HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 10 LOT 12 LEGALctz E =E UJc u:r\ o"i ooo lr) !-l oo rn(\l 6 UJt!u- ts =E UJo wu,Lff/il1f)I I I $ d N N$ fs:*i= I I'uJ .Ft<tct I I I I l- rt l6z t= t2,zt9 P = o, (F o(J (l, +) an p; 9'; o'F =.Jo.r' J c0L .6€ cr-Z.t- 2= .d o {J at o tulz =o UJIFoz ttJul at =I .ro EoF() GFzo() alo E uJz3o t!o ul E.lF zoo \$ { 3l8p I1o o IaE I oo-E PF EENGcDo.E r .' 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E o =cl do o o.o.(s 3 .o o d.9.too a;ooo(, o :=iuEI io iolc 1(! b,t tro TIt d 3{ .olF o o o) =o(t (J G o: () f o .2 E:o o o G ./6 3(u o:gE6s'= (, (, gsE cot,o; .ol=xYF5eo:.tt,c-o'6H-. st 6 =!Fd'5 =c96 Es: sEa =Lc'FOOiEo 3 qe t!! i.=- (! 0-6 cL REr ./)eo.E*e 861EE A al cE ESE;o r-C(lt O'-c; o- *-c og-CDcr.c EiE;6>.9(6a .:;E Hii sBts9E q)qEE.r. O O, -o(6 ,9 \t ,"7 .i \s lo \\ {ri "t \ \ N b ^t u N \ \ o od k \h b ^^t $ q E =E UJ o. z o 5 :< I z 9EFo) z ID = o- z - trl \ ulu.l zI F ulE() IIJG E o(D 3g uJ z 6ut L c uJ c 2 llJ x F Itl CI'l at, UJ uJrl tr =(r [J F zoJ f @ 9 F UJ) uJ (,z co = o- J o 1 (J llJ = NOrlVn]VA I I$*F i ur 3 ll:::15 bo\3aZ Z .!:' F - A?\X r > Y\e I o f,)AAEc.s? EI E a Eii9 fi\i(\c| ilR z.9F F o o llJ N hN h g o-trl z E z tr ul F 7 3 z z2= =E[3O(r99g8ozoftrlttlttltrl 6t-n < E?3=dLr.l F llJ>rg =9r!otz tr2 zo 6uto>ao>ooc()ct()ul<dt lol tli ,,\R tsz zJ,<6r+3Co(, zIF J U''z UJ ? e. s.,N tY F lrJ ii o R uJ UJ ooo = c. ot!z! ?F \ \ \ \ I? rrl { UJ F \tq? LA+f< ln -=*<!!3=9t!d. UJ J (, J)Or{OO $ UJ F o I! F. ot dto zo F o-uY IU oF tr Gu, o- tJ-o &oo t Iu oz l4l"t {$ iq +sl(,tz i--.:Ytr { \ q T e ii z -al , d\ -X{ A\ \atI ..{x rll z dq -u e,l \] q N Itaql ul dI E Ns. T \I '\ ts \ -{ \ =(J eI\.{ I-tc t \Q\a € .!) UJE6 J? = F (J I I l l arf c 12t4,4 M c \J E oz oul : ? lI-o 21 3l o1F] s E NN HF E t! z: ot! 5 a t!oz =I =g z g llJ J a tt z3 01F z t! J a ll.oz =F E o o UJ : al>l u-o 21 3l o1 F UJ uJ LIJz3 F() u.lbr() E .--r O<F u-t <ztLUF o() JE<o(JF t<i,gXF /-, Orrr (9o ZF ;E !z <; ?().<< '- () E. (JZ (,1 <()a2 :Ja z oPzq tDo =zJO(L U- EEi ;HE Qnn = ul o- t!o utoz foo oFE ; JFUl-h=:a(Llu>(LOr!()o -UJx(Lx> Jl tr ut CD oF a, o €) o .=c E EoI o c) E E ao o)! F lbE liE, I,lrl r- o-zo.F C) :)E F-qzoo /-q\l,rt=\. tll,; \ '/ ts:---J-) _- a.i i aI E E Efl; I l'Iay l5, 1984 John Marsicano Two BuLlders P.0. Box 1356 Canon City, Colorado 8L2L2 Dear John: Enclosed week. As you aUtention, I the structural possible. is che field report from my visit .o .n@ can see from Ehe report, there are several jtems Ehat need feel chat many of these items are of critical importance to inLegrity of the building and should be rernedied as soon as If you have questions on any aspecE of the field report, please contact me. Thank you for allowing us Co assisc you in this matEer. Sincerely, ,i{- e-i\-"--- '3ohn C. Baur, P. E. .{TKINSON-NOLAND & ASSOCIATES, INC. JCB/sr EncIo sure .: i p ir^,5;,n- !'.: iOar,_j 5 = 5.t; --. rC jo-: ilt - :-:rrs .t l'l i i-;ll J nO r riee:'S,:'i' Soi,.,ce 3outder Cclcrodo 603ii2 (3C3) 4444624 A I |\ | l\ )Ur r -lr VLAN u & ASSOCTATES, tNC. Coosulting Engincers 2619 Spruce BOULDER. COLORADO 8O3O2 (303) 4{{-3620 T'no Bullders/John Marslcano P.0. Box 1356 Canon Clty, Colorado 8t2t2 THF: FOLLOWING WAS NOTEO tro.r€cr Condor Four-P Interrouotaln sub. , vail, co TEx.. oat AM oat PM arrlved at the Jobslte at about 11:00 AM on Monda 1984. At the tine of nY fie14 v ls-l.!lo-ns t ruc tlon was very n tion .for ttre entlre builrdj.ng. It 1s my under- - standlog that the easternrnost tlto unlts are currently oc led.The tlto rtest,ernmost unlts -which are the subiecr of Ehis reporr were entirely._q.qqloqe-d--4!-q.hg-lig9-oq Ery-rig!t--aig-rgle- Iocked agalnst entrv. As a resultt che only portlon of the buildlng structure whlch u'as accesslble Co view was Ehe steel framlng and portlons of Ehe foundatlon below the Eara8e and rn fhnsF 'lJriired areas af the sEructure which were accessible. These corments do not reflect wtrich I was not able to vlew. (Continued on next shee t) COPIES TO trTEItDRJSP@ rOFa a.l-3 ^y-e h6r 1',f@,'rc- c.cac.'. r- or r:o SICNEO \t l r-'l oo ( ia) (2) (2) (1c) m()\ ( lb) M r D (4) tr (3) (8)(8)i'q ) r) (s) NORTH BUILDINC PIA-II In general , the structural steel for the west ll-vlng unlts and che vrest garage vere in place as specified on the contract drawlngs. The follow'lng excePtions were noted: Garage 'A retalnLng wall supports the south edge the earth to the south of the garage, A footing is exposed on the north side of the wall should be backfilled to protect movement due to freezlng. of the garage floor and retains significant porElon of the wall che wall. The entire length of the footing fron erosion and The garage floor joists bear on to the aforeuencioned retainl-ng wa11 through a wood plate which ls located on a shelf near the top of the re- tainlng wall. In a letter dated September 17, 1982 from me to Mark Donaldson, architect for this project, I explalned that the wood place should be fastened to the retaining wal1 with 3/4" diameter bolts aE 24" on center. In addition, the wood floor joists were to be actached to the wood plate with one "simpson A-34" frarnl-ng anchor per joJ-st. DeEall 2-3/Spec provides addlcional informaEion about this connecEion. Nelther the required anchor bolcs nor the franing anchors appeared Eo have been i-nstalled at the cirne of my field visit. These conneccions are extremely imporEanc to che lateral stabiliry of the garage scrucEure. The wood plate rnentioned in the previous paragraph appeared to be very wet during my field vi.sit. I believe that most of the water ltas coning from neltlng snow on the garage roof which flows Ehrough the expansi.on joinc be- E\teen the garage floor slab and the retaining wa11. I recournend that the water from Ehe garage roof be diverced away from this area co prevenE de- terioration of che wood plate through prolonged exPosure to excessive mois- EUre, Crossbraclng has been installed between columns along the norch edge of the garage. There appeared to be some slack in these braces. In order for these braces uo be effectlve in resisEing lateral load chey should be tightened. The aforementioned crossbracing was to have been attached to Ehe steel beam above iE with 6 - 3/4" diameter anchorbolts Per detail 7-5/SPec. Field welding lras substituted for the bolts, but Ehe length of weld used was in- sufficient to adequately replace che bolt capacity. A minimum 5/15"x4" weld should be provided on all four sides of che conneccion plate. ! AJ-J- exposed sErucrural sceel should be painted with a rust resislant coating. |1uch of Ehe steel is already showing signs of rust. West Living Units (See accompanying building plan for orienEaclon) (t) Lateral crossbracing. In several locations the specified crossbracing has been onitEed or has noc been tighcened properly. (la) At this location, both braces have been instalJ.ed, bui ar:e s1ack. End nuEs sbould be tightened uncil the steel rods are taut. Atkinson-Nolcnd & Associotes, lnc. / Consulting Engineers ?\\ (lb) & (1c) At these Detail l-5/Spec these locations. (ld) e (fe) Required these locations. locatlons one diagonal brace rod is nlssing. shows the proper confl-guratlon of the rods ac diagonal braces have not been installed at (2) Shear wall bolts. Bolcs whlch fasten the bottom plate of wood shear walls to braced beans below have not been installed at 32" o,c. as prescribed in detall 2-5/Spec, Addltional bolts should be Lnstalled. (3) Beam-Coluwr Connections. Refer to figure 2-5/Spec for details at thls locat lon. The lower bean connectron was not bolted as shown in the origlnal detail. A field weld has been subslituted. However, che substituted connection is not equivalent Eo that originally designed. Refer to Tables III & MISC Manual f or equivalert f ield welds, A second condition exiscs at this locaEion which deviates from original design. In place of the beam-Eo-column connecElon defined in detail 9-5/Spec, several welded shirns have been provided. Because the shim dimensions are smaller than the outside dimensions of the column, it is possible that ful1 bearing on the column wa11s cannot be achieved without overscressing Ehe cap p1ace. I recounnend that additional shims be provided around the outside of the existing shims to ensure full bearlng on the column. (4) BeaurColumn Connections. Again refer to figure 2-5/Spec. As j-n loca- clon (3), Ehe lower beam connection is not equivalenE to the bolted con- necElon originally designed. See category (3) reconrnendations. Also aE this location, fewer base plaEe anchor bolts have been pro- vided than were originally specified. A total nine one inch diameEer anchor bolEs was required in the original design. During ny field visit, I was able to see only four bolts which engaged the base plate. In ad- dltion, no grout was present below the base p1aEe. (5) Beam - Wa11 Connection. At Ehis locacion each beam which bears on the foundation wal1 was to have been connected Eo the wal1 with four one-inch diameEer bolts. I observed only two bolts on the bean which spans north- south. I was unable to see any bolcs in the east-wesl beam. That area was covered with soil and ice. The original design also requires Ehat the beams bear on grouc. No grout was visible. (6) Bean Connection. A field welded connection was substltuted for the originally specified bolted connection at these locatlons. The fleld weld is not of equivalenc capacity to the specified bolted conlection' Refer to Tables III and IV of the ALSC urauuai for the aPProPriace sub- stitute connecEion. The colunn base at these locacions was covered with ice and snorrr ac the Eime of ny visit and was Eherefore not accesslble to view. Atkinson-Nolond & Assccrotes, Inc /Consuliing Engineers 7\\ I}M)ICE ilay 15, 1984 Trro BulldereAttn: John Marelcano P.O. Box 1355 Canon C1ty, Colorado. 