltt,t ilt'tt 'tiL' lttt'i)iiitttt ttltl.: tr itir'1.' ,tit' littlti ttitri ltilr'tt:t \l(itt(l(tttl n.:?,lu DUr.rf Golor name, number and dose-rate to mix with each 94 lb. sack of cement. CANYOI'] S LVESSMOK t |..llriri)ri.ltr Base color sample ilit l) i:ti' t t)i!)! il l!!tt:tt I' .)ltt'L i:. ltititt t Ltlttt !ltr: : ;!tl :ttttttt):)lt \ |(1)ttt\l lt)ili tI' ttt;t(lL' t\,t'11t tfi)t !t 1t! ,l ' t:t)tt'it! :itttil ,ltttt tr,tlt't I : l)tt't, I : ltlt)ti) tilttt (tlt)i 'ti tt l' tt'It t .,11t). 11 ,tl lt't! )t)l ::tlt 1:;ttll., tit.tl Ltiiltl !,1,t .,11 t,:lut,tt tit,jlt tt.tt \',itt tl)t I i. ttn ilt,t) ti: | ,) rt ll l\ ltt'iitt'1 lt)jt'i) t)i tttt l *'ii,.; i ,, .':ti ::tl t, t.,il SANTA FE OUTAACK LIGHT G I]AY DARK GNAY 'Ll hl ltr ',, | |t , )t | , /rt. .l 'it :;it , ij,i t, MOCHA SEOUOIA SAN D OMAHA TAN I Ili 1(lil: R USTIC BROWN YOSEMITE BI]OWN HARVEST GOLD :'iils5)liJ COCOAAAYOU ' t li l. J( , I t'lt tt t'it) rti tltt !, <. r..\/ /> st*(\x'$,i- q*) \*( j t .! (, i t,t ir .J lr b'tt iR\ :;* i\R 'l i-io2z ! rr, :r,l-g :'3 ;I o ctl C, oo .= ctiElrl oc o- >\ol- !t-+) go'F trFOr-(,OeOE o tl_|,(J9>.6 L______l_ .x; b> EEaOhd o o ( O'_z_ c) |r) ziE_, ffirz:FR Z*,Es:Fz. I cl 7-=R 5 =Ko--l- -/ E. IC) O(o C) C)(n -Prce5tCIo-cot(/) C -!Cr-Ot-Oa 0).- -to-c! b(\ o I * n I .. rl.) ilg.J - O- Oa 5.-ol'=.s O-ooo_ =a t!--_----Fl_lJ I ! _l i- 5E .ao! -t-r- +Jogt t;5oLrJ:\-/ o oc-o r-'o€ !q) cn-oEE f* a E f'-B'=o E S o't E c-> c-P 9-.q:iiE(JY >r--> x (n.9 +Jcr-OoECLo _c +N sc- I O.-z_o LOrn Ll r >=m,,^r Ez9?R 2*ESsEz. I cl 2-=R 5gKe-- l-- -/ E.f5 0)o(n@e{ o(o -Prce5-q) CI-c()| tncnC.ol*Aa q) o"c! a Ef '-= '= 0) E N o't ts c->qx v--q X'* o(J: \!=>xa.Y ct-OoEo-o _c O _ _ __l Ol-ry _= I .. rO tl(Ir- fo)'=.s () -ooo_ =a + \J , i- O- Oa Gt+fs=t I I I bE\oE r- _,t_,oo) 6Eol-r.J.:\-/ o oc!r-'o€ iarcn3EP F I I *s{ ( o O!-co "Fi$n = s€8F ;,Hx..:fi EEp;* bP -(9 .,r-) S ffiTl R\u, CIFco "FlH. = EEs$ :H$** E;EgA..EIE' EPIc, F()x + I I E,!l o o E g E o E o o g o E o R<)et C-cz. oo r\)aa o o a \ I I t l rntr oo .sEtctd oE o- >\!t- !t -go'+ Et8Oen)E_: rt\JC o =EU9:>; I .ra o>E,' :FFOt!8 t .*.. *r_*i__. _5 * J.... " Orz.oror\ tr-J ->=mr-r fr=z:f R 2*ERrJz. I cl 2-=R 5+Ko--E-Z E.i{ ". o c)a o.l rOsl O(o j-ce5too-c(tr (/)cnC.ot-O@ (l) -to-cO a Ef'-='=o E f o't E c-> =*i Y-J? X\F O(J : -.---; o-),< v t .- ct-o^o EIIo _c O IF I = .. rO l-- tlu,, - tro''=.s o-ooo_ =a * T -+?l+t:-g-- I * b I N l- _, I pr Oa EE\oa -!L+,ocn 6EohJ.:r*-z O ocEr-'o€ !q) cn-oEE o't t\ tl- I FrF- +(\ Oz.o 1r) rq lrj r >)-m,-r EZg?R 2*ERrJz. Io 2*=R 5 =Ke--]-- Z- E. I(9 (l) (I)a b .t. (o N o(o J-car+ =(l)ttuo-c(tl ocrrC.ol-()@ CI.- -to-cO a Ef'-= '= 0) E SorEc: [_# y_at\ L-I Xq- oCJ" :>_-#E-)<ut.-+)ct-OoEo-o _c O !or cn-oEE ! !- I L' .. rO l- tlU.,- trol'=.s C)-ooo_ =@ s f .+?l+ ]==b-- I * o I |\o , Qr Oa\FEOC/-oT-r- l-r- {J{D gnc'a a) o lJ-l .:\-, o oc!r*'a€ CI. {. I N F I l-t sC- rf C\ o O o o sc_ar"-J (, G-co "F33= = E€8F H,H$€$ E;c* -cl -?,x * I I E,- o o o o E o o E o o o o E E o g I ffi|R\* sa o (,co "Fl*. = eIaS ;,9*€*FcFcl ,E E:*3Rr.EIE' bP:E(, t ?,x + I I E,:l B..ign Revi.* n$on Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Vait Heights Condo Project Number; PRJ00-0241 Project Description: Deck eddition rnd drainege pipe installation Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Heights Condo Association Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Earl Hartman, PO Box 2718,479-1765 Project Street Address:2O79 Chamonix La;ne#1 Legal Description: Lot 15, Veil Heights Filing I Parcel Number: 210311403018 Building Name: Comments: Project#: ***PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ISSUES _ 479-232Y.'I]')' Board / StaffAction Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Drainage pipes shall be painted to match the erterior color of the building Town Planner: Bill Gibson Date: 8/18/00 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 FTEVERYONE\DRB\APPRO VAL\gN I DPSAPPR.FRM 'f o ffir0hry Questions? Call the Planning StafF at 479-2L38 MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENEML INFORMATION This applicaUon applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS Photos or tqlgles which clearlv convey the rylng conffirom. Photos or sketches which cleadv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be usm. Condominium Association approval (if applicable) . L*+*p. ! If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. .w ,tr F ,{ I- UST OF PROPOSED IIIATERIAIIS O BUIIDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR: Roof Siding Ofter Wall Materiab Fascia Sotrits Windou,s Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other * Pbase speciff the manufiacturer=s color, number and atbch a vnall color chip * All o<Erior lbhting must meet the Tovvn=s Lighting Odinance 12-11-5J. ff ocerior lighting '6 proposed, please indicate the number of fxtures and locatiors on a sepaEte lighting plan. Identify each filfilre type and provide the height above grade, lumens oLr@ut, luminorc area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fotures. f' 'l PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Eela.oiEallla@:Common Name: Ouantiv: E:: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EOSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 5 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons UBe:Ss.uerelqelasc: GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specifu. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. t' UTI UTY LOCATION VERI FICATIOT{ This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 CIed Husky;John Boyd) T.C.I. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) x Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obbining Upper Eagle Valley Water & SanitaUon signatures, Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utilfi verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no cornmenE are made directty on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed consfuction, the utilty represenbtive shall note directly on the utility veriftation brm that there is a problon which need< b be resoked. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems, 3. These verifrcations do nd relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Publh Way Permit from the Departrnent of Public Works at fie Town of Vail. Utjliw locations must be obtained befure diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. !"t II. ilL IV. PRE.APPUCATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibility to schedule this meeting by calling 970479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete applioUon fom and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community De\€lopment Deparlment a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) weeK prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewed for comfliance wiilr the Design Guidelines as set form in Section 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOIE.roA[APPSIS: A. If a property b located in a rnapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, floodplain, debris fbw, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be subrnitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB applhation to determine the relationship of the propefi to all mapped hazards. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. Scale, The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. Graphic bar scale. North arrow. Titte block, project name, project address and legal description' Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number; Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. Vicinity map or location Inap at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. Sheet labeb and numbers. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". Names of all adjacent roadways. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applbant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property line, proposed buildings and building corners, All trees to be removed must be taped, The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must b€ completed Prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeung date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their iEm be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. E. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved orior b the issuance of a building permit' 2. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. r0. 11. 12, a V.STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Rwiew applications, approve wi$ certain rnodiftaUons, deny the applkation, or may refer the applicauon to the Design Rwiew Board for decbion. All statr approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Design Rwieur applications may be staff approved: A. Any application fur an addition to an odsting building that b aonsisEnt wih the architectural design, materiab and colors d the buiHing, and approval has been received by an authorized mernber of a condominium association, if applkable; B. Any application to modify an e<i$ing building that does not signiftantly drange the odsting planes of the building and b generally consistent wi$ the archiEctural design, materials and colos of He building, including, but not limited to oderior building finish maEriab (e.9. stonewodg siding, roof materhls, paint or stain,), oGerior lighting, canopies or awnings, ferices, antenn6, saEllite dbh€s, windo,vs, skylighB, siding, minor commercial bcade imprcrrements, and other sinilar modifications; C. Any applitation for site improvements or rnodifications including, but not limiFd b, drirreway modifications, site grading, site walb, rennral or modifications to o<isting landscaphg, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilities ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A, ff this applicaUon requires a separate rwiew by any loel, state or Federal agency drer than the Town of Vaif the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. bcamples of such ra,iew, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 4{J4, ef'c. B. The applicant shall be respomible for paying any publbhing ftes wtrich arc in erccs of 50% d the application fee. If, at the applicanfs request, any matter b postponed for hearing, causing the mafter to be re-publbhe{, then he entire fee for such re.publication shall be pakl by the applic?nt C. Apdicadors deerned by the Ccnmunity Doebpment DeparfrEnt b have deslgn, land use or ofier issues which may have a sir3niftcant impact on the community rnay require review by consultants in addition to Town sbff. Should a determination be made by the Town statr fiat an ouBide consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Depaftment shall estimate the amount of nnney necssary b pay the consultant and thb arpunt shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incuned by the Town in o<cess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Torn by the applkant within 30 dap of not fication by the Town. Any o<cess furds wil be rctumed b the applhant upon r€view completion. UvvNr R' L''''f 8-5-2000 Owner Unit I Elizabcth Fischer 2079 Chamonix Lane # I Vail, CO 81657 476 5218 Unir 2 Jamie Zeigler ( SECRLTARY ) Christie Bent And Jonah Marley 2079 Chamonix l-ane #2 Vail, CO 81657 4762558 Unit 3 Ron Mitchell ( PRESIDENT ) P.O. box 253 Edwards, CO 81632 926 r9s3 Unit 4 Bobbi Walker 2079 Chamonix Lane #4 Vail, CO 81657 477 M55 Unit 5 Larry \Uood P.O. Box 232 Vail, CO 81658 476 5281 Unit 6 fim Corwin P.O. Box 2594 Vail, CO 81658 479 0649 Unit 7 Earl Hartman ( TREASURER ) 2079 Chamonix Lane #7 Vail, CO 81657 479 1765 faDt 425 9'17 ll72 Unit 8 Dar Borstad 2079 Chamonix Lane #8 Vail, CO 81657 476M99 Tenant Chester Roy Kenny & Leslie 477-t2tl 4' BACKSIDE 8-5-2000 Owner Unir9 Jefiand ChcrYl Bell 2079 Chamonix ln #9 Vail, Co 81657 476 890s Unit 10 Dcan S. Canede P.O. Box261 Vail CO 81658 4762113 4763905 Unit 11 Thomas O'Brien P.O. Box 432 Vail, CO 81658 476 1221 Tenant Brian Jones 477 0581 Vince and BcttY Corwin 476 6920 Unit 12 Gary Emrick TiudY Wilson 2E90 Westclitr Colorado SPrings, CO 80906 719 5763535 tu# 719 576 s757 unit l3 0wned bY all 12 Owners Use this address for billing' etc. Vail Heigbts Condo Association ( at 2079 Chamonix) P.O. Box 2718 Vail CO 81657 Vail, CO 8-l,f-2000 To: From: Town of Vail Desigr Review Board Vail Heights Condo Association 2O79 CbanorlxLme #7 P.O. Box 2718 Vail CO 81657 479 1765 RE: Projects at Vail Heights Condo Association The board of directors of Vail Heights condo association would like to request approval ofthe following: Cbange decks from concrete to wood. Add plastic perimiter drainage in rear of building. Thank You, RonMrchell President Earl Hartman Treasurer qt"-,n1fr2/ttL lf,H' '#:;.?'* ?