HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 LIONS PRIDE LEGALDesign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Kenny's Double Diamond Bootworx Project Description: Awning Sign Proiect Number: n/a Owner, Address, and Phone: Kenneth O. Friedman, PO Box 1110, Vail, CO 81657,476-5500 Architect/Contact, Address. and Phone: same Project Street Address: 500 E. Lionshead Circle / #22 & #23 Legal Description: Lions Pride lLotl, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 1 Parcel Number: Comments: Sign area = 7.33 sf BuildingName: LionsPride Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: {te Conditions: motion by $affiby Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApproved c€ffits Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: lll0ll99 Project Name: Bootworx Document I DRB Fee Paid: $30.00 'I o SIGN/AWNI NC APPLICATION Qucstions? Cnll thc Plnnning"rtsk ^t 479-2128 A. u. C. r'\ E. C. n. trE t. .t. It. L. Lcngth of btrsincss frontagc: Hciglrt of sign abovc gnrdc: ?>t+a,( G" +- al'G" - ToSt8' z" Ntrrrrbcr of signs proposcd: 1 Nunrbcr zurd sizc of cxisting sigrrs:^to'{-E- Location ofcach sign (attach a.sitc plan and an clcvation drawing or a photograph clcarly indicating thc proposcd location): O \J).a',.Ja.-'r€4,€o ov€rZ N. Dcscribe lighting of sign (existing or proposcd): BA c-t - )J C,.H T o.J afZA 6 Loc-€d - M. TOl,iiN OFVAIL This application is tbr any sign that is locatcd rvithin thc Torvn of Vail. Spccitic rcquircrncnts arc availablc tionr thc De'partnrcnt of Contnrurrity Dcvclopnrcnt. Nanrc ol lJusincss: F. Typc ofsigr (sce back for definitions): tr Frcc.standing O Wall sign tr Other, spccify: Sigu nrcssagc: Sizc of sigrr and sizc of lcttcring fbr cach sign proposcd: -{ €€ D rz,a ..: , ,.i <- A .l-r a c-*<:a Building nanrc an<l addrcss'. -L:,t o a,i s Prl i EtEl 5e E Z. t o^r-s pdAO a7*tzz- ]r; at' a3 Narrrcofonnrcr:___E€trtEzta 9 - Vi2z1 {p77a J Phonc:9*o''t+7+- / 2+1 Mailins addrcss:,G s8 Signature of owner:a. ,/ Narrtc of pcrsor I srbniftin1: EErx{ Fizt €Prrta,J Phonc@ (lf dillcrcnt than owncr) Addrcss: Hanging sign Awning A /f1o.t..-L,'> 5€-)a , -'J q- - Matcrials and colors of sign (attach sanrplcs): €vto.>g L , 3'T t 4 <t- fzo.:<-H loCrcr o,^/.r-r/ FEE: $20.00, PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SICN AREA. tr SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS: tr Conrplctc Application. O A sitc plnn shorving thc cxact location rvhcrc thc sign is to bc locatcd.tr Elcvation drarvings or photos showing proposcd location of thc sigrr orawning.tr Colorcd scalcd ( l/4"=l') drarving, including spccific lcttcring and dinrcnsion.s and a photo. ifavailablc.O Sanrplc of proposcd ntatcrials. tr Drarvirtgs shorving horv and rvhcrc sign or arvning rvill attach to thc buitding and horv thc awning rvill bc constructcd. tr Condonriniunr Association or Landlord approval - attach a lcttcr. ! SIGN CATEGORIESI l. Frccstandinq -A singlc or nruli-lhced sign aflixcd to a supporting structurc, or inrbedded in and cxtendilg ttont thc ground and detachcd tionr thc building. -2. Awnirur or Hangine -Any sign attachcd to a buitding aud extcnding in rvholc or in part nrore thal 9,, bcyolrl thtJ.