VRru Fleqrs t-eqal ttue
Department oJ' Public Works & 'fransporlation
I309 Elkhorn Drive
Vail, Colorado 8 1657
97 0-479- 2 I 5 8 / Fax : 97 0-47 9-2 I 66
NIr. Earl Hartman
2079 Chamonix Lane
Unit 7
Per our meeting on Tuesday 15, 2000 at I l:00 am. On site, I have determined that
no public way permit was required from the Town of Vail Public Works Department, for
the work done on private property. Mr. Flartman explained that the scope of work was to
correct some drainage issues on the north side of the complex, and remove and repair the
damage sidewalk that was caused by standing water due to lack of positive drainage away
from building. I have included a copy of the Public Ways and Property, Title 8 from the
Town of Vail, which shows requirements for a permit.
Ifyou have any other question, please feel free to call me.
Leonard Sandoval
l.-ln/'\fan+rzo C.A+, \a/q I
Town of Vail
Construction Inspector
AUG i 8 7(]i]0
{,7 *'n"uo'^t"'
't i:' ,: r_ ."i
8-1- 1:
8-1- 2:
8-1- 3:
8-1- 4:
8-1- 5:
8-1- 6:
8-1- 7:
8-1- 8:
8-r- 9:
8-1-21 :
Permit Required
Applicaiion For Permit; Fee
Utilities Exempt From Deposit
Town Nonliabilily
Retention Of Permit At Site
Limit On Amount Ol Work
Permit Nontransferable
Permit Expiration; Extension
Revocation Ol Permit; Notice
Size Restriction
Exposure Of Utilities
Survey Markers And Monuments
Street Drainage System
Excess Excavated Material
Salety Devices
Access To Driveways And Fire
Storage Of Excavated Material
Time Work May Be Performed
Additional Regulations; Public
Works Aulhority
Time For Completion Of Work
Restoration Ol Paved Streets
Materials For Paved Street
Construction Methods For Paved
Street Restoration
Materials For Unpaved Street
Construction Methods For
Unpaved Street Restoration
Unpaved Nonvehicular Public
Places Restoration
8-1-30: Asphaltic Concrete Or
Oil-And-Chip Surface
8-1-31: Portland Cement Concrete
Surfaces, Curbs And Gutters8-1-32: Cost Assessment When
Resurfacing Necessary8-1-33: Settling
8-1-34: Town Restoration; Request And
8-1-35: Fees
8-1-36: Multiple Openings For Single
8-1-37: Liabilltylnsurance
8-1-38: Map Of Underground Facitities
8-1-39: Map Corrected Annually
8-1-40: AbandonedUnderground
8-1-41: Appeal
8-1-42: Violation;Penalty
8-1-1: DEFINITIONS: The following
words, when used in this Chap-
ter, shall have the maanings ascribed to
them in this Section, except in those in-
stances where the context clearly indicates
EMERGENCY: Any unforeseen circum-
stancg or occurrence. the existence of
which constitutes a clear and immediate
danger to persons or property.
PUBLIC WAY: Means and includes a public
streel, easement, right of way, highway,
alley, way, place, road, or bike path; and
any nonexclusive utillty easement.
Town of Vail
Co l'.r . Spcrs . eO
IC A:.gust 2{) )0
l*temo To: EarI i{art:'''rn
Treastrre v'ai I tleight $ f ondo Asisoc j-at. i(-,n
Ron Mitchell
President, Varl He.ight -i Condc Asrrr.rciation
i,'r,,:rrr) From: Gary Enrf ick
owner Unit # 12, Vail i{eigh+-s (loncio
: ' 'r,,],ater drainage inst"ailat icn rear of ZQ-l 9 Chamonix Lane
'rr*nto is to provicie each of you w,i. l;h py c.'oncerns
.'-,-,... iated with the conplct(:d work you did when yt.t::
stalled tlie cira inage on che norl.h sitle of the burlding itt
., rall of 1999.
On ,' ':*pEen per 199S I was aE nly unit to lease it to new
teri,:r ' Bclth of you were <liqqing a trerlch l rlr' t"he d::aina;':
f i ": rocf on t-he north si.ltr of the buLlding. Afr-r':r'
I ':l to you:: .rverall plan for Lhe drainage .I inf': r. - -i
/()Llr plan wag gro$si y in.rdequal;e r wcrrl d not !:r:'r.{
'-venEually ca[1se seriolts damage not or!f y to ltrT
i:() r.o the west and .torth foundaf ior-r of t.he
l.-i,r!l:.icrrl yr;u at that time <if lhe fc)-Icwing:
. The drarnage nru:sL be taken away t.rom r-he buildrnq
via clrai rlage piPes adequate for the enf.ire rear
rcof drairrage requtremenb
r The clrainage shrruLd he taken t.ft r-he streeE
iChanroni x Lane) v j.a a drainaoe pipr: s,vr''Lernn 'rlhe::E
i - ..;ouicl ex j.t. from the pipe s,,ysten
t Mc:]l lmFrortarrLl y I advl.sed yotr ro hire a
contrar:tor experi.enceC wi t.h drainage 9yst.(:nt$ or
consult an errqineer to onsure that it wirs ciorre
correctly so alt building coCes were me:
on saLurdey 05 August 2000 EarI Hartman arjvi.qed ne that the
drainage .system thac you conrpletecl is nnly a br'rrled f'renclt
drain witb rro outlets and termindtes 4 co 5 feet trom the
ncrLhwest col:ner of 1:)re bui'lding.
Wha I this mbans ls lhat a j- 1 of t}ie drainaq.; f rOrn 1:he rcof
ls allowed Lo flow f-reely sndergrourrd 'rdjacertt- to t-he
founrjatlon r:r che building irlt,er exirinq the Fr:enclr clrairr.
l.or your iniornration, in 1994 a ser;t ion of the k)uildj.trg had
Lo be mud jackecl tO level and stabilize ihe builit.Lng as iL
was 6lidrng down the hill clue 16 5uIi-:erxaneall water surrn'itrg
qlown the mountain behinci the pujLding' This was cione at
buildinq with rninimal overall darnage ' Bu i l ding itr$trrance
rJiri nct pay for Ehe -j acking.
My ;orrcrern now, js witit f-he rear drairrage now br:jnr; forced
uirderground at the southwest corner cf Lhe building' r'he
natural run-o!f from the mounlain will be great"ly
rnc:!.ea5ed, eventuaily washing arrray the soil. and underlrinirlg
t.he f ountlatiott and the: cotrcrel-e sIaiJ j rr -r-he iowe r: l-ever '
jeopardy and aL great financial rlsk'
Gery liu,rick
Orv:ter t i2t 20?9 Chamonix Lane, Vail C0
e?ERrt &Hs
?29r/. cAtHMSUtr€lW
cotavlDoffilwco 80f0J
Augus-" 10,2Q0:)
R<.rn l'1i L.chelI
Vaii Heights Contlorninjum Assoc:-aLlon
PO B.rx 253
LJrlwards, Co B,L6i,l
Ea rl- Harcman
'1' r' 616 5Ll xe r
VaiI Hergl'rts C()ndoniirrluni Assnci atron
2 0? 9 Ctramoni x Larie #-/
Va!.i-, C:o I96b?
Dear Sirs:
Var-1 HeirJht,s Ccnclo' F,nclosed i''j a memo i'hat he has comi; ele+ ltr
regard to hrs collcern$i about' th+ drainage 'gystelrr t+hicft was
Acl.:.i.tiotralIy, I have Ieqa} gOnce!.n9 about ||re pl'crjecl-, as lIi€
J.;aymerrl- is clire:ctI!' contrary Lc che By-I,a'rts of '-ite AssocJ aE'LQt'l
c?nd 1n [he event" oi prontems wittr the drainage, j l- cloes nol
cover any damage.
FIIs|", as of f icers of t|ro Associet,ion y<rrr irave a f idrl<.:.-ary tluty
Lo the AssociaE ion. It is presumed that' :he of f i t':ers will tre
lnLimauely f arniliar wiLh tlre By-Laws urtder which Lhey ace
operaLing and wj'11 t';.1 low those guidelines.' Th:t I31z-I'aws IJroride
for indemnificatlon of <'lf f icers provideci Lhat t-heir actions do
not consci tute 'grr;ss negligence' or 'wi1l f ul misconduct ' ' Itl
my opiniQn, both of Lhese charact'erizaLicns may be pre$ent in
your actions.
Tlre By-Laws which cauge concerll ancl seem t'o [re ignored are aa
f ol. lows i
'f lre Assor--i.aLioti rs Lo be a 'tl'Jn-prolit (lorPorat' iorl' ' From
reviewirrq t.ire ti'nanciai r:*co'Os of t"ire Assc:c-iat:ion for rhe
la...rt few years, i: a1'r[:rears that rhe corporat'e sLatus has
lapset.i. 'l'lrr.s stalus" i" 'n"ont
to ProvisL proEetlt j on f ot:
aii ,:wner s . ,n'..'iio"l l;:::t t,i'i,:.;r:],i:,1"i":i::, ilnlnit
Aseecration in ieqaJ' J eop'ird! ' I
che A.csoc:.at:.ron woulti aJ'so appecr! t:o nol- b.' irr comt)lian(':-5
with a ncrnpr..o1'tt"i"tp"it'itrn'*hen of f j cars 'rr€r prcf it-Lt.tg
ii le: LlaJ iy f r"'n tf'I*tlr::uipt'" oi r-he cjorporat icn ' Thi s
rniEhr- be v j "**a "l ;;;;;' uporr the corpora! i on ' A
nonprcl r.t corpor:ait""- tt ntu nracle n'r:nprot i t ber:ause cher;l
is n' money u"i"-"'o^*y is beirrg $pent' Lrut- 6t-r$ tlr€ fiolrey
i 3 EiPent .
ArLicle TV of Ih(] By"Laws provrcJe r;hat' tl're Bcdrd ot
D.i rector:r "rnay do ai i 566f1 6tlts and t'hi n9$ as a I'* r13i'
proh.ibri:ed by I;; tlt uV those By-I"rws dirt:r;tcrit tcr L-'€
L*ur".sed and tlorre by the nrembers '
a, Mr ' Ettrric;* it"' lur'"*t''t" l'h4.1: t:hc rjrairr prclccl' v't'r'i
clolie r.l:.L.houL a perlr!t ' As Mr ' Emr j ck e-'xpleirtt:t-l i-o lvlt -
HarLman' perrni'J'; arc for everyllcdy's protr'lctioti' '1 il)s
wou.l-d :rrc i ud'l Lhe owrtet s as.t"I"L o" r;ther tnetrbe rs 'tf
Elle uomn'u" ity trt'i *i9t'tt be rtnpat:ted i f ' t h'e b^ui l(J r rig
silcles of r 'il*t^h'
til'--.' 1'ne jr:ain prr:ject- would rp!'ear
to hQ Prohibited bY Jat'r'
D, As a p,.,,''"'il"-ncn1'rotit ::li";i:;ll; ;illl";;"::,:
Associacr on shcu] d rrct Prof I
authorrzat'-ou"- The ')actc <lf resolLrtion did
r:onsiderat''"rr-of t'h'il maior expeticiit-ure' r'"rJi j cli
ettt'.a j t *tr t'uii ;; ' ;;;;' d'jes n'>t seern tu colnpc r t "ri r-ii
tile law or the BY-Laws '
ln Arr-ir.:le 1r/, SecL Lon 6 'the 13Y-Laws Pr ovi cie tila i' :
serlvices Outiit*"0-UV itirr for ttle Asscc-iati'ot) r11 alry
',rr.her capacity' unf e'ss a. reso'l utictr aut'h':ri'ri:rct :juljh
remurreraticn slrall h'tve beell arJopl'-e'J by:ire Boarcl oJ
DirecLors bef ore the servic€e cf r'r3 un('lertaken '
'fo request LnaL paymenLs lud" ll^yQu wiien t/crl we-re t';i'i6t--r$
arrd direcLors arrd sht'u1<1 !ra"'e been aware of your owir iJV-
: l',1r, llartman di d P!:odu\:e a
requ!red to ba Permltte(1 '
commercial rruiIdrngs'
i the siclewalk Prcject al$o
docitrne:1t blh ! t.lh
lie acsunB that
j ndtcates Ltrac 5 i(jewa I ks dre rlor-
ttris provislon ;rFPli'es trr
enteiled another $4000 PlLrs
I,arvs wcuiC have t:he rriembers conCorring an J'I iega!' act fr'r a
prolec[. wirich could have massive liabilit-y'
Throtrgh a ooctimenf' dat'ecl l'99f in arr t:fforl to orovicle
ft)r 950 conlpen:i6clon tc the Tr€ifsr)rer anrj elirni'nii1"e il
t.rrmal au<lit, thc tsy-Laws dere amc+nded " This ametrdmenl' rrr
par'1. provideo t.hai:
I.|o rerl\l:11erai- j.otr shaII be Paid Lcr nlr of t 1.,:' 'o:..
selvic:es perloritrec{ by h'i m f{')r tirc AsSocj'at-l'ltl) r!}
ut,y oat,*t i:apac;ityr unlesg. a ):e::lrrci(')f l
fr\ltirorizirrq .quc:Il l*'n"'n*'etjOn slrall havt: he-:r
arlr'rpteid by the Bcrard of Dj rect'or:j trelore r-he
s€rV-L-e$ .lri) urldbl r [',a keIl ' -
4. Artj'e )e TX, Section 4 pl.ovicles Lrrat
ui ith r'he ;rrlcrr aul-'ht:lri zat.iori of tlhe Foartj oi
nlre,:tors, "tI
not*t ' chec;ks and (:orit:a''lts 61 qil'he ;'
'Jt)li!latiorrs:;hal1 be ev'ecuterl ctl behcrlf of tlte
As.sor:rat'ioI\ by any tvro of f :'cer.s c'o t'llcr A$''idcf al "Dll'
i)I-re [)erson, l;rtt the clra-"n projecl arrd sjciewolk' Icrlr'ing ttJ:
ap[)rox ir.'at.eI; 'i; tl , CIOO of tnL lisoc t ati(.r'.'' '": f utriis' !'r()i1ic1 s;ee.l
I,i) be al ccIIl;a..'iL or obiiEattorr which shouJrj !:ave iec:eivecl
Lire ltreriii)ers as well'
gugir m.a'i (1r j Inprclvemerlts sh:lu!d have br:tln ttotir-:crci t'r; ali of bhe
o,,1rr.ers 6nrl i€c€t u"'f ttr* input Qf Che owtl€'[$r (]F'Fe(':iaI ly irr iiqht'
rif i..he hrsl'.ory of Lhe hrll-iCrnq atirJ iLs fr:unclat'ior) P'r:)b)Ieins'
uriit vrj. Il he'r'he firsL Lo ire lntpacted'
\clcl!t:iorralI5', a re'/ j ew of t'he i nsurance [)o]'i(':y of tirtt
cond.rrninirjni Assoc jation seemg t-o i.,Jic:atL ti-,u,- this p'.''" rcy r'liJ l'
nol cover ","rV
Otiotie causi'd by' the irrstallation of lhe f 3p'!t'y
drain. This stroulc'l not conre 11 '' d sLlrpris*: since Ihe 1:reviouts
business policy does not- lnclude
The cog.,y of that- 5'slldmcrnt whlcir
i n,lii:aic.s that b(lf-h Ron Mi"tcheIl
tf ,e purPC)r le'J AmenCm(rrrt"
wair Fri) 'ridc<1 t', ne
4prJ Edr t IItr t'f.lc'atr s:';rieJ'
t However, i.he I c l5 llo docLunerlEil-icr
Count-y sc i quefrion j'ts validity'
thar- tiiis A,nencirrient liag f ecc] Lied Hith thtt
througlr $ev!ers 'rr ilr'ains Iorl Yl !'el below lhe su::fat--e of
Ihe grcurtcl incl'.rcling Ehar whrL:h ]-s pijtt:'tl9 pre::5llre ()r'r cr
f i<)w, lJ\:eps i)r leak-s tltrrruglt s iclewai ks ' driv<lways'
f ourrCat-lrrns, walls, h.iselnents c) r- Ql'her l'le-'c;rs ' or I l-rrr)Ll(rl't
i,JOr, Wrn(:low;! or' ,tni' ()ther op+nirrg: rn suc:h s:-ciewal r':'; '
,r:iver"ays, f outttjaLlon:q, rvails or f J (lors""
Thc 1:r: l.:cy does nct coiier lcs': carrsed by
Act $ Dr deci 5 i rros , i ncl rrclrng the f all
r>f any per'$aJn, 9r:ou[)r oruani;at'!,JJr or
I.lre t c' 'tct o:: ,le'-: ider
g{)ver;lt[cnEa.[ nr)CY -
The i.rci.:-cY does nct cover
r'aru Lcy, j.nu4q"i{uat': c'r def ecL i've"'; plct:rn ing ' ?i'ili:trl/
rlevr.: l}:,trrtjr'1r., s,'irvey ir'g, 5!tL(rc]; "' ciesitJrL ' s!;tlc'i"f iL'a ll l'Jnl;I
!"ic: r'ill ., j,shi!r, r*tPair, c6n5l1ugL"i cn1 r'encvcriion' v 4r:'r;r'i'' 1 l'ti'J,.
tJict .L:-,.i t l;r'pact' on- .
