HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 LIONSHEAD ARCADE 1971-1984 LEGALoa VA.J U"J,-Jtr* t IU*kt tot 3 Lionshead Arcade 1971 - 1984 Profect Appllcation I Projsct Doscripl;ep; E x fs '{ r<r ie-- Lr-F .. t./1 o O F l-- Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and phone: 5'A F-l E .\<\ <c Nr-A(-rl- i'6RSo N Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Zone Comments: .F1F f2-, -,\c F:- :is.r Tl:"-D <;qASS L{/ c Lre,:\R - ;\ O!2 -) /ri I c,tr- p ..-/ q; |+T\ Project Nam€: sils Cbr. :7-'1-, t 98-t I\rltt,r DISAPPBOVALr'\t) i.. \ '\li t{- APPRovAL .1,,t L r-..l I (\ \ f\ \,, l,'\ t \ K f,,Ii Town Planner,""," \\ iljtrl E statt Approval oz ==E uJo- ccc oO (Y) ooo (\,1 o o ooo t\ (n UJ uJll- ==Eu, o- affiu__\ fi81 toltl( Aoho^ft ND I I *1u,,w.t-\J<or6(\l,-! -l I Ic.d.LOoqE 1F49zt= ==F=,1 tJ(d :l!o = LoPx(u tb . ra-at'llJ 99:orJr 3-40ooJd 3p..6 ozo fF l-l(^fr- l- Eut23o utIFoz @ro(.o o!.o!o o(-) (o x.o 3co I t!(I) =.'-16>crt-ouccl EFL(u =.FtJCordLO :' sr.=lr)O <\l ECJl0x F;3ff' ;il c iC.Fxrd>5(l, =OFC Aocc sEt l ='Fir*, E'=(u(-LC .9 EgEE *g 83;66.9'aa't cLE6-ocaepF FE c'r*.gocuto0tNO -oIcc :.EFOqb oo PE;o E88oGoD o.S:o g'; iet od !,c]oF o.c o oc€ oooG c,r ot o .2E I f4t o 15c(! q;](! o) (! o Ec ag oc,oc(! .g Po c 3oF qt .= = CL oo o c(6 CL o tt G co o E o .g oE .c't C\ o() o (, E CDF o o() .o Ect.=tct E U'(t Eop o o. co o E o .g oE (5 6 o 6 oo 6 6 o. -9ct o E =(Jo .U (! ! 11) -9o. Eoa EE6'5Eqx EE 5f EEts'= E8cL OroE--o =p;>cP Eco.9 o6otr .-o cco':'Fy E: o.a irO'-E o+1EE-c E(,Q'ELC orci.-cs -cdc ogxso= ;!To.tSc6c6t>s.oo9E OE5C -c I t!(I) C't-16>(l,t -o(rccl EF!o =.F+rc o ,J': (\l(\I .-{ ro Ort\!O O C\I o o r.< OO o oo LO O () E G uJAoz ao :(o uJ C)z F r.lJ) UJ (,z 6 J z u = ulBll!z E IJJ UJ G o.o;g uJEz 6 uJ F v,Iulo o- z qJ Jo x F IIJof at UJ uJt! E =E IJJ o- FoF (9z () c,FollJ UJ oz 6 =Jo. J 9z - IJJ. NOrlVnlVA YI\= l->cl;:;:F B€$E J, F ;E; B g =ftF* BI IR EE zI J tr(' o-3oE(, u.l Oo o o Nr-l e uJ z Eoo zo F E, UJFJ ; IJJz oFz zIF o o I a trz5 =Jl!3 o ll,lo -,1 !rc oz E =FI EI uJ = E ootuzY =F 2sFIl U'z oo 3o JI<l z_l =':f >l F Fa o uJoull!2 <t,tr l! o- J zI tr ul (\l i lJ- C) C')ar{Oo UJF o ulFo' @o1zo Fo- IJJY uJlo oF FIat 5ot 8 I I, 52 EEi =l!.\.idd= E Iu o- o EUE3€uE9!ir '9'58 E +rE H=E ;ffi! 6tE oo9 iutE XO-E X>t q- €; tJ.loo z .r9zeIoo>z JO CL I! F lb = liE I.lfl l- o-zoF(J DEFazoo t \ /\ttar\ <--4 il-\zJ= - Entr '-Ii c t oz ct uJG J t!oz3 F I I el dlgl 3t!lol pl p: lo I s|-r\@ -l(6 Eo(-) (J !Po(u Lrl (u -cF. t tr 6Jrft N I o1sfo) ^lsl cil (d() (o -co(U =(U =tr o )Flrt\ F'- o. (-' (d n (\lsf(Y)(r) xoco I I Icl filol (tl>lol =l =lffl @rOrr)(\I I(ot\<f<l>l Ir.| :l FI tn!-o,! 5dl (o t ll. oEo J t-(oo! !-(u N aaJ o(J E ao,lJ- oo ar,ou o (u J 'jj z IDo-) (\l C\I x an uJE J = Lo o (d llJ z d. ir =+Et- t-o2 o Ege =EfFd6 E -rO<FGOuJ<ZE, IJJ Fo6 c) J trF() UJ tr J<c)ag36EEE l+- o O.FE+'(t'q-c .F 16 (tt X =(U.o +,t-oEr- i-cL IoE I63 |Io-o IE= |3" I,F3 |oc I(, 3r4+,(ogo.Lcl{, io i c{ lulE iENF 1i\9 iEN-* s I;E; l6e d:g E 6.s5Eo'gEE F.s P..*EE] c.= l!,!*€ic '-;'ro 6 cl:Ei: s >=:c9o; 6 6;.: o E>t3Fg; :-€3s€esf -$i;e Jq.lJ $ Y o a 't Y os s -l I B q I tfl o o sI o a b N tn UJ UJt!t =luJl -tJIslr-l Fl UJt!rL F =t! o- 'l I x 2 Jo- JI ,1 to =t zEt =iil> Jl Jurt o- (, z gj = It u,l z F uJ ul rl<lot FolA3tP ;IFEl* =lzglg x F gr z 9 t-()l! ut (,z o. 2 t! =li I i,i;l ':l )l)lNOtlvn'lvA lltl tl LlJF o Y= ll *J$ E A gF$ g$g$ -><>< x il .tlr I llrl t/,F 2 z Y .1,FU.|<oo<O:r =fta,c d1oo<z ll.t I'l'l ?4i92'iFd6}EE)I z F J z JIslFI =I .. >l u, UJzo E E UJq J z Fo:tl!tl UJ IIzll o oz Y q oz qt J url +l <l TUO- lrao tr.oo o J 3 F |ll ffEru g I ( : c C trl F :5€g; r Eie; s gF€:5 iF;;st'F99lEIe* iF$;g i I I IF lE|rF.Or-. l|.LTJodEfrE <\Zctk €€-€t,. a+'E sF-EhrE H=I\ : EBFf.-i o F-:lHE FHI EE F:I.=€ tJH H Dtu zoP =eall0 =zd8 J.^i6>Y2Fi<-': /r J- aHg 8DD HJ t$ \ .$\ N e\ IJI 'q.$ g$l J=,1sisl NI N\iG { € \>l (rl ^.1 oz ou, IE ! l! zl 3lolFI t q \. si I N\ ui JtriF N.2 I tlt Ua u1l rrJlFI JE<o(JF t<ir G;F =zn gF 5Ed6 (J h N , \,\ $ I I I url.Jlr!lFl u.tl 5l sl u.lol zl il =tr J<oo.ntlj uJ -rO u.l z o.)lr ! ^,!il< =,->GtOooJ oF cFzoc) Gt!zt!(, 6FZQ TE gE ll cl- R| _ur EIE ElolLol ><><><xx =(Ud-trt -oo- .doc5 .-Z.r- Fi-d LL t{- ov o(,t! (4o<{t!Ldoz.-o aoH (Jl z.or--.i l- =q-J'L-J(l,o 'l')u-+). LrJF-F.- ( t- 'e) ODco v t-.o3 ILionrf,"od Arcode Building O Condominium fusociotion, iic. Posr Office Drower 9 Voil. Colorodo 81657 October 25, lg$4 To the town of Vail Building Dept. The board of directorsfor the Lionshead Arcade condominium Association .8,t-"-"- l?:ir permission-for the interior constiuction work to start on thefirst floor commercial areas. Kit Villiams Association Manager 7 PROJ ECT: DATE SUBMITTEO: INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI EI,J COMMENTS NEEDED B\: 4,4dhf d.+)d BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: connents:7rld ,7rr*, 2&zzz4 ,/t/az-.- 4F< to.3's- (/2c Zo --tzF/A7/ Qo-tr-'oJ 1.-t J r/ezflaSlng /a&z-s2d.Js. nV''t'/ctz-' +':4 A'a"/l f €3 AeQ ur.re;r<y'- lic'.,-< . /a4/,'tz 'tzer 7e 4- o a'srz'cza{ ''t:-zt<'c- 'aatr;.zJ"'z- 3 /ttt'f s 22dV.'rtz/ POLICE DEPARTMENT Date: Datg/o' z" - F/ Date: Date: .^$'', PUBLIC I,JORKS Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: TOWN ATTORNEY Conments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: \ DATE OF PUBLICE HEARING: Date: il** .ullqIe^, / r.;7 t INSPECTION REQUESTPERMI DATE T NUMBER l:',,, OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER .filii-)READY FOB INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: WED THUR r' BUILDING:PLUIIBING: tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr o tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEB FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL EJ rINRL a^ z^\\. (- ., -,tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n_ tr FJ.IAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDAPPROVEDtr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: m , 1 /2.,,/ -) - / .r -+ lz-DATE /- '/ INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON t NSPi.''' / YJ? NAME THUR FRI REQUEST VAILssl' ,// - f V' /'7 na /- k.'r'--'CALLER TUES WED PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n tr tr FINAL IIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING T] EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR - tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr ELECTFIGAL: TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT u g rrNnl O FINAL q.APPROVED...-./, CORRECTIONS: ,/;/' 'n,,' r.',tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED a INSPECTORDATE I o NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O-F VAILi "'; t i:; \ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 1 JOB NAME CALLER ,'uoru ) TUEst,:WED THUR FRI ,AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER- Pr-YWooD NAtLtNG tr INSULATION - E! SHEETROCK NAIL -l tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT n tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o tr O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED .:':,"- - -iDATE INSPECTOR m I i cll't u I NSPPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I t L 1 ,/r'>. ( /DAIE /r //i/i'/ JOBNAME ti /)e.L,"<- L<r:VAIl.y''...,(. t 2 r.ti_. ECTION REQUEST 1,){. TOWN OF CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON ruEs @) LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIECHANICAL: tr HEATING dnouex (, ..\ \ .4t'-i -'tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL al : t ,{'leenoveo "coRREcroNS: ./..tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED a t Prolect Appllcatlon O Projoct Nam€: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot i A+\LQ aro"rglD-(:2-.* riring Zone Comments: Design Review Board ""," l\/?1tr{ DISAPPROVAL Summary: APPROVAL ( ?,,1+ Town Planner""," l\f 1l${ E Statt Approval _t_.., Project lpplicarlonO f/''*rnc ':-Proiecl Name: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by:.- --)i ' ,, ,t.l' Seconded by:i-i , "r ... ', DISAPPROVAL Town Plannei Stafl Approval $ d II m I m i P 5635 (abo,el tCF seeded orasssPhere on b act casr arr-in;n sarllorch l7'hr Ert€^cs rz - bJr5l50w ma' - o P 5625 /Deion/ 8" seed€a qrass sPhe.e on black cast at!m'num wa!ilorch 15" nl Extends i0- c'burbloow mar - O P 527S20 B,onze Grounddown|ght Polyca'br..'e C rtuse'Thre;oed'4- t P t, nnc 5 ,'x t: iW. 4./i hl Overa ht lo28ii Fl bu b r00* mar P 5227-20 B,onze Iso s,ded\e'irca IroL nd nahl Potv.rrbonsle cJruse's Ihr€aded I - t P Lfi,no 51,- r 51,'w rZ -- hr Overa lir ro36- El burb r00* ma( P 563q52 rbei,..,rr sr.!e ,...ss I ooe b acl cas: !'ac^et I l_ nl t,) Fii["'"]i, "!; : ;:,l;';tr; ";. .:.. \ I. P 5578-20 8.c-2. T$o-s c€J $rtrraci€: Po \.a !a.a r c'..rs:,s !,'r5'iL! 1: ,_ r' E\:e' C: E lmWsiltr ',i{r 9 Acast alunnun guatanteed tust trce Olhe( gtound hghts on pages t3O and ,31 and Patio lighting T;',"-:".:x";'"i:i"l::""11'i,lliiJi*11""**"' tor evening enteltaining Hff't*{g-,f,TfrlLr$"" P 5205 /a..:. . G'.i oor'p'o!'' c- !1 n ;- : dtJeiA/ :i- L jd r'. !ne' W.e ea3s a-: tlfl,.o lor Pctda'erl o P 5213 sp 'c 'nsta a:'on ?%'dLa 8 .'hl !!- Du o ;.,-.,1r/ 't\ay ---IA P 5ect \ / 'aj P 520€ !ff;?}:"'r:ii.'J,*;:; P 5297 .,?.1': "'i}'ff "'rg"J[:] tf $ @'l'q;, \ firP o, /;1 lL - ---a-_ " - SecuritY' lawn l :"'"'J,1"",., qi'i^Tiiftr'", '#?h*l1:{idff;"s:ili C[hsr gound lqhts on Pag! I 19 tj.catt at Jn,^ua ta'tet hs q 1'2 -1 " E Mcd,ufr Dase ourD ",-,6t j- p szot /' ffilt_--l I lll lri It-_--t Colonlal 9-Ll9ht Benchmark Door Sizes and Model Numbers Door Widlh ItrEtrl rumE I I [] ifill-1"1 I lllli|]llLi lt---t San Francisco rdlFtrEJ [mni ru,1' i ffifi' llF=l i\:a I Williamsburg r_ _t ltlr Er I lmmlt--l lm m"lt__l ItU rf I Chaleau tr--rbGl [oeolIBEEI Io e e"l ]tr8@l ltr E tr | Cordoba tr@l ffil lmml lm=l luu"l lu_l ln]nl l-l:ll. - | l-,,, _-_ | Colonial Colonial 2-Light 4-Light Fredericksburg 2'-8"2868EME 2868EDE 2868ECE 2866EFE 2868E2E 2B68E4E 2868E9E 3',-0"3068EME 3068EDE 3068ECE 3068EFE 3068ESF 3068E2E 3068E4E 3068E9E 3',-6" s',-4"5468EME 5468EDE 5468ECE 5468EFE 5468E2E 5468E4E 5468E9E o-u 6068EME 6068EDE 6068ECE ouootrrE 6068ESF 6068E2E 6068E4E 6068E9E Door Widlh mmt ffi] U] L Louis XV Veranda.l\ Flush z-o z6EaE+._ 2'-8"2868E9X 2868EOX 2868ELXV 2868EVG 2868EF 3',-0"3068E9X 3068EDX 3068ELXV 3068EVG 3068EF 3',-6"3668EF 5'-4"5468EgX 5468EDX 5468ELXV 5468EVG 5468EF 6'-0"6068E9X 6068EDX 6068ELXV 6068EVG 6068EF Handing Chart Hand is alwavs taken from outside. ,p-n",,'o, {BH) Inrw'ns !-.. Ite|l |.ltrio {LH) t-lo,t*i''gf-.f ._.-t Lctl ttand {LHR) ?r!r+r rLHF)--1t- (FHF) outswir|! ouTsroE Aslragal r5 handed by the door it mounl\ to { Inaclrve) Here's how to order Soecifv: Benchmark Insulated Steel Entrante Doors as manulaclured by General Products Company, Inc. Model # Benchmark Door Construction: Door to be 13l." thick. fully reversible lor lelt or fight hand installalion. Both sides of door to be 23 gauge galvanrzed steeltreated lor paint adhesion, with DESIGN DEEPTY EMEOSSED. Doors to be hinged in 3 localions, drilled for re- versible 4" x 4'hinges. Allpflmed lights lo be tempered Insulaled glass and caulked on both sides. Doors lo be trlled wrth polyurethane toam with a K' laclor ol .122. orvino the door a "U" faclor ot .069. Core sFall bt loamed in olace to torm a monolithic unit. Doors shdll have foam core with an ''8" value ol 14.5. Standard lock preparation for Government 160 cylindrical lock with 2y6" backset (23l.' ootion). 2'4" diameler crossbore hole in door lace. and a 11/s" x 2t/." x 73?" morlise for latch plate. Deadbolt preparalion-any position between 27h" and 6" on cenlel above lock. Crossbore hole must be drilled, filler and cover plates adiusted. Preoaration for Government 160-4, Governmenl 161 and Governmenl 86 available on special order at extra cost. Preparation tor mail slots, peep srtes, other deadbolts, special reinlorcements for door closers also available on special order at exlra cost. E1118 10 83 5C *T,.pxg,.lmfl".(k .. General Products CompanV. Inc. PO Box 7387 FredericKscurg V422404 Phone 703 898-57C!'Te ex 827'.i5i d"on oJtJ- Benchmark Wood Frame Specifications: Frame shall be of kiln dried Ponderosa Pine kerled lo accept magnetic lock and head lamb weatherslrip and compression hinge jamb weatherstrip. Weatherstrip lo be lurnished installed. 4%" frame width standard, with exlenders available as 5%'. For energy saving construction, specily 6'/2" l.ame. Fire LabelAtfidavit: 1y2 Hour Label standard on non-light models. Acceptance: BENCHMARK INSULATED STEEL DOORS ABE APPBOVED BYTHE FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION (F.H.A.) i\,IATERIALS BELEASE #757. Tesl and labeling cerlificalion in accor- dance wilh interim FHA test procedure lor lighl gauge steel residentral exlerior doors perlormed by Froehlrng & Roberlson. Inc ? t-, NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF The follo_wing information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other l.lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts W'i ndows l.lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings., Ch imneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther WaoA B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designeri Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Corrnon Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REIV|OVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate heiqht for conifers. LIST OF MATERIALS L \ t TO: FROM: Design Review Board Applicants for projects in CCI and CCII Department of Community Development 2. Facades 3. Bal conies 4. Decks and Patios 5. Accent Elements 6. Landscape Elements 7. Service Lionshead Developnent proposals in CCI and CCII are reviewed by the Design Review Boardw'ith respect to Design considerations as outlined in-the urban Design Guide.Plan. These Design Considerations address various architectural ani 'l andscapefeatures. It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate whether'their proposal is complying with these considerations. The Design Considerationsfor the Village and Lionshead are available upon request. Pleas6 feel free tocontact Tom Braun or Kristan Pri tz wjth any questions you may have. Vail Vil'lage l. Roofs l. Heights and mdssing ,/, -,/dr4Y wt'r'Oow 2. Roofs '6,En,eZ €H'qkEs ovaz 8A/ 3. Facades wal'ls/structure €Vac1.o Vo m,?YcH Ftl€F-/Nf 4. Facades - Transparency 6/'gt y''llY€L nYAooR /h,lVeY ,trv5tr)ary tar I{'EAR ( over ) 76 /wr0E ,/ ,f ' tt,c,q . Ftto* TtzounrJ //e/4 re Fi w/ ,re w 6,4Y wwnow 1. t wutOaws Ya ] PLANT IIIATERIALS: Botanical Name Comton Namecormon Name Quanity Size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Tvpe Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION , TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swirming pools, etc.) Please specify. -: (,'! ^ t j, I vo 6. 7. 5. Decks and Patios Accent Elements Att gx\ TAtm ruz Landscape Elements . . EE | , .i, ,t-J . i:, I 'I :-, ^l: oo orl) ao oo rJ)(o (f, o O <t an IJJ TIJlJ- ts =E UJ o- \"18 gcv8-&-8I oo\'bZ I>rulrS\o: -hri* t; Ir ,fr Nl $i :-\ s-\l- -It5; dlls s fli= EI orJ F LUF F F z zz ! I 14 :JNq 1Eal>lo s.lcl-cl-I in IJJFoz = =o .6 (, =zoN .d (6 c6 o t!Julrh =I @|r)\o f\@ U). '{o(-) Xo. Cd r- .. I ado P = b-t EC'.t'.Y@'e -0() a./l E>g+) =vr+,=ad,! E ot F' oE o oto.ar rJg Eao o) (! o o) E c0 E o =cl do o (! 3o E '6 oo a;o oo o al, ::Eofo E (i, o) -o 3oF q) o ol 6 o()o(u (D J C'J o -<t =f.ct o E (E tn!(g E:go-G'=oo*toi-otr-()(6cott.9; ItPc;.= .!Ffc ;@Yc-o cfs-60 =pF; >=c96'- o- -c 85t_E >3 Fa =EE.-:; oEieFf,;.Y- (6 o-(! 0- sEEor o. =f;:E6:EE Eo (s* EE E_ o..! ePC6 0'- --E E'€ E*Bl9 6a .Y:E HR8 .i6 eItEo eEg -o6 o "?sfsf oc O'lNI oI rat(o oeo t{ oe ro GI o o !-{ |r) COsf C7) E =tu z o) Y uJ oz d 9EF C) uJJut z6 = aoz o uJ = UJ uJt!z E IJJ IJJE oE o ao 3uJ llJ z 6ut tn UJ z UJJ() x F ul U' oulul Lr-F =t IJJo- FoF oz I to J qJ J UJ (9z co =J J 9z () uJ = NOtrvn'lvA Iolq !Jq 9+lq .u '1 LI +rl =lol-l {-ri-l 6 =!ooE =c, xEo;2Zv-o ootr ^ az.q 5 >9E 9 OE .toE7x 86> XE<oq iH6 *.-H Z d(\o \ r\=EJE =s (l) L' (l-(Fo g ! =cct ! c) N(o J 7) .|. (F zo F rL 4 UJ F lr)F\ CO4 x E o-t! E, z F z tr UJ =UJz tltltlll v,trzlzO(/)trul5? =EUcj<z aFz ,. 2= EO3trOI UJ JJ atlt,ulzY9IF 2 F U)z o o3 a o ir Itrlzl- --lr*'l --l ' --i l F uJ lllulz U)! E uJ .J z E o \ ( z tr J d) UJo (\t I co / ro(3 co C>o sfo @ co LlJFooo-zo Fo- uJY uJ c0 oF tr cc Llj(L t!o coo I ulFoz ltF o I dfi ZF'; -J;C)B;Hx.,--- LJ lxl L__l = uJ IL :!{6YE<ol60 =e.B9!t ir EE =>.=uJ-E h=E :gE =p-E U59 Eu.tE XO-t x>I q-o=etr llJ F ITI Etn z ,n9zzd)o =zff a.,P E =E,l!q- z9Fo3 E,FAtzoo' I I I Iol =.1ol uJl 1l al>lttlol 3l sOl rJrFI F (O (7) F\ Lr) IN(\I tltltll-lul stlsl c") I.'- | r-r I-c I =l oli'-l 1l al ElEI J.;l sl I lr-lloltzld;lE9lLrt Fl =.1(,l utl ccl JI al>l Ir-|ol zl 3tolFI slr\(o tl..or\s -lc!lol-l ol =.1olull 5l al>lttlol zl 3l PI +J u.J aJ o.J' +,vt5d = tr I I Itr:l VI =IlF-rIro,'ilro>lr ailctr qls <l itol zl =l9lFI o L+,(J(u U.J =c,z L .U atd. o:o ruIo o(J o ! .EE(t' (o:i UJ =z (D -") F-l(6l =lo1C lro(O lr<cJllcl(o(,tN 5lor:l I(f) |coto+lo I ct-5.FBscl><= =O (o!o .Uc ao(J .tJL.6 =P(/l UJ z (uq, CL E ru =tr rt' 6 E 2P;O =<(>t d6 z r uJ = F t z () l-tirg -t- nF=o2 o E |- IY z F F Lu tr E -J O<F uJ<z&,UJF J<OqE ,7 I I 1 nl, N rn'a I .; il ,1 d\t T t!) uJ uJll ==e,lu o- NI \l I ldlslt1 t\ l$| <J)l9rIF lz lz IE Ir0l'. t2 ILJ uJ = t! 3, F u, o fil Cg c f(I) E l o (r, '(, o '=o(/l;i*ioiE8Fa E.c *€*tge F.= E F € 6p.ac-o> E€ iE-P;,i;=p ci'-(6 33E; EE:FE!Eo :€3sgeeF Elae cL (! 0--$E; s oiE-ol =€:€1J; (6;' :E€ H EiEE =,s=:_o.;o -e c A6 0'- .:t;o(a s€; fdi'Io36>.= xd=96E 6- afieH9Eor -e5g: pq \i.b 0 s ,$r $ o st' 0 \ \ t lo \ ri N \^ 0 \ { \ o 9 s \ ffi $ F uJ z Io UJ z J E olu) UJ z J z (J uJ = UJ UJl!zo F tu o 6 3ul llr E,z(, ulo F U' uJ z lu C) x F uJo U> uJ llJu-F = UJ J F z ao IJJ uJ az ao =Jo- J 2 I llJ = NO|l.Vn'lVA *r 9$b\ =\# Eo\ EN 6\ zzoo F-at5: =FE.oo6b<)zrL<ogt! r{9UFOr c\j t$ N N 'l $ e \ N z tr ) \\ \G uJ(L F Po lY, o- uJ z E bzIF G uJFJ Bulz tltltlll trzfzOca koo< =gRtr6o<z trz, 9z do3EOI tu l J ou) UJzY9IF zo tr) az Bo l\l\ IF I ol a.t<FIJ(,|aE <t tr z_) zl .. >l ul uJ LUzot ulo- zI =oc- tr- <>og '1 qJ F o z Yt! fla s Na) u)cn z F fr o-lt i. luE9 =E 5 e;€8 A3B g =<..r a a/,b I a-ia: l )atrn = d=lE F>I i- e u) Y --.J )atrftsl il=rE :>EI EFoultrlE:eXEq Ef,6-r!tr lu @oF E =-b I z J t! Jdl Fo /) {t(:./ '6 -llq tl s ui =z - <{l --Js) 3-) 1l!rl 1l\l-t-l u/lt ul =z F\.\ $ ]; l)s ut @oo J = --d N,l N t \s \ \ =() t\\r\ a :l\a tr I I I l-+ta lolr.l(rIIY lt gl aos -l E .og siA o- ()\J >J =tro \r( .\I\ rtt' N =tr l"lIrllf\ llx l. 91.]l| ,:il'FIHl t lilN el E h) TN ;\g\o'l "'sil\ild3lqolEFI h * It\ ..N I uJF .\l $\.u\l \ a \ (lt =lGI u_l \I\\r\ oz ut F\crJI <l>l ltlol zl =l9lFI $ N ( N HF E d cil =.1olutlqt <l>l ttlol zl3q H =tr z. uJl.rl <l>ltl\rl zl]lolFI r!J UJ UJz = Folll F ? O E, <F uJ<zE, IIJ Ft4Z-o() <o(JF iE;"i Ffr 9P =<z.E d6 C) tx ::F =3 =8 t-ti\g+t -t-o2 a<rqg I Q-ionrn.od Arcode Building O Condominium Associotion, Inc. Post ffice Drower 9 Voil. Colorodo 81657 July 2), 1984 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Co 81657 To Whom It May Concern: At the May 3l meet.ing of the LionsHead Arcade Board of Directors, the board approved the motion to move Canada of Vail's entrance area in conjunction with the LionsHead remodel project. The new area should be octoganal in shape and should not be "commercial-looking." A small identifying sign on the door would be acceptable to the board. Kit Wil.liams Association Manager PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION , TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL. ,i- CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: B FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER B EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR AppRoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / CbRRECTIONS:, DATE INSPECTOR m ;,*rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: . -.j WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr E FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FrN+E] FINAL ., D.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*ril"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE .' . JoB NAME --------:-:-..i CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ., MOry TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: :,.-,8 OISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED ;' -7 t '.'rDATE .. ' ' Project Appllcation o"r" Jt,nhr, 12,l'lTt Vrui .At4(tProjecl Name: Project Description: Contaci Person and Owner, Address and Phone, APTllArchitect, Addr€ss and Phone: Legat Descriptio"., ali'i 0l '-^,rrt11- p4((Nt4e,V ,"1 til\\h(4 !n4fl ', u''|."r, -11^ Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL ,\\J .,t,-h\ \\ .f(^\ \\ r^,iv\rru r Staft Approval o Env'iro M*& NUIND' T0: Planni FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Request for exterior alteration of theat 483 West Lionshead Mall in order to entrance door of Canada's Real Estate. I. PROPOSAL The application is for an exterior alteration to the ground levelcorner,of the Lazier Building (Commercial Core II - Lionshead).remodel will delete gloor and three exjstinq windowshrgggXj_stinS_wi ndows and repl ace1. This new section of wall will the existing building colors. The applicant is remodeling the entry for the fo]lowing reasons: "The remodel and relocation of the main entrance door is in response to thenew Vail Lionshead Ma11 design presently under construction. itre'svr uq| | L runsfled(l nd|| oeslgn_ present ly under construction. The presentsouth-facing entrance door ii lbcated directly opposi[e a walkwai 6eil;;; II9 F"i:l]ng planting berms. The new marl deligh moves the bermi away iiomthe.-bui'ldi ns,' byt pt gc9:. g. lew p1 anting ar"i-aiie.iiv-oppoii te ttre ei-i sti ngdoor. For greater' visibil i The mai ance u opposwalkway between the new circular rtag'Aiipiiy inj.pianiini-irea.', II. COMPLIANCE t.lITH THE CCII ZONE DISTRICT The application is in compliance with the CCII zone district. III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE LIONSHEAD URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN sub-area concept l2 refers to the Lionshead Arcade and states: An opportunity-exists-for expansion of bui'ldings, arcades, awnings, etc.Eo rmprove scare' tnttT;'1,:l,l?1',i)"o'rn2'r,t"!Wlf*X,ltt:,^ffi;u,L6,,/^o7, rhe bu ir di ns i s actuar r, ult"W\ltK#W'Affi lrt trZ:will re'late better to t-he n"r-piinitng-a""ur proposed.rn the Vail LionsheadMa1l.design.Thefacade'sj,-irnotincreased, by the new windows and dooffint-Gtpl-io further definethe ground floor pedestrian area. Communi ty Development Department June 7, .|984 Lionshead Arcade Building remodel and relocate theApplicant: Canada's of Vail , southeast The proposed of wall willthem with a "curved',_sec-Liinclude a new "storefront,, The addition deletes apprortrfiarea. All materials, window, entrance door a aT6ly-Tzsquare feet fron and door treatments and See attached site plan the existinqFntrv stai n col ors -sha] l-match and sketch. -: ':i: ^f )I Ca nada's -2- 6/7/84 IV. URBAN OESIGN CONSIDEMTIONS 1. Height and massing - not applicable 2. Roofs - not applicable 3. Facades-l,tal1s,/Structure C.'l Vertica'l wood siding and wood window and door treatment will be used.wood is encouraged to be used as a "primary material ,' in Lionih"ia.- C.2 All wood surfaces are to be stained to match the existing wood colors.This complies exactly with the guideline. C.3 All trim and mul'lions are to be stained dark brown to match existingwhich corresponds to the urban Design Guide consideration: to usedarker earthtones for these areas. c.4 It is suggested that materials be limited to 3 or less major types.The applicant is using two wood stain colors. 4. Facades/Transparency ,--,(D.l /he UDC states that commercia'l\---/transparent than upper floors. facades should be proportionately more The ground f'lOor Uil'l be mor. trans- :r D.2 The design complies with the urban Des'ign Guide consideration tolocate window sills no more than 18 inches from the walk level . D.3 The window area substantially comprises the gound floor commercialfacade and is close to the suggested TOit traisparency level. D.4 The urban Design Guide consideration. encourage. window grouping. The proposal complles by creating two groupinls of windows oh eichside of the remode'l D.5 Glass should be subdivided with joints or mullions. New windows willbe added to delineate the entry.- The treatment should create a"progressively" more hunan scale. D.6 Bay, bow and box windows are encouraged. Not applicable to this project. D.7 clear glass to match existing glass will be used. Frame materialsare to be stained dark brown to match existing. Design complies withthe Urban Design Consideration 0.8 The new entry door is approximately 40% transparent, 10% over the minimum'30% transparency level . Canada' s o -J - )rc* D.9 The "curved" wall of the proposed remodel wil'l recess the entrancean average two feet from the existing facade p1ane. This treatmentis in compliance. D.l0 All_1.ocking and security systems will be simjlar to those on the existingbuilding which compl ies. 5. Decks and Patios: Not applicable 6. Accent Elements: Not applicable 7. Landscape Elements: Not applicable v. zqNINc CODE CoNSTDERATTONS No impact. V]. RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN The Conrmunity Action Plan's section on Cornmunity Desi.gn_encourages the upgradingof structures. This proposar supports ine potiiv-ina"irio-i, ,"y.,ng ro coor-dinatewiththeoverailLionsheait'Improvemeirtpii,giam. Policy 2: "Upgrading.and remode'ling of structures and site improvements should beencouraged. " -TTI.I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The community Development Department recommends approva'l of the remodel .The-proposal-meets a' majoriiy-oi iri. uioan oesign considerations and il:ll.tro-re the connection -between cinlaa,sent-r.yirea iri-ir'e Lionshead'Y'.r,'' q^t\ *$ til .od!'- n . (, ^Q.c,^hl N<o< \r\by''bdrceft.ah! i\ \i'{ ao 2o E 4 .P e a 6. J, JJ r-'l 2 J J J.? i'r . ,134i4 - a4Y^d',A '1iVA ,' b'::,<t1 -:1izv', A !--{ t- \ 'r-\ (i t- s \ a, s- I I Si.: i\v t_ f. '.t: t' l r--\- l:_ \ \t \-!. b,\ t:l: .-t\.\ i 1: ;ii.\t\\ \.\ t.-t v A4+.tt\ i_. tt $v'-l-r,\FsLt\ Ixq$ rlNS Nd\ t t:- t$ |lrN ./> -\.-. / / l-1-i "'f--t.\F.l- !-,E>Vt\ a_\li.- \ N+ [li<r iisrt i$ \1, .\'t\:r-9\ fil:+ 1- N-,i' -a. illll,I' --- ---.---+ Ir.l tt\ =i!s.\r =:i'-fr-\.I:'?{t l )\- .(.__ I i $t _r\ +\:ti:i($ 1 sR s.$ / \, ,i lu {. > r- 9!r $\Nfr{tR )ka.- N l$ rr ll -E TF^\\rNa- tts-A;' ;',:lii-'i I l'):;...t; r .. ;r'l.i i.i .-'i; ' ,< l : '! :i ._j . t *l\}roN F'RI"I FoR EXTERIOR AITERATIONS OR I.'IODIFICATIONS IN COI'IMERCIAL rr (ccrr) VAIL LIONSHEAD This procedure required for alteration of an exisLing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or replace- ment of an existing building shall be subject to review by the Plan-ning and. Environmental Commission The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. 