HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL HEIGHTS FILING 1 LOT 6 LEGALher 13 OG O9:42a Ob€r I ohr p.1 Arthwl. Mears, P,E.o Inc. Naaral Hazards Consuhants 555 CowtyRoad 16 Gunnison, CO 81230 TcFrx: (970)641-3236 Febru;ary 21,2W6 Mr.,fonrad Oberlohr 2656 Davos Trail Vail, CO 81657 RE: Rockfall and debris-flor hazard, Lots 6 artd 7, Vail Heights Dear Mr. Oberlohn As you know, I visited LS Oind 7Dn Sr MoritaW:t yester{ay to determine the elposure of thffie lots to rocldul #rd debds fro'fr, Tt* frlb*fng summarizes firy conclusions. 1. Lot 6 ls not expoaed b rookfall or debrilfsrs and will not rsguire mftigation. The relatively short, e*t- and southcld'tcing slope above the lot is the face of a broad souttrbendirg ridge. Thb tidge proteds the site trorn debris flor,rs. Furthermore. thb slope does not support unstable rock outcroppings that produce a rod<fiall hazard. 2. Lot 7 {located immedlately to the east of Lot G} b similarly protected from debils florve and b notexposed to roclrfall. titigetion will not be rcqufued. Similarto the sihration on Lot6, unstable rock outcroppirgs are not located above lot Z Please contaet me if ytou harre additional que$ions Sinoerely, (-i;rc'--( ]ll.ooa Arthur L ldears, P.E. ,*;**r i*rlr Ftesidenc* l,j j i.ii.r .';' \ii,;l'ig i*/A5.. i-...:i ir . r,,'.rii '".it*'gi-,lS Dh'$l [ffi f,Jmi'*r' hs';l#t rt$ I wiTf* Design Review Soird ACTIOFI FORM Oepartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tef:970.479.2139 Jax.970.479.245?. web: www.vailgov,com6*l$dTY OEtElrotrlEl{r lroiect Name: OBERLOHR RESIDENCE Project Description: NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Participants: OWNER OBERLOHR, KONMD 2555 DAVOS TRL VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHIECT LL07l25l2OO5 Prolect Address: ZL79 gf , MORITZ WY Legal Description: Parcel Number: Gomments: PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 ZL79 gf MORITZ WY VAIL BOARD/STAFF ACTION 0712512005 l-ocaUon: Lot: 6-9 Block Subdivision: VAIL HEIGHTS SUB FIL I 2103-114-0103-7 DRB Number: DR8050366 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvall. 04 I 0512OO6 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DUNNING DANTAS 4-0-0 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond; 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007385 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA f 3R(2002). Planner: Bill Gibson Monitored flre alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002). DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 Oberlohr Residence 2199 St. Moritz Way Lot 6, Vail Heights Roofinq: 40-Year Asphalt shingle Turret and Minor roof forms: Flat seam copper roofing natural dark patina Flashing: Copper natural dark patina Stucco: Cement stucco system Color: Chenille White SWI 102 (light hump and bump texture) Wood Siding, Fascias, Trim, and Timbers: Cedar siding Color: to match Cetol Stain 004 Natural Oak (Hand plane texture) Wood Windows: Vokna windows and doors Color: to match Cetol Stain 004 Natural Oak Windows in stucco are to be inset with stucco retums on 4 sides Stone Veneer: Patios, tenaces and waterproof decks: Colorado Buff sandstone (buff tones) Pattem: Flagstone Drive Surface: Paver : Belgard, Bergerac Color: Lajolla Blend (heated at areas greater than 10% slope) 004 Natural Oak Cetol Intenor Stain Color Board Ftl t coP r Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tutx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com January 26, 2006 John Mafiin, Architect PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Oberlohr-2t99 St. Moritz Way/Lot 6, Vail Heights Dear John, The Town Stafi has reviewed the design review application for the new Oberlohr residence located at 2199 St. Moritz Way. The following is a summary ol the comments from that review: 1. Written consenl from the utility companies must be submifted for all improvements located within lhe easements. 