HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 8 LOT 3 LEGAL-I 75 south lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 Lynn Fritzlen P. 0. Box 57 Vai1, C0 81658 Re: Cleveland Residence Dear Lynn: 0n May 30, 1984, the Des'ign Cleveland-$esbo Resjdence. condi ti ons : offlce ol communlty developmenl June 6, 1984 Review Board gave final approval to the Approval was given w'ith the following i. Two spruce trees are to be added to landscaping on "downhillside" of house. 2. Additional screening of underside of structure by extending foundat'i on (or siding type of extension), six feet. 3. Col or change of house from Concord Blue to Cabots Solid Color Stain #545. 4. Foundations and retajnjng wa'l 1s are to be engineered and subsequently reviewed by Town of Vail engineer. Please call me with any questions you may have. Si ncerel v. ./---\l a-.r - / | \. \. 1' \ r'. tr \.-- \ ;'!u\ 5-- Tom Braun ,\..''i1 TBlj h ,/-'--l:z/z-n t -' E'27: Lr sr oF ftl I6R r..qrs ' i::.r.;i,C l - Cr ev,elan_d_KjCgb_S__Be-s_ldence-_ _ ..rli\1, IJi.lj,i1{ I l''f tON: l-0'l_ 3 _L}l,OC( g l;l l. tNG Vail Intermountain Subdivision 'i3 t)l:s(;ti I l,l l0:{ ol: llt0.|:(;1. P Secondary ResideDce I Thc fol lorring informetj on isBoard bcforc a final al)provcl A. BU I LI)ti't(; I'r.A'fEntALS *-r.oo r . Siding Other lial I l,lat erial s Fascia JOItltS lVin dor.;s l{indoll Trin Doors Door Trira Hand o: Deck Rails Flues Fl ash j.ngs Chir,uleys Trash Encl osures - Grcenho rs es 0ther R LANDSCAP ING of Designer:Name Phone : PLANT I'IATSRIALS rcqrrircd for subni ttal by thc clrn be g iven: Type of l'.htcrial Split Cedar Shake appljcrrnt to tltc D6sigu Rcvicw Color na tura I Rough Cedar 2x Rough Cedar Beveled Lap lx8 White Vinyl Clad "Cape Cod Graytt Ltrite Rough Cedar 2x "Cape Cod Grayt' Exterior MetaI ttCape GrayttCod Rough Cedar ttCape Cod Gray" Rough Cedar "Cape Cod Graytt MetaI "Cape Cod Graytt Metal ttCape Cod Graytt Not Applicable Exposed Concrete piers Na tural 8) 7 -\7 7? Botani cal Nar:re Connnon llame Polulus Treruoloides . Asrren l.i-.,c f ^ i^-:r'..:- t^-'..--^.1 - l.:-- Quanti ty Si ze a tl -:.: - ^l t.tr ._ -.L Rough Cedar Beveled Lap lx8 JJ€lrre€*riF+*kJ, Not Applicable See Floor Plan TRISS Project Application .-i') Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:'t-, ,. .\,< C L ..j.s*Lr Architect, Address and Phone: Lega|Description:t-otlL,Block8,rinng@',o^"'c> Comments: Design Review Board ,/trl' 'r.,, li Ll. rn n Motion by: -t,lt-L ttilA,A Y'l i nl'. seconded 6r' K ' r. t- St\[ll ; irn DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: o","' hn,t =rD lft{E Statr Approval Project Application 45t2o Date e 627 3z y' i='3t -€>L Project Name: e Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Commenls: 5A eO, *-/ lS rY-< Filing /o;/ h,/*r*,',, 6ul/)",ai*r'-' Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Planner D statt Approval Lynn Fritzlen Intratech Design Group Box 57 Vail, Colorado,81658 Re: Cleveland Residence Dear Lynn, The Des'i gn Review Board gave you preliminary approval for the Cleveland resiCence at their May 2, 1984, meeting. The Design Review Board also apnroved the secondary unit on a lot less than 15,000 square feet. The following issues should be addressed prior to the May 16, .|984' meeting: l. Explore other color alternatives for the exterjor of the house. 2. Consider re-des'igning the "Bridge" along the garage leading to the primary unit. 3. Submit a revised landscape p1 an (attention should be given to screening the underside of the house as well as the two parking spaces on the east corner of the property) . Please feel free to call me with any quest'ions you may have. Si ncerely, 75 soulh fronlage road ' vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlty development May 4, ]984 Hry, zs '3f / /\tS.l.niv---- Tom Braun Town Planner ENCL TB/rme /nt<- tuYtn u a l|tl 75 soulh lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 475-7ooo offlce ol communllY develoPmenl April 26, 1984 Vail Intermountain Subdivision Associates Lot I Box 705 Vail, Colorado,81658 Gentl emen, AnapplicationhasbeennadetotheTownofVajlforapr.imary-i..oi[urv iesidence at Lot 3, B'lock g,-Intermountain subdivision iZgii-Bi"tt"!date BtvO.). The app'lication wi'l'l be considered by i[. o.iign ileview Board at theii^'May Znd, 2:00PM, meet'ing'- nni qr.tiions concerning this propo-sa1^can be directed to Tom B";rri at the Departmeni-of comnunicty Development (476-7000' extension 101). Sj ncerely' r(JrJ$7\J.il-- Tom Braun Town P'lanner TBlrme 1li 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 ottlce ot communlty developmenl April 26, 1984 John $iverly Lot 2 Box 645 Vail, Colorado, 81658 Dear Mr. Siverly, An application has been made to the Town of Vail for a primary" secondary residence at Lot 3, Block 8, Intermountain Subdi'Vi.qion (2841 Basingdale B1vd.). The application will be con5i-der"ed by' the Design Review Board at their May ?nd, 2:00PM, rneeting. Any'questions concerning th'is proposal can be directed to Tom Braunat the Department of Community Development (476-7000, extens!on 101). Sincerely, tsv.b.6---"- Tom Braun Town Planner TB/rme 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce of communlty developmenl April 26, 1984 Marvin J. Huddleston l.linfred J. Huddleston Lot I Box 705 Vail, Colorado,81658 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Huddleston, An application has been made to the Town of vail for a primary-secondary residence at Lot 3, Block 8, Intermountain subdivision (zgqt Basingdale B'l vd-), The application w'ill be considered by the Design Review Boardat their May 2nd, 2:00PM, meeting. Any questions conceining