HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN INTERMOUTAIN BRIDGE LEGALIN R~;Pl.V REFI:R 1'1 ) 2820 C-2701 5 7-162.. United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OFLAND MANAGEMENT GRAND JUNCTION DISTRICf 764HORIZONDRIVE GRAND JUNCTION.COLORADO81501 t t i I I I, .December 10,1982 CERTIFIED MAIL No.163832 RETURN RECE IPT REQUESTED .~N ~ Assignor:Carpentry Un1 imited,Inc.~ P.O.Box 388,Vail,CO 81657 Assignee:Town ofVail Box 100 ' Vail,CO 81657 By letter datedOctober 21,1982,Carl M.Dietz,d/b/a Carpentry Unlimited Inc.,formally requested theassignmentof right-of-way C-27015 described as follows: T.5S ••R.81W .•6th ·P.M . Sec.14:SE!NW!(Within) tothe town of Vail,Colorado for useas public access and to become a part ofthe Town of Vail's normal roadmaintenance. The documents submittedwith this request for assignment have been reviewed and found tobein order.The subject assignmentof right- of-way C-27015 to .the Town ofVail is herebyapproved.The assignee ·sha11 takethe grant subject to all ofthe original termsand conditions attached thereto.Exception:The Town of Vail,beinga local govern- ment,shall not have to pay rental fees. LJ~c/{~ District Mana~'----- I \ ! l cc Glenwood Springs Resource Area .. ~: .".. .~.:~_. .1'¥>.' .~~.. t ·,• box 100 vail.colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 October21,1982 department of community development David Atkins,Land and Mineral Staff Leader Bureau of Land Management Glenwood Springs Resource Area P.O.Box 1009 Glenwood Springs,Colorado 81602 Dear Mr.Atkins: The Town ofVail requests that the BLM assign right-of-way C27015 from Mr.CarlDietztothe Town of ·Vail.Thisroadandbridge right- of-way was issued to Mr.DietzinOctober,1979 .The Town agreesto comply withthe stipulations ofthe original grant. Enclosed herein you will find a letter from Mr.Dietz requesting the transfer,application form 299 and all related materials,and acheck for $4,425.00 which coversthe rental ofthe right-of-way. If you have any questions or if we need .to furnish any additional information,please contact me. PJ :df Encl. Carpentry Unli mited,In c. Post O ffice Sox 188,Vail,Colorado 8 .657 Bureau of Land Ma nage ment P.O.Box 1009 Gle nwoo d Springs,Col orado 81602 Att :Mr.David At kins Gentlemen : ?100 (1 0 1)476~~'6l)'t October 21 ,1982 .- ....--~ ".,:0. This letter is to r equest that the Bureau 'of Lana Manage me nt a s sign t heRi ght -oF -WaV grant#C27015 i n th e name of Car pentry Unlimited,Inc. to the Town of Vail . Thankyoufo r your c oopera tion in this matter . ":;"',,0" .~: c- .;;;....:. -<:;- ,. •,'"./,"...., ,-01'"".'I ...:,I '•I ,,,,APPLl CA1 'O ll r -n H T'~.M lr.P O J..'T ATl nt~•\p'1 ()I ·n l ~~'A PPI ~()\'F p . •.t .I ""I "~!.'"I U TIL Il Y ~Y CJ I M ~At HJ I'AC I L llI l.~(',',tll f HJ.H JO·I ..l ll ,.11 ,.,••'..."II •1_',.t·,....1.',.OH rr:(I [~?Al.L ;.rID S FY lll r ,"q MJ'v .II.I ',;I "~ ,--I Ij r"AGOle Y U ~I (1;J1.Y.-'---- .6,.