HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL HEIGHTS FILING 1 LOT 10 LEGAL"/M4.Ur).f( 75 south lronlage road vail. colo.ado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 4792139 otlice ot communily developmenl June 28, l-989 Ms. Patty Rickman 590 Red Sandstone Road, Unit #L4Vail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Sonnenalp Enployee Housing, Lots 5 & 6, Vail Heights #f. Dear Patty: PLease excuse the del-ay in receiving this letter. The office has beenexceptionally busy ttre last few days. peter and r discussed yourproposal for employee housing and ask that you submit the following: 1.. A stamped survey with topographic lines. 2. A 403 sJ.ope analysis. 3. Floor plans. 4. All elevations. 5. A written proposar describing your project, including the extentto which you will restrict the units and whether they will be forerent or sale and the nurnber of years that there will berestrictions. 6. A re-zoning application. 7. An environmental irnpact report. 8. The property line abandonrnent (ninor subdivision). 9. A.zoning analysis. compare how many units can be buirt and thesize of the units under existing zoning compared to your proposedzoning. We would like to know if you would consider putting storage in theunits. You are also aware that after you get tlre re-zoning, that will be the time to apply for variances if you need them. Mike MoIlica will be your principal contact with our department fromthis point forward. Good luck with this, Patty, and we will lookforward to hearing fron you and to continue working on the project. Sincerely, ,ez-,t€r/'J/B"try nofolack Planning Technician BR:1r cc: Mr. Conrad OberlohrMr. Mike Mollica 4 t\i {"e' S6^-J 'fl F,l _6tt 3 t- sttl o b!'jy ____tril- cc l:>U' 30 s gD*--94 - (cu 4tc-'n.K 6nncJ S1 U ar''., l_a<_44",-4'!4/&i orF*l r' s (' 4-c^- al,{ ( "K le (4__ .tA@"/ L l_ e4- / -{;*-3 A'u.-" b\-e\ )i\t\ lo, -| -= -(-( tL; o--r co L -h ru^'4 -rJ t-"-{- L 7^-(..-o,.-fi 5/ (Ln,") / L. tu/ol_ ;_-et t 3 - 4o ,- Yx.-,*.t- , /o. r rt-<*-(,J,'<---r- L, t-: l ! - lg-o nla Gr^IrY 6 / / / a? t 6 7 v 7 / / 'I '">^ .-7 BYnG/'0 "l* &*@to" /o /l l2 K? 4il,+Ys6 F Ktc,qfi.l.h/ fu4 le7rs 6,-At bT / /g ontfts Vrttt h?rcaVS # oF gur7S. ftxstffi fotal* rfiL * r/"aat,4 a a { b 7 7 ? /o /t /a K T?7ftL l|r6( & a/8 lrvrF -r Z2i"rril@,arQs 4a - s ONIN A>st&trz \3 / / / / / / / / L d'ufiS 2-67g 1 /o /l /z lGToftu I q / /I / / / / //Z t-,hUfS t 6 7I 7 /o /t /2 lS ? / / / € \3 \3 € / tuMr \ Ud*,P*@ t 7 8 ? /o // /Z K? lmr Tt/d".au"*) 767ftL:- E{#/ - € uNrrg -F ^,{t?5{ Al \4 ---i.' . - ....._\ yrh .174o goob ,fl+tz 6olo,0*< 'n^,.'rlff''''* 0, q) 5.-t <i \tni 5' 6F 1 1S- t,Vg owry dqbtr vo'lo'qu* il c\ q I tI' I I I I I '.1")l -\'(q5T VAIL _**4$g"o_c.*.,_i_r3_. VAIL DAo fffroNE. coh{col-4tNiuMg ,s'**n l/a cnt o tr 6 7g 7 lo // q / / / / E9TF^&'e) r/)t/. |.r f v t?/\> -Gfu- / / /2 u^lrs': / / tO NIJIGIII X}IUIOOD DyI]{\ NID AJUN\ IN I.'TtrCII IIE PIIOJtrCT IS PROPOSIID IS CAIJ.,M TITE VAIL DAS SCIIONE SI0I'PING CINTIlil' IN lfilsT VAIL. TIm CHAI cT]lil 0F TIm AnEA HAS BtrnN EST- ABLISII1JD BT NII'ruNOUS CONDOI.TINIIITI PIO.IECTS: 1) vArL Hnrcrrts coNDolrrNrul.s rtrasns !, z, & j, coNsrsrrNc oF ,4 IINrrs 0R Appn0,\I}t\TELy 2l pEn A. N) TIIIJ Il.tltEDIATD FAST. 2) T,nIfltIDGE TOhNIIOUSDS l{lm ', IJNITS AI'PIilXI}IATELY 21 PWI AcIuT DInEcT- LY m Tim SOUIII & \/TST. j) c'orur nrNcli coNDorurNrurs rirrll 6 uNrrs 0N I ncrur 0n 12 pBR AcnE DrIutcTLy s0urll 0F nm pnopuRly. , TIIII AI]0ut PIulPuRTrlts ruut AIr rN IIIE vArL I[rrcIITS lstFrLrNG AIID anE rrE slmlo{JNDING NItIGIIB0ris 0F 16T5 5 rriloUGII U. Irynng1 r,rljsT FOI1 "} lgr,n ,Um B M 10 OTII]N CONDOI'IINIInI PInJNCTS. T0 IItrJ SOImi 0f TIII Pn0PInlTI IS IIID SAIrlilrrAY SmnD AND TIIE VAIL DAS SCIIoN-B slnPPrNG Cl$,lTun. 