HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 3 LOT 5 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL Ofice of the Tbwn Anorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colora.do 81657 970-479 -2 I O7/F ax 970-479-2 I 5 7 June 5, 1998 VIA TELECOPIER 328-705I Kevin B. Lindahl, Esquire Sperberg Lindahl LLC Post Office Box 2100 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Town of Vail/Ir,IcCully Agreement Dear Kevin: I have reviewed your proposed amended Agreement with Greg Hall and Dominic Mauriello. In reviewing time frames with Greg Hall the Town will be able to complete it's responsibitities by August I, 1998 but could not commit to the suggested date of July l, 1998. In regard to Mr. McCully's request to provide lbgal descriptions for Parcel A, Parcel B and Parcel C, the Community Development Department is reviewing whether or not that can be accomplished by zoning. That will depend on the size of the properfy and the present ownership. If it is in a legal nonconforming status it may not be possible to resubdivide as requested. The Town agrees to pay the $2,500 reimbursement for the appraisal prepared by West Terra Corp. In regard to the stream flow along the east boundary of the property, the Town will commit to taking no action to interfere with the existing stream flow but will not take on any maintenance responsibilities. Mr. McCully will be responsible for all maintenance. {p *;n"*'o'"" I That is the present status of our waluation. I will notify you as soon as a decision has been reached in regard to the singular outstanding issues conccrniug the legal description ofthe resubdivision. Thanks for your assistance in resolving this mattcr. Very tnrly yows, TOWNOFVAIL /)tu4 R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTlWaw xc: Greg Hall / Dominic Mauriello r.u Fl[E C; 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r3V479-2t39 FAX 970-479-2452 Novcrnbcr 7. 1996 Craig McCully 2704 Larkspur Court Vail, Colorado lt 1657 Depart,nent of Conmunity Developnent RE: DRB application lirr a garagc and drivcrvay il2701 l-arkspur Court/Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Intcrmountain Dcar Craig: '[hc Comrnunity Dcvcloprrrcnt Dcpanrncnt and l'ublic Works Dcparttncnt havc rcviovcd thc sitc plln you submittcd lbr thc proposcd garagc and clrivcrvay on tlris sitc. Thc lbllowing commcnts rnust bc addrcsscrl: l. Providc a stlnrpcd topographic survcy for thc sitc to vcri{y gradcs. 1'his survcy. as wcll as thc sitc plan. rnust show thc cdgc ofstrcct asphalt. Staffdid not rcqucst thc topo sul'vcy its part of, thc vari:rncc application in ordcr to stlvc you tirrrc and lnoncy, sincc it was not ccrtain that thc varilncc woulcl bc tppnrvcd. A stampcd topographic survcy is rcquircd as part of thc nonnal submittal rcquircmcnts with a DRts application. 2. Show on thc sitc plan. n 4'widc pan rvith a 2" invcrl at thc cdgc of roadway pavcmcnt. This is rcquirccl for drainagc purposcs. 3. lt is inatlcquatc to simply statc "rctaining wall stcp as rcquircd by changc in gradc clcvations." You must providc spot clcvations along thc top of walls and bottom of wall on tcn foot intervals. You rnust also providc a scalcd clcvation dctail of thc wall and a profile of thc proposcd walls. All proposcd sitc grading must also bc dcpictcd on thc sitc plan. Thc plan must rcflcct cxactly what will bc constructcd in thc ficld. 4. As indicatcd prcviously, a complctc packagc will nccd to bc submittcd which includcs thc proposcd building clcvations (all clcvations) and which addrcsscs all of thc conditions of approval. {g ru"r"""r r*r, i ;- rrlt In thc futurc, plcasc makc all plan submissions through mc and not dircctly to thc PubliC Wctfts Dcpartmcnt. f f you havc any qucstions call mc at479-2148' a "*H3"u[#,#Town Planncr Tcni Partch. Public Works TOWN OF VAIL 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 Deparunent of ns) Octobcr 30, 1996 Craig McCully 2704 Larkspur Couft Vail. Colorado 81657 RE: Variancc application fol a garagc sctback at 2704 Larkspur Court/Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Intcrmountain Dcar Craig: Thc Planning an{ Environmcntal Comrnission, at thcir Octobcr 2tt, 1996 mccting. approvcd your rcqucst for a variancc to allow for a garagc addition at thc abovc rcfcrcnccd propctly' Thc approval carricd with it thc following six conditions: |. Prior to dcsign rcvicw of this pro.jcct, thc applicant shall providc, and havc approvcd by thc Public Works Dcpartrncnt, a grading plan which fully dctails thc proposcd grading of thc sitc (including rctaining rvnlls). 2. Thc applicant shall limit thc rcmoval of cxisting trccs to onc Aspcn trcc (as indicatcd on thc sitc plan). Thc applicant shall mitigatc for thc rcmoval of this trcc with thc addition of thrcc 2" calipcr Aspcn trccs (or 3 six foot tall Evcrgrccns), to bc plantcd along thc north clcvation of thc garagc. 3. Thc cxisting floodlights shall bc modificd to comply with thc Zoning Codc rcquircmcnts for lighting. Thc drivcway shall bc pavcd. Thc site shall be maintaincd in a ncat condition, frec of littcr and frcc of othcr itcms storcd outsidc of the cxisting structure, such as trash cans. Thcse itcms shall be storcd within the structurc. Thc Town of Vail staff shall pcrform a walk-through inspcction of the structure to verifu occupancy, prior to thc issuancc of a Building Pcrmit for thc garage addition. A+. 5. 