HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 2 LOT 2 LEGAL• Project Name:Winfie ldRes idence Project De scription : • Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmen t of Community Development 75 South Frontage Ro ad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 we b :www.cl.valt.co.us ORB Number:DRB030082 Re place window w ithf renchdoor.Due t o structuralreasons andth e locationof several ut iliites insidethe hometh e doorcouldnot be shifted t othelefttoline upwit h t hew indow above. Partici pants: OWN ER WI NAELD,CRAIG D.&KATHLEE03/28/2 003 Ph one: 2635 D lARKSP UR LN VAIL CO 81657 License: AP PUCANTWINAEL D,CRAIG D.&KATHLE E03/28/2oo3 Phone:479-6417 2635 DlAR KSPUR LN VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Add ress:2635lARKSPUR LN VAIL Location:2635 Lar kspu r la ne Legal De scription :lot:2 Block:2 Subdivision:VAIL I NTERMOUNTAI N DEV S Parcel Number:21031430100 4 Comments:See Desc riptio n BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: second By: Vote: Conditions: Action :STAF FAPR Date of Approval:04/11/2003 Cond :8 (PLAN):Nochangest o theseplans may be madewit houtthew ritte n consentof Tow n of Vail staffand/or t he appropriatereviewcommittee(s). Con d:0 (PLAN):ORB approval does notconstitute a permitforbuilding.Please consult with Town of Vail Build ing personnel prior toconstruction activities. Cond :CO N0005786 Theapplicant shall t r im t he frenchdoor to identically match theexisting tri m on th ewindows of the house prlorr to t he final building inspection.Any damagedstucco wilt be repaired t o match theexistingcolor and text urefo und on the house. Planner:Warren Ca mpbell ORBFee Paid :$20.00 ••• Application for Design Review Department d Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970 .179 .2139 fax:970.179 .2152 web:www.d.vail.co.U5 General Information : All projects r equiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permitapplication.Please refer to the submittal requ irementsforth e particular approval tha t is requested .An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until allrequired information 15 received by the Community DevelopmentDepartment.The proJeCt may also need to be reviewed by the TownCoundland/or the Planning and Environmenta l Commission. Design review approval lapses un less a building permit Is Issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Req,::est:-,r4-=="-4'~<::':"""""'''=_'''>''b''--'l:''''''''''''''.L ---'=-'-'Wl..L _FAQ.Ai\c..M..t'>.=.o<>'\"-'-_ Name of Applicant:__~~.,:::~-.i'-_~----------------- Owner{s)Signature(s):.J(:..-A~~~,,~~~4-~:::::O'J,J.,~_ <:"A Mailing Address:_..so"'-''-»--'''=''-,-_ E-ma il Address: Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptu al Review o New Construction o Addition o MitlOl"Alteration (multi-family /commercial) W Minor AlteratiOn y\.(single-family /duplex) o Changes to Approved Plans oSeparation Request $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 No Fee ews $1.00 per square foot of t ota l sign area . For coostruttion of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an additIOn where square foot age is added to any residential or commercial bu ilding (includes 250 additions &interior oorrversions). For minor changes to bu ildi ngs and Site improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences a nd reta ining wa lls,etc. For minor changes to buildings andsite improvements,such as, reroofing .pai nbng.window additiOnS,landscaping ,fencesand retaini09 walls,etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Revie w Boa rd. For Office Use Only: Fee Paid :M Check No.:~/e.. Appl icatio nDate: Planner:l .'c. RECEIV ~D "2 7 2,,3 •• o Existing and proposed contour lines.Retaining wallsshall be included withth etopof wall andthe bottom ofwallelevations noted. LightingPlan: o Indicate type,locationand n umber of fixtures. t:.J I nclude height aboveg rade,lumens output,lumino usarea u Attachacu t sheetforeach proposed fix ture . II .REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposa ls to re paint existi ng buil dings,th e following supplemental informationisrequ ired: o CO lor chip orcolo r sample includ ingt he ma nufacturer nameandco lor number(s) oArch itect ural elevationdr awings w hich clear ly i ndicatethelocation ofproposedco lors (ie . sidin g,stucco,windo w t r im,doo rs,f ascia,soffits ,etc.)The f ollowingisanexample: FASCIA W INDOW TR IM TRIM BAND U PPERS TUCCO SOFFIT LOWER S T U CCO Page5of12/02/07/02 SOUTH ELEVATION WE ST ELEVATION Building Materials • PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Materia l • Roof Sid i ng Other WallMate rial s Fasc ia Soffits W indows W in dow T rim Doors Door Trim Handor Deck Rail s Flues Flashing Chimneys T rashEnclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exter ior lighting Other Notes : Please specify t he manufact urer's name,t he color name andnumber andattachacolorchip . Page 6 of12/02/07/02 •• **•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T OWNO FVA IL .CO LORADO Stat ement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S tat ementNumbe r : Payment Met hod: Win fi eld R 030003 7 46 Amount :$2 0.00 Ch eck 0 3/28/200 30 1 :30 PM Init :J AR Notat i on:612 Craig P ermit No : Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB0 300B2 Type :DRB-Mi n o rAl t,SFR/n up 21031430 1004 2635 LAR KSPU R LN VAIL 2635 Larkspur Lane This Payment :$20.00 Total F ee s: Total ALLPints : Bal ance : $20 .00 $20.00 $0 .0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••++••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT IT EM LI ST : Acc ount Code OR 001000 0311 2200 Descri pti on DES IGN REVIEWFE ES Cu t-rentPmt s 20 .00 ionCha rt INb HofCrIt ~'R.~ t=· •• ~ CUSTOMER:WINFtELD,CRArG 26 35 LARKSPUR !.AN E Home Depot Sto re 'I ~22 15900 W CO LF "J(AV E GOL DEN ,CC BQ.4 Ci (303)384 .0815 SA LES A SSOCIATE : CATE:C3f13J2003 P.o.II: VAl L.co-e1657 (910 )-4796417 TNnk yo u for ,hoPPlr:g The Home Depot!W.vaJue your b us ln esslrfTEMLOCATIONPRODUCTCOOE----- FRAME SIZE DESCRJP TION lJOO2 KtAN(JF"AC I ORER;caradco U NITPR ICEQTY TOTAL ' PR1C=--J Frame Size :::3',1 112"Wx6'7 112'"H ROSize =4'(f W x 6'8"H ~---------- Scale:til"~'.," Hin "--.."L S 1.309 .8S '.02 1,309.85 1.163 .13 2546 '15.24 '--_.=:• ••• Base Ptiee l oE IG:CFOU1-4OX 68 69116"Extended Jamb (2)Panel-20X68 :Prairie sa rc eeoe 5.'8"GBG[9 Lite) (2)Panel·2OX68 :Capilary Tube Instaled j QUOTE .: E 6timated Lea d T ime _ PRETAX TOTAL $1.309 .85 I TOWN 0 1'VAll: DESIGNREVIEW STAFF APPROVAL DATE Y-Il -03 _= STAFF W.'v \10l (~;pt rlA RTME:-iT O F C()~1 MUN I TY DEVElpMENT Uc.<.A\h~ ~O~~,~l\<.1.. NOTE:THIS PERlvllT MLST BEPOSTED ON JO BSI TEATAL L TIMES TOWNOFVA IL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL.CO 8 1657 97lJ-.l79 -2138 EI.ECTRICAL P E R~1IT Permit #:E01-lJ073 Job Address: Location : Parcel N o : Pr oject No : 26351.ARKSPUR LN VA IL 2635 Larkspur Lane 210314301004 lv/A. S ta tus ...: Applied ..: ISSU l'd •.: Exp ires ..: ISSUED 04 /19/2001 04 /26/2001 1 0/23/2001 OWNER CONTRACTOR APPLICANT WINFIELD,CRAIG D.&KATH LEE0 4 !1 9/2001 Pho ne : 2635 D LARKS PURL N VAIL CO 81657 Licens e: Brad's El ec tr ic al Se rvi ce 0 4 /19/20 01 Phone:97 0 -98 4 -3 50 8 P .O .Box 70 7 New Cas tl e,CO 6100 CR 335 ,New Cast l e,CO 8160 18 1601 Li cense :3 0 4-E Brad 's Electrical Servi ce 0 4 /19 /20 01 Phone:970 -98 4 -35 08 P .O .Box 7 07 New Cas t le ,CO 6 100 CR33 5,NewCas tle.CO 81 601 8160 1 Li cen se:3 04 -E Desciption: Va luation : e lectrica l se rvice o n ly $2 ,IXIO.m ...........................................__.-_FF.E SUMI\·IARY ••••-___.. Eltoctrical---:>$~O ,OO Tnl .!1Cdkuld ttoJ F.__>$53 .00 ORB Ft'C-:>$0 .DO AJdi tiOn.l1r C\.'S-->$0 .00 Invt"'i111Ph<m ->$0 .00 Total Pl"Tm II F._>$5].00 Will C.-.U-->$3 .00 I'Jym.-nts >$5].00 TOTA L fF.F5->$53 .00 B AL\~CE DUE-->$0 .00...............................................................................__._......-........-......._-....--_...........--.__......... Approvals: I tem:06000 ELECTRI CALDEPARTM ENT 04/19 /20 01 c davi s Act ion:AP_____--_. CON lJIT IONS O FA P PROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):F IELD INSPECTI ONS ARF.REQUIREDTOCHECKFOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ..............................._---_._-_-.. DECLA RATIO NS Iher eby acknowledge that I h ave rea dthisa pplicatio n .filled o ut in fullth e inf ormatio n r equired,comple te d an accu rate p lot p lan .a nd s ta te thatallth e information as req u ire d is correct.I agree to co mply with th e information and plot p lan ,to complywi th a ll Town ordinances and s ta te laws.a nd to build this s tr ucture acco rding to t heto wns wn i n~ an d s ubdivision codes,d esign review a p p roved,Uni fo nn Building Co dean d o ther ord inances o ftheTo wn applicable thereto.•• 2~;Z::::::4 7,,;.9~-2 138 ORAT O UROFFICE FROM 8:00AM-5 ·JIIIr ~. TOWN O FVAIL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S ta t ement Numbe r: Payment Met hod: R 0 00 0 0 0641 Amount :$5 3 .00 Check 0 4/26/200111 :3 6 AM Ini t :RA Not ation:954 7 P ermit No: Pa rcel No: S ite Address: Location : E01-0073 Type:ELECTRICALP ERM IT 2 103 14301 00 4 2635 LARKSPUR LN VAIL 263 5 Larks pur Lane This Payment:$5 3.00 To tal Fees : TotalALL P mt s: Bala nce: $53 .00 $5 3.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accoun t Co de EP 00 1000031 11400 we 0010000311?800 Description TEM PORA RY PO WER PER MITS ,I ll CAl l I NS P,CTIO N FEr Current Pm t.s 5000 3 00 T BE ACCEPTED IF I N C O M P L ~R UNSIGNED Project #:===_ Building Permit #:_-;7-':-;..-== Electrical Permit #:€-D l -00 ~3 970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OFVAILELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 7S S.Fron tageRd . Vail,Colorado 81657 ~, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 970 -'/1 'i'-tf YI t./cd/' TownofVail Reg.No.: ':xJ1I:.-t.. COMPLETESQ.FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FORALLOTHERS(Labor &Materials) IAMOUNT OF 50 FT IN STRUCTURE :1ELECTRICA L VA LUAnON~$'2QD'D ~:J Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaaie-cauntv.com forPa rcel# Pa rcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above)'2-107,1'-<101 00 « JobName:/J /'Irt\~(Q e::«:Job Address:')I ~~~S.",.,.- Legal Description Lot :Block:II Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name :C"'~'n W";;'{',..QA Add ress :'16?'1 I .LuI\...Phone:Q)o -1{7q-6'l!/ .-- Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriptiono f work:#t!'~~~ Work Class;New ()Addition()Remodel rI'Q k epalr(~TempPower()Othe r () Wor!<Type:Interior ()Exterior()Both Y"Q.Does an EHU existatthislocation:Yes()No() Type of Bldg.:Singte--famify ()Duplex (~MUlti-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of Existing DwellingUnitsin th is building:?II No.ofAccommodation Units In th is building:'- - Is t his oermltforahottub:Yes (!fI No() DoesaFireAlarm Exist:Yes()No ()II Doesa Fire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes()No() ····································"··FOROFFICE USE ONly ·····"'·"'··..··················",*",····· F:!fNeryone/foons/eleq)erm Other Fees: ORB Fees: Planner 51 n'"Off: Date Received: Acce ted B: REev APR 19 20 01 '".'~'•• Amendm e nt toth e 1999 N.E.C.Town of VailOrdinance 10-1 -6. oOverhea d servicesare notallowed inthe To wnofVail. ::l Underground serviceshavet obe in condu it (PVC)from the transformer t o the electricmete r ,m ain d isco nnect sw itch andto the fi rstelectr ical distr ibution circui t breaker panel. Q Themain d isconnect switch shallbelocated nexttothemete r on the exteriorwallofthe structure easily accessible. Q All u ndergro u ndconduits a re r equiredto beinspected befo re back-fi lling the trench . :I Inmu lt i-famil y dwe lling units,no electricalw iring orfeedercables shall pass fromone u nittoanothe r .Common wa llsand spacesare accepted. :J NM Ca ble(Romex)is notallowed in commercial bu ildingso rst ruct ures exceedingt h ree (3)stor ies. ::1 Nouse ofalum inum w ire smallerthansize #8 w ill be permitt edwi t h t he Town ofVail. TOWNOFVAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES :J All installations of exterior hot tu bsorspa's require a DRB approvalfromplanning.Th isapplication w iil notbeaccepted w itho ut acopyof t he DRB approval f orm attached (If applicable). o I f t hisperm it isfo r insta llatio n ofan exteriorhott ub orspa onanewelevated platform ordeck over 30"abovegrade,you mustalsoobtain abuilding permit. o I fth is permit isfor insta llatio n of an exteriorhottubor spa onany existingdeckorelevated platform, a st r uctural eng ineer mustreviewt he existing cond ition and verify t hatit willsupport th eadded concentrate d load.Please provideacopyoft he structural engineerswet stamped letter or drawing witht his application . o I ft his isa remodelIn a multi-familybui lding with ahomeowners associa t io n,a letter of permission fro m t he associatio n is r e quir ed. :J If t his permit isf o r a commercial space,two(2)sets pf stamped draw ingsar erequ ired. l l;1ave read and understa nd the above. ,•IJJY<J.)~Jt '!yll '~ I Signature tf-(((-Or Date Signed I fy ou have any questions rega rding the above information or have additional questions, p lease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at 970-479-2147.The inspector canbe re ached on Tuesday,Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am.You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. ••..'... HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? TownofVail Survey Communi tyDeve lopment Department Russe ll Forre st,Director, (9701479-2139 Check all that app Hes . 1.Which Depar1men~s)did you cootaet? Build ing_Environmental __Ho using __Adrrnn _ Plann ing__ORB PEC _ 2.Was ycur initial contact with our staff immediate__slow __or noone ava~able 7 3.If you were requi red to wait how long was it befo re you were he!ped?_ 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely bas is?Yes J No If no ,wn y not?_ 5.Was this yeu r first time to file a ORB app __PEC app__ Bl dg Pennii NlA 6.Please f ate the perlcrmance of the staff person who assis ted yo u: 54321 Name :__.,....,-=,--_ (knowledge,respo nsiv eness,availabi lity) 7.Overall effectiv eness of the Fro nt Service Co un ter.54321 8.What is the best time of day for you to use the Fro nt Se rvice Counte r?_ 9.Any comments you have wh ich wou ld all ow us to bette r se rve you next bme?--,_ Tha nk you for ta<ing the time to complete :Ilis survey.We are corrnnitted In imp rovi ng eur service. T OWN OFVAIL 75 S .FRONTAGEROAD VAI L,CO 8 16 57 970 -479 -2 13 8 •4fT,;?,gA'.2 •U;;;/7;./i';JI/xJ . DEPARTMENT OF CO MMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE,THIS PERMIT MU ST BE POSTED ONJ OBSlTE ATALLTIM ES AD D/ALT SFR BUILD PE RM IT Permit #,B99-0261 JobAd dress:2635 LARKSPUR LN Loc ation ...:2 6 35 LARKSPUR LN Par cel No ._:21 03 -143 -01 -004 Proj e ct No.: S tatus ...:ISSUED Ap plied ..,1 0/01 /1 999 Issued ...,1 0/01 /1 99 9 Expires ..,03/29 /2000 Occupancy : Type Construction: WINFIELD CRA IG AND KA THLEEN 2635 LARKS PUR LN B ,VAIL CO WINFIELD CRA IG AND KATHLE EN 263 5LARKSPUR LN B ,VAI LCO CHERRYWOOD CARPENTRY 5 197BLACK GO RE DRI VE#A-4, EXISTINGDECK SAME Phone:9 70-47 9-8 62 9 4 79-6417 4 79 -6417 VAI L,CO8 1657 TOv/Comm.Dev . FORS AM E Clean-upD sit Refund '1 'd aoprovedFam1yReS1ence Non -Rat ed amount dateAddSqFt, S ingle Type V R3 VN 8,000 AFFLlCANT CONTRA CTOR OWNE R Des cr iption: REPAIR/RE PLACE Valuation: Firep lac e I nt o ~.e io n 'Re.tric t ed :Y 'Of ~.I.og II I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••r g!S ~MA RY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ilui l d ing-----:> P l an Check ---> I nv ....r lg-ar;ion:> WiU Cdl ··--. 1 2'i .OO Q L~5 .00 1.00 R....t u .r.nt PI.n Ra v i ".--:> DRBF....····_··__·_·__···~ H &Cre .~lo~r ••-·········> elee n-Up ~podlt--·---_·> TOTAL P l!es ~··_·_-_··-···> .00 .00 .00 1 00.00 30••25 To tal C.l e~l~ted Fe ••·"> A4dl t l one l r •••·--_··_--, Tot _l Perm it r ••······_-> P ......ent,,·--·----_.------> IlALANC E:D\li,:_•••_._-_._--, 10'.25 .00 3 0'.25 ]0 '.25 .00 I tem,051 00BUILD ING DEPARTMENT 10 /01 /19 99 JNOLEN Action ,APPR CHARL IE I t ~m ,05 400PLANNING DEPARTMENT 10 /0 1/19 99 JNOLEN Acti on,APPR CHARL IE I t em ,05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 10 /01 /1 999 JNOLEN Action,APPR N/A Item ,05 5 00 PUBLI C WO RKS 10/01 /19 99 JNOLENAct ion ,APPR N/A Dept , DAVIS Dept , De pt, Dept : BUILDING Divis ion: PLANNING Div i sion: F I RE Division: PUB WORK Division : ..........................................................................................................................'". S ee P age 2 of t his Documentf or a ny c ondi tions tha t may appl y to this p e rmit . DECLARATIONS I h .r e by a cenovl .dg.~••t I h e ..e r••d ~h l s appl ~c.t i on .fi ll.d ou t i n f ul l t h e i n f o ~at i on r equir ed.cc.pl eted an a c~r.t.p l ot plan ,.nd .t .t.thet e l l t hs i nfor--tion prov i~d e.r~~i rrd i s QO rr ~.I ~r e~t o e ~l v wi t h t he i nf o~tion and p lo t pl an. t o c omply wit h all ~own o r di nane e .e nd ete t e I e •••and t o bu ild L~i.struet~.a e e o rdi "9 to t ho T.-n 's .onin g ~~iv l a i on e O<H s ,des i gn r .vi...&i=pr oved .:Jni f o c.a ~l ld':'nq Code ....<1 ..,;h sr ordi n ....c ••o f t.h..Town a pp lic ab le t h era t.a . •• Page 2 _•••***••••*****_._*********************••********••*.************************** Permi t #:B 99-0 26 1 CONDITI ONS as of 1 0/01 /99 Status ---:ISSUED ********************************.************************************••********* Pe rmi t Type:ADD /ALTSFRBUILD PE RMIT Ap pli cant --:WINF IELDCRAI GAND KAT HLEEN J ob Ad dres s:263 5 LARK SPUR LN Locati on ---:2 63 5 LARKSP UR LN Parcel No--:2 103 -1 43-01 -004 Description: REPAIR /REPLACE EXI S TING DECK SAME FORSAME Appli ed --:1 0 /01 /1 9 99 I ss ued ---:10 /01 /1999 T o Expi re:0 3/29 /20 00 **************************************Con di tions ****************************** 1.FI ELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUI RED TO CH ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2 .SMOKE DB'FBCTORJ'l ARE RE QUIRED IN AL L 8.so~~fY-STORY AS "Elt ~Ee-:-310.6.1 ·0F -TIIE -lc'<97 -UBC.U F C.E'TE C ,U 3.STAIR RISE AND RUN MUST BE MAX B"x MIN 9 "RUN HANDRAIL IS REQUIRED ON STAIRS GUARDRAIL IS REQUIRED T O BIl I NSTALLED AND HEIGHTOF RA IL MUS T BE A MI N OF 3 6"WITH PI CKET SPACINGOF 4 "OF LESS DECK MUST HAVE POSITIVE CONNECTIONSATALL S UPPORTCOLUMNS ••.....••.••......•...•.....•••••••...••....•••..................•TOWN 0 'VAI L,COloO RAIX) ...•••.....•.•.•...•..•.....•.......•..............•............ 8~~..n e N ~.~:RF.C-OS10 Amoun t, P"y'..mt.....t-hod 'QIItCK Not.Ati on ,11 107 1} lO '.~S 10/0 1/"11 ,1 2 lnir.,CD Typ..,A-!UILD AOO/ALT $FR BaILD P it "ar c .L No:~1 0 1 ·14 J·OI -0 04 s t t.e ~r•••,2 'l ~~PUR LH Loc..tlon :an l--'RJCS i":Jl.LH 3D '.2 ~ To uot fee.., klan.:..: 11l :ll.H 3 0 '.2 5 .00...•.......•••.•.....•••..•..•......••......•..........•.....•.. Account.Cod. 9 P 00 lD0002111100 P F 001 0000)112 100 AD 02 -l:E POS tM.cZ'ipt io n II UI ~UfG P £lilIII IT Ftu P L.Ul CHIlClt ,.k U Cl,.¥AIfUP D ~PQ$ITS .I~CALL INSPECTION r B~ l:'S .oe U.2!> 1 0C.OO 1.00 DEPOSIT Il EFUNtl IlE PORT -tl'PDATEPREPARED11/19/99.8 ,U :40 P IIOGRAM HRUSU To wn o f V.il Ct.lST-t D CUSTOMBR NAM E ,,,,,,,. COIl!DES CRIPTIOti m. TX -DATE A,J -DATE DBPOSIT ""'"'" DBPOSIT-ADJ ""UHT ADJUSTM llNT ""UHT APT£R-RBF1JND ....,~, PAGE , l (;n B9 9 -0 261 CRAIG HI NF IELD D£P0 8 DBPOSIT D' 1 0 /04 /99 11 /1 '/"1 00 .00 100.00 1 00.00 -.00 TOTAL F Oil CUS TOMER T YP E'"'100.00 1 00 .00 100.00-.00 GRAND TO TAL, D£POS IT COUNT, G/L BATCH CR £A~: , BATCH -02948 1 99'/1 1 USERID-JPOPEC«AP HeLl) 1 0 0.00 m UHT· 1 0 0.0 0 l.00 1 00.00 - ""","T · .00 1 0 Cl .OO • • ,TOWN OF VAleONSTRUCTION PERMIT A41CATION FORM lNFORMATION MUST B E COM PL ETE OR THEAPPLICATION WI LL B E REJ ECTED Contactthe Eagle County A ssessors Office at970-328-8640 forParcel # Parcel#---2..l 02 \'j .20i o o 'i ru Dale l o/,/<1 4 Permus b97'-D ;)t Job Name :vJ \;".f';Ii'u...L)_Job Address:i?-I.3 !i , /-<.L...ks /'4A ~1/411 I ' Other ( Other () VA-'l L r"Te"",o""''''-l~ Phone.Y 71-(,'/1 7 Repair (~ Mechanical ()Electrical (Plumbing(Buildin g (-,,) Work C lass:New() Lega lDescriptio n:Lot a Block Cl F iling S ubd ivis ion Own ers Na me:lliit.\\.1 ;V\\"',6LDAdm-e",:d.G3'5 .6 L<>-,,--~fW'L VI, Arc h itect b ~Address:__--===-'--Pho ne#---- C~-'.;:,Description of Job :~~/W,-e::-j.'S ~"-\l"'-.({ r J A ltera tion ()Additional () Number of Dwelling Un iLS:._---"=--_Number of Accommodation UniLS:_ Gas Logs,WoodlPcllct,_\Number and Type ofFireplaccs:Gas Applianccs,_-l._ o . BUIL DING:s e,;000. PLUMBI NG $,_ VALUATIONS ELECTRI CAL :S,-========-MECHANICAL s,OTHER :$'-=========TOTAL $_ Phonc s _ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION a rt ,I (,'/'(l.<AP Otf>l<A/"-"'C,o ~,+i'f"'t-l T \:)"~~A ddrcS S :_ L!Zb -S G en eral Contractnr.f A..Q.~ Town of Vail Regist ration No.._--'-'-'''------'''---_ Eke.rical Contrac tor:_Addres s :_ T own or Vail Registrat ion No.Phone #'_ P lumbin g,C ont ractor :_Addre ss:_ TO WIl o f VailRegistrat ion No .._Phone #,_ Mec hanical C ontractor :~_Add ress :~_ T o wn of VailRegi strati on :'\0 .,_Pho ne /f,_ F OROFFICE US E BUILDING ::-=-_ S IGNATURE:_ ZONI NG ·:c =-------------SIGNAT URE :_ VALUATION j sq.FT,GRO UPTYPE I_'----_t=:=t=:=== CLEAN UPDEPOSIT REFUNDTO : •• TO : FROM: DATE : SUBJECT: ALLCONTRACTORSCURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH 11-1£T OWN Of VAIL TOWN OFVAlLPUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNTTY DEVELOPEMENT JANUA RYI .1999 CONSTRUCTIO N PARKING AND \1ATER IAL STORAGE CO DE 5-2-10:DEPOSITS O N P UBLIC WAYS I"ROHlBlTJ::D A.Unlawful deposits:Subject to subsectionCthereof.it is unlawfu l forany person to liner. tra ck o r d eposit ,o r c au se to be litt ered ,t rackedo r deposited,sand .g rave l,rocks ,mu d.dirt, sn ow.icc,or anyother debri sormat erial uponany street ,s idewa lk ,a lleyo r pub lic place ,o r any portion thereof. B .Notice ;Ab atement The Direc tor of Pu blic Wo rks ma y n otif y a nd re quire any person wh o violatesor causes ano th er t o violate the prov is ion o f s ubse ct ionAhe reof or whohas in th e Direc tor 's em ployment a person who vio lates orca uses another t o v io late the sa me,t op remove such s an d.gravel.rocks .mud.d irt,s now.ice o r any othe r debris o r material within tw enty four (2 4)hours a fter rec eipt of sa id notice by the Director of Pub lic W orks .In the even ttheperson so no tifi ed docsnot co m ply wit hthenot ice within th e p eriod of t ime he re in specified.the Director o fPu blic W o rks ,or other authorized ag ent .mayca use an y such san d . g ra vel,roc ks,mud ,di rt .s now,icc .debris or an y o ther material to be rem ovedfro m an ys treet o rall ey atth e expense of the notified. C .Exception s:Th e pro visio ns of s ubsection A hereof shall no t be applicabl e : 1.Within th eimm ediate area o fan y constru ction.mai ntenanceorre pair proj ect of an y s t reetor alleyor of an y water main ,sewer main,electrici ty line,gas lin e,te lephone li ne o r any appurtenance th er eto : 2 .T o depo s its o f s and.di rto r materials necessary to r th e protect iono f the public safety:and 3.T opub lic are as designated fo r the du mping or deposit ing of sai d ma t erials. D .Sum mons :Penalty:A s an a lternative to the n oticeforre moval pro v ided in su bsection B above.an y personwhovi o lateso rcauses an other to v io latethe s ame .ma y b e issued a s u mmo ns to appear before the ~un i e j p al Co urt of the T O'h"Il f ors ai d viola tio ns .and upon bei ng found g uilty of a viola tion her eu nder be p unished as pro vid ed in Section 1-4 -1 of th isc ode. E .Noti ce :Penalty :It is unlawful f or any person to fal l o r refuse toco mplywith the notice of the Director of Publ ic W orks as pr ovided in s ubsect ion B hereof and any s uch per s on s hall .in a ddit ionto pa ymen t of th e exp en se o f re mo val incu rred by th e Di rect or of P ublic W orks.a s p rovided in subsec ti o n B he reof,upon bei ng f ound g u iltyo fa viola ti on h ereunde r ,be puni shable as p rovided in Sec tion 1-4-1 ofthi s COOl:.(199 1 Cod e;O rd inanc e6 (1979 ) Rea d and acknowledged by :Cl1J~..:iJc-__- Position orRelationship toProject ;;-::-'O:'::w=:'NV'-..':"'-::-:"::::::;,-_ (i.e.contractor or own er ) • TOWN OF VAlL Department of Commun i ty De velopment 75 SO Ulh Frontage Road Vail.Colorado81657 970-479-2/38 FAX 970-479-2452 • ,. arn.mxc PER'IIT ISSUA,,"Ii CE TIME FRA .\lE l fthis permit require s 3 TO\\n o fVai l Fire Department Approva l.Engineer 's (PublicW orks) rC\1CW andapproval.aPlanning Department review of Health Departmentreview.and a review bytheBuildi ngDepartment,theestimated timefor a total review may take 35 long as th ree (3) weeks . All commercial (largeorsmall)and all multi-family per mits '''111 have t o followtheabo ve m entioned maximum req uirements .Resident ial and sma ll projectssho u ld tak e alesser amou nt of tim e .However ,i f residential orsmall er project s Impact the ....a nous a bove mentioned departments with regard to necessary review,these projects may also Lake the th ree (3)week period . Eve ry a ttempt w ill be made by thisdep artment to exped ite thisperm it as soon as possible. I.the und er signed,under stan d the PlanCheckprocedure andtim eframe.Ia lso understand tha t if thep crmu isnotp icked up by the ex pirationdat e .thatImuststill pay the PlanCheck Fcc and that if I fail todo soit may affect futu re p ermits that I apply for . A greed 10 by,0 "..,,'b cui-=-'Jk)'----_ -.. Project Na me :_W.iu.£.lGl._ Date:(OP /~~------ Wor k.Sheet was turned into th e Commun ity Develcprnent Dept. • NO TTCE:A ccording t o Colorodo Ie ")011 must com mence any I~gol a ction based upon ony de/l!et In lhis Sflf'V'ey wi thin thrtltJ,~Qft ~)'Ou rn t discover such defe ct, Inno tJwnt,may any octlon ba nd uponany defect In this surYrIY b"commtm ced more than t en ftors fr om til "dot.of CtJrl/fico tlon shown "«"eon. • LO T 1 LOT 2 . --'"-1-- E,=277'11"<, R =50.00' L =f6.9 0' //(~'0 ~.':PEASEMENT'00 0 0 ~'1 BOOK 4 72 PAGE S~'~,v~~ \;.~\<-'t-l ~:P NI ~ •CArr ""''''''P.Q eox 676 Ar-MCMUltaiD SUTl"tor -ron IJCTCIJF RGW IUD V"wa S7N£CT A ~can lJJ610 ~caa 6021$ (JOJ '11-$0"EngineeringLid.(JOJ)2 J2-Dt56 ~ --- • t·~'I.I~I """:::>ct:"•I It ~.R.\1A«P ~:--,*,==~~ •• ~ CUSTOMER:W INFIElD ,CRAIG 263 5 LA RKSPuR LANE Home Depot S tore 152 2 16900 W COLF AX Ave GOWEN.CO 8 C4 0 ~ (~)384-o 11 7 5 SALES A SSOCIATE : CArt.:0311312 00 3 p .e .lI!; TOTAL P R J C~ 1 UNI T PRICEQTY 1 I, I i I _J ICFOU 1-40X6e S f rench View Clad WOOd Qutswlng Frend'l Doors Sandstone Exterior Finish NallJra llnterior FInish O1'fp Cap &~a lJirtg F..,Ap;ll\ecl Hancling:PA 6 Ql16"J arm WIcStn HIgh ~ie (G'Boe 40 )S ~l Tempered l.OE !G High AJtitude Caplnary TlJbe IMtaDecl Prairie Sa ndstDrle Mr GBO (9 Ulel Antique Brass Hardware Not AppKcabie VAIL .co-a1657 (970)-479&417 Thank y ou tor 5l'IoP ping Th e Homt Depot!W.value your b usln...l ITEM PRODUCT CODELOCAT1OHFRAMESIZEDESCRIPTION 0002 --m.J'iroFAC I ORER:GaridCQO============ Frame Size a:3''1112"Wx6'7 112 -H ROSize =4'O·Wx6'8"H .~. Base Prk:9loE IG:CFOU1-4 QX68 69/16"EK!ended Jamb (2)Panel-20X68 :Prairie 5.and sw l1Q 518"GBG (9 Litel s s s 1,165 .13 25.-46 115,24 1.309.85 I S 1.309 .65 s 4 .02 1.309.85 PRETAXTOTAL (2 )P'anel·20X68 :Capillary rube (~staJle d $,:::: S IQUOTE.: Estimated l ead TIme _ TOWN 0 1'VA ll "- DESIGN REVIE W STAFF APPROVAL 1-1 _11 -03 ~~::F liJ ,"\\4b (~A a ARnlENTOF CO MMU N ITY DEVE!rMENT U~k~1\ \,...at ;{,13.\\<.1.. NOTE:THIS rER.\IIT MUSTBE r o.,TE D 0;-;JOBSlTEATALLTIMES • TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE I{OAD VAIL,CO 81657 9 70-179-2 138 ELEcrRICAL PERMIT Pe rmit #;E01-OO73 Job Ad d ress: Loc ation.: Pa rcel No : Pr oject No : 2635 LARKSPUR L\:VAIL 2635 I..ark spu r Lane 210 314 301004 Iv/"- Sta tus ...: Appl ied ..: Issued ..: Exp ires ..: ISSUED 04/19/2001 04/26/200 1 1ll/23j200 1 OWNER CONTRACTOR APPLICANT WINFIELD ,CRA IG D.&KA THLEE04 !19 /20 01 Ph one : 263 5 D LARKS PUR LN VA IL CO 816 57 L icense: Brad's Ele ctr ica l Service 0 4 /19 /2 001 Ph one :970 -98 4 -350 8 P .O.Box 707 New Cast le .CO 6100 CR 335.New Cas tle,CO 81 601 8 1601 L ice nse:30 4 -E Brad 's Electrical S e rv ice 04 /1 9 /2001 Phone:9 70 -984-3508 P.O .Box 7 07 New Ca stle,CO 6 100 CR 335,New Ca st le ,CO 81601 8 1601 License :3 04-F. Dcsci ption: Va lu a tion: electrical se rvice o n ly $2,000.00 .....................................................................FEF.SU\IMARY . Elecl rical--> DRB F('(!'-> If1Vl~tigati"'I1 -> WiJlDIl--> TOTAt FEES-> $<;(1 ,00 Tot a l Col k ula lL"LI Pocs.c -$~J .0 0 $0 .00 ,o\JJi l l",nal Ft'P'o-->s o.oo $0.00 FetalPermit Fcoe -->$5 3.00 $3 .00 Payments >$53 .00 $53.00 BALANCE DL'E-->$0 .00............................._.,_,_.._..___n . A pprovals: Item :0 6000 EL ECTRI CALDEPARTMENT 0 4 /19 /20 01 cdavis Action:AP...............__... CON DITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond :12 (BLDG .):FIELD I NSPECTIONS AREREQUI RED TO CHECK FORCODE COMP LIANCE ...................................................................-..-..__-___.. DECLARATIO NS I h er eby a cknowledge tha t I have read th is ap plication,filled ou t in full th e in formatio n req uir ed,complete d a n accu rate p lo t plan ,a nd s ta le thata ll t he in formation asnx.[uir cd is cor rect.I a gr ee tocom p ly wi th th e inf ormationan d p lot plan,tocom p ly w ith all Tow n o rdinances an dst a te laws,a nd to buil dthis s tr ucture accor ding to th e tow n s zo n ing an d s ubdiv is ion codes,d e sign review a p p roved,Uniform Buildin g Code an d o the r o r d ina nces o fthe To wn a pplica ble thereto.•• 2=t;t:::::~7,,:.9-=-2138 O RAT O UROFFICEFROM8:00AM -5 ...•.....................~••.....•.....................•...•.~...............••.••... TOWNOFVAIL,C OLORADO-"Sta tement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sta lemen t Numbe r: Payment Method: R0 00 0 0064 1 AmoWlt:$53.0 0 Ch eck 0 4 /26 /200 11 1:36 AM to it :RA Notati on:954 7 Permit.No : Pa rcelNo : S i te Address: Location : EO l ~0073 Type :ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2 1 03 14 3 01 00 4 2 6 35 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2 635 La rk sp ur Lane T h i s Payment:$53 .0 0 To tal Fees : To tal ALL PInts : Bala nce: $5 3 .00 $53.00 $0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNTITEM LIST : Ac ccunt Cod e lP 00100 0031 1140 0 .c 00100 0031 12800 Ce scr iptl on TlM'ORARY PU.fR Pf RMITS WIL L CA li I ~S Pfr.TICN rrr CLJr "ent Pr.1 ts 50.00 3 .00 TBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPL~RUNSIGNED Project #::=--:-:::-:::_ Building Permit #:'-":::>,"-,-;c-== Electrical Permit #:E-D \...00 B 970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWNO F VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPUCATION 75 S.F rontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION '970 -'/1 i?-t!- TownofVail Reg.No.:Conta ct and Phone #'s: ~IS eflO-Q8'i-350'(j COMPLETE SQ.FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FORALL OTHERS (Labor &Materials) i AMOUNT OF 50 FTIN STRUCTURE:!ELECTRICAL VA LUATIO N:$'zqoo -I Contact Eaqle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 Dr visit www.eaoie-countv.com forPa rcel# Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above)'2-107,I'-n bl 00'( JobName:/,JI 'IrJ j"f Q 1J1"~JobAdd ress:')f ?t~.,I..."-5·~",y-• Legal Description I Lot :Block:I Filing :Subdivision: Owners N ame :C~~~n vJ;'~,~IJ.Address:).{,s«i ./M>JIl-Phone:ClIo -t{7q-6«r/ Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descr iption of work: M~I~~ Work Class:New()Addition ()Remod el rN kepalr (~Temp Powe r ()Other () Work Type:Interior ()Exte rior ()Both l?Q ~Does an EHU exist at this loca tion:Yes ()No() TypeofBldg.:Single-family ()Duplex (JK1.Multi·family ()Commerdal ()Restaurant ()Othe r () . No.of Existing Dwelling Unitsinthisbuilding:'?II No.of Acco mmodation Units int hisbuilding:L- I sthi s oenmit for a hot tub:Yes (/()No() Does a FireAlarm Exist:Yes ()No()n DoesaAreSprinkler System Exist:Yes ()No() ································,:,,"·····FOROFFICE USE ONLy ···..,···························","'·",·· Il F:/everyoneJforms/eleq)erm other Fees: ORB Fees: Planner Siqn-off: Date Received: AcceDted Bv: REeD APR 1 92001 -J'---l= >, '" c z "u "••..E,•0 -=-'"0 u •".- I .' n',,10 '"I. 1 I.[II ; .~. I I I I 1 .--'-.... I \ -I 3' I rfJ _ .II -._...-:,I I. i I ,iX{;r.eC~T C,;o ,t'''''''$r 2)<10 r4'A"Tz4 V';r:$T i."Y"NJ ~'-LJ}:/'Av"'£r-'!~/T~FA'??0).zl/,;'>'1;i:__V ;/ Jr/o '.,.)I/t::'-r1'¥-"rS"-?S -!A/'"f "iTIi:' ,;til V;;-fT /{f//4: -= o t - , 7 I I Ii-.,• 1 - -, /0" I 7'/';U".> '7&;:.....,;-t:!1" (!'~:fr..vet ;:-./C~ V~.c ,:.rCA l I.'.................. --,-:-.. \I I ,\te d s- f .~.I ,lI Y \J ."(, ,.-'- ~&~e -e c .,/1£U €t/r.""'£~., ."1,;"".-cp 6'Lc:~~__~ C·-v~~'::&4£7 '·"0# C .!:t:V AOP C licnt _ Jo bNo'~~_ Subje ct _ g c nc sis i n novations,in c . 4 0 04 M edfor d D rive Lov eland.CO8053 8 (9 70 )6 35-931!i (970)6 35 ·9 316 FAX Dare _Rev._Ry _ TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO REQUESTS-INSPECTN WQRK SHEETS FOR'II/IB/1999 REPTl31 11/18/1q~9 08:11 ••PAGE 5 AREA,CD Dce :U~e:VN FOR SAME Phone : ono ne: Phone:970-479-8&29 Act 1 vi ty ; Address: Location : Per-c e I ; De s c--t pe ron e Applicant: Owner: Contr;;l;ctor: a'3'3-0261 11/18/19 Type:A-BUILD 2635 LARKSr:'t IR LN 2635 LARKSPUR IN 2103-143-01-004 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING uECK SAME WINFIELD CRAIG AND KATHLEEN WINFIELD CRA IG AND KATHLEEN CHERRYWOOD CARPENTRY St~tll'i:ISSUED Canst,':ADUP Ill~pectlon Request Infor.atlon ..... Pe nue s t cr-a CRAIG .f-roner 479-6417 Req Tl_e:01;00 Co ••ents: IteMS requested to be Inspected ...ActIon Co ••eots Time Ewp 00090 BLDG-F 1 "'"'1 ,fi1~;}1~~r--..:::==.;~======== Ite.: Ite.: It e.: It ee e Inspection History ..... Ite~:00030 BLDG-Fra~lng 11/11/99 Inspector:CD 00050 BLDG-Insuletl0n 00060 BLDG-Sheetrock N~11 00070 BLDG-Ml SC:. 00090 BLDG-Fini\ 11/11/99 Inspecto~:CD Note~:~ust add handrails Jte~:00530 BLDG-Te~p.C/O Jte~:00540 BLDG-Final C/O to AC'tl0n~ON both set of "'), ~v.\ --S-- DENIED 5tail~S TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 816 57 9 70-479 -2138 ••DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICANT PLATH CON STRUCTI ON DRAWER 5 920,AVO N CO 8 1620 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920 ,AVON CO 8 16 20 OWNER WINFIELD CRAIG AND KATHLEEN 2635 LARKSPUR LN B,VAILCO 479 -641 7 NOTE , TOV/Comm.Dev, Clean-upDositRefund approved amount date THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED PROJECTT ITLE , AD D/ALT SFRBUILD PERM IT 2635 LARKSPUR LN 2635 LARKSPUR LN 2103 -143 -0 1 -0 04 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #,B99 -0173 Status ...,ISSUED Applied ..,07 /07 /1999 I ss ued...,07 /08 /1999 Exp ires ..,01 /04 /2000 Pho ne ,970 -949-1905 P ho ne ,970 -949 -1905 Des cription :RE DO ROOF WITH METAL SHINGLE Number of Dwelling Town of Va il Adjusted Valuation: Units:002 10 ,547 F i repld cD I nfo rmaci on:Re 8tr i cte d:Y 8uilding -----:> P lan Ch.clc.-~·. tlill Ca ll ··--,. 1 55 .00 l O D .7~ ."" 3.00 ORB Pee-----------------. Recreat i on F ee ----------• clean -Up ~po.i t -----·--" TOTAL 1"££8--------------. ."" SO.OO ."" 100.00 4 08 .75 T otal Calcula ted r e.e ---> Addit ional Fe ee---------> Totel P ermit Fee--------:> P.~ent s -----------_·_--> BALANCE DUB-------------> 4 0B.7S ."" 40 8 .75 40 8 .75 ."" Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept,BUILDING Divi sion: 07 /07 /1999 JRM Action:APPR APPROVED JRM I tem :05400 PLANN ING DEPARTMENT Dept,PLANN ING Divis ion: 07 /07 /1999 JRM Act ion:AP PR N/A Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTM ENT Dept ,FIRE Division: 0 7 /07 /19 99 JRM Acti on:APPR N/A Item :05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept,PUB WORK Division: 07 /07 /1999 JRM Acti o n:APPR N/A ••••.•.•..•............••....•.........•.........•................................................•.••.•..•..•........•..•.•.•.•.. See Pa ge 2 of this Document fo ra ny condi tions t hatmay apply t o this p ermit. DECLARATIONS I h ereby acknO Wledge th~t I h ~ve re ~d ~h i ~applica tion,f i lled o~t in ful l t hB i nforma tio n raquirad,c~l.te d an a c c ura te plot plan,and a t at.that a ll the i nforma tion prov ided &e r e qu i red i e c or rece.r a g ree t o c omp l y with tha i nf ormati on a nd p lot p lan , t o comply wi th al l Town o rdina nee D an d ~ta to l awD.and t o build ch ia ae ructur~~ecor di n g to the Town 'a z on ing and a ubdi v iaion codaa,da aign review a ppr oved.Unifo ~Bu i lding Ce de ~d o c her ordin a ncea o f t ha To w app l i cable t he reto, "00""'0',,''',",,0",",.'CC""""~""H O~.'0 0""""'''''0'(n~"H ;';;;;'z ~c;-i0t::r """'" S .nd Clean-Up DolpoGit T O'P~TH I ONI\TtlRE OF OWNER.OR CONTRACTOR F OR HIMS ELF AND OWN ER •• PAGE 2 ••****************************************************************************** COND ITIONSOFAPPROVAL Permit n,899 -0173 as of 0 7 /08 /9 9 Status,ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type,ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPERM IT Applicant ,P LATH CO NSTRUCTION Job Address,2 635 LARKSPUR LN Location:2635 LAR KSPUR LN Parcel No :2103 -1 43 -01 -004 App1ied,07 /07 /1999 Issued ,07 /08 /1999 COND I TIONS *********************************************************",*.,."."""",•••, 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU IRED TO CH ECKFOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2.SMOKE DETECTOR S ARE REQUIREDI N ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SBC .31 0 .6.1 OF "~E 1 997 US C . ••.••......•..•..•.••.•••........................................•TOWN or VAl L.COLORADO ....•..•...............•........................................ 4111.15 Ol/O l/n 0 ':13 I ni t.'IN Type :A-8t1l Ul ADIl/ALT sn BUILD PE Pa r c.l »0 ,J ll1J -14)-Ol -OQ 4 Bit.e Addr•••,)'l'~$?va UN Loca don :JUS L.lJUtS i'UR WI T<>u l ,•••, -;:0".1 Au._".: :.o a Lt."".: •••............................................................. Ac<>ount Coda o..c ri pl:ion -=,..0 0 10000111 .100 8U~LD lNa PElU'IIT ,,~H !o.Oll ~0 0 1 0 00 031 12 2 0 0 DUIGW ;lEVI ..rUtli 5 0.0 0 "0 0 100 00 1 11 2300 plJ.H CIl lO 'ilKS 1 011.15 AD D2 Dl\Poa CL&AI'I UP DIP0.9 :IT3 :O ~.OO ~001 000011 12100 IULt.CALL lJUIP E C7ION m l.1I 0 PRE I'ARED 9 !l0/99 ,'i ,S2 ,S7 P ROGR.u1 MR41 SU Town o f Vail CUST-ID CUSTOM BR NAM E DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT -UP DATE PAGE , OIARGE COD!DESCRIPTI ON 1 556 B"-Ol73 PLAt'll CO NSTRUCI'IOtl DEPOa DEPo SIT TOTAL FOR CUSTOMER TYP E, 'I'lt -DATE 7 /08 /'i 'i AJ -DATI! 'J!J 0 1 'i9 DEPOSIT """"" 100 .00 100 .00 D8 POSIT -ADJ ~ 1 00 .00 1 0 0 .0 0 1 0 0.00 - 1 00.OO- AFTER-RI!FUND ""''''''' .00 .00 GRAND TO T AL : D!POS IT COUNT, GIL BATCH CREATIW l , B~TCH -O ~~O~l~~'i /O'i U SERI D -J POP EC~AP HEt.D 100 .00 100 .00 1.00 1 00.00 - AMOtmT - .00 100.0 0 • • •vwwn v VnlL.,",VI.U 1"""_•1_'"__•,.,._.,n. N_ofIndIing L'niti'_ _.....1)peofFu.pI_'Gas AppIian='_GM ~'_Woodi1'ell d,_ BUILDING:~'======PLUMBING $_ \1ALUATION5 ELEC1lUCAL:$,-======MECHANICAL $_ 011IER:$10.5 t.{7:0". IDTAL$ E!<!:!ri.,..Contndo,,Address ,~....L.!__~L!.L _ T....ofVIIiIR<gisttati<mNo..Phone.'_ PIo ..bio:C<J0tnct9"Address ,_ TO'\.\'D ofVailRegi:stra60u No",Pbouetl'_ Mecb snic.M 1COIItradOr ;_Adllr=,_ TOM\orVail R<gisttatiooNQ,..Pbone #,_ FOR OFFICE USE BU I LDIN~:'~~~~~~~~~~~~S IGNATU RE, .ZONING : S IGNATURE ' C laN U P DEPOSITRE FUNI)JQ; ••• Page2of3 July 1,1999 R oofing S pecificationfor Winfi eld Residence @ 2635La rkspur Lane l.T EAR O F F I MISCEL t,\;\'EOUS : Locatio ns:All pitched roof locations . SrtCification s a s Fo llo ws: 1Tea r off existing cedar shake roofing and remo ve a ll debri s fromthe s ite .Plath Construction will keep th e jobsitc ascleanas possible and practicalduringthe construction,anda thorough cleani ng of Plath's work areas will be performed upon completion .Plath Constructi on willtakeall reasonable precautions to pr otect th einterior of th ebu ilding from waterandweather.However ,P lathCons tructi on w ill not be held lia ble for anyinterior damage s ustained fromleaks caused by sudden and/or unforseen storms that occur du nng thetear off phase of thiswork . 2]Inspect the plywood for ....-atcr damage.andrepla ce asneeded .••This work ,if rcquircd ,wi llbe an add itional charge over andabovethe contract p HCC,and will be charged atthera te ofS 2 .85 per square foot .No additional cha r~cs \\;11 be incurred without prior notification of,and.a uthorizati on from.the owne r o r owner's agen t .' 3)P lathcon struction \\;11 provide al l Insurance and permitsrequired b y the T OV BUilding Department. P rice for wo rk inSe cti o nI : Ex clusions a nd Qualifica tions :None . Included in th e price be low II.D R Y-I ~/M U ,\L S fII;\GU:S /P RHI:-l lsm :o FI.ASIII:"G: L ocation s :All pi tchedroo flocations . Srccifications A s Follows : I Install ~J iffy-Seal"Icc an d Wat er Guard by "Protec to Wrap "ove r entire p itched roofa rea ,accord ing to man ufacturers 'specifications.Extend membrane u p \..alls a approximately 12"atroo f-to-wall junctures .Use masti cas needed. 2JInstal l "Riva Select "metalshing les as manufactured by Va il M etal Systems .In stal l trim an dflash ing piecesas needed fo r acompletesyste m .Shin g les and fla sh ing to be fab ricatedfrom 26 g auge ,km ar coat ed galvalume.Th e pa inted fin ish comes With a 30 year limited warrantv.The sh ingle co lor IS t obe se lec tedfrom the fo llowi ng co l o r '~whichthesupplie r has instoc k :• fill'New Slate Grey,Slate Grey,Stratford Brown or Forest Green." "Th ere is a $6.00 per square u p char ge f or th e Slateg rey and Th e Stra tford b rowncolo rs beca use t hey arenot "Va lue colors ."Th e cost for thi s up chargewill be $11 4.00.,. 3]Replace a ll vent p ipe fla shi ngs that arc 4"in diameter o r less .All otherlargerfla shi ngs will be reu sed . Price forw ork in Secti on I &II :s 10,433 .00 Exclusions and Ou alifications: I}Allpr icing 1lI this pr oposa l is ba sedonth e p roposalbe ing accepted by J uly 6,1999 ,sothewo rk can commenceJul y8,1999 .2j M isce llan eou sflas h ing not as sociatedw iththe roof sys temisexclu dedfromth is proposal. 3 Gutterand downspoutisexcludedfrom thi s proposal , 4 Deck waterp roofingis excluded fro m this pro posal . •• PageJ o fJ III.G t:Zli EKALNOT E."i: IJ Please be ad vised that ma terialsfo r th is p rop osal ha vebeen b id a tc urrent ma rket prices .Due t o vclatiliry of th e market.ma terial prices cannot be guaranteed pa st 30 da ys ."P lease t ake n ote t hat a "letter or intent"re ceived b )"Plath C onstruction ,Inc .within the 30da y period will all ow u s t o"lock in"current m aterial priceseve n if actual purchases are m adeseveralm onths later . 2 ]Plath Construction carries pro perty damage liab ility ins urance in the amount o f $2 ,000,000.00 pe r oc currence .Plath C onstruction carriesa uto Insu rance inth e amounto f$2 ,000,OOO .00.P lath C onstruclion carri esa p propriate W or kman's Compensation insurance through Colorado State Compensation .No further insuran cecoverage IS includ ed in our price,an d if r equired ,the add iti onal costw illbe ad ded [0 the co nt r act pncc . 3 )Upon receipt of t he co ntra c t p nce,P lathCo nst ru ctio n ...a ll is s ueawa r rantv c ert ifi cate gu aranteeing roofing ag ainstleak s d uc t o flaws in w o rkmansh ip fora period o f two ye ars tram th e dat e of rooti ng c ompletio n :Leaks qu alify ing unde r th e t erms o f s aid w a r ranty will be rep a ired p romptl y a t nocos t t o t he own e r .Thi sw arranty docs not co ver an ysu bs eq uent int e riordam a ge t hatmayoc c u r . 