'rlIB $I0I,PING CU{TEL CoNT]\INS A II[iDtfAttB sTorut, DIIIJGSmIuJ ;\ND PMlllACYr DInf CLIIANEILS, IIIISTTIURANTS' LIQUOIL ST0Iilt AND I'l.ANf !UIUf I1g111IL BUSINESSUS. C0ND0]'IINIIDIS rlJtE BUILT 0N TIIU UPPBII LBt/lIL. IN TIE I].I'UEDIATE I{.ITUU TIII{M I{ILL BI' AN IATII;SION OI,' TIID CO}NI,f,ICIAL AIU,IA M TIID IIIST OF Illil vrlll D,l,S SCII0NE SUOPPING I'IALL tflIlcII I,IILL ..\IS0 TNCLUDE AN0TIIDTI IAncE CONDO}IINIINI CO}IPI,D(. 'IIIli AIUI\ l'IInI ITS PIUXIIITr m CONVift.IIINCU SlflMCES, I'LI}LIC BUS SnIWCE n\ssrNc I]Y nlll Fii]NT D00n, AND sCIrOoL BUS ST0pprNc AT nIE sIIOppING CU,ITIR I.IAIO:]S IT ONIJ OT UIIJ }[OST DESUIrABLIJ I,I)N }[.JLTI-U^}IIIX OR CLUSTUI IIOUSI}IG. Patricia A. Ricloan 7905 hospect Place Ia Jollar C,A 92057 Feb. 91 1981 Dear Petert I. arn encloslng sorre infortation for you to check over in your fraparex time in advance of rry appoinfuent. lbe employee housing was g project I waa anticipati-ng sta'rtr ing in L97>76 and never folloved through....but feel its nore tine Iy nov than ever before. I am, of course, coning to you to iligcuse the zoning of t'he &'p1 acres, Vail Eotghte-1st filing, beirg donn zoned to prinary/ secondaty. As you hon it is totally surrounded by 12 to 24 per aore plue comercial on the front side. It doesnrt seen to me to be in t'he continuity of t'he erieting struotutee to put a snall r:ni{on each of t'hose lots. I' I feel cluster zoning is nore in keeping witb the current useSf the ot'her properties, lbe lan<t is in such a desireable location Ibecause of the comercial areas alod the conveniences they offer. It just seema auch a sbane to take a nass of lanil like f,hat and split it for iniliviilual unite; its about the leet large parcel of land there ie in t'he torrnrif not tJre oDly one. An5frowr Peterr there are ry feclings, food for thougbtr and I shall be in to express them! Sincerely, €,m;e Patricia A. Ricloan cc: Horl Slifer Site Description;/-- /""4 t- el The building site is rectangular in shape, consisting of 5 adjacent lots, approximately one-harf acre each and totaling 2.79 acres or 121,533 sq. ft. rt has 57g.g2 feet of frontage on the northerly side of St. Moritz Way and extends to a depth of 298 ft. on the west, and, Z22.O2 ft. on the east. The Nw property rine is 505.32 ft. The rand is predominantly covered with native grasses and virtualry treeless. wi-th an average elevation of 7925 ft al0ng chamonix r,anJfna st. Moritz Way, it progressively slopes to the NW, rising nearly 70 ft. through the width oJ the site. The position in the valley will afford an excelr.ent view'in any direction, and the southerly orientat,ion wiJ-l keep the area warmer r pr€_ venting extensive ice formations. The sit,e is attractive, very buildable anci in an area of proven desirability-. The distance from the core is considered to be within 10 minutes driving or bus time. /i-A /a - / 3 7zr-./ c/-,r.r-^..;/ /6 -r/.4 e;.L-h,t2 /,-;/c/,L'r., Identification of €tre property: t The property is located approximately five,ienths of a mile NE of the West Vail Interchange on I-70, and is two miles west of Vail Vilrage. rt is situated on the west,erly end of chamonix Lane on st. Moritz way, a cur-de-sac behind the new Vail das Schone Shopping Center. /1, /i, ,2 '. / 3 9, Vaj.l Heights filing No.1, EagJ.e County Legal Descrictron: Lots #5,6,7,8 anC Colorado. fdentification of r' ,1..ers 5-- rj 2, 7 ' //, (olS /o - /3 2,iz h,- o*"/1', ;[-[TS Fat1 I'ri\ I \ .h') \ ? -,r ft _v .i. ta\ .. LL/ \ \,(2t .n -,n,.r \g" l1n \; o Y-.3n' .