thisproposal can.be directed to Tom Braun at the Department of Community _Development (476-7000, extension 101). Si ncerely,r- a/\\J\ \ ;yft.p 5\rw._ tom g_raun __--____\=--__. Town Planner TBlrme 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlty development April 26, .1984 Edmund C. Barnes, Rick Lamb J. Scopellite Lot 4 Box 280 Va'i I , Col orado 816 58 Gentl emen, An appfication has been made to the Town of Vail for a primary-secondary residence at Lot 3, Block 8, Intermountain Subdivjsion (2841 Basingda'le Blvd). The appfication wil'l be considered by the Design Review Board at their May 2nd, 2:00PM, meeting. Any questions concern'i ng this proposal cani be directed to Tom Braun at the Department of Community Development (476-7000, extension L01). Si ncerely, s'S>lu- Tom Brdun Town P'l anner TB/rme DESIGN REVIEI.I BOARD AGENDA May 30, 1984 2:00 pM Call meeting to order II. Roll cal'l - determination of quorum III. 4genda lACleveland residence: final review, Lot 3, blk g, Intermountain 2F{a'lker-Ray garage addition, lot 28, Vriit Meadows (Tabled) rl-ogsuury residence: fina] review, lot 6, REub Lot't4, blk 4, Bighorn 3rd, rl+Jt- $ rsrA4- 6rt- +FVit'lage Center comnercia'l addition storefront and landscape: Final review -6l Berkowitz addition: Final review, Lot ?, Vail Viilage 1st 6.6onn.nulp, two menu boards flaentty-Eggers residence: conceptual review, Lot lB, blk l, vai'l v.i1'lage.l3th 8.YVai'l Mountain School addition and rockfall barrier, Lot IZ, blk 2, V.Vil. 12 K ,rruno's deck remodel +^tLl-\1 \S'*'t' MEMBERS PRESENT ASSEI{T UTILITY LOCATION VERIF ICATION be main trunk the fol lowing I j.nes or propos ed ut i.liti.es for the Authci^ized Siqnature Date rl I +' -//- 8'l'.'', \ Holy Cross Electric Ted Husky/Michael Vail Cable T.V. GaraYJ€h{rs€n- Jel/"-iuc,.25 : ) v! Assoc. Laverty F r,.C .aC : Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek svlDrvtsloN VAI U Trtk,\-tttoLt'Ltb'i JOB tor BLOCK ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they li.nes, nust be approved and verified by acconpanying site p1an. Mountain Bell +1,,18':1ffitr-- "ai>t-.;9L'-,i!57 lllestern Slope Gas Fe+ff44€rfes ,,r ,i'qsv: atjt .-.r j.,- Public Servjce Company Gary Ha11 FILING 4zef /t-q,!3!"'?T,i"l;---7 attached sheer l:141 tf-:az( NOTE: These verifi.cations do not relieve the contractor of his respons i.bi.l ity to obtain a street cut permi.t from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public rj'ght- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A' building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut perrnit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service avai.lablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations- lutrn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476€t0fli "aoo department of community development Dear Design Revlew Board Applicant: Enelosed is_your Design_Review Board ProJect Application showingtbe approval/disapprovaL of your proJect lncludj_ng comments fromthe Board. If you received approval from the Design Review Board, you must make any corrections stipulated by the Board and brlng the revlsedplans to the Town Planner before applying for a Bullding Pernit. No site work may be cormenced until the revisions are approved bythe Town Planner and two sets of working drawings are subnittedto the Building Department. If you have any questi.ons, please do not hesitate to ca11. the Town Planner at .476-7000, ext. 102. DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT t OF a Stock Company, of Minneapolis, Minnetota SUBJECT To THE EXCLUSIONS FROltt COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED tN SCHEDULE B ANDTHE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY oF MINNESOTA, he rein called the Company, ingures, as of Date of policy shown inschedule A, against loss or damage, nor exceeding the amounr of insurance iratieJ r" s.h.Jri. e,;;j;;;;r; .,i"'r*rr' i.*and expenses which the Companf may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reaion of: I . Tille to the estate or interesl dcscribed in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein: 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title: 3. hck of a right of access lo and from the land; or 4. Unmarketabiliry of such title. lN MTNESS WHEREOF, the said Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal tobe hereunlo aflixed by its duly authorized officers as of the &te shown in Schedule A, the poticy to be valid whencountersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. Jrrr-r INsunrrucr florvrnar.rv or fl/f rr.rrrrEsorA Kffi,".-< C Secrerary EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE Tlre following marters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: .l' Any.law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances)rcstricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, oi regulating iire characrer,dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter ereited on the land, or prohibitingl separation iiownership or a reduction in the dinrnsions or area of the land, or the effect of any violarion of an1, such law, tn Cinanc-c or governnvntd rcgulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless norice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, l.iens, encumbrances, adverse clainrs, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known 1o the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insuied claimant became an insured hereunder; (c)_resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained iflhe insured PoLrcY No. AZ 12 3 5 B 1 AMERICAN tAND TITLE ASSOCTATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B - 1970 (Amended 10-17-701 lr'rsunaNce claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insure<l by t*s policy. A frrr-e f[f rr.rr'resorn[orrrear.rv r -t . .rrfr. I 30 2/73 3OM CopVrigh! 