HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 10 LOT 14 LEGALoI Ftt t cuPy Department of Corwnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 September 16,1999 Tom Braun PO Box 776 Minturn, CO 81645 Re:Annexation of Lot 14, Block 10, Vail Intermountain Dear Tom: The Town Attomey and I have reviewed your letter dated June 25,1999 in regard to the potential annexation ofthe above referenced parcel. You raised four issues in your letter to which we respond as follows: 1. Contiguity/FederalLands We agree with your opinion on the issue of leaping over federal lands to establish contiguity. It appears from the materials provided that there is a small sfiip of federal land between this lot and the Town of Vail boundarv. 2. Three Mile Plan There is cunently no plan to move forward with a town-wide three mile plan. However, we believe a three mile plan specific to this proposal can be completed. The plan needs to be provided along with any annexation proposal but may be modified by staff during the review proccss. An example of a site specific plan which was recently completcd has been attached and can be used as a template for this potential annexation. 3. Vesting of Development zughts The most expeditious route for processing of this application would be to concunently process the annexation request and the proposed zoning. We also believe that having a complete understanding of density proposed and impacts to the site would be necessary in order to give you {g**"uoror* I assurances about development intensity after danexation and zoning. I would recommend that a conceptual plan and an analysis of Eagle Couty development limitations as compared to proposed Town of Vail zoning be submitted with the proposal. 4. ReviewProcedures I believe it would be a good idea to present yoru ideas for the project at a worksession witr the Town Council in order to get its geneml iryressions of the proposal. You realize, of coursg that any conceptual proposal can not bind the PEC or the Town Council in the zonrng approval process. If yor have any questiong please call me il479-2148. Chief of Planning Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP I Plan for Arosa/Garmish Annexation An area within 3 miles of the Town of Veil boundary. This plan is intended to generally describe the proposed location, character, and extent ofthe proposed land uses for this annexation (see attached map). The area is intended to be utilized as a public neighborhood park with playground paths and trails, open spaces, and other related public amenities. In ad&essing the state statutes, the following general use analysis is provided: . Steets No streets are planned for annexed area. r Subwa)a No subways are planned for annexed area. r Bridees No vehicular bridges are poposed for the annexed area. Some minor pedestrian bridges may be constructed in conjunction with potential park/playground development. Waterways No waterways are planned for annexed area. Waterfronts No waterfronts are planned for annexed area. Partcwap No parlavays are planned for annexed area. Playgrounds A playground is planned for the a portion of the area being amexed. The area is intended to be developed as a neighborhood oriented park and playground with other ancillary uses. o Squares No squares are planned for annexed area. r Parks This area is intended to serve as a neighborhood park. Aviation fields No aviation fields are planned for annexed area. Other public ways The area may include pedestrian walkways, paths, and trails. Grounds and Open Spaccs The area is intended to be utilized as public land and includes some areas of open space. Public Utilities The area is intended to be served by utilities and may contain easements and the like to serve uses on the site. Terminals for water, light sanitation, transportation and power No such terminals are planned for annexed area. F..\EV ERYON E1DO M\3MILE. DOC Jun-25-99 Ol:59P e7Y7s 24os P.Ol I oAt -f^*e ate-- (1zg^4 @r?v,k- Junc 25, 1999 Mr. Tom Moorehead Town Attornsy Town of Vail 75 South Fronlage Road Vail, CO 8t657 R-E: I.ot t4, Block 10 Vail Intermountain Dear Tom: I want to thank you and Dominic for your time in meeting with mc a couplc rf months ago regarding thc abovc rcfcrcnccd parcel in Inlerrnountain. The property is currcntly locatcd in unincorporatod Eagte County. My clicnt is intercstod in pursuing annexatron with the Town in order lo facilitate the dwelopment of a mixed "free markct" and onployec housing project. During our meeting, we covored a variety oftopics rcgarding thc property an.l the arurer<ation prccerss. Prior to my clients moving forward with this projcct, I would appreciate your confimration and/or rcsponso to lhe following questions. Contiguity/Fcdcral l,ands ; I havc attached a vicinity map which depicts the.subject properly in nlation to the Town's existing boundaries. Lt is my undcrstanding of state statutcs trat within ccdain parmeters federal lands do not affect contrguity, i.c. annexations can 'Jump across" fcdcral lande to establish contiguity. Assuming my undcrstanding is correct, it appcars thrt contiguity can bc cstablitlred. I would appreciate your opinion on lhis matter. 