{ ! l ,... ( r) :'< t,^| rt ; .! Pdrlela Bldagr P. O. Bs f38g Ydl, Odol6 EfdJl Rrr Flto J.lo. 2v.18-tl \tLliu i i,i -:',' 1 I :: I F5rurtrrtly nrd r rfilstalc In my l.tf of 12 July ttt0 tra Or nclr ir ffa ttl fl-3 It CaHrr wr wlad eori Ur. frqrt of Gb90 Srd urqdd bc ln tb *ta, l{oP. 0tl'r ctrlfba th. tct C ndlar d t}r Elotd. fg AtlFtd lfr DTTITTTffi OT TTIIIIIIIIE AII! IEIEI.OPTTTI Re: Ftle No. Zv-18-76 - Varlance elr meetlng on 8 July 1976 the Zontng Board of .''rdjustment denled your appllcatlon verlance. The reaeons gtven were: 1, Too dense for the srea. 3. The number of resldents would be detrtmental to the adJacent property ownera. 3. Too many dogs would be housed tn thts type a development. u have any questlone, please contsot thls offlce. Ccetlc PerL Bldg. 510 Bruadway 12 July 19?6 P.O. Box ?89 Erglc, C,olorrdo ElGll Patrlcta Rlokmen P.O. Box 1383 Vrll . Colorado 8165? en Isom Director of f'lannlng U oc: Zonlng Boerd of AdJuetment; Board of County Commlesloners Planning Departmenit/ Phnning Commisrbn: Subdivlaion, Rezoning, Applications and Review (3113) 32&8:lll8 Building Official: Bdlding Permite and lmpection, Zoning Adminiatration (1ts) 3:An:ilD At the tAF iIlil ll rntul rr'" Uln ilfl,t c0wtl uo"l"= APPLTcAToN Actlon of Zonlng Board of Adjustment on Verlance Appllcatlon Approval n corditions: I O"rrrt I reasons: (see Order of the Board. attached) Fllo No. Zv-18-76 Rickman r l,' ..- Note: Sectlon 9.04.10 Appeals from the Board' Any further appeat from the decislon of the Board may be made to the courts, as provided by lawr provided, howeverl that such appeal ts made prior to twenty (20) days folloning the date of the notificatlon of the Boardrs doclslon. Fngc 2 of 2 ?u. off ice of the town manager 2 ,Iu1y 1976 Dept. ot Eaeto JUL 6-i916 Fltrgg Plan,,tr| & uurot. @unty, Coto. lulgn n box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Steve Isom EagJ-e Coulty Department of Planning and Development Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 IlilI RE: Dear Steve : lIhe the requested north of Vail File No. zc-2/-76 File No. zs-2I-76 File No. zv-18-76 Rickman Zone Change Rickman Special Use Permit Rickman Variance j.' Town of Vail- would like to make the following corunent,s density changes proposed for the Ri ckman propelty, Das Schone ! 1. As you know, our "Gore Valley crovrth Management Study" will not be completed until the end of Augnrst. Following cornpletion of the study, we'll respond with more definitive density standards acceptable to the Town. However, at. the present time we cannot endorse increasinq the density on any site in the core valley. 2. The recently published "Goals and objectives" for Vail ,written by the citizens, states: "Future housi.ng deuelopnents in the Gore VaLLey should be moderate- to Lor,t-densr)ty... " Atthough we agree that existing deveJ.opment in the vail Das Schone neighborhood makes it the most logical location for above-average density projects, the "Housing Goals" for Vail do not support. the requested :density changes. Since the site is excessi.vely steep, lots 6-9 are unbuildable and lot 5 would allow for only 6,926 s.f . of building; the proposal of over 35'600 s.f. represents an increase of over five times the present lifiLit. .r The proposed population density of about 45 persons'per acre is higher ) than the Citizen Goals CommitLees consider reasonable for the Va1ley. 3. Ttre re is definately a need for "employee housing" in the Gore ValLey. Al-t.l"ough this project refers to itself as such,.there are no assurances that this is in fact what it will actually be. ProbabLe development costs on the steep site indicate that the rents wil-l not necessarily be "Iow, " even if the urits are rented to employees. There also appear to be no guarantees that the project wilJ- not be marketed as condominiums at some point in the future. We think Page 2 Leeter to Isom 2 JuIy 1976 that this is an irnportant issue and rrerits further discussion withthe developer before the Planning Board makes any decision. 