HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 LIONSHEAD CENTER COMMON LEGAL (2)'"'• 5019 First Avenue North st .Peters burg,Flori da september 30,1992 Ms Kristan Pritz Cbrmnmity Devel.opnent;Director Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road HE :Lionshead center thise Cbncem Vail ,Oolorado 8 1657 Ut::.i:U:as P.d tz : You might reca ll my o:mnunicat ing wi th you and the ci ty fa thers regarding no ise l e vel "wi.thdn"buildings .Wha t brought i t to my attentioo was when I was staying i n Lionshead Center,and ha v ing my stay interfered with by the noise f ran Alfie Packers .'!he po ki.ce stnted they h ad.no law regulating no ise transmitting i nto adjacent residences within a w ilding , only concerning noise in the street f ran a bus iness. You were very kind to send ere a l etter fuy 20 ,1992 ,regarding the possdbfH ty of amerrling the uniform building code t o r equirea dddtional insulation between a residentialun i .t;and a o:mnercia l LU1it.Four rronths have passed s ince you s ent that l ett er,and Iwasj ust wondering if anything was done ,'Ibis i s very important;is rot romp l icaterl ,tut soul.d certainly improve the quality of enjoyment of v isitors to the Vail Valley area . If you VK>1.l1d kindly drop me a note updating me en th is rratt er ,I certainly would appreciate it .'Ihank you for your efforts in this matter . Your ss i ncerely , Richard R .Rider • TO WN OF VA IL 75 Soutb Fr on tag e Road Va il ,Co'/or ado 8 1657 JOJ -479-21 J8 /4 79-21J9 •.•FILE COpy Department of Community Devtlopme71t M r.R ichar d R .R id er 5019Fi rst Av e nue No rth St .Petersb urg,F lori da33 710 -8203 October 16,1992 Dear i\l r R ider: T hi slette r is w rittenin rega rd to you r cor respondence w ithK rista nP ritzo n September 30, 1992 ,regard ingn oise levels . I w i ll t ry to e xplain to y ouwh at the T own of V a il isdoi ng w ithso undtr an s mission c on tro l.I a m se nding yo uac opyo f the ex istingBu ild ing Code,appendix c hapter 35 .A s you c an see S ec .3 501.(a)o nly dea ls w ith "R"oc cupanc ies ie (R esidentia l),an dnot Comm ercial.O ur intentis t ryto inclu de"A"o ccupa nc ies ic (Assemb ly),wh ichw ill cover r estaurantsand b ars . We hope 10 have this a mendment ado pt edint o th eUn iformB uildingCo de by th e fi rst p art o f 1 1a)'.A t thi s point,th e amend ment \villo nly cover ne w co nstructio n.It is verydiffi cultan d ex pe nsive 10 retrofitexis ting b uildings to m eet th e requiremen tso f C hapte r 35o f the unc.In mos t of the mi xed usc bui ldings inVai l,th is ty pe o fa p roblem iscon trolled by th e con do associationo fth e bui ld ing . 1hope th is h elps y ouunderstand wha tis inthewo rks regardin gso u nd tran smission con trol forf uturebui ldings bu ilt in th e TO\\11 of Vail.On ce ag ain,w eare sorryth aty our s tayinVai l was n eg ative becaus e of t his p roblem .Weh ope thi s effort wi ll be se en asa responsetoav oid th is pro ble m inthef uture . lf I ca n b e o fany f urthe rassistance toy ou,p le as e cont act meat(30 3)47 9·2138 . .. S .i~c e r e~1'~".,.<··4:/L /,c ~(f!%. G ary Murra in Chief Building Offi c ial cc :Kri s tan P r it z r 7 5SouthFrontageRoad Vail ,Colorado B165 7 303 -479 -2138 /479-2139 May 2 0 ,1992 ••D epar tmtn t of Co mmunity Dev el opm ent FILE COPY Mr .Richard R.Rider 151 9 First AvenueNort h 5 1.Peters burg ,FL 33 710 RE :L10nshead center Noise Concern Dear Me .Aider: Thank y ou foryo urletter con cerning the noise p roblema t t he tjonsheadCenter Build ing.Th e To wn ofV ailisveryco ncernedth atyourst ay at th e U onsheadC enterC ondom iniums wa s n egatively affected b y thenois e from All ie Packer's Bar. Th e To wno fV ail cur rently h asa noiseo rdinance that limits th eso undle vel o utside ofth e buil dingto6 5d ecibels .Inth e ca seofC yrano's Restaurant.thenois e fromthe bar e xceeded th islimit.Forthis reaso n,th e ownersofthe es tablishment we re r equiredtoInsulateth eir disc othequeso t hatsound w ould no t excee d t he a llowed levelbeyo ndthepr opertyli ne. Th eTow n ofVail w ill investigate the p os sibilityofamen ding ou rUn iform BuildingC ode to r equire add itional insulation b etweena r esidential unit a nd aco mmercia lun it.Ma inta ininga p ositive ,relaxing ,mo untainexpe rience f or our guests isvery important toth ecom munity .W e w ill d o o ur bes tto look a t possi ble options t oavoi dap roblem like th is i n th e fut ure. T hank y ou aga infor lett ing uskn owabo uty ourco ncern.Aletters uch as th iso nlyhelpso ur c ommun ity t o p rovide hi ghe r qual ity gu estse rvice .W e hopeyo u will com e and vis itu sagai n . S incereiy , ~l)'In\\Yr i~C' KristanPritz Co mmunityDevelopmentDirec tor ; cc:VailTo wnCo uncil Ron PhillipS /)11 Pro ject Applica tion LCkS k,if (?oak -L CL-" .a«~/<61011/1\. Co ntact Person and Phone t!l.!.~fd..d fit..- gd): Ar chitect.Add ress and Phone :_ L;N j LA &.-<k ji'2()5 l eg al n escncnorr Lo t --'=-'--'-=-__Block.Filing .Zone _ Co mments _ Design Review Board M otionby : Seconded by : DIS APP ROVAL Town Plllnr "" D ate: • • •ORB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VJUL, DA TE APPLI CATI ON RECEIVED: DATEOF DRB MEETING : ."vis"d 9/4/91 COLORADO RftD OCT2 8 l9U' ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED tlNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMll.TION IS SUBMITTED ********** I .P RO JECT INFORMATI ON: A .DESCRIPT ION: A Pet B .TYPEOF REVIEW:/. ____NewCo ns tr uc t ion ($20 0.00)Mi n or Alteration ($20.00) ____Ad diti on ($5 0.0 ~Co nc e ptu alRevi ew ~O ). C.ADD RESS :;g 0-"otO/,,:s dt 4 Jl ~S .;)c>c cI/',,-s Na [!//l.. D.LEGAL DESCRIPTI ON:Lot Bl ock S ubdi v is ion _ If pr operty i s des cri bed by amee tsa nd b ounds leg al de sc rip tion ,please pro vide ona s eparate s h ee t and attach t ot his a pplicat ion. E.ZONING: F.LO T AREA :If re quired,appl i ca nt must provide a current s tamped survey s howing l ot a rea. NAME OF Mailing G.APPL ICANT:M !C4!I Z /0 f(~Jl.N R,</I:zS~/J::f=ENf Ad d ress :ji>,p-,('~J "J I tA 'I T ) ____________"P ho ne y'U -'/31;; H .NAM E OF AP PLICANT 'S REPRESENTAT;IVE :{!Ji £<-5 &,,-.j/~ Mail in g Addre s s:s:;t.0 E or/~~'S Ai4.i C uR -k14 t1 Pho ne '/7/-11 ;'0 I.NAME OF OWNERS:j/!GTiJJ2 !!AM 0 >"SIGNATURE (S):~\;X;::s.-~u.Cl Mai li ng Add res s :S~o C97 ,z ~a:z..4 t /P 4 Z Ph one '1 76 -3 40," J .Condomi ni um Appr o va li f appli cable. K.DRB FEE :DRB fees,as sh own above ,are t o be p ai d at t he t imeo f submit t al o f DRB applicati on .Later,when app lyingf or a bui lding permit ,p le ase i dentify the a ccurate v al uat ion of t hep ropos al .TheTowno fVa il will adjust the fee acco rd ingt o the t able be low ,t o en sure the correct fe e is paid.2.-"0 FEE PAID:$o, F EES CHEDUL E: VALUATION S 0 -S 1 0,000 S 10 ,001 -S 50 ,0 00 S 50 ,001 -S 1 50 ,000 S 150 ,00 1 -S 500 ,000 S50 0 ,001 -$1 ,000,000 $Over S l,O OO,OOO F EE S 2 0.00 -S 50 .00 ' S100 .00 S200 .00 S4 0 0 .00 S5 0 0.00 G..!. *DESI GN REV'IEW BOA"ID Jlo..PPROVAL £Y.P lRES ONE YEAR AFTER.'FI NAL APPROVAL UNLESSA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. ""NO AP PLICATION WILL BEPROCESSED WITaOOT OWNER 'S SIGNATURE 1 • •LISTOF MATER IALS • NAME OF PROJECT :~O f-/eA NG ci os-;;j'Q>vS AUP ~1t« LEGAL DESC RIPTION :LDT BL O ~K ~U BD IV ISIO N STREET ADD RESS :~~/)E:.,.,(,D ,,-L,hz ...{C!d IE DESCRIPTIONOF P ROJECT:-fA~J~c~j~,,~/~~vJ~!~~~~-UL-~~~~___ S 6- Thef ol lowing i n f o rma t i on is required f or submitta l to the De si gn Revie w Bo ardb e fore a fin al app rov al c anb e given : A .BUI LDING MATERIALS : Roo f Siding Othe rWallMat er i al s TYP E OF MA TERIAL COL OR Fas cia Soff its Window s Window Trim Doors Do or Tr im Hand or De ck Rails Flues Flashings Chimn ey s TrashEn c losu re s Gree n houses Othe r B .LANDSCA P ING:Name of Designer : Phone: PLANT MA TERIALS :Bota n ical Name Commo n Name Qu antit y Size * PROPOSEDTREES EXIS TINGTREESTO BE REM OVED *Indicate ca l iper for d ec idu o us tree s.Minimum cal i pe r for de ciduous t ree s is 2 i nc he s.I ndicate h eight for conifer ous t rees .Mi nimum hei ght f or co n i f ero u s trees is 6f e et . 7 ..,••LE PLANNING AND ENVIRONME NTAL COMMISSIO N March 9,1992 Present GregAmsde n ChuckCrist Dian a Donovan L udwigKurz Kathy Langenwalter Dalton Williams Gena Whin en St aff Kri stan Pritz Mik e Mollica Jill Kamme rer Andy Knudt sen ShellyMello Amber Blecker Th e meetin g was c alled to order by Chairperson Dian a Donov an a t 1:05PM. I .Arequestfo raworksession for amin ors ubdivision and azo nedi strict c hangefrom Primary/Secondary Re sidemial to Low Den sity Multip le Family.forthe Sc hmetzko pr operty,generall y located at 2239Chamonix Lan e.more panicuJ arly u ri bed as: Parce l A :Atract of landco ntaining oneacre,moreorle ss,locatedinthe S outh 1/2 of the SouthEast1/4 of Section I I,Township 5 South ,Range 8 1 West of theS ixth Prin cipal Meridian .more particu larly described as follows: Be ginning a t the NE comer o ftheSW1/4 of t heSE1/4o fsaidSect ion11;thence west erlya longthenorth erly line o fsaid SW 1/4oftheSE1/4beari ng south86 20'W adistanc e of 167.80 It.10 a poi nt: Th ence southerlyalonga line 167 .80 ft.di stant fromand parallel to theea st li ne of saidSW1/4 of theSE1/4,adist ance o f200 .00 ft .10 a point : Then ce easterly a di stance of 167.80fl.alon g aline200 .00 fl.di stant fromand parall eltothenort h li ne of said SW 1/4 of the SE1/4 to apointonit s eastline; Th encee asterly o naline parallel to the northlineo fthe SW 1/4 of the S E 1/4 of S ection II,a di stance of 50 .95 ft.to a point: Thence northerlyandparall elwith thewest line o ftheeast 1/2 of the SE1/4 of sa id S ection 11.adi stance of 200.00 ft.tothepoi nt of intersectionwi th the extension o f the no rth lineo fthe SW1/4 of the SE 1/4o f saidSection I I ; Thence we sterly ona deflecti ve angleleft of 95 2 1'00"alongtheex tension of the northline O!the SW1/4of the SE 1/4o fsaidSection II .ad istance of 50 .95 fl .10 theNE c om e r of theSW 1/4ofthe SE 1/4o fSection II,beingthepoinro f beginning. Plan ning and En vironm ental Commis sion·March 9,1992 •Pag e 1 ••,.• Parce l B:Tract At VailHe ightsFilin gNo .1according to the recorded platthereof. Appl icant: P lanner : ErichSchmetzko And y Knudtsen And y Knudts enex plainedthe req uest andissuess urroundingthepropo sal. Chu ck Crista sked why the Land Us ePlan called outthi sareaas Medium Den sity R esidential.Kri stan Pritz s aidMD R wa s a ge neral ran ge of 3-14un its ,and wasusedasa gu ide.Greg Amsd enasked if the C ommission should then give thea pplica nt a d evelopme nt range. R ick Ro sen,repre sent ing the applicant.saidthey wantedto ob tain approva l foras manyun its as po ssible .He saidtheh azard mitigation pl ans werestillbei ngworkedupon .andthathe wo uld like to seedi rection fromtheCommission onthe maximum nu mber of unit swhich would be approved. Gre g asked for a hi story of theparcel.Rickre spondedtha t when Mr.S chmetzko pu rch ased the property ,itwas notye t an nexed in tothe T own of Vail.Atth attime,hebe lievedi twa s zone d fo r5uni ts by the C ounty.Whenthe T ownan ne xed the area ,hebeli evedthe o w ner wa s give n nonoticetha tth e Town was go ing todow n-zone the pro peny.Atthis po int.Mr. Schmetzko wis hed torezo nethe prope rty a ndreplat it into o nep arcelforc on rin uous access , Di anaDo novan i ndic ated that how theCountyhadzonedthepropertywas not theissue .Sh e indic ated s hecoul d on ly s upport i ncrea sing theden sity of the propeny if s u ffic ien t mit igatio n was perform ed.She believed itwas un buildabl e withoutmiti gation.Inaddit ion ,s he fe ltit was critical th at themi tigatio n be performed o nthepropert y ,not off-site .a s there wouldbe too much scarring if th emitiga tion went b ack into the BLMland s.Sh e c hall enged theow ner toaddres s the aest heti c c cncemso f the mi tigation . Kathy Langenwal ter wasn ot co mfortablere zoningthe prope rty .S he thoug htaSpec ial Dev el opment D is trict wo uldbemorea ppropriate.Sh e was l eeryofgivingthe parcela new zonin g.then h avin g it sold.S ince the m itigation wascrit ical tothe p roposal,s hewant ed mor e d evelopmentco ntrols p laced o nthe p ropertyt hanju stzoni ng.D iana ag reed ,but sugges tedpl acingp lat res trictions o nthep arcel s.Kathy didn ot believe th atwou ldbeenou gh co ntro l,asthe m itigationwas p art of th ed esign proc ess .Andy in dicated thatstandards for the m itigation c onstruction cou ld be placedo ntheplat. Ka thybel ievedthe rez oningrequest wouldbe e asier tosupportif it wa s known who wo uld d evelopthe prope rty.Rick re plied thatif thepro perty wa s r e stri ct ed throu gh u se o fthepl at, [he d ev eloper w ouldstillbe requiredtogothroughthe p lanning pr oce ss.If a s ite-specific requ es t were approved,itwoul dbe difficu lt fo r Mr .Schmerzkoto se llth eproperty,asit would lim it theus eandv alue of the land.Kathy reiterated tha t thesite is veryse n sitive,and s he d id no tbe lieveap latre striction would sufficiently pro tectthec haracter of thearea . Pl anningan d Environ mental Co mmlssion s March 9 ,1992 •Page 2 • A s thi s wa s awork session item.n o votewa s taken . • Victor Can a AndyKnudt sen Thepub lic meeting was called to order at2 :50PM.Allthe Commissioners were i n attenda nce. 1.A request foran exterior alteration inthe Commerci al CoreII wne district forthe Can o Resid ence,Lot5.Block I,VailLion sheadF irst Filing/520 Ea"Li onshead Circle . Appli cant: Pl anner: And y Knud tsen p resented staffs recommendation fOT a pproval. KathyLan genwalter asked if the window cla dding would m atch the o thers in Li onshead Cent er.Shewa sass ured by Mike Kroh n ,the Cano's repre sentative,that it wouldmat ch the e nclosure immediately abo ve thi s proposal. Dalton W illiams moved that thereque st foran e xterioralter a tion intheCom mercial Core II zone di strict for theCanoRe sidence,Lot 5.B lock 1.Va il Lionshead Fir st F iling/520 E ast Lion shead Circl e be a pp rovedper the staffs recommendation s.Lud wig Kurz secondedthe motion.It wa s a pproved unanimou sly,7-0. 2.Arequ est to extend aconditionaluse p ermit toe xpand the Vai l Mou ntain School. locatedat 3160Katsos Ranch Road!Lot12.Block 2.Vail V illage 12thFi ling. Appli cant:Vail Mountai n School Plann er:AndyKnudtsen AndyKnudt sen e xp lained thi s wa s fora renewal o fa pre viously -grantedconditional use approval,a ndth e ren ewal would be in effect fo r two years .St aff r ecommended the a pproval beren ewe d . Chu ck Cri st mov ed the reque st to extend a conditional u se permit toexp and the Vail Mo untain Sc hool,locat ed at 3160 Kat sos R anch Road!Lot12,Block2,Vail Village 12th Filin g be a pproved per s taf f's memo.Kathy La ngenwalters econdedthe motion.It was unanimous ly ap proved by a vote of 6-0 ,withGena Whitte n temporarily a bsentduri ng the vote . 3.Arequ est fo r acon d itional u se permit toallowfortheexp ansion of theU pperE agle Va lley Con sol idated S anitation D istrict admini strative of(i ces ,at 846Fore st Ro ad/l AlI 3 1,Va il Vill age 2nd Filing . Ap p licant:Upper Eag le Vall ey Consolidated S anitarian D istrict Planner :ShellyMe llo Sh elly Mell o pre sented the requ est toaddaddit ional administrative area to the e x istingU pper Eag le Valley Consolidated Sanitation Distric t facility . Planning andEnvironme ntal Commission >March9 ,1992 ·Page7 ••.. G reg Am sden a sked if an y of the adjacent property o wnershadgive nfeedback o n the pro po sal.Sh elly indicated none had bee n received and all adjacen t prop ert y ow ners hadbeen notifi ed Steve Is om,repre senting the Upper EagleVa lley Consolidated S anitatio n D istri ctgavea bri e f history of the property.He indicatedaminorsubdivision.as di scussedinthe staff memo, would be very e xpensive.There wasnoque stion of thebo undaries ,and the District didnot wanttopay to "clean up "the problem .Sh ellyagree d thatthecurren t conditi on o fthe pro perty lin es w as confusing.whi chi s w hy s taff felt it was importantto addressa tthi s time . Kri stan Pri tz indic ated the Town may be able to split me COSt of the subdivision proces s. D ianaa sked if having thesubdivisionin place atthetim ea Tem po rary Ce rtificateo f Occupancy wasissued was re alistic.Shelly thought it would be . D alton Will iams did no t think it madese nseto u se tax d ollarsfo r a formalitybe tween t wo gov ernment age ncies.e specially wh en there w as not acon flict between the ent ities.S te ve agreed,s tating that when theproperty w as deeded,bot h sections weregiventotheTown .H e agreed to work with the Tow n to rea chan agreeable solution .Kris tan a lsoagre ed towork ou tthe i ssues .D iana D onovan be lieved itsh ould be a requiremen t of the project. St eve addressed thehei ght and landscapingissu es,stating that the exact he ight of thead d ition would be 25'-9"d ue toanincrea se in s tructure needed to carry thes now load .H ed id no t bel ieve 5 more tree s inthe f ronto f thepr opertywou ld be be nefici al.Kri s tans ugges ted p lacingthetr eesi n a landscaping "gap "towardthegas station.D ia na felt therewere locations w hich c o uld al so benefitfromaddi tiona l land scap ing. Diana a s ked ife mployee hou sing could al so be bui lt incon junction with thi s ap plica tion. Steveindicatedth at the offices w ere abovetheaeration and settling ba sin,and were d efinitely no t d esirableforhousing pl acement.Dian a did no t see the ju stificat ion for 6,000 add itional square feet ,ass he be lievedthebui ld ing worked a tthi s time .St eve responded that i,4 o f the spacewa s for pub lic meeting area . Kathy La n genwalter wa s concerned that the architectural det ailing bec arried over tothe addition a ndth at it be co nsistentwiththe exi sting f acility. K athymoved the reque st for a conditional u se pe rmi t toal lowfo r the e xpansion of the Upper Eagle V alleyCo nsolidated Sanitation Di strict adm inistrativeo ffices ,a t 846 Forest Ro ad/Let 31,V ail Vill age 2ndFilin g be ap proved perthe staff memo,wi th the co nditionthe D e sig n Review B oard revi ew the addition 's d etail to e nsureit wassimilar to the ex istingbuil d in g and v erify locationo f10additional evergree n treesto be planted,noting thebu ilding height was 18i nche s highe r than refl ected in staff's me morandu m ,and recomme ndingth at [he To wn of V ail and the Di strict p ursue a m inor su bdivisio n.Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion.Before thevote,D alton William s encouraged theDi strict toconsideradditional la ndscaping,w here a ppropriate .Th e m otion w as ap proved bya unanimous 7 -0 vote . D ue tothe anival o f an adjacent property ownerto the Schmetzko property,theCom mi ssion b rie fly ret urned to di scussion of the first w orkses sionitem . Planning and Environmental Commiss ion ·March 9.1992 •Page8 Community Developm ent Departm ent Planning and Environm ental Comm ission MEMORANOUM Itt .<J ,'"I rr qL 111 ..Ii M (),J/""- 2 M L-J tlc/c-7~{) f?u-tv></l,{e...k Ii""ft,ocs • March 9 ,1992 z-</",;\!--f WM,u-..J C (",'/d,,,\ Areque st foranexterior alteration tothe t lonsh ead Genter Building ,Un it 205 ,rr 5 20 E.u onsheac Circle/L ot 5 ,Block I ,VailLlonshaad FirstFiling . Appl icant:Victor Cano Planner:AndyKnudtsen SUBJECT: TO: FROM: OATE: I.DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREOUEST Theapplicant,Victor Cano ,Is proposing to enclose an exist ing exteri or deck offofhis cond omin ium in the Uonshead Center build ing .This build ing has commercial area on the first f looranddw elling unitsonthesecondandthirdfloors .Onthesouthsideofthestructure , facing the ski slopes .are eight dwelling units .Oliginally ,each unit hadan exterio r deck.At th is time,two ofthe decks havebe en enclosed.Onthenorthside ofthebu ilding,fac ingth e L10nsh eadMall ,ove r ha lfof t he deckshave bee nenclosed.Theapplicant Ispropos ingto e nclose his deck tomatchthe others.Th e d eck areaIs 85 sq.ft. II.ZON ING CONSIOERATIONS Zon e Distri ct:Commerc ial Core II 48 ft.forasloping 46 feet roof Height: Required/Allowed CCII Existing Proposed Addition 30 .5 feet Setbacks North: East: West: South: S ite Coverage: Landscap ing: GRFA: 10feet 10feet 10fe et 10fe et 70% 20% 32,155sq.ft. 11 fe et 81feet 35feet 91feet 5feet 171 feet 13fe et 24feet Nochang e Nochang e Nochang e No change 29,424 sq .ft.85 sq.ft. 1 If th is add ition isappro ved.thebu ilding willhave atotal of 29 .509 sq .ft.of G RFA .It w ill have 2 .646 sq.ft.of GR FA rema ining forfutu red evelopment. •• Parking :The existi ng dwellingu nitis 1.377.7 sq .It.As t headd itio nal 85 s q.ft.m akes the dwell ingunitatota l of1,462.7 sq .ft.•t here isn o chan ge in theparking requirement. III.COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSESECT ION OF COMMERCIAL COR E II, 18 .26.010 Purpose : T he Commerci al Core II Distr ict isintended to provi de sites fo r a mixtureof mu ltiple dwellings.lodges,and commercial establi shments in a clustered .unified deve lopment. Commercial CoreIID istrict in accordan ce with theVall Uonshead Urban Design Guide Plan andDesign Considera ti onsis intended to ensure adequat e light.air,open space and other amenities appropriate tothepermitted typ es of buildingsand uses andto maintai nth e d esirable q uali tiesof the district b yestablis hing ap propriate site deve lopm entstandards . Staff believ es th is proposal is consistent with the Purpo se section for this zone distri ct.T he useis spe cifica lly provided for in th e purpose secti on .As th is reque st is anexpan sion to an existing dwe lling un it,staff beli eves th at the proposal meets th e goals of the purpose secti on. IV.COMPLIAN CE W ITH T HEURBANDESIGNGUIDEPLANFOR L10NSHEAD The subarea concepts whi ch a reIn the vici nity of the Lionshead ·Center Build ing are: Con cept 11:"C ommercial expans ion (onestory)to incre ase pedestrian emphasis ,scale of mall,and to improve s hade -zone facades and access ibility : Con cept 12:"Opportunity exists fo r expansion of building s,arcad es,awning s,etc.,to im prove scale,she lter,appearance of co mmercial facades," These two subar ea concepts arethe on ly ones located in the vicinity of th e Lionshead Center Ma ll .Staff be lievesthe yar e directed mo re towardcomm erc ia l expan sions and proposals for th e firs tfloor,adjacent to the pedestrian area.Staffbelieves thatsince this proposal is to e nclosean exis tingdeck with defined walls and adefined roof,that the cha nge toth e bu ild ing will not affect,pos itively or nega tiv ely,subarea con cepts 11 and 12. V.C OMPLIANCEW IT HT HE URB AND ESIGN CO NSIDERATiONS F OR L10NSHEAD A.Heighta ndM assing: The massing of the Uonsh ead Center Bu ild ing will not chang e asaresult of this pr oject.Theroofformandthewa li locat ions wi ii not beaffec ted.andasaresult.th e height and mass ing of the buildi ng will remain the same . 2 •• B .Roofs : The roof overthedeck will remain the same. C.Facades -Wails/Structures : • Saclion C-l oftheUrbanDesignGuide lines.stat es thaI:'concrete,concreteb lock. glass.metals.stucco and wood are theprimary materials tobe encou raged in L1onshead :As glass w ill betheonlymatertar used toenclosethedeck ,stafffinds that thepr oposal Is consist entwithth eguideline . D.Facades·Trans parency: This sect ion pertain s more direc tly to groun d floor co mmercial projects and does not directly relatetoth is proposal. E.De cks and Patios: Theguidelines strongly encourag e open decks andpatiosfordining .Again. discussion of decks above the pedes tria n level for residential use are not specifically dis cussed. F.Accent Elements : Not appli cabl e to this p roposal . G .Landscape Elements : On October 28.1991,thePlann ing and Environme ntal Commission appro ved asimilar balcony enclo sure request for another unit with in this bu ild ing.For that approval,the Town requ ired that the applicant plant a cl usterof treesatacomer ofthe Lionsh ead Center Building.Staffwalkedthesite andlo und nootherareasonthe Uonsnead Centerp roperty w hich co uld beeasilyImproved w ith landscaping.T heportio n ofthe site whichisInneedof landscapi ng is the nort hside01 theproperty.w hichfr onts the mall .Staff believ es requ Iring construction ofa plante r in the areaIsnot cons istent with the long rang e goals ofexpand ing firstfloorspa ces ontotheMallarea .G iventhese circum stances,staff believes that no land scap ing should be required. H.Service and Delivery: Not app licable tothis proposal. VI .STAFFRECOMMENDATION Staff believes the proposalis cons istent with the impr ovementsmade to other deckson this b uildingInthepa st.Staffbelieves ItIsco nsistent withthePurpose forthe CommercialCore II zone district,the Urban Design Guide Plan for Uonshead ,aswell asthe Urban Design Cons ideration s for uonshead,and recomm ends approval. 3 • • . .. -. .. ~V t..~4jr':.....:l I'-Zl'4 , T 4's' 1 r'-----NC-'---~ fJt.jao~.J1 tI~d. \~k ..£><c lo ~,( NO TICEISHEREBY GIVEN thatthe PlanningandEnvironmental Commission of the T ownof Vall willholdapublichearing inaccordancew ithSection 18.66.060of t heMunicipalCo de of t he T ownof Vail on March 9.1992 at2:00 p .m.intheTown of Vail Municipal BU ilding. Consideratio nof: 2 . 3 . Arequestfor an exterio r alteratlon intheCommerc ial CoreIIzone district fortheCane Res idence ,Lot 5 .Block 1,Vall t.lonsheadFirst Flllng/520EastUons head Circle. Applicant :VictorCane Plan ner:AndyKnudtsen Arequest toextend aco nditional use permit toexpandtheVailMountain School, located at3 160 Katsos Ranch Road!Lot 12,Block2,Vail Village12thFiling. App licant:VailMountainS chool Planner:Andy Kn udtse n A req uestfora worksess ion foraminor subd ivisi on andrequest for a change Inzone d istrict boundaries fromPrimarySecondary toLowDensityMultipleFamily tor t he Schmetzko property,generally locatedat 2239 Chamonix Lane ,more particul arly describedas: Parce l A:Atr act ofland con taining oneacre,moreorless,located in theS outh1/2of th e So uthEast 1/4 ofSection11,Township5 S outh,Rang e 8 1West oftheS ixth Princ ipal Meridian,more particu larlydescribedasfollows : Beginning atthe NEcorner of the $W 1/4 oftheBE1/4of sa id Section1 1;thence west erly along thenorth erly lineofsa id SW1/4 of t heSE 1/4 bearingsou th 8620'W ad istance of 167 .80 ft.toapoint: T henceso utheriyalonga line 167.80 ft.d istant fromandpara llel totheeastlineof sa idSW 1/4of theSE1/4,a d istanceof200 .00 ft.to apoint: T hence easterlyad istanceof167.80 ft .along a li ne200 .00 ft.d istant fromandparallel tothenorthl ineofsaid SW 1/4oft he S E 1/4 toapoin t on itseastline; T henceeasterlyonaline parallelto thenorthlineofthe SW1/4 ofthe SE 1/4of Section1 1,adistanceof50 .95 ft .to a point: Thencenorthe rly andparallel with thewes t li ne of theeast1/2ofthe S E 1/4 ofsaid Section 11,a distanceof200 .00 ft .to the pointof in tersec tio n with theexten sionofthe northli ne of theSW 1/4 of theSE1/4 ofsaid Section 11 ; T hence westerlyon a deflectivea ng le lett of 95 21 '00·along the extension of th e north lineofth e SW 1/4ofth eSE1/4of saidSection 11 ,adi stanceof5 0.95 ft.toth e NE cornerof theSW1/4 o!the SE1/4of S ection 11 ,being thepoi nt ofbeginning . •• Parcel B:T ractA.Vail Heights Filing NO .1 according to the recorded plat thereof. Applicant: Planner: ErichSchmetzko AndyKnudtsen 4 .Arequestfor amajor amendmenttoCascadeVillage,SDD#4,AreaA,MillraceIII, 1335 Westhave n Drive,Cascade Village ,more specifically descri bedasfollows : ApartoftheSW '1<,NE '1<,Sectio n12,T ownship5South,Range 81 West oft he 6th P.M.,described as follows: Beginn ingata point oftheNorth-South cente rline of saidSection 12whence aniron pin with a plasticcap marking the center of said Sectio n12 bears SOQ o3S'S6"W 455.06 feet;thence along said ce nterli ne NOQ o38 '5S-E 122.81 feet tothe sout herlyROW line of 1-70;thencedepartingsaidROWlineN66'53'25"E 39 .15 feet ;the nce departingsaid ROW line S81'23 '1 9"E 165.42 feettoapoint ofcurve;thence122.83 feetalong the arcof a 143 .20 foot radiu s curve tothe left.having acentral a ng leof49°08'51"and a chord that bearsS15'5T45"E 11 9.10feet ;thenceS40'32'1O"E 3.00 teet;then ce 66.30 feetalong thearcofa77.2 1 foot radius curveto th e righi,havin gacentrala ngle of 49'12 '10"and achordthatbears S15'56'05"E 64 .28 feet;thence 58 '40'OO"W 90 .27 feet;thenceN38'42 '24"W 224 .55 feet;thence 57 8'1 0'32"W 101 .44 feettothe Pointof Beginning . Applicant: Plann er: Micha el Lauterb ach Jill Kamm erer 5.Arequ est fora condi ti onal use permit to allo w for the expa nsion of theUpperEagle Vall eyConsoli datedSanita tion Distri ct admin istrative offic es,at846Forest RoadlLot 31,VailVillage 2ndFiling. App licant:Upper Eagle Valley Con so lida ted Sanitat ion Distr ict Planner :ShellyMello 6.A requestto amend Section 18.34 ,Park ing Zone District ofthe Vall Munic ipal Code to allo w cons tru ctio n stagi ng as a con ditio nal use . App licant:Town ofVail Planne r:Andy Knudts en 7 .An appeal ofa staff decision regard ing grand fathe red offi ce spac e in the Mill Creek Court Bu ilding,302GoreCreek Drive /a part of Blo ck 5A,Vail Villa ge First Filing . Appellant:NedGwathmey Planner:She lly Mello 8.A requ est for the establishm ent of aSpecialDevelopment District atthe Chri stiania a t Vail ,356 Hanso nRanch Road/LotD.Block2,Vail Village FirstFiling,and LotP-3, Block 5-A,VailVillage Fitth Fili ng. App licant :Paul Johns ton Planner :Mike Mollica 9.Any i tems tabled f romtheFebruary 24,1992 PECmeeting agenda. • Theapp lications and i nformationabouttheproposa ls are ava ilable forpublicreviewintheCommunityDevelopment Department office . TownofVail Commu nity Deve lopment Department Pub lishedin theVailTrailonFebruary21 ,1992 • 'JI'I" GoreRange Properties.In c. 5 11LionsheadMall Vail,CO8165 7 Destina tion Resorts Management 5 10 W.Llo nshead Gir. Vai l ,CO 816 57 Lionsh ead Arcade C o ndominiums 6 05 N .F ro ntageRoadWes t Vail,CO 81657 Pas sages Limited 53 'E.Llcnshea d C ircle Vail,CO81657 Mountai n Tees 529E.Lionshead Ci rcle Vail,CO 81657 e Llonshead R ea l Estate ,Inc. 531E.Li o n sheadCirc le Vail ,CO8 1657 Sa lly C la i r Th eYou ngerGeneration 29 1 B ridge Street Vail,CO8 1657 C harlieLangmaid Charli e's Go ndola SkiShop P.O .Box 159 Vail ,C O 81658 Ke nF riedman Ke nny 's Do uble Diamond SkiSho p P.O .Box 1 1 10 Va il,CO8 1658 A ndrew Haas Cookie Co mpany 52 0Lion shead M all Vail,CO8 1657 .torMartin Gala J ewelers 5 20 Llon shead M all V ail,CO 8 1657 J ohn Ro eser Va il Skie r Services 5 20L onshaadMa ll Vail ,CO8 1657 T omC leave land Cleaver's P.O.Box 26 75 Vall,C O81658 T im Cochra ne Vai l T·Shirt Company 520 L io n sheadMa ll Vai l,CO 81657 Roger H yatt A lfie Pac kers 536 W .Lionshead Mall Vai l ,CO 8 1657 •• Ik!