-fuUlH Vail Heights Condo Association 2079 Chamonix Lane P.O. Box 2718 Vail, CO 81657 F - flc Teu ofVrll ,p00 o tFN9 515?3DATE RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS I I I I I I I I Il' I I I I :l I I I HoW PND-Cash-orpck 8fr3 Department of Communfi Development 75 S. Frontage Road . - - Vall, CO 8t657 Receiot No. oa"-L rJlt :2 payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Ascounl No, ooToo0ol14l11o- 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 Cod€ - 1997 - Volume 1&2 qniform Building Code - t 997 - Volnnre 3 I Cost EachT-- T- $53d- T--T5d35 | $60 65 001 0000 314 1112 Intemational Plumbing Code - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000 314 fiA Intemational Mechanical Code - i 99B CB $3s.00001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanicql Code -1996 $3s-60 001 0000314 1112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1,r12 National Electrical Code CB $42.60 001 0000314 1112 Abatement of Dangorous Bldg.,E 1997 $9.9soo1 0000 314 1112 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00" 001 0000 314 1112 Analt'sis of Reybions to 1997 Unifoirn Codee $12.75 001 0000314 1112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Pdnh/lt ylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000314 11,t1 Xerox CoFries XC $0.25 001 0000 314 1111 Uglqf eqd Master Plan ($1.S0/$1 60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies, Master Plans, eti MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Feee/R+lnsp€ctions PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Revietv Recheck Fee (g4Oipei hour)PF 001 00003152000 Olf Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contac.tors License Fees tJL 001 0000 3'124000 Sign Apdication Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sign Apdication Fee SP 001 0000 3112200 Design Rwiew Board Fee (Pre-palQ DR Bo. * 001 0000 315 3000 Building Inveetgation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Devoloper lmprorprngnt AgEomont Deposit O2-DEpl O IAD001 0000 312 1000 Resiaurant Ligense fae (TOV)RL 001 00002302000 Spec. Aaegss.-Restaurant Fee to Co^Dept-Rev SA '001 000020,1 1000 Taxabh @ {S% (Stabl - Tax pavabb TP '001 0000 310 1100 Tartbb @ 4.0!6 ff4rril - Rerait Sales Tax w Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Addfional GRFA - '250"PV $200,00 001 00003112500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00001 0000 311 2500 Extador Alt€ratjon - t-ees tnan t OO sq. ft.PV $200.00001 0000 311 2500 Extedor Afte!€tion - More than 100 sq. ft.PV $s00.00 |001 0000 311 2500 |Special Qevelopmont District - NEW-PV $1,500.00 |001 0000 311 2500 Sp€cial Developmelt District - Major Amend PV $1,000.00 |001 0000 311 2500 ip€cial Dev€lopment District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 |001 0000 311 2500 SubdMsion Fee6 PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 |001 0000 311 2500 l,Zoning Code Ameldments PV $250,00 | R+Zoning PV $200.00001 0000 319 310t Greensta\Program lr f,thor -MS IOTAL:do. a<) comm€ntB: [)- , ,/ n ,/'/lVul' f>)k rtt-..,- lat'e'- cath- Moncyorder#_ checx* 3333 Receivcd oyffi F JEveryone/Fome/Silsoact rxc o'/oe'ooo Aa r*- It E?T- ltrTourcf til ,e (O N9 615?3 ll ll ll ll ll I Pcrmit ldrmbers ii. rnorv PAlr-cagh-orcck '47 mn, fior#ufuJ"t'*' ,,r,lr"ffie{nS Hslh H r$D[R DErelL", |es.r ft'ri rtu'l lil€: t{:03:1f,'t ^rra$Ir ItllFxLll $TH( TIXI Fffi YilN PEYEI{TI TOWN OF VAIL Deparonent oJ'Public Works & Transporlation I309 Elkhorn Drive Vail,ColoradoSl65T 970-479-2 I 58 / Fax: 970-179-2 166 Mr. Earl llartman 2079 Chamonix Lane Unit 7 Per our meeting on 1'uesday 15, 2000 at | | :00 am. On site, I have determined that no public way permit was required from the Town of Vail Public Works Department, for the rvork done on private property. Mr. llartman explained that the scope of work was to correct some drainage issues on the norlh side of the complex, and remove and repair the damage sidewalk that was caused by standing water due to lack of positive drainage away from building. I have included a copy of the Public Ways and Property, Title 8 from the Town of Vail, which shows requirements for a permit. Ifyou have any other question, please feel lree to call me. Leonard Sandoval 1-/,tn/- fpn,",ro C.5+" sanc t- Town of Vail Construction Insoector {P o'n"uo'n'o 8- 1-1 8-1-1 STREET OPENINGS, CHAPTER 1 EXCAVATIONS SECTION: 8-1- 1: 8-1- 2: 8-1- 3: 8-1- 4: 8-1- 5: 8-1- 6: 8-1- 7: 8-l- B: 8-1- 9: 8-1-10: 8-1-11: 8-1-12: 8- 1-13: 8-1- 14: 8-'t - t 5: 8-1-16: 8-1-17: 8-1- 18: 8-1-t9: 8-1-20: 8-1-2'r : 8-1-22.. 8-1-23: 8-1-24: 8-1-25: 8-1-26: 8-1-27: 8-1-28: 8-1-29: Def in itions Permit Required Application For Permit; Fee Utilities Exempt From Deposit Town Nonliability Retention Of Permit At Site Limit On Amount Of Work Permit Nontranslerable Permit Expiration; Extension Flevocalion Of Permit: Notice Size Restriction Exposure Of Utilities Protection Signs Survey Markers And Monuments Street Drainage System Excess Excavated Material Removal Salety Devices Access To Driveways And Fire Hydrants Storage Of Excavated Material Time Work May Be Performed Additional Regulations; Public Works Authority Time For Completion Of Work Restoration Ot Paved Streets Flequired Materials For Paved Street Flestoration Construction Methods For Paved Street Restoration Materials For Unpaved Street Restoration Construction Methods For Unpaved Street Restoration Unpaved Nonvehicular Public Places Flestoration AND PAVEMENT CUTS 8-1-30: Asphaltic Concrete Or Oil-And-Chip Surface Restoratio n 8-1-31: Portland Cement Concrete Surfaces, Curbs And Gutters8-1-32: Cost Assessment When Resurfacing Necessary 8-1-33: 8-1-34: 8- 1-35: 8-1-36: Settling Town Restoration; Request And Agreement Fees Multiple Openings For Single Deposit 8-1-37: Liabilitylnsurance 8-1-38: Map Of Underground Facilities Required 8-1-39: Map Corrected Annually 8-1-40: AbandonedUnderground Facilities 8-1-41: Appeal 8-1-42i Violation;Penalty 8-1-1: DEFIMTIONS: The following words, when used in this Chap- ter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except in those in- slances where the context clearly indicates otherwise: EMEFIGENCY: Any unforeseen circum- stance or occurrence, the existence of which constitutes a clear and immediate danger to persons or property. PUBLIC WAY: Means and includes a public streel, easement, right of way, highway, alley, way, place, road, or bike path; and any nonexclusive utility easement. Toun of Vail 0 v\ \ -f'* -a( -.-t t\. ; ) 'lr- l.tt l{t E.+ \A ll E It Iv I '-{..I {*{. -\ ,N- \ \ \ \J $) 3 \a LI -\:3 s s d_ J sai €\R}1t \^ s sK i- N +-f, \ rriFr\\I $ 5d c., fl e-r-vd+- ?t 6- O1$ i\ -\\oil".;**:\S iJ'g-*s" \ \o-,-.i- 'ls" \ni r! \=gf,"R*\ a+%?,T -sG b{ $t..t\ N s-_, l-- o C\ A--', . 5-'X'r[ \'t4 A sIN(\, /-t $-\'- JONA tf (.)'t. #.r_{. !-' *$: :'-.3tj tOC) Se.c,P.' # ,a\) ,.\ t*S O \, orr'r-o#*\J'I::pto& REPT I31 TOt N OF VAIL., CDLORADO PA6E : AREff: DD0,6/A3/9A OBr16 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FOR: 6/ 3/98 Activity: M9B-O[t77 6/ 3/gB Type: B-MECH Status: ISSUED ConEtrl AAF1T Addr"ess: EO59 CHAMONIX LN Location; 3O59 CHAMONIX LN (COf4MtrN AREA) FaPcell E1tZt3-114-O3-tzlle Occ; Use: Description: REFLflCE EXISTING BOILER WITH P BOILERS Appl icant : ALI.JE SF RUCE SERV ICES Fhone : Owner: MCCARTHY COLLEEN A Fhone: Contr acton: VRLLEY I^IIDE FLUMBING & HEATING Fhone: -ro3949 1747 Inspect ion Reque st Requeston: ROBERT Req Timer OB:OO It ens nequested to er03g0 MEtrH-Fina1 Information... GRABER ComnEnts: l^lI LL be Inspected.. Fhsne: CALL ROBERl,-(PA6ER Act i on Comment s 949-4479 748-ee05) Ti me Exg Inspection History.... rzlerE:oa MECH*Ror-rgh IZIOEPS FIRE-SF.RINKLER ROU6H 'ataE4o F,LMB-Gas tri pi ng raAJlrA MECH-Heat ing AtZr3Eta MECH-Exhar-rst Hoods AraSSra HECH-Sr-rppl y Air OO34A MECH-ltli sc.tIAO39A HECH-FinaL IAA538 FIR,E.+INNL E/A 'Q:-vi'' ' ,tnhr Item: It em: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Itern: Item:(trD TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArrJ, co 8155? 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI{T OWNER COIi|:TRAETOR Job Address...: 2059 CHAMONIX LN I-,ocatsion...... : 2059 CHAMONIX LN Parcel No..... : 2103-114-03-0L2 Project Number: Status. -.: ISSTED (COMMON AREA)Applied. . : os/20/L998rssued...: 05/20/1998 E:qrires. . : LL/L6/L998 DEPARI14ENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMEMf NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES MECHANICAIJ PERMIT PermiL #: M98-0077 BLI'E SPRUCE SERVICES MCEARTITY COLI-,EEN A PO BOX L4L6, VArL CO 81558 VAI.,I-,EY WIDE PI.,UMBING & HEATING P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 8L620 Description: REPLACE EXISTING BOILER WITII 2 BOILERS Pireplac6 Inforurll,on: R.strictscd:*of ca6 ApplL.nc.. r Valuation: *of GaB Logs: Phone1. 303949t747 15, 000 .00 *of Hood/Pallets: AEE ST'UIIARY l{cchinicrl---> 3 0O. OO R.alu.rrr!ts Plan Rcvi.v--> .00 Pl.n Ch€ck- -- > Invcs!igatsior!> wllI call----> DRB Ft.-------- TOTAL FEES-... - fog.I Calculae.d FGGr_ _ - > Addltional Eece-___---- _> Totsal Pernit Fc.-___----> 75.O0 . o0 3.O0 .00 378.00 37E. O0 . oo 3?S.O0 Palmcnls----__- SALANCE DUE-. -- "".'.;;;";;;;;';;;;;;';;;;;."."."".**;;:;;;;;;;;;;; ";;,.'.."'O5/20/L998 ,JRII! Action: APPR APPROVED iIRIfiEbm;'o36oo-r'Tns DEPARTI,IENi -- DepE: FrRE Division: 05/20/L998 iIRM AcEion: APPR N/A CONDITTON OF APPROVAL 1. FTEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK EQR qODE gOMP_IllAl{CE.2. boMsusri6N-AiR-rS nsOuiR-ED PER sEq, -6,0J-QF-TEE 1991^In-!lc:--5: if-sT[fr,ATioN-liu$f coffFQnr"t r0 MANUFAqqRES rNsrRuerroNs AND- fO Appeuorx cHAPTER 21 oF THE 1991 Wg.- -^e . Gls- [DFi,IaNcEF 3ger.,l-,- sn - vEwtEp-Aee0RDINc - To-EIAPTER 9- AND-' srrAr-,L- tEm{iltErs-a-s SprerrrED in sEq . 90 5 qE-T-rIE 1-9 9 1 -W-c -s. IC-CgSs-fO--HEATINC-g0UIFMEIII t{Usr CoMPtY wITIt SEC.sos Al{D 703 0F THE 1991 I,MC. e . s6itEi.s-SI{A[[-BE-[ioItNTED oN FLOORS OF N9NCQ!,trUSTIELE CoNsT.- - IXTI,ESS_ TISTED F6g INTOUtTING ON COMBUSTIBL - EI,QORIITG. - -_--.-- -- -7. FERI',IIT.Fi,ANS-AI,Ib--ctiDE-AI,TAiYSis-MIOST BE PoSTED IN MECHANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQIIEST.e. DFAl-NAGE-or'-Mn-criewieA[-n06Ms- eotmArNrwq IIEAT-rNG 98,-IroT:w4rER-' SiipFiiY-aollsiiS-S-luit,t Er- nOUipFeD wITH A FLooR DRAIN PER sgc. 2119 0F THE 1991 I'MC. *******************************************************************************J DECLARATIONS I hlrrby acknorlcdgc t'he! I hav€ read thie applicaEion, fitl.d out in full the information r€quired, comPlcEsd an accuralc pleE pr"". Td .grB. rh.B .11 th. rnlot .ar." to" .. -.q.ir.d t. '.ort..e. r rgE.. r,o .olliy ,l.t eh. Lnlornrcl,on rtd ptoc pl.n,Eo co.ply rl,th .ll Aoen oEdin nc.. .nd ae.C. lerr. end tc buttd !ht. ,grqctqr. rceording Co Gh. Torn,. zonlng rnd aubdlvl.ionco.l€a, d.llgn !.vlai. rPgrov.d, lrnl(ot! aulldlng cod. .nd ceh.r ordin.nc.! of tha t'oyn .!rpllc.bl. gh.rqco. REQUqTTS tOR trspEqttoNs SHAGL EE llAD? TrGlaTt-to(n FouR.s slcHAtURE OF Ol{llER OR CONtRActOR FOR HI gELt AltD OWNER OtrE At {79-2tta gR AT Our. OEFICE FROlil a:00 A!.{ 9:oo pM |}a raa.rfirttt a aaJ atattaaat a arfrr.iarrattt at rtrraa r rrarrtarrrrataro lolul or vArr.. @LonrDo R.prlnBldr O5I?O/9a tO!28 Ecrc.lI|B SCrtrnE Xulba! r REC-Oaoa lrcuttE: Prt'lcnt [.Ehod ! CK t{ocrclon: 5t61 379.00 O5le0l99 10:0? lnlE: {Nf P.tnlc ro! [98-00?7 Typ. ! B-l|ECtl ttlCHNtIcAt, PER!|II PGc.l Nor 2101-11{-03 - 0:,2 gtc. Mdr..r ! 2059 Clltl|ot{Ijr nv Loc.glon I 2059 ClllllolflMt (c!N[|oN fRll') ?oEal F..f! 379.00 $ria Prir.ng 371.00 ToErl ILL DEG.I 378.00 Bllrnca!.oo a.rt.t*tarta.'tittttirritra!rtf *atrtarttrrrtl}ttrtttaaat+ilii'rttl|}tatlltaaat lccourtE @d.D..c!lpeion r'tE 00i.00003111300 llBcHrNrcArr pBRl,lIl PEEE pp 00100003112300 tllll cHEcK tBBg tc 00100003112800 ru.! ctI.E lxgPEclloDl lBl ArcUNE 300.00 75.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8l_657 970 -479 -2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTB: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN MECIANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: M98-0077 .fob Address..-:Locat,ion......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: 2059 CTIAMONTX LN 2059 CIIAMONTX LN 2103 -114 -03 -012 BLUE SPRUCE SERVICES MCCARTHY COLLEEN A PO BOX 1-4L6, VArL CO 8L658 VALLEY WIDE PLTJMBING & HEATINGP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 8]-520 (cOMMoN AREA)Applied. . z 05 /20/L998rssued...: 0s/20/L998 Expires. . : tI/J_6/L998 Status. . . :-*rrpRffErr {SS,Ued Phone: 303949L747 ValuaE,ion:t-5, 000. 00 Sof wood/Pal lec I APPLICANT OWNER CO}fIRACTOR Description: REPLACE EXTSTING BOILER WTTH 2 BOILERS Fireplace Infolmation: Restricted:fof cas AppI ianceg:lof ca6 LogE: FEE SUM!,IARYMechanical---t tslan Chcck---> Inves C igat ion > wiIL CaIl----> ReEEuarant PIan Reviel, - - > ORa Fe€-------- TOTAL FEES -.. -. Toc.t CalculaEed Fces---> AddiEional Fees---------> Totel P.rmil Fee--- -----> Paylnenca------- BAIANCE DUE.... f,oo. oo 75.OO .o0 !.oo . oo . oo 3?e.00 37a.OO . oo 378.00 .oo 379.O0 '1 2.3. 4. 5. 6. B. IlqBi,O518O BUILDING-DEPARTMENT DCPE: BUII,DING DiViSiON: 95 / 20 / \9,9_g , JRM AaEion; EDFa appnovED JFr,7- - ' Ileri.q56q0_!'rRE DEP4,RTMENT -bepc.: FrRE Division:05/20/1998 JRM AcCion: AppR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL EIE!q_rNqpECTrONS 4BE BEOUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.g-quEusTlaNr ArR rg BEQUIBED pEn ssc.--507 bF-rfrE-igil wc.IrysTAlL4Tr oN Musr_co{FoBM r0 MANUFAerunsS - rNstnociiofrS -AND T9-AppE!.,rDIX-qEAprER 2L OF THE 1ee1--UMe-.