1969 Arnarlcan Lrnd Titte Ar.octstlon -J File No.GV 755s . ' _TlM Ownrn Form 2312 AZ 't23581 I2,000.00 Policy No. Amount $ I, SCHEDUL E A Policy Date November 14. 1978 at 8:00 Al4 Name of lnsured: . RICHARD D. CLEVELAND 3. The esrate or inreresr in rhe land describcd herein and which ic covercd by this policy is: A FEE SIMPLE 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hercofis vested in: RICHARD D. CLEVETAND The land referred to in this policy is situated in the County of _ State of Col orado and ir described as io[oun: LOT THREE.(3), BLOCK EIGHT -(S), VAIL INTERMOUITTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDiVISION,according to the recorded piat thereof, couniy'oi eisi.l-btite ot cotorado. This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attachad. o ' rlM owNE RS 2/73 FORM ?3 t3 ') Fire No. GV 7555 poticy No. AZ 'l 2359.1 SCHEDULE B This policy does nor insure against loss or damage by reason of the folowing: l. fugIrs or claims of partics in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easementq, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3' Discrepancies, conflicb in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey andinspection of the premises would discrose and which are not shown by the public records. 4' Any lien' or riSht to a lien, for services, labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shownby the public records. 5. Any and all,-general or. special taxes and assessments required to be paidin the year'l 979 and subsequent years. 6. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, .i f any. 7. Restrictive covenants, wh'ich do not contain a forfeiture or reyerter clause, ascontained in instruments recorded September 2, 1971, in goot 221 at nige S+S. -/^v/ 8. ura'lnage easement ten (10) feet in width across the Southwesterly corner asshown on the p'l at. /s.utility easement consisting_of a strip of land 7.5 feet in w.idth along a]l sidelot lines and a strip ten (tO) feet ih width along alt back lot.lines"as reseryedon the plat. '10. Deed of Trust dated October 4, 1g7g from RICHARD D. CLEVELAND to the pub.lic Trusteeof Eagie County for the use of FiRSTBANK 0F tAtl io iJ.rr. the sum of $6,0c0.00recorded October 30, i97g in Book 277 at. page 423. Assignment of Rents, in connection with sa'id Deed of Trust, recorded 0ctober 30,. 1978 in Book 277 at page 424. A iContiv.d lrott ottiJ! ltont Jloli df the Compan-r ih:rll ccesa !nd terminati in !et!rrl to ahe nlitttcl rr! nrlttcrs for r,r'hrch such prompt notrcr is t€quite.r: pro|'idcLl, ho*' ercr. th3t failurr ro notify shall in no crse Preiudice !hc riShtr of any such insurerl unJet this poli() unless tht (l()trtprn) rh.rll h{ FreJuJr.eJ b:r such failut.' anJ then onl-v lo lhe e\lenl ()t such 1.) The CompJnl sh!ll hr\e ihe ritht al ils u$r coll lo rnilrlure and trithout undue dclat prusectrte any 3cli,,n or nr()(rcd||rs or to do 3n!, othcr scl \ihich in ilr oprnion m:r!'be r).(rss!rt oa ddsrrshl( to esl3hlish lhc tille l,) lhe cstJtc or intetcsl as insur(.d, and llrr Cornpany m3t t!ke arr! aFptopriule ilction unJcr the tdrms ()f lhrs nolic), \'helher or not it shJtl be liablr th!'adurder, :rnd shall nol lhereb! c()ncede lirbilit) o. $aive 0ny provision of thi! lll)lrc\ . . (d) \lhenrver the Comp3n! shall hJre brouShl anv aclioD oti rerpos(d ! deirnse as lequired or permitlcd by the paovisions of lliis pulicr, rhe Company m3t Fursue an, such litiSation lo final deterrninrrion b! a cou.l of conrpete!t jurisdi(tion and expressly r€k,ryrs l|€ right. in its s,)lc discre(ion, l():rppcal from any adverre JLrdtnlfnl oa order. (e) ln rll crsci !r'hr:ac lhis polic! permits or requires lha Compan' to p,(rtecule o. pfovidd for lhe defense of ant action ol procer:rJing. lhe insured hcteunder shall sacure lo the Company lhc rlSht to s() prosecutc ot frovide d€fensc in such action ol pro,;teding, 3nd Ill aflpeals thrtern. rnd permit lhe Company to u3e, 3r irs optirin, the n!ore of such insured for such purpose. Whenever rcqu3r!€d b) thc Comlan', such insutcd shall Eive the Company .ll frasonabli aid in an) such action or procceding, in cffcctirlg 5.lllenrent, rccuring rvidance, obtaining \iilnesses, or prosecutin8 or Jelcnding such acti.'n or p,ocecdinS, and the Company shall rrinrhurre such insured for an!'cxpense so incurred. 4, Noric! ot Los. - Lirilition ol Acrion ln addrtion to lhe notices requircd undcr paragrrph 3(b) of thlse Condirions and Sripu13tions. a statemcnt io writing of any loss or d.rnrage for \\'hich it is clrimed lhe Compary is liable unde! thiE poli(! sh.ll be furnashed to lhe Company within 90 dsys after such l(,,ss ('r damat. slrall have been d€teimined and no right of rclion 5h3ll accrue Io an insured claimsnt until 30 days sftcr such sr:jrcmcnt shall have been furnishcd. Frilurc to furnish such starentcnt of loss o. d.ma8c shall terminale any liability of lhc C()mFany urd.r rhis policy as io s{rch loss or damsge. 5. Oprionr lo Ply or Othlrwi!. Srnle Clrim3 Th. Compen). shlll h.\r th. oFtion to p.y or othe.\airc sattlc for (,r in the nrrx of tn insu.rd clrimJnt rn).{bim inruFd tf!inrt(v t() tc.minate all liability rnd obliFlionr of lh. Comprny hct.under by pa)ing or aendcrinf psymrna of thc smounl oa insurance undrr thi5 policy toSelhda $ith tny costs, allotnayi'fcc! and expenses incurred up to thc linre of such ps:/me[a or tend!'r of palmcnl, by the insurcd claimanl and autho.ircd bI thc Compony. 