~j./L I rj114f-~A /?~~C~{ '"J11'j,.,( )14 tt«/t/-vf :t rib I ,,/LJc/WJ ~I kcun h ~<M'/?u-.!>/~~ //-:2 5 -0/1 1 {,; r- V' ••.,, :coe RANGE PROPUl.rrfS LNC.1U~1'1'l:J~I DlES A!V GARlY'1>'S 511 UOllsh&l.d ~ll Vai l ,CO 81657 476-2482 ~l in.1ti oll Resorts Mdfli¥,ftll""mL 6 10 w.Liunshe.."ld ere Vail ,00 8 1657 476-13 50 WCtlSlW.JIll ARC'.ADE W'DlUNlt.MS 60 S N Frontage Road west Va il ,0)8 1657 416-0'J06 PAS.<>AGf:S L IMITfD 5J 1E.Lionshoad elr Vail ,'Co ijl ti~"l Kl..NI'AIN 'IUS 529 E .LiQf1St.-J elI Vail ,Co8 1657 476 -8953 416-9115 VJ\lL LIaGlF.N>RFAL t :>"I'A'l'l::1tC 531E .LialShood C1r Vail,00 81657 476-1 600 ,".• n it;yw«.m GfJ.;t](ATH J:~: S1:Illy Cla ir 191 lIri d<Jc's e. vau ,co 8 16 ~'" .O WtI.H:'5 lUlL01J\SKl S Ik:W n ~'T l i c V lIll,JIlilld r .o .Box 159 JdU.0::>0 1657 KUW 'S l.UJJlL.E DlNO;U SKI S!I)I' Y..l'11 l'l"1a.'1il1l 1'.0 .f1vx 1110 Vllil,00 81 658 (l..U(J ~;W 'JWN Alldn ....,",las :;20 Llon"Lh<.o..t.ld t1.iU vett ,co 6 1657 li/Il Jl,J l::.'WEI.tJIS vtr-tor-~!o u;t1 n 520 l ,ionGhn ..,d /0'.:,11 'Ja U ,UJ 6 1 6 ,7 VAIL Sin ER SI:1(VlCE:S J ohn sceccr 5 70 Lh'lI1shl-\:ld Ha 11 Vail co 81 657 I)J:AVrn 's 'J\JIl Cka vclanrJ 1'.0 ,l ~l X 2675 VII i),00 8 16!loB VAIl.1 -S1IlR'f W1PIINY Ti'n Ox:ltl "ane ~:.!O Lionshuad Ma ll V.11l Co 61651 I J J CJPo 1'1ICKJ-1l.S 1;'''..I''r lIya lt '.j(,w.Liamloe.!td full ·J.I ~I .00 81657 .., : ...".~-.-, .' • Sepfernber'5 ,,1 99 ~ • ~OCT28 1991 • Board of Directors Lionshead Centre Conckr.d niums 520 W.Lionshead Circle Vail,Colorado 8 1657 Dear Board Members , I am writing t o ycu about sane proj ects I have been ask ed to assist with pen::i1ng the approval of the Board of Directors . Unit 205 would l ike to enclose their liVing'rcan balcony in a rranner s imilar to uni t 21 2. Uni t 31 2 ccul.d like to enclose their living r oan balcony also .They would like to ha ve s ky lights like those in unit 31 0 .They \'oO\lld a lso l ike permis sion t o put i na Jacuzzi on the deck i n the l of t.I t would be s elf contained meaning no p lumbing 'wO uld be required o nly electrical installation. Should you have questions or cementa ,p lease feel free to contact me. Thank you for your a ssis tance . , Sincerely , Chus 1st Inco rsement Se p te mb er 12,1991 To :e Co rt ina:> , .:,'.' v , Enclosu re o f unit 2 05 bal cony is ap p rove d.Please n o t i fy Vai l Home r en t al su pon c omp le t ion s o balcon y a ss e ssm e nts c an be ch~rg e d to u ni t 20S 's quarter ly b ill . T he a bove statement a l so a ppl ie s to unit 312 '5 b al cony:pri or to installing three sky l ights and a d ding a j acu zzi t o u nit 312 a l egal document drawn up by Fred Otto must b es igned by the o vn~r ,association sec retary and p r esident .This d ocumen t vi II r e l ~~e the assoc iation for any liability due to r oo f dama g e, wat er leaks ,and struc tu ra l mo dif i cati onz . 'l%:.'t ,,~j...-f!e..,,;J.-a-CC :F re d Otto a n d L arr y Ba rne s P res ide nt ,LHC Con do Ass o ci at io n • -,'.d '"•September 5 ,1991 •, Board of Di rectors Ltcnuhecd centre Conda:Ii n illlTlli 5 20 W,LJonshead Circl~ vail,Cc.Lc rado 81657 I am writing to yc u about sere projects I have been asked to lIssist with pending the app roval of the Board of Directors . Unit 20 5 would li ke to enclose their liviOC)roan balcony in a manne r sir.tilar to unit 2 12. Unit 312 "''Q uld like to enclose their l ivin'1 l"OUll l:ulcony also .They would like to ha ve sky lights like Lhose I n unit 310.They loUUld also likc; permis adon t o pet i n a J acuz zi en tne Ueck i n t he l o f t.I t wc:u.ld be self cootained meaning no p lunb ing ...culd be r equired cn!y electrical installation . Sho uld you have questions or ccmnent s,please feel f ree to contact me. Thank you f or your a s sistance . Sincerely ,\\n{J V' O>us -~:.41~ 1st I nco rsement S e ptember 1 2 ,1 991 To :~Corti~ , .. En clos ure o r u n it 205 b a lcony is approve d,Pl ea se noti fy Vail Home r e nta ls u poncomp l et ion so b a lcony a ssess ment s can be ch~rged to u nit 20 S 's qu art erly b il l . The above s tatement a l so a pplies t ou n it 3 12 '5 ba lcony;p ri o r t o inst al li n ~t h ree sk y l i ghts and a ddi ng ~j a cuz z i t o unit :j 12 a legal d ocum ent d rawn u pby FredOt to fil ust be s ig ned b y t he own~r,a S$oc i ation secreta ry a nd p resi dent,This docume nt will re l ~~e the ass o ciati on for an yl ia bi l i ty due t o roof damage , wat er l e aks,a n d struct ura l \lIo<Jifi ca tiolls. -;/(.:.1,;"vJ ?.Jf.c.,,;--.CC :FredOt to andLa rry Ba r nes Prasic ent .LHe CondoAssociation ·. •".o:RE RlIN.A:PROl'EI\rIF',s I NC.OC'I"~lutES l\tID G.f\RDt1'.IS 5 11 Ltonahead ~1iill Vail,co 6 1657 4 76-2462 ~tination gescrt.s M.magauent 610 w.Lion~~Cir van ,W 61657 476 -13!:>O LIOOSHE:AD ARCADE o.xu:rw-ut"'lS 605N Frontage Road West Vail,W8 1657 47 6_0906 ,, PASSAG!:S LlHlnD S31E.Lionst-td err Vail,cc 81 651 lIU.tlCAlN -ress 529 E.LiQ'lShe.!ld err Vail ,co 8 1651 4 76-8953 47&-9115 , vAIL LICliSllEfID RFJ\L ESTA1'E INC: 5 31 E .Lionstle<ld Cir Vail ,co 8165 7 4 76-1600 ""•• W E 'i OUNGI-;R ~F.Kl\T lOO: sa lt y Clai r 291 Br idg e S t. Va il ,U>8 16~7 Ol!UU.U;I S <D'llOLA SKI SOO P Ch trl to J..a ngflkiid P .O.Bo x 15 9 ""'d il ,Co 8 1657 KEMN 'S lXXJ!lLE DI N>XlND SKI S IK:lP Ken Fri edman I'.D.Bo x 1 110 Vail .0)8 1658 t UJKU:CU1PANY Andn..>w Haa s 5 20 i .t cosbeee Mdll Vail ,co 8 16 57 GALA J Jo.'WELERS v tr-t.or-Hartin 520 Li o n sh eed Mall Vall ,ClJ 8 1657 VAIL SKl ~:R SEkVICES John Roe ser 520 Lionshead 11<111 Va il 0)81 657 rJ J:.:AVffi 'S 'ron Cleavela nd P.O .Box 26 75 Vail ,0)8 16~8 VAIL 1"-S III RT =tPJlNY Ti m Cochrane ~20 Lions head ~~ll Va il Co 8 1657 AI.F1E PACKERS I ~,:"'j (!r Hyatt ~-,H;W.Lionshead NaIl "1.1:1,00 816 57 •• ••, T 4'5'1 1 ----- ~-- .. '---'--.. v-:- t ~A ';'::,-1 r 0/ :l"'- K-Z l~ , Ut-i.-l L ::110 "-0:''' c.~,,--\-> ~:--_---N ~'----~ • r l't l rD,r;L c...Otv ~\I-Z05 ~ if) -~----~ •.' .,f revis ed 9/4/91 - Da teo fApplication m OCT :'g19 gt Da teo fPEe Meeting ___ APP LICATION FOR EXTERI ORALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORK I I LIONSIIXAD t .Planninga nd En vir onmental Commission(PE C)review i s r e qu ir ed f or the al tera tion of an exi s ting b uildi ng whi ch adds or removes a ny e n cl osed floo r area o r o ut doo r pati oo r the re placeme nt o f an ex is ti ng bu i ld ingl ocated i n the Ce ll Zo ne District .F OLL OWIN GPEeAPPROVAL,TH EPROJECT MUS TBE REVIE WED BYTHEDESIGN REVIEW BO ARD (DRB ). <2-1 11 Co 11- PHO NE b NAM EOF ADD RESS A. The application will n ot b e a c cepted unit al li n fo rmat i on and fees a re submitte d. B .NAME OF AP!'.LlCANT'~~RJ;:.S EN3ATl VE CA.w6 ~r.a f.~+!ivA AD DRE1 SS '::>.;){)G ~~AJA _c..."'i'c...fC ___.,lAei C '7 ''ilc Sj-PHONE 't (,--1<)1) (LESS THAN (M ORE THAN PHONE DES CR I P TI ON LAX!20 >;!-c!::1.,LO,?",I:n;OFPROPOSAL: ~i:f.J=.(><.f Cit.AD DRESS,__;-_ FEE v'$2 00 .00 __$5 00 .00 100 SQ .FT.)'1'0 Y,..s<';)~ 100 SQ.FT .) PAI D $2 00 l ""CK ~1.6/~BY /{M17 <{fl Kte f2:<o..-+ THE FEE MUST BE PAI D BEF ORE THE COMM UN ITY DEVELOPMEN T DEPARTMEN T WILL ACCEP T YOUR PR OP OSAL . NAME OF OWN ER S )(&Or '¥o r Ty V,c.+O e.k:!lAlll\!/.J.O'--___ 1<S IGNATURE (S) AD DRESS D . E. C . II .PRE-APPL ICATIONCONFERENCE : A pre-app licat io n confer ence witha pl anni ngs taff membe r is s trong ly su ggest edt o de termi n e if any addition al info rmati o n i s needed .No app lica t ion will be ac cept ed unless i t i s complete (m u st i ncl ude a ll items requ ired by the z on in g a dmi nistrat or ).It is th ea p plica nt 's respo n sibility t o make a n appo int ment with the staff to fi nd ou t about a d di ti onal submitt al r equ iremen t s. III.PLEAS ENOTE THAT A COMP LETE APPLICATI ON WILL STREAML INETHE APPR OVAL PROCESSF OR YOUR P ROJE CT BY DECREASINGTHENUMB ER OFCONDIT IONS OFAPPR OVAL THA TTHEP EC MAY S TIPULATE.ALL CONDIT IO NS OF APP ROVAL MUS TBECOMPLIED WIT H BEF ORE A BUI LDING P ERMIT IS ISS UED.THE FOLLOWING MU ST BE SUBMI TTED : A .I mprovement surve yo f property sho wing pr operty li nes and loc ation of b uildi ng a nd an yi mpr ovements o n the land . B .A l ist of the n ames o f o wners o f all p r operty adj acent to t he s ub ject propert y INCLUDING PROPE RTY BEHIND AN D ACR OSSS TRE ETS ,and their mailin g addr esses.THE APPL ICANTWILL BERESP ONSIBLE F OR COR RECT MAILING ADD RESSE S. lh tl aSS OU4,h-" bb'f-"1 VA"L c...>'ii !(.5t I 1 <\-71.-~"o , ••'".,,-',-k "-u ."*"d{,-"..--~-"-". I TOWN OF VAIL ~· "· "DEPARTMENT OFCOM MUNITY DEVELOPMENT -.• SALES ACTI ON FORM ., , !', ~..1 I,.;. "DATE:,,·-,":£>,COST EA . • ACCOUNT NO .ITEM ,';N O .T OTAL I ;,. · f:JU I .Yf t do~<- 01 ססoo41330 COM .DEV.APPUCAnON FEES It 0 1 ססoo41540 ZONINGAND ADDRESSMAPS 55.00 IF 0 1 ססoo 4 24 15 UNIFORMBlJILDlNGCODE 550 .00 I, 01 ססoo 4 24 1 5 UNIFORMPLUM BING CODE 536 .00 I;, "•0 1 ססoo 4 24 15 UNIFOR MMECHAlnCALCOD E 532 .00 I•0 1 ססoo 424 1 5 UNIFORM FIRECOD E 536 .00 i % 0 1 ססoo424 1 5 NATIONAL ELECTRIC ALCODE 530 .00 ".~, 0 1 ססoo 424 15OTIIERCODE BOOKS :J, 0 1 ססoo 41548 BLUEPRINTS (MYLAR S)57.00 I ~ 0 1 ססoo4 2 4 1 2 XEROX COPlES I S11JDlES 5015 I; 0 1 (XX)()42 37]PENALTY FEES I RE ·INSPECTIONS Ii, 0 1 ססoo 42322 OFFHOUR5INSPECTION FEES I ;0 1 ססoo 4 1 4 12 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES ·"0 1 ססoo 4 1330 OTIIERFEES ,,·0 1 ססoo 4 14 13 SIGN APPLIC AnON FEE 520.00 ,'", oi oooo 4-/>'>'0 l';'(_'A ~!--fl ~-'J >~I '").()o "!:x-Jn '::--I I ,,~ ':, l'"-1 'C<' I;· ·•••'"r nIYN D • h,,/+t,y I01..ntt ..s i or;",' C O MM ENTS : -,."'. ,-,. l vIVX V ·• •.-to u,," •• TOWN OF Vt=lIL Ml sce l l a~Cas h 15:46:1 F~~~lP~•07~t4{ uc cuo t •-\..1615 JO'LISTV :;PlrE El-1TE:~PF.:'I::.E:>'[ft.':'E:(rf #:1 615.:11;>15-fr+"'"_"...1".. ~:vn'er.ce r .<:._0.~ 1 tern p ~i d 01(1U004 3.:"~"( 13100004 1~3l~13u0 tIJrnE"d Ahoun 1.pa I d 20 .00 -\)"'6 20'-'.00 -Vee- e .flO THI::aNK YOU 'r'0'0"e stu er IEPH~NI~ •• Present Chu ck Cri st Diana Don ovan Ludw ig Kurz Kathy La ngenwalter Jim Shearer Ge na Whi tten Absen t Connie Kn ight PLANNINGA ND ENVIRONMENTAL CO MMISSION Oct ober28.1991 Staff Kri stan Pritz MikeMollica Jill Kamm erer And yKnudtsen S hellyMello Am ber Blecker Mary Dewing Pri or to th emeeting.anextensivesite vis itwas performed forthe review ofthe Streetscape Master Plan.The foll owing a rethe not es taken during that sit e visit. Mike Molli castated the written report hadbeen based on the con ceptu al design plans,and expressed that hewanted the Commiss ionto focus on discussing each sub-area and offer inform ationto stre ngthenthe intent of each sub -area. Kat hyLan genwalterexpressed t hat ce rtain s treets s houldb e labeled.Sp ecitically.she ind icated GoreCreekPromenade.W illow Bri dge and Mill CreekCircl e shouldbe labeled on thekeymap . C huck C rist was co ncerned tha tWill ow Cir clew as exc ludedfrom the plan .Mikerep lied that nochangeswereenvisio nedfor th ata rea,alth ough something co uld be implemented inthe futur e. Diana Donovan no ticed that.inthe keymap,Hanson Ranch Roadconnected through to th e eas t.w henit actuallydidnot.and t hatp ortions hould be d eleted . KathyandDianaexpresse d th at,onpage1,the Vail Vill agea nd Lion shead Urban Design G uidelines s houldb e mo rec learlyst ated.Diana b elleved thatalloftheplann ing docum ents in theTown of Vail shouldbereference d.Shealso mention edthat allofthe names of the plazasand public spacessho uldbe ch ecked,asshequestion ed if Slifer Plazawas also know nas Sli fer Square .. Diana did not believe that using ind ividu alstorenames was appropri ate.as theychanged frequenliy. Mike discus sed the EastUonsh ead Circle and Library llce Arena Plaza sub-area .He discu ssedinclusi onof bike s with vehic ulartraffic andpedestri ans.especially the concern for thebicycles goi ng thro ughthe plaza.indicating th e plan discussed a dismount a rea atth e Li brary.It wastho ughtthe dism ounta rea couldcontain the area between the two control gates.Kathyd id not think b tcycllstss houldb e in cluded withthe ped estrians .Diana didnot 1 •• Theold ski mus eum location w as di scussed.withChu ck sugg esting an artwork be placed on that s ite. Kathybe lieved the interse ction atthe corner ofVailRoadandEast Meadow Drive should be softened.perhaps by curvingthe angl es . MovingtotheCrossroads areaof East MeadowDrivesub-area .Diana felttherewasareal problem withso many po stsinth e ar ea,andanatt empt to includelighting within t he pl anters should be utilized to eli minate someof the posts . Th ea reaonWill ow Bridge Roadwhe re it waspro posed to become aon e-way str eet w as dis cussed.Kathybeli eved thata landscape feature should beadd ed tod elin eale the chang e froma tw o-way street toon e-way.Diana was concerned w ith theradiusofthe Crossroads C ircle turnaround.andsugg e sted thatsom e of th e larg er trucks m ay nothave e nough turnaround r oom. The ne xt sub-area t o b e discussed was t he areaar ound t he Tra nsportatio n Center .Kathy strong ly ques tion ed the abse nce ofa sidewalk alongth e northside o f East Meadow Dr ive,as s hefe lt on e was neededa djacentto th e Tr ansportation Cen ter.Onthe west endof the T r ansportation Center,the crosswalks alsoneede d soften ing,s imilar to what was p roposedat Vail Roa d . Jim and Diana b elieved th e a rea infron t o ft heSo nnena lp Au stria Hauss houldbe rest udied. Di ana was concerned thatthe p laza areainfrontoftheT ransportation Center had turned Into ave rylarg eex panse. Chu ck w as concerned withwhe re a skier d rop -off couldbe located.He sa id there was no curr ent drop-off area,andDianaconcu rred withthatassessment forth e Village ar ea. Di ana d idno t beli eve the si dewalk o nthe w ests ideofVillageC enter Drivewa s necessary. Mi ke sa id itcould be alow priority,dependi ng on what oc curred onth e South s ide ofthe Fron t age Roa d . TheCh ildren 's Fo untain was the ne xt ar ea tobe discussed .Diana said thatthe footings for a ll ofthesta tuesinthecent e r ofthe founta in were unsafe andshou ld be removed.Shealso sta ted thewall s houldbe r emovedto make th e founta in m or e openandinv iti ng.Kathy agreed wit h Diana's assessment. Se ibert Cir c le wa s disc ussed ,w ith Diana b elieving a large treeshou ld bema intained in t he c ircle,asit wastradi tional.Shr ubla ndscaping was n ote noughforthisarea,andshe believed thep lan should specifi cally calloutf or ala rg eeve rgreentre e w ithin t he circ le . Diana suggested scre ening the alley b ehind t heClo ck Tower (eastof Gorsuch Buil ding). Chu ck b eli eved thesouthendo f WallSt reet wou ld beanap propriate locat ion for artwork. Kristan suggested researching thee asementad jacent toth e Ru cksack to determine ifit had p ublic orpr ivateo wnership .andtod et ermineifitcou ld beanaccess fromBridgeStr e el lnto 3 •• Kathy was interested in i nvestigatingus ings toneor other materia ls for benches asan artistic . s tatement.Shebe lieved anopt ion should be mad e ava ilable foroth er type s of benches. D iana b elieved that n atural sea ting shou ld beutilized . Ji m Shearer was concerned that ad e lineation between pedestrian s and au tomobi les occu r wh en both are as w ereatt he sa me grade .Hesugg ested runn ing a "ooubte soldiers course: Diana was concerned withthe abundan ce ofp avers .a ndsugg ested lookingatthe costs. Kalhy sugg esled cons tructingthe bu sla ne outofa sphalt alongtheso uth s ide ofth e T ransportationC enter .D iscussion en sueda boutexcluding pavers in ce rtain a reas.M ike sugges ted hav ing anoptfon forpaversvs.asphalt inother areas as well . D Iana reiterated theneedforland scaping atthetirestationon West Meadow Drive.Jim suggested installing ap lanter alongtheeastsideatthe Villagefires tation to buffer the parking .Thiscould diminish and screen someofthe asphalt andcarsInthe station area. J im also suggested encouraging private galleries to display art .After a discussion regarding logistics,Kathy s uggested referencing theArtinPub lic Places Master Plan. Onpage54 ,t hes treamwalk was notmen tioned,andKathy asked it be d iscussed in con junction w ith theped estrian b ridge .Sh eals ofelt S lifer Plaza should bee xam ined,with t he p oss ib ility o fthe rock wa lls b eing removed tromthe fountain ino rder toresto re it to its o rig inalco ndition . Page98 .thes ectionon t he walls .Kat hysai dw allcap sshould no t bed iscouraged,and the u se atlarge bo ulders pl aced a t thee ndo f w allssh ouldno t beencouraged,and t he document shou ld sp eak o f v ariety.Shed id not like t he statement th at t he wa llss hould n otbe ge ometric,b utf ree-form,stating that was too broad. Onpage112,thefocal points shouldst art w iththe Children 's Founta in.andSl ifer Plaza should be added. Kathyco mmented that .on p age 1 13 ,th e ex isting paragraphs should be combi ned .On page 1 14,t he re was aspacingp roblem and lypo. Kathym entioned lookingintothepo ssibility of Seibert Circle becoming a performance space. Diana b elieved th e ma ster plan should includeaninformation kiosk wh ich explains in "English " t he regulationsfo rb ikes,leashlaws,etc .Sh e al so mentioned the concern regard ing signs. b elievingt hereshou ld be less signage.Ad iscussiontookpla ce r egardingsignage .She m ent ioned c losing C halet Road immediately across f rom Golden Peak where thes ki Instru ctors pari<,sugg esling m aking apo cket pa rk ofthespace. D ianaex pressedaneedfor sa fetyrailingalong port ions ofthe stream walk.Kalhy disagreed , s tatingthatif arailing wer e ne cessary,astre amw alks houldnotb e constructed inthat location.How ever.the o verall con sensus was infavor ofa natural railing wh ich followed th e s teeper banks of th es treamw alk . 5 •• Jim Shearer asked Ifthe Forest Serv ice was in favor ofthese drilling activ ities .Rich said it w as adefiniteincome produce r,but the localdistrictwasnot necessarily a proponent of drilling . Jimexplained It washis experience that,duringservici ng ofthe rigs,oil couldbeg in toflowin significantamounts.The re waspotentia l fortheoperat ion to -b low·aswell.Hewasseriou sly concerned about the potential impacts suchleasescouldhave ,both v is ually and environmentally,totheValley.HecautionedtheFo rest Service andthe Commission tobe v erycarefulwithsu ch leases . Richinformed theComm issioners thereweresomefederallimitationsrestrictingdrilling operations,especia lly with regard topo pulation centers,wetlands,etc.Hesaid there were8 existing leasesinEag le County,northof Avon., Kathy asked howlonga lease ran.Rich was no t sure.Hesai d itwasa negotiable item. Kathy also questioned jf exp loration wereno t s uccessful,was t he lessee requiredto returnthe areatoa natural s tate .Rich indicatedoneoft he lease requirements w asaperfo rmancebond for that eventuality. J im Shearer asked i fdr i lling couldocc ur onprivate mini ng claims inthecou nty.Rich said t he mining claims we re specific asto m ineral,wi th oiland gas p recluded. Ge na asked ifa specific r egulationcould be Implemen ted toensureany drilling ope rations wouldbea certain distan ce fromthe s kiarea .Richsaidthe district had looked intothat op tion ,buthad decided not toinc ludeit.However,certain distances co uld be recommended, wi th the political implications helping toe nsurelittleorno d rillingi n thearea . Chuck Crist asked w hatd efin itionofskia rea wasus ed t od eterminethea rea where no overlapping surface leases couldo ccu r.Joe Macy ,Managero f Mountain Ope ratIons fo rVail Associates,saidit was theex isti ng skiarea,withthe p otential,approved expansion,as indicated inthe Forest Serv ice special usepe rmit. Chuck was concerned more wi th poten tial roads associated withd rilling operations thanw ith the wells themse lves. Dia na Donovan requestedt hat "over ridge "bo un daries fro m Vail b eestab lished toe nsuren o drillingwou ld take p laceinth eva lley .Richagreedt hat visual sensitivity inareass uch as Spraddle C reek a ndPineyLa ke were concerns o f t he Forest Service aswell. Jim asked ifwildl ife b reeding a nd calvinga reas we re alsotakeni nto consi deration when lease areaswere d etermined.Richsaid t heywe re ide ntified,a ndth e ForestSe rvicew asstill d evelopingalist o f theiss ues and concerns wit h leases int hearea . Kathy asked ifth ere wasnoise associated withthewe ll o peratio ns .Ric h sa idm ostofitwo uld be generated duringm aintenance,b ut ilwouldbe prettyli mited .J im di sagreed ,stati ng If there wa s no electricity onthe site,there would beadisti nct popping n oise. Kathyalsoin quired if lighting would beu sed.Richsaiditwou ld on ly beusedwh ile dr illing. 7 •• Jim Shearer asked forthe definition of plant material.Kri stan said it was normal plant Items, including fertilizer a nd associ ated Items.Jim tho ught ch emica ls should be excl uded from sale. as hedid not believe thedrainage on the site was adequate . Kathy lang enwalt er wondered if the bedding plant bus ine ss which operates on theWestVail Te xaco propertyduringtheSpringwouldrequire a conditional useperm it.Kristanexplained thebedding plant outl et wasa legal.non -conforming USB,asthe use was in place when the areawas annexed bythe Town .However,if the bedding plant outletsales discontin ued for mo re than one year,thebusinesses legal,non-conform ing use status would terminate . Kathyhypothesizedthatthe term "se asonal"could resultin full-yearoperation s onthe site .as there could be spring "season",summer "seas on".fall "se ason"and wint er "season".Jill indicated theperiod of time during which a bus iness operated could be regulated through the condit ional usepermit proces s.Kristan added that a time limitation could be placed on the conditional use perm it.Kathy encouraged such lim itation ,commenting th e "seasoner 'sales in Eagle-Vail were not attractive .Kathy furth er wanted toinsure any fenc ing In conjunction with su ch aconditiona l usepermit was proper .Krista nremindedthe Commissio n an appli cant would havetocome before thePEGto obtain a conditional use permit approva l andORB approva l before a usewasa llowed . Ned Gwath mey,whoownspropertyadjacent to theWest VailTexaco (Wendy's),complained aboutthe gasol ine stations curren tpracticeof storing junk vehi cles onthe western edgeofthe prop erty,Headvocated a mending thecodetoallowseasonal plant sales onthe Wes t Vail Te xaco site,sayi ngChristm astreeswe re betterthan junk cars. Chuck Cr ist asked Ifapples could be soldinthefall,Healso wonde red iftheareacouldbe requi red tobe cleaned upas part ofthe conditiona l usepermit.Diana Donovan suggested a time lim it for the cond itional use.advoca ting 45-60 days,with a co nditio n any struct ure on the site be removed afte r mattimeperiod,Krlstan sa id it would bepossib le tolimit tne conditional use permit toa specifictime pe riod,but th at the applica nt would be able to apply for another perm it.She also suggested atim e limitationbeInclu ded in thedefini tion of "seesonal plant rnaterial ."and further the definition include specific types ofplant materials (i.e.,Christmas tre es,seasonalplants)which cou ld be so ld . Jim asked thatbul k chemica l sales in quantiti es greater than 25 pounds be proh ibit ed as well, and theDesign Review Board cou ld look atthe entire pro perty during their review. The consens us ofthe Commiss ion was to limit the seasonal sale of plant materialtoa period of not greater than60days . Any conditional use permit will be granted to the owner of the property on whichthe busin ess will be located.Therefo re the property owner will be respo nsib le forthe seasona l busi ness plac ed on his prop erty. Kathy Lang enwalter movedtorecomme nd approval of th e requ est toamend Chapter18.30 - HeavyService ,Section18.30 .030-Co nditional UsesoftheTownofVa il Zo ning Code.in ord er to allow seasonal saleofplant material as a condit ional usewith the stipulation that a definition of "seasonal plant sales"be added totheCode.including theprovision a business 9 •• Frontage Road,other optionsbeconsidered ,Hedid notwanttheapplica nts topromi se so meth ing whichmaynotbeabletobede iivered .Kristan respondedthat ifth e Colorado Departm ent ofHighways(CDOH)d idnot approve theadditiona l landscaping ,then10 evergreens(6-10 feet)wouldbeinsta lled southofth e Westhave n Apartm ent fou ndations . Shellyaddedt hat itthe CDOHapprovedon ly apartofthe landscapingontheFro ntage Road, then 10trees would also be required tobeInstalledat Westhaven .Ned agreed to coordinate the specific number andlocation ofthe trees with the Town .Shelly voluntee red staff 's efforts tohelpcoordinatetheapprova l processwithCDO H. JimShearer a sked whatKevinMcTavish waswanting performed .Ned believed .based on convers atio nshe had with Kevi n.that the main concern was that there be a treatment on the corn erbetween the Cosgr iff parcel and Millrace .Shelly proposed that,when the appli cation came before theDesign Review Board,a joint landscapi ng plan would be requ ired atthat po int.MarkS mith haddifficulty with that provision ,statingIhatthebankcouldnotbe responsible forap roperty own ed byanother party,andthatcond ition was notpract ica l. Kris tan saidstaff would trytoget togethe r with Kevi n before the ordina nce was fi nalized . Jim qu estione d if itwould be a probl em toobtain the necess ary easement fro m the Westin. JerryMulliken ind icated itprobablywouldnot ,b ut he d idnot knowatth at li me. Ludw ig Kurz asked if there wereany setback encroach ments associated with the pro je ct. She lly answe red the only encroachmentwas for roo f overhangs .as theywereless than 60 feetfromthe Westin.Ludw iga lso wondered ifth e gradewou ld beraised fortheunits .Ned said itwouid be raisedappro ximateiy 2feet.Sh elly elaboratedthat th e roof ridgewouidbe changedifnecessary. She lly a sked ifthe Commi ssioners want ed the ord inan ce to call outthespecific GRFA to -the project.and if stairs and mechan ical shou ld be counted or given the set credit.Kat hy -.ed that the curren t GRFAdefinitions beused,with no credits given except forthe300 s c for each enclo sed garagespace. After adiscu ssion of the landscaping,Chuck Crist moved to appro ve the request fora minor subd ivision to Millra ce IV .Speci al Developm ent District No.4.CascadeVl11age,generally iocated so uth ofMiilraceCondo miniums andwestof TheWestinResort .Vail ,andmore spec ifically described asfollows : Apartofthe SW 'I.NE 14 ,Section12.Town ship 55 ,Range 81 Waf the6th principal meridian ,Cou nty of Eagl e,State ot Colorado,described asfollows : Beginning at apoint when cean iron pin with plastic cap marki ngthe center of said Sectio n 12bears 5 42°50 '19-W669 .34 ft :thence 5 85 °43'14"E89 .84 tt: thence 5 57°25'30"E 169.46 tt:thence 5 32 °59'30"E 141.47 ft:t hence 5 65°3 1 '36"W95 .04 ft:thence 5 69 °01'36"W103.02 ft :thenceN23°24'09"W 319.09 tt to the pointofbeginning . Ludw ig Kurzseconded th e mot ion.Itwas approv ed by a vote of 6·0. 11 • 13.Appr oval ofminut es from S eptember 23.1991 me eting. • JimSh earer movedtoapprovethemin utes aspr esented.C huckC rist seconded themotion . It wasapp roved 3-0 -3,withthe abstentions duetothe members bei ng abse nt fo r themeeting in question. 14.Approval ofminutes fromO ctober 14,1991 meeting. LudwigKurzmovedtoapproveth e minutes as p rinted .Chuck Crist seconded the mot ion.It was un animously appro ved,6-0 . 9.Review of proposed Eag le County fireplace policies. Planner:Krista"Pritz The le tter was presented b ystaff,andu nanimous ly appr oved withchang es noted bystaff .that thepolicyapp ly toparcel s of5acresorl ess. 10.Hel/iew of Homestake IIletterto EagleC ounty . Planner :Krista"Pritz Kristan Pritzinformedth e Commissio ners of thestatus oftheHomes take II process. Afterabriefrec ess ,theCommissionreco nvened toconsider the following . 7 .Reviewof the Vail Streetscape Master Plan for formal recommendation totheTown Co uncil.TheMasterPlan addressesthe generalareafrom E.Lionshead Cir .toFo rd Par k,andincludes W .MeadowDr .,E.MeadowDr .,W illow Bridge A.I G nre Creek Dr ..Vai l Va lley Dr.,Bridge St.,andHanson Ranch Rd . A pplicant:TownofVail Plan ner:Mike Mollica KathyLangenwaltermovedto recommendto TownCouncilapproval ofthe Streetscape MasterPlan.TheMas ter Planaddresses the genera l area fro m E.uonsheaoC ir.toFor d Park.andinc ludes W .Meadow Dr.,E.Meadow Dr.,W illow Bridge Rd .,Go re Creek Dr.,Va il ValleyDr .,BridgeSt.,andHansonRanchRd.The motionwasco ndit ioned uponall ofthe comm ents mad e duringth e site vi sit andpublic hearing be includ ed.J im Sh earer seconded themotion.Itwasunanimo usly approved,6-0 . T herebe ing nofurtherbus iness,the meetingwas adjourned. 