It p,:i r.l rr-r a-.,o .eeEiIl Lhai. r'he orocecJure lrsed t11 All o ''l lire:
:*i..:: Ln,.. i. atr: i n !ne ce.L i by r'he f oundaciotr lvoult': cau$a- :je
thr: iourrdatiotl . This would seen to l:e a l'auILy desiqlr
.1": r:crul.il be argr"iecl that your ac'- ions in t:Ot I: L) l t s l l l r : r r r )
1:rof':ssi,-:r,ais anci in <ioj'irq a rrrolec-t l:l lt:1'::li:. ]:-llt'"ilt1,ii',';;,t
l rai.ri 1.rtir, buL there are impl lcaL i ons fss r'l're owllers of ttie
Assor:!atl.toll . i'f there is insc'Ivency or 'i ndemrrif :'cai' jor' i()l: yull t'
actic)ns the IJY'Laws P::'ovide
A.i I 1;air!1rt'V, Ioss, dal age' c<:-sts and exDenst-' i nr:u! r't:d r:r
sulfered by Lhe Associar'iort by reason or aris!rrg ()ut r':f or:'
Mr'. liarr-marrr orr AugusE 5, 20C0 jndicatelcl thaL he lr'i-r cL)5(lYve'J rlo
prot.r lem:: with r"he J,:ainattre' This couLrl be rtzFect-eci a1' l-hrs
t/et year or wl!.n an ai:curnJia t ion of we:r' years' it' is t)o5'5 1l)ie
Lhat t.he ent-ire intergrlr--y of t.he lcuncJat!on of t'he condo will r;e
in leopardy' We *ouid 'Lgtl*=t t:fral prior to the annual meetlllq'
rt-: -.:
, 'l,r,r nf!. , r.l-l I !
cllli i
'l-.e1. ', f c-r
' ,1.,1. I 'le Ol'j. I
-iUL t.,L l.' .'-" -
i.r':)c,-i': ').
un u:-ril*..:ra)rrzed nldior e x [.) F.) il 'j i t u ! e pe 'licrl:4tl1v
: c:1 u.1: sr-ruct\ira1 etlg jrreers a3 LO an)" I I '- I';8
.:,:r!n ai'ici dny rer'Lr.l ' iicl jcn' We wQiil-1
- ;.,; 3r;r.:it ()o-- i-:rio:, . - .i.ri a'ivance lr i- the a rrtir'1<-ri"
it rcr!. Ptr. ji.i,s j.r'r f-en*- LO CaUO() pr;"rb)F1ms, !)Ll', !t ;)!-(1"'/ €rn:
ar'-ti ::cOy arry !. . elr.s. Wtl wiI l [6 st-'nclinq ()1 h'3t:
c(.)r i,- [.](rrlden(i(: 3nc1 ."i\lqges c. iong tu the ()wnerlr [)r]i(): 'r itl'rril'1 I
iierjL. t ng t() aELtirrrpt tc rrrake Lllis Associai'iclii morc ' ' '/ti.:r-
.:r";!1O\€OL $ f rolil Otner cwnerS a5 to t:heir collcerlis ' 'f htrttk yc'-i 'tli
:. r'l /ance lor your ant i(jipatecl coupera t ion '
. :,r,llrj
F*:.a+beth f ischer
,J..::rr^, ,'.: Zc.i g.r"er, i:hr i$tre tsent, .Jonafr MarIey
:,- l : l'r/ a:- i(tj r
| .a r rir tr{ tl c.rci
'rr i r'r (lcrw i. n
D.tf Bt-.,f st-aci
.T€.ff arLci ChurV'.j. lJeIl
J(,i,il"r .:j, Can--1da
'lhr;rra,-i C'Brien
Series of .|987
bIHEREAS, The Town of Vail, Colorado recently re-annexed a portion of the West
Vail area, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, effective on 0ctober 29, 1986 as
depicted in the attached Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, Chapter .|8.68 of the Vail Municipal code sets forth procedures for the
imposition of zoning districts and recently annexed areas; and
WHEREAS, Section 3l-12-115 (S) CRS, 1973, as amended, requires the Town to
bring newly annexed areas under a zoning ordinance within 90 days after the
effective date of annexation; and
WHEREAS, whereas, the Town of Vail and John Ulbrich have entered jnto an
agreement extending the time period withjn which zoning must be applied to 180
days (agreement dated June 16, '1986); and
}JHEREAS, there is en application from the property owner of a portion of Tract
D, Vai] das Schone Fi'l ing No. l for a minor subdivision and rezoning which
shall remove said parcel from the iurisdiction of this ordinance; and
IIHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has
considered the zoning to be imposed on the re-annexed area at a publ'i c hearing
and has made a recommendation to the Town Council to adopt zoning as proposed
in this ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the Town Counci'l considers it is in the best interest of the public
hea'l th, safety and welfare to so zone said property.
Secti on I . Procedures Ful fi I I ed
The procedures for the determination of the zoning districts to be imposed on
the recently re-annexed hlest Vail area as set forth in Chapter 'l 8.68 of the
Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled.
Section 2.
A part of Tract D, Vail das Schone Filing #l as generally shown on the attached
Exhibit A shal 1 be exempt from this ordinance.
Section 3.
Lot Zl, Section 14, an unplatted parce'l known as the Ulbrich property as shown
on the attached Exhibit A shall a'l so be exempt from the jurisdiction of this
ordi nance.
Section 4.
As provided in Section 18.080.030 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Zoning
Administrator is hereby directed to properly mod'i fy and amend the officja'l
zoning map to indicate the zoning specified herein.
Secti on 5.
If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance
is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the
va'l idity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Counci'l
hereby declares it wou'l d have passed this ordinance, and each part, section,
subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any
one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be
dec'l ared i nval i d.
Section 6.
The Town Council hereby finds, determines and dec1 ares that this ordinance is
necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and
the inhabitants thereof.
Section 7.
The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the Vail
Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right wtrich
has accrued, any duty imposed, any violat'i on that occurred prior to the
effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or
proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repea'led and
reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby sha'l 'l not revive any provision
or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded un] ess expressly stated
1987, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the 6th day
of January , '1987 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the
Vail Municipal Bui'l ding in Vail, Colorado.
0rdered pub'l ished in ful1 this 6th day of January , 1987.
Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk
Paul R. Johnston, Mayor
IBEnlls, thG undcr'lgn'd D'clalant l' th' ovo'r
ot t!.t r"ii oitcic cltuatc ln th. county of.E!glc'- 8trt€
of color.do rtrll Dr. piiiit"iirry tlcrcribod. In Erhlbl-t A
ia;.hd hrnto end oiac a pert f,rno! by thit r'l'r'nc' '
lf,EItlS r Dcclarrnt d"lr" to "t'bll'h ' condo-
rlalrr ptojrcitrnior rnd Purru.nt to th' con'lodnlui
Orrthi;-Gi-of urc stiti-ot color'do, ar r'nnded t end
x8!n!18, Do€lrrant ht' conttruct'd. r bull'llng and
otbr tryrovurti "" tft"-i,tljcct -grogorty. vhlcb Ar' to b'
iidad i;; ."e.i.t.rf aci igia toa' rci td';ttal condoal nltu
oaltr, .oa cGtita coren clcnntr I and
mtllfs, D.clarant h.raby 'rtrblllh" I -
plen for
(1) oaur.hiP ol iopara-- icc rtryir 'rt!tG' conrlrtlog ol
tDa rtar or 1r.s. containea ln caih o! th'- rcrldrntlrl unl tr
ii-ttr-l"lialiil-.ta rzi- "o-ouncrrhlp of thr-lndlvidurl aad
-p.ti- ti ofre rl, .. talrntr ln coon,-of tb' r'r'inlxg
rrii ."a ponoarl p-p.tii- ttit lnattcr d'lttf,dt rnd r'f'rr'd
to al tha gaDar.l c!@n Gl'.rnta,
NOlt TBIRBIORE, DGcl lr.nt hcrcby publlrh't rnd
dacl.ra. tnii trri iolloring tGran., covcn'ntr, conditlonr 'c.rgiir ' rrrtrlcttonl, uior, llnltatlont- and obllgrtlon'
iUff fc iccnd to run vi tlr tia land, .hall ba a burdcn
on rnd a baDaflt to Daclrrrnt' itr tucce'lors lrd rlgnr
.oa-"oy-p.t.oo rcqulring or o*nJ'nE ln I'ntclrtt I'n th'
iGfi"i b.op.tay, -th€ir 3ucc€rton, Err.nt..r, hllnr rxcc-
utoir, ra*n!3trator!, davilaaa rnd aatlEm''
l, DESTIItIONS. Unlerr th. clntart rh'Il ':q)r"'-ly pllyid.-othffiTF; follorlng dcflnltloDr rbrll rpEDly s
(.) 'Indlvialu.l .ir rP.c. unlt' r.D'- 'Dt 'I''o'(vh.ttia; enclo.ed or othcnrleo drltnod on ch. nP)
oc€qrylng al1 or Prrt of a lloor or floorr ln e
uutlbiag- rubj.ct ir.reto, .nd Yhtch ln no c"' 'rt'tt'ttUiona furc p6rinctcr ratre, cc11ln9n, floorr, rlndor|
rni doorr thcrcof ar d.r- F.t.d on tba !rP.
(b) 'condotlDlrt u!1t" or ruattr ralt el tndlrll-
rr.f riiipacc unl t toE tlt t vl th tlro lnt r..t I'n th'
9.rr.l ina rtnrtra coon clrnntt .Ppurtan'nt to
rucb ualt.
(c) 'ortncr' Dana a parron, tltrr - corPor'ttoltgartlrtahlp, relocletloa, or other lagal aotlt?, or
iay odtnltlon thar.ot, orning o!- or Drr Go&Ilts
la rDtt ,
,! i
nl ts
)rea 9-
?Ply :
xy aPace
map )
an indivld-in the
nt to
ration,ty, o!
(d) 'co@n oldont" nrnt r'-rl or 9'r'on'1
proporty oured r. ..n"iiI-r"Eii-n by- ovm:r of
unitr, vhlch onn.r.nrP'fi ;buit.r"t"t. to ornrrhlP
ol .uch unlta.
(e) 'G€ncrrl codn at'Dnc" ^r'nt-Protrrtyof any-ilnd urcd, rercrrnd ud orrd by th' o'n-
eru ar dltln.al abov. .ni-frcitraI b-y rly of ^lllur-iiltlS"-iia- "rurout rrJdlron o" tf,r grr'crrlltt'
Ji-u,i--toiigolng, rtt o! tlt tollo'lngt
(I) tt. I'nd on r||lch tho butldtng ir looetrd t
(2) vacant lrDd, prrtltrg- ltoolr r'cr"tloD'l
lactrtttcr, ierdrl gedla' ' 'Id'r'lk' or Prtnt '
( 3 ) Tio toundrtlon; eolttltr r glr'Lrt ' D"tt '.upport.' iiin iiirr, iiit-l"a-iteln.oi thc butldlnst
(a) lt ln t ll'!1o!?- 9!,9!ntr'l-t'rvlc'ttncludlns Jii.tl--r..i-drii-ina uirrrtt"' tlur rtrd
::iHiii*; lr;#t:ir.*.;t:'ini"$:ln3'.#
buitdtng t
(5) Alt oth.r prrtr ot tt- 9l9fltv tfl
.r..D!nt. rad rlgbt. ;.i;t or oonvrnlrlt to th'
;;lrdiili. ulrtiacr, lrlnlrnance lttd 'rf'ty ' or
norllally ln coDa uaa,
(5) "fho.. Porttonr of tbo.prop'rw d"IgD't'd
on th. naP a3 'coon;;;;;-'i;cuenrtar- ana El'ctrlc'l
Arae., .Entrance epr.lii.lt..Er"n ind Lnd.crF l8'r'
.nd 'Utlllty cbar.'.
(l) 'LlDited co@n 'I'Dnt" Ern' t'bot' p'rtl
ot th. g.ncrar "o*o fi.Jnti - roorvoa prllrlly tor
th€ uaG ot tlr€ ovncr oi-i conaolfnlul- unlt' 'ub"ot6-til-trgr,J-or otnct ovncn to u" thc 'ar lor
r.atonlbr. rcc.!. to tiiii trrtrtr ' end lncludm tblr
oortlonr of thG Proparty d"lEn'c'd on tb' rP 'l-'b.Icony' or 'P.tio' .
(9) .Enrira ppnla6' . 'prcirot' r-'ptIotlct' ,
'aotiEi p*p"ttv'' ot-'t1-9rrt!' nrnr -thr leri'
uurriiist, rir ri'prorniati rna 'tructllt'! th't\F[ '
ana iri-iiehte, oircrai- rnd rppurt'n'nc" tLtlto '
(h) 'condornl.nluro proJcct'- o-r..1. :rl,:f tL l'!d
ana liliovrmnir rubdtirrl- to thl' D'cl'r'do'
(1) 'co!!rn aaDana"' r'n':
(I) All .ut lrvtully ..rorlld rgelnft
thc Acncral coDn al-ntt t
l2l Ere.nra. of 'drlDl'trrtton rd
to"t.q.;ntl-il-{ntrneacr ' rr;nlr or r'Plro'
rnt-of chc E.[cr.l corDn 'l'Dnttt
(3) Etqt l... dlolurd coDn 'xD'llfbY tha unlt ounarr '
,*.,,, t lL ;lii"fi:i;i!3 3:'&li"iffiliJr.ilfits:'
or r1t
unl t
th€ :coIrrfo:
laE iD'D
scat€d i
eana 'ding;
)!l rrto.
iation'd colo-
lado tpn-protlt corPoratlon, tba-Artlclet of lncorP'
or.aion aid By-Irwl- of rhlch 'h'll govern tlrr rdnln'
lrtntlon of thl! condotllniu! proJ.at, and th' Dtb€r'
o! vhlch lhall b€ rll of tha orncrr of the con'loEl n luD
unl,t. of thi! condonrlnluo ProJcct.
(k) '!hP' or 'PIan' D.nr thc cnginerlng :Y!v'yof tha lubJ.ci propcity locrtlng th.r'on all ot t'\G
lqrrovtrnil, tirr irool rad .lcvatlon Plar-r' asd any
otler drarlnE or dlagreolClc PI'n d'Plcting ' Part
of or all of th. lryrov.Dnta.
(1) 'Building' Frnr a bulldlng ltnpro{@nt
occupyl;g and coapilrlng I P.rt of th' rubJ'ct
2. CONDOT{INII,Ii t{AE . 1'hG r|P thrll be f l l'd f or r'cord
or r.corded PrG-iE6-E-lFt convryanco o! any- condodnlrn-
unlt. Such iap rhtll r.t forth anal doptct (l) th' tufftc' ol
th. l|nd aad ltr lcgal dolcrlptlon ' Yl-th dllgnation "!,9:ttt-:?l-colen .lGDnt!, (t) th. llniar rarurcEata and locatlon' ulcn
i"t.il".i-io-tli eiiirfoi bounttarlo ot th' lrnd, of th' b':rld-.
lag rnd all otha! lryrovanantr bullt or to ba bullt otl lllo r'nq
uy'o.dirt""ti - i-f t ri"or-frinr ana .l.vatlon Plan' of ray bullil-
lirg- tiiicon irroririrg rocition, unlt d..lgnrtl'on rnd ltncar dlrn-
rlonr of cach untt, trtliii i"i"t-.tlon rltb rctFct -to lbtt''l
cor@n cl€Dnta, (l) tlrr clcvatlon of th' untlnllh"l lnt'r1or
ro"i."cr o! thc floore and ceiltnga' rnd llncar Drlur'lllnt'
rhovtng th. thl'ctn .t of Pollrt r r.l1r.
th. tLP lhall contltn or b' lccoqr:nlrd by a-
cartlflcata of rcalltircd rrchit.ct or llaanr'd protrrrlonal--
englncor carttfylng that luch l,itp fully -.nd- accnaat'ry d'PrcEr
tlri layout, rreiuriocnte and locatlon of ell lTProvtT?ll!1, ^--gcncrai coDn clalDGntr ' unlt derlEnrtlon', rn'l the dlrn'lonl
;i-;A unit .nd tha elGv.tLon of tir lloor' and cclltngt '
rn lni-rrpr.ting th. rbp th. .rl'tlng Phyrlc'l
boutrdarlaa of cach unit'ar coiltructrd rhrlt b' conclurlvrly
praausd to bc lta bound.rlcr .
Doclarant r.!Grw!. tha rlght to 'rnd tb' XrP'
lron tir to tlDr, to conloro trD to thc rctuel Phytlc'I
loortlon of th. c.n.tructad iProvaDDts .!d tc a':y cD'Dgor 'mdlf lcatlon. or alt.ratlon..
tr.r otoo.li" '
altvtalid into- thr lollortng lec rlq'lr ..trt..t
rnlv. f.. tlFlc aatrt l. rlclr 'uch 'ttrt'con l.tlng of (I) rn tnaltvtduil -rlrrplar, .!d (2) rD rPPur-
t nrnt undlvlaoa fntenrt'I"-."a to iho grnre! cco 'Lnlrt' I
iucrr intr"ut uetng rhil "i rritrrlrt !, i!t'ch'd h'ls ' utll
hrFby !.d. . P.rt haraot.
