HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 2 LOT 6 LEGALTOWN OFVAIL 7 5 S .FRONTAG E ROAD VAIL ,CO 81 657 97 0-47 9 -2 138 00....\.9,,-".vm.11I 1....0\-G ,l',\\',7- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEL OPMENT NOT E,THIS PERMI T MU ST BEPOS TED ONJ OBSlTE ATALLTIMES ADD /ALT SF RBUILD PERM I T Perm i t #:B OO-0185 Job Ad dress ,2 672 KINNICKINNICK RD Loca t i on ...:2672 KINNICKINNICK RD Pa rcel No ..:2 10 3 -14 3 -01 -0 06 Pr o jectNo .:PRJOO -0 1 92 S tatus ...: Appli ed .., Iss ued ... Exp ires ..: ISSUED 0 8/01/200 0 0 8 /08 /200 0 02 /04 /2001 APPLICANT GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION Ph o n e ,970 827 -5231 P .O .BOX 72 1 ,MINTURN,CO,2 369 8USHI GHWAY 24 8 1645 CONTRACT OR GRA Y-STONE CONST RUCTION Phone,9 70 827 -5 231 P .O .BOX 72 1.MINTURN,CO,2369 8 USHIGHWAY 2 48 164 5 OWNE R GRAY HARRY C &COLLEEN G 2 672 -AKINNICKINN I CK CT,VA IL CO 8 1 657 De s cript ion : ADD 52SQ FT OF GRFA BETWEEN GA RAG E /KIT FOR CLO SET Oc cup an cy : TypeConst r uction: R3 V N S ingl e Fami lyRes id ence TypeV Non -Rat ed Valuati on :3,50 0 Add Sq F t,so I'i r e p l"c"I nfortl ;>t1on:1!••"ri C:l:..d,~ES #Of Hood/Pe l t_t: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••F E E S UMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• auild in9····-~ pl.n Ch..c k ··-> I nVEl£ltiqst;ion> wi ll c a ll----> 9 ~.OO 55 .25 .00 3 .00 R ~o l:u.ran t P lan I!evi...--> ORB I'e e----------------~~ R ~c r @ ~~io n p @ ~---.------~ Clean-Up napo ait ··-·----~ i~rA L r E!S -------·~-----> .00 2 0 .00 5.00 1 00 .00 2U .2'> io~al c ~l e ul ~t ad ra a ..__·> Ad<\{t i 01'\al ,.......---•••~ Total P @ ~it Fe @--------. Pa ymente ----------------. BALI\.NCE D lJ B -------------~ 2 fi il.2 !> ."' 2 611 .:IS 2 n .2 5 N/A N/A It ~m ,0 5100BUILDING DEPARTM ENT 08 /02 /.20 00 KATHY Action,NOTE 08 /03 /20 00 KATHY Acti on ,NOTE 08 /0 3 /2 000 CHARLIE Ac tion,APPR I tem:054 00 PLANNING DEPARTM ENT 08 /.02 /.2000 KATHY Act i on ,NOTE 08 /0 3 /2000 GEO RG E Ac tion ,APPR I t ~m ,05 600 FIRE DEPAR TM ENT 08 /0 2 /20 00 KATHY Act io n ,APPR Item ,0 5 500 PUBL I C WORK S 08 /02 /2000 KATHY Act ion ,APPR De pt ,BUI LDING ROUTED TO CHARLIE Planning s et to Charlie charlie davis Dept ,PLANNING ROUTED TO GEORGE Dept ,F IRE De pt ,PUB WORK Division: Division: Division : Div i s i on : See Page 2 o f t h is Document for a ny conditions thatmay apply to t hisp ermit . DECLARATIONS 1 h ft~e by ackno v ledq e t hat I h a ve r e ad thiD a p p licat i on ,fi ll ed o ut i n f u ll t he i nformation requ i r@d,co=pl e t ed an acc urat@ p l ot p l an,an d a ta t a t h at al l the i nt orma t ion p rovided 88 requi~.d ie c orre ct .I g ~r ~e t o com p l~~i th t h ~i nforma t i on a nd p l ot plan, to c O!lI ply v ith a ll Town o "d i nan c@a a n d "tate l ave,an d to b ui :d t h i""truct ure a c co r di ng t o !Jl~T O~;'-;o:on i ng a n d a ui:>divi ..ion c od ••,d e ..i~n raview ap p r oved ,Un it orm Bu i ld i ng Code a n d o ther o rd in a nc e.of t he To wn a ~~<~e t o . /'<0 R<:QUESTS r OR l NSP B(;:nONS SHALL BE MADE TWeNT't -~OUR HOt1Jls I N ADv.1>.N cr 2Y T g W:P ll ONJ:,.~+)$.•"./:--"00.1 OP FI CE "ROM 8 ,00 AM 5 ,00 PM -?>.«: S IGNAT URE 0 ,"OWI\I ER OR =NTRACTOR F OR H I MSELF Arm 0Iffll!R Page 2 **********.********************************************************************* CONDITIONS Permit #:BOO -018S as of OB /08/00 Status ---:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** P e rmit Type ,ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT Applicant --,GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION 970 827-5231 J ob Address:2672 KINNICKINNICK RD Location ---:26 72 KINNICKINNI CK RD Parcel No --:2103 -14 3-01 -006 Description : ADD 52 SQFTOFGRFA BETWEEN GARAGE /KIT FORCLOSET App1ied--,08 /01 /2000 Issued---,08 /08 /2000 T o Expire,02 /04 /2001 **************************************Condit i ons ****************************** 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU IRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2 .SMOKE DETECT ORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.31 0 .6.1 OF THE 1997 UBC . 3.NO PARKINGORSTAGINGOF MATERIALS IS ALLOWED ON PUBLIC RIGHTOF WAY WITHOUT AN APPROVED PUBLIC WA Y PERMIT . TOWN OF VA IL ,COLORADO Repr int e d,08 /08 /00 11 ,15 Stat emnt TT*••_••••*_._**••••***••*._._.__*•••* Sta temntNumber :RE C -066 4Amoun t:2 1 8.25 08 /08 /0 0 1 1:1 3 Payme nt Met hod :1 0 2 6 Notat ion:GRAY -STONE CO NST I ni t :IN ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPE 218.2 5 Permit No: Parcel No: Si te Add r es s: Lo c a t ion: Thi s Pa yment BOO -0185 Type 'A-BUILD 21 03 -143 -01 -006 2672 KI NNICKINNICK RD 26 72 KINNICKINNICK RD To tal Fe es: Total ALLPmt s: Balance: 2 6 8.2 5 2 6 8.25 .00....*.*.-*._.__*-_._._*••••_* Account Cod e DR 0010 0003112200 BP 0010000 3111100 P F 00100003 112 300 AD D2 -DEP08 RF 11100003112700 WC 00100003112800 Descript ion DESIGN REVI EW FEES BUILDINGP ERMIT FEES PLAN CHE CK FE ES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATIONF EES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount -30.00 8 5 .00 55 .25 1 00.00 5 .00 3 .00 APPLICATION WILL NOTBEACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #:~a 19 z. .Building Permit#::O I B§: 970~47942149 (Inspections) TOWN OFVAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits arc req uired fo r e lect rical.p lumbing,mec hanica l.e te.! 7 5 S.Fron tage Rd. Vail,Coloral:to 81657 Contilct Eao/e County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eao/e-coun tv.com farPa rcel# Parcel#'l I 03 '130/006 Closol- LegalDescript ion (Lot :l .Block::2-I Filing : Ow ners N am e :~"""t .:'//'-J r Archilect/Designer:f':.i.L 'Address: II S U bd lv l s i ~n :"i I"1Qv n.I<A;", •.t,c f...Phone'-if 7~-/~2Q.... [pFione : Eng ineer:Address:Phon e: .- Wor!<Class:New ()Addition ~Remodel ()Repair ()Demo ()Other () Wor!<Type:Interior ()Exteror ()Both K)DoesanEHU exist:atthi slocation:No() I Type of Bldg.:Single-fam ity)(1 Two-fa mily ()Multi-family()Commerdal ()Restaurant ()other () No.of Extsting Dwelling Units in th is building:?No.of Accommodation Units inth is b uilding: NolTv""ofFlreelacesExistino:Gas Aoollances 11.)Gas toes()Wood /P ellet ()WoodBumine 1) NolTvoe ofFireplaces Pronn<ed:Gas Annliances 1 )GasLoos ()Wood /Pellet ()WoodBurnino (NOT ALLOWED )rDoesaFireAlarmExist:Yes {)()No ()IDoesa FireSprinklerSystem Exist:Yes()NoM COMPLETE VALUATIONSFORBUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) BUILDING:S ELECTRICA L:S .5?t>OTHER:S MECHANICAL :SIOTAL:S , andPhone#'5: o CONTRACTORINFORMATION PLUMBI NG:~L ,R!;.H'J"ND C LEANU EPOSIT TO : ••***.**.***************.*•••••*.*****.FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****",••••••••••••*••***.*•••••••••••• TypeofConsuuctlon: Occupancy Group: I Date Received:\CO I Other Fees: DRB Fees:I Public Way Permlt Fee: F:/everyone/forrTlS/b ldgperm (• .." ,..~..••.,.,. =.'~.:..".1'\{:...~.~...,~..-.., DATE:7 -2 -co .:'. ,, " (9701 627-523\FAX 19701 627-5888 e-mail:grays lun@V ail.ne l "t ;,•-." ~... ",-. ,. ".'.' ....)....,:.',. ".•..~,;::. .vi i · PROJ ECT: GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPME N'C IN C. ..... [WH;:7 -Z -{XJ CL-07E", A Dorr 'Q2.! (9 70)827·5231 FAX (970)827·5886 e-mail:Ilra yslon@Vai l.nel 1----------GRAY-STONE CONST RUCTION AND DEVELOPMEN'I~INC. -'V ..•_ , .. -",.. Ove-r ,4J J:I +I~n C f-\A ,,\C'"7 £:12CO j:: r vo t\S AL 10 .--- ~"'-i '<,":t .. •·. . 1]'•·. ·"'.....,,- ,,, ,, ,. -<• • •• .' • . " ,. .' ...,."'..- r I. II I f-I "(j ./ L ·, o ., DATE:7 -2.-eo ..' .f:.;i(..\~!""\'••.,I ".,·t:'·. 'I .:'~'.\I .;;r',:;'. .'1 -;·:·.';:.1 ·»:'-:•r ".s-,~."'4 ••.'.';'.~'f ,'.'.-,''.':...~I.!''''':'',I. ..".~ 197ft)H27·52:11 I"AX (970)H27·588 6 t"-I1I "il:gr,lys lun@Vitll.IH'1 .' •:~.if ';RAY-STONE CONSTRUCTIONAND DEVELOPMEN 'I:INC . PROJECT:02<1 Y ;. roWN OF r.'IL Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName:Gray Re s idence P roject Description:A52 squa refoo tcl o s etaddi tion Owner.Addre ss and Phone :H arryGra y P rojec tN umbe r:PRJOO -OI92 Archite ct/Contact,A ddre ss and Phone:Ha rryGra y,Graystonc Co nstruction,P .O .Box 72 1,Minturn, Co lorado ,81645 . P roje ct Street Address :2672Kin nikinnick Court Legal Description:Lo t 6 ,B lock 2 ,Vail Intermountain Subdivision P ared Number:2 103 143 0I006 Com me nts : Project#:00-0192 Bui lding N a me : ***PLEASE C ONSULT T HET.O.V.BUILDING D EPARTMENT RE GARDING POT ENTIALASBESTOSABATEMENT I SSUES-479-2325**** Board /Staff Action C o nditiuns:Thesi ze of theaddition shallnotexc eed 52 squarefeet ofGRFA.Once constructalla vai lable p r ima r y un it GRFA ha s be en ut ilized. Mot ion by : Seconde d by : Vote: Town P la nner :George Ru ther ,AI C P ).le:7-21-00 Action:s ta ff approved DRB Fee Pre -Paid :$5 0.00 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL .-Questions?annl ng Staff at 4 79-2138 GENERALINFOR MAllON This applic ation is fo r any project requi ring Design Review approval.Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to subm ittingfor a building permit.Fo r spec ifi c information,see the submittal requ irements for the particular approval that is requested.The application ca nnot be accepted until all the required informatio n is submitted.The project may aiso need tobe reviewed by the Town Counci and /or the Plann ing and Envi ronmental Commission .Design Re view Boardappro valex piresone year a fter final approval unless a building permit isissuedandco nstruction is started. A.DESOOPllONOFTHt:'UEST ~~~/!7f9ci:t~'1ei~r ~e 4J~~~-..<l~I'-e 7 "-7 /- 1/1 2. ______________PHONE: LOCAllONOF PROPOSA L:[O T:'/•BLOCK :2-_F I U N ~'J~)4 " PHYSICAL AODRESS:;2/7:2 kimrchlUYt:k ~U;? PARCEL #:-~~Co n tact Eagle Co.Assessors Office at 97 0-328-8640for parcel #) ZONING.,,·44-"""ll.<¥fI-I~!"Ll:.d:=d:J."","4'<4CT--~~------__ NAM EOF NER(S):-+':t.J~~~;:,'~;f:!-'!!"(f91a..":'-~~~~'---T7jr::::- MAIU NG ADDRESS :"7 ..y7,;;::--/,£90, OWNER(S)SIGNAT RE(S): NA ME OF APPUCANT: MAlllNG ADDRESS: B. C. D. E. F. G. H.Tf PE OF REVIEW ANDFEE: o New Construction·5200 '5(Addition ~$50 o Minor Alteration -$20 Construction ofa newbuildi ng. Includes any addit ion where squa re footage is added to any residential or comme rci al bu ilding . Includ es mino r changes to buildi ngs and site impro vem ents,such as,reroo fing,pai nting,window additions,landsc aping,fences and reta ining walls,etc. ORB fees are to be paid atthe tim eof subm ittal.later,when applying fora bu ild ing permi t,please identify the accurate val uation of the project.TheTow n of Vai l will adjust th e fee aa:ording to the project valu ation . PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATlON,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ANDTHEFEE TOTHEDEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 7S SOUTH FRONTAGEROAD,VAIL,COLORADO 816S7. For Office Use I"nlul 1".j '"1>By:'V IA .Fee Paid:~/::l //Y)CK#:•~ Application Date :ORB ~eeting Date:.'z - Pre-Ap plication Meeti ng Date: Planne r:Project No.:M 70 0-a~"'.~ lED JUL 03 ZOOO DATE:7 ~Z -ED(9 70)82 7 -02:11 FAX 1970)827-5 886 e -mail:grily ston@vili l.net,GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMEN1~INC. .,:;' (!I7111 H27-52:1I PAX (9 711 1 H27 -5HHfi e-ma il:grays ton€>vai l.net ,------,'--------GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMI~N'C INC. PROJECT: ,' ,, DATE :7 -2.--e:o Ct.-055T ADD /TCcY2--j ;~I ..,'., ":". .:~,' .,:.~. ",'1.,..-.....;~;' 'I-,' ".1 .'~. .. " , • t ;"-" ..: ;...'~",.., '"" 197fl)827-52:1 1 I"\X 11 1701 827-5886 e-ntail:J!ra y ~I{l Il(rova i l.n dGRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION AND D EVELOPMEN'I ~INC . I'IWm CT:C~k6'(1itE~It)E~CE - • • I \ll I..o~I•I ,. ."., ~.-. -.. ". ·-··i'~·':~"-.""':~'I :'..,.,./':,:,'i ·-s •'.'.i.::r :•. I ,".~l ..•'.";,'..•.....\1'1'•".•~r ..,.",..'"..;.~~~':.,,"+.··,:",Ji·.:.- ";1...;.',:....·"'•.~:1 .I"!'' DATE:7-2..-00 c L-o'S,ej J,..i:f D\fIOL! 1970)82 7-52:1 1 FAX 19701 827-5 886 e -mail:g rays llln@\.ail.ne l 1-----------1'GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMEN 'C INC. 0-\fA ~\G'..,C 12 CO r:- I f-o t \f3/1"2._10 ,- -- lJ,, ;.'".....,. -~,:,"'- :t .' -, ~~''"'''''.-..~~·t~;~'", ,,,,• r-, -,.-,, • • ,... ;'-,... .,..",-,' " " • ,' -,-.- • • -, -:" -'- ,- r-----,..~. f~LLV&]/G4-. II (f..l-'tl : J ZON E CH ECK Dale:7/1 0 !.J O{)(1 Legal description:Lot t·Block ) Address 'A/'7 2 v ,,,,c ,C,r (,rl<4 (-I O wner n.,f'(,;/!n o t-t5 '1 Architect ./ Zone dis trict Fb m"J !S,("~.,(,::;7 Lotsize 1 /$:' Filing /t .,tt"tr>,..,.,+p .,., V,.,."Co P hone (~,..,,,)<-t"y -"ac Phone _ Proposed usc _ Buildablearea _ Howmuch o Ctheallowe d250 Addition is us ed w-ith thisrequest?_ Remaining -'""p <;-0 ,~_ ,-/SV r/J \ )':/{JK ~ -thi ~ I\DDikoJ l!t eo.~uU ____Enclosed , I = = Propose d --'--'---= +_':?.L _= Existin g ..liLL +_ Allowed =•~1 3 }! (300)@ii)(9 00)(120 0) 3'16' Rcquired_'tJ--__ Minimum --+--- Parking Retaining WallHeights Landscaping Garage Credit T otal GRF A Docs this req uest invo lve a 250Addition?_ S iteCoverage .2$"1"Cr...t .~(;.,).~lO ..l -'-W /f(.1 J +ifl Height (3 0)<.@'13 Set backs Front 20 ' Sides I S' Rear I S' Primary GRFA +(425)(675 0 )=I'"'-,-, / Secondary GRFA _---'+(425)(67 50 )~/310 -!i.7'+_ ("'.l~r !>-oo)-'-1 ;.5'" •6i5 =425 credit plus 250 addition Driveway Complies withT OV LightingOrdinance Yes_No _ Arc finished gra des less than 2:1(50%)Yes _No'_ Environmental/Hazards 1)Percent Slope «>30%)_ 2)Floodplain 3)wetlands _ 4)Wa ter Course S et back (30)(50 )_ 5)Geologic Hazards __..!./!CV~O---------- a)Snow Avalanche_I-'_ b)ROCkfall __--;';J:,..'_ c)D ebrisFlow _ Previous conditions of approval (chec k property fil e):'---_ Is the propertynon-conforming?Describe:_ ,I llES IGN RE nEW CHECKLIST Pr oject:_ o SURVEY o f LOORPLANS Scale Scale Ben chm ar k Legal de scription GRFA 250additional GRfA Lot Size Crawl\Attic Space Builda bl eArea EHU Easements o BUILDING ELEVATIONS Topograp hy 100 yr.flood plain Scale CoJor\Materi als Water Course Setba ck Proposed trees Legen d Roof Pitch Ut ility veri ficationform Existing trees CondoApproval TitJe report (A &B) P1IO tos of site MISCELLA:''EOUS o LANDSCAPEPLAN Enc roachment s Setbacks Utility locatio ns Environmental Hazar ds Trees Buildin g H eight ~"t:t,.)~ !')1.4.)- Spot elevati ons~irtt.-- \•t .0 SITEPLAN UOI'"I <J J.\ Scal e,-~. Site Coverage Eaves/Overhangs(4') Building material samp les C.O.Verification Decks/Balconies Garage connectio n Site Gra dc\Slope Sun'Sbadc Angles Utilities (unde rgrou nd) V iew Corrid ors Retaining Walls Variances Fences Pla t restrictions Parking/Garage Turn ing Radius Dri veway (access and gra de) S now Stora ge Fire Access - Tow n o f V a il of Co mmu nity De v elopment 75 S.Fro ntage R oa d Va il.CO 81657 De pa ,/•.I'l Neme (7,/~))))/J f:J-).If p L Add r~//7 P roject Rac"P'No .5'5,:2.:< Oat,;,3 ,00 Please makebnecke payanle to the TOWN O F VAI L Accou nt No.I nero N O'l c od e ~C o s t E a c h l T otal _ ~?OO3141110 Zoningand Address Ma os ZA ·s smE=oo ' 001 0 000314"12 Unifo ml BLiddnQ Code -'-997 -Volu me 1&2CB I $50 .95 · ~'0000314 1112 Uniform Bu ilding Code -1997 -Volume 3 S60.65 " 001 0000 3141112 International PlumblllQ Code -1997 hi CB I $~------1Foijt-oo oo 3141112 International Mechanil:3l Code -1998 C8 S35~1 ~~90 0 3141112 Uniform Mec.'lanical Code -19 96 .LB$3~~5 .~6~0~1 ~'==:,,:::==100100003141112UniformFireCodeIICB_536 .00 • 00f0000 31"4'1112 National EJectncaI Code C_8 $042 .60 I ·._ 9Q!.O()OO 3 1411 ~~~temen t of Da ngerous 8~g.·s 1997 ~ 0l!LOOOO3 14J112 ModeIE':le ~gyCode .1 995 _.I $10.00 j" 00100003 141 112 Ana~O I ReY1SI Onsto 1997 un ~o rm cod~$12 .75 * ~1 00 003141112 OtherCode 8l?0ks CB · rm-?0003141211 8 luePnntstMyla rCo pyFees SF $7,".00",'+.1·'._ 00100003 141 111 1XeroxCopies ,XC I $025 1· 00100003141 111 LJ onsh eadMa sterPlan($1 8OJS 16 01 M~~O~O~i ~'====~00 100003141111 I Studles,MasterPlans.etc M-c.r==• 0010000 315 3~..g.Penalty FeeslRe -tnspe ctlon~p ~_ 00 1 O O~O 3.!!23 00 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($401pef hou~)_.-~-i=d_ 0l!1 0000 31§2000 Off Hours I ~s peeti o n Fees OH __~~0 0003 12 3000Contractors Ucenee Fees ct ~__ OO'-!"p000~1 2 4000 Sign Applical!On F~§cP $2000 00 1 00003124000 Additi onal Sign Application Fee S.~P_-+__ 00 100003112200 Design Review BoardFee (Pre-paid)DR ~ 001000 03 15 3000 Buading Investigation Fe e P N ' 001 OOQ9 240 3309 ~~!..!m ptov .m Imt Ag r ""'vrrt Ouposit D2 .oe:P 1 0 AD ~~OO31 21 900 Res taura ntUc e n ~e~{!OV).RL $= 00 10°9.0 230 20QO Sp ec .Ass ess-Restaurant Fee to Co Dep!-Rev.SA ·00 1 OOO~201 1000 Taxa ble @ ~Sb t ~1 ~T~a~x~pa~.~Y~a b~l~e~~~E3!T P~~f-~~~~~~~~~]·OQ..!_.9QQ!!-3 10 1 1 0~Tax ~lJ!.!.@ _4..0 %C!Ew n )-Reta il Sales T ax T7 f----_-fOthec e r/Misc .-ML- • r- $200 .00 $200 .00 $200 .00 $50000 I $1,500.00 $1 000 .00."'---1 =="----j---li;<;-----i $200 00 0010000 3 112 500 Specia l Development District-Majo r Amend PV 00 1 0000 31 1 ~;~Sp ec ial Devel2pment oiStrict -Minor Ameod PV ~;;'~E====~~~.OQQO 31 1 2500 SubcfMsion Fees PV ~?OO 3 112500 Vanance PV $250.00 001 00003112500 ?onjn g~odeAmef\d m e nts I PV $250.00 Re-Zonlng ~$200 .00 00 10000 31"9"3"loo;;;1 Greenstar Program ~~ Other -cC~~ 0i510000 3 112500 P Ee AP PU CATIO·'N"F"'E"'E"'S-------\-+---j---+---'---1~600 3112 500 Addition al G RFA~-~'2~5~0~'~~~~=~=~]p~vE=fiW~E====1001000'U1 1 ~~C.onditi onal U$(~e rm rt ~ 00 1 OQOO 311_2500 _Extenor Alt e ration -Less th a n 1QO----.-!9:....ft.~-__+_f.PV ~?OO 31 1 2500Extenor Alteration ·More th an 100 sci ,ft.PV 00100003 112500 'S -a1 Deve!o me ntDistrict-NEW PV _Comments : f-- f-- I-=Ca.h /K Mo ne yO"'...Checktl R~N~~~~ F :lEvetyM6"fonnsiS alesaclllXO ,I • __________~DOL LARS I SO "'" 51522 ._---~--- 81b$] (V -k t c { Police Receipt N u ~en;_ By r;L.,."~-!d,ti .I t:.'l'Nt I I ,.'L :"" C-c l .!.ta n/o IG'.. )J l1 ..1 C t'·11?6 7Z \/c ;"I HOW PAID-Cash --+X,-_Check _ Permit Nu mb ers _~;-_ S----------;ECEIPT -TheTown .rVail I DATE "3 •~ZfXX) I I 7 _I I RECEIVED FROM _-,!:C,J..l._1LC"-"'1...A'"~1'-:<"':C<7C;7~~c.~~L ,-,-"--,J.~~_I I .. :ADDRESS~-~22';7Z-17~__~-:-::-'----;:--;;-T----~-=== I I I I I I I I J I I I I I lO Mn of Vii1 tH c.5T(JER RECIIPT ... DATE:711J51W.II RE[HPT :1li1 1845 DESCAJ PTllJ<QlY IKUlT W 111 [(S IGH R8J IEW FE I '~.N.oo CS IilRRY GRAY TElI£R Il£lAIL £S DATE:7I1J1W. TUTIL 001 <>O.tIl m<DE RE D Om£ IGI.1Ii TIlE .15:11:<2 lSI.iii IGI.W.'1II1J._ ProjectName : ••Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL G ray -Int erior con version Project De scription :Create basementfrom c rawl s pace per interiorco nvcrion ord . Owner.Address andPhone :lIarry Gray.2672 Kinnickinnick C t.,Vail A rchitec t/Contact.Addr ess and Phone:lil a Project Street Address :26 7 2K inn ickinnlck C t Legal Descrip ti on:Let6,Rlk.2,Vail Intermountain Parcel Number:2103 -I·U-01-006 Building Name: Comments:Max ed oul o n GRFA Board I Starr Act ion Motion by: Seco nded by: Vote: A ction:Staff approved Conditions:Pro ject ha s no ex terior modificati ons Town Planner.Dominic ;\l auriello Ilate:10-15 -9 7 DR B Fcc Pre -P aid :add to n.P. j ";\I :Vl'RY\)"1 ,'DRH\,'PPROV A t \flT,(j RAv ,0 15 AI'PLlCATlON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVALTOIVNLOF:::VA~LL~~·\ •Questions?ea.Planni ngS taff at4 79-2128 GENERALINFORMATION Th is appli cation is for a nyproject r equiring Des ign Reviewa pproval.Any project r equiring d esign r eview must receive DesignReview ap proval prior tosubmittingfor ubuildin g permit.For specificinformation,sec thesubmittal requi rements fort he particular approval t hat is r equested .The app lication cannot be accepted u ntil a llt he r equired information is submitted .The project mayalsoneedto be reviewed bythe Town Counci l and/o r the P lanning and Env ironme ntn 1Com mission .DcsljmRev iew Bo ard apprevat expires nn e y ear aft er fin al approval unless a huildint:permit is issued and construction is started, A ~CR I!~eT~=~,(h?~v /~iO?c-< B .1.0CATION OF P ROPOSAL:LOT:t B LOCK:2-F I LlNG:i -1il l~""""'14,';- PII YSICALADDRESS:-;:)67;2./cP7QIC.Jcu.u:,;"k ~, C .PARCEL #:)./03-1'13 -01 OOC (Co ntact Eagle Co.Assessors Office at 970-32K-86411 for pared #) 0 .ZON ING :rr r>__7.,-_ Construction of a new building. Inc ludesan y addit ion wh ere squ are footage is a dded toan y resident ial or c ommercia l buildin g. Includes minor changes 10 bu ildings an dsit ei mprovements.s uch a.", reroofing.pain ting.window additions.landscaping.fencesa ndr etaining walls,etc . NA ME O F OWNER(Sj:-I1'-c;'~~7:::;l~~__t.p;:O±::E¥--T:---__;,.--;>ry­ M A I lJNG AO 0 Rf~S :,-?:::l~.;-.,.,S;z:"'____:"""L.-£?=.(..L-"!-.L-.<4..17-L...O--":-"--__7:i_;,,_:;:_ /0 e> / T YPEOF RE VIEW ANO ~EE : o New Ccns truction -,5200 o Addition-$50 o M inor Alteration -$20 F.. H . G. DRBfees arc tobe paid at thetimeofsubmittal.Later.whenapplying for a buildingpermit.please identify t heacc uratevaluati on ofth e project.T he T own of Vail willadjustthe f cc acc ording to thep roject valuation. PLEASE SURMIT THI S APPLICAT ION.ALL SURMITTAL R EQU IREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.7S SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL.COLURADO R16 57. For O ffice Usc Onl)'; Fee Paid:C K#:By:_ Appl ication Datc :-,.'_~__-,.'_-,.'__ORB Meeting Dale:__-,.'-,.'-,.'_-,.'-,.',--,__ Pro-A pplicationMeeting Dale: •• .""...' ....._._--- ................. , ""~-.; )~ I 1-._"... ~ -~cl \' .~'...,". 'l....f . !\'-\i '(t ~~~~~ ~ ~~~.~'";>~(S . l>-'-.J'l,.~~""--~~-~~ ~~ >-~ ~rh ~l /'),-.., •l l ,".'.'..-,..-_. () • \-::::~~.:..'--.'TOWN OF VA IL 75S ou thFro ntage Road Vail ,Co lorado 81657 9 70-479-2J07/Fax 970-479-21 57 J anuary 11.199 6 CE RTIFIED MAIL RET URN RECEIPTREQUESTED M r.H arry G ray 2672A K innickinnick Vail.C O 8 1657 Rc:H om e Oc cupat ion P ermit D ear Mr.G ray: Offi ceof the Town A ttorn ey Th e T ownof V ailco ntinues to receive re gular complaint s concerningth e ho m e occu pationw hich is bein g co ndu cted at26 72AKinnickinnick.The Townis presently surveillingthe neighborhood todct cnninc w hether o rn ot th er eis evi denc e tosu bstantiate theco m plaints. Th e h ome occupat ion permi t w as g ranted (0 mai ntainando peratea home offi ce inwh ich the bu siness is ca rried o n pri nc ipa lly by H arry .andCo lleen Gray as own e rs an d inhabi tan ts of the d we lling .T he in tensity of th e usc ap pears to be e xceeding wha t is permi tted .T hecomp la ints w h ich arcbeing in vesti ga ted in clude more th ano ne emp loyeew orking p art tim e at the homeo ffice: equi pmentot her th an gen eral officeequipment bein g used;p reparationo f s upplies orpro ducts o n the p remise s;signifi ca nt vehicu lar tra ffi c in ex cess o f tha t typically ge nerated by residen ti al d wellings ande xce s sive vehi cular trip s being ge nerated pe rd ay. If a ny of these complaintsarc s ubstantiated the Community Devel opment D epa rtmen t w ill i mmediately cons ide r pe rmit revoc at io n pu rsuant (0 Section 18.58 .080 of the Va il Mun ic ipal Code. If re voked ,youw ill have th e opportunity to appeal suchaction tothe P lann ing andEn viro nm enta l Commi ssion . o Rl:CYCLEDPAP£R •• I f youh ave anyq uestionso rco mmentspl ease feel freetocontactmy selfo rRandySto uder. ~)1~ R.Th omas M oorhead ~ T own Attorn ey RTM /aw xc:Allen C .Chri stensen.Esquire Ra ndy Stouder ,/ DickGericke • 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado8 1657 970-479-2 J07/F a.<9 70-479-2157 Fe bruary 5,1996 Allen C.C hristensen,E s quire D unn,A bplanalp &Christensen.P.e. 108 S .Frontage Road .S uite 300 Va il ,CO81657 Rc :HarryGray andSue Dugan Dear A llen : •~il W 4 FEB 51995 rOV-C OMM.OfV ~PI 5......,....- c-'"./tAMy Gh ntLW', !4tPA y Offi ce of the Town A ttorney J have c irculated your lette r of February 2,1996 und er thisco ver toth e con cerned d epartments w ithi n th e Town o f Va il andtoS ueDugan .I believet hatth e onl yeffec tive re s ol ution t o t he diffi cult ies betwee n the se nei ghborsm ustcomefr omt hem. As you are aware,th eTo wn o f Va ilh as a responsibilityto reacttoco mp laint s fro mn eighbors.We donot h ave the lux ury of ignoring c ertain co mplaints because th ey c om e from "n e ighbors wh o d on 't g et a lo ng." I do notbelieve that th e re h as beenan instan ce inwhi ch a staffme mber ha s taken a pos itionin regard t o yo ur cli ent that wa s ex ces s ive or not a n appr opriaterespon seto acomp laint.J think itis comme nda blethattheT own of V ail sta ffme mbers are willin gto w ork far be yond the norm a l wo rking ho urst o contact residents.Ibeli eve i t is a c redittothe Co mmunityD evelopm ent D epa rtm en t stafft hattheyare w illing to t ake onre sponsibili ty for per sonal inspection tov erify v iolat ions ofour z oning regula t ions . Th eT own staff w ill continueto be vi gilant i n regard t o enforc ement of ani ma l control regulations, zoning violations and a llother ord inances .I a ssure you th at we willj ealou slyguard again st being usedas atool ora pawnto fulfill someone's perso nal agenda .However,threats oflitigat ion will not de teru s from o uroblig at ions. ••• I suggest that you an d your client r esolvethese issues within their neighborhood.The Town o fVail throu gh th e enforcement of r egulationsw ill no t arrive a t a re solution th at issati s factory toany one. I am hop efu l t hat communica tionsar ebegi nningt od eve lop that can r e s ult an effectiveresoluti on. Very truly R.Thomas M oorhead T own A tt orney RTM/aw xc:Sue Dugan R obert W .McLaurin Pamela A.Brandrneyer Chief Greg Morrision Susan Connelly Bo b S lag le •••REC~EDFE8 2 1996 J OHN W .DUNN A II.TH UII.A ....."L,AN ...I......lit . A L.L.!:N C .C HIt ISTt:N51:N O I"N~L .HEA ......... R .C .IH"PHEN~DN ...ec l ....cOu...I1'.... J I "MY W .HANN .... L ......,O ~"I Cl!S DUNN,ABPLA NALP &CHR ISTE NSEN ,P .C . T HE V AI L BANI(B U I 1.D ING SUITE ace 108 SOUTH FRO NTAGE R O AD WE ST VAIL,CC:,...OIOlAI?O a 16S7 February 2,1996 TILIP'HON £, Itll'O I.7 111-o3oo TEI.£CO ..'t R : (S'701.7$-"7111 5 I<....'N "'.DUN" CI """'O L.IC ...."'l"U.N' R .Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney Town of Vail 75 S .Frontage Road Vail,Col orado 8 165 7 Re:Harry Gray 27 62 A Kinnlc kinnick Dear Tom: This l etter I s in f oll ow up t oo urs ev eral conversa ti on s concerning the Gray res id enc e. As y ou are a ware t here have bee n numerous comp lai nt s l odg ed wit h th e T own o f Vail co nce rn ing the Grayr es id enc e.Those c omp lai nts have b een made prima ri ly ,i fn ote xc lusively ,by Ms. Sue Dug an who owns a dja ce nt p rope rty.To o ur k nowledge ,Ms. Dug an h as made complaints t o the An imal Contr ol Of fi ce ,Va il P oli ce Department,VailCo de Enforcemen t/Vai l Communi ty Dev elopment De partment ,Va il busi ne ss l icen se officia ls ,th e T own Ma na ge r/J Udge All en ,and presumabl y y our office .Ms .~ug an o bjects t o virtu ally everya ct iv ity at t he Gr ay res ide nce . As I p rev i ously e xplainedt o you t he Grays ar e o nly int erestedi n p ea cef ul ly coexi s ting with the ir n eighbors.Wh en we discuss ed the h ome occupati on p ermit I a dv ised y ou t hat if a violation e xisted,immediate s teps would be t aken t o br i ng ac tivities into compl iance wit ht he Vai l Munici pa lCode .I explained to y ou,a nd a gain t o Su s an Co n ne lly ,that if t he Gray residence is not in compli ance w ith the h omeo ccupat iono rdinanc e th e Town c ould ,ands hould,take steps to r ev oke the pe rm it .The Community Deve l opment Office can v erify that Mr .Gray h as appea red n umerous times in a ttempt t o bring everyt hi ngi nto c omplia nce and to remedy th e problemse xi stingi n the n ei ghb orhood . On F ebruary 1 ,Mr.Gray and Ia ppe are d in Court t o r esolve t he ten (10)p end ing ch a rg esa ssoci at ed with the Grays'd ogs. All of these c ompl a ints were lodg ed b yMs.Dug an ,e ithera s ••• com pla i ning p ar ty or a c ivi l ian c omp la ina nt .T h e Tow n Pr o s e cu t or ,An ima l Co nt rol Of f~cers ,Co de E nfo rc e me nt o f ficer s , and p o lice o ff icers who h ave r e spond ed wi ll v erify t hat Mr .Gray i s ve ry c oop erative ,1 5 wi ll ing t o accept r e sponsibi li ty f or his ac ti ons a n dt ak es t ep s t o reme dy any viol ati on .T h i s wa s r ea ffi rmed I no pen Co~r t yeste rday. T om,I a m aw a re t ha t so l ong a s there ar en eighbors there will b e n eighbo rh o od d is pu te s.I a ma l s o a wa re t h at t own o f ficia ls wil l b ec a l led upon to enforce t h e provi si on so ft he mu ni ci pal code .T hat i se nt i re l y prop er .Wh at th e Gr ays a re c o n c er ned abou t is t ha t th e Towno f Vai l is b eingu s ed as a weapo n in wha ta pp e ars t ob ea private c it izen 's o ngoing c ampaign t ot o rme n t a nd hara ss them.One p olice officer h as alrea dy adv ised met ha tt he p oli ced e partment wi lln otb e us ed a sa "hamme r"i n a n e i ghbo r hoo~d ispu tes . De sp ite a l l a ctions b y t he Gr ay sa nd the T own t o remedy t he situation ,Ms .Dugan c ontinues t o l odge c o mpl ai nts wi th the Town . She ap pa rently be l i ev es she shou ld have t he fina l wo rd on h ow th e Grays 'use t hei r reside nce. En close d is a copy o f the l e tt e r Ms .Duga n wr ote t o J ud ge All en o nJ anu ary3 0 .I di rect you r p art icul ara tte nt ion to t he third page o ft hat l e tter,whic h is t hes urvei l lance log kept b y Ms.Du ga n and/o r her age n ts.As y ouwi lln ot e,t he l og l is t s h er observat ions f rom Janu a ry 6-1 4 .I t i s cu t off ,and Ih ave no idea how many consecut ive days she kept t he Gray res idence u nder "round thec loc k"s u rve illance .Her lette rl ists th e n umbero f f ormal comp l ai n ts Ms.Dug an and her t enant ma de during t hi s p eri od .Th ey are nume rous .She appare nt ly kee ps tra ck n ot o n ly of t h e b ar king ,bu t of th e f re qu en cy a nd l o c at i on o f dog de feca tion .It s houldb e no ted t hat no citations were i ss ued 'du ring thi s per iod ,d e sp ite t h ose n u me rou s comp l ain t s. As C ommunity Dev ~lopm gnt r gc ord s willi nd icate,Ms .Dugan comp la i ns about dogs i n her ya rd ,t he n a pp ea rs at public hearings to oppo se construction of ad o gf ence t o c onta in th e dogs .Sh e h a s eve n c omp lained aboutt he watt age o f l igh tb ulbs in e xte rior light fi x tures ,d emand ing a1 5 wa tt ligh tb e ins ta l led.Ms. Dugan ha s appa re ntlyb een s uch a prese n cei nt he C o mm un ity Dev e l o pment Off ice that sh e h as s uccee ded in p ers ua ding s taff memb ers t o callh er after o f ficial bu s in es s h o ur s t o p e rsona lly advise h e r o fT own a c t ions.On e s t af f membe rwen t so fa r as to "thr e at en"Mr.Gray th ath e wo u ld pe r sona lly i nsp e c t the reside nce if t he p ol ice co u ld not "catch h im".Ms .Dugan apparent ly preva i led u pon the s taff to r ec ord an inco rrect ve rsion of even ts on o ff ic ia l t own ac tion f o rms .These a c tions prompted my complaint t o the Comm unity De vel opment Dir ec tor , resu lting i na reass i gnmento f th atp lanner . •• Aga i n,Iam aware t hat citizens have the r ight to make c omplain ts with theTown ,and the T own h asa duty to enforce its ordinances.T here i s a line,howev er,that appears t o have comep erilously c lose t o being cros sed,if it has n ot already b een cro s sed . This l etter 1s merely t o express conc ern about Town off icials being u sed to gain leverage in a dispute between privat e p arties.I f it cannot be r esolved it b el ongs 1n court a s a c ivil action .The Town must enforce i ts ordi nanc es ,however, if th e Town Is invo lved i n any further ac tions that are determined to be threat s to,or haras sment of th e "Grays;a maliciou s or vexatious prosecutionj or further mi srepresentation of official Town ac t ion sc o nc erning the Gray resid ence ,the Grays will have no al ternative but to seek re lief fr om the Courts. Our g oal is not a lawsuit and th is l etter shou ld not b e c o n strued as notice of claim under t h e Govenmental Immunity Statute .I t 1s mere ly a n attempt to restore the n eighborh o od t o a peaceful place where ne ighbors get along .Harry Gray and I be l ieve th is goa l i s a t tai n able.T oward that goal ,Mr .Gray and I are a vailable to meet with the T own Manager ,aP olice Department repre s entati v e,T own Attorn ey ,Community Development Director,An ima l Control Offi c er and Ms .Duga n t o formulate a plan t o bring this matter t o an e nd . T hank you for y ou r c on siderati on . Veryt ruly yo urs , DUNN ,ABPLANAL P &CHRISTENSEN ,P .C . e-/hA_:~.~~~-----v --7 A l le n C .Christensen ACC /a cc :Ha rry Gray ../ ••ouzanne J.Dugan ,rirok er 2 642 Kinn id.innick Court ·Vail,Cct c rede USA 81657 }'b i li n~Address:P.O .Box 3 765 •v ail.Color ado USA8 1658 (970)41 6·07 6i •fA X (970)4 76-256i Jud ge All en VailM unicipalC ourt Vail,C o 8 1657 J anu ary 3 0 ,1996 D ear Judge Allen : P l~e fi ndatta ched a list o ftimes and dates of animal nuisanceviolations.Plea se not e that I was outo fto wn I anu..ary I.6·18th.apd a gain J an u ~-2 9 th and therefordid notnoteany violations. Howev e r.D ebr a K el ler,wh o lives at t his add ress.di d Can the P olice on two occasio ns t o.... co mplain abou tt heba rki ng o f Gra y's younger d og. Ani ma l control,H arry G rayand his At torneyand myself metwit h T omSil vennan I anuary4 th. 1996 for a pr etrial h earing.Att hatmeet ing It old everyone tha t it was no t my intention t o have H arry G r ayp ay mo neys for dog viola tions.I o nly w an ted t hein vasiono f my.a nd myte nants, privacy t o cease.T om S ilvermandeci ded that HarryG ray sho uld get an anti-bark d og collar and p ayfor 2fines.Atthe December DRBme eting Harry also told t hatboa rd tha t heintended to get an an ti-bar kco lla r.Whe n asked again,att he J a nuaryDRB ifh e did get th e collar,o f co u rse his answe r w as "no".I f the G ray'sare r esponsibled og owne rs I would t hink they w ould havetri ed t oc uret he bark ing p roblem,fo r t heir neighbors,but instead,w ithin a couple o fdaysaft er the p retrial h earing,t hey left t o wnbut leftthe ir dogs at ho me t o becare d fo r bywhoever was st aying atthe ir house . Deb ra K eller c alle dt he Police ontw o different occasions (January 13th and sometime ov erone of t he week-ends w hile I w as gone last).IalsocalledAn imalCon tro l,J a n ua ry 13th and Icft a message f o rBob S lagle complaining about t he barking .Debr a'st eleph on enumbe rs a re 47 6~7512 .w or k and 476~7 438 home,if youw ould liketover ify wit h her.Ibelieve O fficer Ta tamctc (spelling?)wasthelast officer t o r esp o nd . A responsib led og owner d oes not behave like t his ?N oto nlyis itthe b arking buttheynever pick u p after their dogs son ow t hathisd og s ar e n ot defeca ting inmyy ard they ared efecating ina/ t emporary dogru n righ t u nde r o ur bedroom w indows a nd theu nsigh tly mess is continually left the re (except whe nD RBisdo ing a drive by). Debra te lls m e t heG rays ar rived homeabou t Frid ay,January 2 6th ,b ut the b arkingd id n ot cease. Sot he G rays d idn ote ven bo ther to buy an anti-bark c ollar while they were g one?I donoti ce the d ogs ar e not in th e do g run ,in t helast24h o urs.I 've h eard th edog barki ng th oug h so I'm sure theyare puttingthe dogs o u t onthe o t hersideo fthe ir housetomakea good impressionsoclose t o sentencing da y? ",.• Iw ouldlike you t otak einto consi deration th e abovewhense ntencingo n February 1,199 6.In light of w hat has happened since th e pretrial hearing 1now feel t he D istrict Att orney was pr ematurein his se ttlement.. Ihaveaprior appoin tment at9a .m onFebruary lst soI cannot attend the sentencing if the times co nflict.-Please let me Jaiow if!cou ld attend ,"'. Sin cerely, SueDugan ", ::.!'.GL::'C ~I.H~T":·::\i·~:!:j .t.,L C Oi'JTi 'iC'L P.O .[lu ;~2 l ·1 .f ,\":J,I ,C .:l:·r::~u ~i::t) • r<".";':';-t'''I':i.'-I I..e........,,1 .1~,··.I."'.'....~~ D .C .!.:.'-__ e~~:;~~~:P.":c1~:'s:_ _____~----I ·I;O ll~----------. ryp.!r.OF ::::ll-,1P L:AI NT: _O C t'TlON OF i'!CIO :r·:"r : ...--~...L._J :-;.1 :".I0 ~:~:!t L :r:f'': ):::5 C.~IP T~C :·!c r I I ,""..r:,-._-...."";"._~.. ______~.~...••.•l .~::~C'.:.:IL"",:-1 ---'---'1 -·--·---~--·-·,I ---··-·-·-!i "~;-;-T ----..··--·-_..-..·r....-..··..-..--_..-!.-_.......__..---...-.-: I !.----...-..,i,------...--'1-"- C :;:!\Jr I I,-,,---'-----------...;:::i :~t I,,..L _.__..____ ,i l "I ':'!;i I --iiii '1'--'"1--'--i i-·------ I c o;',,'I _J _ ,,;,,.:-:I I 'ii---'-"...-.-_...--..C-l....---..-··........-......---._..-..._----_._-----._, O ';:il:r I i ! • TO: FROM: DATE: • Tom f.1 o orhead Randy S t oud er 1 /9 /96 MEMORANDUM • RE :Harry Gray Horne occupation Permit '."~~ I have a t tached a complet ed copy of Harry Gra y's h o rn e occupati on p erm it a pp licat i on.Harry was g iven a copy o ft he full y execut ed appli ca tion (sig ned-off by the va riou s TownDepa rtmen ts )in -lieu-of af ormal perm i t.Al ett er fr om Harry Gray is att a ched t o the a pplication.The l e tter wasp rovi de d by Harry in suppor t of the app lication .I a pp roved th e p erm it based on the r ep resenta tions con tain ed in Har ry's letter regarding the operat ion of th e b us ine ss.I al so con veyeda copy of th e h ome occupati on reg ul at ions Lo Harry with t he c omplet ed a nd e xecu ted co py o f the h ome occu pa ti on p ermi t . I be l ievet hat Ha r ry i s v io lat ing t he r epres en t ation s he ma de in h is letter r ega rd ingt he gen e rat ion of v ehicula r t ra ff ic an d the parki ng o f comm e rcial v ehicl es o n site .The l arge numbe r of v e hic les r egul ar ly pa rked at the home,along wit h t hen umb er o f vehic les coming and goi ng f rom the house.es pec ia llyi n the mor nin g hour s,would appear t o i ndi c at e t hat Harr y is cond uc ti ng mor et han t he o ff ice and book keepi ng f u nc t ions o f the cons t ructio n b u si ne ss out o ft he hous e .Harry may a lso be v iol at ing h is r epresentat i on regardi ng the s aleo f s upp lies o r produ cts f rom th e r e side nc e .At least one ne ighb or h as rep eatedly w itnes sedl umbe rb e ing carried i nto and out o f the g arag e.If t h is is t ru e,Ha r ry o r his work e rs may a ctu a lly b e us ing the g ar age o f h is u nit f or l igh t carpen tr y wo rk . As we discussed t hi smo rning ,If eel t hati t is ap propr ia te to c on duct surve illa nce a c tivi ty t o c o nf irm o rd eny my sus p ic ions and t he n e ighb or s complain ts .I fwe can s u bs tanti ate then eighbors c omp la ints and t he a ctivi ti es noteda b o ve.I believe we s h ou ld rev ok e Har r y's'sp ermit . I••• T OWN O F VAIL,COLORADO A PPLI CATI ON FO RB U SINES S A ND/OR SALES TAX LIC ENSE Maillo :B US INE SS A CTIV IT Y (Notolin pCllovjhllS conducted uneee this UcenSB) T own ofVail Re tail Sti res (sp eci ry): Sales TaxProfession a l acsreurerwaec Lodg ing: 75 South Frcntaqe Road Pro fessiona l (speciry): Va il.Co lorad o 8 1657 Se rvice (speci fy l ypc):s:CW<r.f'J4:ttCP Othe r : (303)479·2125 Pr oducto rs ervice sold : RE TAIN,.copy FOR YOUR RE CORDS A Scpa'ahl appliealiOfl must btl rlle<llor oll ch businnss Iocil ll()t\i n Vad.Apphcatlon m ils!lie typed n r pl'lnlod,lIu d completely ,.ne d out TYPE O F LI C ENSE A PPLIED FO R , o RETAIL SAL ES TAXLIC ENSE Is required !of iIIlY pel'~10 engage'"lhe W snlS5 or $l.-t:ong langoblc pl'fSOI\81 ptOPef1,and eerta .... $CfViC es a llel"';Vld lor both m~cn:.f1ls kx:aled wilt _"the Tow.n 01 Va~lind eese rnc,chanls ....,l hOu: UJeT~.but ...too ImIl<e s.ale!.And dehenes oI rangoble pcrsonalllfOPlJrtv":O the Iown 01Va ~by .......common (:I ,ner Of lhe...(10M 'conveyance. lJ EXEMPt'INST ITUTION LICEN SE Ba ss eactivity?_ Is required !of non ·p<ot.l.dI:lrilalJlt!lind loca l go verrvntllli org;'l..za b~,which .,re ""empllrom payn<J SOI 'e1o I....but may ee lequo,eo:!Il)tolled $Ol1C$I....Fon.a roal ::.laicmonl$$hOW;ng $QU ~ 0I11ltl(is and e .pendluJC$the,~.a ndes 01 nco'poIillion ilnd bytilw5lT\Oly be fC'Q".JeSIed ....:h 1h1:5 a pploca:ioI\. II co rporat ion ,Re gistered Agent:-ltfi~y (!.c,p=l"y'--_ Type o f Owno rship :_So le P ropr ieto r _Partnership is-Corpora tion _Othe r:--:::c-::-=:-c:::--:::-:::::-_--,-::;_ Tr ade Name 01 Busine ss,{,f?J/1(·-1T Of,J g.e "J,)~T tzua;,ro ",IlfvD T)ElleL£>pi<'£I.!T ..:PJC ,• Name 01 Owne rship(il o ther tha n t rade name):-t-_ Business Add ress:;?b,Z II K~A;IJJ.ev::p.;JJrek..I!ArL-C!.o "'Z16 57 _'0;-.I _z. Is you r businessope ratedfromyou rhome?_No K Yes (H ome Occupation P ermit A pcuceuco Requi red) Ma Ui ngAdd <e'",ZC,7Z-It-kS:/.J/JrCKr.IJIJ.:rC lL..1I1l.r::L .(f 0 '6"'.L1.!"~"~'--f:.7.,--_ -,,-,L,-('G''",,'~.-,•. Local Mana ger-Repres enta tive:~....01 >-rt'\."1 2 6-2 ~~:;.nIl4 I ,UlI O ({fA,.I'--7 r _......_...,_......... S ta le 01Co lorado Sa les Tax "p/IJ Federa l ldentili ca tion /I 5flI .-'2.30 {'3 "Z? Local Bus iness Phone Ii -.l-t:t·10).:..i-t7t:"-I {prO Sa les Tax N ewsletter Hecipient SALES TA X REMI TTANC E I NFORMATION ,,I///l Name 01pe rson prep ar ing Sat es Tax Ret um:_ Chooseone :_Employee _Acco unta n LlBookkeeper _Other(specif y)_ B usinessPhone #(if dillercnt l han above);_ -over- •••" N AMESAND HuME ADD RESSES OF PA RTNERSO R O FF ICERSOF BU SINESS (aUCh addi tional schedule if ne cessary) j"_&...tt£.bIJ G ~Q/r ~$;2Y "17tJ)-«7G -/(,90 _»«J DRvl ..,UUNCF .ra5lIOOOI t<lUt'_. ~vl~(;r~--Z'4=«, ~.0r.ft12 11 ft:Jf./F IQlJb~~·.f'"050'10"1 I "l;-'~r (('R/,zS72f£2J..kihhLLkiOYJ,c l c~t6,(0 Io*_a (;In ~ ..