2. Written consent trom the adjacent property owners must be submitted for any off-site grading. 3. The site/landscape plan must be revise as follows: a. The grade near the palio on the northwest corner of the house must be revised to not exceed 2:1. b. Retaining walls shall not exceed 6 feet in height. The wall at the northeast corner of the house must be revised. c. The grade lines for swale between lots 5 & 6 must be tied into each other. 3. Pursuant to Chapter 12-21,Yail Town Code, a "site specilic geologic investigation'addressing the rockfall and debris flow hazards on this site must be submitted with the building permit application. 4. Stamped, engineering drawings must be submitted for all retaining walls greater than four feet in height. 5. An erosion control plan must be submitted. 6. A construction staging plan must be submitted with the building permit application. lf you have any queslions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely,.\ 4,1-z<- Zt...J_,<__ BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail {pLr","uo,'," ;ILE /j//PY Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.vailgov.com August 10,2005 John Martin, Architect PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 8'1631 RE: Oberlohr - 2199 St. Moritz Way/Lot 6, Vail Heights Dear John, The Town Staff has reviewed the design review application for the new Oberlohr residence located at 2199 St. Moritz Way. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. The site plan must be revised to delineate all proposed parking spaces with a 9'x19' box (exterior spaces) or a I'x18' box (interior spaces). 2. The limits of disturbance fence at the driveway entrance must be relocated to the north to enclose all proposed landscape plantings. 3. Written consent from the owner of Lot 5, Vail Heights must be submitted for any grading on their property. 4. Pursuant to Chapter 12-21,Yail Town Code, a "site specific geologic investigationr addressing the rockfall and debris flow hazards on this site must be submitted with the building permit application. 5. Stamped, engineering drawings must be submitted for all retaining walls greater than four feet in height. 6. An erosion conlrol plan must be submifted. 7. The site and landscape plans must be revised to show positive drainage away from the structure. 8. A construction staging plan must be submitted with the building permit application. 9. A fire sprinkler system is required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002). A monitored fire alarm system is also required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002). 10. Roof overhangs shall not extend more than four feet into a setback (i.e. southwest corner) {-p l^t"""",, ",""" 't:tl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Irail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r36 FAX 970479-2452 www.vailgov.com lf pu have any qusstions or comments, pleasa feel ftee to contact me at (970) 479.2173. Sincerely, 4zle.'