E cb tuch coadmlatr lDlt 'brtl b' l-Dcttr'd
on U|. lrp la t!. .rr rDncr .. ol lrhlDtt l'
lrtr goarnl oo.lFo alalt' 'hrll b' lrld ln
oorcn by ttrr cHri-oi tb. .lrrFc Elt '$r'ct h'rlto '
rDdtvr.tu.rritr oS-
' as
' deed,
hs and
condo-ld egregs
ip of
t and
nd ownedin
t, :1r
'. of
rreof ,
rium unit.
rts, Each
lsesgionrt to use tha
)t that ha
lers. their
:ornnon ele-
:h eletFntt: Larful
its shal l
a tiveg ,aintain
ng the
ortion of
es upon
.la.()S I
.:. I r noL/
uPon an .dJolnlng alrlpec. unlt o! unlta, a v.lld 'rttuntfir thc eniroachiont aird for thG luint.n.nca of .ts, !o lonq
rs lt atand., ahall and do.. arlrt. lor tltla or oth.r purpot" 'luch Gncrorcilsntr and aractFnta !h!II not ba conrld'r'd or
dGt rnln d to bG cnclubranc.r althcr on tha ganaral co@n 'l'-m€nta or thc condornlniu0 unlta.
12. lEnntlrtroN or
FIQATIo . SuD.. 3.-
id[E6?l-on thr ttip, tto
-i.bot pcr'forucd or nt rl.l. turnlrhcd
ard lncorpontrd iir an tlrlpetc unlt rlth th. cotrrcnt of cr at
thr ragurit of th. onn.r thar.o! or hl. rgaat or hl. ooDtnctor
or rub&nttrctor .h.ll b. th. b..ir for tlllng of r llaa aEs1[tt
tha utllt of .nlt oth'r orn'r not 'xpr"'l!t ootucnting ttr or
r.quaattng Gh. .u., tncluding tho genlrat oonn alartttt
orrira Uy iuch other otn r.. irch ovner .hrll lDdrnlly end hold
hu'nlcri crch of thr othrr oflnara rnd tha ltaoohtlon tror rd
egetnrt rif tftf rfty .rlrlng lron tha ctrlr ol rlry ttea .grhtc-
tio uatt ot .ntt othci cnrr, -iDoludlng t5a 9a!.r.1 ccn 'lctrtttor ooartructt6n pcrtotud 6r tor hbor, rtrrhl r rrvlca' or
oticr product! lnAotDor.trd ln or othrrYl.. .tlrlbut bl. to ti'
ovncrr a condoldnlun unlt at auch ovnar'a rSIrat.
.,,a,.o.g.::;. ffi-ffr;!!g!;tr'c'orby ttro A;tlclc. ot hoorttor.tloa and Ey-frrr,ot vetl Erl$tr
c;ndoltult! AtaoclrtloD. - . tloD-Ploflt Colorrdo corDorrtlon'
hcrelnrftar ntrrrrd to ra th. iAlroclrtloa'. f carllltad coPtt
of th. ccltltlcrt of InoorDor.tion of Iroh corPot t,'oD ah'lt
b€ tll.d or rocordrd la feglc county .taalthlly tlrlt rloualy
or prJ,or to tll. r.cordtng o! thI. Dcctarrtton. l$ orDr of .
conlolnlrn unlt, uPon boconlnE All dtrrtGr r ahall ba a nbar
o! th. Alaocl.tlon ind rhall rinaln a nSrr for tbe Parlodof h1t oyn rahlp. No Fraon rhall bG t d.r unla.. ha l.
an oyn.r. ln riclurlvi lE.nt for th. oParatlon ard Ln.g.-
Ent of thlr condonlnLrD Prj€ct ruay bo .tt olnt.d by tlr.
lr. REsER\tAt IOtr roR AocEss-t|rIrlElrx9Fr
E ERGENCTES. I' r19ht'
6-h-E'1..d by th. tlrnrglng Agcnt or !o.rd ol Dlr.ccor.
ot the Artocl.tlo;, to h.vo-aca..i to erd uolt fra th
t tlE durlng rcaronrbll hourr .t nry ba sa.aarlt for -th.lnrp.ctlon, lilntcnanoc, rcpalr or rrPllqlrDt of aly -ot Ura
grn-ral corn .l.rntr thcitln neca..rry to Prrralt- aLrgo.
Io tho gcoorel or liDltad courca .I.rntr or to .Etb.r unlt
or uDlta.
aur fth.
Drlrg. to th. lntarlor o! aly tatt of ..unlt
rarultlDg lroa tho !!lnt mnc., nprlr' elgonaty laPrlr
or a.plra.Dnt of rny of th. gnn r.l ao-n al-lta ol
ar r ilult o! urg-noy rrpaln tlthln .Dsr.t uDlt rtth. ln.l.taDoo ol thr lrrooletlon rhelt lt r ocoD a:qraDaaof rll ot th. orn.rr, provld.d, horrv.r, tiat tt a|Fb drrqt
1. th. r.ault o! thr nigltg.nc. ot r ualt'*a.rr tLn auot
unlt ovnr !h.11 b. r.lpomlbl. lor rll ol ruolr a.r.Or.
naatontlon of th. rter-gorl bProvcntr thatl Da E rubota!-Ciiuy tar rrn condltl.Sn u irret of ruoh llronatr prlor
to tb. d.rg.
"o" not-.ll'"r t-
lng,-aiornrr rhell br doerd to orn thr llndort r ilooll rlniirlor non-.upportlng trllr, tlrr natrrtrlr (.uch r| but
r|ot lhlt d to iiertcr, gy9tun atrtf v.ll., tnmllngr rrtl-
ll qnarnl coDD aIGDntr th'll b' in"ptlabl' and n'y b'
6avry.d ' lorll r .n",-L"iJ ' dovlrod or- lnh'rlt'd only a'
a coodorlnlur u!lt.
t...., ,-rii.,. 'ffI"":?:'l.c.l rv o..cr: b. . """aiiiiit--""i t uy ltt. ld'nttfvll! Yllt;;;;'(;;;';; t.r'ruii ri, r"rro'ra 9r th' ror'tt' 'v'11
Erlght. cordol'nlurt ' ,
'Jr-tjt ' c"rtrtii- irfircnce to th' r'cord'd
bclrratloD rnd rbP. d:; ;t-h -dttcrlPtlon rhall b d"t'd
ili-.ii-I"rii"rr"'t r"i-.li putpomr to- eonv'lt ' trantf'r 'octrbcr or otlranl!. rrlict'thi grrrrel coren rleratt rnd
tb. rlrrt d c.oDn cr;;;;-t .trin tot ur' Ylth tuch cottdo-
.fof r---li, rld .l.o io-""n"tv ttrr :f gh!-9! lngrct' 'nd.'916"to .Dd fro! trl'd unlt iia- tiii -i rll tra 6omn olcnntr rd'rc'nt
EffiEre.or ol - tlr.tbl. pro[rrty, r. lt p;;idae-by-itY, ?9 tu! 'rch ud't 'trdrtr-$;il;;at uadtviara lnG.r-'t ln tho- genrrar c-!
"r-;U rrt.rr lo a..rc . ..p.r't' parccl ud 'ub"ot to
reprr.to rtaalalDt and trxatlon.
7. lf[r.E. A condo|nilluo unlt D'y b' b'ld |n'l o'[''l
by Dr. tr,." offp.i"on ir lornt !'ntntt or r' t'nurcr in
c6roo, or in eay- rcar--protirty ttnrncy r'l'tlonthlP r'cog-
nlrrd under tbr llrr of colorrdo '
-. **r.i'."H*i '
;f dia oyrtr of uaarvllca- rntricrt thar'ln. and thrll r'rh
,laafvfara, end rc o*rrai-if,.ir urfng rny lction for PutltloD -or att vl.loa ot trro een.rii-coon itcnintr ' - Nothing- coltrh'd
bonla thrll b. "ott"tto.a-"i a thltatloa- of thc rtglrt of-
D.rtltloD o! e conaonrif t--u"i t b't|,.cn th' oun'rt tlrtrool r
fit;fi-;;tltiii-tilii i"i-iirl"t anv otbtr condal'rtu tnlt'
ov* ruri'rc :tii*^;T.;;;D""r-"aft. Erch ovnrr hrs th' prhary rlEbt i9 tlL tH
Itdt d coDn .l.Eentr-.lfortett nt to hlt- unlt' 'rc'9t tht- b'
rb.ri - p.t"n t rctronabli illJt. ut"rcovcr for oth'r orurt ' tD'tt
goaatt'."a fulll.r. L"tt-"t"ai E y utr thg acn'rrl cra rb-
rltt ,.8 .ccordrnc. ,ifrLrt"-itir-i1 i"t vhlci eay 'udr- 'lclt'.r. lntdld.d rttbout nr"a.ilne-"i' cncroachlng upoa tlrr lrvtbl
rlgDlr ol tba otbcr oYn.rl.
I0. usE Ar{D OCCUP!!!CY. All condoDlnlur rEltr tb'll
bo urd ald occulTlriftTlnElFl'fTf !o r r.t I d.n t I r I
- Purgc"'
ry tir "-.t, by- tho 6rnrr 'i fe,itty or th' odD'r' r glr.'tt
ad tananta.
D.clrnat .nd ltr qloy"', r'P8't'Dt'31vt- t
rqot., rld contr.ctora r.y on tba al$tact Pr9 ?!T..gy ltDt'l!
r-boalrar rad ..lcr o?CLc.. coortruottoD l'cllltt" 'Eiercrl -orr ualtr rnd oirri rectrrtl.. nqulrod
ioar tnrcttot ald ralcr 9c1od.
.a- rirrolcr uslt or unftr,-l vrl td rlran! tor tht orcrord'
I"i."i-ior-tro tlntrarice ot rrr .o long 't lt tt'!d' 'ilir .ta 4".. .rlrt. --ia .!y Portlon o! rn rlrlgro qlt !!!or hrrrrltrr ancrorch.a lPoD tha g.naral c€Dn ol-aE! ' ot
7If;i-a -
P.P.r, brloll ttoml grht, v.l.l .rrd lloor tltcr and tloorlDg 'but rbt tDcl|rdtDg tb. aublloorlng) trhlng up th. tlal.b.d.urf.oaa of tla trrr,rtar nlla, aalltng. rnd lloor. rltllntb. .lrrDro. ullt |!a th. ullt door. xld vlndovr. th. orDar!!tll mt ba aLad to ovD .!y utltltl.. runnlnq throu$ htrrlrrprcc urlt uhl,ch aanra bra th|D or unlt .ro.pc .a I ta rCla comn rith thr orDalr of auch oth.! utrltr. Sucb rlght tor.Prlr, rlt 8 .|rd rAcdaf rh.U o|rry tha obllg.tlon to r.9l.orny fld.hlDd rat.tlrl. r.rrv.d rlth .lrllrr or otb.r qD.t ortlndr ot tlalrt lng rt r1.l. ot .qusl or b.tt r gurlltt.
lloh daar lhrlL ttAl,lt la end t..g tba lntartot,lnclulllng tha lhCur.., of hl. trn uDlt ln good t .t. .adrqrrlr. tll llrt[!.. .Dd .gulpnt ln|trll.d rlthln tlr.Etrtt aoDDctof, rt r polnt riar. th. utllr,ty llnar, plp.t,tlraa. oor{ulta or alrrrtara (rrblch lor bravl ty .ta barat!.ttatratatr.d to .. 'utlllll.ar) aBt r t.ha ualt .h.ll ba D.lD-
tr!D.a! |!a fagt 1l sr?.tr by tb. or! r tlrrrcof .
Io otrS .hrll do .Dy .ot or any rork ti.t rlllt4rlr thr rtruotural routrdn .. or h!.grlty ot tb. bulldlryor ltdr aat araa.|lt or h.ladlt rat.
16. Om&tlrcl rlrl PRo\trsrolls oF DEcrtn tro rp!I-f.lfa. lroh;I-I6F ot thl. D.olrnlloa, tbr- grovllloar o! t!. Artlcl.tof fD€rlror.tlon .!d ly-Iavr ol tha lt.ocl.tion, rnd tiadroirlonr and rcrolutionr of th. Ltocl.tlon raloPtad Pur-au.nt tbar.to ra tL a.D lry ba trrtuuy anadod fror tlrto t{i.. lailurc ro to coply ah.ll b. groundr for ra
eoCion to raogvrar aiDr dua rad tor durgcr or injunctlvaratl.t or botl, rtltalnablr by tbo tlrnaglng tg.nt or Eorrdot Dlr.ctoa. ln thr D.r ot th. Aaaochtlon on behelf ofthr oranrr or, La a propar cero 1 r\y rD aglllavaal oraar.
1?. REttOClrroN on ArEtD{Er*T $O DECHRATTON. ltl.
Dachratl,oD ahrll rct b. raltg}.it tpr rh.ll any ol tlr. Pro-vl.loat b$rln br eradcd uab.. (l) .lrty-.lx and tvo-thtrdt
Froant or Dra ol thr orrrrt ol condonlnir.m unltr (bracd oa
lgg:rqetr crnhlp ln thc proJrct Drrur.d by on. vot lor
Iril srtt) , .!d (2) rll of tb. hold.r. ol any rccord.d Drt-
g|.qf,a ot d..dl of truat coearlDg or .ft.ctlng rny or dl
lrllta lrlrDlDu.ly ao||taDt .!d rErta to auch r.rrocrtloa or
rroblt Dry tartnnrnt (r) dufy racord.d, provldlcdr bro$l9lt rtb.t ti. Ifio.at gf, ol thr undlvld.d lnt r..tl In tho g.nrrl
cmtr ala-nta rl,|nrrt n.nt to racb unit, ra atrtad laSl^blt !' rb.ll b.Yt a P.n aant churct.r rnd .h.ll Dot
ba rltarad rlthout tb. coaa.nt of tll o! th. unlt oYnra
.. .q|r ...d ta r &rty rccord.d .DndDnt to tht. DaclrnCtol.
.Dd rllolour rlrohlol lDlurrE ,ltb .nooa.-aCtti. eulB o! thr rrh|[ t Dl.clc "ds o! .lloen deat r ora[.ltv .!a Dub$c ll.lltltt rlaooDn .lcnca, orau.lty ral Publlc tt
raor praful l frdrorplng .!d- oat". of gtouA- t |Er'
lih&a6a.{ii5q{},.risgr:*-b,-'.rq.!i&ilt*!:a., .,}......,,-.!nr".- ,rr r! , tr !.!jl"Aidrl-,a: -,-
lr .ttornay- in-fact ' tha Alaoclation' by lt! duly authorlt€dottlctra fron tln to tltla, rhatl havr fu.ll and coryl6taeuthoriretlon, right and power to m.ka, axocute and dGllvaral|y contraci, drcd or any oth€r instruDant nac€laary or aPPro-
Paiata to ararclrc tha porars hGreln grantad ylth raapact totha lataraat of any unlt ovner. Repalr rnd raconatructlonol tia i.qrrpveDntt r! urad ln thc rucccdlng .ubp.r.EnphrItrna rjaatorlnE any ruch lnprovcmntr to r condltlon aubatrn 'tlally tha a.Dr ar prlor to the dan Ea, rlth aach unlt rtdtir g.Drel and lhltcd coEoron Glatnontt hrylns tha aa.Dvlrtlcd rDd horlrontal boundarica ar baforG. lta procaadaof .Dy lDaur.nca collect d rhall bc rvrlleblc to tha ltaoclatlontor tL putpoaa ol rcpalr, rartor.tlon or raplrcaDnt u$latatt or! r. of thc bulldlng .ff.ar.d and rll .tf.ct d llrrtDrlg.g||l.. rgr.e Ft to r.bulld ln accord,mcc ulth th. pro-
vl aiobr a.t forth borctltor.
(r) In the evcnt of dartructlon due to flroor othcr dhartcr, th. lnauranca procacda, ltrulficlcnt to raconrtruct tha Lqrrovannta, aDallbe rppl lcd by thc Ar.ocl.tl.on, .. .ttornay-tFt.ct,to ruch racoDatructi.on antl thc lryrovcntr rhrll
Do proqrtly ropalrctl .nd raconrtructad. Italrroclrtl,on .hatl hav! tull .ucboflty. right Jrd
POU\.r, .a .ttora.y-ln-l.ct, to cluaa tba r,a9alr.nd r.rtorrtlon of thc lryronrnt..