~·:i ~;I !i on .th ,:~t i T li ~'l f1 !~;,h"ul d c n rn pl.·'"I·,'f "v lf ~W th ic;p i lckaJ ~c A p ;)t II .ui on N umhcr ,J :'.j ':.:,:,',i ·' ....1 ...~lf.';.JJI •••p r e-••p plac.,1ion mt.·\.:t1 I1 ~I,'J,:;~h i l:rr l':'i ~n t ati v ~:r.o(tht·:l r~~m.:y rcs pon- '.Itd;lu r ,1 ft I~,.:.f"ll1 l ~th e :lpplic:a tion .Lo ch ur-cncy may ha ve <'1'''1'if ic and unique 'r"q,llr f '-"n!';tn h ;:,-m ~:in pr cparin «an d p ro c c:c;s i n ~the ap p l ic nt i on.Many tim e!>, ",I :'I ~'"h elp t.!r hr'a~l'n c\'rt'p",,,cntaliv c,the a ppl icnt i on c an be complet ed at Uute riled .h,.pr ('"jIPp',t';OJll on ~ec ~:;lt?. ~v .~"........----=--= I .~.-.t ..e d .dJtco5.s of a~p1icant t m c Iu d e Z Ip 2.N ame,tit le,end add-cs so f a u ~h Cl ri 7.C lJ 8 ;:cnt J .T ELE PIIONE {area c ,,,JrI cw,1 If d ifferent Crom Item 1 (;.elude z ip cooid Ap~licant To wn ofVail 75 S.Frontage Rd . Vail,Colo.81657 Authorized Agent .. -. ••.As I pplic I nl are'Y":lu?(che ck one)5•Specify what application isfor:(check one) O l.J Ind iv idual a.D New authorizati on .L....J Corporation·b•.0 Renew existing authorization No. c.o Pa rtnership /A s:;oc iation·c.0 Amend existi ng au th oriz ationNo .•. d .C S ~a te G ovcrnl:1e:lt /S :a te AGency d.~ASSign e xis tin g a uthorization No.C-(().7 0 /Q': •c.%,LO C.lGc verr.rr.cnt e .Ex isting use for w hich no authorizat ion has been received- f..L-.J Federal A ~e :"lcv ·f •OOther· •,/c h~cl-("i...-f')r-:~f...t ('s ux nl eme n m l pag f!•II ch ecked,trrooidode t a ils unde r It em 7 6.U.n indiv idual ,c-p e-t ners h i p are y ou 3 c i t iz enf s}of the Un i ted St at e s?0 Yes 0 No I.Proj ~et d e sc rr p t io n id es c ribe i n d etail ):(a)Type of sy s tem Or Iac i l i t y ,(('.g.ca n ol,pipeline,Toa d);(b)re la ted etructuec s and f'ae it- U ies;(e)p h ys i ca ls pec i ftca t i o ns (len~lh.width,g rad ing.e tc.);(d)tcr.n of y e ars needed;(e).t tm e of ye ar of use or operation;(0 v ol ume ar .mou."'U ofpr o d u c t t o be rra naporte d;(g)d ura tion a nd t iming or co n struct icn;a nd(h )ternporaey work areas needed for c onstruction. (A Uar:h additional she ets.i]ad d itional space is n eede d.} 'The appli~ation is to assign right-of-way ,C-27015 from Mr.Carl Dietztothe Town ofVail . .,-, 8.../Attach map ('o \'erinr...JfC'O and a hew !cc nt io:"l or p r o jec t pr c po s ot ' (1/")"l '~'t ";nJicuU 'oll trla r'I . :":'0 1 r equ ir ed 1>N ':-1,pr oj ('C'\C'r.l ~~lntl'rna ticm ..l1 ~O t1nd ..l rv or ..((\'ct I ntetn m rouu !w r,h 'rw ;I\'s'l~J.Yc ~____________C--~_ The maintenance ofthe right-of-way will become anormal part of Town of Vail's normal roadmaintenance. e".'-JI -._'"-.~-_..._------. I f '",!,••,.,'.'.'",• .-,_._.....~.., ------.----._-----.--.••---'•.•.._-..._.--_._.-------.---..-~,-:;-:-;,I l 'f,••',t None,the right-of-way ise xisting.All alternatives,theneed for the project;and all probable effects ofthe project were considered at the ti me of road &bridge construction. --=-_..