4 1 Dueto an extremely bus)'s ummer and fall schedule,all pricing in thi s proposal is contingent upon a cceptance of this proposal b)'July 6 ,1 999 so that work can be completed by the third l\o"eek of July. IV .OPTIO;o.;S: Option HI:Insta ll T ile RoofingAccesso rie s (T.R.A.)Snowc1 ips at theroofs above th epatio .Th e num ber of snowclipsis determined b y a sheathingthicknesso r Yt "C OX ,a roof s lope ,an d a desired s nowload of120Ibs per sq uare foot .The number o f snowc1i ps needed fo r each roofs lope isasfol lows: 'j8 /12 roof slopes require 19cli ps per roofing squ are . b 6/1 2roof s lopes requi re 16 cli ps per roofing square . Price for Option ##2:Add to th e ba se bid S 1.994 .00 •I have priced thi s sys tem in st ead of th esno ....fence system because thi s ,..i ll be the c heaper of thet wo . •• I of.~f-• Yf ":,'_Oi l I'\tJ sl0t'<c ~Ic ;....(" d ,o """'0 ' '-5,"-'-1 E,W -io - I ,-F ;k ~b -I ,r:dy -3r,.- ,'~~ 1 4h 0 'f/}~\( I&>8"r ;p<', 9 1 1~ ~i i ~ '- ~ 1".•1 "{(.,111 ........,I I I I ~, @ I,h '-'a (~.. "'.Vi•I 'I t Co h< TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO REQUES TS-INSPE CTN WORK S HC:ETS FOR:9 /29/19 99 REPT131 09 /2 9/1999 07:~6 ••PAGE AREA;CD ~.- ==========================================~===============~===================== Pho n~;q7 0 -q 4 ~-1 9 05 Phon e: P h one:97 0-94 9 -1 9 05 Activity: Ad d res s: Locati o n: P er-ce 1 : D es cr-f p t i o n: Ap pl i ca nt: O WTl E'r: C ont rac tor': 899 -01 73 9 /29/1~Typ e:A-BUILD ':.'635 LA RK SPUR LN 2&35 LARKSPUR LN 211213-143-01-01214 RE DO ROUF WITH M ~TA L S HINGL E ~'LATH CC JNSTRUCTIO N WINFIELD CRAIG ANDKATHLEEN PLATH CON STkUCTION S tatu ';',:IS SUED Dec: C on s t rs ADUP u ...~:VN t n s.pe c't t o nRe que s t Ln t or-me t t cn •••• R eQu e <;t o r~PAM R ~q Time:01:00 Comm ents :ROOF ItE'm ~~eque sted to be Inspe cted ... 00090 BLDG-Final Action Commen to;T Ime E><p -.1iWJ(l~¥f!d~~A~~it;7!' ==~-----------------~AI~~~~~-~-~f------- In spection History ..... Item:00510 driveway grade fin al It ~m:00010 BLDG-Footing s /StpPl Item:00020 BLDG-Foltndation /S tE.'el lt e~:00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan Itl?m:00030 BLDG-Framing IteM:00040 **Not On F ilp ** Item :00050 BLDG-In sulation Item:00~60 BLDG-ShpptrOCH Nail Item:00080 **Not On File ** Item:00070 BLDG-Mts c. Item:00090 BLDG-Final Item:00530 BLDG-Temp.CIO Item:00540 BLDG -Final C IO • •• TOW N OFVAIL 75 S .F RONT AGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 DEPARTMEN TOF COMM UNITYDEVELOPMENT V~~J:t NoTtAW 9 -1"-9'0 SIi I!>I.iI I NOTE:THIS P ERMIT }ID ST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALLTIM ES ADD/ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT J ob Addr ess:2 635 LARKSPUR LN Lo cat ion ...:26 35 LARK SPUR LANE P arcel No ..:21 03 -14 3 -01 -004 P roj ect No .: Pe rmit #:B96-0 269 Status ...:APP ROVED App lied ..:0 9/06 /19 96 Issued ...:09 /16/1996 Expir es .•:0 3 /15 /199 7 APP LICANT RKD Phon e:30 3476 92 28 1 000 LIONS RIDGE LOOP '3 0,VAIL CO 8 165 7 CONT RACTOR RK D P ho ne :3 03476 92 28 1 000 L IONS RIDGELOOP #30 ,VAIL CO 8 165 7 OWN ER AM SDEN GREGO RY 11 2 635 LARKSPUR LN B,VA IL CO 8 16574156 Descript io n: NEWDECK,RAIL I NG ANDEXTERIOR STUCCO Occupancy : Ty pe Co ns tructi on: R3 V N Sin gle FamilyRe s idence Ty pe V Non-Rated Val uat ion:10,000Add Sq F t : Fi r ~pl~t@ I n fo r ~t ;o n :R!stri cted :#Of G~I Appliance a:1#0f \load /hllet: ***********************************************************FEE SU"KARY ********************************************************** Bullding----->145 .00 Restuarant Pla n R evi~w-->.00 TotaL Calculated Fees --->362.25 Plan t hec k--->94 .2 5ORB Fee ----------------->20 .00 Addi tiona l Fees -).00 I nves tigation).00 Recreation Fee----------).00 Total P e r~i t Fee--------)362 .25 Wil l Ca l l----)3 .00 Clean-Up Oeposit--------)100.00 Pay~n t s ----------------)20 .00 TOTAL FEES----------->362 .25 BALAN CE OUE-------------)342.25 *************************************************************************************************************~********~*****~*~~** Item:0 51 00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09 /16 /1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR Item:0 5400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09 /16 /1996 CHA RLIE Actio n:APPR I tem:0 5600 F IRE DEPARTMENT 09 /16 /1996 CHARL IE Action:APPR Item:05 500 PUBLICWORKS 09/1 6/1 996 CHARL IE Action :APP R Dept: CH ARL IE DA VIS Dept: P ER LAUREN Dep t: N/A Dept: N/A BUILDING Division: PLANNING Division : FIRE Division: PUB WORK Divi s ion: S ee Pa ge 2 of t h is Do cument for a ny cond iti on s tha tma ya pp ly to this permit . DECLARATIONS 1 hereby ac knowledge t~t I n.ve r ead t hi s a ppl ication,f il led out In f ullthe 1nf o Nlat1 on r equ;red ,ee.p leted an a ccurat e p lot plan ,and I tate t ~t all the infor.ation pr ovided a s r equired i s cor r .ct.1 'gr ••to ee.p l y with the i n f o ~t i on a nd pl otp la n, t o cc.ply with all T~ordina nces and state laws ,and t o bui ld t h i ~~t ructu r e a ccording to t he Tow n '.zoning and s ubdivi sion codes.,,~-'lVi ~~rovt'd,Un ifor.Bui ld ing Code and other ord inance s of t he Town app licable t hereto . :CTlONS SHALL BE M OE T\lENTY-FOU R HOO RS I N AOV ANCE BY TELEPHON E AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OF FICE FROIl 8 :00 All 5 :00 PI1 SIGHATUR E OF OWN ER OR CON TRA CTOR FOR HI IlSELf AND ~NE R r . ~•• page 2 .**•••••**••••*********.******************************._._•••_------_._------_.- CONDI TI ON S Permit I :B96 -0269 a s o f 09 /16 /96 Statu s---:APPROVEDw_*_w_*wk.kk._••*__****_*._***••W kk_.**********_ Permit Type :ADD /ALT SFRBUILD PERM IT App licant--:RKD 30347692 28 J ob Add re ss:2 635 LARKSPUR LN Loc at ion ---:2635 LARKS PUR LANE P arcel No--:2 10 3-1 4 3-0 1-004 Des cr ipt ion : NEW DECK ,RAIL ING AND EXTE RIOR STU CCO App1ied --:09 /06/1996 I ssued ---:09 /16 /199 6 To Exp ire :03 /15 /1 997 *wwkwkkkkkkk Conditions ---_._---------*----.._.._ 1 .FI ELD I NSPECTI ON S ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMP LIANCE . 2 .SMOKE DETECTOR S ARE REQUI RED I NALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS P ER SEC .1 210OF THE 1 991UBC. 3 .ALL WOO D MU ST COM PLY WI TH 1 991 UBC SEC 2 516 r ~......••••••...~...~..•••...••••.......•••••.~.•.•...••.•.. TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORA DO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Numbe r:REC-020 3 Amou nt : Payment Method :CK Notat ion :#97 342 .2 5 09/20 /96 13:42 Init:CD ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPE 3 42 .25 Permit No : Pa rcel No : Site Address: Location : Th is Payment B96 -0269 Type :A-B UILD 2103-143-01 -004 26 3 5 LARK SPUR LN 26 35 LARKSPUR LANE Total Fees : Total AL L Pmts : Balance: 362 .25 362 .25 .00___________*.*••*__*_._*.....*__*•••**••••_._••w•••*_**_ AccountCode 01 0000 4 131 0 0 1 0 00 04 1332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 413 36 Descr ip t ion BUI LDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CH ECK FEES CLEANU P DEPO S ITS WILL CA LL I NSPECTION FEE Am o unt 1 4 5.00 9 4.25 1 00.00 3 .00 ~*c o n t a c t Eagle c ount y.es s ors Office • (a t 970-328-8640 lor 01 r.TOWN OFVAIL CONST'l!!JCTION PARCEL ,:PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE:_ PER>l IT 1__ 2(,35 Fil inql__:'-':-.:-_~lI!l ml.!.Qlil...:IlQ!l....=!:!:!.l!lli~~ W5-]L,R.I(,JM':lJl.¥ 2.. Address: Job Address: Legal Description:Lot ~ Owners Name: Job Name: tI APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~*.*.******.**.*.******••***••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••***••••••••••**•••••** [J-Buildinq [J-Plumbinq [J-Electrical [J-Mechan1cal ~-Other _ HS Architect:tvA Address:Ph._ General Description:},lEI.)~rtiOk :SJ\!e(Q"!Jc,ol).Jioi!.l6-.Mru..U(ll t ~iYtlfr~; Work Class:[J-New [J-Alteration [J-Additional [J-Rcpair [J-Other _ Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Acco~odation Units: Gas Loqs Wood/Pellet,_x:mber and Type 'of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances .**~***.**.******************.***VALUATIONS •••••*••••**••••••***•••••••••••* J5qb-02IoCf BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$t:::.1g:=~tJt:t)~;-====PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$ ~***.***********••**.*******CONTRACTOR IN~URMATION *******•••••****••*•••••••*~~neral Contractor :~KJ2 Town of Vail R~9.NO.~~(3 .Address:1000 l..io""IYM"1ffi;;1I'3D,VAil,CO .BI ~5 1 Phone Nut!ber:_4'Jt,-.n:tfj - Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail R.oe:q~.-.:N~O~.====Phone Number :_ Plumbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Req.NO._ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor:Address:_ Town of Vail Req.NO._ Phone Number:'_ **********~•••*~•••*•••••*•••••• BUILDING PER~IT FEE: PLUM BING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRI CAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OFFEE: ORB FEE: TYPE GROUP Comments: SQ.FT .VAWATION FOR OFFICE USE .*. BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK TEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE:_ RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES : eUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: 'CLEAN UP DEPOSIT I1.EFllIlD TO:tl7zf4-flrruooJ 2'35-1>1.JlR..-.JPuR.Lc.J,.\f......r,.,,fl./!.~ town of val 75 .auth frontage-ro.d VIlli ,eereraee 811557 (303 )4 7 9-2 138 o r 47 9-2139 • o"lce 01 community development TO: FROM: DATE: S UBJECT : ALL CONTRACTORS CURRE:NTLYL REG:ISTERED W:ITH THE TOWN OF VA:IL TOWN OF VA:IL PUBL:IC WORKS /COMMtlll:ITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCT:ION PARKING &MATER:IALSTORAGE In summ ary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUd ing trash dumpsters,portable to ilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk ,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The riqht-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.·off pavement . This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the To wn of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating th is ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comp ly wi th the not ice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notifie d.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects at any street or alley or any utilities in the r ight-a-way. To review ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thanky ou for y our cooperation on his matter. fe:;""-I-1-:,..-~ff-:1'--:T~________ )l~~~~~=---_ osition/Relat20nship to Project (i .e.contractor,owner) ~Date#C. 7Ssouth tronwgl!'road nil,colorado 11657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • office 0'community development BUILDING PE~1IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this perm it requ ires a TownofVail Fire Department Approval. Engineer '-s (Public Works)review and approval.aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review.and areview by theBuilding Department.the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three wee ks. Al l commercial (large orsmall)and all multi-family permitswill have to foll ow the above mentioned maximum requirem ents.Resident ial and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount of time .However,i f residenti"al or smaller projects impact the various abovementioned department s with regard to necessary review,these projects may als o ta ke thethree week period . Every attempt willbe made by this department to exped ite thi s permit;assoonas possible . I .the un~ersigned.understand theplan cheC K procedure and ti me frame . ~AtwDJ Exrriziofl.. Pro j ect Name ~Date WorK Cormwni t y Sheet was turned into the Devel oom ~~t Department. , TO: FROM: DATE: RE: •MEMORANDUM. ALLCONTRACTORS TOWNOFVAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHENA "PUBUC WAY PERMlr'ISREQUIRED ~.,Job Name :r fj<,TfT?IOfL-· Date:I Please answ~t efOllOwing questionnaire regarding theneedfora"PubficWayPermit"; 1)Isthis anewresidence? 2)Isdemolition work being perlormed thatrequires the use01theright 01 way,easementsorpublic property? 3)Isanyutility work needed? 4)Isthed riveway being repaved? 5)Isdifferentaccessneededtosita other thanexisting driveway? 6)Isanydrainage work being done affecting therightofway,easements, orpublic p roperty? 7)Isa"Revocable Right Of Way Permn" required? 8)A..Is therightofway,easements or public property tobeusedlo r staging, parkingor fencing? B.Ifnoto8A,isaparking,staging orfencing plan required byCommunity Development? /' If youansweredyestoanyoflhese Questions,a 'Public Way Permn"mustbe obtained . "PublicWayPermit"appfications may be oblainedatthePublic Work's officeorat Communijy Development.If youhaveanyquestionspleasecallCharlieDavis,theTuwn ofVailConstruction Inspector,at479·2158 . Ihavereadand ans~ere(tll.lnh~~Jve a iO . A [/oJ tuoe:~L~ JobName ==:':"::==-;;C::on::;:;:::;jo~s'""iS;'iig::n~at::'u:::r;;;e---,~j-'r~---- ~ _...,~_.~. -~....... J /t(Ir~y CtIrlify tMt t his imp for tit.martgDg.hlndv and kJnd ~y plat or impro.-n vpOfl Icr t il.u t(Jb//smn.,.,t " l iml lI.I flJrther c~tlf,y tllat , "'"tills da t.,ere.",•• of 111 ..~fIXe."o , rM~d premfs.s b f'(}. ltl d/cal M,on d tllat 1./'1",."is I Q'(;$sing or bU/'l:hfliflg tmy PQ. ]hi,cerllficQt.d~$not con, £n gintHril!g t o d "tfln1lirf"01'/1 inft:;lrmQtlon ,,,g<Vrf1l'l9 ""$,,",. Jnl..-Ait;>lJflfr1in r.ied upon Lc Comm itmlNlt C!rd(1r No.V227. ., loT SETcllCKj 1D'F lZil lJr .15'51DI:f J3I\GIL 'PlJEWc.-S;El1.Y;Lt iiIIS'EASi:H£J. l:f:Ct::~.srAiR. AD.DinotJ r-I 2635 LA RKSPUR COURT ..'~':::VEMEN T LOCATlON CERTlFlCA TE ---.j LO T 2,BLOCK 2 . VA IL iNTERMOUNTA IN DEVELOPMEN T SU80l VTSlON, - ---LOT 1 I&1o £x~i1~STA;~ JI.Il1TlLL fJE;.)DEC.J(. AND ,sTl\iIl.'> \;\., ~ ~ ~ \'"\~c:) '">.'2a O~~ \ ~' ",' ~­:;;'">.N,,'< ~~13.0 '!. ~;;'1'" R =50.00 ' L =.lJ'5.90 '" I "'~",%.0>,.I ~~/,,0 I p~"%~~(,Olj 4~/(.~ o 0 .0IEASEMENT'9"$ 8001<4 72 PACE:1 ~~,v'~ '1o..~'f.SI ~O ~-J V '\, LOT3 •PJfDter.MoaDtaDa AAEngmeerintrUoL ~ -no'-:;;0::1rT12, 0;,1- 0"" -0 NOT/C£.'Acccti#IIg t a C¢lorado fa_)OU mUlrt comm.,.,u any 169'"at!'t!6lf-tiaftd upon any dtlfect if /his ~y ",ithin t!>t'N ~air",.)'OU trn d!$CD _wdJ dtlft1C t. In no "..,~moyt1fly ac tion b and upon any dt"~t .n thh ~y 0.~c"d mon t1uJrI t(lff .J"!'Of'S from til.~t"(If crtlfit;o tfuJ !IIlorm h ...-n. LO T 5 1'.a IIO¥gill ()(J17~RCI.ol.? A iO'(ca.a..USJ'rJ (XlJ)14~_~U •• T ~ 1 t.£..4--Q --~1~~-I I- 1 ':l---~U), ~~._- 01 '.>I.w:z u j UJ PI -~ •~:i•:2<fJ "J L. I ~ '\ I 'v ~~ ~ \ -\_/'..:::~n r I I 1 I I II , , I .~e s i gn Review Actio.orm TOWN OF VAIL Category N umber'_ Project Name:AmI"cLe V\-t --R"f:?/'1 r l'..; Building Name:_ ProjectDescription:trr0'1 C.e -=r:.111 1.AII ~h \~".,1\)0 «1 Si d I /0 ::; Zone District B LcS,,,,--_ Motion by:_ Archi tect/Contact,Addres sandPhone:_ Legal Description:Lo t .7-Block z....Subdivision 101 cy y'Y'\<""1v"h Ut\. Project Street Address:Z-lo2?1.0.r ~-:'f"A ''--I to."-'-- Comm ents :S+l l r I (.~IAJh1 f"',,"---_ 111001 S'"'''b'''Lklt>+C-yL'W Board /~ Vote:_ Seconded by:~_ o Appro val o Disapp roval A Staff Approval Conditions:_ Town Plan ner Date:-,'r'-'"""-\,-'-''-'---'-'''------------DRB Fee P re -p aid -.J-""2-~O:::..:.J-LJdcO[LJpZJ.<L ---.:... l, • '..•• -10:J 7 'I,.,• I ""'ret J:)s:t.'RI\i L.i tJCr ro6-t-l i 1'1 Pitta,;f'r I..S • Sl1\ill-K~'C At.U>¥Ut-J I L0 i.Dnt . - ..-'0"9n Review ActionFo• TOWN OFVAI L Category Number'___________Date.;J lt-\\A 8.4 10 A 1J ".,j·\'.J-J ProjectName:m <Sde1l\...-K"p'ln ...:;;:«1,'15 wei no/21Ib\~;eybn::J" Zone District e,-,~=--_ Motionby:_ Building Name:_ Project Description:fr1"j2~Cz -r:Iii lll l-SfJ,CI'.il '4 l!Joa=l 5,,{dlll-"Ia~·f:5~------- ArnsckY\.2-<"35 -3, Architect/Co ntact ,Address and Pho ne:_ Legal Description :Lot -z-.Block z.-Subd ivisio n.J n -t vv \I'Y'!")\!m ,jn Project Street Address:2--IQ'72 /..,a..-l::<irpuYc I "-""'=' Comments:s.±11,l.,.LC-"~'"'o"_=""--"lMYi""-"u:'k""___ wood SiA'4,'"\,(~+"f'''''\ Board I~~ct i o n=:> Vote:_ Seconded by:._ o Approv al o Disapproval A s taff Appro val Conditions:_ Town Plann er Date:~Al!\0,Q Ie ORB Fee p re -pa i d _-t.fZ.::;O~.~Q~O.LpP'~d-L·------ The followinq information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given : LI ST OF MATERIAL S• Nl\ME OF PROJECT:A t\S DetJ brmufJ<,~!ffill8.. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT-.1.....BLOCK...2...-SUBDIVISION V".".LlIEe,moIllJrn" STREET ADDRESS:2b35 Laweu.Ut.JE" .. tJ/A'--------- A.BUILDING MATB RIALS: OLD Roof TYP B OF !&! MATERIAL COLOR Windows W I/Ill: /.8"Sf'»J71f V-~S,Q: Q!!.i.UG-Hl GriY A.figJ,6nJ,?:'N -Stucco 13U7TDfTI ~ lJxJ.v .901.(Jrr (1b,j{f)1I7IlY TOf %Z A~ Siding S1tteAro T-JlL Other Wall Materials Soffits -Fascia _Window Trim Doors Door Trim -Hand or Deck Rails Flues e-:'lte:10P (/'.I>J,J1>f9 fDft>J) -~:J ~,"'RK i"Pil!CE.j ~fX+'po",S ~O~ooqM4 '\11.,.....~. Flashings -Chimneys 5nxco Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining walls Exterior Liqhtinq Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Desiqner: Phone: 7 PLANT MATE R.S: PROPO S ED TREES AND SHRUBS Bo tan i cal Name Quantit y .Size - -Indi cate ca liper for deciduou s trees.Minimum caliper fo r deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for con if erous trees .Minimum h eight for c on iferous t r ees is 6 fee t. --In di c ate si ze o f prop osed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs i s 5 ga llon. SquareFootage '..,...•......~" »:C t,,1 D. GROUND COVER S SOD SEED TYPE OFIRRIGAT I ON TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSIONCONTROL ··LAND SCAPE LIGH TING:If ext erior lighting is proposed.please show the n umber of f ixtu res and locations o na separa te ligh ting plan.I dentify e ach fixture from the lighting plan in t he space b elowa nd provide the he igh t above grade.type of lig ht ·pro posed,l umen outp ut ,luminous a rea and a cut sheet of the 1iqht fixture.(S e ction 18 .5 4.0 50 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences.swimming p ools ,etc .)Pleas e spe ci fy.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum heigh t of walls with in the front setback is 3 ".Maximum h eight of wa l ls elsewhere on the property is 6'. 8 S.mne J.Dugan,B&er 2642 Kmrucklnnlck Court •Vail.Color<t<1o USA 8 165i Ma iling AdJ~;P.O.Box Ji68 •Vail.Co JorAdt l USA81655 T fV .,C (970)416-0164 -,FAX (970)4 76 ~2 5 64 •E ·M~il J UlZ 3 n~ha il.n c lown0atommumtyDeveopmetlt A pril12,1998 Att:Ru ss F orre st D earRu ss : Date Rece ive APR 13 19 98 j I will beinand o ut of town t he nextmonthso wa ntedtog elthis t oyou i n the event o ne of my neighbors wishedt o c reate a walkway ea sement acro ss the ir property . I o bject toany easements being:c reated due to noise andtra sh .I cleaned myyard ye sterdayandwh ere p eople have beencrossing .o n neighbor 's pro perty ,the re were cigarette b ut s andbee r bo ttlest hrowninto my p ropert y.No tt o men tio n dog poop!AndI have hadan ong oing noise problem . Plea sep lace a co py o fth is letter ineach o fmy neighbor 's files so t he reis no qu est io n of my object ion : Gra y on lo t 6 b lock 2 Intermountain M illero nlot 4 block 2 Int ermountain Sullivan/Springero nlo t 3 block 2 Intermo unta in Amsdenlot 2 block 2 Intermountain Meadow Creek which I do not know t heirlotandblocknumberexc ept Mead ow Creek Subdivi sion I also und erstand that lo t Iblock 2 Intermo untain(S hawn Weyrauch o w ner)is orma y be a pp lyingfo r a n exte nsion onto his du plex.I objecttot his du e t o thelack of parking .I hadaprob lemth iswi nter withhis g uests/tenantsparking in my d riveway a ndtr e spassing th rou g h my property t ogo t o tha t hou sea ndI know th atot herneighbors havealsoh ad t hesame problem . S incerely, ~~~- •• ,. ,.-Jo , .", .;:.:: :::::....... '"'. "':"'1"":"......,,;.. ::.::::.'.~ MATCH LINE SEESHEET2 ..D , LOT 1 20.0' • ~,..--+-wr-liE>!:D Eo:.AN)) .....Ai IS (!lti ;J;~, 21 fi fJll><'\ l'f.A "EM;RAi~U;.) __--"i-- b,.=42'1 7'i?<, R =50.00' I "\~...~~=f6.9 ~~,\!cj /~~A GO (&"- <"'/"%.,0 /EASEMEN T /"'9';0 ~o, \,t'~'f.l60 '"TWO-STORY ~ '"W/WALKOUT <.n. ~BASEMENT <.n_ JID.~E i6 rif AklVii.1r00 OC =5 IT. (lbiN]"A) • LOT5 NOTlC£:According toColorodo l ow you must commenctl any 1~901 octlon basN upon any d~f«:t In this $urwy within th ~~)«1 r$oft~)'011 first dlscolll!tr such dttft!Ct. In no ttVfNlt.mayanyaction bosttd upon any def«t in this !1Urwy b6 commtNIctld m ortl Man tIM ~!rom thtl dot.01 CtIrllficat lon shown h ",..M. SUTE U" 1420 1'4Ya"S 7RffT 1--1-------1L.AA'rItOOO.caa.1JO:J1$ (JDJ)2'»-0134 1-+---1 VA. 1, •• • '....... I h8reby ctH1JIy that t hIs improvemtlnt location ctH1lficat~was prttpartKI for the mortgoge I tlfldlV and the tlt/e Insurance company.that I t Is not 0 land su,..".,y p lot or ImprotlefTlMI sur.ey p lot,and that It Is n ot t o btl rtti/tId upon for the tlsfoblishmtlnf o f fMce.building,or othlV futurtl Impro Vl!lfT1 N1 t l!nlts-/furfll",-e e lily that t he ImproWlmtlflts on t he oboWl described parcM on thIs dot..tlxcep f utQlty c onntICtlOI7 s.arl!l tmflrflly within thlt boundaritls of t flll porcfl!,tl xctlpl as shown,tha t t httrtl or.no tmCf"OOchmtNJts upon the dflscribttd prttmlstls by ImprowlhuJnts on ony adjoining prtlmlstls.tlxc~t as Indlcot~and that theTIt Isno opportlnt tl vldtln~or sign o fany tHlSMrltlnt crossing or burdtming OIly port of said po rCtll.tlxc~t 0$not~ ThIs eMf/fico/if dOllS n ot con stitute 0 tit/if s tl arch by In t er-Moun t aIn £nglntlttrJng to dtlt~/nt1 own ~ip or tIOsM'ltmfs o f r«ord.For all information r tlgordlng tlOSM'/ffflfs,rlt}hts-of-woyor tltl.of r«Ord. InttH"-Moun to ln rtH~d upon Land nt/If Cuarrm/lflf Company AL TA Comm l tmtNIt Ordlfr No.V227J4. 2 6 35 LARKSPUR COURT fJC'S;I{NClJ _~ IMPROVEMENT LOCATlONCERTlACA TC ,'11141111DIlAIItHR~TV -LOT 2,BLOCK2 ,f.,,"'" tHt:JtnJ .~='*-2 0'VAILINTERMOUNTAINDEVELOPMENTSUBDIVISI ON.O.O.F. EA GL ECOUNTY.COLORADO n:lJ)/KJOI(285 ,,~g<n~,OF ,50 A L:~'-!',I oo • S 4 .00 •,• 3 • S • 537 .• • • • • S5.00 • s•. c..., O R A1 AM£]<; • CRF.cKJ ),(A,J)E fA \'.ulU TO TOWN O F ,.,tJL !TL\f--'-.'------'-'--"-'-NO;:c.-.&TA,X"'-.COSTU ''.-TOTAL ' S S40 P R M N tENDM A ,A A NAl US· A RAT A RA TI ON .t N A ,SP S A A 0 10 AL A AR NATIOS I PR A SIGNIOA RD F I INVEAN FE ( PA x NO .WSPAP S A ':A a.:4 •STATE 4J ..1.0%TOWN STIGA • xccocsr x e AD~~_ .... ....- CAS!![X IM .OW ••..-. \ l -------------......-- RECEIPT -TheTownor Vail i!47347 DOLLARS s ZO 00-------'--"'V,HV'f iL-_ Permit Numben_-,-_ HOW PAlD-C ash ~OIe Ck --- Police Receipt Numbers _ By -L 1,)../(,Ce q =p.. ----------------------------------~=-..-.--..-._-~--_. TOWN OF Vf=lI L l'Iisce-l l arle'OU S Cash -------------------- Rec~i pt •20 2867 Rccount .. GR EG R'ISDEM 'PREPRID DRB FEE RlOO urn t e-n~"'E'd )2 0 .00 I t Eft pa i d ~t paid GIGGGG 413JlBGG Ch ange-re-turned > 2G.GG 13.(1 0 THf=lNK YOU YO ur ca shi e-r ~EID ]---------------- J HN Ufl s e ....5 . 10/S.1t ""...APPLZClITI""~=,----.:.tt+'''\::~uwq JAN 15 1996 4-:CO IW-\ V-COMM .DEV.DEPT. ia te s.Inc • 7HOm'8-79 D . •••• C.PIlOPKRtl'OllNXJl{S)_'!'!!!i!.l!j~t~r~~~~~~~~f:~'I...-Ill .,_.....t&l_ MUt.ll'G ~WeS l:tita r H a nK Buj I di D9 1 08 S.Frontage Ro ad West PHOtUi 4 76 -2Q 02 LOCA1'Io:!t OF »to'OS&L:36 2 V 11 V 1 1 D 'I'I'P.£&T 1oJ)OMSS:aa e y r ~ve L07~SU3DmSIOl'.,Pa t tQ f Tract B p Va j 1 Village ., 57lll'1niD,~KJlVB£,QPIS fa ~lIMES or QliJilER$o.,First r iling .I.LL P!tDPZIt':"l"~'I'D tHB S~l"~n AXD A LIST OF tBZ1I\19.\DS AND KULDA;~SE!I. 'r ,1\7In.II:Il::El'ORT 'TO vlJUn ~Bll'MD D$SiUM1S. II .Four It)ccp.i&l o !~foll0w4...ng i a f"g rruUoo ·bluat.be ou blUtt.eG t A.o.t_UBd."rit.t.en/9nPhic ~1ptiOll of proposal: e ,Ion.eD"Plro1lDlOD~.l 1.llIpaat.~R aWI ,U.IN ~dt.t-.cl to tho z.on1nq acSldn1ttra.tor in accordance _itb Cb.ptRr 18 .S6 Mreot:~l""wa.1vecl by S.et.ioft 18 .56.03(1 ..e MlllPt projects; c .All open SPllCil and.~.t.1~:I.plan nff1elent t.o neet. tbe ~.nda 94J1HW&tecl !PT UI.deYaloplllU:lt wi thout lolnQue bUrden on ava.11able or propoee4 public :I:oc 1l1t.:lu. D.biatin;comOllrll tw...-it.c9 CODt.01U i.J::tt erval.or not.eeee ~an ££'..feet U the average _lope or t ta.aiw :i.a t.trerlt)'percent ·or IN.,Or wiu CODt.O'l:Ir 1nt.J:"YU8 o f DO't'more tl1S tfIQ r-.t l r ;.bt .nel;il'iil""»1g;J8 o f tboa wJ.t.v t.~Nt.er the.twent.y parc.m:. E .A propoA@d dt8 plan,at:~8ale not aaaller thaD OD!! inC1 equOl18 n.n.;r r~,~L.a9 th"a ppro"tJ-te l ocaU QtI.S and ~a.iana oL aU bulld!tl9S and rtrua:ures..lUlU t.htJrw1n,~all pc1.nc lplll .It_ o.v.l~:teature...such ...l andseapgd.aI-..5, n~..a ....LlloHJ.ll l rAC.l.l..i.~..,,pedetltrlan p l ..._4.Qo.2 waUwarG.&CJ%"Oica ~t"doar 4r£vewa rt.and oft-street p a;k1."\9'.00 l~u ...7 1th propoavd.l;QIlt..ouxti &£ter gradit\IJ antS dt.e deftlopNDt.F .1 t l ar;o~'ftV ._. TOTFL P .e2 • L.ob..l.iL€.~."51)0 Arne.l...Jornez...tr Lh"v.....,q £-rD L"CJhn"~ /hilZ.D CJ-IU ~paovl'1l-c:t...rlrzJL~p-'12 LAJ-.lE:. [HU iu -n-e t..O(2NiL/E B/ckj Nor ~. I TOWN OF VA IL 75S outh Frontage Road Va i,Colo rado 8 1657 97 0-479-213 1V479-2139 FAX 97 0-479-2452 May 7,1996 Mr.David Smith P.O.Box8227 Rocky Mount.NC 27804 ••FJLE COpy Departmentof Communiry Development RE:Corn ice Building EHU Requirements Dear Mr.Smith: The purposeof this letter istoconfirm that the CorniceBuilding SODrequirement for three(3) o ff-siterestrictedemployeehousing units (EHU's)3S stipulatedinparagraph I.,Section 6.,of Ordin ance No.7,Series 1994 (asamended by Ordinance No.8,Series 1996)has been satisfied. Comp liance with this requireme nt also releases youfromthe obliga tions containedinthe employee housingagreementdatedMay2,1985 betweenWalter HuttnerandtheTown of Vail. A separateagreement betweenyouandtheTownsuitablefor recordi ng with theEagleCounty Clerk and Recorderhas been prepared which formally releasesyou from the obligations contained intheMay 2,1985 agreemen t. Upo n yourrequest.atemporary certificate ofoccupancy will be issuedbythe Departmen t of Community Development s ubject toreview andapproval of all otherapplicab le building code r eq uirements andORBand Planning Commission conditions of approva l. Sincerel y. Geor ge Ruther GR!ir •TYPEIEMPLOYEE HOUS INGUNIT. RESTRICTIYE COY ENAtfI WH EREAS.GREGORY H.AM SDEN'istheown erof ce na in property ("the Ow ner!described as:LOT2 !BLOCK 2 ,VAIL IN TE RMO UNTAINSUBDI VISION 2635 -8 LARKSPU R LANE ___________________("the P ropotty");and WHEREAS.the ONner wish es 10 p lace certain restriction s on t he useo f a un it orapartm ent loca ted on t he Property for the benefit o f the Ow ner and the Town o f Va ll ,Colorado rthe Townj. NOW .THEREFORE.the 0Nner does hereby impo se .es tablish,acknow ledge ,dec lare tor thebene fit of a ll pe rsons who m a y here in af1 er purc hase .or l ease ,o rho ld the subj&d 1800 the fol lo wiOij restrctons , cov enants,and co ndi1 ions ,all o f which shall be d eemed to run with the l ard and inu re to the be nefit and be bind ingupon th e Owner.it s respective gr antees,succe ssors,andassigns . 1.The Emplo yee Ho us ing U nit ,co nta i ning !ZL square f eet,is hereby re strictedasa T ype I EmployeeHousing Unit (EHU)whichmust co mply w ith all the provisions 01 Sections 18 .57 .020,18.57.030,and 18 .57.040 of theVail Municipal Code as amended. Th e Type I E mployee Ho us i ng U nit s hall be le ased 10 tenants who are fu ll-time employees w ho work in Eag le Cou nty.AnEHUs hall not be le ased fo r a period less than t hirty con secutive da ys .Fo r the purpo ses of t his section.afull-t ime employee is one who works an averageo f th irty hourseach w ee k.. AType I EHU may be sold,transferred ,or conveyed ssparately from any single family or two familY dwe lling o nly If it meets thefo llowing r.ondnion~: a)h.rrost be used by tho 0Nn9l'of the Typo 1 EH U asa permanent residence .For thG purpo se o f t his parag raph ,a permanent re sidence shallmean th e home or place In which on e'sh abitation i sfixed andtow hich o ne ,whenever h e orshe is absent has a present in1 entionof ret urn ing aft era depart....e or absfilOC9 therefrom r&G&."d !g~S of the d urationo f abs ence .Indet ermin ing what is a permanem res ide nca ,tha T~T1 staff s halltakethe following ci rcumstances relatingto th e Owner of the resider.c&Into account :businesspu rsuit s,employment ,i ncome sources,resi<:!e0C8 to r income o r ather tax purposes,age ,marnal status,residence of parents.spouse and c.h i!oren Ii any ,location of personal andreal propeny,and motor ve hicle reg i 8 ~ati on . b )Ifa Type IEHUisso ld,tr ansferred,o r conveyed separately f rom th e o ther untt in a T~Fam ity dwelli ng it i s a part of ,th en t:oththe Type I EH U and the unttto which it is attached sh all be subj ect to a ll the provlsions setfo rthIn Section 18 .57 .020 . 2. ~ \.t,. 3. 4.T heTy pe I EHU s:-,a11nc~be divided into any fOHl1 c t urnesbares,l merval ownership .o r fractional fee owne rsh~asthose terms are defined in the MlrIlcipai Code o fth e T own o f Va il. 5.No laterth an February 1of each year ,the owner ofeach employee hous ing un it withi n the town which is construct ed iollowing the effective date of thi s chapters hall sLbmit two copies 01 a r eporto n afo rmto be obt ained from t he Commun ity Deve lopment Department,to the Commun ity Deve lopment Department of theTownofVa il and Chairman of the Town 01Vail Housing AuIhority setting forth 8'lkjence estabtishing that the employee housi ngunit has been rented th roughout the year ,th e rental rat e ,th e e mployer ,and th ateac h te nant who resides w ithin the employee hous ing unit is afull -time employee In Eag le Co unty . 0 9U631 B-694 Sara J .Fisher P -636 Uo/l o/96 03 :0 9P PG 1 OF ~ Eagle Co un ty Cle rk &Recorde r 1 REC 1 1.0U DOC 6.The owner _ach EHUshal l rent the unitat amomh ly "at rate consistent wTth o r lower ~ than those market rates prevalent torsimilar properties in t heTownofVail. 7. 8. TheTownof Val Housing Authority will detemline the market rate based on the study of other un its of comparable size ,locat ion.qua lity and amen ities throughout the Town.The market ,a te shall be based onan average of 8 minimum offiverental rates of comparable units .If theunitIs not rentedandisnot available at the market fateitshall be determined to be in noncompliance .Inadd itiontoan y othe r pen alties and restrictio ns prov idGd herein,a unit found to be innoncompliance shall be subject topubl ication asdetermined by the Housil'Ytl Authority . Fifty percent o f the parking req uiredfor th e Type I EHU shall be enclosed."a garage is to bes hared by both the primary residence and the Employee Housing Un it .access to the garage from the Employee Housing Unit shall be guaranteed by the owner o f the primary residence . 9. 10 . 11. Thirty da ys prior to the tr ansfero f a deed fora Type I EHU ,th e prospective purchaser sh all submit anapp lication to t he Community Deve lopment Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meets the aiteria set forth above and shall includeanaffidavit affirming tha t he or she meets these criteria. The provisions of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by the ONner andthe Town . T he cond itions,restr ictions,stipu latkms ,and agreements contained h ereins hall not be waived ,abandoned ,terminated,or amendac:l except by thewritten consent ofboththeTown o f Vail and t he (),tiner of the property . ...o By : T OWN OF VAIL ,a Colorado mu nicipa l corporation Boc W.Mclaurin,Town Manager "'~ "'I 00.. ""', "' Th e ior6gc.!ng instrumentwas acknowledged be fore me th is I t,t'd ay of _---'::>'''''''---__I I .t ~~~e.:-- No (a:y Pl ~jC .j _Eo WIIalt.Not.y N>Ic --=-7,f===r,~~"-:J--""::My:ConrrissIon E>!>R'6-17·199975S.Fmnt:aa:e Raad By : My co Pr n; #,•.~:..'..' ~,.",.' ....- r- ,.-- ,. ',~..... ...:..'. ThoforegoingInstrumontwasacknowledged beloro moth is "dayof A-PI?I L-1'l7{. -cft o I T I L /:J d l()(',l<f.{)C '-r: otary Public - TC""!OF VAIL C ~_CF THE TO WN CLERK 7 'c ONTAGE ROAOvi....~l.CO R A OO 81657 2 •• VAIL T OWNC OUNCIL • 7:30 P .M . 7 :35 P.M. 1 . 2. TUESDAY,MAY 7,1996 7:30 P,M,IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPAN DED A GENDA CITIZEN PARTICIPATION . Consent Agenda : A .Approval oftheM inutesforthe meetings of Apr il2 and16,1996. 7:40 P.M .3 . Domi nic Maurello Tom Moorhead 8 :10 P .M .4 . George Ruther Ordinance No.7 ,Seriesof1996,firs t reading ofan ordinance amending Title16Zoninq .Chapters18.12 (Two-Family Residentia l (R )District),18 .1 3 (Primary/SecondaryRes idential Distnct,18.54 (DesignReview ),18.56 (EnvironmentalImpa ct Reports ),18.5 8(SupplementalRegu lations),18.60 (Condit ionalUse Permits},18.62(Variances),a nd18.66 (Administra tion) wTth respect to Admin istration and Appeals Procedure oftheVa il Municipa l Code . ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:App rove/deny /modify Ordinance No . 7 I Series of1996,on first reading . BA CKGRO UND RATION ALE :On March 5,1996 ,t heCouncil rev iewed a proposal to consolidatea ndamend the appealsprocess for theZon ing C ode .C ouncilrecommended thattheproposa l bereworked in order to prese rve anapplicant's ability to appeal tothe Town Coun cil and to preserve Council's abilitytocall-upadecision ofstafforoneoftheboards .The proposal has been revised to comply with Council's concerns .T herevised policy consolidat es the appeals process inone chapter ofthe ZoningCode. AmemointheCounci l packe t,dated Ma y 7,1996detailsthe proposed code changesand process . STAFF RECOMMENDATION :Staff recommends approva lof Ordinance No . 7 ,Se rie s of 1996,on first read ing . Ordinance No.8,Series of 1996,second reading ofan ordinancerepealing and reenact ing Ordinance No.7 ,Series of 1994,to amend the development plans and allow forfleX ibility in the outd oorlighting requirement forSpecia l Development Dist rict No.32.in accordan cewithChapter18.40ofthe Town of Vail Municipa l Code;a nd sett ing forth details in regard thereto. A CTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Approve ,approvewith modifications, ordeny Ordinan ce No.8,Series of1996. BA C KGROUND RAT IONALE :On Tuesday,Ma rch 5,1996 ,Tom Braun, representing David Smith.appeared before the Vail Town council for first reading of an ordina nce repealing Ordi nance No.7 ,Series of 1994,toallow forthe const ruct ionofaType III emplo yee hous ing unit within the Cornice Bui ld ing andto all owfor greater flex ibility inthe outdoor lighting requirement for the Cornice Building .The applicant has since withdrawn his request for a Ty pe IIIemploye e housing unit w:thin the Cornice Ouilding ,however, continues to request theflexibility inthe outdoor lighti ng requirement forthe Corn ice Building .Ordinance No.8 ,Series of 1996,hasbeen amended to reflect thecurrent reques t. Asyou will reca ll,the applicant is requ e sting approval ofaMajor AmendmenttoSpecia l Development District No.32,to allow for twel ve outdoo r light fixtu res on the Cornice BUil ding.Acco rding to existi ngT own of Vail Design Guideline s,only three outd oor lights would be allowed onthe propert y(oneper1,000 sq .ft.oflot a rea).Theapp licant hasind icated that th e abnormal ly sma lllot size of the Cornice BU ild ing lot does not adequately •• 8:30 P .M.5 . Russell For rest 8:40P .M .6 . M ike Mo llica 9:10 P.M .7 . A ndy Kn udtsen addresst hetrueoutdoorlighting needsofaresidentialpr operty .T he prop osedlighting plan h asbee n illustratedon amendeddev elopment pla ns . STA FF RECOMMENDATION:Inaccor dance w ith the memorandum prepared bystafffor the PlanningandEnvironmental Commission(2112196), theCommunity Development Departmentrecommends approvaloft he proposed Major Amendment t oSpe cial Development D istrict No .32 ,the Cornice B uilding . ResolutionNo.6,Se riesof 1996 toado pt t he 2 08Reg ianX II W ater Q uality Man agementPlan. A CTION REQUES TED OF COUNCIL:Rev iew the208 Plan an dcons id er adoption ofth is planfo r the Town of Va il. BACKGROU ND RATION ALE:The208plan isarequ ired planfor coordinated regional w ater quality m anagement underS ection 208ofth eFederal Clean Water Act T here aretwo volumes of the 208plan.Vo lume 1identifies sixbroadpolicies for waterqua lity management Vo lume 2 c ontains spec ific watershed p lans .One of theseWatershedplans is for theEagle River Watershed which includesGor e Creek.Th is planaddresses specific actions toprote ct and improvewaterqua lityin theEagle River andGoreCreek.I ssues and recorrvnendations in thep lan add ress point sourcesof pollution,nonpo intsou rces,andstream flow .The recommendationsinth is Planc anbeusedtomod ify state water qua lity stand ards andt o provide directio n for localwate r resource managemen t. STAFFRECOMMENDATIONS:Appr ove ResolutionNo.6 ,Series of 1996 adopt ing th e 208 Reg ion XIIW ater Quality Management P lan. CarolOrri son,ownerofLot10.Block 2.Liens R idge Filing #4 (1464A spen Grove Lane )has appea led the P la nning a ndEnv iro nmental Co mmission's decisiont odeny both afr ontyard set back va r iance a nda re quest t out ilize th e 250 Or dinance .The requestwouidhave allowedfora g arageanda Type I em ployee h ousingunit t o be co nstructed o nt hep roperty within t he front setback.Representat ive :To mBraun. ACTIQN REQUESTER OFCO UNCIL:Uphold/modify/overturn theP EC's decision to deny t he appl icant's requests f or af ront y ard setback variance andto utilizethe250Ord inance. BACKGROUNDRATIONALE:Pleaseseesta ffs mem orandum toth e PEC d ated April8,1996 ,inc lud ed in your Counc il pa cket. The PE C 'smotion todenythe requested va rian ce and 250 utilization includedth esta ffsfin dings as discussed inthe memorandum,aswe ll asth e additi ona l findingthatthe approval ofthe variance and 250 uti lization w ould beagra nt of speci al p rivilege .The PEC's vote was un animous (6~0)for de nial. STAFF RECOMMENDATION :The Departmentof C ommunityDevelopment recommends den ia l oftheappl icant's a ppeal of the PE C'sd ecision re gardinga front yard setback vari ance ,a s well t he PE C 's decision r egarding the utilization of t he250 Ordinance .Thestaff beli eves that th e rev ie wcrit eria havenotbeenmet ,asspecifi ed in the staff m em orandumto .t he PEC . Upd ate o nVa il Commons Lottery Applica tionsa nd Process . •• 9 :20 P.M .8 . TomM oorhead Andy Knud tsen 9 :5 0 P.M.9 . 10 :00 P.M .10 . Appeal of Design Review Board (ORB)uph olding of zonin gadministrator's decisiontoapproveabuffer to be built betwee n the InternationalWing propo sed additi on andthe exis ting condomini ums.Appellant:Anita Saltz. A CTION RE QUESTED OF COUNCI L:Con sider appeal ofadjacent property owner. BACKGROUNDRA TIO NALE:On M arch 7 ,1996 ,A ndy Kn udtsen with st aff consultat ion,approvethe sub mitted plans for the buffer to beconstruct ed between the pen thouse onthe Intern ational Wing and theexisting condomin ium dwelling units .Thestaff decisionwas appealed totheORB. The ORBupheld the staff decisio n on April 3 ,1996unani mous ly.The ORB decisio n was appeale d by letterfrom Art Abpl a nalp,attorney ,on A pril10, 1996. Town Manager's Report . Adjournment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (AU.tuns ME ...""RQXl.."T!ANO SUBJl!CTTOCttAHGE) I I III I I THENEXT VAIL TOWNCOUNCIL REGULARWORKSESSION WIL L B E ONTUESDAY,511 4/96,BEGINNING AT2;00 p .M.INTOVCOUNCIL CHAMBERS . THEFOLLOWINGVA IL TOWNCOUNCILREGULARWORKSESSION WILLBEONTUESDAY,5/21/96,BEGINNING AT2:00 p .M.INTOVCOUNCILCHAMBERS. THENEXTVAILTOWNCOUNCIL REGULAREVENINGMEETING WI LL BEONTUESDAY,512 1/96,~N ING AT 7;30P.M.INTOYCOUNCIL CHAMBERS . II I I I I I Sign language interpretation ava ilab le upon request with 24hour notificatio n.Please call47 9-233 2 voice or 4 7 9 ~23 56 TOO for info rmation. C IAGE NOA TCE -,• ORDINANCE NO.8 Series of 1996 •1"'*-Pi4-u 1 I .-'z= '-'-"DI.<-J '4 5-0 AN ORDINANCER EPEALLINGA ND REENACTING O RDI NANC ENO.7,S ERIES OF 1 994, T O AMEND THE D EVELOPMENT PLANS A ND A LLOW F OR F LEXIBI LITY IN T HE O UTDOOR LIGHTING REQU IREMENT FORSPEC IAL DEVE LOPMENT D IS TRICT NO .3 21N ACCORDANC EWI TH CHAPTER 18 .40 OFTHE TOWN O F VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE;A ND SEITI NGF ORTH DETAILS IN REGARD TH ERETO. W HEREAS .C hapter 18 .40 of th e Va il Mu nicipal C ode a uthorizess pecial development distri cts withi n t he Town in o rdertoe ncouragefle xibilityinthe developmen tof land ;a nd W HEREAS,thede ve loper,David Sm ith .or t hesu ccessors in interest ,has s ubmitteda n app licationf or t heM ajor Amendment of Spe cial Deve lopment Di strict (SOD)No .32 ,fora cert ain pa rcelo f pr operty w ithin the Town ,legally des cribed in theatt ached E xhibit A .and com monly re ferredtoastheCorn ice Bu ilding Spe cial De vel opment District No .32 ;a nd WH EREAS ,in acco rdance w it h Sectio n 18 .66.140,th e P la nn inga ndE nv ironmental Comm ission ,onFebrua ry 12 ,1996 .he ld a public hearing ontheMajor Amendm ent ofa n SOD , a ndhas s ubmitted its r ecommendationtot he Town Coun cil ;and W HEREAS,a ll not ices asrequired by Section 18 .66.080 h avebee nsen tt ot he approp riateparties;a nd WHEREAS ,t he Town Councilc onsiderst hat itisreas onable .appropriate ,and ben eficialt o t he To wn andits cit ize ns ,in habit ants,and vi sitorstoa mend SDDNo .32 ;and WH EREAS.the Major Amendm ent toth e approved development hasbeen re v iew e d pu rsua nt toSection 18.40 ,100 oft he Tow n ofVa il Mun icipal Code. WHEREAS ,the Town Council has he ld apubli c hearing asrequ ired by Chapter 18 .66 of th e Municipa l Gode ofthe Town ofVail. NOW,TH ER EFORE .BE ITOR DAINED BY T HE TOWN COUNCI L OFTHE T OWNO F VAIL,COLORADO .TH AT : S ECTION1 Th eTo wn Council fin dsthat all th e procedures set f orthfor Special Developm ent Dis tricts inC hapte r 18.40of t he Munic ipal GodeoftheT ownofVail h avebee n fUlly satisfied . S ECTION2 Sp ec ia l Development District No .32ise stablishedto ensure comprehensive d evelopment anduse of an area in a manner t hatwillbeh armonio u switht he general c hara cter o fth e Town ,prov ide ad equate ope n space ,em ployee housing,andothera menit ies ,and prom ot e theobjectiv es ofthe Town 's Zoning o rd inance .The development isrega rded a s f :\ev@ryon@\o r d \or d8 .96 1 ••.. complementary tothe Town by theTown Council andthe Planning and Environmental Commission ,and there are significant aspects ofthe special deve lopment which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of standard zoning districts onthearea. SECTION3 Special Development District NO .32 is established forthe development ona parcel of land comprising 3 .659 square feetintheVail Village oftheTown;Special Development District No.32 a nd said 3 .659 square feetmay be referred toas"SODNo.32". SECTION 4 The TownCouncil finds thatthedevelopment plan for SDD.No.32meetseachofthe standards set forth in Section 18.40 .080 oftheMunicipal Code ofthe Town ofVa il or demons trates thate ither oneor more of them isnot applicab le,orthatapractical solut ion consistent with the public interesthas been achieved .In accord ance with Section 18.40 .040, the development plan for SODNo.32is approved .Thedevelopm ent plan iscomprised of those plans submitted by David Wi lliam HaaseAssociates,andconsistsofthefollowing documen ts: 1.SheetNo.1 ,dated February23,1994 (siteplan). 2.SheetNo.2,datedMarch9,1994 (landscapeplan). 3.Sheet No.3,dated February 12,1996(westbuildin9 elevation). 4 .Sheet No.4,dated February 12,1996 (southbuilding elevation). 5.Sheet No.5,datedFebruary12,1996(northbuilding e ievation). 6.SheetNo.6,datedMarch 24,1994(eastbuildingelevation). 7.SheetNo.7,datedMarch 24,1994 (garagelevel "1"floorplan). B.SheetNo.B,datedJanuary24,1994 (bedroomleve l "2"floorplan). 