HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 3 LOT 2 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 n0479-2138 O DEPARTMENT oF coMMU*tr" ]rroPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B,06-0172 Project # PRI06-0261 Job Address: 2744 BASINGDALE BLVD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2744 BASINGDALE BLVD. LEFT SIDE Applied . . : 07105120M Parcel No...: 210314301027 Iszued . .. : Wl06l2O06 Expires. ..: 0ll02l2007 owNER BASTNGDALE pRopERTrEs rrlJc K.07/os/2006 4737 DOIJPHII{I CAY IJN S 309 ST PETERSBT]RG FrJ 3 3 711 APPLTICANT DRURY BRoTIIERS RooFINc 07/05/2006 Phone: (303) 274-8501- 5707 W. 5TH AVENT'E I,AKEWOOD co 80214 License: 805-B CONTRACTOR DRURY BROTHERS ROOFING 07/05/2006 Phone: (303) 274-8601 5707 tt. 6TH AVENI'E I,AKEWOOD co 802L4 I-,icense: 805-B Description: REPI,ACE ROOF ON LEFT HAIJF OF A DUPI'EX WITII SHAKES Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $6,499.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 Building----> $139.25 Restuarant Plsn Reyiew- > Plan Check-- > $90.51 Re.reation Fee------ > Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES------------> Will Call---- > $3.0O FEE SIJMMARY +'tr*rr*i.rrilrtr******r*'r****'t'r*:r*'r,r*+*++t++:r't*{(tr**'***r.'1.*'t*!i('t:ir.'ri* $0.00 Total Calculated Fees- > $232,76 $0.00 AdditionalFees------>fi5.00 9232.76 Total Permit Fee----- > $307.76 Paymens--------- > $307.76 BALANCE DUE---...> $O.M Approvals: Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEIiIr 07/05/2006 Js Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEM| Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 PIIBITIC WORKS See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according 0o the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rcview qproved, International Buildins "t r*" codes ad other ordinance, otro*n 4plicable thereto. REQUESTS nOn INSIACITON SHAII BE MADE TWEI{TY-]IOIJR EOITRS lN ADYANCE }Y TELffiONE AT.37}21$ OR AT OUR OIIICE FROM &|tr AIU - 4 ltt. SIGNATT,JRE OWNERORCONTRA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER v -:****:t****1.******:*****************i.******:t*:********:**,********,1*rl.*******tN.*tl.***,F***,N.*!N.*****,t*,1.*tt***{.***:1.*'t* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: BM-0172 as of 07-06-2fi)6 Status: ISSUED **'|.*'|.*,|.*{<***{.*'|.'*'|.*{.!F:|.:f,|.*,t.!t:t***'t{*:**:|.*!t(*!tC****'}**********:**:t(*:**:|.*,|.******** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07105120{J6 Applicant: DRLJRY BRoTHERS ROOFING Issued: 07lMl2M (303) 274-8ffi1 To Expire: 0l/02/2n7. Job Address: 27214 BASINGDALE BLVD VAIL Location: 27'14 BASINGDALE BLVD. LEFT SIDE ParcelNo: 210314301027 Description: REPLACE ROOF ON LEFT HALF OF A DI.JPLEX WITH SHAKES ,t**:|.'t{.,r*****{.*,.*,t.**.*!*.{.,l.{.,t.**t1.****t't:*{.*.,l.*!*,t*:****1.***Conditionsi.{.,***:|.,t*****,t:ti.*1.****** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2OO3IRC. o ****+t'*t'l'l'i't**!t*'l********f *rlt***+***t't!t*'t{'***{'!ta't*!t++**|.++++*** * t + + + * * * ********************* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement r*****++i+*+++++*'t't't*++*r*{r{r*********++t+**++t++++++*********+t********'}i*+*+*ft****i+++l+** Anonnt: ;307.76 07/06/2005L1 :05 AM Init,: DDG Notation: DruryBroa StaEement Number: R060000932 Payment Method: Check 3't57 ***'t+**++*++*********++**l**l'***************t********++'lf***a*****'f*+***********'t+******+**1 PermiE, No: Parcel No: Site Address: Locat.ion: This Payment 3 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 0 010 0 00311110 0 cL 00100003123000 PF 00100003112300 wc 0 010 0 0031128 0 0 805 - 01?2 Type: 2103 -143 -0102 -7 2744 BAS IDIGDAJ,E BI,VD 2744 BASINGDALE BLI'D. $307.75 Description ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERI4IT VAIIJ I.,EFT SIDE Total Fees: $307.75Total AIJIJ Pmtss: $307 .76 Balance: $0.00 Current Pmts 139.25 75.00 90.51 3 .00 BUILDING PERMIT FEES CONPRACTOR LICENSES PI.AN CHECK FEES WII,L CA].,L INSPECTION FEE lt r 7\ /r l\*1t,'2.'I -^rr.^r.i.rlrt 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 o COMPLETE OR 0to. O< 6 / BffiU:.'6fTH Project #: IT APPLI plumbing, TO! Separate CONTRACTOR INFORMATION S"-fl:"J'trK Q".,!,,-,.'"*Ru$*ry"''Contact Person and Phone #s:Rol'" \) o,.r{,o^ Email addrE5s:-.\)Fax#: 3c3 - e)q- SbOC- Contractor Signature: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $orHER:$ lo.qQq.0O PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 orvisit Itosrvsoloa) WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remode}f-) Repair(X) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( )Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins (NOT ALLOWED FOR OFFICE USE ONLY \ F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\buildinsiermit'Doc / JUN 3 0 2006 TOWN OF VAIL Page I of 15 oaw200s 07-13-2006 lnsoection Reouest Reportins Page21 4:12 om Vail GO'- Cittr Ol - Reouosted lnsooct Dato: Frldav. Julv 14, 2006' SltdAddrcssz 2T44.EASIIIGDALEBLVDVAIL 2744 BAS]NGDALE BLVD. LEFT SIDE ArPrD lnformatlon Reouostcd Time: 08:00 AIll' Phone: (303) 274€601 Entered By: FRONT K ('N( Activitv: 806-0172 Tvoe: A-BUILD SubTvpe: ADUP Status: ISSUEDConslTyp6: Oceulahbyl Ube: InspArea:Olrier: BASINGDALE PROPERTIES LIC K.Apolicant DRURY BROTHERS ROOFING Phone: (303) 274€601 Cohtractor: DRURYBROTHERSROOFING Phone: (303)274€601 Description: REPLACE ROOF ON LEFT HALF OF A DUPLEX WITH SHMES ' Reauested Inspection(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor DRURY BROTHERS ROOFING / Gail Comments: LEFT SIDE ONLY Assioned To: JMONDMGON- Ac{ion: Time Exp: Inspcction Historv It€m: 70 BLDG-Misc.Item: 90 BLDG-Final REPT131 Run Id: 5491 o/y#trffi Design Review Board ACTIOTI FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Veil, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:.97Q.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Prcject Name BASINGDALE PROP REROOF Project Description: Participants: OWNER Project Address: Legal DescripUon: Parcel Number: Comments: DRBNumb€r: DR8060265 FINAL APPROVAL TO REPI.ACE ROOF ON HALF OF A DUPLEX WITFI SHAKES-SAME FOR SAME BASINGDALE PROPERTTES LLC K.06/28/2006 4737 DOLPHIN CAY LN S 309 ST PETERSBURG FL 33711 APPUCANT BASINGDALE PROPERTIES LLC K.O6/28/2006 4737 DOLPHIN CAY LN S 309 ST PETERSBURG FL 33711 2744 BASINGDALE BLVD VAIL Location: 2744 BASINGDALE BLVD. Lok 2 Block 3 SuMivision: Vail Intermountain 2103-143{102-7 See Conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/SITAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcvalz 07 /0512006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and consffuction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008221 The applicant shall replace the exisiting cedar shale roof with a new cedar shake roof which matches the existing roof. Planner: WarrenCampbell o* r*Qo: f2o.flt II O' -,---r--r.to^.'ia.rrOI t '-L - conceptual ReviewI Lf(}\A anatlcalion'for D€s'lgn Review h*rffit7 ,,ffiffiflffiffi"'r\rurr r- HF_ ,,, ,^*, *rrr.ornor._r, Gqrcr|llnbnneum:fifi fi +1ffi;.Higi:*"' l.us: teeive ! PFto''lr T.IrT's!ffiiill$'iilfiWE4ti'il*i;--r-- L rL- r.h-!,r'r Drrff.rrrlrrl$ tor ttE ogli6Jhl tpFon :ml tr;#'ffi ;ffiffiS'ffi'fr:ffi:{ ffiH*ffi :3'ffiffiffi.4[ft; 6 thc ;iilmdt'q,r-tn"nF q.q5-t ror"**-mLffi.tffi ilffi fltd5'i#'$ffim"HIF#*.:,H1!'no,J$",1,ffi rxffiT'ti&Jli'&;'n*'cornnrlccwid'ra orc isrof tho.tpunl' Oescrlndm of $e Rf,uctE hdHng Peiltn 4Cqttryn: flcl'e f5{-E of Uts Phtslc.l Addrs: Percl l{o.; zonlng: l.ril{3) ot OJncr(r}i lddrurrl Ovrnrr(s) Sl$rfrrr($! Nrm€ aIlPpllclnt! ifrllhtAddlcrs! E-fiell lrld?tEg3; at\.JYtPl,(J,I= Pr6-porr |"og I'gdc- z t--{/tEzsd-.' ooc$eilq TyF of r.$.w end Fsc: O, .Slgnl [D/Concepbral RsYitw E mntctt*irslsrb' roonion tr i4inorAlHthn (mttFllnilrrcoilnsq'l) O MhorAllitfon (rhe l.'f!rhiv/{luPbtl f] Chlft .i to APPr6'cd P{ant tr sepo|ai€nRcqucat 150 NO FCC 155o 93oo *rso *20 $20 No Fee rtpL.av BE tr-00 9Gr rqtf,il foot cf tcbl dgn tns' * ffiffir Tiffi *ffiTl*Txffi"'E& * *ds"Htttaar ill|dr aeetocd bv PlsnohtB $daf d $e ocrlgn Ra1ar Sornl Eagh Co.A!!csgo|9?&32&8e$ 6l Parccl m') 'ntPlrot:r DtBor'o ?Lf {;'*, - oAm:;rV.'f -6'..6C=626 ( e'o 866trt99-l.Zl.uosJepuv ue)l BSerlL 90 9l unl O' concePtual Review O Ap pllcation ior Design Revieri' DeD.ftm.il qt Ommunty Developfilent- - -r i=fi rnniii Rpad,ltrli, colorado 81657- tr: sto.a79.21e8 fex:,9?Oa79',{52 tGD: $,lw.vail9or.cun ATm"ffigrn ,wla' must reivc arFovt;',lg' to.gbnGin9 B.htlH1!-rytnt agellcabt -Ftcttc ?€tU b d'. iibmltrr ,.qununefitr tq tE psttlqrh. appr*'.idt t';;q";i;' rn apdttn6on for D€5gn R..'t€lY cannot ltc aoaGd t!fi dl tlqu|rat rrtrinruon r qtdti il;ffi'GmntuW oc''iiottt€* DGPadnoL Ttc ffi€ct ll'ar rho n€Gd o u. ,lil[o-iig,c;_*n coo.or'.iiiiiuri]dnNi and Etirionngllil omrmls't iterisn rrytrw 4prourr rniJ ;;-le* i h[lftt n tttri i'Lii'rii-Cnrttga6n conmnccr widtil omicrroldroeppronl' .at -t--t A,--> .-r^.;-.- (\ Dcscrlpdut of d|. Rfitlctc -J W,* + 13, E f ofCt Pr5-porl: LoE Bqdi:- c+7 L- Eagh Co. Aslesto.9-?G32Fs6'{0 16 Parcd no') d/t{ Phol:; FSIGC Addrwr F!]EGIilOI Zonlng: l|.rn{oo?Ot nrr(r): Addrcrs: o'i,ns(r) Slgntn(r): lfrne ofilPgllcant: tlalllng Addrerrr arnan rocers: A&DetrS tcxtg.---rut- r*DL'a'- ooc$ 3 TYpeof nru|rilendFec: O. -Slgrrr f50 tlEtlio ps rqrnn foot of tobl tigm il€' ln/conccouEl RsYi?w No Ftc E [r:rr;;*"t 1650 Forconsrr&tionofanew'hilltlhgordtno/rebulld' E ;ifto,,------ ffi #S*dHFm$ffiff:'i:i8#ffiHi: o l4inor AIEzU6| i250 ror mltu cnenFd-urungt rnd tlt" iltprot'6trd'.s 3uc!t EE (6ulF.hni|y,comn€d.|) rerEo'|rE, ,.ifi-'i, iii,id;fi, looiumr,-|dd3caPfitg, f3tca and ruoinftg ura. ts. dc. O l,lhor|tfirfion {40 rornrin6lOrffimou*tn9a!'$Flmprsrsncnts'5ud1t5' (5frgllrrhiv/dupls) l1::'u;#j.-nffi-dffidil #fum'-bndsp'ne' Gts ild retaln'tng valls, stc' o changcsbApprstcdptarls tl20 F", ,rlf,qp'trlanr strqdr appmnd by Plenning st'[T or dle Dulgn Rstav Soard tr sfp.?.0anRaqtlctt tro Fee -'.-, f -6(o s6- ()z6( g'd 866Vr99-LZL uo$epuv lu€x ege:fl 90 9l unf JOtlfT PROpEiTY O$I|ER WTTTTIII ADFROVAT IETTER I, (fint mme desd*hn) pmvlde $E lser ae wdtFn apprcrat of tt|e plans dEEd whlch htvir been ssbmiued b t'le Town gf lttfl @mmunw Dcrrclofrrelrt Dcparumnt tur tie propos€d impoue'trcrfts b bc cDfi|pletf,d at tm.dd]€ss noted aboe. I undeFbnd t|r.t the propced InrprovemenG hclude: f nfi$tet undecbnd ttlat mlnor modlflcatlons mry be mtde b the plans orcr thc @urse of the rwtew proac3s b ensuc conrplLnce wltfi the Tovrr'S apilEable codes and rcguladOrs. B\c{e'^FoR.ls\Plntflrqp.'lr{n9wb_€0ncepE.t_ll.:!!.btE.dc hge 3 of +rv23/200s E8€: LL 90 9L unfZ'd 8660t99-r.Zr.uos.r€puv luey o ,-#Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of @mmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 tel : 97 0.4A.2L39 fax:. 