HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 10 GENERAL LEGAL.-. ID f waro File No.Sep-€5-75 - Sietch Flen ctrrnrnontSt End the accgse ts - l. i.,' : r-13 ,, .' : c. : ' (2) -($(4) (5) A. ':.a.'' "-..i" lJilcb=3i s' Elalr ".ft, r3.Jj F::ile l.{oun:3ln Jr. - Sr. High school :.'.-'a:a . ColtttCo l,l ir.i urn Elorncnlary Mtntum, Colorcd, Fed Ctitl Elcmonlety Rcd Cttlt, Colotttlo l.4esCcw Mountaln Ele msntary llinrum, Colorcdo E?tle VBt,ey Jr. . St. Hicii S:!'.o! ' " ''' "t' Cc-:r'- Et; le Va rit., ir -r1 -.1:'; EE? j'., C:''tt't? 0:' MccoY Elemenlary McCo'l' Cotoredo EACLE COUNTY SCHOAL DISTRICT RE 'OJ328434 Esgle, Cotorsdo 81631 Otrica ot the SuPe nranddnt TO: THE EiAGLE COUNfv PLANNING COIIMISSION - tt a, ^Kl;: f Il_.E !\U. L-.iSp OO-/O n,c]'].s6cl Gentlernen: With regard to the referenced ProPosed development, it is the position of the Board of Education of Eagle county School Disillict Re- 50J that no developments having an impact upon the school system be approved unless such impact has been assessed and appropriate provisions have been made for site dedLcations or in lieu payments aa provided in the subilivision regnlations. Please place our Representative on the agenda at tJte hearing so that we ruay ailvise you of what we consieler to be the School Districtts need caused by the proposed develoSrment. RECEIVED l..f AV 1 | .^-^u,,f-l l .! * j:, o ,":,i,r,i r:.,j.,.!,, Ea8io Cc{jjlty. Cots. FeciLit.ie s Ci'orciir,a'lor Box 386 Eagle. Colorado 81631 l.'l^ r 1r.| 1O'rA '1- Lv' Ll!v iiiiie 33air., E"-gle Cr-:'.ni.l' ?iar'ei' '- rr.aarlF Il^rrYl:.r:v\r'-.-; r v_ J l; -:- g r-': - vaio- ?1o i:g) ee Col-o:'eric ' I ,.::' Ti:e Va:-L Inte:-r'i.:r'r,::-n $:e:ch Pl:n'.'ra: s,rb:ritt..d -.c ',"ie EagJe Co'.'rrQr Slil Cense:r'st,ien Dist31et for re'rie..i a''d e?:n':en',. I^Ie ha'','e ',.he 'l\ L.,/ ")*.,]e\ A srb'1itted. <*:r r rlrr lra n.ar f^r'npd '_' r, - -{1 q6- 1.ro "^r'Jd < '--a:' tia'. a e ^;---1 o+9 aoa'l 6.r.i p1'l rn *.r.r. FF^-.6el.-t Q-l rr.a-r''l "v...-- g, 1. ::, .a t i. Rc: s E. Chanbe:s, P:: sioent RECEIVED MAY 1? 1976 o*LolPsili: ;,;.*'' COLCRADO DEPARTMEIIT OF HEALTI{ 1210 EAST lITH AVENUE l'iay I J, llJ6 J'lr-. lii chael S. Blair, Di rector D:partnent of Planning and Deve lopment Eagle Count), r. u. Dox /dy Eagle, C0 Bl53l . DENVER, COLORADO 80220 . Eduard G. Dreyfus,. l'{.D., N.P.n.. PHONE 388-6111 Executlve Dlrector RECEIVID tilA.Y I 7 i37e ilr.;:. v i fuli€ Cc!:rU, Cl'3- RE: Sketch Plan, Vai I Intermountain Subdivision, Block l0 Dear 1.1r. Blair: The col orado Department of Health requests the Eagle county planning ccnmission to vlithhold action on the proposal referred to above untilacditional information is suppiied to the Departr,€nt. we are unable to ccnp lete our review of the proposed subdivision for the fol I or.ling reasons: I ' The proposal does not indicate which water system wi ll serve theproposed subdivision, nor does the narrative make any nention of a cen tral water system. ?- The proposal provides no information on sewage collection and treat-ment. we assume collection and treatment at the upper Eagle ValleySanitation District plant, if this assumption is correct, we wouldlike to see a letter from u.E.v.s.D. stating they have adequate un- commi tted treatfient capaci ty to serve this subdivision. \{e have re-quested this information previously on other proposals, but we have recei ved no inci ication our regues ts have been considered. The Divisionr'ay wi thhold favorable r ecorr-ren d a t i on s to the colorado vater Qualitycontrol conuni ssion to give approval to construct new interceptor linesconnectino to the u.E.v.s.D. svs te:n unti I rve receive s oi-'e type ofinventory on conni i tr,ien:s bv Li .E,\r.S.D. Th=rl: 1,ou for- the opporiuni ty to reviev,, this proposal Ve:;z t ruly i-ours, F:t. ltRE.cTCF., ij.j.iai QUALtn' ccijTncL tivls t0N i,i:,i=:- Q.-ral i tr, lia;, .,'..enent Plar:ring Section |:.\tl / ;:h ..i Ecb Siek Ii i-1. i.o,,:,er !:-i _3r r-> Oe O6 Rer FIta Nc. s9p-66-?6. S!€tch Plsr' ''' ftet FJl6 NC. Stp-95-79 . Ul€Ec'l l-lEr '' "!r; l_ '" 0'f Io tra#g n c49n.gg'1S1" tg-e.dr gEnrtv -{ a dtE + { rt t :ft\rlatnd-'ycii +plledlon on 6 Mry.' tolJrl.rmprnrrrrtc,'rrortcoinmmadloyrq to 1u,.r nd-tho PlEttrtnS 9ernfnl$g{dgf+*F$+ of iirFFwil',iltdrrct,ltrfrftryfri::';.--:-.':',1-irl.,'1-]..i.,._].1-ry_f"..irEffi a- -. .-:. --. . ,:... ,:t:;:. ,: -,1 ' , ,'-j j: ' -- .-;i =..,:. -i.1 ".+s;rrend th* $rel davclopcr EE.r"r U.i totto*ltg grestiryarl' '-,:l ",.- ' .- .-l- '- -.li;; =' - ll",dled ereotoglc atrrcry 6t dl ttre lots to &tcrmlrp lt.6.fi stti b'Uuffc*fr1.f,*g1.*- i. -*, a"<frao-p-r.rng ansr3 for cdr rlta, aec'tlona ttnt Urr Grrt * flll ical.ry.q1.4 I 3r.rlCAttlS ol lott-6r _l0r lt. crd lQ - ^.. - --- --, -i_ , :.;:;"$_:*."dl1{$'f,*I F;c,#;A; ;i; ;*r, ;'u'," artlr ar dc of isri na,-.r *rw,#;#-ffi:=- €W awry ls pceentfy locs*ed Inthe -center of trc e*lstlrp tood''.:" - .'.:r:- :-ffi=jGr "tt5t tc F ltcltt flt, lrta,(*tw lrl _r!..t| tYtst: '; .: .'::1 .'rr.-'t!*: -r * arock-gourirAmatcf tn- lot 93'-." ,{-'i '" ::'-: ":'-':-': -' l-: '-:';r;.":'r:r:. '- ' : t t: '+.;..t . f$H:i.'l, ;: fn t :pp.g!l kg g*{t-rorf}qTqlF 3!!i:,.---,.-;rl:*;i; .,,-,.'. - *-. .:;-"; -,-1H; .|lEt-.-.:l.:,*:'':!{':.]:.:.-:..':!i'1:.'|""::.|:..'i.;:I:1.f..t.::l:I-:"""\'ran'!]... ..', j -.', .,,:. ... -' .. i.';-''.,.' 