HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 8 LOT 5 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tnl: 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Orbison Residence DRB Number: DR8010311 Project Description: Fencing around driveway/retaining wall. Pailicipants: OWNER ORBISON, ALDGNDER O. @/1712001 Phone: 1625 BROADWAY 600 NASHVILLE TN 37203 License: APPLICANT ScottSavage 0911712001 Phone:479-6436 License: ProjectAddress: 2915 BASINGDALE BLVD VAIL Locationl Legal Description: Lot: 5 Block 8 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S Parcel Number: 210314310019 Comments: Mr. Orbison owns Lot 4 and Lot 5 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Voter Date ofAPProval: 09/19/2001 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commlttee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005011 Pursuant to Title 14, Vail Town Code, the fence must be located a minimum of 10' from the edge of asphalt along Basingdale Blvd. to prevent damage to/from snowplows' Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ruwm Application for Design Review Department of Community De\relopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Coloraclo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452. web:www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This applicaHon b hr any proje€t rcquiring Design Rwiew approval. Any project requiring design review must receive approval prior to subnifring a building permit application. Please rebr to the submittal requirements for the particular appoval that is req',ested. An application for Design Rsriew cannot be accepted until all required infurmatbn is recgived by the Community Devebprnent Deparbnent. The proFct may abo need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval lapsei unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal:bu-5 '.atocx, B subdivision: UftlL - tfiIe(ITloonlfirr Physical Address:15 6n:si Parcer No.r lS3- lq3 - l0'0\1 (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning: i name(s)orourner(s): ALry ORgtSon Mailing Address: i I j 'I I i\ Name of Applicant: Mailing Addressl Type of Review and Fee: tr New ConstructimD Additbn -tf,\+4inor AlEration tr Changes to Approved Plans $200 $s0 $20 $20 For corEtruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addiuon where square fuotage is added t0 any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversiors). For minor changes b buildings and site improvements, srrch as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, frnces and retaining walb, etc. For revisions to plans akeady approved by Planning Stafi or the Design Rwiew Board PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPIJCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. REOD SEP 112001 4.I'A $c.,^. . Q-r'*V?l"*k J- 9t-fit a'J'g TOI{'NM Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableo Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditions*D Photos or plans which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableo Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable u The Administrator and/or DRB may recuire the submission of additional olans. drawinos. soecifications. samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a p@ect will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie, siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: LIST OF PROPq;ED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material ColorBuildinq Materials Roof Siding Gher Wall Materials Fascia Sotrits Windows WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosure Greenhouses Da+-i-i-- ,^r^n- 1r\gtjqlllll19 llqrlf/-_tOtcr, / -\> Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Wl.sl c€olr\ Please speciry the manufacturer's color and number and attach a color chip. All exterior lighting must meet the Town's regulations regarding lighting (see Title 14 - Development Standards), If o<terior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the light fixtures. t PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPII{G Eotanical Name Common Name OuantiW Size PROPOSEDTREES AND SHRUBS ENSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Souare Footaoe GROTJND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) o ,I UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATIOI{ This form is b verify seMce availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing pur utility plan and scheduling installations. The locauon and availability of utilitjes, whether they ane main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for $e accompanying site plan. Authorlzed slonaturc Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (bt) 970.38,1.0257 (fa() Contact: Jason Sharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.,168.2528 (bt) Contact Bruce Miller HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.s892 (br) 970.949.4566 (fax). Contact: Ted Husky D(CEL ENERGY 303.t1.7518 (Er) 303.51t.7877 (tax) Contact: PaulKdlogg EAGI.E RIVER WATER & SANFATION DISTRICT* 970.,176.7/+80 (Et) 970.475,4089 (fd() Contactr Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.9i9.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.9,19.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please prwide a site plan, fioor plan, and elaations when obtaining approral from the Eagle Rir/er Water & Sanitation DistricL Fire flow needs must be addrcssed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures fiom each of the utiliW companies, and no commnts are made dirccUy on the form, the Town will presume that there are no proHens and the development can proceed. 2. If a uUliW company has oncerns witfi the propced construction, the utility representative shall note direcdy on the utility verificaUon form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detaiEd in an attached letter b the Town of Vail. Howeruer, please keep in mind that it is the responsibiliry of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility b obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Worl<s at the To,vn of Vail. Utilitl locations must be obtained b€fure diooino in any public rightof-way or e.rsernent within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is nd a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoantely. NOTES TOALLAPPUCANTS Pre-aoolication Meetino A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identiry any critical issues perbining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the- appropriate delelopment rwiew process for an applicauon. In many cases, the pre-applicaton meeting helps to ogedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stage. A pre-applicauon meeting may be scheduled by conbcting Judy Rodriguez at 97 0.479.2128 or irodriouez@ci,vail.co. us Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meeb on the lst and 3rd Wednesdap of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB rneetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto://ci.vail.o.us/commdev/plannino/drb/meetings/defaullhtm For a new residential development, the application deadline b typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Radew Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Tide 12, Chapter 11 (Design Review) and TiUe 14 (Development Standards) of the Municipal Code. Reouirements for omoefies located in hazard areas If a propefi is located in or adjacentto a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, debris flow, floodplain, wetand, poor soils, etc.), the Community Dwelopment Department may require a site€pecific geological investigation. If a site-specific aeological invetigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. ApplicanE are strongly encouraged b consult with Community Development sbff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the rdationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Reoulred Plan Sheet Format For all survep. site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24'l 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Gnphic bar scale. 4. North arrow. 5. TiUe bloclq project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates, 8. Vicinity nnp or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5", 11. Names ofall adjacent oadways. 12. Plan legend. Desion Review Board Meetino Reouirenrents For new construction and additions, the applicant must sbke and bpe the project site to indicateproperty lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be rernoved rirust be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. ApplicanE who fail b appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled nreeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be posQoned, will have their i6ms remored from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the applicaton with conditions or rnodificaUons, all conditons of apprcval must be resolved prior b the issuance of a building permit. StafrAooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning statr) may rwiew and approve Design Radew applications, approve with certain modmcations, deny the applicaUon, or refer the applicaUon to the Design Reriew Board for a decisbn. All stafi approvals are reviaryed by the Design Rryiew Boad and any stafr decision is subject b final approval by the DRB. Additonal Review and Fees If this application requires a separate rwiew by any local, Sate or Fedenl agency o$er than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Enmples of such rwiew, may include, but are not limited to: C.olorado Department of Highway Access Permib, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in ocess of 5tr/o of the application fee. If, at the applicants request any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matGr b be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publicaUon shall be paid bythe applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by e;temal consultanb in addition b Town stafi. Should a determinauon be made by Town staff that an e<temal consultant is needed, the Community Development Department rnay hire the consultanl The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary b pay the consultant and thb amount shall be fonrvarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incuned by the Town in o(cess of the amount fonrvarded by the application b the Town within 30 days of notificaUon by the Town. Any o(c6s funds will be retumed to the applicant upon radew completion, JOINT PROPERTYOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name), a i)int owner of prcperty located at (address/legal description) provide this letEr as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail C-ommunity Development Department for the proposed improvernents to be completed atthe address noted above. I understand thatthe proposed impro/emenE include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans orer the course of the revierr,, process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) **tt*******tt+*ftt'r'tt*!tt'tfttt*ft*rt*tt+itftl*rttfllff*'ll++'i*'fl*tt'll*'t:t:'*lttttlllflltlta*fttafll TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staaeoeot *ttt'3:i**'t'it**+'tf ****t+r!r**{r't**l*{r'ttf ***!a'}*tt*'l*a+*tlf *+*t*l1a**lta*****'}*l*rtt|l+aa*l*ta'}*ttalt gtatement Nurnber: R0oooo1395 Arnount: 920.00 09/17 l2ooLot:57 Pll Payment l,tethod: Cash Inlt: iIAR Notation: Permits No: DRB01O311 T!4te: DRB - l'linor Alteration Parcel No: 210314310019 Site Address t 29tS BASINGDN,a BLVI) \,AIL Lrocation: Total Pees: 920.00 Ttrie Payment : $20 . 