HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 TRACT C & D MINITURE GOLF COURSE - 2 LEGAL, "• TO:PlanningandEnvironmental Com mission FRO M:Co mmuni tyDevelopment Departmen t DATE:May 28,1985 SUBJECT :Request for a conditional useper mit to a ll owthe insta llation ofthe Marbud mini ature golf course onpart of Tracts C &0, Vail LionsheadFili ng #1.App licants :Bud and Marcet Benedict DESCRIPTIO N OF PROPOSED USE The Benedicts a rerequ estin g to locate a miniaturegolfcour se on Tracts C and DofLionshead Filin g#1.Tracts CandD a relo cated directly s outh of theLionsheadCenter building.The zonin g for these two tracts is Commerci al Core II.The 18 hole miniature go lf co urseis located within the f enced areabehindtheVailLionshead Ce nter buildin gandthe bikepath .Th e App li canthasgiventhe foll owin g descri pti on for t he operation: "Th e go lfcourser unways as well as al l s i dewa lks will be poured concretefl usht o th e grassl eve l.The golf runs wi ll be carpetedwith green gr ass carpet.The 2"x 4"s top r a il ings andth e various miniature buildings will bebolted tothe concrete and will be removed wh en no t i nuse,l eaving t he a rea level.The tic kets hed,benches,potted trees and portable fence will bere moved at t he endof th e summe r,as well.(Note enclose dphotos of t heGle nw oodSprin gs c ourse). Walk ways will run a roun de achgolf ho le,from one ho le t o another as well as t o th eentrance,theex it and a lle xpose d areas.It is o urin tent toeli min atea ll wear and tear tot he grass. Our hours would re ma in thesame,10 :00 am to 10:00 pm from June15thtoSept ember 3rd.Durin g thela st three weeks in September we will be open weekends onl y,a ndthen during the hours of 10:00am to 6:00pm. The lighting used waspreviously appro ve dand directs all l ight down soas notto create a glareproblem toany commercial or residentia l prope rty.Our l andscaping is portable a nddoes a ddtoover all a ppear a nce ofth e area . Marbud Min~re Golf -2-5/2 8/85 This is oneof the few ine xpensive family activities ava ilable in Vail, and it doesenhance the business activity of the whole area.It is used byboth residents and guests.The proposed location adds another recrea- tional activity close to the gondola,and will not alter the area in an adverse way .We will completely remove the course by October 15th each year.We will also police the area and restore the grass to its original state upon removal." CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon reviewof Section 18.60,the Community Development Department recommends denial of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors Relationship andimpactof the useondevelop ment objectives ofthe Town. The purposeof the Co mmercial Core II district is: To provide s ite s for a mixtureof multiple dwellings, lodgesand commercial establishments ina clustered, unified development.Commercial Core II district in accordance witht he VailLionshead Urban Design Gui de Plan and Des ign Considerations is intended to ensure adequate light,ai r,open s pace a nd other ame nitiesa ppro priate t ot he per mitte dty pes of building a ndusesand t o maintaint he des ira ble qualities ofthe district by e st ab lishing appropr ia te site deveopment standards. Staff believes that the ~ini ature golf cour se wi ll cre ate negative impactson t he character of the open space directly s outhof the LionsheadCenter Condominiums.It is true that the Co mmercial Core II area doesallow for a mi xof dwellings,lodgesandcommercial establishments.However,the Com mercial Core IIzone is also intended to provide openspaceand "other amenities appropriate tothe permitted types of building a ndusesandto maintainthe desirable qualities of th e di stric t."(Section 18.26.010).Lionshead isan intensely developed area .It i s felt that the open s pace surrounding the commercial a reaofLionsheadsh ouldbepr eserved to soften the existing develo pment.Cement runway s andsi dewalks wo uld be visible durin g th esp ringand f all wh ich c re atenegativei mpacts onthenatu rall andscaping th atnow exists on thesi te .Given this concern,t he staff f eels t hat th e mi niature go lf course i n this particul ar loca tion isnot appropriate.This is nottos ay th at another site within the Commercial Core IIzone district mightnot be suitable for this type of use . The effect oftheuse on li ghta ndai r,distribution of popul ation, transportation facili tie s,utilit ies,schools,par ksa nd recre ation facili tie s,a nd other public facili ti esneeds. So me ne gative im pact is a nti c ipated.The rei sapossibil ity tha tt he cement sidewal ks and go lf runwa ys would crea te pro blems for pedestrians walkingtothe Vai l Associ atesSkiSchoola rea when thewint er s nows "5/28/85 ivla rbucli niature Go lf Cou r s e #3 beginto melt.Also,the cement areas may have negative impacts on the aesthetic softfle site when the s now begins to melt. Effect upon traffic wi th par ti cular r eference to congest ion,a utomotive andpedestrian s afetya ndconvenience,traffic f low and cont ro l,access, maneuver abili t y,andre mov al of sn ow fro m t he street and parkin g area s. The Recreation Department has stated that there will bea safety problem by locating this typeoff acility a djacenttothebik e path .The applicants have stated tha t the golf course will maintain aone foot buffer between the bi kepathand fence.However,on the plans the fence for the golf course is loca ted directly ontheedge of the bike path.The Recrea ction De partment also state d t he ir preference tohave opens pace one i ther side of the path.They em pha si ze that parti cular ly in the more deve lopeda reas of Vail,the opena reas are of premi um value.The Fire Depar tm ent state d th at th ey would like tohavea greater distance between the bike pathandthefence surroundin gt he miniature golf course aswellto a ll ow for emergency acces s (mini mum 2 feet buffer).In general ,the miniature go lf course crea te s ne ga tive i mpacts on pedes tr ian safe tyand convenience,a s wellast raffic f l ow. Effect upo n t he cha ra cterofthe a reain wh ich th e pro poseduseist o be lo cated,inc l ud ing the scale andbul k of t heproposed usei n rela tion to surroundin g uses. The Lionshead Center Con domini um building,especi all y on t he s outh s ide, has predominantl y ar esident ial c haracter.It i sfe ltth at t hecommercial nature of the miniature gol fcourse i s in comp a tib le with t hecondominium use directl y adjacent t oth e site.The lights fo r even inguseand ope ration of t he golf course until 10:00 pm ma y create negat ive i mpac ts for those units fac ing out over t he golfcourse s ite.Staf f "be l ie ves that the miniature golf course wouldhaveanega tive im pacton the existing character of the openspace area. RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COM MUNITY ACTI ON PLA N The Co mmunity ActionPlan states inthe Pa rks andRecreat ion sec ti on that "Vail should provide relativel yundeveloped opensp acesacc essible to the core area s(e .g.bi kingpa thsandbenchesa lo ng Go reCree k,con- version of portions of those paths t o cros s-country s ki trail s )." Open spaces adj acent to Vail's core areas a re ani mportan ta ss et t o preserve for the community.The location of the go lf course onan existing opensp ace area would create negative i mp acts on t heopen space character of the l and behind the Lionshead Center buildin g. Secondly,int he Econo mi c Consideration s section o ft he Con munity Action Plan,it is stated th at curr ent s um mer programs sho uld be maxi mu mized as we ll a sopport uni ti esa nd fac i lit ies.The min ia ture golf course does provide an addi t ionalsuumer am usem ent.Ho we ver, staff feels t hat th is particu lars ite is no tthemost appropriat e location for a miniature golf course.It i s felt th at a comple tely removable golf coursewouldhave l ess imp act th an a golf course havin g permanentce ment walksand runway s. 5/28/85 Marbud Mini ature GolfCourse #4 : Such other factors and criteria asthe Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. The environmental impact report conce rning the proposed use,if an environmental impact report is required byChapter 18.56. FINDINGS The Community Development Department recommends that the conditional use permit be approved/denied basedonthe following findings: That the proposed location of theuse is inaccordwiththe purposes of this ordinance andthepurposes of the district in which the site is located . That the proposed location of theuse and the conditions underwhich it would be operated or maintained wouldnotbe detrimental to the public health,safety,or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improve ments inthe vicinity. Thattheproposedusewould comply witheach of the applicable provisions ofth is ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that this proposal be denied.The location of the golf course on this site will create safety problems for cyclists using thebikepathaswellas for emergency vehicles trying to access theLionshead Condominium Building.Staff would like to emphasize that theidea of a miniat ure golf course in the Commercial Core IIzone district is notan inappropriate idea.However,it is felt that this particular s ite is not themost suitable site for a miniature golf course,especially apermanent golf course. Any approvals that maybegiven for this project are contingent upon meetingthe Town engineer's requirement that further information be provided on the first six easements listed intheeasement report for Tracts Cand D.Any approval that may begiven for this proposalmust be contingent upon the clarification ofthe easements.If there are any problemswiththeeasementswith respect to the miniature golf course, the applicant wouldneedto reverse the proposal. • 75southfrontageroad vail,colorado81657 (303)476·7000 November 30,1984 Mr.Bud Benedict %Antlers 680 West Lionshead Place Va il,Colorado 81657 Dear Bud, • oUlceof community development Re:Miniatu re GolfcourseSt ructure I would appreciate it if you would remove the miniature golf structure that presently is located on thesundeckbehindthe Gondola Bu ilding. I have encloseda copy ofthe conditional use memo that states that the golf course willbecompletely removed by October15theach year. Thanks for your cooperation~ Sincerely, ~5~\~~\1t Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br Encl. {>•..~ .... MEMORANDUM TO:PLANNING AND ENVIRO NMENTAL COMMISSION FRO~l :DEPAR1NENT OF CO~!l'IUNI1Y DEVELOP~IENT DATE:April 10,1981 RE:Request for conditonal use permit for Budand Marcet Benedict to allow installation and use of an18 hole miniature golf course on lot 4,block 1, Lionshead 1st filing and Tract H.Lionshead 3rd Filing. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The applicants wish to install an l8-hole miniature golf course facility in the area southeast of Monson's sun deck in Lionshead.It wouldbe operated June through early-mid October.A48 square foot ticket booth structure is proposed.The facility wouldbe in op eration from approximatel y 12noon to 10~00 p.m.A fence consisting of wood poles and wire mesh to stop the golf balls is also proposed.This past summer , the miniature golf course was well used andseemed to have only positive effects on ,the entire Vail Lionshead area.'. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18 .60,the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: Consideration'of Factors: Relationship and impact of the use on development ob jectives of the Town. One of the development objectives of the Town is to increase commercial usage of the Lionsh ead area.The staff feels this proposal greatly enhances activity and creates amore lively atmosphere in this currently "dead"space. The effect of us e on light and air ,"distribution of population,transportation facili- ties,utilities ,schools,parks and recreation facilities,and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 'The proposed use adds another dimension of public recreational opportunities for Vail's residents and guests."..... ~.- Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion,automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience.traffic flow and control,access,maneuverabil ity,and ;,'".._ removal of snowfrom the street and parking areas.:':::"''''<;'j{,.k~~' The Proposal creates no adverse impacts in these regards.All pedestria~:~~~~J~Y~;'1~; will be kept opensono existing pedestrian traffic will be ,impeded or changed."'-','~<" Effect upon the character of businesses Such other factors and criteria as the Commission usc. •.. ~~-~ Miniature Golf Course page 2--. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 4/10/81 The Department of Community Development recomflends that the Conditional Use Permit be approyed based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it wouldbe opera or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health,safety,or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use wouldcomply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. CONDITIONS: .~1.Golfcourse mustberemovedby October IS .each year. 2.Operation must close by 10:00 p.m• • ...~ •1 ,"• ".-.~.'; .. "" •.•.'·~.•I . ."',,'.," ..-.-."~..'..".~"'" ;~.:...~:.. ",:,;!:r7~j(.~:~ ",\.'.~,.. ~'-,.."..' ~:.'-". • f ebr uary 1 3,l ~UO Bud Benedict ha s gone over t he pro pos ed ~!i ni -lJ olf c ourse to b e located i n the Lionshe ad area . Iam in favo r of thi s propos ed a dditiona l business i n the Lionshcad area . Date j~arnc Busines s affiliation -------4 __._ ;. ._-----------_._------ -.------ I.-----p .__..---_.._----------..._------------.---_.------._----------- --------{l---".----------------------- ----0--·-1 ---.~----------------.----------.--------- I-._--I --.---------_.----.--.. •LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT Mar-Bud Miniature Golf Course -at e mporary f aci1 ity LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 18 hole miniature golf cour se w/48 1{l ticket booth located on deck of Sunbird Lodge Dick,Lionshead. The following information is required for submittal by the Applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given. A.)BUILDING MATERIALS:Type of Material Color Roof Siding .Other Wall Materia·ls Fascia Soffits Windows'shutters Window Trim Asbestos shingles,charcoal grey med~um density overlay plywood,white. Medium de nsity overlay plywood,white Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other S.C.Door See "fences " Fiberglass pots Carpet colors (2)g reen,brown Wood benches white buff natural E.)PLANT MATERIALS (Vegetative,Landscaping Materials including Trees ,Shrubs, and Ground Cover) Eotanical Name Popu lus tremuloides Common Name Aspen Quantity 11 Size H"-2" • Page 2· Plant Materials Continued • Eotanical Name Common Name Quantity Size C.)OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (Retaining Walls,Fences,Swimming Pools,etc.) (Please Specify) Fence posts of galvanized pipe Fence panels of temp.masonite w/l;"hoI es Fi berglass pots cc:Bud Benedict stained w/Olympic Solid, New Pil qr i rn red same Buff color LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT~R 1r -elL/)in I lVI/l TVirE G"I f -.T'f'~,T Jt-l.'o ..j"(~I 311 fiU..J LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT V ·BLOCK ,L 'b~-.1 !,.,.~I ~FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT----!ti DJ c .......1"',71;1'H ~o)f--t 1,c k c.t s k!~--)'(~I>V <:.).~c.L/-,--,_-=--_ The following information is r equired for submittal by the Applicant to the Design Review Board b efore a final approval can be given. A.)BUILDING MATERIALS:Type of Mat erial Color Roof sh~h e sL,,~lCc -tv }.T. Siding J -\-11 r"",- Other Wall Materials (1 ..,.n .t.l D.'(/p~II t"/S • A..,dt'~J <2 '"-~X) 17.s.c (J 0 -r C tJl y--R~"'V6 r . 3/s II 8.s ,?!v 4.-....1 Windows Window Trim Soffits Fascia Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails v.n Flues Flashings Ch imneys Trash Enclosures 3- NH- Greenhouses ---'[uL...::~_ OtkeI f,......c «-y/1x 1./'X If'n,J L<,,,~J p/J.",t(",,/Fl o 4.,oJ B.<>)I'd-.R<:J W()t>~- E.)PLANT MATERIALS (V e getative,Landscaping Haterials including Trees,Shrubs, and Ground Cover) Eotanical Name CommonName ·Pd.....ClcS b 6/S "elf -Mh~"'J J.c f/__7 ...