6. {p *"""uo"*u* sl Plcasc rcvisc thc sitc plan, grading plan. and building clcvations in ordcr to comply with thc six conditions of approval. Plcasc bc sure to providc final building clcvations with your submittal, " i.ncJu$ing thc north, cast and south clevations of thc structure. Thank you for your paticncc in thc proccss. Ifyou havc any qucstions call mc at479-2148. Sincercly, DFN{/jr IIEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department october 28, 1996 A requesl lor a setback variance for a garage addition, located aI2704 Larkspur GourULot 5, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicantr Craig McCullY Planner: Dominic Mauriello FILE r;r/|l1' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST The applicant is requesting a side setback variance of approximately 65' to allow for a 8.5'side setUadX in order to bonstrrict an attached 456 sq. ft., two-bar garage. This site is currently . improveO with a duplex structure without a gar?gg. The existing structure was constructed in 1g71 and the area was under Eagle County'juriJdiction at that time. As constructed, the duplex encroaches 3.7'into the required"lS' side deiback and therelore is a pre-existing nonconforming itructure. The duplex is oriented on the lot in such a way that the garage addition encroaches further into the side setback. There is an existing unimproved driveway on the site which approaches the house in the same area where the gaiage is'proposed. Oth-er constraints which exist on the site include many trees to the south of tie pr-oposbO hOOition and an existing drainage or stream.. The site plan shows one tree Oeing impictid by the addition. The site plan does not accurately show the total number of trees located in this area. The site is also nonconforming with respect to lighting and driveway paving. There are several floodlights on the property which are noi tutty cutoff anC therelore do not complywith.the lighting ordina-nce. fne Oiiveway is currently unpavbd and therefore must be paved if this addition is constructed. The site is also littered witir trash, trash cans and other items stored outside of the existing struclure wtrich are unsighily and are not in compliance with the Municipal Code. ll. Zonirp: Use: Lot SizE: ZONING ANALYSIS Primary/Secondary Rssidential Duolex residencE 1 1,629 sq. ft. o Standard Site Coverage: Landscape area: Setbacks: Alloured Existino 2,325.8 sq. ft. (20o/.) 1,190 sq. ft. (107.) 6,977.4 sq. ft. (600/.) 8,963 sq. lt. (77v.1 Prooosed 1,646 sq. tl. f 4q"'t nlc' 55 8.5' (north) & n/c (south) nlc 6 spaces (2 enclosed) Front: 20'Sldes: 15'Rear: 15' 78' 11.3'(noilh) & 22' (south) 25.5' 6 spaces (none enclosed)Parking:5 spaces required .The propced garag3 is on fre exisrirg ddveway and therebre does not counl as odsling hndscape ar€€" III. CR|TERNAND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, of the -Town of Vail Municipal Code' the Cbmmunity Development Department recommends approval_of the requested side setback variance. The recommendation for approval is based on the following factors: A. Consideration ol Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested varlance to other exlsting or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Manydup|exesinftisareawereconstructedwithoutgarages.Staff betieves ihat providing garages is a benefit to the neighborhood by removing cari and othel items from public view. The proposal is compafiSb with the neighborhood and adjacent structures' Such variances (for garages), where a physical hardship existsand there ale no negative irirpadts to adiacent properties, have been historically approved by the PEc. Z. The degree to which reliet from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achleve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in ths vicinity or to atiain thsobiectives of this title without grant ot special prlvllege. Staff believes that the layout and orientation of the existing structure make this site unique. The existing stream, vegetation, and tr99q located to the south of the proposed addition constitute a physical hardship wananting protection add ti,rerefore prevent tre addition from being moved to the'south. The applicant has proposed a modest two{ar garage of 456 sq' ft., which sAfi believes to be the minimum necessary for adequate_access. and use ofthe garage. staff believes the proposal is not a grant ol special privilege due to the site constraints. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, dlstribution of population, transportation and traffic facilitaes, public facilitles and utllities, and publlc safety. Stafl believes that the requested variance will not negatively atfect these issues. B. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege i'nconsiltent with the lim1ations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimentalto the public healtr, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enlorcement of the specified regulation would result in practical ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title' b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to thb same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone' c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specilied regulation would deprive ihe applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners ol other properties in the same district. tv.STAFF RECOiIMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of the appligant's side seback variance request subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special . . privilege inconsiitent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstiances or conditions appticabte to this site that do not appiy generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone- g. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent witr the objectives of this title. The recommendation for approval is also subject to the following condltions: 1. prior to design review ol this project, the applicant shall provide, qn$ have approved oyine euotic works Dbpartment,a grading plan which.fully dbiaits the iroposed grading of fre site (including retiaining walls). Z. The applicant shall limit the removal of existing trees to one Aspen tree (as inOicai6O on the site plan). The applicant shall mitigate for the removal of this tee with the addition'of three'2" caliper Aspen fees (or 3 six foot tall Evergreens), to be planted along the north elevation of the garage' 3. The existing floodlights shall be modilied to comply with the Zoning Code requirements for lighting. 