HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 GOLDEN PEAK SKI SCHOOL SIGNAGE LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Departmentof Com munityDevelopment 75South Frontage Road ,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name:Sign App lication for Directional Signs Project Description: DRB Number:DRB010355 8SkiSchool Lionsheadsigns and6Ski SChool GoldenPeaksigns for pedestrian d irectional purposes . Participants: OWNERVAIL CORP POBOX7 VAILCO 81658 License : APPUCANTVAIL CORP POBOX7 VAILCO Robin Litt 81658 License : Project Address: Lionsheadski yard/Golden Peak SkiBase 10/19/2001 Phone: 10/19/2001 Phone:479-3019 Location: LegalDescription:Lot:5Block:Subdivision:VAILUONSHEAD CENTRE CO Parcel Number:210107103026 Comments:see condition limiting text message BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:APPROVED DateofApproval:10/31/2001 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and /or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:CON0005110 Approved perplans submitted anddate stamped10/19/01 with the condition tha t the te xt"Vail-BeaverCreekSki &Snowboa rd School"be removed from the signs. Planner:GeorgeRuther DRBFeePaid:$20.00 ~,\:u~.22.2001 11:39AM NU.ltl<O:r'.l/tl Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.vaILco .us J General Information: 111is application Is ror any project requiring Design RevIew approval.My project requiring design review must receive approval prior tg submitting a bUilding peimit application.Please refer 10 the S1bmlttal requrements ror ttle particular approval that is requested.M applicaUan ror Design RevIeW cannot be aa:ej]ted unlil aU required Inrormalion Is received by the Community Development Department.The project may also need ttl be reviewed by the Town CoUncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Comnisston.Design Review Board approval lapses unless 8 building pennit is Issued ilnd c:onstnlction commences within one year of the app,:""wl. Description oftn~Re0T~@ tj z;£~e~v2t ~~YV;viY .l-~w7head0\6 at ()t ,/VJ I ib0j -h QJi1 <;.• Location .of the Proposal:lot B1ock:_J _Subdivision:Vt{i '/~1DV\~0fCZd nrcS'+h II Y3 Physical Address:000 \N ,L-t Q Vl S~eO/{Ma [1rSJ-O 1::10)\£bwJ ~1 \J ~S~l 'Yetrd ?-IOI-D1 1-07;z {JZI,,()Z..1 02$I Parcel No.:ZIo 3,f¥J 6-(16 -010 '(COntact Eagle Co.~r at 970-328-8640 for parcel no .) ZOning:_-""",,(p~mVW rci el l W t J[" Name(s)Of Owner(s):1V\[.Val \(or pz..:.>:Y@=o~'V!..I...-.._ M8i1i'JPAddress:_P.OW i l VO 'll )0 S!007 ~-----I-------:-~-_-----::::--Pl\.one:f7~ Owner(s)Signature(s):'Jv~CA -~-/STAFF APPROVAL Name of Appiicanl:~lci t~,~~._ Mailing Address:~Vall to '6l ___ Phone:-----------------,(-.(owDiHo.I) $200 For constnJdion ofa new bUilding or demo/rebuild. $50 For an addition where square Ibotage Is added to any residenUal or ccmmerclal bUilding (InclUdes 250 additionsl!r.interior CDIlvenlons). $20 For minor changes to buildings and ,site Improvements,5UC1 iI5, reroofing,painting,window additiOns,landscaping,fences and retalnng walls,etc, o Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revi5ions to plans already approved by Planning staffor the Design Review Board ~80'.0555 PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION ,AlL SUBMIITAL REQUIlMENrS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMErIT OF COMMUNIlY DEVELOPMENT. 