HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 3 LOT 4 LEGALvr'n*T,rttrr' Design Review Board ACTIOT{ FORFI Department of cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81&57 tel: 970.479.2139 iax. 970.479.245? web: www.vailgov.comCcslllrf {W [E!'ELOPtl€Hr Project Name: FORSTL RESIDENCE Project Description: Participants: Project Address: 2714I.ARKSPUR I.ANE Legal Description: Parcel Numben Commentsr DRB Number: DR8050522 CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS (WINDOWS AND RETAINING WALLS) OWNER FORSTL,MARGARET&ANDY O9I3OI2OO5 2714 I.ARKSPUR I.ANE VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT FORfl, MARGARET & ANDY 09/30/2005 2714 LARKSPUR LANE VAIL co 81657 2714 I.ARKSPUR LN VAIL Location: LoU 4 Block 3 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S 2103-143-0102-3 Motion By: Second Byr Votei Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 10/05/2005 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00Plannen O tlinor Exterior Alteratils Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. ' Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by tfre Community Development Departnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval, Description of tfie I ^^;t@:*'^1 e./ 70 tlo E New ConstnrctionE Mdition tr Minor Alterauon ( rnulti-fam ily/mm mercia l) E Minor Alteration (sirglefamily/duplex) Ef Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request DtE LO *oo t-.i114* i6 u++ t, *e + Gt4a*g9,rtovq-6, {ro,-r. p, DE. lbcation df the Proposal: Lot: V Block: 2 SubdiVision: U6.o-( 7-^{- /1' physicaf Address: A7 N LeO-\G 0.i uN rr nu Co Q I t" f 7 L I parcet No.: Z ( 63 N& /<\73 (C,ontact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) |B, Zoning: 1 ,vName(s) of owner(s): r4poaer; Tf ftr2q L MailinsAddress: ,*,, t,r'n Hln8lt5? owner(s)sisnature(s):;l :g <-;:::_: tV Name or App ,run , A u a Qla " FO&Sf L tr Signs $50 Plus$l.O0persquarefootoftotal signarea. I ftr Conceptual Review No Fee -\,$650 For construdion of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residenfal or / commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor dnnges to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fen@s and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee rrcrrrE rrrr APPlarrdrali MaifinsAddress: 1-714 t *lkEfaf- t rJ :lPrg't ' 10 ^'Type of Review and Fee! ' \-e ' vr F For Office-$qq Only: Fee Paid: ry srnrno.r#8 st, L- 6{ DRne*n1wte: / ( '' Pfanner: ts I t**t*t+****+*tt+++*+**+***1.*********+t*+*********+******+**'i'i++*************++*+++++******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Stsatsement llumber: RO5OOO1621 Arnount: $20.00 09/30/?OO5]-O:45 A[1 Palment Method: Check Init: ifs Notation: 2238lAlilDY FORSTIJ Pernit No: DR8050522 Tl4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel lilo: 2tO3-143-OLO2-3 Sit.e Addreas : 2 714 LARKSPITR L,N VAII Location : 2 714 IJARKSPI'R I,ANE Total Feea: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00Balance: S0.00 ******tf,**** * ** +*+ * * * + + * * * * * + +* * * * * * *'k*** * * * *rlt +*** *1.** ** ***f** t* * * * * i * * * **** **** **** *++***** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescripEion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3I]22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 QorJI}EN G IARTIN00/04/t005 16;tt FAI f?0t?7ttt7 t lis *ro 3 Fc rl- Cc' x" -< "1 nlla-E5og "./3 $.$ $t $i;iIJii F,ge F\Ls 4 $ 3\)7 c EiH !O lDorJOEII C I^RTIN00/0alt005 l6:tl FAI e70l?t22t? 0 :lr l\ L {rt I IIrII!a II r ;t-f,nTE*$*[[ll c. \t [0 oe : ,\l 3" \.llJ- $ 3 v\ JOf,N G IARTINo17122t7 o 00/0{/2003 10:tt FttI f? GorJOEI G IANTIX00/01/t005 10:tl FAI r?Ol??2tt? I !tl * \-. tn3 ur | ,.1ll E ?_l* EEI il o HI . -HflI :'fr - -rU/z- -4lS\- *dG,' d'J rrln o:)lffio '3J :\ I {g tuq H ll -{ { EK Hd -.{ { ffi ,1 il l\ {.-l @@\@@@m rO o$ '.,] cc\ F-c l/1 0rl \J oc\ N .J l-.\\ r..- 7- CI <T -q/ -1C '1qJ.,__ '!f ? --I e|ca- \n V \q r$ L o \l \r,)t^ r$Jg tl I \ I I e" BR H=\f;t \ Jtu IuJ Fztu:tuo rn zotr ozo\Yl\n o lu tr ilE 9<Iu u9tro $e FFo[i &R9=o2!z Pn9< qq Ho9t \ \ \ \to \o\ $ tu\i llJg tr', 'rto i td oo |r)N @z \ n---- ',IE oEr otlv Xrliu] 'wf, 5L -Jo'o u{ -iH c. cg L) 5Y1 :v t- z--D '17 i ':"JE; E*-.,1 _ \r silnnF- -v vv e ---qF..^r--, vv E _\5o nnr ..- _ \ \v'vv\\X) \-e., \'?b RF-$ FilqI /* Nnu TOWN OF VAIL Qrr*rrrNT oF coMMr.JNrrY orulorrr*t 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD r r ,, .:-' tt. -) VAIL, CO 81657 \-o1 \, s\\t > 970-479-zr3r Uc,_^\ g^E*_^.r- U,.N NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 805-0054 Job Address: 2714 LARKSPUR LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED I,ocation.....: 2714 LARKSPUR LANE Applied . . : 0/.l08l2C0.5 Parcel No...: 210314301023 Issued . . : Ul22Dn5 ProjectNo i ?-,. nJ^;22- Expires. .: l0llglzms7r1 o{-oooz ovtNER FoRsrIJ, MARC,ARET & ANDY o4/09/200s 2714 IJARKSPI]R I'ANE VAII,co 815s7 APPIJTCA]iIT FORSTL, MARGARET & AIiIDY 04/08/2005 2714 IJARKSPUR I'ANE VAIIJ co 81557 COMrRACTOR Forstl, Andrew 04/08/2005 Phone: (303) 507-3550 2 714 lrarkspur Vail Colorado 81557 I-,icense : 343 -L Desciption: RELOCATE AND REMODEL EXISTING HOUSE. NEW FOLJNDATION, NEW BASEMENT AND GARAGE ADDITION.Occupancy fype Factor Sq Feet Valuation Totals... 2,280 $55,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 0 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $65,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 Building--- > 57 48 , 7 5 Restuarant Plan Review-- > Plancheck--> 5{86. G9 DRB Fe€----------------- > # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pallet: 1 FEE SUMMARY S0.00 Total Calculated F€€s--- > $1,580.44 So. oo Additional Fees------- >$0. 00 9342.00 Total Permit Fe€------ > $1,580-44 $0. oo PayrFnb--------- > $1,580.44 Investigation- > wilt cdl---- > S0. 00 Recreation Fe€-------> $3.00 Cle3n-upDeposit-----> TOTAL FEES---------> 51,580.44 BALANCE DUE---->s0.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARIT'IENT O4/13/2OO5 caunion Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENr 04/08/2005 bgibson Action: AP This approval includes minor changes to the original DRB approved plans . Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENI O4/LL/2OO5 mvaughan Action: AP Item: 05500 PTBLIC WORKS O4/20/2OO, eC Action: COND L,imits of disturbance/erosj.on control fence must be ***********i?**t*?*lS-l-P:f:-1.".-:*"-?:..t*-ll-"i*-"*-}*?rr:i-1**ur;**r***r**'****r**.***'r*rr++,r++{i.*r*i*r+ri*'r:r{.*****i*+**+*+**+**i*+* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to ttris permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI,JRS IN ADVANCE BY PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNATTJRE OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PACE 2 **t **************,k***********,1.*,***t**************,t *,t *:t *:t**:t*:t*****'1.*,1*'t *,t ***:tc*:t *:t *,t(*****i.**********{.*{.:ti{. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B05-0054 as of M-22-2N5 Stahrs: ISSUED *******:t*'.*****:|.:*!**********:|.:F:t:t*:'.!*,t!F****:F:&:*{.*:**'**!t*!**!t*,*'********:i*'**,**;&*,t*'.*{.***{.*:|.*J.***,t*,t******:f**!t.** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BIIILD PERMIT Applied: 0/.l08l2D5 Applicant: FoRSTL, MARGARET & ANDY Issued: Ul22l2W5 Job Address: 2714 LARKSPUR LN VAIL Location: 2714 LARKSPUR LANE ParcelNo: 210314301023 **{.******:1.*:!***:t*!t***********:r******{.'t***;f *!**!r(*!****!t't***!t****;t:r*:k*t *t ***'r*{.*****,r*!r*!&*:k:**:8*********.**{.*i. CONDITIONS **:f*:t****,t*******************************************'t ****i.*{.***********rt ***tr*tr*{.*t ***:F*!**:*:8:f ********t(*t( Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0007032 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER 2m3IRC Cond: CON0007033 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER REQUIRED TO VERIFY 2OM PSF BEARJNG CAPACITY IN WRITING PRIOR TO FOOTING INSPECTION. *+**** * * * * + +* * I ***tt*****i***********t*+*++ * * I * * *************+*****t****+*+i***************l TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ,f ***** * * * * * * * * * t t ++*t**********{.****f ++* + * * * + * * * ********t****,}**,!*'}*****+***+**++****:|'****** statement Number: R050000451 Amount: $1,580.44 04/22/200504:31 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Forgtl 6027 Permit No: Parcel No: Sit.e Address : IJocat,ion: This Paynent: 805-0054 2103 - 143 - 0102 -3 2 714 LARKSPI]R IlI\l VAIL 2 ? 14 I,ARKSPI]R I,ANE $1, s80.44 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 91, 580.44 $1, 580.44 $o. oo Current PmCs !4)e: ADD/ALT SER BUILD PERMIT ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 0 01000031123 0 0 RF 111000037L2100 wc 0010 00 031128 0 0 Description BUITDING PERMIT FEES PI-,AN CHECK FEES RECRE;ATION FEES WI],I, CAJ.,IJ TNSPECTION FEE 745.75 486 .69 342.00 3 .00 o TION WI lr LL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNS Project #:o q- 00t'3 . Byildins fq 970479:?L4*1 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PE For Pa l# Contact Eaqle C r **********t********l******************FOR OFFICE USE ON LY**************r******************i***i DRB Fees: .. . ---- Public Wav Permit pee: -.- APPLICA 07t28t2A04 ftwnopwnl? 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 o IL BU ON, iplriejc:! ., l-\iXil'r INFORMATION 'trI : CONTRACTOR (-i (jenerat L;ontractor: A^t0&e.- R. fo(s.rt Town of Vail Reg. No.: 3Ll3- L Contact and Phone #'s: ---*;== 1 ?o7 tot 35(-O roll RMIT Labor & Materials BUILpING:$ /5 C(n.uu ELECTRTGAL: $ 5r 0a0,o u orHER:$ 20.00O.co PLUMBING:$ /p.000 MEcHANIcAL: $ 1 J6?CD, o o rorAl:$ 0;,C)oo.d" rcet # uon ounty Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaole-coun u\ o 3lr{ 30 | 023 JobName: 1}fl L ftC LANC JobAddress: Z+ f g Vrylk-S/u& LniJe. VAru Atbf? subdivision: Uo^l 'r^{er n*nliu,Legal Description Lot: 11 Block: J Filing; owners Name./4alopfirJ F*i Address: ZTI\LAa-ksturz Ll*J Phone: 7 ]p <17tzt it Address:[]fi"'3o1gov3raotrnglneer: K?P\ (o*s. -ruu6 Address:Phone: Detailed description of work uu *-o,-r S, WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodet f( Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both M Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( V" Type of Bldg.: Single-family fi) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: t No/TYpe of FirePla es ( ) cas Logs ( ) Wooc/peltet ( ) Wood Burnino M) No/Tvpe of Firepla es ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pgtlet ( ) wood Burninq (Nor ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: les$l-|llol Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (No() FlUsers\JSutheAnewBLDGpERM.DOC 5@.+"+ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Qr.o*r""Nr oF coMMr.rNrrY o"uJorr"*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0091 Bo€-oo4 Job Address: 2714 LARKSPUR LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED l.ocation.....: 2714 LARKSPUR LANE Applied . . : 0511812005 Parcel No...: 2LO3l430lV23 Issued . . : O5l23l2@5 hojectNo: P ' ExPires. .: llll9l2005- r"J o?- o0(e9 owNER FORSTL,, MARGARET & AIIDv 05/t8/2O05 2714 IJARKSPI]R IJAIiIE VAIL co 4t657 APPITICANf TROPICAL HEAT INC O5/I8/2OO5 Phonez 926-3!26 PO BOX 4747 DWARDS co 4L532 IJicense : 283 -M CoNIRACTOR TROPICATT HEAT INC 05/L8/2OO5 Phone z 926-3L25 PO BOX 4747 EDWARDS co 81632 License:283-M Desciption: INSTALL RADIANT FLOOR HEAT Valuation: $14.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y Me.hanicd-- > S280. 00 R€snrarant Plan Review*> Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will CaU--- > S70 .00 DRB Fee--------------- > $3 .00 S0 .00 TOTAL FEES___----> 5353 . 00 Total Permit Fee-----> $3s3 . 00 Payments----------> $353.00 # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 f ofGas Logs: 0 #of wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY $0.00 Total C|lculated Fees-- > $353 . 00 go , oo Additional Fees------ >$0.00 BALANCE DUE-------->$0.00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEN| o5/L8/2oos Js Action: AP IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLTAIICE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE !997 Vt4C' OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG. ) : IIISTALL,,ATION MUST COI{FORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 I,MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPL,IAIiICES SHALL, BE VElflfED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AIID SIIAI-,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 199? I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO ITEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF rHE 1997'uMc Al.rD cr,oprER , tr"" i.eez rMc. Cond: 31 (BIIDG. ) : BOIL,ERS SHAIJL BE MOIINTED ON FITOORS OF I,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBI.,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PER.DIIT,PLANS AriID CODE AI{AIYSTS MUST BE TO A}I INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECI{ANICAJ, ROOMS CONIAINING HEATI}IG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI,I-, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI.,@R DRJAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. lllltll+*+tl*******1.**tt*ttttt++++ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable theretoTo .2 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI,R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2149 OR AT OLrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4PM. ( NONCOI{BUSTIBI-,8 CONST. IINITESS POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRTOR SI ***++*f'i*i**+*****fti++t*t*++t++++i*********+*f*t'tl+++++++**+++***********t+*t+++++**++*{'+*t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Satementl.t*****f+l+t*********afttf*tt****+***+*+*f++**tttt***t*****++*+*r++ft****t********+*++ttttff gtatement Nuniber: R050000555 Palment Method: Check 4606 Anount | $353.00 05/23/2OO5L0:30 AM Init: DDG Notationr lropical HeaE Permit No: Parcel No: Si.te Address: L,ocation: This Payment 3 ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code MP 00100003111100 PF 001.00003112300 wc 00100003112800 M05-0091 2103 -143 -0102-3 2714 LARKSPI'R I,TiI VAIIJ 2714 I,ARKSPT'R I,A}JIB s353.00 Descript.ion Tylre 3 MECHAT{ICAL PERMIT ********+********t+**t***t*********i***+****tttt*+t+++++r++********tt++***********++**t****l Total FeeE: Tota1 AIJIJ Prnts ! BalaJrce 3 $3s3 .00 $3s3.00 $0.00 Current Pmta MBCIIAI{ICAIJ PERMIT FEES PLA}iI CHECK FEES WII,I CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE 280.00 70.00 3.00 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 AppLrcATroNlLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLETlR uNsr Project #:oab3 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) include: DimeAiryt Gas Li Cut/Spec Sheets Permit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s:6.d\r E-Mail MECHANICAL: $ I COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT Labor & Materials .\,trAy{ 6* pfi&-* * x * ** ** * * * * FOR OFFICE USE ON Ly*x ** * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * ** * * * * ** *' ).1 {P-- -U'l LDRB EeeS! ,: , l Date Received:. | | Other Fees:Planner Sion-off:AcceDted BY: DRB Fees:Date Received: ,iv - Contact Assessorc Offie at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parel # Parcel # Job Name: A noc? 6:f(=-JobAddress:2*[d G,.r. gwz L n " Lesat Description ll r-ot' ll arocr: ll riringt subdivision ff414f n r a, rr.fa, i-o*Y"""Anov frs{u llAddress: a+of *t*s^.r*lfffi Engineer:Phone: Detailed description of work: A"Aa RfO,A,ct floo.l-|c.t WorkClass: New(r,J Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Locationl. Interior QtJ Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family (vzJ Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) \WAiI\dAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\MECHPERM. DOC 07 r26D002 v2 finllL tJ t -z =u, o a E E Fr B E H E tAt Fl{ E EI!uIg e E EE adgz'd ooee rscd3su'1 dH HgeI:8 SOOZ AO TOWN OF'VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Owl{ER Plumbing-- > Plan Check-- > InYestigation- > Witl Call----- > PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 2714 LARKSPLJR LN VAIL Iocation.....: 2714 LARKSPUR LANE Parcef No...: 210314301023 ProjectNo, f3 o+-oo,? Qr.*rr"Nr oF coMMUNrrY on#opMe^rr Permit #: Status. . . : Applied. . : Issued . . : Expires . .: os/1-8/2OOs NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES P05-0050 Bo5 -*6+ ISSUED 0str8t2w5 05/23/20n.5 rl.tr9/2w5 FORSTIJ, II{ARGARET & A}IDY 2714 I,ARKSPt'R I,A}IE VAII, co 81557 APPI,ICANf TROPICAIJ HEAT INC. PO BOX 4747 EDWARDS co 8L632 License: 315-P CONTRACTOR TROPICAI, HEJAT INC. PO BOX 4747 EDWARDS co 4L632 L,icense: 315-P 05/L8/2005 Phone t 926-3t26 05/L8/2oos Phonez 926-3t26 Desciption: ROUGH PLUMBING AND RECONNECT PIPES FOR RENOVATION AND ADDITION Valuation: $8,000.00 Fireplace Infonnation: Resricted: 22 # of Cas Logs: n # of Wood Pallea: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? 'l'i'.**:t'l'l'i:t'l|t'a'll'l'lral'l*a*a*'l*.*,t*,.'t*'.:l*a:t******:*'*'t'r*.*t:******rr*t rt!*ltat r, FEE SLTMMARY $120.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $ 3 0 . 0 0 DRB Fe!-------------------- > . s0.00 ToTAL FEES____>. s3 .00 so . oo Total Calculated Fees-- > So. oo Additional Fees------> 3153 . oo Total Permit Fee------- > Payments----------- > BALANCE DIJE--.-.--- > $153,00 9o. oo 9153.00 $153.00 s0. 