-oUG_u:aoo::J!' _.~-_.. --~w ~ New Business _YeS ~NO Dale business bega n /ff!ey I I Exisling Busines s L ves _No (II yes comp lete) Form"Name 01Business dJI ~,(\~c.G ,Fonner Owner's Name --All/J ADD ITIONAL BUS INESS LOCAT IO NS IN V AIL:.vII! NAt.'£OF BUSINESS STREET ADOfU;SS Number ofemployees alllocati ons seasonal yea r around number 0 1 square root (e.,epe lodge s.'hole/$) E ONLY; ,(Gary Mur ra in) ) .,- ••• TOWN OF VAIL ,COLORADO App li c a ti on for Home Occupation P e rmit Required by VAI L MUNICIPAL CODE,sect ion 1 8 .58 .1 30,a supplemental form to the Business and Sales Tax Lic~nse. NA>IE OF BUSINESS :~/lY-57ZW£.0>f6a:&C'TJ01/-.L;zftfCLd'/11Gb1f-4, PHYS ICAL LOCATION::?C(Zz fl ;.a:A;~~lfc!k CT.,I'lf;1Z (10 %"65-7 7 / MAILI NG ADDRESS:(?I1M £fl-5 198"1'£) NA}lE OF CONTACT PERSON :d'~{',O"cI9Y Applicant 's statements Answer the f oll owin g quest ions i n detail on a separate sheet ,a nd attach to application fo r Business and Sales Tax Lic e nse. 1- 2, 3 , 4 . 5 . 6. 7 . B. Fully describe t he typ~and nature.pf t he business . Number of employee s .(~C/-n l)'.J -t,l _"~"i l "!v:.·,,0 Ho urs of operation.1\\'(:~7."S ~~J Equipment/mach in ery to be used.I)!I/v (//";/7 .';'-/u,l L-- Ant icipated number of c ustorne rs,d c lients,o r students.:7 !'. Anticipated number of vehicle tr ips generated to and <-..,..--yj{I-'/''''' from the bus iness locati on on a daily and weekly basis .' parking pro visi ons for cu stomers ,cl i ents ,or students. I f residing in townhouse/condo ,a ttach l ett er of approval from ass ocia tion.I f residing in r ented house/ d uplex ,atta ch letter o f appr ov al from landlord . APPLI CATI ON IS: V<ppro.ved ___Denied Date T HI S HOME OCCUPATION PERl-lIT MUST BE RENEWED WITHIN TWO YEARS. .'•• GRAY-STONE CONST RUCTIONA ND Ol-:VELOPMENT,I NC.26 12·AK I NN I CK IN ~I C K CT.·V,,,L,CORI651 -970/476-1690 ·9701476-6075 .·,,:( Towno f Vail Aug us t 2 2 .1995 7 5 S .Front age Rd . Vai l,COB1657 RE :Bus in es s L i c en se Appl ication f or Gray -Stone Co nstruction and Dev elopme nt ,In c. TO WHOM I T CONC ERNS, Gray -Ston e Construction and Devel opment, c onstruct ion company that maint ains and o perates a t 2 672 A Kinnickinni ck Ct .,Vai l,CO,816 57. I nc. a h ome i sa of f ice Th e busine ss done i n t hish omeo ffi ce is principally by Harry and Col leen Gray,ow n ers and at the d wel l ing,a t the aforementioned a ddres s. car riedo n inhabi tants Th erei sa lso one e mpl o yee that works part -time at thi s h ome off i c e,approx imatel y 2 5 hours p er we ek.Andt he re a re 1 0 f ield pe rsonnel . Th eo ffice o pera te sMon .-Fri.7AM -5 :30PM. The o nly equ ipment /machinery at t he above locat i on is g en eral of fic ee qu ipme nt :comp ute r,printer,fax,etc. The e xis te nce of this ho me o ff i ce does not chang e th e residential c haracter o ft he r e s id en ce . Th e t otal fl oor area is less than o n e -fourth of t he dwell ing, a nd d o es no te xc eed two hundred fift ys qua re f eet . There is n o a dv erti sing,display ,or other i n dica t io n o f the h ome oc cupa tion on t he premis e s. There is no sale of stocks ,supp lies,o r produ ctso n the premises . There i s n o e xte ri o r sto rage on th e premis e s of mat erial us ed i n theho me oc cupat i on. Th er e i s n o n oise ,vibration,s moke ,du st ,o do r,h eat or g la re n oticea ble a to r beyond the property l in e,a sa result of t he home o c cupat ion . Thi s h ome occupat ion d o es not g enerate sign ifican t vehicular t raffic i ne x ce ss of that typically generated by resi dentia l •• GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCT ION AND D EVELOPMENT,I N C.21i7'2-AKINN I CK INN ICKCT.•VAl L,COIH 6~7 ·9701H6-lli90.97U1476 -(>07 5 FAX -2 - dwellings.And there is no parkingo r stora ge o f co ~~er c ial v ehic le s on th e site. The re a re ,on the average ,5 cu stomers,c lients ,or s tuden t s per week to t h e of fice . There a re approxima te ly 2 ~4 vehicle trips per d ay generated to and from the business l ocation . There are6 -7 off -street p ark ing s p ac esa vailable. If y ou havea ny c a ll 476 -1 690. /JIA~"II~'!#1 ~a.//Z;y~.Gray /f/ Pre si ent Gray -S tone Co nst ruc tion and De v elopment ,I nc . • S ue Du gan B ox 3768,Vail,C o 81 658 D ece mber I .1995 To :T owno fV a il Co mmun ity D evelop men t a nd Enfo rc eme nt Section : Re :Fence an d dog run between 2642 a nd 2672 K innickinnik Ct,V ail,Co. In 1994 HarryGray constructed a temporary fen ce duri ngco nstruction of his house at 2672 Kin ickinnik C ourt .The ho u se w as finished d uring t heSummer of 1995 ho wever the fe nce iss t ill in pla ce.Ra ndy (fro m Community develop ment)called a t a pp ro ximately 5 .30pmyesterday th a t t his fe nce a nd dog run was nota pprovedbyt heT own(no r did I give t he Gray's myap proval). Thi sfe ncingis approximately 8 fe etaw ay fro mmy housea ndd ueto th e cl o s e p ro xim it y o f ou r ho u ses,a d og ru n is a n invas io n o fo ur (there side nce s a tth isa ddress)p riv acy .The G ra y'sa rc mo re t han a ware o fprob lems we e ndured,th is past S u mmer,wit h the 3 rdd og livingo n th eir pr emises .You can veri ty wi th Co de E nforcement,th e P olice,TomM o oreheada nd Animal C ontralto veri ty th e noise p roblemwe e xperieced .Adog runis th is loc ati o n is als o going t.9 a ttract o ther d og s,that ar erunn ing lo os e ,t o thi s loc a tio nthu s a dd ingto n oise.d og d efecat ion.and sm ell.- It ismy unders ta nding tha t the Gray's may apply for p ermission,fr omt he Town,t o h ave thi s d og ru n in th is lo ca t io n?I wo uld like to bead vised as t o w hen th is will co mebefore the D es ign Re view B oa rd .I herebyg iveno ti ce th at J-g bjec t to thi s lo ca t io n for a d og run .If t he Gray 's obtain the OK of th eiradjoi ningn eighbors to co nstruct a dogru n o n the wests ide (no t t h e east, north or so uth)o f their house where t he noise isbutTered by their house ,th en I h ave n oobjection tothatlocation . I a mh ereby re que stin gthatth eE nforceme ntSe ctionhave th e G ray's c easeu singth e do g ru nu ntil t hey have received approvalfr om th e T ownan dIw ou ldliketo see th at th is fe ncing h as been removedwh en I r eturn from my t rip(December 10th). Furthermore,I u nd erstand H a rry G ray has a p pliedto th e Townto ru n ab usi ness f rom h is house ? I a lsoobj ec tt oth isp ermi t.Vehi cle s d riving up a t7a.m .,c ard oo r ss la mming a nd lo ud vo ices isa d isturbanceand n o t tome nt ion th ea mount o ft raffico nt hec ul-de -sac andth e pa rking problem s t hishas created . Su eD ugan Co pyto :Eric L arsen,AnimalCo ntrol.Tom Sheely (Vai lP olice) ..... Pr intea by Ran dy S t ouder 9:39am From =Pam Brandmayer T o :Gr ~ Sub je ct.: _______0 __••••••••••••••__••••••••••••••••••••••••••••__••••• =;=NO T E============--=12/?O/95=1 1 :55a~--.==--.=~==========--================ e e: Dick G Qri eka .Jim Hoza .John Go!ll iegos,La.rry Grafe l.Randy Stoud",r .Tom She~lY I ha d t.h~ re.orni nq r are priv ilegR o f 8 it tinq d ot he names G ray ,La rson. 1 n on a. O UQ a n. "neighborhood"meeting this and F ranke m~a n a nythi ng to y ou? To s ummari ze, 1 )Ro!l ndy.Tommy,and Jim w il l FI NALIZ~an int er im park inQ plan f or t h e next 14 d ay s. 2 )S ince y ou a re a maj or pI a-ycr,G reg,we an ticipat ...be inq ab le to put t oge the r a p arkinq a lto plan immediatoly u pon your return. 3)F ire hydrant: d llowin9 fo r a 1 5 N O PARK ING wi ll bo ~l lowed o n ei th er sida o C t he hydr~nt. f oo t:quadrAnt:. 4)D og co nt-rol /Dog RA I,/D09 h.."rking: T ommy wi ll c on tact Bon S lag lA a bou t i nc rea s ~u mon itoring .R a n rty is t~ki n9 t he propos ed dog r un/fe n c ing Ollnclosure f or the G rays throuQ h D RS t.his a fternoon (1 2 /~O /9 S 1 Sue D uqun w il l b e .."tLonding. 5)HOITlH Occ upa t ion p ermit s: "".s u e and Er ic hav~pr obl~ms w /~he n umber of tr ucks /employees /noise g e n~ra tod/e t c .,by the Grays construct iun bu sin ess.T hey h avo bp.en instruc t ed to c all T o mmy or Dick i ff ur ther probl e ms. h .Sue u nd er sta nd s thA n ~c e ss i ty of get-ting a Home Occ ./Ru Ml ne sB L icen se t or herse lf .&6 w el l.a nd will do ao f or '9 6 .T h a t '~p r etty s oon; il;ln 't 1~? c.!l o ur",of bUf<in o ss:t.hc G r aysw il l be mo ra "sAn ..itiv01ll"abou t when e mp loyeR s/t rucks /et c.a rr ive 'like..how ear l y l ).The Grays u nd er sta nd t he HOT'!".e o c e.is b A i nV moni tored and se rutin i:7.Ad (p er Rand y)and they'v'" b oc n pu t on no tic e. And t hd t ahout S11m s t h ings up for me . P "l q ~:1 Tha nks f or ir.cludi nq mO l \ -~.~-'.- :-.-. ~. "~. I '7<<,\ -'!carJ ~"e«f-.fr-.rq,c I'I{to/!fl';:-~~~~~-1:-lI-I.3 1>f''l.(f'fr &r'c i 1"':S f <{.ce v;....Ha.rt"y . -;.Ie f4rl4~~e.i s M:/d.ed fr;re ,{r/~; • TOWNOF VA IL 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail.Colorado 81657 303-479-2 /38/479 -2/39 FAX 303-479-2452 Dea r Home Occupation Permit App l icant : • Dep a rtm entofCommun ityDevelop me nt I have attached ac opy o f the regulations regardi ng h ome occupat ion businesses in Town .P l ease r ead and pay particular attention to Sect ion 18 .58 .160 which s t a rts on the second page o f the attachmen t. If you have a ny questions o r p roblems with any of t he i tems contain ed in t hese r e gulati on s p lease g iv e me a c all at #97 0 -479- 2 138 righ ta way.Th anks a nd good lu ck wi th th e business. S i ncerel y , 2?--/r~- Randy Stouder Town Plann er c. •• 18.53.J6 0 Home occupat ions-Re quire ments for permit. Wh ere perm itted,home oc cupations shall besubj ec t to t he follo wing li mitations; A .Th e u se sh allb econducted en tirelywi thin a d welling.a nd ca rried onpri ncipally b y the"Inh abita ntsth ereof. Emplo yees ',o t he r than inha bi tan ts 0 1 (he d\\'e Jling,sh ellno t ex ceed one per son at ::I n)'l i me. 3.'F he u se shall be clear ly incide ntal an d se condary t o the u se of t he dwellin g fo r dwelling p urposes an d shal l n ot .:hJ:l 1=~ I ~e re s id ent i alc ha racter t h ere o f", C."llhe t 01JI nccr areau sed fo r t h e berne oc cuparion shel l no t exceedo ne-fou rtho ft he gross re side n tial fl oo r a re a o f t he (b'elli ng.no r ex ceed fin h undred square ree t . D.The re snall b e no advenhi ng .Jbpi:l)'.o r eth er indi cation o f ::=t e home oc cupat io n e n t he pre.ru ses . E.~lli n ;;s tock s.supplies .Of produc ts e n t he p rem ises sha ll rtlO1 be pe rmit ted.provided t h:lt Incid en tal retai l s:ll.:s m :w be m adein co nn e ction w itho ther pe rmit ted ho rn e occupations . F.The re sl1 :11 'be n o exterio r s io r::!;c 0 :1 lli t:pr emises of naaterial used in thehorne oc cupa rion. G.There sha ll be no noise.vibration.smoke,d ust .od or .hea r. ac glareno tlceabfc ato r beyo nd the propcrr~..line .:15 ;1 result of the home occupation . ~H.A h e me occ up ation shJII not ~..'n c ratc si;;nilk:mt vehicular r eantc in ex ces s of tl1::t lypi";lJ!y gcn ..·r:J IC d h yrcsidcruia l l..t..,.·...·ll i n ~s .xc flJlt i n;;or s t o mcc '01 c O\W.(~il i.:'k ~ ~'c ll be p e rmitted o n t he ~i l c ....l ~tS aJ'\ iO rd .:;l1?73H 17.3 0 ':~~veV~\\S ~\if I v -&1-')II ~..Vi .1\o .~I ome U l"l"IlP:ll 1tl ll'i -llI ll'fPfl'I ;Il WI1 . A.F or p mI'o.;es o f Il:i'i cluuucr .I 'r ll\'i d ~d 111 :\1 :111 rc q uircmvm s prlt..e-,c ribcd illIh isc ha pte r arc met,Ih l.'tollowinu ~'x :lI lJ p k's ~l'::3n he ("11I 1 ~id l.'r c d ho rne ;h,:c lll'a t io l\~:- I.Ac ttvitic s c o nducted I1 rin,,'ip:d l)'h )'tclvphonc or llI:ul o rd er: "'slthlin'\:1l1J ;1~1i\·i l i .·,l'r"lh ;~ia ::li:.:hl h:u llkr.lIls vt : 'J hic",t s III':lrl:' 3 .-f":;ldl i ll ;!and nu orine in cuuctiou 1i 1l1 i l l.'\1 II)t WI'l 'IlI'ih ~II ;1 I im c ; Z O~]N G , \ J6S · ,•• c sur rLE ~lE~TA L R EGU LAT I O ~S 4 ..Drcssm a kine or appa rel al terati on s. B.A h orne ll!.:I,:u fI:l1inl1 $h:!lI~in.:l udl.':;1 clinic .fun ..·r:1 h l~.ll \lr ~l rl :!hClll l'.k;I U.l{llll .r o,l ~I Jilr;l nl .:Jnl i11 1Il·$ii op .--'._..-,-----\'l:l am:1T1 :IIl "nll ,I;'l,.',o rau v sl m l b r II~. (O rd .MI 913l ~17.30 :'.)--'- H O l11~u('(:up:ll inr:s-·I'crmj (re\c lC":l li nn l i T di sc on rinuauce . ;\hom e occ upati o n j-cnnh mJy be revo ked by the ,l.ll n:::~ adutiub tr a ror il he dctc rmincc-rluu Ihe'p rovisions (11 thi s c hapte r I,'T t il::Iinutuuons pt..:~~rib.;d :IS :1 ccnd iticn 0 1"t:~~ I',,-..r m u :1''''hl'in:;v ioJ:lI',:d: B.~hom e occupa tion l':rmi l s h:J lI become VI,id if not I :~~J wi u u u I WO m onths Of i SSUJiI":.:.o r if 11:1.'115C 10:w h:.';,i r \\";IS issue d is discont inued for uco ntinuous pe rio .J cf sh m onths. ~O rd .~t 1973 )§17.306,) I t>.5S.I ,.;0 ~.~ ( 18 .5 S.1 90 Home UCCU P:1l ilIIlS -Pcnnit -App l':lI . .:\P P ~·u l 0 1 a ny :1l:ti 0 11 o t the z o n i l1:.!.l dl ll inislT:l1 n r III co nn..-cnon wi th issuance N d ..·oi:lI'l f:1 ho me o ccupation p.:n :-:l: o r the condit ions :l1t:h:I ~~'11 thcrvtn r.1ar b .:IikJ wit h Ill\.' p l.:lnn in ;.:couuuissio»h y :lIlY rl,':-h kn [o r p ro;,o;:r l y o wner within t hi n y d :1 ~'s (n llo n 'in ,:::~Lld l ;1..'1 ;'\11.I n..'wnl 'II':lI'P ~':11.11:...• Jllanni:l~1.'1J1ll 11l i :,~io ll .:,d l."r r~·.:...i\ill;:'.1 repor trrom rhc 1.III1 :n :.: ;r ~h ll :n i "U:t [ll r .11l:IY ruu firut ,r ..-v..·r~..-.or nhhi i l\rhc :l d il \ll "f the .lOll in;!:Id mirll:-Ir ah lf .\I h::~r i n :.:~h ;l l1 1:,'1 b..•rvq uirc-l. F :l illl f .·"i Ih ..··I.'U1U mi'i,i,I ·1 Il';1 ,1 ~..ithin llllh'l y .by ..l lf 111 ..' li lin ;.:,II :11 1 :'1'1'.':11 ..!l:rll 1'.'.i,·,·llh"d vonvurrcu ..',·il l 1111'.rcuo u o f ah ..•ll)n in:.:.nlmiui-t r.u .vr.It )!-,I .1,',,1')-"1 :-:J 11':11 11 :t I rd . M 1 ·r;.~J ~1':.3 IP .} lH.5 s.~(~n 1:";,:"1:11 111 11'0 :l pp l i ";l l d"'!11 p :lr lil"ul:ir Il~c'''. JII ~·rc c ul.u um-,~.'I .1,11 III :-:,·..'11"11 I '":'S .~I U ~h,,11 t-,. .11'I"h.:;.&l'h:1.1 ,I ,..,u-c-,l i,t.·,!I'll I I!:I ...·,11••1\111 111 \'J.lI":III Wlll ..!1 II...:u ....·I...11......1111 111".,1 II ~,'.'r ,I .·llll.hlil111 .lluc,:.t t Ird.Sl .'1";'.;)~ 1 7.-U N)I '''...I ·'I (7', c-_ c r: '-. -- • ••• S UPPLEMENTAL REGU LATIO)lS 18.5 8.130 Ho me-occup au cns -Permlt requi red. The cond uctc t'a horne o ccunat ion,whe re permi tted 3 S an access oryuse by the p rovtstons 01 th is t itl e .sh allbe subjec tt o issuanceo f ;J ho rne occupa ti o n permi t by the w nin:; od rnlnistrat or.App ticu tion Sh311 be m ad eo na formpresc ribed by tbc -zoning administrato r.and 511 311 b eacc ompanied by a vtatern cn t f ully dcscrl hine t h e n3 1Ur~o i the h omeoc cupation . inclu din:;hou rs o r"opcr anon .equipment or mac hinery to be us ed.amici pa tcd n um be r o f c u s tome rs ...-Iienrs o r studen ts.a nd o the r Ieatur...-s o r t he hom e occ upati on.TIl e up plica uou shall describe inder ail til t:man ne r in whic h the h orne occu p aricn will conform wi th t herequi rements of t hi s,:hJ ptc r .lOrd.$[197 3)~. 17.301.) 18 .5 S _1~O Home occuparious-cPerm it i ssuan ce and find ings. Aft errevie w o f th e a ppli cation,t he loni ng ad ministrato r may issue ::l h o rne o ccupation p erm it if he finds t hat t he pro p o sedusc will conform w ith the requiremen ts o f t h is ch ap te r.T h e p er mit m ay be su bjec tt o suc h condit ions as [h..: l.oning a dministrat or deems nCC~SS :Jry to guarant eeo pcranon 01 th e hom e o ccupati o ni n acco rdance with t he rcqui r..-me nts of this chap te r :11 111 compat ibl y with o ther uses i ll t h e vicinit y.TIl\' ,o n in!!administrator :-;h :1 11 d .::n y th e :1 pp li"::ltiol1 if he li :lds Ih :J1 t he pr oposed usc w ill no t con form with t he previsions of t h i s chapte r.o rwo uld I',:in ju rious or ..lctrimcntal t o otbcr p roperties in th e vic init y.<Onl.:-:(1973)~17 .30~.) I >L5 S.150 Ho rne "'·<"1"";"",-1'0'''';'Iimclimi ,-Renewal. H ome occupation r-c ouns.,..-hcn i ned .shal l I'~'1'1)(.1 Iim ifl:d rim e p eriod no l v x ccc dine IWI')Y nrs.r.:rmil":-h;1 1I I'~' rene wabl e upo n :Ipp li.:;lt illll.s llh.i~·I.·t 10 :"t h.:h r\'.:':llb t il.'i\';:I"<lurll he i n d ·f...-ct :I[th e lim\'Ill':IPl'li\·;llilln tor r \'I1 \'w;11.Th e /n nin ::: ndra i nixtrnto r ..h:i1i make 1!1c•"':!I11'"li l1l li ll ~S wi th h",p,''':l Itl ;111 :ll"pl it::Jl io l1 to r r.:n,,:w;II ·;h fl l r 111 ..'I l fl ::Ill.11 i "'~Il;lIl ...·1.'l 'r".1 luun ...· Ol."l;UpJlilln pc nun .I (l n l .;..;,1'17 ..I ~I i ..~1l3 .1 / , : .------ -.,.--'--- , ,i i./ // (, ) i ,'- .. ,- •(j)5t7e-l ~S/~5 tAJo 5/6 r'l ~/cJtr +PrJ Lot7 l !, IjJt dCdJ Il\a.viZ-f lc~s , st--o vJ '--:1\lpj,v.~+-,tlJ-.y -F,-J u_, Ld-fIlL~-J if (f-J w,.,.;r- ~fA .o-«:,v,"",r aPr-<,- • _-----II!I- (. i ' ------- L ' , ..'.."......' o ."c.c. • :'_-'((l ~----."~ .' . ,..•• ~e-t:.,-/1 ~*--E:-/"~ -CI ~"-l ~~'k'-C~ ~vCr 7G , I '1 ,I :j /-.JJjM ..'!e,R ~l LA o'-y,i"j IO~ (JCC--'J-oJ}~i )A &~IM,J rH 8Nt;CL{ ')-".;i.i!l?fJ "1 CfI,AS i'ftf ox \vS-y-0Yv' I 1,P I tu=Ny tJAIIY-:J:' 'kJ..~i ;t-if 11"1 'ffiJi4.1-b-sfL'r\.-+OTNt-A ce M;AtlQ;f l~ I ,I S ,VvI I i.~S ('..()M.J~'I-Go J,.,.J.,-T'oTRtA c~fl..l:;' 1/,10 A'1 7 vs)..ll<"-~~c --r I itJ '{ F /!J.,J;;Ny ~'A nv.:r.(AT ,('<:>/J en '0 c;<'--1 I''''''j 15:J...'{) .!~~..G I'll e,t1.£J)IV1 :l ;"Vvld !?y ~'~J1 l.VH ttc fL~a0 e~fby N((Jp...~J: )..;;iL.j 7 'J':l j!.-.r-/€o v-,,;::"r (1'!I'..1"-../~=I tnYlA F II'l",,,, ')..(,J),.J!ylJ'flv'i 'l':r~illv '!Jk.-Q i )i I"(!>:)'1"'1'"'~?)v-l!J f;)~i<-/<"--ssf't:fJ... :i C{<rJ..l1 Ht:f'v<>(':l...!::;M./'1.7 t;PI!J'I1'0A/-<.5 ?.SQ 1'1,0./} !:~"c.-A~fbi 1"'1IJ.-c try ()AI',AA: :h'l S'f --..-..../C/fJ,A fb;r:I(A.~f-I riOA/{;:q (?...71ll IO*S ..I J s e M f'u,/c r.) ')....';f;(L :'.}.I ';)-)'1"1 ,v.~'::'11 1"....(,7 ;q-'-'C)<'8'T ,:.1>.,./,(JiC..-1 vS lA./'l 'LrtL-:'to lJ ·f A ~D e':.J'-1;fJ~l ~~:f.I~;z.c f ,,:,e>I'--FJ."!M I L-("'r::, "":J su.'.10',eo "1"1 ("""~'I'::r.fJlA-;[,/'..-J/.L-o':!.iJ H U 9/0 ?I ,~.q·?Je)',"1 C--r'I\J':J I Fl l'-C'tit4.~....::;r /1 IA.-/I 1<"/ }..~,h Cfl-rvl tV>7iSy.A!'~r-1'iy?c 11\./St1VC-~1 ::;L'J O j~~':Ii I''1 :,;;..c>VJI ~1 z;:c:t ..AI-/-J 0<J 11 c- ~,-"';}o f ---C4?~~.L-L-11"./ ?p..If)::M 0AIV1rU'.,..'¥I»:s-;--t <-<-Tf-I C;J!'....c :C;r-v:S j<)'3}"--IL ~'T 'Y'--10I--(J ..M 'S-../.>~I\., ;,;t C:MI {)'-D'i ~liT :tt....YJ 7f1v u ~IAATH I /o.~';)11-1 'Jest f)uS'I ~.k-'e ~t-t~r;;­ OJ-vt,~6"MfL"'j ~c /l 6'I'~&-'Y'-T fiT'A TI ,06.-. /.,.. I )St 'H " 1)T~. e-e : :,..: l ot ~. a =COI'e · C OU "t ~ 4 )C\<J ... ~.. c:~.~._ p ;;>. ,~!­ t·" I to... ..o~p'ep e:on JI,IPI'!O · 'Of'tile e e lin ",.I fu r ducrc>e c: cOIIn.-;l io - ...ee;:>1 c. "ncrib." -\pP .oJi(N · fllI f pert Let2 ./, ./ L ot .3 , N 4-4 '3700·w /50 .00' r OUND REBAR II<Al liWINIJIol CAP.L S,1582 7 I OF ~. I ~•,-I~~i I .::J :j /[; /Vi I I / -,, ~~-,---,- ., ./ r ()lAol o-REBA,A II</" YULOW PlASTI C CAP ,I EXISnNG GASUNE ,~/ y I - Lot6 6 -12 4 '27'57- R_4 5 .00' T_65 .47 ' l_9 7.76' LUPINE COURT ------ i-<:>T 1~(\.A1~" • • Fence Wall Landscaping Other •.~$t ~~\7 r~>1 19$ APPLICATION FORRE VOCABLEPERMIT TOERECT 0 /T MAl MT ,".. ASTRUCTURE ON AP UBLIC RIGHT ·O F.WAyj HU ,DEV,DEPT (Pleasetypeor print) ; S -;4anne J.Dugan,B :~ker 2612 Kmnick in nick Collrt •Va tl,\.ol o r a d~)USA8 165 7 Mailing Addr ess:P.O.Box3 768 •Vai l,Co loradoU SA8 1658 T fV "IC (970)4 76.0164 -I FA X (9 70)476·2;64 •[-Mati d ugan@\,,,iLn ("town0atommunityDeveoprnent April 12,t 998 Date Recei ve APR 1 3 1998 Att :Russ F orrest DearRuss: l willb e inan do ut c ftown thenextmonth so wantedtoget t his to you intheevent on e of myneighbors wishedto createa walkway casement across their property. I object to any easements being createddueto no iseandtrash .I cleanedmy y ard yes terday a nd w here peoplehavebeenc rossing ,o nneighbor 's pr o perty,th erew ere cigar ette buts and beer bottles thro wn intomypropert y .No tt o mention dog poop!And I have hadan ongoing noi se prob lem. Please place a co py o fth is letterineacho f my neighbor 's filesso there isnoqu estiono f my object ion : G ray onlot6block 2 Int ermountain M iller on lo t 4 block 2 Intermountain Sullivan/Springer o nlot3b lock 2 Intermountain Am sden lo t2blo ck 2Int ermountain M ead ow Cr eekwh ich1d o not know the irlot a ndblock nu mber except Mead o w Cr eek Sub d ivision I a lso unde rstand th atlot1block2 1nte nnount a in (Shaw n Wey rau ch ow ner)is o r maybe a pplying fo ranexte nsion o nt o hisdup le x .I objectto t his du e t othe lack of parki ng .I had a p roblem thiswinter w ithhis g uest s/tenantspark inginmydriveway and tr e sp assing t hrou g h my pr op ert y togo to thai hou se andIkn ow t hato therneighbo rs havealsohad th e sa me proble m. Sincerel y, L ~~. Sue Dugan {/ ••.-- 5.T hatthe permit may be revokedw henever it isde termined that theencroachment, obstruction,orother st ructure cons titutes a nui sance.d estroysor im p ai r st he useof t her ight-of-way b y the pu blic,con stitutes a t raffich azard ,orthe prop erty uponwh ich t he e ncroachment,obst ruction .orstru ctureex istsis r equiredforuseby t he p ublic;o r it may b e revokeda tan y timefor a nyr eason de emedsufficientb y th e T own of Vail. 6 .T hatthe ap plicant w illr emove,at hisexpe nse .thee ncroachment,obstruction,or structure w ithinten days a fterr eceiving n oticeof a ny rev ocationof saidp ermit. 7.Thatthe applicant agreestomaintainanylandscaping associated w ith the e ncroachment o n t heright-of-way . 8.T hatintheeventsaidremoval ofthe encroachment obstruction,or structureis not accomplished withintendays,theTownishereby authorized toremovesameand havethe r ight to m ake anassessment againstthe property and collect thecosts or removalin thesamemanneras g eneral taxes arecollected. 9.Th at the applicant has readandunderstandsalloftheterms and conditions setforthi n thisapplication. 10 .Special conditions: -ertyOwner rship,both signatures) A P LV E ~- Project Planner i~Tt~ u{_/q£ ~ ~ .J) 'V·····'··,<'"W'..::.:.....:...I ..,."."S·.'q,,QJ~.".,,', CA -f,;'';",''~""': =<{fi '"'..~'",.,-'0',. .<\"':<S '"<'>;Q .,'.'~;",..,~"'0 .','y "~r •f .'~ -, ,' ,-.".. .;.v -. ..'..., ,'-...-. 1J.FJ<1 F\R. (~) \'."NEW ~~I~t=.PA'-Jae:::.,' .j.(J IT\+lVrn'-lE:;.61 ~~t-oW : ~t-.!11..1:>'F!-CA.\B:..r-u x.' " --~."',.,. lCra ··.--- .... )r '••..........'-:,......'.., , .,.. ,..,.- , ::1.'. -.. • J .,...I Deign ReviewAction F. TOWN OF VAIL v I/?:, BUi ldIng Name :-----'-'-'--'-;;---'-;,L----'----";~-=-'-"'="-L'-'"o-=--------------- Project Name:---""'---C"""-l'--Y="""'-"'-=c('----"0.,6.p===='------------- Architect/Contact.Address and Phone:_~_'-I-.='-------------------- pis•Zone DistrictLegalDescription:Lot Project Street Address :_-""=--L..I.A-.-LULlLLLUlLL-"lJo...L.;~~---"'=--.L------------ Comme nts:_ ~ ,ca o a ~S t a ff Action HUv ~Vote :---L-'---"'----_ ()se l -dolJ -1-e c:J- 0-e "H' /' Motion by: Seconded by:_----'-.z..r....<=_-'-""=::..L.::.LC.£...'----_ /.--- ([iyApproval o Disapproval o Staff Appr oval Condi tions:_ ./1.-,~ ORBFee Pre -paid -,~>!.~=O"""------- ••• •• ********** II ,\1 w i .t .QlC0MU<EU .dW.CATIONS MA Y NO T BE SCHED ULED FOR REVIEW. *******.** I .PROJBCT InfORMATION: A .S CRIPTI N: 0"- B.TYPE OFREV IEW: C . D . __~New Construc tion ($200.00)~nor Alteration ($2 0 .00) ____Addition($50 .0 0)Co nceptual Re vi ew ($0) ADDRES S:;:2.6?::l kiM'lI d <Pl acck.cf.. LEGAL .DE S CRI~N :LM b Ijlock -''--__ Subd i vision ~(.k {&eM "':?!~" I f property is desc ribed byameets and bo unds l e gal descript ion,p l ea se provide ona separate sheet and at tach to t hi s a ppl ica t ion. Phone ZONI NG : NAM E OFA P PLICANT:~yYi/C .G~~ Maj:ljn,.:.Address:2b/2 h aatck Mat 'C c+9" (££111_/L O i fh.~Phon e __"Z.e 7 6 t-0 NAME OF A PPLICANT,_·~S ~R:E~P~R~E~S~E~NT::A~T~I ~V :E ~:~~s.~~~~~=======Maili ng Address :_ OWNER (S)SIGNATURE : Mai 1 inq Addres s :-.......'-+<1'-------;,£.,-'--'"..,..-----#'-------------- H .NAME OF OWNER(S): G . E. F . A P PLICATIONS WIL L NOT B E PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE I.Co ndomin ium App roval if app li c ab l e . J.DRB FE E:ORB fees.a s s hownab ov e.a ret o be p a id a t the t ime o f s ubmittal o f t he DRB application .Later,wh en a pp lying fo r a building permit .pl ease ident ifyt he accurate v aluation of th e p ropos al .TheTown of Vail will adjus t the fee acc ordi ngt o the table bal ow,to ensure t he c orrect fee i s pa id ...~lP~o~_- fil E PAID :$,2?V CHECK #:DATE :BY ; FEE S CHEDULE; VALUATION $a $1 0 .000 ~lv ,OOl ~5 0 ,00 0 $50.0 01 $150 .000 $150.001 $50 0 .0 00 $500 ,00 1 $1.000.000 $Over $1.000.0 00 FEE $20.0 0 $SO.OO $100.00 $2 00 .00 HOO .OO $5 00 .00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AP PROVAL EXPIRES AP PROVAL UNL ESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS I S STARTED. ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION 1 -. -, ., ., ,' ,-' ,.- .- ,' ....'. ,,- ,., ...;•,k ~---:~_.. f . -, -,, --",",-,.......7. f.!ad F\R.' (~).,.. NEKI ~....a2,ere.PA'-IEte..S -1-lJ rn.+l...Vlffi'-'E:.~R..Aeb ~£.oW : ~t-lil-t>--.- \D ..'.1FJ~' J~.MAR 25 1396 1 'iGV.CUMM,0 V,D:?~ !.1....__I \:',-:I --_:.-J,fI'.. :("••IIP'R.,I"f',_ ,- • ,- "~'" -.".;~-," •<"~ ,- \Gi."'---- ~,- - -.%1.2- K11.1 I-t 1c.K IN 1041U< ?DueT o 0 0 , •",6 ., ",: ,0 ,. '~',,:,., -v.: .,". ••7 • o · .'." .-,",. ........;'... ....-"V~';:~~'"~., ,0 ,', ., ," 0 , I I• .".. .......°:.......2. I.lal RR. (~), (10..."NEw ~~e:re PAJae..s ' o ~111+~'-Je..~~F>~t...o\.Af o ~"-1 11.-t>0R.<:w a-MIX..'; J " • " '0 .,. -, , :2..672- I<IIJIot 1c:Jc:JN~IGJ< ?Due.T ••Je • • • • • • • 5 7 . $0 .2 2 .0 A: S54 . $39 .00 • S3 7 .00 • 52 . SSG . 51500. 51.000. 5200.00 52 525 .3 ,26 ,3..l:2 eec,BY· DAn CHF CKl!MADE PAl'AJlLi.TO TO"'I\I OPY4IL --....--l'Io..~.TAr --C'OSTZA..TOT.oU. A A .P "R.1 l OR A LT 0 A N100 A TE RATIO 1005 OP~ PM 15TRICT OPM STRJ CODE AME N TO WNOFVAIL PA RKIN N A ER SP ~N S E R FU D AXA D 4 :4 •STATE T AXABL Q,-4 .0%TOWN I NG I GA srumt T .ES C PE A I:::E $I PLA ~l EW 0 .R 'F NTRA S NAPPLlCA o AS AFEI:: CA ECTDQA N 4 1.>31 REPAID ,REV )A F L IGATIO .E auu.oixc, CA SH "'---'J Cll..I~H.OLl COMM e;n :__-.J~1.¥I!.I.\,t-:::::::"'--!,Jl[dI:;<~::i.c;;e:~'-----j -~.- .... • TOWN OF VAI L C .L .,'..•1"" r-r -:::~01J[1'CH:Tr:ttC....'0 "~l r.[ •-'., t t li'rt1 pa id ••J":--.' J-.-t ..'-,,=", -:.c THf=lN K '·,'OU r'il:.I..l:I Vt.u n i:j l U lSf/6 S.anne J.Dugan,B.er 2642 Kinnickinnlck Co urt ·Vail,Colo radoUSA 8 1657 Maili ng Add ress:P.O.Box 3768 •Vai l,Colo rado U SA 8 1658 (n O)476-0764 •FAX(970)47 6-2564 Tom M oo rehead To\VIl A ttorney Town of Va il 75S Frontage R d Vail ,Co 8 1657 February 16,1996 Dear T om: Thanks fo r forwarding o n theletter fromAllen Chris tensen an d your response.Iamsurp rised Ididn 't get a letter . Th e purpose of myletter is tot hankeveryo ne who has been invo lvedin o u r ne ighborhood problem s.E veryone t ooktime o ut of t heir busyday t o try to come up wit h aso lution . Unfortunately,t he pa rking ont he street still exist s. As per themeeting Tom Sheeley arranged,inDecember,wewere instructed to report any violations to the Town and I d o intend t odot hat .1do n't have totell yout hat society lives by ru les an d unfo rtunately ,witho utt hoserulesw e could not live hanno nously . Ido no t agree wit h t he co ntent of AllenChri stense n's letter an d Iamnot g o ingto cover every item in hi s letter.However,1 wo uld liketo sayt hatno Town staff members have ever ca lled me aft erhou r s except I di dha vea vis it ,afterhours ,from Community Development,t overify if I was in vio lati o n of Town Code (repo rted by H arryGra y).Community Development hasbee n my least liked T own department fo ryea rs .Idon't like going in t here!If you check with t he oldtimers in thereale st ate community you will probably hear t he same conunent (ithas im proved overth e lastfew years).Iha veno id eawha tt he "incorrectversi on of eve nt s o n o ffi cial Town fo rms"is referring t o?'If it isRandy Stouderth atAllenis talking about r ca n s ayt hatIh avene ver,inmy 22years of living in Vail and dealing with the Town,wo rked with a m ore p rofessional,po lite person.I g ave him th eo pportunitytoverba llyla sh o utat me ,at o u r first meeting,andhe didn't . He haschangedmyo pinion of Commun ity De ve lopment (nott os light Mike as he has b eenvery he lpfulinth e past!)and I c an't believe hesa id anything derogat ory to Harry Gray.H e,o r anyone else for tha t mat ter,has not bee n persuaded by me .I wis hIhad s uc h powers! Again,th anks t o everyone. , Sue D ugan Please pa sso n this lett erto t hose co ncerned . 75South Fr ontage Road vau.Co lorado81657 970-479-2107/Fax970-479-2157 J anuary 1 1.1996 •• Office of theTownAtto rney C ERTlFJED M AIL !'EfURN RECEWT R EQUESTED M r .H a rry G ray 2 672AK innickinnick Vail,C Q 8 1657 Re :Home O ccupation Permit Dear M r.G ray : The T own of V ailco ntinues to receive regular complaints co ncerningthe home occupation wh ich is being conducted at 2672A Kinnickinnick .The Townis pre sentlysu rveilling theneig hborhood tode termine whether o rnotthe reis ev idence tos ubstantiate t he co mplaints . Th e homeocc upation permit w as g ranted lU mai nt a in a nd ope ratea home offi ceinw hich the bu s in ess isc arrie d o n prin cipally by Har ry andCo lleen Gray as owners andinhabitants of the dw ell in g.Th e intens ity o f the us e appe arsto he ex cee ding wha t is perm itted ,The co mplaints whi ch ar e being inves tigated includ e more thano ne e mployee workingpart tim e at thehom eo ffice; e quipment o therth angene ral o ffice eq u ipment being u sed ;preparation of supplies o rp roductson the p remises :sig nifican t veh icular trafficin excess of that typically generated by residential dwellings and excessive ve hic ular t rips being generated per day . Ifany of these complaints are substantiated t he Community Development Department wi ll immediately cons ider permit revocation pursuant toSection 18 .58 .080 of theVail Munici pal C ode . Ifrevo ked.yo u w illhave theo pportunityto appeal suchact ion to the Pl anning and Environmental Com miss ion. Ifyouhaveanyquest ions or comments pleasefeelfreeto contact myself orRandy Stouder. v.~:truly ~r~~'.:~r/~ R .Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTM/aw xc:Allen C.Christensen ,Esquire Randy Stouder ./' Dick Gericke 75South Frontage Road Vai~Colorado 816 57 9 70-479-2 138;'479-2139 FAX 9 70-47 9-2452 J an ua ry 24 ,1996 ••RLE COpy Department ofCommunity Development Mr.Harry G ra y 2 672 A Kinnickinni ck Court Vail ,Colorado8 165 7 RE:Thedogrun/fence Dear Barry: I w ishto taketh is op p ort un ity to a po log ize for a m is representati on th at Im ade on th e D e sign R evi ew Action F orm as a re sult o f theDe s ign R eview Board m eet ing o f 1/3/96 .I marked t he De s ign Review A ction Formas di sapproved b y .3 vo teo f 5-0an d attach ed two conditions.Aft er d iscussing th is issue with Mike Arnett,Cbainnan of the Design Review Board,wed ecided tha t what the D es ignRe view Boardactually did w as tot able the item,ratherth an disapprove it. The it em w astabled u ntil J une I,1996 ,wh ichisexplainedin the first conditio n o n the D es ign R eview Acti on Form,This condition isvali d an d it stands .Con dition n umber2onthe D esign R evie w Action Fo rm,should b e ignored.Aft erdi scu ssing thisis suew ithth e Pl anning staffearlier today.itw a s d ecided tha t theD esign R eview Bo ardaction o f allowing thefence to sla y untilJ une of nex t year appl ied to allt he fenc in g o nth e property.in cludingth e portion o fth e fe ncetha t c omes d ownth e propertyli neto th e C ul-de-Sac . I sincer ely apologize for my misunderstanding o fth e actions o f the Design R evi ewB oard.The De sign R eview A ction Form signedbym e on January 8,1996 should be ignoredan di sco rr ected as pcr th is letter.If you have any q uestions r egardi n g this matter,pleasecontact mect 4 79-2 150. Sincerely. ;e.,.t;~ R andy S toude r Town P lanner RS~r cc:Mike Arnett 75South Frontage Road Va i ~Colo rado 8 165 7 970-479 -2107/Faz 9 70-479-2 157 ••• February5 ,199 6 A llen C .C hris tense n.E squire Dunn.Abplanalp &C hristensen,P.C . 108S .Fro ntage R oad,Su it e 300 Vail,CO 8 1657 R e:H arry G ray an dS ue D ugan De ar A llen: ~ll~ FEB 51996 TO V-eOMM,[)E '/,CfPI C-_c ./~Y GhlnUE<Jr , /4tIJt y Offic e a/theTown ATt orn ey I have ci rculated yo u r letter of February 2,1996 under thi s cover toth e c onc erned departments with in the TO \\n o fVail and to SueDugan.I believe that the on ly effective resolution tothe d ifficulties betcveen these neighborsmust come from them. As y ouare 3\..'are ,the Town o f Vai lh asa re sponsibilityto react to complaints fr om neighbors.\Ve do n ot have the luxury of ignoring c ertaincomplaints because theyco mefrom "neighbors w hodo n't getal ong." 1don otbel ieveth at the re h as b een an instance in whi ch as ta ff m ember h astake n it po s itionin regard to your cl ientth atw ase xcess iveo rn otan appropriate re spon se to acompla int.1 think itis co mmendablethatthe TO\\TI of Va il staff me mbers are wi ll ing to w ork farbey o ndth e normal wo rkingh oursto contactr es idents.Ib eli eve it is ac redit tot he Co mmunity D evel opment Department staff that they are \..i lling to takeo nr espon s ib ility for pe rs onal ins pectiont o veri fy vi olations of our zo ningregul ations. TheTO\'n st aff wi ll co ntinueto be vi gilant in regard to enforcement o fani mal co ntrolr egulations, zo ningviolations an d allo ther or dinances.I assure you that wewillj ealou sl ygu ard ag ainstbein g used asa to ol or apaw n toful fill so meone 's personal ag enda.H owever,thre ats oflitigat ion wi ll n ot det er usfro m our ob ligations . •••......;".• I suggest that you and your client resolvethe se issues within their neighborhood.The Town of Vail through the enforcement of regulations willnotarriveat 3 resolutionthat is satisfactory to anyone. I am hopeful that communications are beginning todevelop that canresultan effective resoluti on. Very truly R .Thomas Moorhead TownAttorney RTMlaw xc:Sue Dugan Robert W .McLaurin Pamela A .Brandrn eyer Chief Greg Morri sion Susan Connelly Bob Sl agle .,•REC(lVEO FEB 2 1996 J OHNW .DU ..... AR T HUR .......,.......HAL".JR. ALLEN C .(:H"UDTIl "'ell " O lANI[l..Hr."........ R .C .S T It"H!t NSO N •~I[C I"'''C OuNDIEL: J llIl'll'W .HANNAH DUNN .ABPLANA LP &CH R ISTE NSE N.P .C . THE VA IL B ANK B UIL.DING SUITE 300 1 08 S OUTH "RO"lTAI;I!R O A O WIEST VA I L,COLORA,?O 8 1 r;S7 February 2,1996 TIlLIE"HQ ..It , ..701 .'l'.-o ~ T IlLJ:CO"'IIIl. (.7 01 ·".-·1.=t I(A II['"M .01,1 .. C Il_T"'IO L IO 'n ....n R.ThomasMoor head Town Attorney Town of Va il 75 S.Frontage Road Vail ,Colorado 81657 Re :Harry Gray 2762 A Kinnickln n ick Dear Tom: This letter i s i nf oll ow up to o ur seve ral conversations concerning the Gray residenc e. As y ou are a ware th ere ha ve b e en n ume rous comp la in ts l odged with the T owno fVa il c onc ern ing the Gray r e sid ence.Th ose complaints have b e en made pri mari ly ,if n ot exc lusive ly,b y Ms . Sue Dugan who own s ddjac ent p roperty.Too ur knowl edge,Ms . Dugan has made complaints to the Ani mal Co nt ro l Office,Va il P olice Depa rtment,Vail Cod e En for cement,Va il Community Devel opment De partme nt ,Vail busi ness l icense o ff ic ials ,the T own Manag er ,J udge Al len ,and presumab ly your office .Ms.Dugan ob j ects to virtually every activity at t he Gray r e sidence . As I pre vi ously explained t o yout he Grays a re o n ly interested in p eace fully coexisting with their ne ighbors.When we discussed the h omeo ccupation pe rm it I adv ised y ou that i fa v i olation existed,immed iates tep swo uld be taken to bring activities into compli ance wi th t he Va il Mu nicipalCo de .I explained to y ou,a nd aga in t o Sus an Connelly ,th at if t he Gray residence is not in compl iance with the home occupa tion ordi n ance the Town c ould ,and should ,take steps to revoke th e pe rmi t.The Community Deve lopment Office can verify that Mr.Gray h as appeared numerous times in attempt to bring e v erything into c ompl i ance and to remedy t he prob lems e xisting in the nei ghborhood . On February 1,Mr .Gray a ndI appea red in Co urt t o resolve the ten (10)pending cha rges as soci ated with the Grays t d ogs . All of the se c ompl a ints were lodged b y Ms.Dugan ,e ithe r as ••,. compla i ning party or a ci vilian complainant .The Town Prosecutor,Animal Control Officers,Code Enforcement officers, a nd p oliceo ff i ce rs who have respond ed will verify that Mr.Gray i s ve ry co operative,is willingt o acc ept responsibility f or his ac t io ns and take s tepst o r emedy any v i olat ion .Th is was r e affirmed In open Court y e sterd a y. T om,Iam awa re that s o l on g as t here a re ne igh borst h er e will be neighborho od disputes .Iama lso awa re t h at town o ff i ci a ls will b e ca l led u pon to en f orce the p rov i sions o f t he municipal code .That is entire ly proper .Wha t th e Grays a re c o ncerned about I s that the Tow n o fVa il is bei ng used as a wea p on in what appears to be a priva t e citizen's o ngoing campaig n t o t orment a nd harass th em.One police officer has already adv isedmet hat the police d epartment will not be us ed as a "hamme r"in a neighborhood disputes. De spite all a ctions by the Grays and t he Town t o remedy t he s it uat ion ,Ms.Dugan c onti nues to lodge complaints wi th the Town . Sh e appa re nt ly believ es shes hould have the final word o nh ow th e Grays'u set heir residence. Enclos ed is a copy of the letter Ms .Dug an wrot e to Judge All en on J anu a ry 30.I dir e ct y our particular attention t o the t hird pag e of that l etter,whi ch is the survei ll ance l og kept b y Ms.Dugan and/or her agents.As yo u will not e,the l og l ists he r observat ions from Ja nuary 6 -1 4.I t i s cut off,a ndI ha ve no idea how many co nsecut ived a ys s he ke pt the Gray r es idence under "round thec l.ock"s urv ei l lanc e.He r l et te r lists t he number o f f ormal c ompla ints Ms.Dugan and her t enant made d uring t h is peri od.They a re num erous.She apparently keeps tra ck no t on ly of the barking ,but of the frequency and l oca tion of d og d ef ecation .I t s hould be n oted tha t n o citat ions were is s ued ·during th is p eri od ,de spi te thos e num erous c o mplaints. As C o mmunity Deve lopment re c ords will indicate,Ms.Dugan c ompl ains about do gs i nh er y ard,then appears at p u blic hearings t o oppo se c o nstruct i on of a d og f e nce to co ntain the d o gs .S he ha s even c omplai ned abo ut the wa ttage of l.ight bul bs in e xter ior l ight f ixtu re s ,demanding a 1 5 wa tt light b e install ed.Ms. Dug an has a pparently b e en s uchap res enc e in the Community Development Office that s he h as su cceeded in persuading staff members to ca ll her a f te r o ffic i alb usine ss hours to per sona l ly a dvise her of Town action s .On e staff memb er went s o far as to "th re aten"Mr .Gray t hath ewould personally in spect the r es i dence i f the po li ce coul d not "c atch him ".Ms .Dugan a p parentl yp revai ledu pont he sta ff t o r e co rd an incorre ct ve r siono f even ts o n offici al town ac ti on form s .These actions prompted my compla int t o t he Commun ity De v el opment Director , r es u lt ing in ar eassignmen to f t hat p lan ner. •• Agai n,I a m a wa re t ha t citizens h avet he right t o ma ke comp laints with t he Town,and the Townh asa duty to en fo rce i ts ordinances .T here is a l in e,h owev er ,that appears t o have c ome peri lous ly close t o b eing crossed ,i f it has not al ready been crossed. This let ter is merely to express concern about ·Town off icials being used to g ainl everageI n a dispute betwe en private parties .I f i t cannot be reso lved it be long s I n court as ac ivil action.The Tow n must e nforce I tso rdinances ,howeve r, if the Town Is invol vedi n a ny f urther actions th at a re determined t o be threa ts t o,or harassment of the Grays;a malicious o r vexatious prosecution;or furth er mi srepresentation of offici al Town ac tions concerning the Gray residence,the Grays will have n o al terna tive b ut to seek relief from the Cou rts . Our goal Is no t a lawsuit and this letter s houl d not be construed as no tice of c laim unde r the Govenme ntal I mm unity S t atut e.It i s mere ly a n attempt to resto re the neighborhood t o a peaceful place where n ei ghbors get a long .Harry Gray and I b el ieve this g oal i s a ttainab le .T oward t h at g oal,Mr .Gray and I are a va ila ble to mee t with t he Town Manager ,d Police Department representative ,T own Attorney ,Co mm unity Developme nt Dire ctor ,An ima l Co ntro l Officer and Ms.Dugan t o fo rmu late a p l an t ob ring th isma t te r to a n end . T ha nk youf or your consid e rat i on . Ve ry t ruly y our s, DUNN ,ABPLANALP &CHRISTENSEN ,P .C. t-/L,-,_~~_~~-----~--7 Al len C.C hr istens e n ACC /a cc:Ha rry Gr ay •.j.!uzanne J.Dugan ,!roker 2642 Kinnickinnick COUrt·V:ail,Cclcredc USA 81657 ~1:Jiling Addle»:P.o.Box J763 •Vail.Col orado USA 8 1658 (970)476-0764 •FAX(9 70)476-25 64 J udge Al len VailM unicipa l Court Vail,Co 81657 J anuary 30,1996 Dea rJu dge Allen: PJ~e find attached a list of timesanddates of animalnuisance vi olations .Please not ethatIwas o ut of town J arn<arY I6 -1 8th,"J'd again J anu ~-2 9t h and therefor d id no t no te any vio lations, H owever,D ebra Keller ,wholivesatthis ad dress,did Call the Police on two occasi ons t o'" comp lain about the barking of Grays youn ger dog. Anima l control,Harry Grayandhis Attorney and myself metwith T om Silvennan J anuary4th, 1996 for a pretrial hearing.Attha t meeting Ito ld everyonethatit was no t myintentiont ohave Harry Gray pay moneys for d og violations .Ionlyw anted theinvas ion of my,andmytenants, privacy t ocea se .TomS ilverman decide d that Harry Grayshouldgetananti-bark dogco llar and payfo r2 fines ,Atthe D ecember DRBmeeting Harry alsoto ld t hat boardth at heintended tog et ananti-bark co llar.Whe n askedagai n,atth e January DRB ifhe d idg et the collar,of course hls answer was "no".I fthe Gray'sa re respo nsible dog owners I wo uld thi nk t hey wo uld havetried t o cure the bark ing problem,forthe ir neighbors ,b ut instead,with in acou ple of daysafterthe pretrial hearing ,theylefttownbutleftthe ir dogsathometobe cared forby whoever wasstaying atthe ir house. DebraK eller called th ePo lice o ntwo differentoc casi o ns (January13thandsomet ime over on e of the week-endsw hileI was gonelast),I alsocalled Anim alCo ntrol,January 13th a nd left a message for Bo bS lagleco mplaining a bout the ba rking .Deb ra'st elephone numbersare 4 76-7512 wo rk and 47 6-7438 ho me,ifyou w ouldlike to verify wit hher .I believe Officer T atamoto (spelling?)was t helast officer t o respo nd. A r esponsibledog owner does not behavelike th is?Notonlyis it thebarkingbuttheyneverpick upafter t heir dogs so now t hat hisdogs arenotd efeca tinginmyyardtheya re defecating in a te mpora ry dogrun right under ou r bed room wi ndows andthe unsightlymess isco ntinually left/ t here (except whe n DRBisdoing a dri veby), D ebra tell s m e theG rays arrived h omeaboutFriday,January 2 6th ,but t he ba rking d id not cease. SotheG rays didno teven bother to buya n anti-bark colla r w hile t hey were go ne?Id onot icet he dogs a re not int he d og run,inthe last24hou rs .I've hear d thedog barking thoughsoI'msure theyare putting th e dogs o u t o ntheo ther side o f theirhouse tomakea good impression so close to se ntenc ing day ? --..._-....