9.SheetNo.9,dated January24,1994(qreatroom level "3"floorplan). 10.othergeneral submittal documents that definethedevelopment standards ofthe Special Developmen t District . SECTION5 Inadditionto the Approve d Development Plan descri bed in Section 4above,the following development standards havebeen submitted tothePlann ing andEnvironmental Commis sion for its consideration and recomm endation andareherebyapprovedbytheTown Council;these standards are incorporated inthe Approved Development Planto protect the integ rity ofthe developmentofSODNo.32;the following arethedevelopment standards for !1 \e ve ryon e \o ~d \o~d 8 .9'2 SOD No.32; •• A.l otArea -The lot a reash all cons ist of approx imately3 ,659 square feet. B.Setbacks -Th e req uired setb acks sha ll b ea sind ica ted onthe Approved DevelopmentPlan s . C .Height -The maximum h eightofth e Co rnice B uild ing s hallnot exceed 33 feet and shall be a s dimension ed on the ApprovedDe velopment Plans . D.Density Control-ThemaximumGRFAfortheCornice Buildingshall not e xceed 2 ,000 s quare fee t.Th is fi gure isthe ma ximum G RFAth at will b eall owed onth e lot.A n additio nal 250 square fee t of GRFA,pe r Chapter 18 .71of t heV ail M unicip al Code,shall n ot be a llowed onthissite ,now orinthe future .A 600 square f oot credit for a two-car garage shall be allowedi n additio n toth e 2 ,000 sq uare feet of GRFA a llowed ont he site .T heapp roved density fo r the Co rnice Building sha ll beo nedwelling un it. E.Site Coverage -Th e maximum site coverage for this Special Development D istrict sha lln ote xceed 1,39 7 square feet.o r 38 %ofthe lotare a ,a nd shall be as i nd icatedon the Approved D evelopment Plans ., F.L andscaping-A ll l andscaping s hallbein accordancew ith t he A pproved Development P lans. G .Lighti ng-A ll outdoor lighting sha ll bein a ccordance with the approved De ve lopment P lan . SECTION 6 Th e developer,jo intly and severally ,agrees with the following req uirement ,which are a part of t he Town's approval of the M ajor Amendment ofSODNo .32 : 1 ,All app rovalsfo r o utdoorlighting previousto th e Major A mendment a re n ull an d void(i.e.,en t ra nce g ate). SECTION7 Amen dments toth ea pproved developmentplanshall be reviewedp ursuant to Section 18.40 .100 of the Va ilMu nicipal C ode . SECTION 8 The developer must beg in construction ofthe Special De ve lopmentDi strict within three (3)years from t he t ime ofitsfin ala pprova l,a nd co ntinue d iligentlyt owardco m pletio n of th e 3 •• p roject .The developer must meet therequ irements of Section 18.40.120 oftheMun icipal Code of th e Town ofVa il. S ECTION 9 Ifanypart .s ection,subsection.sentence.clause ,or phraseofthi s ord inance isfo rany reason heldtobeinvalid ,such decisionshallnot affect theva lidity of therema ining p ortions of th is ord inance;andtheTown C ouncilh ereby dec lares it wou ld have passed thi s ordinance.and ea ch part .section,subsection,s entence ,clause orphrase thereof.regard less of th e f acttha t anyone or morepart s,se ctions,sub sect ions .se ntences,clauses ,or phrases be declared invalid. S ECTION10 T he Town Council herebyfi nds.determines anddeclares that th is ord inance is necessary andpro per f ort he health.safety and welfare oftheTownofV ail andits inhabitants thereof. SE CTION 11 Th e repea lort he rep ealand reenactment of anyprov isionof t he Va ilM unicipa l Code as provided i nth is ord inance shallnotaffecta nyrightwh ich has accrued ,any duty imposed,an y v iolation that occurred prior t o the effective date hereof,any prosecution commenced,norany other act ion or proceed ing as c ommencedunde r o r by v irtue of the provis ion repea led or r epealedand reenacted .T herepealofany pro visionh erebysha ll notre vive an y provisions or a ny ordinance previous ly repea led or superseded unless stated herein. INTRODUCED,READON FIRST READING,A PPROVED,AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FUllO NFIRST READING th is 5t h d ay ofM arch,1996,anda public heari ng o n thisOrdinance onthe 7thda y ofMay ,1996 ,inthe Counci l Chambers oftheVail Municipal BUilding,Vail ,Co lorado . Robert W .Armour,Ma yor A ttest: Holly l.McCutcheon ,Town Cl erk f ,\evecyone \ord\ord8 .95 4 •• READAND APPROVED ONSECONDREADINGAND ORDERED PUBLISHED infullt his 7th dayofMay ,1996. Robert W .Armour,Mayor ' Attes t: Holly L.McCutcheon,TownClerk f,\everyone \ord\ordB .9 6 5 • EXHIBIT A • Cornice Build ing,362Vail V alleyDriveandmorespecifica lly deseribed asfollows: Apartoftract -B-and a partof Mill creekRoad,Vail Village.First Filin g,Countyof Eagle ,state of Colorado,more partic ularty described as follows : Commencing atthe Northe astcomerofVail Village,First Filing;thenc e North 79 °46'00"West along th eSo utherlylin e ofU.S.Highway NO.6 ad istanceof 367 .06feet toth e Northeast comer ofsaid Tract -B";thence South 10°14'00"West along theEasterlyline of said Tract "B-;a dista nce of 198 .31 feetto t heSouthe asterty comer of sa idTr act "B";t henceNorth 79 "46'00" W est along the Southe rty lineof saidT ract -B-adistance of100.00 feet to thetrue poin tof begi nn ing th ence north 09 "10'1 7"West a d istanceof 41 .67 f eet;t hence South 88 '27'11 "W est a d istance of75 .21 feet ;t hence S outh 27"13'37"Eastof dist ance of77 ,37 feet ;th enceNorth 57°24'00"Easta distan ce of55 .11 feet,moreor lesstothetrue point ofbeginning . f :\~v eryone 'o r d\o r d8 .96 6 • VAI L T OWN COUNCIL TUESDAY,APRI L 9 ,1996 • 2;00 p ,M.AT TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPA NDEP A GE NDA 2 :00 P.M .1.PEC/DRB Review 2 :15 P .M.2.Overview oft he 2 08 RegionX II Water Q uality Management P lan . Rob ert Ray .NWCCOG ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Rev iew the 208 P lan and cons ider a doption of t his p lan f orthe Town of Va il . BACKGROUND RATIONALE :The 208 pl an isarequ ired p lanf or coord inated reg iona l wate r quality management un der Section 208 of t he Federa l C lea n Water Act .There a retwovol umes of t he 2 08 plan. Volume 1 identifiessix b road poli cies for water qu ality management. Vo lume2 con tains s pecific watershed plans .Oneof thes e Wa tershed plans isfo r the Eagle River Watershed whi chincludes Gore Creek .This p lan addresses spec ific a ctionstopro tect and improve water q uality in t he E agleRiver andG o re Creek.Issues and recomm endat ions inthe p lan add ress po intso urces of pollut ion ,nonpoint sources ,a nd stream fl ow .Th e recommendations in t hisP lan can be used t omod ify st ate water quality standards and t o p rovide d irect ionfo r localw ater re sou rce m anagement. 2 :45 P.M .3 .Review o fBerryCreek 5th Sket c hPlan andFut ureP lann ing P rocess. Pe ter Jamar Associates A CTION R EQUESTED OFCOUN CIL :P rov ided irection t o Pe ter Jamar Associates and lOV r epre sentatives t oth e Eag le County Recreation Authority asto TOV position onpot en tial uses onthe property. BACKGROUND RAT IONALE :A p reviously approved sketch p lanwill exp ireinJu ne.Thep lanning process w h ic h h as not gone fo rward si nce ske tchp lanap proval is be ingre sumed.Thepo t entia l u se of t he prope rty hasbee nimpa ctedby t he de velopment t ak ingplaceonthe Miller Ranch property by t heEagl e Cou nt y SchoolDi stri ct. 3:30 P.M.4 . Tom M oorhead 4 :00 P.M.5 . George Ruthe r Amplified SoundUpda te ACTION REQUE STED OF COUNC IL:Motion by Coun cil d irecting staff to re sum eissuing amplified sound permits fo r 1996. BACKGROUND RATIONALE:In December of1994t he TownC ouncil su spended th e renewa l of a mplifie d sou nd permits f or1995 pendingthe e x amination of th e T own 's am p lified s oundordinan ce a nd enforceme nt of th e ord inance . STAFF RECOMMENDATION :Au thorize renewal of amplified sound permits and new appli cat ions .St aff wi ll eva luate th ea m plificat ionand w ill conti nue rig id e nfo rcement.So und perm it will providef orlossoft he perm itint he event ofa mplified soun d v iolations . Arequ est t o pres enta nalt ernative totheVa il Town Coun cil f or theth ird em ploy ee h ousing un itr equired under theC orniceBu ilding Special Deve lopment Dist rict.Ord inance No .7,Series of1994 .The re quest ist o establi sht heth irde m ploy eehousing un itinan e xisting p rimary/second ary r esid e ncelo cated at 263 5-BLark spur L ane (Intermountain).G reg Amsden ,rep rese nt ing the owner,Oavid Sm ith . •• ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Approve,ap prove wrth co nditions, or d eny t he pr oposed locationofthe th ird requirede mploy ee hou sing u n it forthe Comice Bu ilding Speci al Dev elopment D ist rict. BACKGROUND RA TIONALE:On April 5 ,1994,the V a il T own Council a pprovedOrd inance No .7,Series of 1994 ,th e est abli shment of Specia l Develop mentD istrictN o.32 ,t heC orn ic eB uilding .A pproval o f Sp ecial De velopment D istrict N o .32 required that t hepr opertyow nerp rovide three ,dee d restricted employee ho usingu nits .Section6of Ordinance No .7.requi res th at the Tow n Council rev iew a n d appr ove t he proposed locationof ea ch employ ee h ous ing unit.T he applicant isba ck befo re the Councilr e questing a pprovalo ft hepr oposedlocationf or th e t hird ,and fina l requirede mp loy ee housing unit STAFF R ECOMMENDATION :Upon review of the request t o allow t he seco ndary unit at 2635-8 La rkspu r Lane to be d eedre stricted asan e mployee housing u nit ,to s atisfyth ethirdandfina l e mployee un it for the Corn ice B uilding ,the CommunityD eve lopment De partment recommends approval ofthe r equest.InSt aff's op inio n ,t he pro posal meets t he cri terialistedinSection6ofOrd inance No .7,Seri esof1994 ,f ort he e mployeeho usingu nits f ort he Cornice Bu ilding SOD. 4 :20 P .M.6 . To m Moorhead Amendment to City M arket Lease a nd Development Agreements. ACTIONREQ UE STED OFCO UNCIL:Rev iewA m en dment t o Lease an d De vel opment Ag re ementc onsistentwith Resolution No .5,Series of 1996 . BACKGROUND RATION ALE :Th e Resolutionispr esently eff ective unt il December,1996.The Amendment wi ll p rovide fora set-off fro m t he City M arket rent i nt heevent that City Market assumes th e rov res po nsibilities to share defenseco sts is setf orth inRe solution No .5. STAFF RECOMMENDA TION :Approve A mend ment. 4 :35P .M. 4:45 P.M . 4 :55 P .M. 5:05 P .M. 7. 8 . 9 . 10 . Information Update. Co uncitReport s . other . Ad j ournment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (AU TIMES .'oR I!APf>ROXIMAT£ANDSUBJECT TO CHANGE ) I I I II I I THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEO NTU ESDAY.4116/96.BEG INNING AT 2 ;00 P.M .IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. T HE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY,517/96.BEG INNING AT 2 ;00 P ,M ,IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEON TUESDAY,4116/96 ,BEGINNING AT 7:30 P ,M.I N TOV C OUNCIL CHAMBERS. 1111 111 S ign language lnterpretan on av a ilableu pon request with 24 hour notification .Please ca ll 479-2114 v oice o r 4 79-2356 TOOfor inform ation. C:'AGE.N DAWSE 2 Arequestfor thereviewofthe proposed location for the third Employee Housing Unitrequired underthe Cornice Build ing Special Development District(SOD). • • TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: • MEMORANDUM VailT own Cou ncil Commu nity Development Department April 9.1996 • Ko6 iUo J!J '"PthAl 1 ,J~""Z"'E 1-0 'Kez.n-Q"';'U '-<,t-. I.BACKGROUND On April 5.1994,the Vall Town Council approve d on second reading,OrdinanceNo.7,Seriesof 1994 .an ordinance establishingSpecialDevelo pment Dist rictNo.32,the Cornice Build ing.This approval set developm ent stand ards and requi rements for th e redevelopmen t of th eCorn ice Building,located at362VailVaiiey Drive.The expressed purposefor the creation of fheCornice Build ing SODwas to allow for greater flexibi lity inthe redevelo pment of th e property and that certainpublic benefits (i.e.employee hous ing )would be realized throug h the creation ofthe 500 . As part of th e orig inal SOD approval .the developer agreed to provide three .permanenti y deed- restric ted employe e hous ing units .inaccordance with thecriterialisted in Section 6of rhe Ord inan ce.Section 6 requires that the units are to eachhaveakitch en and to belocated within theT ownof Vai llimi ts.close toaTown of Vail bus route.and areto be rented at reasonable market rates.Theunits are to always com plywith th e Town of Vail housi ng ordi nance requirements.asmay be amended from timeto time .Eachof thethree employee hous ing units areto be d eed-restricted andavailabl efor occupan cy priorto a Temporary Certificate of Occupancybeing issued for the Cornice Building.The proposal for acceptance ofthe employee housing unit sshall be brought to the Town Council for theirreview and approval ata regul arly sche duled meeting.Upon receipt and recor dation of a written agreementto permane ntly restrict the th ree off -site employe e hous ing unit s.in accordance with Chapter 18.57 (Employee Housin g) of th eTownof Vail Municip alCode,andupon issuan ce ofa Tempor aryCertificateof OC cupancy for theredevelo ped Corn iceBuilding.the owner.DavidSmith.shallbereleased fr om a ll obligations contained /n theemployee housing agreementdatedMay 2.1985,by andbetween the TownofVailandthe owner oftheCorn ice Build ing .itsheirs.successor sand assig ns. OnMay 26,1994 ,theTown Issued a building permit ofthe demo litionof theong/nat Cornice Bu ildingand its subsequent recon struct ion.Const ruct ion of the Corn ice Buildin gis nearl y complete.with only afew min or improvements in need of compl etio n.To date,two of the three required e mployeehousing unitshave beencompleted and permanentlydeed-restricted in accordancewith the orig inal S OD approval.T hese inc ludeanewemploy ee unit cons truct ed wit hin ane xi sting duplexin thePitkin Creek Meadows areaofEast Vail,andanew employe e unit located with in a new dupl exin th e golfcourse neighborh ood .The thir d employe e unit was originally planned andapprovedto be located in the Vail RacquetClub.Theapplicant's planto deed-restrict the RacquetClubunit didnot workandthe applican t then proposedamajor SOD amendment toallow forthe cons tructio n of thelast ofthethree requiredunits in the Corn ice Build ing.Theapplicant has since requestedthat th e eleme nt of th e major SOD amendment .to allowfor thethir d employeehousing unit In theCorn ice Bu ilding ,be tabled for 30days.awaiting the ou tcome of thepropos ed altern ate location of theemploy ee uni t Inthe Interm ountain neighborhood . • II.DESCRIPTIONOFTH E REQUEST • OnbehalfofDavidSmith ,owneroftheCorniceBuilding,GregAmsdenIsproposi ng an alterna tive tothe Town Counc il for the third employee housing unit required under the Cornice BuildingSOD.TheunitbeingproposedbyGregAmsden,islocatedat2635-6 LarkspurLane,in an existing primary/second ary residence .The proposed unitis owned byGreg Amsden .The sizeoftheproposedemployee housi ng uni t isapproxi mately 675 squ are feet.with one bedroom , one fu ll bath and a fu llkitchen.As stated previously,thi s is an existi ng seco ndary unit whic h is considered anon-co nfo rmi ng two-u nit struct ure on a Primary /Secondary zon ed lot less than 15.000 SQuar e feetinsize.The proposa l to deed restrict the seco ndary unit.asaType I Employee Housing Unit,will bring the structur e more into compl iance with the current zoning code . f "\QVAryone'a>uncil\mRmos 'cornice.409 April3 .1996 •Gregory M .Amsden 2635-BLarkspur Lane Vail,Colorado 81 657 • George Ruther Department of Community D evelopment Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail.CO .81 657 Re :Third EHU for Cornice B uilding Dear George: TOV-COMM .OE V,DEPl On behalf of D avid Smith.owner of the Cornice Buil ding,I am request ing to present an alternative to the T own Council for the thi rd empl oyee housing unit required under th e Cornice Bu ilding S .D.D..This alternative isa significant impro v ementin quality and sizet o t he older stud io unit(approx .275 sq.ft.each)that existed inthe original Cornice Building prior to dem olition.Itis my hope that staff and Council agree that th e p roposed alternative isan acceptable empl oyee housing unit for the Cornice Building requirement. Loc ation: E HUType : U nitSize : NewlExisting: Availability : 2635-B Larkspur Lane (Intermountain) Type I (Section 18.57 .04 0) Approximately 675 sq.ft.(IBRIlbath w/fuJJ kitchen) Existing unit Immediately This isan existi ng secondary uni t in a non-conformin g two-unit structure on a Primary/Secondarylotunder15,000sq.ft.in size.While theunithasbeenin existence for many years,it has r ecently b een remodeled.Th e unit islo cated wi thinclo seproximityt o t he Meadow Creek b us sto p (see attached m ap).T hedeed restriction would brin gt he structure more into compliance wit h current zoning .Noad ditional ap provals are required for t hisunit to become anemp lo yee housing unit. The Cornice Building S .D.D.requires that thethirdandfinal employee housing unitbe a pp rovedbythe Town Council prio r to issuance o f Temporary Certificate o f Occupancy for the project .The proposed alternative isa dramatic improvement over theprevi ous studi o un its co ntained within the Cornice Building. I willlook forward t oattending the April 9th T own Council worksession t o answer any q uestions re lated to t he proposed r equest .Ifyouhaveany additional questions or comments, don't hesitate tocal l meat4 76-8610.Thank.youfor your timeand consideration inthisma tter. R esid en ce:(303)-479-0337 Offi ce ,(303)-4.76-86 10 • e Amsden Owner -2635 Larkspur Lane cc :Tom Braun David Smith • • 1'RoJel t4ITV TO MEADoki CREEK 15cU 41UP "'.<.....~ MEADOWCREEK ::::...I SUBDIVISION ;::::::.---I ...........-.....-.,,/' 2771I@I =-'.[ ANO TENN!S C::"U8 3 2 1U ..,.... •C SWIM -- r--'--Zo23/_.I.J r-L-..!S'"'21 r;oRt....• OOM..lN ILlM;)s....I~;::£;: N • -.--'..... • • UNIT B ::61'7-rVe GRFA I I•. 31 '3 " ~-lE~~'1 ..-l ..:_ l [DR oo~t L i VI~J (r ..14 '3""(12'(,"Ruor-\ ,. JL,'~12'3" \.- \ •s\<p . - ~ r') • J)iNiN c.- ., r() '.I.~QJ V/--- i d.',.,---. Ki,ctifi\J , L~I i t } "--;.s ,---.; --'-~-l~-.•....; I w ,II 0 0 I .I 0 0 2ft,35 LA R K.s P ~I R.LAtJ l: LEVE L 1. o .ALL MEASu~HENn t\f{~1J-l.l '.!)E WA,LL5 , 1,"/SC ~L (""14-~1 • •HA U :dfZA UN ASSOCI ATES.INC. Ma rch 29 .19')6 G\..X1t£1:Ruthe r Town uf VaiJ 75 South Frontage Road V.il.C"lorado lSI 657 RE :Cor nice BuilJm g SOD • 0.ar Geo rge : I he pu rpose d thl.S k ucr I~10 request tbat tb:::seco ndreading of th e Corn ice Bu ildin g ~DU Ordin ance scheduledIor tbc Counc il's April 2nd meeting be tabled for a period "no days.[will contac t you next week to l urtber discuss this p=ojccl. Thank }'OU ag ain for yo ur help with this project. Sincere ly. :'\,/\tMr '~ Th omas A BT2 un.AICP cc:David Smi th Mirlturl"l IrorrworlG BU,'O'''6 201 ~1~i"~l.u,<e ~:U ...J Fw ~rt Cffi~e Box 776 M1M",m..Co'O"Xo i~5 PhQ~•m .S27,579~ FD:;.m .W'.~ l U I H'_t'.\:J:d •• VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION • TUESDAY ,APRIL 2,1996 2 :00 p.M.AT TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA 1.Discuss ion of Contribution Reques ts. 2 .Discussion of Speci al Event s Banne rs. 3 .Vail T omorrow:Ma king theBestBetter -overview ofproposedcommunity strategic planni ng process designed to add ress Vail's cont inuing econom ic via bility and comm un ity v italrty. 4 .Infonnation Upd ate. 5.Council Reports . 6.Other. 7.Adj ournment. NOTEUPCOMING MEETINGSTART TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMESAREAPPROXIMATEANDSUBJECTTOCHANGE) 11 11111 THENEXTVAI L TOWNCOUNCILREGULARWORKSESSION WILL BEONTUESDA Y.419196 ,B EGINNING f\[2:00P.M.IN TOV C OUNCILCHAMBERS. THEFOLLOWINGVAILTOWNCOUNCIL REGULARWORKSESSION WILL BEON TU ESDAY.4116196,BEGINNI NG AT 2:00P.M.INTOVCOUNCILCHAMBERS . TH ENEXTVAILTOWNCOUNCILREGULAREVENINGMEETING WILL BEONTUESDAY,4116196 ,BEGINNING ATZ:30 P.M.INTOVCOUNCILCHAMBERS. II II I II Sign ta ng uage interpretatio n available upo n request with 24 hour notifi cati on.Pleasecall479-211 4voice or 479-2356 T DO for info rmation. ,• VAIL TOWN COUNCIL T UESDAY,APRIL 2,1996 • 2:00P,M.AT TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AG ENDA 2:00P.M.1.Disc ussio n of Contrib ution Reques ts. Steve Thompso n Christine Anderson Pam Brandmeyer 2 :30P .M .2. Holly McCutcheon Randy Stouder Pam Brandmeyer 3:00 P.M .3 . Bob McLaurin Susan Connelly Suzanne Silvert horn Chris Cares 4 :00 P .M .4 . 4 :10 P .M .5 . 4 :20 P.M .6 . 4 :30 P .M .7. Discuss ion of Enhancement of Special Events:Banners ,Car Staging , Etc. Vail Tomorro w:Making theBestBetter-overv iew of proposed community strategic plann ing process designedtoaddress Vail's continuing econo mic viability andcommunity vitality. ACTION R EQUESTER O F COUNC IL :Comment on draft probl em statement .~g iv en s.·and process ,perourKezziah Watkins training. BACKGROUND RATIONALE :The TOV-VA Community T ask Force ,inits long-termvisioning/p lanning role,;s serving asa catalyst foracommunity planning process which would address Vail's conti nuing economic viability andits vitality asa cc m munlty.TheTas k Force,assisted by Chris Ca res ofRRC Associates and rov staff .has drafted a prob lem statement ,-givens·for the effort .anda process flowchart.Council's inputon those items wi11 assist theTaskForceasitmoves forward with this communi ty strate gic plan ning effort . Informa tion Update . Council Reports . Other. Adjournment. N OTE UPCOMING MEETING STARTTI MES BELOW: (AlL TNE5 ARE APPRC)):;......Tf AND5U8JIi'CT TO ~GE.J I I I I II r THENEXTVAILTOWNCOUNCILREGULARWORKSESSION W ILLBEON TUESDAY.41 9196,BEGINNING AT 2;00 P,M,INTOVCOUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAILTOWN COUNCILREGULARWORK SESSION WILLBEON TUESDA Y,411619 6,B EGINNING AT 2:00 p ,M.IN TOVCOUNCIL CHAMBERS. THENEXT VAIL TOWNCOUNCILREGULAREVENINGMEETING WILL BEONTUESDAY,4/16/96,BEGINNING AI 7:30 P,M,IN T OVCOUNCIL CHAMBERS . II III I I Sign langu age interpretationavailable upon request with 24 hournotifi cation .Please call 4 79-2114 voice or 479·2356 TOO for infonn ation. C \l\GEHOA 'M>E • VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY,APRIL 2,1996 • 7 :30 P,M.IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA 1 .C ITIZENPARTICIPATION . 2 .ConsentAgenda : A .Ap proval of t heMinutes for t hemeetings ofMar ch5 and19,1996. B.O rdinanceNo.10,Seriesof1996,second readingof anordinan ce amend ing Sect ion 2 .24.020,Members-Appointments-Termsof th e Planning and Envir onmental Commission ;Sectio n 2 .26 .020 Arts B oard-Appo intment;Section 2 .26 .030 Members-Appoi ntm ents·Terms of T own ofVa il Arts Board ;a nd Se ction 18 .54.020(b)B oard O rganization . 3.ProclamationNo.2,Seriesof 1996.Ta ke OUf Daughters toWork Day . 4.Presentationof Certifica tes ofAp preciation . • 5 .O rdinanceNo.5 ,Seriesof 1996,firstreadingof an ordinance repealing and reenacting C hapter15 .02;a dopting by refe rencet he1994e ditionofth e Un iform Plumbing Code and the 1996ed ition oft heNa tiona l E lectric Cod e;setting forth certai n a mendm ents t ot he National E lectric C ode a nd sett ing forth details in rega rdthe reto . 6 .Ordinance No .11 ,Series of 1996,fi rstreading of anord inance amend ing Ordinance No . 19,Series o f 1995a st o aportion of Tract 8 ,Vai llLionshead ,SecondFilingsh own as Property N o.38o nExhib itAt o O rdinance No .19 ,Series of 1995 andTra ct 8 , V ai llLionshead ,Third Filing sho wn a s Prope rtyN o.44on Exhibit Ato Ord inance No .19 , Series of 1995. 7.Or dinanceNo .9 ,Se rieso f1996,second read ing of a n O rd inance A mendingTitle16 (Sign Code)and Ti tle 18 ,Chapter 18 .54 (DesignReview Gu idelines)of the V ailMun icipal Code . 8 .Town Manager's Rep ort . 9 .A djou rnme nt. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: tALL ""ES AII;E A!"PROIOIil..TE AND SUIU£C'T 10 CKANGE) II I I II I THENEXTVAILTOWNCOUNCILREGULARWORKSESSION WILL BEONTUESDAY ,419196,BEGINNINGAT2:00P,M,IN TOVCOUNCIL CHAMBERS. THEFOLLOWINGVAILTOWNCOUNCILREGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEONTUESDAY ,4116/96 ,BEGINNINGAT2 :00 P.M,INTOVCOUNCIL CHAMBERS. THENEXT VAIL TOWNCOUNCI L REGULAREVENINGMEETING WILL BEONTUESDAY ,4116196,BEGINNINGAT7 :3D P,M,IN TOVCOUNCILCHAMBERS. I I IIII I Sign languag e interpretation available upon requestwith24hournotification.Please ca ll 479-2114voice or 479-2356TOOforinfonnation. C \,f,GEJoIOATC • VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY,APRIL 2,1996 • 7:30 P .M . 7:35 P.M. 7:4 0P.M. 7:45 P .M . 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 7 :30 P,M.IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA C ITIZEN PARTICIPATION . Consent Ag enda : A.Ap provalofthe Minutes fo rt he me etings o f March5 and 19 ,1996 . B.OrdinanceNo.10,Seriesof 1996.second reading ofano rdinance ame nding Section2 .24 .020 ,Members-Appointments-T erms oft he Planningand Environmental Commission;Section 2.26.020 Arts Board-Appointment;Section2.26.030 Me mbers-Appointments- Tenns ofTow n ofVai l A rtsB oard;an d Sect ion 18 .54 .020(b)Board Org anization . P roclamation No .2 ,Seriesof 1996.Ta ke Our Daught ers to Wo rkDa y . Presentat ionof C ertificates of A ppreciationto : JenW right ,Housing Authonty Jeff Bowen ,P lann ing &E nv ironmental Commission DattonWilli ams .P lanning &Enviro nmenta l Commission Bob Armour,P lann ing &E nvironmentalCom miss ion Ha ns W oldrich,Des ign Review Board Bob B orne,Design Re view Board Nan cy Rondeau,ArtInPub lic Pl aces Bo ard 7 :55 P .M .5 . DanSt anek Chuck Fe ldman Emst G latzle 8 :10P.M .6 . T om Mo orhead JimCu rnutte Russell F orrest Ord inance No.5,Series of 1996,firs treadingofanord inance re pealinga nd reen acting Chapter 15 .0 2;adoptin gbyrefe rence the1994 editio n ofthe Unifonn P lumbingCod eand the1996 edition oftheNati ona l Electric Code; settingforth certain amendments totheNational Electric Code and setting forth details inrega rd th ereto . A CTIONREQUESTEDOF CO UNCIL :A pprove/deny/modifyOr dinance No . 5 ,Se ries of1996,o nfi rst reading . BACKGROUND IN FORMATIONThe plumbing ande lectric codes s hould be adopted by r eferenceso t hatthe TownofV ail is enforcing the m ost re cent standard s of th e industry . STAFF RECOMM ENDATION:Staff recommends a pproval ofOr d ina nce No . 5 ,Series of1996onfirst r eading . O rdinance No.11 ,Seri es of 1996 ,fir st readingofan ordin ance am endin g O rdinanceNo.19,Se ries of 1995asto apo rtion of Tract B,V aiVLi onshead , Seco nd Filing showna s Prope rtyNo .38o nE xhibitA t oOr dinanceNo .19 , series of 1995 andT ractS,Va iVLionshead ,T hird Filing shown a s Property No .44on E xh ibrtAtoOrd inance 19 ,Series of 1995, ACTION REQU ESTED O F COUNCIL:Ap prove/deny /modify O rdinance No . 11 ,Series of1996 ,o nfi rst r eading . BACKGROUNDINFORMATION:S ubsequent to thepassing ofO rdinance No .19,Seriesof1995 ,ithas be en b rought to th e attenti on of theTo wn of V ailsta ff t hat a po rtion of Tra ct S,Va iVLionshead,Se cond Filin g a ndTract 8 ,VailJLionshead ,Th irdFiling t hatwas rezoned toNatural Area P reservation Districtfrom Agricultu re Open S pace was improper1y listed in Ord inance No .19 a ndonthe public not iceasbe ing owned by th e Town of V a il.In proceeding with theproject to replace the Li onshead Gondola with •• anew gondola it was disco vered thatanareawhereit is necessary to pl ace a tower to support the gondol a hadbeen listedas property owned bythe Town of Va ilinthe zoning amendm ent when in fad the public recordsofthe Clerkand Recorde rand a title reportof Land Titl e Guaranty Company show thatthe prope rty isowned by the Vail Corporation which is also known as Vail Associates,Inc.Since the propert y owner wasimprope rl y listed the notice of public hearing was insufficie nt toadviseVailAssociatesthatits right may be affected by the ordina nce .Sin ce the T ownmuststrictly comply with provi sions for noticein conne ction with a zoni ng ordina nce amendment. that porti on oftheordin ance which rezonedthe property in q uestion is invalid.The purpo se of this propose d ordi nance isto correct that invalidity a ndto property reflect the zoning designation as Agricult ure OpenSpace which appl iedtothe property prior tothepassageof thezoning amendmen t. STAff RECOMMENDATION :Approva l of Ordinance No .11.Seriesof 1996onfirstreading. 8:30 P .M.7. Randy Stouder O rdi nance No.9,Serie s of1996,secondreading of anOrdinance Amending T itle 16(SignCod e)andTitle18.Chapter18 .54 (DesignReview Guidelin es) oftheVailMunicipal Code . ACTION REQUESTED O f COUNCIL:Approve O rdinance No .9.S eries o f 1996 ,onsecond reading . BACKGROUND INfORMATION:A Techn ical Advisory Committee wa s formed toguide staff inthe formulation of amendmentstothe Sign Code andDesign Review Guidelin es that will expeditethe developmentreview process for item s ofminimal complexity .The propo sed amendments have beenreviewed bythe ORBandthePEC ,and embodythe reco mmendations ofStaff .t he TAC .t heDRBandthe PE C .The P EC u nanimously (7 ·0) recommended thatthe TownCouncilappro veO rdinanceN o.9at th eir meetingo n March 1 1.1996 . STAffRECOMMENDATION:Staffreco mmendsap provalofOrdinanceNo . 9 ,Series of1996onsecondreading. 8:45 P .M . 8 :50 P .M. 8 . 9 . TownManager's Report. Adjourn ment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: lAU TIMES ARE .....,.RC!XI.."TE AND SUBJECTTO CHA~EI I I r I III THENEXT VAIL TOWNCOUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY.4/9/96.BEGINNING AT2:00P.M.INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY.4/16/96 ,BEGINNING AT 2:00 P,M,IN T OV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THENEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENINGMEETING WILL BEON TUESDAY,4/16196,BEGINNINGAT7 :30 P,M,INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. I I II I I I Sign lang uage interpretation availa ble upo n request with 24 hour notification .Please ca11479-2 114 voice or 479-2356 TOOfor information . C IAGENDA Te E •...• •BA 1/BRAUN ASSO CIA TES.INC. MEMORA2'"D UM • TO: FRO \!: n ATF.: RE: George Ru(h ~r Tom Braun March n I IJ'iI> Co rnice Bui ld ing Conditions 0:'Approval/Driveway .-\s we hove 2 i~c \!t't'c d ,the';;~c~m a rt::tJ ios of the CO rDl~~Buddi ng SDDW Q5 tabid du e to co ncerns wit h rectrict'ng the o wners usc of their driveway.While we a rt:certainly willingto addrcsstbc iss ue pf o n-site sur face parking .lin)'conditionth at r 8 ~C\q uestionsregarding the o wne r'susc (If lhci:-drive .....;,!y is l1Ql an accc ptac lccondition o f ap pro va l. The ro l!owin.1.t lan~u aAI;hils been prepared for inc lusion into the Co rni ce SDD ordi nance ,This l a n g u ~b'C aucLJ uClld y i1 \'hJ IC~'I;:."tilt:be ue u fou-e ite p a !k.ill~~it rela tes III the ad JitioJI Ur an EHU and also all ows theowner of the prope rty the same oppor tunity as virtu ally all other pro perty owners i ll Vail (l.c.to usc theird riveway), 'I.[lis theimcm 0 1this S DDthat per macect on-site park ing be accommoda ted wit hinthe ~ara ~l:.In order to minimize the occu rrence o f on-site surface parking.Ih"app hca nt or his ltS$tgn.s ag ree that w tth the e xception o f short- term loadinu and delivery.nocars owned by or associatedwith the OCCU p'nl "rlhe EHU shall be parked 00 th e driveway of the property,The annual repcrr regardingthe occu panc y of t:-tc EHU to he prm "i dcd to the Town by the own ershalldisclo se whethe r the occu pant of'fbc EHUowns a car and if xo .the make.mode l,yea r 3:1 d li cense num ber ofsaid car. Wt:fcd lnil llh',s language isappropriate for a numbe r o f reaso ns: I ) 2) .I ) +) Roh Fnr ,r,mi llion 10 tl [1 pTO ve the ordinance at first reading spo ke to the intent o fthe SnD h.for parking to occur in the g ara~,This la nguage reflects this intent: At th ~pn.:,.~t l ime th erea re no r estric tlorrs on tbt-u.....'(If th e rfTi w",~y ,"in Ihf'nf}'I"'''rl\~tH1. ('UI '57 ('fie,")'could he parked in the driveway ever y d ay.Logic dicta tes tbat ami new c pndition of q rp rovaJ n:i:ardin¥tlw mit:.o f tht:drivew.3Y shou ld a ddrcg;potecti:d su rface perkinr r cl3 lL.."d 10 the EHU.It ~s:very c ifficult to u nderstand why the addition o f an EHU would result in u co ndition U:at en cumbersho wthe o wner of the m a in residence ca n usc their drivewa y, Fnun U pr ecedent ~tan u~in1 ,I >\IU unaware of any pror:rty in Vailth.at i~restricted such th at an o wnercannot par k a car on their driveway .Is It fa ir.necessary c r reas onable thai the UM:"r llli:'!UI j\,CWdYbe l~1tj \:t uJ 11~l)1 t,;eo than \!lhQ si milarpr operties in Vzil? Ifa pp roved.the proposed la ng ua gew illres ult in I)the owner ren ting tou persnD who docs not have It car,2)the teaa nt will park their car off -site.or 3)the ownerwill allow t he tena nt to park in the garage.Thl.'SC arc all vcry plau siblescenarios,each of which add resses the ~~;,J.C o ]surfecc ~rkin g be cause 11 CDr rela ted to tne EHU wtn n et be pe rmanently pa rccdo n thesurface, . post-lr FI1lip.,N:rte 7071 cee _.-1 ~tK "Z re I'\.~ co",..,.•co. """"."""...~.-'S~s-<....,~. P",or t •970.827.$797 re....?7Q,lW'S507 .-_."----_. '"•• Thanks "gain 'or )'I)Ur time George.I th :nk tha llh j,;,con dition will edd re..~peopl e's co ncern with poten tial surface parking at the Co rnice Building.(would "'cry much like tohavethe staff's s uppo rt for l h i ~lan guag e .P lease g ive me a ca ll after yo u have mec:t w ith the S ta ff Sincere ly. Thomas A.Braun.A le? IGT.:t...p.e2 • •BA I/BRAUN AS SOCIATE S.IN C. PLANN ING ar-d CO MMUNIT Y DEVELO PMENT Ma",h 7.19% George Ruther Town of Vail 7S South Prcmage Ruod Vall .Coklr ado Mlfl.YI RE:Cornice Buiklin!E SDD Ordinance • Dea r George: (s poke to lbm Moorehead yes terday and based on his comme nts a new condition regarding exter iore n-s ite p<lr king will need 10 be added 10 the SOD ord inance.I will be cu t oftown until Thursday,Mu rch 14.I hav e prepared the follo wing dea n condition in hopes of moving this proa......olong: In order to minim izethe visual impact ofon-site surface parking,it is the intcntof Ibis SOD that on-s he p"'ing be accommodated within tbe garage .Tbc useof the driveway for on -site p<l rkinjl shall he limited to Ioadin&.delivery aed other sbon- term parking nnly.In the c'ltcnllh lll the Town of Vail mff determlnesthai the drivewayis be ing used for permanent parking,t he 'JiT.Nn Council roa.}'.at their discretion .impose additional crmditicns or restrictions regarding o n-sue surface parking. Wh ik:I am cort fidcru thet we ca n dcvclup Ltneua gc w t=are both comfortable with,I would requese that youwait to finali ze the ordinance/condition language untilIam hack in town.Ifmyclient does not agree to how the condition is worded tbcrc may be 00 point in goingto 3 second reading. I will try to rea ~h youto mnrmw or Munday t ()d i.o;c:u."\.~Iha ~.hrol)lr.::tOO 11K'.pmpnsm language for this condition.Thanks for i 'our help. S incerely. ~~- cc Tom Moorehead Mi nt um II"()nIN()f1cs Builditllj: 201 /'1airl Street,2NI floor Post OffICe Box.Tl6 M ,ntum.CoIOf"ado 8 164~ Phone •'170JflJ.Sl97 Fn.9~HOO'SW TOTfL P .02 • VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY,MARCH 5,1996 • 2:00 P,M,ATTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA 1.Site Visit ·Comice Bu ilding . 2.Spe cial Events Interfacew ithVail ValleyMarketingBoard andVailValleyTourism & Convent ion Bureau . 3 .D iscus s O rdinance No .7,Se ries of1996 .anordinance ame nding Trtle 18Zoning,Cha pters 18.12 (Two-Family Residential (R)District).18.13 (PrimarylSecondary Residential District). 18.54 (DesignReview).18.56 (EnvironmentalImpact Reports).18.58 (Supplemental Regulations).18.60 (ConditionalUse Permits ),18.62 (Variances).and 18.66 (Administration)wit h respectto Adm inistration and Appe als Procedure oftheV ail M uni cipal Code. 4 .Review ofthe Lott ery V aluesandWeighting of Crite ria. 5 .RevisitT own Counc il Ap pointments. 6 .Discus sionof Benefitsfor VailV all ey Marketing Boardand H ousingAuthority 7.Informat ion Update. 8 .Counci l Reports. 9.Other. 10 .Adjo urnment. NOTEUPCOMINGMEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALLTIMESAREAPPROX IMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) I I I II I I THENEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL ALL DAY WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY,3112196 ,BEGINNING AT 8:22 A.M ,INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWNCOUNC IL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY,3119196 ,BEGINNING AI 2:22P.M.INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THENEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENINGMEETING WILL BEON TUESDAY,3119196,BEGINNING AT7 :30 P,M,INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 1111111 Sign language interpre tatio navailable upo n request with 24 hou r notificati on .Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TOOfor informati on. C \oI.C ENOA WSli. • V AIL T OWN COUNCIL TUE SDAY,MAR CH 5 ,1996 • 2;00p .M,A TT OVCOU NCIL CHAMBERS EXPANDEDAG ENDA 2:00 P .M .1 .SiteV isit -C orniceBu ilding . George R uther 2:20 P.M.2.Special Events Interface withVailV alley M ar!<eting BoardandVail Valley FrankJohnsonTourism &Convention Bureau. BillBrice DanaDelBosco 3 :05 P .M .3 .Discuss Ordinance No .7 ,Seriesof1996 ,anordinanceamending Do minic M auriello Title 18 Zoning ,Chapte rs 18 .12 (Two-Family ReSid ential (R)D istrict), 18.13 (Primary/SecondaryResidential District),18 .54 (DesignReview), 18.56 (Environmenta l ImpactReports),18 .58 (Su pplemental Regulations ).18 .60 (Conditional UsePermits ),18 .62 (Var iances),an d 18.66 (Administration)with respect toAdministrati on andAppeals Procedu re of theVail Municipa l Code. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:DiscussO rdinance No .7,Senes of 1996 which will be on ton ight's even ing meeting for first read ing . BACKGROUND RATIONALE :T hePlanningand Environmental Commission recomme nded approval (4-0)attheir Febru ary26,1996 meeting . 3:35 P.M.4 . And yKnu dtsen Review of the Lottery Va lues andWeighting of Criteria . ACTION REQUESTED OFCOUNCI L:Rev iewinformation,provide feedback ,andapprove the lottery cri teriaandweighting if no modific ations are sugges ted. BACKGROUND RATIONALE :Since t he work sessions on 216 /96 and 2120 /96 ,staff has clarified the values in respo nse to Council direction and has nowweighted the criteria for your review . STAF F RECOMMENDATION :Approve lottery crite ria andwe ighting or sugge st modifi cations. 4 :35 P .M. 4:40 P .M . 4 :45 P.M . 4 :55 P.M. 5 :05 P .M. 5:15 P .M . 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9 . 10 . RevisitTownCouncil Appo intme nts . Discussion ofBenefitsforVailValley Marketing Board a nd Housing Authority . InformationUpdate. Coun ci l Reports . Othe r . Adjourn ment. •• NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: lAU.TIMES NlE APfl'AOXlM4n;AND SlI8JECTTQCHAHGE I ""'"THENEXT VAIL TOWNCOUNCIL ALL DAY WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY,3112196 ,BEGINNING AT8:00A .M.INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY,3119196 ,BEGINNING AT2:00P.M.INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THENEXT VAIL TOWNCOUNCIL REGULAR EVENINGMEETING WILL BEON TUESDAY,3119196,BEGINNINGAT7 :30 P.M.INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 1111 111 Sign language interpretatio nava ilable upo n requ est with 24hour notifi cation.Please ca ll 47 9-2114 voice or 479 -2356TOD forinform ation. C IAGE NOA 'NSf 2 • VA IL TO WN CO U NCIL • TUESDAY,M ARCH5,1996 7 :30 P,M,I N TOV COUNC IL CHAMBERS AGEN DA 1.CITIZEN PARTICI PATION . 2 .ConsentAgenda : Approva l oft he Minu tes forthe meetings of February 6a nd 20 ,1996. 3.Review oftheLotteryValues andweightingofCriteria. 4.Ord inance No.4,Seriesof1996,firstreading of an ordinanceamending Chapter 18.18, Se ction 18 .18 .090 Density Control ,M ediu m-Density Family (MOMF )D istrict of the Vail Municipal Code . 5.O rdinance No.5.Seriesof1996,firstreading of ano rdinancerepealingandreenacting C hapter 15 .02;adopting byr eference th e19 94e dition oft he un iform p lumbing code a nd the 1996 edition of thenational electriccode;settingforth certain amendmentstothe na tion al electr icco deands etting f orth d etails in r egardth ereto . 6 .O rdinanceNo .6 ,Seriesof1996,first reading ofFirst Amendmen t to the Town ofVail Employees'PensionPlan 7.O rdinanceN o .7 ,Se riesof1996 .firs t readingof anor dinance ame nd ing Tit le 18 Zoning , Chapters 18.12 (Two-Fa m ily Res ide nti al(R)District),18.13 (Primary/Se co ndary Res ide ntial D istrict),18 .54 (DesignRev iew),18.56(Enviro nmental Impact Repo rts ),18 .58 (Supple m e ntal Regu lations).18 .60 (Conditional Use Pe rmits].18.62 (Variances),and18.66 (Ad min ist rat io n)wi thre spect t oAd m inistrat ion and Appeal s P rocedure of th eVa il M unicipal C ode . 8 .Ordina nce No .8,Se ries o f 1996 .first reading of ano rdinan ce re pealinga ndreenacting Ordinance No .7.Serie s of 1994 ,toallfort heco nstructionof a Type 111 Em ployeeH ousing Unit i nt he Corn ice Bu ilding ;to amend thede ve lopment p lansfo r S pecial Development Dis trict No .32 in accorda ncewi th Chapter 18 .40 of theT own ofVa il Mun icipal Code;and s ett ing f orth detailsinre gard t hereto. 9.Town Ma nager's Report . 10 .A djournment. NOTE U PCOMING M EETINGST ART T IMES BELOW: tALL n lllES ARE AM'lIKal lilA TI AND SUBJEe1'TO CHANGI!) III I I,I THENEXTVAILTOWNCOUNCIL ALLDAYWORKSESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY,311 2196 ,BEGINNING AT 8:00 A ,M,INTOVCOUNCILCHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWINGVAILT OWN COUNCIL REGULARWORK SESSION WILLBE ONTUESDAY,3/1 9196,BEGINNINGAT 2:00 P,M,IN T OVCOUNCIL CHAMBERS. THENEXTVAILT OWN COUNCILREGULAR EVENING MEETING WILLBEONTUESDAY,3/19/96,B EGINNING AT 7 :30 P,M.INTOVCOUNCILCHAMBERS. 11 11111 Sign langu age interpretation ava ilable upon request with 24 hour notification .Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TOO forinformation. C -..ot ~TC ..• VAI LT OWN COU NCIL TUESDAY,MARCH 5,199 6 • 7:30 P.M. 7 :35 P.M . 1, 2. 1:30 P,M ,I NT OV COUNC IL CHAMBERS AGENDA CITIZEN PARTIC IPA TION . Co nsent Agenda: Approval of th e Minutes for the meetings of February 6and20 ,1996. 7 :40 P.M.3. A ndy Knudts en 8:1 0P.M .4 . Dominic Maunello 8 :20 P.M.4 . Ernst Gl atzle Da n Stanek 8:35 P.M .5 . Ste ve Thompson Reviewof the Lottery Values andWe ighting of Criteria . A CTION R EQUESTED OFCO UNCIL :Review i nform ation,provide feedback ,and approve the lottery c riteriaandwe ighting if no modifications are suggested . BACKGROUND RATIONALE :Si nce t hew ork sessionson 2/6/96 a nd 2/20/96 ,staff ha s clarified the v alues in response to Council di rection and has now we ighted th e crite ria for your re view . STAFF RECOMMENDATION :Approve lottery crit eriaandwe ighting or suggest modifications . Ord inance No .4,Seri es of 1996.first r eadingof a n ordinance am ending Ch apter 18.18 ,Section 18 .18.090 Density Con trol,M edium-Density F amily (M OMF)Districtof t heVailMu nicipa l Code . ACTI ON REQUE STED O F COUNCIL:Approve/mod ify/deny Ord inance No . 4 ,Series of 1996 o nfir st rea ding . BACKGROUND RATI ONALE :The PEC has recommended approval of the O rdinance .with auna n imo usv ote (5-0).(Seeatta ched PEe m emo). S TAFF RECOMMENDATION :Staff r ecom mends a ppro v alof Ordinance No . 4,Series of 1996o n firs treading . Ord inance No .5,S eries of 1996 ,firstreadingofan ordinance re pea lingan d reenact ing Ch apter 15 .02 ;adopt ingby reference t he 1994 edition ofthe u niformplu mbing code andt he 1996 edition of t he national e lectric code; settingf ortn certa in am endments t othe national electric code a nd se"lng f orthd etails i n regard th ereto . A CTION REQUESTED OF COUNCI L:Approve/mod ify/den y Ordinance No . 