HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 10 LOT 6 LEGALBUTTDTNG DlvtsloN oF EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 CoURTHOUSE, EAGLE, CO.-pH. (303) 328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT (-) sroRY NO. NUMBER OF OWELL ING UN ITS ( CONTR'S LICENSE) NJ ( PROPOSEO llSE) ^ " ".,. ^ ", * a o" r "o o " a r,, " a, oT " -=fu#., o *''rz{, Jt-" f i I "'id.o rr' **-j@ (5'REETI PER M IT TO New Buildine ('YPE OF IMPROVEMENT) AT ( LOCAT ION ) ZON IN G D ISTR ICT {No.) SETWEEN AND(cRoss STREET){ CROSS STFEET) suBotvtstoN Ya1l Intermtn..o. 6 "ro.* lO "tfJ. BUILDING TO TYPE IS TO AE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR F OUNOAT ION (TYPE} RE MARKS I AREA OR VOLUME EsrrMArEo cosr $ 62, OOO. OO FEE"'t $ gtl . OO tcu!tcls0uaaE FEET) Putmn Conrtructlon 16en6s5 Jox l2l I , Yql I , COI or.qdrr R'l 657{ OWNER __ rr,'.fiRo Jurisdiction of Appli92l! !9_complete numbered spaces onty. pult cxecr vEllElT6fr WHEN PROPERLY VEIIOATTO THIS SPACE'TH|S ts YOUR PEFMTT PFB&rfIAPPLrt|oN EriGI.,E COUtiTy PERMIT ,otoortow I cK.M.O. CASH Form 1O0.1 t l_23 INSPECTOR INTERITIATIONAL CON FERENCE OF BUI LDI NG CASH 4(d7 r LECALI oE5 C i. lflst: errecxro sxrtrl /oz/ Jfr /ei-/or,t I tcENSE io, ^i:n i -'. r oe o rsic-iEi-+ 0nr Z /o+zc verl eoor:ss ?>"-slly'LICENSE rr O, L IC E'iSE NO. USE OF !UrLDrN 6 Oc@,tt/nPe y' !.1 D ADotilot{U ALTERATTOI{trnEPAIR. DMovE O REMOVE l0 Change of use from I I Valualion of work: $ PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEEsPEcrAL coruorrrolG Size of Btdg. (Totat, Sq. Ft. ereucerror ecEEFiEiE pr-ers cxecrtill Fire Sprtnklrrsrree6y5e re6 ft![iftfi No. ot Ow. ing Untt, o F Fsi R EEr pe nxiiEtFiEEF NOTICE :.:!A.|4IE PERMrrs ARE REi li,f ii1ll;ry*.l,ll,i^I3BH'1,.,o.[^i",?i5iff [:AL,'LUMB. 5#5f+',*l-r,i"lr'",m*qn+*t'[Trmn* THE TI NGnoN. HEALTH OEPT. FIRE DEPT. t,y' --_j . \r.-.- ., t -v EAG!.E COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT AMOUNT ITEM Buildino Permit Fee Application FoVrllrd *o#,{r;kooti.ution X.--f 3 '1 .1: t ,"r*K;({7 ) ,Xc.z,S 5Af C .'dlfrri / ,9'ldg €onditionaflJs? .Specia I Use Code: (Buildin / (t-/, h,/z,r:'J>./n-s/u",/oz Total Received All items are received for collection only and this receipt 5hall be cancell€d fol no-payment of any item. Ne 2407 ,ffi a CATAPPI.IPLUMBING PERMIT toN PERMIT VALIDATION cK. M.o.'t4?ar WHEN PROPERIY VALIOATED {IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PENMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK.M.O. Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spac* only. I oEscr.EE Atr^CXEO sHEEr) MAf L AOOiE5S ' ar' MAIL AODiESS FtoxE LtCaxsc xo. alcxrYEct ol oEstcr{ai r.AI L ADDiE3S PIIONE ttcar{34 EN6INEEi PxoNE - LrCtr.SE XO. M^rL AODiESS _ lllrcH USE OF IIJI LOING g#{ DADornoN N ALTERATIOl.I D REPAIR Typc ol Fixiur. or lt m SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOILET' LAVATORY (WASH AASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. DISHWASHE R APPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY APPROV€D FOR ISSUA?{CE 8Y LAUNORY T RAY WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBy CERTIFY THAT I HAVE R€AO ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR.-SINK OR DRAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPINC & 'REATING EOUIP. LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK E PIT Forrh lOO.2 !-77 ,*rrrrro* p/- /**J/a, +y'2 *Fc EAGLE COUNTY o"r" 7- i4 . rcZ? AMOUNT .) D g€n'€€fiffi46- Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Buitdin (Subd ivision) lotal Received All items are received tor collection no'payment of any item. Ne 2585 Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECETPT RECEIVED Perm it'Fee a De cancelled for BUILDINGBUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHOUsE, EAGLE; CO.-pH. (303) 328.6339 PERMIT oArE June 10, ts 77 pEaMrr No. U I U o-- n A""""". Box ]..2LL. Vail. CO. 81657 0708 APPLICANT PER MIT TO Putnaiu Constructi-on ooo"... 89L 1211, Vail, CO (srREEr)I C ONT R'S LICENSE) i{ew Buildinc (--) sroRY NO. 5$Tlt?noo'r^,r. J (TYPE OF IMPFOVEMENT)( PROPOSED IJ5E) FZ^ o<:lL ZONING o tsTR tcT o o; z Vail Interrntn ,_0, 6 "Lo"* to "tlJ, s uaD tv 15 toN BUILDING IS TO AE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT ION (IYFE) REMARKS: AREA OR VOLUME Esr rMAr Eo cosr $ 62 PERMIT A ( C UBIC/ SO UAR E FEETI owrEn Putnam Construct ion lo bo AOORESS sicio of cppiicolion 000. oo cgont ai .rWn:r) 314. rl0 EUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE //- tz TfME RECEfVEg 7" Ja ffi PM CALLER INsPEc?oN nEBU;;; EAGLE COUNTY lr JoB NAME Hf,.,-, ' /i .^--..&. -.fft-,^.t o E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E eppRovED E orsnppRovED LJ REINSPECT -"^.-*t-e I upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS .--7.;/,,. 4+ ',y'-i DATE ) ! I .-'.4 INSPECTOR o f NsPEsroN .=Jri={=-EUltDtNG OTVTSTON P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY E orxen COMMENTS: E panrreu -f-\AM, PM- ffiveo E orsnppRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG GoRREcttoNS: CORRECTIONS READY FOR INSPECTION.