HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 1 LOT 4 LEGALProject Name:BUTNER RESIDENCE Project Description: NEWELEVATOR Participants: ·•/ntqm(JW1~IDT 4-, .blt-/ Design Review Board ACTIO NFORM Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 te l:970.4 79.2139 fax :970.479.2452 web :www.ci.vail.co .us DRB Number:DRB040495 OWNER BUTNER,DAVIDE. 100 WESTHAVEN CIR WINSTON SALEM NC27104 APPLICANT BUTNER,DAVIDE. 100 WESTHAVEN CIR WINSTON SALEM NC27104 Project Address:2664 LARKSPUR LN VAIL 09/17/2004 09/17/2004 Location: LegalDescription:Lot:4Block:1Subdivision:VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S Parcel Number:2103-143-0101-8 Comments:INCOMPLETE APPLICATION BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Planner:Bill Gibson Action:WITHDRWN DateofApproval: DRBFeePaid:$20.00 I·,-,-.•Mi norEx terior A,tera tas Application for Design Review ,Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75 South FrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.4 79 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 .web :www.vailgov.com RECEIVED ,,' General Information: All projects requiring design r eviewmustreceive approval prior t o sUbm:tting a building permit application .Please refer t o th esubmitta l requireme ntsfor ,theparticular approva l t hat is requested.A>l app lication fo r DesignReview cannotbeaccepted until allrequiredinformationis receivedby the Commun ity Deve lopmen t Departmen t.The projectmay alsoneed t obereviewed bythe T ownCouncil and/or thePlanning andEnvironmental Commission. D esig n revi ew approval l apses unless abu ilding p erm it i si ss ued and construction comm encesw ithin on e y ear of t he approval. Description of the Request:~t s;d e e n do5 e d el l}vator Ii J r To t rov /de.),Q.nd/ca...p 4ulli 'for oW ne r t o p rlwdc h ",m e. 'A Subdivision:_VQ-."""-;....I~...............'-'--''-'-'-'~'-=-'-'''.......J.-__ L CJ,.l7e E,Butner-])Gvid Location of the Proposal:Lot:4 Block:I Physical Address:;)!a c,t.J Lar5'iput- I :;{O 9/1/3 (),0 I g (Contact Eag le Co.Asses sor a t97 0-328-8640 f orparcel no.) pis J Name(s)of Owner(s): Parcel No.: E-ma il Address : Mailing Address: ~~: E B utn er, 6106 /V~"i Co 8 /IoS8' ________________Phone:9 7 LJ I-J 'l &!-)5'7 7 Fax:-----------'--------------- Ty pe of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o NewConstruction o Addit ion o ""i nor Alteration (mu lti-fam i ly/commercial) ~Alter ation (sing le-family/duplex) o ChangestoAp provedPlans o Separation Request $50 1\0 Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 NoFee Plus $1.00 persquarefoot of total signarea. For constr uction of a newbUilding or demo/rebuild. Foran add itio n where square footage isadded t oany residentialor commercial buildin g (i ncludes 250 additions &interiorconversions). For m inor changesto buildingsand siteimp rovements,suchas, r eroofing,painting,w indow additions,landscaping,f encesand ret aining walls,etc . Forminorchanges to buildingsand siteimprove ments,such as, rero ofing ,painting,windowaddit io ns,landscaping,f encesand reta ining wall s,etc. For r ev isions t oplans alre ady appro ved byPlanning Staff or the Design Review Board. \ \ \ ~§:~f~:,~\~~~~i ';~;;;~~\;~~.~~!~~~ Pa ge1 o f 12/04/28 /04 .\,•• *********************************.********************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************•••*********••*********************.*************.*************.********** Statement Number: Payment Method: R040006677 Amount:$20.00 Cash 09/17/200410:05 AM Init:JS Notation:$/DAVID BUTNER Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB040495 Type:DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 210314301018 2664 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2664 LARKSPUR LANE This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees: Total ALL ifrnts: Balance: $20.00 $20 .00 $0 .00 *****.*********•••*********.**************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 De scription DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20 .00 ..,•UTILITY APPROVAL s,VERIFICATION • Th is formservestove rify that theproposedimprovementswillnotimpactanyexisting orproposedu tilityservices, and alsotoverify serviceavailab ility andlocationfornew constructionandshouldbe used in conjun ction with pr eparing youruti lity plan andscheduling installations.Asite plan,includinggradingp lan,floorplan,andelevations, shallbe submitted tothefollowing utilities f orapproval andverification.. I Authorized Signature Comments 3 :~oom7 ____CJ -(2-<ir P-ku-~k.&r;arf ok ~44 ~ ~~L \ GI1/Zy fiJ&t;~U LS .~r--7'''-------I 6 )<£M/#~&:?LL 9/9/04 V if .'I lAtA.~q-L2/rfl QWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Carrington 970.468 .6860 JasonSharp 970.384.0238 i EXCEL HIGH PRESSUREGAS 970.262.4076 (te l) Contact :Rich Sisneros HOLYCROSS ELECTRIC 970.949 .5892 (tel) 970.949.4566(fa x) Contact:,.ed Ilus1\v EXCELENERGY 970 .262.4038 (fa x) Contacts: •Kit Bogart970.262.4024 .JimO'neal 970.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER &. SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact:FredHaslee COMCASTCABLE 970.949.1224 x112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact :FloydSalazar NOTES: 1.If theut ility approval &verifica tion formhassignat ures fromeachof th eutilitycompanies,andnocommentsare madedirectly ont hef orm,theTownw ill presume th at therearenoproblems andth e deveiopment canpro ceed. 2.If aut ility companyhasconcernswiththeproposed construction,the utility representative shallnotedirectlyon the utility verificationform that there isaproblemwhichneedstoberesolved.Theissue shouldthenbedetailed in anattached letter totheTown of Vail.However,pleasekeepinmind that itistheresponsibility of theutility companyandthe applicant toresolveidentifiedproblems.,- 3.These verifications donotrelieve thecontractoroftheresponsibility to obtain aPublicWayPermitfromthe Department of PublicWorksattheTownofVail.Utility locations mustbeobtained before digainginanypublicright- of-wayoreasement within theTown of Vail.Abuildingpermit isnotaPublicWay permit andmustbeobtained separately. , Th eDeveloper isrequiredandagrees tosubmit anyrevised drawi ngs tot he util ities for re-a pproval &re-verifica tion if th esubmitted plans arealteredin anyw ayaftertheauthorized signature date(u nless otherwise specifically noted wi thin thecommentareaof this form). Developer's Signature Date • NOTESTOALL APPliCANTS •.. ; Pre-application Meeting Apre-applicationmeetingwithTownofVailstaff is encouraged.Thepurposeofapre-applicationmeetingisto identifyanycriticalissuespertainingtotheapplicant'sproposalandtodeterminetheappropriatedevelopment reviewprocessforanapplication.Inmany cases,thepre-application)meetinghelpstoexpeditethe developmentreview process as crttlcal issues areidentifiedanddealtwithinthepreliminary stages.Apre- applicationmeetingmaybe scheduled bycontactingJoeSutherat970.479.2128 orjsuther@vailgov.com Time Requirements The Design ReviewBoardmeetsonthe1stand3rd Wednesdays of each month.Acompleteapplication form, andallaccompanyingmaterialmustbeacceptedbytheCommunityDevelopment Departmentpriorto applicationdeadlines.A schedule of DRB meetingsand associated applicationdeadlinesmaybefoundonthe WorldWideWebatwww.vailgov .com Foranewresidentialdevelopment,theapplicationdeadlineistypically 3.5weekspriortoaDesign Review Boardhearing. Review Criteria . Theproposalwillbereviewedfor compliance with the Design Guidelines assetforthinTitle12,(Zoning Regulations)andTitle14(DevelopmentStandards)of theTownof Vail Municipal Code . Requirements for properties located in hazard areas Ifa propertyislocatedinoradjacenttoamappedhazardarea(i.e.snow avalanche,rockfall,debrisflow, floodplain,wetland,poorsoils,etc.),theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayrequireasite-specific geologicalinvestigation.If asite-specific geological investigationdeterminesthatthesubjectpropertyislocated inageologicallysensitivearea,thepropertyowner(s)mustsignanaffidavit recognizing thehazardreportprior totheissuanceofabuildingpermit.Applicantsarestrongly encouraged toconsultwith Community Development staff priortosubmittinga DRB applicationtodeterminetherelationshipofthepropertytoall mappedhazards.. Required Plan Sheet Format Forallsurveys,siteplans,landscape plansandothersiteimprovementplans,allofthefollowlnq mustbe shown. 1.Plan sheetsizemustbe24"x36".Forlargeprojects,largerpian size maybeallowed. 2.Scale .Theminimumscaleis1"=20'.Allplansmustbeatthesame scale. 3.Graphicbarscale. 4.Northarrow. 5.Titleblock,projectname,project address andlegaldescription. 6.Indication ofplanpreparer,address andphonenumber. 7.Datesoforiginalplanpreparationandallrevisiondates. 8.vidnity maporlocationmapatascaleof 1"=1,000'orlarger. 9.Sheetlabelsandnumbers. 10.Aborderwithaminimumleftsidemarginof1.5". 11.Namesofalladjacent roadways. 12.Plan legend. ",-I .~.•• ZJa v/d F.,8vlne T..;/If;p);'c.an f;tJ;'Il te- re?/e s£:nfed.};/L~r7 E5!<W Jfh J A 1t y. '/2 <J E.wtl-rd s 4 C(~.,5 Rd 5/A.;Ie dt::J.:5 Edwa.-rds f:;t -92 S"S 1 ;Zd,-7;;1.'18 Fa.../I f?/e.£LSe.hCJi/t !!'!r.fskJ<J/Yh for /7J£)re;~r#u:JJ/LJh' lJIAGRf\M OF \,IAr90RP.STOP VALVE LOCXflt:_ "~----.... .., ) -"'--'- • ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------; .~., o .....".!I i ......-.,.I';'{.. ..-...._.------~..:..--.-- .---..~-.-,,~........ ""'-~""... .~ DIAGRAM OF SEWER SERVICE LINE LOCATION: ....-------,/ L (ll ~ •• .~ STEAD MAN HAWKINS CLINIC 181W.Meadow Dr.•Suite #400 ·Vail,CO81657 ·(9701 476-11oo I.Ric hard S tclldm.20n,M .D.IasonW.Folk,M.D .Sa nji t paljSonny l Gill ,M.D. Richard Hawkins,M .D.David C .Karli,M .D.AllstonStuhbs,M.D. William Sterctt,M.D .TomR.Hackett,M.D.S.Austin Yearpn.M.D. Roger A.Mann ,M .D.Neal S.EIAttrac he,M.D .M.G .O utstay,P.A..-C . RandallW.Viola,M.D.KevinC rawford,M.D.E.L.Strau ch,P.A.·C . Donald S.Co renrnen,M.D.Jason Dragoo,M .D.MaryAnne Persons,P.A.-C.For UV,R.;hCWDt£::-:am cro nH.Youngb lood.P.A.-e .~ Address ~I Z/o€-f 7 Refill __-,---T imes Da te REORDER.i7·17700 L'------------------------ •• Mr.Butner hasbeen living inVail since 1975.Hehas worked forPepi Gramshammer theyears President Fordwas secured there.Mr Butner,., working forPepi,usedtocookfor President Ford.Mr Butner also skied out of Vailand20yearsontheProSki Tour andin1984wasthe22 nd fastest maninthe world onskis. Going through the ski-related surgeries Mr Butner faces,wethe neighbors feelhe should be granted thislifttogain access tohishomehereintheVail Valley.In Vail,Mr Butner hashadfour knee surgeries byDr Steadman.He now facesa scheduled hip operation,2 shoulder surgeries,2knee- replacements anda possible back surgery.Please see enclosed request from Dr Steadman "..,•• ToVailValley Building Review Board, .I a111 a neighbor of Dave Butner's.Ilive at.:2~?U/Larkspur Lane /Circl elc'--<...) We h ave s een th is liftandwehaveno object ions tothelift.We a shi syear- round nei ghbors feelhe should be granted permission for construction. Mr.Butner hasbeen living inVailsince1975.Heha s workedforP epi Gr amshammertheyears President Fordwas secured there.Mr Butner,.~ working for Pepi ,usedto cook for President Ford .Mr Butner alsoski ed out of Vailand20yearsontheProSki Tour andin1984wasthe22 nd fastest manintheworldonskis . Goin g throughthe ski-related surgeries Mr Butner faces,wethe neighbors fe el h es houldbe granted thislifttogain access tohishomehereintheVail V alley.InVail ,Mr Butner hashadfour knee surgeries byDr Steadman.He no w faces asch eduled hip operation ,2 shoulder surgeries ,2knee- replacements and a possibl e back surgery.Please see enclosed reque st from Dr Steadman • ToVail Valley Building Re view Board , Iama neighbor of Dave Butner 's.Ilive at 2"7 </Larkspur Lane/Circle . Weha ve se en thisliftandweha ve no objections tothelift.Weashisye ar- round neighbors feelhe should be granted pe rmission for construction. Mr.Butner has been living inVail since 1975 .Hehas worked for Pepi G ramshammerthe y ears President Fordwas secured there.Mr Butner,.~ working forPepi ,used to cook for President Ford.Mr Butner also skied out of Vailand20 years ontheProSki Tour andin1984wasthe22 nd fastest maninthe world onsk is. G oing through the ski-related surgeries Mr Butner fac es,w e then eighbors feelhesh ould be granted thislifttogain access tohis home hereintheVail Valley.InVail ,Mr Butner hashadfou r knee surgeries byDr Steadman.He . now facesa scheduled hip operation,2 shoulder surgeries,2knee- replacements anda possible back surgery.Please see enclosed request from "'---'-"Dr Steadman _.....-------::::::>....'. ~.-....<;----~) _."<.......\c.--~~\J~'~ • ToVail Valley Building Review Board, Iama neighbor of Dave Butner 's.Iliveat 2 flLj Larkspur Lane /Circle. \Ve ha ve seenthisliftandwehaveno objections tothelift.Weashisyear- round neighbors feelhe should be granted permission for construction. Mr.Butner hasbeen living inVa il since1975.Hehas worked forPepi Gramshammer theyears President Fordwas secured there.Mr Butner,., work ing fo r Pepi ,usedto cook for President Ford.Mr Butner also skied out of Vailand20yearsonthe ProSki Tour andin1984wasthe 22",1 fastest manintheworldonskis. Going through the ski-related surgeries Mr Butner faces ,wethe neighbors feelhe should be granted thislift to gain access tohishomehereintheVail V alley.InVail,Mr Butner hashadfourknee surgeries byDr Steadman.He now facesa scheduled hip operation,2 shoulder surgeries ,2knee - replacements anda possible back surgery.Please see enclosed request from Dr Steadman ••....~ ToVai l Valley Building ReviewBoard , r a ma neighbor of Dave Butner 's.Ilive atJ.72i Larkspur Lane /Circle. We haveseenthisliftandwehaveno objection s tothelift.Weashis year- round neighbors feelheshouldbe granted permission for construction. Mr.Butner hasbeenlivinginVailsince 1975 .HehasworkedforPepi Gramshammer theyears President Fordwassecuredthere.Mr Butner,.~ working forPepi,usedtocookfor President Ford .Mr Butner alsoskiedout of Vailand 20 yearsontheProSkiTourandin 1984 wasthe 22 nd fastest manintheworldonskis . Going through the ski-related surgeries Mr Butner faces ,wethe neighbors feelhe should begrantedthislifttogainaceesstohishomehereintheVail Va lley.InVail,Mr Butner hashadfourkneesurgeriesbyDr Steadman.He no w faces as cheduled h ip operation ,2 shoulder surgeries,2 knee- replacementsandapossibl e backsurgery.Pleasesee enclosed requestfrom Dr Steadman KEN ~E"t it LI.M-I'\-sotJ ~c/!H.~ ",....•• T o VailValley Building Review Board,2111,./[1 i{/A//I(I;I/,{//~k Iama neighbor of Dave Butner's.Iliveat Larkspur Lane /Circle. Wehaveseenthisliftandwehaveno objections tothelift.Weashisyear- round neighbors feel heshouldbegranted permission for construction. Mr.Butne r hasbeen living inVailsince1975.HehasworkedforPepi Gr amshammerth eyearsPre sident Fordwas secur ed there.Mr Butner,., work ing forPepi ,usedtocookfor President Ford.Mr Butner alsoskiedout of Vailand20yearsontheProSkiTourandin1984wasthe22 nd fastest manintheworldonskis. Goin g throughthe ski-related surgeries Mr Butner faces,wethe neighbors feelhe should begrantedthislifttogainaccesstohishomehereintheVail Valle y.InVail ,Mr Butner hashadfourkneesurgeriesbyDr Steadman.He nowfacesa scheduled hip operation,2 shoulder surgeries ,2knee- replacements andapossibleback surgery.Pleasesee enclosed requestfrom DrSte adman ffii/2 !?Adiff! ~76 -697/J • ToVa ilValley Building ReviewBoard , •'" " Iamaneighbor of DaveButner 's.Ilive at Larkspur Lan e/Circle . Wehaveseenthisliftandwehavenoobje ctions tothelift.Weashis year - round neighb ors feel heshouldbe granted permis sion for construction. Mr.Butner h as beenlivinginVa il since 1975.Hehas w orkedforPepi Gramshammer theyears President Fordwa s securedthere .Mr Butner,'\ working for Pepi,usedtocookfor President Ford .Mr Butner alsoskiedout of Vailand20yearsontheProSkiTourandin1984wasthe22 n d fastest manintheworldonskis . Goi ng throughthe ski-related surgeriesMrButn erfaces ,we then eighbors fee lhesh ouldb e granted thi sliftto gainaccesstohi s hom e here inth eVail Vall ey.InVail ,Mr Butner hashadfourknee s urgeriesbyDr Steadman .He no w faces a s cheduledhip operation ,2 shoulder surgeries ,2knee- replacements anda possible back surgery.Pleaseseeenclosed request from Dr S teadman S I-~(Zon yXL(PIC,,'"Ii/I f ~t~,5 lel/e~_fA)a.I,ve.. dl re J ~q crflS5 .LKl _JJ..I/I!vi-;2.J,(J ~-f-I/tt-L'f'"e,a 1\cI ,{a c-e:11,..tJ jj~e L h e..,S- f<,(4/k/b f<.