5. Oelermination and Payrn€nl of Loss (a) I he litrbility of the Company under rhis policy shall in no c:rst e\ccrd !he leart of: (i) the 8ctual loss of thc insured claimant; or (ii) rhe amount of insu.ance sr!ted in Schedule A; ot (b)The Company will p8y, in .ddition to sny loss insured agrinsl by this policy, all costs imposed upon an insurcd in lirigalion carried on by the Comprny for such inlured, snd rll corts, atl{)rn.r-s' fees and expenscs in litigation caa ed on by iuch insured l^i(h the \'rit(en surhorizstion of the Company. (c) When liability hrs bccn definilely fixed in rccordance$ith the conditions of this policy, the lo$ or damag-e shall bc payable rsithin l0 days the.eafter. 7. Limitation ol Liability N() cllim shall arisc or be maintainable under this policy (a) if the Conrprnyt slter havint r€ceived notice of !n alleged defect,lienor encurnbr3nce insured agdinsa hercunder, by litigalion or othrr$ise, .emoves such d.fect, licn oa encumb.ancc or cslrblishcs!hr title. as insur€d, 1,!irhin a reasonable timc aficr reccipl of tuch notice: (b) in lhc rvent of lirigation until thc.e has bcen a fiaal d€rermination bI a cou.t of compeicnt jurisdiction, lnd disposition of all apneals therefrom, sdverse to the titlc, as insured, as providad in p3ragr3ph J hereofi or (c) for lirbility voluntarity 8ssumed by .n insurcd in seltlrng any alaim or suit \+ithout priot $ritlrn consent of ihe ComPany. 8. R educrion of Liabiliw All nf,rmc.ntr under this p(rlic!, excepl pat mcnt! nrlde for c()sls,allorne\s fdcs and expensrs, thall rcduca the am()unt of thc In\utanae p,r) tanto. No fa\''lrnt ShAll br mitde trith')ut productnR tlD! l,(,lic\ for endorsenr('nt ol suah p!)ment unjes\ thc nl)tictr brlr,rt t'a dr|'trDsed, in which ca!e proof of srrch lr,\s r), drsrructirrr,shrll be turnish('d to lhe salisf3ction of the Cirmlirny. 9. Liability Noncumulative Il is e\ressl! unders(ood that thc !mount ol insurance underthls pr,lif:, shall be reduced bv any rm,runt the Compirn! mav oayundcr nny p.)lirv insu.ing either (a) a nrUrrS Fe str,,*.'n ',r i,jferrcj toIn Sahedule b hereof tvhich ii a li('n on lhc eslJte or intcresf coverrdby this t)olic!. r)r (b) a mortgage heresfter erecurcd b'. rn insured!^hich rs I chta8e or ltcn gn the cstrtc ur Inl(rr,\l dcscaibect or refl.rred to in 5ch,.'dulc A. ar;d the !nlount s(, prid !h!ll be dcemed ap.ymdnt undi:. this polic:/. The Cornnant sh3ll have the orJ(ion to!pnlr.' tr) th( pal men! of any such rrorltrBus any. "rno,int thar olher$'ise sould be plyable hereundcr l() the insured owner of theeslrte rta intercst coveaed bf this prrliirv and the !mount so oai(shrll bc dt(mrd r paymcnt undtr thts pr_rlicy to sar,J insurcd ownel lO. Apporrionrnent lf thc land described in Schedule A consists of lwo o, more parcels r,lhich are nol used Es a single sile, and a loss is eslablished lffecting onr or more of srid parcels but not all, the loss shall be computed and s{ttled on a pro rata baiis as if rhc amount of insutance undet this ftolicy was dividcd pro rata as to the valuc on Drte of Policy of each separirle parcel to lhe rvhole, crclusivc of any improyemenls made subsequeol to Date of Policy, unless a liability or valu? hss otherwise bccn sgrecd upon {s to each luch paicll by tha Company rnd lhc insured rt lhc time of the issuance of this policy and shown by an exprcsi statement hercin o. by an endors€ment altached hcreto. 11. Subrogrtion Upon Plymont or Satthment Whcn.ver lhe Compuy shall h.w s.ttlcd a claim under this policy, all right of subrogrtion rhall v.st in rhe Comp!ny unaffect.dby any act of lhe ilsur€d claimant. The Cornpaay s1r.11 6. rubrogatcd to and b. entitled to Ell rights end rcmedics which such inSured claimant ilould havc had rBainst any petson or property in rcspccl to such claim h6d rhis policy not been issued, and il tcquctlcd by thc Company, such insured claimanl shall transfer to the Comprny all rights and remedies againrt any person or property nccessary in order to pcrfecr such right of subroSution and shall pcrmil lhe Company to us€ the name of such insured claimant in any ltansactio'l or liritation involving such .i8hls o. .emedies. lf the payment does nol cover lhe loss of such insured claimant. the Company shall be subrogared to such riShts and remedies in ihc ptoporlion w.hich said paynena bc..s ao lhe amounl ofsaid loss. lf loss should result from any bct of such insured claimant, ruch act shall not void this policy, bua the Company, in that evcnl, shall be.cquired to pay only that p!.t of any losscs iosured atainst hcreundcr which shall e.xceed the amount, if any, lost to the Company by reaion of the impairment of lhe right of subrogarion. 12. Lilbitiv Limired to thi3 Poticy This instrumenr togelher with all endorsements and other instrumcnts, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entirepolicy and conlract between the insured and thc Company. Any claim of loss or damage, whcther o. not based on negligence, and which a.ises out of lhe status of thc tirle lo rhe 3stalQ or intercsi coveted hereby oa any action rssertinB such claim, shall b€ reslricted lo the provisions aDd conditions and stipulalions of lhi! policy. No amendment of or endors€mcnt to this policy can be made except by Priting cndo.srd hcreon o. atlached herslo signed by either the Presideot, a Vice Presidenr, th€ Secret3r!.. an Assislant Sccretary, or validating officer or aulhorized siSnatory of the Company. 