\---- r 't 6to e D nErNsPEcr i,' .)/t f ./ tt, ; --1 .' . / .i a ,r.- 2, z. 'ir 'r: rruspedron BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 C tNsrrE$lclN FlEouEsr EAGLE couNTYi?0t 0 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D oruen READY FOR INSPECT]ON 2- <1D TUE WED THUR 7s1 -i ,' 4$- o@ COMMENTS: EIeppRovED ! orsaeeRovED E nerNsPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS oare ,? /S' t > , INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 rNsPEJlclN FTEBUEsT EAGLE COUNTY oarc zl,/zq h*,, Joe Nltue .l nr,rre nicltveo !.'n ffi,pu cALLER D orsen ! pnnrrnr LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION ElappRovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: COBRECTIONS dls i L'ur I INSPECTOR rNsPE&oNBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE CO Y FIEOUEST uqo$ E penrrnu READY FOR INSPECTION florsnppRovED E aErNSPEcrAPP ROVE D D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS /* DArE /:- / 2- :/ ",7 - rEAGLE coOr" BUTLDTNG pEFrM * C)LrcArroN Review Routing Form t_ Q .^ Date Referred Permit No. Loc at i on Lh// \A--Zz?r"a) Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form to the County Building Official within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Begulations Recommend Approval Notftltl ry trI trItltl YesE]EEE r=EI r_ltf Reviewed by:Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval Comments: County HealtH: Recommend Approval _ t .--4/4 Sanitation Water tz'tlz-Dz-aErl<te=1\ Comments: _ Q,,z4r_ a -.zz-Z ^ County of Eagle EI,,ECTRICAL PERMIT Ne 767 Building Valuation Electricai Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $.. ..,. .,. .......... $......... ........ ......... $....?9-'Q-9-....... E...16:.90-.... .. ^/.^^$....J.9-r.-u-9 Applicant-....-. Sl8!ature APPROVALS Chlef BuildinS Offlcial THIS FORM IS TO JOB SITE DURING Date BE POSTED ON CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Jurisdiction Appticant to complete numbered spaces only. rrecrftnr pERMtT applf,nmoN ot,tttzz 2...-Ztz I oEsc i.[se: errecxto axt:tl az7, / MAIL ADDt'3I o sr f, t LICET5E NO.ZLatcr{ I t€ct oi otstctEi LtcEitsE llo. EIIGINEER MAIL AODIES!Ltc Er.3a No. u5E OT aUtLOtNG lo//nv 8C|assofwork:,pnew.trA00lTloNflALTERAT|oNE]REPA|R ',/tt (.n .z ,-/ PEFMIT FEES Total- Outlot3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixturer FIXTURESAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y.PIANS CHECK€O 8Y APPAOV€O FOR ISSUANC€ 8Y RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. N OT ICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. slGxaTuRE ot cofrtiactoi ot autxollzao acEr.tt (DAtal GARAAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WAsH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. V. H.p. MAX. SERVICE D new E cxarvce PERMIT ISSUING F€€ WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUF PEFMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION cf't Form I O0.3 11-7 3 INSPE CTO R FFoM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AUtLotNG &-p,f-7-t =- 72 OFFICIALS. !r.o f.i r:l: i.,t :,,.: _:":t: ,::: -: | 52,35', \+\ n.ot' I a?.\ \'€r' El { s us d * \ a s9) l.- R Ns N N R N ss \ l-' = ,19'm9 oo .{ solt t ?0uilDATtotl IilGtXtIttxG chen and associateg inc. "9*SULTTNG ENGTNEERS 96 S. ZUN| . OEI,|VER, COLORAOO E0223 192I EAST FIRST STREET . CASPER, WYOHING t2601 303/taa-7105 30ft23a-2126 PRELIMII,|ARY ENGINEERING, GEOLOGY AND suBs0t L I r,tvEsTtGATt oil VAI L I NTER},IOUI.ITAIN SUBDIVI SION BLoCK 10, EAGLE CoUNTY, COLORAD0 Prepared for: TIH GARTON Box 7c5 vAfL, C0L0RA00 91657 Job t,lo .t3026 June 18, 1976 v o TAELE OF COIITENTS coNcLUs t0Ns SCOPE PROPOSED DEVELOPI,IEIIT SITE CONDITIONS GEOLOGIC SETTIilG suEsotL AND BEoRoCK ColtDtTtoNs Subsol ls Bcdrock Groundwa ter Stabt I lzcd Landsl lde GEOTECHNICAL COND ITTONS Foundatlons and Bulldlng Types Category I Category ll Category lll Category lV Sol I Eroslon .Floodlng SITE GRADI}IG ADO TTIONAL INVEST I.GATI ONS FIG. I - AREA GEOLOGY }IAP FIG. 2 - LOGS OF EXPLOP.ATORY PITS AND ROAD.) FIG. 3 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES FIG. 4 - LEGEND AND IIOTES FIC. 5 - PROFILES EXPOSED tN TEST TRENCHES FIC. .6 . SU}II'IARY OF BEDDING PLANE JO]NTS CUT EXPOSURES I 2 2 2 4 5 5 6 7 I 8 I 9 9. I t0 t0 tl ll r3 ' TABLE.0F CONTENTS (cont'd) FIGS. 7 THROUGH 9 : S!'ELL-COITSOLIDATION TEST RESUTTS FIG. IO . GRADATION TEST RESULTS .. FIG. II - DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS APPENDIX - CORE LOGS PLATE I - SURFICIAL GEOLOGY }4AP concLUS tolts (l) Thls report ls prer lmlnary and sultabre for general design and planning. In our oprnlon based on our present knowredge of the slte .geology, the proposed buildlng sltes are feastble under the Iin:ltations discussed rn this report. some additionar lnvestlgatrons are warranted on ar I srtes. These Investigatrons range from routine foundat ion studres to nbre detailed slte lnvestlgations for structures placed on the' steeper slopes. The addlttonal lnvestigations should be done after prelrmlnary