00 Total ALIJ tffs: 920 ' 00 Balance: $0. oo tt*l***********tt**rr***tt+'t**t****f**:r****tt'illttt*fl**ll*ltltllt*****t**l*'lllttt**{*ltttla*a ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI'J FEES 20 .00 ;' co o lglo\r) sr rrt € d,,j 'o--€ r:o 9-' ''t'c.l ,lf)\o_ o. '\ oo o AJ tr, . AJ _qf ro(\, c F @a I t \t\\\ lrl o(tr zl url<lcll oO) GI Jrgo a CI \l'o 4 !o--.",,,r ''9-'4-.our., \, o\ C' w .i+$\ *ocn, t- \ U)3*r, .) t;; ;F:^1r-Y Ot- "t<ct trr F@ LrJ;gb 'sElnrN :' aO- ur o6oz Xlt ,,,.r,i?loii "t" ,-\i* .'1'/'''.. Ntt' ."--- - $\ ori&\ *.\\ 7. 4 tl-\ oc{(D t!tgv@(1tr i cooYr. @ .?-- (){ u1 'o st d(\rt t! (\, -s'roNoN @ (tl C' an Gr) 'o o tr() -<E -Hn:6<v qJg; oGl q: '1\, =@o-o I cF @ z |o i- UJ o o <t o 19 @ z . .rN ..' tt/ .t,/ Ir',, 33i'i" oo \ \ \ \ \ \ u \.- BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 coURTHOU5E, EAGLE, CO.-Pl'1. (303) 328-6339 -^^-i ,l ^-^^ | ^.i-.-'t ^ a^-.:'l ..\ PERMtT TO I vDl.\rt,lru v \ D-LrIl,I€ {+gl_llr +T)Rt BUILDING PERMIT OATE June LL tg 77 "u-r,, *o. 0 7l- 2._ o"".,.o*r'lhris Sevtell oop"EssBox 1076, Vail-, CO 81657 ( c oNTR'S LrCEltrS€)(NO.l (STREET] NUMAER OF OWELLING tJI{ITS NO. on Vail InLermountain .or__5_".o.* I !lJ. IS TO AE - FT. WIOE BY - FT. LONG BY (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT)( PROPOSED II SE) I ; c : o SUBOIVISI BUILDING FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP - BASE MENT WALLS OR FO,JNDATIOI. (TYPE) RE MARKS: FZO ;G AT (LOCATION)BasinEdafe Bl-vd.ZON ING O IS TR ICT ( SIREET ) B ET WE EtI ( CROSS 5 TRE €T)( cRosS SIREET) PLAN CHECK FEE------$1OO.OO FEEM'r $ 2zL.oo EUILOI estr"oreo cost $ (Affidovif on ieve-tso aido of opplicotion to be cornplefcd by oufhorized ogonf of ownor) Jurisd iction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. BUIL o DIN G PERMIT APPUCATION of EAGI.E COUITTTY I /v {dlL ^7cu ,.v Tn rtJ ltELoy'r'/c'tvf SJtj. I oEsci.rnset rrrrcxro sxErrl 2 /h/r> S'it"'rt-t-l/*, t-f rz)MAr L ^OOiaSS LICENSE NO,3 tni, ai cq rEcr oR of srcNER ((LICENSE NO. u A/oa a"""'ip*,a cF lLl/u ' clr-u 8 Ctass ot work: Ftt* o AootTtoN D ALTERATTON tr REpAtB tr M0VE o REMOVE 0escribe work: l0 Change of use from 'I I Vafuation of work: $ !rn t; -PERMIT FEE SPECI AL CONDITIONS:Occupancy Group Sire ot 81d9. (Totrll Sq. Ft. Fire Sgrinkts.g Requlred O\,cs ENoAPPTICAIIOII ACCEPII O 8Y PIANS CHECXEO gY APPROV€O FOR ISSUANC€ BY No. of Owelling Unitr OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES. NOT IC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTBICAL, PLUM8.ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTFTUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS. ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED ON NSNTOOruEOFOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TJME AFTEB WORK IS COMMENCED. I. 11ERF9Y CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISf p?Lp_arloN AryD KNow rHE sa'ME rb ae inuE Aiiij cb-n=nEcr.ALL-pRovrsroNs oF LAws ANo oRDtNANtes cbVenllrr.ic rntSLy?E_.qF,woRK wrLL BE coMFLtED wiiH Wxer-x'ei-siedr rr eo I_EE-ELlr__o!_ Nor- THE G RANTTNG or n peCrtri ooE5 norLy?E_.9F,woRK wtLL BE coMFLtED wiiH Wxer-x'ei-siedr rr eof_E8_Erry oF Nor- THE GRANTTNG or n peCrtri ooEi noilEqsuyq ro crvE AUTHoRtry ro Vrounri oA ca-t-cEu rrteqBqyls_.!ory! oF AN.r orHER srAT€bi r_btAc cAiar n'L'eUr_-Arr NccoNsrRucrroN oR THE PERFoRMANtE o-i co r.is-r-n-utr r oll. ZON ING HEALTH OEPT. F IRE OEPT, SOIL REPORT OTHER (Speclfy) s^. M.!r. cA5H rEnMt I vALtUA I tUN #./O,S #.O. CASH .'1 ' .-/;/fJ-cz.roj .Z-6.,e..3 S.9/f/48 o/ry/z: INSPE CTO R Form 100.1 l1-73 |NTERNAT|oNAL coNFERENcE oF BUtLDtNG oFFlctal-s EA€}ILI ECIU;JTY DEPARTI'IENT OO'"UTT'T" Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 & DEVEI.OPMDNT 328-7 311 CERTTFIED MAIL II8 19669 October 30, 797I Chris Serr'eJt Box 7076 Vail , Co. 97657 you a?e hetebg notified that xhe Certificate of Occupancgfot gour res:.dence on Bassinqdaje BIvd., Lot S, Block g, VaiT rnternountain has not been jssued. The reason whgthe Certificate of Occupanc7 has not been jssued is thegross difference between t}le site plan parkinq and whathas been bui7t. Also, under Sec. 2O3 of the uniform BuildingCode (unsafe buiTdings or structures) , the._czibbing for theparking is unsafe which the Heal_th Officer is concerned. aboux. ft wouLd be iTTegal to occupg the buiLding, and it woujil berequired to vacate the ptenises of the CerXjfjcate of OccupancA eras not obtained within 30 dags. PLease contact this office as soon as possibJe Xo clear uptiris matter. Q,*^vfre Utin williams Zoning Inspector frJe(r Erik Edeen EnvironmentaT Heal.th Officet JW/jk BOARD OF COUNTY ^a\f.rnrtccra\l\rEr'c328-6809 : ADMIi{ISTRATION oao-oo / + ANIMAL SHELTER949-4292 ASSESSO R 328.6s93 BU ILD I NG INSPECTION 328-6339 CLERK & R ECO RDE REaqle 328.6377Baialt 927.3244 COUNTY ATTORI.JEY JZU-OD /+ ENGINEER 328.6337 EiTvtRoNMENTAL HEALTH 328-7718 EXTE N SI ONAGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328.6594Vail 476.5844 PLAN N I NG328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6591 SHERIFF Ea qle 328.661 IBaaalt 927-3244Gilman 827-575 | 50ctAt- SE RVICES 328-5328 TREASURER328-6376 I I \n:.ff / il.ff 1l T ( ( {It-= {., t4 tIIt(\t f{ il rl $ I .t / ..- (- L--r-e ./ 1959 l"* I I fiq I I I oct =6 62, l< lp il-:lF Ili-.1 loIH tv t7, lcr l- t- I I I II - IIL'l I II. ro I ILI I I I I I I . F:m 7 =o 6 o om I I I I I I I I € 6'Fl |l' I I It', I I It- -l t-o'z6t @ I I I I I I I I I I i 2 -i z -.4. oz o z oz -l : z NO. B .lo -{ M,n3- t, I FI o-oc otn z.1 €-r o zo i oz o ma i orl m 6(,c 'mo o -.1 m !Ittl \ >o=:ni :iI I r"l|lttt"-"''tFl Itot Itx t() | tPt-tHrJt. 136 allo,l elb L1 q.l lrE il lr..l- Fl li--h- ;.'IFI TIl^t-ltut t'|| t -- lst l-lo1 |f3l I iffi,ffi iffiffilffiffi ' 1ffi,ffi iFdHE iffiffi iffiffi tsdrffii=:=:E0,1€r{t4'* FIlrl FI ''lll ,I 1-n _{ iho lU" b94el nFl rEs -{ OI7m 'r'1! <s; loo i 6 i m \, Approved by: DEPARTIIENTAL APPROVAL FOR CERTIFICATE of OCCUPANCY and COITIPLIANCE To be filled in by each division indicated hereon upon completion- of its final insPection' BUILDINGS Perrnit /"- Approved bY Remarks PLU[IBING Date Remarks ELECTRICAL Permit No. OTHER Date Remarks ( tJ.t7-7? Permit No. 'ti t EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT pu1" 6./dry " , tg ->Q RECEIVED OF CASH ITEM Build inq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Zone Ch Conditional Use ial Use Variance (Building) Total Rece ived All items are received for colleclion no-payment of any item. Ne 2354 AMOUNT and this receipt shall be cancelled for ,, gilr'raU 1M4/'- \ r. County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT 765Ltol\= Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $.. ............."...".. $....-....................... $....?Q.' QQ........... s .1?:99 s.... 3- ?. :?.Q-0-.......... Applicanr....... S18nature APPROVALS Plan Checker Date Paid...7.-1?.:77 No.'.-..?5.2L ...... Received By...- ..........K.t.P.t..-..--.-...-.......... THIS FORM IS TO .,OB SITE DURING BE POSTED ON CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED TOR INSPECTIONS eucrfrru pERMTT npprCArloN Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. I oEsci.Os: r rrrrcxeo sxEErl ca /4 j-7/.-3// L ICENSE NO. J J- z- 4.,ARCHITECT Oi DEStGNEta |12*tz LlcENSf, fto. LrcEr,/sE No. ,? 8 Class ol work: D6ew E ADDtTtoN tr ALTERATToN f] REpAtR 9 0escribe work: //"rt / RECEPTACLE SPECIAL CONOITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPFOVEO FOA ISSUANCE 8Y RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR.' NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. stca{alulE oa GorrR GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. V, H.P. MAX. TEMP. PowER UPoLE LIUNoGo. sERVrCe El new E cxnlrce PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN pltopERLy VAL|DATED (tN TH|S SPACEI TH|S tS YOUR pERMtT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION M,O. ,NsPEcroF, tfrP-*flt7 7^rs-72 Form 1OO.3 l1-7 3 INTERNATIONAL CONFEReNCE OF gUtLDtNc OFFICtALS..!.o MrLL Ro^o . wBrrtrEF. Ltr L\./tJl\ Eogle, QrodoOFFICIAL RECEIPT }Y Ii Rr-or\.. ou" 7- A1 , ,n7/ AMOUNTITEM +ep*eaffir 9ub'dr"isioftAp€.U€+t€l /./ a.t /D .-Z€ftr-e|'rtnf Conditional Use Spec ial Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Bu ilding)(Zoning)(Subdivision) Total Received All items are received foi no-payment of any rtem. Ne 2585 Per m it'Fee thall be cancelled PLUMBRG PERMIT APPt-rcitloN 2 Applicant to complete numbered ggaces :1!y. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION - cK.#zz*F tlset errrc SHEET) r 553ii. LICEXSE NO. LtcExSE XO,ancxrTECl oi D€51ofiEi !tcENsE l{ o,EIi6INEEi U5E OI AUILOING I Class ol work:D AOOITION D ALTERATION tr EEPAIR I oescribe work: PERMIT FEES Typ. ot Fixlut ot ltlm WATER CLOSET (TOILET'SP€CIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH AASINI KITCHEN SINK & OISP. OISHI^'ASHER LAUNDRY TRAYAPPROV€D FOR ISSUANC€ 8YAPPLICAIION ACCEPTEO 8Y CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT' ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIV€ AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION' ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR.-SINK OR ORAIN cAS SYSTEMST NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR T T'VN SPRI NKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIA TOTAL FEE Form 10o.2 1'77 WHEN PROP€RLY VALIDATED a\ /l TNSPE.T.R W 4*-*'7n E A G L E c o .O" Kfr.;, (<K:fg,L I c Ar I o N Review Routing Form Permit No. Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form to the County Building Official within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Reviewed by: Recommend Approval YesEEfl ET Nofltltltl Date: Appl County Engineer; Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval [f EffItf E]E]Etf Comments: Sanitation Water County Heal th: Recommend Approval ftr44a.l--..=--_- comments , '5/ ./.--AT fr;n4 -a-At/a-Vkts u+ta/.,-- b, ]*_to l-, (r4/ -7 7 942--- '{ it and this completed form to the Yes No Reviewed by: r_l B r1tfK g t:]tl Date: EAGLE couOy BUTLDTNG pERMtr Al,LtcATtoN Review Routing Form 6,/c^t/zz Date Referred Permit No. Please review the attached application and return County Building Off icial within 6 working days. P lanning Commission File No. Planning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Recommend Approval Appl Location County Engineer: Recommend Approval Roads Grading Drainage tfEtrtl EIEtf Comments: County Health: Recommend Approval Sanitation Water EIElX rlTtlrl rr>. / /6 /comments: t"' ( t;rtt-<, s'26-7) --L:rl I BUTLDIRc PERMTT APPLTc?noN Juridiction of EAGT.tr OOUNTY Applicant to complete numbered spdces only. ot Arurart- r"louyrntt) Dt:Vgt olm{pf S.tB Qrtt rtrrcrco rxc:tl 5 #al*L to'7L t/*,,-71/ ( a.)M^ | L ^ooi a s! 6cy 1c7r{golet-t- araxItaal or ofslcr|Ei MA|L AOOi aS ! rnonE a (t{zd u {ct -. Ll // -, . / MAl|. AOOAESS aarlicx ftNtL Or l/*t.