1-*: .,1.'.,::r.t,-,,. -:l:.".Ii,1;r:,. j..:. . .. '1 , ,-r,i:-i" "r",:l.r:' '- -rildAAl{ *tll ba $l*ardrd ta UrCciirnttr,Pleilib GiFiifnl$lrn nrd l'|o.Ph}vtl|t}ffi#iY..T]*:-?T,*ff 1T,5:ll#,-?.j.#i,:Fy;i:i::,,ii{. L, _;._',.; .- -.+t*;-f+f :*<? q-.1.,- i,-,!.,;.+{,I1i".1?}lqJ-_ Y : -_ J+ :i.i ra: 1:-.'.!i.'3:F!: :- n;--rq-r*r. -'+::. ---. :;: :i-' '-:!- ' .:..:$ Mic,relg.Blatr. -.. , r ''-,,,..;1i_---.,.:i,,.i.,l ,-:;,iiij' g:*s, cf Ca+':i1' Oer::.rnies!*tsiai-:..,,-:-. , ' "Y." srArEs Deeanruexr o, o"?r.'r.9 ^a,,riVEDFOREST SERVIC€ ).linturn, CO 81645 1 :,.1i7o ' , .,. .'j234o i -..I YIay 7, L976 T Mr. Mike Blalr Eagle County Dept. of Planning & Devel-oproent Box 789 .Eag1e, C0 81631 De ar l{ike : Subject: File No. Ssp-56-76 Va il- Intermountain Box 705 Vail-, C0 81657 I{e have the following connents ln reference to the above referenced sket ch plan. 1. The typical street sestion a. 1:1 backslopes could be very unstable and cause constant maintenance problems especially if the soile are unstabl-e as indicated in the preLininary geology review of the site. Even in stable solLs 1:1 slopes would be nearly inpossibl-e to revegetate. b. The 2:1 fil1s1ope is unrealistic for Basingdale Boulevard urhere much of the eountry it traverses has a grouod slope of about 2:1, i.e. a 2:1 fiLl slope wouJ-d never catch natural ground). The widtb of the ditch is not indlcated. Maintenance easernents from edge of 50 foot ROW to toes of slopes are indicated. On the 50 percent sideslopes of Basingdale Boulevard ' the total width of ROII and maintenance easement would require over L00 foot of width rthich could be a severe visual impact on the land. :" !,,;. Fr. i 0..:! 0. . t :,t,1 Revised Sketch Plan As so c iat es c. 6rof-r r (1,/ltl of' 2. We have severe reservations as to whether or not Dost of the bultctings lndicated along Basingdale Boulevard could feasiiiy"i"-i"fft and offlstreet anal access feasibly be provided b'eca"se of the steep slopes indicated on the Plan- Wefeelthatthedeveloperhasfu]'filledtheSketchPlanrequirements but can foresee nany diificulties because of the severity of the slte. The prellnlnary plan if subaitted should include detaileil soils and geology lnforrration -ria ,no, details of the neasures planned to mitigate the difflcultles. Also with the prelirninary plan lre feel that the devel-oper's proposed dog control plans be "p.ti-ii.a due to the proxinity of the deer underpass. SincerelY t /A.O \2[-!0 rq, ERNEST R. NTNN Dlstrict Ranger I /--" 4zd.t Znainzzzs, LJnc.J CIVIL INGINIIRING . PLANNING . SURVT.Ys SUBDIV|SIONS . WATTR 6r SEwtR 5Y5TU{5 Aorlog 1908 Voil, Colorodo 816 57 Kannath E. Richordr phonc rldo6Dtr2l 949-5072 Rcgirterad Profcrsionol Enginccn Dcnvcr)r?tlltFt 893-1531 Registared Lond Surveyorr llav 3. 1976 o .r?bX^ Re: Ssp-66-75 Revised Sketch Plan 40 Lhits, Block 10, Vail Internountain Subdivision II1AY 0 = lglf Vail Internountain Associates fipper Eagle val1ey saniration District o"ti,:;.ti ' Dear }lr. Blair: Ihe proposed subdivision of Block 10, Vail Intermountain Subdivision can be served by the facilities of the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District upon proper extension of se'wer lines by the developer and payment of the standard tap and service fees. Care should be taken by the developer to see that the lines are deep enough to serve the units on the lower side of the roads. line capacities are adequate and the sewage plant size is sufficient for these additional units. An overall projection of growth potential for this district will be forthcoming. Mr. ]Iicira e 1 tslair Plar:ning Derartnent Pos t Office Box 789 Minturn, Colorado 81631 RECEIVED Sincerely,' RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. 1 :;-' ^--,..; ",2 ;? ,/ ./,/ '" 1', , ./- '/ Kenneth E, Richards Engineer for tbe Dis trict KER : cr cc: Jr,hn .j.n:r:c. I'rtsidcnt .la::,r:s Coilins. Sccrctary-,--;.per Ea31e i'a 1i e-r' Sanitarion Distrlct Yail Intei'ilountain Assoclates, G,iner O(- United States Departrnent of the Interior IN TEPLY AEFTN ?O ! t6). z ; : : ill,1:D co 2. 3. Will parking be a problem for some ofduplexes along Basingdale Blvd? Grade still appears to be a detriment building in the entire subdivision. the Stewart A. Wheeler, Area lla:1ager We will have more comments at the next Technical Review Conmittee lueetinq. Sincerely yours, ! O{ BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Gfenwood Springs Resource Af:ea P.O. Box L009 Glenwood Springs, Colorado g15Ol April 28, 1976 llichael Blair, planning Director Eagle County Dept. of planning 6. DevelopmentCastle Peak Bui.lding P-O. Box ?89 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mike: We have reviewed the Vail Intermolatain Sketch plan and have the following conrnents: 1. Ihe duplexes in sorne of the lots appear to bein drainage paths. perhaps a drai,nage planis in order. APR 3 0 1976 o"*t';il;;r1,;,,,t r :-,' i:: i,. i , r:t.; - .;r. .,Jrno.t{]5:r Save Energy and You Serve America! i.to C.J. KUIPEA State Engineer DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Depanmenl of Natural Resources 300 Columbine Bu i ld ing 1845 Sherman Streel Denver, Colcrado 80203 Admini stration (303) 892-3581 Ground lVater (303) 892-3587 -:;'.r/iD APR 2 S 1976 DepL 0i l,.i;;::; & Dr/*. . f88h Couno.. Cdo', April 26, 