HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL HEIGHTS FILING 1 LOT 14 LEGALE" C* bev Home Occupation Permit Qeuteu !$percoaL- Application Department of Oommunity Development 75 South Froniage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 lax: 97Q.479.2452 web: www. ci.vail. co. us and secondary lo the use of the annual basis. Approvals for home 6,a^'>- 3\^x :i+ € TOl4fi\,M General lnformation: A home ocajpation is a use conduded entirely wilhin a dwelling and is incidental dwelling for dwelling purposes. Home ocarpalion permits mu$ be reneured on an ocorpalions shall lapse if nol pursued within two months of approval. Business Name:(0ctt ption of the business:ctitn v4l n tt t Location: tre*.j|1 -eb€k: Name(s) of Owner(s): PhysicatAddress: 20q n parcerNo.: al03 il4 0 (Contad Eagle Oo. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: nolor Mailing Address:Varl b Elbst Phone: 1% i'tf; gge{ yrl owner(s) Signature(s): lt^X,t'r.^d,r- 1ie**-- NameofAppricant: }Jtr.iltntiq -ftefnpY . 5Maifins Address: ,roQ\ C.Lv*vnonix li 3C , Va'i Cp 8lb5l HOMEOCCUPATI Number of employees: Hours of operation: nt/.veh in^cluding num to be Where are mat ls/ equipm Will clients be coming to the home: Estimate number of client visits per week: I Please attach written approval from association, landlord, and joint of additional plans, drawings, a model) if deemed necessary to ,tfrrrWt r4ldtl+o.h-ryhbvrs{ 2LYD a condominium owner, if applicable.o The Administrator may require thc submission specifications, samples and other materials (including determine whether a proiect will comply with Design Guidelines or itplfiJm proposal is not clearly andicated. l%ge1of 3030Y11 HOME OCCUPATI ON PERMI T CONDI TI ONS All home occupations must comply with the following regulations at all times. lf any condition is violated at any time, the home occupation permat may be revoked. 1. The use shall be conduded entirely within a dwelling and carried on principally by the inhabitants thereof. Employees, other than inhabitants of the dwelling, shall not exceed one person at any time. Z. The use shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and shall not cfrange the residential charader thereof' 3. The total floor are used for the home occupation shall not exceed one-fourth of the gross residential floor area of the dwelling, or five hundred square feet, whichever is less' 4. There shall be no advertising, display, or other indication of the home ocotpation on the premises. 5. Selling stocks, supplies, or produds on the premises shall not be permitted, provided that incidental retail sales may be made in connection with other permitted home ocolpations. 6. There strall be no exterior $orage on the premises of materials or equipment used in the home occupation. 7. There strall be no noise, vibration, srnoke, dud, odor, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line, as a result of the home ocolpation. B. A home occripation shall not generate significant vehiq.rlar traffic in excess of that typically generated by residential dwellings 9. l.lo parking or $orage of commercial vehides shall be permitted on the site. iO. A home occupation permit is valid for one ye€rr and must be renerived by the Admini$rator in order for the home occupation to legally be continued' I agree that the home occupation will be in compliance with all of these conditions. './.[,^zlrr^d.,^- | W;--"tt (ttry We2ol 3030Y11 ll3l Zo I z-orz- (""*,l Lisa Cotter 2099 Chamonix Lane 2A Vail, CO 81657 (970) 390€015 Department of Community of Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Community Development Representative: Subject Approval Letterfor Melinda Tierney's Home Occupation Permit I am writing on behalf of the Vail Heights 2 HOA as their president. I understand Melinda Tierney, of Unit 3C, is intending to start a business out of the condo she owns. Please accept this as authorization and approval on behalf of the Vail Heights 2 HOA. Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, /r,-V1ffi/4- Lisa K Cotter Vail Heights 2 HOA President TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION / ATHLETIC CLUB / SERVICE / HOME OCCUPATION FEE SCHEDULE FOR BUSINESS LICENSE / MARKETING (Required by Ordinance # 28, Series of 1992) TRADENAME MAILING ADDRESS DETERMINEZONE Zone | - Cascade Village to Manor Vail (south side of Interstate 70) B. \/' Zone2- Outlying *"^, i.4ilt;handstone, Golf Course, East Vail 77L TOTAL FEE DUE = $\bo..-frcf\"''t {*.€, lorz- MEI"INDA LEE TIERNEY 2099 CIAMONIX LN., APT. 3C VAIL, CO 81,6574931 is due. is due. is due. is due f,TBAl{(ffii:Hff-"' il: LO ?OO 5OL ?r: t eq:IOEO 50Ol. O ? ? I 6/0t7 FEE SCHEDT]LE Construction Athletic Club Service <- Home Occupation -\# ZOIIE 1 $325.00 $600.00 $325.00 $150.00 ZONE2 $243.75 $450.00 $243.75 t12.50 NE q JD,t|t+5-,ggg; rOI,T'Nff Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Sirotikin Residence DRB Number: DR8030259 Project Description: shrub removal Pafticipants: OWNER SIROTKIN, NEIL 021112003 Phone: 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W 197 VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT SIROTKIN, NEIL 021112003 Phone: 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W 197 VAIL CO 81657 License: Proiect Address: 2059 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 14-1 Block: SuMivision: VAIL HEIGHTS CONDO Parcel Number: 210311403025 Comments: See Condiuons BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:vote: Date of Approvalt 07llIl2003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd: CON0005988 The applicant shall plant a minimum S-gallon red twig dogwood or lilac in the location of the shrub to be removed no later than October 1, 2003. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: 10.00 / I, (print nu .l 4 t /eni-Du.|.1J- ,a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations' In-f L,{( , l'"c ( v( 2.'j P"^r?. I I (aoo f, fro c.t t< \1f a5 rdc s; 14 (-f Page 2 of LzlOZlOTlOz ROPOSED TANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantiw Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" CaliPer Coniferous Trees - 5'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Souare Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specily other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc') Page 7 of LZllzlOTl1z UTILIW LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (ret) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICTX 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.475.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed, If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified oroblems, 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before diqqing in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained separately, Page 8 of 12102/07/02 oo oo oo tt ofign Review Action Ffrtr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Dare {- tf - Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: ArchitecUGontact, Address and Phone: II Legal Description: Lot l{ Block- SuMiMsion Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval I Disapproval ,Ktarennrovat Conditions: Town Planner o"t"' 4- ll -{t, DRBFeeere-paio&O.oOt'l . raylsed 8/71/94 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAII,, COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** INCOMPLETE APPT,ICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDUTJED FOR REVIEW.********** PRO,JECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION:,1f T TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstrucLionAddition ($s0.00) ($200.00) X Minor ALLeraEion Conceptual Review ($20.00) ($0) ? D. ts llowy Gfay UOOD,a NAME OF uailing E. ADDRESS: 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTIO Subdivi s i on If property is descri:bed by a meeLs and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this applicat.ion. a-- zoNrNG, Kzs rD<ltl-At- NAME OF APPLICANT; Mailincr Address: APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:@,J{ Address:.D. Pno H.NAME OF OWNER(S) : \1 t0c OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailincr Address:,'bo APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo be paid at Lhe t,ime of submitcal of the DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, pl-ease idcntify Ehe accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according Lo Lhe [ab1e be1ow, to ensure the correcL fee T J. VAI,UATION$ o $ 1-o,ooo $ 10, 001- - $ 50, 000 $ s0, 001 - $ 1s0,000 $1s0.001 - s s00,000 $s00, 001 - $1, 000, 000 $ Over $1,000.000 PEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION .I N PIRES IT IS T3vrrcnr ro Ramnrr.-t is pai-d. uJt\ fft; I,IST OF MATERTALS NAME OF PRO.JECT: iJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: LOT_ BIJOCK _ SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: The following informagion is required for submitgal to ghe Design Review Board before a final approval can.be given: A. BUIIJDING MATERIALS: TYFE oF MATERIAIJ Roof Sidinq other waI1 Maberials Fascia Sof fi bs Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim ,rond ot Deck Rails FIues Plashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReLaining walIs ExLerior Lrighbing 0bher B. LANDSCApING: Name of Designcr:phone: COI,OR q oo TOWN OF VAIL DEpAnTltE\T OF CotlltL\TrY DE1TLO9}!.L\T)t\+=z-. ADDRESS ?ROJECT CEECXS }TADE I^Y^ILE TO TOU'II OF V^TL ACCOI TSO. . JTLI{ . .:-j: !:-:.-: NO.-i.-- !.: TIX-.--. OOS,I !]E - .- TOI^L _. 0t 00004t540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS S5.OU 0t 000042415 s54.00 0 | 0000 424 l5 uNI FoRlvi PLUMBINGTOD-s39.00 0t 0000 42415 LTNIFORM I\{ECIIANICAL CODE s37.00 0t 0000 424t5 I.JNIFOR-N,I FIRE CODE s36.00 r-rl 0O00 424 | 5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s37.00 0t 0000 424 | 5 OTIIERCODE BOOKS 0l 0000 41518 BLUE PzuNTS (MYLARS)57.0U 0l 0000 4241 2 X.bROX COPIES s0.25 0l 0000 424t 2 STUD]ES 01000042{12 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM st.00 0t 000042i71 PENALTY I.EES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0t 00004t332 PLAN RE\IEW RE.CHECK FEE IS4O PER HR. 0l 0000 42332 OFF }{OURS INSPECT]ON FEES 0l 0000 411 1 2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES | 9r w99414r3_SIGN APPLICNTION FEE s20.00 | 0r (ruou 4l4tJ 1 ADDTiloNALSTGNAGEFEE l5LlqlE8lQ.FI.lV+@*Zgo-'l'{*TqA RT PRO J ECTDOFIATI ON| +[ 0l 000041331 |T&E?A 'zp-o'b Ul uxtrttr 4#'l-INVESTIGATION f EE (BUILDINC 3l ooo045ll0 TOV PARKINC FUND 0l 0000 22027 'IOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUNDr0l 00002tIt2 TNTBTE@-?I5ffir 0l 0000 41010 T,L\ABLE@{.qz. (Isq 0l 0000 42J71 BUILDING INVESTIGATION ol llbR PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l 0000 4l 330 ADDITIONALCRFA -250"s200.00 0 r 0000 4l 330 CONDITIONAL USETERMT s200.00 0l 0000 4t 330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN IOO SQ.FT.s200.00 0l 0000 4t330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION MORETIiAN IOOSO.FT.s500.o0 0l 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPT,lENTDISTRICT INEW s 1.500.00 0l 0000 4t330 SPECIALDEVETM s 1,000.00 0l 0000 4t330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENTDTSIR]ET MINOR tr,MEND s200.00 0t 0(}00 41i30 SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 41130 I VARIANCE s250.00 0t 000041330 I ZONING CODE AMENDMEN-TS s250.00 u1 fir00413_i0 I RE - ZONII*G s200.00 OTHER OTHER C,ft (tuk>:srr,tL c.Asgt rcK.rt rM.oLt l.EC. 8Y: ot a. Tr(}trlh| Cl[F LtFlIl- ||ltcrllrrq" Cdr 99-16-96 15rclt26 Fcccio? * 26,252li-i^'It* cKl2ffi8 [Eil]'i'iitE*t crino msoc'o* ff*o*t rrrdBrcd ) Irr grtd ole@e41531@ Chsr€3 returncd THCI}IK m|.:|i Prtd m-.n 0.66 vot oz E =t lJ.lo- tn uJ LU t.L F =tu(L , la ft, ut.2,lt-s/-g yl,/ iqsz /0 \1. I z H z ! ! ).r4{ ) lt LL z J / EI O) )5F/,<r o< T z 2 tlIrlt4tlt{ IEtcltale l.tP:5l7 F<9 F= V= l5 z =o I I a C I Eulz 3o ut F z -\ ILJ u,l U) =I ol! o Fo trFz FT HH <tt z E]rl g o (! = 3 F !, oo()c(! Ero o ot (6. q) o = @ E o cf lto o o, CL(! =.9 q) (! -Y'-.3 (EU)oP 3Fcv(!a.:o E:Eo.