13 _."c ~ , " -•Project Application e o e..'A 3 <-~ • Date /2-b -9 / 140.,TU£ Pro ject Des cript ion:_ Co ntac t Perso n and Phone tPOOL-1 SPA- O wner.Add ressa nd Pho ne: A rchitect.Ad d ress andPhone : 5 LA JAL L l AtJa lJA.)l r-~3 l 2... M otion by : Design Review Board D a te /2..-{,•1/ Secon ded by ' ,!j //, ! I V I "I ~, DISA PPROV AL JI J \ ~a fl Ap pr ov al · .,,"',,."".'\""\;;"h"''&.wI:",.,,~:t'""'''''''''W.b "g ,,.•.,'"",fA . ;,,'""",-,-*0 ~;>;=,-",.h<"'-"~,,H.,:::;': •~ '"I TOWN OF VAIL ~; •DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l« ~. SALES ACTIO N FORM II ·11•.•... DATE: 1' ACCOUNT NO.;•I TEM ...•,,"~••h ;o:C OST EA.TOTA l.11•. '>,I ' 0 1 ססoo 41330 COM.DEV.APPLICATION FEES ,. 01 ססoo 4 1S40 ZONING ANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 I ~II01ססoo42415UNIFORMBun.DING CODE $50.00 01 ססoo 42415 UNIFORM Pl.UMBINGCODE 536 .00 · 01 ססoo 42415UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 01 ססoo 42415 UNIFORM FIRECODE $36 .00 01 ססoo 42415 NATIONAL ELECIlUCAL CODE $30.00 • 01 ססoo 42415 OTI!ER CODE BOOKS Z··01 ססoo 41548 Bl.UE PRINTS IMYLARS)$7.00 0 1 ססoo42412 XEROX COPIES I STUDIES $0.25 01 ססoo 42371 PENALTY FEES IRE·INSPECTlON S , 01 ססoo 42322 OFFHOURS I NSPECTI ON FEES • 01 ססoo414 1 2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES ססoo 4 1 33 0 OTHERFEES ·01 % 01 ססoo 4 1413SIGN APPLICATI ON FEE $20 .00 , 0 1 ססoo • •t••.. ,•:~. '.::• I- I.; ~ 11.... I;'• I"f••, COMME1'iT S:I ."leiIi'•11~"·•·I :' , ~•.~."'.~''''Yf"''<,~~.",.,-<;",>~""~..<-~,~"'j:'."'''''-.:"""""''',-,~'t,~'~'-~:':<:"~.0~,;<·"~,:,':'::':~:".'~.j,,,'",.,.-,,w."'~'~''"',:'';",.,;".$<-:" r • Mi scell aneous Cash ..o?-....10t •,L~11 ••c •, "")1:,..0, ""'0 !telll p·ol!d l:.1~~-:01.:J'j r-ed THH NI<YO U QrlTE I II l ) J • September 5 ,1 £"~1 Iloard of Directors Lfona head Centre Co nclcn1n it1.i\<; 520 W.Li onshean Circle Vai l.Co lorado 81657 •~. ~._----------.----- r a rn \.."1"lting to y Cll about COOle p rcj ecte I have been 3wk ed t t)'a'S:si s.t ""1th peOdlng the approval o f thu Board o(bi ract ors. Unit 2 05 \10l.l1d li k e to e nc 'loee their liv ing rcon balo:>ny in amann er similar to un t t 2 12. Unit 31 2 would like to o ne l oco l.hC lI:li\'i ng rOOITI balcony also .Th oy ...:ouId like t o ha ve cky li gh t ~like thoGC in unit 3 10 .They vou ld a l ~o l!J.-..e pormrce.rcn to ?\-It 1n a JA cu:!;::l o n the ~k 1n t he l ott o It would be SQ!f conta ined ~~ni ng no plumb ing would be l~ired only cl~ctrie~l i ns tal lati o n. Sh ould you have quQct ions or ccesront .s ,p keeco £991 frHA to eontiacb rr..... Th <,mk you f or your ass Lat.ence , 1st I n t;!o f .,;e me nt T o I Ch u b: 12 .199 1._--. C OL ti ll "//'"U....{;3 (b «'(,)-. 0'1"-'('".:IJ oW">v>~.ftJ ~ll c lQ ~u r~o f U flit 205 bol~cny i s ~p p r o v ed .Pl ea se no l ie y V ~i l li o M ~r~n t a l a up on com p l ~L lo n so b~l c o ny aa5eB~rnents can b ~c har ged t o unit 20 5 '~qu~r~erly b il l. Th ~abov e st a te ment a lso ~ppli ~s to U illt :12 '3 b~lcon r~p ~i o r to i n st all i ns l ltre e s ky li g h L~AnJ ~ddlng ~ja;uzzi Lv un it ;l:.!a l e gQl coclI me:l l dr e vn ~p b y t re d Otto mus t,b e .5 ign~d b y the owner ,a ~~o c iatl o n s e cr~tar7 a nd pr~sident.T hi5 ~oc u rn ent wi ll,. re r e ev et he 1)'5 ~c<;i l\l i o n f o r a n y li ah t l it }·etu e t.c,LoOOr d lll':'l age, WatC:l:t e ou e,i:IIIJ ee r uc ecr...l moe!i t lC<.lt lulI :J • ./;J.'.<:<:--7 :J.~t.,;......- Prc!J i dant,L if e Condo A s~u l.:i <1t i on CCl Fr ~~Otto a n~L a rry DdC.les ...... " _.~._",.....,.....',~~.""..._""~"'"'''''H'";.,~••·...1.'....••.... Novol'lb.,..n ,19'al Chua 11~1A I..flr<:11 d e Co ,..t J 1"1.01 Llonah68d Cente r 131 0 V.l l,Cnln"'ado ~JG S7 Su bJ ect ·Oft .:!.{\n al pu Unit 1:'\1 2.Llrn ..h e~d Cen t er- Vul,Colorodo Doot'"e nU l 1 TI,,"o 1 .t o co n '~l"fII\t hll\I to"....,.....111 101 '11.1 I he O..~1 !1t lf 1g 3t ""C t u '~f or t ho ,o u \ll t.I .e ~·a t 0 '11 U P ~8 "Ic.".~J s I Urd\a3 1Z in l l,o L I01lt<"Udo d r o ute r-. I h."v 1!d n tfll "1'Ilne d t hel 11 ~.c 'I P Ai ble lJf o",p~'H"ltf ''i,l t I .e ltll o per s e n "J e t ae tt er-" IHI'"jlY t h@o H<.>t S pr ln Q.C rJl1C'.5n y th.,t )'O ~"W I":'fJ ;'U~O!>ln g t o place I n BU I liI l""l:lfh S1nce ,.."Jy v cur e, UOVI.f.ENGI NEt;IHNG.I NC. T !~oth y M.Boy la.P.e . Pre ll!de ot ,.. " p R o D •I G J •ET5ETTE R' Th e perfect spa for s maller spaces and tighter budgets.Ir s allthe s pa you couldask for-with plenty of room fo rfourandlots of hydrotherapy options.And allthis luxur y is availabl e ataprice you wouldn 't expect.TIle Prodigy is also s ized to fit throu ghas tandard door way,so find ing the right s pace is easy. Findin g the time toenjoy it iseven eas ier. Thebe st-looking ,highest-q uality twa- person spa you can buy.It offersthe perfect intimateexperience for th e twoofyou.Butit's s urprisinglyroomyand affordable.too.Sit face- to-face or s ide-b y-s ide whil e oneofyou e njoys the Mota-M assage loungeandthe otheris s oothedby the s tationary jets.It's aperfect place tosoak awaythe s tress of a busy day. ~lets l OLli,l'ICl~Cl lllg I MOI!rMas;ai:Cjc ~3 ad.US Ll:Jlc tTyd rothoer"P"l';eu 5'.6'7"x 27't."H I IOvolL1.5kw,ld nlC ~~ll'd.'c qu<r ~dl'lkd ll-a 20 :unp "«WIt -eceotaoe meLded .l.~standard F~(t"-t o·f¥e or sce-ey-soe recbner ~deep lclulge V ~ Etrectr.e Filter Art=i Heuer: Hyd rojet Pump ' Se~t,ng Type : Jet Conf'gun.tlOt!: Co-ne H~y iJ.L f.aec SlC B to2l,mcludmg I tc~trC<lffi for f'!e l ca-esa-c e-e-b.l~"4 ~dl v;t.WIe h~.:ro l r.,;,rapv ~tI Ele<trl ul ~fety: Hydrolet Pl,IIT\P: Healer: Se ~[ing C1pK.ity , Effective Filter Ar e ~ SeatingType : WJler C~Clry: [eeConf,g uratlOll: IIO~t.I5 k....S"..J1'Ile\s~~recores dt'do(a l~20 =-__-:-__~.~""='"~'=~~'="~q>~.=~1e,ndudt:<;.:ol~~t4r·c"'=''C-.__ Tllermol~ISens'tlYlt~,P\us iXnllOl.l:i I ocgrccF • L ••••• I •••• M ••••• I •••••e. T •••• E •••• D WARRANTY FIVE YEAR STRUCTURAL /PLUMBING WARRANTY: Watkin s I\lanufaclur in.'!Corporation warrants the HOT SPRIS<;e Portable Spa not t o leak for fiveye ars from its purchase dale .Thi s warran t}'s pecifically CO\1~r s leaks from the E~Dt.:l{o L "s pa s hell. ....all fitting s,je t fitting s,internal plum bing,internal gluejoints. fre eze drains.an d <I II bonde d part s . FIVE YEAR SURFACE WARRANTY: watkin s I\bnufltcturinl(Corporation warra ntsth e E!\DUROL s urface tinis h of t he HOT S P RINt ;Por\ahlt'Sp a nut ttl pe e l.crac k ,wr inkle or delaminate .for it lk'ril Ki.of five yt'a rs fmm it s purcha-u-rlxte. FIVE YEAR COMPONENT WARRANTY : Watkin ..Ma nutact uring CmpOnlticlfI warrant sth e ele ctrical com ponents.he ale rs.pumps .MOTO·I\.lASSi\(;F.'.jrb<.a nd othe-r li ar SPRI:\G Portable Spa componentsagair rst malfullC tion.leaking Of defects in ma terials or workmanshi p for a pe riod of nvc yea rs from its purchase date .Filter cartridges and lill:h t bulbs arenot included In this wa rranty,buta re warramed to be fr ee fromd efects in mat erials or workmanship a t th e time of delivery to the originalconsume r.Spa covers.nxonepurifications ystems.je t replacement kit s and other spa accessories are I'pl't~i l k al1r t'xdude d fr umthis war r amv .allhough t ht'~· n13 ~'be co vered by ethe r war ranlit",from t he ir manufacturers .Ph-ase check withyour HOT SPI<I:-.J G Ucaler for details. ONE YEAR TILE AND WOOD SKIRTS WARRANTY : Watkins :>'l anufaclUrinjl Corporationwarrants the ceram ic ti le and e-x te r ior wood s kirts (where applicable )to be free fromde fects in ma terials and workmanship fora period o f 011t'year from its purchase date. EXTENT OF WARRANTY : T h is warrant y t:xtclu ls only to rhe ori ginal consumerpur chaser of t he 1I0T SP}UNG Portable Spa whenpurcha-s ed and ur i ~:lllally inst a lled or r elocated within tlle boundariesuf t he-{ruitt'll Sta res uf America .T he 1I0T SPI<1N G Portable Spa warranty It'lIl1inalt'S upon a ll}'t r ans fer of ownt'Tship OT11 th e sp a is insta lk'd o r r duca l"d o ul - sidt't ht'buundaries of the United Sta tt.>s uf America b y t he ur i,ll"i n;ll CO nl'UIll t'Tp urd la,er p rio Tto t he ex pirationof th e \\"3 r r anty pe r iod. WARRANTY PERFORMANCE : In tht'eH'nt of a ll\"lll,ll full<:tioll or defer t covered undn Ill"l"r l1l~ "f lhi"walTdnly.it F;Klury Authorized Sep,·io,.·e :\!It:llt o f Wa tkins ~1 "l m f",."t u rillg Corpllrntl(m will r epair l he I IOT SI'l.:1 1\(;Po rt ;lblc Spa. 10 obtililll't'rvke ,(IIn lal:1 tht·Faeto r~'Authurizt"d St.·n lrl·A~·nt in yo ur are a.nun·will h.·n,.r h "r ~for parl s.lilbor or Ih....lr l;'iRh t cos ts for pilU S Ilt'c e s~r ~'to n 'l l'lir Ih..s l"'_In "ClIn ..l'i1'lt'". Tt'i1sona ble repainn an t ravel d lllrJ;W"nrn y 1M'ass ..,,("(1if yOIl Ih'" Ix'yond t he lllJrm..ll 5Crvicinll llrca Ilf the Fadm)"AUl hori1(,(!St'rvi'l ' :\p'l:'"Ill . Wal kins !l.l iloufa..·t uring Ul ll>oTation maintains an e xtensIve se nlce Ildw(frk in a ll fifly sllttes.In the e vt'nt the w nsuml'r purchaSt'r s hould be unable to c ilh('Tnbtain ser virt'or sat isfactory Sl'T\'il:l'from il Factory Authorized Se n·ice ,\I,WIlI.notify t Ilt:'Se n 'in'llt;o pilrlflll'nt o f Walkins Manufat:lunnlO(Corpuratinll.Written nntin,(If any nmlfunrli"11 o r lkfoo must bt-Ki ven within te ll (10)days of t he t inll:till.'ma]fullr li,NI i,discoverl'd.andmust be acwmpamed b}'t he unw/lol l COfl!i UmCr I lu r d Jjt ~e rt'l"t."ipl uf t he spa whichsho\I'st he dlle of pUrdl.l5e.~ot i ce mUll\he ~Vt'n IIIWatkins ~l an u fat'"!uri ng (oflXlT1l lion,128UPar k C<,nll:r Dr ive,\"i"la,Califnmilt.92U&l .Attn:~a linllid St>rvice :-.!.lnaj,!Cr.WiIlkio s f.,1;lIlllf"':lur inJoi Cnrpnra tion r escrves the r ig hl lO in!ipc ct t he malfunctionfJr defect on kK~3t ifln . C-t'o PYrl ~ht II"_ll ~iM \t.'Mf3,1",i"Hl:U'p,lill l ACTS INVALIDATING WARRANTY: This warranty is \~Jid if t his HOT S PRIl\G Portable Spa has bee n s ubjected to attc nuon.misuse ur a buse.or if any r epairs 01 1 the spa are at t em pted by a nyone ether tha n an a uthorize d repre sentative of Watkins Manufacturing Corporation.Alteration ~hall iltdUllt'any co mpo nentor plumbing change,electrical conver sion,ur t Ill'addit ion ul a ny ron-approved "sanuanon or water purification device or heating system which cum nbn es to a c omponent o r unil failure or unsafe ,'pt'raling sys tem.Misuse and a buse s hall include:anyopera t ionof t he spa ot her t ha n ill arrurda nre-with Wal kins >lanufacturinKCorporation's printedinst ructions.o r 1I'<t'of th.."P<'in an a pplicationfor which it is not de signed.Specifically:u se 0{11ll',pa in an on-resh!..nlial ltPlllka tion; damage cause d b~'operation oft he s pa at WOlin tt'm p.-r alur .."oUI ~id e the r ange of 32 degr ees F.and l ~deRTIT S l-:;da mageca used b ydirt y, l'klggt'd o r calcified filter car t ridges (see S pa Care and ~la i ntt'nmlce instructions in t he Owner's ManU.l 11 :damage to the s pa sur face cause d by t he us e of t r i-chloro chlorine.chemicalta blets.acid.or an}'other spa sanitizing dwmit'als or spa surfacecle aners which ar e not re commendedby watkins ~I<lnuf ac l u rill g Corporation:dama1.....caused by allc.....ing undissolved Sllill'<l nili:.:illc rlll·mi.·alll In Ii ..uuth..'I'" surface (no spa surfacemat er ial can with stand this kind of abus e); damaR'"t o c om pone nt s o r s pa su rface ca used by imp ro perpH balance ur ot her im properwa ter ch emis try maintenance:and damage 10 th e s pa surface ca used b yleaving t he s pauncovere d wh ile empty of water and in tlirt't:l e xposure 10 sunligh t (t his may caus e solar heating dist ress in de sert ,lr hnt weath..r r t'~~N I ")ar t'""Il~id t'r ..d ~hllSt'S ~nd ma ~' mvahdate th is warrant)". DISCLAIMERS : \V~lkins )'Ianufactu r ing Corpor ationshall nnt be hahle for loss of USt'o f the IIOT SP RING Port able Spa or othe r incidental nrconsequential l"I .s t8.e xpen ses or dama ges,which may include but are nut limited t o. lhe renovar tlf a p-rnanenr deck or other custom fixture.Any implied wa r ranty Sh.1 1l MW a f!ur;llitln l;'qual tll dlt:'duration ofthe applicable warranty s tated a bove .Und er no circumstances ,hall Walkins ~lanu fa ctu rins.::Corporation or any of ils rt :prest'nlat iVt's Ix·held liable fur injury to any pe rwn ordamas.::e to any pToperty,hrlwl"'t'r ari sing, Some states do oot aUo w t he e xclusion ur l illl i \~I~1fl of inlidentalor consequen tl.3-l damas.::e s.so t he aoo\'c linlital i"us or e xdusions lIlay 11..,1 apply t oyou. LEGAL REMEDIES : This w~Tran l y gi n's you spe<.i fic It.'gal rights.J nd you may have other rij.!htl'whk h vary (film s tate to s tate . CUSTOMER SERVICE , Fnr em t'Tg"llr ~'sen ;'·e,cnnlll''"!a Focl or y Anl hori1.ed Sen'ice As.::e nt iIllIlWt:l ialcly.If ~'nu du 1Il.1 k IM)W whn }'(Hlr kK'al rf'pTP sent ative is . coutat t Ihe Watkins ~Iall u(a.·t llri ng CurJltJratiun St'rvire I lt-partmt'nt :lt the above listed addrcs!i or t~all 18(0)!199-HOTT,Ext .4:l2 . S AHotSpring@~~Portable Spas WATKI~S MANl'FACT UlU~G CORPORATKN l l 8IJ l'ar kCemer Vn ve.Vista.Callfomia 9l01l.:-l ...__.......,--_.............__.."..........,,.....-----...... .._,_••M .._·~...,"~_.......,v__..,._~~~_..."_'w_-...,,~ ~,..,,-----..,..,-_,._...-.". •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• c ••t ••revised 9/4/91 ORB APPLICATION -TOWN 01'VAIL,COLORADO DATE APPLICA TI ON RECEIVED : DATE OF ORB MEETING : ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I .PRO JECT I NFORMA TION: A .DESCRIPTION:!J t ,e<''''!f;ea ch bit'tla I-Ti.b QH £:~i I f "0/Oed;,fJ ....,k ,.s -rc,k,.I0' ..,t :I B .TYP E OFREVIEW: New Con struct i on ($200 .00 )~Mino r Alterati on ($20 .0 0) Addi ti on ($5 0.00)Co nceptu al Rev iew($0) Z-ADD RESS :b 'e."),e"Lce.Jh:-c Uo :.±'lIt 31 :;;Z D .LEGAL DESCRIPTION:-;ot ~Bl o ck __"..-'/_ Su b di visi on ..I lcf!(L..t'Q t='sb e-4,e IS:!:"• I f pr operty i s d es cribed b y ameets a nd bounds legal d escription ,pl e ase pr ov ide o n a separate sheet and att ach t o this a pplicat io n . E.ZONING: F.LOT AREA :If r eq u ire d,applicant mu s t provide a c u rr ent s tamped survey showing l ot a rea . ,NAME OFAPPLICANT: Ma i ling Address :':";:::::;ij;~~~~[::j:£~~~~~3J]2==G. H.NAM EOF APPL ICAN T 'S REPRESENTA TIVE:fYl",,..w ,,,Ga,j!"""",+---<e""",ol t 5p-\ Maili ng Address:(.0 .fl«)/;2 GiCG ' l/c"/"Co.at ~5"Q P hone 9'f r-6 !;,"'2 Co n domi niumAp pr o va li f a pplic able . ORB FEE:ORB f ee s,a ss hown ab ove ,a ret o be pa id a t t he t ime of s ubmi tt al o f ORB applicati on.Later ,when appl yi ngf or ab uildi ng p erm it ,p lease ide ntify t he accura te va luati ono ft he pr oposa l.Th e Town of Vail will adjus t the fee acco rding t o th e tab le below,t o ensure the correct fee is paid . FEE PAID :$ FEE SCH EDU LE: VALU ATION S0 S 1 0 ,001 S50 ,00 1 S150 ,O Ol S500 ,O Ol $Over -S 10 ,000 S 50 ,000 S 1 5 0,000 S 500 ,000 Sl ,OOO ,OOO SI ,OOO,OOO FE E S20 .00 $50 .00 S100 .00 S200 .00 S4 00 .00 $500 .00 ,DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PEIlMIT IS STARTED . ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS "NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 '1 7 6 -V:oy .~lu,((;,-fe-v '1Pv/r1 I7lL<.j, Project Application•• :#.5 I 7.-'Sf 7!.I t iJI L I <J\<-h6!Cc:-fK Con tact Perso n and Phone M I C'1.d....f (/<::ru h It If:u-;,--I,/Jrik -e.-g 0 XIS -/7 (J O wner ,Add ress andPhone :_ A rchitect,Address and Phone:_ LegalDescriplion :l ot arccx Filing ,Zo ne _--G PI aA~.(Iv <'".cO /..! ef'tf I 4 /h-c;r<v t. Design ReviewBoard Date _ M otionby : Seconded by :_ APPR OVAL D IS APP ROVAL Su mmary :_ Town Planner <'/7 6-VJ/Y 1.')1 '-'>j ,(~,-lev 9/s uh/ // (L<.!, Project Application••.'.....• Project Name -#31 L.Sf"L I (i fr Project Descrip tio n :L ,t.'!)~),,-C (1/Lc _J -Ir<.. Contact Pe r sonan d Phone M I ("J..tl...-t (Ie:.rc.)h It'c h-l~/),riK "-s:II IJOwner.Add ress and Phone:_ .-•... Architect ,A ddress and Phone;_ T L I II-, Le gal D escription :Lo t r-----Block Filing ,Zo ne _ ~J-,dA I (~/,! .4 11 In '&/ Design Review Board Dale _ M o tionby : Se con ded by : A PPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summ ary:_ TownPla nner D ate : z ••r e vi sed 9/4/91 DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL ,COLORADO DATE APPLI CATIONRECE IVED: DATEOF DRB ME E TING: ******"*** TBIS APPLICATIONWILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFOIlMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I.PROJEC TI NFORMAT ION: A . B .T YPEOFREVIEW: ____NewConstruction ($200.00 )MinorAlteration($20.00) __Add ition ($50 .00).Conceptual R.:=.view (~)..' C .ADDRESS:~3/<..ct',prv sht:t:"T C~,J.,a.;',;).0(,;DOMA<Af)i: D.LEGALDESCR I PTION :Lot B lock c..,10-"-' Subdi vi sion _ If property is desc ribed by a meets and bounds l egal description ,please provide ona separate sheet a nd attach to this applicati on. E.ZONING: F. G. LOT AREA :If r eq ui re d,applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area . ~:ii~~~~;~;~T£Uef#7~.k{fA~f06 S:p,'I:&~ Co 'r ?UOTI€"':;~:...L.tz.._~.z.;l.D...t...fr.l,,-_ f,'.4APPLICANT'S REP~S ENTATIVE :\.Ci5~~~~=:~~Addr ess :~;)..0 E L,.d C/o Phone NAME OF OWNERS : Phone NAME OF'4.yn g ·SI GNATURE(S): Mailing Address : I. H . J .Condomin ium Approval if applicable . FEE $20 .00 $50.00 $100 .00 $200 .00 $400 .00 $500 .00 -$10,000 $50 ,000 $1 50 ,000 $500 ,000 $1 ,000 ,000 $1 ,000,000 VALUATION FEE SCHEDULE : $°$10 ,00 1 $50 ,00 1 $150 ,00 1 $500 ,001 $Over ORB FEE :ORB fee s,as shown above,are to be paid a t the t ime of s ubmittal of DRB application.Later ,when apply ing fo rab ui ld ing permit ,please identify the acc urat e va luation of the proposal.TheTo wn of Vail wi ll adjust the fee according to the table below,t o ensure the correct fee is paid.S ->0)I t» FEE PAID :_,w K. •DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL E XPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER F INAL APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. ··NO AP PLICATIONWILL BE PROCESSED WITH OUT OWNE R'S SIGNATURE 1 LIST OF MATERIA LS 311...• NAME OF PROJECT :_-=-'-_......"-'-====--""""==::....._ LE GAL DESCRIPTION :LOT__BL OCK SUBDIV I S ION _ STRE ET AD DRESS:DE S CRI PTI E:tc:f~n D 6 i(~-----_ • The f ol lowing informat ion is required for submittal t o the De sign Revi ew Bo ard before a final approva l can be given : Materia ls A .BUI LD ING MATERIA LS: Roo f S i di ng Other Wall TYPE OF MATERIAL COL OR Ot h er Name of Des ign er : Pho ne : LANDSC AP IN G: Fas cia Sof fi ts Windows Window Tr im Door s Door Tri m Han d o rDeck Rai ls Flues Flas hings Chi mn eys Tr ash Enclosures Gre en hous es B . PLAN T MATERIA LS:Bota nic al Name Common Name Quantity Size* PROPO SED TRE ES EX ISTI NG TREE S TO BE RE MO VE D *I nd icate caliper f or d ec iduous t rees .Minimum caliper fo r dec iduous trees is 2 inches .Ind icate h eightf or coniferous tree s.Minim um height for c oniferous t rees is 6 fe et . 7 PLANT MAT ER ~:Botanica l Name co mmo ~ame Quantity Size* PR OPOSED S HRUBS EXIST I NG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of p roposed shrubs .Minimum s ize of shrub s is 5 gall on. Square Footage GRO UNDCOVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGAT ION TYPE OR ME THOD OF _ ERO S IO NCONTROL C .LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:I f exterior lighting is p r oposed ,please show the number of f ixtures and l ocati on s on a sepa rat e lighting plan .Identify e ach fixture from t he l ightingp lan o n the list be low and pr ovide the wattage ,height above g r ade and type of light proposed . D .OTH ER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reta in ing walls ,fenc es ,sw imming p o ols ,e t c.)Please s pe cify.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum height o fwa ll s within the front setback i s 3 feet .Maximum h eighto f wall s elsewhere on the p roperty i s 6 fe et . B •, ••• =of Va il ,Planning Department 75 South FrontageRoad Vail ,en 81657 To whcm it may concern , 520 W.Ljonshead Mall .Vail.Co lorado 8 1657•1·)0)·476·3651 september 26 ,19 9 1 This is a l e tter to authorize the ins tallation of an exhaust fan o n the roof of unit 3 12 Lionsh ead Centre Condorruruums ,The fan i s s imilar t o the one o n the unit next dcor(3 10). Sincerely , ~~ larry Eames t-1anagement Company f or Lio nshead centre Condominiurns LB /srd \• Ventilation Products • , •::F;;1:7'~<j cJ~..'1//<c:::> •?/I./I'wl{)e ,;;>-/,J "/-6"'{7 , I ~ ,.,. ".-.iii -, ,-.,..." r . , ("S IOHAL 4~~--r?-w~-..~UJ'-,(OWl "....l mJ l .....~,'I ••••••...."...'.................._......----~ ..-._.._.._.._--------_......_.....--------_...._--- :O '.~"'''. ~~~:. ®-.....--...-....<---_..._--_.- •• .ot '~...••.. -" I!.,,-j •\ •, -......_.......- • 'C/o "Ie.,. j. ':',"u- i; J ,. ""," ,r. u I --!, L. • "• I• ---------t:t .,_--------------L_-:..__ iJrJd 3\D un WA"..t ,f -L(}'f~&_~ • • ..i e ,--. .-1 $..........:4 Utv Lt 3\L j,D/vS ~'rA b c..Eu~L .". "" 'I • ~ september 5 ,1991 • Board of Directors Liooshead Centre ConCbni.niums 520 W.Lionshead Circle Vail,Co!orarlo 81657 ", Dear Board Members , I am writing to ycu about sene projects I have been asked to assist with pending the approval of the Board of Directors .. Unit 205 would l ike to enclose their living rocm balcony in a manner s imilar to unit 212 . Unit 3 12 'ooOUld l ike to enclose their living rocm balcony also.'!bey would Like to have sky lights like those in uru t;310 .no.ey 'NOllld also like permission to put in aJ acuzzi en the deck in the loft.I t would be self contained meaning no p lumbin9 woul.d be r equired only electrical installation . Should you have questions or c:cmnents,please feel f ree to contact me, Thank you for your assistance .. Sincerely , Chus ~ --\IJl.!.b:tQ':'-2I\JJM.l.__ 1st Indo rsement S e pt ember 12,1991 To:e Corti ila) , -_.... ;:,(,~'; ", Enc losu re of u nit 205 b alcony is appro ved.P lease n ot if y Va il Homer en tals upon completion so balcony assessme nt sc an b e c h~r ge d to u nit 20 5 '5 quarterly b il l . Th ea bo ve stateme nt a lso a pplies to unit 312'5 ba lcony;pri or t o ins talling thr ee sky l ightsandadd ing a jacuzz it o un it 312 a legal document d ra wn up by F r ed Ott o must be s igned by the own~r,a ssocia t i on se cr etary and presid e nt .Thi s docu ment will rel~~e t he assoc i ation f or any liabilit y du et o ro of d amage , wat e r l ea k s,and structura l mO d i f i ca t io ns . 1ih=-1..::v7 ;J..~,,~s--CC :F re d Otto an d Larr y Ba rn es ~Pr es id en t ,LHC Co n do Assoc iat ion • -,••• -.----·-- ~•....'I U,..,-I".. ,'\', \, \~- 0, • e..~ l-ll'::J •.-r-r--1 ~~l;·'r.~, 11\...(0,.I,;::,II s 0",, i'l II'~~N ~I ->'~"--lyfr- j£.{\~".:J g ..,m '"~...(• 0~••13 p5 ~L·.in , tHJ 1l>ii !>."· ~• r U .0r,~~-In _',J~'...,~~·~~,- "< • ; », . I •.. CIAU 1 ,,~~(J w)0'\1)0 "'" ~O"-V $olilJ 1'~ ~On.u SL'I D''':Q-1\.CY4 '·NO)I--~~ ·.-J ••~ 1- IJ uris alRfJ711N/6MO •• TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM 01 ()()()()41330 01 ()()()()41540 01 ()()()()42415 01 ()()()()42415 01 ()()()()42415 01 ()()()()42415 01 ()()()()42415 01 ()()()()42415 01 ()()()()41S48 01000042412 01 ()()()()42371 01000042322 01 ()()()()41412 01 ()()()()41330 01 ()()()()41413 Ol()()()() / XEROX COPIES I STUDIES PENALTY FEES IRE-INSPECTIONS Off HOURS INSPECTION FEES CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES OTHER FEES SIGNAPPLlCAnON FEE 41£u/!U;/~ -:,// .,.2()'!' S5.00 S50.00 S36.00 $32.00 S36.00 S30.00 $7.00 $0.25 $20.00 ••••t . ------ TOWN OF VAIL Misceol l af'1li'OVS Cash \ \ -0 ----- R~cel\~I ~7 ..:..·,::Cll$\-K It t bM ~,'lJ'::t'l;t.NTHH <::'-'AFPLICATIOH FE E Jn t t e d ":l:J .fll) I I I 1 \ I I I 14 ;40 :26 13.00 ~t pe ro 1.0~)~04\3 r~t.u..lh?lr'l'""Ii? 'Y-OU '0 _---,-DT5 -_0 _ •Project Application e. Owo",Add,e",odPhone w,'I LI,;m;,(Wc!C'entk-"fSSoQa-!';'%~(1rr ,8:1r/?t'~ 1'13 C.;f/~dn<//Y.Wt~Co .!'/~C A rcbj!e"t Address a ndPhone:~.L.J;,.,../3::lr"/?t'J.Y1tt /~ 1'!3 ,e'Akatlnv-b·/f/tl<!,th ·4'/6>5'1 M otion by:_ .' dh t!etI/?07ld/,fi~Mil#-/nJ'i;>/ht 10 »;!Clee..~e.~!·,t'I7 U. d!J1J a/jbpvrtZ IJ '!he &Y'eer~'Y ~I f11 e -RPJI"'J tiNy ,5t'11//ov2EP - @17!:til #?!/JI/(j;r/lfW pi ':#'7e.fJPlJIf'19/tJ/v -=- Se conded by :_ ~O r.h·~3)APPRO r::DI SAP PROVAL o!'«AtL,ffOjX!ftJ...'Ij?I?Jve.d ;01?f/C'Jd Ct7/IJ'fr ~I"t'movd:y tZ?1 &K/SJ::.y Lj't:'«.<'orf.t:Jt!Mf h ~tM"llI/l:7M >/adl II/</I#/,a,lj '2;.v,/a-L)Jk.TlJe ~y nOl-kJo/./1ci k I sf<?In!*Pille,lott:<rt'Ju "'.5 Me ...awJ,'J Summary 4'a-O.¢V ncu.-JI'le >/;(~llrtl/dO ..e/f"t'/-,b/I//?1C1"1";lk 'kf Mil »ce:tPlord!!f;IJ ma h.5 be/!t?j}Omn'd ';Id pagel ' -0> ~ C) '"J VAIL/UONSHEAD CENTRE ' BU(1,LOT 5 VAlJIJON5HEAD,1ST F1.NG Dale 7/29/1991 EXISTING CONDITION VAFhtl/WIIII£J>8 '20'~1 ~'-lt"._~7 '·,,?·.~2"-6'i--- EAST HEV AIION 'I4 li ;11 _011 •00 .'t-, b J Z'·,,-J--h --r151-%,1 , , 1 '"".....0 ~--• E'LE.cI'R 1(; c ort e::..- P.1....."'o...11 UP \~P L ~N I •~­ 1-~---~:'='-_- I I--.I ->,- I lr--'_, 1--,I ___J I........- ~, ,",oN e:..~""L.l.I--, I SOUIJ:I HEVATJPN - Ul • ,, "', ""I I z.. -«) -'.. •"e- •~ e "'<l,5.nMc.. W oo l'S IDINc.. • C.ewfL !iI;.W -WOO".5HIHc.LE "'''''''F--- I I I I -1 r:J ;I 1 I I ~I~;:I I .I ../I 'I I i I I I I,, /.I I ', K 'I'/,1/1 I I !'.,, '-'11 /I I't /,I II !'"' /!!1 '-I __L "II-I.!.'.~j I':- I :I , Iii'I :,I:,I;.I / / / / ,, -,, NEW SOUTH ELEVA liON NEW EAST ELEVATION 1;+"~1'-0' NEW NORTH ELEVATION VAll/UONSHEAD CENTRE ' BlJ(1,LOT 5 VAlAJO NSHEAD,1ST FiJNG Date 7/29/1991 pa ge2 NEW UTILITY SHED 'I II ~ I.I ,I I I I .I, I ,',,• po HSH EA.tI'-c:"-E Hie:~ ----CUIJ..p lr;" _.pool... ,,, I I r---lr-:--.....,..------!~I / /6..~+_.:...'r~_...J-~,,.....,•II ///1..'",/-e •./. .I I I Page 5 . l-loH&H EA Y'C:::~N 1"E f'. BU I L D I N~ VAll/UONSHEAD CENTRE ' BLK 1,LOT5VAL/lIONSHEAD,1ST FLING Date 7/2911931 Page"3 u --------~..=:""'_---_1. 1/1 6'•1'-"" SITEPlAN -OPTION 1 • , I.(~__it J _ !.J (, ,, "• ----++-- SITEPLAN -OPTION 2 I/l tI-.~1'..0 11 I I E:."I~-r.A ._-1 ----0"'-SI'.uT -~ttH ~~Nor",~JI'~ VAIL/UONSHEAD CENTRE ' BU<1,LOTS VAlJ1JONSHEAD.1ST FI.NG Date 7/29/1991 Page 4 • •!/a ll LlmJh('(Jc(• {Y/"11u.Co"dOmlnIV/?? CxIJ.(:ycfk eonc7lftmJ JZt!.YJ /'1'1/ ••rail t./~cJd (/I'lh Ihpzed h'.rU A L •Sc..~DUL.E.A M E ~T •11:I AUG 131991 -c..'":.ar;es - ALrA Cwr.e~Pol i cy Alta Ler.cer ?c 1ic y --TO TAL Ap p!.ication No .V16 762-2 F o~In f o~~i cn Onl y UNIT 2 BarDGE S T.CONI:'OS Sl.041 .00 S60.00 Sl.10l.00 W i~~your ren i~~an c e please re ~er to V1 67 62 -2. _1 .Eff ec-:.i ve Da't e :March 29,199 1 at 8 :00 A .~. 2.P ol ic ies t~=e i S 5~ec,and propcs ed I~s~ed : ";"1 ::;""C ....~e=3 1 5 ?cl:"cy F or:::8-:'97 0 (~e :1 d e c.1 0-17-70 ) "A.!.T.;"LC2.:l ?::!.icy '1 9iQ R evL s L cn ) V:::::!..L\GZ CE::-r:'E:;'CA.?:'!'.:"':'CORP .,A COLORADO COR!'ORATION -3.T~e es~a~e c=i nteres~in ~~e l~~d de sc~ibed or referred t o i n ~~is C c~it~en~a~c c=verec hereL,is : ;..Fe e S Lmp Le ~.Ti~le t o t ~e es~~te c=i n~e~es~covered ~e=ei~is at ~h e e=:ec~ive date herec=v e s ~ed L,: _. 5•The lar.d tc l lows:----in t~is Comci~ent i s described a s C C NDCM:NI u~UN :T2 ,TF~BRIDGE STRE ET CONDOMINIUM.ACC ORDING TO THE CONDOMIN:'."M !'.A?T!'-ZRE Of RECORDED OCTOBER 18,198 3 IN BOOK 3 70 AT ?AGE 804 ~~D AS DEFINED &~O DESCRIBED IN TRE CONDOMINIUM ?AGE 1 Exhibit A. .. • .-.,•.-.c C ::1 M !T '"z ,..'• I 3 -1 ('::.:.....;-..,..""..-~\~'-~----"'-"'-~I r~e .-......-to b e 0 ...--1 ;0.,..1......::'---- ~':e ;~y:e ~~t ~or ~=r t ~e a c==~~~c =t=e q~a~t~~s o r ~o~ga~c r s ....1·c cr.s i -:'2r at.:'::::r:fer t ::'e e stat.e 0=i:::t.e::-est to be c : ?==~e=i ~st ~~=a~~(s :c ==at:'~g ~~e ~;su:e ~:cst =e e xgc~~=c ar.C d~y es t e c a c-: f :'!.ec.~er i::te=~st C::b e r-ecc c-c ,to--..;:'.':: 3.~~~~SZ OF DE!:OF ~~~S 7 CA~E~A c ~~s t 23 ,1987 ,~CM V:~G Z C Z~~~C~!~~~ C~?...P.,A.CO!.O ?_~C C::::?..?cP-\,:,::m TQ rsz ?1'J 3L.:C TR~S:'::::::OF ~G U C~C"NT~::CR -r::Z CSZ OF G~~'f':M.W-::'S'::N A...'l;)A:.L.E ~1 IT'G::":'::-:'_'l;:::T::S:::::"..JRE "::tz sex O F S ~,1 0 0 ,O CO .O C R:::::R~~~Se~~a==e =0 1,:9a7 ,:Y SeCK 46a ~~P~G :::9 3 3. 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RZ CORCE~A ~G~S :3 ,1~;a:,f..4I~~_e CCK ~aa AT PAG!402 .C:·j ,·c ~, ;'.......--SA -:!S FAC ~CR~~o T~Z CC~~~~7 T~~~A RES ~3CrV !S :CN OF S~3~ZC ~ F...\S 3E!:.r A.???-::V"E~BY TEE BOA...~D 0:M..;''1 .t\G!~. :::7I :lE ~l C ! ??OP::::R TY .-. ,;1...""!EN DM':"~':'TO 7::::::c~m:C~:N :t."M l"'~AN D DE =:.A.~_;'':'I C N .;'CC!?'!'.;.3U TC rsz COMP AN'"'t TC BE RECORDE::~E~~~C:L~~~,:N CO MPLI~~C Z w :~~THE T Z~~S E ~=O R ~I N C :N C CL"!:)(::"~o!CE::.:._,:_;::=::r R~:::::Rr::ED S::::?TE:Jf E:::?:3,:..:"!N ECOK 25;."J..::P.;\G Z 66 ;,A..'7:C:.E r .s!::-:=·:)r 3 .5 . I.Wj:l._~-<-;';''-I'':'Y D.E ::::::J F?,CM sr::...:..AG E T:t=:!"_;,:N:..rl.J.'i;:)COM?AN",C,I NC., PRe P:E :R':Y • C !~T E~CA?:TAL C:RP .,A CO LO~\CO C O RP O ~~TI O N A CAL I FORtr:A CC RPC~\~::CN CONV EY !NG SU3:ECT TC 3 , , "L .-.•C CMl-! S C:..£:S :C:2 I B-Z ,..'• ~~e ~clic v C ~~c~~c~es ~~ :cl lc wi~;~~~less ~~e s a=e :.'":.e c ca eany: =e issued .:11 c .::r.~a~~ a-A d~3?Csad c ~to ~~= exc:~~:cns ~=t~e sa't:'s:~c'":.icr.0: ;.~ax es ar.~assass=er.'":.s ~O~ye~ ess as amerrtis nc c yet.ce~itiec. c~e or paya=le and ~o t~e ~~eas~=e~'s spec ial...c_..l ce. ~:~h~c:WA~Fe R D :7 =:~S CR C)~A~C:NS~~C ~ED 5 1 ~~L~C R:~~ r..~r:-::::=5":.:;':':::5 ;'.5 R.!SE~7:::)!)l l.~:::::':'::=5:',;;:::::3 ?:;TE~r:,?..zC':lP.':E~.1.:1y.--...,.:;. 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C:r.C?,?.£:":G :,)N,CR REC:~::::J A ~~~S ~l e, .2 .':'!':CS:::P?C V:S :CNS ,C:·.-z::;u.r,:,s A...'J'D C::~r::I !'::NS ,E.ASZ:·!.!:i':S ,~rr::r::STP.:~:':::NS , w~:C~~~~A et~CE ~~C ~~CCNDCM :~:~~CN::'C ~SCR:3:::~I~SCh~~C LE ;;,AS C:Nr;::,'\z)r:;::I)r !)IS:''?C,;':1Z:i'':~C:>RDE!)S'::;:-='2!:"J:e=ii ,1.9 i7,I~I 3GOK :59 :\-""?a.GE 6 6?A..'lD AS A.v..z~roE:):~j :~S T R CM::::~R'::CJRDEO Cc-::=i:e::13 ,l.9-a:,IN BCCK J iO A:: ?