~=-~----------------------------------------- -\.\1I;y '*'",'th."•..,.llrmo\lvrs net aelrcted? 'c.~~~....·pt.'hahen as to vl..h~·it is necessary to CfOSS Fedet.al lands. c The right~of-way was originally a condition ofapprovalof Mr.Dietz's condominium plat approved by Eagle County .It was the safest and most direct access into the project. '.,~.,,~ :1-=01 .:tX...l :;'-:;t hNi""tions and pt!nding applications filed for similar projects which may provide infonnation to the authorizing agency. '{.c,.1"«"I.,'f;A""=~"."ale,code.or nam~.J None ,~.l~...·~s:.~e:nent of need for project,including the economic feas ibility a nd items such as:(a)cost of proposal (construct ion,op- C'TI:ZU'ol'tm,.e-c.::i w:aznlen"nce);(b)estimated cost oC next best alternative;and (c)expected public benefits. See 13a above. See 13a above. 0 --'-_ -~:u~f".lbfo like-I y en·..ironmental effects that the proposed project v:ill have on:(3)a ir qualit y;(b)visual impact;(c)surface and g round ....~.'f S:;!.J ~rj,ty 'nrrdqu ant i fy;(d)t he control or s tru ctural c hat:(:e on any s tre emor other body Qf w ater;(e)existing noise le vel s;a nd ~·O~.h.<t,:SPf{pce of the land,including vegetation,perm afrost,soil,and soil stability. See 13a above. :l:ol.~~&"'''~'ubil''the pr o bnhte c Cf e ct s that 'the pro p os~d project ~ill have on:(a)populations of fish.plant,wildlife,and marine lif•e ,including .t,,":''''~'...<1 :~':!IIlfltl ~net"nl ',C"fl"d spec iex;and (b)maunC"mammuls,includi:1r:huntin~,c aptu r ing,col lcct ing,or killin~the e c e otmeta. See 13a above. Glenwood Springs Resource Area,Bureau of Land Management. -_._~.:.=~- cxnlll inrd th('In tomuu i ou '".,.,,,,.,,,~-".""."~~~'~'.".""~",.".__.".,...",~~."..,-,-.."""..._l.~L'":'/'i£.~...__~~::.,,~"f ~:I ~;'~·"'Ii'j l l 11I0I.I llll k.·!'J II u rUIllC 'l UI tiny I ll'rLl ""~ll il\\'l lll~lv ''II''w lltrully t u mnkl't n fill"Il f 'l'lltllnent or 'If:t'IWY 4,lr f he-Un ltr,1 ••••••I ''''h tJUtlh,tlf lrillll!ul"1I1 1,lulf'UIf'IlI 'i \""'I'I I".'·lIt ul 11111 ",H.I II "n,'luulll 'f wi lhll1 lt tl llll l'ull,IIlJfI • .•.-~-----1 .J...;.l._,._._1__--·4'_••_••'___..___--•_M .._..... , i .! ;' I I _..- r •______e .,..,...__~ SUPPLEMEr :T/'.L I._PRIVAT E CO f~PORATIOr ;S _----------"'-------------.------------,...----r----- '.•--;:::•••.PO"r:.lhIC .I i ll ·n <·y {i("~)wl lI l"'JVIl'"...d lhl wn.,1 lI\~l nlC,:t i"I1 ~..J-"CIIECK ~;::;:~~;I ·I \I {\T E iTTACIII:1J F ILL IJ':-- .CJ o o Cl- ACf',tiCicalion fr om the St a ro !\oowint.: ~hrrl'd 14'\f)p('r :llf'-v.."hln Ih,·~a ..t .·. tho corporelion is i n ~ood 5ta~din ~and is n oo ....P\''.I!r'·~;I .:tJt -1 10 i m 1.!I ·J n l-lIt ~:fl1l :1;~--------------------------------,f---''-'---+--':.~-- Th".na r.'fI·an c ad ~r ('~t;or e-ach ~h~rt:hnl d (,,·r r}\vn in ~J p o rcc nt o r mt'\f~("I f tb.~s h nrcs ,t n~rth cr wi th the nUII"l't'cr .Jn1 rt.':c.t.:nr .1 I ~(:1,(,IllY (.l4Sl--...~vut'r.\.:.:.h ..tt:~"1 t l.....