> .-Et-o Pn -EGF 5or't.E >5oNEoOc()i --Fqo!!o: Eorc FEruo C()gH (o,r FL e6.E3 0;t o E.ets'iv :''=dllEoo+oE oc-(l,o-0;t o:; H'(! €oq) Ep trqt .; E E .= (g (! o (o at E (o (E o- -9o. (D E 6 (E o o o- E o E {l)t.:,=lo|{) IP'* *t{ + = '; =Do t6t= io G .9 G .9 (Eo G :o oo)Eo = I (g rn N c oo oo rn rn(\ c.l g. IIJ z =l Y z J () EF ltJJ uJ z6 = o- z = r!lut!z tr uJ UJ 3t! llJ z 6 UJo F 0r,Iulo ?z tllJo zH X mE H t< Fl F-l FlFlH U> UJ llJIL (I uJ(L J F oz oJ tF() uJJ UJ z6 =f J = IJJ NOtrvn'tvA 2 FF 2 F N- F F : =ZZtt-o ooF ^ Urz X f >:zF9 OE aoe.Z;-(Joo9(JzXu- <(oq dd'69 =R 2'. -: uji(\ta =>c z tr (r.; l E UJq F XX L uJ z E z tr EulF B uJz v)tzfzOo <oo< =PRt!6o<z =z, Az -F;o3trOI UJf uJzY =F z F Jlaz 3 F UJ 3 a Jl<l zl zl .. >lo uJ UJ IJJ2 o = uJ(L J z E o z tr!) 6 F uJI trJo- Ll-o -r'. -r'. { I @(0 @(o t' t_-..1- --.i. S \_1 -+ I'*J z .n9 =<c0o =z (I LL J z&ol: J \-,/ -...:@ trJ trD IJJ tso cDo-zo Fc uJv utdl oF F =xEo,Ul r-'r o-rr- Io'.li ::lo5lo()lr<lguJbkz6 F rlJ(L u.loz fo oF I (L JFut-h=.-fi>o-Ou-9o5 ttt6O-:> ul =tr uJo F o Eooo ot .E t E EoC' o E =E.lrl o-z9Fof E,Fazoo -J 9z I uJ l H el H I'lH I (tz II d) F J aB zHzH ts aJ) ts H F.lF .jj =z 6 M zH E zz z l! c = I F (J =E llJ o ) I E ,a zH F1H a.) =Etr I c.)\t 2 uJ J a l|.oz3oF 01 I\c N u il F (x o uJi lr-o z1 3l FI =(l Etr oz oulE J u-o 213I =E o z. ul ", lr z 39 u.l uJF. E UJz = F uJ tsT d. E <FGOlrJ <zEulFazo o <oOF FS XF-zilo (,o2,ts =fJZrr.o (J <^YF7()d<.;c Y,Z =g l-Eir =*Eo2<cjoa:3t'tn to la '! {ryL{5 16ra n)Wdrq- -ta Nd,\ /)crr s i- to-0L o .I-3)sJj\?o^I tOil+_/v q ' l'.t( T$s\Lj .r L -J, OYJd i A:{ 'llz I oE'D I OEO IEt ICd I 4tTIHI 1l t{E i 'EE I Ol4D I O-o Il.- | o!0( | oEr|{ ol t2H taa I oaD I oro'HI I OHa I o3|rFto' !{t :. Er IHE I O.ntr | ooo 'i||t I olla I oOt.{ Ei oHr orlr \Elt oolrr \at .l !r ol{r oralr \ot d|{xl \Hr iEIalt I attratrr .A.E roItIE i.{ a I lroo I aaH | ,ll::{, r{da I ooH I al.<E C I O.(J- (rld dtr O ar.E q I |r|oor acraoHrroI I T OOo E}I I rooFi laO | | Aql ao I rt llp EU ' .!O(,9rt0 Oto Erlaal Ul IHozoE.oo-o{ ? o l{otaOD.o o o ':Ell O!4 lr-2,ibfi8F:.H EHAIPG'e 6:I{ox- o !l!4 !0 o oo.|t H : E FIIHu t.l FI f, .t o <; o|A nA lr EH-oHqt o aI doF !4F E FId dqc eD&&E Hl.lqlIEa ? ..ltoo "ElIIr.Ea oatl fiUTfrrP iiEKr,Mu/q/a,t @TOWN'OF VATL CONSTRUCTIO o N i! ,|.. ^ ^' t.^|I i | -t ::[,, - /oI ra. nF hTblPERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: Legal Description: Lot Block Ohrners Name: Architect: General Description: Address: Nurnber of Acconmodation Units: INFORMATION of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Gas Logs_ Woodr/Pellet ********************************* Plunbing Address: Contractor:Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIIMBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE; CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: /0o'- VALUATION BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Filinq suBDrVrsroN: Ph. rQ'work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-AdditLonaf X-nepair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units: JZ -D OLa'pa fAddress: 5/7C2 Electrical Contractor: Address: FOR Comments: CLEAT T'P DEPOSIT RENIND fiw,y, 75 routh Iront ge road vell, colorudo El657 (3o3) 479-2L38 oE 479-2L39 olllcc of oommunlty rlevclopmcnl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this peryttt requi-res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approva.l,Engineer''s. (Publ ic l.rorks) review and approvai,' a prinnini'b"p."t .ntreview or Health Department rev'iew, ani'a review uy irre duiibing'-Department, the estinated time for a total review *v Lt"-as l6ngas three weelis. All comrnercial (large or smal'l)and al1 multi-family permits.willnave to foilow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l 119=:rull projects-should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresldential or smaller projects 'impact the various above mentioned 9g?1"l1gna:,with regard to necessary review, these praje.ii"ruyalso take the three week period. Every attempt wi'll be made by this department to expedite thispenni t as soon as possib'l e. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. Communi ty Development Department. 75 south tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 ottlce ot communlty devclopmcnt TO: FROM: DATE: SU&]ECT: R Y ead and acknowledged by: ALL CONTR,ACTORS CT'RREMTLYL REGISTERED WITII TITETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC VyORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l,tARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunnary, -ordinance No- G states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soif, r""i, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash lunpster3, poriuui" toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewaix, -;ii;y or publicp1?:" or any porri-n theieof. rne rieh€:;i_;;;-;n arr rown ofVail streets and.I?"g= is approxirnately S ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wilr be striliiy -eneorcla uy tt"-r"wn of VairPubric works Department. persons found vi6tating tnis oraiiurr""will- be given a 24 hour written ""ti""-ti-;;;;t=aid rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not cornpty witrr-ttre--'notice within the 24 hour time =p""iii"a,"il"-;;;iic worksDepartment $ri1l remove said rnateii"r "t trr"--""p"ise or personnotified. The provisions of thii ordinance shalr not beapplicable to c-onstruction, nainienance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rigtri_a_way. To review ordinance No- 6 in fulr, prease stop by the Town ofY1i_l B":+ding Department to obrain a copy. rhanX you for yourcooperation on this natter. 'co;sition/Rbfa@ (i.e. contractor, owner) TO: FROM: DATE: RE: . MEMORANDUMv ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED So. 1) 2) Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit": YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility wor4< needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" 3) 4',) 5) 6) 7) required? 8) A. ls thd right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? 1f19r1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, alswered yes to any of these questions, a "public Way permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or atC9.11u1ity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, d 479-215f'. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Contractofs Signature Date Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: VAIL HEIGIITS WALL ADDRESS: 2079 CHAMONX #1 VAIL, COI.ORADO OCCUPANCY: R-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR DATE:8-ll-94 CONTRACTOR: 3-D PIERING ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: SELECT ENG PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK 1. 2. 3. 4. CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted cndes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. BARRTCADES ARE REQUTRED FOR PROTECTTON OF PUBLTC. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQLJTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQIIIRED TO APPROYE ALL STRUCTUAL FOT]NDATION POURS BEFORE A CONCRETE INSPECTION WILL BE APPROVED BY TOV. WILL NEED REPORTS FROM ENGINEER ON LOADS OF EACH PIER AFTER INSTALLED, AND REPORTS SENT TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Torvn *i Vail OFFIfifr fiOPY"/L/tZe 'trt/ fuin'r rlo ' VA it v11LL€ Y 14eorcr>t (trPrt l8 I l^/ . lq€At oct-i o e t/4tt- , t-D i8tu< 7 : :?i!\ j:i& FIOME IMPROVEMI]NT Eil Elcl ClarkEon Oonvor, Colorodo €|OE:1 € [3c'3) e9Ei-OEr95 .$1 PIERING coNllr^(it li(ruM ttu t() VaiI Ileights rit|lt_L l 2079 Chamomix il'l 1. Furnish labor and material f or the installation ol sleel piers to stabilize the vertical dif f erenlial movement on the area in red only ot lhe building al the above address. The piers shall be driven to and make contacl with supporting strata of bedrock: Back fill and cotnpact all excavation and replace concrele and/or asphalt that we removed. Conrplete the al:ove within _-._ 1,0,____ working days. llcms i.a. tile, carJrel, panclittrl, air conditioners, personal belongings, outside plarriirrrls, etc., which must be removed andrcplltt;cd by 3U lJierirrg, will bc lrandlcd willr carc; lrowcvcr', wo arc nol lcsponsible lor tlrc workability or condition ol lltese iterns. 5. Price base on 30 evcry 3loot seclion ol tubing ncedcd on all picrs that go beyond tho eslimaled depth fo beclrock. 1 .Insb,all 20 3-in. steeL piers to bedrocl( Iown ot valt Cummuntry 2.LiE1. front and southeast corner and stabreise Develoomsnt Condominium Asso. z. tt- 4. teet to bedrock (minimum charge). An additional 30 - . . - . _ will be assessed on 3.lift upper deck to leve1 and shim 4. 3-D will f urrirish building permit 5.Bemove concrete too install piers 6.3-D is not liable for any drywall 4x4 posts Phnpla Aoproved tr t o,,r,'F,.Hru"ement repar-r Fke D ;.i': .. trlJii;]ilci':sri:if i -.-:. J,r;.' {,..J j9 lr.g C. Town of Vail OFFICIH COPY ,^rE, F-//-qy' LIMITED WARRANTY Sketch not to scale The piering work to be performed under this agreement is warranteed lor as long as you own the above-described building against alldef ecls in material and workmanship. ll any verticaldif f erential nrovemenl occurs in the area described in paragraph'| olher than movement caused by earthquake, tlood, Act of God, or any similar man-made condit ion, then 3D piering Inc. will, at no cosl or expense lo you, correct any defecl in workmanshipor material that may have occurred in order to stabilize such area. Tlte foregoing is our sole warranly, all olher warranties, expressed or inrplied, including any warranty of merchantability and lvarranty ot fitness for purpose, are excluded. Your exclusive remedy shall be lorcorrection of any defect in workmanship and materials, as set lorth above.In no event shallyou be enlitled lo consequential damages, regardless of whether the claim is based on warranly, conlract, trol, or otherwise. Conrplete in accordance with above specifications, for the sunr ol: Tt^lr:r n f rr rTrhnrrq.rnrl tT'r"r.r llrrnr:lrcrA r'i Flrr .= n u:t ,/ n n * * * * *' * * * * * * * * /nt|rrc t(2n 1r-n nn r H:476_ 21?