8l2LZ Thank you, ATKINSON-NOLAIID & ASSOCIATES, INC. '0!,* gW"--- .riun c. Baur, P.E. Al{A Job No. 8215 Condor Four-Plex Struccural Englneering Fee (Fteld Report, Condor Four-Plex): 8L hours € $35,00/hr $297.50 Travel Expense: 200 railes @ $0.25lnile _ru Total $347.50 Atkinson-Nolond & Associotes, Inc, /Consulting Engineers +N, (7) Beao Connectlon. Ihe eame coment locatlon (6) app[es also to thLs regarding the bean coonectlon of locaEion. The coluwr base plate has fewer bolts than specifled' See ?ype "Ct' Base pLate as shorm in l8-5/Spec. (8) Beam--PLer Connection. No grout $as present under beam bearlng as spectfied. In addl-cion, anchor bolts dld not appear to b'e adequately attached to steel bearns. At one location, the steel beam was bearJ.ng on a wood pl-ate. The wood should be removed and replaced wlth grout. (9) Thls bean-pier connectj.on was covered with ice and frozen soll and was, therpFore. not accessible to view. General Coml0enr's In addttlon to the specific areas addressed thusfar, there are some general remedlal procedures which I believe would contribute to the long 11fe and stabil- iry of the building. . The drainage of the site could be iruproved. In several locaElons I ob- served standing water around foorings, a condicion which could eventually be detrimental to the scruccure. Also, because chis bullding site is steeply sloped, the possibility for soil erosion around the building is significant. Both of these pocentLal problems could be alleviated by land- scaping Ehe site in such a way that. water is directed away from che build- ing. r The encry walkways on the south side of the building do noc apPear Eo be supporEed in accordance with the original design drawings for the project. I The exposed structural steel for the entire project should be coated with a rust-resisEant paint to prevent further deteriorat.ion. Atkinson-Nolond & Associotes, lnc, /Consuliing Engineers iN a\ .q$\k di) \s, Q.. 1 I ,# V)(\: . I | :l0 >.|J ol|, .g1J C Ai- lo > +) CC 16 |+J !: > oJ_c-C.rJ L 0J Cl:pC'! . C€ CL+i UU+-'ioCC-' L +) o)L .c.r a.r C .rJ OCU EC rC.Fr .oj.C+JcL|r.cCUC C- Cc:(4CC C OJrEC @ O O GrO I.-,r Q) a t+ i.F o/ q- -(-. -c C E E lc OJ C.P O (l,' +) Cr -c o t/) (u -c -s oJrot > . L !'' !- ,o l/.t +J oJ..r a- .9C> (u> gro C cre i- rCC rO C{.J c) (, p(lJqJof_OO..rJ€-O E ..gEC (JCCL-.C C = (n r, Oi O >.X 0i (F 3-!a-J: .FO +rC+)_C(JC.(lJL r.r OFa+l ,o (-\ ccc.'rx.! o.E >+)y^ rr) {J (D.F.o L OJ . O(+. urE qj-r E0i E.ar(JL) (F-u)C Cc.r -c t '-- 0J (J x yr -o o.- J L.F>.rJ (n gc: >0J0J0J(n () qJO 'r.. E.! O C E O.J |: L O-O -c +r!c-cc., L u.i !c - l,c16!cj+rocCP? 0J c c - oJ .- .- c rE .i O iE O P . E u Qr -c. L (,"' O- -HAf tr- E- (J{J 0J !.r O L 0JO O- > L ! L.-+. L C iv1 v\ ,O rC O-l p .e C C C .o.- Or.:9 I+- -> _c.rcC (,+r Oj ^=-c -c | .-P l(/) '.J q- .- OJ f C () '+- 0/ C ('/lc; I,! >.c) +r +J l: .rCO(-c'CC P C.^l .O f ! Ln C O-l .rJ.r.F "E 6E;lE iS 5*,.'-E'6.:t5*,5.+J -c El-c. F-.{ C c' C C '-, > .j .r C ,F >.:=1.- F >r c.r L -c 0,' c +J E = P'>Etlr- J (}-()(,.)_clc rE !-L.+- oml(J u - .- X O (J C > (J |/o O)..:.- -l ? O C +) (lj.F.c > C c O.F .C+J +-' lcj FC L LOC .OJ yrC : g ol=) ct.r (u .,8 !_ .o (, 1J or Lqr 9 >l (^ (J-O (J '- c .Fr C UC-u C r-l). (U C C C c c .E C - - r-lf c! > L L) = qJ c) qJ,r CJ qJ -- l! t'. '- q.lLo !cE>.q-.c qJLOJ 'cl S.a -C- O(/r(lJol(lJ- t^o_coo r..t-c +.ro c+-,-cro I cq_+'.lL{Jq- O Of ! cJ c+rLcobcgr '- ) \-f) 5.cr -c 0_, 0.r f r - - (u-C -'lf, O (F q-^PLE+J-CC(/o+rEo' c, -c rooo Eq)cdlH..J L 0.1 *.-g >-s !-I ru.r ql >.c ro-c L.r c, or_ro oFo(Jo+r (J-CLL @o-ia.r O, Lor-)(DC-Og.r!ytO,.- Lqr O |-r E c c_c =r.F E'F o._O .c' ] {-).- .c .F l- c) -.F-b- .o -7 )..O,k 6. O =t-'l:l EIc.l -lol FI.{lel -l =l=lCI FI V-- *rrn "% 9, ,* 1\ --c -.i\ \Sf ))o) ,0 ,& s\ ir'a il cD-.\ *, a ,f, \" \ )J.1)oo ; Pr b o z R b\ E; .si S\*..qr s^ $ Rs.r. ft N,\ Tt^,t sr8 c,{| a(.t\ .\ .liJ(t S\ *.1 aba t sqJ \qr\ o(s.s 7\ 'Gr\ pt 2r*1 (-tr fo'. ,r$" ,otg'/ 60'/ I ff- ,&,/ t:/, ^u)'l 'Ei,)?,Y '$ s\ \ba\a qt\ *, a i"6 3\ \a\ ,r# "\ \- ^-, \* (,K /"'$\ $,;'ti r S* i\:r [$I $xt s\ \bo\\ ei\ {J a hPtsllJX:CXY bqg ,60 lRH> x :..: a: :xJ d5 Eb0'il.E Ebe0eE =.1T'baq RERYGO,\o?-io H:I tiE (' Eta $ otN o z ryo o. clI ut at(,o a 3 a fJt o('!I a ai B o (,- d tIo ;D 2t r F o ? ;t o r 6 irl I I H I -l'l I Cl.fr a(Jt * $.! ,.'Q E;$+r\ $ $_ I{qlr.sis I $$F;l $ *:t"l siSil a E i d a uI\(5 I! d Foo lrJ s. O gldY 6dgJ:: r.r.: O tq eq6iR9>x'J ^5:I ' J ! Eb0 ?T Eb 5g -.1TUq s$tIroo 6q?*orHt6 s-o i t^e,io 3XE o Decenber L6, L982 Mr. Iloward Dundore P.0. Box 1356 Canon Clty, Colorado 812L2 Re: Glulan/steel bean connection - Condor 4-Plex Dear Howard: During the recenc field visit to the Condor Four-pler building alte, a question was ralsed by Gary Mdrrain, Buildtng Inspector for the Tonn of Vail, concernlng a beam connection at the second floor level. The connectl-on detail in questlon is shown on Detall 17-5 ln the project specifications. As designed, the connectlon waa to have been rnade with four lLt' diameter bolts. The connecEion whLch wa6.iostalled in the easEern most unit consists of a "seat angl-ett ltLth Erto boLts of signiflcantly snaller size than was required in Ehe speclflcatloos. I have been Lnforned that the connection was nodified in the fl.elil becauee floor Joists adjacent to Ehe connectioo prevenEed access to the area where the ll" diameter bolts were rq have been installed. It ls u5r understandlng that installation of the eonn{ction as originally deslgned w111 be poselble in the wesE uniE if the floor ijoists are installed after the connectlon is made. i Because the conneccion as j-nstalled in the east unlt ia lnadeqtrate to carry the full reaction froro the steel beaur, I have exanlned atl alteroate load path for that. bean reacrion. It is trty understanding that the eteel beam in question is bearing solidly on Ehe closet wall to the north of the inadequate conneccion. That bearing point is located so that 'a roof columr support above is very nearly aligned wich che bearlng polnt. Ttre consequence of supportJ.ng the sEeel beam an the closet wa11 is a tranafer of unanti- cipated second floor load and roof load Eo the Wl6x26 and W18x46 eteel beaos at che first floor level. I have exaurined Ehe stresses ln these flrst floor sEeel beams under Ehe revised load condition and have found that the beaos have adequate capacity to support the new loads. Therefore, prowlded that the steel beam at the second floor level is adequately supported by the cLoset wall, and provlded that the supPorting studs in the cLoset wa1l bear directly on the W16x26 at the,first floor level, it ls ny opinlon that the beam to bean connection as insEalled at Ehe second floor level need not be alrered. If you have questions re$ardlng any asPect of thls lettert pLease contact Ine. Sincerely, d--4*e/e---""-- John C. Baur, P. E. ,A;iin511-i\tclanj & Asscciotes, lnc Sonsultrng Engrneers lof i 5P11-1^s -1,:,i ;i:_;1.l. l-i..,lii.i:ljr-, ?,:: j',j2 cc: Mark Donaldson, Archltect Gary Murraln, Bldg Inspector qwil{ PEREZLIMIT jwy Anthony V Brocato August 29, .|983 Two BuildersP.0. Box 1356 Canon City, C0 81212 Attention: Howard Dundore Dear Howard: Reports continue to reach us regarding our condominjums in Vale. The most recent of these appears to be of a very seriouS,nature.involving the possible condemnat'ion of the property as alleged]y you have ob- tajned only a temporary occupancy certificate and there are structural or foundation problems with the construction. Howard, would you p'lease take the necessary action to correct any and all deficjenciLs in this proiect. There are members of the partnership talking 1ega1 action and I think it's in all of our interests to handle the prob)ems prior to that action. Thank you for your consideration. S i ncerely, PEREZ LIMITED <<% Vice President/ Business Development ASB/d I h cc: Mike Tassin Auby Smith 237 LAFAYEIIE S.TREET NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA ?0130 I5O4I52iI188 lll- - ; 'K-|.ffi*--Wqk'=;=:r q[9,- =zr*b= a t/gzy'rr iii -?