97 0.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us Project Name: 2744 Basingdale Blvd. DRB Number: DRB020238 Project Description: Replace concrete sidewalk with same and timber retaining wall with concrete around parking area Participants: OWNER MAYNE, STEVEN A. - ROCHE, PA0712212002 Phonet 143 WYCLIFFE DR MOTGOMERY TX 77356 License: APPUCANT MAYNE, STEVEN A. - ROCtlE, PAOil22l2O02 Phone:936-597-5984 143 WYCUFFE DR MOTGOMERYTX 77356 License: ProjectAddressz 2744 BASINGDAIE BLVDVAIL location: Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block: Snbdivision: HOLI-ADY & BMMBLE TOWNHO Parcel Number: 210314301026 Comments: SeeConditions Motion Byr Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/09/2002 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: 08i09/2002 By: Warren Action: COND @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiues. Entry: 08i09/2002 By: Warren Action: COND Pfanner: l)or'rn C^pbrll DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 T0I4'NM Application for Design Review Department of Community Development ZS Sor.lin Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 taxl. 970'479'2452 web: www.ci.vail.co'us ffil,:i*rt?JrTn:i:$. review must receive approvar prior to submittine a buirdins permit apprication' ?lease refer to the submittat requirements for the particula, "pptouii tn"t ii requeiea' An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informat'ron is receive-J 6v it't cottunity Development Department' The project may also need to o"'r!],iu*.O"Uy tne ro*n Countiiunfuotlhe Planning and Environmental Commission' Design review approval tapses unless a building p"#ii ii'Gu"a and corrtrucion commences within one year of the aPProval. 4 -,-7 /) of the Request: Physical Address: )Parce|no':@(contactEa9|eCo.Assessorat97!p86q0!orparce|no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s)io -tlu €ttS Name of APPlicant: Mailing Address: .?4/re ' Phone: Fax:E-mail Address: Type of Review and Feel tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Construction n Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-familY/commercial) .Af Minor Alteration (Single-familY/du Plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area' No Fee $6s0 $3oo $2so $20 No Fee ( tig) For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' For an addition where square fo-otage is added to.any residential or -r..i.i.iirrifOing (includes 250 aiditions & interior conversions)' ;;;;;h*r";"to buitdingt and site improvements' such as' ;;frs, -p"n-i"s, window idditiont, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc.'rlitin6..nunges to buildings and site improvements' such as' ;ilfrg-piititi"g, windoi- ioditiont,'landscaping' fences and ,"niuj wails, etc' -- roftTirion, to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, For Office Use OnlY: Fee Paid: .?D 66..111o.'7-3bO s' JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print n"-.1 /^ ANAaRsgnl ,a joint owner of propefi located at (address/legal /)l description) ATqL/ KAg gAftL provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Auv*t:t Atrsu-{aail m{p 7- /?' a2- (Signature)(Date) to be comoleted at the address noted above. I understand that the Page 2 of LZ|OZ|OTl02 IONNM -THIS FORM CANNOT BE REDUCED (Please type or print) TOWN OF VAIL APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAtNTATry TMPROVEMENTS ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-Of.WAY TYPES OF IMPROVEMENTS Fence Wall '\ OWNER OF PROPE ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY T E SERVED: LOT 2 BLOOKj3 _SUBDIV|S|ON (lf necessary, attach description on separate sheet). Corner lot lnside lot DETAILED D RIPTION O TRUCTURE OH ITEM(s)INTO Rl HT-OF-WAY:// Landscaping Does structure presently exist? y'6 Proposed date ior commencernffi In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1' That the structure lrerein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricteci exclusively to the land above described. 2. That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3. That the applicanl shall notify the project planner ancl public works Department, or their duly autltorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for conlmencement of construclion, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. 4. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless tlre Town of Vail, its ollicers, employees and agents against all liability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury,.personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, whiclr arise out of or are in any manner connecled with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or damage is causecl in whole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, tlre act, otnission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or otlrer fault of tlre applicant, his conlractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or representative of tlre applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at lhe sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all expenses relating thereto, including court costs and attorney's fees, whether or not any such liability, claims, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. t 5. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to lhis Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of- way. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs lhe use of the right-of-way by lhe public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revol<ed at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. That llre applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruclion, or structure wilhin ten days after receiving notice of any revocalion of said permit. Thal lhe applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associafed with the encroachment on the right-otway. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in lhe same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. Recording Fee for Revocable Right-of-way Permit is $10.00 and 95.00 for every page thereafter. Make checks payable to Eagle county clerk and Recorder. Special conditions: 7';6-o2-. Date o. 7. B. 9. 10. 11. PWFORMS/MISC/REVOCABROW.DOC REVTSED 1/19/2000 Sif,nature of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) Date partment of Public Works t I I I ----* 6|_€=5H, \ aou/f tul?D (\-- -\5 . . i. :r: "-\.. \ : ,vt4"z s's./nE -l I I I I i ll iu) \It\ {\ hi \ N t\ t\lo!.r ,}-'lols\o \ N lv f-s'+ U) (A\ \-l \aF \\l\\- \\\-.-\< i'- - t-l=frb r.'r.6:E.tiiar.{. aft-*-,1*o* \ I'(lt r.-.1 [u\ \ t\})\s \\ DE$IGN RElilTEW srn\r APPRQ/AL \,-s-t- $\ N\ , \ 'Y\L \ \\:R sr \'\b\\F\\ \u\\\i s\ \i }\ (A ,\\(A \.-.I tr. $" Y+\$\R 5,i\\(^l t., o-di\x\l- d'i.$ \ th\' ..\\-(\ f\\(l s Cl N\ \$\ i***'t**t* +*** * * * * + t+ * * f * t * + * f t l. * + * + * * * + + f * * + * * *++ + * ,t * ** * + * * ** * * + + * *f**+r*+*f* ft+*tii*,t*t***TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemenr*fif*t* 't****** *tt*********tt*iitf** *++**t*t*****+1.* f,l+li** ***t*****t***+'i+f ** * * * + **t * t ** ** * *Statement, Nurnber: R000O02?71 Amount: 92O,0O 07/22/2OOZO2:33 pMPa)ment Method: Check Init.: JAR NoEation: 7360 Steven Ma)ae Permi t No: DRBO2O238 Parcel No3 2103143O1O2G Type: DRB -Minor A1t, SFR/DUP Site Addrees: 2244 BASINGDAIE BLVD VAILtocat,ion: Thia Payment:$20 . o0 Balance: gO, OO***+**l****ix*********'t***tf*+*** ***a*+**+f,**t+*f *++*+*t**t*+***********frl.,it+++***,i** ** * f+tACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript.ion Current pmts DR 00100003112200 DES]GN REVITl"i FEIS 20. 00 TotaL Feee: Total A&L Pmts : $20.00 920.00 DATE RBCE?T-T[c Towr of Vrll 20-:')- -li ldg 53?37 RECEIVED FROM ADDR.ESS PermitNumbers- HOw PlrL Crsh -.ap"{':--!7 Policq Re ceiptAumben TOWN OF VAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Department of Communiry Development75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address Location.. . ParceL No..Project No. 2744 BASINGDA],E BLVD 210 3-14 3-01-0 2 6 co 81658 co 81,658 2744 BASINGDAL, VAIL Stat.us. . .applied.. Issued... Expires. . ISSUED o6/02/tee5 o6/07 /tess 12 /04 / Lee5 APPLICANT CHENEY COMPANY, THE P O BOX 1094, VArL CoNTRACTOR CHENEY COMPANY, THE P O BOX 1094, VArLOWNER MAYNE STEVEN A - ROCHE PATRICIA ANN, Description: REPLACE SHAKE ROOF Oecupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Phone: 3039495195 Phone: 3039495195 co 81657 Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft:Valuation:7, 000 Fireolacc Information: Restricted:#0f Gas App I i ances:#0f Gas Logs:fof l,lood/Pa t Let: ***ff**ffi***ffffiffi**ffi*ffi**lr***iir*ffi*kffiffi*** FEE SUtll'IARY *****ffi*{.l*ffi*trt****ffi*ffi**ffi*H****ff***** 8ui Ldi ng----> Ptsn check---> Investigation>tlitL Catt----> 115.00 74.75 Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--> DRB Fee---------.00 Recreation tee----------> .00 .00 .00 100.00 Total Catcutated Fees---> Addition6L Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 29?.75 ?9?.75 292.753.00 Cl.ean-Up 0eposi t-------> TOTAL FEES---__ ,rff *'.ffitffi *ffi ***t*****fffi rffi **ffi *******ffi *ffi ************rffi **ffi **ffi ffi****tkffi *ffi Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: IIe-m: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT06/02/1995 DA\t Action: APPRIt.em:' 054OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT06/0211995 DAN Actionr APPRItbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT06/0211995 DAN Action: APPRItem:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS06/0211995 DAN Action: APPR ir**ffirrt**ffiffiffi****ffi**ffi*#**#*d#ffff****#*****#ffi****#t***ffi******ff*ff**ffi*#*** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknoutedge that I have rcad this apptication, fiLl.ed out in ful,l, the information requi red, conpteted an accurate ptotpl'an, and state that all the information providcd as requined is correct. I agfee to comply uith thc intornation and pl.ot ptan, to.conPLy rrith all ToLrn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the To]rn's zoning and subdivision codes, delign revicv approvcd, Uniforr BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Toun appl,icabte th.reto. REAUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TTIENW-fOUR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE SY TELEPHONE OFT ICE FROII Send Cl.ean-Up Deposit To: STEVE AYNE {j*"n"uoruo OF OIINER IOR HIIISELF AND TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frowage Road Page 2 CONDIgIONS Department of Community Development Yail, Colorado 81657 ..qWEIW4MF69I62 as of o6/07/ss srarus---: rssuED** FlYdnblhvstl t t t t x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******* * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pernit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant--: cHEi{Ey cOMpANy, THE' 3039495195 Job Address: 2744 BASINGDALE BLVDLocation---: Parcel No--: 2L03-t43-01-026 Applied--z 06/02/L99sIssued--- z 06/A7 /7995lo Expire: t2/04/L995 Description: REPLACE SHAKE ROOF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. 