--- --'*------ gAg_ApEI,IAryCES SEAr!, BE vENTED-AeeOnDiNC TO CHAPTER 9 AND sq4_L! _ TEBMINATE 43 _qp_E.C r q r eD rll -Sec-. g o e -oF -rniili g g r u,r-c-. - AggEqq rQ HEATTNG_ EQUTPMENT MUSr-edMpLY frtrn--5eel50s-irM703 0F THE 199L UMC:qQI!,EBS STTALL BE-MQqIYLED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST.uI_LEgg IISTED FoR ryrqqNTrNc oN eor,ieustrBl,E-FilooRiNd. P E B{"1 r T! p!4NE _ AND gqDE ANAryS r S -MIESI - BE-FOSieo- -i i.i-lap $nrvr car,RgoM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTTON neOueST: -- - PB4'-IryAGE OF MECHANIqAL ROOMS EONTAiNING HEATING OR HOT-WATERQqPPLY_BQI ERg SHAILL BE EeuipFED-witH A Fr,ijoR-'6Rirr.r -pEn SEe-.2119 0F THE 1991 uMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS r heteby acknogledge thaE r have read thia aPplicat.i(an, filled oue in full Ehe infofdaci,on r:equir:ed, compl.eged an accura!.e pLoE pl.n, rnd rE.ts. chrc .ll th. Lnforu.t.ion provld.d r. r.qul,r.d Lr cort.ct. t .gr.c tso cooply riBh rhe infomrtlon .nd ploE pl.n,to €dtttly tlch rll totrr ordinrnccs rnd.trc. I.r., .nd cc bulld lhtr acructulc .ccording to thc Torn,6 zoning .nd .ubdiviaioncodc!, d.llgn r.vilr ritprov.d. unlforu Buildtng coda rnd oEh.r ordin.nc.. of !h. toun .!r!rl,ic.ble lhercco. REQUEStI ?OR tlrgpBqrtolts sHAtt BE I'ADE tfitrTt-ro(n Horn3 IN SIONAT{'RB OF OiITIBR OR CIITIRACTOR POR HIXgSI]P AND OIIXER 'i.or'.."'..ragle counry o"""""orJ* jg^ O[';*Ji%%'39x,'?i x3lh3iil:3$"F3#"Y DATE:_S- PERI'IIT /I , APPLICATION MUST BE TILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED X***************************** PERI{IT INFORI'|ATION *****************************tl $-[ ]-Building Job Name: Legal Description: f,ot_!!* Architect: obrners Nane: W Address V[grr".ow4E4- Block_ Filing sugprvrsroN, Ph. Ph.Address: ceneral Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accomrnodation Units: f.u"t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances (* * * * * * * * * * * ** **** * * * * * * * ****** ** * VALUATTONS Gas Logs_ wood/pellet ********************************* Plumbing Address: Contractor:or Vair o"s.^*o-.!&e Nunber: ffiJ-T- Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAT PERUIT FEE: ELECTRICAI.T FEE: OTHER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: n Town of Vail Reg. NO.4J Phone Nunber:IJ J BUTLDTNG PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:I'IECHANICAL PI,AN cHEcK FEE: RECREATION FEEs CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: CLEAil UP DEP.OSIT REFI'ITD BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: VALUATION INY 19'S L?Z3pFN G.T.SANDERS/SILVERTIIOI{E,CO.P.3.3 sPECIFICATIONs sERIEs 88 BOILEN RATIIISS*l{aturalandLP6as stt'. .'' + @] 'Radncs shown are for lnstallaUons at sra lcvcl and elevatlons up (o 2,000 ft' For clcvatiorrs [ro$c ::'0('t() ti ' rrtirtss $hortld Ito ria,ili"a ur iii tit of four percent (4$) forcach | 'tloo ft' rbove scal lewl' (l) Nct IBR rallngs sholn arc based on normat IBK plplngand plck+p allryYce of I'1.1' . - Consult lhe manufacturer for instellrtions havlng unusual pptogind plck'up rcquircmr:rtts sut h :rs intct ltrent riYstcmo[ opention, c,(tansire pipittg systems, etc. 121 ri fr. h.tgttt i8 measutcd frodr top ofdrafthool torop of clilnnay' iii oon rr."iiog ."paclty. numisted wfth elcciroric ignidon Nnd rrcnt damtcr only. AFutt ls B0' l q!'' Maximum Allorrable working Prcssurc: 50 PSI (30 PSI optionEl) Standard Cast ltoD Scctlon ,lrsemblY tnsulatcd Dctutc Jaclct loogb Shut{ff Gas Conrols Dr.ln Cock Transformcr and lunctlon Box Alurnl nlzcd sect Burners Builkin Air Ellnrln.tlon 1' Gas Conncction 2' Supply and Rrtum Connedions SOPSiASME Srfity Rellcf valvc 7 x li;t x 15 9 r I i'r 9 r Is l0 x t5 l0 ;t 15 xHl.(rt.) . twtlFR CfiTPIJT .--...3:1":- t l.tJ t:l I lS.il li .tl ( o.9 errroi,: E Umlro.wFrcnx. Ltri GtD 7t6 02sqt0 t03o I t50 RssurG Tlmtet8tutc Geugc Dlorkcd Vcnt swlhh (BvS) - B05B only Ran Rollout switch (FRs) ' 8058 c lv Automarlc Vcnt Darnprr' E05E onlY t40s0E ltigh unlc control RWTOOA plobc LWc() - 8088{ll0B cir[v dlectionlc tgnltton on 8058, 808b-BloD for Nat ral or LP Gas iri stanOiig rttot on 8068, s07b for Natirirl o: !'P Gits Draflhood rheseriessBrs'u"il"bt..,fr".--k"e.do,kno.kl1l;l'i:i[l5io"lltfrfi[eo'l$';,1"',t$ilhii,;;,X]lSlr"l;flll tJleiriirv., prdnure te mperat'uii sa-ugi' uoiGrdraln cock, drafth6l"iSl]^IJ9, 1#:ilil::#ffiH5'1ffi;;fii,:ii;iffi!misis;,ii;1"3131,1*jg:T:fl1::::[::li,:i1:''rarrirortliltH'Jnllii,ffi ffi .ffifrir;;ffi;F"d;;d vcnt aamper (when furnished) arc stipperi sc;:ararrlv'. Optlonal 8088-8rOE) t0 PSt ASME Safcry rcUcf vdve Eledronlc tgnhior on 8060 and 8070 (standatd on 8058, NOT TOf, DIIECT TNSTAIIA'NON ON SOIIBUSITELE FI'OnING' liLer snrrr.O Is f,IO|,InED AND AVAILAILE Fon CoIIIDUSIIFLE FLOOR INItTAr.LAI'ioFl' NOT FOR rNsAllAudn org clrprr, syEN wlrtt A lll^T SHIELD' EElurnhalri rorrn rrto, { 2 26lr.f /9{.20Mf. j'r|llitrd hU.S A. (! l9$,1 Flrnlham C^(troritlon, l.snc$tcr, PAAI,EA/]CA?€ K"T.ER Od\IPANY Burnhbm CorPoratto:t IfiY 19'98 1E:3EIPI'I G.T.SRNDERS/SILVERTI{OI1E,CO.P.?/-3 sERt Es BB toprmERctAr nrdbsPH ERtc GAs FIRED HOTWATER BOILEB HAXIt'lut'l wonl{lflG PRESsURE: 50P51 Flexible and durable The Burnharf Series 8B cast lron gas fired boilcr Providcs outshnd' ing slngle boller performance and rcliability. The boiler can be ar- rangcd for hcating only or combina' don space heatlng and domestic hot water heedng wlth th€ use of an Indlrecr flred watcr heatsr. In addition, the compact des$n and minimunr side clearances make the serles 88 ldeal for modular lnstalla- tions, Please refer m rhe Burnham Tandcm and Controls literaturc and modular manual for detailed rrodular informallon. Multi-famtly dr+tlllngs, small busincsscs and olficc complexes are typlcal appllca- tlons for the Scries 88. Tte Sertes 88 boiler ls con- structed with durable ca$ lron sectlons. Ttc pinncd hcating surface of these gecdons Nlong wtth tie venical flue design o(tracts maxlmum heu wttllc malnralnlng low draft loseer. Ttls results In hlghcr etficiencics and lowcr fucl cosu. The Serles 8B has a ombu+ tlon c(ficlency of 8ot and neets the requlrementrof T{SHRAE 90.1 and the National Energ PollcY Act of reez (NEPAe2). Each scctlon ls Jolned wltt quallty cast iron nipples which will Increase the longwlty of thc boilcr by resisting petroleum based chemicals, lncludlng andfreeze whlch can dctcriorate thc gaskets used in some @mpetltofs bollers. Time-prorcn cast iron nipplcs last the life of the bollet. Theyexpand and contract along with the secttons thcy join cnsuring thc inagrity of thc entire scctlon asscmblY. Features that are more thanjust standard Every scries 88 bollcr is bullt with a patcntcd cosl savlng featurc called an EllmlnairC. This built'in air elirnlnator le cast Into tttc lcft- cnd scction ofevery Selies 88 !0 Ellmlndrct, r prt rrttd cora srv|lg ft|lurc lrh t l[ocwryge et I boitn. dlvert alr bubbles into a tapplng fol diversion to the expanslon tank. Thcrefore. no cxttmal darlce ls reculred to seDaratc air and water' thus reducing both cost and lnsEIIa- tion time. ' .. . -Itc rtdit *dc aoes trot ltrduil ai' hpping3 ot oonnrcllons and requlrct only a ont iniJr cleararroc whcn lnsidhd ln modular appllcrtionc' 'Ite lrutorirs, r:radc til' alttminized strtl, arr Cr:sig.uctl ar:rl pn'clsion- turtcd frrr lorrg liln. crpLitttttm printary air llow itnri high crirnhttstion effi cicncy, Tbese burnerrr provtcle smco:h light.otl ard qttler ignitlon' The nranifolrl arid gas lrain arc factory lssenrblt:d wl',ich *tves lnstallati$n $tric nd tuoneY. Comlnrt wlthout sacrifices 'lt'o nltert brtilrling owrrcrs or landlrrrds cnd up git inll rrp comthrt, cndul'c fi'egircnt hrcakdosas and sewicccitlls, e:rC lake safety risks Jusr to irring down tlreir furl bill. ivith il Dlitnha$ Series 88 gas fucd hot water bcller. Yott don't hirvc to maktr sucl: sacritices, Otrr Scrled 8B ls yout lottg-tctot ipvcst- rnurt in qualiiy, rlepcnrlabltt heatlng. Dllncntlont* 6. s't' to' l6r It" 2a' 22. r.!tT srDE vrSW NAY 19'98 T?Z!?:PN G.T.SANDERS/SILVERTHONE,CO.P.L.3 I ' ': -----t---i---::ii: 'i '-T--:--'--"--'iiil A safC heating altematlve Ttrc salctyof yctttr family, lenants or co-rvrlrke:s is <rf prlmary impor- tancc. 1lterc1bre, thc scries 88 dcsign inrorporatls a hrolrd array of safety lbittu.:cs. Fot exantPlc, lach starulRrd Serics 8tt hrik:r ltas a provcn saftty featrrrc,wirh its owu hackup system' The clccffonlc igilitioil slEtefll has a redundant ge-:; valv+ lvltiih is ba.rically a gn; valvc witltin a gas valve. :l'he;elbre, il'thc valvc's pon doesri'[ cl(':te, a orri't':y hackup valve autonrdtiially sltuts off thc gas 0cr. lVhcn eq:rippcd rvltlt a stand- ing pllot s1'stcm, il'1'ou ltrsc pilot fl :rrnc, ; i:hcrntfitrttplc supervisor liends a slgna.l m tllc Ft$ litlve. cuttin$ otf illr' ga.'.i flot'r- Cas cr,ntrr-rl$ and ..talvcs are saf'cly hiddcrr insidt! thc incket away frorr childrln atrrl taltr frout acci- dcnial truuiPs arrrl tt:rtpcring. The "sntart" *holce Spcciiyinll i: lte at:ng sY:ium in CSI (Constluctitrn Sner:ificatloo.s Institutt! format is ruade cnsy with softwarc Ilograln. usc th(. progrilnl mcllu l0 specily atntospherit: or flrr|jr:Ll drflfl 51q'ir rr1 gi' lrr,l wntcr; f.(ii;. 0il. 0r corttbination ftrr'lsl sittglLr trr modltlat: ltnock- dowrt or pa.chiigr:d; antl t'tltptll rutinss irl !ir']s!i, tlr:t or sl'lllarE fect of srcnnr. Ctpl.iollal cguiprucnt menu and built- in cdititlg, Fcatures lel you crcatc ! curitomizcd Cill spcclfica- tiorr. Crrnsult yotir local Dtrtrhant $ales teprcti$ntlrtin'c tirr dt'tails, t! Serles I .. A. Low proGlc drafthood B. Blockcd vcnt $^litch tBvs)'Eo5B only c. Ruggcd c85t tron nlppl€t joln gectlons u. oetFxe hsdlattd iackct E Durebh cart iro[ gcctlons for long litb n Alumlnizcal gSeel burn€rg G, Factory tssemblcd manifoltl' H. Flamc?oll-out swltch (FRS) -Eo5B only L 10096 stcp-oPcnlngg83 valrc l sohnoldvalvc .. K. Voltagr trancformer L, Ellminairc alr ellmlnacor t susrurrAL DATA ,trron?nnoru ..00" SERIES CARTRIDGE CIRCULATORS i_ 1101-034 | MODEL OO11 Effective 9115194 APPLICATION The Taco 0011 high velocity/high head circulator is designed for residential and light commercial closed loop hydrcnic systems and open loop domestic fresh water systems. This circulator is available in cast iron or bronze construction. The 0011 has the exclusive "00" cartridge design and ACB motor protector. The "fl)" cartridge contains all the moving parts. Replacing it virtually rebuilds the circulator. The unique ACB anti-condensate baffle with ambient air flow prevents the buildup of condensate on the motor windings when pumping chilled water. The 0011 PUMP DIMENSIONS has a high head medium flow characteristic for applications in high pressure drop boilers, fan coil units, heat exchangers, large radiant heating systems and heat recovery unitVearth loop systems. The quiet, dircct-drive 0011 high velocity series contains no mechanical seal and requires no maintenance. This compact design has low power consumption and is ideal for those high efficiency jobs that have space require- ments. Because universal flange to flange length and orientation are featured, the 0011 may easily replace other models. PERFORMANCE FIELD FLOW-M3/H B C n F SHIPPING WEIGHT IN MM tN.MM tN.MM lN.MM tN.MM tN.N,{[/LBS All ,'18 194 67lsz 158 31/q 33lq 95 152 b "/t 165 12.0 5,5 ACB BAFFLE Non.FerrousCASINC Cast lron or BronzeIMPELLER Non-MelallcSHAFT CeramlcBEARINGS CarbonCONNECTIONS Flanged %', l', 114', th' PRESSURE RATING 125 psl Maximum TEMPERATURE HATING .J2C]F Maximum IIOTOR TYPE Perman6nt Solit CaDadtor - ConnpeRE. You'tt TArr TACo. TACO, lNC., 1160 Cranslon Stroet, Cranslon, Rl 02920 (401) 942.8000 TACO (CANAOA) LTD., 6180 Ordan Drivs, Mississauga, Ontario LsT 283 FAX: (401) 942-2360. (90s) 564.9422 F/0(: (905) s64-9436 Printed ln U.S.A. Copyright 1994 TACO, tNC. Form No. 101-034 Ellective 9/15i94 a a foctory pre-chorged to l2 psig pre-chorge should be odiusted to equol min. operoling presure ol fonk lorotion mox. working presure: 100 psig mox. operoting lemperolure: 240oF Ixlrolo Sperificolions a a bros fitting polypropylene liner mox. operoling lemp.200'F L- E__atll I -'EEi--:: II =,/Extrol Pockoge Rodionl Extrol Tonkt for rodiunt systems < r$wr // Model Number t0nK Volume lrlor. Arcepl. Volume A Heioht B Diomeler 5yslem (onn. Shipping, Weiqht 7T. 0r0s! ' polyl. m0x. Gollons 6ollons Inches Inchel I{PTM lbs. RXI5 RX.3O 2.0 4.4 1.0 2.5 tt',8 15,. I I 5 I Exfrol (ombinolion Pockoges Illodel Number Irl]ol Model Purger Model Venl Model Ship. Wf. lbs. 1500/l o' I 3000/l or I 3000/rv, 6000Iv, 6000/1,,; 6000/ 2 t5 30 30 60 60 60 443 ar 444 443 or 444 445 444 445 446 i00t i00-t 700{ 700{ 700t 700i 9 t4 t9 IY t9 20 Exlrol Bockflow Preventer Porkcges Model l{umber lxlrol B'P Model Model stzE IXT]P txnP txt5P IXI6P l5 30 l5 30 iP509tF tP509tf tP759ft (P759rf y?' lr' ,/,, Sizing fte Extrol Ixlrol Arcessories Po*oges Model l{umber [rtrol li,todel Purger Model Venl Model 8tP Model till Volve lilodel Ship. Wl. lbs. 1569/l ot li 3069/l or I'i, 6069/l!