HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 LIONSHEAD CENTER SIGN LEGALFritzlenPierceBriner FritzlenPierceBriner -,C ~~"",',-.-,.. POSTOFFIC E BOX 57 l OCO UQNSRIDGE leap VAl CClOAAOO !1658 3034766342 FAX 303476 4901""1_.._--...- Lettering Stylel Unres tricted but as approved by Town o fVa il. Sign Appliques,allowed s ign size per Town of Vail sign code based o nf rontage of in- dividual tenant. 1 APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DATI::_1-(-'1 :1 PLANNER:_..4:.u:t:.:::-.__ Co lo rs :Navy blue,r oyal b lue,red,forest green , teal green are a l lowed . NJn i nqs:All a re canvas on tO P and t ypical ly ,f our sid es. '~T o mC E :lOX 57 1000 UQNSRIOGE.l OO IJA;LC::.J v.oo 3 1E53 3034765342 F.:..x 303.:.75.:.9QI A t no t:.i:ne .....ill t h ere b emore t hanf iveo ft he 5'-6 "by 1 '-10"signboards,t he rema i ning mus t.be 4'-6 "by 1 '-10 " boards,regardless o f future s tore configurations. Shou ldar ec on fi gu ration oc cu=where addi t ional stores crea te/main tain t~o d i s ti~c~ly separate entranc es ,e ach entrance shall have a n a wning /sign s ubject t o the Town of Vai l ap p rova ~pro cess.T h e tot al a lloweds ign (s ) si ze is s ~i ll s ~c j ec t tothe fro ntage fo rmu la s et fo r ~h by the sign cod~. Should a storefront r econf igura tion occ ur,t he sign size that is a p pl ied t o the boards hall still be based o n t he f ro ntage of the new stor efron~s ize. The p r agr~~shall be adhered t ou nl e ss the p rog rare it- sel f is changed t ~ro u gh t he process provided by t he To~n of Vail.Should t he storefronts be reco nf igured,t he entry portions o f t he s tore fr ont s hall have an awn ing /signboa rc simil ar t o t ~e e xi st ing i ns l311 a tions . S ig n Pr ogram P~e ndrnent Cri te ria Page 2 LIONS .DOC 0 4-Oct-93 unrestricted but as approved by the Town of Vail.(Intended to be harmonious with the awning color. Low v olta ge i n candescent or halogen mini- spot lights -concealed in fabric awning portion. Lighting: Lettering Colors~ Requirements:Must be metal,projected mount with 5/8 "to 3/4 "collar maximum 3"projection. All sign lettering or graphic must leave 3 "border on sign board. Lettering Synopsis: Sign Boards:copper clad all sides Sizes:(5)Total 5'-6"x 1 '-10" remaining are 4'-6 "x 1'-10· Lionshead Centre Sign Program Protection of ent ry also serves as the assembly that the sign i s mounted upon .Rather t han placing the sign let- tering on the face of the awning ,the sign is placed below t he canvas portion,th is allows a more consistent, aesthetically pleasing locat ion far the sign -as it is more related to the entry itself and the pedestrian en- vironment of Lionshead Mall.Additionally,the objective of attaining a discrete lighting for the sign is ob- tained.The signboard portion of the awning is an inte- gral part of the awning design.The boards and awn ings will be a part of the building,not a tenant owned el- ement.The sign which is applied to the board is tenant-specific.The i ntent of the sign poreion of the board i s to allow indi vidu al e x pression of the ~Qnant ent::y . e I NS.DOC Oct-93 ONE ONE TWO ONE ONE ONE ONE* ONE ONE LARG E ONE LARG E (2 ) SMALL SMAL L SMALL SMALL SMALL BOARa SIZE f SIGNS FritzlenPierceBriner LIONSHEAO CENTRE SIGN PROG~~ MAlLTENANTNAMEFRONTAGESIGNS IZE LI N.FT.SQ.FT . A-YOUNGER GEN 74 1 0 B-KENNY'S 1 07 10 EA. C-CRAZ Y SHIRT 23 .5 4 .7 D-SWEET LIFE 26 5 .2 E-GALA JEWEL 18 .5 3.7 F-VAIL SKIER 2 8 5.6 G-CLEAVER 'S I S 3.0 :II =:00 _"-"_ ~­I ~1".I~~"-"'01-,._._!_. J I I ,'I H-VAIL T 39 7 .8 LARGEtt;tL~·VAIL T -SHIRT HAS2 ND FRONTAGE ONN.SIDE W/ENTRY••..*VAILT 17 3 .4 S I'.ALL I-GARFINKEL '5 38 7 .6 LARGE-'0'.