HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 1 LOT 8 LEGALProject Application Date _ ,.., \ I Pro ject Nam e:-+~_ Pro ject Description :_ Contact Person and Phone Ow ner ,Add ressand Phone:_-'-_ Ar ch itect,Addressan dPhone : Fil i ng ,Z one _ Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Dat e _ Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ T own Planner o S taff A pproval Dal e: the p ril"lery Wil l •I..~ ORB APPLICATION / ",,,,,,"uTHIS APPLICAiIOil WILL IIOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORi·1ATIOlI IS SUBtlITiED"'-- ..... • -...;..i~-:...'!;.:;.:..: APP LICATIOi l DATE:.";.'------------::.~..... DATE OF ORB :·lEETIj;G:.:~ -•.•....•!~...~ .'.!';'~ '~..'._-..._..........::-:.::-;.;. .'~._- I.PRE :"PPLICATIOIl MEETING:.....~.....~~'.....•...-_.... A pre-aocl t ce tton meeting with a planning staff member .is strongly suggested to '..~:~j'. detenni ne if any additi onaI i nrorma l:i en is needed.No app1i cat;on .wi 11 be accepted ".... unless it is ccmo tate (mus t include all items required by the zoning administrater).:'~~,:: It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find ....•- out about additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COHPLETC:applica-;".:~~;~ tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the numcer . of conditions of approval that the ORB may stipulate.ALL conditions of approval must ..~~ be resolved befnre a building permit is issued....~~;::.. A.PROJECTDESC~IPTION:PA I.v1··'t::.rte'f';O V--)~IM fltV'£)..~~:.::~ ~,:-S')l-I A/s:~f)-;P/(') B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: -Zoning S ,;vbt f t-AM i?Y L,s:+flt'c/.I..5 Legal Description Address ---,,............,._ b A-R/t,$P '-1<t--N.I Vcj k D.NA/'lE OF APPLICA;-lT'S REPRESE :HATIVE:JeJfrej C RO$)S Address .J!O.8'O X'.2 )/')!Va :I RI 6£[ E.NA"E OF OW~I.-:£Cr ~= SlgnatUre ~~~~~ Address 9,S-D ,h..A-li!(C-P UR )""J1I telephone 0 6-')'C66 telephone Lfir;d!;p.) F.ORB FEE:The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $0 -$10.000 $·10.00 $10.001 -$50.000 $25.00 $:.50.001 $150.000 $50.00 $150.001 $.500.000 $100.00 .'$500.001 -$1.000.000 $200.00 $Over $1.000.000 $300.00 IMPORTA NT NOTICE REGARDI NG ALL SUBl-lISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1.In addition to meeting submittal requirements.the aoplicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also bemarked.Thisworkmustbe completed before the ORB visits the site. 2.The review process for 'NEW BUILOIilGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board.so plan on at least two meetings for their .approval. 3.People who fail to appear before the DesignReviewBoard at their scheduled meeLingand who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be repub 1.i shed. ..-. 4.The followingitems no longer have tobe presented to the Design Review Board. They,however,have tobe presented tothe Zoning Administrator for approvai: a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building;and b.Building additions that arenot viewed from any other lot or public space. wni~h ha~a had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from the agent for,or manager ofa condominium associ a ti on. S.You may be required .toconductNatural Hazard Studies onyour property.You should checkwitha Town Planner before proceeding. ..' • .., .:.a..":'-.-..'..... •;ta ." c·~.~..-..-.--...... ......:.::~ T.O.I/- ....~..~~ ..'...-.... The following info r~ation is re auiredfor submitt~1 by the applic~nt ~o the Design Review Boare before a final approval c~n be riven: A.BUILDI::G j·lAiE?!A LS:TYPE OF rlA Tt:~I';L cores Roor Siding Other Wall Materials Fasc i a Dt f.