- t 5a, oa lul LDIHG -tt Dl.rt*, HCoS€ 8 Crasof work: Ett* tlAoDrTroN DALTERATToN tr REpAtR DMovE D BEM0VE l0 Change of use lrom tl Valuation of work: $ j(rnt'O 4 PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Sire ot 81d9. (Total, Sq. Fl. Firc Sgrinklcrg Required Dver ENoAPPLICATION ACCIPTEO 8Y PLANS CXECXE O 8Y APPROVEO FOR IS;5UANC€ 8Y No. ot Dwelllng Unltt OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES. NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUM8. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONTNG. THIS PERIIIIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOFK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSP€NDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMIYIENCED. I HERENY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO T'}E TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDTNANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL RE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING Ots'A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUtvI€ TO GIVE AUTI]ORlT\/ TO VTOLATE OR CANC€L THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATTNGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTNUCTION. ZONING HEA LTH DEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Speclfyl oa ccrrn^c toi oi WHEN PROPERLY LIOATEO (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUN PEFMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 0ftc",7:'. t!''r'o'24. INSPECTOIi I'ot m lOO.l 11.73 tNTcRNATtoNAL cONFETTENcE oF nutLDrNG oFFtctALs. M.O.PEnMIT VALTDATTON gs./o.S CASH .?3 isiy a BUF&$T[fiEH't $F FtJIHt{ffit# ftH$ $EVH&8Flfigi{T 550 llroodrvuy 31 tqay L977 Chris Sewell P.O. Box l-075VaiI. Coforado 8t657 Re: Application for Building Permit in Eagle County Loi 5, Bloclc 8, Vail fntermountain Subdivision The Eagle County Building Department reouires that_applications-for buildiig permit3 in Eagle County be routed to the^Eag1-e County Planningt Eneineeiiirg and Environmental Health Departggnts.for their comments prfor to iSsuance of the perrnits. Your application vras routed on 25 l'Iay 1977. Listed bel-ow are the comments and recommendations which vrere made by the above departments during the routing procedure' ff you have any questions or'vrish to get fuither e>ptanation, please contact the a^ppropriate departmenf,s. The telephone numbers and addresses of the commenting departments are listed with each comment. spacesr snow removar and a single access g ,Box 179, Ea 728-6338 / ft vrould be to your advantage if you begin to resolve -any problems andr/or requirembnts as soon as possible so as not to delay the issuance of your permi.t any longer than o€c€sssrlo Enclosed is a copy of the Revierv Routing Form for your information. Ecrl;le CounLy Buifdinc Official l,i,u : l lv ge cc: Terrill l(night, llirgJ.e County Planning Department l'|:rlrtlin11l)e1rlrrlrnt'nt,/l'|ltltnin11(.rrtttnlissln:Suhl|il.is|ol litriltlirrl Of[icirl:.lluiklrn11 l\'rrrrits anrl Inspcction, Zorrirrll i\rlurirristrltirur {ll0l}l J2li.ti33tl EA$[[ 60Ur{rY lltcl)onald llldg.P.O, Ilox 179 Ergle, Colorado 81631 PLANNIIiIG: NoT approVcd."Parking area plan rnust be detailed to indicate parking space, drainage Zlu feet in w-i-dth.rr areas, maneuverlng, eff Br-631e, CO ao nr.^//?Jq 4,1rr- fu .,,rd b- /4i&/Ts/-;4.'/e / f, utta(* /Mt ,r*/o 4 a-aulL /r^",r{-j b"4."t/ ^/ F-,t & T+ilEF(---o Cd'nmunity Devetoprrrott Plun Routlng Fonn (wetted}lll qrt -Appruvgl X Denied (cit€ d€ttiled relson$) Approvcd wirh cnnditionn Rmrfed To:Greg Hall. Itublic Works Tcni Mertirrer, Public Wurke Todtl Oppenheimer, Puhlic Works Mikc McGee. Firo hchrrn Tq Duk Mrnxr, Conrmunity Dcvclopm r:rrt 9/19/95 .," st25Fr6 Date Rorrrcxl: Rdurn By: Pro1'cot Nrrnc;Spinnolli - nar dtircu,ay and r,craioing wnlts htjcctAddrc$t 2851 & 2915 Bmingdnlc Blvd. Prujcrt Lqgrl:Lot 4 & 5 BIwk I Vril Int',nmountrin Pmjcct | )esoription:A ncw drivsway for an +rirting hurnu ut 3915 rurd fuiruc moeir idr 28.1 | . t,.w&,atfil'v ?La"rr,rr.\c,GiH',] '',1t grnot., iir e.ri+,.rq ca,*!.tivrJ.il gsilffi d' tlv aA*rr:rq tlr*ra r tsrcr $$$rr]4! ro* drrrtc 6d ite patr.lql t€|.)turlj $rll!1 r1u1t b€ l', I ot hqr', Jlafl,rr{f. twn .Ifarrd lull be go,tdr'1'J clua lts (rY ptnryr. tl ru1| lF ha\E a fiwittrln\s, a E r A1 grhrr Jxb df,|tr, rd'lr(f,ur'{. 1..!g @ :irUl ur\.ae \FU.i (ft^rt /ri*Tip dltl ff r 4trr(,J(:rl d{ {.ra{C lorr harS g$N b€ . ru*ri {rt tY- q xrct' t.lr1 bg,6#\.rdd hA.rrlw Cw(^t{lrl\ 'dc rr httq (l$l(t E, -jd$.r\urC S . trr*t r.,rr\crrt. er,rvtl lctl r. CA ?o .q(e 'soroetl t,lvr ,i!'+ \ oq , ?r, Aur Li),)i.Jlr -11 lUll,l llHAtll' I ELIU' ul,l tll: g I 9l:,.iJ 1 ,JJ$,:r!t t ,1, t,t D ! L]! : r.,l I .a oo_ Community Development Plan Routing Form Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez. Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Routed To: Dirk Mason, Community Development 9118196 or anvtime sooner Spinelli - new driveway access 2815 & 2915 Basingdale Blvd, Lot4 & 5 Blk tVail Intermountain A new driveway for an exisitng home at 2915 and future acoess for lot 4' 7X;E tt 1.;-s -f.r \g o.^ Z/B (r. revrcr.,rr, )S ...^rt\.,4 -{r...- l- t Q-a . Pr{ o,t J,. (s.-.' Du-.,- iect Description: Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions ,/./a.<-/,/uJtcttrz-/ z ,4cce-.-ta -97vtR (z-e,l f/o{ ,lr'L 1ao/.t.t- / ,.1/E?/l,.7oJ' ,'rzf Comm o unity Development Plan Rou a ting Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works ..* Return Tgr("Dirk Mason, Community Development out" {*,q{;l--9t4t9G--.,_) Retum Bv:9/rv96 Project Name:Spinelli - new driveway Project Address:285I & 2915 Basingdale Blvd. Project Legal:Lot 4 & 5 Block 8 Vail Intermountain Project Description:A new driveway for an existing home at29l5 Basingdale Blvd. Approved ..X Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions / .ll il.Fiwf . _t-.- ' t'l" Projecl Name: I Project Application Date o/f!rOwner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ,etock 6 ,rit,ng Zone Design Review Board Date APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL tr: _O l}t Aatd,a.+, Summary: E statt Approval ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DEscRrprroN: Lor '; Btock I ,rrr^n ank4fWftf. ADDRESS: OI{NER ARCHITECT PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Allowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed Total 4ut-t-b+ whzrraz- **Lor stza ,4505 l)(0241b U1F +"rLu Et-- yU) Secondary GRFA + &- =_ Setbacks n Jat/ / ,) -rf-)4V1< +425= Height ToTal GRFA Primary GRFA Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Sit,e Coverage Landscaping Retaining lfall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: 3' /6' L,fi-n"q'a 4v (3oo) (Goo) (eoo) trzool fr\/ A Permit,t,ed Slope -!! Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: No 142 l{nsl€ 7Lo?r<Q View Corridor Encroachment: Yes Environmental/Hazards: 1) 2l 3) Flood Prain r\el - n,t to n($vdta,t Percent Slope Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfallc) Debris FIow4) !{etlands Previous conditions of approval (check property fife): f\ll}NZ Does this request involve a 250 Addition? t\0Howmuchoftheal].owed250Additi;;1suseaffi.ffirsrequest?**Note: Under Sections LB .L2.090 (B) and 18 .13.080 (B) ot tne r'riln$I-pal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary,/Secondary which are less than 151000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. Ttre Cornmunity Developnent Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections L8.L2.090(B) and L8.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fuII- time employees of the Upper Eaglq Valley. iqp I h4# 20, 15' 15' (30) (50)^ff-,.1' IU'4)'7/l- th\t t ra+ -.4.n|q:9 10 ,/ oo 't l5o oo 4uz+ I zt eO 4az 3 e D t{srdi L)t\Ai!/, \}r I Watr'Y @w\ ?ok I lqlet,t/ 4ztzb Filc# ES33452895 a AI{ERICA I TITIJE INSIIRIIICE OWNER'S POLICY SCHEDITIJE A bs-MRL-02/18/96 18:43 : 03 order No. 8s33452895 Pollcy No. J203738 Amounc of Insuranc e 5245,000.00 Prenlum $595.00 Deue of PolJ.cy: ,January 26, L996 ats 08:00 A.M. 1. NaDc of Inaured: Donna M. Spine I I i 2. The egtate or intereau ln the land whlch ls covered by thlE pollcy L63 FEE SIMPI,E 3. Tl.tle to th€ €Etate or int€regt ln tshe land 1g vegEed in: Donna M. Spinelli 4. lDtre Land referred to Ln thLg polJ.cy ls deacrl.beil ag follovtg: LoE 5, Block 8, Vail InEermounEain DevelopmenE Subdivision, according Eo the recorded plaE thereof, county of Eag1e, State of Colorado. o FXRST o coldPAI\ff uTcooPl Fite f ES33462B95Frlt AUERTCAN rrrr,E rNsIrRArircE coMtJ: SCHEDIII,.E B ord€r No. ES33452895 Policy No. J203?38 EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy do6s not Lnsure again6t, losg or damage (and the conpany still not pay coaua, attorDeys' fees or exp€na€E) rchich arLse by reaaon of,: 1. Taxes and Assessment.s not cert.ified to the Treasurer's office. 2. Any facEs. rights, interesEs or claims which are not shown by the public records buE which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easemenEs, not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary 1ines, shorEage j.n area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection cf Ehe land would disclose. and which are noE shown by Ehe public records. 5. Any lien, or righE Eo a lien, for servj-ces, Iabor or maEerial heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and noE shown by tshe public records. 5. A11 taxes and assessments for the year 1996 and subsequent years, a lien, but not yeE due or payable. '1 , The right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extracE or remove his ore should the same be found to penetrate or inEersect the premises thereby granted as reserved in United Statse patent recorded April 18, 1934 in Book L23 at Page 3; and any and all assignments thereof or inEerest therein- 8. Right of way for ditches or canals construcEed by Ehe authoriEy of the UniEed states PaEent recorded April 18 , 1934 in Book 123 at Page 3. 9. Covenants, condiEions and restrictions, which do not include a forfeiture or ravart-ar nlarrqc, set forth in the instsrument recorded July 24, ]-970 in Book 2L8 at Page 281-, November L'7 , l-970 in Book 2!9 aE Page 120. Amendment of said covenants, conditions and restrictions by an instrument recorded April 28, L97l- j.n Book 220 aE Page 380. Provisions regarding race, color, creed, and nat- innal nr-i rli n i f anw- are de'l cFed. 10. The following items as set fortsh on the plat of said subdivision, to-wit: A Five foot wide strip along all inlerior lob lines are reserved for utility and drainage easements as noEated on the recorded plaE. 11. Easements, reservations and restrictions as shown or reserved in the recorded PIat of Vail fnEermountain Development Subdivision- t2. Deed of Trust from Donna M. Spinelli, to Ehe Public Trustee of Eagle County, for Ehe benef j-t of Western Financial Sawings Bank, F.s'B.,, securrnq an original principal indebtedness of S195,000.00, and any other amounts and/or obligations dated January !6, 1995, recorded January 25, 1996 in Book 685 ats - Cont inued- File, 8533462895 O scHEDIITTE B contl-nued O Oriler No. ES33452895 Page 631. Policy No. J203738 Grt American lleritsag:e tr.r" "f318 Broadway Eagle. Co 8163 1 (303) 328-5211 DEI.'IVERY TRANS![ ITTAI.' DAIE: itAIiIUARY 3, L996 ORDER NO.: 8s33462B95 PRoP. ADDR.: 29LS Bassingdale, Vail, Colorado 81652 OWNER,/BIIYER: Donna M. Spinelli PLE,ASE DEI.,IVER TO THE CUSTOMERS I,ISTED BELOW: TO: First American Heritage Title Co AvonP.O. Box 5590 Avon, CO 81620 949-4405 ATIN: Beth NO. OF COPIES: 1 TO: Competitive Mortgage Services 409 W. Lucerne Dr.l:*{"y:9^e", co 80025 (--'604-2240 |ATTN: Rob I NO. OF COPIES: L TO: Donna M. Spinelli 5785 Old Stase Rd.Boulder, co 80302 ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: !D TO: Alan F. Bosworth P. O. Box 553vai1, Co 81556 ATTN: NO. O!'COPIES: L To: Prudential Gore Range 51!. Lionshead Ma11Vail, co 81657 4'16-2482AT[N: Larry NO. OF COPIES: 1 TO: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: TO: ATfN: NO. OF COPTES: AIIN: NO. OF COPIES: AflTN: NO. OF COPIES: mn. ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: TIIE ABOVE IS A IJIST OF CLIEIiTTS TIIE AIIACHED MATERIALS IIAVE BEEII DELIVERED TO. SHoIJIJD YOU HAVE Al{y QTTESTIONS REGARDTNG TTTESE MATERTALS, PLEilSE COMPACT FIRSI AI4ERICA}I IIERITAGE TITL,E CO AT TIIE ABOVE PHONE NIJMBER. PLEASE REVIEW THE EAICLOSED MATERIAI CAREFUIJLY, TAI(ING NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS COIIITAINED T}IEREIN: RECEIVED: DCI.ENIRN DATE:TIME: File t ES33462B95 ,.r*r, AMERICAN o*tf, rIrLE co ' 318 Broadway, Eacle CO 81631, (303) 328-5211 COMMITMENT SCHEDUITE l Elot 8533462895 co@ltr.at Ho3 Es33462895 1. comltt!.nts Drts.3 Deceniber 22, L995 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Pollcy or Pollcl,cs to be Lsauedl: (a) own rr Po]-lcy - Propoeed Inguredl: f./ lr/Donna M. Spinell i r(b) f,oen PolJ.cy - ProDoBed Ingurcd: I 1 / competitive Mortgage Services and/or its assigns 3. Fac Slnple lnt.r.st Ln the lald degcrlbcd ln thls Comltnent LE owttcd, rt the goEnltn.nt Dat. by: I g/ ltan F. Bosbrorth l. !!trc land rclcrrcd to la thls co-"'l,trent Lg dcecrLbed as followe: Lot 5, Block 8, Vail Intsermountain Development Subdivlsion, according to Ehe recorded plat thereof, county of Eagle, state of Colorado . (for informalional purposes only) 29L5 Bassingrdale PRSIIT]M: sl-Mortgage Policy-ColW $ 75.00 Form 100.30-Minerals $ 81'00 owner's Policy $ 595.00 Form 115.2-PUD-MP $ 81.00 Tax CertificaEe S 15.00 DeleEion - Items 2-5 S 15'00 Form 10 0 -Reslrictions $ 30.00 Fc:m 140.1-EPA Residential $ 30 ' 00 0L/03/96 15:22:32 ck RH PolLcy hount s \-_-- 24s, ooo. oo /s Vtge , ooo . oo QL/03/96 15:22:34 ck RH : Flle * 8533452895 NCIIICE TO PROEPECTNTE OWISERS (A STATB{ENI MADE AS REQUIRED BY COIJORADO INSIJR,,ANCE REGI'LATION) GIAP PROIECIPIOIT When t[is Coropany conducts the closing and is responsible for recordinq or filinq the legal documentss resulting from tshe Eransaction, the Company shall be responsible for alL natters which appear on the record prior to such time of recording or filing. l(EClIlllIC ' g LIElil PROIECTION If you are a buyer of a single farnily residence you may request mechanic's lien coverage Eo be issued on your policy of insurance. If tshe property being purchased has not been the subject of construction, improvernents or repair in Ehe last six months prior to the date of this consnitment the requirements will be payment. of the appropriate premium and the completion of an Affidavits and Indernnity by the se11er. ff Ehe property being purchased was constructed, improved or repaired witshin six rnontshs prior to the date of this commitrnent the requirementss m:ty involve disclosure of certain financial information, payment of premiums, and indennity, arnong others ' The general requirements staCed above are subject Eo the revision and approval of the company. SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NOTICE (A Notsice Gj.ven In Conformity With Section LO-LL-L2Z c.R.S.) The subjeet land may be located in a speeial Eaxing dj.strict; a cerEificaEe of taxes due listi-ng each taxing jurisdictsion shall be obtsained from the councy Ereasurer or the county treasurer's auEhorized agent; and informaEion regarding special disEri.cts and lhe boundaries of such districts may be obLained from the board of county commissioners, Ehe county clerk and recorder, or the county assessor' . 0X/03/96 15:34:59 ck RH Foro No. 1344-81 (co- 88 ) AIJTA Plal,a .IJangluage coml Filc * FS33a52B95 O tr[ent SCEEDI'ITEB-gecElonl Ordle! ![o. 8S33462895 R€quLr€Denta 1!trc follor"ing reguL!.Dents8 [utt be tlet : (a) Pay the agreed anounts for the inEerest. in the land and/or for the mortgage Eo be insured. (b) Pay us lbe premiums, fees and charges for Ehe policy. (c) Obtain a certificale of Caxes due from the councy treasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agent . (d) Ihe following documents satisfacEory to us must be signed. delivered and recorded: 1. Vtarranty Deed sufficient to convey the fee simple estate or inLerests in the land described or referred to herein, to che Proposed Insured, Schedule A, IEem 2A. 2. Deed of Trust sufficient to encumber Ehe fee simple estate or interest in the land described or referred to herein for the benefit of the Proposed Insured, ScheduLe A, Icem 2 a. 3. Release of tshe Deed of Trust from Alan F. Bosttortsh to the Public Trustee of Eagle county for tshe benefit of Englerrtood MorEgage corporation, a Colorado corporaEion to secure an indebtedness in the principal sum of 5 94'483.00, and any other amounts and/or obligations secured thereby, dated July 22, t993 and recorded Augusts 24, L993 in Book 517 at Page 308. The Deed of Trust was assigned to J.I. Kislak Mortgage Corporation recorded Augus t 24, 1993 in Book 51? at Page 309. r$ 4. Compliance with the provisions of Section 39-1-4-L02, Colorado Revised SEatutes, requirinq conpletion and filing of a Real ProperEy Transfer Dec larat ion 5. Evidence satisfactory to the Company of Compliance with an ordinance enacting a real estate tsransfer tax wiEhin the Town of Vail together with all amendments Chereto. Exceptions nudbered 2-5 will not appear on the Mortgaqee's Po1icy provided the attached AffidaviE, and Agreements is properly execuEed and reEurned to this oEfice logether with a survey determined by the Company to be satisfactolYt provided however EhaE specific exceptions nury be made based upon matters disclosed by such survey. Colorado Form 100 wilt be attsached to the Mortgagee's Poliey upo:r reeei.pts of a survey satisfactory Eo the cor,pany. NotE: IF TI|E SALES PRICE oF TI{E SttBJEcT PRoPERTY EXCEEDS $100,000.00 THE SEITLER SHALI-,, BE REQUIRED TO COMPI,Y WISH THE DTSCLOSURE OR WITHHOLDING PROVISIONS OF C.R.S. 39-2: -5i4.5 {NoNF.:5:::NT WTTHHOLDTNG) . 0,L/03/95 15:35:04 ck RH Form No. 13 44-B2 (co-88) ALTA Plal,n lJcngruage ComL SCIIEDIjIJE B - S€ction 2 oriler No. 8S33462895 Excegtlons Any Dolicy we llsue w111 have tshe f,ol1ow1ng exceptlons unless they are takan carc of to our ratLsfactLon: 1. Taxes and AssessmenEs not cert.i.f ied to the Treasurer's office. 2. Any facts, riqhts, interesls or claims which are not shor.tn by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inguiry of persons in possession Ehereof. 3. Easementss, or claj.rns of easemenEs, nou shown by public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspecEion of the land would disclose. and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, irnposed by law and not. shown by Ehe public records. 6. Taxes and assessments for the current year, including all Eaxes novt or heretofore assessed, due or payable. 7. The right of proprieEor of a vein or lode to extracE. or remove his ore should the sa.ure be found Co penetrate or intersect the premises therebryr granted as reserved in United SEate patent recorded April 18, 1934 in Book 123 at Page 3; and any and all assign:nents Ehereof or interest therein. Affirmative protection against item number 7, of Schedule B, Section 2 will be afforded the Lender by rneans of Endorsement 100.30. 8. RighB of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authoriEy of the UniEed seates Patent recorded April 18, 1934 in Book 123 at Page 3. 9. Covenants, conditions and resErict,ions, which do not include a forfeiture or reverter clause, set forlh in the instrumenu recorded July 24' 1970 in Book 218 at Page 281, November L7, L9'10 in Book 2L9 aE Page 120. Amendment of said covenants, conditions and restricti.ons by an instrument reeorded April 28, 1971 in Book 220 at Page 380. Provisions regtarding race, co1or, creed, and national origin, if any, are deleEed. 10. TLre following items as set forth on the plat of said subdivision, to-wit: A Five foot wide stsrip along all intserior lot' lines are reserved for utility and drainage easemenEs as notated on Ehe recorded plaE. LI. EasemenEs, reservations and restrictions as shown or reserved in the recorded PIat of VaiL lntsermountain Development Subdivision. Filc# ES33462895o tuent Order No. ES3 3 46289 5 }'FFIDI\rIT A,I[D IIIDEIIIII I']E LlfBRlCLll TITIJE INSURTNCETO FIRST 4. We further represents tha! there are no unrecorded contracts, leases, easemenEs or other agreements or int-erests relating E.o said premises of which ste have knowledge, .5. We further represenc Ehats. we are in sole possession of Ehe real properEy described 6. We further represent tstraE there are no unpaid charges and assessments thaE could result in a lien in iavor of any association of homeowners $thich are provided for in any document referred to in Schedule B. The undersigned affiant (s) know the tnatters herein statsed are true and indemnifies FIRST AI.IERICAII TrTLE INSURANCE COMPj\Ny against 1oss, costs, damages and expenses of every kind incurred by it by reason of its reliance on the sEatsements made herein. Pilc f 8533.162895o couPAtry 1. Ttris is written evidence to you tshat there are no unpaid bills, and !o the extent there rnav l" unpaid bi1ls Ehats the und-ersigned undertsakes and agrees to cause the same to be peid suih chat- Ehere shall be no mechanics or materialmen's liens affecting th? property for materials or labor furnished for construcEion and erection, repairs or imProvements on property locaEed aE 2915 Bassingdale, Vail, Colorado 81552 and 1egally described as: Lot 5, Block 8, Vail Ineerrnountain Developmen! Subdivision, according to lhe recorded plat thereof, COU}ITY OF EAGI.E, STASE OF COLOP.ADO 2. We further represent tshaE Ehere are no public improvements affecEing the propertsy prior to the date of closing thaE $rould give rise to a special propertsy tax assessment against. the property after the date of closing. 