4. The drivewaY shallbe Paved. S. The site shall be maintained in a neat condition, free of litter and free of other items stored outside of the existing structure, such as trash cans' These items shall be stored within he structure' f :\everyone$ecvnemcvnccully. o28 t L o etkt [,,^*t lel,in/el 6H o u/rr{ D ns-l- ,',.of,e. ^ 'olalqc October 8, 1996 Craig McCully 2704 Larkspur Court Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: variance application for 2704 Larkspur ct.ilot 5, Block 3, Vail Intermountain Dear Craig: The community Development Departnent has reviewed your application fo: two setback variances to allow for the construciion ofa garage addition and bedroom addition to your existing duplex. I have compiled a list of comments wtriin must be addressed before the Planning and Environmental commission hearing scheduled for october 28, 1996. I have also included issues that must be a.ddressed as part of thi Design Review application which will be required if these varianoes are approved. 1. The subject lot is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential. Th9 lot area is I1,629 sq' ft' according to the recorded plat. 'The zoningcode only permits_one dwelling unit on lots in this distict which have a iot area less than 15,000 sq. ft. This lot cunently contains two dwelling units and is therefore a pre-existing nonconforming structure. Chapter 18'64, which addresses nonconforming uses and structures, restricts enlargements to nonconforming structures and therefore the proposed bedroom addition, which adds gfoss residential floor area, is not pemritted. Howiver, if one ofthese existing units is deed restricted for employee housing, then the structure would be considered a conforming structure. Chapter i8.52, n-pioy"e Housing, allows an Employee Housing Unit (Type I EHU) on lots of less than ts,00o sq. ft. This Type I EHU is a deed restricted unit which must be rented to persons working full-ti.e within Eagle County. The Type I EHU must not exceed 40Vo of the allowable GRFA (1,162'9 sq' ft' for this lot)' Therefore, in order to proceed with the variance request for the bedroom addition you must deed restrict one of the units on-site and the unit must not exceed 1,162'9 sq' ft' Altematively, if you wish to proceed with the garage variangg o"lv at this time you may proceed witlout the deed restriction. Please let me know which avenue you wish to pursue. Page I of2 2. No floor plans have been submitted of the existing floor area in-the house' Detailed floor plans of tle existing floor area on all levels is required. Thi.sinfo-ryation is necessary as part of the variancJapplication in order to determine if additional living area is allowed on ihe property. ptease submit detailed floor plans by october 1'1. ,1996. These plans are not .eqoi.ed if you eliminate the bedroom addition' 3. A site plan which shows the entire site and the proposed additions is required' Please submit a plan that shows the proposed improvunents and their relationship to all propefty lines at a scale ol1 "=20' or beffer. This plan must be submitted by October 17 , 1996' 4. You indicate that the lot area is 9,735 sq. ft. The recorded plat shows the lot area at I1,629 sq. ft. and this is the figure we are using to determine GRFA allowances' Your DRB submittal should include a recent survey with an accurate acreage figure as well as topographic information in order to determine the grading a.sso_cia1{ with the proposed additions and driveway grades. A grading plan will be required with the DRB submittal' 5. When doing a building addition the code requires that other noncolformities on the property be brought irito compliance with code requirements. A site visit revealed numerous items stored on the site. These items will need to be removed or placed within the structure. This is considered an existing violation but will be handled in conjunction with any approval that might be granted. The existing lighting fxtures on the exterior of the stnrcture must also be upgraded to meet the requirements of the lighting regulations' The floodlights which exist on the house will need to be shielded to be fully cutoff. 6. The driveway will need to be paved to access the gdrage. A driveway must have a minimum width of 12' and must flare at the road edge to 16'. This driveway will need to be delineated on plans for the DRB approval ifthis request is granted. I have enclosed a DRB application which must be submitted and approved prior to applying for a building permit. t have also enclosed a copy of a deed restriction for a Type I EHU for your review. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 479'2148. Sincerely, Dominic F, Mauriello, AICP Town Planner Page2 of2 P.O? 6lI+ OcL-22-96 l2:O6P O thi t---- :*'sr*".-., *}-----, I, *t\o-. i iL- '6sqbl iltr6t!Iiii'i,s lo.r t ^, j i;tu.' :ItE ! &-Afu) q # il*"-* ,i Ii !wlnir n\r l\u\i $r' \$ilh Lr$ 1/rei /i HI llrl # ll -'/- iI,I.-l.GRi i.-I1iS I__. i I ldituttr-------,,' \ -----ftirr:!-fi.-**=---i I -'---.iii:i--- I a"*l Catl the Planning Staff at 479-2138 GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and rff information. see the submittal roquircme,nb for the particular approval that is requested-. ;.pA;1i1 all required information is submitted- Ttre project rnay also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or thc Design Rwiew Bord A. TYPEOFAPPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) tr Bed and Brealdast tr Conditional Use Perrnit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr Sign Variance E Vriancc tr Zoning Code Amendment tr Amendment to an Approved Developmeat Plan tr Employee Housing Unit (IYPo: ) tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) tr Special Dwelopment Distsict tr Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD F. G. B. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUESI. nPPreCt /dl 2 Ve'./aA/<E ra ca^/'.rt'craN Eoz"nat" fa TDr- aotESf S.OE Al .r'te EtB rr*te Sruurrrr.C /6- n bcorroatot, nvt tr'a +tlS EA<r 1,.t' A Fae 4 6t,.tt9E. C. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT_,I'--BLOCKJ-FILING t/4; /,///rer t a4^art/r" ADDRESSi 2 ?O4 lgrkslrt^ c T BUILDINGNAME:- D. ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S\: C r" s '.// MAILINGADDRESS,: 2 ?2 4 B lAnksaut^ ef. - OV/NER(S) SIGNATIJRE(S):,z/z:4./ NAMEOFREPRESENTATM' D,4/E SklrlPEz - - *1,eu,/^2 /4t5ac;tt.7E3 /rq-frso,r.-t l\ervurrt CO PO2 /o PHoNE: FEE - SEE T,HE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRTATE FEE. SIJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SI]BMITTAL REQTNREMENTS AND THE T'EE TO TIIE DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT. TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' For Office Use Only: FeePaid:- Cld:-By: Application Date:- PEC Meeting Date:- VAIL, COLORADO E165?. Rsviid 686 uo*,o*a" *"n*r, ,Q*rr* Craig W. McCully 2704 Larkspur Ct. Vail, CO 81657 476-8860 This is a request for approval ofa variance to the existing setback requirements for the purpose of constructing a bedroom addition to the west side of my existing duple4 and a garage addition to the east side. This building was constructed prior to the imposition of any setback requirements, and is actually situated within current setback lines. The current setback regulations create a physical hardship in that one cannot extend the building line to the east at all for purposes of any type of constructiorq and to the west for only a limited distance. The proposed garage would encroach into the north setback but would follow the building foundation line to the east, and would be completely within the existing driveway dimensions. The garage would be adjacent to the parking area ofthe next door prop€rty. The bedroom addition would be outside ofthe existing setback requirement except for a small 3 foot 9 inch by 9 foot triangle at the northwest corner ofthe addition. The final l8 by 15 foot dimension was chosen to provide the most practical compromise of form and function that provides a viably useful room plus storage. The enclosed photos demonstrate the relationship ofthe subject property to adjacent properties. Particularly noteworthy is the closest property to the west, Lot 2. This property is visually restricted &om the addition, especially the encroachment area. The structure on lot 4 terminates at the midway point of the proposed new addition. The topography of my lot also tends to provide further visual distance separation from adjacent properties, as is shown by these photos. The degree ofreliefsought from strict enforcement ofregulations is the granting ofa variance for a 3'9" X 9'triangle on the west side, and for a 5'X 24' segment within the existing driveway confines on the east side. These additions would be in harmony with the land and other existing sites in the vicinity. The covenants recorded for this property do not provide for any specific setbacks, but do require adequate free space between structures to provide adequately for high quality in property improvements. I believe that this request is in accord with that concept and is not a request for a special prMlege that is inconsistent with the limitations placed upon the other properties in this area. GRFA Land size - 9735 sq ft Existing footprint -- 1280 sq ft. Proposed room addition - 270 sq. ft. New GRFA -- .1592 Thank you for your consideration.(4a4 a ftffii fiiifil $ ir rnt;iI iI Tr iE ;IUil t1 i! Ei {t firrt I giI itiIrtTr Etr II TJTI ftli Iiiit: E'tEl5: i: {l*,Errl{il lE r: o? [{ ;stl 'D.i it EIrj lr !.1 $r iil;II fii cl u. ;i ;T 3c Is sIe. aa tcrl:l EI;lrl ifvrf iiEI 5$ rE Gt.E.t l'a.t i;IstI it;rlsIt!,-rf! tBc lf-tEtt !I t t, ir ! Co B ifc I & I fil ot u F 3ta .l 3 I * tii E €t li l- !r # 8 fi,lo a, -fL'g@q -'<( hL $ bLs.J \t b hIrq I r\ .$L Ls ,r --T Ir5F8 vJ-t !r,!-6 .i" !. i, I t.. t tLt -d , lo h a ll o\ \\\\ \"t \\z\\d. \,; \-* JtsBlH/ tr)-1r)bo / ltultrttr/ < 0a F J c ""t",r?'r" d.<a,VQut t</ &e ----'---- ,49" Es=sEK _-t,rFrhi ,lgOJr-- , esE>_;, ".o.i ob o' It-J--n <) ..cb:l <.\v./'' .X",J -(o |I^) "'--9:.SeXs lllrlllt<EFJ o ,#t ,l-'/ ! lrt @Nl AJIal +l vo td ix *-*-o *9^Yto.':IlOrrtXcD:|no)Y@ lr lr lt || ll r(c(F--.tQoz (n d,o 6/u€ .,,P ,/ o} @ c, , sa. oi-s ,, /9 r#ffiE*#r ;'iffi;t"ilH;'fi iurheestate or nterest' 7 SCI|EDT'I,E A Ooder lb. 31G07-Obliql I,*r. 136-00-t97633 Date of Folicy: Aprll 2, 1996 1. l{ane of Insrred: CRATG W. TC['LLY 2- rte esta'E c interest in 1tE Lild r.*ridr is overed by ltre policy is: FEE SIMPI...E 3. Title to lte esta'te c inEest in ftre Lsd Ls vested ln: CRAIG VI. },CULLY 4. ltre Lmd refelred to tn tt\is policy is leted lrr tbe Stab ofOolcado, 6rDq/ of Eagle , std Ls described as follqls: An urdivided 1/2 interest lll ard tot LoE 5, B10dr 3, \AIL Ir.EERt'g.tIrTAIN DEVmLR4ENI gJprvISIChl, emadturg to ttE PLat tlrereof filed sep@er 2, r9z!, tn Bod< z2l at,Page 546. rlL / \ttYtlT,i':'t,...(, /,,J.^"-- Itris blicy ts inrl"altd unless tire over sleet ard ScHrne B are attached.. ALTA Ovren's Folicy GA-L7-92) IA}II,ERS TITf.JE IT\ISTJRAIG GrcRATIOI,I q,iNERrS FOIJCY Insu:rre Lns.nt S 78,886.00 Premiun Atqrnt S 2.4O.0O at 2:03 Ft'l SHEXI.IT,E B PART I Crder No. Fbliqa Nc. 31030? -o136-@-197633 1. 2. 3. 4. rtris lnlicy des no't insEe qafuist loss c dilEge (and tlre OcrErary lrl.ll rrct pay @sts, at&neltsr fees q elget.ses) strtdr arise by reascr b1z: RiShts or c1aims of par:ties in possesslcr nct slDuin tDr tlE pnrbltc reryd. EasqEnts, or claims of eassrents, nct shq^nr by t!