(b) If tha lnsuranc. grocaGda rla hrEfllcl.ltto rapaLr or raconatruct tha l{rrortttr|ltt, ard tl
auch daDAge randarad not Fra Uran or halt of thapravloualy cxhtlng nunbcr of unltr daatro ad orr.rloully d!!.96d, upon th. utt nlDua rgprsud orctDrGnt of Gvrry flrlt rrtgrga. alfactad, auchd.ragG or al,E.tructloD rhall br prorptly r.p.lr.O
aDd recoDatructcd by thc Attochtlon, ra .ttorDJ'-ln-frct, urlng thc procaodr of lnaunDoa rtrd thaprocoedr of aIr aarrralant to ta lada agalatt altof tlc ovncr! and tl.l,r unlta. Srrh d-flcloacy.rr..!Dnt rball bc r co[rcn arpanaa nda acoot{tqto ch. fractional int r.rtr in th. bultdlng rhoraon Erhlblt B, and .hrll b. du. rDd D.t bl. vlthtathlrty d.y! alt r rrlttrn tFtlca tLraot. ftAraocl.tr.on rhall havc tha autbortt!2 to c.ura tLrlpafr or !..torrtlon ol tb. lerovcotr urlag rllol tlre inrur.Do. proca.dr f,or rirch Dunoaa mtrtt!,-.trDdilg tbo lallurc of rD ornr to- F th. .a..aFrnt. lh. ar..rEnt plovldcd lor h.rota rbellba I dcbt oC ..ch oyaci rnd r lhn o! lla utrlt arl| "'ir.,ny ba .ntorccd aad coll.ctad rr lr Dlotload l! .' '.r'p.ngnph 21. In addirlon th.rato, tlr lrroclrtlUp,p.Itt6?n-rr-{ n-t.^} -I-l I \-i- .l'- rr-l -^- -a A. --a.ttoary-h-frcr, .b.ll \ae. th. rbaohGa rtilt |la .,"pou.r to t.ll th. ualt ot r.oy orD.r rrtrrtng or lfllz ,lnE to pry rrrh dottctrncy ei'..|.rt rlitrfn d..ti3hE to pry rrrh dotlchncy ertoult rathtn tfa.gdpaovlat d, .nd lf nor .o p.id, th. faaoaLttoa fb|}l.ii :..q.u!. to b. r.cord.d . rDtl.c. tLt tt rllC ol tli l', ..drlllErlnf l*n-r rh- I I li- .^l t Lo .t^ r---l -.1-d.llt!$roat ovrrr rhalt br rold by th. boof.do-; ''ilbc proc..dr d.rtv.it lroe th. rrL of qoh ualt lltff .
bo urod ud dtrbun.d bt th. L.o€l.tloo, r| .tbltiFi:ln-tact, tn th. lolloylig ordorr
,.11.*_(2, -7ot P.ltDDt of ter .!d apaotd raaar*:: .ll.ar la favor ot aay elrorrlag anatqrt
!1) to! patnr.nt ol tht bdrnor o! th. llc'd,'iralr fls.t Drtara.,
uthori z€d
ple te
deI ivcry or apPro-espect to
n Subatan -
nit andgaE
Procaedre Aalochtlonnt unlcaad flrrtthe pro-
ro firc,11t, .hally-ln-frct,tr shall
tht .tdrapalr
n.uffl,clcnt, aDd tflf of tb.
ryad orroval or, auch
spalradIttorr|ay-rnd tlrcnlt rl,l:lancy
n9 aboran
e elthln
Therurc chc
using alls notxrith-
|re altaat-shallunit rndied Inssocr.atlon, atrlght anding or fail-rln th€ tlntion lhallit of tha)ciatl,on.r unit shallas a Ctorney-
:'lf.-, l ien of
(3) lor 9.tEG ot Wrli:Pl
(a) lor DryrDG otbr.loaa tn tb. orac oltbrlr prlortwr rdd
Drlr! b
dlrlnru'tdtboltEr.sf tDr'
tuolor lte.rld E.!b,.t
ot .tlry rrc[s.
tlry att !|n-hla to .trraa oa auah arbltsrtoa, thaotb. Lttar .bdl D. .atttd prntDc ro tL nLa ottJ|. l-slo.! l&tlCntlc! Lrool.tto!. li. lol.loDot tha aDtnl..ra aa to tL ttlr rrtot nl-, ca
Ifrr elrrrntc tnorld.d lor lrreta 6.ll b t Aj4 i ,.iol .rch ovarr ul r llo o! ltr tDlt .!d ry Dlrnlorord .|!al coUactaat r. b 9ro?ld.d in priefnrli ''.tl. In .ddltton th.trGo r ttr- frrocirttot, ..-ttiotr6Fln-l.st, .brll hrvt tlo ibolutr rlght .!a tF.f, to..Il tt|. u^olt ot uy flrr r.tu.lng-or trtl-log oo gt,.rEh .rraaDDt vlthln tDa ttD grovldri r .sd lt Dcro prldl ti. r.oct.tto! tbrll orur to b. raooraaa. btio. tt t tb. ualt of tbr del lmura! orrr rb.tlb. .old b!7 th. Irxrct.rlon. thr prdcoedr d.rlv.d fratD. .rI. of rnch unlt rbell, b. Er6 .od dl.buL.d bytha E.oahtlon, u ttt t atr-!.n-t ct-, Cot tba !.rIturtD.. rnd ln €rr mr ordir r. plovldad ln r6grn-
Er|DD| &) (l) throufh (ll of tblr prregnrgh.
(ltl Orarr ot t$ru gralt ra or Dr. ol tLdar of -trtr, qnn ttr onr*rur epprovel oraoaraat ot all rttactaal fl8.t Drt{agaaa, r.y .9R..tbt tD. toanf oma aloatr of ihe progrrtyt!. oLolata |!d tbt tba .D .bould b. r.D.nd orlgftndll. t! lrc,b lnrtru:t, thrn ruch larltrlor nrrrtasttoa th.ll b. b.tltut d and tbr .4r.tta8ot aldl ba tt.yrbL by rlt ot tho ornor. ottBl - garral cDa al$tr .. oo-rn .rFo...,pr.ovltled. lpn'rar, th.t ant onar Dt tErtatDg to
3Eob raE|l Or raoolttaustloa tat tlyr rrttt DDtlc. to 6a L.octrtloo ot ma-ioiulorceoo udhlt uolt at.ff lra tnt'rt.rad b? t.b. llocletlon lortD. lrlr f8t.t rrl|r thrrot. If ruch oyD.r .ndtb falooLtloD can rgtix o[ tb. lrli r.rkat v.luatteroot, ba ircb ..1. .hrll br oonrunrtrd rlth-tD )hr rtlt dr;n tlrr..ftrr. rl !b. p.rtl.. rr.rnblt to q'l.., t!. drtr lira .!tl.r prrty Dotl-Itrr tta otLr tbrt b. o! lt lr rD.bl. to agrrtLtltb th. otlar rbrlf b. th. '*rclng d.tar lrorafld rrr Darfodr ol ttr -ntloD.d herrla .b.tl b.
-[oraa. illttl t n drttr lo!,lodng th. cnct !gdata, arcb lnrqt rhetl Dd,D.ta ra epprelrr lar8ltlDg. ard abft 91rr Dtlo. of !rch nonh.tloDto thr ottrr DarCy t rld .uah .tltnl..r .brtl b. r!.rlCoa a||a qultttad to rrx. rgprei,..lr ot coo&-dlttr rad rhtlrr proD.rt? ln lrtta Coulty, Color.do.It altbar p.rtry l.ll. to DL ruch !r41ttrtl,6, Cha||?8|t|.S rlArCad rbrll, rlthln tlvt drtr .tt 8btrll3 bt tha othar p.rty, rIrIEr.Dt .hd raaoctrtarrltL rDtbar rlrlLrly qu.Ull.d epprr,'rr. IttX. Fo rlD!.lraa aLalglrt d bt th. ptrtt.!, ort.lctaal t$raE tt Lrato la thr evut ot tha lLlmlt .'i.:,, |.iol otla trrty, tan rl|Fbta to .g!.., th.y .b.!l .9?olat ;Etbrr rtrllGly qudtttad ePgnlt.r to b. ubltartorbatna! ti--, - lt tlqr o|D .9r[ oa auch parFa-. ll '.
(e) orr'ne rs of chree quarters of the numb€r of
affected units may agr€e that the general conoon
eietoents of the property are obsolete and thatthe same should be sold. Such ngreernen! muse have
the r:naninous approval. of every dffected flrstmortgagee. In such instance, the AssoclationshaiL f orth'ri th record a not.i.ce setting forth auch
fa'-tg. and upon the recording of such notice by
the Association, the entire affected premls€5 lhall
b€ sold by the Association, as altorney-in-fact, for
afl of the affected owners, free and clear of the
provisJ-ons contained in this Declaratlon, the ap
and the By-Laws. The sale proceeds shall be
apportioned between such owners on th€ baala ol
each owner's percentage interest in th€ general
conttEn elenents, and such apportloned proc€edashall be paid into separat€ accounts representlng
each unit. Each such account shall be ln thenar of the Association. and shal.l be furtheridencified by the nunber of t}|e unit and the
natE of the owner. Fron each separat€ account,the A.ssociation, as attorney-in-fact, shall urc
and dlsburse the lotal alrcunt of such accounta,elthout contribution from one account to anothcr,for the sam€ purDoses and !n the sar order at 1rprovlded in subparagraphs (b) (l) through (5) ofthis paragraph.
25. PERSCNAI PROPERIY POR COMMON USE. At rUCh tln'as its developn@e uae thcnof ,Decl.a'ant sh.ll transfer to the Associatlon all I tens of tt.r-sonal property Located on the prenises and furnlshed by D-c-Iaran , whj.ch property is i.ntended for the courcn uce arlden]oln€nt of the unj,t owners and occupants. thc agrocl,etlonshal1 hol.d rirle to such property for the use and enJoyBDtof th, irnit owners and cccuprnts. lio owner shall haic- enyother intere6t or right rhereto and all such right and ln-tcrertshall absolutely ternina.,e upon the ownerrs tclutnation ofornershi.p of his uni r,
26. MAILI)iG OF !{9TICES. AII notice!, d.!.Ddr orother notices i;Enjr-6E|To-E;=G;?ed upon an oenor rh.ll basent_ by ordinary or certified tnail , postage plGprld, tddraaaadin the name of such orner Ln care c. ttre untt nunrbcr udbuildlng address of such ohrer. Al,- notlces, deD.nda or othatnotlces intended to be served upon the Uanaglng Agant o! tbaBoard of Dilectors of ehe Agsoclatlon shall be-rcnt by orah-ary or certj.fied mail, poatagc prepaid, to3
Rob€rt w. HcHillan2'll7 wert chanonix Roedvai.l , Colorado 816 5?
Such agent and address may be chang.d by lubaaguantlt ra€ludocurn€nt or by written norice to al,l, afiectcd grrtlo-.
. Any owner may. by notic. tn r,rlttng, provtda tbAlroclation rrlth a differenr address for rnall to iuch oynfrvhich ehall be uEed by rhe Assoclation in ll..u of auch.daraalabove provlded.
Any first nortgag€e, upon wrlttan raqttlt, ilall ba.nti.tlcd to notlce fron tho Assoclatlon or fanaging -lgtrnt
- 13 -
-lrc nunber of-Ji conunon
Ind thdt
It must have)d f irst
r forth s uchrotice by'emisea shall
'-in-fact, for
-ear of the)n, the llap
rIl bebasis of! general
in tho
ld the
rhal I us€
rccouncs,:o another,rrder ag igt9h (5) of
At such tlnc! use th6reof,
.tems of p€r-
rhed by Dec-r uge and
assoclatr.onI enjoldn€nt. have anyrt and lnterett
.nation of
demando or'shall bc,id, addraar€d
rber and
lands or othcrrgent or thalnt by ordln-
undar th. !am. clrcu[tEancG! st ltt @:tgr?9r ' rt tnch rddr.''
ii ructr Drtgrg€. rhrll Provl'l' by 'uch trtlc' '
27. AnB I rnY
il"t- "p"" lno'arrra t.ii.t"a-ui- tt't Arbltrrtor (rl lry tlr
int"""i I" tnv court nivrng Juirralction th'!'ot '
coaaonrnruSti..ffi -'qff*.h.II contlnu. untll tnri-L.ittttlon 1' r'uott" ?'ur?r:ltl;;fi;;;-iz 6i-oil-Lcii*tron oE uDtlt t'nlnrtrr
pur.u.nt to .ubp.r.gr"irtiil r
- ita- iri - ol Prt"r"b 2' c!
tbla Dacl.r.tlon.
EXOaOE at Otnlrvr.! rrrtr.trrr l,rvv^s -----,, o, irro rrerdiir.ine-""i oi or rtlattng lo thlr D'clrrtttot
thcrcof , rhall bc rcttrli'ui-9i6rl'itr"n tn, f::::ft:5 IlH-EtlTii:"li' ih:"r-;[; iiuiii.it"'- r'.oclatlon' "td'ode-
29 . Gll|EnAL.
(.) tt any ol th' Provl'lont ol t?htl D
or rDy prrrerrPti,' rt tct.l, 9rt!!!i^tll:t:^"f-f1f.l-S;;ii;.fi;;'tr,iii"i rn tnv. clrcu'taac't b9 +Pvlfiiliidilt-.r..ii-'ot rtteit !1'. 19lldl:v-g 15;f,il';;ii';;i;; ;J -trro-ipprloecroa o'!lg ?uor p
ili.gnipn,--.trt no., crauc,-$nrq :I^:g r" tE
A;il;[;.;r'.r,rii-n"t bc edeotril 6'r'Dt'
(b) Ttc Provlrtonr ol thl' -Dsl|lrb. ln addttton rni ruprirntrr co U!'-oo4!+{Ftt-"c-t[i-stati or cai;;;d; ir enard rrrd to '11provlrlona of !ev.
Excapt a! o
arirlng out
rrlrB OF CttDnrDo
County ol L91a
rttorx ry b.ttd .d
IntIy recordad'ti es.
tg, provldc the
such owner
s u.:h address
r.:.:,\)r-,Str. Sha 1l be
i,.i l..t:.. ftf
.r,r. rla af.lqgBf '-i:$;tlil
* J.D| c.- Cr.lt oe&tructtoa CrD'A'
d.y ot
r,ot 15, vail Heights, Filing );o. I,
County of Eagle, and St,tte 1f Col"orado.
Uni t tlo .
APpurtenant lngaraat
'.n gcncral counncl6nnt!
r/ r2
{/ " /,t rr4y
I575 Sherman St., 2nd Floor
0enver, Colorado 80201
Telephone (303) B9Z-2361
Greeti ngs:
l{e are pleased t" iTl?* you that your Articles of Incorporation havebeen approved for firing il il;'J.iosed certiri."te-or Incorporationis lssucd to you as evidence of your corporate existence-
As a corporation. you are r.equired to.continuousiy maintain both aRegistered Agent and. a Regi!t"r"J-oir;.u. Any-chanEe of the Agentor .ffice requires t!:.r!iing-oi-u-rtarement within-thirty days ofllll^l-:h":s"' In addition,"each .iipo.ution is required ro fire aLorporate Report due Hay lsi of u".t, ti"nnium (every other year).The first corporate neport or-u iui'.orporation is iue the secondI:.:::f its incorpol:,i:". rr.,.
"ppf icaut. form will be nniled toyour registered aqent.the year in'it,i.n^your report is due. Thejilllnti"i,l:;o: F"tit c"lp"'i;";";; s'r.bo ;;;' ; rr;";rofit corpor-
You may want to retain this letter as a rerninder or mark your recordsaccordingly so that you witt not-inalvertently becorne riabre forany statutory penarties or "on..quun."s for r;..-;ii;"; or nonfiling.
If you are in need of any further service, pl ease contact us. Ouroffice hours are frcnr g:30 ;:;.-1.';:;0 p.r., Honday through Friday.
Our best wishes for success in your neb, venture
Very truly yours,
tary of State
Har ia J. SunaMra
Su i sor, Corporations
Encl .
Dgpa. trrrrr nNT <lr.
./, manv ESTILL BtiCl{dp,1p, !/,r,ctr/ott1 ,/ !/lak r,/ lle9lrrk o/ Galoarr,ln /,r,t1/y
.rrr1.,/y lilal //tt, /,lltryrritile.t fot lle*r:r: 4 tha ce,t/tfcak, /,oi,o^ 1",,,,. /i,//il/,,/" ;u *r,iV/a,ur)' ,rtt//z /or, *,.J mn /orrnr/ /a cotr/otrr, /r, lr,i,.
,il"*+/irry/y, /,Ae *n<y'euc.trn'er/, /,/ t,it/rte of /le attl/tati/yaeokd in rne lg, hoo, Antn/,y i.t.tue,,t r:EF:TrFrr_FrTE r.,F rr.lr:r_rF:F,r_rFjFTr1r,
I|;|"FIljFr!:,fflcr r,:r,r'r Hnu5E lrt-rr,lEt.r,*.rEr;::: f:i::;r:,r:rFrr-r,:rfr, H r.rrrr,rFF;r:,F.r.r
-\liT:ICLtls or INCORPORATToN tr1 g.n
oF I lL_L_tJ
rrorlrjoi.JNDRs ASSOCrnrroN lB l.lAy'?B
STrll'i: (;i: I,C l..CRii0O.-^.I' DEPT, CF ST,"TE .David J. Tyrrerl, patricia K. Rorvl-and and Dean Iv. Kerkling ,
rncorgoratcrrs, whose addresses are stated berovr, pursuant t.o the
provisions of Articre ? - 4'of r973 cororado Revised Statutes
as amended, do hereby certify to the fornation df pine Ridge
Town House Horvoh,ners Association, <1 nonorofit corporation and
pursuant, to said statut.ues, states tlre f ollorvincr:
The name of t.he corporcltion sharr be: piNti .RTDGE TowN
. The period of duration of the corporJtion shall be
The object and purpose of the cor:poration shall be to
manage, administer, enforce restrictions and covenant.s, and
to collect and disburse funds, on a nonprofit basis, for the
owners of t.he divided and undivided interests of the rear
ploperty and imorovements thereon situatc in the county of
Eagle, state of cororado, and subject. to the Decraration for
Pine Ridge Town llouse llomcorvners Association.
To this end the corporation shall have full power and
authority to do aII things necessary rvith respec! to the
management of said real property ancl to the enforcenrent of
such Declaration (recorded in Eaqle County, Colorado, on t
December I?, 1972 in Book 226 at page 70I, as supplemented
on Deccmbcr 12 ' 197 2 in llook 226 at- page 202) rvith rcspect
to Lhe riqhts and dut.ies of the owncrs of such real property.
It shall further lr.rvc suq:lr othc. l- lr(r\,rcr. !; antl cltrt.ic:; as the
owne!s ancl members rnay f r:orn l-irnc: tr.r Linre speci f y.
The names and addrcsses of thc Incorporal-ors are:
David J. TyrreII p.o. Box l52B
^Vail, Colorado B165?
Patricia K. Rowlancl p. O. Ilox 37 35Vail, Colorado 8I657
Dean l^l . Kerkling p.O. ltox 7I7VaiI, Colorado 81657
The names and adclresses of the first Boarcl of DirecLors
David J. Tyrrell p.O. Rox 1529
Vail, Colorado 8I65?
