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• Departm ent ojCommuniry Development 75South Frontage Road Yai~Col orado 8165 7 970479-2138 FAX 9 70479-2452 May II ,1998 Sbawn Weyraueb 2625 Larkspur Lane.Unit A Vail,CO 8 1657 • ,. RE:Varianceapplicationfor2625 Larkspur Lane/Lot I,Block2,Vail Intermountain Dear Mr.Weyrauch: The PlanningandEnvironmental Commission,atitsMay II,1998 meeting,denied your request for side andfront yard setbacksto accommoda te a building addition subject tothe foll owing findin gs: I .That the grantingo f thevariances willconstitute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent withthe limitations onother propert ies classified inthe samedistrict. 2 .Thatthestrictliteral interpretationorenforcemen t ofthe spe c ified regulation will not resultinpracticald iffic ulty or unn ecessaryphysical hardship inconsistent with theobjectiveso f the Zoning Regulation s. 3 .That thestrict interpretationor enforcem ent ofthespecifiedregulation will not deprive theapplicant ofprivileges enjoyed bythe owners ofotherproperties inthe samedistrict. If youhave any questions,please callmeat479-2148 _ Sincerely,.. .;-i.\U~ Domim c F.Mauriello,AICP PlanningAdministrator o u :crr:U:OP APER ..••fiLE COpy UpdatedS/12 9 11 1n PLANNI NG A ND ENVIRONMENTAL COM MISSION Mon day,May 11,1998 FINAL A G E NDA project O rien tation {LUNCH -Comm un ity De yelopment Dep artment 12 :00 pm M EMBERS P RESENT Greg Moffet JohnSc hofi eld G alen A asfand D iane G olden(le fta 14:10 p .m .) A nnB ishop T om Weber BrianDo yon Site Vis its ; MEMB ERS A BSENT 12 :45 pm 1.W eyrauch -2625 La rkspur Lan e 2.A dams-706 Forest Road 3 .MFl lnveslments·83Willow Place 4.eM S Part n ership -45 Forest Road 5 .Schmidt -1410SurrehrCreek Roa d Driver: G,,,,..... • Do m inic NOTE :Ift he PEe hea ringextends until 6 :00 p.m .,th e boar d will b reakfo r dinner from6 :00 -6:3 0p.m . p ublic Hea ring.To wn Coun cil Ch ambeGii 2 :00 p .m. 1.A r equest for a co nditiona l use permit ,t o a llow f or a TypeII Em ployee H ousingUnit , lo catedat45Fore st Road/Lot33 .B lock 7,Va ilVilla ge 1stF iling. A pplicant:BM SP artnership Plan ner:C hristie Bart o n MOTION:J o hn Schofield S ECOND:Bri an Doyon F AILED WI TH3CO ND ITIONS : VOTE:3-4 1.Th ato ne oft he g aragesp acesbe a ppropriately d eed restri cted f orexcl usive u se by the occup antof th e EHU. 2 .That t h eappl icant submit (f or r ev iew an d approvalbythe OR B)a construction stag ingplan i ndicatingthelim its of d isturban ce a ndtree protection m easures fo r t he s ite . •• U pdated SI12 9 am ..r 3 .That if Council does notprovidefor e nforcement,thePECcan review this conditional useintwoye ars toensu re compliance . MOTION:JohnSchofield SECOND:Galen Aasland VOT E:5-2 APPROVED WI TH3CONDITIONS: 1.Th at one of th e ga rag e spacesbe app ropriatelyde edre strictedfo r exclusive u se by the occupan t of t he EHU. 2.Th atthe applicant subm it (for review and approval bytheORB)a c onstruct ion stagin gpla n ind icating t helim its ofd isturbance andtreeprotect ion mea sures f or t hesite . 3 .Tha t the PEe can call-up the condition al use,if necessary. 2.A r equest f oraset back v ariance ,to a llow f o r ad eckexp ansio n ,loc atedat 83W illow P lace ,River House Condominiums/L ot 3,B lock6,VailVill age1st Filin g. Applicant:MFl lnvestments,represente d by Larry Deckard P lanner:Dom inic Mauriello MOTION:Galen AaslandSECOND:DianeGoldenVOTE:7-0 APPROVED 3.A request forafront setback v ariance,to a llowfora proposed res idential addi tion , located at 706Forest Road/Lot 9 ,Block1,V ail Vi llage 6th . A pplicant:Nancy Adam,rep resented by Fritzlen ,P ierce,Bri nerArch itects P lann er:Christie Barton MOTION:BrianDoyonSECO ND:VOTE: MOTIONTODENYFAILEDFOR LACKOFASECOND. MOTION:Jo hn Schofield S ECOND:Ga len Aas land VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTILJUNE6,1996 4 .Are quest forfront andsid e setback v ari ances,toa llow a propos ed res idential add ition , located at2625 Larkspur Lane/Lot 1,Block 2,Va il Int ermounta in. Applica nt:Sha wn Weyrauch Plan ner :Dom in ic Maurie llo MOTIO N:BrianDoyonSECOND:T omWeber DENIED 2 VOTE:7-0 -••Upda ted 5/12 9 am 5 .A request for a minor subdivision ofLotG-1to create a new lot,located at 1410 Buffehr Creek Road ,LotG -1 ,Lion 's Ridge Subdivision Filing2 . Appl icant:Leroy Schmidt.represented by Eric Johnson Planner.Dominic Mau riello MOTION :AnnB ishop SECOND :John Schofield VOTE:5-1(Galen Aasland oppo sed) T ABLEDUNTILJ UNE 22,1998 6 .A request foram inor CC 1 exterior altera t ion ,to allow for a change to previously approved plans.located at 266 Bridge Street,A&0Bui lding/Lots A&BandPart of C,Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing . Applicant: P lanner. Lee H ollis,Golden Bear Stor e George Ruther TABLED UNTIL MAY 18 ,1998 7 .A request forasitecover age variance ,setback v arianceandadd itional GRFA utilizing the 250 ordinance ,toa llow for a residential add ition ,located at 1230 Westhaven Circle/Lot 32 ,Glen Lyon . A pplica nt Planner. W ITHDRAWN Mari lyn Qua yfe,represented by Eric H ill Ge orge Ruther 8 .In formation Update •P rocedures 9.A pproval ofA pril 27 ,1998 mi nutes . Th e applications and informationa boutthe proposals are av ailablef or public inspection during regular office hours intheproject p lanner'so ffice loc ated at the T ownofVail Community D evelopment Department ,75 South Front age Road . Sign langu age interpretation a va ~able upo n request 'Mth 2 4hour notification .Please can 4 79.2356 ,Te lephone for th e He aring Impaired.forinform ation. C ommunity D evelopment De pertment 3 TO: FROM : DATE : • MEMORANDUM Pla nning andEnvironmental C ommission Co mmunity Development De partment Ma y1 1,1998 • SUBJECT :Ar equest for frontan d side se tback variances.to allow ap rop osed res idential a ddition ,located al2625 La rkspurLane/Lot I ,Block 2 , VailInterm ountain. Applica nt: Pl anner : Shawn Weyrauch Domi nic Mauri e llo I,DESCRI PJlON OF IllE REQUES TANDBACKGROUND Theapplicant i s reque sting afront setback v arianceofapproxi mately3'to allow a building add ition to be locat ed 1T fro m th e front property line andas ide setba ckvarianceo f 1O't oa llow a bu ilding addit ion tobelocated 5 'from thesidepr operty line .Thebuild ing addi tionis proposed t o add2 additional bedrooms andbath rooms to bot h units in t his primary/s econdary residen tial strueture (additiono f550 sq .ft.pe rdw elling unit). Inaccordance with the Zoning Regulations,the applicant is proposingto deed restrictthe lower dwelling un it asa Type I ,Emp loyee H ousing U nit.in o rder to allow t he e xpansiontoocc ur.Th e appl icant isalso proposingt oreplaceth eex istingtimberretaining w all,wh ichsu pportsthe parking area ,with a -Keyst o ne-co ncreteb lockretainingwall ,pa ve th eex isting parking whi chis located intherigh t-of·way,andreplace th eexist ingstairs fromthe parking a re a.Addit ionally ,th e lig htf ixtures ont he hom e are proposed t o be brou ght i nto compliancewithth e Town's regu lation s. Th e proposed add itiond oe s not ge nerate anadd itionalp arkingrequ irement beyo ndwh at is ex isting today wit hin th e right -of -way (4spaces).T his p arking c onfig urationwasap prove db y Eag le Co unty a nd th e re isa n e asementforaport ion oft his park ing tobe lo cated o nt headjoin ing property totheeas t. Th eex istinghomeIs cu rrently nonconforming wi thres pectto s etbacks (it is loc ated8.3'fromth e west pr operty line,15'Isrequ ired),density,pa rking(location),and lighting . Se e appl icant'sstatementana ched . 1 • II.ZONING ANALYSIS • SiteCoverage:2,403.8 sq .It.(20%) Zoning: Lot Size: Standard GRFA : Parking : Setbacks: Front: W.Side: E.Side: Primaryl$econdary Residential 12,019 sq .ft. Allowed/Reauired 3,854.75 sq .ft: 4 spaces 20' 15' 15' Existing 2,120 sq .ft. 1,130 sq.ft.(9.4%) 4 spaces 36' 8.3' 20.2' proposed 3,220 sq .ft . 1,680 sq .11.(14%) nlc 17' 5' 13' Note:'Includes 425 sq .ft.creditfor Type1,EHU III,CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A.Cons ideration of Factors: Upon review ofSec tion 12-17-6 ofthe VailM unicipal Code .Criteriaa nd Rndings. the Community Development Department recommends denial of the re q uested trontand sidesetback variances based onthefollowing factors: 1.111e relationship oftherequested variance to other ex isting or potential usesand structures inthe vicinity. Th islot istccateo in a neighborhood withlot sizes g enerally below 15 ,0 00 sq.ft.Manyhomesinthe neighborhoodareconstructed with e ncroachmentsintot he se tbacks .However .sta ff be lievesth att here a re other locations onthep roperty that co uldaccommodate building expan sions w ithout impa cts tothe s etbacks.There ar e ar eas north a nd we st ofth eex isting s tructurewh ere anexp ansion could be m ade . Add itionally,if th esizeand sco peof the pro posed add ition w erec hanged, anaddition cou ldb eadd ed totheso uth side of th e bu ilding . 2.The degree to which relieffromthe strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of8 specified regulation is necessary toach ieve compatibility and uniformity 01 treatment among sites In the vicinity or toatta in the objectives ofth is title without a grant of special privilege. Th ea pplicant'sp roposalwillallowa dditio nal encroachme nt ofthis building intothese tbacks.T hereared earty o ther areaso n thesite where t he additionalsq uarefoo tage coul db ea dded wi thout set back variances.Th e interior configuration o r layo ut ofabuildinga re n otviewe d as a physical har dshipw ithwhic h tobasea variance requ est.The PECapproved a garage addition wit hin t he se tbacks j ustupthestreet at C raig McCully 's 2 •• house,butspecifically denieda requestfor aGRFA expansioninto the rearsetback as no physical hardshipcould befoundtosupportthe reques t.Staffbelieves thatthe gra nting of t heseva rianceswillbeag rant ofspeci alprivilege. 3.The effect of therequestedvarianceon light andair .distribution of population ,transportation and traffic facilities,public facilities and utilities,and public safely. Th e pro posalw illh ave little,if any,effec t o n t heseissues. B.The PlanningandEnyironmental Commission shallmakethe following f jndinas before granting a variance: 1.That thegranti ng ofthe variance w ill not constitute ag rant ofspecial privilege inconsistent with the limitations onotherpropertiesclassifiedin t he sa medi strict. 2.Th at thegranting ofthe variancew illnotbe detrimental to the publi c heal th,sa fety o r wel fare ,o r mate riallyinjuriousto p ropertieso r improvementsin the v icinity. 3.Th atthev ariance is w arrantedforoneo rmor eof the following reasons: a.Th estrict literal interpretation oren forcement ofthespecified regulationwo uld result inp ractical diffi cultyo runne cessary p hysicalhardship incansistentwit htheo bjectives o fth ist itle. b.There are exceptionso r ext raordinary circ u mstances orco nditions applicable to t hesa me site oft he varia ncethat d o not app ly ge nerally tootherprop ertiesi nthesa me lone. C.Thest rict interpretatio n orenforcemento ft he specifiedregulation wou ldd eprivethea pplicant of privileges e njoyedbyt he ow ners o f other p ropertiesint hesa med islrict. IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Th e C ommunity Development Department recommends den ialo f t he set back va riances.SUbject tothe following findings : 1.That thegrantingofthe varia nceswillconstitutea g rantofspecialprivilege incons istent w iththelimitations o n otherp ropertiesclassi fiedinth es amedi strict. 2.Tha tt he str ict literal i nterpretation o r e nforcement of th especif ied regulation wi ll n ot result inpr acticald ifficulty orun necessaryph ysical ha rdship inconsistentwi th the o bjectives of th e ZoningRegulations. 3 •• 3.Tha t the strict interpretationor enforcement ofthespecified regulation will not d eprivet he a pplica ntofpri vilegese njoyedby th eow nersof ot herp ropertiesin th e samedistrict. Should the PEG wishapprovethesevariances,staffrecommends thefollowing conditions: 1.Thatthe applicant obtain a revokable rlght-ol-way permit toa llowth e parkingi n the public right-ot -way. 2.That theapplicantprovidea detailedgradingplan forall improvements o n-site, includingane ngineeredd etailfo r t hepr oposed r etainingwa lls . 3.Th atthe applicant provide acompleted rainagestudyforthesite,based onthe prop osedaddition. 4.Th atall exteriorlightfixturesonthe housebeupgraded to m eettheTown's o utdoor lighting requirementsof th eZ oningRegulations. 5.That th eapplicantprovide a co mpletelandscape planf or DABreview toinclude the pr ovisionof additional trees. 