5 ,Series of 1996 on first reading . BA CKGROU ND RATIONALE:The plumbinga nd e lectric codes sh ouldbe adop ted by reference sothatthe Town ofV a ilis enforcing th em ost recent standards oft he industry . STAFF RECOMMENDATION:Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No . 5,Se ries of 1996 on fi rst read ing . Ordin ance No .6,Se riesof 1996 ,fi rst reading of FirstAmendment tothe Town of Val l Employees'Pension Plan. ••.. 8:50 P .M.6 . Dominic Mauriello 9 :35 P .M.7 . George Ru ther T omBra un Ordina nce No .7,Series of 1996.first reading ofan o rdinance amending Trtle 18Zoni ng ,Ch apters 18 .12 (Two-Family R esidentia l (R)Distnct),18.13 (Primary/Secondary ResidentialDistrid),18.54(DesignReview),18.56 (Environmentallm pad Reports),18 .58 (S upplemental Re gulations),18 .60 (Co nditionalU sePermits),18 .62(V aria nces),and18 .66(Administration) wit h re spect to Administration andAppe als Procedureo f th e Va il Municipal Code. ACTION REQUESTED O F COUNCIL:A pprove/modify/d eny Ordinance No . 7,Series of 1996 on first re ading . BACKGROUND RATIONALE :Th eP lanning a ndE nvironmental Com mission recommendedapproval(4-0)at theirFebruary26 ,1996 meeting . STAFF RECOMMENDATION :Approva l (see the Staff M emorandum to the PE C ,dated February 26 ,1996). Ordinance No .8,Seriesof 1996.firstre ad ing ofanord inance repealing and reenading Ordinance No .7,Series of 1994 .to all for t hecon structionof a TypeIII EmployeeHousingUnitintheCom ice Building;to amend the development p lans for Specia lD evel opment D istrictN o.32ina cc ordance w ithC hapter 18 .40of t heTo wn of V ail MunicipalCo de ;a nd se ttingforth de tailsinr egard thereto. ACTION RE QUESTEDOF COUNCIL:Approve/modify/deny Or dinance N o. B,Se nes of 1996 on first reading . BACKGROUND:O n Febru ary 12 ,1996 ,the applicant's rep resentative,T om B raun,appeared beforethe Planningand Environmental Commission wit h a r equestforaM ajor Amendment to Special D evelopment Dist rict(SOD ) No .32 ,toa llowf ort he c onstruction o fane mployeehousing unit ,locate dat t he Cornice B uild ing :362Va il Va lley Drive/pa rt of Tract B,V ail Vill age1st Filing .Inadd ition to the proposaltoco nstruct a n e mployee h ousing unit in the Comice Bu ilding .the a pplicanta lso pro posed ach ange tot he a pproved development p lan w ith reg ard totheou tdoor lighting requirements .The appl icant was see king greater fl exibility inth e ou tdoor l ightingrequ ire ment th an iscurre ntly allowed b y Chapter 18 .54,Design Review,of the Town of Vail Municipal Code . U ponrevi ew ofthe M ajorSOD Amen dment re quest ,inaccordance w ith Section 18.40 .100of t heVa ilMu nicipal Code ,t he Planninga nd En vironmental Commission a pproveda motion torec ommend approval of th e Ma jo r SOD Amendme nt request to t he Town Co unci l.Th e P lanning and Environmental Commission recom me nded app roval wit h t he following co ndit ions: 1.That the proposed em ployee housing u nit ,within t heCornice B u ilding,not be e ligible fors a le sep arately f rom t he sing le-family dwelling un it. 2 .Thatanypreviousap provalsfo r o utdoorlightingo nth e property be voided by this approval . 3 .That t heinternal access door between th e ex isting g arage an dth e proposed employee ho u sing un it be elim in ated . The motion torecommenda pprovalofthe Major S OD Am endment reque st pa ssed3-1 -1 (B owen dissented ,A msden abst ained). A co py oft hem emora ndum p repared f orth e Plann ing andEn vironmental Commissio n ,dated February12,1996,ha sbee n att ached f orreference . ,•• 10 :20 P .M .8. 10:25 P .M .9 . S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION:Ina ccordance wrt h the m emo rand um prepared by staff forthe Plan ning andEnvironmental Comm iss ion (21 12196), the Community Development Department recommend s approval ofthe propo sed Major AmendmenttoSpecial Development District No.32 ,the Corn ice Build ing . TownManager's Report . Adjourn ment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: t ALL nuES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUeJEC TTO CHANGE, III I I II THENEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL ALL DAY WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY,3112196 ,BEGINNING AT8:00 A.M ,IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS, THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION W ILL BEON TUESDAY,3/19/96.BEGINNING AT2:00 P,M,I N TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THENEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEON TUESDAY,3/19/96.BEGINNING AT7 :30 P,M,IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS, I I I I I I I Sign lang uageinterpretation available upon request with 24hour notifica tion .Please call479-2 1 14 voice or 4 79-2 356 TOO for infc rmet o n . C \o\Cl HOA.TeE I •• VAIL TOWN COUNCIL • EV TUESDAY,MARCH 5,1996 7:30 P,M,IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS REVISED AGENDA 1.C ITI ZEN P ARTICIP ATION . 2 .Consen t Agenda : Approval of theM inutes fortheme etings of February6 a nd 2 0 ,1996 . 3 .Review of theLottery Value sandweighting ofCriteri a. 4 .O rdinanceNo.4,Series of1996,first readingof a nordinance amendingChapter18.18, S ect io n 18 .18.090 D ensrty Co ntrol,Med ium-Density Family (MDM F)Di strict ofthe Vail Municipa l Co de . 5.O rdinance No.5,Seriesof1996,first readingof anordinancerepe alingandree nacting Ch ap ter 15 .02;adoptingby r ef er ence th e1994 e dit ion of the u n iform plumbing code and the1996 ed itionofthenationalelectric code ;settingforthcertain amendmentstothe na ti o nale le ctric co deands ett ing f orthde tailsinre gard th ereto . 6 .O r dinance No .6,S e riesof 1996.firstre ading of FirstAmendment tothe Townof Vail Emp loyees'Pension Plan 7,O rdi nance No .8,Series of1996 ,firs t re ading of a n ord inance repealing and ree nacti ng O rdinanceN o .7 ,Se r ie s of 1994 ,t oallfor the construction ofaT ype III Employee Hous ing U nit in th e Cornice Bu ilding ;t o a mend t he developmentp lans f or S pecialDe ve lopment Di strictNo ,32 in acco rdance w it h Ch apter 18.40 ofth eT ow n of Vail M unici pa l Code :a nd settingf orthd etails in regard t heret o . 8 .T own Manager's Report. 9 .Ad j ournment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: lAU n.n Aft!.u'HtOXlYAT'E......0 $UIlJ£CT TO ~ IIII I I I THENEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL ALL OAY WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY,3112196,BEGINNING AT8:00 A ,M,INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWNCOUNC IL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY.31 191 96 ,BEGINNING AT 2 :00 p ,M.INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS . .THENEXT VAIL TOWNCOUNCI L REGULAR EVENINGMEETING WILL BEON TUESDAY,3119196 ,BEGINNING AT 7:30 P.M.INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. II I III I Signlanguage interpretationavailable upon request w ith 24hour notification.Please call 479·2114 voice or 479-2356 T DO forinformation. I • VAIL TOWN COUNCIL • TUESDAY,MARCH 5,1996 7 :30 p.M.IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS REV ISED AGENDA 7 :30 P.M. 7 :35 P .M. 1. 2 . CI TIZENPARTICIP ATION . ConsentA genda: Approv alof t heMin utes fort he meetings of Febru ary 6a nd 20.1996 . 7:40 P .M .3 . A ndy Knudtsen Review of the Lottery V a lues and Weighting of Criteria . ACTION R EQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Rev iew information ,provide feedback.an d approveth e lottery crit eria and weig hting if n o modlflcations a res uggested . BACKGROUND RATIO NALE:S ince t he work se ssions on 216/96 and 2120/96,st aff has clarifi edt hev alues in response to Council di rectio n a nd has n ow weighted the criteria for your r eview. STAFF RECOMMENDATION :Approve lottery criteria andw eighting or suggest modifications . 8:10 P.M .4 .OrdinanceNo.4,Seriesof1996,firstreadingof anordinance amending DominicM auriello Chapter 18.18,Section18.18.090 Density Control,Medium·DensityFamil y (MOM F)Di strict of the Vail Mu nicipalC ode . ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNC IL:Ap prove!modify/deny Ordinance No . 4 ,Series of 1996 onfirst reading . BACKGROUND RATIONALE:TheP EC has recommended approval ofthe Ordinance,with a unanimous vote (5..Q).(Seeatt ached PEe memo). STAFF RECOMMENDATION :Staff recomm ends ap provalof Ordinance No . 4,S eries of 1996o n first reading. 8:20 P.M .5 . Ernst G latzle Dan Stanek 8 :35 P .M .6 . Steve Th ompson Ordinance No .5,Seriesof1996 ,first re adingofanor dinance repe aling and reenacting Chapter 15 .02;adopting by r eference the 1994 ed ition of the u niform plumbing code andthe 1996 edition ofth e national electric code; setting forth certa in amendments tothe national electric cod ea nd setting forth details in regard thereto. ACTIONREQUESTEDOF COUNCIL:A pprove/modify /deny Ordinance No . 5,Series of 1996 on fi rst reading . BACKGROUND RATIONALE :The p lumbing a nd e lectric codess hould be adopted by referenceso t hat the T own ofVailis enforcing the most recent st a ndards oftheindu stry. STAFF RECOMM ENDATION:Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No . 5,Series of 1996 onfi rst reading. O rdinanceN o.6,Series of1996,fi rst readingofFirstAmendment totheTown ofVailEm ployees'PensionP lan. ••\ 8 :50 P.M.7. George Ruther Tom Br aun Ordinance No .8.series of1996 ,first reading ofan ordinance r epealing a nd reenact ing Ordinance No.7,Series of 1994,toa ll f or the co ns truction ofa T ype IIIEm ployee Hou singUnitinthe Comic eB uilding ;t o am endthe d eve lopment p lans for SpecialDe vel opment D istrict No.32in acco rdance wit hCha pter 18.40 ofthe Townof V ail Municipal C ode ;andsettingfort h details i nreg ardt hereto . ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Approve/modify/deny O rdinance No . B,Series of 1996 on first reading . BACKGROUND:OnFebru ary 12,1996 ,theappl icant 's representative,Tom B raun ,appeared before t he P lanning andEn v ironmentalC omm ission with a requ est for a Major A mendmentt o Special De velopment D istrict(S OD) N o.32,to allowfo r t he c o nst ruct io n of an e mployee ho usingu nit.lo cated at t he CorniceB u ilding ,362V ail Valley Dri ve /part of Tract B ,VailV illage 1st Filing .In add ition tothepr oposa l toco ns truct an em ployee h ousing unit i n th e Cornice Build ing ,theappl icant a lsop roposed a change to the approved development plan with regard tothe o utdoor lighting requirements .The applicant was see ki ng g reater fle xibility in the o utd oor li ghting requ irement tha n is currently allowedby Chapter 18 .54 ,Desig nR eview ,of the To wn of Va il Municipal Code . U pon r eviewoft heM ajor SOD A me ndmentrequest,inac cord ance wi th Section 18.40.100 oftheVai l M u nicipa l Code,t hePl anninga nd Environmental Commis sion approved a motion tore com menda pproval of the Major S OD Amendment request tothe T own Council .The P lanningand E nvironment al C omm iss ion recommended a pprova l with t hefoll owing conditions : 1.That t he proposed employee housing unit,wi thin t he Cornice B uild ing ,notbe eligib le for s ale separately f rom t hes ingle·family d welling uni t. 2 .Tha t any previous app rovals f or outdoor lig hting onthe pr operty be v oidedby t h is approva l. 3 .That th e i nternalaccess d oor betwe en the e xistingg arage and the pr oposed employee h ousing un it be e liminated . Them ot ion to recommend approvalof th eMa jor SOD Amendmentre quest passed 3-1·1 (B owe nd issented ,Amsdena bstained). A copy of the m emora ndum pre pared for the Pla nning and Enviro nmental Commiss ion ,dated February12 ,1996 ,h as been attached fo r refere nce. STAFF RE COMMENDATION :In accord ance wrth them emorandum pr epared b y staff for thePlan n ing and E nv ironmental Commission(21 12196), t he Commun ity De velopment Department recommends approval of t he proposed Ma jor Amendment t oS pecial Development Dis trict N o .32 ,t he Cornice B Uilding . 9 :30 P .M . 9:35 P .M. 8 . 9 . TownM anag er's Report. Adjournment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: IALl n ..ES ARE .....1'ttOX!MA'"AND SlJIIlJECTTO CKANGE I I I I I I I I THENEXTVAILTOWNCOUNCILALLOAYWORK SESSION WILLBEONTUESDAY,3112196 ,BEGINNING AT8;00A ,M,INTOVCOUNCIL CHAMBERS, THEFOLLOWING VAIL TOWNCOUNC IL REGULARWORK SESSION WILLBEON TUESDAY,3/19/96,BEGINN ING AT 2:00P,M,INTOVCOUNCILCHAMBERS. THENEXTVAI L TOWNCOUNCILREGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEON TUESDAY,3/1 9/96,BEGINNING AT7:30 P.M.INTOVCOUNCILCHAMBERS. t • IIII I II • Signlanguageinterpretationavailableupon request with24hournotification.Pleasecall 479-2114 voiceor 479-2356 TDD for information. • Eal:WlgeHOlII--,M!la:illtm .Gq,':JL EAST VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIAT ION,INC. O ffice r.J :PrcsidclIl -Dab Ga lvin Secretary -Gr Cl12 Parks Treasure r-Pa trick Gramm Directors -Judith DerkoWl IZ -Dolph Bridgewater EUJC Dulldns •Ron Langley -Bill Monon •Connie Ridder T o:Mayor AnnOUT and T O\\l1 Council Town o fVa iJ From:Jim Lamo nt,Executive Director Dale:March S,1996 RE :Cornice Building SDDAmendment I~uwq MA~5 b~o TOV-COMM.DEV.DEPT. In principle.the Homeowners Associationo pposes the amendment o f tile Special Development Districtas it is 3.grant of specialprivileged.The SDn legislation docs not provide foruniformimposition o fstandards and conditions uponallpropertyowners in the samezone district. After consultation with the VorJ auferCondominium Association.it is requested by the HomeownersAssoc iation that nosurface parkin g be allowed on the site tha t cou ld be viewed fromadjacent public stree ts and private property.Parking requirementsfortheunderlying zone di strict requir es that allparking be screenedfrom pu blicviewbyaberm .The presentimprove - ments on the site has been developed to the maximu m exten t.eliminati ngthepos sib ility of screen- ing surface parking frompublicview . If the amendm entisap proved.itisrequestedthatacondition be im posed that wo uldre- quire all on -siteexteriorsurface parking tooccurwithinthe buildingandthatno surface parking be allowe d .The re is sufficien t parking within the bu ilding to accommoda te one car perunit.Be- cau seexterior surfaceparking cannot be adequately screened.parking for eachuni ts houldre - quired to be within the building. Theproximity of the property to stream tract land,recreation altrails,and the soo n to be maj or pedestrian corridortoGo lden Peak requiresaq uality treatment o fon-site parkingfor this location.N ootheradjacent property,north a fGa re Creek in theproxim ity o f the Cornice site.is allowed exteri or sur face parking.Exteri or parking should be limited.to drop-off and d eliveries . Suc h is thecase with adj acent buildings . Itis reported tothe Homeowners Associatio n thatthe park inggaragefor theb uilding has been finished in a manner that indicates theowner may intend using the area for purp oses other thana garage .this proj ect was granted as pecial privilegein or der toga in the redeve lopment of asubstandard s ite .An amen dment thatwould permiton-site exterior surfaceparking \\111 di min- ish and thwart the terms and conditi ons placedupontheapp licant in o rderfor himto ob tain the original Specia l Devel opme nt District privilege s.Had this am endmen t beenattache d to the o rigi- nal applicati on.in alllikelihood .itwould have altere dtheparking design requi rements forthe building . P OlIl Offlce Box 238 Te kphone:(970)827-5680 Vai l.Cclceado8 1658 M ~elFAX:(970) -..•• •BA 1/BRA.UN ASSOC IATES .INC. February 8.1996 GetIret:RuLht:r TtlWn of Va il 7 ~South Fronta ge Rt,,","1 Vail Colorado 5 16~7 RE :Corn ia:Building Enclosed you will find a revised set of plans tor the Cornice J:l uil ding SUU sroencmem,The following cbcsngc.'have been made: I ) 2) 3) 4) PIdIJ::-ha ve bee n labeled "19965DD Amcodment-Addit x,n of ElI l ?., "Iou:s have been added indicating three red-tw ig dogwoods to be replaced by three:mugu «Jogw(l()d.oj,to be rc l()c~tw un ~il.e). Exterior light ing is indi catedon buil dingelevators,and The soulh elevat ion hasbee n modif~to n::f1cet tht:f~lJ'H ti ll n imJiUHoJ on lhe Dll:I.iu level floo r plan. 1hav e discussed the lighting iss ue withJimandwehave made the following c hanges: I ) 2) 3) One of the small decorative lamps mounted on thecolumn atthe main entry 10 the buildi ng will he removed, Asmall wa ~mount ed lamp loca ted atthe man-door 10 the garag<:will be removed . Allotber Ii .lns to remain,these IighlS inclnde: •Four recessed safety Ii~ts located on the mainexterior stairway , •Three recessed safe ty liihts locatedon the second level balcon y. •Tw o wall-mounted decorative lamps located on the west elevation. •Tw o recessed "ca ns"located in the soffrt BOOv(the garage.and •n nt'...mall ck.r.nntlivr:IA ~fl mounted on the column on the ma in entrytothe building. The building will ha ve a tO l4l1 of twelve exterior lights,however it is important :0 note Ibat s even o f these light s,arc recessed safety lights thAI nr.virtually lmnn tia';thle from o ff 1he s ite .There will now he o nly five s urface mounted light Iixuues,two o f which are recessed cans. I ho pe thislnformat ion is acceptableIn you andthe rest or th e staff.Thanks for the opportunity 10 [QOIvc this issue via the SOD proccs.,.r lca.-,c do not bceitetc to call with m y qU(::5UOD3 . '1B'f" Phont -970.SZ7.~ F_-'nO.8Z7..5:1a7 *'5Z.Foe.h>~,..,'i I O'-rr'l:lQ:l e.I 'CjhTo '-'i 'J.J /l owoi n 6....r-,+zl 12.\G6 ?7 M,ntu rn ~Bu irdlr-s I 201 Hal..~e".2nd rlool" Port OfflC@ Box 776 MiNtum .Col erw.W SI6-4-S <\~ 100m.,;A.Braun.AlCP f':,V &r -0 d "':;;-Z .L ~'e Dr:...E:L.o ''I I \D-I D uE:..L./c;)-J I l,.. O u ,.-JCbZ "C,l m4 E f-kr ,Fo~ T OT ~P.01 I I; .~,",."~"::'.'..? ,~,,. .~ ·.".".. ·; '..., ..i " 'a:!"""g ' .. ','... ·., I i I I ! i• ~::.•, +,o I..,o i.! •••~j ~s i :1i ij'J j ;f J :.~J :.,;, •1.....,. • o ••J~• ~-, J .:J 1:!"r -..J 01 o..t ~-:'-<l •V'•<J ~..<..., ~s f•••·....-;·.,J.d.3 ,I , 00<1 I 5: -{. • .1';$1 • -. S:••<I ...-. Ii • • ,, ,! --- • ~".• 9 Ii ~~'9 ·,. -c,>=~ ;;I ~-:"f..~';;:":1" eltst~2s~1~"'l ~I(J ~. 0'001 ,p .,. 5!1 ~31!,--'r,'~. ii ~I ~Iai ~ j1 ~} ~~ ~p• -:. ; 1•,• ."'-,ee ---, ~i~In > III ; ~:i .'..--[, _.I.L • ••.'?:,,,- I 0 ,, l j, 0 r ~.....,.'. ~.:~. \ < I• , ./" " -,'". ----- ..... p~o~:· t Q e()IL.PIN~. ~el.ev.fJt1Z-' ---;;;.---,;;~ --------::~........-..,-!11'-~..-----:...------J,......-- --------..._----.,-------------I • BA 1/BRA UNASSO CIA TE S.II>-J C. PLANNING a~d COMMUNITY "')FVElOP M[N r • •- Janua ry 29 .I W6 M r.Gcoruc Ruthe r.Planner CumrnuniiyDcvclopmcru Department Ii.m 11 of Vail 7~Sou thFrontau c Road Va ll.C O XIM 7~ RE:Am endment ttl Cor n in'Bu ild i ng Submittal m 87..... •/&]~~1 En closed you wil l find a revised floor p la n for the Co rnice Bu ildin g.This p lan utili zes m ost of the uren below the c ant ileve red portion of the second fl oor am i increases th es ize o fthe EHU to approxi mately .1S7 square reel.o r I::!X~l.Ju'lrc feet gr eater thanw hat was proposed in o ur initial up plican on.W hile we have indicated in terior S p'ICCS w ithinthe E HU ,it is vc ry l ikely th at the fin a l arran gement o f the kitchen.bathroom.close ts,etc .w ill be revised during th ep reparation of construction drawings.A ...we d iscus....cd last week,the two new e xterior wa lls on th eso uth and cust eleva tions arc rccc»...cd ino rder 10mimi c the ot her doors a nd wi ndows on thebui lding. J though t it would be helpful to summarize:o ur position onthe pa rkingiss ue.Th e par king requirement for the huildin g is .1 spaces -two spaces forthe main uni t an d nne s pacefor (he EH U , This requiremen t IS sat isfied oy IW O ga rage spaces and one su rface SPi.lCC located o n the w est s ide "I'the buildmg .Based on o ursite v isit last week .it isclear th at functionally all thr ee s paces w ork. i.l'.c:J ls in c acn Spal:l'c un easily t urn a round on-cite and drive ou t on toVail Villlcy Dri vewi thout hacking in to thes treet .As Iu nderstand the si tuation .the s taff is g rapp ling wit h the issue of whet her a su rface pa rking space is a ppropria te g iven the HDMF req uiremen ttha t "75%o fthe require d parking s hall tx,loca ted w ithin th e mainbuildingor buildin gs.".. Al te rnativ es to theSu rface Space G ive nthesize o f this parcela nd that the fact tha t the b uild ing is in p lace ,there are few al ternativ es fill"p rovidi ng this third s pace ,With a pproval from the Town Council.pay ingint o the par kin g fund i n lieu of providi ng a th irdo n-site space is o ne a lternative ,However,from o u rst andpoint it makes nose nse to pay into the pa rking fundw henthere is the opportunity 10 providethethi rd spa ce o n-s ite.Another ahcrnat iv......is 10 p rovidethe space wi thin the existi ng garage.The des ign a pp roved hy the PEe inc luded a th ree-space ga ra ge wi th a 20'garage door,Aft erco nsiderable debate.the ('ou ncil's app roval w as c onditional upon the un it being reducedto 2,000 sq uare feet a nd thu t on ly ~p ark ing spaces hc,'provided.In response to this condi tion,theun itwa src-dcsigncd \\ith a In 'g a rage d\M.lr .The o nly w;I Yto c reate a th ird garage space would be to totally re-build the l'l IH :10the giJ cag\'to pr ovide it 20'garage door.Th is would crea te extremely s ignificant stru ctural l"llginccring issue..tha i rna)or may not he able to he resol ved ,Re-designing thi~door wou ld also adversely aflcctthc O\'cc,11I dce ign ofthe building. ~hxl jrying the ga fi l~l'III Cl c a lca third enclosed space within the garage is no r a v iableal te rnative. Minturn Iro nwo rks &,Id,ng 201 Main Street.2nd Fl o or Pm l O ff,(~Box 776 M in lllrrl,C olorado 8164 5 Phone -9711 827.5797 Fa x -970.827.5507 • w hy Req uire Enclosed Parkin g? • ~------ Par king ICHS arcgen erally 110 1 a uructivc clemen ts o f Inclan dscape a nd theyadd very litt lein the way s trc ct l ifc or activity for theped estrian .The pedes tr ian experience or Vail V illage clea r ly dimi nishes as one w alks by a large s urface lot or a la rge number o f par king s paces (I.e.V.A./Chr istiania 10 1, G o ldenPeak.Vor laufcr.VailRow Home s .Vail Trail E ast a nd We st ,A ll Seaso ns ,Manor Vail ctc.}, Section 18.52.0 I (l s lates "in c e rta ind istr ic ts ,:111 (I f a por tion Il l'th e park ing s paces prescribed by this c hapter <Ir e required to be w ithin thema in huil ding in order to avoid or tom in imize the adv e rse v isual imp acto f ~conce ntra tions of ex posed pa rk ing a nd ors eparate g arageorc a rport s truc tures ",II is interest ingto notetha t the requ ireme nt for en closed parking inc reases proport iona tely to increasedden s ity.S ing le-family .Two -fam ily,Primary/seconda ry.an d LDMF d is tricts ha ve 0(1 re q uire ment .th e RC dis trict hasa one space/un it re quire men t "if reasonable",a nd MDMF requires 50 %o f a ll s paces to he en closed.In addi t ion,requ iremen tsfor la nds cape borders a nd in terior landsca ping arc notre quired by theTown 's c ode u ntil pa rki ng IO L"i ex ceed 15 s paces. It is clear that the inten tion o f the cod eis to ad dress hig her de nsity/la rge sc ale developmentw ith mort'st ringe ntrequi re ments for en closed pa rkinga nd la ndsca ping. Rev iew C rite ria W hiletheun derl y ing zoning (HDM F)requi res 75%of the parking [0 he e nclo sed ,it is im porta n t to remember t hat this s ta ndardis me rely a benchmark in order to u nderstandhow a SOD proposa l rela tes 10 un de rl ying loning .The actuall y cr iteria 10 he used in evaluat ing [he app ropr iateness of <In S DD a rcthe nin e S ODDesignCri teria.T he que stio n isw hether the Corn iceBui ldi ngpa rking s pace as proposed is appropriate when co ns ide r ing a ll relevant aspects o r theproject. Hollom line -there arc simp ly no ad verse impactsfrom ~s u rface parkings pace,The v isua l clu tter,t he 1ll1H1 I)((my of ca r a fter c ar.a nd the br oad e x panse o f "noth ingness"that c ha rac terize larges urfac e pa r ki ng lo ts will no t hec re ated by th is proposal.The new Corn ice Bui ldinghas mad e a ve ry posi tive add ition 10 the s trcc rscapc.it isa delightfu l bu ild ing tha tw illnot be dim inished in the s lighicsi de gree by the a ddition o f QIl.£s ur face parking s pnce. I hope these c o mme n ts a rc help fu l.G iven o ur lim ite d a lte rnatives it is cl eartom e th at if th is s ur face s pace is un accep tablea newE H U w illnot hepro vided o n-s itea nd that our thi rd E HU w ill he provided so mewhere else in theTown .lthin k thi swo u ld be ve ryunfortunate -when considering all of the T own"s de velopme nt o bj ectives ,thead vantages o f an EHU in this loc ation far outwe igh a ny perceived is sues wi th OIlC s u r facepark ing spa cc . Please do not he sitate tocon tact me w ith a ny quest io nsyou m ayha ve .We ca nalso dis cuss the po ssibilit y o fmodifying the Elll J Res tric tion Agreement to s pec i fy th atthe tenant of the EHlJ c a n utili zea garage s pace wh enthe ow ner is not occupyingth e home.I loo k forwa rd to disc us....ing this issuew ith youfu rth er . Since rely. "-Th omas A B raun,A lCP ,.•• A MENDMENT T O S DD No .32 C ORN ICE BUILDI NG I.I NTROD UCTlON/D ESCR:IP Tl ON O F PROPOSAL Symmary of ~uests The following report describes thep roposed addition of a Type IV Employee HousingU nit (EHU)to existing space wi thin the Cornice build ing .In accordance with the Town of Vail M unicipal Code .th is proposal requires the reviewa nd approval of the fol lowing. •A major a mendmenttotheCornice Bu ilding SOD No .32inordertoa llow foran additio nal 333 dwelling unitsand 259 sq uarefeet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). Descr iption of Proposed Development In1994theTown o fVail approved SDD No.32 in order toa llowfur the demolition of the existing Corn ice B ui lding and the construction of a new si ng le-fami ly residence.The previously exist ing buildi ng included a 1,084 sq uare foo t f rcc -market dwelli ngun it.thr ee (3)202 SqUilTC footres tricted e mployee rental unit"a nd a 202 square foot office s pace.The buildi ng a p p roved bytheTow n in 1994 a nd co ns tr ucted th ispasts ummer includes a 2,000 square foots ingle -fami ly ho me wi th a 600 square foo t ga rage. Incl udedwi thin theg ro undfloor of the newbu ildingisa void/crawl space of a pproxima te 259 sq uare feel.The Type IV E IIU proposed forthc Cornice B uildi ng will be co nstructed w ithinth isvo id space.Theo nly cha nge tothe e xterior of theb uilding w ill be th eaddition o f w indows a nd a door.No changes to the bu lka nd mass of the bui lding or toa nys ite development st andards s uchas set backs,site co ve rage o r bui ldi ng heig ht will he req u ired . TheEll U w ill inclu de 259 sq uarefee t o fliving area a nd w ill be accessed separa tel y from the main u nit v ia a n exi s ting wa lkway tha tleads f romthedri ve way tothe b uild ing .An a pproximately 32 sq uarefoot storage locker co n tig uou.s to theg arage a nd a djace n t 10 the e ntry 10 the EHU w ill a lsobe prov ided.T he us c of Ihe RHU w illbe restricted toe m p loyee rent als in ac co rda nce w ithTown o f Vail EHU rc.st rictiuns. Zoni ni:A nalysis T he a ddition of a n EHlJ tothe Cornice B uilding wi ll res u lt inan increase o f 333 dwe lling un its(a Type IV E IIUis calcu lated as .3 33 dwe llingunit s)a nd 259 square fee t o fGRFA . Ordinance No.7,Series 199 4 restr ict...the Co rnice B uilding to o ne (I)si ng le f amily dw ellinga nd2,000 squa re feet o f G RFA.Because theE HU c anbe c rea tedw ithin the form of theex isting building,no other modifica tions to the development s ta ndards pe rmitted hy SDD No .32 (se tba cks.s ite coverage,e tc.)a TC ncccs s a ry .Proposed am endment..to SOD No.32 arc as follows : CO RN ICF.BUILD IN G t\M END M E ~T TOSOD NO.,'\2 .••• Or djnanceNo.7.Ser ies 1994 Sect jon 5.Pa rac-raph D .DensityQ m lml The m aximum GRFA for th e Corn ice Buildin gs hallnot e xceed J..,QOO. 2 ,259 sq uare feet.Th is figure is the maximum GR FA thatwi ll be a llowed o n the lot.An additional 25 0 sq uarefee t of GR FA,pe r C hap te r18.71o f the Vail M unicipal Code,s hallnot be a llowed o n th is si te,now or in t he futu re .A 600 square foo t credi t fora two-car garage sha ll he a llowedin . additionto the ~2 ,259 square feet o f GRFA a llowed o nthe si te.Th e approved de nsity for th e Cornice B uilding s hall he R RI<;(I)o ne a nd n n e- t hird (1.333)dwelli ng u nit uni ts . S;IF ik~nwl =language deleted H urd =language added Chapter J8.57 Employee Housing esta blishes para meters for fiv e different types of e mployee hous ing units.The E HU proposed for theCo rnice Building co mplies with all a p plicable req uirements fora Type IV EHU .Asu mmary of th e m ajor requirements for a Type IV unit include the following: Size - Storage - Parkin g ~ La undry- The unit is a p prox imately 259 SlI uare feel,thereq u ire mentis between2-3 00 sq uare fee t. A 4 'x8 'x 7's tora ge locker (32 s.9,uarc feet,or 224 c ubicfee t)will be provided.thereq uir ement is 5'x 6 x5 '(30 sq u:uc feet.or 150 cubic feet). O ne o n-site parking space will be pr ovided ,the requ irem ent is for one on - si tep a rking s pace. T he occupant o f the E HU w ill be pr ovided uccc.......to the main un it laundry fa cilities. II.B'ACKG R OUNDO FC ORN ICE B IJII.D1NG As d es cribed above.theredevelopment of the Co rniceB uildi ng was a p proved in 1994a nd t he cons truction o fthe new b uilding was co mpletedthi s p asts ummer.The or iginal C orniceBui lding was constructed in the m id-1960 's a nd cons isted o f eight s mall ren tal a partme n tsw ith noo n-site pa rking.I n(he mi d-1970's the upper floor of thebui ldi ng was con vertedto o ne c ondominiumu ni ta ndun eo f the ground floor apartments was con verted too fficeus c .In19 79 the o wner uf th e property ag reed to d eed res tri c t the three rema ining resid entialrental units fora pe riod of twen ty ye ars.Th is rest ricti on w as not formally re corded unt il 198 5. A~a n d ement of th e 1994 d evel opment a pproval.the c urrent owner of the p roperty a greed to p rovide three (3)off-site restricted e mp loyee hous ing units .Ina ccorda nce w ith the Corn ice B uilding SOD.these thr ee un its a re tobe provided p riorto the iss uance of a temporaryce r tific ate o f occupancy.Toda le.tw o res tricted E HU's ha ve been prov ided . Theseun its include anewuni tlocatedwi thin a du plexin the PitkinC reek a rea of E astVa il a nd a newuni t loca ted w ithin a d uplex i n the G o lf Course neigh borhood .Ifa p proved.the pro posed Co rni ce Bui ldingE IIU wou ld be the thirdE HU provided by the owner a nd would s a tis fythe req u irements of th eori g inal SOD a pprnva l. CORNICE n UI LDtNG A MEND MENT TOSOD NO..12 2 • III.REVIEW C RI TE R IA • • As outlined in theVail M unicipal Code.the following cri teria arc used toeva luate p ropo sed special deve lopmentd istricts . SDD Review Criteria Ninec riteria arc usedto evaluate specia l development district p ro posals.The following res ponses have been p repared to d emonstrate this proposa ls compliance with these design c ri teria. A.Design compatibility and sensitivityto theim mediate e nvi ronment,neighborhood a nd adjacent properties relative toa rchi tect ural design.scale,bulk.buildin g he ight,bu ffer zo nes,identi ty .character.vis ualintegritya nd o rientatio n. Res ponse: The addition of anE HU tot he Cornice B uilding will not change the m ass o r fo rm of the e xisting buildi ng andasa result will no t a ffect a ny o f th e criteria listed above . B .Uses ,activity a nd densi ty w hich provide aco mpatible,efficient an d wor kable rel ationship with surrounding usesa nd ac tivity . Response : T he Cornice Build ing iss urrounded by hi gh -density mult i-family residential development.Th e majorityo fth ere uni ts are second-home or rental p ro perties. T he additio n of an EHU tothe Co rn ice:Building w ill res ult in a totalo ftw o u nits fora n o vera lldensityo f 1.333.This density willp rovide for a co mpatib le,efficient and wo rkablerel ationship wi th s urrounding uses a nd ac tivities.The a ddition of an RHO willalso result in a full -time resident w h ich w ill provide th e additionalbe nefit of inc reased ped est rian a c tivity inthe Ea st Vi llag e ne ighborhood , C .Co mplia nce w ith par king a nd lo ading requi rements as o u tlined in C hapter lK 52. Res pon se : E x ist ing de velopment on theproperty is limite d toa 2,000 sq ua refoot dwe llinguni tw hich re quirestwo (2)o n-site pa rking spaces .Thee xisting garage c ur re ntly provides two (2) e nclosed parking spaces a nd the d es igno fth e driv eway p rovides fo r twoad d itio nal o n -si te s paces .A "a resu lt,ato tal of fo ur (4)o n-site parking spaces c urrently exist o n the property . The addition of a n EHU wil l requi re o ne a dd itio nal on-s ite parking space resulting in a n o ve ra llparking requ irement of three (3)spaCl:'.Th is new parking requirementis satisfied by t he foure xisting o n -site space-;. CORNICE BUI LDI:'G A MEK DMENT T OSOD NO..'\2 3 •• D .Conformity wi th a pplicable e lements o fth e VailCo mprehensiveP la n ,tuwn policies and urban design plans. &esponse; The si nglem osts ignificant issue fa cing the Town of Vail today is employee housing.Thi s propos al.if a pproved,would providea new restricted empl oyee rental un itinth eco re of Vail Village. E .Identification a ndm itigation of natural a nd/o r g eologic ha zards th at affect the property o n w hich the specialdevel opment district is proposed. Response; The o nly ap p licableha zard th at affectsth ispro perty is 'he l OO -ycar flood pl ain of Gore C reek.N oe xisting o rp ro posed improvements o n this property arc located w ithin thel 00-year flood pl ain. F.S itep lan.h uilding design and locati on a nd open space provisions d es igned to produce a f unctionaldevelopmentres ponsive a nd s ensitiveto natural fea t ures,vegetation a nd overall a es thetic qu ality of t he community. Re spon se; Only min or c hanges to the e xte rior o fth e bui lding will he necessary in o rderto add a n E HU In th eCo rniceBu ilding.Ch ange."to th e hu ild ing will include the a ddition of adoor and w indows to the g roundfloor.Therea rcno c hanges pro posed to the s itep lan o rto e xisting land s caping . G .A c irculation s ystemdesigned fo r both vehicles and ped es trians addressing o n an d off-site traffi c circu lation. Res ponsc : No c hangesarc proposed to e x is tingve hicu lar acc ess.Pede st rian access tothe EHU will be provided by awa lkway be tween th e driveway a nd t he e ntry to th e EHU. H .Fun ctiona l a nd aest hetic la ndsc apin g and opens pacein orde r to optimize and preserve naturalfeatures ,rec re ation,views andfu nction. RCSp<lOSC i Thea ddition o fa nE HUwillhav e no affect u n itny o f the c riterialisted a bove . I.Ph asing p lan or subd ivision p lan t hat w ill maintai n a workable,functional and e fficient rel ationshipthroughou tthe d evelopment of the special deve lopmentdistrict. ResfK!nsc: Th is project will he co mpletedin o ne p hase . CO RNICE BUILDING A MENDMEf\.'TOS ODNO .:\2 4 .'...• 1V.I'RO.l ECrSU MMARY • , Theprop osed addit ion of anEHUto theCo rniceBuildingwillprovide a benefi tto the pro pertyo wner.the neighborhood a ndtheco mmunity.It isan ticipatedthatthe future prope rty o wnerwill he a second-home own era ndth iso wnerwillhcnefit bytheaddition o f afull-time resid ent inthe building.The proposed EHUwillp rovide the o wnerwithadded sec urity a ndtheo ppo rtunityfor o n-site pro pe::rt y management hythe occupant of the EI-nJ. Th e ne ighborhood willalso benefit bytheaddition of a full-timeresident.Wh ile theEast Villageare aishea vily developed,many of theun it..inthisnc ighborhood arc second -homes a nd a re o nly occupied periodically throu gh out the yea r.Th eaddition o fanE HU tothe neighborhood willprovid eadditional s treet ac tivity a ndwithitag reater sense of security to theneigh borhood .At aco mmunitylevel ,theaddition of anew restricted EHUwilladdto theTown's g rowings upply of rest ricted employeerent al units . Another key aspect of this pro posal is thattheEHU ca n be:co nstructed without add ingto theex isting bu lk and mass o fthebu ilding .N uex pansion of theexi sting bui lding formw ill be required .The EHUca n be added withou t incre asing building heigh t,setbacks orsite co ve rage. Finally .it is diffi cult to imagine a site better s uited fo r anEHU .Th e Co rnice Building is locatedw ithin t he East Villagene igh borhood whi ch allows for conveni ent pedestr ian access 10 the Villageco re area,Vail Mounta in andFord Pa rk .The si te is a lsolocated o naTown of Vail busro uteand is locatedimmed iately adjace nt to theVailVillage Parking Structure. Th eaddit ion o fanEHUto the Co rniceBuilding is a posi tive step towardintroducing ren tal units to theVillage are aandre-establish ing the mixed usc,activity.a ndv ibrancy that cha racterized Vail Village so me twentyyearsag o. CORNIC !:::B UILOt:\G A MEl'D MENT T OSODNO.]2 5 • BA 1/BRAUN ASSOCIA TfS.INC. PL ~NNING ar-c CO M MUNITY DEVELOP MEN T January 15.19<Hl \i r .J imC urnutte Community Developm ent Department Tow n o fVail 7:'South Fron tage Ro ad Vai l.CO H1657- Dea r Jim : • JAI 15 Enclosed you w ill rind a nap plica tion for a major am cndrncnt toth eCo r niceBu ilding S DD No .3 2 . Th e pu rpo seo f this a pplication is to o btai n app roval to adda restri cted Empl oyee Housing U nit (E HU)to the Co rnice Building .In a ccorda ncewi th a pplic able su bmittal requirementso utlinedin the SDD Section o ftheVail Mun icipa lCode ,t hefol lowing material isa ttached: I )-l-copies of the wr ittenp roposal :!)Fo ur complete ~L'orp lans: •l .andscape p lan •S o uth elevation a nd c ast elevation •G a rage /ground level floorplan J )Four c opies ora s tam ped survey .t )Listo f ad jacent propl:ny o wners 5 }A pplicutiun form andS1,000 fili ng te e I ha vc o nly subm itted pl ans the wo u ld he a ffected by the proposed addition of thisE HU .Letme know ifyo uneed a dd itiona l inform ation .I look for wa rd toworkingwith yu u o n thispro ject. Plea se do not hesi tate to c ontact me wi than yq uest ionsyou ma y ha ve, Sin ce re ly. /\()IV',..~"w---- lhoma..A.Braun,AI CP co David Sm ith I,.'ncl. M'f'1lum lrof'1wo rh Bui lding 201 M.Ilf'1 Street,)f'1c1 Floor PovtOr n ce Box 776 M lnllJm,Colorado 81645 Phone -970.827.5797 Frlx •9708)75507 r .-• MINUTES VAIL T OWN COUNCILMEETING March 5.1996 7 :30 P.M. • A regular m eetingof theVail T ownCo uncil washel d onT uesday.March 5,1996,inthe Co uncil Chambers of theVa il Municip al BU ilding.T he meeting was call edto orderat appro ximatel y7:30 ~M .. MEMBERSPRESENT:BobArmo ur.Mayor Sybill N ava s,Mayor Pro-T em Kevin Foley RobFord Mike Jewett Paul Johnston Ludwig Kurz TOW NO FFICIALSPRESENT:Robert W.McLaurin.TownManager R.Th o mas Moorhead,TownAttorne y Pam Brandmeyer,Assis tantTownM anager H ollyL.McCutcheon,TownClerk First ite m onthe agenda w as CitizenP articipation ofwhicht herew as none . Second on the agenda was Proclamation No .1,Series of 1996.G i rl S couts'B eYo urBest Da y.M ayor Armour we lcomed B rownie Giri Scouts 9-y e ar o ld Kattlin Duffey and 7-year o ld C helsea Donaldsontot he meetinga nd re adPro clamation No .1 infull .K aitiinD uffey then reada pr ep aredstatement encouraging com mun tty members to "b eyo urb est "on M arch 12. Third o nth e a ge nd a w as th eCo nsent Agenda.whi chc onsisted of th ea pproval of th e M inutes for the meeti ngso fFe bruary 6 a nd 2 0,1 996.M ike J ewett movedto approve the m inutes of Febru ary 20,a nd requestedth e m in utes of F ebruary6 be continuedun tilt he nextev eningme eting,pending his review of t he tape recording .Paul Johnston s econd ed th e motion,wh ich was pa ssedu nanimously,7-0 . Item nu mb erfour was the Re viewofth e Lottery V a lues and W eighting of C riteria . Coun cilwa s requested to reviewinformat ion,provide feedback,m odify,a ndappro ve io tte ryc rit eria and w e ighting .Mike Jewett ex cused himself fromth e discussion.Local business owner a ndresident ,Ja ck Curtin ,exp ressedhis view s in det ermining thecrite ri a, sta t i ngt hat p eople who live and w ork i nV ail shou ldb eg ivenhig her preferen ce.Cou ncil me mbers ex pressed thei runde rstanding ,butsome fe lt it w asimportant toe ncourage e mpl oyees workingi nV ail and livingo utsideth eto wn limits to move backto V ail.Rob Ford movedto adopt the lott ery crite ria pursuantto sta ff recommend ation with c ha nges,and P a ul se conded t hem otion .A vote was taken andpa ssed,6-{).Jewett a bstaining ,a nd t he followi ng crite ria was ad opted: •Current and consecutive ye arsofEMP LOYMENT in Vail will b ew eighted 3-t0-1 over consecuti ve yearsof e mploymentelsewhere inE agle County andhistorical e mploy ment inV ailimme diatelyprecedi ng consecutivee mployment e lsewhere in Ea gle County. •Current an d consecutive yearso f RE SIDENCE inVa il w ill be we ighted 2-to-1 over consecutiveyea rs of reside nceelsewhere inEagleCounty a ndhistorical residence inVai l immediatelyprecedingconsecutivere sidenceelse where inE agle Coun ty. •HO MEOWNERS at the ti me of t he lottery a pplication are not eli gibleu nless ,upon se lection ,t heyde edre strict and agreetoco mplete t he sale of t hat res idence befo re or si multa neously wi th the purchaseof theV ail Commons unit. •A20poin t bonusw illbe provided for DEED RESTRICTING and sellingaun it inV ail because of t hen et gain inlocals housing that results . •L en der PREQUA LIFIC ATION w ill be requ ired p rior toap plication. Va il Town CouncilEvening Meeting Minutes0 310 5196 ••....., Agenda item numberfiv ewasO rdinance No.4 ,Series of 1996,first readi ng ofan ordinance a mending Chapter18.18.Section18 .18.090 DensityControl ,Medium-Density Family (MDMF)DistrictoftheVailMunici pal Code.Mayo r Ar mour rea d the titl einfull. T ownP lanner,D ominic Mauriellopresentedthe item andexp lained staffhad discovered that whe n Ordina nce No .16,Ser ies of199 1 wasadoptedit inadvertently omitte dthe density provisions wh ich limitthede nsity inthedistric t toa maximum ofeiqhteen (18) dwelli ng unit s pe r acreofbuildablesitearea .Dominicfurthe r sta ted t hat staff was proposingO rdinance 4 toco rrectthe oversight.Pau lm oved t oapprovetheordinance wi th aseco nd fromKevin Foley .Avo te 'w astake n andpassed unanimously,7-0. S ixthonthe agenda was Ordinance No.6,Series of1996,first readingof F irst Amendment to the T ownofV ailEmployees'Pension Plan .MayorA rmourread the titl ein full.Tom Mo orhead p resented theitem,statingthiswa sa follow up ordinance,similarto t he amendm ent passedrecentlyfortheFire a ndPolice PensionP lan.Heinfo rmedCounciltha t thechangeintextwasprompted by an IRS review ,attherequestoftheTowninorde r to obtaina determi nation letterfrom the IRS .A motionwas m ade by Sy bill toa pprove O rdinance 6,Se ries of1996onfirstreading ,with asecondfromP aul.T he motion passed u nanimously,7 -0 . Itemn umber seven o n the agenda wasOrdina nce No.8,Ser ies of 1996,first readingof anord inance repeali ng and reen acting O rdinanceNo .7,Se ries of1994,forthe construction of a TypeII IEmployee Housing Unitin theCorn ice BUilding;t o amendt he development plansforSpecial Development Distr ict No.32inaccorda nce withCha pter 18.40ofthe TownofVaHMun icipal Code;andsettingforth detailsi nregardthereto .Mayor A rmourreadthet itle infull.To wnPlanner,JimCurn utte,presentedtheitem,and,together withth e own errep resentative,T omB raun ,gavea detailedhistory of th e project.T he followi ng backgrou nd wasprovided :OnFebruary12,1996,the applicant's representative, To m Braun ,appearedbeforethePlanningandEnviro nmental Commission,("PEC")with arequestfo r aMajor Amendment toSpecialDevelop ment Distric t (S OD)No.32 ,to allow fo rt hecons truction of an employee ho usingunit.located att he Co rniceBuildin g ,362V ail Valley Drive/part ofTractB,VailVillage1st Filing.Inaddition tothe proposa l toco nstruct an e mployee hou sing unitintheCorniceBuilding,theapplicantalsoproposedacha nge totheap proved development planwi thregardtotheo utdoor lightingreq uirements .The ap plicant wasseeki ng greate r flexibi lity inthe outdoor lighting requirement than iscurrently allowedbyC hapter 18 .54,De s ign Rev iew,of t heTow n ofVa il M unicipal Cod e. UponreviewoftheMajorSOD Amendment request,inaccordancewithSect ion 18.40.1 00 of theVailM unicipal Code ,thePECapprovedamotio n to recommenda pproval of th e Major SODA mendment req uestt othe T ownCo uncil with fo llowingconditions: 1.T hatthe proposed emp loyee housingunit,withinth e Cornice B uilding,not beeligible f orsa le separate ly fr om the single-fam ilydwellingunit. 