/, 6069 /lt,'1 t5 30 60 60 {{i or 444 143 or 141 {{4 ,{{ 5 700-( 700{ 700-i 700( (509ff (509FF (509rF (509Fr 6r 6t bt 6f IJ l8 IJ IJ 0n Aver0ge )yrtem Averoge 5ystem Temp. "f System Woler (onlenl in Gollons Sizing by strler .0peroting len . fill Pressure I . Relief Ptesutr . Fill lemoerutr llodel' 15 Itlodel 30 llodel 60 Model 90 t00 [0 t20 r30 Lo 50 60 70 80 90 t!9- lr0 t20 r30 t40 125 93 t2 58 48 40 34 30 23 20 l8 t7 t! t4 2t5 205 158 r28 r05 89 76 65 5l 5t 45 40 JJ 30 11t 3ll 239 r94 160 t34 I5 99 8i n 68 6l 55 50 46 8/6 653 502 401 336 282 241 208 182 ul'ri4T lt6 106 96 Sizing Bosed bysyrtemtemp.bfi: oting lempenture 40"-240'f resure 12 psiq f Presure 30 psig emperoture 40"-70"I Sizinq Based on BTUs Eoiler l{el 0ulpul in 1000'5 of BTU/HI Lz TYPI 0t RADtATtot'l tinnedluhf Boseboord or Rodiont Ponel ' (onvedots or ljnil Heote15 Rodiotors (orl hon Soseboord (od kon 25 50 t5 100 lr( 150 1/5 200 250 .300 350 . {00 l5 t5 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 ,90 sx-3qv v30v l5 l5 30 30 60 60 60 60 90 5X.30V sx.30v \x.40v l5 30 30 60 60 90 5X.30V sxn0v sx.30v sx-30v sx-40v s)(.40v tl 30 60 60 90 90 v.30v 5X.30V y40v sx.40v sx-60v v-60v Sizing bosed on: . Fill Plessure l2 psig . Relief Press1e 30 psig . Averoge System Temp. 200.F . BURNHAM 8B SERIES B(L,ER WIRING wrrH R82BsD BoTLER/pilp rnaNsroirurn RELAy = 120 VOLT WIRING ,.1 =24voLrwlnunc/lF -- =FACTORYWIRED DRY BOrr.ER CONTACTS ORZONEVALVE irNo-Sw-m-csEs - - -- - -- i dddd i n\ n\ ,T\ n\ |Y' Y'V'V' I Ilt I l! il__*____ri I I I ul:l r9_l L4080B ./ llfif, /F- AQUASTAT BLACK YELLOW ORANGE I : SelvSOn Wtnn ORANGE IGNITION CABLE GREEN GROUND WIRE R82E5Dr, ^34--:-:?--- F-t_/ '. 'tJli'o* 'E*IEBMODULE gEi@O GASVALVE I . vlrJ,!l\- !a+!r_!1 t!_Y. -Y-v l5l g p I p g I9 t :I 5 g tal El * !t6 oz ts =ellJo- o(\I (n uJ uJ tJ- F =E uJo ltrf-9 Fr.rff St t8t"\,li Or Or NN Fg FZF]z Hu, z t!! t!l! z uJF F c Iz =o z = oulF z z o =f @ .6 =z o ul2 =od rr llJ6z;tcvfulFI<Fzrt9Zo< (\\o FO6v)NAorOrnO &:E EI .H=Z<<oFl E>ao< A z r:l Ff ci o ()3 o) (E g 3o F- o)- .COC (iD.o0,NOjaFccteIT EE oP rnG- d\. E8oo Eo€ ctl cl .S:o != 3d:-ttt a,b Ef -o.9 e3 EOc6t3 A.@ (!E col at G'o a;o!oo c .9 a,, d:E969'=9(a g8E E{ s E5E EgEc-o ocs =EF d'5 =c9d EEE EE-ssoo.iE o Eis!q! f.=- 6 o-(u 0- sEE oP o-E€e E6:EE EO(E: EE E '-C(6 o'-5Ee g:E 36>,O G= E;E Bte9Eo P5g -o6 F\o({ .+o oo \' 4l F E Iu z J x uJ z J o e.t-o uJ tr z t6 = J Iz ul = ulltlu-zIt- UJ ot! o @ Bu,l UJEzo t!o tr an UJ z g, x F ll,lo tt UJ UJt!t =E uJ TL -J FoF oz J Co 9c.F uJJ IJJ oz co = J d z uJt NO|lVn]VA F F F Fv XEe=o<icoazlIt-r freotricE* H;(,F =>s -llDf tr.t .S =lOal zz io- gip =oo6dQZl!<oq HgFO.i6i il il z tr ll-(r o o- oe.(9 UJ F e! Rtt t uJ z9troo zo Ee UJ =UJz ohz zOo <oo< =tt<w>trxu-Uc,<z <nFz, 9z r!- O3EOI utl = (t) (t) llJzY 9IF -T z z I ;JJ- IJJ ooo3 a o -l : ,l :l6l Jl<l|-l zl zl .. >l uJ uJ uJz at) tr llJ J zI Eo z t) 6 I& I r Or= @ \J Oc) Oro\ c! F Ez zt-l u,tF o .Az |l z u,r tsg)oo-zo Fo-ulv UJo oF E Eut TL tto o.oo I UJFoz iff z?^ii ii'i c) A;E El!tr = HlroEqE3€frt9!irb9.EE => =1!:-E b=o dEE =o-E UbE iuE XTEulo-i!i .HoF z,n9 zz.60 ==t-,P E =Elrlo-zoF()feF(tzoo !Dn .iz tri uJ J lt z3o ftr I cn C,H dH ii =z :-r \JIazH FI \oO laoq X\oI H r.rlN ZlH Cl \ol3eHq qolH trltrrdlEI NJ J-,H E5>l d>tqdaaeEAE(J Or I c.iro\ Icl.il\l.l*l I cilz.l olutl 5l al>l u-lol EI z Htsle H U)z iEF{<FlA tr oz ni ut J a ltoz =oF z C) uJ = E. ;\g+E Oz z =Jc -.r O<FE()IIJ <zE I.IJ Farzo-c) 5lrloI|: rdlo r3 ro,a 'l!ill o-rtec3o L' q 3t'oIJc(t Eo o ott TC\ot 5o q|cI J Cg Eo.E ) E. OJ o CLq€ !tu o tcI E) '4,llJ ;or'r.9i5i9lc 'v,;:-.tIl Ell!. or:c E p * .9To {:o .d E.o E(o o. 3. E;y|l vll =:is!'ir l|!si EtClol s!(!t :!EScr(' EE.!n ET.=6 CY:o (! C. EEDF- Ex 6 i. Ei E E.Ee oir9i' F so.t E!.'clPp, ;8, E5i JE,FEia9'irEi E. ei o =.1;r.Ji.=' P ]'r i g::9r ! EJt OrriO(g-lto ; g,i J qt: ,n q, It oe o nt E 0 c oE o |! o l\t vl ttco cnt C\ o CLo l!:'(to 40, a! Dq, q, EL Eoo !o, 3tt 0, c '3 GIE o o g' c t0, tt 0, o':-G': .9.oo.c' |l: !'t!e' o a!t,l G' ol EDIDcr; EIol 3,ii I €iqllci I t-l\LI \ ct- IE H ou,lu ts =t!L 6 gl ,O3 biuiGr)!it2t9:o. /)q 4 X, /)(,,/r') a"-- 3l -7' a--7- f '-S vJ -4q, "4,/4 l (,/ trJt s G ]A 2Bli II 53rnz Ii Es6t IET' 2xI6 , .o 2o o(JQJ<o nI '-'gi g8 O:E o ! z zrt9 -t-=<r0o =zDDdP 5FE nr-'lf-'r Eggrt IE =E=>E d!I FF E iBt Hicn!E uIDo 'l!T.I trqtr (, E zo C) G o I I zJ EI -Jl<lilq fl EoE E3 ;A HE s* g EE d 9S,aiEr! I = :cs I I @ I I,lot 1lol Hl *tot zl3l 9t I I ,l o{grl El d flr raK Bzg' ,t 69 t2l aE/ lt/E u e )?,) Luc' uo ) o i.It. b l.i I rl ) a ts =Elrl A-zo -l- C'-r -tEbtnzoo crt cD -{c\l 4. =o H.,8 I-t lt$ ,lI \' ,a, '.i,?no 4r'' O ROJECT a PE READY FOR LOCATION: tNs CTION TOWN OF neouesr VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR @ AM PERMIT NUMB INSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: CI UNDERGROUND I] ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL yAERovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR niFs.o" I :l 1l;l I oz t =&. H (f) anul UJlr F =E UJL >4/ '8 8-z\-s-b\ro)w, b-r ,\,-\ I \\ '- ) lr!'IF lo I \U \4 ]" i{ I\ill{rt\ttYl;i f,5,,\J \rE ? F EFIz = zz o uJF z oz = .d ozz I I I I ls-lol'FILt-t'if l(r,l!lo(U l- o F(J o, UI u)lcl 6lr-l"l J O) I(U o +) u-Juto =Eoll- E r-o Fz oc uJz 3 lt o 0, o) -g Go= o. C' 3oF o, o rJ) (Doc(5 E, 0).c E 6 oE o E =o E = d C) o.o.6; .o E -i- o c iE;f, €; cE -.= (! -i3.:oE6E:Qc-o> ET;E =!i;c96FIoSor35t= E EAR =Ftr.^:€85 €esP Elaecr (5 0_# SE; e oiE-or =*:€E.D:9 :E€ H EE F:_ cL; () (' 0'-.:E= O (/) P-=,- Ef;;Egg1= 9 6ai ff;;9Eo -e5g: CD@ o c) to O rJ) F =E llJ z J Y uJ C)z J J I F ulJ uJ z ao lJ J C)z (, uJ = rJ,lI!l!zo F uJ UJE o ao;g uJ z 6 UJo F6 uJ o-l z u/J x F lrlo tn uJ uJlJ- E =E IJJ o- Fo z oJ J tFoqJ J uJ oz6 =) J 9z lu NOrM'lVA x: ;.F 5'- !l-Y Eo 3= iii tE ^!liEEFr!JzgJ(, ,".. Xlt \9; -,/\- r \.-.(!!d fut.S =oN zz Fo- Axrze90 iJt o1>q) (J<)zlr<oquJ-9E - <\i zo ) rl. (, UJ o o (\.) 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FNS 2$N 8qn ,r(--\ I r-- f\EI '. l',ts- . =: zo9 =2. =z=rfJO aL t! EEi eHE aI ': t a tJJ uJ ll- F I,IJ(L = Gulo-oz J: Co Y(J (J UJ t:.{ c) !lz I o (D 't o6 o F o ul o- 2 (j F ul I oul (Jz6 = cl NOrlvn]v^ zo F f,J ;Go =ozo g () auo auz o =cx ->)u' di(D tr, z9 ^aa-JZ3o(, z oo zo F :) o <) o F tu ? zaF <nz ll 'oz2* =Te\ilo.IJ !JX\ t\ aiei rEH =d>rg3 HbOIZ o o I I < o I I I I Fz z tr E I I trz z: !u =o E o- G az Eo 'z 9 F Eul BuJz giXlo JF: lu oz =tr I I I I J d FoJ il =zI \: \,- ..! \ ---,1s J\] u{E 4 I lkI l'.^I l'x l=-lN | ^\>t ',,\f\t rl\l a IN IN 04\cI .\rq\ J<tr5o I --l 3g I I I Iolzl r.il El :l ?lilol ;t ,1Ol 'tFIF q ll td i$, I I I I I .lol uJl JI >l ,,1 zt ..:;t 5O{ uJr-l ts= I I I I ?lolrultrI -.rlil>l Irlol zl BlolH I I I rl cilullil =l5l gl ,Bl :ol uJFIF E UJz =o F(J ul ='rog:. & <F r-r <zc!LIJFAZo() Jd.<o()F =oi< u/ Eo \r g- -z ,isx:)FJZGO 5F i3p,2 e G ;1urEF&t-Oz <c)qH8nn oo DrianOQeillv Attonr:v at[aw' n Pt"e*iondt Corporation Mr. Steve Patterson Town of Vail- Building Department P. O. Box lOO Vail, Colorado 81658 l,lay 7. 1983 Dear Steve, Enclosed please find a building permit application, letter of consent from vail Heights rrr Condominium Association, a copy of my agreement with the association, my check in blank amount, and photographs of the proposed location of the installation of a double-pane plexiglass, aluminum framed 35" x 75" skylight. The skyJ-ight cost $229.OO from Intermountain Lumber Co., Inc., and was manufactured by Sunglo Skylight Products of Kansas City, Missouri, in case this i-s relevant. Please let me know if any further information is required. f will be my own contractor, and would like to start work as soon as possible- Vail National Bank Building . P. O. Box 2911 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303) 476-2535 Mlchael llardy 2059 Charnonlx Vail , Colorado 81657 March 3, 1983 Mr. Brian orRellly Attorney at Lart P. O. Box 2911 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Mr. orRellly, Pursuant to our recent conversatlons, please be advlsed as follows: Vall Ueights III Condoninlgm Assoclation, through myself as its manager ' hereby consents to the installatlon of two skylltes ln Condoniniun Unlt ll4 upon the following terms and conditions : 1. This installation wll-l- not be done until such time as the rteather Permits' and no slgnificant lce build-up is present upon the roof of the buildlngt such determination to be nade by Mlchael Hardy. 2. Brian OrRellly nust agree to indemnify the condominlum assoclation and all- orrners froo any and all damages suffered on account of such lnstallatlon due to faulty workmanship, faulty materials or other causes. 3. It is antlclpated that lnstallation w111 be alLowed ln earl-y May, or there- after at such tlme as the rteather so permlts. 4. SubJect to the foregoing, this letter will constitute the lrrevocable con- 6ent of the Assoclatlon to such alteratlon and lnstall-atlon. Very truly youls ,,//in-. d----- Val1 Heights III CondourLnlun Association o-o INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT 7yy'y fhls Indemnification Agreement, made and entered'-into=t{+is---/" day of May, 1983, by and between Brian E. OrReilly and T. Mark O'Reilly, whose legal address is P. O. Box 29LL, Vail, Colorado 81658,(hereinafter "Indemnitors"), and VaiI Heights lII Condominium Asso-ciation, a Colorado non-profit corporation, and al-l rnembers thereofindividually (hereinafter "Indemnitees") . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Brian E. OtReitly and T. I"lark OrReilJ-y by warranty deed.of Februaxy 25, 1983, from William J. Mccoy, did acguire the followingdescribed real property, to wit: Condominium Unit No. 4, Vail Heights IrI Condo- mi'niums, according to the condominium map thereof recorded January 26, L977, in Book 252 aE Page 77 ,and as defined in the Condominium Declaration re- corded January 26, L9'17, in Book 252 aL Page 76, County of Eagle, State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, Brian E. O'Reilly and T. Mark O'Reilly wish to installa skylight or skylights in the roof of the above-described real property,pursuant to that letter of consent dated March 3, 1983, from Mj_chael Hardy as Manager of the Association; and WHEREAS, the Indemnitors have agreed to indemnify and save harm-Iess the said Indemnitees against any and all liability, Ioss, damages,costs or expense which Indemnitees may hereafter incur, suffer or berequired lo pay by virtue of the installation of said skylight(s) t NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the consent of the associa-tion to the installation aforesaid, and other good and sufficientconsideration, the Indemnitors agree as follows: I. Indemnitors hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Indemnitees against any and all liabitity, Ioss, damages, costsor expenses which l-ndemnita.e-may hereafter incur, suffer, or berequired to pay by virtue of the installation of a skylight or sky- * lights into the_roof of the real property aforesaid. 2. If suit is brought to enforce any obligation of this Agree- ment, Indemnitors agree to pay the costs, expenses and attorney t s -fees of thq_prevailing party(ies) in such reasonabl-e amounts as the- ^Court may determine.zAll obligations of the Indemnitors hereunder shall be construetF under Colorado law7r and all of the frovisions of this agr€ement shall-inur6 to the benefit of and-'bind the partieslJ*ere*r-. -!rr z- a...,,.._/-.'+-- ' __'tt' '_--\ir {fL Indenj*#ication Agreement May ',1/', L983 Page Two of Two and their J-egaf representatives and sucessors in interest. IN-WITNESS WHEREOF, the Indemnitors xhLs fl day of uay, 1983. hands T. By: ---Y-' .\ --- \ -a a-. ,-.q-{i- ' ar- -+ -.- -*- (F- F-'- ----_.-. - have hereunto set an E. Attorney J. ' I l 1.r'rw ( F DEPARGNT oF ffiF'fi3'ffi o=uePMENr BUILDING DIVISION COURTHOUSE Phone 328-6339- P. O., Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 26 November 19?5 Jim Craig P.O. Box 114 Vail , Colorado 816 57 Building Permit #151 issued in 5-28-74 to James Craig has expired in 9-8-75 Section 10 subsection 4 of the Eagle County Building Resolution states that construction is to be started within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the permit. The Uniform Building Code, Section 302 (d) states that to reissue a permit, (%) one-half of the amount required for a new permit will be. charged, provided no changes have been made to the original plans. Please contact the Building Division for new permit before starting construction. Respectful ly, 4"#ouglas Building Off icial LLD/Kt FIELD COPY EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 7E9 BUTLDTNG o a PERMIT ," 74 PERMTT No.0151 , couRTHousE, EAGTE, CO.-PH. (303) 328-6339 oor. Mq7 28 leel rcrrrJ rFlrcg Crala ooorr..@ ( NO.) - (STREET) pERMrr ro APartrrgtt hrelllnq (-) sroRy {TYPE OF IMPF OVEME NT) (coNTR'5 LICE{!E} NUMBER OF OWELLING UNITS NO.(PRoPoSEo U5E) AT ( LOCAT ION ) ZON ING D ISTR ICT B ETWEEN AND(CROS5 5TREET)(CRO55 5TREET)9 I @ oo; z: Golr suBD rvrsroN lor 16- elo.* -.tiJ, BUILDING IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY TO TYPE USE GROUP FT, IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT ION RE MARKSi AREA OR V OLU ME EsrrMArEo cosr $ 140.000 FEEM't $ 465.96 f.- (cuBtc/sQUARE FEET'trs--,* /1 f il"'J. "u'.,^oo"''"4. flo,.4t oo ',oo INSPECTION RECORD oo Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. N CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION o;I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of I oESC i,tt {!see etrecr eo sreerl MAI L ADDFESS / ZIP bI /,7ti72-\ LICENSE NO. AR CH ITECT OR OESICNER MAIL'ADDRESS / PHON E LICENSE NO. ENGINEEF MAIL AOORESS PTIONE Ltce sE No. u""'oc, lb U9E OF BUILDING 8 C|ass oI worK: .6IVSW tr ADDITION tr ALTERATION N REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE 10 Change of use from 1l Valuation of work: $PLAN cHEcK ,.. | f,3, SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze of 81d9. (Totall Sq. Ft. Flro Sprlnkler3 Required [ys5 !1eAPPLICATION ACCEPTED 8Yl APPROV€O FOB ISSUANCE BY: OFFSTREET PARKING SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OB IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR 'AE PERFORMAIICE. OF CONSTRUCTION. HEALTH DEPT. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE' THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT /tNsPEcroR cq+ Form 100,1 9.59 iEoRoEi FioM: TNTERNATIC|NAL CONFERENCE Or AU :Ort{C ,a I o o oo INSPECTION RE@RD DATE BEMARI(s I?{SPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL {lSE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. ol 76e &iq &earcu stnocf i,,.-,/ . - tf CUSIOfiT BUITDING JAMES C. CRAIG 476-5425 Box I 14 Vail, Colorado 81657 Apd I e 197{ Butlding lnrp lprtcr Dotglrr Dear rlr; Ia rcforstce to yor lcttcr of rprl,I ht 1974. rhlt lonlng bcfco reofuvl'ng jrb& Icttcr r nlbd e packct of plenr cte, ttdng tbrt you lndl.crtod you nced to p'oocorr ny brdlilJ'ng ponlt. In tblc onvclopc ploerc ftndtn .ddtttm rnothcr oopy of rpoor utd lrcrotrfu drrrlng of thc phnblngr theso roro lr*llottcd ontio llrt you ront. Il thorofu rnythtng ollc plorso lctrc bcrr Oj 2. 5r 4. oo 76e gq4q &earcro CUSTO'N BUIDING JAMES C. CRAIG 476-5425 Box I 14 Vail, Colorado 81 657 Aprll 2r L97{ lo: Ergb Conty Btrtldtn€ lnrpoctor Dcer Siri Plorro ftuC lnrlorcil; 1r tro co1ryr of plrnr rith o@rcatlon. rn<l ooplctcd foortlnS ul fourdctlon plea rnd rlro ecplotcd 1l5d dcrrrlgtim o plot plelr Colry of Enbd.lvlrto rrP fqr Vlll Sclghts ftltng f,L Copy of Spoolflortlctr. Cory of ro11 ud foranilrtlon lnvortlgetlon, bX frl Zcff, togctbor togrthor rltb lctterof eertlfoetloa frc f,cn Rtoherdl, En3cacorl Thoeo rcro loc for rb J.rlg on lot 15 enC lould bo lilcntloel. Plorm rcturn unocmtoil oopyo of plur la onlllod onvrlopo, dro tf you rould ploero ronroet thc rpllretlon fc b'utfding porntt to rcrd lot 16 lnrtsrd of lortlSr Sinoerly;.", 3'{ |qrl E Irr ll t{i r ii.l lri!;lii3: l!'irl'5! iiiriI 'J 'ri ?-l rS'vt IE!:! ul ko lL Ftr ulo st, x, UJo Go(, UJt 15 i IIll il ri!3tii iii: "Tiii|!x ti; liiir Fi! i itii; E iiiii [ ;ii;x e.ii:ii F !i;;; uJ elir! r iiii: =E ::k:i tr) ;;:ii E iii!! 8 !ii;; 2'iii; eJL Lo J so( 0- 0- i,! rii iii iilr H iit: E iiiJ ll. rJ; l- ii:ir ie! u:ii q -o lil .: !;;i :i 5i;i ; E iiili!I o ili,' ;lii :!Eg i;i i)c{ iiljl :il -{ ii;I ;:i il :;i3i ilr;!!i; llr! sri9 tr;i iti;i:i'; iii t,i ;q ,:;$ :ii,: Eq cl: rt llr iiiij ,I tI ! 7 irl! i! ;! z 9 F uI Eou o E JoU z 9 F uo!.!o U Lo J s a 3i i-tr az2< idfd3 oI!iri "!. rJ|- ;si I ot9 ! qi!ii E"€zz. i<J Eii fri; ,-: i!i :'.e ! iY cCi :Ie Fl>l6l idi "<'r tr:gi3g!i9 rB OF a t lo l! !:l 6"' '\| 6 te 6r' 9! il9! 5:rt-z t3t;ciii :c 'r r': th l't !6 l!ri i!ii i .3' :!" Ii:r,t"t iri 'o::;t :!: rit i": !-o f -'6 o :z< i rI . ii o'-z .! ri;5i r,I :ii a! l i e8!;iil! lliti: !ir:€li,.2 i!: !!1 bhq i!! ,!.! iEs:r!r g :;o E ilr; [i! i:t 'iEr' r..l ( lElf I l'-r 'i!:i:ii iiF i ii !: rht: ,tgF ii:i , i:t:tll Itel liii:tr{ iil; :!:!oe{l :rlie!;! t;i r'!' i< tZ il IF 'I I i.ie ;|j iq iIlri ra :ii i! I.tizrl rii! Ir i! r! :a Jo ii g. ltl0 !i Fi !I :i rl t; Er Ei rrl ia t'; !i 9| Et :!ti c: !r i!IT ;l t-ir" vl 1r"lc rt (ai !3 3r :! 8( !l "tiri, a. bi(|ls eil1iI t'r Fi; !Et,.: ;ttr !$: e!5 EolMt" tt t.iirt-!li;l iiiri'lri II: ^rl-ol i!! '!Bl !ti:i;!r!!ol;iiitri!; !iI :!Etli !I8 iil iri i!l llr.ti l,: ".!lri*iEtg Ol:ii :!i !:i!<'!r! <g: *tt;ht i=it!i s ;.iu t:.! 9t^l:: tet:l! =14a;1rl- :!l !t: slti'r 3:; !i! Fet :'f ! :! il i!r!-t- tr lqI9Fg lrrynii! t<:ll :3lr zt is te 3rif;:i:o. .': l! 6€ rj r't:i 3 :$9 3!e iii it, ; E:i .it'lv .!i i:r3ti !.il Ito., l-q, ilr ;ii: iE:i;! li! rr6 ni;::-: :- t.{F|.l a'i ii::ii !isirii:oo li:i Fii i !r;;iii-ife iE: r i;!b li!: ltEl ui o:i'ii 5r; i iiii { ii! i:ii 3!e iil it, ; 3:i .ir'".! i:r3ti !.il Ito. F; ilrj;i iE:i;! li! 5r6 zo F(o d lrlo Ji 1*ilI as!Irl ;z<-ol(,rt(,) r,l -at{ET8i >?Fi3;8lIIo:4t3:olri Jis;o: "tio-t d' .{; l a q ! I tl dP-l I t I .q I F3 a a 2 I 3 FI z Irli !I !5rlii :5 irI I t I: \ € (t il 0 7FTr -{U -/-\l'*{tr t+r rl fr{ >( ! I d I rr I a I t ,\*'\" \ .\ { ,ffi ?-rvcs crHdvaoJ ct \ o- t;{it tc tlt dli'll t ;llv tF l*iliii-: l(,Plr \ 24073 s /f s4- County Tleasurcfs Offlcg Eagle County, Colorado , te_?_4 EeruiupD uf DOLLARS Account of g_ -c_t Ca &z--"'-.---z- ctaorr ot Fund /c. /2,L')- Cash Bools Page- l|rt c. r. fioEd(tl co., caftar (? t) No. 24258,2x( County Trcasuret's Office Eagle Coundl' Colorado Duf ctaorl ot Fund , Dup,rty Account oI ,-- " ,," ,n - $" KX*a' oi.<--'-Y s,, t1 /,{/ 5.,$ Cash Book Page- Dra c, r. HolcxEr co.. DEnvd (7 t) r, .-'- o r EA.LE cot*.rw J OEVELQPMENT PlEr gaOrC3St 4 ,lt,' bEPANTT|,|ENT ff PIJNNIMI AND Eqb CoudY Arrrr P. O. Box ftFE{lr, CdoflQ I Apfll 19t3 Jlm gnlg F. 0." gox ll4 Vall, ColorS SlGt? Slnoenly, Letar L. 9anglr. Bulldlng O?flold t1.D/trt l.q.ttd to yor.t tmm:,. lo 74e Sqaq Seaocta CUSIOIA BUITDING JAMES C. CRAIG 476.5425 Box l 14 Vail, Colorado 81657 Aprtl 1, ?5 To: hrtlr Dorglrr, EutlCtrg Irrpeator Erglo County, Color Drrr Slr; ra rogrrda to pornlt {o15t treurd to no r/ze/z+, r horby rcqurrt u c:tonr!.olof tire. 1[o rvoro not rblo to prooecl rtth thlr proJcct ea plenod tlue to thofinenrlrl rlturtlor pncvolrnt lrrt ycrr. thrnk you, RECi!\.'[.D APR 2 1975 Dept. 0l I'i Ii!lrI l & Irr!el' Eagle County, Ctro. Of DEPA&TIflErT IA[tE COlINTT 0f P[Ai{NII{0 AI{D DtVEL0llilf$lI Stclkrnlld ltldg. 550 Broadway P.O' ltox 789 llagle' Colorado 8163I 26 January 1977 James Craig Construction Co. Box 114 Vail, Colorado 81657 File No. Se-55-74 - Final Condominium Map Vail Heights #3 At their special meeting on 26 January 19-77, the Board of County Commissioners approved and signed your final condominium map. Your representative picked up the signed original plat which must be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder. lf you have any questions, please contact this off ice. Planner rK/kp cc: Board of County Commissioners Plitnning I)epLrrt rnt'nt / l'lnnning (,'onrmission: Subdivision, llt'zoning, Applicntions rnd Rcviow (303) 328-6338 Ilttiltling Olficill: lhrikling I't,rnrits itnd Inspcction, Zorrirrg Adnrin isl llrt ion (303) 328-0339 la[rt c0uNtr I EPABTIf,THT McDonnld llklg. OT PIAI{NI 550 Broadway January 1977 DEVIIOPhITI{T Eagle, Colorado 81631 ) NO AI{D P.O. Box 7E9 n . cc: James Craig Construction Co. Box 114 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Se-55-74 Final Condominium Map Vail Heights #3 At their regular meeting on 19 January 1977, the Eagle County Planning Commission recommended approval of your final condominium map with the inclusion of the letter of agreement for completion of s.ite work and landscaping. This recommendationwill be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at their special meeting which ordinarily takes place on the 26th of January, beginning at 9:OO A.M. in the McDonald Building, Eagle, Colorado. lf you have any questions, please contact this office. / .,4 -4'' , /-t//' /)tt+4t;V' -t / uTerrill Kni0ht Planner TK/kp Board of County Commissioners Pl;rnning [)opnrtnrcnt/l'l;rnning Commissionl Subdivision, Builtling Officinl: Building I't'rntits and Inspcction, Zoninll Ilczoning, Applications nnd Rcvicw (303) 328-633E Adnrinistration (303) 328-6339 0f ILAI{$llN0 AND !tllt[0P$ltltl 550 Brosdwav P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 11 January 1977 James Craig Construction Co. Box 114 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Se-55-74 Final Condominium Map The Technical Review Committee for Eagle County (a group of technical advisers from various public agencies) reviewed your appl ication on 6 January 1977 and offered the following comments and recommendations to you and the Planning Commission for consideration of approval and use of the property: 1. The parking area should have a marker or control barrier along itsr southern edge to provide a safe parking situation. 2. All landscaping and site improvements must be in place or (due to the winter season) a letter of agreement to complete such within one year must be submitted. 3. The two following comments were indicated in the original Vail Heights Exemption File and need completion: a. An as built drainage plan must be presented. b. A letter from the district onwater availabi lity and adequacy must be presented. This recommendation will be forwarded to the County Planning Department and Planning Commission for consideration at their mebting on 19 January 1977. Planner TK,/kp cc: Board of County Byron Brown Commissioners t DETABTEf,ENT llcDonald Bldg. i Plnnning [)cplrtrnent/l'llnning Conrnrission: Subdivision, Iluildirrg Official: Iluildinlg l)crmits and Inspection, Zoning Ilczoning, Applications and lttview (303) 328-6338 Ad nrinist ral.ion (303) 32E-6339 EAIIE COUNTT -l-. County of Eagle ELEC:TRICAL PERMIT Additional fees above orig. est. Ne -- 629 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $..... .. ..... ............. $................-...-......- $.....,..-.??.'.QQ....... $....... -20".0.Q.-..... $-... .---4a..o0....... Applicanr....-.. SlSaature APPROVALS 1%tr/zo Date oate Paid.....1 2/ 29/.7h Received By,.Gracie..Ehlert .....- Receipt No. 1956 THTS .lOB FORM IS TO BE POSTED O]II SITE DURIT{G CONSTRUCTION I8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQURED FOR INSPECTIONS Plan Chccker EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date Qz" c\e , rc 2L ITEM Perm it Fee Application For Subdivision Ap Zone Chan Conditional Use Special Use Variance Aooeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zon ing) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection no-payment of any item. AMOUNT Ne 1956 only and this receipt shall be cance ed for ELECTftAL PERMIT APPLIQATON Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION INSPECTOR INTSRNATIONAL CON FERENCE OF EUI LDING t\si., G\rS t 3.r** o\)ho.*os.t Lprl,6 I ot9ci.JGxt [ser errrcx:o MAIL AOORESS I,' ZIP LICENSE NO. o\2.L Ai CI{ I TEC T OF DESIGNEi MAIL AOOFESS PHOI{E LICENSE NO. EIIGINEEF MAIL ADOi EsS PHONE LICEN9E NO. MAIL ADOiESS 6iANC}I USE OF 6UI LOING 8 ClassofworK: trNEW OADDITION NALTERATION DREPAIR PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONOITIONS: TotalLIGHTING F ixtures FIXTURESAPPLICATIOn| ACC€PTEO 8Y PLANS CH€CK€D AY RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE OISP. SIA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. V2 H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER LJPOLE LJUNOGO. SERVICE E new E cHer'rce PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PBOPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION CASH /qrru'//-// /?56 a>%tu;/ &//j,L/- *%ono 0-670 OFFICIALS. !360 s carrF. ro.oiForm 100.3 1.1-73 \ County of ET;ECIRICAL Eagle PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $..,.6s,20--......--.. Date paid.. -....Q.c t9 b.er... 2 9.,... " -1.9"7 6...... - Received ey...Qr,acie..Etrle::t....-.-.-...-... Receipt No. 1822 Job Name...{i$...q.r.gis..:..!-o..q..1.9...-..Y.c.i.l..Eei.gl'Ip-.F..9F..4,........................ Date of Application..............-.9--c.!sb.e.-f .....?.9-..-......-........ ..-...19-..?-9-..-.........- Electrical Contractor...--.......ltie,se..Elsctric-....----.. Applicant....... Sl8nsture APPNOVALS Pl.n Checkar 593 $............-....-...-.-.... $.........--....-...-....-... $....33^20. $....32-00. ,/-, /)&UE-,'/^Chtel Buttdtnc otlty, ,%** THIS .rOB FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION {t HOURSI ADVANCE NOTTCE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECIIONS rril l,7. |l lta( l!., !tlvEt t!!r0t EAGLE C.IJNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT su1" Ocl P? , rs -G ITEM Buildino Permit Fee Application For Subd ivision Appl ication Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Building (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection only and this receipt shalt no-payment of any item. AMOUNT N9 t8Z2 cancelled ELECTftAL PERMIT APPLCAT|oN Jurisdiction Applicent to complete numbered spaces only, PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. 'ED l. " .._' -': \ |( f]s er rrtrcxeo sx: \ -) |- t<-,t a,,/ >- - (./.tr-./ PHOI] E LIC€NsE NO. aicHITEcY tri oEsr6NER MAIL ADDI ESS PRONE LICENSE NO. ENGINEEF MAIL AO OI ESS PHOXE LICENSE NO. MA IL ADDRES 5 BFANCH U 9E OF BUILOIN G tr A00rTr0N E REPAIRClas of work: g Describewik ,/g /, t. / nZ:r,.,h.-.-- i TotalRECEPTACLE Oulers SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPLICATION ACCEPTED BY:PTANS CIIECKEO AY RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING GARAAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP OIsH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. sPAcE HTR. STA. APPL. V, H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER LIPOLE I-IUNDGD. SERVICE E rew E cxnree PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT M.O.PERMIT VALIDATIoN *EXl M.o. &a**-zz '/r'?A,#;; 8/r^/ %o/'o INSPECTOR Form 1oo.3 11-73 INTERNATIoNAL coNFERENcE oF BU|LD|NG oFFtcrALs. . w}rrrrrlR, c^LrF. eo.or N.' erumdi.rc APPLIAT|oN Applicant to complete numbered spaces PLAN CHECK VALIDATION Juridiction WHEN PROPEALY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUF PERMIT -/ /) ' --"',7*W 8-3q'76 REoiDER FRoM: TNTERNATtoNAL "o* r."t"Ltti.tl3,l- t ta oFFrcrALs a !o so, los ioa!E! . pAsaDENA, caLrFoRNra 9t lol ./ tflse: ertecreo snrer) I oEsci. PHOXE LICEXSE NO. AiCHITECT ON DESICNER MAfL ADDiE!