HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN CLUB 1980 LEGALVilM\tffj/ [fir{^"r,Jd-Ct l' tt(O -o d,oLF !6 L-srd =cgj I - .p .rf o,(,cu 'oo of.c E@or ! !! (Joo c, q- oro >o fcol.->'cl:.- (t!.rJ o, - o c.F r! Ci'- (J O..Fo5!o-.lrEo.o,.p.F.ot:> = (J o or'c.dc\i.'r<f@ePct E <vvvvvla o ,i 3o,:-'9 . 'o>.4 a9L € ro o rglo!lt' ..c o(,, a - q q l- olrJ ! e(, oG! N f o !0r! qov!a,-or6 F o 9!! - bn -o - ot|!d !-;.o= E E.c (l)E (r) n'o iJ o-+r coc .^ ; p o L6 - (u.|J< O Ir)(u<'oO'-Eo ,srl - d' tdttl - oa{J +- 4 F-oEQc oo€r- - a-c .- 3p I -.L. on= '-.;- E r o 3 lEo c oo ooFrFo t. .rrJ .(F!a'c'- - 60 ,e s o €eE{r> -F o o oo's so- 'o o>' <c d f>- \<) 6E=o -o'ou= c O llJ O >r 0, o'O .F| l! ! E 16! - a 0(, .-! O E ,edD o-< J >\- = u >r 'F.rs 0):-p': :F"?e3a! nct3.:6f: -3 '-- " 35.: 9 -",;5.93S EL oJa to o16(uB rpE .-F a, E. tto tl, cir>o'. q>r.; o a -a olgoJoo ro o.-c oo, o,cEd lEo ! -.6o!-ia!91r! <D > rg (rE s9E:B-8iE rBE^;e., E,.=;S Ee. .: 6i3*5qlrr- O@ .i'Oq- O rF olnCJCJr O(^E q- d q49 oJoi l,iF oL ! d)rg>cd)o ol! ;l.- g * -.9+i3*=F< (Uvto-o.c .-oclooL.cP-= P.:-* =.:-!;:' :ts A-P" -33 q, *9*6clE ..q_ EJ o !_ o, . 6 o 6, o O, d "p._ .C) rr_ L9- E-C g.- oir- or-co cDL .- r5.-.cp'u c E o o! lJrEo. o.r oo-.ro€-6(t'o - a, or.r EPodo-- EE o r': q-t,.r3-f*: -P--E35iFtg: Rg'e€ E-B€= fi3353i.9rr- d- dE (F o,E.E.o{r L Lrr } - (J r.t > (J 7r-"3.1 . EE. " -5tst3 d u- P'3 ES'9 - i.E3:.: A -o.o dE(joo !c+o.EJ'6 q ! o!q(, LoE q-dd O.-Eo)orddo, oroodEEo L>r .-otE oTrF c.; .= - c -; O r L^o u o .! o.-- (lJ(!-,6 o6 > >!X.F uO.|l d o-,!,'oc<( , ; tr ; 3 8 eg " E " E H > a E 5 o 6 - " € :35*-:=.'b5R t':3 ^'.::3:*' €SScg=P;S""3BF E*:"E.EE-EEoc- ..OrP.-.- -cc-cca O'0 '. !L-;r uaLO- - >tc-p i::aooiodc4os! o-4. c crc grlr'oL sFlooPropo o-Lo. olt l{J- ! cOLO-oc .pFaoOO'O L O C r, o,.c <lJ FL()- .PoL ntrEs0r =g)oro- op o.; arG .- oo- l! o1.; L o,r.- o.- oF.c o'-a- o ! o--o = F >c o 6.9{- o,o ! .r-o ! oF-o =ol .o o- = o E4"'5e f b€.:8f 3 -5e E 9,.:3 E€ .=EB-E€| o,tFF(-)- ltF EE -co^ ^ '--F5ar it o, o, odEc,uoeN lo Eq, 9. r.l q.r -t E or .to.c !o- x-cccEL6.. E !(^. Hu<-)p.str- -6- CrpFOr6cr(5€6o!oo€oc3 ?;3 & -e'.j3 p ";aoirl- Lr.r q' L aL| <! gr {- q, Er, .q- =-r + 5! q- o- r!c, lhooo rod +j I Od rl c' 4,,6.. oal(n v1 odd. a/, F\araorJ@@l,sirol - aD '! -o o i 'o -o (,, H E5o.h o.caoorzziaq-O =_: F g -6 ;d (, -c .-()i.aH q, :ts|,c d ! .-P at.- Fo)E.-(|JL r! LEO > O'LC', 0,@(l).-O!oo = r.- 3 clrJJ 11 (J>a, c =(J(, E :r o o c o.-O O (a - L lr O - .0, co o- O'- d!o-. o, .- -o >{r!"!E .(D cH} !oO- | OO . O' 16 -€€o o-o 0, oJ 9. q-N_ ocE 6.- o.! O q - o o.F >.s crJL+r -OC O.JLCOJ .- O. Ol0, o r{- <!sd[ crr!,s c u o) l!uo 'o co p llEa € L <D1t^ ^ O{J-O O- r du (D(5-o . O- sa c\, aJ dcl coc u-oov v o) oo, orcc'cco4(rErE xc.6E -c E .Poo.F oo o- EF (u oP E . o-o o F F ! rl,o c< oo o€x o -9.P oi o r! o,, +, +r (D o <1., f.rj 0, oP io u or! oF -6@6$dP 'l,6 4tdP d()OdO-aJ !o or o (u .F5 o'E ct6 "-oo o iu:o c! F.F o Gr E r E.- o-o s E ovvo(u'.16L(I)O(|) o>L.Cc)o O>iCll,O.-dtu'o '- O.F>.o d o1r <'(,:l >.-rr.- > '9 > .-!.e.F.! 0, oJ!',6 6^^ tt-O'--cr-c (I)! (rJ ! r<-cT, ()-cEF 'F L Ed -O oFF s-O .-' oF@ cvvo=:l5 e qo E o 'E troo(^.. E F'. E r-F..-E --r-oL'oo(r'Eo t-€ o ca o+ o d o,rJ o d '60L Oo>-oo: q- =(uo tF (/) o,, En q- =o tJ (Dd P OotEfo (, <:dao u.r c>ecc@ o \o l€-o (:) @.! v1 a th th <i ci c; c; oo.,ol.r E E 6 d E O>! | =F.. E e d (=t=t-q] t1) T.-I (=t:-hilx\Jt:r (= t.- @(=t=t-- @ C)o-l q:tr (o) Lr @ (=t-OE E EE ta E EE E 6 - 6>rN j.'G a o o.,=:-; a ! p .- ouocz.o9_)- 3 ceE :Si. ; E j -- E'[ s5;- -+- E o' - - >-'r:,E .:;c z ; -: 3 ,9*E'o- oo; q, ,lq ! I o).iGo <D € L !rqq'.6do o!-o 66; o 6 {r 14 o)3e "3"' € t -jgg> dO laro cd o o .!-qa-; E.:3 €-.E^3j l€ 5 ?. s::$i ! c, oH o- 0ro - L EoE.J !'F tP _c -o >: Eo ;ororbE 'r orl, cq .r-roL.-' ...:'53 b3- '- 9. A b -ii l =>,aJL.-€ trn i €d'i!',{---o; c.- E-o 6 .cc o! o-L '5 o o'P; N;ro 6- >,r! t F (1, o -c!!o o() =! d or o r 3 !(.) ,E c o P o;; !;6io=un o"L'-o-_-35;*9*-*3H.) AE ISEPqeFEE:-po-o.t- -S Ei 5E53--.i-i 6civ!5d(F.r:- x'; ot -o(J o! oo-.p o<.r.;o or ar5A gdEt",tP.FE.- -3.:F"' iguES?-.f..;-:-E-.9.93 .:--ob. E:eeEl. o a r ar rJ > oj E ] p - E d aro-i!c :>d -N.-odr.-dud o \/ (]Jr'' cr'i o -.- c a o B- 4, o o; ij , a 6 - d - Ot 6 6 d. P - > 6.'1 $ 'oi co !1'.cvot -5= c e? G' a2* E =-----Fv .:, vv v 6 e OE b.t t 3*!ocrJc d aro d L.ro0,6,!- J A', Or r{- o rl, l?lq- J! tr- D 0,, 'E , i. adct u1 qa..o o (o ru.o t, \o.o! EE<.h.|l ;!o >r0J o -c sl ! - L € ro C - e |,l'P C3. .:", ; 3 = bu--(' a,op >r .- .rJ -O @qE Cr()odr crc od L+r 0, ooo'>6- 6e <D -o> r(')6 E o o oFo --e ilo ru rF (F o-l o qd x t'o E o E 4tE L LOO i (l) E Or do P=o do -(!ru oo d r{- -. rJ cJ r! cr>dO :f J P o'O N cq- 5F O dr'- OJ!!. Oo-F cto(! :J 1r 0r.- - O !o L(/) qt+r !4> .F ! (r, 16 -L <fccaJ4-co <rJ !cJ o--d'oq-.!-p_oo.r .rrdo.c|p si {-Loao-.- o !o(l)3{Dc(l) () rs <F 6 (l) c Cr O q'9- C, 4rJ{ro O o Fc=4E>l orc oL.F!o- lcc Btoai:o !l!o,c oJ L+€.c-+jrF .F (! 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Es A6!cAd; ;:-; Fa d,,s' Ec-Q, ictF orr r'- EaA ;'r- o-o (,ln'c{j i6o- ',- aq F-o . o^ Po q-'--o aI'd;: b ts aE :.:x;i- ,l EE-r :" =: F; _, - 3i i3 E *I* o 6:s Ii;I ;s:ri ;ci:s;*3b sSE=g: FP ?-t =yE=;.=E:F 55F;t ;8Ee; E;sitt,i.F$ lts;a.; ci oe*, .ro!-:", :. E;- 5E5." 9;f ;e b s3=:: .*7&e i5 il is E E e:t:Ei siSfE i;;iii;;;b::c3€- iigs-* Er EifE .=;lf=p .-s"g; €::€o=fr3'.98i5:: 5i_r:;:.; =.,-- uj-trcdo o, opo o<o -'LPo)'-q, d E5-.: 3'E:F EsJ-::F ; E:; Fi : -- i: n:??9?C€:f ; E: gg3 T g ;;;-. : E; sdcrf (|) IiE*=i:e€CE a:sqEga:E:€EceE e;EE;;.8; :;+6' :;;+'.93".::E '='- -36'o--E- o !toarq '.s ii! rF - cn.r- tuco6 (Jco 6=!->'Eo.Pp > ro(J0,aJPo -!6!E;E€E=:=:;=:gEFE:;€C:TSI;: EFEE;FiHS EEEi =EF!€c j i .: 6 c|; - dr p ,! o L ; 6i. o c{Jq;q>9 - c.ro- -a '; q- '-+) '5 F{ro o).!EiIE.ir:i!iia.:iEt=!h?t.ac.j a:s;:-gPts! "3!.3 Ei.3:Eirc.i 6d lo;od =o!<rc ;e'- c Fo--.orc .;y.-! -;d ='=ts:; ,-= a - ..: 3; € .3 E = - 9 . 5 i E g = €; P a, f 3 ',-o- eEe ! E--(!= qri i br'; o or'-'- q-c o, -La- '6tr toj.l]lEqJoS {J rbo66r ;;E.i.; ; 5 or i.=1,+-<c.d o ;Fe-vr8 iE,dE=F o or o o'r-- o o i! p (r, P o c o 0'- d oP;; ;iJil- EE;:E;i:;E s3€3; ;1.: lE;.Fi =;€e= A e ? GGCa o.=E b=f €.: niF .- ii ; vvv.-r --F-P5'e '- E - .:g EEggF3s 33ss 3!.:'n E Lo-'.=aE' !o-+'-.0r!E69ti; -a P 5;3 & .:;3 coo!(F q9-i @ o- qoior.o I rolg +i ralld4 odco "" eg.j)*-- I o c'r o'o o 6('"o d<;<i o,,:: ii ii '. ii OO {J E o.< E -' 3'EE - o' L CJ d YE F= - E P" A = E F -(i ? ; EO o) €b q,EE EL> =<'= pq, o= o 'g 0, J O '- qJ 'FEr , > q >!ct =.- o Er'o '- ]J- 'o-o = o.F.desfo-oc (l) o 0J=F ,o.-F 16o.PoJ(^l€.c.gFPc .o at._.F, f -oc JrJ o-F6cZ-.ll6E.al- o, aJOF lg(JOc-> o.F o 6r.- r!c.l d N '.q-- o o,o L>3- >rO9- O.r sqJ c, .F.Fq- o c Gt g C'.J CJ U L.- 'l'r (DE14<.F.€ (o coLooood- t E< o o,ooJ o>aoa EF @< <o o ! .. o,d 5('|h|'.|= o ro - +o o E> 'e= 6o = c'I > rc ' -'F +' o " t- 9:ij ! .o s>ro, 'Fo 'o ! {J? '! €o i .c O >Fg!-=o c q': F A .= P:PE"j g; i 13Pi E b.i 3". g ; &ioE3.5 :b q Eelt ' '- A= 'o 6rJ -'- ol! (J-o o q rd r-o cDFp n c -!)--E(iD @E c {rFo' o o = co- i! ; cO 016 6o |, oEd, rF -.= o .!-El-rro E 9, -9!':! F >,+, o {r F o.-a- PE .'f.i n E -i;*.3- +,€E H 6-9,: E EE EER F t F3e;;5: *.i* sl!;;E: h *5-E gts - E E EFoo ;S€ e EEBI 3 '5 ; I ; ,,:eRH ;H,g :I E.sEtfi 'E;e : ;i;i b g L !u o E oort! L-Es,i .- rd . >'c (',ii,6,r- Eo!30, gE 6--.-!:r Ea-dora.r0J 'r- c > r!oroc c.pco.;-660) = .-.--Eb6 E oro+J .; oE 5 '4 ol'-tlzzgsrEP *-s.5Eo,f.P.'E EE^9S-b,6. 53;i;H e iEiYE+'E=iEEtoI- = -- o;6G-;6+ro@ --a.- --lo=.- .l'oigErq- 6 9l!-q9qp E:-.j 66'-oor o..J.- c!d; I oo{Jo,' L.- -E:EE E"a;-E -*-:n.+" bES€'."E'.9tS *E'E8eSb€-' ="-" o ,t q'o >eJe.!- r!-cr-co-F l|-or=prc;t€oru !<=L o-+=.c6ru oluoL'-occg;E;e= "E;F=Ee=*ii !.3gsSS€eilEEiEEE tf;aEs.eEe sI6.0-o..J si6o q_EU F =6 ._a >.F_o!o"qcg€ BoE.F.i.oBE _-O oco! o .r) oooc >ol>F'-,SgHF=,i EEEEEeF.E"- ;c:pRi::gE:pEEe-€ eP36-E&- E-..==3t,- -3,-3.. rEEE .:C---=gF":C..EE:!; gXFs:-rl,i-ErEE cq)o!r!4r ! ors'o--< - 6-E"o 4t.Fod(r= !P EaatEo p o. L>itrui6E! :;EEgf :f;:i:E EtEs EiEl!5;;E#.iEE;;t TIfi;ti€€EHE!€^ ^^^ E;3E FE€ ^-^ E;eE e!3f Et€^^ - &it:Fg$ E€^ ^6 6- N.'re (J c o d(\rr,<r c, 9 OHo.r o >r>c<t oH (\ri E- --' ii" E '-' EPE" - ii-86; E- - ; U 5 - d q o co.o s od. !r o-.. - o F" t oJ ': . (l - & a€6 .l :-€ o d I r.rr at d! 6b t-q- j o ir ..- dN c, cn r.-€r "i! E ,ei ! ++F; F.Jo,; 6 u1 |J-e e 6 orotd .c o,lE ; :;; ,j Td ; .j 3e; ; J E;aaa d o o oo-2 E or o oo,dr t,L r EAGTE COUNTY ConmunitY DeveloPmentP.0. Bbx i79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73r I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrSsloNERS Ext 241 17 JanuarY 1980 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E550 R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN I NSPECT ION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 2l 7 CO U IITY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN SI O N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING Exl 226 or 229 PU RC H A5ING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927 -3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Re: File No' Su-3-80-F Fina] Plat Vail -intermountain Swim and Tennis Condo's At their meet'ing on 16 January-198-0, the Eagle County-Planning Commission recommend;; ipp"oui,t-of lo!l^ Fjnal Plat' During irr" Oii"rition, the app'lilant stated that the recreation iliiiiii.i woufd be ibhpretea durins the summer of 1980' This recommendation will be fonrvarded-to the Board of County Comrnissioners at their *".iing on 23 January 1'980' beginning at 9:00 A'14. If you have any questions, please contact this office' Chuck 0gilbY P. 0. Box 820 Vail, Colorado 81657 Thank you-E*r&; Thomas Boni Assistant Director of Planninq TB/kp cc: Board of County Conun'issioners EAGLE COUNTY Conununi ty Devel opment P n Rnv l7QEAGL{tbtbhnoo arogr TELEPHONE 303/328-7311 BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrs5toNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTI O N Ext 226 ot 229 CLER K & RECOROER Ext 217 COUXTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENV I RON M ENTA L HEALTH Ext 238 EXT E NS ION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUALIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONN EL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERI FF Eaale Ext 2l I Baialt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 January 28, .I980 Chuck Ogil by P.0. Box 820 Vai1, C0 81657 Re: File No. Su-3-80-F - Final Plat Vail Intermountain Swim & Tenn'is Club At thejr January 23 hearing the Board of County Cornmissjoners approved your final plat for four units. Upon receipt of the requ'ired filing fees of $.|0.00 per page for the mylar and $2.00 per page for the covenants, th:is office will file your plat. Respectful ly yours, ---i-7-// ,/.---'-y'' "'o,'-. c a'' Thomas Boni cc. Board of County Commissioners ,fi'-'"t: Assistant Director of Planning t-- r^ran [=l_=14\7lL5t_= I o: Kathy Peterson, Planning Department Subject: Final Plat Checks Fro m: S-b-{2Beth Riggert, County AttorneYw File No.:Da te: 1/Bl80 As per your request, enclosed are my comments with respect to the following- finit piats which aie to be revievred by the Planning Commission on January .|6, .|980: SPRUCE CREEK TOI^INH0MES AT VAIL, PHASE I, SU-ll2-80-F: The language of all cert- ificates are in order with the except'ion of appropriate signatures being placed thereon VAIL INTERIVIOUNTAIN SI^IIII AND TENNIS CLUB CONDOMiNIUI'1S, SU-380-F: OIVNCT'S CCTt'if'iCAtC does not state that said owners are the "sole ovlner.s in fee simple" of the real n'-nnArrv Thprp is a tjtle certificate from Transamerica Title Insurance Company tJIvyuIvJ wh'i ch siates that said dedicators have tjtle in said property free and clear of all liens, etc. i don'T know if this is sufficient to shorv that the applicants are the sole owners. There is also no Plannjnq Commjss'i on Certifjcate on said plat and no Tax Certificate. MCVEY DUPLIX, Sl4-164-80: There is no Tit,: Certjficate to guarantee the dedicatjons to the County if in fact dedicat'i ons hatre ;een made. LECHNER DUPLEX, PHASE LL, Slrl-.|65-80: Therc.i s no Title certificate to guarantee the dedications to the county if jn fact c:iications have been made. RESUBDIVISI0N 0F LOT 16, BLOCK 3,514-.|63-80: There is no Tjtle Certifjcate to guarantee the dedjcations to t,he County jf in fact dedicatjons have been made. EXHTBIT C TO CONDOMIN IUM DECI.ARATTON FOR VAIL, INTERMOUNTAIN SWIM AND TENNIS CI,UB CONDOMINIUMS AlltAcloFLAilDEtItlcAP0|iTIoil0FVAILttIt.R|.|oultIAINoSv:LoP}.lrrSUBDIvISIotl ELr,ii'i r.s ili.io-ii sr,or 218 AT PAG. 82, urlDi'l{ hic:Pllorl :10. 1i3672 lrl TH: 6iiic: oi-rii ircLf couritY ct:RX r.'l0 li'.co,rDtR, ArlD A PARC:L LYlrlG soulH 0F iiii*irir. Htol:,lAy 70 A't9 :.t0ktF r'F sArD VAIL llr ikr{ourirArl-Divr LtPqiitT SUBDI- iiiid rii.0ci';. sAID rkACt BetirG tlokc pAkrrculARry D:scRlB:0 As FotLoiis: BEGIitiilllc AI iH! ii0kiH;ASl COkltili 0F t0r 2 Iil SAID VAIL. -lilTlhl'l0uiilAl:l 5 ii:iijpi.iiri ' suiio rv i s torl eL'rcK 4, THirJct s 62 26'10"-! ALo q TH! rr('RTHERLY iiii'c,i iiiio-iueDivriiorr e Drsr^ ci oF 4e3.oc f ':r'l 10 rH:,xoRIH.Asr coRNER oi'ic,i e-0i sAt0 suri:vlst'Jii; 1H'.irci. s 3f i0'06: i {t'litg rHi !AsIFRl"Y Llrl' rri iaio-Loi e ir oJsiAlc: oF ie.24 F"-Eli TH:lcr. Ato G THe lasr:RLY Llrl! oF inlo lor z FoR llt F0LLoI,JIIG Tuo ccluRsss: r) s 85-CO'02' rA DISTATICE 0F 115.35 2) 5 2/'35'OO" i A DJSlArrCi 0F 105'10 FFiI-' ', IH THa;:0hTfiikLY h:GtlT-0F-i{Ai Lll.l: (.'F 50 F0ol l,llDr (lGlll-oF-!lAY l:i SAl0 vAlL SUB9iYISIOII; ]HTNCt AIUI]G SAIO XChITi:hLY KIGHT-OF'I'JAY LIHF T0 A Poilir 0F INI:Rs:crtoll KIilIiT X I::ICK I{OAD, A PLAT]:'O IirT: Hi.louilTA Ilt Div'L0Ptltlll FrlR rHi FoLt0'ilHG FM CnUFSts: l) 95.38 FitT AL0IG Ti{i Al(C (JF A CUI{V:- l0 THi liIGHT' HAVIllg A rlDlUS 0F" iia-.6s Fatr ArrD A cHoko t{HIcH e:ARs 89'49'38" '{ A DlsTAilcE 0F 94'63 2) lr 17'40'?i" l!! A 0ls1tltc: oF 62.7t FELIi 3\ 20E.26 FETI AU)IJG THi ARC OF A CURVI TO THC LEFT' PAVII'IG A CENTRAL-' lreii-rrr 29.1i'zo', AlJo A RAotus 0F a22.55 F:ETi 4) 5 74"05'19" !r A olslAilci 0F l0-76 Firr; 5) 59.33 FEET ALOI;G IH! AI(C OF A CURVT TO TH! RIGHT' HAV I'IG A CTIITRAL Ai{GLr OF 66-43'il" A1o A RATIUS 0F 50.95 Frf:T; rH:NCE l,l 39'tl'30' I'l A DlSfAllct 0F 231.21 F(Er TO A P0tNT-0F..lxrtRsEcrl0l'l riiri'in!. iouirtniY RIGHr-0F-',{At itrrt or sllo IilT'RSTAIF HTGHJAY 70: THt cE iaiirnli li0ne sAI0 soulH:RLY RIGHI-0F-I'{AY LI}li 0F Itll:RsTATi HIGHHAY 70 FOR IHt F0L!0'Jlllc IHk:; coulisis: l) lf 58"l1'06" E A 0rsTAllci oF 296.24 F',tElt 2) lt 59'lO'09" E A 0lslAltct 0F 290.30 Fttli THENCT'16T.S8FETTALONGTHsARCOFAVURVFTOTHfRIGHT'I']AVIIIGAC:N-TRALriici-i'ti-bl;is'zi;, A nsotus 0F 2640.00 FFET Atlo A cH0R0 'HIcH BiARs fi";z;sglso; i-r-rirsrnrcr 0F 167.36 FEET; THtrlcE I -39-Ll l9l,! A DlsrArlcE 0F isi.as-riir io rii-potllr oF 856tiilliic, coNTAlr{ ic s.116 AcRrs, MoRE 0R LEss. EXAIBIT B TO CONDOI4IN IUU DECI,ARATTON FOR VAII, INTERT.TOUNTAIN SWIM AND TENNIS CLUB CONDoI'IIIIIUI,IS BUILDING NO. A Irnit I Unit 2 Irrl ! 3 Unit 4 SQT'ARE FEET 1254 1116 113 4 1255 TOTAI, 4759 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAI 25.35 23.45 23, 83 25 .37 l0o. 00r EXHTBIT A TO CONDOMINIUM DECLARA?ION FOR VAIL INTERI'|OUNTAIN SWfM AND TENNIS CLUB CONDOITINIUMS - TiAT FFIL Pt@RIy DrsCpJAgD AS tOtrO,tS IA TR:CT CF IAO B*",' A pO;OrCN CA VI'' InEil.q"o'Ul{ D',qaa.,'rT $DDMSIC', BLer aTS Etr.UI IN BCO( 2I8 AT P}G8 82, INDER REC'PI1CN I|3. UiiZ IN lHE CTTICE CF triE EA6[,Egl] g{s a'D moron, Atr)- A PAFCE oe L":q) rrnc scr.J8 cF rMEsrArE r{rcrlqy 70A\o rDEx ." sqrD \arl nnrs-_dLaArN ErEr_@r.r?{r s,,ao*nsiiil Bracx 4. sArD l*cr cFrlND Eo€ lrRE pAffion Axrla DiscRrp,D as ro,_rsLi--- --^' E:Erllm.c .qc rr{p rrc.lrr€qsr ao:r,gf F rarr 2 r{ i_.6 rnrr, DrrE[.rr zF:rN DEvEapr.anr_slBDrvrsror Br_@( 4, rr'rar s 62o2''10" n erric oa'i.ffi,x rJNE cF sArD $Eor_v.rsr6l A Drs?iG CF 493.00 FEfr TO ErE nlo'acsT a,RNn' a r4/I 8 Cp SND SttsDr_v:Isle{ A\D rHp rRlE poirT c? E€€E:=!-IE; :.itr.: i ji;iO bF E .Ararl3 lHE Elsrr]rr,Illg cF sryD rn-e-E5rs-1*l,r=-E-.s-t F=r; ll*riE-Alirc-cc rrs:raan r.n., crSqiD I/}I 7 FDR lHD FOL,LT\-Dr: 1}O CCLISES!1) s 85.00,02" E A Drs!*r:E cF I_15.35 tEEr;2) s 27.3s'00" E A DrsE.tlT-gf tos.oo r:m'ro A ?oD,|r c8_ A.}]FsEsficl,r hT!{ ,r!rE}O;UE]:rLY RIGi]qJ*Y-LD€ CF i@L\I](Diic'< 8O',D;; PI"IE 50 Ef,gT I{IDE RIGiFc.r-?.:x D{ SLJD !:'Ir. Lr:F--rirrTADt oe,eoe,en sj:l'nnsrol;rla*lar o'_or: .AID l*li.,ll?r-J RIGIT.-<Fllny ne roi na-roic.,,o.c sD( co./"sFs !1) 95.38 !-:,r,-f,.Fr.l}G trE }jq-g-_l GjRrE jo ,ril-. Rlc.rT;;lr*lc A et-.rR\L AtclE @21"59t1L'. A RADrrs cE' 218.55 ra ,.o a qo;o'rirrii"ne.rs s 89.49'39. r{ ADLSr'r\f @ 9.I.63 prtT;2l N-77.10'2I. r{ A Drs?F_r€ @ 62.77 r,*-r;3, 208.26 Ft;r Al.oJG xjE af iT^A_gj:{vE ro'aa r.r+|I., rl--!.t nG A @i?.R\L Ario^E CEI. 2e"Ut20" A.JD A ilDlt6 <F 422.55 r-r]ri4) S 7{c05r19" It A DISI-atr:D Ce rO.te rr-ir;5) 59.33 IESI.r.ra€ T€,aix q^A-g.rs/E ro-ze nrem, E:vtNG A €tFrRAL Alrc.€ (a. 55'{3I!L' ArD A PJ,DIUS CF 50.95 FEI;El N 39.11.30. w A Drs.llrcs cc, 65.00 ldr ro e pon\T cF rNmslc:lor t.irln IHEEflgIJ}€ @ OF€ G,q;filr5 N E nl4r€ s4rD _@Try+€ oF cor€ cixE( A Drs:ArE ca u6.{3 rEEr,$€lr€ s {9.23'2r.. E A Drsr;ir> oo- ,.s.m Frsr;-ir*,rE-}i ii;is.ss" E A Drs_iArE cF;3':.ffiT tr#*f'g!q-€i=!es' colhno.o-r}ii ncex,,16 oq,'qs; A TRcm Oa IA\O BsI}€ A pCRrICt-f CF IHE SCt lt[lEs,.r CNg_({.lqR[R CF SUCnCr{ 1{,lststirp 5 sct Jt, RL]t€ gl h:s! c6.-.dlE sp.-.s paorcmildi'r*. *.rre qo.rr,gqlq!;o r{c EgDrc l,D€ piG5rat?3:.,J C=cnirm rs roiids*,*,BgciNtn.r: A? A polrr h.:ErE r!€_krttEss Cors ro{ ccl6r o€_{tg;uR cRE casirD s5rrror 14 E:L-s N 4-i.3,,1t. w.-rozs.oz F,gr iisla,;;;; pojlr Brin.:c A poilnoi rtiE Ncffi Rtc:re-+3y LD€ _C?_KI]r.rE-IliI,x nou, ia:-.|cli:ro1'Es1E[X .FI(IG S,\ID,(Di-{I}iINIO( R}D FOR 1riE rCF-I]frnJG ir,io O:LTSES:Il !t 77c40.21. w A oISB.lr- e 62.77 FEzT,2, 76.55 FET }.I.AE ilf AiC_CF_1, OIi/E IO'1HE LEr, llA\rnr3 A @{IRAL BI{{E CA. t0c22t 18" Ao A rtl|DIIs ce lzZ.SS rnr;:l€ll€ N 04.s9'58' E A Drs.!4ti@ g-B!:F E;,i fiF€E s 85.00,02" E A Drs.llr'EE cFl.?6.35 FiEl; ffirrE s 27.35rooi-_E-1 gr.yl3le cr toS. OO-r#r fo A porNr cN r€ NoicERIGTI*{g{..IY IIE C? }C}!{E(INICI( FCF.D, II:DJ:E SS.:8 FIgrfiAL 5H5 Arc CF A q,r:I,E TO5HE Rrcfr, l}rrnE A @l?aAL;trG.E cp 2{.s9,41.., e neoi; 6*jre.ss FEET nl ) A c|]Elh:dcg Beqrs s 99.19139. r gl.e:_;an orsrx.t-ro '16- eoillt-Ec'n\rrlrc, cr.lrlJlm{cfrgrffi.* on 0.i35 'G, lr*s oe i,<-o;-;q;;;* rer ArcA cF o.?27 ,cses, the cmon area danaged or taken by tbe condenning publlc authority. unlesa seventy-five per cent (75t) of the own€ra anil the first nortgagees of each unit agree otherwise. Any surplus of, the award or other porcion thereof not used for rebulLding and replacement, shall be useal by the Assoclation for the future maintenance of the coumon area anal exterior maintenance of the unias. 32. ceneral. (a) If ary of the proviaions of this Declaration or any paragraph. sentence, clause, phrase or Eord, or lbe applicalion thereof in any circumstance be invallalaged, Euch invaLidity shall not affect the validity of the renainder of, this Declaration, and the applicati.on of any auch pro- visiona, paraglaph, sentence, clause, phras€ or word in any other circunstance3 ahaLl not be affeqletl thereby. (b) The provislons of this Declalation shall be ln addition anal supplemental to the condominiun ortnershlp Act of the State of Colorado aa anendeal and to al.l other proviaions of 1aw. (c) Iihenever uaed herein, unless the context rhrll otherviae provide, the sLngular nuuber ahall include theplural, the plural the aingular' and the uEe of any gender shall lnclude all genalers. IN WTTNESS r|IlEREOl, D€clarant has duly execuced this Declaralion this /6' P ilay of .b4q4 Trahern Investmenta, Irtd. a CoLoraalo Corporatlon S. E. Cole Conatruceian, Inc. a CoLorado Corporaeion ,,& (12 p;.a"t srAtE or colonAm )) sa. COUITY Of EAGI.A ''o\HSubsc-ibed and sworn to before ne Lhis -]LU- day of -,TUrnS:-, 14C' bv -,- c {lfldl.s q91Ry ,aaPrea-identof Trahern Investmenta, Ltsd., and by .\. H. ( (-r 1-a as preaident of s. H. Cole Conatruction' Inc' ifitness .0y hanil and official seal. lty comiasion .*Pit"",@. (seal) occurrence of any of the events contenplate'l under and by ii.-pi""iii.." "-.t to.tn in said Paragiaphs 2? or 31, and the iiiipli.gi"Pt t thereof. The initially- co;Etructed con'lominium Lmprovenents and any aaaition"i cond6niniun improvements shall l"-i-piit of the wh6le Project, buc each such aeparatery con- sit"clea and subritted Londorninium inprovenent ' together wltn i;;-;";;.;l connon elements, Ehall be considerecl a seearate condoninj.un ro. .n" po.ioJ!'"i"liia-i"iigiiphs zr and 3l' and the ig;i.q.t" interesls of iacit of such sepa;ately constructed .6ia"fiini,- improvero€nla shall be conglilered one hundred Per cent (100?) for such votinq purPoses. (e) Except as is Provided in subparagraPh ('l) of thns naragripit eich iondorniniur unit owner shall be entLtled to vote his Percentage "t--it".li"""f interest in and to the general c"-n"tt .fi,t."ts aid project corluoon elenents ' and the aggreqate ;;;iI ;i Lht unaivtiea- intereELe subnitted to and nakiDg uP tft"-t"t"i condominium Project shal1 be consiitered one hundre'l per cent (loot) for 3uch voting purPo9ea' (f) DecLarant reserves the right to create easenents through, on and over ine er"iect cor;on, Elehents as described itr- ir,6 ionaotninium MaP and tl;fined herein or as added by sup- tiements to said uap 6r trris Declaration or utility purPoses 'for inqress, eqress or Parking and for such other Purposes as are consistent vtiLh the Condominium deveropnenE' 30. Parking Areaa ReserYql' The auconobile parking areas ad- ioininq the condomLnrum ,.ttiEE-=;-"1'1 be under the. control and 3;:ili"i;; Jr--*t"-b..i"t"nt and/or the Assoclation.and the owners ;;T;;-;;1;"-;rtaii ue-."iitred to a rninLm'nn of two. (2) Parking ;;";;; il;-;"il-ior tneir use and for the use of thelr suests' iir" rp"lirr. parking apaces anal,/or area may be. relocate'l fron - tirne to ti$e in order to pattii'""a to all6w the continue'l develoP- il"t Jia-."i.iqenent of tire concrorniniurn Project' subject to.the "i""i"io"" her5in Eet rorttl, ttre owners lharl have such parking ;;;;ii:#; Iti-ifrlt-p.tl .t--ine uninproved Portion or the sai'l brop"rti described heleinabove. 31, condennation. If at any tj'ne or tines durlng the -- "onti.ii"n.i6i=ffi. o*t"t"nip-p"i"it"nt to this . Decralation ' arr oi-'i"v-p.tt of the conmon ii.i" "t any- condornlnium unit or unlcs shall be taken or cono"..r.J by any puLlic authority or sold or ;;;:;i;";"i;t"a-"i r., lieu of 6r- in avoiilance thereof ' the ;;ii;;;;; pi"iiti""" or this Article shatl aPPlv' (a) Proceeds. AIl conpensation' damages or other Droceeds therefrom, tne iurn o-f which is hereinafcer calle'l Ii!-;il.aJi'i"iiit.-i"iiJ" - iit"i1 ue pavabte to the Asaociation' (b) complece Te!!!g. (1) In the event that aII of the corflnon areag a]re taken or condernned or aol'l or othernise disPosed of' in lieu of or in avoidance thereof' the condennation a!,ard shall be apportioned arnong the o{ners in the aame percentageE as pi6viaed for the palrnent of assessments ina payrn6nt of said apPortioned anounts shall be made ;;tJi; to the owner i-"a trte first nortgagee of his 1ot j oincly. (21 on the basis of the Prlncipal set forth in the last pt"""ai"g pattgr"ph' the A.ssociation thall as Eoon as pt.eiictlie' deterrnine the share of the ' conalettrdatlon "riia t" l{hich each osner i9 entitled' (c) Partial Taking. In the event that legs lhan the entire conrn5i-EiEE-fiTEfen or condenhed, or sold or other- t{l!e disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the condetnnation avrard shall first be aPPIied by the Assoclation to the rebuitding and replacement of those inprovenenLs on -15- 26. Uailinq of Notices, Al1 noticea, alenands or olhernotices inEEiEEd'-E6-EE-servetl upon an orrner ahall be sent byordinary or certl-fj.ed nai1, postage prepaid, addresaed in the nane of auch o!,rner in care of the unit number and builaling addresg of such owner. All notices, de!trands or ather noticesj-ntended to be served utrcn the Managing Agent or the Eoard ofDirectors of the Asgosiation sha]l be Bent by ordinary or certi-fieil ruail. postage prepaid, to vail Internounta:n Slrin and Tennisclub condoniniu.n Association at P.o. Box 820, vail, cololado 81657. Any first lrortgagee, upon requeat, shall be entltledto notice fron the Association or Managing Agent under tbe sane circumgtances as its rnortgagor. 27. Arbitration Required For Any Clailr Eeleunder. Exceptas othernlse herein provided, any controversy Or claim arisingout of or relating to thj.s Declaration, or the breach thereof,shall be settleal by arbitration in accoralance trith the Rules of,the Atnerl,can Arbitration Association. and Judgment upon the awaral renalered by the Arbitralor(s) nay be entered in ay Coult havingjurlsaliction thereof . 24. Period of Condoniniun OernelshiD. The separate condoniniumeatales cr@e t{ap shi[ continue untilthis Delcaration is revoked pursuant to Paragraph 17 of thiE Declaratj.on or until lermination pursuanl to Subparagraphs (c) and (e) of Paragraph 27 of this Declaration, 29. Reservation to Enlarqe conalonj,niun Project. (a) Declarant expressly reserves the right to enlargethis condoniniun project by conEtructing additional bulldingscontaining condoniniun units and other improvements on separatereal estate descrlbeal in Exhibit c hereto, which units andlands nay becone a part of this conalominiun project by duly recorded Supplemente to thi.s Declaration and the Map. ft isthe Declarants intentLon lhat there shall be no rnole than 40 ulits and that said units shaLl be conpleted on or before ,Ianuary 31, 1987. (b) In form and substance, any such supplement to thisDeclalation shaLl proviale for the alivision of such addilionalreal property antl improvements inlo condoniniun units in fornsu.bstantially siurilar to that of this Delcaration, Each unitshall be identified by nunber, antl each buildj.ng shaLl beidentlfied by a synbol or desi.gnalion dissinilar to any otherbuilaling under thj.s Declaration and the t!,ap. fhe undividedinterests in and to the general conunon elements appurlenant to each such unj.t shall not be a part of the general connon elements of the conaloniniun uni.ts deacribed 1n and inltially created by this Declaracion and the Map, provialed, however, that project coNnon elenents rnay be created for the use and. benefit of a1l owners in the project. The undivided interestsin the general cotnrrron elements shall have a permanent character and shall not be altered without the consent of all of, the condoninium unit oerners affected. rrhich agreement 3ha11 be expressed in a duly recordeil Amenalnent to this Declaration, (c) Except as Ie provided In Paragraphs 3 anal 4 of thisDeclaration, aII of the provisions contained in this Declarationshall be applicabLe to such additional condominium unita. conmon experaes of such additional units 9ha11 be separately assessed, and aLl insurance policies shall cover only such adalitional condornlnium units. except as nay be convenient itith respect toproject com'non elements. (d) Referring to Paragraph 27 of this Declaration relating to alestruction and obgolescence and Paragraph 31 relating toconilennation, only the o\,tners and firat nortgagees of the condoninium units affected (danaged. destroyed, obsolete or condemned) shall be entitled to vote upon the happen!.ng or The expenses anal fees of such appraisers or arbitraCor or boLh shall be borne equally by the Assoc.iacion and ehe orrner. The sale shall be consuNnaeed lrithin fifteen (I5) alays thereafter' and the Association, as attorney-in-fac!.shall disburse such proceeds a9 i9 proviiled in subparagraph8 (b) (I) through (5) of this Paragraph. (e) orrners of three quarters of the af,fecteal units lnay aglee that the genelal common elenents of the property are obaolete and that the same should be sold. Such agree-tlent mugt have lhe unanimous approval of every affecCedfirst nortgagee. In such ilrEtance, the Association shallforthwLth record a notice setting forth such facts' and upon the recolaling of such notlce by the Associationrspresident, the engire affected premises shall be sold by the Association, as attorney-ln-facc for all of theaffected oa'flers, f,ree anal clea! of the provlsj.ons containeilln this Declaration' the Map and the By-Lar.ra. The salesproceeds shall be apportioned between such owners on the basis of each oirnerr s percentage interest in the general connon elements, and such apportioned proceeds shall bepaid into separate accounts representing each conaloniniumu!!i.t. Each such accoun! shaLl be in the nane of theAssociation, and shall be further identified by the number of the unit anal the name of the owner. From eaclt separate accounl, lhe Association. as atlorney-in-fact. shall use and disburse the Uotal aEount of such accounts, without.contribulion from one account to anothe-t for lhe game purposes and in the same order as i3 provialed in Subpara- gEF,itE (b) (1) through (5) of this Paraqraph. 25. Personal Propertv For conunon Uge and Proiect Common Elernenls. Prior to the first conveyance of any condoninirn EifTT-oeclarant shall execute and dellver a bill of sal,e to the Associalion, transferring all items of, personal property 10- cateal on the encire preni.Eea and furnished by Declarant, whj.chproperly i9 intendeal for the corunon use and enjolarent of che condominium unic olrners and occupants. The Association Ehall holal tiCle to such property for the use and enjolment of the conaloninium unit owners and occupants, No owner shall have any olher interest or right thereto and all such right and interest shall abgolutely terminate upon che ownerra lermination of ownership of his condotrlinium uni!. No later than simultaneously rrith lhe flrst conveyance of, any condominirun uttit, Declarant shall execute and deliver proper inslruments to convey the project conmon elements to che Assoeiation. The Aesociation shall hold title to suchproperty for the uEe antl enjolrnent of the condominiun unit orners anil occupanLg, No owner shalL have any other interes! or right thereto and a1l such righb ard intereat shall absolutel.y terminate upon the ownerrs gernrination of omership of his condominlrtm unit' The project corunon elements shall be rnanaged by the Associatign or its alesignated Managing Agent and al1 nanagenent decisiong with respect thereho shall be maale by the Aasoclation or itg designated uanagirg Agent provialeal' hor,rever. lhat policy aleci.sions \dith lesepct !o and general speciflcallons of any facility costing gwenty-five thousand dollars (925'000.00) or nole and !o be constructed on the project conunon elenents sha1l be aubmitted to the oeners and shall be declaled by najority vote rdith lhe owner of each unit having voLing strenqth proPortional to the ratio of the surface area of his unlt, including lofts above five feet in head height only, to the tobal surface area of the units existing at the lime of such vote. costs and expensesr taxes anal assesamenta, Lngurance proceeds, sale pro- ceeds. and other proceeds with resPect. to tshe project. conmon elements shall be apportioned bettteen the or,rners on the basis hereinabove provitled. account to another by the Association. as atCorney-in- fact 'for che same purpose; and in lhe same order as provided in Subparaglaphs (b) (1) throuqh (5) of €hi5 Paragraph' If the owners of one-half (L/2\ of the af,fected units, or more, adopt a Plan for reconstruction, which plan has the unaninou! approval of all filst nortqagees, then al1 of the owttels shall be bound by the terns anal other provi.sions of guch plan. Any aEsessment roade in connacti.on with guch plan shall be a conEnott expense altd made pro rata accordlng lo ftoor area ratios as provided in Paragraph 20 and thall be due anal payable as provided by the terms of auch plan, but not sooner than thirty (30) dayE after ritrl-tten notice lhereof. The Association shall have the authority to cause the repair or restoration of the inprovenent using all of the iniurance proceeds for such purpose notwlthstanding the failure of an o!'rner to pay lhe assessnent. The assessnent providetl for herein shall be a debt of each owner anal a lien on his conaloninium unit and may be enforced and collected as is provided in ParagraPh 21. In addj.tion thereto, the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall have the absol'ule right antl power to seLl the condominlum unlt of any oltner reiusing oi failing to pay such assessment t{ithj'n the tine provideit; and if not so paial, che Association shalL cause Lo be recorded a noti.ce that the condominium unit of che alelinquent owner shall be gold by the Association. The proceeds derived from the gale of such conaloninium unit shatl- Ue used anal disbursed by the Association, as attorney- ln-fact, for the same purposes anat ln lhe saoe order as provi-ded in subparagraphs (b) (f) through (5) of this Para- 9raph. (d) Owners of three quareers (3/Al ot more of the unics affected. upon the unanimous approval or conEent of alL affecCed firsU nortgagees, rtray agree that the general conmon elernenCs of the property are obsolete and that the sane shoulal be renewed or reconstructed. In such instance, then the expense thereof shaLl be payable by all of the owners of such general conmon elenencs aa connon exPenaegi provided, howevtr, that any owner not agreeing-to such ienewal or reconstruction may qive r'triclen notice to lhe Association that such unit shal1 be Purchased by the Association for ttle fair market value thereof. If such ouner and the Association can agree on the falr narket value thereof, then such sale shal.L be consunnated within thiruv davs thereafler. If the pa-ties are unable to aqree, tha dale uhen either party notifies the other that he or it is unable to agree itith Che other shall be the "conunencing date" from which all Periods of tine nenciored herein shall be neasured' Within ten (I0) days following the cornmencinq date. each Party shall nominate an appraiser in writing, anal shall give notice of such norninition to the other party; any such appraiser shall be a realtor and qualified to make appraisals of condoninium ancl sirnilar property in Eagle Courty' Coloraalo. If eicher party fails Lo rnake such nonlnation. the apPraiaer nonlnated-strati, witnin five (5) days after def,aulb by the othe! party. ifpolnt. anal associate with hin another sinilarly qualified aooraiser. If che lwo appraisers designated by Lhe parties, ol'i.r..t.a pursuant hereto in Lhe event of the default of one party, are unable to agree, they sha1l appoint another sirniiart| qualified aPpraiEer to be albitrator between chem' tf they iari agree on such person. rf they are unable to agree irpon suah arbitrator. then the naEter shall.be s6ttl.ed- por.uant to the rules of the l$erican ArbiLration Associat-ion. The decision of lhe appraisers aa to the fair market value, or in the case of their alisagreenenb, lhen such alecision of tshe arbitrator shall be final and binding. owners ard their condomini.um units. Such deficiency asgessnent shall be a conmon expense and made pro rata according !o floor alea ratios in the manDer Providedherein above in paragraph 20, ard shall be due and Payablewithin thirty days after writlen notlce theleof. The Assocj.ation shalf have the authority to cause the repair or reEtoralion of the inprovements usLng al,I of the insur- ance proceeds for auch purpose notrrrithstanding che failure of an olrner to pay the assesstoent. The agsessrnen! Provldedfor herein ahall be a debt of each o$ner anal a tien on his condomioium urit and nay be enforceal and collected ag i3 provj,ded in Paragraph 2L. In addj,tl,on thereto, the Associa- tion, as attorney-in-fact, shall have the absolute righ! and power to sell the condohinium unit of any o{ner refuging or failing to pay such deficiency assesanent within the time provided. anal if not so paitl, the Aagoqiation shall cauae to be recoraled a notice that the conaloninium unig of the delinquent owner shall be sold by lhe Assoclation. The proceeds derived fron the 6ale of guch condominiun unit shalL be used and disbursed by the Asaociation, as altorney- in-fact, in following oraler: (f) For palznent of the balance of the lien of any first nortgage; (21 For pal.ment of tax and EpecLal asaessnent ILens in f,avor of any assessing entj.ty; (3) For pal'nent of, unPaLd conmon expenseg; (1) For pa)rnent of junLor liens and encunbranceg in che oraler of and to the extent of thelr Priorityt and (5) The balance renaining' if any, shall be paid to the prior condomj.ni-um unit olrner. (c) If more than one-half (L/21 of the Previouslyex.isting unils ilt a buj.lding are destroyed or serl-ouBly damaged, and if lhe owners of one-half (L/2) of the unita' or tnore, do noc vol.untarily. within one hundred (100) dayg theleafter, nake provisions for reconstruction' Such Plan must have che unaninous approval or conaent of every affected first mortgaqee, bhe Association shall forthwlth recoral a notice setting forth such fact or facts, and upon tfre recording of such notice by the Asgociation's presL- dent, the ehtire remaining premises thall b€ sold by the Asaociation, as aitorney- itt-fact for all of the owners, free and clear of the proviEi.ons contained in this Declaracj.on, the Map and the By-Latt6. The insurance Bettlement proceeds shall be collecteal by che Associatlan, and such proceeds shall be divialed by the AEsociation according to each unit ownerrs interest (aE such intelest appears on the policy or policies)r and such divided pioceeds shall be paid intso a seltarate accoutrt representing lach condoninium uni!. Each such account shall be in the name of the Association, and ahall be furbher ialentifieal by the nutnber of the uni! and the nane of the owrrer. !'ion each separate account. the Association' as attorney- in-fact, shaLl use and disburse the total amount of each of such funds, wiLhout contribucion fron one account t'o another, tovrard the part.iat or full paynent of the Lien of, any first nortgage aga.inst the condominium unit rePreaented by su-h separate account. There shatl be addeal t'o each such accoun! che aPportioned amount of the proceeds derived fron the sale of the enlire Property. Such apportiorunent shall be based upon floor area-ratios as provided itt Paragraph 20. The total funds of each account Efratt Ue useal and disbursed. without contribution frot0 one par.rmount priority under applicable law. The owner of a condo-miniun unit lu|y create junlor nortgages on !h€ foll,osingconditions: (a) Any such juni.or nortgages shall always be aub-ordinate to all of the terms. conditLons, covenants,restrictions, uaes, limitations, oblLgatlonE. liens f,or common expeltseg, and other obligatlong created by th18Declaratio!!. the Cerlificate of, fncorporation and theBy-Lawst and (b) The mortgagee unaler any junior morlgage shallrelease, for tl:e purpose of restoration of any i.mprovetrentsupon the nortgaged premises, all of hls right, title andinterest in and to the proceeds under all l"nsurance pollcles upon aaid pretnises which insurance policies t,ere effectedand placeal ulton the nortgaged plenises by the Aasocl.ation,such release shall be furniahed forchwllh bv a.iuniornortgagee upon written request of the tssociati5n. 24. Association as Attorney-In-Facts. This Declaratiodhereby ma@ointment of anattorney-in-fact to deal with the property upon its deetructlonor obsolescence. Title to any conaloml-niulr unit hereunde! shall beexpressly subject bo the terma anal condltionE heleof, aRd acceptance by any grantee of a ileed from the Declarant or fronany oitner thall effect appoj.ntnent of the attorney-in-fact hereinprovideal. Al1 of the oerners irrevocably constj.tute and appoln!Vail Intermountain Swin and Tennig Club Condonlnium AEsocl,atLon,a Colorado non-profit corporation, th€lr true and lawful altorneyin tlreir name, place and aeeaal for the purpose of deallng lriththe property upon its destruction or obsolegcence as i9 hereaf,te!provialed. Aa attorney-l,n-fact, the Association, by lts pre8t- dent, shall have fulL and complete authorization, right and povrer to make, execute anal deliver any contract, aleed or any other ,Lnstrunert necessary or appropriate to exercLse lhe power hereingranled with respect Co the intereat of any condominlum uni!owner. Repair and reconstructj.on of the inproveroents as ugetl inthe succeealing subparagraphs neans reetoring any such improvenenlato a conalition subs€antially the same as prLor to the damage, with each unlt and the general and limiteil conunon elen€nts havingthe 6ane verCical and horizontal boundaries aa before. Theproceeds of ary insurance collecteal shall be available to theAsgociation for the Purpose of lepair' restoration or rePlace-nenls unleas the ovners of the building affected anal all affectedfirst norbgagees agree nots to rebuild in accordance with theprovlaions Eet forth herelnafter. (a) In the event of alestruction due to flre or otheralisaster, the insurance proceeds' if 8ufflcient to recon- struet the lnprovernents, shall be applied by the Assoclatlon, as attorney-in-fact, to such reconstruction and the improvenents shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed. The Association shall have full authority, right and power, a9 attorney-in-fact, to cause the rePair and restoration of the inprovements. (b) If the insurance proceeds are insufficient torepalr or reconstruct. the inprovenents, and if such dantage renalered Irot nore lhan one-half (l/21 of che previously existing units destroyed or seriously damaged. upon the unaninous approval or conaent of every first Dortgageeaffected, such darnage or destruction shal1 be pronptly repaired and reconslructed by the AssociaCion, as attorn€y-in-fact, using the proceeds of insurance and the proceedsof an assessment !o be made against all of the affected -I0- of the assesanent' and may be enforced by foreclosure on the defaulting ownerts condominiun unit by the Association in like nanner as foreclosure on a r0ortqaqe or deeal of trust on real property. In any such foreclosure, the onner shall be required to pay the co8ts and exPenses of such Proceedings. the costs and expenses for filing the notice or claim of lien and all reasonable attorneyr s fees. The owner ahall also be required to pay the Association a realronabfe rentaL for che conalominiutn unit during the perioal of foreclosure' and the Assosiation shall be entitled to a receiver to collect the same. The Association thall have the power to bid in the condominium unit at foreclosure sale anil to acquire and ho1d, lease. mortgage anal convey sarne. The amount of the cottmon expenses asaesseal againat each condomini.um unit sha]I also be a debt of the owner thareof at the tine the assessrnent is made ' Suit to recover a noney judg- ment for unpaid couunon exPenses shall be rnaintainable without forecloEing or waiving the lien securing aame. Any encumbrancer holding a ll-en on a condominium unLt nay pay any unpaid coMron exPettaes Payable with respecc to such unlt, and upon such palment such encunbrancer Ehall have a lIen on guch unit for the amoutlts paid of the same rank a3 ghe lien of his encuDbrance. 22. Liability For conno! Expense UPgn Transf9r.of condg- miniutr unit. upon paynent ot a reasonable Eee not ro exceec E;€n-E =fiCe dol-Iars- ($25. oo, and upon the written request of any owner or any rnoltgagee or ProsPective nortgagee of a condoninlum urit, the Association, by its Managi-ng Agen! or Boald of Dlreetsors, thall igsue a writlen statement setting forth the amount of the unPaial corsnon expenses' if any' wlth respect. to the gubject unit, the amount of the current nonthly asses$nent and the alate such assesstnent becomes due. any creallt for advance palttnents or for plePaid itens. incLuding but not linited !o insurance premiums and such statement shall be con- clugive upon the Association in favor of all Persons who rely thereon in good faith. If such statenent of inalebtedness i3 not issued within teo (10) days of che request' a1I unpalal connon expenseE with respect to the subject unit due prior to the date of such request thall be auboralinate to the lien of Lhe peraon requestlng such staternen!. The granLee of a unit shall be jointly and severally liable r.rith the grantor for all unpaid asseesments against the latter for hls propottionate share of the gotunon et(pengeg up to the cine of the grant or conveyance' withou! preJudice to Che granteets right to recover fron the grantor the amounts paid by the grantee therefor; provj.ateal, however, that upon Palzment of a reasonable fee not to exceed fifceen tlollars (515.00) ' and upon vrritten request, any prospective graneee shall be entitled to a statenent fron the Mallagi.nq Agen! or Board of Directors' setting forth the anount of the unPaid assessmenta, if any, with respe.i to the subject unit' the amount of bhe current nonthly assissment and the date that such assessnent becolres duer any credit for advanced palzmenLs or for prepaial itens' inclualing but no! linited to insulance premiums, and auch gtatetnent ahall be conclusive uPon lhe Association. If such statenent of i-ndebted- ness is not isauedwithh t€n (10) days of such request, then such grantee Ehall not be liable for, nor thaLl the unit conveyed be iubject to liens for any assesstflenls against the subject unit unpiid .t the date of the request. .The Plovision-of this para- griph shall not aPply uPon che inilial tlansfer of condominium unics by DeclaEant. 