€ pnrblic reoords. DireparEies, gtfligts in borrdary llrEs, strEaEes in area, ernoaclrtEnits, 6r arryr otler facts t^rhtdt a @a€ct s"trr/e!' lurld discle, ard whith ate rpt shrdn byp.:blic reoords. Arry lien, or rigtrt to a lien, fc enries, labor q re@rial ttreretofreor lereafter furrdshed, tposea by n ard rpt stsdrr tD, ttE trdcffc rc@d. Art1r ard aU r.r4raid tar€s, assessrents ard unredeened ta:: sales. Rigftt of tl€ hoprietor of a Vein or Lode to exEact ard rgrcrre tris ore tle!€frcm,sts.tld tle sane be fc^rrd to perEfate e intersest tle prendses herehy go:arrted, asreenrcd llt llrdted States Patent reocrd. Right of way fcr ditc]res or c€rna,Is qrst-r.gbed blr the authority'of tfie UrdbdStates, as reerved in ttrd-ted Stabs patent rewd. ResFictians, r.itrich do rst qrtaln a fqfattrle qr r€rrefrer clanse, as qrtained lninstrurEnt :resded Ji.tly ?A, 1970, ln bd{ 218 at Page 28L, as anended ty insUnrrerlt reoorded lbrcmber L7, L97O, in Bod< 219 at We l?p, ard Bod< ?26 at @e 378, ard SegtarUer Z, 797J,, jrr Bod< 22L at page 545. utirity eassrEnt alorg all interior lot lines as srnrdn qr the plat of said Subdirrisisr said easenent beirg ftve feet ln widttr. Drainage easeflEnt as shc&rn ql t]E pLat of said srrbdivisiqr. Deed of lttrst frcrn carl A. Davis, Jr., Darlerp K. fE\ris ard eaig t'J. tmrrry to ue Ptrbtj-c f:rustee of EagJ-e Cq.ntlz fe tlp ue of }4argaretten & Oqq)any, IrE., to srre S1.06,000.@, dated Marclr 3, 1992, ard reomded /{pr"il 2, 1992, ih Boct< 576 at Fage 647. Deed of llrrst frqn Oaig W. tircrlly to the Rrblic ttruslee of Eagle Oq.unw fq tle use of hleststar Bank, to seqlre S80,000.00, dated I'4arch 29, 1996, ard re@rded April2, 1996, in Book 691 at pege 4L2. ALTA Stardard Fo1icy, Uesbart Regim - Fsnr ltc. 14O2-C (re\r. 9/gZ) IAhIYERS TITLE I}.ISURAIW MRPORATION 5. 6. 8. 1/\ 11. 9. L2. 'r|l,{ FoRl.1 In5 - REV. 7 | ALTA COMMITMENT .TI N"U. Application No. CV' 'l :i{ '1. Eflectivep,,1... Jariudl",'12,'l "71 at P:f''! i'l .rl. PHONE: 476-2251 AC 303 2. Polic't or Policies to lx, issrrr.rl: ''AL'i'A" ()\\'NtiR's l'()l,l(lI F,rrrr I]- 196r $ 7" 'r'' ^rt;\ Propose<l Insrrrcrl: Cfil.lL i\. iiAYIS. .lii. a.ncl i,r.lA!'. i,. i c{,ilLLY "Al,TA" L()AN l{)l,l(l'\' t(X'l Iltir. (,\rrrcr',1,,r l',,.9\ .( ri'i t\"/!.'\ir l'rorrose<l Ittstrrrrl:- . ...' "'r"" '" .' ""' " CULUi.lglir gAi; ll;r,g ir;": r l.{\nii ,iSSt}i: iitTltri,,r sirrrple.:rtrrl titlc tlrt'rt'trr is rrt tlrc r'lfi'ttirt rlrrtt' lrclt'ol vcstlrl irr: Fii^ r':ti n. t'4,Y .1, Thc larxl reli,rrerl to in tlris (lortrr r t itrrrcnt is r'L'st'r'ilxrl us lirll,lrs: LnT I nL0( l: 3. VLII IllTJl'"r11"'tn Il l'rtrrl r.p"r:|T S'il]i,lVJSI01l. acnorr{lno tn thi) t'.corci'c' flat il,rrr of . rnur.:l' nf ian1l . lltatr rri io1('rad(.. SCHEDUTE B.I The follorving arc thc reqrrirt'nrenls t,r bc complir'<l rr'ith prior to issurrncc o[ said policit's, ttnlcss otltcru'ise notcd,T'All documt nls nrtrst ltc recordcd in llrc olfir:t of clcrl< iurtl rcr:order ol lltt' r'ottttttr irr rvltirrlt srrid Iropcrtt' I is lo/atcd. i( i'tle.lr,? of !jr'od of Trrtqt, ilah'! Jtr'l '.' l'l . 1'.7'?. frcirt ::':;r';!i R. '/:Y to lin n11r't{n /' Trtrrtnr of i-nrrl,. ierrnt., for t',,.. ils^ of Tttt rt"rSf it,iTJr!':rr[- rt^.ill I;' ffli:T fti!-l. I iS to l,)crtfc t:tf: cur!1 nf '!',t.'t4'j . " p"1ipp{rr! ir1'lrr Jti , 11)7': i,r l,oCl ?'4 at p6'1r' r: i- d/ Llrrrantv i\'ed fron'Fi:'i\,iX P.,..ti .Y to fi''1. ri. r:',1/IS ,trl . anr! (."./rI/i lt . ictllll-LY co't- ' , y.1' j trr.! suU jflCt f t'oa('rtrf . lr/ l:eecl of Trust frcr,., flAiit. A. I;Rri tS. lti. and ,l,'^Ii: !1. r,cri!;Li-y to tirr.: t'ub]{c '[ru:tr.,: / of ijrnle C'rurrt.,1 fsp fi;,r u3e of inl']",'tLn q,rt'lftiS lt: Li,^; ISS{IilJ',TJr;i, l;0 scc'lre tlrc su",t of 'ri. : ,'rn^. ^^. ISSL'ElrlR()u(;ll'rtlli ()l"l"l(lE ()1"' G[|RE VAII.EY TITTE II{C. SCHEDUIE A vArL. coLoRADo 81657 ssl SEHED&"|tE B-2 be corrslrrrcrl ilr irtsrrrilt lr ,rl ;rr' '. l. 'f rrscs of{ict'. 3. l,icns for ttnpairl t,'lrlt r :,r:rl .'-lr",r','r r:lt:rrrlr:s, rl lrrr',. 4.,lcst,r'l ct'lv: Covenantr, r''i'lcir ric l.ct corrtai't a fcrfr-i iur{ er t'cvirt:r clauic, as contrllnlil itt lnstrunrllt rrcordfd rttl" 11 , 1 :^7" 1i-. i,ool: ll" ,'lt 'rall ?il ' ili' ;uil nti^'l in lnstrurnnt rccordc(i ,',lrl I ?:1 . 11'71 '!it ilool. ?4fl at t'agr': 37ri. 5.'rralnage cascnent ovcr tllc eastr.rly ii{.'fcert ali $tlor.in on tha nlat. 6.ti'r,ll'lty ancl drafnaqe easctmnts over a tr foot Hldc-strln alonq all lnterlor lot'llnes as rcserv'rd on the nlat. hn'iO ceooJ.d o+$bt ncta (ulvrcu) rarrorrcd cFr.A,.(qAu v p\eue pnr,lde uSUjiln@ gduel b ddnrY 1de5 -'-\$ c€'o(sf frrffi#.rv.. "- ftu;r&a a4 (an wi}ln 61 ltt tflrJfE 6t lhe road hu\l €dse 5' 6aroqe stab eterro't,'o.r t .J {..r'lorr dF *radtrcr{ Aqfllo(t (togea;rlq 'lf o rtres,,r'l6'l)' -tcn Aaa*do'- \ $ *rumutn iqlN,rp sYi 3,rl +$l FrSu1 ttu N. lt\t 6.61\u $=, t .S,q\ -t s\J -{- \:(, .t <+ ts g llL I d lf\, a, +'r s qt \j\v r, lt\'t J; .-fIJJ\lr trl-ri I -'Fl I I , , I I I I I I I , I I I -$s.s- \- er. N_---' Icr \--rL..F $r.tO *N \0 ^-:$$N, 5RxO$+ ; s( vlo;60 95-OS- tntr se:68 3nl 96-EE-.]n.c zo'd tB'd -+F'tivtao 6t t-*t t;i{ aJs r: F:'.glt li+ritll , '6tB 9l' El6 \t t* !j .{ c d $ -5 lrd \) I(\ R & g IN U ( N- .{1 \ -{ 0 tl :- ) \) \l !?l{jd t ,l\1E(o\no)-o,FI r-to<lCD,* --J u =N '{-\l \q\ ts 4; -J1 \1,'\tl s,' '!f r 'sj il-9 iv r# F u.l(t $,{cJ \\JT s"$^*i - p$ \ t\,..S ol C'd.A o\* .^' sN_.\,-\ #etLINE 1 \lIP.StrSN\tN fr<\) d-'' n-.ri sY"€ $1 ftepAtqvG- Bt x!l d d TFcxul Utr|o tFoxul r' I I I I I I I I I I I I L I L__rrl I r l! I H 1lt rl_-il ll il ii I I I ut d, <t lg 3 v vt?:oT 96-90-dr co'd P.02Sep-06-96 03:OOP $$ Es!r3 lr : $"1 $$ Yu trx Y$JS I J{ $$ $ !,1 irl ui ill i' Ni : ,.il EI $l , ti sI q SI s a \r\) r$s h t d bYN\Jt--\s $Ji rJ\) .$ fi \\ .J --r lJ,-I\ q lgsGd\:.