~.GZ 8 C 5 , .J E.~5E..'!!~'!'~-llD R--··....CF WA '!FOR :NG~SS AND ::::G~.s S E t:~POS :::5 AS RESz...·:~VEJ BY.~....~- VA:!.;'.5 S ':C:),.':'!.=:::-0 .,ccr.csxc c L::'!'!1'EJ ?;'2.~E:.S E :?:;.1 DE:!)'!'-:,., W.x.t'l"E::'Z::C R!:,.;~.F.:eCR:lEJ .];.....'it:;..p.'!.,1:-5:5 I N sccx laa A";:::l.'-~1 5 (._'1 0--, R.=:S:-R:c:rCNS ?:::::f::.;:~::.rG E;.S E:1.!:-rr ~~'':'"'\R:G1=.-:'OF .-~./ _. TO S,;:D r_~oJ "'....... 4 .:;~a.C A C :~Y:or S :-~.:?3;'.Y .",,"~D S A'!W!;.ICCW'CN:'~ING::t::5S xxo EG:U:SS E..;'S ~'IT AS SHCw"N e x T:~TE :~D ;....:'!3 ~D ~TO THE BRZCC.E S ':'RZ~C::NCCMZ:iIC'M Mo.:\..?, AGE 5 , ••CCMMITM E:-i'I' SCEE;CUU:B-2 • (Ex c ept i on s)Appl icat icr.No.V16762 -2 .5 .EASEME.."IJT S,RES E..~VA.TICNS AND RES'tRIC:IONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON T5Z RE CORDED CONDOMIN!UM MAP OF TEE BR.:DGE S~T CONt:OMINIUM • .6.EXISTING LEASES AN'O T~ANCI:ES • .7 .n:R."!S,CONDITION'S A.'lO PROVISIONS OF ME::>!ORANDCM OF LEASE RECORDED AUgus~OJ, 1988 IN BO OK4SSAT PAGE 402 . = ~I ~. , ;;.L T MEN ....• Application No.V16i62 -2 DECURA':'ION a::::COROEO SE.?r~'13z:R 13 ,1977 IN BeOK 259 AT PAGE 6 69 AND AME..'tt:MZ:IT Tt-..:zRE':'O P.£CORDED OCTOaE..~18,1983 IN BOOK 370 A'! PAGE 8 05,COON'l'''l OF E:.\.Gr..E,ST_~~OF COLORADO. NOTI::SUD LE GAL OES CU?:"!ON WJ:!.Z..BE A..'!ENDED trPCN ?RO?E.3. COM?!...I.A..~a:WI TH I'!':E:..1\fS SE:'FORTE L'l SOLeDC'LE B-1 to .R.EL~. !\GE 2 •• 1 • -t.Thelalld re lerred 10 in !his oomm,lment il de:;cri VAH.:r.IONSf .::AD CElJTHE Co,_-INI1J M5 Acc ording t p thereof filed for t'C'cord i n Book 21<3 at Page 902,6 aended b y ~roe nded Map in Book 2 25 at Page 7 40 and according to the Condominium ~cl aration for VAIL/LI ON SHE:IID CElfrRE COllPOMIIIIUM recorded in Book 21S a t Paqe 901 ,e e amended b y F irst Amendllol ~nt:to Co n domi nium De clarati on r ec orded in Dook 2 25 a t Page 7 4 1.SUbject to the te rms,conditions a nd p rovisions of s aid Condomi niUJI Declaration and First Ame nd me nt t o Condomin ium Dec laration . TOWU OF VAIL COUlfl"Y OF EAG LE STATE OF COLORllDO,. ..;'- .~~~,....,..~".~, Pag e 2 -. S TEWA RTT ITLE G UA R ANTY C O MPA NY "•• $7.00 $025 $20.00 I DATE: COM.DEV,APPUCATION FEES ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS UNIFORM BUll.DlNG CODE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE UNIFORM MECHANICAL COD E UNIFORM FIRE CODE NATIO NAL ELECI1UCAL CODE OTHER CODE BOOKS BLUE PRINTS (MYLAR S) XEROX COPIESISTUDIES PENALTY FEES IRE-INSPECTIONS OFFHOURS I NSPECTIO N FEES CONTRACTORS UCENSES FEES OTHERFEES SIG N APPLICATION FEE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM ,",. >,1---"'-===---+=00=='-------------+---+---\----1 • • • •.' -------------------- TOWN OF Vl=IIL Miscellaneous Cas h £17-29-91 'cecet o t tt-0{5~19 Ac=o'_lllt ..Ct-:"1 J.b ~JHIL HO~lE fO£NHILS COM loB.. Ar.\ount ll?r"ld o'?t'ed 14 ::4 :08 RF'F F EE 20.00 I lela paid RIliount paid THt=lNK VOU ·,'.....vr 1:':<OJE'tHo?r CHRI ~/*1111 •••*••• ••revised 6/1 8/91 j 9~ DRB APPLI CATION -TOWN OFVAIL ,CO LO&~.l\JL 2 9\ ilEL )199\ DA TE APP LI CAT I ON RECEIVED:"~--- DA TE OF DRB MEETING: THIS APPLICATIONWILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UN TIL ALL REQ UIRED INF ORMATION IS SUBMITTE D ••••****** I .PROJECT INFORMA TION : Subdivisio n t'Y '~A .DESCR}PTIO N :~....~04 , ~'c,.wI 6 ~ep,h.u p £1 ~~w""%~'II II ~F :~/I ((1/~~~,\r;;TJ =51j2S A I ,Al~ yp.~rt¥B .TYP EOF RE VIEW : ~(~,New Cons tr uc tion ($2 0 0.00 )~Min or Alt erati on 1$20 .00)ff'Ad dition ($50 .0 0)Conc ep t u al Review (SO) C.ADDRESS :~it"""""MIJ mtl""-VoN!LmMBIIl ~ D.LEGAL DESC RIPTION :Lot 2 Bl ock ~L-_ ~,.ffi#I ~,,-I J:::u".,~I 'if';::;;'"f(,r I ~ If pr opert y is d escribed by a meets and bounds l egal des criptio n ,p lease pr ovi deo na s epar a t e s heet and a t ta ch t o this applicati on . E.ZONING: G . F.LOT ARSA :If requ ire d,a pplic ant must pr ovi dea curre nt stamped s urv ey showing lot ar ea . NA!;1E .OFAPPLICANT:!':J~~i!tJz%,tl;~...,J Ma ~Ld nq Addre ss :76 ~~~"'J.L~-L,""""~~"'~:"':'="""'-__1$3 1;.fl/atJO W ,)e..I kL.Pho ne J/!l6<V)">'/ H .i-RE EN TA~E :1-FIrJsy ~JeS "",,",-~='-f...L''''~=~hon e I.N~E OFOWNERS :~M:5IIElft)C~t1s5 C<~ ~_~~l ,•".....-*SIGNATURE(S ):,~''--';...........,\..\.._\,....A.---....,~j Mai).ing Ad dre ss :5%l<"'r .J .\\'__,;;;\:\(1 F i',A .-;;CCJ'= VA,,-(0 moz Phone -+-'1 (I [I(?> J .CondominiumAppro v ali f applic a bl e. $dlJ.cOFEEPAID: FEE SCHEDULE: ORB FE E :ORB fee s ,as showna bove ,a re to b e p aid at the t ime of su bmitta l of ORB applic at i on .Later ,when app ly ing f or a b uil di ng p e rmit ,plea se ident if y the acc u ra te va lu at i ono ft he pr o p osa l.TheTowno f Va il will adju st t hef eea cc ordingt o t he table b elow ,t o ensu re the co rr ect fe e is p ai d . K , VALU ATIO N FEE $°$10 ,001 S50 ,0 01 S150 ,001 $5 0 0,0 01 $Over -$1 0,000 -$50 ,000 -$1 50 ,000 -$500 ,000 -$1 ,000 ,000 $1,00 0,000 $20 ,00 $50 ,0 0 $10 0.00 $200.00 S400 .0 0 $500 .00 *NO APPLICATION WI LLBEPROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER 'S SIGNATURE 1 II.PRE-APPLICAT ~MEET ING:• A pre -appli cationme eting wi th amembero f the p lanning s t aff is strongly e ncouraged t od etermi ne i f any addi ti onal a ppl icat ion i nforma ti o n is neede d .I t is t he appli cant 's r esp on sib ilit yt omake an a pp ointment wit h t he s taff t o determine if there are a dd it i ona l submittal requirement s. P leasen ote that a COMP LETE applicati o nwill streaml ine the appr oval pr o cess for y ou r pr oject . III .IMPOR TANTNOTICE RE GAR DING ALL SU BMISSIONS TO THE ORB : A.In add it ion t o meeting submitta l requiremen ts ,the app l icantmust stake and tape t he pr oj ect site to i n di cate propert y lines ,b u ilding l ines and buil ding c orners.All tree s to be removed mu st be taped .All site t apings an d s taking mu st be c omp leted pr i or to the DRB s i te visit.Th e app l icant must ens ure t hat st aking d o ne du ring thewin t eri s not bu ried by s now . B .The r e v iew proces s fo r NEW BUILDIN GS normally re qui r es two sepa rat emeeti n gso ft he Des ign Rev iew Boa rd:a c oncept ual appro va l and a fina l approval .Ap p licants sh ou ld plan o n pre se n ti ng their devel opment p rop os alat ami nimum of t wo mee t ings bef ore o b ta in i ng fin al app ro val . C .Applica nts who fai l t o appear b ef ore th e De si gn Re vie w Board o n th eir schedu led meeting date an d who have n ot as ked in a dvance tha td i sc u ssion on their item be pos tponed ,will have t heir items r emov ed fr om t he ORB doc ke t until such t ime as the it em h as bee n repu bli shed . O .The fo l low i ng i tems may ,a t the d is cre ti on o f the z o nin ga dminist rat or ,b e appr ov ed b yt he Community Developme nt Depart ments taff(i.e .a fo rmal hearin g b efore the ORB may n ot be requ ired): a .Wi ndows ,s kyli gh ts and similar ex te rior ch anges which d o n ota lt er th ee xisting p lane of the buildi ng ;and b.Buil di ng add iti on pr op o sa ls n ot vi si b le from any o therl ot o r p ublic s p ac e.Att he time such a propo sa l is s ubmi t ted ,app li can tsmust i n clude letters fr om ad j acent pr oper ty owners a nd/or from th e agent fo r or manager of any ad ja cen t con domi nium as soci ati on s t ati ng t he a sso ci a t ion app roves of t he add iti on . E.I fa p roperty i sl o cated in amap ped ha zar d area (i .e . s now ava la nc he ,r o ckfa ll,flo od pla i n,deb r is fl ow , wet land ,e tc ),a hazard s tudy mu st be submit te d and the o wner mus t sign a n a ffida vi t recognizing t he haza rd r ep ort pr ior to the issuance of a bui lding permit . App l icants a re encouraged to che ck with aTown P la nn er p r io rt o ORB application to de termine the re lat io n sh ip o f the p ropert y t o a ll mapped h az ar ds . F.F or a ll r e s i d e nt ial c on st ru ct ion : a .Clea rlyi n di c ate o n t he f l o or p l ans the inside fa ce o f th e exteri or s t ru c tural wall s o f t h e bui lding ;a nd b .I n dic ate wit ha dashed line on the s it e pl an a f o u r f oot di stance from the exterior f a c e o f the bui ldi ng wal ls or suppo rtin g co lu mns. G.If ORB app r ov est he app l ication with cond i ti ons o r mod ification s,a ll con di tions of app r ov al must b e resol ved p rior t oTowni ssuance o fa building permit . 2 I V .NE W • A.Three c opies of a recent topooraphic survey,stamped b y a li cen sed survey or ,at a scale of I II -2 0 'or l arger l on which thef oll owing informa tion is pr ovide d : 1 .Lot area . 2 .Two f o ot con t our intervals un less the par cel co nsis ts o f 6 a cres o rmore ,in whi ch cas e ,S' c ont our intervals may be accepted. 3 .Exis t ing trees o r gr oups of trees havin g trunks wi th diamet ers of 4 "or more ,as meas u red fr om a p oi nt on e foot above grade . 4.Ro ck ou tc ro pp in gs and o ther signifi c an tn at u ra l features (large b oulders ,intermittent streams, et c .). 5 .Hazard areas (avalan che,rockfall ,etc .), centerline of s tream o r creek ,required c re ek or stream setback,I OO-year flood plain and s lopeso f 4 0%or more ,if applicable . 6 .T ies t o existing be nchmark ,either USGS l a ndmark or sewer i nvert.This informa ti on sh o uld b e cl early st at ed o n the s urveys o t h at all me as u rement s are based a n the sa me startin g p oint . This is p articul ar ly im po rt a nt f or hei ght me as ur ements .See P ol ic y On Survey Informa ti o n, f or more i n form a tio n reg a rd ing surveys . 7.Lo ca ti onso ft he f oll owi ng: a .S ize a nd t ype o f drainage c ulverts,sw ale s, e t c.must be sh own. b.Exa ct loc at ion o f ex is ting ut ili ty s ources an d proposed servi ce lines f rom t heir source t o th e structure.Utilit ies to in clude : Cable TV Telephone S e wer Wate r Gas E lectr ic c.Pr ope r ty lines ba si s o f bearing di s ta n ces a nd bearings mus t be sh o wn . a nd a d .All eas ements (Ti tle rep ort must als o i ncl ud e exi st in ge aseme nt l o ca tio ns ) 8 .E x isti ng a nd f in ished g ra de s. 9 .Provide sp ot e le vations of th es treet ,a nd a mi nimum of one s pote l ev at ion on either sideo f the l ot ,25 feet out fro m the side p roperty lin es . B.Si te P lan 1.Lo cat i on so f th e f o ll owi ng : a .P r op osed surface dra in ag eo n an do ff site. b .P ro p osed dri vew ays.Percen t sl o pe a nd s pot e levat ions must be shown . 2 .All e xi s tin g i mprovements i n cludi ng s tructu re s, la nds cap ed area s ,s ervi ce areas,s t orage a re as , wal ks ,driveways ,o ff -st re et parking ,l oadi ng area s,retain ing wa l ls (with top an d b ottomo f wall spot eleva ti ons),and o ther exist i ng s it e improveme nts . 3 3 .El tllti on s o ft op Of roof ridg~(with exist ina and p r oposed gr adess hown unde rneath).The se e levations andg rad es must be p rovi d ed in o rd e r fo r the s ta ff to determine bu i lding h e ight .Al l ridge lines sho ul d be in dic ate do n the si te plan. E l evations for r o of r idg es shall als o be i ndi c ated o n the site p lan with c orre sp ond in g f in ishe da nd e xi sting gr ade elevat ions . NOTE : 4.Dri ve way grades may n ote xceed 8 %un less approved by t he Town Engi neer . C.L a nd s ca oe Plan (1"=20 'o r larg e r)-3 copies re q ui red 1 .The f ollowing informati on must be provided on t h e la nd scape plan.The l o ca ti on of exist ing 4 " d ia mete r o r l a rge r tree s,the location ,size, s pac i n g and t ype(common a ndl at in name)o f all e xistinga nd p rop osed p lant ma t erial.Allt re es to be saved andt o be remov ed must a l so be in di cat ed.The plan must al so differentiate be twe en existing a nd p roposed v eg e tati o n. 2 .Comp l ete thea tt ac hed l andscape mat er ia ls li st . 3 .Th e l oca ti on and type of e xi st ing and prop os ed wa teri n g system s to be employ ed in c a ri ngf or pl an t mate r ial f o ll owing it s i ns t a ll at ion . 4 .Ex ist ing a nd pr opos ed co n tour lines . In order t oc lar ify t he i nt er -relatio no ft hev ar ious d evelopmen t prop o s al com ponent s ,p le ase incorp ora te as much o f th e ab ove in fo rm ation as p ossi bl e o n to t he s ite plan. D .S ign off fr om ea ch u ti lit yc ompany v eri fy ing t h e lo ca ti ono f ut ili ty se r vi ce an d avail abili ty (se e atta ched). E .A p re li mi n ary t it l e rep or t mu sta ccompany a ll s ubm ittal s ,t o insure pr operty own er ship and l o c at i o n o f all ea s ement s on p rope rt y. F .Ar chite ct ura l Pla ns (1 /8 "=l 'or larg e r,1 /4"i s prefer r ed scale f or review)3 copiesr e q uire d. 1 .S ca led fl o or pl an s and al l el evatio ns of the p ropos ed developme nt.E l e v at ions must s h ow b o t h e xis ting and f inished g rad e s. 2 .On e set o ff loorp lan s must be "red -l ine d"t o s h o w how the gr oss re sident ia l f l o or a r ea (GRFA)was c a lcu la ted . 3 .Re du ctions of a ll e levations and the site plan(8- 1 /2 "x11 ")f o r incl us ion i n PECa nd /or rcvn Coun cil me mos ma y be requ es t ed . 4.E xt er io r su r fa c i ng mat erialsa nd materi a l col or s sh al l be spec ified o n th e atta ch ed mat er ial s li st . Thi s ma ter ials li stmust be c o mpl eted a nd s ub mit te d as a pa rto f DRB a pplic at ion .Co lo r c hips ,si ding sample s et c .,shou ld b e prese n te d to the De s ign Rev iew Boa rdmee ting . G .Zone check list (att a ched)must b e c omp leted i f pr oje ct i s l o c at ed withi nt he S in g le-Family,P r ima ry /S e co ndary or Dup l ex z o ne d istri cts . H .P h oto s of t he exi s ting s itea nd where a ppli c a b le ,of a d jace nt s tr uct u res. 4 I .The z o ni~Admi nistrator a nd /or DRB4Ity r e quire t he submiss io no f additiona l pl ans ,draw ings , spe cif icat ions ,samples and other mater ial s(inc luding amode l)if d eeme dn ec es sary to d eterm ine whe t hera pr oj ec t will c omply with De s ign Gui del ines . V .MINORALTERAT IONS TO THEEXTERI OR OF BUILDI NGS . Ph otos or s ke tc hes which c learlyc onve y th e re de vel opment p r o p o s al and the loc atio n (site p lan)of the redevel opment pr oposa l ma y b e sub mitt ed in lieu o f the mo ref ormal r eq u ireme nt s set f orth above,pr ovided al l imp ortant sp e cificat ions fo rt he pr oposal in cluding co lo rs and ma t eria ls to b e us ed a re s ubmitt ed. VI.AD DIT IONS-RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A .Ori g i na l f loor pl ans wit h all s pecificat ions shown . B .Three sets of pr oposed fl oor plans 1 /8"=l'o r l ar g er (1 /4"=l'is p ref e rred) C .Three copies of a site plan showing exist ing an d proposed c onstru ctio n.I nd icater o of ri dgee lev at i ons with exist ing a nd pr opose d gr a des shown u nd er n eat h. D .El ev ati ons o f pr opos ed a dd it i on. E .Ph otos of the existing structu re. F .Sp ec ifi cationsf or a ll mater ial sa nd co l or samp les on mat er i a l s list (att a ched). Att he reque st o f the Zo ni ng Admini s trat or you may al s o b e r equi red t os ubmit : G .As tatement f rom eac h ut il ityv eri fyi ng l oc ati on o f se rvicea nd a v ail abili ty.See attached ut ility locat ion veri fica ti on fo rm. H .A s it e impro vemen t su r vey ,s tampedb y re gi stered p ro f ession a l survey o r . I .Ap relimi nar y title r ep o r t ,to verify o wne rs hip o f p ro per ty,wh i ch list s a l l easemen ts . VII.FI NALS I TEPLAN Once a bui ld ing permit ha s bee ni s su ed,a nd co nst ruct ion i s un de rway,and b e fo re the Building Depa rt men twill sche du lea fra ming i nspecti on ,two copie so f an I mpr ov ement Locat ion Ce rti fi cate s urvey (ILC)stamped by ar eg i ster ed p ro fessio na l eng in ee rmu st be subm itted .Th e f ol l owing information must be provided o n t he I LC : A .Bu ilding l ocat i on (s )wi tht ies to p rop erty co rne rs, i .e .d istancesa nd a ng les . B.Bui l ding d imensions t o the nearest te nth o faf oot . C .Al l u tilit ys e rvi ce line as -bui lts,s h owing t y pe of materi al u se d,a nd si ze and exact lo c ati on o f lines. D .Dr a inage as-built s. E .Basis o f be ari ngt o t ie t o secti on c orner . F .All pr ope rt y p i ns are to be eitherf o un do r s eta nd stated on i mproveme nt su rvey. G .All ea sements . H .Building f loo r e le vat ion s and a llr oo f ridge e leva ti o ns wit h e xis t i ng and p r oposed gr ades sho wn under th e ridge l in es . 5 VIII.CONC EPTUAL D E~GN REVIEW • A.Subm ittal requireme n ts :Th e owner or authorized agent o f a ny project requ ir ing design appr oval as pres cribed by th is cha pt er may s ubmitp la ns f or c oncep tua l r e vie w by t he De signRe vi ew Bo ard totheDepar tment o f Community Development .The con c eptua l re view is i n tended to give the a p pli ca nt a ba sic un der standi ng of t he compat ib i lity of their pr oposal with t h eTo wn 's Design Gui delines.Th i s pr oc edure i s rec ommended pr imari ly f or app lications mo re comp lex than sing le- family and tw o -family re s iden c es.However ,de vel opers o fs ing le-fami ly and two-famil y pr o ject s shal l n ot be ex cl ud ed fr om t he opp or t uni ty to reques t a conceptual d es ign r e view .Compl e te a ppli ca ti ons must be submitted 1 0 da ys pri or t oa s c hedu led DRB meet ing . The follo win g infor mat ion s h al l be su b mitt ed for a co nce ptua l re view : 1.A con ceptu a l s ite a nd l an d sc a p e pl an at ami nimum s ca le of o nei nch e q ua ls t went y feet ; 2 .Co nc e ptu al elevations s ho wi ng ex te rior materials a nd ad es criptiono f t he chara cter of the p ro posed structu re or structures; 3.Suff ic ien t in form ation t o showt he pr opo sa l c ompl ie s with t he devel opment stand ar ds of the z one d i st rict in which th e pr oje ct is t o be loc at ed (i.e.GRFA ,s ite c over age ca lcu lati on s, nu mber o f pa rk ing spac es ,et c .); 4 .Complet ed DRB app l ica tion f orm . B.P rocedure :Upon receipt o f a na p pl icat ion f or conc ep tu al de si gnr ev iew,t heDe pa rtmen t of Comm unity De ve lopments ha ll revie wt he submitt edmate ri als f or ge ne ral comp l i anc ewi th the app r opr iate r equ irements of the z oning code.If the propo sa l i s in basic compli an ce wi ththe zon ing code requirement s,the p roject sha ll be f orw arded t o th e DRB f or conc ept ual review.I f the a p pl ica tio n i s n ot gen erally in compli anc e with z o ni ng code re qu i rements ,t he applic at io na nd submitta lmater ials sh a ll be r eturned to t he a p pli cant withawritt en expl ana ti on as t owhy the Co~~u nit y Dev el opme nt De pa rtme nt st aff has found the project not to b e in compl ia nce withz oning code r eq uiremen ts .Once acom pletea p pli ca ti on has been r ece ived ,th e DRB sha ll re viewt he su bmi tted conceptual r eview a pp li cat i on an d suppo rti ng mate rial i n order t o det ermine whethe ro rn ot th ep roject g enera ll y complies wit h thed e sign g uideli nes .The ORB does not vote on conceptu al rev iews .Th e proper ty owner or h is repres entat ive s h all b e prese nt at the ORB h earing . 6 •L IS T OF MA TERIALS • S UBDIVI SION _ NAM EOF PROJECT :_ LEGAL DESCRI PTION :LOTBLOC K STRE ETADD RESS: DESCRI PTIONOFP ROJE CT : The f ollow ing in for ma ti on is re qu ired fo r submi t tal t o the Design Rev iew Boa rd b efor eaf in al a ppr o va l ca n be g ive n: A .BUILDING MATER IALS : Ro of S iding Ot he r Wall Mat eria ls Fa s cia So ffits Wind ows Windo w Trim Do or s Do or Trim Hando rDeck Rail s F lu es F l ashings Chi mneys Tras h Enc losures Gr ee nhouse s Other TYPE OF MA TE RIAL COLOR B .LAN DSCAPING:Nam e o fDesign er : Ph o ne : PLANT MAT ERIALS :Bota nical NameCommonName Quantity Size* P ROPOSED TREES EX IS TING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper f or dec idu ous t rees .Minimum c ali per f or dec idu ou s trees is 2 inc hes .Ind ic at e he ight f or coniferous tr ees .Mi ni mum hei ght for conif erous tre es is 6 feet . 7 PLANT MA TERIA ~:Bo tani c al Name Comm on 1tame Quan tity S ize· PROPOSED SHRUBS EXIS TI NG SHRUBS TO BE REM OVED *In dica tes ize of pr op os ed s hrubs .Minimu m si ze o f shr ub s is 5 c alIon . GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OFI RRIGATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CO NT RO L Squ ar e F oo ta ae C .OTHER LANDS CAP EFEATURE S (re taining wa l ls ,fe nces ,s wimming pools ,e tc .)Ple ase s p eci fy.I ndi ca t e he igh ts of re taining wal ls .Maxi mum heighto f wa ll s wit hin the fr onts et b ac k is 3 feet .Max imum height of walls e lsewhereo nt he proper ty is 6 f ee t . 8 •S FR,R , DATE: LE GAL DESCRIPTION :Lot ADDRESS : ZONECHECK • F OR R P IS ZONE DIS TRICTS Block Fil ing O\'/N ER _________________________PHONE AR CHITECT PHONE ZONE DIS TRICT _ PROP OSED US E ""LOT SIZE Height To ta lGRfA Primary GRF A Seco ndar y GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear All owed (3D)(33) +4 25 ="__ +4 25 ="_ 20 t 1 5 ' 1 5 ' Ex isting Pr oposed Total I Water Co ur se Se tback Site Co verage Lands cap ing Reta ining Wal l Height s Parkin g Garag eCredit Dri ve : (3D)(50) 3 '/6 ' (300)(600)(900)(1200)_ Pe rmitted S lope ~Actual Slope __ Dat e appr ov ed b yTown Engineer : Vie w CorridorEncroac hm e nt : Envi ro nmental/Ha zar d s : Yes _ I)Fl oo d P la in No,__???_----- 2 )Per ce nt Slope _ 3)Geologic Ha z ards a)Snow Ava loa~n~c~h~e:=:=========b )Rockf a ll -: c)De br is F low _ 4 )Wetl an ds _ Previous cond itions of ap pr ov al (che ck p r ope rt y f il e )~:_ Does this request invo l ve a 250 Add i tion? Howmu ch of the allo wed 250 Add it io n is used with this request?_ ....Not e:Under Sections 1 8.12.09 0(B)and IB.13 .DBD(E)of t he Mu nicip al Cod e ,lo ts zone dTwo Famil y a nd Primar y/Seco ndar y whic h are less tha n 15 ,000 sq.f t.in area may n ot construct a second dwelling un it .The Co mmunity Development Departme nt ma yg r an ta n excep tion to this restriction provi ded th e applica nt meets the criteria set fo rth und er Se ctions 18 .12 .09 0(B )an dIB .13 .0BO (B)of the Municipal Code inc lud i ng pe r manen tly restrict ing the u nit as a l on g -term rental unit for f ul l - t ime e mpl oyee s of the Upper Eag le Val le y. 10 • Co nlactPerson an d Pho ne •Project Application • 5 -/.'1/ "310 , Ar chite ctAddress and Phone "_ l egal De scriptio n -Lo t B lock Filing .Zo ne _ 520 IN,L Lm..?./frZ--U Design Review Board Date _ M oli onby: Seco nded by : Da te : A PPRO VA L To wn Plan ner 5 ,'1 "I ( D ISAP PROVA L }P,S taffApprOllal ,t •,•• revised 4{26{91 DRBAPP LI CATI ON -TOWN OFVAI L ,CO LORADO DAT E APPLICATI ON RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB ME ETING: 4 ·2(,·'1/ ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTILALL REQU IRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I .P RO JE CT INFORMA TION: A .DESCRI P T IO N :Lf}-.!...l;.;(J:.t'()"'-_~'-----""'--"=--'----'!o"'!'--'---"=---.c,-----_ B .TY PEOFREVI EW : Blo ck ~Min or Alt era tion Conc eptu al Review C . D . New Co nst ruc t ion Addition ADDRE SS:.:1£..1.3/0 -...I o/-;'f~Hf"-Aj) LEGAL DESCRIPTION :Lot Sub di visio n If pro perty is des cr ibed by a meet s and bou n ds legal de sc ripti on,plea sep rovi de o n a sep a ra te shee t and at t ach t o this a ppli cat i on. E .ZO NING : F .LO T ARE A:If requi r ed,app licant mus t p rovide a cu rr en t s tamped survey sh owing l o t area . G . NAME OF APPLICANT,~::::C~/tLi~:"~'==~;:=~~~;;::;::::::~:;;::=====Mai l ing Address :_ Ii/"n o'(.e:» NAME OF Maili ng NAME OF OWN ERS : _________--,'''--,.<''-Ph on e APP LICANT 'SREPRES ENTATIVE :Vl:,l v".fi-t.c.?:-"(~"..;~;- Addre ss :(3.J--.:::-2 ZCJ I 1!It-/L ,(1:12. ---------------:::7"'..<::::.-P ho ne -;.;7/7 ../6(L/k,2 >S IGNATURE (S):-=:=t;t'.~::2:::::~~::::::==========Mailing Address: 1. H. J .Co ndomin iu m Appr ov al if a ppl ic a bl e . K .ORB FEE :ORBf e es are pa id a t the t i me of su b mitt al of ORBa pp lica tio n . FEE PAID :$ F EESCHED UL E : VALUATION FE E s 0 $10 ,00 1 $50 ,001 $150 ,001 $5 00 ,00 1 $Over -$1 0 ,00 0 -$50 ,000 -$1 50 ,000 -$500 ,000 -$1 ,00 0,000 $1 ,00 0 ,000 $20 .00 $50 .00 $1 0 0.00 $2 0 0.00 $4 00.0 0 $50 0.00 >NO APP LICATI ON WILLBE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER 'S SIGNATURE 1 Q<.IS-rI tJ <4-t<IJt r-: 3 (0 all ------;;-".-~.-.... "...--.':::.~--'.... ----------.---_.__...._.... ...---..---_....---..-... ~----_..-.----.-------- ..•-.....,..._--- '-:..•.J ............ ----.....--------..._.-.._-:-.----_.---_.'---------..::-":::-:=::::_--~--_._-"._----------~-:-_..:..=.::--- -- - ------ ......."""'" • ,,D"",I .,I.,"I 'I 'I ,,E '- • ,....------------------ , "11 I'II 1 'II, I '____________!:_a A ~l-I.E~"T CE\'_l o...; :: -"-"--"..~-- '.- .".------..-...._.- ".~.. -._._._.-_.._-...._-_..._, -"-==-._--- .._---:;...='-.._"..-'- --- -.. ----..._..".-"..........-...-.. i ;I ; -'_. ...0_.-.._-----,_._--- L O ;:;T F LO :;<: ,~c!Fi-OO?ce._ ===-.=-=:;=- / I >.,;'"• •oII ''I d .""".'I ,. El..o?!2 5 ' .',..------------- , I I I I I I I !8 t.-=-:'::v E"-...:-r-~ LI ONSHEAD CENTRE ~D O M I N I UM 520 W.Li o n s head Mal l Vai l.Co lo rado 6 1657 ASSOCIATI ON • April 16,1991 ChuB Cort ina 520 Lion shead Mall 310 L ionshead Ce ntre Vai l,Colo 81657 Dea r Chus : The Boa rd of Di rect o rs h as app roved y ou r r eq uest t o i n~tall f o ur skylights ·i nu nit 310 du ring Ap r il or May 1991. Ap pr oval by the Town of Va il an da b ui lding permit mus t be se c u red p rio r t o ou ts i de c o nst r uc tio n o n the Mall s i de o f t he b ui lding . The Associ atio ns'attor ne y,F red Otto ,h as bee n inf o rm ed to prepar e l eg al d o cu men ts con ce rn ingt hi s i ns tall ati o n b etve en yo u rse lf a nd t h e As soc iation . Ve ry trU ly you rs . 1k1.<Y1 ).J,.,':" Th e ron(Bud dy)L.Si ms P res i de nt Li o n she ad Ce nt r e Condo Assoc cc :Ot to ,Pete rso n &Po st Att o rn e ys at Law 1E1~~\V II~JU Lb .'.. II IEJ . .=-=ID.§I?liJ WVffil §It:]1f lID!?.. .[£@]IN U1ll1!J ~D1f tr ID§~@lb@)[?ffil§~v · 0 .. ~~~..,"""""""~~SALES AC TIO N FOR M _...~...~......::;z::~:.;:z.:;;..;:~=:.;;-~=AA C:Si .'IO •.ll. ",c::um I . .I.~0 NC.v..AllCl.'NT 10 1 c::e '<l 1::e le:!.I.DEY.Al'i'UCo\1lC N ...S I Jr.J~I ,I·Z,7f;"17cTf~ 01 CC:O -4 ~~4::fZ :NINC ANO AtC:t!SS LlAPS I :":0 I le 1 ecce 4~4 ~~{,sas UNIFCRM 2 LC 1NC ec ez I I :0.:0 I le 1C....::l 4"''''''':f1S:2 UNI-":u F"JlJ C 1NC C......o:-II :ss.:o I.....',-._;-\.1.._.._......._I, I I I IF'Coo.-4'••,11S H UN'~--'l 1I~~-lAm Co\l.C··~J:':O....._"T '__..h ....r..._____ 10 1 C··--4 -'"I,,:,UNI-"'A r.-~e ·-~II ..I......"'-,_~.._•r ......Ol\.:...>.o_ F'CO ,"-4 -"'1'/10=-NA-C NAI.a::~C"C··~I I 3 0.:0 I.....'oJ ..._.....1 U ,..I __...__ 10 1 e cce -4 14 1~I c ;r.~c:c~!!CcKS .I I 0.. 101 ecce .-4 1 ~4 a Ie!.!!!PRl NiS (J.l 'lURS)I 7.ce r ·. 101 ecce -41412 1scx CCrIES I SiUC IES ..I.~ Fl ecc e -4:::!71Ip~/)J.:lY h '~I ~-INSi'EC1lCN 0 II • 01 eee e <ll:l2210Fi'HCI.lllS INS?SC1l0N f~.. 01 ~ce o ofl-412ICCN T:lAC;CRS UctNS£S "'5 .I 0 01ecce of l:!:C I01H!.'l f ~-5 . •. ·.. 01ecce U4 1J .SIc:I APWCATIO N %Doce 7 fivf2/h:"'-'vt-i htz-. .z a::>CC I.WENTS :TOTAl.O ~ /rd J '0 u..tO l!'.f(r ,ttl-t UVJ .r I . • • - ''!• o C ontact Person andPh one •Project Application • Dale //./.?'j'----- Owner ,Addre ss a ndPh one :_ A rch itect.Address a ndPh one :_ Legal Description:lot Block Filing .Zo ne _ Des ign Review Board 11 '1 '1'~ Molion by : 5-0 DISAPPROVAL f l:/r -j "'tTff -n"'!JIf Summary :_ D ate : Town Pl...nn er o Staff App roval -_....... ."...•Project Application • Date Ii')'I 'i .'f 7 J '"~_.} Contact Perso n an dPhone (eN~'~ /',.).i!a~ ?...,"1 O wner,AddressandPhone:_ A rchitect.Add ress andPh one:_ l egAl D escription:Lot Block Filing .Z one _ 52{) Design ReviewBoa rd Dale _ M olion by: APPRO VA L DI SAPP ROVAL T.f{g..!'/a.f..f /I ./-1".---L7 _ Summary:_ Town Planner Date :JO I l'r 9'-_ o StaffAp proval ............... • - • t~-~'1 ~k-z ~~~. -~""~~1~~ ~M~(fe4c 7~)' -tI~~~'r ~"'7'1/~.-.:t ~,t.d ;6-J)~lJ f.kr{-e-~~~p- • INTERDEPARTM ENTAL MEETING 10:00 A .M . OCTO BER 1 8,1989 upstairs conference Room • At tn:Ron P hi l lips Stan Berryman Gr eg Ha ll Pete Burnett Ken Hughey Di ck Duran Mike McGe e Pat Dods on Ag enda P am Brandmeyer PeterPa tten Gary Mu rra in Sus an Scan lan Mike Molli ca Kristan Pritz R ick Pylman Betsy Rosolack 1 .Intermountain h ousing 2.Lionshead Centre Condominiums -parking g arage d oor;F i re De partment c onc ern s? N.=.I.~~-~~n.:» .z.,~f--ffi ~:by .t F~ D0·~b 'B.?~ ..•-.:.t .-.-;~;;.-...-..... '........,..:&.,~.W-.~ .'~~':. .J...~~....,...-.--"....:~........'..-:-~. ~"­._--..--,_.,"......,..-....,- .~ APPLICATION OATE:0 q 1~2 1 CATE OF ORB ~E ETIil G :10 I I 9 J 9 q • ...,...-,. • • ~.-;~;,J,:. A pr e -applic3tion meeting with aplann ing staff membe r .is strongly suggested to .~.~~ datennin e i f a ny additional t nforaa t j c u is ne.-s.:te d.Noa pp l tcat f on will be C".ccr.p t E'd ..~~~~~.'. unl ess it is complete (mu st include a ll items required by th e zon ing adm.inis tr ator)..>-::;~ I t is the a ppl icant'S responsibility to make an appointment with t he staff t o fi nd . out abo ut additional subm ittal re quir em ents.Pl ease note tha t a COMPLE TE appli ca-;'..'~~= t f e n wi 11 stream 1;n e theapprava1 process fol'"your project by decreasing the num ber -'. of conditions ofap proval th at the ORB may stipulate .All conditions ofa pproval must .·~~1 be r esolved befo.re abu ilding permit is issued...._-:=- A.PROJECT O E SC~I PTI ON:...~.\.k<.,~..th,;4 .··8~ , .