building prans have been determlncd. proposed buildrng sltes shown on plate I have been dlvlded Into 4 categorles: | - No unusuar condltlons, normar good engineering and construction practices wl I I be satisfactory for s lte development. ll - surface drainage must be considered, otherwise sites are slnrilar to Category l. lll - srtes wilr require greater tlran norfiFr engineering and construction practlces. Detaired slte lnvestigatrons are w€rranted to estabrish necessary design crlterla. lv - sites located on old stabillzed landslldes. Development of these site5 . wlll lnvolve some risk of slide re€ctivatlon, the rlsk can be r'rrnimr zed by carefur' srte serectron andr proper construction procedures. Detalled slte investlgatlons are warranted. (2) The mlnlmum amount of site grading necessary for the locatlon of roads, buildlng srtes, and parking areas shourd be done in areas with steep slopes or on the stabil lzed landslldes. (i) spread footlng type foundatrons wt r be sui tabre for nost 'ght rveigirt structures. specrfrc foundatron Investigatrons are warrsnted. 'a -2- SCOPE The' resul ts of a preliminary engineering geology and' subsoil Investl- ' gatlon for the proposed Vail lntermountain Subdivlsion, Block 10, Eagle county, ' Colorado are presented. Thls report is prellmlnary and suitable for genera I design and planning. The lnvestlgatlon included subsurface exploration, laboratory analysls of typlcal solls and rock, revierv of pertlnent I lreracure . and water well logs, and our experience with other projects in the genera I area. PROPOS ED DEVE LOPHEI{T The parcel will be subdiviced into several lots to be developed as buildlng sltes for duplex unlts. The proposed bulldlng sites, parkrng ar€as and access roads are shown on Plate l. The development will be serviced by a comnunity sewer and water s ys tetr. slTE coNDtTtot.ts The proposed subdivlsion will be located about l/2 nile southwest of West Vail In the SE* of Sec. 15, R. gl U., T. ! S., as shown on Flg. l. The parcel ls situated to the southeast of Gore creek on a northhrest faclng valley side. The genera I topography is shown on prate r. The rand surface slopes are rpderate to very steep. 0n tire a|luvial fan in the southwestern portlop of the subdivlsion, the surface is gentle to moderately sloplng. slopes ln thls area'generally do not exceed 20 percent. The moderate s lopes of the ailuviar fan give uray abruptly to steep val ley sloes to the southeast. In this area slopes are ab6Dt j0 percent wrth some areas where the slopes decrease to less than 4o percent. o -3- Gore Creek, a nroderate sized mountain stream, flows adjacent to the northwestern property boundary. This is the only major dralnage crossing through the property, seveial other small ephemeral drainages are located on the steep valley side. The largest of these is the source area for the al luvia I fan depos it. Tne lnfrequent runoff associated wi th,the secondary drainages has had considerable sedlment and rock debris mixed wlth the water. surface evidence Indicates tirat these debrls flows are small. They are probably assoclated wi th large rare thunderstorm episodes. we inspected the slte during the height of the spring snow nelt and observed no surface water in any of the secondary dralnages. l'lative vegetatlon on the alluvial fan surface consists of a continuous grass cover. Tlte steep valley siCes support dense conifer an<l asoen forests with a brush and glass under story. At the tl'e of our investlgatron, the onry construction which has taken place was the grading of a 20 to 25-foot vrlde access road along the gas ancl telephone easement which crosses through the ups lope portlon of the property. Thls access road has tlte same al lgnnent as the proposed Basingdale Boulevard. Cut s lopes along the exlsting road are qulte steep (l rl and steeper) and range fronr 6 to about r! feet htgh. The cutsr even at this steep Incr rnatron, are in good condition with the exceptlon of one smal I but slope failure vrhlch is apparently related to poor subsurJace drarnage, see prate r. l1any. of the lots in the platred portion of the Vall Intermountaln subdlvision in tlre northeast of Brock rc have been deveroped. In areas where the proper pre- cautlons have been taken, the buirdrngs appear to be functioning weil, even in the arcas where constructlon was on steep stopes. Some local failures of cut slopes havo occurred where the proper retarnrng measures were not taken. -q- Two water wells have been compteted on and adjacent to Block r0, and a third well occurs about 1,000 feet to tlre northeast. V The locatlon of the two wells on and adJacent to the property are shown on prate l. 