2 .That a ny p revious app rovals for outdoor lighting ont he p ropertybe voided bythisapproval. 3 .Th atthe internalaccessdoorbetwee ntheex isting garagea ndtheproposed employee housingunit bee liminated. T hemotionto recommend approval of the Major SODA mendmentrequestpassed3-1-1 (Bowendissented,Amsdenabstained).A copy of theme morandumprepared f or the PEC, dat edFebruary12,1996 ,wasattachedfor reference. Jim stated that in accordance withthe memorand um p repared by staft for thePECon 02/12/96 ,the Community Dev elopmentDepartmentrecomme nded approval of the proposedM ajorA mendment toSpecialDevelopment District No.32 ,t he Cornice Building . 2 VailTown Council Evening MeelingMinutos 0310 5196 •• Jim Lamont representative forthe E ast Village Homeowners A ssociation voiced his c oncernregard ing th e additional outs ide park ing the approval wo uld prov ide,citingt he v isual impact veh icles parkedoutside w ould have onthene ighborhood.To m Braun proposedva rious solutions anddiscu ssioncontinuedregarding theapplicant's light ing reque st.Pau l John ston mov edt oapproveO rdinance No.8,Seriesof1996 ,s ubjecttothe three rest rictions impo sed by t he PEC ,allowi ng out sidesurfacepa rking .Mik e J ewett seconded th e motion .Av ote w ast akenandfa iled ,4 ·3,Sy bill ,Rob ,LUdwig andMayor A nnourvo ting inopp osition .RobFo rdth en movedtoa pproveth e Ord inance sub ject to the t hreerest rictionsimposedbythePEC,a nd,additionally,limitingperm anent park ing to the g arage on ly,re stricting th e out side driveway to loading ,drop offand pick uponly .Th e motionw as second ed by Sybil !.Council members then discu ssed enforcem ent issues ,and BobMcLaurinsaid enforcementwould occur if and when compla ints werereceived .Avote w as takena ndpa ssed unan imously ,7 -0 . T he lastitem ontheagenda wa sthe T ownMa nager'sRep ort.Bob Mclaurin reportedon his meeting wilh Eagle Countyen gineer regarding opti ons'forpr oceeding w ilh therailroad riqht-of-way .Coun cils upportedthecoun ty inconti nu ing topu rsue alloptio ns . Kevi nFo ley congratulated Sara W all ,w ho too k firstplace i nthere cent Slalom &Giant Slalomrac es. Th ere b eing no further bu siness ,themeeti ng w as adjourned atapp roxim ately 9:35p.m . Rob ert W .Arm our,Mayor ATTEST: 62£mi~ H olly L McCutcheon,Town Clerk Mi nules ta ken by H olly McCutcheo n ("'N .......01 <:erIlJ/n indIoIduIII l wotIO ~pUblIClnl>ul1NY"InllCUlral~.1 3VailTown Council Evening Meeting Minutes 03105196 TO: FROM: DATE: • MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission CommunityDevelopment Departmen t February 12.1996 • SUBJECT:Arequestfor a MajorAmendmenttoSDDNo .32toallowforthe . construction of anEmployee Housing unitlocated atTheComic e Building. 362Vail Valley DrivcIPart ofTract B,VailVillage1st Filing. Applic ant: Planner: DavidSmith,represented by TomBraun George Ruther I.BACKGROUND Theestablishment of Special Development District (SDD)#32,theComic e Building.was approvedby th e VailTownCouncil on April 5,1994 ,(Ordinance#7,Series of 1994).This approval setdevelopmentstandardsandrequirementsfortheredevelopment of theCornice Building locatedat362Vail Valley Drive.Theexpressedpurpose forthecreation ofthe Cornice Building SDD was to allow forgreater flexibili ty inthe redevelopment of the propertyand that c ertain publicbenefitswouldbe realized through thecreation of the SDD. As part of theoriginal SDOapproval,thedeveloper agreed to providethree,permanently restricted employee housing units.Theunits are to belocated within the Town ofVaiJlimits, close to a Town of Vai l bu s r ou te and areto be rented at r easonable market rates.Ad ditionally, the units aretoalways comply with theTown ofVailhou sing ordinance requirements,asmaybe amended from time totime.Eaeho f the three:employee unitsareto be deed-restricted and "available foroccupancyprior to a Temporary CcItificate of Occupancy being issuedforthe CorniceBuilding. OnMay 26,1994,the Towni ssueda building permit forthe demolition of theoriginal Cornice Building and itssubsequent reconstruction.Constructiononthe CorniceBuilding is nearly complete,with only afew minorimprovements inneed ofcompletion.Todate,two of thethree required employee unitshave been completed andpermanently restricted inaccordance with the original snn approval.These include a newemployee unitconstructed withinanexistingduplex in t hePitkinCreekMeadows area of EastVail,anda newemployee unit locatedwithinanew duplex intheGolfeourse n eighborhood.The thirdemployee unit wasoriginally planned to be locatedatthe Vail RacquetClub.The applicant'splans todeed-restrict thatunitdidnotwork out,andtheapplicant isproposingtoconstructthelastof thethreerequiredunits in theCornice Building. F;\EVERYONElPEC.MEM OSICORNICE..F1 2 I Ke:"..J -L.O....C6W o".,~r ...,1<.,~1 ~~"'" /~-+"r ,1t::l_I L-~1.6'.,...j ov6L -pA>Z~'W1 1 nU1 Ok::."d H 6-.t"'j ....'"I'r'O!N ~"\Je.to f"l'LI6 '-"j ':oz, 1--10 'j>12obl"""'v.JI I,el 'lr~ C "uL6i J..J eo OV&(.. 1'1«'4 • II.DESCRIPTION OF TH ERE QUESTS • The applicantis propo sing aMajorAmendmentto Special Development District #32,in accordance withSection 18.40.100.Amendment Procedures.of the VailMunicipal Code.A Major Amendmentisb eing proposed toallowforthe constructionofaTypeIII,Employee HousingUnit within the CorniceBuilding.andto allowforgreaterflexibility inthe outdoor l ighting requirements than iscurrently allowed by theOutdoorLighting Ordinance . Employee Hou sin2 U nit . Included withinthe groundlevel o f thenewly constructedCornice Building isacrawl space of approximately259 squarefeet insize.The applicantis proposing toconstructthe Dew employee un it within thecrawl spacearea,aswellasextendaportionof the b uildingoutunderneathan existing second-floor cantilever.When completed.thetotalsquare footage o f theemployee unit willbeapproximately 387 squarefeet.Theon ly changes totheexterior o fthebuilding will be the in-fill of tbe area beneath the second-floorcantilever,theaddition of threenew windowsonthe eastelevation ofthebuilding andthe installation of an entrancedoorwithsidelights on the south elevation .Theapplicantis proposing tomatchthe exterior changes withthe existingarchitecture a ndbuild ing materials. Once completed ,theemployee unitwillbepermanently deed-restrictedinaccordancewiththe requirements of the original SDO approval andi s intended to satisfiytherequirementasthe third employee unit. The original ap proval of SpecialDevelopment District #32 restrictedd ensity to onedwelling unit, and lim itedthe TotalAllowableGrossResidential Floor Areaonthe property to 2 ,000 square feet.Withthisapplication.the applicant is proposing todeviate fromtheoriginalSOD approva l. Theapplicantis proposingtoincrease thenumbero f dw elling unitson theproperty to1.5,and increase the Total Allowable Gross Residential FloorAreato 2,387squarefeet. The -app licantis a lso proposin g to deviate from theon -site parkingrequirementestablished by the underlyingzoning o fHigh-Density Multi-Family (HDMF).According to theHOMEzon e district , 75%o fthe requiredon -site parkingmustbe enclosed withinthemainbuilding.With thi s propo sal,the applicantis proposing to enclose 66%of theon-site parking withinthe ma in building. Outdoor LiWim: The applicanti salso proposing to amendSpecialDevelopment Disni ct#32 toallowfor greater flexib ility intheoutdoorlighting regulationsforthcproperty.OuMay 18.1993.theVailTown Council approvedOrdinance No .9,Series of 1993,settingforthstandardsforregulatingoutdoo r lightingintheTown of Vail.Accordingtothe approved OutdoorLighting Ordinance,in part, one(1)outdoor light sourceisallo wed per one -thousand square f eet of totallotarea.In the opinion of th e applicant,itisnot practicalto be requiredtoadheretothis requirementbecause of f:\EVERYO:"w.lJ'RClMEMOS\COIU'-1C E.1'12 2 •• theun usually sma lllot s ize of the Cornice Building property,As shown helow,thetota ls quare footage of the Cornice Buildingpro perty is3 ,659 sq.ft.Bas edu pon 3 ,659s q.ft.,th e bu ildingis allowed only four outdoor lights.According to the applicant,four outdoor lights arenot enough to adequately lightthe exterior of the building.The applicant would request that hebe p ermitted to install atotal of twelve outdoor lightsonthe property.This wouldallowthe property to be adequately lit forsafety and~etic purposes without resulting inthe undesirableside effects of too much outdoor lighting.The applican t is proposing to install twelve outdoor lights;seven of which are recessed niche Ii 15 inthe stairway and balcony walls.two arc fully cut-offrecessed can lights installed in thesoffitand threeare surfaced mounted light fixtures.All of th e proposed lightfixturescomp ly withthe Source Lumens limitations of the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance.An approval of this outdoor lightin g request will void any previous approvals granted for lighting on thcpropcrtf] III.Z ONING ANALYS IS Address: Zoning: LotS ize: 362VailValleyDrive Special Development District #32• 3,659 square feetlO .084 acres A LLOWED EXISTING Setbacks:as indicated onthe Front:13 ' approved development Sides:2'/1 I ' p lan Rear :2 .5' Height :33 feet 33feet Density:One (1 )single-family One (1)single-family dwellingunit ..,..,dwelling unll GRFA:2,000 sq,n,2,000 sq.It, Si te Coverage:38%o r 1,397sq .ft.38%o r 1,397 s q.ft. Landscaping:40%or 1,464sq .ft.40 %or 1,464sq .ft . PROPOSED no change no change 1.S dwelling units*** 2,387 sq.ft. no chang e nocbange 3 O ut door Lighti ng: Parking: • On e(1)outdoorlight source per on e-thou sand s quare feeto flot area T wo(2)interior spaces • fou rteenou tdo or Ught sources Two(2)Interior spaces twelveoutdoorlight sources as ind icated o n t he a mended d evelopment pl an. Two (2)i nterior s paces +one (1) exterior s pace • •• ••• I V. The uodertying zoniDg for Special.Development Distrid #32 is High Density Multi-Family (l IDMF). Acc:ordin,to the approved SDD ,the maximum GRFA for the Cornice Building Iha1l DOC exceed 2,000 IqU&K'feet.This figw-e is the mWmlDD GRFA that will be allowed OD the lot.AD additiorllll256 square feet ofGRFA..per 0IiIptd'18.71 or the Vail Municipal Code,shall nm be allowed CIl.1his sile.DOW or in !be fuwrc.A600 ~rooc aedit for a two-car garage &ball be a llowed in additi~to lbc 2,000 IIoCJlIaR=IccI.ofQRFA allowed an the sit&!.The approved density for the Cornice Building ihall be (me (1)5ingle-family dwelling unit. According to Scctian 18..57.()(,(l(R X3),Type-In F.mploy ee Housing Units,ortbe Vail Municipal Code..Type m Employee noosing Vail sba1l be coulJledas 0.5 dweDinr umts Cor !be JlUlPOIIC of c:akuJatingdcmity. SDP REVIEW C R ITERIA Inre vi ewing th e appli cant's p roposedMaj or Am endment to Special Development District #32, thestaff reliedon several relevant planning document s to formulate arecommendation.The Town of Vail Municipal Codeandthe Vail Village Master Plan were usedtoanalizcthis proposal. T own of Vall M unicipal Code According toSection 18.40.020(C)of th e Vail Municipal Code,a Major Amendment to an SDD is d efined as: "anyproposaltochangeuses;increase gross residentialfloor area;changethenumber of dwellingo r aeeomodationunits;modify ,enlarge ,or expandanyapproved Special Development Distric t otherthan aminoramendmen t." Staff has determined that,since the applicantis proposing toincreasethetotalamounto fGRFA onthe property from2,000 square feet to 2,387squarefeet,andincrease thenumber of d welling units within thebuilding fromone single -family to a single.familyand aType ill employee housing unit,thisrequest isa MajorSDD Amendment . Section 18.40.080 of theVail Municipal Code,Special Development DistrictDesign Criteria. establishesninecriteriatobeutilized bythe Plannin g and Environmental Commission when 4 •• evaluatin g the merits of Special Development District proposals and/or amendments .The following is an evaluation ofthe nine design criteria by staff: A.Design compatibility and sensitivity tothe immediate environment,neighborhood and adjacent properties relative t oar chitectu ral design,scale,bulk,building height , buffer zones,identity,character,visual integrity and orientation . This designcriteria is relevant tothe applicant's proposed amendment to construct aType HI employeehousing unit intheexi sting building andtoincrease the total number of outdoor light s onthe property than would otherwise be permitted.The construction o f the employee unit will have minimal,if any .negative effects onthe above-listed crit eria . Thenewunit will be constructed within the existing footprint nfthe building.Therefore, the additional bulkandmassbeing added will notbereadily noticable .Theportionofthe employee unit constructe d under the second -floor cantileveris designed to match the existing arc hitecture and fenestration of the building.Thenew front entry to theemployee unit willbe slightly recessed to provid e articulation and shadow/shade and to avoid the creation of a lar ge flat wall.Allconstru ction assoc iated with thenew employee unit will be built with mat erials to match those existing onthebuilding .Thenew construction will be most visible from the streamwalk along thesouth side of the property . Regarding theproposed exterior parkingspace,the applicant basproposed toincreasethe amount oflandscaping immed iately adjacent to the parking space in order to mitigate any visua l impact associated with a vehicle parked inthe spac e.The applicant is proposing to relocate threeexisting Red-Twig Dogwoods andreplacethemwiththreeMugho p ines. TheRed-Twig Dogwoods willbereplanted tothenorth of theparkingspace.The property owner will continue toberespon sible for the maintenance and upkeep o fthe landscapingonthe property asrequiredby the original SDD approval. InthestaIT's opinion.the additional outdoorlightingbeing proposed bytheapplicant will not adv erselyaffect adj acent prop ertie s,nor the comm unity ingeneral.The requ est of the applicant to be pe rm itted toinstall twelve outdoor lights onthe property ,rather than four as regulated by the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance,docs not creat e a conflict withthe inten t of the ord inance . B .Uses,activity,and density which provide a compatible,efficient a nd wo rkable relationship withsu rroundinguses and activity. Withregard to GRFAanddensity,the applicant i s requesting an additional387squarefeet ofGRFA,and an increa se in den sity of 0.5 dwelling units more than was originally approved bythe Town Coun cil.The staff b elieves the proposed increases will be compatible with surroundin g uses and activitie s.Properties in th e immediate vicinty are zoned for higher dens ity and more intens ive use.Prior to th e original Cornice Building being demolished,onedwelling unit and three ,stu dio-size apartments existed onthe 5 •• property.and at one time in the past.eight.studio-sizeapartments wereonthe property . Additi onally.an employee unit in th is location will be attractive to persons working in the Village,aswell as to persons workin g elsewhere in Town ,duetothe convenientaccess to the Town 's bu s system . As statedearlier,the staff is comfortable withtherequestforadditionaloutdoorlighting. The applicant isnot requesting an exorbinant amount of lightin g which may otherwise adversely impactadjacent properties orresultin undesirable side effects. C .Com pliance with parkJng end lo ading requ irements a so utlined In Chapter 18.52.. An increase in GRFA and densi ty will result in an increase in the parking requirement associatedwiththe property .Currently,theapprovedSODallows for2,000square feet ofGRFA onthepropeny.Accordiog to Chapter18.52 oftheVailMunicipal Code,the parking requirement istwospaces.Theexisting garage currently providestwoenclosed parking spacesand the driveway design will accomodat ea third exterior spaceonthewest side of the buil ding.Accordin g to theproperty 's und erlyingzoning o fHDtvtF .75%of the requiredparkingshall be enclosedwithinthemain building.Withthis proposal,66%of therequired parkin g will be enclosed.After exploringotheralternatives.staffis comfortable allowing one exterio r parking space on the property in the area identified on thesite plan.Modifying theexisting garageto accommodate athirdenclosed parking space will cause significant structural constraints .The buildin g is designed with a structuralbeamrunning north-south throughthegarage toasupporting column constructed wherethenewgaragedoorwould needto be placed.Theonlywayto provideathirdenclosedparkingspacewould be to completely reconstruct thegararge. Allowin g the appli can t to pay-in-lieu of providing a parking space on-sitedoes not resolvetheparkingoeed generated hythe employee unit.Whileit may be possible to restric t any employeeparkingonthe site.it cre ates an enforc ement problem.In the staff's opinion,wewouldbe creatin g aregulation that is difficult to enforce sinceit is likelythe tenantwillhaveavehicle and need to park it somewhere and it does notaddress guest parking. Thisdesign criteriai snotapplicable withregard to the proposedoutdoor lighting,and therefore ,neednot beaddressed. D .C onformitywithth e applicabl e elemen ts of the Va ll Co mprehensivePlan ,Town policiesa nd U rbanD esign Plan s. Vall YlU aee Ma ster Plan GoalsforVail Village are addressed intheVailVillage Master Plan.Staffhasidentified the following goals,objectives and policiesasbeingrelevanttothisMajorSOD Amendment requ est: 6 •• Goal #1 Goal #2 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Villagein order to sustain itssense of community and identity. 1.2 Objective:Enc ourage theup grading andred evelopment o fr eside ntia l and commerci al facilities . To foster a strong tourist Ind ustry and promote year-round economic health a nd viability fortheVillage and fort hecommunityasawhole. 2 .6 O bjective:E ncouragethe development of affordable housing unit s throughthe effortso ftb e priv ate sector. 2 .6.1 Polic y :E mployeehou sing units may be required a s part o f an y Dewor redeve lopment project requesting density o ver that allowed by existing zoning . 2 .6.2 Policy:Emp loyee hous in g shal l b c de ve loped with appropriate restrictions soa s to insure th eir a vailibilityand affordabi lity to thelocal work force . Th estaff continues to believe that theo verall redev elopment of the Cornice Building meets many of the goals,policies and objectives of the Town's adopted M aster Plans. E.Identification and mitigation nf natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the p roperty onwhi chth eSpec ial Develop ment District is propoesd. There arcno natura l and/or g eologic hazards ,noristheprop erty effected by the Gore Creek IOO-year floodplain . F.Site plan,building design and location a nd opensp ace provisions designed to produce a functio nal deve lopment responsive and se nsitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic q uality of the community. Th esitep lan an d building desigo of theexi sting bui lding willbealtered minimally withthis pr oposal.Staff do es not be lieve that the changes proposed aresignificant enough to effect t his criteri a. G.A circulatio n system d esigned for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. Attached for referen ce isan on-site parking and circulation plan.The p lan ind icates the loca tion o fthe ex terior parkingspace for the employeeuni t andthe turning movements r eq uired to getvehicles ou t of t heg ar age spaces without n eeding t oba ck out on toVail V alley Drive.This plan ha s b een re viewed and approved by Greg Hall,the T own 7 •• Engineer. It doesnotappearthatthe addition of an employeeunitonthepropertywillhaveany negative impacts onthe trafficflowonVailValleyDrive.Thedrivewaywas origioaUy constructedfarenoughfromthenearby intersection toinsureadequatesightlinesfor vehicles leaving the property . II.Functionalandaesthetic landscapingandopen spaceinordertooptimizeand pr eserve natural features,recrea tion,vie ws and fun ctions, Given the scope of this proposal,staff believes there will be minimal,if any,impacts onthe above-referenced criteria.The applicant has agreed tomitigate any visual impacts of the proposedexterior parking space by increasing theamounto flandscapingalongthe west side o fthe property.As withthe original approval ,40%o f thesite will continueto be maintained as landscaping. I.Pha sing p lan or s ubdivision plan thatwill mainta in a workable,functional and efficient relationsbJp throughou t thed evelopment of th e Special Developmen t District. Theabove-referenced criteria is not applicable to this application . V.STAFF RECOMME NDA TION Staffrecommends appro val of the proposedMajorAmendment to SpecialDevelopmentDistrict #32,theCornice Building.We findthat theapplicant'sproposal to construct a Type IIIemployee housing un it and in crease density to 1.5 dwelling uni ts in the Corn iceBuilding.incre ase the Total Allowable GrossResidential FloorAreaon the property to2,387 squarefeetfrom 2,000 square feet;provide 66%of the on-site park ingenclosed in the main buil din g rather th an the 75% requ ired by th e underl ying zoning ,andbe permitted toinsta lltwelve o utdoor lights on the property,areallincompliance withtheTown of Vail Munici pal Codeingeneral,and specifically, meets the goals an d objec tives o f the Special Develop ment Distric t asdescribed in this mem orand wn. ..:-1fi.4,~II fll~..j...~,,I.--75-....··,~~ ""...L />---p i-°/~l "I o "I ~'-"t r ,ZE.\I'OLG ,J..pp.lo!ov -k ..s tt>~OU'T'"Oo:::J..c b t:'!o'o<:o by t'h~,Ip !"""",+<,li-o!.'i'hl!') /. 8 -..•• •BA 1/BRA.UN ASSOC IATES .INC. February 8.1996 GetIret:RuLht:r TtlWn of Va il 7 ~South Fronta ge Rt,,","1 Vail Colorado 5 16~7 RE :Corn ia:Building Enclosed you will find a revised set of plans tor the Cornice J:l uil ding SUU sroencmem,The following cbcsngc.'have been made: I ) 2) 3) 4) PIdIJ::-ha ve bee n labeled "19965DD Amcodment-Addit x,n of ElI l ?., "Iou:s have been added indicating three red-tw ig dogwoods to be replaced by three:mugu «Jogw(l()d.oj,to be rc l()c~tw un ~il.e). Exterior light ing is indi catedon buil dingelevators,and The soulh elevat ion hasbee n modif~to n::f1cet tht:f~lJ'H ti ll n imJiUHoJ on lhe Dll:I.iu level floo r plan. 1hav e discussed the lighting iss ue withJimandwehave made the following c hanges: I ) 2) 3) One of the small decorative lamps mounted on thecolumn atthe main entry 10 the buildi ng will he removed, Asmall wa ~mount ed lamp loca ted atthe man-door 10 the garag<:will be removed . Allotber Ii .lns to remain,these IighlS inclnde: •Four recessed safety Ii~ts located on the mainexterior stairway , •Three recessed safe ty liihts locatedon the second level balcon y. •Tw o wall-mounted decorative lamps located on the west elevation. •Tw o recessed "ca ns"located in the soffrt BOOv(the garage.and •n nt'...mall ck.r.nntlivr:IA ~fl mounted on the column on the ma in entrytothe building. The building will ha ve a tO l4l1 of twelve exterior lights,however it is important :0 note Ibat s even o f these light s,arc recessed safety lights thAI nr.virtually lmnn tia';thle from o ff 1he s ite .There will now he o nly five s urface mounted light Iixuues,two o f which are recessed cans. I ho pe thislnformat ion is acceptableIn you andthe rest or th e staff.Thanks for the opportunity 10 [QOIvc this issue via the SOD proccs.,.r lca.-,c do not bceitetc to call with m y qU(::5UOD3 . '1B'f" Phont -970.SZ7.~ F_-'nO.8Z7..5:1a7 *'5Z.Foe.h>~,..,'i I O'-rr'l:lQ:l e.I 'CjhTo '-'i 'J.J /l owoi n 6....r-,+zl 12.\G6 ?7 M,ntu rn ~Bu irdlr-s I 201 Hal..~e".2nd rlool" Port OfflC@ Box 776 MiNtum .Col erw.W SI6-4-S <\~ 100m.,;A.Braun.AlCP f':,V &r -0 d "':;;-Z .L ~'e Dr:...E:L.o ''I I \D-I D uE:..L./c;)-J I l,.. O u ,.-JCbZ "C,l m4 E f-kr ,Fo~ T OT ~P.01 I I; .~,",."~"::'.'..? ,~,,. .~ ·.".".. ·; '..., ..i " 'a:!"""g ' .. ','... ·., I i I I ! i• ~::.•, +,o I..,o i.! •••~j ~s i :1i ij'J j ;f J :.~J :.,;, •1.....,. • o ••J~• ~-, J .:J 1:!"r -..J 01 o..t ~-:'-<l •V'•<J ~..<..., ~s f•••·....-;·.,J.d.3 ,I , 00<1 I 5: -{. • .1';$1 • -. S:••<I ...-. Ii • • ,, ,! --- • ~".• 9 Ii ~~'9 ·,. -c,>=~ ;;I ~-:"f..~';;:":1" eltst~2s~1~"'l ~I(J ~. 0'001 ,p .,. 5!1 ~31!,--'r,'~. ii ~I ~Iai ~ j1 ~} ~~ ~p• -:. ; 1•,• ."'-,ee ---, ~i~In > III ; ~:i .'..--[, _.I.L • ••.'?:,,,- I 0 ,, l j, 0 r ~.....,.'. ~.:~. \ < I• , ./" " -,'". ----- ..... p~o~:· t Q e()IL.PIN~. ~el.ev.fJt1Z-' ---;;;.---,;;~ --------::~........-..,-!11'-~..-----:...------J,......-- --------..._----.,-------------I • BA 1/BRA UNASSO CIA TE S.II>-J C. PLANNING a~d COMMUNITY "')FVElOP M[N r • •- Janua ry 29 .I W6 M r.Gcoruc Ruthe r.Planner CumrnuniiyDcvclopmcru Department Ii.m 11 of Vail 7~Sou thFrontau c Road Va ll.C O XIM 7~ RE:Am endment ttl Cor n in'Bu ild i ng Submittal m 87..... •/&]~~1 En closed you wil l find a revised floor p la n for the Co rnice Bu ildin g.This p lan utili zes m ost of the uren below the c ant ileve red portion of the second fl oor am i increases th es ize o fthe EHU to approxi mately .1S7 square reel.o r I::!X~l.Ju'lrc feet gr eater thanw hat was proposed in o ur initial up plican on.W hile we have indicated in terior S p'ICCS w ithinthe E HU ,it is vc ry l ikely th at the fin a l arran gement o f the kitchen.bathroom.close ts,etc .w ill be revised during th ep reparation of construction drawings.A ...we d iscus....cd last week,the two new e xterior wa lls on th eso uth and cust eleva tions arc rccc»...cd ino rder 10mimi c the ot her doors a nd wi ndows on thebui lding. J though t it would be helpful to summarize:o ur position onthe pa rkingiss ue.Th e par king requirement for the huildin g is .1 spaces -two spaces forthe main uni t an d nne s pacefor (he EH U , This requiremen t IS sat isfied oy IW O ga rage spaces and one su rface SPi.lCC located o n the w est s ide "I'the buildmg .Based on o ursite v isit last week .it isclear th at functionally all thr ee s paces w ork. i.l'.c:J ls in c acn Spal:l'c un easily t urn a round on-cite and drive ou t on toVail Villlcy Dri vewi thout hacking in to thes treet .As Iu nderstand the si tuation .the s taff is g rapp ling wit h the issue of whet her a su rface pa rking space is a ppropria te g iven the HDMF req uiremen ttha t "75%o fthe require d parking s hall tx,loca ted w ithin th e mainbuildingor buildin gs.".. Al te rnativ es to theSu rface Space G ive nthesize o f this parcela nd that the fact tha t the b uild ing is in p lace ,there are few al ternativ es fill"p rovidi ng this third s pace ,With a pproval from the Town Council.pay ingint o the par kin g fund i n lieu of providi ng a th irdo n-site space is o ne a lternative ,However,from o u rst andpoint it makes nose nse to pay into the pa rking fundw henthere is the opportunity 10 providethethi rd spa ce o n-s ite.Another ahcrnat iv......is 10 p rovidethe space wi thin the existi ng garage.The des ign a pp roved hy the PEe inc luded a th ree-space ga ra ge wi th a 20'garage door,Aft erco nsiderable debate.the ('ou ncil's app roval w as c onditional upon the un it being reducedto 2,000 sq uare feet a nd thu t on ly ~p ark ing spaces hc,'provided.In response to this condi tion,theun itwa src-dcsigncd \\ith a In 'g a rage d\M.lr .The o nly w;I Yto c reate a th ird garage space would be to totally re-build the l'l IH :10the giJ cag\'to pr ovide it 20'garage door.Th is would crea te extremely s ignificant stru ctural l"llginccring issue..tha i rna)or may not he able to he resol ved ,Re-designing thi~door wou ld also adversely aflcctthc O\'cc,11I dce ign ofthe building. ~hxl jrying the ga fi l~l'III Cl c a lca third enclosed space within the garage is no r a v iableal te rnative. Minturn Iro nwo rks &,Id,ng 201 Main Street.2nd Fl o or Pm l O ff,(~Box 776 M in lllrrl,C olorado 8164 5 Phone -9711 827.5797 Fa x -970.827.5507 • w hy Req uire Enclosed Parkin g? • ~------ Par king ICHS arcgen erally 110 1 a uructivc clemen ts o f Inclan dscape a nd theyadd very litt lein the way s trc ct l ifc or activity for theped estrian .The pedes tr ian experience or Vail V illage clea r ly dimi nishes as one w alks by a large s urface lot or a la rge number o f par king s paces (I.e.V.A./Chr istiania 10 1, G o ldenPeak.Vor laufcr.VailRow Home s .Vail Trail E ast a nd We st ,A ll Seaso ns ,Manor Vail ctc.}, Section 18.52.0 I (l s lates "in c e rta ind istr ic ts ,:111 (I f a por tion Il l'th e park ing s paces prescribed by this c hapter <Ir e required to be w ithin thema in huil ding in order to avoid or tom in imize the adv e rse v isual imp acto f ~conce ntra tions of ex posed pa rk ing a nd ors eparate g arageorc a rport s truc tures ",II is interest ingto notetha t the requ ireme nt for en closed parking inc reases proport iona tely to increasedden s ity.S ing le-family .Two -fam ily,Primary/seconda ry.an d LDMF d is tricts ha ve 0(1 re q uire ment .th e RC dis trict hasa one space/un it re quire men t "if reasonable",a nd MDMF requires 50 %o f a ll s paces to he en closed.In addi t ion,requ iremen tsfor la nds cape borders a nd in terior landsca ping arc notre quired by theTown 's c ode u ntil pa rki ng IO L"i ex ceed 15 s paces. It is clear that the inten tion o f the cod eis to ad dress hig her de nsity/la rge sc ale developmentw ith mort'st ringe ntrequi re ments for en closed pa rkinga nd la ndsca ping. Rev iew C rite ria W hiletheun derl y ing zoning (HDM F)requi res 75%of the parking [0 he e nclo sed ,it is im porta n t to remember t hat this s ta ndardis me rely a benchmark in order to u nderstandhow a SOD proposa l rela tes 10 un de rl ying loning .The actuall y cr iteria 10 he used in evaluat ing [he app ropr iateness of <In S DD a rcthe nin e S ODDesignCri teria.T he que stio n isw hether the Corn iceBui ldi ngpa rking s pace as proposed is appropriate when co ns ide r ing a ll relevant aspects o r theproject. Hollom line -there arc simp ly no ad verse impactsfrom ~s u rface parkings pace,The v isua l clu tter,t he 1ll1H1 I)((my of ca r a fter c ar.a nd the br oad e x panse o f "noth ingness"that c ha rac terize larges urfac e pa r ki ng lo ts will no t hec re ated by th is proposal.The new Corn ice Bui ldinghas mad e a ve ry posi tive add ition 10 the s trcc rscapc.it isa delightfu l bu ild ing tha tw illnot be dim inished in the s lighicsi de gree by the a ddition o f QIl.£s ur face parking s pnce. I hope these c o mme n ts a rc help fu l.G iven o ur lim ite d a lte rnatives it is cl eartom e th at if th is s ur face s pace is un accep tablea newE H U w illnot hepro vided o n-s itea nd that our thi rd E HU w ill he provided so mewhere else in theTown .lthin k thi swo u ld be ve ryunfortunate -when considering all of the T own"s de velopme nt o bj ectives ,thead vantages o f an EHU in this loc ation far outwe igh a ny perceived is sues wi th OIlC s u r facepark ing spa cc . Please do not he sitate tocon tact me w ith a ny quest io nsyou m ayha ve .We ca nalso dis cuss the po ssibilit y o fmodifying the Elll J Res tric tion Agreement to s pec i fy th atthe tenant of the EHlJ c a n utili zea garage s pace wh enthe ow ner is not occupyingth e home.I loo k forwa rd to disc us....ing this issuew ith youfu rth er . Since rely. "-Th omas A B raun,A lCP ,.•• A MENDMENT T O S DD No .32 C ORN ICE BUILDI NG I.I NTROD UCTlON/D ESCR:IP Tl ON O F PROPOSAL Symmary of ~uests The following report describes thep roposed addition of a Type IV Employee HousingU nit (EHU)to existing space wi thin the Cornice build ing .In accordance with the Town of Vail M unicipal Code .th is proposal requires the reviewa nd approval of the fol lowing. •A major a mendmenttotheCornice Bu ilding SOD No .32inordertoa llow foran additio nal 333 dwelling unitsand 259 sq uarefeet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). Descr iption of Proposed Development In1994theTown o fVail approved SDD No.32 in order toa llowfur the demolition of the existing Corn ice B ui lding and the construction of a new si ng le-fami ly residence.The previously exist ing buildi ng included a 1,084 sq uare foo t f rcc -market dwelli ngun it.thr ee (3)202 SqUilTC footres tricted e mployee rental unit"a nd a 202 square foot office s pace.The buildi ng a p p roved bytheTow n in 1994 a nd co ns tr ucted th ispasts ummer includes a 2,000 square foots ingle -fami ly ho me wi th a 600 square foo t ga rage. Incl udedwi thin theg ro undfloor of the newbu ildingisa void/crawl space of a pproxima te 259 sq uare feel.The Type IV E IIU proposed forthc Cornice B uildi ng will be co nstructed w ithinth isvo id space.Theo nly cha nge tothe e xterior of theb uilding w ill be th eaddition o f w indows a nd a door.No changes to the bu lka nd mass of the bui lding or toa nys ite development st andards s uchas set backs,site co ve rage o r bui ldi ng heig ht will he req u ired . TheEll U w ill inclu de 259 sq uarefee t o fliving area a nd w ill be accessed separa tel y from the main u nit v ia a n exi s ting wa lkway tha tleads f romthedri ve way tothe b uild ing .An a pproximately 32 sq uarefoot storage locker co n tig uou.s to theg arage a nd a djace n t 10 the e ntry 10 the EHU w ill a lsobe prov ided.T he us c of Ihe RHU w illbe restricted toe m p loyee rent als in ac co rda nce w ithTown o f Vail EHU rc.st rictiuns. Zoni ni:A nalysis T he a ddition of a n EHlJ tothe Cornice B uilding wi ll res u lt inan increase o f 333 dwe lling un its(a Type IV E IIUis calcu lated as .3 33 dwe llingunit s)a nd 259 square fee t o fGRFA . Ordinance No.7,Series 199 4 restr ict...the Co rnice B uilding to o ne (I)si ng le f amily dw ellinga nd2,000 squa re feet o f G RFA.Because theE HU c anbe c rea tedw ithin the form of theex isting building,no other modifica tions to the development s ta ndards pe rmitted hy SDD No .32 (se tba cks.s ite coverage,e tc.)a TC ncccs s a ry .Proposed am endment..to SOD No.32 arc as follows : CO RN ICF.BUILD IN G t\M END M E ~T TOSOD NO.,'\2 .••• Or djnanceNo.7.Ser ies 1994 Sect jon 5.Pa rac-raph D .DensityQ m lml The m aximum GRFA for th e Corn ice Buildin gs hallnot e xceed J..,QOO. 2 ,259 sq uare feet.Th is figure is the maximum GR FA thatwi ll be a llowed o n the lot.An additional 25 0 sq uarefee t of GR FA,pe r C hap te r18.71o f the Vail M unicipal Code,s hallnot be a llowed o n th is si te,now or in t he futu re .A 600 square foo t credi t fora two-car garage sha ll he a llowedin . additionto the ~2 ,259 square feet o f GRFA a llowed o nthe si te.Th e approved de nsity for th e Cornice B uilding s hall he R RI<;(I)o ne a nd n n e- t hird (1.333)dwelli ng u nit uni ts . S;IF ik~nwl =language deleted H urd =language added Chapter J8.57 Employee Housing esta blishes para meters for fiv e different types of e mployee hous ing units.The E HU proposed for theCo rnice Building co mplies with all a p plicable req uirements fora Type IV EHU .Asu mmary of th e m ajor requirements for a Type IV unit include the following: Size - Storage - Parkin g ~ La undry- The unit is a p prox imately 259 SlI uare feel,thereq u ire mentis between2-3 00 sq uare fee t. A 4 'x8 'x 7's tora ge locker (32 s.9,uarc feet,or 224 c ubicfee t)will be provided.thereq uir ement is 5'x 6 x5 '(30 sq u:uc feet.or 150 cubic feet). O ne o n-site parking space will be pr ovided ,the requ irem ent is for one on - si tep a rking s pace. T he occupant o f the E HU w ill be pr ovided uccc.......to the main un it laundry fa cilities. II.B'ACKG R OUNDO FC ORN ICE B IJII.D1NG As d es cribed above.theredevelopment of the Co rniceB uildi ng was a p proved in 1994a nd t he cons truction o fthe new b uilding was co mpletedthi s p asts ummer.The or iginal C orniceBui lding was constructed in the m id-1960 's a nd cons isted o f eight s mall ren tal a partme n tsw ith noo n-site pa rking.I n(he mi d-1970's the upper floor of thebui ldi ng was con vertedto o ne c ondominiumu ni ta ndun eo f the ground floor apartments was con verted too fficeus c .In19 79 the o wner uf th e property ag reed to d eed res tri c t the three rema ining resid entialrental units fora pe riod of twen ty ye ars.Th is rest ricti on w as not formally re corded unt il 198 5. A~a n d ement of th e 1994 d evel opment a pproval.the c urrent owner of the p roperty a greed to p rovide three (3)off-site restricted e mp loyee hous ing units .Ina ccorda nce w ith the Corn ice B uilding SOD.these thr ee un its a re tobe provided p riorto the iss uance of a temporaryce r tific ate o f occupancy.Toda le.tw o res tricted E HU's ha ve been prov ided . Theseun its include anewuni tlocatedwi thin a du plexin the PitkinC reek a rea of E astVa il a nd a newuni t loca ted w ithin a d uplex i n the G o lf Course neigh borhood .Ifa p proved.the pro posed Co rni ce Bui ldingE IIU wou ld be the thirdE HU provided by the owner a nd would s a tis fythe req u irements of th eori g inal SOD a pprnva l. CORNICE n UI LDtNG A MEND MENT TOSOD NO..12 2 • III.REVIEW C RI TE R IA • • As outlined in theVail M unicipal Code.the following cri teria arc used toeva luate p ropo sed special deve lopmentd istricts . SDD Review Criteria Ninec riteria arc usedto evaluate specia l development district p ro posals.The following res ponses have been p repared to d emonstrate this proposa ls compliance with these design c ri teria. A.Design compatibility and sensitivityto theim mediate e nvi ronment,neighborhood a nd adjacent properties relative toa rchi tect ural design.scale,bulk.buildin g he ight,bu ffer zo nes,identi ty .character.vis ualintegritya nd o rientatio n. Res ponse: The addition of anE HU tot he Cornice B uilding will not change the m ass o r fo rm of the e xisting buildi ng andasa result will no t a ffect a ny o f th e criteria listed above . B .Uses ,activity a nd densi ty w hich provide aco mpatible,efficient an d wor kable rel ationship with surrounding usesa nd ac tivity . Response : T he Cornice Build ing iss urrounded by hi gh -density mult i-family residential development.Th e majorityo fth ere uni ts are second-home or rental p ro perties. T he additio n of an EHU tothe Co rn ice:Building w ill res ult in a totalo ftw o u nits fora n o vera lldensityo f 1.333.This density willp rovide for a co mpatib le,efficient and wo rkablerel ationship wi th s urrounding uses a nd ac tivities.The a ddition of an RHO willalso result in a full -time resident w h ich w ill provide th e additionalbe nefit of inc reased ped est rian a c tivity inthe Ea st Vi llag e ne ighborhood , C .Co mplia nce w ith par king a nd lo ading requi rements as o u tlined in C hapter lK 52. Res pon se : E x ist ing de velopment on theproperty is limite d toa 2,000 sq ua refoot dwe llinguni tw hich re quirestwo (2)o n-site pa rking spaces .Thee xisting garage c ur re ntly provides two (2) e nclosed parking spaces a nd the d es igno fth e driv eway p rovides fo r twoad d itio nal o n -si te s paces .A "a resu lt,ato tal of fo ur (4)o n-site parking spaces c urrently exist o n the property . The addition of a n EHU wil l requi re o ne a dd itio nal on-s ite parking space resulting in a n o ve ra llparking requ irement of three (3)spaCl:'.Th is new parking requirementis satisfied by t he foure xisting o n -site space-;. CORNICE BUI LDI:'G A MEK DMENT T OSOD NO..'\2 3 •• D .Conformity wi th a pplicable e lements o fth e VailCo mprehensiveP la n ,tuwn policies and urban design plans. &esponse; The si nglem osts ignificant issue fa cing the Town of Vail today is employee housing.Thi s propos al.if a pproved,would providea new restricted empl oyee rental un itinth eco re of Vail Village. E .Identification a ndm itigation of natural a nd/o r g eologic ha zards th at affect the property o n w hich the specialdevel opment district is proposed. Response; The o nly ap p licableha zard th at affectsth ispro perty is 'he l OO -ycar flood pl ain of Gore C reek.N oe xisting o rp ro posed improvements o n this property arc located w ithin thel 00-year flood pl ain. F.S itep lan.h uilding design and locati on a nd open space provisions d es igned to produce a f unctionaldevelopmentres ponsive a nd s ensitiveto natural fea t ures,vegetation a nd overall a es thetic qu ality of t he community. Re spon se; Only min or c hanges to the e xte rior o fth e bui lding will he necessary in o rderto add a n E HU In th eCo rniceBu ilding.Ch ange."to th e hu ild ing will include the a ddition of adoor and w indows to the g roundfloor.Therea rcno c hanges pro posed to the s itep lan o rto e xisting land s caping . G .A c irculation s ystemdesigned fo r both vehicles and ped es trians addressing o n an d off-site traffi c circu lation. Res ponsc : No c hangesarc proposed to e x is tingve hicu lar acc ess.Pede st rian access tothe EHU will be provided by awa lkway be tween th e driveway a nd t he e ntry to th e EHU. H .Fun ctiona l a nd aest hetic la ndsc apin g and opens pacein orde r to optimize and preserve naturalfeatures ,rec re ation,views andfu nction. RCSp<lOSC i Thea ddition o fa nE HUwillhav e no affect u n itny o f the c riterialisted a bove . I.Ph asing p lan or subd ivision p lan t hat w ill maintai n a workable,functional and e fficient rel ationshipthroughou tthe d evelopment of the special deve lopmentdistrict. ResfK!nsc: Th is project will he co mpletedin o ne p hase . CO RNICE BUILDING A MENDMEf\.'TOS ODNO .:\2 4 .'...