- KEY:•S ITEPLAN Nott oSca le Locat ion of l arge si gn- board (5to tal ) ~Location ofe ntr ies (l 0-1-93 ) I nd ica tes frontage f or sign s ize APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEvlJ BOARD DATE:__,,-,--,:...:...__ Pas-:-OFF ;CE BOX 57 1000 UO~S RI D G E LOOP VAIL COL:J RAOO a 16S3 30347653'::2 F),X 303 4 76 49 CT 2 '---------I I :I .J------------! ~..",,..,.,, ~~\-.l ~I a A? "'1-<0"'''''6Y£.Ot'e:..~~E.V'""'~ r""...T.....~"'f I IJP I VIPIV<~5('0I<e. ~/II I 1/~_/-17DAI~_1-0 PLAN NER:Iff'a- " " I . .'... >. }I \=1'll I:"I 'I,\ "'I",H 17::>"'I -Z:~.,..:: """"'--'-- -""'--- / .----...-.--f PALATKNO :______..__.J. C"'f'r=.:~"1'".'1''''''00 e"","'"p. ',.J./e «M lt-l te ~l l""'\~f..fi=.('N ~) "'L~O:)~L<:6 117 !!>S r""~OGrw t'II:'lll.tT.I'W<.:3'I"f'O-J u,.-IO ~._ 6 i<N'1t1C"F-~""'r"'"0.,.- (JfT C"e-r;>.L ..!'V--(!!o to ~L.Q!l-e::::',,~A~r:.,;- A l-l-~"rr~S 1Z',,~"ST){..~,..'~f"lA ~~~";"'~~~O'H1" ~1Z'"'"F!'DJ"CfI'''l':outJT wI ",....,t:Ol-1.N2. , .~_. I r------ti-------~----___,-r- I ..:r 1~~t7. I ~ze'e-' ·S!...:.: l ~.--...,----_-.-~~._--"r_ .~~------.o,--- APPROVED BYTHE TOWN OF VAIL f"li=.C:lr.o~1 1'l1:\1II=W ROARO I.,~ (1 1 -," V ,"ZI r Y I.O~!"I-l OF !",!D'U Ll'(1 t.l ~ ~~r P:eI02.f"'St61-i l,..4-.Youi jo?;..."'''It;l cO ~""L.I ~TS \oJ1 l..trjlO-<'t''''Uf-'fi ~! f".....!f.';1?-p ~COf'r ~"~" ~.P\I ~,,4:NW IN" ~JI.I~I I!l=====*, !i 4 c 4 ..• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co .us Project Name:UonsheadCentreBuildingSign DRBNumber:DRB020267 Project Description: Newsign Participants: OWNERUONSHEAD CENTER CONDO ASSO,08/19/2002 Phone: License: APPUCANTUONSHEAD CENTER CONDO ASSO.08/19/2002 Phone:476 -3429 FrederickBuck 520ELionsheadCircle Vail,CO81657 License: Project Address:520 LIONSHEAD MALLVAIL Location: LegalDescription:Lot:5Block:1Subdivision:VailLionsheadFiling1 Parcel Number:210107103000 .Comments:SeeLionsheadCentreSignProgram BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:CharlieAcevedo secondBy:Margaret Rogers Vote:4-0-1(Pierce obstained) Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date ofApproval:08/21/2002 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmay be made without the written consent ofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry:08/22/2002 By:WarrenAction:COND Cond:CON0005515 Thethe applicant utilize a copper backgroundwithmetal lettering centeredonthe facia with relief tobe determined bythe applicant in order to maintain the integrity ofthe of theLionshead centre sign program. Entry:08/22/2002 By:WarrenAction:COND Cond:CON0005531 That the applicant removetheexistingbuildingsignlocatedonthe north elevation ofthe building. Entry:08/28/2002 By:WarrenAction:COND Cond :CON0005532 That this approval does not applytotheproposedsign and structure to be constructed around thegatetothe entrance oftheparking structure entry drive on East Lionstl Circle. Entry:08~8/20 ~n .d~:Warren Planner:.{;l1J\J\.91V\~ •Action:COND ORBFeePaid:$60.00 •• Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 8165 7 970-479-2138 FAX9 70-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us November 26 ,2002 LionsheadCentreCondominiumAssociat ion clo FrederickBuck 520LionsheadCircle Vail ,CO81657 Re:Removal ofexistingLionsheadCentresign Mr.Buck: ThisletteristoserveasareminderthatasapartofyourDesignReviewBoardapproval onAugust21,2002aconditionwasmaderequiringthe removal oftheexisting LionsheadCentresignlocatedonthenorthelevationofthebuilding.Staffhasseenthe newLionsheadCentresignandispleasedwithitsappearance,however,tobein compliancewiththeAugust 21 st approvaltheexistingsignneedstobe removed nolater thanDecember21,2002 .Failuretoremovethesignwillresultinenforcementaction