-7 tw .!7921_5J1 .h rtl I r l(;A llr )N same @ 51 9(] ClBckaon Denven, CO aOPl r30g) P96-Oas5 PIERING & HOMEIMPROVEMENT INC. o ,4t2anno rr7'.rrr4Dat"' z/o /Oq Phone: u 426 -2 /?7 name: w 4:16'2.t5I Foundation Type Flat Work Sholn Foundation Condition Prevlous Work # Work Days 30/30 ClauseUtilities Marked # of Piers Soils Type Lateral Distress Shorn other Comments Locator Gl[ne ilfi1e.eril Date: Homeowner: Address: Engineer: Initial Inspection: REPAIR DISCUSSION: REPAIR RECOMI{ENDATIONS August 9, L994 Vail Heights Condominiurn 2079 Chanonixvail, co Tom Holben, P.E.Select Engineering, Inc. August 9, L994 Association The structure is a two story 12 unit condominum complex buitt ona cut and fill srope. The south (downhirl) side of the structurefoundation has settled causing a L-L/zx crack in the ground floorslab. The foundation is cinder brock on spread concrete footing.The footing needs to to supported and the foundation re-reveled. rThe forlorving reconmendations are intended to stabilize thefoundation. The recommendations in this report are based, on a physical in-spection of the structure and past structural engineering experi-ence. we may be contacted at any time during construction forassistance. soil instabirity is an ongoing problern in colorad.o and there areno guarantees to the continued hone stabirity by select Engineer-ing. Please call our office if there are any questions regarding thisreport or if additional services are desired. Town of \r'ail OFFitii 't:#PY/7 r4?r 4901 East Dry Creek Road . Suite G-5 . Littleton, Colorado 80122 . 303-696-9530 Vail Heights Condo Asoc. movement. August 9, 1994 pg.2of2 REPAIR RECOIIUENDAtrIONS 1. Excavate as reguired at south side and southeast corner ofbuilding to allow. access for piering equipment. provid,e shoringaround the exterior to prevent cave-ins and lateral foundatioi 2. Furnish and install 20 each 3'r diameter steel piers up to30r long. Preload.each pier to 50t above itrs rated capacity or25 kips whichever is greater. Exact pier locations to Le deter-rnined.by contractor after excavation- is complete. Approxinaterocations are shown on 3D piering foundation pran. use extraprecaution when reacting against existing foundation to avoid anycracking of the foundation wal1. 3. Re-revel the foundation. Leveling in snalt increments isrecommended to nininize damages. open and nonitor all doorsduring foundation Ieveling. 4. Lift upper deck to leve1 and shin pupport columns in place. 5. Backfill the excavationbase. Place fill in 1r liftsdensity. Enclosures with non-expansive soil or roadand compact soil to 958 relative lbwn c'f Vi'til frF;PWV eilee(ilneefilnl 1.0 (;I1NERAl. NOTLS SCOPE This specificntion orrtlines lhe stnrclural design critcrie for lhe firunrlalion repair nl lhe refcrenced proiecl, Whr:n a diffcn'nce occtrs tx'lwt'r'n this spccilitaliorr and any nlher cork'. llrr. nrort slrinl:cnl sh:rll control. Any othcr ilenrs covcrcd htrrcin shall conrnrcnsrrrnle with grxrd cnginecring precticc. It is recontmendcd that tlre engint'cr of reconl hc notified at lcasl 48 hours in ndvnnce if a sile is required. The prrrpose o[ the visit is lrr ohscrve lhe conslnrclion repair frrr compliance with the rlesign drawings. APPLICABLE CODES AND S'TANDARDS 2.1 Unilirrnr Building Co<le (tIBC). current edition. 2.2 Anrerican Concrele Institulc (ACl-318). currenl ctlilion. 2'3 American Instiltlle of Sk'el Conslruction, (AISC) 'lr,lnnrral of Slcel Conslnrclion' 9tfi etlilion. 2.4 Nntionnl l)esign .Spccificrrt ion frrr Wrxrtl Constrrrclion (Nl)S), National Frrresl Prottucls Association 2,5 Tintber Conslntction N'l:rnrrll, Anrcricnn lnslilrrte of Tinthcr Conslruction (AITC), 198.5, third edi(ion. "Excavating anrl Trcnching Operalions,' U.S. osll^ 2226. lncal codes, (City and/or County) Dept. <rf khor, OSllA, 1982 (revised) edition DESIGN LOADS 3.1 Deacl krn<l Wcipht of struclurc nnd all petnrnner;tly allached itenrs3.2 Live ftra<l Fkxrr lo;ll, 40 rYL Snow kr:rrl. €#l$l; (or ftrcal snow loarl) 3.3 Wind 8.5 M Pl | [lr;xrsure C 3.4 Seismic Znne I Town ai !'ajiMA'TERIALS Ftrf f ;n|*. ,.'niJ''t ri'i'4.t concrere ufiffui] i",:=ji'. i 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.6 2.7 - vrrrt .= ...11 .,?.'a'. , ! 4.f .f All crrncreft: r. k, fi.nr typel Pottltnffi, r(;{(;{r"{", anrl shnll rJcvet'p ihihihrrr,- -,.-,^.......:,,- -,.^--,* ,., , ,n-/^,., -. to ,r^.,-mininurm crxnprr.ssive strcngth of 3,Offi/psi al 28 days. 4.1.2 'l'he concrcle slr:rll btr rlcpositerl as nearly as prnclicrl to its finll prrsitiorr lo avoirl aggregnte segrt'galion drre to rlhnndling. 'l hc concre(e shall bc lhoroughly worked around llrc rcinlrrrcenrent, enrlrctltltrd lixlures anrl into lhc corncrs of the frrrnrs. Reinforcemenl 4.2.1 All rcinforcing stccl shall he ASTM gr:r<le 60 and hnve a nrinirnum of (10,000 PSI yiekl strenglh. 4.2.2 Reinfirrcing slt'cl nt the tirnt'thtr concr('lc is plactxl shnll he frctr frortr ntsl, nntd, oil, or olhcr coatings th;rt rvill rtduce lhc hontl hclween lhe rehar antl lhe concrete. 4.2.1 Reinfrrrcing slct:l sh:rll hc plncctl as showr on thc tlrawings and shrrll he supporte<l hy concrele, nrcl:rl. or approvcd chtirs, sp:rcrrs. or tir:s. 4.2 7594 Sottllt Willow Circle . Enslewoorl. Colorado BOll? 2759 . :103 694 0780 . f X (303) 694 0046 4.J 4.4 4.2.4 All reinfrrrcing slt'el shnll hc conlinuous or l:rpned in et:cor<lnnce with local huil.iing co<le reqttiretncnls or as specified in lhe Nlanual of Stan<Jard Praclice hy Concrete Reinforcing .Stecl lnst itute. 4,2,5 Reinf<rrcenrcnt lo have the firllowing covcr: Concrele porrred agninsl eerlh 3' Concrele in frrrnrs, hul erposed lo eerlh I ll2" Slabs and walls not erposed kr enllh l' Grout 4.1.1 Grorrl *hnll I'tr non shrink. :l.Om I'Sl nrirritttuttr hi11h stn'n11th rlry pnck llrotrl in accordnnce wilh in<lustry slanrlnrds. ('Sealtight 488' groul is also n<:ct:ptahh:). Ercavation 4.4.1 The conlraclor is caulionetl hcfrrre elcavnling, rlrilling, driving picrs, or doing any work on this proiect, lo locrle all rrtilities. This inclurlt's gas lines, water lincs, sanitary lines, perimcler di:rins, sprinklt r syslenr. hrrried drrwnspouts. trlc. 4.4.2 Any danrnges or dis(ressrrs lo lhcse itcnrs will hc rcpaircd al no atklitional cost. Any arrlicipatc<l repairs shoukl hc inclrrtlcd in lhc original hid. 4.4.3 All cxcnvations slrall lrc properly shorcd or slopctl in accordnnce with OSIIA regttlnlions, All snfety prccatttions are tlro contraclor's responsihility nnd shnll he included in the original hasc hitl. TEMPORARY BRACINC The conlraclor shall he re.sponsihle for all lcmnornry laleral and verlical hracing rlrrring the conslruction repair. DIMENSIONS ! All dirnensions shall he ficld verifiul hy lhc conlraclor prior lo ltginning c()nslruclion. Thc new pier layout mny he allercd slightly (nr:rxirnurn l'O') kr f:rcililale the installation by lhc conlraclor. lf changes heconre necessnry during conslruclion. the llngineer shrrultl hc <rrnlncled lirr approvnl prior to contintring 5.0 6.0 7.0 conslruclion. DRAINAGE 7.1 Gradint: 'l .2 Snlashhlrrcks: 7.7 lrrigat_ipn: Town c,i \iaji I Thc fin;rl grarle shoukl have a gr thc foundalion walls on nll sirk's. prefcrahly r Inininnrm4rf 6 incht's in lhc lirst 6 fccl. l)ownspouls and hosc hihs shorrkl dischnrge orrto concrctt-' splnshhlocks u'ith a nrininlrn lcngth of 4'-0" when the ground surfrcc is nol prott'cttxl lry concrele sl:rl's or as|hrlt titrling. l)own(louls shoultl cxtcntl pilst lll(' hackfill lirnits wht'nevcr possil'le. All frrltl .rrp nrclal tkrwnspotrl trnys. if prcsenl, shorrld he repl:rccrl *'ilh concrt'le splashhlrx'ks. Sprirrklcr systt'nrs shorrkl nol htr inst;rlh'rl arlinccnt lo firttntlalinn rvnlls. Sprinklcr ht'ltls slx,trltl lrr'1rl:tt'ttl so lh:rl lltc sfr:ry fronr llrtr lx':rls. trnrk'r frrll prt'ssttrt'. tltr nrrt lrrll rvitlrin 5'-0' oI llrt: frruntlnlion walls. 1,nrvn, flrrwers rlr shrttlrhcry plantc<l rvithin 5'-0' of thc fmtntlation shrxtltl lrc harrd-rvaltrretl antl wa(cring held lo nn ahs,rlrrlt,t nrininrrrrn. 'l'he hotnr: owner is her:hy crttlioncd of the extrcrrrc intporlnnce of Proner drainagc arvay lronr the firunrlnlion. Poor tlrnin:rge antl/rrr Jxrnrling of rvaler near lhe firundation wall is lhe single mosl conutx)n cattse of lirtrndation damage. '1.4 General: ffio' 1594 Soulh Wlllow Cllcle Fngtowood, Colo0do AOll, ?t|riC 13031 ter.gt|0 FAX (Jotl e',t.oo,ts o 4x,l IIMRIR DRACEo s' o" c/c (M x) !;il0n|l.lc AS REQUTRIDloc^l c0t)t Al[) 0stf r0 ccM't.Y lvllll ntQr,tRilrtNts sAwcur ru.L DErIil 0F EXlSilltc coNcREItst^0. Mllf . 6,' L lr 0rsort T0 pREViltr UDEn MININC OT CONCREIE SLAN .4. 0 ".0.," tl . .'0. 1xf IllfitR 2 0Hffiilil tilP'i PA F-z'ry' TOUNDAI IC)N WAI I IXCAVAI ION ffi o 2600 S. Parker Rd.. Suite 6.26 1 Aurofe. Colorado 8O014 (303) 696-9s30 Town oi Voii ozE& Iql-{A Y(J o4o o eFF!fifi #t:'t'"i ry E-z'Ezr Engle$rood, Colorado 80 | l2-2759 (3O3) 891f700 FAX (3O3) 694{048 FOUNDATIOI.I WALL EXPAI'ISION BOLTS PIER CAP STEEL PIER i STTIL P IR BRACKET \=\;\[[ne - En9t6qp6, Oolomdo 001t2-7S9 (30il 8qr.qr8o FAX (S3l 894-0040 6'-O' PRF.FENRED ROOF GUIITR DCIIII.ISPOUT ANI) EXTENSION I]IIOIII.D TXTEND BEYOIIDIIE GNAVT-I OR BANK AREA CONCRETE SPLA$['I.OCK DECORATIVE GMVET OR EARK ARTT MEIAL OR TIOOD EDGE lvITII wEtp llolts 0R r/2" sPAcE AT BOTTffi TO AI.LOT{ TOR TIIE REI.EASE OF WATER SLOPE GRADE 6" MIN lN FIRST 6'-0' :>..--._.lsgi!::._ JfiIHn. WM 7.)f*o*,' suRFAcE MIRAFI OR PLASTIC MEMTIRANE ,KA ,a Ya FOut{DATtOil w rr.SUI'PONI FOR --- T.DGE SIR IP LANDSCAPI DEIA I L lo tQ o .0 o 0o oo. TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 1 07 / FAX 303 479-2 I 57 December 5, 1994 Ms. Darlene Borstad Post Office Box 1454 Vail, CO 81658 Office of Town Anorney Dear Ms. Borstad: The Town of Vail has evaluated your concem in regard to the non-structural concrete siab ilcor ia your unit in the Vail Heights Condominiums. It has been determined by stafr that since the rnud,iacting of the non-strustural concrete floor does not require a building permit, no inspection by a Town of Vai'ibuilding inspector is required. Your complaint regarding workmanship must be addressed direcbly to the non-performing peqr. The Town of Vail has no jurisdiction to intercede in this mauer. Very truly yours,-c/ 6y/Q_,Ln/ R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTIWawxc: Robert W. Mclaurin, Town Manager George Ruther, Planner I Dan Stanek, Building Inspector.z- Gt[ tRt@ erilnl INSPEETION REPORT Date: To: Address: Denver, CO 8O216 2079 ChanonixVail, CO SELECT ENGTNEERING TNC. August 24, 1994 3D Piering and HorneJim Kelsey 5190 elarkson Fl;!gar*l,"irun Engineer: Torn Holben, p.E. Select Engineering fnc. Inspectlon Dates: August 24, Lggl I tu."g lnspected and approved the steel pier quandrties andlocations at the above referenced location. The foundation hasbeen re-leveled. Perrnanent repair of the eracking of the cinder brock foundationy311'_ especialty in the area of unit 8, should be addressed atthis time. Thank you for thls opportunlty to be of service. prease call ifyou have any questions or adaitlonal servlces are desired. Sincerely, ,# 0t't oIben, 4901 Easl Dry creek Roacl . Srrilr: G 5 . I itileton cotorar:to 80122 . 303.694 0780 ilneeril 0tt INSPECTION REPORT r0y Date: To: Address: Engineer: Inspection Dates: I have inspectedlocations at the been re-leveled. Permanent repairwalL, especiallythis time. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. please calt ifyou have any questions or additional services are desired. Sincerely, SELECT ENGINEERING TNC. Tom fu*N 4901 East Drv Creek Road . Srrile G 5 . I itlleton. Colorado 80122 303 694 0780 'LLtryltyi, utAt#I August 24, L994 :o liering and Home Inprovenent Jim Kelsey 5190 Clarkson Denver, CO 80216 2079 Chamonix Vail , co Tom Holben, P.E. Select Engineering Inc. August 24, 1994 and approved the steel pier quantities and above referenced location. The foundation has of the cracking of the cinder block foundationin the area of unit 8, should be addressed at \ Ch a ,(\ c.) 0Xo.. rl_l ai -oJ.i--J po]c.rllq-r d () !rh.ri i.r-1H z o._l .lJ (J o i<9oiaEN\ E t'.