<<..1 Quantity Y!JDL Lf /)0 <- If Do "2- ~- Size 3 I ~... ~ g). • Page 2 Plant Materials Continued •! I f I .L.. Eo tanical Name Common Name Quantity >---- Size C.)OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (Re taining Walls,Fences,Swimming Pools,etc.) (Please Specify) \• DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CHECK LIST •t 1 'U,·1.,." Date---------- NAME OF PROJECT _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ___LOT BLOCK.--:-FILING DESCRIPTION OFPROJECT -,--_ Prelim Final ApprovalApproval A.Building Consideration s Building L oc~tion on Site BUilding Con figur ation Appropria t eness with Neighborhood Height Mass Roof Forms Use of Materials Choice of Color Energy Efficiency B.Site Con sid era~ion Disturbance of Natural Fea tures Access onto Site Snow Removal Vehicular and Pedestr i an Circulation Landscaping Plan Grading Pl an Erosion Con trol Irrig ation System Exterior Lighting Retaining \.Jalls Accessory S tructures C.Miscell aneous considerations D.Oth e r Comments Comments 4 -/&-%0Date_----!...._"'----'_ •Project Application• Project Name : Owner Address andPhone :--'~E...----,e::LL-LL_Iq.=l-'~~:....-->',:~q...:::,,1~~~~~c...."7 Architect Address andPhone :_ /L/.Block _--1.:",,-__•Filing /0ae-i f/ Zo ne: Lega l Description:Lot Zoning Approved: DesignReviewBoard Motion by :~/lOt~(/ r·,/L Seco nded by :>n j'f7{I}(j py ~O V A l) Date _ D ISAPPROVAL U Mtv kU)f)S Date :Date : Chief Building Official •• A N ,, ,.'.,t v.II. c T,,..r .\I{-'t.NI V SUNBIRD LODGE LJ I . 1 I I 1·II I_J • - T he d ouble-gl obe ve rsi o n of the V -310 .H asthes ame u sage but pro vides twi ce the ilumin atiOn tor areas req u irin g considerable 1i t;1lt spr ead .Excellent for p a rkways whe re arch it ec turalstyling de- m ands a cu sto m touch .Two 12- inchpo ly ethylene Uv-sta b niz ed g lobes. T -.- I V -320 ". P ower 110Vo lts AC O utlet Wat erproof Electri cal Box Wiring PreWired ,ri gid conduit through post Bul b 2.l 00 -waU Weighl _50 Ibs WOCJd Finish Natural • Ideal fo rlar ge a partment c ou rt- ya rds ,pa rks a nd drivew ays.The V -310 is a nelegant .contem - pora ry sty led la mp ac cen ted w ith ab lack fi ni shed metal ca p a nd al u min u m fi ttings .Th e double h oriz ontal arm s hold as ing le poly- ethyl ene,UV ·stab ilized 12-in c h g lobe . -,- i I I I i -'- , -'- ., _L P ow er 1 10 VoltsA C Outl e t............Wa terproo f ElectricalBox Wirin g Prew ired u s ingrigid c ondu it thro uqh po st Bu lb ..............._.__too-w an W e ight 4 0Ibs Wood Finish Na tura l V-300-4 11The c lea n,p leasing red wood p ost-design ofthis lamp makes it ana tura l fo r wan es.d oves and entranceways for residential and p ub lic properties ;ble nd i ng we ll wit h toda ys trends inarch it ecture a nd landscaping Forcom mercial installa tions try the h eavierandmored urable V· JQ0-4 '0<palh hghtin g . Pow er 1 10Volts AC Wiri ng Prew ired usingrigidc onduit I hrough post O unet W aterproo f e lectrical bo x Globe 14 "Po lye thylene.UV stabilized Bul b 1 5()..watt Weigh!..V-J OO-8.23 IbS..V·31lO-4 .15 Ibs . Wood Finish Na tu r al •victol walkway ,tandald, V-30C"8 V.310 -t--r-r-: 4 ' On e o f V ict ors new e st l ight s D esig ned f o rw alkway u se . c asting a l arg e a r eao f li ght . B l ends well i n ga rden o r park- i n g a reawa lkways.o r along bi k e p aths ',0VOlt s AC ...4 8 "post 1 2"(fix t ur e) 12"(fixt u r e ) .Prewired ri gId c onduit t h r o ugh coer ...1.1~watt Wa te r p roof e lect rical b ox ..25 Ibs . .Natural redwood &acrylic B Ulb . O u t let . W eight F i ni sh . ...,to v ons A C ·..P r e wired .ri gid c ondu it t hr ouq h po st Wa t e r p r o of e lectr ical b o x ·..V-324 m ax .t .200-w att ·..V-325 m a x .2 .200-wan V-J 24 140 lb. ....V-325 160 Ibs. ..Nat ural INDUSTRY LEADERSINCREATIVE REDWOOD LIGHTING O utlet Bulb. Bulb. W eig ht W ei ght F inish. Po wer . Wtrln g . T h eseare true stre et li ght s . st anding 17 f eet aboveg ro und . This fixt ur e isa m ust t o r todav 's re sid enti al c ommuniti es that requ i re c ustom lighti ng .Pro- v i des t hat t o uch o fin di v id uality Ihat makes l iv ing in well - designedc ommu nities total. F urn i sh edw it h 18-i n ch p oly - e t hy le n e u v-s t abruzeog lo bes . T h is f ixture isa lso availa ble w it h160 w alt sel f b allast ed m er cu ry-v ap orbu lb s V-325 V·J24 n ,. L .li 1--'--'i - t IFci i- 1 ,1I, ~., I V-324N-325 REDWOODINTERIOR DEXTER'RU GHTING l020Terminal Way.San CN Ioo.California 9-4070.1i le phone:415-592-<1206 All d esigns o f li g h t fi xt u res areco py r ighted a n d are t he sore p ropert y 0 1 victor Mf g .Co.•In c .Pr in te di n U .S .A .e 1975 by V ic tor M f g .C o . .::::: ..., '> --~- • lA c»)T E R -».~ J,.........{;':(I r t!!I (J I 0 t-~~.J -0 'x,~-.., ~v \-~ ~2:)\~ r----• -~-;1 61 '"<l C(] r4l ~.- -LJ 1 -oS> s: ::) LI1 <J1 s:~ 0 \) l/l .,J -~- ;= 0 LJ ~ II' N ) -.'17- MD rtSDhS D I?.C h. \ -~- I &' I -. e :J for change of location of the tl ANfLERS·L10N~EAD 680 West t.ronsneac Place Vail .C olorado 81657 Phone (303 )476 ·2471 June 18,1984 Planning Commission Town of Vail Vail,Colorado Attention:Kristen Pritz Dear Ms.Pritz: Please withdraw our application Mar-Bud r1iniature Golf Course •.---...---------:---_..We fortunately are going to be able to place it in the same location as we have in the last four years. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, r-·:.~a ~~ Bud Benedict Mar-Bud Miniature Golf AT \JAIL tl ANTt~R)·L10N st-rEAD 680 West t.ionsnesc Place van.Colorado 81657 Phone (303)476-2471 May 25,1984 To the Town of V ail Planning Commission: With regard to the Marbud Miniature Golf Course;we have unfortunately been unable to finalize a location for same.Our intentions to place the golf course just east of the gondola building have been plagued by the discovery of the fact that total usable space in the area is equal to just over half of the 3200 square feet necessary. Consequently,I must asK that we be removed from the upcoming meeting 's agenda and placed instead on the agenda for the fol lowing meeting.I regret any inconvenience this has caused you and will attempt to get this matter resolved just as soon as humanly possible. ThanK you for your consideration. Sincer-ely, Robert LeVine AT \JAIL •• {:JCl SIre!TO_--P-=!.:=...;...:::.....;:.....J..:;..:=._ Oete Tlms _ Area Coda Number Extension TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TOSEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TOSEE YOU URGENT I RETURNED YOUR CALL II Meesage th:--e erHor~ '(/;,LJ -J Q~ ~PU/...JS- In c ""Ve:>e -?rt!1 <s- FC:~-rTrr- Operator AMPAD EFFICIENCY(j) 23-<XlO 60 SHT.PAD 23-OO!260 SHT.DISPENSERBOX. 5o {J l --")..--c:: "] ""() A i)P-- <J vO of y{(.u'lD ,Vj -J ~ \/ / / The Marbud VailLionsHeadcourse is located onthesundeck between the gondola terminalandtheLionsHeadMall. For information call476-2474 . - ~----,m tl i mAnnUD VailLionsHead M iniature Golf ------- ---••'-, ,. .. ,-0,-ItL c..)5 It!!,L C" SQvAR-€'~o~f't GrC I,IS /tpPR-o '1./~'1 24 00 SdlV#r ~ - <) "( l~ , l/\ .J--. P- ... _--1145 ;8 :.~., .l"i,.l;. \ '::~6 I Al8 5 / \~,. \~i., I iJ'\ \(1 "V \ '. \. \ \ ..,\ -~--=:J 1 -~ 1-1a,y 18,1984 ~Vail Associates,Inc. Cr eatorsa nd Operators of V"il and BeaverC reek •• Kristen Pritz Dept.of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Kristen: This letter shall serve as Vail Associates,Inc.'s acknowledgment and approval of the proposed locati on for the Mar-Bud Miniature Golf Course operation adjacent to the Lionshead Gondola Building. We feel that this operation,in its new proposed location as generally indicated on the attached,will enhance the overall guest experience in the Lionshead mall area. In the event you should have any questions regarding this matter,do not hesitate to give us a call. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, VAIL ASSOCIATES,INC. Bernard K.hIe Director,Commercial Development BKW/rbh Attachment cc:Bud Benedict Rob Lavine Joe 1-1acy 500/LZOlOl Post Office Box i •Vail ,Colorado 81658 ·(303)4i6-5601 '.I - / • Ii!: I I I .1 IJ ;: 1 .~I ~h~~~i ~i " ;t l.....1 ....", ~J 1 -s-n .1 i,I _ J :z.._. •.. ~-~~-• ~-e • Il.; . !l i: ttl AN LERS'L10~HEAD 680 West t.ro nsnead Place Va ll,C o rorado 6 1657 Phone 1303)476-247 1 May 14,1984 To:Vail Planning and Environmental Commission This letter is being sent as an addendum to our letter of May 7, requesting a Conditional Use Permit to relocate the Marbud Miniature Golf Course.After discussing the matter with Vail Associates,owners of the proposed area of relocation,we have determined that the possible detriment to the grass in that area precludes us from its use. We have,however,come up with another alternative.This being the already asphalted area directly east of Frasier's restaurant.In past years this area was used as an outdoor cafe. Vail Associates Food Service intends to move that cafe towards the mountain,to the same location where their barbeque is set up during Spring skiing. This move opens up the "courtyard"between the doors of Frasier's and those of the rental shop beneath the gondola steps.Naturally,the miniature golf course would be positioned in such a manner as to not impede pedestrian traffic to either of those facilities,nor any others. All other aspects and conditions of our previous letter apply to this newly proposed location.Vail Associates has given us their support and approval in this matter.We hope you will be able to do the same. Sincerely, Bud Benedict BB:rml AT \JAIL 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)476·7000 officeof community development May 17,1984 Rob Levine Antlers 680 West Lionshead Place Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Mi niature Golf Co urse Dear Rob, I am writing toconfirm that Iwill need plans for the miniature golf course and anapproval letter fro m Va il Assoc iates addressing the interrelations hip between Frazier 's and the miniature golf Course.I wi 11 need to receive your information by May 23rd,1984. Thanks for your cooperation. T5 Sincerely, ~i s~at\~-\t KRISTAN PRITZ ' -·-~ow ~~~~_••r ..- KP:br • May 16,1984 VailPlanning &Environmental Commission c/o Town ofVail Va il Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: • On May 15th,we wrote you to object tothe location ofthe miniature golf coursetobe positioned behind Lionshead Cen- ter. We have just received a letter dated May 14th from Bud Benedict stating he is now proposinga location immediately adjacent to the east side of Fraiser's restaurant. We do not object tothe Fraiser's location. :~-~~?'()~-~/j;:7i l/-r: EDWARD M.STRAUSS President Treetops Condominium Association 469 S.Cherry,Suite 110 Denver,Co iorado 80222 Copy:Marvel Barnes • May 15,1984 VailPlanning &Environmental Commission c/o Town ofVail Vail Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: • The Board ofTreetops Condominium Association met on May 14th,and re- viewed the request of Bud Benedicttoplacea miniature golf course behindVail Lionshead Center building. Though we arein sympathy withthe concept,we do notwishtosee this facility located ina primarily residential areaandthe Board wishes tobeonrecordas against theproposed location. EDWARD M.STRAUSS President Treetops Condominium Association 469 S.Cherry,Suite 110 Denver,Colorado 80222 Copy:Marvel Barnes g A TLERS ·L10 SHEAD 680WestLr onsriead P lace Vall .C otoraoo 81657 Phone (303)476 -2471 May 14,1984 To:Department of Community Development This letter is being sent as an addendum to our letter of May 7, requesting a Conditional Use Permit to relocate the Marbud Miniature Golf Course.After discussing the matter with Vail Associates,owners of the proposed area of relocation,we have determined that the possible detriment to the grass in that area precludes us from its use. We have,however,come up with another alternative.This being the already asphalted area directly east of Frasier's restaurant.In past years this area was used as an outdoor cafe. Vail Associates Food Service intends to move that cafe towards the mountain,to the same location where their barbeque is set up during Spring skiing. This move opens up the "courtyard"between the doors of Frasier's and those of the rental shop beneath the gondola steps.Naturally,the miniature golf course would be positioned in such a manner as to not impede pedestrian traffic to either of those facilities,nor any others. All other aspects and conditions of our previous letter apply to this newly proposed location.Vail Associates has given us their support and approval in this matter.We hope you will be able to do the same. Sincerely, Bud Benedict BB:rml ,••Date--'''-----'''--L--_ APPLICATION F ORM FOR CO NDITIONAL USEPERMIT I.This procedure is required for any pro ject required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A.NAME OF APPLICANT M~~r..ci ~,",~'8 uJ ~e,~e L>t- ADDRESS &~D Lu .L/Ow.l ~d J ?I.!/6 1'/(~/o PHO NE t.I /6 -2...'171,, ",".;.:" C.NAME OF OWNER (pri nt .or ty pe )~1 A ~({T J,B u ~ SIGNATURE k ~"--LA- D.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL #1BlockFiling C,6-p .V61']L'''''l ~nl DESCRIPTION-=L.:::.ot-=--__----=-...=..::.==..,__.::....===__-=-~_ p~.T "I----r v ~C I $50.00 .')jI~,-~5"V~'~-O-()-~!~7f.!y ,e f:F .~>'L '·~'11:;~;u M -A K-··-ISJ-t C A list of the name of owners of all proper ty adjacent to t he FEE LEGAL E . F. subject property j,/[)~",C O"Co l1 ~'"VJ 'dl S LI l,~;1 .t See Attached Lis f Co ...i"1lM\e.Te .r-e f't ~c.r Id r .s k0 I..v I ""~ }~y o vi . ,SIJ~,-~t T ~c.;;c ).m .r-'H ~CAf 1.V.ft .bJJJ/ B ox7 .Vail .C olorado 8 1658 .303 /476-5601 Conditional us~ermit page 2 • II.Four (4)copies of the following information: A.A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics,and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. B.A site plan showing proposed development of the site,including topography,building locations,parking,traffic circulation, useable open space,landscaped area,and utilities and dra inage features. C.Preliminary bUilding plans and elevations sufficient to indicate the dimensions,general appearance,scale,and interior plan of all buildings. D.Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the Zoning Administrator. III.Time requirements The -Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month.An application with the necessary accompanying material must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. •• Association List of -Adjacent Properties Vail Associates Box 7 Vail,CO 81658 Lionsquare Condominium Association -/ 660 West Lionshead Circle Vail,CO 81657 Lionshead Center Condominium c/o Vail Home Rentals 143 E.Meadow Drive Vail,Co 81657 Tree Tops Condominium 520 Lionshead Mall~~~.