-••"/'.b~,...)~,.. I would like youto take into consideratio n the above when sentencing on February I,1996.In light of whathashappeneds ince the pretrialhearingInowfeeltheDi strict Attorney was premature in his settlement .. Ihavea prio rappointm ent at 9a..m on Febru ary 1stsoIcannotattendthe sentencing if the times conJIiet.P lease Jetmeknow if!couldattend ..- Sincerely, Sue Du gan ,, ai':1'"C-£0- TJ<:ri'fl /1-1 !3TG J';Jjij.-, o.c .!.:.,-'-_ -- /'-I I ~.;;; Hfl AA'I ,j"'(J,1 .-•• P.O .[Iu~2 :-\ • ,,,..,,r:1-"l (\;Itl..'-II':cn ~:,\~d :"c;,~J :._._'_,_'___ ••/'i1 t ·:'.:__•_ 2 :.:~~::~:P..;;d :":~;_:_- --------------____I ·l ;tlll ~'_ r ve e O f' ::1 MP L r,lf·r'i": t .....-: .~I .:..-1 :;~:".Io ::;;:,\L ::r!l :! -'-';;;. -I ,,_..·,·..,·I.•~.l ..,'•__•'M W .,,_•••~~••, ........."IL_~Ct :l::r ._ " _O CI\T !ON O~ I'l C I :J ~r':T : .,'!I ~':J\Lr.:,: ._---'----! I, ••• ARTHUR I.MEARS .P ,E.,INC. N.tunJI lnud..&cm.",lunll • 222 ...."God-«A". c-;...,Cnln.....111 230 )O)-6,4I .32:J6_ october 2 2,1990 Mr .Har ry Gruy Gray-stone Construction P.O .Box 7 21 Minturn ,CO 8 1645 Dear Mr .Gray : At your request.this letter-report provides as ite-specific analysis of debris -flow ha zard potential a nd recommends mi t iga tion a t a proposed build ing to be l ocated o n Lot 6,Dlock 2 ,Vail Intormounta in ,Vai l ,Colorado .Acoording to Town of Vai l maps ,the bu i lding site is e xposed t omodera te -hazard debris f l ow~..Rockfa ll and snow aval a nches do n at affect the building s i te . n n r.cript ion of d ebris-flaw hazard Debr is f l o w~oan beg in o n short,otccp,n orth-facing s lopes adjacent to S nowberry Drive Which are located a ppro xill1 at ely 800 feet south of the building site .f"lows wi ll hegin d uring saturated soil c onditions which may rQ sult trom r apid snowme lt, r ainfal l,o r inadvertent a d dition of water to the steep slopes . Flows will travel downs lope t oward block 2 as v i s cous mixtures o f water ,nUd ,and e ntr~i n e d debri s .The flows wi1l b e s lowed and p~rtinlly deflected by Larkspur Lan e above Lot 6 which will catch mos t of the coars e-g ra ined d obr is . Lot 6 wi ll be rea ched Dnly by the highly fluid o uter edge of the f lows ,typica l o f ~th er ~oderate -haz~rd .debr !s .flow ar~~s in Vail..Lot 6,therefore ,wil l experience o nlyminor damag e through flooding ,erosioll,and impact of muddy water,soil,s mall rocks,and entrained debris .Severe s t ructura ld ama ge and/or danger to li fe wi ll n ot occur at t he proposed b uilding s itp-o Debris-flow mit i gation Mitigation f ro m d ebris flows can be provided by bui lding a r einforced wa ll of c oncr e te or o thermaterial that extendS 2.5 fe et above grade on thes ou t h and east building e xposure s as ind icated on the attached site plan,(Figure 1 ).This wi ll protect the l iv inga nd d ining areas from mUd,wa ter ,and debr is inundation during the r are debr is-flow e ven t.The !ol lowing must a lso b e considered i n d e sign of debri sf low p rotection at this l oc ation. •• a .T hA ?.5-foot high prote ction wall s .mus t b e d es igned to withstand a v ertical press ure distributi on a s i l l u ~tr a tc d in F ig ure 2. b.Unprotected windows should not be located with in this 2 .5-fo ot hi9h s e ction. c .Doors shou ld aleo be r e in forced for the ind icated debris-flow pre s sures to a he ighto f 2.5 fe et ahove grade. Although the ~itig ation method d cscribe4 will p rote ct t he struc tu re on Lot 6 from the moderate debris-flow ha zar d,it wil l not d ef lect flow s t oward any ad jacent public or private property, utilities ,or rights-of-way .In summary ,t he propocod mitigation will not increase t he·h azard on any adjacent proporty. Please contact me if you have any qu e stions . S inc Are ly , ~~ Arthur I.Mears,P.E. I I I I I I I •• w.p • ::l ~ <\2 ·5ft '"§ I ~\.,-.--'" 250 Ib 5jf ~ DEB RIS FLOW DIRECT ION FIGUR E 2 .Debr is-flow pressur e di stribution and deelgn -hci eht (above grade)requirements on wal~s "A "-"F"(F igure 1 ). .~...,.........·...P-_··· \ .\ .,\ :. " ~_... \ \ \ \ ..-...- '0..-_---------7 -......-\ "' ", :... ," _.L...;,.- L::;VEL Ii "_1-'_....-..:a . ·1: \ \ ,\. llilliiillll ·l '\ ~~I~---_'F-a:>"-II'Ff ~~,,,.----,J'AeoO"'F ;'! \:-',---- .........)l~\--, .'. '..,.... , " .J ,I I ' .' I I I I, ", .......:.:':". FIGUR E 1. debri s -fl ow pr ote ction up 2 ..5 i t.above grade .Debri s -... f low f or ce s arc s~wn i n Fi g:ure 2 ~,. 'Wal ls ."A"-"F"r eq uir .'..... " ......... .: ,/I // /"I /x ~ /\r ~=-, TO : FROM: DATE: • T om }'f oorh cad Randy Stouder 1/9/96 MEMORANDUM • RE:Harry Gr ay Home Occupation P e rm it ,"",'~~",x, .",;..'.'~.., I hav e attached a comp leted copy o fHa rry Gray's home occu pat ion p ermit application .Ha r ry was given a c opy of the fully e xecuted applicati on (si gned -off b y the va ri ous Town Dep a rbment s)in-l ieu-of a fo rmal p enni t .A letter fr om Harry Gray i s attac hed t ot he appl ication.Thel etter was prov ided b y Ha r ry in support o f t h e ap p lication .I appr ov e d the permit bas ed o nt he r ep re sentati ons c ont ai n ed i n n a r ry's l e t t er r eg ardi ng t he o pe ration of t he bu s in es s.Ia lso conveye d a copy o f t he h ome occupa t ion r e gu la t i onsLo Har r y wit ht he comple ted a nd e xecute d c o py o f t h e h ome occupa t ion p ermit. I bel ieve t hat Harry is violating t he repr e sentati o ns he made in h is letter r egarding the g en e rati on o f v e h ic ul ar traffic and th e p a rking of c o mm e r ci al veh i cles o n si t e.Th e large number o f v ehicles r e gul arl y parked a tt h e h ome,al ong with the number o f vehicles coming a ndg oing fr om the h ous e,es pecia lly in t h e morn i ng hours ,would appear to indicaLe that Ha r ry is conducting more than t he o f fice and b o okkeeping functions of the cons t ruction busin ess o ut of Lhe house .Harry may also be v io lat ing h is r ep resentation r ega rdi ngt he sale of s uppl ies or products from t he resi dence .At l eas t one nei ghbo r h as r epe at ed ly witnessed l umb er b eingc ar ried i ntoa nd o ut o f t h e ga rage .I f t his i s true.Har ry or hi s work er s may a c tu ally be u sin gt heg ar ag e o f h is u nit f or li g ht c arpent ry work . As we d is cu ssedt his morni ng,I fee l t h at i t i s a pp r op r i ate t,o cond uct s u rve illance act ivity to confirm o r den y mys usp icions a nd t he n eighb ors comp laint s .If we can subst an t iate t he n eighbo rs complai nts and t he act iv ities n o t ed above,I b elie ve we shou ld revoke Har ry 's'sp erm it . " !WN OF VAIL ,COLORADO • A PPLICATIONFORB U SINESS A ND/OR SALES T AX LICENSE ( Ma ll T o :BU S INESS A C TI VI TY (Nole all ad\lyj l,ncondudoxl lOooer this license) T own01 Vail Reta ilSa les (speCify): Sale s Ta xP rofes s iona l Res ta urant/Bar : Lod g ing : 75South Frontag e Road P rofessiona l (specify): Va il.Colorado 81657 Service (specify typol:-X r'cJ..''''¢LI4ft'dJ O t her: (303)4 79·2125 P roducto r service sold: FlETAIN ...CO PY Fon YOU R R ECORDS T YPE O F LI CENSE A PPLIED F OR:FOR'OFFICE USE ONL Y ,"i', \':)-;Jy7U., 0 R ETAILSA L EST AX LICENSE A c c t.#J \ Is requWod lor ....,potrsoo 10 cogage in !he bcseess at seIng l ang blc prfSOnIIl property 0Il(l cert;wo "'c $(I'IVi(;e$at rAt "W1d lor bolh ..-dwInls Iocaled wilhin the Town 01 Vail and InOIi.e mefCh.lnlS withoul Licen se o r ~j.~'I1ntheTe-'l,btJI wno malle ~and (lcI,veoos of \arIgiblo per.iQI'll<I pl"operIt inIo tho IIJ'Wll ol Vail by 1noJ••CCNT'IITlOf\camet Of II ..."own COIl'o'll'YarJO;e .Re newaf #'l ' In illal j ..:.:J!.. .....j ~~.~U:~~~~~~,~n:,~~ra t e .~~1 Of c ~o n nnv w ~~d rro Y (>f 1 ... r:,"f.;y'""1.7;.prll'lTllSCS .....I/I<n m e Town 0/V..,t.Issue Date )oJ'.7 0 E XEMP t 'lNS T ITUTION LI CEN SE C las s 'Ltr)I ~.,1 Basic activity ? D iSlrlCI_h \\!Is 'equ'ed lor ,....ptOlil.d\;o f~atJlolllOd local 'JOI"'"'OIlu>I (lI'QarlZ3bOnS,wrlil;1l iIIC C~cmpll'Ulfi payng wll:l.Ior_,bul m.:r~bi!.~cd 10 oolled $ak=l l.t_.FIMI'lOal51alDmoolliO showioog /lOj ,~ ,~\olluncls and e ,pcflcl1lure5 1hereol .al1idc$of incDrpc.lIl1Qn and bylaw:;may be'fl'qUeSlI!d ,,"Ilh \has appIicclllon.Cycle \ I:·c" II co rporatio n,Reg istered Age nt:tt ~y'e C,My Typeo f Owne rs hip:_Sole prop ne tor_Partne rship )S...C orpo ralion -Other T rade Name o f Bus in ess :~rt2f.J£Ct,vo;;.r t2uMICof,J t\-I-..[)De-ilt"t.£'Pt«£jjI ,.z::}J(!,• Na me01Ownersh ip(i l o ther than Ira de na me): Business Add ress :2&-72-11 ""W U~:t:J,J Jlr c.x:..V/t :a-(10 0'16 57-, ~t -,. Isyou r bu sin esso perated from y ou r home?_No KYes (Home OCcupalion Permit A pplication R equired) Mai ling Add re ss:;?(,7 z.-It'J-q/J/J r('/<r./JUICtL I JI/lr:L ,I!0 '8'11$'1 Local Managc r -Repr::nl ali VC:-!b-'7 C C-rn ?.,.,-«26"2 2 t~In tI //1e /4 ~I(J {Aj/ .7 ,---_. Sta l e o f Co lorado Sa les Ta x /I »/1}Feder al lde nlilicalion /I 7?l{,-12-3 0/3 55 Local Busines s Phone If -.i.!t 7 Ok i-f'7&-I fR 9'o Sa les T a x New sle tt er Rec ipient SALES TAX REM lTIAN CE INFORMATI ON :,1///1 Nameof person p rep aringSal es T a x Ret urn : Choose one :_Em ployee _Acco u nl anVBook keeper _O lhcr (specify) B us ine ss Ph on e /I (if d itle rc n llh an a bove): -ov e r- J ,,••. NA MESA ND HUM!;ADDRESSES OFPA RTNE RS OR OFFICERS OFBUSINESS (<l ll(h add ilional sched ule if neces sary)I'_&lg ,fW ,&GMt ~7$2'1 6/7il )·«7c--/690 ............,O",.(~S LlC["C[......:x;"...,..-~. ~~G~-ctl '~'-'Cw4=crrv ~ £in;f ,O V '1/170U~t;~l ,..-JI POSlTOOH ,"'"4-'.r-(('R/t7Q2tlZ2_KLhJ2/t!r:,nn,cl c~£6,(Q I<o&<f AllOIlESS (:fTY ,. ~.r.o(ANOOM'Vl'/lS ucn.cl.•~,~HOLle P"'OHl'. , '«;o.!c scon ces cnv l IP ,' N ew Business _Yes ;L-NO Dal e bu siness began /,:/k''Y Exis ling B us iness L ve,-Ne (If yes complete) Former NameofBusi ness N/A YU:\6.0'lc .Former Owner's Name AIM I ADDI TIONAL BUS INESS LOCATIONSINVAI L:.1//17 NAME OFBUSINESS STflEET ADDRESS N umbero f e mployees aniocauons seaso nal year around number o r square teet \excepll00gcslhotcl sj .. H ome S ireel Ad dress -:--/~/'::---;:--'-/-;--::c----'-- Horna Phono _~L7--,tf,--.-._..<..=..<.-=:....._ "",!!/<""J{t ~""l$4 '---(Susa n Scanlan) ,'_~,_,.:~-~--~t-::kD:::~n~) ~_~_\c-(Detective 59 !.} Zon ing Bui lding --"t-:ii«..~~~t~t'.=::------(Gary Murrain) F ire Hearth EME RGEN CY :D c.:':z.,,,Ulill UIi ~<l ppli<;i1 I'on hils been oxam ined by rllO,Ihill t bc Slillc menlS m adll hare,n ere mitOO in good r,)jlh pu rsuant I my knowl c<.Jy c .l nd beJ,o!,m e nue.c ouect and 'I ll. Til rc:-l'- Dale (}-tr "." "•• T OWN OF VA IL ,COLORADO App lication f orHome occupa tion Permit Requ ired by VAIL MU NICIPA LCODE ,Secti on 18 .58 .13 0 ,as u pplemental f orm to t he Busin e ss and S al es T ax Li c~nse. NAME OF BUSINESS :~y..9Td/£CVV:9;;;CderJ2;t/.,L~@~r,«', PHYSICAL LOCAT ION:zezz.11 ~NI>~Cr.,wpz.(10 ~65-7>, MAI LING ADDRES S:(711114&ff5 /l8tP/".£.) NAM E OFCONTACT PERSON:,1/"wy (7.O..e1'Y Ap pli ca nt 's Statements Answer t he followin g qu est i on s in de ta il on a separate sh e et ,and att a ch to applica tion f or Bus in ess and Sal es Tax Lice nse. 1. 2 . 3• 4. 5. 6. 7• 8• Fu lly describ e th e t ype and n at ur e _of the bu sines s. Number of empl o ye es.(~C .'Ll ll:.'-(jd.")I iJ Iv:."(0 Hours of op erat io n.M-r-I ,'">~) Equ ipment/machine ry to be u sed.'J!V1...--«r p.>/u ,l L- Ant icipated n umbe r o f customers ,cli~nts ,or student s.7 ('~ Antic ipated n umbe ro f veh icle t rips ge n erated to and ~~-1;?C ~7' fr am the b u siness l ocat i on o n a d a i ly and weekly bas is . P ar ki ng provisio ns for custome rs,cl ients ,or s tud ents . I f residing in t ownh ouse/co ndo ,attach l e t tero f ap proval fr om ass o ci ati on.If residing in r ented house/ dup lex,attach letter o f approva l fr om landlo rd . AP PLICATI ON IS: ~pproved ___Denied Co n diti o ns of a ppr ov al /rea sons f or de nial:~~--------- b4l-€,1 ,,,,-"Yr.£/~".:)5 "."'>y'-1/'.fR ',K>?J"FiA:'?Jf'S5,,/~,~ t o7J;c·(7 ,0 ~/K '/J/?-J l 11 ,'¥,I)!i;",,-(1':'<·~t (,y;'),-- ~~VZ;;eJC&,~de L /*(7'~y Z~in~s trator . C;-i</,q{. Date THI S HOME OCC UP ATI ON PERMI T MU ST BE RENEWED WITHIN TWO YEARS . ,.•• GRAY-STONE CONST RUCT ION AND DEVELOPMENT.INC.2672-A KINNICKINNICKCT ••VAII.,COtll657.9701476-lrIJ0 .91OJ4 76·fi(}7S.·AK To wn of Vail August 22,1995 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vai l,co 81657 RE:Bu siness Li ce nse Ap pl ication fo r Gray -Stone Constru ction and Dev e lopment .I nc . TO WHOM IT CONC ERNS, Gray -Stone Cons truction and Deve lopment , cons truction company t ha t maintains and o perates at 2672 A Kinnickinni ck Ct .•Vail,CO ,8 1657 . Inc. a h ome i sa o ffi ce Th e bu siness done in this h omeo ff ice i s p r inc i pally by Harry a nd Col leen Gr ay ,o wners and at the dwell ing ,at t he af orement i oned address . carried o n i nhabitants Th erei s also one employee t hat works p a rt -t ime at th ishome o ff ic e,ap p rox i mate ly 2 5h ours p er week .An d there a re 10 field p ersonnel . The o ffice oper at esMo n.-Fr i.7AM -5 :30PM. The only equ ipment /machinery at t he abo ve location is genera l off ice equipmen t:c ompu t e r,printer,f ax ,etc . Th e ex istence o f t h is resi de ntial character o f h ome off iced oes t he r e sidence . n otc ha nge t he The tota lf l oor a r ea is less tha n o n e-f ou rth of t he dwelling, and d oes n ot exceed t woh undred f if ty square feet. There is n o a dv erti sing,d ispl ay ,o r other indic at ion of the home occupati on on the premises . There is no sale of stocKS ,suppl ies,or products on the premises . Th er e i s no exterior storage on the premises of mat erial u sed in the home occupa t ion. Th ere is no noise.v ibrat ion.s mok e.d us t,odor .h ea t or glare noticeable at o r beyond t he property line .as ar esul t of t he home o ccupat ion. This ome occupation does not generate significant vehicular t ra ffic i n excess of that typically generated by r e sidential ,.•• GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPr,.U:NT,INC.26T,U KI NN I CK I NN I CKCT••VAII ..CO~1I 651 ·97Gr'-t 76-1690 •9701476-6075vAX -2- dwe llings .And there i s n o parking or storage o fc ommercial vehicl es on the site. Th erea re ,on the average,5 customers ,clients.or students per week to the office . There are approximately 2-4 vehicle trips per day generated to and f romt heb usiness location . There a re 6 -7 off -street pa rki ng s pa c es a v ailable. ~~u~~~~e s t io n s .ca ll 47 6-1 690 . Z;y"(.Gra y 7 Pre si ent Gray -S tone Co n st ruct ion and De ve lopment,Inc. I • 75 SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 8 1657 970-479-21381479-2 /39 FAX 970-479-2452 January 4,199 6 Mr.Harry G ray 26 72 Kin nickinnickCo urt Vai l.C olo rado 8 1657 Dea r H arry : • r ~COpy Depa rtment a/Community Development A tt heir meeting onJ anuary 3.1996.th e Design R eview Boar dd eniedyo ur r equest to install J.6' ta ll board fence inthes ide yard at the address listed a bove .In review ing this casco the Design R ev iew Boardre questedtha tyour eturn to the Board,p rior to J une I .1996.wi th a fin al proposal for the fence-dog run .The D esign ReviewBo ard ex pressed rel uctance toa pprove a fen ce in the p ropose d location andrequested tha t yo u ex plore t heo ptiono f insta lling an el ectronicfe ncein o rd er t ocon troldogsandtokeep themonyou rp roperty .Please give this.seri ous consideration an d c ontactm e sometime in earlyMa yo fthi s y ear to work ou tth e d etails and get back o n the D esignRe view Board schedule . Pl ease n ote:The sn ow fence ru nning al ong the pr operty lin ea nd no t a part of the dog run enclosure mu st be removed imm ediately. Th ank y ou for your p atience regarding thism atte r and yo urcon tinuin g efforts to work outan am icable solution be tweeny our self a nd your n eighborsregardingt hed og run.I fyou h avean y questions regarding th is matter .please f eelfre e to c allmeatan ytimeat479-21 50 . :;Z :~s-~ Ran dy S touder T ownPlanner RS /jr olign ReviewAction FO~ TOWN OF VAIL categOry NUmber1 1 -J~r "if.('~Date ~I-3 ."liP Df28 ProjectName:191 4.<;-/iMCR,LQo;~ Building Name:~ Project Description:6/$,,,,,,..1 ~..;...~27 ~~.N-/<t:7.......0( 7 Owner.Address and Phone :~.r--C~ ,.4 U ~~~CV . Archi tect/C ontact.Address and Phone:_ Legal Descri ption:Lot t?Btock ?-SUb divisio n J ;;J J ~ZoneDist rict f/S ProjectStreet Ad dr ess :--"'d?--<=---"~=_='_'__ Comments:_ Board I StaffAction Vote:5~OMotionby;_='-"-."'=~_ Secon ded by::_..DL===--_ o ApprovalT¥Disapprovel 1 o Staff Approva l Conditions:(j)IX'r 4::..),t'J flttt r ~m,~ Town Planner Date:/'0-9?ORBFee pre-pai/.A?V •• 3. 4 . 5 . O I:SIG:'i R I:VIEW RO ARD AGE:'IDA J anu ary 3.1996 3:011 P.M. PR OJ ECT O RIE I\TATION I lU!'I"C II ~J S ITE \1SITS I I I .Brown_1239 Westhaven C ircle~2 .Sa dler -1950Ch amonix VailMana gement -20 1 GoreC reekDrive VailAth leticC lub -3 52 Ea st M cadow Driv e Kinn ey-5 164 M ain Gore Drive South 12:30 1:45 Driver: 1. G eorge Vail Athl eticC lub -Co nceptual re view of theredevelopment of th e s tructure .MM 352East M eadow Drive/A pan of Tra ct B.Va il Village 1stFi ling. A pplicant:JWT J9S 7 Vai lLimited Partnership.represented by Mi chael Barclayan dStan Cope MOTI ON:SE CO :\D:VOTE: G oldenPeakS ki Base -Conc eptualre view o f th e propo sed Golden PeakSkiBase J e ll\V Redevel opmen t. 4 85 Vail Va lley Drive /Tract F.VailV illage 5 thFil inga nd Tract B .Vai l Village7th Filing. Applicant:V ail Associates.Inc.r epresented by Davi d Corb in M OT ION :SECON D:VO TE : 3 . 4. Dauphinai s-Conceptua l review o fa new SFR with EHU . 1875 West Go re C reekDrive/Lot24.Vall V illage West Fili ng #2 Appl icant:PatDauphinais MOTIO N:SE COJ-;D :VOTE: Sadler -Fina l review o f a new Primary/S econdary residence. 1950 C hamonix/Lot 34.BufTh er Creek Subdiv ision Applicant:Jun eSad le r MOT IO N :SE COND :VOT E: OR OR 5. • Gray -Dog ru n and fe nce. 2672 Kinnickinnick CtiLo t 6.Block 2.VailIntcrm ourain . Applicant:Harry Gray :"IOT ION :SECOND: • VO TE : RS , 6.Brown -M inor cr ation t Svedplans . 1239w esthaven Cizt.ot 37.GlenLyon Subdivisi on . Applicant lyBradfor Hillv iew Development Co . :"101'10 .COND:VOTE: GR 7. 8. Kinney -Garage Addit ion and driveway improvement. 5 164MainG oreDrive Sout h/Lot13 .VailMeadows Filin g #1 App licant:Pri tzlcn .Pierce .Briner representing Rol K inney MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Va il Ma g cmcnt -S ign application . 20I Gore -ekDr ive /Shober RId Appli cant:any A st.Highc ch S ign s rep res ent ing:Va il Management MOT IO N :SECOND:YOTE : T cllccn-W al r cakthrough 31 new e xte riordoo rs . 931 RedS d stonc Road.Un its ..t '.6/A spen TreeCo ndo mini ums A pplica DanTcl lccn MOT N:SECOND:YOTE : GR LW LW MEMBERS PRESENT Mike Arnett BobBorn e Brent AIm Hans Woldri ch Greg Moffet (PEC) ME:"lB ER S ABSEN T 2 • Staff Approvals Bannister -Sa tellite D isha pplication . 2943 Bel lflower/Lot6.Block4 .V ail Int ermountain Appli cant:RKD for Fran k Bannister Picture Th is &Ph oto G allery-S igna pplication . 29R Han son Ran ch Road/S errano 's Bu ilding App licant:EdwardKrasauskas lnnsbru ckMe adows #3-M inor altera tion to approved plans. 2832 A Kinnick in nick Road fl ot 3 .Inn sbruck Mea dows. A pp licant Bo b Born e lnnsbruck M e adows #5 -Minor a lteration to app roved plans . 2 832 CID Kinni ckinnick Road/Lo t 5.lnnsbru ck Me adows. Applic ant:Boh Horne Inn sbruck M ead ows #7 -M inora lteratio nto a pproved plans . 279 2A Kinnickinni ck Road /Lot7.Innsbruck Meadows. A pplicant:Bob Borne Inn sbruck Meadows il l -M in or al tera tionto a pproved pl ans . 289 2 A l B Kinnick innick Roa dILot l.ln ns b ruc k Mead ows. A pplicant:Bob Borne • J C RS GR G R G R GR Srgn tanguag c interpretat ion ava ilable u pon request with 24hour n otification .Please c all 4 79-2114 voice o r4 79-2356 TOOfor i nfon nanon . 3 • ~,tA 61-f"~4 J7 c$lkl /lM-~S "If'''~!k/rf.,~-d<r4-.4-<6/::, W /.Ly I W 1.'5<-/.f"-~'/-~w ••DESIGN REVI~OARD APPLICATION •TOWN O.AIL,COLORADO DATE RECEIVED : DATE OF ORB MEE TING: ••••'*•••** INCOMPLBTB APPLICATIONS MaY NOT BE SCHRPULED FOR RBVIEW.I ••••**...... I .PROJECT INFORMATION: A.D ~S CR IP T ION :a 1'6, ,.A r\-;.-.f ,.,/."..c... ~,,(/ ,I 4]Yi'l l S'C .1J'/C J )-.I .-~"e "'.-'"<In.' B ,TYPE OF REVIEW: __~N ew construction ($200.00) __~Add i ti on ($50 .00) 1;'Mi n or Alte ration ($20 .0 0) ____Conceptual Revi ew ($O) C .lIDDR ESS : Block _~_ ~').~~....,.La ;'",.) Lot 7(,OL rLEGALDESCRItPT~IO~N:L:-":"2 j";;j ~:::L ~~~~~=========Subdivision eL'!I D. If property is descr ibed by ameets a nd bounds legal d es crip tion,pleas e prov ideo na sep arat e s heeta nd a ttach to th is app l icat ion. E. F . G. t:C o ..t o . I • Phe NAME OF OWNE R(S): OfI'NER (5)SIGNATUR B: Mall inqAdd ress :-.L.="-4"""--:::..lo.~~~'-7'+-:;Z;;2...<....c;~-z:'~'------ H. APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BB PROCBSSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1.Condomini um Approv al i f ap pl icab le . FEE $20 .00 $50.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $500 .00 c ugCl II;ID(I VALUAT ION $0$10 ,00 0 $10 ,00 1 $50,000 $50,0 01 $1 50,000 $1 50 ,0 01 $5 00,000 $50 0,00 1 $1,000,000 $Over $1,000 ,000 FEE SCHEPULE: ORB FEE:ORB fee s,a s s hownab ov e,a re to be p a id a t the time of submittal of t he ORB application.Lat er ,when applying f orabuilding p ermit,please identify the accurate valua tion of t he propo s al .The Towno fVa il will a dj ust t he f ee a ccordi ng to the table be low,t oe nsure t he correct fee i s paid. Z OJ FEE PAID;•J()-: J . DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERM IT IS IS STARTED. ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION 1 II.PRg'APPLIC~MEETING : A pre -appl ication mee ting with a memb er~t hep lanni ng staff is encouraged t o determine i f any additional app lication information is ne eded.It i s the appl ican t's respons i bility to make an appointment with t hes t aff t o determine if there are additional submittal requirements. P lease n ote that a COMPLE TE app lica tion w ill streamline t he r eview process for y our project . II I.IMpoRTANT NO TICE RE GA RD ING ALL SU BM ISSION S TO THE ORB: A.In addi tion to meetingsubmittal r equ irement s,the appl icant must stake a nd tape the p roject site to i nd icate p roperty lines ,b u ilding lines and b uildi ng corners .All trees to ber emov ed must be t aped.All si te tap i ngs and staking must b e comple t ed prior to t he DRB s ite visi t .The applicant must ensure t hat stak ing do ne duri ng t he winter is n otbu r ied by snow. B .The r evi ew proc ess fo r NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate mee t ings of the Design Review Board:a conceptual revi ewa nd a fi nalr e v iew. C.Applicants whof ail to appear before the Des ign Review Board o n their schedul ed mee ting d a te and who h ave not asked i n advance that discuss ion on th eir item be postpon ed ,wi ll h ave thei r it ems removed f rom t he ORB agenda u n t i l s uch time as t he item ha s been r epublished . D.The following items may ,at the d iscretion of the zoning admi nist rato r,be approved by the Commun ity Dev elopment Department staff (i .e .a fo rmal h ear ing before t he ORB may not be r e qui red): a .Windows,skylights and similar exte rior change s which do no t alter the existing plane o f t h e bu ilding ;and b .Building a dditions not v isibl e from any other l ot or public space.At the time s uch ap roposal is s ubmitted .appl ican ts must include let ters from adjacent proper ty ownersa n d/or from the a ge nt fo r or manager of any adj acent c ondominium assoc iation s tating the assoc iation approves of t he addition. E.I fa proper ty is l oc ated i namapped h az ard a rea(i.e. snow avalanche,rockfall,fl ood plain,deb ris f l ow , wetland .e tc.),ah azard study must b e submitted and the owner must sign an aff idav itr ecognizing the h az ard r eport prior t o the i s suanceo f ab ui lding permit . Applicants a re encou raged to c heck with a Town Pl anner p rior to ORB application to de termine the relationship o f the property to a ll mapped hazards. F.Fo r al lr es idential const ruct ion: a.Cl early ind ica te o n t he f loo r plans t he i n side fac e of the exter ior structural walls o f the building;and b.Indicate with a dashed line on t he site p lan a f ou r foot distanc ef rom the exterior face of the b u i lding walls o r supporting c olumns . G.I f ORB approves the a pplication with conditions or mOd ificat ions,all co nd iti ons of app roval must be addressed pr ior to the applica tion for a bui lding permit . 2 IV .NEW A . CONSTRUCr ' Three cop ies o fa rec ent toPOgraPhi~SUrV eY ,stamped by a Colorado Professiona l Licensed Surveyor ,at a s ca le of l~=20'or larqe r.onwh ich the fo l lowing i nforma tion is provi de d: 1.Lota rea,and bu i ldable a rea when di f fe rent t han lot a r ea . 2 .Legal d escription and p hys ical addres s. 3.Two fo ot con tou r intervals unl ess t he parcel co nsi sts o f 6 a c re s ormore ,in which cas e,5 ' c ontour interval s ma y be accepted. 4,~x i ~tinq t .ees o.q .oup~of t.ee ~bavinq trunk s with diameters of 4"or mo re,a s measured from a point one f o ot above grade. 5.Rock outcroppings and other significant natural f ea tur es (large bo ulders ,intermittent streams , etc.). , 6 .Hazard areas (a val anche,r oc kf a ll ,e tc .), centerline o fs tre am s o r creeks.r equ ired creek or stream s etback,and l OO-y ear flood p lain,if applicabl e.Slopes of 40\or more s ha llb e clearly d e l in eatedby cro ss ha t ch i ng., 7.Ties to e~isting benchmark,e ither US GS landmark or newer inve rt .This informati on mu st b e cle arly stated o n :the su rvey so t h at all measurements are b as ed o n the sames tar ting point .This is particularly imp or tan t f or de t ermining building height and d riveway slo pe.Se e poli cy OnSurvey I nf o rma t i on ,fo rmore informati on r e garding survey s. 8.Loc a tions of the following must b e shown : a.Size and typ e of dra inaqe c ulverts,swales , etc. b .Exact l ocationo f exis tingu tili ty service line s fr omt hei r s ource to the structure, inc lud ing : Cab le TV Telephone Se wer Water Gas El ectric c.All utili ty me t er locations,including any pedestals to be located on site o r in the r ight 'of -way adjacent t o the si te . d .Property lines -distances a nd bearings and a b asis of bear ing . e.Indicate all easements i d en ti fi edo n t he subdiv is ion p lat . 9.Provide sp ot e levationsa tt hee dgeo fa sphalt, along the streetf rontage o f t he proper ty at t wenty -f i ve fo ot in te rvals (25 1 ),and a minim~of on es pot el evati on on either side of the lot. B .S i te Pl an 1.Locati ons of t he fo llowing must be s hown: a .Exi s ting and f inished grades. b.Propo sed surface drainaqe on and off s ite . 3 c.•Proposed driveway.inCI U_'q percent slope and spot elevations at t roperty l ine, qa r aqe s lab and as necess alonq the centerline of the drive to accurately reflect driveway grade . d.A 4'concrete drive pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in a n u phill di rection . 2.All existing improv em en ts inc lud ings t ruc tures, landscaped areas,service a reas ,s torage areas , walks,d riveways,off -street parking,loading areas,retalnlnQ wall s (w ith top a nd bottom of wall spot elevations),and other existing s ite improvements. 3.In o rder to determine proposed buildingh eights elevations of all top roof r idges,and eave swhen d etermined necessa ry byt hez oning adm i ni strato r, s hall be i ndica tedon the si te p l an wi th e xi s ting an d prop osed c ont our lines shown underneath. C.Landscane Plan (1"~20'or larg er)•3 c opies r equir ed 1.Ataminimum,the followi ng information must be p rovided on the landscape plan: a .Location of existing trees 4"diameter or large r. b.Type;size a nd loc ation of all existing and proposed plant materia l, c.Loca tion of all trees to b e t ransplant ed, d.A detail ed legend of a ll p roposed plant materia l inc luding common a nd Latin n am e s. 2.The loca t ion and type of existinga nd prop osed watering systems to b ee mp loyed in c aringf or p lant mater ial fo l lowing its instal lation . 3 .Existing and proposed contour lines .Retai ning wall s should be i ncluded with the ~ontour informa tion with top of wall a nd bo ttom of wall e levations listed . 4 .Complet e the attached landscape materials list . D.S iqn of ff rom each ut il ity company ve ri fy ing the loc ation of ut ility service an d availab il ity (see attached u tility ve ri fi cation f orm). E .A preliminary titl e r eport Schedule A and B must a ccompany all submittals,t o insure proper ty ownership and identify All easements affecting the subject property. F.Ar chitectura l Plans (1/8"=I'or larger .1/4"is p referred s ca le f or review)3 c opi es are r equired . 1 .Floo r plans a nd all elevations of t he proposed development drawn to s cale and fully dimen s ioned. ,The elevation drawings mu st show both existing an d fin ished grades.. 2 .One set of floo r plans must be "red -lined1't o show how the gross r esidential floor a rea (GRFA)was c al cul ated. 3.Exteri or mate ria ls a nd co lo rs shall be s pe ci fied on the attached mater ials list .This material s list mus t be completed and submi t ted a sa part of the app lication.Colo rc hips.siding samples etc .,shall be presented at the Design Review Board me eting .Details i ncluding .bu t not l imi ted 4 , t~asCia.trim,railings,Ch~~Y cap ,meter 1 ions,etc.must be shown ~phical1Y and iu y dimensioned. G .Zone c heck list (attached)mus t b e complet ed if the pro ject is located within the Si n gl e -Family , Pr imary /Secondary or Duplex zone dis t ricts. H .Photos of the exis tinq site and where applicable .of adjacent structures . I ,The Zoning Adminis trator 'and /or DRB may require the submi ssion of additional plans ,drawings, specifications ,s amples and o ther mater ials (inclUding a model)if deemedn ecessary to determin e whether a project will comply with Des ign Guidelines. V,MINOR AL TERATIQN S TO THE EXTERI OR OF BUI LDING S. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment p roposal and the location (si te plan)of the redeve lopme nt proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal r equirements set forth above ,provided all important specificat ion s for the proposal including colors and ma t er i al s to be used a re s ubmit ted. VI .ADDITIONS'RES IDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL. A.Or ig inal floor p lans with a ll specificationss hown. B .Three sets o f propo sed floor plans 1/8"=l 'or larger (1 /4"=l 'is p~e ferred) C.Thr ee c opi es o fa si te plans howing ex ist ing a nd proposed con struction.Indicate r oof ridg e elevations with existing and propo sed grades shown un derneath . D.Elevations o f proposed addition. E .Photo s of the existing structure. F.Speci fica tions for a ll materia ls and color samples o n materials list (attached). At t he request of t he Zoninq Admini strator y ou may also ,be required to submit : G.As ta tem ent f rom e ach utili tyv erif yi ng location of s ervi ce and a vailabili ty.See attached utility location ve rifica tion f orm. H.As i te improvement survey,stamped by registered Co lorado Profe ss ional Li c ensed surveyor. I .Ap relimi nar y tit le r ep or t,to verify ownership of prope rty ,which lists all easements , VII .FINAY SITE PLAN Onceabu ilding p ermit has been iss ued ,and construction is underway,and before the Building Depar tment will schedule a f raming inspec tion,t wo copies of an Improvement Location Certifica te survey (I LC)s t amped bya r egis t ered p rofessi onal engineer must be submitted.The following inf ormat ionmust be provided on the ILC: A.Building loca t ion(s)with ties to prope rty corners, i .e.distances and angles. B .Building d imensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. 5 c . D. All u tili ty s ervi ce line as~bui lts~howinq t ype o fmateri~s ed,and size and e x ac t ~atio n of l ines. Basis o fb e aring t o ti e t o section c orner . E.All property pin s ar e t o b ee ither found o rs et and s ta ted o n improvements ur vey. G .All easeme nt s. H.Garage s lab e levations and all r o of ridg e el e vations wi th e ~isting and proposed grade s shown under the ridqe line s. VIII.CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW A.Submittal r equiremen ts;Th e owner or authorized agent o f any proj e ct requiri ng des ign ap pro val a sp resc ribed by t his c haptermays ubmitp l an s for c oncep tual review by the De sign Rev iew Board to the Department of Comm un ity Dev elopment.Thec onceptual review is i ntended to give the applicant a basic understandinq of the compa tibility of their p ropo sal with t he Town 's Design Guideli nes.Th is procedure is recommen d ed primarily for a pplic ati ons more complex than s ing le - family and t wo ~family residences.Howev er,d ev el op ers o f s ing le-famifY a ndt wo-family p ro jects s hall no t be e xclu ded f rom the op portun i ty to reques t ac onc eptual d e sign r e vi ew.i Comp lete applications mu st b e submitted 10 workinq days prior t oa s c hedu ledORBmeet ing. The following informati on shall b es ubmi ttedf or a conceptua l revi ew: 1 .A conceptual si te a nd landscap e plan at aminimum scal e of o ne inch equal s twe nty f eet; 2.Co ncep t ua l e levations showing e xt erior materials and a descripti on of the character o f the proposed structure o r structures; 3 .Suf fi cient i n fo rmat iont o show th e pro pos al c omplies with the development standards of the zone district i nwhich the project is to b e located (i .e .GRFA,site coverage calcula tions, numbe r of parking spac es,e tc .): 4 .c omple ted DR B application form. B .Proc edure;Upon recei pt o f a n applicati on f or c onceptual design r eview,the Department of Community Devel opm ent s hallr e vi ew t he submitted mat erials for general compliance with the appropria ter equir em ents of the z oning code .If t he p rop osal is i n b a sic c ompliance with t hez on ing code requir emen t s,t he proj ects ha ll b e f orwarded to the ORB for c onceptual review.If the applicati on is not g en erally in compliance with zoning code requirement s,the appli ca tion and submittal mat erialS shal l be returned to t he applicant with a written exp lanation as to why the Community Development Department staff has f ound the project not to be in compliance with zoning code requirements .Once a complete application ha s been received,the ORB shall r e viewt he submit t ed c onceptual review applica tiona nd s upporting material i n order to d et erminewhe t her or n ot the project g enerally complies wi th t he d e sign guidelines.TheDRB does n ot vot e on c o ncept ua lr e views.The property owner o r hi s repres entative shal l be present at t he DRB hearing . 6 The fo l lowing i n formatio n is requi red for subm ittal t ot he Des ign Review Boa rd be fo re a fin al approva l can be g iven: A .BUILDI NG MATERIALS : Roof Siding Ot her Wa llMat e rials Fasc ia SOffi ts Windows Window Trim Do or s Door Tr im Hand o rDeck Rails Flu es F l ash i ngs Ch imneys Trash Enc los u res Greenh ous es Reta ining Wa ll s Exterior Light ing TYPE OF MATERIAL '-, COLOR B . Other LAND SCAPI NG : 11 ,A )le rJ,(.( 7S rv ,t (/)«---<-/i Name of Designer:_ Phone:_ 7 PLANT MATERI ~: PROP OSED TRE . AND SH RUB S Botanical Name Qua nt ity Size * *Ind icat e ca liper f or dec iduo us trees .Minimum caliner f ordeciduous t rees is 2 inch es.Indi cat e he igh t f or c on iferous t r ees .Minimum he i ght f or con if erous tree s i s 6 feet. "Indi ca te s iz eofpropo sed sh rub s.Minimum size o f shrub s is 5 gallon. Square Fo otage GRO UND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR MET HOD OF EROSION CON TRO L C.LANDS CAPE LIGHTIN G:If exterior l i ghtingi s proposed,plea se s how the number of fix tu res and l ocationsonas epara te l i ght ingp lan .Identify e ach f ixtu re f r om t he light ingp lan i nt he s pace be low a nd provide the he ig ht a b ove grade,type of light p roposed ,l um en output ,l um i nous area a nd ac ut sheet of the light fix ture.(Section18 .54.050 J ) D .OTH ER LAND SCAPE FEATUR ES (ret aining wal ls,fences,swimmi ng pools ,e tc .)Please specify.Indicate heights of r et ai ning wa lls .Ma ximum heigh t of walls within the front setback is 3 1 •Max imum he ight of wal ls e lsewhere o n t he pro per tyi s 6 '. /J.y t i -{r j)d,",Ie D n cC !K /0&,c aJ::r 8 ••TOWN OF VAIL UTILITY LOCAT ION VER IFICATION FORM J OB NAME >SUB DIVISION L OT ADDRESS BLOCK _FI LING The f orm is used to verify service availab ility an d locat ion.This should be u sed in conjunc t ion with p repar ing y our ut i li typ lana nd scheduling ins talla tions .For an ynew c on structi on proposa l,t he a pplicant mus t provide a co mple ted u ti lityve ri fi c at ionform . The loc ation anda vai labil ity o fu tilities,whether they b e ma in trunk lines o r propo sed l ine s,must bea pproved and verif ied by the follow ing uti l ities for the accomp anying s ite p lan. All a uthorizing s ignat ure sn eedt o be o r ig inals. Au thoriz ed Signatu re U.S .We st Commu ni cations 468-6860 o r 9 49 -45 30 Public Serv ice Compa ny 9 49-6135 Gary Ha l l/Rich Co oley HolyCross Electric 'A s s oc ~ 94 9-5892 EngineeringDep t. Ted Hu sky/Micha el Laverty **TCI Cab l evis ion o f the Roc kies 9 49-1224 Ma rk Gr aves ·-Upp er Eagle Val ley Water &Sani ta tion Dis trict * 476-7480 Fred Hasl ee **A site plan is required.Physical location of known utilities must b e s hownon the site plan .utility loca tions mayor may not offer service to the property line .Any utility extension r~quired shall be the responsibility of the property owner. 1.NOTE:If au ti lity com panyh as concerns with the pr oposed cons truct ion ,the ut ili ty r epre senta tives ho uld n ot di rect ly on t he u tility v erifica tion form thatt here is ap robl em which ne eds to be r es olved.The issue sho uld t henb e spelled out in d eta il in a n attached l et t er to theTown o fVai l.Howeve r,p leas ek eep i n mind that i t is t he r esponsibilityo ft he ut il ity company to res olve identifi ed p r obl ems . 2.I f the u t ili ty ver ificat ionf o rm h as signatu resf rom each o f t he util ity compan ies,andno c omm ents are made di rectly on the form ,t he Town will pr esume t h at t her e ar e no p roblems an d t hat t he de velopment can p ro cee d. 3.Thes e v erifications do n otr el ieve t he c on tractor of his respo nsibility t o obtai na s t reet c ut permit f romt he Town of va il,Department of Publi cworks andt oobtainu ti li ty locat ion s before di gging in a ny publ icr ig ht -oi -way or e as em ent i n the Town o f Vail.Abui ld ing permit is n ota s treetc ut permi t. A street cut p e rm it must be ob ta ined s eparately. 4.Ins talla tiono fs ervice l ines are a t the e xpensea nd responsibility o f t he property own er. 9 ·.Sinqlc ,fOR nesidence.Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS pri~y/sccOndary Dl\TE : LEGl\L DESCRIPTION:Lot ADDRESS: OWNER Dlack Subdivision ___ PHONE ___ l\RC HITEC T _~--:...PHONE _ ZONE DISTRICT ------------~--- PROPOSED USE _ LOT SIZE BUILDl\BLE LOT l\REl\_ Height Total GRFl\ Primary CRFA Secondary GRFl\ l\llowed (30)(33) ______+425 =_ +425 =_ Existing Proposed Total Setbacks Site Coverag e Fron t Side s Rear 20' 15 ' 15 ' I Lo.ndsCllpinq Retaining Wall Jleights park ing Carage Credit Drive: 3'/G' _Reqrd (300)(GOO)(900)(1200)___ Permitted Slope _--,,%_Proposed Slope _---,,'-.