--. I .PRE -APPLICATION MEETING: ORB APPLI CA TI ON • •••••THIS APP LICA TION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTE O UNTIL ALL INF ORM ATION I S ~II B llln EO·"" Q /(,C;7VAILCtJ>I Lot,Bloc k Fil ing _lega l De scri ption B.LOC ATION OF PR OPOS AL:• Address Ii 1..0 ~~.....;1h....}f Zo ning ... C.NAME OF APPLICANT :'£.~A.<4 41 ~:tAo.~~~~...:... Address 5 1.D ~k,J ~V A IL ,C:d Ii I b S'1 telephone 4-"1 b -1 ~5-r I O./lA NE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATI VE:H A,R R Y L ~~,A A /II Address ')1 0 ~~VAl t i.td 11 !ri telephone 4-"L -3 IS-I E.NAt·IE OF OWNERS:~~....-e---~~,*=~,,:;t ':!h I'.>{I V ')-.I .l -~":"01\.) Signature './'.'/-/"1.2.0/1](A{;\.-~t ~...zl lU \I ~, Ad dress 'i 1D ~~~v ~rA 'lI U g i l\,""tel epho ne U-,b -3 Ir;", F.ORBFEE :The fee will be paid a tt he ti meabu ildingpe rmit i sr equested. VALUATION FE E $0 -$10.000 $10 .001 -$50.000 $:50,001-$150,000 $150.001 -$.500.000 $500,001 -$1 .000,000 $Over $1.000.000 $10 .00 "-(YOs50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IM PORTAN T NOTICE REGAR OING ALL SUBN ISSION S TO TH EORB: 1.I n addition t o meeti ng submittal r eQ ui~ements,thea pplicant must s ta kethe site t o indicate prope rty li nes and buil dingcorn ers.Trees that will bere move d s houl d also be marked.Th i s wor k mustbe compl eted before t he ORB vi sits th e s i teo 2.The reviewpr ocess for 'NEW BUI LDINGS will norm a l lyinv olve tw o separate meetings oftheDesign Review Board,so planon at least tw o me etings f or their ,approval . 3.People who f a il to a ppear befo re the Oesig n ReviewBoard a t their s cheduled meeting and wh ohave nota skedf or apostp onement wi ll be r equired to be re published. ,•••:,;:...'.'".-..,..~ •._"C--'" 4 .The followingitems no lo nger have t o be prese nted tothe De sig n Review Boa rd. They .howe ver.havetobe presented t ot heZoni ng Admi ni stratorfo r approval: a .Wind ows.s kyli gh tsands imilar exterior changest hat donot alter the exi sting planeofth ebuil ding;and b.Building additions that arenot view ed f rom anyot her lot or pub l ic s pace . wn ichhave had lette rs submi tted f remadj oini ng prope rty ow ners aop rovi ng theaddi t ion;and /or approval from the agent f ar ,or mana ger ofa condomi nium as sociation. 5.You may ber equired to conduct Natural Ha zard Studies on your property .You s hould check with aTawn Planner beforeproceeding . ... • •• " MATE RIAL TO BE SUBMITT EO I .NEW CO NSTRUCTION A.Topographic map and si te pl anof s i te conta i ning t hef oll owin g(2ccpies): 1 .Li censed su rveyo rls stamo . .- .0 ~:;..= ·i .,- ,, 2.Contour intervalsofnot more th an 2 'unlesst heparcel consis ts of 6 acres or more.i n which case.5'cont our intervals wi ll be accepted. 3.Exist ingt rees or groups of trees having tru nks with diameters of 401 or mor e one f oot abov e grade. 4.Rockoutcroppi ng sand other signific ant natural featur es(la rge boulders. intermit tent str eam s.etc .). 5.Av alanc~areas,100 year f lood pl ain and slop es 40 :or mo re.if appl ica~l e . 6.Tiest o existi ng benchma r k ,ei ther USGS landma r k or sewe r inv ert . Z.Locations of t he fo l lowing : _____~.Proposed surface drainage on and of f site showing si zeand :ype of c u l v e rts~swale s ~etc . .". b .Exactloc ations of all ut il ities t o i ncl ude exis ti ng s ources and pro~ose d service li nes f romsourcest o the stru cture.Util itiesto i nclude: cabl e TV Te lepho ne sewer water gas el ec tr ic c .Property lines showing dista nces and bearings and abasi sofbearing d.Prop osed drivewayswith percen ts lope and spot e levations e .Alleas emen ts 8.Ex is ting and f in ished gr ades. 9.Al l exis t i ng and pr opos edi mpro veme nts includ ing structures,la nd scaped ar eas, serv ice area s ~storage ar eas,w alk s~drivewa ys,of f -str eet par king .lo ading a reas~r etainingwall s (w iths po t elevat ions ),andot her site i mp rovem ents. 10.Elevati ons of to p ofroofr i dges (w ith exi sti ng grade show n un derneath)t o dete rm inehei ghtof build ing. B.A s ta te~e nt f rom e ach u tilityverifying lo cation of se rv ice and availabi l i ty.To besu bmitted wi th siteplan. C.Pre li mi nary titl e r eport toaccompan ya ll sub m;ttals~to i nsure property owner ship .and a I.\..eas ements on property. O.Landscape Plan (I"=20 'orl arger)-2 copies 1.Show the location of4"diameter or ·'larg~r ·trees,·oth er ·slhtu 6 s .a n(r nati ;,e .olants tt: are onth es iteand t he location and design ofpro po sed andscapeareas ';.11th the var ie tiesandapproxi mate sizes of plant materials tobe planted.~ 2 .Comple te landsc apematerials l is t. 3.Des ignate trees to besaved and t hose tobe l ost. • NO TE:As muchof th e abo ve i nfo~~t ion as possibl e should occuront hesi te pl an,s ot hat t he i nter-relation oft he various comp onents is clea r.The l ands cace pl ans houldbe s eparate.The e xisting topog raphic and vegeta tional char acte ri stics maybea s eparate map.Th e app lican t musts ta ke t he si tetos ho wl ot l ines and bu i lding corn ers.Tree s th atwi ll be lost duri ng construc tionmustbet a gg ed.The works hould be ccnpleted before t heORB s itevis it. .1.Must incl ude flo or pla ns and al l elevations asthey will appe ar on completion . Elevations mu sts howboth existingand fin ished grades. 2 .Ex terio r surfacing materi alsand co lors s ha ll bes pecified a ndsubmitted f or re vi ew ont hematerials li stavail able from t he Depa rtment of Commu nity De veloo- me nt .Colorchi ps,s iding samples e tc .•shouldbe presented at t he Design Re vlew Boardmee ting. • E.~.Archi tectural Plans (l/S"•I'or larger )2 copies •". '"":"'1 ~­._-- ~ F.Th e Zoning A d~i ni s t r a to r and/or ORB ~~y re qu ire t he submission ofadditional plans. draw ings.spec ificati ons .sample s and other materi al (including a model)i f deemed necess ary to dete rmi ne whe therapro jectwill compl ywith designgui delines . iI .MINO R ALTER ATIONS TO TH EEXTERI OROF BUI LDIXGS Ph otos or sketche sth at cle ar ly indicate what isproposed a nd t he lo ca tio n (s ite plan) ofproposal maybe submitteainl ieu of the more forma l req uirements gi ven abov e .3S long ast hey prov idea ll im po rtantspeci fications f ort he pro posed in cluding colo rs and mate ri alsto be used, il .AGOI TIC~S -R E SIDE~TI AL OR CO}\~E RC I AL A.Original floor planswith all spec if icati ons s how n B.Floorplan for additio n -2copies C.Si tepla n 's howi ng existing and proposed construc tion -2copies tapas O.El ev ations af addition E.Ph otosof exis ting structure F.Spec i f ica ti onsf ora ll mater ials and col or samples on materi als li st avail able at Department of Community Develop ~e nt At the r equ estofthe De sign Re view Administrator you may also ber equired to submit: G.Statement fre m each ut il ityverify i ng lo cation of serv ice and availability.See atta chedutility l ocationver ificat ionf orm . H.Site im pr ovem entsurvey .s tamped byr egi stered pro fe ssional surveyor. I.Preli mi nary title repo rt .veri fyingowne rshipof property and lists ofeas ements. i V.F I~A L SITE PLAN Aft er a build ing perm ithasbeen iss ued,and when the pro ject i s und erwa y.thef ollowin g wi ll be r equiredbeforeanybuildingrece ivesaf rami ng i nspection f rem th e Bu il ding Dep ar~en t:A certi fied i mprove~ent sur veys hewin g: A.Bu ilding locat ions with t iesto property corners.i.e.distances andang les . 8 .Building dime nsion s t o near estte nth offo ot . C.All ut i li ty se rvi ce li nes as-buil tss howing s ize of lines,typeofmateri alused, ande xact l ocations.2 copies O.Drainageas -bui1ts.2 copies E.Basi s of bearing t o tie to s ection corner . F.Al l property pins are tobee ithe r found or .s et and stated on ma p. •G.All eas eme nts H.~ui ld ing flo or el evat ions androo f ri dgee levations . ••.LIST OF MA TERIALS ~:'IE OF PilOJECT:~.....~~V!~~ LEGAL DESCRIP TIQ;I:LilT BLOCK TILlii ~ STREET ADDRESS:;1 C ~7!Qili VA 'L -,-~~(J-""¥-f""6-;:C;-"'7 DESCRI PTI O:I OF PROJECT :~i=tv ,,,,,,,,........~AJ&Li ........~". The fo1101'l10g informa tion i s r equ iredfo r s ubmitta l by th e app l icent toth e Desig n Rev iew Bo ard before a f inal approval canbe fiven: A.BUIL DI;IG :-IATER IALS:TYPE OF MATERIA L Roof Sidi ng Ot herWall Mat er ials Fe.sc ia Soffi ts Wind cws COLOR Win do',1 Trio Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rail s Fl ues Flashi ngs Chi mney s Tras h Enclo sures Greenhouses Other ~. B.LMlDSCAPUlG:Nam e of Designe r : phone: P LA ~T :~TERIALS :Botanical Name PROPOSED TRE ES EXISTING TR EE S TO _ BE REH OVED Comm on Name guani t'l Siz e * -In dica te c aliper for deci ducious trees.Ind icate heightf orconifers . .(over ) .,., " .PLA tH fIATE,UAL S: (c an't) SHR UBS E X I S T I ~G SHRUB S TO BE REt,lOVEO GROU::O COVERS SOO SE ED TYPE OF IR RIGAi"I ON • Batan;CJ 1 ~l il m e COrr::':Qn ~:ame • Qu ant t ',' .....-=.·~.....lt._,_...-,-- Size .....-......,... Scuare Footaoe TY PE OR METHOD OFEROSIONCONTROL ------------------- C.OTHER'LAN OS CAPE FEA TUR ES (re ta ining wa l ls,fe nce s .swi mming pools,etc .)Pleas e s peci fy. ;" ,. •• L ION5HEADC EN TER CON DO MIN IUMS I-A P RE-APPLI CATI ONMEETING was h el d with Mich ae l Mo ll ic a, Town p lanne r,Dep t o f Com munity De velopme nt,Tow n of Vail. on 09/13/89 A PRO JECT DES CRIPTIO ~ -Insta l la tion of a gar ag e d o or a t th e ea ste xit of g a ra gea t L i o n s he ad Ce n te r Co n dominiums . -A pedes tr ia n doo r wou ld be p lace d next t o ga rage d oo r on th e n o rt h s i de . -Th ee xis t i n g wo oden l ou v er swo u ld be r el o cated 2 8 in ches to the s o uth .T he l ouv ersa re at p re sen t lo cat ed a lo ng th e sou th s ide of th e ga r age . -I n s t all ation o f p ed es tr ia n doo rs o n s ou t h s i de of buildin ga t th ee xi t of ga rag ea nd t h ee nt ranc e in to sw immingp o ol a rea . TYPE OF MAT ERIAL : -Pl ease re f er to a tt ac hed p ag e #4 from Ove rh ea d Doo rCo . -The c o l or o f ga ra ge do or would b e br own b aked o n polyest er fi n ish . A samp le of mate r ial ga rag ed oor woul d be pres ent ed at th e Design Re v ie w Boa rd Me eting . -Th e t hr ee ped es tri an d oo rs wo ul d b e ho l lo wmet al door s . The d oors wo u ld be pain t ed br own to ma tc h ext er ior o f buildin g. F or s ny questi on on materials to be u s ed ,ca ll Dav id G.O 'Do n ne l, Man a ger o f Overh ea d Door Co of F r isco :1 -800-328 -DOOR . -A drawing of pro pose d g ar ag edo or with s lo tt in g has bee n e nc lo s ed . -An arc hi tec t ura l d r awin g o ft h es o u t h a nd eas t e leva tion a nd t he b aseme nt f loo r p lan have be en e nc l osed . -Also e nc losed releva nt pho t ocop ies . ~","..---_~I~rtllh ane 1 7=-SkinsofGalvanized f '.~Roll Sh ~1 St~I '-~Thermal Break • • WlIler Channel Palenl ;4156448 Intermediate Seal Palent 14156448 SteelReinlot'Cflm enl Rubber Sealing Gasket OoIJb le or Smgle Acryl>e Glazing {T hMmal Glaz ing Oplional} I-I T ECHNICALDATA •Wind lo ad i ng-Certified testing (ASTM-E-330-70)Wind lo ads of 44.6 pst (147 m ph wi nd)havebeen atta ined on spec ified doo rswit h no pan el d amage, •Air Inf iltration -Ce rtihed testing (ASTM-E·283·73).14cf m pe r sq.It.of do o r at 15mph . Op tions •Thermal gla zi ng •a-secno n passdoo r •Ext ra cycles prings(SOK·100K cyc les) •Saversea l jam b weamerseat •Elec tr ic o perator •Chai n hoi st •Pcs-fenefcn s dr ums •Safety bottom nxt ure •Safetye dge •EP DM rubber top s eal •Alum inums ash s ection to 22'2"wide •He avy-dut y h igh -sec urity Insulated door. •Foamed-i n -place pclvu rettrene lamination process. •Gal vanized stee l exterior and Interior . •Ch oiceo f w hite or brown ba ked-on p olyester fi nish. •R va lue =14.59 ,U value =.069 •In clude s pa t entedi ntermediate seal. •Pat ented ra in channels lor drip-free door openings. •B ottom s eal s ta nd ard . The591 THERMACO AE Series door Is designed l or heavy- d uly,h igh ener9y~lIici e ncy needs.Us ing ac on tin uo us tcamec-m-prace lamination precess.the591 THERMACOAE door p rov id esan even-text ured sandwich 0 1steel a nd polyurethanefoam which maximizesenergy cooserveucn. m aking the591T HERMACO R Ed oo r t he po pular c ho ic e fo r manufactunngplants,warehouses,cold storagebuildi ngs,and si mi lar s ites. The 591T HERMACORE d oor incorpo rates high-qualit y features such as :heavy duty s prings ;bouo m wea ther sea ls; th erma l breaks :and patent ed interm ediatese als . Superior Manu facturing Meth ods:Computer-controlled processing ,consta nt sam pling and televisi o n mo n itoring assu re t hat T HE AMACOR E i nsulation ist he highest-quality. mosteven-texrureo on the market. 591 Thermacore®\eries Insulated Doors Arch itectural S p eci fic at i o n s Continuous joemeo-m-pra ce po lyu reth anein sulatedsteel s ecti onal upw ard ·acting doorss hall be 591 T HER MACORE Ser ies doo rs s hown o npl ansan d s hall inc o rpo ratethe following specifications asstandard: Sections shall bero ll ·for medg alvanized s heet steelno less t han D16"thick e mbossed Withatexturedp attern .S ect ionsw ill be manufactured by a co nti nu ous rcameo-in-ptace po lyurethanelami nahonp rocess re sullingIna m etal/loam/melalsa ndwich 01ho mogeneous po ly uret hane ins ulation.Sections will h ave ano minalt hicknessof 1%"and will incorporate atherm albr eak 10 pre vent he ator c old co nductiVity.The ship-lap d es ign ha s patenteewater c hanne ls. Wlndloadlng :Sha ll meet 15.2 o.e.t as s tand ard .For h igher wi nd loa d,consu ltfactory. End stiles are16 gauge formed eteet In sulat ion is 1)..-\-nomi na l tcemec-i n-ptace po lyurethane provid inglnsureno n factors 01 14.59 R value ,and .069 U v alu e. Tracks aregalvaniZedsteel a ndar eav ailable in 2 -or3-s ize according10d esignli m its orcu stomer pr eference.Vertical tracks are mounted onb rackets or a continuou sa ng leor bo th . Hortzont altracksares izedand rein fo rced accord i ngtodoo r s ize an d weight. Hinges and fi xtures a re galvani zed ste el.Full-fl oa t ingba ll- b ea ri ng ro ll er s have h ardened steer races forlong life.Ro Uer si zes will v aryacc ording tod esignrequ irements a nd l imitations.Spec ial h eavy d uty s p ri ngs madeofh igh tensile wire have a mi nimum sp ri ng l ite of 10.000cyc les .Reinforc ing st eel s truts a~standard o n la rger doors according t ow idth requ irem en ts. Weatherseals between sectcos s hall bepatented t ube se als fin ed ins id e ev ery jom t to p revent a ir infilt rat io n.Bonom weat herseat isa PVC bu lb t ypestri p d esigned t o c o nfo r m a nd s ealat th e floor su rface. Fini sh shall be baked -on poIy es1er,ei the r whiteo r brow n. Oo or siz es a re availab le upt o amax i mum of 30 ft .wide . lock is a pi nt umbler si ngle-unit mechanism .R ighi han d jnstanetcn is st andard . Standard op eration is by h andpull ro pe. Con sultfactoryfor options andc ustomapplic ati ons.• 4 ThermalBreak • ~3 Thermaco~Series Ins~,"ated Doors The59 THERMACORE series door is designed tor menum-oy h igh energy-efficiency needs.USing a continuous f oamed -in-pce laminatio n process,th e 593 TH ERMACO AE door provid a n even-textured sandw ich of steel and polyurethane amwh ich max imizes ene rgy conserv ation .The 593THEAMACQAE is the economical cnoce for manufacturi ng plants.wa rehouses.cold storage b u i ldings.a nd similar SItes wh iCl\emphasize energy conservation. The593 T H ERM~O R E deer inco rporates several high- quality t eaturessueas heavy duty s prings,between-section and bottom we ather-ears.and the rmal bre aks between the i nterio r a nd exterior sin ofea ch section.Spec ialp ate nted me eting ra ilsa redesig ed w ithround rainch annelswh ich pr event a ccumu latedw t er fromf lowing d ownt he insid e ofthe d oor u pono peni ng.C h sewhi le o r brc.....n baked-on po lyester fi nish o n th e e m bo ssed gvanized steel s ectio ns . ~Thermal lazIng liTI+1-----"1Y·u rethaneCore 1- 1__-,/-_GaJv aniZed Sheet S teAl S kinS 08360/0VE Bu yLlne4841 • -I , •Med i um-du ty high-s ecurity Insulated d oo •Foamed-In-p lace polyurethane lamination •Gal vani zed st eel e xterio r a nd back cover. •Choice o f w h ite o r b rown b aked-on polyeste •A v a lue =12 .43 ,U val u e =.0 80. •I n clu des p atentedInt e rme diate s eal s. •Patentedra in c hannel s to r drip-t ree door op enln s . •Bo ttom s eal standard ./ Ii l}--f----w ealhorslrip Optians ~e r m a l g laZi ng •xt ra cyc le s prmgs (SOK.100K cycles) •Saverseal ja mb wearnersear •Electric operato r •Cha i n hoist •Pos i~Te nsio n !drums •Safety bottom f ixtu re •Exteriorcy linder lock •Safety edge •EP DM rubber topseal • Ar chitect ural Spec lllcat ions / C?"t inuous f o a m~-i n -p l a c e po lyurpthane insu lated stee sectional uoware-acnnq doors shall ,tie 593 TH ERMACQAE Series do ors shown 00 plans and ~all incorporate the fOllowm g speciucetcne as standatd ; Se ctions s hall be roIl-form"!1van iZed sheet stee l no less Ihan .016 "th ick embossed w i a textured pattern.Sections w ill be manufactured bya c ont i QUS foamed-in-place polyu rethane lam ination pJ6cess resulting in 8 ~etal /f~am/me~al sandwiCh of homogeneous polyurethane jnsutanon.Sections wl 9'have a nomeet ttnckness 0113"'"and will incorporate a :~~al b reak;to prevent heal o r CO ld conductivity.The ;I""""l ap design haspa tented wate r ch anne ls. End stues e re ~g a u ge formed steer. Insul ation islAl~nomlnalloamed-In-plac e polyuret ha ne . w ee the rseat sbetween sectio ns sha ll be pat ented lubesea ls fin ed ins ip-e every jo inttopr even t ai r l nftlt rano n .Bottom weemetseat IS aPVC b ulb ty pe st np d esign ed toc onform an d seelat fhe f loors urfac e. I F in is h s hall be baked-onpo lye sler,e it her wh ite Of b rown . Tracks arega lvanized steelan d are 2 '"in s ize,Vert ical trac ks are a ng le mounted 00 brackets or a co ntinuous angle or both. H or izonta l t racksare sized and re inforced according to door siz e andwe ight. H inges and f ixtures ar e ga lvan ized steel.Fu ll-f1oalmg ba ll- bearing roll ers have hardened sfeel racestorlo ng cycle life.one rsizes will vary according tod esignrequ i re mentsand I natio ns .Special he8\/)'duly spr in gs ma de of hightensile w e have a minimum sp r ing ure of 'ס.סoo cycles . siz es are ava ilab leupto a maxim um o f 14 '2 "wideby igh . operati on is by hand pu llrope. Co nsult fao ry foro ptions a ndc usto m appttcaucn e. 3 • • LH.e.- ,, ) ! I,, J ;.- ., .. ;1 !.OZ I "k(~r"""""" ,. , G , .~\......ST£.....~~'--s.-'--~-r....a\;..~....~ IN "0 '~A'1.'::Jt>........v..>,.....\.."l......'"- ,. ~;;I :~,,,,~, I ~J"""" J ! ,, i ,._ I i •,•.I':~';-'-r'...: •I !I-, ,,' ...i ,,. ,-.., ,. -z,,G"~.'9"I'li...:c..~"....:!-'--e.e!:.J.., ! 1 .t.,I i ::.~ "'14-..1<6 :~,,­, i !1 ', I I i, I I I ,! :I I .I .i .!I IiLL!,i !,Ii !!i ii, """).'1 1 .1 r:"'):...P,!;-.;...!(I.:~I t.- E:.....i~':....,-f1="~'....c;.:"~'{~L-..--<:"I '(}--1 .1-"..\9 -i"-:_.•1 ;<:I -1 1---f :.I,"}~.-.j ""I I'..,I •.,•I !.,-,.,.. I j _,._!I II 'I:. ,··rl-t-.--:-:-r 'T ' -:A ":Ilb ~,;.....;- .••I I t "'+1'+ i l='=jT J!.:..:.;L!1 .,---"'"+ll:-! J 'J::::::Z:)-,!I--,' r, I !j.,'-, f, IIq , i I i i'! I I:I i,:I 'I.I rr Mu.....l;r :II ~...~....:.. ..I I ;I't i ~.'."~~.l _ 1.I : ,I ,.I.I'iii 13"'..-.-:r"'",,-\;"II",,"'I;!t l I 'rn ,I ~"'~''-....'"c.. ,, -t I·. I \....1.l--/:_., ,.., 4,..4 ~"".,.A.J,L, ..,......-S;:.I ,:So o s......s. "3.0")0 = ,•",-.,,.,J 'I "~'j,I v-, ".,.---,-,--_-;:;;;~~~---'L:.-,-~~R" = ! "":l.."...!'l ,....x:.- 0:::........0:.1..v-),.....~ I '. i \, \ \ I, \ I i:+-, •• •• I··---..-- ----_._.--..... '. i j -~.. I • ,\' 'i ~) lJJ'x _.-c.--'-'-II -'=' --~------ I II- I I --II .'1._(.', .j '"J--.<,•<~.' J _~.J 3---_._- .<~)r ~'e'",\.J)Jx f •I 1 '-.1 __._ ; I ·1-f . I , •--- I I I I / ':;:' I / =/;.--.....,../ Full VertIC81-2 '"e nd 3 '"'ThI ck b'sio"SIlfVlg ~e1111lY be UW<l ondoofI I'IOl ~2t!1"ln he'gtllall(l USObs Dful!lln "Itltr insldtOf outsillIlht oerllcaI trw;:l .-It!N "SlInll.-cl~Ol/bldt n Jlh °lidfll)Ol'lll'ltide Ht.allroom ~il dDOf htiJIt pIwt 12".lni bul!lJlfl''JIR'lQ .....,.,." ..--------,._- ~.~~.~ "",",....- ,,. r H igh U n -2'"e nd 3 '"1l'aek [lie 'tMIliEAD DOOA "highhI!IrICk lS lXU'Iler-tt.lIl1Ced WIlli one or IIQt torSIOllsomosUal!klmpef SOIIrlO st-.danJ, -.:t'..OlQ"':'::::'::'-_.._--1.l..,..lJCLll .._.._- ------~~v,},rW - -Wood "'~·Treck -.._- ~~ ---101 __••...'e..-_-_....-- Stande rel H••droom-3 '" T~' AecooltNI illtd Iol'mosl '*'VI Of I'Iewy C\OOf tI'ISUlIIbons.lhis trackstloIIlcl be Iocaedas ttose as PO$$itllt lD 1tIe ....- • .......__t.·_ Ib-:::;a ,,= ..,e-_-_-- -- Framing Details and 'n'ack Selection Guide !l!z I ~j II I '5 UJel teCOl\'llfltl\Cled tor 1nO'lt IIHiled door Ilsr-..on..III'I.lu Id Ioal ecl as doM n lIlJUIble to .,.WIll..- . 14 Low Helldmom-3 "'fIoKk l."9'f Of ~door1in IOcalions ..Illl lIli:!d IIeadroorrt!Nt IIQlIQ theuse rJ J"lTaeks wrI~!Ill instIlI$3n of tIlItMion SlIrirlos p¥il Ur l lo tile IIXk 01 IorIIOII t&lOf\Q!II reli.(;ansullllstnbulOl'or lMmPd Door ~fQI'doof..-~·TeMloo"drums ani ~b"on IorWn 1~"9 tIQU .pped dooll UOto 1.000 'Di.;I!1d IJIDimu mOOO rtmls IorIDw hndroom!racial Doors IlCll to lDCeed WO"1I;;!l 1fld1..(50 IbI usillQ standlrd drtllllll ~~PIo I211·1 _-."'i\.'H~0 i\-,~r r u._'hco._1 __.__ -~"'-----..............-[-~.. ~---C"'.....__ ..,..........."........-.-- •Operator Mounting Details and Selection Guide . Mounting Detail . Side Mounted (Jackshaft)mounti ngsfe elure a power u n lt mountedon the Inside trent wall and connected to the crossheadshatt with an adjustable coop/ing Of drive chai n and sprockets. c.nt.r Mount.cl (Ja c kSh'")mou nt ings follow t he s ame principle assid e m ou nted o perators ,exeepl thai t he power unit i s located on t he f ront wa ll above lhedooropeni ng .Ext ra headroom is required . """'" center Mounted (Jacks haft) For SDA.Fl.srt,or L O perators (FL Operat Of Shown) Headroom Req uired:For Fl a nd S Fl-14" MoreThan Type l -1O "MoreThan Type Track/Fo r SOA-raThan Type Tr ack c eo" .....,..,.,..~ Trolley 'TYpe mo unting s l eature8 power un it J. mounted be tween.above an d10the rear of t he ho rizonla llracks .T he drawbar drive provides po Sitive c o nt rolof the doo r ata llt imes and is rec ommended lor application wherever possible. M aximum w icl1h is 2O'!Of s ingle drawbar coereu . T his is o n ly operator su itable fo r l ow headroom,_. ,- S ide Mounted Ch ain Driven Model EL 18 "Sideroom Requ ired For Left O r Righ t Side RC H 24lh " SOA 24" 25 " L 23 " 24" 2"Tra ck 3 "Track Side Mounted (Jackshaft)For FL .$Ft Or L Qperatcm; (Direct Drive Fl Operator Shown) $ideroom Req u ired : Fl&FSL 20 ' 2 " ~Operator Selection Guide (S'.nd.rd'to.a1.n$PrlngDoon)~ _........_....._Doo<s...(Sq ...t ·1...'n 'l /U3 .W U1 ""'".....~.n ••.,".1'~'"n ••u,_,.........~n,_.n.......~..-".-....'1 "-'"".2'V-....,...,2'04·811111:10 ---~U•••-..,c_,...)n .....-..t ,,~....t.....l .In...t.....'".....,.-""M RCH 'n ,..TroIley+SIde '''''"''''se '"'"".'"'"'"'"20 ' EL '.Yo.TtoIley .Sld&59'are ,eo '"m 265 20 ''20 '"'"'"'"Fl '."'.Tr oll_~.Sidl+C _nler "Xl 230 '",eo '50 aos ".'50 ".'50 ",", ~20 :1 J '."'.TroIll!ly,Sldll+CI!IJItl!ll'""'30 eos ,eo '50 30''"'50 '"'50 ."'50 El '."""'".-'50 265 '"205 300 360 275 300 '"300 ."300 Fl -s ~""Side +Ctnttr ,ro '"'"'"'"360 ,,,320 '"'"."'10 ~40:1 '.""~e-... ,,,,,,,'50 20 ''"360 ,,,320 '"'10 ...'"''l ~""•Sio.+e-...1000 305 275 230 sse 305 soe ,,,,'"'50 ..,esc L{20:'I)~""Tr'OI Itoy,SIcle+Cenler '000 305 275 230 '50 38'305 ,,,,'"esc ""esc SFL·'I.S ~""_.e.-''''33'300 esc 380 .1~·'"00''"380 '"380 SFl-S 'n ""_.e.-""360 325 '"'".50 305 '"'"'"""<2, ~~1 'n ""SidtI +c.nw ""360 325 zrs ."<SO 305 <2,'"'"""." .Fl ..""'1l'aI1toy.s.+e-13'10 ..,,<5 '".50 ""'"'50 '"'50 '"'50 ~20:1J ..""Trolley.SQ,+c.nw 13'10 '10 ,<5 '"'50 .",'"'50 '"'50 ...'50 SF\.·'IS ••"".....e.-"00 eas ""330 ""505 ."...'"."""."sn-s ••"".....e.-''''..,'"350 '20 ees '"...'"'"'"53S lJ.40:1)..""Side+CttYItt ''''..,'"350 '20 see '"...'"sss t ss scs SMLD.,""Sode .e--'''''..,<SO ""ses '"'"500 '"'"79 ''50 S04 HD.,"".....""'"2200 ,<5 ...<2,550 '"500 '"".550 '"'"SOAHD.,""S ide.CentIt 2800 eeo 550 '10 '"""""'"'",,,,920 esc--'I .....__aotl lll!l "1I*'iI!Il~~00«~- "--II _DowIDpo_.c..-C~"'''"....._--lV"'lII-......clW1 CIIQ .ll.lbJ 2O"'>.For IIOI!IigI"I _~e-'ll."""toy3lS'llosar.r-_.·bJ _........e-_.......__ _OI'IIy,If -.r,;_.......,...__...........-.e_ '.FL-$..Soa.......~.1 ---5.SFl.-1,S...(Inllorrowd _"""'SFL-S "I_~__ I.r01W111!1y __oII __20 __CIU.~_~ 1.FO'WIII!Iy net<........,dUlylrvloor ~ 16 •• Door Louvers and VISIONLITE Frames .- GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Mo.orlol All d oorlo uvers (except Model s 1300 a nd1400 )a nd V I$IONLlT Efra mes are l abnc:aled tromcold roUeo steel shEKI I.See specn c mode!lo r respectivegauge . Conotructlon N o'e:All d rawings in thIs cetaloq arehallsce'e . Permanenti nte rlocking consnucncn IS USe(!10 secure b lades toframe onhxed or stencn ary lou vers . Allsteel l ouver frames have m itered and !lUSh weld edcorners .Louvers with adjustable blades emp loy c learancerivets 81 all ope rating po ints . F..tenerl Ali iouvet!>With rnoun hng frames (Styles RC:""A-and ·'A·I NI have standard 3 /1 6 "d iameler pre- punched ho les for ,8 x Jt"Phillips pa n head sheetmeter screws (prOVi ded WIth each rouven . VI$IONLIT E lramesare provided With b.nder borts I Ch,cago type)_All scre w and boll heads are pamled to match louver li nish.Vandal-or tamper-erect and ctrer specia l l asleners a reav ailable through spec i alreq uest to l ac l ory. Flnlah Stand ardf inishl orall steerrcuver s and VISION LITEframes is medium bronze (color of thisc atalog cov er)silicone polyester baked enamel.S unsuata prepara tion IS accomplishedIhroughthe C OOL- PHOST..water -tree process InvolVing thorough d egreaslng andIhe aooncanon 01 an extended-ille iron phosphate coaling .A luminum louvers a re pe mtec saun afurmnum .Olner timsnesand color s ire ava ilable thr ough special request 10 la ctorv. SCr ..". Mo stlo uvers canbe equipped w itn enner tacto rv -mstaned orsmooeo-rocsescreensin roll-formed aluminum fra mes .Either tH /14 rnesn al uminum orb ronze wire orhbe rglass msect screening mate - rialcanbeprOVIded . Frames are anached by e ither hex head sh eetmetatsc rews o r p lastic cli ps (lo r e asy Installation or removal).Screens are norma lly m ountedon the l ace or corr idor trame 01 the louv er. Sizes All model louver s are madei nsizes10 lit mo st d oor aopncauons rseePrice Lrst in back 0 1Ihis cat alog),The mc st l rec uenny -specmeds izes01 Mode ls 700 ·A and 1900 ·Aare cameo Instocktor imrrecete smprnenttrom tne laclory. LOUYel'18 re normally d ime nsionedIneven Inc h i ncrements.t e12 '·"12 ·,24 'x 18 ·'.etc ..hOwever other sizes ca n be ma oe 10 ooe.Dimen Sions are always g iven With wMtlh liral and he ight aec:ond . OreM r dimenaions ahou ld repreHnt lhe aize of the cul·out opening i n t he door,Theactua l louver is undersized by ~..or 14 ··(depenClmg onm ooet seiecied ti neach dImensIOn to Insure adequate instauenonc learan ce .• Pockoglng • Each Iouwr IS i ndivid ually wrapped In heavykraft paper 10p reven t d amage .Each pa ckage IS m ark- edWlth the rescectoe model a nd see Cles ignatlon .Multiple unu ooe-s ma y be sh ippedin corrugaled canons o r WOOden cra tes(on special order). 1 Master Manufacturers,Inc. 1I'HOt«:(:103)534-1313 • 'h ",\f •,J,~I ~I I,,-.,i....1"L,rr>;1", I Mod,,1800 I n.-ted "Y"iliad" Non-Ylslon d eelgn 1 recommended for ;achooll.class "AM a nd In- st it utional b uildIngs , ;Ma terial:20Ga .C .R.Steel l Available i n Core."C".NA "~and "A-'"mounting style>. ~Screen:Removable o r et- •tached I "'I ,. 'n ••,-J-l' Mode1700-A Inverted Split"Y"Blade, Non-vision two-piece design for mounting on eachs ide or door or w all. Su ita ble for either wood or metar d oors. Material:18Ga .C .R.Stee l Ava ilable In "A"mount ing style only. Sc reen:Su rface mounted o n 1\1t Hdoor installations ; internally be tween frames on H'.~th ick d oor Installations. Model 1000 Lightproof Oyerl applng Channel BIMJ .. For darkrooms.X-fay room s and ot her app lications whe re ventila tion Is required w ithoutlight admission . A vailable with .0003 "l ead c oaling . Model 10DO·A cou.t1 cal hasspec ia l sound - proofing treatment and Is recommended for hospitals.bu siness and machine rooms and other sou nd c on trol appuceuons. Fin ish :normally painted n on-reflect ive black. Ma terial:18Ga .C .R. Steel • Available In Core ."e"an d "A ·'mounting stytes only . Screen :Normalty not r equired •, 3 PROPOSAL •Page No .,•Psgi (~l)it!!'~~ Dale 6-21-89 ...Q--:>- ,OVERHEAD DOORCOMPAN Y 719 Te"Mile Drive •P.O.BOJl 591 FR ISC O.COLORADO B0443..{)S9 1 Fr laco (303)66 8·3923 •Basall (30 31 82 7...,91 Hloo-32&-OOOR PLOPO SAI"u'c!','C,ol°Condo Associatio n t'7'l>"-':J651 Harrv Zwsan IJOB PH ONE 1.005 e e e n er 8 ~~Lions head Ma ll JOB NAME I L fQAL DESCRIPTION C%il':'t'I..."p 81'6's 7 JOB LOCATION DIRECTIONS PROPOSAL TO FURNISH THEFOLLOWING: AMTISERIES DESCRIPTION/SIZE UNIT COST TOTAl-COST 1 59115 'x 8 'The rmo core Do or-sta.ndard track-torsion acr-tnaa- capable o f being sided to match s ur ro undi n Jt s1dinR 1$1 287 .91 15 FL Hea vy Duty Oper ator--!h .p.--i nstal1ed ....ith tax included $8 26.0C 1 Pea bodvnoise contro l s ystem 1 Ki netics We st vibra tion d ampener system $555.6C 1 Frame 3K pr ogramma ble card key system (entrance) 1 Goose ne ck mounting post 1 Ceiling pu ll s tat ion (exi t) I Pho to ce l l-emiter -receiver (outdoor us e)s 1,644.01 3 Concrete pos t 4 "s t ee l protectors s 529 .01 3 Hollow Metal doors an d frame s ....ith ha r d ware s 1,521.0' Labo r t o r em ove re loc ate l ouv er s $56 0 .01 Total $6923 .51 I q"..,"hh ••1-0M N. I I Pr ••rod 'n ",'e 2 5 Trllnsrni't'te rs b \"i',,Y"<25 on I,62501-r:»vJ·o j',l.l. ~- ,I 'if,.