1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. {gr"n"*ruo ***f **;********************************************************* TOWN OF VAIL,, COLOR.,ADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number! REC-0034 Anountz 292.75 06/07/95 14:05 Payment Method: CHECK Notationt #5062 Init: LRD Permit No: Parcel No;Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Description BUILDTNG PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 895-0162 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE zLO3-L43-01-02 6 2744 BASINGDALE BLVDTotal Fees:292.75 Tota1 A],L Pmts: Balance: 292.75 292.7s .00 **************************************************************** Amount 115.00 74.75 100.00 3.00 PERMTT APPLICATTON FORM DATET 6-tg_?3 llAy ,t fis Job Name: fley'oe Fe<idenc{_ Job Addre=", 2?VV B>sin|jJ"/C tbsil Legal Description: Lot glock-3- riline suBprvrsroN, fht tt owners Name: S.l<vc N.r1nL Address:Pt..?7& tfir Architect: nI{ork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Atteration [ ]-Additional [u.j--Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dvelling Units: I Nunber of Acco;rnodation Units: .PtU"" and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances O Gas Logs d Wood,/pell et O l(********************************* VAI;UATTONS ** ********** ********************* BUILDTNG: $t766O ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: $ ^ BLWBTNG: $ l.tEcHANrCAl: $- l' * * * * * * * * * * * *'r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr.)NTIUl(]fOR f NFORUATIO:TEeneral contractor: Chano.- F; --:-:-; -ii.:--'- Electrical Contractor: Address: Plurbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ToTAL:fZ- Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. No. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PINN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I.IECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREJATTON FE8: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: I---a---"tttf ************** CONTRACIOR fNFORUAIfON ****** ********************* ffffi:3:,"fftr"",to?'u'. i?."i":1-?,F;g^'t' t* -, T:T^".{..y:1r-R"s,:-Io::?y-LZ 'Phone Number: -q- -qT ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERUIT FEE: MECHANTCAIJ PERMTT TEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAflTRE: CLEAI UP pEpOSrr nEFrNp ro: SleVe Jnaqr,q-| - ajql Das; igJale ?/vd Vti I, ea fu r3l TO: FROM: DATE: RE: t MEMoRAtttDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Al" tthc ?. 1) 2) Please answerthe following questionnaire regarding the need fora "publicWai permit': YES re, t/ls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the ddveway being repaved? fs ditferent a@€ss needed to site other than existing ddveway? ls any drainage work being done atfeaing the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right of Way Permit' required? A. ls lhe right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? V t-/ 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) !f19u, alswered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ottice or atC9-ryqtu1ity Development. lf you have any questions ptease call Charlie Davis, rhe Town-of Vail Construc{ion lnspec-tor, at 479-2158. I have read and answered all s/t Job ;J above '9 ,O .-\ \) ,1\U- (\ l- ,r {\ t {-rY-.;'{ -- I t).J-r-i'.t )1 ' t't- *- -l-n +. a trg =, ql ', lS\1 vtt'rV .-, }.) F t -..Jr I CStn L') \, 05/15,'05 1I;57 6301 328 6270 STIMMIT LT'I}IBER CO R-Controt SPecLom Ponel' Ponel Thlckness 2' 4' 6' 7 314' Istt n 3/4' ' lrelcol SpecLom Pon€t !€cflon - Z 16' OSB on€ sldE. Type I AFM Ceflne<t EEi Co(e . NOIE: R-Vqlus cr€ lor Pohels olon€ ond do not lncludB olr-ttlafis. clodclhc moterlols ol ,6[ecws bc|rd3t' R-Votue Design Chorl R-Vslue ol75' F. 6.4 14.l 21.8 28.5 36.2 43.9 B-Volue otrO'F. 6.8 r5.2 23.5 30.8 39.1 47.5 Applicofion lrEtolbtlon sfnl b€ h sttlci occordorEe wllh nrcn' ufocfui€fs pub[shect InsiLlclbn8, detols ond d(ourtr€s 16 ore E crf of lt€ conhoet docrrrrenb for thls prQ*t' R4ontrot S€clom Pon€l con b€ lrrtolbd over o solld wooddeckorony*dtublestnrfurollyeourdshsfioie. lf o dedgrr requke o vopor rciordol. ll strould b€ gpp[€d fo lhe odsflng cl$ehole Hlor to tl€ lrrdollotlon of fllF Sp€clorn Ponol. h refoni cppllcotlon, where on €tfec' tlve voFof retsldcr ls oleocry h trldc€, thls r€quf€rn€nt nrcry bg rn€|. SpecLom C'puld b€ rt€cftonlcclly tost€fi€d wBh ncilts o. sc|Bws long enowh lo penelrgie cbckk€ qlcuol stttJc' h.rrci rnarnlcert o nlnlmum of l'ond ptovlde sdequot€ hcldlr€ po\./or, Fosten€rspochgshould b€ de$lgned oo on hdivid.tol prqFct bods (sec AFM Corrtnrcflon D+ tolts for fostenln€. lhls clr6Jrnent). Approxlmqloly l/E' spoclng beturcen Pcrrels shoiid b€ ptorlded to ollow for eryonslon. Wood bleklng sltuld beprovkjed otoll p€fkneiHrsond opedngu. Connecll'on splins ore provlded by AFM'monufoctudng Plonts. Qooflng ond/or claddlng m€l€rlqb tc h€ lnEtdlecl pet rnonufocfu reCo spscltlcdflons and tecomrfi€ndslbns. Mqru&thJd iqrsf tit Ffdft, gnc tt,lr.d oi lFadLd, \i't Fd<{rF a dislr|rd rn n-c qr ra-ollE *ctrs.rler. .Ea.{€ q }ttc'd' Mo[tcnT " dnrd" fEr crtv FrdFt tqr,. bbo drtr€tv.. w t{n o tv6'ry'.d p..b€ c, }ddof.d1. rrrnfuo roEffiJ *-rliii.r n er+,c. prrcr'ececrg u rt[E vtodurtr dorg Lnid6' rf E's t-d h ArM slncldi coFlofr c tbn rtr,dsrt cddlvr; how'rr!'r. lt I qg4DlrrGar !|€ |lsid rEl h r!o{r (r r(,|rd.!€t s? gFn t!'t|. ot pu't' J lgAllEn' b 'Ef lErct q u'. Frto,EF3 wth N0rV bbrd etbrccc ,rrfsrrthod sd.q,-r. -ll-f L"rrri lnr tcr.,.rc"rrca cai{rt pcrEqrFn. qt6 l'l9c€ h'fdrEllo6 6 lt"ll[ld' AtM pEdrEt ota DtOCuCaC OrClrErrDry bV Pod|lr Ptsn|r h AfM CslFtEllon tFct6m, F€ortDlqtdAF,i gr ltd'rEl| C AFM ColF tdreo' C\FM Cr'"oEtb^ I€rtl-/n= AFM corporctron po Box 246 Excetst62r. MN 55331 (6'12) 474€ao9 ltr-U-,.t&l!i-' alol @ oolzoo.l Speclom Recommended Fostening Usc R€ontrol scr€w losleners one ( I ) pet lout (4) squore feet Pktced os shown. ltrls lbsienlng pottem provkdes o mlnlt J|.rl uClft raslsforrce ofl ' 3t8O lbs. 22, go metol decklrtg. 28(D lbs. ll/2' wood decklng. 46m |bs, l'u/ood d€clfftg A', I 0S/ 15,'95 6303 3 6 970 Sp€cLom provlcle Uon ltiuuton onrt.rnlloble srb drotc tbr |aollr€ or rr,qt cnOOnO fibl€.ld$ lt cori qJcldy be Instolled owro slnrfurol roof orwoll deckfq wdh rEll of sc(ew coffl€cflrrr Stondord tpollrE nnted- ols E/ch os shlrgles. thtrkes. sl'dndlrlg sflm .netol, tll€, sbl€,stc.,lEv€ beenppledto Speclgn, Wood.vhy', m6iol. sfucco. etc,. ore qll hqtolloHe r,.roll chddhgs orr€a Sp€clom. Speclom: . Soves Lobor Time OrE step lnslolkrion. lorge slze poneb orciloble . Ssves Energy No lhsflnol br€oki, conllnuous Insul('llon . Mode with MEP$' No CFCa, HCrcb, or fcmolcrghyde, longrterm Ri/dr.p, no lhermol dilfi or F-Volus lo6s . Oulside Instollotion cor|struellon csn eccur wflholtf dbruptlon ef lmrbe llvln€, oreos * Environm ento,lly Sofe sF€clom's EPS contoins no CFC'B, HcFc'e, or fotrnolde' hycte. lt b hert. norFrutflllve snd hlgh,y stoble. ond lhe.elbre wlllnol decornpose. deccry. er produce unc19' shoble gosas or leoctroles. EPS b tecvcloble. ond sofe for WTE Statems ond londfills, W€ encouroge you to support recycling end enet€V con€ervofion rFH Fqdrcfiott Fr.ar.ad "*a,*-iVlf Cc,t"r CdtharAl C.tFctiqt, S.ctdn.n<*rrg snd lrv oc lti.donGrb ot AFM CorDoEllcrr. oAA, Ca.Frolhlt' l9tl, @00{/00{ get.t 0r{r $fiDl||| SrrCl Dan tr. CoEO la4l5g0{!.2t7€ta. &rts525,3t97 FAr Sa+ata-z5t3 l75l Watl Fdtrts Fdal Sdr ur. Ciry, utir g{ toa (EOll 97&5EE0 FAr rd'Dta€at STIIIIMIT LTIUEER CO ^ AdarrrftamFladbs,lrr; Speciql EPS Lqrninqtes AFM -E owore lholso.no Pro|ecls hcve speclol c'octdlflors thol stondord ponek wlll rEt sofGfy' 8€oLF€ we hsv€ phrt In oll leglrns of fte country, \,ue con drow m o weollh of lorrrlrofin€ €tperl€nce. AFM monufocfurers ptoduce Pd'tels to meet tpecbl requlrenrnfr. Ihee Prodtrch or,r subj€ct lo fegbrm o\,aloEitty. sorne exompl€€ Include: , wofGrb€rd EPs brnftEt€5 r Gyper.lm EPS lcnlrote . Roonng Feff EPS lomlrrotes r Metol Skh loninole . FRPPlostlcEPSlonlhotec . Ft)^toodEP8bff{not€r €uolity Assuronce AFM SpEcLom b mode under fqcloly gro[ty Contrc cofidlilorF. Qnly rJP€tlor gtrrde, ertedor er:9ocJf€ rqiBd OSE sklrE orE wed, Core ryrotet$tl corgsb ot AtM EPS rtode und€r sfrlcl thlrd pody loborotory monltodng' a JOB NAME I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138ROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MON CALLER TUES BUITDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING F/4OOF & SHEER \PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr_D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C] HEATING T] ROUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS C] CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr, tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPBOVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: // 'a- - Q+oare (?- lJ - t't lNSpEcroR tNs -rn -PECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES AM@BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,.J,,) tJ tl {I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING B GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR o .f.t CIIECK REQUEST o'+r*: /xy':Z4t VENDoRNAME= [&-*- 2-.*- VENDORNUMBER DEScRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUI{D FOR BP #6/'-4/AA AccouxrNur,rgg* ol oooo 22002 / AMOTNT OF REFUND:€ ,za.D APPROVALSIGNATURE, ( 's TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 30i-479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 ELECAppIied. . :V03/L3 / L9 lssued. . . : Expires..: Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 E tectf i c8 [---> Ptan qheck---> Investigat i on>tlitL cat t----> TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 .00 53.00 .00 55.00 t *ffiffi*************f*********f*tffiff*ffff*Sffifio***S*ffi**#*tl'rJ.tt*Hr,l#rfirffit lr***#<***ff*Jr**'rtffi*ff**t**t'k*ffiffi* DepT: BUILDING DiViSiON: ****************ffi***H****rt**rhHrrHr**ff*rHrr$r*t*********ffi****rr*#r***ffirr**ffi*f *ff***ff****rt*tt*ffiff*****************ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL tHrrffi*rot*rtrffi#oHrrr***ffrffiffirff***ffi*****ffi******************irrt****tlrJt*Jr*Jn#t***ffr*idrl**lr**t"Jrtrt*ll**frtttr*f*****#l****t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoetedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out 'in futt the infofmation required, conpteted an accuratc ptot pl,an, and state that al,! the inforDation provided as required is correct. I agree to cotpl,y vith the information and plot ptan, to comp(y with att Toen ordinances and state tarrs, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and suHivision codes, design reviey approved, uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHOT.IE AT 479.213E OR A Ot|R OIFICE FROT 6lq{ 5>+,$ t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PermiL #: E95-0027 a,oo Job Addre ss, 27 44 BAsTNGDAL e s*#ff"'oent of communi?.D.'i'lf\gfH.r, LOCAIiON. . . : INTERMOUNTAIN, RAISING Parcel No.. : 2103-143-01-026 APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 OWNER :MAYNE STEVEN A _ \4" ' |JDescription: RAISING ELECTRICAL SERVICE ABOVE DECK LEVEL -{ffin-pATRrcrA ANN, 2244 BAsTNGDAL, vArL co 8165? U+J , &3 -DJ@rnourcda,^)Valuation: FEE SUII}IARY 50. 