7S SOUT1'1 FRONTAGE ROAD.VAn.,COlORAOO 81657. Type of Review and Fee: o New Cons1rucI:ion o 'AdditiOn '¢rlnor AJteration L I AUG.22 .2001.\~\ 1l:39AM e" r ..1......0 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.d.vaiLco.us J L General Information: lhIs appflCation Is for any projeCt requiring Design Review approval.Ally project requirill!J design review must recellla approval prior to submitting II building peimit appllcation .Please refer 10 the s"-'mlttal requrements fer Ule particular approval that is requested.All application far Design Review cannot be aa:epted until aU required lnfllrmation Is received by the Community Development Department.ll1e project ITIo1Y also need 10 be reviewed by U1e Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental COmmIssIon.Design Review Board approval lapses........_.._........~j'!"";-~.....~............. ;e-~af:m~~;~~~~ Location .ofthe Proposal:Lot --=:'B1ock:-==-Subdivision:6f2 1d fJII fftlt:%fus e..-@ecDI ~t.ParLe I Physical Address:'b i \e,,1/ Parcel No.:l.M8f iA P.Pjl £;-0\1 PtJ se (ntact ~e~t &~~~r ~~eJ1Ky::R -CQ; ZOning:Sb bV{t;e...-(r{...:.C;;;.Lr.l.o:fa::.::.~..1.=.·~_ Name(s)of Owner(s):1}yz Ib ;\COI"'j?DfO-:::...:::..l..TI:.::..Q-v\-'--'-'"'--_ Maili'JPAddress:Po BO~XlVo.ll (Co 8'14£)7--I----:--__~__,.,...__..,..._-~:q1 D-4-7 0 -S bo 1 _ Owner(s)Signature(s):\.>v c::c -~ Name of Applicant:_RD""...L..h::..uiV\!....l.-..>:;:L:..I...d.l...±~_ Mailing Address:~mJ:;.x_/.L-----=v.~(;t;.;.'\...,\,'....l.(~iJ _---"'~~-=-----r:;:;-;;;--=~--- Phone:-------------- Type of Review and Fee: o New Construction o IAddition CSl Minor Alteration o Changes to Approved Plans $200 For construdion ofanew building Dr demo/rebuild . $SO For anaddition where square lbotage Is added ttl any residenllal Dr commercial building (includes 250 additions &interior CDIlverslons). $20 For minor changes to buildings and "site Improvements,sucl1 as, rerooftng,painting,window addillOns,landscap ing,fences and reJainlng walls,etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Stafforthe Design Review Board PLEASE SUBMIT TltISAPPLICATION ,AU SUBMITTAl..REQUJRE!'lENTS AND TIiE FEE TO TltE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIlY DEVELOPMENT,REeElVE0 7S SClU1li FRONTAGE ROAD,VAIL,COLORADO 81657. /)!?l3o/-0 3S S _..Quest ionwall th e Planni ng Staff at 479 -2138 SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION Th is app lkation is forany signth at is located wi thin the T ownofVail.Specific r equirements areava ilable from t h e Depa rtment of Commun ity Develcpme nt. A. B. e. D. (NAi''1 E OF BUSiNESS:__~,.:.w.-1---=""+.:.......JO<.Io....J'---"--~"-='-'--'--==-:...J--JoLL..l"""""..uJ.<-L.Oc...:::::..--I,C><":""~ BUILDINGNAMEand ADDRESS:_ PHYSI CALADDRESS:-'-_ LEGALADDRESS :Lot:Black:__Fifiny :_ E.PARCEL#(Contact Eagle Co.Assesso rs Office at 970-328-8640fo rparcel #) F.ZONIN G:_ G.NAMEOFOWNER(S):_ MAI UNG ADDRESS :-- OWNER(S)SIGNAnJRE(S):PHONE:_ H.NAj\olE OFAPPUCANT:_ j\olAIUNG ADDRESS:_ _________________PHONE:_ I.TY PEOF SI GN (seenext page for defin itions): ~>Freesta nding o WallSign o HangingSign a o Sign Awning O ther,s pec ify: J . K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. NUMEER OF SIGNS PRO POSED:(;,NUMBEROFSI GNS E<ISTING:_-,--=C=-;)-\'_ SI GN MESSAGE:..Ez.16 qJ,\c;ul 1'\\Qf +i ~ICt Ce (9t't:a-&d wd ) SIGNAND LETTERING DIM ENSIONS FOR EACH PROPOSED SIGN (Attach asch emat ic on 8 .5 "x 11" pa per):.