-... building linc. - 3. Wall - A sigr attachcd to, paintcd on, or crcctcd against thc wall ofa building or structurc with thc cxpqsid lhcc ofthc sign in a plnnc parallcl to thc facc ofihc rvall and not projccting tuorc rhnn 9" li"om thc thce of thc wnll. 4, Display Box - A frccstanding or rvall sign cncloscd in glass for thc cxprcss purposc ofdisplayiug nrcnus, currcnt cntcrtainnlcnt or rqrl cstatc listings. 5. Joint dircctory siqu - A frccstanding, hanging or rvall sign that lists all thc tcnants rvithin a nrulti-tcnalt building. (t. $trbdivision cntmncc sien - A sign to idcntity a nrajor subdivision. a condominiunr conrplcx, or group of apartmcnt btrildings having at lcast I 00 lincar I'cct of tiontagc along a vchicular or pcdcstrian way iu any RC. LDMF. MDMF. HDMF. or SDD zonc district. SUGGESTIONS: l. Copics of thc Sign Codc arc availablc lionr the Dcpartnrent of Conrnrunity Devclopmcnt. You nray wlsh to check thc Codc to vcrifo thc typc and sizc of sign you arc allowcd. 2. Bc spccific. Vaguencss in the description of design. size, construction nray delay thc approval ofyour sign. 3. Mcasttrc thc frontage of your business to detcmrinc thc size (arca) of thc sign you arc allowed. 4. Lighting lbr awnings may spot[ight only the sign lcttcring on the awring. Lighting n.1ny not shilc into pcdcstrian or vehicular ways. 5. All individual br,rsincss sign.s will be reviewcd by thc Departnrcnt of Conununity Developrncnt. Ncw sign programs or al)rcndnlents to sigrr programs will be rcviewed by thc Dcsigrr Revierv Board. Ii: r.vcryonc/lirnruy'si gnVsignapp. 8 I 3 :t\ N: <3> <F> {d ts \ -<L \-\t,a U I ( $ $ l {I A Sn \ E-.F 5 =5s3 -5N 5+s{6E3 i =5J?I*_edr qv =S\---a " s/)S+q s4 ds tn T? F 'o F8 + i-=-+ -l/) r!l I IqIO iiTctf utN6 :)F@qz<.o TLEokstroo. =(Y) =9F 2r!EOoa]:E@lUIO(9t1L=rRFr*3LLJddaB (r)J(vl Jt-- trlr (/) IJJ Ooz =bF)<Fr lrl =c0FEra.lTXHP{'av'56fi6aZFttt f,Eo6to uiJu =aq2=<r M6 FHoo m rltlrlll bclt o aL6 ^6;ff" {'n'ilUfi HUgg 3rHNtt Lz=22 Nns 66-re-l3d9ZA9AZ2 J,'51 !|l\ J j.Ll { rONm iB coNo) c) o) x LL z u llJ !!z7 o Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbel I o^r" 6ltb146 Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Proiect Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval Dk{taff AORroval DRB Fee Pre-oaid Ftl 1 l-.1r=bEral It t r|.Q Jllr5rr :llaal a-a- J-rl . r -l I-tt --'t' Q I Gtrt .-1titEll-r. $[ ol { f,r \Jc-r.9 tt,'{ v.t '-1 s\l +* te I$s.\'i }. a\ N .\ ,rtiF*t\ \ r1 ii /lr /H// $# tl tlll ll lt_rl / J et $:l \ -_.- I I i / 1l_ $ 6 .$ ht e 1*r.. ..$ | rnr31t t...[ \ a.\ t-s($)I I $/ sr / =./ t rFx\.L"'-.*--' t b..{ rS 'I+ {.{\q N;;u'j r\$\* +r, \.\ .