<-Sr-qit. L\5 'l-o tt P -OZ.Sep-O6-96 lO:4OA { ds $t srl \l\ 1i ,il1 ill $l $: : $l f,l , l \ I Nl/ V \A \5g sf SL\5 2\9\ Q-'o o it F $ $1- ,iii.''l;itllliirlrlllv\ |Iit xlPil $lIJil \lFt sl ttt ! | Til ul\\\l $ ilrltl-'.il $l 'rr< I | | ilr'l i,ltrl I--rrt ,l tIlirt i,l I .,1 I I :l[ :i,il I-*T I i ;l -bs.-- - ' .-_--j-._-- VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION Blocks I thru 8 /e, o R5 I'rt sv1yly rc. V2- 92 I I N N N \ \ g E)i I I RICHARDS ENGINEE P. O. lor 6l! Vtil. Colotrdo 81657 Phallr- 17 6-JOfi Drnvor Linr - 2ll-l5l! i':4ii..- , lNc. - - - _st1.rp-=D,-z== II I i,1... ;1, tri: ia,i' !li''i,./ i" " I '{i' it..}i,i r ;::},i._ i.i i):::. ,"7 I 'l\l fica/a,'/'/hah ' Qpd I P s 8/ BI \lql t, I do du o ; i I I \ \ b F 3U tnl N\)-\\ rt\ N d h N N \ : kq Sl\) t\) UJ Nv ll, \ { I ; Hoo I,o- \1 /.4N8 b\ $l $lc | .ldr. s 0' ctrfrflc^lf of SutvtY Thit rr lo rarlift rhrf on lho above dal. !n rmgrovarnaol lurvoy wat fta{lo hy nr, or undrr my tugrervition, of lha rbovc <Josctited proorrl). &.d rl,.i lo lh6 r)€rl ol nry lnowledgc rn.J belbl, lhr rbovo plrl !c(ur!l!ly tapr} t nlt tho i|nprov.rnanlr r.r iolit,r, t'. ti'a g. r,e.t' lincr or rl 'wn. 6nd thal tht, locelion rnd drnrntioot ol rll -- n q:::-e- _\ {.r\ +- -!F\'irr'-rth S = tWrwt\]$i_-rr$.v7.1 , g-*-1*_ Fooln :\iffi'r.ZigC{w%+ff P., f tn ft u e Pa,"5 rrt en't o f f ro p Efzr/Et ,a^/o N v FootrtaP Ta LoT Z/NE. /q2 ,714< E /.rT ?AoPOSED EllClatct ll /4 E't"T { OFTICE OT THE COUNIY MANAGTR (3Ol) 3:8.8605 IAGI.T COUNry BUII.DING 55I SROADWAY P.O. 80X 850 EAG|,E. COt OS DO 8 | 63 | rAX: (303) 318.7107 September 8, L994 Craig W. McCulley D&M Enterprises 5350 South Roslyn Street, Ste. 150 Englewood, CO 807LL Re: 2704 La*spur Court, VaifLot 5, BLock 3 VaiT Intermountain Subdjvision Dear Mr. I[cCuJJy: ?hjs js in reply to your July 25 letter addressed to the Board of County Cornrnissjoners. RegrettabTy, the jncidents you talk about occurred about 14 yearsago. fn the ordinary course., the developet constructs t}te roadswithin a subdjrzjsion, which it dedicates to the county, and I am aware of no reason why that would not have been the case here, but we find no records which night ansner any of your questions about the road's construction. fn the annexation process tlle Town of vaiL obtained Larkspur Road, and f understand from yourfetter that it has sorne records about it. ft would have beenappropriate, so perhaps the County 's records were given to the Tawn at tjre time of the annexation. Without records. there is nothing I can say to enlighten you beyond what you have learned in yout own tesearch. re7y, co ) RWL/ew wis, County l4anager ""--f, Development Plan Rou I ting Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire f,trDamZ6trfir Dominic F. Mauriello, Community Development McCully Variance - PEC hearing 2704 Larkspur Ct. Lot 5, Blk. 3, Vail Intermountain Garage addition and bedroom addition to existing homes. Requesting setback vari due to configuration of home. This is variance application. The applicant will have to submit a DRB application i iect Description: f;\wqyoleuortrhutrorn I "o--fr Development Ptan Rou a ting Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To:Dominic F. Mauriello, Community Development Date Routed:9126t96 Return By:t0/2t96 Project Name:McCully Variance - PEC hearing Project Address:2704 Larkspur Ct. Project Legal:Lot 5, Blk. 3, Vail Intermountain Project Description:Garage addition and bedroom addition to existing homes. Requesting setback variances due to configuration of home. This is variance application. The applicant will have to submit a DRB application iI annroved with detailed nlans. Approved )O Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions ( d D. ileed fr?rt.e hcltSs ' re4ltt'G'*+',tf, Date reviewed: I ADJACENT PROPERTY OWITERS LOT 6 BLOCK 3 VAIL INTERMOIJNTAIN Rufus B. Sims, Jr. 1850 Ivanhoe Av. Oxnard, CA 93030 LOT 4 BLOCK 3 Frank B. Day l0l0 69th St. Boulder, CO 80303 LOT 2 BLOCK 3 (originally) Parcel l, Holladay and Bramble Townhouses Steven A. Mayne and Patricia Ann Roche 2744 Basingdale Bl. Vail, CO 81657 Parcel2. Holladay and Bramble Townhouses K.E. Andy Anderson and Kimberly K. Anderson 27786 CarnargoDl Golden, CO 80401 LOT I BLOCK 3 Atropos Housing Corp. 32 East 57th St. 16th Floor New York, NY 10022 LOTSI&2BLOCKI Bob Hernreich 2684 Larkspur Ct. Vail. CO 81657 l. 2. J. 4. THIS ]TEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail on October 28, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a setback variance for a bedroom addition and a garage addition, located at . 2704 Larkspur Gourt/Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Iniermountain. f-Applicant: Craig McGullyTPlanner: Dominic Mauriello I A request to amend Section 18.26.040 of the Vail Municipal Code to add "time-share eslate units: lractional fee units and time share license units" ad a condilional use in Commercial Core ll, located at 242 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc, represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: George Ruther A request for a common area variance and a site coverage variance to allow lor the conversion of onb interior parking space to common area, located at 200 Vail Road/Part of Lots A, B and C, Block 5C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Lodge Tower Gondominium Association, represented by Stan CopePlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit for a proposed addition to the Vail Chapel, located at 19 Vail Road/Tracl J, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Ned GwathmeyPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a sign variance to allow for a freestanding sign lor a business in a multi-tenant buifding, located at292E. Meadow Drive/Mountain Haus. Applicant: Leslie and James GlendiningPlanner: Dirk Mason A request for a sign variance to allow for a window sign greater than 25 feet above^grade.and to allow 0,94 squarefeet of sign area beyond what is