13. Noiices. Whsro S.nt AII notices required to b. given the Company and any statemena ir! r,rriting required to be furnished the Company slrrll bc address.d to ils Home Office, Minncapolis, Minnesota 5 5401. Note: Th.is policy valid only if Schedules A and B are attached. TITLE INSURANCE POLICV AMERICAN LANO TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B _ 1S7O Itauld lhrough lha olllo. of: Gore Valley Title Company P. O. Box 357 Vail, Colorado 81657 AC 303 476-225L ' -:------\ | 2d' \. *-.t 'l ' ^^"., f ., i, __ __!1 rMn eooowtn 1005-17th sTREfl, Roor,t 1.t30. DINVER, COLORADO 80202 THE COPY I.,!AY BE RETAINED FOR YOUR RICORDS. Customer Request Bl1ling Job i/ JF.S 111'r lJ.tJt.Ll(J: ilcR3-20-074 CONTR,ACT NEDBO AGREB{ENT, Made this CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 14 aay of N0VEF1BER , 19 83 ,TT. aox :qT9'TEfcolom'0--Em-s8 belween c/o hereinafter referred to as the aElon, herelnafter referred !o "Custouer", and Mountain nef f@ as the "Telephone Company". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, The custorDer has requested the Telephone conpany to relocate cer-tain (overhead/mdcr3rond ) coomunicatlon f acllities to an (ndcrgrorrC*lecaci.ec) (Alrernate trdergrcnd locatlon), to rrlr: PLACE NEl,l 30' P0LF AT 284.l BASSINGDALE DRIVE, LoT 3r BLoCK 8r tNTE I.IHF-REAS, The feaslblllty of the requested relocatlon proJect has beenreviewed by representatives of the Telephone Conpany and IHEREAS, The Telephone Conpany ls rllling to oake lhe requested relocallonof couotunlcatlon facllitles at a cost to the Custoner not to exceed the acrual expense incurred by the Telephone Company. Now, THEREFoRE, ln conslderation of' the agreenents herern contalned, theparties agree as follows: 1. Prlor to the cotrmenceoent of the relocatlon proJect, a suitable andacceptable easeDenc, or rlght-of-way v111 be obtalned by Mountain Bell ar chesole expense of CusLomer. 2. The Customer agrees go pay to the Telephone company lEs accual costof relocatlng 1ts cornmunlc at lon facillcles lncluding but noE limired to eng_eering cosEs and cos!6 associated ulEh any darnage occasloned to real or peisonal ProPerty as a result of such relocatlon to the exlent such darnage is caused bythe wlllful ac!s or negllgent acts or omlssions of the CusEomer, lts eurpLoyeesagenrs or contractors. subsequent to the executlon of this Agreement, Ehe Telephone Company will provlde Custouer Lt.s estlmated costs. Estimated costsare based upoo the mosE econoElcal nethod of perforulng the nork operatLon;extenuatinS, circumstances or changes brought about by the Omer before or durlngthe work oPeratlon that increases coscs uill be included when acEual costs arecoopiled. fIIlIf Upon conpleclon of the relocatlon, the Telephone Conpany r.rillprovlde the Customer an ltenlzed statenent of the actual costs lncurred inrelocatlng lts tormrunlcatlon facllltles. In the event accual cosc 1s less thanthe esclmated cost, the Telephone Company wl11 reloburse Custoner and differencebetween the estinated funds held by the Telephone Conpany and the actual costs.In the event the actual costs are Dore than the estlnated costs, the Customeragrees to pay rhe Telephone coupany the balance wlthln thlrry (30) days of re-ceipt of a staEement therefore. In the event the Customer chooses co abandon therelocarlon proJect a[ any tine, subsequenc to the execution of thls agreement, customer agrees to pay the Telephone cotrpany lts actual costs lncurred up tothe date of such abandonment, includlng engineerlng costs. CusEorner shaIl bearall costs of providlng easements, incruding al1 survey costs and qu1"tc1afun costs as required. I; t l. I ti(; vail r!!g.rmg-ult-e:1- sub d ivi s 10-n Pr-lmary Secondary Residence Thc fol lowi ng informatjon is Board bcforc a fj-nal apProval A. BUlLIlli{(i l''14'l'[RtnLS xoo r Siding Other lfal I l'lat erial s F asc ia Soffits Windor't s Itlindow 'I'rin Door s Door Trirrt Hand ol Deck Rai-ls F lues F lash j.ngs Chi-rurev s Trash Encl osures - Greenhous es Othet' B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : rcqtrilcd for subrli ttal by thc apPl icent to tl'lc clrn be J; ivcn : Dcs igrt l{cv i cw ly_9_ ol_llat"'14 Color naturalSplit Cedar Shake Roush cedar Bevered Lap t"u 'i!:1"!l*ulli'" - Rough Cedar 2x t'Cape Cod GraYt' Rough Cedar Beveled Lap lx8 "Concord Blue" hlnite VinYl Clad Lln it e Rough Cedar 2x "Cape Cod GraYtt Ex[erior Metal t'Cape Cod GraY" Rough Cedar "Cape Cod GraYtt Rough Cedar "Cape Cod GraY" "Cape Cod GraY" Me ta1 "Cape Cod GraY"lfetal Noc ApPlicable Exposed Concrete Di 6a'q Natural a?7-s?i2 PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Common Name Aspen 0uanti tY 4 4ll -1-i ^ 8'-10r hgt. Si ze Pinus Contorta Latifolia Lodgepole Pi-ne Not ApPlicable See Floor Plan SHRUBS t' GROUND COVERS I SQUARE (areas beneath buildlng and those disturbed by excavation) Icelandic Poppies FooTAGE ioo 150 SOD S EED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE SQUARE F0oTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE Manual (hose bib and srrinkler) I TYPE 0R METH0D Perforated plpe buried ln gravel contlnuous around buildineOF EROSION CONTROL - perimiter will take 4rainage into exist drainaqe eas Areas disturbed dur constructlon will recelve I rtxl rt mesh and replanted. C. Other Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swimming pool s, etc.) p'l ease specify. 5x6 Wood Cribblng per pJ,aris )o D]5TR]CTS Descr i pti on: .--'-- _ L Lot OL 70_iii- {iit..CK for sFR, R, R P/S 7oi1E Bl ock Filft@Lega I Ovlner Ito -za' ^t .l.J(-.r-<.\ tur.l- -a-ttz '45t-tr*l Al,4 / s/o 3.{2{a-s@ (30o) (600) ( eoo) ( 12oo) (so) (loo) ( 2s) (50) (2oo) (4oo) joa Slope Actual Ava'l anche F'l ood Pl ai n Sl ope 1 t l, ( ComnentS: ha,rc . ['...c.rsc > -f^ Kedt | .l I'-b..L O\<*.-,l.p^+ Architect l=rl,L2.