|S / ,/ PHOI{E LICENSE NO. ENCINEER MAI L AOOREsS PHONE |.ICENSE NO. MA lL aoDiEss liaxcH U5E OF BUI LDING 8 classof work: Wdew trA00lrl0t{ trALTERAT|0N ! REPAIB Typ. ol Flxtut ot lt l WATER CLOSET (TOILET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BETRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR_SINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATINO EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR LAWN SPRINKLER SYST€M SEPTIC TANK A PIT Form lOO.2 9-69 I EAGLE CCJNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date tg Y/z RECEIVED OF AMOUNT ITEM urn inc Permit Fee Application For Subdivision A lication Zone Change Conditional Use Specia I Use Variance Aopeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection no-payment of any item. only and this receipt shall be cancelled for H .. y'e"V:N9 1634 By "1,,.o,"u DrvrfleNr P. O. BOX 7q9' PHOOIE: 328-6339 tNsPEcfroN neil?sr DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY E prnnel.fl ornen LocATIoN ;;) wED THUR READY FOR INSPECTION I, /9 t .1 .'CoMMENTS: -.,/. / _ .. -...//.) .../,4 E[ app Rov E D E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr fl uporrr rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS '' 7 ./L"/i'-- :'t. \. INSPECTOR / County of Eagle EI,ECTRICAL PMT{IT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permlt Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 5L2 $ -.../-o- c.0...... -.. $.-................-......... Date or Apprication.... Arf4 / 0. ......rs.....7-.6......... , .// Jl Etectrical contractor-..-. ru22/ . UL^U Applicant....... Sltaaturo $... $... Date Paid....... V/.rt, Received ,, -... Ppzdt/" /s?b A.PPNOVALS !/,rha THIE FORM Ig TO BE POSTED ('1{ JOB SITE DURIilG COI{STRUCTION {8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FON NSPECIIONS FOR TEMPORARY SERVICE ONLY Plan Chsckcr 'rNI c. r. r!rortr aa{ rlrYrr tatrlr EAGLE CCJNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED AMOUNT ITEM Bu ild ino Permit Fee Application For Subdivision A lication Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zoning) (Su bd ivision) Total Received All items are received for no-payment of any item. N9 1596 collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for ELEcTntnr PERMIT nppuOnmoNR'C''t''o 3 nUG t tt t97Juridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION II'HEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PERMIT VALIDATION ,o'{d t.OS FOBLEs ' PASAOENA, CALIFORNIA 9I1OI INSPECTOR iEOROEi FiOM: INTEFTNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS II !O gO. *). /n< U/!6 ,#;,1, E"st {[sr: rrucr eo sxeerl ,7r.atrL L)t-,Pr( (A*,sT ,"""'"^"K,u;E -S1*ctL,l. '^''^iSo* ?/z ru"iatt G\LICENSE NO. AhCHITECI OF OE3IGIIER MAIL AOORESS PHONE LIC ENSE NO. USE OF BUILDING B classotwork: nNEw nAoDrloN trALTERATIoN trREPAIR -1 ..-p. t/ot sr S?ECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPROVCD FOF ISSUANCE AYAPPLICATION AcCEPTEO 8Yl RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOPNOTICE THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANOONE D FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH, SPACE HTR. 5TA. APPL. V, H.P. MAX' SERVICE D ruew fl cxeruce PERMIT ISSUING FEE #irsf,"' 'a , rt* -z%- Form 1OO.3 9-69 EAGLE couNrY tl T OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT . BUILDING DIVISION COURTHOUSE Phone 328-6339- P. O., Box 789 ; Eagle.; Colorado 8t631 26 November 1975 Jim Craig P.O. Box 114 Vail , Colorado 81657 Building Permit $ 151 issued in 5-28-74 to James Ctgig has expired in 9-8-75 Section 10 subsection 4of the Eagle County Building Resolution states that construction is to be started within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the permit. The Uniform Building Code, Section 302 (d) states that to reissue apermit, (tl) one-half of the amount required for a new permit will be_charged, provided no changes have been made to the or,iginal pl ang. Ptease contact the Buifding Division for new permit before starting construction. ;=:^:?p* Respectfully, 4"- Building Official LLD/kt t o,.r ,\. ',\O nAP.PRovED -,-..c ^t" *Pla*t'=t <*./-' f 'z /t'z 9- I Permit # - lnsP, ; ]l fi 3Pt --'rQrr <.o.lM B{+t€}/F.$7 5'r L; t rl'cl Fa. ' "r*.r+ nlt*{ -',ir tf " r ii t yrtt+1 / ht / rh settTs l/a,/.eala_ I..J ! (t .t.." \-L\-''--{l[rlo*, t--..r h---'-,.. 1 -i -*ii crz"\ r: lf*'-\- I , r'i $"' i ""'/Sd'lrv, 'xi*;ii i r- l! 5l I A* 4iir' 'y:{ j'-ii('-l{i t I l! 'rt'4l,a*, li 6,ji ^'n "ffi" t\=\ \ FHA Form 2005 VA Form 26-1852 Rcv.3/68 [1 Froposed Construcfion :oEpaRtaa€Nr of BousrxG ANo URBAN DtvELoPr'{tt{T FEDTRAL HOUSING AD INTSlRAIIO'I c0L0itAD0 Sfofe C.'rc Conlroclor or Builder For edcur:rc rcsirrct of cerbon copicr' form m.y bc scparetid rlonr rbove fol.l. Slrplc A rompleted'rhcetr rogctircr in oriSinrl otdi$3lg _C n Under Construclion Properly oddress r.rvhlF Fi I #r Vri 1 lri eghtr Modgogor or Sponsor (Name, INSTRUCTIONS !. for odrlationol informotion on how thi! for6 ir to bc lubnifl€d, nurnbcr roquircd, thcn lhe minimum occcptobl. will .bc orrumcd' Work crccedirg of copier, .1c., 3ce lho inrtructiont oppl;cobto to tha tHA Applicition for nlinimvm tGquir?manh Gonnol bo <onridcrcd vnlcrr rpccificolly dcscribed' ,rlorfgogo Inrsroncs or yA f,equ..t for bctcrminotion of Reoronoblo Vot,rc, ol ,1, Includc ho oltcrootct; "or-cquol" phrorcr, o; controdiclo,y it'm5' (Con' th. (or9 moy b.. ridcrotiqn of q rcqrrlrt {o; occoptoncc of tr,b.litvtc motc,iolr o. .qsipocnt ir 2. Dcrcribs oll rnoferiok ond Gqoipmcnt lo bs u$d, whelhcr or nol rhown on not thqt'by prcclridcd') , , -,,-t rth. d.owingr, by morking on X in coch opprop.iole chcck-box o.d cnlc(ing lh€ 5. lnclvdo rignolutcrcqu'r'd ol lh' God or thrr totm' inlo.dotion <ollcd for in .o.t rpo.o.-- if-Iio.J i, iioaaq,,rot", enter "sec mrilc." 6. Thc <onitrJclion rfioll bc complcrcd io (omplionc' wilh the rololcd drowingr ond dercribc lndor item 27 ot on on o och€d 3hect' ond rPcificotionl' qr omcndcd during Pto<ttting' fhq rPccificolionr inclod' lhit 3. Work not rpccificolly dcr<ribcd or rhown will not bo <onridcrcd unlcrr Dcrcriptioo of ,iloicriolr ond the opplicoble Minitnlrn Conrl'uction Requi'cmcntt' I' I. EXCAVATION: Bcaring soil, typc 2. FOUNDATIONS: Girders: matcrial and Footings: concrctc Fotrndation r,'all: Interior foundation r+'all: matcrial Columns: matcrial and rizcs ' '.* srek ; strength psi 28OO'nin ' Rcinforcing marerial nollr 3.1 e onc it foundarion wallPany Piers: Sills:matcrial material and rtinf<rrcing sizcs Spec.ial foundations 3. CHIMNEYS: 4. Typ., E sotid fuel; fl gas-burning; fl circulator (nclc and tizt) Fircplace: facing raeta] 6tl ea si Additional inlormation: 5. EXTERIOR WATTS: l{ood frame: wo(d grade, and species Sheathing Siding a-rrlar Shinglcs Stucco lctru:' rel1s Maronry vcnetr Marcnry: ! rolid fl , - 3. -_: -- solid; fl spacrd '' " o. c-; El diagonal: ---_-'rfrn '- -- 1- *-a Igrade li2 ; typc Rgh I Y"in -azA2*-; cxposurc-J0!--'; fartcoing ge lY re31 I ; typc - ; size _--; cxPosu'c -"; fastening "; hrh natal . ,.. . .. ; rvcight -- lb. bdd Door sills Wirrdow sills i lrrt rio, surfaccs: dampproofing, coats:of 6. Extcrior paintingr material Gablc *'all construction: [l samc as main wallr; I other conilruction FTOOR FRAMING: ' Joists: woo<.I, gradc. and .*1.t atdTbtr KC|II' ; orher Coocrctc slab: I bascmcnt Roor; $i 6rst floor; @ ground supprrcd; ! rcinforcing firA w{ r" r #'l O . ; insulation Fill under slab: material B.rvel ; thickncss scl[-sup ; bridging i - ; ar,.torr'*!!--f-ormd--S! nrcmbrane 7-StEfLOORttt{G, (D"t.d f"*p"t"f n"".i under ilem 2l ') i:: " \taterial: grade and species --3ggl--Q,!-----tf$DF ---------------- ; rizc -dsr€-- ; typc --Axi 1-;;-- Laid; [ first floor; [) sccond floor; fl-aJtic -_==-.-:- s{. ft.; ! diagonal; Q[ right anglcs' Addiiioml information: 8. FINISH FLOORING: (Wood only. Describe other finish flooring under ilen 2l-) 1-oc^Ttox First floor Sccood ffmr Attic floo. Addirionel inftrrmati<,r : FHA Fornr 20oS , DESCRIFTION OF ly4ATERlAtS VA Form 26-1852 I / DESCRIPTION OF TUATERIALS 9. PARTITION FRAMING: Studs: wood, grade, and specicr c+{.ehtr. r.?ODF "ize aod :pacins --2.&--IQl!9- othcr r\dditional inlormation : I{J, CEITING FRAMING: Joist:: wood, gradc, and sp€cies -td8obtr. ?rTgPP Other Bridgiog Additional information; TI, ROOF FRA}IING: !{a[tcrs: wood, gradc, and spccier Std,&htr" TICI)F Rof tru:ser (sec dctail): gradc and species Additional I2. ROOFING: Shcathing; wood, grddc,; $ solid; .[ rpaccd -." oc. Roofing ; gradc Undcrlay ; wcight or thickness-; size -; flrtening- Built-up rohng - trl'' f. gra'val. I number of pties-5-; surfacing material lo"rg '.nrrk Flashingr m'aterial ti I ; gagc or -eight ---?3-----; [t gravel stopr; n snow guardr ^Additional information: 13. GUTTERS AND DO\,1'N5POUI5I Cutteas: material t4. Downsoouts: matcrial ; nt,-ba, --l-Dor.vnspouts connected to: ft Storm scwer; I sanitary sewcr; I dry-well. ftl Splash blocks: material and size Oolc 16x52 Addirionat information; lnt ecppcr tri th roof d"alns . LATH AND PIASTER, L.ath fl walls, fl ccilings: material ; weight or thickness - Plaster: coats *-; finish taxt ; gage of wcr Dry-wall p walls, p ceilings: matcrial E }? t'd ; thickness -#-; 6ni:h Joint trcatmeal t 5. DECORATING: (Poinr, wallpoper, elc.) Roo!|q,CEtuNo FTNt.rH M^TErhL AND Aprt-rclTlor t6.INIEIIOR DOORS AI.ID TR,IM: f lrrghf)oors: tyire Door trim: type !'inish: doors c!:,tir'r & lg^€tr+f ; trim Other t-im (;r. , ttp. on'l loration ) ; lnater'ral _Inh&- ; thiclncss I 3/S ; matcrial pi rli Base : type e&n - ; matcrial 9i l1q ; size 2 1 /4 Additional inforrnation: I7. WINDOWS: Windorvs: type nli.l+ I make ifrrrin ; material li nlr ; sash thickness I - ]r/B Glass: grade B ,.f " ; O sash wcights; f] balances, rypc-; head flashing l/nl I Trim: type -9.:31-----l----; materi;l ' F:.ng ' ; r :Paint s.iiJ0e-.l,. .do6- - ; number coalr 5 Wearherstripping: type qrniJ- ------tgess:.ll:er-; material -:4ratil-- Slorm sash, number-dl- Screens: I full; El half; typc ftlpine U''J {' i ;l nurnber --orl].-- ; screerr cloth material vynil Basement rvindows: type ; material screcns, numbcr-; Storm sash, number - Special windows lA. ENTRANCES AND EXIERIOR DFfAtL: , .z-J Nlain r:nirancc door: material -.Elh&-; widrh 3l 'thickness l-y'4. Frame: marerial Ei.S.Q-- ; thickness I-!& width - ; thickness -", Frame: material ' ' ;'ihickness " Additional information: Orher cntranc-c (loorsi material I : ; I{e:rd flashing -sJm{ 1 () Wearhe rstripping: tytc pf il s s'Jl'6 ; saddles -Screen dcors: thickne.ss -"; numbcr -; rcreen cloth material - Storm doors: thickncss -"; numbcr Combination storm and screcn doors: thickness -": number---: scrcrcn cloth marerial Shutters: fl hinged; [ fixed. Railingr , Attic louvers Ilxterior millwork; gradc and species@ Paint stal n ; numtrr coats ---I- Additional information: I9. CABINETS AND INTERIOR DEIAIL: Kitchencabinets,walIunits:matcriat;linealfeet<rfshclver4olshc|fwidrhlf. Base units: material nh$ ; couJrrer rop ao!':ticl, -; edging 9a l P Back and cnd splash for mi ca Finish of cabinets ; nurnbcr .*t, 5 Metlicine cabinets: make --i41ari--g3ty--; -odel -. 21tl Orher cabinels al1d buik-in furniturc vqni tyn stil:4t Af kl b -r\dditional inlormation: 20. STAIR,S: StarR IlasameD t r'\lain Attic Disappearing: rnakc arxl rnodcl Adriition.:rl informalion : numb,cr I l^YDR.\tL B.rLus rers t I21.FTOORS.AND WAINSCOT: Bathmom accessories; g1 Rcccrsed; material---.8-t99]-; nu-ber-2.-; $ Atrachcd; material _9LQ.Ql-- I nurnber Additional information : 22. PI.UMEING: M^Tf-Rt^!, Car,op, Eot r,rt, SEES, G^cE, Drc. MATERI^r., Cor.oa, BorDrR, C^P. SIZE, G^ce, Erc. FrxruRe Sink Lavaory Walcr closct Bathtub Showcr ovsr tubA Stall showerA Laundry rays A[f cLnain rod Ag] ooor p[ Shower pran: rnatcrial torraz o \{'atcr supply: $ public; I community ryrtcm; fl individual (privatc) system.f Scwagc 4isposal: fl public; E commurity systcm; n individual (privatc) systcm.f ftShal ond dcscribc iadiuidru! yskm in compbk d.tail in s.pauk drcIlingt and specijcalims accoding lo rcquirenunls. Hourc drain (insidc): @ cast iron; E tilc; D other House eewcr (outsidc); $ cast iron; f] tile; I othcr -P3!- Watcr piping: I galvanized stccl; [! coppcr rubing; I other Sill cocks, numbcr ---=4-- Domcstic water hcalcr: q'pc glde s.rn ; make and model bryant ; heating cipacity 500 eal gph. 100" risc. Storage rank: mate rial ----...-,gleg-l -; capacity --EOO-- gallons. Gas scrvicc: Q| utility company; I liq. pct. gas; I other Gas piping: I cooking; [l house heating. Frcting drains comecicd to: f,f storm sewer; I saaitary scwcr; I dry well. Sump p'ump; make and model ; capaciry ; dirchargcs into 23. HEANNE $| Hot watcr. Q Srcam. I Vapor. $ Onc-pipe system. El Two-pipc systcm. D Radiators. I Convcctors. [l Baseboard radiation. t*it " rrri *oaet olant fia Brl Radhnt pancl: [ floor; fl wall; I cciling. Pancl coil: material n Circulator. St Rctum pump. Makc aad modcl , heJ 1 & g nt<4,t ; capacity ------If,l- gtrxn. Boilcr: make and modcl Additionel information : Output --Zi0ltr-- Btuh-; nct raring --J-0O01,{-- Btuh. Mn's FrxruFE lDelartrtc^TtoN No. Warm air: p Graviry. I Forced.Typc of systcm Duct matcrial: .supply -Furnacc: make and model Insulation _, thickness __--:__I Outsidc air inrate. IDpul Btuh.; output tstuh. Additional information: f] Spacc hcattr; Makc, modcl [ floor furnacc; I wall hcatcr. Input Additional information: Btuh.; outpur Btuh.; number units Coutrols; malc and typcs Addi tional information: Fucl: E Coal; El oil; I Cas; E liq. pct. gas; I clcctric; I other ; storagc caPaclry Additbnal information: Firiag cquipmcnt fumishcd scparatcly: ft Gas. burner, convcrsioo lypc.fl Stokcr: hoppcr fccd !; bin fecd fl " Oil burncr: fl prcsurc atomizingi I vaporizing Makc and model Elcctric heating syriem: type Additional information: Additional inficrmation: Input -watts; @ - volrs; outPut-- Bluh. Vcntilating equipmcot: artic hn, make and mrdcl kitchcn exhaust hn, makc ;capacity-cfm. an<l modc! GE iv 31. . Othcr hcating, ventilating- or cooling cquipment 24. EIECIRIC WIRING: :' - i. - ".'