•l"n!ity \\hkt-.So.J""...h .I'....hl.lLi cr I'~.tu lhofl Z""ll to :\,ote 'a nd t h e na rnean d addres a o(e cch aff i l in t e of t he entity to cc tlu:r w ith,I n the cas e o f .1"a H Il 13te C'oQtro l1ed by t he ent rt y ,the num ber'of a hurc s an d the pe rcenta ge of an y c t ns s of votin G:s t ock oC that .rhhat e o w·n l':'d.d irectl y o r ind Irc c t ly,b y t hat en t rty,and i n the case of a n aff i l i at e whi ch con trol s th at ~l\cL':",the n ur.:bc r of s h c r es and tbe.p eorctJ'ntOiRv o f an y class of \'oting s tcck of th at entity o wn ed ,dire ctly ~~~!!I!.••t l~-L-'·-:h-e-.-(-r :ll .te-.-_----_...----------------.-----t------t------ ----..---------------t-----+----o o o o ,L:::> II -PUBLIC CORPORAT IONS I h "'apph-:dUo n-u lor 'an oiI .ar,J.\tu~tfi ncline ,i d~nl i i y all Fed e eat tand s b y a ~.zn.(.;y Im p ac te d by p ropc sa l, !I -apfJtica llon'is ror 'an"o il o r g a9 p l p eHne •.deacelbe any related right-oC-way Or temporary USe permit ap - -·.~atio n'S.a nd identify p re viou s ap p Ji c olti or.~: o o o o oo COpy-,Cit.Iaw fo rm i n~c e rpceattcn 1t ".pplica Uon is !o r ':l~oil or-~as pi p ~l in~,pecv ide informioltion rrquired .by ·lt e m "l·f ~'and III_g "abo ve. COpy of .ecso tct tcrr au thor izing CHing ProoC of .oeg antz.at iorr -------------------------------------f--~~_:rf--=~- 01-PARTNERSHIP OR OTHER UN1NCORPORATED ENTITY A"ticles of as soc iat ion,if an y 0 0 If one-p~rt~r is au:horized t o s ign.reso lut ion a1,lthoriz ing action i s 0 0 Narrte-and a ddres s of e ach p a rticipant.p artner.a ssociat ion,o r other 0 0 If applicilti on is Cor a n oil o r-gas pipe l lne,provide inlormation 0 0requiredbyItem"1_("and eft_gil abo ve. 1'the"rl!quired in for :':'l iltion i s a lr eady rU ed with the a cc ncv proce ssing th is application a nd is current ,c h ~ck block ent itled "Filed.to PtoVide "th c fi le-ident ifi cat ion i nformation (,.g.n umb er,dale,code,name).If not o n file or current,attach the requested information. \ " N,JTlCE .[1",P rivacy A ct 9r 19701 provide s that you be rurni sh.,,,the fn l10wing in(or fl:ilr;OIl in cen-rcct t cn with I n(orm.3tion re~uirca:-by this"appf Icat icu iu ~an authorizat ion. AUTHORITY:16 'U.S .C .310;5U.S .C .301. P ~l "'~'::-I P A I_P'j RO")SE'Thf"in rOf'r.\.'t~(\n !.,:0 "e u~·_'d to proc en e- the application . RQUTINE USES :(I)The pr oces sinr.or tI",.pplic.nt's re quc s t Cal"an au t~"r i z ;.Jti on ,(2)Dccumc n tat i on for publ ic information , (3)'I"tnsrcr to u ppr opri"tc Eede eat a\-".cnc h,-s when concur rence is eequieed r rior t o ,~rOJntin~n ri~:ht i n pub lic l nnd s or r ewources . (4)(50)I..Corm .ltlOn h tl"\t he rec ord .ln d /or the re cord w t ll he tr OJ.n ~­ tuned to iJl'P h 1pri .11 e,Felleral .Stelle .lcc a l o r Iore i en OI r.C'nc ics, when rel ..·Yunt t v c ivil,crimin ul or u ..