~South Cherrv #110 Denver,CO 80222 Association Lionshead Liquor Store 470 East Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 The Picnic Basket 460 East Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 Currents of Vail 520 East Lionshead Mall The Vail Cookie Company 500 East Lionshead Mall Charlie's Gondola Shop 482 East Lionshead Mall The Younger Generation 500 East Lionshead Mall Alfie Packers 536 East Lionshead Mall P.W.Joint Venture #1 Jack A.Witkin 9725 East Hampden Denver,CO 80231 Shades of Vail 476 East Lionshead I·1all· ••g f1NTLERS ·L10NSHEf1D 680 West L,onShead P lace vau .Cotoraoo 81657 Phone (303)476-2471 May 7,1984 To:Vail Planning and Environmental commission We request a Conditional Use Permit to relocate the MarBud Miniature Golf Course in the area between the fence,property line of the Vail Lionshead Center building,and the bike path in Lionshead immediately south of the Vail Associates Ski School offices. The same l8-hole miniature course will be used as previously approved in 1980.We do,of course,refurbish it each year.In the four years of operation,we have had no problems or complaints. We do not allow drinking or unruly conduct on the premises. Our hours would remain the same,10:00 a.m.to 10:00 p.m., from June 15th to September 3rd.During the last three weeks in September,we will be open weekends only,and then during the hours 10:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. The lighting used was also previously approved and directs all light down so as not to create a glare problem to any commer- cial Or residential property.Our landscaping is portable and does add to the ovenall appearance of the area. This is one of the few inexpensive family activities avail- able in Vail,and it does enhance the business activity of the whole area.It is used by both residents and guests. The proposed location adds another recreational activity close to the gondola,and will not alter the area in an adverse way. We will completely remove year.We will also police the original state upon removal. This recreational activity vitality of the Lionshead area. in this matter. Sincerely, Bud Benedict BB:dmw the course by October 15th each area and restore the grass to its is important to the business We ask your support and approval AT \jAIL ",•• To:The Department of Community Development Date:May 7,1984 Re:Request for Conditional Use Permit for Bud and Marcet Benedict to allow installation and use of an 18-hole miniature golf course on part of Tract C &D,Vail-Lionshead Filing #1. Description of Proposed Use We wish to relocate the 18-hole miniature golf course from the Monson's sundeck in Lionshead to the Vail Associates property between the fence south of the Vail Lionshead Ceriter building and the bike path in Lionshead,leaving a two-foot clearance between the edge of the bike path and the golf course temporary fence. The same ticket booth,course,and portable fence will be used as previously approved by Vail Design and Review Board.Operational hours will be from 10:00 a.m.to 10:00 p.m. Criteria Under Section l8.GOO Cons iderationFactoI:ls': Relationship and impact of 'the use on development objectives of the Town One of the development objectives of the Town is to increase commercial usage of the Lionshead area.This will be of utmost importance during the construction period of the mall this summer. The effect of use on light and air,distribution of population, transportation 'facilities,utilities,parks and other recreation facili ties,''and other public facilities and public facilities needs. This proposed use auds another dimension of public recrea- tional opportunities for Vail's residents and guests.This new location,close to the gondola,ties in well with the existing recreational area.It will be easily accessable during the mall remodeling,and will not create additional traffic in the construc- tion zone. page 2 •• Effect upon traffic with ·reference to congestion,automotive and edest:d:an:'s'afet 'and 'convenience,··'traffi c'flowand control, access ,'maneuverability ,and removal of snow rom the street and parking':areas. The proposal creates no adverse impacts in these regards. All pedestrian walkways will be kept open so no existing pedes- trian traffic will be impeded or changes. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be Tocated,includingthescale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposal significantly improves the existing character of the space.It brings the recreational use of the area into focus. Condi tions· 1.Golf course to be removed by October 15th each year. 2.Lighting,as previously approved,has no excessive glare. 3.Operation will close by 10:00 p.m. 4.No loud music or noise will be allowed. 5.No sa.le of soft drinks,foods,etc.will take place. 6.Property will be policed on a daily basis. ••f1NTLER~·L10 N ~H E f1 D 680 West t.roosneao Plac e Va tl,C o tora cc 81 657 May 7,19 84 , To:Vail Plannin ga nd Environme ntal Co mm i ssion P hone (3031 4 76 -2471 We r eq uest a Condition al Use Permit to relo cate t he MarBud Mi ni ature Golf Course in th e area betwe en the fe n ce ,pro perty line of the Vail Lio ns he ad Center buildin g,and t he b i ke p ath in L ionsheadimmed iately south o f the Vail Associa te s Ski School o ff ices. The same 18-ho le miniature course will be used a sp re v iously a pproved in 1980.We do,of course,refurbish it e a ch yea r.In the f our y ears o f o pe rati on,we have had n op roblems o r c omplaints. We do not a llow dri n ki ng or unrul y con duct on the premi se s. Our hours would remain th e same,1 0:00 a .m.t o1 0:00 p.m., fr om Jun e 15th to September 3rd.Durin g th e last three weeks in Sep tember,we will be op en weekends only,a nd th en du ri ng the h ours 10:00 a.m.to 6:00p .m . The ligh ting us ed was a ls o p rev iou sly approv e d and di re cts all light down so as n ot to cre ate ag la re prob lem t o anycomme r- cia l or r esiden ti a l property .Our l an dsca pi ng is por table and does a dd t o the ove ral l a pp e aran ce o f the area . This is one o f t he fe w inexpen sive fam i ly ac t ivit ie s ava il- ab le in Vail ,a nd i td oes enhanc e the b usiness activi ty o ft h e who le are a.I ti su sed by both r es i den t sa nd gues ts. I The p r op osed loc ati on a dds anot h er rec r eational a ctivity c lo se to the go n dola,a nd will not a lter the a rea i n an adve rs e way . We wi ll compl e t ely remove ye ar.We wi ll also po li ce the o r ig in al s ta te upon r emova l. Th is re cre ational act iv ity vital ity of the Lions lle ad area . in t his matte r. S in ce re ly , Bud Bened ict BB:dmw th e cours e by Octo ber 15th each a re a a nd res t ore t he grass to i ts i s imp o rtant t ot he b usi n es s We ask yo urs upp or t and a p prov al AT\J AIL ••• To :The Dep a rtme nto f Comm un ity De v e l opme n t Date:May 7,1984 Re :Reque stf or Con ditio n al Use Permit for Bud a nd Mar c et Be ned i ct to a llow in stall ation a nd u seo f an 18 -hole mi ni at u re gol f co ur se on par t of T r a ctC &D ,Vail -Lion shead Fi l ing i l. Descr ipt i on of P ropos ed Use We wi s h to r el o ca te t he 1 8-holemi n i a tu re go l f course f rom t he Mons on 's sundeck in Li onshead to t h e Vai l Assoc i ates p rop er ty between t hef enc e s o u th o f th eVai l L ionshe ad Center bui ldin g an d t he b ike p a t h i n Lionshe ad ,leavi nga two -foot cl earanc e betwe en t hee d ge o ft h e b ike p ath and theg o lf c ou rset emporary fenc e . The same ticketb o oth ,c ourse,a nd p or ta b le fen cewill be u s ed as pre v io u sly a p pro ved by VailDe si g n and Review Bo a rd .Oper ational hours will be from 10 :0 0 a .m.t o1 0 :00 p .IO. Criteria Under Sc ction l 8 .600 Co nside ration Factors : Re L a t i on sh i.p ilnd imp act o f the u se on developmcnt ob jec ti ves of the 'l 'own One of th e d evel opmen t o bjecti ve s of t he ~o w n i st oi ncrea se commer c ial usag eo f the Lio n s head a rea .Thi s Hi ll be o f u tmost i~?o r t a ~c e duri ng the co n stru ct i on period of the ma ll th is s umm e r . T he effe cto f use o n l ig h ta nd ai r ,dis tribu tio n o f popul a tion , trilnspor tation fa ci li t ie s,ut iliti e s,p arks a n d o t h e rr ec r ea t i on f ac il ities ,and o th er p ubli c fa c i lit ies an d pUb l ic facil ities needs . This propo sed us ea d d s anoth er d im ens ion of public recr ea - t ional oppo r tuni t ie s f or Va il 's r eside nts and g ue sts .This n eH l oc at ion ,c los e t o the g o n d ol a ,ties i~we ll with the exi s ting rec rea tiona l area .I t willb ee as i ly a cc e ss ab le d uring the ma ll remodeling ,an dwi l ln o tc rea te a ddi ti on al traff ic in the c onstruc - tion zo ne . .. p age 2 •• E ffectu pon traffic with reference to conges tion,a u tomo tive and pe destrian 's'afet y andconveni e nce,traff ic f lm.,a nd cont rol , a ccess ,maneuverability,a nd r emoval of s now from t he s treet and p arking areas. Th e proposal c re ates no a d ve r se i mpa cts in the se regards . All pedestrian walkw a ys will b e kep t o p en so n o ex isti ng pe d es - tr i an traffic wil l be imp eded o rc han g es. E ffe ctu pon t hec hara cter of t he are a in whi ch th e p ropos ed use IS t o be "loca te d,'in cludi ng the sca lea nd b ulk of t he propos ed '- u se in r elation to s ur roundi ng u ses. Thep ropos al s ignifica ntly i mprov es t he ex is ti ng c hara cter o f the sp ace.It br ings the rec reat ion al u seo f t he area in to fo c us . Conditio ns 1 .Go lfc o urse t o be r er.1oved by Octob er 15th each year . 2 .Li ght i ng ,as p rev io us l y approved ,h as no ex ce s s ive g la re . 3 .Operation will c los e b y 10 :00 p .m. 4 .No loud mu s i c or no i se wi ll b ea l lowed . 5 .No sa le o f s oft d rink s,fo od s,etc .wi llt ak e plac e. 6.Proper ty wi ll be po l ic ed on a da i ly basis . ••ANTLERS ·L10 NSHEAD 680w est L oon shead Place va u.C o lo rado 8 16 5 7 Nay 7,19 84 To:Vail P lanni ng and En vir onmen ta l Commission Ph one 130 31 476 -2471 We r e ques ta Conditio nal Us eP ermit t o r elo ca t e t heMarBud Min ia ture Go lf Course i n t he area be tween t he fe nc e ,p roperty l i ne of t heVail Li ons head Cen te r b ui ldi ng ,and the bi ke p ath in Lio ns he adi mme dia tely s outho f theVail Ass o c iate s Sk i Schoo l o ffice s. Th e s ame 1 8 -h ole min iat ure c our se wi ll b e used a sp rev i ous ly a pp r o ve d in 1980 .We d o,of cours e,r ef urbi sh it each yea r.I n the fo ur yea rs of o pe ration,we h a ve had no prob lems o r compla ints. We do no t a llow dr i nk ing o r u nruly condu ct on the prem i ses . Ou r hours wo ul d r em ain the same,1 0:00a .m.to 1 0:00p .m., from J u ne 15th to S e ptembe r 3rd.Duri ng th el as t three we eks i n S ep t emb er,wewi ll b e open week ends o nly ,a nd the n dur ing the h our s 1 0 :00 a.m.t o 6:00 p .m. The ligh tin g used wa s also p revio us ly a p proved a nd d i rec ts a ll li ght d own so a s n ot to create a g lare p r oblemt o a ny co mmer - c ial o rr esi de nti al propert y.Ou rl a ndscapi ngi s portable an d doe s a dd to the ove ra ll appe ara nce o f the are a. Th is is o ne of t hef ew inexp ensi ve famil y ac t ivitie s avail - a ble in Va il,and it do ese nha nce the business a cti vi tyo ft he whole area.I ti s used b yb oth reside nts and g uests. The propose d loc a ti on adds anoth er recreat ional a c tivity c lose t o the gondo la,and wi ll no t alter th ea re ai n an a dv erse way . We willc ompletely r emove y ear .We wil la l so po lice the o riginal sta te upon remo val . Th is re creati on al a cti vity v i tal i ty o f the L i onshead a re a. i n thi s matter . S incere ly , Bud Be n edict BB :dmw t h e co u rse by Oc tober 15 th each area and r estoret he g r ass to its l S i mportantt o theb u siness We ask yo ur suppor t a nd approval AT \JAIL •• To:The Department of commun ity Development Date:May 7,1984 Re:Request for Conditi ona l Use Permit for Bud and Mar c et Benedict to al low insta llation and us e of a n 18-hole minia t ure go lf c ourse on part of T ract C &8 ,Vail -LionsheBd Filing #1 . Descri ption of P ro p osed Use We wish to r elo ca te the 1 8 -h o le minia ture g olfc ou r se f rom the Monson 's sundeck ~n Lions head t o the Va il Assoc ia tes p rop e rty b etween the f ence so uth o f t heVa il Lionshead Cen ter b ui ld ing and th e b ike path in Lionshead ,l eavinga two -foot c le a ran ce between th e e dg e of the bi kc p ath an d th e golf c o urs e temporary f en ce . Th e s ame t icke t boot h ,c ou rs e,a nd po rtab le fe n ce willb eu sed a s prev io us l y approved by Vai l Desi gn a nd Rev iew Boa rd .Ope ra tio nal hou rs will be [ro m 10 :0 0 a .m.to 10 :00 p .m. C ri ter ia U n d e ~Se ct ion ~8.60 0 Co~s iderat io n ~a e t o r s : Ke lat ionsh ip a nd i mpacto f the us e on d ev el opm ent o bjectives of th e Town One of t il e developme nt ob j ecti ves of t he Town is to increas e comme rcial u sage of t he Lions head a rea.This wi ll be of utmost i mp or ta ~c e d ur i ng t he construct ion pe riodo f the ma ll this summer . The effect of us e o n li g ht and a ir ,dist ribution o f p opu la tion , tra nsport at ion fa ci lities ,u tili ties,parks and othe r recreation f a cili ties,a nd oth er pub lic fac ilitics and pub lic fa cili ties needs . This proposed use add s a noth er dimens ion of p ub l ic r ecrea - tional o p portun iti e s fo r Va il 's re s ide nts a nd g ues ts .Th i s n ew location ,c l os e to th e gon do l a ,t i es in well wi th the exis t in g re crea t io na l area .I t wi l lb e ea sily ac cessablc duri ng the ma ll r emodeli ng ,and wil ln ot cre ate a ddi tiona lt raffi c in t he cons truc - ti on z one. , page 2 •• Effect upon traffic with reference to conges tio n,au tomotiv e a nd pedestrian 's'afet y andconvenie n ce,traffic flow and c on tro l, access,'rnaneuverabili t y,and removal of snow f ro m t he stre et an d parking areas . The p ropo salc r ea te s no a d verse i mpacts i n th ese r eg ard s. All p edestrian walkway s will b ek epto pen s o no ex isting pedes - tri an traffic will be impeded or changes. E ffec t u p on the c ha racter o f t he a re a in whi ch t he p ro pos ed u se is t o be 'located ,'inc l u d in g t hes cale and bu l k o ft he ?ro posed-- u se i nr elation to s urroundi ng us es. The p r opos al s i g nif ic a nt l y i mprov es th e exis ting c haracter of th e sp a ce .It b ri ngs th e r e c r eat io nal us eo f the are a into focus . Con dition s 1 .Go lf c o ur set o be r emov ed b yOc tob er 15the ach year . 2 .Li g h ting,as p rev io us ly ap pr ove d ,h a s n o excess ive g lare . 3 .Opera ti on will close by 10 :00 p .m. 4 .No l o udmusic o r noi se wi ll b e al l owed . 5 .Nos a le of s o ft dr ink s,f ood s,e tc .wil l t a k e place . 6 .P r ope rt ywill be p oli c ed o n a daily ba si s . ••ANTLERS ·L10 NSHE Ii D 680 W est Ll onshead P lace Val l.C oror aoo 8 165 7 Na y 7,1984 To:Vail P l anni ng a nd Environmental Comm iss ion P h one 1303 1 476 ·247 1 We req uest a Conditional Use P ermit to r elocat e th e MarB ud Miniature Golf Cour s e i n the a rea b etwe en the f e nce ,p r oper ty line of t he Vai lL ionshead Center bui lding,a nd t he bike p ath i n Li ons h ead immed i ately s ou th of t he Vail Assoc i ates S ki School o ff ices . The same 18-h ol e min iature co urse wi ll b e u s ed as p re vious ly app r oved in 1980 .We do ,o fc ou rse ,ref urbish it e ach ye ar.I n the fo ur years of oper ati on ,we have had no p rob lems o r c omp la i nt s. We d o not a llow drinking or unruly conduct o nt he p remises . Our hou rs wo uld r emai n the same ,1 0:00 a .m.to 1 0 :00 p .m., f romJ une 1 5 th t o September 3rd .Dur i ng t he last three weeks i n Septembe r,wewi ll be open weekends on ly ,a nd then during the hou rs 1 0 :00 a.m.to 6 :00 p .m. The lightin g used was also p reviously approved a nd d irec ts all ligh t d own so as not t o creat ea glare probl em to a ny commer- cial or residential property .Our lands cap in g is portable an d does add t o the overa ll appearance of t hea re a . Th is i s o ne o f the fe w inex pensive famil ya ctivit ie sa va i l- ab le in Vail,a nd it d o es enhance t he b usi nes sa ct ivi t y o ft he whole area.I t is u sedb y b oth re sidents and gues ts . The propose d lo cati on adds ano ther recreat i onal activ i ty close to t he gond ola,and will not alter the area i n a n ad ve rs e way . We will com pletely r emov e y ear.We will a lso p oli ce t he ori gi nal state u pon removal . Thi sr ecreational a ct iv i ty vi tal i ty o f th eL io ns he ad a rea . in this mat ter . S incere ly , Bud Be nedict BB :dmw the c o urse b yOc to ber 1 5th e ach a reaa nd re st ore t he gr ass t o its i s important to the business Wea sky our supp or ta nd app rova l AT \JAIL •• To :The Depa rtme nt of Comm un i ty Devel opme nt Date :Ma y 7 ,19 84 Re:Request fo r Con ditiona l Use Permit fo r Bud a nd Marcet Be ned ict t o a llow i nsta ll a tiona nd u s eo f an 18-ho le minia ture go lf c o urse on p art of Trac t C &D,Vai l-Lionshea d F ili ng #1. De sc ription of P ropo s ed Use We wish to r eloc atet he 1 8-h ole min iat ure g olf course f rom t he Monso n's s undeck i nLionshe ad to the Va il Asso c iatesp ro pe rty be tween the fence south o f the Va il Lion shead Center b ui ld ing a nd the bike path in Lions head,le avi ng a two -foo t c lea r a n ce be t wee n th e edge of the bi ke pa th and t he g o l f course t empo ra r y f ence . Th e s amet ick et boo th,co u rse ,a nd p ortabl e fe n ce wi ll be u s ed as previously approved by Vail Des ign an d Review Boa rd .Op era tio nal hours will be from 10 :0 0 a .m.to 10 :00 p .I R. Cr iter ia Under Se ctio n l a.600 Cons idera tio n Pa c tors : Rel at io nsh ip a nd i mpact o f the us e on deve lopment obje ctives of the Town One of the d eve lopment ob je ctive s of the Town is to i n cre as e com me rci al u sa ge of the Lio nshead area .This wi.Ll,b e of u tmos t import an ce u uring th e construction period of the ma llt his summ er . Th e effe ct of us e on light an d a ir,d istribu tiono f pop u la t io n , t ra n sp ortation fac il i ties,u ti li ties,parks and other recrea tion facili t ies ,and other p ub lic fa c ilities and p ubl ic fa c il i t ie s ne eds . This p rop osed u se ad ds a n othe r dimens i on of p Ub l ic rec r ea - t i on al opportunities fo r Va i l'sr es iden tsa nd gue st s.This n ew lo cation,close to t he gondo l a,t i esi n we ll witht he exi s t i ng r ecrea tio nal area .It wi ll b e e as ily ac c es s abl e d ur in g t he mall r em odeling,and wil l n ot cre ate ad di tiona l t raf fici n the cons truc- t io nz one. r • page 2 •• E ffe c t upon t raffic with reference to congestion,a utomotive a nd pede strian s afety and convenience ,tra ff ic f low an d contro l , acces s,mane uverability ,and remova l o f snow f rom the streeta nd parking areas. The propos al creates n o adve rse impacts in t hese rega rds . All pedes tri an wa l kwa ys will b e kep t ope ns o no ex is ting pedes - tr ian traff ic will b e impe de d or changes . Ef fect upon the c h aracter o f the are a in whi ch the proposed use is to be "locat ed ,"includ i ng the sca lea nd bul k of t he propose d use i n relation t o surroundi ng us es . Th e proposals ignifi cant ly im pro ves th e ex i s ti ny ch ar acter of the sp ac e.It b r in gs the r ecreation al us eo f t he area i n to focus . Cond itions 1 .Gol f cour se to be remo v ed b y Octobe r1 5the ach year . 