whichmayincludecitationintomunicipalcourt.Iamhopefulthatyouwillnotviolatethe TownofVailSignCodeand remove theexistingsign. Please review thesecommentsandifyouhaveanyquestions regardingthisletter pleasecontactmeat479-2148.Onceagainthankyouforyourdesiretobeautifythe LionsheadCentrebuildingbyreplacinganexistingsignwithasignwhichmatchesthe programforthebuilding. Withregards, ·iJ{~rwM WarrenCampbell PlannerII Cc:DavidRhoades,CodeEnforcementOfficer o RECYCLED PAPER -/•• DESIGNREVIEW BOARD AGENDA VVednesdaY,August21,2002 3:00P.M. PUBLIC MEETINGRESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION/LUNCH-Community Development Department 12:00pm MEMBERS PRESENT ClarkBrittain BillPierce HansWoldrich CharlesAcevedo Margaret Rogers MEMBERS ABSENT SITEVISITS 1.Balasresidence-5047UteLane 2.VistaBahnSki Rental-278HansonRanchRoad 3.Crossroads -141E.MeadowDrive 4 .LionsheadCentre-520E.LionsheadCircle 5.PAZoneDistrictpropertytour Driver:George PUBLIC HEARING-TOWNCOUNCIL CHAMBERS 2:00pm 3:00pm 1.Koellhoffer residence DRB02-0070 Conceptual reviewofanew Primary/Secondary residence 2388Garmisch/Lot9,BlockG ,VailDasSchone2nd Filing Applicant:GarthKoellhoffer CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Matt 2.BalasresidenceDRB01-0212 Bill Finalreviewofproposedgarageandaddition 5047BUteLane/Lot33,VailMeadows15t Filing Applicant:BobBalas,representedbyRobKrumholz MOTION:ClarkBrittain SECOND :CharlieAcevedoVOTE :4-1(Pierceopposed) APPROVEDWITH2CONDITIONS: 1.Theapplicantshallsubmitrevisedplansthatextendtheproposeddeck24inches beyondtheexteriorplaneoftheproposednorthandeastgaragewallspriortothe applicationforabuildingpermit. 2.TheapplicantshallsubmitrevisedplansthatconformtoallPublicWorks Departmentrequirementspriortotheapplicationforabuildingpermit. 1 ••\" 3.Lionshead Centre DRB02-0267 Wa rren Final review ofa proposed amendment tothe approved sign program 520E.Lio nshead Circle/Lot 5 ,Block 1,Vail Lionshead 1st Filing Applicant:Lionshead Centre Condo Assoc. MOTION :Charlie Acevedo SECOND :Margaret Rogers VOTE :4-0-1 (Pierce abstained) APPROVED WITH1 CONDITION: 1.That the applicant utilizea copper background withmetallettering centered on thefaciawithrelieftobe determ ined bythe applicant. 4 .Crossroads ofVail DRB02-0274 "George Final review of proposed re-roof 141E.Meadow Drive/Lot P ,Block5D,Vail Village 151 Filing Applicant:Crossroads ofVail Condo Association ,represented by Morter Architects MOTION :BillPierce SECOND:Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH2 CONDITIONS: 1.That the applicant usethe Tamko "Heritage Series Weatherwood "shingle rated at300 pounds per square or greater. 2 .That theapp licant util ize thedarkbrown (bronze)trimand gutters as presented at thehearingand paint all roof penetrations to match. 5 .Vista BahnSk i Rentals DRB02-0275 Warren Final review ofa proposed amendment tothe approved sign program Bridge Street Lodge ,278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot A,Block 5A,Vail Village 151 Filing Applicant:Bridge Street Lodge Assoc .,represented by Jane Gros MOTION:Charlie Acevedo SECOND:Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 4,2002 6 .Vail Mountain School DRB02-0136 . Conceptual reviewofnewst ructures ,parking and faculty housing . 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Lots 11&12and Tract C ,Vail Village 12th Filing . Applicant:Vail Mountain School ,represented byBraun Associates ,Inc . CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE Russ 7 .Middle Creek DRB02-0060 .All ison Conceptual rev iew ofa proposed employee housing deve lopment &private educational institution . 