HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 8 LOT 1 LEGALo . 11za-taaa- 6ndp= ) lrf r,'btla I November 17.2006 Nancy Adam, Manager West Ridge Condominium Investors, LLC 765 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: West Ridge Condominiums 2922 Bellflower Drive Lot 1, Block 8, West Ridge Condominiums Dear Ms. Adam, Thank you for stopping by the Town of Vail last week to discuss the proposal for a change to the deck at the West Ridge Condominiums. I researched the files and verified that the application submitted in July of 2005 was a request to reduce the size of the existing deck. As you know, full compliance of the deck and the parking areas could not be simultaneously reached without compromising the conformity of one issue or the other according to the Town's regulations, so the Town withdrew the application last summer. For reference, that application was numbered DRB0il361. Hopefully you are able to reach resolution of the issues at hand. Please don't hesitate to call with further questions or concerns. -') Best reggr'ds, ,r, L//'/ ... /.. ;/ ?l!:-4K- Elisabdh Reed 970.479.2454 I t,r - r{rt. Departmmt of Community Dnehpment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cobrado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 urlt)uaailgoa.corn November 8, 2006 The Town of Vail legal file, Lot 1, Block 8, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, was copied in its entirety as of this date. &rt,tFT,lTn*n Leslie Tillman Planning Department Assistant a MC|ICLED PAPEN Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com October 31, 2005 Mr. Paul Huntoon Vail Management Company 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 395 Vail, CO 81657 Fax970.479.%24 FfLt c0Py Re: Westridge Condominiums application br minor exterior alteration 2922 Bellflower Drive/ Lot 1, Block 8, Vail Intermountain #DRB05-0361 Dear Paul. Thank you for the clarification that you would like to withdraw the above request for a minor exterior alteration at Westridge Condominiums. I regret that we could not come to a reasonable solution for this property but appreciate the attempts to find a solution and your patience in those attempb. I have attached the appropriate form for your records. Please don't hesitate to f,-p ^t""uo '^"* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452wwwvaitgov.com F|LE C0PY September 23, 2005 Mr. Paul Huntoon Vail Management Company 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 395 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Westddge Condominiums application for minor exterior alteration 2922 Bellllower Drive/ Lot '1, Block 8, Vail Intermountain #DRB0$O361 Dear Paul, Thank you for your patience while the Town of Vail Planning and Public Wo*s Departments discussed possible solutions available to the Westridge Condominiums to solve the existing parking dilemma $rough he cunent proposal to reduce the size of the existing deck. Perour previous discussions, the constraints are as bllo\,r/s: o The deck was constructed without obtaining a building permit from the Town of Vail and therefore does not legally exisl. . The area available for parking is only eighteen feet (18') deep from the building face due to the existence of the access easement at the northem edge ofthe property, which is sixteen feet (16') wide. o Because a little less than thirty four feet (34') exists between the edge of the building and the property line and a parking space is required to be nineteen feet (19') deep, there is no room for the deck to remain and keep the access easement ftee of parking simultaneously. Therefore, after numerous discussions, the following option emerged as the most plausible solution to the dilemma at hand: o The lower level deck may be eliminated entirely in order to accommodate appropriatelyiong parking spaces of approximately eighteen feet (18') in depth while preseMng the access easement at the north of the lot. In this case, at least one parking space may ne€d to be eliminated or relocated elsewhere on the property in order to provide an exit from the building via a staircase extending direcfly to the north from the entrances at the face ofthe building. Please be aware that paving of the properly will be required with any approvals issued by the Gommunity Development Department, subject to Section 14-5, Vail Town Code ('Surfucing: All parking.areas shall be an improved paved surface'). Altematively, additional propedy could be purchased from neighboring property owners, the access easement at he northem end of the property could be nanowed, or the parking situation could remain as is. Please let me know how you would like to proceed with the application. Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation in what is not always a simple design review pmcess. Tom Kassmel, Town of Vail Engineer Steve Wright, Town of Vail Police Department David Rhoades, Town of Vail Code Enforceme* *q! nEcyc;EDpapun O Uino, Exterior Alteratills Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Redew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparbnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building pemit as issued and construction oommences within one year of the approval. i2c l( Physical Address: parcet No.: AIO Sll3i S oa /, z, g. | (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):rdtcth flJt,,-s '2-t L/( Mailing Address:eozJ e- Owner(s) Signature(s): (-eoDaa/ l)fz. Jr.,,3?s' V.t 0- E-mail Address:,,t,.t laa<) @ t_l*,z/ $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residenual or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor dtanges to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor dtanges to buildings and site improvements, such as' re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fen@s and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee o.N glovlo K -\ dlr.s./ E Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addiuon {. Minor AlteraUon (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single.family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Location ofthe Proposat: Lot: / Phone: Name of Applicant:hbrJ - t/*,' I A/ AQc tt al./' U",lt ,i.1u.'f (r> 't *+*******f++*+*******+t!t**********++****lt******'}**l******+++++t++++****+***+*++****+:r:t****** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statemenr***t++*********f++++****tt**+++*+******ti****ff*l+f*tt+l+**{'+ff*******'i**{.*****+*:}*+*++**t** Statement Nufiber: R050001127 Arnount: $250.00 07/22/z0o'o3:41 pM Palment Method: Check fnit: iIS Notation: 35644/VATL I.4A}IAGEMEIIT COTI,IPAIVY, INC . Permit Nor DR8050361 114)e: DRB-Minor Alt, Comm/Multi Parcel No: 2103-143-1300-1 Site Address: 2922 BE'LITFITOWER DR VAIL,Irocation: WESTRIDGE COI{DOS TotaL Fees: 5250.00This Palment: $250.00 Total ALL Pmts: $250.00Balance: S0.00****+f ******************t***************** * ****** * + + + * ****+**:|!*!t.l***** ***{.*:}*.}.t********:1.*lt* * ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description current Pmta DR OO1OOOO3L122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 2s0.00 From: To: Date: Subject: Tom Kassmel Elisabeth Eckel 0812612005 7:39:28 AM Re: Westridge Condos Based on the drawing they provided. There is 34'from building to property line. This allows 16'feeder road and 18' parking stalls. Considering the existing conditions we will be OK with this. THerfore the deck needs to be removed. Another option may be to change the acces easement to 12'. Since there are only 2 dwelling units, assuming no further growth potentiall is allowed, that use that easement. Thomas Kassmel, P.E., M.E. Town Engineer Town of Vail Public Works Department 1309 Elkhorn Dr. Vail. CO 81657 (97O) 479-2235 >>> Elisabeth Eckel 08/2512005 2'.54'20 PM >>> Hi Tom: Thanks for the message. Some research of the file yielded the fact lhat two dwelling units exist (in the form of a 3-story duplex) at the east end of Lot 1, for which the access easement was designed. According to the copies of the ILC (mid 90's) and the Condominium plat map (1972) that we have on file, the access easement is 16' in width and extends the entire north length of the lot. Hopefully this is enough information for us to continue this discussion. Thanks in advance, Elisabeth oo a, E R $o( d H K\ l\ =S Ht ut R € !l.- N5 HF N$ _L _ \ }\a l't \ ${ 6 {)t \ tl sa:$ b T /\--'< lt.v^.-_.--J I%-.. - -- | l\ s=III { N $ \t- N- /!- .,cs 3 $ $ b{ s $6 E tl l.s Fs B$ s3 $$ I / {iitS $$Ei[il igli!;$iEiEE $iii$,Filtiii ii.tu,ii liF*$t3' i$$tisFilgi$li IESiltrtfgtiig $ils ili$* $stlli $i$$$Il\.1 llbl\t, ei\t \ J2.9' s N $ ,\ [$ \l btbl a! E Tt6 ss s$naps q.)tE 1,+ t R o $ g tt I R s d u R s s tl t : { H trrt $ Iatl h ai I I Iq t N N $ F $ F $ r$i Fsl :F s E u 14 { e F E { !I fl *$i$ $$ft o , a Status: I Approved oo GoruuuuTY DEVELoPMENT ROUTIruC FONUI Z Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Fire Date Routed:07t27t05 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:08/03/05 Westridge Deck Description of work:Deck reduction to provide increased parking Address:2922 Bellflower Leqal:Lot: | 1 Block:8 Subdivision:lntermountain Comments:Date Reviewed: Need additional review by Fire Department. Status:I Approved corruty DEVELopMENT RourlR Fonrrrt fl Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Fire Date Routed:07t27t05 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:08/03/05 Description of work:Deck reduction to provide increased parking Address:2922 Bellflower Legal:Lot:1 Block;I Subdivision:lntermou ntain Gomments:Date Reviewed: 8/02/05 Fire rtment lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Department. Provide a staoino olan. 7 trcf,t$rTY txt/EL(fiEltr Design Revi rd ACTIOil FORI,I Department of Commuflity Development 75 south Frontage Road, Vail, Colcrado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O,479.2452 web: www.vailgov.corn o ew Boa Prcject Name: Project Descrifiion: DRB Nunber: DRB050361 COMMON ELEMENT-FINAL APPROVALTO REDUCE THE SIZE OF DECK FOR MORE PARKING Participants: Project Address: WESTRIDGE CONDOS Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motaon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: OWNER WEST RIDGE CONDOMINIUM INVESOZ22/2005 4975 E PRESERVE CT GREENWOOD VILI.AGE co 80121 APPUCANT VAIL MANAGEMENT COMPANY 0712212005 Phone: 970476-4262 143 E, MEADOW DR., STE. 395 VAIL co 81657 License: 147-8 2922 BELLFLOWER DR VAIL Location: Lo* 1 Block: 8 Subdlvlsion: WEST RIDGE coNDO V4. ( --.l-i^{_<,rtfk 2103-143-1300-1 BOARD/STAFF Date of Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (P|AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following dte date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Paid: i25O.OO 'W:*, Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Nancy West Ridge Condominiums c/o Gil Fancher 2922 Bellflower Vail, CO 81657 August 25,2004 Re: West Ridge Gondominiums located at2922 Bellflower Drive/Lot 1, Block 8, Vail Intermountain Mr. Fancher, This fetter is being sent as a follow up lo our conversation regarding lhe property located at 2922 Bellflower Drive. As stated in our conversalion the property in question is zoned Two-Family PrimaryiSecondary zone district and according lo our records the lol is approximately 8,550 square feet in area. Within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district the minimum lot size is 14,000 square feet in area. lf a lot has less that 14,000 square feet it is only permitted a single residence on the lot with the potential for a Type I Employee Housing Unit (EHU). In the event that the existing structure (4 unit building) was removed or two units were combined the owner of the lot would only be permitted to rebuild one dwelling unit on the site and if desired a Type I EHU. lf the existing slruclure were destroyed by fire or some other "act of God" the owner would have one year 1o rebuild the slructure exactly as it existing prior to the calamity. This lot is nonconforming in regards to the number of units on the property (density), setbacks, lot size, unimproved driveway and parking area, and possibly in other aspects, such as height. The property would be required to bring the access drive into conformance with Code if there was any addition made to the existing building. lf the struclure were lo be removed any new structure would be required to fully conform with the Code. I have attached the Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district and the Nonconforming chapters of the Code lo this letter. Please review these commenls and if you have any questions regarding this letter pfease contact me a|970-479-2148. Withlregards, I t{/,mHit"I Senior Planner Cc:File f,-p ^"t'"""o '^" 12-6D-1 SECTION: 12-6D- 1: Purpose 12-6D- 2: Permitted Uses 12-OD- 3: Conditional Uses 12-6D- 4: Accessory Uses 12-6D- 5: Lot Area And Site Dimensions 12-OD- 6: Setbacks 12-6D- 7: Height 12-6D- 8: Density Control 12-6D- 9: Site Coverage 12-6D-10: Landscaping And Site' Develooment 12-60-11 : Parking CHAPTER 6 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ARTICLE D. TWO.FAMILY PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESTDENTTAL (PS) DtSTRtCT 12-6D-3 12-OD-2: PERMITTED USES: The foilow- ing uses shall be permitted: Single-family residential dwellings. Two-family residential dwellings. Type I employee housing unit as provided in chapter 13 of this title. (Ord. 6(4000) g 2: Ord. 8(1992) $ 1 l: Ord. 30(1977) S 2) 12-6D-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a con- ditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title: Bed and breakfast as further regulated by Section 12-14-18 of this title. Home child daycare facility as further regu- lated by section 12-14-12 of this title. Public buildings, grounds and facilities. Public or orivale schools. Public park and recreation facilities. Public utility and public service uses. Ski lifts and lows. Type ll employee housing unit as set forth in chapter 13 of this title. (Ord. 17(2001) $ 2: Ord. 6(2000) g 2: Ord. 8(1992) S 12: Ord.31(1989) g 2'.Ord. so(1977) S 2) 12-6D-1: PURPOSE: The two{amily pri- mary/secondary residential dis_ trict is intended to provide sites for single-family residential uses or two-familv resi- dential uses in which one unit is a larger pnmary residence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apartment, together with such public facilities as may appropriatelybe located in the same district. tne two- family primary/secondary residential districtis intended to ensure adequate light, air,privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family and two_ family occupancy, and to maintlin the de- sirable residential qualities of such sites by establishing appropriate site develoomenl standards. (Ord. 30(1977) S 2) Town of Voil December 2001 12-60-4 12-6D-4: ACCESSORY USES: The foltow- ing accessory uses shall be permitted: Home occupations, subject lo issuance of a home occupalion permit in accord with the provisions of section 12-14-12 of this title. Private greenhouses, tool sheds, playhous- es, garages or carports, swimming pools, patios, or recreation facilities customarilv incidental to single-family and two-family residential uses. Other uses customarily incidental and ac- cessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. (ord. 30(1s77) g 2) 12-6D-5: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMEN- SIONS: The minimum lot or sile area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30'). Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, eighty feet (80') on each side, within its bound- aries. (Ord. 12(1978) g 3: Ord. 30(1977) s2) 12-6D-6: SETBACKS: In the prima- rylsecondary residential district, the minimum front setback shall be twentyfeet (20'), the minimum side setback shail be filteen feet (15'), and the rninimum rear setback shall be fitteen feet (i 5,). (Ord. 50(1e78) S 2) 12-6D-7: HEIGHT: For a flat roof or man- sard roof, the height of buitdingsshall not exceed thirty feet (30,). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall 12-6D-8 not exceed thirty three feet (33'). (Ord. 37(1e80) S 2) 12-6D-8: DENSITY CONTROL: A. Dwelling Units: Not more than a total of two (2) dwelling units shall be per- mitted on each site with only one dwelling unil permitted on existing lols less than fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet. B. Gross Residential Floor Area: 1. The following gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted on each site: a. Twenty five (25) square feet of gross residential floor area (GFIFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of the first fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of site area; plus b. Ten (10) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred ('1 00) square feet of site area over fifteen lhousand (15,000) square feet, nol to exceed thirty thou- sand (30,000) square feet of site area; plus c. Five (5) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area in excess of thirty thousand (30,000) square feet. 2. In addition to the above, four hun- dred twenty five (425) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each allowable dwelling unit. December 2001 Town of VaiI 12-6D-4 12-6D-4: ACCESSORY USES: The follow- ing accessory uses shall be permitted: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accord with the provisions of section 12-14-12 of this title' Private greenhouses, lool sheds, playhous' es, garages or carports, swimming pools, patio!, oi recreation facilities customarily incidental to single-family and two-family residential uses. Olher uses customarily incidental ancl ac' cessory to permitted or conditional uses' and nicessary for the operation thereof' (ord. 30(1977) $ 2) 12-6D-5: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMEN' SIONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be fifteen thousand (1 5'000) square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30'). Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, eighty feet (80') on each side, within its bound- aries. (Ord. 12(1978) $ 3: Ord. 30(1977) s2) 12-6D-6: SETBACKS: In the Prima- rylsecondary residential district' the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be fiiteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet (1 5'). (Ord' 50(1s78) S 2) 12-6D-7: HEIGHT: For a flat roof or man- sard rool, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty leel (30'). For a sloping roof, the height ot buildings shall 12-60-8 not exceed thirty three leet (33')' (Ord' 37(1e80)s 2) 12-6D-8: DENSITY CONTROL: Dwelling Units: Not more than a total of two (2) dwelling units shall be per- mitted on each site with onlY one dwelling unit permitted on existing lots less than fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet. Gross Residential Floor Area: 1 . The lollowing gross residential lloor area (GRFA) shall be Permitted on each site: a. TwentY tive (25) square teet of oross residential floor area (GRFA) for 6ach one hundred (100) square teet of the first fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of site area; Plus b.Ten (10) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet ol site area over fifteen thousand (15,000) souare feet, not to exceed thirty thou- sand (30,000) square feet ol site area; plus c. Five (5) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area in excess of thirtY thousand (30,000) square {eet. 2. ln addition to the above, four hun- dred twenty five (425) square feet of gross residenlial floor area (GRFA) inart oe permitted for each allowable dwelling unit. December 2001 Town of Vail 12-6D-8 C. Employee Housing Units: Notwith- standing the provision of subsections A and B of this Section, a Type I em- ployee housing unit shall be permitted on lots of less than fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 of this Title. Any Type I employee hous- ing unit existing on or before April 18, 2000, shall not be eliminated unless all dwelling units are demolished, in which case the zoning on the property shall apply. Howevel an existing TypeI employee housing unit may be re- placed with a Type ll employee hous- ing unit on lots of fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet or greater. (Ord. 6(2000) g 4: ord. 8(1992) gg 13, 1a: Ord. 37(1e90) g 5: ord. 1e(1seo) S 1: Ord. 12(19s8) g a: Ord. 23(19S6) g 1: ord. 23(1e81) g 2: Ord. 22(1981) g 1: Ord.35(1980) g 1: Ord.22(1979) g 1: Ord. 12(1978) g 2: Ord. 30(1977) S 2) 12-6D-9: SITE COVERAGE: Site cover- age shall not exceed twenty percent (2O"/") ol the total site area. (Ord. 41(1990)$ 5: Ord.30(1977) S 2) 12-6D-10: LANDSCAPING AND SITE DE- VELOPMENT: At least sixtv percent (60o/o) of each site shall be land- scaped. The minimum of any area qualify- ing as landscaping shall be ten feet (10,) (width and length) with a minimum area noi less than three hundred (3O0) square feet.(ord. 30(1s78) S 2) 12-6D-1'l: PARKING: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter i0 of ihis Tiile. (Ord. gO(1977) s2) lt-ou- | | toun of v aat June 2000 12-18-1 SECTION: 12-1 8-1 : Purpose 12-18-2i Continuance 1 2- 1 8-3: Sites 12-18-4: Uses 12- l8-5: Structure And Site lmprovement 12-18-6: Maintenance And Reoairs 12-18-7: Discontinuance 12-18-8: Change Of Use 12-18-9: Restoration 12-18-1: PURPOSE: This chaoter is in- tended to limit the number and extent of nonconforming uses and slruc- tures by prohibiting or limiting their enlarge- ment, their reestablishment after abandon- ment, and their restoration after substantial destruction. While permifling nonconforming uses, structures, and improvements to continue, this chapter is intended to limit enlargement, alteration, restoration, or replacement which would increase the dis- crepancy between existing conditions and the development standards prescribed by this title. (Ord.8(1979) S 20.100) 12-18-2: CONTINUANCE: Nonconforming sites, uses, slructures, and site improvements lawfully established prior tothe effective date hereof may continue, subiect to the limitations prescribed in this chapter. Sites, uses, struclures, and site improvements lawlully authorized by per- mits or regulations existing prior to the effective date hereof may continue, subject 1 2-18-5 to such limitations as prescribed by such permits or regulations. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 20.200) 12-18-3: SITES: Sites lawfully established pursuant to regulations in effect prior to the elfective date hereof which do not conform to the minimum lot area and dimension requirements prescribed by this title for the district in which they are situat- ed may be continued and shall be deemed legally established building sites, subject to the site development standards prescribed by this title. No such site shall be further re- duced in area or dimensions. (Ord. 8(1973) s 20.300) 12-18-4: USES: The use of a site or struc- ture lawfully established prior to the effective date hereof which does not conform to the use regulations prescribed by this title for the district in which it is situated may be continued, provided that no such noncontorming use shall be enlarged to occupy a greater site area or building floor area than it occupied on the effective date hereoi. Any subsequent reduction in site area or floor area occupied by a non- conforming use shall be deemed a new limitalion, and the use shall not thereafter be enlarged to occupy a greater site area or floor area than such new limitation. (Ord. 5(2001) $ 5: Ord. 8(1973) g 20.400) 12-18-5: STRUCTURE AND SITE IM- PROVEMENT: Structures and CHAPTER 18 NONCONFORMING SITES, USES, STRUCTURES AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS Town of Vail Oecember 2001 12-18-5 sile improvements lawfully established prior to the effective date hereof which do not conform to the development standards prescribed by lhis title for the district in which they are situated may be continued. Such structures or site improvements maybe enlarged only in accordance with the following limitations: A. Lot And Structure Requirements: Slruclures or site improvements which do not conform to requirements Jor setbacks, distances between build- ings, height, building bulk control, or site coverage, may be enlarged; pro- vided, that the enlargement does not further increase the discrepancy be- tween the total structure and applica- ble building bulk control or site cover- age standards; and provided that the addition tully conforms with setbacks, dislances between buildings, and height standards applicable to the addition. B. Density Control: Structures which donot conform to density controls maybe enlarged, only if the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged structure does not exceed the totalgross residential floor area of the preexisting nonconforming structure. C. Open Space And Landscaping: Struc- tures or site improvements which donot conform to requirements for us- able open space or landscaping andsite development may be enlarged; provided, that the useable open space requirements applicable to such addi- tion shall be fully satisfied, and provid- ed that the percenlage of the total site which is landscaped shall not be re- duced below the minimum require- menl. 't2-18-8 D. Off Slreet Parking And Loading: Struc- tures or site improvements which do not conform to the otf street parking and loading requirements of this title may be enlarged; provided, that the parking and loading requirements for such addition shall be lully satisfied and that the discrepancy between the existing off street parking and loading facilities and the standards prescribed by this title shall not be increased. (Ord. 8(1s73) $ 20.500) 12-18-6: MAINTENANCE AND RE- PAIRS: Nonconforming uses, structures, and site improvements may be maintained and repaired as necessary for convenient, safe, or elticient operation or use; provided, that no such mainlenance or repair shall increase the discrepancy be- tween lhe use, structure, or site improve- ment and the development standards pre- scribed by this title. (Ord. 8(1973) S 20.600) '12-18-7: DISCONTINUANCE: Any non- conforming use which is discon- tinued for a period of twelve (12) months, regardless of any intent to resume opera- lion of use, shall not be resumed thereafter, and any future use of the site or struclures thereon shall conform with the provisions of this tiile. (ord. 8(1973) s 20.7OO) 12-18-8: CHANGE OF USE: A noncon- forming use shall nol be changed to anolher nonconforming use unless permission has been granted by the town council. Prior to granting such permis- sion, the council shall determine that the proposed use does not substantially differlrom the existing nonconforming use in terms of compatibility with the character of the area in which it is located, and the December 2001 Town of Vail 12-18-8 council shall determine that the proposed use does nol increase or aggravate the degree of nonconforrnity existing prior to any such change of use. (Ord' 8(1973) s 20.800) 12-18-9: RESTORATION: Whenever a nonconforming use which does not conform with the regulations for the district in which it is located, or a noncon- forming structure or site improvement which does not conform with the requirements for setbacks, height, density control, building bulk control or site coverage is destroyed by fire or other .calahity, by act of God or by the public enemy, its use may be re- sumed or the structure may be restored' provided the restoration is commenced within one year and diligently pursued to completion. All new construction must con- form to the applicable adopted building codes, fire codes and other relevant codes regarding safety and construclion which are in effect at the time rebuilding is proposed. (Ord. 31(2001) $ 12: Ord. 39(1982) 5 1: Ord. 35(1981) $ 1 : Ord. 8(1973) S 20.900) 12-18-9 Town of Vo.il February 2002 a ?OWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 oll*rr"r, o, "o"il^,rt o"urr#^, # ofGas Appliances: 0 ,t*at Ita*ataat* # of Gas kgs: 0 # of wood Pellec 0 FEE SUMMARY ++aa*:ta*ia+aaaa:la***:r'rt*r*aa,raa*at*rar!aat'iraa.r*t**.*..*.**1.r S0.oo Total Calculat€d Fees-> 9103.00 S0.00 AdditionslFees------->90.00 BALANCE DUE-.-_-->$0.00 Mechanical---> Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call----> $80.00 Restuamnt Plan Review-> S20.00 DRBFee-----------> $3.00 $O.oo TOTAL FEES---> S1o3.0o Total Permil F€€-> $103.00 Payments--> $103.00 ').,."\ !