(CtU'JI-~ci.-., •• ~'ltvtl~'i 7~lof* T oVail Valley Building Review Board, I a ma ne ighbor of Da ve Butner's.Ili vea t J.(.?S"Larkspur L ane/Circle. Weha veseenthisliftandwe haveno objections tothelift.Weashis y ear- round neighbors feel heshouldbe granted permission for construction. Mr.Butner hasbeenlivinginVailsince1975.Hehaswork ed forPepi , G ramshammertheyears President Fordwas secured there.Mr Butner,.~ workin g forPepi ,usedtocookfor President Ford.Mr Butner also skiedout of Vailand20yearsontheProSki Tour andin1984wasthe22 nd fastest manintheworldonskis . Going through the ski-related surgeries Mr Butner faces ,wethe neighbors feelhe should be granted thislifttogainaccesstohishomehereintheVail Vall ey.InVail ,Mr Butner hashadfourknee surgeries b y Dr Steadman.H e now face s a scheduledhip operation ,2 shoulder surgeries ,2kne e- replacements andapossibl e backsurgery.Pleasesee enclosed request from Dr Steadman •-, .'f .l 0 t for lift ing heights up to fourteen feet TheGaraventa Genesis isaverticalplatform lift designedtoprovideaccess intoorwithin publicbuildings.It travels insideacomplete,self-contained enclosure,asshownabove,orcanbelocatedinashaftwayconstructedbyothers. Ou r unique ,anod ized aluminum des ign isstrong ,durableandattract ive. www.garaventa.ca • SHAFTW AY W IDTH 1 - _.~, ~~o " --~---t::::::::V WAllS LOWERAND I EAS UPPERLANDI NG Shaftway Encl.OnlOff Same Side Shaftway Shaftway Platform Platform W idth length Width Length 136Bmm 133Bmm9 14mm 12 16mm 15371B'1 [52314"]136'1 14771B'1 1415mm 1451mm 9 62mm 1329mm ISS 314 "1 [57 11B'1 [3771B'1 15231B'1 1415mm1603mm 9 62mm14B2mm ISS 314'1 16311B'1 1377/B"115B 3IB'1 156Bmm 1603mm 1114mm 1482mm 161 314 '1 1631/B'1 1437/B'1[5B 31B"1 (Entry/ExitA djacentto Mast) /' SHAnwAY e YOTH PLAN VIEW (U P PER LAN DIN G LEVEL) $HAFTWA Y WIDTH I UPPERLANDIN G I --;--T.............................-;- -- -----~J:....ozur....~ ":2 0 ~ "~•--e J: """0-- U)t --, ": Shaftway 90"Entry/Exit Shaftway Shaftway Platform Platform WidthLengthWidth Length 1325mm 133Bmm955mm12 16mm 152 11B"1 152314"1 [37SIB"]14771B"1 1372mm 145 1mm1002mm1329mm [54"1 157 1/B"1 [39112"]152 31B"1 1372mm 1603mm 10 02mm 14B2mm 154']1631IB"]139 112"]15831B "1 1525mm 1603mm 1129mm14B2mm 160"]163 11B"1 144 112"1 15831B"1 Standard Features •Choice of sevensta ndard lift ing heights upto4 .27m (168in) •Leadscrew or Hydraulic drive system •P latform size :962mm (38in)x 1370mm (54 in) •Sturdy 16 gauge galvanized steelp latform s ide panels:1070 mm (42.125in)high •PublicBuild ing Package (emergency stopswi tch , alarm andbatte ry powered eme rgency light ing) •Grabrailand passenger courtesy light •Electric interlocks and automatic closer for doors and gates •Emergency Auxi liary Power System (Hydraulic driveon ly)and manua l eme rgency loweri ng Optional Features •Cho ice offireor non -fire rateddoo rs •Inf ill panels(enclosea rea ad jacent tom ast) •Battery powered emergency lowering (Leadscrew only) •Folddownseat •Keyless callstat ion w ith attendant callbutton Applications: Schools,Churches,Public Buildings,Clubs and Residences PLAN VIEW (UPPER LANDING L EVEL ) /' SHAFTWAY WALLS I LOWER LAN DING I BYOTHER S ,,-.'"0 LOW ER LANDING I S HAFTWAVWIDTH --,. ...~~..'-J: e >-ozZ0~>-z :2 0 ~'< "'~~:w,~,~«,::1 I ..t::::::i-U).,~,i~ - PLAN VIEW (UPPER LANDINGL EVEL) www"garaventa,ca Shaftway Straight Through Platform ShaftwayShaftway PlatformPlatform Size Width Length Width Length Compact 1368mm1295mm914mm1257mm I (36"x 49 112')[537IB"1 [51'1 136 "1 114951B"1 Standa rd 1415mm1409mm 962mm 1370mm 13B'x 54 '\[55314 "1 15531B"1 [3771B'1 11537IB"] Mid-Size1415mm 1561mm962 mm 1522mm (3B"x 50 ")155314"116 1 3IB"1 [3 7 7/8 '1 115971B"1 Larga 156Bmm 1561mm 10B9mm 1522mm (43"x 60")[61314 "]16 1 3I B"1 [427IB")11597/B'1 The Genesis Shaftway Model fits insideavert ical runway that isbuiltby othe rsin accordance to Garaventa specifications. The system consists ofa drive mast,passenger platform anddoorsor gates.The shaftway canbe completely enclosed , muchlikean elevator shaftway,o rit canbeopenatthe upper land ing.Ava riety of doors and gates canbep rovided, rang ing fromalum inum andPlex iglas design to fir erated doors. GenesisShaftway Dimensions (for more detailed techni cal information refer to theG enesis Design and Plannin g Gu ides) The lower landingofthisGenesis Shaftway Modelwas designed withcustomwall panels. ).:::: SHAFTWAY WA LLS BYOTHEAS www.garaventa .ca T heGe nesis EnclosureModel is acomp lete ,self-con ta ined vertica l accesssolution .It issim ilar tothe Shaftway Model exceptitincludes it sown pre-fabricated shaftway enclosure w ith integrateddoorsorgates .Theenc losure ca n bebuiltfu ll heightandfittedwitha Plexiglasdomefor weather protection ,orcanbeleftopenattheupperland ing . Enclosure On/Off Same SideEnclosureSO"Entry/E xit Base Base PlatformPlatform W idth Lenllth W idth Lenqth 1420mm 1508mm 1002mm1278mm 1557/8"1159318'1 139112'1 ISO318"1 1420mm 1660mm 1002m m 1431mm [55 7/8 "1[6531 8')1391/2 "1 156318'1 1572mm 1660 mm1155mm 1431mm 161 7/8 "1 165318 "1 145 1/2 "1 156318'j Applications: Schools ,Churches ,PublicBu ildings ,C lubs and Residences Standard Features •C hoice o f seven standard liftinghe ights upto4 .27m (168in) •Leadscrewor Hydrau lic dr ive system •Platforms ize :915mm (36in)x 1370mm (54in) •Sturdy 16gauge galvanized stee l platform sidepanels:1070mm (42 .125in)high •Grabrailand passenger courtesy light •Anodizedalum inum frame enclosure •Electric interlocks and automatic closer fordoorsa nd ga tes •Emergency Auxiliary PowerSystem (Hydr aulic driveonly)andmanual emergency lowe ring •Public Build ing Package(emer gency sto p switch ,alarm a ndbatterypowered emer gencylighting) Optional Features •Cho ice offire ornon -fire ratedd oors •Infillpanels(enclose a reaadjacentto ma st) •Battery p owered e mergency lowering(Le adscrew on ly) •E nclosure Ventilation Systemwith thermostatic controls andbattery •Keyless ca ll stationwith attendant ca ll button •E ntrance rampfo rlower landing(nopit) •Choiceofsteelor Plexig las panels ,cus tomcolors orexoticfinishes i ~l :'G : BASE WIDTH :~,;:BA SE WIDTH I~I Upp«Land ing I i ~e i l_~_.s_!··i·I I g.._-----~I:I:~\~1:e ~Ul eli~:Zl ~ffi ~~~:I:z i t-t-!gi5 5 t-~~So 6 .-o'"z:~~rc ~o ::;UJ ~g~~o --'~0:--'::; :iij ~::;0 '"o va ::::i:0:W:a:a;51 u.~'~~0 ~:ti 't!~~CJ g~~U. [~15 11l ,w W S I '-------)0,-I/'Q. ~:=:.....1 ,-I I Low8f Landing I II LOWERAND I ~qBM W [D~H UPPER LANDING PLATFORMW IDTH I PLA N VIEW (UPPERLAND ING PLANVIEW (U PPER LAN D ING LEVEL )LEVEL) -~ :I:t-:I:~Cl t-.s t-Z Cl 1!UJz~o --'UJ ~::;--'::;o:UJ l0'"u.«:>t-al :'i -\:-Q. ~I I Lower Land ing I PLATFORM,WIQ!!:!.. Enclosure Straight Through Platform Base Base Platform Platform S ize Width Lenqth W idth Lenllth 36 "x 54 "1420mm 1508 mm 915m m 1370 mm 1557/8 '1 159 318'1136 '1 1537/8 "1 1420mm 1660mm 915mm t522mm 36 "x 60 "1557/8"1 165318"1 136'11597/8 "1 1572mm 1660mm 1068m m 1522m m 42 "x60 'f617/8 "1 r65318 '1 14 2'1 1597/8 "1 No te :"seeseparatedrawinqsfordoordeta ils, •Platform dimensions areclear insided imensions. "Ramprequired lorlloormount •Mast -to-wall anachme nt recommendedon 41",5T and 72"mast sizes :manditoryfor96".120".144"and168" •(ForShaftway Models only)If theback rail(spreaderbar)isto be used toattach themastto the stairwaywall . theshaftway width d imensio n willincrease by38mm(1 1/21 This enclosuremo delcombines anodized aluminum extrusions with Plexiglaspa nels. PLANVIEW (UPPER LANDING LEVEL) Genesis Enclosure Dimensions (for more detailed technical information refer tothe Genesis Design and Planning Guides)irl BASE-"W,.,ID"'TH"-_--jT;~ rg ;:-~ ':il:l w~~g:Z~~"Ol e~~~g ~~ ,w W • Contact your local authorized Garaventa dealer for codes applicable to your area. Authorized Ga raventa Representative HydraulicDrive Technical Information Platform Sizes : Standa rd Enclosure Platform : 9 14mm (36")x 1370mm (54") Optional Enclosure Platform : 9 14mm (36")x 1522mm(60") 1068mm (42")x 1522mm (60") Standard Shaftway Platform : 962mm(38")x 1370mm (54") Optional Shaftway Platform : 9 14mm (36")x 1257mm(49.5") 962mm(38")x 1522m m (60") 1089mm (43 ")x 1522mm(60") Rated Load : 340kg(750 Ibs),with asafety factor of 5 Speed : 5.2 meters(17It)perminute atfull load Operating Controls : Keyed Controls:Keyswitcho n call stationandplatformcontr ols Directional Controls :Continu ous pressureswitches Control Voltage:2 4VDC Drive System : Motor: 2 .2 KW(3H.P.)Motor Drive Type:ChainedHydrauli c (Dual 5/8"ANS I 50cha ins) Mains Supply: NorthAm erican Mode ls :120VAC, 60Hz ,single phase ,14.0A f ullload cu rrent. InternationalModels:220-240VAC , 50 Hz,singlephase ,8.0Afullload current. Garaventa Stair-Lift GSL Artira Model TheStair-Lift isab le tofollowstra ight andcurving stairwaysupseveral flightsofsta irs andacross horizontal landings.Avar iety ofplatformsizesand optionsallowforextensivecustom ization ofthe Garaventa Stair-Li ft tomeettheneed s ofth e user. A C CES SIB I LIT Y ........ LeadscrewDrive Technical Information Platform Sizes : Standard Enclosure Platform: 914mm(36")x 1370mm(54") Op tional En closure Platform: 914mm(36")x 1522mm(60") 1068mm(42")x 1522mm(60") Standard Shaftway Platform : 962mm(38")x 1370mm(54") Optional Shaftway Platform : 914mm(36")x 1257mm(49 .5") 962mm(38")x 1522mm(60") 1089mm(43")x 1522mm (60") Rated Load : 340kg(750lbs),withasafely factor of5 Speed : 2.7 meters(9It)perminute at fullload Operating Controls : Keyed Co ntrols:Keyswitch on ca ll stationsandplatfo rm con trols Dire ctional Controls :Continuous p ressure switches Co ntrol Voltage :24VDC Drive System : Motor : 0 75 H.P :1750 RPM,with instant reverse capabilityfortheGVL -41, GVL-57 &GVL-72models . Dr ive Type :ACMEscrew (1"diameter) Mains Supply: NorthAmer ican Model s:208VAC. 60Hz ,singlephase ,9.0Afull load current. International Mode ls:240VAC,50Hz , singlephase ,8.0A full loadcurrent. www.garaventa.ca • D epartment of CommunityDevelopment 75SouthFron tage R oad Vail,Colorado8 1657 970-479-2138 FAX 97 0-479 -2452 www.vailgov.com August4,2005 David Butner POBox60 61 Va il,CO8 1658 RE:Butner Residence-2664Larkspur Lane/Lot 4 ,Block 1,Vail Intermountain DearDave, Asstatedinmy September 27,2004lettertoLarryEs kwith,thedes ign reviewapplication fora proposed elevato r additiontoyourres idence at612 Forest Place isincomplete .SinceIhave not hea rd backfromyou insevera l mon ths,Iamreturn ing yourapp lication .TheTownofVail nowconsidersthisapplication formallywithdrawn. If youhaveanyquest ions orcomments ,pleasefeelfreetocontac t medirectlyat (970 )479 - 2173 . Sincerel y, BillGibson ,A ICP Tow nofVa il ..l.....hECYCLf.·n PAPERT_" ••\)e<.-<..\r~k ~I.---A l ot-L.l ~\\'1 \ I TOWN OF VA IL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 165 7 970-4 79-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #:EOO-0023 Job Address: Location ... Parcel No .. Project No. 2664 LARKSPUR LN 2664 LARKSPUR LN 2103-143-01-018 Status ... Applied .. Issued ... Expires ..: ISSUED 03/14/2000 03/14/2000 09/10/2000 APPLICANT RIVIERA ELECTRIC,INC.Phone:970-949-6095 2107 W.COLLEGE AVENUE,ENGLEWOOD,CO 80110 CONTRACTOR RIVIERA ELECTRIC,INC.Phone:970 -949 -6095 2107 W.COLLEGE AVENUE,ENGLEWOOD,CO 80110 OWNER HILL DOUGLAS &COLLEEN Phone:970-476-1341 2644 LARKSPUR LN,VAIL CO 81657 Description :ELECFOR TEMP SERVICE FOR BROKEN SERVICValuation:.00 Blecerical ---:> ORB F ee ---:> Investigation :> wil l Ca ll----> TOTAL FE ES ---:> .00 .00 .0 0 3 .00 53 .00 To t a l Calculated Fees ---, Additi onal Fees ---------> Toe al Permit Fee --------, Paymen t s ----------------> BALANCE OUB-------------> 5 3 .0 0 .0 0 5 3 .0 0 53 .00 .00 Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 03 /14/2000 KATHY Action:APPR APPROVED Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 03/14/2000 KATHY Action :APPR N/A Dept :BUILDING Division: PER KW Dept :FIRE Division: 9 :0 0 AM 5 :0 0 PM CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby a ckno wl ed ge t hat Ih ave read t his ap plication,fi lle d o ut i n f ullt he i nformat ion r e quire d,completed an accurate plot p lan.an d s t a te tha t a l l t he i nforma tion provided as required is corre ct .Ia g ree t o comply with t he i nformation and plot p l an, t o comply with all Town ordinances and s ta te l aws,and to build this s tru ctur e according t ot he Town's zoni n9 and s u bdi vi sio n c o des ,de Di g n r ev i e w a p p ro v e d ,Un iformBui l ding Code a nd o ther o rdinan ces o f t h e Town app l icable theret o. I.!.I REQUESTSFORIN SPECTI ONS S HALL BE MAD E TWENTY -FOOR HOURSIN AD~CE BY TELEPHONE AT 47 9-21 J9 !~R AT .~/b ~F /l ./'1)/V/ SIGNATUR E .9 F ~'1m.ORCONTRAcroR FOR HI MSE LFAND OWNER •• TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt ****••******.*****.**.*.*•••••_**_*_*•••_**._.****._*_**w*****.* Statemnt Number:REC-061o Amount :53.00 03/15/00 09:40 Payment Method:2067 Notation :RIVIERA ELECTRIC Init:IN Permit No:EOO-0023 Type:B-ELEC Parcel No:2103-143-01-018 Site Address:2664 LARKSPUR LN Location:2664 LARKSPUR LN ELECTRICALPERMIT This Payment 53 .00 Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts : Balance: 53 .00 53 .00 .00 _.*.*****.*••*.**.*_•••*••••••**••••*.*••**-*.*._••_.•********** Account Code EP 00100003111400 WC 00100003 112800 Description TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILLCALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 50.00 3.00 PElU'lIT (!---- •**Conta ct Eagle County Assess ors Office .~at .l).+.G-3 28-8640 f or Parc el4l ll.TOWN OFVAILCONSTRUCTION PARCE L II :1...\D3 I Li3 0 I 01 C,)PERMIT APPL!CATION FORM DATE:JW.J/<9 0 APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BEACCEPTED )(•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• []-Building []-Plumbing [,i<"J -Electrical []-Mechani"cal []-Other Job Name:DQ\)~\~C O"eeo Job Address:2lo w4-i....aA:.s f vr \J.Vd,\ Leg al Description:Lot Block Filing SUB OTVT STON : Zu.ul.l L.A flLSpwt a ltMLl -w'lrlx sp l5(L Owners Name:0 °'"'0 t\ti l Address:Vo lo4 b e...k Sf\J -r Ph .l+N>~13 4-/ Architect:Address:_____________Ph._ (\:I\-!..Gen era IDes cr ip t i on:_1g w-~("O"...1f--1,)<Il""r'-'''wj'-'v..''''''''"----I,£'''"CJ~__.=.;''-''-="'-'-_....,...>...:...'':''''O''"''"''''_..I,....!C:....>....;''''__ Work Class:[]-New []-AI teration []-Additional [~-Repair []-Other _ Number of Dwelling units:Number of Accommodation units: Ele ctrical Contractor: Addr e ss:9 10 ~"th "':)\c&..... ~mb er and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances.__Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$-.J5 .<::LQ____OTHER:$,..-_ PLUM BING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$_ ~***************************CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION ***************************~en eral Contractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Addr es s:~.~£5 ~h o n e Number:~(;;;t1""\44G-E RI JI.A CQ"I::-lw.(-tC-'l'own of Vail Reg.NO.He 32 Q c\.'5"4 A".t¥"I C-C)Phone Number:gLl-IJ -lDo q 5 Plumbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ ._PhoneNumber;.---------- Mechanical Contractor: Addre ss: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK fEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN -UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES'. ~~r~Ie II \'[j ~~'l'YPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE:U)\II ZONING:n\~ft 1\0 1 Lt ZUUU I U SIGNATURE:1\\'-' Comments:-By ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOFF EE: DR B FE E: ~CLEAN UP DrYOSIT REFUND TO: •• WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED,Madethis 23 rd day o f February THOMAS B ,HXGG~NS AND JACQURLXNE B.HIGGINS E andStateof COLO!l.ADOofthesaidCountyofL.GL 'DOUGLAS G 'iHILL AND COLLEEN A.HILL --. 