*.:I-- t-! ;r.r:) = =(-, I IJl- *r -'\o*NN* [r s8 $ i$ $i h d E \ E,S H : : fr # E* Es fi { i ;i ; i$ ,$H3f&8ssso l' l i r otlta o lr Q) H(n t*l.; .E a U) q)._t A q-.1 il "o-q'rl lJA O., 0)q-r .fool-t OlqF c2 nr5>7.4 (n (/) .-l 0J(Juc ZU .lJ t{ocJcJ5'r-t !Ordi-r nlA;E C).lJ c.) o.lJ r/ rrt0....hii #9 Hi:'CnNn-YhE B ni il gEu'] a H 6 u.0 )lH\allH H r H g 3 $*(5 E 5 f A E es I o ., TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Cobrado 81657 303-479-2 I 07 / FAX 303-479-2 I 57 December 5, f994 Ms. Darlene Borstad Post Office Box 1454 Vail, CO 81658 Office of TownAttorney Dear Ms. Borstad: The Town ofVail has evaluated yo-ur concem in regard to the non-strucbural concrete siab ilcor i:r yourunit in the Vail Heights Condominiums. It has been determined by staff that since the r.rudjaci<ing of the non-structural concrete floor does not require a building permit, no inspection by a Tcwn of Vai'ibuilding inspector is required. Your complaint rega.rding workmanship must be addressed directly to the non-performing pery. TheTown of Vail has no jurisdiction to intercede in this mauer. Very truly yours,c/6 y/a,,{-/ R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTIWawxc: Robert W. Mclaurin, Town Manager George Ruther, Planner I Dan Stanek, Building Inspector SENI BY:AL't]N COLtNADO t2.-w-94 to:sESt 4L4W)o _NTCI Cablevision of the Rockieslnc. Deccmbor 5, 1994 Town of Vail Town Attorney Mr. Tom Moorhead 75 S. Frontago Road VEil, CO 81657 Dcar Tom: Just wanted 3o update you on what I fccl are the unaoswered guastions at this polnt in timc. I wlll updarc you as I rcccivc anSwef 8: t. Cable Ordinrnce : Page 3l : Section 47f. Thir rhould read that wc will pay out of pockot cxponses up tro a maximum of $2,500.00. I think cerl tried to eneak this one in. 2, I am still waitiug for an arswer on the total coot to the town for the two addittotral butldlngs and lnternal equlpEert for all flve bulldlngs. I do not expcot this to bc a problom for ue to guaranteo a price and I will havo an answcr by tuorday. 3. I am waiting for Charlic to g€t back to me about adding Park City and Sante fe to tbo comparison list along with other TCI city's in the $tatc. 4. Charlie will call you about Carl Pilnick'o fees. Plcasc contact me if you have any queetione. Sincerely, Area Manager TCI Cablevlsion of the Rockies, Inc. fnr: V?72/(7 F.O. Eor €e 0140 ttildtcdt nosd Avm, Cdo do 81690 l3O3l 949.5530 FAX (3031 e4ss138 An Eq/x/Wofi,|ir F-,'p& 't w792LS7 H 1 ll&!r ta&ing tclethhn hfrO turt,Orryfi niJyYuctrinzic @Go\{ OO lrJF (t,oo-zo Fo- UJv uJ @ oF ts Eul(L l! -rloEliElO FloxltFlgr..J i^F!?zo z I uJ =T L.rrturfl t' /l| ,.21 t-f,IA:<l*A A:9-l Il(9tzF-i J ll- N ft ?AHt!tHH EI t{|.{ ii =z I olvllv)l<l ^I 7lxl-t u)lHI ol l-{ |HI FEI |lIr{l<t<>tv "lve64 F-o\ (\ I r\.if H ts z .t) 14 qg \1tlrqr-.llaltuEI\ r91 -+:l*1 =l u-l 3 F]itlH I(7l "t taulEclct{J = (4 tt'lrn Or Io\f\.i' I H F6 z Hv, r:1 (9 & : l!- Fq I rn ciz oull CE J <l>l t!olz 31 l,l (r) !nrn Ol Io\t\.it ui UJ F '1 E z (' UJ ) t!oz3oF ui UJ F n-t 1 E E oz d UJ J ttlqz B 01F ul lrlF z =tr o ol lr,I :l <l>l ttlol zl 3loiFI =tr I I ItltiI ciil=)tolIullGi git lrliloltzlt3ltoltFl u,l uJF t uJz =o F uJ tsI E -rO<FEC)lJ<ztr I.IJ Ftrz-o JE<oC)F f;34i -l zo =J f, J I z i5YF =3E6 l-E ir lrJ+E Oz o <ci fifr"'t J oc)zE :() dl tJJEI F =E UJ u-oE39zE<ctl€8B9!k 'EE => =uJ:-E b=(, dtrE =o-E U5I iurE XO_t x>t q-o-iAtr uJ @oF ---\ z ,rt 9z\oo =z=rf,-rO(L I,L E =elrlo-zIF(J EFozo(J trn I l_ ,Ft<r6 I I I I r9 IE IFIq,z tE lotz ( Fl E ts Flfrl (h -.16rtr.r.-{F N'* -l I I frlfrl' Mr<t F{.HI El5 Frl F 2,O+lo 9riErl tl.J uJ a) t! F (rFzoo o ujz3vcr |! ll,6z ._-.4 Evf, IIJ <FZrtY2o< o v,q)o (! .s Ber\dts o ttc(o o o o)c =o E o =l do oeo,qt '.9 E -i- o c E6g.X ;-EEiioc -tr9(6(,| F.e S? €.:! 6I;(l)cv::r-- =3.:O96p:0c-o> =e:5E:ge dei-Pc9GE.l oE or ? F;.s;*>5d' F ON:gc_- :-€35o'- O O..=!P-F Xl;e CL 6 A-SE;9;('c Eoo 6 E;o at .ah E I o ; 6 o \\>\\\ \Rs \c< \S \(\\ Itl = !,tt UJz iF ( {t-i '-oe)d, 9-u tbtaoUv 6- Jf, -'.\_l---,:6 -{ UJo l'|J tr Az u)Fz. Oz do3trOI zI -) oz t E4g,J z : oz @ =;- o uJull! == uJo- -lF F I I I I I I FK.'a H T4tf tr H F.lnlAlg HH FtJt HtFl Ha J-:<LiE; H(E =>c -:ci) =aoN o9 F^atl;B E qa =\6Xlr<oq F(J-8 -j(\i J z Eoo 45z tr IJJFJ \s tA CI sS\a/ oz tn UJ UJIL E =t UJ o- I R.i N{q, F lo o EoE oIlo .9 o.oo c 'o o€ cr).o()cqt .=vq o o ! 6 oltoooc s f @ o = d(, o o 6 '_9 o tr TD oott g;oE0(, Co .9 .!!5o ttc6oc co -,D 'o oE o otc Po(,()g E () J o .9 .tc Il o c6 6 'o d:9o;6.=o(D g8E €EE €sE =EE c96..o< EEE EE-Fboo i= c)b: o = o-E5 iE=gCLE O-$E;sl; Ei; iiE -eC6 0'-5ac gEi o aE= E;g i'E e P O.OEEgsOED -()6 =e uJG J Fo {; d .1:;\tdi =N:j ,tt 3 =EiOE! E:g, -J' -R E{-H lvl: ur--6to tta I = = z9 c,Fozo C) UJc oz (9 uJE J tl.oz 'I \ t-6 4 o V1 ctz ci lrJG J lto z;IF CJz oular ltoz3oF C,J o2 =E oz oulG J |loz3 F oz cjltB J t!oz3oF IIJ =z too:) zo EI 3$ o =to = J o- D ts =t uJo. t!oEgE<cf€frt9eEte.EE =>E dEE FE: =o-E 8bI HurE XO.E ;Taq.€= IIJ @oF C)z -() lu =D 9q) =()= tlJ -,Jc0uJ i tosN-s oz E t=a trtaD4tro zO a,-F (,o_.uJ .'-l) .') llJrr O :''*F -t F -t' 3 r'.t(ilIJ,ro-: bal> rl Edq ?ilge, 2E ts =e, lrJo.zoFo3EFozo C)rs\ "./nr;\qr=.=g,\ o .l 75 soulh fronlage rord v!ll, colorldo 8't657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 offlco of communlty d.Yclopmaill BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail fire Department Approval, Engineel''s (Pgblic tlot ks) reyiew and approval ,'a planning'Oepariment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Builiing Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. A'l 'l corrnercial ( I arge or smal 1 ) and al I mu1 ti -fami ly permi ts wi I I have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so take the three week period. Every attempt wrill be made by th'is department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. -q- Cormuni ty Devel opment Department. .\ 75 soulh tronlagc road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATEs SUBJECT: offlce ol communlty devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TTTE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC I|ORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STOR,AGE fn sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash durnpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicp1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be stri-tfy enforced by the Town of vaitPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordLnancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puLtic WorksDepartrnent will remove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. fhank you for yourcooperation on this natter. n --L l-L.{!Yq.rr-6.-c-\,t--,l--Position/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) 1-7- q I acknowl Date \^, ( \ [\ . rl i li i' l. it l'i i 7iLi jf:€=re:.. r, i .r'' .- 92-.,=- <aC - - -- , 4 d l- e ";---E=€EE?: ri:i - ;cE''gi:e€ -/ i i' E,t3 "*?iaEIeE{ - :isF-\\ :;*EaeeES ii -"ttE E sN.- 33 €Ea=iEE ii " s:EA \r ea1;;;H,3u t:l E' i5 \- -i, a="€€Ha - i i ii F t; li ;aFae:: ----.-f ', 9''Y $- :L----- ----i-- ---._- -l;:--- . --- .-, -_.---__-- - , , 6 -o\ l; \irl\ l, il Ac;\ li ii +ol. \ - .- \,s r,^v ll li'.':? _ii\ i ,!.-l;r ,r ii i"il*; "t ll li '*'' i'4-,F;,' ri j ';'i,4; i)r "'iut il i""j,i, 1"r: l:j ;lr? iti:l ; il ; :i 'Ai t r-i il 1:, d ;. -lli t 'o"7'-it 'ti' n-44 !r. ;7nu q;i tj" ji ,"1 1i d12c',* lrl; }$fli fiu!, A*la: +tii ,"ii: i--: " tu t\i gli 'szr;i iSi; +- 5/ / ' ,43, sy' -- , 3;=.-.--.-.-_. a; ."--;j47 e",-;tx' 33;J-;i3z i 5g?o '1ir 2 !. t oJoL;' o F,, atJ t6,. crd I I :Q 'b t _>7 i @+ nNr ej'. >i. - ,t "..4.^ -+ a Ift o", Z T 4-' :; r*l..J -o- To < sr oJ-: O c, n Jf L.)]no'-lt"tg--'Jv .t 'y' ,/rt _V vt," (/1 >+ ol ? :o.-.> ..J + o &) j ol + 4 vl v 5 -o t. 6 ''t v {+ og + t UIt,s+37 ! ). '3 +' qt oQ "rE7: Noo t .l I t ruZrrt /9,*'7il*A frvr./t"'^t^ry%*f 't "l. O' Project Appllcation Projett Name: Project Descriplion: Contact Pbison and Phone Owner. Addregs and Phone: Zone - \ .1,. \r'ri ign Review Board *r- ,Tt-.'0l ,t TOWN OF REOUESf VAIL ,.1 rli NAME CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:/ (,'#,,)"""^o' / srEEL + ra UNDERGROUNDOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI N FRAMING ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR h,Fs,o" o t41b5" oo ERS, INC. oo SURYtrY NO ;:"r'iil ,i 't ,t ',:' (a- RICHARDS ENGINE P. g. lcr 64! Yrll, Cclondo t1617 9t*r. ar|r.r0rl Doon lhr.2l&1521 6 3.:.-= E.^ \-,/ -> i$tit!" .\^- 5>-. ..,/\. \.$ Qco/e.' / thch i..,t N,t I i -. A 7* .7 /..!f) \q 9/s/ nn/cr> 8 q ov 6 tal \ N LO7' /6 ti'i..!/V'f /vi2 /-tvB\ !$ fA'#' i-0'7'tU oz(,z = F{ 'l ,n,a v) c- + c. --F ( 3 ir\ -a \f u- a' {LN"/ inf,/* o ltcrstrRED Prof$stoMt, uleoo<1 CITTUKAII Of SURVEY Ar.fD IAND $tvnror to.2/8, oooo It/tttfr- , ,s loIvqry Wol- nl,fi' t{ <lqqQ/- / / i-)pffi LJI\ I E "J* -?/ JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL CALLER INSPECTION: MON ^1n.74 i"),' ,...^. (*>) *ro rHUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: /\J'/ /:-\ / flflroorrrucs / srEEL {/.c L{ | ('t'.t / / PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. C ROUGH i WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEBI- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - D GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL - tr >tE U.. tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDU1T,tr SUPPLY AIR tr- N FINAL D FINAL p+,ennoveo O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor= f -r' 7- f1 INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBEB OF PR JECT L /ro, *or. TION REQUEST , TOWN OF VAuDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOT.INDATI D FRAMING ON / STEEL '.. ROOF & SHEER tr cAS piptttc PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H- TUB SHEETROCK NAIL I'r r O FINAL ETECTRICAL: 'MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH - D EXHAUST HOODS coNDUtT _.-_tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL fneenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE ?- ''€-q/ rNSPEcroR i \l il- . --r{-- -NFN'i :r. h{#:l'or-a -__i q,._ . qL 6v o*ll ll t, r.) ht f,a 4 t- a,a q, ").; i;ioli ?nttb. 'J + .'l ,J Ct - tJrN-l tt o i : ' i I I ; I ,_7-. .. 0-OS=) __9N rr -.4 ts Ir t-*r ! .^, --'c ft -J s -<J>tJ !o.. I 5zT99,.' Q' d- IetL (yad J -9 :t CJ -ju t r.r15 z-- 3 fr) ula 3 v!t N --l t q,'o ofo v,r/L 0-LUr!- ,_L. ,O vl; ,I tn . eart -.. Pp; ,v +,.r 1o; /-, rsc E 2.-cr:or \F rIr:.d- !'rCtn,6.f .l 9 P o 7(' 1 |o -t-o 4o:- t ? : If s 0 rr r16xrOl> 'ct I -' i-l,D- E- O: i. -5 {' ,11 !-.. .......- 2 lt l-----.-------{ {r- t ,/' r; / /1t'43'?f6 i v-tc'.,:l1, 1 *=9ot".?ru t'rL2P? 'ru'l- (n 'I!t, F*.. {- t f F;;l;tr d r€ rr3:t!2 - D -r- t'+-I o g ,", i 2 b P +t'.o q i 9,l , s;e4q 1": o"rE.;1- \,7 N5?* ^)'r'_ r ]r,l vr , 'l ,.. 1-- iao',' c i,.\,1irrli ^?i a-\ii,+r --t \ .. /'- \* ,,ri^? / i\/ r i -,o>' / i i 7,,'/ i I uta' , | -.-e-sP I ?re-- c ; I r.io-<+ ii rL*:d-o- rl yi'.e-ro 1l 3'fo -t' F i -.. t,J7 =-k1- 5 '" ,4Xr5"* i-u7\ 1o i\"--ts il\ o- -t2 ll\r-r ll\'+ ll rll< l-'\lc.P Lr- i t._ LAJ-< Oro -' p oQ; Yp-q1 '.-I rF o t. t' .)