1. NAME oF APPLrc.Ntr Canada's of Vail ' Ltd. ADDRESS 483 t^J. L'ionshead MalI, Vail, C0 81657 PHoNE 303-476-1600 2.NAME OF APPLICANT IS REPR.ESENTATIVE '(t CORE Date I. a2-// PHONE 5. .: . . survey of property showing property lines and location and any improvements on the 1and. 7. II. Four A. A list of tbe name of ow'ners of al-l property adjacent to the subject property and their MAILING addresses. (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at ascale of 1" = 20 1; a variation of the sheet or scale may be ap-proved by the Community Development Department if justified; The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed Cevelopmentshall be shown on the site plan; -'--- aoonrss y/a h/. /:,, , L I b^\\ pHoNz__42-L--4_ao- 3.NAI'IE OF OWNER SIGNA ADDRES 5. FEE $100. 00 PAID Improvementof building 4. LOCATTON OF PROPOSAI, ADDRESS: 483 !J. Lionlhead t'lal'l , Vail, Colorado 81657 TEGAL DEScRIFTION Condominium Unit 207&208, of the Lionshead Arcade Bui'ldin9 located in Vail' Colorado. B. O1r ::ff 3t],;f '::::1.?i"'li, "'tl}"::;3,::i" ::ln area where there is a change of two feet of grade; c.The existing and. proposed an expansion D- The location and size of all dxisting and proposed buildings,structures and improvements i E. The existing and proposed landscaping patio additions or deletions. III. The applicant shall submit in written and graphic form, a preponder- ance of evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commissionthat the proposal is in conformance with the purposes of the CCIIDistrict and that the proposal substantially compJ-ies with the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide pIan. A. ff the applicant is proposing a major change to the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide P1an, the procedures for change are noted inSection L8.24.22O (B) . IV. The applicant must also submit written and graphic supporting mater-ials that the proposal substantially complies with the following Urban Design Considerations section of the Vail Lionshead DesignConsiderations A. Height and MassingB. Roofs C. Facades - Walls/StructureD. Facades - TransparencyE. Decks and PatiosF. Accent ElementsG. Landscape Elements Many of the above items should be addressed in some graphic meansusing such tools as sketches, simulations, models (including neigh-boring buildings), photos, etc. V. The Town of Vail Zoning Code for CCII also describes other zoningissues that the applicant must respond to in written or graphic form. VI . Applications for exterior alterations or modifications in CCIf canbe received up to July 31, 1980. After that date, the time framesnoted in Section 18.24.065-A-5 app1y. ,.1iiiin t ir'l riiil rl;H '.l, r r ,11;f tooo F, _it} -,f t+i | | .--..J'-l l---l r { a', It, l,i!t IJt:i I.l.iI it .!li !l,#,t i't .,I 1- <grlJ F<S {tl U)7 '! ''r I <5 ooo to dovid m. peel kothy worren orchitects 2588 oroso dr. p.o. box 3370 voil. co. 81658 303.476.4506 Itlay L4, L984 MAIN EI'ITRANCE REMODEL CANADATS OF VAIL, LIIIITED 483 l{est Lionshead I'Iall LazLer Building Vail, Colorado 81657 This application is for an exterior a1 teration to the ground Ievelr- south-east corner of the Lazi-er BuiJ-ding (CommerciaL Core II , Vai_l Lionshead). The proposed remodel will delete one existing door and three existing windows, and replace them with a I'curved.r, section of window wall. This nevr section of wal1 will inClude a new rstorefnontl entrance door and four new sections of window. A11 materials, window and door treat- ment and stain colors shalL match the existing buildi,ng colors. The remodel and rel0cation of the main entrance door is in response to the new Vail Lionshead MalL design presently under construction. The present south-faeing entrance door is located directly opposite a vralkway between tvro existing planting berrns. The new ma11 design moves the berms anvay from the buildingr but places a new planting area directly opposite the existing door. For greater visibility and the potential- for more rwalk-inr' business, the remodel reLocates the door to the south-east corner of the building. The main enlrance to the commerclal space woul-d then be 6pposite the 45o rvalkvray betr'reen the new south planting area and the new cirpular flag display and planting area. The proposed remodel is in substantial compliance wlth the Urban Design Consi-derations (Facades) section of the Vail Lionshead Design Considerati-ons : raceos s -i,IAiis / s rnucrune C.1 The rnaterials to be used are vertical vrood slding and wood window and door treatment to match the existlng. C.2 All wood surfaces are to be stained to match the existi.ng wood c o1ors. ,:.' C.3 A11 trim and mul11ons are to be stained dark brown to match ' the existing. ool to :.1AII'I EITTRAI.ICE REJ.IODEL CANADATS OF VArL, Lr1'ITTED There rtil1 be TI'IO wood stain colors. Dark trlm and mulJ-ions, and a lighter brown for (A11 stains to natch the exlsting. ) brown for the the wood siding.c.4 FACADE S -TRANSPAREi'ICY D.1 Proportionately, the ground floor remodel vri-11 be more transparent than the upper floors of the LazLet Building. D.2 This remodel will have window si1ls approximately 18rr above walk Ievel. (17" to bottom of existing siII and 2oI to top of existlng sil-1. ) D.3 Window area substantiaLly comprises the ground floor commer- clal facade of the remodel and the existing buildlng. D.4 Glass will be grouped into banks with common trim and mullions to match the existing. D.5 Individual window elements wl11 match the existing. (Exist- ing windoll's are approximately 7r-Oil high by 3t-6rr wide. The new vrindows will be approximately 7r-Or high by 1r-9r' rvide, further deliniating'a nevt entrance and giving it a t'pro- gressiveLyil more hwnan scale.) D.6 Does not apply. D.7 Glass to be used sha1l match existing clear glass. I.lu1l-ion and frane materials are to be stained dark brorrn to match the existing. D.B The exterj.or main entrance door is to be approximately transparent. D.9 The I'curved[ vral 1 of the proposed remodel r'ril]- recess entrance an average of 2r-Or from the existing facade D.1O ALl locking and security systems are to be sinilar to existing as per the or'rner. 40% the p1ane. the REAL ESTATE t;wide: 1-800-525-9293 483 West Lionshead Mall 20 Eagle Road Vail. Colorado 8.1657 Avon' Colorado 81620 303i476-1600 303/949-4368 Denver Toll Free 534-5025 Denver Toll Free 893-2403 May 10, 1984 The Town of Vail RE: question # 7, the following is respectfully submitted: Lionshead Arcade Commercial Robert T. Lazier, Tivoli Lodge, Vail, Colorado 81657 Lionshead Arcade Condominium Association Caroi Duddy, P.0. Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81658 Vail 21 Building Commercial Vail 21 Partnership, Box 686, Vail, Colorado 81658 Vail 21 Condominium Association Mr. Dick Brown, President, 1780 So. Belaire # 106, Denver, Colorado 80222 Lionshead Centre Condominium Association and Commercial Space (please send 5 copies of all material) Marvel Barnes, P0. Box 474, Yail , Colorado 81658 oe / J,,tl rtt-/t// / ,, tryr!lflr! rJrKli rl i{rl [tE&k@[& - liAitg 'ot; I'l(0,itic'l'cAN.t,, ,r t;il;.t ,{4 IsR lArS L:tD. (l''lain Entrance Remod.el) Li o n Slle ad-AiCbTd-TuTftIIn s -*---It t. t Nc_ .l!!_!j:t_ Llonshe ad r,{a11LI:(;Al, Dl;.<;Cl{ I l)'lI0li: l.O1'ut,0cK Dl;SCl{ I l'1'l0:'l OF PROJ tict'Exterior alte'ration to relocate the main entrance door to south-east corner of building in response to new Lionshead },lall design. N/A The fol lor',i.ng informat ion is Board bcfore a final approval A. BUILDIN(.' I,tAI'ERIALS tioof Siding Other lfall l"laterials Fas c ia Soffits Windorvs lllindow Trirn Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashi-ngs Chirrrneys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es 0ther rcqrrircd for submi.ttal by can be givcn: Ire._eillgt".]sl_ thc appl icrnt to thc Dcsilin llcvielv Color l-x6 Vertical wood siding above and lllcf,xi st in.e. below newStain to N/A match. 1x6 wood siding to maffi --L ng. Head,jamb, si11 and mullions to match exist- rn h existins. 3 668 natural finish solid-core oak door with ss mail slot door pul1/1atch. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Concrete slab I'thresholdl in tri angular area betrveen nerv door and the 12r'wide c onc re,te band as per Vail trionshead i'Ia1I design. Common Name Si ze B. LANDSCAPING Name of Des'igner: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS : TREES Botanical Name 1\ /A N/A Clear 91 ass to match existing fixed windows. SHRUBS GROUND COVERS SOD SQUARE FooTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE Fo0TAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swirming pools, etc.) please specify. ..' .a a r J, tr . -:. ax 2'o I z-=) .H JJ rc a A I s D.9 The "curved" wall of the an average two feet fromis in compliance. D.l0 All locking and security building which compl ies. Community Development Departmentprrposal meets a majority of the il:]]. tro-"e the connection Letween canada't O 6/7184 proposed remodel will recess thethe existing facade plane. This entr trea thos the existing Decks and Patios: Not applicable Accent Elements: Not applicab'le Landscape E'lements: Not applicable v. zQl[NG coDE CoNSTDEMTToNS No impact. EELATED PoLTCTES IN VArL'S ITY ACTION PLAN .tPolicy 2: eling of structures and site improvements should be"Upgrading and encouraged. jl COMMENDATI systems will be similar to 5. 6. 7. VI. If.rt;l1il;!{.*+;?! plan',/section on conrnunity Desisn_encourases the upsradins dinate wiirr-ine ;;;;^lffifilr:iltil||"}!;"ffitll{ni1|-atio ii iivini io-;;;;:"'' recormends approval of the remodel .Urban Design Considerations and Canadat s entry area and the Lionshead ::1343'a44/'A) tlti/^ ., - b::<',tr'q -J;izvi A \ rlKr;i: {st: $a /,S$r:-f\ \:i \\ft $.\ f. .J: r:Nr:tr: \ \\ \-!', {\x bt,+ I-.- "f:=$-F'vr {'-- (. s$tf ltti t:.l:a\t .\l:E. it[\ '\[\\\sr(|.\ lr l:---l v A ir I $* }Ni1 t* )-t-$ \I\ NrlI ti\ rr $. Elt\{- i.l s Rr- 9ct9t.9zt €OG-9!igt| Oo'lloDFoetEz OICE roq bd |celHcro uer.D,n Aq|Dl lcollqc.tDp€d ut pt^oP o 6 6. A PEC 5 /11/84 uest for exterior alteration for the Antlers Lodqe on Lot 3, Block 1, a ons ea nq. the uest a meeti nq,/ba uet room0taroxmauare tee cant: An!ters nium Association 7. A uest for exterior a'l teration of t Build at 483t Lions n order to Peter Patten presented the request and reviewed the history of the parking exceptionrequest as.well. He stated that if 4 spaces were removed, they wouid havd tobe replaced either on site or via a parking fund. Patten-statLd that the Council T:gft appreciate it if the PEC would want io address the park'ing issue. He addedthat the Town Council could be resolution make parking exteptiois with certaincri teri a. Donovan moved and Piercq leconded=to approve the request for exterior alteration Kristan Pritz presented the request and showed floor and site p1 ans and elevations. Dave Pee'l , architect for the project, answered questions. Pritz pointed out thatthe Town had not yet received a ietter of approva'l from the Condominium Association and that should be a condition of approval ." Dgngvqn mgvgd and-Rapson seconded to approve the request with the conditions Enat tne letter of approval be received from the condo association and that Ene srgn code be conforrnecl to. 8. I rgqueqt !o felgne Lot 6, Block t, Lionsridqe Fiting 4 from Single Family !o Kglroelnrlat=utustqr=and a request for a special Development Districttor tne above lot and lots AI , A2, and A3, and a request for a minor subdivision Eo Dulld on 507" slopes on Lot 6, and Lot 43. Applicant: Reinforced Earth Company ,.a.. ** no* *e.backgrcund of the application and explained that this wasa revision and expansion of the Architeml-at-vail project approved in'l9gl, andnow to be called Bonne Vue. He stated that it was'foi lO uhits and an empioyeeunit. He stated that there would be an 70 foot buffer to the west, that tire vege-tation existing in the draw would not be disturbed and pointed out the 4 conditionsof approval in the memo. Jim.Merkel , one of the applicants, explained that they wanted to increase thenunber of units to l6 for economii pui'poses, decrease-the entrances to one, keepall of the units on the upper ridge, aha aaa a c'lubhouse, swim pool and caietakLr,sunit. He showed sections and poiitid out that the numbei of reiaining walls hid been reduced. Each unit would'be three stories with the garages on tfre bottom,the l-iv.ing and dining areas on the second leve'|, and the Sedr6oms on the top l6vel. The clubhouse at first.was not planned to be eaith sheltered and was revised to makeit earth sheltered, and it wouth Oe one-itory-in-ippeirance. nshead Arca anaca's of va ore 6/n/84 Pierce asked if the project wou'ld_be buJlt all at once or wou1d be phased. Merkelstated that he would like to do a'll at once, but if they did not haie time thisbuilding season, they planned to do one or two duplexes. Pierce stated that he wouldhate to see it built partial ly,-and asked if the financing was contingent on resales.Patten said that the Council will probably require some tlpe of assurinci itrat--financing would be avai'lable. Jim l{artel'1, one of the applicants, stated that it was extremely important to buildtwo units to show potential clients what the project would loolilikb, and thesefirst units would look good so that the rest wi'll sel'|. Patten statid that DRBguidelines also addressed phasing. Piper asked to send a directive to DRB of the PEC's concerns about tearing out and putting back together the property and the lTPggtt this might have on appearance. l,lariell stated that they wbutU OiiiurU-aslitt'le as possible in phases. Viele stated that he had the same concerns because this development would have more impact.on_site work. His concerns included phasing, financing, and two statementsfrom the EIR in which the necessity for further siie specific-leotechnical studieswere stressed and that some rock fa'll study tras cursory. He falt that mud flow androck fall should be studies further, since there had bben huge mud flows on eitherside of this proiect. He questioned the effectiveness of culverts and wonderedwhether or not storage of water should be part of the EIR. !4artell stated that many of the proiects done by Reinforced Earth Company had been used to correct mudslides, but Piper replied that the board was conceined with mudslides which initiated off of this site. Rapson asked about technique used ifthey should run into stone, because blasting could start a rpck slide. ilarte]l answered that the test cores indicated that rock outcroppings were not significant. Donovan was concerned that if there were a mud slide it may not go through theplanned cu]vert. Piper suggested that perhaps one unit cl6se to-the drai wou'td have to be omitted. Peter_,Jamar, representing the applicant, said that he checked with Jeff Selby andl'lark Garrison who designed complete rockfall mit'igation when applying for Lionsridge Filing 4 to Eagle County, but that he did not do a blpplemental report. Viele recormended a supplemental report be made on a site specific study. Jamarstated that that several site specific studies were completald, but that-they wouldprobablv_go_ into.more deql!l before applying for a bui'tiin9 pirmit--that pe-rhapithis could be made a condition of approval.- Pi moved and Donovan seconded to rove the aza ul ator Ke't nforc ompan.y on lo agai nst, wiTF-Trout abrsrLai nj nq: for a variance to the n tavor b TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Plann'ing and Environmental Commjssion Community Development Department June 7, 1984 SUBJECT: Request for exterior alteration of the Lionshead Arcade Building at 483 West Lionshead Mall in order to remodel and relocate the entrance door of Canada's Real Estate. Applicant: Canada's of Vail I. PROPOSAL t, The application is for an exterior alteration to the ground'l evel , southeast corner of the Lazier Building (Commercial Core II - Lionshead). The proposed remodel will delete an exist'ing door and three exist'ing w'indows and replace them with a "curved" section of window wa] 'l . This new section of wall will include a new "storefront" entrance door and four new sections of window. The addit'ion deletes approximately 12 square feet from the exist'ing entryarea. All materia'l s, window, and door treatments and stain colors shall match the existing building colors. See attached site plan and sketch. The applicant is renode'ling the entry for the following reasons: i. t i .. . "The remodel and relocation of the main entrance door is in response to the new Vail Lionshead Ma'l I design presently under construction. The present south-facing entrance door is located directly opposite a walkway between two existing planting berms. The new mal1 design moves the berms away from the building, but places a new planting area directly opposite the existingdoor. For greater visibi'l ity and the potential for more "walk-in" business, the remodel relocates the door to the southeast corner of the building. The main entrance to the commercia'l space would then be opposite the 45" walkway between the new circular flag display and p1 anting area." II. COMPLIANCE WITH THE CCII ZONE DISTRICT The application is in compliance with the CCII zone district. III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE LIONSHEAD URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN Sub-area concept l2 refers to the Lionshead Arcade and states: ldings, arcades, awnings, etc.An to opportuni ty_ exi sts_ for expil]sj"on" ol. bui improve scale, shelterl '0,r"'T"^ *;? ^r'-tt Wiou,' J^-.,- -iF r ot commercl€t tacades.* h: a- /..,-- /t--,,. (.._ ; entt{ facade./ However, .r:J Tt-<- The building is its ent acade./ However, the new entrywill relate better to the new p1 anting areas proposed in the Vail Lionshead- MalI design. The facade's transparency w'i1l be maintained, if not 'i ncreased, by the new windows and doors. The window treatment helps to further define the ground floor pedestrian area. ,y.1 lt-,t-, , JL'f*.+t-;r 1*uil ''rr"*i oeo IV. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDEMTIONS l. Height and massing _ not applicab.te 2. Roofs - not app.licable 3. Facades-l.lal'ls/Structure O i3-- . -;- ;';';" \) c'l verticar wood siding and wood window and door treatment wiil be used.l'Jood is encouraged i" il ;;;i ;r"l','primary material,, in Lionshead.c'2 All wood surfaces gfe tg be stained to match the existing wood cororsThis compt ies exaciry "it[-u,.-dljiietine.c'3 A]l trim and muilions,are.to be stained dark brown to match existing. which corresoonds lo thg UrOan-Oeiign Guide Consideration: !6 u5sdarker earthtones ro" t[ese-i';";;:' It il :tl '\llII I {+ "i'I c'4 It is suqqested that materia'rs be.rimited to 3 or.ress major types.The appliiant-isi;i.;-fi;'iloJa rtuin cotors. 4. Facades/Transparency D'l The UDC states that commercia'r facades shourd be proportionatery moretransparent than upper tioo"i. The ground floor wit be more trans_parent than the upbbr 1ooi.-- '.'' :r.v!..'s ',r,vr wI D'2 The-design.compligs with the urban-Design Guide consideration torocate window sits no roit-*,in rs-irii;r"i.il #'wark Iever.D'3 The window u:"r.,:ygriuntia'r1y comprises the gound froor commercialfacade and is close to ttre i'uggested 70% transparency level. D'4 The urban Design Guide consideration- encourage window grouping.The pnrposar compiiei-bi-;;;;;;;s two sroupings of w:noows on eachside of the remodel D:5 Glass should.!g.:y!grnided with joints or mu'tions. New windows wi.rlbe added to deljneate ttri enirv.' The treatment should create a" progress i vely" mJ"e-tril;r;;;i;. D'6 Bay, bow and box windows are encouraged. Not applicable to this project. D'T clear glass to match existing grass.will be used. Frame materialsil: ffr!fi ;:Slffiorjiifo:i:wn-io'matctr e*isiini' --o"isn compl ies-with 0.8 The new entrv.-door is approximately 40% transparent, l0% over theminimum 30% iransparency level. ooo canaafO:- )rcn D.9 The ',curved" wal .l o.f thean average two feet fromrs rn compliance. D.l0 A'tl_ l.ocking and securitybuilding which compt iesi proposed remodel will recess therne extsting facade p1ane. This systems will be similar to those entrance treatment on the existing upgradi ng co0r- 5. 6. 7. Decks and patios: Not applicab.le Accent Elements: Not applicable Landscape E'lements: Not applicable V. The community Developmelt.-Department recommends approvar of the remodel.rne-proposal meets a majority oi *,i u.uun.Design'Lonsiderations andfi]j.l.im0rove the conneciion -ueiwe.n'ciniau'sentr.yarea and ine Lionshead No impact. YI: The conrmunitv Action ri3n'r section on cgyylirv Design-encourages theor s*uctures' This-proposui-;;pild; ine potjlv ana-iiiJ-is try.ing toornat,e with the overait Lionsrreil'i*pioJ"r"nt program. Policy 2: ":Hill!ila1d remodeling of structures and site improvements shourd be .."'\: ..YI.I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION aG t. :-. D'J 2o Ftq 4 .H I Tt I I I I I d ,Rt-a =J6<E>i @i Fc* T\.,lfiua,' d., ,134i4'a^AAia t"tiv A !t-fi !;'): {\I rrL;\ ;: F-$r--{\ |r]\;: t'. I\--l:i: \ il\\ \'t, $l'u sl z:: l:': \\ \i '2. i l-::l$,rF'\r\\.sr:t It!; --l v A+ir I $k -$r\(i i:ij$ )$ ri\ $ "/+-a \ Ir*I *t j l:\i:\i: a._ --L 'r.1 : l(:ii\/t-- F l- _\- $. t- .9 .\\I l\''a_ l-:: tI\ , 5i,, l( \i iri'i..- r- $I ' [,n (i ' l'\ tt r.' ,. Il" iri s. \;! 1. (^ s$tr R$\i tit* k t,\ ti\ rr'lt- T:A?tfi}}r-ils P:.Arl ct i Uon?eoO Arcode Building Condominium Associotion, lnc. Fost Office Droner 9 Voil. Colorodo 81657 May 25, L984 Ms. Kristan Pritz Tovrn Planner Town of Vail 75 Sorrth Frontage RoadVail Colorado 81657 Dear Kristan, Thank you for your letter of May 16. Regarding Stuart Canadars remodel , we have received a verbal approval of three out of five members of the board of d.irectors. We will be holding a formol meeting of the board in approximately tvlo to three weeks, when all members return to town from vacation and business trips. Thank you for your prompt attention to the remodAl application. Sincerely, t/ r'+/*UilJ-"a-.*t-Kit Williams Association Manaqer 75 soulh tronlege road Yail, colorsdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 May 16, .|984 offlce ol communlty doYeloPmenl Stuart A. Canada 483 West Lionshead Ma]'l Vai'l , Col orado 8.|657 Re: Lionshead Arcade Dear Stuart, Your appf ication for condominium units 207 and 208 has not been accepted by the Conmunity Development Deparlment. We will need a letter of approval from the Lionshead Arcade Building Condominium Association before the application will be complete. Your application will be accepted if the'letter is received by May 25, 1984. Please call me if you have further questions. Thank you for your co- operati on. Si ncerely,. rr. I 0.1 \rttlnrr rrrlt KRISTAN PRITZ Town Planner KP: br .t' Date I{ay l0, 1984 *O*rroN F.RM FoR t EXTERIOR AITERATIONS OR MODIFICATTONS IN CO}IMERCIAL CORE II (CCII) \IAIL LIONSHEAD I. This procedure required for alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or replace- ment of an existing building shall be subject to review by the Plan- ning and Environmental Commission. The application will not be accepted until all informatip4 iq submitted. trhll\0"l?e!"''{trA - {trlt AppLrcANT Canada's of Vail, Ltd.1. NA.I."IE OF ADDRESS 483 tl. Lionshead MalI, VaiI' C0 87657 PHoNE 303-476-1600 4. 6. 7. II. Four A. 2. NAr'tl oF ApptrcANT,s REpREsn:lmer:rn.....{7u^32. er.,r, J.^.- aonnnss y'/a [,r./ /: o,^. L.J )vr*\\ pHonn-:tZLy'/,na- 3. NAI4E OF SIGNA ADDRES HINE {% - il/ o LOCATTON OF PROPOSAI, ADDRESS: 483 W. Li onshead t4al'l , Vai I ' Col orado 81657 LEGAL DEscRrFTroN Condominium Unit 207&208, of the Lionshead Arcade Building located in Vail, Colorado. 5. FEE $100.00 Improvement survey of property showing property lines and locationof building and any improvements on the fand. A list of the name of owners of aII property adjacent to the subject property and their I'tAILING addresses. (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scale of 1" = 2O'; a variation of the sheet or scale may be ap- proved. by the Community Development Department if justified; The dat.e, north arroer, scale and name of the proposed developmentshall be shown on the site plan; B. '?' - c.;::;:::3 ::ffi:g'",i13'33::1.::,'*:,i':t;:"::ffi ,::i"::t' expansion area where there is a change of two feet of grade; The and an The location and size of aI1 existing and proposed buildings,structures and improvements i The existing and proposed landscaping patio additions or deletions. III. The applicant shall submit in written and graphic form, a preponder- ance of evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commissionthat the proposal is in conformance with the purposes of the CCIIDistrict and that the proposal substantially complies with the Vail Lionshead Urban Desisn Guide plan. D. E. A. ff the applicant is proposing a major chalge to the Urban Design Guide P1an, the procedures for chalgeSection 18.24.22O (B). Vail Lionshead are noted in IV. The applicant must also submit written and graphic supporting mater-ials that the proposal substantially complies with the followingUrban Design Considerations secLion of the Vail l,ionshead DesignConsiderations A. Height and MassingB. Roofs C. Facades - Walls,/StructureD. Facades - TransparencyE. Decks and PaLiosF. Accent ElementsG. Landscape Elements Ilany of the above items should be addressed in some g,raphic meansusing such tools as sketches, simulatj-ons, mod.els (including neigh-boring buildings), photos, etc. v.The Town of Vail Zoning Code for CCIIissues that the applicalt must respond form. also describes other zoning to in written or graphic VI . Applications for exterior alterations or modifications in CCII canbe received up to JuIy 31, 1980. After that date, the time framesnoted in Section 18.24.065-A-5 apply. JJ s|'rI ,t) A 't s J---- et at F, _tI\ (t- .1 t Ni! I,;!t ! ;1:i tt"i I 't'l-' ,#? ,; r;ii t" .:..t -,-l J Ilfvn dovid m. Peel 2588 oroso dr.llul kothy wdrren $f,i.?31r',3[?trTtrl\rllrz Il orchitects 3os.47o4so6 IIay L4, 1984 MAIN ENIRANCE REI{ODEL CANADATS OF VArL, trltITED 483 \{est Lionshead l'lall Lazi-er BuildingVail, Colorado 81657 This application is for an exterior alteration to the ground levelr--south-east corner of the Lazier Building (CommerciaL Core iI, Vail Lionshead). The proposed remodel- will delete one existlng door and three existing windows, and replace them wi-th a t'curvedr, section of window wall. This new section of wal1 will include a new Istorefnontl entrance door and four new sections of window. A11 materials, window and door treat- ment and stain colors sha11 match the existing building colors. The remodeL and relocation of the main entrance door is in response to the new Vail Lionshead lvlal1 design presently under construction. The present south-facing entrance door is l"ocated directly opposite a vralkvray between two existing planti.ng berms. The ner.r ma11 design noves the ber;ns away from the building, but places a new planilng area directly opposlte the existing door. For greater visibility and the potential for more Iwalk-inr' business, the remodel relocates the door to the south-east corner of the buildlng. The main enlrance to the commercial space rvouLd then be opposite the 45o rvalkvray betrveen the new south planting area and the new circular flag display and plantlng area. The proposed remodel is in substantial compliance wlth thil Urban Design -Considerations (Facades) section of the Vail Lionshead Design Considerations : FACADES-ldALtS /STRUCTURE C.t The materials to be used are vertical wood sidlng and wood rvindow and door treatment to match the existing. C.2 A11 wood surfaces are to be stained to match the existing l,rood c olors. C.3 A11 trim and mul1lons are to be stained dark brown to match the existing. :.1AII'I EI.JTRAI.'ICE REJ.IODEL oANADATS OF VArL, Lri'trTED C.4 There rvil1 be TIJO wood stain col-ors. Dark brown for the trlm and mullions, and a lighter brown for the wood siding. (A11 stains to match the existing. ) FACADES-TRANSPARENCY D.1 Proportionately, the ground floor remodeL will be more transparent than the upper floors of the Lazier Buil-ding. D.2 This remodel will- have window si11s approximately 18r' above waLk level. (17" to bottom of existing siII and 2OI to top of existlng si1l. ) D.3 Window area substarrtiall-y comprises the ground floor commer- cial facade of the remodel- and the existing building. D.4 Glass wiLl be grouped into barrks with common tri.m and mullions to match the existing. D.5 Individual window elements wl11 match the existing. (Exist- ing windows are approxi.mately 7r-Ot'high by 3r-6rt wide' The new vrindorvs w111 be approximately 7t'Ot' high by 1r-9rr widet further dellniating -a new entrance and giving lt a t'pro- gressivelyr more hu.rnan sca1e.) D.6 Does not appty. D.7 Glass to be used shall match existing cLear g1ass. Idullion and frame materials are to be stained dark bror,rn to match the existing. D.8 The exterior main entrancci door is to be approximately 40% transparent. D.9 Ttre fcurvedr wal 1 of the proposed remodel will recess the entrance an average of 2r-oI from the existing facade plane. D.1O A11 locking and security systems are to be similar to the existing as per the orvner. 