20 00 •hetween \ \ ,grantor.and whose legaladdress i s~ of the said County of z~i \)CIl..;I EAGLE L.(brJ4~or (2.0 8'"7 J and State of COLORADO ,grantee: ! I I ! I I 1 , I j! 11 IiII ;1 II II, I I ji i Ii III 'III I· \\hIIIi I' I: Ii Ii I I I ) )~S . ) COLORADO Cou my uf EAGLB Slateo f also knownbystreet and number as;2664 LARKSPUR,VAI L.CO 81657 The Ilnllllnr ~hllll llnd will WAJ{RANT AND I'ORIiV \iJ{DI!l'IiND the aho\·e·hurgllined Illelilises \n the 'luletullllI,clle ealtle possession ofIhe grantee,hisltel n and n s ~l jl ll !.II glllus!nil IIml e verypersou or i>crS llllS IlIwl'lIl1 y elllituilljl the whnle III lilly 1'1111 rhereuf','l'he slnlllllur numher slmliineludc Ihe plural,the 1,lull1l Ihe ~l ll g ll l ll r ,.nd Ihe IISC .'1'lIuy gcuder shnll he 1I1'I'IIe llhie tu nll gelllle". I N WITNI,SS ~~.Ihe ~rnll l<lr has execu ted Ihl'deed on Ihc dnte ,cl fllnh nbuvc ,~..m.'4'fV~Ao-;:TTO'm.y ,';-'ACT-ro'·JACQ"Liiiii-.-:-,',o.,",··-_··· TOGETHER with all a nd singular the hereditaments ano nppur tcnanccs thereto hel":tglng.orin anywise appennin!ng.und thcreversion amJ reversions.remainder and remaludcrs,rents.issues alld prothsthereof.IIIlO 1111 the estate,righi,title .interest.cl nhu allli dcnunul whnt - soevernf the g rantor,e ither in laworequity.uf',in lind to the .hnve hargalncd premises.with the uercdlrnm cms ~nd appurtenances. T O IJAVE ANI>TO nOLO the said premises aheve hargained lind deserihed,with Ihe appurtenances,1I1l1 !'the gramce ,his heil'';'lIld assignsforever.And the grantor,for himsel f',his hetrs,Dn d personal representatives.docs cnvenaut,grant,harguln,II no "gree In ar,,1 with the grmuce ,his hei rs and assigns.Ihlll M the time of Ihe ense a li n~unduetlvery o r thes e prescnu,he Is well seI1.1.'tln f the p rC l1l i,~e s above conveyed,has good,sure,perfect,ahsohne .ndlmlelc'\.'lhle eSli,t e 01'lnherlmnce,In taw,In fcc sllllple,Ilm l hilS ~\.1l1 rl ~hl .I'nll power a mi Jllwl'ulllulhorily llJ grant,hargaln,sellandconveythe sameln mnunernnd limn as a l'nrcsll!d,andIhallhc sallie lirefree 111,,1clellr '1''''111 1111 fu rlller .no ot her grauts.bRr llalns••"Ies,liens.11I xes.ussc ssme nts,enenlllhnmees lindrc.<l rlcliuns uf'whatever kind u r nnuuc soever,excep t Those mat ter•••t forth in &xhibit "A U attachad hareto and mada a part hereof. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO. -.'.f h f Ten do 'lars and other good andWITNESS,thatthegrantor,forand In consideration 0 tesum 0 '".'. valuable consideration DOLLA RS.thereceipt and sufficiency ofwhichishereby acknow l~d ged.has granted.bargained.sold and conveyed.and by these presents does grant.bargain,sell .convey and .c o ~fl r m .untothe grantees.their heiu andassigns forever.not Intenancyin commo nbutinjo int tenancy.allthe real property,togetherWith improvements. ifany.situate.lyingand being In the said Countyof EAGLE andStateof Colorado described as follows: LOT 4 , BLOCK 1, VAIL I NTERMOUNTAI N DEVELOPME NTSUBDI VIS ION Th e fnregoin ll inslrumcnl WI"neknu wlcdged hcfu re me thi,23rd duy of P'ebruary /~Q'O"O~ hy THOMAS B HIGGINS INDIVIDUALLY r.AS ATTORND:Y IN P'AC T FOR J1¢iQt1i1ir.~NIl:'·'s',:~~ H~yG:)~:~SS I"U expires December 0B,2003 .Whiles<Illy hnn 11 11\1 "fflclnl ,ellI.ti·/·l:~>".~"_,J..i,.\.,',:····:'::·'~n· -;:;-"'..~I<::::~;:;~~~~~::;;;::::;;::=~~..~-,,;':"-:"::"';""-,-,,:','I'..'.,-,.'.\'II )....",.~'.I "J JJ n1 .No .0002 7JOl Ste wa=rf"'T"'I"'t",=====================">."""=7===='!~,,';:'\,j,=='''''\'''.:;:...'..'.:",.~---,;,--====.-=- No.91tA WARRAm"\'DEED (To J.lnl T.nnn',)(Y921ht:lITNI'W) R,.....7199 EXHIBI T A •~. Attached to and made a part of Warranty Deed f rom JACQUELINE B.HIGGINS,Gran tor (s ),to DOUGLAS G . Gran tee (s ). THOMAS B HIGGINS HILL COLLEENA .HILL , All taxes for year 2000,which are al ien n ot yet payable. The effect of inclusions in any gene ral or specific water conservancy,fi re p rotection,s oil conserva t ion or other distric t or inclusion i n any wat er serv ice or screet improvement area. Reservat ions or exceptions contained in U.S.Patents,or in Acts authorizing t hei ssuance thereof,recorded September 28, 1904 in Book 123 at Page 3 reserving 1 )Rights of the propriet or of a vein or lode t o extract and remove his ore t herefrom and 2)r ights of way for ditches and canals constructed under the authority of the United States. Restrict ions as contai ned in instrument recorded July 24,1970 in Book 218 at Page 2 81 as Reception No.1r3872,and instrument recorded November 1 7,1970 i n Book 219 at Page 120 as REcepiton No .114734,also affidavit recorded April 28,1 971 in Book 220 at Page 379 as Recep tion No.11 6033,a nd Amendment recorded April 28,1971 i n Bo ok 220 at Page 380 as Receptio n No.116034, and i r ecord ed September 2,1971 i nBook 221 at Page 545 as Reception No.117 226 and in Bo ok 221 at Page 618 as Reception No .117229 and r ecorded September 2 3,1 971 in Bo ok 22 1 at Page 771 as Recep tion No.117457 . Easements which a re f or ut i lity and d rainage pruposes 5 feet in width along the inter ior lo t lin e s,r e str ictions and rights of way as shown on the recorded plat . •• Project Name:Hill Res idence Project Description: Reloca te window Participants: •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web :www .cl.vail .co.us DRB Number:DRB010312 OWNER HILL,DOUGLAS G.&COLLEEN A09/17/2001 Phone: 2644 LARKSPUR VAIL CO 81657 License : APPLICANT HILL,DOUGLAS G.&COLLEEN A09/17/2001 Phone: 2644 LARKSPUR VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Address:2664 LARKSPUR LN VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:4Block:1Subdivision:VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S Parcel Number:210314301018 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:.09/19/2001 Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes totheseplansmaybemadewithoutthewritten consentofTownof Vailstaffand/ortheappropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approvaldoesnotconstituteapermitforbuilding.Please consultwith TownofVail Building personnel priortoconstruction activities. Cond:CON0005012 Colors andmaterialsmustmatchtheexisting residence. Cond:CON0005013 Pursua nt toTitle14,VailTown Code,theutilitymetermustbe screened by significant landscaping. Planner:BrentWilson DRBFeePaid:$20.00 Indoff Invoices ReadytoPay Invoice # 5 71564 573215 591885 57 4398 580282 580301 585686 588076 594315 599320 subtotal Await ing Credit 59037 1 •• Amount $37.25 $199.92 -$9.28 $185.00 $42.00 $69.56 $420.00 $108.71 $83 .20 $24.6 1 $1 ,160 .97 $27 .01 •• _.e. Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :910.479.2139 fax :970.479.2452 web :www .cLvail.co.us General Information: Thi sapplication is for any project requiring DesignReviewapproval.Anyproject requ iring design review must receive approvalprior to submitt ing abUilding peim it application.Please refer to thesubmittal requirements for the particularapproval thatisrequested.AnapplicationforDesign Review cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequired information isreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.Theprojectmayalsoneed to be reviewedby theTownCounciland/orthePlanningandEnvironmental Commission.Design Review Board approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal:Lot:---¥-BIOCk:I Subdivision:---J......o->....l..._=......",U-L-£:...=a..<Ju..J."... Physical Address:"Z-"hcl LG-cK~.:::()'--'r_-----'(..../"""aL...l<..l6:"""':tl'--_ Parcel No.:;Z I DS "13010/8 (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no .) li ll e:_...L-LJ<i,O.~......~+-4'--_ ________________Phone:$0 w& Type of Review andFee: o NewConstructionoAddition Ef"MinorAlteration o Changes toApproved Plans $200 $50 $20 $20 Forconstruct ion ofanewbuilding ordemo/rebuild . Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisadded to anyresidential or commercial building (includes250additions&interiorconversions). Forminorchanges to buildingsand .site improvements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,.fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forrevisions toplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanning Staff orthe DesignReviewBoard PLEASE SUBMITTHIS APPUCATION,ALL SUBMmAL REQUIREMENTS ANDTHE FE ETOTHE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOlfTH FRONTAGE ROAD,VAIL,COLORAOO B1657. • • • .' •• (tw,_\U\l\t.~.('1_'-w~~~G...I el &JI.I- O~tr '-"oa.l.D wi~"tJ • ·.-.e. Description of Doug and Colleen Hill Alteration 2664 Larkspur Lane Thehousewasequipped witha wood-burning stove .Originalbluepr ints didnotshow t hisstoveoranoutside wood storageclosetthat was apparently addedtothefront of the houseafteroriginal construction.Thisoutside storage closetwasseparatingfromthe houseasitwaspoorlyfastenedtothe exterior of the structure . Weremovedthewoodstorage structure,whichresultsinthedeckrailing currently not being terminated .It alsoexposesasmall non-standard interiordoorthatwascut through to thelivingarea . The requested alteration wouldrotateanexisting window 90 degrees toallowfor placement ofa naturalgasfireplace,Heat-N-Glo 6000TR,directventedthroughtherear of theunit .Theinteriordoorwouldberemoved.Thefrontwallwouldbe extended approximately 12inchesinthefireplaceareato accommodate thenewunit.This extension would terminate onthesameverticalplaneastheexistingsoffitedge .The extension wouldbe approximately 4feethigh,startingevenwiththedeck,and7feet long.Thedeckrailwouldbeangledto integrate withthis extension andblendthe extension withthecurrent exterior design . -.e. *************************************************************************.**.******.**.****. TOWNOF VA IL,COLORADO Statemen t ****************************************************************************•••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method : R000001 397 Amoun t:$20.00 Ch eck 0 9/17/20010 3 :04 PM Init:JAR Notation:27 09 PermitNo: P a rcel No: Site Address : Locatio n: DRB010 312 Typ e: 2103 1430 1018 2664 LARKSPUR LNVAIL DRB -Minor Alteration To tal Fees :$20.00 This Payment :$2 0 .00 Total ALL Pmts :$20 .00 Balance :$0.00 ***********************************************************************••••••••••••••••••••• A CCO UNT ImM LI ST : Acco untCode DR 00100003 11 220 0 Description DESIG N REVIEWFEE S Current Pmts 20.00 , DEVELQPERIMPROVEMENTAGREEMENT THIS AG8EEMI;.NT,made)lnd ~n tereQ intothis ~~ay of ~19~ byandamong ~.::-I -s-:-+.-~q.A..,u_iL (hereinaftercalled the "Developer:'),andthe .TOWNOFVAIL(hereinaftercalledthe "Town")and L,.)c ~+-r '~I'\"Y'\k.V~I~hereinafter ca lledthe "Bank ").. WHE~theDeveloper,asaconditionofapprovalofthe .Pt.vi ~.~ plans ,dated 0v~~L..19.1£wishestoenterintoa Developer ImprovementAgreement ;and WHEREAS,theDeveloperisobligatedtoprovidesecurityorcollateralsufficientinthe judgment oftheTowntomakereasonableprovisionsforcompletionofcertain improvements set f orthbelow ;and WHEREAS ,theDeveloperwishestoprovidecollateraltoguarantee performance ofth is Agreement,includingconstructionoftheabove-referencedimprovementsbymeansofthe following: DeveloperagreestoestablishaletterofcreditwithaBankinEagleCounty ina dollar amountof $'5{)(J.~~(125%ofthetotalcostoftheworkshownbelow)top rovide secur ity forthef 1I 0wing: IMPROVEMENT ;.COrtlple:n'OaJ t:#~t.I4pi~i Z.5tu~t.O e 'j~\J.uU/$ ('5€JE I4-mtthep biJ'J NOW ,THEREFORE ,inconsiderat ion ofthefollowing mutual covenantsandagreements , theDeveloperandtheTownagreeasfollows : 1.TheDeveloperagrees,atthesolecostandexpenses ,tofurnishall equipment andmater ial necessary toperformandcompleteallimprovements,onorbefore...s J!\.l '3D I "'9'".The Developer shallcomplete,inagoodworkmanlikemanner,allimprovement~aslistedabove,inaccordancewithallplansand specifications filedintheofficeof the Community DevelopmentDepartment,theTownofVail ,andtodoallworkincidentalthereto accord ing toand incompliancewith thefollowing: a.Suchotherdesigns,drawings ,maps,specifications,sketches,andothermatter submittedbytheDevelopertobeapprovedbyanyofthe above-referenced governmenta l entities.Allsaidworkshallbedoneundertheinspectio n of,andto thesatisfaction of,theTownEngineer,theTownBuild ing Official,orotherofficial f rom theTownofVail,asaffectedbyspecialdistrictsorserviced istricts,astheir respectiveinterestmayappear,andshall notbedeemedcompleteuntilapproved andacceptedascompletedbytheTownofVail CommunityDevelopment Depa rtment andPublic Wo rks Department. 2 .Tosecureandguaran tee performanceof itsobligat ions assetforthherein ,the Deve loper agreestoprovidesecurityandcollateralasfollows : lrrevocableletterof c:dit #t b6 f>intheamountof $3,tiS.~ with W c..s'+-r ~~!:o ~ll (nameofbankinEagleCounty)as thesecur ity for the improvements setforthaboveif thereisadefaultunderthe AgreementbyDeveloper. Page I oD 3.TheDevelopermayatanytimesubstitutethecollateral originally setforthabove foranotherformofcollateralacceptabletotheTowntoguaranteethefaith ful completionofthose improvementsreferredtohereinandtheperformanceofthetermsofthis Agreement.Such acceptance bytheTownofalternativecollateralshallbeattheTown 's sole discretion . 4.TheTownshallnot,norshallanyofficeroremployeethereof,beliableor responsible foranyaccident.lossordamagehappeningoroccurringtothework specified inthis Agreement priortothecompletionandacceptanceofthesame.norshalltheTown,norany officer oremployeethereof,beliableforanypersonsor property injuredby reason ofthenature ofsaidwork.butallofsaidliabilitiesshallandareherebyassumedbytheDeveloper... TheDeveloper herebyagreestoindemnifyandholdharmlesstheTown,andnayofits officers ,agentsandemployeesagainstanylosses,claims.damages,orliabilitiestowhichthe Townoranyofitsofficers,agentsoremployeesmaybecomesubjectto,insofar asanysuch losses.claims,damages orliabilities(oractionsinrespectthereof)thatariseoutoforarebased uponanyperfo rmance bytheDeveloperhereunder;andtheDevelopershallreimbursetheTown foranyandalllegalorotherexpensesreasonablyincurredbytheTowninconnectionwith investigating ordefendinganysuchloss,claim,damage,liabilityoraction.This indemnity provisionshallbeinadditiontoanyotherliabilitywhichthe Developer mayhave. 5 .ItismutuallyagreedthattheDevelopermayapplytotheTownandtheTownshall author ize forpartialreleaseofthecollateraldepositedwiththeTownforeachcategoryof improvementatsuchtimeassuchimprovementsareconstructedincompliancewithallplans and specifications asreferencedhereunderandacceptedbytheTown.Undernoconditionwill theamountofthecollateralthatisbeingheldbereducedbelowtheamount necessary to completesuchimprovements. 6.IftheTowndetermines,atitssolediscretion,thatanyofthe improvements contemplated hereunder arenotconstructedincompliancewiththeplansand specifications set forthinthisAgreementonorbeforethedatesetforthinParagraph2,theTownmay,butshall notberequiredto .redeemtheletterofcreditasnecessarytocompletetheunfinished improvements.The B~nk shallreleasesuchfundsuponwrittenrequestfromtheTownstating thatthe improvements..b;alle rtot beencompletedasrequiredbythisagreement.TheBankshall notrequire the :c9!1pUrrerice 'of the deietoper priortoreleaseofthefundstotheTownnor shall" theBank qe requi ted".to veriWiffdependeritly thatsuchimp rovements havenotbeencompleted asrequired b ~this ag reeqlent ,bu f shallreleasesuchfundssolelyupontheTown'swritten request.'•••••. Ifthecostsofcompletingtheworkexceedtheamountofthedeposit,theexcess, togetherwithinterestattwelvepercentperannum,shallbea lien against the property andmay beco llected bycivilsuitormaybecertif ied tothetreasurerofEagleCountytobecollectedinthe samemanneras delinquent advaloremtaxesleviedagainstsuchproperty.Ifthepermitholder failsorrefusestocompletethecleanupandlandscaping.addefinedinthischapter,suchfailure orrefusalshallbeconsideredaviolation oftheZoningCode. 7.TheDeveloperwarrantsallworkandmaterialforaperiodofoneyearafter acceptance ofallworkreferredtointhisAgreementbytheTownifsuchworkislocatedonTown ofVail property orwithinTownofVailright-of-waypursuanttoSection17.16.250. 