3. We further represent that there are no pending proceedilgs -or unsatisfied ju{qrments 9!record. in any Coirrt, Stale or Federal, noC any Eax liens filed qgqinst us,-.and that if there are jud-qnenCs, bankruptcies, probate proceedings, state or federal tax liens of record againsts paities with same or simj-lar names, they are not agaj-nst us. Thj.s agreemenE is executed with and forms a.parts of the sale and/or financing of- the above desclibed premises, and is given in addition to Ehe conveyance and/ or- financing of- the premises in consideration fot the conveyance and/or financing, and forms a cornpJ.ete-agreemenE try iEself f or any action thereon. SELI,ER: Alan F. Bosr,torth STATE OF COLORADO ss. COIJNTY OF !he day forego ing instsrumenE was acknowledged, subscribed and sworn to before me thi.s or by Alan F. BosworEh. Ir$ commission expires :Notary Public COMMITMENT SCFEMIJE A Filc* ES33tt62B95 Pollclt trouDt $ 245,000.00 I 195, 000. oo Co@ItD.nt Nor 1. Comltmcnt Detcs at 8:00 A.M. 2. PolJ.cy or Pol.LcLes t,o be Lrued: (a) Orm.rs Pollcy - Proporcd Inaurcds -{ Oonn. M. spinelli (b) Loen Pollcy - Progosed Insuredr 3. Fce gl$r].e Lnterest Ln uhe land dcrcrLbad ln th,'r comLtnent Lg owned, at uh. co@Ltmont Det. by3 AIan F, Bosworth l. llbc land referred to Ln thLe Co@itlont Lg degerl,bcd ag follqrg: County of Eagle, State of Colorado. (for informational purposes only) 291.5 Bassingdale PREIVIITIM : 09/L6/95 10:36:12 pb (TBA) tlloocTz 09/1"5/95 1"0:35:13 pb (TBA) The subject land may be located in a special due lisEing each taxing jurisdiction sha1l be the county treasurer's authorized agent; and and the boundaries of such districts may be conunissioners, the county clerk and recorder, taxing dj.strict; a certificate of taxes obtained from Ehe counEy Ereasurer or information regarding special districts obtained from Ehe board of county or the county assessor. Filc l* ES3362895 NOTICE TO PRO8PECTTVE OWNERS (A STATEMENT MADE AS REQUIRED BY COLORADO INSURANCE REGUI,ATION) GAP PROTECTION When this Company conducts the closj-ng and is responsible for recording or filingr the legaI documents resulE.ing from the transaction, the Company shaII be responsible for aII matters which appear on the record prior to suctl time of recording or filing. IIECIIAIIIC ' S IJIEN PROTECTION If you are a buyer of a single family residence you may request mechanic's lien coverage to be issued on your policy of insurance. If the property being purchased has not been the subject of construcEion, improvements or repair in the last six months prior to the date of this conuniEment the requirements wiIl be pa)ment of the appropriate premium and the completion of an Affidavit and Indemnity by the sel-l-er. If the property being purchased was constructed. improwed or repaired within s j-x months prior to the date of this commitment the requiremenEs may involve disclosure of certain financial information, palment of premiums, and indemnity, among others. The general requirements stated above are subject to the revision and approval of the Company. SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NOTICE (A Notice Given In Conformity With Sectj-on I0 -1,L-722 C.R.S.) 09/15/96 10:36:15 pb (TBA) lor.n lto. 1344-81 (co-88) Fila i 8333462895 ALTjf Plaln lJanguage co@ltrBnt SCIIEIXTIEB-gectloD1. Order Ao. RequlrooDtsE llhe followlng requLleftrnt3 murt ba metr (a) Pay the agreed anounts for the interest in the land and/or for the mortgaqe to be insured . (b) Pay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. (c) Obtain a certificate of taxes due from the county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorized aqent,, (d) The following documents satisfactory to us must be signed, delivered and recorded : NOTE: IF THE SAIJES PRICE oF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY EXCEEDS 5100,000.00 THE SEITLER SHALIJ BS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITTI THE DISCTJOSURE OR V{ITHI{OLDING PROVISIONS OF C.R.S. 39-22-604.5 (NONRESIDENT WITHHOLDING) . 09/t6/96 10:36:15 pb (TBA) Fo:.m No. L344-82 (CO-88 ) AIlTt' Plaln lrangruag. CmLt'!.Dt ECHEIITIJB B - gectLon 2 ordsr no. Eicclrt Lons lny pollcy we Lgcuc w111 have the followlng exceDtLong unlegg they are taken cero of to our rstlsfactlon! 1. Taxes and Assessments not certified to the Treasurer's Office. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Eaeements, or claims of easements, not shown by public records. 4, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary 1ines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the land would disclose, and which are not. shown I the public records. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. Elcf 8S33462895 # 'T:',uit|L*n'H$" , tf,'0"' ffi:nmxEs'lllm49,?'r*LEco No,4202 eP. !/2"" COMMITTIENT scsBDst|E l A.u. couLtusat ncr 9510969896-3 L- coltneat Detor Jarruary 29' !996 ats 8:00 Z. EoIl'.tY og loliclcr to be l3rucd! y'Ol *=s tollclr - DroPot'a IE ursa: Donna M. spinelli and Vincent P' sPinelll sgincIli and Gerrie R. eolldf ,-{ 4 tDorrltt E7,oo0.oo 59, 500. oo 4a oo.o Pcllcy Gt'tAc Mortgag. ProDor.d Isrurc6: corporation of PA, ,..{.rccglnplciBgcrsatlstb.IrnA6crcrlbedlntbtrc@l'cD.nEiroracd,rEtL.co6j,t[.Bt Dats6 Dllz' Nanqf IJaDort and David S' LaDow a. tnL l.nd rsferrsd !o ls tbla coltocnt lr dererlbcd rr tollorr: L,oE 4, Block 8, vail hterrBounEain Devcloln'nt subdlvision' accordingl to the tecorded Plat thcreof' county of 8aglc, state of, colorado ' (for lnlornrational pu4rores onIV) 2851 Earsingd'atre Boulovard PRE!4]IUI{: SI-llorE gasta PolicY-cONU Olu[er's PoIicY Tax cortifiaage Form 10 0-Re3!riceions iona 1a0.I-EPA ResLdancial 02/08196 13:47:04 lf RE Form 100.3o-Minerals Dalelion - IEems 2-5 53 .00 15. 00) I ) $ 75-00 285.00 15,00 30-00 30.00 sep. 10, l9e6 n#u* FAUEAGLE ff.nttfv 1o:03:23 lf lqrr no. 1344-S2 (c0-88) il;;irr;g r,'agure' coltlog to. Es10969895-3 r 'attcr1y PorEioa of Tcn ioo! dralnage crtGn'D! travcrrlag^tbc as cborra on Ehc '*tlt'Ttit-iocltloa ccrtitlcatr prcpated !)f Ilt.a r.rt""tv 6' t996' I t{or!gaE'c't Doltd colorado Fcn 1oo wl'U' b' attacbcd to t'br N0.4202 n P, 2/2w S4ednlr E - E'€tloD 2 co$tlau'A Ogal.r L2- sulj pct Prog'lgy Leland lccborr wbca i,rgurd' , Sep, 10, 1996 9:46AM FAqn EAGLE I FrRS,o ;,+,X,?,t^,? L[tq tE rrrr,E co 31E Brcadway, Eagtc, co 81631, Q03)328-911 COMMITMENT SCEEDM.E A C@ito6st no! 8510969895-3 L. Co ltD.nt DaE.: ilanuary 29, L996 at 8:00 A.M, ?. Pclicy or Dolici.r to b. ilsu.Cls / (t, oro.=r Pollcy - pr.oDoged Insuu€d: Donna M. spinelli and vincent P, spinelli and Cerrie R,spinelli r'(b) Loea Policy - plopossd lanured: OllAC Mortgage Corporation of pA, No,4203 P, I/5ntr r cSllD0BD6 Eoltcar lrouD,t t-d 82, ooo. oo 59, 600 . 00 , Frc 5i.n!,1e lsterert ln tbc lelal Ccscrlbetl la tbl.g c@ltaent lE osa€d, at thacuitleat Decc b1'r Nancy L,aDow and David s. LaDow 4. fhe lBail raferred Co ia thl,c Co@itncnt Lg dcscribcd g follove: Lot 4, Bloclc 8, VaiI fnternountain Developtucnt Subdtwisiol, accolding to lhe lecorded plat thereof,r counly of Eagle, State of CoLorado. (for informatioDal purposes only) 2851 Bassingdale Boulevnrd PREMIUM: Sl-t4orlgage Policy-colvv S 75.00 Forn 100.30-Minqrals $ 53.00 osner's Policy $ 245.00 Delelion - Items 2-5 $ IS,OO Tax Certificate s 15.00 Font lO0-Restrictions 5 30.00 Fo:tu 140.1-EPA ReEidential S 30-00 02/08/96 L3:47:04 lf RH gtrct? o?/(5ep, 10. 1996,0 9:46AMr FAUEACLE No. 4203 Ncxlrc8 ao PROEDEC.IIIVE o]trtERs(A STATEMENT I.IADE AS REQUIRED BY COLOREDO INSURA}ICE RECUIATTON) SEECIAL TMING DTSTRICT NOT]CE (A Notice civen In Conlorrnity tJith Sectioa L1-LL-j.2Z C.R.S.) D 7 /F, EL, ESl0reBt6 cia9 PRoTEC'troil Wben lhis Cohp4ny conducts tbe closing and ie rceponsiblc for recordt ng or flling thelegal docrrarents acsulting frorrr tbe llansaction, the Cololrany shall be risponsible forall nratccrs which appear on tbe record prior to sucb eine of recordiag or filing. l{ECElSrc,S &rEu EBotteElou r! you are a buyes of a rringle farnl ly residcnce you rnay request. rncchanic,s liencowetagc to be issued oa your policy of insurance. rf the Propcrty beiDg Purchascd has rrot bccn lhe subJect of construction,inprov.lrenUs or repair in tbe last six roontbs prior to thc date of this conmitmcncthe roquirenents wrll be paymcnt of the appropriate premium anal lhe corFlction of anAffidavrt and Indemrity by che seller- rf, rhe property being purcbaged wag constlrcted, improved or rcpalred wi Ebln sixrnontha prior t,o the C-tc of this conrrittrcrrt the rcquirem-nts lnay involve diselosureof certain finar.cial infornation, paylrent of prenluars, and indernnity, among othcra. Ihe genetal requirenencs stated above are subject to tbe revigl.on and approwalof Ehc CoEtl)any. Tb. subjcct land say be LocaCed in a spcclal due lisElng each taxing jurisdiction ehall bc Ehe county treasulcr,s auEhorized agent, and aad the boundaries of such districts rnay be co:mriscloners, the eounty cl.erk and recorder, taxing district; a certificate of taxes obtained from Ehe county llcasur€r or infozmatron regarding spccial districtss obEained frorn the board of counLyor the couDty assessor, FAUEAGLE ,tls.' ffiT::":;:"'::'::l:::.:".:"il:I,::" Itcm 24. u;r./(sep. 16. lgg6,a 9:4?AMr Fcro Fo. 1344-81 (CO-S8) No. 4203 lITrA ElEin l.sjrguage C@:[tsoDt SCEEDI'LIIB-Eretiog1 Order Nc. ES10959898-3 Rcqulroenca thc follorlng rcqulrcucatt Dust b. EaG: (a) Pay the agreed anouBla for the interest in the land and,/or fori[sured,the rnortgage !o bc Pay us the premiuns, tees and charges for tbe policy. Obtain a certiflcate of taxes due fron the counly treasurar or the countytreasurer, s authorized 4genE. (d) The followlng docurcDts satlefactory co us 1 uEt be signed, Clelivered andrecorded: fec sirnple rstate or intcrcsc in $reto the Proposed Insurcd. schedule A, I glgA z' Deed of EruEt gufficien! to encuribe! thc lee sirqrle eatarc or Lnterssr in thcland descrlbed or referred go herein for tbc benerlt of rhe propored Insurcd,Scbedulc A, Itcn 2 a. Rclcase o! lhc Dccd of llrult lroh David sorlppc r,aDow and Nancy LaDow to tb.PubJ.ic rrusce€ of Eagre county f,or thc beneflt of wectstar Bank to s.cure anindebtedness in tbe princi,pal sum of $ {0,52s.00, and any other amouncs anc/orobligations secured Eher.by, daEed Septo,r'her 19, 1995 and recordedl Septembcr25, 1995 in Book 676 ar pase 823. Cornpliance wlth thc provisiona of SecE,ion 39-L4-102, Colorado R.vl.!.dStatutes, requiring completlon and filing of a Real properly 1tanBferDeclazation. 5. Evidcnee satisfactory to the Company of Cornplianc€ with au ordinaacc cnactinga rear escate transfer lax wilbin the Torrrn of vair togetber vrlth arr afi\cndrren t s thereto . Exceptions nrrarbcred 2-5 wirl rrot apDear on the Mortgagce,s poricy Frovided tb.aEgached AffldavlE and Agreemcnt Ls propcrly cxecutcc and returnad Eo thisof!ice. NOEE: IF THE SAIJES PRICE OF TIIE SUB.rEcr pRopERfy E:KCEEDS S1OO,O0O.OO TttS SEIJIJER SIIAIJL BE REQUIRED To collPIJY WIEH TllE DIsctosURE oR ITIIT{EoLDING pRovrsloNs oF c.R,s.39-22-604 -5 (NoNREsrDgMr WITIIHoLDINC) - P. 3/5I[c, 83109@896 (b) (c) 4. J,lca FoF, - Q.:s.,s...*-. s..* olaa tro I J.*^-.At G*** 02lrse!. 16, lgg6,o g:4?Al[r Eer Uo. L344-82 (CO-8B) AIIIA Plrla L..Dgnrrgc coel,tq.nt oraer No. Es10989896-3 FAUEAGLE N0.4203 P. 4/5 F[., ESt0tO!96 9GIIEDr|'LEB-6cctioa2 ItrcaDCl.oag l!:t t oltc? rc itruc rdll brvo tbe lc[ovlng excegllonr ualcrl lhe1l 18. gaLn ca!. o!co oua rrtl,sfrctlcnr Taxes and AssesamenEs not certified Co the TreaEur€r,9 Office, Any facts, righes, interestr or clairas wbicb are not sbowD bv the public recordsbut whi.ch could be a'c.reain.d LY an Inspection of the land or { naking inquiryof persons in posression thereo!, Easern€nts. or claius of easencnts r not shown lDr public record,s. Dl.scrapancies, conflicts in boundazy lines, ahortage in arca, errcroachmenEg, anclany facEs which a coEect survey and inspectlon of the tand woutd discrose, andwhich are not shoem by C,he public records. Any lien, or rigbt to a licn, for servlcep, labor or nagerial heret9fore orh.reallar lurnlshcd, lmposcd tr)r law qnd Dot cbolrn Ll]l tbe publ ic reeorde. Ta:ccg and assessnencs for the current ycar, iucluding all caxca now orherctofore assessed, due or payable. 