2 .L ighti ng ,a sp re vi ously app r ove d,h as n o exces s ive g lare . 3 .Operation will close by 1 0 :0 0p .m . 4.No loud musi c o r nois e will be a l lowed . 5 .No sa le of s o ft dr inks,foods,e tc .will tak ep lace . 6 .Prope r ty wil lb e policedo na da i ly bas is . II (J'.c .. ';,;t (fL -S"ol -J.r./~j 7:Sc~ -, I I .-----------------------. -------------.---------1/;;)L I 0/IJ -~/()o~!L f c: V~c:i; i:T c.f 6/K I - (L~/~).:L-a~;<-1 «, ~JJ/' ~. r ..- .-. 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"'/ g A LERS ·L10 680WeSlLro nsneao P l ace v au ,Co lorado 81657 f-1arch 26,1981 Mr.Dick Ryan Cormumi,ty Development 'I'cMn of Vail Vail,co 81657 Dear Dick Ryan: HEAD Ph one (3031 476-2471 Last year I was granted a one-year condi.trional,use for my r-1arBud Golf Course located o n the deck west of the Lionshead Gonoola. Our simrer'business was very successful and it met with the approval of all Lionshead.It was successful in providing additional economi.ca.l recreation and i t did provide much needed additional traffic for Lionshead.We have had no negative cx:mrents and no problems of any kind.In fact,all comrents were very positive. I am at this tirre requesting the Vail Planning and Environrrental Corrmission grant me a change in usage for this location.A change from conrrerci.al,to recreation.All other aspects of the request the sane as the original r e- q uest. As y ou p ro bably recall the first year granted was rrore or less a probation period.I trust we will not need this exercise each y ear. Sincerely, kG~Lr- Bud Benedict BB/ed -n \JAIL r ...., ~ '0 \/l it-J:04.,.-,.....- LL·(i,:t-, {1 (.).... • "-... i i i I i / / !, i / J i / ~ ".+- ""G ~ ~ WJ , •~ U ~ ~f i .- U-l I /1Ji LL I \- I VI I .Q.I --0: Lll 6 lr)o() .D-3e:::: ~. t:L T12· -lI -'- T-1:"j" 4 I e I Th e double -g lob e version of the V-3 10 .Hasth esameusage but pro vides twice the illumination for a reasreq ui ri ng considerabl e li111 spread.Excellent l or parkway! w here architectura l st yiing de- ma nds acu stom touch .Tw o12· inch p ol yethylene UV ·sta bilized g lobes I_L -,- I V·90-4/8/10112 -L 11M ' T V-320 Power 110Vol ts AC Outlet.................W aterp r oof Ele ctrical Box VVi ring Prewired ,rigid conduit ttvo ug h JlO'I Bu lb 2 .100 -watt Weighl 50lbs. Wood Finish Nat ural O ne 0 1 Victor's newest lights . D esigned f orwa lkway u sc . cast ing ala rgearea o f light. B lends we ll in g arden or p ark - in g ar ea walkways.or al ong b ik ep a t hs . 1 • 1 tQVo lts AC ..4 8"p ost ...12"(fix tu re) ..1 2'"(f ixture) ...Pr e wircd rigid conduit t h rou gh oos r ...1 .,OO--w all .Waterproo f e le ct ric al box .2 5Ibs . ..Naturalr ed wood &acrylic o H eight W idth D euttt . W ir i n g . Bulb ..... O u tlet .., W e igh t . Fin is h .... Idealtorla rg e apartm ent co urt- y ards,p arksa ndd riveways .Th e V ~3 1 0 is anel egan t.co ntem- por ary s tyledla mp accented with abl ack fin ished metal ca pa nd al u m i numfi ttin gs.T he d oub le hori z ontala rmsh old a sin gle poly- ethylene.Uv-stabnteeo 12-inch g lobe. I ~' ......................110 VoltsAC Waterproo f Electrical Box Prewir e du sing rigidco ndui t throughpost Bulb 100-watt V,felght 4 0 lb s . W ood Finish Na tural Pow er . O utlet ,. Wi ring . ...t to V orts A C Pr ewired .rigid conoun Ih rough post ..Wa terproof e lectrical b ox V ·324 max."zoo-weu V -325 rna x.2 ,zoo-we n .V ·324 140 lb s ....V ·325 160 Ib s . Natu ra l INDUSTRY LEADERS IN CREATIVE REDWOOD L1GHllNG Po wer . Wiring. These aretr ue street li ghts. standing1 7 fe et above gr ound . Th i s fixture i sa m us tf o r tod av's resident ial comm u ni ti esth at requ ir ec ustom lighting.Pr o- vid es tnat to ucho f i ndi vidu ality t h at m akes liv ing i n we n- designed c om m u nit ies tota l. F u rni s hed with 18-i nch potv- et hylene u v-staetnaeo g lo bes T his fi xtu re i s als o available with 160 wa ttse lfb cucsr oc mercu ry-vapor bul bs O ullet. Bulb B ul b W eig h!. W ei ght. F inish 'I I I ~,. V-324 •'_<...I. ~-........ '-1"( i,l V-32 4N-325 Th ecle an ,pleasing re dwood post-d esignofthis tamp makes It a na tural forw alks .drives an d entrancewaysfor r esidential and p ublic prop erhes:b lend ing w ell wi th lodays trends in architecture a nd landscaping. Forco mmercial ins tall ations try the he avier an dmo redurableV- 3()O.4 fo r path lighting. Pow er _'10 Vall s AC Wir ing Pr ewiredusingri gid cond uit throughpos t O ullel W alerproofe lec trical box G lobe 14 "Polyethy lene,U V stab ilized Bulb ...................150-wan W .,;ghl..V-300 -B.23 lbs ..V·3 00 -4.15 Ibs . Wood Fin is h .N atural victor ,treet la mp' V-300-4 victor w alkwag ,tand!d, V-3~8 V-310 I jl r II V·325 RE DWOODINTERIOR AND EXTERIORU GHTIG 1020 Terminal Way,san CarlO&,California 94070 •Telephone:4 1&-592-<l206 Alld esigns 01Jighll ix lulesale c opyughted an da r e t hesa le p roper ty 01 Victor MIg .Co .In c .Print ed in U .S.A Co 1975b y Vi c tor Mfg .Co Date _-=__.::.........__----""~ •Project Application• Owner Address andPhone: Pro ject Desc ription :Lc'LJ~!:U...<-.!.'.il...~U.~'!.L!.L£~~~~~~~~~"""'---cr!-!.--r-_ Architect Address andPhone :_ /Legal Description :Lot if .Block _~'----__•F iling c/~o d /Q/t k ;'A~""OT'~Cf ~3.AcL~~ Zon e:------------------------------=-------li.-'-- Zon ing Approved : , U //?7"lcJ 1M //f /l 7 1/''1::1 3-ao -toDate _ DesignReviewBoard Motion liy : Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date : Chief Bui lding Official the printe ry'va ,l r ,1'--1;<-//(f) ProjectApplication Date _-=_=---.L..-~~=----_ Project Descr iption :-L.LLL.!.~~:gj1:""~_~.£-.)~r.L,~~~L---.21::U~~~~:::?:;:~:""""'"",,--~_---+-...!-_ Owner Address andPhone:4 7&-;)lj 7/f a (i:~JL " '-I71a -5/sc:t Xh?u..-) .>: Architect Address andPhone:_ <j 7 f/iid / Legal Description:L ot __.:......,.__,Block _--"f-I ,Filing -S~~~~eLL~~~~~~f.r-~ T./ttU;C fJ Zone:-----------------------------.........f,---..;+ Zoning Ap proved : DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Date :Date: Chief Build ing Official '\. •-.• PLANNING AND EN VIRONMEN TAL COMMISSION MIN UTE S April 1 3,198 1 MEM BERS PRES EN T Ger ry Wh ite S co tt Edwards Duane Piper Roger Tilkeme ier Jim Morgan Gayn or Miller ABSEN T Dan Corcor an STAFF PRESENT DickRyan Peter Pa tten Pet er J amar Bet sy Ros ol a ck COUNC IL t lEMBER BudBen edict Ge rry Whi te call ed the meetin g t oo rd er a t 3:00 p,m .Dick Ryan tol d the PEC members t.la t th e Town Coun c il uphe l d t heir d ecis ions onLuke}Knoxa ndGa rton I s d eck. 1 .Minu tes..of the mee ti ng o f 1-1a rch 2 3.1 931. Roger mo ved t hat t hes e minutes b e approved,and Sc ott seco nde d .Th e vot e was 5-0 i n favo r.J im a bstai ned . 2.Ar equest fo ra front set backv ari ,m ce at 153 [leaver Dam Road.Lot 3 7,Bl ock 7, \Iail Vi ll a ge 1st.App li.c ants:Bo Pr ice and J ohn Wisenbaker Peter J ama r p resented the memo a n d sh owed pl ans.Tim Cl ark ,th e 'architect showed phot os a mi e leva tions.It was p o i.nt.cd out that the h ouse was b uilt prior t o setback regul ations a Brl lies 5i nches from th e south proper ty lin e ,and t.h at it is in n e ed of a es the t.i c i mpr oveme nt .Pet er al so men tioned that he h ad che cked 'dth Pub lic Works,and they had 110 p robl em with the pro ximity to the road.Sc o tt move d and Rog el'seconded that t he r equ es t be a ll owed as p er t he st aff rn e mo ,The v o towas6 -0,u nan imo us in f avor. 3 .Ar eque s t,f or a front and side setback var ianc e on the sou th and west property lines at 765 Fo rest Road,Lot 8 ,block 2 ,V Villag e 6 th t o build a gar age . Pc t cr Jamal'p resen te d t h e ncmo and e x plained that th ere co uld b e no p ar kingon th e r o ad ,for it was u sed for sn ow c ats in t he wm te r,The applicants expla ined t h a ti f th ey b u i I t t hega r age on th e other side of th e h ous e,it woul d block the v iew of the n e ighbo rs a cross the ro a d.Peter added th a tt he r estrict ion origi nally as ked for by t h e,Publ ic Ko rks Department of h av ing a I S'dra inagc casement a long th e cast proper ty l ine h ad s ince b e en rem oved when i t vas d iscovered that the draina g e c ould be t aken 'c a r e of ano ther way.Rogermoved and Gaynor second ed for approva l of t he re ques t a s st:Jtcd i n t he memo,less the r estr ic tion oft he 15'casemen t.,The vo te was 6-0 i n favor .Una ni mous a pprov al . 4 .A r~CJ.1.le st.for a condition al use permit to :l 1 1 01~i nsta ll at ion and u s c o f an 1 8 1,·.)1e mini at ure go lf course onl ot4 ,block I ,Li.ou sh ca d F irstF il ing an d Tra ct H, Li onsheaJ 3rd F il in g.Appl ican t :Bud Benedict Peter Patt en r ev i ew cd the memo a nd stated that.thi swas a renewal of a pe r mit grant ed last ye:lr.BudBene dict st ated t h :lt they ,,"ould like t o h a ve a permi t for as long as the VA wi l ll eth im h ave t.ho c our so,th at.h is l eas e wi thVAwasf or 5 years.so h ewould Ijke thi sCU permit for 5 )'c ars .He :ld d ed t hat on e ad dit i.on to t h e golf course th is y earwould b e 1 or 2bu i ld.i n g s (mini a tu re bu ild ings).IIc a lso said t herewould b e no f ood o rd rink or music,that t he ope ration would beo pen until 10:00 p.m . •PEC 4/13/81 page 2 ••Jim Morganmoved and Scott seconded to approve the conditional use permit as stated in the staff memo,but for a 5 year period and with the conditions that the course must be removed by October 15 each year and that daily the operation must close by 10:00 p.m.The vote was 6-0,unanimous. 5.A request for a conditional use permit for 10 years at 100 North Frontage Road, the Spradd le Cre ek Ranch,to construct b arns,corrals,fences,cabins,etc.to accommo date from 40 to 60 hors es,30 car s and the p eople nec essary t o operate the livery stable business whi ch would inc1 ude trail rides,wagon rides,sleigh rides and other related activities.Applicant:Roger Tilkemeier. Peter Patten pre sented the memo an d summarize the staff concerns in it which in cluded the vi sibil ity of the p arked c ars fro m the I nt ers tat ea nd frontag e roads,which the staff felt must be s c r ee n e d,the revege tation of th e fill ba nks,th e fact that there mustbe a dequate wa ter and sani tat ion fac il iti es.TIl e st affwan te d highly visibl e an d e asil y un d erst andabl e s ignage .at the i nt ersec t ion with the Fron tage Ro ad. Roger voiced ob jecti ont o the co ncern oft he vi s ility of t he cars.He stat e that one o f th eFores t Serv ice c on cerns was th at h e hav e p lenty of pa rking and not on th e Forest Ser vice r o a de xcept for ov erfl ow park ing .DickRyan men tioned receivin g c omp laints f rom people ab o ut s eeing t Ile h ors e trai ler l as t year.Roger i ndi c a ted that thet r ai l er \!oul d b e p a rked f ar up th e road b ehind a buildi ng.Hea ddedt hat h e wn a t s to run a 4 -horse team t o the Tr an spor tation Ce nter to p i ckup 2 0-25 people whi ch may e liminate muc h parking need .He admitted that the cars wou l db e v is i bl ei fon e were dr ivin g e as t o ne ither t.he Nor t.h I'ron tage Road or t.he I nt e r s t.at.e.Pet.er Pat.ten 's concern wi t.ht he view from th e village .Jim Paxon of th e For es t.Sorv i.ce stated theFS was concerned th a t Roger ha ve ad e quate p arkin g s pac e s,and t hatt.hey h ave d emanded tha t t her oad b e kep t. open to t h e pub lic and ma intaine d.Roge r ma inta i ned th at th issummerope ra tion wa s n o different fro m th e wi.n t.e r ope rat ion i n which t he parked cars i n t own wer e v ery v isi bl e. He a dd ed t hat these cars wo ul d be at.l east 1000f eet from p e opl e d r iv ing pas t.. DuanePipe r f'el t t.h a t cars parked in an u rban ar ea h ad l ess i mpact t hat cars p arked in a n oth erwis e unblemished hill si de.J im Mo rgaI1 sug g e sted that.the PEe g rant it OHe year permi t unt il th e y co ulds ec "hat impa ct th e car s mi ght.have .Ro ger fe lt t hathe c o u l dn I t op erate onaon e y ear ba s i.son ly .After much dis cus s ion of t .h c i ssu e ,the me mb ers werit out to t.he p arking lot t.ov i ew th e hil l side wh ere the c ars wo u ld be.It was me ntion ed that since some of the c ars would be v is i bl e anyway,wh y argue o ver 7 a ddi- t ional cars ?Ge rry l\'hi t e was not s at.is fied wi.t hRo ge r I s not c omplyi ng with th e 1 st condi - t ion t o sc reen th e cars f rom view.lIewasc onc ern ed with t he peopl e in t he c Ol\do s of t he villa geb e i ngab le to seet.he cars ,to o,and f elt th is was one co mplain t fro m t.h e Tow nr e sid entsh e felt s tron gly in sy mpathy with. Discus sion f o ll owed conc er ning sl ope st.ab li zation,reveget at ion,a nd s anit.at ion a nd \'ia t e r suppl ie s.Rog er state d that h e would have the r evege t.ati on fin ished before July 1 5 , 19 81,a nd th at h e h as ta pped a sp ring fo r wat er ,t hat t.e mp orary snnf.t.a.ry fa ci l i ti es would b e u se dt his year,b eca use h e wasn 't ab l e to st art const.ruct ion l ast f a l l.He h a s a n agr e e men t with VA t.o use t h eir sho wer fa cil itie s.He stated t hat the re would be 13p eop l e living on t h e s ite,with 2l ivingabo ut 1-1/2 mi l e upt h e moun ta in at th e c huck wa gon site .Hep La nncd t o construct a self c orr t a i.n ed sanitary facilit yt his f a ll . Ile stated t.hat.h e wo uld u scs odiumc h lo ride o r oil on t.he ro ad t o contai n the du st . •Ji m Mo rgan move d .fo r approv al,s econd ed by Gaynor Mill er the r eques t f or a co nd i t i onaI u sc p enuit f or 10y e a rs a s st at e d i n th es t a ff memo,a nd with the c ond itons in th ememo wi th th e ex c ep t i on of #1 ,visib ilit y of cars .The vo te wa s 4-1 i n fav or,wit h Gerry \','h i te vat in g a g ainst t h emeasu re .r cpca ti n g th a t he fe l t the co mp I ai nts a bout.t.h e ca rs were i mpo rt a nt. Duanemov ed,ar id Ga ynor s ec onded t o a djou rn a t 4 :45 .Unan Lmous , ••• PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA Monday,April 13,1981 2:00 Joint meeting with Design Review Board to study.lots 26 through 42 of Highland Meadows for future Special Development District 3:00 1.Minutes of the meeting of March 23,1981. 2.A request for a front setback variance at 153 Beaver Dam Road,Lot 37, Block 7,Vail Village First Filing .Ap plicants:Bo Price and John Wisenbaker 3.A request for a front and side setback variance on the south and west property lines at 765 Forest Road,Lot8,Block 2,Vail Village 6th to build a garage. Applicant:Tom and Cindy Jacobson 4.A request for a conditionalluse permit to allow 'in stallation and use of an 18 hole miniature g olf course onLot 4,Block 1,Lionshead First Filing and Tract H Lionshead 3rd Filing. 