-'.. "-..l Zone Distri.t t\rf Proposed ut" P/5 Lot Size .1tab'7- He i ght Tota'l GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Al I oved (30) (33) i='iJ u {e_ I rav Proposed 3l rri r ll sy 5q/ Setbacks: Front ' Si des Rear l'la ter Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Parki ng Credi ts : Garage l'lechan i cal Ai rl ock Stora ge Solar Heat Stora ge Dri ve: Sl ope Perm'i tted Envi ronmen tal,/Haza rds: Zc:/" ?0' 15' 15', (30)(so) /s s2- Zoni ng: Approved/Di sapproved Date: ,-. usT Subdivision Lot Bl ock Fi'l i n9 NGINEERING CHEIK t. 2. Submittal Items (A) Topo Hap (B) Site P'lan (c) utility Plan (D) Ti t1e ltePort (E) Subdivision Agreement trgj neeri rlg Requfl.gte"ts- (A) cu] vert size /Ut (B) Drivet*ay 6rade (81 max (Acceptab'lel t,,", AccePtable) 7_ (i f appl i cal)'le) -- 5ac5 (*aa Ah tr 3.Sou rce of tttj 'l i ti es E'lectri c Gas Sel.ter l.la ie r Tel epl:cr;e T.V. u. (A (B (c (D (E (F , : mtnf r.€ a.@t^uato- t+ 4.6" .-/ 4. Cornnents: Oa^er^senm. E..'^to+i ' I Enauuc'-fg&-tEg' Paa'r Approved: Di sapproved: Dila-n:-'ffi Bi I I Atrdrc:'ls Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: /- *r\tt JJf t Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: t-or -3 , gtocr ? , rr,rng Aa'k/tfta@'&^ , ron" 4* Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: '6"'+,I seconded av: 4rl/lfl ---_- DISAPPROVAL aa 1'*,8),<zt>-- **r1 ,Y"t h'*;tk /z<tD Z-s 3a /-{ -.-.--.-- r 4[b z-"'-"'-' I 51b 7D -ry. "{ll\rr\\q\ t-l-l{l rt ''*L0",, ,,r^W f shno ,yutott. /zey rc 4. dt -r\\..\*a p,**rss t"-.. \*- .,'r"-$..r^1*"n^-$.. , / r*1*^' -L l-"0^* s 'to'=^t \-t^^u' \--Ito \- ua-vr,*^) \" "L$:\-'a ''\' ' oo oo APPLICATION FOR SECONDARY UNIT FOR LOTS OF LESS THAN 15,OOO SQUARE FEET IN THE RESIDENTIAL ZONE DISTRICT AND IN T}TE PRII{ARY/SECONDARY RESI DENTIA]. ZONE DI STRICT I. A. NA},IE OF PETITIONER NAME OF ADDRESS PETITIONERIS REPRE ATI ADDRESS Scrx rSqt /q4_& ___pHoNE__&_&Z:Jz-/e_v76 -5E7/ B. c.NAME OF OWNER type or print) SIGNATURE ADDRESS /3 % D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 24/?3r LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E. FEE: $100 '653 oro*u 3 z/-< Zs z. Q7^{6/O q z6 "fb7/ €7 ..2t5 bLOcK__ C) _ | 11 ].ng "/r*o*-r.- F. A list of the names and mailing addresses of owners of all property II. CRITERIA The connunity Devel opnent Department and Design Review Board may grant an excepti.on to allow the addition of a second dwelling unit if the followingcriteria are net : 1. The second unit shall not exceed forty percent of the total GRFA allowed on the lot; and 2. The Conrnun ity Developnent Department shaLl find that the granting ofthe excepti,on will not be detrirnental to the publi-c welfare or injuriousto other property in the area in which the subject property is situated; and 3. That no variances for setbacks, height, parking, sj.te coverage or landscaping,site develoPnent or gross residential floor area would be approved unless the granting of such a variance benefits the visual appearante of thesite and surrounding area; and (0vER) Application ,"' ,to.?rnr. -2:oo 4. That fifty percent of the required parking mrst be encrosed, and 5. The architectural design of the structure and the materials and colorsmust be visually harnonious with their sites and with surrounding sitesand structures, and nust not unnecessarily block scenic views frJrn "iirti"gbuildings; and 6' Access to the secondary unit nust not adversery affect the privacy ofadjacent structures; and 7, The applicant nust denonstrate' that the site has the ability to doubleits capacity for handling trash and outdoor storage. I II, RESTRICTIONS Pursuant to ordinance 22, series of l98l of the Town of vail , prior to issuanceof a. building permit, an agreement to the following conditions must be signedby the property owner or oHners on a form provided by the Department ofConununity Developnent : l. That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be sold, transferred or conveyedseparately fron the prinary unit for a period of not less than the lifeof rrent willian Ruder, a life in bei.ngl plus twenty-one (21) years fronthe date that the certificate of occupancy is issued for said secondrutit, and 2, That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented for anyperiod of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and that if it shaltbe rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are furl tirne enployeesin the Upper Eagle Valley. The "Upper Eagle Valley" shall be deemedto include the Gore valley, Minturn, Red cliff, Giiman, Eagle-Vail, andAvon and their surrounding areas. A_ 'rfulI-time enployee" i" " p""ior,who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week, and 3. That the secondary dwelling unit shal 1 not be divided into any forn oftimeshares, interval ownership or fractional fee, and 4, That a declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed of recordin the office of the Eagre_ county clerk and Recorder in a form approvedby the Town Attorney for the benbfit of the rown to-insure that therestrictions herein shall run with the land. IV. TIME. REQUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the-lst, srd, and sth wednesdays ofeach rnonth. The proposed plan and all required materials ,nust Lu subnitted17 d,ays prior to the date of the neeting. oO oO bL,k a L"f 4 /^/*,,4 C fr-,,;s,.f../ /"-JJ S,--r"///- 7")r / n;s:tufihff' tt,;/*l J. /^/.//oL,_ b'r 7a{ /*/ 6. ;ta sz L"/ f 6*y- p,A" 2"t/aft tfr 5t L//"1 'frr"t 7// t e frL.l 7 L,/ z ,i"/* 6,,*/T E* cr{ /L/ C. Lra€E Ll//* I f,J*r*-,,/.; ; / €."-".