23. !,lorcqaqing a.condominiun ultig ---P!igfigY' Any owner ehatl hava-EflE-;Tg c frotn tsirne !o tsime to mortgaqe or encunber his interest by deed of trust. rnortqage or other securily in- atrunent, e first mortgaqe shall be one nhich has flrgt anal shall not be invatidateat or suspended anal shall renain in fullforce and effect. Deterninatioi of naxlnum replacement valueof all condominium units for insurance puposes shall be naileannually by one or more written appraisals, copies of which shallbe furnished forthrrith to each nortqaqee of a conaloninium unit.In addition. eaqh ci.ne- shall be noEiiied of such appraisa!.s. - -. 20. Liability For Assessments. Al1 onners shal1 beobligated to pay tEe estiffiEdl-EE3-essnents irq)osed by theBoard of Directors or ttanaging Agent of the Association toneet the corunon expenses and alirect expenses, Except for dilectexpenseg, which shal-l be billed directly on a unit basis, theassessrnents ghall be nade pro rata against the ownelE of eachunit baseal on the ratio of floor area of auch unit to (l) thefl-oor area of all. units in the individual building. in the caseof expenses for general cornnon eletnentg anal (2) to the floor areaof all units wl.thin the project existing at the time suchagsessnent shall be due, in the case of expenses for project eom'non elenents; in all casea Iof,t areaa sha1l be added to the floo!area of each unit. Assessments for the estinated cotrnpn expenses, includinglnsurance. shall be due monthly in advance on the first alay of each month, and shall dra!, intereat at eighteen per cent (18!)per annun j.f not paid within fourteen (14) days of such aluedate. The ltanaging Agen! or Board of Directors shall prepare and ileliver or mail to each orrner an ilerd-zed quartelly statementghowing such ownerrs share of actual expenseg for common expenses,including taxes and assessments with respect to prolecr colmnonelernents, and also itemizing accumulations fo! esLimated futureexpensea. Contributions fo! nonthly assessnenls sha1l be proratedif the ownership of a condotniniun unit cornnences on a day otherthan the first day of a nonth. Ary f,irst mortgagee, upon request, shal.I be givenwritten notice by the Association or Managing Agent at any timeits nortgagor fails to pay any such asaessnent within fourteen(14) days of the due date. No owrer nay exenpt hinself, fron liability for hiscontribution towards the colrlnon expenses or snim and tennis clubpal'ment's by naiver o! the use or enjoynent of any of the general corunon elemenlE or project corunon elenents, or by abanalonmentof his unit. 2I. Lien For Nonpal.rnent of Corunon Expenses. AII sums assessedbut unpaitl@geable to anycondoninj.utn unit. including lntel:est, 9hal1 consitute a lienthereon superior (prior) to a1I other liens and eucunbrances except a (a) Iax anil special aasesBment liens in favor of any assessing unit; and (b) Al-I sums unpaiat on a flrst nortgage or first deed of trust of record, lncluding all unpaid obLigatory! lrrs as nay be provided by such encunbrance, and includingaalditional advances nade thereon prior to the arising of such a lien. To evidence such a lien the Board of Directors or !4anaging Agent may, but shal.l not be required, to prepare anritten notice setting forth the amount of such unpaid indebted-ness, the name of the or.rner of the condoninium unit and a de-scriptlon of the condoniniun unit, Such a notice shall be sl-gned by one of the Board of Directors or by the Managing Agent and nay be recorded in the office of the Ci.erk anal Recorder ofthe CounCy of Ea91e, State of CoLorado. Such J.ien for the qorEnon expenses shall attach from the alate of the failure of pa!'nent other than the first day of the assessment period. The assesamenta naale for common expenaeg and alirectexpenses attributableiD the units shall be baseal upon theaggregate cash requirenents which the Board of Directors ofthe Association shall from time to tine deternine are necesaaryto provide for the pal.nent of all estinated expenses growingout of or connecteal with the administration, operation andnaintenance of the condonlniun project, including the cormonelenenta, which expenses will incluate, but l'il-l not necessarLlybe lirnlted to, taxLs and special assesanents not separately.asseased; premiurns for fire insurance with extendeal coverage,vandalism and malicious rnischief endorsements attached, is;uedin the amount of the naximum replacement value of all of thecondominiulr unj.ts (inctuding su].faces of perimeter waLls,floors and ceilings; doors, windolrs and other elements ornaterialB comprisi.ng a part of the units) r easualty and publlcllability and other insurance preniums; landscaping and careof grounds, maintenance, repairs and renovations; srrin clubduest trash collections; lragesi rrater chargesi legal and accounllngfees i . management fees, expenses and lj,abitities incurred by themanaging agent or Boaral of Directors under or by defj.cit remalningfrom a prevlous period; the creation of a reasonable contingencyor_ other reserve or surplus funds; and costs and expenses relatingsolel.y to the counon elenents, The onission or failure of theBoard of Directors to fix the assessment for any nonth shall notbe deemed a taiver, modification, or a release of the ownersfrsn their obligation to pay such assessment. The Board af Directors may not nake an agsessmentfor capital expenditures for an inprovement or addition to thecocmlon elements ln excess of 925,000.00 sithout the approvalof the owners of seventy f,ive per cent (75t) or more ir? thegeneral comnon elements. 19. fnsurance. The Manaqing Agent or Board of Dlrectolsshall obtalfr-Ei?f-ffiintain at ait tirn6s insurance of the typeanal kind provided helel.nabove, and protecting for such ot-hlrriskg, of, a slnilar or dissimllar nature, as are or shallhereafter_ custonariLy be covered with respect to other apartmentor condomi.nLurn builatings, simi.lar project coturon elenents,f,Lxeures, equipment and personal property sirnilar in constluction,design anal use, lssued by responEible insurance companj-ea author-ized to alo buainess in the State of Coloraalo- The baaic fireand extended coverage insurance on condoRinium unltg and lhegeneraL corEnon elennents insurance shall be carried ln the blanketpollcy form naming the Association as the insured, uhich policyor poLicieE shall ldentify the interest of each condoniniiur unitowarer and which shal1 provide for a stanilard, non-contributorvmortgagee clause in favor of each first nortgagee, and shall - further provlate that it cannot be cancelled by'either the insuredor the insurance company until after ten daysi prior wilttennotice to each first mortgagee. The Managing Agent or Board ofDirectors shall, upon request of any firsi mortgagee. furnish acertified copy of such blanket policy and the separate certifi-cate ldentifying the interest of the mortgagor. - A11 pof.lciei of insurance shall provide that theingurance thereunder 9hal.1 be invalidated oi suspended only inrespect to the Lnterest of any particular olrner guilty of I breachof warranty, act, onisslon, negligence or non-coirpliance withany provisions of, such policy, including pala0ent of the insuranceprenium applicable to that ow-ner I s interest, or who perrnits orfails to prevent the happening of any event, rdhether occurrinqbefore or after a loss. which under the provisions of such poiicvwoultl otherwise invalidate or suspend the entire policy, buithe insurance under any such policy, as to the inlerests ofall other insured orrners not guilty of any such act gr omission, 15, ownersr Maintenance Responsibilitv of unit. For purposes of rnafitenance, rrrpair, arEeraEion and remodeling, an owner shall be aleemed to own the windows. iloors, interj-or non- suPporting walls' the nateri.als (such as but not linited topLaster, gl4)sum dry walls, paneling, walLpaper, brick, stone,paint. r,all anal floor tlle, and flooring, but not including the subflooring) naking up the filrlshed surfaces of the perineter ralls. ceiLings and floors wi.thin the unit and the uniL doors and rrrinaloes. The owne! shall not be deemeal to own any utilities running through his unit which serve more than one unit except aa a tenant in connon wi.th the other owners. such right to repalr, alter and remoalel shalL carry the obligation to replace any finishing naterials renoved with sinilar or other types or klnds of finishing materials of equal or b€tter guality- An owner shall naintain and keep ttre interior, including the fixtures' of hi9 own u!!it in good taste and repair. All f,ixtureg and equiprnent installed r,rithin the unit co{urencing at a point rdhere the utility lines, pipes. Fires, conaluits or aystens (which for brevity are hereafter referretl. to as "utilities')enter the unit ahall be maintained and kept j.n repair by the owner thereof. An orrner shall do no act nor any work that will Ltrpair the structural aoundness or itttegrity of the buildinq or lnpair any easenent or hereditament. 16. compliance witir Provisions of Declaration a!gil:!e!g. Each owneDeclaration, the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of lhe Asgociat.ion' anal the alecisions and resolutions of the Association adopted pursuant thereto aa the same may be lawfully amended flom cime to time. Failure to so cottrply shall be grounds for an action to recover sums due anil for damages or injunctive rel1ef or both. t0aintainable by the Managing Agenc or Boald of Direccors in the name of the Associ.ation on behalf of the oirnelE or, in a proper case, by an aqgrieved o\tner. L7. Revocation or Amendment to Declaration. This Declaration shalr not@sions herein be amended unless sixty-sj.x and two-thirds percent (66-2/3*'t or nore of the owners (based on agqregate ownership in the project measured by one vote for each unit) anal all of the holders of any recoraleal mortgages or deeds of trust covering or affecting any or all condominiutr units unanimously consent and agree to such revocation or anendrnent by instrument.(s) duly recordedi however, the percentage of the undiviiled interest in the general conmon elementg apPurcenant to each unit, as exptessed in this Declaration, shall have a perrnanent character and shall not be altered rrithout the consent of all of the conalominium unit owners as expressed in a duly recoraled amendment to this Declaration. Nothing herein shaLL be construed to restrict or othervrige effec! Declarantrs rights to enlarge this Projecc pursuant to Palagraph 29 hereof. 18. Assessnent For corruIlon ExPenses. A].1 owners shall be obligaeed-to pa1' the Assessments imposed by the Board of Direc- tors of the Aasociation to meeC Che conunon expensea anal other direct expenses. The assessnents shall be based on a pro rata alLocacion of cornnon expenses according co each ovner's fraclional or percentage inlelest in and to the general conmon elements. together wlth any and all direct erpenses attributsable to the unit. Assessments for the cornnon expenses, including insurance and direct expenses attributable to the unit, shall be payable at such time and itt such manner as the Board of Directors of the Associatsion rnay from tine to tine direct' Contribution for periodic installtnents shall be pro- rated if the ortnershiP of a condornini'um unj't col[nences on a day by uae of fly rods and flies only and further requ{reE thaf a:,1flsh caught $rhile fishlng on contnon areas ahall be re:,eaeed andreturned to Gore Creek. Al1 persons while fishLng on sald conunon area adjacent to or unalerlying core Creek shall inaddition conply with all larrs, rules and regulallons of the Colorado Deparcnent of wildlife. This covenan! nay be enforcedby Declarant, the members of the Association or any nember ofthe pubuc. Declarant has on behalf of the AEsociatlon entered intoa conlrac! with the Intermounhain Swim Club f,or nernbershl-prights which shall be conveyed wj.th each conaloninLun unit andtthlch ghall run with each unit and not severable. PurEua[l tosaid conlract,. lhe Association is obligaleat to nake rnonthlyor periodic nenbership pal4rents irhich are and ahall be asBessedas a part of eommon expenses- In the event aaid Intermountain Srdin Club 6hall be acquireal by a statutory recreation district,the owners of the units, through the Association, shall beobligated to purchase passes for the use of, swinmlng and tennisfacilitiee. !2, Aermination of l,lechanic's Lien Riqhts and Indennifica- !ion. Sub edon the Map, no labor perfomed or materials furDLshed and incor-poraCetl in a unit wieh €he consent or at the requeaC of the ownerthereof or his agent or his contractor or subcontractor shall bethe basis for filillg of a Lien agaj-ns! the unit of any olher owner not expressly consenting to or requesting the game, oragainst the general co[uDon elements ovrned by such other ownera, agents or the project coriuron elenents. Each onner shall lndennifyand hold harmless each of the other owners anil the AssocLalion frorn and against all liabiLity arising fron the clain of any lien against the unit of any other ordner or against. the general common elenents or the project conmon elernents for constructj,onperforned or for labor, material, servicea or other proalucts incorporaleal in or otherwise attributable to the ownerra condo-miniun unLt at suqh olvnerrs request. 13. Atlninlstration and Manasernent. The a&rinislration and rnanagement o-this condominium property shall be governed bythe Arlicles of Incorporation and 8y-Laws of VaiI Internounlain Swin and TenniE Cl.ub Condomlnium Association, a non-profit Colorado colporation hereinafter referred to as ttre "Associalion". An owner of a condoninirn uni.t, upon beconing an owner, shall be a nenber of the Association and shaLl renain a nernber for lheperiod of his orrnefship. No person shall be a menber urless he ls an onner. An exclusive Agent for the operation and managenent of this condomj,nium project nay be appoirted by the Associalj.oD. 14. Reservation !'or Access-Maintenance, Repair and Energenci tr to 6;-GE;EIEEd by the Managing Agent or Boaral of Directors of the Asaociation, to have access to each unit from time to tl.ne durlng reasonable hours as may be necessary for the inspection, maintenance. repair or replacement of ajry of the general comnon elements cherein necessary to preveng damage to the general or liriled conrmon elenenta or to another unit or unils. Damage to the incerior of any parc of a unlt resulcing from Lhe naintenance. repaj.r, etnergency repair or replacement of any of the general colnmon elements or as a result of emergency repairE wilhin anolher unit at the instance of, the Associatlon shall be a connon expense of all of the owners; provided, horr- ever, that if such damage is the result of the negligence of a unit ouner. then such unig owner shall be responsible for all of such danage, Resloration of the darnaged lmprovements shall be to subscantialty the sane conalicion as that of guch improve- trentg plior to the damage. Every such alescription shall be deened gooal and sufficient f,orall purpo€eg Co convey. trangfer, encunber or othenLse affecCthe general conrman elements and the limited corunon elernentsleserved for use lrith such condominiun unit, and also to conveythe right of, ingress and egress to and from said unit and thelinited conmon elenents aaljacent thereto. 6. Separate Assessment and Iaxation - Notice to Assessor. Oeclarant AssesEar of lhe creation of condoninium ownership of thisproperty, as is provided by 1air, so tha! each unit and itsappurtenant undivided interest in the general common elenenlEahall be deened a aeparate parceL and subject to aeparate assessment and taxation, as shaLL be the project connon elements. 7, Title. A conaloninium unit nay be held and owned bynore than-6iE-person as joint tenants or as tenant.s ln conmon,or in any reaL property tenaricy relationship recog'nized underlhe lards of Colorado. 8. Nonpartitionabilicn of ceneral Conmon Elements. Thegeneral conrnon elenents shal,l be owned in connon by all of the owrers of the unils and shall remain undivideal, and no owner shal.l bring any action for partition or division of the general conmon elements. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a limitation of lhe right of partition of a condoninium unit betrreen the owners thereof, but such partition shall not affect any other condominium unit. 9. Uae of General and Linited Com[on Elements. Each ordner shall be sion of hisurit. Each ordner haB the excl-uslve possession of his unit. Each owner has the exclueive r19h! !o uae the Iinited connon elenents appurtenant to his uniC. Each orrner nay use the general coluaon elements anil the project coruron elemencs in aecordance ulth the purposes for whiqh any such elements are intended without hinalering or encroaching upon the lawful rights of the other owner9. 10. Use and Occupancy. AII units shall be used and occupiedprincipally for residential purposes by the or{'ner, by the ownertsfamily or the owner'a g:uests and lenanta. Declarant and lts enployees, representatives. agents, ana contractorg rtlay maintain a business and saleE offise,construction f,acilicles and yards, nodel units and otherfacilities requireal during the qonstruction and 6ales perLoal. 11. Easenents for Encroachments, If any portion of thegeneral cffifter enciolches upon a condonLnium uni! or units, or upon lhe project connon elenenls, a valid eagement for the encroachment and for the mailttenance of same, so long as it stands, shall and aloes exist. rf anyportion of a unit no\r' or hereafte! encroaches upon the general connon eLenents, the project corunon elements or upon an adjoinj.ng unit or units. a valid easemen! for the encroachment and for the rnaintenance of same ' so lonq as it stands, shall and aloes exist. If any portion of the projecc conuron elenents now or hereafler encroaches upon a condoninium unit or units, or upon the general conmon el.ernencs. a valid easement for the encroach- ment and for the maintenance of same, so long as it stands. shalL anal does exist. For title or other purPoses, such encroachments anal eaaenenls shall not be considereal or determined to be encumbrances eIlher on the general conrnon elements or the condominium units. Declarant hereby specifically liJnits use of the conmon areas adjacent to and underlying Gore Creek to fishilg -4- of the surface of the land, together with designatlon of andseparata legal ilescriptions of any projecC conmon elenentg andg€neral cotunon elenentst (2) the linear neasurenents anal loca-t.ion' with reference to lhe e*terior boundarleg of the land, o! Che buildlng and all other LmprovementE built or Co be builton said land by Declaranti (3) floor plana and el,evalion planaof the buiLding bullt or to be built thereon Eho\ding thelocatLon, the unit alegignation and the linear alimensions of each uni!, anal the designation of the limited comnon elenentsi(4) lhe elevations of the unfinisheal interior aurfaces of lhef,loorg and ceilings, and the linea! neasurementa Ehowl,ng thethickness of, the perinete! walls. The Map shaLl contain a certificate of regieterealarchiCect or Iicensed profesEional eng,ineer certifying that the Map theretofore filed, o! the amended Map or !,lap filed sitnultan-eously lherewith, fulty anal.accurately depicts the layout, D€asurenenla and location of all of the improvenenta, anyproject colfllott elements anal general colmon eletnenta, lhe uni!designations, and the dilrensions of such units anal lhe €levacionsof Lhe floora and ceilings. In .i.nterpreting the Map the existing physical boundaries of each utlit as constructed shall be conclusiv€ly Presumed to be its boundaries. Declaran! reaerves the right to rurenal the t{ap, frontime to tlme. to conform game to the actual phygLcal locatl,onof the conatructed i$provenrents and !o any changes, nadificationsor alterati.ons. Declarant reservea the right to file sald Mapin one or more docrxnenCs and add additional property to salalproject by anendment to this Declaratlon and the fi11n9 of asupplenented t{ap. 3. Division of, Property fnto Condoninium Units. The real Property and lmprovenent8 to be constructed thereon are herGbydivided lnto the following fee Einple estatea! The real property describeal in Exhiblt tAi and lheinprovenentB theleon are hereby alivided into lhe fee Binple eaeates described on Exhibi€ "8" hereCo. Each such estate ahallcon5ist of the separately alesignated aparlnent units, theundivided percentage lnterest in and to the genelal cornrnon elernents appurtenan! to each unit, and the liniteal conmon ele- menca, if, any, appurtenant to each unit, as is set forttr therein, Declarant reserves the right to (i) physlcalty c@binethe space withLn one unit lrith t'he space withj.n one or noreadjoinLng units; (ii) to conbine a part of or conbLnation ofparts of the space withi,n one unie with part o! parta of the Bpace irithin one or nore adjoining unitsr and (iil) to divideinto separate units the space of one unit. The agigregate of, divideal and unalivided interests in the general corunon elementgreBulting therefron shall be reflected by an arendncnt toExttibit 'B" hereof and to che !tap. 4. Inseparability 6f a condoninium Unit. Each unit and the undLvlded interest in the general conmon elements and theLinlted conmon elements, if any' appurtenant thereto shall be inseparable and roay be conveyed, leased, encumbered. deviged or inherited only as a condominium unit. 5. Descripbion of a condoniniun Unit' Every deed. lease, mortgage, trusL deed. 'riII, or other instrunent may Iegally describe a qondoniniurD unit by it.s identifying unit nunber, followed by Vail. Internounlain Swin and Tennis Club Condomlniung with furthe! reference to the recolded Declaration and Map. (I) The land on which a building is locateal, (2) The foundatlons, colunns, girdera, beans,aqpports, nain rralls, roofs, stairs, sialewalke anddrivexays of the buildingt (3) The installations of central services in-cludlng trater, heatLng and utllities and in general,all apparatus, - equipnent and naterials exi8ting forcorfiDon use incidental to a building; and (4) AlL oLher parta of the property and easenentsand rlghts neceBsary or cotvenient to a bullaling'sexiatence, maintenance and safety, or nornally inconnon uge, (e) rt"inited Conrnon Elenents', means those parts oflhe general comron elemenls reEerved for the exclusive useof the owner of a condotniniun unit. (f) "Entire prejlises": 'preniaes", "project" or'Propertyn means andl incLudes the land, builatints. alllmprovementg and atructures thereon, and al_l rights,eaaenents and appurtenances belorging thereto. - (S) 'conalominium project" neans atl of the latd analinprovements inttlal.t y and lubsequently sulnitted to thisDecLaration. (h) ncotEnon Rxpense3' means and includes: (f) Al1 aums lawfully assessed against the generaLcomron eletnents or the project conrnon elenents; expensesof adninistration and management, naintenance, repiir orrepl-acenent of the general corrlon elements or the project cq!trtron elenents; and expenses declared coruon expensei bythe unlt owners. (21 Direct Expenaes: iDirect expensean shall neanand lnclude those expenBes paiat by the Condanl-nLum- Association which are calculated ar deternined by thenunber or size of unlts and are directly attrlbu-table orallocabLe to each unit. such as trash removal, nanageqrent,nater anal/or aeser. Such ttirect expenses shaU be 6iUed-or aBseased dlrectly to each owner with corflnon expenaesand be a part of the assessment. (i) "Association of Unit Owners " or iAa3ociation" means the Vail Inlermountain Switn and Tennis CIub CondoninlumAssociation, a Colorado non-profit corporation, the Cereifl_cate of fncorporation and By-Laws of r{,hich shall govern theaabninlstration of this condoninium project, and tFe menbersof which shall be all of the owners of-the condorninium unitsof thls condominium project. (J) "Map" or 'Plans. means anal includes the enqlneerinosuryey of the land locacing thereon all of the inprov6rnents, - the floor and el.evation plans and any other drawiirg or aiagian-matic .plan alepicting a part of or all of the inprovementa. (k) "BuiLdtng. tBeans a builating improvement comprisinga part of the property. (1) (1) iunlt,' meana the undivialed air space e.hich j.s contai.ned withj.n the flnished perimeter wallg, fioor. ceilings.winilows and doors, . 2, Condonlniun Map. The !.!ap shall be fiLeat for lecordprror to the first conveyance of any conaloninlum unit. Suchllap shall consist of and set forth (l) the 1e9al description -2- CONDOMINIUU DECLANATION VAII, NWTERI.IOI'NTAIN SWII,I AND TENNIS CLUB CONDOI,IINIUl,lS XNOW AI,I, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. THAT WHEREAS, Trahern Investments, I,td.' a Colorado Corporation and s. H. CoIe Construction' Inc., a color:ado Corporation (herein- after called "Declarant") are the oltners of real eatate aituated in the county of Ea91e, state of Colorado (hereinafter calleal "subject land") as is nore fully described i.n Exhibit "A' attached hereto. IfHEREAS, Declalant deaires to eEtablish a condoniniurn Pro- Ject under and pursuant to the condoni.niun ownerehip Act of the State of Colorado. as amendedt and WHEREAS, Declarant does hereby establish a plan for the ownership of separate f,ee simple estates consisting of the area of, space containeal in each of the units in the builflingf inprove- ment, and the co-ogrnerEhip by the individual and aeparate owners thereofr as tenantg in colutlon, of certain of the remainlng real and personal property hereinafter defined anil referred to as the general coronon elements, anal the ownership by an association of auch owners of cercain other real and personal propertyr herein- after defined anal referred to as the project conunon elenenta; NOw TIIEREFoRE. Declarant does hereby Publish anal declare thac the following terns, covenents, conalitiona, easements, restrictiona, uses, limitations and obligacions shall be deemed to run wiLh the land' shalf be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, their successors and assigns ancl any Per eon acquiring or owning an interest in the real property and lnprovenenta' thel! successors' grantees. heirs, executora' administrators' devisees aDd assigns. 1. DefinitionE. Unless the context shall expreasly proviale otherwi st-ThE-=ofTowing def ini t j.ons shall aPPIy : (a) "condoninium unit' means an individual airspace unit together lrith the interest in lhe general anal unlirnited conmon elenents appurtenant to Buch unit. (b) nowfier' means a person, firrn' corporation, parlnership, association or otherlegal entlty, or any Lornbination thereof, orming one or more condominium units. (c) 'Project common Elemencs' neans and includes propelty of any kj.nd owned by the Association of Unit olrners, as hereinafter defined, and useal or reserved for the conrnon use of uhe nembers of such Association and thej.! guestsi such Property may includer by wasy of illuscraLion and lrithout lj.nitation on the generality of the foregoing, vacant land, parking areas, recreational facilities, yards, gardens, sidewaLks or paths, driveways, barbecue and picnic areas, equipnent, tnaterials, or other property and easernents and rights necessary or convenient the!euo. (d) "General conrnon ELementg" meang anal inclualeg all of the following no! defined above a ProjecL cornmon elellents: ROBERT E. GARTON JR. BOX 392 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 i - -.. ,":l Ocr 1 ' l9/8 "ulis'r*nrr. ,o[. '' 0ctober 10, 1978 Mr. Terrlll KnlghtDlrector, Dept. of Plannlng & Developnent Box 179 Eagle, C0. 81611 Dear Terry: As Presldent of the Vall Intermountaln Water Dlstrlct,I bave revlewecl the plans subnltted by Chuck 0g11by and Stan CoIe for the Vall Intermountaln Swln and Tennls C1ub, your flle #Ssp-t09'78. I fully support thls proJect. The proJect wl1l enhance the econoalc base of the Water Dlstrlct. The Dlstrlct, orlglnally bullt lts systen to serve over 180 acres. As you recall, over 100 acres were sold to the State of Colorado ln oriler to save the deernlgratlon route under I-70. Thls proJect, then, w111partlal}y nake up for thls l-oss and hence ls hlghly deslrable for the Dlstrlct. Our water llnes are ad- Jacent to thls property and we are abl-e to serve thls proJect. S1n ternountaln Water Dlstrlct ton, Jr , Va11 EAGTE COUNIY DEPARTMENT OF PT-,AUNING E DEWINPMENT Box 779 328-7ill EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrSsroNERs 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER9494292 ASSESSO R 328-6593 BU ILD ING I NSPECTI ON 328.6339 CLERK & RECO RDE R Eacle 328-6377Baialt 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 32A-6674 ENG I NEE R 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328-5370 LI B RARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-659 | SHERIFF Eaole 328-661IBgiall 927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | 50c I AL sE RV ICES 328-6328 TREASU RER 328-6376 October 6, 797I RE': FiTe No. Ssp-709-78 VaiT Intermtn. Swim & Tennis CTub APPLTCANT: Stan CoTe and Chuck Ogilb? P.O. Box 820 VaiT, Colotado 87657 Enclosed herewith is a copg of an appTication and plan sub- mitted to tte EagTe Countg PTanning Connnission for teview and reconr(endation at thejr '.egulat neeting on L5 Nov. L978. In accotdance with C.R..9. 706-2-9' 105-2-33 and 706-2-34, 796j, as anended and Eagle Countg Subdivision RegaTations. Section 3.O5 and 3.07, as anended effective 1 August 7976, gou ate teguited to receive the p7an, and gou have 35 dags from date naiLed within which to respond or the pTan wi77 be deened to have been approved bg gour agencg. The Pianning Comnission wouJ-d sineereJg appreciaxe gout connents and reconntendations a few dags ptior to the neeting date. If gou desire additional infonmtion or tirte. pTease advise this office in writing. Thank goa vetg much, ,;n)..*u qeq?,t "9* TettiLl Knight Ditector F'I! E F''^' o ()neParkCentral - l5l5 Aropohoe Street P. O. Box 84O Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (3O3) 534-1261 october 20, L978 Eagle P1anr:ling Department 108 w. Second street P.o. Box 672 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Preliminary Plot Plans Texas construction co. stan cole & Chuck ogilby Gentlemen: We have exanined the above captioned plot plans and find tbat at this time western has no facilities on the land t- be plottedl. Please note t}at ne are a gas transrnission utility and our approval does not reflect our abilibr to serve subject subdivision. Very truly yours. O* $fi^n- Dan fekavec Right-of-Way Agent DT//-ks ,7 / .?hl 9uc ,/' ,t di.( Ua'tl IIa'/ J14ie n PY7,1t 11- ;r1t I Tla- a to lrc -1ltaa --' ' '; , rr,. -, , /r.rz € c\ >/(Jd-e. ), !,. ,/ 1/\- ?.S- JIt=.-es uLrt ,/tzrsI '/ l'rtS< c e,, 1-)s, j /t,,' -! $ -__ol -st ri\ +rX .l {[e)() so oj I I I -&)l:, IGL[: eOUt'J'fY IPTIIITI':DN,T OF TT'ANNIITG E DEVEI.DPMENT ' Dox 179 328-7311 GLE, COLORADO 81631 ARD OF COUNTY MMrssloNEBS r-6809 .MINTSTRATION r.6674 IMAL SHELTER ,-4292 s8550 R 3-6593 October 6, 7978 RE -' Fife No. Ssp-Io9-78 VaiT Intetmtn ' Swin & Tennis C7u'b U ILDING SPECTION 8.6339 ,E RK & :CORDERqle 328'6 37 7;all 9?7-3244 )UNTY:TORNEY 8.6674 'IGINEERq-6337 .IV I RON N'I E NTAL iALTH. 8-77 l8 APPLICANT: Stan P.O- VaiL, Cofe and Chuck ogiTbg Box 820 CoTotado 87657 (TEN5ION SENT t8-6370 BRARYt-8-7787 i""*'E !'-!.eS*ail 476'5644 .ANNING 28.6338 OAD & BRIDGE 28-659l HqR|If^ ^^,.:g:h'eiT:fribiiman 827.5 751 OCIAL ERVICES 28-6328 'REASURER 28-6376 EncTosed herewith is a copg of an appTication and plan sub- mitted to the Eagle countg- elanning Commission for teview and recommendation at their reguTat meeting on 75 Nov' !978 ' Inaccotdancewithc.R.'s.f06.2.g,706-2-33and106-2.34, 1963, as amended and Eagle countg Srthclivision Regulations ' Sectjon 3.05 and s.Ot-, -ut a^encled effective 7 August 7976 ' goa a:re tequired to receive the pTan' and gcu have 35 dags from date maifed within which to respond or the p)an wi77 be deemed to have been apptoved bg gout agencg ' ThePTanningConntissionr.,ou]'dsincereTgappteciategour connnents and teconmendations a few dags pricr to the meeting tlate. If gou desire additionaf infotmation or time' pTease advise this of f ice in r'triting ' Thank gou vetg mucn. I fl(Ial I :'. *&t '7:( C t'l /.J€rt , L ) t'ett'r't 1 /-,/,. /2, q /,'1, .. n1 .-,r 1/^ /.: -.,','/ /o, f, 4-',-r 4*{i* TerrilT Knight Ditector or.r,// '/n- ./ C ),/ 1/r r,^- <'t', z''"'(/n('.- n 5 4re_ /tr . / St,. /,, -c2.=* /a-/a_ry t- ."" *"- \/tr) $ y't a a, t-t / 7-.-'rct .,ct f ,/ / u, ,, /i<,u ,i €;/ ';/'J -S-€t'-(c'' a ir".ll',t:!) t{0V ir 1978 Uvpi. Ur ii.Ll.,; ' '"iel' [8g18 CountY' Colo Yes v., l-i ves l_l fl No No No No Cc|LC'HAE'cl OEEAIITMENT c'F HEALTI.I 428 E.11TH A./Ef\LJE ENVEF| 8@n PHgrlE 3€tEl-6111 EXT.32S| ANTHONY ROIIINS. M.D..M.P.A. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: November 3, L978 SUBJECT: l{0N-STATE ASSISTANCE TO: ls this project consistent with the goals and obj ect i ves of this agency? ls there ev i d ence of overlapping of duplica- tion with other agenc ies ? ls meeting des i red with appl icant? A | 5-day extens i on is requested. REV IEW AND COMI{ENTS Mr. Terrll-l Knlght Director, Eagl-e County Department of Plannlng & Development P. 0. Box l-79 Eagl-e, CO 81631 PROJECT TITLEI FlLe No. Ssp-J-09-78 Vail Intermountain Swin & Tennis Club STATE IDENTIFIER: NA COttllENTS DUE BY: November l-5, 1978 v.s I r tl il L] Comments: Water Qual-ity Control-: The Water Qual-ity Control Divislon has no ob- jectlon to this proposal ln that water and sewer servlce appears to be presently available through the Vall Intermountain Water and Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation Distrlcts. Please note that, in accordance r^rith Senate 811L 35, any development servlng more than 20 people must recelve slte p1_an approval from the Water Quality Control- Co"nnission before constructlon wil-l- be al-lowed to commence on the sewer extenalons. In addition, any construction undertaken should strlctly adhere to an approved erosion and sedlment control plan Lncorporatlng measures deslgned to rninftnlze possible contarn'lnatlon of area rraters. For l-lke reason, we advise agalnst permittlng developnent to encroach upon the 100 year floodpJ-ain. ,/. N'ame,itle'6 Phone Barnes, Program Admlnlstrator S0C-3, Feb 77 ATTACHI{ENT B i :r; rl l,l ,: l:O o _rr E.-110r ] .- .s 9_ cgr"- r lr ooo , ..r cl !iroFrr{r !m <ip6@ o L o-c - r- ..- ! - >ro ! orl (!- u or 0r o (, 5 0 0,,.- o o.7co6 -tJ r: -\Froa/cJ.-(!D ,"- Tr c o ,c ooo or- o Lorcr rq-o >(J.-!c.od ! !od !r:3 1r- (r 6-o ._ !p E cocJ- c u@ c >,li'+ c c L 'o O OJ.- 0,r0,-O{r r L E ! L /r! ! cr cF > E !:r.- _copEorr >0, aFoot:doo - a.- Eorc6E C = 5 -tr o 0, ou! uq,oE-:roo 30ro'o.DUcF cr f cr o, occa o s'-c c4r(^ oa |oq-ci.{ru (,r! L o.F o ooo !o).€ F:€'n'.L (/r-o o< .rr- lr) (I) 4 tu a) E >.- O Z (U!c L-0 0.- 15 F .c o.F o- !.F '- p o,O l--rlL F€ o <roo e >5+) 0,iEE oF ..!': lc-- (, oFo ar 6c) of, o aJ c' o f co o d-o-E Cn!-5 N cEcOc| F\O E c-Es- | o.. Eo<iJ f: "dO.o 6F!- c,.- o <t -l, o.p! lg <u.F ()! o @ s'- (J d E (o co, -o E o, f d ar E >. aJ ' . 3 , orF cn >lr.r E! ->d 4' in q! crr! o.c+j.}Jf oo atn a^| 6,I Elo/ i/) o LrE .F!qrcrq- - 0J d) O/ rt |..F.P O)F q- -< ':t!Fl--rJ > c .:JrFq- d c cr--orrE oJ .! oo.u.e,lcrdoe-- z@ ra /d+r rl.r L a za6 d.r.-r L = d ca u(, -o !.- dcC>..)r.- o- a! 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C! o|.g(0 .c!, r!, (J !- rlt rlcul.Poclr..ataPr=o are t.. 5 o|u3r+ .o.cr.j.,a- 'c, >.rcoaioE!Ar'/ol-'n!uoc o hrr,oLcrF rEg N orp L-= o.F.rJ ilr? orF .F -aJ o'F ' =rrJ<>rFo r-a< u ur aoEd> o qoo ,-st r!.lrze<(|!n caso.P.! =oqrl!6 .roe q! tF<.J uur t ll ur@ a6r, ctD o, L!€ .o I rlt € u g,g{ Is!,Co I PUBLIG Senvlce EtrMPANY trF trtrLoRADtr P. O, BOX 973 LEADVILLE, COLORAOO A046I "ou-""1fi",3;t^:l#""t tr MouNrarN orvraroN RICflVED nnr 3 0 1978U\J | - ' Dept. l,l Pl6nllr'rg d Uavel. Esgh Cq|t{Y" Cob October 27, L978 Mr. Terrill Knight Eagle County Planner Court llouse Annex P.O. Box 179 Eagl-e, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Knight: In regards to the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominir:ms located at Kinnickinck Road and Interstate 70' the main access and parking area should be a utility easement and so noted on the plat to be recorded. This proposed utllity easement wl-ll allow this develop- ment to be served by natural gas lf so requested by the developer. SincerelY, Rick Platt Gas Engineer RP/1ss Chuck Ogi1by Stan Cole P. 0. Box 820 Vai.1, Colorado 81657 September 27, 7978 1,1r. Terrill Knight Eagle Counly Planner Court House Anne x Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Knight, Stan Cole and I, Chuck Ogilby, would like to request a Sketch Plan Review of our proposed new project called Vail Interroountain Swim and Tennis Club Condoniniurns. This projeet will be 25 units or 4.382 acres presently zoned R/S/M. we are pro- posing a 1ow density, high quality, well landscaped, Club-1ike developnent that rri11 compliment the neighborhood and add tennis courts to the existing Swj-m C1ub. We would like to subdivide the property as follows: The shaded property will remain in ownership by Chuck Ogilby. The cross hatched tennis courts will be owned by either Stan and myself, the Intermountain Swinr C1ub, or a newly formed Recreation District. The clear area will be owned by the Condominium Association. There will be 18 parking spaces provided adjacent to the tennis courts for use of the Swim Club and add an additional 8 spaces. Each unit will be approximately 800 - 1000 sq. ft, in size and be "Town House" in appearance with two parlcing spaces per unit. The open areas will be landscaped very nicely sirnilar to Interlochen Condominiuns. A split rail fence will surround the property to match both the fnterlochen and Columbine trIest Developmeots adjacent to the subject property. The procedure upon approval of the Sketch Plan would be to vacate the interior 1ot lines of Lots 7 and 8; then a setback varience may be necessary for the one unit on the North side of the stream depending on which areas are interpreted !o be front, rear and side yards. No other variences or re-zoning will be necessary. Lots 7 and 8 are presently 1n the larger parcel has been petitioned for by the Board. The entire property is District. If you have any further questions, Vail Internountain WaEer. DisErict and the inclusion in the DisErict and has been accepted served by the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation please 1et me know. S incere lv . a/"*J' r/'% Chuck Ogi1by SIAN CO1E BI,CTIVED .:r Z g rgTg l.r : .i..:, .; ,, ., CO,/ f ss STUDY OF SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS (1) GENEML GEOLOGY The geology of the inunediate area is that of dipping beds of the Minturn Formation and Belden Shale overlain by alluvium in the area adjacent to Gore Creek. The Mi.nt urn FormaEion and Benton Shale consists of coarse clastic rocks and dark grey shales. Groundwater in these rocks is generally unreliable and water quality is site specific. Overlying the bedrock in the areas adjacent to Gore Creek are stream deposited a11uvia1 materials. This alluviun varies in composition from fine clays and silts to relatively clean sand. The potential for ground- water in the alluviurn varies with the type of material. Where clean sands and gravels are present and sufficient saturated thickness is encountered, moderate supplies of groundwater can be obtained. (2) FLOOD POTENTIAL As this property lies adjacent Eo Gore Creek, the lower portions next to the creek are subject to rising water. However all buildable portions of the site are situated between 9 and 18 feet above the estimated mean high water mark. Therefore risk due to flooding is minimal' (3) MDIOACTIVITY POTEMIAL t'Neither the unconsolidated alluvial and glacial sediments nor the under- lying sandstones, conglomerate shales and limestones of the Minturn Formation, to our knovledge, have been a source of radioactive minerals in this region. " There is no rdne activity on this property, past or present, so it must be **assumed that radiologi.c actlvity is minimal. (4) VEGETATION AND SITE CHARACTER The site is relatively flat with the exception of rhe b anks adjacent to the stTeam which drop steeply to Gore Creek, The meadows on both side of Ehe stream are covered with native grasses and the sEream frontage has masses of Spruce, Dogwood, Wi11ow, Alder and Aspen intermixed back to a distance of approxinately 20 feet from the stream bank, No other tree or shrub clusters are present on the site, * Taken from a soils and well site study done for the Vail Intermountain Water District by l4lright Water Engineers, Inc. - July 20? 1977, T\oo of the TesE SiEes were on the subject property. ** Taken from a report done for Chuck Ogi1by October 5, L973 - by Woodward- Clevenger and Assoc., Inc. Job No. 17275 (5) DRAINAGE There exis ts good positive drainage in all areas of the site. A sna11 Spring drains from the Southern hillside onto the site. Ihis will be used for lanscape purposes as sho^rn on the site plan and rejoined with Gore Creek. Drainage culverts will be placed under our access road from the County access road. (6) WILDLIFE The present r,stldlife is linited to several ground squirrels and several species of birds that nest along the stream. The deer rnigration route that used to go through the Vail Internountaln area nov goes through the deer underpass approxl-mately L/4 nil-e west of this property. Fishing on Gore Creek through the property w111 be restricted to Catch-and-Release fishing onl-y. Ttris restrlction should create a minimal impact on the Gore Creek fishery. (7) WILDFIRE The Native grasses are subject to a wildfire hazard especially ln the fall. However, when the project is completed nearly all areas will be revegitated with sod, trees, and flower grouplngs with all areas being fully irrigated. The wtldfire hazard should be greatly reduced after this ruork has been done. (8) MINERALS It must be assumed that since there is no evidence of Past rnining and since the soils are mostl-v alluvial soils that the nineral content is 1ow. cDR'f r!'{cA'l'E oF REFERAL Eaglc County, Colorado certilication is hereby made that a eopy of an application submitted and given the above File No. was enterecl into the U.S. Ir4ails, or hand delivered, on 6 9rt. /? 7t to the offices/pet'sons as listed hereon, pages i of / , as marked by the initials I'lanning Commission f ile rlr-o; . r4af - t o? - 78 a .-,/Vt-tYLz-e-ezl- . (/ Qk 2. Colo. oepartrnent of Health 3. Colorado State Engineer 4. Eagle County Sanitarian 5. Eagle County Engineer 2. 4. 7. llK 8. U.S. Soil Conservation Service GApplications in Upper Eagle Valley: 0.1 9. U.S. Bureau of Land Management---v- /1/L 11. Div. of Water Resources---.#- B.Appl ications in Basalt Area: 1. Town of Basatt 5. Other Dist. (none at p.resent time) ,<Certilier' s Signature : A,All Applicat ions refered to: 1. Colorado Geological Survey D..Appl ications in Eagl6-Brush Creek to Edwards: 1. Town of Eaqle Eagle Sanitation District Colorado Division of Wildl ife U -S. Forest Serv ice Eagle Valley Telephone Co. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas School District RE50J L fl 6. Holv Cross Electric Assrn---.-.F_ " ?, €elo-ado Mtn- oolleac Bis!: -#K--1O. Coloraclo River Water Consv. Dist. 2. Planning Representat ive 3. School District RE 1J 4. Basalt Water Consv. Dist. 5. Basalt Rurail Fire Dist. 6. Basalt Water and Sanitation Dist. 7- Colorado Division of Wildlife 8. U.S. Forest Service 9. Mountain Bell Telephone Co. 10. Bocky Mtn. Natural Gas C.Appl ications in Gypsum Area: 1. Town of Gypsum 2. E4le County Airport Authority Colorado Division of Wi ldlife U.S. Forest Service Eagle Valley Te lephone Co. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas Schcol D istrict RE50J -- o. :\::un, sanitatron L. i-i.'ictc)ltppffc-aFionr in CdlL)rado lliv..i Ar.