5.A request for a conditional use permit for 10 years at 100 north Frontage Road, the Spraddle Creek Ranch,to construct barns,corrals,fences,cabins,etc. to accomm od ate from40 to 60 horses,30 cars a nd the people necessary to op erate the livery stable business which would include trail rides,wagon rides,sleigh ride~and other r el ated activities.Applicant:Roger Tilkemeier. •• MEMORANDUM TO:PLANNING AND ENVIRO NMENTAL COMMISSIO N FROM:DEPAR1MENT OF COMMU NITY DEVELOPMENT DATE:April 10,1981 • RE:Request for conditonal use permit for Budan d Marcet Benedict to allow installation and use of an18 hole miniature golf course on lot 4,block I, Lionshead 1st filing and Tract H.Lionshead 3rd Filing. DESCRIP TION OF PROPOS ED USE Theapplicants wish to install an 18-hole miniature golf course facility in the area southeast of Monson's s un deck in Lionshe ad.It wouldbe operated Jun e th rough early-mid October.A48 s quare fo ot ticket booth structure is prop os ed.Thef acility would b e in operation from approximately 12noo n to 10 :00 p.m .A fence c onsisting o fwoodpo les and wire mesh to stop the golf balls i s also proposed .This past summer , the miniature gol f course was well us ed andseemed to have on ly positive effects on the entire Vail Lionshead area . CRITERI A AND FINDING S Up on review of Section 18.60,the Department of Commun ity Development r ecommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon thef o ll owing factors: Consideration"of Factors : Relat ionship andimpact of the use on de ve lopment obj ectives of the Town. One of the development objectives of the Town is to i ncrease corrmercial usage of the Lionsh ead are a.The staff feels this proposalgreatly enhances activity and cre ates amore live ly atmosphere in this currentl y "dead"space , Thee ff e ct of use on light and ai r,distribut ion o fpop ulation,transpo rtat ion f a c i li - ties,u tili ties,scho ol s,p arks andr ecrea tion fac ilit i es,and oth er pU b lic fac ilities and pub l ic f acili ties n ee ds. The proposed us ea dds another dim ension of public r ecr eational opportunities for Vail's residents and guests . Effect u pon traffic with p articular reference to con ge stion,automotive ~n d pe des trian s afet y a nd c onvenienc e,tra fficf lowa ndc ontrol,ac ce ss,maneuverabili t y,a nd remov al o f s nowf rom th e stre et and parkin g a reas. The Propo sal creates no adverse impacts in these regards.All pedestrian wal kway s \~il1 b ek eptop en sono e xistingp edestri an traffic will bei mp eded or chan ged. Effect upon th ec ha rac ter of th ea rea in wh ich the p ropos e d use i s to be loc at ed, includ in g th e sca le a nd bulk o ft he prop o s ed use in rela t ion t o sur-rcund i.ng use s . Thepropo sal s ignifi cant ly improv es theex is tingch ara cter of the s pace .Surround ing busines ses an d r eside n ts (10 condominiums)ha ve giv en the ir a pprovalo f the proposal . Suchoth e r fa ctors and criter ia a s the Conu nis sion deemsap plic a ble to t h e proposed u se. M~n~a~ure uOlt Lourse page Z•FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 4/10/81 • The Department of Community Developmentrecommends that the Conditional Use Permit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it wouldbe operat! or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health,safety,or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use wouldcomply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. CONDITIONS: 1.Golfcourse mustberemovedby October 15 each year. 2.Operation must close by 10:00 p.m. \ PLANtu ••1ND E!\"V lRO:~MENTAL CX:MMI SS ION • AGENDA March 1 0,1 980 1:00-3:00 P.M.Work Sessionon Vail Vi llage and L ionsHead 3:00 P.M.Publie He aring 1.)Appr oval of Min utes of 2-25-80 Mee ting 2.)Approv al of Development Planand Lot Line Vacation Request for Simba fum Condaninimn Project l ocat e don Lots 6-9 and part o f 10,Resubdivi sion of Block C,Lionsridge Filing No.1. 3.)Discussion of .Zoning on e ight parcels of property presently o.vned by Forest Service which were r ecen tly annexed into the Town of Vail by Or dinance No.7 ,Ser ies 198 0. @ c o n dit i onal Use Permit t o :;l.ll o~installation and use of a n1 8 bole miniature golf course on Lot 4 ,Block 1 ,Lionshe ad 1 st Filin g and Tract H,Lionsh e arl 3rd Filing. 5.)Parking Var-iancef or the deletiono fe ight park ing spaces underground to build addi't ioaa'l meet in..9 space at the Crest l ocatedon Lot 2,Block 1 , Vail Lion she ad Filing No .2 . Pl.ann ing and Environrrx:mt a~rmliss ion Meeting of 1mrch 10,19 80 Minutes Page One MEmb ers Present Gerry White Ed Dr ager Dan Corcoran Roger Tilkemeier Sandy Mills (cane in after Staff Presentation of Sirrba Run) Member not pre sent Jim Morgan Council Perron Pre sent RonTodd Staff Menbers Present Peter Patten Di ck Ryan Jim Rubin Itan #2was taken first. 2.)Approval o f Developrrent Plan and Lot Line Vaca t ion Request f orSimba Run Condomin ium Proj ect l ocated on Lots 6-9 and part o f10,Resubdi vi sion Cd'Block C:Lionsridge Fil ing No.1. Peter Patten gave the Staff Presentation.Peter said that the Board h ad been sent c opi es of l ett ers and o ther i nformat ion r e garding the con c erns on this p r oj ect fran t he l ast meeting.Diana Tough ill had metwi th Skip Gordon o f the Transporta tion Departrrent an d Peter an d they h ad gone out to the s itean df ound the best p lace for the b us turn-of f.Skip also f e lt a shelter woul .d be b e st at the loca tion and Diana Toughill had agre ed.Peter said at the time of t he neeting ,Diana had said s he would havet o check with the architects r e garding the l ocation of t he b ust u rn-off .Di ana Toughill inte rj ected here that there i sn o p roblem vn th t he turn-o f f and s helt er at thatl ocation.They have not ha dt imet o draw it on t he s ite plan,however. Peter s aid Kent Ros e h ad senta letter s ay in g that he f inds the road t o be adeq uate.Peter also said the PEeh ad received a c opy o f the letter f rom the architects on the landscap ing an d aco pyo f the l ett er fran the develop er addressing t he condi tions raised a tt he 2-25-80 rree t ing,. •Planning and Environrrcntal Comnission 3-10-80 Minutes--Page Two Sirrba Run con t inu ed Diana 'rough ill ,r epresenting the developer,asked if anyone had any questions r e garding t he nnterial presented to t.h em, Ed Drager askedwho wi ll pay for the private shuttle,pub'l ic bus turn-off, and bus shelter.Di ana said the developer. Ed also said that $250,000 is S1.25 /square footo fop en space on the site. He do es not f eel that is ade quate.Tom Briner said they had used that f igure a fter consulting tvlO qualified l andscape architects .They both felt t he d oll ar arrount was suffic ient.They also both said the p lanting of treesover 10-12 feet tall would be difficult as they would not h ave con tinued growth. Ed Drager said that sti ll does not satis fy him. Tom Briner said they don "t want to hire a landscape architect until they know they have an approved p roject. Ed Drager s aid the project was present ed and "sol d"to the PEC as being heav ily l an dsca ped a nd his doesn't f eel$250 ,000 wortho ft en foot trees is adequate. Diana Toughill said UID people who are exper ts in their field,said it was adequate . Peter Patten said h e wanted t o point out one no re c ondition that he forgot to rrent lon e arlier.Thedev eloper would Like t o offer 200 memb erships in arren f.taea,129 would b e for owners and the balance o pen to the public. San dyMi lls asked EdDr ager if h e still feels the landscape plan is inadequate Tan Briner said larger trees will no t grow. Roger Tilkerrcier asked to be excused to call a landscape company in Denver. Sandy Mi lls asked if b y adding another bus stop onLionsridge Loop,the s ervice wi ll be of a lesser quality.Di ana Toughill said that at their meeting at t hes ite I Skip said by adding this stop,it mi ght solve the problemst hat exist there now. Roger Tillm neier returned and said he had called Rocky M01m tain Tree experts and they had saida tree 16-18 f e et t all (Cottonwood)would have no problan wi th conti nual growth if plant ed correctly. Tan Briner said t hey had p l arrted large c o t.tonwoods at t he School Board· o ffic es in Eagle and they had a ll d i ed.He said the y would be g lad to get t hem.He said he wanted to point out that yo u can get rror e tre es at 12 feet t han you can a t 20 fe et.He.s aid this could be discussed further duringt he DnB process. Planning and FJ1VironllX:ml.Comnission 3-10-80 Minutes-Page Three Simba nun continued • Dan Corcoran said that since the landscapingi s to be don e in phasing, the problan of whether 20 foot trees wil1 grow could b e handled during the phasing. Gerry Whit e said spruce are much s t urdier than Cottonwoods and would like to see those too.However,he does realize the cost. Ed Drager said he still has a concern t hat they are limitingt hemsel ves to $2 50,000 and t hatb yt he t ime t hey ge t to t he ir l a st p hase,that anount will have run out. Roger Tilkeneier said the condit ion should be phrased $250,000 or more, Diana Tou ghill said they had used that fi gure so that the Bo ard would knew that.t here is mon ey.If rmre is requir ed ,they wil1 use rrore, SandyMills said she stil1 h as s everal problems with this.There are l arge buildin gs here wi th a greatimpa ct and they need t ob e screened.There is a needf ora lot of Blue Spruce.She said perhapsPEe should give ad irective to DRB. Dan Corcoran said the plan is what is Irrpor-t ant ,not the dollar anount , Tom Briner said it is r'ecorrrrended that 1 3/4t o 2 %of the tot al budget should got o landscapin g.They are a llocating nore than t ha t. Gerry Whit e asked for a not.ion . Diana Tou~ill said at the completion of Ph ase I, landscap ed very wel1 to sell Phase II and so on. sure it looks good. Ed Drager said that is stil1 not adequate. they will need the site They are going to nuke Gerry White a s ked f ora rrot Ion,Since noone madea rrot ion,Gerry made a rmtdon t oap pr ove t he D8veloprrent Plan and LotLine Vacat I on Request for S irrba Run Condomin iwn Project located on Lots 6-9 and p art of 10, Res ubdivision of Block C,Lion sridge FilingNo.1 Inc'ludtngt he conditions set fort h by the staff L~t he 2-25-80 PEe pac ketan db as ed on t he lett ers in the 3-10-80 PEe packet with t he m:xlification that the l andscaping be $250,000 or norea s roqutred to fulfill the p lan that will be a pp roved by the 'Desi gn Revf .ew Board.Roger Tilkemeier seconded the rro trion , Roger Tilkerreie r,Ger ry White and EdDrager vo ted f orap proval.Sandy Mills votedag a inst and Dan Corcoran vo t ed against.Sandy f elt she sti ll has prob lems wi th t h is proj ect. •Planning an d Environrrental Ccmnission 3-10-80 Minu tes--Page Four • 3.)Di scuss ion of Zoning on eight p a rcels of p rop erty pres ently owned byFor e st Se rvice wh ich were r ece ntl ya n nexed into t he Town of Vail by Ord inanceNo.7,Se ries198 0. Peter Patt en madet he staff presenta tion.This property was r ecently ann e xed i nto the Ta ....n and a t that tiJre the Fore st Servicewas t old that it would b e zon ed as close to the Countyzo n ing as possibl e.This would b e Agricultural and Open Space.P eter went over the land on the Imp. Dan Corcoran s aid rrost of these weree nfo rcement problems and were asked to be ann e xed b y the PoliceDepa rtment. J im Paxon o f the Forest Ser vice said t heFe deral Government 's zon ing o ve rrides all otherzo nin g.Theya re having this rezoned because State Law requires it.Agr ic ult ural and Open Space i s the close st to t he County Zoning that was on these parcels priort o annexation and is closest to t heFor e st Service IS Multiple Use Zone. Gerry Wh itea sked if they shouldn It be zoned Gr een Belt as Agricultural and Open Spa ce permits r esidence s. Jim P axon said the re are struc tures or roads on all these parcels n ON. EdDr ager said if anyone weret o negoitiate a trade in t he future,they would b e able to build a resid ence und er Agricultural and OpenSpace and they would not be able to build under Green Be lt. Jim Paxon saidhewould like to see the Zcn ing a llowedon Green Belt. He said the minim.un lot size on these parcels i s five acres. Roger Tilkerreier said the c urrent zoning i s 1 unit for e ve ry 35 acres un der Agricu ltural and Open Space,if a piece i s under the 35 acres they are still all ~ved to build a unit. Ed Drager said if the land were zoned A &OS and were traded,then a unit c ould be built on it. Jim Paxon saidhewould like to see the Town acquire SOIre of these lands. Gerry Wh ite said t he in t ent i s to restrict the zcn ing to t he least dense use \\hich he f eo ls would b e Green Belt. Roger Tilkemeier said the zoning n e eds to be multiple use with grazing permitted. The Fore st Servi ce i s only going through this r e zoning because it i s required by State Law .TheFo rest Service doe sn It h ave to reco gnize Town Zoning. Plarmi~g and EnVirol1JlX')_l Conmission 3-10-80Minutes--Page Four • Forest Sp.rvice continued Ed Dr age r said Public Use District ZOn ing would be approp riate onsameo f the p arc els also. Gerry Whit e said he doesn I t t hink each parcel s hould be considered separately . All the parcel ss houldb e zoned one thing and if it is n ece ssary l a ter,they can b e change d b y r ezoning or variance . Roger Tilkerreier .said be t hinks we should get the Green Belt zoning to the Forest Service . Dan Corc o ran said he t hinks the PUD should be givent o the Forest Se rvice to read also as it i s more fl exible . Roger Till{erreier said Peter s hould get togeth e rwi th J im Paxon t o look at the .different zon es . Ed Drager a sked if there is tiIre und er the annexation rules? DickRyan said there is as we have90 days fran annexation. RonTodd said we are not locked into one zone district f or all t he parcel s. Gerry 'Vhite said zon ing each parcel separately would require a study session. Roger Tilkermier nude a root ion to po stpone t he ZOning one ight parcels of prop erty prese ntly ownedby the Forest Service which were recently annexed into the Town of Vail by Or dinanceNo.7,Series 1980 until t he March 24 meet ing oft he Planning and Environment al Comnission to give the Staff t ime to wo rk with the Forest Servi ce .Ed Drager s econded the motion an d Roger Tilke rreier,Ed Drager,Gerry White and Sandy Mills voted f or the po stponement and Dan Cor coran abstained. 4 .)Conditional Use Pennit to allow installat ion and use of an18 hole .miniature golf courseo nLot 4 ,Block I,L ion s head 1st Filing and Tract H,Lion shead 3rd Filing. Roger Tilkerreier asked to b e excused a she has a4 :00 P .M.meeting.He said he would like it to be known that he is in favor of this item. Peter Patten rmd e ap resentation f rom the Staff .Bud Benedict passed around the rmterials on the Golfcourse.He showedas ite p lan and gave his p resentation .All the holes wi.Ll.dep i ct;buildings etc.in Vail.They win b ec ustom nude .There wi ll b e such thin gs as the VailChape l,the Gondola ,the Skiers Bridge ,t he Covered Bridge,t he Eis enho.ver Tunnel,etc.'111e y are going to k e ep the cost mininnl- $2.50 f or a dults and $1.50 for children .It is basically to encourage people t o c ome to Lionshead during the SUl1IIB r. •Planning and Envf.ronrmrrta'l Comnission 3-10-80 Minute s--Page Five ClOlfcourse c on tinued • Sandy Mi lls asked if thel andi s owned by t he Antlers. Bud Benedict saidi t i s owned b y VA an d s howed where it i s o n the nap, Hee xpl ained t hat he i ss till n ego tiat ingwi th themf ora five year l e ase. Gerry White asked if there wi ll be p i ped mus ic.Bud said t here will not. He showed where the lighting will b e and explained how i twi ll be don e so that i t will no tb e too bright. Bud explai ned t hat VA h ad a rreet ing t h is rrorning r e garding his lease. Theys ti ll have two p roblerrs with it.'Th ey want a struct ural e ngineer to look at the plan to rmke sure it is safe .They also want to rrake sure t he access is a dequate for their errp.l oy ees, EdDr ager asked a boutt he signage.Buds a id it will be very minirml and showed a sketch. Peter Patten .said the whole project including the signage will have to go to Design Review Board. EdDr ager asked if t he Boa rd is ap prov ing t his for an indefinite period of tine.He would h a ve a p roblem with it if t h at were the case .He feels he would like to l ook a t it again a fter the f irsty e ar . Bud said he is hoping for a five year lease withVa il Assoc iates.Hewould h ope the Con ditional Use Pennit woul d be for a s imilar per iod of time.He said the rronies generated from t his will be enough to keep e verything in r e ally good sha pe.His intent is t od o this in a first class way. Bud said h e has a petit ion signed by all t he merchant and condo owners who would be i mpacted by t his except B.J.Br itton who was i n f avor but was out o f t ownwhent his was sf.gned,He sai d they plan to advertise t o br-ing people fran t he Vi llage to Lionshe ad an d enhance the business liability in Lion she ad. Sandy Mills a 8(ed i f theBoard should put at ime limit on it. Ed Dr ager said he would p ut aon e y ear limit on it and have 'them cane b ack n e xt year. EdDr ager trade amotion t hat the