• 1V.I'RO.l ECrSU MMARY • , Theprop osed addit ion of anEHUto theCo rniceBuildingwillprovide a benefi tto the pro pertyo wner.the neighborhood a ndtheco mmunity.It isan ticipatedthatthe future prope rty o wnerwill he a second-home own era ndth iso wnerwillhcnefit bytheaddition o f afull-time resid ent inthe building.The proposed EHUwillp rovide the o wnerwithadded sec urity a ndtheo ppo rtunityfor o n-site pro pe::rt y management hythe occupant of the EI-nJ. Th e ne ighborhood willalso benefit bytheaddition of a full-timeresident.Wh ile theEast Villageare aishea vily developed,many of theun it..inthisnc ighborhood arc second -homes a nd a re o nly occupied periodically throu gh out the yea r.Th eaddition o fanE HU tothe neighborhood willprovid eadditional s treet ac tivity a ndwithitag reater sense of security to theneigh borhood .At aco mmunitylevel ,theaddition of anew restricted EHUwilladdto theTown's g rowings upply of rest ricted employeerent al units . Another key aspect of this pro posal is thattheEHU ca n be:co nstructed without add ingto theex isting bu lk and mass o fthebu ilding .N uex pansion of theexi sting bui lding formw ill be required .The EHUca n be added withou t incre asing building heigh t,setbacks orsite co ve rage. Finally .it is diffi cult to imagine a site better s uited fo r anEHU .Th e Co rnice Building is locatedw ithin t he East Villagene igh borhood whi ch allows for conveni ent pedestr ian access 10 the Villageco re area,Vail Mounta in andFord Pa rk .The si te is a lsolocated o naTown of Vail busro uteand is locatedimmed iately adjace nt to theVailVillage Parking Structure. Th eaddit ion o fanEHUto the Co rniceBuilding is a posi tive step towardintroducing ren tal units to theVillage are aandre-establish ing the mixed usc,activity.a ndv ibrancy that cha racterized Vail Village so me twentyyearsag o. CORNIC !:::B UILOt:\G A MEl'D MENT T OSODNO.]2 5 • BA 1/BRAUN ASSOCIA TfS.INC. PL ~NNING ar-c CO M MUNITY DEVELOP MEN T January 15.19<Hl \i r .J imC urnutte Community Developm ent Department Tow n o fVail 7:'South Fron tage Ro ad Vai l.CO H1657- Dea r Jim : • JAI 15 Enclosed you w ill rind a nap plica tion for a major am cndrncnt toth eCo r niceBu ilding S DD No .3 2 . Th e pu rpo seo f this a pplication is to o btai n app roval to adda restri cted Empl oyee Housing U nit (E HU)to the Co rnice Building .In a ccorda ncewi th a pplic able su bmittal requirementso utlinedin the SDD Section o ftheVail Mun icipa lCode ,t hefol lowing material isa ttached: I )-l-copies of the wr ittenp roposal :!)Fo ur complete ~L'orp lans: •l .andscape p lan •S o uth elevation a nd c ast elevation •G a rage /ground level floorplan J )Four c opies ora s tam ped survey .t )Listo f ad jacent propl:ny o wners 5 }A pplicutiun form andS1,000 fili ng te e I ha vc o nly subm itted pl ans the wo u ld he a ffected by the proposed addition of thisE HU .Letme know ifyo uneed a dd itiona l inform ation .I look for wa rd toworkingwith yu u o n thispro ject. Plea se do not hesi tate to c ontact me wi than yq uest ionsyou ma y ha ve, Sin ce re ly. /\()IV',..~"w---- lhoma..A.Braun,AI CP co David Sm ith I,.'ncl. M'f'1lum lrof'1wo rh Bui lding 201 M.Ilf'1 Street,)f'1c1 Floor PovtOr n ce Box 776 M lnllJm,Colorado 81645 Phone -970.827.5797 Frlx •9708)75507 r .-• MINUTES VAIL T OWN COUNCILMEETING March 5.1996 7 :30 P.M. • A regular m eetingof theVail T ownCo uncil washel d onT uesday.March 5,1996,inthe Co uncil Chambers of theVa il Municip al BU ilding.T he meeting was call edto orderat appro ximatel y7:30 ~M .. MEMBERSPRESENT:BobArmo ur.Mayor Sybill N ava s,Mayor Pro-T em Kevin Foley RobFord Mike Jewett Paul Johnston Ludwig Kurz TOW NO FFICIALSPRESENT:Robert W.McLaurin.TownManager R.Th o mas Moorhead,TownAttorne y Pam Brandmeyer,Assis tantTownM anager H ollyL.McCutcheon,TownClerk First ite m onthe agenda w as CitizenP articipation ofwhicht herew as none . Second on the agenda was Proclamation No .1,Series of 1996.G i rl S couts'B eYo urBest Da y.M ayor Armour we lcomed B rownie Giri Scouts 9-y e ar o ld Kattlin Duffey and 7-year o ld C helsea Donaldsontot he meetinga nd re adPro clamation No .1 infull .K aitiinD uffey then reada pr ep aredstatement encouraging com mun tty members to "b eyo urb est "on M arch 12. Third o nth e a ge nd a w as th eCo nsent Agenda.whi chc onsisted of th ea pproval of th e M inutes for the meeti ngso fFe bruary 6 a nd 2 0,1 996.M ike J ewett movedto approve the m inutes of Febru ary 20,a nd requestedth e m in utes of F ebruary6 be continuedun tilt he nextev eningme eting,pending his review of t he tape recording .Paul Johnston s econd ed th e motion,wh ich was pa ssedu nanimously,7-0 . Item nu mb erfour was the Re viewofth e Lottery V a lues and W eighting of C riteria . Coun cilwa s requested to reviewinformat ion,provide feedback,m odify,a ndappro ve io tte ryc rit eria and w e ighting .Mike Jewett ex cused himself fromth e discussion.Local business owner a ndresident ,Ja ck Curtin ,exp ressedhis view s in det ermining thecrite ri a, sta t i ngt hat p eople who live and w ork i nV ail shou ldb eg ivenhig her preferen ce.Cou ncil me mbers ex pressed thei runde rstanding ,butsome fe lt it w asimportant toe ncourage e mpl oyees workingi nV ail and livingo utsideth eto wn limits to move backto V ail.Rob Ford movedto adopt the lott ery crite ria pursuantto sta ff recommend ation with c ha nges,and P a ul se conded t hem otion .A vote was taken andpa ssed,6-{).Jewett a bstaining ,a nd t he followi ng crite ria was ad opted: •Current and consecutive ye arsofEMP LOYMENT in Vail will b ew eighted 3-t0-1 over consecuti ve yearsof e mploymentelsewhere inE agle County andhistorical e mploy ment inV ailimme diatelyprecedi ng consecutivee mployment e lsewhere in Ea gle County. •Current an d consecutive yearso f RE SIDENCE inVa il w ill be we ighted 2-to-1 over consecutiveyea rs of reside nceelsewhere inEagleCounty a ndhistorical residence inVai l immediatelyprecedingconsecutivere sidenceelse where inE agle Coun ty. •HO MEOWNERS at the ti me of t he lottery a pplication are not eli gibleu nless ,upon se lection ,t heyde edre strict and agreetoco mplete t he sale of t hat res idence befo re or si multa neously wi th the purchaseof theV ail Commons unit. •A20poin t bonusw illbe provided for DEED RESTRICTING and sellingaun it inV ail because of t hen et gain inlocals housing that results . •L en der PREQUA LIFIC ATION w ill be requ ired p rior toap plication. Va il Town CouncilEvening Meeting Minutes0 310 5196 ••....., Agenda item numberfiv ewasO rdinance No.4 ,Series of 1996,first readi ng ofan ordinance a mending Chapter18.18.Section18 .18.090 DensityControl ,Medium-Density Family (MDMF)DistrictoftheVailMunici pal Code.Mayo r Ar mour rea d the titl einfull. T ownP lanner,D ominic Mauriellopresentedthe item andexp lained staffhad discovered that whe n Ordina nce No .16,Ser ies of199 1 wasadoptedit inadvertently omitte dthe density provisions wh ich limitthede nsity inthedistric t toa maximum ofeiqhteen (18) dwelli ng unit s pe r acreofbuildablesitearea .Dominicfurthe r sta ted t hat staff was proposingO rdinance 4 toco rrectthe oversight.Pau lm oved t oapprovetheordinance wi th aseco nd fromKevin Foley .Avo te 'w astake n andpassed unanimously,7-0. S ixthonthe agenda was Ordinance No.6,Series of1996,first readingof F irst Amendment to the T ownofV ailEmployees'Pension Plan .MayorA rmourread the titl ein full.Tom Mo orhead p resented theitem,statingthiswa sa follow up ordinance,similarto t he amendm ent passedrecentlyfortheFire a ndPolice PensionP lan.Heinfo rmedCounciltha t thechangeintextwasprompted by an IRS review ,attherequestoftheTowninorde r to obtaina determi nation letterfrom the IRS .A motionwas m ade by Sy bill toa pprove O rdinance 6,Se ries of1996onfirstreading ,with asecondfromP aul.T he motion passed u nanimously,7 -0 . Itemn umber seven o n the agenda wasOrdina nce No.8,Ser ies of 1996,first readingof anord inance repeali ng and reen acting O rdinanceNo .7,Se ries of1994,forthe construction of a TypeII IEmployee Housing Unitin theCorn ice BUilding;t o amendt he development plansforSpecial Development Distr ict No.32inaccorda nce withCha pter 18.40ofthe TownofVaHMun icipal Code;andsettingforth detailsi nregardthereto .Mayor A rmourreadthet itle infull.To wnPlanner,JimCurn utte,presentedtheitem,and,together withth e own errep resentative,T omB raun ,gavea detailedhistory of th e project.T he followi ng backgrou nd wasprovided :OnFebruary12,1996,the applicant's representative, To m Braun ,appearedbeforethePlanningandEnviro nmental Commission,("PEC")with arequestfo r aMajor Amendment toSpecialDevelop ment Distric t (S OD)No.32 ,to allow fo rt hecons truction of an employee ho usingunit.located att he Co rniceBuildin g ,362V ail Valley Drive/part ofTractB,VailVillage1st Filing.Inaddition tothe proposa l toco nstruct an e mployee hou sing unitintheCorniceBuilding,theapplicantalsoproposedacha nge totheap proved development planwi thregardtotheo utdoor lightingreq uirements .The ap plicant wasseeki ng greate r flexibi lity inthe outdoor lighting requirement than iscurrently allowedbyC hapter 18 .54,De s ign Rev iew,of t heTow n ofVa il M unicipal Cod e. UponreviewoftheMajorSOD Amendment request,inaccordancewithSect ion 18.40.1 00 of theVailM unicipal Code ,thePECapprovedamotio n to recommenda pproval of th e Major SODA mendment req uestt othe T ownCo uncil with fo llowingconditions: 1.T hatthe proposed emp loyee housingunit,withinth e Cornice B uilding,not beeligible f orsa le separate ly fr om the single-fam ilydwellingunit. 2 .That a ny p revious app rovals for outdoor lighting ont he p ropertybe voided bythisapproval. 3 .Th atthe internalaccessdoorbetwee ntheex isting garagea ndtheproposed employee housingunit bee liminated. T hemotionto recommend approval of the Major SODA mendmentrequestpassed3-1-1 (Bowendissented,Amsdenabstained).A copy of theme morandumprepared f or the PEC, dat edFebruary12,1996 ,wasattachedfor reference. Jim stated that in accordance withthe memorand um p repared by staft for thePECon 02/12/96 ,the Community Dev elopmentDepartmentrecomme nded approval of the proposedM ajorA mendment toSpecialDevelopment District No.32 ,t he Cornice Building . 2 VailTown Council Evening MeelingMinutos 0310 5196 •• Jim Lamont representative forthe E ast Village Homeowners A ssociation voiced his c oncernregard ing th e additional outs ide park ing the approval wo uld prov ide,citingt he v isual impact veh icles parkedoutside w ould have onthene ighborhood.To m Braun proposedva rious solutions anddiscu ssioncontinuedregarding theapplicant's light ing reque st.Pau l John ston mov edt oapproveO rdinance No.8,Seriesof1996 ,s ubjecttothe three rest rictions impo sed by t he PEC ,allowi ng out sidesurfacepa rking .Mik e J ewett seconded th e motion .Av ote w ast akenandfa iled ,4 ·3,Sy bill ,Rob ,LUdwig andMayor A nnourvo ting inopp osition .RobFo rdth en movedtoa pproveth e Ord inance sub ject to the t hreerest rictionsimposedbythePEC,a nd,additionally,limitingperm anent park ing to the g arage on ly,re stricting th e out side driveway to loading ,drop offand pick uponly .Th e motionw as second ed by Sybil !.Council members then discu ssed enforcem ent issues ,and BobMcLaurinsaid enforcementwould occur if and when compla ints werereceived .Avote w as takena ndpa ssed unan imously ,7 -0 . T he lastitem ontheagenda wa sthe T ownMa nager'sRep ort.Bob Mclaurin reportedon his meeting wilh Eagle Countyen gineer regarding opti ons'forpr oceeding w ilh therailroad riqht-of-way .Coun cils upportedthecoun ty inconti nu ing topu rsue alloptio ns . Kevi nFo ley congratulated Sara W all ,w ho too k firstplace i nthere cent Slalom &Giant Slalomrac es. Th ere b eing no further bu siness ,themeeti ng w as adjourned atapp roxim ately 9:35p.m . Rob ert W .Arm our,Mayor ATTEST: 62£mi~ H olly L McCutcheon,Town Clerk Mi nules ta ken by H olly McCutcheo n ("'N .......01 <:erIlJ/n indIoIduIII l wotIO ~pUblIClnl>ul1NY"InllCUlral~.1 3VailTown Council Evening Meeting Minutes 03105196 TO: FROM: DATE: • MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission CommunityDevelopment Departmen t February 12.1996 • SUBJECT:Arequestfor a MajorAmendmenttoSDDNo .32toallowforthe . construction of anEmployee Housing unitlocated atTheComic e Building. 362Vail Valley DrivcIPart ofTract B,VailVillage1st Filing. Applic ant: Planner: DavidSmith,represented by TomBraun George Ruther I.BACKGROUND Theestablishment of Special Development District (SDD)#32,theComic e Building.was approvedby th e VailTownCouncil on April 5,1994 ,(Ordinance#7,Series of 1994).This approval setdevelopmentstandardsandrequirementsfortheredevelopment of theCornice Building locatedat362Vail Valley Drive.Theexpressedpurpose forthecreation ofthe Cornice Building SDD was to allow forgreater flexibili ty inthe redevelopment of the propertyand that c ertain publicbenefitswouldbe realized through thecreation of the SDD. As part of theoriginal SDOapproval,thedeveloper agreed to providethree,permanently restricted employee housing units.Theunits are to belocated within the Town ofVaiJlimits, close to a Town of Vai l bu s r ou te and areto be rented at r easonable market rates.Ad ditionally, the units aretoalways comply with theTown ofVailhou sing ordinance requirements,asmaybe amended from time totime.Eaeho f the three:employee unitsareto be deed-restricted and "available foroccupancyprior to a Temporary CcItificate of Occupancy being issuedforthe CorniceBuilding. OnMay 26,1994,the Towni ssueda building permit forthe demolition of theoriginal Cornice Building and itssubsequent reconstruction.Constructiononthe CorniceBuilding is nearly complete,with only afew minorimprovements inneed ofcompletion.Todate,two of thethree required employee unitshave been completed andpermanently restricted inaccordance with the original snn approval.These include a newemployee unitconstructed withinanexistingduplex in t hePitkinCreekMeadows area of EastVail,anda newemployee unit locatedwithinanew duplex intheGolfeourse n eighborhood.The thirdemployee unit wasoriginally planned to be locatedatthe Vail RacquetClub.The applicant'splans todeed-restrict thatunitdidnotwork out,andtheapplicant isproposingtoconstructthelastof thethreerequiredunits in theCornice Building. F;\EVERYONElPEC.MEM OSICORNICE..F1 2 I Ke:"..J -L.O....C6W o".,~r ...,1<.,~1 ~~"'" /~-+"r ,1t::l_I L-~1.6'.,...j ov6L -pA>Z~'W1 1 nU1 Ok::."d H 6-.t"'j ....'"I'r'O!N ~"\Je.to f"l'LI6 '-"j ':oz, 1--10 'j>12obl"""'v.JI I,el 'lr~ C "uL6i J..J eo OV&(.. 1'1«'4 • II.DESCRIPTION OF TH ERE QUESTS • The applicantis propo sing aMajorAmendmentto Special Development District #32,in accordance withSection 18.40.100.Amendment Procedures.of the VailMunicipal Code.A Major Amendmentisb eing proposed toallowforthe constructionofaTypeIII,Employee HousingUnit within the CorniceBuilding.andto allowforgreaterflexibility inthe outdoor l ighting requirements than iscurrently allowed by theOutdoorLighting Ordinance . Employee Hou sin2 U nit . Included withinthe groundlevel o f thenewly constructedCornice Building isacrawl space of approximately259 squarefeet insize.The applicantis proposing toconstructthe Dew employee un it within thecrawl spacearea,aswellasextendaportionof the b uildingoutunderneathan existing second-floor cantilever.When completed.thetotalsquare footage o f theemployee unit willbeapproximately 387 squarefeet.Theon ly changes totheexterior o fthebuilding will be the in-fill of tbe area beneath the second-floorcantilever,theaddition of threenew windowsonthe eastelevation ofthebuilding andthe installation of an entrancedoorwithsidelights on the south elevation .Theapplicantis proposing tomatchthe exterior changes withthe existingarchitecture a ndbuild ing materials. Once completed ,theemployee unitwillbepermanently deed-restrictedinaccordancewiththe requirements of the original SDO approval andi s intended to satisfiytherequirementasthe third employee unit. The original ap proval of SpecialDevelopment District #32 restrictedd ensity to onedwelling unit, and lim itedthe TotalAllowableGrossResidential Floor Areaonthe property to 2 ,000 square feet.Withthisapplication.the applicant is proposing todeviate fromtheoriginalSOD approva l. Theapplicantis proposingtoincrease thenumbero f dw elling unitson theproperty to1.5,and increase the Total Allowable Gross Residential FloorAreato 2,387squarefeet. The -app licantis a lso proposin g to deviate from theon -site parkingrequirementestablished by the underlyingzoning o fHigh-Density Multi-Family (HDMF).According to theHOMEzon e district , 75%o fthe requiredon -site parkingmustbe enclosed withinthemainbuilding.With thi s propo sal,the applicantis proposing to enclose 66%of theon-site parking withinthe ma in building. Outdoor LiWim: The applicanti salso proposing to amendSpecialDevelopment Disni ct#32 toallowfor greater flexib ility intheoutdoorlighting regulationsforthcproperty.OuMay 18.1993.theVailTown Council approvedOrdinance No .9,Series of 1993,settingforthstandardsforregulatingoutdoo r lightingintheTown of Vail.Accordingtothe approved OutdoorLighting Ordinance,in part, one(1)outdoor light sourceisallo wed per one -thousand square f eet of totallotarea.In the opinion of th e applicant,itisnot practicalto be requiredtoadheretothis requirementbecause of f:\EVERYO:"w.lJ'RClMEMOS\COIU'-1C E.1'12 2 •• theun usually sma lllot s ize of the Cornice Building property,As shown helow,thetota ls quare footage of the Cornice Buildingpro perty is3 ,659 sq.ft.Bas edu pon 3 ,659s q.ft.,th e bu ildingis allowed only four outdoor lights.According to the applicant,four outdoor lights arenot enough to adequately lightthe exterior of the building.The applicant would request that hebe p ermitted to install atotal of twelve outdoor lightsonthe property.This wouldallowthe property to be adequately lit forsafety and~etic purposes without resulting inthe undesirableside effects of too much outdoor lighting.The applican t is proposing to install twelve outdoor lights;seven of which are recessed niche Ii 15 inthe stairway and balcony walls.two arc fully cut-offrecessed can lights installed in thesoffitand threeare surfaced mounted light fixtures.All of th e proposed lightfixturescomp ly withthe Source Lumens limitations of the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance.An approval of this outdoor lightin g request will void any previous approvals granted for lighting on thcpropcrtf] III.Z ONING ANALYS IS Address: Zoning: LotS ize: 362VailValleyDrive Special Development District #32• 3,659 square feetlO .084 acres A LLOWED EXISTING Setbacks:as indicated onthe Front:13 ' approved development Sides:2'/1 I ' p lan Rear :2 .5' Height :33 feet 33feet Density:One (1 )single-family One (1)single-family dwellingunit ..,..,dwelling unll GRFA:2,000 sq,n,2,000 sq.It, Si te Coverage:38%o r 1,397sq .ft.38%o r 1,397 s q.ft. Landscaping:40%or 1,464sq .ft.40 %or 1,464sq .ft . PROPOSED no change no change 1.S dwelling units*** 2,387 sq.ft. no chang e nocbange 3 O ut door Lighti ng: Parking: • On e(1)outdoorlight source per on e-thou sand s quare feeto flot area T wo(2)interior spaces • fou rteenou tdo or Ught sources Two(2)Interior spaces twelveoutdoorlight sources as ind icated o n t he a mended d evelopment pl an. Two (2)i nterior s paces +one (1) exterior s pace • •• ••• I V. The uodertying zoniDg for Special.Development Distrid #32 is High Density Multi-Family (l IDMF). Acc:ordin,to the approved SDD ,the maximum GRFA for the Cornice Building Iha1l DOC exceed 2,000 IqU&K'feet.This figw-e is the mWmlDD GRFA that will be allowed OD the lot.AD additiorllll256 square feet ofGRFA..per 0IiIptd'18.71 or the Vail Municipal Code,shall nm be allowed CIl.1his sile.DOW or in !be fuwrc.A600 ~rooc aedit for a two-car garage &ball be a llowed in additi~to lbc 2,000 IIoCJlIaR=IccI.ofQRFA allowed an the sit&!.The approved density for the Cornice Building ihall be (me (1)5ingle-family dwelling unit. According to Scctian 18..57.()(,(l(R X3),Type-In F.mploy ee Housing Units,ortbe Vail Municipal Code..Type m Employee noosing Vail sba1l be coulJledas 0.5 dweDinr umts Cor !be JlUlPOIIC of c:akuJatingdcmity. SDP REVIEW C R ITERIA Inre vi ewing th e appli cant's p roposedMaj or Am endment to Special Development District #32, thestaff reliedon several relevant planning document s to formulate arecommendation.The Town of Vail Municipal Codeandthe Vail Village Master Plan were usedtoanalizcthis proposal. T own of Vall M unicipal Code According toSection 18.40.020(C)of th e Vail Municipal Code,a Major Amendment to an SDD is d efined as: "anyproposaltochangeuses;increase gross residentialfloor area;changethenumber of dwellingo r aeeomodationunits;modify ,enlarge ,or expandanyapproved Special Development Distric t otherthan aminoramendmen t." Staff has determined that,since the applicantis proposing toincreasethetotalamounto fGRFA onthe property from2,000 square feet to 2,387squarefeet,andincrease thenumber of d welling units within thebuilding fromone single -family to a single.familyand aType ill employee housing unit,thisrequest isa MajorSDD Amendment . Section 18.40.080 of theVail Municipal Code,Special Development DistrictDesign Criteria. establishesninecriteriatobeutilized bythe Plannin g and Environmental Commission when 4 •• evaluatin g the merits of Special Development District proposals and/or amendments .The following is an evaluation ofthe nine design criteria by staff: A.Design compatibility and sensitivity tothe immediate environment,neighborhood and adjacent properties relative t oar chitectu ral design,scale,bulk,building height , buffer zones,identity,character,visual integrity and orientation . This designcriteria is relevant tothe applicant's proposed amendment to construct aType HI employeehousing unit intheexi sting building andtoincrease the total number of outdoor light s onthe property than would otherwise be permitted.The construction o f the employee unit will have minimal,if any .negative effects onthe above-listed crit eria . Thenewunit will be constructed within the existing footprint nfthe building.Therefore, the additional bulkandmassbeing added will notbereadily noticable .Theportionofthe employee unit constructe d under the second -floor cantileveris designed to match the existing arc hitecture and fenestration of the building.Thenew front entry to theemployee unit willbe slightly recessed to provid e articulation and shadow/shade and to avoid the creation of a lar ge flat wall.Allconstru ction assoc iated with thenew employee unit will be built with mat erials to match those existing onthebuilding .Thenew construction will be most visible from the streamwalk along thesouth side of the property . Regarding theproposed exterior parkingspace,the applicant basproposed toincreasethe amount oflandscaping immed iately adjacent to the parking space in order to mitigate any visua l impact associated with a vehicle parked inthe spac e.The applicant is proposing to relocate threeexisting Red-Twig Dogwoods andreplacethemwiththreeMugho p ines. TheRed-Twig Dogwoods willbereplanted tothenorth of theparkingspace.The property owner will continue toberespon sible for the maintenance and upkeep o fthe landscapingonthe property asrequiredby the original SDD approval. InthestaIT's opinion.the additional outdoorlightingbeing proposed bytheapplicant will not adv erselyaffect adj acent prop ertie s,nor the comm unity ingeneral.The requ est of the applicant to be pe rm itted toinstall twelve outdoor lights onthe property ,rather than four as regulated by the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance,docs not creat e a conflict withthe inten t of the ord inance . B .Uses,activity,and density which provide a compatible,efficient a nd wo rkable relationship withsu rroundinguses and activity. Withregard to GRFAanddensity,the applicant i s requesting an additional387squarefeet ofGRFA,and an increa se in den sity of 0.5 dwelling units more than was originally approved bythe Town Coun cil.The staff b elieves the proposed increases will be compatible with surroundin g uses and activitie s.Properties in th e immediate vicinty are zoned for higher dens ity and more intens ive use.Prior to th e original Cornice Building being demolished,onedwelling unit and three ,stu dio-size apartments existed onthe 5 •• property.and at one time in the past.eight.studio-sizeapartments wereonthe property . Additi onally.an employee unit in th is location will be attractive to persons working in the Village,aswell as to persons workin g elsewhere in Town ,duetothe convenientaccess to the Town 's bu s system . As statedearlier,the staff is comfortable withtherequestforadditionaloutdoorlighting. The applicant isnot requesting an exorbinant amount of lightin g which may otherwise adversely impactadjacent properties orresultin undesirable side effects. C .Com pliance with parkJng end lo ading requ irements a so utlined In Chapter 18.52.. An increase in GRFA and densi ty will result in an increase in the parking requirement associatedwiththe property .Currently,theapprovedSODallows for2,000square feet ofGRFA onthepropeny.Accordiog to Chapter18.52 oftheVailMunicipal Code,the parking requirement istwospaces.Theexisting garage currently providestwoenclosed parking spacesand the driveway design will accomodat ea third exterior spaceonthewest side of the buil ding.Accordin g to theproperty 's und erlyingzoning o fHDtvtF .75%of the requiredparkingshall be enclosedwithinthemain building.Withthis proposal,66%of therequired parkin g will be enclosed.After exploringotheralternatives.staffis comfortable allowing one exterio r parking space on the property in the area identified on thesite plan.Modifying theexisting garageto accommodate athirdenclosed parking space will cause significant structural constraints .The buildin g is designed with a structuralbeamrunning north-south throughthegarage toasupporting column constructed wherethenewgaragedoorwould needto be placed.Theonlywayto provideathirdenclosedparkingspacewould be to completely reconstruct thegararge. Allowin g the appli can t to pay-in-lieu of providing a parking space on-sitedoes not resolvetheparkingoeed generated hythe employee unit.Whileit may be possible to restric t any employeeparkingonthe site.it cre ates an enforc ement problem.In the staff's opinion,wewouldbe creatin g aregulation that is difficult to enforce sinceit is likelythe tenantwillhaveavehicle and need to park it somewhere and it does notaddress guest parking. Thisdesign criteriai snotapplicable withregard to the proposedoutdoor lighting,and therefore ,neednot beaddressed. D .C onformitywithth e applicabl e elemen ts of the Va ll Co mprehensivePlan ,Town policiesa nd U rbanD esign Plan s. Vall YlU aee Ma ster Plan GoalsforVail Village are addressed intheVailVillage Master Plan.Staffhasidentified the following goals,objectives and policiesasbeingrelevanttothisMajorSOD Amendment requ est: 6 •• Goal #1 Goal #2 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Villagein order to sustain itssense of community and identity. 1.2 Objective:Enc ourage theup grading andred evelopment o fr eside ntia l and commerci al facilities . To foster a strong tourist Ind ustry and promote year-round economic health a nd viability fortheVillage and fort hecommunityasawhole. 2 .6 O bjective:E ncouragethe development of affordable housing unit s throughthe effortso ftb e priv ate sector. 2 .6.1 Polic y :E mployeehou sing units may be required a s part o f an y Dewor redeve lopment project requesting density o ver that allowed by existing zoning . 2 .6.2 Policy:Emp loyee hous in g shal l b c de ve loped with appropriate restrictions soa s to insure th eir a vailibilityand affordabi lity to thelocal work force . Th estaff continues to believe that theo verall redev elopment of the Cornice Building meets many of the goals,policies and objectives of the Town's adopted M aster Plans. E.Identification and mitigation nf natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the p roperty onwhi chth eSpec ial Develop ment District is propoesd. There arcno natura l and/or g eologic hazards ,noristheprop erty effected by the Gore Creek IOO-year floodplain . F.Site plan,building design and location a nd opensp ace provisions designed to produce a functio nal deve lopment responsive and se nsitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic q uality of the community. Th esitep lan an d building desigo of theexi sting bui lding willbealtered minimally withthis pr oposal.Staff do es not be lieve that the changes proposed aresignificant enough to effect t his criteri a. G.A circulatio n system d esigned for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. Attached for referen ce isan on-site parking and circulation plan.The p lan ind icates the loca tion o fthe ex terior parkingspace for the employeeuni t andthe turning movements r eq uired to getvehicles ou t of t heg ar age spaces without n eeding t oba ck out on toVail V alley Drive.This plan ha s b een re viewed and approved by Greg Hall,the T own 7 •• Engineer. It doesnotappearthatthe addition of an employeeunitonthepropertywillhaveany negative impacts onthe trafficflowonVailValleyDrive.Thedrivewaywas origioaUy constructedfarenoughfromthenearby intersection toinsureadequatesightlinesfor vehicles leaving the property . II.Functionalandaesthetic landscapingandopen spaceinordertooptimizeand pr eserve natural features,recrea tion,vie ws and fun ctions, Given the scope of this proposal,staff believes there will be minimal,if any,impacts onthe above-referenced criteria.The applicant has agreed tomitigate any visual impacts of the proposedexterior parking space by increasing theamounto flandscapingalongthe west side o fthe property.As withthe original approval ,40%o f thesite will continueto be maintained as landscaping. I.Pha sing p lan or s ubdivision plan thatwill mainta in a workable,functional and efficient relationsbJp throughou t thed evelopment of th e Special Developmen t District. Theabove-referenced criteria is not applicable to this application . V.STAFF RECOMME NDA TION Staffrecommends appro val of the proposedMajorAmendment to SpecialDevelopmentDistrict #32,theCornice Building.We findthat theapplicant'sproposal to construct a Type IIIemployee housing un it and in crease density to 1.5 dwelling uni ts in the Corn iceBuilding.incre ase the Total Allowable GrossResidential FloorAreaon the property to2,387 squarefeetfrom 2,000 square feet;provide 66%of the on-site park ingenclosed in the main buil din g rather th an the 75% requ ired by th e underl ying zoning ,andbe permitted toinsta lltwelve o utdoor lights on the property,areallincompliance withtheTown of Vail Munici pal Codeingeneral,and specifically, meets the goals an d objec tives o f the Special Develop ment Distric t asdescribed in this mem orand wn. ..:-1fi.4,~II fll~..j...~,,I.--75-....··,~~ ""...L />---p i-°/~l "I o "I ~'-"t r ,ZE.\I'OLG ,J..pp.lo!ov -k ..s tt>~OU'T'"Oo:::J..c b t:'!o'o<:o by t'h~,Ip !"""",+<,li-o!.'i'hl!') /. 8 •• ..~.-- -- ." I,, •, •••I I I, I I I I ...J -_.- ----..- ..-----------------...--......---_..., • \• • -J..IAY~AL.-e7 O~ OII·H:;~_HA'-e~IAL-'~_"0 ~c:r -rF-e~$ • • • I~. • • • ., .' Rotum 10 GeorJ;c Ruther T own Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PRO JEC T:c,..,v ;'L../.-tJ'..l"i 'f'Y},l l ,_,;·"'::>L-i.>IJ p l ~·.....L.",1'7o':'_r-- DATESUBMIITED :"""'7;:;;;:;;::/~/C1I1.:I 'f-I-';"",;"~"I=_ DATE OFPUBLIC HEARING 'r"I I .e /'14 COMMENTS NEEDED BY:---'::,Ii-L"'-/-'Jl.L.,--;/G/:"':"T/·::-11.;----------- I I onll::r:DESCnlrTI ON Or:THE PRO POSAL: Reviewed by :__...:.,..:.-'-Dale:_---.:----:..__ FIRE DEPA RTMENT JJ /aM-W Commcn ls: ------_.-_.------ .., • , ~...-•• Cor nice Building snn Amendment,1996 Adjacent Property Ow ners Tract A-Vai!y ma£,Jsf FWD!: Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail ~Colorado Tr actC-Va il Vjll ai:c 1st Filini: Townof Vail 75 S outh Fron tage Road Vail,Co lorado Vail Vj!l a~c Tr ansp ort ati on (eOler Town of Vail 75S outh Frontage Road Vai l.Co lorado 8 1657 x Tyrolean Condominjums Tyrol ean CondominiumAssociat ion c/o Bra ndcss/Cadm us Re al Est ate 28 1 Bridge Street Vai l,Co lorado 8 1657 )("VaH AthleticCl uh AUIl.Jeff Mik dsoll Vail Athle tic Cluh 352 Ea st Mead ow Drive Vail.Co lorado 81657 •• THIS ITEM M AY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PU BLI C NOTICE NOTIC E IS HEREBY GI VEN thatthePlan ning a ndEnv ironmental Commission ofthe T ownof Vall w illh oldapu b lic h earing inaccordancewi th Sect io n 1B.66.060 of the Municipal Codeofthe Town ofV ailon February12 ,1996,at2:00 P.M.in th eTownofVail Municipal BUilding .In cons ideration of: Arequ est for a works essio n todiscu ss proposedamendments to The T own of Va il Munic ipal Code,Chapters16,18 &2 to allow formod ifications to the SignCode.Design Review, Commercial Core I,Commercial CoreII and Supple mental Regul ati ons . App licant : Planner: Townof Vail Randy St ouder A request fora M ajor Amendment to SOD No.3 2 to allow for the constr uctionofan Employee usingunit located atTheCornice Bu ilding,362Vail Valle y Drive/PartofT ract 8,Vail Village Filing. Ap p lic ant : Planner: David Smith George Ruth er AnAmendmenttotheZoning Code.Medium -Density Multi -Family District,adding aprovision limiting thedensitytoeighte e ndwelli ng units per acre 01builda ble site area.T hisprovisi onwas inadve rt e ntlyomin edfrom Ordinan ceNo.16,Series of 1991. Applic ant: Plann e r: Tow n ofVa ilC ommun ity Development Departme nt Dominic M auriello A r equest t or ares identia l add ition,utilizi ng the 250Ord inance ,toallow foran expans ion to an ex isting si ngle family residence locatedat 2299 C h amonix Lane /L ot 7,Block A ,V ail DasSchone F iling #1 . Applic ant : Plann er: FrankD.D'Alessio George Ruth er A request fora MinorSDD Am end ment to all ow for changes to the development plan loca ted at M illrace Ph ase 3 ,1335W esthave nDriv e/Dev elop ment Area A o f theG lenLyon SOD (S OD No . 4 ). App lica nt: Planner: Steve Riden representing Gregory Walto n JimCurnu tte A request foran Interior residentia l addi ti on,utiliz ing the 250 Ord inance,toallowforaninterio r st orage are a,located at 1BBlLio nsridge Loop #25/L ot1,Block 3 .Lionsr id ge 2ndF iling. Ap plicant: Planner: Matt King Lauren Waterton Arequest for aresiden tial addition ,utilizi ng th e250Ordin ance,toallo w fora n expansion toan A{t existi ng unit and a fron t yard variance to allow for a garage to be loc ated ina fron tsetback in ~ association with the cons tru ction ofanew Primaryreside ncelocatedat 32 5 Forest Road llOr~8,I V ;;~;r~:a il V i;~:~~;~~~;r:presen t ing Tim D risko {t vctP~~~~ ••....."- Signlanguage interpretation availableuponrequestwith24hour notification.Pleasecall479- 2114voiceor 479-2356 TOOfor information. Community Development Department Published January 26,1996intheVailTrail. ••• .....--........~._-,;;;"",'0/"-'G-:-'';'~___.."..•'-,..~_iLit 0""5 -~",,---'"lSI - ~..-co •---~.._- I IRf.(·UtT~7 7 ?-;CTOWNOFVAIL r· .,(/I ~_OU'41l:IM L'T O t "CO)L\l L-":ITY D£\-u.o'!oU;lloT sLCLA~·1""lIl "fa L.L "e /,/';-,9?"''!!. ~AODRU."-.DA TE.-· ·,Ru ,un C Ht.€-·K!Ii MA M 'AVUU TO TOWS O rVAn·-A CTOL~~O.-..-.con...•TOT AL""~""-TU "01 41540 ZON ING AND A DD RESS MA PS • 10000 42 415 UN)J-ORJo.I BUJLDINGCODE 5 .00 • I 4 4 1 1 PLUM fuJr-5 •-'1 44 1 g"ANICAl CO 5 37.• -.1 .00 S36 .•- ~-lC'4 2415 NATIONAL CTRICALCODE •< ".0 1 4 1·H5 OTHER CODE BOO KS • 4))4 !Ii NTSMYl\RS)S~.• "'10'1 4 41 1S SO.25 •,01 •-~01 0000 4 2412 TOV fE ES MPUTER PROGRAM "I 0000 4 237 1 PENALTY FEES I R E -lN SP ~N S•·_01 4 1 3 A VIEW ifIT::0 . ':0 10000 4 R IS P nON F . I 414 1.i,CENSESFE '·~~~.a1 4 1 3 S IGN A PPL A TIO EE ~~. .';4 141 A ALSIGNAG ·.~.P ~R S •C.0 1 44 AJECTDONA • 010000 4 1331 PRE PAID 0 -S IGN REVIEWBO ARD FEE .'•O~fi423 7 1 I NVESTIG ATION fEE B Il NO · •4'1 10 A RKING 1.,01 •'~A .R (srI:::.R . ·0 1 00002 1112 T AXABL QJ 4°/.STATE)•*·01 00 004 1010 TA.'X ABLE (IiJ 4°;'(TOW~)•0 1 0000 42 371 BUILDIN ~T A .~.,r /'"//, ,,--t C2Q tI", A ~A'·2 O· /.-~ 0 1 000 (1 413 $200. •01 4 133 0 C ONDITIO AS '~20 .:.._~4 1 .'~O R ALT ERATIC L SS IA 1~5200 .".Oli!t ~R A RATIO MAI .$500.00 ~ _l ~.A l ,...TDI S ~':-.,.I ~, 113J0 r '(!Al D·E o PM ,NT DISTRICT IMAJOR I~0 0 ~l 01 I'i~i?m==.TR C $200..' :'01 =4:~~,~, AACE $2 50.00 .. '"':0 1 -4.)~E AMENDMENTs $25 .00 1010000 41330 '.0 1\"11\J $2 .00 I.±l ,oTHER .In t..TOTAL:.¥&- mJ. wtcasu,I CK.JI ['/'-/~0 M .O I ..J "c."£,fc!-i ••• ------------------------~-~~~~-~ RECEIPT -The Townof Vail 472 30DATEI/~.19 /, _~;!~;..-£__'/:'...c"'~)"_____"~/~'::....::._"'~"-'-----------------_= RECEIV ED FROM t -------------AD DRESS --------,t'r . Police Re ceipt Numbers _ ,/h ·,./By _~::.......__2.!.L _HOWPAiD-Cash Che ck ;/~,~'I 'II ~_ L·=-~....""....._ --------------------TOWN OF VAIL I'li SCE'llaneous Cash 0 1-1 7-96 15 ;54 :09-------------------- R~C9ipt •1899 10 ~cc ou n t •CK #ACCT 8517290 C.DRU ID SMITH'SPEC IAL DVL PMN T DISTR ICTA~o unt t~nder e d >l 000 .ee I t em pa id ~t paid 01000041 3 30000 1000.00 C h~ng e returned > THAN K YOU YOL'r cashier SO UJA-------------- •TYPE r EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIYE COYENANT • WHEREAS ,GREGORY H.AMSDEN Owner")described as :T 2,BL OCK 2 .VAIL 2635-B LARKSPUR LANE Isthe owner of certain property ("the INTERMOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION --'-("tho Property"):and WHEREAS,the Own9l"wishes 10 place certain res1rictions on the use of a unit or apartment jccated on tho Property for the benefit oftheOwnerand the Town of Vail,Colorado rthe Town'. NOW ,THEREFORE .the Owner does herebyImpose .establish,acknowledge,declare for the benefit ofall persons whomayhere inaher purchase,orlease .orho ld the subject land the following resirk:tions, covenants ,andconcfltions,a ll ofwh ich shall be deemed torun with t he land and Inure to t he benefit andbe binding upon the ONner.its respective grants"s.successors ,and assigns. 1.TheEmployeeHousingUnit.contain ing iZ1....squarefeet,IsherebyrestrictedasaTypeI Emp loyee Housing Unit (EHU)which must comply with an the provisions of Sections 18.57.020,18 .57 .030 ,and18 .57 .040 of1ho Va n Municipal Codeas amonded. 2. 3 . The Type I Employee Housing Unitshallbe leasedto tenants who arefull-1ime employees who work InEagle County.An EHUshall not be leased fora period less 1hanth irty consecutive days.Forthe purposes of this sect ion,afull-t ime employee is one who works an average ofthirty hours each week. A Type IEHUmay be sold ,transferred,or conveyed separately fromany single family or two fam ilv dwelling only it it meets thefollowing conditinns : a)It must be used by the Ownor o f tbe Type 1 EHUasa permanont ruside0C8.For tho PJI'JXlS8 ct thls paragraph.8 permanent residence shall mean the home orplace In whk:hone 's habitation is fixed and to wh Ich one,whenever heorsheIs absent has a present intentionof return ing aher a departure or absence therefrom r9Gt..·dltl~s of t he duration of absence.In determ ining what isa permanent res lrlenoa ,too T".....n staff shaa take the following circlmstanees relating tothe Owner of the resider.c&into account :bu siness pursuits.employment,income sources ,residsflCO for Incomi'or omer taxpurposes,age,marital status,residence of parents ,spcueo and chl:dren ii any,location of personal and mal property ,and motor vehicle registraton. b )If a Type IEHU i ssold ,transferred,or conveyed separate ly fromthe other u ni1 ina Two-Fam ily dwe lling it Isa part of,th9n both 1he Type IEHUandthe unit to which it is attached shall be subject toallthe provisions set forthIn Section 18 .57.020. 4 .The Type:EHU s:iall nc..~ba divided intoany fOllll cl tlmeshares.i nterval ownership.or fractionaJ foe ownership as those 1erms are defined in 1he Mun icipal Code of 1he Town of Vail. 5.No later than February tofeachyear,the owner ofeach employee housing unit within t he town which is constructed following the effectivo dateofthis chapter shall slbmit two copies of a report onaformto be obtained fromthe Community Development Dopanment,to the Comm oony Development Department ofthe Town of Vail and Chairman ofthe Town of Vail Housing Authority setting for1h evi:lance establishing lIlal tho amployeo housing un~has been rented1hroughoUltheyear,the rentalrate ,1he employer,and that each tenant who res ides within the employee housing unitisafull-1ime employee inEagle County. 5~06n Sa ra J . B -6~4 F ishe r P -6 36 05/15 /"6 03 :5"P PG1OF2 E a gle Cou nty Cle rk &Rec ord er I REC 11.00 DOC 6.The O.of each EHU shallrent the un it at Ii mon'renlal rate consistent with or lower t han t hosemarketrates prevalentforsimilar propertiesIntheTown ofVail. 7. B. The TownofVail Housing Authority willdetermine themarket rate based onthestudy ofother unitsof cO IT'.parable size,location.quality and amenities throughout the T own.The market reteshall be basedo n an average ofami nimum offiverentalratesof comparable urats .If the unit i s notre ntedand isnot avai lable al1he market rate it shall be determined to be In nonc ompliance .Inadd ition 10an y other p enahies and restrictions p rovided herein,aunit found to be In noncompl iance shallbe subject to putiicalion asdeterm ined by the Housing Authority. Rhy pe rcent of the parking requ ired forthe Type I EHU shall bo enclosed .If a garage is to beshared by both t he primary residence and the Employee Housing Un it.access 10 the garage from the Employes Housing Unitshall be guaranteed b y t heow neroft heprimary residence. oo Wc..1", 9. 10. Thiny dayspoor tot he t ransferof adeedfora Type I EHU,the prospective purchaser shall subm it anapplication t o the Community Development Departmentdocumenting that the prospective pu-chaser meets the criteria set forth above and shall include an atfidavi1 affirming that he o rshe meets these crhena . The provisions of these restri:::tive covenantsmay be enforced by the Owner and the Tow n. "'o II ,T he conditions.restrictions .stipulations,and agreements contained herein shal l not be .waived .abandoned,term inated,oramendedexcept by the written consent ofboth the TI?W" of Vail and the Owner ofthepropeny. TOWN O FVAlL,a Colorado municipal corporation ,- By:!t/f?( ,01-'Boo W.Mclaurin,TownManager ,-.,'.'~~ '"~ '"I Po ~ '"'"I '"-~ '"'"'""' rsPr .',~The,~c~ng instrumentwas acknowledgedbefore meth is -LS.!'Cia y of ..~~cl;--N~a:y P'tllic '. By: .\'". .. ... ".' . ~.-..~...':~. '.',,:/,:,.-'0' ."..,. t._,.-...-"lEHU1 The foregoing instrument was acknowledgedbefore methis .-'-dayof ::JVOIT1t=hi ~~OC'T DIary Public - T("'II\J OF VAILo::,CF THE TOWN CLERK 7 ·,ONTAGE ROAD v ~._,~~~O RA OO 81657 2 • ;\I EMORAND liM TO:Staff In terp retations Noteboo k FROM:Andy Knudts en DATE:November 8,1995 • SUBJECT:Deedrestri cting existiog d welling units asType I,II,Ilf,N.V Employ ee H ousing Units. I think it is he lpful fo r both new members to th e staff and/or "oldtimers"likem e to d ocument the conversations like th e one we h adinsta ff l ast Tuesday morning.In the event anin dividual wo uld like tod eedrestrictanex isting dwelling un it as an employee ho using unit.the To Vr"D.will allowdeed r estriction to occur,e ven if allo fth ezoningstan dards ar e not m et.For example;if the d wellingun itd ocsnot have a ne nclosed parkingspa ce forthe propo sed employee housing uni t,staff will ac cept the deed re strictionan d acknowledge it as a val id employee housing unit, notwithstanding thenon-conformance regarding the enclosed p arking . Pleasenot e that existing d wellinguni ts m ayor may notqu alifya s fu lfillingth e requirem entso f an SODforemployeehou sing.Specifically,t he To\\'D m ay r equire that new units b ecreat ed in order fora de veloper to satisfya r equireme nt.In m ostcases,thedw e lling units that h ave potential for becomi ng de edres trictedemployeehou sing unitsar e currently used a srental housing.Typically,ad eed restricti on does not inc rease th e av ailable supply of employ ee housing. 1 • 75SouthFrontageRood Vail,Colorado 81657 303-479 ·2 107 /FAX 303-479 -2/57 MEMORANDUM • Offi ce of Town Attorn ey TO : FROM : DATE : SUBJ ECT : MikeMo llica .--/ Randy Stouder Greg Hall Terri Marti nez R.Thomas Moome a ~ June23,1995 "NO BODY 'SPRO JECT' RTM/aw Gentlemen and Lady,attached isa letterwh ich hasbeen provid ed to Greg Amsden and Nancy L adow concern ing their off-street parking/retaining wall project on Larkspur Lane . AsIseethepro ject .it would first require ORBappro val then entering intoa written agreeme nt w iththefour property owners t hatin consideration fo r their beingab le to construct i nthe right-of· wa y andbaseduponany conditions that t he DesignRev iew Boardor the p roject requirest hat the right-of-way will be vacatedaftercomp letiono ft he p hysical improv ements a nda pproval of am inor s ubdivisione stablishingt hene wlot lin es . Let's see whathapp ens Than ~ /(?J'- •• 75SouthFrontageRoad Yai~Colorado 8/657 303-479 ·2107/FAX 303-479-2157 June 22 ,1995 Mr.Gree:Amsden 2635·8 Larkspur Lane Vail,CO 8 1657 Nancy Ladow 2625 Larkspu r Lane Va il,CO 81657 Re:Vacation o fthe Right-of-Way Dear Nancyand Cree: Office of TownA ttorney On June 20 ,199 5 in worle session ,Town Council considered your request to vacate the right-of-way on La rkspur whichwould provide for off-street parking with necessary reu lnln:walls. After explanation by staff and discuss ion,Counc il agreed unanimously to allow vacadon of the riiht.