8 .Thepart ies heretomutuallyagreethatt hisAgreementmaybeamendedfromtime totime.providedthatsuchamendmentsbe inwriting andexecutedbyallpartieshereto . Datedthedayandyearfirstabovewritten. rage 2 of) .., STATE OF COLORADO ) )s s. COUNTY OFEAGLE) .t Nt)The fore~eveloper Improvement Agrr8'ent was acknowledggd before methis -dayof ~,19 by Dt1Jl.JtEL-J .~C/( W itness myhandandoffic ial seal. My commission expires:'__-r'=:::>'~~I-"--'<-f--==-"~r-__ I .' V STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COU NTY OFEAGLE) , Thefo regoing Developer Improvement Agreerrwnt was acknowledged before meth is ,571\.dayof OCT?:>!?i21!---,19LQby C?~g,68 e o 77V!=-tC Witness myhandandofficialseal. Mycomm ission exp ires:~__----,,=+-I....fL~"'-""''''''--'L..-_ STATEOF COLORADO ) )5S . COU NTY OFEAGLE ) \\T he foregoing Develo~.r I rr!r ~Ve m e n t Agr~m.ent .~a~npwl~~fore ~e th:h ..:)\~C _d ay of Ct-t"?t p ('v:,19.:::lI!..-by ~tL ~&)~::,"6 \Lt.-. '--j Witness myhandandofficial sElftY COMMISSION EXPIRES: May 26,2002 My commiss ion expires :.,---'- KATHLEEN L BURNETT NOTAAY PUBUC,STATE OF COlORAoo f;\everyono\forms\dcvimpag.nr Nota Page 3 00 ,".~WestS t a r Bank· IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT LETTER OFCREDIT: ACCO UNT PARTY: BENEFICIARY: ISSUEDATE: PLACEOFISSUE: EXPIRA nON DATE: #3 58 Dan iel J.Frederick P.O.Box 2557 Vail,CO 81658 Town of Vail Community Development Department Public Works Department Vail,CO 81657 October 2 ,1998 Vail,Colorado June 30.1999 WestS tarBankhereby issues th is IrrevocableLetter o f Creditin yourfavorfor theamounto f Thre eT housandOne HundredTw enty-Five andNO/IOO Dollars(S3,125.00),whichis availablebydraftsatsightforpaymentinanysum notexceeding intotal $3.125.00 (USDollars)accompanied bythefollowingdocuments : (I)Writtencert ification signedby an a uthorizedofficialwithTown of VailPublicWorksthat theaccount partyhas failedto partially orfully complete improvements agreeduponbetweenTown of Vail CommunityDevelopment DepartmentandPublicWorksDepartmentandDaniel J .Frederickasa conditionofwork to becompletedpursuanttofurtherprojectpermitsbeingissuedforproject at2840 Basingdale Bou levard,Vail,CO8 1657. T hisLetter o fCre ditshallnotbe transferable andthelaws oftheState of Colorado shallgovernit.Th is Letter of C reditma y beextendedoroth erwise renewedwiththecons ent of the Beneficiary andWestStarBank . WestS tarBank herebyag reestohonoreachdraftfor payment madeincompl iance withth e term s of th is Letter of C redit ifdu ly presented ,together withany document sspecifiedherein ,onorbeforetheexp iration date of thisLetter orC redit. DanE.Go dec Se nior Executive V icePresident ,"..Proposal No. Date Sheet No. Work ToBe Performed At · Street .L..!..L:...:.:.=...."--! City Slale -l DateafPlans ---.,.--l Architect --i _Proposal (j;(J'\.s~ d-..300 Vi-lJOfl &<?:oLCo S-~ Proposal Submitted To FROM Name ~~-n-lc--,....I~':..:"'''''''''->'''':~,-T''"'4'=--------I street-":'......'-<''-:'-'-----''''''?~..u q.d~U:'J;.._:_-------_i City·_-v-""l.-L..L__-'--=----"_-">t-liC-S.....--i State------rr-=;..,.,--""T:::--;-;o;,---------------i Telephane number Allmate rial is g uaranteed to be as specified,andthea bovework to beperformed in accordance withthe drawings an dspecificationssub mitted for aboveworkandcompletedinasubstan tial workmanl ike mannerfor thesumof Dollars ($;?f"OO ). SOk J1c-e.. Anya lteration o r deviat ion froma bove specifications involving exira costs,will be executedon ly uponwr itten or ders,an dwill becomeane xtra charge averandabovetheestimate .All agreementscontingentupon strikes,acciden ts ordelaysbeyondo ur control.Owne r to ca rry fire,tornadoandothe r cessa r),\insurance up'an obpvework.Wor kmen's Compensati on andpublic Liabi lity Insurance o no bove workto be ta ken outby M-L:I'I •Co Note -Thisp roposalmay be w ithdrawnby us ifnot ac cep ted within L(6 days ACCEPTANCEOF PROPOSAL The abov epr ices,speciF ications andconditions aresat isFactory an d are hereb y accepted .Youareautho rized 10 dothe work as spec ified.Paymentwill bemade as ou tlined above. d '2~~-~~ Accepte --===---__-!..~--.,=,.--:::::,.------Si g na tur e--------------------- /c/e-Icr f "/ T O P S FOR .....,3450 C..LITHO I N U .S .A . NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 5/7/85 002043PERMITNO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIII~ 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH M BUILDING $5.40nnn DIVISION 1 22a6J z ELECTRICAL ?'io.on0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK:~PLUMBING::l l-IoffleoHRerS aElElitioR to office/st\:lEl:y ...«MECHANICAL> $5,650.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMITFEES \I R-3 128 5650.00 BUILDING PERMIT 56.50 PLAN CHECK ?Q ?I:;'"ELECTRICAL ?I'\nn ~ NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL (1/)REPAIR ()PLUMBING ~~DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT .__NO .FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE 19.00 ~ INSULATION :TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD '::t("--.CVJ~FLO OR Fibre G 12'38 CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT ;(;; ,j)100.00 i:t ~EXT.WALLS Fi bre r,hi 1-US§5 AX----,--- roam 1 ,~ll 'ilf5 ~~ROOF ---7J //~L!e .reG I ~~§if _~Fj .TYPE ;T O T Ai~E R M I T j EliS 1):2.5.15 --OF A ~,~IfJOD.:(I~IllfCSOLAR '"fIiii~---'0 ;80-----HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITS.f l;EC~rt1.\(.t!\!!'~e,ITIAL Cl i ICI ~DATE _,__~n QL8 L ___ ST.CUT ,Y,,,(,C;,I X hONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLA STING \V/'f)t'j)jV v IzON ING &BUILDING NOTES: PARK ING ·V Qit\X XDEMO I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled out in full the information requ ired, completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that allthe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according tothe Town 's zoning and SUb::P'tCOdes,design rev iew approved,Uniform Building Code and other ~1inances Orit Town apible thereto. CI€OJ:l L))to:c 5,01 d...feel./7 -/~/.AA._~rneYl C 0fI 0v .'Gt SIGNATURE....OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF D"{31c ~q lL-LJL AND THE OWNER . o PLUMBING IX]FOUNDATION D IJ "d ~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT to,~ department of community development TOBEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT rx BUILDING []ELECTRICALoMECHANICAL (,{b L u«\L<ja,J1 .LEGAL LOT 4 BLK 1 DESC.FILING I ntermountai n JOBNAME : OWNER NAME Steven W Caswell MAIL ADDRESS 80 x 3669-2664 CIT~a rkspur,Va i 1 PH.476 3088 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH . Amer;can ueve rcpment GENERAL FIRM Consolidated CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.228-A TELE.Ll7f'.'lOAA FIRM ST@\I@n hI Ca~!o!@ll ELECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.,Home OwnerCONTRACTOR TELE .A 7(:,'lOQQ FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. the prlnterylv 311 AMERICAN CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT : General Contracting and Design //-IJ..gs I &")(TeN'S IO-v TV TJ/c /$(/'''01''1/<;-1'(£YU""l I r 2.O~3 .We /..vTt5:>vC 7 lie-S~1<-IN6-()~ THIS P,o(.oSec.T INToSnfl(.T rile".,c,L.e- If'eou WO(,lL .0 L/lrtr 199r,/tIVD tieL/' r/l-tN'tr yq v rt?A.Yt?v,c. ,,4/1/£);:e~.IT "Clive . 77"S Post Office Box3669•Vail,Colorado 81658•Telephone 303/476-3088 Project Application • Da te --=. Project Name :__-'--~-<-_-'--__'___'=____ Contact Person and Phone \ Project Description:__--"--'!.L --''-_'__ Owner,Address and Phone:-"'--------'==----_~"-=:::__ A rch itect.Address and Phone: A.J Comments :_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Seco ndedb y : APPRO VAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary:-----~---"=-=.::.-.:..l...----'-'----'=--"-------'--'---__T---------------- Da t e: III Sta ff Approval / J -'II 75southfrontageroad office of community development vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 Date :_ .Ro yWANE .J<:JhIV2T6/l1 P O.tEJd>l3073 Dear Sirs, Ona recent check of building permits,we find that the below referenced permit has expired. The Town of Vail Building Department has not received a request for a final inspection on this project,the last inspection request was dated 5-7-tft5:.Please reply in regards to this within 30 days from the date you receive this letter. Your immediate attention is requested.If you have any further questions concerning this matter please feel free to contact me at 479-2138. Sincerely, Dan Stanek TOV Building Inspector DS/jlt Expired Permit Information: ~~4'A town of vai e \.,e•i lv\j)J - if I ~~\........~ 75 south frontage road vall ,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 September 2,1988 officeofcommunity development Mr.Bill P.o.Box Vail,co wi Ito 2358 81658 Re:Lot 4,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Subdivision Dear Bill: I appreciate your interest in thinking of the Town of Vail in regard to future open space acquisitions.However,after a brief discussion during a staff meeting,we are not interested in the purchase of Lot 4,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Subdivision for use as open space or park land.A factor in this decision not to purchase this property is the proximity of the lot to the existing Town owned land known as Stevens Park. Stevens Park is approximately 10 acres in size and is slated for some improvements beginning in 1990.We feel that this park will accommodate the needs of the eastern Intermountain area and,thus,are not interested in this lot at this time. Again,thank you for offering the lot to the Town of Vail. A.Pet r Patten,Jr. Director of Community Development APP:kmc ...-\ , TO:Planning and Environmental Commission FROM:Community Development Department DATE:April22,1985 SUBJECT:Request for a side setback variance in order to construct an addition toan existing single family residence on Lot4,Block 1, Vail Intermountain Subdivision.(2664 Larkspur Lane) Applicants:Steven and Renee Caswell DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE RE QUESTED The Caswel1s are requesting approvaltoencroach into the east side setbac k 5.7 feet.Given this encroachment,a side setback of9.3 feet would bemaintained .on the east side of their single family unit.The residence is located ina Primary/Secondaryzone which requires a15foot side setback.The 110 square foot proposed addition will beusedas additional space for a study/office area. The summary below highlights zoning information forthe request: Total Site Area:.2139 acres or 9317.99 square feet Site Coverage:1864 sf allowed -1081 sf existing 783 sf remaining -130 sf proposed addition 653 sf remaining after addition GRFA:949.50 ground level 857.75 main floor 535.25upper level 2342.5gross existing -123 storage credit 2219.5 total existing 2329.5allowed GRFA -2219.5 total existing 110 remaining GRFA Credits: 15 sf mechanical 200 sf storage total C~ll -2-4/22/85 The Caswells state the following reasons why the variance is justified: "Reasons for requesting the variance: From the zoningcheck on March 22,1985 it has been found that we have 110 square feet remaining GRFA allowable for expansion. An addition toourhouse is beingproposedto expand office space for Steve's general contracting business .Ratherthan building an entire new room which would putusoverthe allowable GRFA,we decidedto add ontothe existing office room toour allowable limit of 110 square feet. It may be possible to expand this room towardthe south,butduetothe topographyand site condition listed below,we are requesting to expand tothe east requiring a side setback var iance: 1.Extensive excavation and retaining work .Since this site is surrounded by trees,there is no access for heavy equipment.Trees would have to be removed from neighbors'lots in order toallow access. 2.Extensive site recontouring to redirect drainage. 3.Any excavation into the hillside will require removal and/or damage to large existing aspen and spruce trees. 4.Building tothesouth would require demolition of a substantial part of the existing foundation and retaining system built into this wall. 5.Building tothesouth would require modification of existing roof lines and add tothe mass ofthe building. 6.Building tothesouth would require more extensive concrete work andaccess for concrete and pump truck is limited because of possible damage toour electrically heated concrete driveway. The advantagesof building t o the east areas follows: 1.There will be no damage toor removal ofany existing trees. 2.Excavation and recontouring is minimal allowing it tobe done by hand. 3.Site drainage will be improved over existing conditions. 4.Existing roof lines will notneedtobe modified. 5.Additiondoesnot add tothemassingofthe building and it increases the front fenestration." Zoni ng Criteri a '1.The relationship of this addition to existing and potential structures inthe vicinity isas follows: a.The addition is screened from lots above us by trees on the hillside. b.The single family residence on Lot3,Block 1,is located on the opposite side ofthehouseso that it will have no impact on them. I ~Cas wel l -3-4/22 /85 "c.Large trees existing on our lot screen this addition visually from Larkspur Lane and housesexisting across the street. d.Lot5.Block 1.is currently an undeveloped lot.Wh ena house is built on this lot it will probablybe built tow ard the east ofthe lot and close totheroad.(Thisminimizes excavation and loss of trees.)A variance was granted to Lot5onOctober6.19 81 in order to bu ild 7 feet into th e front setback. 2.The degreeto which relief from the setbac k regulation is necessary is minimal since there will still remain a9.3 footside setbac k. We do notfeel that this will constitute a grant of special privilege when takenin context with surrounding area.Variances have been grantedtoLot5to build 7 feet into the f ront setback, and toLot4,Block 2,to build parking i nthe Town ofVail right-of-way.Also,it appears that many,if notmost,of theexisting structures in this i mmediate ar ea are notcomp lying with TOV setbac kr egula ti ons. 3.This variance will have no effect on light and air,distribution of po pulat ion,transportatio n.t raff ic faci lities,uti lites, or public safety." Please see the enclosed survey,site plan and elevations. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon reviewof Criter iaa nd Findings,Sectio n 18.62.06 0 ofthe Municipal Code,the Departme nt of Community De velo pment recomme nds de nial of the requested variance based upon t hefol lowing fa ctors: Consideratio n of Fac tors The relationship of the requested varia nce to other existing or potential uses and structures inthe "vicinity. The staff believes that the addition will have onlya slight negative impact on adjacent structures and uses.A9.3foot east side setback willbe mai ntained giventhe addition.However.the15 foot setbac k buffer isdecre ased dueto th e 5.7 foot encroachment.It is felt that an addition couldbe constructed on t he north side ofthe house without encroaching into the front setback.An addition of this type would have no impact on adjacent structures oruses. The degreeto wh ich relief from the s trictor literal in t erpretation and enforcement of a specified regu lation is necess ary toachi eve comp atibility anduniformity of treatment among sites inthe vicinity orto att ain theobj ectives of this title without grant of special privilege. It is correct that a variance was gr anted toLot5to build 7'i nto thefro nt s e tbac k and toLot4,Block 2to build parkinginthe Townof Vnil right-of-way.Inre spect tothe variance for Lot5.there weres everal extreme contraints on the site whic h •Caswe1~4-4/22 /85 made the vari ance ofapproximately7 feet an appropriate request.Theconst rain ts included: 1.The lot hada slope varying from 40 %to 45 %.The move ment ofthe hous e fo rward minimized thecuts necessary to build the structure. 2.The mov em entoft hehouse for ward i ntot he setbac kwouldenable t he dri veway to be co nstructed at an 8%slo pewhich is the ma ximum s lope perm itted by the Town rather tha n at a 13 %slope. 