Conditional Use Permit to allow installation and use of an 18 hole min i aturego lf course onLot4 ,Block 1,Lionshead 1st Filing and Tract II,Lion shead 3rd Filing in a ccor dance with t he conditions listed'in the St aff Memo o f 3-6-80 and wi t.h t he a ddition of the condition that there b e no p i ped music or publ:i.c address systan and that the Conditional Use Pe rmit woul d exp i re on 12-31-80.Sandy Mi lls second ed the rrotion.The vote was unanirrou s. Planning and EnVironmene CaTmission ~lo-80 Minute s--Puge Six • 5.)Parkin g Var iance for the dele tion of e ight p ark ing spa ces tmd erground to build a dd Hional meeting s"p ace at t he Cre st located o nLo t 2,Block 1, Vail L ion sheadFiling No.2. Peter Patten made the Staff Presentation on this item.He explained that the Crest I S par-king was built before the curr ent parking forrruLa was star-ted,They have 12 exce ss spaces according to thec ur rent formula.By adding the rreeting roan,they wouldneed 5 rmre spaces than currently required and they would have eliminated t hese spaces ,TheStaff is r ecorrrendi.ng denial of this and that they could build the rreeting space if they were willing to make it sanller and include the required spaces. Ed Drager a sk ed if the spaces the Crest,~~i d they are not. leased by the Town or someone they now have are u sed.Nat Harris,representing Sandy Mills said these unused spaces could be else as therei s a great n eed for parking in Town. Nat Harris said with the rise in gas prices,there is less travel by car and rrore and rrore of their guest are coming by plane etc.The meeting space will not create a need for rrore parking spaces. Sandy M:ills asked why if the addition of a meeting room is such a plus,they .iust don 't take two hotel rooms and make them into rreeting space. F£I Drager said the rules say they have 12 in exce ss but need five more if they add the rreeting room even though they probably wonI t use the five spaces. Nat Harris said they do have roomon top for the five spaces. Dan Corcoran said they can't exceed their site coverage on top. Gerry White said he feels that meeting space do es attract more cars.Granting this variance would be a dangerous precedent to set. Nat Harris said they can I t convert two hotel roam.It just wouldn't be appropriate. Gerry White said he feels this would be a very difficult thing to grant! Dan Corcoran said if parking wasn't a problem,we wouldn't be building a new parking structure. The rranager of the Crest said people are already parking in their excess spaces. Dan Corcoran said if people are parking illegally there,the Town of Vail will tow them. Ed Drager asked about the size of the meeting room.The plans were shown to the Board. Plannm"r;and Environme.Corrmi .ssion 3-10-80 Minu tes-Page SCVCll • Ed Drager asked Jim Rubin about the p a rking s tudy he did a few years ago . Jim Rubin said it did s how the Crest parkingwas n ever at capacity .However, the Or din ance docs r equiret h is parking.The concern with putting rrore spaces on top i s that rrore asphalt is a dded.He said if t heBoardwants t heS taff to looka t changin gt he Ord i nance r egardingt he parking required byMeeting Space,they could dot hat. Peter Patten said he would like to po i nt ou t that i f t hey did put the spaces o n top,they would have t o cone to DRB. Jim Rubin s aid the s t af ff eel s the best solution woul db e to 'take out l ess than tw elve spaces to rmke the rree t ing room . Nat Harris asked howy ou calculate howmany they could take ou t. Jim Rubin s aidhe 'thougrt they could still r ermve about e ig ht spaces but he would have to go through t he rrntherm.tics . Ed Drager a sked Bud Benedict what his opinion is.Bud saidhe is prejudic ed . He said to believet hat meeting rooms r equire lIDrc parking is totally unrea listic. They have rrore t han t heyneed.People are not driving i n this s e ason.Theya re now 100 %occupied and st ill have 10 -15 parking spaces .He saidt he ZOnin gOr dinance and t he PEe have to keepu p with the times..We are go i ng to s ee f ewer and fewer c ars caning here .lIe s aid the viability of Suntrer Vail is the abili1;y t o b ri ng co nventionshe re .He said the re are times when y ou wi ll have too many ears ,but b ya nl arge,youwi ll not .. Gerry ~b ite said h is 8h~rience is differ ent.lIe b el i e ve the people are ·still going to be in t he auto .He said Colo radop e ople are the prime SIlllIOOr visi t or and they .are goi ng to drive here .He said t he bus and Rocky Mountain a irways h ave proved to be unre liable for a lot o f people this ",'int er .More people are r enti ng cars.They ha ve h ada n eed f or rmre p ar kingt his winter a t theRamshorn , Bud said his e xper ience is dif ferent. Gerry Whit e said trends change and hates to see everyone give up their parking spaces .The future is unpredictible. GelTY asked i f there are any other comments . Sandy Mills rrnde a rrotaon to deny the Parkin g Variance for the delet ion of e ight p ar king spaces underground t o build addition al rreeting s p ace at the Cr est loca ted on Lot 2,m ock 1,Vail Lionshead Filing .No.2 as pe r the Staff Meno of 3-10-80 as it woul.d be granting o fa special privilegc .DanCorco ran seconded the no tdon. The vot ewas un amrrous.Gerry infonnedt he applicant that they can appealt his to t he T~vn Council . •P lann in g an d Envi roIlJrental Cornnission 3-10-80 Minu tes--Page Eight 'Th e Crest continued • Sandy Mills asked if the Boardf eel st he Staff should look into whether the Or dinance shouldbe changedr e gardingt he r equtrerrent;o fmore parking for meet ing s-p ace.RonTodd saidhe feels SOlTE of the a ss ump t ions stat ed today werewr on g .Dan Corcoran said he feels a study would have t ob e done b efore any chan ge s could be made. Nat Ha rris said h e thinks they will try t o put the additionalf ive spaces on top. Dan Corcoran said t hey wi ll still have to go through DRB . I'tem #1 was then h e ard. 1.)Approval o f 1.Unu t es of 2-25-80 Me eUn g. SandyMillss aid she had a question regarding a dis cus sion ont he 1st Bank. EdDr ager h ad a sked about t he use of the l oft space.It was stated that it was to be storage an d maybe sareday office .Ed asked if they would have t o CO!D8 b ack to the Board if they c hanged it t o office s pace and the a nswer was yes .Sandy said it i s her un der standing that since t he rree t Ing ,it h as beend iscover e dt hat that space \v.as or igina lly c onsid e r ed f or o ffi c e space and t he y woul d no t h ave to CO!D8 b ackt o PEe.Jim Rubin said t hat is c o rrect . Howe ver,he a lso addedt hat the a pprov al o f the 1 stBank I tem h as b een appealed t ot he Counc il by the Va il Religious Found ation.J ims aid t hata t the 2-25-80 mset irig h e didn I t realize that the loft space was includ ed in t he numbers and it i san d they woul dn ot have to C 0!D8 back t o use t h at s pace as an office. Cathie J arnot said that will not affect the minutes and the Board said it would not. Sandy Mills rrade a mot.ton to approve the minutes.Ed Drager s econded.The vote was un animou s. The mc-eting was a djo urned a t 4:55 P.M. •MEMJRANDUM 'fO :PLA.1'lliING M'D ENV IP£NIIllit'Vl'AL CCMMI SSI ON FroM:DEPARTMENT OF o::MMUNTIY DEVELOPMENT DATE:3-7-80 RE :SIMI3A RUN • Attached arc the letters and other information you r equ ire don t heSimba Run Developnent Plan . ·box 100 vail,colo rado 81657 (303)476-5613 March 4,1980 Ms.Diana Tou ghill L &M Profe ssional Consultants,Inc. Box 726 Vail,OJ 8 1657 Dear Diana: • department of public works I have r e viewed t he earryi.ng c ap acity of the local roadway system s erving the propos ed S:i.JTba Run d evelo prrent and f:in d it adequate to absorbt hea dditional 147 un its added. In nn.k:ing this r ev-j ew ,georret.ry of the r o adway:incl uding gra des, stopping s i ght di stances ,v ertical and horizDntal curves an d wid th was c onsider ed .TIle sarm cri teria u sed i n the creation o f the Bigho rn S tr eet Irrp rovemen t Distri ct t o estab lish trips generated per dwal Ling un i.t was also used, Theonly deficiency :in the local roadway system is proper sign:ing an d policing of no parking zones ,This should not b ea conce rn of t h is develo per an d will be addressed by the Public Works Departrrent :innediately. Very truly yours , ,I )t ,n /:=J;=]-(.1\...;t \.-;{~t'-:"Li?-- Kent R.Rose,P.E.("'.: Director cc:Ta.vn of Vail Plann:ing and Envaronrrerrta'l Comnission brin erscott ar chitects 143 e meadow dr, vail.colorado 01 6 57 (30 3)476 ·3C 38 • March 6,1980 Ms.Di ana Tou ghill,Vi ce Presi de nt L &H Pro fe ssi ona l Co ns ultant s,I nc. Box 726 Va i l,Colora do 81657 Dear Diana: • Regard ing t he l and sc ape plan for 5i mba Run It hought wehad addres sed th at aspe ct of t he proj ect in t he manner pr esc ri bedby the 505 ordin ance. Our pres ent p re l im ina ry landsc ape pl anshowse xistinga ndch anged co ntours, th us ind icatin g "exis ting lan d sc ape f eatures to be r e tain ed or r em oved ". Ourpl an furt her s hoHs the locati on of b icycle pat h,outdoor paved a reas,and at ot lot.The pl an shows th e e xt ent o fo pe n s pac e a s wei l as pro posed exte nt and lo c ation of tree plan tin g.I be li eve th at our p resent p la ns provid e the Pl anning Commission wi th aconcept and sco pe of landsc apin g toth ede gree of det ail i ntendedbyt he ord inance,I ...hich requires th at "features"of the l and scape pl an be desi gnated. Be c ause o f th ea lways ne bulus st atu s of p roj ects a t thi s st age of t he proj ect's de si gn andbecau se It houg ht t hep la nningc ommissi on andt own staff were only to review the project in conce p t f o rm Idi d not re tai n expl ic it landscape a r c h i te ct u r ~consu lta ~ion but hav ede sc ribed th ep ro ject to t wo l and sc apea rchite ct s eit her of who m wou ld be interest ed int his projec t.The l and scape budget of $25 0,000 has been establi shed with in put fro m a lands c a pe arc hi tec t-s uchabudg et wo uld a ll ow for a pl antin g scheme that i ncl udes "mat ure"tr ees depend ing u pon your de finition.It is un rea sonab le to expec ts uccess if tr e e sbeyond 10'-12'h igh are transplanted.Cu ri ou sl y,larger t ree s,i f th ey survi ve t he .t ransplant ing ca nno t bee x pectedt o grow muc hbeyo nd the ir si zewhen tra ns planted! We wo uld not su gge st pl a nting t reesa ll o f one size .We beli eve th at i n some area s of t he sit e,particul a rly th esou thea st corner a t the Fron tage Ro ad,we ca n r aise th e existing gr ade 6'-8 'by way of t er racing.The effec t would be like a berm int hat it wou ld b lockt he vle w from t he Front age Ro ad.Wi th t r ee s pla nt ed on t hese t errace s a barr i er height could be16'to 20'a bovet he ro ad.We wo uld notwanta harsh man ma de f o rm in this locati on.That is why Ir e fe rt o th e t erm "ter-racing"rather than "berm". The palette of .tree mat erials as discuss ed with the landscape arch it ects .would includ e lod ge pole pine,bal s am popl ar,nar row leaf cottonwoo ds and .aspen.All of these c an be transpl ant ed up to 10'-12 ',We have discu ssed spruc e andc er tain orn am ental tre es asNorway mapl e andho pa crab as c ompli- ments to the l arg er stands of pin e,cottonwoods andi'l5pen.As not ed on the prel i minary pl an we wouldhopefo r ornamen tal plantings adjacent the pool terrace assuming our ex posure will allow it. March 6,1980 • Page2 • We be lieve that landscaping ca n be most eff iciently handled in two phases -see the ac compan ing sketch.Phas e I wou ld provide screening fromand of the Fron tage Road.Aside from the planting of materials noted above,the landscape budget of approximately $125,000 .00 for this phase must include i r rigation,planting of poo l roof,andcon struct ion of t he b icycle pat h. We are concerned that substanti al planti ng beyondwhat isshown wo uld be endangered byco nstruct ion of the north and west build i ngs.Phase 2 l andscaping wouldp rov ide s creening along tile west prope rty li ne and Lio nsr idge l oop.The re is a n ext ensive amount of s h a l l o \~te rracing be tween t he north and west bu i ldings andIbe lieve that most of th e or namental p lantingwould take p l ace d uring this phase,with some of these mat eri als going back in to the Phase I area . F ina lly,if constru ct ion wo uld permit ,vte would l ike to s tart some tree p lant ing in Spring of 1981 possibly des ign a ting a port ion of the site as a "nursery"from which we co uld transp lant as build ing construction progressed . ·1 hope this gives you enough of a n outlin e on the iss ue of l andscaping. I fyou have any questions p lea se do n't hesitate t oca ll me. Yourst ru ly,• T'vvv'At\;WJ~ ThomasA.Briner TAB /cg II ' • ", '4 } ) ).. Jt )..... 1 ) 1 ".. 1 ) • La I'RO rESSION AL CO NSU LTANTS,•. 53 33Missio n Cenler Road,Suite 3 10 San Diego ,California 92 108 (71 4)297-5 480Telex:SDG 69-5 032 March 3,1 980 Gerry Wh ite,Chairm an Planni nga nd E nv ir onme ntalCommi ssi on Towno f Vail P .O.Box 100 Vai l,Colo rado 8 16 57 RE :Appr o val of S i mba Run Condominium -S pec ial Dev elopmen t Di stri ct 5 DearGerry: At th e Pl ann in g Commiss ion h ea rin g 9f F e bru ar y 2 5,1 9 8 0,The Co mmis si on r e quired t h a ~fi ve co nd it io nsb e ad d re s se d in order fo r approva lt o be gran t ed .at th e March 10 me eting . Our r es pons et o t hec ond itions is as f ollows : 1.T ransportati o n a nd p r iva t e s hut tl e s e rvice -SD5 r equ ir es tha t wep ro vi de pri vate s hu ttl e ser vi ce to s e rve th et rans- por ta tion nee ds o f tIle proj e ct .SD5f urt he rr equ ires t hat t h e d e ve l .o p er provid e a bus s top. Ourp rop os ed dev el opme nt plan a n d env iro n me nta l i mpa c t report i nclud e bot h o ft hes e requir ement s;h oweve r,weh av e bee n req uested by th e Tow n st aff to de le te th e bus s top from our proj ec t b ecause t he th e pl anned st ops a rc at Vail Run t o the east and Va lli Hi t o th e we st.The re a lso s eems to be som ed is ag r eeme ntamon g sta ffmembers whe t her t oma ke th e publi c transp or tati one asi ly accessi ble to en c ourage its us e ,or to d isco ur a ge use o f the public s yste m i n ord er t o favor th e private t r anspo rt at io n service p rov ide d by th e d evelope r. Aswe indicat ed at th e h earin g ,we a re mo re tli an willi ng to work wi th the Tow n st aff t o arriv e at t he b es t so l utio n f o r b o th th ep ublic a nd private tr ans port atio n sy ste ms fo rt he pr oje ct a nd the Lio n s Ri dge a~e a . 2 .Publ ic s t ree t s yst e m -Kent Ros e stated a tt hep ub lic h e aring tha tt he p r es ent stre et sy stem is ad e qua te to h andl e the t raffi c ge ne ra te d by th e pr opos ed p roj e ct an d th at the cu rr e ntp rob l ems ar e 'creat ed by impr ope r o ri ll e gal 'Of •-~-•on-street parkin g whi ch c all b e controll ed by si gning and poli cin g.Th e P1 ann in g Commissi on r equired th at t his sta temen t b e in writ in g and we h ave re q ueste d that the Publi c Works Depar tmen t prov id e th e Pl anni ng Comm is si on w ith tIle r equir ed docum ent ation,which th ey hav e a greed to do. 3.Ameni ti es -SD5 re qui res that t he ame nit ies be o pe nt o the pUb lic on a fee b asis favo ri ng co n domi niumown ers and gue st s.As wee x presse d at t he me et in g,L &M would pr ef er no t to h ave t ile facil it ie s ope n to the pub lic;howev er we will com plywi th the r equir ement i ft he Town f eels it is ne cessa ry . If th e fa cil iti es mu st be mad e a vail able to the public,we wo u ld p ropose to d o so on a l imited mem be rship b asiswith a maximum of 200 me mbers hips ,1 29 of t he se g ive n to co ndo- miniu mow ners .Own ers would h av ep r io rity fo rr es er vatio n of tenn is and r a cq uetb all c o ur t s.Emp loyee h ousin g resi- d ent swouldh ave access to t he ameni ti es at n on -p e ak tim e s. 4 .T he Depa rtme nt of Co mmuni ty Development ou tli ned f our c ond it iO /IS i n th eir 2 -2 0-80melDOwhic hwe have a gr e ed to a nd h ave in corporat ed in to our d e vel opment plan: a .A bicycle p a th will b ec o ns tr ucted f rom ea st to west t hrou gh th e property. b .18 em pl oy ee h ousin g un i ts as outl in ed i n th e memo a nd i llust rated o n o ur d evelopmen t plan wi llb e pro vid ed ins te ad of 1 0 ap a rtment s req uired by the ordin ance. c .Develop er will pro vide pr ivates hutt le s er v ic e for th e pr oj ect as ou tl ined in item 1 o f this le tt e r. d.The fiv e parki ng sp aces on t he south s ide of the main e nt ra nce will be removed. 