-of·way upon completion of the Improvements that you have suggested .It was agreed that the procedure to be followed would be Design Re view Bo.1 rd approva lfor the improvem enu which wouldthen be incorporated into a written agr eement tha t upon completion ofthe fmprovemenu theTownwould vacate its riiht-of-way.Construction ofthe improvements could be accomplished by means of a pennlss ion to construct In the right-of-way .All of these requirements can be facilitated through the CommunitY Dev elopment Department and myself. If you have any questions or comments please fee l free to contact me. Very truly yours,.--r .,/'/. '0 ','d-0 'f:::-..( R.Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTM /aw VVAIL TOWN CO UNCIL WORK SESSION • 02 :00 P.M . J im Penhale 02 :30 P .M . Susan Connelly 02 :50 P.M . T om Moorhead Randy Stouder Greg Hall Terri Martinez Greg Amsden Na ncy Ladow 03 :35 P.M. Russe ll Fo rrest 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . TUESDAY,JUNE 20 ,1995 02 :00 P.M .IN TOV CO UNCIL CHAM BERS EXPANDED AGENDA Discussion of Channel 5Two Percent Franch ise Fee . ACTION REQU ESTED O F COUNCIL:Consider Channel 5 request for monetary support. BACKGROUND RATIONALE :The fund ing 01 Cha nne l 5 is n o lon ger providedfo r i nt heTow no f V ail Franchi seA greement wi th T el.Itisnow am atter for co ns iderat ion sepa rate a nd apart fro m the Te l ag reement.Townof V ailiso ne of se veralfu nding sou rces forCh annelS.Inthep ast th eyreceived2 %ofthe5 %franch ise fee received by theTownofVa il .The subscribers arep ay ing the 5%franchise fee pursuant toout present agreement with Tel. Desig n Rev iew Board Interviews. AC T IO NRE QUESTEDO F CO UNCIL:Interviewtw o a pplica nts to fill one vacancyon t he Des ign Review Board .A pplicants are Brent Aim a nd BruceW.Crabb . BACKGRQUND RATIONALE :DRB member Sa lly B rainard is moving outof the Town of V a illimitsan d hasres ign ed her seat. He r terme xpires in February,1996. Larkspur LaneV acat ion o f Right-of-Way. AC TION REQU ESTED O F C OUNCIL:Conside rreq uest 01 prope rty owners on L arkspur la netovac ate right-of-w ay for a n undeveloped cu i dasa c. BACKGROUND RATIONAL E:V acation 01 right-aI-way a nd either adeedoreas ement to four property owners w ill perm it de ve lopment of off-street parking ,pro vide for parking n ecessaryto creat e anEHUand enable necessary retaining walls to be pu t in lace . STAFF RECO MMENDATION :V acateright-at-way u pon cond ition t hat a ddit iona l a reawillnotperm it additio nal GRFA. Requ est toCre ate 3 .2 Acres of Wetlands on Katsos Ranch . AC TION R EQU ESTED O F COUNCIL:TheVa il Valley Consol idated Wat er District is reque sting approval to create 3.2 acresof wetlands onthe Katsos Ranch Property .ThisDistrict is a sking far permiss ion top roceed ing t hrough the proces s toc reate tnese we tlands. BACKGROUND RATIONALE :TheVailVa lley Consolidated Water D istrict ,aspart of their Section 404 permit mit igation requirements fortheBlack LakeNo .1 Project isrequ ired to restore 6acres of scrub /shrub.In 1991theTown approved the creation of6acres in KatsosRanch.TheD istrict wa s succe ssful in creating2 .8 acres o fwet lands andst ill needs toc reate 3 .2 acres .TheD istrict hasa new proposa l for crea t ing these wet lands on Katsos Ranch a nd 1 46 this req uiresT own Council ap.-.val.TheW aterDistri ctis requesting the Cou ncil's perm ."to proceed through the proce ss.Thisprocesswould include PEe review a ndTown Counci l approval. 0 4 :05 P .M.5 .Information Update. 04 :15 P .M.6 .Cou ncil Report s. 04 :25 P .M.7 .Ot her. 0 4 :35 P .M.B.Executive Session -Personn el Matters . 05 05P .M.9.Adjoumment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: lAU TWS loRE APPft Ox .....~AICI SIJllJECT TO CHANGE ) ••••••• THENEXT VAIL TOWNCOUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY,6127195,BEGINNING AT2:00 P.M.INTOV CO UNCILCHAMB ERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWNCOUNCILREGULARWOR K SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY,7/11195,BEGINNINGAT2:00 P.M.INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS . THE NEXT VAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAREVENING MEETING WILL BEON TUESDAY,7118195 ,BEGINNING AT7:30 P.M.INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. ••••••• C.lAGEtO DAWSE 2 2 :45pmPrintedbyMikeMollica6/07 ~•-----------_._.__.__._----.------~-.---"-------''--------- F ..-om ,'fum ...00 ..-1........., '1'0 ' OrcQ tldl }.M1 ......•Mo ll ie...Terr i Marl ln a ? subj e ct ,(wd,La rk apur L n r t o C WdY ~z~N OT ~~~~·P_c __~_6 /0 6 /9 ~~1 0 1 2 9 A m == t ha ve a c hcdul cd n meet 1nQ Mo nddY mornIng J u n <:>l ~'_h a '10 wl L hN ancy ,...0 ..1 1 ...,d G r,-,,,,Amedlen ,I fa ny er you ....ou ld 1 1 ko to l o r s hou ld)J OIn u s . jump O n I n t he WA ler '.f in •. O lhcrwl sC .ul c asC!ddv le ...m ~o r t he requl r omo nt.trom you r ~C!r.~C!C!llve.of w hdt We n .~~LO Va cdt_t he r lQ h t ot WII", t o al low fo ..-p rfv al n par k lnq On l .a rk a pu r .Ca n ..e ••1 1l L? at i 11 <;1 ...•..e v ..1 t ...-a ll t hO,"·vo,,"..e Fwd -b y l ~H lk ...=~ol l f c d=_~~:~~=_~~======== ......<1 t o.T om MO(>rh....d Due LO Rc hedul1nq con !1 1c t8.I a m unable t o dt Lend y our .....tt nq o n J un e 1 2 '-h . I.auos .The vacalcd area C Qn not b e U t1 11 2Gd fO T t ho c.l eu l at i o n o r non~i~y (C RPA or _ot u n i t a '.c an th i .a rea 1 n QU QR t10n a c commoda te t h e d es i r ed number or pa r king apaceR ?w1 11 the r eta i ni ng wa l ls be r e·bu Jl~?WO nuOd to ueo d noalg ft,a nd I t anOUl n p robab ly be e n gi n ••red .MUat hdv.O RB rev tew ...nd ap prov dl .Wil l w e.the 1·OV. al low to r tho placemen t o r 9 8rG9 o.a,on thiR grou nd ?S h ou ld w o r e st r iCt ? S ..1 1 1 ~?Wh y n ot ? Page :1 I OF I50"'''' TV O.O.F. I hlJrlfb y ctIrlify that th Is Impro'lfNrllH'lt l ocation C1NtI Rcatil was prtJParttd for th~morlgagtl IlH'IdlJr and thtl tit/tl Insuranctl company./hot It 1$not a l and SUf"WIy pio t or fmpro~t1f1t sur'o"l1y p lo t.and th at It 18 n ot t o btl rt1lltl(/ upon ror the tlstoblishmtm t of f tlfl ctl.building,or othtlf"tvtun ImproYfJrrumt Iln tls,I furthm-~Ify th at th tl hrproYflmtmts on th e oboYfl tkscrflHtd parcm on t hi s doff'.tlXCt!p t u t ilI ty conntICt/ons,Df'tI IH'Itfr/!/y wIthin thil boundorN!S of thll p orctll,tlXCtlp t as shown.th at thtlrtl orll no tIf'Icroochmtfflts upon thtl dtI$crib~prttmlstls by Impro~tffI/$on any adj:Jinlng prtIfTIls~s.tlx cept as In dlca t~and th at thtJrtl Is no DppDf'tNtt tlvidlNlCtl or sign o f any ttOSttmflf'l t crossing or burdttfling any part of so ld parr:«.tlXctlp t os m,t«t Th Is Ctlf"tfRcattl d(MS not can st/tutti 0 tltltl tltlDrch by Inttlr-Uountaln EnginHring t o dtltMmlntl owntlnihip or tK1stlf7ltlf7 1s of r tlCOf'd.ror 011 Infonnatlon r tltjDf'dfng tIOStltrlttnts.rights-of-way or tltlll of r tlCOrd, Inttlf'-Uountoln "JlitHJ upon Land ntltl GuOl'OntH Company AI TA CommltmtlfJt Ordttr No.V227J.1. / 2635 LARKSPUR COURT IMPROVEMENT LOCA TlON CERTlFlCA TE LOT 2,BLOCK 2, VAIL IN TERMOUNTAIN D£VF:LOPM£NT SUBDIVISION. EAGLE COUN TY.COLORADO LOT 1 SUTe 101,.uo yANt:F S7R£E'T ~cqo.802T5 (.JI»)2.12-0'58 I-~--------l I · LOT J LOT5 NonCE:According t o Colorado low you must CQmmlNlCft any I tI(jOI action bas~upon ony dtl r.ct h t his suf"WIy wIthin thrH )'tIOrtt a ftlJr )011 flrttt dlsco~such dtl ftlCt. In no tl HMt.may any action batltld up on any dtlfect In th Is surwy be commflf'lctld merll th an t en)'l!kYtl {rom thil da til of c trll ficat/on shown h tJrt1Cl7. o '" ,.1 /. ,. Leg al D••crlp ti on Parc_l L L.-l A par t 0 1 the L ark_pu rLana R19ht-o{·~.y •••hown on t ha (ln al of V.i l In ter.auntal n o.valop••n l Subdlv l alon.Bl o ck 1 ,r aco rd ad 30 .1970.in Book 218 .t.Pag_82 o t the E"'9 1_County Ih,c orda, particu larly d ••cr l~d ••f o llowa: 8_91 n nlng at the South•••tarty Cor n ar ot Lot 1 ,a t .al d aubdl vlalon,thanee S39"'O'28 "W ·:50.0 0 l ••t.t....t he c antar-po i n t o l t he ~O .OO f oot radl ua Cui-de -Sac ;lhanea "OJ:"07'34-W ~O.O O t••t.t o t.h e Southw••tar ly Cornar o f .a id Lot I J thanee .lon9 t h.Mort.he rly R ight-of -Way bou ndary lin.o f .aid Cul -d a -Sac,3 6.62 f••t 6 10n9t h e arc of •:50 .00 fool radi ua,nOIl-t a ng.nt ,curve to Lt••right ha vln'i\'a can tral a ng 1.o f .p~a ·02 "and al ongChord bo ••r ln 9 571-0"'04"[ 35 .41 f ••t to t he poi nt of b.g1 nn1ng.h.v 1ng .n .r••01 '16 .q u.r. I ••t ••o r.o r 1•••• P RE PARED BY : JOM.SON.Y.U.K£L L ASSOCIAT ES .I NC . P .O .aoJ(4 :>'9 E~G l£.COLOR ADO 81£31 (303 )~,·6366 J IC/87 11 )0 ••,"t .: ., ., ;\\,> ." J ilL Ii -'.. '·1 •Mike Mollica Town ofVnil Planning Dept. 75 South F rontage Road Vail,CO.81657 Re :Application for Va riance 2635 Larkspur Laue Dea r Mike: •April 22,1994 REC'B APR 2 1 1994 I am requestin g a varian ce to S ection 18.57.040-(6)regarding parking requirements on Type I Employee IIousingU nits.My residence located at 2635 Larkspur Lane is a two-unit structure situated ona primary-secondary lotless than 15,000 sq.It..The home was built in1973 under Eagle County zoning and is currently non-conforming with respect to the secondary unit -itdoesnot have any Enu de ed restriction. Prior to submitting an application for the EHU d eed restriction,]must obtain a variance since the present parking(4 sp aces)isnot enclosed and located on Town of Vnil rlght-of-way some 25feetin elevation above the residence.There is a recorded easement(see attached copy)for use of this land,but construction of enclos ed pnrking(garages)within Town of Vail right-of-way is prohibited under current zoning codes .The topography of the site does not allowaccessto provide a garage near the residence.A copy of the subdivision pint,Public works street plan, improvement location certifleate and title report are included inthis application, The requested variance is consistent with uses of surrounding properties on Larkspur Lane.Most residences arc two-unit structures with at least one rental unit.Three adjacent properties hnve very similar parJdng areas within Town or Vail right-of-way. An approval of the requested variance would not consti tute granting of special privilege in that there is an existing hardship(topogrnphy of the site)and such approval would allow the applicant to bring his property more into conformance with current zoning standards. The unit tobe deed rest ricted a sa Type I EHU encompasses the entire first level of this 3-story structure.It will be n f -bedroom,j -bnth unit with separate entrance. The attached improvement loc ation certificate indicates the square footage tobe 1,053 sq.It.. If youh ave any additional questions ,don't heslrate to contact me lit 476-7990 • •v,I Sine ____--G :i[Amsden .1 s /... Lagal D••c rlp ~lo n Parcel LL-l A part o f the Lark_pur Lana Right -al -Uay •••h own o n th e final of V.II Intaraaunta1n D....a l op ••nl 'ubd lv lal on.Bloek 2.r ecord ed 30 .1970.In 800k 2 18 a t P .~.8 2 o f t h_E_9 1.Cou nt y Rocor d., p a rticular ly d ••c r l ~d ••f ol l ow.: 8691nn l09 at the S outh •••tarl yCo rnar o fLot 1 .o f .a ld a ub dlvlalanJ thanee S 3 9 '~O'26"W ·~O .OO f ••t t ...the c antar poin t o f t he :!O .OO f oot.radlu.C Ui-CI a-S ac;t.hane.N0 2'0 7'3","W ~O.OO t ••t to the Southw••tarly Corn ar of ••ld Lot 11 thanca a l on9 the ~O r lh .rl y Rlght-ot-Way boundary I1na of ••ld CUi -de -Sac.3 6 .6 2 f ••t along th_ a rc 01•~.OO foot.radlU.,n Oli-tangent,CUTVet o th_r ight havln9 a cantral angle 01 41'!lo8'02 "and al ong c:hordb ••rln9 ~71 ·0~·O,,··E 3~.81 f ••t t o th.paln~af b .gl n nl ng.h.v1n9 .n.r ••af 916 .Qu.r. t ••t ••o r.or 1 •••• !\u.(,lf,\;r \'1 \'187 Data • P REPARED BY: J OHNSON .Y.UU[L.&.AS 5QCIA TES.I JIC. P.O.&01(4 0 9 EAC LE,CO LORADO 51 631 1303):1-1!o3 65 J IC ..a7/S 30 •,.v '. ',;,.. "~/;,. ,I '. • .. .. a>cce l.a9a1 D.scr ip ti ....n Pareal L L-2 A parl ot the Larkapur Lana R ight -o i-Way •••h o~n o n l h.{lnal of Vail I nter.cuntain o-valop••nt Su bdl v lal on .al ock 2.rec orded 30.1'3'7 0.1 n Book 218 at P a g_82 o f lh .Eagle Count.y Ro corda. par t.lr.ul a rly d ••c rlb.d ••f ol low_: B_g l nnlng a t t he S o uth ••a t.rl y Cor ner o fLot.2,of .a l~ aU bdlv lalonJ t.han ea S02 '0 7'34 "E '0 .00 f.at to t he c an te rp o int o { lh.'0 .00 l oot rad lua C u l·d.-Sac::t h.n~.N4",o 24 "1"1oI '0,00 f ••t to lh.So u th w••t arly C o~n.r 0 1 ••id Lo t 2:thanc ••1 on~th _Norlh,r l y Right-o l-Way bou ndary l 1na n l .aid Cui -de -S ac ,3 6.90 (.a ta long/lhe arc of •'0 .00 foot radlua .non -tangant..c u rvet o lh.ri ght ha yjhg • cantral a ngl.of '12'17 '1&"and al on ']chord b ••ri ng 5:66 ·"3 '2":)"£ 36..07 f ••t.t.o t.h .point 0 1 b .9Innl n9 'h ay1n')a n .r4 .01 923 aqual-. I ••t.••o r.or 1 •••• PR EPARED BY: JO HWS OM.KUM .EL ~A5 5OCIA T(S .I He • P.O.8 0X 1 0') EAGLE.COLORADO 51 6 )1 <30:-.l 25 M E.36.8 ,1 11:/87/1JO .. •...\'-,r I OF I """,. ,,~ 50 uonll:.••==:c;'".-.~. ~.'". ~ '-5'",;0 -•• TV O.O.F. mJ)~285 I h ereby cerlify that th/s impro~en t locotlon c tlrUlico ftl was pr~are-d for thtt morlgoge len d~and thtl tit/If msuronctl company,that i t is nota l and 5U~Y p lot or improvem ent SUf"'o'ey p lat.and t hat i t i s n ot to btl rtl"~d up on for t/lt!tlsfob/i$hmtlfl/of ft:f'lc~building.or o ther lu turll improVP1m"nf lin es.I further c~ify that tht!Improlll!mtvl t s on I htl ooove described porc~ on this dofe,except ufO/I)'conn«tions.or tt Mtirtlly within tilt!b oundarIes of til t!parcel.e}fcep t as sh own,t hat fhf!J('t!ar t!n o encroachmen ts fJPon tll tl d t!scrlb ed prttmistls by impro~ents on ony adjoining p rt1mlstls,excep t as IndicottHi.and tho t t"M~/s n o apporen t ttviden ctt or s /9n of any ~as~mtmt crossing or bllrdttnlng ony porl of sa id parc~.ttXCttpt os noted. This CMtificattl does no t canst/tllttl a t/tltt stl orch by In tttr -Molln t oin Engintttlring to dtt tMTIlne o wnership or ttas ttmtmts 01 r«ord.For 011 in forma tion ngording easltmtm ts,rl9"ts-ol-woyor iitltt o f r ecord. In l tN'-Mountain relie'ti upon Land mItt Guaran l"tt Company ALTA Commilm",.,t Ordtli"No.V227.J4. 2635 LARKSPURCOURT IMPROVEMENT LOGA nON CERnFlCA TE LOT 2,BLOCK2, VA IL IN TERMOUNTAIN OEVELOPMEN T SUBOilllSION, EAGLECOUNTY.COLORADO LOT1 20.0' I~ \~- \:< LO T 2, SV/TC''01 H20 VANCE S71?ffT ~ttOOO.caa 6 0215 (JOJ)2 .12-0158 1----11---------1 • LOT5 LOT3 .-, Noncc:ACCOI"trrl9 to Colorado 10w)lOll must COf'rIlTlt/f"lctl Oil)'l~aI oct/on bc~upon any d~f«t In this su~y ",ithn thrN )IfNVS oft~)OU rrst d iscoVlH'such d~f«t. Inn o 6Vf1fl t.m ay any oction bOSN upon ony d~f«t in th/s surwy btl commt1tJctld mor.thoo ten ~$from Ihtl dolt!of cNtlficotlon shown !If!J('ftOn. P.a BOX f/76 007 7 AICTCAJF I?CJAi) A IQ'(caa 61620 (JOJ)g ffl-5072 •••• ._...J • • • e ,'.H I' , E L D O ~A D C E N G I "'E E R ~f.:~ C O"'PAl:Y .-..-..........-_....' r..:,rr.-a....,.""."""':'<':7 • ...._......"hh••_~""U ......_~,:>o..~.._ ...--md!";>_:1,....:....- "'-.......~.--................~--_... -.,__""".-.,....--.,e-..._....... ~t.I ":,,'~_£•L :.;••••'" I .,.eX .............__....._...... ____OJ-'--""".Coo-..-..."or e.-,""•..ca:p -':;:."';.;,'"'.'·2....c........,• 1 1:16 U ~.,.e-, ".,"......~.....\ •5 91):•• "l.'•f",..,............ 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I.,T e .•_••_, •...0;;:?..w _~_~.. -...._,_1 -.1 _......",-....-_-_.-................-_....-.........._...--...-.,"'-,..---_....._"".l.&.._01 J .._"•L a,"•• • ...-....._,........____~~_..,,~.......'-"."~'"_"---_--_..--'"_....•."",_"",-",--..._,"""'-.'''M _'->At "'" .._1,_0.1"',_011 ~_."""__~,"'''-'•.0........................ BLOCK 2 .".' .. i 'l-"•• -,.....:'..~...., "...' """• • ....('_,,-.....~~ .",A .".~ /'11 .00'0 "o.......,,1" ,.,1 ,••c .••••". II ..1'".... "._...... •"N · .....•¥ L ·....o-·c·_w·.......,..... ,'••••..• VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION. I'"'0"'"..... T ',.U ' L '>0 ..' c .....·.....·n·II·. ..:;".---..... •,'H''''-''·' ~.,..l I,"" .-•••••• I r..O C '-:.lI -, ~IIlOff---..-.-",-e#'I"_..._w_ ....-...L __ ._e#~_ ~-...~.u, • I:jij~;j:::--~!._.... ..c."..,..'.' ( IST ING ""'-- L OT ( 2581 I I .-' " ~.; R EM O~E IN LET 5 8+00 .00 12.00 RT 57+75.00 13 .00RT eQ) io REGR ADEAND OUT LET ~'::A (SE ~AILl 57 +92.26 .0 0 LT L OT J 2625 4 ," i--! t-./- ....L OT 7!g.., 2614 ~ c ~c: =>=~­ce tx: b LU Li\.c:: /. CON STRU CT TYPE 13-CINLE T GRAT EEL.:78 6 8 .80 INV.EL .:786 5.50 H:3'-6 " 57+5cfll o 13.0 0RT I.,/ I II 1/,• ..... ~13 9 .00 LT 'P~ 57+2500 12 .0 0 RT PLAN LO T 2 2635 ... \ ---tt-............ \5 7-'-00 00 11.00RT REP LACE D:S!...0 " I I I 56+75 00 L OT 6 1 RT 2618 56+50 00 9 .00 RT \0 L DT 3 2645 • \ \ BLOC}\J 5 6 +25 00 9 .00 RT >< \ \ -_....----.c -:=-L '.----::-.--:-~.~- --...._-._:!--__-__1 -..••._._ x 56 +2 L OT z ] 2655 • 56+0000 14 .00 LT 13 00 LT 5 5 +7500 I:>0LT 56 +6268 12.0 0LT Cone 5 ta i r ~ W a lL~_======-=_'<I?==~~ati;fki09 ~22·1987 fj100 IN METRO DENVER '55 D AYS IN A DVA NCE :GRA DE.OREXCAVATEiNaOFUNDERGROUND l ER UTILITIE ,, TED LINE ioo LT G-QFA :'2.,512...'~ J,SD 1 ~"\J 425 ~Cre dit AlUliJ.lt\!Y..f*.:\5 32.~./ 1,521 t(e.<3t ...J) ------ .1p~)5 ~,/ 425 I?D f1 f;t ,/ J.;+30 ~AUOWABLf-l/. '111 If ~w~.'!J') -- OLD. • I \1 .• f \:-j'--- I"f --i]:'-'J'-___I _._J 1__.. LivitJG- R UQ le \ ~IX 12'3 " \ ..~\ \@ :-Iep . ~ r')- Dil\J;NG-~ .- CL.'0 V '.I' Ji • f ---- KiTCHE,\!i'l~r _,'--I ,I \.--.. \ I.'~CL.C"'-"-~'J'".'I 'I.,::f .._.'m .---..-0 0 ' I .....'00 ••,1 ,_.. 2(,35 LA RI<.s PlA R. LEVEL i "",.!.~~~'<_.c ';/, f";'..ji LAN t MAY 1 2 19 94 TOV ·COMM ,DEV,DEPT ,UNIT"A.=c 1,52"1 ~&RFPr t/ -'DEC K 31-':y' •I u\/if-J&'RooM 31 l(1') ~._. ". up'Hj:Ii/[;]\-,WID \~ I- CL CL CL, -''v/<>:V "\/' I .-.-----03~\0[- - C..~ [ _._.-..._....._..;'"~-=--=-,--_. 1 T-I W I,V , _._.L.__.L KITo1Er~ 8 -----·----1---RtF 00 0 0 2~35 lFIR KSPu r<LAN t LEVEL L 1 /t .I ••t \ lQ 0-CL.) »:-.) Cl C~ ..... .U ?>5 LA RKSPu R LANE .c LE I/EL 3> .. '.1...._,-•I ......1 '"l''\rl\l l..'104 = •• 7.A request foran amendmen t toSect ion18.5 7 at theTownofVail M unicipalC ode. Emp loyee Housing ,to allow for comm onare atobeused foremplo yee hous ing . App licant : Planner: Ja y Peters on An dy Knudtsen TABLED TO JUNE 13,1994 J eff Bowenmadea motion totabl ethis req uest tothe Jun e 13.1994 PEe meet ing w ith DaltonWilliams seconding the motion.A 7·0 vote tabled thisitemtoth eJu ne13. 1994 PEe Meeting . 8.A request for v ariancesfor locatingGRFAinth e tront setbackandfo r awallhe ight var iance toallowforapr imary r esiden ce with a Type I EHU,tobeco nstructed at 1828 AlpineDr ive/L ot 16,Vail Vi llage West1stFiling . Applica n t: Plan n er: Pe ter and Susa nne Aposto l/Michae l Sanner Mike Mollica TABLED TOJU NE 27,1994 JeffBowenmadeamot ion totableth is requestto the J une27,1994 PEe meeting withDalton Will iamssec ond ing themot ion .A7-0 v otetab led thisitemtothe June 27, 1994 PEe Meeting . 9 .A r equest foravari ance fromSection18 .57.040 (8 ,6)requiring a m ini mum of 50%of therequired pa rking tobeenclosedandSection 18.52 .080(A)req uiring park ingtobe loc ated on-sitetoa rr owfo ran ex isting sec ondarydwe lling unit tob e d eedre stricted as aType I Employee Housing U nit,locatedat 2635Larkspu r/Lot 2 ,Block 2,Va il Interm ountain. App licant: Planner : GregAmsden Mike Mollica TABLED INDEFINITELY J effBowen made amotiontotablethis request indefinite lywithDaltonW illiams seco nding themotion.A 7-0 vote tabledthis it em indefinitely. 10.Areque st forac onditional u se permitfor aTy peIIEmployee Housing Unitto b e locatedat126 Fores t Road /Lot 5 ,Block7,VailVillage 1stFiling . App licant: Planner : Ron Byrne J im Curnutte TABLED INDEFINITELY JeffBowen made amotion totable th isrequest in defin itelyw ith Dalton W illiams s econding the mot io n.A 7-0votetab led thisite m indefinitely. Plann.nll..-d En....fonll'*'I.'Commlulon".y 23."904 8 •C HRI STOPHER DENTON • K ELTON &K ENl{t!LL-''ffi'\i'i __REAL +[S H TE If -,~ltjj ...lollY 1Z 1991 Mi'.([:TO V.CO MM.DE V.DEPT. ~-@ d;J\l::IUWi"l J.I::.tJ CA i tJ l::~-.z;~15 lJ:lrl.t.i UG-()J dLC 10 iklS f rLi ~-oo KiP.£ft G.-t:-','&I1ov.i,D MAVE I,J901J~- £tfo fUL 1-I ftt UltJ.D ~ls .10,049 L\J , ®A 1fI\Ut~At.-r;Fwo oZ.puW..S FoiL -+1ou &:-. Q)EA4-Lf Gu,J 1'f Hib ~PAS!«£CO i DS 0.1 11tE ttouSf'~GM{)i0 ~Wlff"JJ • APA e.il'1E"NT WAS 1\.!lOf'.o ",1ttE"!i1>'t Vt:a: AS A 4 bl?.,3 Mnt -sirJ<:i-[£FAM'L.Y +toME'' @a:tAXl lJ T ££M l£10 M8:T wi 6-rt£4-HAL.l A<J.D Nti&~COIl..S UtJTiL WeD. 288 Bridie S t reet Vail.Colorado 8 1651 101-476-7990 FAll -It)"j.416-199 4 15'-G>?t="A\::V Au:;::,AlIACH\:O 6 K...' • •• KL -/........r ~n -A,-.r J--d ~/6r-Jr) -7 ~~'~/~-~OJ:' ~"rl-~~~. /(L--T:-4--...-<-2 ~~~I ~~~..;" ~.~~-7 A4'u.-f-,u-~.I/~I, -7A~.~~~a--', -1N;.tI';::ff tr.....-t f!-~~.....-f.,...u (v..-.....",--'"A<. M..L -fJ-r ./It-~. L-t.~~.-..J..b~"~~III ~!r ~ ~~. -.J>~~~04 ~r7)~~~"'- ~r#(>~' -~~/..J.v{---"~~k-~I a-<. ~~~~~~. KL.-/~~p~~~-~~~ ~.~k:;~'(~~M ....~. 1>~-I-/<v-<.It:C Ad ,f;)~~1 ~~ ~I (e r-v..::{). r:t-MI<..-I~~P ~fie ~~I ~.,~ ~';);,~.~~~£Gpl-( }C~~, •Mike Mollica Town ofVail Plannin g Dept. 7S South Frontage Road Vail ,CO.81657 •April 22,1994 Re:Application for Variance 2635 Larkspur Laue Dear Mike : 1 am requesting av ariance to Section 18.5 7.040 4(6)regarding parking requi rements on Type I Employee Housing Units.My residence located at2635 Larkspur Lane is a two-unit structure situated ona primary-secondary lotless th an 15,000 sq .ft ..The home was built inI973 under Eagle County zoning and is currently non-conforming with r espect to the secondary unit -it does uot have any EnD de ed restriction. P rior to submitting an application for the EHD deed restriction,I must obtain a variance since the pres ent parkillg(4 sp aces)is not enclo sedltnd located on Town of Vnil right-or-way som e 25 feetin elevation above the resid ence.There is a recorded eascmcnt(scc attached copy)for use of this land.bu t constru ction of enclosed parking(garnges)within Town of Vail rlght-of-wny is prohibited under current zoning codes.The topography of the site does not allowaccessto provide a garage near the residence.A copy of the subdivision plat,Public works street plan, improvement location certificnte and title report are included in this application . The requested variance is consistent with uses of surrounding properties on Larkspur Lane.Most residences arc two-unit structures with at least one rental unit.Three adjacent properties have very simil ar parking a reas within Town of Vail right-or-way. An approval of the requested variance would not constitute granting of special privilege in that there isan existing hardship(topography of the site)and such approval would allow the applicant to bring his property more into conformance with current zoning standards. The unit tobe deed restricted asa Type I EHU encompnsses the entire first level of this 3-story structure.It will bea 2-bedroom,t-batf unit with separate entrance. The attached improvement location certificate indicates the square footage tobe 1,053,q.rt.. !fyou have any additional questions,don't hesitate to contact me at 476·7990. , I' " Sine ely . A L TA COM MIT MEN T • / "" • SCHEDULE 11. .. • Our OrderNo .V22734 For I nfor mati onOn ly -Charge s - ALTA Owner Policy Alta Lender Policy Tax Report Endrsmt I 100 .00 Endrsmt I 3 35 .6 Endrsmt I 103 .1 --TOTAL $765 .00 $75.00 $20 .00 $25 .00 $25.00 $5 0 .00 $960.00 ""WITH YOUR REMITTANCEP LEASEREFER TO OU R OR DER NO .V2 2734 .**** 1 .Effect ive DA te :November 18 ,1 9 93 At 8 :00A.M . 2 .Poli cies to b ei s sued,and p roposed I nsured : "ALTA II Ow ner 's Policy 10 -17 -92 Propos ed In sured : GREGORY M.AM SDEN Il ALTIV'Loa nPolicy 1 0-1 7-92 Proposed In sured : CEN TRAL ROCKI ES MORT GAGE $210 ,000 .00 $la9 ,00 0 .00 3 .The est ateo r intere st i n th e land described or referred to i n t his commi tment and covered herein is:. 1\Fcc simp le 4 .Title to t h e c~ta tc o ri ntere st c overe dh erein i s at.;tne effectiv e date he r e of ves ted i n: CAROLE K.DEA KYNE AND DAV ID R.DEAKYNE 5 .The land re ferred to i n this Commitment i s described as f ollows : PAGE 1 LOT 2,BLOCK 2,Vl.\Ill'INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING 'TO THE RECORDED PLATTHEREOF,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO. Our Order No.V22734 SCHEDULE A •COM MIT MEN T•ALT A / / ,~ ,I PAGE 2 /•A LT A COM MIT MEN T • SCHEDULE B-2 (Exce pt i on s)Our Order No .V227 J4 ·:-:;.e policy or policie s u'o ba issued will contain e x ceptio ns t ot he'...-jollow~ng unl e ss th e same arc di spos ed of to t he satis f action of th e Ca mpa ny: 1 .S tandard Exc e ptions 1t hrough 5 pti n tcd on t he cover s hee t. G.Tu xes an d assessments not yet due o r payab le a nd spe cial assessmen ts n ot y et cer tif ied to th eTre as urer 's o f fi c e. 7.~ny unpaid t axes or assessment s agai nsts aid land . 8 .L ie ns f or u npaid water and sewer charges ,if a ny . 9 .RIGIIT o r "A Y r OR DITCHESOR CA NALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTH ORITY or THE UNITE D S TATES AS RESER VED IN UNIT ED STATESPAT EN T RECO RDED April 1 8,1 93 4, INBOOK 1 23 AT PAGE3 . 1'IIE EXISTENCE OF THE EASEl1ENT SHOW N AS ITEM NO.9 ,SCHEDULE B-2 ,WILLNOT AFFECT OUR AB ILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSEMENT NO .1 0 3.1 TO OUR MORTG AGEE S PO LICY HJlEN I SSUED. 1 0 .REST RICT I VE COV ENANTS,WIIICII DO NOT CON TAIN A FORFEITURE ORREVERTER CLAUS E,nUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS,IF ANY ,BASED ON RACE,COLOR,RELIGION , OR NA TIONAL OR IGIN ,AS CON TAINED IN INSTRUM ENT RECORDED July 24 ,1970 ,I N BOO K 2 18 AT PAGE 281 AND AS AM ENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Apri l 28 ,1 9 71, IN BO OK 2 20 AT PAG E 37 8 . 11.UT ILITY EAS F.l1ENT 5 FEETIN IHDTII ALON G ALL I NTERIORLOT LINES AS RESERVED ON TilEPLAT RECORD ED JU NE 30 ,1 9 70 INBOOK 2 1 8 AT PAG E8 2. 1 2.PUBLIC SERVICE NAT URAL GAS PI PELINE EASEMENT AFFECTING A PORTI ON OFSUBJECT PROPERTY AS S HO WN ON T IlE RECORDE D PLAT OF VAIL INTERM OU NTAIN DEVELOP MENT ~U ODIVISIO N ,DLO CK 2 . 1 3 .TERMS ,CO NDITI ONS AND PROVI SIONS OF EASEMENT DEED RECORDED October 19 ,1987 IN n OOK 172 AT PAGE1 50 . 1 4 .EXI STI NG LEASES AND TENANCIES . ITEMS1 ,2 MORTG AGEES S URVEY. PAGE 1 ANO 3OFTHE STAND ARD EX CEPTIONSWILL BE DELETED FROM THE POLICYUPON RECEIPT OF A SATIS FACTORY IMPRQVEME NT LOCAT I ON ,I /•AL T AC OM MIT MEN T • SCIIEDULE B-2 (Ex cepti ons)OurOrder No.V227J4 NOTE :SAID SURVEY MUST SET OUT TilE EASEMENTS SET FORTII IN SCHEDULEB-2 IIEREIN.P LEASE P ROVIDE LAND TITLE GUARlINTEE COMPANY WIT II THE NAM EOFT ilE S URVEYING COMPl\NY AND WE HILL SENDCOPIES OFTil E NECESSARY DOC UM EN TS .FORM 1 0 0 IHLL BE ISS UED BASED UPON THE COMPANY 'S REVIEW OF T ilE SURVEYAS SET FORTH ABOVE . NOTE :I F THE I MPR OVEMENT LOCATIO N SURVEY I S NOT RECEIVED BY LlIND TIT LE GUA RA NTEE COMPANY I N SUFFICIENT T IMETOREVIEW lIND ENDORSE T ilECOMM ITMENT PR IO RTO CLO SI NG ,ADDITIONA L EXCEPT IO NS TO TilE POL ICY CO ULDBE EXCLUDED FROM FORM 1 00 COVERAGE . ENDORSEMENT 335 .6 WILLBE ATTACHEDTO ALTA LOAN P OLICY Wil EN ISSUED . r.' PAGE • Re q ui red by Se nate Dill9 1-14 "DI SCLOSURES TA TEMEN T,\ CO M P AN Y•GU A R AN TEE•TIT LEL1\N D / A)Th e s Ubject real pr operty may b e located in as pecia l t axi ng d istrict . 3)A Certificate of Taxes Duel ist ing ea c h t a xing jurisdict ion may be o btained fr om th e Coun ty Treas urer o r the c oun ty Treasure r 's author ized age nt. C)The i nfor mati on regardings pec ia l dist ricts a nd the b o undar ies of such dis t ricts may be obta ined fr om th e Bo ard o f Cou nty Commissioners,t he Cou nty Cl erk and Record er,o r t he Cou nty Assessor . Requ i red by Se nate Bi ll 92 -143 A)A Certif icate o fTax es Du e li sting e a ch t axi ng j ur isd ict io n shal l be o btained fr om t h eCoun ty Tr e as urer or t he c ou nty Trea surer 'sa uthorized a ge nt. I' " •ArvI SD e:rJ • DavidM .C hapin P.O .Box 1452 Va il,CO 816 58 Sheila A.Sulli van 2645 Larkspur Lan e Vail,C O 81 657 Marcia L.Forman 5200 E.6th Ave nue Denver,CO 80220 John L.Hersm alCJ Kowa lchuk 4280 Sout h Bella ireC ircle Englewood ,CO 80110 Douglas &PeggyKrause 26 14 Larkspur Lane Vail ,CO 81657 Theodore &Nancy Spri nger 5809 Je ll Place Ed ina,MN 55436 Eu gene &Joan Broom 43n Paran PlaceNW Atlanta,GA 30327 Eleanor Ross 505Lon gleaf Drive Shreveport,LA 7 1106 David &NancyLadow 2625 Larks purLane V ail,CO 816 57 George E.Miller 17502 W.Hwy.101 Wayzata,MN 55391 RobertaSa lzman 2560 Kinnikinnik Road .#f ·5 Vail ,CO 81657 S uzanne J.Dugan P.O .Box 3 768 Vail ,CO 8 1658 Ernst&Elizabeth Pinson 750Columbi ne Street Denver,CO 80206 5 )+)q4--crlf-OrtS &nr CUj cr I V •• THISITEMMAYEFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLICNOT ICE NOTI CE ISHEREB Y GIVENthat thePlanning andEnv ironmental Commission of theTownot Vail will hold a publi c hearin g in accordancewith Section 18.66.060of theMunicipal Code of theTown ofVailonMay23,1994,at 2:0 0 P.M.inthe Townof VailMun icipal Building .In consi derationof: 1.A req uest for an amendm en t to a previous ly approved plan to allow for a realigned dri veway located at1726 and1730 Buff ehrCreekRoad/Lots 6 and 7,z neimer Subdivi sion. Appli cant: Planner: EdZneim er An dyKnudtsen 2 .Arequest foran amendment to theHazard Planto allow tortheremoval of a building from a avalanchehaza rd area located at1600-1730Sunburst DriveNail Golf Course Townhom es(Sunburst3rdFiling ). Applicant: Plann er: BillSarge nt Russ Forrest 3 .Areques t fo r an amendmentto Section 18.69.050toclari fy hows lope istobe measured and toallow for 6 foot walls tobeconstru cted in th e front setback for proj ects wheretheaverage slope of the si te beneath the propo sed structureand parkin g area isin excessof 30 %slo pe. Ap plicant: Plann er: Town of Vail George Ruther 4 .Arequestfor amendments toSection 18.57,Emplo yee Housing ,to s ettorth requirements for renting Employ ee Housing Units and sett ing forth details in regard th ereto. Applicant: Planner: Town of Va il And y Knudtsen 5 .A request for front setback,site coverageand wall height variances to allow for addit ions to anexist ing Primary /Secondary residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot l 1-A,Block7,Vail V illage 1stFil ing . Applicant: Plann er: JohnKrediet Rand yStouder 6 .A r equestfora variance fromSection 18.57.040 (B,6)requiri ngaminim um of 50%of the required p arking 10 be enclosedandSection 18.52080 (A )r equiring p arking to b e loc ated on-site.a ndtoallow for anexi sting seco ndary dwelling unit to bedeed restrictedasa T ype IEmplo yee Hous ing Unit ,locatedat 2635Larksp ur/Lot 2,Block2 . Vail Intermountain . Applicant: Planner: Greg Amsden Mike Moliica •• 7 .A request foravariance trom Sectio n 18.57.040 (B,6)requirin g a minimumof 50%of therequiredpark ing tobeenclosed and Section 18.52.080 (A)requiring parking 10 be located on-site,and to allow for an existi ng secon dary dwelli ng un itto be deed restricted asaTypeI EmployeeHousing Unltlocatedat1881AlpineDrivel Lot 38,Vail VillageWest 1st Filing. Applicant: Plan ner: SusanM .StoutBird RandyS touder 8 .A request for a cond itional use permit for a Type II Employee Housing Unit to be located at126ForestRoadiLot 5 ,Block 7,Vail Village 1st Filing . Applicant: Planner: Ron Byrn e Jim Curnutte 9.A request for variances for loc ating GRFA inthefront setb ack and for awallheight variance toallowforaprimaryresidence withaType I EHU,tobeco nstructed at1828 Alp ine DrivelLot 16,VailVillage West 1stFiling. Applican t: Planner: Peterand SusanneApcst oVMichael Sanner M ike Mollica 10.ArequestforanamendmenttoSection18.57 oftheTownofVailMunicipal Code , Employee Housing ,10 allow for commonarea tobeusedfor employee ho using . Applicant: Pla nn er: JayPeterso n Andy Knudtsen 11.Arequestforaname ndment to Section18 .52attheTownof Vail Municipal Cod e ,Ott- Street Parking and Load in g,toallow for anincrease to the parking pay-in-lieu fee. Applicant: Planner: Townof Vail.represented by Mike Ro se And yKnudtsen •• revised 10/5/92 tt tt REC'O APR 21 1994 Appli cation Date,___ PEC MEETING DATE 5 1:33 IC]"1 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANClC 1.a all A . 238 14,, ADDRE SS__~~.....:.=.l4lj;-_~"____ B. ADDRES S__-=?'~.:....:;'-'-'=--'-====_=='__"_""'""..::,._--==-='" C. ADDRESS'-_--'='---':!.:....-".:=t:..-_---L _ D. E. ________________________PH ONE !!l'n;;-'"<M'C LOCATION OFPROP OSA L:LEGAL DE SCRIPTI ON:L OT_~2~_ BLOCK 2 F I LING ~l j;)7E"~"'OV U f7l>J rl;!3I)/tIl )J("1 ADDRE SS 2(,35 /.;J al<\PcI!k ,~ FEE $250 .00 PAID o<'7D/C K'1 1l ~BY ~~!f An "h~f/..r THE FEE ~BEPAID BEF ORE THE COMMUNITY DE ~LOPMENT d"t\ DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROP OSAL . Stamped,addressed envelopes of t he name s of o wner s o f a ll p r operty ad jacent to the s ubj ect pr operty INCLU DING PROPE RT Y BEHIND AN D ACRO SS STREE TS,and a l ist of t h eir n ames and mai ling addresses .TH E APPLICAN T WI LL BE RES PONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAIL ING ADDRE SSES . II.A pre -application conference with a plann ing staff member is strong ly suggestedt od e termine if any additiona l i nformati on is ne eded.No a ppl icationwi ll be accepted unl es s it is comp lete (musti nc lude all i temsr equired by the zoning adm inist rator).I t is the applicant 's r e sponsibility to makean appointment with t he stafft o find o uta bout additional submittal r equirem ent s. III.P LEA SE NO TE THA T A COMPLETE AP PLICATI ON WI LL STREAMLINE THE APPR OVAL PROCE SS F OR YOUR PROJECT BY DEC REA SING THE NUMBER OFCOND ITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIR ONMENTAL COMM I SSION (PEC)MAY STIPULATE .ALL CONDITIONS OF AP PROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEF ORE A BU ILDING PERMIT I S ISSUED . FOU R (4)CO P IES OF THE FO LLOWI NG MUST BE SUBMITTED : A .A WRITTEN STA TEMEN T OF THE PRE CIS E NATURE OF THE VARIAN CE REQUESTED AND THE RE GULA TION INVOLVED .THE STATE ME NT MUST AL SO ADDRES S: 1 .The relat ionship of t he requested vari ance to other ex isting or p o tential use s a nd structures in the vicin ity . 1 ------- 2.The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of spe cial privilege. 3 .The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population,transportation, traffic facilities,utilities,and public safety . 4.How your request complies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. B.A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least 1"-20'stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations ot all existing improvements,including grades and elevations.Other elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas,ingress and egress,landscaped areas and utility and drainage features . c.A site plan at a scale of at least 1":20'showing existing and proposed buildings. D.All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions,general appearance,scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. E.A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements. F .If the proposal is located in a mUlti -family development which has a homeowners'association,then written approval from the association in support of the project must abe received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G.Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. *For interior modifications,an impr ovement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV.TIME REQUIREMENTS A.The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month.A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above)must be submitted aminimum of four (4)weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator)will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. B.All PEC approved variances shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year o f the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion. A.V.It this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency o th er than the Town of Vail,the application fee shall be increased by S200.00.Examples of such review,may include,but are not limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits,Army Corps of Eng ineers 404,etc. B.The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50%of the application fee.If,at the applicant's request,any matter is postponed for hearing,causing the matter to be re -published,then,the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. ., •2 • / '. c.Applicallons deemed by the communi "Development D epartrn~t to have s ignificant des~n,land use or otheri s sue s which may have a s ig n ificant impact on the comm u ni ty may require revi ew by c onsul t ants other that town staff.Should ad etermination be made by the t own s ta ff that an out side c onsultant is n eeded to review any ap pli c ation,Community Devel opmentmay h ire a n o ut s ide c onsultant,i t sha ll e st imate the a mount of money n ecessary to p ay him o r her a ndt his amount shall be f orwarded to the T own b y t he a pp li cant at t het ime he files h is applica tion with the Commu n ity De velopment Department.Upon completi on of the r e vi ewo f the application by the consultant,any o f t he fund s forwarded by the applicant for payment o ft he c on sultant which have n ot b een paid t o the consultant s hallb e returned to the applic ant .Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount f orwarded by the a pp li cant sha ll be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of n otification b y the Town. 3 ,, TOWN OFVAIL >"""''W,,o -·r'.,_".,.".""-'-"..~";,.~,., • DF.J'ARTVENT 0 1'CO W"'\)NrTY V I::.'VFLOIMENT NAME (3 hf"(;N"Y'rr-T'lF ") AODOlliSS ?FF RcH ,·cr""·0r VA I L :ea omcr A.M ~·;.Dn'.!Vf\I-2.I A Il.Cr..-> DAn;'\.I Z I ,.sl1. ACCOUNT NO .''1!'' C IIr"<CKS MADR PA YABLF.1'0 TOWN Of'VAIL NO.TAX.C OST.~TOTAl.. S7'£X)'• $0.25 • • , S20.00 , .,. •. 200.00, S200.00' S200 .00 S500 .00 ' 1,500.00 51 000.00, S200.00, S250.00 zrl'> PECA PPLICATION FEES-oIti'lOO m :'O ADD ITJ oN ALGRI'A '25 cr-.. 0 1 ססoo4 1 330 't ON Dl T I O ~A L L;SE PERMIT 0 1 oooiJ 4 1flocl EXTE RIOR ALIT.RA no ~ILESS t HAN 100 SO.FT.) 01 ססoo 4B.JOJEXTE RIOR ALTERAnON [MORE THAN100 SO.FT.l 0 1 ססoo 41330 -l SPECIAL i5EV ELOfMENFDlSTRICTr~~I~~'Ef~l£L:=~ti;;~~=i==~mi===~!0 1 ססoo4 1330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT D1 STR IC:::IMAJ OR AMEND 01 00004 B.J0 ISPE CIAL DEVELOPMBTDlSTRICT IMll'<OR A.ME ND_~I <XXX>4 1 ~~O'B DIV I S ION 01 ססoo 41 330 VARIANCE ,. ;- _~1 0000 4 J~Z O:'ol ING CODEA MENDME:-'TS 0 1 ססoo 4 1330 RE Z O NING OlliER IOTHE R 74., / S250.00' S200.00 · .,. '-' '1----------------------------1 IU:.C.BY : • RECEIP'"J11e Town or Vail DATE t I I .).1-1 RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS c.I, • tJ ~46074 • _---'-__'___~_'_.......:..____'__'__.L___'J_'\"_l ::-'..::ltc-DO LLA RS $='--__ Permit Numb er1 _ HOW PAlIl-Cash Ch"k _ Poli ce Re ceipt Numbers _ By ~~ 'f'{\ ------------------ T OWN OF VR I l':-~~ Mi see llaneous cash 13 4-22-94 12 :47 :39 Reel?i P t.It 14 8€·17 ncccoo t ..CK ...708 GREG At1SDEN "-SUro I U l=lflloUnt t ende r-ed >250 .13£1 Hem paid Amount paid 01000041330000 250.00 Chang E're tvrned > THRNK YOU Vour cashier REA THA-------------------- 6 017 5000.00 ;000 .00 95 .0 0 6 2 .00 PERMIT FEES PERMIT NO._ BUILD ING z ELECTRICAL0 i1 PL UMBING~ ~<M ECHANICAL> TOTAl, VALUATION I IIIII I V V A BEH IR M GRF A NO TE -COPYO F PERMIT TOBEKEPT O N J O BSITE May 4.1993 DATE GROUPTYPE I .TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2OCCUP ANCY GRO UP B UIL DIN G PERMIT PLAN CHECK EA :r..DrVISION I 2 2a3 4~N E NERAlD ESC R IP TION OF WORK :-t--c-r-t-r-t-111Lot-z../7_epal r d ama ged d e ck d uet o snow.,61a:}ZV epa irt o c o d e. N .-/'F=~~~~~~~~~~~I I-I.....:=~----=:::':'::;::""_-~ CONSTRUCTION PERMI T .-----~~==----. TYPEOFPERM IT Iiac BUIL OING 0 PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNOATIoMECHANICAL,R , -'lC\')') I I'~'!a d IlI{f ("",~/-t i':?fd "f •de partmentofcommu nity development ' LEGALLOT <9 BLK;-_-=~'7-,,-l ESC.FILING <~"'''cti 'N\.\-~ T O B E nu.eo O UT C OMPL ETELYPR I OR T O ISSU AN -. JOB NAM E: WNER Dekync De ck Rep ai r NAME Caro ll De kyne ElECTRICAL NEW(j ALI EB ATlO N ()ADD ITIONAL (l REPAI R'ltXX PLUM BI NG MA I L ADDR ESS DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODA TIONUNITS__MECHANICAl AR CHITECT F"',,RM"---I ---DA TE 5-3-9 3 ---DA TE -- QNING &B UILDING N OTES;_ -------aNING AD MINISTRATOR Dan St anek BuiLDING OFFICI AL - __NOFI REPLAC ES --RECREATION fEE I: TYPE THICKNESS R·VALLUE DESIGNREVIEWBOARD V"JCLEAN·U P DEPOSIT ,n n no "VUSETAX-I()0 _ ELEC,G"'"<t"lC) TOTALPERMI T FEES 257 .00 tt SOLAR WOOD PARKING DEMO ST.CUT (XT ,WALLS BLASTING AD D lTlON A.L PER M ITS N E EDE D :, TYP E OF HEA T ROOF HEIGHTIN FT . IN SULATION : FLOOR 286-B Co n tr ac t o r PH. PH. TO WN Q F YAIL REG .N O . TELE.~~Ol MAil ADDRESS CITY FIRM Wes te rn Slope CITY I ,F~I R~M,---_ PLUMB ING CO NTRACTOR TO WN OF VA IL R EG .N O . T ELE. G ENERAL CO NTR AC T O R I-'-''''''L.Il!:-''-''-"'-''==~1 ~EL E C T R I C A L f i RM C ONTRACTOR TQWN OF VAI L REG .NQ . TElE. R O R C QNTRAC TORFO RH IMSELFSIG!,,~!U Re ?~ AND T HE QW NER. I he reby acknowledge th at 1have readt hi s app li cation ,f i lled o ut i n f ull the info rmati on req u ired, c omp l eted a nac curate p lot pla n ,and state t hat a ll t he informa tion p rovidedas required is c o rre ct.I agree toc omply wi thth e info rmationandpl ot plan,t oco m plywi th a ll Town o rdi nancesandsta te l aws,andtobu ild this st ructu re acc o rdingt o th e T own's zoning an d s ubdi vi sio n co des.de sign review approved .Un iformB uilding C odeand other o rd ina nc esofte Town a pplicable theret o. CLEANUPDEP OSI T TO :-.l \")"""f J.11d.Btr'n.0q0u Cc rtr.~=== FIRM C ONTRACTOR TELE . T OWN OF VA IL R EG .N O . O THER :.;":.:RM"--_ M EC HANICAL C ONTRACTOR TQ WN OF V AI L REG .NQ . TELE . 1993REC'".,• __________Ph._ ________.,---Ph._..,-__ (-b Cod'~ • TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRU CTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE ::2 rn~q~ APPLICATION MUST BEF ILLED OU T COMPLETELY ORI T MAY NOTBE ACCEPTED )(•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMITI NFORMATI ON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Bu i l d i n g []-Plurnbing [j-Electrical []-Mechan ical []-Other Job Name:"")).k jD(R,,:,J ob Address:02635 hark-sf"C Le gal Description :Lot ~lOCk Fi l ing _ OwnersName :Gyro l L.Deo k::t oe Address : Architect :Address : General Description:~epa:".Q.oma 9,d d C!('€;'Qp g \p Soo p) WorkClass:[J -New [j -Al t era tion [j -Add itional [~e p air []-Oth er _ Number of Dwe l ling Units:Number o f Accommodat ion Un its: OTHER: TOTAL: FORMATION **••••••*••**.*••**.****.