3.The movementofthe house fo rw ardwouldenable the applic ant to avo id cutti ng t he l argest tree on t he lot--a 60 foot pinet ree wit ha 3D" dia mete r. 4.The applicant was proposingas ingle f amilydwelli ng unit instead of a primary/secondary unit.The GRFA for theproposed unit was also f ar bel ow theallowed GRFA. The parking variance for Lot4,Block 2inv olved moving five exi sting parking spaces whic hwerecur rently located al most entirely on t he rig ht-o f-way of Lar kspur La ne further back onto theapplic ant's prope rty inanatt emp tto relieve a cong ested situation onLarkspur La ne.It shouldbenoted that the applicant also requested t o locate two additional spaces on the public right-of-way and th is request was denied.Staff felt that the movement oftheparkingspaces further onto the lot would defi nitely havea positi ve impact upo n t her oadw ayand adj acent structures by reduci ng congestion along the street .The minutesf rom the PE C meetingon Septe mber 27,1982 state that "The par king was a nonconforming use and thi s request ma ke theparki ng 1ess nonconformi ng."Di scussi on of mov i ng theparkingspaces centered upon the fact that they would be made less noncon- forming and would reducethe congestion of the street.LarryEskwith,Town Attorney,explained that thecounty had giventhe applica nt the right for the ~ive existing spaces,but that the PEC would not grant t\'IO addition al spaces. J ..',. It also true that many ofthe existing structures in the are a are not complying withthe Town of Va il setback regulat ions.It shouldbeemphasized,though, that these structures,for the most part,were built before t his area was a part ofthe Town of Vail. Staff believes that it would bea grant of special privilege to approve t his setback encroachment.The addition couldbeloc ated onthe nort h side ofthe house.Ho wever,thedi mensio ns oft he addit ion may have tobereduced. •Caswell -5-4/22 /85 The effect of the requested variance on light and air,distribution of popul at ion, transport ation and traffic facilities,public facilities and utiliti es,a nd public safety. Accordingtothe Town ofVail Engineer,the e xisting cut behindthehousecould become aproblem if not addressed.Fore xample,the sli dea rea jus tt oth e west was caused byasimilar cut situat ion .Constructio n inth is a rea may pose aproblemto public safety. I n respect tothe other effec ts on li gh ta nd air,d istributio n of po pulation, transpor t atio n a nd traffi t fac ilit i es,thi sre q uest should not negativ ely i mpact these areas. Such other fact ors and cri te ria a sthe comm iss ion d eem s~l icab le tothe pl-oo osed va riance. FIND INGS The Planning and Environme ntal Corr;mission shall Ii;a ke t he foll o'ding f indinas.be(~re gra nting a varia nce: That th e grant ing ofthe vari ancewil l not co nst it utea grant o fs pecia l privil ege inc onsi stent with the li mit at ionson other properties classif ied in the saine dis tri ct . That t he grant in g o fthe var iance will not be detri menta l t o t he pu bl ic hea lth , s afety,or we lfar e,or mat e r iall y in juriousto propert ies or i mp roveme nts i nthe vicinity. Thattheva ria ncei s wa rranted for one or more of thefol lowing r easons: Th e s t rict orl iterali nt erpreta tion and e nforceme nt ofthes pecif iedr egulation wou ldre sultin pr ac ti cald ifficu lty o r un necessary physi cal hardshipi nconsi s t ent withth eo bjectives of this t itle. Therear e e xception sor e xtraord i nary c ircu:n stances or conditions ap pl i ca bleto t he site of t he varianc et hatdonot applygenera l lyto ot her properties i nt he s ame lone . Th e st rictor li t eral i nterpr etat i on and e nforc em entof the s peci fied r egula ti on would de priv e t heapplica nt ofprivil eges e njo ye d by the ownersofoth er pr opert ies in the s amed i str ict. ST AFF RE COi'ii~E NDATIONS Staff recommends denial of the 5.7 foot east sid e setback encro achment for the reason that it would bea grant ofsp ecial priVile ge toapprove thi s re quest. It is felt th at it would bebest toloc at ea nadd i tio n onth e north s ideofthe house. • 5 0 ~O .W. / - o«0 ,' ---,-.... I I, I J I iJ ~I B Co .B 3 .-- c e r r :......:..~......--- e xc ept as in1i c ate~. "-c ••..·0 _.-~•__~~_.'~.~.:~r~l .._".___ RECHECK .';I'ID RECE R;- 86.83 L "(I [L :::8'1 5 6 ,50 'R.O.W.-R :::267.26' - t 'T :>:,~.,£.'f,:.1',':)'I ~'~-;R- '"...- r STO,7AGE '1 -l r~,~.•r:....:"c:,.'::"..".-..--i F--.-...... I _...-cf-~"---I, 17.oZ9.9Ir'IC;::~.;':::I ':I '~ inI.~.~~:.- 71~:IF.E .b C I , 0 l _,, '10-.) =...i . STOi7Y cO 0 S'..-{:...... ",t,0....WOOD '"0 'j F f?:1J:rE ...r 0 0-:"!r;-1'.....j /7.7'm..-!3:"':-,.r,0 ':.................••••••oJ0r.....·;,'o Ft.C·CR0 C ~L;•.'1-:.'.':;- - 0 ·0 0 0 0 r<l 0 <t 0 Z .... Vi 0 '1' 10 es,«II 56 0 12'-..,29 E NORTH /gil i, "'.,..."'.'.. .~./;~:·:·~f:<.~~ I I., I t-.-!0 I:..n·d;.U ,;".._..__.._--- 1 ..,.-..,..'--:- ., ----.--I -----...- I-- I - . ,- ~_.j~=-----i -'i7 ___. DO ! I :( /' f i,.' ~.\ 0,I'--!----------if·,~, • Ctx..?~~L Q.k.-J l ni.I.e ,.- • ~...._--~..,..- I NT ER-DEP ART ME NTAL REVI EW PROJ ECT:(P<:L0E<..~/ry:I "'''''''~ DATE SUBMITTED:___ CO MMEN TS NEEDED BY:_ BRIEF DESCRIPTIO N OF THE PR OP OSAL: DATE OF PU BLIC HEARING~__ i j\()-;,,_,."1'r .'>I ':", '"(J;)e.r -:»7"/,-vG.C CJ 7'6~""'/~"'"~<.J ,-,.s£:C:O i.-',O t!:~n>"'I (""q.7'<o.:X;"._/ /F ".o·r -9.oP.<'t:fS'EP K>-<e»",,.,,,,,c sv~>~I1-«=Yi v L;S7 ","'7~'c·<:V ~S 7 C~t (·""",B --~J.~_,,~~<-C V/r/'7'~,.,7"'~ FIR E DEP ART ME NT Revi ewed by:Date._ Co rrun ents: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:Date.___ Comme nts: REC RE AT ION DEP ARTME NT .Rev iewed by :Date._ Co mme nts: •...-r. --',' ". ... .::-;';~. ",., .·..·7 . "".' ." ·(- Applicat ion Date l~arc ll 25 ,1985 PEC MEETI NG DATE lI pl'l"I de')I CJf'5,l APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I.This proced ure isrequiredfor any project requesting a variance.The app li cation willnotbeaccepted until all i nformati on iss ubmitted. Steven W.an d Renee E.CaswellA.NAME OF APPLICANT__.:-_ Box 3669,Vail,CO 81658ADDRESS._----==---"'-"~'___'_=__'_____=___ PHONE 476 -3 088------------------------" Steven CaswellB.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESE NT ATIVE"_ ADD RESS _ _______________________PHONE-_ C.NAME OF OWNER(S)(type 0 S tL Tu reds ADDRESS Box 3669 ,Vail,CO 81 658 ______________________PHONE 476 -)088 D.LOCATION OF PRO POSAL ADDRESS 2664 Larksp u rLane ,Vai l,Colorado LEGAL DESCRIPTIO N LOT4 BLOCK 1 FILI NG Vail Intermou nta in Subdiv is i on'----- E.FEE $100 PAID .?Izz..CK #FRO M c...{:..~v-u / TH E FEE MU ST BE PAID BtF ORE THE CO MMU NITY DEVELO PME NT DEP ART ME NT WILL ACCEP T YOUR PROPOS AL. F.A list ofthe names of own ers of all prop e rty adjacent tothe subject property INCLUDI NG PROPE RTY BEHIND AND ACROSS ST REETS,and their mailingaddresses . THE AP PLICA NT WILL BE RESPONSI BLE FO R CO RRECT MAILI NG ADD RESSES. II.A PRE-APP LICATION CONFERE NCE WITH A PLA NNING STAFF ME MBE R IS ST RONGLY SUGGESTED TO ;DETE RMINEIF ANY 'ADDITIO NAL INFO RMATION IS NEE DED.NO APPLICATION WIL L BE AC CEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMP LETE (M UST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQU IRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR).IT IS THE APPLICA NT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MA KE AN APPOINT ME NT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIO NAL SUBM ITTAL REQUIREMENTS ., PLEASE NOTE THAT A CO MPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YO UR PROJECT BY DECREASI NG THE NU MBE R OF CO NDITIO NS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PL ANNING AND ENVIRONME NTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE.ALL CO NDITIO NS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED."I .r. .:.~.' IrI .FOUR (4)COPIES OF THE FOLLOWI NG MUST BE SUBMITTED: A.A WR ITTEN STATE MENT OF THE PRECISE NATU RE OF THE VA RIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED.THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO AD DRESS: 1 .The relation ship oftherequestedvari ance to 'ot her exi sti ng orpotential uses and structures inthe vicin ity . 2.The degreeto which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforce ment ofa specified regulation isnecessarytoachieve c o m p a t i bi l i ~y and unifo rmity of treatment among sites inthe vicin ity orto attain the objectiv es of this title wit hout gra nt of special pr ivile ge. • I I ( APPLI CA TI ON FOR A VAR IANCE(Addition) (CA Sh'ELL I'az-ch 25 ,1985 Lot 4 ,Bl ock 1,Vail I ntermount ainDevelopme nt Subdivis ion Names and Andresses of Adiacent Ow n ers: Lot 7,Block 2 Al be rt Friedman 2400 La k eview,Apt .2105 Chicago,IL 60614 Lot 5 ,Block 1 Byron Hoyle 5053 Snowshoe Lane Vail ,CO 816 57 Lot 3,Block 1 Jeanette A.Lorch Box 2122 Vail ,CO 81658 Lot 12,Block 9 DannyK.Harper a nd Stephen G.Se rv ies Box 3854 Vail,CO 81658 Lot 13,Block 9 Edwin and Dorothy Bachrach Nedan dKarin Simon Box 117 Vail,CO 8 1658 ) VlY-~ --- ..( APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE Lot 4 ,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Subdivision Nat u re of th e Variance : •(CASWELL Earch 25 ,1985 The variance being requested is fort he purpose of an addition to the e xist ing single family residence located on Lot 4 ,Block 1,Vail Intermountain subdivision .Variance fro m the 15 foot s ide setback in order to construct an addition wh ereby this addition would encroach 5 .7 feet into the side setback . ~1 .-The relationship of this addition t o ex~s ~~ng and potential ~structures in the vicin ity is as foll ows. \ a .The addition i s scre ened f roml ots above us b y t rees existing on the h ill side. b.The single fam i ly res idence on Lot ),Block 1 .is l ocat ed ont he opposite s ide of the house s o that i t wi ll have no impact on them. c .Large trees existing on our lot screen this addition visually f~om Larkspur Lane and houses existing across the street . d .Lot 5 .Block 1,is currently an undeveloped lot.Wh en a house is built on this l ot it will p rob ably be built towards the e as t side of the lot and close to t he road .(This minimizes excavation a nd loss of trees)Av ariance was granted to Lot 5 on October 6 ,1981 in order t o build 7 f eet into the front set back . We feel that t he requested variance will no t result in any negative impacts on t hes urrounding properties . I The variance may have ap ositive visual i mpact on the adjacent property (Lo t 5)because it wi ll minimi ze more cutting into the hill, save existing t rees ,and our ho me will have morewindow area facing east . -1 2 .The degre e to which relief from the setback r egulation is necessary ~is minimal since there will s t ill remain a 9.)foot side setback .We do not fee l that this will constitute a grant of special privil ege when taken in co n text with surrounding area .Variances have b een granted t o Lot 5 t o build 7 feet into the f ront set back ,and to Lot4 ,Block 2 , t o bu i ld pa~king in the Town of Vail r ight of way .Also ,i t app ears that many,if not most,of the existing structures in this immed iate area a re n ot complying with TOV setback r egulations . I ).This variance will have n o effect on light a nd air ,distribution of ~population,transportation ,traffic f acilities ,u tilities ,or public safety . ••(ec CAS1,'ELL 11arch 25,1985 APPLICA TION FOR A VARIANCE Lot 4,Block 1,Vail Intermountain DevelopQent Subdivision Reasons for r equ esting th e vari ance: 5.Building to the south would require modification of existing roof l ines and add to t hemass of the building. 6.Building to t he south would require more e x tensive concrete work and acce ss for c oncrete and p ump truck is limited b ec ause of possible damage to our el ectrically heated concrete driveway. 4.Building to the south would require demolition of a substantial part of the existing foundation and r etaining system built into this wall. advantages of bUilding to the east are as follows: --I I I I The ,.'/....---From the z oning check onMarch 22,1985 it has been f ound that we have I 110 s qu are f eet remaining GRFA allowable for expansion. An addition to our house is being proposed to expand office space for Steve's general contracting business.Rather than building an entire ne w room which would put us over the allowable GRFA,we decided to add \~,onto ·the existing office room to our allowable limit of 110 s q.ft. It maybe possible to expand this room toward the south,but due to the \ '"topography and site condition listed below,we are requesting to expand to t he east requiring a side s etback variance: 1.Extensive excavation and retaining work.Since this site is •surrounded by trees,there is no access for h eavy equ ipment.Trees II :~Ul~::::i::::t:e:::::t::::~e::h::::r:::sa::i::::~to allow access. ).Any e x cavation into t he hillside will require removal and/or d amage to largee x isting asp en and spruce trees. I 1.There will be no damage tq or removal of any existing t rees. 2.Excava tiona nd r econtouring is mini ma l allowing it to be do ne byh a nd. ).Site drainage will be i mprov ed ov er existing condition~. 4.Exis ting r o of lines will not need to be modified. 5.Addi tiond o es not add to the massing of the building and it i ncreasest he front fen e stration. e(e( GROU ND LEVEL 28.5 X27.5 9X 21 .5 X 9.5 783.75 189 4.75 977.5 ZONE CHECK -Lot 4,Bloek1Vail Intermountain t'la reh 22,1985 Kris tan Pritz UPPE R LEVEL 27X 17 10.25 X 10.25 1.5 X 3.5 459 105 5.25 569.25 949 .5 Total Storage 2X 6.5 Meehan ical 13 15 square f eet . Storage 3X3 .5 2.5 X3 2X8 535.25 Total 10.5 7.5 16 '3l1 ttoa in Floor Site Area 9,317.99 sq .f .2139 37 X 21.5 8X 3 .5 7.5 X 6 .5 14 X 3 .5 5 ;tel age- 1.5X7.5 6.5 X 13 3X3 29.5 795.5 28 48 .75 49 5 926 .25 Fir ring -39 ~~\\~ 8 57.75 TOT AL 2329.5 a 11 owed 2342.5 -123s torage in wo rk ro om 2219.5 t otalexi s tin9 110r emaining GRFA I ••'""'.:)~))i.,};,'t,\:\\.\.:\C·\ L) .. (\l r ,~(0 f'111 1 1 tI L N 1 (-5C I:.DUL E::13-'1 -4 . ([xc q :d.l nn n )(\PI.•1 lent.i (In No.VUUU4647 Th«p ollc j Qt'p ol i c Lwn to b~~Issuo:d \-Ii 11 contain e xc ept i ons to tho;, following unlos5 the &aM~~r~disposed of to th~swtisfactlon of the C IJ r,lp;i n IJ : 1.SL:noiJrci Exc ept ions 1 t.hr-cuqh 5 pr i nt~,d on t .ho cover sh'?E!t. 6.Taxos lInd 35sdS5~ents nQt y~t du~,)r pdyubl~and special d~se~sffi~ntB not yet c~rtifi~d to th~lr~8surerrB office. 7.Any unpaid tax~s or ass.s9~@nts ~gHinst said land. 9.RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIH ORLODETO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THrRlFIHIM Sf/(IULD lHF.SMlE LIE FOUIW TO PENETI<A1E OR IlnEI~SECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED APRIL 18, 1934,IN ~()OK 123 AT PAGE 3. 10.r\lGHT or I·IA\,FOH lJlTCIlES OR CANALS CON~lIWClElJ BY lilt AUTIl<lI<IlY OF rilE UNITED STATES AS ~~f.SERVEl)IN lINITED SH\lTS PATENT RECORDED APRIL 18 t 1934,IN BO(IK 123 AT ,'nilE 3. 11.~ESTRICTIVE (:OVENAHTS,WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT 01'1 III I IW r~ESTf<I (:T J(II~S,1F Al~Y r OASED Ol~IUlCE,COl.OI~, RELIGION,OR NATIONAL ORIGIH,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED N(IVEMBEW 17.1970,IN BOOK 219 n'r PAllE 120 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRllMENf RECORDED APRIL 28,1971,IN BOOK 220 AT PAGE 380. U1ILITY AND DRAINAGE EASlMENTS OVER A 5 rO(IT WIDE STRIP ALONG ALL INTERIOR l.OT LHIES AS DF.:SCRIBED IN THE PLAT. ---------------------------.