7, Tbe right of Proltri.tor of a veLu or lode to cxtracts or rcnove his ore shouldthc ea.roe bc found !o Pen€lratc or intersect lhe ptenises lhereby graDtcd aslcs.tived in Uuited Seate palen! recorded Aprll 18, 1934 in Book 123 at pagc 3;and any and all assignneats thereof or Lnlercst Chcrein. Aflirmative Protection against itenr nunb,er 7, of Sehedule B, seetlon 2 will beafforded the Lender \z mcans of Etrdorsencnt 100.30. 8' Right of r.ray for ditches or canal.s conscruclcd by thc authority of thc UniteitStaCes Palent recorded April 18, 193{ tn Book 123 at page 3. 9. CovenanEe, conitiDions and restrictions, which do no! include a lorfeitute orreveltcr clause, Eet forth ia the instruraent rccorded Jury 24, 1920 in Book218 at Page 281, Novcrnbcr ]-7, tg?o iu Book 2r.9 at page 120. Anendmen! of saldcovenanEs' conditions and resCricti.ons by atr instrunent record.d April 28,1971 in Book 220 ag page 3go. prowisiorrs regarding !ace, color, creed, atrdnatioaal oriEin, if any, are deleled. 10' lbr following itctts as set forth orr the plat o! said cubdivlsion, !o-srlt,: AFive foot widc strip aloag aI1 iatcrior loc llnes ar. resezved for ut,ility abddrainage eeEenents as notalGd on thr fccorded glat- 11' Easgtents, reservalions and rcscrictions as gbown or r€sewed in tbc recordcdPlat o! VaiI Irrtermountaln Dcvelo;men! Subdivlgion. --Continucd .t 2. 4. q o- osltseD. 16. 1996,2 9:48AMr FAUEAGLE I loa Do. 13{{-82 (co-E8) ltr|la tblr ireryu.dL Culf.aB No. 4203 P q/^ Il[.t BSI€S93 oE6.r ro. Es10959895-3 12- len foo! draiuagc carernqut travcrr lng tho aastarry portton of .rbject proDcrcl,ea shernr on thc r.trroveneat Locacion c.rtslfioaEc itle+t.a ry ilriii'i.-.iilJ-datcd gcbnraty 6, lgg5. coloredo FolE 100 rill bc rtlrcbcd co tbc Mortgagec,a pollcy uhcu irrucd. I. ;. t' lrst American Heritage Title C- V 318 Broadway V Eagle, co '81531' (303) 328-5211 DEIJIVERY fRANSMITTAIJ DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 1996 ORDER NO.: Es10959896-3 PROP. ADDR.: 2851 Bassingdal.e Boulevard, Vail, Colorado OWNER/BUYER: Donna M. spinelli and Vincent P. Spinelli and Gerrie R. SpinelJ.i PLEASE DELIVER TO THE CUSTOMERS I.,ISTED 8EI.OW: To: FirsE American HeriEaqe Title Co Avon P. O. Box 5590 Avon, CO 81,52 0 949-4406AT|N: BeEh NO. OF COPIES: 1 ?O: GIvIAC Mortgage Corporatsion of PA 59?5 Greenwood Plaza Blvd #102 Englewood, co 80111 ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: l- To: Donna SpinelliVincent Sninelli 5?85 old 3tage Rd.Boulder, Co 80302 . ATIN: NO. OF COPfES: 1 TO: Nancy P. IJaDorr, 2525 Larkspur LaneVail, co 81557 ATDN:NO. OF COPIES: l- TO: Prudential Gore Range 511 Lionshead MaIlvail. Co 8L557 47 6-2482ATIN: IJarry Agneberg NO. OF CoPIES: 1- AT|N: I\T.l .lrr ..nDTFc. TO: AT|N: NO. OF COPIES: TO: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: mr). ATIIII: NO. OF COPIES: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: THE ABOVE IS A IJIST OF CIJIENTS THE ATTACHED MATERIALS HAVE BEEN DELIVERED TO. SHOULD YOU ITAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDINE THESE MATERIALS, PIJEASE CONTACT FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE CO AT THE ABOVE PHONE NUMBER. PLEASE REVIEW THE ENCLOSED MATERIAL CAREFULLY, TAKING NOTE OF THE FOI,LOWING ITEIIS CONTAINED THEREIN: SCHEDULE A; NEW EFFECTIVE DATE SCHEDUIJE B-1; REVISED NOTE RE: DELETION 2-5, DELETED NoTE RE: FORM 100 SCHEDUIJE B-2; ADDED ITEM #L2 AND NOTE RE: FORM L00 RECEIVED: D(TE IRN DATE:TI}4E: Fiie * ESi;9tjiD96 FIRST AMERICAN HERITE TITLE CO 318 Broadway, Eagle CO 81631, (303) 328-5211 COMMITMENT SCCEDUIJE e' Comitr.Dt No: ES10 9 6989 5- 3 1. Conltr.ats Dats.3 ifanuary 29, t996 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Pollcy or PolicLcs tso be Lssued: r' (e) orraera Poltcy - ProDoaed Insured: Donna M. Spinelli and Vincent, P, Spinelli and Gerrie R. Spinelli { lbl Loan Pollcy - Proposcd rugurcd: GMAC Mortgage Corporation of PA, Filc f 8510969896 Pollcy tnount v{ g7, ooo. oo r/t. F.e sLmDl. Lnt.rcrt Ln thc laad dcrcrLbedl Ln this CoEuitncnts ig owncd' ats the 4 Ge,600.oo conlittlent Dat. by! Nancy lraDow and David S. LaDow l. lllrc land rcferred to 1n thie comnLtuents lg descrlbcd as followe: Lot 4, Block 8, Vail fnEermountain Developmenc Subdivision, according to Ehe recorded plat thereof. County of Eagle, SEate of Colorado. (for informational purposes only) 2851 Bassingdale Boulevard PREIIIW: Sl-ltortgage PoIicy-CONV S 75.00 Form 100.30-Minerals $ 53.00 Owner's Policy $ 285.00 Deletion - Items 2-5 $ 15.00 Tax CerEificate $ 15.00 Form 10 0 -Restrictions S 30.00 Form 140.1-EPA Residenti.al S 30.00 02/08/96 L3:47:04 lf RH 03/08/96 13:47205 lf RH ![BCEA!IIC' S IJIEN PROTECTION If you are a buyer of a single fanily residence you may reques E, coveralte to be issued on your policy of insurance, If the properEy being purchased has noE been the subject improvements or repair in the last six months prior Co the date of the requirements will be payment of tshe appropriaEe premium and the Affidavit and Indemnity bf the seller. Filc * 8510969896 NOTICE IO PROSPECfI\TE OTIINERS (A STATEMENT I.IADE AS REQUIRED BY COLORADO INSURANCE REGULATION) GIAP PROTECTION When Ehis Company conducts the closi.ng and is responsible for recordinq or fi.ling the legal documents resulting from the tsransaction, Ehe company shall be responsible for all maEters which appear on Ehe record prior Eo such time of recording or filing. mechanic's lien of construction, this conrnitmenE completion of an If the property being purchased was constructed, improved or repaired within six months prior to tshe date of this commitnent the requiremencs nury j-nvolve disclosure of certain financial information, palment of premiums, and indemnity, arnong others. The general requiremencs st.at.ed above are subject to Ehe revision and approval of the company. SPECTAI, TAJ(ING DISTRICT NOTICE (A Notice Given In ConformiEy Witsh section LO-IL-L22 C.R.S.) The subject land may be locaEed in a special taxing district; a cerEificate of taxes due liseing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtsained from the councy treasurer or the county t.reasurer's authorized aqenEi and information regarding special disEricts and the boundaries of such districts may be obEained frorn the board of county conunissioners, Ehe councy clerk and record.er, or Ehe county assessor. 02/08/96 !3:4'l:49 lf RH Forn No. 1344-81 (CO-88) AJJTA P].elD L,angrage Co@LtD€nt o Filc # 8510969895 SCIIEDULEB-SectLon1 ordler No. ES10969895-3 Rcqul,remcnte llhc folloing requLrotnentss [ust be rnet: (a) Pay the agreed .Lmounts for the interest in the land and/or for the mortgag:e Co be insured. (b) Pay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. (c) ObEain a certificate of taxes due from the county Creasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agent , (d) The following documents satisfaclory to us must be signed, delivered and recorded: _rlnA 1. warranly Deed sufficient t.o convey the fee simple estate or interests in the #lv- Iand described or referred !o herein, to the Proposed Insured, Schedule A, Item 2A. JA 2, Deed of trust sufficient to encumber the fee simple escate or interesE in the land described or ref6rred to herein for the benefiE of the Proposed Insured, Schedule A, Item 2 a. 3. Release of tshe Deed of Trust from David Scripps IJaDow and Nancy LaDow co the Public lrustee of Eagle County for the benefit of Westsstar Bank tso secure an indebtsedness in the principal sum of $ 40,525.00, and any other amounEs and/or obligatsions secured thereby, dated September 19, 1995 and recorded September 25, t995 in Book 675 at Page 823. 4. Compliance with the provisions of Section 39-t4-L02, Colorado Revised Statutses, requj-ring cornpletion and filing of a Real Property Transfer Declaration. 5. Evidence satisfactory to the Company of Compliance wieh an ordinance enacting a real estate transfer Eax within the Town of Vail together wiEh all amendments thereto. Exceptions numbered 2-5 witl not appear on the Dlortgagee's Policy provided the attached Affidavits and Agreement is properly executed and returned Eo this office. NoTE: IF II|E sALEs PRICE oF THE SItBJECT PRoPERTY EXCEEDS 5100,000.00 TI{E SEL,LER SHALIJ BE REQUIRED TO COMPIJY WITH THE DISCIJOSI'RE OR WITHHOIJDING PROVISIONS OF C.R'S' 39 -22-604.5 (NONRESIDENT WITHHOTDING) . "llce Q*:*s.**\ $ *F tr oN - oNclca \)-.. *.,,^\t fu*** 0?/08/96 L3:4'7:08 If RH FolD no. L344-82 (co-88) .f,LTA Plaln Irarrguagc Conmi SCHEDITIJE B - Se ct:lon 2 order No. ES10959896-3 ExceDtLons lny pollcy rc {sguc wlll bave the followiag cxccptlona unl'eaa tbey are takea carc of to our ratsiafactLon: 1. Taxes and Assessments not certified to the Treasurer's Office. 2. Any facEs, rights, inEerests or clairns which are not. shown by the public records but. which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. EasemenE,s, or claims of easemenEs, not shown by public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicEs in boundary 1ines. shortage in area, encroachments, and any fact,s which a correcc survey and inspection of Ehe land would disclose, and which are noE shown by the public records. 5. Any 1ien, or righc to a 1ien, for services, Iabor or maEerial heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by 1aw and not shown by Ehe public records. 6. Taxes and assessments for the current year, including all Caxes now or heretsofore assessed, due or payable. 7. The right of proprietor of a vein or lode to exEracts or remove his ore should the sa.Le be found eo penetrate or intersect the premises Ehereby granted as reserved in United State patent recorded April 18. 1934 in Book 123 at Page 3; and any and all assignmenEs thereof or interest therein. Affirrnat.ive protection againsE item nurnber 7, of Schedule B, Section 2 wilL be afforded Ehe Lender by means of Endorsernent 100.30. 8. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United Staces PaCenE recorded April 18, 1934 in Book 123 at Page 3. 9. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, which do not include a forfeiture or reverter clause. se! forth in Ehe instrument recorded JuIy 24, 1970 in Book 218 at Page 281, Novernlcer L7, L970 in Book 21.9 at Page 120. AmendmenE of said covenanEs, condiEions and restrictions by an instruments recorded April 28, 1971 in Book 220 at Page 380. Provisions regarding race, color, creed, and national origin, if any, are deleted. 