--u: 1. S,:hool D is,trict nE50J Schcoi District # 1 l lli Fnra:t erniiaa t/cr-! :\ US Forcst Se rv ics (Minturn) Eagle Val lcy Telephone Co. Yamper Vrllcy E lectric E.Oiiler Agenc ies (where ippropriate) 1. Colorado Dcpt. of Iliqlr!va)./s 2. Colo. SiJlo forust sj..rv;cc 1 . Town of M inturn 2. Town of Red Cliff 3. Upper Eagle Valley San. Dist. 4. Eagle-Vai I Metro District 6, School Disirict RE50J 7. Colorado Division oJ Wildl ife 8. U.S. Forest Service 9. Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. 10- Public Service Co. of Colo. .-aa; .'t-7oZ)o-/' i' ^; '- - '?'1"' t/'"ez"t Applications ii Gore Valtey - Vail Area: 4 f qlL 1 . Western S lope Gas ,.,/-=; 2' Town of Vail /=='""--.---.r-- 4- Eions Ridge Watet A t1 /5J Vail Viltaqe West Fire---l,.+\- iA< @ vail Intermountain water ? 4. 2. 3. 4. #K 8. School District RE5oJ 0K- 9. Colorado Division of Wildlife Qy'- 10 . U. S . Forest Service ,14 11. Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. -W-e. Pubtic service co. of colo. 7r - 13. Upper Eagle Valley San.---.rrr- OY Co7o. state Forest setvice F lL.E. :t - - - *€#-:- -t -2-?- :.7..E.......r:,:.nl I f O. i::!.,4:i,|. COIilJ.ili:':f, :l r::::'y' l"i;:ii:;, i IiI (_,7 -t_{.&t ;;-.-/_?-?8-. 6. EAGTE COU${TY Department of Planning and Development r. u. box r/v l,none J16-t5rL EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 328-5809 ADMINISTRATION 325-667 4 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R 328.6s93 BUILDING I NSPECT ION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDEREaole 328.6377Aaialt 927 -3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328-5674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVI RONMENTAL HEALTH 328.7718 EXTEN 5I O N AGENT 328.6370 LIB RA RY 328-7747 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-5594Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6s9 r 17 November 1978 Stan Cole and Chuck 0gi1by P. 0. Box 820 Vail, Colorado 81657 . Re: File No'rssfi ll3-i3";tXul],lntu"'ountain At their Regular l4eeting on 15 November 1978, the Eagle County Planning Commjssion detennined that you may proceed to preliminary plan stage. During the discussicn, they mentioned the follot'ting items which should be addressed in your pref iminary pl an:1. The 30' stream setback must be c'l early shown.2. Interior lot lines must be vacated.3. There must be 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit and additiona'l . spaces for both the swimming pool and the tennis courts. Eighteen parking spaces is not sufficient for the pool and tenn'i s courts.4. The fl oodplain must be shown.5. If the land area north of the creek is to be used in the determination of density, then that land must be accessible both plysically and legally to the resjdents of the units south of the creek, otherwise, the areas north of the creek should not be used in the determination of density.6. Density should be computed by using the formula 1 unit for each 8000 square feet of lot area.7. A front yard setback will be requ'i red on 2 s'ides of the single unit north of the creek. If you have any questions please contact this office. c.4--o*'%:rL Susan Vaughn 4 SV/ kp Board of County Commissioners SHE RI FF Eaole 328-66 | IBaiall 927 -3244 Gilman 827-575 | 50c I AL sE RV I CE5 328.6328 TREASU RE R 328.6376 o ASSESSO R 328.6593 BUILDING I N SPECT ION 328-6339 CLERK & RECO RDE REaqle 328-5377 Baaall 927 -3244 COU NTY ATTORNEY 328-5674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-7714 EXTEN SION AGENT 328.5370 LI B RARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476.5844 PLAN N I NG 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-659r SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661 |Bai€lt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 50ctAL SE RV I CE5 328-6328 T REASU RE R 328-6376 EAGTE COUNIY ENVIRONMENTAL IIEALTI1 Box 850 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtSSroNERS 328-6809 $Ds%$lsrRArloN To: Terrill Knight, Director of Planning & Development ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 FROM: Erik !I . Edeen, Environmental Health Officer SUBJ: Stan Cole and Chuck Ogilby P.O. Box 820Vail, Colorado 8L657 DATE: December 6, L978 COMMENTS: Comnents will be reserved until the preliminary plan is submitted. However, present concerns include the following: a) SEream pollution from surface runoff; b) Stream setback; c) Location of existing sewer easement If you have any further questions regardinEi the above infor- mation, please-contact md at 328-73LI, Ext. 238. Sincerely, uqb- Erik W. Edeen Environmental Health Officer cc: file RECEIVFTI 0tc 7 D.!1. Ot Pi Ersle 19/t1 Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Terril-] Knight, Eagle Ccunt;' P-l-ar,rer 5 Eagle Count;' Plar::'.ir:g Dcpt. Rn-r 1'7o EagJ-e, Cclcrado 8L63::-- I'nrraY'rl-.or 'r 1C?A+t !/i! Terrill: The Vajl- Inteirrnountai-n Sr^J:in and Tenr 1s Club sketch p'l an '.vas sLlblrattedto the Eagle County SoiJ- Consetvaticn )is':rict fcr revi ew anC cory:ent. ltle have the f ollowinc conrnents : 1.) A more detailed soils investi;ati^n rep.rt sh:,r-rlC be zupplied. ?his ',.roul-d in lot drainage and reye6etation r:lans for theproject. 2.) Drainage lines are narked on the enclosed nap, tn.r.l noinforr:.tion is zupplied shoh'jng lhe design of or problems h'hich 1,,i-11 need attenticn at ti.ne of buildj.ry. .\3.) 'I'he ]anCscaping bern pro;ose.-l re'l .cti nr f n *ha <^oni a< f n ha disturbed shou.lrl al-so contain n'lrn fnr. lham shonld ccntain lrf,re i-nforrrati-.)nplanted. Af1 ar.:as h'].rich are i revegetation and/or landscaping 4.) As this area is loci:.ted next to Gore Creeh, mcre inforration should be zuppiied as to what prcb-.]-ems, if any vrjJ-'l occur ''.yj-th this project in ccnjunction r,^rith the established floodplain and reqri-red setbacl<s. 5.) the enclosed infornaticn points out the -'l-ocati-on of a spring 1ocate.l adjacent to the property. The Ce.relcpers a] so plan to us,-. this spring for l-andscaping prrposes. lio rnforrnation isgiven as to the amount of l^rater this spr.i_ng has nor does tlre ov/ners have rights to this spring. Slncerely, /1, 'i-)y'nT"*Bud Gates, lresident REC[IVED NO\/ 3 1978 ,./tiJt. Ur P,Jfliiir,t Ecgl€ County. ] a;,tai Colo. RICHARD D. LAMM GoVERNoR JOHN W. ROLD Dir6ctor COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEP,ARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 1313 SHEBMAN STBEET oENVER. COLORADO 80203 PHONE (303) 839-2611 November 1, 1978 Mr. Temill Knight Eagle County Dept. P.0. Box 179 Eag1e, C0 81631 Dear Mr. Knight: of Planning & Development RE: Ssp-109-78 VAIL INTERMTN. Sl^lIM & TENNIS CLUB }'|e reconrrcnd that a complete soi'ls and geo'logic report be prepared for this site. This should a'lso inc'lude the outline of the 100 year f1ood. This report, accord- ing to law, has to be signed by a professional geologist. Attached is a copy of part of the report submitted at the sketch plan stage, with comments. Sincerely,e14 L. R. Ladw'i g Engineering Geologist LRL/ba Enc.cc: Land Use Cormission R[C':\/:l] NO\/ ? 19/8 Uept. 0t I i,r r,,'; r u...il. frglr County, Colc GEOTOGY STORY OF THE PAST . . . KEY TO THE FUTUBE STUDY O!' SIGNI}'ICANT IIAZARDS (1) GENEML--GEOLOGY The geology of Fonoatlon and the immediale area l-s Belden Shale over laln that of diPPing beds of Ehe Mlnturn by alluvlun in the area adjacent to Gore Creek. The Mlnturn Formatlon and Benton Shale ern <l dark grey shales. (Groundwater in conslsqf of coarse clasElc rocks Ehese ro'cks is generally unrellablelJt,ryipy- Forznt+rt**./ O!''- c-rl.o (3 i^r 7y45 4-pzat (4) 3round-)5- ;; ;.;..";"'.riir^i" sire specrfic.) FGre.-e-s \ ua.a'-c- '-tb DEct8z-aToE^1 0verlying the bedrock ln rhe areas adJacent to Gore Creek are strean d" p o.i c. d a 1 1 uvr a I T" I i.1l 1 I ;, .,*1" ^ il 1,*i ;g"A{pz J"atf;Yf,it l?" - llSl;:#' :i;" "#;": ii.: ro re 1 ari ve ry c r.",,' s.k ?tkt "p"1rt:tift' r o' ground: water l-n the alluvlum varieg wlth the type of materiel' - Where clean € sands and gravels are present and sufflcient saturated thlckness ls \ encounceredr moderace supplles of groundr'rater can be obtalned FLOOD POTENTIAL As thls properry lies the creek are s ubJ ect the site are slEuated r^,aCer ark. Therefore..-. (3) MDIOACTIVITY POTEMIAL ,,Neither che unconsolidaEed al-1uvia1 and glacial sediments nor the under- lying sandstones, conglouera!e shales and limestones of the Mlnturn Formation, to oui knorledge, have been a source of radioactlve ml-nerals ln this region. " adjacent co Gore Creek, che lower portlons nexE to to rlsing warer. llowever all bulldabIe portions of between 9 and 18 feet above the estimattd qgen-llgL risk duc co flooding ls minlnal. ^ -) L,J' There Ls no nine activlty on Ehls ProPerty' Pasl **assumed thac radlologic actlvity ls rolnlmal' t( VEGETATION AND SITE CHARACTER The site is relacively flat wlth the excePtion of the,banks adjacenc to the strean whlch drop steeply to Gore Creek. The roeadosrs on both side of the stream are covered wlth naEive grasses and the streao frontage has massesofspruce,Dogtrood,WlllowrAlderandAspenlntermlxedbacktoa distance of approxiurately 20 feet fron the sErearo bank' No other tree or shrub clusters are Present on the site. Taken from a soils and well site study done for the vall Intermountaln l,laler Dlscrict by wrlght Water Englneers, Inc. - July 2Q, L977 ' Tr^ro of che Test Sites were on the subJect properEy' Taken from a rePort done for Chuck Ogtlby october 5, 1973 - by Woodward- Clevenger and Assoc., Inc. Job No. 17275 l"knL.ess g,Txnta.PraP c' f S t1A e* or present, so it musE be OtJTtt-,u €- G4<> u-oarbrr- t I p tlc, I r D 6Z L rav2-r{+'-1,5'c'"1 { t 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 10, 1981 Stan CoIe Box 443 Va'i l, Colorado 81657 { RE: DRB Submitta'l of 9-2-81 Building C Dear Stan: At the September 2 meeting of the Design Review Board' your submitta'l for Building "C", Units #11,12,13,14,& 15 was given final approval on buildirig, preliminary on landscaP!!9 with the .fol'lowihg stipu'lations: need blow-up of S-unit building for landscaping, additional landscaping. Approval on Buirlding uCu was for a total GRFA of 6,444 sq.ft. Sincerelv. I Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df ro MEI'!0RANDUl'l Planning and Environmental Comnriss ion (l FR0l4.: Department of Cornnrunity Deve l opment /Pet er Patten May 13, 1981 Vail Intermountain Swin and Tennis Club Request for Plan Amenclnent tabled fron trtay 11, 1981 PEC meeting. As yourll recal 1, this item was tabled at the May 11 tneeting to look at two things. First, you asked for a clarification and legal interpretation concerning a possiblc conflict j.n Ordinance 13, Series of 198I iegarding density control . Larry Rider, Town of Vail attorney, explains that the Ordinance does not prohibi-t the projects utrder Ordinance 13 to request addtional density up to RC, but that the PEC nust find a clear conmunity benefit as a result of the request (i.e. long tern employee housing) if lhqy approve it. He also explains that paragraph d of page 2 of the Ordinance was put in so that these projects were not total ly locked into developing their projects strictly as per County approvals. l{e rrranted a chance to work with the developers to hopeful ly irnprove the projects. Thus, no rj-ght to the additional density, as previously explained, is ol ever lrzls, incluCcd in this Or'dirrance, butj-t docsn t t prevent the appl icant f ror:r asll ing for it . TO: DATE: RE: The Tcr,m Council has revierved the approved Councy projects that have units be restricted for employees possible. policy concerning additi.onal units in previously been accepted by the Tolm, and supporr, additionalof the Upper Eagle Valley as long a.: legal ly Secondly, the issue of the survcy errol: was brought up as tlie main reason for requesting the two additional units. I've spcken r.rith Jin l{ubin frorn the County. feceived rela.ted documerits from Chuck Ogilby and done some build:rb1..: alea calculations on the propcl'Ly to be't-ter understand the backgrourrC behind thc proj ect and the a11ov,'a- b1e density under Resicir:ntia1 Cluster. On }lalclr 21 , 1979, thc iiagle Couirty Pla.lning Ct'rrr,nission recornnen!,led ap,.proval ofthe Vail Interrrountai.n Sri'j.rn and Tennis Clrrb 1r r:o j c'ci. with thc conclil- j on that bt:forea buildj"ng perni,t is issueri f cr tlie last br:j.l riing, allangc-Dicnrs be fi.rrrlizcd conu'rittingthe derrel opc:r to plc;r,ide air p.ttscl'rcrl footbridgc acr'oss Colc Crcek. O:r \iarclr .18, 1979, the County Ccm:n j ss j-c:rcr s :Lpp:'cvcd tlie plclil:ri.rrary irl3'; l,ritli r-h+ conij.t j.on that. thc final plat state that no fur:tiier subrlivi sion (int.-'ryal cr.rncrlsiri.Jrs) lrill be allov;cd for tl're project. 'l'hese a.pprov.-, ls ',.rcr-e ba.sccl on liSll zoniirg (5.5 uui.t-.;per acre) , 4.5S2 ar:rcs of sitc alca and rtc- s.it:al, e footitge subtrrct<:.1 ilo r- tl..c ci'crltor the floodplain. Recentll', a slrrvey errL.lr r.Jas discorrercd rilr jclr :-aised thc totlLl sitc n:'ea to 5.ll0 acrc-s. a dil:fcrc cc o1' .734 actcs, ot: tirc siz-c of I'er-r:cl jJ, thc sotrt.llctrt most I):11'('o1..lvidcntlv, lhc legal dc'sclipt i,on srrbrrril.l:,-'cl io 1-irc (:c),r)tt.), <;vcrlooli.cd thc squar:c j ooLtrllcin I'aIcc1 B, and the projcct r(c'Dt thr.cut;lr Cout.:1:r, il|Pi'<;vlrI s r.rjtl:out n:rt.icc of t!',.rertor'. At thc timc Courri.;, :r1;i-rl'oi'a I s lrcrcr 1gi r.'cn, orr!y liross :;itc :rrt:rr l,'xs tritiil'rlittto ltccorrnt 1o cr)rnPlll c- r',ulnite l oil r:rrits l)cr :r(i)tc r;l lorr'cct. 'l'irrr.s, thc c:.ccl: lrncl floodplairr r,rcrc collnt(rrj .in t.lrr: ;rp1:r.t;v;rl ot 2.'l'Lrnii.:; (4.li82 x S.5 = 24.J uirits.; , I t i lul swim and Tennis - , -(-Q ls, r98l according to rny calculations, the creek and floodplain represent 1.66 acres withinthe property lines. This produces a total buildable area, as cornputed in theResidential cluster District, of 3.456 acres. rhis acreage allowl 20 units to be constructed on the site under RC density (6 unit,s/buildable acre). Thus, ifthe project were proposed under the RC District in the Town, we wouid a1low 20tmits naxirnum on the site. The County would allow 19. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department of Conununity Development two dwelling units requested. We feel unCer the Townrs regul ations. continues to reconnend denial of the there exists no right to these uflits EAGLE COUNTY .I Dept. of Community Development EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOAR D OF COUNTY coMMtSStoNER5 Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 24 | ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N E <t 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 CO U NTY A?TORNEY E*t 242 dnonreeR Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH Ext 238 EXTEN 5IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or ?29 PLIRC HAS ING/ PFR SON NELEit 245 ROAD & BR IDG E Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 751 50clAL SERVICES 328-5328 TREASURER Ext 20 | April 6, 1981 pta*,Adf James A. Rubin Director cc: Peter Patten tyt ''hfi Chuck Ogilby 2938 So. Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8t657 Dear Chuck, This letter is to confirm our conversation today that when your project in fntermountain was approvedin lrlarch of 7979, the acreage on which the project density was based was smaller than what is now deemed to be the correct aereage. The County's regulations, however, have also been changed since that time by requiring the elimlnation of Gore Creek and the 100 year floodplain before calcula"ting a11owable density. This change would probably result in your not being allowed to add additional units even though your acreage has increased. Sincerely, l,l.t,i!-'i,1 .'.ili ljl,:;(:l' I i'l I I j'; 'l'Jr r.. I-rrlIr,i.)nii iltf or.r:i.rL l()n r,, lloarcl lx.Ioro it Jrin;rl :llll)t.ovit I A. Illlll,lrIl,l(: l.1^'llriljALS Ilr.16 f Sidinll 0thcr: I'iai I l,lo t cri.a1s l:asc i a Soffits WinCovrs lVindovr 1'rim Doors Door T'rirn l{and or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinncys Trash [ncl osures Greenhous es 0thel B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Ilrttti t'r.tl 1'or' :,rrlrri,rt.t;il iry' 1 irt: t;1,1r1 i, ;lri c:;rrr llc I:ivctr: _ryl.9, i:i, .fi:11,.!:' irr-l-Color *4.xtz-_rtre-_- txLTtG,S ,/ t1 '-, tt lt '1 . ,'a /4 /l/alU-<t I t't- l';,t'dzL .A, ..1 A/ll/,4! l4tlL Botanical Name Si zeuuantt tyz 2h lf/6-1--4 Corrnon Name /i"*t-,-n n L /ts(-r*_a5/-"'"n - Jt4,a.f-rc7gJ_ SHRUBS GROUNI) cc\/L iis SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION - G-r )D_O,ootl,, rc,t, -lfarya--.s t= TYPE SQUARE FoorAGE Taaa t,F- squARE FoorAcE Situ a s.6 TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.Other Landscape Features (retaining walls,swimming pools, etc.) Please specify.fences, k -rlrr( ?'V.('t t yt uJ t.:Lt /<, *t4./ ,-<.L .j'yt4+'t L"L.. ,/ur,-':fl t,4-'L .'/'// . 4.,t rtr) I Bacxlttxn hxn Sunv P.O. Box 614 Frisco, Co. 80-143 303 668-3730 a EYS o Liccnsed L.S. Allska Arizona Colorado Idaho Nfontana Nerv l\fexico Utah l,fARcH 23, L98L rcfiTI OF VAIL PIAI{NN{G @\4I4ISSICAI c/o MR. CHIrK OGILBY 2938 SOTIfi{ IROT{IAGE ROADrarl,, @roRRDo 81657 IADTES AI{D GHVIT,HUEN: TTIIS LETTR IS IO CERTIIY TTNT ITIE NOTAT, ECNTACT OF PAKFX^9 IIAII AND t'BN AS SHOrill CD{ TI{E ATTAC}ID LEGAL DESCRIPEON AND PIAI IS IN FACT 5.116 A(RES ASTEAD OF 4.382 AMES AS CAI,LM OUT IN A PRE\IOUS LEGAL DESCRTPTIOT{. YOI]RS TRULY, p-( s"-(Ll RTGIAFD A. BACKTJND, L.S. T.Chtrl.rOSt6 Val1 Plannlng and Envi.ronnsntal Commisslsn Vail, Cclerado Gentleraon3 At thc March 21, 1979 neeting ef tho Eaglc Ceunty Planning Commissisn our project (the Valt Intermountaln $wirn and Tonnis Cl.ub Condominiums) rda s approved for 2l{ units based on J. J. units por acrc times I+. 38 acres of 1and. Several months after o'-rr aPproval we realized that our loga1 descrlptien trad an addition error tn lt res.rlting in a true teta1- aircage of 5,11 instead of l+.38. Under.ttrc denslty roguircments of RSM wlth tho County at the ti.me uc would have beon al-1owed 28 unLts. Under the present tohn zoning of our land r,lo wouLd be able to buiLd 30 unlts trad we originally designed our site plan to conform to the Townts sits rcquireme'rts. Ue rvo lld like to brrild tue additional uni.ts on the site, Q.rr plan is to hold these units as long term rentals for a peried of time and uLtimately I aE surer sell ttren. 1{e r.rould build ttre se two apartments over the garage that is shown on th.e site plan. This addition will change the configuration of this building and nake it m.rch atore interesting 1o oking, We feel that this request is a reasonable compromise duc to serreral reasons: Wc are not asking fer all ef thc unlts that r.r e co,rld havc had uith the county er with the new tolvn zoning, rri€ are stilL a lors density project of excel-1errt q-ra11ty surrounded by Columbine North Corrdomini.:ms1 Carl Dietzrs project, and Interlochen Condominiums, a1.1 ef uhictr have over twlce the density per acre as orr preject. Our socond request concerns the trading ef road right-of- way to enable the building of the neu bridge i'n Intermountatn. This r.citl necessltate the elimlnatLrftt ef ttre four parkJ,ng spaces on the norttr side of ttrE stream adjacent to the nortlr tcnnis co ur t. 'ie feel the loss of these parking spaces $i11 actually bc an improvement for this corner as re ui1I be able to landscapc APollo Park at Vdil Vail lntermountain Swim & Tennis Club Condominiums Trahern Investments, Ltd. o Hell Roaring Ranch Company 2938 South Frontage Road o Vail, Colorado 81657 o (303) 476 3070 t! 'T.CharlcsOBfi ttris area and makc Lt.a morc attractive entrance to Intermountain. Our present parking plan allous'for two and one-half spaces per unlt plus an additlonal lot of sixteen cars fer the swin and tennis club. The additlonal four car let cn the north side of the stream uas for additional pool and tennls club parking bringing that parking tetal tc twenty car 3. '.: Most of the suim and tennls club msmbers are 1ocalresidents and r+alk to thc pool' lfe have very 11ttl,o parklng demand for the club and tho 16 rcmaining sPaces will much rnerc than adaquately s,-rf f ice. The 2O car requlrenent wag an arbitrary requlrement set by the county and was based only by picking a number out of tho sky. Yo,rr consideration of these matters will be greatly approcla te d. Sincerely4l C*uzUn,n, Chuck ocirut f Apollo Park at Vail Vail lntermountain Swim & Tennis Club Condominiums Trahern Investments, Ltd. o Hell Roaring Ranch Company 9938 South Frontage Rood e Vail, colorado 81657 o (303) 476-3070 I PAKC|LS A & B A TRACT OF LAIID BTING A Pc)IiTIt]II OF VAIL INITKI.IOUII]AIN DEVILOPMEIIT SUBDIVISIOII BLOCK 4 AS FILID IN BO[)K 2IB AT PAGL 82, UNDIR RECTPTTOI{ NO. 1i3672 III THI CIFFICI (JF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLF.RK AIID RECORDTR, AND A PARCEL LYING SOUTH OF INTIRSTATT HIGHI{AY'70 AND NORTH OF SAID VAIL INTIRMOUNTAIII DTVFLOPMFNT SUBDI- VISION BLOCK 4. SAID TRACT ETING MORE PAKIICULAI(LY D|SCRIBtD AS FOLLOHS: BEGIIINING AT THT NOKTHF-AST CORNTR OF LOT 2III SAID VAIL IIiTIRI'IOUIITAiN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISIOII BLOCK 4, THiNCE S 6?"26''IO" !^I ALOIIG THi IIORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISIOII A DISTANCE OF 493.0C FI.I-T TO THE NORTHTAST CORNI.R 0F LOT I0F SAID Stjll0lVISION;'THillCL S 3.|".l0'06" E AL0NG THi fASTFRLY LIItF 0F SAID LOT 8 A DISTA;JCI 0F 48.24 FEEI; TH!.llCt AL0IJG THt FASIFRLY LINI 0F SAID LOT 7 FOR THI FOLLOI,JING II,IO COURSES: 1) S 85"00102" L A DISTANCE 0F il5.35 FFET; 2) S 27'35'00" F A DISTANCE 0F 105.00 FEiT.T0 A P0INT 0F INTFRSECTIOII l,'llTH THE NORTHT-RLY RIGHT-OF-I^IAY LINE OF KIIIIIIKINICK ROAD. A PLATITD 50 FOOT l.IIDE RIGIIT-OF-IJAY IN SAID VAIL INTi-RI'IOUi{TAIN DiViLOPMtNt SUBDIV ISION i THI-NCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-I.JAY L INI FOR THt FOLLOLJING S]): COURSES: i ) 95.38 FEET ALOllG THE ARC 0F A CUtiVE I0 THi RIGHT, HAVING A Cr:'l'lrJrl- Al:(;i,t- ' AF 24"i9'41", i\ RADIUS OL' 2le.6J l-l-i :i .'-';:) A Cri3i..|) l',li]Cli IIL'rltS S 89'.i9'19" A D i SlT.r.r\CIl (.ri-' 9 4 . 6 .1 i:i .i 'l' ; 2) n 77'40,2i " t.t A DISTANCE 0F 62. 3 ) ?08.26 FI.tT ALOIIG THE ARC OF A AIIGLE OF 28"14120" AI'ID A RADIUS 4) S 74'05't9" tJ A DISTAiICE 0F |0.76 FEt_r; 5) 59.33 F.E|T ALoitc THt ARC 0F A CURVT r0 TH: RIGHT, HAViflG A C-llTr(AL ANGLT OF 66"43III" AND A RADIUS OF 50.95 F|IT; 6) N 39"I1'30" I,J A DISTANCE OF 23I.2I FTLl TO A POINT OF IiITiRSLCTIOIi l.lITH THi SOUTHERLY tiIGHT-0F-I'JAY LIIIE 0F SAID li,/IiRSTATt HIGHI.IAY 70; lHrllCl- IASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHi:RLY RIGHT-(JF-hIAY LINI OF INT:RSIATi HIGHI,IAY 70 FOR THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSIS: \l) N 58"1.l'06" E A DISTANCI 0F 296.24 FEFT; 2) N 59"i0r09" E A DISTANCE 0F 290.30 FEITI :l IHI'NCI I67.88 FEET ALOIiG THE ARC OF A CURVT TO TH': RIGHT, HAVING A CI.NTRAL AI'IGLI OF 03O35'2] ", A RADIUS OF 2680.00 FEET AND A Cf{ORD I{HICH BIARS , N 62"58'50" E A DISTANCT 0F 167.86 FttT; THEilcE s 39"].l'30" E A DISTAHCE f)F 268.89 FI-ET TO THE POINT OF BTGINNING, CONIAINIIIG 5.II6 ACRES, MORI OR LFSS. I, RICHARD A. BACKLUND, BEING A RI.GISTERFD LJIiID SURVFYOR III THE STATF OF CCLCRADO, DO HIREBY CiRTIFY THAT THIS LIGAL DISCIiIPTIOII I^IAS l.]RITlTN RY ME AND UNDTR MY SUPIRVISION AND THAT IT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE'IO THE BEST OF I'lY KNOl^lLEDGE ANO BELIEF. s.:Pr-. r $;'rL /L, iq )' [,-ry 77 FFEI; CURVE .TO I-HE LIFT, HAVII.iG A CE|ITRAL 0F 4?2.55 Fiir: i PTAI.INING AI.ID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, May l1 , l98l 2:00 Work session on Study Area #5 Lionshead 3:00 p.n. Regular Session t. Approval of ninutes of neeting of April 20, 1981. 2. Election of new chairman, vice chairman, and. DRB representative. 5. Request for a front setback variance to construct an addition atlot 6, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing, 305 East Gore CreekDrive. Applicant: Bud Parks. 4. A request foran anendmelttothe Gore Creek 100 year flood plain with the intent of building a duplex at Lot 6, Block J, VailVillage llsth Filing. Applicant: Carl W. Sunmers, Jr. g. A request for anendrnents to an approved developnent plan urder Ordinance No. 1.3, Series of 1981 , to buiid two additional unitsat the Vail Intermountain Swin and Tennis Glub Condoniniurns, and to redesign parking and landscaping of lots 7 and g, Block4, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. Applicant: Vail Interrnountain Swirn and Tennis Club Condoniniuns. Published in the Vail Trail May 8, l98l JD MEltlORAI'IDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Departnent of Commun ity Devel opment/Petet Patten DATE: May 6, 1981 RE: Request for a plan amendment' under Ordinance 15, Series of 1981 for Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club to re-design the parking and landscaping layout and to add two additional dwelling units. B.ACKGROUND OF REQUEST Under Ordinance 13, Series of.1981, a number of projects (the Swim and Tennis Club iacluded) already given approvals by Eagle County were accepted by the Town as per those approvals. Provisions for revisions to the approved plans were included inthis ordinance. Any changes of a significant nature will require Planning and Environ- rnental Commission approval , and of course, Design Review Board acceptance. The Vail Internountain Swi.ur and Tennis C lub is requesting to re-design the parking areas according to the.Townts parking requiaenents, thus eliminating areas of asphalt and increasing green space. They also request the addition of two dwelling units to be used as euployee housing for an indefinite period of tine, and then sold off as c ondomin iurns . H(PLANATION OF ORDINANCE 13 The projects under Ordinance 15 were zoned Residential Cluster for "any zoning purpose beyond the Eagle County Cornnissionerst approvals." This would relate to changesin development standards other than density controls and would guide such changes according to the general RC guidelines. Ordinance 13 zoned all of the propertieslisted in it as per Eagle County approval--not according to RC density regulatj.ons, which would give all these projects an additional l/2 :urrrit per acre. This was notthe intent of Ordi-nance 13, and we want to make it clear that the Ordinance doesnot give any additional density rights to any of the projects under its jurisdiction. THE PROPOSAL l. Parkin-g Plan Revision The Eagle County approval included 2.S parking places spaces, not including the, ,20 spaces provided for the The revision, neeting Town requirenents, provides 47area. The revision also elininates a 4 space parking court, across the creek from the dwelling units. per unit for a total of 67 Swi-m and Tennis Club itself. spaces and additional landscaped area west of the northern tennis 2,Additional units The applicant wishes to add two units to Building c. The proposal appears to be an attractive architectural proposal and actually improves the appearance of thatstructure. The pr-oposal is to naintain these un:its as rental apartnents for an un-specified nunber of years and then to sell then as condotniniums. Swin and Tennis Club - 2 - l'lay 6, l9g1O STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Parking Plan Revision The staff feels this is a definit.e iurprovernent over the previously approved plan. One of the policies within the Design Review Board is to minimize thl amount ofasphalt on development ProPosals and this proposal acconplishes that objective. We rec-orut-end approval of the Vail Intermountain Swiur and Tennis Club parking plan revisionwith the following conditions.. a. As per the parking requirenent in the Zoning Code, all lots of 10 or nore spacesinclude some interior landscaping. (Ihis can be handled at Design Review Board.) b. Because the Swj.rn and Tennis Club parking is being reduced from 20 to 16 spaces,a joint agreenent be worked out so that if nore than 16 spaces are needed atone time, the overflow parking can be accormrodated within the condominiums I sPaces . 2. Addition of Units The staff recomnends approval of the additional two units only if they renain asdesignated -employee units for 2O years, as other employee units within the Town areso required. We feel that the granting of additionat rmits without such a restrictionanounts to a-density bonus or unitrtgiveawayrrsituation which may benefit the employeehousing probleur for an insignificant period of ti-ure. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environnantal Corunission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Zoning Code of the Town of Vail on llay ll, 1981 at 5:00 P.m at the Tor'm of Vail Council Charnbers in the l,lunicipal Building. Public Hearing and Consideration ofr l. A request for a setback variance from the required twenty foot setback to construct an addition at Lot 6, 303 East Gore Creek Drive, Block 5, Vail Vi.llage lst Filing. Applicant: &ud Parks 2. A request for an anendment to the Gore Creek 100 year flood plain with the intent of building a duplex at Lot 6, Block 3, Vai.l Village llth Filing. Applicant: Carl W. Sunrners, Jr. A reouest for amendments to an approved development plan under 0rdinance l3' Series of 1981, to buj'ld two additional units at the Vai] Intennountain Swim and Tennis Club Condomjniums, and to redesign parking and landscaping of Iots 7 and 8, Block 4, Vai'l Intermountain Subdjvis'ion' Applicant: vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis club condomjniums A request for two variances for Lots A-1. and A-2, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing No. 1. One request is to build on a slope in excess of 40%, the other is a setback variance on the south side of the property on Sandstone Road, Applicant: AAV Lirnited Partnership, 5. A request for amendments to the density control section of the zoni.ng code that the second unit shall not exceed 4O% of the total gross residential floor area allowed on the lot in the Primary/Secondary residential district. In addition, lots in the residential dist.rict less than 15,000 square feet shall not have a second unit exceed 40% of the total GRFA allowed on the lot. Applicant: A. Peter Patten, Jr. 3. 4. Inforrnation relating to office in the Municipal publ ic. ToWTI OF VAIL DEPARTMH{T OF COMMJNITY A. PETER PATTEN, JR Zoning Adninistrator the request is at the Conmunity Developnent Department Building duri.ng regular busi.ness hours for review by the DSVELOPMENT DEPARTMEI{T Published in the Vail Trail April 24, 1981 o Apprication Dtt 4- rc-gt APPLICATION I. This procedure is required The application will not be FORM FOR A VARIAIICE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until- all information is submitted. A. NAI'{E OF APPLICAI{T ADDRESS Z85J f(t.,)tvtcp1.{tek -D,a. y'4,.PHONE_!.7b:3O>-Q_ B. NAME OF APPLICAI.IT'S REPRESENTATTVE ADDRESS C. AUTHORIZATION OF P PERTY SIGNATURE ADDRESS ZqTE s PHONE 4ilo-=o>o D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDPA,SS 7853 k.ddtck r.vrck 'Dp, Vret,- LEGAL DESCRTPTToN fot 7ifu_Ulock. ,l_ EiLilnS VAr. 7.8<rur//74'^, E. FEE. $100.00 plus 18f for each property owner.to be notified. F. A list of the names of owners of arl property adjacent to thesubject property and their addresses. h... tr4 vO Cotu&tlu'€ Noor* Curu**,r,u,- Ao*rur,- c[o Cwares 9ea*+aar DO. l3ox- 2o t z Vat, , Coro. 6lt''s_l J ta trtB. Arte^t 9rcc*eno\_/2754 5. Ferrrrnc4 l! ,1,u, C$co ' I @Jor,ra Roorzo l3gb Loqa"t s7. D,r rte4 , Coro. toao3 ,, @ Tafietdx) Coroo-,\rt'.>1_ lr*' clo \orJ Fo<utzz I \,/nn- VAt., flssoeteTeS.T^rc.€", N, Coro. tttosl -\ T. Chades Vall Plannlng and Envlronmental ComisslcnVallr Coltrado Gcntlcmcn: At tho March 2L, L979 mecting of thc EagLc Crunty Plannl,ngGommLgslon our prtJoct (Tho VaIt Intermountaln Srrlm and Tonnic Club CondonlnLurns) ,as appr.vcd for 2ll unlts bascd on J.J unlts pcr acrc tlmcs l+.38 aorcs of land. Scveral nonths aftcr .ur approval wc rcalized tbat aurlegal descrlption had an additlon srr.r ln lt rcsultlng ln atruo tttal acrcagc .f S.lL instead of l+.38. Undcr tho dcnsity rcquircmcnts of RSM with thc County atthc tlnc nc nould trave been all.trcd ?8 unlts, Under the prcrent t.wn aontng ef our Land wc wouLd bc ablcto build 30 unlts had wc orlginally designod cur 31tc plan to conform to thc Teunrs sltc rcqulrrments. Uc nould liko to butld trro additlonal unl.ts on the sitc, Our plan is to ho1d thesc units as long tern rcntals frr a perLod of time and ultlnateLy I am surer $e11 thcn. We sruld build these tro apartments oyer thc garage thatls shown en thc site plan. Thts addltlon wiIl change theconfi6uration of thig buildlng and makc Lt m.:ch more lntercsting looklng. Uc fcel that this rcqucst ll a rcasonable compromisc ducto roycral r.aton!: Wo arc not aakLng for all of thc unltstfiat ro cculd havc had clth thq county or wlth thc neu tonnzonlng, He are stlll a Lor denrity proJect of srccl-lentquallty surrounded by Colunbinc Norttr Corrdominiumsr Carl DictzrcproJect, and Int6rl.chcn C.ndomlniums, all of rhlch travocvcr trlce tho density per acre ar our pr.jcct. Our socond requcst ornccrnlt ttre trading of road right-of-way to enablc thc bulldlng of tho new brldge in Intcrnountaln.Thls rl11 ncccssltatc the cl"lmlnatbctl of ttre four trnrktngspaces on thc norttr si,de of the stroam adjacont tc tho nortbtcnnlt ceurt. Ur feel thc loss of these parking spaccs rLll actually boan lnpr.ycment for tb,is ccrner a! ro wlll bc ablc to landscapc Apollo Park at Vail Vail Intermountain Swim & Tennis Club Condominiums Trahern Investments, 116. o Hell Roaring Ranch Company 2938 South Frontdqe Rodd . vail. Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-3070 r\ T. Chades thlr arca and Eako Lt a merc attractlrrre rntrance tf Intermountaln. Our prcscnt parklng plan allors for trr and onr-halfrpaocr por unlt plur an addltlonal 1ot of clrtrcn cars forthc srln and tcnnl.c o1ub. Thc addltlonal four car ht onthc ntrth clde of tho ctrcan rar frr addLtlonal porl andtcnnlc olub parkl.ng brt,nglng that parklng total to trcntyoarl. llrgt rf thc suln and tcnnir club menbers arc localrorldcnts and wal.k to tho peol. rdc bavo vrry llttlc parklng dcnand for thc cLub and thc 16 romalnlng 3paccs r11l nuoh mora than adaquatcly rufflcc. Tbc 2O car rcquircncnt ra!an arbitrary rcguir.Bcnt art by ttrc crunty and rag bascd only by ploklng a numbor out rf thc rky. Y.ur conridsratL.n rf thogr mattera ullL bc 6roatlyapprocl,atcd. Sincere C*nZ Chuck O rr41 UE,nret*v I Apollo Park at Vail Vail Intermountain Swim & Tennis Club Condominiums Trahern lnvestments, Ltd. . Hell Roaring Ranch Company 9938 South Frontdge Rodd. Vdil, Colorado 81657 o (303) 476 3070 Q'lr box 1OO vail, colorado 81657 1303) 476-5613 0ctober 26, 1981 Stan Co]e Box 443 Va'il , Colorado 81657 department of community development Dear Stan: At the 0ctober 21 meeting of the Design Review Board' your submitta'l for a landscape plan on Bujlding "C" was approved with rthe addition of 2 iprirce trees and that one aspen in each c'l uster must be at Ieast 3" caliper. Sincgrely,, 424fr PeterL Jamar Town P'lanner PJ:df RE: DRB Submittal Bu'i 'lding "C" of 10-21-81. L.S. I T0: Peter Patten FROM: Gary Murrai n'LrA. DATE: 8/1/85 SUBJECT: Swim and Tennis Club, Intennountain 0wner: Chuck 0gilby In regard to your request for me to research possib'i lities regarding the Swim and Tennis Club facility that has been abandoned and boarded up, locatedin Intermountain, there are several clauses in the Uniform Code for the abatement of dangerous buildings that may apply. Section 302, Paragr. |2: Whenever a building or structure has been so damaged by fire, wind, earthquake or flood or has becorne so dilapitated or destroyed asto become (i)an attractive nuisance to children; (ii) a harbor for vagrants, criminals or immoral persons; or as to (iii) enable persons to resort theretofor the purpose of committing unlawful or immoral acts. Section 302, Paragr. '18 (this would probably apply more so than paragraph 12, but will still relate to paragraph 12): l.lhenever any portion of a buildingor structure remains on a site after demolition or destruction of the buildingor structures or whenever any building or structure is abandoned for a periodin excess of six months so as to constitute such build'ing or portion thereof an attractive nuisance or hazard to the public. t{ith these two paragraphs, it is possible that we could construe this building as an attractive nuisance. Therefore, we could start procedures for condem-nation. Everybody must be aware of the appeal process which I feel sure that the owner, Chuck 0bjlby, will appeal . In doing so, the Town may lose the case'in the Board of Appeals. I th'ink, if we do enough documentation and researchof the abatement of dangerous buildings and some of the Design Review Boardguicteljnes, that v',e can come up with enough to make this stand as a dangerousor unsafe building. If you need any assistance on this, please inform me so I can start procedures. Thank you. &'JHftd,r'72f z"'c*"/ /" & L -'i,'?'(/ */ , CL-.4 r/' aL*c-''",G ,46*.-. y'' a*/ fu/'{z'"'q;;-; /, I k/,/ "?'f-a*zL/Z^, n /Lf' Itt lli[,;,lUN2019Uc Vail Trail 22II ll. Frontage Road Irr. Vail, Colorado 81657 Attacired you ivil1 find pictures of an Swim Club facility on Kinninick Road, For years this less than picturesque and residents as thev" cross over Gore eyesore in l{. Vai 1 , tl're orvncd b,v Chuck Ogilbv. s i-gl-rt has greetcci visitors Creek into Intermountain. I f there are no plans to repair and reopen then the o\\rner should be recluired to tear it down and restore the site. cc: Torr'n Council Vai 1 , Co 1o rado 816 5 7 ) .") ''Jlz.'r '^faz Qlttt t(r."'2{-4'4utr' ,>1 \lrtlrUrSt'-. W .Jy'fldli4 ta,atu4- BUITDING DtVtStON OF EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGrE; CO.-PH. (303) 328.6339 PERMTT ro new f esidencd (--) sroay(TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) BUILDING PERMIT DArE August 31 19 76 pEaMtr No.0554 AppLrcANr Robert Martin AooREss Box 3742 VFil , ColorFdo 81O5I (NO.)(sTREET){ c oNTR'S LtCE NSE ) NO.IPROPOSE0 ltSE) Ar (LocArroN) 2764 West Frontage Road Sor.fi VaiI , CO 6iJ+X,"., (NO.) BETWEEN (STREET) AND ( cRoss STREET)( CROSs 5T RE ETJ BUILDING I5 TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG AY FT. IN I-]EIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM USE GROUP BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION PLAN CHECK FEE AREA OR VOLUME EsrrMArED cosr $ 26,000.00 ( C UB I C/ SOUARE FEET) or'u.* Rgbert Martin BU ILD IroonEss P.O. Box x 3742 Vail , Colornrlo R165? ;; _ $ 40.oo $ e6. ee (Affidovit on Foveire ride of opplicolion io bo compleied by oulhorized caent of owner) surDlRo PERrvuT APPLrcit'oN Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. N CHECK VALIDATION I € JOI AOOF ES5 sf Front+o"RI Snrr* A I oESCR rLX J lfisee errecreo sxeert 'r /1 I'Knbprl L lvl*e ft u P. n.R ^, Jl+c'/s - Va, I f,nln .PtL+-z /"/- --12o y' t gnl(MArL ^ooF!ssfn 6^, 3q/t , FsoNE y'zz-.rr..,.,/t/2, / r7^/, oe DL=|GNER fuar'+r Iln ice (! tcatile 6u-i lJe.rs MAtL aocREEs Rn 321 - Fri <,t.,',z//-i -prlq4(t n ln 5 6 USE OF 6I]]LD NG r tl' HDn-,e- 8 Class ol work: [ ruew D ADDITIoN tr ALTERATT0N tr REpAtR t] M0vE n REN40VE I Describe work: Bn iep_( orn.o,.i,=Mnl,, 1"" JJ l0 Chanoe of use from ,2- Aes. // ro Chanoe of use ro , I t- A,a-a t t-l c nt t A 11 Valuation ol work: $ "?L nn n PLAN cHEcK FEE q0 0A | "t*t,- ,.. QL ? , SPECIAL CONDiTIONS: Wort rrrifhin ftr,rrrnirr 'i rrlrf nf Type ot Const. Occu pa ncy Group D iv isionway will require permit frorri CoEntv EsEineer.Size ot B ldg. (Total) sq. Ft. No, ot 5t or ies Occ. Load F ire Zone Use Zone Fire Sprinklers Requirea f]y.. !1oAPPLICATION ACC€PT€D 8Y PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVEO FOR SSUANCE BY No. of Dwelling Units OFFST REET PARKING Covered SPACES; U n covered NOT IC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIH CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOB A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED,I HEREAY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT- THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT ?RESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE EROYISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Special Approvals R equ ired Received Not Required ZON ING HEALTH OEPT. FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPO RT OTHER (Specity) Countv PIne X (l orrn tw Eno L Countv Heal th X IGNAYUFE OF CONTRAC'IOR OR AUTHORIZEO AGENT IOATE) /),./r'/( l-rn-- L7/ . L7//n r.t; . 9--c.,/- zr- ,1 wHEN pRopERLy vALTDATED lrN THts spAcEl rHts rs youR eeevtt 6-C-14 PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR Aaz.-x/ ,r'A. /zoa 7 f-as-? L Form 1OO.1 11-73 INTERNATIONAL CON FE RENCE OF BU ILDING OFFICIALS EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT AMOUNT ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For:(21 Subdivision APPI ication Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use (Zon ing)(Su bd ivis ion) Total Received A.ff it"-t are received for collection ."tffith't ,ece,pt shall be cancelled tor no.Payment ol any item' N9 164? RECEIVED OF \ PLUMIING PERMTT APPL,&T'N "r Pafle-, 0^,roYJuridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION Ae'y' zA. ruvr' f,_,--.*l rkt /z o INSPECTOR flsre trrrcreo sreet) I DESC i, MAr L lDoias! ZIP MA|L AODiESS _ , PXONE LICENSE NO. ^hcHrrEcr o" otl'o"bedcFtr 5 MAr L ADDiE33 LICE'.|SE NO. ENGINEE MAIL AODiES9 ' PHO'{E r.lcENsE No. LEIIDER 6 OF 'UILDINC 8 CIasof worK: TNCW trAOOITION DALTERATION tr REPAIR Typ. of Flxturt or ham WATER CLOSET (TOILET)SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORV (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & DISP. LAUNDRY TRAYAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y: WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OF IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR_SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO, OUTLETS WATER PIPING E TREATING EQUIP. VACUUM EREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK E PIT WHEN PROP€BLY VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUF PERMIT Form 1OO.2 9-69 iIoiDER FioM: I NTERN ATI ON AL CON FE r{ ENCE O F BU ILDI N G O FFICI ALS . MILL TOAO . wBIiTT.i, EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT irc7(r AMOUNT ITEM Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Appl ication Zone Chan Conditional Use Special Use Varian ce Appeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zoning)(Su bd iv is ion ) Tota I Received All items are received for collection no.payment ol any item. Ne 1648 receipt EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING PERM O *.u,.w Routing Form IT APPLICATION Date Referred Permit No. Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form to the County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Complies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Recommend Approval Date:rtt:] W f] comments: Yes Reviewed by: Lo'cati6n a./y'rr^_S County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval [f Eftl D E]rfr:lK Comments Comments: ,/\4s,i.t LL4/( S /o - 01,-Is €'er>4 flrt-I'" 7-- I BUrLDftc PERrvuT APPLTdTToN Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. 't(lrt t erucx ro set:rl I oa! c i. ttcal{3t no. aicxrr€ct or oEslcn€i ltcEN9E r{o, L ax oal 6.- . _, u5€ 7 8 -. Class of work:prurw tr AoDlrtoN tr ALTERATION O REPAIR O MOVE D REMOVE 9 Describe work: l0 Change of use lrom PERMIT FEE1l Valualion ol work: $PLAN cHEcK FEE </O 0A SPECIAL CONDITIONS: way will require permit from'CoEnt No. ol Sioriel Size of Bldg. (Toralf sq. Fr. FirG SDrinklcrt RequirGd l\/cr ONoAPPLICATION ACCEPTED 8Y OFFST REET PARKING SPACES:No, of Dwelling Unlt! NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERI\4IT BECOI/ES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COM}TLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFI€OHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHOTIITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ttcxaYuia ot coNtiac iot oi auTxotltlo aoaNt (o^tt) Not Required HEALTH OEPT. F I RE OEPT. SOIL R€PORT OTHER (Speclty) Countv P WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR P€RMIT CASH/Q77f uA I f uN cK. M.o. cAsH rEHMt I vALtuA I tuN -,__ra ^f, .;o. - a/\ Harz-zF/,2/,'a. ' ^--.-: ^. -,4-- - -.^_---: coLo RA D0 i}'o r^L?if i';l''-Jr,:['i'U' HEA Lr H RECOMf"IEI'IDE D SUBh4ERSIELE PU M P II{STALLP.TIC DRILLED ,r*', /. COVER );i;ll';;Tm.,. ,/4.,,t1_o\\rr)].(, 7)\.-t\-1a5yr,'<?l:' jiriY, - U)Y)\--'"ruf)"- o-1-__. LOCK PI CONCRETE GROUT - t- t SGREENED SANITARY CONCRETE SLOPE AWAY PLATFORM FROIN WELL ,'i 3$ici"id1/Y-t V..,f1,-t,71i,"i,iu)"' t ll 2_ ./.