160N.Frontage Rd.lto beplattedasLot1,Middle Creek subdivis ion. Applicant:Vai l Loca l Housing Authority,represented byOdell Architects CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE 2 •• 8.P ublic Accommodation Zone District Text Amendment George Conceptua l review ofa proposed text amendment to Increase allowab le bu ilding he ightin thepub lic accommodation zonedist rict. Applicant:BobLazier,represented byJay Peterson MOTION:Charlie Acevedo SECOND:BillPierceVOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 4,2002 9.McHugh residence DRB02-0217 Bill Conceptual reviewofa proposed addition 4014 Bighorn Road/Lot 1Gore Creek Park App lican t:Joseph &Brenda McHug h ,represented by Gwathmy Pratt Schultz Arch. CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Staff Denia ls Rohn residence DRB02-0137 Addition of snowmelt boiler enclosure 1055 Homestake Circle/Lot 4,Block1,Vail Village 8th Filing Applicant:Jorge Rohn Staff Approvals Stautner residenceDRB02-0224 Rep lace one exterior door /exchange one exterior door All Seasons ,434 GoreCreekDrive ,C-28/Lot B ,BlockB,Vail Village 5t h Filing Applicant:Jill &Ern ie Stautner Mayne residenceDRB02-0238 Replaceconcrete sidewalk and timber retaining wall with concrete 2744Basing dale Blvd.lLot 2 ,Vail Intermountain Applicant:StevenA.Mayne Cottonwood Park Townhomes DRB02-0251 Re-pa int 933 Sandstone Road /Cottonwood Park Appl icant:Cottonwood ParkCondoAssoc. Schuster residenceDRB02-0253 Replace damaged walland change brick sidewalk to concrete 903Red Sandstone Road/Sandstone 70 Applicant:BruceA.Schuster TOV shops DRB02-0101 Addition 1309 Elkhorn Dr ive/Unplatted Appl icant:T ownofVail 3 Bill Amanda Warren Warren Amanda Allison • Bernardi residence DRB02-0135 Deckexpa nsion 4718 Meadow Dr ive/Tract C ,Bighorn Town homes Subdivision Applicant:Charles W.&Margaret Bernard i Gillett res idence DRB02-0233 Change deck railing/fence color 2565 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 14,Block1,Vail Village 13th Filing Applicant:Bill Joseph &Associates • Allison Amanda .,'!..1 The applications and i nformation about the proposa ls areava ilable for public inspection du ring regu lar office hours intheprojectplanner's office ,located atthe Town ofVail Commun ity Development Department,75South Frontage Road.Please call 479-2 138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with24 hour not ification.Please ca ll 479- 2356 ,Te lephone fo r the H earing Impaired,for information. 4 •3 ~E fr;~ ):-"'f.u i g ~~0"~~~.:::; V\ rn (f)>j 7- -"0 ? ~r ~ ~~-t ~-l O'l (Il 5- \.0 VI d d ..D fiU " ~ ,......(j\ 0 8 '0 7-~ :J () -,~ r ~ \J ..» tJ.~-t ~:L -l "j..(\ or:!:~0 rT\ ~m 6) ()09 II r , '\} 0)-r") (J , () 0- •-Application for Design Review .DepartmentofCommunity Development 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 8 1657 te l:970.479.2139 f ax:970.479.2452 web:www.d .vail.co.us Mailing Address: Owner(5)Signature(s):-_"'-£j"-'-"'J.:.~~~~-b:~~-7-'-.L---!4-~.Jo:....l..'--'!.'-----:""<'-'-'-~c...:...""'--~ Name of Applicant: General Information: All projects requiringdesign reviewmust receiveapproval pr ior tosubmitting abuilding permitapplication.Please refer t ot he submittal requirementsfor t he particular approval that is requested.Anapplication forDesign Review cannot be acceptedunti lallrequiredinformation isreceived bytheCommunity Development Department.The project mayalsoneed t o be reviewedby the TownCouncil and/or t he Planning andEnvironmental Commission. Design review approvallapsesunlessabuilding permit isissuedandconstructioncommences within one year of the approval .()Oc:.. Description of theRequest:7&;D ;:::t fp r /tJ'r- fro>-Jr .'/1 -A v r h 'f'//'/', Mailing Address: ___________________Phone:_..!