00 .00 3.00 53.00 IIem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTo3/L4/1995 TRYNTS Action: APPR TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees--------> Totat Permit Fee-------> Payments BALANCE DUE.--- owners Name: 6-- /Ut*rua' Archl.tect:. tllt General Desctr.i,,^rt:.cn : Work Class: [ ]-r;.i'./ Nunber of Dweiliir; Un:.:s: / Plunbing Con!.l-..,:; L. -' l Address: \ r )*^ -^.J1\rJiEJ9.Ph. [ ]-;dditional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other ].lunrber of Accommodation Units: Mechanical- Cor. ;-...-,.- : i Address: Town of VaiI Reg, NO.E -lqs Phone Nur,ber: Town of VaiI Plione ]iumber: Town of VaiL P]ione ],iumber: Reg. NO. , Ilil USE *****)t*'t******************t**** i ,ji; tflic PI"AN CIjECK FEE: PI,,I'I'IiJiNG PLAt{ CitI]C}i FEE: - , . .. ,:CA.L P:-)..,1 CIICCK FEE: ii;.*:.. ." - iOl'I FEil: Reg. NO. ***********:t*.r. ?r ri A ^.\ ^ A,i BUTLDING PER]'{, . : PLUMBING PERI'l':.',' ; -:,, I MECIIANICAT PEt,.,._ ., -.,.1.: ELECTRICAL FErr,; OTHER TYPE OF . ],,";]; DRB TEE: ^ )pnber and T!;;u of i'i;'e.;l;rci-i i c;s .r,!pliarlces_ Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet_ ar * * * * * * * * * * * rt ^ ^ ^ 4 d i ,,r r r x )r ^ ' * ;i / ^t\*a * '" ,',L',1.\T i CllS t**********rr*********************rl LqSooJ_1BtlTl,nlWcr t - , .-.'rr- ' v" t, I Cl)De .-.'ry1rr'D. 3Eurrprne: $ r ,ii'rt.:r:.Yt't_JSOo! orHER:$_ lLUilBrNc: T- .*::: ;.-*.i.r.i.ir!.,-, 1.---..-.- ror;i; r----....---.--.--.--P^LUMEING: S ;.-*.i.l.iiI!;'-: $ TOTAL: I_^ r.- * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ i, ^ I a A x i t t { ^ I ^ ,i J-ii'i'IU,;^'Ci{ Ili}'OiIMATION ************************t**ttt Eeneral Contr*;;r.' l Town of Vail Reg. NO._Aoqress: phone llunber: -t?'4 1,., a: :E?;-oo21 rNtlnoN RluriEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DISAPPROVEDAPPROVED ; ffiffi TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] SHEETROCK n tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n o riruAr-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOOOS tr CONDUIT Fl tr SUPPLY AIR rl tr FINAL E FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE )-. /"2 -.,/ t' t'INSPECTOR -- .. q1. j rN#toN REeuEsr ,, /r,,- 7i.- ,toe l7a, , ., TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 /-fc .- /t t 4 DATE NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM APPROVED CORRECTIONS: *",'O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED /-'\- ,/;r )** ...- /.t.J 7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D o o tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, BOUGH i WATERtr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: E(rertrp. PowER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTORDATE ******* TOWN OF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * REC-0018 Amount:s3.00 04/27 /9s L5225 ---ffioattr1anngeRoatt- ----Ilepa*ne#of eemmunity Development VAiI,MfuAM' 895-0027 TYPE: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 303 -4MseI tWZ t gtO 3 - 1 4 3 -o 1-o 2 6 -. -***************************************** Statemnt * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t d.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE **** Location: INTERMOUNTAIN, RAISING ELECTRICAL Total Fees: SERVICE s3.00 s3.00 .00 Amount s0.00 3.00 This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01_ 0000 41336 ol ol IIem: 0510O BUTLDING DEPARTMENT03/09/1995 TRYNIS Action3 APPR NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAI, PERMIT Job Address: 2?44 BASINGDALE BLVD Location. ..t 2744 BASSINGDALE/ l/2 Parcel No. .: 2103-143-0I-026 WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO S1620 WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC TIMES E9s-0023 JOBSITE AT ALt TIMES Permit #: 895-0023 Status...: APPLIED oF DuApplied.. z 03/08/19 Issued. . . : Expires. . : Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL ELECTRICAL PERM]T Pernit *:T0WN OF VAIL Description: RELOCATE ELECTRICAL SERVICE *r**ffi lw*lit *t tit***ff(ffi Jdd.*ffi ffi *#ffi lr* 75 SouthFrontage Road Deparnnent ofCornmunity Developrnent Vail"Cotoradodl6|T Job Address: 2744 BASINGDALE BLVD Status- - -: APPLIED 303-479-2138/47g-213s Location...: 2744 BASSINGDIi]E/ t/2 oF DuApplied'.2 03/08/L9 FAX303-479-'2452 Parcel No..: 2103-143-0L-026 Issued" ':Expires. . : APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC PhONE: 3039491403 P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC Phone: 3039491403 . P o Box 1118, AVON CO 81620 OWNER ,vTailf 50.00 nn 3.00 53.00 Valuation: tEE Sultl.lARY *******rrtrf**tr**firr#rtiffiffi(**********r************* Totat catcut€ted Fees---> 55.00 Additionat Fecs--------> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 55'oo Paynents------- eli-AHce oue---- *ffiffidffi**trrr**t*tt*ffi*****i***ffit***i.liHlrr**t**ffd#***trli'*******ffit ffi*t***'***'***Sti*****tri*ldr**'*** Dept,: BUILDING Division: E tectri ca t---> P tan Check---> Invest igation> Ui lt C!tl,---> TOTAL FEES_-> APPLICANT CONTMCTOR -W **i**ff*ffi**t***************t*******i:ir||-'*tLl-*****rri**************t*****Jfl***ir***************ffi*flr*****i*******Jr**}*J<*#r*J(:ttt CONDITION OF APPROVAL t*****i**.i**************ffi*****H***ffi******rnbr**rrJr*******rt*rt*t#**rhttchtfrrt#rtr:ht*ffi****|h****tti********t*ffi*****tt DECLARATIONS t her.by acknowtedge that I have read this appticationr.fitted out in futl, the information requircd, conPtated an sccufatc ptot ptan, aid state thit 8Lt th; information provided as required is correct. I agrec to comply uith the intormation End.Ptot.ptan, io cixrp Ly rJith att Tor.,,n ordinances and statc !avs, and io buitd this structure according to the Toun'3 zoning and suMivision codes,'disign revieu approved, uniforn Buitding code and othef ordinances of the Tovn apPticabte thereto- REOUESTS TOI INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TI.'ENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OTFICE FROI'I 8:OO Ail 5:OO P[ ol ol x 1118, AVON CO 81620 RICK AND KIM DF6ffiYOfrH4I[ ***|*ift ttffidfbtf6+{165'* ffi Esj&tr"47941 3 8 / 47e-?d 38 PLaFATE&+)179-2452 lnvcstigation>llitt Cal,l.----> TOTAL FEES---> APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER valuation: 75 Sourh Frontage Road D epbrunent of Communiry D euq 1.9p1ry9 nt **#ff*i*ffi f EE SUI'ltlARY ***}"**i***ffi*ffi .00 3.00 53.00 WHITE RIVER ELEC?RIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 STONE, RICK AND KIM Total Calcu[ated Fees---> Addi t'i ona t Fees------> Totlt Pernit FcF---->Paymcnts-------> BALANCE DUE--_ 53. ()() .00 53,00 53.00 *t****tt****r*t*ffir***r****i*tt*t"****t****t***ffir****t****irf,it**t*trJri*i*f,****HriffirrtrH*f,****f,r*ffi**t*tik*************t Dept: BUILDING Division:IICM: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTfu/09/1995 TRYNTS Action: APPR *rnH***.|.f,f,it*t**ffi***l(#r****irt*lr*rrt*rrttrijrijrrrrffffi#**t *r**t **rr*ht***fjrffi***t**t'ffi**,rJr#r******i*'**lrt'riH*******#***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ***,trtffrlrt*ff.:*ffirffi**********t r**fi-riH*l**tJr*#*t******t**t+***f*rr**ffrrrt***lil*t*t*ffitilt*ffi**r****ffiffi** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that t have read this apptication, f il,l.ed out in futt the information nequired, conpleted an accurate ptot ptan, ahd state thit att thc information provided as riquired is correct. t agree to compLy vith the information and p[ot pLan, io-l6rpiy ritn att Town ordinances and statc taws, and io buitd this structure according to'the ToYn's zoning and subdivision codcs,'disign rcview approvcd, Unifornr Buitding Cod! and othcr ordinances of the Toun appticabte ther.to. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TUENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 179-213A OR AT OUN OFFTCE FROI{ 8:OO A 5:OO PI'I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Addressr 2744 BASINGDALE BLVD LocaLion.... 2744 BASSINGDALE/ l/2 OE Parcel No.. : 2103-143-0L-026 Permit #: 895-0023 APPLIED 03 /o8 /7e Description: RELOCATE ELECTRICAL SERVICE ****tffi t****ffi *****ff *****#**rdr**ff ***il** f E E Status. . . DUApplied.. Issued.. . Expires. . Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 VaLuation: SU ttrlRY *********t*Hl**ffi *#*******ffi*#H**ffi #'t* 53.00 .00 53.00 .00 55.00 E lectri ca t---> Ptan Check---) Invest i gatl on> l,i l. L ca L t---> TOTAL FEES---> 50.00 .00 3.00 53.00 Totat calculated Fe.s---> Addi tionat Fees-----> Totat Parnit tee--------> Paynents------- SALANCE DUE---- **:Hrffi**i******ffiffi*i*********t#******#**f**ffi**#*r.************ff#*'tfir*ff*****t**trrffffiffi********t ii6rAiune*or opNER 0R coNTRAcroR FoR Hl O I O an3r(so/atra- ]gry gf vArL coNsrRucrroN lt . / PE-KI-rrr tl' af s-oo#'*#*l!,'HE#s'"* ,'/'r-\-// .r -'- t_-J -r- ,/Zt-APPIJICATION MUST BE FILLED oUT COI.|PLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPIED ****************************tt PERMIT fNFORI.IATION ***************************** { l-Building [ ]-Plurnbing ful-Electrical [ ]-]techanical [ ]-other Job Nane:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Ol^tners Nane:Address: s'u' MAI n 10s5 *Ph. Architect. ltr-/E Address: ceneral Description: .g'work cLass: [ ]-New I J-Alteration [ 1-Aclditlonal Q,(1-nepair [ ]-other Nuraber of Dwelling UnJ.ts: I /'/t-Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ I{oodlpellet_. Ilpnber and Type of Fireplacess'ca3 eppJ-iances_ cas r.ogs_ I{oodlpelret_vD********************************* VALUATTONS *********************************'t BUILDINGs I nlEcrRlcal: $ t6OOg OTHER: I TOTAL: $ INFORMATTON *************************** Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Electrical Nunber of Accornnodation Units: PLUMBING: I UrCrulltClr_,: $vt********** *********** ****** coNrRAqtoRt Eeneral Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: Reg.NO. Reg. NO. roR oFFrcE usE ****** ************************* BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: }.IECHANTCAIJ PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERITIIT BUILDING: STGNATURET ZONING: SIGNATURE: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. .V MECHANTCAI-I PERMIT FEr: .