~,~,..W )(3g"h LENGTHOF BUSINESS FRONTAGE: HEI GHT OFSIGN(S)ABOVE GRADE:=--&fri±----------------- SIG NLOCATION (Attach asit e plan aq da n e!v ano n rawing ora p hot o raph d e arly indicatingth e p roposed location ofsign(s)):.~til \'t '\~(,l-'\:r MATERIALS ANDCOLORS O FSIGN(Attach samples):_blue C\.lill11111Ltl '\'\JLJ l\1I 11Ul V DESCRIBE SIGNUGHTING :__~Y\fJ\l&<..J1i_"_'?<~_ FEE:$20.00,plus$1.00 per square foot of t otal signarea DRB f eesaretobe p aidat the ti meof submittal PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TOTHE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH fRONTAGE ROAD,VAIL,COLORADO 81657. •~Vail . GeorgeRuther ChiefofPlanning Town of Vail 75S.FrontageRoadWest Vail,CO81657 October19,2001 DearGeorge: Please findenclosedtheDesginReviewapplicationswediscussed yesterday for ski schoolsignsatGoldenPeakandLionshead.Asa point ofreference,inthepastweused bannershungfrompoststomarktheskischoolmeetingplaces.However,thebanners didnot sufficiently holduptothe weather andwindand therefore,weareproposing replacingthosebanners with permanent signs.Webelieve that the permanent signs willbevisuallymoreappealingand sturdy. InLionshead,boththe'VailSki &SnowboardSchools'sign andthe 'First TimeSkiers andRidersMeetingPlace'signreplacebannershunginthesamelocation.The6 Children'sSki &SnowboardSchoolsigns arenewrequests,bothforLionsheadand GoldenPeak. It isourhopetohaveapprovalont hese signs prior toNovember16,so that wecan displaythesignsi nLionsheadonopening dayinordertoprovideourguestswithclear information. Please feelfreetocallme at 479-3019w ith anyquestionsorconcerns. Sincerely, VAIL RESORTS,INC. ~A:1YV\h-t+- RobinLitt Cc:AndyBuckley,ToriHatch PostOfficeBox7•Vail,Colorado •81658 Phone:970-845-2500 www .vail.com NorthAm erica's "I Resort VAI L RE S OIIIT .· .., ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOF VAIL COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method : R000001589 Amou nt :$20.00 Ca sh 1 0 /19 /20 010 3 :0 3 PM In it:JAR Notat i on : DRB -Sign App l ica ti onType: $20 .00 DRB010 355 2 10107103026 P e rmi t No: Parcel No: Site Address : Lo cation : This P aym ent: L i on sh ead ski y ard/Golden PeakS kiBase To t al Fees:$2 0.00 Total ALLPmts :$20 .00 Balance:$0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LI ST : Acc ount Co de Description Current Pm ts DR 0010000 311 220 0 DES IG N RE VIEWFEE S 20 .00 _:.:yO :y":::::.¥.a g~:TI Let .14,2eel L)Y,,"(It cd ~ Ai \(Ol r.J 1',.G S 'V Impact graphics 'signs I size- material - colors - 36"Wx24"H lIS"aluminumlaminate r oyalblue background white text I black shadow Phone:926.9449 I B -109 I PO Box 2574 : Fa x :926.9]99 0110 Edwards Village Blvd.Edwards,(0 1',.Ci s\1 irrpact gTlIphics •signs size- material - colors • 36"Wx 39"H liS"aluminumlaminate royalblue background royalblue,skyblue.brightyellow ,gold &white header white text I black shadow ~I. C tJV\Map Phone:926.9449 I B -t09 I POBox 2574 FJx :926.9399 02tO EdwJrds Village Blvd.Edwsrds,CO ri wG .22 .26~~~:;3S HG·r ...