•::-q j; ~).c-c !o;('n-'v.r: x-"r ('.\'"~<r'".y~-:"V'< aP,\<.7 J •~\""r ./\• 0-\\r"")..':',o?-\'lYu ,..n,J ~""Ir ,,<> ,....] o:J ,'/-.\,'v t;'",;....,? ('0(',;'erA..,.I},)"0". NOTES:r .r"'"/1'....~~0 •P n ce based on (1)tripto Inslall prod ucts.-:f"".,L,v~ •P nc e ba sed o n eccr Installed o nf,n lshed noe r and in cl ean garage.L-7L.()-'P1ea$8 in ilia l 10 ...rify thai notes •Overhead Door Is no l responSible lor h idden be ll w ire lor pu sh butto ns and key sw itches.....have been read and understood. •1 ye ar warranty on meler,els and la bor,Warra nty w ork at NiC dur1ng regular bu sine ss Ooura onl yl •'Non<will no t be BChe<'u led w ithout a s ign ed proposal.P lease felurn lop copy a lQ n ed,as soon as possible. Al malerial is gU lralll.ed to be IS &P8C~>OO .Al wo rk 10 be eom Pl818d In a workmanllk. mannltr according 10 standard pracllt lts.Any .~ltr.l ion 01 d lM.lIOn lrom abov.~pe<:i 1loca -Authoriled liOn s Involvtog .xlr.ClWS ..m be ••ecul90 only upon wrillen Ofders.and Mil bttcorn••n S ignature .xlll d\.I rgl oYe<.nd ~"'...urn.I.,All '0'1_\.1 Con!'"'ilent upon l1.ikea .•tl> de nt.Of delly.bttyond our toOt.oI,Own"to tarry ~'I ,tOf n.do I nd oI~t fIIC....ry Not.:ThiS proposal may be lnaurancl .Our workef6 ••e Iully covered by Workm6l1 's O:J m pen ~,)tion Inlu .lI'IClI .wllhdra","by UI II nol accepted t:1f CREDI T TERM S . Cu.Cl9(\j tlerml .nd poIk:IM tuI .enUy ~.WKt I": I,A~lIQ;OUn l,ani due 101 peynMl nl 30 d.Y'lrom the in'l'Ol C8 oe ". 2.It I n IICCOU nt II In dltl u~,•1II1.payment ch arglt W1 M be Impoaed.compuTed .1 ttl .rate 01 2<1 %per a nnum and will be add8'll 10tn.al:COI.IflI .In .dditlon,1f tha (lalinqUill"l 8CtXI il ~1G8d ....th an allOfl'*y 10<collaCl lon.t he ••pen ...01 001l8<:1IOn,intludlnO 'a .wn ~III00n"Y "I...and ((lI11.""••~be add ed TO Ihe dlh nqUlnt .«:ounl. 3 .Fitl l \Ima CUIIOfTM'.wi.be raqUIrfId 10 pa y d .po.~un""sta led ~. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL _The eeeve ptiCe,.6pICIht.1 1On$and COf'IIllloonl If's,ti slaetOf)'.nd are heteby accepl ord ,You It.authonl90 1060 tI'>a ... 1&sp8Cl I,ed ,Payment.rxi crldll termll ""II b&mild.!!IS ()OJ1f ,fltld Ilbovlt. Oil'01Act;ept.noa: Aflpro xima18 Oil'o f Inl\,alllliOn S igna lura lbtal Amount Acca>p led S ignltura TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAG E ROAD VAIL,CO 816 57 9 70-479-2138 • DEPARTM ENT OF COMMUNITY •l .t '; V~,\L \J. DEVELOPMENT P ermit #:B98 -0339 NOTE,TIl lS PERMIT MU ST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL T IMES ADD/ALT CO'~BUILD PER>rr Job Address :5 20 LIONSHBAD ~1ALL Location ...:520 B LIONSHBADCR Parcel No..:210 1 -07 1 -03-000 Proj ect No .:PRJ 98-0275 APPLICANT SPECTRUM GENERAL CONTRA CTORS,IN ,DENVE R ,CO 80207 CONTRACTO RS PECTRUM GENERAL CONr RA CTORS,I N •DENV ER,CO 80207 OWNER LI ONSHEADCENTERCOND OASSO. Status ...:I SSUED App l ied ..,11 /02 /1 998 Issued ...,11 /03 /1998 Expires ..,05 /02 /1999 Phone:303 -329 -800 3 Phone,3 03-329 -8 003 Description : TENANI F INISH -PAINT AND LIGHTING Occu pancy :Rl/A3 /B2Multi -Family Type Con st ruction :I IFR Typ e II F ire Type Oc cupancy : Val uation :8,500 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••F EE SUMMAR Y TOV/Comm.Dev. w/~ssl'lllW.-\I ~e p o s i t RefundRes1stto~~/ app roved ~~~d<L~~~- Add scfl \1t ount '!j>\O().~ ,,,c!fttll.,,\\\-;.~l ;'~h" ..................•..•.••..•.••.••........................ Bu ilding '···-,. Pl "n ct>"c1c ···:> Invl l t i;ltion :> s tn can····:> us .co 81.7S .00 3.00 ~"It~.r.n:Plan Rlvilw ··:> ORB fe ---•••·.·.·--.···:> ~Ic:rlla :ion ,....---.-•••••:> CI ..a n-Up Depoa it --------:> TOTAL FEES -----------·--:> .cc .cc .co IO O.1l1l 3 25.75 Total C alc ~l ated F"...···:> Additi onal ,•••---••••-.> To tal P..~iL r ....·-·····-:> Paymant.----------------:> BA~Ct OUE-------------> 32 5 .75 .ee 3 25 .7S 32 5.7& .cc.....~.~..~~~~..~~.......•.~.~~.~.~............••.•••...••..•..•.......•..•....•......................•..•........ It~m ,05100 BUI LDING DEPARTM ENI 11/02/1 998 JRMAc ti on:APPRAPP ROVBD Item:0 5 40 0PLANNINGDEPARTM ENT 11/02/1998J RM Acti on ,APPR N/A I tem:05 600 FIRB DEPARTM ENT 11/02/19 98J RM Act ion,APPR N/A I tem ,0 5500 P UBLIC WORKS 1 1/0 2/19 98 JRM Act ion ,APPR N/A JllW t , Dept: De pt : Dept: BUILDING Div ision : PLANNING Divi sion : FIRE Divis i on : PUB WORK Divi sion: ........................~......•.....................•...•..•.•.•••...•...........................••.•~~~~. Se e Page 2 of this Document f or anyc o nditi o ns tha t may apply to this p e rmit . DECLARATIONS 1 h .ra~y a~knovl adg .t h.t 1 h.ve r ••dt h i.app lication,fi ll ad o ~t in f ull the i nfo raa :icn r.~i T'~,coc let.d an acc urate plot p l.n,a nd a:at.t hat all the i r.:o~tion p rovided ••r.~~ired i .c o rrect.I a gree to c~ply with t he i fornation d pt o t p l.n. t o c~pl y with .11 Town ordinanca.a nd .tate lav••an d to bu i ld this .truc ture accord!n -0 t he Town '.o ning ~d u bdivi aion c ode.,d ..,lgn r evie~ap provad .Ur.i!or=Building cod.a ~d other ordinanclIl o!t hl ~ovn I1ic,bl l t~er..~. REQ:n:S TS '011 I NSPF:CTIONS SHALL SF.I'AOE ~E""TY -!'OUR HO:JRS I N AOW.HC£BY n:LKPHo,,-.."or HIMSEL f A.VO ~~ER •• ******************************************************************************** CONDIT IONS Pe rmit #:B 98-0339 as of 11 /03/98 Status:IS S UED ******************************************************************************** P ermit Type:ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Appli can t:S PECT RUM GEN ERAL CONT RACT OR S,IN 303-329-8003 Job Addres s: Loc a tion:5 20 ELI ONSHEAD CR Parcel No:2101 -0 71 -03 -0 00 Description : TENANT FINISH-PAINT AND LIGHTING Ap pl i ed:1 1/02/1998 I ss ued :11/0 3/1998 To Exp ire:0 5/02/1999 Conditions : 1 .FIRE DEPARTM ENTAPPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED . 2 .F IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED T O CHE CK FOR CODE COM PLIANCE. ..............•.•••.••••••........•.•••.••.••.•.•.........•.•••. • TO w.-!ell'VA IL,COLO RADO • State ..n t • •...•...•....•.••.••.••.••.•.........••.•....................... St .ter~t H~~r ,REC-C472 ~o un t, P.~.n~Met hod ,CK Notetion:2 a ~'2 325 .75 11 /~l /,e 1 6 ,14 1 "-1 10 'LC MiO!A;.T 00_80lLO P 125 .75 r ....it No ,lin-o n,Type ,A -ttJNll Pe r eel No :2101 -071 -0)-000 S ite Addr •••:520 LION!Hr~O YALL Loc..t i on ,520 E LI OK5 HEAD CR T otal 1'•••: To tel ALl.""'tel 8 ..1 "n ".: l U.1 5 125.15 .00..•..•....•..•.••..................•................•........... A eeoo.mt Code 81'0010000111 1100 PI'0 0 1C0001112100 A.D Dl-OF-PDI we COI 00001 112'0 0 oeecriptl Ol'\ ~u t LD ING PERl'lIT FEES PtAN CH!CJ(FIl E! CLJtA.WP DEPOSITS MI LL aLL IN SP8 crI OH FE ! l.:1o=t 115 .00 17 .7S 1 0 0.OC ],00 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL,CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 •• DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE,THIS PERMIT MU STBEPOSTEDON JOB S ITEATALL T I ME S ELECTRICAL PE~I I T Permit #:B98 -0 28 7 Job Addre ss : Location ...: Parcel No .. Proj ect No . 520 L IONSHEAD MALL 520 E LI ONHEAD CR 2101 -071 -03 -000 PRJ98 -0275 Status.. Applied. Issued .. Expi res . ISSUED 1 1 /0 2 /1 99 8 11/03 /1 998 0 5/02 /1999 APPLICANT SECHLER ELECTRIC 3220 LOWELL BLVD ,DENVER CO 80 211 CONTRACTOR SECHLER ELECTRIC 3220 LOWELL BLVD,DENVER CO 90 211 OWNER LIONSH EAD CENTER CONDO ASS O . Phon e:30 3 -477 -5116 P hone :303 -4 77 -5116 Description:ELECI'RlCAL FOR TENANT FINISH Valuation:3 ,000.00 ~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FE!~~~T •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !l"ctr ie.l ---~ ORII r..---> tnv",tigat i cno Wil l call----> TOTAL FEas···> 5 4.00 .".ee LaO n.oa T~.l calcul.ted V •••··-. Addi t i ~.l Fe e.'··---'--• Tota l Par3it r ••--------> P.~n t.-·.-••••••--_._-> B.A.1J,JlCE C~------·------> 57.0 0 .ee 5'.00 n.Da." ..........................................•.•••....•.....................................................•......•................. I tem ,06000 ELECTRICALDE PARTM ENT 11 /0 2 /1998 JRM Action,APPR APPROVED I tem :05600 FIRE DEPARTME NT 11/0 2/1998 JRM Action ,APPR N/A JliW t , Dept: BUILDING FIRE Division : Division : .....•.•...•..•.••.•.•..•......•...••.••.•.••.•..•.•...•....•.....•......•.•.••...•...•..•.•.•••..•••••••.••.••••.••.••.••........ COND ITIONOF APPROVAL ..............•.•.........................••.................•.............•.••....•.............................................. DECLARATIONS 1'Il .:l.'ot &,00 1\..'1 5 ,00 PY. R FOR HTHSELT Mo'tl ow:aR I here or .C.~QVledge t h.t I h~v .r.a~t h i.applic.ti~,fi ll.d ou t in fu ll the intoraation r ~uired,coapl eted a n a c curata plot p lan ,.nd atat.t hat all t he l "fo raation provided ••reguired i a corr ect.I a gree t o c ~ly with t he inforEati ~~~.d plot plan , t o com?ly with .11 Town ordinaarea a nd etata la.a,a ndt o build t h ia .t ~ct~re a ccording to the Town'.aoning and aubd1v i.i on code.,d e.i gn review approved,Cn ifora Bu ilding Co de and oth e r ordinanca.of t he Town a pplicabla t harat o. R!Q(JESTS FOR INS PSCTIOHS StlALL aa MAOE NenT·PGU;l.HO=IN AD'IIA.'l'C!BY TtL!:PIiCS:;;A ••***~************************************************************ .T OWN OF VAI L,CO LORADO S t at emnt **************************************************************** S ta temnt Number:REC -0 472 Amo unt: Payment Me tho d:CK Notatio n:28672 57 .00 1 1/03/98 1 6,15 Ini t:LC P e rmit No,E98 -0287 Type ,B -ELEC Parcel No,210 1 -071 -03 -000 Site Address :520 LIONSHEAD MALL Location:520 E LIONHEAD CR ELRCTRlCALPERMIT This Payment 57.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Ba lance: 57 .00 57.00 .00 Account Code EP 00100003 111400 WC 0010000 311 2800 De s cri pt i on ELECTRICAL PERMITFEES WILL CAL L IN SPRCTION FEE Amount 54.00 3 .00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -PERN17 f. ob Addres s : -·'**Co:l ta ct E ag Le County As se s .Off ice .• X I-e c 970 -3 2 8-86!,O fo r Pa r cel TO~'"N OF VAIL CONSTRU Crro.r 't PARCE L G:2 (0/ev I ;);~?'i PERMIT A PPLICATION F ami OATE:_ J.1.PPLICATION MU ST B E FILLED OUT COMPLE TELY DR IT JU,Y ''!3't>If{:§:El:;Z75 . "*'PERHIT ItlFORYJ.TION J:~****"•. ¥J-Bu il d in g [J.-Plul:'.bin g [[]-Mechuni"cal r ]-Oth er _ J ob Name:~~Wl~i?Q~ Ph -,'190-12'2-3- ~P h .571-1131 SUBU IV IS IO~::F ilin g'.>JLl>!lJ"-'-"-"=_-'--_Bl ock._Le ga lDes cript i on :Lot ~~r O....m e rs Nam e :A ddr es s:~~?b A ddres s:~~ Ge ne ral o,scripti on ::I'~R.fI-"'/"'-?A-<Nt {jJ~&-".~~,---_ Work Class :.(]-New f XJ -A l tc ra ~i o n []-}-.d ditional [J -Rc pa ir [)-other _ Nu mber of o-....el 1..iiii·Un its :--l--NUl:lber o f Ao comm o de t.Lon u nits : Gas Lo gs Wood /Pellet ._ * l mbcr and Type o f F irep lace s :Ga s Appli an c e s ~**x******************************·V ALUAT ION S ****~_***k********************~**~ A ·""BUI LDING:$25,0"0 E LECTR ICAL:$39:J<?OTHER :$,.t/A- PLm'SING :$..uk-MECHANICAL:$I'it If T OTAL :$s-O@'f **CON NFORHlITION ,~en c r l 1 Cun tractor :S .$<1 To ..m of Va i.l H.e g .NO .l t5 -AAddre~s :~13!L ~Phon e Nu mbcr : To wn of Vail Reg .NO._ Phone Numbe r:._ T own o fVail Reg.No .2 ~O -e:. Phon e ~»~__-r-t-_ Town o f Vai l Reg.NO.~_ Pho ne N umoe r-: Contractor.:He c h and c aL Add re ~5 : E'.c ct :::-ical contra ctor :~S~~A~~~_ A<d ress :~Hw#!:A!:'!?!.~'io1.o'- .P lumbing ~~t~c tor :4 E.9Y,-D'2$7 Ad 1re5s :L:f- #M- *****~**********************~*** BUILO·NG PERMIT FEE: PV:ME NG PERMI T FEE: ME :HAl ICl\L PERMI T FI:E : EL-::CT;rCJl.L FEE : OT .tER rY'PE OF FEE : ORB )'I E :. FOR OFFICE US E ******************************7 BUIL DI NG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUHBING P U JI CHECK .FEE : MECHM1ICAL PUJI CH ECKF EE : RE CREA TION FEE : CLEAN -UP DEPOSIT : T OTAL P E RM IT FEES: BUILDIN G : SIGNATURE : ZONING : SIGNATURE : Vl,LUATION TYPi ~rROUl f Q .F T~1 c oara ent .s . .....,.• ~i t ow []'----o0!~Va'-7Tlj 'll 7 5 s outh l ronlagc r o a d va il.c o lOt.3do 6 1657 (03)479-21.38 o r 1,79 -2139 • ct ttce 01 community developm ent TO : FRON : SUBJECT: ALL CONT RACTO RS CU RRE NTLYL ~EG IS T E RED WITH T HE T OOrn OF VA IL TOV1N OF V AIL P UBLIC HORKS/CO:·::I ·:tJ NITi'DEVELOPHENT J-l.ARCH 1 6,1908 CO~S TRU(TION P;~K I ~G &}~T E R r A L S TO fu .GE In s ummary ,Ordin ance No .6 s tate s t hat it is un la ~ful for any pe1"SOn t o l itt er ,t rack o rd epos it a ny so il ,rock ,s a nd ,d eb r-Ls or me t.er-La j,i nc l ud ing t r 4\sh dump s t.e r-s ,p o rtable:t oilets ~n d W01 kme nv .ab Lc Lc.s upon any s tre e t,e Lde we Lk ,al ley o r pub I i c pL.c e or any po rtio n thereof .T her igh t -oi -way on al l "T Ot-I ll o f Vu l ~t rec ts and r onds i s a pp roxiba te ly 5 ~t .off p ave ment. Th ~ordinance wi ll b e ~tr i ct l y enfo rced b y t he Town of Vail p uuj.Lc .u c o-x s n epe r -tmen t..P erso ns f ou nd v Lo Lat.Lnq this or-d Ln a nc e wil l b e ·given a 2 4 hour w ritten n otice to rCr.lo ve said nate-rial . In t he eve nt the pers on so not i fied docs no t comply with t he n o tice within the 2 ~h o ur t ine s pe ci f i Qd,the P ubl ic Wo rks De par tme nt will remove sa id mat erial at the e xpens e of pcrscn not ificcl .The provisions of th is ordi nance sh all not be appli c a b ~e t o construction ,main te n an ce or repa ir projects of any stre ~t or a lley or any uti lities in .t he r i g ht -a-~ay.-- To 'r e v i.ew -vo r -d Lnarice N o :6 in fu ll,p Leas es top b y t he.'ro wno f v «:Bui ld i ng Department to obtain a copy .'I'han}~you f or you r ' c ae ler~tion on t his ~atter . y~ ~os t i un/Helat ionsh ip"l D a t+~Vf (·. by : t o Pro jcc::;t (i .e.c o ntr act or t own er) • 7 5 :l ou In I rol"ll e.gc r oad vett,c ctcrecc 81557 (:!:lJ'/,"J9 -2138 or /.79 -2139 • ..." culco 01 community d evelopment BU I LDING PERI·:!T I SSUAII CE TI NE F?AfI E If th is pe rmtt r equ t res a TOI-In o f Vail Fire Depa rtme nt Approval , Engi ncer "s (Pu bl ic Work s)r ev iew and a p pro va l ,a Plan n in gDeper tmr nt re view or He i l th Dep a rtment r-ev i ew;'a nd a review by t heBuilding De partment ,:he e s t trrc t cd t imefo r a total r evi ew may t ake as I on; as t hree wee .:s. All corrmer-c I t-'('large or smeTl}an d a ll IT.vlti -family p e rni ts \';il1 have t o f oll l'd the above me n tioned maximum requirements .Reside nt ia l a nds ma ll pr e jec ts should t ake a l es s e r a mount of time.Ho .....ev er ,if res i dent i'a 1c r-sma 11 er proj ec ts ;mpac t the vc ri OUS abov e menti oned departments \·,i,th r-e ga r-d t onec es sary r eview)these projec ts ney a lso ta keth e three wee k per i od ... eve ry e t temp t wi TlI e made by th is d epar tme nttoc xped i t e t his . .pcrmi.'t.c.s.s.Qo naspcs s i ble. 1 ,t be unders ign ed)understand th e plan che ck procedure endtime fra me , 1--,;-f,A ~~~~""',~--,-----:- ~1.-ffi1u ~d ~_ I--Pn .ject ~. )C D a te <~et was turn ed in to tne 'Commu nity D e vc1 opm~nt D e pa r tme ~l ..... ;,•M EMORAND UM • T O: FR OM: DATE: HE : .All CONTRACTO RS TOWN OFVAi l PUBLI C W ORKSDEPARTME NT MAY 9 ,1 99 ~ WH EN A "PUBLIC WAY PE RMIT"I S REQ UIRED Job Name :_?Mi:a-~·lJJ-·-Da te:~__-~-_c:--77.----;-__r-r-r-r-:__ Ple ase answer t ho f ollowing questionnaire r egarding t he n eed f o r a "Pu blic W ayPerrnl t": I) 2) 3 ) 4) Is(hisa n ew residence? I s dem o lit io nw o rk b eing p erformed I t:)t re quires th e u se 0 1 t heright of way I ea seme nts orpubli c prop erty ? I s my 'u t il i tyw ork needed? .l s .h e crive way b eing re paved? NO ,,/ 5 )IsdiHer 201 acce ss needed tosite otl erthan existing d ri veway? 6 )Is .myc'rainaqe w ork be in gdo ne aff ,~c ting th e rin ht of w ay .ease m e nts, orp ub lic property? 7 )Is a"R evocable R ighi 01 Wa yPe rm it" requ i red?. 8 )A.Is t he r ighto fw ay,easemen ts or pu blic pr operty t obe u sedforstaql no , p arki ng o r f e n cing? B.IIn o t o8A ,i sa parking,sta ging o rf encing 'plan requiredbyCo mmu nity Deve lopment? Iyo u answered yes t o a n:01 t hese q uestions ,a "P ublic Wa y P ermit"mu st b eobtained . ..'u bliG W ay P ermit"app licatio nsma y b e ob t ained at t he Publ ic W o rk's officeo r at CommunityD evelopm ent..IIyou h aveany qu estions ple asecat l C hari ieDavis,t he Town 0 1V aitCons truction I nspector ,at 479 -2158.. uesti on s. __~u;__ Contract or's S ignalure I have read a nd answ ,red .. •• 1'1£'a...>l'Juv.f::t,MW ~:::> T 'It;V ,OIH(lU H ,f l..lLJ~r I r~,.cf II ,,f,'.~,Il ~-lIJl'l •t t H'•I ••r--I ".,1 "c I r I "T C ...,I<rf ~< vt D /= t f;0--- I-U-f.'Ion:A~ f\r.'"UII ~l.DL .:Jl~P'01:>J 11 (Jt\I sp ....ct y JI-{ ..No I fll F 11 ('lOG fill .• BLDG rindi r"'LDG Te ap,C I. rlk~l'_MI-'.C/LJ r;..oW-I ~fI1i-'.(!0 PLHN TE1"lP.L 0 i-'LA J NHL Li "I Hl CU ~11rHlrJ bl JU 1 u, d'•I ';;':Jt:>t "L 1,ng.,:;,tP't' I l>u,o t , '".L PI ""r bL l,g e I ~I I<on:"cP 9 NI In r .,, "'~ It.~o/l 110t.o III 41v 1lI1t13 ~.... 00~~.~ tlllll....- C)li':::_~ lt161ll 1 1 lit 0~llli 00 0 000 l/l 11lJ~.....(tI 1iI1l1;:t,31 It I I II, [l"~l: i t'IQ I I•II• j I , , H'Q..&2L :.:5J.{.I~_'7i'l £~IAI J::l:(g.---=z Oh'J ~..-=t _(llX.>oLW~I'JN uU-l!:lf.«a:_, -·Vt,P",,-lf,tv,·"""""'3-#1""-"0. •t It'~51 1/t·ll,11 of •••(01 <LUk _( tJ C (+( TOWN OFVAI L 75S .FRON TAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 8165 7 970 -4 79 -2138 DEPA RTMEN T OF CO MMU NITYDEVELOPMEN T NOTE :THIS PE RMIT MU STBEPOSTED ON J OB SITEAT ALLTIMES ADD /ALT MF BUI LD PERMIT Permit #:B9 6 -0 028 J ob Addres s:5 20 L IONSHE AD MAL L Loc ation ...:LI ONS ~EA ~~E NT E R BLDG Pa rc el No ..:2 10 1-071 -0 3-00 0 P roject No.:PRJ96-00 20 S ta tu s ...:I SSUED App lied ..:03/2 1/1 996 I ssued...:09 /03 /199 6 Expires ..:0 3/0 2/1997 Occupancy : Type Constr uction : Type Oc c upancy: J .L .VIE LE CONS TRUC TION POB 33 1,VAIL CO 81658 J .L.VIELE CO NSTRUC TION P OB3 31,VAIL CO 816 58 LIONSHEAD CENTER COND O ASSO . AND CONDO RE MO DE L APPLICANT CONT RA CTOR OWN ER Des cri p tion : BUILDINGADDITION R l II Rl FR P hone :970 -476 -3082 P hone :9 70 -4 76 -3082 TOV/Com m .Dev Clean-up Dep '.~qslt Refund approved ~~~~~~_ Mult i -Fami ly amOUnt *SD .to TypeII Fire Resi stive da te ~:/7 Not 1n t able !~-~v;Pl Va luat io n:1,00 0,0 00 Add Sq F t:2 55 f irep l 3ce I n 1or~t io n :Re$t r icttd :1I0 f Gas Appliances:1101 Ga s L~s ;11 01 ilood/Pa ll e t: ***********************************************************FEE SU MHl RY ********************************************************** Bu ildi ng----->4,340.00 Restuerant Plan Revie w-->.00 Total C8lcvlated fee s ---)8,569.00 Plan C h ~ck --->2 ,621.00 OR B Fe e----------------->400 .00 Addit i onaL Fees--------->.00 I nves t i gation>.00 Recrea tion Fee------->255 .00 Tota l Pe rmit Fee-------)8 ,569 .00 Ilil l C/lll---->3 .00 c teee-up Depo s it----->750 .00 Pay.,en ts-----------)8 ,569.00 TO TALFEES------------>8 ,569.00BALANC E DUE------------->.00 *********************************************************.************************************************************************ Item :05100 BUILDING D E~ARTMENT 09/03/1996 DAN Ac t ,on :APPR Item :0 5400 PLANNING DEPARTME NT 0 3/2 1/199 6 LAUREN Action:APPR Item :0 5600 FIRE DEPARTMEN T 09/03 /1996 MIKE M Action :APPR approved Item:0 5500 PUBLIC WORKS 09 /03 /1996 DAN Action:APPRN/A Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:PLANN ING Divis io n: Dept :FIRE Division: as noted De pt :P UB WORK Divis ion: S ee Page 2 of this Docum en tf or a nyc ond itio ns that may apply t o th is permit . DEC LARATIONS I hereby /Id:nolJledge tha t I ha ve rea d t his appli cnion,f il led o ut 1n f ull th e in fonllti on r-equj r-ed,cOlllp le ted lin lie cu rate p l ot pLan,and state t hat /lt l t he i nformation pro v ided as requi red is correc t.I/lg ree t o co ~p ly with the i nformat i on and plot ptan, t o com ply lJith a l l Tow n o rdina nces and ,tate lll IJS ,.nd t o build t his s tructure a ccord i ng to the To~n'$zoningand $ubdi vis;on ecdes ,de si gn re view approved,Unif or.Building Cod e ami othe r o rdinances of the Town II pplic able e ta . RE QU ESTS FOR I NSPECTIONS SHA LL BE HA DE TIl EH TY-FOUR HOURS IN AD VANC E BY TfL EP H AT UR ~ROH 6 :00 AM 5:00 PM Send c tun-Up DelJOsit To:VIE LE SIGNA TURE Of ClINER OR tONTR TOR FOR HIM SELF AN D Ol/HE R •• ******************************************************************************** CO ND IT IONS P ermit ~:B96-0028 a s of 09 /12/96 S t at us :I SSUED ******************************************************************************** Permi t Ty pe:ADD/ALT MF BU ILD PERMI T Ap pl i ca nt:J .L .VIELE CO NSTRUCTION 97 0-476 -3082 Jo bAd dress : Lo cation:LI ONSHEAD CENT ER BLDG P arcel No:21 01 -071-03-000 Desc ription: BUILDING ADDITI ON ANDCON DO RE MODEL Applied :0 3/21/19 96 I ssued :09 /0 3/1996 ToExpire:03 /0 2 /1997 Co ndit io ns: 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.ALL PENETRATIONS INWALLS,CEILINGS ,AND F LOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3 .SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQU IREDINALL BEDROOM S AND EVERY STORY ASPE R SEC.1210 OFTHE 199 1UBC. 4 .FI RE DEP ARTME NTAPPROVAL IS REQU IRED BEFORE AN Y WO RK CAN BE STARTED . 5 .ALL BEDROOMS REQU IRE EGR ESS ASPERCHAPTER 12 ,1991 UBC . 6.A STRUCTUAL ENGINEERWILL BEREQUIRE TO APPROVE FRAMING BEFORETOWN OF VAI L WILL OKAY F RAM ING IN SPECTION. 7.EXTERI OR WOO D SIDING TOBEF IRE-RETARDAN T-TREATED WO OD. 8.EXTERIOR WA LLS AN D CE IL I NG TO BEONE HO UR RA TED . 9 .ALLEXIT WAYS TO BE MAIN TAINE D AND FREE OF MAT ERIALS,TOOLS, ET CDURING CON STRUCTION. 10 .Ac ce ss t o exits t air and s tandpipe l oca tion nee d t o be resal v ed p rior to f rami ng. ,.,·r ••*******************~******************************************** TOWN OF VAIL ,COLORADO S ta temnt **************************************************************** St a temnt Numbe r:REC-0200Amou nt : P ayment Method :CK Notatio n :#1016 5,7 2 6.0009 /12/96 1 4 :1 0 In it:DS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ADD /ALT MF BUILDPER 5 ,728 .00 Permit No : Parc el No: S ite Addre ss : Locat io n : T his Payment B96 -0028 Type:A-MF 2 10 1-071 -03 -000 520 LIONSHEAD 11ALL LI ONS HEAD CEN TER BLDG Tota l F ee s: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: 6 ,569 .00 6,56 9 .00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Co de Descript ion Amount 01 0000 41310 BUILDIN GP ERM I TFE ES 4 ,3 40.00 01 0 000 41 331 DESIGN REV IEW FEES 360 .00 01 0000 2200 2 CLE~~P DEPOSI TS 750 .00 3 0 00 00 4 5032 REC RE ATION FE ES 25 5 .0 0 0 1 0000 4 133 6 WILL CALL INSPECT ION FEE 3 .00 ••._-*****.-*-_._--_..***••*••••_*_._*----_...._-------***._-_...- TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORA DO Reprinted :0 3 /2 5/96 07:42 Statemnt ----_._--_••••__._••_--_._._._-------------------------_••_**_•• Statemnt Number :REC-O l1 8 Amo u nt: payment Method:CK Notation :'lOll 2 ,8 21 .00 03 /25 /96 07 :41 I ni t :OS ADD /ALTMF BUILD P ER 2 ,82 1.00 Permit No : Parcel No : Site Addre ss : Loca tion : This Paym ent B96 -0028 Type:A-MF 210 1 -0 71-03 -000 520 LIONSHEAD MALL LI ONSHEAD CENTERBLDG Tota l Fe e s: Total ALL Pmts : Balance : 8,314.00 2 ,82 1.00 5,493 .00--------------_.__._-------_._--------------_.._-_._.--_..__.*-- Account Code 0 1 0000 41 332 Descript ion PLAN CH EC KFEES Am ount 2 ,82 1.00 PRBPAIlE:l 2/11 /(13,1 5,1 5:24 PROGRAM MR415U Town o f vail COSt-In CUSTOMER NAM E mE DEPOS !T R KF~~REPORT-UPDATE PAGE , 0"'''''CODE ll BSC1UP't'JON 5 15 B~6 -0026 J.L .v i ele DEP06 ~p ·Cl eanup TX-DAT£ "'l /n/98 AJ -OAT! 2/11 /0) DEPOSIT_00"" 7 ')0.00 DEPOSI T-AOJ AMOUNT 750 .00 AOJOSW-Il...Vf """"'" '50 .00 - AF 'l':E:R JU!FUND AKOm--r ." TOTAL FOR CUSTO¥.ER TYPE:D'75 0.00 75 0.00 '50.00-.ce QRAND :'01'AL , DEPOSIT COUNT , GIL IlIl.TCil CRBATlro, , IlIl.TCM-0 0l67 2003/02 USERIP -MKOTWlCA AP MELD 750 .00 COU NT- 7 50 .00 L OO '5 0.00 - ~",,- .ce '50 .00 • • •, ,. '?/1 A-1<,C-l;.L :tF-.s •• .A ~?L I C~T IaN MuST B£F;LLED OUT CO ~PLE~EL V CA I~M ~Y No r BE A CC E?T£~ [J']-B ...i :c;'li"'g :J-Plutl'l~i"Q ()-E:lectr"ic:al (]-E lectri c al [)~Ot h er _ Jo b NM~'i..I OIJ>tlPl:D 0rR~_Job Addr .os ,520 f..j ~Ns:.hr:.d f1aiJ.. Le c;cl Desl:r ipt ion:L o t--..£._B loclc .-L-F'.!linQ 5Ul;;:l,J;"Q'N:v;;;L;/"<o&StfMb p:+/ C/o £a.uf-li"'"(a&-nN60- e ...",Cl'r'~4 N$.I:le:.:::r.L.lo.tf\\~,"Y:~"L~:~~~CH:l r e ss e "'to \lJ,l...1Dtt/fM)44 $f &?1.-P h .-¥79-~3"e:. Arch i <.d,If'T21G1J -f?e K.le.13.€1~E,p;.e dr ~"",fb&l t:"Z V,flk,to ~/"1J P h,fZ'-.G ~ G•.,er o!D .>cd oti c n,!tdtUfivN ~""i~Ut't.!ova.fiNO 1~'f,lstz4 t:{C<+<5. ~=~~Cla~s ~(]-N~w (~-A :t e ~a~i o n :J -A a c i t i o ~a l [J -R aD ai ~()-~t h er _ o N umb ~r of A e=c~~odati cn U n!ts~~__ Nu mb er and l yce oi F irv pl.c es =Ga~O ocl ia n~@5 G ~s LOQ5 W oo ~/Pel l~t __ ,;f -h~oaa OTHER : T OT ll.L, -------_.,-,---':Crl t ,.a c:t c":El e c:t,.i cal Addr ",s;s;;: SUILOI NG :~LEC T R l C ~L : P LUMBI NG:M ~C ~A ~:C ~L : ?fGJ q '$-O:};~'n j£cs ••s*••I •••t'••••i tc ~~.t.CON TRAC,CR r~F~AT I ON .t.t ••tst J*t**t~.st ttst*.i. Gal"le "'31 cor.-:......c t c r-:.:::fL.V,el.e....'8q Ca-oo~S"Tow ~c of v ..iJ R EP g.N O .,qgft. .Q ~C1 "'£>S 5 :1000 So 1~f-I.:r."3~.:~...~Uf.itL..Cp Fhon 2 N u~!:)o "':<j.7(p -B0A";z.... rR ~""'K '-/71 U7 y.7 Tew"a~Va il R~g.ND.___ Phone Numb",...: Plumb inQ Co n~~~~l ~~; ~dd ,.a.<i : Town o f 'h i 1 R e ~.NO .~¥_ P t'l or;~~l..:m =e r : ""C1c ha rlic:al ~.d e':"e :s ~: Ccro t,..:t.ctcr :--=====T o~~o f V.il ReQ. F honQ ~u m t;l!'r : NC •••_ ._----- BUl~jl ~3 P LAN .CH E C ~FEE: PLL.::""!i1:NG PLAN CHEC K FEE.: ~E~"A ~tCAL P~AN C ~E C K FE~: C L£~~-UP OE ?OSIT: 70T AL P~RMIT ~E ~S: E:J ILDI NG : ZONI NG:--"'--- :TYP E':GRD:.J P S vI~D:~~P£~~l T F£E: PLU~BIN~PERM!T ~EE: ~~C ~ANI C AL P~~M IT ~~~: RE.C:::l £l\TI Or.;l'"'':~: OTHER TVPE OF ~EE : -:-7::=,-,-=50 .FT .:VAL UAT:a~ ------..-------,------'--'--------'--_.,---- I UWN U ~VH!L LUM-UtV •• TO ; FROM ; DATE : RE: MHK L l "'j t:J•ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAyg.,9g4 WHENA "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED JobName :u @s tf-r&/'D ('G~c-8;tJ UJrtl l ~ Oafe:."717--7:~. Pleaseansw 8llhe foliO ng quesTionnaire regarding theneedf ora "Pubfic WayPermit": 1)Is thi sa new r esidence? 2 )Isdemo liTJon work being performed I hal requi res t he usecf lhe right of way,easements or pulIllc property ? 3)Isany uTlilly work needed? 4)Isthe driveway being repaved? B) S)Is different acee$$needed10 s ~e other than ex isting driveway? 6)I se ny drainage werk bei ng done aff ecting the right 01 way,easements, o r pub lic property ? 7)Isa "Revocable Right Of Way Permll" requi red? A.15 therightofway,easements or public property tobausedfOr &1ag lng, parking orfencing? B.If no 10SA.15 aparking ,stag ing o rl enclngp lanrequiredby Community Deve lopment? If you answered yestoanyof t hese questions,a 'Publlc WayPerm it"mustbeobtained. "Pub lic WayPermU"appficstions may be obla ined at the Public Work 's offloe or at Commun ity Development."you have any que&1 lons please call Charlie Davis,lhe Town 01 Vall Construction Inspeclo r,et479 ·2158. Ihaveread and answered allthe above questions. L,o,<lS b"",(G.J .,-o/z 2-4t, JobName ~";Ol/"~~Contractor's Signature ~Date I21~~~~rpp IUWN 'Ut VHIL ~u n -v~v MHK ~.1.:"0•.1.:>....0 l'lU.VV":::r.v ..::: 71 RUth lroftl_,.road ".11,cDlorlMlo .1U1 ()03)479-21.)8 or 419-2139 otttce 0'community _Iftloplnenl TO' FROM: OATE, SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CtlRllZNTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOlIN OF VAIL TOlIN OF VAIL PUBLIC WOIUtS/COMllUNITY DEVELOPIlENT MARC!16.UBB CONSTRUCTION PARKING ,MATERIAL STORACE rn sumnary,Ordinance ~o .6 states that it i.unlawful tor any person to litter,track or dep08it any so11,rock,.and,debris or material,includlnq trash d~p.ter.,portable toilets and workmen vehiclo5 upon any str.et,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The rlqht-of-vay on all Town ot Vail .treets and roa4.1a approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will b.atrlctly entorced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Peraons found violatinQ thia ordinance will be qlven a 24 hour written notice to remove &aid material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 2.hour time specified,thB Public Works Department will remove said ~.t.rial at the Bxpen••ot person notified.~h.provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any atreat or alley or any utilities in the riqht-a-way. To review Ordinance No.I in fUll,please stop by the Town ot Vail Building Department to ob~a1n a copy.Thank you tor your coopQratlon on tbis matter. R"~OWl.~·:rL.«:~5/-AJC.~~~--~ ~O&Itlon/R.latl0n5hlp to project (1.e.contractor,owner) ~D.t.~~ IUWN U~VHIL ~UM-U ~V... " MH K :L 1 •'.:H)• 71 .DUth 'ron ....INtI ,.n,ootoredO nl51 '10')479-2138 or 479-2139 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thl.penn lt require.I Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Engineer ".(Public \/orks)review and approvil.I Pllnnlng Department review or Health Department revtew,Ind a review by the Building Department.the e.tl~ted tlml for a total review may take "'long IS three weeks.. All commercial 'norge or ....11)Ind all multi.family permit.will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requtrements.Residential and ~ll projects should take I lesser amount of time.However,if residenttal or smaller projects ilftPlct thlll various above mentioned departments with.regard to necessary rev1e~,theseprojects may also take the three week period. Every attelllpt wOIbe made by this department to e.ped ite thl0 , permtt IS seen IS possible. I.the undersigned,understand the plan check p~cedure end time frlme. groe ):L J1~c..L"a ",s,";l(.e:~(dL.