- 22. -a-+ Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Torn of Vail f,fo.r.uo^.o L0[u t?l]l Transmittal lbr Bill Gibson, Planner, Tqm of Vail Com. Dev. Gc: Konrad and Monika Obedohr, John Martin FmE Jefhey P Manley AlA, Drbr 8/1612005 Rc Oberlohr Residene, 2199 St Moritr Way, Lot 6, Vail Heighb $ttlr Updated DRB set wifir Response b Comments Bi[, I am submitting updabd drawings that are more complete and respond b the comments sent to us August 10, 2005. Plese copy he board on he more comdete elevations. Response to he Staff Comrnenb: 1 . There are rcctangles on he ddve and wihin the garages hd depir:t the required pa*ing sizes. 2. The limit of disfurbance fencing has been revised in location tc enclose all landscape/distrbed areas. 3. The written letbr of consent shall be spplbri at building permit submithl br grading ong adjacent Lot 5 site. 4. A Sib Specfic @ologbal InveslQation shall be conrplebd by Koechlein Consuhing Engineers and submitbd with tle Building Permit submittal. 5. Stamped engineer dra\flings br the 6'-0' boulder retaining uralls shall be submitted witr the Building Permit submitbl. 6. The erosion confol inicrmation has been added to he site plan, sheet A1. 7. The positit/e drainage away frorn he building notation and drainage anows have been added to the site phn, sheet A1. 8. A onsfiuciion staging phn shall be submitFd with the BuiHing Permit submittal. 9. A note describing the fire sfinkler system and alailt sysbm to meet NFPA 13R and 72 has been added b the site plan, sheet 41. 10. The roof overhangs have been adjusted trc be wiftin the allowed 4'{' pnjection beyond the sebacklim. . Page 'l XCEL SUMI"IIT CTY Fax:970262405? Jui 26u t / z-t/ zuu! LE: 2J r,^t r7or73t? JOIIN C IARTIN uTruTY ITFIOYTL r rEtIFIortIOil 2005o otu Ftpt+<. ?fs(pEslc€ Ailhorind ltlqflurr CcrEiTr0ir P.02 Oos E#o ?.trr\ lr' lf F-flgrp Ycriry ot|t trc p|lFrd |il|proi,tntcntr uil n6c ifiFd.w edsunll or praposcd ur:frty *lvioE',rrE rl$ E Yefirt rcwE arlbbilty rtrd htbn fof nal wrstrurtbn and rhculd bc trcd in corliufidlon h,ith {??ting Pu.l.uolity Flrh_and rthiullry insbllatfom. A EIE plin, ir{rr.ding gradirlg pten, tut iEn, arrd eletarh"o,rnrs E ilDmillql b thc ftIocn?E Lfiltb h ammrrl and vrrittotion, QstSr 970.4€E#72(hx)fontld:siltTohr 970.'t68.6€6o ,asd str.rp 9t0,tef,086 IGlt }[CH mliqnE arigru-ec2.,lolE (!cl) t7O.l68-UOL (fil) Conerl Rkhrrd Ssl!r!6 HOtt Glo6B Ercfttc tt0-*r7.5.8s (!?t) e?o+.S-rmr (tu) ContrG: i'llkr trlltolic rcE ErfEtcY 970.4cl.r4or (frr) f.onte<ts: fftfqnntto.?6,li0l?c Jim O'|Gd 97O.261.{Ooi tlctEllvtrI^rtrrsrul/rTloil DIsTrtCt 97'D.476.7480 (d) 97o-r76.{Ge (ru) cc|rhctt trbrbn P|rrlgs GOilC/rcTCatt-E 970.468-?6fl1 x tlz (td) Iro.'l6t-Z6zz (hx) CmH: Sradloy Dorer w JAMS florlEtnl 1. Il d,9 sttlty tpp.ffif a wffcrton brm ha3 rig?ra0.mt frEn €.Glr of OE utilfty @mnsnaG, and rrc csnmerrts qra m*le (tlt*uy on tne fbl'li, Ota Td,rtt trll gr*unc $rt llsn rtl no'pohlcnrs rrd the dcroloP nsrt can grrrecd, I If 1..tttillV _glrnpeny har concclns wlilr 6r: propord GBn*uctbn, ti: udllty rrpnsanEtlvc $r[ no{c dl|lffly ontho tlttW *ttllatlon lbnn thlt thcr is a Drobi.m gftldl ncdr to h r".ohrd. lia'sue shouh then h dctatldd inan ilrEied lctsct tD thc Tmrr pf yafl. Howarcr, pleasa fcp in mhd rfirt fr ir fp rEEFntiulkt !f fic l'jlltycllhFlt rnd the ipCkant to tlsohrE ldcntltled Drub[srt3. 