00 Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARII'IENI o5/t8/2}os Js Action: AP IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIUENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIEL,D IITSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. t ./) REQUEgTS'FOR INSPECTION SH4rL g€ MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLJRS rN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4792149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 DMIPM.(.,' --,:- '.ty'4 du /, '\^=----' ,t ", \r r.********l***++*+***+f********++tit*ttt****al*****t***ta+t******t**f**t++*++*f+*r********r.** TOWNOFVAIL. COL,ORADO Statement +f*******f+++*+***********t******+***lt+*fff**{t*rt***'tt++t*++++t**+*****t***'f*++++++++++***** Amount: 5153 .00 05/23/zoosro:31 AM fnit: DDG Notatsion: Tropical Heat Statement Nuiber: R050000556 Palment Method: Check 4605 Permit. No: Parcel No: Site Address: L,ocation: Thi s Payment: PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 P05-00s0 2103 - 143 - 0102 -3 2714 I,ARKSPTIR L}I VAIIJ 2?14 IJARKSPUR I'A}IE $1s3.00 Type: PLIJMBTNG PERMIT Total FeeE: Total ALL PrnEe: Balance: $1s3.00 $1s3.00 $0.00********+++*+*+{t******t***t*+tt+'}**{'***+'t**i*l'l!*****'i't'tT'}++*l+l..*****+++*++t*********f*:}{t+'lt* ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript,ion Current Pmts PIJAIiI CHECK FEES PIJT,MBING PERIT{IT FEES WIIJIJ CAI.rIJ INSPECIION FEE 30.00 120.00 3.00 APPLICATI.N?LL NoT mvuOFvAn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U CONTRACTOR INFORMATION '0{b Plumbing C.ontractor:-P,' orcJ lleT T,,a Town ofVail Reg. No.:3ti: e. Contact and Phone #'s:(c c,.i r &O - q^^t E-Mail-Address:,// Contractor Signature: // / /4 /.Un*.'r, , COMPLETE VALUATI MBING PER.MIT (Labor & MateriaIS)ALU o FOR PLU BING PLUMBING: $ Q Contact As*ssors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # JobName: A"rD.f 6,Jt robAddress: a"+l LxeF.<o'* L nJ Legal Description Lot: {Block: ],Filing:Subdivision:7*C-c_ art n.,nt ai n_ Owners Ntt"'A^Du Rslt Address: J+t+ | get< sDta-l ,^,.11 Phone: 3o3-so+ -?<ao Engineer: Sart^ Mrg-L,in Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: QO "gh |\u^f,,,t9 a4at ee(arrqzc'l- Rlef WorkClass: Xew(i,{ Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family $,{ Ouptex( ) Multi-fami! ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) *******rr*******************************FoR oFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: \WAiI\dAtA\CdC\AFORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC \{1 07t26t2002 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81(5? 970-4'79-2138 PUBLIC WAY PERMIT JdA&ers: 2TI4I.IIRKSPURLNVAILLotin-----: 2714IAIKSPT R IANE Fercell{o...: 2103H:nfCX} APPLICAM FORSTTJ, UENTiAAgf &, IITDY 2?14 IANTSPIIR. LEXE VAIIJ co 8155? r.i C:elaee:onxER Foxgrr-., r|lncrxEf & axlr 271{ LAnf,SPUR Ia{E VAII,co 816s7 Lricenge: Xsciptim Teqr. eite access/Rlilso\tA,'ffof Am) aDDIfIOlt halbVry--> hncntri(>--> EodAm--> Actio: AP t,o .,Ou '. aA-/ ?gPmri DEPARTMENT OF CI)MMT'NITT DEVEII'PME}.TT NOTE: THIS PERItttT MUST BE FOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Fennit # PW05S23 04loLl2OOs Pbone: a+loUzoo5 Phoe: lln*-._-> BAI.AI{CE IX'E_-> ISSUED |J,,nvxrc 04/01/zff $r5o. o0 $o- oo FEE SI'I{IIATY ?? ?? TOTALFEES-> 9150.00 Aprovals:Iten: O55OO PIIB&IC rcRKS o4loLl200s gc, Iten: O555O RICTrIEITPTIE CONTDI:IION OP APPROVAL _atrtfrratttaaal DECI-ARATIONS I ocrrifi &dI h! rcddct#tr of Tib Ul-SIR.dtuVril Ltui:iptCorbddl dility csnr-ty 4t!ffi, sipd by oc, .d wilt $b bt rb re, rd tbt e[ citlii| r rcqtucd. Pr$lic Worb ?ill htrc e 4eclM book availSle ia Apdl of t9S. 'T*'}'} REQT]ESTS FOR.INSPEICTTON SSALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOURS IN Iffi ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT AT OUR OFFICE FRO*{ 8:fi} AM -'r PM. SIGNATIJRE OFOWNER OR ANDOS'NER o r*+a TOWN of VAII. COLG'ADOCopy Rrpr&d o 0€f-2t5 rt 1{:15:51 0'l/0112005 Srero tttt+t"'ttitrttt?tt?ttt++fttt'}tfl rtff lt+ffi f++' Starst tn$€r: nOsOOOO3lg lalnt: $15O.OO 04/01/200502:37 Plii ' Pay@t tGthod.: Cbccfr' Trrit: Gf tlotatio: checL * 2183 I,edit IIo: Pfo5-o023 ?yln: PIIBTJC Er 9BE!{IT Parcel lto: 21O31tUt01023 Site rddregg: 2?1{ LrPrFDrrD Ilt Y;lILl IocaEi@ = 21L1 LIAISP(IR' IfilB llbtal Fecs: $X5O-00 ltis Iayrot: $15O.Oo tot l tltrl htss $150'Oo ffi ,.......r*t*..tt rtt.t.t-tt**rt #;.t...t...*.11;ff ACOOUNT ITEM I.trST:T:T:-- T=::*-------- :T-:-:-T:: sr oo1oooo3t121oo PIIBTJC lqx FBS 150.. oo i- APPLIGATIOT{ FORTOWNOFVAIL PUB1JCWAYPEilIT 20 Pru*:EE-TENE PWftEE'NtrNEM*:nnnn-nEtr-nr-trEE B|dg.Per'*r*Entr-trtril[ ."i ii.+t ri iJ {:-;i y:: --. : ir'r-t ::'l,J i, StoslAtu i:,-{ ;\ {? ;i i i-ei r":2.Envaliq CanfrbNanr TE|gAfB TOV Conlractcr's License hlumber REOUTRED l!( :i ./'i,- | ,*l .:tos l.'Lt) CqrTHinO# VYfrer Sewer Gas Elecuic Telephme (Filtit Eairen Date) CATV Lafsca$ng ,"'Tsnp. Sile Access,,)./ P?EEt 4. Startllfr Work is for 6iruecry Other 7. Trcrrcfi-wkiltr (min.4) Lengtl Depth TotdSF $ Totallf S BondAmont $Permit Fee $TffilPermitFee $ ALL MATEFIAL, ECI.,IPMENT, At{) TRAFFIC @T{TROL DEVICES Tfi.'ST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFC'RE THE JO8 lS STARTED. Rl t ber qf{irgsns fl€ rql-r€d m em.dirg qf*rrrtert ufieo uprbrg o.} a6phalt. Asphal sufrc u.demeafi the hrd(et ar|d hrgE shaf be prctected at d tirnes. A signftre bel* itdtalesa reviewolfieareaand ufrtylmtins arxtryoi*- OrEo dtffiycdnparry signahtes ate obtaine4 pemeels oCon d rufi1g eppruonru$tc h& Uab d6lo o&ia the neccseryTour dfhilr*gn*rc. Pbe a|br rybq|e r€d(toproc6. Xcel Erergy (1{0n'@-1S/) Xoel Eneqy l$gh Pr€sor€ (1{X}S22{9S/} Olr€st(lqx}922-1987) AT&T Broa6and (1 €0G922-1984 Eagile Rayer Water & Sanitatifi DisfiI (97(}42e74€Ir, en. 114) Hcty Cross Ebctb Corpany (l€0().922-1!ff) Town d Vlail Elecffiians (97O471F2158) Towr of liat krigsliqr (97G47+2158) THERE W[-L BE t€ TOTAL STEET CLOSUreS! A o$n$trlreti$n lraffle senlrol plan rn{.!st b€ $uf}mitted and rprproveri hy ihe Fublic \llorks Departmsnt plicr to lssuance oi the pefftlii. All excavatiro must be done by hard wihin lf of utrfti€s - (Senate Bil 12). . Fafltretondiry Eefunu* resfth brfeitrce*bandmmey- Sffiubdirpeaircufich arenC nly oay medt in lheTown cfiaqingthe contrtrior a rBirmdim fue. I cert?y|hdltnvercsda*dsfrcdTitsE-R*WaVsadAqqtf dtp\Aliimi*rdOo&adaludity csftF !y ag€stt€rtq dged by rn, *xl rl e by lhe ssre, sdlhet d rffies ha,€ b€fl nffied s rcquired. 6'xEa;G S'qnaturc d Agreefunt- '- ArrAcH Pt-lilSWqtrcLlrnE Print name ctearl!,/ OOIISTH'CTDI TRAFTE OO3!K}L R.'X 10. ii. 12- Sfros $Ieets wlh namosi h*fqq ad ksr|inn sl r.ts. I'SE DfSil Lrc FOR GttT. ol SignaiLre FddE 4ttodFB lffiG ]|!lcE trdDrrcF nulhltr ffi FNSTLNEDrc IESilDHIIfl.ADUIUTI (}srB. FasnrilfRornGrleB C{Itr/ZDr nFE: 27KrrrrsFnulc. VNL @ 8ldr7trc: A?nn|*r rcrSILtffiTtItY Wtrl}r PiEE 27t{ LAnFPrf, ttrc vtn- co ttfltt LHg 27tturnSFnLruE- DdgnkfrBsdICTil FORII EFG!'(h*rw7strmrh4t{,ffi t[df,r!'nfrt2l:P bc$.'o!r:61*mc,rdaic mE ! mgr'o{E , t* rrC aE 3 ffib U[-lIlEfIIfm rY S Afil}EOIIr} mtffEEi Fb*srhtlE a.-4l.|r t HInfFq. TEF 3{Xt Pffin|E Drdlrrtr* Argrre+ Chd! 8 (P|rL! |b -ssblE tb E Edff d: Ft ort d Tffi dIrrtltr{btb*Gair@Ido Olrt! ffi *ud G d@a g rFhiftr bclr]l Tcrd H rffj FEd F bc-i"J*idr*srdtn DnB wd fl d 6e * b 2D S feal| lrdrrot ilfiJ.ffilnrpd dffr #f, rlp d EdG(l) tct bhtb dE e oiiU pd, *e !&g pdr -.d ad qrlrdlr hond crdtsffitFrddodrml firnr: EilGMr ffihE *nO o and Twe erirbd tritLc lt(XlD brnbs fircnhccs. Ono bcetod en ldr fos EvLr ru Onc lecr0cd er ten f,oer bcdrcen o K$Jtlc*ra*rc.nLoctffiF tta oilDaaorstlFtoftt',T lo;tdttuEn dIE ?ME PKtGCn ?lrL$rtn ffiqonD @ Inr flmrclcr Eru'Icr.mrrnre h rt|r-btrafo6rF*,e tFo-c. qrlr tthFEphctsn ausa shltrq, fi€sarcftrl*qhFHIz*-OG. OFT!D RqFdFh -6f,8 OGo {5D5',:: *t 31J30#06 In"p""{l:ll,F?$'F"t nefo'ting p"g" t Requested Inspecl Date: Thursday, September 14, 2006 Inspection Area: Cb Site Address: 2714 LARKSPUR LN VAIL 2714 LARKSPUR LANE AI/P/D Information Requested Inspection(s) Item: OR REOUIRES COMPLETETION Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG EMENT AND GARAGE DRAGON - JSUTHER IL RESOLVED. i ,, Requested Time: 09:30 AM' Phone: (303) 507-3560 Entered Bv: LCAMPBELL K vctz+tua InsDeclor: JK Comment: ALL FOUNDAT Insoector: JRM Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION ALL FOUNDATION IN PLACE EXCEPT AS NOTED IN ON FIELD SET OF PLANS.... NORTHWEST WALLlnsDector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED I Item: 30 Item: Item: Item: Item: Comment: 1 . Comment: Action: AP APPROVED Action: NO NOTIFIED ILC DUE TO SET BACK VARIANCES. Action: APCR APPROVED/CORRECTION REQD 50 60 70 90 BlDG-lnsulation ** Aooroved ** 09/09/05 Inspector: JRM ' Action: AP APPROVED Comment: INSULATION APPROVED OWNER WILL NOT BE FINISHING THE INSIDE OF THE GARAGE...E l na\ Ol^^+-^^l- r\l^ilComment: INSULATIONAPPROVED BlDG-Sheetrock Nail *" Aooroved 09127105 Insoector: JRM ' IN WINDOWS CHANGE FROM .16OC TO 24 OC FLOOR/CEILING Action: AP APPROVED Comment: BLDG-Misc. BLDG-Final 12t09t05 BLDG-Final 12109105 lnsoector: J Comment: APPROVED I Reouestor: FORSTL. ANDREWCordments: FINAL C/OAssiqnedTo: JMONDRAGON- Action: Time Exo:Comment: APPROVEUFOR TCO ONLY. ONLY DOWNSTAIRS AND EXTERI Inspection Historv Item: 10 BLDG-Footin 05/13/05 DG-Footinqs/Steel -. Aooroved ** 05/13/05' lnspector: GCD Action: CR C Comment: FOUNDATION AND HOUSE DO NOT LINE UP 05117105 Inspector: GCD Action: PA P 05/13/05- lnsoector: GCD ' Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comment: FOUNDATION AND HOUSE DO NOT LINE UP . DO NOT POUR UNTIL RE 05117105 Inspector: GCD Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: ALL FOOTING EXECPT 1 SECTION IN NW SIDE. INCLUDING 3IN FOOTI UNDER HOUSE AND 3 EXTERIOR PADS. 05124105 Insoector: JRM Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION 05/13/05- lnsoector: GCD ' Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIREDomment: FOUNDATION AND HOUSE DO NOT LINE UP . DO NOT POUR UNTIL RESOLVED. 105l17lOS Inspector: GCD Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL omment: ALL FOOTING EXECPT 1 SECTION IN NW SIDE. INCLUDING 3IN FOOTING PADS 1 P UNDER HOUSE AND 3 EXTERIOR PADS. 05124105 Insoector: JRM Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION 1 PAD: REPTI-31 12109105 lnsDector: JRM Comment: APPROVED FOR TCO Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Run Id: 5550 4:17 pm ___- EcFo*{ l7"oo ArPrD lntormadon Requested Inspec-t Oate: lnspecdon Area: Slte Addressi AFpllcant Confaclor EAGLE/SUMIIT ELECTRIC COMPANY Thursdav. Auoust 25. 2005 CG 271,f I-ARKSPUR LN VAIL 2714 LARKSPUR I.ANE Sub TYD€: ASFR Sbttls:(be: Insp tuea: Phone: 71983S3569 Phone: 7198ii63559 Requested Tlme: 09:00 AM- Phone: 97C-411-1284. Entersd By: LTI|IMAN K ActrrlM E0+O142 Corul TyfE:Orrl€r: FORSTL. ISSUEO CG Dsscrlpton: NEWELECTRICAL SERVICE. lvlOVE EXISTING PANEL, w|RE NEWNG FOR GARAGE Recuested Inspec{on(sl Item: 120 ELEC-Rouah Requeslor: EAGLE/SUMMIIELECTRIC CO / Rancty Cofiimert3; AM / bas€B|ent & garags Assignsd To: EGLATZLT nme Erp:Zfr-"0"* N?a(/t Pa GF.E D-/'/ K'*" -- )no[4 DtLf,"t /'*f lr r'rr/'r//c/ /tv. fttt kntuor;: ,-i*irn b€r/tcDt",t 4 el la*<-' - V,e1Ln-t zt,,r;' n/-1- t /*// AA: /le-// wlt-t GPr u lnsoecton Hlstorv It€m: 110 ELEC-Temp. Power It€m: l2{, ELEC-Rough Itam: 13) ELEC-Condult - App{oved * OA/17l05 Insp€dor: S|.|AHN Adlon: APAPPROVED Comrn nt MAINTAIN 24'FILL lN TRENCH.Itcm: 14O EtEC-tlhc. nem: lm ELEC-FInaf REPT131 Run fd: 3555 Requested lnspect D.te: InsDectlon Area: Slte Address; A/P/D lniorma$on Acttultv: E0$0142 Tvoe: &ELEC Const Wp6: Occupaiicv: Ov'rier: FORSTL. MARGARET & Al'lDY- Applksnt EAGLE/SUMMIT ELECTRIC COMPANY Contado.: EAGLEISUMMITELECTRICCOMPANY Inspection Request Feouested lnspecf onls) ttem: 130 ELEC-Condult Rsqu€dor: EAGLEiSUIA,$T ELECTRIC CO]IPANY Comm€nls: Assloned To:- Acli,on: lnsoecdon Hlstrorv Item: 110 ELEC-Temo. Poncr Item: 120 ELEC-Rouoh ttem: 130 ElEC4ordutt Item: 14O ELEC-frhc. tlem: 19O ELEC-Flnal Yvednesday, August t7, 2005 CG 2714 LARKSPUR LN VAIL 27'4 LARKSPUR LANE ASFR Status:. lffiptu€r: ISSUED CG Phone: 719836-355S1 Phone: 719-83S3559 Descrlp{bn: NEWELECTRICAL SERI/ICE, MOVE EXISnNG PANEL. VI'RE NEVITNG FOR GARAGE AM sr-iAl-tN Requeshd Tlme: 09:30 AIf' Phona: 471-12U Ent€redBy: DGOLDEN K lime Exp: REPTl31 Run Id: 3526 oo fl77n,uo/ {f,,,{ fifr , //'{{; -l c?s *(' /./ 35ot?#ou ln"pt"$:ll,F"duF".! nrfo'ting t"n" lt Requested lnspect Date: [lednesday, July2€, 2006 lnspeclion Area: CG Site Address: 2714 LARKSPUR LN VAIL 2714 LARKSPUR LANE A/P/D lnformation ADolicant: Coiriractor: Description: Reouested Insoection(sl Item: 290 PLMB-Final Inspection Historv B.PLMB RECONNECT PIPES FOR Sub Tvoe: U'se: NSFR Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG REPT131 Run Id: 5521 /rrfe-rrna'nfr*tt ,;r(, HooL 3 r0r4ft,tp Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us Project Name: FORSTL RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB040453 Project Description: RESIDENTNAL ADDITION Participants: OWNER FORSTL,MARGARET&ANDY 09/01/2004 Phone: 2714 LARKSPUR LANE VAIL co 816s7 License: APPUCANT FORSTL, MARGARET&ANDY 09/01/2004 Phone: 2714 LARKSPUR LANE VAIL co 81657 License: Project Address: 2714 LARKSPUR LN VAIL Location: Legal Descripdon: LoU 4 Block: 3 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S Parcel Number: 210314301023 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: MATHIAS Action: APPROVED Second By: DUNNING Vote: 3-0-0 Dateof Approval: 0911512Q04 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.0O ;ffi Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitring a building permit apdication. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparlment. The project may also need to be rsriewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental C.ommission. Design review approval lapaes unless a building permit is issued and construction commenoes within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:H Lqetltfurz LocationoftheProposal: t-ot: { sbck: 3 Sufrivisbnt@ Physical Address: lo (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: RECEIVEO .l'i' 31 ,,.j,'r Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: -to? 39t"C /6J 4 E-mail Address:q1D <t"L T lLl zts2- Owner(s) Signature(s)r Type of Review and Fee! tr Signs E Conceotual Review tr New Construdion f, moition E Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration ( single-fam ilylduplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $3OO For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor dtanges to buitdings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painUng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor dtanges to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee a1 {.*'*r{.r****:}'l**+***********{r*|'i't**I******i.'t *'***'t'l******,r*'}*{.'t ******'t******,}*'r****{.*'}'}**:1.{.'t*{.{.'t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ** * * **!t * * * 'l*'l *:1.*rl* l.* {. * i *{.* *'l *'t*** * *,t't't* ** * {' {. * 'l:f 'l * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * l'1,r.'t,} * * * * * * * * * * * f** ** *{. *'*ri * ** statement Nunber: Ro4ooo6551 Anount: $300.00 09/01/2oo4o9:59 Alr! Palment Method: Check Init: 'JSNotation: *2109/ArilDREW FORSTI, Permit No: DR8040453 Tl4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 210314 3 01023 Sit,e Addrees: 2714 IJARKSPUR I-^N \IAIL L,ocaLion: 2714 ITARXSPUR LAIIE ToEal Fees: S300. OO This Payment: $300.00 Total ALL, Pmts: $300.00 Balance: 50.00 It*'i{.*{r**!t***rt*tr*********t **'t****************'tt ***{.:ll.*****{.*****'}***'ir.{r****,t,}**,li{.ir*'1.'t******,}* ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIET\I FEES 300.00 JotrnG ItC Fax Memo ToE Andyand Meg ForsU Fronr John G. Martin Dater 811612004 Rer Lot 4, Block 3, Intermountiain Subdivision $rbi: Town of Vail Zoning Summary PO,Box 621 Phone:v1041-2+76 79-St2S ioh"uiltin Zone Dtstrict Primary/Secondary Residential Lot Area: .'131 acres x 28,560 s.f. = 5.706 s.f. (nononformirq under 14,000 s.f.) . GRFAAltowed.. (4$o/o of totarea) = ?JE3]sll(existing 1\22si .) . Site Coverage (20% of lot area) =1.141 s.f. (existing 807 s.f.) . Height Limitation=33 feet (existing 23 feet) 2 (.'.. -. -. ' ,, ,{_-\ ,i ' -f. .r (. ril ll I' (i'" ", . Setbacks: Front = 20' Sitle = 15'Rear = 1 5' . Retaining Walls: 3' max. walls in fiont setback, except 3'€' walls allowed along driveway/garage edge. 6'max. walls allorred elsewhere. . Driveway requirements: 4' flat pan at edge of road 8% grade first 10 feet 10% grade to garage (1204 if heated) 24' clearance to edge of road. . Driveway area allowed (2006 of lotarea)= 1,141s.f. (existing 1,773 s.t.) . Sncniv Sbrage: 30% driveway area unheated, 10% driveuray area heated. r Parking: 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit = 3 spaces (2 inside, 1 outside) RECEIVED . Page 'l 's PoLIcY - LO-11-92 srEwART T-II.LE- =UARANTY coMPANY\t lJ fl'l\nrt I SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE-COII{INI rN SCHEDULE e aNo rHE coNnnrows eno s.upufRrroNs, srEwARr rrrtl:1fl):1,.,^oll^,Y; Texas corporation, herein called the company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A' against loss or not exceeding the Amount of lruurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insurdd by reason of: 1 . Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested other than as stated thorein; POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY 2. Any dei'ect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of tbe title; 4. Lack of a right of access to and from the land' ftJi ffi;;;,ii".i#*:t'*" costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incu'ed in defense of the fitle' as insured' but to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations' li,fil1^;,|ffitffiffi;, t#;;;;."4'";;;;ftompany has caused this poricy ro be signed and sealed bY dulv authorized officers as of the Date of Policy shown in Schedule A' STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY chai rl|an of the Boa courtersi gned: $.