'u' S' l{cather Bureau records lndicate that the rnean annual precipltatlon ln the reglon ls around 20 to 26 Inches with mean maximum and minrmura temperatures for January of 289F and ooF. July mean maximum and mrnlmum temperatures are 729F and lt0oF. GEOLOGIC SETTING The major soll and rock unrts within the area are shown on Fig. r. The north faclng val ley srde of Gore creek rn thrs area rs underrain by a dip slope in the Pennsylv"ni."n "gu Haroon format lon. The Haroon formatlon consists of lnterstratlfled conglomerltlc sandstone and shale beds, Lovering and rweto ? have mapped a large anclent rock sllde In the vlclnlty of the srte. Our f ield investlgatlon lndrcates that the rock sllde qroved as a rarge contiguous block and probably occurred when the var rey of Gore creek was considerabry deeper. I'/ater wel I logs. in the vrcrnr ty of var I Indicate that the Gore creek var rey floor at one trme was greater than r40 feet berow its present erevatron. subsequent to this trme, the var ley near the site has been f ilred by a granurar al luvlal deposit, probabry of gracrar out wasrr origrn. some of thf s varey alluvlun rests on top of the slide block lndicatlng that the slide occurred Prlor to deposl tlon. lt is our oplnlon that the old rock slide has stablllzed wlth respect to the present topography. The actual tlme that slidlng occurred has not been determrned, ar though we suspect that it occurred subsequent to t/-; The well logs are on file wrth the state Eng lneer under Reglstratronl,los. 0tBJt5F, ot83t7F, Ot83t jir-"na-OfA:rAr. Loverlng, T.S. and Tweto,0.L., prellmlnary Report on Geology and OreDepostts of H.tnturn Quadiangte, c;i;;;;;, u.s.c.s. 0pen Fite Report 2/ -)- ond of the earl ler Wlsconsjn glaclal eplsodes make the sl lcie older than 251000 years. or posslbly earl ler. Thls would SUBSOlL AND BEDROCK CONDITIOI{S The general subsoll and bedrock conditions at the slte were deternrined by excavating 2 test trenches,2 test plts, and 3 test holes. In addltlon, solls and bedrock exposed along road cuts adjacent to and in the subdlvlslon were observed. The approxrmate location of the test trenches, test ptts, tcst holes and logged road exposures rs shown on prate l, Logs of soils and bedrock encountered in the subsurface lnvestlgation are s hourn on Frgs, z,3, 4 and 5. The detailed core log from Test llole 3 is presented in Appendlx A, Typical soll and bedrock sanples obta ined during our lnvestigatlon vrere analyzed in the laboratory for therr engineering properties. Resur ts of these anaryses are summar ized on Table I Subsoils: subscils wrthln the subdrvlsron are diverse. rrrree major types occur based on their geologic orlgln. They are: (l) Slope wash, (2) altuvlal fan, and (3) rain stream al ruvrur,r. The slope wash and the alluvial fan depos lt (Hap unit Qsvr and Qaf on Plate l) consist of yellovrish bro'n sands and gravels in a very clayey matrlx. Angurar sandstone f ragrnents are present throughout both deposi ts. some sandstone bourders are as large as l0 feet in diameter, although In general the coarsd fragments are from t to 2 feet in d iameter. The s lope r'rash subsor I which occurs arong thg steep var rey sirJe overr res bedrock of the i'ra roon format lon. Deptrr to bedrock rs variabre. In a few places bedrock rs exposed at the ground surface. Ersewhere the srope riash solls extend to greater than r5 feet'berow the ground surface as Indrcated -5- by road cut exposures. Laboratory tests conducted on samples'of the slope wash and al luvial fan deposi t indicate that they are nonexpanslve. swell- consolidatlon characterlst lcs are present6d on Flgs. 7 through 9. Dlrect shear tests conducted on a sample of slope wash indlcate that t6ls soil has good shear strength parameters, see Fig. ll. The majorlty of the construction wlll be ln these soits or the underlying bedrock. The slope wash and alluvial fan deposits in the southwestern part of the slte are underlaln by granular malnstream alluvium conslstlng of a brownlsh red sllghtly clayey sand and gravel wlth rounded boulders and cobbles up to 2 feet ln dlameter. The malnstream deposi t was encountered below the slope waslr and fan deposlt in Test plts I and 2 and in Exploratory Holes r, 2 and 3, The ma instream alluvium r,ras encountered at ll to l/ feet below the ground surface.. This soll deposit is below normal foundatlon depths for the type of construct lon propos€d. Bedrock: Bedrocl< was encountered in Test Trench r, Exploratory Hole J, in several road cut exposures and ln natural outcrop. Bedrock ls the Haroon formatlon and conslsts of Interstratlfled sandstone and shale beds. Detalled descrlptlons of bedrock are presented on the core lo9 in Appendrx A. The bedrock ls broken by 3 sets of jolnts; I parallel to the beddlng and the other tvro perpencicular to the bedd ing and general ly at right angles to each other Beddlng plane jolnts were measured in numerous outcrops. The results of these measurements are summarized on plate I and Fig.6. The average beddlng plane jolnt system based on observations from outcrops strike tl 3lo E and dlps 33o lt. some of the jolnt poles shown on Flg. 6 are probabry not from In-place bedrock, but were measured on rarge sandstone blocks in the srope wash' lf only posttlvely ldentlflable outcrops are consldered, the scattered Jolnt poles would be conslderably reduced o -7- G roundwa te r :No free water was encountered in the