- (, ls P e:, ; i F I A i7+€ 7*3 r.c !eOA! O_-?n+'r I i \l '\-i -i. I 1-f:; r n?:n;:::lr: ?fr-$t1' \l1r) OOir 9' b -1t,it Z;r *pP t I7'6?t+ P' -i-p lo.. ,o,r9/ /onw w,n 'aOt l^ =a,--L il't-e C,N ur_ * O,bf-l f,t \1 g ';F/o6c*. l/, y T.No- - ---€;'7: o -29't v, ,l . rFE ia5 3Fq1i;+tl @ s LlJF o I e al, =:o -l@O\l F'{ I -l (Y) | ;lZl F) ,l 3r (t)l *l 8l Fql I I I I O\l6gl .l 'if uJ-'{ lF c116z,5l'l I v:lt-lel&' 2l Fdl . 8iE l5 Eco al,o()c6 .Ettt c*oF G E E 5 cr E co 6 E6g o.c t tur iFioaz,< oc{\o @ z z HH HOca slAololnc)&Ei lrfHE A& Er z EIFl os o l,c6 oItoo Cttco =5l0 E o =gl do oqclo '.c E ..\ ;loF o o CDc Eooo(l E5 (Jt a, .9 .C P5o o ttc6 a, '6 -oo)-,5i =3EE-o9t6C66 aCE.9--6 5Eae:tro'--o.fo+.f,cs=d'()> :E;8 69EoEEocDo6 io 6 .9Eo,6 .9E E6o o 6 : qtE ooIt -9 'ocx()6 .oo oE at|llIJt! tr =e UJo- J Fo g € c H >r r-]A Eilok HHB r:{ood ]t1fr z z H Fr rJ ahzH = =iEtr ^ 6z^ E p =EEF! EE Eg EF T >E -a|')Eu,S =aO3.l z9Eoo zo |-- CE UJ o & I tr]& u)H (J HIrl |lH u; =z loo-) xHzot c)orr\ N ln uJEoo ! t oz (, u,l G, J ttoz3oF 1'.J o\ Ic'\\'o\ J'l H|! JA oz oUt J 3lroz;oF z"g 3Ed6() oz E =c,ulo. tr!t +t7 ,rPz2oo =3dP EHIet3 Enr ts =G,u,Llto EgF;.-e.IP!9'58 E ;=E FE: EEE irI EFsi IIJ @oF COc!G cr)Oct uJ tr(t,oo?zo Fo- UJY IIJ @ o hE-!+6t96J > F{lc -.1o ts1|oFlt-l HeJ2E E =E lrJLzoF(J :) OEF, zoo @ I cr c o trurlz' N TUc F .]. F o x >< EU I 3$Xo o\i-.F REeb aoc : HO.:Eo ^-=: im CD('C =oo 'iol >5p =->trop -! o-oc(!i'=6 ,t a.):t t;'s I (u (|) 0) TJc(g o.) c F (! ..:o a) .2 ']f, (l) .=fC o).; ! q., '5 ct o) c = E crc o- O(9 '- -c';o (E o-o o)(! (5C = (50 ar0't d= >oo.E .Y; >.9 -O OJa.j; OF!o -l) ^c Cr| {J< ,t)(Jc HrO .J- o-x<oJ .{ OlvC.=c .1, (, -t) r! o)o .-)ECJ CF UE 1- q- 9- O- L(,orp.rJ c)l-t en(u -J C\J F dt! CL .J |.L d. lr- trJ ar-l u_t a-r1 (9 .JJo lJ- trJ t- \ (\l a- rv u, =a -)z F(L LIJY UJdl o F tr ll,-q rLo (L o I ul oz F =Elrlo-zotr C)D E, azo C) c ':oq) f c(! ..i3z.=2 ^:<-.:.r-r- .;; E Mrr.\ u-r Ecr><c(u, sz1 o.v*ca \rEg l,{ cJ -:- =^e^ {xxt;-U : t'J O -F tE := q =!! >F ..:- J l- =-= r! :-5;E =j=d so- * q E-J3 b9I i ur EHE * :--:j"Yr -wT9 * := z(,9 =<>zf,:) dP DDD (l. (, = 5(D tn LI' tl.lrl. = uJ \t3l,-ltFl l-'ltaIXlq/tlt.lI tl+-r ItotIrlt{t.lt!| \lll| ..loIuJlo lo IJt;l'o IN s,-lx\9 1 I ti -tO'l I \J .jl YI r..t I \-il{9\ i-l <'\tr l!?.,1 z\ rt= --'Elo ,zt9 I I .sx -+g YJ I I )',?I <l lDl t5<1, r8t r tElfol 15 l x F ttln -a IUo f,-; I c) c_ o CD t 9 o9 () 6 =l =o ro (J o = J O (-, uJ Jr|J @ (J E NO|rvn'lv^ .. >-lo Ltlo LIJ to =(r ll, z tr ) 4 9It- a zQa <()o<::' 2It xroo<z f,i; l: urc1 qi 9 o ; (! o o.1 RI EI "l IuJIo-l >.1FI x o3 E(-) j |r z.zoo l-. o- 2>P =Irv?o5-Qz ,,, )d(J Fc| =(Jo oo = (D wF x tltltttltlIItlloltltIolI url t5ltall>llbltzl :lYI :-E:9 FC)FS tr oog I s ui 6 lil l-illli Jilcd llcl tlcf<lJ 'li< :ll--i (.) lJ +a ,L, Fy)t<t * e => ui =z I I IILt\t\t\ h.v:<'* t\ -t\-l I| ,,t!tz F- Jl! J<coauJ u.l <FCOlir < trl F t. F() LU: I G. UJ z g C)a UJ I I I I I I .t zl sl 5til>l t!l -lzl3l 9l d/UJ ; c) Ll rr LU t-o <; :1 F <r- < ox :': < -- ;- <- 'o o t)33 ER 4tz '',p * >t "2, F€cga gn i+rl t^ t*, F*6r x? {sgb '6',d G'-a o-o", {, +t-- ,^ oO to , 3 €- /4t7 -Z f t(,lP \-/ sz,, TElrs6r | | ' '9 1ta :I'o 66.. '(t >L "4 F€C EA Ir) '6€rd ///jl, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOB LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr BOUGH / D.W.V. - tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - n 19.9.f^&^s!.qF1...^ tr cAS prprNc - - PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H, TUB -tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr - n11 - d rrruel tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR --n- tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PrFs,e .lune 12, 1989 TO: Town of Vail Building Department FROM: Vail Heights Condominium Association 2079 Chamonix Ba. Vail, CO 8L657 SUBJECT: Roof Replacement This letter is to confirm that VaiI Heights Condominium Association has authorized Plath Construction Inc. to replace the roof on the Vail Heights building at above address persuant to the proposal accepted and signed on June 12, 1989 Sincerely, tr"-t'.TLA Donna Meineke Se cre t ary/ Treasure r,/Manage r c aJ', IJJ IJJll- E =E IIJ.L -2r?{8V:k,I I I ^nl xl-s I I I I t\!l s;< - ISt9RIE V:9-\=Lfr'.r Jl UJF o lol-' EI: Fl=6l J =laol.6llozl= ulz 3 uJi F z IL J rJlo =(roll- Fo zoo o g E. o .c. (! q) o ==o o =l do q o.(u ] o) o) o) at)o .9vt =-o o E @ 'E oN -v, io\F o o) =o (! o -at.c I a o (s ar; '6 O; G'=o)(a sbE Ef;g E:E O YEc-oe:: :€P!'5 =c96 E EE E E-FeoO E;S FE r.Y- (! o-(6 o- sEE|,-o_E*e E./,:EE Eoct: E f E erC(s 0'-5ae g:E ;6>. 6p 5Bte9E or eEg -o(t oo o )3 o c c o tr) 6.1 tr =e UJo- z J .0 Y uJ z Jo. J o EFou,J UJ z =JI z gJ = UJ UJu-zIF luEoulG o =g UJ zI UJo F o ur z lll x F uJo3 a, IJJ uJ lJ- F =tul o- J FoF oz ao J 9 6 UJJgJ z6 J - z () |lJE NOIM'tvA )=AC z F {u- Eri u,/ F oo Cul G, x) z.o F6o zo F t uJFJ =llJz !, zlz9sa <O6< EfiZExu-do<z Fz,. \22 'iF d6}E uJ ) g)o r.l,iz I F zq F 5loz I I t- II t_-llq,tit<t: t8 o B -.r I<l FI zl zl .. >lo ut ululzo = ltl o- z E r?ll ? : ld JE 9qZ |rr!o obl d = Ed(,Eqb fi.gz =FlS :(dli =plg Eelo fHlc,i6l II l.lol<t!td l;:Itog zv(! o- (Y) I&, ':) v) .-t i) F LrJ uJ o-F=Oz@'oq1 z(Jog Fo-utY$urPdl c'l- oF5F EuJ-o= llo OJ o- LrJOJO:t- a t!'r2l3' .= .i)(*-=l5(n.oi=l=f-i:l> t UJF Lr-JO.Jztr l,r) F | =..o I !nE 8!D z o9zzoo =zd9 :E? - i1! =HE F E UJ o- t! E5 =zE<ol€EB9EA 5EF'tt- =ut:-E E=(, o-trE =o-E Ub9 lurE Xo-t x>L q- o-jT'E uJooF LLIoz. Lt- u.ld. UJ co * .l =f, t E-6 , hl LHt*l5.{ l:iilll!41 ;,r tt\lotzq= r=IrUi>IJc J JX 3.'=siE-g -(J fo)tt\o(\l @ ui =z d) r- t G+ !c cc ! Gc gJ =2) <r xo cc! at uJe6o J .d E = atta IJJ oo t E (L F;-i !+)0 =o(-) (u ln(u! aoJ =tr z d UJI ttol z);l 9lFI =E z oull |l- :l 3l 9l =e. oz oul J ? t! z B F =tr z '; IJJ 5 t!o z) 3l otFI = tr oz oul cc J a1ioz =l9i llJ uJF' E uJz = F() uJE (J G -.r O<F(r()uJ<zE ITJ F(42o JE*9 i#;F =z13 E2?;(J =#fF.-5 <F =F 33 Y,z =8 Eti = \JZ O d <.rq^fl-1 \- oo qDtqe EE;EE e-; E-$ g GvfulFI<F+oYZ(t, < E 5E;E, € gEg r. ifi E;: ;9'FP rE:FE SErei fESgF EEEE€ : FE€;- *: X,5 60'-!-G;O.',F eIE€€X ;'; -:)Ea*g e*,3 i E9 p2 =<E iiEE Hooo- U)') 4,8l.$ =Flzr{s3:? oz E =E , u.ltr- z. t! (/) I3lv)lc)IJl(J I lr I rI- 't E >E -t.tl = llJ d: =on| zo 5 oo! zo FC EIllJ E, uJz UJ(J zIF^ EEato1>E9r!<olut-iH -.;ni ooL z ,r9ze 60 =z t-,8 J EE=A;E utr! t =.Euto- t!o u,oz oIoF G, 9 GG J' U.l i-!:= J!+O- IIJ =o-O|!oo\urxo-:>IJF JJtt ul.ooF co E CIo E! Fct E E (, o tro Eto! I'q; (Foot- I(u &. UIo.U o(.) U'+t (') o 'ii=z 6 .1 IJ,J 2 uJ J = o- Eo c tl. ahulc = io- o tr oz oulE ll-oz3I E tr 01 (,1 IIJ : lto z =oF ll. dz. a UJ 5 t!q z3oF] = tr ct oul 5l <l>l 6l zl 3lolFI o F a6 vlci .'Cl ol!l-l =tr o 0ut = tl.o z1 =lolFI uiJlllF I (E utz =o F C) uJ EIoE E -rO<FE()uJ<zlt UJ F-(rz-o C) )&.<o()F E3qE 6o ^o gF e3:)Fd6 C) ix(J= =3E6 E t-Eirg*. &.l-o2 o() <c)qE a E0n VAIL EBIGETS CONDOUTNII'N ASSOCIATION CUAUONIX I,AIIE coroRADo 81007 2079 VAIL, Aprtl 21, 1983 tonn of Va1L Bulldlng Department P.O. Bor 100 Vall, CO 81558 Gdntlenens Ttrle letter aerves as notlflcatlon that the menbere of our Condonlultn Aseoclatlon approve the installatlon of a wLndow ln the eaat end of the butldl.ng. TtrLe rtndow wt11 be tnstalled Ln unlt #6 belongl.ng to Darleoe Boretad. Should you have .ny queetloDB regardLng tb18 Datter' pleaae do not heeitate to contact ne at work 476-5686. Slncqrely,A1&^z Sue A. Brandl Preaident leab c.t't tl.l u.ll! E =tll.L an ll,lFoz oz 6 5dl oz z r6 It! t=. u7r!ulll-t = uJ J FoF tr uJ z J5 :( z 9 tl 6 o - = u-z tr UJ 6g. od) 3g uJ z 6 UJo F t! f UJ tu l J (r u,z I F zo F qz Fz,. 9= "iFiIfio-trOI til *Rl: l,il Ecl - atlttZl = $rl- gJl q*l EalE!UI iur z9 ttOz>.(J(J()z !r<o* iotoFO ; a,i z ; l IL cE o l Eo ul z Eo z tr g. t-- 3(!l {qel :l ;l :l<l>l ltlol zl 3l 9lFI uJ =z .Do'--l (** ? i olq vlvaul q\q J = (,zIIL dEgJ.EFF()z O g. -. I z- =I LU GF ul) (,ozt- =<4t]FJZo-O FO LuL'r O E _-.1 O<FE<)uJ<ZEUJF(nZoo E IJJz3o J uJ UI i o Eo Fo Fzoo o [clrl o q) o o (lt e c 3Iilv b:qto ss !0) tt E ct 0,Eoo o) I dl o =f .lJ c) o o-o.(6 '.9 o ,9 (l) ,/; 0) oo .a E.o ttt (o F N -u,c s ctlc6 oo 0) l o .; =f! o rc 4;](g o :': ft ':O(/, E3Ec.2,n .9,c 3 FgFFlc c*o'- ate:i-60 =1'F: >= c96 33toEi:EEbOO .e; e F5 e.:- (6E-([a ae6 U,!o.'F (l)- :6 ,6 : -.9 O(l'::;E -c('!-;o !! C$ o'-.c; od*EorE- 3E€ol336>96a X;E.:6 .3'i e9E orobYEoo) -o(' oz ts =G UJ(L Er!z3 !u'r F z ra Y =<.(n0>z O- rL -)dx(J(J= = E'ioh- -r -; L!6d> !nry tr CI UJGtroEE2ZE<o. loo69,BPvE EF tr :rF = lrj '--5 h= (,:J; :>rLI ou-E ()oE 5*tr x>.!::.iF =J*J u,o oF fri lll ..4 -) -l ,_)-) ttF o l!Fa(Do'_) zo Fo- uJ :< UJ co oF F ccul IL l!o (Loo I ulFoz b =Elrl o-zIF() :)EF(nzo() / - 't3 _ \, ^ /I\ C_:: \{,;llE\4J. .=; f CudsiDr Ttr 'S'ln(rie fi -f I t f I IF tO -cf .{eot4tl z L &t! I s $ \: r{ I \ I \t\.\ tA \ aul TU LL F =E. uJ {ltlqlt|tql\l_ll(JI ,$l!{lslrlslFIolzl(rlzl6lJI dl gI Fal IL u,a =I lt- (r F (E F 7.oo t!z3od u- ul :g :) lll .<FZ6ozo< ss!q, dq) \ o- \'e9'\:€ \6.e I'6 a\"-j';a \:'6(! N _ocf 3 sur.o \O|.- \co) |$t.c sl'dE',hr,i5e\No ,- "rE \B;oiF o ."- jeb -) l: .c oo olcCC' E€oo 3oocD o.E =ot: 'i:6 (,) a oO rrf =;JY o9 o- c(!t3 (,i 0);;gE ci: g E6TI'5E"q:9 EUK c o) a/) €ui(:-,u s;it o)<gc-c-=-do =roF.!';-c9( d5'_'.: > 3 Ea =!.c: 3tstu! c.Y_ C' o.(6 o. 6'e E(/,-o. E o- (oC (d"- EP b o(I'=i.E -c(\IL_ 4.9 reC(tt 0'- + -.cog* 3EEoi=36>o (s; rz--ts3i 3 B6B :u o(DEeer-o6) r\\x tr tnq $ \ I J 0 b(\ \ J o $ F,l lN IIJ lft ! =e z oJ f,(D v LLI I z J o- J 9(r F ql lU o 6 2 I ttl uJlu zo t-- u,trut! .Y o(r o(D 3 !g z(9i; o F6 o- o o. ?{ )<.(F TUa U>llj lr.lq L\ UJ CL FoF (, x =l(D .J 9 u.Fo uJ ul z6 = (L (J z ottl =iA NOrrvntv^ t t ( t \I\ \ xEo3 oz tr ao ul .J uJz u.lo zz ho- 4.Yfi oo;(Y.nOZ. t-O(.'jIozt!<oo-;-();()FOj<ri =>g ) (g \: bl vl q z tr f |.\ : E UJc u CL g z Eo tr E F ; z i|llJ rllZe-zY? E ERe d il =68fiBP56oo>(J(Jur()z<d)o:lrllrlrtrrl ,^6tt.n5 < E?9 & 3dJ<EiEHE B Hboo(Jr2 z.9F 5 u)z ul:f,J ? E IU :E o IJJ ul o 3 o z :<9-F ul o- J X<r!xto JFY u., c! f-r{ r-{ r.ll,-: tut c!. .:z\o s..(tr\iii \v\q\- -los = cc IU ts: UJ t! PUIqoyztr<cllo ./).52 :oscc cd3:F !.t r,- E h=() ;r iiE Ea. ^ \., tt-E 903 5^,r x>g ilFai -l1ril lt F, ,r(--\/ -,.1-AI ,.TE\-/n= \' ,' / tq:.5 C\ @ @ o UJF o u- o'l uJFoz z. ,r94eooEZ JC) O- rL .3{ 6f;i -1 ": u-l6d: b EElrl o- -91o F(J :)Ml-6zo(J u!tr \l $ls\:C Sl i1q lolzF-9; u-, E z co rO -t, Iro o o o IJ bo ru "l ,l_l ai4 \ornY xlol Fcl )UIrq E ?i = c\.iI .if I\o F.it FI.rl d t()rl ul Ctct -ll- E(J =g I I I I I dl =.1olujl(rl JI al>ltrl 2l3l ujO! trr-l F rl 2 ti u, : n>l a,.iol zl 3iolt-l g ii z ,; UI J a u- z =f) Iq trl I ol z.l ol sl al>l ol zl =loiFI .r.l +J Fl o H o lr g oz dttI <i:l el 9l l\' .\ \) I J\ .a "l uiJ tr,lF t.r-tz3 Fo uJL:roud r < r--ry-ot!< tJJ F :-.< ul= IOU(J (JOzt- =<zE ]F!z <x YF';, ()<g {o o = \J 2: (j J<(J(\arir u-r'1st-_lL] October 6, 1982 Tosn of Vall P.0. Box 100 VaLl-, CO 81658 Geotlemen: we, the oembers of vall EeLghts @ndontatr.rn Aseoclatlon, wl.eh to have our roof repalred. We have contracted trtth Brodins Ineulatl.on to do the Job. Ttrey w111 clean off the gravel on the erlstlng roof and apPly a meah and e"ei"ot. Ttrey rrlll thea reapply the gravel so that the appearance of the exleting roof etays the 8eme. Should you have any questlone, pleaae do not healtate to contact oe at work,476-5686. SlocerelY'.l ,- '.')