- Fa C)Elr ,oJ UJ co =3 =2 = o ELECTRICAL -coNDutT TO SERVICE PIT LES S ADAPTE R SAI! D -GRAVEL- CLAY _- o- tt- O-a DROF PIPE CASING o# TYPE OF UI{IT$ OPTIONIAL RIlcol,'/MrJ{DnD sp[clrrcAl'rO ooa rNsrAr,LATroN oF DRr,LliD nOt *tnt sublmnsrBln hnn's USING PII],]JSS ADAI,TIiI'IS. LocBt-lon.of -the Yell - f,very rell should be locaied and constructcd ln such r llanner that nelther underground nor su!facc contaalnatton froo any scptlc tank, seepage plt, dlsposal lleld prlvy, colr8l tloodlng, or other source of posslble pollutlon can aftect such water supgI.y. The yell should be locCted on hlgher ground than any source ol pollutlon and thc horlzontdl dlstance tlo] sny such source of pollutlon should lrc as grett as posslblc, but ln no case lcss than 100 feet. If 1t ls Decesssry to locate the scll vlthln 100 feet ol any plpe thlch r,lly csrry scvage or rsste. Ylter then that plpe should be constructed ol extra hcavy cast lron soll plpe or Cast lron rater plpc alth lesded Jolnts tested ror rlater tlghtncss, In no case, should the ycll De located vlthln 20 feet of any burled plpe carrylng sewage or rastc yater. Caslng - Tbe caslng for sclls should conslst of plpe lade espcclally for rcll8. be drlven a short dlstance the drlll hole ln the rock. S0allnfl nock vlells -, The c8s1ng for a drllled $cll lnto rocli should lnto ttre rock'so that the drlve sioe forus a r:rtertlght seat agalnst Screen - A slotted screen especlally sdapted lor uell pork should be used ubere drllllng ends ln otber than a tock condlllon. Platfor,n - A vstertlght relnlorced concrete platforts at least 6 lnches thlck and 4 feet square or large enough to accouliiodate an lnsulated rell house should be constructed. The top o! the plat' for[ should slope away f rot! the csslng as shown on lhe lllustratlon. Welt Plt - N0 sell head, well caslng, pressure tank, exposed dlscharge Plpc, coupllng or valve shall ter[lnate or be located ln any p1t or roor0 beloe ground level or ln any rooE or space above ground rhlch ls ralled ln or otherptse enclosed, unless 1t has lree dralnage by GRAVITY to the aurtace ot the ground. Pltless Ldapters - The pltless adapter used shorld bc of an lnert Eaterlal rhlch ls hlgbly re6lstant to corroslon and coDstructed 1rr such a Eanner as to provlde a posltlve seal vhlch rlll n-ot alLov ground watcr to enter the caslng. The relght of the Plpe and puop should not be transferred through the adapter to the cas.lng but should be suppo!ted dlrcctly by the caslng. Dlslnlectlon FolIo*lng Constructlon or Repatrs - Nevly constIucted ecl]s or PellE havlng been repalred are consldered to be contanlnated. As soon as rork has been conPLeted the nell should be pu[ped to saste untll the eater ls rclatlvely clear, then the sell should be dlslnfected. 1o dlslnfect the sell, usc t$o or tbree guarts of llquld laundry bleach contalntng at least 5t avallable chlorlne (read Iabel on contalner) to ten gallons ot cater, 0lx thoroughly. Pour or slpbon the solutlon l{lto the yell betseen the castng snd thc drop plpe. Start the puEp and open alI faucets on the systen. Punp untll chlorlne odor 1s prcsent at the fatlccts, then cl.ose the (aucetE and stop the punp. Hlr another ten gallons of chlorlne solutlon alld otlce agaln pour or ' At the end o! the trenty-lour hour perlod puDp the well to easte untll the odor and taste of chlorlue bBs d I s appe ar €d. Tro days after dlslnfectron collect a s:aaple o! wnter tor bactIrIoIoulcaI snaIysls, uslng only a storlle contalner furrrl.shed by the Colorado Stete DcpartIeut oI fubllc lleiilth. or your local health deDartEcnt or from a laboretory approved by th€ Colora{to St8te Dcpartt.]clrt ot I'ubIlc llealth. lterlals - Uaterlals and equlpncnt usc(! should bc !itructurolly $ound, of ).ot)g llfc snd ln good ssnltary condltron. Abrl)d0incni of lixlr;tlnI vi('lls - If thp ncrr reJl ili to rcple(:c on 0xlstll)['l sclI, th0 old wcll ttlust bc p!ol)cI']y air&niloned 1.o l)rotect thc {ate[-br:rtr'lr]fi f(rrEfltlon of thc Dcv t'0l.L DIlvcn ol drtlled !clls $lrolild be plIf,ll0d t)y pourlD{i ir soupy njrlurc oI cJ.sy t]i(1 rir!ef 1n1o thc wcll. lYhcncvcr posslb.lc, t.h(r top l('0{lth ol car1n11 should bc r(|:rivt:cl . cap1r1n1y tlrc Fcll lti ulrsBtlsf0ctory. Dug *cIl$ shr,ulrl bc It llcd ln foul' tc(.1 oi ( hr rrcll v{rIl tO JnstJt {' t fl0rr(l $cril. slth cl(iali carth turrl)('d lrr ploc(! eftcr Ilrsl. t'{triovlnij 0t IcaJit thc top , ln l)ot.lr (rr1jclr. tlrc L'l(l r'o)lc slrot!l(i llc tlll(d t0 l.he froulld $urfBcc y E,i.L.-4--/-{1"=ts"' i:::r-,1";;il) ;"."; tutff-i'tNe Of ( EXEMpTtoN FRoM EAGLE couNTy susotVlstoN REGULATTONS Pursuont fo Section 6.01 of the Eogre county subdivision Rcgurorions t (we) hereby onply {1r exenrpf ion from the provisions with scrid regulotions os fo*I (o*) p*rL4$g."hr** known .,'.4+gN. J. .F.ltritl.q.{.q.. pRo And comprisi"g .. /.€ME# . -ft.m!..... . divi<red inro opproxirnoiely3,f*etnp.,llAl-. inreresrs for the foilowins reoscn Viu.r.m,'.qJy.€. .€+e.+ ..9.f,(3. ). gtt,.Lbp,_c{. .4t.- .tet(NgL ..acn. .(t).o.ttirr'druft E..ttu.xr.e.*r*f *r*s.r+EGi;i;rS regulof ions cxernption opplies only. to the pioposed clevelopirent os shown on the H.APPLICATION FOR P. sketch plon or other intormofion ottoched he po1"6')).1.4g.-. 7".L'l/6. Receivedv. 8y.... property)? I t, t ! ! &ecournrended forthe Eagle County geon - Vice Chairrnau , r I Dick Pogo 3l vnrOr.rcrn Reput cnrt oN t. Actlon of Zonlng Oolrd of Adlustrrrcnt on Vtrrl anco Appllcotlon Approvol B condiliorrs:-"'-":*"' That the applicant sign a waiver forrh releasing the County from any possible liability' I I I a I f'-fuq*- Fllo No. zr'' 2.' l Dcnlal n toasons: (soo attachod)Order of tho Board, Qq>- ?rn - Dalo. lrearing :,: Note:Sectlon 9.04.10 lppeals from lhc Rorl!'d' Arry furllror nppcal from the dccision of the Boerrd may bo mMlo to the coutts' tls providad by lawr Proviclc(lr howovert llrat r:uch appcal is mado prior to tvrorrty (2O) aays lol lovrfurg ttre <jatc of tlre nctif icatian of tho Roarcl's declslon' I , BUILDING DIVISION' P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 rNsPEcfloru HEeuEsr EAGLE COUNTY DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION --t-L/ -+JtlSe4-_7;;L & /,, t, ' ./<- t /{)/ j' '' AMV E-AppRov-ED E orseppRovED''.A// Ef,T,PON TH E FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: D nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS ---+?'-z-:--e*- oorc ';7.. :: ;< - l) / rNEiPEctoN FtEBUEsTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME EAGLE COUNTY : '' TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: f]pnnrrer. READY FOR INSPECTION TUE '1i "/'--._\WED ( THUR)\-.-.-.FRf , 'j ' 'i -'' -. *fG) APPROVED E orsnppRovED E nErNsPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR .. -r.- ;.. ....".-- I P-,;.i::,a INsPEC|lclN FTEBUESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:32&63:B DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY E orxen MON GOMMENTS: flpennel.LOCATION <Sa)/m-**-.X^ TUE READY FOR INSPECTION ..^'(WEQ) THUR {orrRovED E orsnppRovED E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr -', "il/..'.,. -..A? -r,./ lNSPECTOR County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT Ne 604 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $....................- ...... $...............,............ $..{.Q...Q-.Q-..... $.......d.', Q-.o...... sd.-t*O.A._ . . Pla[ Chcck€r !/a/z* Date/t r./ /- Date Paid....... .. .,7'*;/2. a Received ,, d/4//a/-THIS FORilI IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURIT{G CONSTRUCTION 18 HOURS AT'VANCE NOTICE REQTNRED F1OR INSPECTIONS DateofApplication.... fu.. ........./.*5......rs....7.&........ Erectricar .on,u.ro,4z&z*s. Z"* A**t- Applicanr...--.. Slilature APPROVALS Az"f/Z ,/r2a ELEcTiltAL PERMTT APPLI?ATIoN Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbercd only. 2 rZ4 frc,a '-l (t LjEE arrarxEo 3HlEr) ItF Pllol{E T;7/.--MA IL AOORESS FHON' LIC.EDSE NO.J-tr^-/-- 74t.In-'Z4<tgict -3 aicxrrEcY oi_oE3rG Ei -+ Fort- (/-,.,- ENC I N EEi LICEN3E NO. L'XOER U5E OF AU I LOIN Gt ,K,e.otdan<-€ 8 clasotwork: ,,Alew DA0otfloil trALTERATIoN tr REPAIR ar em tt e.q- ',/t,/Aj'-rfc-// Je, r;z1a 1 TotslRECEPTACLE Outters SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPLICATTON ACCEPTED BYI APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE 8Y RANGES CLO. DRYER WTR, HTR. NOT ICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT, ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA, APPL. % H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER L-JPOLE TIUNOGO. SERVICE O rew D cxnrce PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VAL]DATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION pERMlr vALlDAloN ^ #Sa/t.M.O. INSPECTOR FOTM 100.3 I1.73 FiO'IO'i FiOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE c|F BUILDING OFFICIALS ' !"6 3. WORI(MAII MI!t. ROAO ' t RI.CE I VED EAGLE COUNTY Eogle. Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEtPT ottc-_-,!-.';:.-.{.lg -/rJ; CASH Subdivrsron Applicaf ron ond,trooal Ure Speciat U:e 9g9e'_-LA11lg,"9l_ (Zon ing) ( Subdrvir ronJ Ne 16?0 ACCT, COD€AMOUNT Permit Fe.Bcifdr BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALTER rNsPEc|loN EAGLE COU HEEUEST NTY E ornen MON COMMENTS: n panrrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION wEo THUR FRI-AM PM Vxpp RovED E orsappRovED n nerNsPEcr El-upon rHE FoLLowr NG GoR RECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS / Ll DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNseecfrru EAGL FIEOUEST NTYcou flpenrrnuE oruen MON COMMENTS: LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WEO z'rxuR r ,/ {.),.il$)M WnrsT";RovED ! nerNSPEcr Wtjpou FOLLOWING COR RECTIONS: INSPECTOR DATE ,r,ro,*c DtvtstoN P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 rNseec*oru rtEouEsr EAGLE COUNTY DATE .t7 .t ,z 7.(/JOB NAME rfME REcEIvED v' . i(,-t AMd_ND E penrrnl. 41-:>---. l' MON.../ "o""a*rrt FRITUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ,/ " ../-//"-@ EJnppRovED D orsnppRovED D netNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR .,a..r,.tt. BUILDING DIVISION Of EAGTE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGLE; CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 DArE 20 October o"",-,.o", Chuck Ogilby ADORESS P.O. 0836 c'o: E1-557--'- BUILDING PERMIT **#w-,f"iil'' {STREET)( c oNTR'S LrCE NsE ) "."",, to41f4 NUMBER OF OWELLING UI.II TS PROPOSED I'5E |l @ ID C;z =t!oL su B0lv [] toN BUILDING IS TO SE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY TO TYPE USE GROUP LOT-BLOCK-SIZE FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION (TYPEI REMARK': Confirraadditionalparking Plan Check Fee $5o.oo AREA OR VOL UME EsrrMArED.os, $ 30 000.00 PERMIT (188.00 BASEMENT WA LLS OR FOUNOATION BU ILD BY {CUBIC/SOUARE FE ET) o**r" Chuck Ogil-by/Tim Garton _ ooora" '(--) sroRY o rsTR rcT (cRoss STFEET)(cRoss srREEl) 1 Elock 6 Vail InternourtaLn -(No.) Sr',,,_ _ ffll*^ (Affidovif on Geveirc ride of opplicotion to bc complefed by outhorized ogont of ovncr) BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 INsPEcrGru FtEeUEsT EAGLE couNrY i/?gG JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen r.------.,,,MON iTUE -.2' ! panrtel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI :rirfr';pnn f,lappRovED E orsappRovED f] nerNsPEcr f] upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR EAG!-E COUNTY BUILDING fR"uie* Routing Date Referred Please review the attached appl ication and return County Building Official within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations County Esrineer: Roads A =Gradins V Ef Drainase g D ,ndApproval . g t] PERMIT AP Form ICATIONPL o it and this completed form to the Reviewed by:Date:Yes E]rltrll 1U€ NoN- &ouPt t*pe€ utr'{t+ MtVe tilAV ?Povtl5to0t SuorrtD NotftrflK Recommend Approval Ee tr)AN9D tu ,Trrrf. c,. s.e, County Health: Recommend Approval Sanitation Water rlTt]n XIEKK q- 6 -72 o o e:&{ 4q.J.d - ,/ / 444W'o , . ,,./1('r'zzc/t, U/ra1^Z /1 / , ..,.\ - |7/4.u "ltrterutz, y'z/ - oTf, / eLJL' 4 ,4/rowutr )/'ir,L Apollo Park at Vail ocT 1 3 19/i P.O. Box 2157 Vail, colorado 81657 "oL*'"'.;r;,, , , Telephone: (303) 476-588'l " -'"' .-- / / Faz nt- -77^ *+'a You /g<1 9'+r's Frca w/7-rt'L 7ft2 /tzoQn'sS O'z -TP'Z' /'qzkz"'6 E4tt't41'u7 Fo- -7+€ '3m- ' Zs 7,ws h*P aF 7tu'? Taaz fttc'a4' rtu You ll/zeO 7-o /'ss u€ 72 '7ez'n'7 ?"'a" C'q"c r?z Co"gez '47 z/zb-sozt ltr You 1)ee4 4ru/zzv+ru6 'F&-Iz't<' k - TrurE.zlu-ou'r'Taz'J fuo' .a)e&€c z7 / C,wo-L Oa,ru7 Ll?6 5 3o7a t?vts gsorit/ O -,ao-/ ,l t o n zIL oo o Fzlrl =(L :J@ld:l lrl Go o2.1 F(Dz:)o =tr UJFz t\t\ |ll*!l/ Srb L\\(\<<. {..E 11s v,t' o J1q5rG ,\.\l is ql'j lru" ,uoof surrDlRo PERMTT APPLrcit,oN I Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION RLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATIoN _#rSOg F". cAsH $q-r*;A d/ab INSPECTOR Form 1o0.1 l1-73 TNTERNATtoNAL coNFERENcE oF BUtLDtNG oFFtct.ALs. rr.o. MrL! ioao. wr{rrrr.r, cat.r7. ro.or EAGLE COUNTY ZC)z &utow Vtilc Cn I] ISEE ATIACHEDTe<f"teqn7tlt-,V sHEETI OI|N Ei AIL ADOiE3!ii, g2o y'rqr.*'.7oro, /)dz ?rAt4p u3? ./ 7t*t- (.24<ro>r -. \MAIL ADDiESS Ue,\l/3< !lcENsE lto.i6u aicHt rEct on 0 E5l LICENSE NO.frea Bat,u,y'*rc ENCINEEi LICENSE NO. En /4rL IJSE OF !UILD!N6&v, 8 crass o{ work: tr NEw Faootrtol E ALTERATIoN n REPAIR C MovE tr REMoVE I Describe work:Cau l0 Change o{ use from fucrvl PERM IT FEE11 Valuation of work: $ J4, QOO PLAN CHECK FEE Occu pancy Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ol BId9. (Toial) Sq. Ft, Fire Sprlnkl€r5 Requirod lyci ENoAPPLICATIAN ACCEPTEO AY APPROVEO FOF ISSUANC€ gY oFFSTREET PARKING SPACESINo. ot Owellin9 Unlts NOT ICE SEPAFATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTFICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING, THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN ,I20 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OB WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOF A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRU€ ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. HEALTH OEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (sp€clfy) EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Subd ivision Appl ication Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Buildin ) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection no-payment of any item. N9 2128 By AMOUNT only and this receipt shall be cancelled for E AGLE COUNTY BU'LDTN-PEFiNIIT A Oneview Routing Form Date Referred App! icant ,/ d ^ Permit No- -t 'i{ ?; ,* , - - r'7d+l ot*- Location Please review the attached application and return it and this completedform to the County Building Off icial within 6 working days. : Yes E]rl Eff] Noflrlfltf PPLICATION o Planning Commission File No. Planning: Complies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations ' Recommend Approval Reviewed by:Date: Comments: County Engineer:. Roads Grading Drainage tf Eftl trI E]E]r:ltfRecommend Approval Comments: County Health: Recommend Approval Sanitation Water rlntlu tftIfltl Comments: EA$[T EOUNTT $Hff&&r$iflH[[r 0F P!-&f{trIruffi AND BH$Et0PrfrHf{T Il{cDonald Bldg. 550 llroadway P.O. I}ox 179 Eaglc, Coloredo 81631 SEO IncorporatedP.0. tsox 820 Val1r. Colorado 51657 Rot Appllcation for Building Pernilt in Sagle County VaiI Inbenmountaln Pool The Eagle County Bullcllng Department requires that applications for buileing penmlts ln Sagle County be routed to the Eagle County Plannlng, Englneerlng, and Errvironmental- llealth Departments for- thelr corunenis prlor to lssuance of the permlts. Youn appllcatlon was routed on ]6 September L977. Llsted below are the somments and recornxxendatlons whlch uere made by the above Departments dunlng the routing procedure. If you have any questlons or wlsh to get a further explanation, pfease contact th6 appnopr'late Deparbnent. The telephone numbers and addresses of the commentlns Departments are llsted with each comnent. 2J September 1977 PLANNING: IIot approved. rtParklng must be provLded to rneet the vrlnte:: demand. Plans fon such should be sub- nlbted- Parklng shown on slte plan 1s nob ln compllance wlth county regulabl Box lJt, Bagl 328-6338 t Not approved. rrl.,ack of adequate parking ls creablng a safety hazard- I have been unable to find a park- lng space vrhen vlsirlng this pool to make a pool heafth inspection.," HEALTH: 8J ru/ W EFffi-Ea-d'A;-, fl:ES. Box BI1, Eagle' cO 8163l 328-77t8 It would be to your advantage 1f you begln to resoLve any problems and/on requlrements as soon a8 posslbl-e so as not to delay the lssuance of your bulldlng permlt any longer fhan necessary. Thank you, Los Douglas Eagi'f,",$&unl,r',{i,tl,ll.Rl,nin ,-o"f,f,L,g,t$lurxrivi*ion, *.,,oni,,!fp,i1,1,r'Ilufixr"},}'.[*.Lehh rJt{lk Edeen Ilrriltling Olficill: lluikling Ir('rnrils und Inspt.ction, Zorring Arlnrirr ist rltion (.303) 32li-(;331) t/. .,I%?,f;,-:H: Ja, i':# T ---./-^-5 $tEornco'*il SEO lncorporatcd FO Box SiXl Vail, Golorado 81657 47&gX6 RECEIVED SEP r E E7t DopL 0t Ptanning & l,/"rcr.rsgls County, Coto. /i4P, -G"ar.c k',vtqt-, /raa,'*a Box / 7? E+trcc, Coto, -fu*n ll,ta, 7l'zzrc< , EatCca SCa tS Ou< S,>i1 Qa,'l Fo< '7d< /'!7t<"'or'/v744/ Tooc S74uc 7eJ41' Na S#orJ 7t/<ee LuTat /nak '^tQ Se'+ee 5 b1 o u< 7"i")rr7. -Ttlt<e Ate Sca<a< NArJ , /z+en<""'7 see'tEa)Q s --i!tr+t 79J Qouco Be +oo(a To ltr /vc124a' fiasr, F<r>, otJ< /eee<27 fu"t< o|1 7tt<' /e<z'nt67coz S, oe 1Tz Qoao €aqe E sTru- /s; 7o 2o Fe( 7 4/4f' f,f de E^/caoacHco Ct>1 7ffiT Rr6fr o- ^d47 uP 70 to Fecr '.'Je Couca Aaa -Th/o ho'e! So'teeg' Seco>o, t4e ALs<) u51 '1 4cce o'< L'q'vo 4eczoss -rtt< Sreccr F<an T/vL Pooc- otJ'rtul Bf -7ae Q4cra6' upo ftcEO t ','71 -TP'? Peoc, 7lc t4c<'o>"-ro a47< Sa< Qa<s ' TtsS Laato ,J'+5 Ser r4sraL ft< 1)'+rc4 )trlrcz 1Q1a74sas Aoa Cn^l Be t/fta R7 7?Z Poec Fo< 7i?< fpaSace'Bz. Fu>u4'' /Joo'tete<, ot)4 /ooc '/s r4arvtT 4 Laac Poot- s€dt'atc;- lttt Ta.arhoo^/T/a/^/ Lesrot'vrS tiJd 7^/7c4'-oePt'l/ (*oon"t'u*s' O'< f,+<x,^t6 ilaeas /d'sve /Ve'/€< Bec"l Q<c+r St^)ce' /ha37 ftaa< LJ*r*, '7D t-bt /oot' ErtCcAco fr<1 -7t.t O /A44 Sro,,t t P<z /.t<tta6 4'{e45, =lhte -Tlvls lJns l$cPco YOtl< fl,,tttttYsts - $uvrezcc,/1 ?- r4-zz C*or. O^*r / EAGLE COr*O BUILDING PERMIT APllcArloN Rdview Routing Form Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form to County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Date Referred Appl icant; ttJ Location Planning Commission File No. Planning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Reviewed by: Permit No. Date: the Recommend Spproval NofltrtfE EfE D Yes KIrlntf EIE t:] Roads Grading Drainage Recommehd Approval Comments: County Health:Sanitation Water A- h ee1 5?n'.-,4J--, ,7 ,1, + '+-> /a >ii u) r,-1, ?+-/4 aaa/ e{th, 'Lt'(:s /o He1 / /r, r.? s.erza-4o fV cr/ ,-A/ >>a4/y ry?- 72 EA$rt g0IINTy BEPAe'drf;EB{I 0r PtAi{i{ri{0 at{$ BtvE&8F$f,EI{T lllcDonald Bldg.550 Ilroadway P.O. Box l?9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 2J Septenber L977 SEO Incorporated P. O. Box 820Val1, Colorado 81657 Rot Appllcation for Bulldlng Permlt in Eagle County ValI Intennountaln Pool The Eagl-e County Buildlng Department requlres that appllcatlons for buildlngc permlts ln Eagle County be nouted to the Iragle County Plannlng, Englneeriag, and Snvironmental 5ealth Departmonts for thelr con-'nents prlor to lssuanco of the permits. Your appllcatlon was routed on 1b September 1977. Listed befow arC the conments and recommendations whlch ltere made by the above Departments durlng the routlng procedure. If you have any questions or wlsh to get a further explanationr please contacb the approprlate Departnent.. The telephone numbera and addresses of the commentlng Departments are llsted wlbh each comment. PLANNING: Not approved. trParking must be provided to meet the wlnter demand- Plans for such should be sub-mlLted, Parklng shown on slte plan ls nob 1n compllance wlth county reguLati Box IJ!, }!agl 328-6338 t I{ot approved. rrlack of adequate parking ls creatlng a safety hazard. I have been unable to find a park- lng space vrhen vlsitlng this pool to make a pool health lnspectlon,rr Sa 'n b',- A-/) '/,',Jl /h/ \ftLer*/ ffiBox B1I, Eagle' C0 81631 TIEAI.,TH: 328-77t8 It would be to your advantage 1f you begln to resolve any problems and/or requlrements as soon as posslble so as not to delay the lssuance of your butldlng permlb any longer than necessary.. Thank you, Los Douglas F. a g |p,,,,{i,g*t t n f, J.,,iLs l+ fi il, ni,l .0,f,f,1' g ts I u ua i v i s i o n, Iluilding Offiti.ri: IluiLlirrll I'crrnits and InsJrt'r:t-irrn, Zuninll Irt zonirr?9.i ppr il.llf; Afi d*,hrim#hb ufi ll# Ede en r\d rninistra t.ion (30J) 328-ti339 LOT I BLOC K 6 emor ft4 WALLS ARE . go' tHtcK cottc. \o ,\t/ CONCRETE SWIMMING POOL -"bgLt , f +'s$;t l,)--/ no (f r- 7O ioro s3e:4 s 5to 40'44 39.oo' (ng8 a U) R= lOl.69' L= 65.79' lo t.69' 52. I I' t{ I LLnn r-.- ,i,r:i;iiI tu ,a:iiit [ -L;s . ]ro. /',r x, olo rn ('lI(tl $lol o N N- oo m t\)(, u .) c_ [= BE LL F LOWER DRIVE (5O,) PR0PIRTY. TllE LOCATIOif AND Dllniits toNs oF ALL tlf p.Rov[itEi,rTS, ]:ASI]]rH{TSAND RICllTs oF wAY Ill xvI DIticti oR Kitol"rN To rtn .i,:iD. EIcRoAcilltENl's By oRON TllE PR[]lIsEs AR]: ACCURi\TELY SllolJlt TO T]t)i,'itL.ST o]'.:.t] ',KNowLEDGE ANI)BELIEF. / / -.i<''\)l:) AKL AsuutiA'l'ELr SilOt,lt TO Z)ir$l"ST Ol'.i.lI',K ,''BELTEF ^l / \ Ii,'" '. l: | ' - *r^v tr. ro,.r /' l'l/: .'.f:: 4\ It, / , ,, \, .-': ' ...'.!, "... wrIt.i-ir;r r:.- ,r f r";l | - - -"-. \... t, BCrI 5i I . L.rLicf t, CcLonAgo scALE t" 2of O sET PtN/cAP O FOUND PIN,/CAP o FOUND PrN I' WILLIAIt E. ARIIFIELD, BEING A RECISTERED LAND SURVIiYOR IN TIt l:STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREI}Y CERTIFY TIIAT A SIJRVEY II'AS ITADU RY }TE ANI)UNDER l'{Y suPIRVISrOil oF LoT I, I]LOCK 6, VAIL ritTl.:R]touNlAri; str]tt)IVISroNic oUNTY 0r uAcLt, STATli or coLonAl)o, AI{D FOUND TIII CO:lCRITri S\.JL]ilnl{C poot. TO BE LOCATIIJ INTIRELY I'ITIIIN TItE I}OUNDARY I. IIiES OF TIIE AIIOVfi DIISCRI III:I) 2052- | (l P Ho N E M E Mo io '2alza) ||ltl I rlMl aMo/to/tql ,o,.?n )M'I /lc , (hrg o? atta coD!-rltrrHoirt No-or otlL 4 70 - {ret ln${tto r o E c/.r'.t.at ?ltL/:.7. /.to,/,4htu 1/ t., tttzn zzl-rza 4t1 / 3X'NED fu,"^mW tr [TiJ.! XJjfn,tr 'i:*tr fl:,".',E \l EAEIt C0UI{II DEIATTHTT{T OT Tilt{I{INE AI{! OTIIETOTMEilT McDondd Bldg.550 Brordwey September P.O. Bor 179 6, Lg77 Eegle, Colorado 816{ll Chuck OgilbyP. O. Box 820 Vailr. Colorado Re: Application for Building Pe:mit in Eagle CountyVail Intermountain' The Eagle County Building Department requires that applications for building permits in Eagle County be routed to the Eagle County Plann-ingr Engineering, and Environmental Health Departments for their conrnents prior to issuance of the per:mits. Your application was routed on 2 september L977. Listed below are the comments and recomnendatlons which were made by the above Departments during the routing procedure. If you have any questions or wish to get a furbher explanationr please contact, the appropriate Department. Ttre telephone numbers and addresses of the comrnenting Departments are listed with each conment. 8:-:65? PLANNING: Not Approved. "Aarea sufficient to rri Box 1 TKrngEt, Planner , Eagle, CO 81631 328-63 8- It would be to your advantage if you begin to resolv" "tty problems and/or reqrrirements as soon as possible so as not to delay the issuanceof yorrr building permit any longer than necessary. Enclosed is a copy of the Review Routing Form for your i.nfo:rmation. lhank you, ai*A--z+sf,es Douflas Eagle County Building Official LD: TK: sarn ccs Terrill Knigbtr Eagle County Planner enc 3 Planning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 328{338 Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Administration (303) 32&63:19 ,tor i.' '\lz\SEO hcorporated 'I tr+tt<< &rr.7 Eurt'z''6; \'ur Ca,trzT 4orr' Qoro. St*t : -Tpt Lt-rea p-< Ote. Sr<ae>uze o RECEIVED AUG I 81977 oepL 0t ptaoni|g & D.yoLll8b Crury.odo 8 - lz'z-tEr+hca ErtQa t pe<n,r Se<utz bo,ZrerC 7bZ (.q*'e<*1n'>S 7tv'.< y'+,<- T/rc< r' g ud'T-4a)lot.. Oa-'l {ou 70 Ba*8zo 7) Ve'c. C-ou"a f,ce*S€ Fs'<//n41' Qd'< B<truan4*- fllrcatd&/C<rn rz Fo'< '7'7? fr<'a.aat€aD {,-ur.r.T , &-cr- Oa',7 SEO Inoerporad PO Box&10 Vril, Colondo 81657 47&*E GAfAAL PARTflERS: ROERI E GARION, JR. DAVIO ('ARTON, JR. TIMOT}IY R. GARTON ARTHUR M. KELTON. JR. o& I{arch 28, L977 Mr. Chuck Ogi1byVail Colorado 81657 Dear Chuck: The Vail Intermountain Associates Architectural Control- Comnittee hereby approves your plans for the permanent structure over thepool on l.ot 1, Block 6. We will need to retain a copy of your final plans for our files. Sincerely, I NTERMOUNTAI N ASSOCIATES OFFICE: MILL CREEK COURT P. O. Box 705 vAtL, coLoRADO 8t 65? a76- 5075 VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN ASSOCIATES ARCIIITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Robert E. Garton, Jr. TRG: jk 'v ''\/ ?a.t -.; -:;a , BUILDING DIVISION Pp. Box 179 PHONE: 3287311 DATE /2 -t7 TIME RECEIVED t7 b5 INSFEGIGlN EAGLE COU * 2 /,t(, FIEIIUEST NTY JOB NAME 9: ro AM PM CALLER TUE E pnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRIMON COMMENTS: D orxen .,Qn- . '.."", ^@ (t'":'' V app RovED i n otsnppRovED D upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTf ONS /ii ,t. :t )' 6 /latQ 1r1 /'.; tt I !'t t< ) E nerNSPEcr t, , \,4 DATE It -t/ { ',' '€t' '-/ Box 386 Eagle. Colorado 81631 TaF-i1'r :'-.i..Ll. r.^-r g Q..gy,*1" Pl-c:.tla1. .na,', Eagle Cot'nt- i1a:-r'.: ;; lclt.p^-, 'r t(-i i: r'l a 4^] ^.r"c ri n t!1 la1-so*v, Ter:':l-l-: The Vail- rntc:'taouirl:a:-n Sr,ri.r:r and Ten,'is Club sl<elch plan '.'ras subn:-tteCto the liarrl e Cnrrnt'.' Scil- Ccnservaticn )i-sr-rict fotl rcvie'.r anC ecr::ert. lie have tbe fo1'l c'.rinll co rents : .\1.) -4 ncre 'letailcd soi-ls inves1:i.latr'-'n repcrJr sh,t'.ld bc sr;p1ied. Thi s -..',:ir-.1-d ir- lot cb.air-a.,1e and reye5e+,atic:r rlans for tite r':r.n i an I ^\?,) Dra..nage l-lnes are narlied on the enclosed nen, cr: I no infc:::.ti.:n is zupp1reci :irr-,::-:r3 ihe desir:n of or ;r,rblems '..:hich ril1 neeC ar.tenticn at i:::e cf buil-Cirg. ^\3.) The l-anCscapin; i:::'n 1:ro;cse-l shor'-1i crntain .::r^ irfo'::at.!.'.r'r. re'l atin5 to ti:e sp3cies to i;e planted. ri-l-l arras r....'hich are distu;'beC shc'r-,.l,I also c:nta,in .1 reve.etation anc),/or 'l.andscaoing plan fcr then. .\l+. ) As t::s aree" is Icc; ';=d ncx-, to Gore Creel.:, r,"rcre r:forr:'ii..';1 shcul. be zuprlied gs to:+lu.t prrbl-ens, r! c.n:; r'il 1 oc.:ur r^riththis project in crnju.nction'..dt:r the establj-slied floodplain and :'eo:i::ed setbacllc. .\5.) Th: enclose.J lnfor:':.ti.r:r e:ints out the -'l-ocation cf a :pri:r5; locate'l ad.ja.cent i,o lire -.roperty. The d,e.relo-.ers :1 sc pLan to rrs'; ti.iis spring for l-andscaring p:rposes. llo . nforrratior is given as 'vc the a,::r:unt oi '.".e.ter this spri ng h:s nor do es the o!,.rtiers ha..re riglrts to this spring. qi l.l.^1.^1 !.v !rlv 'f 9-! , RECIIiIi[D NOv 3 1979 *uL a l't,itt::.; i .:.1ti ea!li Cou.ity. ilrl.' : - l L-.r'6",/L *-7-7.U,v Bud G:tes, lresident :i:i:?r:.lL""f?l|ft ,"'=^HJ#J-'"R:13|,,O,o*, Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing ( ) Rerouting E n Vt "<7.r '"5/*;7 fi t .tr"."'' P lann ir rg Commission File No. to the County Building Official within 6 working days t16d Permit No. Loc at ion Review and return P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Cornmerrts: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : No Htr n Dnx tr Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage Comments: Recomnrend Approval : nnn! Dtr D D County Health: Water Sanitation Perc . test Comments: nntrtr trn E-Recommend roval : Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Co;-nments: ntr Final Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ng!f, Final Filing Date by DateC,/O lssued 'FtX'.:?"r'Jll""S?i)fi ,ffi J#J='"i,:'J::''lF.RM ReView Routing Form (W prirnary Routing ( ) Rerouting nnf,4 No nUn n Applicant Permit No. Location Review and ir rg Commission File No. ithin 6 working days P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul at ions Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Co:'nmerrts: Reviewed Recommend Approval : Date Ref erred County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage Comments: County Health: Water Sanitation Perc . test Recom:'nend Approval : n Dtr D ntrtr D DtrtrneyzI I".i ' {o?{r^*r""t6 ar.={ '/ns Recommend Approval :r-76-+ -4 ,'- e 0 -€.-6a- /.ea1NTRecomnrend Approval Co;-nments: Firral Inspection: Landscaping Recommend Approval n f, Commerrts: C/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date eacEe couNTY a DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & PLANNING EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/3?8.73I I 'oilio!'nl8!B5H' Basalt - 927-3823 1 August 1980 BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtSStONERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I N SPECT IO N Ext ??6 o( 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Exl 242 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXT ENSI O N AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU BLIC H EALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLA N N ING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PE R50NNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext ?57 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Baiall 927.3244 Gitman 827'5 75 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 RE: Applicatjon for Bujlding Permit in Eagle County Lots 7 and 8, Block 4, Vail Intermountain - Denied. The Eagle county Building Dept. requires that applications for Building ptrmiii.in Eagle Couniy 6e rbuted io the Eagle County Planning, Engineering' and Env'i ronme;tal Healih Departments for their c-olqgr1-t-s prior to issuance of the permits. Your application was routed on7/24/80 Ljsted below are the comments and recommendations which were made by the ibove departments ou"inf the routing procedure. If you have any questjons or wjsh to get further 6xplanation,-piease contact the appropriate dept. Stan Cole and Chuck Ogilby P.0. Box 443 Va i 'l , Col orado 81657 It would be to Your advantage if requirements as soon as Possible building permit any longer than Environmental Health - Not Approved.1) Adequate snow storage area js not i ndi cated.Z) Dra'inage plan, including erosion and sediment control , must be provided for roof and parking 1ot drainage. 3) Show location of spring drainage.4) Trash and debris catch bas'in is needed. <44-.-J you begin so as nor neces sa ry. to resolve any Prob'l erns and/or to delay the iss*uance of Your Environmental Heal th 0fficer ugl a y Sui t d'inq 0f f i ci al LD/adj IProject Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL ./-e 'i't t"' ,Project Application Pro.iect Name: Projec{ Description: ,- TroLet + A'vq{uc^{-< 471 - 7o zo Architecr, Address and phone: Dani d P.-[ Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description,ro, 7 f t, r,o"r Com mentst Design Review Board ,^" /' DISAPPROVAL Summary: ln 4.- ^-j BUITDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY, P. O. BOX 179 couRrHousE, EAGTE CO. - pH. (303) 328-5339 BUILDING PERMIT oArE 8 August re 80 1765 APPLTcANT S te n Cn'l c ADDRESS (coNTR's LtcENsE) PERMrrroWail_Ir$g NUMBER OF DWELLING IJNlrs a rl F Z^l= ;0. AT I LOCAT rOX) ZON ING D ISTR ICT (NO.J IsTREET) BETWEEN AND(cRosg sriEET)(CROSs STREET) o. @ oo z I olr suaorvrsron Vai'l Intermountai n uor-{8- er-o"* 4 5PJ. BUILDIT{G IS TO BE - FT. WIOE BY - FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSIRUCTIO}I TO TYPE USE GROUP BASE MENT IVALLS OR FOUNDATIOII (TYPE) REMARKS: Permit is to construct Units 5 - 10. Vai] Intermountain Swim and Tennis C'lub P'lan Check $616.50 08it".tg EsrrMArED cosr g 420,000-00 FEE"'t $ 1.233.00rcuarffi owxen Sfan Cn]e/Chrrck Ogi I hy leee6ss P-0- Rox 443, Vail, C0 81657 (Affidovit on reveisc ride of opplicolion to be complelcd by outhonized caonl ol owner) -_J I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction. Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION #u-p+* o7/7 a a tracHEo !tiE Etl )[L; | 7/ts'7 L rC €t{3t xo. *, atcxrlECr ol oE3l6r{E LEI{OEie /5f u5E dr lul lor N G 8 CIas oI worK: ts ruEW O AODTTION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR N MOVE ! REMOVE { - to B,^rlJ: f"t c l0 Change ol use from ll Valuationolwork:$ ta/AO, O O O Occu PancY Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. ot Storiet Si:e of Bldg. (Totarl sq. Fl. Fire Sprinklers Required E1zee f]NoAPPLICATION ACC€PT€O 8Y OFFST REET PARKING SPACES: NOT ICE, SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOO OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEFI WORK IS COMMENCEO. (0L L HEALTH OEPT. FI RE DEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Sp.clly l OATEO IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIOATION Form IOO.1 1-77 Y VAL INSPECTOR .{" 0'f^ -/t/ ' .,/ Xl, INSiPECIctN FTEOUESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY oop z,i- /, 5'- ,jZ , JoBNAME TIME RECEIVED /1 //i AM PM CP n ornrh n pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR .'/ - ,, ',..,.I!loN ,/tu-'--/ COMMENTS: TUE . ? !-.- -14'/ '/) - " Ef-epp RovED D uporrr rHE FoLL E orsapPRovED CORRECTIONS // /,,-- .1,zL E nerNsPEcr NG CORRECTIONS: BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE tNspecloru tV(s,c, FIEEUESiT NTYAGLE COU JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen ! paRrtqL.LOCATI ON READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI ,AMPMMON COMM E N TS: rutPRovEDn uporu rne CORRECTIONS flotsappRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: f netNSPEcr DATE t rNseeCrclN o i.- / r/ /aaFIEBUE=iTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHOII€: 328-6339 EAGLE DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER. COUNTY L-l OTHER n pnnrral.LOCATION -\ | ,-t rt r,I r ' /.u,ftttn n-.* a-'t./ READY FOR INSPECTION ' tl ffieeR ov E D fl uporu rxe CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE ..L box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 t department of community development August 12, 1981 T. Charles Ogilby 2938 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Dear Chuck: This letter is to confirn that the ninor proposed in your letter of July 16, l98l Staff in accordance with Ordinance 13 of of Conrnunity Developrnent may issue staff site design for plans which had approvalsprior to the annexation of west Vail into The department of Corurunity ievelopment Staff feels that adding an additional unit to Building C to nrake it a five unit building and reducing Building E from a six unit to a five unit building will be an irnprovement to the site plan. As you know, future buildings on your site which need building pernits lrust be given approval by the Design Review Board. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact ne. l QJIl^- Sincerel Internountain Swim 6 Tennis Club alteration of your site Plan as has been approved by the Planning 198f. As you know, the DePartnent approval s for ninor changes in of the Eagle CountY Connissioners the Town of Vail . .-a TI Jul.y L5, 1981 wN*Flt5.RS3?t'nPeter JamarL Planning Dcpartmcnt I r Colorado Gentlcmsn j flc nould likc to alter rur gagle County apprrvcd site.plan frr thc Vail Interrnountain Srrln and Tcnnls Club Crndominlumpr. j.ct. Our t.tal number of units rpouLd renain at 2l* uni.ts. Our building lCr I lnstoad of bcing a four unit buildlngrith a soparatc garago, would bccomc a fivc unit bullding with a garagc balow thc ccntcr unit. Thc slte area c.yered by thisbuilding noul,d not i,ncrcase. ilr Mr Vai Val Our building nDn would be a four unit building. Our building rBn would bccoms a five unit building lnsteadrf a sir unit bulldlng. The advantages to thi,s change isour bull,dlng dcsign for tno bLrildingsreleif to the project. Also red".rclngunit b.rilding te a fivc unit building t. ths s 1te. that it allows us tt changE s. lt lcnds sooc architccturalr8r buildtng frtn a slrwill add moro grocn spacc dg hope this change can be apprayed as s.on as possible onthe staff lcvel s. uc can mavc on to the dcsign review stagc. Sincore '['o 1' CharLe 5 tan 1.e igh s Ogilby Ce te (o ,_ 1'/ /.r9ATE '. / i i 't JoB NAME/! READY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES LOCATION: BU trl trl trl tr1 Ell tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION GAS PIPING POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL r{- ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH C] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR qFtaPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ON REOUIRED {--z---*tDATE INSPECTOR CONSIUCTION PERMIT AF}ICATION Jurisdiction of EAGLE COUNTY APPLYING F R ANY CIRCLE THOSE THAT APPLY - t E 1 Road Cut/Right of I A 1 Building tc1 Way IF] Indiv Disposal SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLIqAI ON: exceptions are F THE FOLLOWING PERMITS: Electrical I D] Mechanical System IG] Gradins IH] SiSn 0 a[zlof3 Ne USE THIS FORM WHEN I Plumbi Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.-"iT';4","t / ft6;- I DESCR LOT NO 7 /y'41/ Jrv'fut lrlo.oy'l,p TESEEA-racHrosHEtIl OWNER [!AlL ADORESS 2 .s'l+a CpLt PHONE 3 trrtc PL*nt Bt*s 6tx ,q/ PHONE l'fut rttu ltG (olt, LICENSE NO. "i8.1-?67r olz 3L ARCHITECT OF OESIGNER PHONE LICENSE NO, 4 €NG'NEEF MAIL AOOFESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 LENOEB MAIL ADORESS 6 7 I Clasof work: F NEW tr ADDITI0N tr ALTERATI0N tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE 9 0escribe urork:fp#tu N E ul f1orn 8,.q l0 Change of use from Change of use to Il Valuation of work: $ l8.OOO.AO 14 Total floor area of structure: 12 Acrcage or sq. footage ol lot:15 Hsight of structure above finish qrade: 13 Sq. footage of lot coverage: 16 Special conditions and Additional Information: listed in Eagle CountyEagle County Building Resolution. publication "Graphic & Submittal preparation instructions refer to for Site Plans". For site p lan Requ irements I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION.S GNATURE OF OWNEA I F OWNER BUILDERI APPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY '-L,tE #22?L PLANS CH€CKEO BY WhiteCopv-INSPECTOR Blue -APPLICANT Green _ENVIRONMENTAL HCopV-APPLICANT Green Copy Canary Copy-ASSESSOR Pink Copy-ENG lN EERING Goldenrod Copy-EXTRA County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT Ne 2ttl Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $. ........ $.... ................ .. $...32..50 $....... . ... ..... Bu i 1di ng"l P " rob Name..9,t.?n Qql.el9l'vq!. 9gtlny : ?9?Z rtItgttIigf lgeg Date of Application-...Dec.e.mber. Ll.',..,.-..., ......,., ...-.... .....1g.qq Electricat cont'actor..finr.oer.l.i.ne..E'!e-9!!"i.9........1'.19.,..1.19.q.1....P.0. Box 1627 Leadvil le, Colorado 80461 Applicant....... SlSnature APPROVALS t2//?/ ro$. ..3?...50 Dare Paid....December. 11.,, 1980. Received ey Jr tgf'lggg.! .. Receipt # 7306 Build'ing Permit # 1765 THIS .rOB FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTIOil ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS 24 HOURS REQUIRED Building'? Job Name S !qr. Esl.elqb.u.clt 9gi l!.y- -- ?.992 . (t.ni qlsi niqK .Bg.e4.. Date of Application-.Qgg9gt!9!1..11.r ........ .....rs9.9. Etectricat Contractor....fimberline Electric Lic. #1061--'------""p.0.Biii"1n27 ''' Leadvil le, Colorado 80461 Applicanr...... - Slinature APPROVALS Plan Checker $...3?...5..Q $... Total Fee 6...1_2.,.5.Q.............. Date paid....q.9.cgmQg1 -1 |.t".1 9qq Received By J. Schlege.l....-. Receipt # 7306Building Permit # 1765 County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT Ne 2lt0 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee $....... . ........ $............. ........... THIS .rOB t?/ t .4/ te FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURIT{G COi{STRUCTION 24 HOURS REQUIRED ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT Ne 2109 Building Valuation $ . .. .....Applicanr....... Sllrlature Electrical Valuation $ Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Dare paid......D.e9"T.!.91..-1,1:.1,e-q9 . Received sv !' .!9h.l.ggS-! ...., . . . Receipt # 7306 Building Permit # 1765 THIS JOB Building'8" rou Name ller qg!-elglv.gh 9gtlPv : ?91 lilllgl'i,lilf .lgl9. BO Erectricar cont,actor. .d]iliTliTril9-*ti t Lic. # 1061 Leadville, Colorado 80461 APPROVALS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION ADVANCE NOTICE FOR TNSPECTIONS 24 HOURS R.EQUIRED $..-3-e..50 $ Dare paid......D.e9e!Lb..e-!i.. I 1,... 1.9.q.q... .. . Received ny J1 !gf.rle.99l-............. .. . Reciept # 7306 Bui'lding Permit # 1765 r\- a, Bui lding 5 rob Name. ..9!qn .9sl-el.9.hv.qh. Qgi!.bv- : .9qzl ltrltstltltc-b...89.:... Date of Application-...0.€ce.m.b.er...L1".. .... .....19..8..0.. rimberline Electric Lic. # 1061Electrical Contlactor......l...... ............. .P.0. Box 1627 Leadville, Colorado 80461 Applicant-...... SlSnature APPNOVALS Plan Checker Date t;?/E/t 0 County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT Ne 2106 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $.................... ..... $.. ... ... ,... ............ 24 HOURS REQUIRED 4 .A-ta.. chlef Buildins q THIS .rOB FORM Ig TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT rl t.Building'b" Job Name...S!s.r.'.. Ee..!e-lQhuqh Qgi I bv- - .-26-32. Ki.n j s.ki ni.c!...8d , . .. Date of Application....De.cenber. 11.,....,.....,..,......., .............tS..80.......... ... Electrical Contractor....Ii.mber'l ine E'lectric Ljc' # 1061 P.0: Box '1527 " "' ' Leadville, Colorado 80461 Applicant....... Sl3nature Ne 2707 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $.. ........ $......... . . ,.,.... $...?.?..5q ... ...,. . $....... .. .. .. APPROVALS 32. s0 Date paid...De.cenbe.r.. 1.1.,. .L980- Received er l: .19h.1.999.1 Receipt # 7306 Bu'i'ld'i ngPermit #1765 THIS JOB FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE R"EQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS -..Tilr County of EI,ECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT \l l,Building 7 Job Name...5,ta.!..Qe.l.e-l.Qhu.sK. Qg.ilbv- --.?6s-Z.Kinic.kini.s.|s...Bqed..... Date of Application....9.9.Cgf.8gf...Ll.r.. ..... ......rs99--.. Electrical Contractor....Iimbe.nLine...E1.e.c.tri.c.......L.is.ens.e...#..1061....... P.0. Box 1627 Leadville, Co'lorado 80461 Applicanr-..... - SlSnature APPROVALS THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 HOURS ADYANCE NOTICE REQUIRXD FOR INSPECTIONS Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 210 8 $...3.4,.50............. . $....... .............. $ .3-?.'9-0- .. .. . . $ $ Date Paid...December..,1l-,...198O Receipt # 7306 Building Permit #1765 I$, Jurisdiction of EAGLE COUNTY USE THIS FOBM WHEN APPLYING FOR ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING PERMITS: crRcLErHosE rHArAppLy- [A ] Building IB] PlumbinS IC] Electrical tDl Mechanical tEl RoadCut/RightofWay IF] Individual SewageDisposal System IG] Grading IH] Sign slrE PLAN MUST BE INcLUDED wtrH rHts AprllcATtoN: exceptions are tisted in paration instructions refer to Eagle County publication "Graphic & Submittal Requirements for Site Plans". CONSTTCTPN PERMIT APPICATION 0)e60 ^l e.rrt r, Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. 26 7st {t-,c/r,v,.f< Ztoo/ r TEGALI D€SCF '"'"t-7 L I ALK I '^7-/.*-ru/,* 5./I CsEE ATracHEo sHEET I i3A,("/- C,,J 4 ""'H':'-*4#./*; /4 ztP ///":7 y'zo-? zne t'"Y:rir,n '2, ,fur/r;C *''&.i,/6" 7 &*/;, /Lci' a*rq!f> r ""2'b AHCI TECT OF DCSIGNER MAlt AOOBESS PHONE LICENSE NO 4 ENGINE EF MAIL AOOFESS PIONE LICENSE NO 5 LENOEB A'AIL AODRESS BRANCH 6 7 8 Clasof worK: W{Ew D ADOITION tr ALTERATION ! REPAIB D M0VE tr REMOVE g U 10 Change ol use from Change of use to ll Valuation of work: $14 Total f loor area of structure: 12 Acreage or sq. footage of lot:15 Height of structure above finish grade: 13 Sq. footage of lot coverage: l6 Special conditions and Additional Intormation:0.p. # n bs frn .-{/qs oo -/uu)/s = 1/h '- ^nz Jo =,/3$" r//'+*4 C - o no /' (>iL I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO gE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPFESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTBUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION.sTGNATUFE oF owNEn bt owNER BUTLDEF) APPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y g S ii F 7st PLANS Cr.rEC KEO BY n t'- APPROVEO FOB ISSIJANCE AY White Copy-INSPECTOR Blue Copy-APPLTCANT Green Copv-ENVIRON MENTAL HEALTH Canary Copy-ASSESSOR Pink Copy-ENGtNEERt NG Gotdenrod Copy-EXTRA O County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERITIIT Ki ni ck'ini ck Drive Date of Application-...Sep.te[.b.e..f 1-5.'