4. Vle agree with the County planning staffrs observationthat the parking as proposed will be insufficient. we would recommend one parking space per bedroom. However, the other side of the coinis that additional parking in the area -- a1l of which would be on-grade -- would be visually offensive. This can be minirnized with good landscaping, but it is nearly impossjJcle to hide over 39,000 square feet of asphalt with berms and bushes. Ihis is another issuethat should be discussecl with the deveJ.oper. 5. We think the stair-stepped design for the steep site issatj-sfactory. The use of the sJ-ope is quite nice and could offer some very rivable spaces. However, the overall length of the builcling(approxirnately 336 feet) is too long to be compatible with otherstructures in the area. The largest builcling in the neighborhood,Vail Das Schone, has a wall Iength of about 175 feet. . Tn sunmary, we feel that a project of this type has thepotential of making a positive contribution to the housing supplyin the Gore Valley and that its location in the Vail Das Schone neighborhood is relatively consistent with existing developments. However, at this time, we must oppose any County action that wouldsubstanitally increase present densities of any site in the coreValley. Following the completion of our Growth Management study,we'Il be in a better position to state the densities.we feel areappropriate for the Rickman property. Until that time, we requesE,that no action be taken on the proposal-,other than continued discussionswith the developer regarding proposed rent structures, landscaping, and the need for additional parking. Smile, Al1en Gerstenberger Director, Human Resources Terrell J. Minger .lim Lanont Kent Rose o EN V]RONMENTAL HEALTH Box 811 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle 828.7?18 Basalt 927-3322 Department of Planning and Development P.O. Box 789 Eagle CO 81631 Re: FiIe No. Zc-27-76-Zone Change Z6;2L-76 Special Use Permit Z{3tLg-76 ZonLng Variance My Comments on this are: t. Detailed drainage plans for parking area's needed. 2. Car. tYest Vail tYater and Sanitation Di.strict handle the additional load from this development. 9rlzz z-r.?t Erik IT . Edeen B. P. S . Environmental HeaIth EWE,/hV $ffi o Pe$TEfiHI{T CIF FfrA$HIru 550 Ilroads'ay 1 July 1976 o fiA I{D $fiVEI,8P[tIH$IT Patricia Rickman P. O. Box 1383 Vai l, Colorado 81657 lUcf)onrld ltlds. Re: Fi le No.'Zc-27-76 Zs-21-76 Zv-18-76 l'.O. Box 789 Hagle, Colorado fil6J I Zone Change Special Use Permit Variance The Technical Review Committee for Eagle County (a group of technical advisers from various publ ic agencies) reviewed your application on 1 July 1976 and offered the following comments and recommendations to you and the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Adjustment for consideration of approval and use of the property: Recommend that the fol lowing information be submitted: 1. proposed cost of renting the units. 