/-rs// t -=: ill l,l:', Qo rn,A )*ffi4,n-"/od, -!r2, '6,*Z* a,4 oJ -'/ lF #-*,..44,a41. Y Z1/or4, .4 o,uL, 'n'///& li:i, r o,L./Z- s/-..- too4o, / 1,U."- # #J =l;-rfutz "..,,,/ 7,,{, *u. f ,/*- TM a7? o.Y *&'( a,oZ, fu, / ^//'z €ru A rr'-.,/ o,./u-fu.i A /-'t'd* zl 7 /2,- o/,,./'o-/,b fl.J furZ--" 4 % f4 *J-/o"/,... ii. c' / ryl, ."- 'l/ --.Zt;- / t-*/4 ,/-" e *.;/. a W"4'V.-/7n* xt'Vn//"nL -;L.z l-*/ "Z- i,^,/-Y E"* : .?iz" /a j / /"-- 4J rJ / fu " ?*,r.d A-rJ ii; I , I4/ rl* ,tuW.WP/ns ur P"7!tq** 47* rc /ms h,,/tr" aMW l. tl t( ll tt -// "// 75 soulh fronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Two Builders 518 Royal Gorge,Blvd. Canon Ci'ty, Co. 8I2I2 Gentl emen, Enclosed the copy of the letter you requested. Also we. do not find any temporary certificate of occupancy or certificate of occupancy t'n the fi1e. Please contact me for further information on this Condo! Four-Pl ex. Sincerely, '/t"a)2/Z'7'7- Building Inspector Gl4,/ rme ottlce of communlly developmenl Qctober 19, .|984 ,*#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL -- JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL n 199.f -&-s-H.qFn ... tr cAS prprNc - " PLYWOOD NAILING N INSIII ATION N POOL / H. TUB - 6 SHEETROCK NAIL tr - -r r-1 - tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: MEGHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR --n- tr FINAL tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED-,E} APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ------EESmmw DATE INSPECTOR J. JOB NAME ,*#"toN neouisr THUR FRI DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED * INSPE CTION REOUEST TOWN OF \MIL .i, DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUB gtREADY FOR LOCATION:E BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr u r-l GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL # "r ( -Jo.."-'n- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ItIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rl tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FAIAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: rc -W INSPECTOR rr.r#cnoN neouisr TOWN OF \[AIL r DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ruES g, JOB NAME MON CALLER ,.t' il ' ., ,i. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND F FOUNDATTON / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr F6'AL tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ., CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR r*#"toN neouesr TOWN OF VAIL i, DATE JOB NAME .i READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MON CALLER TUES FRI "-: d '' FOOTINGS / STEEL Ead k7-- a//L'/'' PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: TOWN OF VAIL tI ':- L.\. > .^^ .,:DATE JOB NAME CALLER tl ,1. READY FOR LOCATION: NDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH E] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ( .7 -) t- -,DATE 6' ' ''* /- (' -,/- tNSpEcroR DATE LOCATION: a JOB NAME ' ''-. r. CALLER TUES .1 IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF \{AIL . \[ BEADY FOR INSPECTION:f,lOtl.z WED THUR FRI BUILDING: PLUMBING:,,/ J-- -. -.- z , r,.*-- t/o FOOTINGS / STEEL 9 L.rE<'7-- .'L- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE &:'' /rs-/L INSPECTOR ,*#"io* TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL i INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ITUESJ THUR FRI ,... j \,-. L',DATE WED AMREADY FOR LOCATION: PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CTIONS: INSPECTOR : CTION TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL *i, i I i(.DATE ;' i' t r"t ''- JoB NAME t CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR :FRI ]AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: I] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: CTION REQUEST TOWN OF \LAIL *a ') t-7 D^. DATE '-/ /.-dr'\ JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .-t'(- -- '\q''l)AM)PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.# rou*oo'ON / STEEL L./f1':';' ",t'r'.-/.tjt')./t,4tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL ,:./'-fl.APPROVED L+=', CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ';4.'/:)' ', DATE INSPECTOR *,"r#"toN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL b AM -\s'!} '4DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: ,o, "ora - MON CALLER TUESINSPECTIO -l;t /'/THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: I] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT qF uc tr- CTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH I'?.tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDU tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr E]FINAL !nennoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR IN LOCATION: *al JOB NAME / FRI I BUILDI NG:PLUMB ING: tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr \ \ tr o tr o UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNourr n tr SUPPLY AIR n---v n FfNAt ...../ ./ r't F|NAI tr APPROVED :4osppRovED '4lews7EcroN REou I RED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER -.{\MON .,/ TUES )\-*-/THUR FRIWED AM lr \, \PM } BUILDII{G: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUiIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr o tr r-l ROUGH / D.W.V. ff rnnrurrr.rc '^\ RooF & s ROUGH / WATER & SHEER GAS PIPINGtr ijii-vi,ob6 rvii L r r.r c tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n_ POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr rl SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL./'// tr APPROVED DISAPPROVED CTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: FOU I .) t- 'l 'x 2 ata -z-zd-rfy<<,- 6- DATE /o-z 6^ g z INSPECTOR ,*#"rroN neouisr DATE ,/ it -'"t /\ /' L/ ",l- /5 "JOB NAME MON (71 11 '--\ INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL ,, tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING //t'fn"i/l ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL /.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED / '..' ''.) ,/ i!.DATE t.]'F ', INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAIL . DATE JOB NAME /- MOl,'|/ CALLER - TOWN READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES . WED THUB FRI .(ttn i | * BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION i STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING - tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL''- tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - *tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDED ONS: }|neenov/coRnectr .i,: t /, -t1INSPECTOR rh.P.itlt /vrit l DATE ,*#"toN REouEsr ' .li ...;, rowN oF vAlL " JoB NAME t-C Zi_cZL+L-- CALLER y9I- ruEs qr'wif rnun FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM PM /{trf- zz-'{-* -'* "- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEEB : +YWOOD NATLTNG A(rusulertoN - GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rl SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR * .) -7: - .''.- 7 o't-, (.' ,r ,' ' , ':" t'7 1'". ,L;' INSPECTION REQUEST JOB NAME MON TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI.4/ BUILDING:f PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOfINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr T] FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr s't'r'vt c.- tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CDRRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED r/e')')I t- Y ,/naTtr ., I . /l --.INSPECTOR t,l3 rN# ',)i/.' a! CTION TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL .- DATE ' ) ,"i r-'\//'-.) -fd'-JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: /#-_-'rINSPECTION: /MON\TUES'--*-/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr n ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SYSHEETROCK NAIL n' tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MEGHANIGAL: tr tr tr r'1 TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ,r'tr FINAI----=7-- tr APPROVED .".'J4TDISAPPROVED PECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .zt/a7 '/.r,, ,{r'.! '"'oort //- l" ,lL-INSPECTOR,"- ,*#"toN neouesr TOWN OF VAIL $I oo.,, //-)C-f, z ,o, ,uo*/att l?aKE CALLER TUES THUR FRIWED AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON 2 , EfiE?- (-'.<.-'1^,' ar' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOO NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB d tr tr NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E] CONDUIT n T] SUPPLY AIR rI aFl6L tr FINAL ,M tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR DATE / -') re (7) ll .' -/ ._) -,{ z_JOB NAME -;, i..; - . t-JINSPECTION REQUEST | .t, .,.)tr TOWN OF VAIL rF' )t,.'y'- /'/(i|e-X CALLER t/ r -J-.!,,,r . l' /i y.,. /.1-t.. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI ,) ,M BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr Fl UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n M,"o.tr FINAL Tdneenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED GORRECTIONS:--S INSPECTORDATE IN .i$re. 'i-: ,-i ,a,- a af fsl,irLl-ttltlitrrr bv I r vl! TOWN OF REOUESTVAIL . I A .-1 :?1/.1 - ,/'-t;.,JOB NAME /DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: @D CALLER tr FRAMING PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED - CORREGTIONS: .-./' INSPECTOF L.:4 21\ A t O-, -17',t /'1 5 JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FRI r'::"<- '\\,AM PM.,'\l L+DATE READY FOR LOCATION: MON 'r '.. CALLER z'G;r rTUES )N:oINSPEOTI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING E] tr tr tr u ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr o FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E ?r:/ tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: :;d REiNsPEcroN REeuTRED DArE 3r;/# rNSPEcrqH t JOB NAME MON ' ,/ ,rrilE"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLEH TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V.T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER ,r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL " READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION;- JOB NAME MON .1 CALLER TUES iTHUB DATE PMFRI BUILDINGI tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUItIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR j_--tr"APPROVED , CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ',.' it.,,,INSPECTOR . t ,*#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ( DATE ', JOBNAME AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr C] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,.-g APPROVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED fNSPECTOR ,: ,';:, ,' . 'DATE . i OATE ,*#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL t.-l ' / r:"\'? j;i.r: JOB NAME MONINSPECTION: CALLER TUES wED { THUE, FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: d'roortrucs tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ,qtJ il! tt-:t' ,:t'4t tt +t;t,'./ ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGFOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER ,-' ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n B FINAL a tr FINAL -7 tr APPROVED trp6+sAppRovED z4diHspecroN REouTRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ,*#"toN TOWN OF REQUEST \TAIL ' DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUB FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL C] FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n r-l tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: , -EI'REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR *r"Etr, APPLICATION FORM FOR A CONDOMINIUI"I/TOWNHOUSE PLAT R.EVIEW .I Phonel7,r- 5-9"/a A. Nane of lppti"^n ilr-,* o Du u oo*. or.p J Address Phone c.Authori zati of froPerty Owner . ll n /l^ |B. Nane of Applicantf s Respresentative :Jn /e- 4. /l//rr?1t.eu, r V Addt.sss-t+ Fo!, / 6a,/. dLl-tAx hone-82-r---f'o3o- Signature Address D.Location of Proposal Lot_1g_llock / a filing IE. Fee $r00 /-a 4 L/ rz-/te/P- fr'/ad 3 F. Materials to be submitted shall include: I, One complete set. of the plat including site nap, floor area map, e1-e.va+ionsand-see+iosg. This can be in nylar or print form upon subnittal . Detail requirements for a condominiurn/townhouse plat can be found in Sectionthe subdivision regul ations , 2. One nylar copy of the site nap to be retained by the Town of Vail for records. 3. A copy of the declarations and covenants to show that landscaping provisionsare incl uded. 4. Any other infornation requested by the zoning adninistrator or Town engineer. G. The plat shall include a signature block for the Town of Vail with a line desig-nated for the senior planner,/zoning adninistrator for his signature along witha date line for said signature, Review Period: within I0 days of meeting submittirl requirements as hcrein listed, the Plat shall be appioved or disapproved.by thc Public l{orks Dc'partmcnt and thc Connunity btvelopment DcPartment. If clisapprovcd, thc plat shall be rcturncd along wiih a wriiten dc-scription of thc reasons for disapproval. The plat shali not be revicwed again until corrcctions oi nodifications are madc lls they relate to thc rersons for disapProval. Every tinc a plat is subnittcd or resubnitted, thc l0 day rcview pcriod will apply. Thc plat shall bc dcctlt'd approvcd by the Town of Vail if no action is takcn within l0 days of a corrcct and valid subrnittal . H. t"Project Application {1s4t$rqt\ ProiecrName: ( cNaolt- L-l PLfi \ Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: lrl /oBlockLegal Description: Lot A,i.,r.-.t-5,,4 t.\ Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary:..Sot-lr'4 At-)l' <:t14*VC5 oJ4\'.€^t' 7l i' fl.A'T Foan FoA ( nAc/.-F i tt ,<rr4L1-. LI-),)JL0 41.,r:, ( 4 LL- F;'A.* ,<EWd Ae c)i-- T/4-[- s <' - i. e 7 q,)rt r:'rtL "a^I 's \' ,ul,i* f "/-r<tGc't4it>, )url'/rt I ir /-.J tr 4- I-UJ X:tatt Approval t, I J-r, t$. bz-lul len*c(- Feek (v:,/*pen (aTa.tprr.r4 Ha.uubt tz. btotK l- JUTUtr UrurlTrr. I N auho:tcr>rt Vn-tt , b. AuaffeLT - Hlrr fu$u-e -+4.J,-Ue(' flov'tt>*rt Qug*ttreL:uvKe Afou?>lo (ovxu 4of4e fuvO. ta-ttoq 4rf.f . b', , gl?lz 4*tu H H lzAL lpvecr r\l:rpp, - +,4, l4;+cestl;K. , Jua. /,uuL 2A, t%L J"a |$. l4rb 1le 7ee7.*n M' bu4 * ttt f,14t1 (;plaH klArr b eua4pb? Tek+rc1 tu(Ft(.t r- bvtott+1 'beTN"r-A Tile ?^LK.H 72*ab, -lUe 4-?Le/-AILUa-luke d,,.., pee.r-r O*tqUel> T- k1.zt+T IAHO 4toe, (z-ttttTttt4 FFonIoTLL eLo(e ftJryfLhtLtTf Ab tLLurl*^-fer2 tl.l THE l^.1,r.+e,xe.l.K ltiot fauu2xylasq2 ilrve. hep ae-+qqeo lo KE+tz( I^TETAL t{ea,.(,- DeTktrc.{ peof.olk + butuvtur-t, THr 4.rpaU kALL kttLL r.laT be TteO [.lTo ?ee(plK 1 kltrl AC-r tu?e(eH2e.HT oF 'TAe 4-(ux 2TA)Lrv(E, -fte QAbtatt, kF..LL n ryvtuv^Q ao (era.ru 4uLFtLt L lLtov) + -fHtq oe414rl s4lKb $a/.T'!bHPT Jo (E4t21 A Ha.Jat- b.$?bLtoe heT4ea4 THe /oLLu171Lfi-4+ r4o(44(-, ALLU L^Ttet t O/\-1A, Otffio'* Fr+4Ftu' € e' V;.. u, /.r,, Alb*(>z) 1+1" oztb h - h^oll ol aobpn nall - v'b - wtJlh oT 'boz - 7.ol 4'. lrfo of'zr,a* z<lort, - 6? n tl, F . Lulzrupl ,fer aucr I urnua alz,, tl ' 'hct4,hl wDrc +lp< lhruW aala , Yl . uuil g4tqhl "l,44bqn '-. n7 , ?al. 9' . auqb- ol-hlcrn'al'.lrtlet 4 cotl' - 3ooe . +lapc bl fuzrlill'. ')1" I n - o*1L .l'bol)crrA rtall. - a" f "- ;tir "l wll lrolon . e.1rt . 27' Y, - 4rll ulql\ 'l,*,1 : v,r),'ezl. fz. pe"rty )a7az.'11 of^ l.uil^lvt '*tl = @ (4.| . ""4l.'Q o1ilu\ fri"len . a.65 +NLef t 46 UNAUIHORIZED CHANG€S TO' THIS DOCUI/,3i'lI r,i';r.L v,-itc Ti:ti A50vE Stol'1.'iiu,ii ^l :-,,\t,iYON; IIIAX|NG sucH cfi,\NGls wiu. BE UABI,E FOR DATTIAGES RESUtTtI\ic THEft FROi'^, . i -t,.ii{*i., \l V,IFi.L ,t.. az-bl b\eel'Z o? ST++e loeFf I4Et+f aF Alfve Ea(TFl (F-u*u(e bt AL-nve ailtubT -F e;s::1+ A.4^nrbT I^{ALL " t/Z (*. h Y. A'(n' ,/2. tzi - 172. o-+t1 - afll*/' Hr;llttl of FJALL t^l , fi.A . n7 7.1 . atllz - fnl r/r I *:LtZoF.alxe I V*Twtt bn(asq61a1 + (n h,. (o eoa(J-x,) - Tvzl t/t (v. (o +v (J-6.) - ftbl t/' N-Ttsq ADeUT f AT A- \- oatyt6,.: E - f,6anC = v.zzl a ' t'+ btt - 7.1bt 4lxptLtrr .)/e(TuLvttg | (e',1oguq HaHLH f4.. ft,. L . v6Lt (e.zz') Yl- - tl,?tbFr/ ilr " A-4 + (v.a = h7t(l.ea) + bqr (t.$) l*4r ' 44,btl't/, z*ezy- +/4\t,-tb1 a,/eKTuLH rN{ .M1' - ..iE- 1 '.11 > 1.6 -- oKYlo TiEiJ-r':etr rtL toe.o o tx (A|r..L 1]- aula , _6J.4ptLtTj(_ Ff-KMar- 4 TAHILHI La.L /og(-r1?t-IT5 -ta b be N = (H * F") cob 6, + (S +ut d, - /,674 tll T= (yann- (a*f,,)rrnu- - zblot/t zrlezt,\4^tt421 zLtO)N4 fl,- j! t - Z#(a.ao): ra+> t,5______-al ?ptLthufrolf . Y1, - 110 N I-- - .>- <>5 ooo -ile (-wuLTAl+T (A%w lauTt+tx fi+e lqvgw 1lrcrl, 4 FaUHO^TlotJ t^ot\q n ObI{tbUIW ^/e(- fi+e AAetE t4ro14 at Trte v*.,<j'+ (r" ?) - +*(t,+*) = trt-7r1 1tu7r,: aL - + (,- +) - #('- ,*.e,') = tzozr,l < 6*fol beoKPt4bIt n o'-d'. lUI U-ttI 4(a)u0 1-c JoD No ' 6z'bl bHeef ,b oft 5 (ge*ure .-$T a-74 Zg+N(r(, 4lAvL /atJcUWLg ?HoK ?tr\ezflepT AHy Ta Trlb ?e2tq] THa etl4weeriz ---] 4u-r b'- | an;rer' l- 'u'---lbel To 4tPtasl,. WOtf tc.LTt'+lt Nlw uap"'4or/'-f zt4phTu(e, ct'Pn'*crw* $. An Ue HaTE: tl ------l vlZ',ao +ee ,ilerl U v.lY-ili Ft". &-t-l :Heeir 4 .7 5 &uA. (t(f<u4 oeL(_ x ?u--flatt. bw. fAF{Jfi4 0eu_ /1 f-totJ _].JH)-__ :@ \''. ll ' b' l4aTeKlAL Lt'>t. __ zlA-hta* (oa. I 4ablpA--Wek:A.LT, I tet. I A'(z^a ^ a,) b'(t^3^L).