5.Landsc apin g -Aswe indi c at ed at t he h e ar in g and on th e la ndscape p lan,sub mi tt ed a s a p ar t of ou r d ev el opment pl an, ext en sive l an dsc apin gwillb e prov ided wi th e ach ph as e .We h av e b udget ed $25 0,000 fo rl andscaping a nd wi ll hir ea lands cape arch i te ct to d esi gn t he d et ailed l an ds cap e plan to b e submit t ed t oDesi gn Revi ewBoard.We will p ro vi de matu re tree swhic h wil lb e incorpo rated into o ur fina l la ndsca pe p lan.As eparate l ett er f r om Br iner /Sco tt is .a tt ach e d r ega rd in g landsc apin g . Our ar chi te ct s,Brin er/S c ott we re al so r equ e st ed to in- v est igate d ecrea sin g ·t h e h ei ght.Th e d esi gn as submitt ed me et s the h ei gh t limi t ou tli ne d in th ez oni ng o rdi na nc e •-3-• and we stron gly f e el t hat th e propos ed d esig n r e sults in th e best s ite pl an .If we wer e to r educe th e h ei gh t of the proj ectt o mee t t he prop ose dn ewo rd i na nce,it would result in a dd it io nal si te cov er age a ndl essg ree n ar ea .Phase I con t ai nst he o n ly p or tion o f t he p roje ct whi chi s6 stori es in h ei ght .Ph as es II and ITI co nta inn o p or tion s o f build- ings ove r5s t ori es i n hei ght. Again,we want to a ssure th e Pl an nin ga nd E nvir on me nt al Comm iss ion ·t hat we are mor e than will ingt o wor k wi th the Tow n to mak e SimbaRuna pr oject that wec an all b e proud of. DIAN A S.TOUGHILL Vice Pre s iden t enc. cc:P end l et on,S a bien &Cr aft Briner /Sc ott Le on Deic as DST/kjb ••'TO :PLANNING MlD Th"'VlIm1vIEN1'AL (n1MISSI0:'T l'IDM:DEPAlUMENT OF COMMUNI1Y DEVElDPMENT DATE:3-1-80 HE :I NITI AL ZON ING OFEIGHT PARCElS OWNED BY THE NATlmAL FaRESI' SERVICE RECEN'ILY A.1'iNEXID IN'lD TIIE TOWN OF VAI L The eight parcels are as follavs: Parcel A B C D E F G H Size in Acres 1 0 .995 4 0 .243 11.498 5 .006 10 14.818 5.182 4 0 General Location NW o f Potato Patch Club NE o f 4-way stop inters ection So .of Forest Rd.West Seibert Cir cle So .of Ptannigan Rd. So.of Vail Valley Dr . (C~lfcour s e Area ) No.of Booth Fa lls Rd . No.of ].la in Gore Dr .(East Vail ) East of Present East Boundary o f Town So t hat zoning on the se parcels ranains c o nsistentwith pres ent County zoning , theDep artrrerrt of Ccmmmi ty Deve lopment r e c omrends Agricult ural and OpenSpace Zoning on t hese parcels (l unit/35 acres). Peter has arrap of these parcels in his office if you woul.d l iket o look at them b e fore the rreeting. 'IO: FROM: DATE: •MI~DHANDUM PlM'NING AND ENVIRCNMENTAL OJMMISSION DEPARThlENT OF OJMMUNITY DEVEWPMENT March 6 ,19 30 • HE:REQUEST H)H OJND ITI CN AL USE PEHMIT FOR BUD AND MAIiCET BThlJIDIer 'ill ALLOW INSTALLATION AND USE OF AN 18 HOLE MINI ATURE CDLF COURSE CN tor 4,BIJX:K 1,LIO~SHEAD 1st FILING AND TRAer H,LICNSHEAD 3rd FILll\'G. DE FntIPrIO~OF PRO'?,)SJID USE The a pplican ts wi shes to insta ll an IS-Hole Mini ature Go1:E Course Facility in t he area Sout heas't of Monson t sSun R"Ck in Lionsh ead.It would be op erated June through early-mid Oc tcber ,A48sq uaref oot ticket booth s t ruct ure is p ropo sed.'Th e f acility would be in op eration from approxi- mat ely 12 noon tc 10 P .l,1.A f'en ce ccn sisting of wood po les and wire mesh to stop t he go lf b a lls is also proposed. CR I TER IA At,,'})FINDINGS .Upon r eview of Sect.Lon 1 8 .600,the Departrren t of Carmunity Developrrent re conmen ~s Appr oval of the Conditional Use P enuit based upon the following factors: Con si dera tion of Fnctor-s e ,!lel a tions hip and impact of the use ondevelopnent obj ectives of the T O"WTI • One of the d eve loprrerrt objectives of the Tovn is to increase c armercial usage of the Lionshead area.The Staff fee ls this propos al greatly e nhan ces activity and creates a more lively atmosphere in this currently "dead"space . Thee ffect of use on light and air,di str ibution of popula tion,t ran sport a tion f a ciUtie s,ut il ities,schools ,parks and r ecrea tionf acilit ies ,and other pub lic fucD Hies an d public fac iE ties n eeds. Th e proposed use adds another dirrension of public r ecreational op por tunities for Vail 's r esidents and gue sts. Effect u pon traffic with particular r efer ence to c ongestion,autcmotive ·an<lJ?e des tri un safety an d conven ien ce,traffic flow an d control,acces s, maneuverilbility,a nd rermval o f snow f ran the street and park t ng area s. The proposal creates no adverse impacts in t hese regards.All pedestr ian walkways will be k ept op en so no ex ratdng p edestrinn traffic wi ll b eimpeded or changed. •CUP-Min iature Golf Course 3-6-80-Pa ge 'l\ro • Eff ect upon the c haracte r of the area in which the propo:o.ed usei s to be l ocated ,includ in g the scale and bu ]k of the propos ed use in r e1a tion to surround ing us es . The proposal s i gn i .Hcant.Ly Impor oves the existing character of the spac e.Surr'oundi.ng busine sses and r eside nts (10 condcmin.iums )have given t heir appr oval of the proposal . Such o the r fac tors and c r iteria as tO le Corrmission d e em.s apr]icab le t o t he propos ed use . There are non e. F INDINGS AND RHX)MME NDATIONS : 1b a Departme nt o f Communi ty Dev elopment r ec ommen ds that t he Condition al Use Permit be Approve d based on the f ollowing f indin g s: That the p ropos ed l ocation o f the use i s in acco rd with the purposes o f t his ordinanc ean dt he purposes o f t he district in which t hes ite is locat ed . That the p ropo sed l ocation of the use and t he conditions under which it wou dI b e o perated or rraintained would not be detr:iIrental t o the public h e a lth,safety ,or welfare o rrraterially injurious t op ro pe rties o r improve me nts in t hev icinity. That the p ro po sed usewouldo cmply with each of t he a pp licable provis ions of t h is o rdinan ce. a:X'lDITI OJ.'lS: LGolfcourse be r enoved by October 15 each year. 2 .Acceptable lighting scheme producing no exces sive glare . 3.Oper ation must close b y 10 P.M. Materials on this will b e pre sented a t t he meeting.Cathie has t he Inrorrrat ton if you would IDee to look at it b efore the mee ting. !'"JJrUilr,13 ,i ouo •• Bu<1 B un od i.c t;h il~gO:10 over the pro po ncd niJl i -~101 f cour ao t o be L oc a t.ed in t he LiO ll Gheild area . I a m in f a vo r of this propo s ed aud i tiOIEI1 bu s ine~:l,i ll t.h e L i.on nhoad ar ca . !1 i! I I J ! B u s L nos s a:f:f iliatio:1 ,i I'I ,, i '...,. '10 : FRO~1: DATE: •MEJvOHANDUM PlANNING AND ENVIRQ\lMENTAL CCMMI SSION DEPAR'ThlENT OF COMwITJNTIY DEVElOPMENT March 10,1980 • HE:PARKING VARIANC E REQUEsr FOR THE CREsr '10 REMOVE 12 UNDERGROUND PARKING SPACES ro ~S1'Rucr ADDIT IONAL MEZf ING SPACE. DESCRI PTIOO OF VARIANCE REQUE STED The Cre st wi shes to conv ert space in their underground garaget oa meeting room.This r equires r ennval of 12 p ark ing spaces.The Cre st is in a IIDMF Zone .'Ih eCrestwas built un der t he f ormer parking r e gul ati ons which required 12 rrore spaces t han u nd er t he presen t system.Thus,t he Crest could remove 12 spaces without a variance.Howeve r,t he a ddit ion of meeting space demands more p arking spaces and thus ,rrakes the fac ility five spaces short . CRITERIA AND F IND INGS yP on r e view o f Criteria an dF indings,Section l 8.6 2 .0 ~O o f t he 1funi cipal Code,t he Department of Commmity Deve]op;ncnt recomne nds L'enial of t he r equested Variance based upon t he foll~ving fac tors : Con sideration of Factors Ther elationship of the requestedv ari.ance to o ther existi ng or p ot ential uses and structtu'es in t he vicinity. There are no effects u pon other structures in the Vi cinity. The degree to which relief from thes t rict or l iter al i n terpretation and .e nf orce ID2 nt of ·a ·s pec if ied regulation is n ece ssary to achieve compatibility an d t mifonn ity o f tre3.tn£nt arrong sites in the vicinity or to attain the ob jectives of this title without grant of special privilege . The Staff feel s that theg ranti ng of this varian ce wouldb ea special p rivilege.The applicant argues the underground spaces are not fully utilized b ecause of the apparent trend o f less and less p r ivate a uto- rrobiles c aning intoVail.The Staff agrees in t heory with thisan d supports the a pp licant's efforts to reduce the nu rrb er of privatea utos coming to the Cre st. However,the Staff is not supporting the variance b ecause it would be setting ad angerous precede nt for the conversion o f these garages in TO\Vll and there is noguarantee the pre sent situation will c on tinue. •Parking Varianee--erest 3-6-80-Page Two • Al so,un derground parking serves the valuablep urpose of ridding the visible surface of the sight of parked c ars.El:iminating spaces undergro und has the potential to see those c arsa t ground level. The effect of r equ e s ted variance on li@t an d a ir ,di stribution of popul ation,t ran s po r ta tion rmd traf fic fac ilities,p ublic fac ilities and utilitie s!an d publ ic safety . Rerroval o fp r ivate undergrou nd parking spaces has a pote ntially n egative inpacto n the Town I R p ublic park ing faci liti e s.However,the gran ting of the variancewould require the a pplica nt to p ayt he $5CXJ O /space park ing variance fee . Such o ther f actors a.'1 d crit e r ia as the c omni ss ion deems app licable to t he p ropo s ed varillilce. It should b e noted t hatb y reduc ing the s ize of the rreeting space the a pp licant co uld accomp lish t he elimina tion o f less parking spaces and bringdown the n urrb er of new spac es required to possibly a tl o»t he addition without a varian ce .This i s because the Cre st is 12 spaces o ver the present p arking requirement. FIND INGS: The Plannin g a nd Env iorrurental Conmis sion s hall Iln ke the fo llowing findin gsb efore granting a \~ar iance : That the grant ing of t he variance wi ll not c on sit itute a grant of special privilege incons iste nt vath t he limtations o n other properties classified · in the s ame district. That the variance i s warranted for one or rmre of the following r easons : There are exceptions or e xtraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply gene rally to other properties in the same zo ne. TIle strict or literal interpretation and e nfor ceneut of the specified refulation \~uld dep rive theappl icant of privile ges enjoyed by the owners of other propel~ies in the same district. Park.ing v[U,jance--crest . 3 -6-8 0--~ageThrce REX.X)MMENDATIONS • The Depar-tment of Comnunity Dev elop is recorrrrending denial of this parking va ri a nce du e to dan g erous prec edent-setting if gran ted and because.we feel · it would c onsti tute a s pec ial privilege.We would support the conversion of the space if it can be done without need o fa variance. Pe t e r has plans on this in his office on this if you would l ike to look at t hemb efore the meeting . •TIlE CHEST PARK lNG ·WE OF SPACE Dining &Banquet Areas Hot el Rooms Condominiurrs Office 'IUl'AL Present Parking Provided Excess Spaces NO.OFUNITS 128 19 147 PARK ING SPACE S FLCOR AREA (Sq.Ft .)m RUIR ED 9 ,792 65.28 . 47,424 98.56 23,991 33.22 741 2 .47 81,948 200 212 12 -..•~-./""-.-. S L Ls.,s l~).h~_--~---~~l?'--~.. ~~~.. ~~'-l ~~____ '.-~T-II-5Id~~~~_---- ~o-Co ----P-\-,'hJ .---~~~.~.-,I s ,;j ..,?»11 ~•• -t ---- ,D "h 1--.•------r-----tt ~~-- 1-------------.-t---I--_..----- I ----.--~-f---.~-----.-'. 1----------~--t------.------~-- ----,-r-_. ·c f-------I '1---'-t, r---I----------.1-------....-.----- I------1------------I ~------- -------_...-.. 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T":>-. r-----·- I -u I I ~I i,I !IlI-~:---- = I~.v~/'"r----- ___---It--===---~----(-4 In ,'.....; .r: cr ,~-':~-r-i l \-rn~1== 1,I \•\'r_~' ,-...'-.( 5 030, TOWN OF VA II, APPL leN!'ION ron CONDl'J'lO NAL USE P EIUIIT Appli ca tion Date Febru ary 18 .19"80 Public li GaTing Date Publi c at ion Date _-------"d -d :}-'to Ih ~~r'")0 -11 f {Y f t.'2ul J:>6/::::::::v:-==-) Name of Applicant Ray "Bud "Ben edict &Marcet Ben ed ict Name o fOwne r if diff er ent from Applicant Mai li ng Address 68 0W.L io ns he ad PI \I ai i,Col or a--d-B------- Teleph one 47 6·24 71 -°ff ic e .4 7 6 5<...J1e-3.<..l6.l..--=--.uh-'-'O CWffiLCe'--_ L egal De s cription:Lo t "4 ,Block-'---_-,--_,Filing L i onshead J st f iii ng T ra ctH _-L ci I ~~g Li on 5 h e ad3rd f iii n9 1 If p r o p er ty i s u npl at ted s ubmi tmet es &bound s d escr ip tion as exhi bi t ) Applicat ioni s her eby ma de for a Condit i onal Use P erm it to a l low: S umm er in stala t ion and use of an 1 8 hi'.toemlnla ure g ol f course APP LICATION WILL NO TBE 1 .Heari ngF ee -$50 .00 ACC EPTED UNLESS ACCOM PANIED BY THEFOLLOWI NG : /~t;ZI +s.~for EACH addr e ssed e nve lope. 2.A LIST OFTHE OWNERS OFTHE P ROPERTIES wi th in 300 f e et in a S ingle -Family Res idential;~vo-Family Re si d enti al;or Two-F amily Primary/S e condary Re sid ential Zone Distri c t;o r a cl jacent to the s ubject pro perty in all o ther Zone Di s tr icts. The Own ers List s hall include the n a mes of all o wn ers a nd the legal d e script ion of the prop erty o wn ed by ea ch.Ac comp anying this list s hallb e pre-a ddr ess ed e nve l o p es along with Cer ti fic at es a nd Retur n Rec eipt s pr operlyf illed o ut to e ach owner.Th ese f orm s c an be ob ta in ed fr om the U.S .Post Of fice . 3.Site Plan,floor pl an and o th er d o cuments as r equi r ed by th e Zoning Administrator 4 .Ad escription of tile pr eci se n ature o f th ep ropose d use ,its operating c llarac tc r is tics a nd me asu re s propos ed t o make the use c ompatible with other p ro p erti es i n the vicinity . ~~"c(~'}L V A-"q(jD3 "~t ~/8'0~ \ _.-------" ..-_. ..... ,.. ••Ra y "B u d"Be n ed ic t 6 80 Wes t Li onsh ead Pl ac e Va i I,Co l o .8 165 7 tel .4 7 6-2 471 F ebru ar y 5 ,1 980 •0 . Mr .Ben K .Wahl e Ma n a ge r,Co mmer cial De ve lop me nt Va il,Associa te s,Inc. Bo x 7 Va ii ,Co I o ,81 657 De arM c _Wa h I e; E n cl osed y ou w i 11 fin dt he fo ll owin g: 1 .L et ter r e q uest in gc onsid er ation o f a 5 yea rl ease 2 .L ayo ut o f pr opose d miniatur e go lf cou rs e 3 .P urc h as e an d s e t-up co sts h ee t 4 .S e a s ona l o pera t io na l cos t 5 .P ro jec ted i n comes ta te merl t S i ncer e ly , Ray B .8 e ne dic t en c I• 88 1mb Page 1 ••Ray "Bu d"Be n ed ict 680 We st L i ons head Place Vai i,Co I o ,8 I 6 57 t el.471)-247 1 I ,Ray"Bud "Ben edict and my wife ,Mar ce t,reque st Va i I "As so ciat es c on s i der a l ea se o n t he op en area deck b etw e en th eL io n s he ad g o ndo la b~i I di ng and the S u nbi r d Lo d g e.Sa id area c o n s ists o fa ppr o ximat el y 3 ,200 s q u a r e f ee t of open and u n used s pace .T he i nte n du s e of th i s sp ace i sa mi ni 18 h o le g olf cou rse t o be ope rated Jun e ,J ul y,Augu s t an d S ep t e mb ero f e ach year .We wouldp rop ose to p ayVa iIAs s o ci at es 1 300 .00 for t he s e4 mo n th s ,$200 .00 per mo nth ,plus 6 %of ou r g ros s s a les o ve r $10,0 0 0.00 a nnu a ly .F ur t her we wo u ld re ques t a 5y e ar l e a se w i th o p t i on fo rr e ne wa l. We a re prop os in g t o leav ea7 'wal kwayf rom th es tep s to t h e north e x it o~to t heL io nshe ad mal I a nd a 3 'walkway al ong the VaiI As soc i at es b uiI d ing to the Wes t e ntr a nce of the go ndo Ia bu i Id ing . An a tt rac tivewoo d po st a nd sma l lmes h w ire f en c e i s to be ins ta l l ed aroun d t he pe r ime te r of t he c o u r se t o contr ol the t ra ff i c flow l an es a ndt hes t ray g oI fb a IIs .: An in t e resting firs t c l ass go lf course ,w i th h o les re fl e cting the VaiI at mosph ere wiIIb e i n s t al led and ma inta ined .Pr opo s ed operat ion hour s a re 1 2:00 no on t o 10:00p .m.,7 da ys awee k.A ll costs of In st a ll i n g and di sm antli ngt he cours e -l ights a nd e lec t ric work a ndt he ti ck et shed to be p a id by t hel easee .Insuran ce a s d eemed neces sary by Vai I Asso c iat e s w i I I be ca rr i ed a nd paId fo rb y the l ea s e e.Va rious f lo we r bo xes w i I I b e installed an dma intai ne dby t he lea see . Page 2 • Inv e s tm ent Co s t Equ i pme nt "cost F en ce Ti c k e t sh ed L i g h ting a nde l ec t ri city Ljghti n g i s ta llati on c ost S e {"u p c os t-lab or To ta I investm ent $16,900 .0 0 2,500 .0 0 2 ,000 .00 1 ,500 .00 1 ,500 .00 5 00 .00 S 24,900 .00 Advun ta g es to Lionshead ar e c onsiderable peopl e traffic that would a ct d u p to 1 .I m~o v ed s hop and r e st aurant b uis ness 2 .Additi onal activit y fo r ou r re si den ts and g uests 3 .Mo r e paid gondo la rict es P a ge 4 e y "Bud"Bened i c t • 680 Wes t Lion she adP lace Va i I,Co l o.8 1657 t e l.476 -24 71 February 5 ,1980 Mr .Ji mRub in Towno f Va iI Box 100 Va i I,Co lo .8 1657 Dear J im; The Be ned icts a re work ing ona l easewi th Va i I Assoc ia tes fo r th e open area dec kb etwe en th eg o ndo la b uiI din gan d Mo ns o ns .'lI e woul d I ik e to use t hisa rea f or a minia t ur e go lf cou rse .T his cou rse t o ope ra te June ,Ju ly ,Augus t a nd Sep tember each year f ro mn oonu nti I 10 :00 p .m. I t wi II bed is mantled an d s to re dd u ring t he ba l ance o f the year . I am enc losing the p lan showi ng ho w th is you wi I I not e in or der t o a ll ow 1 8h o le s h ole wher e t he c ustomer loose s t he bal I, the mal I e ntra nce walk way. go lf course wo uldl ay out.As at ic ket b uilding a nd th e 1 9th I wo uldn eed to e ncroach o n I ama t this po int see k ing th at pe rm iss ion . We have co n tac ted a l I b usiness w i t h in 2 00y a rds a ndh ave t he ir b le ss ing . T heya ll fee lt his Ivi I I add anew d eme nti on t o lLi onshead and t hat i twi II br ing add it ion al pe op le tr aff i c which Li on sh ead so re ly needs . Our gol f course wi I I benew ,c us tom b ui It,attr ac tive t o ref lec t Vai I 's fine image .I twi l l beman aged a nd main ta inedp rofes si ona ll y. A lso enclosed i sap hoto of a co urse s imil ar to what wewi II ha v e,a pl an for t he t icket s hed ,a c ost br eakdown and an a rt is t 's co ncept io n of what t he a rea wi II l o ok l i ke . T hank you fo r you r co ns ide ra t io n. S in ce re ly, I:lu d Be nedict en cI • BBlmb e I .PUBLIC NarrCE NarrCE IS HEREBY GIIlm '!HAT Ray ''Bud''and Marcet Benedict are applying for a Conditional Use Pennit to allow installation and use of an 18 hole miniature golf course on Lot 4,Block 1,Lionshead 1st Filing and Tract H,Lionshead 3rd filing.This is in the CC2 Zone District.This application is made in accordance with Section 18.26.040 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held before the To.vn of Vail Planning and Environmental Cannission on March 10,1980 at 3:00 P.M.in the Town of Vail Municipal Building.Said hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI'IY DEVELOPMENT ;}o--rn.!.o O.c .,.: JarrES A.Rubin Zoning Administrator . ('.