....-............ . ........ . ....rg.9.9 Electrical Contractor Tjmberl ine Electric CompanY Applicanr. APPROVALS Plsn Chcckcr TEMPORARY Ne 1989 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $....1.5.'.8Q $- $ . -1.9 '.99 ... .". .. . $.. $.. Date paid....September..1.5.'..,L98.0 Received sv.. ']: ,L!l:!.]-i.Pi REceipt #6981 Building Permit #1765 THI6 .rOB FORIUI IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION {8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQT'IRED FOR TNSPECTIONS ELECTTICAL PERMIT APPLTATON T Jurisdiction of. Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. t tv -)u bCI ' b.ts / D.,,tt - U.'.'O V 9.4 ' t - [sre r rrr cn:o sn: zr ) r) MAIL ADORE LICENSE NO. aict{t tEcY ol oEStGr{ER L AOORESS ' PHOft E LICENSE I{ O. EIIGINEER MAt L AOORESS PHONE L rc tN s€ No. MAt L ADORE 55 !iANCH U5E OF BUILDINCt{ 8 ClassofworK: EINEW O ADDITION tr ALTERATION ETREPAIR TotalRECEPTACLE Ou ers SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING F ixtures FIXTURESPLANS CHECKEO 8Y APPFOV€O FOA ISSUANCE 8YAPPLTCATION ACCEgTEO 8Y: RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE DISP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR, STA. APPL. IA H.P, MAX. TEMP. POWER LIPOLE LJUNOGO. SERVICE I New D cxnnee PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPAC€I THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK ft,P t1 VALIDATION los i bqt/ M.O.PERMIT VALIDATIONtuw M.O. cAsH ay's/*a I NSPECTOR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILE|ING OFFICIALS ' MI!! FOADForm 1OO.3 Il-73 ,ni#"rloN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME /r, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D d prrunl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FII\IAL tr FINAL tKPRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: TNSPECTOF', "'er.tli....." i . j * JOB NAME rNsil CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ' r'/'DATE - CALLER INSPECTION:uor'r (@ _weo rHUR FRI lTi^fi\ PMREADY FOR docRrroru:O, BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB ,,*o, (7o trFrNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB N FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: oor= 6- l'-- nn rNSpEcr CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,,:!!a+JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED 4READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL E tr o n tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr I rrr.rnu 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o'4uo,tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED THUR FRI rrus#cnoN REeuESr --@"r JOB NAME TOWN OF BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB N INSULATION O SHEETROCK D- tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr {r'*o.tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FI}'AL tr FINAL #aenoveo tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: z'-tz Hoare (? -' Q -o,. rNspEcroR., 'lrtn t : r! t{r;.g|rl|'r.I lr.rstcrtoN REQUEsT "toft; 91 rowN orvAtL JOB NAME MON CALLER PECTION:TUES WED '"r*@ ---4 PM tr FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION N SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB N FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,*rt"toN REeuEsr'f,r,f",n|4 TOWN OF VAIL a DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON , -L-L14 I I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK r'l tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n f, rrNnl LtY b rrruRl {nppnoveo T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I '' q,'1"- rrustcnoN REouEsr l_ t.llool G/a/X/ JoB NAMEtlt INSPECTION:@D rues wED r"u^$READY FOB LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr tr tr n ROUGH / WATER O INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr o TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n V rtrunl tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: . INSPECTOR b,: '.. rN# I i)/ e-' CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL.l .!// /c1DATE \-'/ I JOB NAME ,^/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON !( c-t' tt , THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB - tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT f'l O SUPPLY AIR n d n(Net O FINAL UI API'I-tUVEU )RRECTIONS: , u utitAPt t-{uvEu U Hts,INUI'tsU I IUN HtsQUIHEU D^rE lA '- /, C ^{/ ,. .,..,,,,,, rNSpEcroB rr.rstc.oN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL t )t/ D'^rE b///t/ JoBNAME Uo t CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr {rrrunr-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT E tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL -tr APPROVED 'Tffirsappaoveo INSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: {Ic44Tzrznor-"4^o'-. -_ rrtonte 6 -> -7 rNSPEcroRa I INSPECTION REQUEST TOW JOB NAME CALLER OE VAI o"@READY FOR LOCATION: INSP BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK o_ tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr Vr,*o.tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \ /7, ,,,t , r.. ",r * r?- , r' TOWN OF VAIL,--{ ._), ly\.-.-- \{lrh,l rN noN REeuEsr JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ul READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:@D THUR FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: I1 UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V. D FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING J- A SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t-. rNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL. JOB NAME -/-^F/ AM@BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER tr5 WED I or"noveo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB EI FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING tr n tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTO ,r 'i _!:!-'1 IN rt SPEC TC )TION OWN OF REQUEST VAIL,/ ,/ oor.. //Jz/So JoB NAME // // t.",4 4;" wED @ FRI ----rffi.pi-)..t- CALLEB TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: ECTION:MON BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor.4-30-f/ rNspEcroR rn$cnoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER ^=oo,l,QE ).ff"i,-o), , -., to* (frEJ) ut.o rHUR FRr d "/ ot @ BI tr tr !ilt\ D tr D ILDING:PLUMBING:U FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION D GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D tr tr FIOUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: { orsneenoveo N REINSPECTION REQUIRED y't/og INSPECTOR ' '| l. rNsfctoN REouEsr JOB NAME ("o(- ' C/'I tn"l't p1(ur\ *'q TOWN OF VAIL S,. , ,--* , f-e-'r-l, r.- CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON t). r, wED 6,yy FRI L*t /c.t f/c1 acf[...,.T BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK lt D GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ( nouoH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL I DATE INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUiIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL \ noucH / D.w.v. \ noucH / wArERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: t'' DATE 'lrNs GTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ,+oB NAME READY FOR IN LOCATION: APPROVED l\ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR CTION TOWN OF . . \r F,r,.. '. . . ._1 "+q, .1.$ . 1:/)6s'' REOUEST VAIL, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: .jj o -, IN r 6/ €- INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON / CALLER -: TUES WED c--t''./ Y /t'J /^J ((,, , f oc) {kr,, { /c ),,,t,'1 t /r7 a Y'' 1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGnp#tDrD Iz ROUGr-{/|D.W.V. Anoucn / wArER tr tr tr tr n FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr tr h GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB l :I r"- tr FINALtr FINAL MECHANICAL: B HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,)PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECJION REQUIRED tnecrrorus: \ INSPECTOR '/i 2/1.|n/DATE )/ " 'ir \'/ JOB NAME / INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:-ro BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING flnoucnD CONDUIT tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr c tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,tF -r/t, ,*#O'H EQUEST TO S-/t(a:''o/o INSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: ES WED l-.-t\.-l I THUR tL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR a DATE ,#IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER TUES JoB NAME - c; /< - -7, ,/(- // y'. '-lL,' ' ^,zo, C-< (.:-c(,. t WED THUR @ AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: /.t ) .4(".4 BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND x ROUGH / D.W.V. ffioro* / wArERtr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION D GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEN'P- POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr. ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr trtr,FINAL FINAL ,APPROVED ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, -:li- ?'31 rNSPEcroR ','.,/ r First Bank of Vail Attn: Dave L O*/._ AMOUNT PREMIUM $_OWNER MORTGAGE$ 575,000-00 g 1'182-75 Your Reference ADDITIONAL CHARGES COST OF TAX CERTIFICATE SURVEY COSTS TOTALS CC's To: No.4L04229 Sheet 1 of 5 COMITIITMENT TO INSURE Transamerica Title Insurance Company, a California corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of tiUe insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; ali subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the conditions :rnd stipula- tions shown on the inside of the cover. $- D $ $ Customer Contact : Phone: Bill Clem/BG 416-5922 The effective date of this commitment is At which time fee title was vested in: (B) Mortgagee's: FIRSTBANK OF VAIL September 23 _, 19 80 ag 8:00 A 11. Sara Hal1B AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TRAHERN IIIVESTMENTS, LTD., a Colorado Corporation, as to an undivided L/2 i,nLexest and S. H. COLE CONSTRUCTION COI'IPANY, a Colorado Corpdration, as to an unilivided l/2 interest. SCHEDULE A 1. Policies to be issued: (A) Owners': Forb No. C-ll2.l Rev. ?.1.?6 4't04229 Sheet 2 of 5 SCHEDULE A-Continued 2. Covering the Land in the State of Colorado, County of Eagle Described as: ATractoflandbelngaportlonofVaillntermountalnDevelopurentsub- dlvision Block 4 "" irr"i in Book 218 at Page 82, under Reception No. LL36T2intheofficeoftheEaglecounEyClerkandRecorder,andaparcellying souch of tnrerstace Hlghiay 70 ani north of said Vail InterrnounEain DevelopmenC Subdivision sloct 4. said Tract being more parEicularly des- crlbed as follows: BeglnnlngaEtheNortheastcornerofLot2insaidVa-illntermountain DevelopnenC Subdivision Bl-ock 4, thenca S 62"26t10" tr{ along the Northerly lineofsaidSubdivislonadistanceof'4g3.00feettotheNortheastcorner of Lot g of said Subdivision; thence S 31"10'06" E along the Easterly J'ine of said Lot g a disgance of 48.24 feeci Ehence along the Easterly line of said Loc 7 for the following two courses: 1) s 85ooot02" E a discance of 115'35 feet; ii i zl"ss,g0,' E a disrance of 105.00 feer Lo a poing of lnrersection v.lththeNortherlyright-of-waylineofKinnikinickroad'-a Placted50footwideright'-of_wayinsaidvaillnternounlainDev- eloPment Subdivisiont Thence along said Northerly right-of-way line for Ehe followlng five courses: 1) 95.38 feet along Ehe arc of of 218.65 feec and a chord 94.63 feet; a curve Eo the right, havlng a radius which bears 89"49r38" W a dfstance of 2) N 77o40'21" W a distance of 62'77 feet; 3)20S.26feetalongthearcofacurvelo.theleft'havingacencral angle of 28"14120" and a radius oE 422'55 feet'i 4) s t4'05'19" w a discance of 10.76 feet; 5) 59.33 tu"t uioig-ot" "." of a curve to the right, having a central angle of 66o43t11" and a radius of 50'95 feet; Thence N 39o11130" W a dlstance of 231'21 feet to a point of inEelseccion with the Southerly rlght-of-way line of said Intersrate Highway 70; thence Easterly along said S;utherly tight-of-t"y f.ine of IntersEate Highway 70 for the following Ehree courses: l) N 58'll'06" E a discance of 296'24 feet; 2) N 59'tO'09" E a distance of 290'30 feet; Thencc 167.88 feeC along the arc of a curve to the rlght, having a central-. angle of 03o35,21,, a radius of 2680.00 feet and a chor<I which bears N 62o58 1 50" E a dlslance of 167.86 feec; thence s 39'11.'30" E a dibtance of 268'89 feeE to lire Poinu of bcginning. o a No. 4104229 . C Sheet 3 of 5 SCHEDULE A-Continued BXCEPT: Condominium Units L, 2, 3 and 4' Building A' \IAIL I}r'IERIvO'JIIIAIN $'rIM AliD lElO{IS CLUB CO}iDO'4[NfU[4S, accorcling io the Plat recorded Febmarl l, 1980' in. Book 298 at Page 15I, arrd according to the Condo'ninitltt Declaration recorcled Febsilarl' l, 1980, iJl Book 298 at Page I50. 'suBlEC'I To ttte terrns, conditions and obligations of said Cordcnriniun DeclaraLion. 4t04229 Sheet 4 of 5 A. The following are the requirements to be complied with prior to the issuance of said policy or policies' Any other instrument ...ordJ.ubruquent to the date hereof may appear as an exception under Schedule B of the policy to be issued. unless otherwise noted, ail documents must be recorded in the office of clerk and recorder of the county in which said property is located' Release by the Public Trustee of the SCHEDULE A-Continued REQUIREMENTS from : TRAI{ERN INVESTMENTS' LTD' and S'H' COLE CONSTRUCTIOIJ COMPANY Trustee of the CountY of Eagle : FIRSTBANK OF VAIL z $275,000. 00 : SePtember 15' 1980 : septemb"t ZZ, fSaO in tsook 309 at Page 677 Deed of Trust to ttre Public for the use of to secure dated recorded Assignment of Rents recorded Septemb?'2?' 1980' in Book 309 at F"g"'62s, given in connection with the above Deed of Trust' Disburser'sNotice-recordedSeptember22'l-980'inBook309atr-fe eZS. given in connection irith the above Deed of Trust' B. Deed of Trust from : TRAHERN TNVESTMENTSf LTD" a colorado-^. Corporation, and S' H' COLE CONSTRUCTION COMiANY, a Colorado CorPorati'on to tJre Public Trustee of the county of Ea91e for the use of : FIRST BANK OF VAIL to secure : $675,000'00 ForrnNo. C-ill.3 41o4229 Sheet 5 of 5 SCHEDULE B TIIEPoLIcYoRPOLICIESToBEISSUEDHEREUNDERWILLNoTINSUREAGAINST: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the pubtic records' i. Ea-sements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records' B. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary tines, shortage in area, encroachments' and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises *oujo ait.tot" and which are not shown by the public records' L^ ^ r:^- !^- -^-,,i-^. roh e or hereafter furnished, im- 4. A;y lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretoforr po*ed bytu* and not shown by the public records' 5. Taxes due and prvunr. ; and any tax, special assessments, charge or lien imposed for water or sewer service, or for any other special taxing district' 5. Right of the ProPrietot-9f.a Vein or Lode to extract and remove . his ore thereii"ill-iir"ora *,. same be found to penet-ate or .intersect tne-pilt.rises herebv gi;"t"a' and Right 9f ryuI.for Dithces and canal" .J"!ir""i"a tv.tnl iutnoriry-of. the united states, as reserved in united sLates p.tents r*coid"d May 18, Lg34 in Book I23 at Page 3. T..Anyinterest,rightsr-oreasementsinfavoroftheStateofColorado't'e United States of Anerici, or tne general Publit., which-exist or afe Claimed to exist in and over tl.e waters and prelent and past bed - and banks or Gore Creek: -r? qer,tFr line,s lPer Eagle8. Easement and right of way for sewer lines' as granted to Up valley s"rrituti6r, oiitriit by owen A. Knorr and Marjorie s. Knorr in the instrument recordea aitii-io, 1966 in Book 2r7 at Page.425' 9. Restrictions, rvhich do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, . but omitting resrrictions, G-;;t; 6aiea on race, color, religion ' or national origin, as contiinea'ln instrument recorded JuIy 24' 1970 in Book 2f8 at page 2g1, "r-l*""aea uy instrument recorded Aprir 28, ' fgZf in Book 220 at Page'378' 10. Easements ai reserved in inbtrument recorded July 24' 1970 in Book 2ISatPage2Sl,aSamendedbyinstrumentrecordedAprilIS,r9TIln Bobk 220 at pase 378 ""i ii ;;;-;; -the prat of vail Intermountain ' DeveloPnent subdivision - -.r-.: ah Aar nar{- iture or reverter clause 'lIj-, Restiictions, which do not contain a forfe' but ouritti'l'r"iirictions, ii ;;t, based on race, color, relieion ornalionalgriginrds.contained.ininstrumentrecordedFebnrarl'1,-Ige0,'in Bcok 298 at' Page 150. c--- rr^ ,r-r lt t Pd l.ll-?6 o o CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS Please rea'd carefully 1. *'i,iH.9,i*::'ft',thjlix'{lsH"rT,#11',,',$i:{'i*1ti4$:si;"'$'*,"*::t}l'xi1""sr'x:iTu't: examined u"i'":it iil]J C-t:ililitment is used if there is anv que: 2.onlythepo|iciesshownarecommittetlto.Iftherearean}changesinthetransaction,orderan cuGndment from us' S.TtreilateonthisCommitmentisimportant.Nothingafterthatdatehasbeenconsideredbyus. .|.ThisCommitmentisgoodfor6monthsonly.Extensionsshouldbeorderedfromusiftheyare needed' PLAI.INING Al,lD ENVIRONMENTAT COTTMISSION MEETING l,lay 26, 1981 STAFF PRESENTPRESENT Scott Edwards Gerry llhite Dan Corcoran Duane Piper I ater : Roger Tilkerneier Jin ltlorgan Gaynor lliller Dick Ryan Peter Jamar Larry Eskwith Larry Rider Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL-PRESENT !f.n The neeting was called to order at 2:t0 p.n. by Gerry hihite, chairman. : 1. Approval of minutes of May 11, l9g1 meeting. Dan corcoran moved for approval , secondcd by Duane. vote was g-0, scott ab-sta ined . 2. A recrrest fnr. amendman+: to an approved dcvelopment plai under Ordin t;,_u ii-+r-Gs-oF ts8[- to buiidTwo aaaiiional units at the voir ffii -- Swin and Tennis Club Condorniniuns, and to redesi-gn parking and landscapingof Lots 7 and B, Block 4, vail Intermountain subdivision. Applicant, -vult Interrnountain and Swin and Tennis Club Condoniniuns. Dick Ryan presented the nemo and added that the staff had checked the size andconfirned 5.1 acres. I{e adcled that in discussing this with the Town Counci.l ,they stressed that they didnrt want to approve additional units unless the unitswere to be for employees. .lle stated tha_i_!farrlel_tf,"- pJglqnq_.zoni4g,. _q_q_4.d_gitional Bob Ruder units could be added. The question about the cmor made in surveying was discussed, sone rnembers feltthat the applicants could have had. rnore units originally when the error rsasdiscovered, other:s feeling that this did not change the issue nor,r. Dan rnoved for approval of the revisions of the parking lot and landscaping perthe ^rnemo of Nlay 6, 1981. scott seconcled it, a.nd tl.re vote was 4-0, unaninou.sin favor. More discussj.on followed with the realization that the applicants could comeback and ask for a variancc, rvhich they wcr.e not doing ai- present, and thiscottld be a l{ay to correct tltc error, and well as a time to come into confor.nri"tywith rerspcct to having more than 4 units in one buildi'g, with rcspect tostleanside set backs, etc. '-. *,.,,*1.':1.r-r!r...1_, --. -a ,*.'' PEC-2@ Geny moved and Scott scconded to deny the two additional units requested by the applicants in accordance with the staff mcmo of l4ay 13, 1981 . The vote r,ras 3-1., IJan Corcoran voting against. The retlucst was denied. 3. Request for a side sctback variances for the Storcy/Oglesby residence'located en Lot 13, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filj-ng to construct two additions to the residence. Applicants: Charles Stcrey and Enslie Oglesby, Jr. Peter Janar explained the plans and explaincd that this was part of a tow house. Andy Beck nentioned that all was explained in the meno. Dan rnoved and Duane seconded to approved the request for the si-de setback variance per the staff merno dated lr{ay 20, 1981. The vote was 5-0, unaninous. 4. A request for approval of Special Develojrnent District 11 a of 1ot lines thereof for an area of Highland Meadows Subdivision, Filj-ng No. 1, lots 32, 38, 39, 40 and 42. Appticant: Sun Tcch Builders, Inc. Dick Ryan reninded the Corunission that they had reviei./ed a request for lots 26 thru 42 at previous study sessions. lte added that the developers had spent much tine with the staff and with Gagc Davis and he felt that the present site plan was nuch superior. The staff rcconaended approval with the conditions lettered A through I. Roger Denton, a landscape architect for the project showecl sevcral -sketchesof the site and ansrvered questions. It wa: fal-t :hii t\^ i-rrr,- " ^f thc ir^;^'1+ had been reduced, but there were several qucstions about the heighi o-[ soiiie of the buildings, and how we1 1 they rvould bc hidden by the trees. He added'that they had no problems with items of condition, A thru I. Dan rnorred and Roger secondcd that the Special Dcvelopmcnt District be approved with the conditions stipulatcd in the staff rnemo dated lvliiy 14, 1981. Thc vote tra s 6-0, (r^rith Gaynor abstaining) for approval . 5. Reque-l_t for a conditj.onal use perrnit under. Section 1_e.4._q!g_q._Sl_t]E_ Totm of Vail zoning code, to operate a beauty shop on the str-eet level of the Golden Peak Ilouse. Applicant: Karl lloevelmann: Dick Ryan explained that this issue had been before the Corunission and the Town Council several times, and both gl'oups lrad approved an anendnent to the zoning code that r^rould pcrrnit by conditional use review, birrber and beauty shops without exterior frontage in CCI. Hubert l\rcinshank, Tcpre,scnting Mr. IJoevelnarrr)., submittcd a letter fron Ron Itiley, president of the Board of Dilcctors of the Colclo As-sociation statinS that they hnd dropped thcir opposition to thc beauty shop. Iie added that il couplc of oroners of the condorniniurris wcre opposrrd, but that thc iissociatiort as a wholc hras not. Discussicn fol lolcd conccr:ning vcntilation and odors. It was f inal. Iy decided thrrt this was a nattcr for the condo assc-rciation ancl for the building dcl)rrt cnt o:F thc Town. il : PIC -3- May 26, lgBO Roger noved and Jim seconded to approve thc conditional use per:mit per thc staff neno and cautioning the applicant to nonitor odor. Thc vote was 7-0, unanimous. 6. Continuance of tion or modificat.ion inffi and 3rd levels of the al ley between the PIaza and Casj.no Buildings, leaving the street 1evel open for pedestrian traffic. Applicant: Panela Telleen. Dick presented the merno, rerninding the Comrnission that on March 9, there was a public hearing to build a 3 story building on the site, and that now the applicatjon had been changed, although the original application was appealed to the Town Council . The changed application would leave the passage way between the plaza and Bridge Street. The Staff was concerned that the space for pedestrians would not be used because the height was only 10 ft & the al 1ey is very na1'r'ow. There was much discussion of the problen of obtaining a clear title. Larry Rider explained the situation, saying that in reviewj.ng the title, he found a nunber of clouds of title, and that one restriction in a deed was "unfetteredingress and egress to the Plaza and that thcre be no pernanent structure built in that area.'r In looking further., he found that the surveys didn tt match. Ile suggested that the applicant be asked to show clear title. lle added that Pistachiots and the Lodge encroach into the area. Bill Post representing the appl icant stated that the owners have a right to use what they orrn. Hc added that one stipulation for the original plan was to have a safe and attractive walkway, and ir.t present it was neither safe nor attractlve. ne aiso re1r. the applicanr could De required to post a bond so that if the project was stopped, there would be no expense to the Tovm. Larry added that the Town must be celta:in that the applicant was indeed the Owner. Gerry stated that they could proceed rsj.th the rest of the hearing as to trhethcr or not this was a suitable structure, but one conditional could be added that the applicant nust have a clear title. Roger said that he.represents VA, and that they r,iou1d not take sides. John Perliins showed the plans and elevations and ansrvcLed questions concerni.ng roof draj.nage, Pistachiors door, lighting, etc. Pan TclLcen said that Pi.sta- chiors had opposed the first preselttation because of the i.nte::ruption of their busj.nss, but rvcre for the rrresent one becausc it would elininate the leak overtheir stairway. John Perkins also added that the shops along the alley rvould bc cncouragc to placc windows onto the al 1ey, helping the :rllcy to be more invi.ting. Pan rr'as asked if it was he:: intention to continue thc w:rlkway to the Plaza, She responded that she rr'oul d contribute hcr shar:c , u'hatevc:r th:rt may be. Bob ll.udcr felt that snorr, and ice would still get into tlrc raalkin'ay. Discttssion follorved concerning the construct:ion restr{rints and interruptionof l{al1 Strect traffic, Gcrry read thc thrce r:oncli.tons an<l Pan 'l'clleen st.rted that she agreed to al 1 of them. . '. PFC -4- Maf 26, 19f Gaynor noved that the application be approved with the rccommendation made part of the approval . lle felt that the building was inportant to the area, that they would still have a walkway from Bridge Street to liall Street. Scott felt they should add that the clear title must be shown as a 4th condition. Dick Ryan stated that in talking to the Town Council, he was instructed not to issue a building pcrmit until a clear title was shown. Gaynor wanted to add another condition to his notion, that of requiring a bond to protect the Town. Duane Piper seconded the motion, and the vote in favor of granting the permission for the alteration was 5-0, with Roger and Dan abstaining. The rnotion passed. 7. Request for amendments to the density control :ection of the zoning c that the second unit shall not exceed 40% of the total Gross llesidential Floor Area (currcntly this figure is 33 7/3%) allowed on the 1ot in the P/S Residerrtial Distrj.ct. Also, lots in the Residerrtial District containing less than 15,000 square feet of site area shall not have a second unit exceed 40% of the total GRFA al lowed on the lot. In addition, lots in the residential district rvith development proposals whereby the average slope beneath the structure and parking arca is in excess of 30e; shall not have a secondalyunit exceed 40% of the total GRFA allorved on the lot. 'Lhese changes wouldresult in a new 60/40 aLlocation of GRFA rvhercver the 66/53 allocation presently is in effect. Peter Jamar explaincd the memo, and discussion of the various aspects follor"red. Scott moved that they follow the staff recornnendation to rec.omnend amendnentsto Sc)cti-ons 18.13.080, 18.12.090 and 18.69.050 of tie zoning code that the secondaryunit shall not exceed 40e, of the total GRFA allowcd, and, 2) anendment to scction 18.12.050 to rcduce the min imum 1ot size in the (R) Rsidcntial Distr-ict to 15,000 square feet of buildable site area frorn 17,500 square feet. llan Corcoran seconded the tnotion, and the vote was 7-0 in favor. 9:_3q $.1z.o!g_4!l3Jles0_€lls__ae!1lscode concernlng the ploces-s and criteiitior -gronting eiCcptions-to ihe densitycontrol regulatbns in the Rcsidential (lt) and Pri marl'/Sccondary Residential(l/S) Zone Districts for lots of less than 15,000 square feet so that a secondarytltit may be con-structcd on tliese lots for thc purpose of cmplel'ee housing. Peter Jamar cxplained rvhy the staff fr,lt these changes wcre important. Dick revioved the' process of the application: l. Apply to DIIB 2, After thc decision, the Staff will nakc ce::tain the uni.t will bc enployc:c housing. 3, A rsrittcn notice rvill bc sent to thc PIJC, so the PIC ctrr revi.cl and if thc1. donrt aglcc, the PliC cart appcal thc decision of cithor thc staff or DI{IJ. 4. Applicant ol adjaccnt propct'ty orrnct: calt appcnl to PliC. .t %d . PEC -5- Mav 26. 1981o't Concern was expressed over the condition that no varianccs be allowed, and thi-s was discussed at length. Variances can be grantcd only if it benefits the visual appearance of the site and surrounding area. Also discussed was the fact that l/2 of the cars nust be enclosed. Ton Briner stated that he had brought a project to the DRB the previous week when he took issue with the requirement for covered parking fot l/2 the cars and wondered if having only one space for the employee housing would be enough parking. The Corunis sion nenbers felt that there were very rarely only one Person living in each employee unit, and that two spaces were definitely needed. Dick added that cars had been considered an eyesore in nany previous discussions. Dan moved and Duane seconded to approve the reconmendation of the staff that Sections 18.12.090 and 18.13.080 be anended cohcerning the Process and criteria for granting exceptions to the density control regulations, etc. as stated in the meno dated May 2I, 1981. The vote was 6-0, unaninous. (Jin Morgan had 1eft.) The neeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. I /\It PEC -4- 7/13/8L /,, fett that there was already one najor entrance to the Lodge with a rna j or walkway fron Wall Street. Ken stated that he felt they were enhancing what was already there, Gerry felt that while it seens like a snall encroachnent, it was not, and that the sPace was valuable' Duane rnoved and Jim seconded to approve the nodification of the restaurant subject to condition #2 of the staff memo, that the applicant aSree to Partl- cipate in and not renonstrate against a sPecial improvenent district when one is forned for the Vail Village area' The vote was 2 for (Duane and Jirn) and 2 against (Gerry and scott). scott was against encroaching upon_ open_sPace. Gerry reninded the appl icant that lie had 10 days to appeal to Town Council' 9. A r,equest for approval to replat Highland Nleadows,_Iots 26-42, the Highland ict 11. The approval is requested to allow new roid dedications and vacations and lot line removals. This is a major subdivision requested under Chapter L7.04 of the Vail }.tunicipal Code. Applicant: Sun Tech Builders, Inc. peter patten explained that. this rePlat was a mere techni.cality after approval of sDD 11, (The applicant did not apPear.) Dave and llrs. Edeen appeared to voice their concern about a drainage problen they were having, with water running off of Hi.ghland Park onto their 1and. They stated that they had been washed out several tines in the Past weeks. Dick Ryan stated that the new plat would take care of drainage with the redesign of the road. Scott suggested they use a nethod to divert the water temporarily as was demonstrated by Architerra. Larry Eskwith stated that both temporary and permanent diversion of water woutd be a reasonable conditi.on of approval. Scott moved and Duane seconded that the replat be approved on condition. that tenporary relief of the drainage problen that exists for the Edeens be solved. Water must be diverted to the drainage system shown on the Plat within 15 days of final approval of the p1at. The vote was 4-0, unanimous approval with the condition stated. A request for a variance to Section 18.14.090 of the Vail Municipal Code le density in detLrmining the number of units allowed on the site of the lnter- mou'r tai t, Sr';- and Teniis Club, an unplatted parcel in VaiI IntermountE-- Subdivision. eppt-Eanil:-Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club who uish to construct 2 additional units over the previous approval by Eagle County. peter Patten presented the memo stating that the staff recorunended denial. chuck ogilby, one of the applicants, showed the plot plan and explained that 1.,6 a.t"s in the cent-ei of their plot was considered flood plain. He explained that he felt the 2 units would fit well into thei.r plot plan,- that they wouldn't be adding nore unit blocks, would not affect thc parking, and they felt it would be a pleasing addition architectural ly. llc addcd that thly felt they had practical difficulties, and nentioncd that thcy had looked at other sitel up and down the val ley and felt that thcirs was unique, because of the survey error, among other things. I {} , PEc -s- 7/13/il4 Stan Cole added that 7/3 ot their total land was affected by the flood plain' Dick Ryan felt that this was sinply a circumstance' Gerry White felt stlongly that a flood plain situation was not one upon whj.ch to grant a variance' Discussion followed concerning whether or not the flood Plain was a hardship' A Jirn noved and Scott seconded to deny the variance request' 4-0 in favor of denial . The vote was Gerry White rerninded them that they had 10 days in which to appeal to council ' 11. A request under Ordinance 13, Series of 1981, fcf TlIq-Yal 19y fh?9e-9 r^-:--ptan' The- proposal is to re-desrgn the buitding locati-ons ana unit designso along with a portion of the road layout, Appli-cant: Nfurray Properties Partnership of Dallas' Peter Patten showed the rnodel and site p1an. John Wheeler, representing the applicant answered questions. He explained that the cul de sacs were large to accomrnodate laige vehicles. Jim Morgan expressed concern about cut and fills being lalgely visible. He wanted to nake certain the irnPact was downplayed so ihat the- units didntt give a wa1l-like facade. Gerry felt thai the tennis courts were almost necessary to soften and add interest' scott wanted to know what will happen when this project went into DRB if the DRB decided there was too much vj,sual irnpact, and Dick lePlied that that was the reason the DRB was invited on the field trip, however, the DRB could still suggest changes. Dr. Steinberg asked if it were possible to narrow the road, and was iold it was necessary to have then that width to accorunodate large vehicles.. The clustering and redesigni-ng of the building locations weLe discussed. Jim noved and Scott seconded to approve the revisions' The vote was 3-t., rith Duane abstaining, in favor of approval of the site plan' Scott moved and Duane seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 6:45 p'n' PMNNING Ar\D HNVIi{ONl'l!N'IAL COMMISSION July 13, 1981 3:00 p,n. PRESENT STAFF Scott Edwards Duane Piper Dan Corcoran Gerry White Jin Morgan ABSENT Roger Tilkeneier Gaynor Mi1ler The rneeting was cal led to order by Gerry hlhite, chairman. 1. Approval of the ninutes of Jrme 22, L98I . Tom Steinberg 2. A request for a setback variance to nake lega1 an existing building which of an unplatted parcel in Bighorn titled Sundial Phase II. Appiicant: Pc::::c:: C;l::l::ction Managenent , Inc, Peter Patten presented the neno, explaining the error nade from the destruction and subsequent re-location of a concrete nonunent. Jeff Spanel explained how the survey error cane about, and Dan Corcoran added explanations regarding subsequent surveys showing other property corners in the subdivision and agreeing that an honest error had been made. Tin Garton representing Vail East Townhornes told of his concern of the dyking of the property and felt that it would affect their side of the creek. Peter stated that he would discuss this with Tin. Dan rnoved and. Duane seconded to approve the request for the setback variance. The vote was 5-0 in favor, unani-nous. t. Appeal 9f a_dninistrative decision concerning_the color of a residence on Lot 2.0 Potato Patch. Appli.cants: Jonine and J. J. Collins. Larry Eskwith explained that the Collins had had some problerns with their color and were told by Peter Patten that their only option was to cone before the DRB to appeal for the change in color, or to change to the color that was listed in their original presentation. The Collinsr did appeal, and were denied. . However, he (Larry) was of the opinion that the PEC did not have the powerto hear this iten. Scott Edwards rnoved and Jitn l.lorgan seconded that the PEC did not have the authority to hear the Collins appeal. The vote was S-0, unanimous to acccpt the fact that they could not hear the appeal. Peter Patten Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE PEC -2- 7/|s/8r 4. Requcst for dcnsity variance f_or lSilar_i]gg_Azr_ lgtgllf_tt at lt01 Vail View Drive. Applicants: Jean and James lV. McDonald, Jean Catoc, et al. Dick Ryan stated that thc staff would like to tabLe this itern until the next PEC meeting, because that rnorning the staff had received a large memo fron the applicant, and wanted time to study it. Ceorge Straw, attorney for thc applicant' stated that this was the first tine that Mr. McDonald had had a chancc to present his case. Discussi.on followed, and it was decided that the appl icant could make his presentation, and the request could still be postponed afterward. Peter Patten then reviewed briefly the previous meetings and appeals with Deane Knox, and added that the staff still recomnended denial for lot 12, George Straw then gave his presentation for the applicant: IIe felt that the Town had acted illegally, and mentioned the fact that Phase I was zoned RC and then LDMF. (Dan pointed out that thj.s was because it was originally going to be part of Hornestake.) He added that Deane Knox had talked to Diana Toughhill in planning the subdivision. He pointed out that the plat did not show even common open space, and yet was approved. He felt that the stope analysis should have been done first on each lot. His exhibit G was a letter to Deane from 'Diana Toughill stating that the units could be tor,rnhouses, and Straw added that Toughill indicated that GRFA was on a per unit basis. Dan Corcoran pointed out that the plat refers to protecti,ve covenants and are part of the plat and call out the restrictions. Straw then discussed the fact that the resoluti onc c+.ra laOO GRFA-. and vet 3380 GRFA was in the declarations. Deane was advised that there would be an evaluation later. Peter Patten read minutes showing that the PEC approved resubdivision request, not GRFA. Straw then stated that Carling proposed a greater GRFA and received it and then still built a larger unit. He questioned why the corunission assuned Knox was the spokesman for the subdivision. Gerry White responded that Knox had been the spokesrnan who responded to their inquiries. Jim McDonald stated that Knox further understood that he could transfer density frorn Phase I to Phase II. Straw questioned whether or not McDonald inflicted the hardship on hinself, whether or not the Town violated its own zoni.ng ordinance, and whether or not the Town had ignored the true owlers of the lot,s. Dan felt he wanted to know how many building pennits were issued prior to the problem, and were the owners made aware of the problem. Scott mentioned that the Town cannot enforce the covenants which state the GRFA. He also asked that the inforrnation in the new neno be boiled down to fewer pages. Larry E. said the events must be reconstructed. Dan asked that the staff keep in contact with Straw and McDonald so that both sides would know what would be said at the next rneeti-ng. Dan noved and Duane seconded a motion to table the item until the next meeting. The vote was 5-0 to table. PEC -3- 7/13/81 o 5. 4_:gS _18.66.110 through 1_t1 .66.160 to thc zoning ordinancc from Residrntiul Clustl:r to Itcsidcntial Prima ly /Sccondaryin ordcr to build a residentinl unit together with a caretakerrs unit. Applicant: Doyle llopkins. After beginning discussion, it was discovered that there were sorne adjaccnt Property owners on the Ridge who werentt notified of the neeting. Ed l)rager asked to table the item until the next neeting. Duane moved and Jim scconded to table this until the next regular neeting. Vote was 4-D (Dan had 1eft.) 6. .A minor subdivision request to vacate a lot. line between lots A-1 and A-2, Peter Patten explained the meno, and Dave Green reprcsenting Architerra said that this was really overlooked at the previous meeting when the project had been approved. Gerry White stated that, while he was opposed to the project itself, this point was a ninor one. Duane noved and Jin seconded to grant the request to vacate the lot line. The vote was 4-0 in favor. 7. .A request for .a-l exterior .alteration and modifi-.cation in Commercial Core II, under Section 18.26.045 on Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead lst Fi.ling, to add' 3,950 square feet of office space to the Lionshead Gondola Building, and a request for a variance to Section 18.26.150 to waive the requirement of including one half the parking within the nain building. Applicantl Vail Associates. Peter Patten explained the request, incfuding an explanation of the nunber of' parking units that Vai.1 Associates have for therr employees, wnich the staff felt was adequate. Torn Leonard of Vail Associates explained that they did not have sufficient office space for their enployees. Dr. Steinberg of the Town Council wanted to be assured that the parking lots were zoned for parking only, and Dick Ryan assured him that they were. Scott was concerned that in future years, it night not be remembered that this variance was granted on the basis of the existing spaces. Tom Leonard reminded them that VA had 140 extra parking sPaces. Discussion of the one condition, that the applicant agrees to parti- cipate in and not renonstrate against a special improvenent district when oneis formed for the Lionshead area, followed. Jin noved and Duane seconded to approve the request as stated in the staff nemo of July 6, 1981 including the condition described above. The vote was 3-1,scott opposed because he wasntt cornfortable with the parking situation. 8....tub.l-* heali:nq and consideration of an exterior alteration and nodification request in Commercial Core I for the addition of restaurant space and a retract- able glass enclosure over the existing swinuning pool at the Lodge at Vail .Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. decided to ask only for the restaurant applicant showed plans and stated 2 to 4 nore parking spaces. He is happening around this edge of would be j.ncreased. Duane agreed instead of quantity. Gerry White Dick Ryan explained that the applicant had addition. Ken Wentworth, architect for the that the restaurant addition would require emphasized that his firm felt that nothing the open area and t.hat pedestrian activity and added that his concern was with quality 'u;"' PEC -4- 7/13/8r 9. felt that therc was already one major cntrance to thc l.odgc with a nLajor walkway frorn l{ail Street. Ken stated that he felt they wcre enhancing whatwas already there. Gerry felt that while it seems like a small encroichment,it was not, and that the space was valuable. Duane noved and Jim seconded to approve the modifj-cation of the restaur4ntsubject to condition #2 of the staff nemo, that the applicant agree to parti_cipate in and not remonstlate against a special improvenent disirict whenone is forned for the Vail Village area. The vote was 2 for (Duane and Jin) and 2 against (Gerry and scott). scottwas a-gai-nst encroaching upon open space. Gerry reminded the appi icantthat he had 10 days to appeaf io Town Council. A request for rppror"l to t"plrt }{ig 26_42, the Highland new road dedications and vacations and lot line rernovals. This is a najorsubdivision requested under chapter 17.04 of the Vail l"lunicipal code.Applicant: Sun Tech Builders, inc, Peter_Patten explained that this replat was a mere technicality after approvalof sDD 1l'- (The applicant did not ippear.) Dave and NIrs. rdeln appear'eato voice their concern,about a drainage problem they were having, iith waterrunning off of Highland park onto their land. They stated that ihey hadbeen washed out several times in the past weeks. bi.t nyun stated thatthe new plat would take care of drainige with the redesign of the road.scott suggested they use a method to divert the water teiporarily as wasdenonstrated by Archit^--. lr:1, Isk...,ith :tated that boih tenporary andpermanent diversion of water would be a reasonable condition of- apprbval . scott noved and Duane seconded that the reprat be approved on conditionthat tenporary reri-ef of the drainage probrem that exists for the Edeensbe solved' water nust be diverted Io in" drainage system shown on the pratwithin 15 days of final approval of the plat, The vote was 4-0, unanimous approval with the condition stated, A request for a variance to Section Ig.14.090 of the V"il MIgi"iE!