- Comp lies with T.O.V .Lighting Ordinance Yes No Water Course Setback (30)(50) DO Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%)YES,_NO,_ Enviro nmcnta l/Uazards :1)Flood Plain 2)Percent Slope «>30%)__ 3)Geologic Hazards a)Snow Avalanche'__ b l Ro ckfa ll ------ c)Debris Flow __ 4)Wetlands,__ View Corrido r Encroachment:Yes No,~.___ DOi::S th is r eques t invulve C1 25ij i\uuitiol1? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this reqoest?'_ previous conditions of approval (check p roperty f i le): 10 •• , LOr 10 ,~~O(.j(.i. I r'TI2.~l'lT,AIN .' ~l'l~fltl6J , '!If,YI ee..~ · \I :c I ~.. 'I ,·":\.. · :1· 1 \ 61--_"'-.. • f;l-l l-l \£.)<1till\'-1'- t.O'-""f ..0;1• •I I,t:>r' .. I •I I ~I I I I , ~ I ...~I I I I I ••I ~••••I I~I I I I P- c::.-I ~..!!.I I •I -I I •~ ::> • .. -'" ........:.: Fa-. Co """"'. 7 67 D.1~e• . 3. ZONING planted in natural looking groups .Geometric pl a ntings, evenly spaced rows of trees ,and other formal landscape patterns shall be avoided . Particular attention shall begiven the landscape design of off-street parking lo ts to reduce adverse impacts upon .livi ng areas within the proposed development,upon adjacent properties,and upon public spaces withregard to noi se,lights,and visual impact.Parking lots of fifteen or more spaces sh all comply withthe landscape requi re- ments fo und in Section 18.52.080(F.)of the VailM unici- pal.Code, 4.All landscaping shall b e provided with a method of irrigation suitable to ensure the cont inued maintena nceo f planted materials. 5.When eve r possib len atural drainage patterns up on the s ite shall not be modified.Negative drainage im pacts upon adjacent sites shall notbeall owed. 6.Run off from impervious surfa ces such asro ofs and pavement areas shall be directed to natural or improved drainage c hannels or dispers ed into shallow sloping vegetated areas. S lope o f cut and fill ba nkssh allbe determined by soil characteristics for the sp ecificsitetoa void er osion,and promote r evegetation opp ortunitie s,b ut inan y cas e shall be limi ted toa maximum of 2:I slope. Measures sh all be taken to retain all eroded soil material on site during construction,control b oth ground wa ter andsurface wate r runoff,and to permanently stabilize all disturbed slopes and drainage features upon completion or construction. All plants s hallbe planted ina good qua lity topsoil mixof a type and amount recommended by the American Landsca pe C ontractor Associat ion and t he Colorado ~rseryman's Association. All plantings must be mulched . Pa.ving near a tree to besaved must contain a plan fora ."tree vault"ino rder t o ensure the ability of the roo ts to r eceive air . Fencing/walls . 1."Q:>1e illacemen!of wallsandfences shall respect existiEg l andJorms _an cL fiLin tD Jand mas sing rather than arbi- (V.ill1 .I5083)454h _f""r....-; - •• ',- -. --,.- --_..--_f------j ~ ,.f-b'Y tJ M ~o ~l c i!&P~~DESIG~EVIEW }/-~-----~--------------- traril followsite bou,!darLlines..Fences shall not beJ'encouraged _J,-"cepUQ _~creen .!!.ash areas,utility equIp -\ .r j /':Jb f.t ~it ~~j-fences...wa!l s,.-and-other-structuranandscape .---/ {g ,I~i~1 -5!l L IL--featuress?all beof m!lterials compati~l~with t.h~siteand "Ie D .p,c lf'r (the materials ofthe.st=iUres onthe.s ite.Retaining walls ~l (/$-V .and cribbing shouldutilize natural materials suchas if'6 ([wood timb ers,logs,rocks,or textured,color tinted {(concrete.No chain linkfencesshallbeallowed except as 'fP,.Io temporary construction fences or as requ ired forrecrea- ~;...tional fac ilities. fIniI.-1'(...,e I 3..The allowableheights of retaining walls shall beasstated {\'\)in Section 18 .58.020 oftheVail Municipal Code. F .Accessory structures/utilities/service areas . 1.Design of ac cessory structures upon asiteshallbe compatible withthedesignandm aterials of them ain structure or structures upon thesite . 2.Accessory buildin gs generally should be attached tothe main building either directly orby means of a continuous wall,fenceorsimilar feature of the same or acom- plementary materialasthemain building's exterior finish. 3.Satellite d ish antennas andsimilar structures shallnotbe pe rmitted unlesssub stantially screened from viewby fences ,berms,or land scaping. 4.All util ity service systemsshallbe installed underground . Any utility systemtheop eration of which requires above ground installation shallbe located and/or screened soas not to detract fromtheoverallsitedesign quality. 5.All utility metersshallbeenclosed or screened from public view. 6.Service areas,outdoor storage,and garbage storage shall be screened from adjacent properties,structures,streets, and other publicareasbyfences,berms,or landscaping. 7.Adequate trash storage areas shall be provided.There shall be year-round accesstoall trash storage areas which shall notbeusedfor any other purpose. 8.Mail deliveryshallbe provided forin accordance withthe provisions of Ordinance #40 of 1981. G.Circulation/access. I.T here shallbe provided anon-site vehicular circulation system whichshall coordinate with adjacent streets to 454i (Va il 11.IS ·S3) • 10. II . ... .... ".-...•..; planted in natural looking groups.Geometric plantings, evenly spaced rows of trees,and other formal landscape patterns shall be avoided . 3.Particular attention shall begiventhe landscape designof off-street parking lots toreduce adverse impacts upon living areas within the proposed development,upon adjacent properties,and upon public spaceswithregard to noise,lights,and visual impact.Parking lots of fifteen or more spaces shall comply withthe landscape require- ments found in Section 18.52.080(F.)of theVailMunici- pal.Code. 4.All landscaping shall be provided witha method of irrigation suitable to ensure the continued maintenance of planted materials . 5.Whenever possible natural drainage p atterns up on th e site shall not be modified.Negative drain age impact s upon adjacent sites shall notbeallowed. 6 .Run off from impervious surfac es su ch asroofsand pave ment areas shall bedirect ed t o n atural orimproved drainage channels or d ispersed in to shallo w sloping vegetated areas . Slope of cut and fill banks shallbe determined bysoil characteristics forthespecificsitetoavoidero sion,a nd promote revegetation opportunities ,but inanycaseshall be limited toa maximum of 2:Islope. Measures shall be taken toretainall eroded soil material on site during construction,control both ground water and surface water runoff,and to permanently stabilize all disturbed slopes and drainage features upon completion of construction. All plants shall be planted inagoodqu ality t opsoil m ix of a type and amount recommended bythe American Landscape Contractor Association and the Colorado Nurseryman's Association . All plantings must bemulched. Paving near a tree tobesavedmust contain a plan fora ."tree vault"in order to ensure the ability of therootsto..receive au. Fencing/walls. I.T~ement of wallsandfencesshallres c:J:t exiS!.Lng land_forms .and3iLinta.JandJnassing rather tilIDLar!>i- 454h ZONING (V.il J '.15·83\ ••• (,"H U ~I(S MADE r AYABU TO TOWN OP'\'AJI. l'I'o.-TAX"COST tA.-mTAL . TOWN OFVAI L1..:..::..::..:=.:....:="-,al-CUPT!\O. .'-----~..-~~.;--.~--- ~'If "}" [(J U C\.r.U,....-l--e/)~ I I'RW r.Cf 0 14 1540 I AND A DRESSM A ,0 10000 42415 U 1 HUILDINGCO E "'L iii00424 1,M _""]42 415!!:;]FORM M ECllANICA . -:424 U/\ORM I .onem~:0000 :_~:'a A ifjAEl BOOKS ACO D ' ~~I 4 1 4 .i Y LA ~0142412X :ROX COI -S bd..01 ססoo 42412 STUD I ESt=f 0 1441 •OMPE R RAl\. ~a..I 0042 3 1A I RE-Uo:SP T T IONS G5 -I 004 1 R ~\RE-CHECK F .E S40 PERHR. .-0 1423 32 0 RS P .I ,~~ •0 1 ססoo4 141 2 CAC TOR ~l ~ ..I 4 141A AO . ~1 1004)413 ADDITIONA 51.NAGErEE rs r.oc PER S O .FT. i I 42440 VT ART PROJECTDON AT ~!t'i PAIr.ESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEEgIKlO43EAJONFEEBUILDlt-:G 5 20 .00 J• " .,I00 i04TJJ1'i'"A 'A ~RF A ·"2;0'" I ~DltlONAL US E P [RJ\.U T~41330 •l ORA LTERATION ~;SS T U ANIOOSQ .F T .1 01 ססoo 4 1330 "RJORARA I ~I S.T. 10000 41 -,3 SPECIA E\EL ~N T DI~[NEW] 141 A -PM ~ST O R ME'Jirn 1 ססoo413 3 SPE(.'IA •lOPMENT D1 STRI T rMINOR APJEND l 41.l .l j 01 ססoo 413 30 AR A NCE 0 1 ססoo 4 1330 ZO ING CODE AMEDMENT I 4 1330 IRE- II H ilER S2OO .00 5200 , S200.OO S500.00 S I ,5oo.00 S l,ooo:110 s2OO:lllf S250 .OO S2 S2OO .00 A : -- '. l'O MMI:......'TS~·~----------------- CASH 1 --'1 CKlr I D{,I }1.0l _J ••• NC?.47188 -.,DOLLAR S $_ I-I'l, Poli ce Receipt Numbe rs.-;;_-::::=_ By i'_~ ----------_.- RECEIPT -The Town of Vail "h,,,.q( HOW PAlD-Ca"'__O>~k I r /1 Permit Nu mbers --,.-_ DATE 1,L; , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOWN OF V~IL Mi scellaneous Cash 12 -08 -'3 5 16:26:19 Rece ipt •186508 Account "CK •10 11 HAR RY GR l=I 'yh,PP.EPAID DESIGN REIJIEtJ FEE R!M ovnt tende red >2l1.00 I telfl pai d ~t pai d 0 10 00 0 4 13310 13 0 2 0,00 T H~NK YOU Yoo r c ashi o?t"SOHJA • Sue Dugan Box 3768,Vai l,Co 81658 DecemberI,1995 • DEC 1 19 95 JIVIIVI .: To :Town of Vail Community Development and Enforcement Section: R e :F ence an ddog run be tween 2642 and 2672 KinnickinnikCt.Va il,Co . In 1994HarryGrayconstructedatemporary fence during construction of hishouseat2672 Kinickinnik Court.Thehousewas finished during the Summer of 1995 howeverthe fence isstill inplace .Ran dy(fro m Community develo pment)ca lled at a pproximately 5 .30pm yest erdayth at thi s fencea nd dog ru nw as not a pproved by t he Town (nord id I give t heG ray's mya p proval). Thisfencing is approximately 8feetawayfrommy house andduetothe close proximity of our ho use s,a d og runisa n invasion of our (t heresidencesatthisadd ress)privacy.T he G ray's a re more th anaware of pro blemswe endured,this p astSummer.w ithth e 3rddog livingo nth eir p remises .Y ouca n verifywit h Code Enforcement ,t he P olice,Tom Moorehead andAnima l Control toverifytheno ise problem we experieced .A dog runisthis locationisalso going tp att ract ot her dogs,t hat areru nningloose,tothis location t hus addif)gJQ noise,dog defeca~on and smell.-- It ismyu nderstanding t hattheGray'smayapplyfor permission.fromthe Town,tohavethis dog ru ninthis location?Iw ould liketobeadvisedas tow hen thiswill come before the Design Review Bo ard .Iherebyg ivenotice that]objec ttot his loca tion fora dog run .I f th eG ray's ob tainthe OK of t heir adjoining ne ighbors toconst ructad ogrunon th ewes t side (notth eeas t, north or south)of t heirhouse where the noise isbuffe redbytheir house,thenI have no objection to that location. Iamhereby requesting that th eE nforcementSection have the Gr ay's ceaseu sing th e do g rununtil t heyhave received approval from the Town and I wo uldlike t o see that this fencing hasbee n removed whenI return frommytrip (December 10th). Furthermore,I understand H arryG rayhas applied tothe Townt o runabu sinessfro mhis house? 1 also objectt o thi spe nnit .Vehiclesdriv ing upat7a .m .•ca r doors slamming a ndloud vo ices isa di sturbance andno tt o mention theamoun t of trafficon t he cu l-de-sac andthepa rking problems this has created. :::::-~~~ Copyto :EricLarsen,Ani malCon trol,To m S heely (Va ilP olice) P ri n t e ~b yRa n dy S t ouder 9:3 9am From .Pam Bran dma yer T o :G r e~subjoct :--------._----_.._-------------._........-----------_._. ~~=NO T E==~=~=~-~~=====12/7.0/9 5=ll :55am ==============__~===================== cc , Dick Cer ick e,J im HOZ A,Jo hn Ga ll egos,La rry G raf al .R a nay S Loud vr,Tom S heely .I had t.he morn inq rare p r iv i l~gA of Rt t ting d o t.h ~na m~B G ray .L ar s on , in on a Duq4 n, "nei Qhbo rh ooo "meeLing this and F ranke m ean any thi ng to y oU? '1'0 Qumrnariz o. 1 )Randy ,Tommy ,a nd J im w i l l F INA LIZ E an in te rim park ing pl an for th~nAxe 1 4 day s. 2 )S inc e you a rA 4 ma j or pl a yer,Gr~Q.we ant ici pa t ~being abl a t o put t ogother a parki ng B it A p l~n imme di at el y u pon y our rotu rn _ 3)F ire h ydr",n t-. allowing ~o r '"1 ~ NO P~R K T NG w ill b e a l lowed o n ei ther side of toot q ua ur ant. the hydr",nt:. 4)Dog contro l/Doq RA L /DOQ ba rki ng: T ommy w ill c o nt",ct Rob slaq le about i n cre as ed monit or ing.R a n dy thp.p rOp0 l'<A<1 doq run/f """nciny enc losu re for the Gr",yl'l t hrough O RB ~ft-A rno on (12 /2 0/95)Sue Uuqa~wi ll be act endi ng. ~)i1 om~o ccupa.l.1on p e rmi to . 1 ,..t ~k i n g this d .S U~dnd Er ic oe vo prohlpm!".w /t h"n llmhAr o f truc k s/emploYGes/n oi ge generated/e tc .•b y t he Gra.ye c.ori e rr-uo e-t ran hU Ri nlolsy.They have b",,,,,n Ln e cz-ucuec La c a.ll T ommy o r Di ck if r u r en ...r p rob lems . b .Sue u nde r a t ....n <1 R I"_h ...n""c As sity o f <J""t.t.i n9 a.Ho rne Occ ./BuI'I1 n ARS Licennc for hera~lf,as WAl l.a nd wi ll u u ~o f or '96 .Tha t '",p r ...~t:y Roan; isn·t.it? c .Hours of hU RtnA"'''':the G ra y3 w il l b e mo re v ce nc r e r v e »...haut w h en employees/tru c:ks /etc.e t-r-f Vft (1 i k .,...h ow ea rly!).The Grayft u ndATRta nd t.he Home Occ.il'l h Aing mon itor ...d and scr u tin ized (p er R andy)...nd th eY 've been pUt o n not ice . And t h a t a bout sums things up f or me . Pag e:1 T hank s for i n clU d ingmM! \ r-c-i !, • , I i I i, I r-r ~..'", ;, c• '. TOWN OF VAIL 75South Frontage Road Vail.Colo rado 81657 303-479-2 138/479-2139 FAX303-479-1452 •• Depa rtm ent a/Community Development Dear HomeOc cupat ion permi tApp licant : I h ave attached a c opyo f the r egula tions r egarding h ome occupati on b u si nes ses i nTo wn.P lease r e ad and p ay particu lar a t tenti on t o s e ct ion 1 8.5 8.160 wh ich starts o n the second p age o ft he at tac hment. I f y ou h ave any qu esti ons o r p roblems with any o f the i t ems c o nt ai ned in these regu l at ion s pl ease give mea ca lla t#9 70 -479 · 2 138 r ight a wa y.Thanks and good luck with the busines s. Sincere ly, g--/r~- Randy Stouder T own Pl a nn er ----- / / .' •.'• ( '- ( ZO~I~G 18.58.160 Home occu patlons-cReq uirements f or permit. Where permitted.hom e oc cupationsshal l besu bject to t he following limiratl on s: A.The u se shall b e c onducted e ntirely within a d welling a nd carriedo n principally byth e inhabi tants t hereof. Employe es.o the r t han inhabitants 0 1 t he dwelling,sl1.:311 n ot exceed o ne person :II any t ime. B.T he u se shall b ecl earlyinc ident alan d secondary ;:0 t he u se of th e dwelling (or dw eiling purposes and s hall not change t ~e re sidentialch arac ter ther eof. C.'iJ1C 101 31 Iloor area used for t he horneo cc u pation shalln ot ex ceed o ne-fourth oC t he gros s re sidential n ccr area o i t he en"cUing,n o r ex ceed five h undredsquare reet.. D.Th ere snel l be no :J c.h'crtisi r.go ,J ispby.o r o t he ri n dication <:1 :~e h ome c ccuparicn 0 :1 the p r ~::1 :s ~5 . E.Sellin;:s toc ks,sup plies.or p ro d ucts ent he p remisesshall l1lOt b ep ermi tte d.pr ovided t hat inchl::lI:d r ~l:1 i l sales m:lY be m adei nco nne ction Wi lli eth er permitted berne CX::C Up.31 ions . F.T cere sha ll b e noext eri or sto rage on th ep remises o f rn..:llen:ll u se d in th e he me c ccuparion . G.There sh all ben o noi se,vibration.smoke .du st ,o dor,h{'JI. ex glare nO ti Ce 3 1::1 ~.31 or be yond t he p ropert y line .J S :1 resul t o f the ho me occ upat ion. H.A h orne oc cupation sh JII no t ~...-ncrarc sign if'icant vehi cular lcflic in ":XC l.:SS o ft hat 1}'pk :J lly ~...n cratcd b y reside ntial ":-...:lIi n~s .:'\0 p:uk i ng or storocc ·o f ~0\1¥.{~hkl "'"S lUj-\~II b e pe rmitted o n t h..:'i l ..:....l \.-(t5 e.'\C'/A ,}IOnJ..~(iml j 17.3 0;~4 ~J~\\\~(l,~\(11 1~.5S.1 7 0 I I Cl m ~occupat itlll'i -i n rcrprc t :11 iUII . A .F ee-pur rlJ~l.:S of this:chaju c r,I'rn\'jl kd l h:l[:Ill re quirements pr-=""l."rih ..-t1 in [h is c bap tcr ar c 1111,.·1.t h e ()II~Jwin!:\'.,\:lIl1pks !"J I:311 he cl ll1 :-id..:reti hemeoc c up.u ions : L ,\~t l \·i t i.:s condu cted p ril h:il':dl}'b y "':1.-1'11011":o r m ad ••rtJ.::r : ...S llld il)";;lIhJ ;I'::li \·ili~·..,'r",It:dn :.:li;:hl h :.J lllkr :lIts v t : .,h kd S "":ITl : 3 _f'::ld lill;':;ll1d t u toriueiu xnu crion l bui t cd In I\nl l'lI l,jh ;'1 1 ;1 li me: ['".., •• c SUPPLE~lDITAL R EGULATIO ;-':S 4 ..Drcssmak ine or ap parelalt er ations . l:t :\hum .:Cl"ul1:lIi Cl Il 5 h ~]J ,.in.:lud~·:;l clinic .1\Ill ,,:r ~1 !"II ':.n \lr!-Il1 ::h C Jll ~·.~~rl,.,(illl .r e s ta ura nt.:lnl iqlh.·"Sh o p.--.--_..-,---n :h'n :l ;IrJ:II1 '"o nr cc.o r :1l1\'slmll ;lT \l~. l()rd .1"il 1 9i3l ~17 .305 .1 .'~_.-. Home u('(.'up':lliu ns-·Pcrmi l revocat ion or tJ is co nl i nuance . :\h o rne o c cupa t io n r.:;m it m ay b e revo ked b y th .:,w n i:-:;: ,J J lIl i n i ~tr;lt o r ii be de t ermines -t ha t t he p rov isions III t h is chap te r o rt h e lim it:J(llln .s p resc ri b ed a s ;1 co ndit ion or tbe permit :1(':h\'i l1~viol ated. B.A h o rne occupa tion p :rmi[sh :J1I becom e void if :~l\l ~1 ~~J witlun I wOm ont hs or"iSSUJilC':.o r if I h.'usc ior wh k:l ir W:J S Issue d isdisconti nu e d fo r :J c o ntin uo u s p erio d01 six m onths. {Old .~t 19;3)§17.3 06.} IK5 S.1xu ~A ( 1&.5 5 .1 90 Ho rneo cc upariuns-.Per mit -A pI',,:)I• ..\pr ,,·al o f a nya ction o t the-z o r-in;admiuis tr ato r in connc cuon with issuan ce o r ,""n j :ll ,~f:l h omeoc ...n pat io upcnnu o r Jh e-co n ditions att ~h:l:~'d Ih c rcto m ;ty b e IikJ wit b Ill": p l3nnin;:commission b y ;lIlY resid ent M p rope rl y ow ne r w iil~::l lhi rt y Ibys fnll owin;:!>ll dt act ion ,I n "\'''111 .11 :J 1'1';·:1l.t h e plan nill;.:'c uuun iss iou,:.Jf h ·l'r.·..:c i\i l l~.1 rcport I'r,llll Ih ..:/tlJl:Il:: ;ldm .llll,u :lI{l l'".m~y "'l lllli r lll.r ..'vcrvc.III'"llll hi ilV thc :.J dit'1\"f th e "lI nin;.::h lmi l1l,l f a!l )f ,\!I"::ri ;l ~..!l ..11 1:"(b,'rvqui rc.l. F :tiJU h';;If (h,'·1,.·u Jll lll i "..h "1 (II :I d '.\ithin l111h't y .IJ )"III t il ,' liI in:,:II I :'111 :1 1'1'.';11 ,h:d l I'.',k ,,·llh·.1 ..·,)lK urr,·:h:,·i n Ill .'.1,·11I I l1 o f Ill ..'",l!lin:!~h J milli,tr :I I ,\r ,I ll !".!.1 I'I I')~'1 ;(.t 11';1\1 1;(lr.t . M ..n.t)~1 7 3t)i.J 1X.5K::::C ~O 1:";!ul:lliu lI";:lj11'Ii"ahk In p:lr lil'ul:tr II <ex. lll":r..-::U b l l'lIh ....1 ",11 Itt "';,-..'1 10 '11 l '.:'S .~IU ,l u ll h' .Ippll.:;.):'k I "liz ..'u ,,·..Ii "l ..d 1;1 Ih :1 ..,'~tn-n III mv 11 m.:III wllldl Ih ...•u ....·",I P ...·IIllI ''''''II....·,'r .1 .·ll l r,hl j,'1I.1 111 .....·.11 1r,1.S I I·I';.~)~ 17•.JIM)) f...""1 .L .,t l 'flh "L I ;I ~:L l ol l:-·"l"lJ l -uuu....J l ll'!l rdn:'l....o ....U!\'II I'.I ";-.'1lI:1l ~"!1I ~III;;lJl'.'111 .J'I.1 !o 1~·II:.n;"lll;-J 1(1.1 U O!l e ."'!It.h .h ~ til:(I I 1»:'J...'J III!'"!';;U!P Utl ~U1 i :..,'IU "'tl:m 1l':1I'J OU:Jl"!U!CJpl: ::U!llut ."111.·II:.'\.'II.'J .Jl',l UU!Ir.·...!I'IlII:.h l _'UlI,-.'111 II:J.):"J.J.'U!.:'01.1 11 1:1\'"~l:!>\!,'!1qn;:.'J II.'"'"0 1 P .""!qll'O 'tlll!1 1:.:'!Ilhll:noun "l q l ~"\~t "J ....\II t:1l "!o l!UIJ:",J ·IUl:....\o ....'1 ;;U!p...."I;l'<:....tou p O!J:"d ...UI!l P:"1!Ull l I'J(I.I ,1 IWll !>'p:ln ~:,!U"'II ·'"-s uuuo.t (l1l!le d n .1.1 U ;'lU lO H ·,I :.\\U.'1I-l !UI!1 "tIl!1 1!I UJ ,J ,I -!'UU!II:dn."l ."l I).,m oll 051 'S S1o:I ('~o r 'L I §lfL hl):{'11lOl 'AI !llP!,\"ti l tI!s ,:\!U:"d OJd J ;'lJH!t'l It I U,:I W!JPI'J O SnU!JIlfu!:"0.1 r lllO.",J O 'J"'l tfcq:l ~!ql .10 SUO!<;!.HlHl 01 111 l ll !....\UIJ0.TU0.1 t o u m ."....Sll p :"S odOJd ;l ql l tlll SpU~1 cq J!1l0PI::'!Idde ;'1 111 ,<lt ~1'UCIIS J OlCJIS!U!Ul rr:;i U!U Ol .'lU ·.\l!U!J'":;"t IIU!S="S 1l J ;1l11U Ill!.".\lq!lCt!U IO....p uc J;l ldt q.:'l S!Q1 ,1 0 nU)ul:OJ!nb;lJ ~L11 1I1!....'".:)IIl:pJ O.1 .:'1[:U!uonednroo aurcq .;Iq1 '0 UO I)r.J,:Ido ~~iU r.JC l1:i 01 ,(J e ss;';);lU sur ocp J01tJ)$IUIW pe aUluo7. ';-41 St;SllO!1!PUOJ qons 01 l ;):'lfq ll S s q ,(ew I!WJ ;ld·~4 1 'Jd1d t:tp $!!11 .1 0 $lll~W~J!l \b JJ ~1I1 11 1'....\WJOJ llOJ mt"e sn p asodonl ;lll1 1tll!spuU J t.{J!l !WJ;ld uo undnoooe woq e ~nS5~A'CW JOltJ 15!U!WPC f,U!U07 :'tl1 'uop CJ!lddr:aq r .1 0 .".)!.,:;)J J>IJ'( 'sSU1PU !J puc .1.lU CllSS !I!UU .ld -SU O!u:d tU.)O OI uloH 0 :-1 '8 5"81 ("lOnt*(£i6 1)~'pJO)'J ;l d nF'SIlt:JCl SlU;lWilJ!n b"l ;'lIn q l!....'unojucc w .n uonrdnoao ;)WOII :;"l{1 l IJ!I I.n U!.J:"lIUCCJ ;l1I 1 Htl ;lp U!"q~~ Itl:l[$u Ollt:J!lddr:;llll -uonr -d noao a uroq ;1 111 .10 l'''ln lc~J J ~I IIO puc -s rucpru s J O SIll ;!!!='·U;lUI 0 1S Il;).I0 J ;lqWI1U [':I)I':t.i!J!lUe 'p :l sn eq 01 .\.l.'U!lpr.m J O t u ...uld!ll b .'-u ou modo .1 0 s.Jlloq :iU!fmp~ -uound u ....;'lo :lUIOl[;,\111 -'0 anu cu :l li l t.U!4!JJ S;'P .\IIIl.l lU ,;oWJ1ClS r.x q r ;l!Ut:<;1 WO;);)T:sq Hel ls puc ·J O l t J1 S ~U !W P r.;'iU!UOZ -;'\111 Aq p:qp;)S;lJd ULJ OJ e uo e p eur eq Hells 1I 0!Jc:)!!dd'('J Ol tJ 1S!tJ'!WPC eu!'.:o;::;141 x q 1!Wl ;1 d u cundnaoo :ncOll r..1 0 ""ur.nss! 01 IJ;lfqns aq UtllS ';'I 11 !1 S!IP .1 0 S~O !S !AO Jd :'I lIl ,(q esu .(JOSS",.J:JC ue $1:p ..mun ad ~l ;lll'"-c c u cc nooo ;lWOIl r..10 l:'ll\f'lllO :l :'lILL •p;l J!nb.J I !WJ.ld -SUO!I CUU;);)(J .l IUOH Ot I 'S5'SI Si>:OIL\'ln0311 l\'.Lr-.'31~31ddnS •• b "·11 -. ""./ ) - •osie-f fJ.vtSI f;<rVUj J u,T <$/6 (-7 (j)fO/r +PrJ " ;.. .:.'~j'.'.",,. ,. ", ":.., "',. ,," ". .~""".,,.....-'-,.,', ,;r, ".~-..,.,". ..~. • '. t o protect the owners of l ot.a The l:"eal p roperty descrI bed I n "2 - .-, ..:...pa ra qra ph s a nd SUbparagraphs of t hi s Declol1ration is th ~v ail I n termountain Developme nt Subdivi s ion ,Co unty of Eag le,St ate ot Colorado.the Hap or w-hic h waa fi led on June ~.191 0.in Book -!!!-a t Page ~o rt he r e c o r d s of the Cl erk a nd Re c orde r • -, ;~.-:"" ," ";'; "..'~.: '-'......,' .','.!;:.,;..~e .:'-~'.. ,,~.:":",('~·~;t .!.--~,!;;...-: :.,';:.~~~'.~:~;"-'.:'ij·;-,»,.;.I I '1'-'~~~"'j -('.•,••~...:"..•.:"1"J '.'••'".'.':-';.i:"~?:-,:t!:.::"'·O:-:-I :<"S.;.:':.:-,t ~,·J 1=".,.:".:.':':'·';~i~...~Y~+~;f}:::">:~+~:::::"":.:~ 'i{''"~'--t••~••'.".',.'.~::·:.t.;./:':~;:'~~·~;.:;~"~',,:~::'.,:",:tal ·Corrne rcial Lot-ahall lMan •lot which can b. J}-,i~f.j~:~~;"~.d.for ',-~td .l odqe.h ote 1 ,c ondolllniWl or apartment Iwhic h ;.···::·:-:).r;··.•.;-....,.,!'"j ' ..~:!.}::~.:..:;lUy includo DOra than on e b u lldlnq ),p lua i nci d ental b u lln..., ;~,:~r·._:,~~';;'":.,.-.»::.',' ··:_~.<-,"·:(~::r .•u eh '....reataurant or b ar,p l:'ov lded a uch i ncidental b u dn... <.~.•.•,..•'l.~.;";.;,;........'". ~.!t1:;.:.~~·:~·~:.~."s ubordinate to tho main un !tor a ucll l ot and h locat ed .';,.(.:•.•~':;".".',c."._. 'f:;'~~%~:~'~~~'~~~'~y within the p ri n ci pal b Ui lding on e acll a u ch lo t.No twith~ ~.~.!.m ~:~;;::,,~~~~d:':I g a~ythin 9't o the c on t.rar:{h ere in,a c OllVllercial l ot .ay '~:lj:;{L~,~;::;"~I~'be u ~ed f or reside ntiAl p urpoeee ,it wri Hen pfmni ui on t.o .Jt~~:J~t i ~.:.i~~\{h'~~been sec ured from t he Declarant .··i:;(f~;;;':~'-'~.,'~';..,.,.:. .,....:~)~.;~:.:-:'l.i-:',.'....'..2 ':("""fj,u __..•••...1 •••..,.,~,··..-.····\~.i<I !;· F ..'......r....~.'.•~.,",d.f,<'."Paraqra ph 3h ereo f ia lubjecteLi t o the relitricti onl,eevenanee ,t;..·~~:,(;,,·;:·~·-:··;;:;~.;.,-, .•;"'!}:~.i.~i:··":·e ee eeveutene ,ealiement.I ,l i en a and ch ar'lea hereby d e cl ar ed to .'~~V:.~.:.:;::',-''.;-~) ;;.~/~--:.;;.""i nlurs the b e l t ule and the moa t a p propr iollte d eve I epeeae and /."::~;.<f-;.'j-' ,:;,>.i{;:i ;}~-~;b ,prov e tll e nt.of each l ot thereof I ',,~.,~~::'.·,r,~~·;:.:··"·;·.... Jfd~1~,:;\;,:-.::.~~~~n llt.luch i mproper u se of a urrounding lot s as will d epre c i ate ~:\~~~;~:j .(~.::.~Al ~e ~f t h olr pro perty ;to p r e serve ,a o hr as practi cab le, -~r~;.;~..:t~,··,:\:'th e ·na t u r al beauty of sai d p rope rty;t o g u ard aga1nlft t he erec-.:f...;,....:":;.~~.,:'.:,:'.,'.- ;:,::·~.;;51 ::>.i ti o n t he reon of p o or ly d e si gned or p l:"o po rti oned ae euc e urea ,;;;"d "11 •"'d "h ,.••'~.>:,~::.~:..:.tr u cture.b uilt o t i mpr o pe ro r unsuitabl e materia ls I to o btai n .;;::.:?~:::....;. ..•...•-;ha rmon ious c ol or acheme s,to prevent h a pha za r d and inharmon ious.>.~~j.~,/.,;,~~._improvemen t of lots,t o secut'e and llIaintain proper setba cks from...~~... ~f :;>':;;:;~"',;s tree t.s,and adequateer e r spaces b o tween structures,and ,1n ./~:~?~~~,>~-.:g.ne ral,to pr-evfde a deq u atel y f or t he h1'lh quality of i mprove - i,r~::r.:'::~ ,_:/;:~.:.>.~nt .ln s aid p.:-operty,and t he l:"eb y t o enhance t he values of :';';·.··;;r!1:"..,~..·,.;·>.::.:.;.,..··inv ••tm ent.made by pur chase rli of lots t he reLn , ':'~!~:~,~':r .'',3.Prope rty Subje ct t oTh i.De claration .The re al ;;/~,:<'::'·:r\·.~~~pe rty .(the ·Subd i vis i o n ")w-h i ch 11.a nd s h all be,he ld ..n d;';.,.......-.".-..~:.:!~(.-"';:II h all be conveyed ,t.ransf er rt!d a nda old su b je ct t.o t he re st r ie- .;~:,;.j :-.;".'.:."...'"::-.!o:--:·t.i o n ••c ov ena nta,r eservec i c ns ,eas e ments ,lien s a nd c ha rgel wit h ~'.I '.~:','~.<•"'''':'''-::''~.'respec tt o the v a ri ous pa r t10ns t h ere of s et f orth i nt he vari ous .''".;;'i'", i#La;i:~'J!i'i ,."..4.,k·..::.,Q.•.,..~<::,(...-~.,.~'~.~,.;,~'."".r!,-:;:~11."..~'I'.'::~'r "_::,' :.;".,st ru ct ur e ah a ll be e rected ,placed ,a lteredo r mainta i n ~d on any .':".r El maini nq membe r,or memb ers,sha ll havt!full E1 Ol lho rity to •• I n the e ve n t t h e Architectura lCo rn - I n pa ss ing up on a ll su ch -3- 8 c hemes a nd t he locat io ns,c hara cter Lo la 1 ,2,J ,4 ,5 a nd G o!Blo c k I II of the • Ca ) Use s. lot in the Sub divi sion,n or shal l a ny addition there to o r cha ng e ,. '-::";/~x ter l 0 r mate rialB,color ;_:~:an d Dethod of u t il ization of al l utilities ).Ilndp l o t plan showing ,. ''-':''','....re~re l en t a tiv e with li ke au thority ..'.',, ::.:'::p l an s and specifications 8 0 s ubmitt ed , -mitt ee (o r itB rep r es enta tive d uly ap p oi nted)shal l take into ~,:.t '::~:o t d oa th or r esiqnation of any member of a a i d coeeu c eee ,the.,..'.. ,, ~i ,"a p pr ove o rd ilapprove ou ch design a nd i o cati o n,o r to desi gnate ,.~"."'",;'.-. :l '!'i.,,'~:>!i"-";the l o cation of bui l di ng and trees nave been submitted i n :~.•_'":"~.;.J.:'~...,>,..:triplicat El and a pproved in wdtin9 by an Ar ch ite c tural cceeu e t.ee ",.. ;,.......~.,';'.~c om p o I El d of Rober t E .Car t o n,J r .,T im othy R.Gar ton,Da vid ",,,...'"'.'"..(,'.~',.,. .';,Carton,J r .,and Arthur M.Kelton,J r .,or by a r epresen ta t ive.v,,.. -:...d e sig nat ed b y t h e four members o f said Comm i ttee. <, ::. ":.<':,3 ~':,:or alteration therein be made ,unti l t he C'lmp lete p l a ns and,'.",'";.'" :{;;"",~,:)<:'''p e c it l c at i on .(inc luding .but.n ot U mite .:l t o,the fl oor , •.-~.:..O J.:"]-,'•",' "~~""..~.;:e l evation and grading p l ans,the spec i f i cat Lo na of princ ipal \::,".. with • Co mnitte e,I h all see~sut ~i ci e nt . .. •• t oo rDyt ak in9 pos se l sion ther eo f,c o ve na n t s 4 nd 4 gree s th at each build inq or othe rs tru ctu re (or add ition ,c hang e o r al t er a - o r o c cu pant of ea ch a nd e v~r y l ot .b y a c c e pt ance of tit le t here- -,- b u ilding or o t he r .tructure.al p lanned ,on t h~outlJ ok t rom a djacent or neighb or ing l otl l provided,h owe ver,that retu.al at approval of p la~5 I n d l pec l fic ati ons b y luch Co ~itt e e aay be b ase d o n any re a son a ble ground ,i nc luding p ure ly a esthetic nate d r epr e l .ntativ e .fa ils t o a ppr o ve o r di s app r ove such d e si gn it i l to be built ,to the lot upon wh ich it i .t o be er,.·;ted. the hl ClDO ny thereat with thl 'lunoundin9'and the ettec t of the t o enj oI n the erect io n o t s u ch bui ldi ng l o r t~e m ~ki ng ot s u c h add itio n .c hangeo r alte r ati on th ere ot)I.a s t.e ~n cOl1\l1'lC nced p rior t ion t he r e of I sha ll b e c onstruct e d,erec t ed and ~.i nt~in .d o n l y i n I tr ic t a cc ordan c e wi th the pIa ,sa nd s pec if i cati o ns so a pp roved by the c ommitt ee .I n the e v e ~t ia i d Co mm ittee,o r it s d es ig - Whe th er o r n o ~p r ov isiont h erefor is l peci f ic al ly fic atl ons h ave b e e n 3 utm i t ted t o it o r,i n a ny e v ent ,i f n o s u i t g r o unds,which .in the l ol e and uncont rol l~d di lcret10n ot ~u and l ocati on wi t hi n t h irty 130 )days aft e r s ai d plans and spe ci - and th is cove n an t ~h a l l be dcc ~d t o h ave b e en f ull y c omp l i ed f or o f t -st re e t p ~r k i n q f o r o ne v ehi cle pc r co ndo ~l n ium .h ot ~l o r to the c o~pl et i On thereof.lIuch ap prova l Sha ll nO t be r equ ired Ita ted in any conveyance of •l ot i n the S u bdi vi l i on .the owner 6 .Pa r kin1 'All r e sid en tia l l ot s s ha ll prov i do .d ~quato spaca for o f f -lI t r~c t p~rkin9 f or tw o v ~hic l c5 p er d ~~l li n 9 unit . All pu r chase r s o f comme rcial l ot s sh al l pro vi de ad~q u ~te £pacv conlidlration.among othe r thingl,the l u it abil ity a t the p ro- poled bui ldin9 o r o the r Itructure ,a nd the ..t e riall o f which u.e r ecn wh ich lIl a y be or l;..,;.:;;::c .1n ')l'I n o~'.1 n c e o r n ui s an ce f a th e apartmen t un it o r t he l ik e . 7.Nu i san c es.~o n o xious o r of f en Sive tr ade o r activi ty neighborhood • I hallb e c arr i e d o n upo n any l ot .n o r s ha ll a n ythi n q b e don e " ,;: ....,:. ,,, "..' ,,, " , "'.' ", ~~;:i :':..'. '":". ".' }":'s.. .'.':',:..I r ;'".'": .... •~•.I,'. ,:, ,, ..':..\.: '~.,. .j':,'::,-= ,...,~l..~."".'~.'.'"",':;.Y .: :. .,., ,I ':,., r :.':, "" j ";:;-1 ".j',~~.."a ,1' d~· ....,;' " ~:. ..'. ~~. ,, ~.:~,. ,,' •'..' :., "." .;. ,', ". ".'.,, " I :, "....''..'., " I ,.,,',."'- 'l ~.- '1 '."!:';' No pr iv a t ~wdl la No trailer ,b a a e ~n t ,tent. h li buildi ng'or o the~at r uc- a pproved in writInq by the•• -5 - NO fen c e,wall ar sImi lar type b ar ri er o f Tre el on a ny l ot ,e xcep tt o the exten t n ec.~- Ea ch b u ildinq o rs truc ture d esIqned t or Ea ch buil d ing or s truc tu re desi gn ed fo c Fen ces . Sewe r . T .apo~arY S tructur ••• 1 0.!!!..!!.. 11. 13 .~. H. .-,- (6)IlOntha'~r1od. ap pro val of Decla rant ia o btai nerl in wr l t ln ~~x t ~ndin q s uch aix aey for c o nstruction purpos e ., an y kind ahall be c:::on~tr uctc d ,erec tedo r mainta i ~ed o n ~n y lo t, of a b uildIng to be e r ecte i o n a l ot. 12. t ies .ade avai lable at a ny t ime by Dec la rant • ai gna).b illboards or oth er a dv er tia inga truc ture of any k ind ahall be ere cted,con stru ctedo r ~ai ntained on a ny l otf or any purpoae vh atl06ver.e xcepta uch 8i 9 ns a s h ave been approved by Decl arant i n writiRq either tor i de ntifi cat ion o f r e ai dence.or placea ot business or other uses . o ccupan cy o r use by h uman beIngss hall connect with wat er t a elli - irrigati o n. occupancy or ule by h uman be ing .~ha ll c onnect with 8 cw~r •ha ll be u aed as •aource ot vater fo rhu man co n9umpti on o r "c uted dil1qantly to compl etion a n.l in a ny event aha llb ...c ompleted wi thin 8 ix (6)month a fr OM c:::ommer.ceme nt or conatr uct ion unle a • .:' .-. .. ..-, '.. .' " .:..' :;... ::'.:~."j ':";" .•,I.,. l .::. ;:'1:.:.;:.j" ::".,; :.]/:;~: :":;',".'I :~.~,.:1,);!.~;~t.,':'Architectura l CO lMl ittee,sll all n ot b e 1":",.,trilMted 01.'r em ove d ~.~~~."t "..'fr om any lot.except th at Dec larant .f rom time to t i nt a ,may ~I ;:::;:,;<'::.::...'_' I :'......"...a pprove aome th innlnq or tr i ll.minq it i t s eems de si rable .'l!·r <.~:J;i~.~.~:.., ,"'. .'. Ea c h p r op- NO pdvato The re shal l be no general ••• NO a nimals,l i ve st oc k,horses 'orLivestock. Setback Req u irement s• l6 . 19. '. erty own.r sha ll provide a u lt able recep tacl e.fo r the t e=po r ary Sub divisi on . s torag e a nd col lecti o n at r etu ••and all s uch r ece ptacles a h all b es c reened fr om publ ic v i ew and p r ot ected fra Nd istu rban ce,a nd ahall b .in comp lete c onf o rmity Jith .an itary r ules and r eg ul a· 1 7 .Min i n g .Mining ope rat io ns a f any kInd ,o r q uar ry- ing ah all n ot b e permit ted u l~n o r i n a ny o ft he l o t s in th e Sub division,no r shal l t unnel s,minera l e x c a v ati ons or s haft 5 be perm It ted up o n or i n a ny of the said l o tB. 1 8.Lig ht ing.Any l ight u sed t o il l u~l na t e sig ns , park ing a r e a s o r f o r any o ther pu rpos es ,s ha ll b ~8 0 ~r ra ng e d as 'to r efl e ct the l ig ht a w ~y f rom n e ar by r es lden tia l p roperties a nd away f rom the vi sion o~pa ss Lng mot o rists . rule f or the l o ca tion df Imrrov8me nt s wi t h r c ldt i on t o p r o perty line s,b ut al l a ctu al c ons t r uc tion si tos 5 h ~1 1 r e c e ive the wr It ten a ppr ov al o f the Archit oc tu ral Co ~i t t~c. a nd r c pl ~n t e d i n nati ve g rass ,c~c cp t whe re such areas a rc t o t h erefor h ave b een .approve d by the Ar c hit e ctu ral Comml.ttuu. b e l~proved by t he cons tr uc t ion o f q 3r dc n s,l a wns a n d e xter io r livI ng area s,which s h a ll be pe r mitted on l y af te rt h e pl.sn s ..': " ..... .'" '. ,. l ''. ~.'.":::., pou l try (except dog s,ca ts and ul ~er pet s,n u ~.r in g n ot more f or camnercial pur poses)s h a ll b e k ept,r a ised o r bred in the ".t.: NO t ra ah,a st.tu o r other r efuse a ha ll bo than three {JI,c o l lectively,f or h o useh o ld e njo yraent a ndno t ...' ,.,..,' ,,'~20.Lan ds c ap inq .All s ur f a c e a re~s di st ur bed b y c o n- .if ,"::.'.:',',.. .:,,"::.s t ructi on sholil l b er et urn ed p rolnpt ly t o t hei r n<\tura l condition .'"" l.." ~~~,t iona .No g arbag e in cineration sha ll be pe r.lt t.d. ..'~.. •• '",. "s hall,t o the e xtent or such as sig nment ,h .l.YC the 1J<lmll rig hts • "'," -,- • 25 .~iqht t o Enforce .Tho pro visi ons co ntained in th is Declaration s hal l b ind a nd i n ur ~t o t he benefit of a nd be o t t he covenants or r ••~rictl o ns ,ontained herein ~dY b e had at ..;--.",.I J By /_1.,._t "....I .~~i ....' Ccn cr al P.Jrtnc t o f D~tt ncvc r c pecne Comp ..n y /th e Cen e r al r a rt n er of Va il I nt e r mou n t~i n Asso c iates rue r OR EGO I NC Oec l.Jr.1 t,ion o C vs tt I n tt-r mo unt ..i.n as ec- " a nd powe r .a nd r es ervation o f O&cl arant her~~n c ontain~d may be r,·-··_ 2 6.Assiqnment ot Powe r ~.Any o r a l l o f t he r ights V,\IL IN TJ::K1'luU~T""'IN ASSOC I ATES .., or r e .t ri c t ion . ticu lllr riqh ts lind powe r s a nd r e s crya ti o h.a5.5 igncd ;a nd u pon any such c o rporat ion or a ssociat i on ev idenci ng i ts c onse nt in o rg ani zed o rwhichmay hereafter be o rgan i1ed and whi ch will .nrorceable by Declarant o rt h e owner o r ownor.o f a ny por tI o n of ••id property,or the i r lin d e ach of the ir l eglll r epr e a e n ta· t 1v.a,he ir s.a ucce sso rs a nd II s si gn 'l a n d fa ilure by Declarant , or by a ny oth ~r p r oper tyo wner.or t he ir l e gal r e p re .e ntative ', h .ir••succ e "or.o ra ••i9 n ••t o erfo rce a ny ot s uch c o n di tion ', r e stri c ti o n .o rc har ges he rein con .dined shall in no eve nt b e d ee =ed a waiv er at t he r ig ht t ode .0 hereafter.Enfo rcemen t a re q iven t o a nd a s sumed b y ~ec 1 4 r a n t h ere in . and power .a nd b e sub je ct to t he samu ob l i<jati ons a nd dut ies as .s si g ned t o any othe r corpo ra tio n or .ssoci hti on which is now e i ates was a cknowl edgcrl b y "'wr it ing t o accept lIuch as s ig n.lIcnl ..nd .l S.UITlt!s uch <:u t i Qs ,i t ~l aw or i n eq ui ty a q ainst any pe e s on ,p oJ rtnersh lp .co rpo r.J tion or e n ti ty viola t i ng o ra ttemptingt o vi Ola te an y s uch co~cn an t 'i l • .' -.,. • :'- '.. i ..: ,, l,' :: '.," " ..,' ';:.I :~::", " .:" ,r' day ,, A ({ •"'-.•,I !'\.« -le al. ot ary \itIIi,{, -,- 191 0. th e Cener al Partner or / A••o ciatel.ee eore lIltJ t hh --!:.,v e xp l re~1 ,', " ,.. " ",'. .···l'artner af Dart Development Comp any . " ..' :: '. ':~.:.uch r8al property J NOW ,THEREF ORE,i nc on a1de rati o n o f the p remises ,Va il Intermountain Asso ci ate .he reby d e cl a res t h ~t t h~conditio n s , covenanta ,re atr1 ct ionB a nd ea 8 e ~n t s affect i ng s uch re al proper ty ah allbe and here by are a~ended t o a dd t he f ollowing n umbcr~d paragraph I -27 .Ut ili tf Se rv ice.All c onsumer utili ty .erVlc e 1 nes,l ncl udinq ,but not limi ted t o,po wer l 1ne a,ga .li ne e,tel ephone l 1nes an d cable tele via ion servi ce l ines ,sh all be i n s ta l l ud under the s ur lace o f e ach l o ts o a e t o c onn ect wi th ut ility s ervice .p r o v ided by pub lic util ity co~pani.a o r asso ciati on.a arvlnq the subdi vi· I , ,",._..', OWNLR VAI L I ,;TERz.JOUii1"AIN xs s ccr c ees r:-,C)/ B y ,.f d __;;7~7J'1 7 Cene ra l P d r ~n~r o f cage'D~ve lorl"l.::nt c...>mp.:any ,~h e Ge ne ral Partn",r o f Vai l I nt er ftO un t ~i n Asso ciates -,- a ion .Al l i na t a ll.tLona o fau c h l in•••h all be a cc om pli.ne d in ac cordanca with the .pec if i ca elona r equired by var io us publ ic utiliti ••providi n9 ••rvice.to the l oti n que.t ion on the data when .ueh in~t3 1 1lt l o n s are ~~~e .· My COll\llli liliS ion Expi res ;/ Th"!o rtlg oi ug Am l!n..lllli!'nt o f ';ond it ions,c cvenen t.s , And p ar.ir.ph 4 (a )ah .ll b e amend.d t o readl 4.U....(al Loti 1,2 ,3,5,a nd 6 ot Block III or-thlll S ub divhL on,a n d Loti 1,2,J ,4 ,5, 6,7.8 ,9,a nd lO ot B lo ck I a t t he .ubd lv14 1on. ahall be u .ed a nlr .1 r es ide nt i al I ota.Lot " of Block III a hal b.ua Md o nly a ••resi dent ial l ot e xcept that •tW O-f ~11 y d wel ling c a n.tructed ther eon ••y b.t wo phys Ic a lly a.para te unit•• I N WITNES S WHE REOF ,the u nd l!cII I'J nert.'.':u ~I n t ...r mo un t:;;ln A••octatea ,h et e xecuted t h i s amen dment t o t he c ond it ions , c ovenan ts,r es tr ic tions and ea$~~ent$affectinq Bl ocks 2.) and 4.Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision .Eaq le Co u nty . Col orado,and has .at f or th on the li n",cppos Lc e such si qnat"Il'e the l ots i n sa id IH o cks 2,J and.of said subdiv ision O~.i ed b y the u ndersig n ed on t he dll tt'ee re er . DESCRIPT IOO Lots ~~\0;.(1',~~~'<:}6 "•..-.:: L ..'u ~~.?~-r t.M ......~ t ..JI 4 ~~"!':.,~4't:/•..;-SL STATE OF CO;,oR.\OO ) I 55. COUNTY OF EACLF:) Re.trlctions and t.:a.ements Affec ting ~l o~,s 2 ,J .a nJ 4 of th e Va ll Inte rmoun ta in De velopme nt SubJivi .i o n ,Co unty o r l:aq le , Partner of Vail I nt er.aunta i n A ~50~i al~•• ,\ day Of --..'1971 . WITNt.:S S my h ol nd a nd o t t ic ial sc~l . 'a General P ar tn er o fDar t oeve i crecne Company ,t h ..c cne r a t :, .' " ,, . ..,". r.',1 :'-;,Sta te Of Co lorado ,wa s acknow led ged by-".,_~i'C'"'~'-"'~-'--'-":'_..!.,--_,.. A n ...I .~, ;r ~r'-~ " r ~t f~;;I ~~,Je,11..l Ha ~.-,r~~ I I t H l fH f ," c.i. .'., ,. " ,.• / (Randy Stouder.. .--.--. (,",hJ ,-Sf<'" "/'-I •• ,. .,, " • :Jtj1...Gil:f -11 0 *-~/I"O -(;1 vt-:...!~~,/<,..£~ /'i>YV'1",-'y to .!/..1.)11-/)...Y (!,~II "I LA Dt--yiJr IOiW (JCe....-~-j),yo Bt:rlrvG ~H 3H ,r!e:LY )--I;j ~:s 1'1"1 ('.#..3 I;';ex l vi?y-lv I J P I flJ:;:H'(IJAflY':r 1.J..~::t-9 Ar1 'I!f$J;4"'-¢.-sf't~-f-OTN w..,~...vr.A u~;n ~ ..S Yt1I<i.=s ('-OM./~'t Go I;-....R,-+oTN<::A c~fJ.Jl' .~1/,')()R1 7 VSN/<'-~~t"#:i-I ~[ !FtfJ..-G NytJ'AfJ:vo:;;(/It .t-cJl/fr J C:Y"ff'-~'j,!~ :ifJ~~.G »r Qyvl;:IJ M 'iJ J-,'3!'-I!l ..?'-t ~1«:1-1 lA4in-C'rLJg:"~1J e ~;'b y N/.(J(J../J I'':{ )...=>iL ,7<J':l 1---./G l~l'Cf1 ",1"-/~=f ts/IA F'IA~ 'J..[,~~7J!'"i./eJ",-0/6 ,yrJ (!O:l'1fk.;"'t::7)v-f'..>Mi<-,,"~'i:A.. .1 Cfl13.3 H tf:'f'..~(-:l...l:::'I-1 fl."'j ~£:o!J I1T'0 ,,-,,"-'5 ¥.DO 1'1"'1 ,~.,c-AI-..fbI ?/IJ.-G'My ()AA.-:::r I ],I 'S 'f~('~.A AI F lA G'f-IyllJA/IYVt C'--11l U"*<\' ,I/~CIt/;PUl l c r.,) ')...,<";(L :.'.}..I ':l-Ai'1 M~£:'II ('--(,7 1fT'~~'iJT ../'>./IJA,I v~1A./)1 'J-crfl-.'t ':16 A r-:D '~M ?~l '""-:f./z::;a...c f ~"ll '-~J4I L-I Ii(J, ~07).,/0,-:>0 /'1 /'1 (~,q..fl~y )I'J.L.-o 0 0 .4 U 91:)-- ?"d ~'?J D J4 t-/)r...f:A I'!JI F/p-s t'7Af'.,..:;r l ilA...-1l1~"1 ')...f'/J..-,-,I1l';fl..rJ/rJ,7'l','Y',A.v,±r-1'J(I,/IV S't1ve-~:- ..:L ')Dr.:':I ,I'I I ,:;.CIV/I U>l ~I:::::t./fr f-I0 cl at>- .:7 ·')0 f ~-'r4'1t<-311 '--t..-11\/ J p.i)..t1MM ..-..J',-~.~l.?"/l-L-TNi>JA,c CJ'?'l./!-G {O '3}<-n c-r~'T ';-10 '-C , .s.CMi()J..Q f.~/rr ,;t....»o 'iA u Q.,k.LvfTH :/o.~'5"IJ,..1 'Jct:f /';I./~)"h~'$.0 C-crnJJ c- ~":;;MfL rty Cf;;- AI$f!'.~/;"~:.r ,Ai .Ii 71 r../I i,,~.. PW''s -~t;"-'-D~r '[I"sJroh' I)f""~~~-.....~'lIoJ,;,1\.1 '2-)+/(<?'j &'-(~tt ~~/MY'-~• !<l oIn La'5.i lICCOtCllr Counl~. 1)Strut 2)Th e 'e CI '"1)< "'noe 4)Du e If tee• Ce<1I.,.. PIli "'",",.,.. tt>e II I ~.tI .,n p"epCl' OR J lol P RO~' 101 !h .U ' I ;"~'fUr 6o"Ct'll •.:I c onn.cl iOl' .,c 8$l 1 ", C1 ",c tib e Cl A.P P4RENT0&",pcn.e Lot 2 • Lo t .3 N 44"3ioo·w /5O.CO · f'(Ml;O RnIAR ,.AUAfHUW CAP.cs,l ea27 J.- /~ /. /~/. /l? I ~:J /of,'" / /- rnuNO-REBA.A ill .,/" 'l1lJ.OW PLASTIC eN>,. I EXISTINGG....SU NE-\--/ I --- Lo t6 •.---------..A por1dnq 0'00 -----....~-- GRAPHI C SCALE t::.-124'27 '57" R -4-5.00' T •as .•r: l -97 .76' LUPINECOURT ---.-<>: .i->: -- _.- .s->:- .. I (...