10. The foltowing iEems as sets fortsh on the plat of said subdivision, Eo-wit: A Five foot. wide strip along all interior lot lines are reserved for utility and drainage easemenEs as notated on the recorded plat, 11, EasemenCs, reservations and restsrictions as shown or reserved in the recorded Plat of Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision. - -Cont inued File # 8S10969895o tDent o2/097t6 10:03:23 tf RIr to:E! f,o. t344-B,2 (Co-88) IIJII Plrln l..n$rg. cout Ebf Esr09@896o t,Dotrt Echrdule B - Eoctl,on 2 contl.nucd Ord.a no. 8510959895-3 L2. Ten foot dralnage easement Eraverslng Ehe easterly portlon of subjecE property as Ehown on tbe Improvenent lJocaEion Certlficate prepared !y Leland f,ecbner dated F€bruary 6, 1995. Colorado Forn 100 will be attsacbed tso Ehe Mortsgagee's Policy wben issued. l* lii'ttfi"@ tt!-YY0i < lr, ? B;- ,F,igg os€ E EEE*'f $rcDo.>o=:lirli'll (D "ri E N i l i i I33UIS ) l^l|Ul AdLZzt@ %61-81-66s6'd z9ie6LFaL6\ I96'd -lurol IEI-iltt" srl 'ilSri** ;;fii!il! -l e i. a)Eottltl.dt o '-o r*EEs€ 'HEl; Eofr E aa I33UI5 >l l,lOUJ t^ldBZ:EA 966I-ET-66gE'd Z9re6LFAL6l H oLY'?'il6tP;? tEt R I c ASSoCo, I o N,',-* . 1799 TI|GHWAY 82 P.O. DRAWER .I I50 crtNwooD SPRINGS, COLORADO I l60l Sincerely, . S.ptrmbir 13, 1995 Ms. Donna Spinrlli P, O, 8ox 2091 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Intermountain, Block 8, Lots 4 and 5 Utility Easernent Dear Ms. Spinelli; As we discussed, Holy Cross Elcctrlc Assoclailon has no objectlons to the construction of a driveway on the utility easement at the above mentioned lo(ation. Should you have any questions, pleasc fcel frcc to call me at 949-5892. (970) 945-5491 tFAn 945-4081 q,LMHOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC, John Boyd, Engineering Technician JB:rjm cc: HCEA, Vail boydv pl n.lll.l.t sEP 1? 'e6 1s:ls FR flc ssnutcE-?TH FL3A3 5?r ?a?1 To uE1B4 4D Rrblicservb' P .AL/A! September 17,1996 BY FACSMILE Publb 8.rvlc. Oorp.ny ot Colo do 55015|h SDE€I 9ifr37(lC Deflrer, @ 8@02.1256 FN(FGl''1-7rf7 Donna M. Spinelli 5785 Old Stage Rd. Boulder,CO 80302 (303\ 473-9434 FAx: (303) 473-0184 Dear Ms. Spinelli: I have reviewed your Equest for a driveway crossing over the planed fifteen foot utility easement along the common boundary of Lots 4 and 5 in Vail Interrnountain SuMivisioq Block 8, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. PSCo records show there are no facilities locared in said casemeot at this time' PSCo, therefore has no conflict with the proposed crossing. Howover, since PSCo does have gas pipe line facilities nearby, I would like to rernind you of your duty to conract the Utility Notification Cenler of Colorado at (800) 922-198?, two working days in advance of your proposed constnrction. As a free service, UNCC will send locators to mark its mernbers' buried facilities in the vicinity of your project. If you desire more information at any time, plcasc call me at (303) 571'3518- Yours truly,ni ^ I1/ U t^t I/ \-{ /( t|\^r v Paul Kellogg, PLS, Land Righs Agent for and on behalfof Public Scrvice Company of Colorado XX TOTAI- PRGE. A1 XX F.qE o.onsEP . 13. 1996 cc 7 : 48trh0( Itr CnELEVISION r! ro r.:rh co|IHr et tO. 13?rfoa,, rtr.2/2s.rnr ur:nar TCI P.O Box 439 Avon CO 81620 Soptcmbcr 13, 1996 Donna Spinclli 5785 Old Stge Rd. Boulder, CO E0302 Rcl Pormfuclpn to bull4 acroffs udlW eascmcnl betwear Lotg 4 & 5, Block t; trlcrmormlain Subdiyiilo& Vail, C0 Dear Ms, Spinelll You have ou pennissior !o build e driveway across lbe utility essement betueeo Lotr 4& 5r Blolk 8 intheJrrtcrao;rnain SubdMsios is Vail, CO..pn Thg Gnd.rtLn Thdtilo Oqn o.l? To ?cJ,ist^l oc tl,nd.agror+,rl Q..bl<. , Sincerely,A4/--- Tim Coleqan Master Teohnioian Filc # ESI0969896 RST IIIERICAN TIEIJE,INSI',.EANCE OWNER'S POLICY ItCIlEDttIrE A bs-MRL-03 /19 /9 6 t5 : 4L : !6 ord6r No. ES10969B9 6 lnount of Insurerc. S87,000'00 Dat. of Poll.cy: February 26, L996 aE 08:00 A.M. 1. Naac of In8ur.dl: o COMPA![Y Donna M. Spinelli and Vincent P. Spinelli and Gerrie R. Spinelli 2. The estate or Lnlerest ln the landl rsblch Ls covered by tlrie polLcy I's: FEE SI!{PLE 3. fltle to th6 .stats or Lnterest ln the land ia vetts.d in: Donna M. Spinelli and Vincent P. Spinelli and Gerrie R. spinelli 4. lthe 1andl refetred to ln thLE poltcy lg dogcrLbedl ae followa: l,oE 4, Block 8, Vail Interrnountain Development Subdivision, according to the recorded plat thereof, County of Eaq1e, sEate of Colorado. PolJ.cy No. J2 09775 P3an{ q1a $285.00 l.lTJ -v)il Flr Ar{ERrcAN rrrrJE rNsnnaNcB colu SCHEDI'I,E B Order No. ES10 9 6989 6 PolLcy No. J209776 E]XCEPTIONS FROM COVERACE thla policy do6a not lnsure against loss or damage (and Eha Company will not pay coacs, attorD€ys' feee or e:qr€naea ) whtch arlee by reaeon of: 1. Taxes and Assessments not cerEified to the Treasurer's office. 2. Any facts, rj.ghtss, interesEs or clairns which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertsained by an inspecEion of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies. conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facls which a correcE survey and i"nspection of che land would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien. for services, labor or mat.eriaL heretofore or trereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by Ehe public records. 5. A11 taxes and assessmenEs for the year 1995 and subsequenE years, a lien, buE h^F vaF /l,'a ^r Dayable. 7. The righE of proprietor of a vein or lode Eo extract or remove his ore should the same be found Eo penetrate or intersece the premises thereby grantsed as reserwed in United State patsent recorded April 18, 1934 in Book 123 at Page 3; and any and all assignments Ehereof or interest. therein. 8. RighE of way for ditches or canals construcEed by tshe authoritsy of lhe UniEed St.ates Patent recorded April 18, 1934 in Book 123 aE Page 3. 9. Covenanes, condiEions and restrictions, which do not include a forfeiture or revercer clause, set forEh in the insErument recorded JuIy 24, 1970 j.n Book 218 aE Page 281. November L'7, L970 in Book 2!9 aE Page 120. Amendment of said covenants. condiEions and restrictions by an inslrument recorded April 28, 1971 in Book 220 aE Page 380. Provisions regardinq race, color, creed, and national origin, if any, are deleted 1,0. The Eollowing items as seE forEh on the plat of sai-d subdivj-sion, to-wiE: A Five foot wide strip along all interior loE. lines are reserved for utiJ.ity and drainage easements as notated on Che recorded plats. L1. Easements. reservations and restrictions as shown or reserved in the recorded Plats of Vail Intermount.ain Development Subdivision' L2. Ten foot, drainage easement lraversing t'he easterly portion of subject properEy as shown on the fmprovement Location Certifj.cate prepared by Leland Lechner dat.ed February 6, 1995. File # ES10969896 -Con E i nued- Filc * ESll116',89r' 8CEIDUITB B contsl,oued ord.n [o. E910959B96 Policy No. J209776 13, Deed of Trust from Donna M. Splnelli and Vincent P. Spinelli and Oerrie R. Spinelli, to the Public Truscee of Eagle county, for the benefit of GI{AC Mortgag€ Corporation of PA, securing an original principal indebtedness of $69,600.00, and any ocher amounCs and/or obligations daEed February 15, 1996, recorded February 23, 1996 in Book 688 aE Page 554- | ,.t,. *l \\l?l -jifi|'*Li t:!l_- &s $E fre fT:xEll E*ii! ",,^ '4r"'% ia L ///)V % FJ n{ rs F"FI @ nE G N. d ddrdI { I I I I I i I I I I I \\ \\I _nl I ll lqilt-'liltltl ]il Irll ! \ I33UJS X HOUJ hlU4I:trI 966I-Se-eA01EE'd e9Fe6LVAL6l T-J ills=:lirii'l l* **=; t7",'V4N\----'--7 \-/ /h U. gd cIfi) ii", - '0_ -ttfisT:1,. il.I .:. t tl F 4 EE 'o- O:I cl= .z/\ /K 0qJ tr(q $r EH ts! .E 7oF Nrn *.4(t v,/.1 tu 5L Fl F+l=4t!) au \u\ (i:' \xr\b\ t;t[ ft' ^e\\J 'H{ 'i, I E' JBti E bt z JrI II <$".,V !'r{!\:trtt\ FE eir E: rttt FE '\\ '\rl \,\ \\ \\ F \ I3:IUIS >{ NOUI l^lUBtr:trtr 966tr-82-BA0lsa'd z9aeu-FaL6r Il. l"F l? C(lctH EF.it.irtl $: Pl HI bt Ett ..77-\/// \(/ \ \\\ /\\ -/ z, FJA" trlEF{U;-1 G(/)At!, HSF't Hu.qM#qEd* Htd F\ !# r\. L.It lr l;. \ li\ lll!r l't .- a\fi itvili\ll ft l ftl li ItU'r't4t I/il t\ r" Iti\$//,/ I \ %t( | irl*irI "d, rjI r'B*ti iH \-r ii)i bB FE I33tI5 X l^loul l^lbEtr:trT 956I-BZ-EBva'd z9fe6LF@L61 {) :; o1 a I 6'f3,=-E2 600Eo { \\OlE >tJ JFtrl * hEs I I l I Ri IJi{ tEc,fta'l Ko 1 ga'd -turllr .l u-)iFI -_ iils* 7Iu0) -9 T]EcJr c: ,SEr x ootfo(!e:'(J I I I33UIS )l l^loul t^Iu5tr:Ttr 965I-8e-8496'd ZgVZSLtsAL3r 197M'.?924=2 P,O?aB-28-1996 1lr l?RH FRol'l (r? =ltd FU F Ee ['-,9* *l l'ririi;= *url o F:-1't L : ...i:,I-- $?l N lE|F" OEo!!grc' r SEE* F NOE>(J "l- c€ ul . !;1 ! - -t:!t:!t ::l:itilt*te E or l*** Ez H a E.{ zM EE] F-{ d z,(5r- ffia I' I33UI5 X l^1081 l,ldgU:EA 966T-tI-58 c-t.,l NiI oooBE _3' r F'fEr€ .H F::F N@o.>(J (.Ei: ':litig"i I:l;iiErl I Fl J $'gro I =+, dffi $u= i I I I i I3fUI5 X l,loul t^ldgZ:EA 9661-Xl-6@01E@'d zsvz6Ltal6l @ o II I II I EEo*-E3at t'aa)J <n = l' lcr ! - -lcl3:!ll:l:ltiii- -t.. ! +!.-E $33; l.IB€ lt nsEss I33dIS >j NoEl l^ldLZ:EA 966T-EI-580lva'd zsFe^Lral6tr AUG-2?-9E| gE.'.53 FROM,KTNKOB BoULDER CO rovrrd a/llrL tD' I PAGE 2/3 A. DESlo RCtrIgt EOrnD AIr5[,Ig11g6q[ _ Eloilr oF vaII1, ccEOil[DO **.oF"$i".ffii =#rti""i.iig3:3il it100.00) _x Eiles +rr 2,,,1 t a,\6,-. _ ."oocc'gp;itilii"*,?33;ootI^bDnEss: ril' .0 m""r'.i31'*flryir !ts!31 pro"x Esl,bdlvirioD UCit -iifgm-Ztfft.af,*cck *_--__---+ 5:,HiiffiI, t;*1f:"*3*, ll :T"!:.. rDd. bourds les.r*Tii:.i;3ir:i;l*. #i ril ;.T.:#ll.to$*.'ffirarca*rto tiie rpDtiiaeioi.q ZONIT{G: N'lt|E Ofilatriag eddriir-: ilti,fi ADPrrrcaNE' s !8FR?sEr*rrrrvE : rr. t{ t{t ot orrtltR (5) : otwHlfsl..t.I6lyratrtt, lratuns aacrcrgr_5?95 olil S APFLTCIIITOnS PIZD Nbt.EE ptocEsgE ,ttk)vl on&'nia gr@f,ruRE B. p. F.Donna 302 o302 eo[dfiii[lurn Alryro.ral' if eppricable. rl-jf$;H:+,,. * EEBI 20.00. t s0.00 t100. 00 t200.00t{00.00 s500. 00t*ff=i,#im TYIE OF REvJEtrrr iFift #qif uiryffi HjH3'Fiffi ,#*,* AUG-2?.EE OEt52 FROM. KINKO ULDEE COEEOo ID ' t PAGE 3/3 DcarLnrrm: Plc'sc Dotc th4 I an thc rotc ouarer of29l5 Bedngdale Blvd. C,or 4, Bloclc s, Iqtcdtrou0rdE). Thc Lnd tt2E5l Buingdrre (r4t s, Btoc&_t, Iil.roo,narialEffirod-;jrh ,Lr* i-.r, ,i;*-ffipr.d_ (Gario Rspirctti rnd I'inecor p. &toctu). r br"; por;;f-;;;-i;.