6 .That the applicant deed restrict one dwelling unit on-siteasa Type 1,EHU. 7 .T hat the applicantrepair/r eplace the existing parking arearetaining walls.th e stairsto par kingarea,andpavethe parking area in acco rdancewithTown of Vail stan dards. F :I£VERYONE\PECIMEMOS\98\WEYRAUCH.511 4 • April6,1998 Department of Community De velopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 8 1657 P lanninga nd Environmental Comm issio n: • Shawn Weyrauch 2625 Larkspur LaneU nit A Vail,Colorado 8 1657 (970)4 79-2950 I amwri ting toreq uest ava riance forana ddition to my homeinIn termo untain.After careful consideration J havedes igned an addition which will b esta dd utility tothe existing structure with the least amount ofimpaet on the neighborhood .My proposed addition will ,however.encroach on the standard setbacks for the Vail I ntermountain subdivision.1 intend to show that I havea thoughtful design that will add functio n to the home and the town of Vai l and.therefore ,should be granted a variance . Design: My homeisa dup lex with two separate liv ingqua rters stacked o neab ove the o ther. They have sim ilarflo orplansbo thhaving twobe drooms a nd o ne bat hroom .M y proposed addition would increase the u tility o fthe property by adding two bedrooms and two bathrooms to each level.Each level would be increased from approximatel y 1100 square feettoa pproximately 1600 square feet . The best location for this addition isonthe W est End of the home.The addition would be19feet in length and29fee t in width on both lev els and maintain the existing roofline .These di me nsions maintain the existing look of t he structure w hile adding a h ighly fun ctional floo rplan.I have considered ot her possible locationsfo r t he a ddition besi dest he W estE nd of th e home,however,th eseo ther loc ationsa renot as o ptimal. Limitations for H avingt he Addition on the North Side of the H orne : The re isno t enough space ont he north side of the home t oadd normal s haped or sized rooms without substantially cutting into the setbacks.If additional bedrooms were, however,allowed to be added here they would not be able tolink up tot he existing bedrooms.Additio nalbedroomso n the north side of the h ome would also b lock any logica l way t o access the home .Bu ildingon t he northside of thehome would a lso re quired igging int o th e h ill sidesu pportingth e townro ad a nd c urrentparkinga rea .Su ch ex cavation w ou ldlikely re quirear idiculouslyt all ret aining wall c reating awkwarda nd d iffi cult access to th e home .Such excavationm aya lso impede o n a n existi ng parking casement wi th the immediate neighbor on the north side of t he property. Negative Impact of an Addition to the East End of the Home : Ifadditional bedrooms are added to the East End of the home thiswill break up the co ntinuity of the ho me .T hebe drooms wo uldb eo n opposite extremes of the home •• rather than conveniently located together.Expans ion onthe East E nd oft he homewould shift bedrooms closer to mymany neighbors inth e Meadow Creek apartment complex . These bedrooms would be exposedtoaddedlightandnoise du etothe proximity tothe manyneighbors inthi s apartment complex .The fro nt yardwould also become smaller and closer tothemany neighborsnearby .Thisexpans ion would be seenandhavea greater impact ondozens of people fro m thismultifamily housing .Duetothe pointed architecture of theEastEnd of thehome ,addit ional bedrooms wo uld take o n an awkward d imensionin order tomaintain the existing sty le of architecture.Theunique slope af the roof o n t he Eas t E nd wou ld alsomake ifdifficult t o create functional bedrooms o n t he EastEnd of t he home.The un iquestyle of roofon t he East End of t he homewo uldcreate an aw kward a ppearancefrom theexterior whent rying tomatch u p theadd ition tot heexist ingro ofline .Th eexistingliving room wou ld a lsobeg reatly co mpromi sedbysuc h expansion.The living ro omwo u ld lo o se its lig ht and viewsby rep lacing t he fou rteen-footfloort oc eiling wi ndows with s olid wa llstoacco mmodatethe new bedr ooms. Addingt ot he WestEnd of th e Horneist he mos t Logica l andSe nsib le : The proposed addit ion tothe WestEnd of thehomeflowsn icely indesi gn tothe existingstruc ture both outside and inside thehome .My proposed additionwou ld extend theWestEnd of thehome allowing thebest access tothenewlivingareafromthe existing structure.The new living quarters willlog ically be accessed by extending the existinghallwa y withint he WestEnd of thehome .Placingthe addition herealsoallows fornicefeaturessuchas t he large windows inthe livingroomtoremain unchanged .The proposedadd ition isalso tucked awayinanarea of the property whichis largely hidden fromt he most immediate neighbors.Thishastheleast impact onthe yardsandviews of t heneighbors.Italso allows fo r the proposed be drooms to be thefart hest fromthelight andnoise of t hemanyneig hbors .T he proposed ad ditionwouldb e bu ilt onanarea b ehind t hehomew hichis d ifficult t oaccessa nd cu rrentlyis e xtremely limited inu se . Placing th e addition in thehack of th e homea lso allowsforthe preservation o fa nice y ardin thefront of th e home . Im pacto nthe Neighborhood: Du e to th e proposed location o fthe add ition,there will be averymin imal impacto n t he neighborhoodT he proposed loca tion iswe llbelow the street leve l w hichhidest he st ructure fro m su rrounding neig hbors without obst ructing any views.I do notbe lieve thattheadditio n w ill be a blet obesec n bya ny of themanyneig hbors at Meadow Creek o r by my neighbors t o t henorth .Ihave contacted my two immediate neighbors Greg Amsden and Doug Krausewhoare closest t othe proposed addition .Theyboth realize thatthisad dition wouldhavea negligible affect andhave consequently offered their support forthisproposal . I intendt omatchthe existing mater ials ino rder tohavethe newaddit ion blendin harmoniouslywiththeo ld st ructure.Iwill use 3 .5x7 inchcedarlogstomatchthe existing exterior.I willalsomatch trim ,colors,andexten d the existing aspha lt roof.The newaddi tion wi llhavet he sa meheightand roof pitch crati ng asubt le flow tot he existing structure . •• S pecifics of Vari ance : The proposed additionw oulden croacho n t he standardsetb acks inthe followi ng m anner :I)Thenorthwest comer would e ncroach by 10feet .2)Theso uthwest comer would o verlap by J foot .3)The West E nd of th ead ditionw ould be ov er the normal setback by up to3 feet . Re asons for Special C onsideration: Other neighbors such as m y immediate nei gh bor Greg Amsden have homes t hata re o ver lapping the standard se tbacks .Th e northwest corner o fmy home is already built overlapping the standard setback.1 would liketo extend farther into thi s setback onthe northwestco mer.Th e W est En d afmy p roperty borders Town of Vail pro perty which was originallyd esi g nated fora t urn around .Thetu rn around was neverbu iltherea ndt he townhasco nsidered vacating the la nd an ddi viding it upam ongst property owner s.If th is were done the West E nd of t heproposedadd ition would note ncroach o n a setback. Benefits of Proposal to Town of Vail: If this variance is a ccepted I wil l al so improve my parking are a and stairway .The current parking area is made of railroad ti eswhi ch are starting to pullapa rt .The renovation period w ould be a conven ient a nd effic ient time to replace the w alla nd len gthen the parking area.Thi s ren o vation w ould improve the aesthetics o f the nei ghborhood and imp rove the park ing b yg etting the vehicles farth ero ff the str eet .I w ould also replace the stairsfr o m the p arking lot bringing them u pt othe ex isting c ode . Th e proposeda ddition would also add needed rooms in Vail inth e affordable housing range .Thiswi ll benefit r entersand future homeowners alik e . I am c onv inced that you will a gree that I ha ve come up wi th a th oughtful w ay to improve my home for m yself.futu re owners.renters .and the surround ing ne ighborhood . The proposed additio n w ill ad d max imum function and be nefit to t he property inan a esthetica llyp leasing manner w hile improving the neighborh ood .I look forward to m eeting those of you reviewi ngm yp roposal .Thank yo uforyo ur t ime . ~'1\y~ Shawn weyr"'::::1/1 ," \ • - / ,"-,>, .. ~.-...Q,::::~.....---"•__.> ,,' PROPOSEb •• •••.-.., • • ., -:,':-.,•.:! -;.-'...,. .".:,~.'~'-~ .; -,-~. ;... ,..-'. -. .., ~; ..,;,.~,.;;.".~~".. I "I".:'...-......~~.1.."."," I . ~.va -.. 1..1.=("'-"'''':"'-",,""",,e-r-";U'S'TV S.co., >~."F £.-~~....._·U~"T ".J -c:c:-.:: --,s _iT ....15~_~:=J.....\;~ '.tj!-.-r-.i ~II i~',I-.--J ,,.."!-:c !.~.~>--.•- !J ;"'c..._,--~.~. S ~.{"'<---""~I ·;itl~-Ie-!.:~.!~-;;J,/11._-,.C: - i p',I,.::E."-I I ==::::'.--:.::~:."C:_.'lJ===..---==I.•----:":'1 -;-1 ••.'.'1 ..J I ~pccx 1 ./=1\.1 6 "- '. • l '., I ' I .." ,. .ir -, ! .j -..-I"--; Le .T .::',...=-.~-_.._.--- r:::~::.;..~~-:..........I I I I '------- ..'" I 1_., I -.- I '.. 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A.~l-d'....'T .:!-'?!6~~'T EF.""i.L OC A'T IO.O ~Co F UQ \JI 'S,I-l 6.':::.e:'f-CJyJiJG.~.·I .~" ( /.: • / I / / I .1 °-11 "... /' / I. ././ ./-- .....#---- / I .' / / /,.""'-,/11;1fI -?8U14/t// ..I ./~:;b.~'p8 . /r ~IjJ,lO' L =J 6.62 ' / , II ,, .~I ,/ -I -- ,/ \ \ \ / ,, I I ,/,/ \ \ / - .- ~/ / / \\ - --- -' / .. .J ·-4 .""'l"~ ~II M.J RI¥.'.nJ.2 1, / /' / LOT 1 ---•------- ----I "'I<:: ~I.. ~I~, ~I'>! iq ~ >il., x ~'" I •I,1X)80.$; ;; "I,., ~[n:-=-r:.::":_I ---C------,l,--;-,'-"..__-1 1__\' _g A IL R OAI>i le cr-,;l\A v E L ~ARr,\rl c-,~ST l\l tJl Nr.v iALL • • -------_o-:36 I '"'::>\Rt[T -N rl l- I- i- f-- l'AV£l.>PA!'.\<.\N G I .-............... • rrfu SlAIRS \ KE 'f STO NC: P£l AI"",I&'vJ ALL -" • • [;~Iyn t \<;'RI:;-IAI N lf\l :C, \ VI ALL • .-".,,-.,••:_,I •fV \-0".,.- 10 '10' n , / / I \ _---------------------...,,---,...------~:t I rd '------;:::-;---. • P R.OpOSE"I)\2..E:-r A IN IN6 WALL { \(E~S "'O N ~ C 0 ..50 TINe.T I col •2'.. ID :,>0' / 1:oJl 1 - f- , '-I - wesT E ND • •Gregory M.A msden• 2635 ..8 Larkspu r L ane vsu,C o lorado 8 1657 May I ,1998 Dominic Maurie llo Town o fVa il-Plannin g D ept . 75 S outh FrontageRo ad Vail,CO .81657 Re :Wey rauch Variance Application -2625 Larkspur Lane Dear Dominic : Thank youforprovi ding mewitha copy of t he above referenced a pp lication.Asyo u are aware,I own th eprimary-secondary residenceo nLot2,B lock 2,VailIntermountain,di rectly wes t o fth e W eyrauch property .After reviewi ngth erequest ,Ihave thefo llowing co mments : 1.A detailed topographic survey of t he subjec tp ropertywas notprovided by t he ap plicant . a .There isasubst antialportion of flat.very buildable terrain on the north side of th e structure...it isunusualfora setback variance to he g ranted when t here are alternative loca tions onalo t forsuc h a n expansion . b .Th ereisa drainage culvert that flows intoa drainti le system or gravel und ergroundchannel between Lots I and2 .The pr oposedexpan sio n would alter thi s d rainage system andwou ldhavea negative impacto nth e lower . g ardenlevelemployee housing unito f myp roperty .The a pplicantneeds to addre ss thi s situation. 2 .Th e retaining w all th at supports thepark ing area of t heapp licant 's property is failing .Itisano ldr ailroad t ie structurein poor co ndition.The h eight of thisw all is substantial ...an y replacement plan should be reviewed and stamped byan licensed engmeer. 3 .No landscape plan wassubm itted b y the app licant.There isa 5"diameter aspen (20'tall)t hat will be destroyedsho u ld this variance be granted. 4 .A detail of the new s tair a ccess t oth ea pplicant's p arking area hasnotbee n provided .T his is of particu lar co ncernas thea pp licant's t enants co ntinually t re spass o n s urrounding propertiest oaccess th es huttle b us (yo u will note th atth eappl icant refers tot he no rth side of his property as t he "front "o f t he ho use),rather t han using Larkspur Lane . (97 0),479,0337 (970),4 79,52 78 fa. •• 5 .A specific llarking plan hasnot been p rovided by the ap plicant .The applicant's inten t istoexpandthe property toinclude 8 bedrooms.6 bath s,andmaintain arental usecreatesanincreased parking d emandove r and above atypica lresidential u se . 6 .Town ofVail setback regulations require I S'side setbackst o provide o wnerswith adequate priva cy between structures.The app lican t's home asw ellas my home are non-co nformings truct ure s(bothalready encroach int oside setbacks).Any incr ease of the existing encroachment wo uld be detrimental to th e p rivacyande njoyment of my residence .Sou nd transmission (ie :loudstereo mu sico r 3 :25 AMhottub gatherings)isminimalu nder existing co nditions.t hus the pr oposedex pansion would negatively effectmy p ro perty. 7.The intent of a pplicant t o r entt hepr opertyto unrelated parties mayvio late existing ordinances.especial ly if eac h bedroom is rented .A commercial o r lo dging t ype zo ning maybe necessary in situations where t henumber of unr elated rentersexceeds a limit establishedby anexistingo rdinance . 8 .The a pplicant states that I o fferedmysupportfor his varian ce .When thea pplicant a pproachedme reg arding a 15'ex pansion tosouthwest e nd o fhis residence,I qu estioned t he park ingsituationandstated that t he appl icationdidn ot meet the variance guideli nes fo rhar dship .st rictint erpretation o f t he or dinance or similar privileges enjoyed by other properties int he same area .The a pplicant did not ad dress theparki ngissue .showed indifference to t hezoni ng regulat ions and indicated themainfocuswas improving hisrental income picture . U ntil suchti meas th ea pplicant provi des adequate analysis to r his ex pansion plans and can address th ea bove co ncerns ,1 shallbeo p posedto therequ es tedvariance .Th ankyou for your time a nd co nsiderationinthi s matter. "--_I I "Il -t-- Sincerely./---..., .Jt~~ Greg Amsden • March8,1998 TownofVail 75S.Frontage Road Vail,CO81657 Attn:Planning ToWhomItMay Concern: Douglasand Pew Krause 2614 Larkspur Lane Van,CO81657 • Thisisa letter of support forShawnWeyrauch's request foran addition tohishomeat2625 Larkspur Lane.We currently ownandliveinthehousedirectlyacrossthe street from Shawnandfeelthe addition heplansforhishomewould be appropriate and suitable for this neighborhood. Pleasefeelfreeto contact usat476-0958 ifwecanprovideany additional information. Sincerely,I<. '..•L.<D ~!/t'-f:::-;Y -~ -9~~\~.~ DouglasandPeggyKrause cc:ShawnWeyrauch Shawn Weyraucb _ Z625larllspur laneunit A Vall .Celorado 81651 910-419·2950 May04 ,1998 Domininic F.Mauriello Department of Community Development 75 South FrontageRoad Vail ,CO81657 -Date Received .I1AY 04 199B ...:.::.:r r "Nt...... RE :Var iancea pplicat ion for 2 625 Larks pur La ne/Lo t l ,Blo ck 2,Va il Inter mo untai n DearMr.Mau riello , Thank you for revi ewing my variance application andbringing certain issuestomyatt ention for consideration.Iam addressing thefollowing issuesraised by the Community Development Departmentsothat 1 amab le topro ceed forwardwith the review p rocess by thePlanning and Environmental Co mm ission . I .I wi ll agree to deed restr ictth e lower unit asaType 1,Employee hou s ingUn it as a p rovisionfor t he ex pansion of the st ructure . 2.Thereisno basement inthestructure wh ich would affecttheal lowable G RFAforthe property .The current structure is 1117squarcfeet o n boththe upper andlowerlevel.My propo sa l ca ll s foran expansion of 550 square fee t toeach level creating atotal of 1667square fee t fo r eachin dividual un it.These ca lculations meettheG RFA requirements forthis lot andthe lo wer level d oesnot exceed 4 0%of th e allowab le GRFAfor thepro perty . 