{ \A\ L, ar- ?v,-'U o^," t/.s /r'd Proiect Name: Project Application l,* L*,n/*)' Pro.iect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: B lock Zone - J,4 Design Review Board Date Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL ,k Molion by: Summary: /3^ / /,/J /?p,f r-{a( { il,"iTown Planner o^," {/z t/ ? o prt^, Approval I l,[ay 23, 1990 Re: Signage for L,ionshead Trading Conpany, IJions Pride Bldg Staff deternination was that this nas a second floor business, andfrontage along side would not count. Frontage based on distance a1ong front only (see Sign Code, Section16.20.090 I.L.2., rrbased upon the portion of the business frontagewhich abuts directly upon the balcony, deck, walkway...rr ) Frontage in this case is 22 feet-. Logo is L2tt x 14rr = 1.1 sq ft.Lettering is 10" high, so it should not be longer than 5.2t. Approved.k /a'/^.[- t +.l '\, :.t- APPLICATION DATE (Please Print or NAME OT PROJECT NAI{E oF pERsoN suBuITTINe ,lalie Dee-- PHoNE 4710-s2\2-' ADDRESS soo f , Lin ns hea+ mo tl OWNER EIGN/IWNf NG IPPIJICITf O}f NAII{E OF ADDRESS EIGNAIURE OF IOCATION OF DESCRIPTION OTNER PROJECT OF PROJECT THE FOLIoWING INFORIi{ATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE 'IrHE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A.DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING PROJECTTNG, ETC) , INCLUDE SIGN (FREE STANDTNG, MESSAGE. gran---rll WALL,shea4 vrinq B.SIGN OR AWNING T.{ATERIAL c. D. E. F. G. H. HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE CONDOI'IINIIIM s20.oo FEE ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) PAID CHECK # 1 Site Plan Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photolraphs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sanple of proPosed naterials Photograph of sign if available 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. o( K(i-t r.(c*r Sign Adninistrator ;s ,?b r. . 'bo n I \lE \ ast I U i 5 iJq? =.r ?{?oxE olY ?crr$' Ql .2,{ P{F?V uiT!-=tll ,f 5F-toT_ ba E Tr T 5 *0 q)Jo+ d5 cO-_-'_---.- I I I I \ I il I ^, IA .- r.. 9^*bn' '(Y ;goaJJ{-r!-r I7 %*u Ja,t rl tl.i) /. I'- J,. Il,t '//n, \v ./t \J( t*J \-o '/- \ |,".lI 1, I*o, \tx -/,, \[ "4t '\-o '/- \oot,d _ O,. =, zza<_2$?o>-\/ {i} NT \16+ $)_-);r m d#Jf,;'' .l,rF:,-.,- .- - I. n*s: ' {li.;rl,ll,t - <tr| -t*I " -sl i1$:. :l<itlJ I:fi,->i?lOi3i ei Tl t-- i -.1Q1s/l\tl c=lOI*lnl hl (5l ol !l r I r,/J Iolel sle] t I \ .t' .<. . 'Atr-a. =toY 9---*3s AMERICAN AWNING COMPANY a dlvlelon ol COLORADO STEEL, INC. sHow Rooll: 2ol0 wADswoBTH BLVD.. UNIT E. LAKElf,ooD, co 80215 (3oil) 232-10'12 oFFrcE: t2100 w.52ND AVE. . SUITE r12. WHEAT RIDGE. O0 800311. (30i1) 422-7949 >€rffi S.lL.tby aa.ttal Sgrcltlcrtlone rnd Prb.. "" "" " " '"" '-l'' " Za,sr/** /.;h -a+ -Rz, 7,c6 fuE'q fbrfig4%ak#'/r%,Jpe 18,tm, - tA ; #iif? tn racl& Eto||lt llAlErlft: l.l Cdr Ptb Of Lrc Gdt hr P.''