~~4~'yb hte War"SFieet wes t~rnea into tfie COmnunity Develo~"t Dlpartment . PI328L """"""FPO E N TR Y '"RE C EIV ING 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FPO NUMBER ,F 1 9423 DATE RECEIVE D:2/11 /03 REMARKS:RE FUND FEESFROM BLDG PERMIT NOTBUI LT RECEIVED BY :LC VENDOR:0000 331 J .L.VIEL E I NVO ICE NUMBER :B96-0028 INVOICE POSTED:2 /11 /03 1 3:58 ENTERED ,2 /11 /03 13 :58 CONSTRUCTION I NVOICE DATE:2/1 1/03 BY:LCAMPBELL BY:LCAM PBELL PAYMENT DUE:2 /21 /03 AMOUNT:$3727.00 ACCOUNT #PROJ#AMOUNT ITEM DES CRIPTION 00 1000 03 11 1100 111000 03112 700 $ $ 3472.00 2 5 5.00 80%OF BLDG PERM ITFEE 1 00\OF RECREATIONFEE .....~ :Ls'S .CD o From the Jed of...D _Charlie Davu "-t:.t:U r\J D l-f J 3,</0 .00 x$-::'47:2.G O 2.8.:21 .00 X ""- ) 1)2.<:>F!t..oco .iX::>y 0 z: Cu.Hi.'''/750.bO 'f./.0 z: k?Ec.r:U£..)55.0 X /.0 ::: WI LL c 11r..1..'3 .c)CJ X 6 ::: Bs,roy.cJ O e€~<d)<(7 "l .cJ() L-Iu...-l So .- )-/5-05 no :,Hl - r:1"'I'l t} o RECYCLED PA.PE.R J.L.Vi ele constructiot!ltnc. 1000 S.l'wntag.:1t0M.!\lbt.Suitt,202 v..il.Co1or3<l "!I I1>.';7 Td c 'Jil l,·no JC IK2 Fu 970,~7l1.3423 January 09.2003 Lyn n Campbell Town of Vail Community D evelopment 11 1 s.Frontage Rd .West Vail.Cn816 57 DearLynn: • VIELE A s discussed with yo u via phone earlier to day.J .L.Vi ele construction was iss u ed.a bu ilding pe rmit #8 96-0028 on March 3 .1997 ,fora project located at 520 Lionshead M allin Vail. The town o f Vail had collected $8569.00 in as sociation with th is permit.This project wasnol cons tructed .A ss uchwearere spectfullyre questinga refund o f allfees collected by the Town o fVailin regardstot his permit less theplancheckfees . Pleasecontac t mesho uld you haveany ques tions or commentsregardingthis matter . Si ncerely, Jq/!;:;t:j ~ Pr oject M anager/Fiel d Superintendent cc :Craig Bruntz Ida Merritt J.L.Vi ele c onstruct,oAc. 11 11 11 1S,Fronrage Road Wl"'I ,SU ;l"202 V~il,Colorado Hl (,S7 Tl"I...')71).-1 76.30M2 Fax <J7(J ,-1.71>.3423 August 29 ,1997 Tow n of Vail Bldg.Dept. Attn :Mr.Charlie D avis Chief Building In spect o r 75S.Frontage Rd.'Vest Vail CO8 1657 DearCha rlie, • w ,\"I'lL 1!'i:V'rf'>j 10 (/-"$J17 Due [0 t he owne rs of'tbe Lions head Center Building de laying con s tru ction u ntil t he s pring of 1998,we a re hcrcby-r.;questing an eig ht month time exten sion o n com mencement o f wo rk o n Town of Va ilBuildingPermitNo B 960028 issuedo n M arch3 ,1997. T hank youforyo ur consideration. Sincerely, C ~~ VicePr esident cc :Frank Freyer G,fZf\1 u.1Tf) /-J o M o€t':E,(nJIVrtoiV'l,i1L,-<:,,,-I<L) V'v\u ">T (0 ,'-.1 ST1::J ':T CR-,2:e:'-'tt'(l('! LC ftIl.,.R£...,"-..ITZ I\jU n~,£i) q -:).=:'J'q 7 (jJ(\1\t : e~U:.c~ J.L.Vl ele constructiOa . 1000S.Frontage ~a d west.SUITe 202 Vail.Co lorado 8 1657 'Ide 303.·n6 30x2 Fax 303,47("3423 February 18,1997 Town o f Vai l BuildingDept . A ttn :Dan Stanek Chief BuildingIn spe ctor 75S.F rontage Rd .We s t Va il ,C O8 1657 DearDan. • Asa foll ow upto yo ur rece ntconversationw ith F rankFre yer.we m e h ereby requestingas ixmon th time ex tensionon commencement o fw orko n TOVvTI o fVail B uilding PermitNo .13 960 028iss ued o nSeptember3,1996.Jill Th ank.yo ufor yo urco ns ide rat ion . 0(4 James L.V ie le P resident cc:F rankFreyer TOWN OF VA IL 75 South Frontage Ro ad Vail,Colorado 8 1657 303·479-2138/479 ·2139 FAX3 03·479-2452 November 4.1994 •• Department a/Community Development TomMcLaganandMike Spallone Hyder Constru ction 1020West 1st Ave nu e Denv er,Co.80223 RE:Permit #6819,Lionshead CentreResidential Addition Dear Tomand Mike: We still havetheabove bUildi ng permit inour oH ice.Our records show that it wassubmitte d tous on J uly18,1994 and has notbeenp icked up. Tohold th is permit until next S pring,weneed to receive from you (or theowner)a letter slati ngIhatyouwanttoputthispermit onholduntil nextSpring(please give mean approxi male date)and\he planche ck l ee 01 $1.131 .00.Please make thecheck oullo I he Town ofVail. Please sendthe lette r andplanreviewfee tomeat:T own ofVail,Commun ityDevelopment Department,75SouthFrontage Road.Vail,CO81657. Thank you fo r yo ur atten ti on 10 this matte r. Since rely,f1•i J '1J-,r,.,,.'\,~, .-''[:''vJ!.(.,1)W--t t-to P---(~O r ~l e i Donaldso n Ad minis trativ eAssistant •• r - \ N OTE -COPYO F PERMIT T OBE K EPTO N JOB$ITE JULY 18,19 94 H Is\" CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ,Va;c1(c t "'.'___ ..",V «'" vVo."~('DATE •681 9:-"'\'If!,-::PER MIT NO.:f'"•.~c.tin I 'II I .TYPEOFCONSTRUC TtONI II III I VV ;:,~!_... d epa rtment of community d evelopment 2.OCC UPANC Y GROU P ABE H I R M BUILDING •.., z EL ECTRI CAL 40K ~~ TO BE Fi llED OUT CO MPLETELY PAIO ATOISSUANCEOF PERMIT DIVISION 122.3 4 Q - TYPEOFET GE N ERAl.DESCRIPTION OFWD RII :~PlU MBING 40K ,\'>~.::=.~..::P~R"M:.cI~addition to unit s20 8?20 9 .308 I ~,~BUILDI NG [3 PLUMBI NG 309 >.'CHAN"'''2 0K ~r)'\' ~ELECTRI CAL 0 FOUNDATION to t al 350,000 ,00 _ I!J MECHANICAL D L IONSHEAO CENTRE -"~';o-';~MAl T TYPE GROUP G,A FAVALUATION PER MIT F EES ,..,. LEG ALLOT 5 BLK 1 lI -l HRR-l14501 350 ,000 BUilDING PERMIT 174 0 .00 ')".c~ DESC.FILING VAIl.LIONS UEAD .FlRST Pl "NCHECIl,l LH .uu J ~ JO B NA ME :LI ONSHEAD CENTRE RESID ENTIAL DITION EL ECT RICM 72 0.00 OWNER NAME ~EW (1 AL TERA TI ON (1 AOOlTl ON,l,l (}REP AIR (1 PL UM BING 60 0.00 pd50 .(~::- MAIL ADDRESS 520 l.tQDShe ad Cir e DWE LLI NG UNITS __ACCO MMODATI ON UNIT S __MECH.-.N1C.-.l 400 .DC 10 0. CITY Vai l PH.47 6 -3 18C HEIGH TINF T__NO FIREPLACES __RfCRE AT IONFEE 1450.(l4 .50X1OO) ARCH I TECT FIRM Fr1 t zlen ,P ie rce !S Hr in INSU LATION:TY PE THI CKNE SS R.v....nUE OESIG NREVIEW BO ARD r;.n 1 r;.n MAi l AOORf ss P .O.Box 57 FLOOR I I I CLE A N UPO'PO~T 5 00 . CITY VAil PH..t...7f.,_f.,1.t..?EXT .WA LL S ,,.US E TAX 1-"..,,-,-------+--------1FIRMHyderConstructionROOfHillCall12. GENE RAL TYPE £LEC I ."CONTRACTORTOWN OF VAll RE G NO.OF ·-=--=____TOTAL PERMITFEES U7.l,).uu TEV '.8 25-1313 HEAT SOLAR _WOOD Da n Sta nek J ULY 18 .1994 FIRM j.,J I\U ...H ."OOITIONA L PE RM ITS NEE DED:~UTL DI N GOFFICl,l,l-------15Aff:----- EL ECTRICAL z:!i ~AndyKnu dt sen Jul y 15 .1994 CON TRACTOR TOWN O f VAILREG NQ.ST.CUT ~NING AO MI NISTRATO R ----OA1f--- T<'<949-4 155 BLASTI NG ~ON IN G &BU ILDING NOTES :-:::---.;;;;;,...,===.,-::-;-:::- FIRM Robinson }1ec h an ical la n dscapin~s hown on DRB a ppr oved p lans----PARKlriGPLUMBING muer h e p Lan t ed (o r 1 R ex i stin g).TOW N QF VAil 8 EG.NO.CONTRACTOR DEMO AaalCi onA J Innd s caping musC b e plan te d p ,C THE.443-2 505 fl RM KO IHns on Necna.n tca l I hereby ac knowledg e t hat I h ave read t h is app litQt i6 n?flll ed o ut i nf ul l t he In format i on requ ired , MECHANICAL c o mpleted anacc u rat e pl ot p l an ,a nd state that a llth e Infor mationpr ov i ded a s required i s c or rect.I CONTRACTORl OW N Of VAIL REG .NO.agree toc o m ply with th ei nfor mation an d pl ot pl an.to comply w ith all T own o r dinancesandstate T ~l ~443-2.505 la w s,a ndtobu ild t h is str uct u re acco r ding tot he Town 's zoning an d subdivisio n co des,de sign l r evie w a ppro ved ,U nif or mBU i ldin g Code a nd ot her o rdi nances ofthe Town a p plicable th e r e to . OTHER FIR M CLEAN-UP Deposit c o: TOWN OF yAIL RE G NO.SIGNATURE OF OW NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSE LF CON TRACTOR TEL E.AND THE OWNER. 1-5 /'IF P ERIIIT ,""fr I ]••"'TOWN OF vA0/t51CONS',I.'RUC'.J:jpN~t~\l JIl ~'i.-PERMIT APPL~CAT1Ql\FORM DATE:t.ll14-":1.4-r • •A(flW4--..,. ·'V•,;'., APPLICATION MUSTBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOTBEACCEPTED~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• eN-Building ~Plumbing (I4-Electrical 04.-Mechanical []-Other LIONS~~T1ZE I .1.A Job Name:g/3!5lc:ENT1dk MOm ON Job Address :52'0 f--/DN6fJGAQ ("\AL L Le g al Description:Lot 5 Blo ck I F iling L SUBD IVISIQN:lffi 'L LIO-V-p V I CWIZ G1-F'I~).c/o ES.J-.:Jr",a ()~,z;r/,JA Owners Name:T/?A;:U "i=U N\/f'<W l "'-N !"J<ddress:A7 n L,ot!SHF...n <:leLLF,1/;;"Ph .4 7 ?-3/bo l-U'~e:-t1AJ rJ.I Architect:f?t?q:6 1.E'1;fJe2rE,BIZ.i ,J£'oZ.Address:e C?i3,,>,5=r;:'Miv,e:,.Ph A7t.@ 2 General Description:roOlTlON -m (WiT?2 08,2 °'7 \'3 0 8 /Ber .'. Work cj es s r[]-New [j-Alter.tion [)4-Additional [j-Repair []-other _ Number ot Dwelling Units:f!5I"tYnE Number of Acco mmod a tion Un its:SJ'1n1G ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appllances-CL-Gas Logs~Wood/PelletC5 ~*******.*~**************•••*.*.**VALUATIONS ***********************•••******* BUILDING:$250 f.!-.ELECTRICAL:$40k OTHER:':--""",,=.,,--=-=_ XLllM BING:$4 Q go MECHANICAL:$"'2i'flt:,TOTAL:''''''>0 ,0 00 .*.**.***.**~*******•••*.*.CONTRACTOR INF O~TI ON •••••••***•••**••••~**••••• eneral Contractor:Hyr:2:&:tZ-~U c:r-ID ~To wn of vail Reg.NO . Address:,102..0 AJ ,#iJ2-<.7"A.V5~;70 ""':;:2 ;;Phone Number:8 2.-=>-/3 '3 Electrical Contractor:~E3Lecrr=-JC,To wn of Vail Reg.NO.===-_ Address:,ea &><t J?0 3;VA il 4 Cro Phone Number :Cf4"!4-/155 Plumbing Contractor:~~)U/P-CH~IC.-t1-,Town of Vail R"jJ;!O.=-=--=-_ Address:554/ce(\~;;,.p;::e,&fu3'?/Phone Number:~z "n s- Mech.nicol Contractor:!l&.8bJl!bN flea/,',.aj A'L Town of Vail Reg .NO •.-==~_ Address:::Ei4/CG6 1OT7?.At,f3ji ••~("""~I Phone Numb er:44-.2 =:2:5'0:;=-,i c.0 , ~7 ,; OFFICEUSE ***********************.******• BUILDI NG PLANCHECK FEE :/i 03/,00 PLUMBING P LANCHECK FEE:1 '[0,~ MECHANICALPLANCHECK FEE:/00 .m RECREATION FEE:/'/50//,<l(>'1 ",:-0 <.0 CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:-,oo,co TOTAL PERMIT FEES:'-"'51 ,C6 ~r'"'V'"• .~,J r ........4.1..1 TYPE GROUP SQ .FT.VALUATION T[;.1J.h p..-,i /4z:;r;s ,'3">0 ,n (J " •**••••***********•••••••*******FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE :I 79'0.V() PLllMBING PERMIT FEE:v o 0 Qt . MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:,,/O o,cO ELECTRICAL FEE:f7 (>,ro OTHERTYPEOF FEE :.....u WL,:/;b,'00 OR BFEE:$2 j""'k~:ztc ,;,-,:J BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: "/"/,. . lown of val •• 75 ,oulh trontag.road vall,c o lorado 81657 (303)479-21,38 or 479-2139 office 01 communlly development TO : FROM: DATE: S UBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKI NG &MATE RIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter ,track or depo sit any soil,rock ,sand ,debris o~material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicl es upon any street,'sidewalk,alley or public p lace or any portion thereof .The right -af-way on all Town of Vai l streets and roads is approximatel y 5 ft.off pavement . This ordinance will be strictly e n for ced by the T own of Vail Public Works Department .Pers ons f oundv iolatingt his ordinance will be given a24 hour writ tenn ot ice to remo ve said material . In the event the person so noti fied d oes not comply with the notice with in the 24 hour time sp e cified,the Pu blic Works Departm ent will remove sa id materia l at the expense of person notified .The provision~Qf this ordin ance shall not be a pp licable to construction,mai ntenan ce or repair projects of a ny street or alley or any utilities in.the right-a-way . To review Ordinance No .6 in full,please ,stop by t he Town of Vail Buildin9 ~D partment to o bta in a cop y.Thank you for your cooperatio /on his ma tter. "+1~ositlon/Rel 10nsh1p to Project (i .e.contrac tor,o wner) ~D .(-e 1'2A /1-f /"./ I •• / 75sou th Ir ont'g.rOld vall,color.do 11657 (303)479 -2138 or 479 -2139 officeof community development BUILDIN G PEro1IT IS SUANC E TIM E FRAllE If thts perm tt requires a Townof Vail Fir e Department Approval. Engineer"s (Public Wor ks)re view and approval,a Planni ng Departme nt r e v1 ~w or Hea lth Department review .and a r eview by the Bu ilding Depar tm ent,the e stimatedt ime fo r a total r eviewmay t akeas l ong as three we e ks . All conmereial (la rge orsmall)and all mu lti-family pe rmits wil l "have to fol low the abo vementioned maximu m requiremen ts ..Resi dential and small projects s hould ta ke a le sser amo unt of t i me.Howeve r.i f resi dential or sma ller projects imp actth evar ious a bo ve men tio ned departme nts wt th regard to necessaryrevi ew .t hese proj ects may alsota ke thethree week period. Every attempt wIllbe made by this depa r tm e ntto expe diteth is permttas soon as possible . I .tbe undersigned,und erstandtheplanche ck procedure _and t ime frame, , ~(.,ta ~/5 1-Da teorl<Sedt wa s t ur ned i nto the COnmun ity Development Department . '1' ,• Town o f Vai l 2 5 South Frontage Ro ad Vai l ,Co lora do 8 1 6 57 (30 3)4 7 9-2 1 38 • P l an analys is based on the 199 1 Un iform Bu ild ing Code Projec t Number :062 794 Addr ess :5 20 L I ONSHEAD Contr acto r :HYDE R CONST Arc hi te ct :F RI TZLEN,P IERCE,BRINER En gineer:KIM MCGEE Na me:L IONSHEAD 208 ,308 Date :June 27 ,199 4 Occupancy:Rl ,B2,E3 ,A2.1 ,B3 Type of Const :II-lh r P lans Examiner :DANS TANEK NOTE :The code items listed in th is report are not i n ten ded to be a compl et e listingo f all p ossible code r eq uirements in the 1 99 1 UBC .It i s a gu ide to s electe d sect ions of t he 1991 UBC. DIRE CTI ON BOUNDARY NORTH Pr oper ty line EAST Pr oper ty lin e S OUTH Pr operty line WE ST Pr operty line Area in creas ed 80 .00 % SEPARATION AREA IN CRE ASE 36 .0F e et 6 7 .0 F e et 1 00.0F eet 40.0F eet for ope n area on FI REP ROT ECT ION 36 .0 Fee t 67.0 F ee t 1 00.0 Fee t 40.0 Feet 4 sides . FL NAME OCC MAX FLR ARE AALLOWE D RATIO STATUS 4 Condos Rl o k 2 537 24 300 0.10 o k TOTAL FORFL OOR 2537 2 4300 0 .10 o k 3 Co ndo s Rl o k 15304 2 4300 0 .63 o k TOT ALFOR FL OOR 1530 4 2 4300 0 .63 o k 2 Cond os Rl o k 1530 4 2 4300 0 .6 3 ok TOT ALF OR FL OOR 1 53042 4300 0 .6 3 o k 1 Co n do s Rl o k 3055 2 4300 0.13 o k 1 Reta il Sa les Room B2 o k 9598 32 400 0.3 0 o k 1 Dinin g Room A2 .1 o k 5 295 2 4300 0 .2 2 o k TOT ALF OR FL OOR 17 948 28050 0 .64 o k B St ock Ro om B2 ok 3389 32 400 0 .10 o k B SKI SCH OOL E3 o k 5328 3 6360 0 .15 ok B Park in g Garage B3 o k 5209 32 400 0 .16 ok TOTAL F OR F LO OR 1 73 15 4 20360 .41 ok BU ILDING TOTAL 50993 5099 4 1.00 o k The a c tu a l h eight of t his b uildi ng is 55 .0 f eet . The max imum height of t he bu ild ing i s65 .0 f ee t.--Ta ble 5 -D ..-'.•• EXTERI OR WALL FIRE RATI NGS AND OPENI NG PROTECTI ON Table 1 7 -A &Tabl e 5-A NORT H EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRGOPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRGOPNG BRG NON -BRGOPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WA LL PROT WALL WAL L PROT WALL WALL PROT R l I hr I hr N on e Ih r Ohr None I hr Ohr None I hr Ih r None B2 Ihr Ihr None Ihr Ohr None Ihr Ohr None I hr Ihr None E 3 Ihr Ihr None I hr Ohr No ne I hr Ohr None I hr Ihr None A2 ,l Ihr I hr No n e Ih r Ohr None I hr Ohr None I hr Ihr None B3 Ihr Ihr None I hr Ohr None I hr Ohr None I hr I hr None The exterio rwall s are req uired to be of NONCO MBUSTIBLE mate rial .S ec .1901 . None --No fire prote cti on re quirements fo r openings. Pro t --Ope ni ng sa re t ob e pro t ect edwi th 3/4h rf irea s sembl ies .50%o f the a rea o f the wa ll maximum .S ec .504 .(b)&Sec .1903.(b)&Tab le 5 -A Ma ximum s i ng lewi ndow si ze is 8 4 sq .ft wi th no di men s ion g r eater than 1 2 fee t .--Se c .4 306 .(h) NOP --Ope ni ng s are not p ermitt ed i n th is wal l. When ope ni ng s in an e xte ri or wall a re above a ndwi th in 5 feet l aterally o fa no pe ni ng i n t he story be low,such o peni ngs s hal lb e sepa rat ed by an approved f lame b ar ri er extend ing 30 inches beyon d the ex terior wall i n the plane of t he f lo or o r by approved vertic al f la meb arrie rs not l ess than 3 fe et h igh measu red vert icall y above t he top of the lo wer o pe ni ng.Fl a me b arrie rs s h al l have a fire resistance o f not less tha n t hree-fou rt hsh our --S ec .170 4 .(c) OTHER BUILDING ELEM ENT STa b le 1 7 -A ELEMENT MATERIAL RAT ING NOTES I nteri or Bearing wall No ncombusti ble 1 h r I n teri o rn onb r g wall Non combust ib le 1 hr See Foot no te n Structural Frame Noncombust ib le 1 hr Ex te rior St ruct Frame Noncomb ustible 1 hr S ee f oo tn ote n S haft Encl o su re Noncombusti ble 1h r F lo or /Cei l ing Assembl y Noncombu st ib le 1 h r See Footno te i 9 Ro of /Ceiling Assembly Noncombust i ble 1 h r S ee Foo tnot e i 8 S ta ir s Noncombu st ib le None NOTE :S ee S ec .17 06.(a )for Shaft Enclos ure exceptions. F OOTNO TES : 1 )E lements in an ext erior wa ll l ocated where ope ni n gs are not p ermittedo r where p rotect io n o f o penings i s required ,s hall be pr otec t ed agai ns t external f ire expos u re as requi red for e x terior b ea ring wa ll s or t he struct ura l f rame ,whichever i s g reater .--Table 1 7 -A ,footnote 1 4)F i r e -ret ar dant tre ated wo od may be usedw ithini nterio r non-bea ring 1 hr wa ll assemblies.--Ta b le 1 7-A,footno te #2 5)Nonl o ad-beari ng walls wi t hina tenant s pace that are n ot p art of a I hr co r ri dor may be o f: a)No ncombus t ible (n o n r a te d )ma t e ri al s b )Fi re reta rda nt-treated wood c )One-h ou r constructio n (any ma te ri a l)--S ec .1 705.(b)l . ,.'.•• 7)Nonload-bearing wal ls within a dwelli ng un it that are n ot p ar to fa c orridor may be of: a)Noncombustible (nonrated )materials b)Fire retardant-treated wood c )Combustible framing with n oncombust ible c overing in 8)I fr oof is grea ter than 2 5 feet above f l o or ,see Sec .1906.,18 06 . 9 )I n areas with vehi cles o r airplanes ,the fl oor surface sha ll be of n on combustible ,nonab so rbent materials.--S ec.70 2 .(c)&9 02 .(b) 11 )A sel f -closing ,1 3/4 i nch thick solid co re or no ncombus tible doo r is r equi red b e tween the basement an d t he 1 st floor .--Sec .1703 . i s require d be t ween dwe l ling un its .--Sec .12 02 .(b) ADD ITIONALSEPARA TIONS FOR R1 OCCU PANC Y: Al hr fire sepa rat ion EXI T REQUIREMEN TS : FL NAME OCCUP AN T NUMBER EXITPANIC RATED DOO R LOAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRID OR SWIN G NOTE S 4 Condos 13 20 .2 NoYes N/R TOTAL 13 20 .3 No Ye s N/R 3 Condos 77 2 1.3 No Yes Out TOTAL 77 2 1.9 No Yes Out 2 Condo s 77 2 1.3 No Yes Out TOTAL 77 2 1.9 No Yes Out 1 Con dos 15 2 0 .3 No Yes N/R 1 Re tail S a les Room 3 20 2 5.3 No Yes Out 1 Dini ng Room 3 53 2 5 .9 Yes Yes Out 4 TOT AL 688 3 11.5 Yes Yes Out B S t ock Ro om 111 0 .2 NoNo N/R B SKI SCHOOL 152 22 .5 YesYes Out 512 B P arking Garage 2 610 .4 NoNo N/R TOTAL 189 2 11.5 Yes Yes Out Ra ted co rridors are t o have lhr f ire protec tio n o n b ot h s ides o f wall s an d ceiling.--Se c.3305 .(g)Do or o pe n in gs are required t o b e pr o te c ted . wi th 20 minute as sembli es and windowo pe nings a re r e quire dt o b e protected wi th labeled 3 /4 h o ur as se mblies .--Sec .330 5.(h) I n areas whe re 2 ex its are requ ir ed ,t he mi ni mum sepa ratio n i s 1/2 o ft he maximum diag onal of t he area o rf loo r.--Sec .33 03.(c) Exi t s igns are requ ired fr om a ll area ss er vi ng an o cc upant l o ad o f5 0o r more . --Sec.331 4.(a) Do or swi ng is based o n Sec .3304.(b )ex cept as noted. Occupant l oad is based on Tab le 33-A . Number of e xi ts is based on Tab le 3 3 -A ex cept as n o ted. Exi t widt h i s in fee t a nd based o nSec.33 03.(b ). Exit width is t o be divided appr ox i mat e ly equa lly amo ng e xits. Wi d th sh own f or a l l a reas i s b ase d o n o t her ex i ts .(0 .2) Width sh own f or 1 st fl o or is b ase d o n o t he r ex its .(0.2) Widt h sh own f or other f loo rs &b asemen ts i s ba s ed o n stairwa ys .(0.3) F or the minimu m width o fd o or s ,see S ec .33 04 .(f) For the minimumwi d th o f c or rido rs,see S ec .3305 .(b) F or the mi nimum wi d th of s tai rway s ,see S ec .3306 .(b) ••• STAIR NOTES: Withinad we lling unit : A sta irway in a dwelling must be at l east 36 inches wide .--Sec .3306.(b) The max imum rise o f a step is 8 i nches and the minimum run is 9 i nche s. --S ec .3306 .Ie ).exe .II Prov ide a han drail on o ne s ide of stairway 34 to 38 inches a bove the n osing i f there is more than 3 risers.--Sec.3306.(j)Exceptions Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches .Mi nimum height =36 inches ,maximum opening size =4 i nches.--Sec.17 12 .(a )exe 1 For common stairways : The maximum rise of a step is 7 i n c h esa nd the minimum run is 11 inches . --Sec .3306 .I cI The mi nimum width of a stairway is 36 i nc hes ,44 i nches if t he occupant l oad i s greater than 4 9.--Sec.3306.(b) Also see ex it tab le abo ve t os ee i f minimumwidth is gre at er than 44 i nche s. P rovi de handra ils on bot hs i de so fa st ai rway 3 4 to 38 i n ches a b ove the nos ing . (May be o n o ne s ide i f le ss t ha n 4 4 inc hes wi d e)--Sec .33 06 .(j ) Pr ovide a g ua r d rail where d r op o ff is g re ate r than 30 i nc he s.Minimum he ight =42 i nc hes ,max i mu m ope ni ng siz e =4i nc hes .--Sec .1 712 .(a ) The mi nimum headr oom is 6 ft .-8 inch es .--Sec .3306 .(0 ) Enc los ed u s ab le space under the stairs is requ ired to b e protected a s required f orI hrf ire-re si st ive co nst r uction .--Sec .3306 .(1) St ai rway s ar e r e quire d to b e i n exit enclosures .--Sec.33 09 .(a) The wal ls of the enclosure a rer equ ired to b e2 hr fire assemblies . The open ings into the exit enc losure are required to be I 1/2 h r assemblies . --S ec .3309.(c)No te :Open ings into enc losure are l imited to those n ec essary for e xi ting n ormall y occup ied s paces . A c onnection to t he e xter io ri s requ ired wit ht h e same f ire p rotec ti on a s the exi t enc losu re .--Sec.3309 .(d) A barr ier is r eq uired a t gra de l eve l.--Sec.33 09 .(e) The space un der t he s ta irs (e nclose d or not)may n ot b e used for any p urpo se . --Sec .33 09 .I f) At l ea st o ne st air wayi s re quired to e xte nd t ot h e roof un less roo f sl ope i s g re ate rt ha n 4:1 2.--Sec .33 06 .(n) P rovide a l and i ng wit hi n1i nc h(1/2 inch a t doo rs used for hand i cappe d access )o f the threshold .--Sec .3304 .(i ) Th e min imu mwidth i s same a s doo r wi dth and the mi n imu m lengt h is 44 i nc h e s. --Sec .330 4.lj) The maximum t ravel dist an ce in th isb u il d i ng i s 1 5 0 fee t. --Sec .3303 .I d) ROOFING REQU IREMENTS : 1 )The roof ing o n t h is b uilding is requi red t ob e Class B or bet te r. --T abl e 32-A 2 )See section 3 20 4.an d ICBO research r eports f or requireme nt s . •• S TANDP IPE REQ UI REM ENTS : Ac lass I andI I or III standpipe i s required . A hose i s r equi r ed.--Tab le 38 -A Hose is re quired for Cl ass II standp ipes only. • Table 38 -A Footnote #5 F OOTNOTES: 1)Th e loc ation is to be pe r Sec .3805 .(e ),(d),and/or(e) WAL L AND CEILING FINISH : 1)Wall and ceiling finish materials are required to comply with Sec .4 204 .(a)a nd Table 42-B . 2)Ca rpet ing on t he ceiling is required to have a Class I flame s p read r a ting .--Sec.4204 .(bl 3 )Textile wa ll coverings s hall have Class I f lame spread rating. and shall be p rotectedb y automatic s pr inklers or meet the accept a nce cr iteria of U.S.C .Standard No.4 2 -2 --Sec .4 205 . INSULATIO N NOT ES : 1 )Al li nsul at i on mat er ia l in cluding facings are r equired to h ave a f lame - s pread rating o f 25 or l ess and amax imum smo ke de nsity of 45 0. --Sec .17 1 4.(c ) 2 )Foam pl as ti c insulations a re r eq ui re d to b e protected .--Sec .1 71 3. GLA ZINGREQUIREM ENT S: All glazing in hazardous l ocations is required to be of safety glazing material.--S ec .5406.(d) ADDIT IONAL REQ UIREMENTS : For Rl o c cupancy All c himney en clo su r es fo r woodb urningf ireplace factor y-bu i lt c himney ss hall be p rotected by a I hr .fire resistive construct ion . All p roj ec tsl argert ha nf our d welling un its shall be s upplied with s tamped d ra win gs from a quilified a rchitect and/or s tructural engin e er. All R-1o cc up ancies within t heTownOf Vail will be r eq uired t o h ave a ll landsc api ng and par king facili ties complete to obtain fi nal in spection approval. Addre ss n umberss hal l be post ed plainly v isible a nd legi ble f romt he s t reet . A fire a larm s ys tem is r equi re d i n th is b uildin g.--Sec .121 1. Provi de a wi n d o~or d o or to the exterior fro me very room used for s leep ing.--Sec.12 04 . A win dow must pr o videac lea r open a r ea of 5 .7 sq .ft.,a clea rh eight o f 2 4i nc he s,an d a cl e ar wi dth of 20 inches (m i nimu m). S ec .1204 . All h abitab le rooms r equire exterior glazed ope ni ngs equal to 10%or mor e o f the f loor area .(min 1 0 sq.ft .)--Sec .1205.(b) All habitab le rooms requi re an operable exterior openi ng s equal t o 5% o r more of t he floor area .(mi n5s q.f t.)--Sec .1205 .(c) P rovide a smoke d etectori n a l l s l eep ing rooms a nd a reas h av ing access to sleeping r ooms.--Sec .12 10 .(a)4 . =~~ <:..:I1':..::,,r\ ~~~ .....--...e:. ~~".) :::)- '.. ~, "U I1:i t 0.i~I 1",,_J ..... 11ffi i '"sc, _@ V) >~ "'w::!....u Cl ~w 0 u "'., ... \·1 J .-...;. ... Q, ~.""-~<::t- C4. '+- -;:, .... ..z ~ <'./.~. ..~....... '.~. J ~~t;l~a IVI Ie!~ 81 28 /~~:.,~7e"57 1 &8 TOWN OF VAIL IlJl lVINli I TownofVail a='CE~ ~BUILDING ""_,,. INSPECTION _"""~,.-..." <::;".SERVICES ,IN C.:=:;:.,. ,We prov;de peace of mind! lea Peler&On Montage PrupNUes Re:Ga'finkles The sound insuiation Ins ta Qed abo'woe the drop in cei ling wa ..<lelerm ined to be grcenl'i ber eeu vcse.Surface Burning C hllfact er1 sbcto (see In '~iorl provi ded ) Ind icllte8!h1lt ccccco insulation meets or exceedS specffied requireme!'t's fOl' name apre~Therefor lhe Insta~ation01'th l..pruduc:t in the ce~'''9 of Gllrfmkels &hOUl d ee saf e from fire spread. Art Hood Pf1ISadont B uilding Inspection Services • W18/2'8ll6 11'):'"'I711"M513l>(t BJtLDIl'lG Pe"5ER\ISC us 0Rai'ib«-J~CootndoB·Proc!l.lcl Sp:dtlClWoJl5 (Rea.o$IIl&l1ODJ fiber •.'. -'::0'_.....-- """",....,..... .....~I~IMoMiJIIIlea..._Ic:w-.:tlJl,r....,.I~....I ............I '"""*YT_I a....Aw Hllo tSIiIKi~,.·it <lnsulallon Contracton--- ......... ~...,IEIl:I"4 dNcanIIItltdCoClllol'l ~.p jfnlm ~ ........wtlkiIt-.t-Ind.'~....,for...._--.n.~"nat ~n:Im'IIIII-,*".............,~__tukt'v m---. """"""'"_;;";''''M,~.•n_M Coc:oon r.AIOln r.-.......dnulbf ~.....,.,n ......rJlMd'I "n~-"--''''''''''-'''-IlI.~".........-...,1lI_...~COCI:a'l~wlItznlo -........--_......_~r:JI_.......,.~........ _e:..- n-_......._pcdun rIlI.,..-.-a poo _..aIIlllcrI '" ..........Ib:nO'~~.OAb'II~)Db .......-~ ,.~haMIlcrlll*i "'bUa.multconarN Ill"CPSC ...".~tfe em ,...1208....:1,404.h.cdion.e.-.ntrlMtl8ld .....,.........d AtTN C 13811'I"U.S .rd CMU.,C.S703 ~CAI«G89-6'_eD}h ~ n.~fltllPdIII .........:I Dr~dIII.....I.MtIol.....",.(R-t5NO); IAS'MC730 eM"C S'7'Cl3-"'" ~n r,_ n.~~~P'I'rdI_....i.liiedbV ...m.Ihod ASTM c-&1S(4 In."-'= ....._"''''.-,.,'.---..a:IIIS:-::::::'" ~_•..c ....--C::M':---~'~-'==-•0--==:.;:.a. ~P&llIl; f'!oo!!L1 •• IWrM"'-1l'--.""-"':'": toft =-.-....... I!IU'~ '12&'2006 ------._-.._-.. IIJILD lt«i llolSP 5ERVSC us ~-lDsul.Do.l ContnckIn;-Product SpeofGliOOJ (RtinJulatlon) .:::,:::::7:=11ro(R~1 .::::=;::::::2UiS (RS1-"'-*"J ....~~111. ~....~tt-.....IIdl::I_~n.,._0tIcII -...."..........fNhXl ASTM £-lJ7O,....F*"-SptMIl'~ MTU e-&l 0(CNW\Jl.&-a102 2 .Coooon nu.lion rnwtI or ~I ..1pK6I(I ........b'-eh...~ ASrN E..Q1U .--...- AmI ...._.---,.---_..... CNIIUlC·S102.2 .......,tIJ c ,_ 'MWln~........~.aurn.n.aI_.Ced "'........ COCOQn~"''''',,'''iedk>_~ CJeoerPl....T...... 00gg0n~~--...........:·'*'E.,....,•__....,eI Q'oawIln .~SIlr-l......q.......-.SIrdd..-~ ""'"..~....... .........-....... ~d ...Wc:b __~wiI'I pel''I ,Ivn IUidlrv ~Cuiptwt .....-d ~ ~~,.,.,.,..--s.NOplltt;ll ..WClIlllt "-'_~n~fcmrI """'-Ipelt"""'"h IIlfIrog. U.~u.c ~_.iIDo.-...are cIIidloallr_J'!l'4""-,~. Coo::::xn .....8lmIltJ S<1W1w NuISIkrr'_~~d U.s.~LLC02000l U8 ~UC."'''''____ ""-'--"---..'r.--._ •l=:::;;~~'\"NOTE :THIS PERH I'I'BUST 3:::?OSTEDON JO BS ITE .!..T ALL THiE S..;,\ TO WN OF ImL ~ADD /ALT !{FBUILD ?ERllIT Per:nit #:B96-0027 75South Fr onta g eR oad Vai,Colorado 816 57 9iO .479.2138/4,9.2139 FAX 970-479-2452 J ob Addre ss : Location ...: Par cel No ..: P ro jectNo .: Depar tment of Comm unity Development 520 L IONSHEAb-HALL,S tatus ...:ISSUED LIOJNSHEAD CENTER .BL DG Appl ied ..:03 /21 /1996 ·2TO r=·07 F0 3 -0 00 -~I ss ued ...:03 /21 /1996 Expires ..:09 /17 /1996 APPLICANT 11ASTER SEALER SINC 161 2 11ATT ERH ORN C ,VAIL CO 8 1657 CONTRACTOR ~~S TE R SEALERSINC 1612 MA TTERHORN C,VA IL CO 8 1657 OWNER LIONS HEAD CEN TERCONDOASSO. Des cription : REROO F COHPLEX IH TH ASPHALT Phone :3034 7639 75 Phone:30347639 75 occupancy:Rl B2 Type Con struct ion:II FR Type occupancy :Rl 8 2 Not in table ! Type II Fire Resistive Not in tab le ! Va luation :120 ,000 ~Of Gas Appliances: AddSq Ft : lief Gas logs:lI ot \,'ood/P a llet : *-***.*~*************.****,**.***~t"t**""*********~*FEE SU r.~ARY ********************************************************** au iLdi !'