3. Tte Ernictuoar tb lEt rdaEr€ the on?irsbrof tfie respanrdHtrily b ottrh I prruic Wey Fcrmit thom tlrcDgnmneil ot PlSllc Wofti rt lt? Tiln of Valt. t tilis hcafiiru mua'b obtrlncOlrtore4idginE in any publtc right of-rvry or eosemcnt nilhin ttrc Town c vair. r neo - *EiraEM The Dcruhpe b rcqui7€tl aad lgncs b ruhnt rny ruvird dnxdngs b tlu udldes lor reapprwal & r+rerlfrcadon ifthc fllbtrrntd Cdtt rrc iftlrcd ln any rnf :lbr th€ rsrfiorued ognrnra dqn lunlcss othcn isc sFcfl(eny notEdrrrdfln ttre orilEnt ilE d drie fcrm). PDse 8 of l3pgOU0S LY CR0SS TNERGY roElr c uaRrrNoo urruw APPRoYAI l vrnracrrron O IF Tt*-*"q to tE tfy thatthc proposed lmpronerrrerrB wrll not impact ary edsdng or propced vtilW servles,Em u5o E vErqt s.ryh. rvdhWry rn l locrtbn ficr nfl @nitructbn ard Ehguld be rts€d irn conJundon wltb 9PFII! ]P*^,rfi]]ty plan aryt xtreduling inslblhtioDs A slB plan, indldtng gradiDg pbn, fior ptan, anrt etaadons, sna,, ne suDfn ned tD the tullou,irE rfiltix br amrcvat and nrf,letbn A$thcrEod ES#.?c- lUL. 22. 2005 J 2 : 00Pl{rar ptfi0 QWE9r 970.468{67t(fax) GnEcis: Sam Tmley 970.4€8,6860 Jason Shlrp 97O,3B4.0ZSE XCEL }IIG}I PREBSUR,E GAg 92,"254.fl!76 (El)g7o{dl-lc0r (tso Conbcti Rlchard Slsnerc ]IOLYCAESS TI,.EGTRIG rr0"9+7d43s (trl) 97C-9.rs<O81 (rd,o coDEdrlltkqltffFE XEELilAIfrTYlt"o^ 970.d1€8.!ltt1 (fax) Canbcls; Kfr,EEry'aft9m2e2.4$21 Jim O'ned 970.252.qn3 EA€I.^E RIYERWATER, A SAilTTATIOiI DTSTTBGT 97o.476,748CI(E|t) 97O,476.4t18S (Fax) ConEct: Maflan PhdFr goifc SrGAE|-E 970.468,2569 x 112 (tel) s70,a€6-2672 (fax) 6ntact. Br€dley DorEts' ff;^*,": ft b'Ert+', trzfs$,-,e-7q'E +{ id'r,,"te/ i "-ra vl - NU. )J I P.2 Ed os Cofirfi6ntt fuFrcqe. ?EsrFepc. D*e IfOTES;ffi "anv apprrnral & ve,rillcation brm tE dgnaons harn eacn of the stifqr @nrpani€$, arrd no snrnents 6ne made dircdy on the form, tfieTorrrn wlll preeume thaEtherc ars naproblarns arrd thederelopment can proced. ?. If a {Jtilty cornFany lras concems whh the propmed' coflIfuctbn, B're uttlity rtpr€senEtive shatl note dtredy on the tJtlliv !€tincaqon brm that drere is a pobterD wnkh nccds b be fshred. Th€ issue should tfien be detalted ln sn rtbdled leGtr E thc Tolrm of Vefl. Hourevar, pblfe keep in mind tfiat ft is tl1e resFansibllity of tjre udny comgany and ti€ Epplicaft b resolye ktefitfied FrEblems. 3. Tttes wrfflcatlora do not rdicrn th3 contracbr of Ore r€qFnrlHfity b obtah E Publk tiiry Pcrrflit l'rom the Dcp61b|Ent of Public worttr Et tte Town of vail. u6liv leFettor6 must be obtalncd betbEdioging in any pubtlc fight- sf{Ey or eEsetnent wifhin tf|€ Town of Va[. A buildtno permft ii.rEt a Public l,Itav pennit and mU etraFbElv. The OEt ebper b required and agrens to submit any revts€d {tawilEs b tira uEltfcs hr r*approwl & re-vertllotion if tfie ruhnlffed plaru Era all$ed In any lwy eftrr thc eutJrorfzcd EirgnafiJrc date (unless oftenflise speoli'calfy nobtl uf,lllnthe comrnstarea qf filsfofin). Fagc E of 13/D6l0B/05 Jul-?l-200t 10:43 Frqn-ERflSD QffiST e70.{€8'06Z(rc) ContrGtS: Sl'n f@tsf 9?lD..f6&6850 .lasn Sharp 97oa84.OUtB H0LYcilosrE|ccrRlc 970+17-8',35 (Et) 97O€45-+S1(tbr0 Conett lilltE Mlkolk XCELEIEiGY 9?Oit58.t{O1(h0 &fl6: Ki. Gog3rt 9t02El,.r0il+ Jtm o'ned 9?0.e6:1.{003 EA6LE BN'EI.WATER. } STTSTATIOII DESTnICT eru.47l7i80 (tr[) s70.475,{009 (tb) Contac! ltlulan Phelps GoI|CASTfrnr Elo.{i58-?g69 x 1Ul(Et) em.{5s2572 (b0 CofitE{U.B|rrll6y Dor6 rcErrtcrfrrEtt RScAt e7o2tu,p,76 (Et) 3zl (A7 aJ( 07017610Se o T-158 p.0!8/00r F-rs6 lmurr Ap?rovAr r, vlnlFtcAailt o FaF Wfie. pas ryarl SfnrIE_P_E!ry ttlgq qE PrlFGd tnprocmcnrr wtll not lmpact arv Grrlury or proposod t|unry svrrs,aflI as b Ery tervlee a\tdlau[ttlnd bcacbn fur nqr onructorr'ild $bukt Oc r.rsed'in bniundo{r'wtth ffiJlnq f"_Ul{ry qhnJtr tdr!4!lE hiltbtioEs.. A sb pbq tnornng griaing plan, fisr ptan, n d lh,rdo1s,sDail De subnttu b r're folbwing dftser fur appmual and rcr{lcatbn 97(H€8-1.f01 (WJ rtLq?l/o ps. ConEcb RHradStsTEE ConrJrrcnqAuftortldgtq|rffir Edr HdlE$t t If UtF dilry lmqFl & vcrfioEon hnrr hE sbluhlrrs fioF clch of SE u0tty crnpantsr, rnd rp srlrnerfts are medc dFtily on tfic fpnn, tlp Torvn wll pcsrrn tlnt tttere arc nof,oUrng and trg dirlgt$ingrt 6n p|ocE .