483 Wesl Lionshead Mall Vail, Colorado 81657 303i476-1600 Denver Toll Free 534-5025 tryrll REAL ESTATE l|Jonwide: 1 -800-525-9293 20 Eagle Road Avon, Colorado 8'1620 303/949-4368 Denver Toll Free 893-2403 May 10, 1984 The Town of Vail RE: question # 7, lhe foilowing 'i s respectfu)ly submitted: Li onshead Arcade Commercial Robert T. Lazier, Tivoli Lodge, Vai'l , Colorado 81657 Lionshead Arcade Condomin'ium Association Carol Duddy, P.0. Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81658 Vail 21 Building Commercial Vail 21 Partnership, Box 686, Vail, Colorado 81658 Vail 21 Condominium Association Mr. Dick Brown, Pres'i dent, 1780 So. Belaire # 106, Denver, Colorado 80222 L'ionshead Centre Condominium Association and Commercial Space (please send 5 copies of all materia'l) Marvel Barnes, P0. Box 474, Yail , Colorado 81658 flr!rJrKTIrl i{tl [rE&A@tE PRESENT Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Duane Piper Jim Viele Jim Morgan ABSENT Peter Patten stated the other exteriorget the condominiu,n pl icant: La) that orig'i nally this project had been a rrerarlon submissions. He added thatassociaion's approval , which to date perties submitted on May 24 with one prerequisite was to hadn't yet been received. Planning and Environmental Comnission 0ctober ll, 1983 STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan Peter Patten Jim Sayre Betsy Rosolack Gordon Pierce ABSENT FROM SITE INSP. Jim Morgan Dan Corcoran, chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. This was Dan,slast meetjng as chairman and his last meeling as a member of'the PEC. Dick Ryinthanked Dan for his contribution to the pEC. The meeting had started with a study session on the Sonnenalp proposed SpecialDevelopmentDistrict.^^Afterlookin-gatamoo;'.;ndffiavffiff.,thenoaraiaipo11edabouttheirieetingsconcerningtheproposal: Trout felt that the east end'was done well, but that more desion wnrtzwas needed on the west end. viete fett that much of in. p"oporui-;;r';;;i"pi!iiiu.and an improvement to the pedestrian flow, but he was .onl..l.l"d ,il[-1e''p.;i;;;.Piper was in favor of the basic improvement to the physical p1ant. He qubstioneothe need to have certain square-fobtage to "make the"uriioing work.,, He addedthat he felt that the commercial arcaJe seemed imposint-inio the street and narroweothe street down. Donovan felt that there could ob i piour'"'i oo"n the road withallowingthe purchase of^parking_space into ilre piircinb ii.u.tr.". she felt thatthe Town was putting off a.problem. Donovan wai also-concerned with "na"ou.hr"ntinto the stream set6ack, ilrit ttre u".io" might be til d;;[-io be inviting to thepedestri ans, that temporary planters did not work as either barriers or is landscaping,(giving the casino uuitain-g bs an examptei,-ana in.-r"riimed theshade problem fromthe Mountain Haus causing ice on the streets, and agreeO wiin Trout that the west,end of the bujlding needed more work on tne-aeiign. corcoran stated that he did not have any problem with the size of the building,but felt the sonnenalp should be constr-ucted on ontv iii-own property, and was alsoconcerned with the crowding of the east end ofthe aicad. inJ irith ttr!'practiie otbuying parking spaces. September 26. Since t re not include in thevoted on. 2.uest for a exterior alteration to the onsheaC Arcade n order to builda commerc i a ti on. Approval of minutes of mai l j ng,they were not PEc -2- lo/lrt He added that he had told the applicant that the board would act on the proposal today' and had recommended denial with the suggestion that the appiicant apply aga'in in November. Donovan moved and Piper siionded to denv the ippl icati6h iorlack of information.--Ih-e vote r{a;-mln favor of denial. uest for an exterior ast asow ur ve to add a e entrance to Toymaker s Trail. toto cons ruct a new App icant: Fred Hib al teration to the Villaqe Center ect at 122 new reta addition on the east en to revi se construct additions to the retail sho the north side of the ect. Corcoran read a letter from the applicant asking to table this item untjl l0l24.Viele moved and Piper seconded to table until the meetinq of 0ctober 24. Vote was 5-0. 4. A requelt=for a conditional use permit in Conrnercial Core II in order to construct commercial storaqe uniti The appl to tab'le icant asked to the item unt'il table until 0ctober 24. 0ctober 24. The vote Donovan moved and Corcoran seconded was 5-0 in favor of tablinq. 5. A request fgr an exterjor alteration for the Lodqe at Vail to add a new winq!o tXe hotel between One Vall aii space, conterence sDace and a uxe suite. The osal includes modifications acent ounoers aza an to the nq lot on t west si and storage s ace on street eve ont north s i cant:ge at at I an Lodge South Co Assoc i ation. Dick Ryan reviewed the memo. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, showed a model and asked if the PEC could vote first on just the storage for the Lodge South. Alan Tafoya, representing Ruoff Partnerships, the architect, showed where the storagein the parking area of Lodge South would go. He added that there would be'16 lockers, which would be min'imized with doors facing into the garage. The garage would be kept an open ventilated garage. Trout moved and Vjele seconded to approve the storagelockers. The vote was 5-0. Jay then discussed the model and its different aspects: the new entry and rearranged parking lot' ski storage and employee cafeteria, and the new Internatjonal suite.Viele asked what would happen to the 2 spruce trees next to the entrance when theparking lot was rearranged, and peterson responded that they would attempt to movethe trees to another location. Concern was expressed about the closeness of theInternational wing to One Vail Place. Petersoh said that One Vail Place overhungits.property line. He added that the archjtects had considered moving the top sioryof the International wing to the west, and were dissatjsifed with the appearance.Viele asked if there were techn_jcal problems with the buildings so close'together,and Peterson said that they would have to use special glass Trout said that he had difficulty with having only two feet between the buildings. 119 lyss.ttgd taking space from the other end-of t-he wing and move the whole Uuiiaing.He approved the rest of the proposal. Martha Fritzlenl a resident of One Vail Plaie :lal:g,th9t everyone.who lived in CCI was concerned about narrow alleyways ano attot their problems. Donovan stated that she felt that the building hai bLen designed ao Sou , PEc s/26) -3- Ifoul [gved to recommend approval of the zone district as proposed by the staff withtne followinq chanqes: 0n page 'l , Section 18.39.030 B.l. delete "recreation room/minor arcade. page 3' Section 18.39.050 A. add #'l 1, Redevelopment of ski lifts and tows Section .l8.39.050 A. delete #6, Alpine slide page 4 Section 18.39.075 Prohibited Uses, add #7 Alpine Slide permitted or conditional in this add #8 Any other uses not specifically page 6, Section .l8.39..l20 A. eliminate ,,10w density" page 7' Section .l8.39.170 Height, eliminate a1 1 word'i ng after ".,35 feet', andinsert "up to 60% of-_the building (building coverage area) may be builtto a height of 35 feet or less. No more than-40% of the-building(building coverage area) may be higher than 35 feet, but not higherthan 43 feet. Towers, spiresr cupolas, chimneys, flagpoles, and similararchitectural features not useable as Gross Residentihl Floor Area mayextend above the height limit a distance of not more than twenty-fivepercent of the height limit nor more than fifteen feet. Page l, Section l8-39.030 B.l. "whether it be a permitted or conditional use,,after the words ,'Retail sales space,,, uest for an exterior alterationa commercia tion. Appl icant: La er Commercia roperti es r to build 0 at which time 5. A request for an exterior alteration to the Village Center projeEl-at l2ZEastMeadowDr.ivetoaddanewretailaaaiirffistend'torevisethe entrance to Toymaker's Trail, to construct additioni-to tt"-i"iaii ,ilp;; ;;to construct a new.sidewalk along the north side of the project.Appl icant: Fred Hibberd " Peter Patten said that the staff had been working to lnq !itlage Center complex. He fett itrit it shoitdhadn't been solved, and needed further rev.iew. include a master plan for be tabled because some problems e Lionshead Arcade in o Trout moved and Donovan seconded to table until l0 83. The vote was / l'l :45 I :00 1 :45 am pm pm 2. 3. elrrue ^[:,lixr-?HT'[t! coMMrssr Site Inspections Study session for the proposed sonnenalp special Development District Publ ic Hearing: Approval of minutes of September 26. Request for an exterior alteration to the Lionshead Arcade in order tobuild a commercial addition. Appricant: Lazier commeriiit'eropeities A request for an exterior alteratjon to the Village Center project at 122 East Meadow Drive to add a new retail addition on the east end, torevise the entrance to Toymaker's Trail, to construct additions to theretail shops, and to construct a new sidewalk alonq the north side ofthe project. Appl icant: Fred Hibberd 4. A request for a condjtional use permit jn Commercial Core II in orderto construct cormercial storage units jn the 'lower level of the ConcertHall Plaza. Applicant: Eagle Va1 iey Investments, Inc. 5. A request for an exterior alteration for the Lodqe at Vail to add a new wing to the hotel between One Vail Place and the-Lodge containing lodge rooms, retail space, conference space and a deluxe suite. The proposal includes modifications to the "Lodge Plaza" adjacent to the Viliag! Plaza 91d to the parking lot on the west side and additional storage spice onthe street level on the north side of the Lodge South building.Applicants: Lodge at Vail and the Lodge South Condominium Association To be tabl ed To be tabl ed 6. Request for construct a App l i cant: a setback variance in a Primary/Secondary zone district togarage with a deck on top at Lot 4, Block 3, Intermountain. El i zabeth J. Kuehn 7. Request_for a variance to section .l8.52.090(E) to not pave a drivewaybnt to leave it gravel on Lot '10, Block l, rjail Villag;: l3th. Appl icant: Jack Carnie 8. Request for a front setback variance to remodel an existing structureon Lot 40, Block 7, Vail Village 'l st. Applicant: Ray Stevenson 9. Application for modification to the floodplain to construct a new startershack for the Vail Go1 f Course. Appl icani: Vail Metropolitan Recreation Di str i ct MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Conrnunity Development Department October 6, .|983 Request for exterior alteration and modification to the Laz'ier Arcade Building in LionsheadApplicant: Bob Lazier The staff has not been contacted by the applicant in regard to the obtainingof the condomin'ium association's approval of the proposal . This approvalis necessary for the project to proceed through approval processes. Although the staff is positive about this proposal, as we feel jt would be a beneficial addition to the mall, we must recommend that the projectbe denied at this point. The application has been in since May 24th and n0 agreement between the applicant and the association has been reachedin over four months. We would urge the associatjon and applicant to workthings out and re-app'ty this November. o o Kenneth S. Wentworth AIA P.O. Box 2140 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 949-5396 ql-Eles q,fr'mh" Bt0".y-qD*h*^-tn""f\"J '[ tlol ff,"gotru, Ao. -W.C ttmq oa ogu\sio^ of,[,o"r\.oo.t \r.",[nE .l J*,1 nq{(*c,'. $11,,t*l Gffi,"'{ trr} h* L *ll^,, *** ]qn u.^ot[ -{o rcr,*a o ^d,;,j\! r\t Ct Nr*"oiiq *9 qo*rtl"t' qRrou"0 "^S[ A* wLrrn^,^fTif'" I nf:{ .t).+$,,h*,qLri^tH ".ti *t+.'J qs \+{^$r a:fT{oo"Y +o t rorKe[ al . U".u{r,$l ,c:YM L1*, Planning and Environmental Commission September '12 , .l983 PRESENT Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Gordon Pierce|Jill Trout PRESENT FOR MEETING STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Dick Ryan Peter Jamar Jim Sayre Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack Jim Morgan ABSENT Duane Piper The meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm by the chairman, Dan Corcoran. l. Approval of minutes of Auqust 22, 1983. Donovan moved and Pierce seconded to approve the minutes 2.uest for an exterior alteration to the.L,ifnshead Arcade in order to a commercla I a on. App rrcan roperti es in favor. read a letter from the applicant ask'ing fri unti I Sept- Viele moved and Donovan seconded to table as requested. Vote was 5-0. Corcoran ember 26. J.qest to amend the Vail Municipal Code to add a new zone djstrict enti led Base/Recreati on ri ct.so, a discussion concerning t evelopment proposal will take place. Applicant: Vail Associates Peter Patten explainedthatthis was the first step in a somewhat comp'lex approvalprocess. He stated that the first step would be to request to amend the zoning codeto get a new zone district, and the second step was an informal discussion to review the proposed development p1 an. Peter went over the proposed zone district with the :llff's suggested changes of which there were eight. Larry Eskwith emphasized thatthis was not an SDD, though 'it had many elements-of an SDD. He added that the zone was also subject to use in other areas, not just Golden peak. Bob Parker' of Vail Associates explained that the reason for a zone change wasthat Golden Peak was zoned Agriculture and 0pen Space, although it had always beenutilized as a ski base. He added that VA hai a mhjor'committment to upgrade thisarea. VA felt that it was important to maintain a competitive posture in the skiresort market p'l ace, that the level of competition was'very high. Parker said that Golden Peak was a major statement by VA in response to requests from Vail VilIage merchants. He explained that the Uirjlding has met basic concerns in that the piofile Pl ann'ing and Environmental Commission August 22, 1983 PRESENT Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Ouane Pipert,lill Trout Jim Viele PRESENT FOR MEETING ONLY Jim Morgan Gordon Pierce The meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm l. Approval of minutes of meeting of Ju'ly STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan Peter Jamar Jim Sayre Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack by the chairman, Dan Corcoran. 25. Viele moved and Piper seconded to approve the minutes. The vote was 4 in favor, none against, with Donovan abstaining. Corcoran stated for Item ll, exterior alteration to the Vi]1:gg_!g!-!g_t_!_tgj_96theapp'|icanthadaskedtotableuntilSeptember26.Vie1ffinded to table ltem ll un tember 26. The vote was 5-0 in favor. Next,applicant for Item #.|0, exterior alteration to th sted to table until September 12. Piper moved andti1 9/12. The vote was 5-0 in favor. 2. Request for elterior alteration to tbe Gore Creek plaza Peter Jamar reviewed the memo, and explained that since the last proposal , the applicant had revised the design of the patio and entry enclosures and had actually separated the two parts of the proposal by leaving the area in front of the entry and to the west of the patio open creating more transparency. The entry area which is currently open but recessed'underneath the Sweet Basil deck was to be enclosed. The patio area also becomes enclosed with a greenhouse type structure' being transpar- ent on al'l three sides. He added that since the patio is void of any activity during the winter months, the ability to use the area for dining during that time of the year would improve the quality of the pedestrian experience by adding some visual interest to the area, and the patio would be open during the surmner months. He added that the staff recommended approval . Rudi Fisher, architect for the project. stated that the enclosed entry improved the sense of entry and jncreasei the wiiting area. He added that the railroad tie planter would be replaced with a stone planter. oran stated that ionshead Arcade had req van seconded to tabl PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION August 22, 1983 12:00 pm Site Visits 2:00 pm Public Hearing l. Approval of minutes of meeting of July 25. 2. Request for exterior alteration to the Gore Creek Plaza Building to enclose the deck of Blu's Beanery. Applicant: Charles Rosenquist 3. Request for a conditional use permit in Special Development District #4, Cascade Village jn order to construct a ski trail connect'ing Simba skitrail below the lower face to Cascade Vil1age. Applicant: Andy Norris 4. Request for an amendment to Sections 18.04.030, 18.22.0g0, and 18. 24.130 in order to remove accommodatjon units from density controls in the Commercial Core I and the Public Accommodations. zone districts. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. 5. Request for a density control variance to Section 18.64.050 (B) in order to remodel and add 9l square feet of GRFA to the interior space of unit #306, Vorlaufer Condominiums at 385 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Ed l,lasson 6. Request foraconditional use permit in o.rder to construct an enclosed swinning pool at 758 Potato Patch Drive. Applicant: Gary Bossow 7. Request for a rear setback variance and for a stream setback variance in order to enlarge a deck on units 4A and 48 of the Texas Townhouses,483 Gore Creek Drive. Applicants: H. Thomas and Delores B. Coghill 8. Request for the modification of a tonditional use permit in order to expand the playground to accommodate a sodded soccer field at the Vail Mountain School at 3.|60 Katsos Ranch Road. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, Inc. 9. Request for a minor subdivision to vacate a lot line between lots 25 and 26, Bighorn Terrace Subdivision. Applicant: Ted P. Stockmar tf, | 10. Request for exterior alteration to the Lionshead Arcade located at 483 .ytW I East Lionshead Mall in order to build a commercial addition in the interior'1 r' corner facing northeast. Applicant: Lazier Corrnercial Properties. ll. Request for an exterior alteration to the Village Center Project at 122 East Meadow Drive to add a new retail addition on the east end, to revise the entrance to Toymaker's Trail, to construct additions to the retail shops, and to construct a new sidewa'l k along the north side of the project. Applicant: Fred Hibberd o Kenneth S. Wentworth AIA P.O. Box 2140 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 949-5396 alrilss ZdCGrr^t&*tF*.r,{.-loun dV.,l. Molt*L;Rb. Ta4**, I *qd o3,$p**{ ont0, *U$J*! reCh*r*t untlL Lun hn'l Nr*[Zrrt,'*, orynsion [w [q, ol o.peo!4eil tz,rw. *{*,.o,; * $-r-r"U ",?o*rn Fr "[ rr{+k^uno$, tt"f ,{l. U h* 6kx\0rs +"L* {ha, -Teturisrbn g ..qrr*on . q*nL l,6^d;'\[ e",T,&ALo1i,, 's an l-23o(J trlJ(9 { UJ *Id o to t'- aF6z,qo dulo b t-Gf J s b aFG tr t!o 6 an5 a tfi H ctz t CI a 6 CN a ----\...' !F m "4Hfr fr \J $Ir-t Foo )J,.. I rt I I I ,t.,t'. : I I t. .a\ u{1,\* "f.!n rit , !-L .i': l!l"l Hr 3Ii,!; .ii ? t .t . ___..nfS. q B ua {) - t-.... s- T4- \\ * \-n N'r N "'-( N ii ll'It '-rl i u rr11tu a g! I I PEC 6lr3/83 o 8. Request to amend Sp_ecial Development Distlict N9. 6, thg Vgil V!'llage IIm.. complEi;-Io=Zil o[t-s@al uae. Appl icant: Van Ewing Dick Ryan explained that if the amendment is approved by the Planning and Environ- mental-Connjssion, and then by the Town Council , the applicant will have to come back with a request for a conditional use permit for a specific.use.. Hp. added that the staff fe'lt that a certain amount of vending added to the street life in Vai'l , and was in favor of it when it wasn't in conflict with other uses. Van Ewing said that he had the support of the suryounding shops. Tlout said he had thought this was illegal in the Tovm of Vail. Dick explained that this would be revieied on a case by iase basis. Diana wanted to know what controls the Town had over the other popcbrn wagons, and Ryan replied that the agreement with the Town included contro'l of trash, type of menus, etc. Donovan felt that a popcorn wagon would be good, but how coul d the town control vending of baked goods,. ice cr6am, etc., and she felt that criteria should be listed. Ryan described how this was handled in the Boulder mall: Certain areas were set aside for certain types of vending with oniy one year leases. Donovan felt vending wa.s a go'ld mine b-e-cause the owner would nbt have to pay rent, and she would support the popcorn wagon, but not much e'l se. Viele shared Donovan.'s concern, and he anticipated an expansion of this type of conditional use into other districts besides SDD6. Ryan admitted that he had received 4 or 5 other requests for various types of vending including a low frequency radio station for skjers. Corcoran stated that under conditional use permits, only a few criteria had to be met, so if an applicant met the criteria, the PEC wou'ld have to grant the request. -7- i a Van Ewing suggested changing his request to a specific use, and Trout wondered if there wouid be anything wrong with that. Trout moved and Vie'le seconded to gpp1qve the request to ha wjth those existing in Vail. The vote vras 4-0 in favor of recornrnending tnls to Council. 9. Request for a minor subdivision for lgts l5 and'16, Buffehr Creek. Applicants: Randy Guerriero and Angela Leighton Peter Patten explained that this was a minor subdjvjsion and that there were two conditions of aiproval . Randy Guerriero, one of the applicants, stated that his plans did inc'luib cleaning up the parking 1ot. Patten added that he had a letter ?rom a survey company whiih jndicated that this was an equal trade-off. 10. lrel_U:lqry__rcyiew of exterior modification proposals in CCI and CCI resultedfiEefoTi@ Minor Gorsuch Christy Sports Lod.ge A&D at Vail Building Sweet Basil and B'l u's BeanerY '', -'" Lo*h*{ fi*Jrrafi o,) Elnulo" APPTICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR AITERATIONS OR I\IODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE II (CCII) VAIL LIONSHEAD I. This procedure required for alteration of an exi-sting building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or replace- ment of an existing building shall be subject to review by the Plan- ning and Environmental Conunission. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. t NAIr,tE OF appr,rcewr [.,'dt?rerGurrnetttfiP*gnt es pHoNE 41to -tzzto 1. ADDREss '(090t WGq 2. NAME oF App,,rcAr.l*s REpREsENrArrvE M..nr1l.< \ftJ*rt1\ \rtr ADDREss '?O &t ztIc> fl",l NME OF Ol..lN SIGNATURE ADDRESS '70 &* wog \l.'.I OF PROPOSAL A% A Lo".h*l fi\.l[ 3. 4. (print or PHoNE q/p. qnb PHoNE 41to-tzza LOCATION ADDRESS: Ll/w* \ .u .,i-.,'' I tJ'r."-16. ^ i.-s.lAw x!"* FEE $100.00 plus an anorut equal to the then current. first-class postagerate for each property ou,ner to be notified hereunder. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and locationof building and any improvements on the land. r J. A list of the name of owners of all property adjacent to thesubject property and their MAILING addresses. II . Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at ascale of l" = 20'; a variation of the sheet or scale rnay be ap-proved by the Community Development Department if. justified; B. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed developmentshall be shown on the site plan; ' * C. The existing t$raphic character of the O. i.rr"fuding existingr . and proposed conTours. This condition will only be required foran expansion area where there is a change of two feet of grade; D. The location and size of all existing and proposed buirdings,structures and improvernents; E. The existing and proposed landscaping patio additions or deletions. III. The applicant shalt subnit in written and graphic form, a preponder-ance of evidence before the Planning and Environmental Cornmissionthat the proposal is in conformance with the purposes of the CCIIDistrict and that the proposal substantially cornpties with the VailLionshead Urban Design Guide plan. A- rf the applicant is proposing a major change to the Vail- LionsheadUrban Design Guide Plan, the procedures for change are noted inSection I8.24.22O (B). IV. The appJ-icant must also subrnit written and graphic supporting nater-ials that the proposal substantially compti6s witn tfr!- folloriingUrban Design Considerations section of the vail Lionshead oesigi. Considerations. A. Height and MassingB. RoofsC. Facades - Walls/StructureD. Facades - TransparencyE. Decks and, patios F. Accent ElementsG. Landscape Elements ' Many of the above items should be addressed in some graphic meansusing such tools as sketches, simul-ations, models (incluaing neigh-boring buildings), photos, etc. V- The Town of V-ail Zoning Code for CCII also describes other zoningissues that the applicant must respond to in written or graphic'form. VI . Applications for exterior alterations or modifications in CCII canbe received up to July 31, L990. After that date, the time framesnoted in Section 18.24.065-A-5 appty. APPLICATION FOitI,I FCR EXTIX1IOR I.IODIIICATIONS IN COI.I.IERCIAL CSE II (CCII) VAIL LIONSHF,AD LIONSHE.