allowed, located at Crossroads Shopping Center, 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot R, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Linda FriedPlanner: Dirk Mason A request for a minor amendment to SDD # 5 and a conditional use permit to allow lor the addition of conference space, located at 1100 N. Frontage Road/SDD #5, Simba Run Building. Applicant: Simba Run Condominium Assoc., represented by Lynn FritzlenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a rezoning from General Use to Medium Density Multi-family, and-a request for the esta6lishment of a Speiial Development District to allow for the davelopment of 18 EHU's, located on an unplatied parcel on b portion of Parcel A and part of Block D, Lionsridge Filing # 1 Applicants: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, the U.S. Forest Service and the Town of VailPlanner; Andy Knudtsen A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and adding q 3( !opr' utitizihg the 250 Ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit ToomePianner: Dominic Mauriello A discussion item regarding vehicle storage/transportation related businesses in Commercial Zone Districts. Planner: Dominic Mauriello ililililil The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during reguldroffice hours in the project planner's oflice located at the Town of VailGommunity Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language intorpretation available upon r€quest with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479'2356 TDD for inlormalbn. Community Development DePartmenl Published October 1 1 . 1996 in the Vail Trail. RelMax Metro Properties, lnc. 27048 Larkspur Ct. Vail, CO 8'1657 97G47&8860 Fax: 97(H76-8494 September 16,1996 Mr, Dominic F. Mauriello Dept. Of Community De,rrelopment 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: Variance for 27lA Larkspur Ct. Dear Dominic: Here are copies ofthe floor footprint, site plan, and garage elevation for a proposed addition to my Larkspur Ct. Property. I am also enclosing photos and a plat of the property. I will provide additional photos to you in a few days. You have previousl... said to rne that staffwill support the garage portioq but is not favorable toward my proposed 3'9" incurs.on ino the required setback. I would ask that you take another look at the proposed west addition and rec<,rrsilr.r .your position. The land upon which I prouos,: to build the west addition is isolated from the adjacent properties by a natural banier. The neighbor !o the west is situated obliquely from my property and is at a luwer elevation than I am. Further, the retaining r"i'll separating our properties has vision blocking vegetation. The structure on the property next to me on lhe nlrth side stops at the end of my west mechanical roonr, and is separated from my addition by an abrupt elevation change of several feet. My point here is that the natural lay ofthis lot is such that the proposed addition fits the topography and the lot boundary limits rvi .ho.rt adversely affecting either neighbor. Whether or not the addition would be built with strict attention to setback requirements, or with the small encroachment, the results would not be readily noticeable from any st rrounding property. The covenants recorded for this property do not provide for any specific setbacks, but do require adequate free space between structures to provide adequately for high quality in property improvements. I believe that this request is in accord with that concept and is not a request for a special privilege that is inconsistent with the limitations place..J upon the other properties in this area. In a broad view, the c^-.istin ; structure on this property was designed and situated so that it could be modified at some futue date, anr' ^ c nain in harmony with the land and other existing strucfures. There were no setback requirements then. The design was based on its relationship to the land and adjacent properties. To now enforce strict interpretation of the current setback regulations would create both a practical difficulty and unnecessary physical hardl;hip with respect to the design and construction ofa room addition that would be both functional and useJirl. .A gain, the proposed encroachment is only a 3.5 x 9-foot triangle. Not large enough to cause visual notice, but sufficient to add necessary utility. Aftcr our prcvious discussions. I have rcdraun thc room plans trvice to reducc the amount of the cncroachmcnt bl,thc room addition. 81,not allo*ing thc snrall triangular corncr at the northrvest comcr of thc room, they tvould grcatl I compromise thc functional rcasons lor this room. I hope that this information rvill givc you somc basrs tc rcconsider your position, and enable you to support both thc garage and room addition, as proposcd. My plans are to begin construction on the garage as soon as possible, beforc u'inter, and to dcler the room addi.ion until latc spring. I will greatly appreciate an1' help that 1'ou can give me in spccding up thc garagc ruork. Enclosurc ) TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTi\lE\"TOFCOllllu^-*ITl'DElELOPMEI\-T N^ME /..A.G ,/fr. C'*NA ^DDPf,;ss ?>o7 /< l.-.,1..r-- < -,^ra--Z-,-!Q-,_26 C']ECIi.S MADE ? YABLE TO TO\VN OF VAIL ,^oon/?. GU-. - ()r.t , ACC{tIt TflO. rrEvt - ' {o :: r": TAX"":'-;' COc'rEA:';.- - To.JALj 0 oo00 4 540 ZONING AND N DDRESS MN IS S 5.UO 0 0000 424 r 5 UNIFORMI]UILM--$54.00 0 oo00 42415 UhII $J9.00 0 0000 42415 UN I FORM M I.]CHN NICA L CODF]s37.00 0 oo00 4241 5 LTNIFORM FIREEODE 5J 6.00 ,oo00 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICIT CODIl s I7.00 (,oo00 424 t5 OTI{ER CODI] I]OOKS 0 0000 4 548 I]LUE PRINTS (MYLN RS)$7.00 0 ooo0 42412 XI:ROX COPII:S s0.25 o woo 424t2 STUDII]S ooo0 42412 55.00 0 0000 42i71 .INSPECTIONS 0 0000 4 J)Z PLAN REVII:w Rlr-CIIticK I'l:l-; IS40 Pl;R IIR. 0 0000 42332 Ol'F ITOURS INSPIiCTION I.l:lis 0 oo00 4 4t2 C0NTRACTORS LICIjNSIjS FIilrs 0 0000 4 .