-^tt"-^1"^.. r*"f t, {3th g NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0083 Job Address: 29O2BELLFLOWER DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 29I2BELLFLOWER DR Applied. . : 0611612003 ParcelNo...: 210314310003 Issued. .: 06/26/2003 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 12/23/2003 owNER OTTIJEY, 'J. DUDLEY, SR - OTTL05/!6/2O03 phone: ir . DIIDLEY, irR PO BOX 1.1_56 AVON CO 4L620 I-,icense: coNrRAcToR HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (THE| 06/L6/2OO3 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 570 MINfI'RN, CO 81645 License: L74-M APPLTCAtrT HEARTH EXCHANGE, rNC. (THE) 06/L6/2OO3 Phonez 970-a27-9623 P-O BOX 5?0 MII{TURN, CO 8164 5 License: 174-lt Desciption: REPLACEMENT OF PELLET STOVE,REMOVING OLD AND INSTALLING NEW Valuation: $3,783.00 Fireplsce Information: Restricted: Y Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARfl{ENr 05/25/2003 GCD Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIirr CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D II{SPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IA}ICE. Condz 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTIOIT 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AIID S8C.1017 OF TI{E 1997 I'MC AIiID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE ]-997 IMC. Cond: 32 'tsr-,Dc:,, nr*rtr.,Arrs AND fr **".-, *rC posrED ,nt"**rcAr, RooM pRroR TO A}I INSPECTION REQUEST. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SFI,ALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. 75 S. Frontagc Rd. Vail, C.olondo Building Permit #:- Permit will not be accepted wlthout the following: Contact and Phone #'s: 7- ?6 27 / 4pV - r & Materiats) AoPaVd' 06-?S:03 IflGE dt 9/U-3ZA-frrF tootiFl*, &tT,4-tu-/*--Job Address: 2 rce B./r'L--ru1 t"s"l oi on lr"t, / lawn g lnri,,e,ubdivision: /-r' fibm*.tz /koumqsnane"b*1Lz"r/-Phone:Engineenffi Phone: Detaihd d n€d \: fiqlb'n*.?ar' 7elef Jtbae. F€*zaa2at ,// r-r.7&4, WorkClass: lGw( ) Addition( ) Atreration()6) Repah( ) Otrrer( )goib. l*tio Does an EHU odstatthb locadon: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Brlg: S,n No. of Bdsdng Dwdting UniB in f,is b lloTDe o! F!rcDlac"s Exlstlno;, Eps +ppllances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) wood/peflet 4l wood Bumino ( ) No/Iype of Fireplaccs pmposed: G* Apptia** ( ) Ga ALLOWED) ^ "r". *"t tt*t t """d b"rnalt F: / clr|'onc/hntu/mcdrpcnn o N Ly* t * * * * * *,t r. :t rt :t,t * rr * 't * * *,* * rt * * *,t,r,i:r r*rt,f *rtrl.tti.*!t,trtl.rtrt******!F Sffi3oos 'nrEf,fAT?Hlfieg?rttns eascs R.our.bd lnrgacitD.b:- Insp.cdon Ana:SlbAddn r: Tuccdty, ArguctO5,2(F8 AlFlDlnlbrmdqr Fcan lcd ln8o.cMrl tbm: 9ll tECH{lrc.R.qu.don IEARTH EXC| OMIE. r'rc. frHE) Comnolr;ArdqndTo:- Arion: Sbdr3: E8UEDlupAre: OD GD€NCTLA 'kEutstlon'A,l,trl 1n fi . nT W ' //'IlnrExp: /) J^"]||t$ecfonHlrbw ljfi 20bm: 310hn: 3toienr: 3!Obrnr 4Dlrm: 3{0lrnt: 39, .(' l:.u,"]/... ,'a'. u z1 ,.i/ ?902 EELLFLOUVER DR VAIL 2EO2 BELTFLOIWR DR srorlH: ASFR Phom: 97&&17-96?3 Fhon : 970,&17-96i13 AilDhT9TAILMI ].EWIOCLDAilDhTgT.DFLORES ,=\ Q-C6-CS[ ncc,r"oia'nrii: ot:fitt y'4''e{' PlFn : 97G&17-98i?3 -u- 977- . iv6{u Enbtrd F!,: DOOLDEN K REPT131 trigo Review artilo Form TOWNOFVAIL ProjcaNanrc: Ottleyproperty Project Descriptiou; Wrought iron fence with stonc pillar Ocmer, Address and pbone: Dudley Otrley, pr0 Bor 1166, Avon, CO E1620 fuchitec?icoDtact, Addres and phone: sarne ProjeaStreetAddress: 2g02BelHowerDrive Lcgal Desaiption: Lot I, Block E, Vrfl fntermountaia hrcclNumbcn 2f0j}.14}'10-00g BuildingName: cments: A buirding pemit is required for stone pilrars in crcess of 4, inheigDt PAGE 2/2.!-J.(r.:tJz\az Board / SraffAction Motionby: Seconded by: vote: Conditions: Action: StefiApproved ToraPlanncr: BrentWilson Date: rcltJ.{gg DRBFeehe_paid: $2U00 F:\E\BY6T1DRE\.{PPRov^L\9,\crm,w.wPD ru-- ,/ny't g/r(g I i.'r^,*x filh). JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit #: 899-0280 stratus... r IssIrED Applied..: t0/L5/L999 rssued. .. t 1o/22/L999 E>cpires. . : 04/L9/2000 Phone: 9'70-476-4374 Phone t 97O-476-4374 T Ovlffii rft7.oERiv.- 3 0 0 0 Clean-up De sit Refund R3 Single Family Residencer^v N Tllge v uorr-nlt"a Oatg FEE SUTiIMARY -,.,,...-:::t.illl:;;.;;;.;;:;;::...-,...".::l;i1.."..--illTil"iT;;:';';;:;::;:-"-"'.'-.-;::"- Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{EI{f Dept: BUILD]NG Division: 1-0/L9/L999 KATI{Y Action: NOTE Routed Eo JRMLo'/20'/L999 KATHY Action: APPR Approwed per JR/KWrtbm:'05400 PT,ANNTNG DEPARTMEIiIT -Dept: .P!,!$rNG Divasi-on: LO/L9/1,999 KATIIY Action: APPR DRB approved- Lo/L?199 rEbM:'O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIiTT DEPI,: FIRE D]-.\/aSTON: 1,0/1,9/1,999 KATTTY Action: APPR N/ArEAm;'os50o-puel-,rc wonrS Dept: PIIB woRK Division: 161L9/L999 KATITY Action: APPR N/A ;;;; ;;;;;. ;:;;;;;; ; ;;;; ; ;;;;;;; DECI-,ARATIONS I h.rcby acknowledgc thab f have r€ad this application, filled ouC in full thc information required. conPfeted an accurabe plot plan, and stsaEc tha! a1l. thc infornation provided aa rcquired is correct- I aglee Eo comply with thc inforEation and ploE Plan, t'o comply with all Town ordj.nancee alld Etate lawg, and to build !hi6 structur€ according to bh. Town'e zoning and aubdiwiaion codcs, design rcvier approved, unifortn Building Code and othcr oldinanceE of the Town aPPl REQUESTS FOR INSPESIIONS SITAIL BE MADE TT{EFTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADIA.NCE BY TSLEPH OFFICE FROI4 8:00 Alt S:00 Pf'l TO$IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI TAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPL,IeAI\fT COr.l:fRA TOR OWNER RUSTY SPIKE EI{TERPRISES P.O. BOX L5L7, VArL, CO RUSTY SPTKE ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX r5L7, VAIL, CO OTTLEY ,f DIIDLEY P.O. BOX LL66, AVON, CO DEPARTT{ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT .JOb AddrCSS: 2902 BEI,LFLOWER DR Locatsion...z 2902 Bellflower Dr Parcel No. . : 2103-L43-10-003 Project No.: 81558 81658 81,620 Pir.plac. 6, 000 Re6tricted: yeo Add Sq Ft: #of cas Applianca€:#of oaa Log6 :*of Hood/P.lLer I Bui]ding-----> Plan clreck- - - > rnve6tsigation> will call----> 105. OO . oo 3.OO Restuaiant Plan R€view- - > DRB Fe€-------- Cl.an-I4r Dcpo.its------- -> TotsaL calculaled Feea___> 296.25 Additional Fee6-- -------> .oo 296.25 .00 20.00 Recreation Fee----------> .00 Tocal Pers.it F€e----__--> PalmenEs-------100 .00 ffiii;'E::f3r," pirrars w/black wroush iron rence approved amount Occupancy:Tlpe Construct,ion: Valuation: g.nd cl.an-(4r Dcposi! To: Rurtsy spike SIGI,Ar'URE OF COIVIRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER Page 2 ***************************************************************:l***:t************ CONDITIONS Permiu #: 899-0280 as of 1-0/22/99 status---: TSSIIED**************************.****************************************************** PermiE, Ilpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PERMIT Applicant--: RUSTY SPIKE EMIERPRISES 970-476-4374 i'Ob AddJrESS: 2902 BELLFLOWER DR LocaE,ion---:. 2902 Bel]fl0wer Dr Parcel No-- : 2t03 -t43-l-0-003 Applied-- z LO/L5/L999 Issued--- z LO/22/]-999 To E:qrire: 0a/L9/2OOO Description: Build 5'stone pillars w/black wrough iron fence ************************************** COndiEiOng :* * * * * * * :* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1-. FIEIJD INSPEcIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. AOIW OP VrItJ, C1cL@A!)O 8t t.!ng 9t E.!nt. m b.r. REC-057' tlount,:276.25 LO/22199 09 t93 P.!|E.nt f.Ehod. CK otallon3 a{26/RIXtfY SPIIG Init': itN pertlic llo ! Bt9-0a40 TfD.r I-BUILD ADD/A&T SFR BUM PB Prrc.1 No! 2103-143-10-003 git. .lddr.re r 2902 BBtrLflOtfER DR toc.lion! 2902 8.1M0rrr Dr ; TtrLs Payanrc lotal fr.. I 276-25 Tot l AI,L l'llBs I Bahnca: 296.25 296.25 lccount cod. DaacrlpGLon 8p 00100003111100 BmLItIIfc Ptn||lr tEBs PF 00100003112300 PLN CHECK FEEg .lD D2.DEPOA C&lllfl'P DEPOSITS rC 00100003112800 lf .! (nIiL INAPECTIO|{ rEE lrcunt 105. 00 6e.25 100.00 3,00 iozOD.o .H9e.oOIo{ o j lr{zltP(o HH ai[zo !!qoo o E t aEII o| <, Eo EI ql d 2 g o Eqloo dDr e Et UE o E H Eo EU n @ d H E&U tU H E .l AH BZr.oqE 'It4&Et{ T{ F' AB E9 p e Fr I{624proH' ao DIa t{ F.HZoaooA= C| EH cl lq E fr z EdIU40tzq a&oEEo c'EtE{ daE 5qou F'(aItJ EI 9 l|dIB& A B EE t{ qlItsA d F9 Edt =>Aq-v!a.i oaeACt r!EO t Efr€ , t I t s R $at{ N $ i, N\ \tt|...ro iiiiii$ $Etr$$t f.. R s Hl({JI sat \|-- il- J \ €.."F. RIIiS glo') E o$u F *Fs istlIF -:!FHiE $$E$$i$\i / | l-l_iTT___.-SN I,, --t F!il,e! FS rSI IFl=-:., ilul Ii ffi-=*{.,. jl l$s t*$ |%-- rL- -+J I-r*-;_l_:_\-__..__l t--Y--.r- :---- \ -1 b a o, a ( s' il)cs q) t s <o{64 () H 6 s\\ E d k) l-.a I bj \ tlJ tl sa$ hr T f- R S!uV)s\TJ I{ s at N /,-,,s ,s $q 1l -_l Y+./\ P \-- | /-\ It-\ | .lra\- c;\t \ s $ B srr.,, \ F V) ^l blhtfba (4 I .J 't ? v -l -'g a.q _f -z_ >acc4o- $ ..ks l\\ \$ ^\Xd, (4 \ 6 Ih O) $ F b s N 6{ a Rx R tl I bl s s F g B ':a F Ht pt * I * A\. '.ia FI*l6 u{ H t N N $ F $ $ $ F^ il8 ;IEd=x :Es :H$6<il Fs; :ss\J F\ s $ u E! $tI\ R E $\ !I R i$l$ o rHs+ "$g$ $F- v\ g rowN oF vArfoNSrRUcroN pERMrr ot,.o'o* ,Il, tn INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE R-EJECTED Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-32E-8640 for Parcel # Job Address: Zcl O Z Plumbing ( )Elecrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Phone# ?at-'3ooo Architect:Phone# Description of Job: Work Class: New Alteration ( )Additional ( )Repair( ) Oher( ) Number of Accommodation Units:Nurnber of Dwelling Units: Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet D BLJILDING: S 6 a.:o PLI.JMBING $ General Contractor: TownofVailRegistrationNo 4bO B phone# Electrical Contractor: VALUATIONS ELECTNCAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ ltifi 3"O Btss Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Mcrchanical Contracto r: Tos n of Vail Regisuation No. Address: Phone # Address: Phonc # FOR OFFICE USE ocT 13 rc99 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: Repair ( ) 0 I SIGNATURE: flio [*l=-nf,\ r56- a;t - . XTA;I =* ' 'I I I I I I ;ilf s- g"; I' t8 /;\ hE .3ti; ts 6',{ -{<Fr'\ iE tfli. EvI-il!!.1tJl,l !'!\+lr<ij-r-l {.il s s{ H I j lt I I It-'-ifl J*---HY--g EH*----il{- HYUevr( Jrrjl mul lfienou' s?ild lrrsltl Y laror(rs .7- o ,l I I { ,n(j \o \D +-o v) \J'vl -"- - le -.*$ \J J( + 'r{t ( 'o ? I / d hU --t I :€ ,a oJs o, 6 o = poo/n peuf' r! ,"(.rro1 ssBrs il fffJJrbJOBuo!f{oo6l oo o. tro: a(t € o\T x\It d, j a. lrJzo CA €! IJJoz ttJ ll. zog r(t fotr =Yo ao o. g 0L Jo(!r r0\3 x rt ,,,,n!"ff ],;Y:,{{!:.Y-i:.,,, APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicrv must rcccivc Design Rwicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit For specific information, sce the subrnittal rcquircmcrrts for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all the requircd infbrmation is submittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcviovcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Plarning and Environnrcntal Corrrmi.ssion. Design Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs one ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. { B. c. D. E. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: O-9 VtSo<, PTrySICAL ADDRESS:b" PARCEL *: 2tof -l{3 -l}-Ooa fC6friact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel 4) ZONINC: L TOWN OFVUI 0'.lGr*o^ NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: f,; .i- PHONE: F. G. owNER(S) STGNATT.JRE(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE: H. ryPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Constnrction ofa new building. E Addition - $50 Includcs any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or commcrcial building. El Minor Alteration - $20 lncludcs minor changcs to buildings and site improvcmen8. such as, rcmofing. painting. window additions. landscaping, fenccs and retaining walls. etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whc-n applying for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thc accurate valuation of thc projcct. The Town of Vail will adjust the lbe according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AIYD THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COJVTMUNTTY DEVELOPIVIENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vAIL, COLORADO 81657. MAILINC ADDRESS: o esign Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Ottley Property Project Description: Wrought iron fence with stone pillar Owner, Address and Phone: Dudley Ottley, PO Box 11660 Avon, CO 81620 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Proiect Street Address:2902 Bellflower Drive Legal Description: Lot l, Block 8, Vail Intermountain Parcel Number: 2103-143-10-003 Building Name: Comments: A building permit is required for stone pillars in excess of 4' in height. e D Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: l0lt2l99 F:iEVERYO\E\DRB\APPROVAI\gg\OTTLEY.WPD Board / Staff Action Action: Staff Approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 FACILITY LOCATION SKETCH UiijtJl"li:, rJr.x-,1',3 ljhtc[; l{],/tlB/91 *9:5i'' tllil tr4tlli.:-lt,jr l.lil{ttliri,- trt'i tij Ti,:lrei l'{i:rl r ,-r+:)OTri'4 Or-iginet i;e11 Lr*tr.:: Ltr,ttiT,lLJ') liner ri9:i;:5 Rll fj6.rr If't{ Iiecluestcd Far DaLer Ii"tt L1i*r) Tr,mrr r-)r] r-i'i ,it"t l1i'c FiiiL r{e: {:r'+g ltlerrt I N $tab*: {][t f]srrniv: tiAilit..f flr.tvr Uilll Atlclrr gt:it-r,l 5l:r'ee[. I Ll[i..Lt'Lfll'lnIi nR Ne,rr. l rrtsr-;*rt i.orr ( r ] r liIf{N.i{::1.;f t'JIl'. fl:I} rlr-irlsli51i{:.ttltl4ll4g0J ! : i Jr:g;r.' uF t4or.kr i,E:Ni:f l-.ocat i r-rn r AFBf'r tipt:liiX I SOf: f 5.,' r' ltJ f fiFli{:il t l-i.l{: N,, ir ''1,- r I'lilti'f/, I'J I I'f{ STHii[:i A{-:(.C:;i; ilfjf-t'r lJ i filif,,-f ,l ttl']l, : : frliUNIfiil|: tili fipr.rFJ I t'{i 1t.}Rii l-,Ii::f {]f',1 P|:l.-Lfji.-.tlr,^ff-t1 Irtmp,ilii r trLlD{,flY Ol'l't.[y' ]1,/i.l {];'I1er' : Di.Jlil-LY ftT i"l-f:ij f,)It r-1ont r CEt,l.. fr*ne fnlr 5[Ll: l,lrr gai-li ?i g I t$gaI r Eri 1i. I l'.1 iitrixRl ";5r'l AiqEfr 'i'r'ri'iF- ht/ r'rA I t- EX I T 'f t.] FiOFtl ll I EJ FINL: TU 9r' Mpmlrrrp c[]iJlvii'4r'i cl"lt.tii. t-t-j rFSl]uui I rFijhl{3t:hl ilhoi.e ; ,l t:'?{:! } crL|l ..-ji.r'.1{-i F:'horr* | iT7{i,;i'irJ .ri".i5ri r'iClllu I rLlul.iiJi -i I AAI ITIr TI . PLEASE VERIFYTTIATAIIFAC|L|nESAFE CLEARLY IIARKED BEFORE DIGGIiIo. PLEAIE IIAI{D DIG AIID EXJFOSE AtI FACIUIIES EEFORE USNOII'AI' I T \J II . I{ECI{AI{ICAL DCVrcEs. PRIVATE FACIUTIES IIAY BE PBESEiIT II{ O|G AFEA, CHECKWTH PROPENTY(NV EN. |Il|lrd: qH O Fr.g! O ybn Wlrllkrn l I I ,'*"J,,I3jffi"*.