2) Thrrx Mile Plan , During our mccting you mentioned thc possibitity of thc Tovrn needirrg to havc a tlucc-q'L mile plan on filc prior to considering an annexation pctition. Coutd you pleasc advisc ont/' who nccds to do the plan, what elcmcots are needed in the plan, can ilrc plan bc writtenl,N. spccific to this anneiation proposal (i.e. a limrrcd plan), anil when thc plan nccds to bc ryf- dons in rclationship to the rpview proccss tbr this annexation proposa.t. Vcslirrg r:f Developmcnt Righls Plsasc advisc as to the most expcditious prucess for obtaining approvtd/vested propcrty rigltts. Will the town considcr cstablishing zoning concurrcnt with upproval of atr annexalion or do wc need to come back through a znning pn,cess allc: anncxation? lf thc latcr is the case, will the town cnter into an arucxation/developrnent agregl[glrt giving us very strong assurances of the zoning wc will ultimately he 6(rantcd. As you can r) ( 3) **// Mirrltrrrr ! rrrwrrr ks Sr.rrlrJrng 701 Marn ltreel. lnd iLxr: [1^t Of f h r' ltor / /i, l'ltrrlrrrrl. ('r rlr '|,rrlrJ 8la'4'l Pnr,tt;9lO.$)/.:tllI [,x - )X).8)7',.'"17 r'v.,w ln'i,rn.ltt'.lf rilif..5 tOm BAI/ BITAUN ASSO( IATIS. IN(.. PLANNING dNC COMI"IT,,NI'I Y I )FVhLC)PI4INT Jun-25-99 ol:59P 97 rt^J79 ?4()9 imagine, my cqngern is anncxing the parcol with tro indication or ass\trancc of how thc propcrty wiU be zoned. Itinally, what lovel of dosigrr information do you suspcct will be rcquircd to facilitate thc rcvis$, of this proprsal- My sensc is a ctrnceptual sitc plan will bc adcquate, but I am intcrcsted in whal you think nray be neccssary. 4) Rcview Procedures Pleasc advisc as to how you think wc should procccd with the Town'.r revicw, I would r L , 1 like a general indication of the Town's attitude about thc proposal prior to spcnding a Dt&'"r1tr,,/n\g..eat deal of my clicnt's time and moncy. On the othcr hand, I rmderstand the'l'own's p* | ;n nced to know muc about thc projcct bcfore thcy can rcndcr any kind of opinion. My ' tt'F i;ns.ufigestion is that once we havc workcd through the issues in this lcttcr wc havc a work U"' | fuldt'" scssion with the Town Council to get thcir imprcssions on lhe projccl. I would bc td'' intcrcstcd in your thoughts. Thanlc you again for your time. Your input on thesc issucs will be helpful in ordcr for us to dctcrminc if and how wc move forward with the project. I look tbnrard to n'orking with you and the staffon this project. Sinccrcly, Thomas r1" Braun, AICP Stwe King Pat Dauphinais Dominic Marrriello P.O2 P-03e7u7e ?4osJun-25-99 oz : oOP E E$i$s(s. t<tET->r o.(:\x ("", Q+ o R','. s$ = ?o- it .s. rI,rooT It s\q d z l,rDi-lrrl() iilt \'. arr. .87oGrqaq ,z/ trf""?- ::li\ I . sol'15 t50.oo' aJz6' {o€z O1r r €cz0Da v,6o'l =_o|-(nu! 5 tg ar :3 cD -{!o .l€rn=oEFt :' a o7 = rt D- ..{ ru{o Nat-N .|'l 75 south honlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476'7000 April 22, 1988 oftlce ot communlty develoPment Ms. Susie Webber viir v.rreY Real.Estate 22a Bridge Street viif, colorado 8l-657 Re: Lot L4, Block 10' Vail Intermountain Dear Susie: The above property is zoned Prinary/secondary'which allows two units. Accordl"i' to our recorat''l'ttiI-pt"ptitv contains 67' 084 square feet' r r a . prop "':{ ::li:*'33::t,t3 rll"*llii:.i:;.niil til'!tti{;}"would trave to rc amongother.n',,i."l".t!-ii"tttrat.Et!*IJl.-''''t-containatreast 1s,ooo tqti:;! i"!t-"i u"iliuiit uitu' (are1-which does not incrude flood prain' hazard-artu-li-it"ut i" :Tt9== of 4ot slope) ' ltith u tiiiiottt of street ;;";;;; "1 19-1""t' Each rot shall be of a size and shape--t"puir- of-encloslts t square area' 80 feet oi-eacfr side' within its boundarres' The procedure.is to have a.registered surveyor s-urvey the ii"p'"iiv_ :t::i"fl ff":'$:j':H;?;;*+i:l+ily?1":lt:l?[" ".an apPointmenE a very pretrtrnliv'"t"g" before-P;;;;;i"s fYt!l"t' Further submftralr"qori!i"ii='.r". ri"t"5'Ii-[il"- 6""r333a suuaivision reqularions. *'"itEii-"iir-in.r"i! ii"""i"g comrnission and p.3=iUry Town council' Please caII lf you have any further questions' SincerelYt Betsy Rosolack. Planning Techniclan Enclosed: Subdivision Regulations ePPlication form ,t/ K8 N',T ro / ! box 100 Yail, colorado 81657 13031 47e56r3 department of community development Novenber 1, 1982 Gene Kennedy 33 Eurlington Drive Longmont, Colorado 80501 Dear Gene: This letter is to confirm that Lot 14, Block 10, Vail Intermountain Subdivision is zoned to allow 6 dwelling units. Should you w.ish to subdivide this property you would need to go through a minor subdivision procedure as outlined in the attached informatjon which is proposed to be adopted by the Town Council within the next few weeks. The provision in the Primary/Secondary zoning which is attached that is applicableis Section 18.13.050 which designates the necessary 'lot area and site dimensions. "Buildable area" is defined as any site area with a slope'less than 40%. If you have any questions, please contact me. Town Planner PJ:df Encl .