--ffiB 't 'o-'";')*=. \is#/ ll, ,/"/'/ '.')ffi1-, il( ludrori zed countefs i gnature /1 li -srEwenr tnLE oF vAlL, tNc. (/ , i fAsent ID #0600s8 ] i rhe ro*owins maners are expressly "*"ruo.o ?JS1Y3tlJ:'#"Y,f3Hffi"1* tn" companv witt lnot pav loss or damase' cosf' i:'"ilil];,1ffi:'#,fii$:ffi":1ffi:"I,ii?T"iJi,o,' (incrudins bur nor rimired ro buldins and zoning rJws, ordinances,'r reguratrorj") resrricring, regutating, prohibirins or relating ro (i) the occupancy,"u?:';; ;j;fi;;i-ili1i9,-1itt thE character' dimensions or locari{n of any improvemen, no* o, n"r"oiJi Lii"itE on m'" IanO; (iii) a separirion inbwnership or o "t'ang" in G dimensions or area of the land |rr any parcel of which tne tano is oi'iaJ" i"n; o.ir"i *iiitrti*.ntii'pro""ii*, oiltJ "tr*t of aiv violado'of these laws' ordinancesFr govemmenral regulations, "*".p, ,o thi -"'i* rhar a' notice of th. ;;fil;;;',i;t oi oi u nori". oi a defeqt, lien or encumbrance resultiirg from a violation or alteged violatron affecting the land has been d;;;';i;;;iii records at Date of Polipv .. ^J " (b) Any governmental potrce powii not ixcluded Uy (a) aUove,'eicepi-ro' tti" "*t"n, that a notice of the'exercise thercof or a nottce o! a defecr, tien or encumbrance resutting from a violation or atleged ri""r^ii.i" 'irt""',i"g';h; ift h"; u*ti*""S-Ji" irte-puutic reconts at ofte of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise tlrercof has been recorded in the. public reJords at Date of Policy' but {ot cxcluding from coverage any raking which has occurred prior to D"i" "iF"ri"y'*iti"rt rrouro u" uitioi"J .,iirr" tlgttis of a purchasei for va[re,lwilhout knowledge. tr- The following matters are expressly excluderl from rt " "ou"rrj"-Jtttir p"riri -o the company will not pay loss or damage' coslis' .-,L:^L -,:-- 1,,'.--.^n ^f. I I 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) created, suffcred, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; i zed Counters i gnature ART TITLE OF VAIL, INC, Agent ID #060058 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE value or a or lien creditor. lfi]'"iTlT';"i,11|iiiX'ji'Jffii:#,'ffi':iJilH$ilil;:ffi.i o*9 9t.rq1n-111"'::l-':.y" insrtrcd craimant and not d writing to the company by the il;';"il;;;iot ri G. .f"t" t " insured claimanibecame an insurcd urder this policy; (c) -resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (di atlaching or crcated subsequent to Date ofPolicy;-or --in -ar,,a r^r rhe pcrrrp rrr rnrel ;i t';ffi;;;t;;i;t, *tuti in*oiu.n"v, or similar crediibrs' rishrs laws; that is based on: (a) the rransaction ".uattng ti,e.sriie o.inr"r".t iusureA titfris pofty Uii,rg d..med 1 f:""l!:ll convevance or fraudulent I (b) the transaction "r"rring tn" ..tui. ;; ;i;;;t inqured by Uri. i"iii' bern-g deemed " Pfl:T:,.lit tranbfer excepr where the I rransfer results fiom the failure: tiit" ii,*rv recorci thi instruinenr df trinsfer;-or (ii) of suih recordation to impan notice to a pu l:j fl:l"t|'T-t;';::1'riili#"#T"ilffJ;Jr"r'li'J#"n 'uo.inerr if rhe insurerl claimant hatl paid value for the estate or interest lf Xl;:rTtlil, which arises out of the ransaction vesring in.the rnsured rhe esrate or-interest insurecl by this policy ' by reason of lhe o Serial No. 0-9701-319604 .A,LTA OWNER'S POLICY SCIIEDIJLE A Order Number: 03033952-c2 Date of Policy: sept€dber 04 ' 2003 at 9:47 A'l[' Amount of Inzurance: $ gsr, 525 ' oo l. Narne of Insured: ANDRtt{ R. FORSTIT AND UARGiARET A' FORSTL' 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this policy is: FEE SIr|PhE 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: rff,DRBW R. fORSfrr eND !{ARGARE! }' FORSTL 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED I.,EGTAI, DESCRIPTION I I i Policy No.: o-970x-?19504 I i SC}IEDI]LE A Order Number: 03033952 -c2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 4, Block 3, .i,OTO TOMS*MO'NNTAIII DEVEX.,OPUEI\IT SI'BDIVISION Accordilrg to tlra recorded plat thereof, IJBssANDExcEPTts}reNorcher]-yPartsofsaidT.oE4' deecribed ae f,ollorts: A parcel of land b€iug Ehe Norsherly !1:t "f L'oE 4' VAIL MTERMoITITTAIN DEVELoPuBlfI sItBDIvIsIoNl,ll?ll.t : "1il;;;ilJ-"i-""gr" countsv' colorado' deecribed as: ;il;;;;i- "r," *o'lu'e't corner "t -::o*-ill-i:thence Soutsh 3o00'oo" Sast 75'OO f,eet along the vlealerly L of Eaid lot I theDce North 81o25'oos Eas! 105'31 feet go a point of curve !h6 Norgheaslerly liae of, sald lotr il:"""'ri;;;i xo'tr'"""t'"rv Jrle L26'6s ::::-:"-:i:Hffi ;;;;';;i;'- "'*" Eo che Ierts whoee centsral ansle !' O tl ldad a 0 46"4g,5SnandwboaeloagctrordbearENortbsxol?,28'wegt fe€t To Tbe Point of Beginnirlg ' COI'TTTY OF EAGIE STATE OF COIJORA'DO Line rve c arg c is r 12: I I ei I Ion I o{ 1 t3 )2 ,TA OWNER.'S POLICY SCIIEDT]LE B Order Number : 03013952 - c2 Policy Tlrispolicydoesnotinsureagainstlossordamage(andtheCompanywillnotpaycosts' which arise bY reason ot: 1 Rights or clairrs of parties in possession' not shown by the public records' 2. Easemetrts, or claims of easements' not shown by the public records- giot-rtgeol i atforneys' fees or No.: o- 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines' . shortage t"*"V *O inspection of the premises would disclose in area, encroachments, and any facts which a unJ *tti"tt are not shown by the public records' 4.Anvlien,orrighttoalien'forservices'laborormaterialheretoforeorhereafterfulnished' and not shown by the public records' I 5.Unpatentedminingclaims;reservationsorexcepdonsinpatents,ofanactauthorizi$gthe irnposed bY issuance thereo waier rights, clairns or title to water ' 5. Arry and all uapaid taxea and asgessDents and any unredeemed tax sales ' ?. Tbe eff,ect of incluEions ia any geaera]. or specJ-f,ic waeer cooseryaocy' . fire protectsl"on, eoi]. congervation or otrrer ai'gtricb or ioclusioo in inv water Eer\'L"e or atreets I'nprowemenE area' i g. ReservatsionE or e:cceptl.ons cortailred in u. s. Pat'ents, "t 1o-1:t"i. a-uthTizins tlre iEEuaace thereof, recorded September 28' LgO4 in Booh 123 aits Page 3 reserving 1) Righte of, the proprietor of a vej'n or lode co e:<tsralct aad remove hle ors tsherefron and 2) right8 of *"v-io" di.tches and caaalE clnstructed under lhe auchority of, tbe United Sgaees i 9. CoveDantss, corrdltionE, Restrictions and Easenoals Affectsing Pro{erty of Vail Intseraorxllaia AeEoclateg recorded luip Z+' 19?0 in Book-218 at dage 28L ae ReceptionNo.ll38?2,aadiaEtrrrmen!.recordedNovenberLl,19?oiinBook2l9aE Pag€:.2oaaRecePtionNo'L14?3*'a-lsoaff,idavi!recordedAprJ'I'28'19?1in Book220at'Page.3lgasReceptsionNo.rreosr,andAneDdnentrec<|rdedABrl.128' 19?1 in Book 22o ats Page 380 aE RecePll"orr No ' U6034 ' I 10. EaEeEenC graDted tso UpPer Eagle Valley Sanllation DLstrict' by Internrountain at"otf "-C-"4 ' in the inEtsrumeRts recorded AugBs C 7' at Pag€ 4L7 aa Rec€ptioB No' L14008' ll.AtlmattergE}rownonBhePlatof,ValllrilEetslountsainDevelopBentlSrrbdlvision recorded iIule 30, 1970 in Book 218 at Page 82 as RecePEion NO' tl13672 ' I 12. A DE€d Of TTTTEI dAtsEd SEPTEMBER 2' 2OO3' EXECUtsAd bY MARGARET 4' FORSTI, A}ID AIIDREW R. FORSTT., to lbe Public Truatee of Eagle Counly ' to Eedure an indebtsednessof$250,0oo.00,infavorofAuaRIcA.swEoLEsAI.EI,4![DERrecorded SEPTE{BER 4, 2OO3 as ReceptioD lilo ' 845663 ' I Conlinued on nJlt Page i I i irail f-9? 0 io Book 218 I I Contl'auatsLos of gchedule B - ALTA Owrrer'a Policy PollcY Nr,rmber: O-9? 01- 319504 I 13. A Deed of rnrer datcd sEprBltBBR 2, 2003, exccuted by T{ARGARET A' rFRsrI' AIID ANDREI{ R. FORSTT'; to the Pub1ic -Tru6tsee of Eagle county' to securq aa Ladebtedneg" es $66'ooo'oo' ft I:ttT;f cou$TRwrpe Bll{K' A Drvls4or{ oF TRtsASI'RY BAllK, N:A' racorded SEPTEIBBR 4' 2OO3 as RecePtion No' 846664 ' ev.5/e5) o o ENDORSEMENT FORM l1o'1 (R ENDORSEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ,- SERIAL NUMBERO- 9?01-319504 ISSUED BY STP.,NASf#IJLE HEREIN CALLED THE COMPANY Order No.: 03033952-c2 Said Policy is hereby amended by deleting paragraphs 1-4 i Thisendorsementismadeapartofthepolicyarrdissubjecttoalloftheterrnsand.Prqvisionsthereofandof any prior endorsements *':'i"F::::::i::"T::* ;13:*:'J,:':::*.1'JJ:H::,il:'fi:i"f,I,:l$il'tri il;il]J:ffiffift '.v*d;v;;il''"1311':11':.::i*:'"lf extendtheetrective Prwr"rvus ii in"t""tt the face amount thereof'orior endorsements, nor does Signedundersealforthecompany,butthisendorsementistobevalidonlywhenitbearsan authorized countersignature' TEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY countergrgnecl: STEWART TITLE OF VAIL' INC. Agent ID #060058 Serial No. E- 9851-201582 inclusive, of Sphedule B. STP"HASf#IJLE INDH( OF ENDORSEMENTSTO POLICY COLORADO Agent File No.: 03033952-c2 Insured: alrDRErf R' FoRsrrJ AI\|D I,IARGARET A' FORSTIJ Policy No.: og?ox-319604 Policy Form: ALTA OWNERSPOLICY l(},l7-g2 The Endorsements indicated below are attached to ENDORSEIIEIII I.10.1 1-4 DEI''EfION CHARGIE S5O'OO crr"tL. fios.oo I above refeienced PolicY: PROOF OF LOSS OR DA]\{AGE' Inadditiontoandafterthenot|cesrequiredunderSection3ofrhese.conditionsandstipulationshavcbe€nprcvileddlecompany'aproofof|ossordan r sworn to by the insured craimant sha, be turnished .' *" ."-*'l_:.ii:T_;:j*:l;::XlilffT:::":'"HIliffitil'lllrJ:,'s':: :Til,:,'il1""n:H;1'il1,T"'riJ,fffH;'::;'#.J;;';;;;:*ru:::ru:lTi'nT::T:3fiJ:fJJl;"c'ns'ii'iu'(esd js or darnage and shallstate,,oo" "-*,"* poraiule, the basis of carcularing the amount of the loss or damag€. tf rrre compa.y is prejudiced by de fa*urc oft riarantto provide the rsquired proof of ross or damase'lhe:"'TTI'-Yi::1"*.:: *t;11*:::':'l;;li terminare' incruding anv riabiritv or is|am to provide the rsqutreo proot.-:-r-:::l :,;:,":"; ;. -"n", o. ..tt"* ,equiring such proof of loss or damage' l *;fiiillT,.TTililXl':'J"J:ffi';"':ffiT1:ffiiii";i:::li::-:*;Tli"il::T""J:J:ffiH:;TJ:: ,"J ;1':;;lJ::"r[TJlilH[ ff 'I,1',:iil:l "':"::H;'i"'.""";i"::::: :* t'xlliil:ilHffiH[THil:.,11"*" '"'o'"' roks, ledgers, chcck$, correspoudarr* o,tInouoronda, whether bearinf, i^t" *"* "' ^oer Date of.Policy' which reasonahly Penain ro the loss or damal .requened by any authorized representative of the company, the insurJcbimanr shalr grant its pennission, in writing, tbr lny authorized repfesentative of tl rexamine. inspcct anrr copv a' records' books' redgers' "'*.-:':::'::T.:14::1. i;;1:X:5fi'r"fl*,'":::::i:'lJ*,ll'l;"iTiffll'lff:':?ff;: 11"':K#T',*#X-;1ffiffi;;i;:ii""",rTv"lllj:f,:'*ffl;"'1"',:Tl'il,H",';::;il1*'*'-""' ^r ess, in rhe reasonable judgmen, o, *" -aon ounr, it is necessary in the adminis*ation of lhe claim Failure of the insure. clairnant to submit for examinatmn roducc other reasonably requested infurmation or gra* *a.o'on,o .a"ure reasonabry rlecessary informat on oo,n t1';d;parties as required in this par erminatc any liability of the company under this policy as to that claim . t. OPflONS TO Pnt O* OtO**SE SETTLE CLAIMS; TERMINATION OF LIABILITY' rn case of a cliaim under rhrs poricy, the Company slnll have the follorving addhionar optrons: o CONDITIONS AND STIPULATION S Continued (a) To Pay or T€Ddcr Paynrent of the Amount of Insurance' i?;1:1T#-$.i#T:::H"iliiliJl.'IffJT" *':: :::"Y,":'ffl1JJ::#:'JT5ffit ff** incurred bv 'irre i'lisured To pay or render payment or uE dulwurn obligated to pay. l werc autrrorized bv thc companv' up to the tine of pat**' :: ::Y.:: ":11':',']::,1":'::Ji"'i,lTY*. *i, poricy, other;l"J'#:::::;l l?;ll ill"llH'liil;':;; ;{U:--":}a*'*::::T'.1ffi,ff T,J'T'TlJ,t:lT?':#'.}Tl.*':rifi.il'Tll"#::Til:,l; T:] L:T:1f;::;;#"i;*:::::;:o.",.xporicv sharr bc surrendered 'lo 'fhe companv for [l;J"lr "i ;;;;;';. ;i;" hrties otherrhan'* 1**1," :]':i:'l:j.:::::":T:1":;l,l"iil'"?-*ffi:ffiI"'illTil:,ffi;ffii;;!;1"" r'ri,::l3:j;"J.::TJHI|ffi'.1'.1ll1.TiilJ;lillli(i) ro pay or otherwise setde rvith other parnes ror ot ur urs 1:..:-^-J;., ;,- ",,,,,.r,ru uo to the time of paymcnt and which the company is ano rcys' fees and expenses rncurred by the insured claimant which were authorized by drc Compatry up r , pav; or (ii) ta pav or orherwise senre with the insured craimant thc "* "'-ol::i:.:l::.'o^1-:j"::::'i':#,il;Iiilil-1iT'lllu"',1"0;"rl'^"t"' t""' incunBd by the insured claimant *hich were aurhorized by rhe company up to the time of payment and which the company is obligated to pay' upon the exercise uy tr," co*p^nv of either of thc options provided for in pnragraPhs (bxi) or (ii)' the company's obligitions to rhe insured under dris crairned loss or damage, odrer rhan the payments r€quir€d : i::l:'. ::;i;rn'*t"' i""*t"t 'nv liabilitv or oblisation to detbnd' Prosecute or continu€ ,. o"toid^ottoN' EXTENT OF LIABILITY AIrID CoINSURANCE' Thispolicyisaconiractofindemnityagaiustactualmoneuryl:t:::-1::T**"ainetlorincurredbytheinsuredclaimalrtwhohassufferedlossor of nrattes insuredagti#'by ttrirpolicy and only to fie exBnt herein described' (a) The liabitity of t€ Compatry urKler this policy shall not exceed the least of: (i) th€ Amount of lnsurance shted in Sclredule A; or' i',,l,T;Ti:IJJ.TJ::T;::l,i: ]|T:lffiJ'";** ", i ercst as insure<r an<r rhe varue or the insured cstate or interest subject to $e derect' '%;TJ'*1Tli'Y.liffill;"surance smrerr i" schedureAarthe :-"::"i:*:i'::::"-,*,T:::i,"T"1";*:J:*:;1T#ffJlil: ,"""J:l"ll$""iJ"il :: ;l:ffi]":i ,, # ; ';:";;"-"'- J *' ,?": :l :",1? :1":T::";:.T:J:iff:liJl'liii"'J:$rrich increases ne varui estate Or intcrest by at least 20 percent over thc Amount of lnsurance srated in schedule A' then this Policy is subject to tlte tiillowing: (i) where no subsequert improyement has bee n rnade-' tt ro ;; ;:ii'::tl.::,t""^t;;l;1:,tt"t onlv pav the los{ Pro rata in the propoftion that ,_","*:?J::#Jfiffiffi;;'""i",i"",","*destateorin*restarDateorporicv:or I (ii) where a subsequent rrnprovem€nthas been made' * "";oT:ii":':i:1::1f?j::::,:Y#,ll;:Tlffi:"ffi|ll:ffi*X(ii) where a subsequent irnprovem€nt has been maoe' ^ - ""1-:::;::"',:"" ..L*''1" i.*Ote A and $e amountiexpenrled for the improvem Amount of lnsunnce stated in Schedule A bears !o the sum of the Amount of Insurance smted in Schedule A rhe provisions of this parasrirph shalt not applv to costs' anoflreYs:'fl;::lj::::::.::)i::1"*:,'"'T:t is liabrq under this poricv' and shall 'lhe provlsloDs or rrrts PcroErgv- "ar"a in Schedulc A. portion of any loss which exceeds' 'n *" u"t"*u*' l0 percent oftlle Arnount of lDsurdlrce stalcd in Schedu (c}Thecornpany$l|lpayonlylhosecosts,attorneys,feesono"*p."*",incurredinaccordancewitlrSection4ofthes€Conditionsandstipulations. - *ffi:m:L in schedule A consis* of rwo o, rwore parcers-which "*'-."i:._1:'_:^':::rj:.'::i -, a ross is €srablished affectins ore or . !,-----^^ -nra. ih- .,r,licv was diiided Dro mta as 1(, the val *, "j:ff :y"t'ilrri";"iilil ;:":T::il; #ffi; if rhe amounr of insurance under this poricv was diiided pro '"ta as 1.' the varue of eachseparateparcelto thewhole'exclusiveofanvimProvemen$'i{i:i*:::::t"^"?::"".j"t:i:lJ]:::Jl:o.j*#il::il,J#::tTil Lffir".fi;;;il-;;" insure<r ar *re rime or the issuance of rhis poricv and shown bv an express (coutinued rnd concluded orr lsst page of 'tris Policy)(ALTA to ihis Polic signed balis of insuted and shall records, Furthcr, CompanY pertain to to othcrs oaih, slull rvhich alry cosls, lo expenses tbr &c litigadon. by reason or enculn or th€ ftil the insure( anx)uff o npply to th, of thc parc€ Date of Poli( upon as shall .t- ta.J r-r.;iiF_ ffiil#triffiffiffi E :q---tlE=-IE, iEFffi=-rrri-r+--E€E=-5ii' -ff -e{rE e*fa+er *rrr (E% :|llEIFffi#F- -----.-__- -i,iH -: tp*J a zF b*e *r;*- BEST F at rf oGsQ - -- iiiffi'ffir* srecot.Br ro s3l|{"?[?taz --rE------=-.-r- nrl- 5-----r-r-----:_ - * 44#-^--r-- Illltarrts!{lnnt3rlnl Gffert c= ::l -f --- l-tD-r-r5----E - ri-q r I h,, th I -:th- - rrlr f *E Lt_tQ qqli-Ift fr *et = *q-blrl -lbc7-bnr--at--fr Grib>iC --1Ca--dErlrDb.n:lq?eF--q|bd--t* 1,ts*Er- -.fiE-ri*=b-Ittt {fll'q'3-r+*rr1gf,.IH-. It:r:fEH h*nnt-fr!n3.betSfE F-IETG€EIn:rsL/EFlGEtb IrCr!fE-!nr.n|lls!rff5lEAETE E.EETNTE|HGfE-lnnnl -lEHp-p-TEEIEI xff.ilHixrn-F{GEIre Ij I II .Lt- (D ort+ #b- r-g,-s} i&ei7 - IryG i IE-tr--ff-Kfirr.dt i TOTfl. ffiE.Ar It-aIt F.ril raf ffir-t E EDI--a -rr-r=qrF HEE #rtu+bgir ffiFoffiEi, mErf-rfrbgnaEir+cE* ffi*r-qrqlEfftsrcriSrh+ |LlFaE EE)ffiL-'r*F ata- 1f-1dhhh-__--=--=:_--5- =E??:-='lffi rb tI brdm ,l_,09 al| Of:e -Ed nrrrlrGur.ilEciEtn q--k,r-th, T Fc.sc'r ffi llEsr*-h GL- =H=FF=F-rrcE*HF"FnsrlffaE;br>Eft+ Frhq, N:trLIEH ?--ft,- Ffr-ne-c+-rE:IX?..EffiFn'ArEtt=+ ffiti'= orErsqIEffiL*s(-"- ftf-dE EEi-ftsq/f|E|trEhbr_a _--E*T----t-----:5;.:=:= *EE=tr= Errq{-r.' fb. G C{ GI:Ott u-Elt gnn-' GB rD gfffa= rEsrnnradrrnr|Gt FcEar :grlqrffi =aEp:EB{r.i-rE-lnlIEI il==FEcq'lE--Etrtr"Fnsrrcglffi'curl4 Erhqrn. T4EEGEh-:UL-rLh|-:E.cr gnErl-r-l fucExsE -tsrcrroab+ H-Lit ryiCEffiH-(hrr' fril5' GLtbq,ilrtar5iE-E--Es=:ff=:-- .l t, Err t- ==-ri---r=nrrr -- ib.ftn_ ilEEe *mL E-al ,* Sgif EB P-er ?-2I : II Iteila!r-,h{ iiEI t I!,I !i I......-! t i i, Ii.----......- t ItttI ...r. --- -,-a= .-rr'- trFr,,r tfDLcCl G-GSTFrgh ltfi C-r rDltlE-rE - * TrE5'nnrgHrFrrtsSrnr --rGIE - r- rLIf rts rGEbb br|r-- dalqtr- --€-ttsE-Ir*ettb-rfi- Zl:rQrqfrbretl|F€,tts*lFrrG*ff-tttsLrlft5C-Id;= .