Patricia K. Rowlancl p.O. Ilox 1735
VaiI, Colorado 8I657
Dean W. Kerkling p.O. Box 7I?Vail, Colorado 81657
Richard L. Pirog p.O- Box 1528Vai1, Colorado 8I557
John Roeland P.O. Box 3?28VaiI, Colorado 9I657
Douglas R. Vogel P.O. Box 2014
VaiI, Colorado 31657
l'lark Kruse P.O. Box 974
VaiI, Colorado SI657
The number of dire:t:ors of the corporation shall be
not less than three (3) rlor more than seVen (7) in nrrmber and
. shall be selepted annually at the annual nreetinq of the mepbers
of the corporation. Thc lloard of Directors may fiII any
vacancy occasioned by death or resignation of a director. A
majority of the Board of Directors shaII adopt appropriate
by-Iaws not inconsistcnL with suclr l)c.claration rvhich by-Iaws
may be amcnrlccl f rom tinrc to t,ime irL a meeLing of the Board of
Dirqctors hclcl for thaL purpose.
The officers of the cor..poral-ion s;ltaIl consist_ of a
president. a vice preside.t, a secrctary, ancr a treasurer.
said off icers sharr be chosen f ronr the Bo.1rd of Directors.
Any two offices may be helci by one person except thaL of
president and secretarv.
There shall be one vote for each member of dhe
corporation' and the or.rner or owners of a^y torvn house unit
subject, to such Decraration, shalr be a menber of the corpora-
' tion, there being one nembership for cach such unit. Membership
nof the corporation, except. for menrbership of the incorporators
and the first Board of Directors, sharr be limitecr to record
ulvners of such to'n house units constructed on the prcnrises
hereinabove described. oilrer rules pcrtaining to members a.d
to the votes of members shalr be as sct forth in the by-raws.
The corporation herein organizecl is 'ot for profit a.d
arr of the of ficers ancr directors thcreof sharr act r,rithout..
compendation- The corporation, througlr its Board of Directors,
shalr have all of the powers conferred upon corporations
organized for profit, pursuant to Articre.T - 4 of the 1973
colorado Revised statutes as amendecl to the extent that such
pohrers are co[unensurate with any corporation org.r,ized not for
The corporations's i'itiar regisLcrecl office sharr be at:
ZI99 Chamonix Lanep.O. Box 2135Vail, Coloraclo 8I657
The name of the cor:poration's iniLial registere<i agont
shall be:
Davicl J. Tyr:re1I
day of
we"havc sr':t hands a ncl seals Llilisour
/1, /ur,,;.-. *.?r,' tn=---l,atrrcra K, RowI.rnd
day ofI hereby certify thab. on this 3',tl'
r A. D., personally appeared before me
who being by rne first. duly sworn, dec).arecl that
who signed the foregoing document and that the
tained therein are true.
David J.
he is the
l'litness ry hand ancl officiaL seal.
MV Co**ll1gl cxpircs t.t.:vsrnblr 1, 198iMy commission expires : My Cornrnission cxpircs ll.:...s.rnblr 1. lQBf
I hereby certify day of
lq"Y , A. D. r p€FSOndIly appeared before me patrici . Rowland,
who being by me first cruly sworn, crecrared that 'e is the person
who signed the foreqoing docurnent and that the sLatements con:
tained therein are true.
lVitness my hand and official seal.
My commi ss ion expi res r llly Comm;ition cxr,tires f\!6ynnhnl
that on this 8L4
1. 1981
tha t
he is the person
s tat.ements con-
Witness my hand and official seal_
My conrnission expires:My Commission
r hereby certify rhat on rrris t? day of [h*^ .
l13Y , A. D., Dersonarry appeared bcfore ," o;;7;r-r*:
who be.ing by me
who signt,i the
tained therein
f irst duly' sworn, c16cJ_ared
foregoinq document and that
are true.
expires llcvcmbcr
,/"r1t' - ,
I. The purpose for rvhich this non-profit Corporationis formed is to govern that. torvnrrouse p.op"rey situate in the
:?Ynty_of Eagle and. srate of cororaao rlrrriir, -i-i known as pine -
Krqge 'roi{n Houses, rvhich is subject to the Decraration forPine Ridge Town House Homeor.mers Association, recorded in theoffice of the crerk and Recorder of Eagle. county, cororado assuch'Decraration may be amendecl and suipl6rnentecl f rorn tirne to.}*..(hereinafter'refe1redtoasthe'.ba;i;;;ti;";':.'.
2. AII present or future cirvners. tenants, and anyother persons'rvho might use such propcrty in any rnanner aresubject to the regulitions set toittr-in ihese nl,-r_,.r..- lr.q"i_sition of i fee oi reasehord, interest in or the r,rere occupancyof. any of the torcnhouse units of the projcct, rt"r"i"u;;;;t;":'xerred to as the "unitsr', sharr consti.tute ratification una-acceptance of these By-Larvs and agreem'ent to compry hererviih.
f . U"tn!er:lri-p1. Membership -in Uris Association, exceptfor membershrfl-Tn tEE*tirst Boarcl or nirectors, sharr be rimiteclto record. ownets of the uniLs subject to the Decraration. onernembership in the Association shal| st;ind in the nanre of therecord olvner of each unit. The record, or.rners of afr unitscollectively shalr .constiLute arr the nenbers- r" tnn--."J.,tany such unit is orvned, by trvo or nore persons. whether byigtl* tenancy, tenancy iir common, or othervrise, the menbershrpas to such unit-sharl be joinr- ancl a singre ."i:r"i=nii'l"r-I"inunit'shalL stand in the r,l,m"" of arI the owners, and r:hey shalrdesignate to the Association in rvriting from-tirrre to time anindividual designee who shall vote the menrlcership of. such'orvners- No membership or rnembership rights shali be isiued. ,- .to any other-pers_on or persons except as they ;;t ;; f;;ffiin substitution for outitanding nernierships lssi-gn"c t;-;;; ,record o$rners of units
-.2. Voting. .Each membersh_i_p beinq :!)resentecl by :itsown'er-nember-GF-Eesignee in case oi multi.1,,'or.rnership),present in person or by proxy shalr; e*"ept -rs may. be provicleclin the Declaration, be entitied to one vote. cumurative votingis prohibited.
3. Quorl[;_ The presence.either.in pcrson o-r by proxy
"5 3! least ETFLylone percent of the voLi'g li:rengurr of recordsharr constituLe a quorunr of the nss.c-iati6n for arI purposesunless the representation of a larger group shaIl b. ;;q;f;;;
.by li.w, by the ArticLes of fncorporaLion, or bv
3il:,. i"":13:t :I::'"';Hffi a.';'ti;"- o r trie..n';i. ;o":"::; ull.3""'
4' Proxies' Votes *.u.,ll 33rst_in person or byproxy. proxiaErn-[Et t.-iii.j*irrtn the.Secrerary at orbefore the appointecl timJ^Ji*o..n rneurinsi-
Admin.i.s tration
' r" ggneEr. The or,rners of the units consiitute.thePine Ricrge r6wi--u6trs"'o*uJr.rers Association, .lrerein:rfterreferred r" 1:-tr''". ;n""J-iriiorr", t;;i;h-;;r^^.n" responsibiri r,.,of ad'ministering ttre-profeii, "*j""u ro--t[" Decrararion LLv
. throush a Board"";";i;;;[;;;
"" herein provicled
I ::lllo"';",ffi .ij:";:::; :f ;l:"I:::,fi:;..oetermine.
3. .A:i:"Jlijilm:'iii:I*.#il'j:,;j,jl::}::;;:i'
iti+riit"n:li,s*;':"":j*'::l;iff:."i!t*:. l,ll i::i,",,the requirements. "tt- ioitf,"ilir"i.,. T'e ..t""o"1-accordanc"-titr'transacL such otrrii b;;i;;=;.uu *u" properry :l*:T"T:I""i;:4. srt}on.'o=.;''"ffi=":n::i:}[1i...ig:^:f_}|..Associa-statute mav rl-.!ii"a-i"'iilS"nresicenr as dirlo:. _r-.sutarJI"uvor the _soaid or Direcr;;";";.''i:::":":^li.i1I.":".1 bi ;;;;iutioncent of the a=."o"iuti.il"'slirr"SSirlrSitl;lil sis*ed- uv-..i*p.,or PurPoses of_ such propo=Ii-*"uti,.s. r,r""ur=ii|3l"=ilirp.ttplr"
iliiiF'ii,tl""o;'j:iii"F5;'rfl;iJ=::,u":ji.:s,*-.r,i'.,iri""::*ti.;ii;;n:nng:n:;; ";iir.5;- i"';;';"":'o.lni,3ii"'i" tiJn
. S. Nosharl nt"* "ffi ":li.:':;tif;l.-?;-secrerarvpurpose or hordins each-Jn;;;i ", "p".: "i #;.i;l}.;"n*liii:3"uor hand,-delivering such noti"e at f"o"l t"rr*f.y, but not moiet'.an tvrenr" u"y:-iri"i -to-"iI[ *"=ti,.s ro-..Ii associarionfi:Hff f:; 3::l::""1 at the-iespecri.,u oaa,JJses or saiclffi;i"ii511"1's""1) as it appel* on-rnJ-.iIJ"ra= or-lr,I
5 - Ad..associari;" ffi" ::":li.I::r ln srrensrh orfait to.arrend il.person oi-i,v proxy.ar rhe .rfil"I#;H::of.meetins, trre crriirm;; ;; iil" *".iins, o, J ma5ority inrnterest of the voting "tr""gtr, of assJci-tiJ., menbe.rs presentr.n person "= b"*!:?"v] *"v-ug!"ri tr,o m.eriin ,ro^ rime totime untir the necesiary ir"Eiig strength or-ar"o"iat-ion menbersshatt be in ar,tendanc;:' Ar-ilt_:gt""i".a-i"lir_r,n ..-rvhich aguorum sharr be present, ."y-f'-,1,11.u=: *-y rr.*i.ansacted whichrnight have been transactca it the originir-*"Jti,r9.
ivaive any no-EfG
7 . Ifaiver
of NoL,icc.
/\.ny rnernber mavbe given unclc-ran,-l thc .presence
tne member:s shall
at any himethese Dy-Laws,
- or a menberbe deined such
?r by statute or
t n person at anya rvaiver.
meeting of
Board of Direct-ors
, (ol_ The affairs of this Association shall begoverned by a Board of ;i;;JtJr= .consist-i nc, of not t_essthan three nor more than
"..r"r,_mer,:ber:s of irre.-Association;provided, hoiyever, that tf,n-i"if",oi;;-pJ;norrl ui,off acr inil:1."1:::::I"f:;"X;"1:j:luT!". or it."-e,,i=i.,,"*, or unrir
, f3l#S.";"Hli3.o,rrro.
Edrrard If. Colt'.vv.Lt.
(b) I{here a member: of the Association elected, bothe Board of Directors is "tf,"i than a naturaldesisnate one or its-or;i";;;'pri.,cipo-iJ;-;;;.ff::"1; i;";t4.,;i=I:ff:il its autie"-;;-;;;-ir- tn* ;;,,r,;;".Ji, .r. Board or
Fl: i::rg"=,;J, H:l;n"o:l}:"::
:?:-!1" purpose or quatificarionurrectors -
1. Number ancl eualific.rtj.on.
"y"39 by nore than one otvner,slt.rll qu.rlify as a ,';;*;;;;',as a member of the Board Jf
2. Potvers ,''n'l r'r,, L.: ^-
iil:d5'*1ffi".31:"n::ildi :Hffi:fi.:trrand thins" .,-.ru."lor pv .;;-"i"ili lil:=:"il":i.i;.ruii!:;:;T"oe exercised eLnd. done bi, the rnembers. The por,or Directors shal_r i""iiao,i=r,rt ,.,ot-n" ii*i[I.i"Ii lfr.:: ff3..rights ancr duries of the il.;; of Di::ecr";;-;; scr forrh erse-where in these,-31__r,irr,.-r1"$I Arricres oi-ri.orporarion, andrn the Decrararion. and sharr arso incr.ce .n."fl.-ilrrl:":-1:-osate such rules "na regui;[;;"" pertaini.n; ;;-"3:;{rlrnrf,.3rlT:t-.'
!!::!i, H"Iiil .' ";ff i"H:;H ;:': :;. .;.1
vh i ;h "i. J""o,,
i s te i t,o i tr,
:;.:HE";L*I;::; ii'i;:;.;:";:':;':il: I3I":i:E?:;"JH'l:"li:'"
The Board, of Directors ma.r/, og contract or othenvise,
ti:;':H":5 I:"t"; ;;;;;;iii "";i',..;i";;;;"I-o, rhe Associa-of Directors- r_a Manag,i-ng Agent to !e ".i""t"a by the BoardBoard "i
-pii."tii3: Xilii':g,li:lir=l:i:;:;.;**tiii;rii"ir",' thereto' and sharr'"il;il i=EJ*p.urrensive reporr on hisactivitiesateach";;;;i;";;i"nof.theAssociation.
.3. EIepirectorl'". o,lli'ii'Irif,T3until the first.annual ".^luiJnip meeting or until theirsuccessors are dury chos"n "na'qualify,'rt"ii' successorsshall be elecueci ai tt"-ii.l^t*u,.,.rr,,r:1. meetincr of the members
'of the Association- A ner.r Boair<l 0f DirecLor:s :;harr be elecbe<lby
membe::s :t-gogh regulai-a11uaI meeting tnoreafrer ancteach Director shalt hold otfi"" ror a term of oa successor.shatr be erecr"J-""a :tll quarify :;":;tr":rn::::tinafrer oEhenvise provid,ecl: ii;" rrumber of oiieccors may bealtered from time to time (subject to the fimila'.rons of theArticles of Incorporation)'f'-ii,. action-oi*a*iaiority of thevorins srrenqrh of the A;;";i";i;"-;r-;;v"i"i,rl'., or speci;rrmeetins calred {":_ j::l-il;;;;;. rn the u.,"ie of any increasein the number of Directois in aav.rnce "i th;";"nu.rr. rneetinb,each additionar .Directoi-"tuir*no_e-lcctecl by the uren Boarcl:f.":il:ii"fi"il:"l"ra-"iri.I-i".i. r'i= "oc"!uJo' i" *1;;r;;
F**:*-99:,- _ Yl",ln.lg : _
ol the Board o f Di re c rors:?Tfi 3 li^:ll ffi t::" :*:i ::^ ii il : g_:;l"il3'3r" in:';: ;j:i;"i5,:n:"::^:i::::,.:i;";;;;; ;;";ti;;;nfi".I3i'*:; :::"T:l":ili;:":::",,:,"?y"i:T-::1_:;.=;il;:;":3"" i::I"I"L,lil"il."3i'tf;:"i=::lli,-*: :l;::$::^I"-Ei'i".iiEilE"o;t'ti: i:J-,=;j. i*"":l?l::T:: :i:$:_T"i-"iii{.";:::ifir"I..l;":i$meeting called for sucn--;";;;;":
-.. ' 5, Removal of Direct.ors. At any regular or special
*1{.b" removed wit! or;ii-h";;' v'r\- L'r' rtrurc .,r cne DLre
atrirmaii;;';;.: n€ - *-.:^--r. "1t:9 aL anv time by thei::::Hii:: ::,1'.":,,:-::J:!i;; ;;-;;"'',loilln':ff":I";n3, .n"Assoeiation. and a succes ::r^T-1y rhen be elecrecl to-riti-trre;::;l:I"-l:,.;:":::f:_-ili-oJit" iil':";;":';:-;Sl.i"nl l.*. jl
5I."3;;::.lIo ll".:"*"1: ^ :i tnu -nn
" i ;;i ;"- ;,Ii i.o l"i i ?Eian' oppo rt"ii ty - t" -i; -;;.;; .'d".il.'i,!: ilil :
' 5. Comps+Eatien: No cornpensation shall be paid toDirectors foFEfieri-EErEi"u" u" Directors- -rio"ru^u'erationshall' be paid to.a Dire"t".-rJi services performed by hintor the Associati:"_-1n.
""V-"lfr!, capacity, unless a reso_Lution authorizing such rr*.unei.tion siraii r...rI ir*.r, adopteeby lhe Board or oirect;r;;#;;e rhe servic"s are undertaken.