! ,1 ,// ."7 tiJtu (l 6-ta"& Sue A. Brandl Preeldent Vall EeLghts Condo Aaen. box 100 Yail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-5613 September 20, 1982 Pat Haakenson 2079 Chamonix Rd. Vai'1, Colorado 81657 Dear Pat: 0n September 15, 1982 the to construct a fiberglass application did not meet S'i ncerely, department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 9-15-82 Design Review Board denied your-applicat'ion roof-on the Vaj'l Heights Condominiums. The section 18.54.070F of the Vail Municjpal Code' l* &r^= Jim Sayre Town Planner JS:df , l.- ,t Project Application tl o^t" th\l8> Project Name: Proielt Description: coniact person and pnon" vAr AR\r: n:or. "{-/L-41 8o Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Addr€ss and Phone: #ts gL.y t/tl r. il frL /4Tritins . Zone - Design Review Board 1.,/i 1 /,-.- o^r" .ky'/' /-) Ssconded by: Motion by: TVPYA y'A '' = APPROVAL I Summary: /0.-rL]. o7o /= d E statt Approval se/€-lioo Or' April 2, L973 Mr. Mike Blair Eagle.County Planner Eagle County Court House Eagle, Co. 81631 Re: .Drainage Study- L,ots L4 & 15, Vail Heights Dear Sir: Purauant to your request of trlarch 28, Lg73, I have review- ed the calculations on the referenced project. I see no discrepancy in the calculations or size of drainage structures proposed. I did not visit the site and would there-fore not be in a position to conunent on the tributary area used in the study. Sincerely, n,ttt/ ^ I l<*v+- l*'/|*"1 Rogdr HocklngP.E. & L.S. .t @ ct)rt)€ rJ)rt c) (r, .t> -5a!e!u co 5o60 e9JO O(J uJ Eg2zgGu, o-G, .1, \o p9 -tJ't- z2!6(9zul\ 2a:-(0 {-g2 3cie ?qL= =ft3? 2eE<IJJ EE9 >()u@ oEo e,ooJItl I E"* ?./27\oa',-^f* z/- F / ,4}-7.a-/ h,Z* 4- a--.,^- / u '----<-Et .--<-.1.J"q.-? .*/a- CZ---/.- H,.-_Z,r a4 /--- uz7 /^4 /- -/4r ---<--1-/'a<22 I I 5 u "(" o.n*,./t trytrurg n? CIVIL ENGINEERING . PIINNING . 5ORVTY5 SUBDIVISIONS . WATER & SE\VER SYSTE/tS plo.,ni..1 f,'lo -9.r1. %( r, Kennelh E. Richordr Box 643 Vo il, Colorodo 81657 Phonc 47 6-5072 Dcnvcr 244-1521 March 26, 1973 Regirtered Profestionol Engineeo Rogirlorod Lond SurveYorr Mr. Robert McMillan James C. Craig Constructlon P. O. Box 114 Val1, Colorado 8l-657 Rel Dralnage Study Lots 14 & J.5, Vail Helghts, FlJ.ing No. I L0CATION: Val1 l{elghts, Filing No. L ls a subdivision lying ln the East One-Half of the Southeast Quarter of Sectlon 11, Township 5 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Prlnclpal Merldian, Eagle County, Colorado. Thls land 1a about 1 1/2 nllee llest of the lrest llne of the Tovrn of Vall. AREA ! The area under consideration for thls report 1les ln the Easterly one-thlrd of this subdivlsion and consists of two sltes, Lots 14 and 15. There are no nal or dralnages crossing these sites, the nal or ones belng to the West near the llest lLne of the subdlvision, and Buffer Creek to the East of the subdivislon. A snaLl lsolated drainage swale does cross the Northeast corner of Lot I-4, as shown on the at,tached map. The outslde area dralned 1s less than tno acreg and part of this drainage ls picked up by a ditch runnlng at about rlght angles to the swale. The area behlnd Lots 14 aod 15 ls falrly steep aad rhe tiqe of concentration of the storm flow w111 be qulte short. It is reconmended that the drainage swale be re-routed over to exlstlng lot lines, and that the propoeed butLdlogs be protected by ditches ten feet or more behind then. Using the ratlonal drainage fornula, the maxlnun expected runoff year storn wouLd be conputed ae follows: Q=AIR Where, a=Maxiroum expected runoff or peak dlscharge fron the waterehed based on a 100 year storm. Tributary area in acrea. Runoff coefflcient for a steep slopb wlth little vegetatl.on - 0.40. Maxirnua expected rainfatl lu a t hour perlod or 3rt for the Vail area. Then, Q-2x0.4x3-2.4cfs Ie IE RE To: l.lr. Ro James KER/pr OO bert Mcl.dllan C. Cralg Constructlon From: Rlchatde EogLneere, Inc. Page 2 March 26, 1973 The drainage ditch around the buLldings should be w:ide (8r to 10f) aod shalIow, 12" to J-5" deep ln the ceoter, so that velocltles are kept down. Reseedl.ng as soon as posslble w111 also prevent eroslon. A few snal1 rock checks along the steep North-South swales near the lot 1lnes wlll be helpful Ln preventing stormrrater from cutting a channel lnto the slope. Drlveway culverte should be 18" dianeter, miulmun. Respectf u1ly Subnitted, RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. Y'; \L"" @tM Kenneth E. Rlcharde Reglstered Professlonal Englneer aod Land Surveyor #2183 A"\*U \JE,t "hU *,$n {l^, ne crrrrn tw^.LJ,.^a,zr a^ RTCHARDs E Ndi'N EEFs, I Nc. O ,u*t* o /? /G. P. O. 8ox 643 Vril, Colorado 81657 thoae 176.JO72 Drnvrr Linc.244.t52t bl // DAT b/ rZ \)" DEA/NA6E 57UDY flca/a: / lo/a /4 AND LAND suRvEYoR xo.2/8/, nicnanot r*Ctuuut, |Nc.|,r-; No /? /6, D. O. Bor 643 Vcil, Colondo 81657 Plptr 176.5072 Drnvrr Line . 244.1521 /pl // flca/e: / b/ rz DEI/NA€E 57UDY owf\ dr' lo/a /4 Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Manch 8, 1973 Gentlemen; I\IThe Helghts 6nd Bergenhof subdivlslons were referred to the SolI Conservatlon Dlstrtct for revlew and' coment. lfe bolleve that lt 1s a llttle late to ask for an exemptlon after consbructlon ls 80f conplete. No lnformatlon was funnlshod about any of the physlcal features of these lots. Generally solls ln thls area have sevene llmltablons for dwe1llngs. The comnrlssion should be satisfled bhat ttre area will be protected from eroslon and sedlnontatlon. Eagle County Plannlng Conmlsslon Eagle, CoLorad.o 81651 Sincerely, Ross E. Chambers Presldent Oo Oo ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH , u 1r''Box 8ll - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Yail 176-5613 Eagle 32E-7718 Basalt 927-3322 Date: l.iarch B, 1973 To: t{r. I'i. Blair, Director Eagle County Planning Cornni ssion From: Erik l,I. Edeen, :r.P.S. -ie: rrThe lleiqhtsrr Lot 15It Bergeniofrt Lot 14 Vail llights Stibdivision. lie have revierued Ehe plans for the above mentioned subdivision and recor.-mend approval if the following conditions are met: (1) fil plur:rbin3, includin3 water and ser\'er, conform to the Colorado ilealti-r De?artncnt Pltunbing Code. (2) r\dequate and i;oEable r.raEer, rieeting f .5. Public ticalth and Colorado DeparEnenc of llealth Drinking -.llater Standards, be irrovided in adequatc amounts for drinlcing and fire protection. (3) Confirmation from the Lpper Eagle Val-ley Sanitation District, indicating r"rhen they r.rill be able to handle the fully occupied building! s serrage load and sti1l comply rvith the Colorado l,Iater Pollution Standards, adopted Novenber 2L, 1972 and effective January 15, 1973. Assurance irorn the disErict thaE this development will no! result in either hydraulic or organic overloading of the sewage treatnent p1ant. (4) Adequate measures for collecting and disposing of storrn drainage and surface run-off be 1:rovided, including the protection of rhe scream from pollutants carried in the storm and surface run-off. (5) Adequat.e provisions for collection and storage of trash and other solid wastes be provided. D,.IElbrv cc : i'Ir. J. C. Craig llr. G. l'{isbach, P.E. StaEe llealth Department 4--' - _-riS,_oi ooR," i- / rJ IO-U* VNtI\SG\IS-' CRhig- CartsrB$ca\o$-g0*-- __sltE__elaN_ oo v't Es ,z ?o a l-/.? S, L I I I I tf)l g Pctl z Do o I lF- lutlf l{ I I \r \ I $\FNoN\'l'-LhN€- €cnle nqRvov %Ct "t'Or io BYRON D. BROWN Boxs47-vArL,coLoRADo 816s7 oFFrcErELEpHoNEt 47&2211 REAL ESTATE CO.Corner of Bridge Street & Gore Cre€k Drive February 25, 7973 I'f. Michael S. Blair, planning Director Eag1e County Planning CommissionP. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8163I Dear Sirs: RE: The Heights, Lot 15Bergerhof, Iot 14, Vail Heights exemption from SubdivisionRegulations vail village west water & sanitation District has receivedfrom. the County Commission Robert W. Mcl,[illan and CraigConstruction Company's application for exemption. The-Itater district finds no trroblem with servicing the abovementioned lots, as lf . I,tclrttllan and It. craig'have alreadydiscussed the matters of tap fee and made apftication forsame with Vail Village West Water & Sanitation District.We therefore have no cause or see no problem with theabove application. Regards,-4*a6'"* BIT6N D. BROhINkesident BDB: lw cc: Frank BarrettBill Cacek Bob Kirby Leonard DeGrace ,,r/" to rto *'\ \ i p/ encre couNry eLANNTNG coMMtsstoN nlvnV0 i \/ couarHous€ t J P. .0.^tsox.789 Phone 32t-7L98\ n 4 \ E"el", Colo"oJ" 81631' 'h \h' t,/ ' ,'ro!^'I FebruarY 2'2'' r)73 I nr' ' I RE: The Heights, LoL IJ and Berserhof, Lot ll+,Vail tleights Subdivision, exempt;on from Subdi-vison tiesr.la tions . Enclosed herewith is en anplication and pla.n submitted to the Eagle County Flanning Conn"Lssion for review and reconmendatj-on at their reguJ-ar neetlng on the llth of }larch 1973. In accordance with C.R.S. IQ6-2-9, 106-2-33 end 106-2-3L, 1963, as amended, and liagle Count;g Subdivisi-on P,egulations, section 6.O0, 1972, ;,-ou have 24 days within which to respond. TLre Flanning Cor"srission would sincerely appreci-ate :'our c onments and recommendalions prior to the neeti-ng date. If you desire additi-onal information or time, please advise thj-s office Thank you very rnuch, . ",/ ):/ - ./-->' aZ-,L Z-,/,, - -1 /'-(J a\/ L' i'iichael S. Blair Planning Director lo ?4o gtlar/ Seawu CUSTOI{T BUILDIN(, JAMES C. CRAIG 476-5425 Box l t 4 Vail, Colorado 81 657 Exempti,on Appllcatlon fbr Pz Feb. L97t HThe Helghts Condonlntungrr 1z and Ja.nes 0. Cralg, Naroe of DeveloPnent : Locatlon: Slze ! Nane and Lot 15' Val1 Helghta, Flllng No. 1' Eagle County Colorado 2JOO Sguare Feet Mdrees of Ownere 3 Janes C. Cralg Conetructlon -qo3-?33y,F'5;-EoxTf4, vall' colorado-and lob-ert W' Mcl'llllan P.o. Box LO75, ValJ.' Colorado, P'0. Box 114, Vall , Colorado Provlstons of Subdtvlelon Regulatlone fron whlch Varlance 1g' HeQu€8Eeo3:-:-' 6.01 SubnlttaL of the lrellnlnary Plan For subdlvleton vall Helghte Subdlvlslon has already been epproved by Eagle CountY covenants to vall Helghts subdlvlelon also approved by- Eagle county pernlts Eonstructlon and sele of condonlnluns' 2-a Archltectual Conrolttee requlred by the valL H€l8htE Covenants has approved the proJect' We hereby submlt, attached, Shetcb PIan Requlren€nts p€r regulation 4.01 Subnlttal of Prellrolnary Plans would result ln undue hardshlp due to Elze of-propoeed develop;nentt whlch 1s al-readY 8O1[ comPleted. lLre prelfuolnary llan regulatlon are not naterlally irpo"t"trt ln a plai,nlng sense becau::e thle partlcular subdlvlslonrg size and adJacent developnent' Grantlng the reguested varlance wlll not adversely affect ine use-of land oontlguous to tbe gubdlvd'tled area 1. 2. t. 4. 5. 6. toI ?ie page 2 Yrz e &e day Board Astlon , rg7tday of By request for Varlance (8ranted, dented) thle , I97, for the followlng reasons 3 Board of Countyof Eagle @nnlseloners County By &itq &earcu CUSTOiA BUITDING JAMES C. CRAIG 476-5425 Box I 14 Vail, Colorado 81657 Slgnatureg of SPPIloants : Rec6lved thls wlthln of a.t , 76e gW &utreu CUSTOIYT BUITDING JAMES C. CRAIG 476-5425 Box I l4 Vail, Colorado 81657 22 Feb. L97' INemption Appltcatlon Fbr TwlglpHi[ts, Eagle county Regulat'ton8 Nane of Development.: HTbe Hetghts Conatonlnlungrl Lot 14, Vall Helghtep Flllng No. 1, Eagle County Colorado Slze ! 