3.Ih ave incl udedp lan stoill u strate th e imp rovemen ts pro posed tothee x isting park ing area . I sha ll rep lace the o ld ra il road tie retainingwa ll wi th an ewwallusi ng keystoneco ns tructio n. The newwal l will be the same h eightasthe existing wa ll.Thenewwall w ill however be le ngthened by3fee t ontheWestEn d in order tobringthewalluptothe existing towncode . Thenew parking area "ill st ill allow fo r thereq uired twoparki ng spaces for eachunitrequired bythepropose d expansion .The new wall w ill be muchmore aestheticallyp leasingfor the neighbo rhood andwill a llow for parkingfarther off thestreet.Theo ld parkingareawill also be improved by resurfacingthe areaw ithpavement.Th estairswill a lso be repl acedallowing for better ac cessto the hom e. 4 .I h avecons idered th eposs ibility of add inga garage inthe vicinity of theproposed addition .If thetownwere toa llow m e to encroach onthepublic right-of-way toco nstruct a garage.itwould be nearly impossi ble (0 buildafunctiona l garageinthi s location .The lotdro ps off drast ically fromthe parking areawh ich wouldcreate access toa garage impossibleunle ss it weresome how built high abovethegro und andexi sting st ructure . ••5.Thefloodlightsonthe structurewillbereplacedto meet thecode. Thank yo ufor bringing the se issues tomy attent ion andallov..'ingmetode velop a more thorough variance application.I lookforwardt o attend ing the meeting sc heduledfor M ay II ,1998 with the Planning andEnvi ronm entalCommission. ,.•• TOWN OF VA IL D epartment of Community Development 75 So ulh Frontage R oad Vail.Col orado 816 57 9 70-479·2J38 FAX 970-479·2452 Apri l 23,1998 Shawn Weyrauch 2625Larkspur Lane.UnitA Vail.CO 8 1657 FILE Opy RE:Variance applicationfor 2625 Larkspur LancIL ot I.Block2.Vail Intermountain Dear Mr.Weyrauch: TheCommunity Development Departm ent has reviewe d yo ur variance applicationforabuilding addition within thesetback.This duplexwas constructed in Eagle County andlater annexed to the T own o fVail.Th e p roperty is z onedPrimary/Secondary Resident ial w hicha llowstwo units to beconstructedonlotsof 15,000sq.ft .or greater.Your lot isless than 15.000 sq.ft.in size andtherefore this dupl ex is nonconforming withrespectto the nwnbcro f units a llow edon-site. This meansthat theunits can remain on-site.however,expansionstothestructurecannotbe made.unless oneo f units located on-site is deed restricted as a Type 1.Employee HousingUnit (sec attached). Additionally ,ifyouplan to proceed forw ard andplan todeedrestrict oneoftheunits.the following issues should beaddressed prior to the Plannin g andEnvironm ental Commission review ofthevariance request 1.Is there abasement inthis building'!Ifso.this squarefootagewillneed to be incl uded in the existing GRFAcalculation.Addi tionally.staffwillneed to perform a walk-thru o fthe residencetoverify the squarefootageand fl oor plan.Note thatthe second unit onthis site maynot exceed40%of the allowableGRFA fortheproperty. 2.Your a pplicationindicates thaty ou plan toimprovethe parking for the property .You will need to provide a s ite plan showingthe proposed location andindicate the proposed improvements.Based onthe size ofthe proposedaddition.this parking areawillbe required tobe paved. Page I of2 o RI:CYCU:lJPAPI."R .~.... •• .'" j • .,• •A review of the Count yappro va ls,it app ears that th eorig inal plan provided all of the parking on-sire (see attac hedplan).Sub sequ entl y,a park ing and access caseme nt was recorded allowing parking onthe neigh bors101.Todayit appears thatmostofthe parki ng is located within the public right -of-way.If you ever wish to const ruct a garage for this duplex in thefuture.the proposed addition will preclude this from occurring .It appears th at agaragemigh t be possi ble with limitedencroac hme nt on th e pub lic right-of-way in th earea where th e addi ti on is prop osed .You may want toconsider thi s issue. 3.Th ere are several flood ligh ts located on this structure .These lights do not conform with the Light restrictions contained in the code .These lights will need tobe replaced or rem oved as part of th is approva l. This item is currently scheduled for theMay I I.1998 meetingofthePlannin g andEnvironm ental Commission .Inorder to remain on this agenda youwill need to address thes e issues by May 4, 1998.otherwise we can schedule thi s item for the subsequent meeting . [fyou have any Questions.feel free togive meacallat 479-21 48 . CQ'~ Dominic F.Mauriello.AICP Senior Plan ner Page2 of2 • 12-60-8:DENSITY ~NTROL :• A.Dwelling Unit s:Notmore than a tota l of two (2)dwelling unit sshall be permi tt ed on each site with o nly o ned welling uni t p ermitted on lots Icss th an fift een thousand(15,000)s quare feet , B .Gross Residen tial FloorA rea : I.Th efollo wing g ross r esid ential floorarca (ORFA)shallbe p ermitt edo n c ach s ite : 3 .Twenty five(25)square feet of gross re sident ial floor are a (GRFA )for eachone hundred(100)squa refeet o ft hefi rst fi fteen thnusand (15,000)s quarefeet o fsitca rea; plu s b .T en(10)squa refcct of gro ss res idential floo r a rea (ORrA )foreac h onc hundrcd(100) square feetof sitearea over fift een th ousan d(I5 ,OOO )squarefeet.not to e xceed thirty thousand(30,000)square feet of sitearea ;plus c .Fivc(5)sq uarefeet of g ros s residen tial fl oorarca (ORrA)fo r each o neh undred (10 0) squ are feet of site area inexcesso f th irty thousand (30,000)squarefcet. Z.In add itionto the ab ove ,four hundre d twenty five(425)squa re feet ofgross residentia l floor area (G RFA)s hall be p ermitted for eac h allowa ble dwelling uni t.On any siteco ntain ing two(2)d we llin g un its,on c o f th eu nits shallnot excee dfo rtype rcen t (4 0%)o fthet otal allowable grossresident ial floor area (GR FA).No pri mary/second ary resid entia llot except th oselocated ent irely in th e red haza rd avalanc he zone,ortheflood plain.o r those of less th an fift eent housa nd (15,0 00)squarefe ets hall be so re stricted th at it ca nnot b e oc cupi ed b ya pri ma ry /secondary dwelling.Notwithsta nding the fore goin g.a Type I employeehousing unit (EHU)may b e p erm itted o n lots of less th an fift eent hou sa nd(15 ,000 )s quarefeet in accordan cewith Section 12-1 3-4 o fthis Titl e. C.Emplo yee HousingUnits:Notwit hsta ndingtheprov isions of subsections AandB of this Section,aType I empl oyee housing unit (EHU)shall be perm itte don lots of less than fifteen t housand(15,000)squarefeetina ccordancew it h S ec tion12 -13 -4 o f thisT itle .(Ord .8(1992) §§13 ,14 :Ord .3 7(199 0)§5 :Ord .19(1 990)9 I :O rd.12(1988)9 4 ;Ord.2 3(198 6)9 I:Ord. 2 3(198 1)§2 :Ord.22(198 1)§1 :Ord .3 5(1980)§I :O rd.22(1979)§I :Ord .12 (1978)§2 : Ord .3 0(1977)§2 ) 12-13-4:TYPE I EMPLOyl HO USII\'G UNIT:•• A.Purpose:Toallowforconstruction ofanemployee housing unit onlotsinthe Primary/Secondary and Two-Fa mily ZoneDistrictswhichdo not meetthe minimwn lot size requirement s for said zone districts. B.General Conditions:AType I employee housing unit shall comply with the followinggeneral provisions: I.It shall be apermitteduse inthe Primary/Seeonda ry Re siden tial ,andTwo-Family Res id e ntial Zone D is tri c ts . 2.11 shall beallowed on a 101 thatis lessthan fifteen thousan d(15,000 )square fee t in total site area . 3.It shallbeoneof the dwellin g uni tsin a two -family dwell ingpursuantto subs ection 12-11-51 of thisTitle,designguidelines duplex an d primary/secondarydevelopmen t.It may alsobe locatedin,o r attachedto.an existing garage ,provid ed thegarage is not locatedwithin anysetback;and further provided,that no e xisting parking required by thethis Code is reducedoreliminated. 4.It shallnotexceedfortypercent (40%)ofthetotal gro ss re sidentialfloorareaallowed on thc lot.An applicant.however,shallbe permitted to applytothe DepartmentofCommunity Development foradditional gross residentialfloorareanotto exceed (\1,'0 hundredfifty(250) squarefeet to be used intheconstructionof theemployee housin g unit.The applicant shall submit anapplication for theadditionalgross residential floor area onaform provided by the Department of Community Devel opment Approval ordenialoftherequestshall be madeby theDesign Review Boardin accordancewith Section 12-11-4 of thisTitle.Ir anapplicant obtains Design Review Boardapprovalforadditional gross residentialfloor areafor thc employee housingunit.he orsheshallnotbeentitledto receive additional gross residential floorarea p ursuant to Chapter 15 of this Tit le for either uniton the lot. 5.ATypeIemployeehousing unitmay be rented incompliance with Section 12-13-2ofthis Chapter.or it maybesold.transferred.orconvey ed separatelyfromany single-family,or two-family dwelling it may bea panof.so longasit meetsthe following conditions: a.It must be usedby theowner oft he employee housing unitas apermanent residence. Forthe purpose of this subsection.apermanent res idence shall mean thehome or place in which one's habitation is fix edand to whichone.whenever heor sheis absent,hasa present intention of returning after adeparture ora bsencetherefrom,regardless of the duration of absence.Indetermining whatis apermanent residence.theTown stafT shall take thefollowing circumstancesrelating to theowner oftheresidence into account: business pursuits,employment.income sources.residence forincomeorother tax purposes,age.marital status,residence of parents.spouse andchildren.ifany.location of personal andrealproperty,andmotorvehicleregistration. b.IfaTypeIemployee housingunitis sold,transferred orconveyed separatelyfrom the otheru nit inatwo-family dwelling itis aparto f.then boththeTypeI employeehousing unitandtheunit towhich it is attached shallbesubjecttoall theprovisions set forth in subsections 12-1J-2F through"and J ofthis Chapter. 6.No less than fi ftypercent (50%)oftheparking requiredfor theType Iemployee housing unitby thisCode shall be enclos ed. 7.It shallbe entit led toa grossresidential floor area credit of four hundred twenty fi ve(425) square feet ,assetfort.ubsect ions 12-6C-8B2 and 12-6D-8.this Ti tle . S.If aType I emp loyee hou singuni tissold separately from th etwo-fami ly dwelling it is part o f,then theprov isions asset forthinsubsec tions12-13-23 through Do ftbis Ch apter ,aswe ll as su bsect ionB5aand b of thisS ection shallbe incorporated intoa wrinen ag reement applicab le to both theTy peI emp loyee hou sing unit and the d wellingunittowh ich itis attac hedinafo nn approve dbythe Tow n Attorneyw hich shallrunwith the land and shallnot beam en de d or te rminatedw ithoutthe wr itten approval of the Town .Said agreement shall be recordedatthe County C lerk an d Recor dero fficeprior to th e issuance of abu ildingpermit forthe co ns truction of a n employeehousing unit. 9.Thirty (30)days prio r tothetran sfer ofa d eed for aTyp e I employeehou sing unit,t he p rospect ive purchase r sha ll su bm it an a pplication to the DepartmentofCommun ity Development document ing thatthepro spectiv e p urchaser m eets th e criteria set forth in s ubsections 12-13 -2C and subsect ionB5o f this Sectiona nd shallinclude an affi dav itaffirm ing th at heorshemee ts the secriteria. c.App lication:Anyperso n whow ishe s to co nstructaType I employeehous ing unitshallsubmit anapp lication forDesign Review Boardapp roval totheDepartment of Co mmunity Development conta ining th e following information: 1.Thename a ndmai ling add ress of the a pplicant. 2 .Th ew ritten con sent of theo wners of t he lot orproperty tobe inclu dedintbeapp licatio n o r the w rittencon sent of t heir age nt orauthorized rep resentatives.Fo r the purposes of this s ubsectio n,"agent"or "autho rizedrepresenta t ive"sha ll mea n a ny individual oras soc iation authorized orempowered .inwriting.bythe propertyowne rtoactonh is o r herbeha lf.If an y of theprop erty tobe include disaeondominiumized d eve lopment,the pertinentcondo minium association maybe consideredt heage nt orauthori zed repre se ntat ive for theind ividual unit owner if a llowed bya llpertinent requirement s of th e co ndominium asso ciation's declarations. 3 .The leg alde scription and streetadd ress o fthelotorsit e f orwhi ch theproposalism ade. 4 .Alist of the owner o rowners of record and their ma i lingaddre sses for the pro perties adjacent totheproperty wh ich is the subject of the bearing. D .Rev iew:Theapplication shall be rev iewed bythe Design Review Boar d in accordance wi th Chap ter 1 1 of thisT itle.(Or d .27(1992)§§4 ,5:Or d .9(1992)§4) !.. ! .. ! I... ; , >; :1 I / ,...... ! i I, .' -. i { I, •.. .' I ! -" ", .' - / / I - .' - .."/, ..~ \~; i, I ;.. / / / .I / / / i !._.....:...'.I ....'-. .1 :-'.-. •• ZONE CHECK Filing A IIQwed Total GRFA Date:L-(~~iO,,---_-=-__ Lcg.1J description:LOt \Block-:z... Address 2{'26 La.dkc.nv"k.~e. L .IOwner...-...J ~.£=......4",-,.~Phone _ Archi tect Pho ne ----, Zonedistrict PIS Proposed usc U('-<lI':'cI:[J,/,'.e",-~N;o-.r ~. Lotsize -.J2-,a19 $1 f!f .Buildable area _ ~;J CI_,..~(."(;.;,,,."'--1-.(/0<04> ~+~=T~~:bi Remaining • Primary GRfA +(425 )(6 75 ')=_ Secondary GRFA __-+(425)(675')''--__ ---+--- +----= \ 1-1 1i\-= __+//0101-,(ro zo LSiteCoverageJ"LVJ3.Yf Height (30)(33) Setba cks Front 20- Side s I S- Real 15' •675 =425 cre dit plus 250 additio n Docs this req uest in volve a 250 Additio n?~_ Landscaping Minimum Retaining Wall Heigh ts Parki ng 3'/6' Required 1.\5("'6'5 ~J ~--_--,-Q~_Enclosed (3 00)(600)(900)(1200)Garage Credit Compl ies with TOV Ligh ting Ordinance Arc finished grades less t ban 2:1 (50'/') Pcnni tt cd Slo pe ---ill1r- U/k %ProposedSlope % No 1/ No,_ Environmental/Hazards I )PercentSlope «>30'/.)'