{j -TEAL B.LANDSC';PING:Name ofDesigner: phone: ... - ....,-- Flash ings Flues Hand or Deck Rails Wind:-o'l Trim Do or Trim Doors Chi~neys Soff i ts Other £'ATr/C i3 j-~..v(.c Greenhouses Trash Enclosures PLA NT i·lATERIALS:Botani ca 1 Na me J>IRl ,_.t;;.,;"__ PROPOSED TREES EXISTTrl G TREES TO BE REi·IOVED ------62A-1A *I ndicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over) -... .. ..•....:.-......,,- .~_.-.......- ·PlA:,T :·!A TE:;:\IAlS:Bet an;r.a I ~l~m e (can 't) SHRUBS EX I SiT ;,G SHRUBS TO BE REi-!OV ED OUdn ;t ':5 i ze ............~ GRO U::D CC':ER S SOD SEJ TYPE OF IRRIGA,I O:1 TYPE OR ~I E THO D OF EROSr Q;/COiIT ROl ---------------------- C.OTHER 'lANDSCAPE FEATURES (reta ining walls,fences ,swirmri nq pools,etc.)Please specify. PERMIT NO.O (ExcavatingContractor's Name,Address.Phone,and UcenseNo.) WATERSEWERGASELECTRICTELEPHONE CABLE TVOTHER SOILS TEST LANDSCAP ING TEMPORARYSITEACCESS 3 .Wo rk is fo r(circleone) TOWN OF VAIL PUBLI C WAY PER M IT)'~contracto r 's~y to be kept o nj obsite. 1 2S85 .........lAIII<)P '"""_"'~_.'!..'O'¢-<$' DAVE 1lKLB.2923 BEI..LFLOWEll.12.VAIL.CO 8 16572. INSPECTIONREMARKS:_ (Public Works) (Con tractor's Signatu re) Receipt #:--;;;,==;::;-_ (PubliCWo rks) Bill to:DIVE RIl. Paid:===:;--_ Permit Fee .--==-===--===-==---_ SKETCHPLANOFWORKATTACHED TOVContractor's License Number 1///<;/<1'1 (PermitExpirationDale) Phone # LegalDescription Address l "-l I q-I CompletionDate ;q,'1 2. 1'- 3 .StartDate 1. .APpLICATIONFOR TOWNOFVAIL PUBLIC WAYPERMIT Other ----'==:=.'--=--"-_ Hilt• /. CATV Depth ----LJ'-f--''--'------=-~- GasElectricTelephone TemporarySiteAccess PermitFee $-ti~~i. Length Hili O.()O (. ()()O N/4__ BondAmoun t $_----"=---"""'-'=-_ 4 .Workisfor {circleone)WaterSewer Landscaping 5.Trench-width (min.4') 6.ALLMATERIA L,EQUIPMENT,ANDTRAFFICCONTROLDEVICESMUSTBEONTHE JOBSITE BEFORETHE JOBISSTARTED . 7.Rubberout-r iggers arerequiredonexcavating equipment whenworkingonasphalt. Asphaltsurfacesunderneaththebucketshallbeprotectedatalltimes . 8 .Asignaturebelow indicatesareviewoftheareaandutilitylocationsand approvals .Onceallutilitycompany signatures areobtained,permitteehasoptionofroutingapplicationthroughthePublicWorksofficetoobtainthe ....necessaryTownofVail signatures .Pleaseallowoneweektoprocess .A /l GQ UpperEagleValleyWaterandSanitat ion (476-7480),/I U 'I ' ..:;, PublicService Company (1-800-922-1987)'\ PSCO-Natural GasGroup(468-2528) J /I I r.O---'---rf''TF----'''''--'''=-----.-+----;--Electricians(479-2171) -tPublicWorks(479-2158)_---I,,~~~~~.....!::L~=::L.--....1..JL-~~q.:.......::!1:==--------- Holy CrossElectric Company (949-5892)---:/"'------'"-.--=...•.-=:..:./-'----'--"'--"'-...:..:.-=--t1'----...L-.:..----=--=-- U.S.West(1-800-922-1987)-----------------i:±---------- TCI Cablevision oftheRockies(949-5530)--.::lc...L _ Town of Vail; Irrigation(479-2161) " 9.THEREWILLBENOTOTAL STREET CLOSURES!Aconstructiontrafficcontrolplanmustbeapprovedbythe PublicWorks Department priorto issuanceofthepermit.'"(• to.Allexcavationmustbedonebyhandwithin18"ofutilities -(SenateBill172). 11.Permittee rrlust contactPublicWorksDepartmentat479-215824hourspriortocommencingbackfilloperations. FailuretonotifytheTownwillresu lt inforfe iture ofbondmoney.Scheduled inspectionswhicharenotreadymay resultintheTowncharg ing thecontractorareinspection fee.i 12.IcertifythatIhavereadall chapters ofTitle12-StreetsandSidewalks,oftheVailMunicipalCodeandallutility company agreements ,signedbyme .andwill abidebythesame,andthatallutilitieshavebeennotif ied asrequired .•.... Contractor's Signature ofAgreement DateofSignature ATIACH PLANOFWORK,INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Showstreetsw ith names ,buildings ,andlocationofcuts .USEDASHLINESFORCUT.*S n'11.j O..\j i2 ~S,10\7C--r/LL I ~?s..,-J .'.1 oV I I \THISISNOT PUBLIC WAYPERMIT! ,White -P ublic Wo rks Yellow -Finance Pink-Community Development Go ld -Co ntractor