3;."M. . rlg rirsr. meerins or a
til'_::_:l :;!l;:_ i;. ;;";*iifiJ"Iiu"ii jj"oi=nl*l.I,
il l. 1.f; "" :: " : :. y 1* ;l^ ;:l'l'-;i;
:'J:, l,i ! i. " i, : : ll l, o
" f ' X:
: :i:;li'3".:;::::::1..:: F; ;;;i; ";i:"i35"oii!!i3l; il*"13.:' tice
the whote. Board =f,"ii ;;-;r;;;;:ity oflf; g*i3r:"":::: .:*:f:
: :;::
.illi riii.;:l"i:i:;.:.;.i1.:Ii"I
8. Reqular Moo F i --^ofoirbci;'"ffi".fr"?i*3'?il;";il3::::l:.i"i:"
determined, rrofr time-.; ii*;; py ." gjgiiiy*Jr the Direcrorsbut at r'east one--meeti"s "h;ii re rrera-o.,rii-,s-.o.h fiscar y*.i.Notice of resul,3r_meetiis" "i-*,. iiJiia:Ji^il1r"".or" sharr begrven to each Director, fersonariv-"rtilv"iniii a.r.phone or;:::$;::' at least ten h.v"-p'i"r to rire day named ror rhe
9- Sp-cial l.leetinqs, .Special r,reetings of the Boardof Direchors@ tr-,r pru"ia"rt^"i Len .clays rnotice to each -oir.ct"i,-gi"ln persor:ally or by mail, tele*phone or terecrraph, vrhicrr'noti." sharr. srare .il."li*: ::]"rplace and pur5osL of tr,. ,n""iins. speci.r mueli"ll*Sr..1fi"Board of pireltors shalr- r"-""iroa by thc presrcre.r orsecrerarv in rike ^""""i ""a-J" rike'";ti";-;; the rrritrenrequest of at reast tvro of the nirectors- LIte l{raLten
:::,::"ii::"ffix3:i,i^.3i',"i.'.lI,lii})1?"if";*ji#:; !:*il:^ il y!,i "i, "xilu"itil j"
i"l i.ill a..,i= a
"; ri;;-;y*,iifr "J r*E;: t ll.: i" :l J"l' ".u'r, iu' i" ={;l
ii.:"" FDlrocbors aro nr
;::li";: =.n,,;i;r:* :i,x"$i!$ru,,Ff,*li:,]i"jli*r5
11. Quorum- A nrr-i^*.r r-.- -F .r
: !: I + _. " " = u fiH-
3 t3.1,*
: :i .ln !' "ll :
l: : iS" " j,";
I=" i: : ::but if 'rt any meetirig-Jil"'ai!'ni.,,rcr rhere be ress rhan aEil:'H"iiii"il;*".Ifij"4:'ililli..'" presenr rray acrjourn
L2. aaj""='rlng.!E. - The Board of Directors rirayadjourn any frEeting-Eom day to.day or f"r-rJ"n other tine?? *tv be prudent 6r-r'J.";;iry i" il,"-iilirl]. or rhe Associa_iiil;,ofiIi':f':l;'.1;.T;;ti"i 'ov ;'; ;;;;fi"a ror a p"riot-
13. Fideli rv FarnA- hr'ha t ur i'o "***hTffi"r= il^ :i-iils i:= ::ii iirl'nrilrir$"ri"responsible for associatlJi'i,.r,ao r"i"i=il"ii".J,ro.. fideritvillSi;".Jhe.preni"r.=-;;-;;.i*iona. sharr be par.d by the..
ARTICLE V_-..-_.---
'Of ficers_+-_
"o.iu.io.. H*ngn*:gt:_^Tlq principal orricers orli i ":i Ti:n mg-paat,. ; i;" li I ":'3::,: f ji;:.: ";'"Treas urer,
lll'"1';::::.:,:;;";-;;:;"" ;ii":": i ;;3::.';:'i:"Iil. i lu, :lj: : i;:j udg:rnent
*,..*oo_tr<.lr-l meeting ofthe pleasure of the Board.shall hold
theii: ;f.:l:T :":ii r" hillli"f;l';"1 :::;":f,:'*;."i1:::$:.T* F::il;^ il rI= il :"li"l" :l:.1:;.:";'. :'ia : i:F .
pay be necessrary.
legtion of Officers The. off.icers of the
:i,i:: -ji;gi;:ii::_::i!i:iu"?":t:i'I"1"" jliu:r*S ii, ?i,::,.:,",
3. : Rera-majorir; "ffi.J::r :r ;f;::H:l:""x;.. ",;f5':::":3I"1".I:*?'':d, .itr,.i with orui.i,"rl causer dDd***fir":i :i":ffu";:.itI ;:giiil *=i*;"i:=$:"lliiE,::
;4. pres.igs!!., ,!. nr?:idenr shalt be the chiefexecurive oTFTEEFEE-Iiu-nJ=""iation. -ii.-=r.iir preside abarl rneetings of. the-member""I"a.of rhe i".ii-jr Direcrors.He sharl have all "r- til""g.r;r1r- poyul.n a'd cluties rvhichare normarrv vesrea-in tnJ-;;;r". of rhe presiaenr or acorporation, includins ili ;;; rioit"a..io,iii^poryer ro;!"ii:;.;:Ti';i:ili:l.fnll'.n..oo*u-",. i,I* ti** -to rimein the "r"ao"u"of 're affa:Lrs j;'1fl: i:,::i::i;iar; iJ "Jl'i".
5- s-srs!gr[- 'rrre .sccrer-.ry sharl ]ieep the minuLesof aII meeeiiloE-6T-Tfre m.,,,troi"; tre shall havethe seal of uie AssociaLion;-'e ,sh;rlI ;;";*;;.:l: :;"i;dt ;;. membership books and such-"!fr"a books .rnd Daprof Direcrors may direce; -a;;";"
:,f?ii,-il ;:fi:i]rl=oll?o3"ruaII the dut,ies inciacnt't""In"
_of f ice ,"r..rdlrlrary.
Theoffices of secretary and-pr".io.r,c rr,,,ii ;;;';" herd by *re:same person at any one time.--
5. Trgasrrror rFlr a rn-bilitv r", "d##f#;-rli:"';;i:!:H,;ti* liI"=,ili..;:o:::._sponsibre for keepi"s f;ii-;ri u""rr..te recorls of arr receipcsand disbursemenrs-i"-b;;;; iluiorging t" tn"-a=sociarion. rresharl be resnonsibre i"i"ir."=ieposi[ "r oii ,J.,uy. ;rncr othervaruable efflcts r"-tr.,J^"J*.J,".na_to thc-Ji".iit, of rhe Associa_iiTnl""lffl ffT;l:i:i;:.;J'*,,y rrom time-Iorti*" be desisnared
. 7. Comoen c: +' i ..,.,. rr^of f icers' r"'HS#*#". "*:,':!f illl=.1""":n::i"::.:1i3"."shall be paid tg.u' officer io, u.rrri"., p*.:rirmed by himtor the Associati::_il-;;y-"iil., g3p-aciry; -rii.". a resorurionauthorizinq such remun"ralion sh;rrr'rr.r.'f"".,*oaoptec by theBoard of Directors befor;.;h; serv.ices are unclertaken..: '
ofriceri*li"T:?:iation shalr i1{e1n1ry cvery Direcror or
ll:_,: *ti:;-;#ii:;^:!ili:i:i";"3tl,l**;ii*
" Il":im:;counsel fees, Tla.11"nrt-;;;";."d by lrirn i,r-.JJ.,,,""tion vriihany acrion, suit, _or pr6ceuJi"g to ivhich h; ;;y be maci,e aparty by reason-or hi!-i"i"t-J; r,arrinJ-i'."i o*oir.cror orofficer of rhe a"=""i"tlJi,r.i".pt as to maLters as towhich he shall re-ri-naiiv"iaI"ug;a i" .".i-,"*J"Ii"r,, suit, or::ffi:il"nrl".fi i::li;-i"'-d'::: nesrisencc Jr rvurrur mis-
f e ni""i a*i".iii_ ii:::djsirff .ii$:l;,t;::Ui:r::ij:i"T$i.
the serrlemenr ": rg vrr,icir u; associiriorr-iJ-ua,rised by ciunser.that the perso".5g_b9 irJ.*"iFiecl.rras .not..ti.,.,
gu:.lty of grossneslisence or rviJ.lr;i_*i"""i.iil" i" .rr".p.ii'll^...,". of hii dueyas such Director_"r "rri"J;"i;'relarion i;-.' : matter invor.ved.tTil:f"fiff'ili,::gii';:tii;::i '. ";;i;"i;" ; r orher rish,s ,oi3lilrltll*;";:: :: - ""a
" "ilil.*iil"*':;':; -;:; r"*l #;iil t ;;,
sr'. . i.1"i;i""'iii1ll,i;" iil;Ti::iir:j" "i,; i, i:;*:i::"#illhandted by rhe l::;:l;ii;;-;; f,o*o,, expenses,- prov_ided, how_ever' thar nothing in.ti,i= airicle vr-a;;;i;;d sharl be deerned .i? :tliiil",,f3",ai"""i"tiJ,,"iJ*i,,uuTliir any T:Toer or or,,ner
o "'isi." ! ie " ;;' ii^ :i=ii:''' :i l.irli i!ii:'" :
;;li; ::il f i#*.or J'iabirities in-currld [v-iiil",rnc]er and by virrue of theDecLaration as r *"^r"r ;i ;;""r of a rmit-covered, thereby.
fndemnificqtion of offibers ancl Director:s
r' T'e- Assoc-iatio' ancl -Lts members shar-r have alrthe porvers, rights, ;;;i;;".rii_ourisarj.ons ser forrh inthe ArticLes of Incorporalion*fo, tfie AssociJaion, theseBy-Lawsr rules ""a ,"'gui;;i;;. pursu.rnr therero, ttreDeclaration, ana -s ai;^;;^;i,; same i.ay be duty actopLecl,supprenentecr or amendei. wo--I-..sfers ot-meiiership inthe Association "rt"ii-r" *ui.'o*..pt as provided hereinand no such'rr1i]:I": rr."ri"'il" macre upon ihe books of rhe iAssociation rvithin ten clays next preceding the annualmeeting of rhe asu".iatf;;: "-'
: 2- The'menbers_ of the-Association by t_he Boarcl ofii:E;':5";";::'i;H;i;:":.";li:" aurhorizatl o.,, rishe ani
:ltig"3:l:ii:"t" order t"-r""iiiT:l:':ffii:r:ff.:I5ljirli.nti";-;;;i;;;;:' ni?n!iljIrTS :fj.:iext tran"""!io,, oi eJ,o"i.._rnanaeemene agrelTlnr ro p.."iJ"_f:i"'FI. :Hl;::.:i.il;lH"ifl:Tl"ti"il!?i: u"a-miinrlii:::_:i ure properry, subjecr'to the p,rrpo"" 1f;3;"3*] as reasonablv n"..uioiy or convenienr
?s deterrnined by the soirJ-;; ;il:::ffi:t;:T:"T;":;""*ll o.i-nteresrs "t *i- 1"=""i.tioil I"a shalt_ r. !i,u].ct to theArtictes or rncorpr;;;i;;;";i.;" B;_;;;=";,i.?" Decr-erarion.
l\lll._9re _YII_I
r. :J.'ng Board of Direct,ors:::y'::::, "" o r-
-.Jii;iJ;e"lil:";:;: .ll"I*.nI:l:'I: :, s ui tab reof the Association, which
seat shar.r rE in t;;-;;;i"ur=.iji*1";ir;1""*"ff:'A::::i":l:
'2' rf and r'rhen so d'irect-ed by. the Boarcr^of Directorsra dupJ'icate seaL *?y !" f.pt-"ia rrsed-by'=.r"tr*or.*cer.or otherperson as the Board "f niilJcors srr.rff name.
1. 'Books enrJ t^^^,.*-- :associati;"ffi.ff"5i'::l,3i"3}"H."f.::3urer
:::.il.i;;.;::::;"::.1*T,*s::Ir"'"ilii#as or trre
Z. ouu*$-!g: Ab rhe ll:.i"g.of cach fiscar year,the books and-ieioEd's of the-Associtrtion shal-r oe cr.osedand rnav be bur neecl not n".u""utiry rre-auiiiii .rra cerLi_fied by a cerrifi.a ii"iril"illl,,,.,.._,,.,". nased-upon guch.cl.osed books o, .uitiii.j"r"iJra, ure AssociaLion vilI
-'t -
have available for inspecl,ion by its rnembers a st,aternant of're incorne and crisbursLm""ti-'"i' t'c associiti"" for etrchfiscal year. Audired ,.poit""rnatl. be p;;;i;;; by rneAssociation upon demand ily ""y*.ryo membe.rs-
3. fnspection of Books
I : ire rJo" t Hffi'o'!\ff*dli*l- ; .. X:'il: t
:: I *:"pt | !-, s uchc;! rl.'; aElJEi.iiir# 3f;"iiTl"lljl;,lili,^.ll l:ln:!fn;"''uII*a.;:Jf "i;
;;;i; ;i;; ;;;-i":;":Iii*":i".ll. jlloi:' U*:iI";rii;".11"11"-:!- *'c. pirilipli':i?i..=
rnembers -
Lhori 4. Dxecution of trssociiL!&n Docuinenrs Ilith the
:;:'i::::rli,llnf; I :l:'i.:!':;=
";;; ii"; :' "i:: "135'j ; ; :;:l;the Associarion ;; ;;;-E''J-Jiir.Xlll"...?".f;J"ill3lrlirl;i
'funendment of By-Larvs
]- -%M"n!ers- rtrese.
5' risca,llggr. The rlssociation shalr use a c-alencar
{i_ ili";"::}3i.Bn::;x":i";li.- a f iscar-r;;;
quentry r"r,J"r-- u,rch ch anse ", " ri.lJ= ;; i; ;i"il-;i":iI":=" H:::"u
.strensth 6r ner,rber;-; -il; ;;$.;:.i"il";::::il."i,.l3nl:::l?."
'cy proxy ar any resutar ", "p".ioi;;;ri;;-I]ir.u for suchSii!i:n.3';:iti9 ihat a q";;; is presenr ar: any such meerins.sie"ea -rj-".-i.lS.ni;E: ;f;f,3"" In;nl":j!di" :U:i;:;t" ;,_#:i:"A statement of any proposecl amend.ment shail-il"o*p.ny the noticeof any regurar or speciar *u*fi.,g_ at wrrich ";;; proposed. amend._.ment sharr be votea-"p""- '-riJl"-ny-',.ros-*.r*ila
be a'.ended irr_i3lilt lit:ff n.i*iily;lir::lli=i. ii'.o ;; i ";;i iii.r, *..-iJIJ=iJa
I. As:rhe peclli"'##Tff*"".3":f;lir",..tioilf:ili":.o;:;.t;s t"assessments imposecl by the-al=o"i-rti-o., io"n"Ii *r* conmonexpenses. The dorr-ar otn",rtrt-Jr tr,r*-.="JJ";:;a for each unitshall be egual,-^:r::pr..tho!. in. the "or*-oi-"J.,ipr-"ounts aclclincunr-ts ro rhe nrojecrl the riist a,1"r!.iri-.iJl.r*"nr for eacfr.such unit sr,"ii-6--p-;:;;;F;-il ,6rr""t'li.*iiinoer or days suchHll.r;tll":;.:"oject to'+,,e oec.laration:-l;;"
!v *'" sJ"li-srqBillElll; :fu;iffTi:i"x.i:I. ;:;$:i$ilii":"for assessmenrs-shatI ;;-p;;;";.*d l{ tir"-rri_.snrp of a uniccommences on a day other ir,ur,-tt,* ii.r't-a]v"Ii-an" asdessmentperiod- 'A nember shalr r"--Juo-.a t"-[" iiroxro scanding andentitled to vore-at any .r,.roi-:I ot u "p."iii.meet.ing ofrnembers, rvithin the melnf;;-;;.!lo=" nvliliil*rr, and onry irli*":ilt.l3":"flt:il"i11;i''"iu-."",*enls maae or r-evied uirui.,Jc
, .. --. :. . 4... Vse of Units _ Internol Chanscs_....:.'
purposes "rrtJl'
Arr units shaLr be utirized for resictential
ances ancl Encrurbrances
. Corpoiate properauthority of the soarh o f^31::.::rs. or -iu.r, ;trr"r-p!i;;; ;I,t*i"58"if,.""5::8";1",T:I-::-:.::"I.:1- or encumber.d: uy
to whom such aurhoritv-*ov-r""ul!{"il!"oi.ti: H:::::
. 2. ltgtntenance ana nepat
(a) Every otvner mys-t perform promptly at hisolrn expense arl maintcnance ancr rcptrir ,ori,-orilrrin his ovrnunit. An orvner sha'I ";t-;"-;; acl ,or ..,v ,oit that vril':l"i*;" i:"j;':::H:l. ;a:"i:::;,
:i_: " i.liI.I"I', .n " u u i iai,,s
(b) An owner sharll bc obli.gatecl to reimburse theAssociarion promprrv-"p"" ;;;;ip. ot irs sr;rrene>:pen<lirures incurred iv il il ::nrri;; ;;-;;,liljril'.ii"property rviLhin the. sr_rbje;a ;;;y:rby <tamagca try nrs nesli_3;:ff=:t bv the nesr.iseic"-"i-iin tenants] ir,.,it.*=, or .