-------_T EIJCTRICAL FEE: --- $ffi-?eorHER TYPE oF FEE: ffiffit* DRB FEE: Contractor:NO./1 - tL{ CLEAII I'P DEP,OSIT REFTIND TO: r1 * t * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** s3.00 03/14/9s 16r4!Init: TT Statemnt Number: REC-0008 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation z L4424 895-0023 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERM]T 2 10 3- 14 3-0l--02 6 2744 BASINGDALE BLVD 2?44 BAssrreoar-,n/ r/2 oF DUPLEX Total Fees:53.00 Tota1 ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 53.00 53 .00 .00 Amount 50.00 3.00 ul INSPE ol CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 oeftJ- /f i's* $e INSPECTION:TUES / WED., THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: 2 nu ipu PERMIT NUMBEB OF PBOJECT BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr u tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR EI APPROVED CQFRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR \ I ' i "l :rl} tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 'i {t E?; 'uoa 3 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ?4TE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: L JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: - tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT . tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL VRppnoveo CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / ,.,)r, , ,u DATE INSPECTOB 't' oz tr =Eulc (t UJ uJll. = E TJJo- €frttb/?F/ 0, .i nstEYhl I I I I I IH lo <"1 c'\ltl\?,NI I ool I I l-v,<tlto alrts,oototz at,l F F FIz = (,zz o IJJF z z_ I (o .a o =zr) <t:E9 15 ilt*c l; €r HE* +lE E$EisilF iffiSE;eJ € E ='gI9;(666 EeE Eg:9E3dGO'-.=-t= o o trgt!t€ c li=c EgiEI a.l (\ c cn r'.} = UJ z J o ! UJ z ) - F tlJJ IJJ oz .o = Iz C)lu UJ IIJr!z tr UJ tu .o 3 !r,lt UJ z 6 u,i tr UJo 2 uJ () x F uJol F-l Fl FrFlHF at uJ UJtl- = =E UJ o- J FoF o =o -J 9E Fo uJ tr oz lo E J z IJJt NO|lVn'lVA F F E. U F7 I g ;tr =ZztL tr ^ 6zI5 :ee9 0E tnoe.Z>.ORq fr l!<oq d!i-e$xu,axz'. Y uJiN(J (\l N zo f { 4 llJc F (L z Eo x:ae zotr E uJF 3 UJz aLzlz -ul<oo< <u>arYr!Uo<z a trz, 9z ilo =tr !|l tl ntl tJtottottdl llJlJ (E aarJlzY iF F 2 tr Jfoz o) 3 F UJ TL o 3 at) -Jl sl =_l zl .. >lo UJo UJ uJzaF = UJ z E zFa (D I lt;;, OG(o u.l tsg,ooazo FI IIJY UJ @ oF t.i EA (L rJ- \flo-liHl 8ElrEl'l HFJoEzo zo9ze rEo =z dP J oozE .-r F =uJJJd]uJ ts ul o-lt uJoz foLoFc 9 IL JFuJ-h= =t(L I.IJ>o-O|r9o \UJxo-:>rr t-llt ' JJt! ul Co F Eo Ect -9o B! 'E =E Eoo o I -- E =E, UJo-zoFc)f E,Fazo(J f! is+F Oc.r uJ E5 =l 3l 3l 9l El z -.1t! I d { FoJ FlH z ts E ii =z I UJ J = ETdz >1 E Fa =z ral I F-+ I |-\rn @ FlH F =tr IJJ oo > o =tr o ol uJlI a oz3IF =tr z o IIJ J t!o z 'F =tr oz o uJ J a oz B F 2F E I Fl Ha E tr tr. I.<ro\l-l cil =.1 uJl -t >l t!o zl 3lI F IF\c! oo ui uJF =tr I cil =lol uJl 51 <l>l bl zl 3l 9l UJJ l,ljF E UJz =o O UJ EI E -rO<Fco[!<zE[!F(nZ )t<oOF;oFfYF =z-3 ep s3 -.6 o {x()F 13 g6 o r.<.l =t-o2 C) dc;fJfr-l!! 40,i{*laful-tJ- I TOIIN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON FERUTT APPIJCATTON FORMomn:,9-0-qy , APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLLED OUT COl.tpr.ETEr,y OR rt tIAy NOT BE ACCAPIBD Ir***************** ****il******* PERITTT INI'ORI'IATJON * ************il *************** fJ)ri PERUIT Ph. ''1 1-aoltalttg t[-rrurnlfng [ ]-Electrlcal eQ-MechanJ.cat I J-other qob Name! ilob Addressi 2Z4u) Ka,rs;,ngrd lc- Bl,ral L,egal Description: Lot Owners Name: Architect: Block Address: Address: Ph.&17b- &l* General DescrJ-ption: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-ALteration t l-Additlonal [ ]-Repair ry!-oxner_(4lecc_ Number of Dwelllng Units:Nunber of Acconmodation Units: I ^ )pnber and Tlpe of Firepraces: cas Appliances Gas Logs_ wood/perlet_ ^]********** ****** ********* ******** VN;UATIONS *********************************rl BUILDING: ELECTRICAL: $- OTIIER: $purlrBrNc: $ _ nEcHANrcALrl@_ TorAL: - vl************* ************** coNrRAqroR rNFoR!!ATION *it*************************t X:ff:Sl,contractor: rown of vail Res. No.- Phone Nuuber: II Electrical Contractor: Address: Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: lO **********.********************** FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBTNG PERMIT FEE: I'IECEANICAIJ PERI'IIT ,rrt Z- EL,ECTRICAL FEE: -..-tF- OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE:{ Town of Vail Reg. $O. Phone Nunber: Phone Number3 Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Req. No. 97-7-973b oFrrcE usE ******************************* BI'ILDING PI.AN CHECK F'EE: PLWBING PI.AN CHECK FEE3 l,tEcItANIcAIJ PLAN cHEcK FEE. -E-- RECREATTON FEE3 CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI'IIT FEES: BUTIJDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT'RE: Plunbing Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. NO. CLEAN TP DEPOSIT IETI'I{D VALUATION ,./ HUL, -Z.J- y+ l UE l.5:+{5 o ICLEY PLUflA I HL 1.5U.J92 r'b:l S4 Y.E2 FrodtYlfi .-& Mnqnn 0nlJ.** ri Mlnlmrm OFianr.es: Sldx: 6'; te*r tl'; Font: d' (sl7.s:tarlffi), llmhsn retp.rl ({l7er 195-99.t); tqrr 9i'(ft(m t$ nf hrrlPJ) Arnssonns Por,ar V|||l Kft - For through-the.walj \Ening on 50,000 to 115,000 BTUAr sires. Continuous y rcgulated daft rudur:er e,nagy crxE by mahhidrE efiIclent combustlon. Hon{flFuttlblc l$e MtNt lHtR ,t il muil bc irrtaUcd on o lclcdrnc laon nonomburtibk bose rsembly or othcr ngpmve-d mn.c.rrmhxfic snhce-, 8se .dd 1' to bolhr hclghE lstcd In Eble, Hon{or$tEtbh Etlld - For e6r mlh&nance oacslbliU, o 19.11!'r hlgh non.comb$jbla froor starrl il dso alalhblc. coil|prr$bn rl||e - Air<ha€Ed djaphqm.qpe tflik wth arhmaUc makeup water conbol, tbt lElllb|C h Curd!. (_) ricrn) @rv (_) or (6ry, l|t,ut aflvH !|ra I lul, lk tins C!p, lltl/t{ r 1OO0 Natln |TU/H r lm Atutt Surrt ht'iliu" Skrrrtril Pilul 0im(agonr (irEl Er)Vda €{r Ap}re conn. Conn. \Yrlght (tndr$) (rndrer, (lrr ) Nr? nd arti lras Hit Pro ba! Da1 llal Fro I{i] Pm Gag lrt5 Eat tlal LUV s0 50 15 75]m ,!m19t ttt 160 160 .t8 1toJu0: 6t1t),a l0A133 r35 Jt,t 9{,0 tLlqla tlg.7 37,{ w,b 7t,t 111,4 8{,1 85,.1 90,! Bg,0 0.1,0 85,t rcJ 01,56{0 E5.0 r0,t 6t,t ,{:,t.o ha.5 l l., llv. I 83.0 8{.8 8t,0 830 139R 21311 !:54 tl 3i1 I 13-y0 97-3/{ l4.l^l ll.Jl I 1Si/E tE-V1 11.1,! 88.Jt 5 I hrll{ 9lt-.t,1 Yi.lyll VV'.1/a h rs 8 18.3/,1 0j-5n cl-iv{ 6 w l!0tn 1?6lt2 t!4r,/i rl8 fa 164 luI 1-l11 1-v1 t.t/a t.1ta 2t5 !t5 r85 1r0 161,r t6E,!83,r 85,0 Sr5 83.J t5 5E 31 t./C A3 1,/4 t V.. 7 I r,f{ rn t8r 50 t 79 1016i701 tuj * tt5 l(rt6t,,(H i60 10,166701 !9S 1014670{ 3bftJ 50.llJ ?0101800 'FTELEDYNE LAARS 90 tr|F fiil Viryr lffhzitsr, NH tlllb, . td. iHn) 3r$.$.4 (.{ltJ 3.15A.l(t) ftn [a{'J3) .i.35-.1t.55 /|a.l 5. 5?dfa Rold Wes{ Orl(lllt, (J(lwh, (f'Lch t6( glll r'l0l: (l{J!J BlGBlll tar' (9U5) lL,f-vA ll 600 (ondor odv., l'{mF{rk, (A 93001 . Tc[ (805) 5!9 9000 ta( (805) 599 591{ Vrlu Rrlpr ru llnr I ul llrc hot rrater spocisli5b at leledde Ld,rn would be hqrpy to pr-rt Urcir uwl {0 y<ctr r.r[ erp*flent:? t(l r{art for }€u. Fq aesistsnce in choosing ths tlgft unn 1prrcirr ppficatien or if you'd impV lik€ to lmoil mora tbout our producb, seryictt ond a{emiva wrnanty-jrrt cCl krll.frry l{0G362.5678 (U 5.). [d vdiU.iA : LLi.rrE,rl102?t t G Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes '. NAME: MAYNE MECH DATE: 8-24-94 ' ADDRESS: 27,14 BASSINGDAII CONTRACTOR: SIBLEY P & H VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCLJPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIREI) The items tisted below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the cndes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinancrc of the Town of Vail. 1. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 607 OF TTIE l99l UMC. 2. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI.'FACTI.]RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDD( CHAPTER 2I OF THE 1991 UMC. 3. GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTTON IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION OF ANY EQUIPMENT PER SEC. 1206 OF T}IE 1991 UMC. 4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE 1991 IJMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF TTM 1991 UMC. 5. BOILERS SHALL BE MOIJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBTE CONSTRUCTION TJNLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 6. FrELD TNSPECTTON rS REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC. 305 OF THE 1991 IJMC. 7. WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. Town of Vail I}HTICT fiOPY /h,//L F-2r''rr HUb-2.J-94 IUE Iti:.Ii SI.ULhY HLUMTINL hA Alne '1d.?v R.p-ErAc"c<.?ro- 65Br, 6a.*s.r9Ada wc.il uni* S+'l ra 7g ;l t*vt .{I tG l!j+f;r I ;t\r. I C.a"n bn t{.'la Alr bw.f Atrcrfs hol t- r,'nd c z seclq, il JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON--- TUES WED LOCATION: Iru#cTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 RI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS:' DATE 1'l-1'( rNSPEcroR 75 south lrontege rold vall. colorado 81657 (303) {76-7000 ottlco of communlty d.Yelopmenl Septernber 9, 1988 Kay and Sepp Cheney Box 1094Vai1, colorado 81658 Re: Lot- 2, Block 3, Intermountain Dear Kay and Sepp: As you may recall from our phone conversation, we are aware ofthe fact that you have not followed the original design of your home which included a horizontal band around the residence. We ask that you cone back to Design Review Board and propose the design without the horizontal band. Often changes are nadeduring the construction of a building, but when these changesare desired, the applicant comes back to Design Review Board toget approval . We are asking that you subrnit an application to the Design Review Board for your cbange in design. If you do not requestapproval from the Design Review Board and also do not buildyour home as it was approved, we will not be able to grant atenporary certificate of occupation for this project. ff you have any questions about this, please feel free to call me at 476-7000. Sincerely, Planning Technician It. hwn 75 south tronlage road vall, colorado gi65z (303) 476-7000 iluly 25, 1984 offlce of communlty development Re: Lot 2, Block 3, Vail Intermountain Subdivision To Whom it May Concern: Il:,9g_'pynity.Development Department has reviewed a survey and P19 li1]n1y site plan for the construction of a single fafrity 19m9 9n a portion of Lot Z, Block 3, Vail Intennouniain Sub_drvrsron.. As presently located, the fire hydrant on the north : s'roe.or the property will create serious design constraints 19f tfe_development of this lot. Our office would recommendtnrs hydrant be re-located to either the east or west boundaryof this lot on a properly recorded utility easement for siteplanning purposes. 