_ 2)fl oodplain _t-lbL'C,"-_ 3)Wetlands-"o...c'-""_ 4)Water Course Setback (30)(5 0 )_!:.1.1:>~_ 5)Geologic Hazards _-"0~D::......,--_ a)Snow Avalanehe.....:tJ.::.,u""-_ b)Rockfall .0", e)Debris flow _.!IV~7)Q...._ Previous condi tionsof approval (check property file);.:_ •DESIGN REVIEWC HECKLIST Proje ct:_ • QSURVEY o SITEPLAN Scale Ben chm ark Legal descriptio n Lot Size Buildabl e Area Eas ements Topograp hy 100 yr.flood plai n Water Cours e Setback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locatio ns Spotelevations Scal e Buildin gHeight Encro achm ents Setbacks Site Covera ge Eaves/Overh angs (4') DceksIBaI conics Garage connect ion Site Gra dc\Slopc Retaining Walls Fences Parking/Garage Turnin gRadius Drivew ay(accessand grade) Snow Storage Fire Access o FLOOR PLA1'l S Scal e GRFA 250additional GRFA Crawl\Atric Space EHU Q BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale Color\Ma terials R oof Pitch o LA.'IDSCA PE PLA.'I Existing tre es Propose dtrees Legend MISCELLANEO US Condo Approval Titlereport (A &B) Ut ility verifi cati on form Photosofs ite Building mat eria l samples C.O.Verificati on Sun'S had e Angle> Utilities (underground) View Corri dors Variances Plat restrictions ,:£\} ::s:..."..' TOWN OFVAIL 'lj, •QUCS lio.all lhc Planning Staff at 4 79 ·2131\ ,\I 'P Ll C A T J O ~FOR PLA:\r-o;I NG Ar-lD E ~\'IR O j\'I\l E i'iTAL COi,IMI SSIO i\APPROVAL GE NERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requ iri ng approval by the Plan ning and Environ menta l Commission.For spec ific information.s ec the submittal requirements forthe particular approval that isrequest ed.T heapplication cannot be accepted unti lall requiredinformation is submi tted.The projec t mayalso needto be reviewed bythe Town Council and/or the Design Review Board . A.T YPE OF APPLICATION: o Additional G RFA (250) o B ed and Brea kfast o Condi tional Usc Perm it o Major or 0 MinorSubdivision o Rezoning o S ign Vari ance [it Varia nce o Zoning CodeA mendmen t o Amendme nt 10an Appro vedDevelopmentPlan o Employee Housing Unit (Type;) o Major or 0 Minor CCI Exterior Altera tion (Vail Village) o Majoror 0 Minor cell Exteri orA ltera tion (Lionshca d) o Special Development Distri c t o Maj oror 0 Mi nor Amendment to an SOD n.DESCRIPTION O F THE R EQUEST:\/Cl cI"bC.(+0 c<1I 0w F"'fu.Ql.:sut"'d"-_ 0.del ,+it>n -tv be f'I....e J I •Uw;.,'1----~Sf--e+J,c.(k s L.ANb ltN ''''A ___________----;;--_PHONE:('1 9 0 )4 1'1 -2'1 S'0 LOCATIONOFPRO POSAL:LOT_.:...I -,-BLOCK '2....FILING \/0"LkJe rWf o-<,r/';",,,DwdCf",,; ADDRESS:2.1>2"L",k ~f':'r L4 n e BUILDING NAME:_ ZONING:xl':>, NAMEO FOWN ER(S):--Sl:l"-A-"W71'J,--::",W~6:",-...!Y-,Il::..:A:..:.:v,,,C .:...I-\L----,--_-==--_ MAILING ADDRESS:1-b2<;LA a.~s f'lt l2. c. E. D. F. G. _~____.:PHONE::_ H.FEE -SE E T HE SUBMITTALREQUIREMENTSFOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUB MIT T HIS APPLICATIO N,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS Ai'OD THE FEE T OT ilE DEPA RTMENT O F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 S OUT H FRONTAGE R OAD , VAIL,COLORA DO 81657. App licati on Date: ForOffice UseOnly: _0 ~ Fcc Paid :Z::??Ck#:._,,--,--"-_By:a: PEe Meeti ng Date: •• Gr~A--,...;de(\ 1-(,3'>L<.-,~Sf"'(L .~lj",;+is VAIL (..0 ~110<;1, .Do u ~~Pe ~':)':l \(Y/l.t.I S e ~b I Y L""k Sf'"("LtAY\e V,,;\(0 'i?liS1 r C.,\c,..yton De.pu e \?'0 Lf NoA-h fA,eG...Je S+("«.t-Su;-!e 1\, A("\:"'?h,VA 1.-2..2.0'1 . :Soh I')Lr.-I h S me.h n ~o I Gore.C(Uk-J),ive. Va.:(co glksr ,••THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HE REBY GIVENt hat t he Plan ning andEnvironmentalCo m missio n o f t heT owno f Vail will hold apublic hearing ina ccordance with Se ction12-3-6 of the M un ici pal Cod e of the Town ofVail o n May 11,1998 ,at 2:00 P.M.int heTo wnofV ail Mu nicipa l B uilding .In con siderationof : A request (or front and sidesetback varia nces,t o allo wa pr oposed re sid entialaddi tion ,located at 2625 Larkspur Lane /Lot 1,Blo ck2,V ail Int erm ountain. "*A pplicant: Plann er : Shawn Weyrauch DominicMauriello A req uest fo r f rontand side setbackv ariances .toa llowfor aproposed residentiala d dition , locatedat 706 Forest Roa d/lot 9 ,Block.1,Va il Village 6th . Ap plicant: P lanner : N ancy A d am ,rep resentedby Fritzlen ,P ie rce ,BrinerA rchi tects Christie B arton A request f or am inorC e1 exterioralteration ,toa llow for achang e t o pr eviouslya pproved p lans,locatedat28 6 Bridge Street,A &0Build ing /Lots A &8andPa rtof C ,Bl ock 5-A,Vail Village 1stFi ling . Appli cant: Planner: LeeHollis,G olden Bea r Store Ge orge Ru ther A requestfo ra setbackv ariance,toall ow for adec k expans ion,located at63W ill ow Place , R iverHou se Co n domin iums/Lot3 ,Block6 ,Va il Vill age1st Filing . Ap p licant: Planner : MFl lnvestments ,representedby La ny Deck ard DominicMauriello A request for a condit ionalus epermi t,to a ll ow f or aTy pe IIEmpl oyee Hou si ng Un it ,locatedat 45 ForestRoad /Lot 3 3,B lock 7,Va il Village 1stFiling . A pplicant: Planner: 8MS Partnership Chr istie Barton The applicat ions and information about t he pro posalsa re availab le for public inspect ion during r egular office hours inth e p roj ect plann er'sof ficelocated attheT own ofVa ilCom munity De velopment Department ,75S outh Fronta ge Road. S ign language int erpretat ion a vailable u pon req uest with 24ho ur n ot ifica t ion .Please ca ll 4 79- 2 114v oice or 4 79 -2356 TOO for info rmation . Commun ity De ve lopment D epartm ent Published Apri l 24 ,1998inth eVailTra il. •Dougla sa nd Peggy Krause • 2614 La rkspur Lan e Vail,CO81657 March 8,1998 Town o f Vail 75S.Fro ntage Ro ad Vail,CO8 1657 A ttn :P lanning ToWhom It May Concern: I~ mV-':OMM .DEV.DEPT. Thisisa letter of supportforShawn Weyrauch's requestforan addition tohis home at2625 Larkspur Lane.We current ly ownandlive inthehousedirectlyacross thestreetfrom Shawn andfeelthead dition hep lans forhishomewouldbe appropriate and suitable for thisne ighborhood . P leasefeelfree tocontactusat 476·0958 if wecan provideany additional information . Sincerely,I< ',;,~/'..VA-Cv,;f::--}r-~ ~h \~rc:~ Douglas a nd Peggy Krause cc :Shawn Weyrauch .-,-- Am"man 1.aud Titk A,~Ol;lJl i Q n Comrnrr ncm •M, CO \·t1\.llTMENT l-'OR 'IITLE I NSURA r-;CE ISSUED DY S TEWAR TT ITLE GU A R At'iTY COM PA N Y STEWART TITLE G UAR ANTY CO.\1.PAXY.A T exas Corporation.her ein called th e Company,for valuable considera t ion.hereby c om mits toissue its policy or po licies of title insurance.as iden tified in Schedu le A.in favor o f the pr opo sed Insured named i n Sched ule A.as owne r o r m ortgagee of the es tate or i nterestcov e redhe reb y in the land described o r referred to in S cheduleA .u pon payment of the p re miumsand chargest herefor;all s ubject10thep rovisio ns of Sc hedules A a nd n an dto the Condition s andS tipulations here of. This Commitment s ha ll he e ffective onl y when th e identity of th ep roposed I nsureda nd the am OU1I1 o f the rei icy or policies c ommittedfor ha ve bee ninse rted in Sched ule Ahereof by the C ompany,either at the t imeo fth e issuance of this C ommitmento r by subsequente ndorsement . Thi ..Comrntrrnem is p relimina ry to th e issuance of suchp ol icy or po licies o fti tle insurance an d a ll l iab ilitynnd c blt g ntionsher eundersh all ce ase and te rmi nate s ix m o nth s a fte r t he effec tive d ate here of o r wh en the p oli cy or policie s committedfor sha ll issue,w hichever f irst occurs .provided Ihalt he f ailure to issue s uch p o licyo rpo licies is nor the fault of the Company . S igned und ersea l for the Co m p any .h utth is Co mmitment sh all no t be valid o rb indi ng unt il it bea rs an au thor ized C o unters igna ture . IN W ITN ESS WHEREOF ,St ewart T it leGua ran ty Company ha s caused itsc orporatena me a nd seal 10 he hereunto affixed byits du ly a uthorized officerso n the date sho w ninS c hedu le A . ST EWA RT TI TL E G lJARANTY CO :-.IPANY Order Nnmhe r :9 6013833 -C2 •SCHEDULE A • I E{fI!C!it 'I'dare_'zi e e emce s-30,1996 a t:7:45 A .M. 2.Policyo r Policiestobe issued .. faJ A .L.T.A .Owner 's (S ta nda rd) Propo sed lnsured: SHA:1N WZy;u.UCH A li/OWl!of i nsura nce 5 28 6,1 00 .00 fb)AL T.A .WCIl Proposed Ins u red: T O B ~DETER.'.fH fED Proposed Insured. (S tan dard)5 266,C73.0 0 .$ 3.The estate o r interest in t he land described or referred toill this Commitment a nd co vered herein is f ee s i mp le 4 .Title t o the fe e s i l:lpl e estateor interest insaid land is atthe effective dare h ereof vestedin: DAVID S .LADOW a n d :-·A....·CY LADOW 5 .The l and r ef erred to i n thi s Commitment is d escribed as f ollows : S EE A ~T~CHED L EGAL DE ~CRI PTI ON P ~:p o r t e d Addre ss : 2625 LARKSPUR ~VE #A&B VA IL ,CO 81 657 STATE.\fE.\T OF CHARGES Thesecharges art d ill'and p ayable before a Policy can b e i ssued . PR~Iu.M--R E I SS UZ O...?fERS :$5 40 .00 MORTG;"CE:1 0 0.00 TAr CE.'?T :1 0 .0 0 Order Number:960 13833-c2 •SCIIHJULE A L EGAL DESCRIPTION • •-.-.:0. Lo c 1 1 B lock 2, VAIL r NT ERMOUllT A IN DEVELO~~:~S UB DZY ISION A lsoDe scribed as ~oll o ws : UNITS A a.nd B :2f2 5 LA1\.KSPUR C O~D OM!NIUMS A CCORD ING t o the Cond~ini~~Map r ec ~rd ed Jul y 31,1985 in Book 4 21 a ~Page 2 5 0 ~s R ecep ti on No.317 520. COUNTYO F E AGLE STA TE OF COLORADO T HIS C2 CO."D!IT}!ENT rlo'A S PREPAR ED ON JA.",lJAR Y 2 4,1 9 96 .F OR QUEST IO NS PL EASE CA LL LINDA WI LLIAMS A T {9 70 }94 9-1011. -~- Order Number:9601 3833 ·C2 •SCllEDULE B SectionI R EQUIREMENTS • The [ottowing are the requirements to be complied with: Itemfa)Payment toor for the aceOllll t oj the grwuors ormortgagors of the [ull consideration for the estate VI' interest to b e insured. Item fb)Proper insmonenus}creating the estate or interest 10 b e i nsuredmilSf be executed anddulyfiled fo r record,to wit: 1.Evidence s a ti s f ~c t o ry t o Stewart Title Gcaranty Co~par.y o f p a ym e ~t of all outsta~d ing ta xes and as s e ss ~e ~t s as cert ified by The Ea g le County Treasurer . 2 .Exec~ci on of affidavit as t o Deb ts and Lien s and i ts return t o Stewar t Tit le G u ara~:y Comp dny. 3 .Execction o f Cer tificat e ·£n ti ty Transfe ror/Individua l Transfe r or a~d ic s return t o the of fic e. 4.Evidenc e ·satisfactory to Stewart T itle Gu a ranty Co~p~ny t h at tb e real esta te tra n sfer t ax as ses sed by t he T ovr.of Vail has been paid or t hat t he t rans ac tion i s e xe~pt from s aid t ax . S .R el eas e by the Pu blic T ru stee o f Eagle County o f t he Deed of Trust tro~Da vid s .Ladow and Nancy L ad ow f or t he use of S un be lt Nati o nal Ho rtgage Co r pora tion , to secure $2 0 0,00 0.00,dat ed Augus t 1 5,1 994,r ecorded A ugust 23 ,199~in Book 5 48 at Page 330 as R ecep t i o n No .Si4371. 6.De ed £r o~David S.L a d o w and Nancy L a do w ,vesting fe e simple t itle in SP.AWY WEYRAUCH . NOTE :NOTA TION OF P E R 1 s 76 AP.E:rD.'EUT T HE LEGAL ADDRESS OF THE GRANTEE T O STATUTE 0 11 ii.ECO.l?DZNG OF DEED S MU ST CRS APPE:AR ON T HE DEED 38 -3 S-109 (2). AS 7 .Deed 0 =Trus t from tbe Borrow er t o t he Pu b lic Trustee f or the u se o f the propo sed l ender to s ecur e th e loan . NOTE :I n the event a Power of A t torney is used i n connection w itb this tra nsaction,please note th e £ollo wi ng r e quire.":l en ts: S aid Po~er of Attorney ~cst be dated no ~ore tb a n six months b efore dat e of said transaction . Power of A ttorney mu st meet approval o f S tewart T i tl e Guaranty Compan y,and shou ld be p re s e n t e d to Stewart Ti t le Guar&nty v :7"~·.Co.cp a.cy p::::i o r to c l osing -by -ac -l ea s t"one-week ..__._.•--..:.=-_.,.-.....:.-.....:-_.-_...~,__"0 • Orde rNumber :9601383 3 -C2 •SCH EDUL EB Sectio n 2 • EXCEPT/OSS 77 1('policy o r policies t o be is sued will contain saris/actio n of the Company: excep tionst o rite following unless the somt'a re disposed of to the J.Rights orclaims ofp arries i ll possession ,no t sho wn by th e public r ecords. 2 .Easem ents .o r claims of eas ements,n ot s hown by t h e public r eco rds. 3 .Discrepancies.conflicts in boundary lines,shortage ill ar ea.encroachments,Gil d any fac ts which '1correct Hiney and inspection of rile p remises wou ld disc/au and which are not shown by thep ublic records. 4 _All)'lien.or rightto ali en.f or sen-ices.labor ormaterialheretofore orhe reafter furnished.imposed by /011' a nd nor s hown by the p u blic records. 5.Defects ,liens.encumbrances.adverse claims orother malters.if any.created.fi rst appearing ill th e public recordsor a ttaching subseouent to the effective dare her eof.bur p rior to th e dare the p roposed insuredacquires oj recordfo r value the est a te or i nterest or mortgage t he reo n covered by th is commitment, 6 .Unpaten ted mini ng cla ims;r ese rvati ons o r exceptions in p atents,or all ocr authorizing the issuan ce thereof ; wat er right s,clai ms or titleto water. 7 .An y a r.d a ll u npai d t a x ~s and asses s ncnts a nd an y u n r ~dee m e d t ax s ~l e s . 8 .The e !!ect of i ncl us i o ns i n ~r.y g~n~r 4 l or s p e ci £ic wa ter c on s~rvan c y ,f ire p ro tecti on ,s o il c on s erva ti on o r o tb~r d istrict o r inclusion i n any water servi ce o r stree t i~p r o v ~en t area . ...9.Res ervati ons or exee pe r coe co::Jt:ai n ed in U .S .P at ents ,o r in Ac ts .au tho r i z in g t he i ss u ance t he reof,r e co rd ed Sep t e~er 28,1 9 0 i i n S o ok 123 at Page 3 rese r-~!n g 1 }Ri gbts o f t he proprietor o f a v ein or l o de t o e x t ra ct and r~o ve his o re th ere fr om a nd 2 }r 1ght s o £wa y f or d i tches a nd cana ls c onstru ctedu nder t h e a u tborit y o f t he Un1 ted Stat es. 1 0.Res t=i c ti or.s,a s conta ined i n i ns t ~ume n t r ec orde~J ul y 24 ,1 97 0 i n Book 2 1 8 at Pa ge 2 81 a s R ecept ionNo .1 13872,a nd instr~~en t r ec orded No v~~er 17,19 70 in Book 2 1 9 a t P a ge 1 20 as Recept io~No .114734,al so a ff idav it r ec ord e d Apr i l 28, 1 971 i ~Bo o k 2 20 a t Pa ge 37 9 as Re cept i o n No .116 03 3,and A=.en dn e ne re cor ded A pril 28 ,1 971 i n Book 22 0 at Pa ge 3 8 0 as Rec ep ti on No.1 160 34. 1 1.Eas~en es ,r es t r ic t ioo s a nd r ig ht s -o £·ways a s s h o wn 0 0 the p lat o f Vall I nte ~o u n t a in Devel opr.e nt S u bdi visi on ,r ec ord ed Ju n ~30 ,1 9 70 i n Book 218 at Page 82 a s Recep t i o n No.11 36 72. 1 2.Ea s~er.t t o Upper Eagle Valley Sa ~i tati on Di stri ct ,a qua si-~uni c i pa l c or por at i on ,r ec ord e d A ug us t 7,1970 i n Bo o k 2 18 a t Pa ge 417 a s Re cep ti on No . 