trenches, test pits or road cut exposures except for a surficial seep in Test Pit 2. Before this pit was excavated, a small spring dayl ighted just downs lope from the test pit. Another small spring was encountered when the access road for the drill rig was cut through the lower portion of the site, see Plate I for the spring location. This sr,ral I spring had dried up severa I weeks after the road was cut. Free water was encountered in all 3 of the test holes at depths from l6 to 30 feet below the ground surface. These water levels indicate the position of the ground water table In the alluvial aquifer of Gore Creek. static water level in vater L,/ells z and J are guite deep. static rvater level for lJell 2 wls reported at 150 feet below the surface. The screened portion of this well is from 200 to 100 feet below the ground surface. A second well was drilled adjacent to the original well. The static vrater level in the second well was reported at 200 feet below the surface. No data on the screened section of this well is avallable. vater zones were reported at higher levels during dril I In9. For lJater l./e I I 2 the shal lowest water zone was encountered at 75 feet below the surface. The statlc water level in l.later l./ell llo. J was reported at lll feet below the surface. This wellwas screened from 180 to 320 feet be lovr the surface. The shallowest water encountered in this well during drilling was reported at 120 to 160 feet be lor'v the surface. Based on the data from our subsurface exploratlon and the vrater well recorcs,.lie do not anticipate that shallow ground water will be a problenr. some areas where surface drainage ls poor, there nay be shal low saturated zones for short perlods of tlme durlng spring runoff or Incense ra infal | . o -8- stabi_l lzed Landslidel Ttere ls surficlal evldence In two areas of the subdivlslon that the slope wash solls have been involved ln landslldlng, Itap Unlt Qls, Plate l. There ls no evldence that the slldes have recentl y been active. ly'ater l,/ell l{o. 3 is located in one sllde and the natural ga: plpellne and burled telephone cable cross both landstide areas. lJe know of no problem wlth either the well casing or the two utility llnes. The access road for the utilitles has also been cut through these areas and cut slopes from 5 to 15 feet deep have been stable for about l0 years. Test Trench 2 was excavated near the escarpment of one of the landslides. There was no evldence of recent sllde movement In the upper solls exposed In thls test trench. In our oplnion, both landstides are presently stable, al though there ls always an Inherent risk of future slope instability whenever constructlon takes place on stabll lzed landsl ldes. The risk can be reduced by careful construction. A prospective owner should be aware of the potential rlsk Involved wlth constructlon in thls area. GEOTECHNI CAL CONDITT ONS Based on the type of development proposed and the geologlc anrj subsolt characterlstlcs, we are of the oplnion that the site can be developed. There are several condltlons whlch warrant carefu l consideratlon durlng develop- ment, Foundat lons and Bulldlng Types: Because of the diversity of subsoil and geologic condltlons, we have dlvlded the proposed buildlng sltes lntc four categories. Spread footlng type foundatlons should be feasible for all llght wefght structures ln all categorles. The locatlon of proposed bulldlng sltes and their category ls shown on plate l. -9- . Category l: Building sites in thls category should present no unusual constructlon problems. Bullding sites in thls category are situated on the moderate slopes underlaln by alluvial fan and slope wash deposits in the southwestern part of the parcel. Lre do not anticipate that there will be any unusual construction problems with development of the sites as long as normal good.engineering and construction practices are observed. Specific foundation investigatlons are warranted for each building site. categorv ll: Building sltes In this category are located on relatively gentle slopes simllar to the building sites in category l. In these areas surface drainage must be considered; otherwise, these sites can be treated as though they were ln category l. In addition to the anticipated surface water discharges, the drainage channel in this area should also be designed to acconmodate a considerable ao,ount of sediment and rock debris. An open channel wl th a minimum number of culvertg would be best sulted for possible debr i s flows. Category lll: Bulidlng sltes in thls category vri ll reguire carefut engineer- Ing and constructlon conslderatlons. Proper development r.ri I I require more cxtenslve site Investlgatlon than would be requlred for construct icln on gentler sloplng topography. These sltes are in areas Involving steep slopes. In ordeq to lnsure thar the exlstlng stability of the hlllsides is not exten- slvely dlsturbed by constructlon, site grading must be kept to an absolute mlnimum. unretained cut slopes adjacent to buildings shoulct not exceed 