HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 1 LOT 11 LEGALaeaa ._ ..........~ I 'll!..P,02"~oQ , '"> (."', SURVtY No...Y....;6_.·.;...IZ_o _ OAn O~f..lS;/976 JAN-04-1996 0&:54 FROl1 20I CCJl~ST,SERU • RICHARDS ENGINEERS,INC.,'.0,...c·,oo .A"f",Colo••d.'16%0 Pbo".Q.n·$07:l P'II'"L1 ...•n"·1511 ", , ~• ".~."'..''''~.\".\ 't. I '...~, ~ ~ ......• -,tll?'()'1'I()"'~68,()O' .. / to,,1 ./,Vall J~/<!nl1(;linrQllt ~()fI vC'/~ph7.~'"SlAca-/vl.$/f>na.sItU'/<'.,1? ~~ ~ \'\ ,<~..,.~..u ~IV .So 00 '-, ".....,-i:'.. ';'~".'i'~".Q,0.,1'\.. l.tChL DESC~tP1'lON of Acccss Qud Parking Ea~ent:e;..,.. A part of Lot 11,VAiL lIITEltHOUNiAlN Df,VtLOPHtNr SUDDI SION,BiLe1,more'p'~~tlcUlar1Y· described as followe:llcgionill&at the South~~turl corner .0'Gn1d)-ot 11,which .·' it!abo tho Southeuterly cerner of Lot .i.,VML IN'tt~HOV TAIN D El.OPl;i!NT SUBDIViSION,'. }II,(ICK ?;thc!l\ca N 31·21'07 "E and lll (;n~the liIH!:comm'bl\.t bo~~··afot'tlllontionad lot'"." ));'.00 feet;thence S 52"22'5(."E I,O,D1 feot;th~IlCC S 31.·7:/~'l'"W 61.00 feet to A . i ,-J li t.lJald point bt!illl;on tho SO\lC1UH'l)'linC!of;said Lot ..~which is also the :.\[th~r!y Risht-of-Woy Hne of Lar kspur Lane]thence along"-~Ri&ht-Of-WIlY lina on . •\::["Howing three covr aus:S 68"00'00"·\....·16.00 feet ,to 11 0 ot curve:6LltS : !l !~t nlodn the arc of snid ~llrvc to the lcit havina ~~nd1u9 £1 5.00 f~Qt.a .' c:cntt'lIl onglo of 28°10'01"Dno,l ....bose 1011E;chord benr sS,53~.$.42.~~~..60.•_83.}ae!i ..ll:nd .;:...~_:..'...._'.......__._....,1.·..'~'10"'__"...'.••'••'.~.,.'_.•••.,..•...,.....••0 ••'-".,'..,.---:-