·,~u l :Jtory tl1\'('stic.,ations 'or pro~uC'\lt,on~, EF"F"I::CT .OF N OT PHOVIOING INFOFlMATION :n isclo sure or t he inror:natLon i s \'I du nt .uy,If noll the I uform ot lon l"!'l no t provid"ef,thl' QI1IJ!J.t.:;Jth)IJ ma)'I",'f\'JI"C"lt.·d. DATA COLLECTION ST ATeMENT, "l;bt..(I '~J('r ul U I',I'IU ·ic'~:co lll~('t th i :i illf orrn:l t h 'n Ir cru u l'Jll icnnt s 1'\:''1\I~..till1:r,,'.hl.tlf"W,ly.Jh,'rmit ,h l.'l·n~c '.h .·.H.C...,f (-l 'rtjClclltivn fur th"us,",lJ(.....·t lt·r ••1 1.lI\ch•• Tlw "'~trt'rlll ...~t·IH 'U':I 'UfI("t h i s in(url1lu lil\1\to COY ,i1luolh'!'thC' al1l1l i "'IIIJt'~P"·I"I ~,u l. Lht'1"lhUe h 011111'.11 11',1 tu f"sl'lln,1 11\l li iot lnrutmntion ""qu t.·hl if lhv \e \li l:lh lu uhl .1I11 1 "'lnll~"i l nn 11l U~It.·""th-Ilil l 1II HI:I• .,-----.~-:-:::"-.."--._.. f.PPL ,I(~I.~f Oil T RAtI SPOflHllntl MID UTI 1I 1Y_T r.~\'. •.W"tW rA C l llT IL~(lt l'1.l!l I;A L L AUDS • i ,. f ";~ 9f.N.f:flf.!:.'':l F 9 fl~i\TI ()N This A;"pli ,an on wi ll be ~s(..d .wh e n opplyinJ;:for a .ri ~~ht.o(-way . r r:-'Ir:ll c,:cn :..t '.t eas,c,or c;1,:rt lllc .::Ite lor t he u:a:().r r c llrr ;il l l ands r 'h I ll'v.l~hln c C'J1 ;cr v.:ltJ o rt s~";h:rn url l!;;md :".:·ct)n ..1 R·:t",·,OI ';"J ~t ·(.r ,,,:.'.1."''':''11'':"''\h ...~;..5 ,~::lln C~~In ~Ih 't.lil ~;LI :;...t IfHloI ! l~r"r ..·.1 (..'rd',l""n ~'·r v .::lt _i ('n A ct.,.•C un ~.'~r \'·IIII .I .'""'V!;ll·~.lI r lt s •".eo ..l ••t I ".:;c...;',P ,__:1 ~..,.•l .l ~I-,,1 1·-I...·(,,",,:",1'.a f ;:.'."I"u ,I'"·...I.~I Sc enic kl ·:t:l~S}"::tt:l.,.N ;tli on ••l Trouls.S Y!,h:m•.....I ',I....U .'~.lll on ..1 ""Ih!c m!:'ss pre servat ion SyMcm.an(.)Na tional Forest ~~."'U~L·I'\:~. l..,diVldUiJl d e-part::1cnt s /?&cnci cs m ?-y ;aulhoriz~,the u se o(this lor;n 'by ~ppli c a:1t s lor t t~n spott~t1on ,and ulthty systems and '."ci1iti~s 'o~~~~~!f F ~:!~~~~?g ~~~~s~g~those areas desc r ibed .hove:·'. Tr.lnsporta'Jon and ~t~lity sy~tCtnS r~~!?~~Iity uses Cor which the ~pp1ic~tioa m.ay be us e d ~re : -,Res"rvo irs,c£I::uIIs.ditc hes .flu!IIoe"s.laterals.p ipes,pipe• .\.'t t.;rtc.C'ls.'i1::d otb"':f ~r?'!~~!"f~{~~,~::L~r;1ec ,t !"iJn sp?rtc.t;:.-n, .?r ~~s t ~!b~t~o~or N:!t~r. 2.P ipelines and o ther sy s~~~~for the tr ~nsportation of g;JSCS !~a !~9~~~s ether t b cn w ~t ~~. 3.p ip ~li o e s,slutt)"an d emu ls i oa $i·~t~m ~.and conveyor belts ~<?~~~~n s p o d~t !?~_O r :-?H~~~tcri ~!s. ~..Sy~teEuS for !~e g c ner ~t ~o~.t~=~~~!5siQn.and distribution or electrfc ~ne rS':y. 5 .S~'stC I:'1~Cor t ransrn ls s icn o r tecejJti0!1 of r a dlo ,tetev i s Icn, telep hone.t el e-graph'.·~~4:f orhe r ~~~c tf '?~!~~~gf!':1l s,a nd other m eans ol co~cl~~~~alio :ls. 6 ..Improved rigb t s-o f-wa y (ar ~~~w !%1a~~ines,air cushion V~bic ~es.cmc!!lP;t!;~~~a n ve ~~~l c~. 7..Bo~~s ,h i ~~tvay ~.r ail.roads ,t u~~~~s .tram ways .a irwa y s, airports,1andin~~t rip s .d o cks,~!14 C?~he r s ystems Qf generalttanspOttation.....,,...,-,.,-.... S.Other u se of ~ede r a l l ands ~or ~~;ch ~Federal r ight-or-way, ~~a·se.p ~~~t,!!c::~s ~.c:~~~f ~cat~C?