_!g9" ifui;ratins attowabledensity in determining the nunber of units allowed on the site of the Inter-mountain swim and Tennis club, an unplatted parcel in vail Intemountainsubdivision. -Applicants: Intermouniain swirn and Tennis club who wish toconstTuct 2 additional units over the previous approval by Eagle county. lgte-r la1ten presented the memo stating that the staff reconunended denial .chuck ogilby, one'of the applicants, siowed the plot ptan and exprainedthat 1'6 acres in the centli of their pror was considered f]ood prain. Heexplained that he felt the 2 units wouid fit well into their ptoi plan,that they wouldnrt be adding nore unit blocks, would not affect the parking,and they felt it would be a pleasing addition architecturally. He added :1i..':l:l,f!1. :l"y had praciicar difficutties, and nentioned that theynaq looKed at other sites up and dowr the val ley and felt that theirs wasunique, because of the survey error, among other thi.ngs. 10. PEc -s- 7/r3/8r a Stan Cole addcd that l/3 of their total land was affected by the flood pl:rip. Dick ltyan fclt that this was simply a circumstancc. Ccrry lVhite felt stronglythat a flood plain situatj-on was not onc upon which to grant a variancc. Discussion followed conccrning whether or not the fl.ood plain was a hardship. Jirn rnoved and Scott seconded to deny the variance request. The vote was 4-0 in favor of denial. Gerry White rerninded them that they had I0 days in which to appeal to Council. 11. A request under Ordinance lL Se1ie9 oj 198!-r_.1o1 !!q \lal lgy Phare 6 designthe building locations and unit designs, along with a portion of the roadlayout. Applicant: Murray Properties Partnership of Dallas. Peter Patten showed the nodel and site plan. John l{heeler, iepresenting the applicant answered questions. He explained that the cul de sacs werelarge to accornnodate large vehicles. Jim Morgan expressed concern aboutcut and fills being largely visible. He wanted to make certain the impact was downplayed so that the units didnrt give a wall-lj_ke facade. Gerryfelt that the tennis courts were almost necessary to soften and add interest.scott wanted to know what will happen when this project went into DRB if the DRB decided there was too much visual inpact, and Dick replied thatthat was the reason the DilB was invited on the field trip, however, the DRB could still suggest changes. Dr. steinberg asked if it were possibleto narrow the road, and was told it was necessary to have then that width Lu ar-cuuurrir<iat e iarge vehicies. . The clustering and redesigning of thebuilding locations were discussed. Jin moved and scott seconded to approve the revisions. The vote was i-0rith Duane abstaining, in favor of approval of the .site plan. Scott moved and Duane seconded that the neeting be adjourned at 6145 p.n. ''!--- TlEI'ORANDUM T0: PLANNING AND ENVIROTT'I"IENTAI CO]IiVISSI0N FROM: DEPARTMB\IT 0F C0I'$'IUN-ITY DEVEL0PI''{ENT DATE: July 7, 1981 RE: Vail Intermountai-n Swin and Tennis Club Request for a Variance to Section 18.14.090 of the Vail Municipal Code. APPLICANT: C}IUCK OGILBY AND STAN COLE DESCRIPTION OF VARIA}iCE REQUESTED The appl icants request a variance fron the density control section of the Residential Cluster Zone District to allow the inclusion of flood plain area in calculating al1owab1e density in determining the nunber of units alLotled on their site. The applicants wish to construct two additi-onal units over the previous approval of 24 units by Eagle County. As you know, the density control section of the Residential Cluster Zone Di-strict perrnits a density of six units per buildable acre, which, in this case, would mean that the 100-year flood plain area would be subtracted because it is unbuildabl e. The parcel of iand for which the variance is requested consists of 1.66 acres within the flood plain and a buildable area of 5'456 acres. Thus, under RC density, they would be allowed a total density of 20 units on the site--4 less than the Eagle County approval . As yourll recall, *he applicants rnade a similar request for additional units at the l'lay 26 PEC meeting. At that time, the applicants' reason for the request was that a survey error had occurred resulting in the applicants being allowed a density by Eagle County of 24 units rather than 28 units' The Planning and Environmental Conmissi-on felt that this was not an i-ssue for the Town to resolve, but was rather an issue between the applicants and their surveyor and denied the request for the additional 2 units, The applicants now feel that they are bei,ng .rnfairly penali.zed by subtracting unbuj.ldable site area fron density calculations. They feel that unbuildable site area should be included in calculating density. They do, however, still contend that the actual hardship which exists is the survey error which was made. The requested variance would not have any.significant "ll::t on existing or po-uential uses in the vicinity. The appiicants have argued that because solne neighboringprolectshau"-fig'ft"tdensities'theyshouldbeallowedrnoreunits' These projects were i;-i;t;-;;ted at a higher density (12 units to the acre rather than s.5 to t[; acre) by Eagle couity or were developed under previous Sii:. n and Tennis Club -) ,rrr 7, 1e8r CRITERIA A\D FINDINGS Uocn reviers of Criteria and F i-n din s, Sect ion 18.62.060 of the Itlun i c ipal Code, the De rtment o nmun 1!Deve I oprnent recommends enial of the re ue st ed variance based uPon the fol lowing factors : Co:sideration of Factors The relationshiP of the r uested variance to otLel-gxl*ilt otential in the vlcrnrt County zoning.fron the strict or I iteral interprglation andjn: The degree to which rel i-ef fation is nec es sa to aah-ieve cornpatibilitForcenent of a specified re arnone sites in the vrc-1ty or to attain the and uniformi't of treatnent al privilege.ect]'ves o this title w out grant o There would be no inpact uPon the above' such other factors and criteria as the conmission deems applicable to the - proposed varlance. F INDINGS: The Planning and Envirol4gn!e I Connission shatl rnake the following findirgs beiore grant ing a varlance: That the granting of the variance inconsistent with the l initati-ons district. Thegrantingofthevariancewouldconstitutetheglantingofaspecialprivilege. A11 sites in the n"rli"ntlur cluster Zone District and higher density districts have densities calculated upon buildable sii" "r"" and excepting the Intertnountain sxin and rennis club parcel fron the environmental hazard regulations would not be rneeting th" "b;;.;;;.;-;i the zoning code. subtractlng unbuildable area fr.on density ."r.rrr"i'ili;';; ;;ri;;";-;" iini.,nir" development in environrnentalll' hazardousarea,andtoreflectapplopraatedensitiesforthesites.Byallowing this Yariance other;;.;;;;;; ii'"'tirir"r circunstance could be in a sirnilar pcsition, will not constitute on other proPert i es a grant of special Pri-vilegeclassified in the sanre The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of populatjon' ffiaffic facittties, p Suim and Tenni.s Club O Jull' 7, l98l That the granting of the variance will not be detrirnental to thc public health, safety, or welfare' or materially injurious to Properties or irnprovernents in the vicinitY. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the fol lowing leasons: Thestrictorliteralinterpretationandenforcenentofthespecified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical haiasn;.p inconsistent with the objectives of this title' There are exceptions or extraordinary circunstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the sane zone. ThestlictorliteralintelPretationandenforcementofthespecified Iegulationwoulddeprivetheapplicantofprivilegesenjoyedbytheor,uners of other properties in the same district' STAFF R-ECOMMENDATIONS : The Department of corununi-ty Development staff recornnends denial of the Iequested variance. The granting of the v..iance would constitute a special privilege i"-if-t"-"ppricani and wJuld not be consistent with the purpose of the zoning code, nilowing the varj-ance would potentially affect the buildable area definition and density within all higher density zone districts within the Town. 1 l'l,^Ni{ lli(; ANi', t:NV iii0iiill:NlAl, (.(r)'i!llslil Oii tlon,O July i3, lgsl :i:ou p'nr, Approvrrl oll m j.nutc:; of .Junc 22, 198I , A rcqrrcst for a sctback \tltri;tttcc to nlilli() I t'1;:r I an c,r j-st inli cncroachcs 4t inlo thc sidc sctback on 5010 il:rin Corc l)r''i vt: an unlll attecl parccl in l] j;ihorn, tjtlcd Stutd.i lrl , Pha.';c II' Constrtrct ion llluragcnctt t, Inc. Appea) of adrninistrativc dccision concct'rting tlre color of a 20, I)otato Patch. Applica.nt: Joninc and,l .J. Collins' lrrril ding wlr ich rvhich is palt o1, Appl icant : l'cttttc.:l: residence on Lot 4. 5. 6. llcqucst to table density variance application for lot I2, Illock A7, CasoJ.ar Vail II at 1101 Vail Vj.ew Drive. Applicants: Jean and Jamcs ltl. McDonal<t, Jean Catoe, et al . A requcst for arncndnrcnt in accordancc with Scctions 18.66.110 through 18.66.160 to the zoning ordinance fron Residential Clustcr to Itesident j.al. Prirnary/Sccondary in ordcr to build a residential unit togeti)cr with a caretaker-ts unit. Applicant: Doylc Ilopk ins . A ninor subdj,vision request to vacate a 1ot line betl.reen lots A-l and A-2, Lionsridge Filing #1. Applicant: AAV Limited Partnersliip. Z. A request for an extcriol altcration and rnodification in Cornnrercial Core II, under Scction 18.26.045 ott lot 4, Block l, Vlil l,ionshead lst Filing, to add 3,950 square feet of office spacc to thc Lionshead Gondola Buildj.ng, and a ::equest for a variunce to Scction 18. 26. 150 to *-sive the requircfitc:lt :f i;:l::j::3 ::: half thc parking tvithitr the rnain building' Applicant: Vail Associates. 8. A r.eqriest for an cxter-ior a1te1-ation and modificatiorr in Cormercial CoIe I under: scction 18.24.065 0n Tracts A, B, C, ll10ck 5c, Vail village 1st Fi"l:ing, 174 East Gore Crcek Drivc, the Lodge at Vail, in order to aclcl a 618 sqttrtre foot rcstaurant acldi.tion and a rctractable glass enclosure over the existl-ng srvinrni.ng pool . Appl icaDt: . Lodge Propcrties, Inc' g. A request for approval to replat Highland lleadorvs, Iots 26-42, the Highlarrd park Spccial Dcvtlopnrc.nt District 11. The apDroval is r:equested to al 1ot,; trcr^I r-oa <l dedications and vacltions and lot l irlc rcno"'als. This is a majoI sub- division requestbd under Chapter 17.04 of thc Vail ilunicipat Code. Applicant: Surr Tccir i'uiidvrs. Inc' 10. A requcst for a varianc!. to Se'ction 16.14.0!t0 of thc Vail l,ttrnicipal Codc to allor,'the applicrnt t.o irtcludc flood plairt rtlca in calculating allorlablc dcnsit)' in 6ct:cr-r1i1ring thc numbc'r' ot' units rl lot''crl on the sitc of thc Intermoulrt-a.i.rl Srr'i n alcl Tenlis Club, 1n rrrpluttr'J purcr'l in Vail Intcrrnoturtrin Subdivjsion. Thc aPpl i"cants ate thc IllLcrntourlt:rirt Swirt lrttd 'l'cnnis Club uho nish to construct 2 additionul units ovcr. tllc prt'viorts :ll)pr.ovrt I by liaglc Couttty. ll. A rcqucst undcr Ordinancc 13, Scrics of l9Sl , for Thc Val lcy, Phase 6 for rnlrjor l'cvisiotrs to lttt ;r1tPt'11r't-tl sitc plan. l'hc l)r'oPo.sal is to rc-<lcsign tlic builtl irri: locltttrrtts lttttl tutit tlcsigrrs, illong with a portio' of ihc r.ourl I ll rrttt. ithtrr;t1' I't'oIa;'1is5 l)art.trclshil> of Dal las. Publishctl in thc Viri I 'l'r'rti I Jull' l0' l:)Sl ol Intermountain Swim and Tennis adjacent property ouners Lot 6, Block 4 Lot 5, Block 4 Columbi.ne No. Condos Colunbine North Associates % Dean Canada Box 1908 Vail Co I. a APPLICATION This procedure is reguired The application will not be A. B. NAME OF ADDRESS ,+ro T^r.trs y'a*PrroNE 4to-v>o NAII{E OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE C"N*Szr., .(n.q ADDRESsjEli__rS. F<oatt& PJ U. I/rt,.PtroNE 4?b-30* C. AUTHORTZATION OF P PERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHoNE 4llr-goZo D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL r4 ,"oo,1- 't '" ADDREsS ?9E3 Ptatauttattsl Da. Var. LEGAI DEsCRrpTroN fot ?if Utock._{- E:;-:rrS y&. Tr*.h*.rad E. FEE. $100.00 plus 18t for each property owner to be notified.. yl F- A list of the names of owners of alJ- property adjacent to thesubject property and their addresses. OuA PatO< A?teAn>- ro< l/t4,?te'vec ro< guat€ag Arro &CcL- ue IUFOR"t?tl|'t t Be hba.o )*f / ? Se laace<V /o APPLICANT Tp*<*r zq33 s.f<u+a42 CJ. tt. Application Date FORI"i FOR A VARIANCE for any project reguesting a Variance. accepted until all information is submitted. application forfr a variance pase 2 O II . I'our (4) copies of the following informat,ion: A. A statement.of the precise nature of the variance requested,the regulation involvedl and the practical difficulty or',rnrrrrecessaryphysical- hardship inconsistent vrilh the objectives oi tnis titlethat would resu1l from strict or literal iiterpretation ancl enforce-rnent of the specified regulation. B- A site plan showing all existing and proposed, features on thesite, and on adjoining sites if nec6ssaryl plrtinent to the variancerequested.' including site boundaries, required, setbacks, buildingrocations and heights, topography ana physical features and. simirardata. C. Such additional material as thescrj-be or the applicant may submit zoning administrator may pre-pertinent to the application. Iff. Time requirements The Planning and Environmental Comrnission meets on the 2nd and4th Mondays of each month. An application with the ,r""""..iy accom-Plnying material must be srrbmitted four r""i" pii"r -t"-tr,.--a"t" of the meeting. Trwn of Yail Plannlng Staff Planning and Envirnmental Commission Clty HaLJ. VaiL, Colorado Gentlemen: Stan CeLe and I arcof Vail ltunlclpal Zoningur t. btrlld 26 units rn Club site. By c.unting tho fl.ood plain cfin flgurtng dcnsltlr control rc nill additlonal unlts . r{c fcel our site Jrne 15 ' 1981 roqlesting a varlence from thr T.wn 0rdinancc sccti.n 18.62.010 to a11.r{ ths VatL lntorm.dntain Swln and Tonnl$ Abo purposs rf our requcst stcmc frlm a practlcaL dlffloulty 1n deallng wlth .ur sitc. Thls practlcal difficulty d.Gs not allorus t. count floedplaln in dcnsLty calouJ.atlons, Also rc havea hardshtp duc to a suryct/ grrar on our e rlg j,naL slte ucrk. This crror effocted thc allrwablc number rf dwelling units r.rc could crreot on ttrc sitc wben o,rr proJect was appr.vcd $ithtfre ccunty. rdc arc not asking for pcrmlssl.n to b,'rild tr f u11 RC zoningwhich world allow us t. bLrlld JO unlts t.tal. N.r are wc asking to bulld 28 un{ts tblch vc wruld havo boen aLloued nlth thccounty. ulc would ltkc only twe additi.nal units to bc lacatod Ln an attractlve rray in our trCF bullding. appr.xlmately 1.2 acrcsnot be abl,e t. attaln thcsc ls being unfairly pcnalized, f,lrsly, our slte has a practicaL dlfficulty rlth its long thin naturc (noarly 80O feet long) with thc ctroam running throrrgh Lts cntirc Lcngth €act te west. ,rc f ce1 ths stream Ls a great asset to the sitc and lends an aspoct of natural beauty that we ceu1d nover duplicate with Landscaping. Ilowever r we arc s.Beh.u ponallzed for this stre tctr of natural Landscaplng whlch takos up a disproportLonatc am.unt of our site. i{hy docs your zoning rrdinance n.t also slnglc aut arcas of natural. bcautyguch as attraotlve rock groupings, trce stands, or aroas tf sccnio vegitation tc bc excluded from densit.r calculations? We arc alss further pcnallzed sincc u€ ar€ one of tho I9IZfcw sltes in the vall,ey that ordn beth gidcs of the stream. Secondly, o."rr sltc layout uas f urther censtrictsd duo tothc fact that thc triangle of land on the north side of the strcam is not sultable for bulldlng duc to llnltatlons due to setbacks from the stream and 1ct 1lncs. However, fle were abl.e to receive a varlencg from the county to buiJ.d a tsnnls court.n thls partof th6 slte. 'I'heso stte rcstrlcticns left us with only thes.uttr side rf the rl.vor f rr our bui.ldlngs. Our hardship ic caugcd by an err.r made by aLtr suryeyor inthc early plannlng stagcs .r .ur sitc. Thc crrrr mls-reprcsqntcdour sitc acrcage as ll.J acrcs lnstcad cf thc c.mcct am.unt .f5.1, acrEs. This crror uas not noticed r:ntil after aur cauntyacceptanoe te build 2l+ unlts. Itad thls orrrr not erlstcd wcwculd have been aLlonod to bul1d 28 unlts rrncier county zoning. ifc do nst fcel. se cculd su6 the survcyor for damages sinccwc hayc a lcng standing crceLlent reLatt onsftlp ulth him. Hcal.s. could nct givc us the addttional urri.ts wi desire. Frior t. annrration during a publlc meeting where the staffprosented the West Vail zoning pr.posal to the pEC I asksdLarry Rlder if flood plaln was included in density contrel". Hisanswor was that lt was n.t, Also, Larry i,JoodJ,ey and peter Jamar, in an lndividual develeper meeting prior to annexatl.ngave us no lndicatirn of fleodplain enterlng intc thc slte con-slderations if we decided te go fsr rnarlmum RC zonlng of 3Ounl,ts. Uc thereforl through the entire annexatlon and zoningproceodurc have had no ldca of cither thc new ordinancc lland the flrtd plain calcuLatj.on statistics. I boleivo we hayo sh.rdn that ue are willing to cooperatein good f alth wlth the town . iri€ just rcccntl,y gave (f ree )21000 sq ft rf land tc thc toun to enable tho t.wn t. widenthe brl<ige in Intermountain. ir'e are the only dcveloper inrnterm.untaLn that 1s proyiding any ammonlties with their pr.ject.Our ammenities wil.1 also be avaiLable to the neighberttood. In conclusirn, nc f eeJ. that our compromiseunlts vil,1 satisfy our pesiti.n. We feel thatwllL glve yo..r adaquatc justlficaticn to supportooncluslrn. 5in4 ,'21)l-.{t Chuck c-- -C)7 Stan position of 26thc above rationalthis samc PIAI{NING AND ENVIRONIvIENTAL COMMISSION MEETING Itay 26, L98l STAFF PRESENTPRESENT Scott Edwards Gerry ltrhite Dan Corcoran Duane Piper later: Roger Tilkemeier Jin Morgan Gaynor Mil1er Dick Ryan Peter Jamar tarry Eskwith Larry Rider Betsy Rosolack COIJNCiL-PRESENT The meeting was called to order at 2:lO p.n. by Gerry 1. Approval of ninutes of May 11, 1981 rneetirrg. Bob Ruder l{hite, chairman. Dan corcoran moved for approval , seconded by Duane. Vote'nas 3-0, scott ab- sta in ed . 2. cveloprnent nlan uniler Ordinance 13,Series of 1981 , to build two additional units at the Vai f-Intcrmorm ta jn Swim and Tennis Club Condominiurns, and to redes ign parking and ianclscapingof Lot.s 7 and B, Block 4, Vail Intermountaj.n Subdj.vision. Applicant: Vai!. t, Dick Ryan presented the memo and added that the staff had checked the size anclconfirmed 5.1 acres. He added that in discussing this with the l'oun CounciJ ,they stressed that they didntt want to apprcove adtlitionat units unlerss the unitswere to be for employees. IIe statcd that undel the present zoning, no aclditioiralunits could be added. The question about the error rnade in surveying was discussed, some rnernbers feltthat the apPlicauts could have had more units o::iginal ly when the e::ror- wasdiscover:ed, others feeling that this did not change the issue now. Dan rnoved for approrral of the revisions of the parking lot and lanclscsping perthe neno of May 6, 1.981. Scott seconded it, and the vote was 4-0, ut *"j.otut,i' in favor. Ir{oie discussion fol lowed with thc rcalization t}-rat the applicants couid conebuck an<l ask for a variance, which the1, wct:e no.l do-ing at- ]lres*nL, and thi scould be a way to correct the error:, and wcl1 as a tirnc-' to come into corrformi.tywith respect to ha.ving rnore than 4 r:nits in oue builcling, r+ith respcct tostrearnside set backs, etc. PEc -2- tiav 26, le81 O Gerry noved and Scott seconded to deny the two additional units requested by the applicants in accordance with the staff neno of lrhy 13, 1981 . The vote was 3-1, Dan Corcoran voting against. The request was deni.ed. 3. Request for a side setback variances &t tttp Stotey/OgtesUy re Vi11a8e1stFi1ingtocon5tr'ucttwoadditions to the residence. Applicants: Charles Storey and llnslie Oglesby, Jr. Peter Jarnar explained the plans and explained that this was part of a row house. Andy Beck nentioned that a1l was explained in the merno. Dan noved and Duane seconded to approved the request for the side setback variance per the staff merno dated lvlay 20, 1981, The vote was 5-0, unaninous. 4. A request for approval of Special Devel_opment District 11 and the yec+tion .f 1bt linetlhcreof for an area of l{ighland Nleadows Subdivision, Filing No. 1, Iots 32r 38, 39, 40 and 42. Applicant: Sun Tech Buj.ldets, Inc. Dick Ryan reininded the Corrunission that they had reviewed a request for lots 26 thru 42 at previous study session.s. Ile added that the developers had spent much tine with the staff and with Gage Davis and he felt that the present site plan was nuch superior. The staff recornrnended approval with the condi.tions lcttered A through L Roger Denton, a landscapc architect fot' the projcct shor.red several sketches of the site and answ<;r'ed qucstion.s. It was felt that the impact of the project had been reduced, br.rt there were several questiors about the heiilht of somc of the buildings, arrd how well they r';ou1d be hidden by the trees. He addeci that they had no ploblenrs lrith itcms of condj-tion, A thlu I. Dan noved and Rogel scconded that the Special Developrnent Distrj-ct be approved rvith the conditions stiPulated in thc staff nento dated llay 14, 198.1 . The vote was 6-0, (v;ith Gaynol abstaining) for approval . 5. Request for a conrlit-ional uselLgllq!_19.19'_9Sg!&ff_l_q.?4._qJq__C__Cf_!1" !.yllof Vail zoning code, to operate :r beauty shop on the street level of tire Gol.den Peak Housc. Applicant: Karl Hoeveinunn: Dick Ryan explainrd that this issue had becn before the Commission and tl'Le Town Council severa L times, and l-'oth 8,r:oups had approved an amend:lent to the zoning code that woulrl pcrrnit b1,' sm4itional use ::eview, bar:ber ancl beauty shops riitlrout extcrior frontagc j.rr CCl. Hubcrt lrJcirrshank, r-e1;rcsenting Mr, Ilocvelmann, subinittcd a letier fion llorr Riley, prcsidcnt of the Boeld of Djrcctors of tlie Condo .\ssociatiotr sta'tinfi tha.t thcl' haC dr:oppcd thcir opi;osit:ion to thc bcauty shop. l{c added tltat- a corryrlc of ottrrer:s of thc con domill I utll:i \(cnc opPq-':gd, but thlrt thc :r-sscciatiotr as a wholc \!irs lot. Discussj.on followr:d c-onccrir.i.nli vcntij ation anri odors. It was finally dcci.dcrd that this wits I rnirtter Lor t-ht: co)ldo itssoc.itttion atrcl for thc bui.l ding dcpir rt.rircnt of th<; 'lbrru. PIIC -3- !4ay 26, 1981 O Roger moved and Jin seconded to approve the conditional use pernit per the staff rneno and cautioning the applicant to monitor odor. Thc vote was 7-0, unanimous, 6. Continuance of an application for exterior alteration or modification in and 3rd 1eve1s of the al 1ey between the Plaza and Casino Buildings, leaving the street 1evel open for pedestrian traffic. Applicant: Pamela Telleen. Dick presented the mcnro, reminding the Cornrnission that on March 9, there was a public hearing to build a 5 story building on the site, and that now the application had been changed, although the original application was appealed to the Tor,,n Council . The changed application would leave the passage way between the plaz.a and Bridge Street. The Staff was concerned that the space for pedestrians would not be used becau-se the height was only 10 ft & the a11ey i-s very narrow. There was rnuch discussion of the problern of obtaining a clear title. Larry Rider explained the situation, saying that in ::eviewing the tit1e, he found a number of clouds of title, and that one restriction in a deed was "unfetteredingress and egress to the PIaza and that there be no pernanent structure built in that area." In Looking further, he found that the surveys didntt natch. IJe suggested that the applicant be asked to shorv clear: title. lle added that Pistachiots and thc Lodge encroach into the area. BilI Post representing the applicant stated that the or,/.ners have a right to use what they own. lle added that one stipulation for thc original plan was to have a safe and attractive rvalkway, and at present it rvas neither safe nor attractive. FIe a.1 so felt the applicatrt could be required to post a bond so that if the project was stopped, there would be no exlrense to the Towrr. Larry added that thc Torrn nust be ccrta in that the appl icant wa-s indeed the Owncr. Gerry statcd tlrat thcy could procccd rv jtlr the rcst of thc hearing as to whether or not this was a suitable structure, but one conditional coutd be added that the appllcant must havc a clcar title. Rogcr: said that he .teptesents VA, and that thcy norrld not take sides. John Perkirrs showed the plans and elcvations ancl an.swercd questions concelning roof d::ainage, Pista.chiots door, 1ig'ht.i.ng, etc. Pam Telleen sa:id that Pista.- chiors had opposeci the first. presentatic)n becausc of the interrlrpt j on of their businss, but were for the present one because it would elininal.e the leak overtheir stairrr'ay. John Perkins also addcd that the shops along thc a.l ley would be cncourage to placc wi.trdows onto the a1 lcy, hclping the allcy to be nor.'e inviting. Parn was askc:d if it was hcr" intention to continue the r,ra I kr+ay to the Plitza. She re-.;potrded that she would contributc hcr sharc, \'hate ver that na), be. Bob il.udor felt that snow and jce would stj-ll gct into the r,ur1kwa1,. Discttssj.on follorvcd concerning the construction rcstraints and irrtcrrupt-ionof lVall lltrect t-raffic. Gerry read thc thlee ccrnditons and Parn 1'c11een statcrl that ,shc agleed to a1l of tlier,r. PFC -4- l4ay 26, 1981 O Gaynor moved that the application be approved with the reconmendation made part of the approval . He felt that the building was inportant to the area, that they would still have a walkway from Bridge Street to Wall Street. Scott felt they should add that the clear title nust be shown as a 4th condition. Dick Ryan stated that in talking to the Town Council, he was instructed not to issue a building permit until a clear title was shourn. Gaynor wanted to add another condition to his rnotion, that of requiring a bond to protect the Town. Duane Piper seconded the motion, and the vote in favor of granting the permission for the alteration was 5-0, with Roger and Dan abstaining. The motion passed. 7. Request for anendments to the density control sectj,on of the zoning code that the second unit shall not excced 40% of the total Gross Residential Floor Area (currently this figure is 33 L/3%) allowed on the lot in the P/S Residential District. A1so, lots in the Residential District containing less than 15,000 square feet of site area shal 1 not have a second unit exceed 40eo of the total GRFA allowed on the lot. In acldition, lots in the residential district wit-h development proposals whereby the a.vcrage slope beneath the structul:e and parking area is in excess cf 30% sha11 not have a secorrdary uni-t exceed 40% of the total GRFA allowed on the lot. These changes would result in a new 60,/40 allocation of GRFA wherever the 66,/33 allocation presently is in effect. Peter Jarnar explained the meno, and dj,scussion of the various aspects followed, Scott rnoved that they foll.ow the staff recorunendat j-on to recomnend amendnents to Sections 18.13.080, 18.12.090 and 18.69.050 of tle zoning code t.hat the secondary unit sha11 not exceed 40r" of the tolitl GRFA a1lowed, arrd, 2) amend:lent t.o section 18.12.050 to reduce the nininun lot size in the (lt) I{sidential District to 15,000 sqnare feet of buildable site area frorn 17,500 squale feet. Dan Corcoran seconded the notion, and the vote was 7-0 in favor. !.__Igqr"r'c f"t "r",rdr ,_!q-J?._q!!_a"q-!8.r!..0J! of the zonj.lg code conccr:ning the proc-ess and critcria for granting excepti.ons to the dcnsity control r:egtrlatbns in the Residential (R) and Pr:ir,iary/Sccondary Re-sidcnt.ial (I']/S) Zonc Districts f c-rr lots of lcss than 15,000 square fcet so that a secondarl'wlit nay bc constructed on these lots for the purposc of cmplol,ee housing. Peter Jamar explained rvhy the staff felt these changes r\'ere irnportrnt. Dick rcviewed the proccs-s of the applicati on: 1. Appl)' to DRB 2, After t.ire deci.sion, the Staff r.rill nurk e certain thc unit will bc employc:c 3. liT;lil;,, noticc rvirl be sent to tlie pEC, so the pr:c can revj.err'and i.f tl.rcy donrt lrg.r'cc, t-ltc PEC c:rn appeal thc dccision of citlrcr: thc staff or llltlJ. 4, Applicairt: or adjacent propcrty ol{rlcr ci}n appeel to })}:C. PEC -5- Maf 26, f9f Concern was expressed over the condition that no variances be al1owed, and this was discussed at length. Variances can be granted only if it benefits the visual appearance of the site and surrounding area. Also discussed was the fact that l/2 of the cars must be enclosed. Ton Briner stated that he had brought a project to the DRB the previous week when he took issue with the requirement for covered parking for L/2 tire cars and wondered if having only one space for the enployee housing would be enough parking. The Comnission rnembers felt that there were very rarely only one person lj-ving in each employee unit, and that two spaces werc definitely needed. Dick added that cars had been cons j.dered an eyesore in nany previous discussions. Dan moved and Duane seconded to approve the recommendation of the staff that Sections 18.12.090 and 18.13.080 be anended concerning the process and criteria for granting exceptions to the density control regulations, etc. as stated in the nemo dated l'lay 2I, 1981 . The vote was 6-0, unanirnous. (Jim Morgan had left.) The neetiag was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. a \ MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Comnission FROI4: Departnent of Cornmunity Development,/Peter Patten DATE: May 13, 1981 RE: Vail Intermountain Swinr and Tenni-s Club Request for Plan Amenclrnent tabled frorn May 11, l9B1 PEC meeti.ng. As your 11 recal 1, this itern was tabled at the May 11 neeting to look at two things. First, you asked for a clarification and legal interpretation concerning a possible confl.ict in Ordinance 13, Series of l98l iegarding density control. l,arry Rider, Town of Vail attorney, explains that the Ordinance does not prohibi.t the projects under Ordinance 13 to Tequest addtional density up to RC, but that the PEC must find a clear conmunity benefit as a result of the request (i.e. long term employee housing) if 1hgy approrr'e it. ile also explains that paragraph d of page 2 of the Ordinance was put in so that these projects wele not total ly locked into developing their projects strictly as per County approvals. lVe wanted a chance to work with the developers to hopeful 1y improve the projects. Thus, no right to the additional density, as previously explained, i-s or ever lras, included in this Or:dinancc, butj.t doesnrt prevent the applicant frorl rsl< i-ng for it. The Tcm Council has reviewed the policy concerning additional units in previously approved Councy projects that have been accepted by the To',rn, and support additional unit.s be rcstricted for enployees of the Upper Eag1e Va.lley as long as legai.lypossible. Secondly, the issrre of the survey error was b:rought up as the nain reason for requesting the two additional units. Irve spoken with Jirn ll.ubin frorn the County. .recei.;ed rela.ted docurnent.s fron Chuck Ogilby and done some buildablr: atea calculaticlls on 'flre propel't-y to better under-stand the l:ackgrounC behin<i the proj ect and the allovra- bIc density under Residr:n1.i.a1 Cluster. On l.la-':r:lr ?.1 , 7979, thc ilagl e Coulity Plurrn.irrg Col,nissi.on reconmenrlcd zrirproval of the Vai 1 Intermountain Srr'i:ii and Tennis Club oio j eci: with tlie conci j -r- j on that befo-re a bui I cli.ng perlit is is,;ueti f or the last LrL:i-l.d|r[, a]-rengernents be fi.nnlized connil:ting l.he cierrel opcr to pi:orride an p.ttacherl footbridge across Gor:e Ctcek. O;-r niarch .'28, 15,'u9, tltc Coun[)' Colrni ssi.crrr: upprcvcd tlie plcli-rr.i.nary plat r,rit]r tiio c<-;ndi.t -'Lon tha t '"h,: finll plat statc that no furLiier sulidivi.s j.on (inte'rval cwncr. shi.ps) rr'il 1 bc ailcr';cd tc::: the projcct. 'l'he.se apploval.s ',';cte ba.scd on RSI{ zoniirg (5.5 urri-t:; per acre) , 4. 582 a.:res of sitc alea anJ nc -s.iu.r t. e footage subtractcd i.or the c.i:celt or the floodpl ain. Recentl;,, a suryey erfol l^Jas discorrercd rch j.ch i:irist:d Lhe total sitc ;rlea tc 5.116 scrt'c-c. a cii.l:fcrcnce of ,734 act'es, or the s j.z.e of I'a-rccl .lJ, tlic sorrtlrcrn rnost pirrL:cl . [vidently, t-hc 1eg;rl dcsclipt.i,on subrnil:t.-r<] to tilc r;o'urt.y t;vcrloolicd [!rc .sqr:arc 1:ooLitge in l)arc:el B, and the plo j cct r(cnt tlrrougir Countv approval s rr' j.thout r:clice of i-lrt: erl'or', i\t thc t irnc Couni-), e1:,i-rloi'a1 s l{crLr g j.r'cn , onl y gross sitc :r::cr'L was tal(cn intc lccor-rnt t.o cilriipul.c lrutlircL ol- uni.ts pcr rrcrc al loh,ec1. Tiru.s, thc clcel:. and flooCpt:rin vcrc count('ri jn thc approvul ot 2.4 unit:: (4.:182 x 5.5 = 2.i.J ulitsj. swin and rennis - , -C rg, r98r according to my calculations, the creek and floodplain represent 1.66 acres within the property lines. This produces a total buildable area, as couqluted in the Residential Cluster District, of 3.456 acres. Ihis acreage allows 20 mits to be constructed on the site under RC density (6 units/buildable acre). Thus, if the project were proposed under the RC Distlict in the Town, we would allow 20 units naxinun on the site. The County woul.d allow 19. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Departnrent of Comunity Developnent two dwelling tmits requested. We feel unCer the Tounr s regulations. continues to reconnend denial of the there exists no right to these units 1. I o MEI,IORAI'IDUM T0l Planning and Environnental Commission FRoM: Departnent of Conmunity Development/Peter Patten DATE: May 6, 1981 RE: Request for a plan arnendment under Ordinance 13, Series of 19Bt for Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club to re-design the parking and landscaping layout and to add two additional dwellirrg unj-ts- ,BACKGROUND OF REQUEST Under Ordinance 13, Series of 1981, a nunber of projects (the Swim and Tennis Club includerl) already given approvals by Eagle County were accepted by the Town -as per those approvals. Provisibns for revi-sions to the approved plans were included in this ordinance. Any changes of a significant nature will require Planning and Environ- mental Comtrission approval, and of coulse, Design Review Board acceptance. The Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis C liub is requesting to re-design the parking areas according to the Townts parking requirenents, thus eliminating areas of asphalt and increasing green space. Ttrey also request the addj-tion of two dwelling units to be used as-employee housing for an indefinite period of time, and then sold off as condoniniums. EXPLANATION OF ORDINANCE 13 The projects under Qr:dinance 13 rriere zoned Residential Cluster for "arty zoning purpose beyond ihe Eagle County Comrnissioners I airprovals.r' This would relate to changes irr devel opilent standarcls other than density controls and would guide such changes according to the general RC guidel.ines. Ordj-nance 13 zoned all of the pl'operties listed in it as per Eagle County approval--not. according to I{C density regulations' which would give all these projects an additic'nal I/?- uni-t per acre. This was not the intent of ordinance 13, and we want to make it clear that the Ordinance does not give any additi-onal density rights to any of the pr:ojects under its juriscliction. TTIE PROPOSAI, r . Ierarls-I]!.ll-Bsri::et The Iiagle Connty' approval included 2.5 parl<-ing place-s pel uni.t f:or a total of 67 spa."s, not inclucling thc '20 spaces provi.ded for: ttre Sr'rim :rn d Tenn-ls Cl.ub itsclf - The reyision, necting I'or';n reqi.rirentents, pr:ovi.des '17 spac.es and adtlil'.ional laitclscaped arca. The ret'lsion also cl inirrates a 4 space pa:lr.ing al:ea wcst- of the northclr 1.enl:i-s coul t, acl'css the creek from the dwcl l -i.ng rttri'i-l, . 2. Additional. turi.ts 'Ihe applicant rr'j-shes to add tr,Io units to Bullding C. 'l'hc proposal appears to bc an attiactive architect-trraI propo.sal atld actrial Ly inplovcs t.lrc: appcararrce of ti'raI sttu(:ture, 'fhc proltosal js to nraintain tlrcsc ulits as rcntlrl aPartlnclllt..s for: atr uit- specif icd lurnb cr of ycar:s and thetr to sell thcln as conclolti in ittns , Swirn and Tennis Club - 2 - MaY 6, 1981r-o , STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS i 1. Parking Plan Revision the staff feels this is a definite improvement ovex the previously approved plan. One of the policies within the Design Review Board is to ninimize the amount of asphalt on developnent proposals and this proposal acconplishes that objective. We recomrnend "pptouui of the Vail Intermountain Swin and Tennis Club parking plan revision t+ith the following conditions: a. As per the parking requirement in the Zoning Code, all lots of 10 or more sPaces include sone interior landscaping. (This can be handled at Design Review Board.) b. Because the Swin and Tennis Club parking is being reduced from 20 to 16 spaces, a joint agreenent be worked out so that if nore than 16 spaces are needed at one time, the overflow parking can be accorsnodated withj.n the condoniniuuts I sPaces . 2. Addition of Units The staff recomnends approval of the additional two units only if they renain as designated employee uniis for 20 yeats, as other enployee units within the Town are so rlquired. -ltle feel that the granting of addj-tional uni.ts without such a restriction amounts to a density bonus or unit "giveaway" situation whi.ch may benefit the enployee housing problem for an insignificant period of tine- o PLAI.IN ING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSIOI{ AGENDA 2:00 p.n.May 26, 1981 l. Approval of Minutes of May 11, 1981 meeting. 2. A request for arnendments to an approved development plan under 0rdinance No. 13, Series of 1981, to buiLd two additional units at the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums, and to redesign parking and landscaping of Lots 7 and 8, Block 4, Vail Intemountain Subdivision. Applicant: Vail Interrnountain Swin and Tennis Club Condoniniuns. 3. Request for two side'setback variances for the Storey/Oglesby residence located onLot 15, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing to construct twoadditions to the resi- dence. Applicants: Charles P. Storey and Enslie Oglesby, Jr. 4. A request for approval of Special Developnent District 1f and the vacation of lotlines thereof for an area of Highland lleadows Subdivision, Filing No. 1, Lots 26 through 42. Applicant: Sun Tech Builders, Inc. 5. Request for a conditional use permit under Section 18.24.030 C of the Town of VaiI zoning code, to operate a beauty shop on the street leve1 of the Golden Peak House.Applicant: Karl Hoevelmann. 6. Continuance of an application for exterior alteration or modification in Conmercial. Core I, to a1low an office building t. be constrcucted on the 2nd and 3rd levelsof the al1ey between the Plaza and Casino Buildings, leaving the stneet level openfor pedestrian traffic. Applicant: Panela Te11een. 7. Request for arnendnents to the density control section of the zoning code that the second unit sha1l not exceed 4O% of the total Gross Residential Floor Area(currently thi,s figure is 33 7/3%) allowed on the lot in the P/S residential distric.Also, lots in the residential district containing less than 15,000 square feet ofsite area shal1 not have a second unit exceed 40% of the toal GRFA allowed on thelot. In addition, lots in the residential district with developnent proposals wherelthe average slope benea.th the structure and parking area is in excess of 30e, shallnot have a secondary unit exceed 40% of the total GRFA allorrred on the lot. These changes would result in a new 60/40 allocation of GRFA wherever the 66/33 allocationpresently is in effect. Applicant: Peter Patten, Town of Vail . 8. A request for anendnents to Sections 18.I2.090 and 18.15.080 concerning the process and criteria for granting exceptions to the density control regulations in theResidential and Primary/Secondary Zone Districts for lots of less than 15,000 square so that these lots may receive a secorrdary unit for employee housing use.Applicant: Peter Patten, Town of Vai1. t'? BY-LAWS OF VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN SWIM AND TENNIS CLUB CONDOMINIUT{ ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I Obj ec t l. The purpose for which this non-profit Corporation is formed is to govern that condominium Droperty situated in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, known as the VaiI Inter- mountain Swim and Tennis CIub Condominiums; such property has been submitted to the provisions of the Condomi.nium Ownership Act of the State of Colorado by recorded Condominium Declaration 2. Al1 present or future owners, tenants and any other persons who might use such property in any manner are subiect to the regulations set forth j-n these B1z-Laws. Acquisition of a fee or leasehotd inLerest in or the mere occupancy of any of the condominium units of the project, hereinafter referred to as the "units", shall constitute ratification and acceptance of these By-Laws and an agreement to comply herewith. ARTTCLE II $embership, Voting, Quorum. Proxies I. Ivlembership. Membership in this Association, except for membeF6hf!-Ti-the first eoaid of Directors, shall be limited to record owners of the condominium units and subject to the Condominium Declaration. One membership in the Associ-ation shall be issued to the record owner of each condominium unit. The record owners of aL1 condominium units collectively shall con- st j.tute all the members. In the event any such unit is owned by two or more persons, whether by joint tenancy, tenancy in common, or ot,herwise, bhe membership as to such condominium unit shall be joint and a single membership for such unit shal, l be issued in the names of all the ovrners, and they shall designate to the Association in writing at the time of issuance, one person who shall hold the membership a:-rd have the power to vote said membership. No membership shall be issued eo any other person or persons except. as they may be issued in substj.tution for outst,anding memberships assigneC to new record owners of condomini-um uni. ts - 2. yg!.3g. Each member being present in person or by proxy shafll-Except as rnay be provided in the Condominium Declaration, be entitled E,o one vote for each condomini-um unit owned by said member. Cumulative voting is prohibited. 3. Quorum. The presence either in person or by proxy of at leasE-TlTty-one per cent (5It) of the metnbers of record shalI constitute a quorum of the Associ-ation for all purposes unless the representation of a larger group shall be required by law, by Ehe Arti-cles of IncorPoration, or by these By-Laws, ancl in that event represenEation of the number so required shall constitute a quorum. 4, Proxies. Votes may be cast in person or by proxy. Proxies m[st-Ue fi].ed with the Secretary beiore the appointed time of each meetins. I 'fr ARTTCLE III Adrnini s tration 1. General. The owners of the units wi.ll- constitute cheVail InteE6[nEEin Swim and Tennis CIub Condominium Association,hereinafter referred to as "AssociaCion", who will have the re-sponsibility of administering the project through a Board ofDirectors as herein provided. 2. PLace of t'leeE,ing. t.{eetings of the Association shall be heLd aE suEF- place-Es the Board of Directors nay determine. 3. Annual {gg!l!gg. The first annual meeting of theAssociati.on-E;fT-Ee-Efa on any day during the month ofJanuary, 1980. Thereafter, the annual meetings of the Associa- tion shalL be held on the first Tuesday in January after January 1, or at such other time as the Association may by majority vote approve. At such meeting, there shall be elected a Board ofDirectors in accordance with the requirements set forth herein. The Associ,ation may also transact such other business of the Associatj-on as may properly come before it. 4., Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Associationfor any purpose or purposes other than those regulated by statute roay be called for by the President as directed by resolution of the Board of Dj-rectors, or upon a petition signed by a majority of the members of the Association. Such petition shall state the purpose or purposes of such proposed meei,ing. No business sha1l be transacted at a special meeting except as stated in the notice thereof unless by consent of three-fourths (3/4) of theAssociation members present, e j.ther j.n person or by proxy. 5. Not.ice qI__{gg!_ig_:. The President or Secretary shal)-give or c@tice of the time, place, and purpose of holding each annual or special meeting by mailing or hand delivering such notice at least ten (10) days but not more thantwenty (20) days prior to such meeting co each Association member at the respective addresses of said members as they appear on the records of the Association. 