1976 Mr. Michael S. Blair, Director Eagle County Department of Planning P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Vail Intermountain Block 10, Sketch Plan Dear Mr. Blair: This is to acknowledge receipt of sketch plan material for the above referenced subdivision. I have no objection to the approval of the sketch plan provided a water resource report is submitted with the preliminary plan which discloses that the Vail intermountain Water District is capable of serving the subdivision. very ly yours, \-4. puty State Taric A Danielson Engineer JADIHDS:mvf cci L. Enewold Land Lise Comm. O FfiPAnTfiitl{T 0F PtfiitHiItI AIt$ FEilET$Pi'$ENf Castle Peak Bldg. 510 Broad*'a1' Ir.O. Ilox 789 Engle, Colorado 6163I 23 April 1976 Re: File No. Ssp-66-76 Revised Sketch Plan Applicant: Vail lntermountain Associates P. O. Box 7O5 Vai l, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewith is a revised Sketch Plan appl ication submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review anrd recommendation at their regular meeting on 19 May 1976. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Section 3.05 and 3.O7, 1972, you are required to receive the plan, and you have 24 days from date mai led within which to respond or the plan will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations a few days prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or tirne, please advise this office, in writing. Thank you very much, 2-2//,'gz-'-Michael S. Blair D i reotor MSB/kt Planning f)t';r;rilr. l rrl ?lilrning Oommissi.rn: SuMivision, Rezorirrg. -{p1'licatilns anrj Reyicq' i3,13, 3f5-.-?3ti D..il.fi,.,, l-ilfi,.:.1. q'.;';;.- D.,;:::its lr:C I::,:,r."::l':. Zr,riir| -i_C:::i:i:::-:ri;..:: .:rit3i 335_l;339 lAott c0IiNIy 4 t r, . fl.' I lr !.1 {, '' ll ! rr..,. ?.. t,. 5. 6. 7- Crcol< to Edr^rords: Vai I Area: Gas #;T _- vy'nter & San. AuttrcritY \(ildli{o i i.. \'lrr r.r;rtr \/t'1la)' Ell'c:rlc -- =' --- !1.('rl:':r i11r--.' '!r'r: (' I'r'':ci :1'r:"-;r: irrt") -i - ('ja,:" '.,i!f l)' f i' oi liilil;;;';;'l: .!' a l: I i.:l t ri ir ./\l I o I - VAIL I]'].]'DRMOUNTAIN SUBDTVISION BLOCK SIiDI'CH PLAN SUB}IITTAL REPORT Sketch Plan Reguirements Sketch Plan: The proposed subdivision is shovrn on one21x36 sheet at a scale of 1"=100: (a) The tract boundary, lot pattern and lot acreagesare shown on the layout. The lots will be singlefanily, duples anC fourplex as tabulated on thesketch p1an. (b) The proposed sireet systen along uith the exist-ing street pattern are shown on the sketch planlayout. The approxinate gradients are also shcwn for the proposed streets. A typical crosssection shows the street and right of way widths. (c) Ovmership and use of adjacent 1and is shoh'!.r onthe sketch pl-an. (d) The soil conservation seivice soil classificationis j-ndicated on '"he sketch plan ani the tvpe ofvegetation is Cescribed on the proposei suLdrvisicr: l ayou t. (e) The amount of surface runoff enteri_ng the site is .shown on the si:etch plan layout. The estinated100 year water surface from the Gore Creek floodpa1:.n report anC the 30 foot streanr set bac): Ii-neare aLso shown. A copy of the flood plain mapfrom the above report is encl_osed. INFOR.ITIATIOi{: A leLter from the subdivider with a S25.00check requesting si:etch plan review by :he Coun;y, ispart of this submirtal. (a) Naine of the subdivision is Vail fntermountainsul:ii vision Bl-oci,, 1C and is shov.n ou -.be Sletch P1an. (b) A fetter of intent from the water district is apart of this subrnittal. IU 4. 01 4. 01. 0L I rr n " --- t_ tl I Ijl: r' i'lant:ng a .. 1-r., i \-, -. -ii _ ' 4.OL.a2 L le';ier of inteni i.-'t--'--r. =16 tlc.r : -,:-- l;c,-rnta rn Bell- anC Publ,ic Service - - -'.- - i t ! - I!- u!,.rr_! L !cl,l-. E-an -'- ^I r J:.. !.: = Gas lines are in the exi-sting roads and will be extended tothis subcivisi-on if gas Deni,its are issued. Electrie heat willbe -sec if oas pe:r,its are no: a.';a j lab1e. -rrre covenan--s will rniicate t-h e coistr-ucti on Li::ri:ai.io:is cnr:cl-., s;'-e '*1 '"h resi_;ect tc ti:e sc:l_g a;;c geoloEy r€i_,orL. I - Western Slope Gas Company {)ne Parh Central - l5t5 Aropohoe srreel P. O. Box 840 Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (303) 534-1261 April l-9, 1976 Eagle Co. Dept. of Planning and Development P.O. Box 789 Eagle, CO 81531 Attn: Mr. Br air Re: File No. SSP-66-76 - Sketch Plan VaiI fntermountain Assoc. Dear Mr. Blai-r : Per our .hone conversation of Aprir !6, !976r r am sencling this letter concerning ttre above referenced sketch pran. western is withhording any approval of ifie plan peniling review of a new revised sketch to be completed by ieGNA andl submitted for our inspection. ttre original sketch, as sub- mitted, did rrot meet our approval- and it is our understanding that KKBIIA will have a revised p1_an before Apri1 21 , !976. Enclosed is a copy of the letter western has sent KKBNA setting forth I{esternrs position of subdivisions that affect its pipeline. Iltis letter should giwe you a better idea of what objectives must be rnet in the plannirrg of a subdivis ion. that encompasses a high pressure gas rine. I f any q..:estions arise that I can help with, p)-ease 1et me krrow. Very truly yours ,.'') ..7 , / .r' z/ ,' // \-/ -,/r.lr'n r.4 L-A- \ul a -o1-i Daniel L. Tekavec Associate Right-of-h'ay Agent DLT/Lc + COLORADO DEPARTMEXT OF HEALTI{ 121A EAST lITH AVENUE. DENVER,COLORADO 80220. PHONE 388-6'TI Edsard G. Dreyfue, X.D,, X.p.f,.;ExeculLvc Dir.ctor April 15, 1976 Rrcgii,ro APR 1 6 1976 RE: Ssp-55-76, Sketch plan, Vai I Intermountain Association 't;t. -'- -Dear Nri lilair: The colorado Departnrent of Health has reviewed the apprication referredto above' There is insufficient information with trre'apf i i .a t i on forthe Departnrent to compl ete its review and we recommend iie eagte countyPlanning commission_tabre the p.opor"t-rnti r the folrowing informationis provided to the Departnrent bf H""itf,. l' Source of domesti c_water suppry._ The application stated a letter ofintent from the water dirtri .tti) was enclosed, but there was nolet te r of intent enclosed. 