\!iI---->8 20 .00 Rest ulIrllnt P liln ~e v iew->.00 r cte t clIlc::u lllted Fees-->1,956 .00 p tlln c i'led;--->533 .00 DRS Fee--------------->100.00 Additionlll F e~s --------->.00 Imlut;ga tfon>.00 ReCreation Fee ---------->.00 Total Pe r Jllit Fee------->1,956.00 Uill Ce ll---->3 .00 Cltiln-U~Deposit------>500 .00 Piiy"'ents---------->1,956.00 TOTI..l FEE S-----------·->1,956.00 Bl..ll.."CE DUE ------------>.00 A~*AAAAAA*A **~~••A A ***~t*t *****~****t ***t *********tt ********tt A *t****t ****t*~*****~**t t **A t *A*••~~~****rt****rt******** 5je~i /~~§~Oc~8ekDI~GA gtl~~~M~~~RIt~m:0 5400 P LANNING DEPARTM~NT 03/21 /1996 LAU REN Actio n:APPR It em:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 03/21 /1996 CHUCK Action:APPR Item :0 5500PUB LIC WORKS 03/21/1996 CHUCK Action :APPR Dept :BUILD ING Division: Dep t:PLANNING Division : Dept:FIR E Di v is ion : Dept:PUB WORK Division : *********************~*.t*AAU **************************************U***HH-A***********uuU******************U*****H,******** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions t hat may apply t o this permit . DEC lJ,.1\ATI ONS I hereby a cknowled;e t he t I hllve re lld th i~1I?pliclIt1on,filled ou t ;1'1 1ut l t h~1 nfo r~at 10n requ i r ed,c o~~leted an lIccurate p lot p l,!In,lind s 't at e t hat a l l t he i nfer-nattcn prov i ded as r eau i red is co rre ct.I /lgr e e t o c::omply with the i nf cr~t ion lIri d p lc 't p lan, to complywith a l l To."ordi r./lnces e~d state l ll.S,e nd t o bui ld th i s s truc ture lIcc;ordi ng to the Town's ~oni rlg and lu,di v ;s ion cod es,design re v i ~w a ~p r cve j ,Un i10rm =u ild i n ~Cod~en d o t ~e r o rdi nance s of th e Town ll?p li Cllo le t h e r e~o . ~EQUESTS FO~INSPECT IO,.;S SH"Ll BE r,;..D E TI:ENTY-fOUR HOURS IN I.DV1.!ICE BY TEl EPH C>/I:E AT 47 9-2138 OR AT '."'F.flCE f ROI'I 8 :00 "1'1 5: .~~./ Serld Clean-Up Deposit To:SIGNA TURE Of OIJNER O!l...£ltl.TR ~~-~':tii~"';~''r:Llf~'~H'''o',i<i",,"R 03 /21 /1996 03/21 /1 996 09 /17 /1 996 Applied : Issued: To Expire: •• ************************************************************** , CO NDI TI ONS .iJeff{l!{rf'!a~027 .as of 03 /21 /96 DrparrmenrS'.fr;e'li!l'~lIIfSlSfJil9pm r r.1 c U~'~Q ~Q £J ~i7***********************************************.**************** 70-479 -2138/479-2139 Pl&\\tW7l'W~2 ADD /ALT I·W BUI LD PERHIT Appl ican t:MA STER SEALERS INC 303 4 763 975 J ob Addres s: Locat i on:LIOJ NSHE AD CENTER BL DG Parcel No :2101-071 -03 -00 0 Desc ription: REROOF COM PLEX WITH ASP HALT condition s: 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU IRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COM PL IANCE . 2 .FI RE DE PAR~1ENT APPROVA LIS REQU IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTE D. 3 .ROOF MATERIALS FOR THI S BUILDING MUST BE A CLASS B RATING J •"••******************************************************--*-««-_.- TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO S ta t err~t ****~*****.***~*****************************.*.***************** Statemnt Numb er :RE C-Ol18 fu~ount : Payment Method:CK Nota t ion:126 54 1 ,9 36.00 03/2 1/9 6 14 :3 3 In it :CD ---------------------------------------------------------------- ADD /ALT MF BUI LDP ER 1 ,936 .00 Permit No : Parcel No: Site Add re ss : Lo cat io n: Thi s Payment B96-0027 Type:A-MF 2101-071 -03-000 520 LIONSHEAD MALL L IOJNSHEAD CENTER BLD G Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: 1,9 56 .00 1,9 56 .00 .00 --**--_._-----_._._---_.----_.._._-_.__._-------------_.***._--- Account Code Descri ption Amount 0 1 0000 41310 BUILDING P ERMIT FEE S BOO.OO 01 0000 4 1331 DE SIGN REVIEWFEES 100 .00 01 0000 4 1332 PLAN CHECKFEES 5 33.00 01 000 0 22002 CLEAN UP DEPOS ITS 500.00 01 0000 4 133 6 WILL CALLIN SPECTION FE E 3.00 ••\":::::~~:\."NOTE :TiES PER!11 T I1UST BEPO STED ON JOB SITE .~.'I'.lI..LL T n~ES.\..,\ TO WNOF VA IL '.I,i .~DD/ALT HF BUILDPERMIT P e rmi t i:B96-002 7 75 SouthFrontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970 ·479 ·2J 311/4 79·21 39 FAX9 70·479·2452 J obAdd ress : Locatio n ...: Pa rce lNo .•: p roject No.: Department of Community Development 52 0 L IONSH EA D HAL L S ta t us ...:ISSU ED LIOJN SH EA DCENTERBLD G Applied ..:03/21/1996 210 1 -07 1 -0 3 -0 00 I ssued ...:03/2 1/19 96 Exp ires ..:09/17/1996 APPLICANT l{ASTER SEALERS INC 161 2 MAT TEREORN C ,VAIL CO 81657 CONTRA CTOR ~~S TER SEA LE RSI NC 161 2 MA TTE RHORN C ,VAI L CO 81657 OWNER LI ONS HEAD CENT ER CONDO ASSO. Phone:3 0 3476397 5 Phon e:303 4763975 Des cri p tion: REROO FCOHPLEX WITH ASPHALT occupancy:RlB2 Type Con struct i on :I I FR Type Oc c upancy :Rl B2 Not in t ab le ! Type II Fi re Resistive No t i n tab l e ! Val uat i on:1 20/0 00 AddSq F t: Firep l ace I n 1 orma t;Cl~:l::n tr icted:No t Gas App liances :110 1 Gu Logs:#01 lJood/Pellt t: MAA A.AAAA••".**.******.~*****************.*****t***~*f EE SUMMA RY ~*tt **t *t**************t**********~******************* Bu ildi ng---->820.00 Restuar ant Plan Revi e'o/->.00 ToULce t c u tet ec Fe ~s--->1,956 .00 pt e n Clleck-->5~3.00 ~~B F l!~--------------->10;).00 Add it i Otl ILI L fee s-------->.00 I nvestigation>.00 Recreat ion Fee---------->.00 To t a l Per/lli t fee----->1,956.00 IIHl tllll ---->3 .00 Clun-U"Deposit ------->500 .00 Payments------------>1,956 .00 TOTAL FEES ------------>1,956.00 B~L~NCE DU E------------->.00 *****~**i~*~***********************~*****************t ****t t *****************t ****t **********i *i ***t *~ti *~~*******;~i'~.**'t itt PUB wo ax Div ision: BUILDING Divis ion : PLA NN ING Div is ion: Item:05 100 BU ILDING DEPAR TM EN T 03 /21 /19 9 6 CHUCKAc t ion :APPR Item :05 400 PLANNING DEP ART MENT 03 /21 /19 96 LAURENAct ion :APPR I tem :0 56 00 FIRE DE?ARTME NT 03 /21/1 996 CHUC K Act ion :APPR Item :0 5 500 PUBL IC WO RKS 0 3/21/1996 CHUCK Acti o n:APPR Dept : Dept : Dept : Dep t : FIRE Di vi sion: See Pa ge 2 of this Documen t for a ny con d it ion s t h a tmay a pp ly t o th is p ermi t. DECL l RH JONS I Ill!reby IIckno~ll!d;l!th~t I hav e re llj ~h 1 s !~~L 1 Clll t ion,fitl l!d out in 1u lL t he inforcation r equ ir ed,cc~~le tl!d lin accurate p lot p Lan,IInj s ret e t!'ln e t L the i nfor :r.i!it i::n e rcvtd ed as r e~~irej i s cc-r ec t•I a 3re e to cOI':",p ly \l ith t he il'\~::r trlil ti o n ~nd pl ::t ptlln, to co~ply 'l ith I II To~~crdin llnces lind st llte la~"lind to bu i ld t his s truct u r e IIcco rdin;to t he To.n',l e~i ng lind subdiv i s ion codes,des ign re v ;e ~1I~?rcve d,Un ifo rm Su i l~;n ~C o~e an j ~th er ordin~n c~,01 the T o ~n appl ;ellb le th e r e".:o~.<""'- Send Cle an -Up Depos i t To:SIGNATUR E OF OlmER O~TR ··Jr.seLF "ND O\lNER U u.,n:'I:;'/..-iJt.1i •• 03 /21 /1 996 0 3/21/1996 09 /17/19 96 Appli e d: Iss u ed : ToExpire : CONDITIONS . !.§eH/1!{r'f'!°m/lflad027 a s of 03 /21 /96 D epa rr m e nr 3'l~e'IJ !l'~mf'SlSfitl5'pme nI QU~C~~~~£J~j7.*.***.********************************************************* 70-479-2138/479 -2139 ~i1~~2 ADD /ALT MF BU ILD PERMI T Applicant :V~STER SEALERS I~C 3034763975 J obAddre ss : Loca tion:LI OJN SHEAD CEN TER BLDG Pa r cel ~o :2 101 -07 1-03 -000 Descri pt ion : REROO F COMPLEX WITH AS PHAL T Con di tion s: 1.FI ELD I NSPECTIONS ARE RE QUIR ED TO CH ECKFOR CODE COMPLIAN CE. 2 .F IREDEPART MEN T AP PROVAL IS REQU IRED BE FOR E AN Y WORK CAN BE STARTED . 3 .ROO F V~TER I AL S FOR THI S BUILDIN G !{UST BEA CLASS B RATING -~t1 ,",._.. ••***************************.************************************ TOWN OF VAIL,COLO~DO Statemnt **************************************************************** s tatemnt Number :REC-O l18 ~~ount : pa yrr,ent Method :CK Not ation:#2654 1,936 .00 0 3/21/9 61 4:33 I n i t:CD ---------------------------------------------------------------- ADD /ALT l1F BUILDPER 1,936.00 Pemit No: P a rce l No: Site Add re ss : Loc ation : This P ayment B96 -002 7 Type :A-MF 2 10 1 -0 71 -0 3-000 520 L IONSHEAD MALL L IOJNSHE AD CENTER BLDG To tal Fe es: Tota l ALL Pm ts: Balance: 1,956.00 1,956 .00 .00 Account Code Description Amount 0 1 0000 41310 BUILDINGPERMIT FEE S 8 0 0.0 0 0 1 0000 4 13 31 DE SIGN REVIEWF EES 1 00.00 0 1 000 0 413 32 PLAN CHECK FEES 533.0 0 01 0 00022 002CLEAN UPDEPOSI TS 500 .0 0 01 0000 41 336 WILL CALL I NSPECTION FEE 3 .0 0 ••NOTE:THIS PERM IT MU ST BE POSTED ON J OBSITEAT ALL TIMES ADD /ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit j:B96 -002 7 Job Addre s s:5 20 LI ONS HEAD MALL Location ...:L IOJNSHEAD CENTER BLDG P arc e lNo..:2 101-07 1-03 -000 Proj ect No.: APPLICANT MAST ER SEALERSI NC 1 612 MATTE RHORN C ,VAIL CO8 1657 CONTRAC TOR MASTER SEALERS INC 16 12 MATTERHOR N C ,VAIL CO 8165 7 OWNER L IONSHEAD CENTER CONDOASSO. Des cript io n: RE ROOF COMPLEX WITH ASPHALT S tat us ...:APPROVED Applied ..:0 3 /2 1/1996 I s sued ...:03 /21/1996 Expire s ..:0 9/17 /1996 Phone :3 034763 975 P h on e:30 3476 3975 Occupancy:Rl 8 2 Type Construction:II FR T y pe Oc cupa ncy:R l 82 Noti n table! Typ e II F i re Resist ive Noti n tab l e! Val uation:12 0,000 AddSq F t: .Of G..l ogs: ••**.*****************A'••**•••**,•••••••••*************FEE S U~"A RY .***Wi**,,••••••••**.**•••*••,••,••• BuiLd ing----->820 .00 Restuarant Pl an R ~i ew-->.00 Tota L Calculated F ~s --->1,956.00 P l an Ctleck-)533 .00 DRB FH-------)100 .00 Additiona l fee.---->.00 lnvest'ig at;on>.00 RecrHltl Ot1 Fee >.00 Total Per.it Fee >1 ,956 .00 wi ll Call->3 .00 clean-up Depos it>SOC.DO PlI y.enU >20 .00 TOTAL FE ES ->1 ,956 .00 BALJ.H CE DUE >1,936 .00 .~•••••*•••••••I.I •••II •••I ••••~••***II I.I •••••I.*••••1 ••••••*••~••,.".,•••••••*****••I.III ••••••I.I ••'••,••••••••••*,••••••• Item :05 100 BU ILDING DEPARTME NT 0 3/21 /1996 CHU CK Ac tion :APPRItem:0 5400 PLANN INGDEPARTME NT 03 /21 /1996 LAUREN Ac tion:APPRItim:05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN T0321/1 996 CHUCK Act ion:APPR Item:05500 P UB LIC WOR KS03/21 /1996 CHU CK Ac tion :APPR De pt:BUILD ING Div is ion: Dept:PLANN ING Divi sion: Dept:FIRE Div ision: Dept:PUB WO RK Div ision : See P age 2 o f th is Do cument for a ny cond i tions t hat may apply to this pe rmi t. DE CLA RATIONS I her eby ac know ledge that 1 have read t his a pplication,fil led out i n f ull t he infor ..t ion req uired,comp l eted an a ccurate p l ot p lan ,and s ta te t hat al l t he in for ..tion provided &5 r equir .d is cor r ect .I agr ..to COMP ly with the l nfor..tion and p lot plan, to co.ply with all TOVQ ord inances and state laws ,and t o build this st ructur.a ccording t o the Toun's zoning andsubdiv ision ccoes,des ign r e'<l1eov approved ,un1fortl Bu ilding COd e and other ordiNntes of t t\e Town a ppl icebl e ther eto. RE ClU ESTSfOR INSPECTION S SH .-U.BE ".-DE TW EN TY-f OUR HOO RS I N ADVAN CE BY TELEPHON E AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR oence f ROll 8 :00 Nt 5 :00 "" Send Clean-Up Depo s;t To :SIGNATV RE Of OW NE R OR C ON TRA CT ~FOR HI"SELf AH D O\IN ER •• ***********************************************************••***************.*** CONDITIONS Permit .:B9 6-0027 as of 03 /21/9 6 Status:APP RO VED ******************************************************************************** Pe rmi t Type :ADD /ALT MF BUILD PERM IT Applicant :MASTER SEALERS I NC 3 034763975 Job Addres s: Loca tion :LIOJNSHEAD CENTER BLDG P arcel No :2 1 01-07 1 -03-000 Description: REROOF COMPLEX WITH ASPHALT App l ied:03 /21 /1996 I ssued :03 /2 1 /1996 To Expire:0 9 /17/1996 Conditions : 1 .FIELD IN S PECTI ON S ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F OR CODE COM PLIANCE . 2 .FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVALI S REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 3 .ROOF MA TERIALS FOR THISBUI LDINGMUST BE A CLASSB RATI NG T. ••TOWN OF VAIL CONST RUCTION PERMIT AP P L~I ON FORM DA TE:y~p/:f'"" ~/~/.67/-tJ3 -03 <J {)o O • • PARCEL 0 :lpa~ tI.APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE A ~iE ~1996 ~*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION *********.*~Q_* [l-Building [j-Plumbing [j-Electrical [j-Mechanical [Xl-Oth er Be-roof J ob Name :Job Address: SUBDIVISION:F il i ng,--"-''_''''"'-'-'"'-"""-'-_Block ILegalDescription:Lo t 5 Own ersNa me:Lionshead Cntr.cond.o .Ass.Add res s :___________P h._ Archit ect :Add re ss:__________Ph._ Gen eral De scr ipt ion:Re-roof cedar shukes to Celotex Presidential Asphalt Shingles "".colorWorkClass:[]-New []-AI te ra~i on (]-Addition al (]-Re p a Lz-l x l -Ot he Ib:.'1 rk btQtJTl Number of Dwe lling units:Number of Accomm odati on u nits: ~mb er and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appl iances Gas Logs Wood /Pellet "*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILD ING:$ELE CT RICAL:$OT HER:$I ~a tiFJ& PLUM BI NG:$MECHAN ICAL:$TOTAL:$_ ~***************************CONTRACT OR INFORMATION ***************************"~n e ral Contractor :Master sealers I nc.T own of Va il Reg .N0 .371-.5 Address :P .O .Dx,4 473 Vai l.Co .8 16 58 ~h one Nu mber:~4 L76",-=-3,,9u7,"5,--_ Electrical contractor : Address : Town o f Vail Reg ,NO ,_ PhoneNumber : Plumb ing Contractor: Address : To wn of Va il Reg.NO._ Ph one Number: Me chanical Contracto r: Address: Town of Vai l Reg,NO ._ Phon e Number : OFFICE USE ******************************* BU ILD ING PLAN CH ECK FEE : PLUMBI NG PLAN CH ECK FEE: MECHANICA L PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATI ONFEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT : TOTAL PERM IT FEES: r l2 dA""L..-----'-BUILDIN G: S I GNATURE : ZON ING: SIGNATUR E: FOR TYPE GROUP SQ .FT .VALU ATION . ******************************** BUI LDING PERMIT FEE : PLU MBING PERM I TFEE: MECHAN ICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TY PE OF FEE: OR BFEE: Comments.~_--_---_--------_--_----__------_------------ ~CL EAN UP DEP OSIT REFUND TO :Master sealers I nc . P .O.Dx .44 73 Vail ,Co . • town 01 val 75 south lrontage-ro.d vail ,eolor.do 81657 (303)4 79-2 138 or 479-2 139 • office of community deYelopment TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTl.Y.REGIST<:RED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter ,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-ai-way on all Town of vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinanc e will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material . In the event the person so noti!ied does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified .The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail BUilding .Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowl )l~~~~~ .,-....a.r-G<fP_"'~r:~..-.-C · to project (i.e .contractor,owner) •...--, 75.outh trantageroad nil,c olor.do 81657 (303)479-2138 or 4 79-2139 • office of community development BUILDING PERI·IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRA'IE If t his perm it requires a Town of Va il Fir e Department Approv al. Engi neer"s (Pub lic Works)review and approva l,a Planning Depa rtment reviewor Hea lth Depar tm entrevi ew,and areview by t he Bu ilding Department.the estimated time for a total revi ew may take as long asthr ee weeks . All conme rctal [la rge or sma ll)a nd all multi-famil y permits wil l ha veto f ollow the abo ve me ntioned ma ximu m re quirement s.Re siden ti al and sm a ll projects should take a less er a roount of time .However,if re sid entia l or smal ler projects i mpactthe va rious above menti oned de partments with regard to necessaryreview,thes e pro jects ma y al sotakethe three week period . Every attempt wi ll be ma de by th is department to exped ite t his . permi-t ass oon as possibl e. I,the unders igned,und erstand the f rame. gr ce ~£-/?.---.r -</d"p,o Projec t Name )C D at ~~wa4~i nt o the Co rrmun ity Oevel oOlTl "'1t Depa r tme nt. k procedu re and time ••MEMORANDUM • TO: FROM: DATE: RE: A LL CONTRACTORS TOWNOFVA IL PUBLIC WORKSDEPARTME NT MA Y 9,1994 WH ENA "PUBLICWAY PERMIr'ISREQUIRED JobName:.<:.-/~~,i#./,o.o C4r-W Date :V~/z ~ Please answerth efollowingquestionnaireregarding the needf or a"PublicWayPermit": 1)Isthis anewresidence? 2)Isd emolitionworkbeingperformed that requires the useottheright ofway,easementsorpublicproperty? 3)Isanyutility workneeded? 4)Is the driveway being repaved? 5)Isdifferent access neede d t o site othert hanexisting driveway? 6)Isany drainagework beingd one affecting th e rightofway,ea sements , orpublic p roperty? 7)Isa "Rev ocableRight Of WayPermit" required? 8)A.Isth e rightof way,ease ments o r public property tobeused for staging, parking orfe ncing? B,If notoSA,isa parking,stagi ng or fenci ngp lan required byCo mmunity Development? Ifyou a nswered yes toanyofthesequest ions,a"Public W ay Permit"mustbe obtained. "PublicWay Permit"applications may be obtainedatthePublicWork'sofficeorat Community Development.If youhaveanyquestionsplease callChDavis,theTown ofVail Construction tnspector,at479-2158. Ihave read and answered a ll theaboveq uestions. c-/&,;-J;(I4';.ao c /.,...,-W Job Name Contractor's Sig a Date •• PUBLICWORKSPERMITPROCESS How it re lates to Building Permits: 1)Filloutourcheck lislprovided with abuildingpermit application . I!yes wasanswered to any oftheabovequestions thena "Public Way"is required.Youcan pick upanapplication at either Community Development , located at75S.FrontageRoad or Public Works,locatedat1309Vail Valley Drive . 2)Noticesign offsfor utilitycompanies .Allutilities mustfield ve rify(locate) respective ut ilities priortosigningapplication.Some utilitycompanies requireup toa48hournotice toschedule alocate. 3)Aconstructiontrafficcontrol/staging planmustbe prepared onaseparatesheet of paper.Anapproved site plan may a lso beused.Thisplan will showlocations ofall t rafficcontrol devices(signs,cones,etc..)andthe workzone,(a re aof Co nstruction,Stag ing,etc..).This planwi ll expireo nOct .15th .andwill need to beresubm itted fo rapprovalthrough thewinter. 4 )Sketch ofwork being performed must be submitted indicatingdimensions(length, width &d epth o fwork).This may be drawnonth e traffic control planor asite p lan for t hejob . 5)Submit comp leted applicationtothe Pub licWorks'sofficef or review.I!required, locates will be schedu led fo r theTownof Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew.T he locates take placeinthemorning but,may require up to 48hourst operform. 6)The Public Work'sConstructioninspector w ill review th eapplication and approve ordisapprove thepermit.Youwill becontacted astothe statusand any that may needed.Mostp ermits are released within 48hours ofbeing received ,butplease allow uptoo ne week to process. 7)As soon a s theper mitisprocessed,acopywill betaxedtoCommunity Development a llowing t he "BuildingPermit"to be released.Pleasedonotconfuse the "Public Way Permit"with a "Buildi ngPermit"to do worko na projectitsel!. NOTE: •The above process is for work i na public way only, •Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. •Anew Public Way Permit is required each year If work is not complete, • TOWNOF VA IL 75 South Frontage Roa d Vail.Colorado 8165 7 303 -479 -2138 /479-2139 FAX 303 -479-2452 •• Departm ent ofCo mmun itv Development IHPORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1.HEAT LOSS CALCULATI ONS. 2.TO SCALE FLOOR P LAN OF MECHAN ICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPME NT DRAWN I NTO SC ALE,WITH P HYSICAL D IMENS IONS AND B TU RATING S OF ALL EQU IPMENT I NMECHANICALROOM. 3 .S HOW S IZEANDLOCATI ON OF COM BUST ION A IRDUCT S,F LUES, VENT CONNECTORS ANDGAS LI NES. 4.NOTE WH ETHER ELEVATOR EQUI PMENT WILL ALSOBE INSTALLED IN MECHAN ICAL ROOM . FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS IHPORMATIOR WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT. • • • • 75 south fronblge road .....c Oklndo .1657 (303)4 79-2138 (303)471-2139 • office of community d evlHopment NOTICETO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effecti v e J une20 ,1 991 ,the Towno f Va i l Bu ildingDepar tment h as de veloped the f ollow in gp ro cedur es t oe nsu re tha t ne w c ons truc ti on s i tes have ade q ua tel y es tabli sh e d pr oper d rainage from b uildi ng sites a l ong a nda djacent t o To wn o f Va i l r oads o rs tre et s . The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to i n spect and approve drainage adjacent t.o Town of Va il roads o r s treets and the installation o f temporary o r permanentc u lve rts a t access points from the road o r street on to t he construct ion s it e. Such a ppr ova l must b e obtain ed p ri or to a ny reque st f or inspection by the T own of Vail Bui ld ing Depa r tment f or f o ot i ngs or temporary elect r ical o r any othe r i nspe ct ion .P l ea se ca ll 479 -2160 to reque sta ni ns pection fr om t heP ublic Work sDep ar tment .Allo w a min i mum of 2~h o ur not ice . Also ,the To wn o fVail Publ ic Work s Dep a rtment wi ll be a ppro vi n g a ll f in a l dra in agea nd c ul v er t i n s ta l lati on wit h r es ul ti ng r oad pa cching "as n ecess ary .S uch approv al must b eOb t ai ned pr i or to F inal Certificate of Oc cupa ncy issuanc e. ';" .-.'.. ., '. :"":. '.:~.•.,-'----,~~... ,',., Condoo:\r e .. De.n R~view Action For" TOWN OF VAIL -. ••,_._,~_..-,_,"_4. .':-....-::...','• -en ments:~__-=-_-=-_ ,rch ltectlContact.Address and Phone;--: ---------::---::;-----:------;-:--------,------------,-'~·,r~ agel Doscr1ptJon :Lot £Bloek ...JI,--_SUbd'lV1s lo nU ril'l'jlv e.r 1 (Md =LC-e'""C/"----_Zone District c cAr '~, """''!StrootAddross:0 20 Uon\hwcl C ((.j ";-,";i~ ::ategOl)'Number Oat._['i\6\Vv1\,I l qI.e 'roj oCt Namo :-.l!:oo.:,Iv tY (Ce.f1\-t....vt:-,",---,-,Y'?r...=:...L(.u·O"'0 .:J;\::=---_-,-----,...::.....: lulldlngNom.:L\OI'\S woel (.£.\II.-ke..- .';.'. "'-'., '...-~,.,~..:\:"~'- J DIsapproval •'. ...~..',"--, ," ".c- .,DAB Fee Pre-pel D.oO / D.:;TE ;'.?:::~OV :::D : • -- ~IJ • -~_...l •l ~.?~,,~,1--- " I-------.~ _~~4.:;-;'.\~'~7~t - ~.---r---1 -+----~-'--~ "__L ~....._...,.. I - I 0 1 I 'e ~ 0 -- 1774)S q uare Feet ",.~~, "~I:i i ...\{\ I•-of) --+----~.~ :A.,?'"~."".•~~o_~-I',, ••L '• • 1 /', -.'~O ••,• A RE ATOrAL ~"""",1?~~e:,e.;:;,/.""".e ::c__ IJ'S F.MF.NT SPAC ES t l---~ oj.."I . --. '"o.. t!''",. f "_ III ~.. ?).-• Tota l Ru ild i n o S I'f\cP' Extf'rior nR lctln ip.~ Exter ior Prome nade De ck 1'7.1% fi .3 15 .8% 2 .~ 1/s ,)% 1 .1.Db I).1% PE RC ENTAGE OF'TOTAl . ARE A BU 1 L D I NG ARE A 29586 SF )'JO)SF 9'JO I S F 1)80 SF 8960 SF 90 1 SF 8202 5>' 628))SF )J.I'5 S F 11660 S F TO T AL A REA i t 'Lttt.l'.ro!Au!:" 0 ."TOTA L AREA 900 51"5 .1), 1 5)0 SF 8 .6% 1/177 S F 8 .JJ'------------ )907 SF 22 .C1jb---------- 8960 5>'50 .7J' ::.:8 1 SF 12.'" :!5q5 SF 1 4.6~ 177'.)SF 100 .0% D ." 5 PAC E SUMH AR 'r Apar tment SP PlC~8 Kll c he n /Loun{l"/llini ng Hoom Commf"rc ia I SP':ICf·S.l .!"l t "·11-.a nd Ba aomnn t Storage Spacp fo r Co m m~r cia l Te na n ts Park i ng Gnroo...a nd Do c k HnfW mc nt APT .Te nant Locke r-Sto rn ~~ Misc .Cor ri dor /E le va tor/Ut ility s peco e Tota l Rasempnt Space -------------- S ummary o fConmerci al S pace SP AC ES Parking Giln'~l '"a nd Dock Stora!J~Ar p PlPl ~if!;c .-Boi le r Ibn.IF.I e-vato r /Toi l e t l'l.Et c Ski Schoo l S kiRe nta l • • • 'ElHUD WAYN!lOIlA'lCl A,llCIo4ITt:CT &EH ~IH rE" I• : I1'1000 .Ot. I,.,e' 140...1".:I O',,'.I"'. ",. ,• •~l,.0 4\!-~.14.",.1'I.e>. •! PRO,NAO!'OF.C K' ---- <0 ll\ '""'0~.• ~ IT-.-. -. • '. "..,~~t..c»,~... I:4 ,-- • WALLED I N AREA 1 3~25 SF . 1<1 0 .t.-: I &>e! -:':l0.1 "" • • "~I-. I -I~ ~ -.l:l -. o,- -. •.1'~.C;8.1 4.~7.1l:~.C.; I ~.:.t..at.!·~-I -----() • -L.aD 12--.,! I \ F'1RST F'I.OOR SPACES • PERCE~TAGE OF TOTAL SPACE AREA AREA West "i n~COft1lW>r cial Shop SJJact'3257 SF ~4 .J" We Rt Win g Kithc hf'n jLounge/Dining Rm/Lobby 390J SF :19.nI fo:a~t Wing Commp rcial Shop S PllIC£19J7 S F l't .11';' Ap.1lrt_nt #1 1l ~6 SF 8 .4li Apa.rt_nt fI:>.741 SF 5 .51' Mi s cl"llanf"ous IPublicSpaces,C orridors.El~vntorB .etc .2:1.61 SF 18.'"' To tal Fi rgt Floor Area lJ425 SF l OO .~ • Al soEx t e r -Lor-Pr-omon nde Df·eke BERN ARO WAYNE LOR"'/C( A/lC H1T1:CT ~["COHEE. F2--E::/I ~Or- L 10 S HE.. V~II.. .- / , 140.4-:' IGwe/ r..o~.()A: ..: •i• i• ,I -Y-l---,..,.,-",!,)<i.t ---, t : I T" l.. J\- I ~ I r""! ~--~h'-d,,11 ....."T;.......•..-g i...--- TO T AL A R £A J45 JJ S qu are Fe.,t r.'C",-d~ q I --.----..--~,r t- ;,,~'<,-;;;;;1;--,''''-~=~I :::I 1rJ1IUalconiC's ~ I ~'I ,"",:".~ ,_I•+--, I I:'-() 'il .--.-,-.1 G·-e 'r-••+•(.~I I ~ r:<0 CO -u -c IIJ 1/\,."~_"""I s~~""<l -~ !--',I r-':l -~<, -a-"•e-.-~ +-.-•H "-.,'-.--0 / SF.CO~D A ND TII I n D F LO O KS (Each t he same-,],:'1 he lo w] • fJf:RCE:-l TAGE s P AC •A REA or TOT AL AREA We st Wing Aptt rtmf'nt S P,U:::t->8 8253 S F 5 6 .BIb EIl~t Wi no "pa r t rn ",nl Spaces 4)67 SF )0 .00; Misc .Corri dors/Eleva tor /Lau ndry,Etc .1913 SF 1).2% Tota l Ar ("l\Pe r P'Loot -I lt 5 33 SF 100 .00; F.x teri or Ua l co nie~1225 SF BERNARD WAYNE lORA..;(;r ARCHIT ECT.ENGlN CCO_CK.L£ P-.-e: L ION V,)o le.. ,.....-----------------------_. ,-.1SA.•V 'Z'------ ~ I,,~I--..1- L • ,/1--- !=tt, ~,:,.~_.1 ~.'.Ll'~i ?S5~ I• >----'-JJ-1Iu='1-_-'""" ~;.- ,I' '7 "7.::6 \,L.4'2.,-, \G<6' I I,u -:'., , I A.I './..1/...-.. t~"- J L J G -~/L ,.,-"- LOFT l'OTA L AREA 2599 Square Feet • • fil' ~-c-fI '~<i , •-. PEnCENTAGE S PA C E AREA COMPARED TO Jed FW ., WE ST WI SG ,APARTHE NTS West Win g Apar t~n t'a M~z z anin p.25 99 SF'2599 17 .9%1115 3 )= East Win g Apar tmen t 'e ~le zzan in E"o SF ------.I Total Loft Area 2599 SF • • T Ii I R DF L OO n M E Z ZAN [NE L a FT Ex ter ior Dal coni~8 11 95 S F BERNARD WAYNE lORANe( 'ARCfUTECT &ENGINE ER R E:..V!e y Of A+<...E.p...-:::> L \ONSHEAD CEt'-JTKE.. VA.'I-..<:::G>L.afl.A Do ' J t oL--cL Lj-r<~t:I .:C 7!/6J(f3 - 1177 tr<GATE I I I I I I EDGE OF PAVEMENT ~ I I I I •p,..,0(0 .3 I')f--~r-;U .::5.... f <:(IJ ~"";,; /-r Q:e -- @ @ »> , ~.cc:t ~ Ii') ~ C\I Q7C.....•eo C/)\)'l1c JJ;Nill f'!} • 88.50' 6 1.50' BUS SHELTER / WATER MH ASPHALT PA11-1 R.R.TIE WALL • (jl 3.,. •ROCK WALL 2.4' No 0>. ....1o\0l~ 10.J· 2 .3' 15 .2' S 04'35'58"E.8.00' N 85~4'02·E IMPROV EM EN TLOCATION CERTIFICATE A PAR T OF VAIL /L1 0N SH EAD CENTRE TOWN OF VAIL EAGL E CO UNTY,CO LO RADO 33.6' 0.6' .8118.3' o 3.2·-..... CANT. STAIRWELL CANTI LEVE R2.0' 2 .0' '"C1 2.0' 2 .0' 8118 .7'+ / / / / / / ~------------------; /' / 35 .95'8~33.8'+ N 85'24'02 .E o •tv 0. 275.75 GAS VALVE lOt @ z ~ VI UI. UI 2.0' (XlI SEWER MH RIM ELEV.~8136.0' 1.5' SAM ECKE R 7/15/93 --- CANTI LEVER I84.3' POOLDECK ---- +8118.5' AREA OFADDmON --- 8118 .8'·7 1.'3' o o 0 .923 ACRE S 520 E.L1 0NSHEAD CIR. 4.9' TRA CTC 189.85' J 13.0' 7 .6' 2.0 VAI L/L1 0 NS HEAD CEN TR E 19 .5' -----~8 117.3' -- ~4.0' ~L_.,-;;-","--' 1.8' SCALE:1"=20' DATE OF SURVEY:7/6/93 (FOR AREA OF NEW ADDmON ONLY) - DECK FlVE STOR Y WOOO &STU CCO SIDED BUILDING (UNDER CONSTRUCTION ) - -- ---- -, N 85'24'02-E ...17 .7' ,1..-,-,......,.JC128.8' -- --, - STAIRS -- - 8 .0',.SLAB EL =8131.1 ' .,ROOF EL -8142.2' NOTI CE : Ac cording to Colorado low you must c ommencean y l egol action bu sed u pon any defectin this survey wIthin three yeors after you fir st dis cover su ch defect.Inn o e vent,ma y an y action based upon an y detect In this surve y be c ommenced more than ten yeors from the date of the c ertificationshown hereon . • ~o N. 7.7' ,AREA UNDER CONSTRUCTION TRACT C " • ~r .r , <.,;,4 J~~-~Hogfeldt Colorado P .L.s.11 598 : /; ~ 8123.3'1 STAIRS SIGNS DRAINAGE ~EASEMENT 8120.2'+~==--- TRACT C (DRAINAGE EASEMENT) Dole:r'(,-'7.3' IMPROVEMENTLOCATIONCERTIFICATE Ihe re by c ertify that this Improvement Location Certificate was prepared f or BECK &ASSOC.,that Itis not a land survey plot or improvement survey plot,and that itIs not to be relied upon for establishment of fen ce. building or other future improvement lines. I further certify that the Improvements on the above described parcel on this d ote,7/6/93,except utility connections,a re entirely within the boundaries of the parcel,except as shown ,that there are no encroachments u pon the described premises by improvements on any adjoining premises, except as Indicated,and that there Is no apparent evidence or sign of an y ea s ement c rossing or burdening any port of sold parcel,excep,.t.os noted . 1177 GATE~'"1 I I I I I ;' I I I I - I / I / fr:.¢ ~l , / • L I \ \-' • WA E .------I~ • a 8' • \ 8 18'I 0..: /./ • / SP"h I J -..l RE -N ~ \ ,~' / 06' TRASH & III T AREA SEM:P MH M t Lc,R / , • ¢ 1 0' .' .~' • IMPROVEMENT LOCA ION CERTIFICA To~­ APART OF VAIL/L10NSHEAD CENTRE TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO ,TAIR >fI'ofR MH R ~F f \I fl.''t,fi r ' / • • / STAIRWE h -------: 2 9 ' /' NF"BOOTH /d /F'--;-R0J WA L------ '8'38'Ja3595'./ 85·24'02"E \S 04·35'58"E.~.O~:88.50' .N 85·2402 E 6 <"0' 20' "./ 8 "" . N O. ~' 275.75 E K R " K + 93 L . 6' ~lR T N \89.85' r R I JF DfR ... F VAIL /L10NSHEAD CENTRE '9.' 1"-20 ' 1o.20 RAREAOFNEW ADDI 10'N SCALE : OF SU RVEY: TRACT C R ' , -' S 85·24'02"W +- .,.....4 , AREA ')F NEW ADDITION < L -- o TRACT C DATE « L / -+ =8';r, -8 422' N 85·24'02"E 'r.;.," ) 'A S ----'" R ' A.c rd'ng I 0 oro 0'*you mu st cmmer e ')J eqc 0'"se vp 1"\on.defec In tt"l's survey Ii thin tnreveer-Her f .... J So ,@r u r oetec -r event,ro 0)or y o t r-h ed c ..r'1 y jef("t r HS ur ey t:mmenc.:eCl -n re tho te YE-or~"-te jot I f tt e e .r at h «r here 193' ~4 ' , , , APU '"S R • ----C1l VIo / 8'9,""( <:> ~ RA .A [ f ASE"M •• z / 8 18.2'.~~ ~-~~---S or Hogfe dt Co orado P.L '2!J598 .:.1 t ~+-6'85' lRA NAGE •ASEMf'I T ASPHA STAIRS SIGNS I /1 II 8'-'\"i f R' TRACT C lRA NA'iE EAStMf NT further ce r tify hat the 'rnprovements on he above oescrcec porcel 0("1 t hs a te,IO/LDt93,e xcep utility connec tions.are entirel,,dh n the boundaries of the porcel,except as sho wn,that there ore no encroach men s u pon the describ ed premises by improvements or;any ad'Q'n""g premises, exceo as indicated ,and that t here is no apparent evidence or siqn of on j ecs er-ie-it c ross.nq o r burner inq any por of soia oorcer,except as noted, I hereb yc e rti fy t ha t this mprovem en t Location Ce r+if'ca e NoS prepored 'orBECK &ASSOC.,t ho i 'is not a and survey plat or improvement s urvey pl at,and t ho I is not to be reli ed upon foresa h.."ent of fence, u ding or other f ture '.."provement 'lnes. IMPROVEM ENT LOCATION CERllFiCA TE ~~--Y-'--~~ ."99 HIGHWAY 6 &:24 .AGLf vAl 8 ''''30 #AR,C v 8 6.JL 'Q4Q ,4 f II-;__----l w a:: ::::> J- SSUE J RVIS0S • ....• I -:1 Iuwnul Vall C~mmum[y Develooment, Plan ~I I Health FIre \oorove d c..J 0 0 De nie d LJ c:0 OATE" / FLOOPL T --1 TownofVaU OFFICE COpy ___--1 n REFECTEDCLGPL I f~I ,j .i i I I ---1 r ,t