5i ncerely, fio-&,r$..,"\ THOMAS A. BRAUN Town Planner fl ll il'l ri ll .ll tl tl aA//r rtz /?oo3r' Fr 960 Jg.Fr' tl Pal€cu ! N N <€3 I I i i /P Y .,...'-.lr-.-.t.-.. 7!-. o' rtt,j t :,. 6;-.'4.-* r*';. yor, Lor Z Ea, j frV r. rS r'4O /.,v' 7t4,'/ -l uA dU \Va-sr Vrttz- - (oza,grsao g APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuont to Section 6.01 of the Eogle County Subdivision Regulolions | (we) hereby apply for exemplion from the provisions with soid regulotions os io my (our) proposed developmenr known o, .1P3. #.'..slpS.k #.sr. yL+..rNrERl"lounralN pFysFgn H[x. $lrFpIrI$IEI Locored: . .Basluedele.Blvd;.West.Y+1-1, .Qelo.re*e :..... And comprising . . .cAe. Iol. .. . divided into opproximotely . . . Irp. FAF+I. . interests for the following reoson ., . . re?FppF. reslire.?he. F++e. el.+l?.91 .\+9.pro.PgTlY li is undersiood thot ony oction by ihis Commission regu lotions exemption opplies only to the proposed groniing soid requesf for developmint os shown on soid the H.t I sketch plon or other informotion ottoched \ergto. (Must be signed by oll the record owners of the property) Doled ...A11gu.st ?9.'.!2:ly. ... Received .BY. RESOLUTION The foregoing Applicotion hos been considered by the Boord this ... doy of ... 19 which finds ond delermines fhol this Division of Londs is not wilhin the purposes for which the subdivision regulotirrs rvere odopted ond therefore soid Applicotion is gronted (denied). Boord of County Commissioners of Eogle Counly By Choirmon ( Poge 3l EAGLE COUNTY OF PLANNING AND COURTHOUSE P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 September 16, 1974 Re: File No. Se-85-74 Exemption from Subdivision Regulations Holladay and Bramble Exemption Appl icant: Holloday and Bramble Const. Co. Box 962 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Enclosed herewith is an appl ication and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 16 October 1974. fn accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Begulations Section 6.00 1972, you have 24 days from date mai led within which to respond or the reqrrest will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional infor- mation or time, please advise this off ice. Thank you very much, MSB,/ac fDEPARTMENT I DEVELOPMENT Phone 328-6338 Blair ?o 2|'t Augrst t$ftl Bor Ch+lln P. O. Box 550 Vallr Oolol*8t6slt Re: Fllc l.lo, Se-85-l+ Flnat ptd - Erortpilon At thelr spoclat nTeeilrq cr 26 Atrguet lgzs, tho Boafd of co.nty commleglon€rg algpted yu.r flnal plat. Tho pld stpuld bc rstrleved fiom thlE offlce and rccordod wlthln trn daya. ,...--.-r'\1 stbilcn tsorn for: Dlfctor of plcrlng st/kt cc! Bosr| of County Commbalorrnr ,l\..*Ji#l ''l ,i& ,1l,lli.#:'' . .rl.r.;l t c Doir Clra$in F. t). Box 55O Vall, Cqloredo 81657 sl./kt cc: Board of 19 Auglrst 19?6 He: Fllo No, Se-85-74 Ffnal Plat Hofladay and Brernblo At thtlr rogulrrr meetlng on 18 Aur!.,rst 1976, tl':e E.41.: reeomm€nded approval of yu'rr Flnal ftlst eubmlttel , The recomn€ndallon wlll ba p'eeented to th6 Boerd of at tholr epecial maetlrg on 26 August 1976, beglnning Caatlo Peak Bldg., 5lO Bro*ay, Eagler Colordo. 'lf you have any c1.eatlorrs, plaase contact thts offlce. County Pl anning Corimission COuntir CommisstonalS at 9:00 4.M., tn the of Plennlng Co-rnty Cammissl'v'rere ruJ '" i; Ste.'lhen leonr fotl Dir.:r:ior 14 RECFIVED DE0 5 1975 DePt, u1 Pliirir:,'J . '.el. Eagle CountY, oolo. Board of County CommissionersEagle County Eagle County Court HouseEagle, Colorad.o 81631 Re: Easement between Lots 2 and 3, Block 7,Vail fntermountain Development Subdivision,Eaqle Countv, Colorado.(3d53 Beltflofei Drive) ' Gentlemen: The undersigned utility does not presently use the cap-tioned easement, has no present intention of using the same and knows of no other utilities using it. Therefore, rltre have noobjection to vacation thereof. Very truly yours, Mountain Bell ' By: /,'r;'t/ ( i,Y[C.j\,r) AUG zli 1" ,.i De,n f. t.i i,-.r l H.APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY STJ'd6IVTSTON REGULATIONS Pursuoni to Secfion 6.01 of the Eogle County Subdivision Regulotions l(we) hereby opply for exemption from the provisions with soid regulotions os lo my (our) proposed developmenr known o, .19b. {12.r. 3lo.ctt. f,.1.,.y!*..4H}4}4$lrN pnrFl,9srwr. suFPrrlsls Locoted: ..Fasincdel.g.$I$l;.West.Y+!1, .qglo.Te+g ..:... And comprising . . mF. lo!. . . . divided into opproximotely. . . ntp. FSr*l. . interests for the following reoson ..ep.qa.cpJ.c. .... lf is understood thot ony oction by ihis Comrnission gronting soid request for soid regulotions exemplion opplies only to lhe proposed development os shown on the (Musl be signed by oll the record owners of the property) Dored ...Algr+st ?9.,.!.9fi. ... Received 8y.... RESOLUTION The foregoing Applicotion hos been considered by the Boord this ..J2. doy of Hr*<...... 19 ..Z.lwhich finds ond determines rhot this Division of Londs is not within the purposes for which the subdivision reguloli,:,ns were odopted ond therefore soid Applicotion is gronted !G Eoord of County Commissioners )( . .conditionallyRecommend e{ f or approval -by the Eagle County Planning Commission at their meeting on 16 July 1975. ,^ "'.'"f'"rt"\/. 1^:,'!Z.y..V.\. . . t.,. . . l\.Wr Choirmon By Poge 3l tfTlrtT,@ ruffiilrn'BS/., t4ctt 00uqr gutr & $stllttr EAGLECOUNTY \!' OT PI"ANNTNG AND DEVEI,OPMENT Ergle County Anaex P,O. Box ?89 Ptrone 3e8-6338 Ergle, Coloredo 8r831 26 Novanber t9?6 Don Chrplln Drawer 650 : Vrtl, Colorado 818$? Rel Flle No. 8e-8S-?4 - Ilollndry and Bremble Exemp[on Tbc Eoerd of County Commlsalonere granted approvel of your applleatton for cxcmptton trom tbc Eagle County Subdlvlsloa Reguletlone rt thelr Bpeolol meettng on 26 November 19?5. (Sec attrched copy of the appltortton). Plerse oont.ot the Departmont of Planntng aad Devebpment lf you hrve eny queetlons regerdtag tble letter or other especte of the epplloe[on. Slephen loom tor: Mlohael S. Blalr Dtreotor of Plrnntng Sr/se €DO r oe t Board of County Conmlgeloners (D DEPARTMENT ,,J EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTI\iENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Eeglo Oounty t\nnex P, O. Box 789 Eaglle, Golorado 8t63t ?8 OctoF:er 1976 CO PhDne 328-633ft Don Chrylln Drnvrer 550 Vall, Colorado 81657 Rcl Flle lrlo. .s€-85.74 ExerFt lon Holladay and Brernble At yom recpoet, the BoanC of County Commlselanere t*lcd the eeptlonod eppl I catlon untl I thol r Noveimbe:, 26 meetl ng. lf you hwe ery q.estlona, youf re welcome to contact thls offlce. Best Regards, Quentln Mltchell, Jr. Plmnlng Agsletsrrt O$vllkt cc: Boatd of County CommlselonenE Se-85-74 . NameHolladay & Bramble Request Exemption (1) Location: lrL 2, Block 3, Vail Intermourltain (2) Size: 9535 Square feet (3) Proposed Action: Divide lot along common wall of existingduplex structure (4) Significant Physicat Features: none (5) Surrounding Land Uses (000 I or more, as signif icant): atl residential (6) Utilities (Availability/Locations): yes (7) Roads (Types,/Locations): gravel road along front of lot. (B) Current Area Zoning; Residential Suburban Medium Density (RSM) (9) OtherSignificant Conditions:' nor," (10) Staff Comments: Questions raised at first review have been addressed by applicant (see Chaplin letter and plan dated June 14, 19?b) (11) Staff Recommendations and Conditions: approval , as per conditions referenced in TRC letter of 7 July 1975. PLANNTNG STAFF INF(-OT|ON SHEET c(t'" t t/ ---*f-5 .ttt4ozs's/"8 75ao' )mffi tou/ftueD q ED./,E o{ Roa o -.t \)- __i__ F I I I -l- I I ll i -....-...---- . ' _-r'\ 5 t-o+ l--s-! \ Iv) ds \ N \ \ \ N It,i t-.o+ U) \ \.t_s -'1F. $\ \' \ bl- \\w \|\ l: Il! Fs l\- J:\Frt n\\\\ \ \u \ ;* *s$ \ \il\\:N h\\\ F\\\i \*R+ \(^ b-.I .Fi\ s\ YI\$\s \d \\(x ..t, \ di-" \\xi.i-$ *. \ G s'sq\(,r sc! nt\ l\\ -----z Llt.'l I\, clr\t o;t s..oliIr t I lz6.zttt'l--*_Pli'.- I ; llt.: --iBo/cony j- ;0.91 tF h'ots t+ lot: $ \ l\r\+ \\ ffi Yo- --\- \ -*----_-1--- -\ -{t- 8)ul{t//f?D q -N - ----:- !!i! ot Ro.qo-Ll'- I \< f- I I i l75Aa',ul4"zs)s/"€ 6 vlt { N l=s -f s \ \--s-{-. (}\ b l.- \\tt \ N\H\\\:N \r \g N\\ \= \\,t\." \.-Is \ 's\ YIst..i \d\\tu *"sI}i-$ *. \ d \(\ q\ (r, \\'(\ E+.4 ilql\1| o rl dl ?6-=/' l^-=a 'i I Aa/cony; so.4 rat lttl ?t!r:ru<l--l-;- . i__fi_) 1..{l,t-l I I \ l\$l.s. \\ ?A [/) ry4, O EAGLE couNrY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND Eagle CountY Annex P.O. Box 789 Eagle' Colorado 81631 29 SePtember 1975 oeveuotr'rr Phone 328 6338 i : Hollday & Bramblb Construction Co. Box 962 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Re: Se-85-74 At their meeting on 26 September 1975 the Board of County the captioned appl ication until their next meeting. You wi ll exact time and date. Bestregardsr , I J M,"/-,-fhl//MQuentinMitchell, Jr. Planning Assistant eM/se :cci Board of CountY Commissioners Don ChaPl in y'.1 Commissioners tabled be advised of the O E/.LB couNTY ,-^ DE'ARTIrENT c]' r,r,ANNrNc AND oouuroil["" Eagle County Annex [,. O. lSox 789 lrhone 828-6359 Eagle, Colorado 8163r 2? August 1975 !Iolladay and BrEmble Box 962, Boulder, Colorado 90302 Be: Flle No. 5€-85-?4 Exempuoa Eolladey aad Brambte .{t thetr meeting on 26 iugust lg?s, the Eoerd of county cornmlsglonore tabled your uxemptton Appllcailon unltl thelr 26 september mgettng ln order to determlne tf all coudl[ons aa prevlously requlred heve been complled wtth. If you have any questlone, yourre welcoms to contect thte offlce. xespectfully, Iulchael S. Blatr Dlrector niSB/lrt cc: Iloard of County Commissloners; Don Chaplln o * "lu =,u, ff Fi:^fi,:iliT,.," o =to"' u*, Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 17 July 1975 Phon€ 328-6338 Holladay and Bramble Construcilon Co. Box 962 Boulder, Coloredo 80302 Be: Flle No. SE-85-74 Exernpilon Holladay and Bramble At thelr regular meetlng on 16 July 197s, the Eagle county plannlng commlsslon recommended approval of your Exempilon Appllcailon, glven the compleilon of the changee egreed to. The Board of County CommlsEioner review ls defened untilthe 26 August meetlng. lf you ha'e any qr*stlong, yourre wercome to contact thls offlce. Beet Flegards, Quentln Mltchell, Jr. Plmnlng Aselstat oM/tt cc3 Board of County Commlselonersl Don Chaplln l;atltn -E.qr*F-. (l EAGLE couNry (o DEPARTMENT oF PLANNING AND DEVELoPMENT Eagle County Annex P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6998 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 7 July 1975 Holladay and Bramble Construction Co.": Box 962 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Re: Se-85-74 Exemption Holladay and Bramble At their meeting on 3 July 1975, the Technical Review Committee (a advisers from various pubr ic agencies) reviewed your application andcomments and recommendat ions to you and the pranning. commission approval and use of the property. 