{. 3. If a--1t$w.pfiFary h|l gnqrns wth thc profctt cr*uCirn, tte ut'lity r€p]€3rfiEtfirt shafl rcts diredy on$e 'rdllV verlfiotlan frrm firrt Orcr! h a poblem whldr needs b be rcsohd. Ttie barc rhorjld then be dfrFd hen at|adlcd hGr b tE T6fln d v!il. l{circvcr, phare lqp h mhrl |'|!t ft ts ttre resporibfllty d E|. utilVccilirFrv and thcappllanttq rcrnhp ldenttiod proHffi. 3' Tt€re Yrrltbtlorc do not Tdieve UrG contracbr of Fre r*prulbslfy b 6bdn I publk \ ,ry p|fmt ft'om tfic DcrlarunGnt of PublE Wqf|n at ttrc Tun of Vr[, l4fiV bcadqEmu*, be ohhi4ed-Fc.frG ardorm in any pbtic righr-dlrvayor cslEnt sitr|in urc Town dwd. * Fgtlttna4rE fd;P'lbilc i@iil be'obiarr€c - 6aFredJ. The DqGloper F lecuLld Erd rgrc to rubl_nR any nilisgd drlry',ln$ E th. uEflser ftr rFappru,/at & rkverificatton il th_e rubrnltE plaru an rtEq{ [ ary uE]' eb tfii rr.rthofirrrf dsfrhtn rh (untes crjriiisc spcllclty noteclwilhfn {hc Frn{rtlrtlrE *trts Ormj, PtgcB of tBl06,lOBloS NO.827 P.3/5 lgus O*rr. ^o*oyAr r ve.,,,crrr 'r? ruu rp fte f hs rpe+rr Thls bnn s.n €s b ycffty thrt c|. FrEFsed fnporrrncnH wlll ril lmFS any dddng or.poporcd udllty ryices, and clso b ycfifv flrutcd ryflhhlili srrd tc@ftin fof nftv EnrtnFlbn lnd shouH be tH E odunctlon $,iln plcftl|ll )our dUfq pFn ond cCrrirrline trsUltuona A ENt FlEn, Indtdlng gredtng Ptan' floor plan, and elaDuonE, dpl bea&mftbdb E|chflouf'E u[Err tbrppovd ardwrlfrtatbn. ruL.25.eBASlf 6:41Ptq gTTCI RVON COLO JOEIT G I{ARTIN authldtrt f,huotE 9soe!tr pf$+ QrnEST 970,rr68{671,(lbx) Coftbctrl srmToEy 9?0.460.5850 .bson Slulp 970,3+t.0e|t rcSt xrtBHPnGrnBl|uoAi -rF< # e7o.26L{O76 (td) 970.{68-1.n1 (hx) Gnhc| RlchadsBnrtoe HOIYGNGEELECNIG 970.ff7{'+35(rd) 97s.9+H08r (rn) conhct ntke ltlh{lc TGFLEl{ERgT 9;41.468.1401 (tx) cantftit! l(h gogaa 970J61q034 Jlm O'rFal 9?o.26Za00f IISLERN'ENWITER 1 . sffrrtrrronDlfiil(lf 90,r76,7'f80 (Et) ItO.476.rt0tO (bx) Cont96 f&rlan FtdFr cotfct$f orFt! 40.{6tB'26m r l:E' (t||lffi#iffiS$'r, @-@\::T'os_-^__Jo\nn Fe.rretU se,:tl^ lol line :. dra,sfefl (ol-de -9/,4.Ngrs r, rr ulc uurfry approrat & riltErfion brm rrar signlhJigd?ofi'&h4f ttffufllii'Bftfiaf,df"fin ronrna$r rre nipde iipctt on'g;A;; tH}onn rlll preErnc-trat Sreraarc nogsbhne anc'ttre dernbpmatt can proced, ?. If a wtillty compsny hat corremr ufit the F[DP6Ed coniiudion, me uUllCY nprglc]ffi]lrc $".J ,!oE d-Fqy!.n f.n ,rih/ ''4ifidffi'iqlnt di;{ t#r€ ti i pro,fkn'*,tx*t n*t to li '€3otvea.' Tlia trsrre dnuld thcn bc fttancd h an rnrdroC fem O itri'fown of vail, 'HourErtr, ptca* lrccp tn mlnd $Bt it lE ft€ raepomilrillil of dle uglEy comPtny rnd $c +F$clnt tr |Efidrre klcnffied p|oElrme, l. ThGG yGrincadoff do noq llfi€y€ Ere GDhtncbr of ttc nspoo.iblllty to oDEln a. PubllcWav P"Tlt F! FS Oecrrilcnt "r PuHIc wortrs-atdF-Ttrn or vi1, uqlt' hFitil ;"61 b" 9!t44d.h4+-Cj!tl+Ee 11.11-g1l-.jc ttenn ofi*av or ascm"nr t nrrin il iiwit*'Gir.- I'tgEl!!fu. Tlre Dwe6per ts rqury6 p;d tgrtcs pr flbmt ilV lrvllEd dravr,lngs F m uq|d$ for fr.apFotral & t?verifrcauon ll dJsrUm-nfii praril"]i lnff& fiiny-rti'ddti lnuroradBIfi,bffitr (lnlcrsotlrerwlsespeanoWrmea whilln tllcqnrr$ilu ol$E tprm), PaE6 I C 13/06/08/05 27- 7-a5 ! 