2' There is no stetement as to where or ho"r the domest ic sewage wit be' treated' ,,e assurn it wilr be the u.E -v-s.D. and r^,e are sti Ir tryingto get an inventory of cofirnitrnents vs capaci ty for this plant. canthe County planning Commission "riist in this determination? Thank you for the opportunity to review this application. Very truly yours, FOR DI RECTOR, WATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION xEin'6ft7({*,Lp :e -i rn,",Water Qual i ty Manaoeaent pl anning Section Khu,/mb cc: Bob S iek Di ck Botryman I'lr. l4i chae I S . B I ai r, Di rector Department of planning and DeveloprrentEagle Coun tyP. 0. Box 789 Eag le, C0 81631 e ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8ll Eagle, Colorado 81631 Vail 476-5618 Eagle 328-??18 Basalt g2?.3322 13 April 1976 :''":llYiD APR 1 { tgz6 oe!t.01 .,*,, Tiff:rl,i.,,.,. Departrnent of Planning and DevelopmentP.O. Box 789Eagle, CO 81631 To: Mike Blair Re: File No. ssp-66-76-sketch ptan, vair rntermountain Assoc. --My-comments are as f ollows: 1. Lots must conform to Section 5,O8, County Subdivision Regulations. Areaseems to be in-excess of 25% slope minimum iot size,2b,0o0 sq, feet prusadditional 1,000 square feet for each percentage point above islo. 2' Who will be responsible for sewage lift pumps? Test will be required forsteep lots that are located beLow ilre sewer- tFnk rinel 3 ' Bridges cross Gore Creek shoutd be brought up to County Standards prior tofinal .approval, but not at thi.s sketch plai stage. 4. Rear and side lot easements should be rocated arong rot rines. 5' The cut and fill slopes will be excessive and should be located withinthe road right away and not wittra 1ot lines. I'qrErik W. Edeen R.p.'S.Eagle County Environrnental Heatth Unite ( dS tates Department of the tenor BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Glenwood Springs Resource Area P.O. Box 1009 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 April 12. 1976 &lichael Blair, Planning Director Eagle County Planning Department P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mike: We have revi-ewed the Vail Intermountain Subdivision proposal and have the following ccmrments: ( In rN TEPLY I,EFER TO 1785.2 'fi:':..':"'i'r 'rD APR i .r i92,6 Dept. 0i f ia;irrri;s it r,,ver. Eaglo C€unty. Colo. (ssp-66-76) 2. I. The road in the upper portion of the proposal will cover a Western Slope Natural Gasline. Development along theexisting line should be coordinated with the Gas Company. Federal laws do apply. the Division of Wilcllife may want to obtain legal access to Division of Wildlife lands through the upper culde-sac foradninistrative purl>oses, wildlife nanagement, etc. lltre geology map indicates that a slope of 2O to 30t (buildable) covers the cul-de-sac. Chances are good that the builder would construct his/her house at the west end of the cul-de-sac, therefore eliminating the best access poj.nt. We would like to see a detailed geology/soils s tudy completed on the site with specific building sites designated as suit- able (slopes less than 20*) in the buililing applications. 4. Insure (i.e., bond) that t.lre clog/hruan proof fence is con- structed as soon as possible to protect deer herds. Possibly, state in the covenants that dogs are prohibitecl if the proposal is approved. 5. Insure that the development of this area mj.nimizes visual irn- pacts during construction (i.e., tree removal, cuts, fil1s, etc.) stewart A. wheeler, Area l{anager 3. Sincerely yours, Save Energy and You Serve America! r'/.,o@ \Yestern S lope Gas Compan y -*- - -.----:-a:a-- : , --.--./' April 9, 1976 Ketchum-Konke l_ -Nicke I -Au s tin 7456 l{est 5th Avenue Denver, Colorado 90226 Ai.tention: Leroy Tobler .8 - l515 Aropohoe Streel Denver Colorodo 8O2Ot (303) 5g4_1261 RECEIVED /\rl ./One Park Cenlral P. O. Box 840 APR z f i:76 h'.t r.t r.r.-.,- f:gle Ccrr,:,. , Dear Mr. Tobler : Per our telephone conversation of April 9, L976, I am for_warding'this letter setting forth I{estern's position concerning"sketch Plan" of Vail rntermountain Developrnent subdi'ision -B1k. 10, as it affects our 4', high pressure gas li;.re. \rrestern wirl not intentionalry discourage any subdivisionthat adjoins or encompasses our transmission facirities as longas the pror'>er coordination and pl anning is utilized, resurtingin a plan that is harmonious in form to the requirements placed upon us as a Public Utility, with regard to operation, mainten-alce and safetv. The criteria for implementing a harmonious plan is ttrat our e; senent be left as open as possible with no lot I ines extencingover the ea sement. i'Iester:n feels ttrat if lot lines were extended over the case-n:nt, even rtith special provisions set forth in tl-re sutrdivisionplat' and recr-.,:..:'cd r.;ith the Cced for each 1ot, it ,....:1:.a 1;, e iri,c,s:i -Lre to enfor-ce after a period of tinre and rvor.r ld ser: j c'-:slv affect r.ir: access ior a:-ry reason. Ii;esr'ei n -...'i,1. 