^flftnA|QIrrt *fs u,. tr DIG ALERT lrrlor t.clllty lt| ol narr dlgarra, Plaara hrnd dlt IndrDa.dl |lG[ .to.crl Kdly lrcda Drpl. aor r||ldtncal tr Slandby Roquhed d Copy left at slte flcAvATOR NOT|F|ED Namg Oat!: / / Tlmri : All Pll ftctuil orilEn iloTtFlED Name FENCE I ! t:'t'f ' *t, . DMWING STA'BOLS :i .:l 'r\ Ncg '!/,',,;' :,a,, .r --.*-- 1\ e4 @[oR coD€{i: - F.d (4) Cable TV -waGr - 8lr.|.Gas - rtallow THIS SKETCH IS APPROXIMATE: - COMMENTS EXTEIIDED JOB AGNEENETT OJ] cunpany and lagree lhal lhis oridnal locab lic*€l b an €rGnd€d iob and thal loc# will b€ done on a daftoday basi8. No €xcavatiE will tak€ plac6 unlil signsd pape$ork b rec€iwd by or.r Coflpany wi]h the dig ar€a d€finod. EevabtsSiignatrc I Slgnature of person on Job EXCAVATOB FACILITY LOCATION SKETCH I'.,i, ti ii iit li.'i.i -'., t':irl . lr I i. i'ii, l:i; il ,i,,,i:: ill 1.rrr.{ii i , t.i.:i,;, ; ..- , '.,i ' , .,. ii. ,r ':, n, -,i. ,.i, I.r, r.i-j , .,. ":l:11.,.,i1 ' i, " t - i i., j i.."r...:ri. 1,r11; 'ij'j1f, 1.,;."'1 '.' ilr,_;r I :,. r l'li.ii'i'r. l,i,ii :,ir-il ir .', rr I ;.l..rl i | , rr il l.:' t li i 'r,l I ,-.;,ti;i,.rrr' ;: {"!1.:i'r.t , 1.r i l1 I ii, i, i. . l ir,, I :: i;r-ii,: i. , '..-i ,l i ,' il 'rr,rl. I I.i.ii i',tr:ai 'l ,),' .1 ii 1..,. ii, r , i i':f:: '.'I ' i.. it Il ',tiii.iii,, ,, ;r,r i ;,r l,rt.ril l:. "t.i tl.,l itl.r;rr.rJi, li; ir.t r"rt.'lii:' ' f 'r'r.', "i r r, ,'i" ,s$; 1-r1".1 1.. li I , il fi.. l'r:l . lit.!r1.,, i' t i,ii'riii,,,, "irl r,'r.i, i .; l.ir i ' .r., ii. lirrl ,.i j !,.,1.ji:,,.r,' .i i:{ .'\ A I ITI. T,I . PLEASE VERIFY THATALL FACILITIES ARE CIEAFLY MARKED BEFORE OIGGING. PLEASE HANO OIG ANO EXPOSEALL FACIUTIES BEFORE USING\,'Alt, I I \' II . TTECHANICAL DEVICES. PRIVATE FACIUTIESMAY 8E PRESENT IN OIG AFEA. CHECKW]TH PROPEFWOWNER. MEET TIME TIME ARRIVED TIME COMPLETED th lib(€d: Q Pan E Flrgs tr Nylon Whls|(err ^ff:xffl,r#,gjfrffi]. Ncg LOCATOR INDICATE NORTH tr DIG ALERT ilrlor lrclllly In or nr.r dlg a..r. Pl.r!. hand dlg and .rpoao all tacllltl.. or clll K.lly Locata Bcpl. for aallaltncal tr Standby Required El Copy left at site r EXCAVATOR NOTIFIED tActUTY ou,l{ER ltoTtFtED Nam€ oate: / / Time: : AM PM COLORCODES: I Phone - Orengc (2) Gas - Ycllow (3) Electrlc - Hcd (4) CEbl6 TV - Orang. (5) Water - Btua (6) Sew€r - Grecn I DRAWING SYMBOLS IoIGAREA V-J--I--I-J- t t / | | | lt I FENCE I THIS SKETCH IS APPROXIMATET COMMENTS EXTENDED JOE AGREEf,EIIT Our company and I agree that this original locale licket is an €xtend€d iob and that locabs will b€ dons on a day-tedai basis. No excavating will iak€ place until signed papentork is received by our Company u/ith th€ dig area dsfin€d. Excavato.s Signatu.e I Signature of person on iob site EXCAVATOR sffi^*1,"" I ,' 2' Ca,opnb \?-" T,^.,,bg ?:\\t s u.,*.' +' .t u Errdl-n*mt- ItFffi :Eil*@zlni L 7o"vn cf 'f;ilntrFl{ ll:\/\ : [\r-.* ..y t/l I T0v'llffi a -re'-- rEtor lD J t=: ---' -rE3- =trr =e :rr t sJatj.t'll e; :rlgrffi:#r;;Fff:lq"teFS'itil;;##"g !o ;;S ---9r rt e.F'iria d n cdc o( qncr omrltrcra dnrdni- r - Ele- ti.r"r;* "l-" p..J" uri c lf. ldlO d-ou != !fli ;;J; *i,d"s "ncr-t5 uil !!5gg1;3!;;;".ald pt.*. Ga"--' - * q rAlfqgq;ttl **X,lgm,*,ffi u 8#'!fl?:tEltt[toraoo 81 6s7 ou'r C-ottctttc*+ +\e 6Aouw0 LzveL-?iltao r,tj, R Pt t,vfo 4 rtul ,4o.0s +B=* ^l'Jffih nn^re-d[h$!0- pn. (s70) 476-4374 View of 2902 Bellflower (left in woods) and2922 Bellflower from Street. Yiew of 2922 Bellflower from above. Fence located between parki spaces, spruce tree and building. parking *eunower Drive (F View of 2902 Bellflower and2922 Bellflower from the road. I O 2902 Bellflow (Fence color to match green) 2922Bellflower Drive (View from the Street) Wall to be build startins near rock. Both sides solid for l0 to 15 ft. 2922 ' Mlchael Delude ( (rir lq , lq?1 n"..{ I -1 Ov,ner ? See At.tached fl {l o ApplicaLion Form IIITIOR STIBDTVISIOI'I Scction 3.2Q of Eaglc County Subdlv:ision Rcgulations Proposed Subdivision p.essb- ^r ror I, R.tk RFvelt Tnlprnorrntatn Develqpment Sub.llamc l{ame Address Applicant of ofIf to applicant is riot the orsrer of record, furnish subdivide property. Effince of a[f,irorEffi of AppJ-icant P. o. Box 1O48 VaiI Colorado 81657 location of Parce1 f,ot f , B1k. 8'' V.I.D.S1. 2. 3. Size of parcel to be qrbdivided lfumber of Lots to be created 2 4. Zone district in which the parcel lies 5. Tu'enty-tvo (22) copies of tbe application forrn, site plan, and infornation shell be submitted by the first r.rorkday of the nonth. wiJL be reviewed at'the regular Plarlni.':ng Courission Revien meetilg month. Dat e subrritted 6. An original and fi.ve (5) copies of the Fi-na1 Plat vfth a]-I reo;uired signatures shall be zuU*itteO at leait-ter (fO) days p6E-Ee Planning Co:runission Revier'r .meeiirtg. Date subrritted Refer to Section 4.O1.O3 of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations. 7. turnish evi{gnce of adeguate water supply. (t.tay Ue attached as ex}ribit Ai See Actached Detter 8. furnisL evidence of adequate sewage disposal system. exhibit B) See atcached letter all The the related application foll-ordng (l':ay Ue attached. as 9. I\rnish evidence of access to a county road vrh-ich has rnaintenancc. (t.ny be attachecl as exlr-ibit C) Bellflower Drlve has been accepted by Eagle CounEy' been accepted for F tLE # - - - - 5t!-:::! !':,:,-t-^^;t; EAGLE CC. PLAN. C tr.EC'iF.l of,PY- . ^I.lEtTli{G cF ---t-u@'il? ID' IO Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Hudd 1e s ton 485 W. PeMa C. Sewell Chang€ o{ use to r1l Valualion otwork: $,5OrOO0 to 55rO0O SPECIAL CONDITIONS r MArL rooF'ss r-o /eqVaiI. Col6iado 8943 Co cr. 47 6-3LL9 42L-8336 134-B Theodore A. Sievert 460 W. 6 Ave. Broomfield co.466-799L rvav rvill re ulre rmit f ro-m ount aPPLTCATrorr ^CC(PTEO trY NOTICE S€PARATE PERN,lITS ARE REOUIBED FOR ELECTRICAL- PLUMB.ING, HEATING, VEI.ITILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERIV1IT BECOI\IES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS.'ORIF CONSTRUCTION OF WOFK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEDFOR A PEFIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIIV1E AFTER WORK IS COIVlMENCED. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK,M.O. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT BUILD o rr{G PERMIT APPLIC roN o AT ef E A GT.E COIINTY ." 7Al<() PiorrE PERMIT VALIDATION o*.s7f M.o. cAsH#:f;i,:iii 2,,+, INSPECTOIi l, ir'r ll)O l ll / l n,,., rN.r-r-raNn tl t Vail Intermountain tSls:e rrrrcxeo sxre.rl a'lANcrl Di11onire Savings & l,oan Dillon. Golorado ' *"ntal and owners use 8 Cless of lvorK: E NEW D AOOITION D ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE ! REMOVE I Describe vrork: - l0 Change of use {rom PE RM IT FEE Occupancy Group Srre ol Brdg- ( Total| 5q. Ft. No. ol Storles Fire Sprinklers Required f]y", !J16PLAiISCHLC|<EO8Y APPROVE O fON ISSIJANCE AY No. ot Owelling Unlts OFFST R EET PARKING SPACES: ZONING HEALTH OEPT. F IRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Speclfyl Countv Pln EAGLE ""'UT:JJ::,:;:' I T APILJT O'1 Permit No. 84 f /a|j 7J,,*ry_/_1J_.-L,Z;; 3-r_/ Planning: Complies with: Recommend Approval Date Please review the attached application and return County Building Official within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. it and this completed form to the Yes No Reviewed by: Comments: Date: Subd. Resulations p| tf Zonins Resulations [t t]tr tlErn z/ /,2 u./ 7(..-.------ County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommendr 'at if E]tltl r=t-mBn,Comments: ^(' , r:. -'t' , - .- l: County Health:Sanitation Water 6nwntf tlfl rlRecommend Approval Comments: o County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT rob Name.....!i4.{.v.rq. eI1...119.!i.1:}.eF.I.g.q,..!c.!...1...F1.e9.9 i-._..........Vail Intetrirotirr.taiu Sub. Date or Apprication.-....... .... .......ngP-1-911lp-9.1: 7..r.....r.97.5s.... Elecrrical Contractor.-....-...8.Cp-q...-E1.gg.U.-i.9.. .... Applicant.. APPROVALS Plan Checker TEI\iPOi"UiY SEriVICi, ONLr N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 539 $......... .................. $..................-......... $...... /..0-...0.0-...... $........... ............. s.... ./ /-...(:1.()...... ,///) '/ '/Date Paid....... ...4/2. /.2/ Received Aa4r//Z // v4 THIS FORM IS TO JOB SITE DURING Date BE POSTED ON GONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQIJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS .-)coLrhlTY LE, COLORADO 81631 303/328-73 | | BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrssloNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTIONefl 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY*r242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ert 238 El)(TENsroN AGENTFrt247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUALIC HEALTH E glc Ext 252 ' Vril 476-5844 PLANNINGert 226 or 229 PURCHASTNG/ PERSON N EL Ert 245 ROAO & BRIOGE Ert 257 . SHERIFF E glc Ext 2l I &ralt 927-3244 Gilman 827.5 75 | soctAL SERVTCES 328.6328 TREASU R E R Ext 201 0cotber 1, 1979 Michae'l Del ude P. 0. Box 1048Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: File No. Srn-l15-79 Dear Mike, At their meeting of.September 26, 1979, the Board of County Commissioners approved your minor subdivision request for Lot 1' Block I of Vail Internpuntain (division into 2 'lots) w'ith the condition that a plat restriction state that no further building sites are pernited on this property. Upon receipt of a completed final p'lat, and the requ'ired fi'ling fee ($tO per page for the plat' $2 per page for the declaration), this office wil'l fjle your final plat and party wa1 1 agreement rvith the County Clerk. It is the applicant's responsibility to be certain everything is completed rand filed with'in 90 days of approval If you have any questions, please call this office. spectful ly, lhomas Asst. Bon i Director of Planning TB/Sg cc: County Commjssjoners ? ,I o €o7 r*ri n o^,1 ? Nt r,", -/ )0\ hs ,$. aaalaa c-a4!rt l..,JT 7 ':\__- -- '\\,LC-Tq &*./":5o' Resubdivision of DEVELOPMENT ?reFrr-r:d h:z .lohaion t &r!rte1 Lr.!d Suwcy!!,g Cc[DrayP. o. E€x {09, &191., Golorrdo, El63l An..s€{cnt 15 faer &r.etilth, eorulrting of r, rtr19 of lood 7;5 lect l,. eldrh.rlon! i1l ilde 1or !hcr, rud c ecrlr 10 fcet la ytigtr dout rll b.ck lor lio.r,ls ded(Frtld rr I trtllltl t.e!.cnr for uro of psbllc rrd pdrr.tc atill:l.r |!d dre.{a:ge vayr , LOT I, VAIL. INTERMOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION ' ELOCK I ncE $ . ie;.r r---:a.., -... -. -EAGLS CO. Ftr'.N. COMM. REOORD GA:Y MEETI|:G - O? fi^.t-, t-tll vv<t7 e8ECov&.a-r?a, ;LOT I ' irtr I It S/IE PLAN 'of.-i . It i I .i i I -::i.jtftf:iEtr lc\q I I --*-_-\ o:0i r(' I : ; --\ "5'.\ ;J- Vl j a .=_* o Hffi"n#id-ii )raxwell R, 8ar.?. c i1 **."" Joel Fricz. v,ill'iam tloldcn' and P'oberr- "tnuttl* I , . ." /., 2 *". ii:r,*" countv or Eaglc ond siata tf I lr Coloreda, of the fiisl l11r!, ald I ii ""'"""if fnter$cunlain A:;:ioci'rLus (a Litnihcd Partncrsiri:-'l l, l, ot the counly of Eaql. snd sint4 of i i , ""t"lliii$lli'TiljiJJJi;. sxi{r r':!rr i cs or thn .;iijt j"'1r:' i"r :'r 'r irr ':or:r':':':!:'| r:i o: !hc r':nr "r 'Lcn and no/l(J|-------- ----- T)oi I rlls : t.. il,. slri,j ;:rr! ics oi iirq ir:'si fn'! in il]n{l p3rd t':" 11)'' sr':rl I'1ii "' I "" '" ":l l::r: :::': 'r--:1"' :(:'i:::: i is hcreby conicsscd an<r '"-'"-';:i;;;'^;1""- ''"".,*o' '"''-;:.::;';,,j,i.1,.';.'l;t"t t:r':;;t;;;;":l i ;"::1::.::l:T .-';;.:;',.1::_:",1:::.i,.;.i:::f,:;.;l;:';l':;.'.:illJT;i ."..J ';;';:l'" ":;; i itr hcirs, succ.ssors ird ass,ctts',lo::l,el li'" 1"",,"i1i"." 0"...,0.,a a, or.arf.t ^r,2.4 si:!::?. l':i; a;.'l 6. p"., i:t . of thc r;r{L rirrt hrve .,,jlrl^"f 1#,11t"*'" :!r,r si.,.,. ^'! c ,i.,.ziin. t:, -;',1. 5i beinc in tho : !1 fntarnoilniain l"'J"1'rij'4i'- i A aol:rron of Lot 1' Block 3' var ; s,-rui'lri",,, -our.t1- of ;aeja, sEace ?t 9"r?iicl: Tlo,,.,-. ",,o=--srlhclLtjlsac-, eeqrrL/ v! -','i"iLor=, gc.jiiriing ai t_ii.: ::<).titoas--parcicularly Cescribed as torner of said Lot l' thence soutb 25'4o'oo" Easi' ?3-1'i :e'tt thence soufh g6"48,09^ or""t-, -rno.oo teet; '.hence.:iortr' o?o1I'il" tlest. 92.46 feet; thence'-i,ctltit ti;oo;ou" Sast' 2if i?:'e::o iii" nai::r- c: bc;ii;ir'g uurrl-ainrng: o'1224 acrcs Fo!e r)' lsss' i I"r, D""o, Ifade this 3] sc dav or l)ecenbcr ' lt i5 ' I l "ti il" ' :' .'rr iii r' i 't :\o /q7L \ \..,c..'g\it,^ Signcd, Scalcd and Delirercd in thc Prcscncc of t10 ro ni1.E .L;iD rc HoLD rhc samc. toscther$'tl) il -,1.-"::i.. ;;;:i;;:":;';,,] ";::.:;:::::,:. ..;:;: belonginS or in an1*ise ther''into lppeltainins' ar'l cll t]1" ":t":::t:l; "r:;.. ,.... i,n""';i, a:rd L'tir".'i ': :::" ir:j ."tn n"ai t"t of the fir:t p3r: oii|cr jn lai'; or tquilJ' Iu lrc o:ll ;;;;'t of the second par:' its t'e;rs and sssi!:ns:oicl'c' IN wlTNESs WHEREOF't**;d;;;;';'; oitr"il*tfar"hti'e l.'.'ri j:i:r s': "Li"'rIr:rr::tl s and scol thc Co-v alid !'etr Jirst 'bo1'e i(riitan' STATE OF COLONADO, CountY of r9 ri. , by' tl)- c^mmissiclr cxPiros ' " I Tirc ior,:soinr irrs'rutrrtrrL ""' r'iirrlr"i::i*crl iri'ii't" rrr ti'is BISTCOPY Al/AttAEtf isI.:.1; . . i ss,\1.l . i.: g,{ l.l s R $oN \tN u N R it ,H \ illiist iiilitI sstt$it k) at- R Su S\r.l ut{n- {ts \ N \ s b l--s! 92.46 -, ___ !_i- ,\._ _ ..- W F\'1ffi "", s{3j::: 6 o31l'51" Ur::-,.R :1., l\);., :r' l.:.ij1:',...." 1s.i O) o eo{ ,1,'.rrlrqor- ...r;I 7/,i'ilitIl lit ;ttt\'tr\N:'' 64 I I --'1- -I.d6, .-l \ RX --t s h{) hj \ t{ i ss$ b (t) -*l F__ llr==aal_r_j =."J-ar\ ?o5 drS -.d'_")o\_ _-- \ t- R\ o,r* S\TJI { Nt\ F\ s !l SF Rs "f; Fllst E*[ F rlFs is*llF $i$slil-.J .l's\h q' \h \ tlSIqt ]h E ? I sd ss Fxco Ci o* {S so0|)o Or\$$f5s \'ei io s8 R-uq{S Al!.J \ $x fiN $-l tD N a $ I $ F s N d u 6 I I i* rii* b I H xa A H E h & - $ ba *q F sl{t u{ H S tsl N N $ F ss $ $ R ssi{h*ili N: ^:. :$s !NIb36 Sis REs -RS :!\ S R R u N 6 EH$H"$$i $$.- \ c r$$r iN$8 f E # OK a c a a '' -z-u .-.1 ,t / j- I J I .J tr L.r -r. I ,ntl ':/ ;iL' v- . ) .\'.- '' '.L -i.qj-o\9?c/t .* \:l , ,,) t... ..: . !,1 -lo o b 7 d) b<l v,\rI 3.ae,es;S:N- vo oh 0\ ( HllH ll" iE:T $E idffi "HA '$l :;{!iHl I Oud .O F{ td-ld lA E d,F I=a lFl EEi"ie I [$u! .:.$Znc.'lH.a 'Cro rn .o tt, !at ltlrO totttr@ r!q 'F IB )c'Er!tH!El|<t4 l-a.-9HrlNE!l*B 3.c,aul\r.lqi:o +a.'F,'s!,Ea<i!&t 5€ -C.-aS-lNoh ooo Fra3.!oclt<on!l(JtzT' E3..;titloll llnG NI!tF.=.eO E(, E E F.n!lh ro rcn' F.glI rfI \.' ,t l o o E3ocl n(JzT E l.o|a9ll(!ti oi?Ect6! E:9.otou( 8lB' HrfH} F.,nln.h( o. orlYtl I RIq, !!lrl,i -ali. or rE 'O. nt.n,rn I'rlno EOr1.YtdOR,q,!!!tt(-) B.H.r:E -a N FOAAE.a!. oFoc.O(ut tt! T Trt?EIt? tl-!qOlr o- i'ur ltEE!. .Eoorrl.tlU',rEH(4Ef l. ,.1E.llr. r?o ct lE '{ l.dtrO!ltl4(ell c)rEl or tl 1E tL?Et?] aE o-; utlI EO.ccorI E',t:Hq E; l.aE'lr. r?0 cti '-i I alr(!