-i-.r qrql-E1$...a-Hff1-. t EEI!t.aE-5---tF-qt---t--tn- -r-- --t--tEEt-t*-qrrfE E-3EE{-JljD/GHffiEslrE IrcEElnilD|ID]rlrrEtllGAE Er!II:E!E(ElG -En:n3r-rrEllGl ryErIn/F iElI{n-HECHrc t|Etrr]ar:rltf,lzlrtoFlIlriEElGqi& tE--dE: t'b-E o Allorvcd + =JLu- zoNE CHECK oor", q hu/Dnl Lcgal dcscriprion: Lot { sto.t ---;GAddrcss Osncr .,\,rchitccrj Zonc disrl'ct Lot sizc Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc Existing t5t7 . Proooscd + z74b tv:{ 5 + 6'1.5 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? l Horv much .of tlc allowcd 250 Addirion is usc,l rvirh thi, rcqucrt? iJa Sitc Covcralc Hcigbt Sctbacks (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar --- .. 20' '.l5' t5' ?z8r' ,elJ>- toVrz.st l-endscaping ivfinimum Oaragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics rvift TOV Liglring Ordin.anqc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss 6an 2:l (50%) Enrironmcn taL4lazards riooli0rsoo).(r20o) 9tlL.l Rctaining \\rall Hciglls 3,t 6,_---' I'arking Roquirca 7 - z ,l z Pcrmittcd Slopc Zo Ycs_,_jl__ No Ycs- No 3)w Proposcd Slooc E/ &, Prcr,ious condirions of approval (cbcck propcrty filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: ucttV.&=k6z : o!-&' 'r,i7 o Encloscd 4) Witcr Coursc Scrback (30) (5 5) Ccologic Hazards a) Snorv A b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Florv la;t, Fb-|, :.' suollcFscr letd oSErsc/euHJBd ,i ' .scJuuFPA s''tI'J uogEcupr^.o.c stloorpgi/s:tcaq I$tdurst Flrap'ru iugpg;ng .-- (,t) sEueq:aa6j/rca€ -..- ctlsJo sorc.qd uroy uo.qecgpaa fi!1p1 .-- qcEgtrs fa---\--,ttA T Y) ugdcr cp31 luruqiuo.raug .- p,rorddy opuo3 ' snogN\nrrcsmt clBrs ' ' ':').psa'.'\lwr.r"r . l{\trdlIIIS tr' src4 pcsodold suop&tclJ DdS . :. scc4turyspS - suoPumlnSlpp . lrrU-r.f ?Jrr r.;i; - -I'trldSdlps(Itwl tr FarI qolldJoot - . sPtezqH|Euttutbr,rug slEprtsJ^lUotoc qeppoog f6pJ _cfe.s ,- sNql.tvA3lg cMa'Itns D Igdrdodol ' t. '' nHiI -- slulu'rsB:l :trorL-urugc[J\{[ArerJ - BarvcnEpilng Ydtto l8uoplpps 0SZ .- czlsto,t -I.YJUC 'i ' :IEJS - :pEuryrutg r-r- swlduoo-rJ o ,sroplrroc ^tc!A lp4EugqcX :1ccfor4. rsrTlrcfl{c A{XIAf,rI N9ISgq tr Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500D Minor SubdMsion $650n Exemption Plat $650E MinorAmendmenttoanSDD $1000D New Special Development District $6000n MajorAmendmenttoanSDD $6000tr MajorAmendmentto an SDD $1250 (no aterior modifrations) Description of the Request: Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission RECEIVED Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel. 970.479.2139 lax: 970.479.2452 web: rr/ww.vailgov,com AUb ',l 6 General Information: All projecb requiring Planning and Environmental Commis$on review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the paticular approval that is requested, An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be revie\,t ed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board, Type of Application and Fee: tr tr D tr tr tr tr n! Condltional Use Permit Floodolain Modification Minor Exterior Alt6ration Major Exterior Alteration Development Plan Amendment to a Development Plan Zoning Code Amendment Va riance Sign Variance $6s0 $400 $6s0. $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 physicatAddress: r)fg /+4K50oA LN. VArL (tla5? (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') - 11 Zoning:. sr^ d(':e(D4 Name(s) of Owner(s):Me.nt^o-er b A.,out^ Foefu Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: 03131104 Mailing Address: 8t bf+Ln(k5Qv Q f - "aN 'toA E-maif Addre ss= t onloa-arzLnuE@ F' e", 41O- \1 L -Ll3L lfifrnnnvfiliiail lf L(, UlooL g ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 Sonth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:, 970.479.2L39 fax:. 97 O.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: FORSTL VARIANCE PEC Number: PE@'10063 Project Description: VARIANCES Participants: OWNER FORSTL, MARGARET&ANDY O8IL7/2OM PhONE: 2714 LARKSPUR I-ANE VAIL co 81657 License: APPLICANT FORSTL, MARGARET&ANDY 08/122004 Phone: 2714 I.ARKSPUR I.ANE VAIL co 81657 License: Project Address. 2714 LARKSPUR LN VNL Location: Legnl Descdption: Loft 4 Block 3 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMOUi,ITAIN DEV S Parcel Number: 210314301023 Comments: Planning and Environmental Commission BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: KJESBO Action: APPROVED Second By: VIELE Vote: 7-0 DateofApproval= O9lt3/2004 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No ctranges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Totvn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0006732 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail design review approval for this proposal. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)a joint owner of propefi located at (address/legal description)Llrz*;Qo rz L*x:.t=Lo7: provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above, I understand that the proposed improvements include: which have 3Q*cE_ - I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Townl applicable codes and regulations. Page 2 of 6-01/ 1 8/02 *t,1.*l***llr****t:t't'|*t*****:trt*+*****{' lr*{r**** * **t* *'t:t*f,* t***ft r.,r,r*llr** *******i*,r'}lr** ** * t*'l r' * tl + TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement Statenent Nr:rnber: RO40006438 Anount: $500.00 Oe/L7/2oo4o8:54 AII Payment Method: Ctreck Inie: iIS Notation: #2104IAIIDREW FORSTI, Permit, No: PEC04OO53 TlE)e 3 PEC - Variance Parcel No: 210314301023 Site Addrees: 2714 LARKSPI'R IJIiMIL I,ocation: 2714 IJARKSPT,R LAI\IE ToEaI Feea: $500.00 TbiE Payment: $500.00 Total AIJL Pmtar $500.00 Balance: $0. oo l"t****t'***tl****'l:t,l't'tt**r***t*l*r.**ll'll'l'|********a*,1.**lt:li****:t*****t ***:t:ltt**!t:t!t*l{t'l*****'t*t* ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 500.00 a$ =.rR t\> c- F =oc c.c\ \ Si e6F FS'\ F sz )a-s\< F d 9 S* ;F Fr;il'rB S\ .Q97 \n\'s\ g \) e o;r -I5 C\ + Ns A-s\c\; 6\b-JrP $\-.i\ FF .vz e" c\\ p a _,(2$i TT$ s$i 3I t z c 9ss NN \A Xa iE9: EdPoo - ip X FJ Bq:E Ee 'aX Bs o3 F*-^c,xi1-,$l 8FHs vi -{- l.. N c\ \(* \\\N(\ \\ d +r b \ N \" <N <_l..) 1{.1 }6'i--_sclv (-5r nP?s = )Fr i$iFnC) ar i.o1 iPc-A\ Bit.ts$9Dd:Bb exl To "oF :eI(\-. 6- z S,93i +x a?:FFAd-r E EF I if: I! [:^r qN : E:i :! iiq *g s! i:$ 3; i3s j i *"1 "!- ;l, q L CF .r- }-) S+J;Gta oat - .-Pc*iEls ;NFq 3r :$ d"r N+i F"* IE} €f tl 3 :E[ Fil i:i $$6 E i$q* ?tn ?C ,-----.-.\,FsSps.-IX F F ;: Ci- \ '-F "T S t *,.''i5 n i p Q*-1 trL* *ropC\e Fc.-n\Q F L., t, t- o$ qq tCl '- S XN'n.-\) &F H *tqYF S ^^ d \---l t +.5', ? i€oo+ iotI \} TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmential Commission Community Development Deparbnent September 13,2004 I request for final review of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17,variances, Vail rown code, to ailow for a virrance rrom sectfon rz-oo+,Setbacks, Section 12€_D-9, Site Coverage, and Section fe_OOlfO,Landscaping and Site Development, Vail lown Code, to attJw-ioi lresidential addition, located at 2714 Larkspur Lane/Lot 4, Block 3, vailIntermountain, setting forth details in regardihereto. Applicant Andrew and Margaret Forsfl, represented by John MartinPlannen BillGibson il. SUMMARY The applicants, Andrew and Margaret Forsfl, represented by John Martin, arerequesting a variance from section 12-6D€, setbacks, seition 12-6D-g, sitecoverage, and Section 12-6D'10,.Landscaping and Site Development, vaittowncode, to allow for a residential addition it il'l+ Larkspur Lane. Based uponstaffs review of the criteria in section vlll of this memorandum and the evidenceand testimony presented, the community Development Department recommendsapproval, with condltlons, of the variances subject to the findings andconditions noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The. applicantg ap propgsing a significant addition to an existing residence,originalfy constructed in 1911,located at2714 Larkspur Lane. The re-siden"" ,asoriginally constructed under Eagte county jurisdiction and annexed into the Townof Vail in 1987. The lot is,onty 5,206 sq. t. in size and the existing resiJence isnon-conforming in regard to many oi the requirements of thi Two-FamilyPrimary/Secondary Residential zone district. The proposed renovation includes lifting the existing structure to allow for theconstruction of a basement level addition, moving thJ existing structure to betterconform to the setback reguirements and reduci-ng the amorlnt of GRFA (grossresidential. floor_area) in the setbacks ftom approximatery 675 sq. ft. toapproximately 365 sq. ft., and constructing a new garage and associateddriveway. .The applicant's proposed architeclural plans-nav6 been attached forreference (see Attachments B). The provisions of 'section rz-ii,-vari-ance, vairTown code, determine the review criieria and review procedures for a variancerequest. BACKGROUND The existing residence tosl"d 2214_Latksyr Lane was origina'y consbuctedyn9:l-E"s]g county jurisdiction in rszr anJraier annexed into the Town of Vaili]98.7 The existing rot and structure "r" Lon non-conforming in regard to theprovisions of the Town's. zoning regutationi. ine pranning "n-a gn;jilnmentalcommission has consistenuy -neru-ttrai-consruction of a structure prior toanne.xation or. the adoption of the cunent zonint regurations ,"y LJ; dasis forgranting a variance from the Town's current zonlig regulations. A similar addition (liflinq_the house to add a basement level) was constructedadjacent to this sitsat 272+ L"rkspu, L;;; - * IV. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Revlew: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by thePlanning and Environmentat commiision ioi accept*irity or use anJi-hen oy ttreDesign Review Board for comptiance oipropo"i buirdings and site pranning. Plannlng and Envlronmentat Gommlssion: l_ctjon: The. Pranning and Environmental commission is responsibre for finalapprovaUdenlal/approval wilh condlflons of a variance. The. p-lanning and. -Environmentar commission is responsibre forevaluating a proposal fon 1' Rerationship and impact of the use on deveropment objectives of theTown. 2. Effect of the...use on light and air, distribution of population,transportation facirities, utirities-, - schools, pa*s and recreatioi-iatitities,and other public facilities and public faciliiies needs. 3' lffect upon traffic, w*h particurar reference to congestion, automoilveand pedesbian safety and convenience, tramc now;il;;il;;*,maneuverabirity, and removar of snow from t e "r".ts "nJi"ir,:ig1r"".. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is tobe located, incruding the scare ano outr' tre proposed use in reration tosurrounding uses. 5' Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicabre tothe proposed use. 6. The environmental impacl report concerning the proposed use, if anenvironmentar impact report is required uybnaiter iz "iir,-i"iitr". -' Conformance with development sLndaids of zone disfi;'Lot area Setbacks Buitding Height Density GRFA Site coverage Landscape area Parking and loading Mitigation of development impacts Design Revlew Board: Action: The Design Review Board has No revrew authority on a variance, butmust review any acoompanying Design Review Board applidtion. Town Gouncll: Actions of Design Review Board or pranning and Environmentiar cornmissionmay be appealed to the Town council or by-the Town council. Town councilevaluates whether or not the planning and Environmental commission or DesignReview Board ened with approvarJ or deniars and can uphord, uphord withmodifications, or overtum the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are providedand plans conform to the.technicar iequirements of the Z6ninj n"grt"ti.i;. rl,"stafi also advises the appricant as to compriance with the desiin d6i";". staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on the property andprovides a stafi evaluation of the project with iespeclto the required criteria andfindings, and a recommendation on approval, apirovar with conditions, or denial.Staff also facilitates the rcview process. V.APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS stafi believes that the following provisions of the Vait rown code are relevant tothe review of this proposal: TITLE 12: ZONtNc REGUTATIONS Article 12€D: Two-Famiry primary/secondary Residentiar (p/s) District !2;6\t: Purpose: The tva-famiry pimary/secondary rcsidentiat distict isintended to provide s.rfes for singi*amiy rcsidentiar uses or tnva.ityresidential uses rn which one unit is-a targei prinary residence and the secondunit is a smaller carebker apartnent togene'r with such pubtic i'citiei "" ^"yappppiaEly be located in the same a6tict rhe two-fanily prtmaryisinnaary residential distict is intended to ensure adequate light, air, p*aiy iia opinspace for each dweiling, commensurate with siigte-faiitv ani t*o-arwoccupancy, and to maintain the desirable residentiaiquatities of suctr srtes lyestablishing appropiate sib development standards. 1 2-OD-5: LOT AREA AND S/IE D/MENSTONS; The minimum lotor site area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) squarefeet. of -buildable area, and each site shart have a miniium fronaje ofthirty feet (30). Each site shail be of a size and ,nrpe ,ipirti oi ?ncloslng a square area, eighty feet (g0,) on each side, within itsboundaries. 12-6D-6: SE'BACKSi .rn !he.. primary/secondary residentiat district, theminimum front setback shatt be twenty reet izo\,- ie'-iiiium sidesetback shail be frfteen feet (rs'), and the mininun'n", ""ti,ii* shart befifteen feet (15,). 12-6D-9: SITE COVEMGE: site covenge shail not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the totar site arca. 12-6D-10: l/'NDSCAptNc AND SITE DEVELOpMENT:At.least sixty percent (6u/o) of each site shall be landscaped. Theminimum of anv,.are.a guatifying as randscaping "iitt-ie-lii'iet oo,)(width and rength) with a minimim arca not |essh"n nii iiiind poo)squarc feet Chapter 12-17: Variances 12-17-1: Purqse: A. Reasons For Seeking variance: rn order to pevent or tolessen such practicardifficurties and unnecessary physicar hardghipi inroi"iiiiiiiilie objectives ofthis tifle as wourd rcsurt from sbict or n6a nterpriiaiii aid enforcement,variances ftom ceftain regurabbns may.le g;;t"d.-; wria aimcutty orunn-ecessary physical h_adship may rcstlt froithe size, snipe,ir aimensrbns ofa site or the rocation of existing structures.thercor; r.^ iiWinic or physicalconditions on the site or in- the immedag u-icinity; or- iii. oUii iiviiitlimitations, s?eet rocations or conditions in the ifrmediati vicnig. cost orinconvenience to the appticant of strict or riterat *rpiaii iin a rcgutationshall not be a rea&n for gnnting a vaiance- VI. SITE ANALYSISAddress: 2714 Larkspur Lare Legal Description: part of Lot i, Block 3, Vail IntermountrainZonins: rwo.Famity rlr::rri."p;Jil'##"ntial(p/S) Land Use plan Designation: Low Densiiy ResidentialCurent Land Use: Residential Strandard Lot Area (min): Setbacks (max): Density (max): GRFA (max): Front 20' North Side: 1S' South Side: 1S'Rear: 15' Allorygd/Required Existinq 15,000sq. ft. s,706iq. ft. 82', 14' 7.5' 5' 1 unit & Type I EHU 1 unit Prooosed no change 35' 10' 12.5' 15.5' no change 2,280 sq. ft.2,624 sq. ft.1,522 sq. ft. o Site Coverage (max): 1,141 sq. ft. (20%) 807 sq. ft. (14Vo) 1,482 sq. ft. (26%) Landscape Area (min):3,42asq. ft. (60%) 3,139 sq. ft. (s5%) 3,284 sq. ft (sr.6yo) Driveway Area: nla 1,760 sq. ft. (31o/o, 940 sq. ft. (16%) Parking (min):2 spaces 4 spaces 4 spaces (2 enclosed) Note: Pursuant to section 12-1&3, Vail rown code, the proposed reduction in ry1cg{grmitv to the provisions of the Two-Family Primary-/SecoirOdryiesiOentiaiiplS-j District shall be deemed the new revet of allowable nonconformity. VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING . Land Use ZoninsNorth: Residential Two-Family primary/Seondary ResidentialSouth: Residential TweFamily erimarylSeoondary nesiOenfiaiEasl Residentiar rwo-Famiry prtmarylsecono"ri,n""iJ"nii"iwest Residentiar Two-Famiry primary/seconoarv nesiJeniiai CRITERIAAND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by chapter 12-16,VailTown Code. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq Variances: 1' The relatlonshrp of the requested varrance to other existng orpotential uses and sbuctures ln the vlclnlty This proposed addition is associated with a remoder of an existinoresidence originaily constructed in 1971. Both the existing loiantthe existing residence are non-conforming in regard to s"J"rar n"provisions of the Town's zoning regulations. 1ne eanning anOEnvironmental commission has consistenfly herd that constn]ctionof a structure prior to anne:<ation or the ddoption of tre cunenizoning regulations may be a basis for granting a variance tom tneTown's cunent zoning regulations. In keeping with the ardritectural styte of the neighborhood, the ap.plicant is proposing to rift the existing structure to accommodatea basement rever addition simirar to the adjacent property to thenorth (2724 Larkspur Lane). Additionaity, trri jppfilpnt-is proposing to move the existing structure to a more central locationon the lot, which more closely conforms to the setbackrequirements, to lessen the impacts of the structur" on tf.adjacent properties. The applicant is also proposing to upgradethe parking situation by reptacing the existing'gr"rif p"rLiig Ltwilfr 3 two-car.garage and a new isphatt driveway in conformjnce with the Town's development standards. 