1. Recommend approval if the items in the chaplin letterof June 14,sketch submitted are completed. group of technical offer the following for considering 1975 and on the This statement will be forwarded to the County Planning Commission and planning Department for their consideration by the meeting on 16 July 1975, beginning at g:00 p.M. Best Regards, {"rfl^,rr,fi,A/ Quentin Mitchelt Jr. Planning Assistant aM,/rt cc:Don Chaplin; Board of County Commissioners !g ARTMENT EAGLE couNrY oOF PLANNINC AND DEVEIOPMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX P.O. Box ?89 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 81631 DEP Holloday and Bramble Constructlon Company Box 962 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Re: Se-85-?4 Exemptlon Itolloday and BrambIE At thetr regular meetlng on 16 Octobee:1974, the Eagle County Planning Commiselon recommended tabllng your exemptlon appltcatlon for fallure to comply wtth the polnts iaade ln the Teohnlcal Revlew letter of 3 October 1974. (Copy enelosed), If conetderatlon le stlll sought, re-eubmlsslon muet be ln thls offlce before 5 November 1974. If coneideratlon ls not sought, pleae.oottfy thls offtce by return mall. If you have any questlo4 pleaee contact us. Slncer6[y, Quentln Mltchell . Jr. Planatng Aelstant QM/as cc: Board of County Cornmlsslonere encl. o c hqplin E Compo Drawer 550 Vall. Colorado 81657 o nq Donald M. Chaplln - Broker Tef ephone - 3 03-47 6-2291 1/, 'Z 5 ,., -. 5u/€ t' KB" June 14, 1975 Mr. Quentin Mitchell, Jr. Department of Planning and Development Eagle County P.0. Box 789 Eagl e, Co'lorado 81631 Dear Sir; Re: File No. Se-85-74 Exemption Holladay and Bramble. The pur- pose of this letter is reactivation of Application for Exemption a copy of which is herewith enclosed. Reference is made to yourletter of 0ctober 3, L9742(1) The exist'ing water'line can and will be separated to serve the individual duplex units. The sewer line,how- ever, is buried in a concrete slab precluding the possi-bilities of separation. Your review of this recommenda-tion is, therefore, inyited. (Re: Ltr. Erik }l. Edeen, R.P.S., Environmental Health of September 27, 1974 andLtr. RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. of September 20, L974.)i (2) Items (2), (4), and (5)....preparation of a sketch andplat w'i 1l be undertaken by Richards Engineers, Inc. and thereafter will be submitted to your office; and (3) Item (3)....the entire property is to be graded in theyery near future. At that time the reconrnended culvertwill be installed. Additionally, (4) a re-design of the parking area will be undertaken to insure that park- ing is not within the right-of-way. Fjnal1y, my involvement in the subject Application is in represen-tation of Holladay and Bramble Construction Co. as Listing Broker and Managing Agent of the described property. Thank you for your cons i deration.t sin#ty,FJ Dona'ld M. Chapl i n high counlnt| neol eslsIe H.tI i APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuont to Section 6.01 of ihe Eogle Counfy Subdivision Regulotions I (we) And comprising .....e19tr. ..L.ff. .... divided into opproximotely. TW.q. . .trq [.&*g . . . interests for the followins ,.o*n%?.0!Q4t l.C. ""1' ll is understood thot ony ocfion by this Commission gronfing soid request for soid regulolions exemplion opplies only to lhe proposed development os shdwn on the ( (Must be"pigned by oll the record owners of the Dored . [].r.%*+f .Aq n1!/... Received property) ( 8y... RESOLUTION The foregoing Applicotion hos been considered by the Boord this ... day of . .. l9 which finds ond delermines thot this Division of Londs is not within the purposes for which the subdivision regulotir:rs rvere odopted ond therefore roid Applicotion is gronted (denied). Boord of Countv Commissioners of Eogie Counfy By ;;;;r;;; Poge 3l \hi.t Scriaacr (O t CoviPAiiY Reallor. lnsufor coMpl.EIE REAI- EsrAlE sGRvrcE srircE 19n ,/ ,r.t Forsom street (o Etoulder, Colorado gO3O2 T€lephone (3O3) 4zl9-5OOO October 30, 1971+ l{r. Quentln Mitchell Jr. Planning Assietant Eagle County Departnent of Planning P.O.Box 789 Eagle, Colorad.o 815J1 Dear !lr. Mitche1l, As per our telephone conversation tod.ay, we woul_d like to request that you table our request for exention (nf: SE-85-?\ Holladay ancl Branble) until we ere able to conply with the recomoendations of the Technieal Review Comni_ttee 1etter of October 3, I97U. We see no problem ln edhering to the perklng, installing a culver, or submitting a plat map. However, as we d.iscussed.,the sewer lines are burlect in the concrete slab anct the wat erIinee are a-Leo buried.. Ttrese services are billecl by the district as "Flat rate" a,nc[ would. pose no problem for separate oltners. Furthernore, Richards Engineering (for the sewer clistrict) andthe County Environnental Health Departments felt there vas no reason to Egi approve the request for clivision of the property on the basis of the current set uD. Appreciate your help and consid.eratlon of our proposal. Very truly yours, Garth J Agent for J.J-aclay ancl Conpany Bra,mb]-e f,tcv I 'la |'.J i4 Dept. 0l I ji:iirli.1 ., |,Jvet. .[agle County. Colo.COLORADO SPRINGS Construct ion G,J: sn SERVIN G M ETRO DENVER, EVERGREEN, BOULDEF, FT.COLLINS ANO 0cboben 15, 1974 Mike Blair, Eaglo County pLanner 6,6 Eagle Cor;nty Planning Department P. O. Box ?89 Eag1e, Colonado 81651 Dear Mlke; The Holloday and BnarnbLe Constmctlon Co. request forexemptlcn was submltted to the Eagle County SoiIConservation District for neviewand conurenl. There f-opears to be no real proble:ns ,i,rith the exeml_ltion.ll'e trould holyever urge the property ollrrer to lnstallad.equate :road culverts for purpose of drainage and toencourage adjacent property ot?ners to do the same. Sinc erely, .'^) ,4/ / . , )Y"zo /./4r,,,/2", Ross E. Chambers, Fr.,a c i d anl. i1 - 1t-t\ f t-t\;, -' .1"'-l t| . .- -t -r -,: --u .\.\ -. z - .^1 |ut I l5 rYi.t L..'.. ,, ....; ., :r l ,i Develr i.lJ o,lu/rt/" Color JOHN D. VANDERHOOF Governor JOHN W. BOLD Dir€ctor COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892.261 1 October 7, L974 Mr. l,lLchael S. Blair Planning Dlrector P.0. Box 789 EagJ.e Co1-orado 81631 Dear I'lr. Blair : We have reviewed the above that th-is exemption shoul-d RE: referenced proj ect not be granted. SE.85.74 HOILODAY A}TD BRAI.{BLE EreMPTION and find no geologic reasons Associate Engineering Geologist LRL/skL cc: Land Use Cornmis sLon /I? A--.'r\ -_.--"f:jili:D Ocr i\ t, ^ '''i1.ii1q4tt :.* - aagb t;o ui, t. GEOLOGY THE PAST.. . KEY TO THE FUTURE Sincerely, L. R. ladw-ig SToRY oF 05'q' EIAGLE COI'NIY ENCINEER Courthouse P. O. Box 734 Eagle, Colorado 81631 October 4, 1974 Phone 328-6337 i ,l _l MEMORANDUM To: Eagle County Planning Commission From: W.V. Smith, County Engineer Subject: File No. Se-85-?4 Holladay & Bramble This office has reviewed subject application and the site. Based on this review, the following comments are offered for your consideration: a) The parking as constructed appears to extend into the road right-of-way. The applicant should be required to insure that parking is not within the right-of-way. b) A culvert is required under the access from the county road to the parking area. This will require some regrading and shaping of the drainage ditch above and below the culvert. c ) Dividing this lot into two separate parcels will result in two lots each of which has approximately 4600 square feet. This does not meet the re- quirements of the Subdivision Regulations. d) It appears that the intent is for utility lines, parking, and open space to be kept in common interest. Thi.s might be a workable solution for the original owners. However, subsequent owners might not find it as satis- factory. Problems can be anticipated for future owners, utility companies, and county assessor, unless the division of interest is accomplished by legal description of the land and physical separation of the utilities. Based on the above, this office would recommend denial of the exemption as it now stands. ,/.fuZ W.1/./Smith County Engineer WVS,/ac Planning Departurent Applicant DEP,AR(3, * 5li?,5,,i3XI''J "-u*(t =*,COURTHOUSE ANNEX P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 3 Octobor 1974 Ho{aday and Bramble Conatructlon Ccmpany Elox 962 Bouldor, Colora& 80302 Re: Flle No. Se-85-74 Exemptlon Holleday and Bramblo At thelr moetlng on 3 octobor 1974, the Technlcal Revlevr commlttoo (a group of technlcel advleers from varlous publ lc agencles) revlewad your appl lcatlon and offer the fol lowlng comments Bnd recommendatlons to you ard the Plannlng Commlsslon for consldoring epproval and uso ol the property. (1) tha unltE slptrlct bo served by soparate sewer water and vrator connectlon llnes; (?) becauss the unlte are to be consldored townhoueee, a ealo wlll result- In a dlvlslon of land. This belng the case, the st<etch submitted must indlcate th€ proposed dlvlslon and Includs al t flgures (dlstancos, aroas,stc.) for sach lot. Thls questlon.: could be resolved lf the unlt were sold as s condomlnlum' wlth tltle to the land In common orvnorshlp; (3) thsre must be a culvert to carry the watsr under the ,'drlvoway,'1 (4) ths sketch to be re-submltted should show the relatlonshlp botween prqrorty llnos ard the road rlght-of-way. Thls dorc, the elte must bo rc-deelgned to rerrove all proposod parklng spac€a from the rlght-of-way3 (5) flle a plat wlth clerk ard recorder upon aale. Th€ss gtatements wlll bo fonvarded to thc County Ptannlng Dopartmont and Ptennlng Commlselon for thelr consldoratlon by the meetlng of 16 Octobar 1974. lf you have rty q.J€stlonar yourro welcome to contsct thle offlce. Slncerely, Quentln Mltchell Jr. Plannlng Asaletant OM,/kt cc: BoErd of County Gommlseloners 0.