13 .Acc e ss a nd Parki ng Eas ~en t ,r e co r d e d November 2 5,197 7 in B o o k 2 62 a e P age 9 68 ··,..·-_as _R ece pe i o ::N o .-1 59326.·..~---..,.~_~" I i .Ease=en ts,r e stri cti o ns a nd r ights-o£-wa ys as s ho wn o n t he Map re c o rde d July Co n ti nued o n n e xt pa ge .,..---.-_.,._.. Continuation Order N=.ber: of Schedu le ~Se ct i on 2 9601383 3-C2 31,1985 in Book 421 a t Page 251 as Reception No.3 17519. WHER EAS,t h e CEDAR MOU~TA.B CONSTRUC T IOJo<COMPANY , .'e A CCESS AND PARKIN G EAS EHENe a Co l or ado P ar tn e rs hip ,W!IOSC ~ai l ing ad d re ss i s 6 960 Ea st E u t:lid P lace,En g Le vc o d ,Co lora do 80 110 ,GRANT EE ,is t h e o wne r o f Lot I ,Bloc k 2,V<'Iil rnre r ec cn t e i n Dev e L o p me n t Sub di vi s io n,Eaglc ..~o u~ty .Colo rad o ,nu~be rcd and kn owna s 2 625 Lar k spur Lan e,a c ecr d i rrg to t h e r eco rd ed P I "'t t h e r e of , a nd; W"ERE AS,se Wbev.dDf ~(Ol<f f'O(J)e<A {"f"A .-J:'f wh os e ~a i l i ng add ress i s P .O.Box 219 ,Vai l,Co lo rad o8 16 57 , co l lectiv ely k n own 3S GRA STO R,a rc t he o wne rso f Lo t 1 1, Bloc k 1 ,Va il t n t e r ecunt c In ncvc i e p ecn t Subdiv isio n,Eag~c Cou nty.Colorad o ,a cc ording t o t he reco rded P lat t h ere o f,and ; ~HE RE AS.Lot I ,Blo c k 2 a n d Lo t II ,Block I ,a re co n t iguo u s an d shar e a corn~on b oun ~ary r unn ing along the ne r r her ve s t side of Lo tI I ,a nd th es ou the as t s ide of Lot I , a nd Gr a n te e And G r ~n t o r are mut u al ly de si r ous o f prO Vidi ng ve hicuI~r parki n g on such lots . ~ow THEREF ORE ,the u ndersigned Gr antor (and each and a l l of t h e~i f more t han one)for ~nd in con si de~ation ~f cned c Lj a r (S 1.00)in hand p aidby t h e Gran te e,t he r ec ei pt whe re of i s h ere by ac know l a ~ge d ,her eby g rants,b arga in s,a nd con v eys un to th eGra nt ee ,it s succe ss ors ,a ss ign s,les se es ,' l ice n see s,and agen ts,an a cc es s an d parkin g e a s ement,TO-WI T : A par t of Lot II ,VAI L INTERMOU~T AIN DEVELO PM ENT SUBOIV I SI O~,BLOCK I ,mor e pa r ticu larly d es cr ib e d as f o ll o ws : Be g in nin g at t h e S ou thwest e rl y co rnar o f s aidLo tI I ,w ~ic h i s al so the Sou the a ste r ly Co r ne ro fLo ;I ,VAIL i NTERMOUNT AIN DE VELOPM ENT S UB DIV ISI ON ,BLOC K2 ;th en ce ,N.31 021 '07"E .an d a l ong t he l i ne common to b ot h a fo r ementio ned l ot s ,5 6.00 fe et ; t he n c e ,S.58 0 38 '53"E .t o a p o int ,s ai d po i n t b eingon t he S ou t her l y l ine o f sa id Lot1 1 wh ich i s a l so t he Nor the=l y n i g ht -of-W ~y l i n e of Larksp u r Lane ;t he nce ,al ongs aid Ri gh t- .- o f -Wa y l i ne t o t he po i nt of beg in ni~g .S ai d Rig ht -of -Wa y l i ne ',..,..,",..~,';,:'-.~..- -""•·2·•is d e scrib e d,fro ~t he poi nt o f b eginn ing ,S .43°0 8'22 "~. 5 .00 fe et t o 3.po i nt 0:c urv e,th ence a lo n g the arc of sai d curve to t h e rlih t h avi ng ar a di us of 1 25 .0 0 f e et ,a central a ngl e o f 2 8°10'01"and who se l ong chord bea rs S.5 3 °$4'5 9 "W.; t he n ce S.68°00 '00"W.7 4 .00 f e et to •Foin t of cu =ve;t he n ce a lon gt he a rco f sai d cu rve t o th e r ighth av in gar ad ius of 4 5 .00 fee t.a nd who se c hord be a rs N.55 °45'00"w.u nti l reach - ing the intersect i on of th e lin e b e aring S .005 3'46"W. GRA ~T ~E .a s ad dition al co ns id era tion f or t heab ove I:Ta nt.a grees fo r i tself ,it s su cc es so rs ,e ss t r ns ,le s se e s, l i cen see s,and a ge nt s t ob e r e s p o~s i ble f or aai n tai ning sa id acc essa nd p ar king a re a ,i n cl ud ing t he t e ~oval o f sn ow f roc sa me .The Gran tor reserve s the r ig h t t o o cc ~py .~se .ant culti vate sa id p rop er ty f or al l pur poses not in consis t ent wi th t he r it hts he re in g ranted . S ig n ed and de l ive r ed th is A .D .• ,,--------- -'."),'«xz: S TATEOF 02i w -<) COU;<;TY OF ?L4-<' ) )ss. ) PAR .K.CEDAR ~I O ST" RUCTI ON COH?A SY GRAN TEE S ub scr i bed a nd h·19Z7 )"y cec at ss t ou Ex pir es: 4+?.:V /7 z &' s v orn to It.C t h i"lia?=;!Day of STATE oftd;N'/e (a ) ,u )ss ,CO U ~TY OF f.(.~[,(L:.-) ~) Subs cri be d and "Ii wo :r.to =0 t his ..,cc Day o f Ny co~~ission Expir es: f/.y·?? • •RICH ARD S ENGI NEERS,INC. p.o.I ••"-(00 .-<v,,,.c"r"..d.al620 PI,·...'l4'l ·507 2 PO ilU,U .....Q'fJ.I.1 'l SU RV(Y NO,V"-'c -/c:C<':..:o'---_ DATL Oc/;.z S,/9 7 6 ....~..~n.,,,.'E 1:9.00 ' ,-,-0 9 'o O ~£78.otJ ' , NO?'" •()()'Ha ,.... '0""£to ./._J/~,/I• , ~ ~ ~ ~ q, "'l ".. -'., , "c •\. ".... ~.. -, ---"k.'"..00 ·c..s -.3 28; "NOS "4 Sbtl"W ,<~.-}~4t>T 1/,Yall1;,/cr"""lt"IqI'.n~/)C"'':-/0r»ndnr SU-Oif/v/s,-o'1 8 10ck .£ , ~"J, ~\'' \ ".. ~.~o".70<''<$'-:<...... .'" / ''-:'-,'.".I "<:. <!l '>".f.~./00 ." 'rfj\''Ii',~'1 ;'1 '.~,o i 'f~'"'"~",'--'_.~f'''''<}tf 4 '_0°'-/~.t:.>"4 00 (..'0 "rI 1 .,If!"."6 S'OO 'O . t ~:s,~/c~.:":i~~~;:SP U12 --j..IiN "£ sso ·j:;!;.:",J-\ffi!i-512')c-5"3"S"y 'sr ':c»» • ".5:",. d'"S ---..:J-, •~,J"" '" L.o r .I.Veil I",rc 'htou',.,ro /n~I ·b e Y~/dpm f:n1"S.uDd....v /.$,1o..-, ~LVoc!<.;...G~ ~ ~ ~ ):; ~ "", -R '5 0 'Ch '.J5.01" N 7/'IJ'J '/J,J"Jv ,IL• sAanne J.Dugan,Brtker 264 2 Kinnicbnnicl:C ourt •Va il.Co lorado U SA8 1657 Mailin g AdJreS1l :P.O .Box 376S •Va il,Colo rado U SA 8 165$ T fV "I C (970 )416.0164 -IFAX (970)4 76-2564 •E.Mail d u g .l n ~\{~il.tl "'lown031ommumtyDeveopmetlt Ap ril12 ,1998 Au :Russ Forrest Dear Ru ss: Date Receive APR 1 3 1998 I 1 will be in a nd out o ft ow n t henext month so wantedt og etthis toyo u inth eevent o ne of my neighb or swis hedt ocreatea wa lkway ea se mentac ro sst he irpr operty . I o bject t o an y easementsbe ingcreatedd ue to noiseand t rash.J cle aned myya rd yesterday and w herepeop le have been crossing,o nneighbor's property.t herewere cigarette but s and bee r bott le s t hrown into my p roperty.No ttome ntio n dog p oop!And J have hadan ongoing noise problem . Please placeacopy of this letter ineac h of myneighbor's filesso t hereisnoq uestion of myobjection : Grayon lo t 6blo ck 2 Inte rmountain Miller o nlot 4block2 Intermountain Sullivan/Springe r on lo t 3 block 2I nte rmountain Amsden lot2block2 Intermo untain M eadowCreekw hich I do notknowt heir lo t a ndbloc knumberexcept Mead ow Creek S ubdivisio n I also under s tandthatlo tI block 2 ln te rmoun tain(Shawn Weyrauch o wner)iso rmay be a pplying fo ran extension o nto hisdupl ex.1 o bjectt o t his dueto t he lac k of parking .I had apro blem this winter withhisg uests/tenantsparkingin my d riveway andt res pa ss ing thro ughmy property t ogo t o t hat hou se andI k now that oth er neig hbors havealso had t he sa meprob lem. Si ncerely, ~~~- • .. z ~ '":u lJ) ~--j rn -.jo , MATC H LINE ~ SEESHEET2_. ..D • TO:FILE FROM:CHUCK FEL DMANN DATE:FEBUA RY 2 2 .1 995 S UBJECT:EXPI RED PERMI TS MEMORANDUM •\. THIS FILE HAS BEEN CLOSED AND THEPERMIT VOIDED .AC CESS TOT HIS PROPERTY THRU REPEATEDREQUESTSOFTHECONTRACTOR HAVE FAILED . INFORMATION HAS COME TO THE ATTENTION OF THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT THAT GEORGE CA RRA .K.A.CARR PLUMBING &HEA TI NG HAS LEFTTOWN AND HAS ABANDO NED HIS BUSINESS. 6129 9 ,000 .00BUILDING IIIIII IV V A8EHIR M NO TE -C OPY O F P ERM IT T O BEKEP T ONJ OBSITE DATE J une!i o ,1993 2 OCCU PANCY GROUPdepartmentofcommunitydevelopment ..~CONSTRUCTION PEr-R_M_I_T_~:....:::=~=-----, tin I ral 1TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION 1r-..,.----.....,,...,""',...,,,,....--------..... <• TOBEF ILLED OUTCOMPLETELYPR IORTOISSUANCE O F PER MIT El ECTRIC AL PLU MBINGTYPEOFPERMIT ~B UILD ING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL~FOU NDATIONoMECHA'!!/'2'625 La rs 1:.-La ne TYPE GROUP GR F .AVALUATION MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES BUIL DINGPER MlT 13 5 .00 PLAN C HECK ELECTRICAL N EW (1 ALTERATION ()A DD ITION AL ()REPAIR (X)(OWN ER NA ME Nau 'l y L ad"''''ll---_ MAI L APDRESS b ox 3878 QWI'LLINGUNITS oI.CCO ,,"MQOATION UNITS __ PL UM BING M ECHAN ICAL A DDITIONALPER MITS NE ED E D :, ClT\,San t a Ba rbara..pj(:A 8 05 -68 ARCHITECT F IRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH "0'Carr F l.um b Lng &Rea tinGENERAL CO NTRACTOR T OWNO F V AIL REG,N O 183-P TE LE ,a,.a _«". FIRM ~I G H T I N rr INSULATION : FLOOR EXT WALLS ROOF T YPE 0' HE AT ST.CUT --NO./'IREPLA CES --RECREATION FEE n PE THICKNESS R-VALlUE DESIGN REVIEW B OARD XIHHiIlHj(-0 - C LEAN ·UPOEPOSI T 10 0.00 ~ USETA X :'l' ~.~ (LEC GM TOTALPER MIT FEES 323.00 ~ SOLAR wooo Da n St ane k 6 /14 /9 3 BUi'iDlNGOFFU:lAL ------ITAff ----- ~i!!!£t !!.z De vlin 6 0..4 /93 __ ON ING AD MINISTRATOR OATE f i R M C;~~~:~~6 R T O WN O F V A I L REG .N O . T~LE . BLASTING PARKING DEMO O NING &BUI LDI NGN OTES :A s ph alt s ha ke s t o b e 00 I bs /ro o f Ro'ua r e a s n er co d e ,PRESTI UE [AN TIQUE SLA TE.Smoke det ect o rs re quired i n a l l b e drooms as pe r Sec tion 1210.1991C fi RM MECHAN ICA CONTRACTOR roWN O F V AILREG .NO , T E LE, OTH ER 1''''''0"''-1 T QWN O F VA I L REG .N O. CONTRACTOR TE LE. I he reb y acknowledge t ha tI h ave readt his applicatio n.f ill e d o ut i n full t h eI nformationrequ ir ed . co mplet ed a naccu rate plot p l an ,andstate t hat a ll t he i n fo r m ation provideda s requ i red i sco rrect.I ag reetoco mp ly w i tht hei nfo rmatio n andp l o tp lan ,toco mp ly wi t hallT owno rdinan ces andsta le la ws ,an dt obu i ld t h is st ruc tu reacco rd i ng 10 t he T own's zon:.i~n g a n d subdivis ion c o des ,d esign revi ew a pproved.U nif o rmB uild i ngCodean d ~e r 2..Ij na nc ~~of Town a p plicable t here to . CLEAN UPDEPOSITTO :(;>s;.,~..../"'~A ~ Ca r-r Plum bing &Hea t L ng S IGN"h O F O WNER OR C ON TRA CTO RFOR HI MSELF A NDT OWNER. PERH I T ff i,I Z"!.. Owners Name: Architect: .'General Description:g"¥'---....,.,_ Wo rk Class:[j -New[j-Alteration []-Additional ~-R e p a i r []-Other _ Number of Dwelling Units:Number o f Accommodation Units:~ * mber and Type of Fireplaces:Ga s Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet *.*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••VALUAT IONS *.*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A..~ BUILDING:,tl/X!O ~ELECTRICAL :,OTHER:'BW-~ XLUM BING:,MECHANICAL:'TOTAL:$~~G -c1?- ••••••••••••••••••••O~TION ••*•••••••••••••••••••••••• e nera l Cant a ctor :-Town of Vail Re~:NO.4t~ Addre ss :~hon e Number :~:W ~ Electr ical Contractor : Addr es s : To wn of Va ilReg.NO._ Pho ne Numb er : Plumbing Contra ctor: Addres s:Town o f Vail R"e~g~.~N:O~.=======Phone Numb er:_ Mecha nic al Contractor: Address:_ Town of v ail Reg.NOo _ Phone Number: //7cJ ..C/O *.*•••••••••••••••••••••••******FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT FEE:1:0 ':;,(V-,BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE :'?X,ocJ PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PERM IT FEE:MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECT RICAL FEE:RECREATION FEE: OTHER TY PE OF FEE:CLEAN-UP DEPOS IT: ORB FEE:'if Z"',~o ,.;,:(0/TOTAL PERMIT FEES : TYPE GROUP SQ.FT .VALUATION BUILDING:/'.// ,J N fi :o,SIGNATURE:-:::j;.U h//"L...J //(/-7 ."' ZONING:"Q - SIGNATURE:,~/~r.$ "'",6<~P'/~!""-/ co~ents:~;''''''/J __--T 7.h.7J~/k~'"";~I"-/?/,../"""~~"""''''c.--P ,/, //A ....../Y....-.d h<,,*'__1 ~~///~//4 l )//~-z ,~h ;t' < ~q.~UP DEPOSIT IlEFOND TO:r.!JAk {>-.(1-/-- ••, 7S louth fron tage ro ad vall ,colo rado 8 1657 (303)4 79 -2138 or 479-2139 oHlce a t community devel opment TO : FROM: DAT E: SUBJECT: ALL CO NTRA CTO RS CURRE NTL YL REGISTERED WITH TH E TO WN OF VA IL TO WN OF VAIL PU BLIC WO RKS /COMMUN ITY DEVELOPME NT MA RC H 16 ,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MA TERIAL STO RAGE In summary ,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unl awful for any p erson to litter,track or d eposit any so il,rock,s and,de bris or ma terial,i n cluding trash dumpsters ,portabl e toil ets and workm en vehicl es u pon any street,s idewal k,all ey o rp u blic place or any p ortion thereo f.The r ig ht-ot-way on a llTown of v ail streets and roads is a pprox ima tely 5 f t.o ff p avement. This ordinan ce will be str ictly en for c ed b y th eTowno fVa il Publ ic Works Dep artment.Persons foun dv io lating t h is ordinance will b e giv en a 2 4 hour written notice to remove sa id mate rial. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the noti ce with in the 24 hour time spe cified,the Publ ic Wo r ks Department will r emove said mat erial at the expens e of p erson notified.The provis ions of this ordinance shall not be applicab le to construction,maintenanc e or repair projects of any street or alley o r any utilities in the right-a-way . To rev iew Ordinance No .6 in fUll,please stop by the Town o f Vail Building Department to obtain a cop y.Thank y ou for y o ur cooperation on this matter. ;~ "Qw~.I1L~os~t on/Rel ationship to Proj ect (i .e .contractor,owner ) WI"U --/0 ~?':s "Date •• • • 75 s outh Ir ontag .road veil,co lorado8 1657 (303)479-2 138 or 479 -2139 • office of community development BUILDING PERI·lIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If t his perm it requ ires a Tow nofVail Fire Depa r tment Approva l t Engin eer'·s (public Works )revi ew and a pproval,a Planning Department re vi ew or Health Depa rtmentreview,and a review by th eBuilding Depar tJn ent,the est imatedtime for a tota l review ma y ta ke as l ang a s t hree weeks. All commerc ial (large or smal l)and all mult i-fam ily perm i ts will have to fo llow the above mentio ned ma ximum requirem ents.Residential and small projects shouldtakea l esser amount of time .However ,i f residential or smaller projects impact thevariousabovementioned departments with regard to necessary review,these projects may also takethe three week period. Every attempt wil l be made by t hisdepartmentto exped ite th is permitassoo n asposs ibl e. I t the unde rsig ned,un derstand th e planc heck procedu re and t ime f'ram e, ~'"-I ()~9 '-oDateWorkSheetwasturned i ntot he Community Development Departmen t. ** * " .:. ••, • ( N9 466fl 7 r , c RECEIPT -The Town ofVail Q ATE ~_'__,_.1,,-9__ RECEIVED FROM ~~'-.!