1 not cbject to t}re use of our easc:::ctlt as ar.:''-:i:;;elt r.'i:..h l:iking-bit_i.ag i;:ai I c, )rorse paths, ;.r!.\s arid g,f lf '-'c.ijrscs, r''r r i: ir t)-:e p,r anting of t '-ecs or shrubs at ra.;rrl-,,in- li'e -u:i1l_ :oi allcu -,1: e j::,_counding of i.-rler, building or structures, plaj-crouncs, picrric tabl.es, sprink't er systems or ::esicential- fencescver tle e:se=ent- A paraller ::oacivay i.,ri th the ;avr-d pcrt-ion enc-,i-r,,; ,o ,:--a:- -:r 'i-r-i:n 'l 0 fc-ct to c-.'._r f J_i:e .,..,'i th a i:t_\:.::L .iLa-a ex.a€.::ili::,; qApril 9, L976 Page 2 over the remainder of our easement would be satisfactory- Also, the depth of cover that must remain over our pipeline should be no less than 3 feet nor more tlran 5 feet. Encl0sed is a copy of the easement we hold on the subject property and copies of our License Agreement form. These are to be executed by wtrom- ever will ultimately be resPonsible for the improvements placed upon us- once the subdivision plan is approved by aII parties concerned, coPies of that Plan can be attached to the License Agree- ment. I am fooking fonvard to our meeting Tuesday, APril 13' L975 to discuss your revised pIan. Please feel free to contact us- whatever manner t^te can. L{e will be glad to heIP in ,\.verY trulY Yours,\\ .nt 4n.No_*"/ kr{UlrueI- D.eiriel L. Tekavec Right of Way Agent DLT/cr Enclosure o 978o /)aa4 Erolc Vrllcy Jr. - Sr. HlOh Sdroolgyp,sum,@tottdo Eeel. Vllloy Elomcntary Eagle,@,ondo Itccoy Elamontary Mafut,@lo|ado Baiilo Mountah Jr. - 8r, Hlqh School Mln?um, Cotondo Ulntum Elemsntary nhtum, Colondo R€d CIllf Elemantary Rcd Cilfi, @lortdo Maadow Mountaln Elemontary Mlntum, Atondo RECEIV:-D APR 0 6 1!i6 Dept. Ci . ::r ' ' Ergle C;rnq ' *"r' RE: >3P -L4"- "b p;1a,-m- Gentlenen: With regard to the referenced proposed developnent, .it is thb position of the Board of Education of Eagle @unty Sctrool District Re- 50J that no develotrments having an inpact rpon the school systen be approved unless such inpact has been assessed and approprl.ate provisions have been uade for site dedLcatl.ons or in lieu palrrents aa provided in the subdivision regulations. Please place our Representative on the agenda at the hearing so that we may advise you of what we consLder to be the School District I s need caused by the. proposed developnent. EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE 5OI 328€321 Eagls, Colorado 81631 Oftice of the Supe ntendent TCI: II'HE EAGLE COITNIY PLANNING COIMISSION ( EAGLE COUNTY ( Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT 'VZ ITEM Bu ildinq Permit Fee Application For Su bd ivision Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Building) (Zoni Subd ivision) Total Received All items are received for collection no-payment of any item. N9 1176 Bv AMOUNT cancelled for $fiFAN'TJIE${B $F P&AruI{! Castlc I'cak Rldg, 510 ltroad*'ay 2 April 1976 BE$ET$FIJIE[{g llagle, Color ado 81631 ? I{fr A$J$ P,O. Ilox 789 Vai | | ntermountain Associates P. O. Box 705 Vail, Colorado 81657 File No. 7c-15-75 - Zone Chanqe The Technical Revievv Committee for Eagle County (a group of technical advisers from various publ ic agencies) reviewed your application on 1 April 1976 and offered the fol lowing comments and recommendations to you and the Planning Commission for consideration of approval and use of the property: 1. That the application be tabled until May to al low sufficient time for the sketch plan to be reviewed. This statement r,r'ill be forwarded to the County Planning Commission and the Planning Department for consideration by the Commission on 21 April 1976, beginning at 8:00 P.M. lf you lrave any questions, please contact this office. <-, a t-t\-f-,/I-) er/*\' Steplren I'som for: Director of Planning sr/kt cc: Board of County Commissiorrersl Leroy Tobler, KKL3NA l)llttrtlitt11|)t.pltrltn.'rr1,l},l;rttttittl]C.lrltn:issitrtt:Sttltil'isillll lltriltlitr:1 Ol[i, ili: liuildir:i: I't'rrrri(s nnrl ] r:slrr.r-'t iorr, Zorrinr; Acirrriri,.rr.:rtir'n (iitiil) li:S.{;ljjitl EA$tE U0tJitT$ " . -l "'/'\ 'r ,,' .,-' .r*.:'l:-lftiTj),'']:,.-rl,tl-F\t.. .... ?..- ' ', :r?i;'.:;.jj:t':lt ..-t:-i31: t,;:, ',"'^'{,',1i1 'l:t," :jii t';ir,:'1.i,::i:;! :.r,:i.:; ; 7.i'^-1 ;''r *'i'), . r_;, i i;,, " {.^,,.1' !, t r| ;, ;,, or: -;i :rlr-i.I .):.. :.:; lt'!i' W* Woil qt,.$ nb p d- . 1j t, l', ;1 ; ;, ). ;,'.' ; :a',r,i.:, t;. i,";." .I ,l;.' :. i'r,, i) 'i.ii ',' :,",: '-'i'-;;+;{ :.f .q.r > U'[DilUJFfOCIg7;1',, il. ,/'/'' Int erncuntain Asfoc la tes P.O. Box _7O5i'ai1, Cj).orado 81f,57 Gentleren: Aprtl 1, -1976 Be Lt knomr to the Planning & Zoning Counisslon of Eagle County, Stste of Golorado, that Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., is the certified electric public utility serwing the proposed Vail Interoountain DevelopnenE Subdivision, Block 10, Eagle County, Colorado. Be lt fur ther knor"'r that Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., has adequate capacity to serve the proposed developrent subject to appropriaEe contractual arrangements between the Devei.oper and Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., and sufficleot easernents along the froot and side lot 1lnes of each 1ot. S ince rely, BOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSoCIATTON, rNC. n ?"frrn:.::1;.i',.