+ lL'(3F3'L\ w' (t. e ^i) F2 (ez<u(eQ l1L J"'rb fpa l,,u btf>)rQ jb.,-f T-^] 1"(, zno, t'n 4++t Lwe. 4- (t*a-e\ 4-(t"^3^rt) 41@lr1,V)E' (5t 1* l?') 8- Q, t, rz) I i (s ^ l/2.. lz-) k\tJ?L-r\tr- PavxFlLL l'oYt' vloool" a-(t^ttrz^c) tftba^tz,y' 4n4Y-rtM. 4 b-(t^il2^L) 7Lt-oatl l^, btCI. 1. For easy handling and shipping, gabions are supplied folded into a flat position. They are readily assembled by unfolding and by simply wiring the edges together and the diaphragms to the sides. 2. The gabions are filled to a depth of one foot, then one connecting wire is placed in each direction and looped around two meshes of the gabion wall. This operation is repeated until the gabion is f illed. 3. Adjoining gabions are wired together by their vertical edges; empty gabions, stacked on filled gabions, are wired to the filled gabions at front and back. 4. After the gabion is filled the top is folded shut and wired to the ends. sides and d iaphragms. a'l I Tilo I I STEP 3 27 5-5840 P.O. BOX 1356 - CANON C|TY, COLORADO 81212 27 5-1987 /ubt''' ff-, ,"'YlJune 3, 1983 Town of Vail Building DepartnEnt 755 Frontage Road West vail . colorado 81657 Attention: l,lr. Gary Murrain Dear Gary, As you know, we are stil1 building at the Condor Four Plex. The weather has rea11y been terrible this spring and has de- l-ayed us by several- months on completion of units C and D. It is for this reason that we are requesting a three montkr extension on the completion of our landscaping from July 1st to September 30th, as you requested on ).our temporary C.O. to us dated 12/15/82. We are going to finish up the last two units as quickly as we can get them scheduled and will be i-n touch with you on the remaining inspections. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank vou. S incerely , t?-Lol lo fbY-rVW HD/Id June 11, 1982 l'lr. Bi I I Andrews , Town Engi neer Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81658 PROPOSED CONDOR FOUR-PLEX LOT I2, BLOCK IC, IiITERIIOUiITAI:'I SUBDIVISIOII Mr. Andrews: It is my intention to construct trvo (2) concrete grade beams at the road edge on the llorth side of Basingdale Boulevard for a parking structure. These walls will encroach on the Town's street right- of-vray. I understand and accept full liability for any damage to the wall that may occur as a r:esult of the Town's performance oftheir road maintenance, snow plowing, or other municipal functions that affect the road R0tl. Further, I understand that variousutility companies may require access to their utility lines and that modification or damage to the retaining wall may result from theiractions. I accept full responsibility for the costs of the repairs necessary to the wall in this event. I shall not attempt to seek any damage arvards from the Town or the utility companies having services located jn the ROl'l for any damage to the retaining wal1 that may irave resulted from the performance of their responsibilities. Based on my comnitment to accept full liability for locating the improvenents in the ROtl, jt is my understanding that the Town of Vailis, through your approval, permitting me to construct the retaining wal I s. I would appreciate receiving a Ietter from you re-stating the Town's position on this issue. Thank you for your consideration on resolving this matter to everyone's Si ncerel y, this. I appreciate your help in satisfaction. {""iJo Dundore 0vrner/Representa t i ve June 11, L982 l'lr. B'i l'l Andrews, Town Engineer Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81658 PROPOSED CONDOR FOUR-PLEX LOT I2, BLOCK IC, IiITERIIOUIITAI:\ SUEDIVISIO:I Mr. Andrews: It is my intention to construct trvo (2) concrete grade beams at the road edge on the llorth side of Basingdale Boulevard for a parking structure. These walls will encroach on the Town's street right- of-vray. I understand and accept full liability for any damage to the wall that may occur as a r:esult of the Town's performance oftheir road maintenance, snow plowing, or other municipal functions that affect the road R0l'1. Further, I understand that variousutility companies may require access to their utility lines and thatnodification or damage to- the retaining wal1 may result from theiractjons. I accept full responsibility for the costs of the repairs necessary to the wall in this event. I shall not attempt to seek any damage alards from the Town or the utility companies having services located in the R0l'l for any damage to the retaining wall that may itave resulted from the performance of their responsibilities. Based on my conrnitment to accept fuil liability for locating the improvernents in the R0W, it is my understanding that the Tovrn of Vailis, through your approva), permitting me to construct the retaining wal ls. I would appreciate receiving a letter from you re-stating the Town's position on this issue. lfu/D",tZ-- Howard Oundore 0vrner,/Represen ta ti ve Thank you for your consideration on resolving this matter to everyone's Si ncerely, this. I appreciate your help in sati sfaction. O Project Applicatlon 't Prolect Name: Proieci Description: Contaci Person and Phone 1c: /z& u*toae €Owner. Address and Phone: lz Archilect, Address and Phone: lz Block Fttins I /TEf_ Hour+la ^l sof'zon" -45 Design Review Board DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL box 1O0 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 July 1, 1982 Mark Donaldson Drawer M Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mark: department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 5-30-82 At the June 30 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittal for The Condor 4-P'lex Residence was approved 6-0 with the following stipulations: attempt to screen or block off the area under parking' the roof materia'l needs to be approved by the Staff, erect fence to protect the existing vegetation and area be1 ow the site, and you need Public Works approval prior to a building permit. Jtlt(,er=rl , /J/'/tt,z t--ref,er ddfitdr Town Planner PJ:df ENGINEERING CHEEK LIST Subdivision I rJTetzttao^:tatntLot 12-B]ock / o Filin_o l. Submitta't Items (Acceptablel tn"t Acceptable) (A) Topo MaP 1isi slie Plin(c) utili-r-y Plan "/(o) ritte lleport !: --r-.t ^\ - ts iri iruoi*ision Agreement (if applicaltle) 2. E{rqineering Requirements .t /t (A) Culvert Size /F ( B ) D ri venaY G ra d-{8T#mar'i- i. 3.Source of Utilities E'lectric Gas Sel'rer l,la'uer Tel ephcrie T.V. u/,/ (A (B (c (D (E (F Approved: Di sapproved: /, 7/a /e?- -- _@ DE ffiJni;fi-F n-i c-l{trks Bill Alrdrc''rs /€, ooo / €, aee /7, ?La 3zro lfc> a 7Y3 oZ,€a+r€E-tr, '- //t s66/ o /Bq'< /o R/ftr s/4 (sr *n0 6ar* koreta0 , )Ntf I a, 33 o. LaS ,@i-s : /!a.74 /6ss/o{z /oSZ le rs eTrod .-.--_=- oA 64, o/ 7bT+1- /a'ato :j/ FAVr" h', 5tnl /f ' eARi /s' &uNEt 33' a /" do'Entrfaeieu*/t/ \/f r , /a fualt oFtPT'9o% -?9 i{ I /HWruar or Nf 7V76tu ,/2re*v/T OIIDINANCI' NO. 13(Series of 1981 ) AN ORDINANCD IIVIPOSING ZONING DISTRICTS ON CERTAIN DIIVELOPiIdENTS AND PARCDLS OF PROPERTY IN THB RECENTLY ANNEXED WEST VAIL AREA; ACCEPTING PRIOR APPROVALS OF THB EAGLE COUNTY COMiTISSIONERS RDLATING TIIENETO; SPDCIFYING ATIENDTIENT PROCEDURES ; SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS RBLATING THEP.ETO; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING I,IAP FOR THE TOI\'N OI VAIL; AND SETTING FONTI{ DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. IYHEREAS, the town of Vai1, Colorado,.recently annexed the 1{est Vail area, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, effective on December 31, 1980; and MEREAS, Chapter 18.68 of the VaiI sets forth procedures for the imposition of zoning districts on recently annexed areas; and I|'HBREAS, Section 31-12-115 (s) C.R.S, 1973, as amended, requires the Torvn to bring the newly annexed lYest Vail area under its zoning ordinance within ninet5r (90) days after the effective date of saj.d annexation; and T{HEREAS, because of certain actions taken by and approval-s of the Eagle County Commissioners relating to the within specified properties the Town Council is of the opinion that the zoning designation for these areas should recognize sald approvals and conditions; and UEEIU !, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has consldered the zoning .to be i-mposed on the n er','l:r annexed TJest Vail area at a public hearing and has nade a recommendation relating thereto, to the Torvn Council; and WAEREAS, tbe Torvn Council considers that it is in thc'intercst of the pubLic health, safety and rvelfare to so zone said property; NO\I', 1.'I{DREFORE, BE IT ORDAIiJDD BY TIIE TO'IIN COUNCIL OF TI{E TOIIN OF VN IL, TIIAT:. Se<:tion l-. Proccdures lrul.f i11ed. The procedures for t.he detcrmination of the zoning distrie.ts to be itnposocl on t.he newty annexerl \test Vail area as set forth in Chaptcr 18.6S o{ the I'ail- I'tunrcipal Cotlo harre becn fuLfillcd. 