•• LEDER OF CREDIT FORMAT legal Desc ri pti o n ;Lot~B ~Z-­ Subdivision!nr e r mollD fiit'Q..su b . Add res s2672Lu pineCou rt I Va il Dille of E xpi rat~;.I\I]Y 15.199 5 DEVELOPER IM PROVEM ENTAG REEMENT THIS AG REEMENT,made ande nteredintoth is 1 0 th dayot Ma rc h.19~b y andamong H a rr )'c .Gray [herel natterc alled the 'Develope r").andthe T OWN OFVAI L (hereinafter call ed t he "Town")and 1 st Ban k o f (h ere inafter cal led th e "B an k "). Va il WH EREAS .the D eve loper.asaco nd itionof approval oft he Gr ay Reside nce plans.dated Marc h 18,,19 ~wis hes to enter intoaDeveloper Improvement Ag reement;and W HEREAS,t heDev eloper isob ligated toprov idesecu rity or co llateral s ufficientin th e jUdgme nt oftheTow n to make reasonable p rovisionsfor com pletion o f ce rtain i mp rov e ments se lforthbelow ;and W HEREAS.theD eveloper w ishes to provi de coll ateral to guaranteeperf orma nce o f th is Ag reement.inclUdingc onstructionofthe above-referenced im p rovemen tsbyme ansoft he tollow ing: Developer agrees to establish a letter at credit with aB ankinEagle County inadoUar amount of $1 3 ,468 7 5(125'%ofthetota l cost oft he work sh ownbe low)topr ovide s ec u rityf or thefo llowing : IMPROVEMENT -La nd sca pi n g/g r a di n g -Dr iveway pav ing -Fini Rh c oa t f o r s tu cco Det a ilsfo r t h e above-des c ribed work a re p r ov ided on Attac hment A. NOW,THEREFORE,incon sideration ofthe following mutual c ovenant s a nd agreements.th e De ve loper andtheTownag ree as f ollows : 1.The De velo per agrees.at itssale costa nde xpenses,t efu rnish all equ ipment an d material necessary to pertorm and c ompletea ll improve men ts ,onor before J u ly 1.1995.The Deve loper shall comple te ,ina good workman like m anner,all improveme ntsas listed ab ove.inac cordance w ith all plans a nd spec ifications f iled i n t he off ice ofthe Community Developm ent Department.theTow n ofVa il,andtod o all wor1< incidentalt hereto according t oand inc ompliancew ithth ef ollowing : a.Such other de signs.drawings,maps ,specifi cations,sk etches,and o ther matter subm ittedby th e D eveloperto beapp rovedb y an yot th e above-referenced g overnmental e ntities.Allsaidw ork shall bed ene undert hein sp ection of ,and to th es atisfactionof,t heT ownE ngineer,t he T own B uilding Offic ial ,or o ther offid.:11 f rnmt hAT own /)f Vai l ,as affect'9d by special districts or serv lce districts, as th ei r re spective interest may appear,an d s hall not b e d eemedco mplete u ntil approved and accepted as completed by t he To wnofVail Co mmunity Deve lopment Department andPubl ic W orKs Department. 2 .To secure and guaranteepe rformanceof it s o b ligations assetforthh erein ,th e De ve loper agrees to provide sec urityand collateral asfo llows: Pa ge 1013 •, t '....•• Irr evoc able letter o f credit #932 6731 in the a mounto f $J 3 ,500 00 with ls t;Bank of Vail (name of bankin Eagle Co unty )as thesecurity for the i mp rov emen tssetforth above itt here isade fau lt under the Agreement b y Developer. 3.T heDevelope rmayatany time substitute the collate ra l originallysetforth abo ve fora nother format collateral acceptable tothe T ownt og uaranteethef aithfu l co mpletio n of thosei mprovements referred tohere in a nd th epe rformance o ftheterms ofth is Agreement.Suc h acceptance b ytheT own o f alte rn ative c ollaterals hall beatth eT own 'ssa le d iscretion . 4.T he T ownshallnot,norshall a nyofficeroremployee thereof,beli able or res ponsibleforany accide nt,loss o r d amagehap peningor occ urringto the w ork speci fiedin t his Agreement prior to t hec ompletion a nd acc eptance o fthe s ame .nor s hallth e Town ,no r any officer or employee th ereof,be liablefor an y persons o rprop ertyinjuredb y rea so nofth e natureofsa id work.but a ll of said liabilities sha ll andarehe reb y as sumed bytheDe veloper. T heDevelope rhe reby agrees toindemnify a ndh old harmless th e Town,a ndan yo fits officers ,age nts and employees againstany losses ,cl aims.dam ages,orliabilities to which the Townor an yof its officers.agents or employees maybe come SUbjectt o.insofar as a nysuch tosses ,claims,damages or liabilities (oractions inrespectthe reof)t hatariseo utof o ra re based upona ny p erio nnanceb y t heDeveloper hereunder;and t he D eveloper shall re imburse theT own foranyan d alllegaloroth ere xpenses reasonably incurred bytheTownin c onnectionw ith investigatingo rd efending an y such loss.c laim .damage,liabi lityor action. This i nd emnity provision shall b e inaddi tion toanyother liability which the Developer may have. 5 .It is mu t ually ag reed thattheDe vel oper m ayapp lytothe T ownan d theTo wn s hall a uthorize for partialre leaseof t he collatera l depo sitedwi th t he Town fo re ach category of improvement at s uchti me ass uch improvements a re c onstructed in co mpliance w ith a ll plans an ds peci ficatio ns as referen cedhe reunder and acc eptedby t heT own .Un derno c ondition wi llth ea mount of t he collateral tha t is b eing he ld be reducedbe lowthe amoun t necessary t o complete such im provements . 6 .If t he Town d eterm ines .at its sale discretion ,t hatan y o f th e improvements con tem platedh ereundera renot con structedinco mplia nce w ith the p lans a ndsp ecifications set forthinthisAg reement o n or before t he dat e setforth in P ara graph 2 ,th e T ow n ma y.bu t s hallnotbereq uired to ,redeemthe leiter of credit as necessary tocom p leteth e un finished improvements .The B ankshallrel ease s uchfunds upon written request fromthe T own stating th at the im p rove m ents have notbeen c omp leteda sreq ui red b ythi sagr eement.T he Ban k shall n ot require t he concurre nce ofthe developer prior torele ase ofth e fu nds t o the To wn nor sh all the Bankberequ ired tove rifyindependentlyt hat such improvements have not b een c ompletedasrequ ired bythis agreement.butshall release such funds so lely upo n t he Town 's written req uest. Ift he c osts ofcom pleting the work e xceedt heam ountofth e deposit,the e xcess, toge ther with interestat twelve percent peran num,sh allbe alienaga inst t he property an d ma y be collected by civil s uitormaybe c ertifiedtothet reasurer of Eagl eC ounty to b e co llected i n t he sa me manner as de li nquent ad valorem tax es l evied a ga inst su ch p roperty.If t he permit holder failsor refusestoco mplete t he c leanup an dlandscaping ,a s d efined in t his c hapter,s uchfai lure or refusalsh allbe co nsidered a v iolationof the Zo ning Code. 7 .T heD eveloper w a rrants a ll w ork and materialfora period of one y e a r after acceptance ofall wo rkreferred to inthis Ag reementb y the T own if s uchwo rk is located o n Tow nof Vail pr opertyor wi thin Town ofVailr ight-ot-way p ursuant to Section 17.16 .250. 8.The parties hereto mu tually ::ig ree t hat thi s Agr AA ment ma y be amendedf rom timet o time,p rov ided thatsu cha mendments be in writ ing a nd executedb yallpa rt ies he reto . D ated the da y and year fi rst above writte n. Page 2 01 3 • STATEO FCOLORADO ) )5 5 . C OUNTYOFEAGLE ) 1lJ -Thp fo ,ego ;"A!1"""'ope,!:,p",,e'J"l"'Ag ".eme,,'wu acMowledged belote me 'h ;,/t fj,day 0 1 ,Ctfr !l .1rr12 by uia:gr'U4 .a v Witness my handa nd officialseal. My commission e '/IfJ ife s :8!1!i/91 STATE OFCOLORADO I )5 5. C OUNTY OFEAGLE )C-_A •I r.r/The f03:~Deveicoer ''''W,e,""rn A::,""",was ockoow'edged beto remeIhos jfJft,y 01~ 19:pb~'~iO /).J,;iJA~. Witness my hand a ndofficial seal. MYcomm ,,,,,"o'P ;,e'~/l ~_~ Notary P STATE OF COLORADO ) )55. CO UNTY O FEAGLE ) OC Tho fo '~t"9 Dr 0 lope,,mp""o '"""jAg ,~rn f,'od,"ow~b~')1oth;,/0/4o y01 I I&Qb 19l.Lby ()Jet'0 (5 rw 4'i CxfW ""i'ilce -lldsilQr!t o r tm5j;1:,,;{Sf~bi7 Witness myhand a nd offic ial seal. My commissio nexpires:8/5/91, NOl ary Publc 1"1 ,...i.,-j',..''''l"":,•I ._• •-,'"..rll~ ..'.".1 .......:..;~I l '"•.P:::::~t ~ • , I,I, •,j i.'•, f, 301fott\TCRN,COL1 RADO 81645 • 1 ; by Ch ip"B&Il ,1 ;, n, 1 (l-hous e ,, inst al led ; ea.1".t6)1,,<5 t n atai t ed , P l antl ng p er pl an ( - L"nd,cap 1 ng : Stone ) li ~I H ~;;;;\" 'r ..,,·r '." 'T'!'.~!:l '. DRAY-STONE tONs'"ucrtos AN D DE VE LO PMENT,INC.',0,"ox '".........'.;~,c i !. "',~J ;1.l.~,;• '11 ,;f " :u-~il :t own 'of Vai l I '..I1,-~,,,,.('i ,ep t.~o f c oem,Dev. \;1>1 111 1 S;Front egeRd.W..;I ~;Vall ,i CO ''Sf~~;1 .:h,~...;.,I.10 _ .&"-!""I;~J:rli -,\~..;....1 .,.I , ,~!'"I.f~';'~~.RA Y RES IDENCE,l ot6 ,block 2 ,Int e r eount e.tn i 'l'i ii,. i~;:~.,"":;J .::.,,. .}~:~~'!·t)ll Q\d .n,g a re C OSt3 to complete L andscap i ng .J'•'•. '"",',:,I JOOlor coa t)t ·,.. :'j ?i Id'i i ' ';1'i.!3,€>OO .00 Dr 1veway :A.phalt .Quot ed i,.,3.00 p er ft . l'I .'q i.;',n.-i !~ ~I'"",..4,8 7 ~.0 0 ~t-l :..:,- 'i~~·,~;rt [$075 7 A.p en !!$12~ea .H '~:"2925 9 conife rs !l $325 F';,;I 375 ,5 e hr ube (!!l $'/0 ea..I ~';,.1 500 See d and strawHid'",~ "r '''~'''r.--.-..---------.----.~-.-.-.-•.---------.---..'I 'I"v 1 ~~·::t:}{~;l 2,5 o o .o0 ·;::::0'::~::coat ,I:a bor on t y,n"~J l a)"On b fl t ~l :~;;~.~.;~.1 ~:;...P er Luve r enc e Bros P Last e r Lng propo aa;':.tr:;.;,''~~~·ld "';,I .'1 ·/·,.,.,"',.~t ''••••,•,.\"!hi.J.:;,.':o ..-'j ~ ,,:.~'I •--~Q=-TcT-t:..--l··-'-------·----:--·-~--··-7·,--.-···-~~1 -'il1 :+/-j'~,~~:'\1{",H',10.77",.'0 "0 a '.'.,'""m"':;:";;':'.~.,~••~II '+.~.,"j ,'.;.~I '~:~;"r ':I "I 'I""Ylli\·'!l'j ~f ;t '~:'.f ::1::;..~/-~·,.,~tl,l :'I t-1 1::<·:~-.,j.i ~·:""",,-'~•.~~.I··,i\I-!····"'-'l".i.,.~,1 ~l e a :;e 'ca ll with any questlon9,I..';[:1 ..:;';.U·_~"i. !rJ .1 :1 l ~j!~;:··r:~~ th';ct <;'1 I':j;''."'-,.Iu ;.~t ;~.1~~I ~:l -:ft:~'~n'_'t.'I ",."'~'l '.;,",'i ,;,I'i :":':~,"1 "-,I I _~..,•..,~,n.:-'1 \~e ~I .~,',····.~hift;.;·:i re s d ent ~H~I ~~J"~~"fj'l.1 --~·1 J s r .c onet r uc t t on 8.--1 'n e v ~'o p ~n t t nc.:r '~l ':...I 1-''l'··i --t,r ay-.one u ,,-..............-...-'1':1",..J;-r t ;I ·:),1 :r,t~.~,".I".I ,0"1"Jt ;:'"'~lll ..~'~fflJ] ''':-~f .,j f'P1 ,.~:~.•,J ~iil:l·,,~"I I 1':li.-......I '['..,"·t .~1 ...!:.".,;;,;,i',I I ~'Itl~-,l c i•til '-!=-,'r .h ~~'~."J . IRREVOCABLE LETTEROF CREDIT NO.:932.73 1 _ BENEFICIARY I Vail"'Of ADDRESS TO 75S o uth Fron tage Roa.d V.CUMiVI.t ~1 .90 Bl.57 ~'""ACA"O''''O. (3 03 )47 9 -2 11 6 '1:J"BAN< OF VAIL a .."I 17 Vail Road Vall ,CO81657 \1 · (303)476-5666 ~ "teNDER'MAR 1 J PO BOK 721 Mintur n,CO B1645 Tn.EPHONE NO.,.lDENnACATlON NO. . Ba r ry c .Gray Colleen G.Gray CUS TOMER A DDRESS EXPIRATIONDATE This l etterof Credit shallexpi re upon the earlie r ot. 1.theclose of business on __--"'J.!!u..'YL~1i".__"'...•z,S"____ andalldraftsand accompanying statementsor documents must bep resented to Lender onor before that time ;or 2.thedaythat Lenderhonorsadraw under wn ich thefull amount ofthis LetterofCredit is drawn . Lender indicated above ('Lender")hereby establishes at Ih e requestandfortheacco unt of Customer an IrrevocableLette r of Creditin favorofBeneficiaryrorasumof T hirteen Thoua and Five Hundred and no/lOa Dollars ($13 ,500 .00 ). These fu ndsshall be madeavailabletoBeneficiary against Lenders receipt fromBeneficiary ofdrafts drawn atsighton Lender at its address indicated above (orsuch otheraddressthat LendermayprovideBeneficiarywithwrittennot ice of inthe Mure)duri ng regular business hoursand accompanied bythesigned writtenstatementso r docu mentsIndicatedbelow. WARNINGTO B ENEFICIARY :PLEASEEXAMINETH IS LETTER OFCREDIT ATONCE.IFYOU FEEL UNABLETOM EETANY O FITS REQUIREMENTS ,EITH ERSINGLY OR TOGETHER,YO U S HOULD CONTACT YOURC USTOMERIMM EDIATElY TO SEE I FTH E LETIER OFCREDIT CANBEAM ENDED.OTHERWISE,YOUWILL RISKLOSING PAYMENTUNDER THIS LEITER OFCREDIT FOR FAILURE TOCOMP LY STRICTLYWlTH ITS TERMSASWRITIEN. 1.DRAFT TERMSANDCONDITIONS Lender shall honor thedrafts submitted by Beneficiaryunde r thefollowi ng termsand conditions: Draft submitted s hall reference pro perty ide ntified as Lot 6,block 2, Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision f urther de scribing any out sta nding improve ment s nec es sa ry to o btainCe rti ficate Of Occupancy for Ba id propertJ. U po n Lender's honor ofsuchdraftshereinafter,Lender,o nce thefull amount o fcreditavailable underthis Latter ofCredit has b een drawn ,shall b efully discharged of its o bligationsunde r th is Lettero f Creditand shallnotthereafterbe obligatedt o m akeanyfurther paymentsunderthis Letter of Credit in respect of suchdemandforpaymentstoBeneficiary oranyotherperso n.If a n on-oonform ing deman d ismade ,Lendershall notify B eneficiaryofitsdisho nor ono r b eforethetimementioned in Sectio n 5below. Beneficiary shallhavenorecourseaqainet Lenderfo r any amount paidunderthisLetter ofCreditafter Lender ho norsanyd raft or other document whichcompliesstrictly with th is Letter of Credit,andwhichon its faceappears otherwise inorderbutwhichissigned ,issued,or presentedbyany party o runderthenameof any party purporting t o actfor Beneficiary,purporting toclaim through B eneficiary,orpos ing asBeneficiary.Bypaying toBeneficiaryan amount demanded inaccordance with this Lettero f C redit,Lendermakesnorepresenta tion as tothe correctness of the amount deman ded and Lender shallnotbeliable to Beneficiary or anyotherpersonfor or inrespecttoany amount sopaidor d isbursedtoranyreasonwhatsoever,including,withoutlimitation,anynonapplieat io n o r misappl ication by Beneficiaryo f the proceedsofsuch payment.By p resenting upon Lender oraconfi rming bank ,Beneficiary certifies that Beneficiaryhasnotandwill not present u p ontheothe r,unless anduntil Beneficiarymeetswith dishonor.Beneficiary p rom ises to return to Lenderand confirm anyfunds received byBeneficiary in excess of the LetterofCred it's maxim um d rawing amount. 2.USE RESTRICTIONS Alld rafts mustbemarked'DRAWN UNDER P'irs t "'~Jl~"2D~f~V~'~i~'~m~DFC;iE[mNcJ.":::J~~1i~:::;===;=C>AirEO'i.!~!L~~~~====::-,:-;;,-;;~;;;;;I R REYO CA B L E LETTER O F C REDITNO.93 2 6731 DATED:~ar e ~10,1 ?95 ",andtheamount ofeachdraft shall bemarkedonthedraft .OnlyBeneficiaryor B eneficiary's Transferee (o nly iftransferab le)may complete adraftandaccompan ying statementso r documents requiredbythis l etterofCredit and makeadraw underthis LetterofCredit .This original LetterofCreditmust accompany anydraft draw n hereunder. Partial dra......s 0 arepermitted [XI are notpermittedu nder this LetterofCredit.Lender's honor of a p artiald raw shall cor respondingly reducethe amountofcreditavailableunder this Letter ofC redit.Fa llowingapartialdraw,lender shall returnth is original Letter of Credit t o Beneficiarywiththe p artiald raw noted t hereon;inthealternative,andin its sole discreti on,Lend er may issueasubstitute Letter ofCreditto Beneficiary inthe amount shownabove lessany partialdraw (s). 3.PERMITIED TRANSFEREES o Th isLetter of Creditmay b e transferredby Beneficiary upon p roVidingLenderwithpriorwrittennotice ofIhetransfer .Th e Transfereeshallbedeemedthenew Beneficiary of this letter ofCredit andthe documents ofthe Transferee,i ncluding d rafts requ ired undert his Lettero f Credit,aretobeprocessedby Lender (oranyintermediary )withouttheoriginal Benefic iary'S intervention and withoutanyfurtherresponsibilityon Lender'spart t o t heorig inal Beneficiary. 00 Theright todrawundert hisLetter ofCredit shallbe nontransferable,except fo r: A.A transfer (In its e ntirety,butnotinpart)bydirectope ration of Jawto t he originalBenefic iary's admini strator ,executor,bankruptcy trust ee,receiver,l iquidator,aucceesor,orothe r representatives at law;and B .Thefirst immediate transfer <I n itsentirety,butnotin part)by suchlegalrepresentative t o athirdpartyafterexpress approval ofa governmen tal body (j udicial,administrative,or execut ive). 4 .TRANSFEREE'S REQU IRED DOCUM.S ••• When the p resenter isa permitted T ransfereeu nder paragraph 3 above,the d ocumerrts required fo r a draw sha ll include: A .Alld o cumentsrequired e lsewhere Inthis Letter of Cred it,except th at suc h documents may be in the name o f and executed by either th eo riginal Ben efiCiary or thepresenter p ermittedb y para graph 3 ;and B .When the pr e senter isa p ermitted Tran sfereeunder para graph 3.A o r a t hird party u nder 3.B,acert ified copy o fthe one or more d ocuments whiCh show th e presenter's a uthorityt o clai m through or to act with authority for the o riginal Beneficiary. 5.T IMING OF DISHONOR Under no ci rcumstances shall Lender be pr ecluded from relying upon any reason fo r d ishonor given in a communication W'h ich Bene ficiary or the p resenter receiv es within th ree (3)Banking Daysafter Lender has receiv ed the last document forming part of Benefi ciary's presentment(the "Three-Day Period1 .Lender shallb e entitled t orely upon any such reason without r egard to either (i)th e timing of any pr esentment ma de be fore the Expi rationDate,or(Ii)the ti ming in side the Thre e-Day Peri od of any p reliminary communicati on(s)from Lender concerning the dishonor d ecision itself or any reason for d ishonor.For any such reason so g iven during the T hree-Day Per iod,Lender shaD be condusively dee med to hav e m et th e 'reasonabkl time',"without delay-,and other ti ming requirementsas the Un iform Cu stoms and Practice for Documentary Credits.1993 Revision,ICC Pub lication No500,asmost r ecently p ublished by the International C ham ber of Commerce (h ereinafter called the 'Ucp")may impose.The Expir ation DEde shan not be ext ended to accomm odate a p ree ernmeet made with less than three (3 )B anking Days to go before the Exp iration Date,and Benefi ciary shall not be entitled to submit a draw request or provide Lender with any documents insup port of a d raw after the Exp iration Date her eof.N orshall Lender ever be requ ired to communicate ad ishonor decision o r its reasons withi n a ti meless than the Th re&-Oay Pe riod."B anking Day"shalt meanany d ay,ex cept Saturday,o n which commercial banks located inth e stare of Lender's address are either not authorized orare not required to dose. 6 .CQ M PUANCE BURDEN Under no cir cumstances shall Lender b e he ld res ponsib le for any impoS6ibility or other ditfiC\.lIty inach ieving stri ct compliance with the requir ements o f th iSl Lett ero f Credit preci sely as written.Beneficiary understands and ack nowledges:(i)that unless and u ntil the present wordi ng of th isLetter 01 Credit Is amend ed with Lende r's prior written consent.the bu rden of com plying strictly with suc:h word ing remains so lely u pon Beneficiary;and (iij th at Le nder is relying u ponthe lack of such ame ndment as constituting Be neficiary's in itial and continued ap proval of suc hwor d ing . 7 .NON-$EVERABIU TY Ifan y asp ect o f th is Letter of Credit iseve r d eclared un enforceable for anyreason by any court or go vern mental body havi ng j Urisdiction, Lend er's entire e ngagement under this Letter of Credits hallbe deemed nulland void ab Inttio ,and both Lender and Beneficiary shall be restored to thep ositioneachwou ld have occupied with all rights avai lable as th oughthis Lett er of Credit hadnever occurred.This non-severability pr ovisionsh all o verride all oth erpr ovisionsInthi s Letterof Cr edit,no matter wheresuc h pro vision appears within th e Letter's body. 8.CHOI CE OFLAW /JUR ISD ICTION The UCPshallInall respects be d eemed apart hereof as ful ly as it incorporatedherein an d shall apply to th is LetterofC redit .Th is Agr eeme nt sha ll b e g overned b y and co nstrued inaccordance with the laws o f theStat e o f Colorado ,United States o f America,exce pt to theexte nt s uch taws are inconsistent with th eUCP.Lender and Beneficiary consent totheJurisdiction and v enue o f a ny co urt selected b y l ender il'l its di scretio n located in the Stat eof __~ra do in the event of any legal proceeding under t his Lett er at C redit. 9.EXPI RATION Lender her eby agrees wit h Beneficiarythatd raftsd rawn under and in co mpliance wit h the terms o fth is Letter o f Credit 'Nill be d uly honored If presented to t he Lender on or be fore th e Expiration Date. ••• o k Of Va il Br a Mark o w Exe cutive Vice P re.ident ENDORSEMENT O F DRAFTS DRAWN : Date N egotiated By Amour< InWards A mount In Figures .,.. • O.ign Review Action F. TOWNOF VAIL Project Name:--b..t..J'""''"'-je----'-''''''=-'"'iI'-'-'3L--::u,''7''''''''.c...'-'-aL-~U>'-'-'''''"'---------- Building Name:--bJ,""''''"''''r--'....<........'''''''-'-......''-'~-------------------- Project Descript ion ::_ 72 /, Subdivision \La..:j /i,d1 'I -5t......r ,., 816'1:5, Legal Description :Lot 6 B l oc k ~;Z=-_':a-I<U.kOJ..ci,L&1 Zone District _ Project Street Address:2672 !Ct<z?e.:?'J '"d"t..,,:/1-0 d f. r ) Comments:_ --Z1.h,r!-Ida .~,I f!./,"Q • Motion by:_ ~"---........BO~Staff Action ..-.-.J Vote: Secondedby:_ o Approval o Disapproval ~StaffApproval Condit ions:_ TownPlanner Date :aj3<J/q-.j I NCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAYNOT B B SCHEDULED TOWN OF VAIL .COLORADO - "dFORREVIEW. • DATE RECEIVED: DATEOF DRB MEETING :..*.*--_.- •DESIGNREVIEW BOARD APPLICATION I' ********** 1. A. P ROJECT INFORMATION : D /l'L v I.oJ'v.lJcPT. h c 11'1 '~'('-"r-0 /~t rC;1 '.~..../P 4'a.;.~-I I I" ,.........u (P 0.........L ".- B.TYPE OFREVI EW : C . D . ____New Co nst ru ct i on ($200.00 )Min or Alt era t ion ($20.00) ----Addition ($50 .00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS :2 67.:2./GI"!I"!IC'-/t1 !"!'(A,c l-- LE GA L DESCRIPT Iqp :Lot b Bl ock 2- Subdi v ision lL!:!!/·r t ·I'!1c ,n1C t.t Cl ..J a 'n If property is de sc ribed by ame ets a nd bou nds legal d es crip t ion.please provid eo nas epa rate sheet and attach t ot his app lication. E .ZON I NG : NA>I E OF APPLI CANT :-+-J.''''-c~h-=--'::-'-<''''';''=+'--:-c,---------- Mai lingAddress :,0 :."".'r""'''' ____________________________Pho ne ....l:'........<-<-=:-:'f-""""'L.I;-- NAM E OF APPLICANT 'S.,REPRESJ:NTATIVE:G ye;..,.·S~ Mailing Address:~:;.;X ';;:l..':?".....r r -J ________________Phone ? F . G. -I, IPhone_=...LL---"===/-_ NAME OF OWN ER(S): Ha il i ng Addr e ss : OWNER,S)SIGNA TURE, H. APPLICATIONS WILLN OT B EPROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1.Con d omin ium Approval if appli cable . FEE $20 .00 $50 ,00 $1 00,00 $2 0 0,00 $4 00.00 $500 .00 VALUATION $0 $1 0 ,COO $1 0,001 $50,000 $50 ,001 $15 0,000 $15 0 ,001 $5 00,000 $5 0 0,001 $1 .00 0 .000 $Ove r $1 .000.000 F EESCHEDULE: ORB FEE :ORB fces ,as shown above,are t ob e pa ida t the time of submitta l o fLhe ORB application.Late r,when applyi ngf or a building permi t.please identify the accu ra te valua tion o f the pr opos al.Th e Town of Va il wi ll a djust t he ~ec a 7cording to t he tabl e below,to ensu re the cor rect ~~t ~ 15 pa i.d ,.,j.'01 L ,\J;j~.r:;:, PEE PAID:$;){j -CHECK #:'Y/oO DATE,z'I 'IJi nLf BY:'-:J1j'1IJf~ 3(j;/ J. DESI GN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAL UN LESSABUILD I NG PERMIT IS I SSTARTED. ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AND CONSTRUC TION 1 ·.. •L IST OF MATERIALS• NAM E OF PROJECT:G f ~y If -C ,J/d {',""c <- L EGA L DES CRI PTION :LOTL..E LOCK 2.SUBDIVIS ION V...,I ...:r;,~~",,-I... STREET ADDRESS::;).1 7;:l k '''l n '(-~,,,,,n.,..~c.,L The fo l lowing in fo rmation i s r e quiredf o r s ubmittal to the Des ign Rev iew Boa rd befo re af i na l a p p roval can b e gi ve n : A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof S iding Other Wall Mat er ia l s TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Fasc ia S o ffits wi ndows WindowT rim Doo r s Do or T r i m Han d or Deck Rails Flues Fla shings Chimneys Trash Enclo sures Gre e nho uses Retai ning walls Ex terio r Lig hti ng Oth er B .LANDSC AP ING:Name of Des ign e r: Phon e: 7 PLANT MATE R4l.S : PROPOSED T REES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name c a mm _Name ,...~ Quan tity Size* *Ind ica te ca l iper f or d eciduo us trees.Minimum cal i pe r for d ec iduous tr ee s is 2 i nche s.Indicate he ight for coniferous tr ees .Min imum h e ight f o r c onif e r ous t r ee s 'is 6 'fee t. **In dica te s ize of pr op osed shrubs.Min imum size o f sh r ubs i s 5 g al lon. Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF I RRI GAT I ON TYP E OR ME THOD OF _ EROSI ON CONT ROL C .LANDSCAPE LI GHTING:If exte rio r lightingi s propos ed ,p lease s how the numbe r of fixtures a nd loca t ions on a sepa rate lighting p lan .Id e nt if ye ach f i xtu re fr om the l igh ti ng pl an i nt he s pa ce below and provi de t he h e igh t above grade,t ypeo f ligh tp ro po sed ,lumen output,luminous areaa nd ac ut s he et of the li g ht fi xtur e.(Secti on 18.54 .05 0 J ) D .OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retai ni ngwalls ,fen ces ,swimming poo ls ,etc .)P l ease specif y.Indica te h e ights of r e t ain in g wal ls .Maximum height of wa ll swithin the fr o nt se t back i s 3 '.Maximum he ig ht of wa l ls e l sewhere o n t he p rope rty is 6'. 8 '"'*'0>;' -0141540ZONING ANi5AJjDRESS ~I'S 01oooo4241 5 UNIFORMBUILDINGCODE 6 1 0c0:J 42415 U NIFORMPLUMBINGCODE :01ססoo424 15 UNIFORM FI RE CO DE ,01oco:J42415 ATIONAL E LE CfRICALCO DE ,01 oco:J42415 OlliER CODE BOOKS _0 1 rroo 41548 BLUEPR iNTS (MYLARS) 01 ססoo 42412XE ROX COPIES 01 ססoo 4241 2STUD IES 01 42412 TOVFEES COMPlttER PROGRAM -:ornER _.PE CAPPLl CAll0NFEES ._"I -4 1330 U"_CRJ'A "250 ' .-OJ(XX!o 41330CONDITiONAL USE PERMIT ::?l oco:J 41330 EXTERIOR -Aj..TERATlON [LESSmAN l OO SQ .FT. 010c0:J4 1330 EXTER IORALTERATlON [MOREmAN l OO SQ.FT.) 01 oco:J 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENTDISTRICT ~iN E W I~I 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJORAME ND 0 1 ססoo 41330SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICTIMINOR AMENl?l 0 1 ססoo 4 1330 SUBDIVISION 01 (XX)()·uno VARIANCE 0 1 ססoo 41330 ZONI NGCODEAMENDMENTS :::O~I~0000~~4,:,:i 33O:::~RE ZONINGornER rornsa $5 .00 • sso.oo • S36.oo• S32.00 • S36 .oo • 30.00• • S7.oo • .25 • • .00• SZ01Xl s260 .oo 200.00 S200.00 S500.00 ""I .00 11000.00 . 1200 .00 250.00 1 250.00 200 .00 , TOTAL: COM MF.....TS:""1 . " CASH I D ATE ~ ,,,, \... -/("/6 •• N. TO WN o r VR I L r1is ce llaneous Cash ~~c&i pt #1 5 5 0 15 ~c c.:,u n t #CI(#3700 GRA \'·S Tor ~r:::COH5 r ....r r:r:::rRID !=Imo Llnt t~ndl?ro?d >DRS 14:1 9:05 20.00 Item pa id 0 10000413:::;1000 Rm ount paid 20.00 0 .00 N OTE -C OPYO F P ERMITT O BE K EPT ONJO BSlTE HAY 131994~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,DATE •..6719•PERMI T NO . 1101 01 1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION I II III I V V department o f co mmunity d evelopment 2.O CCUPANCY GROUP ABEHI RM BUILDING DIVISION 1 22i1 :3 4 z ELECTRICAL TO BE fiL LEDO UTCOMPL ETELY PR IORTO ISS UANCEOF PE RMlT a GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORIl;;~PLUMBI NGTYPEOFPERMIT~EW'pIs ~ ~<MEC HANICAl0BUILDING0PLUMBING>10 ,000 .0 0 o ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION Qx ~.E,C H AN I C A L .!;J TYP,GRO UP G.A.FA VA LU ATION PERMITFEES ~G AL LOT 6 BL K 2 "._,BUILDING PERMIT ~ESC.FlU NG I NT E R MOJINTAT N PLAN CHECK ~JO BNAME :GRAYMECH P ER..'1 IT ELECTR ICAL ...........Ir- OWNER NAME HARRY GRAY NE:W(XX Al lERAIION ()AD DIT IONAL ()RE PAIR()PLUMBING \.()ItMAILApDRESSDWELLINGUNITS_2__ACCOMMOOATlO NUNIT$__MECHANICAL 00 "'"13358"-'~CITY PH.HEIGHTINF l __NO F IREPLACES --RECREATIONFEE ARCHITECT FIRM PARADI GMDES IGN IN SULAliON:ne<THICKNESS R·VALLUE DESIGNREVIEW BOARD -FLOOR ClE....N·UPOEPOSIT ~MAil ADDRESS PH 47'-07 .7 EXT ,WALL S \[)CITY USETAX ~ROOf GENERA L FIRM WI LL CA LL 3.0 0 TYPE ELE C GAS CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO.0'T O TAL P E RM IT FEES 1"1 .00 SOL AR WOOD TElE HEAT C.FELDMANN 5 -1 2-94 AOOlTlONAL PERMITSNEEDED :UIUJING OFFICIAL ------D ATE -----FIRM LE CTR ICAL z:"INlTlAL cc -------TOWNO f YAIL BEG .NO .-------CO NTRACTOR ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TE LE.BLASTING ON ING &BUI LDING NOTES:- FIRM PARK ING PLUMB ING T OWN O f VAil REG.NO .DEMOCONTRACTOR TElE. FIRMMOUNT A I N HIGH PI I IMBI NG I hereby acknowledge th at I have readth is ap p lication ,f i lled o ut in full thein formation required. MEC HAN ICAL 13 7-P c om p l eted an accurate p l ot plan.and stat ethaIa ll the I n f o r m a~d es re quiredIsc orrect.I CON TRACTOR TOWNO F VAll REG.NO .a g ree to co mply with th el nto r rnattonand p l o t Plan:JiIjJlY with all Own o rdinencesandstale T ELE.949 -4500 l aws ,andtobu ild t hi sstr u cture according to t he T o ws zc n!n r ~bdiv i s ion code s,de sign O THER FIRM review approved,Uniform Bui lding Co d ea nd othe,r ::ces tpn app licable th ereto. .A ____ T OWN OF VA ILREG.NO.~~~~T UREN~ER""OA CONTRACTOR FOR H IMSELF CO NTR ACTOR TE lE.A N THE OWN . • a Jlre'v MAY 1 f 191 .T~OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE:_ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT I NFO RMA TION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [l-BUild:::[l -Plumbing [J-Electrical [J-Mechanical [J-Other Job Name:'=---....r ...7'i <cs4p/l r r Job Address:;26 2)Lkj2(~C-t Legal Description:Lot b Block ?Filing SUB PIVISIQN :.:f:n;kr-tn-.>"......, Owners Name:Address:Ph.f..2 7 -,rd~1 Architect:"I Address:Ph .'I7f-v'?f ? General Description: Town of Vail Reg~NO . Phone Number:7 11 e,.'1~ Plumbing contractor:~)11 Address: Work Class:y;1-New [J-Alteration [J-Additional [J -Repair [J-Other _ Number of Dwelling units:;f ~~f~~t.1 Number of Accommodation Units: ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas APPliances~Gas Log~Wood/Pellet ~***.*******••********************VALUATIONS ***********************.********* BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PWMBING:$MECHANICAL:$IC!"'000>TOTAL:$-------- ~••••*.**.*.****.***.*••••CON CTOR INFORMATION **•••***•••••••••********** "eneral Contractor:__~(rv /.Town of Vail Re?-NO.Nt t! Address:phone Number:t:)?~~I Electrical Contractor:w h r.,.,....,l~/rr/,<Town of vail Reg .NO ._ Address:Phone Number: tb c A t!1.'"J'='JcoI. Mechanical Address: Contr acto r:I..:)c""=---;;.J--:;JJ;;.,-"'-::""'-1'-='-'-''--Town of vail Reg.NO . Phone Number:'7 'Ie;,,7;-_---'"'",,- ,£(1 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE' «0- . TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VAWATION BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHAN ICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTR ICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ORB FEE· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FOR OFFICE USE .**•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE:"3 '''fl l ,I r t!(l -ll.CLE AN-UPDEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: C::0 ,-h,~A = comments : ~CLEAN UPDEPOSIT REFlJIlIl TO:~'(0 '1 ,,• 75 south 'ron18g.road ¥IIil ,cOlorado 81657 (3.3)47 9-2138 o r 479 -2139 • offIce ofcommunity development BUI LDING PERt·1 1T ISSUANC E TIME FRMIE If thi sperm itrequ iresa Town of Va il Fire DeP3rtment Approval . Engine er "s (Pub lic Works)rev iew andappro val.a Pla nning Dep ar tm ent reviewor Hea lthDepa r tm entreview ,and a rev i ew by theBuilding Department ,the e sti ma t ed ti me for a total review may ta keas lo ng as three weeks . All commercial narge or smal l)and all multi -family permi ts will have tofo llow the abov e menti on ed max im um requ irement s.Residential and sma ll proj ects should take a l es s e r amou nt of t ime.However,if res iden ti al orsmaller projects imp act thevarious above mentioned departm ents with re gard to necessary review ,these projects ma y also take t he t hreeweek per iod . Every attempt will be ma de by t his deP3rtmen tt o expedite this . permit a s s oonas possi ble . I,t he und ersigned.understand the pl anch e ck procedure and t ime frame. .,,• 75 s outh f ronta ge!'road vail,c olorado81657 (303)479 -21.38 or 479-2 139 • olllee 01 community dev .lopment TO : FROM : DATE: SUBJECT : ALLCONTRACTORSCURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE T OWN OFVAIL T OWN OF VAI L PUBLI C WORKS /COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 1 6.1 9 88 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MAT ER IAL STORAGE I n summary ,Ordina nce No.6 states t h at it i s unl awf ul f ora ny person t o l itter ,t rack or de posit any soil,r ock,sand ,debris o r material ,including t ra shd um pster s,p o rtablet oilets a nd workmen veh icles upon a ny s t ree t,s idewa lk,a lley o r p u blic place o r a ny p o rtion t hereo f.Th e righ t-ot-way on a llTo wn of Vail s treets and road s is a pproximately5 f t.o ff pavement. This ordinance wi ll b e s t rictly enforced by the Town o f Vail Public Works Department .Persons f ound vi olating this ord inance will be g iven a24h ourwritten notice to remove said mat erial . In t he event t he p erson so not ifiedd oes n otc omply with t he notice within the 24 h ourt ime s pecifie d,the Public ·Works Department will remove s aid material a t the expense o f person notified .The p rovisions o f this ordinance sha ll n ot be a pplica ble to c on struct ion,mainte nance o r r ep air proj ec ts of any street o ra l ley o ra ny ut iliti es in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please s top b y the Town of Vail Building Depa rtmentt o o btainac o py .Th ank you for your c oop era tion o nt hi s matter. edged by:Rea ~1Ji '<pOSit n/Relatlonship ~D at -5//I7)7"'-( to Project (i.e.cont r actor,o wne r) ., 7S toUth tront.ge ro-d v.u,c otor.do 81857 (303)47'9-2138 (303 )4 19-2139 •• office o f community devetopment NOTICETO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effe ct ive June 2 0 ,1 99 1,the Town of Vai l Building Department has de v eloped the fol l owing proce du r es to e ns u re t ha t ne w cons truction sit es have adequatel y e stabl ished p ro pe r dra in agef rom building sites a long and adjacent to Tow no f Va il ro adso r s tre ets . The Town of'Vail Public Works Department will be requ ired t o inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads o r streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access poi nts from the road or street on to the construction site. Su ch app roval must be o bt a inedp r ior to any r eques t fo r i nsp ec t io n by t he Towno f Vai l Building Department for f o otings o r t emporary electrical or any o ther inspection .Please call 4 79 -216 0 to reque st an inspec ti on from t heP Ubl ic Wor ks De pa r tment .Allow a ~in imum o f 24 hour noti ce . Als o ,the Towno f Vail Pu b l ic Work sDe partment wi l l be appr ovi ng a ll final drainage and c ulverti nst al la ti on with resulting r oad p a~ching as necessary .Su ch approval must be obtained p ri or to F j na l Certificat e of Occupan cy issua nce. •• TOW NOF VA IL 75 South Frontage Road VaU.C olorado 81657 303-479·2138/479 .2139 FAX303 ·479 ·2 452 •• Dep artment of Community Development INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1 .HEAT LOSS CALCULAT IONS. 2.TOSCALE FLOORP LAN OF MECHANI CAL ROOM WITH EQUIPME NT DRAWN INTO SCAL E,WI TH PHY SI CAL DIMENS IONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPME NTI N MEC HANICAL ROO M. 3.SHOW S IZE AND LOCATIONOF COMB USTION AIR DU CTS,FLUES, VENT CO NN ECTORS AND GA SLINES . 4.NOT E WHETHER ELEVATOR EQU IPMENT WILLALSOBEIN STALLED IN 11ECHANICAL ROO M. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION KILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT . _0.- '_~lDn CorfAib:.--qute l d\.[tm;j1 cQllltOl~ff'L n wa:el'ff"lYljI......ur K LUfar't.~ :\f'rNY p ICJo:l-rJJ('R /'t.'d.J(('S lhe pmt:Iem a b.n'er C}(""Y -C ort.rOI 6 lTUN'tt:'d w ith ~.....". ro-[":fil e'r ~ ~.Lin"".-~I 'lC'~\'fl",hid: 1..,-..g .........en ht'tS ~:0 bC lhr-rftO"l eifJOell rntf.1Od 01 P'~Qj t~ri fil1 UC'cee D u :r.D -:'fO'l-.~.¥lOOl'lOd rcquH"".d 1Ifaqe.AIlIJ...-.rlI:~~fl'CJl'F."1I"9 S [liInrJaI:o.~.r...cce lod ~s.nd ¥r:J6iItI,N:,) d""J"(~ 2 -~HQtEJc:h;lnge r.s -a 1F ~fJIVm [LI:lIJJ9 bt ffI/JIUl nw'l llf',J(Ui'IIlSk1 .Nc:J1-rnctak b u;<J'J1Og\;lnd ~,~(Off frnQ'l l..lk b \UfJl'fu (OIfO sion .)tm :f1.cn.SirnPk'fqtc Wl fI..lng~(:II..,q n for f!3:I'd ~Q'I PC Rf ·ORHANCE 11 ~GFH @ 100 0 RISE ~I TH 7 GPk ,180 a ~~.F l~sr hO UR RATI NG 22 2 G~H~ 11+1,.f ~F U €I 8 _~o Ri SE ....Iltl7 lfP.....18'S "8W . F I l'ST H OUR WA T rr~G '2~2 Co P11. ~FEAT U R E .1-S=_-=-_-_·o------ KIIEL A II C D t::~c-o SR'l "28 69 114 8 1Il6 II 3/l~ ,1,QI),c; •..• COLDJNA7£R JNLET lA' L -., • I - o o :----"I T u I .. • •7eP• Iotwell 26,1993, VAUCiHN MANU FACTURING RECOVERY RATES .. Town oi Vail O·,!-;-,;",~·l'''OPYl·~·""'~:''""\ I I '"JI....'........'" "SQUARE FOOT SINGl!!WA LL I!XCHANG'R :.• 62 GPH AT A 8O'F RIS!!WHEN SUPPUl:O WITH 3.6 GPM OF 1~ llOlLER WATER .REQUIRES 4a MBH . 83 GPH AT A 90'1'RISE WHeN SU~P U~O WITH 3.5 QPM OF 2OQ'F BO ileR WATER,REQUIReS 70 MBH . 20 SQUARE FOOT SINGLE WALL HEAT EXCHANGER : 96 QPH AT A sal'RISE WHE:N suppur,D WITH 3.6 GPM OF 180'1' BOilER WATER (WPD.4.7 PSI110 .86 FEET),REQUIRES 72 MIlH , NO T65TS HAVE:DIleN RUN FOR 1lQO'F IlOII.iR WAT&R. 20 SOUAFIE FOOT caUBlE WAU.&XeHAN~R :••i2 GPH AT A 8O'F RlSE WH!N SUPPUED WITH Z.va GPM OF HIO'F BOILER WATER USING A TACO 009 PUMP (WPQ_II.I2 PSI/aUI ~l:fT),Rl!QUIIIU 32 MIlH, J6 GPH AT A &CfF RISe WHEN SUPPLJEJ WITH 2.1 GPM OF !1ll)"F BOllEfI WATER UGINQ A TACO 007 PUMP IWPO..a,OS PS1113.98 FEET!.REQUIReS 27 MIlH,. DUAL 20 SQUAfIC FOOT SINQl.5 WAlL EXCHANGERll : 166 GPH AT A llO'F RIS!WHEN SUPPLIE5 WITH 5,07 GPM PER COI L OF 1B01'80lLI!A WATSR (WI'O-UP5ItUU FEET PER c;QILj USINQ A T~go1 PU"'P ,RfQUIIII!:1 ,z ~MllH . 11Z MIH AT A eo-RISE WHEN SUPPliED WITH 6 ,~'QPM PEA CO il OF 1&Q'F flOILER WATER (WPO-e ,.g psulua FEE T PER COil)US ING A TACO 00$PUMP ,Rl!l<lU IRES 12t MIlH. •• AlL RATlNGli ARe DASEC ON A 2O'F WATeR TIiMPIiAATURE DROPACRO ;;S THE HEAT EXCHANGiR , (, \.' .Iwe :a_j,e"_._.._...._--_._--_._------==-- FROM :Mou nt a i n HIgH P l um b i ng••303 949 S€I ,--..BURNHAM ~SERIE5 2A HOT WATER GAS BOILI:R TO "m of Vail OF -·...('-/\0'(L ,,.I ""~ • ( ~. DOl:Heating capob illties '1 to Z'l4 MlI/1 ~lgned to fit tight closet installations TIlt'series 2A boner Wa5 designed !ipettrlcall)'lor 11O IlU'lI wlll:jC space ~upremrum .The wuuols and pugr:art!p.oI ll:d up fronl ""the St'l it:s 2A cen be hucallcd eve n iu ~t }o(,a:sit u.u l"nll.It is id,.l SJI: (\l1l&mh\lu m6',t vwllnouil!'8l4nd ho m'l ~with Ol,lI b;$tlmm'". rbe St>r l,...1."15 t qulwtd wilh split mrer..~s ·a n operatinll'hi,m limit (0 11(:0 1.a transfor mer .a nd a drc utatcr rtlay.By \lting (lrr ·th@ -shel r ":l!'pata tl' contro l;Insteadof a com btnanon control,Bwnham hilS slmplif\e:t A • 10\1,ttv. lJJ.lo "''"n ,,,.1':IlI" '"".... ~:lI.'. contro l replaceme nt andrcdaced replace ment rests.The bcauo nor the ronIro ls 2 1!tO [[1d\l.cs ltiU1 ar !O~I v ic i r ~ easier. The.~f .,honw h.etin~ alter native 't01i1 rd lll lly ~:!CIr";ly i ii Infm i:.I)· UIl)L t.illlJ'l.,£:A"t mall fllel r..wings. T1 \C'~ion:,the Sc lie$;.I.\df:ig!! i nc (l r r c r :ll t ~;,l broad :u r;llY n r ~;If ~t}' f~ahIl N . Tor ..~.wl pl t!,tach ,.lar.dilrd 5Iori ~o;2"boUt r has a tl mt·pro ~·('n ufety ~tatUrt with !t s own bil ('k:J ;l erstcm If ,"'OU ~(lilct flarr.C'.a thcnnorcuple supervisor sends a sigr.al to a redu nd ant gasvalve curting 0 ((the ga s flew. Also all extencr wmeg is ~1oScd IV mrtalca5lnglu V,,,,It'(f agatns t ot,\.itkllld.l !h(l('k,.A . cas y/tlVC.ll 8r .d (cmuou ,1JCO ~",fl!ly hlddt:u Ill:\i~k th t:jacket ilwa)' fro m d lllt.1rr n and sa Cefrom accidtntal hwt'l'S O1 nJ l .lIlPU ltt& A r1.t.me 1\011 Out Swit..:h (FR5), ~1I ~rd 0"011 :lA al~h:.j_" the rmally ..d i y ~~d swl r(h.l l..'atld uot:u lhe bw ncrs ,Ih :ll llellS', wmpt'r<lhuf'c in the-\~ilmle. rOf exareple.if the6uwaj'. within (he boiler.be come bJctc.k.cd UI res UlCtrd.th e 1!attiCM lvlll t;wltth ....-Ill "-1.l1\llRlIlil:o lly stltllottga:o (luw 10 prevent dam.1gc to yOU!buik'r.On:t the !wltch Is .-uvillcd it mll5l'be tql bctd The- bo!leratnnol be 'nUlted until ltv obstr \&C t km U cleared arnf a new ,witch 1..lnSl.:l llffi . FRlJ1 PKtE NO .P02 To'.'!'1 c,r Va il SPECIFICATIOttS FriCE CO py ca.1'lhiuri !'M(R1C.A,SSOH.E~COMmM'I \ •SERIfS 2A RATINGS ,.... '.'\'"-}"..".e-'..,,,"..r-.,.....'1;:',', •~!'.'j "",."",....."",.'!P..., :U4A "21.0 .,,':l .,1 h iS "1:1~.."".,4 1 1!1...".."«:t .•,."., ,0<93 .9 ec"82 '(o.1'1.rj".1 1•.3 ~,;I 8 1,7 6.U .-=_141 .'-eo 4 "1 .'1 1'1 .' l 'll tee.t "IA 8l l 71IS '"n o.to f\/A 1:11,1.\1 1!I11!1 '"l :::IJ .,."'.h i S NlA,:''l'I 'u.;. 1MiI·~,y_"'P"ll _klr.l "'.....,,. OOP."""l~J'apll(\l~a lld&IUlIU:rOtc.t ,,,:y :llf bl:5 ~."n 1~'\("",,.rt'r.l rn~M.<tlW nllnll.. ....."ulr__.' (Jl A,O.'''.lltine,It"""I Me f"r i n'I<tJ 'lj ~,,~~~IICI 1c \t1 Bll<l dC \l at .on~~p l l';.000 ft .fOl'1''''.tl.....U aM I,,::,I,).'\(Ift.AG ,II.r~I I "3 ~1 "\l 1l:d he Mlll>rtd .,ttw rJ.:e cilou rpmfl1t (4 ~(I'r~",II.I .'Y,l'l fl .,ttl',:,VII",,'I'!. (3)h l'l l_D .."'411 ."••h.M-'I '~"tt~0<1 r»::fn l l ·"~1\r l r h ~~"Io1 f1a up r.lktwlnu rl l..\,("""'~'l ...."l....,,~11.1.....;..,..l<.~I ..t'."......,.If'~*'c ....... "'*',,~..1'1......,.~..l_mlilW._.~o«",,:J "l-'~"'''''..........k-"~t l~'IT ......f'I r FUEL SAVINO eQUIPM ENT , STANDARD , FUEL5AVINC VENTI>AMP ER- Wl'("ll~annu al f'ffiril"n"·Y <ln tl ;;..j",,.. futl dollars.Automat ically doses the flue after me burre r shutsorf and reopens u again be:bl e the bu~r ll.'1lIe:.Oil ,ML'U.l tl ~,lIIl\J wire<; t ",ly,Incl u~pK"Wi rrd C:(l nnfC rfen har ness with pl ug f<Jl'use M all 14v_Sf:mdlng pllc t or[I control S,'SltIllS. ELECTRONIC I CNIT I O~­ Standftrd en 2 02A & 208.0.-210.0. Spark !tnUed pil ot (I:!J)iii avaUa lllt on all stee s fl"-ratuta l &.U'gas . Cc uplrt!with ill redundant gas val\'t lhC systera s.1J1S down (In l4,......s or ~iol fta ~l~within .8:J«.Thc'("Ctn lrol alriUlgement pnwid~ii:r",a QO sec-. one!1I'y for fUOI rtl~r loll o.....lng '-_-''---'shutdown .1 after this It'ngth (IT . lime tht pilo t I:;ncrre-established ,the enUre syste mgoes on sattty Shauw...."fer ave mt nures.I1U li 90 second uy/nve mtnuic ~huluU~II ",)'lJe \'''lltuues :.u'I IUthe pllol b ~t .bti :JK:J . e ........"',"l._,..,...r,..,~.,> H..I I"It"~eo"o '''!''"'" ~:)Irtl!"",.17oe "'(),~"'M 5ll 'rl ""~"J ,S '"~1Ail:9u<nh M'C QfPCrl hoft,l'f\("iUIIlr,P.l c KtC 'O MAY 1 I IVV f I,~lJU8TOME ~d4'5,t;,,-,&::4 (~YJ::~) "~~/d 4 ./"-<!d<d"~~~'I PAGE ", JOB , DAT Ih'.6 q ~1'QUOTE EXPIRES c../1 )1-/',. I;lT V ITEM ,EACH COST , ,Town of Vail . --_._~ urrllit liU/", ..,,\IV I /-l.llYl , C ODE DESC RIPTION I DUl '207AEID198MDH NATG AS ELEC ,IGN,BOlLER IAMJOMODEL30EXPANSIONTANK '"'AM444 1·1/4"AIR SCOO P IAM700AIRVENT WAllS6F 112"B OlLER FIlL V ALVE IWA9DG1/2"Il ACKFLOW PREV ENTER " IAV7R57"XS'B-VENT PIPE i '" AV7RC 7 "B-VENT CAP AV7RSC 7 "B-VENT STORM COLLAR ','.'