{D ARCADE BTIILDINO I. I through 4 are addressed on the application form. 5A. Check for $100.00 io Torm of t/ail is enelosed. B. Check for $2.40 for pos+'age is enclosed. 6. Impro'rement survey is enclosed. ?. A tist of adjacent properLy owners and their maili-ng addresses is attached as Appendix A. I1. Four copies of a site plan are enclosed. A. Sheet size zt+tty' 36n' scerle 1/8'r=1t-O" B. Appropriate inforrnation sho"m C. Change il grade is less than 2 feet. D. Exisf,lng and proposed structures are sho-{n on the drawings. E. The propoood landscaping features are sho'.m on the drawings ' III. Itern 9 of the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan (Item 9 i-s praDhicalLy the jnterior corner of the Lionshead Arcade building facing ior^trreast)- stateE-iEiffiercidl expansion (I-2 sbories) to better utilize shade zone corner and present an additional front facade acti,rity to (i,ionshead) court.rl Response: Item 9 is wha! was used as the design program for this proJect and was accomplished as rnay be seen on the drawirigs ' ff. Sgpporbing data that the proposal substantially complies with the vail Lionshead Desis.n ConsicieraL'ions : -t I DLflE 42469 A. Heights and MassanE 1. Building facade and store front create a pedestrian focus 2. The Urban Desiqn Guide Plan calls for a 1-2 story adCition; this proposal is for a l-story addition. 3. rne uuilaing ext,ension visually ties lrith the exi-stjlg grorutd floor commercial expression of the existjlg Arcade bullding' 4. The proposed addition in itself pro.rides relief to the exis'uing facade of the slruclure. B. Roofs Shecl and flat roof forms are used. The connection of the proposed roof respecl the demarcat'ion Iine betvreen the qround floor commercial activity anC upper ffoors I residenr'ial appearance. Roof pitch is 3/I2. Roof or.erhand is 3 feet. The o-.reral1 design and circulaLion path does not lend itself io being considered a covered ualkday. ttre shed porbio;r of the roof has been kepr' deliberately small and snor.l will ha're lo be rentotred. 7. The ffat rocf poriion r'rilI be tar and gravel. portion will be sianding seam rnetal. l_. 2. l+. 5. The slopilq rrisible Page 2 Arcade Facades, l,lalls/ Structure 1. Siucco to match the existing buildfurg r,ci11 be the primary wall material along with the qlass store front. 2. Stucco color will match the existirg structure. 3. .We would desire to use nlip,htx glued laminaied r.tood for features at the enlry and store front,. l+. lla1l material l.rilI be stucco with the store front bejng wood and g1ass. Facades, Transparency 1. The proposed grornd floor facade is proportionately more transparent, than the existing upper residential floors' 2. Grormi floor display wi'dor"rs are less than the 1B'r maxjrnum sugqested above the floor. 3. The transparency of the front facade is 86"' If the overall expressed facade is considered the desig,n falls below the guideli-ne of- 7V". We do feel that the proposal is appropriate' 4. The qlass placement arrd design are felt to be proper. 5. lle would like to keep the lare,er panes of glass as proper for this design. 6. Due to the size and scale of the noL used. The proPosal acts as existins facade.earlier', it is our desire to7. Clear glass vrilt be usedi as outlined use ttl-ight nood for nullians. n project, bow or baY windows vrere a large, bow window to the flat 8. trntry doors are proposed as glass doors.g, The Lntry door ii not I'recessedfl as such; it is surroundedby a verXr strong frame and is an appropriate desiqn. 10. security in ttre form of deadbolls and alarms wial certainly be consj-dered il the design. Decks and Patios. It is not likely that this ,space will be used as a restuarant and itrs northeast exposure is not conduc ive to outdoor dining' Accent Elements. This is a small addif ion and it is no',, probabl e to use +-oo many of the elements outlinerl in the vail Li-onshead urban Desiqn considerations. The proposal does have flo"ver beds and planters, and a very transparenl facade for colorful disPlaYs. G. Landseape Elemenis. 'l Trpcq - shy"rrhs - :nrl f lg'rfe f bgdsrrvvvt arourd lhe project. have been used as landscape elements. 2. Colored plantings ha,re been used to 3. Concrete curbs and a store planfer The store plant,er does ilcorporabe l*. Unit, pavers have been used for the accenl pedesirian areas. have been used jr i,he Pro.ject. ped.esirian seating. enbrance llallciraY. Page 3 Arcade I'Zoning Codes 18.25.010 Purpose: This proposal with the purpose of this section. 18.26,020 Reouirements for Esiablishment: 18.26.030 Development P1an, This deveLopmenf plan has been established by the Town and has been used as a guide in the development of this Permitted and ConCitional Uses: of Vai]. proposal. 8.1 Permitted Uses - Retail Stores 18,26.040 Conditional User No answer. L8,26.O1+5 Exterior Alterations or This submittal conforns 18.26.050 Access.ory Uses.: No angner. 18.26.050 Lot Area and Site Dimensions: 18.26.070 Set Backs: Milimwn set backr 1Or. I'linimum proposed, llt. 18.26.090 iisiE!!.:15e-3or porLion of the building is existi.:ng. This proposed addition has a proposed naximtm he5-ght of 14r. 16.26.10O Dejnslty control: Denslty-is unaffeeted by this proposal. 18.26.14O Landscapin4, gn* Site Dev.eloEnnent:ith the Vail tionshead Urban Design. Guide Plan. 18.26.150 Parkins and Loadines @ been added t,o the existi:rg structure. 18.26.160 @t..These requirements are met by t,hl-s proposei. 18.25.180 A ion of Lionshead Urban Des Gu:ide Plan and Des Modifications Procedure: with the procedure. nsrclerataons :;Tffi thls submittal. APPENDIX A LIONSHEAD ARCADE IROPC'SED ADDITION Vail 21 Condominiumsc/o Vacation Rentals 510 West Lionshead Circ1e Vai1, Colorado 81657 Attn.: Don Maclachlan Vail Associ-ation Box 7Vail, Colorado 81657 Lifthouse Lodge 555 Lionshead Circle East Vail, Colorado 8L657 Attn.: Paclqy llalker Lions Pride Building Lazier Commercial- Properties (Applicant ) Lionshead Center Condo Assoc. c/o Vail Horne Rental llanagement 1lr3 E. lteadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657, Lionshead Liquor Store Box leJS Vail, Colorado 81658 Currentrs of Vail Box M6Vail, Colorado 81558 The Younger Generation 52O E. Lionshead Circle VaiJ-, Colorado 81657 Alfie Packerrs Box 610 VaiJ., Colorado 81558 Vait 21 Building Box 685 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Aitn.l Chuck Rosenquist Lifthouse Lodge Iazier Gommercial Properties (Applicant) The Picnic Basket Box 478Vail, Colorado 81658 Vail Cookie ComPanY 52O E. Lionshead Gircle Vail, Colorado 81557 Charlidsr Gondola Shop Box 159 Vail, Colorado 81658 ht *.9i h,,u. \*{o Q^L s c/o' {or1-{([.. Il\*tr . ?'o* z4<n. rlnJ C,tu . luffr r/s/tts/3//r j .| Coblrdr trd\ (DhrrlctbE \!;1;l"' 2596 South Leyden Street Oenver, Colorado 80222(303) 753-0543(303) 759-4299 STATEMENT 0ate: To: ATTN: July 28, 1983 Vail Contractors Box 3867 Vail, C0 81657 David Reichardt Please nake check payable to I nc. This is due and payable upon receiving thi s statement. Fee... .. $150.00 Mil eage=200 mi at $.40/mi....... 80.00 T0TAL ll0l{ OUE: $230.00 THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY OF SERVING YOU. Any questlons concernlng Job should be nade to thls offlce xithin three(3) worklng days of rork performed. In the event that Colorado Real Estate INSPECTI0I'l Servlces, Inc, flnds lt necessary to Inst{tute legal actlon for the collection of thjs account 1n that eyent the customershall be responsible and I iable for reasonable cost of collectfon{ncluding redsonai\1e attorney fees. colorado Real Estate INSPECTI0N Services, Ttrl July 29, 1983 Vail Contractors Box 3867 Vai l , Col orado 81657 REF: Roof Investigation: Lionshead Arcade ATTN: David Reichardt 2596 South Leyden Street Denver, Col orado W222(303) 753-0543(303) 759-4299 PURPOSE: To conduct an investigation to determine the embedment and uniformlty of the aggregate surface on the Lionshead Arcade roof. OBSERVATIONS: Photo #1 illustrates the roof is a sloped asphalt built-up system wlth a crushed s1 ag aggregate surface. Type of slag is enclosed in exhibit #1. This slag was re-used from the previous roof. Photo #2 - #7 illustrates the slag was swept away in a number of areas to expose the amount of slag embedment into the asphalt surface. In the areas observed, there is a uniform amount of aggregate embedded into the asphalt surface except around projections and the metal edge. An area approximately 1'to L L/2' around and extending out from these areasr the top surface was applied in a cold coating and gravel was not embedded. Thls was done so if leakage appears in these areas, repairs cou'ld be properly nade. The gravel was uniformly spread through out the roof with approximtely 3/4" thickness on the s1 opes and in_the valley area. |{ith the degree of slope, approximatey 2" to 2 L/2" per foot, this would indicate that the aggregate ls not shifting or running off the roof. Since there are no regulations or requirements in the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 32, Roof Construction and Covering, requiring the amount of, or degreeofpenetratiasphaltsurface,wearelookingata similar roof surface application to determine how this roof aggregate embednent compares. The roof used for comparison is the Lift House Lodge. Photo #8 & 9 i1'lustrate the area investigated of the Lift House Lodge was belng swept so a new roof.system could be applied. The slag was to be reused just '| ike the slag was reused on the Lionshead Arcade. The slag is wet and fil'l ed with dirt and sand. See enc'l osed sample, exhibit #2. Vail Contractors, cont'd July 29, 1983 page 2 Photo #10 & 11 i'l lustrate an area and dirty and the exposed asphalt on the Lionshead Arcade roof. 2. Is the aggregate 3. Is it providing a Si nce COL,ORAqL4'I+\ESTATE I NSPECT I ON SE RV IC ES, I NC . that had not been swept. The surface was lvet surface had'l ess embedded aggregate in it than Photo 12 - 14 illustrates an area that was swept. The area was broom swept to remove the dirt. The asphalt surface had almost no slag embedded lnto lt. c0NcL us Ioils The NRCA (National Roofing Contractors Association), which is an organization dedicated to the advancenent of the rooflng industry and lts related industries states, "Gravel or other aggregate should be fairly rounded in shape and should contain a minimum of flat, sharp or elongated particles. At the tine of application, the aggregate should be hard, durable, opaque, surface dry' and free of clay, loan, sand, or other forelgn substances". The amount of cl ay, dirt, sand and moisture in the aggregate will deter the ability of the aggregate to adhere to, or embed into the hot asphalt surface. Since there is no standard estab1 ished by the NRCA, or UBC' for the amount or degree of aggregate penetration into the asphalt surface, the only criter'la, except for coverage rate, you can use for arr aggregate surface is: 1. Is there a uniform coverage so there is no exposed asphalt surface? holding in place and not shifting or washing off? proper reflectlve covering? 4. Is jt within the UL fire ratings for the built-up roof construction? The aggregate surface on the Lionshead Arcade, in our opinion has adequate aggregate embedment, is uniformly distributed and is not shiftlng or washing off, any more or less then a roof with a simi1 ar slope and roof covering. Thank you for asking C0L0RAD0 REAL ESTATE INSPECTI0}'I SERVICES, INC., to conduct this investigation for you. If you have anv questions, please contact me at my office. (303) 753-0543. pJ/Fq €16{2/ll Ray Boy'is, P.C. Roofi nh Consul tant R B /ahc I I I { ,l 'I tlt nl rll il l drfr si r1' I $ F,it,^*Fl lr Tl-irtt .{l ir! ; *J ol ar 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 January 20, 1983 TO:VAIL C0NTMCTORS, Attn: Dave Reichardt Steve Patterson, Town of Vail Bui'lding 0fficial cc: Lionshead Arcade Building Condo Assoc. FROM: RE: 1. A review of past correspondence initiated by the Lionshead Arcade Building Condominium Association to obta'in a final inspeclion on the tar and gravel roof installed by Vail Contractors indicates this matter is stil'l unresolved. 2. If the gravel on the roof is cleaned, i.e. washed' or new gravel put down so that there is adequate adherence between the gravel and the final layer of tar on the roof, a final may be issued by the Town of Vail. Town of Vail Final Inspection on !io1rsfread Arcade Building F) F z 1 E x - J F oz z z z] F '.] F. Ir-2 <:i '<t: ta6c ;:< i:^722z?<YFF :<i)i2,. -Fq)o><o F z = oz .J) UJ UJ LL E =ul .n LlJlutt{ =t uJ F F rl9l Ictl9l =l2ltl HI:lqclEOI.ElrltPl1qq-l Flq5lct (,J|qEl d'-lFtElqcl | .Ol(utt(Ho[ cdEl ol(u!ltltl =>E --dt3ru.S =coN x e. ;ZZU- tr ^ 6zo==o?i 6E anoc oog](Jzx lr"<oq idF $ax.z rN(, 9EgbYr9 !! Lrlo z. lrJJ z. col L/1 LUrn LJJ) Lt LJJ J u- (n .r F z, t-|. z.t! z. LrJ Qt db >1FD e F C)ur uJ zz F:.i:/f;e $ -2Etr-o,6EdEEESEPAES ict> ao o?=i d E Hs it=eEgo9(,otz(J a ( tI .( oz F() UJ-toEo- EIol F-ll I ut F o ts =E. lrJ o-zoF(J EFozoo =z .nQz\c0o>z dP ..i5 ==3dd= t]nD --E o E CIoo t!! 'E?t-efrefi o* 5*E>rFoo,ott 6 t F z J l! dl ) t- IoE (')! cct a)Ert' C'L '('.t'(u v,co J ui =z a T =h | |I ET I I | :: | || =r lllll-tllI tJIFI flIEtqtcrtd tol,.,1 <t |< 33=t El 3: anLo+i(,.cL.F) o(J .U tr llJ(r 4 = =tr lt) LIJ(E oo tltl|ltltl|l l."l| (,t lI uJltdltol l<l =l Jlq<ltr|=t lltllltllllltaltsltaltoltoll<l =t :l(rl <ltrl =l Io Fo Eo : = =g. uJz =I uJL <FE(JuJ<zE LIJ Fo6 a JE<oQF -<AE,XF-zilo Zr =#i= \() axYF =2AFV'= =u cl:g=+EFFozEoa?.:E EtrN I l-(I(] I I I I I llu r(lo I I I I I I I ,oIF IF t-r lo =l9 I I I ::::( :-) rl F; -: r i::ii ;<:/::/4::;:.;t!FF:5 .Jri-':r a:!t.i; :<J:l=:i ]F.t tt :>_,< 3:-tirc=<r <. t -: I I I r- (:: L d.trl an u.l IU =( LlJ o- U1 TU tUu- L =c LU o- ZZ F:::<.1 ;q@ao- 626")l-,1{<; 9 i Epdil st;e. 3q<u-!;o FV@zi' nt--r-()<:rr<o_oz:^ ='-oaft:!ll.;Ot1roo z 4 I I l- l<-l ltr 1ot(f ,.4ro 'tl a ? (J o c( : |I ;l z 9 F.( -(_) c ? O (, ai _l Yc (.) \J: 7 F 6 5 I I I ,| -( I I oz F sj oaxal\ ul o ! lrartt/o iYA :i aa C - i{ F F :r II I I Fl9\'1'.l ol ca.l U]'ti ;'1 .-i ,1 i -)o a o I I \ AIq 1 ,l)l \lN ,l il ll i! fl I \iltll $!\l ,l,'i . ' .'.1. 9 .( :) :l ct(, o- F s >o( -=(t i ru .(:_'c)ol c,.t F I & o (J 9.I F -'2 ; 1l tJ)-z oo io- 9'_: -dg o 6A.: >- UzLr. .{ >- (J F z (J- (Lq h E ft:lr I a- z. l"* CJ3 L[^. t--(n -:.2 Ftl\4ll '. ll Ntl\tl-ll il\il'{ tl\, ll .''ril\t .il r.lpl \f\^l 1 \l RI ,,)v) lil .l ,t il\bu .sr 11Vf, SN =lj "11 ll tl\il', iir\ll \ri\:i ''l;I J I ,,- :: << .! a-) 6 .ac)t- i t.r l'_ c_ :1:() () t'l,t. s ,4. l .( E \\l *! {t\ \ \6 v.\ E z t: aO ca (J .,i,t CTION REQUEST.. TOWNi OF VAIL (-DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED @D FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr N FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr ________________ SUPPLY AIR "/K N FINAL '4 tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIR 'i I I rI CORRECTIONS: oor= Q'2 /4 rNSPEcroR ,- -INSPE CTION REQUE ST // ,orr 7/ n/f/ JoB NAMEt/ INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: OF BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D ROUGH / D,W,V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION - D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB |..1r,r rlE! FINAI ! trlt\la I /\ ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEft4P. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS ,i tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR -- I -_ tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED t t INSPECTO .+- AUGUSt tor1981 SUBJECT, SCSEDULE FOR ROOF ON LIOilS IISAD ARCADE COIiTDO'BI'ILDING. AUG. il.,/GET BUILDINO PERUIT. auo 12 EREcr FENcs $rmt Rnt{ovrllc R00F. AUG 13 SET UP FOAU UACU]ilE AUO t4 SET UP ITOT TAR POT IHIS JO3 .IlO BE SET UP ON A ASSEUBIEI [I!IE TO TRT SO FINISH FASTER. TH$ TBUCK TO REUAIN ON THE JO3 SITE EECAUSE THE DU!{P WILL BE CLOSED IIHEIT E FINISH I{ORKI}IC FOR TIIE DAT. Tr{E JOB TO BE FTNTSHED Br 'f,8Ef,,Joz SEPTEIIBER 1511981. Tffi Butt,untc ilATEBTALs ro BE sroRED As sltsllou THE PllrNT. h azg /7. /,;ttr*l-a VAIL CONTRACTORS sox 386? vArL' cot. 81558 ,*#"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oor, //-t7-t / JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATfON: 4a. eucnot 4<cape 4c'rcOrn€ /o,Q CALLER TUES weo(-flUfr) rnr --@'" tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVED .-r/)/ Ft^,t.t^,6 t.,45 r//4a- TH€ aEAVFL 477/+14 .f.t/T t-E lt/ApA6i/A7E AilQ yOUl F?4t|01'e FutAt ?K4ZVO,.r /< I/FPF fry PF|D t(E: D --'-.:* REINSPECTION REQUIRED) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / fI. TUB tr FINAL fI FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR N FINAL s{C- ?oi - c- INSPECTOR t INSPECTIONTOWN OF :a REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: L5. INSPECTION: JOB NAME ] MON CALLER {Gi) *.o rHUR 4-1 @ PM t : ''1i CORRECTIONS: ..ii A 'j l)ii Clr'u r,-.2.. l'Fo^,I (o.,.,"ar, ,/il!n FS--4t€ t*:(t'Fc'ffi -- <i?1 .-IT, .:i's ,//ur' t"INSPECTOR. " BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER E] tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr Fil),lAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 2596 South Leyden Street Denver, Col orado 80222(303) 7s3-0543(303) 759-4299 STATEMENT Date: To: ATTN: July 28, 1983 VaiI Contractors Box 3867 Vai1, C0 81657 David Reichardt TYPE 0F JOB: Visual roof evaluation at Lions Head Arcade Please make check payable to I nc. This is due and payable upon Co'lorado Real Estate INSPECTION Services receiving this statement. Fee... ..$150.00 Mileage=200 mi at $.40/mi....... 80.00 TOTAL NOl{ DUE: $230.00 THAIIK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY OF SERVING YOU. Any questlons concernlng Job should be made to thls office wlthln three(3) worklng days of wori performer!. In the eyent that coioiaao nealEstate INsPEcrlON Servlces, Inc, flnds lt necessary to lnstftute legalactlon for the collectlon of thls account ln that ivent the customershall .be responslble and liable for reasonable cost of coliectlonrncr uctng reasonable attorney fees. Tn July 29, 1983 Vail Contractors Box 3867 Vail, Colorado 81657 REF: Roof Investigation: Lionshead Arcade ATTN: David Reichardt PURPOSE: 2596 South Leyden Street Denver, Colorado 80222(303) 753-0543(303) 759-4299 To conduct an investigation to determine the embedment and uniformity of theaggregate surface on the Lionshead Arcade roof. OBSERYATIONS: Photo #1 illustrates the roof is a sloped asphalt built-up system with a crushedslag aggregate.surface. Type of slag is enciosed in exhibft #1. This slag wasre-used from the previous roof. Photo #2 - #7 illustrates the slag was swept away in a number of areas to exposethe amount of slag embedment into-the asptritt suiface. In the areas observed,there is a uniform amount of aggregate embedded into the asphalt surface exceptaround projections and the rnetal edge. An area approximateiy 1' to r l/z' around and extending out from these areas, the topSqrfqge_-14g! applied in a col d The gravel was unifonnly spread through out the roof with approximtely 3/4"thickness on the slopes and in the vailey area. l{ith the cblree of siope, approximatey 2" to ? t/2" per foot, this would indicate that the aggregit6 isnot shifting or running off the roof. since there are no regulations or requirements in the uniform Building code,chapter 32,.Roof construction and coverip, requiring the amount of, or oelreeofpenetratlasphaltsirface,|veareiooting"ai-asinilar roof surface application to determine how this roof aggregate embeirnentcompares. The roof used for comparison is the Lift House Lodge. Photo #8 & 9 illustrate the area investigated of the Lift House Lodge was beinqgyept so a_new roof system could be applied. The slag was to be reused justlike the sl ag was reused on the Lionshead Arcade. The slag is wet ano filledwith dirt and sand. See enclosed sanple, exhibit #2. r|l Vail Contractors, cont'd July 29, 1983 page 2 Photo #10 & 11 il'lustrate an area that had not been swept. and dirty and the exposed aspha'lt surface had 'less embedded on the Lionshead Arcade roof. Photo 12 - 14 illustrates an area that was swept. The areato remove the dirt. The asphalt surface had almost no slag CONCLUS IONS The surface nas wet aggregate in it than was broom swept embedded into it. The NRCA (llational Roofing Contractors Association), which is an organization dedicated to the advancement of the roofing industry and its related industries states, "Grave'l or other aggregate shou'l d 5e fairly rounded in shape and shouldcontain a minimum of flat, sharp or e1 ongated particles. At the tine of qpp1 ication, the aggregate should be hard, durable, opaque, surface dry, andfree of clay, loam, sand, or other foreign substances". The amount of clay, dirt, sand and moisture in the aggregate trill deter theability of the aggregate to adhere to, or embed into the hot asphalt surface. Since there is no standard established by the NRCA, or UBC, for the amount or degree of aggregate penetration into the asphalt surface, the only criteria, except for coverage rate, you can use for an aggregate surface is: 1. Is there a uniform coverage so there is no exposed asphalt surface? 2. Is the aggregate holding in place and not shifting or washing off? 3. Is it providing a proper reflective covering? 4. Is it withfn the UL fire ratings for the built-up roof construction? The aggregate surface on the Lionshead Arcade, in our opinion has adequate aggregate embedment, is. uniformly distributed and is not shifting or washingoff, any more or less then a roof with a simi'l ar slope and roof covering. Thank you for asking C0L0RAD0 REAL ESTATE INSPECTI0N SERVICES, INC., to conductthis investigation for you. If you have any questions, please contact me at my office. (303) 753-0543. Si nce /e1 ,Pcea Ray Boy'is, P.C. Roofirt Consultant RB/abc INSPECTI0N SERVICES, INC. ITEsE: ltlF |I flFl{> li; , fli lnF' l!" rlrtlrF 'Jil LIONSHEAD ARCADE BUILDING CONDOMINIIII,I ASSOCIATION BOX 9, VArL, COLORADO 81658 Novembe r 19, I98I Steve Patte r son Building Inspector To$rn of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Col-orado 816 57 Dear Mr. Patterson; The Board of Directors of the Lionshead Aracade Building condominium Association wish to thank your department for the prompt action of reinspecting the roof and revoking the final inspection of Vail Con- tractors. We have been $torking with Mr. Reichardt in an attempt to get the job finished so that we can nake the final payment but the inspec- tion was completed without our knowledge and no contact on the job with Mr. Reichardt for over six weeks. we are not experienced in roof- ing matters but believe the adhesion problem betrrreen the gravel and tax throughout the roof is due to the amount of dirt and debris that had accumulated on the roof over the last ten years. we were told it would take additional gravel to finish the job correctly. To our knowledge only the old gravel , including all the dirt and debris' hras respread. Fractions of an inch in sorne places, two or three inches in others. we are also concerned about the nails that were driven through the flashing. we are told be other roofers that it is common practice to cover these nailheads with mastic to seal out noisture, Similarly, the metal flashing that extends over the facia in places that have drainage are normally flaired out to break the surface tension of the water i this does not exist on our roof. We do have additionat concerns with Vail contractors but they do not effect the quality of the work, only the aPpearance. we ask that no future inspection be made on the roof rrtithout the know- ledge of the Board of Directors and presence of a member or represen- tative of our Board. And, we would appreciate knowing, in writing, what sol-ution Vail contractors will use to solve these problens before they are allowed to work on the roof again. S incerelv, 1a.tze ilou't President / tionshead Arcade guildinq Condominium Association cc: vail Contractors, Dave Re ichardt Chairnan sf the Board of Appeals Jim Viele Lionshead Arcade Building Condominium Association Box 9 , Vaill Colorado 81,657 16 August 1P82 Town of Vail Building DepartnentAttn: Mr. Steve Patterson Box 100Vails Colorado 8t657 Dear llr. PAttersonl Tfiis letter is an attenpt to resolve the final bill withVail ContractoB, Mr. Dave Reichartlt ownef for the installationof a roof on the Lionshead Arcade Building' Vail' Colorado. As you may recall the roof was denied a final inspection bythe Town of Vail for the lack of adherence of the gravel to the final layer of tar. Not being a roofer I calLed roofing compan5-es in Derer, Ilisco and Gleenwood Springs to dj.scuss the probl-en stated above. Without exception they a.Ll statedthat the life ofa pitched tar ard gravel roof would be cut inhalf if the gravel was not inbeded in the tar. Without the imbeding the gravel wiII wash ard expose the tar which willdeteriorate from the sun lite. It was also stated that if you use the old gravel it nust be washed or the accunulationof dirt wiII keep if from sticking to the tar.ftr! inforrnation has been repeated so that the Association might find out what the Town of Vail Building Departrnent expects Vail Contractors to do for a satisfactory final in-spection. It is the Association's intention to forward your reply to llr Reichardt for action.Your tbe and efforts in resolving this matter are most appreciated. um Associati-on c. c.Carol Duddy ager, 'a Project Application Project Name: Project Description: ! Owner Address and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phone: Legal Description' t-ot € . , etocf I 53/ r-'r-sL* l/*z Filing 53/ LftsL4Z,4rZt Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Chiel Building Off icial acadenrysigrc "the sign of excellence" 280 east 64th ave denver, colorado 80221 303-428-0400 November 15, 1-979 Mr. Steve Patterson BuiJ-ding Department Town of Vail Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Guilinors Restaurant Dear Mr. Patterson: Due to the recent change of owners, the existing La Foncla signage will be changeil to Guilino's per the enclosed designs. Also, I have enclosed the design for La Fonda, which was approved by your Sign Review Board approximately two years ago. The new design is a name change only, and will be the same applications as before. We will be installing the new faces, Wednesday, November 2L, l97g 'as that is the date the owners have set for the opening. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, t)lu*- Ken McCracken Estimator KMC: nr Enclosures a PT]BLIC HEARING ' NOTICE IS HEREBY cMN that Canada's of Colorado, Ltd. has applied for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a real estate office on tbe first floor of the Lionsllead Arcade Building located. on a portion of Lot 3, Block L, YaLL/LionsHead 1st Filing in a Commercial Core II District. Application has been made in accord. witb Section 18.26.O40 of the Municipal Code. . A Public Eearing wiit te held before the Torn of Vail Planning and Envirounental Commj-ssion on June 27, L978 at 3:00 P.M. in the Vail Municipal Building. Said hearing rpill be held in accord with Section 18.66.060 of the Munici.pal Code. I ana 8. Toughflling Adrninistrator Published in the Vail ITY DEVEIOPTIENT Trail June 9, L978 Oorrro* nDvIIi\Y tJoAilD o DATE OT ACTION TAKEN BY MOTION: VOTE: FOR: APPROVtrD: , DISAPPROVED: MI'ETING:Alrrrrc+ 94 1O'7'7rrstrq(, L, su t METIBENS I>RESENT:rr.:11 D"r.f flJl- J- I rr(rvr r Lou Parker Ri11 BishoP Ron Todd - Abe Shapi,"o- -- I d Ctr,pr,t, Ltcrlg Hr7tr) A@\AV . S,'JB}bCT : .IicJ;rur'lr-l i n-'Utr.i:Lrl1'rE - ur 1lr Iy s-rleo SECOIIDIiD BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: SUIrlIlAtiY: itu!! l i1p l. i t::t tt t h t'r:rlll ()1., a-*l (-? a rrt MEMOIiANDUM .i r' ri,,\ t' ."1 TO PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ,N I i. ] I-/ . t-l ,il FROM DEPARTIIIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE 7 JuIy 1978 REF Stuart Canada - Application for Conditional Use Permit to a11orv a real estate office on the first floor of the LionsHead Arcade Building in a Commercial Core 2-Z6n The applicant has applied for a Conditional Use Permit in order to continue to use existing Commereial space located on a first floor. Horizontal zoning requires that office space on first floors be a conditional use. CONSIDERATION OF FACTORS : Upon revj.ew of the Criteri-a and i,'indings, the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit ba.sed upon the following factors: 1.) Relationship and impact of the use on development' objectives of the Town. Canada's of Colorado expanded their sesond story office to include the flrst floor. This space had had changes in tenants several tines during the last few years and had been empty for part of this period. This space just didn't work as retail space. 2.) Effect of the use on light and air, distributiortof population, transportation facilities, utilities, sohools, parks and recreation facilities, and otherpublic facilities and public facilities needs. 2.) Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to eongestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control-, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The existing office has not had and should not have any impa.ct upon the above factors. Delivery truck traffic should even be reduced since areal estate office does not normally require rielj.veries. 4.) Effect ttpon the character of the area in which th.e proposcd use j.s to be located j.n relation to surrounding uses. Page '2 MEMO - PECStuart Canada - Application for CUP to a1low a real estate office on tlie first floor of the LionsHead Arcade B1dg. Commercial- Core 2 Zone . The existing use seems to be compatible with surrounding retail uses in other buildings and has had no noticeable impact on the alea. The Department of Community Development recommends that the Conditional Use Permit be approved based on the following findings: L.) That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2.) That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which'it would be operated or maintain.ed will not be detrj,mental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. ) That the proposed use will comply with each of- the applicable provisions of this ordinance. box 100 vail, colorado 81657 l3o3) 47b-s613 department of community development .June 19, 1978 Canadafs of Colorado' Ltd. P.O. Box 1908 Vail , Colorado Dear Mr. Canada: In regard to your application for variance and hearing beiore the Planning g Environmental Commission on Tuesdayl June 27, L978, pleise be advised that this meeting bas to be cancelled because of lack of quomm. You are rescheduled for hearing on Tuesday, July 11 , L978 at- 3 P.M. DST/gew . Toughf PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Canada?s of Colorado, Ltd. has applied for a Conditional Use Permit to al1ow a real estate office on the flrst floor of the LionsHead Arcade Building located on a portion of Lot 3, Block 1, Vail/LionsHead 1st Filing in a Commercj.al Core II District. Application has been made in accord with Section 18.26.O4O of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing wlll be held before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission on June 27, L978 at 3:00 P.M. in the Vail Municipal Building. Said hearing will be held in accord with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code. DEP OF r978 ana S. Toughlllning Administrato Published in the Vail Trail June 9, APPL ICAT I OI'I I'OR VAR IANCE And/Or coN0 t T lotlAL usE PERI'l I T Ordlnance lto. I (Sorios of 1973) Appllcatlon Da te Hso r I ng 0a te - la,( Yrc F1n61 Declsion date lor Town Counc | | | (ve ) Canada's (App Colorado licant) Pub I lcation Dato P.O. Box 1908 ( Rcd res s ) , Vail phon e(CltY)(Statc) dc hereby roquest perrnission to appear before the Val I Planning Comm I ss i on to req uesl the fo | | ov i ng : Variance f rom Article-' Sect i on Zon i ng Change f rom TO Park ing va r iance Conditional Use Permlt 47 6-L600 to a I low Real estate business ( ( ('(x Zone. described proPerf y: Lot/tract-, BlockFor the Flllng C I ea r ly state purpose and intent or th is apP I icat ion Ltu7lov 10.16 . o <i o f ol lowi ng l'lumber Uhat do you feel is the basis for hardship in fhis case? Slgnature icant I F'E INsPECoG'N TOWN OF HEEUEST VAI L JOB NAME E RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orsen E pnnrral. READY FOR INSPECTION THUR LOCATION MON GOMMENTS: TUE WED PMFR Eo.ts,appRovED ..fl u-p;or'r iir FoLLowrNG coRR ECrtoNS: CORRECTIONS n nppRovED D nerNsPEcr ztldF {rl > iE<YIeF^ Ii|F < !'! 'ut & 2< zzo<FE<o Ec <o F rrto><o tr< Itt !. F e,r = ul IJJ z I lrlz ' l{ F. ut o ,lj zg ltl J It llt F , F F ul J F F F-:i<3il zul Elll uJ a ! .E =E=H I NOtrvn'lvA \s J o J :'r: frtHa Ss ll- :- r!t>(9(' \ttN =62o9 z Fq* qgx> -z*< o,o>o .ci $ /: ,4ccnae Town of Vail EI.,ECIRICAL PERIVIIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 198 $.....................-...... $.... /.f..&.., @,.. ... " $........a. 0'. &........ $.........1* d-..-.- $........e.2/.''.D-...... Date Paid--./e :.t-: 7-{..r/.1/7 Received By rqu \Hne..l !:1.,*-.:. Sa.a.LEL_i-.5.w.*.tr...--.ltp.rtt- ilut1........l(..i:i, - ,,U; ,8 Date of Application-... ..........1-e .e.;.. .5-...............................-..-rg...7-5.. rppri"*t.-M)^/J. {, &.'^'--^-,, APPROVALS Dato t2 *-.?.- Dsto :s:7{ THIS FORIUI IS TO BE POSTED OT{ JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUGTION 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE NEQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS tna !. t. Motrt a!.r lrtvat l!llll PLUMEilNG/MECHANTCAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL DATE NAME R PHONE I lsF oF Rl lt I DING. .. CLASS OF WORK: IJ NEW IJ ADDITION I_I REMODEL I_I REPAIR DESCRIPTION OF WORK: lJ nerRoveo lJ DTSAPPRovED ' DATE - PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE TOTAL FEES: $ DATE OF MEMBERS DES IGN MEETiNG: PRESENT: ,,AW T A.TION TAKEN BY SUBJ ECT: BOARD: ./// / /1 /vonon/U/o# fi a/'rntnp ; SECONDED B\ /bz*j/( /-1 /VOTE: ron: //a4fo4-- AGAINST: %,"4-'4,-'-D "'------7-zw--/tz;,;fufu APPROV ED : D I SAP PROV ED : SUMMARY: ,-.\ r.-r {'i - F'+ 1-'"'al: L *a !- rr i-'ij' F F toz o cc uJ oz ulozg Fz =ut UJ F (E ul tt ut F J o ul J \ \ ! E tr lu 0.1reto =,2 =ql-- f o € ILI z 6. it F Irl O a NO rrvn'lvn Yt 3 ozo F E ul a lllz G- l+ >(,o -(ilZ \Jitr =-z<.r 9 -o z Fx=d6 q0 ?>:< o.o>o - C,i ::: :;'"lt::T,^Do s16s7 / eaoNe."l o'.-u., ' November 13, L973 ff1r. Gerry Q[rlchCity of VailBuildinq DepartmentVail, Colorado Dear l'lir. Ulrich: Fz\rt(r, r-,., '-1,: r: t': - .! /\ rvr il -r - 1Q73 This letter ls to state my intentlons and concernsin reqard to the drainaqe problem at the street locationof the parkinq ramps qoin_o into Lionshead Arcade Euildinoand Llonshead Llft House. I would like to formally state my concerns for adrainaqe problem arisinq frorn water cominq off the roofsoF Vantaqe Point. I feel very st!onSly that the orlqinalIand oulners and the current developerg have shourn obviousIack of concern 1n solving this problem. I am formallyaskinq that the pr€rssures that are applted to me as adeveloper be applied to these parties in correctinq thissi t uatl on. The surface ulater that is running betueen the roadand the ramp goinq into the parkinq structure for the [iftHouse and the Lionshead Arcade will be asphalted wlth a 9waf1 for the purpose of carryino water to points beyond.In the event that this solution for movinq this water lsinadequate as proven by the'Bpring runoff, I am in total.agreement to elther put culvert in or concrete surails,whichever, to meet the requirements of the city. In t,heevent the city deems that either this culvert or concretesurail be installed, I witl have them installed by -luIy Sl-' L97 4. oo z2 mg I N It" Ft-t- I I otlL, I si [;$ i;l -lolol;l :l l 1,1 | {dgj Frq q) N oJ t- L o -oot !) B I I -l;lvlol g N I I t.l I I N (D gi = _c. e (J tl) F OrN z (D o z. = (J op ttl oE o IJJ- z - Sc IRSa 3sH HgH =n-\-:.r\!_-' F., XEl\dr=Iob= n€R E3HN,qil RF}5," -c .. HNiE FtF.e=:i<-r\l\:\\,^\, :SsS:R3: rEENBTSxSRI.r(tfN* Fiss ES:F HHHFxa+F: EHSi $F:3 FE3: tl{ -l tifii e.AEFEF*'EF EN F -rrF,.Ftrrt .|JH -F ts -F((F? -11|e F\aaf-l{t -a *Fl f-lL.(t\ EY fH 11 A. {{ atLI IPfH fF)tlrfLA.o w FtrL Au0 2819n August 28, 1973 City of Vall P. O. Box 631 Vall, Colorado Attentlon: Jerry Aldrich Dear Jerry ; In regards to the tlmetable for the completlon of the Parklng Structure and eurroundlng parking faclLltiee in the Llone/Head Lifthouee vlcinlty the followlng la completed. 707. of all pavement ie completed at thie tine. All retalning ralle are conpleted et this tine. The handralle and structured parking are completed at this tine. I{e are looklng forward to total completion whlch includee the ramp to the atructured parking, carstopa on top of the atructured parking, the renaln- lng 3o% of paving aDd entrance landecaping to be completed October 15. Betseen now and October 15 this proJect w111 be roped off and under cona truc t ion. (t) op zz R] U N N l'a l= RICHARDS ENGINEERTNC.Ltrrrfr @F lrRANSnflurrAL TO ' P. O. Box 643 vAil- coLoRADO 81657 Yail 476-5O72 Denver 2il+1521 Westerfl Sl ope Construction Co. Val1, Colorado 81657 ,Bgf 1d {n g_Lep elqnert t _toim 6r vari. po. noFTown of Vall, Po. Box Vail, CoJ.orado 81657 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU D Shop d rawings ! Copy of letter g( Attached O Under tr Prints D Change order the following iten'., I Samples I Specifications separate cover E Plans n tl.on Reporte for'?arklng Lot f YaL]- 2L Bulldlnes thr OESCRIPTION Tr{ANSMITTED as checked For approval For your use As req uested For review and comment I FOR BIDS OUE below: D Approved as submitted fl Approved as noted ! Returned for corrections Laz,,et, Vantage Point and L973 Resubmit-copies for apprcral Submit -copies for distribut,,,ir Return-corrected prints i1T-JL AKL n ! .'o ! tr o fl ! 19- O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: Kenneth E. ltlcharde IOPY TO l,.nc,o.u..r ..t nol .! nol.4 ti.dlt notitj, s. at o,c.. O RT'HARD' Er.rxr'rs, ,,*. I Port Offlce Ed 643 Vall , Colorado 81657 . 476-5072 @rycnETE. ltAso[ny A]rD REIT|IORCINC STEIL 8tFoRl For: ' i.: s ' -:l Concrctc Placcoent l,lrtonrv Iorocc tlon lrlalorchl Scrrl Drt.Its kethcr Locrtlon 8lrry CylLodorr Drtr Tlr lfeethcr Loc,rtloo lsrlr EESICOPY AYruUi9LE DItC lle Locatlon lrurtr ? /fi.,7: ?c;k r_%;t ! zx ;;"rt4:,, iV ;::ruuttzQ atz+- 16t^t )A-,-i -Ia c.t)7eAreJ 1Je-aa,- r4"u---ffi re.4r&A'At,t-4a-=-f 171-r., A..-t--n- A.,,-(l t1? -.2,^,,' a4 /t-4 e 7.'-.(.*1Ott-fd 44,- iHffi* fr:v :ft"I!b L:,*; fft :; " :;{:Y; z -rP-^fl*aS)rk a//,tl at .Qt,,- , 2/ae / 4s ra(€z} * -e-Lta aa;,;;li;,-44a./<tbrytA ro ) o.{vf u 9 7* * ( e' t.: zt t:.c ,l _ ?'_fu?g-,rt*.2 ,)t *, r /'r-- -t )'t ,.-4<. /t1r\, i '+,alTE u9+/ a-, 4'y\,4{ ? (--\ t'^.\-- \-- Stdlture of Inepcctor p oIICEARDS ElrclXttts, ilr. Port Offtcc lor 643 Vall, Coloredo 816t7 476-5072 rc', kV./.r* AI{D REINFORCUIC CI Comrcta Plrcclcot Locrtlon i tlt-P t.pan/;r'r'r<"/y'..ss D.t flr l|.rth3t Locatlo!lrrlr 4l hao'ifr tn-/- ,,onl/ * /pp aa*tvm--*trd.4 qR-- 5fr,.4u^&A--Q- G'b-a-t /'knfiel. lrblorchr Strel '1o t6 c),fy ielnrs t) ca//€l, NICNARDS Post Vatl , ElreINElns, rNc. Oltlec los 643 Colorado 8L657 476-t072 ,*, /,<f, f"t , l|raoorv ln|DactloB DrIC Itr l|..thcr Locatloo filrtr Alrzo/r-, h f-l w\ ttq- .? L.r.6 ee"tLa".*a'o21 - CoDcrrtr Pl.acceot llrtr ItD.Ifcathcr Locrtlon 8lrry Cyltndrrr nJ-//,- ]a f/L-At lJdt 4iy 7ft.4K 3/o | />.f (t-o/ l?ey'.'c.^ 4t r/c.l-.-*/2,? //D:ad ).--2 val -Jr-( fo-J-*{// ,t/r*7la ao-'41 'l n/ot a) -t ,t, r Ui*?:z t t2+,.tEr*:i:It/*Ck {*t i!-1r h f-u'\-ry?e 2.24- btalorclag Stccl .6/4JrE r+ 6 e ;// le f 4.!P/h S- ./ f'"'t SlSueture of InePector RTCEARDS ErGrltllS, f,!f,. Port Offlce tq 643 Val1 , Colorrdo 81657 476-5072 T AITD REINFONCINC ST CoDcrst. Placcoeot DrtG TtD fleather Locrtlon Slnnp Cyllndrrr /y'r./i;tr Fqih.--,/l Co ^to nO? 2/a77 ''<-p'"t7 fiyis *+ot 'tt'A'/yt.na-rn t'l /- ./,o/.. ut /t12.o-ue u('a|,,/r-k /t 'z/.Fa-ettva, la/ c,<re p' /a r. n x.4 ,t:t ,// 6e ,hao{/ I 4*/. tln //R/)c/r( y/,,tl Tm-7r- 1'"-21,,",, cePt-,u a:do j (aVl 1t,?trt ,-f 7t,t ta S / t/s /2-t;D€c/( (/o /ar/ Urroory lorpectl.on Drt.rl*lJ€8tb6r Loc,atloD Irrtf lrtolorclag Scaal yt/ireAe,1xpo7 ,/*-. V .t Sl,gnrcure of InrPector ENGITICRS, INC. Offlcr lor 643 Colcrdo 81657 476-5072 @NCnEtB. lrAgomr AND RETXTORCITNC sf,EEL l880lT For: O RTcHARDs Po.t Vall, Coocr€tc Pl8ccocn t DrtC TtB tlcathcr Loc.tlod 8lury CylLadcrr /L/n //:3a {tz*fu 1> o---1 ak ,y'ip //:aa "/h;^l./., e,**,t J--l n-,, %^:*:r/t p ,t/t"/1Ao //./,u K{F;-.z-- reo/. *- - ?n/* rz.t t1'7 r/b:/4''d..A y'a a.r.tl'U*- *,,fr.;'f:;r::,"//oE . /.*l klt n;lr'a/,{,,/ #'r: {ri?' {;C" 7*z q2, z 3t'3 f b{nte3sl4 g3crt 'f) | |\l# c yrr./na-.\;" fu,-A aa>\r -'t - \ I x 'ti I IlO*\e a Slgnature of Inrpector luun box r oo vail, colorado s1657 303.476-5513 December 8, 1912 TO:TERRY M I NGER FROM: KENT ROSE RE:PARK I NG STRUCTURE FOR LAZ I ER AND ROSENQU I ST Attached are ihe letters lwrote to Lazier and Rosenquist regarding their parking structure. They will be in to see you at l:30 to discuss -lhe possibi lity of issuing temporary Certificates of 0ccupancy for the businesses wanting to open this week. Both of them were in Friday to talk! Jerry or myse I f permission for these businesses to open as they are rea squeezed. We to ld them that under no ci rcumstances wou nto granting ly be ing d we do it il. I amand any further action would have to come from the Counc sure that by now ihey have contacted all Board members. My opinion is that fhis is our last chance to show these two that we mean what we say. lt is, however, not right to punsih the little man, so we might grant them C.0.ts if Lazier can show that he has enough park ing spaces ava i lable f o.r fhese occupants that want to open and that these spaces are accessible, ready to use, and will remain so. Occupancy for the remainder of the building would then stem on the comp let ion of the structu re. Kent Rose Town Eng i neee r dt cc: Jerrv Aldricn lo Ng luZ ltffiIE' I Ii T i I I i IL. box roo . vail, colorado 8r657 r 303.476.56r3 August L7, 1972 !{r. Chuck Rosenquist Vai1, Colorado 81657 SUBJECT:,Ioint-use parking structure for "Lionshead Arcader'l 'Vail 21" and "Lift llouse."' Dear llr. Rosenquist: Reference is made to the meeting on April 27, L972 erith Robe=t Lazier, Chuck Rosenquist, Larry Robinson, Ed Struble and Rcbert |?ott trn attendance. 'The subject of the Ciscussion was the 'Lir.e table required for construction to commence on the joint-use parking structure for the three above mentioned buildings. Robert Nott represented the position of Vail Assocj.ates '-hal in aceordance with those understandings set forth in the contract,s mede with the buildj-ng owners, construction of the structu:e tras to commence during the surnrner of 1972. Furtherr Nott stated that l'eil Associates would not support any variance applicatJ-o;t on the part of Lazier and Rosenquist to defer construction of this structure until a later building season. To this date, the Town or Vail has not received an applicationfor a building permit or a complete set of structual plans and ealculations for approval in regard to this structure. StructureC parking must be provided for these buildings in order to compllz with the zoning anC parking regulations set forth by the Town of Vail Ti:rne is of the essence in the commencement and completion of the construction of the loint-use parking structure as absolutely no permit of occupancy will be issued for "Lionshead Arcader" "VaiI 2Lr" or "Lift House" until parking is supplied. Please submit the required plans, specifications and calculations as soon as possible to avoid further delays. ff this office can be of further assistance at any time regarding this matter, please contact us. cc Robert NottTcrrjt Uinger Larry Robins.on Very truly yours, Kent R. Rose, P.E. Town Engineer .{A Rglszl:2ln,lto T ! Matel?trc Testins Strvice 2531 West 8th Ave.825-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or LAZiCT Job No or t.o. 553-L - - /- /-Date Tested: rL/7/7? Mi x I . D. ; 6sk p*rpSl unP: 5" Ai r: Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck Ti cket #r-/ ./ o '' " *"'o-' Location:V@----l,ioittr lrlal-] 9,10,11 Joint from W.end 1st }'ltlCu. Ft.:Yiel d: LaYer Water Temp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Time Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: Ai r Temp. : Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed: Concrete TemP.: F A Moisture: Weathe r: T j me Tes ted: 10: /+5 Al'i Tested By: rEsr cyLtNDERs 553 ( S-r-1) ( 14-15 ) Cyi inder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 2O 14 Day Cyl inder D'ia 2@28 Day 5.992 2600 5.993 2t+)2 Average z 2516 REMARKS: l',{ountain lttobil suppl-ier REpORT TO: Mr. Lazier City of Vail //7 1 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of Applicent to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR L;ET 2l rc*Jz I DESC i.( 13EE ATTACHEO lHaErl z-tE MArL AOOIIE3gI tt-- r lAts I lto CON IiAC TOF LIC€NgE NO. Az', ARCHI'ECI OR DE5ICNER MAI L AODFESS PHONE LICENSE NO. ENCINEER M I L ADDRESg PHONE LICENsE NO. MAIL ADOIESS BiANCN USE OF BUILOING Paw K r</ 8 ClasofworK: NNEW trADDITION trALTERATION trREPAIR f1 MOVE f]REMOVE i- h,'n'st.- " 10 Change of use lrom 1l Valuation ol work: $ /^ O , a oO 92 2s PLAN cHEcK FEE / ,J.PERMIT FEE /66. s= I!lZ,i'ca',,,,kSPECIAL CONDITIONST ili,",ij3i1';,.197 NOTICE SEPARATE PEFMTTS A\g REOUTREO FOR ELECTRTCAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILfrING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. HEREIN OR NOT.PRESUME TO GIVE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVEAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAMEALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORI THIS RECT.iTHISIFIED NOT HEALTH OEPT. SOIL REPORT Ar/7 "', :K. M.O. CANARY - AUDIT PROPERLY VALIOATED THIS SPACEI THIS IS PERMIT VALIDATI PINK - APPLICANT GOLDENROD - TEMP. F ILE i I o r .r{i5rr; dti:{ Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or Job No or l. D. 553-I Date Testedt Lo/27/72 Mix I.D.: 6 sk Slump: Water Temp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: T'i me Batched: Concrete TemP. : F A lt4oi s ture : Ti me t'Jeather: Tes ted: Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: rEsr cYLTNDERS 553-L(r-l ) Cylinder 0ia. 1@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 5.999 2rt+4 Average: R EMARK S: Lazier City of Vail 14 Day Cylinder Dia 2@ 28 Day By: Materials Testing Service i53l West 8th Ave.825-5261 Lazj-er Location: 6 Air: Ai r Temp. : Total Water: Max. Size Load Time Placed:4:30 Te s ted East Footing Wa1l Wt/Cu. Ft. : Yiel d: Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck lL Ti cket # jffiagETrdrfir- REPORT TO: : - ,'-:-' ' MATERIALS REPORI for Job No or t.D. 553-L Date Testedz to/z7hZ Mix I.D.: 6 sk Slump: l{ater Temp. : Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Time Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: Lazier 6 Ai r: Ai r Temp. : Total Water: Max. Size Load Time Placed: 825 -s261 Locati on: Also: Dillon, Longmont l Vail, Castle Rock By: rEsr cYLfNDERS 553-L(t-3 ) Cylinder Dia. 1@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 5.999 2Ll+4 Average: REMARKS: Lazier City of Vail 14 Day Cylinder Dia 2@ 5.992 6.oo7 28 Day 2752 2823 2788 a Seruice Truck l_[Ticket # .--.-. ( Parkine LqflVantage Polnt'Es fc I{aII- Wt/Cu. Ft. : Y lel d: Concrete TerW. : F A Moisture: 4z3o Tes ted }{eather: Time Tested: REPORT TO: J! UETUIGE Also: Dillon, i' 'o Materials ,-q531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 8A204 Water TemP.: -- ,orur rq1l@' ffi'fl' sit.' rlnc gitinea: Spec. P.S.I.iat 28 DaYs: MATERIALS REPORT {OT tAZiET Job tlo or t.o. 55)-L Date Tested z tlh/72 ..."-*. Mi x I. D. : 6sfc Btdpsl urnP: 5n Tes ted By: , Wt/Cu. Ft. : rEsr cyL.NDERS 5fi (g_ff) Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 DaY 5.992 2600 5.993 2b)2 .I'r" Locati on:North Ai r: A'ir Temp. : Total t{ater: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Tire Placed: I tng Concrete TemP.: F A Moisture: |'|eather: Time Tested:10:45 A][ Vail, Castle Rock Truck Ticket # Yi el d: .end 1st LaYer (14-15 ) Cyllnder Dia. 6.009 6.010 Cylinder Dla 2@?8 DaY2@ 14 Day 2)9L 2L4) 7 Average: REMARKS: 251.6 Mountain Mobil suPPlier REpORT TO: Ivtr. Lazier GitY of VaiI A1 l53l West 8th Ave.825-5261 nnat#iab Testins C?ruice Locat'i on: Ai r: oclu reE Parking Lot Vail S. W. Foundation WaII l,ltlCu. Ft.: Yjel d: Concrete TemP.: F A Moisture: Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck Ti cket # Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT { Job No or t.O. 553-L Date Tested z tt/z/72 Mix r.o.'Ffihp Sl ump: 5" Water Temp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Time Batched:-f Spec. P.S.I. at1l8 Oays: Ai r Temp. : Total |l|ater: Max. Size Load Time Placed: I000 TEsr cYLINDERs 553 (t -7) Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia.6.oc3 2050 6.002 2:.7:- Average: R EMARKS:Water reducer - pozz l'{ountain Mobil-e supplier REPORT TO: Mr. Lazier0itv of Vail t,leather: Tes ted: !.i chards T ime Tested By: 14 Day Cylinder Dia 2@ 28 DaY qs' Fp*C--,t\J'-l\v f- RICHARDS ENGINEERfiC. P. O. Box 643 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 LErrC? @F rRANsMrrrAL OATE I JOI NO November 2L, L972 I V2-171 Yail 476.5O72 Denvsr 2441521 TO estern Slope Concrete Constructlon Co. 02 23rd Street _ _ c1911qoc{_ _SItlngg, Colorado BuiJ.dlng Department T owrr of Vai1, Vail, Colorado GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU lQq Attached , : I Shop drawings l- Prints !l Copy of letter r.. Change order the following items: C Samples Ll Specifications I^I .+ lJnder separate cover L Plans vta ti DAl E DESCRIPTION I{r q pe c t ro_q_Rep o r E s _f,o_r leILiIg l_o t f_gr !e zle r_-L YeS!P olnt cq4_Ve11 ?.1 Buildlnss chrou-gh Novenbeg_!l_197? tf I : I IHESE ARt- TRANSMITTED :s checked - For a pP rrtva I yy For yrrur use i , As r()q uested I For review and comment R E MARKS LCIOYr'] I Approved as su bmitted App !'oved ds noted . RetL'rned for corrections ,. i . Resubmit-copies for approval . ' Submit - copies lor distribution I-j Return - corrected prints FOR BIDS DUE i9,-- . .. L'I PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Concrete Test Results should be filed withour office for revies. ' StGNED:K*nn"th E. Ri"t r"ro coPY l() t! en.lo.urcs are nol as note€. ktlrdly notity uiLt once. RTCHARDS ENGU|EERS, IlfC. Poet offlce Eor 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 CONCR5TE. ilASONRY A}ID REINFORCINC STllL RErcRT Maaonry InsoectLon Date 1lne llcether Locetlon tdrrlt ,+.& Q5e4 /a tC4lctti c,(y ?€f<atJC. c< tlt-l e Cttt'{ , Concrete Placeoent Date TLue tleather Locatlon Sl'-D Gfl|rdcrr er! tt/, n ./ ' )L Fa rr )i r..tte al t oVulre.--f q -'4-?, A rz'ni' t'r-. /),J'- - r .2/'r /J/rFFl?-rlf *-*.t:'PI.,L-'&r.{ "r.r.on Jc. ra/ze 7'eont P*v4_ ,/l-.; ^ ,/ l/ iln n,,-,- tu'l '' // - ' )-'ddf A -Lacf" a<o <,.j)o i 1,/r>1,.tu f/n'-L,Ftt ; -' far -- r/f/,Xf#, Jiad /'t P,/ze aczj d,y t{rfa>e t'/z)4.3a /r)zzlu 7VrcN /( LVrr". t\a8.t-hcf trt." nr,rlt 3 P/s,3-qr o ? (,('/'/.1 v t t ncrelv, o/*.t',u.,t*t,<. // rle cdtt€r "! rrh b'v-^///t, 4se4 ft, tbcrocnrtc. L7,a /'m . &*t r"</ cl /c. t'ui4'r'*r e Ce/c Rcloforcln8 Steel Dete TIDC Locatlon lrurLr ,/z 2'ea z-3r3Hrb'ffie*aisl'ae ak-_ &de"Q 26, qlp, r'a/5n u/ Se'.f2 ,ulr 4 s'{'''e zz .t - % c.,','-ll i , :, ' y- ttlf t,ta r<(rth,tt *..ttd./ I a)ot.tl <ht*f zff/a.u/.( tie^anrcIraaa ,rl,'9.'dd ./ 185. * tte //v- tb n. u. r'tt'L)n ..t tt ,ta//r/.,tv n-" J. rt/t €: f/f A't;-l,l /. /n-fr),-t IL,-r( u)o-/l /![72;*;:;:*: r'td,cf b*r* z*t'' 4 - /nc ot9}.{+rrl1a. - Ut'tl a g {-\ - Slgnacure of larpecCor RTCHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. Post Offlcc 8or 643 Va11 , Colorado 81657 476-5072 CONCRETE. }iASONRY AND REINFORCING STEIL BBPOR? Concrete Placenent Maaonry InsDectlon /o ro' /o' tA k, t/te c ap,c /c't'e cu2 r&- tlzeto(er k)s 3 aa., Pti;1r4Ofe -5c? t/,^e* f ,4 'efetatle tr For: L. '', A' Datc Tlue lleather Locat 1on Slury Cyllndctr rr/,-/D+5 (//"dl//s/ ( eal 1L.t/ tu ruaG- *rt41r"rr"lc fil"l/L'z < / fAl' h/4/-L ,{.-c. ? i.,,^-o..i.- 'o 74r //Plck./ ///>//: lc Z,L^d 1..x1 /a I t.t'.f /-b a,-'L Ll r' t// ,4 / ilt-( JLi I rL < -,,..4 z/*'.,rH r.<, ^,.//.v 44* /k '.- " /d ,1,),.^/l *:.:: " :':4' i-:::* :::::' ;.te. ^t'r.q#; rfu J:ao *lVrprs u.{ r- .e,n6r,<{ FqiA-y !:aqva dnu<,",t ti Au* ;)at t(Eof?4 ' ,.3'it/q/* ntafr z ailer *ur' lro llecc ar>> c ..1 fe .5.t tua.b- gtzeto(er kadet Date TlDe Weather Locatlon lelrrlr Reloforclng Steel Datc TlDe Locatlon Rarrhr Slgnacure of IntPector RICHARDS ENGIT{BERS, INC. Poet Offlce 8or 643 Vall, Colorado 8L657 476-5072 CONCRETE. ilASOIiRY AND REINFORCING STEEL REPORT For: Concrete Placenent Date Tlne Weather Locacton Slnop Cyllnderr rr/ t /a.'lf {<u/,"t/-a , t ftJ tz .. 4tl,r, 'rt.b 4s <c4 1ry(r)f /.i{ tL ,, pA r., ,- t t {q A, 1at ^.14C4*'7,// 1't,^t/ Ja - I D/ l//,1 (,'t'<f r ' ./..t c, ,/..s'!. t'/t!-. ll,; ( -.:' 1y7e+ t-7't*,r 7 /..,t r.-,// l-.. t,. /.-.'/, "tt'.'/,t'' 't't Jtv':lL q t",)1 /tu fn, n,s 4 1,. i:7lr,n. frr /**7'*,'rtt,STp ra/<c:/r'oal i/t t < , t(, (1.at^.ly(b/ J .. ...i / . ,. 1) /"r/ a, tri c. 0 - 9/, y, y'( tir)q n 1 t+,tr, . - $.., /r'^., trt"./.llo,, Ad rq"3 llaaonrv Inepectlon Drte Tlnc tfeather Ipcatlon lelerka Reloforclng Steel Date TlDG Locatlon Rcr.rl€ r/q 1i,1tx1- 4r,/.'o o 44. :- (. ,4531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261uenver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or Lazier Job No or t. D. 553-L Date Testedt aLh)/72 Mjx I.D.:$Sk Water Temp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Tine Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 5.985 Sl unp: [rr Ai r: Ai r Temp. : Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y Time Placed: 28 Days: oo Materials Testing Seruice Locati on: 553(16-t8) 1@ 7 Day L636 Cylinder Dia. Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck Ti cket # at Vantage Point Elr-]fi_FEFlor Footing). Pad from East l.ltlCu. Ft. :Yie'l d: Concrete Temp.: F A Moisture: l,Jeathe r: Time Tested: 2:30 pM Tes ted By: 14 Day Cyfinder Dia 2@28 Day 5.980 317L 6.001 2gg2 'r n.42Average: REMARKS: Mountain Mobile supplier 2nd Load lvlr. tazier Cit'y of Vail REPORT TO: a .-tr,i*a -.-t UETUIGE Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Concrete TemP.: F A Moisture: ljeather: Tirp Tested:2:30 PM Tested By: 5fiO6-L8) L@ 7 Day t6)6 Cylinder Dia. '14 OaY Cylinder Dia 2@28 DaY Average: REMARKS: Mountain Mobile suPPlier 2nd Load Materials Testing ,'?531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 uenver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT lo' Lazier Job No or l. D. 553-L Date Tested I L!/I3/7? Mix I.D.: 5*Sk Water Temp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Tinn Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 5.985 28 Days: S1r.rp: ljrr Aj r: Ai r Temp. : Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time P'laced: REPORT TO: Ivlr. Lazier City of Vail l,JtlCu. Ft. : Yie'ld: . e53l West 8th Ave.825-5261 nnrtellah Testins S?rvice Location; V East Foundabion Wt/Cu. Ft. : 28 Days: 551^ez-r) ) 1@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 18Ol+ Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck Ti cket # t,..' WaLl Concrete TemP.: F A l"lo'i s ture : |./eathe r: Ti me Tes ted: l+: 00 Pl'{ Tested By: 14 Day Cylinder Dia 1@ 28 DaY ilorth Side- Yield:Ai r: A'i r Temp. : Total Water: Max. Size Load Time Placedl Average: REMARKS: l"lountain Mobil supplier REPORT TO: ldr. LazierCity of Vail Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT for Lazier Job No or t.O. 55)-L Date Tested: LL/9/72 Mjx i.D.:6sk pumpSlump: 58" Water Temp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: T'ime Batched: Spec. P. S. I. at TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 6.oL6 Materials Testing Seruice o Also: Dillon, Longmonl Vail, Castle Rock o53l Wbst 8th Ave.825-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT fo' Lazier Job No or l.D. 553-L Date Tested: tu9/zz Mix I.D.:6sk pumpSlunp: 5*" Tii[!. u lo.uti on,G";; fi;D parkine LorEast*TtTfrfaEfr-n-fa1l n6rin siae Water Ternp. : Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Ti nre Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 6.oL6 28 Days l 553Q2-t3 ) 1@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. l-8oi+ Aj r: Ai r Temp. : Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed: |rltlCu. Ft. :- Yield: Concrete Temp.: F A Moisture: Weather: Time Tested: lr:00 PM Tes ted By: 14 Day Cyl inder Dia 1-@ 28 Day 6.0?r+ 3Lg2 Ave ra ge : REMARKS: Mountain DIobil supplier l4r. LazierCity of VaiI REPORT TO: Materials Testi Service ,"e531 West 8th Ave.825-5261 -, - ng Truck Ti cket # Location: Vantage f -h North warl e, jSiltr""tffi.end 1s |rltlCu. Ft. : * Denver, Cofo. 802A4 MATERIALS REPORT {or Job No or t.O. 5fi-l Date Tested: lU7/Zz Mj x I. D. : 6sk p,rnpsl unp: l,later Ternp. : Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Ti rne Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 5.992 5.993 Lazier 5n Ai r: Ai r Temp. : Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed: Also: Dillon, Longmc Vail, Castle Ro Yield: Layer Concrete Temp.: F A Moisture: Weather: Time Tested:10:45 AM Tes ted By; 25L6 Mountain Mobil supplier Cyl i nder D'ia ?@28 Day 6.010 387? 6.006 3fia 2.7^t 55j ( B_r.l_) Z@ 7 Day z6oo 2432 (l-t+-i-5). Cylinder Dia. 6.009 6.010 2@ 14 Day 239r 2Lt+3 Average: R EMARKS: ))6'7 Ivlr. Lazi-er City of Vail REPORT TO: 2531 West 8th Ave.825-s261r-z€ov€r, Colo. 80204 Mat#iab Testins Cervice S I ump: 6-! Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock t'lix I.D.: Water Ternp. : Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Time Batched: Ai r: Ai r Temp. : Total Waterl Max. Si ze Load Ti me Pl aced: Locati on: MATERIALS REpORT 1o, Laz.i-ei Job No or t.O. 55)-L Date Testedt 12/L3/72 P orto Truck 51O Ti cket # Parking Lot Deck S.l.ab Between L e 5 Colurnn Irron ilasb Wt/Cu. Ft. : Yj el d: Concrete TemP.: F A Moisture: llme l/.leather: Tested:11-:lO Tested By: 14 Day Cylinder Pj3 2:? 28 DaY Spec. P.S.1. at 28 DaYs: TEsr cYLINDERS 5r0%?L) Cylinder Dia. 1O7 Day Cylinder Dia. ir . tOti ;!/:i?) Average: R EMARKS. REPORT TO: 14.:'. Lazier City of Vail- -,r-2-:-r- lL r -_ . ltlatbrials Testingseruice {}531 WestSthAve. r--o"*1, b;i":iibfl6)Z I ezg -szor I Arso: p,ll,::'-!:1sToT825 -5261 Vail, Castle Rock MATER'ALS REpoRT for Lazier-Vantage pt. Truck Job No or t.o. 55j_I Ticket # Date Tested:, 1,f/2/ZZ Location,ffiU.r,S. W. Foundation lrlall,Mix r.0.,$fihn slump: 5,' Ajr: ",Jirlr?naatlon ""ii.,r, Water Temp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. S'ize: Time Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 6. oo3 6.oo2 Ai r Temp. :' Total l^laterl Max. Size Load C.y.: Time Placed: Di a.14 Day Concrete Temp.: F A Moisture: |rieather: Time Tested: 28 Dqys: 3000 553 (b-7) 2@ 7 Day Cylinder 205o 2T7L Tes ted By: Richards Average: REMARKS: Cylinder Dia 2@ 28 Day6,or5 2g5O 6.009 j3gg 3L25 21tL Water reducer -Mountain Mobile pozz supplier REPORT TO: Mr. LazierCiry of Vail I L- Ms. Diana WygantBuilding Department Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: This letter is for cussed at a neeting on Chuck Rosenquist, Larryin attendance. May 22, 1972 the purpose of reviewing natters dis-Aptil 27 , L972 in which Robert Lazier, Robinson, Ed Struble and nyself were V The subject of the discussion was the time table requiredfor construction to commence on the joint-use parking structure which is intended to accommodate the parking demands of build-ings conpleted, under construction or scheduled to commencethis sunmer on portions of Block 1--.J.e&=3r=Va-iqaiotttt+."d tFiling. These buildings are knowi-asing", under the ownership of Bob Lazier; nVail 21" bufftflrig, under the ownership of Charles Rosenquist; and "The Lift House"building, under the ownership of Bob Lazier. Robert H. Nott represented the position of Vail Associatesthat in accordance with those understandings set forth in the contracts rnade with the building owners, construction of thejoint-use parking structure was to be commenced during the sunner of 1972. Furthernore, Robert H. Nott stated that Vail Associates would not support any variance application on thepart of Lazier and Rosenquist to defer construction of thisstructure until a later building season. Yours very tru1y, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC Robert H. Nott Vice President - Real Estate -LARO K., > BZ iTtmiito;irl ttit /jn AREA CODE 303 476-5601 BOX 7. VAtL. COLORADO 4r657 xM)"^riti'.HECKLT'T O f'z'--zz-' Use Zone ( CJZ- - , Does Use Con f o rm? F.A.R. Allowed _Z/t__, A|owable Square FoofaS. I F.A.R. Actual rt , Setback Requ i rements: Front Setback Prov i ded: Front Parking Required /6f Actua I Square Footage lf , Sides /o , Rear lf t Sides '/u -, Re a r Parking Provided /68 F. A. R. AND PARK I NG CALCULAT I ONS ta /a \ p-zz,il/4 tlzc-e-4-"-2 l/a-Y z / -C Septcmber 25, |.972 Robert Engo lke Arch I iects 2 186 South Ho I ly Street Oonv€r, Colorado 8022? SubJect: Parklng Structure for Lazler and Rosenqulst Gentlcmsn: The plsns for tho subJect parklng sfructure have been checked In accordanco wlth the Unlform But ldlng Code, 1970 Edlflon, os amended and adopt€d by the Town of Voll; and In accordance w I th 0rd I nonce 6 ( Ser los of 1969 ) as amended: L A mlnlmum of l9rOrt x grOtt requlred for each parklng gpace wlth a mlnlmum of 25t0rr alsle for 90e parklng. a. Structure as ghown lndlcafes 60rOrr lnslde dlrenslon, ths mlnlmum total as gPeclfled In 0rdlnance 6 (serleg of 1969) Indlcotes a total of 6Jt0n for 90o parklng. 2. Guardralls must beaa mlnlmum ol 42't ln helghf wlth Inter- medlate ral ls mlnlrnum 9tr cenfor to center (Sectlon 17l4r. 3. Footlngs shal t extend below frost I lne establlshed at 42" depth ( Scct lon 2905 a ) . 4. Shor north, oost and vest elevotlons (Sectlon J0 l (d)). 5. L$ve loadlng io be computed at concsntrat€d wheel load of not loss than 2000 pounds (Sectlon 2502 (b)) plus snow load of 65 psf as estabtlshed by Vall Bulldlng Department. 6. Sotl bcorlng prcssure rlthout sol I test l3 sPeclfled at 2000 ps f . I f you havo qu6stlons, please confact the.Eul ldlng Deportment. Yours tru I y, TOUN OF VA IL Jerry L. Aldrlch Bul ldlng Offlclol I ROBERT A. TAI-LARICO € ASSOCIATES FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING NORTHGLENN, COLORAOO 80234 a C onsulting Engineers IOTOI MELODY DRIVE PHONE: (303) ,a66-2053 su trE 509 Town of Vail- Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Mr. Jerry Aldrich Septernber 29, 1972 25 on subiect parking structure for LazierSeptenberRe: Your letter dated and Rosenquist. Dear l,{r. Aldrich: Concerning Iterns 1 through 6 of the above letter: 1. Building dimensions will be those shown on structural drawing S-2, satisfying the town of Vail requi.rement. 2. Guardrail detai.ls wiLl be as shown on structural drawing S-2 Sec- tion A. 3. Footing depths are revised per Section B and the foundation plan. 4. As we discussed on the phone, the urinimum code requirement for an open garage is 50% open on two or nore sides. This yieLds a nini- mrn of 670 square feet for the above project. By way of coutparison, the above project has an opening area of 2,842 sguare feet. This is approxinately 425% nore than the code rnininum. In addition, because of the building geometry, the location of the openings aPpears to us to yield a far superior ventilation system. 5. Structural design is based on a live Load of 87.5 PSF per criteria established by this office. This exceeds the town requirement of 65 PSF snow. The roof itself will also satisfy the 2,000 potrnd wheel Load requirement.6. R. W, Thornpson soils and foundation investigation No. 473 dated March 24, L972, was used in this design. Since a test hole for the total project does not occur in the vicinity of the parking stnrcture, 31000 PSF maxirnurn pressure was used in design. This Pressure is to be confirrned by a soils engineer upon exposure of the bearing strata when the foundations are excavated. Jerry, your review of the above is appreciated. RT: eg Enclosure: Revised Sheet S-2 cc: Laziet Engelke Thonpson Sinceqely, @lfr }'"r'1f .rLr'.!tL r;tfl +d,-^^--tJ.-, :nc. .,-il,. .-L.-; October 26, L972 Mn. Bob Aldridge, Building Inspecton Town of VailVail Municipal OfficesVai1, Colonado 81657 Dear Bob: This is to advise you of the status regarding the joint use structu::ed par"king anea which will be constnucted by Bob Lazien to senve his two buildings known as Lift House and LionsHead A::cade) as well as Vail 21, which is being developed by a gr:oup including Chuck Rosenquist. These pr:openties at?e all located within Block 1, Lot 3,Vail/LionsHead Fir"st Filing. Oun contract provides forthe partitioning of this lot as follows: Site A Owned by Robent LazienSite B Owned by Chuck Rosenquist et a1Site C Owned by Robe::t Lazier: , L,--/..tPancel 1 Jointly owned by Lazien t Rosenquist \ -2".-6"-".,-.Parcel 2 Jointly owned by Lazien t Rosenquist) ;1r;, + Parcel 3 Joint use panking structune ,/L..,, f,..-./In ou:r contr"acts of sale to both M::. Lazier and Mr. Rosen - 7" J, lz.t,-A guist, we have-pnovided that Pa::ce1 3 is to be used fon a tL<. f."/ "/j_oint use parking area subject to plans acceotable to us. F i..< fi-"tWe have recently app:roved plans fon this area, which plans I ., 4call- for basically a two-story structur:ed parking facility. V€'-'J 1l Any deviation of these plans as alneady approved by uswould nequire oun fu::the:: app::oval . It is not our inten-tion on desine to see this pancel d.eveloped in any othen way than the joint use panking facility for which we havealneady appr:oved plans. Very truly yours, 1fu,afWRobert H. Nott Vice President - Real Estate cc: Dana Rickl-i -ko)QOKPN"'lcJ ar l=ZlmIUAREA CODE 303 476-5601 BOX 7. VA|L. COLORADO al657 -,v , Augurt 21, 1972 Y:t ..fft'"' (r.' llr. Bob Ncrcl I .Hol ly Val | .R'istcurini Yhrl I, Colorado -,, , . ,r-qu!.r1tofn-fs. utm af fsl lowr: ,.e t - ;- i . .' 1,, ;la1:,tell_ 2209 CFM (approx. ) vorlablr rprcd lan on north . : rrll :.*.'r rvlr..ra -r- ---^-rrr-- .r.;. -,-.----^ . ' i I'. I, rplil .'to- rrhcrrt alr occordlng to occuiant load. Thc : -:'rtq1|rrmnt|rfort5CFM/ocEuptnt. ., tt tit ..To a l' ," I'rrr r'rrc that Btil 6irlc rosnrt to be lnvolvsd In cor-'lqft.ld;lhr vcntJ lct.lon problril horevcr, ho roc fo paie tfre-lrforlrrlt6E on to Mr. pappcs. Fqr your infornatfon, tht ! !l?o rlrh to;cpaln ccl I your attentlon to lmmedlotcly clcon-',. Inf fhr gr.!r.r{rogd duct ayrtom.and sratnfalnlng lt In,i eltsn., i condlftoo. ... Bgclrol Boar!,{lll ucccpt lt. A bulldtng permlf rill bc 2,".111!a'-tl vollmordanptng tn Inlrt syetcm so thaf 3yrt6m . ,lll tt In url at ell tlnos lccordlng to occuprni load. rrqu I nd pcnd I ng thcl r approva | . :i' Your:e tru ly , . .l Augusf L, L972 Mr. Robert McNeilVail Build.ing DepartmentP.O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sir: This letter is in regards to a needed fan in the Holly Vail Restaurant. Mr. George Pappas, who is the owner, is out of the country presentJ.y and is expected back approximately August 20 t L972. He was aware of the fact that a fan had to be installed, but had to leave sooner then planned. Upon his return, he should have the job cornpleted no later then September 20, L972, providing there are no complications. Thank you for being so patient. Sincerely, SP/ax { /')-. -' July 25, 1972 llr. Robarf T. Lrrlcr Val l, Golorado SubJrgt: LlonrHeod Arcadc Dccr Bob: .5lnce thr Holly Vall and LlonsHead Arcadc Bulldlng are occupled,rork ghould bo commonccd to correct tho lfemr llsted be. lor rlth-tn t)r (10) dayr from thc datc of thfs notlflcctlon and con-plo?cd not latcr ?hon trenty (20) days thcreafterl -I, Opcn rtud walls In bollcr room shall bc cover6d rlth 5/An 9nc !our gypsum board. 2. F lic Hosc cablnets for the rof rtendptpe system must be I nsta I led. J. Ccrnrnf 3talr treods should bc pourcd for northcast stalr.;ay. 4. Vantllatlon for commerclol spsccs nust be provldcd. plcasc'eontrct ?hg Bultdlng Departnent for further calrltl- ,catldn lnd Inforrna?lon vhen you rre rcady to commenco thc rork. f{hcn rork ls conplrted, plcaie call for in Inrpectlon for €onp I lancr Yourg truly, I i'k't ,r:lf. f I 8ul ldlng Jul v 24, 1972 Mr. Bob NevrllHolly Vcll Rcstaurant '' ' Vall, Colorado Dear Mr. Ncwa I l; In rofersnco to elrller dlrcusslon3 concernlng ventllatlon at your rcatlurant, fhe Bufldlng'ooPartm.nt'wl|| roqulre work to comn.ncc wlthln ten (10) days of thc dato of thlg notlflcctlon and be comploted not lotcr th.n tronty (20) daye thercaftor. It hlg cleo conc to our aftcntlon tha? thc grcase hood venfl from tho kltEhen ls sptlllng grcaso condengoflon onto the alr htndllng unlt ln the boller room. Slnce grsaes hood ductr are to bo kcpt eloan tnd a deftnltl hattrd ls prcsent, claanup wlll ba requlr€d nlthtn fhe ttme I lmlts rtatsd abova. lngtal la'tlon of brftor f I ltratl,on at thc hood Ehould rlto be 6xarnln.d. P lcasc,caf I on p I caro contact thc Bul ldlng'Dcpartmcnt for lurthrr clarl fl- 'of the above. t{hcn you have completod the above work, ' ca I I for an I nspoct I on for eotp | | ance Youro fru l y, TOTN ,OF VA I L R. K. l.{cNclll Plumblng end Mechanlcal Inepector dr cc ! Frcn Bush Robrrt T. - Flrr Chlef Lael er : l{ay 17, l97Z ' Mr., Robort T. -LaEler Val. l1 .,Colorqdo -SuOJcctl F-lnsl. Inspectlon - Hol Oeir Bob r : On Say 15, lg72 a fInal Inspoctlon rac made of the rubJect proJect and ths follorlng non-confornltlos were noted: .flOtnlng 'room exlt on ecst rlde requl res a door closor. 2. I Octct led nechaolcal planr of duct furnace lnd ventl la- ttda rystrns In llnlng, kltchen ond tol Let areasshall bo provlded.: -Sl.zes of venfs .and raf Ings ol' cxhausf fbnr, stc. ts be Included. 4|/spedtlcatlons on unlt rcirlg€ratlon system and kttchcn-.vent hood system shal I bc provlded. ffhsn ltems 2 and J have been provldod, requlred cor- rsctlons to neet Code ll | | bo dctermlned. 4. Flto dompers In vents ponelrotlng exferlor wol ts rl ll , be Ingtalled lf no* prescntly In place ,2./1teed larger grcase trap rlth 20 grllon per mlnufe, 40 pound coPaclty crtnlmua ulth apProved flon control. devlc€ Instal lqd ln taf I plece of droln outlef. The present groas€ frap hos only t 4 gal lon per mlnutc, I pound capaclty and docs not rncet code. 6. Landln.gr on gxlt dopra rdqulred.4-+_ Yourg tru ly, . TOfiN OF VA I L , Ed Sfrub I Bul ldlng dv I0fflclal I ,T( OT VAIL - B ,DING DEPAR. ;NT Date :i,/::,1 _ Permit No. ,J ob 7]2.-' 2,,t', -;!.4 / l .€<t:: ;.,4.'t,{.,J..t,/,l' 2!--t 'a,:) ' .Z ?.? - /5 r-.r' "i,/71;r '1,t"Jy'"-1, t/ , Ea ?'{) 2t -'E .4,4(?V-rt a:./}.r.t',1l 4/"iit ,pt '117""2lfl4t ,/. \tt..:.a.2 -.1. 1c':'^t^4 4/ L//'L!Jn 44' Al*'l,i ' 'L/ 6 -t.,.) \./1.1./ 7 n /,,r ?-... .: ,r -5' ,/..Li ,i 7'<l.ar1 .a/ A "-:))4g.5 ; a t .4:4 /i-/7- \fA ar3;.,01,t '/ ,. a..r.!/- I ,eht ,t a-/ c:'../ r...., ,..'.'^/..r!' ./i::.a /i.:.ir,'1.:tt)., 4t".-l rts C',-'t' ;. t t"4 r/)- t.'2.-!/: . . ,/,tj'.ar., a: a L ,€a- -/-/../ '..5 t' /"4..1/ '" t/-4d5 /,t:,,-;1€ 6'./L+ .. -1 e .j .t./.:.,4 z)4 ':-<"41.L L fp ,aala ,/a',/ ,!5 ,4t Q '.1 ,-4::. (.,t-,1. ,a "r.' 4.r<: ."'2i':r't "i'8,'44,-.1 .. ... '-,..-.t),4,. '/- Lz.4/3 . Job mffi' ,NT Perrnit No. -.J,- ) -/ A2 / 7 {7 . .:.t . --i ,/ '5- n),.4 fi: :;,"' o$ected Fl. EC Ll Hgg 1 r1ll ::-:li iti i1, ilrl!'ii i', 4ta ltlil ir"rl{ll't i , t, I * i I I ll il !I It u eljL i I "x I ". 1 r"'-'" I ',}i 't, 1lI )t/ t,- i'l J l'/ ,; Brt4= t.LL ZB,{ y- 35.- 11'l 1 xzu = 118 3?x ?s = tL1{ 1*7L = 1,1 fl Itxas -- llt_.-.- 3tB{ s-tr4rf t+a z7= f*,e.-f I l'lay l 7, 1972 Mr. Robort T. LazlorVal l, Colorado SubJect; pre f.l na | | nspect I on - Dear Bob: 4 p."flnal lnspectton of thefol lowlng non-conformltles vrhflnal Inspectton can bo mado: l. Exterior stalrs roqulre falllng 2. Fl re retardant p lywood on landl 5. F I re p laces hav€ wood rl ght up 4. Check code for step at doorwaytol lst area. 5. Steel pans In stalrs are not fl 6. Sldewalk around bul ldlng shouldfor ln plans. subject bulldlng reverled fhelch must be corrected before a Bulldlng on both sldes. ngs not Instaf led yef. to the edge of fhe flreplace, from lavatory area Into I led rlth concreto. be lnstalled as called 'uhen the above rtenrs heve been taken care of, prease cart fora f lnal lnspectlon. Yours tru I y, TOl'lN 0F VA I L Ed Strub leBulldlng 0fflclal dv t I onsHead Arcado I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction"r c;f/ 6F tt*J Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT To( rL a T T ?v m 4 a r a q fi.!> flp Lio,o r cA-d 9- ik,'"u A''ACHEd.!HEET' MAI L AODiE!3 --t b - qOto LICEN9E NO. L rtz i-t:. ARCH ITECT OR DESICNER MAIL AODI '! 3 !- PHONE 3LL - L AODR I5S PHON'LICENSE NO. MAI L AODTESS AiANCH USE OF 6UILDING 8 cras ol work: ffit* tr A00tfl0l{ O ALTERAT|0]{ tr REPATR tr MovE tr REMovE g Describe work:+--ludu- oOo&€ l0 Change of use from 1l Valuation ol work: $ ta , a AA t PERMTTFEE lq b 3fi;;'*" B SPECIAL CONDITIONS: il'.,",,f i 3i1';'. 3 t g 5 8ii.'r."0 \4t Flro 2zona -J :;""" cc ]r Firo Sprlnkters Requlred !ys5 !1oAPPLICATION ACCEPIEO BY APPROVEO FOR ISSUAT{CE 8Yi No.of - O-Owtlllng Unltt OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: cov€rod lunco""r"d 29 NOTICE SEPARATE PEEMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PEBMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OF ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOV€RNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION, 3|GlAIURE OF CONtFACaOi Oi AUTHOiTZED AGEr{l (DAIE) HEALTH OEPT. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR PERMIT vALlDArloN Lq'i' ou pid-'"'* CANARY - AUDIT PI NK - APPLICANT GOLDEN ROD - TEMP. FI LE /T luu t BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Jurisdiction of L'i' ^s a I oESC i.(LlgtE Arr^cFEO 3HaErl MAr L AOOiEgg!ZIP PHON' ARCH I?tC1 OR OESICNEh L tc ENSE l{O. U5E O' EUILD]IG 8 CIaso{worK: trNEW trAOOITIOil OALTERATION trREPAIR trMOVE f]REMOVE 10 Change ol use from >-e l l Valuation of work: $ Occu9ancy r-croup f SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ,ti'.,",j13i1';,. 55D ix;" 3 Flre SDrinklsrs Requtred [ye5 !1e^r"tra^rttil;,;. No. of .-A -.Dw€llln9 Unlti \" OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATTNGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. stGry{TURE^OF CONTRACTOi Oi AUTHOiTZEO AGEI|I tDAttl FIRE DEPT, PBOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTOR cK. M.O. CANAFY - AUDIT PERMIT VALIDATION PIN K _ APPLICANT 1e.o,l) cAsH ?,1,foF/ GOLDEN FIOO _ TEMP. 7 FI LE 14',7 I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction A C:ff .s? e '*:l Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. . LECAL I oE3Ci.(L__.lsaE arrac'{ED 3HEEr) ..-T-f. MAII AODiE33 - PHON E LICENSE NO, aiaF rT€cl oR oEsrcNEi M^IL ADDR E33 PXONE LICENSE NO.134-fr MAIL ADDR E33 PHONE LICENSE NO. MAIL AOOTESS AiAl|CH USE OF BUILDI!{O 8 CIas of work: tr NEw f] AOOITION tr ALTERATIOI'I O REPAIB D MOVE tr REMOVE l0 Change of use from :r (DO.,e Change of use to 1| Vafuation of work: $ .j-, d d O PERMITFEE <- ::- SPECIAL CONDITIONS:::::.:'Jf, { L 5ii.',-..0 ?lil'.,1ii311';, aso No. ot -A -Owglllng Unlt3 \'' OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: N OTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDtTtONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OF ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WOSK IS COM. MENCEO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. srctr^ruiE ot coNTiacToi oR aurHoRtzEo acaNl (DA!E) SOI L REPORT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION LY VALIDATED IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUN PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION PIN K - APPLICANT */ ,&, WHITE - INSPECTOR CANARY - AUDIT GOLOENHOD - TEMP. FILE .,{ LIONSHEAD ICE CREAM COMPANY Speci fi cati ons Location: Lazier LionsHead Arcade Building LionsHead Ma11 " Vai I , Col orado 0wnership: l{arren Kl ug, Larry LichliterLion Square Lodge, Box 418, Vai I 47 6-2281 0peration: Service of ice cream cones, ice cream sundaes,popcorn, cold fruit drinks only. Seating isnot provided for guests; take-out service only i s i ntended. Hours : 11 :30am to 8 :30pm Toilets: Toilet facilit'ies provided for employeesonly on second floor above shop. Handwashing: Sink provided on'shop prem'ises Utensil washing: Service unensils only are needed. Theseinclude ice cream dippers and syrup lad1es o nl y. Di pper wel 'l wi th conti nuous -fi ow waterprovided for dippers. Single sink providedfor clean-up of ladles. A1 I service to customerswill be on paper service. Storage: Dry storage provideC under counters and behindcurtai ned area. A1 I shel vi ng i s at I east 10 i nches above floor. Ice Cream stored in freezer ca bi net Equi pment Li sti ng: 1 . Top-openi ng 4-compartment freezer cab inet2.,]gt-rpray two-compartment refrigerated juice d1 S penser 3. "Pop-A-Lot" Popcorn popper unit o Liohs,-lec.J lce Coun pc* l^y o Cr ea un Floor Plu.7- ar.^L E1 vipWoa* loty ou .t- +zt' Si*t - Cou,.t*er c,(r.e.a, ice- Cr<o1tr €reez-er A f Jop corn (o f /zr i1'l ic a t/hc', cta, iut e Cctgt . R e"7 ,'S {-e f 7o' o @(o @ 6 Shal-i,^1t Dn/S+o *<.1 c €ntvevtL BESTMPY AI/AII.{BIE ,..;.,tF;ttl", COLORADO N AIIONAL BAN K OENV€'{, COLORACOLVCr-11-L:-":::::--:r::-:"-', ii,::tr. ilj, .i-_tqvts copK pLUrlBtNG AltD HEATING,,I!$b"-.1-*-r . 66ri Lf pA,r sTREIr.5Eri'.,an (oLo,iroo BO20! ,_- -: _-jt _ pAr t-g o 80201FXALA(v Ailt: &# r;'s .I'O THE ORO:R OF t! l! lQlrQ![ ]r! : ltl, * Ft '-,Fr ,'ilr , .. t$ .-c. rj 1{ dJ {) j 'i'b''::. r7'.. , ri . tla lO rr iJ-tI I .. t,. ^.J.\ 0-r.t , i O:'ll, lIr..Vl&t3-li :t" i '-',i.'.,,. 'i. .- *;i.DII -.' i, Ii 3'-. Ir-i : II 'rr :: 'ri ...' ' tI -: '.r r.- {| '- .slj .."1, ,. T.l l" 6l.-l ll9e*-_g!t :.g7.z;;';'-hBRF": " gE;e t. ,| }.. . ".J* t ;*i l_ j;i.; ', -l:{$,-j ////7) I ,;,t'. i . jli ii111r 'i1i ;.,.,rf .,r ti I, I LoU+S COOK PLUMBING AND HEATING. INC. gQf,nr$Su fttr 000 r 510,t BUILDING PERIVIIT APPLICATION ry I Juridiction of. Applicant to comptete numbered spaces only. Lro */\) (L-ltEE arracr{Eo sHEEr) MA|LADOiEaI i - 21"zt6 b- <-Q/o MAIL ADDTESS FHON ETI ARCH I fEC T OR OESI6NER MAII. AbOR E33 - FhONE LICENSE NO. ENGI EEF MAI L ADOiE3S PHONE LICENSE NO, USE OF BUILOIXG 8 Class of worK: f] NEW tr AODITION tr ALTERATION tr REPATR O MOVE D REMOVE c )s,l l0 Change of use from <t-6Ooo -Change of use to I I Valualion of work: $PLAN cHEcK FEE lO-s, SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze of Bld9. lTotal) Sq. Ft. Fl16 SDrlnklers R€qulred E\.es ENoAPPLICATIO't ACCEPT€O 8Y: OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: N OTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STAYE OR LOCAL LAW REOULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. IIJRE OF CON TR CTOi AU.THORIZEO ACEN SOI L REPORT OTHER (Sp.clty) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTOF PERMIT VALIDATION PIN K - APPLICANT cK. ( CANARY - AUDIT GOLDENFOD - TEMP. FILE l4oL'2 PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Juridiction of Applicant to complete numfured spaces only, K"t ? /,1 (I 13 EE ATTACHED sHEE?I aicHtTEct ol oE!rcNai L ADDiESS PHONa LICENSE NO. 8 Class of work: tr NEw tr AoDlTl0N El nltEnntton B REPAIR TyF. of Fixtura or ltrm WATER CLOSET (TOILETISPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASINI KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNORY TRAY ,{/ <L.J . CLOTHES WASHE R WATER HEATER UR I NALNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OF ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRU€ AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR 'SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SIN K GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM AREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT YIIHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR P€NMIT WHITE - INSPECTOR CANABY _ AUDIT PI NK - APPLICANT N. GOLOENROD - TEMP. FI LE cK. M.O. A o'1\'"t' I o l''" VALIDATIOPERMITPLAN CHECK VALIDATION III h1tu* F,t- d Nouember L6 1971 Mr Robert R CLark Chainman, Board of Zoning, TOUt OJ V47, L Bos L00VaiL Colorado 81657 Appeals & Eaaminers Dear Bob: Ihis Letter ie to etate our being applied foz, by Robert uood on the enterior of hie non-eonforming stairs. We feeL that hie request is be granted if it ean be made Vai,L. If it eannot be made be unfair. Ihank you fot informing me of this meeting, and I'LL be Looking foruard to hearing Aou" decl:sion. Ioure truly, I/,-,,t Nrl.h Rurt. WoLter tid position on the building oarianc,e i Lazi.er to uee non-fi.re retardant LionsVead buiLding and aleo to uee uaLid, and that a uari'anee should a pe?manent ehange to the eode in a pbrmanent ehange, ue feel it wouLd 1127 RACE STREET T DENVER, COLORADO 80206 T TELEPHONE (303) 355-6400 TOV/N OF'VAIL 30ARD 0F Z0iJ ii!c, AppEALS AND EXAM TNERS N4EET I l.l c 0F N0VEI'1BER 16, 197 | Meef ing called to order:A. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 in Vai I Municipal Building. The following members were present: l4essrs. J im Viele, vl iich Hoyt, Robe rt Clark and Ed Struble (ex-of f icio).The f ollowing guests we re p resent: Messrs. Peter Cramerus, Bob Lazier, and Chuck Rosenquist Bus iness: Case B-14-7 | - Chuck Rosenquist - l"ir. Rosenouist ore-sented a solution for the Boardts consideration on avariance which was hea rd on Octobe r 21 . He p roposed nan0-rails on fhe street side of the Creekside buildinq to sal-isf y the needs of the traf f ic f low as f ar as handrailsby p uft ing one to And res, one to the con dom in i um area onthe easf side of the building. There i's also a question:of who is responsible for p utt ing the railing on fhe lower sta i rs, but Mr. Rosenqu ist will meet w iih Vail Assoc iatesto determine this matter. A motion was made by Mr. Vielethat 1"1 r. Rosenquist wi | | be required to use four handrai ls-:one on the west end at the poinf where fhe stairs break,two in the center and one on the east end. The motion was se con de d by Mr. Hoyt and approved unan imous ly by the Boa rd. The Board went to the site to determine what should be done the Town of |. R c. Past A on the lower staB. Case B-18-71 - R rway. ch mon d Assoc iates (Kiandra Lodge ) - Fredric Bened ict & As soc i ates subm itted a lternative so lut ions forfhe circular sta irs on the case Dresented at the 0ctober 2l meet i ng. A mot ion was made by lvi r. V ie le that Scheme Abe approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and approved u n a n i mo u s I y .Ill. New Business:A. Case Z-14-7 | - Mr. P. A. Cramerus - Request for zoning varito allow no setback on the creek side in lieu of l0r and 5t' on the parking lot side in lieu of l0t in order to enlargethe Cornice building with the present width dimensions. The Board f irst examined the plans of the property of the proposed variance. lt appears that the Town of Va il has alease on some of the properfy on which Mr. Cramerus has an opt ion. The Boa rd must determ i ne who ho I ds the lega Iright to the p rope rty be fore the var iance can be deniedor g ra n ted. A survey must be made of the properfy and thecorrect p rope rty lines determined be fore any act ion can betaken. The p rope rty su rveys in ex i stence were referred toMr. La rry Rob inson, Town Aftorney for his opinion. Case B-20-71 - [4r. Roberf T. Lazier - Requesf for building variance fo allow non-f ire retardant wood in lieu of f ire reta rdant in noncon formance w ith Sect i on 2005 of the Uni-form Bui lding Code; and request to use non -con form i ng stair construction. Mr. Lazier stated that the siding is approxi- mately 60' from the nearest building so this doesnrt present a f ire hazard. He then presented his case for fhe non-conforming sfair. They will put l/2tt p lywood fire retardant. o ] The ent i re sta ir is ins ide a prestr"essed concrete shell.He also wants to use the same exte r io r f inish where the olans l shot'r stucco. A rnotion was made by Mr. Hoyt tha-i the variancesbe granted. The motion was seconded by lvl r. Viele and ap-proved unanimouslV by the BoardC. Case B-2 1-7.i - Gold Peak by Vail Associafes - A motion wasmade by lvlr, Viele that temporary mechanicaI window venfila-tion be puf in fhe ch ildren rs waiting area immediatelyand that work start on J une I and to be cornpleted by July Ito bring the entire bui lding venfing up to the Code standards.The moi ion was se con de d by Mr. Hoyt and approved unan imousIyby rhe Boa rdD. Case B-23-7 I - l",lallory Nottingham - A buitding variance was.requested by 1,,4r. Notf ingham fo use f ire refardant treatedshingles over plywood in lieu of 5/8,1 gyp board in a smallarea in his f lower shop. A motion was made by Mr. Viele 'that Mr, No.itingham be required to use f ire retardant coat ing ove r the shingles. The mot ion was seconded byIt4r. Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board. Othe r Bus iness:A. 14r. Strub le brought up the gas tank proposed for N4anor Va i I for Avis Rent-A-Car. A ru I ing was made that gaso I inefacilities of any type must go in Heavy Services Zoning.Adjournment:A. As there was norother business, the meeting lvas adjournedat ll: l5 a.m. 0 Respectfu I ly submitted TO|/'IN OF VA I L F] .r:tl u#lal*, . 'i,gr, :' -' ; \,n*t.J, :Eefr#* Ed Struble(Ex-officio) dw ,dEJ. O.o, :' ,.': lt. Rob$t Nott!t. Rob$t Nott + fetl Aodoetates, Inc : Vall , Col,onado Dcan, Ifu. Nott I : . 'i Thls ic to inforb you tlrrt lb. Robent T. Laslen hag apPll.od for a Dullding vanLrnoa to allow hlnto ucc non-fLrc rltaldant wood on the cxtarl,on of hlrLlenallrad'bgtlding and also to uas nonoonforning _ "ii-rrrr,'niaat; N;v."tin-it;t- s;iio ; ;il-r"- ir,i-N""t;l: ' Prit Buitalng to hrar thle oaae. CEITITIED HATL o ,Uovernbsr 1, 19?I Thr Fbrt Wcstninds CondonLnLum Araociation. Vgll, Colorado Gcntlcncn: ' fhte ir to infonn you that l'tr. Robent T. lrllen hes apglicd tor a bulltting varlanoc to allow hiato urc non-fLna nctardant uood on tlio cxtcnior of ,'hic LloneHead building and alao to uao nonoooforul.ng l 'ctalne. , Agpcal,o a If yorl wkh to fLJ.a a gr The Boaf'4 of ,Zonlng, Agpcal.o Lnd Eiarinane wlll rrcetonlhurradly,Nov.cubrrI2at9:00a.g.l.ntheMunic1.pal Bulldlng to hca1. thla oeas. . ,,: .t''+ pnotaEt, plcas€ bo pte8.nt at-- , --. tbLe m6tLng. orr aand yaur Drotart by ctrtiflrd nftl. ... ;. Novenber I l, 1971 lb. Frcd tlibbcnd, Jn. TnoaTopa CondominiunE 1L27 Raoe gtrect Denven, Colonado Dean MF. ltibberd: Thie is to inforn you thathar appJ.led for a bulldlngto uge non-fl,re netardanthie Lioncllcad buiLding andgtalne. ' l'!r. Robent T. lazien vaniance to allon hinrood on the exterion of aleo to uae nonconfornlng The Bornd of Zonlng, Agpcale and Exanlncr.e will neeton Thursday, Novemben 12 at 9:00 a.n. in the Munici-pal Dulldlng to hoan this oarlc. If you wish to fl.Ie a proteet, plcaee be present atthia rnecting or acnd your prot6st by ecntified mall. Yourg,s t:r'uly, BOARD OT ZONINC, APPEALS AI{D EXAUINERS Robgnt R. Cla,rk Chalrnan of, the Boand dw Certified !,tail, o APPLICATIO N TO APPEAR BEFORE THEB94RD 0F zoMNG ALTUSTMiIE'---- BOARD OF BUILDTNG APPiALS'- r, var].ance0f the Vail m the Z oning nequ]"re ot Section0ndinancein onder to respectfully nequest and Sect aaBuildinCodeno nto . ft is undenstood that 1 t:.n (10) day postingon the'.above requeste; rn making a detenmination on zoning the Boand considens onr.y, 1. un-:f l:lg:liq' 2..need ron ii,e-propdsea.""oiin"rr 3. conpatibirity ofrne proposed vaniance with the-suinoundil;-;i"Ji u. effect on futunedevelopment of the a:rea_ana, i. hearth, "ir.lvl'and the welfare ofthe inhabitants of the fown. rn.building code variances the Boand nay considen only, 1. suit-ability of altennate matenials and- meth6ds oi-oonstouition and.2. neasonabre intenpnetaiio""-oI' th; p;;;i"i;";-;; "ii!"lJi.l"'' The Adrninistnative 0fficial nay charlenge any vaniance g::anted which,goes beyond the scope of the p6rn.o" of the Board. a fee of $25.00 is payabl,e in advance and thatqeniod'ie nesuinea-pi.ion t9 a-fulii. r.lii"iiii' .l t. I .t i I t.V ROBERT R. ENGELKE ARCHITECTS A. I. A. 2t86 S. il0 .r 5T. SUtTt il0. t08 757-i7S00EilvER C0r0RA00 80e22 Ed Sirub le Building 0fficial Town of Va i I Vai l, Co lorado Dear Ed,September 16, 1971 ln going over your leiter of September 1, 1971, in regard to the Lazier/ Lionshead Building, I have revised and/or corrected the plans to con- form fo the Unlform Building Code. The following ifsns are in numeri- cal order according to your lefter. 1. R.T. Lazier has informed me thaf he is in the process now of obtaining a sefback variance. 2. Mechanical and Electrical plans are to be handled through R.T. Lazier and they should be forthcoming in fhe near fu- 3. See attached sketch for new location of exterior stair.5. The door fo mechanical room is to be moved a disfance of 5f-0r! T0 THE EAST of its oresent location.6. See mechanlcal plans from R.T. Lazier. 7. See mechanical plans f rom R.T. Lazier. B. (a) Window Type C is io be changed to Pella #2B56SC in fieu of #2032.(b) Window Type D is fo lieu of #4016A.(c) Window Type B is to lieu of #2060SC(d) Window Type A is to be changed to 2 Pel la #2820A in lieu of #2424DH as per attached sketch.9. See mechanical plans f rom R.T. Lazier.10. Door type 36A from stairway to entry is to be solld core, B label, one hour fire rated door with self closure at all a- pa rtments .ll. See mechanical olans from R.T. Lazler. 12. Exterior wood slding is to be freated with fire retardant "Non- Commrr or equa | .13. Vent stacks fron mechanlcal room is to be 5/8" gyosum board inside and out as shown on the olans.14, All 2 by 4 stud exferior walls with wood siding are to have a layer of rtVlsqueen" or equal as a waterproof barrier.15, Allguard rails are to be raised f rom Dresent heighf ol 36" to 42t' at all locations except over stair runs which will rema in as is.16. A stee I grab lron ladder is fo be installed on precast con- crete wall adjacent to mechanical room vent shafts for access be changed to 2 Pella # 4020A in be changed to Pel la #2068SC in page 2 September 16, 1971 fimber construction. Treads by 12 with stringers to be 5 by channe I construction in lleu to roof. Interlor stal rs are fo be heavy are to be 3 by 12 in lleu of 2 1.rl- Exterior^ stal rs sha | | be steelof wood.19. 0n exterior wood stud walls the layer of 1/2" p lywood sheafhl ng is to be reDlaced with 5/8" waterproof gypsum board to give one hour flre rated construction.20. See mechanlcal olans f rom R.T. Lazier. 21 . Fireplace chimney chase is to be sea led at each floor.22. See mechanica I plans from R.T. Lazier.23. All exterior non-bearing walls are to be elther non-combust- ible treated wood studs or metal studs at the optlon of R.T. Lazier.24. See mechan lca I p lans25. See mechanical plans 26. 2 by 4 stud spacing over l4f-Ofr hlqh is27. Please dlscuss wifh I believe this answers the questions ln your letter. unclear, feel free fo call on us at any time. lf any of these are 11 18. from R.T. Lazler. from R.T. Lazier. on the Thlrd f loor exterior wall where to be reduced f rorn l6rt io 12" o.c. R.T. Lazier ffi.*fr2 1 RDS/fdb cc. R.T. Lazier John Eden **. J TOVJN OF VAIL tsOARD OF ZONING, APPEALS AND EXAMINER.S I''1I]\iUTES FOR PIEETING 0F SEPTEMBER 9. 197i i'ieeting Called to Order A ,T1L ^ _^^rj*_,.A. 1ne neerl-ng was call-ed to onder atvail- ui r l-ce , - - mamhar.,c r^7o1-ra -\1.\.\^^F+-.t) . -L lls I \J_L-LVWIf tB tr wer'c: .:,r, eUgJI L : 9:25 a.m. in the Town of Messrs. C1ar:k, Knox and C. The following lii-ke Perkins D. A motion wasof August 12, Mn. Viele and II. Past Business guests were present: Messns. Fnan Bush andof Roark and Associates. made by Mr, Knox that the minutes of the meeting 1971 be appnoved. The motion was seconded by appnoved unanimousl-y by the Board. A.Contractor's iicense for Vail- Contractors - A centifiedl-etter was mailed to Vair contractors on August 12 nequest-ing them to appean at -che'meering of Septem6er 9 to answerquestions about a fal-se statemenf on thiir application f,orcontracton ts license. A motion was made uy lln. Knox thatthein license be nevoked as of septemben 9 by the BuirdingOfficial . The motion was seconaei Uy l,tr. Vi6fe and passedunanimously by the Board. Bus ines s o A case B-L1-71 - LaPinata, c. L. Ba:ribeau -.Request for buildingvariance to constnuct a plywood and shake noof over outsidebar in nonconformance with unifonm BuiLding code. Mn. clarkgave the following background info::mation to the Boand: Thestructure was completed without obtaining a building permitor permission fnom the Anchitectural Contnol Board. They ,: have since gotten a building penmit subject to this 'v.riancebeing granted. The building code does not allow plywood, onshake shingles fon buildings of this type. Fine Chief FranBush feels that it is a fi:re hazard due to the materialsused fo:r construction. It wouLd be very easily ignitedfrom any outside heat source. A suggesrion was nJde lyMr. Clark to delay decision on this vaniance until thespecial neeting on Septembe:r 17 so that the Board and theArchitectural control Boa:rd will have an oppo,J.tunity to lookat the structure. A motion was made to delay the decision byMr. Viele and seconded by Mr. Knox. The motion passed unaniirously. Case 2-9-71 - Donald R. Roark E Associates for Steve Arnold -Request fon setback va:riance. Mn. Mike penkins of Roark andAssociates presented the facts to the Board. Thein firm hadwonked unden the assumption that a vaniance had been gnantedand they pnoceeded with the worki-ng drawings on that issunrp-tion. They do not wish to destroy the asp-n trees by movingthe house further back on the lot: l{r. ciark pointed out t[atther"e is no possible way to 10cate the house on the site without 3 lr Board of Minut e s Page 2 Zoning, App-ea1s and Examinersfo:: Meeting of Septemben 9, 1971 needing a va::iance or :reducing the size of the building.It then came to the attention of the Board that the Archi-tectunal Control- Boand has not yet passed the plans for thisbuilding and nay nequine noof ovenhangs which would necessitatea fu:rther vaniance on the setbacks. The::efore, a.motion was made by Mr. Clank to delay the decision until the specialmeeting of the 17th. The motion was seconded by Mn. Knoxand passed unanimously by the Board The following contuactons licenses. were approved subjectto neceipt of insurance information: IV. A. . A. Cox Constnuction. Amcor, Inc.. Po:rto-Mix Conc:rete, Inc. Louis Cook Plumbing € Heating, Inc. Denven Drywall CompanyPackard Ente::pnises Ace Roofing, Ine. Tiago Constnuction Pnestnessed ConenetePitkin County Poot SupplyCharles Thompson Harms Steel, Inc.Victor GallinaDelta Dny Wa11 Gr"een € Gneen Constnuction Adjournment - As there was no othen business, the neeting ad-journd ar 10:35. Respectfully submitted, Building Official dw 1 L 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 t-1 I2 14 15 V. e. ease 2-10-71 - Robert T. Lazlef - Request for setbaek varianceof 6 r in lieu of 10 t on east and west sides of LionsHeadPancel A building, in onder to build 4t balconies. Aftenthe Board reviewed the plans, a motion was made by Mr. Knoxthat the va::iance be gnanted and was seconded by Viele. TheMotion passed unanimously. Othen Business Ed St::ub1e ja I o r, 197L Ift. Robcnt R. Engel.ke .?186 South Holly Strcct Denvan, eolOnado 80222 SubJect r La,zLenl Lionshcad Gentlenenr I have chackcd'the planewith th€ pnoviaions o6tsdLtlon) ae arnended and foLlowing: Bullding fon the abovc-gubject Job Ln accordanecforth ln th6 Unl.fonn Buil,dlng Code (I9?0 adopted by the Town of ValI , and find the Uae zonc Le ComncncLal Co:re.II;, occupangy group ie 82, F2 and H;type {II ong hou:l cone.t:ruetion. Tha follonLng-Ltene arl. nonoonforn-ing with thc Unj.forrn-BuLlding Code and shall Ec conncotod by revl,scd PIdnB o:r addendrrn pr.J.on to Lccuanco of the ponnita. rf an -itln tcoonfqrming by vlntuc.of a aleolfication on detail on thc exiatingdocunonts - so note in your-return ncply: 1, Sctback'vanl,ance requlned; 2. Subnit mechanical and clcctrical plane. 3. subarit ncvieed.plot plan ehowing naw rocatLon of exteniorrtal.n in ne}atlon to"prsopenty llne. 5. Relocate door to mechanicar noom eo lt ig not againat door 'torental apac€. 6, A dninklng fountaln ic nequined on ground floon. 1. Buirdlng ahalr ba-pnovided wlth an app?oved outeide gas dhutoffvalve conapicuouely nanked. 8. Bedroom wLndowe do not m€Gt ar^€a nequineinentE of Seotlon I30S (a), 9. Kitchen doec not confonm to SeotLon I30S (a). 10. Eoog to-unitc fron etairhrays charl be onc hour labcl and',saIf-.. cloeing in accordenec wl.th'-Scctlon 330S (c) 'i -*, \ oast ,rl Lazier/ Lionehead Building Page 2 ll,. Bathroom exhaust units eha1l be capable of Pnoviding five air changes per houn, connected dlnectly to the outside in all H occu3ancies. L2. Exterior wall covering may be wood on 100t of the waII anea offinst floon above grade; and 40t of the wal-I area of all floons above the first floon pnoviding it is fire netardant treated wood. 13. Both shafts starting in mechanical room shall be one hour fire resietive congtruetion inside and out. 14. Weather exposed wall a:reas shall have a r.teather resistive.' bannier, 15. Guandraile ehalL be not less than 42rr in height. 16. Install ladder to noof in accordance with Section 3306 (n) as amended. L7. fnterior stairs shall be heavy timber or one hour fire resietive conetnuction. 18. Exterior stain shalL be of noncombugtible constnuction in accord- ance with Section 3305 (n). 19. AIl construction shalt be a minimum of one hou:r fire:reeistive. Details eueh as 8/7 do not conply. 20. A ret standpipe ie requined. 2L. Fireplace chinney chaEe ehall be sealed off at floor on be tneated ae a shaft. 22, AlL rental space shalt be mechanically ventiLated with no Legs than two changes pen hour:, with 1/5 of the supply from the outsl.de. Pleaee note: No units may be mounted on the extenion of the buil@-ffr'6 exposed position and all openj-ngs in the extenion wal-1 shalL have fine dampers. 23. ALl extenion nonbeaning walls shaIl be one houn fine resistive noncombustlble conetnuction (metal gtuds or fine netandant wood) in aceondance with Section 2003 (a) exception no. 3 and Tab1e I7-4.24. Restrooms :required fon rental aneae in accondance with Section 705 and 1105. 25. MechanicaL noom shall have cornbustible ain vents in accordance with Table 6-4 and Section 603 of the Uniforrn Building Code Volume II, Mechanical , L970 edition. 26. Maximum zfr x 4rr stud height is 1g'-0"; however, if studs oven this height are spaced l2tron center in lieu of 16", they will be acceptable. o I laaler/Ll.onrhead 8uild:i.ng Page thz'ce 27. Bullding valuat{on iE Lletsd on parmlt appllcatioa la 9396,000rhich ie appnoxirately $1.7.00.pcn rquans foot. Thc nl.ninun pcr sguare foot valus te $20i00 par rquanre foot which nakes tot+buildlng valuatlon at 84401000. Since constructlon.has alneady atantcd on thLe projeot, thic OJflae . muat have r return rcp3.y not laten than 16 days faon datc henson lnordcn to wonk to contlnuc on the pnoJoet. If thiE offico ney beof any aeeictanoc, pleaar donrt frelltate to call Youne truly, TOI{N OF VAIL Ed StrubleButtdlng Official dw T. Laaiencc: Robent BEST C'Ji'i AVAILABI,E o ilXn 6.17 OaARp cr.i "ttFa,Q,NeUtATlat..l \ "*+v@a c\e? CRftT TttarJc.Tofftla o^,, btt at<e, bv\b aTVrc oA Cotl ?K%A?TNAL!- e\iJeL. eeailo -iol ; si' N tt€V, lllr- ?7FLT_a-lE\I, IOql 6tl 'er?A'tltrea bvt vaetJ,et< beP\p (,N.F) eTJcoo ohl MTL, LATH/aJ2*4 Fi\M,NlA -L F4H \7/tt MrN. oNla y,7l.r ttue, LIF]E ,F CPLUMF] AFiT2 covv r/lFJ 6U RFaJ i..l'12'.wado>l R,OBERT R. ENOETKI AlcllrltcTs - AJr" rlJAuL- ?ET-A\L /-l\ Yl_/ o ?4ttgfla,orUo lLttfi-lN@e ar,lr'l.Lt' r..l,.,-( w@E/ aF\ Q*4 @ ta tr a'a. \ \\ t"- )=,.-1e-I t ao{c. doLuMFit/ i *I I I ;.J,, i A)2', r@a dl6. #59t l]-Yl'?) 4t*- €ollLd)(aJ tlz| ?,-aNaeZ*b e l?tto,C. brq<e eN AAAD9T@A'L flA91 a1: Tbttartr bo(*:tr2 ruEP_rr-arR_tr-\E\l, lZALAtt f,-A-l w7\L @ arJ$Ag /n \'tzit'6n Yy FIEARTI{,a\'' \ lr | .1,1 | .;ffi | .-'+" eATl- '|Fj=r)LAT'aFi :<i 4-?*b ooAT' - A-T Tb g-^4 w .STlOoo orJ rlctr fl-a$@61 L*4 eTJee@lb\t o'cr, H ROBTRT R. TI\UELKT rtcnriFdi-s-e"r.r" w,quu peTp.t; A o lta AA.]?l<n I WZ*4 onti 9?lr.3,5A bowT ra z{q 03 4/,4 ?ae-,b N<ou{a n?^t?oh-P 4*4 loeT '1,*.1 l4 4 NaetNA lc.\t<?aT| ,L L^-ffi€ o?! lo,o'tuYNoo Crf<ra'onl,i 7-tt2 3€+e I --2*b eVot o,c. 7bratr#Re ROBERT R. ENOETKE AtcHrrtcrs - AtA o -1=z a(i; ti$t,')-{sio 2*\2 a,w ?TRlNaaR vV ArlT, 1'*bffi#. '.-=--) ),.t.,(a"\ 2*a ArAp<arL W . 'z:;+ Al. 'silcdn\. b-T 7 2*4 o< 4*+ ?o?rv..lReJFJr2 NE^AW bvp i iul{-_ 1\l)o =lrsis lf-\../ 2*1a7 4*4wr -a- I rJ z1N 7-tC)< L_\ll lo lF- !/' ---vl7i z(.1 r 'tai/ ,/ t '" )Z/| ///4,7 IoL", ,/cl a P E]-A,L HANPKAIL Cz-Av O\ o o ( t€e fl-Hc? ZveV ATiaF-l 3 /grt =lt-gtl >lae,'. # dwT A.4 ?ae?tg'AAc'tr RAJ iOBERI R. fNOETKT AlchrrccT5-Ar.A o \,=t)t<t<zo e Z4?F.,e& JNii= L.t N4b t?l I -', Aa I ,cftx -/?nA*,. ,A*^, A?2tAade+?e-p"w ?atlfrq- $ <ANAE t._ fr-tg -a\ta1C) ,-/ <f? ?o lL_ _J I 4. aFl Tq '/vE6, wALr e 6trcl= il lToz'l zy'gtt =it-all ddt af"gqt<et i I I Iv- a-Aq@ r\t4,3ee+4tte7,/7- aovl?/i ()6\ €+1 \ 1AeT "Nl.v, e 'L':|'CA=-J lg'rr.lt-6lt ROBERT R- TNCELKE rlcxrJTE=i-s - r,lr f-- FuaRep -.-.-...-- , 4-Felo l-AM, oFl effie 4 hr<TDr w+4*eov'g:w 8t*iorl &@Rt4Eo flAsTtc r e+d laF W €4, ecaeo ,? V,?TA.-/ e ?Z I o,c,!*uo",, -as' \'\. aRA..Ee%a)ee AJP AAR llllAecl tuAdoazl oA \*'?, @ tbto,o, X*q qU* @\6ito'c. 4,.,ott z!1t bt_otltrI i .\d+f F,*TUFE| -'"" ] -ltr:-|ri =ig o: i ll ''= ^**: I li,; .,, I a.xet 91 ll ', ll: -'" " I e*c4'0 i ll ll, " ,... " I Atcu 4, f- ll o o T- r,'.----:-l4ll s': l\ '; tffil l;li ffi] \+- lr- "EJill'-"-"-:-a i it;fffinr rq+,--'------,*.-tqbta-YtlCeOO$/ Y4t*totl4t&&6t\.A' I il-Ltsf_uJt, qbtr a- fr=vrTrcsl e alTl.t E] ANIP LAV @ ?ra''-'\c,AANef 2/,1b Olbtt o,O, ROBIRT R. Ef\OttKE rrcxrlTErs-r.t.r. "lb\t--lt- Ot\ oOO oR.=C-=DU o 12= Ft-tJ3N SrAt\ G<APE 3iR4H IN WOAP FR.AFIE [el ffi tVi aouuov cotg, FLUSH 6rA.tN 6RA9E BJRCH lN \./OO A FRAFIE :-Ve= tt/-tl J-J-L--PELLA AX O,R XO.4€.8 sLrPrN4 QaoR V 5/a ELE,r\R IN9LJIATIN6q* €s aoo< I.*1,A.RK t'/gt'N,4. FLuat- 5TAIN GRA!2E D tR4i lN \AOOA FRAI..IE T'Y?E [r-lL)--*--E- t7a'Haencr,.z t-tNE ALUI-I. ANODIZEP OODR IN,ANAPIZEC ALUH. FI?\FIE iOBERT R. ENGETXC Alclilrtcrt. AJl' ->\ la(PYTrrF?EW-E_!- o=- Nt I L-Pooz freE_L oa< \./tDT ts'l IN INEHE6 l[__ 'il' :iE< 'lR!,s,.-+I T -l'---*-E-llrlqiqt Mi *rL'I 74 ate. €ra.Rx) aN 4X4 e lor o,c-,, u/4 * lTaj re.rr..,t 44" / 474" rrsr<e- br- FaLP r--aR Vd x z't A?r.arl ?6" c.<e. ?8, ?+nx fld Tr<rFr a//t pg?xt.,tz 3-TA!.I LLY t=c2LL r Fl (-a Pr- FaLP Fzqa> Wlz- afzJr,(A I-ILAD DL-TAI L 3il = lt_ oll J AI.4 b DE.TA I L Vll = lt- Oll ROBERI R. Cf\OttKT alclllltcTs - arA. D7",t qncEloARD oN 2x tl slVDS e4" x l\ r<n @-t6'o.c. -,,, )/q" ,,.14'FISAME DCOR 76" are BoA'<P - 4" Bxr.r INSLI-AT] oN HEA^D JAF18 sF-1ll,r.\R 5": l'-ort lY 4 Glt'-1 \ r,*= n qtn E- EARNER - IOARD !5$r ;PP.lt1 'i o: M. I 7a' -t-l-t Irl ol al fl+ lx,4 TFIH -ll-\ y4" x l Vq =r-smz ROEERT R. TNOELKE elcnfi-Etis - en 5l'-- l'-ou STIJC€O AN A..rrREd,\g'r <aN,C. \^/Al-l- PANEL 22" Arf Bo t<D aN l'r f?6tD lFt'o.r.rtoN I x5 -rRtl-l 24" x 4y'g" p1<,1J-1lt' 3F<tN4 FF?ONZE\^,EAIa-{Et( 9I-R|P Z^rr=r 1?le \.^,/A.I-']' FAF'.lEl- ROBTRT R. ENGELKE AtcHttf cTs - A.l.A. Eo 7" Tetn 3/1,,x l -=--?-\v DOOR HEAP ,AND JATiB -A'll- 5tt: lt- ot' ?74" x aV2" v./ooz TFrREfnot-p 4.R7tr 4 P/\{? A\2 ,-*-e;S ce ?/+' n)r.]/./ooD oN 2 xa @ ,6" O,1, Tre,5HOlp 5"- I' o -$l -\l-----?- I 5p" q77 FadRc>zxl @ 16" o.z. I x 4 fl<t},r )/l'x D a76r'6prap1g 74"xll2'9fo? DOOR H=AP PETAIL JAf*fg 5lf'tlL-AF? :3rt.- l'- Otl ROBERT R. tr\GELKt ^rc llTa-i - u. rll)/Z Fr-F.,'./OO? 9HEATHIN6 v+" 114. 9tOrx.4ffi'lou2z" Z>1 1 @tto"b.C, .1" FATr lNSul/(naN v/g" afr. tloARP OF.r 2 x4 O t6r dC. lx3 TRIM wooo 'L,totfrJ,a4t ,.ts @oea ROBERT R. ENCEIKE AtcHlrtcrS. ^.l^ 4A,LrL<, I r4 'llRrlY Vlrxm #'rart \ zrb @lb"dz. 57)t 4Y? Pal\RD lx 3 Tl(lF1 o IL WOOQ 9UAN644t-^99 wR JFrE D].-r-T/i'> A d-'J-c" -/ ?f1)CCO ot.i. 1dN4.vvA!r.- f/ANEt- av*< LfNE' F SrtEeo@=--aQ \ rx4 r<lx Fr-ArgfER al.lCdt14. \r./AL.r-- P,.\F{E[- I x 3 Tl(llYl \.JOdP 5A?ll-Ea^99 POR, ROBERT R. ENOIIKE rrcntffis - ur \t /ooe J>tQtN44,*'5t eAR. re.€..\?fa^L6aNY ,/ *ET { 76s> / '8" 4dR@ \.JOOP 5rl?tl\144ux9, tuo= ar<r=r* w 2..,. fa4?tN4 aNA 4a?t? .9AC /1 /-aZOr-t? =4V;tv-r,r'-a- ,9tbre.Y4'4r--- @*snfiiEar+ ----)'5t)€ . ROBERT R. TNOELKE rtcnrJ-iTi-s - r.n. T?ilRP =voeF. A|s,- ffian> f\g"=l'-o't -V 1P,vtx. 9u- refnt> G\ ,--,,,-7 7'*@ HAl, ,t'-9q4t ' tTt/4tt ?-oil 4 -il?,r .2t-ptl-'+ffi1+--- ffi ,, --__, -t r@lf-lEilvi-n-t--- EEF---r-;, -,, - _ _ -'r u@Agt_lOt' O?.-4.)A 2t4tt 2t-1?ptr li "/+"- -t-EFA'{A--J- - -i- TY?rcAv WAr-r- =\-?\tA: CFI e ?*'T b\V.oil1 "/gtr:1t.2u alvS'a)eei aLA* ,b- lLtt*44\t ?Taft .2y4t 1a44n f. lo E.iI U -T.. I I I I dl $/l I _ - lx4 ArM ,. 7bt' af?. bee? ol ?14 e"bno,d, ROBERT R. ENOELKE rtcxrETs-r.tr. i _r_'i|_____-r- t*4 ftiM / >/b,'fr<Tst@ i-ll- 4 rr fii^..TT isle.iurltar.l ?rL) CATA\V o qtbt\ ?leei d"-ffi ? . tlA$ * E4tt gTofr b/4t\ t 4r/4tr Ft<At'tZ "--/x4 TKtM -.._Z&ii* q4\\i<it{ - \NooQ TadbE - itNla WIIIPaAJ 1r I I I l s,VI o 'tiaoo tu)ove - i.luF{a W Fl?rvv Vht *', /?rr T<1M ,.'*4 i< Vl 2//+)t+ 4ol1\t 7gp.;4E \ ?. \iOtt*b/+rt bZ-3 qt5\t9AftT aL\eb H r*4 TRtlvl .. -a 0_ 0 0 0( J rJ o NOBERT R. TNOETKT Ai'CntrrCf.5 - A.l.A > iI \l HEAO 2=TF,I' ?t\li-otl N N {L . -t ---A ,.^ll | , tr *,rlJ t-t lJ v rJt | | \t IJ Vtt -- l.otl 9TU&o otJ (t' TRech.eTootlo. VA/AL, FA.I tlat\ 6q, 2'as<o A iI Rtar, tFl€njL,Aflor-l e/grt 1e/4tt 61y. \N@ O4A&- HDr.l6 WlNatv{ -wo@ @Dor?- Hu$a V.lIFIPo\AJ ,4btt*'/4"Te'tt+ n+r* 144'r FRA,./E ,-w& CAULK- tlqil1ltfl JAMp OEIATL a\ ?tt=ll-dt --@ :1sl vl $t"l -'+.' dl .i J A-uM. ]?FEe+taLd\|W;o*> \ JAMP Pel,\tu /Z\,e,l21l-prt ----W GDrtd _,, x,4t(rM- S, 'Foo)qt^v e/?s'-f'Ro$ t\t bee A-*'\l*4 ffirM 6 !Z N $I J++F,: r-\- ,qLn*aqi,/<A./.e \'"11 - ----\. 9l t dt A\ZeT ArA* I rl i I I e\a 2el\v i' --'- - 4 t bt' +,'4: a-i# i ?.\l't'\*?4\ qoee | . ?4tt*44/4r ?RAMU .(' ..- *4lr<iM ,, _./4t u 4n+t Telve -',2ooK HROBERT R. ENOELKE Alc.tllltcr3. AJr. le^o ceTN. (2\)?l.itou Yg o9/b|P*l)KE ,-ll ost..,/bt af,.41.'A.T:-j,tr\lc l1{']-3tvl -. 4,a? )a) -,4bta(?,e'.A{<a x 4 iRiM \E/4\t* I't 3iM 'r,l@ c^#vreilf \,\ iFI Aa,V x $* a.t-, llb\-b\R. lLALl\\ tu. ilb|?tlo(. lubt- lltl lSxc wTA\. ?t\ ' lt-otl ,.iAN4c A.tr2 3L! EaLS I I I $l "l lJ /tuo ^) tlAtl fuANw €*{Ep(lrrr.IC .-.,-=/b'' da?. ba,\"2 R1 e) MTL. 9u a&Jd+XEP. = AeP'o 27TA\L /A\, ?tt=lt-ol Y9 JAMa Alp evL- orMrLAR ?4'\ e*f,aan tlee 6$ €fc*+ ROBERT R. ENGELKE Alclilttcls. atA +#r+llrs l-'i'i )- l4^ar)\' !< v r gPtNr.ts::c rNooo a;AeA1 v'.lr*eaw rlo a>n<2+*-.l, -, r i ----- tlL't a-fvlata v'li ltl Rla,r? lFlqJU,i r #Dse (va$ae TQ A'€A a\ ea)@ d a\lft%srdo.o V{ATJ- PAFTgL MTL. cAaFia O'+a OF$VL v*ae avw le\? Q=-\F\. 1/Z dP.,, a,\, METN'e.A3.l\$a AN tl.Ztt fufVlCcA ,+ r.r I>-l -i s Lo.aqgt11]s_'dbt,,21r.4l4tl MeTA,o\ctAaffire o 4r alff irle*Ju./ /a/4t*ttlzr gW/ o l',** c:.{e?iitRFfER r I,Iilot'a'r? trar,rcz i ROBERI R. ENGETKE__Alcfirrrcrt. A.lt. Y, hi $l{i Uio \ F:*ee du\eg -) tArNf Otsoz ?t@,' MAT-r a,v^AY-i t'r.,/, !l Ilv- I It Itt Lt Ill 0i iil sai| 1 ,- u) l/lts: IH -{wi Ill + 1-l| 1 ,.'44u*l'12"7<u-1 Ft*ea d-Abb a14\at,tlln ep? .tlzt'ar? fu^?a oFtq4tt1-yW@\ U:-.A<\*- . (ettft%A=-T atJo. wAr.t- FAF.IAL '4 ffitJ*JA etEr-,IZZ4A:-4tl W?* cf,Er.lrila ant, t6C;lV+rr o \MTL. CORNER :Ztafr^*c oA 2*4@lb'to'c. 7$ee orouur( I o AF-ts2 2=yA'; re.-\ o | \tlLtttTI Zn '\\.t/ |. +---- - (|.tta1? #.1e cx?/4,?-l6lcDp,. 1i4ll a',lea QvF99-,, 44tt*ilztt 9p7. , ,T. 'ft?/4't I 9l u.l zll)l zl b] ul0l aio.l _+$ Br< )' . ui \{i ,./li, t/ #7*# NITL. dAelN4 A4o -'.'?-*frA@ a)u- . j P-F, -alat..2Elo-* a4W.MP bt\3 $JAui- q ero,ev o "..=- q)c.o olrp'e,1i1rce a$ '7.*1 etbt a,c, I._---f--'--{E_ l:I Q'l r l- ., STJcu) l /MT,. col<tiER ?)aa QeT^\ao o'tlztt ay? DaAFP ot {' \tt<\d;e steu;,pnasl ,eT1ccb a,I 6u ftq-AbT,'@t!o, WALL FAr.lg; ,r, ll t 'Qf" ,51Octn oJ ltl?,ll7 vN@o ?xTArteeO htu--'w,GtR.e\o 4*?o aLA6s JAM9 terAiL ai3tt:11-ptt rc ,\tlXT- Jl'il-- Iilf' [1[ ll, I (r'lll 'vTL. CaN??