2:l (horlzontal to vertical). Because of the steepness of the terrain on most of these sites, it wlll be necessary to utilize retaining structures jn conjunc- tlon wlth site grading. All retainirrg r.ralls and upslope building walls must be deslgned to retain lateral earth pressures. In orier to rrinlmize site gradlng, we reconmend that stepped or pedestal type foundat ions be cons idered. guildlngs deslgned for gentle sloplng topography wlll not In. general be sultable for - l0 - these sltes. Structural parklng areas placed dlrectly may be necessary In order to minimlze the arnount of cut -for these facllltles. Dete lled slte Investlgatlons are that the proposed buildlng deslgn and parking area will the sl !e conditions. In areas where shal low bedrock is be necessary to do core drilllng in order to determine off the access roads and flll necessary warranted to insure be compat ib le wi th excavated, it may the structure and type of rock In the proposed excavat ion. category lv: Bullding sltes in this category are in stabllized land- slldes. As dlscussed in the previous section, there ls a degree of risk in construct lon ln these areas of whlch prospective owners should be aware. lf the proper englneerlng and constructlon precautlons are taken, the risk can be reduced to a reasonable level. l,/e recornmend that where possible, sltes in thls category be substl tuted for buitdlng sites in category lllareas. Like sltes In category lll, gradlng ln these areas should be kept to a minlmum. Siml lar detailed site investigations and construction considerations are warranted for th is category. Road Constructlon: In order to keep grading on the steep hillsldes to a minimum, we recofinend that all roads be made as narrow as possible and yet remain servlceable, Recommendatlons on cut and fill given in Site Grading Section of this report should be followed. Soll Eros ioL: Both the on-site slope wash and alluvial fan deposits are suscep- tible to eroslon when acted upon iy concentrated runoff. 0f partitular concern is an area adjacent to Gore creek where accelerated bank erosion has taken place, see Plate l. The riprap shown in thls area will be necessary to insure that future bank eros ion does not encroach upon the bu i ld l ng s i tes. Increased runoff associated with buildrng srtes, parking areas and roads shourd be d lsposed of in the natural on-srte dra inages or constructed di tches and o -il- not al lowed to flow directly onto the unprotected hillsides. llaintenance of drainage ditches along the roadways will be necessary, particularly durlng the period prior to the establ ishment of a protective vegetated cover. Flooding: The only other areas which will be susceptibre to flooding which were not discussed under Category ll bullding sites above, are the areas adjacent' to Gore C reek . KKBIIA has determined the 100-year flood The 35-foot setback to building sites should pro tec t ion . plain, l,lap Unitefp, on plate I be adequate for future flood S ITE GRAD ING Tlre site grading necessary to prepare building sites, parking areas ond roadways vrill depend on the steepness of the slope. Extens ive grading wl ll not be necessary for the location of the roarl 4nd buildings on the gentle alluvial fan in the southwest part of the site. !4ore site grading vri ll be needed elsewhere io provide construccion sites on tlre steep slopes. In order to insure that stabllity is not d lsturbed any nore than necessary, we recorrnend that all grading be kept to an absolute minimurn. gecause of the complexl ty of individual sites, specific reconmendat lons should be made on a slte by site basis. For grading necessary for access roatds, vre recomnend the following. Pennanent unretained c,.rt slopes in the slope wash soi ls shout,l be no steeper than r!:r. cut slopes at this incr rnation shourd be no deeper than 20 feet. rf it is necessEry to have hrgher cuts, we recomnend that retainlng structures be cons ldered in conjunction wi th cut slopes. shal low cut slopes, to l0 feet deep, in the shale and sandstone bedrock may be cut -12- at 0.5:1. lle do not anticipate problerns wlth cut slopes at this incl Ination provlded that extens lve shale beds are not dayl ighted. lf thls condltion arlses, it may be necessary to relnforce these cuts with retainlng walls or trock bolts. llore extensive grading should be studied on an individual basis. Fllls I ike cuts should be l<ept to a nrinimum. we do not reconnend that ftll slopes be steeper than 2:l and no hlgher than l0 feet. All fill should be properly conpacted when placed. The ground surface underlying fill should be strlpped of vegetation and organic topsoil and the flll should be keyed into the steePer slope. Both cut and fill should be well drained. lf surface seepage is encountered in cuts or beiow fills, subdralns may be necessary to stabilize the slope. lf thls condltion is encountered, en on-site inspection should be made to deterrninu nu""rrury remedial measures, Surface runoff should be diverted away from cut and fill slopes. Bc;th should