1O:13AM;!S WEST 07/22/z0OS It:0o qwE r 970,458-0672(hx) @ntacts: sam Toley 970,.f68,68G0 JttrSh.t4ref34€z39 XCET HIGH PRESI'REG^S 970.252,{076 (tel) 9?0{68-1{01 (fu) Conbctt Rlctard Sisnera6 N@YCROSSS.ECIR:IC 970-947-s43s (rEt) 970-945*+081 (fd,() Contact: Mlkc Mlkallc XCEL ET{ERCY 970.468.1$1 (f.r) Contacts: Klt Bogaftt0.26a.qoz'? Jim O'erl 97o.262,{{xl3 €AGTC RTT'ER IVATERA DtstRrct e70.+76.7@ (d> e70.476,4089 (fuo Conbd Marlan PhelFi AOHGISTGAHE 970.458-2669 x 112 (tel) 970,.f6&'2672 (far) Contad: Bradley Ebraas Comments Dlt. Lo-J_ 6. VArLFt 6Gl*tl Fu ,r1#'1 €T f*ea-r-T"- wF-'fdK rttrtr Flr.g1orn? {oEr e &$rrN o uTIUTY APPnOYIL r WrrrrCrrZOU 4 ;97046€O672 * 2/ 2 @os Authorlz.d Sldnfriri NOIES: f , If Og tdllty approval & veriFetion brm has signatur€s frqrr carlt of E € uttary corpanies, arrd no onncnE arc t?tade diTdy on Src brm, the Town witl presrme ttrat lhere are neprcbhns arrd ttre ttenelopment can pmceed. ?.- If ?."UtitV gotnpany has concerns wlltr the propc€d cdrsrnrtbn, BE utiltty represenEtire shall noE diGcdy on the utjlitv verification form that l'|erc lr a problem whtc.h necdr rD be resotved.' n'e Csrre should ttren Ue oetatl& tn an otdtcd letrlr to the Town d Vall. Horivenrer, plean karp In mlnd that it is UE responsiblllty of the fflity cDfnFary and the appn€nt to resohrc ldenllfied problems. 3- Ttcsc rerlfi'atiom do not relier= the contractpr of the rcspndHllty b obtain r Public Way Pcrmlt ftom the Departrrient of Publfc Wofl<s at |tre Town of Va0. utilitute&rs mu# b obtaln_ea before drrohg in any publk right-ofrrry or easemcnt wlfirln the Town of Va[. n butHiil oermn f nst a puOuc wat perrfitk and muft b" bictr|ed - Seoaratrty. The Developer F requitEd and agtlca !o submit any revised drawings b Ute ttlides br raapproml & re-.verification ifttn llmntcd plans are altered in any way after the auhoraca agnatue dab (unlass otreriifse specrh@tly noted wltfiln the cornment arE of this furm). Feeuo*<. ?Es@qrr mF F* seNes tD verfry that the poposcd amFrovcments lvill not finpact any exnrting or proposed utfllty serat-s, and abo tD YertFy service avallabllEy ard lg@tton for nerr consbudon and grouH Ue ised'in bnjunction withp.*PtttE Pu.iudllty Ohn and sctredullng lnstailations. A slts plan, tndudlng grading pla4 flor ilan, and elcvatfons, shall F submitH b d|e full('iltng rfiltties for apgrorral qd rrcrificatbn. P69e 8 of t3lO6,lB/OS +*'tl'*****+*tf**********f*lr******lt't+*+*,t**+**f***+********t**{r**+{.******+**+f+*f*if++******+++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statem€nt****+i**'t*ri**f*f++{'***t****l+***+l**++++++*f**'}'}***+*************++++t*it*'}*******+******** Statement Nunber: R050001140 ]{nrount: $550.00 07/26/2OO5O5:09 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LrC Not,ationr *503/MONII(A OBERIJOHR Permit. No: DR8050355 T)4)e 3 DRB - New Construction Parcel No: 2103 -114-0103 -7Site Addresa3 2179 ST MORITZ WY VAIL IJocat,ion 3 2L79 ST . MORITZ $IY Total Feee: $550.00This Palment: $650.00 Total AlIr PmtE: $550.00Balance: $0.00+***+********+a***+++*t*'t*****a*l*+**++*+**+*+++l+*****ft+**********+**+**************+*++++ ACCO{JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmta DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGIN RII'IEW FEES 650.00 @og04104/2000 15:51 Ft,J 5704772257 Mar 21 00 10:55a Gregory nrntoef faetzo p.2 JOEII G TARTIN :\EZI<3dx. |JJ L-JmFC<n \\ $$. NN :+: il)s )/ \ ii -*l\,Q t--\\ N tr?$lY NIilX a->-/+r: 04/04/2008 L5:.53 FAX, 97047 ]'1FR-1?-AG 4lr 4-ffi FF[I'lrrrg*lrF trvrl grlt5, ar. Jr-r r!-t, 722o .-r. e.-d .--. .