|,4A](r!ottti i?" itol €.'otIotal EtH E td AH a D.o cgl ta6o(.) l.tall E E oq, rt C. r. 0EHAAH(,Ec oo \ \$ \ l\t :l\,|(,), b it,r,::, jD tttlats(J t{lt (l \ C t r\ !loT FT z Eco- riT 6 @ (l IE|.lzH 1<lruo :::: 5 fr rtr QEZ !" ,.1tloFi tbFaO lrt 4l >88 6nta .*dlt ni* sFgr.l t7 I 14>. <.1 U, vl _-\ .5er iarlS S":'S .:;ru : $ts 9drN} 3Nol\l o I;Nl "9!alzn4'1 6 6 a a!.> 7; =3 !c .Sril Sttl , f,3$t E.{ c,"' i fF! r!iN; \l *{ODr+j\) 6. c) !r tra.F H,o8lI'l D1E,r. 3atl" t||ll8g ;!Btdr.E$r tEE.i \l; 4 t\l 'o I tt Ho or' >< tA4.A i: ttr. ,Fi!.r I lEI I f I9t'^Hl )rl"l d" :{ *ltt E I e-dv<r\85. e4Js EIE s".,*l :; ffi H{q > FHH I | | r,r ts. 13 | |a<z t | |<5 0 | |r{o t,ra I I(4U :E4 .l I R $ e s\ 8 do o U Fz o(J !ltl fi 4titacoI & 7 t9E lH d lr,rli N;i'Io \o {E dlH aE aoR, )'i \/ x s,l;I du d^ diHI EH Esqix 88Eroootr H-,EI !t o' !IFe<rd :{Enr,! EH"t,|{tIA!'.llaEd o<EFA'vr4.EHtZHtC.otq.O C !. tl dgeF:co.(rl40IEIE.<EH o|lrJLHEJOT4H l.=,t4 tt&H&.LdDNII!Eo.lEFol( lllA.9|&EEr-ra-:k?.o.!l E lrlo(9!ldirEqta .l.rlE(4ooqlq mll,1 .1O SEH",:l C 4JFrICL,g|F.!rAdtraEr!{3xqHarroE5 EHI<Ko.I8"8o<Elor{oddv t{., l\ \().'\ \\l\q \(.) oo J"q kl s oo i -"t1 r. fa REFTI31 ' \.,L,\ TOI^IN OF VATL. COLORADO t FA6E ( AREfl: CDa3/A7/99 O8:IZIB REGUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION WORK SHEETS FORI 3/ 7/98 ==== = ==*==:ri == =====::= *=3gB====- g====== = == == =::*===== 3 -* ==== ==3E *==:: = C =E== =====E ==i Activity: M98-O€tEQt 3/ 7/98 Type: B-MECH Statr.rs: ISSUED Eonstr! RRtrT Addness: EQEE BELLFLUWER DR Locat i on : €9O€ BELLFLOT^IER Far"cel r llOS-143-lA-IAO3 Descr.iption: install E gas inserts Applicant: FRISCO FIREF,LnCE E $TOVE $HOF Owner: HOI^,IE ANN Contr"actor': FRISCO FIREpLACE & STOUE SHOF' Inspect ion Reqr-re st Infor"nration.,.,. Requestor': JASON Fhone; 668-376O Req Time: ErBrfrtZr CommentE: DOI^INSTAIRS MAT-E KEYS*CIFEN FRONT DOORS Itens requested to be Inspected... Action Comments Time Exg UilZr39ret Inspect ion Hi stony. , . . . Item : et0tl0lzt MECH*Ror-rgh . A3/le/9$ Inspecton: CDIItef : A@?4A F,LMB-6as tripingl fi1/1el98 Inspeetor: CD It em : grla340 MECH-Mi sc.qe/11/98 Inspect,or: CD Item I ttrzrsgPr MEDH-Final A3/19/99 Inspectorr CD Notes: t,lILL CALL SET UP, CALL AT SITE FOR EO MIN.lfi3/-cq/98 Inspector': CD Action: Ffl LOIdER UNIT *:lt .a Grl ti. Occ: Phone: 97O-668*376lZt F,hone: F,hone: 97[t-668*376O Use l Action. AFFR Fet i on r AF F'R Act i on: DN Act ion: DN 1^,AS MADE nND AF,F'ROVED 1s*F'T UF,F'ER Is+F.T LOT.JER CONTRACTAR CANCEI.-LED - DEN I ED NO DNE ON SITE STAYED ,'/ { MECH-Final REPT1SI T :;..VAII-, COLORADO A3/eA/96 E6;EE RECIUESTS FOR I 'ION hJ0RK SHEETS FOR: 3/eO/98 Act ivity: M9a-rloao Sleral+'srType I B-MECH Status: ISSUED Constr: AAtrT AddreEsr t9OE BELLFLOT^IER DR L-ocation: ?9OE BELLFL0HER Fat'ce l : 81013-143-10-04t3 Description: install P gas inserts Applicant: FRISCO FIREFLRCE & STOVE SHOp Ownet": HO[^JIE ANN Contractor": FRISCO FIREFLACE & STOVE SHnp PAGE AREA: CD Occ:UEe: Fhone: 970-fr68-37€.O Fhone: Fhone: 97O-668-376O Inspect i on Reque st Requestor: JOHN Req Time: lZtS:lZltZt Itens requested to mO39O MECH-Final Inf or.mat i on. . Co nm ent E r FOR be Inspected, Fhone: L.OI^IER UNIT KEY UNDER 476-973-c MAT BACR DOOR Time Exgl"o;Wl'."":Y'-l-rTd# Inspect i on History..... It em : {rOElZrO MECH-Rough $3/LEI9A Inspectot': CD Actj.onI AFFR AFF'ROUED ltem: €IU'E4O trLMB-Gas Piping A3/1e/9A Inspectot-: CD flction: AFFR 15*FT LJF'FER 1s#f:'T LOWER Itern : g'O34Cr l4Ef,H-Misc. flz/Itl98 Inspector: ED Aetion: DN CONTRACTOR CANCELL.ED Item : rarztSgra HECH-Final A3/fi/98 Inspector: CD Action: DN DENIED Notes: WILL CALL SET UF' CflLL WAS MAIIE AND N0 UNE ON SITE STAYED AT SITE FOR EO MIN, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,657 97 0-479 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVEI-,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .'OBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PermiE #: M98-0020 l]ob Address... : 2902 BELLFLOWER DR LocaEion. . . . . . 3 2902 BELLFLOWER Parcel No.. .. .: 2103-143-10-003 Projects Number: APPLIEANT FRISCO FIREPI.,ACE & STOVE P O BOX 1330, FRTSCO CO CONTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPI,ACE & STOVE P O BOX 1330, FRTSCO CO HOWIE ANN 49]-1 W 87TH TER, SHAUINEE *Of Gaa ApplianceB: Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Erqlires. . ISSI]ED 03/oe/L998 03/LO/L998 09 / 06 /L998 OWNER Description:install 2 gas inserEs Fir€plac€ InformaE.ion: R€6trj'cc€d: nEE St',lil4ARY SHOP 80443 SHOP 80443 MISSION Phone: Phone: KS 66207227L Valuation: flof cae Log6: 970-668-3760 970-668-3760 4,392 .38 fof wood/PalL€t I Mechanical---> PIan Ch€ck- - - > Inv€Etsi9etion> wi 1l calI----> 100. o0 25. O0 . o0 3.O0 .00 .o0 12S.O0 RcEEualant Plan Revi€tt- _ > DRB F€6-------- TOTAI, FEES----- Total calculaced F66a-- _> Additsional Fee6--- -- --- -> 128,00 -128.00 TotsaL P€rmits F!c-- -- --- -> '00 Payment6------- .00 BAIANCE DUE- -.. .OO BUILDING DEPART14ENT Dept: BUILDING Division:.fRM Action: APPR APPROVED ,lRlvf-rfnn DEPARTT\,IEIIi ----- Dept: FrRE Divi-sion: ..]RM-- _- Aclion: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL t_. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEqK EQR_qODE COMPII_ANCE.,'. tor.re0stioN-AiR-iS nnOurnEp PER sEc.,60J-qF-Tqr: leeL uuc. -3: iNijfnllAtion-r'lbSi edftFORM To MANUFACTURES INSTRUcTIoNS AND-' to-ADpENDrx cHAPTER 2l- oF THE 1991 Wg.- -^ -.+. 6Xs' [DF-l-,reiicn5-SHaLr,-sn-VENTED AccQRDINc-To qHAPTER 9 4ND5ii[t,t,-tuniuitlETn-As-SpuerFruo rrq sEg. 99-6 QE'-jqIrE ]-ee1 IJuc-s. L-CCsSs-To-ttEairsG-rOUrpurm MUST coMPLY wITH SEc.sos AND 703 OF THE 1991 I'MC.e. ediLEi{s-SHAL[-BE-MoItNTED oN FLooRs oF NqNSqVPUSTIBLE CoNsT.-' UNtESS-trsrED Fon tqotnwrNc oN co!4eIJgrIELE^E'LqoRIltG,.- 7 . FERMIT, FLENS-AND--cdDE- ANAr-,vSrs -MIUST BE PoSTED IN MEcHANIcAt ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST.e. Di.d,fNAcn-or-undriawicel,-n66Ms eOrlrernru qFATING oR HQT:wATER-' SitfFLV-soiLuRS-s-Hat,L-es EQUIPPED pITH A FLooR DRAIN PER SEc. 2L19 0F THE l-99L I'MC. ******************************************************************************** IEem: .05100 03 / 09 /L998Item: 05500 03 / 09 /L998 DECI,ARATIONS I h.r.by rcknorl.dg. Eh.! t hrw. i.ed thle rppllc.Elon, flll.d oul ln full Eh. lnfortn tion !.qulr.d, coittl.l.d rn rccurrt. ttlot pl.n, l|ld rC.E. tsh.! .11 th. lnfonrglon provld.d .a rrqulrcd l. corr.cC, I r9rr. Co conply Yleh Bh. Informelon .nd Plot Phn, to couply rich rll Torn oldinrnc.. .nd .!.tc lava, end Co build thi! lcrucLur! rccolding to lhq ToYn'. zonlng end rubdl'vLaion cod.o, d..19n r.vl.!, rplrrov.d, lrnlfortn Bulldlng Codc rnd othcr ordlnancc. of lh. Torn .PPllcabl. lh€!.!o. REQUE9TS POR INSPECTIONS SllALIr BB IIADB TI'IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN SIOI.IA?URB OP OgDIBR OR COIITRACIOR FOR HIMSEIF AND OI{NBR BY TELEPHONE At 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OPFIC8 PROr g:00 AH 5:O0 PM f,*contact Eagle co {,ru}l v :di :s iE isi t". n ""gg*"1;' xlli, ElIiIil"$:$ lv DATEz )-u-Qg PERI'IIT /I Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: l{ork Class: [ ]-Neu f(l-Alteration l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dnelling Units. .2.--Nunber of Acconmodaticn Units: !)ll*"t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas'Appli4nces .4, cas Logs_ I{ood,/perlet_ /t********************************* VALUATTONS **************!r****************** BUILDING: $ NTNCTNTCAI: $ OTITER: $ ^BLUr'rBrNG: T- - r.rrcHairiiiiitw ;dfi; f---vI************!r:r************rt CoNTRACTOR INFORITTATION * ******* * ** ****************7 Eeneral Contractor: Tohrn of VaLl Reg. NO._Address: phone llutnU"ir- Electrical Contractor: Address: , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED oUT COIIPLETELY OR IT litAY NOT BE AccEpTEDUtr****************************** PEIII{IT TNFORMATToN ****************************:tlr [ ]-Building [ ]-prumbing [ ]-Erectrical t/l-u""rt.nlbal [ ]-other Job Name: ,flf"' U-rchaniCol Job Address: _fl4t B, tlf/,,,.rr,- P-l. ? ^-- r h---i-: -!: -- ^ - _- ^ Qor! -- - t) ttr- t l"]+r /r\trn^.Llegal Description: r-,ot ,[-$f alock-.fu ri.rins ,urorurrro", M onners Name: Bi\l l-looil, Address: .??oa B*ttfto,.-r.r PJ. ph.L11("-c)-t5L Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: .Plumbing Contractor! Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Hechanical Cont::act_or:t;.t+l..r-,-- [Li'iY- uf'.r/z'1orn of Vaii Reg. No. rot MAddress:Phone Number: t,UA - =aF orHER rYPE oF FEF: .T;ilL'. ar;AN;;--dnposir, ?iDRB FEE: : urrRl-T_rreli torar, pERr.tiT FEii, BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: ******************************** FOR OTFICE USE ******************************* BUfLDING PERMfT FEE: _:-_:i:.':,:. BUfLDING PLAN CHECK FEE:PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: _T','. PLIJMBING PIAN CHECK FEE:MECHANfCAL PERI.|IT rnR: T ELE.TRT.AL FEE: : FEE: '- jj', l{EcHANrcArJ Pr,AN cHEcK FEE: ' , -- ''i':tl RECREATION FEE: - da B,4llf(cor f PJ .a'; CI^EAil I'P DEP.OSIT REPIIND TO: t Burl.ding-----> P Lan Check---) lnvest r gat i on> Ur IL CaLL----> t a FootaC -ZUtrrAo Z '...,..:..-i:l vL\-updrr(jy. Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Val-uation:9,875 f0f cas App I i ances: A.]rl q,-r Ff. F r rep Lace Infornation: Restricted:fof Gas Logs:f Of l.lood/Pa L tet : i i * * * r* *** ***** ********* ***************t****************i*i FEE sul.ltlARy ****t**************************t****************r***i***** Kl r'rLr .r. La . -..,--{VN TypeVNon-Rated Restuarant P lan Rev i eu--) DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> C Lean-Up Depos.i t--------> rurAl_ t t E5------ .0O Totat Ca I cu lated Fees--->.00 Additionat Fees--------->,00 Tota I permit Fee--------> 145 .00 Yq-zt .00 3.00 312.25 .00 )92. Z> )qz. t> CHECK REQUEST PRIIPARIID BY: ,-4 DATE: VI]NDOR NAME: VENDOR NUMBER: sTTREFUND FOR BP * Mb-O NAME OF JOB: ACCOLINT NUMBER: 0t 0000 22002 AMOLINT OF REFLIND:A pct DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: 100-00 Payments Item:05100 10 /23 /L996Item:'05400 I0 /23 /1996It'em:'05600 r0 /23 /1996Itbm:'05500 r0 /23 / 19e 6 ^PVl!pING_ DEPARTMENT LI1AKL ] !; ACTION: APPR -PLANNING DEPARTMENicU4BI-iE Action: AppRFIRE DEPARTMENTCEABI-,IE Acrion: AppRPUBLIC ViORKSCHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE N/A N/A N/A F)cnt. DAVIS "' flanl-' nFnf . BUILDING PLANNING FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: i**t***'(*********ff*******************t*****t***********************ff********t**i********irtt**i*********Jr*****rr*****ft***i******* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appry to this perrnit. OECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this appLication, fil,l.ed out in ful,l. the information_ required, conpleted an accurate p(otpLan, and state that att the information provideo is-flquir"o i. "orr".i.- i'"g.;.-io "orpty vith the information and ptot ptan,to conPty vith al'L rown ordinances and state (aws, and io buil,d this structure-"."oaalng to the ToHn,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniform EuiLding i6a. ""i other ordinances of the ToHn app(.rcabLe thefeto- REouEsTs FoR INsPEcrIoNs SHALL BE tlADE TI'IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE By TELEPHONE Ar)g-213g og ArluR oFrIcE FROr.t 8:00 Atit 5:00 Send C(ean-Up Deposit To: G ANO G ROOFING TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 910-47 9-2t38 Ol DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ft-- [,,I v .yt @ >*t" " NOTE: THIS PERMIT ADD/ALT MF MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL BUILD PERMIT PErMJ-t #: 896-0333 TIMES Job Address Location. . , Parce1 No. .Project No. 2922 BELLFLOWER DR 2103-143-13-001 I S SUED 1O /23 / ree 6 ro/23/Lee6 o4 /2r / reeT 312 .25 .00 31? .?5 542- Z> Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . APPLICANT G&GROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR G&GROOFING P O BOX 817, FRISCO CO 80443OWNER ADAM NANCY SHAPIRO 4975 E PRESERVE CT, GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO Description: REROOF WITH 3OYR SHINGLE SAME AS EXISTING Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Constructj-on: V N Type V Non-Rated Type Occupancy: Valuation: 9 ,875 Add Sq F.t: Phone: 3036685552 Phone: 3036685552 80121 F i rep lace lnformation: Restricted:#of Gas App I i ances:#0f Gas Logs:flof [ood/Pat(et: *****i************i**************************************** FEE SUl.lnARy ********************************************************** 8ui td i ng-----> PLan Check---) Investigation> Ui l.L Ca L t----) 145.00 Restuarant P lan Review--> .00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 c tean-Up Depos i t-------->TotaI Permi t Fee--------> .00 TotaI cat cutated Fees--->91-25 DRB Fee--> .00 Addi t iona I Fees---------> .00 100.00 *********************r*****************]l]ll*i5ii;;;;;;;;;;;*i*i**********iXi;ii--****illllli-lli;;;;;;;*iiiiii************ill*** Itqm; .05100,EVILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:L0/23/!9e6 cHARLTE Aarion; AFFn cuenlrE DAtiSITbn:.O54OO-PLANNING DEPARTMENT oept: PLANNING Division:L0/23/I996 CHARLTE Aaaionl--ADFn r.r/aItbm:'05600_IIBE DEPARTMENT ' Dept: FIRE Division:IO/23/r996 CHARLTE Acaion: AppR N/AI!9[j.',9ttq0 pUBLre woRKS--- -___ :-,,_ Depr: puB woRK Division:Io/23/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A *******************************************************H**********************************Jri********************ff*************** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditj-ons that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby.acknowtedge that I have read_this apptication, f iLl,ed out in futl, the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that alI the information provided as required.is correct. I agree to compl.y uith the information and ptot i:tan,to compty Tiith al'l' Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabt,e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E }IADE TI,IENTY-IOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT _u)).