+tJ SIGN NPPLICATION FI:I:s20.00 0 ooo0 4 413 AllDl I lONn L SIONAGI- Fl:li tS I .OO PER SO.FI 0 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJI:CT DONATION 0 0()00 4 .jil PRE PAID DI]SIGN RIJVIEW I]OARD FEE 0 0000 4237 |INVESTIGN TION IJHI; (tsUILDINC '-l 5i ooo0 45 I l0 TOV PARKING FUND 0 oooo 22027 I(,)V NL,WSPAPI:R DISPENSI:R FUND* 0l 0000 2l I 12 r^x^BrEreju.5m " 0l 0000 4t 010 'r.AxAtsLE a4) 4 . OZ (TOWN 0 0()00 42371 IJ UI LDING INVIJSTIEATION OTIIIJR 0l 0000 4 i30 AIJDI I IONAL GRFA "250 s200.00 0 ooo0 4 t 1n CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 0 oo00 4 330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION LLSS I ltAN 10,0 SQ.ll'.j s200.00 0 ooo0 4 3.i0 EXTER]OR ALTERl\TION MORE TIIAN IOO SO.FT.'I s500.00 0 0000 4 li0 SPECIN L DEVELOPIVIENT DISTRICT INEW s I,500.00 0 oo00 4 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENTDISTRICT IMAJOR AML,ND s I,000.00 0l oo00 4 330 SPECIAL DEVITLOPMI:NT DISTRICT I-MINOR AMEND 5200.00 0 oo00 4 330 SUBDIVISION VARIANCIl 5250.00 Z<-o 0 0000 4 330 ZONING CODII AMIINDMIjNI'S s250.00 0 fi)00 4 I _10 Rl1 - ZONING s200.00 oT||t;RfOTI.IDR ITOTAL: ZgZ e fls[t I t*ot M.0Ll *o.."i\>,A I '^a o*n.r'inlr,'v z ii 1!!6 Dominic Mauriello suggested an additional recommendation be attached for the DRB' Dominic Mauriello stated that this application met the criteria lor a minor SDD amendment. Greg Moffet asked the applicant if he would like to table this? Mike Schult said he could convert the parking and also present additional drawings. He stated that it would not be acceptable to havd acceis inside th'e garage as the primary entrance for the handicapped. Galen Aasland suggested tabling this. He would also like to have the applicant show the minimum requirements for the disabled parking. Greg Amsden asked the Commission if they all favored the elevations, 180" of what is proposed? . Greg Moflet said the skylight should angle away. Henry pratt advised the applicant that the Commission was not looking for additional visual aids, iust a change in the design. Mike Schult said the purpose of the design was lo take advanlage of the south light. Galen Aasland suggested switching the bulk and mass, so that the slope is towards the south. Galen then made a motion to table this request until the next meeting. Diane Golden seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. S. A request tor a s€tback variance for a garage addition, located at2704 Larkspur Court/Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Craig McCullyPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the request. He stated that staff was recommending approval with five cbnditions. The site showed only 1 tree being impacted. The site plan didn't shbw otner tees and vegetation being impacted. Dominic pointed out that the site was littered with debris and was not in conformanle with the Municipal Code at this time. Dominic said that staff believed that providing a garage would be a benefit to the neighborhood and that there was also a physical hardship. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Craig McCully was in agreement with staff's suggestions. He explained that he had just taken over the property from the previous owner and has taken steps to clean it up' Galen Aasland said this was a hardship. He would like the Town staff to walk through the building to check for zoning compliance. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes October 28, 1996 lo Oj Diane Golden asked if there would be 4 parking spaces? Dominic Mauriello stated that there would be 6 parking spaces' Diane Golden said that would helP. Henry pratt stated that he had no problem with this request. He thought the garage should be moved more to the south in order to request less of a variance. Gene Uselton asked if the driveway was paved, did the applicant intend to pave the parking spaces? Craig Mc0ully stated that the 4 spaces would be gravel. Dominic Mauriello stated that if additional parking was proposed, then it would have to be paved. Greg Amsden said he has seen a minimum of 7-8 cars parked there everyday. He asked the applicant how many dwelling units were there? Craig Mcoully said there were two units. He has limited lhe cars to a s-car maximum and has told ihe tenants to make other arrangements for the additional cars. Greg Amsden stated that there were rules restricting retaining wall heights. Craig McCully said he would cut into the driveway in order to keep the new improvements below the window level. Greg Amsden said the retaining walls along the driveway might be too high. Greg agreed wilh the Commissioners to move the garage to the south to minimize the encroachment. Craig McCully said it needed to follow the lines of the existing driveway. Greg Amsden stated that it seemed to be feasible to move the garage. Craig McCully stated that if the garage were moved, one bedroom would lose a window. This would compromise it quite a bit. Greg Amsden asked if there would be enough room in the garage to put the trash cans in the garage. Greg Molfet said given the drainage and mature vegetation, he had no problem with this appilcation having a hardship. Greg stated that he had no problem with granting this variance. He atso stated that he didn't want to move the garage and eliminate the bedroom window. Galen Aasland made a motion for approval in accordance with the staff memo and the 5 conditions in the staff memo and additionally, that the Town stafl do a walk-through to verify the dwelling unit count and zoning compliance, prior to a building permit being issued for the garage. Gene Uselton seconded the motion' It passed unanimously by a vote ol 6-0. Planning and Environmental Cornrnission Minules october 28. 1996 6