~!~~hor~z ation is required. FI~It~C;;INFOBM ....TION 'thh :l.pplicat ioc r::U .ft b e Fil ed siC1ulta.neou s ly with e ..ch Federc.l ,tepartmc Qt 'o'r'agency r eq ui ring O1Ll ~~or ~~ation to establi sh and ~~~"!~~Y<?\!:~p ~op oS :,J ~..- f~r propo s~~~~o c;at e d outside of Alaska,~flp1ic~t i on s will he filed ~'!lo c al iJgcncy o Ulce o r ut a l oc ~q on specHied by the re spo n· S F~~.~~~l ~i;c.n.c::y . I;1:a ~I~~k~,t he ~ol.l o win[:ag en cIes .....~~l help the a pplicant file an ~pp~ici?ti on a nd id cntHy tlll~other ~r.encic s t he appl icant should ~~~ct ,!n d P o s~\9I r f il"wi th :. Q~pattroe nt of ~9rieultl:'re ~~g ~0 E?-":Il Fort:st er.~'or~st SctviC"e (USFS) }o"'cd ct:d 'if(icc Bul ldin~.P.O"Uox 16 28 Juneau,.:\t .'\!.ka 9l)~02 Te h.·~h ot.'··:p .)I)')SSS-=;.!t7 (.".,:UI I II /;..'1·...'~I·'~·;,·C"(I lii.·,,·, G e por.l mcl'U or Inler ior ~u,~nu o f In ."an Mlit i,s ([lI A) Junc~u ,\,c.'O llie ".P .O.U9<J-=8000 Junc :lu.Al a sk ;1 l)Y $O ~ T~I"p li "uc :190')5$6-7201) Dur"au o f La nd M ~n ilv.cment (OL M) 701C Strec t ,Bo x IJ Anchor a~",Alil skit C)I)S lJ T cf c pheee:(907)27 1 -S0S$(0 '"toea]RI..II n //,,'rj S a".>o:.1 P;l r ~S crv ie e (="PSl '\;e"l~k 3 "L·~l n .I ••1 ")((w r"'.S ,~O w ear 5th A\·t,·nlle ,R oom ~02 An j'h ·lr a,'.f'"ALI ..-:....!nO::')1 Tch,'r.llorw :(',,,,j 2.11'-'.,')1) U .S.F i sh &.Wildlif"S erv ice (FWS) Offt"c o f th e rJ··\":'ln.l1 O ilt"(·tol ,WII E as t T ucl ~r Ro ad Anchora ge,AI~sk~9 'lSOJ Telep hone:(907)2 76 -3~00 =""tl:·r--i1i u r:~w:th a ny I nte ei or ar.':'nc ~·m ay be r:.:f:U wi th an y Ci eri ..,c• noted a bove or w ith the :Office or ~he Secretary o ft he Intt"r h"ot , Region al En vironmental Officer,Do x 120.1675 C Street,Anchorn ~~C'. Alaska 99S13. Deportn1ent or Transporta1ion Federal 'AviationA dm inf s trat ion Alaska R eg ion A AL--l,P.O.14 Anchorag e.Al as ka 99 S 13 NOT E-The Dep art ment of T'ran s portat lo n h as e st abl i s bed the a bove centra l filing po in t f or age nc i e s w ithin t hat Dt:p3r t ~e nt. Af(lf'cted ~p.encies are :F coe ret A vi n ti ee Admi ni str ati on IF AAJ. Co ast Guard (USC G).F'cder at Hi j-hw ay Ad m ir.is"at too (FIlIl'AI. Federal Ra ilro adA dministra tion (FRA). SPECIFIC I "lSTRUC Tl ONS [Items not l ie tc»!""t'";t ·I!.~.\·pl ll ll('/(l ry) tum 7 Attach p r e lim i nar~'si te and f ac ility construc tion pl ans,T he respon s ible a ge ncy wi ll p ro vide in struc tio ns w henever s p ed . fic pl an s a re requ ire d.. 8 Gen erally.t he m ap "l lt.~1 show t he section(s),tQwnshi p(s). and rang e(s)w itl,in w hich t ht:'pr o ject i s t o be toco1tcU.Sh ow the prQ posedl oc ation o f the p ro ,it·ct on the m ap as accur.alclj· as po.ssibl(:.S omc .:l ~en c i cs ft.'qui rl:'deta iled survcy m aps. The're sponsi ble aF:c ncy will p rovi de additional i ns truct io:ls. 9,10.and 12-The res pon sible a r.