• Application for Design Review Department of C"Dmmunlty Development 75 South Frontage Road ,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web :www.cl.valtco.us Mailing Address: General Information: ThiS application Is for any project requiring Design Review approval.Any project requiring design reviewmust receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application.Please refer to tile sUbmittal requirements for the particular approval tnatis requested.An application for Design Review cannot be acceoted untilall required Information Is received by the Community Development Department,Theproject may alsoneed to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental COmmission.Design Review Board approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. J4.Il~:2...JM1.JL.¥.itdj[,,~~lUYl!L~:Ul!~2J!4.l~~~.uw:f.A.:.~~v\d.1lci0.5. '~~~~~~~~,~ft~rt Physical Address:0 G 0 Va I I/V-;UO\-'SI·OOI-D 12. Parcel No.:!J:t 2.103-{,~-08 ·010 (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:com Y\"ltU.it-l C15Yrc Name(s)of Owner(s)::llie Va i\Co~'ho}t\I db~\fa iJ kt2oa~~. Maili~Address:~VaiJjftJ ~"1~......,........_--t!~---~---,---"?'~---,r--.,...---,-.;--PhO{le:-~fiqD ''---,..0<"---Owne~{S)Signature(s):J,J~CA -~.-<-S ."t .\>. Nama of Applicant:---fu.~lY\U~_1:~----;-_ \ai\~~II~c.._________~~~~~J,~~W_g_\4f;_a__ L .",';'..._------- $20 $200 550 $20 ......---- Changes to Approved Plans Type of Review andFee: o New Construction .0;lAdditioo ~IMinor Alteration .... 1'..:)/0 UST OF PR.OPOSED MATERIALS Building Materials .; I 'r Roof \ Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Deors Doo r Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flash ing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Green houses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other T'lpe of Material Notes:0\0~-?~~e ~Vv\f;WD Plea sespecify the manufacturer's color and number and attach a color chip. All extenorlightingmustmeettheTown's regulations regard ing lighting (see TItle14-Developmen t Standards ).If exterior lighting is proposed,please indica tethe number of fixtures and locations ona separate lighting plan.Identify eac h fixture type and provide the height above grade,lumensoutput, luminous area,and attach a cut sheet ofthelight fixtures. Questi on.all t he Planning St aff at479-2138 SIGNj AWNING APPLICATION Th is app lication is fer any sign that is located withi n the Town of Vall.Specific req uirements are ava ilab le f rom th e Department of Community Ce'Je!opm ent. NAME OF BUSI NES S:Va'(\COrp,Cl +kim19 hitl d>---__ BUILDING NAME and ADDR ESS:_ PHYSICALADDRE SS:_ LEG AL ADDRESS:Lot :__Block :Filing:-'-_ PARCEL #(Conta ct Ea gl at 970 -328-8640 forparcel It) ZONING:DESIGN REVIEW \ NAME OF OWNER(S):;_==~\-,-__------ MAILINGADDRESS:DATE:~ ,----,...-._PHONE:_OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):_ NAMEOF APPLICANT :---==-= MAILINGADDRESS: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. TYPE OF SIGN (seenextpage for defi nitions o Free standing o Wall Sign o Hanging Sign 1. ____________-#---::-__---::PHONE:_-,:---..