^.-.. .:.;,,'".it.l-*:.ii:_.:r'i,;r, ji,f Y--f ir-.-,1 - J .,- -.: iNq:..l, .rn:;-,-.-: .t. ) J-3;t c'i'fN'o.lavF.', G t E Nwo o D:'S p R rN'Gsr: c o t,o irnboi.e t ob r - iJi '- ":.-,*., ': j t *;*a\ b\.\.\';:',1.'-)1" 5r,+.'T.- .!'-: '' l''.'-.:.,:,'r..ir"L'n'l l.rl .-;:lV-r.j-' r',t+':..:'.o. ' ',-\ ' 1. 1, {2. Ez"/,6*; A t' . ;a Richard D. tsrlnkley,Chief Engineer ErB/kb r=r -='\ ii )! |=)'.2 U Is*l.r-i.r;;s***u1**sil$iill,,-; Aprll 1, 1976 Intemountain AssocLates P.O. Box 705 Vall, Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: Be Lt known to the Planning & Zonlng Comlssion of Eagle County, State of Colorado, that lloly Cross Electric Association, Inc., is the certlfied electric publlc utllity serving the proposed Vail ltrterroountain Development Subdivlsion 'Bl-ock 10, Eagle County, Colorado. Be Lt further known that lloly Cross Electric Association, Inc.r has adequate capacity to serve the proposed developrnent subject to appropriate contractual arrangements behreen the Developer and Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., and sufficlent easenents along the fronc and side lot lines of each lot. Sl.acerely, RDB/Kb RECEIVED APR O T 1926 0cpt. 0f l::fi;rirJ & ii;vel. Eagle County. Cojo. o( 06 VL INTERMouNTATN AssocrATs OFFI€E3 MILL CREEK COUFf P. O. Box 705 vAtL. coLoRADO tr657 at6- 5075 GET,EiAL PAi''{ER& iOIERT E 6ARTO'{. JR. p^vlo o^n?oN. JR. TIMOT}IY R. GARTO Ai'HUR M. XEX.TPN. JR. lfaxch 30, ].976 Mr. Steve Isom Department of PJ-anning Eagle County Eagle, CoLorado Dear Steve, I would like to change my original re-zoning request from BMI' to Suburban Medium Density. On March 30, 1976 I gave you 22 copLes of our sketch plan for this 15 acre area.I have enclosed.the $25.00 fee for lhe sketch plan sub-nittal . Thank you for taking the time out to meet with us atVail fntermountain today. Sincerely , ..?f- Tim Garton l?lci:trlFb API{ c 5 1976 DepL 0, t'li"n;:,|l1.: i: t,]t.jl, tagto Colnty, Colo. RC.CE.IVED -[Voo, $.allins & @o., a &or- LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSI'LTANTS I74O Williams Street / Denve4 Colorado 80218 / Phone [303] 399-7053MAR 3 t 1916 ** ",1.'i'J;11l':'"'"March 29, 1976 Mr. Michael Blair County Planner Eagle County Ea91e, Colorado 81651 Re: Vail Interrnountain District Block 10 VaiL lntermountain Develop- nent Subdivision; contain-ing approxinately 20 lots (48 units) just west of Block 7. Dear Mr. Blair: Vail Intermountain Water District does now have the capacityto serve the above referenced proposed development. Vail Intermountain Water District cornpleted installation of 200,000 gallons of gravity water storage early last year. Near the end of last year, the District conpleted the drilling and instaLla-tion of operational equiprnent to another highly productive welLi andfinally, the Vail Intermountain Water District has rewired and re-built its entire operating systens so that the District is now in anexceptionally good position to continue to provide water servicethroughout the foreseeabLe future. If you have any questions on this matter, please feel freeto contact us. Sincere ly, jpc / tj Rob Garton Vern Jaschke Jonine Hixson Tom Grirnshaw A1 Flewelling Tinothy Garton AIN WATER DISTRICT James P. Collins Lyon, CoLlins 6 Co., Inc. DISTRICT MANAGER Antl lrulit.,.orrnty, "or"(O crir(r'r't(:'/r'rii *l'flilll'' +t* (:cr'l.l il crltlotr ls l,cr<:iy rrrntlc tlrrtt n cop;' of till npttl Fllcl]t>.wAscnlcl'(ld1||tot|)ct'.s.I1oil$,orlrnttrI;;;;;,''Wil'i',li;r)"I)il;il;;;;: t!t.rr-!,p{'con, posc$-2q-, nc Dtnt'}''crrrrv trrc ltrrtinln E /' ' . ccrutlcr.'o st'rnrurn: /:=77- ; L-Z "' </ f lcation:; rofored to: T n';rppr iioironsffr Eoglo-tlruslr Creott to Edwords: - 1. Colorodo Gc'olo3lcal SurveY 2. cofo. Dcpartmo.nt of Healttr l*-2' Eoglo sonltation Dls:trlct 3. colorado stoto Englncsr . ' ----43' cotoratlo Divlsion of witdlife - -! ..^^,i ^^ 4. Eagto County Suniterian ' 4' U 'S ' l:orcst Sorvico 5' Eagto Vt'llcy Tclcplrono Co' 5. Ecglc CountY F-n3ineer .t ,. ""t"r"d" M{n- Collcgo Disi' ?' Scl'pol District RE50J 8. U.S. Soil Conservation Service G.Applicetions ln Uppor llaglc Valloy: g.U.S.BureeuofLandManagcment-'1.Towncf|V?intum 6. HotY Cross Elcctrlc Assrn 6. Rocl<Y Mtn. Natural Gas 10. Colorado Rivor Weter Consv' 'Dist' ' Torvn of Red Ctiff tv' vvr''|sY- "" -- 3' Upper traglo Valtey san' Dlst' ir ' oi"' of watcr Resources ' -e Ottrer Dist. (none at present time) School District RESOJ Cololado Division of Witdltfe U.S. Forest Servlco Mtn. Bolt TelePhorte Co' ' Public Service Co' of Colo'. in (ioro Valley - Vail Area: Western S loPo Gas Tortn of Vail Vail Villago \'y'est Water & San' Llons Ricjgo Watcr - Vait Villcr3c Vy'est Firo I -'i'. . {-';'. 1' Ton'n or sypsurrr .rL-,:r' V 6. Vair rntermountain water .:' " 2. Eoglo Courrty Airport Authority 'o-l t -'i '# j ' 7' vail sanitation Dist'- . r 3. Coloracto Divi:;ion ot Witdlifo - *--7'= ": *+ 'e/7- B' scnool District RE5oJ U.S. Forost Scrvicc g. Coloracto Division of Wlldlife Err3lo Verlley Telcplrono Co. Jr4t2?