2. a more detai led soils,/engineering report deal ing with the proposed cuts into the hill. 3. a plan showing 3 parking spaces per unit. lf the above information proves the project feasible, the Technical Review Committee recommends approval on the condition that the property never be condominiumized. The Technical Review Committee al so recommended approval of your Special Use Permit and Variance applications based on the above submittal and condition. The recommendations for the Zone Change and Special Use Permit wi ll be forwarded' to the County Planning Department and Planning Commission for consideration at their meeting on 21 July 1976. The recommendation on the Variance application will be forwarded to the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their meeting on 8 July 1976r and for discussion at the Planning Commission meeting on 21 July 1976. have any tions, please contact this off ice. -,/L.- for: Director of Planning s r/kt cc: Board of County Corrlniss ioners; tlarold [)enton, Architr:ct liuiklrng (tliir.irrl: llrrildirrll ltolrrri(s lrrd lrrslrtt'tion, il,rrrittl{ r\rlrrtitriqlralion (:tl}il) 3il3-{i331} EA$I,E OO|lIITY you Stdphenllsom for: D i rector -- ' '\r'i 17 Jur tflll P*tch Ffdana Efi t$t Yrll, Oolor6 tltf? For Fllr t{c. lv.t!-lt. Ydrrr At lhrlr nonrfr nr.tlng or ta Jrrf lgTU t Eglc Oor*t Ptrtrfl[ Oorrrnlrbnl d yrqr ttxl.rd, t$f.C yrr Cpllotloi rrilll lhrlr tt July tJl16 nttllngr lf you luc rtt enltarr pLc catH lr|r ofllcr. C-- \ .-- )v<" sq*rir frrrri*r Dl|trbdPblrfi Cl./td cc: Bosd of Cor.nty CcnnrbclorrrruS iitold D.nlorl of denton anchitecfine - dannin[ oo RF"CEIVED JUN t 6 1976 u"r,liu'*ioiilff'*eagle r third and wall 81631 . 328-6&15 fitvt N I t t | 4l?Ft:f{t lrttyw pt I tt! Eg?l 2 r H | 4r9n $F 14 Jrmc 1976 Stcvc Iao Depcrtaent of Planntng & Dcvclo'pcnt Beg1c, Colcado 81631 Dcar Stcne, I ehqrld llkc to r.qoe.t, cr bchalf of uy cllcnt Petrlcta Rictnanr that that thc datc for hcarlng of Varlancc rcquclt bc changcd to thc nert rccttng ln cdcr that thk rey bc hcerd alcrg rtth thc rpcctal ule raqucst. Plcaro edvfuc lf thlr lr not pocctblc. Tfranlcyor fc your attGntlqr, d ig ! : i:i;;; ;5 i i r i Ijg ;ls il il t'i il .[g i! E ;' r :: b !'i f: 3 i I ; ;iri I ;J : l, s ; j3 e $ f ia t ;': ; s :sq,fl H.s'.s ; !! i F EO t; ?*,* Ili I 5g,t * :! gg ,gf*t Eii t; l*{i $ a'- 'sE fPg+t *;r ;I ,Et;$ i r! I; {r:gi b Bl E'i;iEi ,ir -'''"b ""'s *;i,d,E gi: JEEreP." i;a i:*.,1;f, ;:Ets. s $te IlE.;!i!T [jF:flrtt$gi gg ttE*f tip :r;;i; ii r;i*aes-ft,trE Fv;'nd'i : e; :F;$iiiF; trFeiH*IFs$ ;E E ;iitEF ; g FB ?5iiE:is giiEi*aitF t,.€.f",;E tgii.$ i Ie F;i #Tli s{ E* eE !s:B Eg:;;3-EFEiirr;j.ql ; *tE --;,fl ;e i; fr ; ;8P ; ;;i6ndi6*iil ii:q;i i:;H g #? i; f ! ; ret id 5JA$*iF$r ! !$H;.r o,";tI# q ifl 6t F q; d d = E o | '. t,,. 9 CO^F .o O! Oe o)! * FPr: Lu I t- ,) { J 4 t'. v J F t- I rfi , taU ;$.cr: t ;i;e !-s#*tn[ H'j{*$! EiHm9i;": Fxunftt ; e ;e ; Ei! d i :*; : " i:_;Es"l;!gR5;!::t ; I t EP = ..'=o .h -::-rdo i( i ur '^ f 6lE s 9!*J* BI s ;9;b'rt Hr; A+*F=": Hu$ i E;I#i;iiq E:Figr rB*,,EE i t:flf g *=l;fis,4:?.o-3s[t i gri;i i*r i F;l,fr; ;:* *$*tp t EiiiF i#s::"Fi5= BiE*r*iF i FFlli; Efiq fi;i*fl3:Ii:€ii!* t ifi:: a i*I * IelHe !EE X;.j{8.9 Fe;s;i il;;i,IeEg:t s;t ;$iti; r;$rfri iEii;Fi i$;:$ Eff 5f ilEE 53Is+l i3i{itt FifrJ* ::g35: ' "; tlif5;ii'f$ .9 t Eo oc'e co d oE E.0- 9lo c_c 9f< 56'69q.q6s F s,t-. ! {FP\ U ;:.-;o-.-*.9oE d t .:.aC!! !-u(J\Yt.{D ij: 9ro d i E O;n tttO>rF Eq Y ho i or; in iio d I j ; ,l'i d, "@ I'' : Er \I B gq 5 EF r! ('" o .g;uro'.: .. .. c .. : o j: 0, 'alJld)O,i|.I(, o < f z (coor>Eur di>c oz t(f ,o IU I o ( QOoo P.e ='- drb; P'cr o o)o.P .c c-oi : tO?r F 6sd 6 0)i# N pg'E .e S6€ ; E-a .- :!.e E E=- o .-tud c 9fi'; d 6'69 { E6P ? E*.t I dP, .a o:3 T ib.; E E.- l- th !r#8. ; aiE E cH'- O OX* $ o-EK .5 Ots E ,H.. O9. O r-O6 EEE fr 638> >l.l > 'i(lo9 9sX e Hs,jo o.- !a o.F TSE FT FFT6-c =od4 Eo 5FE-! olJ -. C ?!