^_/u,B* ze€ /^/ 4- t ya{B oo Department of Comnuhity Development Town of VailVail COAttnl Tom Brarm oo Kj esbo/Cleveland Lot 3 BLock 8 Resldence Val-l Intermountain Lot ,f /lH // i/* lnter- llountain Englneerlng r.tc Box No. 978 Avon, Colorado 81 620 949-5072 Denver 893-1 531 SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR LOT 3, ELOCK 8 VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION VAIL, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NUMBER V-3082G 142O Vance Street Lakewood , Colorado &21 5 Phone:232-0158 JULY 1983 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS SCOPE SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION SITE INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE AND GROUNDhlATER CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS SLAB CONSTRUCTION GROUNDI.IATER AI{D DRAIN SYSTEM REI NFORCI NG CRAIdU S PACE COVE R BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE LAI'IN I RRIGATi0N MISCELLANEOUS TEST LOCATION SUMMARY OF TEST PIT SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST PERIPHERAL DRAIN SYSTEM RESULTS DETAI LS 1 1 I 2 2 ? 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 Drawing No Fi gures No Fi gure No. Figure No. .1 .1 3 4 &2 CONCLUS I ONS 1. SubsoiJ conditions are fairly uniformover the site with topsoil to a depth ofI .t9 2 feet, underl aiir Uy .iiv and'sand wi th gravel , cobbl es and bouliers. 2. The proposed dupl ex shoul d be foundedon convent'i onal spread footi ngs desi gnedfor a maximum soii beiri;g-p;E;rr"" 6i2000 ps f.\--:-- SCOPE This report presents the resu'l ts of a Soils and Foundation Investi gation f or the proposed dup'l ex located on Lot 3, B'r ock g, vail Intermountain Deve'l opment Subdivision, Town of Vair, Eagle County, Colorado. The investigation was prepared by means of test p'its and laboratori testing of sampies obtained from these pi ts. This investigation presents a description of- surface and subsurface conditions encountered at the site, recommended foundation systems ' ar rowabr e design pressures, and groundwater condi ti ons as wetr:l as des i gn and cons tructi on cri teri a i nfl uenced by the subsoi'l s. Debris slides and s'l ope fairure complexes are beyond the scope of this report and are not addressed. SITE LOCATION AND DESCEiPTION The site is located at 2g4l slopes to the north. Vegetation trees with undergrowth of native Basingdale consi sts of grasses and B'l vd . spruce weeds. The lot and aspen 2 S I TE I NVESTI GATI ON The field investigation performed on July 14, 1983, consisted of excavating, logging, and sampling two test pits. The locations of the test pits are shown on Drawing No. 1. Summaries of the test pit logs are detailed on Figures No. I and 2. A summary of the test results is shown on F!gure No. 3. The test pits were excavated with a conventiona'l backhoe. Laboratory samp'l es were obtained by driving a standard hand- drive sampler into undisturbed sojls. SUBSURFACE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Refer to the summary of test pit, Figures No. l and 2. subsurface conditions are fairly uniform, with topsoil to a depth of I to 2 feet, underlain by sand and clay with gravel, cobbl es and boul der-si ze rocks. No overlot grading has been done prior to this investi- gation. No groundwater was encountered in either of the test pits at the tine of excavation. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION No specific design data has been provided, but for the purpose of this analysis, it has been presumed that the proposed duplex wi l'l consist of one f 'l oor wi th a basement, and that loads wil'l be livht-'If the proposed project differs significantly PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION -continued a review should be made after thefrom thi s understandi ng, pl ans are more comp'l ete. FOUNDATI ON RECOI,IMENDAT IONS Very'l ow to non-swe'l ling clays will be encountered in the excavation. The proposed duplex should be founded on desi gned for a maximum soi'l beari ng pressure of 2000 psf. At thi s pressure, settJements will be tolerable. It portion footings so as to minim'ize The bottom of the f ooti ng shou'l d be inches be'l ow final grade for frost would be advi differential foundati on sable to pro- s ettl ements . pl aced a mi ni mum of 48 protecti on SLAB CONSTRUCTION for are rise cont pos s wi th i mme wash Th la mp of in bi l,{e a ia d s 0'r 1t prov'l ans 4 sl If cl fill ever, ia'ls moist d spe hes o . The I ai"y ean, granu I ar soi I s no problem with caPil'larY i f the select fi I I there is always the ure. ci fi cati ons be prepared f.clean, washed gravel purpose of thi s cl ean ' rise of moisture to up on te oi s0 ty ug ec ly te p ; s m I 1 r r : t u f s i n a e v t e o e EI u 't n I e 1 c d e a F b a t r I r 9 u I I t n h t a I s 'l o I 'l e o I d o r h u f b o e m e I c f v e m 1 r l a i o e 9 s u n r p o o CI ; H t o 't a P ct ow er f an nc bs i'l SLAB C0NSTRUCTI0N - continued avoid problems with bonding of asphalt tiles to floor slabs and other problems associated with minor amounts of mojsture. l,le suggest densifying the surface of fill or natura'l soi'l s wi th a vi bratory type compactor immedi ately pri or to placement of f'loor slabs. Slabs shou'l d be constructed in accor- dance with ACI recommendations to minimize the risk of shrinkage 'problems. Slabs shou'l d be scored into naxjmum 200 square foot areas to localize and contro'l any crack'i ng. GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM lllhi'l e little or no groundwater was encountered at the time the field investigation was conducted, jt is possible that seasona'l variations will cause f 'l uctuati ons ' or f or a water table to be present in the upper soi'l s during the spring months, or after a pro'l onged period of rain. A peripheral drain system as detailed on Figure, No. 4 '..'2.