2300 9guare Feet Nane and Address of Ownere 3 Jaroee P.o. Box l)75, ValI ,P,0. Box 114, ValI , C. Cralg Conetructlon ConPanY, Colorado and Robert W. Mcl'll1lan Coloredo, and Jaaes C. Cral8r Colorado Locatlon I Provlelone of Subdlvlslon Regulatlons fron whlch Varlance 1e tteQUeBEeO 3 6.o1 subutttal of, the PreLinlnary Plan For gubdlvlEloa Reasons for Request of Varlance t Lo VatI ltelghte Subdlvlslon has already been approved by EagIe Count'y 2. Covenants to Vall Helghts Subdlvlslon also approved by Eagle County pernlte const-ructton and eale of condonlnlurqg. 2-a Anabltectual Comrnlttee requlred by the Vall Helghte Covenantg has approved the proJect' 7. We hereby subnlt, attachedr Sketcb Plan Requlr€Eents per regulatlon 4.01 4. Subnlttal of Frellnlnary Plans would result ln undue hard,shlp due to slze of propoeed developaent, vhlcb 1s al-ready 8O% conpLeted. 5, Itre prellnlnary Plan regulatlon are not naterlally lnportant ln a plarinlng sense because thle partlcular subdlvlslontg elze and adJacent developuent. 6. Grantlng the requested varlaace w111 not adversely affeot the use of land oontlguous to bbe eubdlv&ded area o 74o gr&q Searrc,u glgnatureB page 2 CUSTO'iA EUIIDING JAMES C. CRAIG 476-5425 Box l14 Vail, Colorado 81657 of Appllcants: Board Actlon day of By , rg7t Vanlance (granted, denled) thls , L97, for the foJ.lowlng reesons i 97rz Rec6lved thle &e day wlthtn of requeet for Board of @untYof Eagle Cornmlsslonerg County By t'f; "altffd to the rorrowr,ng Febr5z3re?3 Colorado Sta.te Forest Service Llolorado Geological Survey Colorado Stale Lngineer Eric Edeen Holy Cross iilectric l.iountain Bel1 Telephone Public Service Service a OWn Ol VaII Upper liagle Vailey San Dist "1, ,,VaiI Village i.est t^,aler XisL. I L.S. Forest Service Soil Conservation Dist. School Dist RE 5O JVail Village Viest Fire Di-st. +, t-J ,"F ,L ryi:;, i, i: {,0','.q-'l o APPLICATION FOR EXEMPiION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuont to Section 6.01 of the Eogle County Subdivis'ion Regulotions | (we) hereby opply for exemption from the qJovisions with soid Tpgu,lotions os to my (our) proposed developmenr known o, . Jhe-. \\etX\\>... !p-1..l-E,!q+L ,,t t ",-C, r{ I Il | | l\'.\.\- $s :.N\:. n >b. . . . . tx*Xs v.hd.'. !-.qq4 :b. a v,. lpj. L\ .1. Y.u: !.. ! \c .t$rl i . . Locoied: V n:!., .\\a., St$>. \.S\.+r\..b' ( L . \"And comprising . O}.1\.vp. I-p\.5 ... . divided into opproximotbly . interesfs for the following reoson .\ .\\ \\ A\t\O,,, \. . Y-5=/\/ )YvJ. .t. .... \q r^lI H*-Te\.\ it is understood thot cny oction by this Commission regulotions exempiion opplies only to the proposed sketch plon or other informotion ottoched hereto.,-aNA,\ gronting soid requesf for soid development os shown on the Approval recommended conditions as set forth Eagle County Plarning' at their regular meeting with by the Commission on the l4th (Must be signed by oll the record owners of ihe oroperiy) By.... RESOLUTION The foregoing Applicotion hos been considered by the Boord this ' '.?-...'.... Ct *'>n,0 "-ooy or . ..-.: i!.-.y\.. .. 19 . /'?.. which finds ond determines thot this Division U of Londs is not wiihin the purposes for which ihe subdivision regulotions were odopted ond therefore soid Applicotion is gronted {d#). Choirmon with conditions as set forth by the Eagle County Planning Commission. ot County lbeasurerts Offlcg Eagle County, Colorado Eagle, C olo.--Vz<:2.<'fu /4 ,g2-3.h/ZA.-.t $.$L ot 23015 ilprriupil trf Account of , Treasurer , DeputyByCash Book Page_ 23016 ge{a2- 4rrpiupil u ./5€er-7 3_ County lleasurer,s Offlcg Eagle County, Colorado A-. V"-Z . Eagle, Coto..-)>'-*-/z /4 , gzP -Et^.,,b'Lri Fund$ $ $ $ $ Cash Book Page- , Treasurer JHE c. F. Horcr(Er co.. DEivrR (T l) , Deputy to tr 76e gaq &earcu CUSTO'IA BUITDING JAMES C. CRAIG 476-5425 Box I 14 Vail, Colorado 81657 To: Board of @.rnty Cornnleelonere ofEagle County Regardlng: Requeet that proJects located on Lote 14 & 15,Vall Helghts be consldered separately but at th€ eane tlme. For th€ gake of econorly and for. the expedltlng of workloade h,e hereby request tbat both proJecte be congldered together andthat So11 Teet and Setch Plans exhlblte be ueed ln the conslderatlonof bo t,h pro Jec te . Cralg Constructton Co. .30\*.\ r0 nrt nqg(a___ Robe rt ll. l{cMlllan Secr/Treaeurer 22 Feb I97' eul;'/" tO tr Lo t t i '. 76e eqaq Seatnu CUSTOIIA BUITDING JAMES C, CRAIG 476-5425 Box I 14 Vail. Colorado 81657 To :Board of County Cornmleslonere Eagle County Regardlng: Request for Sketch plan revlew We hereby request a eketch -o1an revlew for proJect me Hqlghts Condomlnlune located on lot 15, ValI Helghtss Flllng No. @a<io, an' approved iubdlvlelrn. Sou:rce of donestlc water: Va1l V11lage West Wat€r and SanltatlonDlstrlct. (Tbe naln rung along the roadfrontlng the property and tap feee have been pald and the water hag been hooked U!" It{anner of S€l.age dtscosal: Upper Eagle Valley Ssnltatlon Dletrlct, Sewer llne ln road frontlng th€ property. 22 Feb. L973 Ja^ueg C. Cralg CorSruction ;> (t \ ^ |K.r.\nr-\ r,.i. \rrl \rr$r''-/'- /.--)o/ L uiatLt'Lt!l- Co io EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION @URT}IOUS€ Fcr Isot z8l E"st., GlonoJo 81631 itE!G!?---+r r, r-,21Fclr Ttre lJc ;lln,-L-o* ll,* Fet"th't t:1,1 BE: Tron^r lunber hC Srpp'f Vl'tl F?rtr'rni, €c*s, exenption frqr $ubdlvislon Regulationa. Enclosed herewith ls an appllcation and plen suhitted to the Eagle Gounty Plarming Cmurission for revlew and recmendation at their regular neeting on the 14th of .Fgttrqy 1973. In accordance with C.R.S. LO6-24, LO6-2-39 and 106-2-3b' L963, aa anend.ed, and Eagle County Subdivlslon Reguletione, section 6.@' I972t you heve 2! daye within which to respond. The Plannlng Cmnission would elncerely appreclate yeur comnents and recorunendatlons prior to the ureeting date. If you deeire addltional lnfonnetion or ti.ne, please advise thie offlce. Thank you very nuch 41 It r.r Llit^iir", Michael S. Blair Planrdng Director " 5o7r''ieI'AIL VILIAGE WES,I ARCHTTEEN'RAI, COIiTROL COMMITTEE The Vail Viltage !{est Architeqtural eontrol. Committee after review of the plans of C\raip_lftl.rilrrn fc buildlng(s) to Ue erected on ltr- I/it--- J..' THE has given aptrrrotral trith the fol.lowing Block 1 Fi ling as f ollo\re: changes required: el*/, $l' lt n;^, f*t*/- - and vrith aptrroval Committee g IJIV Menlcer --<f;'PJl .;' , Thie letter with the modificationE as above_llsted the signatures of the Board i;eribers constitutes bhe of Ttre l/all Village West ArchLtectural Control d will be in fact evidence of such appnorral. tt"', ( ngston Randal on Gartner I{eniberMeriber Date: '' tI -R,f, \\*:q o,_ n D. BrorrronBultant \'*\ R-c. "-.-\ ; t.l:s';4 58 )e7/ o a R,ICHAR.DS ENGINEER,S, INC. oo L O. lcr 6tll Yril, Cclondo !t617,}|rartly,. T Dra'.r llar . 2rl&1521 cnvx$ y?-ry ' fico/e ' / uch'&/a/. i..,t t\t' i :, i-. A ){ ",7'i.:!f) tht/ fui/cr-> t 6 dv b E a { b E t I \ I 9 uz1 I FoJ \tr,\t N\ L.c'i- i6 !:;t:..iN6 ivt2 /\,-+-\ 'B\ qN rt\'{ i4'ti! i..- rd#' {'Lr,r/ 4o6 A|.rD frNo slwFvq, rc.218, I t I t t I t T T I I I I I I I I I Z;E,FF ANO AggOCIATE8, LTD, CONSULTING EOIL ENGINEEN! SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION coNDoMINIUM, LOT 15, VAIL HEIGHTS, FILING NO. 1, VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: JAMES C. CRAIG CONSTRUCTION COMPANY BOX I 1l+ vAI L, COLORADO PROJECT 10812 AUGUST 22, tg72 r 136 LtpAN STREET, DENVER, trOLORADO, tltl223 T I c I TABLE Og gONTENTS I I I coNcLUs toNS PAGE I r SCOPE oF sruDY PAGE l, 2 I , PROPOSED BUILDING PAGE 2 t FOUNDATTONS PAGE 2 I- DEstcN AND coNsrRUcrIoN DETAILs PAGE 2, 3 r CONSTRUCTI9N TNSpECTI9N PAGE t I rEsr Ptr LocATtoN PLAN FIGURE I I LoGs oF rEsr PIrs FTGURE'2 I GRADATION ANALYSES FIGURE ' I suMMARY oF LABoRAToRY TEsr REsuLTs TABLE I t I I I I t I I I I I I co}|cLUs r oNs (1) SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT THE SITE ARE FAIRLY ERRATIC. GENER- ALLY, OUR TEST PITS ENCOUNTERED SILTY SANDS TO SANDY SILTS WITH GRAVELS AND COBBLES TO A DEPTH OF 12.5 FEET. NO WATER TABLE WAS ENCOUNTERED TO A DEPTH OF T2.5 FEET BELOW THE SURFACE. <2) IN OUR OPINION, THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE SHOULD BE FOUNDED ON CONVENTIONAL SPREAD FOOTINGS FOUNDED ON THE NATURAL MATERIALS BELOW FROST DEPTH. THE FOOTINGS SHOULD BE DESIGNED FOR A MAXIMUM SOlL BEARING PRESSURE OF 1r000 PsF. I <3> THE NATURAL SOILS ARE SUITABLE FOR FLOOR SLAB SUPPORT. I ('+) FOUNDATION EXCAVATIONS SHOULD BE INSPECTED BY A OUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SOIL ENGINEER.I I I I I I I I I I I I scogE_oF s T_upY THIS REPORT PRESENTS THE RESULTS OF A SOIL AND GATION AT THE SITE OF THE PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM FOUNDATION INVESTI- TO BE LOCATED AT LOT 15, VAIL HEIGHTS, FILING NO. L, VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. THE STUDY WAS MADE TO DETERMINE THE MOST SUITABLE TYPES AND DEPTHS OF FOUNDATIONS, THE ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURES, AND GROUNDWATER CON- DITIONS. THOROUGH FIELD AND LABORATORY TNVESTIGATIONS OF THE SUBSOIL CONDI- TIONS WERE MADE.. THE FIELD WORK CONSISTED OF MAKING A SERTES OF EXPLORATORY TEST PIT5. SAMPLES I.JERE TAKEN FROM THESE TEST PITS AT VARIOUS DEPTHS. AND LABORATORY CAL PROPERTIES PROPERTIES WAs THE SAMPLES WERE SUBJECTED TO VISUAL INSPECTION TESTS IN ORDER TO EVALUATE THE PHYSICAL AND MECHANI- OF THE MATERIALS ENCOUNTERED. KNOWLEDGE OF THESE 5UBSEqUENTLy UTILtZED, IN CoNJUNCTI0N WtTH RESULTS PAGE 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OF OBSERVATIONS MADE ON THE SITE AND PAST EXPERIENCE I^IITH SIMILAR soILs FoR SIMILAR LOADING CONDITIONS, IN REACHING THE CoNCLUSIONS PRESENTED IN THE REPORT. PROPOjEp BUI.LpING AS WE UNDERSTAND, THE BUILDING WILL BE A TWO STORY WOoD FRAME STRUCTURE. LOADTNGS ARE EXPECTED TO BE LIGHT. FOUNpAJ I o\g THE MATERIALS OCCURRING AT CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATION LEVELS ARE A MIXTURE OF SANDY SILTS TO SILTY 5ANDS WITH GRAVELS AND COBBLES. THESE MATERIALS WERE OBSERVED TO BE IN A MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE STATE AND INCREASE IN DENSITY WITH DEPTH. CONVENTIONAL SPREAD FOOTINGS MAY BE PLACED ON THESE MATERIALS BELOW FROST DEPTH AND SHOULD BE OESTGNED FOR AN ALLOI,IABLE BEARTNG PRESSURE NOT EXCEED- ING ],OOO PSF. U5 ING THIS DESIGN PRESSURE, SETTLEMENTS WILL BE LOW. NO GROUNDWATER PROBLEM SHOULD BE ENCOUNTERED DURING FOUNDA- TION CONSTRUCTION. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DETAILs (1) BACKFILL AROUND THE BUILDING SHOULD BE MOISTENED AND WELL COMPACTED. THE EXTERIOR GRADE SHOULD BE WELL SLOPED AWAY FROM THE BUI LDTNG. (2) THE NATURAL SOILS ARE ADEQUATE TO SUPPORT INTERIOR FLOOR SLABs. A MINIMUM 'I INCHES OF CLEAN GRAVEL SHOULD BE PI.ACED PAGE 2 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I a BENEATH THE SLABS TO BREAK POSSIBLE CAPILLARY WATER RISE. IT IS ADVISABLE THAT SLABS BE SEPARATED FROM LOAD BEARING MEMBERS TO ALLOW THEIR INDEPENDENT MOVEMENT. (,) FOUNDATION I,IALLS SHOULD BE REINFORCED, BOTH TOP AND BOTTOM. THIS WILL GIVE THEM STRENGTH TO SPAN ISOLATED SOFT POCKETS THAT MAY OCCUR BELOW FOUNDATION LEVELS. (4) PRESENT GROUNDWATER CONDITTONS ARE FAVORABLE FOR BASEMENT coNSTRUCTION, IF DESIRED. (5) CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN IN EXCAVATING FOR THE BASEMENT AND FOUNDATTONS SO AS TO AVOTD DISTURBED THE NATURAL MATERIALS. cgNgrRucrlo! INg'Ecr r oN IN ANY FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION IT IS NECESSARY TO ASSUME THAT FOUNDATION CONDITIONS DO NOT CHANGE GREATLY FROM THOSE INDICATED BY THE EXPLORATORY TEST PITS. HOWEVER, OUR EXPERIENCE HAS SHOWN THAT ANOMALIES DO SOMETIMES BECOME APPARENT AFTER THE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED. FOR THtS REASON, WE RECOMMEND THAT A QUALIFTED REPRESENTATTVE OF THE SOtL ENGTNEER WF|O I5 FAMILIAR I.''ITH THE SUBSOIL CONDITIONS INSPECT THE FOUNDATION EXCA. vATloN, ESPECIALLY IF ANy UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS ARE UNCOVERED. IN THIS CASE, WE SHOULD BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY. KAL ZEFF AND ASSOCIATES, LTD. REGISTERED ENGTNEERS ,4 cos /5H , COPIES SENT )?t PAGE ] ,/\ ,/\ /t \, l{ \ ,/ \./ \,/\/a\/ TEST PIT LOCATION SCALE: lrt = 40 1 ^".'