." AV7RF 7"B-VENT tl.ASHING .... HATl40AlO00 40 VA TRANSFORMER .,7 WR1311102 3 /4 "3 -WJREZONE VALVE -,,-.., 2 WR1E3S910 VERllCAL 3-WJRE THERMOSTAT ,","_'l'; T A008F CAST IRON l20V CIRCULATOR .•t"·"1,;, TAFLANGEIL 1-1 /4"C ASTIRON FLANGE SET ..:. 00WlRA I29XX OS oo 112"Wl RSBO IIEPEX TU llE (600'COIL) 8 WIRA401XX OS OO 1/2"WlRS IlO FITI1NG ASSEMBLY 8 WIRA4 I 4X-X 20S0 112"FrG CUx R20 WlRSIlO ADAPTER . 8 WIRASll XXOSoo 112"WIRSBO l'Il'E Il END SUPPORT "I. 0 HEADER2 2-LooPSIOUX CHIEF MA NIfOLD HEADE RJ 3-LOOP SIOUX CHIEF MA NIFOLD '. HEADER4 4-LOO PSIOUXCHIEF MANIFOLD '"-'.:.. TE KMAR2S1I -STGBOILE R CONTROL SEPC 080 80GAL W ATER IITR W120SQFfH,E...• ••,... ,.' .<-,. ",.- • •.".~'.'._.-'., TERMS AND CONDITIONS , ..' .. ~ ""£. 1 I ,1 48 4 4 4 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 S I 1 1 QTY . \\994 GRAY RESIDENCE I\lC'1l "'~~\ MOUNTAlNillGHP&H HEATLOSS SUMMARY -WIRSBO IN GYPCRETE ZONEROOM SQ BTU BTU FEET NO.O.c.TUBES!LOOP TOTAL SUPPLY GPM FT HEATLOSS R" FT IlEAT PER BB LOOPS (IN)JOIST LGTHS FTOF WATER IlEAD SOURCE VALUE LOSS SQFT SPACE (IT)TUBE TEMP ,USED 1 LCWERLEVEL 348 1370 4 2 12 SLAB 200 400 140 0.26 0.3 WALLS 19 2 GARAGE 496 9240 19 3 12 SLAB 200 600 140 1.2 2.1 CEILING 38•KITCHENlDlNING 608 16600 27 4 12 GYPCRETE 200 800 160 2.1 3.1 GLASS 2 LIVINGIENTRY 347 10300 30 3 6/12 GYPCRETE 200 600 160 1.3 2.1 SKYLIGHTS 1.7 5 MASTERBEDROOM 266 7120 27 2 12 GVPCRETE 200 400 160 0.85 2 DOORS 3.5 6 MASTERBATIl 114 3830 34 1 12 GYPCRETE 200 200 160 0.44 2.2 FLOORS 19 7 LOIT STAIRS AREA 105 3460 33 12 GYPCRETE 0 160 UNDER SLAB 0 7 UPPERBATIl 65 1510 23 12 GYPCRETE 0 160 SLAB EDGE 10 7 UPPERHALL 97 32 70 34 2 12 GYPCRETE 200 400 160 0.95 2.5 SLAB PERIMETER 10 8 BEDROOMI 132 2860 22 1 12 GVPCRETE 200 200 160 0.34 1.4 AlR CHANGEIHR 0.5 9 BEDROOM 2 171 41 70 24 1 12 GYPCRETE 200 200 160 0.49 2.6 10 LCIT ISO 5880 39 2 6 GYPCRETE 200 400 160 0.6&1.4 11GUESTBEDROOM 155 3080 20 1 12GYPCRETE 200200 160 0.38 1.7 12 GUESTBATIl SO 1260 25 12 GYPCRETE 0 160 12 GUESTLlVJNGIKITCHE256 6530 26 2 12 GYPCRETE 200 400 160 0.93 2.4 TOTALS 3054 72690 24 24 4800 TOTAL 9.92 3.1 NOTES: I~E NOTE TIlAT GASORW OODFIREPLACES WlTIlOUT SEALEDDOORS MAYADVERSELY AFFECTTIlEPERFORMANCE OFRADIANTFLOOR SYSTEMS. TIlE "R"VALUES LISTED MAYBE ASSUMEP IF THE INFORMA1ION WAS 1'101AVAlLMLE Q1i TIlE PRIN1 PLEASEREVUE UIESE YALVES rom UtE AROOTEC!TOVERIFY THAI TIlEY ARE CORRECT,IFTIlEY ARE INCORRECT.PLEASE FURNlSlI1l!E CORRECTED INFORMATION SO IJ!IS lIEAILOSS CAN BE REVISED. \• • Plan Review Based on the 1 99 2 uniform Codes •Town oiVail OFFICE COPY NAME :GREY BOILER ADD RESS:26 72 LUPINE CT. VAIL.COLORl\DO OCCUPANC Y:R3 TYPE OF CO NSTRU CTION :V DATE :5 /12 /94 CONTRACTO R:MT.HIGH P&H ARClII TECT :NO NE ENGINEER:NON E PLAN S EXAMINE R:C.FE LDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The i tems listed below are n ot in t ended t ob ea c omple te l is tinq of all poss ible c ode requirements i n the a d opted c odes.I ti sa guide t o selected sections of the c odes.The fol lowing i s no tt o b e con strued t ob e an approval of an y v io lat ion of an y of the pre· v isions of t he adopted codes or an y ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1)CO MBU ST ION AIR I S REQUIRED PER SEC .607 OFTHE 1991 UMC . AND FOR THE BOILERSPE CIFI ED 50 SQ .I N.I SREQUIREDTOP AND BO TTOM. 2)AC CESSTO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST CO MPL Y WITHSEC.505 a nd 70 3 OFTHE1 9 91 OM C. 3)INSTALLATION MU ST CO NFORM TO MANUFA CTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIXCHAPTER 21 OFTHE 1991 OM C . 4)GAS LINE T EST AND INSPECTI ON IS REQUIRED BEFORE CO NNEC TION OF ANY EQUIPMENT P ERSEC .12 06OFTHE19 91 UPC . 5)GAS APPLIANC ES SHA LL BE VENTED AC CORDING T OCHA PTER9OF THE 1 99 1 UM C AND SHAL L TERM I NA TEASSPE CIFIED I N SEC .906 OFTHE 1 9 91 UM C. 6 )DRA INAGE OF MEC HANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING ORHOT 'WATER SUPP LY BOILERS SHA LLBEEQUIPPED WITH A F LO OR DRA IN P ER SEC .2 11 9OF THE 1991 OMC. 7)BOILERS SHAL L BEMOUNTED ONFLOORSOF NONC OMBUSTIBLE CO NSTRUC T IONUNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ONCOMBUSTIBLE F LOORING. 8)MA KE UP WATER F OR BOILER SYSTEMS ARE REQUIREDTO BE I NSTALLED BY A LI CEN SED PLUMBER AND MUST HAV EA BAC KFLO WPREVE NTION DEVICE I NSTALLED IN COMPLI ANC E WITH SE C.1 003 OFTHE 1991 UPC. •• 9}FI ELD INSPECTI ON IS REQ UIREDFOR CODE COM PLIANCE PERSEC .305 OFTHE 199 1 UMC . 1 0}WH ENNEW ELECTRI CA L LINES AR EREQUIRED WORK MUS T BEDONE BY A L I CEN SEDELECTRI CIAN . 11}PERMIT ,P LANS AND CODE ANALYSI S MU ST BEPOSTED I N MECHAN ICAL ROOM PRIORTO AN INSPECTIONREQUEST. ~-~, j I I I II . -l_,·A .I ~ I I.., 2~'D 4 ~(o' •,---- -}~--------'=--"'-------;----.,f- .. " " t• I, i t. ·I . <>0 , 'f., r -- , I r ~9 '" '>/1 0<, • : @ r-• ---- • • IS"•• 5" ·, • Mounta in H igh Plumbing FRCN : J.1.0.Box r..1 7 Mour.taln H IgH PIUrnb it Avon,C olor~~8 1620 019-4 500 PHJhE NO.303 949 56 2e • ... PO I fAX nWI:jMI3GIOlI DATE :6-j;1/rt/ TO I L"A~,u:. CfX'fI'ANY :·--/,j·A>r J t)j/,,/.1 . "HUIl:zi:::'.;.,\;-/'1'..1.-..,J':I /11./->,1... RP,,d'1 -r~"""'1 '0l--/:rJi;6 /-U d ,t~..cw1"6</~::t.:...•.J ~Q YOU SlWW RECEIVE ~L P/GE3 lNCWDI ~rn rs SH l!ET.IF YOU lXJ NU'!'tU:;- CEIV&N..L P1'JC EG,PLRAS£CAU..!!+IE.'UlJATr LY A'T'::tlH _Q4Q_4 !AiO • '1\W>1 K YOU ! FROM :Mourita in Pl-lClN E NO .:303 949 56 20------e----P02 \ 'c., BURNHAM~SERIES 2A HOT WATER GAS BOILER ,-DOE Hea ting ca~b lll tJ es 31 to Z44 MBI1 Desi~toflt tight:closet inStallations TM Se dt"s 2A boller w.~ .:ioclBn.J qwcl li,·:tll)'(ocIwnwc whero lI[U1 ''''t'I.o::ll 1",..,nIIlI11 T h ill'':Qnlro~a nd ia~art located 111'from M th.. serres 211 call be Insta lled evenin close do SE'c,l tuati¢I'\$,It is ldeel fo r condominiums.townhouses a nd homes without bas ements, The series 2A Is equipped with split t onuo),;an optr a llJ1~,ihlgh limit conttol.:I.translimue r ond ;1.;j'\:ul illvl re-l ~,B)'U$jll ~err -t h ,,'-~Ii'..'J[!tt'PlUittt' tonuolslll$te;ad of a combination tl)lUlt)J ,Bw nhilm 110.....::.llUVl irtcl.! control fBpL..cememaed reduced replacemen tcosu .Thelccarlcn l;l (I f ~ controls else makes regul ar servtctog easier. The safe,home heating alternative '\tIur rllm!1y'.umy 161:11'\l\1I t1y llMJ:I t illl l'Ul l .Ud IIIi'll!r ut'l ~v ill l?~' Tht r~rl>n"the:-5 1:riell 2 ....c1eslgl1 In.cotPQr\llc-v II btOdd n ony of :m (.;ty I"atur.!l , r'(lr "'>I ~mr14 .eachs tandard series 2 ,\bednr h:l,ll ~I lrl\l'-rmw " s.a (cty fcalurewHh in own back'll' system lf vou wpllOl.flame.a thcc nI C'l..·I)llpl ~supervisor sends ~ 9ig na!to d-rcuunJant ~;Hl valve CUlling eN the gas flo w. A1:jO 411 t=lI;lerlor wi ring 1$ enoceed Inmeta l (ul.~10 ptN(C t ag;\!nst ilccidelll.ll ~1IX1t5, lj l Uj 0{1lh'C5 end controls arc ,afdy h idden ins ide the jllckct a wa,)' fr{'n!children ilnd sa fe from ll,"(,:idcn ta! bumps andt;.m p e r l ll ~ A rtlimc Roll -OUf Switch (FRS), standard 01'\aUlA mccels.1$a tMrmally acnvnre d switc h,located near tile b\!U)l:f$,that senses temperatures ill Ule ...-CSli !J L(c, I'~example,If tht"nUW8Yl1 + ...Ulli n thr: bo ikr,bccsme blocked 01" ..,tri.:tcd,(h e Batlle rolZ<.'\l! JliiwiTJ'hw ill Elu l.¢lll olically shut oIr sas now lu p lCYCll1.UIlIII <t¥.C to)'OUl'!)olle r,Onc e me :liw ltch I~ m."1 iv il~,J ll lt1ll:.t 11c Itp lcu.:d l.The bcllcr can not be restar ted u ntil th ~ oostTllc[l"n t~rleared an d a DeW switch i ~I n li t al1 ~d Bolltt INumbm'A :102A 10 \1" mA :lJI'J 20""25:11. 20 M I 29 -T3~:;; -"'~ JIW, " •I e l1't."t.i~j ~_ t?Jf.5 21 • ]4 0{4 6 21'.'1 T l tW.I T 31 ,." 37'1.I B ,~ \-0 \.-\... . IOU.A B C II (IJC r) •311~"'HA 2lI 69 1/4 8 lI16JO!lC,, YrlInrr5"Conb"C*.--rpcli dtllllg (O r1ra 3ot'f1l!lon ~er tf"mJ11 .nJft"('cOJI'i rrl;.f"rUpl"r '>t"'n".or pl~N'l 1f>R ~n ....pIOb61l rJ bLIU~ ""11floJ -C 031.or 6 "un It'd \A,ofI h ~wr-II h r .....er ~'lCC'. Sewn r __UrtIIRd \If.lr"farCy .-nJIIKt111l'''' por.y Dfl l<tr""l ~rea e..ct&<I'~J .Cow 4lV.9'~i c.;m VJtioATn M:n..Iaauir'g Jt}~."LInIr1JI-")("~~'i,-thdt IW..-.q IMlKh n.ts J.*hUl 1:>be'file r!'OSll"f'.c"" tTlf'ftnJ ofP'~I["'9 t....f.w-e d.1t'"n (010' \Ul Nc~md r«,..M"d BIGnlI@ ~•CII"'W<IIr'~ i ...,.".o o.JJrl'01,I('T.Ol«'(0 c.J IU ImIW rJIl'Ub .No dd ~l.JIh:Ul"IO-.s ;1-~!*HNttactungerS ·(~ff 'nT.d llbn:.j t.w ~",.....u...rJ~.Nor'tn....-*: b ..t'J'l'"9 41"'1(J ~I'AKdIe (l)iI tr;x;l tM "b !o l..Jl6lD'~.()l f Kh"t ~4Of l w J*Ct'l'~ ,,~ll.~so-~.tse oI ..-MaIL'tIU'-. PE R:f Otl'1ANCf ]1'"GPH ~1 00·RI SE WI TU 7 GP M,.180 ·ow. F IR S T HO UR RAT I NG 21 2 Gf"It~ 1""(,P H @ 8~·~ISE.WI Til 7 GPM.18 S D ow. F IR S T HO UR R/,Tf NG 2~1 GPtI. _FEATURES=:----.-- FLOOR COt.DJlVA7£R fJYLET I~' J>R'\IN MiloJ!; ";Frf ("f"'-) --G .vl <OfT....) =~ • I UJ I, OJ I o o • "" """", T " I .. III -----, --1-+1--•~O o JKT1_7E:ROUT:,rr14~ T;p ~P'£"'N\J';' .rr==:s~j===~t:;=== \ ",-.['(l 'I I I • I1rc.,! OJ '~ ;j f;J 2 f •~ .. ~ c, ~ r c ~-~ g ~,~941265 /)ItA.,.r.TV ()A.I!".r:f$AIl'11/8/94 C>£CJ(!I)e~~,".20'O.O.F."""-PA,~»ar ..1 OF 1299 LOT 3 ~hHeby cHtify t h o/thi s JmproW!m~t toco tton certificate wO:;preporl!d for th e morl909 ~I Mlder an d th e t itle insuronce company,/hoi i t i sn o t 0 L OT 4 lan d $Urwy plot or imprOHNTIMt s urvey plot.rmd th ot it i s not t o be r~ied upon for th e t!sto!JlishmMt of f ence.building.or other iv/UTe improvement lines.I further ~tify thai t.h.improvemen ls onIh e above describtld porci!l on Ihis do lt!,uc ~p i u ti/i ty c onnections.or.en tirely within the boundories o f tht!p arcel.t!x cept a s shatlllr'l.tha t t h ert!or.no encroocnmeots vpon th t! \ d~scribM prMnist!s by impra ~t!l'Jts on any adplning premis es,excep l as indica iqd.and t h at t here i s no apparen t BY/dMe.or sk;n of any eas emen t cr oss ing or b u rdening any part o f s aid p or co!.except as na l ed This certificate d~s no t con st itu te 0 t i llt!$fi1rch by In i~-Moun to ln £ngint!tN'ing to dettN'mint!oWflership or t!OSMnMtS 01 record.For all informa tion regarding easements,rights-of-way or t itle o f record. In t t!l'-IJount ain r t!Nt!<!upon plot of Vol Intermountain De~opment SubdIvision Block 2. r fr'(C.~\1 ~J1ff\~.".·I.:JV)if' :I',-,''.,,..' a '-.; NOV I5 199~.. iOV .c o r~I V..DEV.DEPI LOT 6, IMPROVFMENT LOCA TlON CERTlRCATE LOT 6,BLOCK 2, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DE VELOPMENT SUBDIVISION EA GLE COUN TY,COLORADO LOT 7 BASIS OF £l EVA TlON: MANHOLE -MH109.2.1 RIM ELEV.=7tiS7.S9 IN V.IN -7849.78\LOT8 •••• 0~'\\ FOUND 5/8"REBAR W/PL ASnC~cO,0 SJ CAP P .£.k P L.5.26626 (Tl'P.) 0\J'~~~~LO T5 -56 "29\;t/)R -45.00 'l L 44.37'OR,~'UO(9 L.r:;L-I-.;-selLqc/fs:01 '/t-t:W.4--c (UNDE'!?0 ",.T.TO ///;fr;jrt/ONSJl?ucl7OtoU ~-14C'<"•'S2"'S ~ <,'Fe •;1~"MouDtajn ......EngineeringUd. LOT9 Nonc£:A ccording to Colorado lo w you must commence any l eg o!oction bOSM upon any defect i n tlli s survey / within three ye<Jr$offer)OU first discowy S'Jch defect./ In no even t,may any action bosed upon ony dt!ftJct in this survey b e comm~Ct:d more thon ten yeors from til e d ote of cttr/ificotion sh own hereon. SCALE:I "=2 0' Koechl ein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12354W.Alameda Pkwy •Suite 130 •Lakewood,CO80228 • (303)989-1223 Fax (303 )989 -0204 Ap ril 1 2 ,1 9 94 I ,, • •, Mr .Harry Gray Gray-Stone Cons truct ion P .O .Box 72 1 Minturn ,CO 81&4 5 Subj ec t:Ex c ava tion I ns pect ion propo sedGrayRe si d ence Lot 6 ,Block 2 ,Va i l I ntermou nt ain Va il,Colo ra do Jo b No .94 -37 As r e quest e d we in spe cted t hes o ils exposed i nt he c ompl et ed excava t iona t thes ub ject s iteo n April 6 ,19 94 .The p urpose o f our inspe ct i on wa st o v e rify that t he soils expos ed i n the ex cava tion wou ld su p port as p re ad footi n g foundation s ys tem . T he proje ct i s const ruct ion o f a r e si de n ce.The soils e xposed in the bo ttom of the e xcava t ion for t h e resid ence cons ist ed o f n atural so il whi ch was non -e xpansive ,s il ty ,sandy g ravel wi th cobbl es .In our o pini on the ex p osed s oil s will sa fe ly support a sprea d foo t ing f oun da ti on sys temd esi gned f or a max imu ma l l owabl es oi lb ea ring pre ssure of 2 500 p sf . We appreci at e theo p po rtu nity to p rovi de t h is se rv ice . fur ther serv ice ,p le a se c on tact us . If we ca n b e of Sincerely, ROECHL EINCONSULT ING ENGINEERS William H .Ko echlei n ,P .E . President WHK /hk cc:Town o f Vail Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12354 w.Alameda Pkwy'Suite 130·Lakewood,co A0228 AF'R -12-1 994 02 :53Ptl FR01 KO ECI-l.EIN CCNSLL TI NG•TO •1 7 ~7924 5 2 P .~l (303)989·1223 Fax(303)ll8lI-0204 TRA!ISIII Tl'AL FAX No ."\1"1-:l4.:5d-.. Date'C'f -/;;1.-1'i Projec t:(,,'3"'1 ?.:;;J.nCR. JobNo.9 'i-3] It em (s ):No . \ Descri pt ion I~ ,--------------------- Purpose: >c as you requ ested ___________f or your i nforma tion _________f or yourapp roval Remarka: Copies: _________r eview a nd retur n _____r e ply 'to 3e nder _____other (see renarks) By i5J/> Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12354 W.Alameda Pkwy'Suite 130'Lakewood,CO 80228 RPR-12 -1994 02 :53PM (303)989-1223 Fax (303)989-0204 AprU 1 2.19 94 FRQ'1 KOECHLEIN t:ONSLLTlNG•TO •17004792452 P.B2 Mr .Ha r ry Gr ay Gr a r-St oneConstruc ti on P .o .Box 7 21 K!nt crn,CO 81645 51lbjectl Exca".t.lo11 ruapece r ce Propo_ed Gray Resi dence Lo t 6,El ock 2 ,Vail Intermountai n Yall,Colo rado Jo b No .g.q-:n As requested we inspected the 5011&exposed i n the cOllpleted excavation a t the subject site on April 6,1994 .The purpose of our luspe'Ction vas t o v erify that the 8 0ils lilI~p08ed in the exceveedca would .t:.~por t.•spread footing f oundation srate•• The p ro ject 1s cons t ruction of a resldence.The50ils exposed in th.bo ttom of'the excava tion t or the re s idence conshte4 of na t ura l 8011 whieh vas Don-expan sive ,sUty ,s andy grave l vith co bb188 .I n our opin i on the e x po••d 8 0 Ua Wil l safely B'.lpport a sp read toot Ins;:fou.nd~tion s ystem dedvned.for a m.xlmum a l lowable SOlI bearing pressure of 2500 pSf . We appreciate the opportunity ee p rov ide t;h h service . f~rth.r s e rv ice.please contact OA. S incerely . KOE CHLBIN CONSULTING EN GINEERS William H.R08chl.in.P .E. Prfltaid.nt WHJ:/hk c e:Town of Vall TOTI=l.P .02 .'• ARTH UR l MEARS .P.E..INC. N.,.,.,J H.....l.ea...Jo.u. 222r...CudC A_ e.-..~1I12JO 101-641.)236- october 22,1 990 Mr.Harry Gray Gr ay-stone Con struction P .O.Box 7 21 Minturn,CO 8164~ • Dear Mr.Gra y: At your r equ es t .this l etter-report provides a sit e-specific anc:.lysis of debr is-flow haz ard potential and recommends mitigatio n at a propoa ed bu ilding to be located on Lot 6 ,Block 2 ,Vail I n termountai n,Vail,Colorado .According to Town of Vall maps ,the building s ite 1 5 exposed to moderate-hazard debris f lows •.Rock fall and s now a va lanches d o n ot a ff e ct t he b ui ld ing site. Do script iono f debris-f low h a zard Debris f lowfi c an b e gin on s hort ,Btee p,north -facing slopes adjacent to sn owberry Drive which arc located approxilDately 800 r eet sou th o f the bUilding s i te .Flows wi ll beqln d ur inq s aturated so il c on diti ons which may re sult from rap ids nowme lt, r a infall,or i nadverLent a dditiono f water to the ~teep s lop esa Flows wil l travel downslope tOYard block 2 a s v i scous mixtu res of water,mUd,and e nt rainedd ebr is .Th e flow~will be slowed and partially de fle cted by Lark spur La ne above Lot 6 which wil l c a tch most o f the coars e-grained d ebris. Lo t 6 will be r eachedo nly by the highly f luid outer edge oC the f lows,typical of ether mO'1e r ate-ha zard ,de bris .flow ar'i!'as i n vai l.Lot 6,therefor e,wil l e xperience only minor d amag e through flood ing,erosi on,a nd i mpact o~mu ddy wa ter,soil ,s mall rocks,and entra ined d e br is.Sev ere s tructurald amage and/or danger t o life will not occ ur a t t he proposed bui l ding s i t ~. Debris-flow mitiqa-.t~iQn Mitigation from debris flows can be provided by bu ilding a r e inforced wall of conc rete or other material that extends 2.5 f e et above grade on t he south a nde ast b uilding exposures as indicated o n the a t tached site plan,(Figure 1).Th is vi ll p rotectt he living a nd dining a re as t rom mu d,watQr,and debris i nundation during the rare debris-flow e vent.The f ollowing must also be c o nsidered in d esign of debris flow protection at this l ocatio n. ....•• a.~he 2 .5-f oot high protection walls.must be d esigned to withstand a vertical pressure distribution a s i llu strated 1 n ~i gure 2 . b .Unprot ected windows should not be l oca tedwithin this 2 .5-root high sec tio n. c.Doors should also be r e inforced f or the indicated debris -f low p res sures to ah eight of 2 .5 f e et a bove qrada. Although thA nitigation method dcscribeq will p rotect the s tr ucture on Lo t 6 from the moderate debris -flow hazard,it wi ll not deflect flows toward any "djaeent public or privdte property, utilities,or r i ghts -at-way.In summar y,t hQ p r opoccd mitigation willn ot incr eas e the-h azard on any adjacent property. Please c ontact me if you have a ny que stions . Sincerely, ~~ Arthur I.Hears ,P .E . ." I I I I I I I •• --. ~\ \2 -,51't I '"§ ~\ ~.~.,...-. '" 250 Ib sjr ~ <DEBRIS FLOW DIRE CTION FIGURE 2 .Debris-flow pressure distribution and dea lg~-he 1 ght (above g rade)r equ1reme nts onwall s "A"-"F"(F i gure 1). .' \ .\ \ ~--" \ \ \ \ \ "'j .:.. .'/.r..\ .'.\ I/iII I ! I \ ." '.' -----.,--~-\ .'-"'- .. ,\. .1 .\ b ~,I!.<:<:r I -""'<>""""._J. ~.,. ." ...'.". r I• .,4••iA..-,~-,I-.,.0 0 "- n':'l.;!~E:N :'.., .~CW ··....,. '.f'-.""1 .P-o,. ~ .·•...··1OINt>-:t> I .. ." .-' .;.... "j • .I=--., ,.. "• (E)' .....-....,'.-. \ Wa l ls ."A" debri.:s-fiow pro te c tion up 2.5 f t aboVtt gra d e.Deb rl 6- f low f or ce s arc sho wn in Figure FI GUR E 1. .,-.' / c•, NOTE -C O PY OF PERMIT TO BE K EPT O N JOBSITE MARC H18 1994~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DA TE •. -;;NO.------.6.E..1.f lID I m PERMIT 1.TVPEOF CONSTRUCTION r umrv v d epartment o f community deve lopment 2 .OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE HIFlM B UILDING t c c nno nn DIVISION 1 2Za 34 z ELECTRICAL t n nnn nn TO BE FI LLED OUT CO MPL ETELY PRIORTO I SSUANCEO F PERMIT 0 GENERAL DESCRI PTION OF WORK :~PLUMBING ,n non nnTYPEOFPERMIT"NiW PRTM4R Y'SEcoXD AR Y R E ~I D KXC K ~-e: ,n non noKJBUILDING!Xl PLUMBING >MECHANICAL KJ ELECTRICAL 0 FOU ND ATION 2 IB ,OOO .00 0 M ECHANICAL 0 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.".V ALU ATIO N PERMIT FEE S LEGA L LOT 6 BLK ?V '-3 269 5 BUIL DINGPERMIT 1 2\2 nn DESC.FILIN G I~J ER..\oI.oU l\TAIN V M-l 505 _00 0 0 I 'PLAN CHECK GRA Y RESIDENC E /G"';'co JO BNAME :elECTR ICAL ,. O WNER N AME HARRY GRAY N E W+~L+Al TERATION ()ADDITIONAl C ,R EPAIR I )PlUMBING t c n on ._-,.nn •1334 MAIL ADQRESS BOX 721 OWELl.".a UN lT$_2_ACCOM\oIOOAT!OtiUNITS __M ECHANICAL KO PER..~lT IS SUED CITYH.INTURN •B164'FH 8 27 -5 231 HeiGHT INFT .__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATION fEE 4 04 .00 '\INSULATION ,rv ee '....'CKNE SS A-VAL LUEARCHITECTfiRMPARADIGMDESIGN DESIGN REVIE W BOARD 200 .00 PP ~~BOX 73 1 :~A<"l [J CLEAN UP DEPOSITMAILADDRESS 500.00 C'TY VAIL BI658 PH .476-639 USETA X "''''---- f IRM GRAY -STONE CONST .WILL CALL 9 .00 ~~GENERAL T OWNO FVAIL REG No/7 /-L _TYPE ELEC I ,,AS CONTRA CTOR OF TOT AL P ERMITFEES 32 13.00 .'7_""so "'"WOOO TELE.HEAT CH UCK J.?E:.n~~JN 3 ··10··94 FIRM WHI T E R IVER EIECTRT C ADD ITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:~uti.D I N G OFFu5"AC ------n'Af'E ----- El ECT RIC AL 145 -E 1."-~~M CUEWTTE 3··18 -94 T OWN Of VAIL REG,NO,------------- CONTRACTOR ST.CUT ONINGADMINISTRATO R D ATE T ~I E.949-1403 tzONING &BUILD ING NOTE S:BLASTING fiR M MOUNTA I N HIGH PLmmING PARKI NG P LU MBI NG TOWNO F VAIL B EG .NO .13 7-P CONTRACTOR OEMO THE .949-4'iOO FIRM I here byacknowledge th at I have read thi sa pplicati o n ,f illed out inf ullth e information required , MEC HAN ICAL completed an accu rat e plot plan ,and sta te t hat al lt he i nf o rm ati on provided as requ ir edisco rrect.I C ON T R AC TO R TOWN O f VA i lREG,NO.aq ree to com ply with 'he Intorm a tto n end plot plan .'0 c o m ply Wlt~~~ma nce s a nd st ale IT.,.l aws,a ndto build th is structure according10the TO~r:zoning svision co des,d esi gn re viewa pprov ed.Uniform Bu ild ing C odea nd o'h7 n~0 a ppl icable there to . OTHER FIRM CLEAN UP DE POSIT TO:~1,~_r./_- TOWNO F VAI LREG .NO.eh ~i2 .f-~~~~~RE OF 0 ER OR CO N T~J'FO."'MSElF C O NTR ACTOR THE.~11-~A ND HEOWN I • • NOTE -C OPY O FPERMITTO BE KEPT O ~JOB SITE ~ARCH 18 1994CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT DATE •6 1)", ", "PERM IT NO .. III"III 1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCT ION I II III I V V department o f community development 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING t ••non no DIVISION 122a34 z ELECTR ICAL .n """TO BEFILLEOOUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT 0 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONOF WORK :~PLUMBING In non nnTYPEOFPERMITWFVPRP,lA,oy t SFCO m"R Y ~ R¥~In ll'''C ~~•MECHANICAl 'n "nn n[)BUILDI NG 00 PLUM BING > KJ ELECTRICA L o FOUNDAT ION 218 .000 .00oMECHANICAL0 ;;.:,..,•11l1..."'t-r-t'l'~"l"TYPE GROUP GRFA VALUATION P ERMIT FE ES L EGAL LO T 6 BLK ,V &-3 269~BUILDING PERMI T 1"2 nn DESC .FILI NG INTER'iOUIITAIN V N-l ~05 ,••onPLANCHECK JOB NAME :GRAY RESIDENCE elECTRICAL ",on lIAIlRY GRAY ..n :.... ~ OWNER NAME NEW ,ALTERATION()ADOITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING ,.nn ~lJJ4 MAIL ADDRESS BOX 721 OWE LLINGUNITS _2 _ACCOMM OOATI ONUNlTS __MECHANICAL NO Pl!RKIT ISSUED CITYMINTURN ,a1645>H 827-5231 HEIGHT INf T.__NO.f lllE PLA CES --RECRE ATION FEE 404.00 -, ARC HITECT PARADIGM DESIGN INSULATION :TYP ETHICKNES SR-VALLUE DESIG N REVIEW BOARD 200.00FIRM PP J,.-.'IBOX731fLOORClEAN·UPDEPOSI TMAILADDRESS ~OO.OO ·~~VAIL 8 1658 4 76-6 39 EX T,WA LLS USETAX ~~C'TY PH -ROOF GENERAL FIRM GRAY-STONE CONS!. I WILl.CAll,9 .00 I ~"TOWNQFVAIL REG.NO !?J -~.1.....B TYPE ELEC .GASCONTRACTOROF T OTAL P E RM IT FEE S 12 18 .00 827-<2'1 SOCAR WOOD TELE.HEAT CHUCK PELDMANN 3 -18-94 ADDITIONALPERMITS NEEDED:BUiLOING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- FIRM WHIT!RI V1!!fl PC1RI e ELECTRICAL 145-E y "-INITIAL J-U1~U 1OOJTT E__3-18-94-TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO.--------CO NTRACTOR ST.CUT ONING ADMINiSTRATOR \DATE TE LE.949-1 403 BLA STING IflONING&BUILDINGNOTES; FIRM MOUNT AIN HIGH PLUMBISG I'PARKING P LU MB I NG TOWN O F VAIL REG.NO.1J7 -P CO NTRACTOR OEMO TELE.949-4500 FIRM I h ereby acknowledge thatIh ave r ead this applicatio n ,tilled o ut In f ull theInformation re qu ired, MECHAN ICAL completed an accu rate plot plan.and state t hat a ll the information p ro vid ed as r equ ired is correct.I CO NTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO.a greeto comply w ith the in fo rmati on and p lot p lan ,to comply wi th all Town o rd i nances and s tate TELE.l aws ,andt ob uild this structure accord ing to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,U niform BuildIng Code and other o rdi nances of the Town app licable the reto . OTHER FIRM GLEAN UP OEPOS IT TO:1 .7 i.err TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO .,,:,.j .f-~n'!SIGNATURE OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FORHIM SELF CON TRAC TOR TELE.r <,...r ..(...,,'_n "ANDTHE OWNEA.I' PE RMIT "\]-Other _ •TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMITAPPLICATION FORMDATE:_ •.. IfAPPLICATIONMUSTBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYORIT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [Xl-Building [~]-Plumbing [~]-Electrical [~l-Mechanical []-Other _ Joh Name:6rD..'j Rc::::'cLr",cc.Job Address:-.Zle72 blAfl'lCJmt-l-,"...d,CD Legal Description:Lot '"Block 2 Filing SUBDIVISION ;1....~r!MDol"'m;1'\ !!JIb+'!> Owners Name:-h\r.c'"'i G~Address:Vo6o<761 1AA,,,rl..,,,,c..;Ph.B:;17-~;2bl ..~P~l.,""1>DArch>tect :E.ocl,,'"Address:r,,!Z>~73\Ph ."t](P-~7 SUj" General Description:Y'tw prlrAe""')'''I.J{~ Work Class:[')(I-New []-Alteration []-Additional [l-Repair [ Number of Dwelling Units :Number of Accommodation Units: . PLUMBING PERMIT FEE::5'3.eo MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:- ELECTRICAL FEE:II?IJO OTHER TYPEOF FEE:'I.0)"AJ '-lJ' ORB FEE:Ok!?ff-,' TYPE GROUP StFT •VALUATION ~/!.e3 ;;;)2.5',_'if!.r(Y!' • ~er and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs--l-Wood/Pellet () ~***.*****************************VALUATIONS *******••*.*.****••************** BUILDING:f ~/1t",ot1.LECTRICAL:$lQ .oo p OTHER :$2/0,000 PLUMBING:1O,COO MECHANICAL:$IO.:COO TOTAL:$~ "**,:..-":.\,~.•••**.*******.*******CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ****.*******.~••~••***"~neral Contractor:o.r-"':f _~Cn"l:>tp..,>twl\Town of Vail Reg.NO .I'\oJ-,=> Address :Eo,Ploy ""12.'\!\A\o-bA.r.o (--.p-?I C,45 Phone Numbe r:g61-'5~1IJ~T . Electrical Contractor:-I--r ,t:-Town of Vail Reg.NO./JlS~E Address:3:!11 N,:b:atf Rd A.!.M '-0 l!511e2Q Phone Number:~"""l-140 Plumbing Contractor:tAOIAolU';'!:I.ub E\""",,,,I,:'"Town of Vail Reg.NO .!37-P Address:-9'"A>JQo Rol ,4."0"'Co IJ ...'....0 -='Phone Number:9,\"I-1:'Soo Mechanical Contractor:~Q""~'O ~,:L.DIy","",";'Town of Vail Reg .NO.!31-P Address:95 A"ot\~4 fl.Nrm :'~20 '"Phone Number :"4"l-4':>CID,)'"' *************~***••••••••*••••*.FOR OFFICE USE •••••****•••••************.**** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE'I';?/01 0 0 BUILDINGPLAN CHECK FEE:780-<e>7:PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:3 8".to MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE : RECREATION FEE: ~CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:u C TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING:('r;.:L~~'-'.~---'"'-+-i-Lf-'-::l--_ SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: , CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFDHD TO : • 7S aouth frontage-roa d 'lil li,color .do 81657 (303)479-2138 or 4 79-21 39 • office of community de velopment BU ILDIN G PEro11T ISSU ANCE TIME FRAM E If th is perm tt requ ires a Town of Va il Fire Depar tme nt Appro val, Engineer '-s (Public Wor ks)review a nd approval,a Planni ng De partment revi'ew orHealth Departm ent review,and areviewbythe Buil ding Departmen t,theestima ted ti meforatota lre vi ew may t ak e as l ong as t hreeweeRs. All eonm ereia l (large or small)and a ll multi-family perm its will have to fo l low the abov e mentioned max im um requirements .Resident ial and smallprojects shou ld ta ke a lesser amo unt of t i me .Howeve r.i f re sident ial orsmaller projects im pac t t he various abo ve menti oned de partments withregard to necessaryrev iew,the se projec t s may also tak e t he three week period. Every attempt will be made by this depar tment toexpedite thi s perm it as.soon a s possible . Ittheundersigned.understand the pla nc heckprocedure and t ime fra me. 1- )t p~e1 )Coate wihf.e{L~ted into the cenm uni ty Development Depar tm ent. •• town 01 vai 75 south lronlag.road nil,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 4 79-2139 • oHlce 01 community development TO : FR OM: DATE : SUBJECT : ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WO RKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPM ENT MARC H 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ord inance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any p erson to litter,track or d e posit any soil,rock,sand,de bris or material,including t rash dumpsters,portable toilets and wor km en vehi cles upon any street,s ide walk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vai l streets and roads is approximately 5 ft .o ff pavement . Thi s ord inance will be strictly enforc ed by t heTown o f Vail Publ ic WorksDepartment .Pe rsons fo und violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to r emove said material. In the event the person so noti fied does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time speci fied,t he Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The prov isions o ~this ordinance shall not b e applicable t o construction ,maintenance or repair projects of a nys treet o r al ley or any uti lities i n the right-a-way . To review ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain ac opy.Thank y ou fo ry our c ooperatio n on this matter . ~os~t~o /h~~. Relat lonshlp to Project (i.e.contractor,owne r) • • " '. " ....--..-.~..'.:'.:.;-,..'\....:{:...;......~. ..,11 .....:-.':-..' " " I V-2-'=I -D" ~... 'fOP !ZI0&'E Of S ~E.AT"INt, ,. ~, " " .' ,. -, .?'W(TH~&4 r " GDL.';rlDDF " . ", ".' ..E~"'/'7t?-'" " RIDGE VENT DETAil " '" -, "--- - , V......~'.I ..__.__,-e--1_ .. .. :' " \ ~..:;~:.'..•....'.~.., .,"..: '". ',.-.. .. ;v ....~,.y, ._---_..-.. • ,l .",. ".. ',' .... •'I », '<.., .-.... •• I h ave memo d - read t he survey policies stipulat ed in th e Town of Va il e dApril 9 1 a nd commit t o a dhering to them . .' Name Permi t Numb er Lega l Desc ription :L o t~,Blo ck 2..,SUbdi ViSi onAfr hA "'~ ~1\k rl&t.n~.\.u r Y.y .pol r • Town of Vail 2 5 Sou th Front age Road Vai l.Co lora do 816 57 (3 03)4 7 9-2 13 8 • Tow r.r "\'.,;, OFr '..OPY Name:GRA Y RE SIDENCE Da te:Feb ruary 7.19 94 Occupancy:R3 .Ml Typ e of Const:V ·N Plan t he 1991 a nal ysi s bas edo n Uni form Build ing Code Address :2672 LUPI NE CT. Contracto r:GRAY ~S TONE CQNST . Architect :ERICHHILL Engineer:MARK MUELLER Plans Examine r:CHUCK FELDMANN NOT E :The code i tems lis t ed in thi s report are not intended to be a complete listing of all po ssiblec oder equ irements in the 1 991 UBC.It is a guide t o select ed sec tions o f t he c ode . FL NAME AREA MIN.LI GHT MIN,VENT NO .EXITS EG RESS M Habi tabl e room 1 52 1 5.207 .60 1No 2 Mas t er b a th 11 2 0 .00 5 .60 1 No 2 Bedro om #1 11 6 11.60 5 .80 1 Yes 2 Bedroom 1 42 1 4 .20 7 .10 1 Yes 2 Bath room 66 0.00 3 .30 1 No 2 Master bedroom 20 4 20.401 0.20 1 Yes 2 Ha lls,closets,etc .4 27 0 .00 0 .00 1 No TOTALFOR FLOOR 1219 1 1 Ga r age 505 0 .00 0 .00 1No 1 Livi ng r oom 318 31.80 15.90 1No 1 Bathr oom 29 0 .00 1.50 1No 1 Kitc hen 132 13 .20 6 .60 1 No 1 Dini ng r oom 2 47 24 .70 1 2.35 1No 1 Halls,clos et s,etc.404 0 .00 0 .00 1 No T OTAL FOR FLOOR 1 635 1 B No n -habitab le s pac e 34 6 0.00 0 .00 1 Yes TOTAL FOR F LOOR 3 46 1 Yes BUILD ING TOTAL 285 4 1 F OOTN OTE S: l}EGRE SS-An operable window or door that o pensd irectl y to the exterior i s r e qui red fr omt hi s r oom.The minimum c l ear op enable area must meet the f ollowi ng .--Sec .1204 . 1 }The mi n imum c learh eight i s2 4 i nches 2)The mi n imum clear wi dthi s20i nches 3)The minimum clear area i s 5.7 s quare feet 4)Th e maximums ill he ig ht i s44 i n ches 2 )The number o f exits i s based o n Tabl e33 -A (Dwel lin gs) 3 )Amech ani c al vent i lat ion sy stem ma y be u sed in i n lieu o fe xte r io r o penin gs for vent ila tion.--Se c.1205 .(c) 4 )The r equirement f or an eg ress window i n the b a sement i s based o n Sec .1 20 4. .'•• ROOM DIMENSIONS , Habitabl e space sha ll have ac el ling h eigh t of not less t han 7 f eet6 inches .Kitchen s,ha l ls .bathrooms and to iletc ompartmen ts mayh avea .ceil ing he ight of 7 fee tmea sured to the l owest p roj ect ion.I ft he ceiling is slopi n g,t hen t he min imumh eigh t is required in o nly 1/2 o f t he area . --S ec .12 07 .(a ) Ev eryd welling uni t shall h avea t l eas t one r o om which has n ot l esst han 120 s quare feet of f loor area .Other habitable r ooms except ki t chens s hal l have an area of n ot less than 70 square f e et .--Sec.1 207.(b) Hab i tabl e r ooms othe r t hana kitchens hall n ot be l ess than 7 feet i n a ny d imensi on.--Sec .1 207 .(c) GLAZINGREQUIREMENTS' All glaz ing in hazardous locations i s r equired to be of safety g lazing mate rial.--Sec.5406.(dl 1)Gla z ing i ni ngress and eg ress d o ors except jalousies . 2)Glazing i n fixed and sliding p ane ls o f sliding door assemblies a nd panels in swinging d o or s other t hanwardrobe d o ors. 3 )Glazing in storm d o ors. 4 )Glazing in all unf ramed s wi n ging d oor s. 5 )Gla zing in d o ors and e nc lo su res f or h ot tubs,whirlpo ols.s a una s,steam r ooms ,b ath tub sa nd s howe rs .Gla z ing in any p or tiono fa building wall enclosing t hese compa rtmentswh eret heb ottom expo sed e d ge of t he g lazingi s l esst han 60 i nches abo ve a standing surface and drain i nlet. 6 )Glazi ngi nf ixed o r operable panels a d jacen t to a door where t hen eare st exposed e d ge of the glaz xinq is within a 24-inch arc o f either v e rtical edge of the d oor in a c losed pos it ion and wher e the b ottom expos ed edge o f the glazing i s l ess than 6 0 inches abo ve the walkings urface. 7 )Gl az ing i na n indi vidual fixed or o perab le panel,other than thos e l o ca tions described in items 5 and 6 above ,than meets a ll of the f oll owing conditions: A .Exposed area of a n indi vidual pane g reater than 9 s quare f eet. B .Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above t he fl oor. C.Expos ed top edge greater than 36i nches ab ove the floor . D.On eo rmore walk ing surf aces withi n 36 i n ches h o ri zo nt a lly of th e pl ane of t he glaz ing . 8)Glazing in r ailings rega rdl e ss of height above awalking surface. Incl uded a re structural b aluster panels and n onst ruc tural in -f ill panels. S ee excep tions. SMOKE DETECTORREQUIREMENTS: A s moke de tecto r is r e quired on the ceiling o r wall at a point c en trally l ocat ed i n t hec orridor o ra rea gi ving access to each sleeping area . --S ec.1 21 0 .(a)4 . Asmoke d ete ctor is required on the cei ling o rwall in e ach s leeping area .--Sec.121 0.(a)4. Asmoke d e tector is required in the bas ement .--Sec .1 21 0.(a)4 . Asmoke detector is r e quired on a ll storie s.--Sec .1 210 .(a)4 . I f the u pper level con tains sleeping r o om(s ).a smok e d etect or is r equir ed in t he ceil i ng of the upper level c lo se to t he stairway. --S ec .1210.(a)4 •• S~o ke d etect ors are required to b e wired to t he building 's p ower s ource and s hal lb ee qu i pped wi th a b att ery b a ckup.--Sec.1 21 0.(a)3. Detect or ss hall sounda n a larm audib le in all sleeping area of t he dwelling dn which t hey are located.--Sec .1210 .(a)4. FIRE PLACEREQU IREMENTS : FACTORYBUILT F IREPLACE: 1)Un it mus t be a n a pprov ed un it.--Sec .3 705.(a) 2)Cl ea ra nc esa nd h ear th size must be per ma n ufactures approval . --Se c.3705.(a)&(b) ))Chimney height must be per manu fact urer 's app roval a nd Table 37-8 OCC UPANC Y S EPARAT ION: Betwe en the ga rage and the re s idence ,mat eria ls approv ed f or Ihr f ire c onstruct ion are requi red o n t h e garages ide only and a ny doors b etwe en th e g ar ag e and t he r e sidence a re to be a s el f -cl osing1 3 /B inch s olid core door o ra 2 0 minu te fi re d oor.--Table 5 -B &Sec .5 03 .(d)exc .#3 STAIR REQUIREM ENTS: A stai rway in a dwellinq must be at l east 36 i nches wide ...Sec .3 306.(b) The maximum rise of as tep is 8 inches and t he minimum run is 9 inches . --Sec .D 06.(c)exc ,#1 Providea h andr ai l on o ne side as t airway3 4 to 38 inches abo ve t he nosing if ther e is 4 o r more ri s ers .--S ec .33 06.(i) Provide a gua rd r ail wher e drop o ff i s gr eater t han 30 inches .Minimum h eight=36 inches .maximum opening siz e =4 i nches.--Sec .1712.(a)exc .#1 The min imumh ea droom is 6 f t .-8 inches .--S e c.3306 .(0) Enclosed usab le space und er t hes t air s i s r equired to be pro tected as r e qu ired f or 1hr fi re -re si s tive con struction._.Sec .3 30 6.(1) SHAFTENCLO SURES : 1)Ch u tes a nd dumbwai ter s haf ts witha cross -section al a rea of n ot more t han 9 s quar e fee t may lined o n the in s ide wi th n ot l esst han 26 gage ga l vani zed sheet met al with a l lj oints 1 0 ck1app ed .Th e outs ide must b e 1 h r const ruction .All openin gs into a ny s uch e nc los u re s ha ll b e pr ote cted by n ot les s than a se lf -cl os ing so lid wood d o or I 3/8 i n c hes thick o r equivalent ._.Sec .1 70 6.(f) 2)Gas vents a nd n on combustib l e piping installed in wal ls p a ss ing through 3 floors o r less do n ot need to be in 1 ho ur s ha fts . --Se c.1706.(c) 3 )Sh af ts fo r gas vents ,fac tory -bu i lt c himneys,p iping,o r d uc tst hat d o n ot extend t h r oughn ot mo re than 2 fl o ors need n ot b e in Ih our s hafts . ••Sec .17 06 .(c) 4)All othe r s haf t s a re r equired to be enclosed i na1h o ur a ssembly . --Sec .17 06 .(a) CRAWL SPACEREQUIREMENT S: 1 )Provi de v entilation ei ther bymec hanical mea ns or b y openi n gs i n e x te rior wa ll s.Openi ng shall provide an et a r ea o fn ot l es s than 1 squa re f oot fo r e a ch 1 50 square fee to fa rea in c rawl s pa ce .Open ings sha ll b e d istribu t ed o ntw oo ppos ite sides and be l ocat ed as c los et o c orn ers a s practica l. ..Sec.2 516 .(c)6 .No te :Ve nt op en i ngs may be r educ ed to 1 0\o f the a bove if grou nd sur fa ce a r ea i s c overedwi th a n approved vaporb arrier a nd the b ui ldi ngo ff icial ap proves . •••• 2}Provi de I S-i nch by 2 4 ·inch access o p en ing to the crawl s p ac e area.Note: .o pening may be requi red to be larg er if mechan ical equ ipmen t is l ocated .i n t he c rawls pac e.~-Sec.2 5 16.(e)2 . 3)'Unle ss the wood i s listed as a n a pprov ed wo od of natural resista nce t o d e cayo r trea t ed wood.t he minimum cl earance b etween exposed ea rth a nd floo r jois ti s18 inch es .Th eminimum c learan ce t o b eams and girders is is 12 inches.--Sec.25 16.(c)2 . ADDITI ONAL REQUIREME NTS: F or R3 occup ancy This project will r equire a site improv ement s urvey.Such su rvey shall b e s ubmi tted and approved prior to r equest f or frame insp e cti on . All crawl spaces within the TownOf Vail are limited to a earth t o s truc tural floor c eili ng h eight of 5'.be earth fl oor only,be v en tila t ed as p er UBC25 16{C)6 with mi nimum a ccess a sp er usc 2 516(C)2 a ndmaximum access of 9s q .f t. Any bu ilding site with a s lope o f 30 deqrees o r mo re shall require an e n gi nee r de si gn .Su ch d e sign shall addr es s drainag e.s oil retainage a nd st ructur al d e siq n. Excava t i on b elow slabs o n grade s ha ll n ot b e p ermitt ed wi thou t prior approval. Ad dress n umberss ha llb ep osted p la in ly vi s ib le and leg ible fr om the street. For Ml oc cupan cy Sl ope garage floor t o a llow for drainag e to outside to provide a fl o or drain with sand a nd oil interceptor to dry well or t o sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by upper Eagl e Valley Water &Sanitation Di stri ct . In garages with living a rea above,t he walls of the garage wiich are b earing the area above shall be p rotectedwi th one hour fir e resistive construction.UEC 5 03(B). ,• Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road vai l.Colorado 81657 (303)479·2138 • Town of Vail OFFIC ECO p'j' Name :GRAY RESIDENC E Date:February 7 ,1994 Occupancy:R3 ,Ml Type of Const :V-N Plan review based o n the 19 91 Uniform Build i ng Code Ad dress:2672 LUPI NE CT. Co nt ractor:GRAY-S TONE CONST. Arch itect:ERICH HILL En gineer :MARK MU ELLER Pla nsExam in er:CHU CK FELD MANN ============================================================================= 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sloped glaz ing (skylights )s hal lb et empe redover l ami nate gl azing a s per UBC3 402 .Plas ti c g l az ing sha ll be as per UBC 520 7.Ac urb may be requ ired d epe ndi ng upon g laz ingmate ria l.slope of roo f,or flashin g used. This project will r e qu irea site improvement survey . This s urvey sha ll b e submitted and staff approved p rior to ar e qu es t fo r a frame inspection.Under no ci rcumstanc es will a frame inspection be done without a n approved s ite improvement survey. The re s hall be only one k itchen designated pe r dwel li ng unit a l lowed by the Town of vail zoning Regulat ions .A ll others u ch labe led areas a re not approved and shal ln ot be r ouqh-in constructed a s such. Ext erior su rfaces wi th s tucco sha l l be p r ovi d ed wi th e xter io r met al lath a s p er USC4 706 wi th 2 layers o f pap er .Wi ndows and d o orsa re r e quir ed to b e a dequate l y f la she d(no t w i th just sc reed metal ).A l a th i ns pe ct ioni sr equiredp rio r s t ucco app licat ion. A ll newc on struc ti on withi n t he Town o f Vail will be r e qui red to have an initiali nspec tion by TOV Public Works De pt.to approve site d rainage and culvert instal la tion .This approval must b e complete prior to any i nspecti on b yt he Building Depa rtment. Thisp roject is r es trict ed from the b urni ng of wood i n fi replaces .Un less t he lot is a r e stri cted lot i n s i ze ,three ga s logs fir eplacesa nd t hree ga s appl iances a re pe rm itted per un it allowed.Ga s log chi mneys e nclosu re s shall be one hr.p rotected. J •• 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 1 4 1 5 16 1 7 I n bathrooms wi th a tub o r shower a nd i n laundry r ooms a mechanical ventilation system c on nect ed directly to the o ut si de sha ll b e provid ed .Bathrms which contain o n ly a water c los et o r lay .may be v ent i lated withar ec i rcula ting fan .UBC 1 20S(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaus t ducts shall be i nsta ll e da s per UMC 1104 and 19 03.Flex ibl e dU Cl c onnec t orsmay n ot exc eed 6 'i n length and sha ll not be conceal ed wit hi n cons truction .Duc ts s ha ll terminate o utside the building and not exceed 14 ' lengt h. No d omes tic di s h washi ng mac h ine s ha ll be d irectl y c onnected t o a d rainage sys tem without t he u se of an approved dishwa sher ai r-gap fit ting .UPC 608 . Cros s connection cont ro ld e vi ces shall be i nstall e d to protect pollu tion of p otable water supply by u se of app roved backfl ow p revention devices.UPC 1 003 . Island fixtures shal l be special v e nted as p er upe 614 . Plumbing fi xtures with mechanical appara tus shal l b e s upplied with an access panel for inspe ction a nd repai r o f e qu ipment .UPC 904 . Dome sticr ang es s hall have a v e rt ical clear ance above the cook ing surface o f n ot l ess than 30"to unp rotect ed c ombust ible mat erial.liMC 19 0 1. Approv ed gas l o gs may be installed in so lid -fuel burn ing fir eplaces pro vid ed t he i nst all a tion is a cco rd ing to the l is tingi nst r uctions .a ny d amp er sha ll be removed o r permanently blocked .and a s afe ty s hutoff v a lve i sp rovided .liMe 803. Supply a mechanica l d rawing ind icatingd e s i gn of sy stem .si ze (BTU and volume)o f e qu ipme nt ,v ent l oca t i o n and termi nation,a nd c ombus ti on a ir t o be s uppl ied prior t oa ny i ns tallati on . Due t o Colo rado S tate S tatut e s.a lls ink fauce t ts and shower heads are r equired t o u til iz e flow r e striction devices.Also.the maximum water c l os et flush usage is limite d to amaximum of 3 .5 gallons p e r f lush . This factory-built firepl ace must be an approved unit.I nclud e t he manufa cture 's name ,model number . a nd approval in formation.