-~'----_L...-'l.L'~_ E-mail Address :.Fax:------------------------- 6iSI-rICtA 'j I '//-----I'Cj,',y~LocationoftheP posal:Lot::J l Subdivision:f/u/I'/f,lJrjl PuC /7"[!f/Jll PhysicalAddress:.r:<(J £.;<)~15"J;t'"Cl d c /'r (It:-U '/J 7/"7 d·-65 3V't'Parcel No.:/-CJ 0 OJ 6 I (Contact ECJg le Co .Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) V Zoning:G 171 Jt11'1""["/1//-I f}:!I cIr-/J &4) Name(s)of Owner(s):;;/o't?S"k aJ r;11 4 1;/;1/~'4't !J)"oCid Ill"1 ·..Ilo ~,.J.f ttS )("tc![//'t Jt' Typeof Review andFee: ¢Signs o Conceptual Review o NewConstruction o Addition o MinorAlteration (multi-family/commercial) o MinorAlteration (sing le-family/duplex) o ChangestoApprovedPlans o Separation Request $50 ,NoFee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 NoFee ~$1.00per square footoftotalsign area. Forconstructionofanew buildingordemo/rebuild. Foranaddition where square footageisaddedtoanyresidential or commercial building (includes 250additions &interiorconversions). Forminor changestobuildingsandsite improvements,suchas, reroofi ng,painting,window addit ions,landscaping,fencesand retai ning walls,etc. Forminor changestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, r eroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping ,fencesand retainingwalls,etc.. For revisionstoplansalreadyapprovedby Planning Stafforthe Design Review Board. Allf,1?7M?PR.A0'7 ZJ~7 For O~ce UsJ:,~'i't!Y Fee Paid :r.tU CheckNo.:By :-----~.".,~......",._"t___=rn"==-'_;_!_::::..-=~- Application Date :_---,--t-;;-:ft7"f-~DRB NO.:------J,l..Cl.,,..L>-Lb<l.L:::........-t.L =~_f--- Planner:qf 1.::/Project No.:_ •• JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER ,/.'/0 i'rr -d f?I /L I jJ UC//a j ointowne r of propertylocatedat (address/legal.rAe-1f7C E..L.IO ~~~~c-,e-&v€. I,(print name) ~/description)-_---'-----=---1 V provide th is lette r as w rittenapproval oftheplans dated whic h have been submitted totheTown of Vail Community Development Department fortheproposed improvements tobe completed attheaddressnotedabove.Iunderstand that theproposedimprovementsinclude: ---:;/c k/l':cc/f'f c1 7(,',/~li;r;·J ocJ c!("(('"ru "lifrr!, I f urtherunderstandtha t minor modifications may bemadetotheplansoverthecourseofthereview process toensurecomp liance w itht heTown's app licable codesandregulations. Page 2 of 4 /0 II I0/02 -r •• SIGNAPPUCATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information Thisapplicationisfo r a ny sign that is located withintheTown of Vail.Specific requirementsareavailable fromtheDepartment ofCommunityDevelopment. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A.Nameof Business :L '0 '"S ~\:>c,E}J~i:- B.Buildingnameandphysicaladdress;~1 0 E..t,10 to)<:;1-\~C.l e...c..~E. c.Writtenapprovalfromcondominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. D.Typeofsign(checkall that app ly): ~7 i'2A fAc C 0 01 /«:() F standing 'Sign S l~rv " .allSign . QHangi ng /Projecting Sign Q DisplayBox ODa ily Special Board Q Joint Directory Sign QSubd ivision EntranceSign ~d i n g Identification o Mural o WindowSign o Sign Program o Gas Filled/Fiber Optic o TemporarySign o Other I/) Number of signsproposed :/--Numberofsigns existing :_--'--__ Sign message:L if IT r 1 q r/re r7 /f't;. Sign andlette ring d imensions foreachproposedsign (attac h acoloredscaledschematic drawing@ '!4"=1'):,'O"'/..'8'D"...,/ca "!<.th,u.*"1 '''·~I .r ''·''''/I I/1-·~ Lengthofbusinessfrontage:go t H"'~\...~~,..,T1I.-Ct-E)Ai)l>l,toNA L c.~/1'.....-n-\ q ,Ft'-b to>"n"<&E-Height ofsign(s)fromgrade:__'--_ Sign Loca tion (attachasiteplanandanelevationdrawinqoraphotographclearly indicatingtheproposedlocation of sign(s)):.