2. Staff believes. this proposal will have a general positive impac.t onthe relationship to other existing or poteitiai uses ano structures inthe vicinity in comparison-to or-neni *noiuon". arcnitecturar pianshave been attrached for reference lsee fuacfrment B). The degree to whlch rellef from the strlc{ and llteralInterpretaton and enforcement of a i'ficinea r"guL ii"i"nooessary to achteve compaubnfi and uni6;;t";Tlq:il al1g-ng sltas In tire vlci'nrtv or ro atratn theobJecdves of thts 0Oe wlthout a grail J shcfal prtuifege. -' - Again, both fie existing lot and the existing residence are non_conforming ln-regard_p severaf th" proui"rions of the Town,szoning regurations. This proposat invJpls-tire relocation of anexisting structure to a more centrar tocation-on'ttrE"i;i,;;;bringing thts structura more into ;6ti;; Mth the Town,ssetback regulailons. This proposal involvee the.. liffng of an existing structure to allowfor a basement levet a!A!$o1, Oi."Ui U.f"* tire existing buitdingfooSrint, in a manner similar. to in-"Oi"""nt propeny. Theproposed basement level addition is in compliani" ,ith tteTowl's GRFA (gross residentiai noor" arli) regutations andcreates no new site ooverage or reduction of l"iOsca-pe are;. -'- This proposal inrrolve_s a. garage addition whlch is also inconformation with the rown'JcRFn tgross resioentiar nooi-a-reajreg_ulations. -However, this proposed ii"ig" "doiton does create600 sq. ft. of new sib ooveragi; trer#orelthis proposat exceedsthe Torn's ailowable site_covirage fimif -Oyiir sq. fi. (6% of thelot area). While the proposed.gaLge OolsincLase the degree of i"uf; *lffi lfr ,JS.ffi T",,r"m:;yjru.,l:.*m1*: th:....proqol9d singte.story, two-car g"Eg; addition. Thisaddiflonat lite_coverage is not being *& io'ith" consbuction ofadditional GRFA, an unusually targjgarage, oimuttiple.stories ofbuilding bulk and mass. In addition_to the proposed .g9.raSe addition, the applicant is alsoproposlnq to upgrade the existing gravet artvewaylii*ing "r""ioan asphatt driveway in accordanlJ w*h th; io'fib d#"fi;;i l9ldrP .. Additionalty, the appt.ant will be reducins tt"-;;i"iiamount of drivaray/parking surface are",- t-t us incLJsing thelandscape area of the site by lrti sq. h.- (which is moreincompliance with the Town's laniscape aila iegulations than theexisting conditions). straff.believes..this proposar wiil provide the minimum rerief fromthe strict and literal interpretation ano enrorcement of the setbackregutations necessary io achieve *;t;t[ii,ty anct uniformity 4. gmong sites in the vicinity and within the Two_Family Primary/Semndary Residentiat (p/S) District. Additionally, the Planning and Environmental C,ommission hasconsistenfly held that construction of a structure prior toannexation -or the adoption oJ the cunent zoning regutations maybe a.b.asis for granting a variance from the towi's c-unent =onin6regulations. Therefore, Staff does not believe this proposat wiiiconstitute a grant of special privilege, The effect of the requested varlance on llght and alr,dlslrlbutlon of poputaffon, transportailon and triifrc facitiiles,publlc facillties and uilllfies, and publlc safety. Staff does not believe this proposat will have a significant impacton the public health, safety or welfare, public facilities, utilitiei, orlpht and air in comparison to existing conditions of the site. Such other fuctorc and criterla as the commlsslon deemsappllcable to the proposed varlance. The desjgn review application associated with this proposal istentatively scheduled for review by the Town of Vait' OeiignReview Board at its September 15,2iJ}4,public hearing B. F"= Pl"!tn,=ro "nd Fnuironr,"nt"r co*i"rion .h"il r"k" th" foilorinofindinqs before orantino a variancL: That.the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant ofspecial privilege inconsistent wi$r the rimitations oi otherproperties classified in the same disfict That the granting of the variance wiil not be detrimentar to thepublic health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the followingreasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation wouJd result in practical difficutty orunnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with theobjectives of this tifle.b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstrances orconditions applicable to the same site of the variance thatdo not apply generalty to other properties in the same zone.c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specifiedregulation would deprive_ the applicant of piiuiteges, gljoyed by the owners of other properties in the sjme district. 1. 3. tx.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The community Development Departnent recommends approval, withconditlons, of a variance, pursuant to chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail rowncode, to allow for a variance from section 12-6D€, setbacks, section 12-6Dg, site coverage, and section 12-6D-10, Landscaping and site Development, Vail Town code, to allow for a residential addition, located at2714 Larkspur Lane/Lot4, Block 3, Vail Intermountain, setting forttr detrails in regard theieto. staffs recommendation is based upon the review of he criteria in section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: 1. Tlat the granting of the variance will not constitute a granting of specialprivilege inconsistent with the limitations on other proplrties ibssified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warnanted for the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation w.o.ufd result in practicar difficurty or unneoessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tifle.b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone.c. The strict interpretration or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the appricant of privireges enjoyed by the oiners of other properties in the same district. should the Planning and Environmental commission choose to approve thisvariance request, the community Development Department recommends the following conditlon: 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town ofVail design review approval for this proposal. ATTACHMENTS A. Mcinity Map B. Architectural Plans C. Public Hearing Notice i Ii t I{t i! 7E TTit IF aJ altrilril iii !fi v :lueutqsqlv , I I-1 I I IIII €F ffi$ iil ii ii III i I fr $ $ IE 'hii # _ A PART OF IrOT 4, BLOCK 3, INTERMOLJNTAIN C"**"?'JI"':'"HIffi.RtrH-*t ri iil r!iiiil$ I 'fl!I ; I: i,i,$i ,|]fir$lglu s@ils Jlr9rt ;#; I i#ffi## .\- >q a ,# I.F \ I I? o\r,t Lrfr ffii*ffi 8EE d I I II E "t9t I .*= ill irli!t il Iti ,F[ r\t I iltl r I \r lr \\ ir ts I.F , I '/ o \ Ii---- ffiru*mffie#g# 8 t6 t I e , , d Hz. dUI-UJ(t il itl#lll*gldftidiil I I t'\ll It\ ,ll t'tl u t) iiHYrl \-'ql i r-h li.-fi A/l a..v ll =:\i.'g*i-d*i *l sl 3l gl; o d o =<,# 8EouJ-to i* ooEct HS al Il/tL tgltf It It ll It It :llll I r I I I I I I I I Attachment C *m NoTlcE ls HEREBY GtvEN that he Planning and Environmentat commission of the Town ofVailwitt hold q pubric he-a1rry_il qccoroancJwltii seaionii-s--6; v;ii;;" code, onSeptember 13, 2004, at 2:0-0 PM in the rown oi viir nrnL-iplibriiJing-,'in consideration of: A request for final review oJ a.sign variance, pursuant to section 1 1-10-1 , Variances, Vail Towncode, to allow tor a variance rro-m sectlonii:agtta) fori new oirlinesJ identification sign,located at 100 East Meadow Driveaot o, Btoci sb, fait viriagi Fiti"g 1, and setting forth detaitsin regard thereto. !r!! 'v ' ' I Applicant Robert Aikens and Barbara Ruh (Vebatim Bookseilers)Planner: Matt Genneft A request for final review of a conditiolal use permit, pursuant to Section 1z-78-4,permitted andconditional Uses; second Floor, Vail rown C6de, to itlow for an outdoor patio, located at 33il f"I-.31 Ranch Road (Vista Bahn Buitding[ot C, encr 2, vait VinalJFiting r, and setting forthdetails in regard thereto.Applicant Remonov & Company, Inc., represented by Terrill KnightPlanner: BillGibson A request for linal review of a variance, pursuant to chapter 12- 17, Variances, vail Town Code,to aflow for a variance from Section 12_iB-12, Height, Viit fown CoOq ano a request for amajor exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7d-7, Exterior Alteritidni or Modifications, VailTown Code, to allow for a new residential addition, located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (SitzmarkBuilding)Aot A, Block 58, vail village Filing 1, and setting forth detaiis in regard thereto.fpnlicant Bob Fritch, represented oy Friuten pierce-ArchitectsPlanner: BillGibson A request for final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 1z-7A-12, ExteriorAlterations or Modifications,.and a reQuest for a conciii6na ute perrit, pJrsuant to Section 12-7A-3' Conditional Use P9-ts, Vail rilwn Code, to allow for a to'oge, inituoing i"ce"Jry-eat:ng,drinking or retailestablishments located within the principat use aio'oCiupyr6 uetween ten -' percent (10%) and fitteen percent (15%) of tre total grods residentiat ftooiare of the mainstructure or structures on the site, located at 20 Vail hoact (Sonnenitp nesort of Vail)Aots K andL; Block lE' vqit Vilrage Firing 1, and setting forth detairs in regard trireto.Applicant sonnenalp Resort of vail, re-presented by Reso-rt oeilln nssociatesPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel 4 rgquest for a work session to discuss 9 Sqjor amendment to Speciat Devetopment District No.4, cascade Village, pursuant to section 12-gA-1d, vail rown coje-, to arro* an amendedapproved development plan, located at 1325 Westhaven DrinelOeveioJmlnt Area n, CalcaOeVillage, and setting forth details in reoard thereto. lp_e]icgnt Wright & CompanylptA Land ptanningPlanner: Russ Forrest A requeit for a recommendation to the VailTown Council on a proposalto establish SpecialDevelopment Distdct No. 39, pursuant to Articte 12-9(A), speciit olveiopment District; vailTown code, to allow for the redevelopment of crossr6ads,'a mixed use ievelopment; a riqugslfor a text amendment to Section 12-d.-2, Definitions, Vail Town CoOe, -pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, to add a delinition for bowling alley; a request for a text amendment to Section12-7E4, conditionalUses, Vailrown code,lursuantto Section 12-9-7,Amendment, to addbowling alleys as a conditional use; and requbsts for conditional use peimits to ailow for the PUBLISHED THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE construction of an outdoor operation ot the accessory uses as set forth in section 12-7E-5 (iceskating rink); a majorarcade to include inJooi *t"rtainment; a theater, meeting rooms, andconvention facitfties; mllrplg-fglity dweilings anO toOges; a;Oapri""ti.ruO to attow tortheestabrishment of a for sare parking ctub, puisuant lg.qgctiot12-7E_4, vair rown code, locatedat 141 and 143 Meadow orive[oiP, erbit 5D, vail Viilage Fiting 1, and setting forth details inregard thereto. Applicant crossroads E_ast one, LLC, represented by Maurieilo pranning GroupPlanner: Warren Campbell ' . A request for a finar reviel0f.a vaiance, pglsga.nlto_chapter 12- 17, variances, Vair rowncode, to ailow ror a variance trom sic'toririldil-o,.seulliic , vaiiiorfr coo., to artow for aresidential addition to encroach into fie aidel;iback, tocated itgos'cJie creek Driveaot 8,?lo9l, s, Vait Vilase Fit ins t.and settint lortn Jetairs in-regaiolilA;-' "Appticant Erickson S. SnineyPlanner: Biil Gibson A request for finar review of a vqfancg, pursuant.to chapter .12- 17,Variances, vair rown code,to allow for a variance from Seclion.l^2:6D_-6;$backs, gec.tion 12D-9, Sile Coverage, andsection 12-6D-10, Landscaping_and siteb6;;|;'pm,ent, Vair rown Gode, to alow for a ffi :;ffi :HiSf [??;f i.iirr.ijlzr+r_a*spuilif,"n6i4;H;,i'ij;;;iiiltlrmountain,settinsApplicant Andrew and Margaret ForstlPlanner: BillGibson An appeal of stafi interoretiation, pursuant to section -1^2-$3, Administration and Enforcement,Vail rown code, of an aoministdtivetileri;etatd" of section 12-11-4,Materiats to besubmitted, procedures, rocated ii t ++eA Vlil vJrev orivl[,ot r a,'vaii v"]r"v F1ing 1 , andsetting forth details in regard theretoApplicant: Robert KossmanPlanner: Russ Forrest The applications and information about the proposars are avairable for pubrotrice nbuiiiiine'ii,*n or ValcommunitvbiiJbp'"nrDepartmen,, ir J:Jffi?ffll?&:'A!!J:+Yl3'public is invited to attend proiecl orientatoh ano me te viii6tiii'irdi"i" tn" pubric hearing in theTown of Vail communiv bevelopment oepartment. pilase cdiijbibj +7izrs8 for addnionalinformation. ,Sjgl.B19ug-g-e interpretation,is available.upon request with 24-hour notification. ptease catt(970) 479-2356, Terephone for the Hearin! rrplir"o, tor information. Published, August 27, ZOO4,inthe Vail Daily. Design Review Board ACTION FORM DeparUnent of @mmunity Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97Q.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co. us Prciect Name: FORSTL FENCE DRB Number: DRB04@85 Project Description: CONSTRUCTION OF A SPUT RAIL FENCE ALONG THE SOUTH PROPERTY UNE, PI.ATTT GRASS SHRUBS AND TREES Participants: OWNER FORSTL,MARGARET&ANDY 03122120Q4 Phone: 2714I.ARKSPUR TANE VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT FORSTL, MARGARET&ANDY O3l22l20f,4 Phone: 2714 I.ARKSPUR LANE VAIL co 816s7 License: ProjectAddress; 27L4 LARKSPUR LN VAIL Location: 2714 LARKSPUR LANE Legal Description: Lot: 4 Block 3 Subdivislon: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S Parcel Number: 210314301023 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofAPProvah 0410212Q04 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, o DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 O RutherPlanner: George a Application for Design I Revrcw Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.m.us REi -"'"0 lrfAl{22,._,TOI4'T'M General Information: All projects requiring design revievv must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submiftal requirements for the particllar appronl that is.reque*ed. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is recei'led by the Community Development Department' The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' Design rcyiew approval tapses unless a building permit is issued and construction comm€nces within one year of the apprcval. Locationoftheproposal: toel/Jdebck: 3 subdivisio{'@ub Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-for parcel no.) Zoning:7 Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:Z)-c .rozsse oPhone: E-mail Address:&"'' 4io i4i zs>z-' $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior convercions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor dtanges to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee N Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition El Minor Alterauon (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr n Mailing Address: checr< no.:2OY8.. -D. Aar By:rc,*, P' D.st'f DRB No.: Project No.:A-l:' March2Z.20M Dept of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Co. 81657 Dear Staff, My wife Meg and I bought our home at 2714 Larkspur Lane in early September of 2003 with the intention of startrng a family and living here as ow prirnary residence for several years. The house has been neglected both inside and out and we are just now beginning the slow process improving the property. We hope to start getting our lawn and front area in acceptable condition this spring. I am applying today to ask you for permission to build a 120' long split rail pine fence on the southem border of my property with new shrubs, trees and fresh grass. The existing area consists of mud/dirt, spaf,se grass, weeds and the occasional tire track from the neighbor's parking lot. The fence will be a natural" unpainted pine fence and will be coosistent in appearance with other fences and homes in the neighborhood. This will be a big improvement to my property and should increase the curbside appeal for the entire neighborhood. Here are the tlnee main reasons why I am asking for this improvement. 1. To set a boundary line distinguishing our yard from the rental property's' parking lot next door (approximately ten cars park here at any given time) and prevent them from using our side lawn as an exit driveway 2. To provide a blind to keep headlights from shinning in our bedroom and living roomwindows at night 3. To give us a nice side lawn for gardening and family use At approximately 6,000 square feet, our lot is the srnallest lot in the neighborhood, if not the smallest in all of Intermountain. Because we do not have anv other vard. this will be the only usable lawn space on our entire property. Please keep this in mind when making your decision and do not hesitate to contact either of us if you need arything. Thank you for your time. Sincerely Meg & Andy Forstl 970.476.2t21 303.507.3560 cell rrrr!L13t4?1.-s;Fffi nfi|llo+gF.%r s?o-+?G-2rn'e ''*r.? ur'.rr'.,?n'Yrt r*tlr&rfD' I 5+ffi?BgE_ffiffiF"fr=:*,:gr:rs:srry iqilrrfb lilt Eil*;*a;;+ffffi# a"+ ffi corrmrfi * QUEil r Iffi : I Ffrcilfisn rrrl6t665o i-EtstEpgrr[lefngS IE.tar@rFrEilEGCrna.z:{0i-s5-*- - tffi*nthsrm I H'Lffi,S**c[.erft#ia6 ' !Btic rol1rgf,, i 4E.EIEYEo:6a4@ffu) CLrrts: fnBtgr;t 94Ue.1@r.trob|to.262-tGi EICIEIITllN,T'EIr SETtrI'oTqls|tE? srG,r76.ZfS(Fl)sruoaoiair 6n*F ta-ltir GoDrcltgrcrtrEt[g€.t:t2{ru2(ulgrUgf.griF(fdt - -arE rys*Er rorfE+ r' rr [tc tQ 'FEaEl r '!il=ryLFnn hI dlars_rtqr ch !f [E q -,G, nd ,b o.,,Jffi ttul qr h frnt, ne rmr n ffie'#ih;; -J'ffi u rc acn'ncn d 2. llau6lyoprrlrcrffiffiffiffii 3#ffimTF.ltffirtdd:,-,r€borGrra p,rhy F.,iltuidG I'iir#*r;l#ili;*?h=ilis. ''-'r-irE i.ithrE$-,ile- |If:DarhrArqltql-dq,cpsnlTfilrrwird&nargrbunrnhslbeepde.