-~-'------- AODRESS 2._'-__'-__---'--"-~_"__ I I / -~.------------------ Poll ee Receipt Numbe n _ By -----------o..ck _JHOWPAID-Cash Pe ~it Numbers __---;_ f1--- TOWtl O F VR IL LE..1 :)- ___•••1 j: _r '"f',;;,F':__-PRE F'['l C'Pt-Ft.E l..1,;;.,,..oj :0.00 Allount paid .;20 .00 T HAN I-:::\-"OU I c=r .•~1 ;;:t·l!,I f EF' .. Pr oject aescncucn : -•Project Application •, C on tact Pe rso n and Phone k 3'8"1/ h";;Z·7z 1z )(Owner.Ad dress a nd Phone:~"=~='--=~~-=---_-:-'~__o::L..:...:..t.:L_..L:2:~_U~~~~ /\/144 'A I/"?lfcf -Arch i tect.A ddressand Phone:--===-_ I 2-,Zone_ C omments:_ Design Review Board Date _ Motion by :~_ Seconded by :_ A PPROVA L DIS APPROVAL 1~l a ff Ap proval --reVis ed 9/4/91 1. DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORAD O RtC uJUN ,0 \993 DA TE APPL ICATION RECE IVED:(;-/d -9 ~ DA TE OF DRB MEETING : .*.'It._*_*_ THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE AC CEPTED tlNTIL ALL REQU IRED I NFORMATION IS SUBMITTED.....-..... B.TYPE OF REVIE W: ____New Co nstruction ($200 .00)~M inor Al tera t ion ($2 0 .00) Add iti on ($50.00 )Conceptual Review ($0)z.-ADDRESS:~:2 5 J..ft ;;.(S Q (I 'e 1..."')12 e ID.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot I Block _.:::2=_ Subdiv is ion &~md1 /d l If property is described by a me e ts and bounds l egal description ,pleas e provide ona s eparate sheet and a t tach to this applica tion . E.ZONING: F.LOT AREA:I fr equi red ,app licant must p rovide ac urrent s t amped s urvey s how ing lot are a . G . H. 1. J. K. NAME OF OWNERS : .VAL UATION FEE · $0 -$1 0,000 $20 .00 $1 0,001 -$50 ,000 $5 0.00 $5 0,001 -$1 5 0,000 $100 .00 $150 ,00 1 -$500 ,000 $200 .00 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $400.00 $.Over $1 ,000,000 $5 00.00 .•DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. ""NO APP LICATION WI LL BE PROCESSED WI THOU T OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 ...LI ST OF MA TER IALS ... NAME OF PROJECT:~~__I..:..A-,--,O",--,D:";.J=--:;;---:-_----,,.---- LEGAL DESCRIPTION :LOT-l--BLOCK ~SUBD IVI S ION X ()7~-t STREET ADDRESS::2 ("2-f>J..'9 r J....s e Uv &-...-!-- DESC RIP TION OF PROJECT:-!0I""'~./""-')'--~A-f"""'9"'~----------- The fo l lowing informat ion i s r equ ired for submit tal to the De sign Review Bo a rd b efore a f inalapp roval can be given : A.BUILD ING MATE RIALS : Roof Siding Ot h er Wal l Mater ial s Fascia Soffit s wi ndows Wi ndow Trim Doors Do or Trim Hando r De ck Ra il s Flues F lashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enc lo sur e s Greenhouses Other TYPE OF MATERIAL COLO R .A~~a B .LANDSCAPIN G:Name of Designer : Phone: PLANT MA TE RIALS :Bot anic al Name Common Name QuantityS i ze* PRO PO SED TREE S EXISTING TREES TO BE REM OVED r ..*Ind i cate c aliperf or d ecid uou s trees.Min imum caliper for de cidu ous t ree si s 2 in c hes .Indicat e h eig h tf o rc oni f er o us trees .Mi ni mum h e igh t f or con iferous trees i s6 feet . 7 PLAN T MATE e-S: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE RE MOVED Botanic al Name corom .Name Quantity Size·" .. *Ind icate size o f proposed shrubs .Min imu m s izeo f shrubs is 5 gall on. Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHO D OF _ EROSI ON CONTROL C.LANDSCAPE LIGHTI NG :If exteri or light ing is proposed,please s how t he number of fixtures and loc at ions onas epa rate lighting plan.Ide nt ify each fixture from the lighting p lan on the list below a nd provide t he wattage,h eight above grade and type o f light proposed. D.OTHE R LANDSCAP EFEATURE S (retaining wall s ,fenc es ,swimming pools,e tc.)Ple ase specify.Indicate h eight s of retaining wal ls.Maximum h eight of wa lls within the front s etba ck is 3 feet .Ma ximum h eight of wall s e lsewhere on the property is 6 feet. 8 .',. • • • "•".•.•..'·,' •.., r "• • , •.,.,. .,. lie ••••••••••••••1 •••••e ee ••••••~r'I ••,......c .t .TO.1I 11 ; •••"••,•••••Cr ••,or .,••~lu~ll,....l 'ou.o (p,ov l ..l l1 , "'Ieul.r p.rk l.,o••uc 'l ~t •• .a.Talll'OII.,••••••,.1,.,..~".I .r ,....e .~~ •••,.1 .,....If a.r.I '"0'"f.r •••I .c •••I.e ,.I I•••f y.,J-•...,;...(,. •••••11.,(II-to)h ••••p.I'It,".lO r ••,•••,....r n"'pl.,•••?.,••""".ck...I......It,r.lt,"'111 '.h ~".I II ".... •'l-c ....,...,.,III.G,••,•••II ••lIce,••or •••••1,•••I e ••,..... aulal'IIIOI ••LOCI 1 •••",.,'icul.rl,......~'Ibc ....roll.II': ...tnl•••,,••5_,Il••n.,I,cor••'.f••t"l .'II.IlIl1hll,, ".' ..' '. '.·s..."...~.II ..'..el:'··..·~'")JI ."'10 ""/._LLi..:;. '_nU O ~M 'j)'''''..DOdC_T t~ofl':Jt ..~CIIz'--7 ,·••T,........".....'.l..l ..~I.7 .of ~0.:_ .....·.I Ii.."'u..I,P .O.".11'.V.II.C.lor••••,0S :.• '"~t \.•,.(..,"i •.,• .collocth'.a,01 G."IITOI,.r ,..,Lut II , ~.r~•...••..."."" .Ilect I.'.11 r •••r..••••I •••,•••,.•••SUb.I ,I.I.~.f l,l.......,~t. C••••,.C•••r ••••aceor411't o .h•••cor••d 'I ~',.,•••,....d ; .< ..~""IAS.lOI I.I.oc"1 ....L.,II .lI.d.I ,or.:_,",,~.,.i1~.•.•.". C••tl.u••~r.I (_0.1 u •••"rI••"iIl ••1.0,ttl. 'to '..~':' ........"'-....hl.0'Lot II ,anJ 'hI!'10101'\."1 _hi ..of Lo,1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"...~...,ali COIITnCTIOa Ca. •l,~•.•~.....••t • ..,,•ce&~~I,"uUhl .U,... ;j......•"!,.~"~,~'\.~u ..·,...r..·.....,~;""""~• I.a"'..~~.:..;a~.c......,."01 '.... ..'_f-.l,M-t i"".lIc..---r;-...U .atenell.Ulw .....::;:<.::"" t4..~_'.>""'.•'--vu-.t~ •..whlt C_.t,.C.I.,.4 ••••ahr"..II'.ho ••••..ll;"~,,._;-1,.._..AU ".:t, :.ZS La?,.,.?LIi•••acc.,..l·••,.,III.nc•.'.•••P ".n.f ,.'J"....~,...,.....~:t ...'-..~_......, ~. {' ,. ,. ..," .......n .......,.'1'.1".-t.I ••".'1.••1.po lll'h .llI ....,III .. __".1'1,U ...r ....Lo,II ."Ic'h IIh.lilt ..nil..", ..:.1..........,,r LII,h,.,LoM ••tt.........1••,.11.11.11I '· •'..-ft7 It..!',,r .......1...1.1'II,..,·.,·••,II••• /•• , '.•• I '.....r ,-;mf.-'-''---- '0',I:....... ..!'",.r, ":,......"f'''-~'...•••."~)Ja.•.":....~;., J. 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"'.'"J ,,...t,'•• .~'It-:'., f NO XXX PLANSNOTE-COPYOF PERM ITT O BE KEPT ON J OBSITE IN ON AUG 29 .199 1CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT •- ,DATE 00505 1, ;;PERMIT NO, lID I III 1.TYPEOF CONSTR UCTION 1 1I 1II1 V" department of communit y development 2 .OCCUPANCY GROUP A BEHIR M BUIL DIN G 6 100 DIV ISIO N 1 22a34 Z ELECTRICAL TOBE F ILLEDO UT CO MPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE O F P ERMIT 0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WQRK :~PLUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITREMOVEEXISTINGROOF.I NSTALL ~ ~ 00t BUilDIN G 0 PLUM BING BUILT-UP ROOF WIT H 3 1 INSULATION.~M ECH AN ICAL o ELE CTRICAL o FOUNDATION SAK E AS PRESENT ROOFS .TOTAL 6 .100oMECHANICALo2195LARKSPURLNTYP,GROUP GRF.A .VALUATIO N P ERMIT FE ES ~l E G Al l OT X 1 Bl"2 V R-3 0 6 .100 BUILDING PERMIT 90 D ESC.FILING VA IL I NTERM OUN TAI N PIAN C HEC K 4>~~ JOBNA ME :GRIEK RE-ROOF ELECTRICAL ~,- OW N ER NAME MAR TIN GR IEK NEW ()ALTERAT ION()ADDITIO NAL ()REPAIR (X!PLUMB ING MAIL AppRESS 8 10 SPRINGKNOL L D MECHANICAlDWELLINGUNITS__ACCO MMODAT ION UNITS __ CITY HERDO N,VA 3 ~,\~7 87-0757 REeREAliON FEEHEIGi"lT l N FT --NO FIRE PLAces ---- ARCHITECT INSULATION:TY PE THI CKNESS R·YALLUE DESI GNREVIEWBOARD "FIRM l;x:,FLOOR CLEAN-UP DEPOSI T 10 0 ~MAIL ADDRESS EXT WAL LS NONE -~CITY PH,USETAX ROOF .,. GE NERAL FIRM G &G ROOFIN G ~124 -5 TYPE ELE C.GA S C ONT RACTOR T QWN OF YAILREG .NO .T OTA L PE RM IT F EES $23 5OF 668 -2 718 HEAT SOLAR WOOD "Al<aU....s ,,,,,TELE FIRM AD DITIONAL PERMITS N EEDED:UiiDING OFF ICIAL ------D ATE ----- L ECTR IC AL s:"-INlTlAL ::ONING'AD'MI NISTRATOR ----DATE-TOWNO F VAIL AEG.NO.X ---ONTR ACTOR ST.CUT T EL E BLAST ING X ON ING &BUILDIN G NOTES: FIRM PARK ING FIELD INSPE CT ION RE UlRED. XPLUMBINGTOWNQFVAilREG_NO C ON TRACTOR DEMO X T ELE. FIR M I h e reby ack nowl ed ge that I have readt h is appl icat io n ,f illed o ut i nf u l l the info r mati o nre quir e d , M ECHA NI C AL comp l eted a na c curate plot p l an,a nd s tatet hat a ll the info rm at i on provid ed a s requ i r e d i s c o rrect.I C ON TR ACTOR T OWNO F VAi l REG.NO.a a ree tocom p ly w ith t hei ntorm ationan d pl ot p lan,t oco mp ly with a ll T OW~:C.S a nd stat. TELE.l a w s,a n d 10 b uild t h iss t r uct ure acco rd ing to t he T o wn 's z o n ing and s u b di .I c od es,design r evie w appr ov ed,U n ifo rm B u ild i ng Code and o th (./o rdi nan e T o wn i ca ble t hereto . OTHER FIRM CLEANUPTO:GsG ROOF ING '.,,(J ~.........:h ~_ T QWNQF VAIL REG.NO 1 111 I t II I t PO BO X 8 17 S IGNA T ,:!R~E O ~r E R ORCO NTRACTOR FOR HIM SELF CO NTRAC TOR T ELE.FRISCO,CO 80443 AND T HEQWN E \ • 8 /28 /91 .-/--'"S\')'.•..)DATE .:]0 '1;.•I IIIIII v (V~PERMIT.NO. 110 I III 1 .TYPE OFC ONSTRUC T ION d epa ~nt of community development 2..OCCUPANCY CROUP ABEHI !:..BUILDING $6100 .00 K DM ~O N !:l 2 b 3 ..%ElECTRICAL ~T O B E F IL LED OUT CO MPLETELY PR IORTO ISSU ANCE OF PER ..ur ex isti 0.,-.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONOF WORK ;e move !i PLUMBING ~TYPE OF P E Ril!!!.je roof I ,••",,..<~ ~c XIeBUILDINGIoPLUMBING3"insul ation.<Lt:l ??1P ~~>MECHANiCAl 0 ELECTRICAL o FO UNDATION 'P "" 0 MECHAN ICAL ~595 L arksDur L a e TYPE GROUP fII GR F A VAlUATIO N PE RMITFEES ~E G Al LOT 262 5 BLK L /)((BUILDING PERMIT 9a <10 ESC.FILI NG va il I nt ermQun ta in Pl AN CH ECK L~').(j(J JOB N AME :ELECTR IC Al OWNER NAME eie r t an «r i ex NEW (I A LTE R ATlO N ()ADDITIO NAL I I REPAIR IX I PlU MBING C , MAIL ADpRESS 8 1 0 S p ring k no ll bwEtllNGUNIT$__Acx:ow.Ioo.-.TIONUNITS_'_M ECHANICAL.• CITY Herdo n,V A PH .(3 01 )RECREAT IONFEEHEIGHTINfT.__N O FIREPLACCS ---INSULATION :m,THICKNESS R·YAl lUe DES IGN REVIEWBOARDARCHITECTfIRM (<LOOR C lEAH·UPOEPOSIT /OO·C&MAIL ADDRESS EXT.WAl LS U SE T AXCITYPH. RO O F EIBM G &G Ro ofing I nc . (GENERAL 12 4 -5 TYP E EL.E C.CAS TOTAL P£R MIT FEES 23:",,00CONTRACTORTOWNOf'VAil R EG NO .O F (3 03)668 -2718 soc...WO OD u-U;,"~/'-.f.ti ~:9~TElE H E ....T FI RM ....OO IT IONAl f'f R UITS N EEO£D ;u-~o1F1 ~~- E LECTRICAL ,!!~ =ONING...oMI NlSTRAToR ----Oin.----- CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAil REg NQ ,S T.CUT TEL E BlASTIN G /';C-V,.~..~.. ZONIN G I.8UILDI ~NOTES:.....-:; -"FIR M /..., X PAR KING .PLU MBING / CONTRACTOR TOWN O F VAIL REG .NO .oevo T ELE. fiR M Ih ereby acknowledgeth at Iha vereadthi sa ppli cation,filled oul in lull the information requ ired, MECHANICAL c o mpleted an ac curatepl o t pl an ,and state t ha t allthe i nformat ion provtded a srequired i s correct,I TOWN O f'YAIL R EG N Q .g,ee 10 comply w;lh t he Inrcrmatic nand p lot ptan.to co mply wt tn ."~~.nces .nd stat eCONTRACTORlaws,a ndt o b ui ldt his st ructure acco rdi ng t o the Town's zoning and'sub "~o n codes,d esign TE LE.r eviewap proved,Un;IOFm BuUd;ng Cod eeoo Olh Or:~~:To nC:b /he'OIO.. OTHER F1RM TOWN O f'V....n,REG .NO .X"ONATlJA.E ~,:r'ER OR CO NlllACTOft FOR HIMS ELf ~I'I !.~AC T O R TE lE. "NO THE QWN Ex , \ • PM/AM INSPECTION REQUEST • T OWN O F VAIL JO B NAM E -71~~!9T'----~;:-----:,----~;:--=,----:--- CA L ER --L.lb.~,m:L,+>-:;,::;:,'p~--.LL%It;g~'4'----_ I NSPECTION ;M ON T U ESW ED TH U R d s-1",<1~/'.MJp01 %0n.L READYFO R LOC ATIO N ,----'.....=.-'-"'-_-L!<=~~="-'--"""-'-"'=""---------------- P ERMITN UMBER OFP ROJECT DA TE 9-">-9/ BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FO OTI NG S /ST EEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH I D.W.V. o FRA MING o ROUGH /WA T ER R OO F &S HEER o GAS PIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATI ON o PO OL I H .T UB o SH EETR OCK N AIL 0 ¥,i'6 t,/,;~0 ~I N A L ~o F INA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP .PO WER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o C ONDUIT o SUP PLYAI R 0 I 0 o FINAL o F I NA L )(APPROV ED CO RRECTION S, o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTIONR EOUIRED I DAT E ~:..........u"'----L...-f------IN SPECTOR W ZZ • Den ver.Colorado July 16,1976 Mr.Lea Douglas Eagle Coun ty Bui lding Inspector En g le.Col orado Dear L es: •n'I . t::'y/.j/ i'~",,~/IL: . Attacheda re revised r et aining vall sket ches t o b e used fo r co ns truction of'the retain ing valls on Lot 7.Blo ck 6 .and Lo t 1 ,Block 2.Veil I nter- mountain Development Subdivision. Con~t ructlon of these r et ainin g valls v iII begin within the next tvo to three weeks an d as such ,v tll bed one according to these sketches unless I he ar-from y ou t.o t..lte contrary . If you h ave any questions regarding these sJr::etches or about our plans for r et ainin g valls,please c all me at cy offi ce I n Denver on 62L-h 21 7. At tachr.len t ,:"I N'SPEC ",ON REGUEST ~EAGLE COUNTY~~+I DATE JOBNA M E ---!t"~"-'c...::'--LL-''7P='''''.d__'''__ ~.'TIME RECEIVED A M PM CALLER '--_ BUILDING 1l,--'CQUNDAT10N PARTIAL LOCATION : COVER P LUMBING MECHAN ICAL eQ .RATING_OUGH EN Tr LATlON H EETROCK TANDPIPE EATING I;NEER INAL woes ooos OOF PART IAL ARTIAl PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION ,LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHE R 0 PARTIAl.L OCATI ON R EADY F OR I NSPECTI ON M ON rUE.,WED _THUR &d-;?10 ~AM Q COMMENTS ,f?rM:K~1A~:~~U:=:~.~'~cd1 fl_41 ~.zf-(I---'-d~.L _~:,_,:-,-cL ~_cr: o RE I NSPEC T ;, INS PECTOR D ATE BUILDING PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL DOTI NG OUGH ENTrL ATIO N EMPORARY FOU NDATION T ANDPIPE EAT ING OU GH W De sRAMINGINAl DaDS INAl PARTIAL PARTIAL PART IAL PARTIAl LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION : o OTH ER 0 PA RTI Al. MON ,@ ~AO Y FOR I NSPECTI ON "UE ~E O ~~H U R ,~~~<L. /0 ! c/ DATE I NSPECTOR REBUESTINSPEC~ON• o OTHE R 0 PARTIA l. BUILDING DIVISION P.D .BOX 189 PHONE:328·6339 EAGLE COUNTY D ATE JD BN AME )"//@ f ~ T IMERECEIVED AM PM CA LLER "'1 y K .G /'.~_~-:""~F':c;;"~~__=~=~~.r -;;;""..;V ~-..,,=:=--_~ , READY FORIN SP ECTION MDN WED THUR FRI //tA~'P M --~ COMMENTS ,_ ~1:2)APPROVEO 0 D ISAPPROVED Q UPQrifTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS ; CORRECTIONS }'\,\'"_-;;-;/_....2'<'"/',__'f"fi ...~c ".:r .c --/-1 -:0 7 -7 ,--$,1 ~~, ->.s:-.'/-of'_"'f"__ o REI NSPECT DATE .<'/---.,, .~,#--. ,-'"----,',,,,----./.f...-)e:,,_ IN SP ECTOR ~...'-(.-..'