- -'- '2f 7 10' u's' l-oreet scrvlco Rocky Mtn. lrlatural Gas 11. lr4trr. ticll Te-'lcphorro Co' Sctrool District flE50J 12. Prrl,ltic Servico Co' of Colo' Colorcrclo River Aroa:13. Ltl)i)or tirr3lo Vnllcy Son' Sclrool District t]E50J scl)obl Di:jtrict ll 1 US Foror;t l:t-)f vlco (Errglo) L.t1l Forcst !icr\,lcc (M irrturn) llrr5ylo Vtrl l<r-v'l'clcplrono Co' 0. -" l;.()tl\-'r Arlr'1131.t" 1. Ytrrrr;.ltr Vul lc5' ti lr-'ctrlc ( rvl rorcr i1'prc5.'r itrtc') C)olorr:cto l), J't. ol lliltlrwitytl ' Oolr,. 1ll.,to l:.)r'('lrt ii'' rv icct VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN SUBDTVTSION BLOCK SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTAL REPORT Sketch PIan Reguirements 4'01'01 sketch pran: The proposed. subdivision is shown on one24x36 sheet at a scaLt of 1"=100: 10 4. 01 RECEIVED MAR 3 0 1976 """'di.i'Jffi: l,'f'* (a) The tract boundary, lot pattern and 1ot acreagesare shown on the layout. The lots will be "irrgf.fanily, duplemand iourplex as tabulated on thesketch plan. (b) The proposed street system along with the exist_ing street pattern arL shown on the sketch planlayout. The approximate gradients are also'-sho*n for the proposed stieets. A typical crosssection shows the street and right oi-w"y oriatn". (c) Ownership and use of adjacent land is shown onthe sketch plan. (d) The soil conservation service soil crassificationis indicated on the.sketch plan and the type ofvegetati-on is described on Lhe proposed subdivisicnlayout. (e) fhe amount of surface runoff entering the site isshown on the sketch. plan layout. The estimatedr00 year water surface from- the Gore ireek f100dphain report. and the 30 foot stream set back lineare also shown. A copy of the flood plain mapfrom the above report is enclosed.. 4'0L.02 TNFoRI'arroN: A retter from the subdivider with a $25.00checl; requesting sketch plan review by the County, ispart of this submittal . (a) Name of the subdivision is Vail fntermountainsubdivision Block l0 and is shown on the Sketchplan. (b) A letter of intent from the water district is apart of this submittal. 11 letter of intent frorn the Mountain Berl and public serviceCompany are also a part of this subnittal . Gas lines are in the existing roads and wilr be extended tothis subdivision if.gas permits are issued. Erectric heat wirlbe used if gas permits aie not available r: I L. l: .:!r .24"2..-4/--- 7-4 -- .: '. 'r .i ': ,. l. 1--:i.:i.1. 76, tn v< cq(J o,,, r^J.'oA()(ro-J L -----t-,,r5Er-=*-,, --,-_l :_:=;*# '21,,, ''i r ij, X{., /i1 ';,:'[7 \ iiirl 'r riitiill'lf I( ii i\i.,ll, , ;,i r1!rr7tl/it$l;1-; il\"ii),r i i;r .,i,i 'f",,:i,:.i")i,;l; )irl ; l,' :' 1 ,,if: ti Zt "',lir ri;,,',,t i,i,' ',i$iiji iilt'f:iufl it1;r i ,,i iii'l.ir;fu '*i,riiil;'[ijt.'' i-;- .ili i /,])iil,l, iii l,i;)\ . i i, i,l ,,',l,f l]ii'/ f 'l ,) l',,'i I I I' lillla,llrliiiiilil/ I'l,,, iii,,t,!i/lll,,t+1,$,,:l/ ,li Ii ,7'' 1,,'',C'/ll'l' i$'i' ,r;itffiMil ! r ! ffi*r;6ry'7i 4: x i \ \ \ I ! E3 :! 'ir It; it= iirr ;:;-it i!1.tl .ti ?- n {JPPER EAQLE, RLiil"lr-D tdAR 31 1976 l1a,,rur',r '! - J',"'; county' culo' jpc/ tj cc:J. AmatoT. GrinshawK. Richards A. Flewel l ingltl. Cacek Tinothy Garton VAN.N-EY S,{NNT'AI| NON DNSTRNCT P.O. Box 487 Minturn, Colorado 81645 March 29, L976 06PL r';l' c,4jg Mr. Michael Blair County Planner Eagle CountyEagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Block 10Vail Intermountain De- veloprnent Subdivision ;containing approxinately 20 lots (48 units) just west of Block 7. Dear Mr. Blair: Please be advi-sed that the Upper Eagle Val1ey SanitationDistrict does have the capacity to serve the above referenced pro-posed developnent. At the present time, the District's sewer plarE is, and has been, receiving average flows equalling less than half of theplantts designed capacity; the fornerly stated concern over sludgehandling has been resolved, with the install-ation of the new, second digestor; and the allegations of ammonia l-inits are current-ly under review with State Health officials. We are advised thatthere apparently is some concern anong some persons within the County, over the ability of the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Dis-trict facilities to handle rrraster{ater treatment denands. A11 re-ports issued by this office, the operating reports of the State ofColorado, etc. etc., state quite different conclusions, and if concerns do, in fact, exist, we would like to know what they areso that we can address thern for you. If you have any further que gns, please feel free tocontact us cerely Janes P. Di str ict Col l ins Manager I t't.a to|l 3 touilDArDx :HGllrItlt]tG 'chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 06 S. ZUNI . DEIIYER, COLORADO 80223 . 303/7t14-7105 1924 EAST FfRST STREET . CASPER, WYOI|ING 12601 . 30712*2126 RECEIVED g MAR 3 0 1976 oept. 0f Planning & Devel' Eagle CountY, Colo' Ketchum-Konke | - Barrett-ll i cke | - Austin /4!6 West 5th Avenue Oenver, C0 80226 Attention: Leroy Tobler. Gentlemen: As reguested, we have reviewed the sketch plan for the proposed new filing, and the possible effects of the site geology on the pr.oposed development are discussed. 