--;- Materialsandcolors of sign (attachsamples): Signlightingplan::-J i 1'\ oInd icate type,locationandnumberoffixtures. oIncludeheightabovegrade,lumens output,luminousarea. .0 Attachacutsheetforeachproposedfi xture. E. F. Y G. ;/H. 1. J. K. L. M.Drawingsshow ing howandwherethesignorawningwillattachtothebuilding andhow theawn ing willbeconstructed.. Page 30[4 /0 1110/02 ••.'",... N.The Administrator and/or ORB mayrequire thesubmissionofadditionalplans,drawings, specifications,samplesandothermaterials (includingamodel)ifdeemednecessaryto determinewhetheraprojectwillcomplywithDesignGuidelines orifthe intent of the proposalisnotclearlyindicated. NOTESTOALL APPLICANTS Time Requirements TheDesignReviewBoardmeetsonthe ist and3rdWednesdays of eachmonth .Acompleteapplication formandallaccompanyingmaterialmustbeacceptedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentprior toapplicationdeadlines.Aschedule of ORB meetingsandassociatedapplicationdeadlinesmaybefound ontheWorldWideWebat http://ci .vail.co.us/commdev/olanning/drb /meetings/default.htm Review Criteria Theproposalw ill be reviewed forcompliancewiththeDesignGuidelinesassetforthinTitle 12 (Zoning Regulations)andTitle 14 (DevelopmentStandards)oftheTownofVailMunicipalCode. Desiqn Review Board Meeting Requirements For newconstruction andadditions,theapplicantmuststakeandtapetheprojectsitetoindicate propertylines,proposedbuildingsandbuildingcorners.Alltreestoberemovedmustbetaped.The applicantmustensure that stakingdoneduringthe winter isnotburied bysnow.Allsitetapingsand stakingmustbecompletedpriortothedayoftheDRBmeeting. .Theapplicant,or their representative,shallbepresentattheDesignReviewBoardHearing.Applicants whofailtoappearbefore theDesignReviewBoardontheirscheduledmeetingdateandwho hav.e not askedinadvance that discussiononthe ir item be postponed,will have their itemsremovedfromthe ORB agendauntilsuchtimeastheitemhasbeenrepublished. If the ORB approvestheapplicationwithconditionsormodifications,allconditionsofapprovalmustbe resolved prior totheissuanceofabuilding permit. Staff Approval The Administrator (amemberoftheplanning staff)mayreviewandapproveDesignReviewapplications, approvewithcertainmodifications,denytheapplicat ion,orrefertheapplicationtotheDesignReview Boardforadecision.All staff approvalsarereviewedbytheDesignReviewBoardandany staff decision issubjecttofinalapprovalbythe DRB. Page4 of 4/0 III 010 2 ..r-, • / ~ • AUG-20-02 15 ,14 FROM ,TOV-COM-OEV-OEPT.10,9704792452 PAGE 3/3•• MayneresidenceDRB02-0238 Warren Replace concrete sidewalk andtimberretainingwall with concrete 2744BasingdaleBlvd./Lot2,VailIntermountain Applicant:StevenA.Mayne Cottonwood Part<Townhomes DRB02.Q251 Warren Re-paint 933SandstoneRoad/Cottonwood Park Applicant:CottonwoodParkCondoAssoc. Schusterresidence DRB02.Q253 Amanda Replace damaged wallandchange brick sidewalktoconcrete 903RedSandstoneRoad/Sandstone70 Applicant :BruceA.Schuster TOVshops DRB02.Q1 01 Allison Addition 1309 ElkhornDrive/Unplatted Applicant:Townof Vail BernardiresidenceDRB02·0135 Allison Deckexpansion 4718Meadow Drivelfract C,BighomTownhomesSubdivision Applicant:CharlesW .&MargaretBernardi Gillettresidence DRB02.Q233 Amanda Changedeckrailinglfencecolor 2565BaldMountainRoadILot14,Block1,Vail Village 131ll Filing Applicant :BillJoseph &Associates Phillips 66 DRB02-o184 Allison Changetoapprovedplanforretainingwallmodification 2293NFrontageRoad WestfTractA,VaildasSchoneFiling1 Applicant 8-M Petroleum Properties,represented by StephenRichardsArchitect Phillips 66 DRB02-OO52 Allison Relocate sign 2293NFrontageRoad WestITract A,VaildasSchoneFiling1 Applicant:S-MPetroleumProperties,represented by StephenRichardsArchitect Theapplicationsandinformationabout the proposalsareavailableforpublicinspectionduring regularofficehoursintheproject planner'S office,locatedat the TownofVailCommunity DevelopmentDepartment,75SouthFrontageRoad.Please call479-2138forinformation. Signlanguageinterpretationavailableupon request with 24 hournotification.Please call479- 2356.TelephonefortheHearingImpaired.for information. 