-- INSPEC"ON REGUEST ~~ '.. DATE JOB NAME ----""'---''''-=----r'i"l--------------- TIME RECEIV ED AM PM CALLE R ---"'---_ - ·':;...-. BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL :F OOTING EO.RATING_ENTlLATION FOUNDATION HEETROCK EATING FRAMIN G OOOS INAL PARTIAL PAR TIAL PARTIA L PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :J,.OCATl ON:LOCAT ION:LOCAT ION :LOCAT ION :•• ,.: o O THER 0 PAR TIAL.LOCATI ON "«~~=-f~:l:~~~~7---- ". o REINSPECT /;3 0•FRI_4-'-"'''-'''''-_ o D ISAPPROVED READY FOR INSPECTION WEO ~OV EO o UPON THE FOLLO WIN G CORRECT IO NS: CORRE;Z"~~..~ I ,. DAT E Irl-l6 INSPECTOR .-v.;,.. ELECTI!.:AL APPLI~ATION .3.;;,, ~PERMIT-------- ':J -~'~<~,.~•,,•• -•••0, "·c 0,?,-:;»v Ju risdicti on 0(- •;\9.nr to complete n umbered ,pam only.I ··•--..-•~7 "D ""~U • \.'AI L t.L-O ..-..,71 1 '.".I>c.Z I 'J'~n--e,t>t o-<~h -.....;O S£["T TA ~H t "S Nt HI~tU ~ 1:::c t :'J .--...- --f ",.'I .....'"a DoII,p /~;N~'·e l ui)«:;:n Le ,8?/l lJ2J"'M.~S 'In ullSr ·..... 3 c ~;;~1 es /.f),.[, ....,e ..DD A U$L-aAd {,lit,PHOM t ~l ,"'i"o .HO. 1111 _Ilrt 1'>1<<<;"",C~i'~';6 1 --:.I"'.•~~('./0"I ·..-- •eM He T ""0<5 "".".....,1."DOIIC 5S "HD HE L I CEN St N O ••....--......- [""'IO n".....,1."D Oli US P ..ONE LI Ch U NO . s ....--.-".--..- L C HO U .....,1."DDII CSS ••""eH 6 ..· lin DT .1111.0 '"'' 1 .......·.. O NEW o ADO ITI ON o A LTERATION o REPAIR ":,I .-.. •.1'::. 8 Class ofwork:.· 9 Describe work:...~e .d-:-:-I--.~..1--0 PERMIT FEES,No .Elich Fw SPECIA L CO NDI TIO NS :T ota l RECE P TAC LE Outh:a L.IG H T SWITCH To ta l L IGHTING F illtu'ItS ..PPL ,C IIT,OIO IlOClllno s y .IIL......S C HECKED 8 '"....pP..DV ED FO",ss.u",..Cf 8".F I X T URES RANG ES CLO.DRYER W TR .H T R. NOTI CE G ARBAGE DI S P.S TA .COO K TOP TH IS P ER MIT BECOMES NU LL A ND V O ID I FWO RK Q RCONS TR UC ·DISH .WASH .C LO THES WASH. l iON A UTHOR IZED IS N OT CO M MENCE D W IT H IN 60 D A YS.OR I F SPACE H T R .S TA.App L..........1'.MAX .CONS TRUC TION O R WOR KIS SUSP ENDE D OR ABA N DO NED F O RA PERIO D O F 120 DA YS A T A NYT IMEA FTER WOR K IS C OM · ME N CED .M O T OR S 'H .p . I H ERE B YC ER T IFY T HAT I H A VE R E AD A ND EX AMI NED T HI S APP LICA TION A NDKN O W T HE SAME T O B E TRU E A N D CO R RECT . ALL PRO V I S ION SO FL AWS A N DO RD INA NCES GO V ERNI NG T HIS T YP E OF WO RK W ILLB EC OMPLI EDW ITH WH ET H E R S PEC I F I ED H E RE IN O RN OT.T H E GRA NT ING O F A P ERMIT DOES NOT PR E SUME TO G IVE A U TH OR IT Y T O V IOLA T EO R CA N CEL THE I N O .TR ANS .P R OV ISIONS OF A NY OTHER STA TE O R LO CAL L A W R E GU LAT IN G S IGNSCONSTRUCTIONORTHEPERFORMANCEOFCONSTRUCTION.I N O .LA MPS T E M P.PO WER POL E l UN DQD . Ii :!);dk..f} SERVICE O·200A .$7 /S~7~20 1·400A D N EW4 01·60 0A .';....T"....aP c o ....elO"O"Z ,TJ'c"'UTl ";C"T 10 "'0 o CHAN GE O V ER 600A P ERM IT ISSUI NGF EE • '.....,U ...a P OWHE II 'P 0"'''.''l u ILOC"(C"U I TOTA L n :1Il:'/A '--'" W HEN PROPERLY V AL I DATED U NT HI SS PACE )TH IS IS YOUR PE R M IT .... PL ANCHECK VA LI DAT I ON C K.M.D.CA SH PERMITVA LI DA T ION c~.M.O.":;o{CAS:.,/ /'M~L ~4 ./3v -,b- I NSPECTO R ..1 0 ..1 '1·6'1 1I.0"oEl!'''0 ''''I N TE ..N ...T 'O .......CON FE REN CE O F ilU ''''O 'N G O FF 'C'......'...~o 1 0.La l "O.L lI '"....saO E.....~"L "O"H'"9"0' -i.-.....---_....._~............,.-" DEPT.FI LE COpy 'C.• •L,,. ",. <BUILDING PERMIT BUILDI NG DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY;P.O.BOX 789 COU RTHOUSE,EAG LE;CO.-PH.(303)3 28-6339 ' " AP PLICAN T .James B .Hayhurst Ms)'26. ADD RESS 6 960 10'0 .1 PE RM ITTO mbi.lild duplex CnPI 0''''''ROYI ..t~n ",.J ST ORY (P IIOPO UD UU, HUMQER OF D W [LLIHG U ll llS l NO.1 AT (LOC ATl ONI.--;;;:;----------,,;iirr;o---------,-------------ZOI'l I"':>DISHllC T·_ ...B IHWEEN••'"(C"O~S S IRU T! Vail Inte rmount a i n 2 IlYP tl -e u'.BU IL D''''G 'S T OBE "T ,WID I:By.FT .L.O "'G 8 '1'._r r ,I N HE IGHT A ND S HAL L C ONFORM 1"1 COHSfR u c:nO I'l o , z T O TYPE USE GR,'"•_ I:...a A,S EM(NT W AL LS OR F OUNOATION --------;::::=-------- o..REMARKS:_ , :~''',"G ~~ {Affidavit on fevone .Ide of ap plication to be complated by authorized ag e nt of owner} J ame s B .Hayhurst.D e Me F.S argent 6 960 E.Eu clid Pl a c e.Englewood ,CO 80110 AFlEA all PLAN CHECK 87 .45 V OL U"'['-__"'''''''''';;;,;;-;;;'''...:.__ESTtM ,t,TED COS T $5 2 .9 0 0.00 n£~M IT $165.36 N O.0 1 S U."IIK M .... Dec .Lo.d To tal R ece ived no-payment o f any i t em. N ?1279 By U.e fir.SII ·lnkIUJ •Z an.R eQ uir ed O vu D Na O F FST RE ET P AR K ING ~PACES ' Cawer ld I u n c overed R equ ir ed R I ",iwl d N ot R l q u j r ~ COMMENCED . t HE RE OV C ER Tl F'V T HAT I H A VE R EAD A NDE XAM I NED THI S APPLI CATION A ND KN OW T HE S A M E T ODE T RUE A ND CO RR EC T . AL.L.PROV ISIONS OF L.AWS A ND O RDI NAN C E SG OV ER N ING THI S T YPEO F WORK W IL L.DE C O M P LIE D W ITH WHET HER SPEC IFI ED H ER E IN OR N O T .THE GRANTIN GO FAP E RMIT D OES N OT PRES UME TO G IV E A UTH OR lTV T O V IO L.ATE O R C A N C El..THE PR O V IS IONS OF AN V O T HE R S TATE O R L OC Al..LAW REG UL.ATINCl C ONS T RUCT l ON OR T HE P E RF O RM AN CE O F C O NST R U CT I ON . O THER [SlI oc l l .,.1 I ~. I ~ CAS H J(n ~._O:~;;;~(~TO;JJ1;:?;~TJ_;~:'h , J,~~a /~'...'L_WHEN PR OPERLY VA~;~A T E D li N TH ISSPAC E)THISISYOURPERMI T /1</Y 7 P LA N ~~E C K V ALIDATION C K.M.O .CA S H PERMIT VALIDATI ON CK .M .O. '~',. .100'"."',.UR .''"O.'.CO R C~~:~~:~~.t~.£__::t!:.:..:..:.:.:.:.~:..'0"'oN" 1 ,-,- 1,., II,:i I 1-i ,- (,4 ' 'J ."I~'!'"II 'j"I ~~..I 'I ,..I ".,I I I 'I I'.I",:~~.-:PARK:I NJ 'i .j3c.t-\'d ",,'A T1<:::ji'~'-1'.i ,1 '[',j :'';.,i ..L.F OR i Lor I j BlOC.K,I i I:'l 'r i."I :I :" ,.::'It VAI LI',{~r;R ~o ,jv TI1 I I.}:~~~~';d ;.ri-/~i-",!"I'I!':I,-;-,~:I,III !II,!I 1 I II i I ..;I ,.~L ,'i"I"I'..I;I 'I r .I I I I'I .1 ..I I I I I',.I ..I,.I ,__,.1 ".,.,.,,I,'"I 1 I I I II ,I -• ,~I'I ,'."i I ;,,I I I I I~':':,'~:":iB •";I":'::I 'II "{l !l .l ' .L~',.00 "--i ''I I . ---,...,.i.I I I .,!I I ,.I, ___.L _I::,I:,I 'I.I.I.11-:I ,,1•,t .-r -1 .,.'...,..I ,II';.:::.L..J .i ~i ';I'i ,,'.,,'~II !--:;,~I /,I I I j'j•••j-~-I"1 I'I "~:-II ~•I I ..-t ~;V _... II..'I ').I'~.....--.I.1 t "I I I .:.:.,;1\.,j 1 ••.•! r •-17 .,...,-I -,.•-'-',::"'>'.'I ,I .'I'"i I·I.Iii "..~.-,....-'1 •I ,to ,I .-,i _.".-.J I ..,I l _Ii'1\"i'S'''Me£R;''.y"iJE.L~I,II·~·--;i I 1;1 "--,eto":~;,l ''I'T:1,·c·l··1,~:'tA I ""------.I'•••-,1 ,.;•"-.'<0.....,),J ~"I':.,1 .,i 1 !!,'...--...:-i;I I, ..;W A lL5 /1 '''I l .j~i r"I\II ..,..,.i (J I u.l -t.l ./p i /'.I'I \I','..i Ir :so 1-r-'O '·~,f»RK'..""I I,t t !,..,~,:./'l Jrl-l:·'-1~~J:i ~';:j-:"i"Aj,.I '['"I I II :I!'j I'1-'1 I! -!~/~:~t .I 'T'I'I', "'~--:i~i /.I ;il;ql-~/:"i i ~-~I ~I ,-".I :I,I I:r,.J /-r rrt,I../''.,;f.-J ,::'i'".,.I',':.:;...-,I 1 ..•,t I -:l"i."-,'I r ,..,.I ,.I ..,.-,.'"f,I I . ---.j III "''1~!i l'I'11 T 1 .._~._\!.---,.-;.../1 I -,,/1 .;.i .-+-~.,".I :1 _1 -r.,-,.:j ,I !I I .J !I -/1 C I j '\'j.I t j I 1'1 ..+.--!. /i J 1 .~,.....j 1 ,..1 1-1 I'I 1--'1 I'I.I.~~-';:;l~I "t 1,1'1 1'<-',J -;-'II'1','j:'I t 1'1'1 ,I''1'/',.,.."~i'l -,.I ;;;-;n :i 1 /,,;>"-/A:I•II 'I j 1!I J I ;I ''1,1:o:~~=7~";.~'-J~! / 'i :--'--+,,:-»:';'1'I ....~'I'I f'I j -'I '~'I s"I !""~'T ~0."'0.------.'-:..•.__.,II 'I '-ii,.It-",,,:I !.'1 'I'.\.ti,;,.;...:,..:.....,.l....,..;..,..,..;.~~&; I ,"-,"-t-I i IOU f'..I I I I\I''17 .i 'I''I I'C 'l'a ST I /J ~TIM BEr!..'..:l !:;\.-f\~¥.~.i!I I;1 !1 !!j !-'.5;/TI"~'20',,..f (1.R J'ltJ&src vcroe e I·r!I't j i !1 I'I i I ...j I 'J'.:W ~..I ' .--_.;--:.:,.!i '!'--'''C ,-----,""t ··,'.!'I »>i ;-:-":',Jj !It j::II'j,~i;;IUI~'ib1z:J;.~;~:~~',~!'1_1 r~II I:llil'l ilII.III'"I I i I :='Ff"'",.,,,,I A.A ',I " •-,< May 21.1976 J DW'Development CO!!1!'any 6 960 East Eucli d Place Eng lewood,Colorado 624-4217-Office 773-1051 -Home Mr .Bill Sm th EaP,le County En ~ine er Eap,le,Colorado Dear Bi l l: Durinp;our dis cus s ion last week c once rning t he is suance o f a bu ll din ~ pernit f or Lot 1 .Block 2 o f Vail Intermount ain,y ou in di c ated t hat it would be necessary t or us t o p rovi de a.set o f'parkin g ar-e a p lans prior to startinoR:'the foundation c oncrete work .The se plans are provi ded as an a t tachment . Acces s to the p ark inga re a s hown wi ll be a chieved by one o f t vo method s. Inr.re ss /e Rress a c cess wi th th e owne r o f Lot II , the parking area from t he p riva te road alrea dY Negotiations are c u rrentlY un derw~y with the Negoti ation o f an Block 2 t o acc ess b ui lt on Lot 11 . owner. 2 . 1 .Construction of a road l oca teden tire ly on Lot 1 from La rkspur Lane t o tbc ....B-a rk ing a.r.e..a.,~~ Re gard less of'the me thod o f accen s,the p arkin g area will be l oc ated a s shown ont he 'Pl an .Pl ease re f er to the p lan for further detRi I s . As youkn ow,we a re v e ry anxious to b e gin the foundat ion ....o rk an d woul d e c prect et .e your prollTPt approval o f'the p ark ing plan an di s suan ce o f't he buil ding p e:mit . I woul d apprec i ate your c elling tie a t y our earliest co nvenience so v e mq begin c ons truction .Th ank you i n advance 'for your p rou:.pt a t tention . Yours very truly. ~'1tf,M#-'d'4'~ e s B.IWnurs t DW Developrcent Company Mr .Bruce G.~ille r.At t orney at La .... 1 600 Broedwc..v Denve r,Colorndo cc: Att achrlent ,You rs t ru ~."/"I --/://(;,,:,):/Iitytt{(,'.",j-- , f April 2 1.1 97 6 Eag le Coun ty Departmen t of Planning and Deve lopmen t P .O.Box 789 E ag le.Colo .8 1631 Mr .Le s Do ug la s: Enc l os ed p lea se f i nd t wo(2)bu ilding p er~it a p plic at ions a nd as so ci at ed c onstruct ion drawing s fo rtw o(2 )d up lex d wel ling unit s t obe c on s tructed in Vai l,Colorado in the Va i l Inte rm ounta i n Devel opment Subdi visio n .Both buildings a re ide nt ic a li nc on struc ti o n,ho wever,o n-si te g r ad in g , parkin g,s nd dr ain age plan s diffe r as s hown o n the stad ia and d ra i na ge plan s encl osed . Both un its a re t o be of solid c edarco ns t ruct ion p rovided by the Ju stus Comp any o fColorado .Justus will act as generAl c o ntrac t or f or the buildin g she ll .Ele ct ri cal , plumbin g ,and fo u ndati on wo r k wil lbe subcon t r acted b y the o wne rs . You will no te t h at t he fou nd at ion pl ans sp ocify st andnrd stee l r ei nf orc ed 18"f o ote r sa nd 8 11 f ou ndnt ion wal ls .Per yo ur sugges tio n ,nos o il te st s ha ve beon made at t h is time pend ing e xc a vation(si nce both l ot s are situated o n r elatively l e vel groundn ear Gor e Cr eek )I f afte r ex ca vation it i s d eemed n ec essary t o Make t he s e tests ,we will have th emd one at that time . Should yo uh av e a nyqu es ti o n s about t he se pla ns or appl i cn- t i ona,p le ase c all me a t myo ff ice i n Denver on 624 -42 1 7 or s t myh amso n7 73 -1 05 1. S i nce all fi na n ci ng arran g e ~e nt 9 h8V~b~en c o m p]r.t~d at t his t ime .we a r e anxi ou s for y ou r appro val o f th is p rojec t . Enc10 surea : 2 -b uil di ngp erm it a pplications 2 -plan check a nd permit fe es u -se t~of c onst ruc tion d r awi ngs 2 -s tad ias u rve ys 2 -d ra i n8~e and l ocat i o n l ay ou ts 2 -s ubdivision p la t s A p plicant to c omotc t o numbered spaces olli v_ .\.,BU1 I.D !~O PE:::.l\!dT /.\PPU C"(;N J urisd ic t iono f E AGLE CO UNTY ~ 0 0,·, "••0•·••• C<l ..T~H I O .. 3 .Own ers ....'.."~~"r'" a nd .Jue t.u s So lid c eda rHomes On ~ATue"e"~..cnl n . P ..c"c Co 77 3-1051 below) 5 .....'''',.. """ L 'CC N U ..0 • 6 Emt ar ran ~ed at this time U S C o r B ~'LC I "G 1r ental duplex 8 ctess of wor k:LlJ NEW o ADD IT IO N o A LTERATION o REPAIR OM OVE o REMOVE 9 uescre e wcrk :c onstruc ti on of a d upl e x dwelling u nit and associated i mprovements 10 Ch<'lng f!otuse from u n d evelop e d subdivided l and ... D Ivision .IP ERM IT FEE OcctJp.lncy G rO llP P LA N CH ECK r cc from r e nt a l du plexChangeofuse10 11 Valualiorlofwo rk :$52,200 SPEC IAL C OND ITIONS :\"'lQ.rl;,within t h e..-c.mm1y.'--;CCC-c:----1 Ty r>n o r r iaht-or-wav will r -c ouir-e n ermtt Cons t. I-.srr"",nllIl,mlty Engtneer,-j S,Z"OI !i'd9· rr cten SQ.Ft . N o.01 Sto rln MIx : O ct.L OAd U ,e F ire S p ,llIk lerli Z o"e .•...n "'Qu lr cd O v.,.O N " OFFSTH EET r>A~K I NG ~P ACES ' Co ver ed I U ncov er ed R nll"irl.'d R oce 'ved N Ul R equi,,,d N o.0 1 Owc Ul n;U n 'h S OI L REP ORT O T HEll lSI,C"C,7"C,:-t-------+----,----j-------j F'I"C D EPT, H F.A Ll H DEPT . ZO I'oI NG F ,u, Z one -----+-----!----I-----j f-----t.------j-----j------J r-cou nf.;Lm n/f,+---+----,,__-I------j-CruJnl)'-Er'g-I -j -t -i APPHOvt c fOil ISS'M "Ct 8V I-'-----i-==~==~"~-=-"--'=j NO TICE SE PARA TE PE RMITS AR E Il EQUIH [O VOl!E LECTRICAl.,P LUMB· lNG ,H EA T IN G,V ENTI LATI NG O R A I R CONDI TIO NING. TH IS PE RMI T BECOMES NUL L ANt)VOIO IF W OnK all t:QN STflUC· 'non AUTHO RIZE D ISNOT COMMENCED WITH iN 1 2U IJ /\Y!:,OR I F C.ONSTRlJCTl ON OR WORK I S SUSP ENDED OR I\BA NDor ~ED F DAA PERIOD O F 1 20 (l AYSA T ANYTl MF AFl En WOI1K IS COMMENCED. I HEIU:.!!Y CE R TIF Y 1 HAT I HAVE tl lAD A ND eXAM INe D T H IS A l'i 'UC A TION AND KN OW T HE S AM!::T O lie l AUE A N D C O R R~CT . f,l.l...I'HOVIS lO NS 0>'L AWS I~Nn DlI OH~I\Nl.r:S GOVer'N ING Tl ·US T ype 0 r-wo n«Will.UE COI,'f>l ICD W ITt l W H£rI H ~~:::I>F"U ·I '~O H t:Il UN 0<1 NOT.THe Ur,'loNT ING 0 ,A P f.HI .'I l n ol.~NO T 1 ·1<1::~\.)r\M;T O GIV E f\.lI f~j O ll rrY TO VI Ol.A n:01'(':f\N C[L 1 HE 1'llrJVI!.IC~:~0'·ANY O TI H:r.-~T,.T r.Oil L O (;/~L LAW ReG U l.ATlN G CONS 1 1lUC TIO N a ll T Ht:r'SRro rU,'AN CL:0 ,C()N r.TRlJCTl or ~, M .D .CA SH F e'.n ,t '.HI ,]1 1 ·7J '.J .....oj..,EAGLE D ate R eferred COU .Y('UILD I NG P ERM IT Re viewRou ting Form b;.9!~yL ,.<d-. Pl ease re v ie w the a tt achedap pli c ati onand return it and t hi s co m pleted f orm t ot he C o unty Bui ldi ng Of f icial withi n 6wo r king d ays. Pl anning Commission F ile No._ Pl anning:R e viewed by:p ete "--"",,'-.-1I-1-J-.,.!~<i./7 (,.O ll 7 ~J J:J=.~.:;,h /7 (. >Cb r'"'»'...e: Comment s:.,-R e co mmend A ppr oval L '--.:- ---- C o mme nt s:_ DO 00 D O DO t"/I ,-,,\,j ~T {, J Drainage G rading Sanitati on R o ad s W ater R ec ommendApp roval, County He al th : R ec ommend Approv al _....!.tv..::..:,-:t:f (., .County E ngi nee r : -----,---------------------- _._------------------------ App licant t o camp/ere num bered SPi'ces only. .