'I{unicipal Code of tne fown ot I)ortiotrs antr<:xcd IVt:st u- Imposition of Zonin +ld, I Scction 2. I)ursuant to Chapter 18.68 of the Va11 lvlunicipal Code, the properties described in subsections e, f, g, h & i below.are a portion of the lYest Va1l area anrlexed to the Town through the enactment of Ordinance No. 43, Series of 1980, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, effective on the thirty-first day of December, 1980, and herebl' zoned as follorvs: a. The developments and parcels of property specified belorv in Subsections e, f, B, h & i sha1l be developed in accordance with the prior agreement approvals and actions of the Eagle County Commissioners as the agleements, approvals and actions relate to each development or parcel of property. b. The docrrnents and instruments relating to the prior county approvals, actions and agreements are puesently on file in the Department of Coullunity Development of the Town of Vail and sa"id approvals, actioDs and agreements are hereby accepted and approved b5' the Town of Vai1. c. A11 buildings for which a building permit has not been issued, on the effecti.rre date of the annexation of lYest Vail sha11 comply with Design Ret'iew Criteria of the Vail Municipal Code prior to the issuance of a building permit. d. The Conmrunity Derrelopment Department rnay issue staff approvals for minor changes in site design or other minor aspects of the plan for atty of the specj-f ied derrel.opments or parcels. These proposed changes may be approved as presented, approveci with cor.rdj.tions or denied by the Staff with an appeal rvithin 10 days of the Staff decision to the Planning and Environmental Cornmission. For major changes, such as 7?a re-design of a tnajor part of the site, changes as use, density control, lrei,ght or other development standards, a Planning and nnvironnrcntal Comnrission r:evierv should be required. The procedure f or ch:rngc.s shal1 be in accordance \!lth Chapter 18.66 of thc Vail ltunicip:r1 Code. e. The fol. lcn'ing developmcnts and parcels of property sh:rll lre sul.rj cct to thc teLnrs of thi s ordin:rnce : (1) Th<: Vlllcy, Phasos 1 thtough 6 ( 2) .Spt'ut'.o ()rot'li Ton'llltc'ul;t':;. ( :l ) Ilt':ttlorv Clt'cli Corr<l<'rn j rr i rrrrrs . \ \ o I Itr C termountain Swim and Tcnnis Club(4) (5) V.ri Briar Patch, Lots G-2, G-b and G-G Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No' 2. (6) Casa DeI So1 Condominiums For any z.oning purpose beyond the Eagle County commissioners' approvals, agreements or actions, the clevelopments and parcels of property specified in this subsection (e) sha1l be zonecl Residential Cluster (RC) f.LionsridgeSubdivision,FilingNo.4,shallbesubjecttothe terms of thls ordinance. For any zoning purpose beyond the Eagle County Commissionersr approval; agreement oic action, this parcel of property shall be zoned Single Family Zone District (sFR) with a special pro- vision that an employee unit (as defined and lestricted in Sedtion 18'13'O of the vail \{unicipal code) will be subject to approvals as pel' section 18.13.oso.Thesecondaryunitmaynotexceedonethirdof'thetotal Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) a11ou'ed on the 1ot as per the single lamily Zone District Density cont::ol (section 18.10.090 of the Vail Municipal code) and Greenbelt & Natur4l Open space (GNOS). c.LotG-4,LionsridgeSubdivision,FilingNo.2,hasbeenthe subject of litigation in the District court of Eagle County, and a ccurt order has been issued regarding the development of this property. The Town has furtber approved Resolution #5 of 1981 in regard to a subse- quent agreement with the owner. The Residential clusLer (RC) Zone District will be the applicable zone on this property to guide the future development of the p.arcel, working within the bounds set by the Court Order and Resolution No. 5, Series of 1981' h. B10ck 10, Vail Internrountain subcli.vision and tire Elliott Ranc Subdivision, shal1 be subject to the telms of this ordinance' For any zoning purpose beYond the Eagle rova1, agree- ment or action, B1och 10 and the Elliott Ranch, sha11 be zoned Primnry/ Sec'ondarl,District'Lots8,15&16clfB1ocli10,Vai1IIttcr'mottniain slralf be zoncel Greenbclt & Natural Opcri Space (GNOS) ' Vaii Commons, Vail Das Shone Filing No. 4, shall be sttbicct ternrs of this ordinance. Ior any zonitlg purpose beyond the County Contmissioncrs' agrccment ' approval ol action ' Va j 1 Cotnnlons bc zoned Comrncrcjal Corc III (CCIII). to the Ergle sh tl.I -3- Section 3. As provided in administrator Zoning Map to Seetion 4. INTRODUCED, READ, BY TITLE ONLY !,larch 17, If any part, section subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason hefd to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions'of this ordinance, and the Totvn Council hereby declares it rvould have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, Sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase-thereof, regar:dless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 5. The Council hereby states that this ordinance is necessary for the protection of the public health, safety aud wel{are' INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST NXADING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN TULL, this 3rd day of l{arch, 1981, and a public hearing on this ordj-nance shal1 be held at the regular meeting of the Tolvn Council of the Torvn of Vail, Colorado, on the 17th day of March, 1981 , at 7:30 p'm' in tlre Irtunicipal Building of the Town of \rail' ATTEST: ON SECOI{D I]EADING AND ORDERED PUBLISI]ED Section 18.08.030 of the Vail tvtunicipal Code, the zoning is hereby clirected to promptly modify and amend the'OfIicial indicate the zoning specified herein. APPNOVED 1981. ATTIIST: -4- lnwn box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development March 15, 1981 Phillip Connors CM Land Company Box 824 Eagle, Co 81631 Dear l,b. Connors , This letter is to confirm that Lot 12, Block 10, VailInternountain subdivision wi|l bc ar rowed 4 dwclling units undcrthe rcccntly pi.rsscd zoning or<linarrccs for tlrc rrc:r known asWcst Vail, 'lhis zoning is :rcccptt,tl by thc .l.owrr ol- Vail ascxisted undcr a prcvious lg,rccrncnt bciwcen thc owncrs ofthe property and Eaglc County. Please contact me (I've included ny card) if you havefurther quest j-ons. Sincerel y,1)'r.L'- ' -'r- icl ; '. I -: --L1-. ("L \' --.\;-. ,.. A. PETER PAITEN, JR APP:bpr Or.-a. - - - -c.<^e-d.u-e t? In:Al. l):::;f i!{lt''ilON t l,o.t. _ l-z_t}t,o(:K. l-g ,tiil.lN(;_-.-]$rp-c!4-o_u!,tr_rrl ,s,er: !vtt!eN 'l'h c fol lor.ring inforrn:rt ion is Board bcl'rrn: a final approval A. BlrlLlrlii(; l\,|A'rERIALS Roof Siding Other lJall Materials Fasc ia Soffits lfindows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Grcenhorrs es Other -/J / t -L- P( crAL Acp- peze etzo*tze , . , ttL ,r bEr.JrAr4rd t4eac- r4;ac '6s, , ttU ,f bltflJAFlrlr J|lce,zt ' t4oo' I 1 f ls' cof orr tteT-24- CAtJyo! rcqrr ircd for subrni.!t.;r I by thc uPpl it:;rnt to tlre Dcs i!trr ltcvicwclrr bo givcrr: Type of l.lill_cJjlr Color B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name PrrJu q 44f 7iq'eT{ , LATr?octs fo r r.l urr e'Fz2Mr.rcar sa< J.-rdrPcnuG, €Agrejr ' tr,rantcrJ' Cormon Name Low.epo* pte z,.^-?6tJ ?.O Quanti ty L Si ze w' z'-2" ooJz €t> 4ar> F4a rc-Fl _ d rrJpur c._..r. t-loo > r6Y- (r al srrlrlrr lr ; AE- SHRUBS +€Lqzecl J|JlrFDp € ai.. -l Peaclltc Fttwtg, tz,! 24P- o QUARE F0oTAGE *?o ,_O.qOUND C'OV ERS s0D St E U TYPE 4nov$>AoCrit. tc 3- <cLcLft> *l o Ar, t S 7" otZ.-t1r.p-6 1:t 1"4,O3 l€oL a,.Ft lvsw tzurE dEtrt zoTo sF4oot H Blzo AE lsAo >wrcAe Dett> *sove ?,o"/. +t-e Neet u-r.ltL'f SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE A? DI.TUTEED Arzc As TYPE OF IRRIGATI ON ^Cf > q! r o I -lza t- u.; rr+.1 T&ll' C-r t-r roe r)rr'rtxJa (r*ts s +-o ,r-tc e v>e TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Other Landscape (retaining wal'l s, fences,swimmi ng pool s,etc. ) Please sPecifY. rz4 3.suEE -rZ>o .) Features l?oc-E O( +c-tzoFPI'J 4 --rrtl FLoc't tr I A-IJv 4E,a':*'o Cavc?t' d.r,-.., s'foe4 1? qrlFlifm-' n' -=t li-i ll.l'i , i1ir:i,ili):.i i't itiii.,\It{):,j :;til;j)l'v'J::rt):r ;b-i-f -, /1.,.rrr--.rrc..t /!.:r..t,..4... 5,,1,r,!,t:t:,,"u .rou N^r,lr _ - __(Z*.r-.,_yli{ * _ _11 *0i,.r'[ r.0 r' 13.rlr.0ri, / ('1rt Llt'J(; 'j'hc locatjon of utiljtics, rvllc:tncr tlrey I j.ncs, trtr:.rt bc irirjtrc,vt.cj arttl vt_.r'i i i r:d by accompanying sitc pi:rlr. Al)lrli i;sli itiountain Il,-: I l Western SJ. opc Gas Publ ic Scrvice Comprny Ho 1y Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Val.ley Water and Sanitation District llr: nlri.n tturrk thc' fol low.i.n1; I .i rros or prr.rpoSe d utilit-ics I'ol the Datc dL4-tt_ 4:!&:42-qzz/t"- .y'ry/"-= '?