..' .,'; r i Servl-: I ovcrhca4; $ uodcrgrountl. Pancl: fJ l'use box; [f circuit-brcaker; make GE anr4g5 120O l,*o. circuits -!@Of un Wiring: I conduit: ! armored cablc; $ nonmctallic cable; E knob and tubc; I other Sf:<cial outlcts: fi range; I water heatcr; I other I Doorbcll. Q Chimcs. Push-button locations Additional inlormation: 25. TIGHTING FIKTURES: Total allowancc for fixturcs, rypical irutallation, $ 50.OOTotal numbcr of fixturcr -{,--pg;:-- Nontypical inrallation Additional information: DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAIS DESCRIPNON OF'\.IATERIALS INSUIATION:26. Loc^Tlo!i Rof . Ceiling \Vall Floor HARDWARE: (moke, moteriol, ond ftnish.) NetLonrl stasl anliqrtl bronze SPIC|AL EQUIPMENT: (Slofe moleriol or nSPlCf AL EQUIPMENT: (Slofe moleriol or makc, mod€l ond quontiD/' liclude only eguiptnenl ond opptionces whrch ora occepl- oble by local low, cuslom and opplicable FHA stondards. Do not includa items which, by estoblished cuslom, ore supplied by occuponl and removed whea fie vocoles premises or cholfres prohibited by lavt lrom becoming raolfy.) 12 SR 27..SrllsCEttANEOUS: (Describa ony moin dwelling materiols, egvipment, or conslruclion jlems nol shown elsewhere; or uts lo provide oddilionol infonnolion where lhe spoce provided wos iaodequole. Alwoys reference by item number lo correspond lo nurnbering used on this form.) PORCHE5: TEIIACIS: WAIKS AND DRIVEWAYS: :: Drivcway: width -.; barc matcrial ; thickncrs -"; surfacing material ; tbickrrcrs Fmnt walk: widrh 3lt i matcrial --:-lu):tc,--; thickness ---A". Scrvicc walk: width-; matcrial - ; thickncsr Steps: matcrial OIHER OI{SlrE IMPROVE TENTS: , (Spccifo!tcxteiofonri!.impmv.D.,nknotdcsrtibciclszwhctc,inclidingi'tnrsuchatunutlalgrding,dtainagcs|fucluft',tcloittit3un!k,J-cn and o.ertir, tlru.lur.t. ) Pulcl n& to hr lavsd ,.ano Flot Fl.n . .. . TAND5CAPING, PTANTING, AND FINISH GRADING: Topsoil --" thick: ! front yard: I side yards; I rcar yard to I-.al;ns (tccdcd, tod&d, ot sprigged); El fronl yard feet behind main building. ; fl side yardr ; fl rcar yanl Planting: I as spccificd anrl shown on drav''ingr; I as I Shade trccs, dcciduour, -" calipcr. Low flowering trccs, deciduous, l{igh-growing ghrubt deciduour, Ir tedium-growing shru'i.,s, <ieciduoi,r, Low-growing shrubr, deciduous, Evergreen trccs. --'Evergreen sh rubc, ---.---:-'Viner,2-ycar ro-',8&8. to-', B & B. lo_ lo 'to lhe known at thc tlrrc of application. .!1 ltr,/'zr/Da,€ t | | L.'/ | "t SignatureI Ipzxurrc,rrrox.-This cxhibit shall bc Date rignaturc of thc blrildcr, or spotlsor, and/or thc IIFP OVED {,%\gnarure FHA licrrn 2OO5 YA Form ?6-1852 Permit ;l: ,-) tntp, ."E-'.tUt tr:/_l:.,2.y*... coloilb;'"""".EqGLE -CO U, S, cOVljIlllNIENT PnINMC Oaf ICli : lgSi O - 35!-rll9 o=O,|n,' .5ili,S,iHII" c fl'|v,ennCOURTHOUSE I P. O. Box 789 Phorc 328-6338 Eaglc, Colorado 8t631 29 Aprll ffn4 Jarnee Cralg Conrtructlon Co. Box 114 Valt, Colorab 81657 Rel Fllr tlor 8r-55-74 Excrnptlon Vdl Hclghtr *i3 At thtlr rpcclal rncctlng m 26 rAprll 197/t tho Board of County Comml!.loncra ry1ovrd your Exorrptlon from thc Eag[r Cq,rrrty Stbdlvlalon Rognrlatlone arnlect to thf folloudng condltlonr:(1) Ncod wrtrr rerourco avallslllty and drcnrrcy lcttcr from tha Water Dlrtrlct; (2) ,Rcvlar of tho Dralnago Plan;(3) Flnal Pld to br arbmlttod. lf you have any qlratlongi'pl6sc cattact thrlr Beortqy, Ol Oounty Clcrk' or thlro{lco,'In,thrr0arrUrduac;., .* "l I,,,, l''', .; Mlehsl S. Blalr D lrcctor MSB,/kt cc: Board of Comty Commlulmen f 1.t ''..}' AprIL 24, L974 Mlchael S. Blair Pl-annlng Director Eagle County P, 0. Box 789 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Fl1e No. Se-55-74 Exemption Vail Helghts /12 James Craig Dear Mike: In response to your letter of March 21t by James Cralg of a 12 unlt condoninium has buried electrical- cables ln Chamonlxthat the power line is not damaged. RECFIVED APR 2 5 1974 Depl 0f planning & Devet.Egte county, colo. 1974, concerning the proPosed development Ln Vail lleights ll2, HoLy Cross Electric Lane where care should be taken so y* r-l{ If you have any further questiooa concerning Holy Cross Electrlc and this proJect, pl-ease contact either l.tr. Rlchard Brlnkley or myself . Sincerely, ELECTRTC ASSOCTATION, ?'4;,'z lemons M. Kopf, CMK:RDB/ep cc: Clarence B. Rasrnussen, ECEA VaiJ- Janes Craig System I afilr{sl .o\< fqf.- t6 lc; .5ol LrtC>q q,..- o-L ,'.{ | sl ..1\t N.j .r 6/ I b -^l _5QI,' :rl c, {.r q q) I\,(/ JOHN D. VANDERHOOF Governor JOHN W. ROLD Dirsctor COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERI\4AN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE A92.2611 RECHVED APR 2 s lguApri'L 22, L974 8"pt: U ptalnirg ! ^ .J...r8g,e County. , . .L_ Mr. Michael S. Bl-air Planning Director P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8l-631 Dear Mr. Blair: RE: FILE N0. Se-55-74, VAIL HEIGHTS /13 We have revlewed the dralnage study subnitted on the above referencedproJect. We also have mpde an on-site inspection of this property. lJe reconmend that this proJect be app roved. Sincerely, ,4. .'/ I -?/(%J'--rz L. R. Ladwig Assoclate Engineering Geologlst LRL/J e cc3 Land Use Conmlssl-on' GEOLOGY ST0RY oF THE PAST. . . KEY TO THE FUTURE \ , : Jemee Cralg Conetructlon Co. i3ox 114 Vall, Colorado 81657 o ilfl = Nr oF Sfli,'S,'ff '^T,"" + e PM E Nr GOL'RTHOUSE:: P. O. Box 789 Phono 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 t8 Aprll 1974 Be : Flle No. 9c-55-74 Examptlon Vall Holghte triS ,At tholr regulr mectlng on 17 Aprll 1974 th€ Plmnlng Commlsslon ': recommendod approval of yrour Appllcatlrr fol Enmptlon from the Eaglc County Subdlvlalon Rognrlatlona oubJcct to ths followlng condltlone: (1) Noed water reaource avallablllty ard adcc$Jacy letter from the Water Dlrtrlctg (2) Revle'w of ths Eralnqn Plan; (3) Flnal Plat{o be etbrnlttod. The rscommerdattong wl ll bc presented to the Board of Corrnty Commlcrlonera at thelr epeclal metlng on 26 Aprll 1974 beglnnlng at 9:OO A.M. lf yo.r harrr any qr,rastlonar yourro welcornc to contact thle offlco. Rcrpectfully, Robcrt H. Barr Plmnlrp Asslatant RHB/Kt cc: Botrd of County Qommlsglonera "s"fve.' "5::li':,i,:.fi " "r'fo"* rN, COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Phona 328-6338 Eaglo, Colorado 8t631 B Aprll 1974 Jamee Cralg Constructlon Co,' Box 114 Vall, Color$ 81657 Re: Fllc No. Se-55-74 Exomptlon Vall Hclghte fi3 The Subdlvlslon Tochnlcal Ftevlew Commlttce, an organlzatlon of governmental repreaentatlvee, and the Eegle County Plannlqg Departrnent, hae revlewed your appllcatlon end woutd recommend to the Plannlng Commlsglon and tho tsoard of County Commleaioners tho fol lcmlng: 1. Necd water rcaource avallablllty and adccp.ncy letter lrom water dietrlct; 2. Charrpnlx Lane at thle tlrne la In very poor cordltlon both In dralnage and lmprovements; 3. Bccontly, In Vall Holghto Subdlvlrlon (Oerty Aaaoclates Lots 1O-13' Sp-52-74) and In Augtret, 1973 In Vall Helghte Subdlvlglon (Plnerldgs Townhouaae, Lote 2 and 3, Sp-26-73), 4pllccnte flled through Sketch ard Prellmlnaryr Plane thelr profcctr Includlng adlacent lote In thelr poaceaelon. In a prevlous appl lcatlon for Lots 14 and 15, lt wes stated by the appllcant hardshlp exlsted (development 80$ completed); 4. Tho Technlcal Revlsrru Commlttce feale that the prolect le belng aubmltted In a placemeal fashlon wlth no throught of cohealveness of deelgn, denaltyl eetbacke, parklng, total effect of drsfnqte,. otc. md recommends n..,). eubrnlttal under etandard euMlvlslon requlremente (Skstch and Prel lmk;ary plans). ll you havo rty quoetlon3, yourre welcome to contact thla offlce. Reapoctfully, Flobert H. Barr Plmnlrq Aaslatant RHB/Kt cc: Eloard of County Commlealoncrs; Plannlng Commlaelon t'. lr.' ".-'::'l:n APR n 1974 Ueirt. Ui Iriiir :i : i: --tel. fagle County, Colo. Wesrenru Slope o. 55O 15th STREET DENVER, COLORADO 8A2A2 April 8, 1974 Eagle County Planning Department P.0. Box 635 Eagle, Col-orado 81631 Re: PreLiminarv Pl-ot Pl-ans -t -"t." -..3 Chambers Exemption White & Rold Exemption Colo. B ighorn Corp. Exempt.. Sky Lion at VaiL Cottonwood Place Exempt ion Vail Heights /12 Exemption Ridgeview Condo I s GentLernen: We have examined the above captioned pLot plans and find that at this time Western has no facilities on the l-and to be plotted. Please note that rrre are a gas transmisslon utiLity and our approval does not refLect our ability to serve subject subdivision. Very truly yours , /lrl r l I lL l-.'r.tr,u( J, JtKc,lPc DanieL L. Tekavec, Assoc. Right-of-l'lay Agent DLT:cg Cm tL tngtn -to, o 0oo, Kcnnoh E. Richords ffiKenneth E. Richards Engineer for the District KER:1m cc: James Collins, Manager U.E.V. S.D. REC[:IVHD APR .t Xsl4 lhlit rl l,iji,,r.,, i;t .r ,r.!ql. &'itlir (Jl!r,tu, ,tglP. O &t'fr^ CIVIL ENGINETRING . PIJNNING . SURVEYs SUBD|VIS|ONS . W TER 6.SEWER 5YSTEI\5 gox C+g 1908 Vo il, Colorodo 81657 Phonc 176-5072 Dcnvcr 244-1521 April- 3, 1974 Mr. Michael S. Blair Planni.ng Director Eagle Cornty Planning Department P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: SE-55-74 E:remption from Subdivision Regulations Lot 16, Vail Heights, Filing No. 1 Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District Dear Mr. Blair, Thank you for the request for review on Vail Ileights No. 3 Condomioiums, consisting of 12 rnits. There is an existing sewer line in the street rdhich will provide service for these units. As you may know, the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Distrlct. has awarded a contract for expansion of lts Sewage Treat- ment. Plant this year. Construction will begin within 30 days. Service will be provided to these 12 rmits upon appl-ication for taps and payment of the standard tap fees and service charges. Sincerely, RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. Rcgirl6r.d Profossionol Enginccrr Registered lond SurveYors -THENVIRONMENTAL HEAL Box 811 - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Yail 17G5613 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927-3322 April 3, 1974 Vail Heights /f2 - 3 FiLe No. Se-55-74. 12 units - .53 actes (22 unirs/acre) Applicantt James Craig Box 114 Vail, Colorado 81657 Sani tarian I s R.ecorunenda tions: (Pa5ie 6, Section 2.O!, Page 9, Section 3.09 EagIe Counry Subdivision ReguIa tions ) we feel that in order to protect the land form and streams and to provide good planning practice, facilities or measures should be taken to prevenE the pollution of streams, rivers and other vrater courses within Eagle County.]E appears that a good portion of this site will be covered by buildings,parking loEs and walkways. we reconrnend, before this site is approved, allnormal surface runoff from these areas be collected and lreated to removeoi1, si1t, organic, and mineral matter prior to discharge from the property. e;/ nrWw^/ Erik W. EdeenrR.P.S. Environmental Heal th ljw1:/ Dw cc: Colorado DeparEment of Health Eagle County Cornrnissioners I'Ir. James Craig with enclosure Chapter V iloaring Fork Water Study Pirst 4 pages APR J 1974 RECIIVED cry Dept. ot Fh",., ^. "etg,, courrri iL,!.,, ",. Mlke Blair, Planning Direetor Box 789 Eagle, Colorado Box 386 Eagle. Colorado 81631 Aprll 2, 1974 exomption was submibbed bo theDistrict for review and corunent. APR t. q, 1374 0cpi. Li Pl.r:i:ii ! ,trr)1. Eagle County, Colo" 81651 Dear Mlke: The Jamos C. Craig request for Eagle County SoiI Conservatlon We feel bhat a revegetation plan shorild be provided. l,l/e wouldalso like to recommend. that the culvert and burrow ditch that occurs alongside Chemoni-x Lane be neseeded and,/or ri;prappedto provenb soi] orosion and exces:lve water runoff. l{e would suggest thab the owner encourage ad.jacent landowners to dothe same. We would like to see a letter frorn bhe Vail Village Wesb Water and. Sanltation District'.;and the Upper Eagle Valley SanitationDlstrict stating that services will be providecl. Q{ yrn aztal rrsrrrv vf wJ,--,r--) L4;--*2*-44///'7-?7-- Z "4 Ross E. Chambers Pre sld.ent REAL ESTATE CO.Corner oJ Bridge Street & Gore Creek Drive l4ar.ch 27, 1974 RECEIVED 'f,/AR 2 g tg74 TLiIHill:;,;.,. .