3' ceng+r!,' Each orvner s.arr cornply strictly withthe provision-s-oE-Eh" ;;;;;;i=o."r..".iJ'f^,ulch ovrner shairarrvays endeavor to oubeiv;-;;; promote rhe cooperat5-ve pur-ff =ff ,::;.if. u"."mprir.,mJ,,i"Jr- wi i-"r:-*,"-riil5". properry
;:$i] t33tii;therein without the rvritlurr*Ippro.ral of tt .-no.ra of Directors.The Board of Direcr.i"-=r,Iir'i>e.no'ifi.a ir, ir.iti.,g of rhe;i:::i::,nroairicaii;;; ;#bini. .n. p,."ia""t,., the Bo*rd. or
' ' s ' Ri*g:E++ry. Each owner qranrs ro b1.e Boarclof DirectorsEd anf aesTln-ated agent, access to hisunit duri"s '.i!31,iLi!-;;';:;e35 m.1y f" t;;;rime ro timenecessary or reasonaure to-eirect ti" puiposeJ ot the Declara_El-on' Damage to the inteii"r-or any part of a unit as aresult of such"enlry thereofl. shal.t- f!-"" J,ipl.,o. of theAssociarion; pfoviaira,'^ril',]I"1., .r,o". ir-'=.rlrr"J,-,.=yr resurrinsrn damag€r wds made nece;;;;-"" a resurr ot !19 negligenceo= marfeasance or- trre-unit*iirr,"r, then sucjr-.,,i.. o:,rner shalrDe responsible for att ;i-";;; damage. ..:
;:":n:"::i;3;,f " lil:"i:::t: ::: ": :W!. l:*':;:i, oil" T;"il: ill-
H" ll:"; ;";::::i,::, *"i;:: i::f": :" :rli: =i:itl."t3"t:l#;i::
Pe-rsons to whoni such authoiiii-,'"ts or such other p*roon oior tne s"irdl-"convevan._o<: ^_*^i:I_:" delegated ly^ reuoit,iion
ment exequred bv tr,"'p'n"iaJi.-"iix::";;:rillit u" bv instru-
P_l!: secretar| or the-i;;;;;r;r ..,r ''," a--r^-_*t, and acknotoieageaAssistantTreasurerroF€X€Co|lE.ui'uiin^:ii::"'ll-l::'etary_Jr
' to whom such authotitv-*o.r-ii"l^.,.r-\._^r r-- person or pErsons
The attached Declaration, originally record,ed on
January 5, L972 in Book 222 at page 796, is hereby sub-
nitted for rerecording to accomplish three purposesl
I. A caII , omitted fron the legal clescription
in Art,icle II, No. I, is hereby supplied;
2. Exhibit A., referred to in Article II, No. 2,
was omitted and is hereby supplied.
'3. Reference to the reception
the protective covenants, called for
was omitted and is hereby supplied.
bated *i" /?7lday or O"th t Ls72 ro be erfecrive
as of J.,.,.a.- .S. , Ig72------------:-_
number on recording
in Article. XV, No. I,
18rh day of gitober , L972,
Anneene Miller.
by Edward It. Miller and Dol6res
... ,, Ihe foregoing instrument was acknowre.d.ged before me this., .i 1-..
My commission expires: January 25, 1975
I{itness my hand and officiaL s;eal
4>/'(-,, ," r, =(3 Z. /'/.^,/
,;. a'
(A Planned Residence Development in Eagle cour.rty, cororado)
THfS DECLARATION, made this 5th+9J3-, by ridrvard. u. t"titter and oofoiesr.natter called the,'Declarant',.
day of .I_grrgery ,Anneene MilIer, here-
THAT WIiEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real propertydescribed in Article rr of this Declaration and .esrres tocreate thereon a residential community.
.l^lHEREAs, Decrarant desires to provide for the preservationand maintenance of open spaces anc'l other corunon facirities.And-to.th-rs end, desir"" io subject tire rear property describedi-n Articrb rt, together with su6ii add.itions .! ^uy be madethereto, to the covenants, restrictions, uu=u*"r-,t", charges andliens hereinafter set toritr, eacr-r ancr arl of rvhich are for Lhebenefit of said property anil each owner; ancl
. WHEREAS, Declarant has deemed it desirable, for theefficient preservaLion of the values and amenities in saidcommunity, to create an entity to rvhich shourd ue deregaleaand assigned the powers of maintaining ana ra^ini-"t".iig iiaenforcing the covenants and restrictions and correction anddisbursing the assessments and charges hereinafter created.;and
WHEREA9' Declarant has incorporated pine Ridge Tordn HouseHomeolners Association undbr the lai;rs of the state of cororadoas a non-profit corporation for the purpose of exercisin;-$;-functions aforesaid-i -
Now, THEREFORE, Decrarant hereby decrares that the realproperty described in Articre rr and such additions theretoas may hereafter be made pursuant to Article fI hereof, is andshall be he'l-d, transferr.h, ;;ra. co'veyed ana oc-upi"a ="uJ*Itto the covenants, restrictions, easements, conclitions, uses,limitations, .charges, obligations and liens (hereinafter carled"covenants arid reitricti""i;;i,-rr,ich sharr be d.eemed to run rviththe land, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, itssuccessors and assigns and any person acquiring o. orrri'g-unyinterest' therein. tfieir grur'rll.!; successors, he:-rs, executors,administrators, d.evisees and a"siqrs
The for-rowing word,s when usecr in this Declaration orany supplemental Declaration (unless the context shalr protiuit)shall have .the foJ_lowing meanings:
1. "Association" shall mean a.cr refer to pine RidgeTown House lromeowners AssociaLion, a cororac'lo corporation, notfor profit.
2. "The properties', shall mcan and refer toexisting propertics atrd the a<lciitiorrs thereto as arethis Decfaration or any supplemental Dcclaration asin /\rticle II hereof .
all suchsubject tois provided
3. I'Comnon Area', sha11 mean aLl real property owneclby the Association for the common use and enjiymlnt of themembers of the Association.
4. "Site" or ,'Brrilding Sitc', shaLl mean ;rnd refer toany lot or combination of contiguous lots or any combinationof contiguous parts of rots on the properties .hich constitutesan individual residentiar site, titi.e to ivhich shar] be or.rneclin fee simple.
5. "Residence" shalr. mean the residence and improvementsconstructed on a building site,
6. t'Real Property Interest,, shall mean arld refer tothe site, together rvith l:.t ttre improvements thereon and appur-tenant rights thereto
7. "Odner" shall mean and refcr to the record ownerwhether one or more persons or entities of the fee simpre titleto any site situated, upon the properties.
- 8. "Member" shall mean and. refer to every person orentity who hold membership in the Association.
9. {"Dec1arant,' shall- mean Edward II . Miller and DoloresAnneene MiIler, their successors ancl assiqns.
I0. "Assessmenttr means and includul .*O.nses for main-tenance, repair, operation and management of lhe commonproperties and other properties as irovidecl in this Decraration-
- -__- 1. .Exis!.lng Properly. The real property which is held,Eranslerred, sold, conveyed and occupicd subject to thisDecraration is tocated in Eagle county, cololado, and is moreparticularly described as foLlows:
' ALl of Lot 3, VAIL.HEIGIITS, Filing No. I, Dagle County,colorado except l':at, part of Lot 3 described as foliows, '
. Beginning at the NE corner of saicl Lot 3; thence S 32o16' 25" E along the East line of said.Lot 3 a clistance of127.57 fL. to the SE corner of said Lot 3; thence along ar88.64 ft. radius curve to the right a distance of llr]oa rt.having a chord bearing of s 45o 47' 05" w and a distance of109..44-ft- to a point on the south tine of said Lot 3 whichpoint is the TRUE point of beginning; thence arong a 1gg.64 ft.radius curve to the_right a distance of 53.33 ft.] traving achord bearing of s 70o 45' 0I" w a distance of 53.14 ft. tothe sw corner of.said Lot 3; thence N L6" 36' 47" w a distanceof 143.94.ft.; thence N 860 02' E a distance of 46.0 ft.. ithence S 460 3I1 37" E a distance of t6.45 ft.; thence S 16"36' 47'l 8.. distance of lI7.lZ ft. to Lhe TRUE point ofbeginning
2. Addi-tions in Accorclance lfith plan. The Landsdescribed i -*oau a part hereof,h€ryr in whore or in part, be b::ought within tire provisions ofthis Declaration in future stages of.clcvclopme.t. such additionsmay be annexed by Decl-arant u'der this Decliration upon thefiling for record of a subdivision pl.at thereof or of a suppre-mentar certificate, which contains ilrc certificate of theDeclarant, declaring such subdivision or adciitional ]ands t.obe subject to all oi tire provisions of this DecLaration (andany amendment thereto) r.rith reference to such record.ed instru_ment(s), without Lhe necessity of -fi1i.ng "i ie"o.a or surppiementarDeclaration, and the covenant-s ancl restiictions set fo::th inthis Declaration (and- any amendmcnts hcreto) sharl thereby beextended fully to-such annexed platted properLy.t Decr.arant maycause to be recorded a supprementar oeciaratioi-r, the coven;"|;;restrictions and other provis:.ons of which may irot be identicalto those set forth in trris Declaration. The lommon area as
_shown on the, prat of the existing property and the acrditionarP-roperty shalL be devoted to the conmon use and enjoyment oithe owners of the properties rvithout the necessity of makingreference thereto in tne prat(s) or: any other c-rocument, includingDeeds, Deeds of Trust, Moltgages or i'iLruments of "on.ray.rr"a.---
The devel-opment and improverlent ofand the additions thereto strall be underDeclarant, subject, to the zoning larvs andof Eagle County, Colorado.
Planned Resideuce Devolopment
the existing propertythe control of thesubdivision regulations
r- No exterior adclitions or alterations to any exteriorimprovements 6r changes in fences, warrs or othr:r structures.shalL be commenced. 6rected or maintainecl untir and unr.ess thePI?n.t and specifications shovring the nature, ki.ncl , shape , - -
.heights, materiars, fr-oor plans, exterior coror schenre andlocation of such srrucrure- and ihe grading pi; ;;;-ii"i"il"agrade elevations of the site to be 6uiLt ipln s.'narr have beensubmiLted to a'd approved by the Arcrritectir.rar controL committeehereinafter identified, and a copy thereof as lrinarly approvedlodged permanently with said committee. No landscapi"g'f"-""ysite shall be done until a randscaping plan sha]r- irave beensubmitted to and.approved by such bomrniitee. such committeeshall have the righi to refirse to approve any such plans orspecifications or grading or landr"aping the'rands which arenot'suitable or deiirabr5 in the cornmitfeers opinion, foraesthetic or other reasons, and in so passing irpo' sucn prans,specifications and- gracling and ranclscapi.rg pi"rr", the committeeshalr have the right to tike into consiaeia^tio, ihe suitatiii;;oI tl,? proposed buirding or other impr:ovement and of the materiarsof which it is to be uuitt, to the nit. ..pot -,onicn.it is p."p"""ato erect the same, the,harmony thereof vriin trre surroundi;;;;---the topography of the land anh the effect of the residencestructure or other improvement as proposed on the adjacent orneighboring.properLy, and rvith the g"n.roi i.=ia.n". plan oft.he propert,ies. AII subsequent acldi-tions to or changis orarterations in any rcsidence, fence, warr or other structure,including exterior scheme ancl arr ."rrr"q"""l "Jaiti"ns to orchanges or alterations in any grading oi r""asciping ptans-lrratlbe subject to the prior approvat of thc Architecturar controlComrnittee .
t /',
2- Fencing, randscaping and ot.her improvcment erectedor.praced by Dec]-arant at its expense, shart thereafter.bemaintained by the Association.
3. No exterior mountcd radio, short wave or terevision
?:-?il:t typg of anLenna shalL be per:mifted excepr on antnterror.roof , the elevation of rvhich is lovrer tiran thesurrounding roof so il'rat such antcnna i.nstarration is notvisibre from a'y other sitcs, from ary conrmon area and fromthe streets- : ----'
4. No tanks of any kind, either elevatecl or buriecl , -shall be erected, placed ir permitted upon orry uit., ";;;;!those initiallv initalled by'Declarant,' if anjr,..o. opo.written .pp.o',ril of the arcfiitectural contror committee.
5. No clotheslines oror maintained on any site, or
incinerators shal1 be pernrittedon any part of the common properties
6. A11 storage piles, equipment, furniture, tools andother personal propeity- shari. be concearecr from "iuro ri". a.ryother sites, from any common area and from the streets.
7. Any fences furnished and instarled. by the Developermay not be, removed. such fences are part of thl architeclulaidesign plan of the entire residential development.
' 8. No house traiLer,- f.lt, shack, detached garage ,barn or out buirding of any kind, sharr. b; p";ilt"a'""-i-!it..
9. No house trailer, camping trailer, boat trailer,hauling traiLer, running gear or-boit or accesso::ies thereto,shall be parked, stored oi maintainea on ;;t-;il. incfuOing-,the streets adjoining a site.
10. Declarant, its successors ancl assigns, its employees,representatives, ageirts and contractors may mai'tain a b;"i;;;;'and sal'es office, construction fac-iritie"'i" v"ras, trucks.eguipment, parking area, model residen-eu,-Jiipi"y facilities,advertising signs and displays and other oeverifer's faciritiesreasonably necessary, appiopriate or customariry used or-a.q"ir"a'during the constructionl'deirelopment and, sales i"rroor.
11' No signs of any kind shall be displayed to the pubricview on any site except oi-re sign of not mo.e'than 6 feet squareadvertising that site or rear- froperry into:est ro*aie .i-iJit.
1' An Architecturar- contgol cornmittee is hereby estab-lished and is composed of the Board of Directors of the Associa-tion or, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, by anArchitectural committee composed of three representativesappointed by the Board of pireciors. No person acqinj in sucr,capacity shalr be entitled to compensar-ion for servic6s-puiiJrrr*apursuant to this provision. The duties of the Boar<l 0f bir;;l;sof the rgpresentatives making rrp trre Architecturar conrmittee areas provided in Articre rv ani ii additio'utty lioviaed in thisDecLaration.
2. The approval or disapproval of ally request orsubmission as required by any provisions of this Declaration,sharr be rcquired in rvriting. rn the cvent saicl Doarcl ofDirectors or its designated Architectural contror committeefails,to approve or'disapprove .r submit{:ed rvritten requestand plans within 60 days after the plans and specificationshave been subnritted to it, or in any event, if no suit toenjoin the addition, alteration or lhangc has been commencedprior to the compretion thereof. approviL wir-l not ue requiiea.
1. _ Reciprocal Easemeltts. I'he Dcclarant herebyreserves foF-lEsefEl-Tts succ.e.ssors and assigns, a ri-ght ofway and easement for the installation and continuecl operation,m?+ll9"ulce, repair, alteration, inspection ancl replalement oiutility-lines, including, but not limited to, watei Iines,sewer lines r gds lines, telcphone lines, television cabIe,antenna lines and such other utility lines and inciclentalequipment thereon, over, under and across that portion ofany site or building site situate betrveen any resiclence andthe street adjacent thereto. perpetr.ral reciprocar easementsror the .entinuance and maintenancc of said. aforementioned.uti]-ity lines shall exist boLh for the benefit and burd.en ofa1l of the owners of resiclence situate rvithin the properties.
2. If any utility line refer::ed to in this Articleis destroyed or damaged, the Associat.ion shall cause the sameto be restored forthhriLh; subjecl_, horu,ever, Lo the ::ight ofany owner to damages from another o\,iner under any rule of }arvregarding liability for negligent. or r,;irlful acts or onissions.Notwithstand::g any other provision in this Declaration, u" --
o\'tner who bi'':is negligence or rvillfur act causes d.amages tosuch utility -t.1ns or lines sh;rII bear the cost of rest5rationthereof , and any other damages allorverl by lar,i. The right ofany owner or fhe Association to contribution or damage- fromany other owner shall be appurtenant to the land and sharr passto such owner's successor in tit1e.'
3. Declarant reserves for itself, the purchasers ofthe existing property ancl the purchasers of the adclitionalproperty the us,'r of the easement set forth in this Articte vrrvhich are intended to and sharl be for the benefit of aLr ownersof sites rvhich are a part of the properties, ancl no referencethereto need be made in any Deed,--in-itrumeni of conveyance orany other instrument, reference being made to the provisionsof ArticLe VIIf of this Declaration.
Party Wall
l. Party WaI1 Easementg. Ilutual reciprocal easementsare hereby estabriFiiedl--dEETEred and granted for arr party wallsbetween improvements constructed or to be constructed- "" iotil--which reciprocal easements sharl be for mutual support and. shallbe governed by this Declaration ancl more particullity tnesucceeding.sections of this Art.icle. uvery Deed, rvhlther ornot expressly so stating, shall be dccmecl to convey and to besubject to such reciprocal. easements.
2. General Ru1es of Law lg__lp_p]I. Dach vrall which isbuilt as a i-udtion of the homes uponthe properties and placed 6n rhe aiviaing-ii.,J-rr.treen the Lotsshalr constitute a.party wa11, and, to tlie .*t.,.rt not inconsis-::1t yith.the provisior-rs of this ir1ti91e, t;;-gon.r.r rules of*3Y lesarding party rvalls and of liab-iriiy io.'property damaoe
t;:r::":"elisence or witlfur acrs or omis-si""= ""niii-uipl;**r=
3. Sharin Repair ancl Maintenance.
Owners rvho make use of
The cost ofwaII shall bethe v,rall.
reasonabLe reEEfrshared equally by
4. Destruction by Fir:e o!,Otl:cr Ca_sualty=, If a partywall is. Aes d=tE#-risualty, anyo\rner who has used the "uit *uy restore it, and the otherowner benefited by said rvarr slrarr contribute -eqrarly to thecost of restoration thereof without prejud.ice, hor.rever, tothe right of anv such orvnerr io carr- roi a raig;r contribution'from the other 3*ner under any rure.of.rai.r r"gJiai.,g riabirityfor negligent or rvillfui-i.iu'oi om-i-ssions.
any owner toArticle shalLsuch owner, s
5. Ri ht to Contribute Runs _Ir!h Lald. The r:ighr ofoEler: o\./ne'r uncler thisbe appurtellant to Lhe land and slrall pass tosuccessors in tit1e.