| shou'ld REINFORCING Foundati on the effects of designs for rei walls should be wel l-reinforced to minimize di fferenti al movements. Refer to foundati onr.. nforcing details. REINF0RCING - continued Foundation wa'lls shoul fl ui d pressure of 30 psf. d be designed to support an equivalent CRAl,,L SPACE COVER l.Ihen moist soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground surface in crawl space areas should be covered with an impervious moisture barrier seared against the footings. This will help to reduce humidity in the crawl space area and will also prevent the noist foundation soirs from drying and shrinking, which could possibly cause the structure to sett'lb. BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE The potentially expansive foundation soils encountered in portions of the site shoutd be prevented from be.ing wetted after construction. Generally, this can be accomplished by insuning that the backfill placed around the foundation walls will not sett'l e after compretion of construction and that the backfitl material is relatively impervious l^later shoul d be added to backfill materiaJ to allow proper compaction __ do not puddJe. l Surface water running toward the structure from areas should be diverted around and 'bway from the bui by. means of drainage swales or other similar measures ups I ope lding BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE - continued The fina'l grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on a'l I sides. A minimum of 12 inches I il rl i in the first ten feet is recommended. Downspoll-ts and si'l IH ---.cocks shoutd dis.;;"g;lf5'6i;h b'tocks that extend beyond the 'limits of the backfi 1.|. Splash blocks should slope from the foundatfon wal'l s. The use of long downspout extensions in p)ace of sp'lash blocks is advisable. LAl^JN IRRIGATION Do not install sprink'l er systems next to foundation wa'l ls, porches or patio slabs. If sprinkler the spri nkl er heads shouj d be pl aced the heads, under ful I pressure, does feet of tounaat; on wal I s, porches or gat'i on must be contro'l I ed. systems are i nsta'l'l ed, s.o that the spray from not fall within five patio slabs. Lawn irri- If the future owners desire to p'lant next to foundation wal'l s, porches or patio s'l abs, and are willing to assume the risk of structural damage, etc,, then it is advisab'l e to plant only flowers and shrubbery (no lawn) of varieties that require very little moisture. These flowers and shrubs should be hand- watered only. MISCELLANEOUS Some of the soils at the site are potentially expansive and the otvners shou'l d be cautioned that there is some risk of future damage. The contractor is directed to those items COVCTed undeT BACKFILL AND SURFAcE DRAINAGE and LAWN IRRIGATION. 0ur experience has shown that damage due to s,nelling or conso- lidating soils usually results from saturation of the foundation soils caused by improper drainage, excessive irrigation, and poorly consolidated backfi'l'ls. The elimination of the potential s0urces of excessive water wi'l I great'ty minimize the risks of cons tructi on of th i s s i te. This report has been prepared for the excrusive use of Nedbo construction for the specific application to the proposed duplex 'located on Lot 3, Block g, vai I Intermountain Deve'l op- ment Subdivisi,on, Town of Vail, Co'l orado. The findings and recommendations of this report have been obtained in accordance wi th accepted professional engi- neering practices in the field of Foundation Engineering and Soil 14echanics. There is no other warranty, either express or impl ied. Sincerely, NEERI NG, LTD /7u Field Engineer Reviewed and Approved By: -M t t /--\,7-,I n ttl z t lztt ltl\ t .a -/lr-\.\l-l.a \ \)<. y'ettyry )q. \Spanel , p. E | ' . Le | | r. rJ I ytitt L\J \-r \ : N. T.S. 1\l\.| \"u l'"., \ 1,,.,.,'"f {Lot 4 Lot 9 IEST LOCATION PROPOSED DUPLEX LOT 3, BLOCK 8, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIViSION VAIL, COLORADO FOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION No'' v-3082GPAOJECT &.wx Dr. t l-o,I sc.tf I DRt)|No '{d. 1 PIT NO. i DEPTH :%e d",,r)a fEEt O ---r DESCRtPT tOX II ATf RIAL REr|AR|(S 10 CLAY & SAND with gravel, cobbles and boulder-size rock Bottom of Test Pit 6r No groundwater encountered. SUMMARY OF rESr PITS PROPOSED DUPLEX LOT 3, BLOCK 8, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN VAIL. COLOMDO FOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION PRoJEcr x(Ir v_ 3092G DEP'rx tEE'n- PIT NO. z DfscRrPTrox oF ulTfBrlL NEBARTS / TOPSOIL. 5 l0 1q N CLAY & SAND with gravel, cobb'l es and boulder-size rock Bottom of Test Pit 5t 'No qroundwater eniountered. SUMMARY OF TEST PITS PROPOSED DUPLEX LoT 3, BLoCK I, VAIL INTEMoUNTAIN VAIL, COLORADO FOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION PRoJ€ct r{o, V-3082G ORAwx lYr S CrLf 'o fE|FfoURE XO.r ? BORTNG NO 1 DEPTH ii s JJ UJ =.(t) I zo F o ='o at,zoo SAMPLE OF NAr. MOtSru R E CoNTENT..........._.,!L5_% NAT. DRY DENSTTY 105.2 PCF d JJlt,3(n I zo F o =ov,zo() BORING NO. DEPTH o.l SAMPLE. OF t!LOAD (KSFI to NAT. MOISTURE CONTENT NAT. DBY OENSITY rcF !ryELL - CONSOLTDATTON TEST RESULTS cAPROPOSED DUPLEX LOT 3, BLOCK 8, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN VAIL, COLORADO FOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION PqoJCct ^ro v_ 3092G Foundation Wall Polyethelene l.lo i sture 'garrie g lued to foundat ion r.ra I I Backfi ll moistened compa cted #15 Felt Paper l4inimum of 6rt of3/4 inch qraveL 4rr Diameter Perforated pipe sloped a minimum of O.Z5Sto sewer latera I subdrain, sump pump or daylighted DETA I LS OF PER I PHEML DRA IN SYSTEIi FOR FOOTING TYPE FOUNDATION FIGURE 4