0plnlons presented are based onour experience ln adjacent areas and from information available on publ ished reg ional geologic maps. An onsite inspection was not made. The proposed subdivision can be subdlvided into two major areas;(l) an area of gentle slopes (less than 202) adjacent to Gore Creekand, (2) areas of steep slopes along the north iacing valley side.slnce KKBIIA has cons idered flood discharges, we do not antlcipate any'unusual problems associated with the site geology in the first area.The second area wl I I require careful investigation to determlne cons truct lon feasibllity. lfopo-sed. Devetopment: IJe understand that the nel filing will be sub-dlvided into twenty lots which will be the sltes of single or multi-famlly structures. Two roads terminating in cul -de-saci uri | | provide access to the proposed lots. Driveways and parking areas will be con-structed off of these roads. The development will be serviced by a community sewer and water system, The prel iminary sketch plan for the new fl I lng is attached. March 23 , 1976 Subject: Engineering Geology Review of Sketch Plan, llew Filing, Vai I Intermountain Subdivlsion Eagle County, Colorado Job llo. | 3026 t'// - l' Ketchum-Konke I -Barrett-N I cke I -Aus t I n l{arch 23 , 1976 Page 2 slte and Geolojic lgondltion: The new flling is located on the south ffiffik Valley about three niles west of Vall. The lovrer portlon of the site conslsts of moderate slopes, (not exceedlng lOt), underlain by an alluvial fan and strearn'terrace. To the south of thls area, the val ley slde becomes very steep. Slopes here are on the order of 507. The steep valley side is a soil covered dip slope In, the Haroon format ion whlch consists of interbedded sandstone and shale. The soi ls .are of glacial and col luvial orlgin. subsequent to soil deposltlon, landslides Involving both the soi ls and the under- lylng bedrock have occurred. l'luch of the s liding is apparently relatively old. The original sl ide mass has been dissected by stream eroslon in several places. l,le have observed a local ized zone of renewed sl iding in an area adjacent to the proposed fil ing' Geoloqlc conditions Effecting the Plopofed constluc!ion: t,le do not of the gentler sloPe In the lower Portlon of the slte. There appears to be suitable buildlng sites on proposed lots 1,2,3, \,7, B and !. There ls always an inherent risk r'rhen constructing on very steep s lopes with an unstable history such as those underlying much of the . prgposed filing, The risk can be minimized by careful engineering and building location. Detailed investigations are vrarranted. Site grading must be kept to a minimum and good surface and subsurface drainage must be provided and maintained. Scooe of Invest iqations for Prel iminary Plat: In order to assess thc feasibillty of constructing on the Steep valley side and to conllrm feasibility of constructing on the gentler slopes adjacent to Gore Creek, we recornmend that a detai led surface geology investigation be made prior to preliminary plat approval. The surface lnveitigatidn should be supp lemented by a minir,rum of seven test holes. The exact number and location of holes can best be determined afteF the surtlcial geology investigatlon is completed. Holes drllled on the steep valley side should extend through the overlying solls to bedrock. lf bedrocl< conditions underlylng the site cannot be determi ned by observatlon of surface exposure, we recommend that pedrock be cored for a rninimum of ten feet in at least three of the test holes. The test holes should be maintained in good order so that ground v,,ater can be periodlcally checked. Information gathered in the test holes can be utillzed for foundation reconmendations 1f the test holes are located in proposed building sites. lf this is desired, then it wi ll be 'a - -..o Ketchur-Konkel -Sarrett'N i ckel -Aust I n l{arch 23, 1976 . Page 3 necessary to cons truct that drllllng can take sondltlons, lt nay be backholc plts. RGI'I ; nd Rev. By: Enc I osure access roads to proposed buildlng sltes so place In these arees. Depending on subsol I necessary to supplenrcnt some drllIing wlth Yours truly, cHEl{ AilD ASSoCIATES, lNC. By RCH Ra I ph G .il l{ock Eng i nee/l ng Geo log i st DIIAnIIilttfI 0I ILAI| I{l o I{E AIID DEUETOTMEI{T Castle Peak Bldg.510 Broadway 31 March 1976 P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. Ssp-66-76 - Sketch Plan Vail Intermountain Assoc. Applicant: Garton Bros. Vail lntermountain Assoc. Vail, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewith is acopy of an appl ication and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regu lar meeting on 21 April 1976. ln accordancewith C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Section 3.05 and 3.07, 1972, you are required to receive the plan, and you have24 days from date mai ledwithinwhich to respond or the plan will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations a few days prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this office, in writing. Thank you very much,/e) S . Blair MSB/Kt Planning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 32&6338 Adminislration (303) 328-6339 EAEII COUNTT l :,{"' ,; (J'Jaih / \f F. / oqr ^i l:t '.t,' I i I\{T/\i (iY \ -,fr_: '\P.R \' -lru:t.,<tldis ilR pll$- url\Y.l \s oi1 I --,-..._ y€'JP E I L7 il \I,,/, !-ir/) t) )t.I o [t i- I l\ I t