------------- P~-3-4/22/85 which stated that the y felt that if the Town couldnot ret ain the lot for open space,this area be for comme rcial spaceandnot for lodging. Piper said that he would like tosee this new zone district givenachance to succeed.He r eiteratedthe fact that currently there was a glut onthe market of condo miniums . Ryan wondered how soon the Town wanted toseethe area upgraded and s tated that oner eason for t he original r ezoning was toseeupgradingofth is very visible property.Vol iter fel t that since this was one of the last piec es t o be developed,he had tobevery careful whathedidwith it .He felt t hat there was avery good possibility of gett ing lod ge business from perso nst raveling onI -lO .and if there is an off-ra mp in this a rea,that possibility would i mprove. Affeldt moved a nd Ra psonseco nded todeny the r equestto amend thezonedi s trict per the staff memo.The vote was 6-0 todeny the request withViele abstai ning. 2.Request for as ide setback vari ance in or~ to anexisti ng s ingle f amilyr esi denceon Lo t4,Bl ock 1 ,I nte rmo untain at 2664 Larkspur Lane .Applicants:St 'en and Renee Caswell Rick Pylman rev iew ed the memo and stated th at the s taff recommended de ni al. Steve Caswell,theappl ica nt explained that his l ong r angegoal was to build agarageonthe west andth e refore didnot wantto build there,tha the d id notwantto build ont he north becauseofhaving to cut into the hill more, and beca use hecouldo nly add30square fe et t here which would n't ful fill his needs.Also,onthe north were the main util ity lines which woul d have t o be r elocated .Cas we ll stated that his neighb or tot hewest wa sinthe audience and was in favor of the request as was the nei ghbor who owned the lot tothe east .Lorch spokeinf avor of the addition . Schultz felt that the propos al didnot hurt anyone,a nd no one objected,but that if theboard we nt by strict regulatio ns,th~re questdid no t fulfill t he require~ents for a physical hardship.Donovan stated that shedidnotwant toseea ny more so il remo ved from the south of the house,a nd wa nted tol eave sp acef or parking on the north andwest sides .Ra pson agreedwith Sid,Piper felt that the i mpact on the east wasnot great.Wa lters felt the Town mus t encourageCaswelltoto build a future gar age.Affe ldt wantedtotoa letter stating that th e addit ionwouldnotpose a problem tot he ow ner ont he east, andadded that he would li kemorei nformation on buildi ng to t he north. Caswell repeated the information a bout the location oftheut ility lines on the no rth and the fact that addingto the north would not g ivehi m enou gh additional square footage that heneeded.Affeldt felt th at the public would notbehar med by the addition,Viele ag reedwit h Eric. Caswell felt that notbeing a bleto build into the hillside was ahards hip . Donovan felt the re was re ason to gra nt thevari ance si ncehecouldnot buil d into the north or front andthe Town was encour aginggarages, Affe ldt movedand Donovans econd edt o approve t he varian cebecausegranting PE~-4/22/85 the variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege,it would not be detrimental tothe public health,safety,or welfare and that the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regul ation would result in pract ical difficulty .The vote was 7-0 i n favor ofthe variance. After discussion of proposedchangesto the height definition and the satellite ordinance,the meeti ng was adjourned at 4:45 pm. Project App lication Date _ Project Name:C -Itj;.,)E;l (AtJD 'Dor0 Proj ect Description:MInD 1,,)J'D :s 110c..~F~ll...y Con tact Personan d Ph one 5x2?Je;-G:-:x \67 < A rchitect,A ddressand Phone: •Z one _ Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ M o tion by: Seconded by : Dat e: APPR OVAL A\\V\«k,I.c'b b Me-k-'. 5e.ft.--IMr,'k{ll;\v L:sf, D ISAP PROVAL • ZO NE CHECK -Lot4,Block1Vail Intermountain March 22,1985 Kristan Pritz GRO UND LEVEL 28.5 X 27.5 9X 21 .5 X 9 .5 783 .75 189 4.75 977 .5 UPPER LEVEL 27 X 17 10.25 X 10.25 1.5 X 3 .5 459 105 5.25 569 .25 949.5 Total Sto rage 2X 6.5 Me c han ical 13 15 square f eet Storage 3X 3.5 2.5X3 2 X8 535.25 To tal 10.5 7 .5 16 ~ Ma i n Fl 00 r Site Area 9,317 .99 sq.ft. .2139 37 X 21.5 8 X 3 .5 7.5 X 6.5 14 X 3 .5 5 Storage 1.5X7.5 6 .5 X 13 3X3 29 .5 795.5 28 48.75 49 5 926 .25 Firring -39 857 .75 TOTAL 2329 .5 a 11 owed 2342 .5 -123 s toragein work room 2219 .5 total existing 110remaining GRFA ~.LIST OF MATER IALS 4It '<AI'£OF P'OJECT,ellS Cu~L<.r.:?t--SI&flVr~LE GAL DESCRIPTION :LOT 4 BLOCK FILING 1/,4 /4 !lj1"CJU'1ov7d/~ STREET ADDRES S:;},~~0/?'hO(~L'&ti.6 DE SCRI PT IO NOF PROJ EC T:O';c,&/CL:/~zvo</MLZ/ZZaA/, The followi ng information is required for submitt al by the applicanttothe De si gn Review Bo ard before a final a ppro va l canbef iven: A.BUILDI NG MATERIALS :TYPE OF MAT ER IAL J"I1,1 TC #6"/</s T7/l/6-COLOR Roo f Siding Other Wa ll Mate ri als Fascia So ffit s Win dow s Wind ow Trim Doo rs Door Trim Hand or Dec k Rails Flues Flash i ngs Chimneys Tras h En closur es Gree nho uses Othe r Ix;;;}c'CM.(;RIS :¥g Ce2?4J(h.V " 0)(tOJ{/)!3ROt<//(/ /lHAllItJ tv#/70~ /. B.LA NDSCAPING:Name ofDesigner: phone: PLA NT MA TER I AL S:Botani cal Name PROPOS ED TREES EXISTI NG TREES TO ~~er BE RE MOVED Common Nam e Quan ity I / Si ze* *Ind icate caliper f ordeci duc ious trees .I ndic ate height f orconifers. (over ) e e PLA NT MA TER IALS :Botanical Nam e Comm on Nam e Qu anity Size ,. (can't)! R,~71£U 10 .!J:!SH RUBS S GdL I : EXISTI NG SHRUBS TO BE RE r10VED GR OUND COVERS SOD SEED TY PE OF I RR IGA TION Square Fo otage ;;(00 TYP EOR METHOD OF __-_ EROS IO N CO NT ROL C.OTHE R LA ND SCAP E FE ATU RE S (re taining \~al ls,f ences,swimm i ng poo ls,etc.)Please s pecify. .... oz ,,0:: I'll: r'"r'"-;0z "0 0::'" Z-:; '" ON -0"'z-<-;oz Ci"-< n "o '"'" "'r-0 ..~-t '........-< z ooz '"-< ;0 0:: -~ oz z r '"-'.Cl ~,. zo '"r,. ;:: ooz.... g l: RNTO"space •SENDER:Complete items 1,2,3 Addyour address Intheonreverse. TOTAL (CONSULT POSTlIASTER FOR FEES) 1.The followingservice is requested (check one). o Show 10 wh om and dale delivered _. o Show 10 whom ,dale ,andaddressofd elivery .. z.O RESTRICTED DELIVERY (ne nmicttd de/Mry fee is cha'!{td In addition tf1 the """rtf re«lpt /,e:)_ ProjectApplication 5 TI1/£ Date 1/-2 .£-6') d CrlAllf w -1 V A lAI/V IN ~ s:.¢7/011 tvContactPersonandPhone \ P roject Descr i ption :...L::'.'-"'"~~:.JL!~_ O wner.Addressand Phone:__----':...<....!..:.L.lO:......-_ Oc.$16.v1:n. Arcl:lit ee!';-Address an d Phone: /•Z one _ Comments :_ Date --''---'''~~(..:...l...------ DesignReviewBoard M otion by : Seconded by :C t2/l.-C 0/2..4 Io.J D ISAPPROVAL ______________------=s-==----..-_0"""'--_ S ummary:A/JP/J.-Ol/,fO -4=S p/2 I:S~....)T~KJ TOWPlanner 0 StaffApp roval Date:I 2.-JIG J g I.r I ·...(l~5 Wt:-z.L (_peJv~~ I ,"::i ,i L/..i .:."J ll F ~'l 'I:.I i.~.j ·/J _;//'_~--'>..,'rn)n A-....JT-N&lr v 'T.'...__...../v/'_..-.~I'/''-''...'t Ti lL'rp l !(,\·,'jl l:,~i llf '!I 'I:n(j <Jn i :.1'I''i ''i r e d 1'0]'~:!I ili l ,it.t.i tl I ll't il e il l'liI i t'I I IIL t .o th e Ilc::,i ::l l I:"v i ,';,' lIu :I1',1 b ,::',)f'(~a fi n .r l i 'PI 'l'OVi J!(',;111 I,,,g .iv c lJ : A.HII Ji,flf :\i;i',1/\T L :~lj\L S Si.d j n !~ Fa sc ia So ffi ts l'ii lld O\:s Do0 1's Doo r T r iJJl liand or De ckRa ils Fl ues Ch imncy s Tr a s hEn c l os ur c s Grc cnh ou s c s Oth e r B.LMWSCA PI NG ~II .f 4 e.("¢?JK __&i?y"t.,d:"(b.IIf!-_.&@..~i'!..c7l'_~__..J.P./'1.A:rC If- C)<'/J r/,v6-- _!.x....fL _2Qy.~t/,,I..G':?'..ot7H:__.:m .__:''!.!tzc 1I_~...$TJ£Vc.._ ~l!t5'7 6'/.6L:N o rt»/~ae.t:'~C&A/Y ,Pc)"!Gt1t-. --------.._----_._------._.-----._------_.._---_._- ----------_._._-------------- _J X J:l _..&':!!£.~_2t?!<.L1L-__c..~!l-'?F__.£!t.&z;:a ._LJl2.o.w"1:t.. .J.:g "¢_r/r:,A:yf1e~e!2-.-I1zJLtL.!xIl.._z:,§.....3·~-:'1.c(>7l!.._P.t!.~-C dr ----------------------- ._---------_._-.----_._.----.--.--_.--_.-._--. -------.._---_.-._-------_._--------------- ---_._--_._--------- --------------._-- -----_._-_._---- Na me of De sig ne r: Phone PL ANT f.1j-'\T ERI M.S ___,./VC'·V .l.-._ TREES SHRUG S Botanical Na me ---_.-._-- Co mmon Na me Si ze EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION ,~,P.O.BOX 179 PHON E :3 28·6339 INSPE~ON /731 RE GU ES T DATE 7'-J8'o D TIME RECEIVED 'l':OCJ J OB NAME 0/(,<,'(r;'''''f ((_~~M CALLER ---:....:...::t..:.......=-.:..:::...::::-_ PLUMBING o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATlON _ " ,I /'" [D,APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED [0 UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS :/)f /CO .RR ,~CTIONS /l~p rHC .'.~."7 /'C ~c;,',.,' " I ,...I'1 '//'74:-"p ! -'--'/ //' ~ [j2(R E INS PEe T a_t:>A';;;'7'/4C;:'';:) ~(I P ._/ ,: I-=::::?"/.'/ "..._.....:..-.._-_.~ C/.,(),/.DATE ""7:.....__--'-_-"-_-"_ EAGLE COUNTY ,C:-.J .(~'..(I( REGUESTINSPE~ON JOB NAME C r'j\PM CALLER ---------------------- BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 DATE "1 zg .c 'G TIME RECEIVED o ·j'/, BUILDING PLUMBING MECHANICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTrLATION 4 0UNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING woes FRAMING FINAL HOODS FINAL _;.,o.~ PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION: ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY PARTlA'L LOCATION:, \'. o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION ~N ~.TUE WED THUR FRI---,H9':...I-'-'-';"""'<-f- t5:1'/~:;£C~6: o DISAPPROVED o REI NSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- ..' DATE PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY RE GWEST COUNTY PARTIAL VENTrLATION MECHANICAL LOCATION: INSPE~ON PARTIAL EAGLE JOB NAME r::;-::=-,,+W i (('<!I,e II AM grv CALLER SHe ,/;'1.,,"1"1 SHEETROCK COVER LOCATION : PARTIAL FRAMING BUILDING DATE 8./-[,{; TIME RECEIVED ,3 :.j () BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328·6339 ,LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION MON .~ COMMENTS :5.14 d . WED THUR FRI AMPM t //T /~r;-7d-M&p'lACk01 (/tL ¥~, [j1APPROVED ODISAPPROVED [WGPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS ht':zj ~:!//tl AI /A<Ler.lcJl /f o REINSPECT / DATE CZ .-')-?j J?3'! REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY db:cr-e ~ INSPEc8.0N• JOB NAME ~~aoJ::._.........""""''''''''~'_'___ AMPM CALLER _ DATE '1-.3 a TIME RECEIVED 9;IS- BUILDING DIVISION .,P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 BUILDING FOOTING COVER -.. 'INSULATION __' 'S!'i'i - ~ 'SHEETROCK ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ THUR READY FOR INSPECTION MON I-TUE r,WED COMMENTS ,-.e=,~(Jl 42t~? 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D OTHER ---:-D PARTIAL.LOCATION _ " 0' D APPROVED D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECT .D UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORREC:fS /J'/"Zl!C1;7/dL ,,~«d .;;t;~-.//,~/~ DATE ,7 ./, /73'1 ~ REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY <:{/(C<~',r,..~.~ INSPEC~ONBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.Box179 PHONE :328-7311 DATE j "-/u :-'&L:.(1 .,_r-JOB NAME ----"'","-1''---'',-=,0_''''-'---'--''-'-='''-'''"'-_ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION MON WED THUR FRI AMPM i, i J... z-,,...L"jo'I ' /......:-,'''-7 (~.,'.~"'''''''(./..-""!'"./-",' r ,I fr1l f I ',' L' aa /APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED ~PON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : B LREI NSPECT .1 .'-f!••,'•.,.t-r ~/'...CORRECTIONS '(,,''----'~-:.....,-'--"-'-='-.;...::.~-"-------'--<-""---.:......;."'--'-''-------'---'--'-'-''---'----"'-'-'------''--'-- .,"!,•.,-/. .".',.,..""':'r ,-".' DATE / BUILDI NG DIVISION P.O.Box179 PHONE :328 ·7311 DATE JOB NAME ----'..5=-1-'----'-tu-e:....;:...__.=..;c..::....:~:_r--"""7'"""_r____..=......,..------- TIMERECEIVED AMPMCALLER ----:----r------'!...:..-,?::..----!.<~~==------- ·'0-/73'1 1 ~1v INSPEC_O'N REo.U EST EAGLE COUNTYc..:»rr==::::;;:=:::::::::;::;=;=======rr=.==;=====~~::::::;r::::::==~====~=::;/j;§??~o 3i~...#-===:::::;j====;=~~:::==iI o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS :----------------------------------- r21 APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT DATE /,?---/6 -S"-d ....~,.J'• ( J .<) I' Lincoln DeVore 1000West Fillmore SI. Colorado Springs.Colorado 60907 (303)632 -3593 Home Office American Consolidated Const.Co. Box 1625 Vail,co 81657 Re:Lot 4,Block 1 Inter Mtn.Subd. Vail,Colorado Gentlemen: July 7,1980 At your request,Lincoln-DeVore personnel have examined the ' nature and consistency of the soils in the area of the above referenced construction site.One test pit was placed in the area of the proposed construction,located as shown on the attached Test Pit and Location Diagram.The location of the site itself has been indicated on the attached General Site Location Diagram. The building proposed for the site will be a three-level wood frame structure with a partial basement.Foundation loads for buildings of this type are typically moderate in magnitude. As shown on the attached Test pit Log and soil summary sheet, basically one single soil material was encountered during our exploration program.For the purpose of this report,this soil material has been designated as Soil Type No.1.Soil Typ~ No.1 classified as a silty sand (SM)of fine grain size.-These soils are of low plasticity,medium permeability and medium density.These soils have a slight tendency to expand upon the addition of moisture,with swell pressures on the order of 350 psf being measured.While this magnitude of expansion should not be sufficient to affect the structural members of the building,it can cause some movement beneath lightly loaded floor slabs on grade and other flatwork.While these granular materials will not have a tendency to long term consolidation under applied foundation stresses,they will have a tendency to rapidly settle under the initial application of static founda- tion pressures.These settlements are characteristically 602East8thStreet Pueblo,Colo 61001 (303)546-1150 P.O.Box 1427 GlenwoodSprings.Colo 8 1601 (303)945·6020 86Rosemonl Plaza Montrose .COlO 6 1401 (303)249-7838 P.O.Box1682 Grand J uncuon,Colo 6 1501 (303)242·8968 P.O.Box1643 RockSprings .Wyo6290 1 (307)362-2649 ,I Inter Mtn.Subd. July 7,1980 Page -2- fairly rapid in nature and should be virtually complete by the end of construction.In any event,if the allowable bearing values given in this report are not exceeded,and if recom- mendations pertaining to inspection,reinforcing,balancing and drainage are followed,it is felt that differential move- ment can be held to a tolerable magnitude.Soil Type No.1 was found to have an allowable bearing capacity on the order of 2900 psf maximum. The sands of Soil Type No.1 were encountered at approximately 2-1/2 feet beneath the present ground surface in Test Pit No.1 (due to poor accessibility,only one test pit was placed on this site).The upper 2-1/2 feet (approximate)of the soil profile consisted of a soft,moist topsoil and debris from work on the pipeline.This topsoil and debris must be penetrated (or removed and replaced with a suitable backfill soil)by the foun- dations such that the footings rest entirely upon the sands of Soil Type No.1. Since the exact magnitude and nature of the foundation loads are not precisely known at the present time,the following recom- mendations must be somewhat general in nature.Any special loads or unusual design conditions should be reported to Lincoln-DeVore so that changes in these recommendations may be made if necessary.However,based upon our analysis of the soil conditions and project characteristics previously outlined, the following recommendations are made. It is recommended that a shallow foundation system consisting of continuous footings beneath all bearing walls and isolated spread footings beneath columns and other points of concentrated load, be used to transfer the weight of the proposed structure.Such a shallow foundation system may be designed on the basis of a maximum allowable bearing capacity of 2000 psf as an overall site average.A minimum pressure of 350 psf will be required. It should be noted that the term "footings"as used above includes the wall on grade or "no footing"type of foundation system.On this particular site,the use of a more conventional footing,the use of a "no footing",or the use of voids will depend entirely upon the foundation loads exerted by the structure. " Inter Mtn.subd , July 7,1980 Page -3- A moderate slope (20 to 3 0 