////f i:_-r{+z-- NOTE: These veri"fications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernj-t fr.om the Town of Vail, Department of public lrlorks and ro obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A. building perrnit is not a street cut pernit. obtained separately. A street cut pernit must be This fonn j.s to verify servj.cc availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility pJ.an and scheduling installations. DIV]SION SIXTEEN ELECTR I CAL16-l 16 - 1 ELECTRICAL b.Use outlet boxes of sufficient size and shape to best suit the particular location and to contain enclosed wire and connections r.rjthout crowding. Use deep boxes vrith conduits 1" and larger. Provide extensions and covers where reoui red. Lighting outlets shall be standard 4" octagon or square outlet boxes provided with 3/8" malleable iron fixture studs and box hangers where required. Sttilches and receptacle outlets shall be standard boxes ttith cover plates. Where more than one switch or deviceis located at one point, use gang boxes and gang cover plates. Fl ush mount 1 ighting swi tches 4'-0" centerl ine above finished fioor unless otherwise indicated. FIush mount vta1l type receptacles and other wall mounted wiring devices and outlets l2 inches centerline above finishedfloor unless otherwise indjcated. Use weatherproof switches and receptacles mounted in weatherproof outlet boxes in locations exposed to weather. Where electric baseboard heating is used, provide baseboard duplex receptacle sections to meet convenience outlet spacing as requ ired by the N. E. C. Ground fault protectors: Install ground fault protection convenience receptacles as required by N.t.C. At Contractor's option G.F.l. circuit breakers may be used provided oniy outlets required by N.E.C. be connected to G.F.l. circuit. 19. All line voltage wiring from panelboard through disconnects, motor starters, etc. to motor or other mechanical devi ce shal I be instal led by the Electrical Contractor. Al I control wiring for all mechanical equipment sha'l I be provided by the Mechanical Contractor. 20. Electric Resistance Heat: Electric baseboard heat shall be Eerko LBB Series, 188 t.l/L Ft. with type fZ 2-pole thermostats. l.Jall mounted low voltage thermostats shalI be used with relay section on baseboard. Number and location of thermostats to be approvedin advance by Architect. Circuits to be 20 or 30 amp as requiredfor efficient distribution. Submit shop drawings for approval of design and placement of baseboard heaters and thermostats. a ta I. la< o!Cea,^i.r) r,t :;r()'r t or.:.r .r ,.: Al.I'A t ()Atl r\Oi-ri \ l{-/ii ' A[ll':r]l l l) lri t 7 tz ' rg$Y Pollcy of Tltle Insurance lsrued by Transamerica Title Insurance Company SUBJECT TO THE SCIIEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, TTIE EXCEPTIONS CON. TAINED IN SCHEDULE B AIID THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS IIEREOF, TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, o Catifornia corporation, herein celled the Company, iacurer, ar oI Date of Policy ehown in Schedule A, ogainct loee or damage, uot erceeding the rrnourt of ingurance ctated in Schedule A, and cocrq attoraeyr'fees and expensec which thc Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, cuetained or incurred by the inaured by reaeon of: l' Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land; 4. Unmarketability of such titlei 5. The invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage upon said- estate or interest .excep.t.to th€- ixtint tiiai s'uctr invatidity or ulienforceability, or claim thereof, irises but of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon. a. usury, or . b. any consumer credit protection or truth in lending larv; 6. The priority of any lien or encumbrance over the lien of the insured mortgage; ?. Any statutorv lien for labor or material which now has sained or hereafter may gain priority over the lien of the iniired moriiage, i*""pt any "uitt li"n arising from animprovement on the lanif conlracted for and commenced subsequent ti daie of i'olici not financed in -*hole or in iart by proceeds of the indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage which at fiate of Policy the insured has aivancdd br is obligated to advance; or 8. The invalidity or unenforceability of any assignment, shown in Schedule A, of the insure-<t mortgage or the.failure of said assigiment to vest title fo the iisuredmortgige in the named insured assignee free and clear of all liens. In Vitw.st Vhereol, Trancamerica Title Inaurance Compaay hac c8u6ed thic policy to be rigped end acaled by ire duly euthorized officerc ar of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. Transamerica *:;:\r\ \ i^/ By s .() ,L 1 --l/ |f4By Sccrotrty r-Olllti NC C. tiOO,) nsurance company Prcridcnt -o--,f , alr" (AMENoEo !o-r 7-7otI3f,Y"i8;'i.""tS?jlo *ro,oO".tc^x LAN' rtr..E aaFocrarrpN LoAN PoLl SCHEDULE A 50,000 .00 April 29, 1982 2: 31 P.M. Amount of Incurancc 5 Dare of PolicY l. Namc of Incured: PolicyNo.4I05595 M-2 Sheet I of 5 FREMONT NATIONAI BANK OF CANON CITY 2. Thc title ro gaid land ig er the date hereof vested in: RONALD L. ALBRITTON' in fee simple T[e nrortgage or {ee{ of trustr and assignmenrc if any, covered by this Policy are described as follows; Deetl of Trust from : RonaId L. Albritton ro the Public Trustee of the County of Eag Ie fortheuseof : Fremont Nalional Bank of Canon City to Secure : S 57,700 .00 rlarerl : April 19 , L982 recorrletl t nbril 29, 1982 in Book 339 at Page 812 Notswithstanding the fact that the Deed of Trust insured herein secures a promissoiy note in the amount of $57,700.00, the liability of the company undei thic Policy is limited to $50'000'00' ::,'::ilJ""j.:"x:."::"k.x;::'^:::m::":*T*"::"":,""::'.::'J::,ro.r7.70t SCHEDULE A-Continued The land referred to in thie policy ir ailuatcd in Eagle Lot L2, Block 10, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT according to the recorded plat tlre State of Colorado, Corrnly of , ond ir dcscrilpd as follows: SUBDIVISION, thereof ' .XJf"li;i$'."""";"i ".o,on 4^N LAN' rrr..E assocr^rroN ,-o^" to.,f (aM:xoED ro'r7'7o) SCHEDULE B PART I Thia Policy doce not iruurc againct locr or damage by rcaron of thc following: t. nieh! or cleim.r of partidr ia poracoeion not shown by the public recordr' 2. Esrcrnenb. or clairnr of carannentr. not shown by rhe public recordr' 3. Dircrcpaaciec, coaf,ictr in boundary lines, shortagc in area, -encroachmentr, and any factc which a cor' .""r r..'r""y aud inopection of the premises would dicclo!€ and which are not ghown by the public records' 4. Auy licnn or right to a lien, for sewices, labor, or material herctofore or hereaftcr furnished. inrpoced by lrw rnd not rhown by the public records- 5. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable' 6. Right of the Proprietor of a Vein or Lode to extract and remove hi-s ore therefrom, should the'same be found to penetrate or intersectthe premises hereby granted, and Right of way for Ditches and Canals constructed by the authority of the United States, as reserved in United States Patents gf record. 7. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions, lf any, based on race, color, religion, ' or natj-onal. origin, as contained in j-nstrument recorded November 17, 1970 in Bodk 219 at Page 120, amended by instruments recorded April 28, L97L in Book 22O aL Page 379 and in Book 22O at eage 380. 8. Easenents and restrictions as reserved in instrument recorded JuIy 24 1970 in Book 218 at Page 281, as amended by instrument recorded April 28, 1971 in Book 220 at Page 378 and as shoqrn on the plat of Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision. 9. Subdivision Improvements Agreement between Vail Intermountain Associa- a Limited Partnership and the County of Eagler ds contained in documer recorded ltay 2 , L977 in Book 254 aE Page 708 and recorded May 5, L977 in Book. 255 at Page 50. /[to1 Deed of Trus!. from : LYNN A]ISELMo | ./ to the Public Trustee of the County of EaglefOr thc Use Of : VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN ASSOCIATES to secure , : $17,000.00dated : January 27 ' L919 recorded : FebruarY 2, 1979 in Book 28L at Page 45? !""J,1J,f;t,."i""i"?^1? '.o,o,!.