6. Adjourned Meetings. If the number of Association members necessary to constitute a quorum shall fail to attend in person or by proxy at the time and place of meeting, the Chairman of the meeting, or a ma jorj.ty in interest of the Associat.ion members present in person or by proxy, may adjourn the meeting fromtime to time until the necessary number of Associat j-on members shall be in att.endance. At any adjourned meeti-ng at which a quorum shall be present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the origi.nal meeting- '1 -. Waiver of Notice. Any member may at, any time waive any notice reAEred-to-Ee given under these By-Laws, or by statute or otherwise, and the presence of a member in person at any meeting of the members shall be deemed such a waiver. ARTICLE IV Board of Directors 1. Number and Qualificat.ion, (a) The affairs of this Association shalI be governed by a Board of Director:s consisEing of not less than three nor more than five members of the Association; provided, however, that the following persons shalL act in such capaciEy for the first year of its existence, or until their successors are elected: T. Charles Ogilby Stanleigh lI . Cole Edmund H. Drager, Jr. -2-'i' (b) where a rnember of the Association elected to the Board of Directors is ot,her than a natural person, ic shall designate one of ics officers, principals, partners or alJents to perform its duties as one of the members of the Board of Directors. (c) Members of the initial Board of Directors need not be members of the AssociaE,ion. 2. Powers and Dutibs. The Board of Directors shall have the powerffissarv for the administratj-on of the affairs of the Association, and may do all such acts and things as are not by Law or by these By-Laws direct.ed to be exercised and done by the members. The powers of the Board of Directors shall incLude, but' not. be limited to, all of the rights and duties of the Board of Directors as set forLh elsewhere in these By-Laws and t.he Articles of lncorporation, and in t.he Declaration app).icable to the property described in the Declara- tion and in Articl.e II above, and shall also include the power to promulgate such rules and regulations pertaining to such rights and duties as may be deemed Proper and which are consistenb with the foregoing. The Board of Direcl.ors may delegate such duties as appear in the best interests of the Association and to Lhe extent permitted by law. The Board of Directors may, on contract, deJ.egate the routine operation and management of Che Association af f a j-rs to a Managj.ng Agent to be selected by the Board of Directors. Such Managing Agent shall be responsible to the Board of Directors, and shall submi t a comprehensi-ve report on his activities at each annual- meeting. 3- Election and Terrn of office. The term of the Directors named in E on shall be until the first annual membership meeti-ng or until Lheir successors are duly chosen and qualify. Their successors shall be elected at the first annual meeting of t.he members of Lhe Association after the sale of all units in the prcject. A new Board of Directors shall be elected b1r the members at each rec;ular annual meeting there- after and each Director shall hold office for a term of one year or until a successor shall be elecced and shall qualify except as hereinaf t.er otherwise provided. The number of Directors may be altered from time to tine by che accion of a majoricy of the member:s of the Association at any reEular or special meeting called for such purpose. In Lhe evenL of any increase in the number of Directors in advance of the annual meeting, each addi- tion.rl Dircctor sha.l-I be elecbecl by chc t.h.in Boal:d of Di::ectors and hold office until his successor is eLected and shalL qualify. 4. vacancr-es. vacancies on the goard of Directors caused by any reason- snaTl be filled cy vote of the majority of the re- maini-ng Direct.ors even though they may consist. of less than a quorum and each menrber so elected shall be a Director until his successor is c)uly e.Lected by the members of the Association at the next annual meeting or special nreeting callcd for such purpose. 5. Removal of DirecLors. At a;ry reguler or special meeting offiny one or more of ihe Directors may be removed wiEh or wiLhout cause at any cime by the affirmative vobe of seventv-five per cenL (75e.) of the entire membership of record anci a successr..rr IIldY then be elected co f i11 t.he vacarlc)/ Li'rus created. Arll' Director whc,se rentoval has been proposcci by the mernbers of the l\s:jociat-ion sl'ralI bc given an opport.unity to be irearcl at tho nlcc l-incj. 6. ComPcnsation. No cornf)ensa t ion shalI be paid tci Directors f oFEtGTi--erviccs as Dircctors. Nr> remuneration -3- shalL be paid to a Director for services performed by him for the Associacion in any other capacicy, unless a resolutionauthorizing such remuneration shall have been adopted by Ehe Board of Directors before the services are underEaken. 7. Organization [leetinl. The f irs.t, meeting of a newly elected Board of Directors shall bc held within thirt.y (30) days of electj.on at such time and place as shall be fixed at the meetings at which such Directors were elected, and no noEice shal-l be necessary to the nervly elected Directors in order legaJ.Iy to constiLute such meeting, providing a majority of the whole Board shall be presenc. 8. Regular l*!eetinqs. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors may be held ac such time and place as shall be deter- mined, from time to time, by a ma'iority of the Directors, but at least one meeting shall be held during each fiscal year. Notice of regular meet,ings of the Board of Directors shall begiven to each Director, personally or: by mail, telephone or telegraph, at least ten days prior to the day named for the meeting. 9. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors mat-5e-ATTed--5y Ehe PresidenE on ten days' notj.ce to each Director, given personally or by mail' telephone or tele- graph. which notice shall state the time and place and purpose of the meeting. Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be caLled by the President or Secretary in like manner and on like notice on the wrj.tten request of at least. fifty per cent(50t) of the Directors, 10. Waiver of Notice. Before or at any meeting of the Board of ol-rEEEorE,-a.n7 oirector: may, in writ.ingr waive notice of such meeting and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to the givi-ng of such notice. Attendance by a Director at any meeting of the board shal.L be a waiver of notice by him of the time and place thereof. If all the Directors are Present at any meeting of the Board, no notice shall be required and any business may be transacted at such meeting. 11. Quorum. A r,ra jority of the Br-rard of Directors shall constitue.-51[orum for the transaction of business, buc if at any meeting of the Boar:d there be less than a quorum present, a majority of ehose present may adjourn the meeti-ng from time to time. L2. Adjournments. The Board of Dir:ectors may adjourn any meeting fronr day to day or for such oLher lime as may be prudent or necessary in Lhe interest of the Associationr pFo- vidcd that no meetj-ng may be adjourned for a geriod longer than thirry i30) days. 13. Fidelity Bonds- The Board of DirecEors ma!' require that all ;ffEeri ana-mployees of the Associ.ation hancling or responsible for Association fur''cls furnish adequate fidelity bonds. The preniuins on such bonds shall be paid by the Associa- ti-on. ARTICLE V Of f icers I. Desiqnation. Thc crincipal officers of the Associat.ion shall Ue f-F?ZllEcii, a SccreLarv anc.l a Treasurer, all of whom shall be elect.ecl by and f rcnt t-hc ljo;rrcl of Dircctors. The Directors nav aopoinL an Assist'..1nt Secretar.v and an Assistant Trcasurcr, and sucir other ol-f iccr. s .rs in Lheir j uclgment may be necessary. -1- -:&,. 2. Election of officers. shalr tre @trreorganization meeting of each new at the pfeasure of Lhe Board. The officers of the Association Board of Direclors, at the Board, and shall hold offi.ce Removal of officers, Upon an affirmative vote of LhG members of the Board of Directors, any officer may be removed, either with or without cause, and his successor elected at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors, or aE any special meeting of b.he Board called for such purpose. 4. President. The President shall be the chief executive officer oE-TtrE-al?ociation. He shalI preside at all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors. He shall have all of the general powers and duties which are normally vested in the office of the president of a corporation, including but not limited to Lhe power to appoint cornnittees from among the members from time to Eime as he may, in his discretion, decide is appropriaLe to assist ln the conduct of lhe affairs of Lhe As sociation. 5. Secretarl. The Secretary shalI keep the minutes of aII med€Tffi-5F the members; he shall have the custody of the SeaI of the Association; he shall have charge of the membership books and such other books and papers as the Board of Directors may direct; and he shall, in general, perform aII the duties incident to the office of Secretary. 6. Treasurer. The Treasurer shaII have the responsibility for AssocGEld-fTnds and securities and shall be responsible for keeping fuII and accurate records of all receipts and Cis- bursements in books belonging to the Association. He shall be responsible for the deposit of aII moneys and other valuable effects in the name, and to the credit, of Lhe Assocj"ation in such depositories as may from time to time be designated by the Board of Directors. 7. Compensation. No compensation shal-I be paid to officers for their-EE?iices as officers. No remuneration shall be paid to an officer for services performed by him:or the Association in any other capacity, unless a resolution authorizing such rernuneration shaII have been adopted by the Eoard of Directors before the services are undertaken. ARTICLE VI fndemnification of Officers and Directors The Association shall indemnify every Director or offj-cer' his heirs, execut.ors, adminisLrators, and rePresentatives agiainst alI 1oss, costs and expenses, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred by him in connection with any action, suit, or pro- ceeding to which he may be made a party by reason of his being or having been a Director or of f icer: of the .Association, except as Eo macrers as to which he shalf be finally adjudged in such action, suit, or Proceedincl to be liable for sross ncqIigence or willfully misconduct. rn che event of a setclement, indemnifi- cation shal. I be providecl only in connection with such matters covered by the settlemenc as to which Ehe Association is advised by counsel that the person to be indemnifieC has not been guilty oi gross negliqence or willful misconclucL in Che perf orniance of h j.s duty as sucir nianager or: of f icer: in relation to the matter invol,ve d. The foregoing ric;hts shaII not be exclusive of other rights t.o which such ntanager or officer: rnay ce entitled. All Liability, Ioss, damage, costs anci expense incurred or Suffered by the Aisociation by rcason or aris16c1 out of or in connection -5- Hich the foregoing indemnificat,ion provi.sions shaII be treat.ed and handLed by'bhe Association as common expenses; provided, however, that noEhing in this Arcicle VI conlained shall be deemeJ to obligaLe the Association co indemnify any member or or,rner of a condominium unit,, who is or has been a director or officer of the Association, wit.h respect to any duties or obligations assumed or liabilities incur:red by him under and by virtue of Ehe Condominium Declaration as a member or owner of a condominium uniE. covered thereby. ARTTCLE VII Powers, Ri The Association 1.. The Associati-on and its members shall have al} the Powers, rights, duLies and obligations set forth in the Articles of Incorporation for the Association, these By-Laws, rules and regulations pursuant thereto, the Condominium Declaration, and as any of the same may be duly adopted or anended. No transfers of r-nembership in the Association shall be made excePt as provided herein and no such transfer shall be made uPon the books of the Association within ten (f0) days next preceding the annual meeting of the .Association. 2. The members of the Association and Board of Directors 'or each of them, shall have the express authorization, right and power to enter into one or more management agreemenLs with third parties in order to facili-tate efficient operation of the common elements, inc).uding the real property described in Article II above. It shall be the primary purpose of such management, agreements to provide for the adrninistration, manage- ment, repair and maintenance of sai-d ProPerty, all improvements thereon designated as project common elements, and the roofs and exterior waLls of the residence units. 3. The terms of said management agreements shall be as determined by the Board of Directors to be in the best interests of the AssociaEj-on, and shall be subjecE to the Articles of Incorporabion, these By-Laws and the Declaration. ARTICLE VIII Corporate Seal 1. The Board of Directors shall provide a suitable corporate seal containing the name of the Association, which seaL shall be in the custody and control of the Secretary. 2. The corporate seal sha]I be in ciicular form, shall have inscribed thereon the name of the Associat.ion and the word "Colorado" in the circle and the word "SeaL" in the middle. If and when so di-rected by the Board of Directors, a duplicate seal may be kept and used by such officer or other person as the Board of Directors shalI name. ARTICLE IX Misce l laneous 1. Books and Accounts. Books and accounts of the Associa- tion shal@e direction of the Treasurer and in accordance wiEh Ehe reasonable standards of accounting pro- cedure and prudence. ) books and At the closing of each fiscal year, the of the Association shall be audited by a hts and Duties of I,lembers The reof -5- certified public accountant, whose report will be prepared andcertified. Based upon such reports by the Association will have .lvailable for inspection by its menrbers a stat.emenb, ofthe income and disbursements of the Assoc:-ation for eachfiscal year. 3. Inspection of Books.required to be furnished, andAssociation shall be availabl-eAssociation for inspection at Financial reoort.s, such as are the membership records of theat the principal offices of che reasonable times by any merflbers. 4. Execrrtion of Association Documents. I'lith the prior aut.hori-za 1 notes, chetks and contraces or other obligations shall be executed on behalf of ehe Association by anv Ewo officers of Lhe Association. 5. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Association shall be determfitd--Ey tEA Boarcl of oiretcors should Associationpractice subsequenEly necessit.ate such change. ARTTCLE X Arnendment of By-taws I. Amendment by the l'lembers. These By-Laws may be amended by the af f irmat.ive vot.e of three-fourths (3/4t of the rnembers of the Association present. or representeci by proxy at any regular or special meeting, provided that a guorum as prescribed in Article III herein, is present at any such meeting. Amendments may be proposed by the Board of Direct.ors or peEition signed by ac least fifty-one per cent (5IB) of the mernbers. A state- mene of any proposed amendment shall accompany the notice of any regular or special meeting at which such proposed aneni,ment shall be voted upon. These By-Laws may not be amended insofar as such admendment would be inconsistenE with the recordei re- strictions of the property. ARTICLE XI Obligalions of the Owners I. Assessments. Exceot as is otherwise provided in the Condominiilm-SEETEracion, ali owners shalt le oLtigated to -oaythe assessments imposed by che Associat.ion to mee'.. the cornmon expenses and direct e:<penses of the Associaiion. The assess- ments shaIl, except as pro.zicied in ehe Condoninium Declaration with respect to insurance grerniums anC Cirer:t exPenses, be made pro rata according to the floor area ratio of each uniL to(1) the floor area of all unics i-n Ehe individual builcing in the case of general conmon elements and (21 to the floor area of all units within the project existing at the time such assess- ment shall be due in tire case of projecc ccilmon elenents; in all cases, loft floor areas above five feet in height shall be added to the basic floor area of each unit. Assessrnents sha1l be due in advance on t.he first rlay of each ncnth, or otherv'ise as nay be deternrined by the Board of Directors anC the Col'rio:iriniurn Declar:at. j-on, Contributions f or assessmcnr-s shal-1 be pro;:a cec i; the ownership of a condominiunt unit conr;ncl)ce s on a day ocher than the first day of ehe assessment peritd. r\ ntember shal-l- be Ceemed to be in gooC stanCing anci entitl':d to vote at any annual or at a special meeting oi mernbers, r.;ichin the meaning of these By-Laws, if, and only if, he shall have fuLly paid all assessmenE,s made or levieci againsb hin and the ccndcnti-nium unit owned by him- 2. Mainte'n.rnce ancl llepai:- (a) Every owncr nust per:f orm prolnptly at his own expcnse all mai.nhenance ancl rc1-rair work wit.l)in his own unit. I -7- An owner shall not do an act or any work that will inpair ehe structural soundness or integr:ity of the building or impair any easemen t. or hc redi tanen t. (b) AIl the repairs of int.ernal installaEions of the unit such as r.rater, 1:-c_Jhr, 9JS, power, sewage, telephone, sanitary installacions, doors, windows, e).ecLricaI fixtures, applicances and equipnrent installed withj-n che unit commencing at a point at which t,he ucility Iines, pipes, wires, conduits or systems (wh j.ch for brev j.ty are hereafter referred to as "utilities") enEer the unit, shall be at the owner's expense. Ucility fixturcs and apJ,l j-ances (bu e not Iines, piPes, wires, condu j.ts, or sysLems) which at:e noc located within a unit vhich exist for che purpose of pro,.ridj-ng ueility service only for one unit shalf be malntained ancl kepL in repair by the owner of that unit. (c) An owner shall be obli<;ated to reimburse the Association promptly upon receipt of its statement for any expendiEures incurred by it in repairing or replacing any general or limited comnon element damaged by his negligence or by the negligence of his tenants, invitees, or agents. 3: General. Each owner shatl comply strj.ctly with the provisionE-EF-eEe recorded Conc'lonriniun Declaration. Each owner shal1 always endeavor to observe and promote the cooperative purposes for the accomplishment of which this condominiun project is built- Use of Units - fnternal Changes. (a) AlI units shalI be utilized for resident-iaI purposes only, except as otherwise provioed in the Declaration. (b) An orvner shall not nake structural rnoCif ications or a1 terations to his unit or installat.ions locabed therei-n without the writcen approval of the Iloard r:f Directors. The Board. of Directors shall De notified in writing of the intencied modifications through the Presiclent of the ioard of Directors. 5. Right of Entrv. An owner shali ai..i does grant the right of e-ncry cc tre .-t.lnaging Lgent cr 3oa:,d of Directors of the association, to have access to l"ris unit. f rom time to tirne during reasonable hours as may be necessar:' for Lhe rnaintenance, ::epair or repl.1cene11t o'. anv c: the general common eLements lherein accessible theref rc::r' or for maki:rE emergenc!' repair therein necessar)' to i)re!'erlE damage to the general common elcments or to anoLher u;rit cr units- Da;nage to the interior or any part of a unit as a-result of such entry thereof shall be a common expense of al-l of the owners' Provided, howe'.'er, that if such entry, restrlti;rg in Can'.ac-'e, was made necessarv as a resLllC of the negliEence or malfeasance of the unit owner, then such unie owner shall be responsible for all of such damage. ARTICLD XII Conve)rance s and Encuntbrances Corporate proi)erty may be convel'ecl or encurnbered by authoriLy of the I-]oarcl of Di::cccors ol: sucL- other Person or po...,ns to whom sucn authori t.,v malu i-re dq lsrlated by res.)lutlon of the Board. Conve)'allces o): cltcunti.;r;iilccs :lllJIi bc blz in- strument executed by thc I'rcsident' ;ind i:7 i:ile Secretary or the Treasurer or an irssistant :;ecl:e Litrl/ Cr i'.ssistant 'lrcasurer, or executed by such oliler pcrson or persoll:i Lo whom such authority may be c.l e I c ci .-r t r-: ci by thc IJo:tt-c - -B- t IN !{ITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set thelr hands thls day of , r979. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: t.tFarles Ogilby Stanleigh H. CoIe KNOW ALL MEN BV ?HESE PRESENTS: That the undersigned Secretary of the Corporation does hereby certify that the above and foregoing By-Laws were duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said Corporation as the By-Laws of said Corgoratj-on on the day of , L979, and that they do fr6il6nsti tute@rporaLion . DATED: Secretary -9- --4----: r'/J,-^J-n r-r, J,t-1'd-' t. 2--P-tt+ 41q6r I' S,tttpac.fi'ass /,bo " /-*/tl Zo,13Q o),- ZO J./ sA a'c , /2*-;l, tuL an'eo Y h f'ZC /tz.s, Et,'**ld't'5 ,'l r2.u A / t? so'tqi i:z -- llsg t1,s so 6 &too1 -Z,J{?{, fftt # t7/ I go J<rz s { Q/'7 {i '217-4 o = /'Cb act^e-c ' Wt Arzzn 3 ilf,t\"r,,, 2c7ts{fr r* Uz'lgr-'CZ a --T4,rf< /?LOu.rZ $ urrrQT eo-.{,, e o,4 {?r lttr 7f .s:-.,;-14 t",*/ t i' r? .< O*< .'/ 'v" . ) rJ a G Eaolr c@uNT' Dlpartment of Planningpl o. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 8163 TELEPHONE 303/328-731 BOARD OF COUNTY , coMMrssroNERS Ext 241 ADMINISThATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E550R Ext 2O2 AUILOING IN I NSPECTI O N Exl 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDEB Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl 242 ENGlNEER Ext 236 ENVlRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ert247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle Ext 252vrit 476-5844 PLANNING Exl226 or ?29 PURCHA5I NG / vel opment Chuck 09'i1 bY Box 820 Vai'1, Colorado 81657 23 March 1979 Re: Fi'le No. Su-3-79-P Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club At their regular meeting on 21 .March 1979, the Eagle-loynty piu"ning cofoiss;on rec6mmended approval of your preliminary bii. ,,iir,-ihe condition that_prior.to-a bui'tding permit for briiajng 5, arrangements will be fina]jzed with the County io*iitins'the deieloper to provide an attached footbridge across Gore Creek. This reconrnendation will be presented to the Board of coun'uy C"rrfliir;"rs at their spec'ii1 meeting on 28 l'larch beginning ii-giOO n.f.f. jn the County Commjssioners l4eeting Room #103' 550 BroadwaY, Eag'le, Co'lorado- If you have any questions, p'l ease contact this office' t' #'f9l Fif'-?l'lXH'oP,4E NT - (l^,,n EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731 | BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSE5SOR Ext 202 AUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & R ECO R DER Ext 21 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl 242 ENG I NEER Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXT ENSIO N AGENT Exl 247 LI BRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea gle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Exl 226 ot ?29 PU RC HASI NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIOGE Erl 257 sHERIFF Eaole Ext 2l I Ba;alt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7'5 75 | SOCTAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Exl 201 April 2, 1979 Chuck 09ilby P.0. Box 820 Vail, Co. 81657 RE: File No. Su-3-79-P - Vail Intermountain Swim & Tennis Club At their meeting on 28 March 1979, the Board of County Commissioners aFproved your Prel'iminary p'lan with the condition that the final plat state that no further subdivision (interval ownerships) will be allowed for this proiect. If you have any questions, Please contact this office' J'**%:,*n Susan Vaughn a/ Pl anner sv/i k cc: Board of CountY Cormiss'ioners t' ' 'BAcxl,ulto LaNo Sun P.O. Bor 6l{- Fricco, Co. 80.148 808 066€730 o VEYS Licensed L.S. Alaska Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah IsRCrr 23, 1981 ICPiDI OF \AII, PIANNIIG GIO{ISSICI{ c/o !!R. CHm GIIXtr 2938 SCUIII TBCNXAGE ROaD \tAg.,, @ImADO 8l-657 ISDIES ADID GETiIT.,EMEN; TIIIS LETM IS 10 CERnITY $Ntr UtE IT'XAI, ECREEGE OF PARCE^S NA'" AtiID 'B' AS SIS6I CSI TIIE E:IXNCHED LML DEICRIPITON END PIAT IS IN IBCT 5.U5 TCFES N{SEAD @ 4.382 ACRES AS CAI,LED OI}T IN A PREIIICI'S trffiT, DESCRIPIION. YCURS r![trt, P-( s"-(Ll RrctBRD A. BACKLInD, L.S. I a' OKtG"r'+c ,ptco4leer ICQ'x- PARCELS A & B A IRACT OF LAitD BEING A PORTIOII OF VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DFVTLOPMFI'IT SUBDIVISION BLOCK 4 AS FILID IX BOOK 2I8 AT PAGI 82, UNDER RFCEPTIOI{ NO ' 113672 III TH! OFFICT tJF IHI- iAGLE CI)UIITY CLiRK T1'10 RICORDTR, AND A PARCIlL LYING SOUIH OF ITI]LRSTA]i. HIGHWAY 70 AND NORTH OF SAID VAIL INTIRMOUNTAJII DFVILOPI4iIII'SUBDI- VISION BLOCK 4. SAID TRAC] BIING I4ORE PARIICULARLY DTSCRIBi.D AS FOLLOWS: BEGIiINING AT THI II(JRTHi.ASI COKIIi-R OF LOT 2 Iii SAID VAIL INTiRMOUI{TAIII DLVELOPMTNI SUBDIVISIOII BLOCK 4, IHFiICF S 62''26'IO" t'I ALOIIG THF NORTHFIiLY LINT OF SAID SUBDIVISIOii A DISI'AIICi OF 493.0C FiTl IO THT NORTHTAST CORNTR 0F LOT 8 0F SAID Stls:lVISlOil; lHi-ilcf s 3l'r0'06' t ALONG THt EASTTRLY LINF 0F SAID LOT 8 A DIS.jAilCi 0F 48.24 F|EI; THFtlCl ALONG THt TASTERLY LINE 0F SAID LOT 7 FOR THL FOLLOI,IING II,I(J COURSTS: i) s 85"00'02" c, A DISIAIICT 0F 115.35 FiiI; 2) S 27"35i 00" l A DISlAilci 0l' Ic5.00 Fl:T T() A P0llll 0F INTERSFCTI0II' I,|lITH THF NOKTH:RLY KIGHI-T)F-I.IAY LINF OF KIiINIKIITICK ROAD, A PLATT!.0 5O FOOT i.IIDF IiIGI{T-OF-IJAY IiI SAID VAIL Ii{TiRI4OUiITAIII DFVILOPMI.NT SUBDIVISI0Ni r IHENCL: ALIJNG SAID NOTiIHLRLY RIGHI-r)F-.bJAY LINE F{)R THt FOLLT)I'JIIIG FIVF COURSFS: I ) 95.38 FitT AL0llG THL ARC tjF A CURVi T0 THI-. RIGHT, HAVItIG A RADIUS 0F 2i8.65 TFFT AiID A CHORD I,IHICH BEARS 89O49'38'' ''I A DISTA}ICE OF 94.63 F;, IT. ?) lf 77"4C'2l" li A DISTANC| 0F 62.77 FELrI 3) 208.?6 ANGL t FIJII ALOIIG THI ARC OT A CURVF TO TH5 LEFT, HAVIiIG A CINTIiAL 0F 28'.l4'20" AND A RADILIS 0F 4?2.55 FEIT: 4) S 74"05'19" t,,l A DISTAIICE 0r i0.76 FiFI; 5) 59.33 FEET AL0llG THC ARC 0F A CURVT T0 THF RIGHT, HAVIIIG A CENTRAL ANGLT OF 66"43'II" AND A F.A:IUS OF 50.95 FFET; THINCE N 39'II'30" I,I A DIS]A|ICI 0F 23I.2I FTET TO A POINT OF INTF.RSECTION l|lITH THE SOUTHTRLY tlIGHT-OF-','IAY LINT OF SAID INTERSTATI, HIGHI^IAY 70; THTNCF IASTTRLY ALONG SAID SOUIHIRLY RIGHT-OF-I'IAY LINE OF INTIRSTATF HIGHll|AY 70 FOR THE FOLLOWING THRiE COUK.SES: r) N 58"11'06" E A DISIANCE 0F 296.24 Firr; 2) N 59"]0109" E A DISTANCE 0F 290.30 Fttr; THTNCE I67.88 FiET ALOIIG THE ANGLF OF 03O35'2I'', A RADIUS N 62"58'50" I A DISTANCF OF 268.89 FEET TO THI POINT OF ARC OF A VURV|' TO THF (JF 2680.00 FIET AND A |67.86 FLET; THEIICE 8T-GINNING, CONTAINI RIGHT, HAVING A CENTRAL CHORD NHICH BEARS I, RICHARD A. COLORADO, DO AND UNDER MY MY KNOI"ILEDGE. BACKLUND, BEING A REGISTERED LAIID SURVEYOR IN THE STATF OF HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS LEGAL D5SCRIPTION t"lAS l,lRITTEN BY ME SUPERVISION AI.ID THAT IT IS TRUE AND ACCURATI TO THE BEST OF AND BEL I EF A DISTATICE OF MORE OR LFSS. .s.:?f r.2,t5-r/r i7,ig [' DAT E 3728 tI f?e,',seo Le4.u PARCELS A & 8 A TRACT OF LAIID BEING A PORTION OF VAIL INTERMOUIITAIN DEVELOPNEIIT SUBDIVISION.BLOCK 4 AS FILED IN BOOK 2]8 AT PAGE 82, UNDER RECEPTIOI{ IIO. II3672 III THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUIITY CLERK AIID RECORDER, AND A PARCTL LYING SOUTH OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 70 AND NORTH OF SAID VAIL INTERMOUI'ITAIN DEVELOPMEIIT SUBDI- VISION BLOCK 4. SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOI.JS: BEGIIINIIIG AT THE IIORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2 IH SAID VAIL IIITER}.IOUNTAIT{ DEVILOPI4ENT SUBDIVISIO|.T BLOCK 4. THTNCE S 62"26'IOU t.| ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISIOII A DISTANCE OF 493.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER 0F LOT I0F SAID SI,BDMSION; THENCE S 31"'10'06" E AL0NG THE EASTERLY LIIiE 0F SAID LOT 8 A DISTAIICE 0F 48.24 FEET; THENCE AL0NG THE EASTERLY LINE 0F SAID LOT 7 FOR THE FOLLOWING TI.JO COURSES: 1) S 85o00r02" E A DISTANCE 0F .l.|5.35 FEFI; 2) S 27o35'00" E A DISTANCE 0F 105.00 FEFI T0 A PoINT 0F INTERSECTIoII I,IITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF KINIIIKIIIICK ROAD, A PLATTED 50 FOOT I.IIDE RIGIIT-OF-UAY IN SAID VAIL INTERMOUI.ITAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE FOR THE FOLLOWING SIX COURSES: t) 95.38 FEil AL0NG THt ARC 0F A CURVE T0 THE RIGHT, HAVIIIG A csirr{AJ, }'l'lcxll oF 24"5gr41", A RADIUS OF 218.65 FERI AltD A otoFD h.llrcH BEARS s 89"49'39" A DISTA},]CE OF 94.63 Ftrgl; 2) n 77"40'.21" H A DISTANCE 0F 62.77 FEET; 3) 208.26 FEET ALol.lG THE ARC OF A CURVE T0 THE LEFT, |IAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28"14120" AND A RADIUS OF 422.55 FEET; 4) S 74o05'19', t.J A DISTAI'ICE 0F '10.76 FEET; 5) 59.33 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT,.HAVII{G A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 66"43I'II" AND A RADIUS OF 50.95 FEET; 6) N 39"llt30" lrl A DISTANCE 0F 23].21 FEET T0 A P0INT 0F INTERSECTION l.lITH THT SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID INTERSTATE HIGHHAY 70; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-I.IAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 70 FOR THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES: l) N 58"11'06" E A DISTANCE 0F 296.24 FEEri THENCE I67.88 FE T ALONG THE ANGLE 0F 03o35'2.l", A RADIUS N 62O58'50'' E A DISTANCE OF 268.89 FEET TO THE POINT OF 2) N 59"10109" E A DISTANCE 0F 290.30 FEETi A URVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A CENTRAL OF 2680.00 FEET AND CH BEARS ARC OF 167.86 FEET; THEIIC BEGINNING, CONTAI I, RICHARD A. BACKLUND, BEII'IG A REGISTERED LAI]D SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS LEGAL OESCRIPTION I.IAS WRITTEN BY I'IE AND UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THAT IT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE EEST OF A DISTANCE OF MORE OR LESS. MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. .9*lr.q.n 6z'/L / 2!- 'q 7 8: DATE COLORA *''...{;;-# 39"ll'30'l ING 5.It6 ACRE RN/ISED DECBIBER 2T, 1919 3728 wE-/ 1 .la'. CONDOMTNIUM DECTARATION FOR VATL INTERMOI'NTAIN SWIT'i AT.TD TENNTS CLUB CONDOMINIT'MS KNO?[ AI',L MEN BY THESE PRESETTS, thAt I{HEREAS, T. Charles Ogilby and Stanleigh H. Cole'(hereinafter called "Declarant") are the owners of real estate situated in the County of Eagle, state of Colorado (herein- after callecl the "subject land") as is more fuLly described in Exhibit 'A' attached hereto WEEREAS' Declarant desires to establish a condominiurn project under and pursuant to the Condominiun Ownership Act of the State of Colorado, as amended; and ITEEREAS' Declarant does hereby establish a plan for the ownership of separate fee simple estates consisting of the area of space contained in each of the units in the building improve- ment, and the co-ownership by the individual and separate owners thereof, as tenants in common, of certain of the remaining real and personal property hereinafter defined and referred to as the general conrmon elements, and the ownership by an association of such owners of certain other real and personal Property' herein- after defined and referred to as the project conmon elements; NOW THEREFORE' Declarant does hereby publish and d'eclare that the following terms, covenants' conditions, easements, restrictions' uses. Iimitations and obligations shall be deemed to run with the land, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarantr their successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property and i:nprovenentsr their successors, grantees, heirsr executors, administragors r devisees and assigns. 1. Definitions. Unless the context shall expressly provide otherwise-E6-6fowing definitions shall apply: (a) "Condominium Unit" means an individual airspace unit together ririth the interest in the general and unlirnited conmon elements aPPurtenant to such unit. (b) 'Oqtner" means a person, firm, corporation,partnership, association or other legal entity' or any cornbination thereof, owning one or more condominium units. (c) "Project common Elements" means and includes property of any kind owned by the Association of Unit O[irners, as hereinafter defined' and used or reserved for the common use of the mernbers of such Association and their guestst such property may i.nclude' by way of illustration and without linitation on the generality of the foregoing' vacant land, parking areasr recreational facilities, yards, gardens, sidewalks or pathsl driveways' barbecue and picnic areas' eguipment, roaterialsr or other property and easements and rights necessary or convenient thereto. (d) "General common Elements" me.rns and includes all of the following not defined above as project corulon elements: _"..1+: ,r (1) The land on which a building is loeated; (2) The foundations, columns, girders, beams, supports, main walls, roofs, stairs, sidewalks and driveways of the building; (3) The installations of central servicesincluding hrater, heating and utilities and in general ,all apparatus, equipment and materials existing for conmon use incidental to a building; and (4) AII other parts of the Property and easements and rights necessary or convenient to a building's existence, mainlenance and safety' or normally in connon use. (e) "Limited Comrnon Elements" me€rns those Parts of the general comrnon elements reserved for the exclusive useof the owner of a condominiurn unit. (f) "Entire Premises": rPremises", 'Project" or 'Property' means and includes the land, buildings' all lmprovements and structures thereon, and all rights' easenents and appurtenances belonging thereto. (S) "Condominium Project" means all of the land and inprovements initially and subsequently submitted to this Declaration. (h) 'Cottunon Expenses" means and includes: (f) AIl sums lawfully assessed against the general courmon elements or the project cornmon elementsi ex- penses of administration and management' maintenance,repair or replacement of the general conmon elementsor the project cornmon elements; and expenses declared cotrtrnon expenses by the unit owners. (2) Direct Expenses: "Direct expenses" shal1 srean and include those expenses paid by the Condominium Association which are calculated or determined by the number or size of units and are dS.rectly attributable or allocable to each unit, such as trash removal'' management, qraler and/or sevter. Such direct exPensesshall be bitled or assessed directly to each owner with conrmon expenses and be a part of the assessment. (i) 'Association of Unit ownersn or "Association" me€urs the Vail Intermountain Swin and lennis Club Condo- minium Association' a Colorado non-profit corporation' the Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws of which shall govern the administration of this condominium project' and the mernbers of which shalt be all of the owners of the condorninium units of this condominiun project. (j) "Map" or "Plans' means and includes tbe engineering survey of the land Locating thereon aII of the imProvements, the floor and elevation plans and any other drawi-ng or diagrammatic plan depicting a Part of or all of the irnprove- ments. (k) "Building" means a building improvement comPrising a part of the property. i 2. Condominium llap. The tlaP shall be filed for record prior to Effiyance of any condominium unit. sush trap shall consist of and-set forth (1) the.legal descriPtion -2- . ii. Wffi, of the surface of the land, together with designation of and aeparate legal descriptions of any project common elements and general common elementsi (2) the linear measurements and loca- Lion, with reference to the exterior boundaries of the 1and, of the buitding and aII other improvements built or to be built on said land by Declarant; (3) floor Plans and elevation plans of the building built. or to be built thereon showing the location, the unit designation and the linear dimensions of each unit, and the designation of the linited conmon elements;(4) the elevations of the'unfinished interior surfaces of the floors and ceilings, and the linear measurements showing the thickness of the peri.rneter walls. The Map shatl contain a certificate of registered architect or Licensed professional engineer certifying that the llap theretofore filed, or the amended Map or Map filed simultan- eously therewith, fully and accurately depicts the layout' neasurements and location of all of the improvementsr any project conrmon elements and general cormnon elements' the unit designations., and the dimensions of such units and the elevations of the floors and ceilings. In interpreting the Map the existing physical boundaries of eactr unit as constructed shall be conclusively presumed to be its boundaries. Declarant reserves the right to amend the Map, frorn tine to time, to conform same to the actual physical location of the. constructed improvements and to any changes, modifications or aLterations. Declarant reserves the right to file said uap in one or more documents and add additional property to said project by amendment to this Declaration and the filing of a supplemented Map. 3. Division of ProPerty Into Condorniliu{n Units- The real property iucted thereon are hereby divided into the following fee sirnple estates3 The real prcperty described in Exhibit "A' and the inprovements thereon are hereby divided into the fee simple eslates described on Exhibit "B' hereto. Each such estate shall consist of the seParately designated aPartment units, the undivided percentage interest in and to the general conunon elements appurtenant to each unit, and the limited common ele- ments, if lny, appurtenant to each unit, as is set forth therein. Declarant reserves the right to (i) Physically combine the space within one unit Itith the sPace within one or more adjoining units; (ii) to combine a Part of or combination of paits of the space within one unit with part or Parts of the ipa"e within one or more adjoining units; and (iii) to divide iirto separate units the sPace of one unit- The aggregate of divided and undivided interests in the general conmon elements resulting therefrom shall be reflected by ao amendment to Exhibit '8" hereof and to the l'laP. unit and and the shall be devised 4. InseParability of a Condorni{rium Unit. - Each the undivftidl-IiEerest-in Lhe general contmoD elemencs lirnitecl common elements, if any, apPurtenant thereto inseparable and may be conveyed, leased, ensumbered, or inherited only as a condominium unit. 5. DescriPtion of.g.Condominium Unit. Every deedr'leaser mortgager trusu a nt maY legallY aesciiUe a condominium unit by its identifying unit number, followed by Vail Intermountain Swirn and Tenais CIub Condominiums with furthlr reference to the recorded Declaration and MaP. -3- Every such description shall be deemed good and sufficient for all purposes to convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise affectthe general common elements and the limited cornmon elements reEerved for use with such condominium unit, and also to conveythe right of ingress and ellress to and from said unit and thelfutited cotnmon elements adjacent thereto. 6. Separate Assessment and Taxation - Notice to Assessor. Declarant Assessor of the creation of condominium ornetihip of thisproperty, as is provided by law, so that each unit and its appurtenant undivided interest in the general common elementsshall be deemed a separate parcel and subject to separate assessment and taxation, as shall be the project conmon elements. 7. Title. A condominium unit may be held and owned by urore thanFne person as joint tenants or as tenants in common,or in any real property tenancy relationship recognized under the laws of Colorado. 8. Nonpartitionability of General Common Elenents. Thegeneral c of the ouners of the units and shall remain undivided, and no owner shall bring any action for partition or division of the general conmon elements. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a limitation of the right of partition of a condominium unit between the owners thereof, but such partition shall not affect any other condominium unit. 9. Use of General and Limited Conmon Elements. Each owner shall be sion of his unit. Each owner has the exclusive possession of his unit. Each orrner has the exclusive right, to use the limited conunon elements appurtenant to his unit. Each owner may use the general conmon elenents and the project conmon elements in accordance with the purpbses for which any such elements are intended without hindering or.encroaching upon the lawful tights of the other owners. 10. Use and Occupancy. All units shall be used and occupiedprincipa1@1purposesbytheowner,bytheowner.s fanily or the ownerr s guests and tenants. ' Declarant and its employees, representatives' agents' and contractors may maintain a business and sales office, construction facilities and yards, model units and otherfacilities required during the construction and sales period. 11. Eas€ments for Encroachments. If any Portion of the general c fter encroaches uPon a condominium unit or unitsl or upon the project comon elementst a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of same, so long as it stands, shall and does exist. If any portion of a unit nord or hereafter encroaclres uPon the general common elements, the project common elements or upon.an adjoining unit or un:-ts, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of same, so long as it stands, shall and does exist. If any portion of the project common elenents no\t or hereafter encroaches upon a condominium unit or units, or upon the general common elements, a valid easement for the encroach- ment and for the maintenance of sEtme' so long as it stands, shall and does exist. l.or title or other PurPoses' such encroachrnents and easements shall not be considered or determined to be encumbrances either on the 'general cornmon elenents or the condominium units Declarant hereby specifically limits use of the conmon areas ad,jacent to and underlying Gore Creek to fishing o . I,:r1{r: by use of fly rods and flies only and further reguires that allfish caught while fisbing on conrmon areas shall be released andreturned to Gore Creek. A11 persons while fishing on said cotnmon area adjacent to or underlying Gore Creek shall inaddition comply with all laws, rules and regulations of the Colorado Department of Wildlife. This covenant may be enforced by Declarant' the members of t,he Association or any member ofthe public. Declarant has on behalf of the Association entered intoa contract with the Intermountain Swim Club for membership rights which shall be conveyed with each condominium unit and which shall run with each unit and not severable. Pursuant tosaid contract,. the Association is obligated to make monthly or periodic membership payments which are and shall be assessed as a part of comrnon expenses. In the event said Intermountain Swim CIub shall be acquired by a statutory recreation district,the owners of the units, through the Association, sha1l beobligated to purchase passes for the use of swimming and tennisfacilities. L2. Termination of Mechanic's Lien Riqhts and fndemnifica- tion. Sub ed on the Map, no labor performed or materials furnished and incor-porated in a unit with the consent or at the reguest of the owner thereof or his agent or his contractor or subcontractor shall be the basis for filing of a lien against the unit of any other olrner not expressly consenting to or reguesting the same' or against the general common elements owned by such other owners' agents or the project common elements. Each owner shall indemnify and hold harmless each of the other owners and the Association from and against all liability arising from the claim of any lien against the unit of any other ovrner or against the general common elenents or the project conmon elements for construction performed or for labor, material , services.or other products incorporated in or othendise attributable to the ohmer's cond.o- minium unit at such orrrnerrs request. 