- , Itl2rtar?, a6Aee, I i4IATT t$a'lu.t ,,44l* t\ldtoTo?/ 4 ?>Y r'DILT- I.FRooFlN4 ot\l YzttT+O fL'n^/aOP aN lx 3 @. 22" b" tb't o.e, -tl E/e" 6r?. 6At-rLK E]OARP 2b aA. 4.t. 4re,rv=u2Tb? vJ/ eot IT r.TrL.p4E 6Vt?,r.NP 4{wlPE -*tffi @dENTE AF ttfAlRwrsr Z>.{ N,lJLeR, xtr-2" @- tbt' o.a. 2 x 6 Ff'9C-tA ,^4 6[vl SCrr: oF HE,\DER A =-=7A-r,Cx 2O':Z"V l9/4tt x 4" ;.u-Jr. Ff<Af.1E. lx+ N 4f,ul-K f,O'END OF'-'eRq_l:'),rf \^IALL 5:rdcco oN a'rpeeac.\*f aOw. E^.LJLK l9/4" ^ 4" ALU|-. FRAFie Q,,x99 ROBTRT R. TNOELKE rtcrr-rti-i-s. e.n HEA,P p.E-T4Il. 3" -- l'- O" f N ltlf il J^r,ra DETATL /A 1974nx 4" ALuM.FRAI.lE Z/, lZ E A'€A E LAERSF yl, t'Dn^/OCE> 6t4L.59 ,.1/4' x.41 " Ai_rt-1, FRAriE ?xb qA5E. UI rtl 5 ? I I z >A.Y=et oF3,4" ?)-Y\../C,OP e/+ a I 4. 9t9txt6t (v=g.T)A\ lZ'' ?'-V..'6AP ONzx+ @. 16" o.4. THIRP FLOOR =,t-e.\/-t20'-2 'ECOTIQ FLOOR EI-EV rtON ill'- 6rl 24 dA. 4.r. F!-/\9H[\4 ROBTRT R. TI\OELKE rlcntTE?is - r.n ,ls> PErA-tL 3" : l'- O" 4 Af.TT INSIJLATION A.COUST:CAI- TtLiF- lN 5u.5e rift. 4 etP 4 a\TT IN9lJL 2Y4 @16"O.4, -) ^COUST IeA;', ftt-E lN \.5u,ee\o.4<tD'. -*#,,.ra.%.- fDE'6 AN F'1E'TAI- I-ATH oN Z x4q tG"o.4. e,^-)-tl{<. 2to Rn I tI lllf v_ lt_ i c\ lnf( uIt 'BT.Fe---ffi 5Tv14O ON f{rL !-,A-fH On 2"4 Fr-rfe t6" O-4. CF ],t-t< ROBTRT 'i t:TOELKE ,rLr. i'( tS. A,l.lt HEAD PET:AIL 3" - l'- o'l V2" qp EaARpoN t" Rr6lpINtul-4-'o* r srua€a aN a'r pREc:ASf @N.c,'\,^,/ALL ANEI- g;apa-51pEP FIrL. EtuLLNOtEISUNPEP COI(NE|IFfrL. 4AgrNdDEAD \e^.uLt< ,rl/2 AYE BOARI'oN t'r t<6lP Eo rilf { IL _\t ( o ln 'l)J\t lNt|Jl.AfraN l-]Tl-. 4/L,.9tl\ta DgAtr> , EXPA.NDEr> f4rL. E}!JLLNO6! k--=-- ROUNDED eaRNER gTueeo ON 6'r PF?EdiisfCON€. \.'^/ALt- tA.NgL ROBI RT Ii I NOTLKf rrcnrl-rils.elr JAF18 P=T.AIL 3" --l'- o" 3" = lt- o" e'/2" 4t-,<t3 oeuq (;euow) Eo ulf { IL r o rl { -l ru*J,Ar1E PET:A.IL .|\ 4A!LK fiTi-. z-r.3rNd \ r?E^o - -it vz" aYe taAJqDaN |?t6tDlN'it/LATON- STDCCA AN 6t' c:cx{€<EfaaLo6|< TOBERT R. fNOTLKT rrcrrJl-E-rl - e.u. T E d [l E e' IL ?IL; PET:AJL POOR JA.I-18 O=T,4\II-- SURF/\.<E t-louFffED €l-.asE;R IN HT./\D DOOR HE,A.P PETAiU /7" x 7n ALurY. THRE HOI-P E o IIooo lz" ^ 4" ALuF'1.f*trSHOL-P ' 'D.'".j.:.."...' 2 14 REPWOOP t2t./taEiR FtN. Ft-. E-r-. roo -Er.oe e,L. 96r- 9rr Zx1 R#?/@ PIVIPER =.xPogaD ,^44<F,4^rrE CAHA. ROEIRT R. rNoELKt ercnrte-E-rs ' r'r.e f 6 0/.ootr f\ FrNr5n F'-OO'FI- --V--EL.gy.-?8,=q-"- THRESAOLD o' -rHRE5-Ot-D DET:AIL FRA'-1= (t-.U rNEa O= 4ON'4.pz>ow) f o ut T 4v IL Z ILo n urI\r 4LA5' O?|t'd E 0 Uf I IL lrr = ;r- 6tl P=-rhtL R,OBERT R. TI\CTIKE Alclrtrrc'rs.A.l.A" 4" FAT-'r |NSULAT-ION A,CaUST\IA-S ftr-z tN 5U5n FIT'L. qtD t frD1<6 a,t:t z2 - -u-r ,too? 5nE'A'-1 n 111161 lAUt-'< €,::ft, 1F.)t-t< ,f I I El 6l UItl{tulIrl N g z 0-o \fl { \u ?x4 R=D\^/OOD DVIDER F1N. FLao|R + EL. qa'- eI T E)<rc=EP P\ZtqR'B4\fr -- aaNaFF_rE, ROBTRI R NOELKT ercnrJFc-7s.e.r.e. 3" = l' -ott 5l>> D=r,A.ll- 4" Ef,rTr. tNsuL h'=t--tnt6,apaN zx4 6Dl6tta.<. A,<OU€T\€A..b rtLe lN 3U9P. FlrL. 6rRlt> 9/4 rern wooP aLocKrNq \,^/OOD A\^./NlN4.'^/lNAa\J _ _ + dEr,_rN4 r E;. roq'- o'l PAIN.I- *.C8.o= dL !u9 >sA,43 ROEERT R. TNOELKT ttcrfi?El-s - r.r.r. g 0_o trl tf) 5\t nlo{lJl\tl I T'Rr\N3O|.-1 CETAI> 3" : lt-O" api'rcv- L \t -Zz lilLo -=nD D=Tx> 3"= l'-o" WOO? A:.^z1r1ryq WINAa\^/ lr 4 -fRll-l 7b ffi FOA|QPaN 2 x{ tr-A:T. @16't a.€. 4" EATT lN€t-.L TOP OF ru{-?E 4'EAf-r INgIJLAfION 9ru44A ONl/2" ?uv*oae SHE'A'rF-{tNdt t3/l,t x 4rr ,,lt-ut-|. Turz <2 0-o Ur UI J lr- P,.\.INT' *Co= 6tA95g;F4E 7e" at{ aYP. IO^Rr, zr+@ 16" o.c.I 9/au TT<il-1 waoP ,AwNrN4\.'/lNPa\^/ ?1r'tTRtn I J?1= I ''ilI Fr?At-E f 6 llt L {It f6 Irlf v_ IL H ROETRI R. II\QELKE rlcntTiE-rs - rlr 3/4tt TRr4 E-?Y. ll2''21 ot< eL. tzo,-torl 3tt= lt - o D=T-AIt- \.-/OOQ ,A\;/NlNq\rtNDo\^/ 3/.+"-rRtH 51g'' qye. Aal.RDoX 2x4(2 (ct'o,L \.^/OOO aLa6<rN4 5/g" aYe BoARP aN zr4@ t6tta<. 4"^']-JLI< f d tll T f It 1A)t-t<ds N r\!r Z Z IU 0_o N -cN 314"ret-EIol |llILd(uvl il_| u 1 Z IU 0.o cALJt-K 4" BArT lNSlJL; 5TUCC6 ONt/2't et-vw}oo t!EArHlN4 to l! T u IL _rJ2Lo UI UI { -l\t D=T:,A.|t- 3u:l'-o'l ROBERI R. ENGELKE elcnrffis . e.r.r 5/a' ON 6,Y'. BO,rppZr.lQ l6t'A.4, ?<" ^ zl/2t'tn/6eaASg 7a ar-e. BoARD ON 2 >,4 FLAr @. 16" o,e. 4A.--ega oN z"eON4. TOFPrrrl4 P,\INT' ?A'Z< O=6L-^33 d>A'4t< FIN. FI-OOR z 0-o tn TD 1u E Tz 0_o UT UI 1\t ELEV. taot-2'l 2tte,A7T lNguL.^rtoN ROBERT R. INUIIKT Alcfllrtcts - AJA. DETA.II- 3t' = 1t -6tt T-RAN50i-l 3tt : lt - o" -o? o= oEC<-E;Ew.W:1ttl- 26 4,\ q..;. .6RA./=LsTO? g@rfr, tnf;. =D4= 4rt? Zxb FAgeF\ A,F.l2x1 €6l.tT, NzrrUER ?-?rG eoNf, BdLfT6 .5r-A,t _{ oN zx4(D ept'rl€v-r or< l2t' TtYdOOo '3OT. oF g;),A I'HEATH]N4tdt'o.4. A€AuSTIaAI. ?>A6TE,e l3/4't t 4" ,a..Lurw. FRA|-1E, =re,v, t2]t- 2't o\'/z lllf( v_ Ir4" Bllrr INSIJLAT'ION t 7au TqrP BoARD i d lllf( v- lt_ f n ILooo ROBTRI R. EIIOELKErtcrrTiFs.r.n F-=.A.p ?E-r,A.ll- _roz ILo UIn\ltt grl: 1l- 6tt A---^ | | 4t- | / \rt- t-- Ii.-l -' L',1 ^;a^-, =^.).\, -,:::iR Qrrhl,rr'-.LA e?f Ltopsa€A D E/,., t , *. -.." " r!/' /tt, I, oo')) /,/.. \ rl-*- €^* r'^^ -'.t' \p.la:rs ton tne g*fove-subject ;o}- in accordances se! forth irtne unifor"n e"i-a:""! c;;;.triiiol \opted by therfrown .of Vail , and find the following: !/1 " G t l- I -'J BZ,€2,{H W I l'^- .. i; Occupaney grou? is /- ' " type 1t constructibn I 'l ^.,.:-- -'...^*^ ^1^- ! --Lvwlr6 rLsrrD orro,If be connected by revised plans : ;:o issuanee of building penmit: I ked the ovisions ---l -;-<11. !t ct \-l,L r1f T-------t The fol nvri nyr f , l C.arr + i orn a\ . I have chec r.r i ':- -r -)r a n- rF ---^*l^l Use Zone istw or" addendum ,b tl A-D.J-.4.-4 4);.r.'*r'r--.ft.t'."'/ "( Atu;' ^b "t'/ ^n; 'n^- "r-'/-aJt*-' h l". I a ,,lt-. Vu/^-14.., q ? *3LI rt /1/+. I 0 s to t Aad' #f ,--*. -*' 4alt u,^&;-L ffua*a'.-+tD ( f #t- l'Jhen the a.f,cve atens have been corrected by revised plans or addendum, I.w"11 be reag.y 1o issue a building perni-t for the subject 3ob. fu,-*). r.,--aut-t-- *Y-,?t-"?th,ffif 4"ir% ffi Ec Struble iJ (.r.rr\.rrrr.5 vr -r -LL:-Lo,r A.- Lpu'/' ' ' '1 - /"/'y'lL / 9/1r) 't '"" t 1/t() -t € {l er-, on 1^^- 6-<-+-/ut # 0*,2-/nz.,J e,--(c*t .o G , Ta.LQ 1.7-A d b .a *,',t'l'o ../ "",t1 *. A .4-,Jt,fr41- c--fr,,t-,t*- P IT''t;/ L'ffi' ,i# wA fr"-/# H *l"n;ff**tu {-4 -4t-a!*L 44 "* #.',- ,^{'AU ,rt^,*t-l 2* }-lf )'^ w}-- U''"'*'--._ - l-qr ,#-)tt"Jry*,{; ilyt-..-'*'-"a f ?-W1t"o i {y'*'-o,*t"g 4n ^-a *fi,L-. r(w pz ^? ,*h ,,L J^ ^r#,J' + " 4. z/h^*, d -Ur t/\ ; 4r:.;, .p.*,'tu;,^{ 4 -y u-.AJ- 4//*41- .U €L,r 1*.^- 4t* glJ k ,l ^6r\-t4' i2',^S (^)', I r ItD ,-' + ;bl+-^'' (_6vW--,4&, ..rt'.? {. PLAN CIIECK LIST Per''mit No: Datet€p , , +. 1 o. .o IU r 11 L2. 1? i,4. Use Zon Avenage G::ade Height of Buildins V Sf o- ,*": No. of Stonies "t FLoon Anea Type of Constnuction Lot Ar"ea / aNs //e4 o cfr occupancy Group FZ Floo:: Ar"ea Ratio Setbacks Requined: Occupant Load S: /S . a - /{-Front 6./o Side b:.r.o Rea? A?/c. Par-king Requined Loading Berths Requined Compliance With: a) Occupancy Sec. 5 vl b) 0ccupancy Group c) Type Const. Sec. 1? d) e) s) :\Jt k) Type Const./' Exits Sec. 33 Genenal Engng. Sec. 23 Masonnv Sec. 24 Wood Sec. 25 Concrete Sec. 26 Stee1 Sec. 27 il't l'glt , m) Ex., Fdtns., Ret. Walls Sec. 29 Veneer Sec. 30 n) o) p) r") s) v) w) x) y) z) aa) ab) ac) Roof Const. Sec. 32 Penthouses Sec. 36 Fireplaces Sec. 37 Fi::e Protection Sec. \2 Fine Standards Sec. 43 Public Pnotections Sec. 44 Occ. of Pub. Prop. Sec. 45 Drywall- € Plaster'Sec. 47 Pne-Fabnicated Const. Sec. 50 Plastics Sec. 52 I rl I t ) t-r I {l' Skylights Sec. 34 Fire Svstems Sec. Stases Sec. 39 Glaes t GLazine Sec. STATE OF COUNTY OF COLORADO ) )EAGLE ) SS. DECLARATION OF LAND ALLOCATION . L A----i ;11( being f irst duLy sworn e f'6n-owftlg statements ane true and rl( o"po"i'Jil upon oath cornectwit:accororng be st knowledge, infor"mation and belief' to 1. That this statement is nade in conjunction with the filing of an application for a building perrnit to the Town of Vail and to eomply witir tne reguirements of-Anticle VII, Section 3, ordinanee Number 7 (Senies of 1969) Zoning Ordinance fon tne Town of Vail as amended by Ondinance i\trumber 8 (Series of 19?0) and Ordinance Numben 15 (Senies of 1970). of the building site for the proposed say to roy 2. Thebuilding is ( Descniption descniption) STATE OT COUNTY OF descniption as follows: 3. The proposed building site qontains lbtT.Ot " squar:e.feet, and the existing building contains lV,bO Square feet and tne proposed addition contaiis --Equene feet; the total building-squir.e feet is r---!.' --a-s--d!TTfr6a in the afonesaid Zoning Ondinance as amdn--E7il-="-:L Pt-k,iw - nl ooo tr 9t oP l.4a4 q. The pnopose'O Uu{taing an6/on existing bui}ding_and addition as it relates to the building site area, comply to tire FLoon Anea Ratio fon the zoning vrhich applies to the building site, as defined may be attac COLORADO )) SS. EAGLE ) veyon maP The foregoing Bworn to,)efone me,ttris 112, ..._ _ day and declaratigs Y,i"lYP ibed and My Comrni scion Expiree ( Seal ) aortaJ;-z ril U TOWN OF VAIL Building Pennit SupplementrA' t(ttArnoiect ( "Jnr*S 6 s.<.J -fi oate s ./I, 11D94 -- t . L,4z-, (7, @ ^re ?l of the aborle ment ioned pFoi ecf-ao -nereby-ceFttfy-TF t-T have nead and understand in full the folLowing excerpts from the Uniform Building Code and that a copy of this supplement shall- be posted with the inspection cand at the job site: Sec. 107 Sec. 202 (e) Sec. 302 (a) Sec. 302 (c) Sec. 304 (a) Sec. 304 (b) Wheneven there is ineufficient evidence of compliance with the pnovisions of this code, the Building Official may nequire tests as pnoof of compliance to be made at the expense of the ownen or his agent, by an appnoved agency. Wheneven any wonk is contnary to this code, the BuiLding Official may orden the wonk stopped until. he authonizes the wonk to pnoeeed. Approved plans shall not be changed, rnodified,or altened without written authorization fnom the Building Official . No permit gives authority to violate anypnovisions of this Code, on any othen ondin-ance. The issuance of a penmit shaLl not prevent the Buil-ding Official fr.om theneafterreguiring the correction of non-confonmities. At the request of the Building Official , aletten shall be submitted to him from a negistered land surveyor on engineer certify-ing the Location of the building in relationto property lines, prion to the instal-lation of the foundation waLls. fnspection cand shall be read, filled out infulI , and posted eonspicuously at the jobsite. Do not cover up any work not signedoff by Building Inspecton. Befone any sign nay be used on posted, it sha1l be approved by the Sign Review Conmittee. I f/,tro Fii 7zzlrilIU oRD. 15-1967 ul'/Pl'jo] N K - APPLICANT //ry M,O. CASH L& GOLDEN ROD - TEMP. FI LE I CATION Y VAITDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT BUILDING Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTOR :K. M.O. CASH CANARY - AUDIT ( 13EE AiIACHED SHEET)I oEsci. b2)t0 Azr€L LICEtr!E NO.| 74- * ARCHITECT OR DESICNEh I *)0.u LICENSE NO.n (1sb, rT {- EN G lr.l EE R c<*<)a)0+ --br-"7 lo USE OF BIJILOING 4'".t J7cJ(.6 8 C|ass of worK: JdftEW f] ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIH tr MOVE tr REMOVE Sut l0 Change of use lrom 40, oo 642-Vag* o&&^n/ p**,t cos/) PERMIT FEE tf**;A-O1l Valuation of work: $ y.i:,7'a i A, LA'-€-e Occ. Load Op petE tloT7il Trlft oFFlc€ PR/oE -ro *uy siz€ ot srds. 29,134 lTotall sq. Ft. t 'DeyllrT/erl 6F EY/Srt6.. tlrl1)S (r-"9 OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING O8 AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORKOR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED Y{ITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDEDOR ABANDONEO FOB A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOI..ATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCO'STRUCTI.ON OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. PE o AND EXAMI]'JERS MAV I? 10?r ' LJ I L ?OIiN OF VAIL BOARD 0F ZON]NG, APPEALS, I{INUTES FOR I'EETING OF Meeting Cal1ed to Order: II A. The neeting vras ca1leo to order at 9:20 a.m. at the Tivoli Lodse . B. The following r.embers were present: Messrs. Clark, Hoyt,We1in, Young and Struble (ex-officio). C. The following guests were present: Messrs. Dick Judd,Attonney for Carl Nelson Construction; Chuck Ogilby, ApolloPark; Robert -azier; Steve Boyd, Closen Than Most Construction;Bud Parks, Gondola ski Shop; Buck Rink, Hyder 6 Bush constnuction;John Suchan, Foster Lumber Company; and James Kough, Edelweiss. Past Busi-nes s Carl Nelson Construction apptication for contractor.ts license:l1r. lJelin abstained from voting as he has a personal inte::estin the matter. The following backgnound information was givenby Mr. Judd, attorney fon Carl- Nelson Construction: The - articles of incorporation for ctoser Than Most constnuction wene .'fil-ed April 197C. Rel-ationshrp between Mr. Nelson and Mr. Boydwas severled i-n December 1970 because of disagneements about the r:.anagenient of the companyl howeven, the corporation continuedwith each Mr. Boyd and Mr:. Nelson owning half of the Corporationbut with Mr. Boyd handling all management for the corporation. Mr' Judd presented the argument that the contracts for the vlelinand Brown residences weue signed by the conporation (Closen Than Most Constr.uction) and not as a partnership (Boyd andNelson) and thenefore the corponation and not the individualsare responsibl-e and Nel-son's license should therefone be grantedon this basis, Mr. Hoyt stated that the Board cannor accept thisargunent since the Boand is looking at each individuals' qualifi-cations and financial nesponsibility and it does not make anydiffenence that the person in question has forrned another companyunder another^ name. Soyd stated thar the corporation haspaid all of the outstanding bi1ls and the work is being finished. Mr.. Boyd stated that he is assuming responsibility for liens and Boyci will wr"ite a letter to the Board stating that C1oser ThanMost Constnuction (the Corporation) is ::esponsible fo:: Brownrs and Wel-ints nesidences and not Carl Nelson as an individual orCarl Ne1son Construction Company.*v, A notion was made by Mr. Young that we grant a 30 day extensionF)^to Car:I Nelson Construction on a p::ovisional basis pending lil !/satisfacto::y adjustment of the two complaints n"ceiieJ-Uv'tfr" l{ >Board. The motion was seconded by Mn. Hoyt and passed unani- I2Zmously by the Boand I= ilztmIU A r_ -^ qri,^: d.E g aw\J Board of ofoi- l.ieeting of l{ay 13, 1971Zoning, Appeals and Examiners .+II:,.) Ner"i Bus ine s s @ A, Application for contractorts license by Closer Than MostConstruction Company: A notion was made by Mfl . young thatCloser Than Most Construction license application be handl-edin the same manner as Canl- Irlelson Constnuction. The motion wasseconded by Mr. !^lelin Case 2-6-71 - Gondola Ski Shop application for a set backvariance: The setback v.tri.ance in ac co;.cl.'r;i c e with drawingssubnitted by Mr . Parks , wai ;rante, . .,,; ,.-c l- -r, wt.:-L Ir'n approvalfrorn VaiI Associates for the Stairs vrnicii proiect into tnetract 1and. The Boa:rd membens l_ooked at the pnoposed si.teand it was agueed that the tract land must be preserved aswas before the addition. A motion was made by Chan Vlelingrant the variance with the above Drovisions and seconded Bob Clark. Case 8-2-71 - James W. Kough (Edel-weiss) - Application fon twobuiiding varrances, one for combustion air vent and one fon tnashchute vestibul-e: A motion was made bv Mr. Hovt that a solution j .{- .be woi:ked out between Building Official- ahd Mr. Koughventing. The motion was seconded by M:r. Young. Mn.agreed to meet with Mr. Kough ts representative at thework out the requined details for the combustion ai:: on the Strublesite and vent . A rnotion was rnade by Mr. Hoyt that variances reganding tnashchute vestibul-e not be granted and that Mr.. Kough be requiredto construct a vestibule around the tnash chute in the basementThe motion was seconded by Mn. Welin. D. Case B-3-71- - Hibberd Construction Company application forbuilding vaniance with regard to chases (Tabl_e I7-A of UniformBuilding Code): Motion was made by Mr. Hoyt that we acceptBuilding Official's judgement in this case. The motion was seconded by Mn. Young. The following recorrir,lendat ion was madeby Mn. Stnuble: The contractor should use Albi-C1ad on steel membens and non-organic matenial be stuffed into the chases.A rnotion was made by Mr. Welin that the variance be g:ranted withtire suggestions nade by M::. Struble incorponated. The notionwas seco;tded bv Mr. Clark. CaSe B-5 -7l- - ft6|r,.r't T L:zior' =nnl 'in:tinn fnn \11i.Iding Vaf ianCewith regard to pi.."*",',.-;f-;i"i;;:--;-;;;s""ii""-""s made byMn. St:ruble that stairs be moved to center of building ins-Eeadof on the end of buil-ding to promote better fire safety. !3?i"t must agree and wnite a letter to the Boand stating that 15 r of setback will be provided on par:ce1 C when it is builton, and that pa::cel- 1 will not be used fon a building. Motion made by Mr. Hoyt that the variance be g:ranted pending recei_pt I of lettens f:rom Mn. Lazien and Vail Associates with respect toparcel 1. . -a ? :1.i-ril-oe tsoarC of IV. oo: r"iee'E 1;19 oi l:ayZoning, Appeals, I ? r oz:Lv ) 4J 1! and Exami.ners o Case Z-3 -7L - Rodney E. Slifer - Request for setback variance:This case was preseirted by Mr. Slifen ar rhe April 22, L97L nee-Eing as he was not planning to be in town for rhe meering of May 13, 1971. Mr. Struble stated that he could see no danger f:'om the standpoint of fire since there is a gneat distance from.the existing nouse (Hastings). Mr. Hastings has given his approval to the tsoard for the variance. A motion was made byi{n. Young that the variance be gnanted to allow a 5 | setbackfron the property line. The motion was seconded by Mn. Welin.It was suggested that a l-etten be wnitten to M::. S1ifer statingthat he must be sure where his property line is and should not. }\r-^ 1r-i - ^^.iDase r-ll-.s opl-nlon on Ine posl-tl-On Or Tne ex].Stl.ng rence. Case Z-4 -7I - Vai-l- Fine Pnotection District - Request fonsetback variance: A variance request was made for a 6 t set- back vaniance on the west side. A motion was made by Mr. Hoytthat the variance be denied and that the Fire Protection District must meet the 10 | setback requirernent, but the Board woul-d granta variance on the South property line and the building must be moved on the pnoperty in acco::dance with the above. The va::iance was denied on the basis of assessibility to the sewer line thatruns between the two buildines. The vaniance as sranted would a-.r-ow the builciing to be no 61oser than 6r on the South property I. Case 2-5-71 - Vail Fire P:rotection Distnict - Request forsetback va::iance: A variance request was made fon a 3 t setback variance on the property l-ine which f::onts on the road. A motion was rnade by Mn. Welin that the variance be granted ifthe Fii:e P::otection Distnict Board aglrees to accept recommendation made fo:: Case 2-4-71. The motion was seconded by Mr. Welin. Other Business The following applications for Contractonts Licenses !/ere appnovedsubject to receipt of insurance certificates and othen missinginformation: H A 1 a ll ( A]-nway, tnc. Amco Electric Stan Andenson Benedict t s Cl-osen Than Most Construction - see IIf A. Down East Landscaping Gany Hamilton Case B-4-7l- - Robert T,with regar:d to section 3A motion was maCe by Mn. two exi ts ,; s ncr'..- jpgd inthat an altennate methodfrom the balconies. The Laz.i e'r- - Rcnrreqt fn-r^ hrr j'r I jno rr:-i4ngg 302 (a) of the Uniforr:r tsuildins Code: Hoyt that the variance not to provid section 3302 (a) be approved provideof exit be pnovided by way of ladder motion was seconded by Mn. Young. 2'to 1l TO A:?;AR, tsEFORE THE ZONTNG AD'USTMEN| BUILDING APPEALS Ausust 30. 1971 Pnl-ran+ 'F T ;;,0f the Vail Zoning Oraina""u -irr-o"oer ro .t=- a ))I Tn {n .rn \r..^ - jJrJ- vt-.i !v 1\ BO.qRD OF BOARD OF NAT T' . rn making a deter::rination on zoni.ng the Board considens on1y, r. un_9.f lt9"hip, 2. -need for the proposea.va::iance, a. "o,"p_tibility oftne p:roposed variance with the-sui:rounaing-ar,"", ,+. effect on futu:redevel0pment of the a:rea_and, -t. heali:rr-l-ir"lvl'and the welfane ofthe ii:hacitants o*- the lown. -"' ss'veJt ' rn buii<i:ng code vari-ances the 3oard may considen on1y, 1. suit-abi1:ry of a..ternare mater.iars anci methocis of constr.uction and.2. reasonabre interpnetati-""-"r trrJ provi"io""-"i-i;;';;;":'^*' The Administrative_officiar- may challenge any variance gnanted whichgoes beyond the scope of the p6,o"o" of fne g6"odl .rt is undenstood inat a r-ee of $25.00.is payable in advaace and thata ten (lc) day postirg peniod-is-n.quirea'pi'io"-to a public heaningon t,i1e .above nequestsl .i ; Auguet 31, 19?l CERTIFIED I.{AIL Mn. Robert NottVail Aaeociates, Inc.P. 0. Box 7Vail , Colonado SubJect: Vaniance Meatl.ng of Board. and Examinenc of Zoning, Appcatra Dean }b. Nott: The Boar.d of Zonl-ng, Appeala and Examineng wl.ll meotSaptembcr 9 at g:00 a.rn. to hear a va:rl.anee requeetfon Hr. Robcnt T. Lazien and for Dona1d R. Roark andAcrociateg. t{r. lszicr has negueeted a zoning vanl.ance to allowbalconiee on thc east eide and the weet aide of hie newbuitding in PancEl A to pnoJect within eix fcet of the Droperty lLne. Donald R. Roank and Aaaociatee ha,s requested a zoningvarianoe to allow thc Stcve Arnold nseidenoe withinthnee fEet of the fnont property llne i.n lieu of theten foot rcguired by the Zoning Ondlnance. Sincenely, BoARD Or ZONING, APPEALS, Al,tD EXAI,IINERS Robent Clank Chainnan dw / O G,ory'r;' i,) //t'ur,) APPLICATIONTO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZONING AD]USTMENT BOARD OP BUILDING APPEALS DA[E: l-z ?-7/ /,az A.t"1la O f, var0f ce from the nequrrements o t i.one'Vai1 Zoning Ondinance in orden to nespectfully ::equest '{"i en and Secti_onBuilding Co rn making a deter.nination on zoning the Boand considens on1y, 1. Un-due hardship' 2..need fon the pnopSsed va::iance, 3. compatiuiriiv-orthe proposed variance with the- sunrounding "o.", 4. effect on futuredevel opment of the area and, 5. health, sif"ty, and the wer-fare ofthe inhabitants of the Town. rn.building code var"iances the Boand may considen on1y, 1. suit-ability of altennate matenials and methods of constr^uciion and,2. reasonable intenpnetations of the provisions oi th" code. The Administrative officiar may challenge any va::iance gnanted whichgoes beyond the scope of the porvens of Ine Boand. rt is undenstood that a fee of $25.00 is payable in ad.vance and that " tgl ( 1o ) day posting peniod is nequi:red- piion to a public heiringon the above requests. t lI rprll' 13, l9?l Ur. nobgfr, t. LslorI1roll lodgeVrll, Colora& 81657 IlCtf lir. Llglerr To eonftn our @nvtrrrtLon of Aprll g, 1971, tou rrlprcrratly uLng Snat E yltbla $lllor Ctrcle for rtoragco! oaatnrstloo cquLplrnt erd ratrrlal and lor parhlng-rltb tbr ponl,trLon of veLl trroclatrl, tac., dlchlcarcr ar of 4rtll 20, 19?1. nr of tirt drto you lrrvt rgrocd to hevr rtt oquLpnrntrnd r.t*lal renoved frw tbr rrLd lrad prrocl' rsd rlllupou_bLlllag by Vrtl froctrtos p.y your abrro of gndiag end lradroiplag oortr @ rGttolc rrlst E to lt tnt rd.d-Perk-llti rt tll|, Slnecnlyr VAIL AS69qIATE8, IIe.t) D,(' Lar1!' l. lfiLgbt Sourr Counrel GC: Doa AImEd&bort B. HottIGrrT uLagacr,/ TOhIi{ Oi VAIL 30ARD 0i ZOiIING, APPEALS Al'lD EXAMINERS I,IIi{UTES FOR I.{EETING OF APRIL 8. 1971 I'leeting Calied to Order A. The neeting was cal_l-ed to order at 9:30 a.m. on April g, IgZlat the Town of Vail office. II ts . The follor+ing nenbers r^7ere present:Young, and Struble (ex-officio). C. The following guests were present: D. Minutes of the rneetfng of l,larch 18,correcred. Motion was made bv Mr. Past Bus ine s s A. Yountain Haus ud.be .o-L-II. fiip\t r.7a1.'6 h^-F wii- hear the New Business Messrs. C1ark, Hoyt, Knox, Fiarald VJestbye and Bob Lazier 1971 riere approved asHoyt and seconded by Mn. Knox. request for appeal regarding doon cl_osers -Mn. Gaynor Miller called to infonm the tsoard thatyet prepared to have case nehea::d. The Boand case at their" next r"egular meeting. III O"4.. Haral-d Westbye (Kiandra Lodge) Case Z-2-TI - Request for setbackvariance. Mn. Westbye requested a setback variince of 5r. Itwas then suggested by M::. Struble that he request a variance of 3 | since the building is arreacly crose to the property rine inonc place E Mn. Westbye stated that the complex was planned about two andone-ha1f years ago. The lodge was built 'L41969 but thenemainder of the complex was not cofrp*I6tEE-EElIIlt tinie due tolack of rxoney. Since the building was planned before any codewas adopted, they feet they should be able to go ahead with thecomplex as planned. VaiI Associates owns the n-nDel t\/ ,arii,anonito the Kianbra and they did not p;;;.;;";h;";.;i;;".'lriJi--ii'^' was posted for the requi:red 10 day peniod. Mr'' Knox moved the va:riance of 3 t setback be granted. Motion wasseconded by Young. The Board then voted unanimously to grant the \7: Y1t -A r'l ar 6 Mr. Bob Lazien presented his preliminary plans to the Boa::d fo::thein feeling before the final plans ane dr"awn for his new Lions Heaci project. He wants to substitute two doors fr:onr bedr"ooms tooutside balconies instead of a harrway fon exit. His vaniance caseon this matten will be heand at the Special meeting on the 22nd ofApril The^following applications fo:r contnactorrs Licenses were appnovedsubject to receipt of insuuance certificates and payment: 1. James Cnaig c. Fcbnuary 25r 197I lln. Robert Lazl€rP. 0. Box 627 Vail , Colonado 81657 Subjcot: New Conatructl.on Dean Bob: Ed StrublcEuilding Official dw Ae you havo nontloncd to me in tho PaEtr you ulll' be eon- etnuctLn! r new butlding tn the Lionr Hcad area thla- ooming Eeaeon. I wieh to bring the following to youn attention in as much as your WiUowe Drojeot nas not quite I'up to snuffrr. Fon a building the aizc that you are conternglating, it r11I bs nccoaeany that you have a ncgietaned anohltoct, regietercd ncchanlcal lnd electnlcrl engineene in order to obtain a permit. I b::ing thlE to your attentlon at thie t:lme Eo thlt you won-tt havc a delay in gettlng your pcrrnlt to pnocosd lrlth the wonk. If you havc any queetJ.ona ndgandlng ths above, pleaee donrtheaitate to oall,. Reapoctfully, TOT{N OF VAIL --1 ,l Il -a I i I I I I -i-si;l rri--l +l rd-i q $i e''l I {i' { utq fJ { rt\4 1l ui s q Ntl I i '\r tt \o>Li \1 5I \rt- 7 { CI r? i $ i*. e-a \ \-. t li--'D iti- 1x' Irns /\,, , /.ec froo IaL() IPle-/,. rl ililmll----:-_.1 l-i-_-'r-_iil rltItttItlttl t-,1 -t <; .) kx e( C)- i{t iF A l!! t\ e-sra ..P*/\ rilor, sn -:F:',. :r61 (-)rl 'ruz,L-|*- - ,, g, p -"-*l +:EE-J- 4- i tt-':-"\\) t o q5 Z F \t\ xrtt s o.o <li o -r-i v{l Io Ii I i q9, d -TNlr-i tj.la { c)c ,{ -i sl--l trl +,1 -t '{.q 1lIrltl I t;itJ It4 xI r.i \I ll', \fl4 utl{ o\I,\ $ '\,r \4 !t :<c 1l 11 d{4'i ii il Ii ill *\ E II N Hr)\ .X*; '{ F{ I,''r.a i\u ll',a}l,-lt , tn >lt' t tr trt t ; \} :r, e-(\RJ tq 1Sqq q.trR-z\ :*-z,E-i-',rp,2 *--_._l es-4Er- \. {: cfti sc- o c( I_-i<i oi -t'r 6it l * tr''t|! Ur- oo