*u,*oNMENTAL ".ort" o RECEIVFD SEP z 7 1st4 Box 8ll - Eagle C,ounty Courthouse Easte, colorado 81631 t'%fi?:ll[:r:,1'*' Yail 47G5613 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927-3322 Septernber 27, t974 Re: Holladay and Bramble E:<enption Flle No. Se-85-74 Applicant: Holliday and Eraoble Constructlon Gompany Box 962 Boulder, Colorado 80302 We would prefer each unlt be connected by its own indivldual sewer and water llne. But nill recomend approval of the plan as subnitted. f"i,/ 4 %'J Erik If. Edeen, tt.P.S. Envi ronmenta I HeaI th E$IEIbw cc: llolliday & Brarobl e Construction Co. Colorado Department of Heal th ()ne Park Central - l5l5 Aropohoe Srreer P. O. Box 840 Denver Colorodo 802OI (3O3) 534-1261 RECTiVqT} September 24, 1974 -SEP Z 5 1a/,1 Dept- 0f i' [tgir Eagle County Planning Dept.P. O. Box 635 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Preliminary pLot plans Holloday & Branble Exernption Gallina Exemption Beaver Bench Exemption Cliffside Condo Pre. PLan Gentlemen: We have examined the above captioned plot plan and find that atthis time Western has no facilities on the land to be plotted. Please note that ure are a gas transmission utility and ourapproval does not refrect our ability to serve subject subdivision. 61Very truly yours, \ L [) t.--J n N/.zrqq! N 'U"WtLOt4-. Daniel L. Tekavec, Assoc. Right-of-Way Agent DLr/jr t -QtuE CIVIL ENGINETRING . PIINNING . SURVEYS SUBD|VIS|ONS . WATER & SEWER SYSTE/I\S Box 1908 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Phonc 476-5072 Dcnvcr 244-1521 September 20, L974 Mr. Quentin Mitchell, Jr. Planning Director's Assisrant SEP 2 3 1974 P. 0. Box 789 Eagr-e, colorado 81631 *ot tliri,lir. f,,il"'' Re: Fil-e No. Se-85-74 Holloday and Bramble Construction Co. Upper Eagle Valley SanLtation Distrlct Dear Mr. Mitchel-l, The two townhouses proposed for Lot 2, Block 3, Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision can be adequately served by exlsting sewer lines of the Uppet Eagle . Valley SanLtation District. As you probably knov, the districtrs plant expansion is on schedule and no problems are expected for the continued growth in this valley. Sinc erely ' RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. Kenneth E. Richards KER:1n Englneer for the Dlstrict cc: Janes Co11lns, Manager A1 F1ewe11ing, Superintendent u. E.v. s.D. Ilolloday and Brarnble Constructlon Co. o1" &gtrr--,e Ooo. Kcnncth E. Richords Rcgirtcrcd Professionol Enginecrs Registered LondSurveyors RECgII"IED ffis€"u oo CC United States Department of the In BUREAU OF LAND Glenwood Springs P.O. Box Glenwood Sprinqs, MANAGEMENT Resource Area 1009 Colorado 81601 tenor v\^ t!, LLILY IEPEI to L785.2 fti,^'::';:D ,^1 A SEP z 3 ivtt DeDl.0i Eagle plxnning county, & Devel' Coto. Septemlcer 19, 1974 Michael Blaj-r, Planning Director .Eagle County Dept. of P]-anning & Development P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear }like : We have reviewed tlre Holloday & Bramble Construction Co. Exemption Request (Se-85-24) from the Eagle CounLy Subdivi.sion Regrulations and have the following recomnendations: The Technical Review Comritt€e should recommend more strict adherence to exemption requests and see that rnore detailed information is available. More pertinent comrEnts will be aired at tlre regular technical Revie$t meeting. Sincerely yours ,/# Stewart A. Wheeler, Area Manager 1. 2. c\ (\F t\ t qe e^ L t\ \- L\ \s.6 :-S', .^s Fs I .\ \:'F\ ^\h. St$lq s'.( *Ff,tH\Lbi$\[|$ r8l il\-R \ ()\ t't'tt$fli'l* :"1 tr"K *lF*FRLd \ '' Lt lt,t tiFt et l'tl.F ' \F-trI'F $ Fj' tr N\ =.t .{tf$arbT $l$ r rdF$'ttFR"AR sfFRkf I ^$prt'fr tel-qg\ o RIC:;"':D AUG2 B 1974 Dept. 0l Planning & Dev* ,, Easle County, ColG ' ftr,;ffil j +l .9\, N uu)r Et 96a .!e.Fr,iIt au/r rrz /2ooJq.ft ' 3L !8-23!a" t 2olo' ll ll t!b N N q\}q $t "Q\ ty 7t- o' 1f, *-< /t ; G-' 4 -.t,t!i.*t. 1..or Z 6.*'3 f,V f. ,tr'4Oe/.;t 7t4r'/ 3uA P)U \r/e=r /rtrZ - '(ozo,g,rsoo DEPARTMENT EAGLE COUNTY OF PLANNING AND COURTHOUSE P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 ' September 16, 1974 Re: File No. Se-85-74 Exemption from Subdivision Regulations Holladay and Bramble Exemption Appl icant: Hol loday and Bramble Const. Co. Box 962 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Enclosed herewith is an appl ication and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regul ar meeting on 16 October 1974. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Begulations Section 6.00 1972, you have 24 days from date mai led within which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional infor- mation or time, please advise this off ice. Thank you very much, DEVELOPMENT Phone 328-6338 ,'%-{.*/zf rZd*-'- Michael S. Blair D i rector MSB/ac Angust 20, ].;97\ l'to. Quentin Mitcbell, Jr. Eagle County Dept. of Hlanning & Develoglent Courbhouse P.O. Box ?89Eagle, CO 8L531 Dear I'tr. M.itcbell: Letter of htent: Ife rish to create tvo (Z) fee properbies as sbqrf,n on ttre attached drawing that jo effect results in two separate tosnhouse units rith a c@on vaIL, each orvner hawing an interest in h-is sid.e. Each owner ow:as and naintains a l/2 interest in the flont rleck, the sidlewalJc, anil the parkl.ng area, Ole water Line and one sener line sarre both properties and it is tbe intent of borth parbtes to jotntly naintain said.ut{Lity senrices antl strare eqal-ly in their ornership. Ttrere are lndependent gas and. eLectric neters for eacb unit. lbetater ancl sewer €ure one nontbJ.y flLat rate. Offstreet parktng is l+6' w:ide and 271 deept acccnoclai;lng 6 vehicles. The access is flon a co:nty road to parking stalls on Baslngd,a.le Btvtl. Itre drainage ls naturaL to the Couaty Road ancl. no culverts a:re necessary. Slncerely, HOIJADAY & B8AMBI.,E CONSIBUCIIOI{ CO. Corr"l'l I'to,-s e' RECEIVED' AuG 2 8 1974 DeDt. 0l Flanrini --, itJt- iads CountY' v.,'"' 0 BLOCK 2 t:{i-, )UNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION Blocks I thru 8 DEPAR1 ,, orH?iuTu,"*oo'lll oevef reNr P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado I t631 28 June 1914 Mr. Toby A. Bramble Hollad'ay and Bramble Construction Co. Box 962 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Dear Mr. Bramble: This is to acknowledge our receipt of your undated letter advising us of your intent to seek an exemption from County Subdivision Regulations in reference to the division of Lot 2 Block 3, Vai I lntermountain subdivision, into two parcels. Thank you for letting us know. I tve enclosed a copy of the suggested form for the appl ication for exemption. This application should be filled out (signed by al I owners of the land in question) and submitted in an original and twenty-two (22) copies. Accompanying the application,please send an original and twenty-two (22) copies of a map depicting . the proposed division of property. Also due upon application is a filing fee of $25.00 As to the timing of submittal , al I applications are to be in this office a minimum ofthirty (30) days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which review issought. The Planning Commission meets on the third Wednesday of each month for th is purpose I would suggest that you get a copy of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, asthey contain al I information you need. They are avai lable from this off ice at a cost of $2.50, which rr'ust accompany al I mai I orders. lf I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to cal I or write me at this off ice . Respectful ly, RECE!VED AUG 2 t 1974 DcPt. ', ' ,-r"": . 'cl" 'Jlgle County' Coto' ,..2^)6/-.*2; ,h-r:-Ll/-Q0entin Mitchell , 0r. Planning Assistant OM/Kt i,$ i5 TOF EAGL€ COUNTY PIIANNING AND grg[9,lOolorado 8r631 JunE 1974 ;',+r ta' ll,r;1P 5.ll , i 4,: ., ' {'tE:r-rg :, "'1')- iir;| 't1.',. oeveuCLrsnrr Phone 32S-6338 rl',1 e lHbt'liaday,. and,Brambl e . ,",1 ' . ' -,;: -i 'i;;; ii.i:..,. 1 .-,-; r ,.. .:. .,f.'^.-.t.':.;'i''i'',.'-'-'l.'...'..''i.."','''.i'.. *"'. I : Thle'ls to ackhowledge ig-ur recelpt of y.our undated letter advising us of your intent'" ,"' "1to seek arr exemptlon frbm'dounty Sr.rbdlvlsion Regulations in reference to the',"';.; dlvtsig-19-f Lot 2 Blo-ck 3, lall tntermountaln Subdivision, into two parcets.i.inll.n'|ir Thank ydu for lettlSg ui.know.. :;:,.,,6,1 .,,,'.: ,,.. -_. .'. _ -,':'.::r,:--l-jI,'...:--..,.- ..:,j:.. ).r..r,,,.,,,",,ri--__ '"t i:.j-,':,,:",!,'ve ei\Clobed S'abpv of the sugigested forrn.for the apptication for exemption. Thts . rt","itt:rappticatiorT should be filled put. (;lghed by al I own€rra of the land In question) and,:;;;' 'submittod In anorlglnal and twenty-.two: (22).copies. Accompanying the appl icailon, i-: 5., ,i ,pf eage;gel19-..qnrirrlginal. enA .\ggnty jtwo (22) coples of a map deplcting the proposed., --,. dlvlslonof proporty...Aieo-du6-ijpqnuppitiitlon.isafillngfeebf $25.00 ,. . . .. , a .. , ...1: ".t.:. :-...-.r..,!r. *\.rrj t,,,,-,' ..{q to the tlmln{"ot .U#tiii; 5;t rbJ iiJtl;"g+" to rbe in thie orrice a nrinimum or '.,'i;o .ithlrty (30) days prlor:to the Plannlng Commisslon meeting at which revie'ar isi:fiil'.'i.' rspught.'iThe'Planhlng.Commlssion meetg..on thE thlrd Wednesday of each month for ,:..::'i,-.'ithls purpose. ... ' i:J'.*. ! ' ' ,'l ,t.1, ,,tt.,i-Lii___ - _'1.,':. ri.'',r'..., .'i. ",; . . l:,:i,.Lir,*_ t., t;tt;| t.yfg t"oeeet that - ' ;6eia qopy of th6 Eagle Cournty Subdiviston Regutalons, as ,;,-i-;i;.'lhey.coptaln al I lnformatlon you need. 'They are aval lable from thls offlce at a cost t:. :iiji!:'. qt $2' p0 n;whlch myst,accompany al |'mal I bra"j". : li-'tii- !,ir i., l:r 1 .ri;, I i , ,,..,..;,. i,.. . ,:,...i.!; !.. lrl I r. i-,1 1.-ri I ';t^"r;),.",'i lf I can be of further asslstancer please do nothesitate to call or write me at this',f..i.offit"','t't.',.,t .,.-,,,i'.."..*."" :11.:'-'.,'r:..r.. i,ri. iti :.. - .. ' '. . - . 1 '.r .,1;i '. Li ';,ii':"i t' -l '- :,.:,r.7, ,_t .. .. ,,. : .,.1. . ,, .. .l-,.' : . . Ai ?1.:-f: ' Res;rctfully, Cr.rentin Mitchel I, Jr. Planning Assistant ctv4/kt OURTHOUSE I"o.'Ei* zbg ., "",'i?S..i*"JX"o "=u=( :;;)JJu*t*"utt pi-.,ono 3?8-6333 P. O' Box t o"- .- n..torado Sol id Loos Shake--Cold roof lac. ..,fr.t APARTMENTSr\ll-1, al\l l,e r- I DUPLEX enclos' I ication submitted Utiltlhr Poldplease ser divlslon o -A9o.ox.8ol.with ,nlo. Pcyrnaiit Ta.m Cqrnnii, Yrt R€ntoin As to the tntrtY (3c sor.rght ' thls grr'c I would they col o1 c5?' 5' lf I car otf ica ' R 3sP€ Quer .. Ptar %yrr ( HolladaySEramble Constr.. CE. lJgx rbz Bou1her, Eolo. B0jgZ l'lichael Blair Director of planning Eagle County Eagle, . Colo-. Dear 51r:. This letter is rrrritten acknoulredgment of our intent to request anexemptlon from the Sounty cornmiseloners to create tuo Fee simple parcels on lot #2 Block #3 vaiL rntermountain Subdivision, Thls rrrourd result in tr,rotournhouse units r,rith a common uall, each u:ith offstreet parking, and common.uatet end seurer te.ps. Our Agent Garth Jones of van schaack & co. rr.rirr as-sist us in presentlng the netressary documents as stron as posslble, Respectfutly yours, . Bramble .1.-f ,/ /'ft-2"/,-r.*r'1 'RECEIYED JUN z Z rgt4 *'1,11'd;;1;;.,*