** Town of vail Reg.NO•.J8<R J; ~hone Number :""):l4 -'75 d's.o * rnber and Type of Fi rep laces :Gas Appliances Gas LogsWood/Pe l le t *********************************VALUA TIONS ********************************* ~)O ()6 - BUILD ING:~OO ELECTRICAL:..e-: PLUMB ING:__MECHANICAL :G--- ~***************************CONTRACTOR I"~neral contractor :c Address: Electrica l Contractor : Address : Town of Vai l Rego NO o _ Phone Number: Plumbing Co ntractor : Address: Town of Va il Reg .NO._ Phone Nu mber: Mechanica l Contractor : Address : Town of Vai l Reg.NOo _ Phone Number: •• BUILDI NG : S IGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: FOR OFFICEUSE ******************************* BU ILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:(..7 (,0 P LUMBI NG PLAN CH ECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHE CK FEE: RECREA TION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPO SIT: TOTALPERMITFEES:«:«:TYPE GROUP S Q.FT.VA LUAT ION i/f -~ ******************************** BU ILDING PERMITFEE :95 :00 PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICALF EE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: DRB FEE : Comments: •• -, lown of val 75 s outhlronl age road vail,colorado 81657 (303)4 79 -2138 or 4 79 -2 139 office of community deve lopment TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CO NTRA CTO RS CURRENTLY LREGIST ERED WITH THE TO WN OF VAIL TOWN OF VA IL PU BL IC WORK S/COMMUN ITY DEVE LO PMENT MAR CH1 6,1 9 88 CON STRUCTI ON PARKI NG &MATER IALSTORAGE In s umm ary,Ordinance No .6s tates that it is unl awful for a ny p erson to litter ,tra ck o rd ep osit a ny s oil ,r oc k,sand,d ebris o r mate ria l,including trash dumpsters,portable t o ilets and workmenv ehicles upon any s tree t,sidewa lk,a lley or p ub lic p lace o r any portion thereo f.The right -oi-way o n a ll Town of Vail s treets and roa ds i s approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will b e stri ctly e nforced by the Town o f Vail Public Wo rks Department .P ersons found v iolat ingt his o rdinance will be g iven a 2 4 h our wri tten n otice to r emove said materia l. In t he eve nt t he person 50 n otified does n otc omply with t he notice within t he 24 h our t ime specifie d,t he Public Works Department will remove said mate r ial a t the e xpense o f person notified .The prov isions of th is ord in anc es hal l not b e a pp lica ble t oc onstruction ,mainte nance or r epair pro j ects o f a n ys tr ee t or a lley or any u t il itie s in the right-a-way . To r eview Ordin ance No .6 i n fu ll,please stop by the Town o f vail Building Depa rtment t oo bta in a copy.Thank youf or your c ooper ation o n this matter . Read and acknowledged by : ~~i '<p o s r~~/~k1 ~tio n Sh iP to proj ect (i .e .c o ntractor ,o wne r) W"3 t c'IIL,j....:Jq1.2"3 _ "Dat e 0 •••• • 75 south frontage'road n il,colorado 81 657 (303)479 -2 138 or 479-2139 oHlc.0'community development BUILDING PE RMIT ISSUAN CETIME FRAM E If thi s permi t requires a Town of Va i lFir e De partment App roval, Enginee r'-s (Public Works)review and appro val,aPlanningDepartm ent reviewor Health Depar tm entreview.and a revi ew by th eBuilding Department ,t he es t ima ted t im e for a tota l r evi ew may tak e a s l ong a sthree wee Rs . Allcormrer-c ial (large or small)and all multi-famil y pennits will ha ve to follow the above me ntioned ma ximum requirem ents.Re sidential and sma ll projec ts s hould ta ke al e ss er amo unt o ft i me .How ever,if re sidenti al ors maller projec ts i mpa ct t hevariousa bov e mentio ned departm ents with regard to nece ssary re view,t hese projects may a 1 so ta ke t he t hree week per iod. Every attem pt will be made by th is depar tm ent toe xpedite t his permit assoon as possi ble . I,t heundersigned,under stand t he plancheck pro ce dure and time fr ame. ~Da t ~a:r.'~~"'e t~qL,:~as:-it"'u"'rn:::e'"'d""in"t"'a-t+1h;;;e,---- Corrm uni t y De velo pm ent Department. •••• •</9/-!J 3$- INSPECTION REQUEST de-. T OWN O F READ Y FOR IN SPE"'i ;',)"ON T'{ES EDTHURFR.AM PM L OCATION IJ ~::>/';T/l I:2£lA r:'.'".......//d BUILDIN G :P LUMBING: o FOOTI NGS I STE EL o UN DERGROUND o FOUNDATION I ST EEL o ROU GH I D .W.V. o FR A MING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 lifFI NAL o F INAL ELEC TRICAL:M ECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO ND UI T o S U PPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL °0PPROV ED o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REOU IRED &O/1i,·• I CO RRECTIONS, DATE -!-='-'--'--'-_INSPECTOR .- • •- Co ntactPers o nandPhone •Project Application • 7"7 6 - •Zone _ S.lh YJ<,'-1 q Dr:I q<J77 C»l t i}{~.+i} Owner Add ,ess anc Ph one _----'-D...<A-v lOr C tI f-a I.e 'JJ..e.--q Ie 'J //~ (;:;<-L «c:J)Yt K-u u sr: A rchitect ,Address and Ph one: Comments:_ Design Review Board Dale _ M enon by : Sec ondedby :_ A PPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Sum mary:_ To wn F'lanoer St allA pproval Dale ••,• ORB APPLICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ••••• I.PRE -APPLI CATION MEETING: A pre -application meeting with a planning staff member i s strongly suggested to dete rmine i f a ny additional i nforma tion is n eeded .Noa ppli cation will be accepted unless it i sc o mplete (must include all i tems r e qu iredb v t he zoning administra tor).I t is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff t o find out about addit ional submittal require ments .Please note that a COMPLETE appl i cation will strea mline the approval process for your pro ject by decreasing the Dumber of conditions of a pproval that the ORB may stipulate.ALL c o ndi ti ons of approval must b e re solved before ab uil ding permit is issu ed .Appl ication wil l not be processed without Owner's Signature . A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:/~0 4 t(1)fV;f£'(L EI1 ~JNI 7-<1 d-ta dlULJ;1(EH'!' • 7",(',TT(?'!I wPIl D. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT'S REPRESENTjTIVE : Address:C:}C"Y'?_0 "{.((h ,/Vo..lL r-.,...L f~?4..e....t/Phone _ NAME OF OWNE R S:.,r;&.~"?£G ~~ SIGNATURE(S ):£v.w¥d~dj-A (~~. Mai ling Address :l1"L L 4¥~-J~I I/€tus fT 5"'....,y<.vA D~J 1'i'7 'Phone jc z-'/ttn -~"F6 j ~~~J-&ti "-./Condomin ium Approval it applicable . DRB FEE:The fee will b e p a id at the t ime a bu i lding permit is paid for, E. C . B.LOCATI ON OF PROPOSAL: Addre ss Z ~3.J.~U!u<~"Ni.3 t!tVt Legal Description Lot k Block __-==_ Subd ivision I/Olt :rN"-<A1~I4-",.,N Zoning _ NAME OFAPPLICAN T:])".",e.2>"''''<lWC Mail ing Address:6 3L L ";K'P</~Ir Iq l?fr <~y ",.......""7)~1 1f??Phone F . G. D. VALUATIO N ~ $0 -$10 ,00 0 $10 .00 $1 0,0 01 -$50 ,00 0 $25 .0 0 , $5 0,0 01 -$150,000 $50.0 0 $15 0 ,0 01 -$50 0,00 0 $1 0 0.0 ::> $500 ,001 -$1,000 ,000 $20 0 .00 $Over $1 ,000 ,000 $300.00 (O VER) ••r • II.IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TOTHEORB: A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed must also be marked.This work must be completed before the ORB visits the site. B .The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board,so the applicant should plan on at least two meetings for a final approval. C .Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. D.At the discretion of the zoning administrator,the following items may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board.They ,however,have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building;and b.Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or p ublic space,which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition:and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condomi nium association . E .You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property.You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. •• LIST OF MATERIALS • NAME OF PROJECT:_ LE GAL DESCRIPTIO N:LOT-.1::...-aLOCK...2:::......-SUBDIVISION 1.1 191(.rd7~,,"M,,")J S TREETA DDRESS:2(,))-£19~J<¥«12 L I9/tt:- DESCRI PTION OF PROJECT:/5t1 I'1.eJ)wJW<L-1;-4pJN("7V 4«<h'HC.,{Yb-tY T n~/-ef S"T/.!ILJ FJ(t2M L~/JTIIrH 1)';'"7<,,-,4€d.r..p tv"u<• ...e;;e.t#£€!'lY 4l/Nl..(U PC t #'e"N:.../);9("1:i?'lCR':4NCG Ptt tr '7~.e~r7~#~b tz /.) The f ol lowingi nformat ion i s required for sUbmittal to the Design Rev iew Board before af inal approval can b e given : A.BU ILDING MATERIALS : Roof Siding Other Wall Materi als F asc ia Soffits Windows Window Tri m Doors Door Trim Hand o rDe ck Ra i ls F l ue s Flashings Chimneys Trash Enc l os ures Greenh ouse s Other TYPE OF MATERI AL COLOR B .LANDSCAPIN G:Nameo fDe signer: Phone: P LAN T MATERIALS:Botan ic al Name Common Name Ouantity Si ze . PROP OSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REM OVED *Indicatec al ip er for deciduous trees.Min imu m cal iper f or d ec idu ous trees i s 2 in c hes.Indicate height for coniferous tre es.Minimum h eight f orc oniferous trees i s6 f e et . •• PLANT MATERIALS :Bo ta nical Name Co mm on Name Qua nt i ty Size* PROPO SED SHRUBS EX ISTI NG SHRU BS TO BE REM OVED *Indicate si ze o f proposed shrubs.Minimum s i ze o f shrub s is 5 ga llon .. S quare Foota ge GROUND COVERS S OD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPEOR METHOD OF _ EROSI ON CON TROL C.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURE S (reta i ning walls,fences,swimming pool s,e tc .)Pl ease spec ify.Indi cate heights of retaining walls .Maximum h eight of walls within the front s etbacki s 3 feet .Maximum height o f wall s elsewh ere on the property i s 6 fe et. ••-... 75 50Uth frontage road vail,coIondo 81657 (303)4~2138 (303)479--2139 July 26,1990 Carrol and David Deakyne 632 Lake Drive West Smyrna,Delaware 19977 office 01community deYe40pment Re:Lot 2,Block 2,Intermountain SUbdivision Dear Carrol and David : We have searched the Town files and have concluded that a building permit was never obtained for your deck addition,nor was the deck approved by the staff or Design Review Board. Enclosed is an application for Design Review Board and an application for a building permit.Please complete the applications and return to us along with construction drawings of the deck and a survey to show the deck 's distance from property lines.Please also explain in writing what you stated on the phone concerning the type of wood you used and fact that you desire to leave the wood unpainted or unstained.The deck addit ion will be addressed by the staff ,with the possibility of the proposal having to be reviewed by the Design Review Board . Following this,the building department will review the construction of the deck and issue the building permit with the appropriate fees. Thank you very much for your cooperation .If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to call . Si:;r;l Y'LJ / /~;Co,J'r-&--L Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician Enclosed:Design Review Board appl ,building permit appl. N OTE-COPY O FP ERMIT TOBEK EPT O NJO BS ITE 10/12/87CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT,,DATE-..003088•III III lV!) PERMIT NO .•1111"III I .TYPE OF CONSTR UCTION de partment o fco mmunity devel opment 2OCCU PANCY GROUP AB EH llJ U B UILD ING 4,000 DI VISION 1 2 211 fJ 4 Z ELECTRICAL TOBEFi llEDOU T C O MPLETELY PRI ORTOISSUA NCE OF P ERMIT Q ~ TYPE OF PERM IT GE1 ERAl DESCRIPTION OF WORK :•PLUMBINGandscapingandstairs~ ~•IKJ B U ilDING o PLUMBING >MECH ANICAl o ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION \"•o MECH ANICAL o'\\'<"~\'~:~'"VALUATION PERMITFEE S--1'.,.-~,,"._......,'\\'TYPE GROUP G RF A _G AL l OT 2 BlK ,V R3 4 ,000 BUILD I NG PERMIT 63.00 ESC.FILING IN TEOOUNTA IN 32.00 ~-~pt ANCHECK JOB N AME :QUI RAM PARKIN G AR EA ELECTRICAl ~ O WNER NAME IUV "E W (l ALTER ATION I l "DOITIDNAl.(I REPAIR ~)PLUMBI NG --~ MAl!ADDRESS ="__ACCO"'MQOATION UNlTS __M ECHANIC Al CITY PH HE IGH T IN __NO f IREPl-ACES __RECREATION FEE BO YLE INSULATIO N :TYPE THI CK NESS A·VALlUE ~ARCHITECT FIBM DeSIGN REVIEW BOARD BfLOOR<,CLEANUP D EPOSIT 100 .00MAILADDRESS EXT,WALLS J'.....U S ETA X 100.00 WCITYPH. fIR MS;1ve r Street ROOF <,11 G ENERAL Canst <, CONTRACTOR 140-5 TY PE ELEC GAS TOTALPERMITFEES 295.00 ~T OWN O F VAILR EG NO.0 'TFL E.569-2664 so....0 000 HEAT ~r:lllurrai.!!___l.!!/ry~__ ~L E C T R I C A L ----- fi RM A DD ITIONAL PERMITS N EEDED :U I lDI NGOFFICI Al DATE t.N I NITI AL 0!icJI 4 11Mn ___ T QWN OF VAI L REG .N O .-------- CON TRACTOR ST.CUT DNING AD M I NISTRATOR D ATE TElE BLASTING I ~~~N ~~BU ILDING N~~~f ton h~dn r <ndrl-d.FI RM PARI(ING PLU MB I NG T O WN OFV A il RE G ,N O . CO NTRACTO R DE M O T El E. FIR M Ihe rebyacknowledge that I h ave readt h is application.fi ll edo ut in t ullt he I nf ormat ion required , ME CHAN ICAL c om pleteda n ac cura te p l ot p lan ,an d stateth ata l l th eInfor mation p rovide d as requiredi s correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN O F V Ai l REG NQ eqree to compl y with the i nformation andpl otplan .10 c o mp ly with a ll T~ordi na n c.s a nd sta te TEtE l aws,andto bu il d this structu re acc ording tot heT o wn 'zo n ing a1;;ivrstcn co des ,de sign O TH ER FIRM revie wapproved .U ni form w iding COde a nd other o rd~c es o flh 0 a~P1icab l e the reto . ~~,,"'-~~~I ....-, TOWN Of VAIL REG N O ~'<>::>""'S:\",\'&.'-.i..,",,"-~SIGNA TIm'r ;, CONTRACTOR T ElE.:';"-\.,I:l APPI--..' l n NOTE -COP Y OFPERMITTOBEKEPT ONJOBS ITEECONSTRUCTIO"~,NP RMIT X DATE Jo/-c:k Yi THE FOLLOWINGIS NE EDED FOR FILING PERM IT :•,.. Letter fromcon do a s sn,(IF APPLI CABLE-"I.••J II III 1'6:>IIWII III 1.TYP E OF CONST RUCTION 2,2Se ts p f conn l ete d ra\'l ings /excl anatio , de partment of commun ity d evelop rneru A BEHl(j)M Sf tJ.r J /Y)rod Y2.OCCUPAN CY GROU P BUILDING *****PLE ASE FILL OU RWHERE THE (Xl K'\RKS ARE ! 12 2@ z elECTRICAL y. TO BE FILLED OUT COM PLETE LY PRIORTO ISSUANCe O FPERM IT DIVI SION 0 ~'XGENEz:a~IONOF WORK :-e PLUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITe-S =tli ,,,...J ~C-"1'V"-}~ '5:-sUILOING -c M ECHANICAL XG-P tUMBfNG > o ElE CT~l eA L [}'FeUf<BA'RON TOTAL )( D -MFcHAN'C AL.D TYPE GR OUP GAF.A VAL U ATION PERMIT FEES ~~G A L LOT <_ BlK ~fl U?-~O ,C:""BUILDI NG PERMIT ,G~.--ESC.FILING -'",•~'2,<>QPLANCHECKXBNAME:11:\C....~N .....-;.,j.~::..'ElECTRICAL -,.,- OWNER NAM E 1 )N EW(I ALTERATION(,ADDIT IONAl C )REPAIR'("')d PlUMBING ~ X MAi lADQR ESS OWELLlNG UNlTS A CCO~;~~I ON ~lTS MECHANICAl.,- CITV J ~PH.U _1000 HEIGHT INFT.__NO FIRE ACES RECR EATION FEE --- \!.O'j --INSU LAliON ;"A'YPE /",.p1I CKNESSARCHITECTFIRM--:L l ~C8 R·VALLUE DES IGN REVIEW BOARD -,FLOOR /./1/t0o,,.-MAILADDRESS j CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT,.,"P H ~EXT,w¥.J,.6 V /.-:.Y'I /00.----C ITY U SE T AX Y[t.?(,',.."",1 ROOF /V / GE NERAL FIR M ,'/, X !'t D -5 TYPE ~c //=,f/.."I <;/-:..~CONTRACTOR T OWN OF VAll RE G-NO ,TOTAL ~TFE ESOF/'''''¥/I J tl EAT wooo CfAL~K~~--T HE.~ fiR M ADDIT IONA L pfRMIlS ~E EDED;9UIlxLECTRICAL.!."~>-.!C...c _1'-'_______ NTRACTOR TOWN O F VAIL REG .NQ ,S T CU T r /7 D NING A MlN ISTRATOR DATE TEL E A L A S lI ~G 1/IcJI ZON1~Glt 8~~Lc~lN~~?~.c:..I X FIRM r \Lo PLU MBING PARKING A r ~AA\. CONTRACTOR T OWN O f VAIL REG,NO ,DU~O TElE. f iRM I hereb y acknow ledge t hat I h ave read th is ap plication ,f illedo u t in f ull thein fo r mation re qu ired , X M ECHANICAL completed anacc uratepl otpla n ,a nd state that au t he I nformation provided a s requiredisco rrect.I CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAll RE G .NO agre eto comply w i tht heI nformat ion and plot p lan,to com ply with a ll Town or d inances and stat e THE.laws ,an dto b uildt his structure accord ing tothe T own's zo ning an~di Visi on codes ,desi gn OTHER FIRM review approved.U niform Build ing Codeand o f ~di nance,~'/'0 W J~",,'i ca bl e the reto . XX -;))!"'I,,Vv..,;;'\"f\II -X TQWN O F VAll REG .NO .~N ATU RE O F ,';;',,'lr A :;:;:..:CONTRACTOR THE.~'ftif:=n-'E $....EH . _,......1'\'.... x • Legal Description Parce l LL-l • p lat June llI.ore A part o f th e Larkspur Lan e Right-of-Way as sh own on t he £1081 of Ve !l Interm ountain Development S ubd ivision,Block 2.recorded 30,1~70,1n Book 2 18 at P age 8 2 of the Esg le Co u nty Re c ords, particularly described as follows: Beginning at the So u theasterl y Corner o f Lot 1.of said subdivis ion;thence S3 9 °50 '2S"W -50 .00 feet to the center point of the 5 0.00 foot radius Cu l-de-Sac;th ence N02 °07'34"W 5 0 .00 feet t o . the Southwesterly Corner of said Lot 1;thence along the Nor ther ly Right-of-Way boundary l ine of said Cul-de -S ac,36.62 feet alo ng the a rc of a ~O.OO foot radius,non -tangent,c urve to the r ight haVi ng a centra l angle of 41 °58'02"and eo long chord bearing S 71 "09 '04 "E 35 .8 1 feet t o the point of beginn ing,h aving an area o f 916 square feet,~ore or l ess. S teve n K.Scott , PtU-G.\&'ii 'C ''1 \'7 87IDate PREPARED BY: J OHNSON,KUNKEL &ASSOCIATES.INC •. P .O.BOX 409 EA GLE,COLORADO 81631 (3 03)328-6368 JK /87 /130 • Legs lDe scription P arcel LL-2 • plat J'une lIore A part of the Larkspur La ne Right-oi-Way a8 a hown on the :flnal of Vail Interllounta!n Devel op llsnt Subdivision ,Block 2 ,recorded 3 0,1970,in Book 218 at Pag e8 2 of the Eagle County Recorda, par ti cular ly described as follo ws:. Beginning at the .Southeasterly Corner of Lot 2 ,of .aid subdivision:thence 502 °07-34"£50 .00 :feet to the center po int o f t.he 50.00 :foot radius Cul-de -Sac;t h ence N44 ~24'51"W 5 0 .00 feet to the Southwesterly Corne r of said Lot.2 :thence along the Northerly Right -of-Way bounda ry 'l ine of Baid Cul-de-Sec,·36.90 feet.along the arc of 8 5 0 .00 foot.r adiUs,n on -tangent.curve to the right having 8 cen tral an gle of 4 2 ·17 '18'"a nd 8 long chord be8ring S66 ~43 '29"E 36.07 f ee t to the po int of b egi nning,having an area of 923 equare fe et ,.ore o r lese . A"...c"v...-r I q,~ Date ~~ Steven K.Scott , P REP AR EDBY: JOH NSON,KUN KEL'ASSOCIATES,INC . P .O.BOX 4 09 EA GLE,CO LOR ADO 81631 (303)328 -6368 JK /87 /1 30 • 75 s outh t ronlagero ad vail,c olorado81657 (3DJ)476-7000 Septembe r 2 ,1987 Mr .Leonard L.Quiram 2635 Larksp ur Lane Vail,Colorado 81657 Re :Lot 2 ,Block 2 ,Va il Inte rmountain Dear Leonard : •, office o 'community dev e lopmenl At t heirmeeting of Tuesday,September 1 ,t he Vail Town Coun cil granted permission for yo u to proceed wi th r epa ir o r stabi lizat ion work of the retai ning wall located on Town of Vail right-ot-way a d jacent t o your property. The f inal co nst ruct i on p l anss ho ul d b e r e vi ewed by B il l Andrews ,Town Engineer,a nd d epe ndi ngu p o nt he scope o f work,a bu i ldi ng and/or gradi ng p erm it may b e requ i r ed. The c ontract or you sel ect mu st be licen sed a nd r egi steredwi th t he Town o f Va il . If I may be of any other assistance ,please conta c t me. Sin~Y,#~ Rick Pyl man Town P lanner RP :br t• .~.• Leg81 Description Perce I LL-l • plot June l'Iore A part of the Larkspur Lane Right-of-Way 8a shown on the flnel of Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision,Block 2,recorded 30,1970,in Book 218 at Page 82 of the Esgle County Records, particularly described a8 follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly .Corner of Lot 1,of said subdivision;thence S39 <)50~28"W -50.00 feet to the center point of the 50aOO :foot radius Cul-de-Sac;thence N02°07'34"W 50.00 feet to the Southwesterly Corner of said Lot 1:thence along the Northerly Right-of-Way boundary line of said Cul-de-Sac,36.62 feet along the arc of a 60.00 foot radius,non-tangent,curve to the right having 8 central angle o£41 °58'02"and a long chord bearing S71 <>09'04"E 35.81 feet to the point of beginning,having an area of 916 square feet,~or e or less. ~U-G,llH ''1 \q 8 7 Dete J PREPARED BY: JOHNSON,KUNKEL &ASSOCIATES,INC. P.O.BOX 4 09 EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 (303)328-6368 JK /87/130 • Legal Description Parcel LL,-2 . •, plat June more A part of"the Larkspur Lane Right-ai-Way as shown on the £lnal of Vail Inter~ount81n Development SUbdivision,Block 2,recorded 30,1 970,1n Book 218 at P age 82 of the Eag le County Recorda, particular ly described a&fo llows:. Beginning a t the .Southeasterly Corner of Lot 2,of said aubdiv!eion;thence S02 Co07'34"E 50.00 £eet.to the center point of the 50 .00 foot radius Cul -de-Sec;thence N44 °24'51°'W 50 .00 feet t o the Southwesterly Corner of said Lot.2 ;thence along the Northerly Right -ot-Way bou ndary·line of said Cul-de-Sac,:36.90 feet el10ng the arc of 8 5 0.00 foot radi Us,non-tangent,c ur ve to the right having a central angl e of 42 0>17'18 "and 8 long c hord bearing S66 °43'29"E 36 .07 feet to the poin t of beginning,h aving a n areB o£923 sq uare feet,more or lees . 1\.<.",u...T \Q)-LS-6l Date Steven K. PREPARED BY: JOHNSON,KUNKE L &ASSOCIA TES,INC. P.O .BOX 409 EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 <30 3>328-6368 JK/87 /13 0 •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O F VAIL ,\ I ",(ht- $",Ivc Y •308l PERM IT NUM BER OF PROJECT D ATE 10 /3"/tf'7 J OB NAME __=---"--'--'--_ /' PMFRIAM L "A '~ READY FOR L O C A TlON :-----""'-"':....."--"--~"'=-...LLL.!"--"_fi'_"1L---'-.....,="--------- BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FO UNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D W .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WAT ER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PI PINGoPLYWOODNAILING , o IN S ULA TION o POOL I H .TU B o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 'Ii.FINAL (i .10 o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP .POWER o H EATING o RO UGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL " 9 'A7PROVED CO ~R ECTIONS : o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTIONREQU IRED .'.".•• ~~ ~~jb ~Ur1 'if -dfu V>L".-"k UlIl iJ;u '1D V ~~<k awl. uvYi>Vl-~o M ~~e-.k ~ .aJJ~Q 1Ju.~trw'"(2Z<h P~Q.m~ ~W '~~l ~~ ~~~l»1~' +~~~s-~~~ t ~.A -t-n.J&o ([i)/}.LQ.UU1 efA 11M rm.w-4 d'J u:(~f ~~-~( I )!\MIl .~ ._.. •• 75 .oulh lronUige r08d veu,eerereee 81657 (303)4 16-7000 Septembe r 2 ,1 987 Mr.Leonard L.Quiram 2635 Larksp ur La ne vai l,Colorado 8 1657 Re :Lo t 2,Bl ock 2 ,Vai l Intermo unta in Dea r Leonard: • office of community development Att heir meeti ng of Tu esday,September 1,the Va il Town council granted permission fo r y ou t o p roce ed with repa ir or s tab il izat io n work of the retaini ng walll ocated on Town of Vai l right-ot -way a djacent to your p roper ty. T he f i na l cons tructi on plan s shou ld be reviewed by Bi ll Andrew s,To wn Engi neer,and d epending upon th e scope of work,a build ing and/or grading perm it may be r equired. The c ontrac tor y ou s elect mu st b e lice nsed a ndr egistered wi th the Town of Vail . I f I may b e o f any other assistance,pleasec ontact me . Si ~~l Y 'PRiCk'~~m an ~ To wn Pl anner RP:br • Bri an O Qe illy Attorney al Law A r ror""",ionnl CapornLJOII Mr.Ric k Pylma n Town of Va il 100 S.Fron tage Rd.W. Vai l ,Col orado 8165 7 S eptember 22 ,1987 Re :L eona rd and Barbara Quiram Dear Rick , • Enclosed please f inda c opy of a proposed eas eme nt f rom the Town o fVail t omyc l ien ts ,L e o nard and Barbara Quiram .I am also t ransmit ting the original o f t hi s e ase ment to Lar ry Eskwi th t oday!hopefu lly ,t hisd ocumen t is substantial l y i n accorda nce with our conver sat ion of a few days ago. / VailN ati onal Ba nkB uild i n g.P.O .80x 2911 •Vail ,C olorad o 8 1658 ·(303)4 76-2535 • EA SEMENT DEED • THIS DEED,made this __day of 1987,between The T own of Vail,aCol orado muni cipal cor porat ion,whose legal add ress is 75 S.Frontage Road West.Vail.Col o rado 8 1657, he r ei naf te r ref er r ed to as Gr antor,and Le onard L.Ouir am and Barbara J.Quiram,whose legal addr ess is P .O.Box 2783.o f the T own of Vail .County of Eagle,and State of Colorad o.he re inafter r eferred to as Grantees: WITNESSETH,That the Grant or ,for and in c onsidera ti on of t he s um of TENDOLLARS,the receipt and a dequ a cy of wh i ch is h er eby a ck no wled ged,has granted,bargain ed.sold and c o nv ey ed . and by these presents does grant .bargain,sell,co nveya nd conf irm ,unto the Grantees,their hei rs and assigns f orever ,the foll owing des cribed real p ro perty.situate.lying and bei ng i n the County of Eagle a nd State of Colo rado.to wit; a permanent easement .together with the ri ght o f ingress and egress.to co nst ruct.o p er ate.u s e, repair and maintai n a parking lot and related appurtenances .in.o n.ove r un der and through that tra ct o f land more pa rticularly described in E xhi bit A.which i sa ttached h ereto and inc orpora ted h e re in by this r e feren c e. This Easement land .or any part State o f Colorad o . i sf or t he bene fit and appu rten ant t o that thereof.situate in the County of Eagle.and and descr ibed a s f oll ows : Lot 2.Block 2.Vail S ubdivision.a c cording to County of Eagle .State of Intermountain Devel opment the record ed plat th er eof. Colorado. also known as 2 635 Larkspur Lane .Vai l.Colorado Ac ceptan ce o f this Easement by t he Grantees shall co ns titute their agreem ent and con s ent as f ollows: 1 .Grantees shall u ndertake no activity whi c h could be haz ar d ous o r detrim enta l t o the co mmunity .and to abide by all of the s tat u te s of the State of Col orad o and ord inances of the Town of Vail. 2• a nd all Gran tees here by relea se and discharge Grantor fro m a ny liability arising on account o f this agreqment. 3.Gran te es agree that they shall indemnify .d efend and h o ld harm less Grant or .its successors a nd assigns fr om .against and with respect to any cl aim ,liability,ob liga tion.l os s . damage .assessment.j udgmen t .cost o r expense.incl uding .without ••• limi tati on l reas onable attorney 's fe es a nd expenses and c osts re aso nably incurred in i nve stig at ing,p reparing o r d efen di ng a ga i ns ta ny l itigati on o r c laim,a c tion ,suit pr o ce e ding or de mand of any k i nd o r char acter .of ,o r in any ma nn er r el at ing o r a tt ribu ta b l e to any cla imso f d amage a rising from Gr ante es ' ac tiv it ies associated with thi s agreement .During the ent i re t erm o f thi s a gr eem ent .Gran te es shall k ee p the ea sem ent i ns ured by maintaining liability i ns ur an ce a gai ns t claims f or b od ily injuries o r death or property dama g e,with a limit o fn ot le ss th an $1 00,000 .00 4 . gr an ted Th e Gr ante es agre e to repair a nd mai ntain he r ein a tt he cos t a nd e x pe nse of Gran te es . t he e ase ment S .This ag reement sh all des cribed her ein,and shall a ll sub sequ ent owners of th at b e a c ov enant runn ing wit ht he l an d be f or the benefit of Gra ntees and l and . 6 .At s uc h time a nd in thee ve nt that th e ease ment desc ribed herei n shal l be aband oned ,or Grantee ss h all vi olate any o f t hec ove nants o f th is ag ree men t ,Gr antees 'real p ro perty i nterest in the ease ment s hall rever t to an d be thereafte r merg ed with the se rviente sta te . 7 .This agre em ent sh all b e he irs ,e xec utors ,admin i stra tors, binding upont he pa rt ies, success ors a nd a ss ign s . t h ei r 8.The therefore ,no co nsi de r at io nf or th is deed i s d ocum ent ary f ee is req uired. l ess t ha n $5 00 .0 0; Signed and de livered this __d ay o f GRANTOR:THE TOWNOF VA IL. a Colorado municipal corp or ation ____________,1 9 B7. By:At tes t: GRANTE ES: Leo nardL .Quiram Ba rbara J .Qui ram •• STATEOFCOLOR ADO ) )sa . COUNTY OF EAGLE l d eed was ac kn owl edged be f ore me thi s by Rond all Phill ip s ,as man ager o f muni c ipal cor por ation . e aseme nt 7""7:--;--;---'"1 9 87 , Co lor a do The f oreg oing da y o f the Tow n o f Vail .a Witnessmy hand and o ff ic ia l seal .My commission e x p ir e s: Notar y Public Address STATE OF COLORADO COUNT¥OF EAG LE ) )sa . ) me this Barb ara before an d b y was acknowledge d Leo nard L .Quiram e asement deed ______,1 98 7,b y Th e f oregoin g d ay of Qui ram .J . Wi tn e ss my handa nd o ff1c i a 1 seal .My commi ssi o n expir es: Nota ryP u blic Address •• pl at Jun e llIore Leg~l Desc r ipt io n Parcel LL -l A par t o f the Lark sp ur La ne R ig ht-of-Way s a sh own -on the £lnal of Vail Inter~ou nt aln Deve lopment Subdivision,Bl ock 2 ,r ecord ed 3 0,1 970,in Book 2 18 at Pa ge 82 o ft he Ea gl e County Re cord s, p art icu larly deacri bed aa follows: Be gin ni ng at the Southe as te rly C or ne r of Lo t ·1 ,o f said e ubd Lv t e ao nst h ence 5 39 °50'2 8"W .5 0 .00 fe ett ot he ce nter p oint of th e 5 0 .00 f o ot r-ed Lue Cul-de-S.e.c;th en ce N02 (1oQ 7'3 4'·W 5 0.00 :f eet to the S outhwes te rly Corn er of sa id L ot 1;th ence alon g the North erly Ri ght-af-Wayb o und ary l in e of s aid C ul-d e-Sac,3 6.62 f e et al on g .the a rc o f a 50.00 fo ot radi us ,non-t an g ent,c ur ve to t her ighth a vi ng a c entral a ngle of 4 1 °58 '02'.and a lo ng c h or db ear ing 57 1 °0 9'04 "£ 35 .8 1 fee t to th e po int of begi nni ng,ha ving an area o f9 16 sq ua re f e et,mo re or l es s. Date \'7 87 Steven K.Scott, P REPARED BY; JO HNSON,KU NKE L ~ASSOCI ATE S,INC . P.O.BOX 409 EAGL E,CO LOR ADO 8 1 63 1 (303 )328 -6368 J K/87/130 \ ." /• Legal Description Parcel LL-2 • plat. June aore A part of the Larkspur Lane Right-ai-Way 88 shown on the final of Vail Inter.ountein DevelopMent Subdivision,Block 2,recorded 30,1970,1n Book 218 at Page 82 of the Eagle County Records, particularly described 8S follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly Corner of Lot 2,of said subdivision;thence 502 ·07'34 IOE 50.00 :leet to the center point of the :50.00 foot radius Cul-de-Sl!lc;thence N44 ·24'51"W 50.00 £eet to the Southwesterly Corner of said Lot 2;thence along the Northerly Right-oi-Way boundary 'line of said Cul-de-Sac,36.90 feet along the arc of a 50.00 foot radiUS,non-tang ent,curve to the right having 8. central 8ngle of 42 ·17'18"end IS long chord bearing S66 ·43'29·'E 3 6 .07 feet t o the p o int ot beginning,h aVing an area of 923 square feet,more or 1ega. Au.c"u..~.,..I 9 I S 8l, Date Steven K . PREPARED BY: JO HNSON,KUNKEL &ASSO CIATES,INC. P.O.BOX 4 09 EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 <303>328-6368 JK/87/13 0 ; • lown of vai 75 south f r ontage r oad vall,colorado81657 (303)476-7000 Septembe r 2 ,1 987 Mr.Leonard L.Quiram 263 5 Larkspur Lane vail ,Colorado 8 1657 Re :Lot 2,Block 2 ,Vail Intermountain Dear Leonard : • oHk:e of community development Att heir meetingo f Tuesday,September 1,the Va il Town Co un c il granted p ermission for you to proceed with repai r or s tabilizat ion work o f the retaining wa ll located on Tow n of Vail right-ot-way a djacentt o your property . The f i na l construc tion plan ss hou ld b e r e vi ewed b y Bi ll Andrews,Town Eng ine er,a nd dependi ng upon the scope o f work ,a building and /or grad ing pe rmit ma y be requi r ed . The c on tracto r y ou select mus tb e licenseda ndr e gistered with the Town of Va il. If I may b eo f a ny o ther assistance ,p l eas e contact me . S i n~Y.p~ Rick Pylma n Town P lan ne r RP :br • TO :TownCou nci l • FRO M:c o mmun ity Dev el opme nt Department DATE:September 1,1 9 87 SUBJECT:I ntermo unta in Road Va cation Re que st The appl i cant,Mr .Leonard Quiram ,i s the o wner of Lo t 2,Block 2,Vail I nte rmountain SUbdivision.The hi storical pa rk ing area f ort his property has been a g raveled pa rking p ad supported by a timber reta in ing wal l.Th is wase ither b u ilt by the original deve lope r of th e h ous e or during the o r ig inal r oad c o nstr uc tion of t h e subd ivision.Th e reta iningwall and p arking area i s loc at ed within the road rig ht -ot-way .Th ea r ea of the par king a nd r eta in ing wall i s a pl attedc ul -de -sac that was n ever c ons tructed .The retaining wall supporting th e p a rking pad is in a s tate of failure . The owner o f Lot 2 ,Block 2 ,Mr .Qui ram ,wishes to repai r the reta ining wall in order t omainta in the pa rking a rea f or h i s d welling unit .As the retainingwa ll i s on Town pro perty, Mr .Qu iram h as t wo options .One i s to r epa ir a nd r e build the r etaini ng wa ll ,s ign a r e voca ble right-of-way ag reemen t a nd contin ue p arking on Town prope rty .This does provi de Mr. Qui ra m with ade quatep arki ng f or hi su ni t,yet gives h im no control over t hat p arkin g.Since i ti sp Ubl ic property ,he technically could not enforce that a sp arking for his unit o nly . Option No .2 would be to v acate t he cul-d e-s ac,o r a t least the eas tern h alf of t he p latted cul-de-sac .By l aw,the va ca ted portion of land woul d t hen b e sp lit equally amo ng Lot 2a nd Lot 1 .This would in e ff e ct l a ndl o ck Mr .Qui ram 's property.He wou ld h ave no f ron tage o n Larkspur Lane .He h as arrang ed to p urch as e the p arc el o f l a nd that wouldg o to Lot 1 whi chwould then give h im controlo f h is pa rki ng are a and legal access to h is property.This,h oweve r,c rea te s a nonconforming situat ion with Lot 1 ,as the o wnerso f Lot 1 would have inadequate fro n tage t o meet subd ivision regulations .I n order to c omplete t he requested vaca tion,i twould be necessary t o go t hrough a va ria nce f rom t he subdivision regulations fo r minimum lot frontage . Staff r eco mm ends that theTown reta in ownership of the piece of ground .The app licant may repair t hewa ll SUb ject to Pub l ic Works 'approva l a nd with t he issuance of a revocable rig ht-of- way perm it continue park ing i n this area. ...'.'• Attachment to Rick P ylman Council working session on vacation of LL-l and L L-2. • l ett er dated 8 -21 -87 regarding August 2 5,1987 -Town o f Va il BACKGROUND Town Vai l Intermountain has limited parking -design of subdivision -high pe rcent -of renta l units L arks pur L ane ha s li mited pa rking -a lmos t all parking areas encroach o nto p ub li cr ight-ot- way In 1 975ow ne rs reta ining wall L arkspur Lane of and Lot 2,Block stairs on 2 (2635 cou nty L ark spur property L ane>bui lt adjace nt t o -the property is identified on the officia l Block 2 Vail Intermountain plat dated June 24,1970 as a cu1- de-s ac;the cul -de -sac was never built. -the wall provides the structure for the parking area -the s tairs provide access to the public right-of -way -a cc es s a nd parking area have b e en used continuously by al l s u bs equent property ow ne rs. The retai ning wa ll is i nn eed be in some wha t better shape fu tu re . of re pa ir; bu t will t he sta irs a ppear n eedr epla cingi n to t he Owners of Lot 2.Block 2 are prepared to rebuil dp ar k ing "a rea t he reby maintaining the longstanding and p rope r ty owners accepted parking allocations along Lar kspur L ane. -vacation area and 2 1 Block o f property associated with presen t parking stai rs is requested f rom Town of Vai l to L ot 2p roperty owners. -L ot 2.Bloc k 2 proper ty owners progress inc lu des : -su rveyed p la t i de ntif ying Parce ls LL -l a ndLL -2 -l ega l des cripti on s fo r LL -l and LL -2 ,"I •• -surveyors drawing of pre sent wall a nd stairs -conversations with ne i ghb ors -coordination with a ffected utility companies -draft wall/stai rs d rawing prepared -coordi natio n o fp r op osal at Town of Vail staff leve l -l egal docum ent for L ot 1 to L ot2 tr ansaction prepar ed Johns on,Kll nl V...D SU ...·[.....':O P ,O .Do ••' E o.,."(;0 '0""0 ~ / L OT II 8 10 CK I I ------------- ------~--- I ~-------- ,, L a .,. I I Lo.,.2. , " B LOCK -<. [0 .,.3 N 7"L '''3 '$3 "£ /.2.//8' ,P.o .i!J. LL -¥ A ~I/~·'I't ·j:z."C6 'N3~t>.z5 08 ·'W/\ c h,3 8./of' i:~3 'l.1,2 ' •Lo.,. , ~.of I',dy.,~ ~_c -- .-C ' or ~.'.' -~" :;".,0'... .,".,. .t .. "..'.,;: ,.f -' .' ';:::.'.-:... -".~.._._-"._,,--_..,~_..=---'-'" ".".',",i';~...<'~',,,-!,P~,;\_.,;J :_·,,,,,,,,·';""""1~"\':f'~~·U':~-...~-:T .r:-e e -' .>:,},,',.'.',''::'"..,'.'.:\'"i:__-.::;.',,..r,'.:",,',...'...,',,".."."......"..',..';,~;",,:,c ,·~t<f :. ,. '.....' • /, • -, _.".------ ------- s- <.-.... ,------'----------- Aug ust 25,1987 Rick Pyl man Town Of Va l l Pla nner Town of Va ll Va il,CO 8 1657 Ric k Pylma n: •• At tac hed is the le t ter to Deanea nd CoraSa rge nt wh ich wehave ma iled today,August 25 ,1987 .As the l etter indi cate s.it i sourunde r sta ndin g from the To wnAtto rney.LarryEsquith,t hata ll a greed-to tra nsactio ns betwee n l ot1and Lo t 2must be in f i na 1f orm before fi n a 1 vaca t i o n wil l p roce ed.We are purs u ing t he proposa l o fva cation of t he prope rty with t he understand i ngt hat s hou l d agreeme nt not be r eached between Lots1 a nd2,Bl ock 2 Va il I ntermo unta i n.t he vacat io n wi ll nott a ke p l ace; vacatio no f the Town of Vail p ropertywithon l y Ll -2 parce l going to l o t2 ,Blo ck2 p rope rtyowne rs wo uld r esu lt i n e limi n atio n of t he o n ly l e ga l acce ss to publ icr ight Of way f or Lot2 .Bloc k 2VailI ntermo unta i n . Sincere ly , Le on ard Bar bara , Enc. ..... August 25 .1987 •• Deaneand Cora Sargent 2365 Skyfa rm Drive Hil lsbo ro.CA 94010 De aneand Cora Sargent : Aswei nd icated to youby tele phone on August 23.1987.we havebegun t heproc es s with t he To wn of Vai l for vacatio n of t he ir prope rty between Lo ts 1and2 ,Block 2 .a nd l arkspur l ane,Va il In termountain.A package o f in formati on was delivered to Rick Pylman o n Aug ust 21 .1987.Thei r d is cussion of t hema ttera tt he Monday (8/2 4/87)Town o f Va il managers ' meeting was f avorable.Th e Town Co uncilworkin g group me eting we not ifi ed yo uo f was howeverpos tponed to Se ptem ber 1.1987 .t he a dd itio na l week is for the Town of Va il s ta ff to developa r econm endedco urse of act ion f or the Town Co unci l. Enc losed you will find t he mater ial we discu ssed over the te lephone. Attachme nt (1)is the package of i nfonnatio nprovided to Rick Py1ma n. Also in cluded is my drawing of the proposed wal la nd stairs and the Receipt andOpti on Co ntract. As the drawings of present and propos ed wall and stairs show,the ent ire are ao f l l-1 andLl -2 is required.The c ontract therefore spe cifies that the e ntire LL-I parcel bedeeded fromyou to us .Additionally. the transfer of the property is bydeed of sa le for a ll the reasons you a nd Idi s cussed onAugust9 ,1987.Fina l ly ,our attorney is very o ptimis tic the Town of Va il will act quick ly due to the conditio n of t he wa ll.Hehas therefore dated the Rece ip t and Options Contract r eflect ing a h igh degree of urgency.Pl eases ig n a ll three copi es and r e turn two of them by Federal Express t o our a ttorney,~1r .Brian E. O'Re il ly (P.O.Drawer 399.Va il.CD8 1658).Our $10 .75 c heck for Fed er al Expre ss fee is e nc losed.The Tow n ofVail atto rneyhas in dic ated t o us that they wi ll want a ll tra nsac ti ons in fi nal be f ore pro c eed in g with t he f ina l va ca ti on proc edure s. If yo uhavea nyq ue sti on s.pleasedo not hes itate to call either our a tto rney on(303)949-1636o ro urse lves .For us,if you get no ans wer on(303)476-7715.please c a ll (2 14)517-0766 wh ere amessageca n be recorded a nd we can return your ca ll immed iate ly . Sincere ly. Encs . r • Augus t 2 1,1987 Mr .Ri ck P yiman Town Pl ann er To wn o f Vail Vai l.Col orad o 81 55 7 Ric k Pylm an : • At ta ch ed i s the ma ter ial y ou r eq ue sted i np r epa rat i on for t he T own Council working session o n August 2 5 ,1 9 87 regarding T own o f Vail v ac ation of pr operty between Lots 1 and 2 ,Block 2 and Larkspur La n e .Vai lI ntermo untain t o i nclude: 1 .Map o f Lar ks pur Lane at Block 2 .Vail Intermountain Deve l opment Su bdi visi on . 2.Le g al d es cription of p a rcels LL-l and LL -2 . 3 .Surveyor drawing of pres ent stairs and wall on parce ls LL -l and LL-2. 4 .Ba ckground peint paper . Regard ing the background point paper ;we prepared it at your . request as a rough outline f or disc ussion i n the working session .We be l ieve the paper i s ac cu rate ,however ,t he pape r may in fa ct c ontain errors a nd omissions unk nown to us . Sincerely yours, Leonard Qu iram LQ /jw \• L egsl Desc ription Parc el LL-l • plat June I\ore A pa rt of the Larkspu r Lane Righ t-oi -Way as ahown ·on t he final of Va il Inter~ountain Develop ~~nt Subdivision,Block 2 ,recorded 3 0,1970,1n Book 2 18 at Page 8 2 of the Eagle CountyRe cords , particularly described 88 follows:· Beginning at the Southeasterly Corner o f Lot 1,of said s ubdivi sion;thence S39 o)5 0'28 01W -5 0 .00 feet to the c enter point of the 5 0.00 foot radius CuI -de -Sa c;th ence N'02 olo07':34 "W 50 .00 fee t t o the Southwesterly Corner of sa id Lot 1;th ence along the Northerly Right-ai-Way boundary l ine o f sa id Cul-de-Sac,3 0 .62 feet along the arc o f a 50.00 f o ot radius,non -tang ent ,curv e to th e right hav ing a c entral angle of 41 ':'58'02"a nd a long chord bearing S7 1(>09'04"E 3 5.81 £e et to the p oint o£b eg inning,ha ving an area o£916 squ are £ee t,more o r l ess. Da te \'18 7 S te ven K.Scott, PR EPARED BY: JOHNSON,KUNK EL &ASSOCIATES,I NC. P .O.BOX 40 9 EAGLE,COLORADO 8 163 1 (303 )328-6368 JK /8 7/1 30 .... •• Legal Description Parcel LL-2 • plet June lIore A part of the Larkspur Lane Right-ai-Way aa shown on the final of Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision,Block 2,recorded 30 ,1970,in Book 218 at Page 82 of the Eagle County Recorda, particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly Corner of Lot .2,of said sUbdivision;thence S02<>07'34"E 50.00 feet to the center point of the 50.00 foot radius Cul-de -S8c;thence N44 v24'Sl"W 50.00 feet to the Southwesterly Corner of said Lot 2;thence along the Northerly Right-aE-Way boundary line of said Cul-de-Sac,36.90 feet along the arc of a 50 .00 foot radiUS,non-tangent,curve to the right having a central angle of 42 <>17 '18"and a long chord bearing S66(>43~29"E 36.07 feet to the point o£beginning,having an area o£923 square £eet~~ore or leas. &G.U.'O T I q I I S 8J_ Date Steven K. PREPARED BY: J OHNSON,KUNKEL &ASSOCIATES~INC. P .O.BOX 409 EAGLE,COLORADO 81631 <303 >3 28-6368 JK /87 /130 ... •• 0 ....",,,"___- U ?e-''''''~~IO'"'''...v"'-~~-te ~\-.~.l.-u:... ~{L.~"'k<;.{;.r WI"'"\-r .' .." ,' • r'" .,.,' '..•\ \ \ " ". .~.:'l.~F 7'...·or ;!..',.'.;",,:;.'.,....:~"":'-. .;~-, c -:,":"...'.. ,. /t-''/:'jJ4 ,/7 '10-//7 ,/ / / -~.'.---- .....J N ~1/'..... ,-O,bl ---_.-----.. ............................... '. -- f I I • Reques tf ormmustbe give n Th ursdays. .17d ~jjJ:-t;~ pc ~~t-- TO WNCOUNC IL AGEN DA REQ UEST ~/f/'.).tf A--;(r/b-;/~.,.~~ tot he Secr etary t ot he ~~e r b ~m ..~ Da te :__'gH~Dept.:(~.th;. Wo rk Ses sion:_Y----'-_ Meet ing Da te :~G ;;l.') Evening Meeting:-- I.Item/Top i c : II. II I. IV. V. J"L"t."",,-c>-f e,~r.o~<:>f-'"of<>..ci c..>"f \"'-lie.,I\'"W.-...J~f-<.c ~. Ac tion Req uested of Co uncil: G,-fL ~",-\.~,V'~J..v",-....ha--k 15k (f ""'-- ~+..~Il?'....d U1 t-t-..Je1 c->e::>T-. Bac kgro und Rati ona le : !--€V'"-,-'cl Qu ,,Ib,,~I S t~6 lA.?~U '"f I.-oT';:;',gIIX1(:2.. \J ",I \Vlt-eJ""'''..Y1{c.,V)•'T'k-h,~-lot'l <.1 ~".It '~W c..Je.c..J \",J t.>cl l ~~J~te,'V"V'.J .....,o.,rl)LS lo~<.~C7""(Oc,d..- J'1";,':;t of I.-V~i ·01/·0 1.',""......~fe4 "'~dl"""\I/c.a ..Mtn..... St f f R (;>tl--,,,,,~oJ n (7"<'--of-t k {.e,l..f-"'+WC.V ;-It ·a::~· ae commendation:~I Assuranc es (~Le a 1 'L .Profess;ona1T~9 •~~n gi nee r l ng ._Finance,_Out side f Vail CommunityTowna Deve lopm en t ~Health FirePlary'"u 00Approved~ 0 0Deniedo0 r ,if Tt n r t Validity of Pe',:'1 3~3 (C)i932 U.B.C Sec..0,I of p'ans ana~.mil 0 1 aDpr..\0 a,i nsusncecrr"n~jtIG or .i n,It l :":,~d ior do Il 'j nrll.r c....I ....""(j ':"'~fi.:'C I!...'" .Ions •Jr G or!C 1 P .11'&I &.j'1.6,ufan'I.f"('.;1.I I.,,n'r"oc,.",."(,I., I otner ora,c ~,,,;lC.S c J c '~',u r tileb~('Uu n p '..l'......["r _,.Itrr I ..y ...'.,.'r,,'",.nd 0",."tl"I);;itDl a....1:'l,;CI rcauons clr~.'.",Sdjd p lall ..,,.nof err / /' J- J j o ) I w -----,...........I<. Johnson,Kunkel &A ssociates,Inc. LAND SURvEYING'CIVIL E"'CIN££~ING'MAP"IN G p.o.80)(.09·IlJ EaU 4th Street E.g'o,Colorado 81631 'Phono ,(303)328-6368 LO T II 8/0CK / ".'~....'.., ~.-; I ~­- - LOT ,. ,/ I I I I --~~~---- ~o-:oo ----__ ",/ /30 00 L OT 2. ",/ ----""\-----~~- '"/ LOT 5 /ft,..;p Or LARKSPUR LAN£AT DAN.OBS. CHI<.,SHII T O' OATI 7./9 6'7 REV,JO.NO .6'7 /30