-r# f.r# ffi ffiffo,roo ** "corpy of th* ro proccss &c apptication, ptersc fut n. U*,l*a I *ilr i" *" y"* Tbrnlss rgRitr for yorr coopcration Dooa Sphclli CI*",,rq &pil^F= o r Culvert extension. continue same grade . if grade changes - study / possible manhole . Written aplrovat ft# an utilt! companies stating the proposal is not in conllict dany use of the easement. (Easement agreement) Public Service Co. P. S. Natural Gas Co. US West TCI Cable Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation Distict Holy Cross Electic TOV . Fire Dept.. Lot5 ' Access via an improved stairway - pre-existing condition . Lot 4 (new construction). Sta$ng area may be required on the driveway if the 150 rule is not met from the road using the driveway for access' ' No stairs will be allowed. Considerations ifaccess onto driveway is required' . tuming radius ' staging area / tum around Hazard Regulations (Potential Requirements) 18.69.050 30% slope or greater p'498.6 ' site gading & drainage ' detail plan of cut & fills in orcess of 5 ft.r r€v€g€tationplan. Etrv. impact report f:\everyoneUirk\memos\spinelli.9 I 3 o MEMORANDUM Design Reviat Board 9/18/96 Landscee Plan ' Location of existing trees, 4" in caliper or greater (indicate trees to be removed) - this can be on a separate Plan'. Type and size ofPlantings. Detailed legend Sitellan . Location of utilities - service to Lot 4 for future constnrction , Required parlting must be met (for the stucture on Lot 5 or any proposed constnrction on Lot 4). The driveway must be a minimun width of l2 feet. Topographic Suney . locationofutilities a $- "dt-t Fngineered plans of the retaining walls . Starnped by a registered engineer with the State of Colorado or I state which is considered transferable by the Town Engineer Comments /Iszues: . Utilities - service access for new consbuction . Grades cannotexceed 2:l r gavel driveway location. includingrockgardens. Snow storage. Required Permitsr public way pemrit . buildingpermit. Firc safety Splnelll -New driveway and retaining walls Comments and futur€/potential reguirements f:bveryonc\dirk\mcmoskpinclli.9 I 3 IrFF-r =,it-8d aOo IloJ(\laLl>oe -,.,4zl>(Y<r!ootr t -a 0)Eoro!oro r 6';8,- b: @oooox Nms>o El - !-:r I- lFEai- l;qfS: l:giEr:-5 - QR E at) fl= c= }. F l"rl LrlIa ti lr :i '-t (rc \.) T., o + ra JL P $ E E & 4,o,, g$ EE-* fIr-u f,: Eg .t R", oa'a "rrn"tt^ "to Gz cF{ trl E{!+u, "-n\ l*14- non?n u.n Fo c'j-GlE?iEie8d (ooI|f'J(\|trl'r-OOin id Lrr =zt>(r<trj oEoE-oqro [ 6';8,= bi OooooF ermo:)o lE l* EeH 3 l(J l6EE R li igEEE lo R lE Cl r> €' x L! Ia 'On*) 2 a)cr v.JttEO/a 5ur .e NI E$ ,du etr6U gH 3etrp c'rto, H6 c4 4/ \. 4O-o ^9r- trE 9.0 Fl|Jt-,Ol-JaG -lr.l lE|,| .J r ao or VH F. @., or (9 br I I I 4 %rtr "%r o @ @r@ 'd(o 9 FJ Pc F4 F{t={ cr, Eu M .l zH o4ta ..)r/u^ $ 'u*r,. b "Po I:t+X[i ;9oal i,3.;,i - | | I ro .d'.o nrt aT =5t8# II(,J(\lo. l>Ee -ui!2zF>r<ulooE Q)Eo-o!0ro F 6.;8.- bI €ooooF olmo:>c> !si 685 R6cE? E;1Fdl8 B Ll ? () v) CD c= \J tu- ll_ O lx Fq m c :-if 11-t E1 bbnl-SDFgJ 0- je 1la H9 bbnl- FS F z_ 11. \ u 3 u_o UJ Fq ilJ x N tJ * o R a R\ _is $s F5 E I .F-+K $: H3 bb Fh (uv6tucf) bodot-{& F{6 P{ {JG z FJ P{ H F={+<(f, Ggg a (9 1{\ @ cjt (r >l ru?+] rr llb6 NF F8 o @r J g ll6 F 5 h FFil 3s gb b6FFI -+ $ b ,6l- h Sr o R N IJI b FFI oa-K I { 3 b 5 n in 3r E3 bb Fh cd @r +U 1i H$ \b nL- F8 o orr rf) I =f, t rt BTa= TE8; II tat-^$ >@Q -uQzt>d<l!oo0a o)Eo-oEofo - C.n t-I u?'A U= o: €ooooF Nmo.>() seI 68E I6cs q E;1F*E*H l*lDlFl<) ler | ':-t-lElolE Glp €- x LrJ LrJ'T- U) 4$ c,. a1 \"/ avon "i^ o- I +U >l FZ- tu ill 0_ L(-\\J UI(fTrX til I i \1 N o! x I I-1 s \ 5 € I 3 r+ \ +g ll G E tYF d hF t!E F z. UJ CD oz. =Ot! '.1if{} sF b 9\ FI Ltll 6 )6 €,vdd ts E >t x o oH SdA .+J GI Q4z FJ Fc rJ1 t+++ un n tTtu F_ f-. F .. ,r-'1 o)td o_ (]- J Ftd o LrJ F- C':lEE O N I --lI t\ F d A"Ll- rc\ p \l-il ts lllz D Fll N Ku b lilt lu 0- I -1 $ F 0- i -I 3 q b F 6 I rE EI $3 \b nF F8 0 -in 1t E3 bbnt- Fh -J El!F = o q|o BTi-u, t. Ia3(,J U, L! ItI(' !({CLI>oq - t,tv)zF>(E<LrJoo0a oEo-oEoro r 6';8.:-bX Ooooo F Nm(r>C) ssI 6gER bqI € E;3 Fd=B Bal.' E F l! Ia 3 Ru hel sl Fl Fpt pt Bt B t\ g 2 6 6 N3b uhil a o I t o =- !. it'. ;. '' tec Lc-. / ttl /r. ,-b,'L I t ."'cv' S/ttrt -'l/ t-'; "' It f. L ,' i; rL,r', |' t' Ic -hc /cFi r'' 3 i,+ ' & > -itt ,t t3 lnlz''ct \- L ii' ?_--E--- -t-'-t=-- - -- ?7.-;7rZ'- -,:',-'.---'- - (:-,:'- -: ;",- :, - ': ,6 2c- Y.(- C e'Lv The Standard Here's the lrandsome solution tq a messy back yard or cluttered garage. Available in two B-ft. wide sizes, these buildings feature 4-ft. sidewalls and 4-ft. door widtlrs with a peak height of B feet tlrat allows great stor- age capacity. These buildings feature self-sealing shingles plus warp-resistant reinforced doors and walls with the "sturdi-Rail" construction. Sizes (exterior) available (ft.):BxB Bx12 ffir0 ocT 1 71991 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE RD. vArL, c0. 81657 Dear Boarrl Members, The purpose of this letter is to ask for staff approvalto install an 8x8 storage shed at the end of the driveway located at 291 5 Basingdale Blvd.(Lot 5, BJ-ock 8 Internountain Subd iv is ion ) The shed is needed because of the severe slope of our l-ot. The house is l-ocated 50+ stairs tlown fron the driveway, whichis at street level-. The pictures provided should illustrate thelogistics problen involvecl . The last 5 winters that my wife antlI have owned the house, we have paid $65.00 per nonth to haveour tlriveway plowed. Recently, we purchased a snowblower to elj.minate that cost. Ilowever, we soon realized we needetl a placeto put the snowbl-ower, as it was inpossible to carry 200 pounds up and down the stairs each time it snolred. This shed will solve that problen. The shed will be located on the corner of the drivenay between the north edge of the driveway and the stairs in the middle of the west edge at l-east 25 ft. from the nearest edgeof Baslngdale Blvil . The shed wllI be built by Ted's Sheds of Denver located at 15775 West Colfax. It is built with 2x4 construction, grooved plywood siding, 4x4 pressure treated runners, 4 ft. sider*al}s, and 4 ft. wlde tloors with a peak height of 8 feet(see ilfus-tration). It will be painted and trinmed the sane color as the house and roofed with either asphalt or wood shingles, whichever ls requi.red. We realize that projects take tine to get approved, but weare anxious to take ailvantage of this great weather and get the shed up before the snow fl ies. Please let us know as soon asthis project gets approval . Thank You, Afan Sosworth -=.. t " ,:,lF,l! -rGtdFt oF uFtrt- l'ligcel lanesus Cash L rt- l rl-t 1 BS: l1: 17 Fje':eiFt * FJIE:$14 Flcr*un t. # l::fi. * 1f,54'f Er:lsrJrlFrTH :;HEtl'.r-:nf'11'1 IrEl,r RPF F.trrr,:.ir-rn I ."*nds rpd :] !F. F-18 Item paid El 1 l:l r:1 [r E 4 1 ; f, L_] E fi t:J l:h.in{* i-* tr-rrrr*d i fuFunt. paid IE. ElE r:{ l-rr:1 THFIF{}< VBIJ 'iour ;aEhier 5-fEFHFll'lIE TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES0l 0000 41330 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS0l 0000 41540 I,'NIFORM BTJILDING CODE01000042415 0l m00 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE01000042415 0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 42415 OTHER CODEBOOKS0r 000042415 01000041548 XEROX COPIES /STTJDIES0l m0042412 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS0l 0000 42371 0r 0[n,042322 OFF HOIJRS INSPECTION FEES 01000041412 01000041330 01000041413 I DRB IPPLICATION - IOTIN Otr \IAII,, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: O".tir" d glrlgr COIORADO EC0 ocT 1 71991 tttttt***r TBIS IPPLICATION WILL NOT BT ACCEPTED ITNIIL tI.L REQUIRED II|FORMATION IS SIIBI'IITIED *****itttr I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION:/p5f4/z4r/6rye B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Nesr Construction ($200.00)X Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS:29r{: Rz-uD LEGAL DESCRTpTION: Lot .tf Block Subdivi s i otr /tJ PR-rvz-'.t-, Atzt) If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a seParate sheet and attach to this application. E. ZONING: LOT AREA: If requiredl stamped survey showing must provide a current NAME OF APPLICANT: Mailing Address: Phone Y2F,- / 7/o D. F.applicantLot area. APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :NAME OF Mailing Address: Phone I. NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATI'RE (S) :\vt. -./ry Mailing Address:/ f- --tu-25 ,J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building perrnit, please identify the. attuiate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. 4 ct4 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI 0-$ 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - s 500,000 $500,001 - $1r 000,000$ over $1,000,000 lo yttt FEE $ 20 .00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400 .00 $s00 .00 * DESIGN RTVIEW BOARD IPPRO\TAI EXPIRES ONE YEAR IFTER FIITAIJ APPRO\IAI. I'NIJSS I| BUII,DING PERMIT IS ISSI'ED AIID CONSTRI'C'IION IS sleRrED. **NO IPPLICATION T{TLL BE PROCESSED WITEOUT OtrINER' S SIGNATT'RE Phone NAME LISf OF MATERIALS OF pROJECT1 bos,-o.,t?il S/zen'> LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: LOT;{ BLOCK I STREET ADDRESS Z 21 '-- B&,<'ZO4'A SUBDM SION l.u'/&-F,%t r'.vlt?z<) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT z %-fu4a8 SAe'-. ' , 'Ths '},e*.st-'tY The following information is Review Board before a final required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIALA. B. BUILDING I'T,ATERIAIS : Roof Siding Other Wal-I Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rail-s FLues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: ,+.arr/ .^J u^) { Common Name ouantitv Size*PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name tuazui EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED /t/ffi *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calipqq for deciduous trees is 2 incbes- rndicate height for coniferous COLOR SPe*u^-t c74F B+.,-.-,t ( 21 7,2,-,.,o-:;, P-eZa;z .alo'u/ t TAAC a i..'i:yl1, / sirr-rciut crl ai rgin ecr 94-0-5-120 / post o{licc clrc^vc; t-10,J. ?-O rzcrgl<z roorJ / ovon, colctcrjo lii620 I iirrlri ir:r r rlir.;ltt-;q:l .. : I Decernbe:: 6, IgZB if* WfUfans end. -E::1c ltci.en " . i i.:.Eagle County Ot'fices 'Ilagle, Coloraclo B153lL 'I UenEJ.enenl , ',. :.: - :. Tirls Ls J.r: t'eirrei'i+,-* io s. ci.'i-;-\ i'e t;:Lz:lng rirlfL on Loi J, Block B, tr7a11 Inter:lonni:eln Su.'bcil.rrls1on,.Ee.qle Cou.ntyr Co1o1a.lo. I have }ccentl.Jr pr.erpared. a. cast co;,r1:al:5.son on alterr:atfvis. to thls st1.t:ciiure fcr C::ls Serrcl-l , bhc oi.Eler. ojl the.;-.roper;y. . The resul-ts of tirls cornparlson Ls that cr:ls n1ll be repJ-aclng thls crib r'ralL rtll;h Gablon r'ialLs: ln the rrear fut,ure. ...I can assure )'ou thaL Cue t<.r tl:e til;ie of year atrd lack of. . -.i...runoff itater in ihe ar€e, tjre. erls.i;iirE c:r:lb.retalnJ.ng rralr ls not d.anger of coliapse d.url.ng t}rls lntcrlrn pori.od.. ccrely rlil t,l lJ I Lot- \i,tt /[ /t/I€r?/'i O \-' jt v,( V I frtr:tcPt A irV D|V€L 0 P/,1{ il T t flrt'; 6".,,1r rs{ol/;s,la./ lio,,t (2rrlcrs {,:urJ ;n 7hce / r('tro'r../ fhf,F"lb Aunty, AL,"Jo. It'. I'L so' :z'xbsT t'-r?:l ?:tc- :.6,!5/^/€24Lt- 6LvQ This Ls to certlfy that on the 5rh day of Hay, 19.78, thcre was a survey rnade by SCAIIROw AliD WAI,KDR/KKBNA, INC., of the irnprovemcnrs on Lot 5, Block 8, Vail Int(rrnountaln Dcvclopruent Subdlvtsion, Dagle .County, Colorado, as slrovn on thc plat filed in the office of thc Clcrk and Rccordcr of linl:le Coun.dy, Colorado. There vas found a on(. st ory lag house wl.th concrete f oundatJ.on, f u1)- basemcnt and wood shinltlc roof to be loc.t(rd as slror^.n o r.r thls p1at. The locauion anddlmenr;lons of all brtiJ.rl{ngs, Lrrprovcmcnts, easencnts and rlghts-.of -w:iys 1n evldcncc or knolrn Co r0e nnd encroaclrmen!s t)y or on thcprcr,iscs irrc {lccufatcly :;ltown s cA li !i ot,t ANn Ir Ar. xI ti / x r:R lrA204 tirtr GI c nr.'orr d l; trect Slr l nSr, Colorado 'zt'tt't llay 5,l97B I NC rr?) Ei {- & 5 vfv,/E_-s:371: A & \ & e0 ed g F ul{t --lirl2\!(4 ?0f ,J?.i3 E;i,'E* ^14 - NNL J Tt 'o- < (l JJ - @ 6Atl {!v (g ))1 I ',|)tl.\ A,\/t l/,\Il rv' r) a ) ) \ I I F I b'o \ \ I,f. jl '.[: od ,' i Et-roriB rc E dt fr t(,E t. \ \