--Sec.3705 .(a ) •• 18 1 9 20 2 1 22 2 3 24 25 26 T he size o f t hen onc ombus tible heQ rth must b e p er the manufa c tur e 's approval.--Sec .3705.(b) Th ee nc losedu sa ble space u nder the s tairs i s r equired to b e protected b y Ihr fire -resis tive cons t ruct ion.--33 06 .(1) Hinged d oor s serv inga sauna or shower shall s wing o ut and have n o pos itive latchinq device.UPC 54 07 . Windi ngs ta irwa ys may b e u sed i f the r e qu ired width o f run is p rovi ded at a poi nt n otmoret han 12 M f rom t he side o f t he s ta irway wh ere t he treads are t he n arrow er ,bu t in no case s h all any wid th o f run b e l e ss t han 6".UBC 3 3 06 1dl. At e aves a ndv al leys an a d equat eu n de rlayme nt s ha ll b e pro vided t o protect a structure fr om i ce buildup and water damage .Two l aye rs o ff elts o lid mopped t o sheathing and be tween laye rs o r a commercial water &ice shi eld may b e used as p er Tab le 32 Bl . In additi on to a minimum rein fo rcement ,n ot l es s t hantwo#5b ars shall b e prov ided around all window and door openings.Such bar ss hall be extended beyond t he co rners o f theo penin gs n ot le ss than 2 4 ".UBC 2614 1d17. Because of this p roj ect's l ocat ion,the foundat ion is required to be dampp roofed t o prevent d amage to areas below f inished grade .UB C l707(d). Th e struc ture is required to b ea nchoredt ot he founda ta ion with 1 /2 i nch a nchor bo lts.Th e bolta mu st b e i nto the concrete or mas on ry 7 inc he sa nd s p acedamaxi mum of 6 feet a pa rt .See c ode fo r add itional r e qu iremen ts .--Sec .2907 .(f ) Inc lude ac opy o ft he s oils r eport f or the site t o b e bu ilto n ...Sec .2905 . '"PAD NO 23-nt 400 S£TlI U E p'• J, ~ P ERMIT NO .0 02665 Contra cto r's copy 10 be kepton [cbsrte . • {.loti Name or LoeallOn 01W""'} :672 Lupine Co urt •TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT L • Aro a.'1 Coust ruct1on,2 648 Arose Drive.,Va il .CO 816572. 3 .W ork is for (circle one)WATERSEWER GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLE TVOTHER A cc es'i Q,.. LAN DSCAPINGTEMPORARY SITEA CCESS /.- INSPECTION REMARKS :_ /" (P idC WOf1<s) }4!r";urc .CO fp MS Receipt #:1 6 ~8~'----,,;;;;=---- Permit Fee --'S"7..:5,,•.;0,,0'-_ Bill 10:Grav Sttlnp Crnu"tnlC'.r:'f.t:'ln.Rr))(721 Paid:Debbie Roeland CP\ltII ,c WorKs) SK ETCH PLA NOFWORK ATIACHED !~-,X censeNumber -2 '"~~,.'t Street Address (PermItExpiration Dala) TOV Contractor's J 1,/7,<-:?.?.IjI r/·.;.~ .A (~.f 0!¥'/I 1)r-I ~ , (,, legal Descr iption -I 19 (/~ 1 bh ('!/Ot" .)9~~e?'C.7 .(r ,-,'rv (1 ,."'M /-- 2 C_(t>\A ......I ~t ~:n'_-L f '"""',..-t..:::;... .Excav8;r1ng ContractorName Addreas :.j;~/(,~{ 3.StartDale \ ..I .'•y ••" ..;0 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 5.Trench-width _ (min.4 ') C ATV4.Work is for .(c ircle one)WaterSewer La ndscaping Gas Electric Telephone rl,(-" TemporaryS iteA ccess \ Length Oepth _ BondAmount $_PermitFee $_Total Permit Fee $_ 6 .AL LM ATERIAL.EQUIPMENT.A NOTR AFFIC CONTROL D EVIC ES M UST BE O N TH E JOBSITE B EFORETHE JOB ISSTARTED . 7 .Ru bber out-riggers are re quiredon excavating eq uipment whe n w orking on asphalt. Asphalt surfacesu nderneaththe bu ckets hall be erotected atall ti mes . I ),I I I/ 8 .A signa ture below indicates a reviewoft he a rea a ndut ility locations an da pprovals .O nceall utility co mpany signatures are obtai ned,pe r mittee haso ption of routing application th roughth e Pu blicWo rks off iceto o~tai n th e {If ,1 ' necessary Town of Vail sig natures.Pleasea llow o ne we~k 'to p rocess.I'/J,.lFt J.;.1A.-'.Y~lrr Upper E agle Valley Water an dSan itation (476 -7480)-,jil l/(I -1.t r---- Pub lic Service Company(1-800-922-1987)/'-1.-<J //./ I ,'~""l ,-,,\ Town of Vail ; Irrigation(4 79 -2 16 1)Electr icians (479 -2 17 1)_ P ublicWo rks(479-2158)_''-:._ 9 .T HERE WILLBE NO T OTAL ST REET C LOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved bythe Public Works Department priorto issuance of the perm it. 10 .Al l excavation must be done by hand wi thin 18 "of utilities -(Se n ate Bill 172). 11.Perm ittee m ust contact P ublic Wo rksD epartmentat 479-215824 ho urs prior toco mme ncing bac kfill operations. Fail u re to n otify the Townwi llresult in forfei ture ofbo ndmoney.Sc heduledin spectionsw hich are notready may re sulti n the Town charg ing thecont ractor a relnepecnonfee . 12 .Ice rtify that I have readall chapters of Ti tle 12-St reets an d Si dewalks ,ofth e Vail Municipal Code a nd a ll utility co mpany agreements ,signed by me,and will abide by the same,and th atallutil itiesh ave beenno tified as required .// /~.A 1 / Contractor 'sSignature of Agreement /Date01Signature t . / ATTACH PLAN OF WORK,INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN S howst reets wit h names,bui ldings ,and l ocation ofc uts .USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! While -PublicWorks Yellow -Finance Pink -Community Development Gold -Contractor ••• ! ", ~ •PERMIT NO .0 02785 Receipt #:--------,;;;;;;;;;wo;.,------ (Job Name or L ~01 WorIc ) (EJtcllVatIr1g C<>nlr ~""'.Nam e.A<la'.",Phor1tI .1IndUcense No.) WATER SEWER GAS _EL E CTRIC TELEPHONE CA %BLEJV1 OTHER INSTALL LINE LANDSCAPINGMPORARYSITEACCESS ,/J'/ 7~--f/~-_-<.._.:....:=~,;;,COO:::;.::_b:·.",9'o=u=.;-)------- 2672 LUPINE COUIT PUBLIC snVICE COIlPAlIY.P.O.!lOX 430.lfitmllUl.CO 8164S •TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 2. 3.Work isfor (circle one) INSPECTION REMARKS:_ Bill to :PUBLIC SERVICE COMPNIJ Paid:.,..==,---_ PermitFee -"==<---"="-''''--''''''--=.....,='---_ ••• SKETCH PLANOFWORK ATIACHED Street Add ress • (Perm it Expi ratiorl Date ) TOV Contractor 's license Number - Phone , Legal Description -Y4-9 ~t Add ress Completion Date •• _'r:z.;. 1.J obName 2 ....Con ~rQcavatmgtractOl'e 9-/,('f'// 3 .Start Date .',....,.:,#__t , A PPLICATION F OR TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WAYPER MIT 4.WorkIsfor ~de one)Wa terSewer landscaping €electriC Telephone TemporarySite Access C ATV CX he'___ 5.Tren ch-width "--___ (min.41 Bond Amount $_ Length Depth ---.,.---;:--_ e,II ((4 (tiel (~'j-f'a r Total PermitFee $_ 6 .ALLMAT ERIAL E QUIPMENT,AN DT RAFFIC CONTRO LD EVICES MUST B E ON T HEJO BSITE BE FORETHE JO B ISSTART ED . 7.R ubberout -riggers are required onexcav atingequ ipmentwhenworkingonas phalt. Asphalt surfaces undemeath thebucket shall be prot ected atall times. B.A signature b elow indicatesarev iew ofth e ar ea andutility l ocationsand approvals.O nceall utility company s ignatures ere obtained.permittee has option of routing application through the P ublicWo rks office toobtain the necessaryTownofVall signatures.Please allowone weektoprocess. UpperEagleValley Waterand Sanitation (476-7 480),~tl,."~ Pub lic Service Co mpany (1-800-922-1987)__'_f':::...s-'=_ PSCO-NaturalGasGroup (468-2528)--:7I-:..!::~,,---::-r------------------ HOlyCross ElectricCompany (9 49·5892)""'--''--'c..:.......'",--_,.,.-,.,...-,..,.,,-,__...,-_-,-_ U.S.Wes t (1-800-922-1987)--------;:-:;f:4.r.-';;i"i~2=!,Q"f~~--'--''---''''-'--'--'-----­ T CI C ablevislon oft heRockies (949-5530) Town of Vall : Irrigation (479-2161)~C1....Electricians (479 -2 171) Publi c W orks (479-2156)~l{,l:...y _'1-~fsl -- 9.THEREWILLBENOTOTAL STREET CLOSURES!Aconstruction traffic control plan m ustbeapprovedbythe Public WorksDepartment priortoissuance oft he permit. 10.Allexcavation must be done by hand wit hin 18"of uti lities -(SenateBill 172). 11.Perrnttteemust contactPublicWorksDepartmentat 4 79 -215824 hours prior tocommencingbackfill operations. Failuretonotify theTownwillresult in forfeiture ofbondmoney.Scheduled inspections which arenot readym ay result in the Townchargingthecontractoraretnspectlon f ee. 12.I certify that Ihave readall chapters ofTitle 12-StreetsandSidewalks,of t he VailMunicipal Codeandallutility companyagreements,signedby me,and will ab ide bythesame ,and that allutilities havebeennotifiedasrequired. ~""I.gf I'~/Q Date of Sig nature ATTA CH PLAN OF WORK,IN CLUDINGCO NTRUCTION TRAFFIC CO NTROL PLAN Showstreets withnames,buildings,andlocationofcuts.USEDASHLINESFORCUT. • THISISNOT PUBLIC WAY PERMITI White -Public Works Yellow -Finance Pink -Community Development Gold -Contractor • REA DY FOR I NS PECTIO N ' INSPECTION REQUEST1..(,;lIP TOWN OFVA IL PERMI 'ffiUMBER OF PROJECT 4 79-2138 DA TE _.L-0-1-1_~-I-1j-+9_JOB NA ME --zk.a/If t..~!E.ltlt'AC'"~C ALLER 2 ;;e&,lA?d 11v21d'aloe.- @ TUE SWED T HURFAI AM @ L OC A T 1 0 N ·A~;;2-I..WIIU.-'(l-P1Ifl- I 177-/'3 BUI LDING:PLU MBING : o FO OT ING S /STEEL o UNDER GROUND o FOU NDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D WV. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHE ER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSU LATION o POOL I H .TUB o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o F INA L ELECTRICAL:'MECHANICAL:IX TEM P.POWER o H EATI NG o RO UGH o EXHAU ST HO ODS - o CONDU IT o SU PPL YAIR 0 0 o FINA L o FI NAL o REINSPECTIONREOUIREDoDISAPPROVED~/A PP R O V E D ./J;/'~/C/v,.,'ORRECT IONS'7'C _ ~~ -. 7 DA TE 4-7"-2./, ~...• INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNOF VA IL 479-2 138PERMITNUMBEROFPROJECT D ATE '1/10/11 JO B N A ME .J;,.h'-"'jL..L.>.;;:.::....,..--,I-""7r---------- READY FOR I NS PECTI ON :MO N~~~T HUR ~R I @ PM LO C ATIO N ,:2.(,72.L tIf,IU--PilI';- /"/'-4:VI/III IiV'9tf11',1'J37 BUILDING:PLUMBING:I-l¥FOOTINGS /STEEL /4/1}.,1,iI/"..'".-....--0 UNDERGROUN D o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL A/L.,.,1~.0¥0RO UGH /DWV. o FRAMING /o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POO L /H.TUB o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 •0,•o FI NAL -o F INAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS n CO NDUIT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL iif PPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSP ECTIO NREQUIRED COR REC TIONS : DATE =....L::L.--';;z:-------INS PECTOR d#L ------1G PMFRI I INSPECTION REQUEST T OWN O F VAIL 47 9-2138 ,'._-. PERMIT NUMBER O F PROJ ECT D ATE if -;11f{--qtj JO B N AM E -'..L'.-+-"-",,=<7F'~+-=-------- CA LLER READY FO RI N SPEC T ION :M ON 0 U§.!WE O LOCA T ION ;(&72 I I!I/I!~fr./ It,INIII"VMII.ir/$2.7 52:3/QaJAFr BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT IN GS I STEEL o U NDERGROU ND o FOU ND ATI ON I STEEL o ROUG H I D W-V... o FR A MING o ROU G H I WAT ER ROOF &SHEER o G AS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SUL ATION j,rXt#;6l i>t 1 o POOL I H.TU B -. o SHEETROCKN AIL 0 fi HI/JI /YiN UldI.s ,1"/11 ,d-IINJ 0,II....--......o FiNAL o F I NAL ELECTRICAL:-MECHANICAL: o T EMP _POWER o H EATING ..... o ROU GH o EXHAUST HOODS ~ o CO ND UIT o SU PPLY A I R 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ff;tPPROV ED o D ISA PPROV ED o REINS PECTI ON REOU IRED COR RECTION S: o-n • Eli !""'~IN SPEC TO R -l,,...L::....:.OO-<=--€.-'-~~------- .\ DA TE ----"-,.L='7''-L'-'--- '·'7""'--"/".." INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNOF VAIL 47 9-2138 DA TE PERM IT NUMBERF PR OJE CT 5 /5 J OB NAME ",.,,/ f CAL LER E a A /I~A REA DY FOR I N S P E C ~9)\:r MO N /TU ES WED ~HU~~\I L OCATION,~(.r »I?i_Jrl.-""-- ('~q I N Q;.) Ifi FOOTINGS I STEEL --------- o FOUN DATION I STEEL _ o FRAMING _ ROOF &SH EERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o IN SULATION _ o SHEETROCKNAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING : o UN DERGROUND _ o ROUGH I D.W .V._ o ROUGH I WATE R _ o GAS PIPING _ o POO L I H .T UB _ 0 _ 0 _ o FI NAL ELECTRICAL: o T EMP .POWER _ o ROUGH _ o CO N DUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUS T HOO DS _ o SUPP LY A IR _ 0 _ o FINAL [JrJiPPROV ED CO RRECTIONS : o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQU IRED DATE --"""-+-'''"'-,<---,1-'----I NSPECTOR .• DATE _.L.+¥'I--'--/--JOB N AM E A M PM INSPECTION REQUEST TO WNO F VAIL ~ ~LJ .47 9-2138 p6-r~7-:r -, C A L LER MO N TUESWED OFROJ ECT READY FO RINSPECTION : LO C ATION : ; -.. BUILDING:PLUMBING:.."o FO OTi NGS /STEEL zr V;k )o UND ERGRO UN D i FO UND AT ION /STEE L o ROUG H I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUG H /WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SUL ATiON o POOL /H .T UB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP .POWER o HE ATIN G o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OOOS o CONDU IT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL CifjfiPPROV ED o DISAPPROVE D o REI NSPECTIONREQUIRED CORRECTIONS : '"M}/....ill ,A,r- I J 'f'..r 1/,/:7 ,r ),Y,,JIJI'!I/(Y V •/)/V A /JY' IV V l D A TE -----'~'-'--f~'----''----INSPECTOR F RI INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N O F VA IL 47 9 -21 38 ( 'I /').JOB N AME -------'---"-JA~.LJ.""'r__!c~,.!,..-'U~~-- '. LOCAT ION : READYFOR PER MITNUM BEROFPRO JECT DATE __--=52.-/'"] r . (PW MBI NG:"'/Rc.Ii t+~4'a.BUILDING: o FOOTI NGS I STE EL UNDERGROUND f Q O . o FOUNOAT ION I ST EEL o RO UGH I D .W.V. o FRA MING o RO UGH I WA TER , RO OF &SHEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o S H EETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: a T EMP.POWER )l HE ATIN G ·&4.1 ",,,,,r _~'0"=PO.& o ROUGH o EXHA UST HOODS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY A lA \0 0 -. o F INAL o FI NAL -, )lJ A PPROVED-CORR ECTIO NS: o DI SAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED D ATE =-+-'-'-j-...L.-'-_IN SPECTOR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST T O WNOFVA IL 'r 4 79-2138 \hf~t~~[~ . (P{P lfo • CAL LER READYFOR I NS PEC TI O N , LO CATI O N , PERM I T NUMBEJOF PROJECT DA TE 1r a2 JO BN AME o REINSPECTION REOU IREDoDISAPPROVEDa.APP ROVED (/. CORR ECTIONS ' BUILDING:PLU MBING: o FO OTING S /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOU NDATION /ST EEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRA MING o ROUGH /W ATE R ROO F &SH EER o GAS PI PIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN S ULATION o POO L /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o F IN AL .,- ELECTRICAL::;>MECHANiCAL, o TE MP.POW ER o HEATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o C ~D U IT o SUPP LY A IR~~c (J /t l 0 o FINAL o FINAL .J / ,/ D ATE _'--_I NSPEC TOR -.............--..-• _____~PM INSPECTION REQUEST T O WN O F VAI LGee\1 P,,~-,::S,,-_I- CALLER H1\i?~ TUESWEDT HUR G) L.U f'!~I E (OUn= INSP ECTION :MON 2(,,7"6 R EA D Y FO R LOCAn ON :"'-'.tl.1:..c:,~-"'"""="'__U;""':.L _ PER MIT NUMB EROF PROJECT DA T E I/;«(p )2L/J O B N AME• BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOT INGS /STEEL o UND ERGROU ND o FOUNDA T IO N /ST EEL o RO UGH I D.W.V. o FRAM I NG o ROUG H I WA TER ROOF &SHE ER oG A S PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULAT ION oPOOL I H.T UB o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 ~_£,.J6H GeOOE 0 oFIN AL o FI NAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o H EAT IN G o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO N D UIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 oFI N AL o FI NAL ~APPROV ED 0D ISAPPRO VE D 0 R EIN SPECTIO N REQUI RED COR RECT IONS :())IYl A K O'"Sue£.-r Hl1r U HrrJ Bo uLIlEP S ME I'P",pi ",ceQ n),,/\IE U,UIZV04';J )flhl\r --['.trfy .l)q f\,/ot A/vi ee''.)Dpl"£(.-"']'b i ll Wl u R£--rJ+t+r..l Lv tk+r IS' @ D12lufC/d 1""/c,eoo E I C;"{oT ffl,1l'"O 8E r ue£ 5"II'IT C rr«Re."""M Q F I r 6 Frs '1\(TO .eat'c1 (A ~I ," D ATE -''4--'''-''f-''-'''------INSP ECT OR ~fr: , ," " I ! I !-.- I /' (,,/I,I Q ,X \ L ,,_--\------7 "''-1\'\\I ~r;'.'j "\1 .'"'/ .,• ~.Ifoec'" <,r1-'I I~:-0 __._1,,~.~;II I -,.-',0 ~..:.I I.,., <r., ~-l ""~~~"T 1 "I i , 1_+_.-I ,I I '-1i I I+--, ", •,, , " ___~_AM S INs.eTION REQUEST T OWNO F VAIL 479-2 138 T HUR FRI • (-I /I'! CALLER r ,I ~ MONTU ES WEO, i 1-I ~'(J C'I v JOB N AME --'---'--.-LJ....L..__----,_-=-=-_ I NS PECTI ON: (,'7 ...l\ q I -riCH· i (n /(II , DATE _-'--'----"-+---'---'---_ READYFOR LO C ATION PERMIT N UMBER OF PROJEC T Irn h n 1('IJ,\I t .•(\,.P r,) BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TINGS I STEEL o UND ERGR O UND o FOUNDATION I STEEL '1(RO UGH I D W.V.i 1.;,J!Z" o FRAMING J P .;.l{oU GtflWA TE R ROOF &S HEER o PLYWOOD NAI LING o GAS PI PING o IN SULATION o PO OL I H .TUB Cl S HEETROCKN AIL Cl o Cl o FI NAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEA T ING Cl ROUGH c EX HAUST HOODS Cl CO NDUIT Cl S UPPL Y AIR o o, o F)NAL o FI NAL It'tPPROVED o DI SAPPROVED Cl REI NSPE CTION REQU IRED(1 CO RRECTIONS: " D ATE --.......!.7---'-"~f-L-'!'--- _____AM G INs.eTION REQUEST TOW N O F VA IL 479-2138 NAM E Gr I (,r j'_ CALLER V I ()[II)(-qfA:'----_=_ MO N T UES W EOT HUR c;b v (~(Yl \('I C t f')f r • R EAOY FORINSPECTION : LOCATION :ICJ (r to iN. P ERMIT NU MBEROF P ROJECT DATE ~JOB BUILDING:.PLUMBING : o FOO T INGS I STEEL o U NOERGROU NO ~FO UNOAT ION I STEEL o ROUG H I D W-V . o FRA MIN G o ROUGH I WA TER R OOF &SHEER o GAS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .T UB o SHE ETROCK N A IL 0_. 0 0 o FI NA L o F I NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEM P.PO WER o H EAT ING o R OUGH c EXHAUST H OODS c CONOUIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o FINA L o FINAL epJPP RO VED C ORRECTIONS : o D ISAPPROVED o R EINSPECTION REQ UIRED OATE ----'-"'7'-==""-f--L-,'t--I NSPECTOR • NA ME -------;-r-c"-"--:r:=::.c;;:l7-r:-;-:;-;-77==-- CA LLER IN SPECT IO N 'MON T UES'WED ,.9«ZP ,Jif:St _7/4/1' PER MI T N UMBER O ~OJ E C T DATE CJ.:;J JO B7 REA DYFOR L OCAT ION,...L=lL....L-"""----,.'Lc'--L'f-':.u:<L-'---'---"-_ '" BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FO OTIN GS I STEEL o UND ERGROUND 0 'FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DWV, o FRAMIN G o ROUGH /WAT ER ROO F &S HEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULAT I ON o POOL /H ,TU B o SHEETROCKNA IL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o FI NAL (ELECTR ICA l?:::>ME CHANI CAL: o T EMP_POWER o HE AT ING o ROUGH o EX HAUST H OODS o C ONDU IT o S UPPLY A IR If S f J (II (f'0, o FINAL .o FIN AL ;n APPROVED 1f'!J'o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUI RED C ORRECTION S' / , D A TE -+:"-""""L-=---L..:J~_IN SPECTOR --""--"="-'---''--'--7'-.L:4''''-==--- •INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VAIL 479 -2 138 • D ATE -I--"'-f.L..-I-f'-'--" READ YFO R L OCA T IO N :---.-'LL;"--.:==---c:7-'----"7"""-'-=.L~LL'--'-_L.___'_~'_JCLk>===_='------ BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTIN GS I STEEL o U N D ERGROUND o FOU NDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING P(RO UGH I W A TERJ~ ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILI N G )(GAS PI P ING <If) o I NS ULATI ON o POO L I H .T UB o S H EETRO CKN A IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI NA L ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o TE MP.POWER •o H EAT ING o RO UGH o EXHAU ST H OODS o C O NDUIT o SUP PLYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FI N AL ()~:lpP R O V E D o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SP ECTION R EQU IRED CO RRECT IONS : /', I NSPEC T O R//J /"u;/9'-I I IDATE---...L~,L-'='7-L.-"':"" • PERMIT NUMBER O F PRO JECT INSlcTION REQUEST TO WN OFVA I L 47 9 ·2 13 8 ~ READYFD R IN SPEC 2t.1 2 MON .~WED THUR F RI @ PM U n/,LOCATI ON : I e;t5C1(l B UILDING:PLUMB ING : o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o U NDERGR OU ND o FOUN DA TI ON I STEEL o ROUGH I DWV. o FRAMIN G o ROUGH I WAT ER ROO F &SHEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:ME CHANI CAL :.g.A s t/lhoTEMP.POWER !\H EAT IN G -tJ1 o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ~OV E D o DI SAPPROVED o REINSPEC TION REQUIRED '-7 CO RRECT IONS : INSPECTOR ----1'---;;;;I-<;;;;,...:.:::~::::...l=S>...._ • N A ME -----;:"'-fI:--'-==-"-.,------;-:=-;-~,.:;::,,.... INSlcTION REQUEST T OWNOFVA IL~,cv:I~.479-2 138 171 ~~I CAL LER "J!l;/,~)-11 "1 -Lj-7fo -/6C;o MO ~_.?'T UESWE D T HUR FRI A M G) -7-'=-7\-(/AJ<.i...1 ) ",,' PERMITN UMB?O F PRO J ECT D ATE /('Z6!qY!J O B,r '( REA DY FOR L OCATION ,---,-'''''-Je.a.-q-J...~=..!..l--'--",r=='''-'''-----L-4--;-_ B UILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TING S I STEEL o U ND ERGROUND o FO UNDATION I STEEL o RO UGH I DW.V , o F RAMING o RO UGH I W ATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIP IN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H ,T UB . o S HEETROCKNA IL 0 I ~'-efi .kto 0 FI NAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o H EATIN G o ROUG H o EXHAUST H OODS , o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L, o A PPROVED /\:;,"D ISA PPROVED '0 'REIN SPEC TION REQUIRED CO RRECTIONS ,/ ) D ATE ( •INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N OFVA IL (j 1/479 -2 138 )1-')~;-.~- CA ~ER (jj/;.\/;,2!Wtl '-1-..)1-d O!?1 TU ES WED -~F R I ·/Q PM ~"./N;'"(y_'-'7 • I NSPECTION :M DN ')//'-:):""1 DATE _..J....'--'--'-'--'-__J OBNAME -~-'-"'---'='rl":;-:'-~L,~9----...,..,,--,--,---=---;o READY FOR LOCATIO N :------=;L..OL--"'-d..---=7'--?-7==L....L-4'----~---_ BU ILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOT INGS /STEEL o U NDERGRO UND o FO UNDATION /STEEL ~G H/D .w .V .p.FRAMING .~~~O U G H /W A T ER ROOF &S HEER I ~A S PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION ~D POOLI H .TUB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0• o F INAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL:. o TE MP.POWER o H EATING (!'- 1 , ~o ROUGH o EXHAU ST HOODS-\o CON DUIT ,o SUPPLYAIR ~ 0 0 ~o FINAL o F INAL•~. •A PPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTIONREQU IRED, CO RRECTIONS: D A TE ---''--'':T-.L...-'--,f-~+--INSPECTOR CU,,,,t ---- •I NSPECTION REQUEST T OWN OFVA IL 47 9 -2138 I NS PECTION , &7~ • PERMIT NUMBER O FPROJECT l!j/(L R EADYFOR LOCATION , BUI LDING'P LUMB ING : o FOO TINGS I ST EEL o U ND ERGROUND o FOUN DATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROU GH I WA TER ROO F s SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POO L I H .T UB o SHEETR OCKN AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL (ELEC TRICAL:-J M ECHANICAL: I Y~EMP .POWER o HEATING ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 n FINAL o FINA L (0 'APP ROVED r;;Y /CORRECT IONS' o OISAPPROVEO o REINSPECTIONREOUIRED DATE -'-'_---''---_,I .J INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VAIL 4 79-2 138 • PERMIT N UMBE ROFPROJECT ()}'--£) DATE II !l3!?t/JOB NAME m~!l l:fJ:?-~C ;~R <'-}/;/1 .0 READYFOR INSPECTION:~;>T UE ~WED 'T HUR UFRI LO CATIO N -2 (C J 2----;C oO I .JJ<'.I'[:I"'•Z7 / BU ILDING:PLUMBIN G : o FOOTI NGS /S TEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOU NDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF s SHEER o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING )::[IN SULATION o POOL I H .TU B o S HEETROCKN AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o F I NAL • ELECTRICAL:MEC HAN ICAL: o TEMP .POWER o H EATING, o ROUG H o EXHAUS T HOODS o CON DUIT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 o FIN AL o FI NAL- UA ~V E D o D ISAPPR OVE D o REINSPECT IONREOUIRED CO RRECT IONS: < o'_---------------------- •-----:::'l---------=------,I----,--;-----------;".---- DATE I N SP EC TI O N : ;Z ~"';J 2- • LOCATION :-...::.<"'--'t,L.:...L.L'--C"7"':,t..L-P"-"c....Jc....J----'>=:::L-'-------------- PERMIT N U M ~E R O F PRO JECT DA TE J I /21/1i JO B READY FOR CO RRECTIONS . BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOT ING S I ST E EL o U NDERGRO UND o FO UNDATION I STEEL o RO UGH I DW.V. o FRAM IN G o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &S H EER , o PL YWOOD N A ILIN G o GASPIP IN G ,Ii!IN SU LATION o POOL I H .TUB,o S HEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FI N A L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP .POW ER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHA U ST HO ODS o CO ND UIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 . o ,FINAL o F I NA L CE!A.P PROV ED o D ISAPP ROVED o REI NSPEC TI ON REQUIR ED 1 .v-, DA TE _--''--'-+--'''''-/'---1''---''---__IN SPECTOR r r?£-,'CO }~,--J='-.....'........ -----A M c;.--J ~C,,}_ •INSPECTION REQUEST T OWN OF V A IL 4 7 9-2 138 • READY FO R L OCATIO N : PERMITNUM B /I DATE ---,-,114-l.4-f--L-,L-JO BN AM E _-",O=,-/.VI-'.-IL_'-7--= CA LLER '--fJ:¥£--.1.",+\:5lOC<~L---= I ' INSPEC TI O N :-'~'l .§WED n?R -;;2 6'4 'C.-9'IJ;?I hi ~ BUILDING:PLU MBING: o FOOTI N GS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOU NDATION I STEEL o ROUGH /DWV. a FRA MI NG o ROUGH /WA TER ROOF &S HEER &-)j;Cf o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING...~~S U L A T I O N {iA 0 JO''o POOL /H .TU B ,'•e- o S HEETROC K NA IL 0 .-<--~l 0 0 ~Z y I ldFINA L o F I NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o H EAT ING o ROUGH o EX HA USTHOODS o CO NDU IT o SU PPLY A IR 0 I 0, o FI NAL \o FI N AL o AP PROVED o D IS A PPROVED ~R E I N S P E C T I O N REO UI RED CO RRECT IONS : I , (}d,e I N SP EC TOR PM_____A M •INSPECTION REQUEST (1 TOW N O F VA IL 479-2 138 r7£A{/ CA L L ER I-/11,1"7/-7 {) M ON TU ES WED ;r~U;} !-'"/7"h'(A/I •/£7&/6 IN SPE C T IO N : d0/~ PERMI T NU MBEROFPROJECT !-:J I I I READYFOR L OC AT ION :_----'--"-=-+-~___'__"""'''--j'_'_'__'_''''____'___I===___ o REINSPECT IONREOUIREDoDISAPPROVED ---(BUIL~N~PLUMBING : o FOOTIN GS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o RO U GH /DW V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o G AS PIPI N GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POO L /H .TUB }S ~f K NA IL 0aO!.<e 0r o F I NAL o FIN A L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:. o T EMP,POWE R o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HO ODS o CON DU IT o S UPP LYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL "-a 'APPRO VED CO RRECT IONS: ( d •IN SPECT O R -'-:------"f-.'--'---+-+--c"-..~-------DA TE ---'--~+----J'------'----- 17 - • JO BN AME -..c.::;.L.--"=S.....,..~=-----;--------- •INSPECTION REQUEST!T O WN O FV AIL!?Uu ~.4 79·2138 C ALLER t/¢(;/\.,LA I NSP~T I O N :...rnTUES _WED TH UR (F ~I -/0 '7 F =;z.f!//11 f'(.,.,.-.//1/ READ Y FOR LOCA TlON :-_c.=-=--'--""'-..."..:....,F-i'-"'""-''-'-'--'--''--~------------- PERMIT N UMBEROF PROJECT DATE 'v/2fN o REIN SPECT ION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I W ATER RO OF &SHEER o G ASPIPI NGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB U 'SH EETROCK NAIL 0,. 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEAT ING ~ o ROUGH o EX HAU ST HOODS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 \ O 'FIN AL o FINAL•I r »:C~'A P P R O V E D CO RRECTIONS : , 1-)..-r:;!(y ( j 0' I /;lj <:/CJ5r/IDATE---'----f--"-'-;'-i--'--- -.-U3 -----0)PM •INSPECTION REQUEST T OWNO F VAIL 4 79-2138 TH UC:i F~' • C ALLER I N SP ECTION ,M ON ~W~Ddle~.~Q ---'-f---'--f-LL--J OBNAME --~~-:-f~;(_____;___4~Q'.j_--r;'1c---".--;-:A- PERMIT NU M • D ATE I ,"'....- READY FOR LOCAT ION ,---"-="'---=-f<¢---E0r''''''f'-j'=='-''-----'--''''''-...:....----------- BUILD ING:PLUMBING: o FOOTI NGS I STE EL o UNDE RGR OU ND o FO U NDATIO N I STEEL o RO UGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUG H I WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GASPI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 •0. o F INA L o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o HE AT IN G o ROUGH o EXHA U ST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY A IR 0 ~e---..0 !)l(FINAL /.Y1PA'JrJI .JJA .I.I ,J/Jv.::1 011 'U Fi NAL P PPROVED If)t /(V o DI SAPPROV ED o REINSPECTION REOUIRED )X..1'1 t j 'CO RRECTIONS ,( INSP ECTOR =:;;;;:,If/~Ad,,/ /-/0·~),,DAT E -,''---C L!..I.:....=...+'''-_ •INSPECTION REQUEST T OWN O F VAIL 4 79·2138 • FPROJECT C A LLER I NSPECT ION :~J U E S W EO T HUR ;;21 .p~p..<hP DA TE -?,<j-<LlL+-I:...L__JOB NAME -:c-';"-'"'~F;c-f--+-""'--------------;:~-;--,-. REA DY FOR LOC ATION : BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTI NGS I ST EEL o U NDERGROUND o FO UNDAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH I D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I W ATER ROOF &SHEER o G AS PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LATION o POOL I H .TU B o SH EETROCK NAI L 0 0 ,//11 /0 ~FIN AL /T.c .u.-1:/"'LL.o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP .POWER o HE ATING o ROU GH o EXH AU STH OODS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o F IN AL o F INAL L.-f"l PPROVED o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECT ION REOUIRED CORRE CTIONS: DA TE -~-'---J'-+~f--'--""""--INSPECTOR M • I NSPECTION : /)("7r9 •INSPECTION REQUEST10(0 I (0 TOWN O F VAIL PE RMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 479-2 138 DATE JO B NAME -.....l.,G.L-.~Q t tlJ.r£AJ.fJ ~CA LLER C/)tJ!(.j k !art!·,l1/acrI:l ~TU E S WED U TH UR FRI AM ~~M em,o!READ YFO R L OCATION :...c<..l!L<""''----';.LI.''''"~'-'£..Ll.:L----'-L..L<'''-:L.4'--------------- BUI LDING :PLUMBING: DFO OTINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND DFOUNDATION I STEEL D ROUG H I DW.V. D FRAMING D ROU GH I WATER RO OF &~EER D G AS PIP INGoPLYWOOONAILING o INSULAnON DPOOL I H .TU B ~ o SHEETROCK NAIL D 0 0 oFINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o T EMP.POWER DH EATING o ROUGH oEXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT D SUPPLYAIR 0 D ~FI NAL D FINA L. )if APPROVE D P DDI SAPPROVE D D REINSPEC TION REO UIRED• 1 • ." D ATE ..:z...~....L._.L:;"-_INSPECTOR ./-h,..( PERMIT N UMBERO FPR OJECT ••INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O F VA IL 4 79-213 8 DATE L./-.)~-9 <;J OB NAM E ---''''''-''-'-'-'1----'''-'-"''''''-----;---------- CALLER MO N T UESWED THUR @cUPiI\.l E C OuO"'- INSPECTION, 26:>7).. READY FOR LOCATION ,_--"~:....:....::..:_-=-=--'__=___=:....::._=___ BUILDING,PLUMB ING: o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATIO N I STEEL o ROUGH I D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WAT ER ROOF &S HEER o GA S PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULAT ION o POOL I H .TUB o S HEETROCK NAil 0 W-rCO Pi"M IH'!/&f?L 'C wo "t<S. . ,0 o FI NAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO ND UIT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 o FI NA L o F IN AL 1/{CO o REI NSP ECT IO NREO U IR ED rc..12 UN ':-'IUISHrfl t..U"eJc.. o D ISA PPROVEDIf"PUler ~APPRO V ED CORR ECT IO NS ' _....JR-..t:Q"'(--'I .LC-----'~"_'_'~'_____'_'_.u::.=::..:<:..='__'_!..___'L...!."'=<__ DAT E _L--'Z.."'-_Le.-_INSP ECTOR e..;k,0.l .." •INSPECTION REQUEST TOW N O F V AIL 479 -2138 I IU-1 / ,,/.-1-':--1-p .,/:1:/<.Mn ~I Dn CALLER /'t'v.._:'-1 014 ....,~'f~J ~•,'/,,(:I ¥/" TUESWED T H\!.Fl'G'?'"J (-,,v;PM ' Ii'II'I'/~,Q 1)1 i ck C~~INSPECTION :MON ,r-./)q J PERM IT N UMBER ~O F PROJECT DATE II 1;2 ~Cjt;)JOB NAM E, READYFOR LOCAT ION :--'-==-a=---_"'-_.!..LLL=:.-L..!l-.\.J::fJ-LLL---'...LL _ -7.. r >0 DI SAPPROVEDoAPPROVED/ C ORRE CTIO s.;-;,.-------=----,----t--,.f,~e,e~b~'#~~'f-1';ft'#.As.::.L-- BUILD ING :PLUMBING: o FO OTIN GS 1 STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /ST EEL o ROUGH /D W ,V. o FRAMING o ROUGH 1 WATER ROOF &S HEER o G AS PIP INGoPLYWOOONAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 /I,~D7/.r ;.(/o FINAL -J(I fY'(/.Y Y 1/1 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CON OUIT o SUPPL YA IR 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL ,. ., PM ,/ _____A M Ao/ & FRI •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O F VA IL 479·2138 T HUR I. • C ALLER -----.H"--'7'f----"!..~~-~---~ ~O N Q t;;~W ED .:t.,--, J OB NA ME ---'''-~.,~---:::_---.L------I I INSPECTION : ; ~ READY FOR LO CAT ION :__--"=-__'---='--_-""-'--...L_--''--'--~_ PERMIT NUMBER OFPRO JECT DATE ~/! • , '! CO RRECTIO NS: BUI LDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT ING S /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /ST EEL oROUG H /D.w.v . o FRAMING oROUGH /WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION oPOOL /H .T UB o SH EETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL /.\,-,o FINAL, ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP,POWER o HEATIN G o ROUG H oEXHAUST HOO DS o CONDU IT o S UPPLYAIR 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL q J il'PROVED oDI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REOUIRED J D ATE _-"'"-'--,£-L<.+-<---'-_ •!:) INSPECTION REC T OWN OF V AI L 479·2 138 ---------:-:::-"..,...__._. CA LLER T ~~UFR I)~h nt'Ctf:-& MON fJ .• REA DY FOR IN SPECTION: LO CATI ON:cA "U DATE --f""":=:+--'-""=::"--J OB NAME ---/-....-'"~F-.....i.';l"'~,ff--....:...-:-t::-c;-- .,• -, BUIL DIN G: o F OO TINGS I STEEL _ o F O UN DATION /STEEL _ o FRAMI NG ROOF &SHEE RoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INS U ~AT I ON _ o SHEETROCK NAil:-,,,..,.--;-:-__:--_:-_ o :fl .Tl e ad'/t c W.?L Ks I'dJI=JNA L L-U·;ItA PL UMBING: o U NDERG ROUND o ROU GH/D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o G ASP IPIN G ----- o POO L /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o F INAL ELEC TR ICAL: 0 'TEMP.P OWER _ o ROUGH '--_ o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o A NAL, MECHANI CAL : o HEATIN G _ o EXH AUST H OODS --:_ o SU PP LY AI R _ 0 _ o F IN A L o APP ROVED CORJ'lECT IONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION RE .-•..;.._.... G INSPECTION REQU TOWN OFVAIL 479·21 38 CALLER )(L~~THU .FRI .)~.ht'd:-&.MON •.'}. INSPECT ION: ~~12 DATE --f--=-f-:""":;--JOBN AME --~;..t~~r:---4~:;.,:.,.-----.:---,t::--:--.,- READYFOR LOCATION:_--"'--'....I"-"'-6""--'-4Lo'./-LL.L.X:.=====-->-"-"'-_ • BUILDING: o FOOTING S /STE EL _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING _ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------ci INSU\.ATION _ .0 SHEETROCK N Ale _ o t INAL 'O. PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH I D.'f'I.V._ o ROUGH/WATER _ o GAS PIPING __-,-_ o POOL /H .TUB ---,__ o "" o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH -'-_ o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAl, MECHANICAL: o HE ATING _ o EXH AUST HOODS ,.-__ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL [pc'ROVED CORRECTIONS: oDIS APPROVED o REINSPECTION REQU I .\,\.I . ,)J! / 7 7 //·r.;/<:V/\0 ·7 CHECK REQUESJ PREPARED BY :;?/~(-/d a.u DATE:/~'>/,9£ VENDOR NAME:Ma-___~/.,/-..u ~~~ VENDOR NUMBER:(j Ia:>~?? DESCRIPTION OFEXPENSE :CLEAN UP DE PO SIT REFUND F ORBP #C:,?/.? NAME OFJOB:~d 'f 0'~~ ACCOUNT NUMBER:o'f 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND :~&>d! DATE APPROVED:~'5:-"I/"r: APPROVAL SIGNATURE:~J{.1A 12 ~",. ..' •,. -'<..J -r;;Mf~)<~e t ~v "'r~,..u;.-{(l (~..{,;',';-wCof:J l'<.t ~~/.. -=JJ o e XWc'w,"L lje..+INl '-:-crJ d.rese t=~~M .-..-e-*S ~ I• 1 4-J'\J:"::Y~~E<. 11~----r~'TYPf:>(-::'6'/'P,eo.! ?--n:--;:T--1l I • :""':'f':MTr:J '""..U....,, ,,. j2 .p L.'(,1-J1),-- I .F D6t-I '....",, ;l,><,10 ~~AJ<. .--;J.f,,(p u=i>AR...•.--'-.__.- • j ----_. ! I •• _-__1'L~u:<:.o . .- 4H-_j)L~u:a<rl'b~'::-_ .R.J<;l D_I ~D-J· • • • ) , ••. '. •,., " "'$1"11//0 ISiTIlrWoNE.L AU-~ J",oQlJ<>·li.lAlI-SY'0 12=T"'~ .:SM L..'i'OL-yi:n-j:{l-F-I:N blllFD ::ro'I-'lAu..~D1 o...J<:>"'='---.....=EX>r"ll:>M :cr:E><L,A.VAToc:,.Jl==:r ,.,,,==,-~_.-=--=-.=-- _15#U>-1T£.S4:rEO=.1m ~t.:PINio'_I'APER.:·:· , §11.l11=3.:::.eE fbRAT ED _____. .:De~"nJ'-=-P.I P ~-·'-::."'._._._ @H'l ::;:::m::.11::x::a;;:C S I.l:::"L,. A S ... ,.U..-~-"'.......'I ..---'-'~"""._- -2 ~R.lbiD IKJ~UCA.TI Ol.,J ,.... ~ • ----'---- • ,~ ,. • ". '-6 '.•to,. 1===ijJLJ . J.,. ,'-:;~-_.~"--1 '-D"~..4-""-_. • ..~.~ ~R:l "l I!>AlT IN:,uL-,...-r-------~M!1----I :J:-{Ii El<_e>l--D;,•.PA i'l:><.._, , , > Des'n ReviewAction Font T OWN OF VAIL Category Numberr..".-;"T__r-Date _ Project Name:(.dt111VZT ~C?,rVAA.c2 Build ing Name:-------=,-----=::---------+----,-----r--,,-----;:~--~._- Project Descrjption:_l-'l.(7l.!O..L__--'l...LlillLi....u-.,f'-----'£:"-.I-----'f-L...2L.!:--!...:L..Jc...L~___\_1A~~.J..J-'" Owner,Addressand P h one:_ S u bd iv is io n ~L.._d4J.L.;$<ClJJL_=\_li~-Zon e District -1:I--F::2- Architect/C ontact .Address andPhone:--"~I'-l.j,LJL.J.--'~LLL...-+-"=l..£::.l.!"-'..:=+'_-'--'-1>~~'b-c'/-:..L~ Legal Description:Lot ---f::fl-Blo ck ProjectStreet Address:_ COmme nts:_ Board /StaffAction Vote:6---0MotlonbY:~11#Se~~bY ~O L1 ~'l-+'~JiCa --,-- ~A P p r ov a l o Disapproval Town p,anne r f Date:~~----,-(_.01-0+--- ••, R,R DATE: •SFR, ZONE CHEC K FOR • P !S ZONE DISTRICTS , • • ., LE GAL DESC RIPTION:Lot C1 Blo ck ~Fili ng ~tJy1=trJ ____ ADDRE SS:'1/jJ-1_l ~0t: OWN ER (W,-u'4 PH ONE _ ARCH ITEC T _J21,-,1'\-:::(k.~,---.w[h....:...wII PHONE _ ZONE DISTRICT _.~-jl_~.,~·__ 7 ?j l ~\---**L OT SI ZE PROPOSED USE __~__ Al lowed Ex istin g prop os e;Tot al .1JJJ (30)(50) '{?'W He ight Site Coverage Set b ack sFr o nt Sides Re ar Total GRFA Pr imary GRFA -:-+425 =._ Second ary GRFA 016 +425 =~ 2 0' 1 5' 15' Wat er Cou rse Setb ack Landscapi ng 11 1NO._Yes Retaining Wall Heights 3 '16 ' -1.-ReQrd J_(300)~(1200 )t:=:o[) Drive:~~~.~P ermitted Slope ~Actua~S lope __ Y\ll /ll;;+-}rtJ..'-tr u 'VV\-n;'~~Da t eapp roved by Town 'Enginee . View co r ~r Encroa Jhment:_ Garage Credit Parking Envi ronmental/Haza rds :1 )F lood P la in r equest 1'_-=== 2)Perc ent S lope _ 3 )Geo log ic Hazards a)Snow Av al=a~n~c~h:e==~:;z;=====b)Ro ckfa ll-:: c)Deb ri s Flo w .....L=_ 4)Wet lands,--::-_ Previous cond i ti ons of ap p roval (check p roperty f ile)~:__~~~__~~_ Does this requ esti nvolve a 25 0 Additi on?!lJ 0 . How mu ch of t he a ll owed2 50Addit ion is us ed wi th this **Note :Unde r Se ct ions1 8.12.090 (B)an d1 8.13.080(B)o f t he Mun icipal Code ,l ots z o ne d Tw o Fa mily a nd Primary /Se condary whi ch are l e ss th an 15 ,000 sq.ft.i n area ma yn ot const ructa sec ond dwelling uni t.The Commun i ty Devel opment Dep artment may grant ane xcepti ont o t h is re s tri ction pr ov ided the applicant mee ts t he cri t eria set f orth unde r Sections 1 8 .1 2.09 0(B)and 1 8.1 3 .0 8 0(B)of the Mu nicipal Codei ncl Uding p erma nent ly res tri ct ing the unit as al o ng-term rental unit for f ull- time e mplo yeeso ft he Upper Eagle Valley, ,••••.. r ;..I\Irf Jq Q .-~~ ~-~r~.~"""idi i()~ (~'.-~O'JJW -v:-olw?~~ -0 \fV\CIJY}~lrvvi l cO ~ O¥X'~· 0l%-~0-tU~.~~{~r/tfU .~be t1'(}J~k (}0 .~ ufJl-+O~~. ~~. (;cvyr;;y -V0'VQ t;-ta.4 . tiU1;1A~-10 ~. ~~k?~ ~1~~oo3~~. ~-COtvr'-Uch8Vl .N.M4 to be ~- ~~. ••" ~- -?av0 ~~~~1;. f\IIA\(Q.~NUL +0 ~~~-h~ MWV'leLQ . I'~~~' \~,)'L1:Q ~, ~.~cG'to cI)<1'Q:fJ~ ~rf/(k-A-. U~16-)), •LIS T OF MATER IALS • NAME OF PROJECT :6 fu '(Rl::e>:...!:",~ko,:::",!!..{~e.,----_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT-1e-BLOCK ~SUBDIVISION ~'A STREET ADDRESS:$7 2.h..p",.C,p ..<+ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:r D ""''1 s..rr,,-!ey fC C.,, The following info rmati on is required for submitt al to t he Design Review Board before a final appr oval can be given : A.BUILDING MA TERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia S offits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Tr ash Enclosures Greenhouses Ot he r TY PE OF MATER I AL Cel.:lr .'Fbs ~(+Sh '~el =>t.-w u0 C rd er C..e c\f\r C.lad "?+uu o B .LANDSCAPING:Name of De s igne r:__~~~~~A=~LL ___ P h one:_~.:u;8~>:<l...L--=~___ PLANT MATERIALS : PROPOSED TRE ES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botan icalName Commo n Na me Asp"'" Qu a ntity 7 Siz e* "l z.-I-e Z ' ('e:Ip1o(....' *Incticate caliper f or dec iduous trees .Minimum cal iper for de ciduous tree s i s 2 i nches.Indicate h eight fo r c onife ro us t ree s .Mini mu m h eight f or co niferQus t reesi s 6 feet . 7 PLAN T MATE &S:•Botanical NameCommonNa me Quantity Size*- PROPOSEO SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Incticate size of proposed shrubs.Mi ni mums ize o fs hrubs i s 5 gallon . Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF I RR IGATION TYPEOR METHOD OF _ EROSION CONTRO L C .LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:If exterior lighting is proposed,p lease show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting p lan.Identify each fixture from the lighting plan o n the li st below and provide the wattage ,height above grade and type of light proposed. D .OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences ,swimming pools ,etc.)Please specify .Indicate heights of re taining wa l ls .Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 f eet .Maximum height of walls elsewhe re on the property is 6 feet. 8 • :rIM Owners Form 23 1 2 •POlicy 4lt .AZ76197 9 File No .V14194 SCHEDULE A Amount $2 6 ,0 00.00 Address 1.Policy Da te: 2 .Name of Insured: October 06 ,1989 at 8 :00A .M . ~\RRY C .GRAY AN DCOLLEEN G.GRA Y ,as Jo int Te n ant s 3 .The es tate or i nte rest i n t hel and d escr ibed i n th is Schedule and which is c o vered by th is po licy is : AFee Simp le 4 .Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date he reof is vested in: HARRYC .GRAY AND COLLEEN G .GRAY ,a s Joint Tena nts 5 .The land r e ferred to i n thi s policy i s situated in EAGLE county, Colora do,and i sd e scribed a sf ollows : LOT 6,BLOCK 2 ,VAIL I NT ERMO UNTAIN DE VELOPMEN T SUBDI VI SION , ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLATTHEREOF ,COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO. === Page 1 ThisPo licy va l id o n ly i f Schedu le B is a ttached. • TI MOwnerFo rm 2313 V14194 .1iCY No .AZ 761979 SCHEDULE B This pol icy does not insure against loss or damage by reas on of the .f o l lowi ng: 1 .Rights or cl aims of parties in possession not shown by the pub lLc records. 2.Easements,or claims of e asements,not shown by the p ublic reco rds . 3.Dis crepancies,conflicts in boundary lines,sho rt ag e in area, encroa chments,and any f actswhich a correct surv ey a nd inspection o f the premises would di sclose a nd which a re not shown by the pUblic records . 4 .Any lien,or right to a lien ,f or s e rv ices,l abor,o r mate ri al t heretofore or hereafter furni shed,i mpos ed by law a nd not shown b y t he pUbl ic r ec ords . 5 .1989 TAX ES NOT YE T DU E AN D PAYABLE . 6 .LIENS FOR UNPAID WAT ER AN D SEWE RCHAR GES,IF ANY. 7.RIGHTOF WAY FOR DITCHE SOR CANALS CONSTRUC T ED BY THE AUT HO RITY OFTHE UNITEDS TATESASRESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATEN T REC OR DE D April 1 8,1 934, IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 3 . 8 .RESTRICTIVE CO VENAN TS ,WHICH DO NOT CON TAINAFORFEITUREOR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMIT TING RE STRICTIONS ,IF ANY,BASED ONRACE,COLOR ,RELIGI ON , OR NATIONAL ORI GIN,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED July 24 ,19 70 ,IN BOOK 218 AT PAGE 281 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Ap ril 28,19 71, INBOOK 2 20AT PAGE 37 8. 9 .UTILITY EASEMENT 5 F EET IN WIDTH ALONG ALLI NT ERIOR LOT LINES ASRESERVED ON THEPLATRECORDE D JUN E3D ,1 970 IN BOO K 2 18 AT PAGE 8 2 . 10 .PUB L IC SERVICE NATURAL GAS PIPELINE EAS EM ENT AFFECT ING APORTIONOF SUBJECT PROPERTY ASSHOWN ON T HE RECO RDEDPLATOF VAILI NTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPM EN T SUBDI VI SION,BLO CK 2 . 11.TERMS,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OFEASEMENT DEED RECORDED October 19 ,198 7 IN BOO K 472 AT PAGE 1 50. Page 2" • TIM Owner Form23 13.V14194 .Hcy No •AZ76197 9 SCHEDULE B 12 .EASEMENTS,RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS S HOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECO RDED PLATOF VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION. 13.DEED OFTRUST DATED Octobe r 03,1989,FROM HARRY C .GRAY AND COLLEEN G .GRAY TOTHE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FORTHEUSEOF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $18 ,000 .00 RECORDE D October OS ,1 98 9,I N BOOK 514 AT PAGE 85 3. 14 .ASSIG NMEN T OF RENTS AND OTH ER RI GHTSRECO RDEDo ctober OS,19 89 I N BOOK 5 1 4 AT PAG E 85 1. Page 3 ."U~LITY LOCAT I ON VER IF ICATIO '".: F IL ING c/ &/.er ~'J-?()I!V'.i.: t(,PJ ;/)P J1I'-I" B~OCK ....£2:>..._ k I i/J r'J I C/..'f~}7ck LOT _"""'-_ ADDRES S -:2/72 S~DIVISION _/:......""~,,~;C.LI_..,...t=ti.!2~..:...!.~=..:..::=~_ JOB NAME (~r/.t I I h I The lo cat ion and a vail ability of uti lities ,whether they be main t runkl ine s or propos ed li ne s ,must be a pproved a ndv e ri fie d by the fo l lowing u t ilities f or the ac companyings ite plan . Authori zed S ig nature u .s.We st Communications 1 -800-922-198 7 468-6860 o r 949 -4530 Public Se r vice Company 9 49-5781 Gary Ha ll Holy C ro ss Electric As soc . 949 -5892 Ted Husky /Michael La ve rty _H e ~~e>d&i<>n T.V . 949 -5530 Steve Hi at t Upper Eagle Valley Wa t er &Sanitation District • 476 -7480 Fred Has lee l c -~"_\)~ 11-8 --73 NOTE:1.This fo rm is t o verify servi cea vailabi li ty and locati o n .Thi s sh ould be used in c onjunction with preparing your u til ity plan and schedul i ng i nstalla ti ons. 2.For any new constr uction prop o s al,t he appli cant must p rovi de ac o mp leted uti lity v er ification form. 3.If a utility c o mpany has c onc ern s wi th the p roposed c onstruction ,t h e u ti l i ty represe ntative sh oul d not d irectly o n t h e u t i lity verificatio n f orm that t here i sa probl em whi ch n e eds to be resol ved.The i ssue s ho ul d th en be s pe ll ed o uti n detail in an at ta ched letter t o theTown of Vai l . However ,ple as e keep in mind that i ti s t he r esp onsibility o ft he ut il ity c o mp a ny t or es olve identified pr oblems . 4 .If t he utility ve ri fi ca ti on fo rm ha s s ignatures f rom each of the uti l it y companies ,and n o comments are made directly ont he form ,t heTo wn will presume that there are no problems a nd t hat t hed evelopm e nt c anp r o ce ed . S .Thes e v erifications d o n ot r el ie ve the contract or of h is respon sibi li t y t o obt ai na street c ut p ermitf rom t he Town of Va il ,De p a rtment of Publ ic Wo r ks and to obta in ut i lit y loca ti ons b ef ore digging in a ny public ri ghto f way o r easement in t he Town o fVail.Ab ui ld ing p er mit is not a street cu t permit .A st r eet c ut permit mus t be obt ained separately. *Plea se bri ng a s itep lan ,f lo or p la n,and e lev at i onswhen obta in ing Uppe rEagleVa l ley Wat er &Sanitation s ignatures .Fire flow needs mus t be add res s ed . 9 ••S FR,R,R ZONE CHECK FOR , PIS ZONE DISTRI CTS ~,. , U ,16-hkdJ eJ U'-'?"_/ DATE : LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOt .t Block ::2.F iling ADDRESS :'2t ?.2 j/,1/1-7 I (1::.,/'2 /d.r:-/- OWNER llaVYlf 'f G,;I?:(I"C~""""I PHON E 8~7 -i"~]/ ARCHITECT '~r"r,!I ~t'?/:;p,r IS'"PHONE r 7b -bf y Z ZONE DIS TRICT _ PROPOSED USE **LOT SI ZE _ Allowed Exis ting P roposed Tot al He ight (30)(33 ) Total GRFA Primary GRFA S econda ry GRFA +425 ='_ +425 ='_ Setbac ks Front S ides Rear 20' 15 ' 15' I Water Course Setback (30)(50) Site Coverage Landscaping Reta ining Wa ll Heights 3 '/6 ' pa rking __Reqrd Ga rage Credit (300)(6 00)(900)(1200)_ Drive :Permitted S lope ~Actua l Sl ope _ Date approved b y Tow n Enginee r: Vie w Corrido r Enc roa chment:Yes,_NO,71?_ Env ironmental/Ha za rds:1 )Flood P la in 2)Percent Slope _ 3)Geo logic Hazards a)Snow Avala nc he b)Rock fall c)Deb ris Flow 4)We tlands Prev i ous c o nd itions of approva l(check property file)~:_ Doe s this re que st involve a 250 Addition? Howmu ch o f the a l lowed 250 Addition is used with this r equest?__ **Note :Under Sec t ions 18 .12.090(B)and 18 .13 .080(B)of the Munic ipal Code ,l ot s zoned TwoFam i ly and Primary/Secondary wh ich are l ess than 15 ,000 sq.ft .in area may not construct a second dwell ing un it.The Commun it y Development Department may grant a n e xcept ion to th is restriction provided the app licant meets the c ri te rias et forth under Sections 1 8.1 2.090(B)and 1 8.1 3.080(B)of the Mun icipal Code in cluding permanen t ly r es tr ict in g t he u nit as a l ong-term r ent al uni t f or f ul l- t ime e mpl o yees o f the Uppe rEagle Va l ley . 1 0 • • , x J c bneon,KUIJ..l.::el &:A.ao c i .le s,In c. toso100200 EAGLE C O U ~"i COLORAD O GR A?HICSCALE o' ~ UPPER r VALLE CO NSO LIDI SANIT ATI. DISTRIC '. LE GE ND ----stCTION l!HE: ~oPOlTY uss ROAD ROW UJ<f( -_..-~B~:>ASl Y -------.rJS~-"T U NE .37 SUBOlYlSlON LOT ~El(R @ SJ8:JlV'lSlON B ~OO<NUt.l!3Ol: <@:>8UIl.D ING ~SS '0 SECTION CORN OI:- -">,C041'E RU "I ~0;CRttk OR o ro OR ecce or R1VE"R -,-"-_SE'AtR l!HE:AH O sur ---.-lolA,N",OC,.[ ~?-UF1'S T"li ON -I (::I-Ia."-,,,«I II -IS ·cj3 I,, I,, I,, I,, I _.._.._..- " --_..- Q\)\'1 S \l v f LuI-\'-'-,.,., (.'1 v "'"-f..:,"'- "'--"---~ ~\osQ':,-\w 0..\e.-r !'" 1"-':>-\...<i.e...-\-'v "'c,~+.. \-l~~"J _._.-_..-.-..-_..-.---- r • ..... ,, i "\\..e •• Returnto -:""':::="'--.L::,.c...--=,.--- INTER·DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW 1I(j I I cPROJECT: DATE SUBM~ITT~E~D~:~~~==::::J[It:::::;~Ef::t:2::::========­ DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING~.::===================:::COMMENTS NEEDED BY:_ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OFTHE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT Comments: /)/'.k-<'v',.ch j J?:'~/I r../...?.Y~//c:;,,7's '~. ",-c;I ...V -' _"1;Mll' ,.,..... r' PUBLI C N onCE NOTICE I S HEREBYGIVENthattheD esign ReviewBoard w ill bereviewing anapplicationon December 1,1993,in th e Town of Vail Mun icipal BUi lding . 1.Arequest foraType I Employee Housing Un it (secondary u nit)ona Primary/Seco ndary zoned lot w hich is lessthan15,000 square feet.located at 26 72 Klnnl ckinni ck Court/Lot 6 ,Block 2,Vail In termoun tain Subdivisio n. p Appli cants:Harry andColleen Gra y The applicat iona ndinform ation about the proposal sare available in th ezoningand adm inistra to r's offi ce during regu lar offic e hoursfor pu blic inspection. TOWNOFVAIL COM MUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published In the Vail Trail on Nov ember 12 ,1993. ., TH EODORE &NANCYSP RIGE 5809J EFF PL ACE EDINA ,MN55436 SUSAN DUG AN P.O.BOX 3768 VAIL,CO8 1658 J OHN R.WOOL F 7SHADO W LANE METAIRIE,LA70005 SHEILA A .SULLIVAN 2645LARKSPURLANE VAIL,CO8 1657 STEVENGARREn . 8229 S.KEARNEY STREET ENGLEWOOD,CO80112 MEADOWCREEK CONDO ASSOC %BOBBI SALZMAN 2560KINNICKINNICK,#F-5 VA IL,CO81657 GEORG EF.MI LLER 17502W .HWY101 WAYZATA ,MN55 391 SPEAREHOMESTEAD TRU ST 669J ACKSONPARKWAY WIL LIAMSBAY,W E53 191 ""'....•to,. MINNESOTA TIT~~~~ &'ners Policy Ameri can La nd litle Assoc iation form S-1970 (Amend ed 10.1 7·70) Policy Number AZ 761979 • SUB JEC T TO THE EXCLUSIO NS FRO M CO VERA GE,THE EXCE PTlONS CO NTAI NED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIO NS Of THE CO NDITIO NS AN D STll'LJ lATIO NS HEREDf, TITLE INS URANCE COMPANY OF MINN ESOTA.her ein ca lled the Co mp any,ins ures.as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A.against loss ordamage.not eceeooa the amount of insurance stated in Sched ule A.and costs,anorr evs 'tee s and expens es whi ch the Company may become obliga ted to pay hereunder.sustained or incurred bythe insured hy reason of: li tleto the estate or interes t described in Schedule A being veste d otherwise than as sta led therein; 2.Anv defect inor lien or encumbrance co such title: 3.Lack ofa right of access to and fro m the land:or 4.Unma n:etability of S1Jch title IN WI TNESS WHEREO F.the said li tle nsur aoce Company of Minneso ta has caus ed its corporate name and seal to be bere unrc affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A.the polit)'to be vali dwhen cou ntersi gned byanauth orized officer or agent of the Company TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESffiA A Srock Company 4IJ(J SffDflrJ Averwe South,MrntlfSpoIis.Mmnesota 55401 O~\" Atrest TIM form #130 8,86 25M 6.De/ermina/ian iJnd faymerrt of lnss (al The liability of the Corroaov under this policy shall innocase exceed the least of: IiI the acnerloss of tbe insured claimant;or l iil the amount of msvance stated 10 Schedule A:or. Ib)The Company will pay.in addilion to any loss insured against by Ihis policy.all costs i mpo sed upon an Insured inlitiga- tion carried on bythe Company for such Insured.and aU costs.attcrnevs' fees and expenses in litigation carried en by such insured with the written autho rization of the Com pany. Ic!When liability has been deflOilely fixed In accord- ance With the ccndmons of this ~licy,the loss or damage shall be payable within 30 days thereafter. of the estate or interest in said land.10 the extent that such l itigationis fou nded upon an aHeged detect.lien,encumbrance,or other matter insured against bythis policy. [b)The insured shall notify the Company promptly in writing Iil in case any action or proceeding is begun ordefense IS inter- posed as set forth in Ial above.Oil in case koooNledge shall come to an insured hereunder of any claim of utle 01'Interest which is adverse to the title to the estate or nterest as insured,aud which might cause loss or damage lor which the Company may be liable byvirtue of this ~licy.or (iii) ifl itleto the estate orinterest,as insured,is rejected as unmarketable.It such prompt nonce shall not be given to the COnJPi:lny.then as to such msured all liabi lity of the Co mpany shall cease and terminate in regard to the matter or matters forv.mich such prompt notice is reuned:provided. howcvc r,that fail ur eto notify shall in no case ceuoce the rights 01any insured unde r this policy unless the Company shall be prejudiced bysuch fallu le and the n only 10 the extent of such prejudice. lcl The Company shall have thenght atItsown cost to Insti tute and without un due delay prosecute any action or proceeding or to doany other act which inits opinion mev be necessary ordesirable to esta blish the title to theestate or mterest as insured.and the Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this policy.whether or no t it shall beliable thereund er,and shall not ttle reb v concede liability or waive any provision of this policy, (dl whenever the Company shall have brought any action or Interposed a defense as required or pennined by the provisions of this policy.the Company may pursue any such lltqaton to final determi- nation bya court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in Its sole discretion.to appeal from any adverse judgment or order. Iel Inall cases v.mere this policy permits or requires the Companv to prosecute or pr~ide for the defense of any action or pro- ceeding.the insu red he reerder shall secure to the Company the right to SO prosecute or orcace defense in such action 0/proceediflQ.and all appeals meren.and pefmit the Company to use,at its option.the name of such insured for such purpose lJ\Ihenever requested by the Company.such insured shall give the Comoarv all reasonable aid in any such action or proceeding,in eHecting semement securing evidence.obtaining wit- nesses,or prosecuting ordefending such action or proceed mg.and the Company shall reimburse such Insured tor any expense so incurred. 4.Notice of Loss-lilnirarion of Action In addition tothenotices required under paragraph 3(bl of these Conditions and Stipulations,a stateme nt in writing of any loss ordamage for which it is claimed the Company is liable under this policy shall be furnishe d to the Company Within 00 days after such loss ordamage sha ll have been deter- mined and no fight of action sha ll accrue 10 an insu red claimant until 30 days after such statemen t shall have been furnished Failure to fumlsh such statement ofloss or da mage shall term inate any liability 01 the Company under this policy as to such loss or damage. 5 Options to Payor Othmvise Settle Claims The Company shall have the opuon to pay or otherwise settle lor or in the name of an insured clement aov claim insured against orto terminate all liability and obligations of the Company hereunder by paYing ortendering payment of the amount of insurance undel thiS JXllicy together With any costs,attomevs'lees and expenses incurred up tothetime of such pay- ment or terder 01 payment.by the insured claimant and authorized by theCompany. EXCLUSI ONS fROM COVERAGE The IoIlO'N ing matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this po licy: 1./J!l'f law.ordinance or governmental reculano n (includ ing but rotlmrred to bUilding and zoning ordmerces !restricting or regul ating or prohibiting the occupancy.USP.or enjrwmen t ofthe land,or regulat ing the cha rac ter,nimensions or locatio n of any improvemen t now or he reafte r erecte d on the land.or prohibiting a seoaranon In crwnershlp Of a reduction in the dimens ionsor area otre land.or the effect ul any violation of any such law.ordinance or governmental regulation. 2.Rights 01 eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights ecc ee rs in the public records at Date of Policy. 3.Defects,liens,encu mbrances.arbersc cl aims.or othe r matters lal crea ted.suffered.ass umed or agreed 10 bythe Insured claima nt;lb)not known to the Com pany and not shown by the public rec - ords but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acq uired an estate orInterest ins ured by nus policy and not disclosed in writing by the ins ured claimant to the Co mpany prior to the date such ins ured claiman t beca me an insured hereunder;lcl resulting in no loss ordamage to the insured claimant;(d)attaching orcreated sub- sequen t to Date of Policy;orIel resulting in loss or damage which wou ld not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the es tate orinte rest insured by this policy. CONDI TIONS AND STIPUlATIO NS "DefinitiOfl of Terms The fol lowing terms when used in this policy mean: Iel "insured":theinsured name in Schedule A,and. subject to any rig hts or defenses the Company may have had against the named ins ured,those 'Nho succeed to the Interest 01 such Insured by oper- atioa oflaw as distinguished from purchase including.but not limited 10, heirs.dist ribulees.devisees.survivors.personal representatives .next of kin.or co rpora te Of fiduciary successors. (bl "insured claimant":an insured claim:ng loss or damage here unde r. leI "'knowledge":actual knowledge,not Constructive knowledge or notice which mav be imputed to an insu red byreason of anv public records, Id l "land":the land described.specificallv or by refer- ence in Sche dule A,an d improvements affixed mereto which by law constitute real property;provi ded,howeve r.the term "land"does not incl ude any property Ix¥>nd the lines ofthearea specifically descnbed or referred 10 In Sched ule A,nor any right.tille,Interest.estate 01 easement in abutting streets.roa ds,avenues,alleys,lanes.ways or waterways,but nothing herein sh all modify orlimitthe extent to v.mlch a nght of access to and Irom the land is insured bythis policy. Iel "mortgage'"mortgage,deed 01 trust,trust deed. or other security inst rument. /I)"public records":those records which by law impart constructive notice of matte rs relating to said land. 2.(al Cootinuation of Insur8nre after D:xrvey8l1ce of Title This cove rage of this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policy In favor 01 an insured SO long as such insured retens an estate or nterest in the land,or holds an indebtedness secured bya purchase money mortg<lye give n bya purchase r from such insured,or so long as such insured shall have liability by reesm of covenants of warranty made by such msured In any transfer or con veyance of such esta te or interest;provided.hrJINever, this J:K)licy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from such Insure d of either said esta te or interest or the mdetnedoess secured bya purchase looney mortgage given to such insured 3.Defense and ProseMlon ofkrioos-Notice of Claim tobe gM:IJ byatllnsured CJaim1:lfll Ill)The Company,lit its 0'M1 cost lind watout undue delay.shall provide for the defense of an insured inall litigation consetoq of actens or pfl1ceedings commenced against such insured,ora defense interposed against an insured in an action to enforce a contract fora sale •••I •(COfllllwOO (JIl1"nWe bad flap) • •'. TIM Owners Form 231 2 ••Policy No .AZ761979 File No.V14194 SCHEDULE A Amount $26 ,000.00 Address 1.Policy Date : 2 .Name of Insured: october 06,1989 at 8 :00 A.M . HARRY C .GRAY AN D CO LLEENG .GRAY ,as Jo intT ena nts 3 .The estate o r interest i nt he land described i n thi s Schedu le and which i s covered by t h is policy is: A Fee Simp le 4.Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: HARRY C.GRAY AND COLLEEN G.GRAY ,as Jo int Tenants 5 .The land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado,and is described as follows: LOT 6,BLOCK 2,VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLATTHEREOF ,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO. === Page 1 This Policy valid only if Schedu le B i sa ttached . TIM Owner Form23 13 F ~No.V14194 •Po l icy No .AZ76 1979 SCHEDULE B This pOlicy does noti nsure aga inst loss or damage b y reasono f th e following : 1.Rights o r claimso fp artie s in p os sess ion not shownb y the pUb lic re c ord s. 2 .Easements,o rc l aims o fe as emen ts ,n ots hownb y the p u blic r eco rds. 3.Disc repanc ie s,c o nf licts in bounda ry lines,shortage in area, e ncroachments,a nd a ny fac tswh ich a co rre ct survey and inspect ion of the premises wou ld d isc lose and which a re n ot s hown by the public reco rds. 4.Any lien ,o r right to a lien,for services,lab or ,or material theretofore or hereafter furnished ,imposed by law and not shown by the public records . 5 .1989 TAXES NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE. 6 .LIENS FORUNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES,IF ANY . 7 .RIGHTOFWAY FORDITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OFT HE UNITEDSTATES AS RESERVED INUNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED April 18,1934 , IN BOOK 1 23AT PAGE 3 . 8.RESTRICTIVECOVENANTS,WH I CH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE ,BU T OMITTI NG RESTR I CTIONS ,IF AN Y,BA SEDON RA CE,COLO R,REL IG ION , OR NAT IONALORI GI N,AS CONTA INED I N INSTRUM ENT RECOR DED July 24,1 9 70,IN BOOK 21 8ATPAGE 28 1 AN D AS AMEN DE DIN INSTRUM ENTRECOR DEDAp ril 28 ,1971, IN BOOK 220 AT PAGE 378. 9 .UTI LITY EASEMENT 5FEETINWIDTH ALONG ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON THEPLATRECORDED JUNE 30 ,1970 IN BOOK 2 18 AT PAGE 82. 1 0.PUBLIC SERVICE NATURAL GAS PIPELINE EASEMENT AFFECTINGAPORTION OFSUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLATOFVAIL INTERMOUNTA IN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION,BLOCK 2 . 11 .TERMS,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT DEED RECORDED Oc tober 19,1987 IN BOOK 472 AT PAGE 150 . Page 2 MINNESOTA TIT~~~~ Owners PolicV ISSIHld throoyh the Office af. LAND TITlE GUARANTEE CO MPANY 3033E.f iRS T AVENU E,SU ITE 600 OEN VER,COLO RAOO 60206 303 /32 1 1660 ~lmpm1anr:We appreciate the opportunity In provide you with this insurance policy.Keep ir with your valuable documents,Upon resale of your home.sugf}est to your Rea1torlt;thathe or she use the Minnesota Tdle agent listed above Itmay save money and expedite the resale of your home.~ •• •• • •• •• • " ,, • -::1',.. r .' . • RECEIPT -Th I 'awn of Vail ;, I • Nil ________~DOLLARS s _ / PermitNumb ers -,--~_,_-Police Receipt Numbers _ HOW PAJ l}-Ccl Check By ---------- '0".:OF '.'J=,lL __-=-..1 ..."..:::....I~,' ::h.r.u ......''',.1: -r-:IJ=l t n .,','OT I revised 3 /17/93 ••Application Submittal Date,-'-_ APPLICATIONFORANEMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT (EHU) I NCLUDINGACONDITIONAL USEAPP LICATIONAN D ADESIGNREVIEWBOARDAPPLICATION >,..2 7 PHONE S ;(.j'/ A. C. B. .. II. I.TYPEOF REQUEST :REVIEWS THATARE REQUIRED: C Type ~~D R B Hearing Dale_,..,..-....,..._--:==-:T~yli:p;ee-,;r jjf[J"PECConditional Use Hearing Dale,DRB Date _ __TypeIII EHUPECConditional Use Hearing Dal e DRBDate _ __T ypeIVEHUPECConditional Use Hearing Dal e DRB Date _ __TypeV EHUORB HearingDale _ NAMEOFPETIT IONER /-1-1'-"'-'(.G,..,,'!-7 )o-l''1J- MA ILING ADDRESS R~t 7 .6 I rl7."r f ....rA//0 PHONE,, NAME OFPETITIONER'S REPRESENTATIVE en c )/,/1 MA ILING ADDRESS 1f:..,)(7/1 t;:;,/10 f ig ..,.PHONE NAME OF OWN;~{p rint o rt pe ):"N«........"(.d-CD /if r ,·, SIGNA TURE 0'..%;~.~ MAILINGADDRESS a.t N'/'?1;d,flr",10 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREETADDRESS ;2.6 7.2.k!h Y?1 ck (']I,k cl- LEGAL DESCR IPT iON:LOT---LL BLOCK ;;Z FILING 1/6/(7;'I /-&r,n-)CL ~-/"<,I ELOT AREA 7151&1 'pt . F.Fee:NoEHUapplicationfee.250 fee.orconditional usef ee is required for anEHUrequest.A Design Review Board(ORB)f eeIsrequ ired. G.Please include stamped.addressed envelopes and Ji st ofthe namesof the owners ofall pro p erty adjacent tothe subject property. H.Please includeproofofcondominium association approval.if applicable. Il l.CRITER IA Section 18.04 .105 -Definition A nEmployeeH o usingUnit (EHUl sha ll me a n a dwe lling u nit whi c h sha ll not beleas ed o r re nted l o ranyp eriod less th an t nlrty(30 )c onsecutived ays,andshallberen ted on ly to tenants wh o are fu ll-timeemployeesin Eagl eCounty .Development st anda rds fo r EHUs s hallb e as p rovidedin C hapte r18 .57 -Errployee Housing .For th e purpo ses ofth is Se ction ,afull -time e mployeeshallmeana per son whow orks aminim um ofanaverage of t hirty (30)ho urs per we ek.Th ere shall be fi ve (5)categories of E HUs:Type I,Type II ,T ype III,TypeIVandType V .Prov isions relati ngtoeac h type ofEHUar eset torth In Chapt er 18.57 -Employe e Housi ng ofthi s Code . 18.57.020-E mployee Hous ingUnits (EHU)Generally A )A c hart attached to th is application formillustrate s therequ irem ents for each type of EHU . B)No e mployeeho using un it w hich isc onstructedinac cordance withth is Chapter shallbe subdividedord ivided into any formof t ime sha res ,interva l ow nerships ,or fractional fe e. C)All Iypes of EHUs maybe leased ,but only totenants who are full-time employees who workinEagl e County .An EHUshallnotbe leasedforape rio d less t han th irty (30 ) consecut ive d a ys .Forthepurp oses of th is Section ,a tull -timee mploye e iso ne who worksana verage 01 am inim um ollhirty(30 )hours each week. .,. (a )••AT ype I EHUshallnot besold ,t ransferred ,o r co nveyedsepa rately from an y Single-Family orTw o-Family dw elling it ma y beapartofsolongas it meets the conditions s et forth inS ection 18 .57 .040 (8 )5of this Chapte r . (b)AType IIEHUshallnot be sold,transferred,orconveyed separatelyfromthe Singl e-Fami ly o r Two -Fam ilydw elling it i slo catedw ithin oratta ched to . (c)A TypeIIIEHUma y b esold,tr ans ferred ,orco nve yed separate ly fro m ot he r dwelling units or employee housing un its that ma y b e locatedonthesa me lot o r within thesamebuild ing inwh ich th e TypeIIIEHU i s located so longa s it m eetst hecond itions setforth inSect ion 18.57.060(8 )11 oft his Chapter. (d)AType IVEHUshallnot besold,tr ansferred,or co nveyed sepa ratelyf rom o ther dwelling unitsor employee h ous ing un its that ma y be located on t he s amelotorw ithin thesamebuildi ng i n wh ich t h e Type IVEHUislocated . (e)A T ypeV EHU s hallnot be sold ,transfe rred,o r conveyeds epa rately fromth e S ingle-Family dwelling itmaybe loc atedw ithino ratta c hed 10 . D) E) F) G) H) I) J) Reserved. No later tha nFebruary1of eac h ye ar,th e ownerof ea ch empl oyee ho usingu nit within t he Town wh ich is co nstructedfollowing th e effective da teofthis o rd i na ncesha ll s ubmit two (2)co piesofarep ort onaform10 b e ob tained fromth e Community De velopment De partme nt ,10 th e C ommun ity Devel opment Department of th e T ownofVai l and Chairman ofthe Town o f Vail Ho u si ng Authority s ettinqfort hevidencee stablis hing that each tenant w hom res ides within t he iremp loyee hous ingunitis afull -t ime employee in Eagle Co u nty. Nop ropertyco nta i n ing a nEHUshall exc eedthe maximu m GRF A pe rmitted inTitle 18 e xcept asp rovided i n Paragraph18 .57 .04 0(6)4 ,18 .57 .05 0(B)5o r 18.57.08 0(8 )3ofth is Ch apte r. Allt rash facilit ies sha ll been closed . Allsurf ace parking s hallbescree ned by l andscap ingo rb erms as per De sign Review Guide li nes ,S ection 18.54 .050 {D)3. An yapplicant who applies for aCo nditionalUs e Permit forthep urpose 01 con struel ing e m ployee housing ,shalt notbe re qu iredt o pay a ConditionalUse Pe rmit applicatio n fee . T he pro visionsassetforth i n Sectio n18.57.020 pa ragra ph s B,C ,D,andE sh allb e incorporatedintoaw ritten a greementinaterm approved by th e Tow n Att orney wh ich s hallrunw iththe l and andsha ll no t bea mendedorte rminated wit hout th e writt en a pproval of t he Town of Vail.Said agreement sha ll berecorded atth eCountyC lerk an d Reco rde r Offi ce pr ior tothe issuanceof ab uilding permit for t he c onstructio n ofan EHU . Each EHU shallh ave its own en tranc e .Th eres hanbenoint erior acc ess f roma ny EHUto any dw elling un it it ma y b e att ached to . IV .TIME REOUIREMENTS PEe ·If th e req u estin volves acond itional us e ,it m ust be sc heduledfo r aPEChea ring pri or to are viewbyth e ORB .T he PEe m eets th e second an dfourth Monday of e ach month .Th e re view lime i sa pproximate l yl ive w eeks .Pl ease u se th e PEesc heduleofda t es forspeci fic deadlines. A LL PE C APPROVED C ONDITI ONAL US E P ERMITS S HALL LAPSE IFCON ST RUCTIONI S N OT C OMMENCEDWI THINTW OYEARS OFT HE DA TE OF APPROVAL A ND DILLIGENTLY P UR SUED T OCO MPLETION ORI F TH E U SE FORW HICH T HE A PPROVAL ISG RANTED IS N OTCOM MENCED WITHI N TWO YEARS• .~~h e Des ign Re view B oard me ets on t h e t sta nd a ro Wednesdays ofeach mo nth .To allo w l o ti not ificat ion o f adja cent propertyow ners an d pu blication int he new spaper,the informat IOn mus t be submitted to th e VailT railt he W ednesdayi mmediate ly following t he ap p l ication submittal.T he project w ilt t hen be rev ieweda t t he ORB hea ring app roximatel y thr ee w eeks fo llowing t hesu bmittal.Thepro posed p lan andall required materials mus tb e subm itted r accordingto the dea dlinesp rovidedbyth eCommun ityDevelopment Department . \/ "--J.E SIGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL EXP IRES O NE YEAR A FTERF INAL AP PROVAL U NLESS AB UILDI NG P ERMIT IS I SSUED A NDCO NSTRUCTIONIS STARTED. 1'-D -"F, •revised 9/4/91)0~2~;f . (J)l<J.c:»i p~APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO "u.n \\~\[t)V .DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF ORB MEETING : ..'Q..ed.U'.\vI 0rZff\.•••••••••• THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UN TIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I.PROJECT I NFORMATI ON : A .DESCRIPTION : B .T YPE OFREVIEW: ~N ew Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20 .00) Addi ti on($50 .00)Con c eptual Revie w ($0)z-AD DRE S S:2,&77 "2.h"'A~~"r+\1..L /0 '('/1 ,57 D .LEGAL DESCR IPTION :Lot (0 Block __~~=-__ Subdivision I "'trr lM,Q wr\U ,,-,A ~~. If property is described by a meets and bounds legal descripti on ,please provide on a s eparate shee t and at tac h to this application . E . F . ZONING: LOT AREA :If re quire d,applicant must stamped su rvey showing lot area . provide a q 15.6 curre nt f ,'2.7 -1S;;2,3 1 G .NAME OF APP LICANT: Ma ili ng Address :-:::-:-.:..a'='-'Uf-.....~~'------------ IU 'A ;tu.r'o ed ?' ) Pal"ll4'tjM D 6 ~1E£0-~,ll 4 ""11.;-r..:a,..,J one 8"1"1-52.:':0] NAME OF APP LICANT'SREPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address:Po ?zc x 7 71 'i l,d ,I n '5IL5i:Ph one NAME OF OWN ERS:, 'SIGNATURE (S):f, Mailing Add r ess : 1. H. J .Condo miniumAppro val if app licabl e. ORBFEE:ORB f e e s,as shown above ,are to be p a id a t t he time of S Ubmittal of ORB applicat ion .Later,when app ly ingf ora bu il ding permit ,plea se i dentify the accurate valuat i on o f the proposa l.The Town of Va il wil l a djust the fe e ac co rd ing to t he tab le b el ow ,to ensure t he corre ct f ee is paid .FEE PAID:S ~fY~~ FEE SCH EDULE: VALUATION K. $0 $1 0 ,00 1 $50 ,00 1 $150 ,00 1 $50 0 ,00 1 $Over -$10 ,000 $50 ,000 $150 ,000 $500 ,000 $1 ,000 ,000 $1 ,000,000 FEE $2 0 .00 $50.00 $10 0 .00 $200.00 $40 0.00 $50 0.00 •DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESS ABUILDINGPERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED . **NOAPP LI CAT ION WILLBE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER 'S SIGNATURE 1 •II.PRE-APPLICATI ON MEETIN G:• A pre-applicati on meeting with amember of the planning staff i ss t rongly enc ouraged t o det e rmine if any additional application information is needed .It i s the applicant'S resp onsibil i ty to make a n appointment with the s taff to det ermin e if there a re add itional submittal r equirements . Pl ease note that aCOMPL ETEa pplicat i on will s treamline the approval proce ss f o r your project. III.IMPORTANT NO TICEREGARDINGALLS UBMISSIONS TO THEORB: A.In add ition to mee ting submittal requirements,the appl icant must stake a ndt ape the project site to ind icate p rope rty l in e s,building lines and bui ld ing c or ne rs .All t rees t o be removed mus t be taped .All site tapings a nd staking mus t be c ompleted prio r to t he ORB site vis it.Thea ppl ican t must ens ure that staki ng do ne during the winter i s not b u riedby snow . B.The review p roce s sf or NEW BU I LD I NGS normally requir es two separate mee ti ngs o f the Design Revi ew Board:a conceptual approval a nd a f ina l approval .Applica nts should plan o n pre se ntingt heir devel opmen t p roposal at ami nimumo ftw omeet ings before obtaining final a pprova l. C.Appl ica nt s who fail t o appea r before the Design Rev iew Board on their schedul ed meet ing date and wh oh a ve not as k ed in advance t hat d is c uss ionon their i tem be postponed,will have their items removed from the ORB docket until such time as the item has been republished. D.The fo llowing items may ,at the discretion of the zon ing administr a tor,be approved b y the Commu n ity Devel opment Department st aff (i.e.a formal hea r ing bef or et he ORB may n o t be requ ired): a.Win dows ,skylight s and sim ilar e xter io rc hange s whi ch d o not a l te rt he existing plane of t he bu i ld ing ;a nd b.Building add it ion proposa ls not visible from a ny o ther lot or p ublic space .At the time suc ha pr oposal is submitted ,appl icants must include l etters fr om ad jacent property owners and /o rf rom t he agent f or or man ag er o f a ny a djacen t condominium a ssociat io n statingt he a ssoc i a ti on approves of the a ddi t ion. E.If a prope rty i sl o cated i n a mapped haz ard a rea (i.e. s nowa vala n che ,rockfall ,fl ood p la in ,d ebris f low, wet land,e t c),a hazard study must be subm itted a nd t he owner must sign a n af fida vi t recogniz ing the h az ard r eport pri or ,t o the i ss uance of a building pe rmit. App licants a r e encoura g ed to check with a Tow n Pl anner p riort o ORB app lica t i o n t o determi ne the re lat ions hip of the p roper ty to all mapped hazards . F.For all resident ial con structi on : a .Clearly ind icate on the fl oor plans the ins ide face o f thee xte rio r structural walls o f the b uildi ng ;and b.Indic ate wi th ad ash ed l ine o n t he site plan a four foot di stance f rom the exterior face of the buildi ng walls o r suppo rting columns . G.If DRB app roves the applica tion with condit ion s or modi fi cati ons ,all c ond itions of approval mu st be resolved p r io rt o Town i ssuanc e of a building permi t . 2 1M-l e- o &1'1..,..........._._~.u ."..&........WU IIIIU. ~IM ...............,_............ U.....lt1on••__&A ~.r ••U1otl~an4 ..._aU .""",U ", ~r ••1 frOPertYI _.taaU'Oltf.1.~Uel'ulon of U.pr~0U l•..,...,.,-..u .....10'""'~Ur ...t.....~,tM OlJIIIdiU . ...,. dlUcr to .•............"'1'&.-...,..W1Ul .UUtr ..... occpui.'... w1t.llln t.M a:.e""'U l ••0 1 .100.....).oJ ..o tVa H Int .~n U l . e.-~t "~1¥1.10'"all4 ......._....IhJll M,•.1,,1,.1170.VaU ."..~ul• .......U~.t.kA ~U."1.~.1 a&aoeu 1.)...f ••all :a"...-...1 ~-.w"'.......IIU -.."o.o~.~ or c:.o6itl-.,C........u ....trlcrU-._a....UeaU ... --"~",.'*1'"DMlaratlor.WiU reootded OIl the Uta!day 01 Jlfl"1"0,"I IoOIt.211,at ''''nt,ot U.nOON&.f u.. CUl'lt ud .....ner 01 ...;.e e:.-t.r.c.lorlido,and .~•.-r~r~22 o f ,......a.ol....U...p r oy ''''ror .-.~.t.~tbe D.ol.ration b¥\be followln,atat.-nttt l ·Not.lth.~lftf _",\hint ~\be oontrary -.1•• tU••eon41ti....a,"aU-ie't.l......_._nt••n ".· U __,"_"n.11_.aM aha',••u,...a nll"•.ad!,."or ...~.t any ~t-e prior to January 1. Itt.I_I.I.no eu.-I'••y).br \he wr!tten eon••nt<),......__...or _n tbaa 15 ,.roant .1 ..... prlvatal,own-d ,..1 ~ape~y wltaln ~~.1•• 0'tbe 'ubdl"laloa,-... '. ...,.-.. • .. • V,\U,J TJ:III'tOlI''''TAUi AI $OCI Af"-, "-?*-'"'/.......y ceM..al hru.,of 0: Dna lopllrl,M,~n)'.-th. a.nerll p.r tne,0'V.l1 ln t.~unt.l"Al l001I t •• .,- ~Ul. •• ••• • III ........,II lily halM ·v;....,__ .. Lui ~&'•.L.,...,..0.;~...."-t.oIl-o t. i!lj:io£e l UIQ! .....~. •,Lotoa 1.2.J. ~Y~l...",&1 I,J,••4••• I .J,•t,1•••~r Dr ..Lyht.•• ••u _ir "U al lou.Lot".r II 111'-'1 ....:r Oftl)'l "U.l '0"....'UWI'•''...11 ..tll t.r ...-=led tMf"MlR M7 M two ~t~"'lr "puna lIalu. 111 ••".......-or,"'.WIle ''/aU IftUr-.-k l" .-....,.a...te••a ..~.c.C4oIl UU.._Il t Ut3 OOndlU cna, ......IU...'Hut.Uan.and •••.-ft ,.&""1.1 ...l ooke ~•.) .-a to "'aU J:a~l'IliD'G.lot.l"-"l o,..n t "Ib4h'I .~ol\•••9 'a Covnt,.. ..... 'T"'".,,.COl.tJflADQ COWTY or CAGlA Tn .!orOV01 nv ,,-n.s..nt of t:..."..i~.vtl.,Cov.nAn"., lIoi:.U'lCl h~and 5 •••_nu AU.c Un,'l~u :,J o r t.ne Va il ltl teellOun\aln Dliv .10 ~t llA'••Uvlllon.C~.lI.)'of 1•• •,....of COlo rAdo,v ••aC'kACJlll'la.l ,H 0)"-',_'-..:.__•_ •Oltuul hrt.Aer 0'Dan DeY.l~",..:c.p.n)'.Uw O.n..ul ....UIIoI'or Va.l l ft&e r M"Un ...an Ali.ie •••,...r.r._&II,. •• •... ..•• ••... ..•• ... ..••."- .. ..••... • ..•• ••••.. ••..'.. • ." ..•• #'., Returnto (A<l£,£ I ~/Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW BRIEF DESCRIPTION OFTHEPROPOSAL: ~~O RV ( .Reviewed by:~7 f!di!Date:-------- 'l-_'Comm ents:/I I -/-.i)5.,rN'l IUt/,-10 hR 1d<,l<d ~ or (OC'.)<v,J "a ~C +I I"fo <'-U v«-,~, ZJ :rk "'"1'1 0 B -/PJ ,,+Ii j It.('(1"~/t uJ ~L lx _wr ,f.·,,-J 3)Art ,,--Ii f,.I ..>s I~LkJt>l.A ~~r:<'i-',r....-'~?e--tL "0'.J w...~~,,<,c<>,,~~,,,c-.kd a.,,~no f'",e.)C',;+~""'L ,,110--<j p /~ ..0 ("''I ~O V(-~tt~ s )f'<>v,J...4 ' C.)Do e _')J (~.< • 75 a outh Ironta;_ro ad Yall,colora do 8 16 57 (303)476-7000 Jul y 19 ,1 988 Ms.Carroll Ty ler VailAs soc i ates Rea l Estate P.O.Box 7 Va i l,CO 81658 Re :Lo t 6,Block 2 ,I ntermountain De ar Carroll: ••• Ron Ph ill ips h as referred your letter to me r eg ard ing the purchaseo ft h e dupl ex lot i n Intermounta in.I a pp reciate y ou offe ring the p arcel to t he To wn a s ap o ss iblesma llp ark wi th a t ot lot.After a brief discussion duringas ta ff meeting,we h av e d etermi n ed that we are n ot intere sted i n the purcha se o f the lot du e to t hec l os e proxi mity o f stev en's Pa rk to the no rth and wes to f the lot .S teven 's Park is a pp r oximate ly ten a cres i n si z ea nd is slated for s ome improve ments t o take place beg inning in 199 0.We feel that th i s p ark will accommoda te t he ne eds of t h e Intermountain area and,thus,a re n ot i nterested i n further land a cquisition . Again ,thank you for offering th e lot to the Town of Vail . Sincerely , A.Peter Pa t ten,J r. Dire ctor o f Co mmunity De velopment APP:kmc flO.8ol 1 \lal CoO"m Blfi5B 303 1 ~7&3393 303 /416-779 7 July 13.1988 Mr.Ron Ph Ll.Ll pe 7S Sout h F r ontag~Road Va il .CO .81 657 Ron. Wh ile st udying this Lot 6 on L up ln ~Co urti n Intermountain.it s truck me t hat t his wo uld b e a p er fe ct p lac @ fo r a small c hildren's pa rk .The r oad c urves i nt oa cuI de sa cfo r pa rk ing .Theb us s top i s right t h ere.a nd it c ould b e s ucha pretty oas is i n t he mid st of rather dense hou sin g. The lo t is sunnyan d almos t fla t with 9 7 6 3.~s qua re f e et.Th ere are no large tree s so i twould be easy t oc learf or a c r ea tivep laya rea .picnic t ables.wh at ev er .This would cer tain ly e nhance t he neighbo rhoo d. The owner i s a8kl n~$28 .000 .00 for th e va c ant land .I am 8ure t hathe would be c oopera ti ve in wo rking someth ing out if the Tuwn is inte rested . ClImI l''f"""'.Snzm;n ~Vail ViIlaQe•••I• \!iii Associates I wi ll be ha ppy to show yo u and t he Board t his property and answ e r any questions youmay have .These photographs wi ll help you locat@ it s ho uld you wish t o drive by .Many t han k sfo ry our c on siderat ion of this p roposal . rin ere ly , jw A .lr-..../-.).//_ it r r o l l ~U Vail Assoc ia tes Real Esta te c e.Dr .Scha r f enb erg f'nsl.OIhceEkJJ:1 Vail CoOm81658 303 /4 16-7191 0UJ0.u :303/511-4121 Resiclence 003 /476 ·234 1 W"Alwei!ln ,lie -C1 el lill'$¥III aoa_OII (1/va.1¥IIIlleMr em V,AJ L UX-D~D I • • \ L.Or I.:> '\ I I I I I I I I I I I \I I t h -t- \ \ \ \ I -~ \----......---- L-OT ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ -4-C-----" HONE. FO_ I \ \ 'V /1 / 1 0 e..c:r''Loo'r- I I I / e: o r L {-D~. / / /L-DT + A1 I T ERIO 303 -4 '76-63 I PARADIGM DESIG PLA N I GARCHITECTURl PO BOX7I VA il ~r---------- , 1 _ 11= , 200 'O·ai 2<X! SCALE:'-.209' B.L .M. MEADOW CREEK /SU BD IVI SION ..-.'.' .'~" ......'.- B.L.M.. '~'-...,'" ".- ..~..... INTERSTATE 70 -"..,~.... ....__..'lO--..... ...-............ .....-.,j,o....- .' , W 'C\J ~I­-J W Wxx U(I)~W ~W (I) .I