-{ seeasss c7 JOEN G UARTIN Bol P.? }{|lErEg'tJa. R.AaElBrf cRlTloa to 7.E FAR, Fi'T'Oi!{A!€E Fl-f€Etcx? E€08F"fft{f*tD 4)oe 2T ETT.DEFg TI?ICA 9RAFIF€n/N fr AX:EFIIL FRST l"O' F{nDtur.TrEFl9L +.FIC DRAIH INt'€tl'.o' !{A€|GD FoCF a FfLlEt F^geE4P/^lx rL lrAYlkra{t o€coo0eoooc ooooo0ooo co0Icoo!toIo ooItra ooIcooo Doo 0c0oooo I.AYEA'K gAlE lZ|.tl\Q' tal9tR Grahrrt UILL Dtr LflF-Olfr tEt|9.iEg ?IIEI .L FE;UfiZ IAYvl\n-,ctLow r|]f,r-fltrtbl ary o @ .-a .t Cnr 04/04/2006 L5:5s FttX 57047722J7 JOIN G UARTIN &or ttl Fax Gos lL BIGr'.^n-Tomd\fdPbner Fu! &hnGlhit-Atdtfuct E UTM h tutfr-Ld6,\rbf HeAtlts. 21$St iloritsWly, SlrpleFrnlyRdlerEg f|* DRBApplcfin-Rcpts3bmitbflig Thl h itdg dGnEn6n that |ecpnds b lE||l3 6 !t! 7 of he slafi tgvhr, &H llrEh 31, 2qn P"-firdffi*r|: 1. A slilnd .ttriE€td tlEwlttg br 'ttshhe uCb gtEd [s" 4 Fet lEelt Thb &bf u,l & b lzbd m Ep studrd drarhgs st ttru of pgttft glbmild' Z A wlin carent lisn the w|g d tlt 5 b grdlle dtb poperty- Thr mpdld7 b TlcrrtHl.s{d I rn tp rclftctbe a'mle-frnily luJss dewbpnslm td H as rld r Ld a rtb e€ s.frnnLE br mB 4pmal oe hos *rBiJ[u frr UE t|o bb ]d Monby Agrf lO U\te vil be derleq*E in tcEEs st'tHtt fu thce ttrc G tur Ld 6 uii:n u,il Hrds ttl *e dltffiy c s€f a the mfiahd g* uhhn crF fie lot llt A rritgt qtsent wa b deuebped s prt of fiat re €catfit d ild nrg. AltrdErbnrH aebertg blencat!dor bdttheCivflEnghe€t€d Grditg Pbl sudl rr 0e AdrHrd Sb Pbn. l/ll9 tFF b havc d tre llrHr|3 :teSverdb yat fitlattfr|g\i/Atday rsflrE AFr 5 pbb t|e DRE meefrtg- .PTrl o4/04/2008 Mar 21 06 10:544 l5: d$ F|LX 5704772257 Grcgory Amadenf Construction Gradlng Agrecrnent .Tc Cq ?il|! h D JOIN G IIARTIN @oz u888126 p.1 EIlGbeon-T*ndtHFbnr l(onrad Oberlohr- outtcr, Ld 6, $t liotiz Warqcg Arn€den - AlilS llerdopncnt- Decloper b t'at 6. Sa' l||oft f'\'ry John g ifadn - AtElr.H' 3rt3ril06 tot6' vail HrbFrtr FrrrE 1, sL ilcdz\l&y' sirubFamly Reirbnce tuY\ tit6qrb Lil5-ilnEr 'AilS Deuegr-n( hc.' (Gnsory ft' Amtcirn, PrFi.lcnt) b Prcid npn{arfr lhe owlrrl i/lre & ogrEmsr:-lotai3rdli4ydnlb,ila t|-c-Lots-hl orql rrn=oen. fi€cEqlae(b€rcprneilt att cort$ndbn cqtlors # tre *nsrg, underttrnrb thst !e Sb Plan and gvil Eqlrteamg Han frup mrergudbr of rcnrad Omfssingb€mry rddenco on t-ot 6 d€ly sttos gtfrtg ;.nEi-ttrE vlia o*s tlr eouhitr troFty tUrs of t ot O ild s$rrr mb lot 5 tt'|lil tbFitg d tle rgtgn |EI ot tlE lErV @r?bEd Lot 5 dupl*' Greg Anrfrn urrder:tsnde rtstfhe g1-i€ d hb sca mrlst be renffst€d e!.*loin In oRler b go;d! ggL .iatrgg. lio- bofi df and Urat Ura g.adng doee not tr any way *tact tuItr the dtsiddaigndue [c5i4let r olAilS Danloprmrq lnc. . Ey qlro b tE plop€Gd gr.frig Elrr'n on Sib Banjr0o Cltl grg|r|€lfr Pbn- //o*,. 3/t4/na a ttge 1 oo LlGl{Tlt lG FIXTURE gAl'lPLEg LI6HT FIXTURE "4" },.IALL MOUNTEP FIXTURE "THE 6REAT OUTDOORS" !4ODEL +OO-qO6O BAY HILL sERIE5 ANTIGUE BROME ALUMINUM /SEEDED 6L455 15.15" H. X 6', n. X6.15" D. LIA+T FIXTURE ''8" CEILING RECES1ED CAN I4ODEL NOT 5HOI^{N St d NLb.t AOnb hirrrr Rdlcuc hn Mms lnclh -of- [onrad&MonihOhrlohr tot tr Vdl Hcittb, tiliry I ITeScllcitsWrY VCloolarb odql Rnir 07-25-S l[FFlir zoNE cHECK - t. IDttci ^ll5/ 0r Lcgal dcscription: Lor 6 _ Block .- Fiting Grr cr-----o.L<ala]Lr__ I r^l;,-l f ', % ruul|rru-r.- -t^lr* lfle,+Jr a _% Zo n c d is rii ct___Ia_:lZa Lotsizc-2i.'zt<,t % Addrcss Total GRFA Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc Brrildablc Allorvcd = '7,277 Proposcd + 4bt1 Total 5?11= 18''ll Rcmainirfg zrtlifiz3 Existin e Sitc Covcragc Hciglrt Scrbacks Landscaping Rctai nin g \\tall Hciglts Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics wirb TOV Ligbting Oniinanc" Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l i50%) i/Encloscd to' Proposcd Stopc .