be revegetated or other means of erosion control considereo. l'/e do not anticipate any unusual excavation problems wlth the on-rir" solls. llost al I excavations can be done with a bac.khoe or other rnedium to heavy excavat ing equ ipment. Some d I ff icu I ty may occur I n conf ined excava t ions when large boulders are encountered. ln these cases the excavat ion may have to be widened.or routed around the boutder. several very large boulders, wider than l0 feet, occur In sone of the slope wash. These large boulders €re not expected to be extenslve, atthough they vrill require rock excavating techn iques . Rock excavating techn iques will also be necessary for any bedrock encountered. Drlll lng and blasting in conjunct lon with heavy rlpping equip- ment wlll probably be necessary for extenslve excavations In bedrock. - t3 _ ,.0D tT | oltAL I NVEST tcAT t0r{s This report is prellmlnary and suitabre for general design and plannlng. ln our opinlon based on our present knowledge of the srte georogy, the proposed building sltes are feaslble under the llmltations discussed in thls report. some additional investlgations are warranted on al I si tes. These Investlgations range from routlne foundation studles to more detal led slte lnvestigations for structures placed on the steeper slopes. The addltlonal lnvesttgatlons should be done after piel lrninary builcrng prans have been determined. lf there are any questrons or,we nay be of further servrce, prease ret u s lcnow. CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, IhC Eng I neer ing Geo lo9 is t Reviewed 8y RGI'1,/mbr &'&#e (E osw w.8rR. EXP LANAT I ON 16ill u.in Valley Al luviurn lT.iEl nncient Rock slide E Maroon Format ion F l.lote: Geology is f ronr Lovering, T.S. and Tweto, 0.L., Prelininary Report on Geology and Ore Deposits of the Minturn Quadrangle, Colorado: U.S.G.S, 0pen File Report. #13,026 AREA GEOLOGY I.IAP Fig, I OEPTH - FEET .E c< Itl O--l .F € o< Itl .o oq|.o-o{ll ll r$- r- cr.1\n \,r o ll ll ll llO \'l O - l$ \-l -c) ll w\l\!ct\ \' o\- rEr-{ oll ll ll -r z .q f_oo 1.4€o Z'z F6 a! uEPtn - rccl =ir 5X -94ii: J..)..) v'"..i.i $q 4".!:'Yit) l \t\i ".'J$ ".",) "4'.r"\ Ho le I Hc le 2 Ho le 3 4/ t3 471t2 /t2 8/6 , t3/ t2 P l=N P l0 t5 r3 l./c- | | .9 D0-125,4 r3 1n n Note: Legend and Notes are shown on Fig.4 .t5 o\ - iro --l LE GEND : A Topsoil, clayey silt, moist,soft, moderately orqanic, dark grayish hl b rown. Sand and gravel, (Gc), very clayey matrix with angular sandstone fragmentsto boulder size, slightly moist, loose to medium dense, tight yellowish brown. slope r^lash and altuvial f an deposit. Sand and gravel (GC-GP) , sl ightly clayey, with rounded tiurable rocksto boulder size, moist to wet, dense, brownish red, main streamal I uv iar depos it. Sandstone bedrock, very hard, wel I cemented, poor'l y sorted, conglomerit ic, light greenish gray, Maroon formation. Shale bedrock, si lty, hard to fissile, micaceous, dark gray, Maroon fo rma t i on. Lll U I Und isturbed drive sample. pound hammer falling l0 i inches. The symbol 4/13 indicates that 4 blo.^rs of a 140 nches were required to drive the sampler l3 II .D i s:urbed standard spl i t spoon sample. II h Undisturbed handdrive sample.r h Core sampl e tested.r D i sturbed bag sample. Port ion of exploratory hole advanced witn t r i-cone rock bit. Port ion of exploratory hole advanced with NX diamond core bit and ROD. li:- Depth of f ree '.^rater in the test hole and the- number of days af ter dril I ing '^rater level was che cked, "'-t- Depth where seepage ,as "n.ountered in the tes t pit. I I Rractical rig ref r.rsa' because of boulders. Exploratory holes were dri I led using hollow stem augers, tri- cone rock bit and NX diamond corebit with water circulation on May ll, 12, and 13. 1975. Ex-ploratory pits and r renches were excavated with a back hoe on i May ll and 12, 1976. No qround water or seepage was encountered in exploratory pi tl, .exploratory t renc:,es I and 2. or in the road cut exposures at t ime of excavat ion. The approximate locat ions of the expl ora tory holes, pits and trenches, and road cut exposures logged are shown on Plate l, WC = ty'ater Content (?/) DD = Dry Density (pcr') LL = Liquid Limit (7) Pt = Plasticity Index (Z) -200=Pe rcent Pasging No. 200 Sieve6 = Angle of internal f riction lo) C = Cohes ion (psf) NOTES: (r) (t\ /?\ (4) r t- rl l-lloril'l ti13,026,LEG[iJD AND NOTES I ELETAT IOtI - FEET E LE\"/AT ION - FEET + + + + ,vt o o + oo 3o o -+a- oo + l--rlo tlt: t;l- E LEVAT I ON - FEET ffiN ELEVAT ION - FE ETO ,2.0ro c{o -. : o 'a ;' .lz r'., * l--r_ t.nt.r1> €oo_-l .o- - <'noo- F-'-. :ro-0, d -. f :d{o oo i5 dOOO - o oro o-na t O O l,! f{ o - o -.€of0r.]0, o o -.o o c30,o d -o d 3(D 6 .r o -.-'ii t rrr n cJo. |. f o-c o- -. 5- '1 0 - -o-o +. x --l ot z.a =cl FSlll.b\ 3{oo -.o : oo ; d.ii -:=*;:oo:' -:.; a 33: ca:- -- :: cl o(o (n o-nr10r o-. od l,ooJ o or,oro 1'/|0Ja .< 0Jn, O (!-' \J (O J Aor cr - oodz< o- Z ^. ^1 :'b -Y --:- - 3. ;:. '.^: : ?.<,-rtl, o0, rOo- o:5l, lDal rc! ara!a oo0r1 :.t, t^ao i_o zd- !