* a,t" PLAN FIGURE 1 t I I I I I I I t I I I t T I I I I I TP. I I v-z TP-J NOTES : (l) THE TEST prTS WERE DUG |/TITH A BACKHOE ON AUGUST T, t972, (2) NO WATER WAS ENCOUNTERED AT TIME OF DIGGING. (]) THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY BETWEEN SOIL TYPES AND THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. ('+) THE TEST PITS SHOW SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT THE DATES AND LOCATIONS INDICATED AND IT I5 NOT WARRANTED THAT THEY ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CON_6IIIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES, r IJttIt 7 Tbb IJa n slLT, SANDY TO SAND, SILTY, FA SILT, SANDY TO SAND, SILTY, DENSE,I'I MEDIUM DENSE, MEDIUM MOIST TO I*:A MEDIUM MOIST TO MOIST, OCCASIONALMOIST, DARK BROWN GRAVELS AND COBBLES, BROh'N LOGS OF TEST PITS FIGURE 2 T I I T T t I I I I T I I I I I T T T a KAL ZEFF ANO ASSOC IATES GRADATION ANALYSIS cLly (PLl!TrclYo lrLl {rl0lr - PLI sYrc;coacLEs airr z.r rrutRtASr\63 J 5 5'a{aAFO Sf Rr€S aStit 'ltlr 60rrt 9r | .r I ,;:c . ao '10 'lo ' 6 i!c,-€AR _a soulnE oP€trlrGs ll oo TEST P I T." , lA tr -- l0 z fo ;vr 60 ' 50 =Y .o c tO 0 roo TEST PIT t A ql to I'.|gJ lo 70 ao !o 4O 30 to o TEST PIT J G 5r to ao ao 30 40 to 2o rO o 0 ?0 o '-2 aOF E z60 r.J 70 u,/ o, 60 90 oo a a Fz E 7 .E 2 o- = Fz |l 0:; c Fz E o ro 20 !o ao 60 7O to 90 oo o ro 20 lo .tO 30 60 7O to 90 rO0 c t7 07it t9 ?97 39C OIAM€TER OF PARTICLE 9 2!8 476 932 IR TIILL IH€TERS f6 2 t27 200 SIEVE ANALYSISHYOROM ET E R ANALYSIS .7r a I lr r1l,t +---"+ '-+ -- +---.-r..:- l+ ----+ r. - -r' -.-*-- L I -1 4f O0l 00?005 009 0r9 rtl !t I F IG. trj J oa ooozzz lhoa \ltFFFJJJ vl rn u) F lrJ lrJ I 1 1 (,uJzt^ aahLPczs-OC Ljr cl {uo-c^>F3 trJ !o fl9-z6l^;fl;:z t uJ:'oo-cg 3E; an tr =) (9 lrl c) F F =o;.-J.* (J F Vt ?r:9 JJ Izoz tro> *9tr z <G e)^lrs F::-<ozZ @l.| €oAo t'l rJt rn o F{ Gl Ll F o- F.vl lrlF C\ (\l a -i2 o I I I I I a FJlo UJt Fa UJ F tr-or!FJ<;cFo o J l! o t E la I I I T I I I I I t I I T T r .5itY ! | L< 6. ; dI | 1.. \t"liiSrI lr X.ir lt li.qI t,..: ,;i: T\ si{ -{ :{.t:c ri Lek:;FuiFiir!.c:ii rol::(t I i-;/'iti l: I /..1 3 irt !iX"€Eir -i i 1':i \Jti: 6ri }{U n dsit 'j I 1.,'\ d-: < :-: * O; .i t ;t F :I ': 'I .T ,\(?-t +14 ).t I I Iti. lo. ooi :I '3i i. ozg I f!:Hi | "rFilJ 5 i i.ei Y {ilil s-I,' .ofr: t: :Sl+i w d!iil xrd!ii:j Fi d{r!: iF L 3;;:9 ) jE-ir( rr!."O J:;'5 lL ii:;5LL -ix"'( i!:;r (/) !l:i; ).2.E!ci.rte !i Ii lc) ;'!1, ;F irtl. i' UJ eli.! :) lI:!' = itw ::k5 (- iq !;;5; o Idlirti a tri!!F: t.\ {t!!<: at .ilo 1--:^: -< -l r!";' :: :i!i't '- :ir-EF! \ D,:.'X1j r\ i"[olr v ;u;ieS ,. ii E9rie ). I ii;;t-3!.t l:oY13 ;' -o:ii. ? i _ii ";ol 4is,io: ^, l 0-9 t1 I J.I i I -t I !i e i c !'i ..2 iilr t.t ;k< .3; lc.-Ez! :ii ico.i: tri ti! "qE ,ip l! qJ:Fi'. F !i f t!:<;. iii Eif 6e i -d] lrt I u |! F i.l ,p ot* t. I lla5l' JII$li v l|- rsii P l' IE o .11 islq inl' I t'i-:i t; i { t<v l-rqt !!;tl 'ai .ll zE.{l iolr'i i l: , i i'?: 99! i :i' i sii I tv; .i :€,o: iii 5 !,r R r t "i', ,!o 1"i c:1e i -.. i ;l i 1x'F;i. .i :"! ^_-, i; j ii :r:i! rt: rt ilvii rii .1: I ir' ! {;$ :i <E !' ti I I ,:Vrll : :61! E ilE !t. .1 ", ii 1- \rl, I 7l \-'r i\\l ! lil!g )1. E \I IC '.1- I I I .,1 '$! Rll {' c!l.i-!l I !.di $^a$ Jl \lolz\-)lr{ 1^ t- /?\ r_l a :ilii!ii:ii!iii:,i $i!fililitiil$i i*iiiiiiiiili:iil ::i!i::il:iiti;ti: -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' lll*illl:ili*li l_., i --- 1 -l j .l (.tr.. <.\ ,-ffi' X\:-lX,\1-\6: \+..,'r1.\ '--\ ---- - ---,-flvt-, rr. ..4t. t:, b ,t,1 x r,,N4, rra nr^ u'J h..i ;-\tl t- 1 -- _/ ?'|VJS StHdVag 4t9t a Eoooo .€:7,r!7,? Fora *^1.}"{ €nc\p U..$}viuQ Qov'tm\ss}or..r i,rr \\ei* co*"Y,L-u.,\10.. \f*o'1aS,I ho,o1*\r\ "Lo\' r{ s*r\ "'\\s Hgr.),n\s" Lo\ \u , vrriu \\g'.$\s \,,f bstsunl, i' , a",tt1r' o\ Qct li 6, CorusXn Oo . VAIL HEIGTfIS-TILING NO. 1 PROTBCTIVE COVENANTS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Vail- city corporation, a Colol:ado Corporation, being the owner of all of that real estate within the subdivision named vail tleights-Filing No. 1, in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, Ehe plat of which was filed for record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County on June 25, 1969 in Case 2, Drawer No. V, Reception No.-110985, and r-ecorded in Book 215 at Page 483, does hereby impose restrictions and protective covenants as hereinafter set forth. USAGE: The subject property shall be used only for residenees with usual appurtenant garages and other covered st,ructures . (which residences, garagfes and structures may.be in the form of condominium-or Lownhouse units), and in no way i *.y be used for any conmercial purposes nor for any tlpe or kind of equipm.i-,t or material storage. commercial pur@ses *. li.tli' prohibited shall not include the renting bf i"y part or parts of such residences. Further, no . te^poraiy seruclure, basement, tent, garagie, barn, or other o,rl-b.,i1aings sha11 be used on any site at any tirne li as a residence, elther temporary or permanent' The exterior construction of alt uuitairgs must be completed, incl_uding treating or painting of wood, before occupancy. LIVESTOCK: No animals, livestock, horses or poultry (except dogs, cats and other pets for household enjoyment and not fsr commercial purposes) shall be kept, raised or bred in the subdivision. ARCHITIICTUR^L CONTROL: No buildings shall be.erected, placed or tltered on any site until construcEion plans and specification-s, together with site plan showing location of structure has been approved in writing by the Archi- tectural Committee (as defined herein), as to quality' material, and workmanshlp, and harmonious design with existing structures. In the event the Architectural Committ6e fails to act on plans presented for approval .within 45 days, then appliclnt may proceed the sanne as if the Committee had granted approval-. CONSTRUCTION: A11 structures must meet specifications and codes of - Easle County, and state of colorado. once work has begun on any strulture, construction must be pursued to completion withal]-duediligence,beingcompletedwithinoneyear.Further, all exteiiors shall be only of stone, stone veneers, brick veneers, wood siding or log siding. No imitation brick siding, metal siding, tar paper, asbestos shingles or concrete-blocks will b6 allowed. Only new construction will be allowed; no older buiJ'ding may be moved onto any site without approval in writing from the Architectural committee. Living area shall not be less than 650 sguare feet for single =iory, single family residences, nor less than 500 rquire feet per unit for multiple residences. For two story fesidences, there shall be at least 550 sguare feet on -th" fir"t floor and 250 square feet on lhe second floor, exclusive of attached garages, open porches' and patios ;l: -te--lo tr FIRE P]IEVEN'IION: All fj.replaces, chimneys, barbeques and incinerators shall be equipped and maintained with spark arresting screens. LOCATI()N: AII improvements shal-l bc located so as to maintain a minimum front yard set-back of 20 feet; deviations from this regular set-back may be granted by the Architectural Commrttee. DRIVEWAYS: AlL driveways shal-l- bc located so as to allow minimurn water run:off. and erosion. Culverts of L2 inches in diameter or more shall be installed wherever driveway crosses barrow pits. SIGNS: No signs, billboards or other advertising structure of any ikind shall be erected, used or maintained on any lot for any purpose whatsoever, except such comrnercial signs as have been approved by the Architectural Committee either for identification of residences or places of business or other commercial uses WATER: Each sEructure d.esigned for occupancy or use by human beings shall connect vrith water facil-ities made availabLe to the property at any time in the future by pubJ-ic or pri0ate utility system. No private wells shall be used as a source of water for human consumption or irrigation, , except by written permission of the Vail- Village west Waber and Sanitation District's Board of Directors. NUISAIICE: No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on within the subdivision, nor shall anybhing be done or permitted which shalt constitute a public nuisance therein. TREES AND SrIRUPBERY: Natural b_eauty, wherever possible, shall remarn. In no case shall shrubbery ' or other growth be maintained in such location as to cause a traffic hazard or to reduce visibilitY. .,1, shall be kept in covered sanitary containers. No area on any site shall be used Ib a dump for any kind of waste or trash. No septic tanks will be allowed foJ-Iowing a period of 60 days afier the availability to a site of a public or private system of sewage disposal . CHANGES OF COVENANTS: These covenants shali run with the Land and reindingona].lpartiesandaI1personscJ.aiming under them for i period of 20 years after which time said covenants shal1 be automatical-ly extended for successive l0 year periods unless an instrument signed by owners of'over SO% ot land area has been recorded, agreeing to change said covenants in whdle or in Part. SIFORCEMSNT: Enforcement shall be by proceeding.at law or in uity against any person or persons violatilg-or-attempting to viofaie any covenant either to restrain violation or to recover damages. WASTE DISPOSAL:Each residence shall maintain a safe, enclosed GEfnerator for disposal of cornbustibles. Non-corTtbustibles -2- lF----- i.' I lt th SEVERAIIIIITY: Invalidation of any one or more of these covenanLs by judgment or court order shal} in no way effect any of the provisions, which shall remain in ful-l force and' effect. ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE: The Architectural Cornmittee shall be composed of FRANK A. RANDALL, TrBoR c. GARTNER and LOUIS F. LIVINGSTON. In the event any one or more of the committee members shall become incapable of serving for any reason, then a new member or members shall be named by Vail city corPoration. SUPERIOR AUTHORITY: Notvtithst.anding anyLhing herein to the contrary, all applicable county and state regulations, standards and statutes shall be controlJ-ing where these coVenants are less strict or are' by 1aw, superseded in jurisdiction by such county and state regulations, standards and statutes. I 't I! undersigned this tr/ lz, day oq ' STATE OT COLORADO County of Arapahoe rN WTTNESS WHEREOF, this is executed by the Vail City Corporation, a Colorado CorPoration Vice-President , Le+. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7th day of - Oclgber. , \9-99-. -by Frank A. Randall ffi6'-piesi tion,-a colorado corporation' ss Witness my hand and official seal . My commission expires: Notary Pubtric d