|r'| fc|lbnP.ymtl (c) lrTd A.lrDdC..h P|h. (d, l|rrE q d|l qlre- (.1 A,tu||| Ftt|gd (l) tu|cl c||^rc Ol ldClt'||.r. Ol m,r..l P.Frrl Prb O AI\,{I.'AL PERCENT^OE R TE 3 t- 3 3 t 3 3 a t I thdrc'd tot tl'm'mo' trp'' q Ln '''oY b' fitd bv r'Ltotr hry'dt *a . nrrs AND co Drrroila L Boc.ule thi! contr|cl c.ll! tor m.d. lo orde. gqrd+ lt lt not aublacl to c.ncalLtloi rtlc. lh. 3 (by parlod hat .rct d on lha noricc'ol bppbrtunlty to .e!clnd. Otm.gc. .ocoverable -by sallcr lor lrlluri ol tha buy.r to locapl dallv.ry and analalbliotl ahall ba tho full purch$e p?icc. A.Alt c.nvs. rsnlng!. prllo coy.r. rnd raLtad llrm! ara |olaly tot uaa.t.a aun rh.d.. Sall.r doa3 tiot wr.rlnl tltnaa! tot uaa ol any crah nem tor any puiiic otncr than uae r!. lun 3h.da, and i3.umcr no lbblllly ot raagonslbllily lot alaaltuclion,. da:n g. ot hiuty rd'ii'3o;rJ or piopcriy-crireoo by whd, h.tt or occumul.llon il anow. lc. o. w.tc.. Purch.a.r ah.ll a.aultla raagooaibuty lor t..|o.raua car€ and malnlcnancc. 3. In tha ov€nt thi! conlracl i3 rotorrcd to .n atlornry, buyar .9r... lo prt in rddlllon to .ll olh.t aum. ha..uadar. . taatombb rllornays f€o end coutl coslf. 4.Any parl of this conlract d€cla.od Invllid undcr any lar ahall ba arvcttbL attd lha oonl?|cl slrall lhan ba conrtruad aa though ruch parl wotc nol included. S. Salla. thall nol bc hold liabto on drmege. lor dalry In lha padormanca ol lha coniaacl dua to cau..t bayond hi. tc[onabb conltol O. Buyo. 8g.o.r to pry unpaid grinciprl balroca ol tha calh prioa, in lull. lo lha indallat lmm.dLlaly ugon aubrt nl|.l compLllotr of inalallrlion, ?. ln lhe Otonl thl! Dayftanl b not |||.da whan dua. buta. a0raaa lo Day to th. a.L. int rsl .l th. t l. ol 211 ga. .n rur o|t lha uoptld b.lmcc. 8. Buye, rchnowtodgos that trltc. 3h.ll not b! r.3pondbla o. lhbla lor rny grc'crllllng co.lc vio|.tio.|' |..hl ot drlacla ln lha alnrlura dr whlch lho aboye ptoducls a?o Instslled. g. No Wrrtanllo3, €rpro3lcd or lmdlcd. c.n bc alv€n on concrata wotlL 't O. Selle. doe! no peinling or st.lnlng t l. Oua wo art ara In0uranc€. orrra TERIS O? PAYIETIT B.larn bb. pS h it| bhi.Itrl.tq||sddlo,t' ot r agacfd b.. qet|.rHLl Core-t ain{tta. gEbf i;tlrl AVhtiA0tli r.'/ "- -- l'1' ,l 'l I t: IJAZfBR COMMERCIAIJ PROPERTIES "., vanl'8; '8l.l33irru llay 23, 1990 RE: LrionsHead Trading Gompany Lazier Cor$ercial Properties gives thel.r sunport and approvalthe propoged stor'e front upgrade and awing. I I I : l t ]. -rt l' rit llilYiYii6 Property I'lanager l,a--L*-1 n,Ja 4rn, ( -' :,1 ri L;.. r-r" 1l i {i1, " ., i \/uT' 'il - '.' !)"i4!..-1l s*t-b tV$' .- q?:,La'.;: v ", s "\ Fi) l>' ,_i lr ?, i 1 J 7s1 t;' .;- ---..----- DtrFMRTMENT tr@mmuN[TV DEVtrtEtrMENT XXXXXXX ToLEs AcroN FoRM XXXXXXX ACcouNT # 01 0000 41J30 CC}J. DEV. APFUCAT'ION E=S 0't 0000 41s40 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFOR}I BUII-DING CODE 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI.| PLUI,{BING CODE 't 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI/ MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 42+1s 1988 UNIFORI/ FIRE CODE 1 0000 4?