%R 0t F rcE FRol' 8: 00 Ar'1 Send Clean-Up Deposit To: G ANo G ROOFING fr ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0333 as of 1l/0L/96 Status: TSSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type Applicant Job Address Location Parcel- No Description ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT G & G ROOFING 3036685s52 Applied 2 Io/23/]-se6 Issued z I0/23/L996 To Expire I 04/2L/L997 2103-L43- 13-0 01 REROOF WITH 3OYR SHINGLE SAME AS EXISTING Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS/CETLTNGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 4. ROOF REPLACEMENT MUST BE 30 YR SHINLGE AND MUST MATCH EX]STING ROOF ********************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ****************************** Statemnt*********************** 342.25 rr/Ot/e6 12|33 Init: DS ***************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0226 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation:#0t727 6 Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment 896-0333 Type: A-MF 2103-143-13-001 2922 BELLFLOWER DR ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 342.25 342.25 .00 Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 342.25 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount,01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 145.0001 0000 41,332 PLAN CHECK FEES 94.2501 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 100.0001 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: westridqe v l ro", oF vArL cot'srRucrtt SULIDIVISIOTJ: 2922 BelIflower, Vail Ph. 390-318' Ph. PERIIIT #'l PA1ICEL 2103T43130O1 PERMIT APPTICATION tsOR.I"I DATE:jslober-22, 1996 . APPLTCATION MUST BE ITILLED OUT COI'IPLETBLY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDt 6TB* * Jr * * r! * * * * rr ir * * 'r * !r * rr 'r * * * rt * * * 'r * * PEIU'IIT IIIFORMATTOI'I * * ,t * * rt * * 't tr * * * * * * * :t * * * * * )t * * * * 'IJ 't ,J-Builcling [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical I J-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Narne:Westridge Condo Job Address:2922 BeILflower Block Filing Condo Address: Address: General Descriptien; Remove and dispose of existing roofing. fns!aJl Bituther ice and water shield and new 30 yr. dimensional shingle,B r sdlll€ as exlstlng Architect: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: * * * * * Jr * :t * * Jr rt :t rt * Jt * * rt rt :t rt rl * * rt * tr * rt rt rr BUILDING PER}IIT FEB: PLUMBING PBRMIT FEE: MEC}IANICAL PERMI.T FED: ELECTRICAL F.EE: OTiIBR TYPE OT FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATION Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: FOR OFFICE USn * * * * rr * * * * * * * Jr * * *'t * * * tt * tr Jr tr * tt * ** * BUILDTI.IG PI,AN CTIECK TEE: PLUMBTI.IG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MEC}IANICAL PI,AN CHECK FBE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITT TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: l,lork Class: [ ]-llew [ ]-A1 Leration [ ]-Additional Ix]-Repair [ ]-Other Nunlber of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Acconmodation Ur:its: ggmber and Type of l'ireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas Logs- wood/Pellet-M}}t rt * * ,t ,t 't 't * tr * rt * * * * tr * t rt * rk :t rt rk tr :t * tr * :l * * * VALUATI ONS * * rt * * rl rt * * * rt * tt * * * Jr * ,r * * * * * rt * * * lr * * * !tfb Bqb-o333 BUILDING: $ 9875.00 ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: $ PLUMBTI'IG: IIIICIIANICAI: $- TOTAL: $ sp /fifu * 't 't r. * ,* 't * * * ,r * 't :t ?t * * it ?t * t ,t rt rt tr tr * CONI'RACTOR INFORMATION * * tr rt * * rt rt Jl * 't * * * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * flISenera1 Contractor: c & G Roof ingrf nc. Town of Vail Req. NO. 124Town of Vail Reg. No. 124-5 Address: p.O. Bo* 817, Frisco,CO 80443 Phone Nunber: 668-5552 ConnenLs: CLEAII UP DtrP,OSIT RETUNI)G&G Roofing, rnc., p.o.Box B17,Frisco,80443 ttoo ^^, .^ - *#t3u,,i?;li'J:$"?'#couRTHousE, EAGTE, cb._pr-1. t:djt Jze_essc oo BUILDING DEPT. tjlLE COF'I, iry APPLICANT -PERMIT orre May 4 rg Z6 pEaMrr No. VALIOATION 0468 { c orr n's lrcersei ZON ING (STREET'D ISTR ICT STREET) O BUILDING IS TO BE FT. dZ To TYPE >_--_--v! |l WIDE AY_- FT. LONG 8Y -FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION GROUP_ aASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOATTON_ U. RE MARKS: AREA ORVOLUME estr"oreo cosr $s5 PLAN CHECK $S4.2? 000.00 FEE"'' g t6e964(cuetcz sQu,qne reE;J owNEn MaJ yi_e. .T- Hrrddlasf Cn ooo t aaa \ (Affidovit on ieveirs rido of oppticorion io bo comprofed by outharizod ogent of BU ILD I oo EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT AMOUNT ITEM Building Permit Fee lication For Subdivision Appl ication Zone Chan Conditional Use Special Use All itcms arc rcccivcd for no.paymcnt ol any item, 1676 (Bu ild inq)(Zo n inq)(Subdivision) Total Recei N9 r EAG!-EQ&i'.,rrY Ecgle, Colorcdo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date 19 '.t,/r CASH ITEM , u ild ing Permii Fee -. pp licat lon For lu bd iv ision APPlication Zone Change I ond it ional Use 3pecial Use Appeal Fee Sode: (9 u ild ing) (Zoning) (SubCivision) Totel ,R ece ived All rtems ere recer,./ed tor no. pay men t.oi any riem. :'- .f .- trrr:. .L.,-'.) AMOUNT I I I I l I 1 Il ! l l l I I I I I I I I I I i I ! i 1 l I I : I I I l' I 'I I ) I SCEIVED .?!:rr-:-'r oo Cf, County of EI,.ECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT Job Name Date or Apprication..-. Ar'-"X J f- Electrical "onru".*ffi-e-. g/"* Applicant...-... S18nature N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 468 $. .......................... $-................ .......--. $&0*o-o.. $.. [,0-o $&f,u) APPROVALS Plan Checker // Date Paid....... lh g/l A Received By. A@f/r% //b? THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ('1{ .IOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS irr.r*?i PERMTT orrr,&i.* Jurisdiction of Applicent to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION Lr' ',.,.'-" / : tlsr: rrrecxeo OIYNER MAIL ADORESS ZIP FHONE t-.) ,4 l-'rZ,r,t.7-J nJ //AF ':,,., ?,zrqt ,y'//:4-/ .t? 7 r,.. 3 ?.r.a ; .Fz- t! <. r-'^/?-'ttf{ " ?; ARCHITECT OR OESIGNER MAIL ADD RESS FHON E MAIL AOORESS PHONE UsE OF BII LD {C 8 Class oJ worK: BNEW ! AOOITION tr ALTERATION ! REPAIR Describe work:,/ f- ,/t tJ i. ./',) ..:.. PERMIT FEES TotalRECEPTACLE Outte1s SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Total LIGHTING Fixtures F IXTU RESAPPFOVEO FOR ISSUANCE AYAPPLICATION ACC€PT€D 8Y RANGES CLO. DRYER WTR. HTR. NOT ICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTBUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TII'iIE AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE DIsP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WAsH. CLOTHES WAsH, SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. % H.P. MAX. MOTORS: TEMP. POWE R LIPOLE ITIUNOGO. SERVICE E rew E cxnrcE PERMIT ISSUI NG FEE WHEN PFOPERLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIDATIO / .'1(tpo c..Fr -,..-^<t l_'l \ {ee,ezz,nz.,* grs:/ INSPECTOH CONFERENCE OF BUILOING cK. M.O.-314.". , cAsHl-U'/fu2 [-zd- 7P t'/( r caLtFoh||tA 9110tForm 1oo.3 9-69 oFFtctaLS a 5O so. Los RosLEs a pAsaDENA, Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATIOI\ prumtN 3 rr*rT APPLI& 3r.r Ju risdiction of WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION I DEsCr.tlstr arrrcxeo sxeert 6^5 LICENSE NO. ARCH ITECI OR DESICNER LICEN5' NO. LICENsE NO. rlrl MAIL AODRES S BFANCH USE OF BUILDING I Ctass of work: ffir* tr AoDtTtoN tr ALTERATT0N tr REpAtR PERMIT FEES Typo ot Fixtura or ltrm SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOI LET} LAVATORY (WASH BASIN} KITCHEN SINK & OISP. DISHWASHER APPLICATION ACCEPTED 8Y:APPROVED fOB ISSUANCE 8Y LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATE R HEATE R NOT ICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC.TION AUTHOBIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IFCONSTRUCTION OF WORK ISSUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCEO. I. !1E8E Y CERTIFY THAT t HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS4p?LLc-ATloN AryD KNow rHE sAME To BE TROaANo bbn necr.ALL pRqvtsroNs oF LAws AND oRDtNANcEs ebVenruttjc rprrsTy?E oF woRK wtLL BE coMpLtEo wrrx wxerxen sieclrieo !-qq_qr.N_ _o! Nor, THE GRANTTNG or a peCMi? obEi r.tor?8Esu!re Io ctvE AUTHoRtr.u ro vtoLATE on cn-r.lcEu rxe?B9.yls1Cryl oF ANrr orHER srATE oR LoaAL LAw necUr_nrrruccoNsrRucrtoN oR THE pERFoRMANcE oF coNsiducrtoN. U R INAL DR INKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SIN K GAs SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTE RCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT TOTAL FEE Form lOO.2 9-69 T v ci t. rEAGLE COUNTY Eogfe, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date ,rc>( mit Fee A 6)t ITEM Application For Su bd iv isio n Zone Chan Conditional Use Special Use Appeal Fee Code: (Buitding)(Zoning)(Subdivision) All items are received lor co ection no-payment ot any item. AMOUNT receipt shall be cancelled for N9 1339 MECHA o NrcAL PERMIT APPL ot' ICATION Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, (LlsEE AriacxED sHEErl I oEsc i. c':. LtcENSE l{0. LICENSE NO.IECT OF EI.IGIN EER LICEN9E NO. UsE OF 6UILOING 8 crass ot work: KnEw D A00lTl0N D ALTERATI0N tr REPAIR Type ol Fueli oit E Nat. Gas El t-pc. D PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Unirs-H.P. Ea. Ref riqeration Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnase Ea. Forced Air Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. Systems-B.T.U. M Ea.APPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY:APPROVEO FOA ISSUANCE AY: Floor F urnaces-B.T,U. M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. M Unit Heaters-B.T.U. MNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IFWORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5-/t-/ 6 Ventilation Fan WHEN PFOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK.M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION cx.fF M.o.,dh3 ,^",u",o^6 pj"4, s>/ g. ?-6 ---o EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED /mit Fee -s 6)f ITEM Application For Subdivision .Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Total Received -"qtt items are ,".oiuid-li] no-payment ot any item. AMOUNT be cancetled ) (Subdivision N9 1339 Rou,i}rt'U,,,.Oo ltltiring tor Ilcat - Liglrt - Pox'er il i Paynent for past ternp. Eenno SchetCeg5-'er Herbert Schorpo IBInh 9rtnan llarv Huddlcston P. O. BOX 1503 vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 (3O3r 827-4243 electrlcal lnspectlon $to. oo 10.00 10.00 10.00 ,' .t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1*o\ t, B\K8 Uc^^\ -)nl-.-^-."r'[rf . 6-b ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TTTUNV Permit #: 898-0010 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 02/02/LegBIs6ued...: 02/02/L998Expires..: 08/01/L998 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No, 2902 BELLFLOWER 2902 BELLFLOWER 210 3 -14 3- 10-00 30/r DR DR APPLICANT APEX MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL Phone: 4193 SPRUCE [rAY, VArL, CO 8165? CONTRACTOR APEX MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL PhONC: 4193 SPRUCE WAY, VAIL, CO 8165?OWNER HOWIE ANN 4911 w 87TH TER, SHAWNEE MTSSTON KS 66207227L .00 lotat Catcutated Fees--->20.00 AdditionaL Fees-------->.00 lotal Permit Fce------->.00 PaFtants------ 97 0-47 6-97 s2 97 0-47 6-9752 56.00 -20. 00 56.00 36. OO Description: REPAIR MINOR FIRE DAMAGE Occupancy: R3 Single Family ResidenceType Conetruction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: 500 Add Sq Ft: FIUE CHASE REPAIR 20.00 Restuarant ptan Revieu--> 15.00.0O Recr.ation Fec--------->5.0O C[aan-Up Deposit-------> Fi reptace lnformation: Restri cted:#of 6as Appl, i anccs:fof Gas Logs:#of Uood/Pa l, Let: ffi**t*ffitr*******ffi*******t******t*t*t****i*ff***ffiff FEE SUI{ltARy 1*tit***f*f,i***i*ffit*****ffi*ft***t**************tr Bui Lding-----> PLan Check---> Invcatig.tiorD tli tt cc L t---) *ir***,****ffitr*ffi*******ffi*ffi**--]1nilffil-;;;;;;;i**********il*f********il$$5*llffi;;;;;i***********iff*** Ite.n! .Q51q0_EIIILDTNG DEpARTMEUTT .Depr3 BUTLDTNG Division:9z/02/!99Q r3t4 - -AcEidi;- EDFn approved i'rmItEM:- O54OO-E'LANNING DEPARTMENT -DEiPtr PLANNING DiViSiON:9?102/122A^rRr_{__ _ ecEiciiil--EDFn n,/a irmrtem:' 0s6o0_!'-r-RB DEP4,RTMENT '. 1 oept: FrRE Division: 9? /oz/i!e_gq^JBl,l__ _ _--- Aqrion; AppR n/a jrmrre.m:' ossoo_pllBl.rc vroRK$--- Dept: puB woRK Division:02/02/t998 JRNI Ac-L-ion: ReeR n/a jnn lrt**ht**i***f'rf,*tt**r!tffi**t*************!l***t***ft*ffi*ffi**rt*lf*rt*rrtt*ttt**tf,1f,f,**f*t***trtrttrtffit*****t******ffi*ffi****tri*r* see Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to thiE permit. DECLARAT]ONS l. hcreby .acknor, [edga that I have noad this appl,ication, f il,l,ed out in ful,L the infptan, and state thgt atl the information provided as fequ,i red is correct. I agree accurate pLot and pl.ot p[an, suMivisionto compty yith ar't ToHn ordinanoes cnd stite [aws, and do bui r,d this strqcturecodes, design rcvieH approved, unifortr Buitding c6a" "na other ofdinances of t REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENW-FOUR HOURS It{ ADVAiICE BY requi red, comp teted anty rri th the information to the Tolrn's zoning and icabtc thereto. OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO Send Ctcan-Up Deposi t To:OR CONTRACTOR FOR H AND OI.'NER Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITTONSPermit #: 898-0010 as of 03/to/98 Status---: IssuED******************************************************************************** Permit rype: ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PERMIT Applied--. 02/02/1998Applicant--: APEX MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL Issued---z O2/02/L998 970-476-9752 To Expire. 08/0L/I998 Job Addreesz 2902 BELLFLOWER DRLocation---: 2902 BELLFLOV'IER DRParcel No--: 2103-143-10-003 Description: REPAIR MINOR FIRE DAMAGE FLUE CHASE REPAIR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2, SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAII, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nunber: REC-0378 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: 1026 Permit No: 898-0010 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE Parcel No: 21O3-143-10-003Site Address: 2902 BELLFLOWER DRLocationz 29O2 BELLFTOWER DR Total Fees:35.00 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: **************************************************************J.