~n cy will provide a dd itio nal instructions. IJ Prov iding in Cor:;lOJ tio n on alte rnate rou tes a nd modes i na s m uch det ail ~s po ~~i b l c,dis cu~sing w hy certain r out es ." modes were reject ed.a nd wh y it is nccc ss ~r y t o c ross Federal land s w i ll O1 s si st t he a Rcnc y (ies)i n pr oc e$sing your appItc::IItion .:1 nd r caching a fin al d ecision.Incl u de o n lr reasona ble a lt crn c:li te rout es a nd modes as relat ed to c urren t techno loi:Y a nd e conomics. 14 The re sponsible agency wiJl pro vide instruction s. 15G cner.aU y.a s imp le statcme nt of the purpose of t he propo sal w ill b e suffic ient.lIl,Jwever.ma jor propQs;J !s lo c a t ed i n critical o r se nsi tive areas may r eq uire .a full .:In.:llys is wi th addit ion .:11 ~peciCi c in forma tion.The re spons Ible a gency will prO Vide a ddition al i ns tr uc ~ions. 16 through 18-PrO Vidi ng t his tnfl,)rmation in a:::;.m uch det ai l a s possible will ass i st t he F cdt.·r .:l l a~cn cy (ie5)i n pro,cssi n\-,,: the a p plicat ion and r ea ch inc:.ill dec ision.When compl l:tir~ these i te m s.y ou s ho ulet u:-;c so und j :Jur,mC'nt in fur ni;h l n;' 1·.'I ,,·\·.I"lt in (ori.1 il tirJ"',Fv r l ··,....;-p l::.if the i Jrci\·t ::~n .:·n":lr II str,,·.m or o thl'r LJudy uf \\·..Itt:r.do 'wi addrt,·ss.thi s s u bject. The respons ible accncy w ill prov ide additional i ns trUCtions. Applic.::t tion "111\"1 b e s igned b y the .pp1ic~nt o r "pp li C"e"l nt 's author iz ed r ('prcscntati~·t'. !'od,Jiti~nol space i s needed to complete any itrm,ple ase put t he informat Ion on '0 s oporoto sheet c f paper and identify it a s "C ontin. uQtion or Item .. • RESOLU TIO N#22 (Seri esof 19 82) A RESOLUT IO N AUTHO RIZING AN APPLICATIO N TO ASSIG N BU REAU OFLAND MANAG EM EN TRIGH T-OF-WAY C-27015 FRO MCARPENTR Y UNL IM ITE D,IN C.TO THE TOW N OF VAIL AND SETTI NG FOR TH DETAILS IN RELATIO N THERETO. ..."-'--:r---"-~'::'~._.<':~l v····.!.\~;.j :;~;I ~1 k1Jt ~......."" ..75 s .ircntaee road vail,colorado 81 657 office o f tow nclerk WHEREAS,Carpentry Un l im ited,Inc.has been issued a right-of-way by the Bureau of Land Manage ment fora certain,80-foot wide parcelofland cu rrently improved and usedasa public roadway and bridge;and '.WHEREAS,the Town Council ofthe Town ofVailwishesto have the Bu reau of Land Manage ment ass ign the right-of-way from CarpentryUnlimited, Inc.tothe Town ofVail for thepublic health,safety .and welfare; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAI NED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, CO LORA DO : I t ishereby kn ow nt hat the applicati onto assign righ t -of ~way C-27015 ' from Carpentry Unl,i mited tothe Town of Va il is authorized. I NTRODUCED,READ,APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 2nd day of Novem ber,1982. Bill Wil to,Mayor Pro-Tern ATTEST:. cI:iu.JJtaj Town Clerk (. TO WN OF VAIL • ~o\\'\ .. • 1270 .9C -.»•S ?>Zo 4 ::"10"E 245 .18 GORE CREEK \1'54"W N 28°04' 18 7 II p.O.B . N32045 '10"W X1{: 20589'../'i{, lot 2~ BlM \'3 ~\.98 1,"1 0 e N .210 34'12"W . ,\~.,,""'h/t""W 19 /73.66 1 ~.