+ ;ffii@'m*H1fiiffi#ffi'':'5ryffiH* | 'r1!1 ' - Iut*i I A;- 1l6c Jc oot leJ - l'fAR lA "AA4 AA 35e FR lllr O9 O{ O{:S?P S ILUERTHORNE HP 97A468t4Al TO 9744762t32 8tbi7 P .At /Al"""f ':;;i t*-atu'v ;;;a- uurxrvrFnttrl.rvEllretlm lttfrrusa.Esbcil'uttGpongirryqerrcrtf, t|clFilrcffpcptogot3t $t j scnic+d s o ".ry *t,t ;;Et ;d todtt lbr w oior{gn gd *3: :-..i --- .-!ffi;trfi;ilF;urty r*o st tr'tr;m* ^ .n prt rar''s c'an's gttt frt *rf atc*rirq,-dt-nstdilueffirGfrr4ucandsilcarin !Auturbrt cffi= Elf I@l erEsr ' IgD.l'fG{f.il) IGlSn€lrrEUrtnL.|6A686O II)ur sfnp Yro38f.0[EB ^- n ilgA^**ry.ffiffi*4AF!rr03re58e2(d) : r eto.ero.€65(fil) |CarE T.on& -J ECE.ffiV g7u-z6a.oacGaD CrtE inEoFt9ru26z{Ef Jrnotnd 971l26l.trt EI6LErrIENUTTETAs.ilTrrnilotrsrlltrgro.+n7{o(E) 90./115-019(tuo B1EGE, FGd]*90..sr6-.ol9(E(, IMct FnEd!.lrdt oorftlsrcrrr I9nJ{9.l:n{ru2(d) !sr[9.9.9r:f,rd !Caw fuSd@ rcrEs 24^-..--- t Llf trerrnyaprwC rcfidnbm lci!ilElfturdrdilEdry-tFN.|F + Tg:q at nndc ffiy cr dE hmt heTrrr ril grcemut*tnre nGm Ft'GtE nddErts'oF|t*? poe.d- I 2If r rrfty coilrry tG @GflltE Fwd qgrrihn, UtG t'ftt rcFtentilic!||n qF-Tt an SE ury u'gin t--U*-O.- f .'Figtt *g, J* 1o E adrd' n: =r- lfgi asr Dt &td h ar abrid klrr b ft rill C v* rm-,-iFp it n*g !s t c nE ttflondry d tlE rrsomanyrd0ETpl6ttblldrcift{ficd Fof5tts' I 3. Tle sfrtllE tb td tr-F t mrm d u: rsrdry D oHr a. ndl ry nn* llm h i oeprffidPrtUG*.1-r-,Crar haflYFfr| {lhdr;cearnriltUi-t-r*Crfar iofrhod;r.-*cv. I:E!=-=iE!4- | rf: Dacbp b rqrftd d Tlcei b sd rry raled farigr b tE.uff q-fTqd aS -- | ucrfitarr ffF s*rm G -. *a lt *i'q an:r m irftd qnilrc GE (trE dEis I I2r/_l1Y- 'itei I L xx ToTAL PnGE.Al )xx hr-0t-100r l2rl0 Fron{RISD .t r ..9. l,r. r. I 97ilril0m T-038 P 00r/00r F-5e2 UIIIIN'lErTIrf IENDETIIT rtb rbrD ir b cdtr s'-r ar.rilQ/ ad bcrrb bH q$rdin il dEd bs red i1qlFnd'm ilr FGFIE vu' rnjne"--r dili h..c;rt-dffi ir -my cHAHPffiH"#*"E='*ct ffi'ma ryu'.' - &ftocd$aEill b' arrEr 9io38+@3S(Eft 9oiBfJzsz(fq) ffi.An9rrp EGE.}!GtI PNNI.|RESgm.2&$rtr{' CtEth$Er }frLYCROSSETEETRIC^ff. eo.gtB.SM(H) ro-9rt{tE6(tu) @nr..l fa n.ly EE-dER6Y -.aa64(H)97n26l{r3s (b0C@ lGEqrr qg.EmWAIRr$irfArrff Dtsrucrr gmcT6.rru_--arait @Edre ArrTEn(Itmtrt sm.9{9-Ull+rrlil(dl rrD.e{g.gttGDocaltct ffisaF ' ffi ffi orffB an'.. nqn ilE Ests tu mE mlE* rthGumyrcrfffir bnn fsg'rtmr liur drdor.nwqtFr*$ d m qrrsrtsffi'ffitr ttn' ute rm, u d; ue rt.-5;firr* ad rr :f a rr& cqlrF||t tE (ruE_rti_dn ry ffirrE! dr. sflt' rE'f_t*-|re sfiafrE ttudr fl th utn 1e15-eFcr tu r, i[i h.-; g FqEn rtifr ne6& b De cdnaThe im rrEd do' E-rh*'r i -, eicu'GL-i-rr. r*, .rvu- lh*r, Ee E"o;"T# t i5 uE **crst*v c-tu,e6; -! !E ffinto n=ic g..s 3- Ilp uelfuiru & tE |lLE t|l qtEilE of dre_ltlFo4r b oltrir a puDfc fr' fut9.t lIEq$ r n n iralr;i,;il; ;'ilrt lffir .qrr,.x m.d r_ ,{.!rlr. L..a___ t',l''.47C.W S_nanypo:4ilil!(' r1- 3-O4 i 5:31pM!US nar. Og O{ O4: 53p WEST nnau FoFscl 303-61t883s *2/2 P.2 UTTLITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIOI{ nA turr $rIEs bvedtu OETOE FpGd irFaEn erE :: "I lrydg ertthl a ft|DeO uEtrffigg ffi rs ffi*tr rd cEr. h rEd -l ffioo",nofn. l ffi comcc on. i atEsr It rDJeilrzsr(tu) iffi -/?- zt ietusbrlrro-.5s-6so ?n IlsottsharyezoJer. zeE O&:-- </tt/oiVqlE HTGr|P||ESE'TREGTE97DJe,$75(d, -icanbc Ritrslsnerq I T|([YCI(XISEIECTTIG97l1.!t+rsD(d) rsmeas.ffiir"h ihre ron{' iETCE.EIR6?90r6a{Es(bo -ic-ortacE: ! Ift BogartCrOJA.{OZr :lhohed trr0$a.flIB ', il EIGI.ERIUR,WATEN,t' STluTArtOilESIreTg,(t.OE7,r8t(d) YrO.{}L.itSg(@csact rco t* GOHGTST GrEr.E 9IO-949JZ4rrr:t (Hl 9m.9r99r$(fd) Conbtf fuSaa@ IlOlES! fr --[ tl f, ill l_t I I I I I r- rf the ufity apprcral & v€tiffir b,- hr iprmnes fiom Fil', d tu rlry, -,prie+ ard rn ffiffi dutlv or 8E lh+ ttE Twr * ffi-uutrerc re ,. putars ino rr .5naryr:,. qj z r a rni[ty c(mpart trc orsrr-ffii ts: prop! ttE 1fr, ntrEs""ir€ slEf , ts r*yon ttE trrvr.tfc'rbr b'" T*-ru.;;';etr +dt ruas-ro hEiA rt- tssccEUu trq d.rftbrtd h an *rcred Hq b g_* Ta1 ; Gf E;;, eke tq ir nu Urat r trflycrervandt.+A-to;ar.u.rtli}ftrr* stlEE$arsntduEfl *ffiffi ffi *t-* (ffi-bdtE rs*trrbffiia nr* riay ncmrfim oE i4tt+€;.Gli.-?E'il"'"8 fr Orr:-El$r*Elt_ -.. -r'i"rrr|rrlllEEa?l$CEl|I Tn rlcoper b r€quirEd ard €n"Es b srffi zry rffi ti*4g' bft d-i- hrreqrprord &, reryry.SH;*=ZHdft.-h#'EETFffi:E * ::k/!1 ; l lla|. |{RR 1A '84 09145 FR XCEL EtERGy 9m 26? 4B3B T0 94?6?t32 09 o.r osrolp t., Forsct so3.J-Eass lEorTzz_rlt7cAr{^rt t'x*zt- Ftxce- oa fi,ts s.Tt-.Pl.ft'l we'db P, 81 7-2 UII|JIT APPR,OVAL & VERTEC'TTIOiI LErtsli slirrfurt_ es!!!!EE glE QWEST 970.3&f.0254fu) Oonbds; ' ScoE carhgton 970.468.5850 lcon ShErp 970.3&{,0238 EXCEL HICH PRESSURE G^!i 970.252.11076 (rcr) Contgd: Rkh Sbncr6 HOLY CIOSS ELCC]RIC 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4s56 (fax) @nhct: Ted Husky ffE-ffirgmJEL/nED(h) Cm6: lGBogil970Je.{e{ rnOHgrlIxanr0S EMLEIIEUA'EI$[fllllorOlstlrlcr 970.rri7m(d)gto{rt..lG(fb) CdrE HH* GffiTITCIil,E 970.948.rac x 112 (tel) 970.9{9.911E (far) conbct: Hoyd Sdaaar ot|*td!E!rdv. Ih r|rh6r b |tsfd ad qrt6D rffi .lryrq,i'd drrdps n lhc dfratfsr G.wlud a rt- eli'nrro erri rc afrrud h arvry dbr t- *ffi i.,'6rc drtT(r.r--c dsrtse a7 Tffb hnses bcritr mt[: pupasd lrptmlt tfl ldarydaryeritlf9a ptlpd ury isjc*"adsbuetfif!'tiEal*&adbofnrftrlsqr*lEbtndlhfi b|tedh ; ottjutdbtt flr FtF.hg 'qr Uny pbn dd r]Ef|:tg -fiins AIE Db4 -rdulig grdts Ebt lbt F}fd.|tFli^'rt,flhqffibunilnryuGturyrdadttr5dt I lstE iffi q, ryunl t vsmin tun b sinmrcs fisn Godl d ilE uny cnn"+F + T 1111$ ap n* Cnidicr uE hmt th Tqr rA pttgnE ffi t|EE irc rD Frlfr .d trG &'wt gn FGd. i 2. trr uEtycqrT lsmrcflr !: reod(Elsrdinft dry FFlrlFqcft! "*-q:q!on ttr rridr g*icriin tur! ht UE|G b a pclkn dlrn DG.ds tD !e 'Educd' .Ttt- !t- t{gJ?FdaH h jr ffit lcEr b ttp Tsr dYbf. Hroer. |E hlt h nid $* f b Uc |CtDo|tilt d TErftf oWryrdlhcsoPfdtb|fducfbtrpra'Ene I 3- ftE cffi.tr & rr tcftHc UE Gonbrr d dE lcrpilry b otrr - PUt w" m frttt 9F iurtnc* c n* xtsts -r uE Tilr dH- unr ffits md E olrelqDglciiqF! ? lttt_t=E I4git<q c eanrrrt rflltr rhe Tur d' Un. A bfl-E Elttt t mta Ptffc*bt Grtl.d iltE h I PC6E-@. t 'I TOTAL PmE. 01 ,x* tFR A9 'O4 t?.tA 341 6yl 849 n.Ff/ar, 10. 2004,r 9:l4AM 'lHbcRoss.srr 303- "s3No.2944 BS?-o P, 1r,. ? T'TTIITY APPRoIIAL E VERIFICATIOII Tlt bm *nrrs bv;ry t|nt[F FEfd hlrutllr lt fl td iDFnycllfitg rfod URI crtb+ltd & b $eilr;;;I;E.y Ju-tq15r ot rudcnonad cufl b rcd h d,rlf'+- i1r ,rc'iu ,[;dry F ltn-g;fitg-hdfra l ?D ebq' idfis sr'fu F !' is 6ffi I mm;rg rcrsj' rP4 rd lctrunt Arhd Sdtc adFG trlf eurEsr 9703E4.02t(fax) @lrtF: ScGcar$bnlrru{6effiErSfinPto38.m!8 ErcE.It! TDTEsil'RC6T' 970,262,4076 (trI) Conffi: RkhSlsrcros IIGYCRF5E.EETre Eo.gre-sHr(d) 9r0.9r$2E66 (k)6@ Td}rdil ErcD.M6I ctoil6:L1B(fil) Onr|s: rthgFt!tto.za{@!lfnro9ro26affi ETd.Etf,TE,Uf,fB srErAfroil DlsrrEr 9ro.{r5,7rl0(ut 9416-r9G'(tu)OrffiroHe ODrcNilGTBUE Emj,,D.rtENt U2G) gl0r{g.9t38Fq)Gryse f { / 7-- -, R<ryu't- "/A I ffi ,ry "*"", r,c'rotu tom r9 lql1F.1y1=ti* ggffit f:J,$Hfitrdffitg fi ffi-d;.;-; - rtl'* i't t e'Gbst'st F!"t€d;il* orrFrv ha asrs'5t 9" ry :g*t fffiL If a tlilU qrFry lEt dEnE Fr uE F"rE -fr;; b C #'*f TE iFE tES;H E iri#- fm fr t lEE =.t._ P-tlfal .:* hra -rr rnd n* r t6rc.pt"trs#'mmxffi ftfiEH;i*r..p i'w u* t t tr .rryffi ct ffi;prr|d ur ePrrrto r:dne rtffil F *G'ffi 'H;-E***oragqrry1t3rug:HH''ffi"E ffif*i - et:lt rrlir lb Tan drfl' $rorq@ I rlE DaEbcGr E'Enrtd ud {tE 3 P "ttr-a|-#ff iE"isfunnHHLffi$Hf#ffi.EGtdi;'4 t-(!) tilII o €tw)wg l LIlJ \ ;eor rt.,r G rl r-j "i'I t-.r' .r 1: i' (2r55 . )\_\..de*l 6 /\t \ .\<"i..>. Laorcrdcr tN :..\--*'\--*_ Frz,Da.r CORB 't**********l{r'l'}***'3at***'}***tr}aar*:}t*t*'t****rt*tt*t***'t'}*** *i'l*{r't'l*t*'i****{.*'}'l*{r:}**l{r'l***+*all* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement 'l *** * '|** * i' * | l' **** a't'l ** | l:1.** +rt{r{r* *** * | * 'l't *'}* +'tl* ** *,1* {r * * lt :l:t 't * * {r * * ** *** {. 'lt * * * l. * * * * {. * i 'l,t'}* **'t,l* * gtatement Nudber 3 R040005505 Amount: $20.00 03/22/2OO4L2.32 Pt4 Payment Method: Check Init: OS Notatlon: Permit No: DRBO4OO85 Tl4)e: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DI P ' Parcel llo: 2103143 01023 SiEe Addreee: 2?14 ITARKSPUR LN VAIL L,ocation 3 2?14 IJAIXSPUR IJANE Totar Feea: $20 - oo Ttris Palments: $20.00 ToEaI ALLr Pmts: $20.00Balances S0.00 rJtr|t***r*:a**t***ttfttt***alaltat*rt**t******att****t***t***{.*************rl*t*+'**t*l'l*******l* ACCOI,JNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Curnent ffis DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 I EXTIBNA Order Nvmber: 03033952-e2 LEGALDESCNPTION LoC 4' Block 3, vAr.L tlr:rair@urtErlr DEllE ro"@jrT SOBDnnAror Accos:dtng to Dh! record.A Pl.C tbat.ot Zass llID ExCEPt Ch. xotch.tly E.tt ot ..td I'oE I' d.,erlbcd .t toTIoaD t ^ pr,.c.t ot I.',d, bal,]E Cba forCb.rly DatE ot I'oE 1. u rr. TjfT'f/frrtlwrrtr Davgagrwr svDDfi/|lSIO$. Block 3. . gubattvltloa ol E g'7. cottttlt. coTotado, d.aczlb'ct ttt B.g!@tr/g .! g!. ,tor!!trr! cara€r at teld t'oc 4, thrrc. gou !f, 3,OO'OO' E at ?5.00 t..t tJ,,gE/g tba Jl.aaar'y lln' ot attd ToEs t!.Dc. ttoreb 8\'25tOO' Eatc 705.37 fa.g !o a Polsg ot cutrt on t!. NorEl'...t.rly llaa ot talat lott t!.rrco aloag tallt Norcb..tterly llaa 726.69 t..t @ t,,a ',sc ot '755.00 loot radlrtc cuw. to t.ba t.fc vbo.. caaEt''l .,;E'a !'t a6"19'56' azrit vhoaa T'',E chord Dalrt lvote! 6I"17'28' tlatt 723'20 t..t lo ',h. Polac ot B.glulng. @Olf;ET OE l,(Il,Egt TB oF cQr,oe Do ffi ilrulil uru il lffillx lill lll lll .*ff '11?- .- )-. \ -]\ E;'-+ ij ,/ ./ t' ./ tl..Ii-- ,^$) . RP'"€o v'' ./l./l./l(tgeL'\ F EY \lrn\ itr:'i .1 !.n 6S oar 1o z2Er,6Jz il tro F 9 b;gtooutz EE :o.XrE9o-<t6 I 't c',* i-" l\ ,l \ t\ '6.\ 8l rli tla Ehtxt\ ral I l- | €t d,i \ o. 4,, o e-E cl2 p to o '+,,rt \i 7 E N oJ ,\, o. u')/6$ON2<o -2IE; lpFo \'..) lX \ ". UTIUTY AND DRAINAGE EAS}TENT rod t--t- l\. I l\ I \ -| lt I\\ I \b I* \I I' \ \ \\ \ \ I ) I I ': I 'lP-. {: E {1 ,IK (! t lr,l'' !- q, !$'r\ > |*\ EEE\.,&..{\ \\ \nlrJ\oF\, o 5dF6656EFo'oo Pan'f 4 &eglhnng oescp.rprto:it {t"rr RiGl5It.9,r:D |'i /Foo ku, ffi:,T,s\ \. r f'-f ?EiMGil' u"al'{'\=n\ ) -i;)ftqft, I tp t'--.<--__i\)-1frii{ifi >t-fl, i; t,t i? i rl i'ir,,i:1ii'.,G/V ; \ \ tE'cni, Pescp.tprroxt. A oarcer or rand belns.:h: y:t:'lll:':,:,:rll".1i"]i1: i'I]|{l$t|}T,:1t:..'T"T. A parcer or land belng the Norther;ti:';,;:li-::i:'lqri;;:tlTi.ffi' sitso.utliix, BLocK 3'- " ":b1llllolr'l^r. Lot 4; thence : -^- ---- D^ - n.i{r,*t.+tEfii:tti'lti''j' l-"'iai"i"iol,t:"tutt" gourrv' ""'i'ii6oi6o;-s zs'oo-reet alcns Besinclns aE rhe *il{#:i:l:;;!"::'t ti:'1reBl"l"i9;.':}:i:i!,* i":f:: ff:il::gH:ili} iil'i".lnl""i "o'o"' :!-::t{ ti:r:'dlT'ici.-rr-i."' :" i-ryri: :*:il: the liesterlv ltce 9! sar{ 1::'oi^:o:"iitlo"i"-"t"o..t'" souEhwesEet:I ll":":: laoi.rsH:T::::'i; ;["";;:"ia-r'" -4! :h:":-:Jh'fl::,d"^;;;;;";;;'rir 11": t1 lartseur the NortheasEerlv ti"-oi ::11..t:l-1 Tl..r, feeE on'tn" arc"oi-l t1i:99 *:l.'itll3ttr'he $esterry r'iE "'.:-;; sara ioc 4 uhtch ls arso-rtre """-";;-; r:s-oo fooE radius rhe NortheasEerlv 11.ir."""c.r1y line tzi.ag feeE.on'tl? 3::":i"1.':i;;; ilirs-N er" rhence along said No-- ----i ^--1o {s 46o49156" and "n9:".1"19.-*it1-li?l? o.tt.the NortheasEerlv ttlinll";;iy"ii"" iza.ag feeE on'tn? 1'",*"io;r-;i;;; i".'s x 61'17? :*i:",:':il: i:lt H:::=il;;;i";li::-:i"il"i3"li'.lli Xliilaili; ro*'o' o'''&s 3:*i:",:':il: i:l: H:::?;;;;i.etsl:-ii#":il::;"111 Xliilai;i;" ro" or o'1r45 r ili.io-i"". Eo ttre true PoinE oi begrnnrns' ev'e"-----e nore or le-ss. CERTIFICATION:FrcATroN: nede tmder nY I cerrify trraE on the above 1"::^::,::n:il':i:: il:'iltH"ff.;::1i;:*acc ur3 iel tI ccrf i6y t5ag on the above 1"t:_:* $:'r'rv ' -"'--- ' l?rovc'rengs 1re. sccu supa:vi'sion dr c\e. i:+'.;::lii;:i":':::'i:r:lo.:ti::';H':5:::-p''"i""a bv ne cn'ci ,up.=illiorr-J'i aq", "iot* dotttibed properEy 'rrr(r Lr"ru w"- I "tt" ptep:'rec sho'.rn hereo,' onu 'n'"t';;"-;;;;; p1i"::l'lill! descrrPtru" " '^. ' sho.fi hereon anu L:r.trfi"-U-""a-"f 'my knowledge, boEh are accu;aEe to L,S /ttL?C C€.) 6 t, "-r'r-foo-#( -'zose- ..-"'."t1.;i-.t, f .rlj.-,'.,,, /jo\,lli, i' , .;i '.i ,:'.!,,,..i:i.,:.'i'''.i'--'1t1, . I;;;: ' - r iili r.t:)'1'r 'i,':.ii..l]Li;,, i"!" 1, " )... n, ,,'..t-1' /rrr-'41;.::...t;. -\:.'."." :1 ..',.,,: ,; : ill' .--' . t.r..nr.;- :, ANt t/t:rlF ZONE CHECK oate: -Ca+.t+ (lPcD Legaldescription:Lot 6 Bbck 3 Filing VaL lNfauneultt,rt Address )+?+ i*tt*ua Owner Architect Phone Zone disnict Lot size Proposed use Buildable area Proposed Total Remaining + szr66i,.-- (30x33) Front Sides Rear Minimum y3tr 20' 15' l5' 3' /6' Required_Enclosed Garage Credit Driveway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:l (50%) Environrnental/Hazards (300) (600) (900) (1200) Permitted Slope Yes- Proposed Slope %_% ,No Yes No l) Percent Slope (< >30o/o) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50)___ 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rocklhll c) Debris Flow hevious conditions ofapproval (check property fileL_ TOTAI GRFA Prirnary GRFA -+ (425) (675*) =_ + 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How rnuch of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this requesfl tltt+ * L?r' =__lj_&_ /t?,1 . * Site Coverage Height Setbacks Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Is the property non-conforming? Describe: F0lD't AWC4 + fu5at4lr. o DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Project: Q SURVEY El FLooRPLANS Scale Benchmark CRFA Legal description 250 additional GRFA Lot Size BuildableArea :- crawl\Attic sPace EHU Easeinenb Topography o BUILDINC ELEVATIONS Scale __-_:_ 100 yr. flood plain Color\MaErirls Water Coune Setback RoofPitch Environmenhl Hazards TrEES tr LANDSCAPE Utility locations Proposed trees Spot elevations kgend O SITE PLAN MISCELI..AI{EOUS Scale Condo Approval Building Height Title report (A & B) Encroachments Utility veeifi cation fomr Sctbacks site coverage Photos ofsite EaveVoverhangs (4') -- Building matcrial samples _ C.O. Verification Decks/Balconies Sun\Shade Angles Garage connection Utilitie,s (undergound) SiE Crad€\Slope ViewConidors Retaining Walls VariancesFences plat restrictions Parking/Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Sorage Fire Access oz t =G, IJJ4 FI N o !nc\l Oo Oo LC) tt UJ UJll- L =g. IJJ o- ( A)A 9d/ qP/x ot 0j,€ #)rD s ,ti\*rt-l I t!uIF ),6tl {dl -Nr{vt tl 1rlrJ {t5 .{ rES1 ro' Lr(,.ati,z-ro UJ 6 F anz o z 2 +)!o, =() !o !-c, oujF z z 6 =fdl€ oz 2 t.: -l=(ol>t!olElloOJ(.)o.l (U-l - ol!Et o 5l:ot (,cl E',-t oqlcl rl ll*oJlPol 'rrl O.dl E I I I I I uJz3 UJ t- z tclF zo !\t) o i': 6 .Y,'=O(');iO gEE; E €; eE*EIE=8 € ug:g a :E*;E iE:fE E€gFEEideE'l.I al Eo-'P6;o : $Eg€E: t 3c: EIETP :gEEH .tr;0)otr gE;=i E !A;E E; E: F Eegl E Oa(\l O'l ro(\I (Ost o lr)(\l <)o oC! o Oq OO F{ r\ Orr} ts E uJo- z l -o UJ-oz J 9EF()ttlJ llJ z = o- oz tu = UI IIJll-zo uJEouJE oG o co =uJt uJEz 6 UJ F uJ z |llJ x F 1! at,l (n ul UJ tJ. F =E lrJ J FoF (,z oJ (o J 9dFo|lJJ u,/ oz .o = d J a IJJ = NOtlvntv^ c U, c-c o # xol E; 3:z z tr- Eo o otntr ^ 6zL E d EE: 2 y. 3- P ? sq9 q iicH 6 -Ed.-8 ; '-.NO :XB> - a-_\--\9 = ... l! =a0N z9 k J {l! |r o qJ . oo C\Ir-{ ur x z E z tr uJ =UJz a =zlz9tn<oo< >E:(E Hr!5o<z !) ts2.. 2? d63trOI lll f J (r 9)q) ulzY = F > D6 '=a>tol 5:l6l (o(\l 5 14,I+ln "1zl 6 16 (a42 0ziI fl (7) I 0l lq<t tait * | 3 Z ..jlil ):o .-{ r) 1 IJJFodl azo Fo- UJY u.lo oF E =Eut(L IrlOo{> ccl(L\n€lXN\,, 1r9'lgur :AFL'zo z ,n o z2 =z a-,P E =Et! o-zoF C)fEFazo(J tr ='ul o- 'll : ^u.lEZE<ttlo .!) Ee9IrL '=c!;E dFE E=o J ;'iiE =*-E 669 ituEX(L-t x>O:;FtL-o-!i tJlooF nrn !ntr ifi =E=dd= I .Ol.tJl 5lol LI arl.ulc (,z lr o +, 1tI' at'.(5 IJJ =z d] -) oosl(o T o() .tt = t\r.oN(\l xoccl ql u.l qosJ E tJ :z +Jo .EN U.J uJ =z ILl" I I I<aul oo{ 3E .lolzl cil Hl JI <l>l -lrlF\l@lr-r I I I I 3 UJI 5l <l I 3IolFI co ah au3U) E I 3l-l Iotz) ol 5l ilol zl 3lotFI .|J+,(u L e. t! =.1olurl 5l <l>l |rIol zl d I I I ^l o>l= fll?(rl st il3il 5l cOl uJFI F, U'(€ .EF (-) at'l =I E 2?€?ac -, t--d6 E E z z O UJ = Eii =F=Oz O I anIu|rj tJ- E =E,luo- fi 4r Yr 1)-t t LUz3o utt F z -.: - o cot: c.Y,.-:UASlci g8E;S E{g;fr € E::aa :$EES:06Fe iiEg; !Ee: c :€358gqePE .:; s"e isErei rEig!g;o65 iio F J.iO E iEi: 6 0'-: -c=o./,c STE!E9I =oJEia;9 ;$;;F es$si attulFoz ozo4 (D .5 oz k |rI uJl!z tr llJ LUE (n IJJ UJ t,l- ==(r UJ.L J FoF @61 z o.9-r>^=(, ()z c o (\I z F(J z q,i UJ J z troo zl .. >l IJJ UJ UJz t =TE uJ ) z E uJF) =UJz o,ol rr) "6 q irl 't dl n ns\ \ z oPze =zd8 3Ei iH=r F =(E UJo.-l!o IJJoz IoF E E JFul :-h= dE:o-OL9o xo.:>Er- It! ul @oF Co EE!oo E1' .E 5 E Eou A3 l5r ol>Fl=E -ct:o -!A t- 'e) 0) ;o v ,o'2 --.r) ntr! a I Cr.-.{ |slfl rl FI $ ? rr z J t! $ r0 ( I.1 .{\ ..1)r ul ii =z J|- t a\J -.Jl-t>l ttlol zl 3l PI url tl !l ot =.1ol uJl :l al>l ttlol zl 3lolH o .i z llJ G lroz3o I d(,t uJl rcl -rl sl ttlol 2l 3lg fll .El il>l l!lol zl 3lolFI I dl = E G -rO<F(EOuJ<z& C'Zoo 9F s3f,Fd6 z () uJ = t-Fo =+E FOzo C) !!n | .- 2?.I -, j)INSPECTION t REQUEST PERMIT NUMBE PROJECT INSPECTION:MON 'r1 JoB NAME /tlDATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES (\ r"4 {' OF TOWN OF VAIL WED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr 'I-/ -J-X,rrNnl 'T;--r. t C- , O, -Dalnr_ ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ tr/FINAL IHI{-AL ',L-- /t,APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:*t ,\/'l V { o,t+r d+ic-> \cc B-r.le'.'-:--l x- Glrar,3z - C>r:C- {---. !-o --.e (Q ( \.,,:,;."