13. Administration and l4anaqement. The administration and managemen shall be governed by the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominium Association' a non-profit Colorado corporation hereinafter referred to as the "Association". An owner of a condominium unit, upon becoming an ovtner' shall be a member of the Association and shall remain a member for theperiod of his ownership. . No person shall be a rnember unless heis an olvner. An exclusive Agent for the operation and management of this condominium project may be appointed by the Association. 14. Reservation For Access-Maintenance, Repair and nmergenci t, _to5e exeiE-sed by the Managing Agent or Board of Directors of the Associationr to have access to each unit from time to time during reasonable hours as may be necessary for the inspection, maintenance, repair or replacement of any of the general conmon elements therein necessary to prevent damage t,o the general or limitecl cornmon elements or to another unit or units. Damage to the interior of any part of a unit resulting from the maintenancer. repair, etnergency repair or repLacement of any of the general common elements or as a result of emergency repairs within another unit at the instance of the Association shall be a common expense of all of the ownersi provided, how- ever, that if such damage is the result of the negligence of a unit owner, then such unit owner shall be responsible for aII of such damage. Restoration of the damaged improvements shall be to substantially the same condition as that of such improve- ments prior to the damage. .'...i*l 15. Ordnersr llaintenance Responsibilitv of Unit. For Purposes of maintenance, repair, alteration and remodelinge Bn owner shall be deemed to o\'.rn the windows, doors, interior non-supporting walls, the materials (such as but not lirnited to Plaster, gypsum dry walls, paneling, wallpaper, brick, stone,paint, wall and floor tile, and flooring, but not including thesubflooring) making up the finished surfaees of the perimeter na1ls, ceilings and floors within the unit and the unit doors and vrindoes. The owner shall not be deemed to own anyutil-ities running through his unit which serve more than oneunit except as a tenant in common with the other owners. Suchright to repaj-r, alter and remodel shall carry the obligation toreplace any finishing materials removed with sirnilar or other types or kinds of finishing materials of equal or better quality. An ovmer shall maintain and keep the interior, includingthe fixtures, of his own unit in good taste and repair. A11 fixtures and equipmenL installed within the unit conmencing ata point where the utility 1ines, pipes, wires, conduits or systems (which for brevity are hereafter referred to as "utilities")enter the unit shall be maintained and kept in repair by the ohrner thereof . An ovmer shall do no act nor any work that will impair the structural soundness or integrity of the building or i-mpair any easement or hereditament. 15. Compliance With Provisions of Declaration and By-Laws. Each owner shall comply strictly vrith the provisions of this Declaration, the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Association, and the decisions and resolutions of the Association adopted pursuant thereto as the same may be lawfutly amended from time to time. Failure to so comply shall be grounds for an action to recover sums due and for damages or injunctive relief or bothr maintainable by the Managing Agent or Board of Directors in the narne of the Association on behalf of the owners or, in a proper case, by an aggrieved owner. L7. Revocation or Amendment to Declaration. This Declaration shall not sions herein be amended. unless sixty-six and two-thirds Percent (66-2/32) or more of the owners (based on aggregate ownership in the project measured by one vote for each unit) and all of the holders of any recorded mortgages or deeds of trust covering or affecting any or all condominium units unanimously consent and agree to such revocation or amendment by instrument(s) duly recorded; however, the percentage of the undivided interest in the general common elements appurtenant to each unit' as exPressed in this Declaration, sha1l have a permanent character and shall not be altered without the consent of all of the condominium unit owners as expressed in a duly recorded amendment to this Declaration. Nothing herein shall be construed to restrict or otherwise effect Declarantrs rights to.enlarge this project Pursuant to Paragraph 29 hereof. f8. Assessment For Conmon Exgngee. A11 owners shall be obligated bY the Board of Direc- tors of the Association to meet the common expenses and other direct expenses. The assessments shall be based on a Pro rata allocation of common expenses according to each owner's fractional or percentage interest in and to the general comon elenents, together with any and all direct expenses attributable to the unit. Assessments for the common expenses, including insurance and direct expenses attributable to the unit, shall be payable at such time and in such manner as the Board of Directors of the Association may from time to time direct. ' Contribution for periodic installrnents shall be pro- rated if the ownership of a condominium unit commences on a day I -5- other than the first day of the assessment period. The assessments made for conrmon expenses and direct expenses attributab-Ie to the units shall be based upon the aggregate cash requirements which the Board of Directors ofthe Association shall from time to time determine are necessaryto provide for the payment of all estimated expenses growwng out of or connected with the administration, operation and maintenance of the condominium project, including the common elements, which expenses will include, but will not necessarilybe limiUed to, taxes and special assessments not separately assessedi premiums for fire insurance with extended coverage, vandalj-sm and malicious mischief endorsements attached, issuedin the amount of the maximum replacement value of all of the cond.ominium units (including surfaces of perimeter walls,floors and ceilingsi doors, windows and other elements ormaterials comprising a part of the urits) t casualty and public liability and other insurance premiums; landscaping and careof grounds, maintenance, repairs and renovationsi trash collec-tions; wages; water chargest legal and accounting fees; manage- ment fees, expenses and liabilities incurred by the managing fro-agent or Board of Directors under or by deficit remaining from -7 a previous period; the creation of a reasonable contingency ss Jtat-ra'^ other reserve or surplus funds; and costs and expenses relating 4!asolely to the cornmon elements. The omission or failure of the Board of Directors to fix the assessment for any month shall not be deemed a waiver, modification, or a release of the ovrners from their obligation to pay such assessment. The Board of Directors may not make an assessment for capital expenditures for an improvement or addition to the conrmon elements in excess of $25,000.00 without the approval of the owners of seventy five per cent (75*) or more of the general cotnmon elements . 19. lnsurance. The Managing Agent or Board of Directors shall obtiE-and nraintain at all times insurance of the type and kind provided hereinabove, and protecting for such other risksr of a similar or dissimilar nature, as are or shall hereafter customariJ.y be covered with respect to other apartment or condominiun buildings, similar project common elements,fixturesr equipment and personal property similar in construction' design and use, issued by responsible insurance companies author- ized to do business in the State of Colorado. The basic fire and extended coverage insurance on condominium units and thegeneral conmon elements insurance shall be carried in the blanketpolicy form naming the Association as the insured' which policy or policies shall identify the interest of each condominium unit owner and which shall provide for a standard, non-contributory mortgagee clause in favor of each first mortgagee, and shall further provide that it cannot be cancelled by either the insured or the insurance company until after ten days' prior written notice to each first mortgagee. The llanaging Agent or Board of Directors shall-, upon request of any first mortgagee, furnish a certified copy of such blanket policy and the separate certifi- cate identifying the interest of the mortgagor. AII policies of insurance shal1 provide that the insurance thereunder shall be invalidated or suspended only in respec! to the interest of any particular owner guilty of a breach of warranty, act, ornission, negligence or non-compliance with any provisions of such policy, including payment of the insurance premium applicable to that owner's interest, or who permits or fails to prevent the happening of any event, whether occurri.ng before or after a loss, which under the provisions of such policy would otherwise invalidate or suspend the entire Policy, but the insurance under any such policfr ds to the interests of all other insured owners not guilty of any such act or omission, ' ?:gq shall not be invalidated or suspended and shall remain in full force and effect. Determination of maximum replacement valueof all condominium units for insurance purPoses shall be made annually by one or more written appraisals, copies of which shall be furnished forthwith to each mortgagee of a condominium unit.In addition, each owner shall be notified of such appraisals. For Assessments. .AlI owners shall be obtigated to pay the estimated assessments imposed by the Board of Directors or Managing Agent of the Association to rneet the cornmon expenses and direct exPenses. ExcePt for direct expenses' which shall be biIled directly on a unit basis' the assessments shall be made Pro rata against the owners of each unit based on the raEio of floor area of such unit to (1) the floor area of all units in the individual buildingr in the case of expenses for general conmon elements and (2) to the floor area of all units within the project existing at the time such assessment sha11 be due, in the case of exPenses for project conmon elemencs; in all cases loft arear @ .T!."-o 4ead-*i:ft#y shall be added to the floor area ot each unit. - 'L Assessments for the estimated conmon exPenses, inclu- ding insurance, shall be due monthly in advance on the first day of each rnonthr and shall draw interest at eighteen Per cent (183) per annum if not paid within fourteen (f4) days of such due date. The Managing Agent or Board of Directors shall pre- pare and deliver or mail to each ohlner an itemized guarterly itatement showing such ownerr s share of actual expenses for common expenses, including laxes and assessments with resPect to project common elements, and also itemizing accumulations for esti-rnated future expenses. Contributions for monthly assess- ments shall be prorated if the ownership of a condominiun unit commences on a day other than the first day of a rnonth. Any first mortgagee' upon reguest, shall be given written notice by the Association or Managing Agent at any time its urortgagor fails to pay any such assessment within fourteen (L4) days of the due date. No oetner may exemPt himself from liability for his contribution towards the common expenses or swim and tennis club palzments by waiver of the use or enjoyment of any of the general common elements or project cornmon elements, or by abandonment of his unit. 2L. Lien For Nonpayment of Common Expenses. All sums assessedbut unpai ;:s cEargeable to any condominium unit, including interest, shall constitute a lien thereon superior (prior) to all other liens and encumbrances except: (a) Tax and special assessmettt Liens in favor of any assessing uniti and (b) All sums unpaid on a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record, inclrrding all unpaid obligatory sums as may be provided by such encumbrance, and including additional advances made thereon prior to the arising of such a lien. To evidence such a lien the Board of Directors or Managing Agent may, but shall not, be requi.red, to PrePare a written notice setting forth the amount of such unpaid indebted- ness, the name of the owner of the condominiurn unit and a de- scription of the condominium unit. Such a notice shall be signed by one of the Board of Directors or by the ltanaging Agent and rnay be recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Such lien for the common expenses shall attach from the date of the failure of payment -8- o of the assessment, and may be enforced by foreclosure on the defaulting owner's condominium unit by the Association in like manner as foreclosure on a mortgage or deed of trust on real Property. In any such foreclosure, the owner shall be reguired to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings' the costs and expenses for filing the notice or claim of lien and all reasonable attorneyrs fees. The owner shall also be required to pay the .Association a reasonabLe rental- for the condominium unit during the period of forecl-osure, and the Association shall be entitled to a receiver to collect the same. The Association shall have the power to bid in the condominium unit at foreclosure sale and to acguire and hold, lease, mortgage and convey same. The amount of the conmon exPenses assessed against each condominium unit shall also be a debt of the owner thereof at the time the assessment is made. Suit to recover a money judg- ment for unpaid common exPenses shall be maintainable without foreclosing or waiving the Lien securing same. Any encumbrancer holding a lien on a condominium unit may pay any unpaid common expenses payable with resPect to such unit, and upon such payment such encumbrancer shall have a lien on such unit for the amounts paid of the same rank as the lien of his encumbrance. 22. Liabilitv For common Expense Upon Transfer of Condo- ninium Un tw-dEfffi dollars ($25.00) and upon the wrigten reguest of any orJner or any mortgagee or Prospective mortgagee of a condominium unit, lhe Association, by its Managing Agent or Board of Directors, shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid cornmon expenses, if any, with respect to the subject unit, the amount of the current rnonthly assLssment and the date such assessment becomes due, any credit for advance payments or for prepaid items, including but not limited to insurance premiums and such statement shall be con- clusive uPon the Association in favor of all persons who rely thereon in good faith. If such slatement of indebtedness is not issued within ten (10) days of the request, all unpaid common expenses with respect to the subject unit due prior t,o the date of such request shall be subordinate to the lien of the person reguesting such statement. ' The grantee of a unit shal-I be jointly and severally liable with the grantor for all unpaid assessments against the latter for his proportionate share of the common expenses uP to tbe lime of the grant or conveyance' without prejudiee to the grantee's right to recover from the grantor the amounts paid by the grantee therefor; provided, however, that uPon payment of a-reasonable fee not to exceed fifteen dollars (S15.00), and upon written reguest, any prospective glrantee shall be entitled to a statement from the Managing Agent or Board of Directors, setting forth the amount of the unpaid assessments' if any' with respecl to the subject unil, the amount of the current rnonthly asslssment and the date that such assessment becomes duer any credit for advanced payments or for prepaid itemsr including but not lilited to insuranee premiums, and such Statement shall be conclusive upon the Association. If suctr statement of indebted- ness is not issuedwitttin ten (I0) days of such reguestr then such grantee shalt not be tiable for, nor shall the unit conveyed be subject to liens for any assessments against the subject unit unptia at the date of the request. The provision of this para- grlph shall not apply upon the initial transfer of condominium units by Declarant. 23. Mortgaging a CondoTinium U+it - Prioritv. Any owner shall hav mortgage or encumber his interest by deed of trust, mortgage or other security in- sCrunent. a first mortgage shall be one which has first and I -9- parErmount priority under applicable lar^t. The owner of a condo- minium unit may create junior mortgages on the following conditions: (a) Any such junior mortgages shall always be sub- ordinate to alL of the terms, conditions, covenants, restrictions, uses, limitations, obligations, liens for cornmon expenses, and other obligations created by this Declaration, the Certificate of Incorporation and the By-La!.rst and (b) The nortgagee under any junior mortgage shaLl release, for the purpose of restoration of any improvements upon the mortgaged premises, all of his right' title and interest, in and to the proceeds under all insurance policies upon said premises which insurance policies were effected and placed upon the mortgaged premises by the Association. Such release shall be furnished forthwith by a junior mortgagee upon written request of the Assocj-ation. 24. Association as Attornev-In-Fact- This Declaration hereby ma Pointment of an attorney-in-fact to deal with the property upon its destruction or obsolescence . Tit1e to any condominium unit hereunder shall be expressly subject to the terms and condj-tions hereof, and acceptance by any grantee of a deed from the Declarant or from any owner shall effect appointment of the attorney-in-fact herein provided. Atl of the owners irrevocably constitute and appoint Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominium Association, a Colorado non-profit corporation, their true and lawful attorneyj-n their name, place and stead for the Purpose of dealing with the property upon it,s destruction or obsolescence as is hereafter provided- As attorney-in-fact, the Association' by its presi- dent, shall have full and complete authorization, right and power to rnaker execute and deliver any contract, deed or any other instrument necessary or appropriate to exercise the power herein granted with respect to the interest of any condominium unit ovrner. Repair and reconstruction of the improvements as used in the sUcceeding subparagraphs means restoring any such improvements to a condition substantially the same as prior to the damage, rvith each unit and the general and limited common elements having the same vertical and horizontal boundaries as before- The proceeds of any insurance collected shall be available to the Association for the purpose of repair, restoration or replace- ments unless the owners of the building affected and all affected first mortgagees agree not to rebuild in accordance with the provisions set forth hereinafter. (a) In the event of destruction due to fire or other disaster' the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to recon- struct the improvements, shall be applied by the Association' as attorney-in-fact, to such reconstruction and the improvemenls shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed. The Association shall have full authority, right and powert as attorney-in-fact, to cause the repair and restoration of the improvements. (b) If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair or reconstruct the improvements, and if such darnage rendered not more than one-haIf (L/2) of the previously existing units destroyed or seriously danaged' upon the unanimous approval or consent of every first mortgagee affected, such damage or destruction shall be promptly repaired and reconst.ructed by the Association' as acLorney- in-fact, using the proceeds of insurance and the proceeds of an assessment to be made against all of the affected -10- a onners and their condominium units. Such deficiency assessment shall be a common exPense and made pro rata according to floor area ratios in the manner provided herein above in paragraph 20, and shall be due and payable $rithin thirty days after written notice thereof. The Association shall have the authority to cause the repair or resgoration of the improvements usinq all of the insur- ance proceeds for such purpose notwithstanding the failure of an owner to pay the assessment. The assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of each owner and a lien on his condominium unit and may be enforced and collected as is provided in Paragraph 21. In addition thereto' the Associa- tion, as attorney-in-factr shall have the absolute right and power to selI the condominium unit of any owner refusing or failing to pay such deficiency assessment vtithin the time provided, and if not so Paid, the Association shal1 cause to be recorded a notice chat the condominium unit of the delinquent owner shatl be sold by the Association. The proceeds derived from the sale of such condominium unit shall be used and disbursed by the Association' as attorney- in-fact' in following order: (f) For payment of the bal-ance of the lien of any first mortgage; (2') For liens in favor (3) For (4) For in the order payment of tax and special assessment of any assessing entitY; palzment of unpaid common expensesi palment of junior liens and encumbrances of and to the extent of their priority; and (5) The balance remaining, if any, shall be paid to the prior condominium unit owner. (c) If more than one-ha1f lL/2) of the previously existing units in a building are destroyed or seriously damaged, and if the owners of one-half (L/2) of the units, or more, do not voluntarily, within one hundred (f00) days thereafter, make provisions for reconstruction' such plan must have the unanimous approval or consent of every affected first mortgagee, the Association shall forthwith record a notice setting forth such fact or facts, and upon the recording of such notice by the Association's presi- dent, the entire remaining premises shal1 be sold by the Association, as attorney-in-fact for all of the owners, free and clear of the provisions contained in this Declaration, the l'lap and the By-La$ts. The insurance settlement proceeds shall be collected by the Association' and such proceeds shall be divided by the Association according to eaCh unit owner's inlerest (as such interest aPPears on the policy or policies), and such divided pibceeds shall te paia into a segarate account representing Lach condominium unit. Each such account shall be in the name of the Association, and shall be further identified by the number of the unit and the name of the owner' From each separate account' the Association' as attorney- in-fact, strall use and disburse the total amount of each of such funds, without contribution from one account to another, toward the partial or futl payment of the lien of any first mortgagl against the condominiurn unit represented by suln separate account. There shalL be added to each such account the apportioned amount of the proceeds derived from the sale of the entj-re proPerty. Such apportionment shall be based upon floor area ratios as piovided in paragraph 20. The total funds of each account in"tt be used and disbursed, without contribution from one -11- account to another by the Association' as atgorney-in-fact, for the same purposes and in the same order as provided in Subparagraphs (b) (f) through (5) of this Paragraph. If the owners of one-half (L/2) of the affected units' or more' adopt a plan for reconstruction, which plan has the unanimous approval of all first mortgagees, then all of the owners shall be bound by the terms and other provisions of such plan. Any assessment made in connection with such ptan shall be a common expense and made pro rata according to floor area ratios as provi-ded in Paragraph 20 and shall be due and payable as provided by the terms of such p1an, but not sooner than thirty (30) days after written notice thereof. The Association shall have the authority to cause the repair or restoration of the improvement using all of the insurance proceeds for such purpose notwithstanding the failure of an owner to pay the assessment. The assessment provided for herein sha1l be a debt of each owner and a lien on his condominium unit and may be enforced and collected as is provided in Paragraph 21. In addition thereto' the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall have the absolute right and power to sell the condominium unit of any oerner refusing or failing to pay such assessment within the timeprovided; and j-f not so paid' the Association shall cause to be recorded a notice that the condominium unit of the delinquent owner sha11 be sold by the Association. The proceeds derived from the sale of such condominium unit shall be used and disbursed by the Associationr as attorney- in-fact, for the sane purposes and in the sanne order as provided in Subparagraphs (b) (1) through (5) of this Para- graph. (d) Owners of three quarters (3/4i or more of the units affected, upon the unanimous approval or consent of all affected first mortgagees' may ac:ree that the general conrmon elements of the property "t. e6srtlete and that the sanne should be renewed or reconstructed.. In such instance, then the expense thereof shall be payabn-e by all of the ohrners of such general common elements ;3s common expenses i provided, however, that any owner not a€rreeing to such renewal or reconstruction may give written notice to the Association that such unit shall be purchased by the Association for the fair market vakre thereof- If such owner and the Association can agrer? on the fair market value thereof, then such sale shaell be consunmated within thirty days thereafter. If the ;oarties are unable to agree, the date when either Party nocifies ttre other that he or it. is unable to agree with tihe other shall be the "commencing date" from which all peniods of time mentioned herein shall be measured. Within len (I0) days following the comrnencing date, eacih party shaIl nominate an appraiser in writing, and shall giwe notice of such nomination to the other Partyt any such appraiser shall be a realtor and qualified to make appraisals of condominium and similar property in Eagle county' C,olorado. If either party fails to make such nomination, thie appraiser nominated shall, within five (5) days after defatnl,t by the other Party, appoint and associate with him another :similarly qualified appraiser. If the two appraisers desig:rated by the Parties, or selected pursuant hereto in the evem.tr of the default' of one party, are unable to agree, they shrall appoint another similarly qualified appraiser to be arb:trator between them, if t.hey can agree on such person. If cley are unable to agree upon such arbitrator' then the mal:-ter shall be settled pursuant to the rules of the Am,:rican Arbitration Association. The decision of the appga:isers as to the fair market, value, or in the case of their d:isagreement' then such decision of the arbitrator shall b,e final and binding. -L2- The expenses and fees of such appraisers or arbitrator or both shatl be borne egually by the Association and the owner. The sale shall be consummated within fifteen (15) days thereafter, and the Associationr as attorney-in-fact, shall disburse such proceeds as is provided in Subparagraphs (b) (1) througrh (5) of this Paragraph. (e) Owners of three quarters of the affected units may agree that the general conmon elements of the property are obsolete and that the same should be sold. Such agree- ment must have the unanimous approval of every affected first mortgagee. In such instdnc€r the Association sha1l forthwith record a notlce setting forth such facts, and upon the recording of such notlce by the Association's president, the entire affected premises shall be sold by the Association, as attorney-i-n-fact for all of the affected owners, free and clei'r of the provisions contained in this Declarationr the Map and the By-Laets. The sales proceeds sha1l be apportioned between such owners on the basis of each owner's percentage interest in the general cornmon el-ements, and such apportioned proceeds shalL be paid into separate accounts representing each condominium unit. Each such account shall be in the name of the Assoeiationr and shall be further identified by the number of the unit and the name of the owner. From each separate account, the Associationr as attorney-in-fact, shall use and disburse the total amount of such accounts, without contribution from one account to another, for the same purposes and in the same order as is provided in Subpara- SIaphs (b) (1) through (5) of this Paragraph. 25. Personal ProPerty For Commo Elements. anY condominium 61,t, oeclarant shall execute and deliver a bill of sale to the Associationr transferring all items of personal property Io- cated on the entire premises and furnished by Declarant' which property is intended for the common use and enjoyment of the condorninium unit owners and occupants. The Association shall hold title to such property for the use and enjoyment of the condominium unit ovtners and occupants. No owner shall have any other interest or right thereto and all such right and interest shall absolutely terminate upon the owner3s termination of ownership of his condominium unit. No later than simultaneously with the first conveyance of any condominium unit, Declarant shall execute and deliver proper inst.ruments to conwey the project common elements to the Association. The Association sha1l hold title lo such property for the use and enjoyment of the condominium unit owners ind occupants. No owner shall have any other interest or ri-ght thereto lnd all such right and interest shall absolutely terminate upon the owner's termination of ownership of his condominium unit. the project corunon elements shall be managed by the Association or ils designated Managing Agent and all management decisions with respect thereto shall be made by the Association or its designated Marngirq Agent provided, however, that policy decisions with resepct to and general specifications of any facility costing twenty-five thousand dollars (S25,000-00) or more and to be constructed on the project conmon elernents shall be submitted to the owners and shall be decided by majority vote with the owner of each unit having voting strength proportional to the ratio of the surface area of his unit, including lofts above five feet in head height only, to the total surface area of the units existing at the time of such voie. Costs and expenses, taxes and assessments, insurance proceeds, sale pro- ceeds, and other proceeds with respect to the Project cornnon elements shall be apportioned betsween the owners on the basis hereinabove provided. -l3- 26. Mailing of Notices. A11 notices, demands or olher notices intended to be served upon an owner shall be sent by ordinary or certified mail.r postage prepaid, addressed in the name of such ovrner in care of the unit number and building address of such owner. A11 notices, demands or other notices intended to be served upon the Managing Agent or Lhe Board of Directors of the Association shall be sent by ordinary or certi-fied mail, postage prepaid, to Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis club condominium Association at P.o. Box 820, vail, colorado 81657 Any first mortgagee, upon reguest, shall be entitled to notice from the Association or l'lanaging Agent under the same circumstances as its mortgagor. 27. Arbitra . ExcePt as otherw &ersy or claim arising out of or relating to this Declaratj.on, or the breach therec'f' shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any Court having jurisdiction thereof. 28. Period of Condominium Ownership. The seParate condomini aration and the Map shall continue'until this Declaration is revoked pursuant to Paragraph 17 of this Declaration or until terminated pursuant to Sub- paragraphs (c) and (e) of Paragraph 27 of thj-s Declaration. 29. Reservation to Enlarge Condominium Pro'iect. (a) Declarant expressly reserves the right to enl-arge this condominium projeci, by constructing additional condo- minium buildings and other improvements on separate real property which units may from time to time be submitted to this condominium project by a duly recorded supplement to this Declaration and by a suppl-ement to the Map filed for record. (b) In form and substdnc€r any such suppl-ement to this Declaration shall provide for the division of such additional real property and improvements into condominium units in form substantially si-milar to that of this Dec- laration. Each unit shall be identified by number, and each . buiLding shall be identified by a symbol or designation dissimilar to any other buil-ding under this Declaration and the Map. The undivided interests in and to the general coflrmon elements appurtenant to each such unit shall not be a part of the general conrmon elements of the condominium units descri-bed in and initially created by this Declara- tion and the Map, provided' however. that project comnon elements may be created for the use and benefit of all owners j-n the project. The undivided interests in the gen- eral common elements shall have a Permanent character and shall not be altered without the consent of all of the condominium unit owners affected, which agreement shall be expressed in a duly recorded Amendment to this Declaral--ion- (c) Except as is provided in Paraqraphs 3 and 4 of this Declaration, all of the provisions contained in this Declaration shall be applicable to such additional condo- minium units. corunon expenses of such additional units shall be separately assessed, and a}l insurance policies shall cover only such additional condominium units' excePt as may be convenient with respect to project corunon elements. (d) Referring to Paragraplir 27 of this Declaration relating to destruction and obsolescence and Paragraph 31 relating to condemnation, only the owners and first I -L4- 26. Mailing of Notices. A11 notices, demands or other notices intended to be served upon an owner shall be sent by ordinary or cert,ified mail, postage prepaid' addressed in the name of such owner in care of the unit number and buiLding address of such owner. AlI notices, demands or other notices intended to be served upon the Managing Agent or the Board of Directors of the Association shall be sent by ordinary or certi-fied mail, postage prepaid, to Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominium Association at P.O. Box 820, Vail' Colorado 8I557. Any first mortgagee, upon reguest, shall be entj,tled to notice from the Association or t'lanaging Agent under the same circumstances as its mortgagor. 27. Arbitra . Except as otherw arising out of or relating to chis Declaration, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment uPon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any Court having jurisdiction thereof. 28. Period of Condominium ownership. The seParate condomini ration and the Map shall continue until this Declaration is revoked pursuant to Paragraph 17 of this Declaration or until terminated pursuant to Sub- paragraphs (c) and (e) of Paragraph 27 of this Declaration. 29. Reservation to Enlarge Condominium Pro'iect. (a) Declarant expressly reserves the right to enlarge this condominium project by constructing additional condo- minium buildings and other improvements on separate real property which units may from time to time be submitted to this condominium project by a duly recorded supplement. to this Declaration and by a supplement to the llap filed for record. (b) In form and substance, any suclr suPplement to this Declaration shall provide for the division of such additional real property and improvements into condominium units in form substantially sirnilar to that of this Dec- laration. Each unit shall be identified by number' and each . building shall be identified by a symbol or designation dissimilar to any other building under this Declaration and the Map. The undivided interests in and to the general common elements appurtenant to each sucir unit sha1l not be a part of the general conmon elements of the condominium units described in and initially created by this Declara- tion and the tllap, provided, however, that, proiect conmon elements may be created for the use and benefit of all owners in the project. The undivided interests in the gen- eral common elements shall have a Permanent character and shall not be altered i^tithout the consent of all of the condominium unit owners affected' which agreement shall be expressed in a duly recorded lmendment to this Declara*-ion. (c) Except as is provided in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this DeclaraLion, all of the provisions contained in this Declaration shall be applicable to such additional condo- minium units. Common expenses of such additional units shall be separately assessed, and all insurance policies shall cover only such additional condominium units' except as may be convenient with resPect to project coruoon elements. (d) Referring to Paragraph, 27 of this Declaration relating to destruction and obsolescence and Paragraph 31 relating to condemnation, only the oltners and first -r4- \ a mortgagees of the condominium units affected (damaged, destroyed, obsolete or condemned) shall be entitled to vote upon the happeni-ng or occurrence of any of the events contemplated under and by the provisions set forth in said Paragraphs 27 or 31. and the Subparagraphs thereof. The initially constructed condominium improvements and any additional condorninium improvements shall be a Part of the whole projectr but each such separauely constructed and submitted condominium improvemen!, together with its general common elements, shall be considered a separate condominium for the purpose of said Paragraphs 27 and 3l' and the aggregate interests of each of such separately constructed condominium improvements shall be considered one hundred per cent (100t) for such voting purposes. (e) Except as is provided in Subparagraph (d) of this Paragraph each condominiunr unit owner shall be entitled to vote his percentage or fractional interest in and to the general common elements and project conunon elements, and the aggregate of all of the undiviCed interests sub- mitted to and making up the total condominj.um project shall be considered one hundred per cent (1008) for such voting PurPoses. 30. Parking Areas Reserved. The automobile parking areas adjoiningffi shall be under the control and supervision of the Declarant and,/or the Association and the owners of the units shall be entitled to a minimum of two (2) parking spaces per unit for their use and for the use of their guests. The specific parking spaces and./or area may be relocated from time to time in order to permit and to allow the continued development and enlargement of the condomini':m project. Sub- ject to the provisions herein set forth, lhe owners shall have such parking privileges on that part of the unimproved portion of the said property described hereinabove. 31. Condemnation. If at any time or tines during the continuanEe=f-Se ownership pursuant to this Declaration' all or any part of the common areas or any condcrninium unit or units shatt be taken or condemned by any public au;hority or sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avcidance thereof' the following provisions of this Article shaj-l apply: (a) Proceeds. A11 compensation, '3amages or other proceeds thdEErom, the sum of which is hereinafter called the "Condemnation Award" shall be payai-'ie to the Association. (b) Complete Taking. (1) In the event that all of the common areas are taken or cond.emned or sold or otherwise disposed of, in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the condemnation award shall be apportioned among the owners in the same percentages as provided for the payment of assessments and payment of said apportioned amcunts shall be made payable to the owner and r:he first mortgagee of his lot jointly. (21 on the basis of the principal set forth in the last preceding paragraph, t:re Association shall as soon as practicable determine t.ne share of the condemnation award to which each o'ivner is entitled. (c) Partial-Takinq. In the event that less than the entire comfrG-Ei6-TiEken or condemnEd, or sold or other- wise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereofr the condemnation award shall first be appli,ed by the Association to the rebuilding and replacement of tlr''ose improvements on - l5- \ the comrnon area damaged or taken by the condemning public authority, irnless seventy-five per cent (75t) of the owners and the first mortgagees of each unit agree otherwise, Any surplus of the award or other portion thereof not usedfor rebuilding and replacement, shall be used by the Association for the future maintenance of the common area and exterior maintenance of the units. 32. General. (a) If any of the provisions of this Declarat.ion or any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word, or the appJ-ication thereof in any circumstance be invalidated' such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Declaration, and the application of any such pro- visions, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in any other circumstances shall not be affected thereby. (b) The provisions of this Declaration shall be in addition and supplemental to the Condominium Ownership Act of the State of Col-orado as amended and to all other provisions of law. (c) Whenever used herein, unless the context shall otherwise provide, the singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall include all genders. IN WITNESS Declaration this STATE OF COLORADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE Declarant has duly executed this day of May, 1979. ss. WHEREOF, (SEAL) , -r4-Subscribed and sworn to before me this / '/ - day of l{ay, L979, by T. CHARLES OGILBY and STANILEIGH H. COLE. witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: /1 /-)(La'<-a-/- C,( . /ln u---,'t Fo€arvEFTTc T. Charles -15- \tt PARCILS A & B A TRACT OF LAi]D BLIIiG A POiiIIO:i OF VAIL I:]TTR:.lOUIITAIII DCViLOPI''lCIIT SUBDIVISIOI] BLOCK 4 AS FILFD I:I 3O(}II ?i8 AT PAG' 82, UI'IDiR F.:C:PTIOiI :I{]. 113672 III TIJ: 0FFIC:0F THt EAGL: C0Ul,i IY CL:RK r'lD RiC0RD:11 . A:iD A PAF:C':,1 LYIIiG S0UTH 0F Illli-RSTAT.-, HIGH|.JAY 70 A:lD liOklr'r 0F SAID VAJL IliliR!'10U:lTAIil D:VrLr)PMilll-SUBDi- V IS I0l{ BLCrCK 1. SAID TkACI BL IiiG l'l0l'<r. PAkl ICULAI.'LY D:SCRI B:D AS F0LLOWS: B:GIllillilG Al TH: iJr.JkTHiASl C0kilrh 0F L0T 2 I:1 SAID VAIL Ii'lT!llMOUilTAIll D!ViL0PMriir sugDIVISIOil BL0Cr.4, THiliCi:62'26'10'', !,J AL0llG TH: ll0RTH:lLY LINr 0F SAID SUBDIVISIOIi A DISIAIIC:.0F 493.tC FiL-T T0 TH: NORTHIAST CORNrli 0F LOI 8 CIF SAID Srj!t::VISI0:i: rH:iiCi S 3l'10'q6' F AL(ri,lG TH: |-ASTtRLY LIil: 0F SAID tOI 8 A DISIAiiC.- 0F 48.24 FitI; TH:llC: ALOilG IH! :ASTIRLY LIlls 0F SAID LOr 7 FOk THL FIJLL0WIIIG TLJO C0URSIS: i) 5 85"90'02" E A DISTAilCi 0F .l15.35 FiiT; 2) S ?7'35'00" r A DISTAITC:0F .l05.C4 FF:,' T0 A-P0lNT 0F INT|RS:CTl0ll. }.JI]H THi IiOKTHrRLY KIGI.{T-OF-I,IAY LIN( OF KIitIIF(I:iICK ROAD. A PLATTFD 50 FOOT i.IIDI RIGIIT.OF-IJAY I;1 SAID VAIL IiIT:RI'IOUiJTAIII OIV:LOPMTTT SUEDIYISIOII; ]HFNCL ALCIIG SAIO NORIH:tiLY KIGHT-OF-I,IAY LIIIF FTIR IHF FOLLOIiING FIVs COURSFS: I ) 95.38 FirT ALoriG THi. AriC irF A CUI(V:' T0 TH: RIGHT, HAVIIIG A RADIUS 0F ?ie.65 Fiil AilD A CHORD:{HICH BaARS 89''4q'38" tl A DISTAI'ICE 0F 94.63 2) f,i t7"4C'21 " !i A DISTAIC: 0F 62.77 fi.Lr. 3) 2Oe-26 F:ljT ALOilG TH: AkC 0F A CUR:/r T0 TH: LFFT ' HAVII{G A CIiITRAL ANGLI OF 28"I4I20' AIiD A RADIUS OF 4?2.55 FliT: S 74"05'.l9" ','l A DISTAIICF 0F t0.76 FiFl; 59.33 FiIT ALOI|G IH: ARC OF A CURV: TO THT RIG3T, HAVi:IG A CTNTIiAL ANGLL OF 66"43'II'' Ai]D A RAIIUS OF 50.95 FIETi THtNCi N 39"11'30" I.l A DISTA|IC| 0F 23].2'| FIET T0 A P0lllT 0F INTaRSICTIOI{ lllITH TH: SOUTHERLY RIGHT-(JF-',.JAY L Il'lf. 0F SAID Ii'ITFRSTATi HIGHT"JAY 70; THEIJC! iASTiRLY ALOIIG SAID SOUTHTRLY KIGHT-OF-HAY LINi OF ITiTERSTATE HIGH'!.JAY 70 FOR THI FOLLOI.IIIIG THR! i COUIiSIS: 4) q\ l) N 58'll'06" ?) N 59"10,09" E A D ISTAi'rCi 0F 29e .?4 F'iti ; E A DISTANCT OF 290.3C FETT; THSNCE 167.88 FETT ALOIIG THi ARC T)F A VURV5 TO TH5 RIGHT, HAVIiIG A CENTRAL A|'IGLF OF 03'35'2]'', A RADIUS OF 2680.O(.) FT:T AIID A CHORD I.JHICH BEARS N 62'58'5C" E A DISTANCT 0F .I67.36 FEIT; THillCt S 39".1.l'30" E A DISTANCE 0F 268.89 FIET TO IHi POIIIT OF EIGINNING, CONTAINING {gA ACRES, MORT OR LESSt.tlb I. RICHARD A. CCLORADO, DO AIID UI{D:R I{Y MY KIiOi^iL:DGT EACKLUND, BiIIIG.A RTGISTIRID L{ID SURVEYOR III TH9 STATF OF HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THiS LTGAL DISCRIPTIOII I.JAS l^JRITTsII BY M! STJPIRVISION AND ]HAT IT IS TRUF AIID ACCURATI TO TH: BIST OF AIID 8EL I iF 3728 ? t