\. 1493.44 __--..l'_---...:.:;.:.;.:.'=-O-- ..,.....---....------l W8\1 1/4 C urner Sec',,,"14 c:'n {/;:..~I ..."II',I ......_.-"'It~_~;~~.i :-r:! r .;.~; I :('.:D i .~:: !:.J->.. _.,~~':(f) (,,; -'-;'...:I ~~~;.~ C ,'....J !i _.J :.'j ;"t,·.'~;'?"'f....~f ~~,,-~"";~~/ '...':'.1 ~i ~.._.:.:fV\.i : ;~~"~i ';:J }' &.•'.. ;::0:;:3 (.'..'J (.). u,I~.» t '"..- 1.:~!: r '..'-e O..,.-::::J Ii)'..J -J <:> u,o z ~o I- RlD W40' e .' 0...~__~_.. Description for Road &Public Utilities Right-of-Way A right-of-way 80 feet in width for the purpose of ingress and eyress a nd p ublic utilities ar-r-cs s pub-Li c lands.to a private parcel of land for the use as 3 public roadway and utility corridor ~o be constructed to Eagle Cou~ty Standards.Said right-of-way being lo- cated within the :;ort!n·:est Quarter of S e c t i on 14,Lots 23 and 24, Township 5 South,Range>81 Kcst of the Sixth Princiapl ~leridian according to the De pend e>nt Resurvey of said Township and Range as approved on Se ptember 29,19 75,beino mo re p e r t i ou La r Ly described as fol10.....s,to wit: -I I .., /} Davie L.Kunkel R.L.S.14109 Beginning at 3 point on the South erly line of the Northwest , Qu arter from ~hich a wit~ess corner to the West Quarter Corner of said .Se c tion14 bears S.87°~7·39··W.1903.45 feet distant;thence N.32°45'10"W 20 5.89 ·feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of U.S.Inter- st ate Highway No.70;th ence along said Interstate No.70 Right-of-Way 80 .01 feet on a curve to the left with a radius of 2110 feet,the chord of which bears ~.~2°00·56"E.80.00 feet distant;thence de- pa rting said Interstate Right-of-Way S.32°45'10"E.245.1&feet to a po int on the Southerly line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14 S.87°11'54"W.92 .01 feet to the point of begining.Said right-of-way contains 0.4123 of an a~re,more or less. Date -II ~.,- ,.....', ..'...... ·".·'.·.",..~,~'.·.., :J /J .. .•'..-t.t ....•I ••• ."i::•','l .l:1· '••0° •'.t·i ~t ,...··~..'..'...._,. T:','7.•~"".".......~'.!''\",","t ·,'I ....,';:'~,,!"\C .I .''..'•••".....i J U;':.::',::;;.:.:'.:.,:i;':.:,..-,'.;.-:..-s .....'-L ,':'G,'I·;Ci":. u i i j ~:_~.A./...J:!!..I..l.r .?::.T1",~i ~'4 :3 d Jk,.-&~PJt I .._•.••.•;••••.•••_-:~'--- ....................~=-----.;;..- T C,~·'d ·:CL ~n :\ • {.: 82-151 1021 36205 AMOUNT $LIA25.00 DATE 50 R\G+~Tit~~$44;2 5 dol's 00 cts i TOWN OF VAIL 75 se.,ReNTAGE RD. VAIL,COLORADO 81657-5096 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT r *TO THE ORDER OF PAY ! j I .' TOWN Of"VAIL VAIL,COLORADO DETACH AND RETAIN T HIS S TATEMENT THE ATTAC HEO CHECK 19 IN PAYMENT OF'ITE~S DESCRI8ED BELOw , IF NOT CORRECT PLI[4el:NOTIN ue PRO M PTLY.NO flI1[CItI~DEe IRED. DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT .: ;ij 1 ~~ 11/2/32 12 226 530 ASSIGNMENT OFBLM'RIGHT OF WAY C27015 ... $4A25,OO 1 1.! y o• ';..,-",:,;.