+15 1957 NATIONAL EECTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42+15 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 BLUE pRtNrs (Myi-ARS) 01.0000 42+12 XERoX CoptES ,/ STOIES 1 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE_lNspEcT.loN r 0000 +1322 OFF HOURS INSPECT'ION FE= 1 0000 414.t2 CONTRACTORS UCENSES fEES 1 0000 41J30 0l 0000 41413 .SICN APPLICATION Project Application b/er z.an 1/.r?,ff Pro,ect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone 4t' ("-Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ks:ft,9q-. _, F.lfing [22'y'" v H4- Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Com ments: Summary: C"-zr v1 "0t.oJr-:1t'r*'/,r^1 ftsr"r Approval /r"r-*af HOV-i 2-95 SUH ?ENN TEEGAH o 32A6825 P- Ot (Please Print or fype' ,\r\r, rIAr,rE or pn(vacr -- " coov & Dcsrgn j,i , 00lvll\1l. yL;:, ':-. ; NAME oP PERS0N SuBMITrrNG Tlf fsnv rtultt PHoNe- 476{56- 8l€B/lnur|rtr APpr.rc Trotr lr0'l t 3lg$s SIGtrAT|'RE Oltr OMER I,ocATrol'l 0F ?RoJBclI' over and door of bxsln€s DESCRIPTIO!.I OE PROJECT exi s ti frame - picture snd attoched drauLng THE EOLLOT'ING INTORIATION IS REOUIRED FOR SI'BMIT:TAI, BY IIIE IPPI,ICANr PRIOR 10 TtlE REQOEST BEIt'lG SCTTEDULED BEIIoRE lllB DES rGil REVIEfl BOIRD. A. DESCRIPTION OF TBE SIGil/irNIHG ISREE STAIIDINGT I{ALL' PRO,'ECTINg, ETC) , INCI,UDE SIGN IESSAGE. See rEtached drawine E,SIGN OR IWN]NG MATERTAT Dlkloh rPd - see subtritlql-ie&Dle:- c. srzE or ovER-ltL SIGN, s1z8 oF lE?rERrNG eND LOGO See ecale dravins and letteJtlns drawins HEIGtt' OF SIGN ABOI'E GRADE DESCRIEE !I61ITII{G (IXIS'IIOG OB PROPOSED' LETIGI}I OT' BUSIUESS FRON?AGE (PT) CONDO4INIUM trSSOCIAIION APPROVAL fu E. F. G. H.FEE: $2O-0lL.PLos 91 '00 PE&\9AUARE FOOT or sI PAnD 3VY cttBcr< No.J-W,- DATE- REogrREp uArERrALs-.1llBuIr?ElJf,rlts,--ePE;LrtCALtQN. 1. - slte PlaD 2. :- Blevatlons shoutng Gract lecltion of 3i9n or avnlng on the bulldltrg 3. / Photoiraphe ohorlng proposed focrLlon 4. L Colored Ecale draringS, ,- SarDle of DroPosed taterlals 6, 7 eholograph ot- slgn lf avarlable 0vxl xArrB oF or.NER soNE---42!-4,L5!- f!ilrrl il ffi 4792452 P.Az 4,rh trE l$!ilrfl} l*w|rl!fl ra tr nwl ru Erilrlltt! E ftrFilDlttlffi lllt|r tn fit rydc8lf f,rlli'8gwl trroffi tflE 0ll814tF,Ilt ffi. t -td o;gctrrtrot fl rlE stflfil*€ riDa'E rilr% rtsl i tEttDr tt6 EilDlra8, r6,|D, i .l ) '^ -E{"r, tt$ 0n lnruO lqiltrtl' Fll,faa rrd - ..rr r$hrl rr.d :ttrEilf ., *irrE 0t. ovDiAlI, 9t6fr dtE il tsmmE uD rotb 0P blGf r$orG cmil , i, '.--'_-. il F6rtrEg,3 nitE lltl $too|Iuzln. rsfoclrtt g Frro|ttHHrc lG;ttblXQf ni $il,Jrsf -tg Ei,c!!tt ollctlra rsttnr ttro - !.. . eor *o$19 se& 103rLt*r E3 algi oril tb !$lldlB f'd ., 1ll " XF P.Sl 4Jdt't<4 2 . oJo"lb' ^rl' wft"- .i \w'#Ar;f- r ' I l- a I I *-Frtv). t,tf\ n tutt, Lt\t t\ t ,lJf N'&^l,il -"S' N4, i.il *"nqr"f'l-/-{fitu uffi-W *,, Atu( al "Wd'Fl'il->f Ar-*'+/*), /-.l 8 r*ry; ^or/rA-^i r r.[/ ' t A oo TOWNOFVAIL OF COIII]I'I.E|ITI' DE1TLOPMENT ADDRESS- PROJECT ACOTX'NTNO.ITZDT NO. TrX . CCrllA" mTAL 0r 00004r540 ZONING ANDADDRESS MA?S $5.