(o = = --{ --i z $tS : o *\-$.\Nh Lowe r Hemi sphere Meridian Stereonet N. E 8to E. t Bedding plane joint 85 joints measured. po le measured in outcroP SUMMARY OF BEDDING D I aNF tn I itTq F tq. o CHEN AND ASSOCIATE? "-0'I c ttt I6 ll,t- 62(J 3 4 6 aa I q, o- b APPLI ED PR E SaUR E - r.t Lv to APPLI I O PnI SSURC - r.? 9rell-Conrclidotion fert Reru |tr t{otutol Ory Unrt Wlght - l0 7.8 9s1 Noturof Iorrlura Cont.nt . 17.4 9r?carrt Typ ic Noturol Ort Unrt W.'ght . l0l.J 9s1 Nolurof Ior lturr Co^.trnt - 24.0 garcant t t i ng ey san ewa sh ';t3,026 o 5 :e UI tr.o 'nlV't,Lct ^a(J CHEN AND ASSOCIATE APPLIEg PRC t!URC - rrt 9rell-Conrolidotion fert Reru ltr bc t. co !n vl tUL CL o(J I 2 + 5 t{3,026 Nolutol Dry Unrl Wright - 117.5 9cl Noturof Xoarlur. Contlnt - 14.7 D.rcant Trench APPLI EO PeEAaURE - r.r Notuiof Ort Unri W.'9ht . 126.6 gct Xoturol Uorrlu.a Conl.nl . 15.3 ggrccnt Fio 8 o CHEN AND ASSOCIAT o ES l?ql.r EO PR E S6uR E - r., APPLT f O pRE!!URE _ rrt Srell-Qonolidorion Tert Reru ltr ;.e , o vl q) t- E I '2 NotD.ot Dry Unrt Worgrt - 125.4 oclNoturot lorrlura Contral . ll.9 pr?cant Tvo icat de lfoturol Dry Unrt We rght - DclXolurol lor llurt Contanl - gc,ctnl : 13 ,026 Qrr" AND AssoctATEs O Conalltirp Soil ond Foun&tion Enginrn t!aat t oG a t!aaI I t a ao to a(t o ! ! I a a o ! E I I cLlv rf!alrGr Yo ttLt tro.-t!atlrcr cRAv€L 34 7o saNo 32 Lfcuro Lrl.rrr 20.5 To slMFLr or Clayiy Sand & Gravt I 7o srLr aNo cLAY 32 PLAa rr c I Ty tiao€x 8 reo^, Exposure 2 at cotaL t I -lo To depth l5t-6'' to al ao cLly tt!rlrrcl lo ttLt t|.oa-t!rtt'ct ciFlv EL lo Llou lo LtM It 5AMPLE OF 5ANO GRADATION TEST RESULTS % stLr aNo CLAY PLA!;tICt 1.Y TNc,EX ttoM o/o %-/o 'it3,026 F is. l0 Ca- ? t r.iatra aaaa alr a$r rrr :99 .e ..o. to .. i.r .i rr. \. r. t' ..r orrrt r t t o, tntll rllo ' 't .:lla . ra La rl trLLirftrrrt vt l|lALY3| traatra lota Oi arl rra ! 5 lrrt9^ro lfrrfl.lo I CLtll ioUArC Cpfirna.r€ .!a .... ro .a Lt .11 \. \. n y !.f cLtrl i0uarf otr ot. ,.4 ttr i tiorrrrrrt or rrrfil!lrorrrr r t r or rrrlillc rr rrur, ,'Jr rrrr COIaL I I SAIlPLE LOCAT ION DESCRIPTION Elp_ggeo€ t ,E I Sand.y^ 9lay 2 Exposure | @ 9 Sandy Clay -!1p-o:11r--e-l-qj Sandy Clay4l'I j. I -. {. {YfE.!t-F _-<. >.. - -{Ype Conso | | dated Dralned, QuickUI OF TEST. SAl,lPLE Hand 0rlva '-+AN 0 g 9.J__ o ?EO DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS ,t H0R I ZoNTAL D tSPLACEt{ENt ( in.xl0-') FI9. I I COHESI0N - ksf ' " '. '''':..'f' -- J I v)ln l! F d, ' lr, 5 4 3 2 #13,026 I 2 3 4' I HEIGHT: INCH lt.OO I .00 1.00 D IA},IETER - INCH I_---..-j--l-r-Lc t,9z -92 I I,/AIERCONTENT-%lrrr -. -----r I lr.^-. - -jf! oEMslrY - pc!_L7j_6__- _16.I -: J3.5 16.l 73.6 c olsb i p-lqs J-:-!:ti g, o,o-,6.qo ' 3-00 I NORHAL PRESS - ksfl o nn -6-o_o-- 5.l0 _-_r.oa_ a.80STR ES S |.- J I lJ-l F lrj NORMAL STRESS - ksf Project Shee r -! of Subdivision Elock l0 G round E I eva t loo 7813t Eear iog of Ang le Hol e Dcpth of0verburdcn l8 Fect Ano lc from Hoi I zon ta | -goo Depth of 3l Feet f,ra te r Tabfe Checked 5-25-76 B"sun W9- Ftnfshcd 5/14/76 GEOLOG IC LOG GRAPH IC LOG Depth and Elevation (Feet) 0 50T€st Resu I ts O l+ below natural ground surface. (78t 3) 7808) l0 7803) r)t) 7798) ---- Sandstone bedrock encountered at l8 feet. Hole odvanced from 18 to 24 feet wlth Siale: Dark gray, sllty, micaceous 20 20 Tri-cone rock bit and water clrculatlon. hard, yilth a greenish gray. flne to grained, very hard sandstone lense 25 feet. coarse at 7793) Coring st€rted at 24 feet. Renlinder - cored rvith NX dianrond bit. of hole &35|a1g, Greenlsh gray, medium to <) co€rse gralned, very hard, wlth da'rk gray shal lense at 30 feet. ','4to' vrr/v,/ 8e dd ing p ]-ade joints at 50o to 55". gE!!: 0ark 9ray, si lty, mic€cecus, f issilc. rn 'Beddilg plane joint zone 70oto 90". Cross joints at 20o. t0 g|:!g' Pale green, nredium to coarse grained wlth sorne conglomeritic lenses, arkoslc very hard. Dark gray shale lensesat qf and 47 feet. -ifrr) ,"oorry plariG joints at 92o. lo _-_ Eedding plarte loints at 630 m i caceous.I rq :----- Eeddlng plariG jolnts at 6Jo . n'I caceous. 40 ) cross joint 20o open. Bedding plane joint at 600 55 (7 758)---- Eedding plrie joints at 8Oo 50 ra RAO--- dEciZfng plan6 joint at 600 crcsjoint dt 45o open. , !g- aeoaing planc joints at 7O-55e. (7753)cross joints 27o to 40o open. fl l/C-5.5 P l-tlP o 00,Or -.c:t<zoo <-. OJ J Ol! o oo qr dt o oo (l) Angle of joints are rneasured from the core axis. (2) tlc = l,/ater Content (%); Pf = Pfasticiry Index (::); ' -200 - Percent Passing No. 2OO Sieve, I core samp le tested. oo Job No. | 3,025 Ho le 3 co,ft I nued sheet ,2 of 2 G EOLOG IC LOG GRAPH IC LOG 0 | sco T I r/u I TY LOC 50 .|eoth ano Etuu"tion Jr"ei : lizollShale: Dark grecnlsh gray, hard, very ro icaccor,r s , fractured.:--: Joint zone at 35o to 600.--- Sorne open joints. Sandstone: Grccn to gray wlth white matrlx, medium to coarse gralned, sonn conglomeriticlenscs, arkos I c, vcry hard. ) Bead i n9 plane- Joint zone at 600. 60 -60l?Zt) Bottor of Ho te at 5l fect. ( 77q8) [rrnTrrT0 ic t0 It 9o : - oou !fo 66