^N LAN' rrr,.E as3o.ArroN "o^" "o,-,f (AMGNoED ro'r7'7o) FOR U3f WITH COLORAOO REGTON AMERICAN LANO TITLE AS3OCIATION OWNER'3 POLICY-FORIII B-I97O (AMENDIO IO'I7'7O) SCHEDULE B-Continued II. Deed of Trust from: Ronald L. Albritton, John A. Marsicano, Jr. and lloward G. Dundoreto the Public Trustee of the County of Eaglefor the use of : Fremont National Bank of Canon Cityto secure : $250,000.00dated : April 19, 1982recorded : April 29, 1982 in Book 339 at Page 813 Disburserrs Notj.ce filed by Fremont National Bank of Canon City, recorded April 29, 1982 in Book 339 at Page 84I, given in connection with the above Deed of Trust. FORM NO. C-600('-4 A toi uaC wltx cot-onaoo RECIO In adfition ro thc maite' sct forlh in Part I ol thir Schcdulc, thc titlc to thc c.lstc or inter€tt in tltc lald dcrcribcil or referrcd to ii s"t "dot" A ir rubjcct to thc foltowing matte.rr' if any trc ohown, but llre Comprny insurer that luch mrtters are aubordinatc to tlrc lien or cbargc of thc inrurcd mortgagc uPon mid c.trtc: SCHEDULE B PART II ilONE i 4 r0s595Al'rl\cnED 'Io 1Sheeg ! th alLl otller A.lD IORTYING ofl A PAT<I OA POr,rcY {l li.lmr€Ei'tEr{" !o FoLIcY Exception *I0 under SchedulePolicy is hereby deleted. respecLs, t$is B of the above fioliqf shall renain TRANSAI{BRICA TITI.E nurnbered lJre sarr:. INSUBNN@ @. l)..rf.trrl . uaY 1I , L982Albritton cl o ,Authorized Signature o June 11 , ),982 l'lr. Bi I I Andrews , Town Engi neer Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81658 PROPOSED CONDOR FOUR-PLEX LOT 12, BLOCK 10, IiITERIIOUI.ITAIN SUBDIVISIOiI Mr. Andrews: It is my intention to construct two (2) concrete grade beams at the road edge on the i{orth side of Basingdale Boulevard for a parking structure. These walls will encroach on the Town's street right-of-way. I understand and accept full liability for any damage to the wall that may occur as a result of the Town's perfonnance of the'ir road maintenance, snow plowing, or other municipal functions that affect the road R0td. Further, I understand that variousutility companies may requ'ire access to their utility lines and that modification or damage to the retaining wa11 may result from theiractions. I accept ful1 responsibility for the costs of the repairs necessary to the wall in this event. I shall not attempt to seek any damage alards from the Town or the utility companies having services located in the R0l{ for any damage to the reta'i ning wal1 that may have resulted from the performance of their responsibiljties. Based on my cornnitment to accept full liability for locating the improvements in the RON, it is my understanding that the Town of Vailis, through your approval , permitting me to construct the retaining wal I s. I wou'l d appreciate receiving a letter from you re-stating the Town'sposition on this issue. Thank you for your consideration on this. I appreciate your help in resolving this matter to everyone's satisfaction. Si ncerel y, Honard Dundore 0vlner/Repre sen ta t i ve box lfl) rail. colorado 81657 (3031 47S56t3 department of community development !,brch 13, l98l Phillip Connors CM Land Conpany Box 824 Eagle, Co 8f631 Connors, -f[e TEcen-flt-lassed zoning ordinances for the area known as West Vail . This zoning is accepted by the Town of Vail as existed rmder a previous agreement between the owners of the property and Eagle County. Please contact ne (Itve included ny card) if you have further questions. Sincerely, rt.-rI -. / '{\ | t_ .' / , - _ ( ..- '- .. -',\./- _,1.A. PETER PATTEN, JR APP:bpr This letteY is to confirm that Lot 12- Block 10, Vail -. $!"T.EarJnlegSubdivision will.be allowed 4. dwelling units under BUILDING PERMIT ( l{o,l BUITDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX 179 couRTtlousE, EAGLE CO. - PH. (303)328-633e L.ynn Anselnp NUMBER OF DWELL It{G UTIITS (coNfR'5 LtcENgE) four (PROPOSED U3E) (sTREET) onstruct 4 Unit (TYPE oF tMPRovEMENT) AT (LOCAT ION) z olt tNG 0 tsTR tcT tt dt uoo d2 =o f,'sron Intermountain .or_l?_r.o.* 10 "tH ( TYPE) REMARK': PLANNING DEPT: Each of 4 units is for single family occupancy only. See File No. 7s-2-79 for special use permit and soils study. tLDtirG ts To BE _ FT. W|DE By __-_______: TO TYPE USE GROUP AREA OR VOLUME Lynn Anselnn AASEMENT IVALLS OR FOUIOAT IOh IGHT ANO STIALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTIO LO It{G OE PT. PLAN CHECK FEE $339.00 EsrrMArEo "o"r g 200.000.00 FEE"rj $ 678.00 OWNER Box 2616, Vail, Co. 81657 9Ul BY (Affidcvit on rcvcr:o dde of cpplicotion io be completcd by oulhorized ogent of owner) AODRESS tlli(ii:li e{-) it i;,,:'t; .ri DE['AIiTt,lr_UI 0r PLAi[{il,lG & DiVIL EAGLE. COLOR/rr)O 81631 TELEPTiONE 303/328.731I AOARD OF COUTI']'Y r- V lvr lYr | 5J I U I \| C, 11) Ext 241 Lynn Anse] mO ArrMtNtsrtiArtoN Box 2616 Ext 241 Vaj I , Co. 81557 ANII,/IAL SI IE LTE R 949-4292 'obl,i^lti5[}' Basalt - 927-3823 l,lay 3, 1979 o 0P14t,T ASS E55O R Ext 20? AUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 o( 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 CO('NT Y AI I U I(I\E. Y Ext ?42 ENG I NEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSIOTJ AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUSLIC HEALTH Ea gle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING Ext 226 o( 2?9 PURCHASTNG/ PE RSONNEL Ext 24 5 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL 5ER V ICES 32 8-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 RE: Application for Building Perrnit in Eagle County Lot 12, Blk. 10, Intermountain Subdiv. - Denied The Eagle County Building Dept. requires that applications for Build'ing Pcrm'its in [ag1e County be routed to the Eagle County Planning, Engineering, and Environmental Health Departments for their comments prior to issuance oftheperrnits.Yourapp1icationwasroutedon4/25/7g' Listed below are the comments and recommendations which were made by the above departments during the routjng procedure. If you have any questions or wish to get a further explanation, please contact the appropriate dept. BUILDING: Not approved.Need detailed drawing of retaining wa11s. PLANNING: Approved. Each of 4 unjts is for single family occupancy on1y. See file No. Zs-2-79 for spec'ia1 use permit & soils study. ENGINEERING: Not approved. Driveway width at intersection of Basingale Rd. must be 24 foot maximum and must be dimensioned on drawing. S'ite plan must show grading to provide drainage away fronr foundati on. show'i ng routing and control It would be to your advantage if you begin to resolve any problems and/or requirenrents as soon as possible so as not to delay the issuance of your building permit any longer than necessary. tt n*r*r*O* Les Douqlas Eagle C6unty Bui'ld'ing Official LD/jk cc: Env. Health, Co. Engineer Buiiding 0fficia HEALTH: Not approved. Drainage plan neededof roof and parking {y'a drainage. d"PZ/atuK -E/ 2 <-r'-__--E Erik ' EAGLE couNry "r,,-oQ pERMtr AppLtcArtoN FINAL: C/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE INSPEpTION FORM Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing (q Rerouting 5-9-7? Date Referred Location Review and return Bbl _ Permit No. Plannirrg Commission File No. to the County Building Official within 6 raorking days Applicant P lanning: Complies with: Subdi vi sion Regui at ions Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaplng) Commerrts: Reviewed by.: Recommend Approval: No En D Yes Dtrnn Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test ./7-zlt ntrn n!tr F Approval: z'.--a--F-L Final lnspection: C/O .Recommend Approval Comments: n Final lnspect ion: Landscap i Recommend Approval Commerrts: En Final Filing Date by DateC,/O lssued 7r- IDE,tO beal Basb Industries Cemenl Division /F%k/aru' H*ZL"A--{ nal4/u&HWZ 4r*5.7 ? EAGLE FINAL: Review COUNTY BUILDN PERI\4IT APPLI CATJON C/O INSPECTION,-]"ANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM Routing Form (/f pri^ury Routirrg ( ) Rerouting 4- ?,{- " ?Date Ref erred /Permit No. File No.Location Plannirrg Commission Review and return to the County Buildirrg Official within 6 working days Planning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul at ions Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Reviewed by: Recommend APProval No Enn YesntrBA Date: . 4-77-7? Commerrts: Courrty Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: Recommend hecommend E mw E Dnu tr Approval : n Dnw' u tr En .f"--r/- 27 Approval : '7. Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: Firral Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngtru C,/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date o BUILDIN dl t- G PERAAIT APPLIC o AT ION I Applicant to complete numbred spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Q'c4t4aVo2 'iitwatPrhtu sBE!rlONI oE5Ci. 4 41b -4211,""." ,{NN A$qULM"UZQ (o{E tl LlCEr,lSE tlO, 4rd-? atcxr TCcY or oEstcrEi+ flrtfi- poW>tuM f"l vht '@!, 4 @a.0rc usE or au l Lolr'/ G rbL D AOOITION O ALTERATION tr REPAIR C MOVE f] REMOVE8 Clas of work: UwD l0 Change ol use ftom Change of use to . /o/?, n 4n PERMIT F€EPLAN cHEcK FEE 33lf Valuarionof work: $ @r@O Occupancy Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bld9. (Total) sq. Ft. Fire Sprinkla15 Required E\|,c!APPROVEO fOA ISSUANCE 8Y OFFSTREET PARKING SPAC€S:No. ot Owelling Unitr NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOH ELECTRICAL, PLUMA. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCED. TO GIV ZON ING HEALTH OEPT, SOIL REPORT OTHER (Sp.cllyl Form 100.1 1.77 M.O. INSPECIOR 6"0'4*