€E jaH,F s=E 3rlaE ;EHd aE 6=o -sE S5_Ee I5. i*EEE gE;= .:$3 fi:F>H sEgd dE& ,ii i+6 6Pb 6& ;g ddJoirC\|C\|N oiot'([ Ec!e#$E.E€;€et3s 6dE5EEorFsEfP: qq $i !.oEd!r-'+.zJ2bE !fr :s EE E E #g EEb g $ 3 * Eiu s E st H, Efig 5 9 6E 6 IXF T P f 6 o I3s ,f { EE ,5 .s!f FF g 'if o ocH3 Eb r ;.i f ?i {$E :3 { FE + {s s*s *i g Hr E !g#= # E$ 6 -_t oz Go(r)50m8,>L (')rfro(ot-Ot-rr I.-, v oooo DE o PAB $fist!{T $F Prat{r$!H I{B EEIIE[8PIf,T!T o 0fl lllcl)onrld llldg. 550 Ilroadway P.O. llox ?89 Iiagle, C<rlorado 81631 15 June 1976 Town of Vail, Allen Gerstenberger Eagle County Sanitarian Eagle County Engineer West Vail Property Owners Assoc., Karen Scheidegger File No. Zc-27-76 - Zone Change Fif e No. 7s-21-76 - Soecial Use Permit Fif e No. Zv-18-76 - Zoning Variance Enclosed for your perusal are applications for a zone change, special use, and variance on lots 5 thru 9, Vai I Heights Filing#1 , behind the Vai I Das Schone Shopping Center. The intent of the thirty-one units is employee housing stepped into the hill as shown. We would appreciate your comments by 12 July 1976. for:Director of Planning Sl,/kt I'lanning I k'prrrtnrcntz'l'lrt n ning Comrni:;sion: Sulrdivision, llczoning, Applicrrl.iorrs irnd Ilt,r' jcs' (303) $28-6.1311 lirrildirtt ()flir:ial: lluikliny Irerrnils anrl irrsptr:tion, Zonirrll A tlurinist lat ion illOil) 328-0t39 !a0tt 00uNIT oo DETAITT,IEI{T O[ TTNHI{IHO AI{D DTVETOPffiEHT lltcl)onald Rldg. 550 Broadway P.O. Box 789 Eagle' Colorado 81631 '11 June 1976 Editor, The Vail Trail Vail, Colorado Re: Publ ic Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment I July 1976 Please publ ish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a I'Legal Notice'r in the 17 June publication of your newspaper. Please bill and send affidavit of publ ication to this office. Michael S- Blai Director MSB/Kt I'lanning f)(-parl-nr(ltt.r'l'll ntrinll Cotnmission: Sulxlivision, Rczoning, ApJrlir:ations arrd Revierv (303) 328-6338 lluilding Official: lluildiug l'r'rrnits and lnspectirrrr, Zoning Administrntion (30itl 328.6339 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO Notice is Hereby Given that the Eagle county Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a Publ ic Hearing beginning at 10:00 A.M. on I July .|976r in accordance with' Section 9.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing rvill include the fol low ing : File No. Zv-11-76 - Vait Das Schone Filing #3 Request: Variance from Section 3.O7.06 Eagle County Zoning Resolution, Maximum Lot Coverage. Location; North Frontage Road, West Vail, situated between existing S afeway Store and existing foundations for proposed Ramada lnn, more particularly described as fol lows : rl A parcel of Range 81 l1est of Cornmencing at the Northeast Corner of tbe Southwest Quarter of the Southcast Quarter of said Section lf, thence along thc wcst linc of said EasL Half of the So'trtl)east Quarler of Section 11, SOL'39'OO"w 354.15 feet to a point on thc .southcrly line of Chanoni:: Lane, lrhich 1s also the southwest corner of vail Ileights - Filing l.lo. It tirence N85"13'33"i1 and alcr,g the Scutherly line of said Chamoni:r Lane 110.0O feet to tlre true point of bcginning; thence continuing N35o13'33"E and alonS said Southerly line 82.82 feet to a point of curve; thcnce continuing alcng said southerly line 270.55 feet along the arc of a 238.64 foot radius curve to tlre left whose c€:nLral angle is 64"57'33" a.rd whose long chord bears 1i52o.14'46"E 256.29 feet, to a point of tar.Jentr thence S43"05'35"8 ar,d r''ri alcng saii tangent, 349.O3 feet to a pcint on a curve on thc Uorth\restcrly line of the Interstate liiEhway No ?O Rjght-of-Way; thence S()uthwestcrly along said Northvresterl), Ilne 2C3.22 feet along the arc af a 5,550.00 foot radius curve to the rj.ght vhose central .:ngle is 2o04'01' and whose iong chord brars S51oO0'56"w 2OO.20 feet to a point of .tang(:nei tlrencc S52oO2'56,'.rJ and along said tang.jnt arid .:oitt i.::i:j:.ijalong s:id Northwesterly iinc 2g8. oo'rl'.