degrees)to the northwest e xists on this site.Some of the trees on this s lope show slight e vidence of creep (pistol budding).This gradual downslope movement will create a strong potential for differential movement throughout the structure.Therefore,opposing ex- terior load bearing walls should be cross-connected to provide additional rigidity. Where con ventional shallow foundation systems are used,it is recommended that they be well balanced and heavily reinforced. Contact stresses beneath exte rior foundation walls should be balanced to within +3 00 ps f at all points.Isolat ed int erior column footings should be designed for unit loads of about 150 psf less than the average of those selected for the exterior walls.The criteria for balancing will depend somewhat upon the nature of the structure.Multi-story structures should be balanced on the basis of dead load plus approximately one-half the live load. To help ensure that the structure moves more or less as a single unit rather than in a differential manner,we would recommend that all stem walls be supported by a grade beam capable of spanning at least 10 feet.This grade beam would apply to both interior and exterior load bearing walls.Such a grade beam should be horizontally reinforced continuously around the structure with no gaps or breaks in reinforcing steel unless they are specially designed .Beams should be reinforced at both the top and the bottom with the major r einforcement being at the bottom.All interior bearing walls should rest on a grade beam and foundation syste m of their own and should not be allowed to rest on a thickened slab section or "shovel " footing.Additional slant reinforcing (at 45 degree s)s hould be placed at any step in the foundation wall. Where the stem walls are relatively shallow,ve rtical reinforcing will probably not be necessar y.However,where the walls retain soil in excess of about 5 feet in height,vertical reinforcing may be necessary to resist the active pressure of thes oils along the wall exterior.To aid in designing such v ertical reinforcing,the following equ i yalent fluid pres sures can be ut ilized: Soil Type No.1-3 2 pcf Inter Mtn.Subd. July 7,1980 Page -4- It should be noted that the above values should be modified to take into account any surcharge loads applied at the top of the walls as a result of stored goods,live loads on the floor, machinery,or any other externally applied forces. Where floor slabs are used,they may be placed directly on grade or over a compacted gravel blanket of 4 to 6 inches in thickness.Under no circumstances should this gravel pad be allowed to act as a water trap beneath the floor slab.A vapor barrier is recommended beneath any and all floor slabs on grade which will lie below the finished exterior ground surface.All fill placed beneath the interior floor slabs must be compacted to at least 90%of its rraximum Proctor dry density,ASTM D-698. All floor slabs on grade must be constructed to act independently of the other structural portions of the building.These floor slabs should contain deep construction or contraction joints to facilitate even breakage and to help minimize any unsightly cracking which could result from differential movement.Floor slabs on grade should be placed in sectiorn no greater than 20 feet on a side.Prior to constructing slabs on grade,all existing topsoil and organics must be removed from the building interior.Likewise,all foundations must penetrate the topsoil layer. Any interior,non-load bearing partitions which will be con- structed to rest on the floor slab should be constructed with a minimum space of 1-1/2 inches at either the top or bottom of the wall.The bottom of the wall would be the preferred location for this space.This space will allow for any future potential expansion of the subgrade soils and will prevent damage to the wall and/or roof section above which could be caused by this movement. Adequate drainage must be provided in the foundation area both during and after construction to prevent the ponding of water. The ground surface around the building should be graded so that surface water will be carried quickly away from the structure. The minimum gradient within 10 feet of the building will depend upon surface landscaping.Bare or paved areas should maintain a minimum gradient of 2%,while landscaped areas should maintain a minimum gradient of 5%.Roof drains must be carried across all backfilled areas and discharged well away from the structure. Inter Mtn.Subd. July 7,1980 Page -5- A subsurface peripheral drain,including an adequate gravel collector,sand filter and perforated drain pipe,should be constructed around the outside of the building at foundat ion level.Dry wells should not be used anywhere on this site. The discharge pipe should be given a free gravity outlet to the ground surface.If "daylight"is not available,a sealed sump and pump should be used. To give the building extra lateral stability and to aid in the rapidity of runoff,all backfill around the building and in utility trenches in the vicinity of the structure should be compacted to at least 90%of its maximum Proctor dry density, ASTM D-698.The native materials encountered on this site may be used for backfilling purposes,if so desired.All backfill must be compacted to the required density by mechanical means. No water flooding techniques of any type should be used in the placement of filIon this site. The foundation soils on this site were noted to be relatively free of sulfate~;therefore,a Type I cement may be used in all concrete which will be in contact with the soil. The structure site does not appear to lie in a designated hazard zone as mapped for the town of Vail.A low hazard debris flow has been located on either side of the site,approximately one-quarter mile apart.This should require no special design for the structure as presently located.Berm mitigation is possible if it should become necessary. The open foundation excavation must be inspected prior to the placing of forms and pouring of concrete to establish that adequate design bearing materials have been reached and that no debris,soft spots or areas of unusually low density are loca- ted within the foundation region.All fill placed below the foundations must be fully controlled and tested to ensure that adequate densification has occurred. It is believed that all pertinent points concerning the subsur- face soils on this site have been covered in this report.If soil types and conditions other than those outlined herein are noted during construction on the site,these should be reported Inter Mtn.Subd. July 7,1980 page -6- to Lincoln-DeVore so that changes in recommendations can be made,if necessary.If questions arise or further information is required,please feel free to contact Lincoln-DeVore at any time. Respectfully submitted, LINCOLN-DeVORETESTING LABORATQ ~~tet1u-fll a By:Kathry A.Phillips Civil Engineer Reviewed by: RAP/lab LDTL Job No.GS-1407,34300 cc:LD -Glenwood Springs 2,000 ' " LINCOLNA~DeVOREllsmiENGINEERS· GEOLO GISTS COLORADO:COLORADO SPR INGS. PUEBLO.GLENWOOD SPR INGS. IGRANO JUNCTION.MONTROSE, WY OM IN G:ROC K SPR INGS SCI SM Clayey Sond,Silty Freewater table ,ST 2-1/2"Shelby thinwallsample , Wo Nat ural MoistureContent Wx WeatheredMater ial ®Soil ty pe r elatedtosamples inreport yo Naturaldrydensity The boringlogs showsubsurfaceconditio ns at the dotes andlocationsshown ,and itis notwarran tedthattheyarerepresentative ofsubsurfaceconditions atotherlocations and times . T.B.-Disturbed Bu lk Sample >--tk---i SeismicorResistivity Stati on . Lineat ionindicatesapprox . l ength a orientalionofspread (S =Seismic,R=Resistiv ity) Stan dard Penetralio nDrivesaremode bydr iv ing a standard 1.4"split spoon samplerintothegroundbydropp ing a 140 l b .weight 30".ASTM t est des.0-1566 . Samples maybebulk .standardsplit spoon(bothdisturbed J or 2-\12 "I.D. th in wall("und isturbed ")Shelby tube sample s.Seelogfor t ype . ~Test Boring L ocation Cl:J TestPi tLocat ion 15'Wx Top offormat ion Form . .SOLS a NOTES: SYMBOLDESCRIPTION I 9/12 Standard penatrction dr ive Numbers indicate 9 blowstodrive thespoon 12"into gro und. ANDE SITE BASALT :~~:~~:~N:~'~TUFF a ASHFLOWS X~Jt:BRECCIA 8 Other Volconics..~ ...L e-L L L OtherIgneousRocks-." 1 '/11/I IGNECUS AOC!(S~\1)~i GRANITIC ROCKS +++ ;;.+++++DIORIT IC ROCKS :li :~ii·:\\: ;i~::);GABBRO I----=- ~RHYOLITE -e:~-II-#- ~;f ;'\1 l,l ETAMOf<PHIC ROCKS ~J -'f(".,,~d/GNE ISS ...f I J", %JPW~SCHIST ~PHYLLITE ~~SLATE :"-1:ff:META QUARTZITE C>O~ 60 ~MARBLE 00<> i ll '1 17.;I~'l:Y HORNFELS ;:/'ft !fr I,P ft SERPENTINE ..$~ft ~~Other MetamorphicRocks-,, ROCK DESCRIPTIONS: SYMBOL o ESeRIPnoN ;~~~~SEDIM ENTARY ROCKS CONGLOMERATE.0..1'>. ~......... "...SANDSTONE......_.._._.-_.-.- SILTSTONE-.-0_..- --------SHALE--------- xx x..CLAYSTONE COAL LIM ESTONE DOLOMITE MARLSTONE GYPSUM ---Other Sedimentary Rocks--~ Well-grodedGravel Silty Grovel Cloyey Gravel Poorly-gradedGrovel Si lly Sand CloyeySond Well-groded Sond Poorly-grodedSond High-plosticity Org onicCl oy Peot Low -plost icity Silt High-plasticity Cloy L ow-plasticityClay Well -groded Grovei , Silty Wel l-groded Grovel, Clo yey Po orly-groded Grovel, Silty Poorly-groded Gr ovel, Clayey S i lty Gr ove l, Clayey Cl oyey G rove l, S i lty We ll-graded Sond, S ilty Well-groded Sand, Cloyey Poor ly-groded Sond, S ilty Poorly -groded Sond, Clayey SillySond,Clayey L ow-plesticityOrgonic SiltondCloy High-plasticity Sill ---Top soil ---Man-mode Fill GC/GM uses DESCRIPTION SP/SM SP/SC OH SM/SC SW/SM CH Pt ..::.::.;,:; MH SOIL$DESCRIPTIONS : OL II II :J :i SP II ~m l GW /GM ~o~ 00%GW/GC I ~n~g GP/GM o 0 0~~~GP/GC o lieiF GM /GC III III SM III 1 ///v ////SC //// /I ML f-U-¥-'~ V /CL CL/MLSilty Cloy 1')LINCO LN COLO RAOO 'Colorodo Spring.,Pueblo, DeVORE Glenwood cinn'Manlrose GunnisonTESTING~.I • LABORATORY Grand Junction .WYO.Rock Springs EXPLANATION OFBOREHOLE LOGS AND LOCATION DIAGRAMS - - - - - - I-5- - - - - - I-20- - - - ..25- f-10- - - - - of-15- - - '1- l- I- .. l..,o\4,~\k.I \n-1-erYYlou.l)-tall).5u.bd. Yo..'L)Co. ,p#/ ')1."'-- ')(.. '1<-...".. ~f- I I l- II I I w.~ I I I f-Ia.z.t .l- I I I I I f-III I II I-0 I II cu,,=l- I II-IB.q1..I-0 III III l.U,;=I I I 18.2"/. -I- -I- . -f- .f- I- -I- L..L... -I I . -I- .1- - f- f- . . - .L.•L. TEST "NO. TOP ELEVATION f- f- -- - - -5 - f- f- _)0 f- f- - - -15 - - f- f- _20 . '- I- ....25 .L. , "-, \ \ I I~", \I \I \I I I Ilij\\\1-----__\I---\ SCo-Ie.-t"~3ec" L0d- LINCOLN DeVORE ENGINEERS· GEOLOGISTS COLORADO:COLORADO SPRINGS;- PUEBLO.GLENWOOD SPRINGS. GRAND JUNCTION.MONTROSE. WYOMING:ROCK SPR INGS ....' ;. Soil Sample .sTll Test No.03~Goo proj ect LOT 4-,lall<.I .,~oW"\+cuo 5::.u.bd.Date '7-7-8 0 Sample Location TP#I @.S I CTY-P')Test by ~~ GRAVEL SAND SILT TOCLAY Coarse I Fine Co.Medium Fine Nonolastic to Plastic 100 ........Is90<,I l!l '"H 80~I ><70 I ll:l ~60 l- ~I ').....I-I <,IH50r..I I I ~40 I i I I !' tj 30 .....I ~<, CJJ <,Po<20 10 0 100 II Jk'O I I i5lame~er -(ntxS.l I .•COl IJh,,~"'7"#4 #lO #20 #40 #100 11200 -Sieve No . Sieve Size %Passing Sample No .I 1 1/2" Specific Gravity -1" 3/4" Moisture Content /8.91 1/2" -3/8"IOC .O Effective Size 4 98 / 10 Q5.5 CU -20 82..") 40 4/1.5 Cc -100 53 .7 200 ~5.7 Fineness Modulus -.02 00 2.CD.:;.z .00:50 /5 .3 "Bea.rI"3 2.000 ps-\ .350,?~'SIJ.:l~\\ GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS LINCOLN-DeVORE TESTING LABORATORY COLORADO SPRINGS,COLORADO SPR.EAO FOOTINIi IYPE P iPE. BlEAM ,yp_ C.OM PAC.T'E'D NAT i vE £-A I'ZrH FILT~e... F AUe.tC ~Je.""VEL.. COL.,-tIiC.TO P!. J F IL-TE:e F ,qS£u;}.-fA Y B~A NY rVP€J ::5'I.-1'LA.£T o CE/...A ""E~1i.C o e.~.....,IIZA~I /40 . UNDE IZ.-SLA B.INrE~/O~r'lPE NOTES : .Siz e of p e rfor ated pipe sand f ilter vari es 'Nith amount of seep age expected .4"d iame ter is most common . .Gravel s iz e dep ends on size of p ipe o er fora t ions :85 %g r avel >2 x d iameter of p er fo ration . .Sand f i lter mu st dep end on native soi l an d mu st f ollow th e Te rza gh i -Vicksbu rg Cr it eria: 1 )1 5~f il te r 4+2)1 5%f ilter 4 3 )50%fi l te r =12t o58 1 5 /0 bas e 8 5%bas e <50%base This is required f or s t ability and length of filt er li f e.T.~e sand f i l ter may be repla ced wi th a n approved fi l ter fa br ic • .Allp ipe to be p e r fo r at ed VCP,PVC or Ora ng ebu r g . .4 "f lex ib le p ip e ma yb e u sed to de pthof 4-}fe et,but must be c are fu lly g r aded .3"f l exibl pipemay b eu sed to ade p th of 7 f e et a nd shou ldbe caref ully g rade d . .Rigid pipe on ly to b e u sed below a de pth of 7 f eet b elow g rounds u rface . .All pipe to~la i d at a mini mum g ra de of 1.4%a round bu ilding f ounda t ions. .Outf all to be fr e e,g ravi ty ou tfall i f atall po s sib le .Uses ump and pump on l y i fno g r avit yout fal l ex is t s. .Conditions c a~vary co ns iderably ,a nd each si te may b evaria ble as to qua li tyof sandor Gra ve l req uired .All s ites shouldb e inspect ed to d etermine the amount and quali tyo f sand f il t err equ ired,un l ess a fi l t er f abr ic in stall atio n is us ed a sshown . TYPICA L SECTIONS PER Il-JE TER D:lAI N 6:F!illNC Il DRAI N COLQRADO:COLORADO S PRINGS. PUEBLO.GLENWOOD SPRINGS. GRAND JUNCTION .MONTROSE. WYOMING:ROCK SPRINGS ~.~-- EAGLE COU NTY BUIL~PER MIT APPLICA T ION ~' °F INAL:C /O INS PE~,LA NDSCAPE IN SPECTION~.v1 R evi ew Routing Form ()Pr im ary R out ing ()Rerouting 5-1.uc<a,4dJ t<£Z O at R eferrd Applic an t P ermitN o. Ui'~f~. Lo c at i o ~~~_Pf ann luq Co m mission File N o, R eview and retu rn t Ithe co-:nty B u il d ing Off ic i al w ithin 6 w ork ingd ays P lannin g:Co mp li es w ith:Y es No R ev i ewed b y:Dat e:~qo S ubdivis ion R eg ul ati ons 0 8 ~ Zo ni ng Reg ulati ons 0 .. Site Plan (L andsc a ping)00 L...--~0 R eco mmend,Approval:~P<fA ~ Comment s:C tz tLA.J !?A.-TtQ I»"+--l2R..Atv-/t-4:e ~t1 u.S:r7Fe 3kZ~t;;;~t0¥°~/~gTU%R--t-ftO=c~t7:=r~ Co mme nts:------- Coun ty He al th:W a ter San it at i on Perc.t est Commen ts: Final Ins pe ction:C/O R ecomm end Appro val C omm ents: DO DORB R e co mmend APpcova"UR ~A01l>ff DO F ilial In s pe cti o n:L and sc aping R ecomm en dA pp r ova l 00 C omm e n ts:-------------------------- by _C /O I ssued Fin al Fili ng Date,_ D at e'---------- Date R ef erred Pf enni nq Comm iss ion F i le N o._ ·,EAGLE COUNTY BUILJ"PERMIT APPLICATIO N ~ 'F INAL:C/O INSPECW-J.LAN DSCAPE INSPECTION_M R ev iew Rout i ng Form ()Pr imary Routi ng ()Rerout ing '-~I (!(#-d.~ Appl icant i .t1:ti";;(;:t!;:::;:2:w£--o;~ R eview and retu rn to the County B ui lding O ff ic i al wi th in6 w ork ingd a ys Permit No . Planni ng:Complies with: Subd ivis ion Regul at ions Z on ingR egu lations S ite P l an (Landscap ing) Count y E n gi nee r:Roads G r ad i ng Drai nage F inal Inspe ction:C/O R ecommend Approval Comm ents: No Reviewed by:Date:S-}(..%D DODODO D~ DO F in al I nspe cti on:L andsc aping R e comme nd Approval 00 Co mment s:------------------------------ C/O Issued by _Date _ Fi nal F il ing Date._ EAGLE 'COUNTY Steven W.Caswell Box 3669 Vail,Colorado JEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-7311 BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 .(.- PL ANNING 81657 TOLL FRJr r~B ER S : Va i 1 ~9-5257 Basa -927-3823 22 r~ay 1980 A NIMAL SHELTER ~49 ·4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 B UILDING IN IN SPECTION E xt 226 or 229 C LERK& RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY E xt 242 ENGI NEER Ex t 236 ENVIRO NMENTAL H EA LTH Ext 2 38 EXTENSION "GENT !::xt 2 47 LI BRARY Ext 2S5 PUB LI C HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN NING Ex t 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 2 45 ROAD &BRIDGE Ex t 2 57 SHERIFF E agle Ext 211 B asalt 927·3244 Gilman 827·5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 3 28·6328 TREASURER Ext 2 01 RE:Application for BuildingPermitinEagle County Lot4,Block 1,Vail Intermountain -Denied. The Eagle County BuildingDept.requires tha t applications for Building Permits inEagle County be routed totheEagle County Pl anning,Eng ineering, and En vironme ntal He alth Departments for th eir comm ents prior to iss uance ofthe permits.Your application was rout ed on 5/6/80 Listed below aretheconments and r ecommendat ions whi ch weremade by the above departmentsduringth e routing procedure.If you have any questi ons orwishtoget furth er explanation,ple ase cont act thea ppropri ate de pt. Pl anning De partment -Not Approved .rr Need soils stud y and engineered found a ti on for soil s study.2-)'-'Setba cks are 12.5'side and rear and 25' fromJront measured from r oof li ne.