' 6. Arbitratiot: In the event of any d:i-spute arisingconcerning tparty;;r] , or under the proviiior., of this Article,the.Association, .lcting' through-it" go*ra "f-oir"crors shatlarbitrate such dispute accorcling to the Rur-es of the AmericanArbitration Associition. ri,ree'airectors appoi-nted by thePresident, none of whom shali-u"-u party to the dispute, sharlact as a Board of Arbitration and tire dlcision .sharl be by anajority vote of the Board or aitritration afterr a' arbitrationproceeding. No legal action rvilh respect to a party walldispute shall be commenced or maintaiied unressl ancr until theprovisions of the arbitrator" iiiru been met. The appointmentof arbitrators hereunder shall be made within s-ixty (6Oy days
:iffi":".ice by one party ro rhe other party tnit i aispuie,-
tvery Contract of Sale, Deed, Lease, IUortg.age, TrustDeed, wirr or other instrumeni *ay legarly'aescritr6 i u"iiJi"g:.tt. gt. real _property interest by the Lot number (as shown onthe plat) and by reference to thl ptat filed for record.. Everysuch description shall _be good and sufficient for arl purposesto serr, convey, transfer,-encumber or otherwise errecl=n5t-"irythe site and the real- property interest, but all appurtenantrights, benefits and burdlns lhereto as created by the provisionsof this Decraration, and each such aescripiion-sharr be so con-strued'- This provision shalr apply to the properties as saidterm (the properties) is dcfinei'ii-t tni" -o"-"i"Ilti"".
Each owner, whether or not suclr. ownerrs trot is encumberedby Deed of Trust or other lien, sharr- at his cost ana expensemaintain in force at alL times a fire, f,a"aia ina personatliability policy with respect to the improvements on such oivnerrs
Lot with an insurance company, the financial rati'g of whicrr isacceptable to standarcls seL by thc Associat.ion. rfre *i;i;;; -"
coverage limits of each policy sharr be thosc as may be fromtime to -time required. by t.he irortgagce or mortgagees holdingDeeds of Trust upon thole Lots whrch are encumbered. Thedetermination of the polic1' rimits in accorcrut,". with thepreceding sentence srratt b6 macle by the Board of Directorsof the Association. upon Lhe requ-st of the Associationl-eacnowner shall furnish evidence of cornpliance with the insurancerequirements of this covenant, inclucli'g a ten clay noticecancellation clause to Lhe Assoc.iation.-
Membership and Voting Itights
r.-J^_ _l:_ P"uIy Owner as defined in Article I, Section 7,under this Deel-aration shalt be a Member of the Association.No owner shatl- have more than one membership. unress suchowner shalr o\^rn nore than one site. tremberihip sharl beaPpurtenant to and may not be separated from oirnership ofany site which is subject to assessment by i:he Association.ownership of such site sharr be the sole Qualification formembership.
2. The Association shall have one class of voting
lemJcershie. Members sharl be arr ilrose orvners as defined inArticle rr and the Declarant. Members sharl be entiLred toone vote for each site in rvhich ilrey hold the interest reguiredfor _membef slip by paragraph J_ above. i,then mor:e than one personholds such interest in ani, site, a1l such persons shall bemembers, but. corlectiver]. shai.l be entitied to onry one vote.The vote for such site shail be exercised as they among them-serves determine, but in no event sharr ""i. in; one vote becast with respect to any site.
1- Administration and Management. The administration'and managem@ shaL] be governed by thePine Ridge Tor'rn l{ouse Homlowners Associati6n, a coloradocorporation, not for profit,. uutir the date'oi tt,u firstannual meeting of the Association, the rights, duties andfunctions of the Board of Directors o.f the association sharlbe exercised by Declarant.
certificate shalr be conclusive eviclence of the facts thereincontained as to any person rel_ying thcrcon and in gbod faithregardless of time- elapsed since date hereof. The first suchcertificate sharl be recorded on or before December 3r, Lgl2.
2. 9grtifigatg of ldentity. There shall be recordedl{.il: ei""ffi ,lii'[ii:"ii ti^:"::'ff3:t*::_:f^:l: !l"l\ a1g. necg5der.of n?qlu a;;"i;, colorado,i,^:":liii::t:, of idenrity vrhich iae"liiie=-;t -;il"-;;-;;il.",
ll:.ry:::ns !h93 comprisLne rhe nu"ue"^""t [3av-'iiilliltli!'iliofficers) and the rnailins iaaru""- ;i",rh;-';";;;i";i;;1""!".,.,
Administration and }lanagemenl- .of thc Association
Properl-y RighLs
1. Eascment of Use and lfnlgyrnsg!. Every ownerh?Yg u- perp n easemlnt inwith all of the other orvncrs of the usc and enjoymentto the common properties, and such eascnrent iniif U.
in and
to and shall pass with the title to every site by virtue ofsuch ownership. The provisions herein shalr be appurtenantto the land and sharl.pass to such owncrrs succgssors in title,subject to the following provisions:
(a) The right of the Association to limit the numberof tenants or guests of o\^rners;
(b) The right of the Associationr as provided in itsBy-Laws, to suspend the rights of any owner 1_o the use andenjoyment of the conmon property for any pcriocl cluring rvhich.-any assessment remains unpaid, and fnrther, for a period notexceeding 30 days for any infraction of its publishecl rulesand regulations; and
(c) The right of any o\vner to delegate such rightand use and enjoyment to the members of hii farnity, guests.tenants or contract purchasers rvho reside on the property.
2. Title to Common Properties. Decl_arant hereby
r'l-r:r + i +covenants, for itself, ita successors and assi-gnswill convey all submitted conuTton properties to thefree and clear of all liens and encumbrances. Theshall conl{ey the submitted common propcrties to theon or befbre Decem-ber I, Ig72.
RentaL or Lease properties
1. The Board of Directors of ilre Associatj_on maydesignate non-exclusive rental agent for the conveniencl ofthe members. However, nothing herein contained shall beconstrued as limiting the members' rights to employ anyrental agent they desire.
Maintenhnce Assessments
1. Creation of the Lien and Personal Ob1 ioation nr4!r$v4v.r v!Assessments. tbI it rvithin-Se-pEo[6rties, hereby covenants and each ownerof any site by acceptance of a deed therefor, rvhether or notit shalr be so expressed in any such d.eecl or other conveyance,be deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Associatioi annuarassessments or charges. The annual assessment, together ruithsuch interest thereon, and costs of colrection theieof as here-inafter provided, sharr be a charge on the land and shall be acontinuing rien upon the property against which each such assess-ment is rnade. Each such assessment, together rvith such interestthereon and cost of coLlection thereof is hereinafter provided,shal-r also be the personal obligation of the person who was theowner of such property at the time when the assessment ferr due'.
2. Purpose of Assessments
(a) Commgn- Propefties. The assessments Ievied by theAssociation sh-all be useA-Tor the prtrpose of promoLing tfrerecreation, hearth, safety and rvclfarc of the residents of theproperties, and in particu.lar for the improvernent and maintenanceof_properties, services, and facirit-ies devoted to this purposeand related to the use and enjoyment of the common propeitilsand easement areas, including, but. not limiLed to the paymentof taxes and insurance thereon, rep.rir, replacement and laaitionsthercto, and for thc cost of labor. ccluipmcnt, nraterials, manage-ment and supervision .Lhercof .
(b) Dxterior Maj.ntenance. fn addition to maintenanceupon the coffiiation sl'rarr provide ""t"ii",maintenance upon each site which is sul>ject to assessmcnt here-under, as follows: .paint, repair, rcpJ-ace and care of roofs.gutters, dolnspouts, exterior builcling surfaces, t.ress, shrubs,grass' warks, and other exterior improvements. such exteriormaintenance shaIl not include glass surfaces
In the event that the need for maintenance or. repairis caused through the willful or negJ,igent acL of any oivner,his family, gueits, tenants or inviic"i, tho cost of.suchmaintenance or repairs shall be aclded to and become a partof the assessment to which suc}r site is subjecL.
3. Basis and Payment of Assessments.
(a) The annual assessment rvith respect to each realproperly interest within the properties shall be estimated.by the Board of Directors prior to the beginning of each yearor fiscal year, and the asiessment shalr ue payaure in adi'ancein eguar guarterJ-y instalrments. The assessments mad.e sharlbe based upon the estimated cash requirements deemecl to be suchaggregate sum as is determined to be paid by all of the ownersin order to provid.e for payment of all cstimaLed expenses con-sistent wi.th the purposes set forth in this pectaralion incl_udinoany deficit.
' (b) The Board of Directors shall dctermine from timeto time during the course of ari ensuing year rvhether a deficitor surplus exists or will resul-t bascd. upon its current estimateand shall make appropriate revision thereof. A deficit sharlbe borne by arl owners and shal.L bc refrected in the next quarLerlyinstdtlment to be paid by all of the oivners.
(c) ?iritten notice of quarterly in=arllments and theamount thereof shall be sent to aIl. owners during the last monthof each quart.er and such installments stral-r be due and payabreon or before *rfre tenth (10th) day of the next guarter. TheBoard of Directors is emporvered to asscss a Late charge of notmore than ten (10) per cent of the anount of each del_inquent
4. All assessments shall be fixed at a uniform rate forall sites.
5- The annuar assessment (or revised assessment, incrud,ingany deficit) and other separate charges provided in thisDeclaration (hereinafter referred to as "assessments,') shallbe a charge on the entire real property interest of each or.rnerand shalr be a continuing rien upon such rear property interestagainst which each assessment is rnade, and such contiiruing rienshaLl-_be superior to arl other liens ancl encumbrances, exceptonly for (i) taxes and speciaL assessrnent liens, on the reai
.property interest in favor of tragle County, Colorado, or anyassessing unit, and (ii) except as provided in paragraph g -
Upon the failure of an owner to pay. one or more quarterlyinstalrnents of the annual assessmenl-, the Board of Directorsof the Association shall prepare a rvritten Notice of Liensetting forth the amount of such unpaicl indebt.edness, the nameof the otvner and a description of h.i-s real property interest.Such i'lotice shall be signed by one member of the Board ofDirectors or an officer of the AssociaLion, and sharl be recordedin the office of the clerk and Recor:der of Eagre county, colorado.such licn for the common cxper)ses shall alLaclr from the date ofthe failure of paylncnt of thr: assessmr:nL. Sr.rch l_ien may there-after be enforced by thc forccLosure of thc defaulting olner's
real property inLerest by {:he Assocj-ation in like manner as amortgage on real property subsequent to Lhe recording of theNotice of Lien. In any such Not.ice of Lien proceecli-ngs theo\rner shall be required to pery the Associatiorr's costs, expcnsesand attorneyrs fees incurred for filing the lien, and in theevent that a fcreclosure proceeding is subseguently brougirt,the Associationts additional costs, expenses and the amountincurred for reasonable attorney,s fees shal I be paicl by theowner. The orsner of the real properLy interest being forecloseclshall be required to pay to i:he Association the subsequentlyaccrued and accrlring monthly install-ments (assessments) cluringthe period of foreclosure, and the Association shalr be entitieclto a receiver to col-lect the sarne. The Association shall havethe power to bid in the real propcrty interest at forecrosureor otber legal sale and to acquire and ho1d, Iease, mortc;age,convey or otherlise deal r.lith Lhe same.
fn addition to the lien or charge hereinabove created,the Association shall have the authority to, and the Owner(s)hereby consent to have any noney he-ld for then by any rentalagent paid to the Association to the extenb necessary to payany delinquent assessment.
. Any encumbrancer holding a lien on a real propertyinterest may pay, but shall not bc requircd to pay, uny unpaidassessments payable rvith respect Lhereto, and upon such paymentsuch encumbrarncer shal] have a fien on such real propertyinterest for the amounts paid of the same rank as thL rien ofhis encumbrance -
- Upon request of a mortgagee, the Association shall reportto the mortgagee of a real property interest any unpaid assels-ment installment remaining unpaicl for longer than tr,venty-five(25) days after the same is c1ue, and shall not be liabli forany such disclosure or error therein
6. gwnerrs Personal Obligai,ion for payment forAssessments. The amount of the assessmenl-sha1l bethe personaT-EiE-Trrcfvidual debt of .the owner thereof . Noowner may exempt himself from the liability for the assessmentby rvaiver of the use or enjoyment of the common properties or'by abandonment of his real property interest. In the eventof default in the payrnent of an assessment installnrent, theowner sharr be obligated to pay to Lhe Association interestat the rate of 1..;elve (128) per cent per annum of the amoLrntof the installment from due date thereof, togetirer rvith allcosts and expenses, including attorney's fees incurred ,together with such late charges as is provided by the By-Larvsof the Association. Suit to recover a money jud.gment forunpaid conmon expenses shaLr be maintainable without forecrosingor waiving the lien securing same.
7. Assessment Certificate. The Association shall, uponrequest of @ conLract purchaser, isiue-its certificate executed by an officer or agent of the Associa-tion certifying whether or not assessment installme-nts vithrespect to any site or real property inLerest have been paidor if they are in arrears, or,if in arrears, the total amountowing as of the date of the certificate. The Association shallbe entitred to collect a fee noL to exceed $5.00 for the issuanceof any such certificate. such certificate shall- be concl-usiveevidence thereof in favor of any tlrircl person relying thereinin goocl faith, and the nssociat-ion shal1 not be hald-Iiable forsuch disclosure nor error therein.
to the lien of any mortgagc or mortgages. sa_le or transfer ofany site shall not affect ilre asscssncr.rt rien. Ilo\.rever, thesare or transfer of any site as a resurt of court ror."io"rr"of a mort9a9e, foreclosure through the public Trustee, or anvproceeding in rieu of forecrosure, sharl exti,-rguisri-ir,"-iil"tof such assessments as to payments thereof vrhii 6h became dueprior to such sale or transflr, but shall not rclieve ant--former Owner of personal liabilJ.ty therefor- No sale ortransfer sharr relieve sucrr site trom liabirit_y-for any assesq-ments thereaftcr becoming crric or f::orn tire riem thereof .
B. Subordinarion of th" U ctt_lg_!1g4g:ags:. ?he tienof the asse iraTTtffi-sutrordinate
*^ _,^._t: Fxempt Property. The follorving prc>pdrty subjectto this DecGrliEr6fr--sfrETr*be exempr rrom itrl anlsessmenrscreated hereitr:
(a) AlI Propert.ies dedicaLed. to and accepted.by a public authority;
(b) The Common Area.
General*Conditions sri u.Lationg arrd proteci: ive Covenants
. Thd follorving general conclitions, stipu.llations andpiotective covenants are hereby imposed'.rpo.r'a:ii sites,
1. Al1 sites shaLl be subjecL to the r:e.:strictionsset forth in the instrument recoried u'der n"i-*rption-r,r".Jitog: ,Eagle County recorcls.
2- Bxceot for t.he busir"ress of trre Decr;;rrant in connectionwith the develofment of the properties, no tra,.de, business oractivity shatl Le conducted,'carried on or pi"*li..uo on any sit,eor in a residence constructed the::eo., and Lhe o\^/ner of saidsite shatl nolo suffer,or permit any residence nrected thereonto be used or employed. for.any pul:posc that wi.'ul constitutea nuisance in r-aw or that wiri detiact. from ti,rrcr residentialval-ue of said site or the other sites.
shall run with and bind the rand, and sha]t inr:.re to the benefitof and be enforceabre by the Association, or trire oryner of anyLot subject to thi_s Declarationr -t'eir respect:.i;e legal ;.;;;_sentatives, heirs, successors and assigns,'fo.-a term of trveintv(20) years from the dare this oecraration is ,o"oiJlo."iri:I""which time said covenants shalr be automaticairLy extend,ed forsuccessive periods of.ten (10) years. The cov,eiants and restric_tions of this Decrarati"" *uv'b'e amended during the first twentv(20) year period by an insrrir.menr signed by ".r.t i.""-il;; ;;;;;ty_fitg per cent (75t) of the Lot ownei", a'i th.":reafter by aninstrument_signed by not fess than sixly_six .r"'d tro thirdsper cent .(66-2/32) of. the Lot owners. Any amendment must beproperly recorded-- No.part of the Decr.er*otiorr. may be amandedin such a manner rhat iL wirr- adversely affecr trr6 exisii;;--rights gf q"y orvner or mortgagee with particular respect, butnot linited to, party rvalls, unpaicl u"l*"rrnur.,!o-", the lie*of any mort-gage
4. .Any notice requirecl to be sent to er,ny o\rner underthe provisions of this Declaratio' s;riarr" bc de eirecl to havebeen properly sent when mailecl , postpaicl , to the ]ast knor,'naddress of the person rvho appcars as mcmber or. owner on therecords of the Association at ilre timc of sucpr mailinq.
5. Enforcement of Lhese covcllants, restrictions andother provisions shall be by the Associalion or by an owncr
by any proceeding at lal or in equity against any person orpersons violating or aLtenrpting to violate any covcnant orrestriction, either to resLrain violation ancl/or recover
damages and against the land to enforce any licn creatcd bythese covenants. The omission or fail-ure of the Associationor any o\{ner to enforcc any covenernt or restrict-ion set forthin this Declaration shall in no evcnt be deemed a waiver ofthe right to do so thereafter.
6. If any of thc provisions of this Declaration orany paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or wor(] , or theapplication thereof in any circumstance be invalidatecl , suchinvalidity shall. not affect the valiclity of the remainder ofthis Declarat.ion, that the application of any such provision,paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or: word in any oLhercircumstances shall not be affected thereby.
7. That whenever used herein, unless the context shallotherwise provide, the singular number shall include the plural,'the plurar the singular, and the use of any gencler shall lnclucleall genders.
IN*WITNNSS WI]EREOF,Declaration this _5th 6ay
Declarant has duly executed thisof '.Tanuary , L9 72
4/(-r ( -, <. ta
Witness my hand and official seal.
My connission expires : AEd&rsf,*L
rv:rs acknowledged before me this.)72, by Edward. Ii. Miller and
The foregoing instrument5th day of J-anua-ry ,Dolores Anneene Miller.
:-: t
,l.i t