-_ Sa ~"Dji*,A!l~~) o Other ,spec ify : J. K. L. (2. M. N. O. P. Q. R. MATERIALS AND COLORS OF SI GN(Attach samples):-bL-HMk-~--lJtJ"-L.[~~-'UJ~'___l"'-"''-L..:'-'-'--=..l.~ DESCRIBE SIGN LIGHTING:\f-\'\ffl~!\--'-"'=e...,.--------------- FEE:$20.00,plusS1.00 per squarefootof total sign are a ORB fe esare t o be paidat t he t imeof submittal PLEASE SUBMITTHISAPPUCATION,ALL SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE RDAD,VAIL,COLORADO 81657. at.\~,W?\ 0~~l~~g Vo.(\Corp . 1',.G S'oJ if11l3Cl gJdphics •signs size - material - colors - 36'Wx39"H liS "aluminumlaminate royalblue background royalblue ,skyblue,bright yellow,gold &white header white text I black shadow Phone:926.9449 I B -109 I POBox 2574 Fax :926.9399 0210 EdwiJrds Village Blvd.EdwiJrds,(0 i;, II e p.S/q II 1!I II i :.-n'. !,,!~1S z '1§S8l di !s Ji ~-al 0 g ~CD •.., I ~~R ~CI) N...~~.~+ UI """"::;;-.- "'"""V r _.•,~':s ....s:::,• +\J\&I III L§_.~ :s V"o e --I ---:..------ I --TOWN OF VAIL ~ .oes1GN-REVIEW ~~~~STAFF APPROVAL.,.....ll...... DATE:0 8TAFF:-----...~--===-==.--~ "..01- L ::=-=~--- J'--, r----I _'_--, II [] --l~_ -, '\\---,-\--,-- \\I r-- \\I I I.\\\:! / / / / / / / / \ \ TRACTH -- \ ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER ~~~~ 15'OVERHANG EASEME NT\ MERRY -GO - GAS METER - LOTC, BLOCK 2 TRACTE L OT1,BLOCK1 VAILVILLAGEFIRSTFILING I ~~N T -: CENTERLINE OF 2 0'EA SEMENT 819~~WLlNE Ef6dK 19 7,P G BU ILDING EASE MENT (ELE V,8176'TO 81 24') - OVERHANG EAS EMENT 8 190.1' GOLDEN P EAK HOUSE THE RED LIONINN CONDOMI NIUMS (LOTSE,F,G,H,BLOCK 5-A) \ CURB &GUTTER STORM SEWER ~~/,~9 ' \..f><() ~()'r<V •DRA IN ." ~C:<­ o ~~;>C::>0~ ..{J ,).'r~ ASP HALT x - /~..:.::::--.::~......~- 1'.1 'e -0\~~"}/~~~/~0~ 15' AN.FLR. E195 .1' X X '-....-W.MR '\ - STORM DRAIN b::£» -195.1 ' -_-1---""- FIN .FLR. 8 195.8' - --- - INGRESS & EGRESS E ASEMENTS - ---"""'~"'=., -_-i ::::::::==-- G \ \ \ \ \ \ ~9 .6' \ \ \ LOT C-1 ~~r------(RESUB.PART OFLOTC) rr-;:'+~~~~iA~_CENTERLINEOF 10'EASEMENT TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL OT I \ \ 8191 .3'* - .> P LAZA LODGE CONDO MINIUMS (LOTSG,H,J,K, &PARTOF F) 0VP --- GAS - BR ICK PAVERS RESTROOMS '\:.--.SPRINKLE WOOD P OST » r-' A CENTERLINE OF TR ENCHDRAIN o DRAIN U TILITYBO X ONE VAILPLACE (LO T 2,ARESUB .OFPAR OFLOTS A &C) ( I' '\ (/) f5 iso -.J t5-c 2 (/)WOOD FENCE I -x-818 5.4' ------------ »> 8187.-t:.X. »> GROUNDLE VEL VEHICLE &PEDESTRIAN EA S)EE~M~EN~T~~~~~j1\l ..............:1-------- L y8191.2' <, <, \ \ UJ -Jf:!~__----- ---FENCE .;"•t j; ." <',•.' '"'.',-',,', 40 I PEDESTRIANEASEMENT ~LEVE L 1 FIN.FLR .ELE V.=8 169 .3' ~LE VEL 2 FIN.FLR .ELE V.=8 185.4' ~LEVEL 3FIN.FLR.ELEV.-8195.3' ~LE VEL 4 FIN.FLR .ELE V.=8205.6' CONCRETEPA TIO PARCELB 20 I (IN F EET) 1 inch =20 fl. INLET (TYP ICAL) L- ----- ELECTRI CAL ~~......~j;;.-",::rR A N S F O "n;>.---" -- \ 8187.5'~ \ THE LODG EATVAIL (PART OF LOTA) 10'UTILITY EA SEMENT \ \\-J -"'- __ELEC --- - BU ILDINGOUTLINE - ~--816 9 .0' __ELEe "'.') \:::s-\---- \\.-Cx8186.9' ~.--.L.t ~-r-=-~STORM--- DRAIN ul ----:;:::;1 (Xl... .::::ro \, \ \ \ \TELE \ LOT 2 ,SECTION 8, R 8 0WOF THE 6th P .M . /! ,[Lt~C / /--__...u3~ / ~ c» c>or or (T) oo o ~ o (T) en :::J« :::Js: I- ..