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 5)4.(ru 0r 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLTJMBING CODE s39.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECI{ANICAL CODE 537.OO 0l 0000 42415 I.JNIFORM FIRE CODE s36.00 0 r 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE sl7.(ru 0t 0000 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 4r548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)s7.00 0l 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES $0.25 0t oow 42412 STUDIES 0l 0000 4241 2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROCRAM s5.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS 01 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE [$40 PER HR.] 0l 00u) 42132 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES | 0loooozlzlt CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 00m414r3 IGN APPLICATION FEE 520.0u ?4 0r 00pu.4l4lf.I'I}DII'IONAL SIGNAGL, FEE tS I .OO PER SQ.FT.I u/-4- 0l 00(mEn2t10 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION I 0r 0000 4133 I I PRE PAID DESICN REVIEWV BOAR.D FEE 0l 0000 42371 I}IVESTIGATION FEE ( BUILDING) 3l oooo 451lo TOV PARKJNG FUND 0l 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 01 0000 2lll2 TAXA BLE fa; 4olo (STATE )* 0l 0000 4t010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOW\) 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING IN\/ESTIGATION OTIIER t PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l o(X)o 4r3.30 N DI]I I IUNAL URFA '])O's200.00 0l 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 0l 0000 4t330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS TIIAN IOO SO,FT.I s200.0u 0l 0000 4t330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE TITAN IOO SO.FT.I s500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT INEW]sl,500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND 51.uru.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND s200.00 0l 0000 413i0 SUBDIV]SION 0l 0000 41330 r'ARIANCE $250.00 0l 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.00 0l 0000 41330 R.b - ZONING $2W.U0 OTHER OTHER u- , tzbo IToTAL: d Y'-- COMMEiITS: Fz,, cAsE, ,l? r cK.'r r M.oL)*""."$42- I T0lrtl| (}F tJFlIl- fiscellilqrt Cdr __11i3_ Receipt * 183779 Account * COPt' E D€5i6N\SISI CPP FEE Item paid hotrtt paid affiqaa4L4Lsffi 24.@ Change returnd > €J.AA THTI}.I|< VC}IJ 'y'c,ur cashier HEIDI v 1}El*: .v. f,! .\ 7' 1-li ]r lr l. l l Ii 1t-14-1995 10:3?AM FRtr'l COPY & DESIGN : ll tr, I I .l It. I I I I 4?9245.2 P.E3 | ..,t1 Tgtfl- F.El TOTI1L P. 93 oa nA f Na\ cb As\ 1N-\F\J ,\TE t I rl ']ff(r sT"l 6\d\ -'.\- :.=$ -Sco iA xx ?:rJ,-.<t/ C\_-: d ^Lh(-t \9 YV,Y:w,8-L s- -- tlt Iq lY\ (l-t.- € IN6)C { 'tb ?E 7e. -"\ -,-( G\ : in-.s (b sq,a(1 ? sSa--o \J -q.\t)e4 ' \-,t,n -^Ril HH933I NHt/ 9I : ZZ NOl,l 56:lZ-AONs,a4sfit \ta \-/L .1 r\ :]E 'oL <[ QE ..-1 t-] cr4