^= t rl C + i\ =,l\,-' i tINSPECTOR "c$r4' oorc t\ iJ" j7 runue -- J'. lNs i.t \, ii ,i o PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB I.JL D INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THURREADY FOR LOCATION: MON FRIWED AM PMI ..) r-JLf.- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr t-l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR r] F FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO O REINSPECTION REQUIRED :tr t DATE INSPECTOR An\)\)ar3 \ r-.-), PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TUES ,d;) JOB NAME INsECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI . .. ::, CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ,-, ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPEC l;e3 *$ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME 6-9,r) CALLER TUES LOCATION:t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trT tu trC tr- tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED_,..tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE - arJ -<- - t' t') - .*' ,/-J ,) IJ 1) /INSPECTOR / -. --. ,/ i / ,o, ,uo", CTIOru REQUE$T TOWN OF VAIL ,r |/ .) !. j1 ( ''. I PEtNs PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: '') ' ) . MON WED THUR CALLER TUES ..FBI AM PM. .i " BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION POOL / H. TUB NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR FINAL t-- PROVED CTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE / // oarc in/ ?y'{. JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON ES WED THUR t', \N a INSPECTIONTOWN OFPERMIT NUMB R OF PROJECT 'ni\{rr ri-.rr .r"j I '4 REQUEST VAIL a ---a\AM (_lM, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BU trl trl trl trl trl Ell tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER tr tr tr tr tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr- MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH _ tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB tr /FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBEH OF PROJECT i.', -l\i JoB NAME '\,1)c READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON cnlleA TUES PM" r '... r t\-\ \ :-- \-\.-r.\.ii --(''\ \(l( ' WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr _tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E tr tr FINAL / ./, I: .S4PPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ( i.) DATE INSPECTOR / f:s ECTION \ REOUESJ vAlLlC ue ) r< )a ?'1 '| / i' /1.'l al (-_- 'j<* TOWN OF WED THUR AM PM l: t NSPPERMITNUMBEB OF PR JECT 2-/) JOB NRI'iIE INSPECTION:MON z-- DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES (- (tt _t (' BUILDI NG:PLUIIBING: tr tr X tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rl tr SUPPLY AIR tr u FittAL tr FINAL t/'.,'/tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECT]ON REQUIFEO CORRECTIONS: DATE j-tz-€7 INSPECTOR 1t: ' 7' ,- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MoN (rr$l WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTBIl{G: o FouNoATtoN /,STEEL tr tr tr tr tr o n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. S rnautruo '' r '!':' g,l ROUGH / WATER f, ROOF & SHEER ! - PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER iIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E tr SUPPLY AIR t] 11 FINAI N FINAI tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: 4qPTSAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED i.*,,-./: ).,' lt,' -..1 -' 4 '. ,.tl-a'. bthlry'v.rl INSPECTOR t / <..-- ;' . rNltcnoN REouEcr-fowtt oF vAtL { JOB NAME CALLER .Gt THURREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,/ MON tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED tr tr tr tr tr o tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR CORREGTIONS: INSPECTOR' / <-? 7 rNsfEc'oN *t;;S TOWN OF VAIL I DATE WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES JOB NAME @LOCATION:Car) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUBtr INSULATION tr SHEETROC dxenrrr.ra rit! i 7r -o tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, /'z l- (,2 rNSpEcroR /t l 1 1 1 INSPECTION REQUEST /"r) ,' /, r)i g.:.TTOWN OF VAIL t, / .,' NAME -- K u :- ll t'l se:a'---DATE JOB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL Jfly::::":r: tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER M tr tr tr tr EGHANICAL: HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FI ")/ FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I ''t)a:INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I i. , .DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR S.r.f WED PM. ',2') BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR EFIM tr FINAL 'l-4ppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ., CORRECTIONS: t t' '. .f):':I INSPECTIONTOWN OF '! (, l\F Lt REOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FoR tNsPEcrror.r, (6D rues LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING: L. ry FOOTTNGS,I tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL 4:4I'6F tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER TTIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FIML tr FINAL 'QKPPRIIEo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORBECTIONS: INSPECTOR f s'33 INSPEC \ TION REQUE$T DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME I,LK qg|J CALLER TUES WED THUR 6j .r*.. - 1sl 74;,^ TOWN OF VAIL BUI trF ur INF FD; trl trs tr. ILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPING tPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING o tr u ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 'Kppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR erS33 INSPECTIONTOWN OF I \ REQUEgT VAIL DATE /O-3-(3 JoB NAME Kura ^l CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FBI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr'.INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t\ trt--=--.-,,I s. - l -rlPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: I INSPECTION TOWN OF I ; REOUEST VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION AI' S tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: l!n-r qLl I INSPECTO oo Boy: a1a't Vail , (oLesa-clo Slt s( o ,-1*rn *f Wl;Bulat*1 Dnlorr:(-+-t<pryd- I ( '-7s,')$. t?.""..J414 F.Ai t'-t 6 z*d ., UaU , \oLon-aob<) Btt sl / Tf*A D-t.ax'' ^^J ) I u>oc^121. Qlt*, to ,t zktu o*- a.n t aclctrt,tt o..a.1, FLaL t'n ryn*-h n Qnno*onlrn bt-r^tdtmq pttvwv<L' .UJ' Qr* tD. rt-- atnot'a-|- I katx- blo,r.,,'t t^n1a,bLL b pnoi e-ci, a,4 ,pla,-rrnajt'l- .t <)P<+ ,a-./-Ht-l-"t r--.a{- b-r a.b(a (D onynpltta, ,3*' m-t't*Jac-h'"-'-'' / 4'u PYle-d-, h) Jha'r* q6L^- . ,lu- Az,u-t pttn.{u Llro,'nta.*tL,. <) \J' (J Q/,,r*3.1**, fu5.utt", flutL"-' Apn/-a+, lq 8b & fuaulnt t g&,r-rotztt- lut' attx'n:JL(l- 4J-u4-.71-,\-.u --h,a-'J ( uru,L, I €€, i.rl'i- 4 S E, \fO ,*-4Ja) +-E5#- t o( PEc -3- il,f, ftdconform to the urban Design Plan, but that not everyone fe] t that the urban Designgfg:^lt:: Ili g?rj:-lna thai the-nr:iJing.was beins oiiig'"i ,,ith the UDGp in mind,ther or not it worked. she added that-it app"a"Eo-tn.i"ii.".o*ercial sectiondrawing people to a dead end. Donovan feli'that in in"-tr*er the plaza woulda lively place, but not in winter. She was concerned auoui irre heights and confusedut, how they were figured. peterson said that on-tnJ-piiii-rio", 601 of the roofs: ?:l?I^s:. f::l: in the back,.the roof was qa i""i it'ir,!-nisnest point. He fe.lt More discussion followed concerning the height of the east end of the InternationalYing' .Donovan pointed out that thE proposal should deal wiih the whole iorpi"^, notjust with 6 rooms (regarding the closenbss_or tne uriiJing'io One vair-piac[j. ' Piper liked the new entry, but felt that flowers in the riaor. Jr 1,e puriini'totwould not be visible when cars were parked there. H;;g;;; with Donovan concerningthe closeness of the building to One Vaj't place, unJ-roiO.r.d why the roof gardenhad to be a certain size, Ron Grant, representing hlarren platner, architect, stated that he and his coworkershad worked with a large model and had iried the a.;p-ii;;; oi tn" new wing in severaldifferent.p'l aces, but-that they were dissatisfiea i^rlttr any but the iocation shown.Piper sa'id that he would like to see other solutions. peierson showed e'levationswith the high roof six feet west. Viele liiea-ine entruni., but felt thai ii;;tunfortunate that the landscaping h,ere to be changed so that the cars had becomemore visible. He agreed with D6novan regarding iortening-of the plaza, anJ-ieit!!9! h" could not 99 algns wltn-i-i"o iJoi uir6v*iv.- coi.oran agreed with the concernsexpressed, except that he did not have any probiem"with the feeling of tf,rJ Juio-"noin the p1aza. - -"" r' v ' e".- \Js('v Patten pointed out that One Vail Place had built to and over their property linewith an asreement with the Lodge. mariha Fiiiiiun iiiJ il.,ut,unen the schoeoir buildingwas built' they did the same with the west side. The Gore creek plaia-ilii;;;g- was completely blocked on the west side. that if the guidelines were specific, they wou.ld need a n;;i";;;. ved and Viele seconded to den the a lication with the tion of thee Sout roposal with the main reason oseness o tion toIhe vote to deny was 5-0. Jim 5. Morgan arrived. uest for a setback vari ancewi ict to constructicant: El iza- er the staff memo. Vote__ was 6_0. Jim Sayre.showed plans and elevations and explained that the staff recommended approvalbecause there would be no detrimental effect on the adjoining properties, therewas a physical hardship, and there were other variancei graniei rb" ihJ-ionit"ictionof garages in west Vaii. Kuehn, the applicant, explainei that to place the-garigeeisewhere would also change ttre'appearlice of the house. n a Primary/Secondary zone dia deck on t Lot 4, Block 3, Intermounta.i moved and Pi r seconded to a rove the r ues r i'r.r ri"t 'i.i; l!- ..rt ll:45 am .l:00 pm 1:45 pm ur' ^u:,5i:l-?3T'TIt! c'MMrsu r Site Inspections Study session for the proposed Sonnenalp special Development District Publ ic Hearing: Approval of minutes of September 26. Request for an exterior alteration to the Lionshead Arcade in order tobuild a commercial addition. Applicant: Lazier commeriiit properties A request for an exterior alteration to the village center project at122 East Meadow Drive to add a new retail addition on the east end, torev'ise the entrance to Toymaker's Trail, to construct additions to theretail shops, and_to construct a new sidewalk along the north side ofthe project. Appl icant: Fred Hibberd 4- A request for a conditional use permit in commercial core II in orderto construct commercial storage unjts in the lower level of the ConcertHall Plaza. Applicant: Eagli Valley Investments, Inc. 5. A_request for an exterior alteration for the Lodge at vail to add a newwing to the hotel between One Vail place and the-Lodge containing lodgerooms' retail _space, conference space and a deluxe suite. the pioposilincludes modjfjcations to the "Lodge plaza" adjacent to the viliagb plaza 9l1d t9 the parking]ot on the west side and additional storage space onthe street level on the north sjde of the Lodge South building.'Appiicants: Lodge at vail and the Lodge south condom'i nium Asiociation 2. $.To be tabl ed To be tabl ed 6. Request for construct a Appl i cant: a setback variance in garage with a deck on Elizabeth J. Kuehn a Primary/Secondary zone district totop at Lot 4, Blocr 3, Intermountain. 7. Request for a variance to section 19.52.080(E) to not pave a drivewaybut to leave jt gravel on Lot .t0, Block t, r)ait Vi'l1agL 1Sth. Appl icant: Jack Carnie 8. Request for a front setback variance to remodel an existing structureon Lot 40, Block 7, vail village lst. Applicant: Ray stevenson 9. Application for modification to the floodplain to construct a new starter. shack for the Vail Golf Course. Appf icant: Vail Metropolitan necieition D'i str i ct OC or MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Comm.ission Conmunity Deve'lopment Department 0ctober 3, .|983 Request for a side setback variance to build a garage on a part ofLot 4, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant:- Elizabeth Kuehn '' Tn. ),n" FRoM: i.., DATE: '-)i SUBJECT: DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE Elizabeth Kuehn is requesting a three foot variance from the 15 foot setbackrequirement on Lot 4, Block 3, Intermountain subdivision. The applicant wishesto bujld a corner of a garage in the setback: a twelve foot setbibk from theproperty'l ine will be the result if the variance.is granted. The proposal_is to build the garage under a deck (the deck itself needs no variance;decks are al'lowed to extend h;lfw;y into the setbdck). The southwest cornerof the Kuehn residence sits 13.4 feet from the property line. This is a iegalnon-conformi ng s ituation. The request for the setback variance for the garage is a part of a p1 an to improvethis.single.family residence. Plans for renovation have iassed DRB and a bu1'l dingpermit has been issued to add a basement space under the house, to improve thelandscaping, and-to pave the driveway. Thb appiication doei meet sitb coverage(997 allowed,838 proposed) and GRFA (1247 aliowed, lll2 proposed) requiremenis. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS on review of Creiteria and Findin Section'18.62.060 of the Municipal Code, e unity Development eoartment recomme uested variancebased upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: of fh9 lglationshiP of the reqVested variance to other existinq or potential usesancl structures in the vicinitv. t- -ttq"*t "*t. tr r*sed garage. The Frank Day residence, just totte south of the proposed garbge, ii 30-feet away from the foundation-wall ofthe garage. The llilliams residence js to the west. From the vantage point ofeither residence the variance is inconsequential: the proposed deci over thegarage' which will determine the visual bulk of the additibn, can remain in thesame locat'ion 'whether the variance is granted or not. ine oays and the wiriiamshave written letters supporting the variance. Box 2767 Vail, CO 81658 September 12, 1983 Planning & Environmental Commission Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. WestVail, C0 81658 To whom it may concern: The variance I am requescing would consist of extending che proposed garage, which will 1ie beneath the new hrest front porch, into the presenELy exlsEing setbacks at the south sj.de of the house at 2724 Larkspur Lane. At Ehis time I have submitted plans to the Design Review Board which shornr Lhe replacement of the existing r,rre s t froot porch lying within 13.4I f.ro,rn the property line at it?s southeast corner and 12.0t fromitrs southwest corner. Rather than bringing the south garage wall towithin three feet norEh of the south side of the new deck, as shorrn on the currently subrnitted Design Review Board plans, it is my desire to be able to extend the south wall of the garage the full length ofthe new deck. The regulation involved requires a request foi a variance under Zoning Chapr-er 18.13. Ordenance 50 (1978) 2 (part), Secrion 18.13.06C concerning Setbacks states that: ttTn the primary/secondary residential district, the minimum front setback shal1 be tr,/enty feet, the minimum side setback shall be fifteen feet, and the minirnum rear setback sha1l befifteen fcet. AE the time the house aE 2724 Larkspur Lane r,ras built, Intermountain was noE a part of the Town of Vail and, therefore, ruas builE in accordancewith Eagle County building codes. At the present time, the existing house extends to within 13.4'of the property line at itrs southwest corner and to within approximately 12.5t from the southnest end of theexisting deck. My reasons for wanting to build a garage below the entirety of the new deck are explained in the following paragraphs, The existing house is on a very small piece of property and thepossibilities for expansion are very limited. ru ffi September 12, 1983 Page 2 Building anything on the east side of the house is automatically ruled out, as a drainage easenenE runs just beyond the existing back porch. The norEh side of the house has many beautiful trees, including a grove of aspen that I would estimate to be at least t\renty years o1d, I would rather not chance moving them and would not consider destroying them or the natural_ effect they create. The west side is available for expansion and this is where I have proposed the new deck be extended an additional four feeL beyond the existing deck, under which will be the garage. The south side fa11s under a fifteen fooE side setback requirement and it is inEo this Ehat I would like to extend the garage below the deck. Over the past couple of years I have come up wirh a number of ideas as to how I could expand my .house and it became evident that Ehe only way would be to construct another 1eve1 above or below the existing house. I have been deeply concerned about the esthetic outcome of any adrlition an<i rsincerely feel thaE the ptrans I have come up with give the house an.improved appearence and that they will change the overall look of the house only slightly. The location I have chosen for Ehe garage is perfecr in that it lies direcEly ahead of the existing driveway. As shor,m on the plans r have submitted tothe D.R.B., I would like to exEend Ehe rock wall along the south side and west corner of the deck to create a neater appearance than that ofbringing the rock wa11 north three feet under the deck and having to support the south end of the deck on stilts. The finished addition as I am proposingit to you now would look identical fron outr^rard appearances to the plan r have already submitted. A normal garage is approximately 23' in length. rf r were allowed Eo build' Ehe garage the ful1 lengEh of the deck, itts depth would be 21,. Without Ehe extra 3t I am requesting, che garage would be l8t deep and Ehereforebe awfully sma1l for a standard sized car. I Lhank you very sincerely for reviewing this matter and consideringallowing me to exEend the garage space into this sma11 piece of ground. Yours truly, /,LU-3..6-ttlt <T Elizabeth J. Kuehn EJK/1s &cco-/l'o-t #,L"._ k>.:3 o( ir-"4'-t-:t II I I I I ! II El {r\ 1 a \ i I I I /+ $q 7-s E $ e-/ \\ u.nn S 6 I I N $ I l::t 't \ 1 )I I II s }B ?n-l z gEr T. i-"1 It I i I I i \'? TJ, dr 1U NAIVIE OF ADDRXSS Application Dat APPI.,ICATIOJiI FORM FOR A VARIA}ICE I. This procedure is required, for any project requesting a Variance. . 