-.3 0 •,••-•••0-•••0• Jur isdictio n o f'_-'-~"3it","",'-Jl..:."""",.aL":::;f-.l--_ D .........,~.~D~K U lI P , d.r '.....c:c .t..J 7)/,r.-",/_rle'llt:>77'7,-/J';,1 co .,,,,,e TO" 3 (J f J(-,:;' •"c N,HCT 0 "OU,••E" 4 5 6 ....,~.CO.EU Mr.,"Uir l...",--t.~)?lJtr""[{(r>C "-'-1 .2 -3"'~"- ....,~"OD "C ••"NO ME LI ens •... ,iv r-.....r-,..-.-.!-- ....'L .CO"U.~.........-~,l~lj E ~oc ...u NO. ._...._.-.-.....-.- ...,~.DD"C ••,JUl 1 ft""MCN 0 b.a.--... ....~~l.I", b (:.:.., ....C O ••U '~D 'NO 1 TJ,t p L <;'"--12",<,o f",or.r . 8 CI'Sl olwork:[]1[EW o AOOlTION O ALTER ATJO N o REP AIR·'.. 0'- PERMITFEES N o .F H SPECI AL CO N DITIONS: RECEPT ACLE LI GHT SWITCH To ul Outll!tS 9(( L I GHTING .HAOVEO ~O",ssU."Ct u FI XTURES Toul F j"tu rlr ' 6 RA NG E5 C L.O.D RVER W TR .H TR . S PA CE H T R .STA.APPL...~H .P.MA X. GARBAG E OI5 P.5TA.CO OK TOP V"' D ISH .W A SH .V CLO THES WASH ."" N OTI C E TH ISPERM IT BECOMES N ULL AND VOI D I FWORK OR CONS TRUC· TI ON AUTHORIZE D IS N OT COMMENCEDWITHIN 60 DAVS .OR IF CONSTRUCTION O RWOR K I S SU SPEN DED OR ABAN DONED FDA A PERIODO F120 D AYS ATA NY T IME AFT ER WORK I SCOM · M ENCED . I HEREBV C ERT I FV T HAT I ...AV E R EAD AN D EXAMIN ED T HIS A PPLI CA TION AND KN OW T HE S A MET OB E TRU E A ND C OR REC T . A LL PROV IS ION S O F LAWS AN DO RD I NANCES GOV ERN ING THI S T VPE OF WO RK WI LL B E C O MPL IE D W ITHW HETHE R SPEC IF IED HER EIN O R NOT.T ...E GRA NTING O FA PER MIT O DE S N OT PR E SU ME TO G IVEA UT HORITVT OV IOLA TE OR C ANC EL TI-1E P RO V IS ION S O F ANV O T I-1 ER S T ATE OR L OCAL LAW R EG ULAT INQ CO NSTR U CTION O R TH E PE RFOR MANCE O F C ONS TRU CTI ON. MO TORS , N O .T ~AN S . S IG NS N O .LA MPS T EMP .POWER PO LE H .P. UN OG O . • S ERVICE I-=~.;-'='~••~'c..._-----t--'--+---+----f--f 201 ·...0 0A "'Ol -fiOOA OVER fiOOA P'E RMIT ISSU IN G F EE [!{,;£W o CH ANGE T OT AL FILIL WHE NPROPE RLYV ALI DATE D liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT I NSPECTOR PLANCHECK VALIDAT ION CK.M.O .CAS H PERMITVALIDATION ~/I f}M .D.CA SH ()J 07p Yif A-t./-5 &0~~7-Stf-7~ 0,,0 IO n.""100..1 ~·6 9 REGUEST •.,-'.' IN~PE6«6N DATE JOB NA ME ----!:.L.>""'='--4'o<!L:.'""i""".....='--------- T I MEREC EIV ED AM PM CA LlER -;:L..._ " BUILD ING D IVISION P.O .BOX 789 PHONE:328 -6339 .D OTHER D PAR TI AL , MO N TUE RE ADY FORIN SPECTION ®TliUR FRI Ie:?tJ &PM COMMENTS:_ 0 -;(PPROVEO D OISAPPROVEO D RE IN SPECT o UPONTH E FOLLOWINGCORRECTION S: CORRECTIONS,_ .' DATE JI I."?/Z/.- ';/ (I );\.1_. IN SPECTOR A pplicanttocomplete n um~!WJ spac~on ly.---_·-t , •og •••o o l.o,EAGLE COUNTYJurisdictionof_-'....."".u."-''''''WJ''-''-'-_ PLUMING 'PERMIT -APPU&TION.--._.--.-------------- ~~G'.II ....,L .o".~••••".1 5 ..._...._.-..•.. ,LI.Dt&....,L A.."••,. 6 -,-,-_...-- .""Ne" 8Clau afwork:.!l.-NEW o ADDITION o ALTERA TION o REPA IR !I Desuib e work :IA"?/J v L - PERMIT FEES S HOWER 1'_KIT CHEN SI N K"O ISP . "'_DISHW A SHER speCIAL CO NDI TIONS , NOTI CE THI S PERM IT BECOMES NULL AN D VO ID t F WO RK O R CONS TRUC - TI ON AUTH ORIZED I SNO T COMM ENCED W ITHIN 60DA YS.O R I F CON STRUCT I ONO RWORK ISSUSPENDED ORAB ANDONED FORA PERIO D OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIMEAF TER w ORK I SCOM . ME NCED . I H EREBV C E:RTl FV THAT I HA VE R EAD AN DE XA M INED T HIS APPLIC ATIO NA ND KN OW T HE SAME TO B E TR UE AND C ORRECT . AL L P ROVISIO NS O F LAWS A N D ORDINANCESG O VE RN ING T HIS TV PE O FWOR K W I LL BE COMPLIED WIT H WHETHEFl SPEC IF IED HE REINO RN OT.T ME GRA NTING OF A P E RMI TO DES N OT PRESU ME TO G IVE AUT HORITY TO V IOLAT E OR CANCEL THE PROVIS IONS O F ANY OTHER STATE DR LO CALL AW REGU LATING C O NSTR UCTION O R T HE P ERFORMAN CE O F CO N STRUCTIO N . No . / Type of Fllrtu ...01'Item WATERC LO SET ITOl LET) BATHTUB LAVATORV (WAS HB ASIN) LAUNDRY T R AV CLOTHES WA SHER WATER HEATER UR INAL DRINKING fOUNT AIN FLOOR S INK OR DR AIN S LO P S INK GA S S YSTE MS 'N O .O U Tl..ETS WATER PIP IN G"TREATING EQUIP. WAS TE IN TERCEPTOR V ACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINK LER S YS TEM 'M S .ee~ ;;r />,? .:j "''''-~,,<, SEWER CESS POO L 5.£PTIC TAN K"PIT •••(".u PERMIT TOTA L F EE WHEN PROPERLY VA LIDATED (I N THIS SPAC EI TH IS IS Y OUR PERMIT CASHPERMITVALiDATION...J C~7.M ·O. /I "...7'7 1:;/ C:N.I!.Cc!'t j2 //0 .l,s/o{¢; I NSPECT O R e; C AS HM.D.C K .PLAN CHECK VA LIDATION F orm 10 0.2 .69 .................,I'"T ER T IO L C O N ..t.N_NeE O F a U I LD I G O FFI CI S 0 ".""""'H "'TT I c ,,~,, •• aLeCK I'." •.; •....,, ~-::.~ .......'.....to'lIl~,"".~\\~....'p ••,..\. .--~.. •"",/:00"..'..f,._ ,, " • ~;': •./',I .-'»<> ,~/--."..---::::-_..... "~.-...,......-- VAI LI NT ERMOU NTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION Bl ocks Ilhru8 \•• • ........0<-0 '" 8l 0 C~ : .------,, r- ~.t---..-~-j",.........,,,,,!,,,,,";(.-- - BLOC><• ••-••= .. .L.or :5 0 .2 2..://A cr~s :-."..-.; .... ,:.-:. .~...-:,.". ."-,-...•..":.<.- ...: '.:.~.~-. -. Lo r 7 O ·3~1'2 Acre~. 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I I I I . @ .. ---''---S,U D WALL'S (e'f-O 'N t-J E R) '"A P P RO V ED " ......_.._--------_.__._--- ~'J'mi t I}.__._........__.......__~ Cate -1/4 "=1'-0 '\ .~,;;p ____---=:,--.- r:,,~~.-,-no ·NTY en,0'''00-p!u-.'t'u r :»v..."".L I .....:..~!...l:::~~"-~I LJ ~O f'1\,l \-.-_.......".....:> \IIBFD"Z JO .A,\,'I !~~",-~2 ~ (p e.E LIMI l--l AR.V) , ) (a ....-cwlo.1E ) l::E.F '~.I Fi.-OO~ ., .~ ENT RY i I' I SE COND== ., J ./ \~~~~"E ~)~~ D Ofii?ME 2/ 1 1 R O ·j F I I. SiAI R,S ~I (BV-0 11'1 10..;~g )I • . I I I I I I I-:£O i~ -'1m "VI C5\T)~- I G r "-!E.eA'-~OT E; F !~E P:....;"'CE TO BE LO<:.A-F::' A ....r.-~:.!?.l:~~£:::::e,.'",-OWr4F-< (.~A c:>c·C.A "'"--\.r-.._',_~~t=J" '"'-._----- © S~L:;:)'~"-..._._ (S .-(-O ·JJ'r-:.E E ) ® ® 5''1\1 ,, UiLJ ..~.. ~.-=----:---"': BA"TH ''2.2 -0I_.....:::_ 6et;::?~OOM l :'t£')<.C\£ 0 '0 ® 'E.,'.:-WA.LJ. (B'<'':'IJI.JE~) o VP.N B CDR;.cr OM ;2.;2 )<14.1.. 9E t>-ROO~ \I ~l'\\~~ ® ® ©, ~. I ; '. -. - .' .-'.-. TETOt-J DUPLE X •.U...·..). Me.l_HAYHUeST fMe.D .SA e6BJT.~fOR ..' ADDItESS:-VAl L ·.,.c .o L O.:~.'-..r::_,... .AI ,ROV!1):..~. PL ANFLOOB. ..'.. ;••.•••••.l~••.•~~~••,'~::\;.-::,.;..•.• ...•.1'...•_•..r ...·..r-~)o:I_lo1o._....._. , F IKS T t·· .-,.:.~ • , • 1OF 1 Sl::<L£: ,~=10' PRO.£CT NO. 95263S sure 101leoYAIC%STRtrT ~=a 6C21$ (:10.1)2D-07M ., -2' TOPOGRAPHIC MA P LOTS 1&2,BLOCK 2" VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO EXCLUSIVE USE I.Duane Fehrlngtr.o tfuly ~ttr<nJ land -""')Of";,the Stott!of Colorado,do 1HrfJby cerlIfy that the _y""'"h..,.", •-done by me or undf1r my trww:t _..:sibi.and tM harizontal a ...-tIcaI m<lO$VrW7ltltfbr ",..aocurat.to th.berl of my fa •'«19<'and b«kf. CONTOUR INTERVAL Po a BOX 17f1 00 77 IJCTCAlF ROAD A t.O'(axo.6762'0 (JOSJ HS1-50n ROB LEGEND '~~~-~J~-i~~~~i (INPUT ) 1 inch -10 It. THIS DOCUMENT WAS PRL i'AREDFOR TIlE EXCLUS IVEUSEOFTHEORIGI NAL CL IENT N thlCY LB boc I ..THEUSEOF TIllS DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMAnON CONTAINEDHEREIN BYANY OT HER P ERSON ORE NTITY ISNOTAUTHO RIZED.IN TIlE E VENTANY onIERPERSO N OR E NTITYDESIRES TO USE THISDOCUME NTOR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN FORANYPURPOSE THEY MUST FIRST OBTAI N WRJ1TEN AUTHORIZAnON FROMINTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING.TIllS DOCUMENT ANDANYINFORMA nON CONTAINEDHEREINIS INTENDED TOBEUSEDWITHINONE YEAR OF rns DATE HEREOF.USEAFTER TIlAT PERIODIS NOT AUTIlORIZED. GRA PHIC SCALE ",--10'CONTOUR LINE APPROXl",A TE LOCA TTON -,.-2'CONTOUR LINE 8'SAN SEIIfJ?-TELEPHONE PEDESTAL0 ®ELECTR!C MANHOLE ®SANITARY SE/IrfR MANHOLE -8~SS-8·SANITARY SE/IrfR LINE C4lY CABLE TElEY1S1ON PEDESTAL0 ~ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER PAD L OT1" BLOCK 1 REVISI~ 78.00' ODF DItA,.,er:f------.j~--------___i / / ./ / APPROXIMATE EDGE OF PlAVEMCNr EDC£:OF PA VEMENT / / / / / / / / / ./ / 7868.-#9 / L OT1 -- --- / ........ , 7568.29 / / / / / / / ...- /" / / r \~ / / / / I / FND.#5IP "/" ./ APPROXl",A TE LlJC.oI nON 8 "SAN SEItF:R --- --- f-6"AsPEN X 78-#-#.92 -----I----~\8-: Ie c::c::) ::::l ~ ~\I"l{ ?:> ~\~A ~\~ §\ ./ , I // \\ <.\ \\ \\ , ~f f-6-~c / SSMH 109.3 RIU -7853.21 / / / FtjO.AL.CAP /LS 5933 "--<, "'I ...-<,...--.:»:<,--,---- L OT 2 ---- .>: X 7 848.96 X 78#1.-#1 6.=4277'11" R =50.00' T =19.34 ' L =3 6.9 0' ---- X 78-#7.75 ./" 8"SAN SEItF:R LOT 4 8ASIS OF ElEVA TTON e XIST.SAlH 109.2 RIM =78-#7.06 INV.oo r -78-#1.J1 APPROXIMA TE LOCA nON 8 "SAN SOf£R APPROXl",A TE L lJC.oI n ON 8-SAN SEIIfJ? FND.AL.CAP LS 168 2 7 LOT 3 1 ,. I • • .. Cora J.Sargent De ~ne F.Sargent and Ownership was acknowledged ,A.D.1984 Of:["""••A,D.);!/. .'"or.-l~_~l~~·:<..·n _..__..na~.lcl.endon Professional land Surveyo r.110 .225 75 ".f ': ss Judith E.Hayhurst William K.Roud ebush Jan~s d.hayhurst Ido hereby cert ify tha tI am aRegis tered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado,that this condominium map is true,correct and complete as laid out ..platted, dedicated and shown hereon.that such condominium man was made froman accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and accur~tely depicts the layout,meas urements and location of the building and improvements,the Unit designations.the dimensions of surh Units and the elevations of the floors and ceilinos,easements and streets.and the location and mea surement of all as the same are staked upon the ground in compliance with a!lplicable regulations governin q the subdivision of land .~ Witness r.~handand seal thi s .,r dav The foregoing Certificate of Dedication before me this day of _ Witness my handand seal . My commission exp ires Notary Pu611c Address SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE :..-......_.._..._-- STATE OF COLORAOO COU NTY OF EAGLE !:n o ~1 ~11 me!!by t hese ')r e ~e llh U 'Ol ,1·j,,:('S B.Ha yhurs I.•,;,,1]i ;).':.".!Vhllr~!.• [)e~n e F.~.dI"lI(!Il t.Co ra .'.~.~rC1 en t .and Hi 11 i am r..Roudebush.h (';Il':s ole f)\mc~, in l ee ,i llllJle 01 a ll thH '·I,.,i I)l"O r.erty s i tu s ted in the Town 0 1 V,ii I .billIe Coun ty,Co l or ado,de s c r i bed d ~f o ll ow s: I.ot I,Block 2,Vail lnt ernou nta i n Deve l opmen t Subdivisio n,Town of Vail.Eagle County.Co l urado. containin!l 0 .276 acres or 12.019 so .ft.more 01 Il'ss. do hel'cby s ubmit the above desc I'i bedred 1 prouer t y to condomi n i 11Ii;()Wner,h I I) persuant to the ur ov i s ions of the Condomin ium Ownership Act Ser t in n 3r.-J3-10 1. C.R.S.1971 d nd the terms,conditions and n r o vt s t ons of the Dec la-ta t ious ot Coveuant •Conditions,Restrictions of 2625'larkspur Condomtn i ums "ec ')I'ded •1935.in Book .Paqe •in the offi ce of t he C11:1'k and Rem rder,[d'J le Coun ty,Co 1or'ad'o'''and does·-h·er·eby accept the respons i b i ii tv 101'"he r.•,,"'.i.,·;.,11 .J ~,'ellu i red i mprovements:anddoes hereby ded i c at ~M uJ set epart all 0 "the u ui .Lr c r oadsand other public tmprove nents dud I)l d C~~,"s shown on t he e cc omp enyinq c ondominium JIl,l l)to the use of the p~blic..f lll:e v~r:-md does "f"".:,..ded i ce te those nort ions of ';aid real or ouer tv ~/hlCh arp.In ,Jl ut rod as l ·,j,......"·.r.".".:ccon"'lan:o'in<:condumi n i u»"1d1J as easements for the 'J ill"JOSe ;h,o,;';;.....;,.:II ,d :l(I('~he'reby ,!r ant the ri•.'ht to ins ta 11 and !lid i nto1 i'.'. n!'....-,.C ·,'.(.;..t ",'p'$'.0 the en tit.v resoonsible for rrov idin,!the s ervr r es tor 'Ir:it 11 ~I e l:":I'L~'I~rtts d l'e es teb l ished .,. !:.·'·.:'llcd th i s day of _•......1\.0.1985, lONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Attest: This final plat is hereby approved by the Town of Vail Zoning Administrator this day of -'-.,A.D.1984 SCALE :I "•500'/ , J B.L.M. thet it le to all la ndsshown f reeandc lear of all l iens. ,. / s · Dated this,day of ,A.IO.1984 examine d lands is ____________________does hereby certi fyt hat Ihave upon thi s Pl at a nd that Title to such ta xes and encumbrances.excep 't as follows: . / TI TLE CERT IFI CA TE: ~ /1\II It,; ...II.\,.r I.11\ ! ! / .I ,,.s · / I / I / /, I I. ,__---r-jr-!- .' i / / / / 10 I / / / 'j / I /, I I I / 7 B.oO' / /.'/ "/ 2 CONDOMIN IUMMAP OF 2625 LARKSPUR CONDOMINIUMS L OT I ,BLOCK 2 ,VA IL I NTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION· TOWN OF 'IAIL,C:A GL E COUN TY,COLORADO NOTES' (jASIS OFBEARINGS ;VAILINTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBCXVISION,BLOCK2 BASIS OF ELEVATION:MH.109.3 RIMEL EV.7853.22 IN II.ELEII.78 43./9 E DATEOFSURVEY:JAN UARY,1984 INDICATESFOliNO PIN 8 CAP IND/I""A TES SET PIN 8 CAP oc E.-GENERALCOMMON ELEMENTt.c t..-LIMI TED COMMON ELEMENT N BrO'./OO"t: "BLOCKLOT I, /.._6).' II r,"1- I II,I I ,•1I I ', -•.•t..1.11.11' 11.0'oS ..., <0 \ i• J / / "1"r--, .£I"'£l'l -,<, E.p.S I P£I)l'l£'pI (jp.S ..a o STORY FRAME .' TWO WOOD r I .1 \ I , ~II .I ;. L ~loP \ 'J 5 ' I \ \ I i (.v- I t. 5' : ~ @ ,0-~ 01 .. --- .., .»>j \ \ \ \ \~ \ \ \ \ \ .\ \: \ \ \ \ \ \ "';-. ." '.. .'" '. .::;.:,:'",.).:~/".1.. " ..•.. .',-1-(1 ! ,~I oc«l .,:"....v ~. " '.: • .. '." .. '.. ..;... ..... '.. .'. .'. \ .. ......,. .'~. .' ':.'..':'.,:. ,.' LAR!(SPUR (5 0')For z oninq P'I'·IJ(lse~.this ccndonri n i cmi .et i on me i n t a t ns that the lot will be tre ated ,l~o ne ent i _.I >Ii thnomorethanone or imary /secon dary r e sidence a ll owed 011 tn .,io t. By:_lown Cl ert-- Town of Vail CLER K AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE: Zon1ng Admlo1strator Town of Vail This Plat was filed for record in t he Off ice of t he .__1'1,. Book _..--,-------------------------------- _..__...,Pa ge _ 1984 Cle rk and Recorde r a t __o'cl oc k and i sdu ly re corded in ClerK a nd Re c ord er ' By: De'liu'ty :OF2 2/84 .........."'0 .-...-.,- ~.II J T I HJ 1 1 "~l"I ......,.•;.. •...O<t'••.:o~:.i ·.....0 O O .·I~ •.1 :'-,.~3 ..·-')I ~.!t •Inter-Mountain Engineering Ltd. s»0 BOJ(spn ....,...r:'Tr....,.F"no...o "'VON .co:"o fHe..-o ("tv3J O .Q-~{J"'2.........,}D.T. ..Iy'.._.-. r .....-..-.-----------------------.-;::-;;::-;-;:---, ••fl •• ~o....,.j,I.