*q gzo 3,1r7 (3oG) Front Sidcs Rcar ill O7o _ 3',G Lt/ \p En r.ironm cnta l4Iez' rds 4) Watcr Course Setback (30) (50) p/a 5) Ccologic Hazards . "a) Snorv Avalanchc rl,r I i Pro,ious conditions of approval (clhccl: propcrty filc); Is thc propcrty non-con forming? il ,t ,il IIIi ,{ + 31tf.---.F- .' 20' I a.'tJ .| a,t". \- lztza* Setqbt, 794/C .4t= \;tt{ ZIi ,.) New Consiructioi Application for Design Review Department of C,ommunity Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tsl: 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design re\riew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval Hat is requested. An application for Design Revian cannot be accepted until all requircd informaton is received by the Gommunity Development Department. fie project may also need to be revie$red by tfie Torvn Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design twiew apprcval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction comnrences within one year of the approval. Physical Addrcss: p1rse1yt,, 2103 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): r0t4nm tuLY. c(0r,6104 Location ofthe Proposal: Lot; Owner(s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs tr ConceptJal Review & New Construction'tr Mdition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (singlefamily/du plo<) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr S€paration Request ssslo tnoa&EI \r --! $50 Plus $1,00 per squar€ foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construdion of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes b buildings and site improvements, sudl as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landraping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans Design Review Board. No Fee already approved by Planning Staff or the u+ 0lo3Q Name of Applicant: For Office mcDJUL252005 E.7,It -lr * .;. a Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 31, 2006 John Martin, Architect PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Oberlohr-2199 St. Moritz Way/Lol 6, Vail Heights Dear John, The Town Staff has reviewed the most recent revisions to the design review applicatibn for the new Oberlohr residence located at 2199 St. Moritz Way. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. A 4 foot concrete pan with 2 inch invert must be installed between the driveway and St. Mortiz way. 2. The driveway design must be adjusted to have a minimum radius of 15 feet. 3. The limits ol disturbance fence must be adjusted to enclose all grading and construction. 4. ldentify the bottom-of-wall elevatisn for the rear patio wall (can not exceed 6 feet in height). ldentily the top-of-wall and bottom-of-wall elevations for the boulder wall adjacent to Lot 5. 5. The combination retaining walls must be adjusted to have a minimum bench width of 4 feet. 6. Stamped, engineering drawings must be submitted tor all retaining walls greater than four feet in height, combinations walls, and concrete walls tied to boulder walls. 7. Written consent from the owners ot Lots 5 and 7, Vail Heights must be submitted lor any grading on their property. ll you haVe any questions or comments, please feel free to conlact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4.rl-2.- Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail I RECYCLAD PAPER 22. -.L+- s