3 •• Lionshead Center Sign Program Awning/Sign Board Location: SignBoard: Size : Lettering: Lighting: Awnings : Below thecanvasportion of theawning Copper clad onallsides Fiveare 5'6"xl '10" Remaining are 4'6"x1'10" Appliques arebasedonTown of Vailsigncodebasedonfrontage of individual tenant Metal,projected mountwith 5/8"to 3"'''collar Maximum of3"projection Mustleave3"border onsignboard Style:Unrestricted,approvedbyTown of Vall Color:Unrestricted,approvedbyTown of Vall Low voltage incandescent or halogen mini-spot lights concealed in fabricawning portion Canvasontopandtypicallyfoursides Color:Navyblue,royalblue,red,forestgreen,tealgreen '- • *********************************••*******************.*.*********••************************ TOWNOFVAIL ,COLORADO Statement *****••**************************••••**.*********************••••••••*********************** S tatement Number : Payment Method: R000002897 Amount :$6 0 .0 0 Check 08/19/200210:45 AM Init:JAR Notation:3706 Permit No : Parcel No : Site Address: Location: DRB020267 Type:DRB -Sign Application 210107103000 520 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL This Payment :$60 .00 To tal Fees: To tal ALL Pmts: Balance: $60.00 $60 .00 $0 .00 ****••••*******************••••**••••********************.****•••••••***••****************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST : Account Code DR 00 1000 03 112200 SP 00 100003 1240 00 Descr ipt ion DES IGN REVIE WFEES SI GN FEE S Cu rrentPmt s 50.00 10.00 • • ", <~ 'C.., co,.{,l .r •_<,1"\.1"-" '-\\....-I--'1 -..:_~.i-.a '~l:.,.. ,'" t» -i.<: c not ~~(O~~ ,-<<,-:.:f'r -15.He(~()JI >/~Y\ (<-, '{~". "l..c. ~,,,\,o<'<'\' \',.....-0 -~<""r> ,,---, "'l)) <, /c '\.~- -; ~~ -'....... V'.<,.r.... (..... " ,... /;..... ~(j Thie 15 a directional traffic 5lgn.de51 gned to reduce confusion .improve safety and stop vehicle traffic problemsin one of the moet c ritica l entrances to Llonehe ad.At least four other properties in this area have similar remote Identification signs,and Indeed would be almost impos5ible for a vlertor to locate without t hese directional signs.There is nocommercialvalue to this sign,it simply serves the public,both vis itors to Llonehead Centre and others whom will be adverse ly affected by vehicle and pedestrian traffic stopped or slowly circ ling in thle major public/pri vate transportation Intersection. FritzlenPierceBriner ARCHITECTURE PLA N r'<ING I N TERI ORS FritzlenPierceBriner ..:.::C...E (P oJ :;0 ~:..'~~~I '"(;:;;'';':;: Lettering Style:Unrestricted but as approved by Town o f Vail . Sizes:(5)Total 5'-6 "x 1'-10" remaining are 4 '-6 "x1 '-10 " Sign Appliques:allowed sign s ize per Town of Vail sign code based on frontage of i n- dividual tenant. Synopsis: Sign Boards:copper c lad all s ides Colors :Navy b l ue ,royal blue ,r ed ,f o re st green, tea l green are a llowed. Awni ngs :All are c anvas o n top and typically,f our sides. S hould a r econfiguration occ ur wher ea dditio n als t ores c rea te /main ta in two dist inctly se p arate e ntr ances,e a ch ntr an ces ha ll h av e a n a wning /sig n s ubje ctt o the Town o fVa il approva l p r ocess .T he total a llowed s ig n(s) s i ze is s till s ~lbjec t to t he fro n tage fo rm ula se t f ort h by the s ign code , S