-t; thcnce uI9o.16'1()'vt 42o.66 feei: to the true poirrt r;f :r3i:-,;rir-qc()ntdining l4r,495-52 square fcec or 3.24g3 acresr more or J.ess.., Fif e No. Zv-18-76 - Patricia Rickman Request: Variance from Section 4.02, Eagle Couniy Zoning Resolution, Supplementary Lot Area. Location: Vail Heights Filing #1 , Lots 5,6,7,8 and g, West Vail, Colorado, East of West Vail l-70 Interchange, and north of Vail Das Schone Shopping Center. This Hearing shall be held in the Eagrle County Annexr Rrn 3, 510 Broadrvay, Eagle, Coloracc- Persons being affectecl by a decision on this rcquost are invitccl to mal(c cor-r-rnrents to the Boarcl by appearing at tlre l-learirrg, or by submiiting written statomcnts irr prerdon or by mail tht u tlre Secreiary. Furtlrcr informirtion n'tzr)/ L)e obtainccl, and cornrrrcrrts subrlittecl, by cont;rctirrE flre Eaglo Courrty Dopertnrcnt of Pllrrrrirrq arrcl D cvo loprrr<:rrt, S10 [3r.orrclira5,, Plrorrt_. 32g_6338, Box 789, lierglle, ColortrcJo 81631. byl Mictt:r.:l S- Blair, Siccretr_rry Zonirrrl LJt.rlrd of Arljrrstrrrtrr-rt -t I i land lying in the East Half of the southeast Quarter of section }t-, Tovnship 5 south, the 6th Principal lleridianf County of Dagle, state of Colorado described as; t DETITTTTilT Cretle Peek Bldg. 11 I OT EI,II{NII{E [t{D DTIETOPIilETT 510 Broadway P.O, Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Juno1976 Patricia Rlckrrurn Box 1383 Vall, oolorado 81657 Ret Fllc l\lo. Zv-18-?6 Vrbs At U!l? lnratlrrg on 10 &rn 1970, Orr Zonlrg Bodd ot Adlu.trnont lt a Pllollo tfrtng on ycur Variance Amllcdlqr. The hc*lrrg wlll tJtc plre on I July 1976, fle$lrnlng d 10:OO A,M. ln the Catle Pedt Bl€., 510 afoadway' E{le' Colorado. tt L,illiIttF ltwr cry qloetiorre, ploasc contrct thlr offlcr. '--J r+\ I Blrrcbr of Plarnlrtg srAr ${ t*,* Bord ot AdJustrnent li Planning Depa*rnerrVPlanning Commission: Subdivlaion, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 32&6338 Building Official: Bdlding Permits and Inspoction, Zoning Administration (3|Il) n8-6:f39 EI!I.E COUNIT ------1 FueNo.z */t-7L Fee Paid 3:10 A Dare rccd.4ry/Zt_ Or., , tr Section 9.04.05 Appl icant /Ovwrer--- 31!5!gi33 Mall Addrese .-,gox 1383 Vail. CO1O. R'l 6q7 Phcne: 476-1E'7 l. Regulation and Section Number(s) of Zoning Resolutlon from which Varlance ls sought: 2. Present zona Vfrn QS M 3. Gengral location ot property (ln relatlon to a Town, Roadj Stream or other landmark): Vail Heights, West Vail, Colorado -.Sast of west Vail I-70 Interchange, and north of Vail das Schone Shopping Center. 4. Legal descriptlon of Pro.perty Lots 5 ,6,7 ,8 and 9 a. Su*ivision Name t Blk_, orr b. metes and bounds (may be attached) include survey or map: 5. Brlef Purpose and Reason for Variance (may be attached): To remove the fLoor area ratio r.eduction for slope and allow development under RSM zoning in a sensitive manner. 6. Attac-h e4plandion that one or more conditions exist under Sec. 9.04.06, 1-5' An unnebessary hardship will be imposed on Patricia A. Rickrnan ?.bgg"?Ap"qt:of tha slope linitations. that lrere created when----- A complete list of atl o\^rners addressesr of the property proposed for Variance and of all owners of atl adj acent properties is attached frereto; this signatory ls properly autlorized to make apptlcation for Variance stated hereon.iD / .' (' .'l'i| .