3he application will not be accepted, until all information is submitted. NADTE OF APPLICANT ZIi.Z.i-bC{t,., C' +<LL aponess 6o?c .{-t dr-l . ,'/n il f ( floNr: +' A. B. t' , . E.l? ) \/l ./d r.t,' APPLICA}IT I S REPRESENTATIVE PITONE L.t-s-re- LEGAL DESCRIPTION ot 4-llock-]_ rilins fy-\+4{rr1or-Ln{a;-.n Pos !age the .NAME 0F OWNER (type or pr:nq (,ltzcz-Lrg-1!-\ {. RLle,6q srcxntrupn 8lz3r. /cz,t-i-: r"t' tfi_u,/>lt: aoonnss Bof Jruf . '},'ail , fo S H1Nr. +1b -G4(tu c. D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI ADDRESS FEE. $100.00 plus an amount equal to the then current first-classrate for each propertl owner to be notified heretmder. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent tosubject property and their mai'ting addresies.- 4 d[.rPl_l_ c cr t_Ion torm I- a VarJ-irnce piJ-cJe 2IO a copies of the fotlowing information: A._^ :^::?l:T:lt.of the-precise. narure of the variance requesred,;i;; ;;=;iiIJl"".,vrnhrrc'ir.r1 l'--:-L:- r ' that would result from strict or riteiar-iiterpretation and enforce-' ment of the specified regulation. B' A site plal-showing arr existing and proposed, featurils on thesite,Jand on adjoining sites ir nec6ss".y]-p.ttinent to the variancerequested' incl-uding site boundaries, reiuired setbacks, builcling' locations and heighis, topograpny-a"a pr,v"i."r features and similardata. c. such additional materiar as the zoning administrator may pre-scribe or the applicant may submirr p"rii"6nt to the apptication. III. Time requirements The Planning and Environmentar commission meets on the 2nd and1th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accom-panying material must be subrnittbb r-ou"---weets prior to irre-aateof the meeting. -rr(II. four (4) o Following ls a list property owners and Block 3 Lot L Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 2 BLock 2 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 of aJ.l of the subJect prepertyts adjacent their roailing addresses: lfilLlams, Rose L. Box 986 Eagle, CO 81631 Day, Frank B. 6570 0l-de Stage Rd. Boulder, CO 803C2 Davis, Carl" A, Jr. McCully, Craig I^1. 2750 So. tfadsworth Blvd. Suite 100 Denver, CO 80227 Anderson, K. Box 872 Sterling, C0 E. Andy & Klmberly 80751 Speare, I.lm. J. & Katherine L520 Hawthorne Deerfield, ILL 60015 Or Connell, John D. Woolf, John R. Vl1lyard, Charles 3012 19rh st. Metairie, LA 70002 Tator, C. Vernon & Suzanne Box 1093 VaLl, CO 81658 K. A. -l Box 2767 . September 12, 1983 Planning and Envl.ronwinf 6i Comniseton Department of Connunlty Development' Town of Vail Vall, CO 81658 To whom it mey concern: Herewith, pLease find two lettera written by the adJotnlng property or lers diiectly to the South. and Weat of me. Thl.s. proJect has been under consideration for a long tlme, and these neighbors have been Lnformed of the proposed change and have voLced no obJectlon. Sincerel-y yourc , .?t'Zl*<a.-b.uLh .t' 6.co[u-.,,,'\) Blizabeth J. Kuehu E,K/I.S €nclosures 954 Pearl Street Bou'lder, C0 80302 Ju'ly 20, 1982 Plann'ing & Environmenta'l Conmission Dept. of Community Development Town of Vai l Box 7 Vail, C0 81658 Commi ss i oners : I own the house at 2714 Larkspur Lane, Vail Intermountain, Block 3, Lot 4, which adjoins the property to the north at 2724 Larkspur Lane owned by E'lizabeth Kuehn. In 1971, I built and owned both houses. At the time the property was w'ithin Eag'le County and fell under the County's building codes. The house now owned by Elizabeth Kuehn was built closer to the property line than is now allowed by the Town of Vail. I have seen the plans for the proposed addition at Lane and have no objection to them, even though the be less than ten feet from my property line. I think the expansion p1 ans are reasonable and the be attractive, with no negative impact on me. 2724 Larkspur addition wi'll not end result will Frank B. Day B4 FBD/darcc: Elizabeth Kuehn ncerely, o & -r' z,rL;{- --fral &-qa z 2or"*( i : l 70i1i f ::r:K for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE o DISTRICTS { : J t, ,; I ;t j : ; q I II Legal Description: ut I Block ? Fil ing 0wner Zone District P )S Lot Size Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear I'later Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Park i ng Credi ts : Garage Mechan i ca I Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Storage Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental,/Hazards : Proposed use 4&/nJN €,U+tn Proposed 46' Archi tect "^416Hey'Al I oled th*t::l Jz17 20' 15' 15', zz_t rc s.4 2->J, Prt6 /L', @4+2v---r;, tneerc+ tf N+. g/38 (30) (50) qg+ z ( 300) (6'Bq) (eool(lbo) (50)(hg) (2s)(\o) g/:- 3 /?S tc t, Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope lr)+ (2oo)(&)2ao Sl ope Actua'l A/4 Commentl: i sa pproved 5 Zoning:v oot", 7- )n- I7 i,ri . i, Li Ii,\ I' I;l r;l''l'l():i:,7,'Fl",l; Fascia Soffits Windovs It/indow l'rirn Doors Door'l'rinr l{and o:'Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chiraneys Trash Encl osures Gtccnirous es 0uher Siding Other liall Ittat erial s Botani ca'l Name N A B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Quanti ty I3 5 ilir:'(ji:iirt':'; 1;1r I'j'(i'rr'r't...a[-r+ --pro.go--1"4 aatd-L:ll!]) LDo!LLd=.- u-\aLLLd,-e- . -A- - --$exe$e-__- _an 4 .. _ho.se-ir: .e.nt 'lIc fol lririnll infornrrt jon j.:; lJcrlrd ht lolr: a f:in:r I lrpprova I A. lll,l l,l, iiii; 1"t41'UR lA_t.S Roof rc(itr i r'(.d for' ,.;trlrrn i t tlr I Iry cl rr bc 1;ivclt: 'lypc ol l1:r 1.,:i.ijr I thc ap;tl ir';rrtl 1o thc l)csi1:n li{.\, j {-H !:l.l_gI Pe{h:. - +ta-cnec{ Jo ^:Tu-{eh, _____3$tA*'.a +o rnatan __ NA Common Name Si ze d!no!' lot I J!&" d +c x" SIIRUBS 1tc:lre-, :t,|*)iil) .; covt-R5 J SOD --ahr srtu,,irfi;i;;,,; SQUARE FOOTAGE "ft@T-\c- SQUARE FO0TAGE SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE LVass<J usdAkortet( ] '?'l6n€- TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining w.alls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) P'lease specify. rd '1.'-".1 - c..tr €i{e-- P-Lrr-r^r CLrr& l3ezCtrl. tt:c*i-t nvo..ss n;lrl t lr. I d /tlr-clet' lr ty .- e,e. RlCli;\'tl,DS ,r El.tcti'r-*, i lFlc. 9.O. Bor 6J3 Vril, Coloado 8165? Dtooo 476'5072 Drnrre Lioo- 214'lJll '/Foo ;;;;;;J;*xg \ \ ;--'' ) -?-- :' Parrf "ffiegunng., Nl f,t;lit :: " if 'fivi EiiT- S tliv i;'ii;l'ijii'!1,/i", E=LtJ"'€Pi' Pr'llt CERTIFICATION: t{.4/r: N t--l--<\ --__T1" la ---_--- =._7 172417_-- ^a*\r'-?If- ,ItT''Irl _14Pf.g I ccrtlfy Ellat, on the above date an.funprovenent survey was nade tmder ny supe:vision cif the above descrlbed properpy and that, Ehe inprovcnenEs are acculteleljt sho',ra hcreoo. aaC thrl the abov= plerc anC legel descr!-ptlon were PrepareC by ne- anci boEh arc accu;ate co Ehe best of ny knowledge. . .: .,.; C5,,o.-J7da---' o^rc--ila# ',fico/e: /rnlh '.?oM prt LSGAL DESCP.IPTIO:I: ' . ' A parcel of land belng the Northerly part of Lot 4, VAIL INTER'\OUMAIN DRELOPMESI . Si.,3DMSION, ELOCK 3, a subdivision in Eagle CounEy, Colorado described as: Beginnlng ai the lTorihwest corner of saLl Lot 4;'tirence S 3oOO:CO" E 75.00 feet along - the liesterly i.ine of said Loc 4; rhence N 81"25100" E 105.31 feet to a Pol.nt of curve on the NorrheasLerly llne pf sal.d Lot 4 vhich is also.the.south',resterly llne of Larkspur l.aoe; thence along iaid Norr.heascerty line L26. 69 feeE on'the arc of a l55.OO..fooE radius curve t.o the left whose cenEral angLe is 46"49t 55t' and -whose long chord bearsi l[ 61o17t28tt lf !.23.20 feer. to lhe Erue polcE oi beginnlng, contaloLng {9$7.45 square feet'or O-1145 acres nore or less. o o a el ( Project Application Project Name: ^ ! -;l t.,^ Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: lat i 4 t u. _ {-, ,l r:,r.) Architecr,Addressandphone: -)rr-rr-r l-t,;'trrril, h" :-lt7':i['l{i- fitrcr''r- Legal Description: Lot A.Btock 3 , Fitins J-{!Ti',i'r i+)'.,ij i*i2["".-=- Comments: Design Review Board o^t" -t6 2*1, 93 Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL4'-(> Summary: Town Planner E statt Approval o +tl E},SBi"1EN,I KNOW AIJI, I'IEN BY THESE PR!,SENTS: That VAIL INTER.I,IOUIiTAIN AJD\,LIAI-I1>,for good and valuable cor.sideration. the recei.pi of which is herer,rith acknowledged, hereby sells and quit claims tO the UPPER EAGLE VALIEY SANITATIOi'I DISTRICT,a guasi-municipal corporation, organized pursuant to and under the statutes of the State of Colorado, thefollowing real property $ituate in the County of Ea91e,State of Col.orado. to-\,rit:Legal description of the centerlj,ne of a 20 toot sewer easement through land otrned by Vail Intermountain Associates and rnore particulally describetl on pages 2 and 3 of this easement. Beginning at the Northe:n most corner of said parcel; thence South 39o 48' West, 1{0.54 feet to a pointi thence South 42" 22' 30" hrest 74.63 feet to a point which is theTrue Point of Beginning; thence South 53. 25' 20" East79,04 feet to a pointr :hence North 34o 58' 40" East 206.90'feet to a point on the Easterly boundary of said parcelfron whence the Eastern most corne! of said Darcel bearssouth 650 42' 54" East r54.0I feet. Acceptance of :his Ease:nent by Upper Eagl.eValley Sanitation District shall constitute its agree-ment and consent as follor,rs: 1. At such tilne and i.n the event that thesanitary sewcr pipe lj.rre i;rstalled in the above-described easement shall be abando:red, the property interest of Grantee in the easement shal] imr,ediately revert and bethereafter merged in the dominant estate. 2. The sanitary sewer pipe line installed inthe above described ease:nent shall be installed. main-tained and operated so as Lo permit the maxinrum use and enjoyment of the surface by the presenb and subsequent owners of the above described property. In case it is necessary to repair or replace the sewer line, Grantee shalL restore the slrface of the land as nearly as naybe practicable to the sane condition iC tras .!n prj.or to such reFai! or repl.acerre.rt, provided no permanent build-ing, planting, structure or improvement shall be placcd thercon , 3. fnstaLlat!Jn of the sanitary sewer pipeIine shall be compleLed so that lhe surface is restored as nearly as may be practicable Lo its condition at the time r,rork was commenced. etsl l lc+DD3 v ltlto e t:4Dfn SIGNED AND DELTvERED tnis )J day of 9'4'lLtIe' vArL rliEspJ.lot NTArN AssocrATts'{-Nsfu/"(SEAL) 3s' Nta#4 /VqW'l{'' 1 ' 6/',:^a.L f"'*'-tL STATE OA COLORADO COUNTY OF : The foregoj.ng instrunentbefole ne this dav of ffis. was acknorvledged 1970, by : ' ;. ;i fl'".. '..r.'..-a-1 .:;i''-. $Ti, iil ;.:Z: :.,ii j.frL !"';.X111::;j.,': ''.:' o."'coL':lJ ParceL l Notary Public 'My comnission expires: ,iJ'y co:ini:r3:c:t .tr,ire, Jui' )i. lil2 yl6l 't I clni torldx! uo:e!iu'u:cl A\.1 {AffiltrS at a point in the center o: ".he creek whence an ironprn wrth a brass cap harked for tito witness point for the lv.estQuarter Corner of sai-d Secti.on 14 bears ll. qb'OS, 57. t{. 76L.3gfeetr thence S 39o ll' 30" I:. 44,53 ieet, thence BI.9I feet alo,-rg. the arc of a curve to the left having i iaaius of 88.48 feet, th6gnofd of which bears s. 650 42, SS" t- 79.0A feet, thence S, 1loj?: lll I{. 75.50 feer; thence s.43o 22' rr. 215,00 feer; rhence s.660 25r w. L83,00 feetr the;rce West 228.29 feet. to a point on theWesterly line of said irw I/a Strl/4i thence N. OI" 35, w.76.23feet along rhe westerLy liire of laiC Nw1,z4 Sw1/4 to a Doint inthe center of saj.d creek; tl:ence :l et. f'g' fO.'e. SO.'gi-iu"t-if""qthe center 1j.ne of said creekr thence:,I, 75o 3gr E, 105.80 feetalong the center line of sa:d creekr t:1ence lt. 66. 36, 20" B.L55.90 feet along the center: l-ine of said creek; thence N.42.22,30" E. 81.7I feet along the center line of said creeki thence N.39o 48' E. 140,54 feet alon(t the center line of said creek to thepoint of beginning. Parcel IIEEginning irt- a point whence an iron pi:t rrith a brass cap prooerj-yrnarked for the witness point for the l,lest euarter Corner of saidSection 14 bears N. 38o 26' lg. w. 924.e2 ieee; thence S. Ilo 52,13'W. 334.90 feet; thence s. S.oo 27,, 51" w. 298.00 feet, thence176.14_feet-along the arc of a curve to the right having a radiusof 1026.,47 feet, the chord of which cears S. 8i.22' 49"-I{. l?5.89feet; thence S. 560 17' 4e'W, 67.30 feet to a point on Lhe l,testerlyline_of said Nw L/4 Sw I/4t rhence N. 01" 34,W. fZA.ZS feet along 'tire Westerly line of said Ntt I/4 SVIL/A, thence East 228.29 feet,thence N. 66" 25'8. 183.00 feet, thence N, 43o 22, E, 215.OO feetto the point of beginning. ?arcel IV *qE1T19 ar a. poinr whence an :.ron pin r,rith a brass cap sct f orEne wltness point for tlte l{(ist euarEer Corner of said SLc;ion 14bears l{. 65o- 59' 38' t{. I4o:;.1s-t.et;-tnenc"-i,t. zo. 52, 55, E.I30..55. feetr thence 54.1-O feet along ti. "i" tf a curve to ther]'gnt havrng a rad:us of 25.09 feei, t:te cl)ord of \,rhich bears S,47o 20t 37" E. 44.2L feet, thence S. fa" ZSi-Sf( w. IIO.51 feet;thence 107.29 feet along tit(: arc of a curve to the right havinga radius of L20.7'l feet, th<: chord of rr,hlch bears S. 39o 53' ll.I03..80 feeti thence N. iS" :S'OS" n. iea.s-'z-fu.t to the pointof beginning. EEffining at a point. on the Easterly line of said Nwl/4 StVl/4whence an !-ron pin with a brass cap inarked for the r.ritness pointfor the West Quarter Corner of said Sc,ction 14 bears N. 60" 08,38" W. l57l-.12 feetr thence S. 0I. 3:' 50,'E, 54g.09 feet alongthe -Easterly line of said NVjI/4 Swl/4 to the Southeast corner ofsaid. Nwl/4 SWI/4; thence S. 87. 36' 55" w. 1354.?I feet aLong rheSoutherly line of said NVt!/4 SW1/4, tnence N, C6o ll' 48" E.-53.43 feett thence 183.00 fe,et. aiong t.he arc of a curve to theleft-having a radius of 1066.47 feel, the chord of which bearsN. 6I'22' 49" r. 192.79 fe€rtr thence N. 560 2.1, 5I" E.298.00feet.r thence 132.37 feet along the arc of a curve to the r:ghLhaving a radj,us of 209.87 feel, the chord of which bears N,"74" 3Zl04" E. 130,20 feetr thence S. g?o 23' 42" E, I2g.gg feet; rhencetZ6:19 f:.! along the arc of a curve t.o the teft havi.nq a rad.iusof 205.10 feet, the chord of r.rhich bears N, 620 56r 2li E. l?1,19feet; thence tr. 43o 16, 25" E:29.58 feeti thence l47,lg feet alongthe arc of a curve Co the ri.ght having a radius of 304.16 iect, th;chord of which bears lr. 57o 08, 13" E: 145.?5 ieet; thence N, 7I"00'00" E. 120,59 feet; ther.ce lol.g9 feet along the arc of acurve to the Ieft having a radius of !030.7? feet, the chord ofwhich bears N. 68o 10, 04" rj. tol.95 teet; thlnce N. 65" 20, 09,,E. 76.37 feett thence 44.38 feet along the arc of a curve to thel:ft^!3"]lg a radius of L6e.77 fect, ihe cnoia or whlch bears N.57' 25' 37" E. 44.24 feet, to a poj-nt on the-iasterly line of saidNW I/4 Sll !/4, t:ne point. of beginning. Parcel VIE-;ETp;f tand for a road L,eing 20, on e j-cher side of a centerline described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center of said I:oad whence an iron -oln. wrt.n a brass cap properly narked for the witness poi:rt for tteWest Quarter Corne! of said Section 14 bears N. 41. 36' 54" l.l.758.07 feetr thence S. 39o 11, 3O', E,48:t, feet; tnence e:,cOfeet-al-ong the arc of a cu:r.e to the left havj.ng a radius of68.48 feet; thenc€ N. 8?o .19' 52' E. 92.98 jee!; thence 139.24feet-along the arc of a_curve to Lhe right having a raclius of547.85 feetr thence s. 'tjo 10, 2L" E.6i,ZZ ieet; thence I36.46feet along the arc of a curr,.e to th,e left having a radius of 24g.65feetr thence N. ?0o 52, 55,'.E.. 4C6.55 feet, theice 97.22 feet alongthe arc of a curve ro the rjght havj-ng a riaiu= of 45.09 feet;thence S. L4" 25,51. W. l'lc:51 fee--; rhence 125,06 feet along thearc of a curve to the right having a radius of I40.?? feet; tiences. 65.20, 09tr w. 76.37 feet; cirei.ce 99.90 feet atong lhe arc of a ::I": ^:"..th9 ^ righr -having a radius of Io1O.77 feer; Lhence s. ?1,,uu' uu w. t20.59 feeti ther.ce 156.96 :eeL along the arc of acurve to the left having a radius of 324.16 feet, thence S. 43" 16,2?" w: ?9,58 feet; rhenle t59.fe teet it""g ih. arc of a curve to!l: fiSlt havj.ng a radius of tg5.10 feeei inur,"" x. B"to 23, t2" tt.129.99 feett thence 144.99 feet along the arc of " .r,..rru to the lefthaving a radius of 229.87 feeti then6e S. 56. 11'Sf" w. ZSe.iio ieet;thence 179.57 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the right having aradius of 1046.47 feetr thence S. 66" l_7' 48" W. 8l-,tl feet to apoint on the Westerly line cf said NWt/4 SWl,/4. AII of the foregoing five -Darcels betng in14, Township 5 South, Range SL West of theColorado, rhe N 1/2 swl/I , secrion5th P.M., Eag]c Cou;.rty, - 3-