hould a storefro nt reconfiguration occ ur,the sign s ize t hat is applied to the board s hall s til l be b ased o n t he frontage of the n e w s to re fro nt s i ze . At n o time will there be moret han fi ve of the 5 '-6"by 1'-10"s ignboards ,t her ema in ing must b e 4 '-6 "b y 1'-10" board s,r egardless o f f ut ure s tore c o n fi g u ratio n s . T he program s hall be a d hered to un less the program i t- self is cha n ge d t h ro ug h the process provided by the Town o fVail.S ho ul d t he s tor efro ntsb e reco nfi gure d,the e ntryp or ti ons of t he s t orefro nt s hall have a n awn ing /s ignboard simila r to the e xisti ng in s~311at ions. Si gn Program Am e ndme nt Criteria Requirements:Must be metal,projected mount with 5/8"t.o 3/4 "collar maximum 3"projection. Lettering Lionshead Centre Sign P rogram Protection o f entry a lso serves as the assembly that the sign is mounted upon.Rathert hanp lacing the s ign let- tering on the face of the awning ,the sign i s placed below the canvas portion,this allows a more consistent, aesthetically p leas ing location for t hes ign -as it i s more related to the entry itself and the pedestrian en- vironment of Lionshead Mall.Addit ionally,t he objective of attaining a discrete lighting for the s ign i s ob- tained.The signboard portion of the awning is an inte- gral parto f the awning design.The boards a nd awnings will be a part of t he building,not a tenant owned e l- ement.The sign which is applied to the board is tenant-specific.T he intent of the s ign portion of the board is t o allow i ndividual e xpression of t he t enant entry. '/11 .- Ige I :ONS.DOC i -Oct-93 All sign lettering or graphic must leave 3 "border on sign board. Lettering Colors:Unrestricted but as approved by the Town of Vail.(Intended to be harmonious with the awning color. Lighting:Low voltage i ncandescent or halogen mini- spot lights -concealed in fabric awning portion. PO STOFFICE BO X 57 1000 L10N SRI DGE LOOP VAILCOLORA DOB1658 3034766342 FAX 30 3 476 4 901 .11(1 IIIITl1I,.tolC.ou.fWTlll"..1lC 1 ...... Page 2 LIONS.DOC 04-0ct -93 C1-f-1:r ~ POST OFF ICE 80X57 1000 L10N SRID GE LOOP VAIL COLORA DO 81E SS 303 4766342 FAX 303476 4901 "'11(1 __'tzll"""0..,..-rlUfil .1 -, II_~."V+oTt::I""- '.---.J~_......L-r -,-'0 ,...,..... --....:---,-------r------------ FiitzlenPierceBriner ARCHIT EC TURE P LANNING I N T ER IO RS { II LIONSHEAD CENTRE SIGN PROGRAMlMAX.TENANT NAME FRONTAGE SIGN SIZE BOARD SIZE #SIGNSLIN.FT.SQ.FT.r-A-YOUNGER GEN 74 10 LARGE ONEIB-KENNY'S 107 10 EA.LARGE(2)TWOIC-CRAZY SHIRT 23.5 4.7 SMALL ONEID-SWEET LIFE 26 5.2 SMALL ONEIE-GALA JEWEL 18.5 3.7 SMALL ONEIF-VAIL SKIER 28 5.6 SMALL ONEIG-CLEAVER'S 15 3.0 SMALL ONEIH-VAIL T 39 7.8 LARGE ONE*I *VAIL T-SHIRT HAS 2ND FRONTAGE ON N.SIDE W/ENTRY****VAIL T 17 3.4 SMALL ONE I-GARFINKEL'S 38 7.6 LARGE ONEL ," .- SITE ·PLAN· Not to Scale KEY:•... -- Location of larg e sign- board (5 total) Location of entries (l0-1-93) Indicates front age for sign size POS T OFFIC E BOX 57 1000 LIONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL COLORADO 81658 3034 766342 FAX 303476490 1 2 ,------- I :, -1------------1. ~~r-~~[;) ~16H.j ~1z.G.A~ AH-OIJ E-P BY .caI71::-&-.~r=.l?.01-1 F'~I-lT~~&1f I IJ P'v'I P w-.~sr~ ~~"l .'I .... f/II;',I t:(-/-~I J1!::-" 1#:-3 ":."..'.... ;.... .( J .\ '•.f f.l· 'r .~ '., ';; / --"'1 I_..-._._--f PALATKNO :__________....l C0 f"F'~~.:::L-.....P FL.j'WOOl?61GC1~I-lP• .i<l/~"MiN &:.~~I t1 l':f ~1'-(ry P'~ r:I • lit • AL.l--6~HlI::-:'127 BI:<F'f2'4'J~n~·p I':1OLH.1r..MAX .3"f'f?O..J ~IO -,=..__ 6l~11::~f~"'Ar~p 0 41'" OF:t'1MAL "M,A--Y s.~ ~1.4rz.e D A~~/e:? 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