* 35.00 03/L0/98 13: 39INiI: JRM Thi-s Payment Account Code DR 00100003112200 BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 v{c 00100003112800 Description PRE PAID DES REV BOARD BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PIAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 36.00 36.00 .00 Anount -20.00 20.00 20.00 13.00 3.00 81631 !8.73 | 1 AGtE COt'NTY EAGLE. COLO TELEPHONE BOARO OF COU COMMISSIONER Ext 241 ADM IN I5TRATI Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELT O-)l. 0cotber I, 1979 Michael Del ude P. 0. Box 1048 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: File No. Srn-115-79 Dear Mike, At their meeting of September 26, 1979, the Board of County Commissjoners approved your minor subdivision request for Lot 1' Block I of Vail Intermountain (division into 2lots) with the condition that a plat restriction state that no further build'i ng sites are pernited on this property. Upon receipt of a completed final p1at, and the required filing fee ($10 per page for the plat' $2 per page for the declaration), this offjce will file your final p1 at and party wa'l 1 agreement with the County Clerk. It is the applicant,s responsib.ility to be certajn everything is ccmpleted and filed within 90 days of aPProval. If you have any questions, p1 ease call this office. 949.4292 ASSES5O R Ext 202 BU ILD ING IN I N SPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECOROER Ext 2l7 CO U NTY ATTO RN EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENT HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Exi 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 DOr t3132 I I i I j I I AD JUJ I t I I I )RAI INTY r5 ON 'ER AL .{ E ES PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLA NN I NG Ext 226 ot 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basa lt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l SOCIAL SE RVIC 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | TB/ Sg cc: County Commi ssioners Rqpectful ly,__,--__2l rft---------- >------/, Thomas Boni Asst. Director of P1 anning Name I'lame ofIf to Application lorm l_rT trnD qt rnnTlrTQTr]rI Section 3.2O of Eagle County Subdivision Rcgulations Proposed Subdivision RssBb cf, ror I, Rtk nF v.,i.l rnrernounraln DevelqpmenE Sub. Applicant Mlqb4el Del,glle Ov,'ner ? See Attached /11 applicant is noL the ovner subdivide property. of recorci, furnish evidence of authorization Colorado 81657 lot f, B1k. 8, V.I.D.S Acldress of Applicant P. o. BeI I0!8, Ve1l t 1. Iocation of Parcel 2. Size of parcel to be subdivided 3. Number of lots to be created .62 Ac. L. Zone district in which the parcel ]-ies 5. Tv,'enty-tro (22) copies of the applicafi-on forrn, si.te pIan, andinfornation shall be subnr-ltted by the fi-rst rrorkday of the nnonth. niIL be rcviewed at the regular Planning Cornrission Rerrielr meeting month. Date subnritted a].l The rel-ated application follotring 6. An original- and five (5) shaIl be cubnitted at least .meeting. Date zubndtted Filal PIat rnith al.l reogireC signatures prior to fhe Plann:i::g Conr[ssion Revietv copics of the ten (r0) days Refer to Section 4.01.03 of the Eagle Couniy Subdivision Regulations. 7. !\rni-sh evidence of adequafe water supply. (tt"y be attached as exhibit A) See Attached f,et ter B. F\:rn-ish evidence of adequate sewage disposal system. exhibit B) See attached letter 9. Itrraish evidence of access io a county road ltr-lch has been accepted for naintenance. (t,t y be attacheci as exhibit C) Bellflower Drlve has been accepted by Eagle County' Fl L.E # -- -. 5--lt-'.-'tn"t"'f' Li,]'-l'cc. Pr-nn' coMM' AF ^,1i1-'l r^'\OV i;?fiit '; -rganr (l.ay Ue attached. as Application Fonn - page 2 10. F\rrnish additional infornation as regr:-ired. (ll"V be atlachecl as erJ::ibiL D) t ". If this is a resubdivision of property r'trich has bccn previously sub- divided and recorded in accorCance r'rith Eagle Gounty SubCiuj-sions F.egulstions adopted september 5, 1972 or laier, ind-icate ne,le and recoriing data of said subd:ivision. Resub of Lot 1, Blk. 8' Vall InEerEountaln DuY.lt nt subd ivis ion adeguate a::d safe buildi-ng follovring j-tems. (l) Soil conditions (2) Geologic conditj.ons (3) Topograptric and slope conditions (4) Drainage conditions (:) Elood hazard potential (5) Source of fire protection 11. !\rnish utility and road plans (',.rhere applicable, refer to Section l.2O Eagle County Subdivision Regulations) (i.tay -b; attached as exhibit E) 'Ihe above irrformation is correct and ac curate the best of my lcrowledge. b. If 10a docs not appl)tr furnish evidcnce of sites for the proposed uses irtth regard to the to For offici-al usc:----- --;4 /--> Reveivcd ,1422 - +={-- -.....-- ' Acccpted for the Planning Comnlssion Revicw meeting of Review Fee Paid ,5-4. a a Recording nate P -Z.a-, z//V7f Fee EAG!.E COUhETY |).:oo September 4, I979 Michael Dul ude P.0. Box 1048 Vai'l , Co'lorado 81657 RE: Sm-115-79 At their meet'ing of August 29, !979, The Board of County Commissioners tabled your Minor Subdivision request to their September 26, L979, hearing. Additjonal information regarding the rational for locaion of the North - South interior lot line is needed. If you have any quest'ions, please call thjs office. Respectf u'l 1y yours , Thomas Bon'i Asst. Director of Planninq 77-.--=- 7 TB/ Sg cc: County Commjssioners EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | | BOARO OF COUNTY coMMr55roNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTIO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 2l 7 CO U NTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENTe* 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476-5844 P LAN N ING Exl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Ext 25 7 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 751 SOC IAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | EAGLE COUNTY o \ Department of Planning anilDevelopment Prio Pe. Cdfo *1i3o r'' u. t TELEPHONE 303/328-731| BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtSstoNERs Ext 241 AO M IN IST R AT ION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Exl 226 o. 229 CLER K & RECOROER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EYE\t 242 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL 1.HEALTH \Ext 238 \, EXTEN S IO N AG ENT Ext ?47 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476-5844 PLAN N ING Ext 226 o( 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 751 SOCIAL 5ERVICES -328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Dear Mike: At their August 15th meeting, the Eagle County Planning Commission iecommended approval of vour minor subdivision: request to split Lot 1, biock 8, Vail Intermountain. i This recomnendaEion was conditioned uPon the agreement I with the applicant that no additional units will be I constructed on either lot. This recornrnendation will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at their meeting on 29 August L979. If you have any quesEions, please contact this office. It 17 August 1979 Michael DeludeP. O. Box 1048Vail, Colorado 81657 Re : File No . Srn- 115 - 79 Sincerely Ass't Director ts*; of Planning Board of County Conrnissioners I lnrln box 100 Yail, colorado 81657 B03l 476-5613 August '14, 1 979 department of community development Eagle County Planning Commission Eagle County Court House Eagle, C0 8'163'l Re: Fi'le No's SM-ll3-79, SM-]14-79, and SM-]l5-79 Dear Comrnissioners: The Town of Vail recommends denia] of the three above referenced applications for the fo1 lowing reasons: SM-l13-79, Parcel l8-B as it is proposed is only 13,547 square feet with a duplex already on it. In other words, a non-confcrming lot is being created by this Minor Subdivision Appfication. The balcony of the proposed duplex is also within two feet of the designated Eastern Property Line, which would be in vjo'lat'ion of the required Setbacks for the duplex. lrle furthermore understand that s'l ope considerations are being vioiated by this proposed Minor Sub- division App'l 'ication. For these reasons, we recommend denial . SM-l14-79, As presented in the application, Lot 2, Block 9, Vai'l Intermountain Subdivision consists of .5.144 acres or 22,407 squarefeet. Under the County regulations in a RSM Zone District, 8,000 square feet js needed per dwel'l ing unit. Since there is already a duplex on this lot and there is not enough additional squarefeet for a third unit, we feel that it would be inappropriate to create the new lot. SM-l'15-79, This application again would be creating undersized'lots for the density that is already bui'lt. l.le feel that it is time that densities be strict'ly controlled, and that those properties that are in excess of their density requirement not be legitimized. That is what we feel wou'ld happen if this Minor Subdivision appl ication is approved. Very truly yours, Dick Ryan, Director WE*r-lF!l,ttjljt1t:ii!; i' I Dept. of Corrnunity Development I (l') KKBNA LETTEF OF TRAIIStrITTAL IncorDorabd Cqr.dIne Englnarr. 7a56 ti&st Fhrth Avonu€ Oonver Colora(b D226 303 232 6050 Tobx ,1s-,1370 INOEVCO OVR anenrion ^ 'r'1 / 'aL/ G!nllcman, Wc lra landlng you tha tollowlng ltcm!: D afiached E shop drawings E reproductions E copy ol letter E change order fl undgr separate covsr via E originals E samples tr tr sogcilicalions Thcr a?a trantmlitad ! for approval E lor your uso D alt€r loan to us E as requested gdiewx E lor roviow and commonl E for your aecord tr 7--7,t Job No. l-1 / O D/ D? REC-':-ur .,luL 2 u 1sa 0. : ot Planning & Dd6 L-Jle. County' ColO t?r ,a 6t Fl!A\ed.ic CG{JEVTY Ol EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I t4i ke Dul ude P. 0.Box 1048Vail, Colorado 81657 You or your agent ntay come the necessary changes. If pl ease cal I me. Sinror o'l rr / -7-<.->-*- Thomas Boni Assistant Director of Planning TBlkp or to this office and rnake you have any questions, BOARO OF COUNTY COMrlllSSlONERs Ext 241 nourrursrRArroru Ext 24 | ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Exl 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO RNEY Ext ?42 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l Igasall9?7-3244 Gilman 827-575 | SOC IAL 5E RVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 File No. Sm-113,114 and 115, 1979 Enclosed p1 ease find a copy of the Ea91e County Surveyor's 0ffice review of ycur final p1at.It is the applicants' responsibility to be certainthe iterns listed are changed at least 10 days priorto the County Commissioner's meeting. 6o 9-N O.E€ o6! .J > (rr > rO.- E o s.- ili >{r ! .c o .F s: o 4 .- . cat o d E!o' 0, po F ! 15 AJ o {J -c ooorJ < .- E 3- 4 >L-c o >*x c x-?4:J crrF 'O Cr -O c' t lF F 0.r ! O r.- O C'o< f o o o d 3 o L to F 3: - - or l| 3 .@c (J'r,'o. O O') 6 rrL O FO-L (1,, O 'Ec < L cJF c '1, o c {F cr . a ! . x.t g .rJ . l (,! o o '6 L lrc su >p.F o aJ! (u o ra cJ (,Jo o .- .r (.)O OFOL < >r c L! o 3 Lco o-o :z !-caov FoB{J= - .- Ar O tr- E r-El!<> E€+r -coo o -! p nNaJ lpo .- -oLO L c\l lJ t <r(\l . rC lDlt'(J oro >la couoJ E rrsc q >rr {J FaJ o o-E f-.-L.o 6B !3J(rl! € {r>O .dE ,-oFo ->.cp oo ,- oo-- ,- o -(5 flgd=r4 c) -!c! c 3Joio +r ! (, 0,,t F o.d . dr-(Jo<o-L -c orF or '9 r, .rJ -o o r!-c 'o ar .loFo.crJo<!o. - coo ocE.J o oJr o€o-dP(D'! .-ox ! ,6 LtJ -o!..F-o(ucoF {r (Doc coxc 'o.F>.-6a}+)o (-) aJ i!o .- ar o-< = E oi E i E o trlF >.F ooor-o)Eo.FoF E d ocroJ Er- {J o o.0, aE oo.o .-E P -u3>oa.- Fio6 o-o!+r o - u<3 od o!|o!-^ocj(') ..Ff Eoc)o orc dd.ooc, -o<- (rr (D -cr +r.; or oo o p +i o.F.- o E 5 orrr o.,+r o-cca c-c < 4L! d, p ta ,1r r! (]| or!.i+-c< > c r! o c ry)doop -+r >J .- cr.-O I C c - ,c< .F (lJ >\F ru o .p .- O t.F l- . E N OJF o)a! O (J(tcooq-or"F o'r, +r o,F '.rr otrc(r.. oEo_o:td.'a -ooF>,o,!.F >(JO.-NJo,uc O.-OL () Cr:J.F O-< C c).F qr.-.r !. l: tE 'F CLF(5 O c'r-E. 4>Fr Oc aA 3- -OO.- o>!l-() Oav) !Oo E.F . o o. f o.F d .F d(F(-).- c! c<o(rr>o tr' <!oor@p <.r 4<poJ'c' <rc4E!or> €d(Jo Jo F9.- !.- 5XTOO()C -O.F (JH ! qr A .- -O.- O{r!n /O- q,'c<aEcooE,.-LF cr-so Ec cL -c -o-trJ c:-c(Jrr<f 'c'L.cFF.rJ-ooo'-tr!5- .F4FLp<o F(J.F. (Jc.g .FaF -\c a,r{J 4F1r.r-c! c,d 3.F (, f.6, o o-o '5 0-o q'c d s ci o cr aJ l! c o f c, d c f E c2 E! coEEoo po JeL poP .-EpeL {ro .-=EEo.c o -ode:-FLoF.. c- !eL0r! =o <Fo..i6!(,EC, E!+J F..ordLE-5r.- 'tt r! '- olJ ooca 3 E orr- oq- :, -E+) 0 5 1tiJ ioo'F uoeoP-r coCr!cJdLJq E O s-OO O c4oarOCr 3 cc>\v(J t cl-(^|n(Jc.cE..5d E.'!:5dr>cr-o E..rfF ..5oor!OOdcE|po=+ (U L4o,-<eo lpooe^di|JE oro -!3ul!(. o.- JE OoL>o c a)d0rLE!.c ro oo!Ecx 0,r ,- .F4rru..o >' ru< a E1c -c'cr ! rr- ! o E .lr 0, cf,,-,-q ci e o c:r!'- ar (UL.o o > o or= E=c o i! -o5r orJ.p ocor=o c:JaJor.5o!l ctJoJu-! J G!=dEo! cr.- -) {r L s(Jroro('lc Osucr cr65qrJo <r€oEJop= o('E!5eoo-oc.6<-p = t)u1 -ocz 6-t^6 -d,62 d'o(/) c u =..<co (J <.o o < <.o (J <co or o1 or or crl (o EEEEE ooooo zz c, (D o cnc{-o< a'd,.Oor>s€c=ylot. O--ao- d.F c')F +rE = r oaO- oFp aJ(/)p L o# '6-!.F O'F.F o=.c c, or rJ ' (,() r'F >FF (J t CJ d O O'-E F o t(J04=! Fr! c-c 0rcJ! oc t,< Oi o.c.o O'g !'- =aLCJ!O - 'O'r- {r HE*-3-"E;E'9(J o! 3 d') .6 4'O5 o) 0 .a6J'e 6.a > ." 0, ! Lo50pFEd.F d, >ro o > c o Q)> LF i3 .FE O O-C C).F ! I o'<t .o.- {J -.F O CJ l! c >jl-E o o.P.- oo! o.o,1 F (].- AJPllrGr6< cr o (l) o roEcz E E.- L -o=.F tr^'F.J o.F '!c€F Oa o>|cJ4o o r o o !.'t, o tn.r =.9,J o Esu!.- F ! {J! d o! 1(^.-: ); ,: rDo --tr.- r) -c -osrE t-coo o orc 0, F.P.t (.) o! 3 ';8Cr A"l-c! o E oroEZ (r).- ! a o t 9-= 9E Etto FoL o o o!.F o.F\ {r f (J o) cF=.-cc q-,p50 cooo (Fl! o.->tN.-.F.o>.P :3p {J c! oE cr.o p o F (, l-v (J = o- .-E orcF Ai .F 'rJ o.-.F o-o .d g- CJ L= 4< O ! crL()F F 3 . c >> iarcrO L O ^o E iF o L qr t-'o E o >'c.. a f o - 9) E cr .. 4 L.- -t CJ O r!v 0) o '!!e uqTUEJ aJo6060cro =.e 9@E9 -E E! c; E = = Er- .': "=) -):::::,/ ' Jl,:a:/a\- )l':1 :,;l >1 --< \ I oE 6,Eee E E Ii .q reelt ie .E€. E ^,F: tg --i o6 EiI :$ s;E le s;: ;; ;;; EE EEi ;E;.s: E;s:i e r it:; E. !--r - -.P ! L C >_ =F ."co:, =f ;f. Fi gE:;IE iE':gE: :5 i;51 F * ,i:ls! ;irE ,; ;;E*E.j€;tE .EF iEFrI;*.:EE EE ETE3.e335"- h- o- :*iI;;E :E E:EtIi E! E =e ;.:i E vr€ e-si;lEeE "-*: liE:: EFli ;a : ,1 ,E rg EEasBliI:E:e56;iE:I3ai3 ;EE€-Eis-.fl. u u -,fl" "i c; *B-iq S'g ii., (, =F ; :s; eC; E E g;":?E:g EeEEilsE .9 EIE:'EE€ s." H-;9- 3.s 3o -Fr€.iEH,i :iisig'fi: - .^ lL at'P ll,6 ..(o|-!L !t I .PO ',!P 9...,:EE,i e' E!