(.1 ( ( ,. Application accepted as complete for Public Hearing on date Application iejected as incomplete for Public l-learing because: APPLICATTON FOR VARIANCE ^ -om the Zoning Resolution of -Eagle County, Colorado to the . Zoning Board of Adjustments (minlmum 5 copies required; print or.type, except signatures) lH E ln IE lE t; F offlce use by: pl anni ng admi ni strator Pago 1ot 2 zoning v/as established. This property had been subdivj-dedby the County prior to the establishment of zoning. Res Lot l-0 Derby Assoc. ' Inc. 825 N. Mcrnight Rd. St. touis, Mo. 63130 Areas N and S of ProPerty Vail City CorPoration 10001 E. Evans #69C Denver, Col-o. 80231 NW of Lot 6 PubLic Domain West of Lot 5 Brown-Living ston-Weinshienk 700 Flagstaff Star Rte. Boulder, Col-o. 80302 Lots 2,3,4 Pine Ridge Townehouses Owners: Thorsen, GarY H. & Becky Ann 2216 Silverthorn Rockford, I11. 51107 Conaty, Margaret L. P,ox 942 VaiI , Co1o. 81657 Frohriep, terol/ C. a Michel, Charles M. Box 213 Vail , Colo. 81657 Colt, Edward W. Box 4689 Colorado Springs, Colo. 80930 Miller, Edward H. & Dolores A. 777 West 4th. Lakewocd, CoIo . 80226 Slaton' Arthur F. III Box 637 Moulton, Ala.35550 ents Ad'iacent to Patricia A. Rickman Pro Pagelof3Pages Pine Ridge Townehouses (contrd. ) Jacobsgaard, James E. & llargaret Schuetz, Barbara Ann Box 27I Box 1146Vail, Colo. 8L657 Vail , Colo. 81657 Beck, Andrew J. Blount, Richard & Sylvia L. Box 1413 Box 266VaiI, Colo. Vail , Colo. 81557 815 57 Vitt, Edwin P. & Ann P. Hamre, Lars Arne Box 1969 Box 1414 Vail-, Colo. 81557Vail, Colo. 8L657 Lathrop, Darrel W. Kruse, Itlark R. & Bernadine Box 251-8 Box 974 Vail , Colo. 81657 VaiI , Colo. 81657 Brandmeyer, Randall & Pamela Cram, Wilford, Regina & Carol Box 580 Box 6L3 Vail, Colo. 81657Vail, Colo.8L657 Hudson, !ft. G. & JanetMinick, David & Iqaria Lewis Box 182 Box 334 Vail, Colo. 81657Vail, Colo. 81657 Sipp, Ronald G. & Susan Holmes, ilames R. & Barbara Box 1497 Box 3378 VaiI, Colo. 81657Vail , Colo. 81557 DeMartin, James L. & DeniseSchott-McCambridge-Ke1ly Box 891 1723 Robb #50 Vai1, Co1o. 81657 L,akewood, Co1o. 80215 Powers-Hoyt-Rickley Box 1576Vai1, Co1o.81557 Horn, H. Wallace 2935 East 75th St.Tulsa, Ok1a.74L36 Pyles, W. Scott & BarbaraDr. l-64 0 Vai1, Colo. 81557 Hanson, Richard J. & Susan Box 1146 Vaii, Colo. 81557 Holmes, Warren E. & Lynn E. 150 Birchridge Dr. Brainerd, ltln. 56401 page2of3pages L,ot No. I Gore Range Condominiums Gore Range ProPerties c/oR&LProperties Box 1395 Vail, Colorado 81657 Schurenstedtr Carl Rex sox 1885 VaiL, Colorado 81557 Iutzi, Wardreck Stevengox 3010 Vail , Colorado 81657 Olsen, Laurence R. & Susan K. Box 1012 Vail , Colorado 81557 #6. zoning subdividedof zoning. was established. This by the County Prior to property had been the establishment Page 3of3 pages -t-:tE;g.t -E E;ta,!!n EEr!l ESclfr-t 2 --IX€9{ =t3 ii lN cl, N i.t N vl0 ! l"r, ( \ J \, N] \/ ,,lt -L-L r rrrA h ?,ll Itl l' {s ,fid h Yr i{\)]-J iJEg\r - {i /--.lil! EJ ta0u o I u-io.I ua lL.i'. i." 2-.Y={r:! co, Ir i{. coN{,'\i. EEE6 -6 E; 2n -iBE-; =cets!---IX€,It=3.: s. E t= c,i'e5at? .' \\y..'. \: COMM. z 6r* Or F t'. .tr tr ..2_.D_X<2. A...-.-...._[-/.c; ": Crf,. F! n,\COtVhrt. eIl"t o -l- '4 lo Ir9sirBi;Lt I in L -f I - ai,i ) -r' F; { # I a, \ T It ; iI I \ J\{t rl d-til ol l Fi;:itriD CCFY -!I I c,.ls E -a-e ---gt!E zEF IV[i i iNG OF rEga*r|tlalrra^trl: :.;r)l*t:t!F*- -' o.4 t i I t- I ! I.| b ) Trtr,; qg dr.:. I ./ SUBJECT PROPERTY 5J \E\,'l\tt , tr^ Lou \3 :., ii '--c> \( \< ,,:\>. ='t..Y* eLt r' ' -; \l\ \'' "t( %cr "gs .rzj (ffi ffi Noaru GRAPHIC SCALL ".4 /oL