~ra inage (?) ~3_pa r k i ng space s (?).s-r-f1ax ,drive cut 24' fi,Y .rsize of lot (?),~Floor ar ea ratio (?) Om Willia ms oning Inspector Environmental Health-Not Approved. •l~/-(See comment #3-Plann ing)Need more details on ~i te drainage and f oundation drainage.2)More detailed information on con struction and dr ainage of retain i~g wall for dr iveway . -Jr ;J.,h_t L~£'~~ .ri k Ede en 7EnvironmentalHealth OfficerItwouldbetoyouradvantageifyoubegintoresolveanyprobl ems and/or requirements as soon as possible soasnot t odelayth e issuance of your building permitanylonger than necessary.. «(~/2 ~p ,1 (4-:0LesDougla~ Eagle C o u n~y Build ing Official LD/adj -. N I[RAL PARTNERS: ROBERT E.GARTON.JR . DAVID GARTON .JR. T1tt.tOTMY R.GARTON ....RTHUR frroIl.KELTON .JR . /~/.~.uL INTERMOUNTAIN ASSOCIATES OFFICE :MILL CREEK COURT P .O.Box 705 VAIL.COLORADO 81657 ~76-5075 March 13,1980 Mr.Steven W.Caswell • Re:Lot 4,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision Dear Mr.Caswell: The Vail Intermountain Architectural Control Board hereby approves the plans which you have submitted for lot 4, block 1,in the Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision. We will files. left if need to retain one set of You may pick up the extra you so wish. plans for our permanent set of plans which you Thank you. Sincerely, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN ARCHITECTURAL CONT ROL BOA RD By: TRG/sm NICOL AND GIL TNk:R •CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.O .0 01(<17 02 Ap ri121,1980 ~1 r .Ken r·1a tthews P.O.Box 3796 Vail,Colorado 81657 Bo uf d r«•-l oro do B030 0 •(30 3 1 44 3 167 7 RE:Ca sw ell Res idence Lot4 ,Block1,Intermountain Job No .171 Dear Ken: We have reviewedth e Contract Documents (working draw ings)for the above referenced proj ect and find the structural frameand foundat ion designto be satisfactory. Very truly yo urs, NICO L AN D GILTNE R ~:;r~9i~:J 00s eph C.Nicol,P.E. JCN :krh TEMPORARY Certificate of Occupancy CountyofEagle Departmentof Planning and Development Building Division This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 ofthe Uniform Building Code certifying that at the ti me of issuance this structure was incompliance I withthe various resolutions of the county regulating building construction oruse for the following: NAME Steven W.Caswell R-3Group _Use Classification Sinqle FamilyDwellino Building Permit No \1734 Type Construction V Fire Zone 3----------Use Zone RSM Owner of Building Steven W.Caswell,P.O.Bo x 3669,Vail,Colorado 81657 Building AddressLot 4,Block 1,V~il Intermountain Buildio,OffjCia'~~ Da te LJ--[/.--<at ._---r- DEPT.FILE COpy ~.oo. " VA L IOA nON BUILDING PERMIT .. BUILDING D IVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX179 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328 -6339 . - ,-,..-.. ..,..- ". Steven W.C aswell 1 (PROPOSED USE ) PER MIT TO Construct S;ngl e Fam;l~weJTbifl:.lg ....,.====::-:-~~~mNcfFUN ITS __--='--_ (T YPE or IM PROV EM ENT)NO. AT(LOCAT I ON)Larkspur L an e,Va il I ntermounta;n (NO .'(STREET) ZO NIN GOISTRIC T _ (CROSS STREE T)(CROSS S TREET) ~BE TWEEN --;-::=:-:-==::-;-AN O --:-:=.,.,,--===_ '"L-.:.:.....:..:.:...:..:...;:,;~__.....:-___:=;.:..,:.:.:;.:;:.;..:.._.J Vail Intermountain 4 1 ~.g BUILOING IS T O BE FT.WIOE BY FT,LONGBY FT .I N HEIG HT ANO SHALL CON FORM INCONS TRUCTION lD ...(T YPE) o Z TOT YPE USEGROUP BASEMENT WA LLS OR FOUNDAT ION ,-------,_ :l; It:oIL REMARKS:_ - t Plan Check F ee -$1 67.50 68,580 00 ~~~M IT $:-r:lli 00 .ibo ,~·Rece;pt #6337 BU ILD I NG DEPT 7 ~.d B Y __----I.~~~~~;??~:3.li~---8 161i7 (CUBIC /SQUARE F E ET) Steven'"Caswell POBox 3669 ,Vail,Colorado OWNER __~__......_-'.....,.,.._~----_ ADD RESS _-'-...u~.ul-'A.-JCUJ.=..-..l/...Cw...4-L.u.LUL_C..l.U.I___LJU_.1.J..O.L<___,_- AREA OR $ VOL UME =======,---ESTIMA TED COST (Affidaviton reversesideofapp lication tobe completed by authorized agent ofowner) -- 1-------------------------------1 S ize o f B ldg . (T ota l)SQ .FL N o .o f Stories Ma x. o cc .L oad oAPPLICA l IO N A CCE PTEO BY P l APoj S CH ECKED R'f Us. Z one F i re S pri n klers Required D ves D Na N o.o f Dwel ling U n its O F FSTREET PARK ING SPACES , C o vered I U nc o vered NOTICE SEPAR ATE PERMITS ARE REQU I REDFORE LECTR ICAL,PLUMB· ING .HEATING.VENT ILATING ORA IR CO NDITIONI NG. THIS PER MIT BECO MES NULL AN D VOI DIFWOR K OR CONSTRUC· T IONA UTHORIZEDIS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DA YS,OR IF CONS TRUCTIONORWO RK ISSUSPENDED ORAB ANDO NED FORA PERI OD OF120 DAYS A T A NY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMEN CED . I H E REB YC ERT I FY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS A PP LI CAT I ON AN D KN OW THE SA MET O BE TRUE AND C ORR ECT . A LL P RO VI SI ONS OF L AW S AND ORDIN ANCES G O VERNING TH IS T YPE OF WOR K W ILL BE C OMP LI ED W i TH W HETHER SPE CIFIED HE REIN OR NOT.THE G RANTING OF A PERMIT D OES NOT PR ES UME TO G I VE A UTHORI TY TO V IO LATE OR CANCEL THE~;]jQVSI ONS O F ANY O THER ST A TE OR L OCAL LAW REGUL AT ING C ONS il UC TIO N O R T HE P ERFORMpE OF CONST RU CTION . ...:J:G,.!t/(;L!.-./'l~.9'/-->c/Go $I G ........T ~R E.0 "(O ~T"..CTO"0 "A U T ,",O"'~[O 'AC.W (\O"TI:I v .A ''I:~''?J'It/t]Vo:-r 1/9/?r:'/C1;J s to TU FtE 0 1"O W "R I ,,.C .....N Cill 5 tJ CE lIIl/(0 () Sp ecial Approvals Z ON I NG HEALTH DEPT. FIRE DEPT . SOIL REPOR T OTHER (Spec ify ) R equ ired Received Not R equired WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS VOUR PERMIT 1 '!-"'(4. INSPECT OR PLANCHECK VA LIDATIO N F o r m 1 0 0 .11·77 C K .0,1 .0.CASH PERM ITV ALIDATION County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Na me s.te~l.e...Caswe l l.. Lot 4,Block 1 ,Vail Intermountain Date ofAppli cation .l5 July 19 80 . N~1896 TE MPORARY Elect rical Con t ractor N.~~P ~<;.~.r.J.~.""I.~~.~. P.O.Bo xK Avon ,Colorado 81620 Building Va luation $.App licant... Sl&nat ure E lectrical Valuation $.. APPROVALS Permit Fee $t?:.Q Q . Inspection Fee Total Fee $.. 12.00$. .--. P lan Checker ..~.;;~~~. L>ate .....~~~.l,J.J.y.1.~~Q . Dale THIS FORM IS TO BE POST ED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS A DVANCENO TICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS CASHM.O .CK .PERM IT VALIDATIO NCASHM.O.CK.PLANCHECK V ALIDATION . I H EREBY CERTIFY THAT IH AVE REA D A ND E XAMI NED T HIS D ISH.WA SH.CL.O THE S WASH. A PPLICAT IO N AN D KNOW T HE SAM E TO BE T R UE AN D CORREC T.S PA CE HTR.STA.A PPL.1/2 H .P .MA X . AL LP ROVISIONS OF LAWS AND O RDI NANCES GOVERN ING T HIS TYPE OF WORK W IL.L.B E COMPLI ED W ITH W HE TH ERSPECI FIED H .P .M O TO RS' H ERE I N O RN OT.T HE GR ANT ING O F APE R MIT DOES N OT P RE SU ME TO G IVE A U T HOR ITY T O VIO L.ATE OR CANCEL.T HE PROV IS IONS OF A NY OTH ER STAT E O R L.DC AL.L.AW REG UL.AT ING CO NST RUC T ION O R T HEPE RFORMANCEO F CONSTRUCTION .NO.TR ANS. SIGNS NO.LjAMPS LL..J ,fj--!(~7L T EM P.PO WER MpOL.E D UNDGD. SE RV ICE :ci'tOOA 201 ·400A O NEW 401 ·600A ,"7'UR<0 'CO"TRA ~TO.OR AU T<ORla/"~"T£l r:o CH A NGE OV ER 600A PER MI T I SS UI NG FEE S SIGN,6,T L/At O F'QWNi:A I I"OW N E R 8 U IL D ERI {DA TE I TOTAL.FEE sfA.- WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (I N TH IS SPACE )TH IS IS Y OUR PERMIT J,;;9,?,.r INSP ECTOR Form 1 00.3 11 -7 3 REOR o F.1'il P RO M:INTERNAT IONA L CON FEREN CE OF BUILDING OFF'IC IA LS II ~H (j 50 .WO RKM ....N MIl..L H OA O .WHI TTl E,.,CA LI F .';Ioel)l 3 CASHM.D.CK.PERMIT VALIDAT IONCASHM.D. CAL PERMIT APplATION C K . I PLAN CHECKV ALIDATION '\ Uo0J iy 0 :;&5'~~z • Jur isdiction of M >.0 0..•Applicant to complete nu mberedspacesonly.M·•Joe ADD"t:55 L /J/L -SJOU)'2-LA;<.!".e;-I L OT "0./ S L'j?/1 ;2:/U~·d/'...J O S E E A TTA CH ED S HEET)l.EGA L 1 Olse".~ 2 o w ~<;Jjn ¥~::.l:s~~9 /k/?-6 US7 P MO IIIEansu.Jr //9"/,<:,r.J~ CONT RACT OA L%~;r./MA IL .4.0 0 "£5 5 )j~)M PH O NE LICE NSE NO . 3 AJ~tJ z..~x £9s/P-~~j .9/P ...."CHI T £:C T O R DE SIGN CR ;M A l !ADDRE SS ..;-P I-ION E L I CE N SE N O • 4 --- t:N G INE.E.R M A I L A D DR E SS PH DI'oIE LI CENSE NO . 5 ---'" 1.£I'\IO [R ""A IL AOO R£55 BRANCH 6 '- USE:O F"e UIL.O'''CO 7 ---..~-.-.,- 8 Cl ass ofwork:"'NEW o ADDITION o ALTER ATION o REPAI R 9 De scribe work:7/;.-7 /J «.:,/ PERMIT FEES N o .E a ch Fee SPEC IAL CON D ITI ON S :T o ta l R EC E PTAC LE O utlets L IGHT SWI T CH T otal L IGHT IN G F ixtu res APPL ICATION AC CEPTEDBY .P LANS CHECK ED B Y A.PPR OVEDF O R ISSUA NC E B Y F I XTU RE S RA NG ES C LO .ORYER WTR .HTR . NOTICE GA R BAGEO ISP.S TA .COOK TOP I H EREBY C ERTIFY THA T I HAVE REA DA NDE XA MIN ED TH IS D ISH .WASH.C LO T HE S WA S H . APPLIC ATI ON AND KNOW T HE SAME TO BE T RUE A ND CORR ECT .SPACE HT R.ST A .A PPL l/2 H .P.MAX . A LL P R O VIS I ONSO F LAWS A ND ORDINANC ES GOVER NING THIS TYPE OF WORK W ILL BE C OMPLIE D WI TH WHETHER S P EC IF IED M OTO RS ,H .P.H EREI N O R NOT.TH E GRANTI NG OF A PERM IT D OES N OT PRESUM E TO G I VE AUTHOR I TY T OV IO LATE OR C AN CEL TH E P ROV ISIONS OF ANY OT HE R STATE OR LO CAL L AWR EGU LAT ING CONSTRU CTI ON OR THE PE R FO R M A N CE O F CONSTRUCTI ON .NO .TRANS. SI G NS NO .I,I>'\M PSWL?,)'LJ cR.A 7Lj, TE MP.P OWER ~POLE U UNDGD . S E RVIC E ,ci·'tOOA 2 01 ·400A D N EW 401·S 00A 7 TV.<0'CO .TOA OO.o.A U T HO ..ZE?'J,6It T E J r o CH AN GE OVER GOOA P ER MIT ISSUI NG FEE S s rCO N ATU RE O F O W ~E R II I'OW NE IIl e U I L D ElIl:1 (D A T E )T OTAL FEE S /'''9--- W H EN P ROP ERLY VA LIDA TED liN THI S SPACE )T HIS IS YOUR PERM IT }!)<t'h, f Cu.rJ =f1--0 7/tr $'-173 1 INSPE CT OR ..P'p'..~I N.,..,..nN ATl n 'r N,..n,..,..-.~••.-- 2PlUM~G PERMIT APPlI~T10N Ju risdiction of _ Applicant t o c ompletenu mberedspaces only. o•z "'" s••oe•"•• J OB A O Olt £55 L G~g el I LO T N O . L EGAL1DESC".1 P HONE L IC ENSE NO. /O ,~C; 4 ARCl-Il TI[CT 0 1'DE SIGN ER }M AI L ADORE-55 P HONE L ICE:N S E N O . ENG I NEE:A 5 LEI'tOt.R 6 U SE:O F !I U ILO I"" 7 8 Class ofwork: 9 Desc ribe work: MA I L ...00"-E 55 ""A I L ACDJlE 55 ~EW 0 ADDITION 0 ALTERATlON I o REPAIR No. PHONE.LICE",St.NO. PERMIT FEES Typo of Fixture or Item SPECIAL CO NDITIONS : APP U CATIOf.l ACCEPTED BY PLAN S C HECKE 0 B V ...NOTICE A PPRO VED F OR ISSU ANCE B V I I I I WATER CLOSET (TOILET) BAT HT UB LAVATORY (W AS H BAS IN) SHOWER KI TCHE N S INK &D'SP. DISHW AS HER LAUNDRY T R AY CLOTHES WASHER WAT ER HEA TER UR INAL $b (,{\ I h Cfl I H E RE BY CERTIFY T HAT'H AVE READ AND EXAMINED T HIS APPLICAT ION AND K NOW THE SA ME TO BE TR UE A N D CORR E CT. ALL PROVIS IONS O F LAWS AND O RDINANCES GOVERN ING T HI S T YPE OF WOR K W I LL B E COMP LIED W I TH WH E THER S P ECIFIE D HERE IN OR NOT .TH E GRAN TING OF A PERM IT DOES N OT P RE S U M E T OG IV E AUTHO RIT Y TO V IOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVIS IONS O F ANY OT H ER S TATE O RL OCAL LAW REG UL AT I NG C O NS TRUCTION OR THE PERFOR M AN CE OF CONS TRUC TIO N . DRINKING FOUNTAIN F LOOR -'S'NK OR DRAIN SLOP S INK GASSYSTEMS ,NO.OUTLETS WATER PIP ING &T REA TIN G EQU IP. WA STEI NT ERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN S PRINKLER SYST EM SEWER CESSPOOL SEPT ICT ANK &PIT ".N~,\.A'tfll,,\""'HO''-UP A.ENT \(OATEI PERMIT 5 1 c;"'AT tJIt[0 "c w ~I.,.0"''''1:''5 U ILO £"1 IO ATE )TOTAL FEE -WHEN PR op l;RLY VA LIDA TED li N TH ISSPA CE)TH IS IS YOUR PERMIT 17'3¥ PLANCHECK V ALI DAT ION CK.M .O.CA SH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M .O.CASH INS PECTOR F orm 100.2 11 ·7 3 "I;;O"OE'"~"O M :I NT ERNATIONA l.C ONF EREN CE OF B U Il.DI NG O F FI CI A l.S.tUO a .W O "K"'AH ""I ...."OAD·WHITT'.".CAL''''••N.' ELECT~AL PERMIT APPLATION 3 CASHM.O.C K.PER MIT VALIDATIONCASHM.O.CK.PLAN CHECK VALIDAT ION ~?k CockJlt 0 5t·z Jurisdiction of ~•.0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly.~•·J O B ADO"[S5 L A LL0~1(}i2_£A/C-JA-I LO TNO.".L K I,",C1 /_~d~~LI£CO A I.?/J/...,'1£,-0 -",,_ O S ££A TTAC HE D S l"IEt TI1DESC".'1' 2 OW ~qlh~a/9S LA s»://~A;.<:s~~9 /~/?h R/,(,c=;? P HO N E n,<',?J ~ cc«T ltAC TO A £/~/>/""'A LL ADDRESS '-P,",O,..£L l cE NSE «c .3AJ~c...J L:1C'~)("/'.A PvtJ/17 9s/.9-0:'\"/9./fl} ALIl:CHI T£C T Oil:01:51C:"'£"I M A ,<::ADDRE SS P liONt LIC ENS E N O . 4 _....~. ENCO INEE A MAIL AOO"ts s P HONE LICE NSE NO . 5 -_.. L E N D t A M AIL "'00 11:£55 e RAN CH 6 0- US E:Of"B U I LDIN G 7 ----..~..~ 8 Class ofw ork:)i'I"NEW o ADDITION o ALTERAT ION o REPAIR 9 Desc ribe work :7"/-fi1~g /l//,/ PERMIT FEES No .Each F ee SPECIAL CONDITIONS:T otal RECEPT ACLE Out le ts LI GH T S W ITC H T otal LIGH TI NG F ixtures APPLICATION ACCEPTED BV ;PLANS CHE CKED BY APPR o ve D F OR ISS UAN C E B V F I XTU RES R ANGES CLO .DR YER W TR .HTR. N OTICE G ARBAGE DI SP.S TA.COOK T O P IH ER EB VC ERT I FY THAT I HAVE READA ND EXAM INED T HIS D ISH.WASH .CLOTHES WASH . APPLIC ATI ON AN D K NOW THE SAME TO BET RUE A ND CORRECT .SPACE H TR .STA.APPL.V,H .P.MA X . A LL PR O VIS I ONSO F L AWS A ND O RDI NANCESG OVERNI NG T HIS TYP EO F WO RK W ILL BE COMPLIED WITH WH E TH ER SPECIFIED M OT ORS ,H .P. HE REINO R NO T.T HE GRANT ING OF A PERMI T DOES N OT PR ESUME T OG I VE AU TH ORIT Y T OV IOLATE O R CANCEL T HE P RO VIS IONS OF AN Y OTHER STATE OR L OC AL LAW R EGU LATING CONSTR UCT ION DR THE PERFORMANCE O F C ONSTRUCTION.NO.T RANS. SIGNS NO .'lAMPSwL,,),vc.-U 7~TEMP.POWER .¥'PO LE D UNDGO. SERV iCE :O·'tOOA 2 01 ·400A ONEW 401 ·600A/7 TU.'0'CONT.ACTO .O.AUTHO.'Z<7 )~A TE)r o CHANGE O VER 6 00A PERMIT ISSUING FEE S OjIGI'.jA TV A[0 "OWN ER I I'O W N£R B U IL OE R I I O A T E)TOTAL FEE S L4-- WHEN PROPER LY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMI T Jf)9'h I I NSP ECTO R F o rm 1 0 0.3 11-73 "'IrO"'OEIIt F"'O ....:I NT ERN ATIO NAL C ONFERE NC E OF BU ILD ING OFFICIA L S .~,.o S .WO RKM AN MILL R O AD .W HITT IER .C ALI ....9 0 ."1 County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT Jo b Name s.teve...Caswell . Lot4,Block 1,Vai l Intermountain Date of Application .l~J.uly 19 80 . N~1896 TEMPORARY Elec trical Contractor.......New El ectri c,Inc.·······p·:ty:···BoX"·"j(·································. Avon,Colorado 81620 Building Valuation $.A pplicant... Sienature Electrical Valuation $. APPROVALS Permit Fee $).?~.QR . Inspection Fee T otal Fee $. 12 .00$. ---_-...............-. Plan Checker ~jt;'iI~....................•............... .____. Date .J~~.~.J.y...J.~~9 . D ate THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS CA SH l'\J s prC Ton CASH PERMIT VALIDA TION CK .M .O. c3)_v ~"f00 M.O.CK.reu..r f =t1-~7/If .$''/7 3 f PLAN CHECK VALIDAT ION I HE REB Y CER TIFY T HAT I HAVE R EAD A NDE XAMINED THIS DISH.WASH.CLU I Ht:.:,W,,",~H . APPLICAT ION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE T RUE AND CORRECT.SPACE HTR .STA.APPL '/2 H .P.MAX . ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND O RDINANCES GOVERNING TH IS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE C OMPLIED W I TH WHETHER SPECIFIE D HEREIN OF P ERM I T MOTORS 'H .P. OR NOT.THE GRANTING A D OES N OT PR ESU ME T OGI VE AUTHOR ITY TO VIOLA TE OR CANCEL THE PROV ISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR L O CAL LAW REGULATING CON STRUCTION OR THE P E RFORMANCE OF CONSTRU CTI ON .NO.TRANS. S IGNS NO .,*",MPS ~~)c:D(~7~T EMP.POWER ..¥POLE U UNDGD . SERVi CE ;O-'tOOA 201 ·400A ONEW 401 ·600A ,"'7TU'E O F CONTRACTO,0'AU THO"'''7 J,6A tE)o CHANGE OVER 600A P ERM IT ISSUING FEE , S IGN ATU RE O F O W NEI'l .,.OW N E R ":..I IL OE R )(:)A T E I TO TAL FEE ,t .!!l.. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS ISY OUR PERMIT /?-,,9'f. I