€flf;fii ' ';,ElEt:ilg--E'El:f13.El5: tig::;:E#Elii;i!#E*SgHriI So b'3c P*€'3 !;: Eft-ggEig:EgE - :t;. ;; a;i pr ; =g:i:Ft:g; ; irls;i; i lii i;i ; EiEff;Hc E iffiti :Effrur i-E::ieagi,i E ci'!Eii' : Ea: 3:ii ; iifrEaiiEr uftEruer i Ei.*ifii ;;:riirfi;iiE lligtieftii i;,?iiiiiii ii;**iill;i a< !o q,J ;dd ci ;;u.A {r:rA .; Er I @o t l#lLi4 iv I ot lr- /A\lr=ll l'---tfr- /4\ltL'lll lr-OUNTV f, nteroff nee nnenn@rendumn ro: Met Atwell, County Engineer Leroy Tobler - KKBNA Subject: Final Plat Checks xi6xx bern Krggerr, Lounry ArEorney From: DePt. of Planning and Deve. F'e No': sm-114-79, sm-115-79 Sm- 113 -79 Date: July 3, 1979 The enclosed Final Plats are for your review and comment. Please let us know any comments or recommendations that you might have prior !o 18 July 1979, at which time the items wiII be revieled. RICHARD D, LAMM GovERNoR -1#-ffit JOHN W, ROLD Dirocto? COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 1313 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLOFAOO 80203 PHONE (3031 839-2611 R[CEI\,/ED June 29 , Iglg '.'t'jt 6 1979 ';#.'#ffi:H," Mr. Terri I I Kni ght Eagle_County Dept. of Planning & DevelopmentP.0. Box 179 Eagl e, C0 81631 Dear Mr. Knight: RE: Sm 115-79/L0T 1, BLOCK 8, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN l,le have no objection to th'is proposed re-subdivision. Si ncerely, Engi neeri ng Geol ogi st LRL /ba cc: Land Use Commi ssi on GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST . . . KEY TO THE FUTURE EAGE.E COq.fl$$T'Y o NT-DEPT. OF PLANNING & DEVELOPME O') Box 179 June 28, 1979 Michaei DeLude P.0. Box 1048 Vail, Co. 81657 RE: File No. Sm-115-79 Minor Subdivision At their monthly staff review, the follorving comments were made regarding your subdivision application: The County should not condone through minor subd'ivision approval the prev'ious circumvention of Land Use Regulations. Th'is property is in v'iolation of both zoning and subdivision regulat'ions (L unit/3,000 sq. ft. ). It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit to the P'l anning Dept. additional information concerning these cornments. q4*, tL; t/< Thomas Boni Asst. Director of Pl anning TB/jk I EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-7311 BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtSStoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATTON Ext 241 AN IMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILOING IN I N5 PECT IO N Ext226 or 229 - CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 CO U NTY ATTORNEY Exl 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476.5844 PLA NN I NG Exl 226 or 229 PU RC HASTNG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | EAGLE r@fff,@e nnenn@rendunn To: TERRILL KNIGHT, DIRECTOR, PLANNING Subiect: SUBDIVISION REVIEW From: ERIK I{. EDEEN, ENVIRONMENTAI. HEALTH File No.; SEE BELOW Date i JUNE 14, L979 RE: File No. Sm-ll3-79 - LotsFile No. Sm-113-79 - Lors APPLICAI'{T: Vail Intermountain Box 1048Vail, C0 81657 P.E: File No. Sm-115-79 - Resub. of Lot 1, Block 8, Vail Intermountain APPLICAI{T: Michael Delude Box 1048Vai1, CO 81657 ..i. J- J .t .r. .t -r. .L -t -L .l. .t J .t .r- J- .,. .!. .t .& ..| .L r!. COMMENTS: I have no objection to these plans. EWE/ncm 18-A & 18-8, Block 9, Vail- Intermountain 2-A & 2-B, Vail Intermotrntain Associates r;i::;":_ ""*;?:,,, n:, ,"' E/I,#LE ee|lxi.itT Y o NT-DEPT. OF PLANIIIIICi Cq DEV[LOPI4[ EAGLE, COLORAI)O 8163i TELEPIiOl.lE 303/329.731| BOA N T, OF COIJNTY coivii,ltsstoNEtlS Ext 24 | AOMtNt5TRATION Ext 241 ANI',4AL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Exl 202 BUI LD ING I N I N SPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & ITECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 RE: Fi'le No. Sm-113-79 - Lots 18-A a 1B-8, Block 9, Vail Intermountain4File No. Sm-1\79 - Lots 2-A & 2-8, Vai'l Interrnountain Box ,179 June 8, 1979 APPLICANT: Vai'l Intermountain Assoc'iates P.0. Box 1048 Vai1, Co. 81657 RE: File No. Sm-115-79 - Resub. of Lot 1, APPLICANT: Michael Del ude P.0. Box 1048Vail, Co. 81657 Block 8, Vail Intermountain Enclosed herewith are applicatjons and plans submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for revier"r and recomrrendation at theirregular meeting on 18 July 1979. In accordance vlith C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended, and Eagle County Subdivision Regu'l ations, Section 6.00, 1972, as amended effective 1 August t976, you have 35 days fronr date nailedvlithin which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. If you desireadditional information or time, please advise this office Thank you Very much, ,4.;tn'!,;/a 'tL Ter.ri I 'l Kn i ght Di rector TK/j k Enc. (3) L 5 I'o j\ oAY ,,.-"/l ", "t\----''' | \ N, -r' l*$\".'- +\ $ ' ,- .- 1 ,',''t"tn+ l- " J7- -, eratLs''"': - 1 \ l"f l $J| | i*l-{}, 1 : l$il; | \i\---L--- I ir{ -l--rr-------=r-r I N\;l ll I )\, l..l ll*iI t't I sd Iillllllr--lill:t l_{ 1."r- L--r--,-' I ! : l-.$ -+-:e -si OI cr :_ ilI' . -+, 1 --. j --.r- !-'l :-i--}+'l I l' I': +' ir!.--t- {/;\1i-t:i \ :* $"*r{Ar i*'(,.i \- o a'' rF;ivj t\ Yl(-5 \\e.J !\o6^-( \.i o i !-( s-\ --\ .\i '.L i t \ - r -l:]-!--- .r-g-!rf-ll4:.{':IIEI tLOT | ' ,f224 Ae LOT /A o I I t..:li'!" 7 z/.2'//. { +r *'\i.', '\),,N \__- - - : '\' 't- < i...4.. j '7 T I I I l -l I I I I I Resubdivision of DEVELOPMENT LOT I, VAIL. SUBDIVISION INTERMOUNTAIN - BLOCK 8 Prepared by Johnson 6 Kunkel Land Surveylng CompanyP. O. Box 409, Eagle, Colorado, 816J1 NOTET An easenent 15 feet in wldth, conslstlng of a strlp of land 7.5 feet in \^'1dthalong all slde lot llnes, and a strlp 10 feet in width along a1l back lot lines,ls dedlcated as a utillty easenent for use of pub11c and prlvate utllitles and F |LE .,,) . 5.. q :..t t :.:t i....... -. -,.--.. _ EAGL: co. F,!-.,,:,tJ. Collir4.F|:^n -h ^.. --\ ', r! -..\,, , , l/,-.,- i MEEii i l i a: -L!fu.t:::_.S/TE PLAN ooaooo.oaoooo- f^'d-:&hlldr-- " og ltlsc't'""r 1,, co^tcrh d"b') / Y'i:*'lus qo.o*r1 - I - 1" *^4'4 c"tt t I l'f * 5 5t"r e61l'tal 3ro" c'c' l",-t-, 'o I o 1/- ' a3 5lrrl ca'ti"rol )nr'> ...a.oao...oaaafoo APPROVED Datr,lo \rl\ S O.i^,1 Rtna . Lefl S;Jc : +. uo,a .. I Date Pc"tttli D" r/5 r Locel,o- t i n f,;r *,,,r ,- S..li/,r,,r,0r, FoP; r^4rr. Rr.lplr $. ?.,1n,^^ Fdrl: /le t,io tr' i/:Lt'-7c/v A,J:l 'il);, f;i''^'"*'u/',, /-, o 2tS st,r( c I\qo I Il'_t'(nl *t, ) 1Ju' . |ro oa oo..o..ao.lal+fooo aaaaaoa.aaoaoao')l :.. 6--t- 0o O l.a'_l $. ? ':$sr"o * o'-f' 'C)xerxx'- l ,d i \ All orJt 'S st"l E'* l'u\t)" o,G. 1\.-\.-t- *-"r-6-.a I 7'+t' ' i- ''t--i I lbt / 'il _i APPROVED'' -l "Et .*r: Ii.. **ir,+{\(1'\{ :5 .li t^l.q s\ro.\ r_-al.l -- ./ \ - -'' r }'|u--r I ---\ -- | \, i ' ,-gt' l'.l/ t,' ,,u I C I -l(")l.' \;v tl : //. '/7 ' / 5t;7 (J;a5 cw*ll da.,!N tlt -O" - { {-/ I t I (_ io T-_Tl/1 'I a" \| rrs -i,il .l\ ?!i \rl- (.-, t- -'1' irl/r-l .;:, t{il\, I r\, I' ;'or,J;t,.,, /,6\/ lJt': S<ehi, i' , r'o" Date r 4lo" o Sm- ttz-z! 56- tt'/-7f f 'ltrrirr1l C(rt[nri.sr,iot) liil,. NQ;_52, - !-a-r.Jj_ Cct lificlrtior: ilr ltr:r'r.l'r' rllLrl,: tlrirt il (ol)\'of iilt i I i , | , I i (. i , i i ( , , r :,r,lrlnlll,,ii .1jrLi Aii,.:n tlr{. irl)r,.. clrife lirr. r..;r; t'rrLllt'tl itlto tlr(.U.S. I\titill;, or.hirl,l (lclt\.(.t.cd, ol l. A. -.. tgZ2 . Ccrtifier''s Siglratru'c: to tlrt: of f icrs,/;)ct.r;ol:; nr; lir;!cd ltc,r,corr, plrgcr-r I ot )^-r)r- ] "tt, us tna|kerl t'1 {t,,, rurri"t,, _y2-g__ A.All Applicartions refered ro:- O/.: 1. Colori.rdo Gcologicarl 4/- 2. Colo, Dcpcrtnr"rrt of D..Appl ications in Eagle-Brush Creek to Edw3j.ds: 2, Eagle S a:r il.:rt ion District 3. Colorado Divisicn of Vr'ildliie 4. U.S. Forest Service 6. Rocky Mtrr. Natural Gas 7, School District FE5OJ G.Applications in Upper Eagle Valley: 1 - Town of M inturn Town of Red Cl iff Upper Eagle Valley San. Dist. Eagle-Vai I Metro District Other Dist. (none at present tire School D istrict RE50J Colorad3 Divisior of Wildl iie 8. U,S. Forest Service 9, Mtn, Bell Telepi-rcne Co. 10. Public Service Co. of Colo- Survey Healtlr ___U'- 3. Coloradi State Enginccr_-.v-- -+t<-4. EaCle Cotrnty Sanitarian ylL 5. Eagle CoLinty Engineer 5. Eagle Va cy Telephone Co. AL 6. Holy Cross Elcctric Ass'n_-n*- --------re€.I€+€Ca-A'a.|n..-Ge||e:cre-9i-st. ,gk 8. U.S. Soil Conservation service ,t , 4. '7 ' 5. Basatt Rural Fire Dist.f*6. Basalt Water and Sanitation Dist. -'1. cotorado Division of witdtife /a\. ,. i"L ! p:E'z;.<,:'*) -'- 2/'" 'Ltt-'(H)Appticatiory\in Gore Val ley - V3il Area: ? : 8. U . S . Forest Service __O!__g) Western S tope Gas ,_/--n- _---'_ 9. Mountain Bell Teteohone Co. 2. Town of vail L.=' --1O. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas 3. Vail Village Wesi Water & San. ...---J l. l4t. Sopri s Soi I Conservation C.Applications in Gypsum Area: Ak 8. --$L- s-'Ck 10. --$L.-tt.QY tz' " 19. ftk (f.t v.it Villare West Fire.--t-v 0J( /6r Vail lntermountain water --tr-\-'7. Flt I .;f3 .. _f-n r..rt-fLz. Z--F.'iGti:-,ii) i-r 1;,;--;'-"'---- i;i,:;, ;iil' :j.,,i=i;' iu' c oivi nr' ll4i:E'i'l;,,iG e. . U...f(++J?^n Vail Sanitation Oist. School D istrict RE50J Colorado Divisicn of Wildlife U.S, Forest Seruice Mtn. Bell TelaphJne Co. Public Service Cc. of Colo- Upper Eagle Valley San. 2. School District 11 1 \:_-___ 3. tJli l:orcsr. S.-r!,ic6 (E;irlc) 4. US Forcst Scrvico (Minturn) 5. Eagl*. Vallcy 'fclcptronc Co. 6. Yarnpa Vallcy E lcctrlc E.Otlror Agu-nc ic:;(u,,l.rcrc ap1:ropriatc) Col.;rtrCo t.)cpt. of t t'i!,lrways Colo. S tato l-crcrt !1,.:rvicc 0k-_ 9. U.S. Bureau of Land Management --BL--1o'). -Colorado River Water Consv. Dist- 11 . Div. of Water Resources B.Applications in Basalt Area: 1. Town of Basalt ; ---------T- 2. Planning Representative . _ 3- School District RE tJ 4. Basalt Water Consv. Dist- 1. Town of Gypsum 2. Eagle County Airport Authority 3.- Colorado Division of Witdlife 4. U.S. Forest Service 5. Eagle Valley Telephone Co. 6. Rocl(y Mtn. Natr-rral Gas 7. Sclrool D istrict nE50J o/urpFfi t:atior 3' i,.' tli'.] I ilr,i f i'l i t o-t iQ ni; i' t :' i c t 1. S':hoDl l)ir'trict Ft U50J ._Q4._ ..--7 Mr. Mlke Delude c/o Vail Intermountain AssociatesPost Office Box 1048Vail, Colorado 81657 VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN WATER DISTRICT c/o James P. Collins 445 Union Blvd., Suite 123 Denver, Colorado 80228 (303) 986-1s51 May 30, L979 Exhibit A Water servi.ce to Lots 2 and 8, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision and Lot 1, Block 8, VaiIIntermountain Subdivision Re: Dear Mr. Delude: The VaiI Intermountain Water District can and wi1l pro-vide domestic water supply to the above referenced propeityper the proposed resubdivision of these lots. The Vail Intermountain Water District has previouslydemonstrated it has sufficient water rights to provideservice to its constituents and, in fact, has acquiredadditional water rlghts and additional pumping capacitywithin the last six months. Accordingly, tfre-Vait Inter-mountaln water District can and will provide domestlc waterservice upon payrnent of appropriate tap fees. If you haveany further questions, please_d_eel free to contact me. Sin erely, James P.District 1ns Manager JPClss cc: Robert Garton , Jr. Uil'}ll)ili:llt l[)r\Q1l-,ll!)\A lt.,il,ili; !' SA Nit'll'z\'lt',tOl\ lt)itli'X'i{titC1t" 0145 Avon Road P.O. Box Y Avon, Colorado 81620 (303) 949-5274 May 30, L979 Mr. Mike Deludec/o Vaj.l Intermountain AssociatesPost Office Box 1048ValI, Colorado 81657 Re: Sewer servlce to Lots 2 and 8, Block 9, VaitIntermountaln Subdivision and Lot 1, Block 8, Va1l Intermountaln Subdivislon Dear Mr. Delude: The Upper Eagle Valley Sanitatlon Dlstrict does committo provide wastewater treatment services to the above refer-enced properties. It is our understanding that Lot t8 pre-sently contains a single family residence and Lot I contalnsa fourplex. It is our further understanding that you areproposing to furtber subdivide these parcels. It is withthis understanding that the Upper Eagle Valley SanitatlonDistrict does guarantee that upon payment of appropriate tapfees, wastewater treatment services will be provlded. The tlpper Eagle Valley Sanltation Distrlct presently hasexcess capacity to provide servlce to its present constltuentsand is under contract for an expansion of our Avon treatmentplant which wiII more tban double its present capacity.Also, the district is under contract for several milliondorlars worth of sewer line reconstruction. These activltiesare expected to take the distrlctrs capaclty to provide waste-water treatment services for expected growth well into the1990s. Accordingly, the district can and will provide wastewatertreatment services to the a e referenced resubdivided lots ncerely, James P.District Co JPC/ss cc: BiIl Cacek Manager -----t------Iu. J. lluddle,,ron 485 Jl Peoloieu Avc Littleton, Colo.Ntm ___-__c LITTLETON, COLORADO 80120 794.4572 -- o)@ 2,e. -.4/tcn,t€t F, Dutuea >{e"ron /€rr*7o* c //rgae/nz, Fax /o+a Rar. 7 E, €,+oron, ^/cirrye, aF zg /Vov /gzg,,ge t lecnz gesogputrro*) aF /,or iF zocx B, V n te Z.yz*z;-;;:; r rlo,urr^o D-aa --UE, puzrtoE, ./ U tt a) ra.L cep cEa.!,Nc-"#:::r:::ft1EeoN ar zo lrat ,s7s, 42:'^ "* e ;; ;';::: Z:::-::"X^: 7:^Zu ze.z *t, o, -=o,u Su s e t * ;:t :_, ; :_:: ;):)::{)Vte 7e.zms oarz/peJ> tat 7ue tf€Fgpe,vctt> bzrre ./ou'ize ileleE^)/ 4uBVaRtzEo Z 4eT A/'y vlc .--tlAv&, s< 'a' "c- As /4)/.\eeJT oo T,> EXpEtuTE ntal&S uL "/"4; /ou ca\> '/2-z- Erc AFrztctlzca> Vtr, ", Coz.oero oo g/6f 7 Gn'speztve Z TTtt_y_ ?,J,.. ^^ ^f ?U_r/ Expczt€atdp Tr:"-7: :: : ::* r /'-;;;;:';:tr;E --- tVcECCZy, 4* ,4rzz /sD Dt+r€ t* -..//nnur- v7 Huee#s J--a-------- Itl. J, lluddlcrton 4115 l Peakoitu, Are Lialleron, Coh,- 801n,----_jcLITTLETON, COLORAOO 801 20 794.4572 -- o@ ?* t4rzz /gP-.{tn, , -.//tcnnat t(, Dutuea >fe"rou /crr*ro,r - //tso.lte4s Fax /o+g Vrrt " , Cataere or, A/6f 7 Rer / 7 E, €.+oron,^/=,rea aF ;:9,/7/ov /g74Bc r lecnt FeSuEDwtqa^\ _.-)l_"t, .F z o c,. a, v n ). ;;=; n S"::i rll,,u,r^ o D-,e< -42, Duz(tDE, / l, ts a) reL caN cE,a.v,N*"#:::r:::7eEeo4 er zo ,l.zr, /s4 d: x ::* i {i {ii",i=::,x^ : 7:^ -T-+,,, zga *t at ) Dza /,r\> .gu g e t * r ro{ )*' ) :_:; ;: {:;"Vtc- Te.zms ouTz/pb ztt 7u1 kzTc.e ./ou'Aae il€zeey 4u7vaR./z.eo D 4tc7 .s/'y vlc -.tr.qiT&,. -: 'v '.e/ 'ns /2/ rie&JT Gnspearnn T oar/ Expczttuap Tt> DvTE 2\/GEvaz, 7/t/t ,un,e ,f /sooveo, A*r;rL you .''.Do 70 ExpEetzc ntzatA, wr.4- AC '/NcEpE?/2rrztca7*5>. 72l.vcEcczg, -..//nnur* rt Huoe*s