-tb. {idrael S. Blain Planning Dineston BcD< 789 Eagle, Col-orado 81631 Dear l,like: Aftqr revierv of the sutrdtral of Janres C. Craig fon exenrption fnrnthe subdivision reguLatiqr fon vail Heights #3, the vail village west watqr and San-itation Distric.t finds no pnoblen with the plans. Waten and Sanitation Distnict oo United States Department of the Interior /tu Sterdart A. wheeler, Are a Manaqe r jO BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Glenwood Springs Re source Area P.O. eox 1009 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 March 26, l-974 Michael Blair, Planning Director Eagle County Dept. of Planning & Development P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 816 31 Dear Mike: We have reviewed the supplemental inforrnation submitted for the Exemption Request for Vail Heights #2 (Se-55-74) and the Exemption Request for Vail Heights #3 (Se-55-74). We have no comments on these two requests for exemption and do not object to their approval. Sincerely yours , RECF.I\'/ID MAR 2r 1e74 DePt- 0f fi.]ilrrirLg & "r€i' ttgb County, Coltt' I|| IEPLY NEPER TO 1785 EA o GLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT CASH AMOUNT ITEM Bu ildinq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision A lication Zone Change Cond itional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Bu ilding) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection onlv and this ipt shall be ca ncelled no-payment of any item. a 6N9 By DEPA*Nr oF Fff'li i3'i']J "=ePMENrCOURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 21 March 1974 Re: File No. Se- 55-74 Exemption from Subdivision Regul ations Vail Heights ff3 Applicant: James C. Craig P. O. Box 114 Vail, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewith is an appl ication and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 17 April 1974. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9' 106-2-33 and 106-2-34' 1963' as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations Section 6.00' 1972' you have 24 days from date mai led within which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this off ice. Thank you very much, h,-*r*1/zz*LMichael S. Blair P lanning Director MSB/Kt D E P AR rPN, ", 5l:r:r=',:SXL} "= u =.t' = *, COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8r631 21 March 1974 Re: File No. Se-55-74 Exemption Vail Heights ff2 Appl icant: James Craig P. O. Box 114 Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone 328-6338 Enclosed is supplemental Please include it with the same date. information concerning Vail Heights #2. original material mailed to you on the ,/,Ez-*M(chael S. Bl6ir Planning Director MSB/Kt Respectful ly, O-, <J(ichadr .ngbuszq lJ ne. CTVIL I.NGINEERING . PIINNING . SURVEYS SOBD|V|S|ONS . W TtR & SIWIR 5Y5T[A5 Kenneth E. Richords James C. Craig Construction P. 0. Box 114 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Drainage Study LoE 16, Vail Helghts, Filing No. 1 LoCATION: Vail Heights, Filing No, 1is a subdivision lying in the East O"e-Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County' Colorado. This land is abou! 1 l./2 niles west of the vest line of the Town of Vail. AREA: The area trnder consideration for this rePort is at the east end of Vail Heights and consists of one 1ot only, Lot 16, The re are no major drainages crossJlg the site, the najor ones being to the l{est near the \rest line of the subdivision, and Buffer Creek, just EasL of the subdivision. A srnal1 drainage swale does affect rhis site, however. Originally chis swale crossed Lot 17 to the East bue was rerouted by the builders Eo the lot line between Lots L6 and 17. The outside drainage area for this swale consists. of about 4 acres as shorm in the attached maP. Part of this drainage is picked up by a ditch running at about right angles to the swa1e. The area is fairly steep and the time of cgncentration cf the storm fl-ow will be quite sho rt . CRITERIA: Using the rational drainage formula for a smaller area, the maxi- mum runoff for a 100 year storn luould be computed as follows: Q=AIR I,lhe re , Q = Maximum expected runoff or peak discharge from the watershed based on a 100 year storm' in cubic feet per second (cfs). A = TributarY area in acres. I = Runoff coefficient for a steep slope with litt1e vegetation = 0.40. R = Maximum expected rainfall in a t hour period or 3t' for the Vail area. Tiren, Q=4x0.4x3=4.8cfs go16q3 l-908 Vo il, Colorodo 81657 Phona 476-5072 D c nvcr 244- l521 Mareh 20, 1974 Registarcd Prof essionol Enginccr: Registcred Lond SurveYorr To: James C. Craig ConstrucEion From: Richards Engineers, Inc. KER:l-n cc: Richard Hart, Attorney Planning Cornmission Page 2 March 20, 1974 RXCOMMENDATIONS: A drainage ditch completely around the building is recomended. This ditch shouLd be wide (B'to 10t) and shallow, 1-2" to 15" deep in the center, so that velociE.ies are kept down. Reseeding as soon as possible wiLl- heLp prevent erosion. Rock work along the drainage swale between Iots 16 and 17 will be helpful in preventing stornwater from cutting a channel into the slope. DrJ-veway culverts should be l-8" diameter minimum, Respecrfully submitted, RIGHARDS ENGINEERS, INC.Wa6;44- Kenneth E. Richards Registered Pro fessional Engineer and Land Surveyor No. 2183 -tRICFIARDS ENGINEERS, P. O. Box 6il3 Vail, Colorado 81657 Phonr 476-5072 Donrr Linr.244-1521 l I /ol // \ tNc. .\4, \ \),,l ,K \ \ --\ b/ tz DEA/NA€E 57UDY \ ,M lo/s /1 ?Hs '/a Qurz 3-Za-7/ K€E Ca/on ,/ol /5 lai /er,, AND IAND suRvsyoR no.?/!/, MQl-a.ucnr,rN & HART ATTORN EYS AT LAW s. oouGl^s ueLAu6H!rN RICHARO H XART JAY X. P€TERSON VAIL ARCAOE P. O. E}OX r40a vat L, coLoRAoo 8r657 303 476-2427 March 20, L974 Eagle County Planning Commission Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 ATTENTION: Robert Barr RE: Vail Heights No. 3 Condominiurns Dear Mr. Barr: Enclosed are the following concerning an application for exemption from the provJ-sions of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations and the following other materials: Our check in the amount of 525.00 Application (19 copies) Sketch Plan (19 copies) Vicinity Map (19 copies) Drainage Study (19 copies) Access is provided by a county road. Parking is provided aL L 2/3 spaces per unit. Utilities and. services including those of Vail Village West Water and Sanitation District and Upper Eagle Val1ey Sanitation District are available at lot lines and all suppliers of the foregoing have committed to supply service upon payment of regular tap and si-mi- lar fees, except that, as in other areas of Eagle County, Public Service Company of Colorado will not conmit to the availability of natural gas service until compldtion of construction. The basis for the exemption requested is that the proposed project is of small size, is located on a lot of an existing subdivision surrounded by sirnilar improvements, is almost identical to other improvements constructed in the past two years by applicants pur- suant to exemptions from the Regulations, and that the concerns Proiect Units SoId owned Eagle County Planning Commission Page two of the Regulations have been adequately addressed by the developers. Further, this proposal is to construct economical units which have proven themselves popular for resident housing, much needed in the view of most people, in the Vail area. Of the twenty units sold to date, nineteen provide full time resident dwellings. Ownership and occupancy of units in the prior similar improvements constructed by the applicants are summarized as follows: Total FuIl time resident VaiI Heights \2 12 Condominiums VailHeights 9 8 7 7 No. 2 Condo- miniums Adjacent property is developed as follows: East - 4 unit townhouse (eight or more rentable units) west - 12 unit condominium similar to this proposal South - undeveloped - commercial property North - unplatted land Please address communications to the applicant as follows: James C. CraigP. O. Box lI4Vail, Colorado 81657 and please copy me on such communications. We respectfully request that this exemption be heard at the April 7, 1974 meeting of the Commission and for such purpose we request var- iance from the 30 day waiting period. If further information is required, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, MCLAUGHLIN & HART cc: James C. Cralg Robert W. McMillan 18 extra copies to Commission Enclosures RHH/jb Fu1l time resident occupied L211 By /s/ Richard H. Hart APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuont to Section 6.01 of the Eogle County Subdivirion Regufoiionl t(we) hereby opply for exemption frorn the provisions with soid regulcfions os to xly (our) proporcd devrlopmcnt known or .Y+lL .4eighqe .Np.'.3, "QqnCprqiniFrns :rl Loco ted : .I/gF. .lE . . Ye.:-l .Hef gJtt S, . Fil inS. Ne . 1,. E4S le. County.'Ca 10 . And comorisino . . ...0...53. e.c.4,e. ..... r .. , divided into 4praxiootnlg12 one bedtoom unitsi recreation, storage, manager's and .utility.rgpns ... intererts for the following reoson .small, .si-ze.n similar to previously exempted improvements, providing .lgPi9.e4f . Itpgqilg. .a.49. ?gF.qq+!,e.1J .9+!.i.s.qyipe. .ql.1e. pp.r.PeFeF. of the Requlations. It is understood thot ony oction by ftis Commission gronting soid request fcrr regutof ions exemption opplies only to the proposed development os shown on Craig ?"L.d. *!, .)iL:.1,).i.d\",- . . "Robert Vq. Mclvli-Ilan (Musi be signed by oll the record owners of the properly) Dcted .4?59.1t.1?, . !.9.7.4 .... Received 8y... ...,,. RESOLUTION The foregoing Applicotion hos been considered by the Boord thir doyof ...:.. ,..19 which findsond defermines thof this Division of Londs is not within the purposes for which the subdivision regulctions were cdopted ond therofore soid Applicotion is granted (denieC). Boord of County Commissioners BY :: T::::::: ? .l -- O H. Poge 3l Choirmqn soid ths BUILDING DIVISION P..O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPEC|ION AG c HEEUEST OUNTY E orxen n pnnrrnu LOCATION / TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: EJeppRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowlNG CORRECTIONS D orsnppRovED CORRECTlONS: ! nerruspecr DATE INSPECTOR lNsPEcloru FtEouEsr G--L COUNTY DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n oruen D pnnrrnl.LOCATION READV FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PMFR D orsnppnovsb fl nerNsPEcrlZl-"qsp.g6v g t I upolu rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DArE );-22 -1:' ':'t.lq;-j frf. _? *; -</ ' rNsPEcloN FTEBUEBTBUI LDING.DIVISION P. O BOX 789 PI|()NE:328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE couNTY *10't'.2'5r'. : / ,-'1 ,..-^.- E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE WED ! pnnnnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION 7-THUR E orsnpphovED fl nerNsPEcr ,,. FRI. /,+- /- 6r'rR ov E D E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS BUILDING.DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INEiPEC{IctN FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY I orxen n pnnrtnl.LOCATION APPROVED ! orsappRovED fl nerNSPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUr LDTNG prVtS|ON P. O. BOX 7-89 .r. PHONE: 328-6it39 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNsPEcfloru FtEeuEsr BAG LE C NTY E orxen MON COMMENTS: ! penrreu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTHUR !_4ee.nov e o E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr fl upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR r'. FIEEUESTa,'rNEiPE.to*BUILDINGDIVISION P. O.-BOX ?89 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE couNTY '" DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB E ornen MON GOMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrreu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRr -- -'-' lm-.fiidih*,. I orsnppnovED D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECT]ONS ffiaveRovED I nerNsPEcr rNs"=tilo*BUILDINGDIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6ilil9 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER HEEUEST EAGLE COUNTY E orHen fl panrrnl. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: TUE AM PM ElrppRovED E orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 INsPECIIclN FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen E panrrau LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMMON COMMENTS: FR I: flneeRovED ! orsappRovED D nerNSPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTf ONS .. /..,,.. ;-/ .,, :-. | ... ':.', - '-.2'.. t) ;-d . , DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63:19 INSPECTGIN DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER FIEBUEST EAGLE COUNTY florxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E panneu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI ' AM PM ElappRovED D orseppRovED I nerNsPEcr l--l upor rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE BUtLDTNQ DTVTSTON P.9. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 INSPEC|lGlN FIEBUEST EAGL COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen E peRrrnu LOCATION MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI . anl'Pr,ll ) E nppRovED D upon rxe CORRECTIONS n orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O.'BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63@ DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER AGLE COU FIEOUEST NTY o rNsPEctoN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM GOMMENTS: E nppRovED E uporu rne CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6ifF INsPEcIIclN FTEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE LL- JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED - ' '' VAM,'PM CALLER E orxen COMMENTS: i. /-;. i..' n pnnrrnu.LOCATION - READY FOR INSPECTION TUE .T - wED / :|Hva) / -) *-a| ::r' ! orsnpPRovED AM PM APPROVED El--upor,r rHE FoLLowr NG coRRECToNS: CORREcTfONS il.t/,/'.,.,At 2--i r, f,.'., ,)t,,- lla, f] nerNsPEcr ,' .a 'al . .)"- k ,itb -Or*'../-- - t-a DATE INSPECTOR