<1./' Published in the Vail Trail on February 22,1980 g ANTLERS·L10NSHEAD 680 w esi L .o ns h e a d P lace v a u C Olo rad o 816 57 Phone (30 3)476 -2471 Aug us t 12 ,1985 Eus ta qu io Cort in a Sl He r &Comp any 230Bridge Stre et Vail,Co lo rado 8 1657 Dear Mr .Cor tina: Thank y ouf or the cou rtesy y ou extended meon July 30th in our b rief di scussion of the pr os and c ons of the proposed location for t he Mar -Bud Miniature Go lf Cour se. As a co ndominiummanager in Vail for the past 15ye ars I under- s tan d and respe ct your concerns and Iam prepared to work with you andyo ur c ondominium association i n whatever waypossible.It is n ot -my wis h t oc r ea te probl ems f or yo u and th e other condominium owner s. As you know,in its fo urye ars of operation,we have had no p roblems and n o complaint s.Wewould reall y like to remain in the p re se nt l ocat ion bu t be cau se of proposed construction by Vail Asso- ciat e s a ndt he Sunbird Lodge remaining th ere is impossible. Kr i stan Pri tz,Vai l Town Planner,and I spent the better pa rt of our morning try ing to f inda suitable alternate location .but c ould c ome upwith only th e propos ed one below the ski schoo l. Th e ne edf or a n inexp ensive activity in LionsHead is obvious a ndi s s uppor te d whole he arted ly b yv irtual ly al l LionsHead business peop le .I td oes draw a ddi tional p eople to LionsHead and y es,it will c r eat easma ll deg re e o f a ddit ional noise.However,in an attitude of coo pera tion,we a re willing to comply with the following: 1.Open at 10:00 a.m.,Close a t d usk. 2.No sa le of pop,candy,popcorn et c. 3 .No music or amplified noise. 4.Noo ne with drinks i n hand allowed on the course. 5.No disorderl y conduct allowed. 6.Open June,July,August and September o n ly . 7 .Remo ve all f en ces a nd buildings at the end of each seaso n. ~T \J~IL 8.To rest ore the grass on any area damaged b y our use a t the end of each year and at the termination o f our lease. 9.To police the a rea daily and r emove tra sh and debri s as needed. 10.To hire only responsible managers. 11.To re spond t oa ny problems or co mp lain ts your p e opl e may ha v e. This is the only economically l o gical l ocati ona vailable a nd. quite honestly,if we cannot relocate her ei t is mos tl ik el y t he end of miniat u re golf in Vail.I realiz e this i s n ot yo ur p robl em.I only b ring it out in a n a t tempt to s how you how s t rong our nee d is fo r tO ~l approva l of this l o ca tion. If you have any questions or other requirement sy ou wo u ld like to d iscuss,please feel free to call.I a mmo st a nxious to wo rk wit h y ou and your Association. Sinc erely, BudBene dic t Gen eral Manag er c c:Kristan Pritz • 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)476·7000 J uly 11,1985 Bud Be nedict %Antle rs 68 West Lionshead Place Vail,Colorado 81657 Re :The Marbud Go lf Course Dear Bud: • officeof community development At our inte rdepartmental meeting,the directors reviewed the Marbud gol f course locatio n behind Alfie Pac ker's i n Lionshead.I t was felt that if you could create a6 foot buffer ont he north side oft he bike path between the golf course and thebike path,that t heproposal would be much more acceptable tothe staff.We would prefer tosee younotusethe cement pathways and pads for the golf course.However, if Vail Assoc iates finds that it is absolutely necessary that youuse cement,the staff would like to have a letter of credit oranescrow accounttocoverthe cost of removing the cement and relandscaping that area if you decideto close the golf courseinthe future.We will also probably request that you improve thetypeof landscaping ··.that you will use for your golf course.As an example,mo re planters and more substa ntial trees would probably be requested inthe Design Review Board stage. I wou ld like toschedule this proposalfo r aPlanning Commission meeting assoonas possible.Please let me know how you feel about these different requests.Please call me assoonas possible. Sincerely, ~~(\R1ltt Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:b r • TO :Planning andEnvironment al Co mmission FROM:Co rrmunity Develop ment Dep artmen t DATE :~lay 28,1985 SUBJECT:Reque st for a conditional use perm ittoallow the i nstal la tion oft heMarbud miniature golf cour se on pa rt of Tracts C &0, Vail Li onshead Fili ng #1.Ap pli cants :Bud a nd Marcet Benedict DESCRIPTIO N OF PRO POSED USE The Be nedicts are requesting t o locate aminiature go lf course on Tracts CandDof LionsheadFi lin g#1.Tracts CandD are located direct l y south of t he Li onshead Center building.The zonin gf orthe se two t racts is Comm erci a l Core II.Th e 18hole miniature golf course is located within the f encedareabehindtheVailLionshead Cent er bui lding andthe bike path .Th e Ap plicant hasgiventhe f ol low ing desc r ipt ion for the operation: "The go lf course ru nways as we ll as all s i dewa lks wi Il be pour ed concrete flu sh tot hegr assl evel.The golfruns will be carpeted with green grassca rpet.The 2"x4"stop r ai lin gs andthe various miniature buildin gswill be bol t ed t oth e concrete and will be removed whennotinus e,leav ing t he area1e ve1.The ticke t shed,benches,potted trees an d portable f ence will be removed at t heendofthes ummer,as wel l.(No te enclose d photoso f the Glenwood Springs course). Wal kway s wil l run a roundeach gol fho le,fro m one ho leto another as well astothe entrance,the e xit and a lle xpo sed areas.It is ouri ntentto e liminate al l wear and tear tothe grass . Our hourswould r ema inthe sa me,10 :00 a m to 10:00pm f rom June15thtoSeptember3rd .Durin g th e l ast t hree weeks in September we wi ll be open we e kend s onl y,a ndth en during the hoursof 10:00amto 6:00pm. The lighti ng used was previo us ly approved and dir ects a ll light down soasnotto create a glareproblem toany commercial or r esidenti alpr ope rty .Ourl andscaping is portable and do es addto ove r all appeara nce of t he are a . Marbud Miniature Golf -2-5/2 8/85 This is oneofthe few inexpensive family activities available in Vail, and it doesenhance the business activity of the whole area.It is used byboth residents and guests.The proposed location adds another recrea- tional activity close to the gondola,and will not alter the area in anadverse way.We will completely remove the course byOctober15th each year.We will also police the area and restore the grass to its original state upon removal." CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon reviewof Section 18.60,the Community Development Department recommends denial of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors Relationship andimpactof the useondevelopment objectives ofthe Town. The purposeof the Commercial CoreII district is: To provide sites for amixtureof multiple dwellings, lodgesand commercial establishments ina clustered, unified development.Commercial Core II district in accordance withtheVailLionshead Urban Desi gn Guide Plan and Design Considerations is intended to ensure adequate light,air,.open spaceand other amenities a ppropriatetothe permitted t ypes of build ing andusesandto maintain the desirable qualities ofthe district by establishing appro priate site deveopment standards. Staff believes that the ~i n i a t u re golf course will create negative impactsonthe character of the open space directly southofthe LionsheadCenter Condominiums.It is true that the Commercial Core II area doesallow for a mix of dwellings,lodgesand commercial establishments.However,the Commercial Core IIzone is also . intended to provide openspaceand "other amenities appropriate tothe permitted typesof building andusesandto maintainthe desirable qualities of the district,"(Section 18.26.010).Lionshead is an intensely developed area.It is felt that the open space surrounding the commercial area ofLionsheadshouldbe preserved to soften the ex isting development.Cement runways and sidewalks would be visible during the spring and fall which create negative impacts onthe natural land scaping that now exists on the site .Given this concern,the staff feels that the miniature golfcour se in this particular location is not appropriate .Thisisnottosay that another site within the Commercial Core IIzone district mightnot be suitable for this type of use. The effect oftheuseon light a nd air,distribution ofpopulation, transportation facilities,utilitie s,schools,parks and recre ation facilities,and other public facilit ies needs. Some negative impact i s anticipated.Therei s u possibility that the cement sidewal ks and golf runwa ys would crea te pro bl ems for pedes trians walkingto the VailAssoci ates Sk iSchoola rea when the winter snows 5/28/85 Ma rbud Minia tureGo lf Co urse #3 beginto me lt.Also,thec e ment a reas may havene gative i mpacts on the aesthetics of t he site when the snow begins to melt. Effect upon tra ffic with particul ar reference to congestion,automotiv e andpedestrian s afety a ndconvenien c e,traffic flowand control,access, maneuverability,andr emoval ofsnow from the street andpa rkinga reas. The Recreat ion Depart ment has st ated t hatt here willbea safety pr oblem by l ocatingt his t ypeof facility adj acent to the b ike path.The applicants have stated that the golf course wil l maintain a one f oot buffer between the bi kepathand fence.Howev er,on the plans the fe nce for thegolf c ourse is located di rectl y on the edge of the bi ke path.The Re creac ti onDepa rtmental so s tated their preferencetohave opensp ace onei th er s ideo f the path.They e mphasizet hat pa rticula rly inthe mor edeveloped a reas of Vail,th e open areas are of pr e mi um value.Th e Fire Department stated that t heywould li ke tohave a greater distance between the bike path and the fe nce s urroundingth e miniature go lf course aswellto allow for emergency access (minimum 2 feet buffer).In gene ral ,t he minia turegolf course creates ne gative impactson pedestr ia n sa fetyandconvenience,as we ll a st r affi cf l ow . Effect upon t hec hara cter of t he a rea i nwhic ht heproposeduse is to be located,inclu dingt he scal e andbul k o fth e proposedusein relat ion to su rro unding uses. The Lionsh ead Cente r Co ndom ini um b uildi ng,e speci all y on th es ouths ide, has predominantly a resi dential c harac te r.It is f elt t hat t he commerci al nature ofthe miniaturegolf course i s incomp atible with t hecondominium use directly adjacent to the site.The light s for e veninguse and operation of the golf course unt il 10 :00 pm may cre ate negative i mpacts for those units facing out over the golf cours e site.Staf f believes that the miniature golf course wouldhave a negative impacton th e existing character of the open space area. RELATED POLICIES I NVAIL'S CO MMUNI TYACTIO N PL AN The Communi ty Actio nPlan s ta tesi n t heParks and Recrea tio n sect ion that "Vail s houldpr ovide relativel y undeveloped open spac esa ccessi ble to the core areas (e.g.bi king paths andbenc hesa long GoreCreek,con - version of po rtions of thos e paths to cross-coun trys ki trai 1s ).II Open spaces adjacent toVail's core areas are ani mportant asset t o preserve for the community.The location of th egolfcour se onan existing open space are a would create ne gative impac ts onth eopen space character of th e land behind th e Lionshe ad Center buildin g. Secondly,inth e Econo mi cConsiderations section of the Co mmun ity ActionPl an,it is s t atedth at curre nt summ erpro gr ams sho uld ~e maxi mu mized aswell a s oppor tunit ies and f ac ili tie s.The minia ture golf course doesprovide an additional s umm er amusement .Howe ver, staff fee ls th at th is partic ul ar site i snot t he mo st a ppropr ia te location for aminiature golf course.It is fe ltth ata completely removable golfco ursewould havel ess i mpact tha n a go lfcourseha ving perman ent cem ent walks a nd r unways. 5/2 8/85 Marbu d Mi niatureGolf Cou rse #4 Such other f acto rsandc rite ria a s the Co mmi ssion deems applicable to the proposed use. The environ mental i mpact rep ort concerning the proposed use,if an environ mental impactrepo rt is r equired by Ch ap ter 18.56 . FINDINGS Th e Co mmu nity Develop ment Depa rtment reco mmend s that the conditional useper mit bea pproved/denied based onthefo llowing findi ngs: That thepropo sed l ocati onof th euse isina ccord with the pur po ses of this ordinan cea ndthe purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of theuse a nd t he conditions under wh ich it would be opera tedormaintained would no t be de tri me ntal t othe pub lic health,safety,or we lfareormat eri ally inju rious toprope rties ori mprove ments int he vicinity . Thattheproposed usewould compl y witheach of theapplica ble provisions of this o rdinance. STAFF RECOMME ND ATIO NS Staff reco mmends th at thi s pro posal be denied.The location of the golf course on t his s ite will c reat e safetyproble ms for cycli sts using thebikepath a swellasfo r emergency vehicles trying to access theLionshead Condominium Building.Staff would like to emphasize that theidea of a miniature golf course in the Commercial Core IIzone district i s notan inappropriate idea.However,it is felt that this particul ar s ite is not themost suitable site for a miniature golf course,e speciallyaper manent golf course. Any approvals th at may begiven for th is pr ojec t arecontingent upon meetingtheTown engineer 's requi re me ntt hat f urther information be provided on the first s ixeasements lis ted intheeasement report for Tracts Cand D.Any approval that may begiven for this proposal must be contingent upon the clarification oftheeasement s.If there are any problems with theea sements withr espect tothe miniature golf cour se, the applicant wouldneed to rever se the proposa l. CSlifer&__________ompany _ MEM0 RAN DUM TO: FROM: DATE: PLANING COMMISSION VAIL/LIONSHEAD CENTER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION MAY 24,1985 In re:~:~to the miniature golf course we st~lY :gree with the staff's memo. in Lionshead, 2 30Bridge Street,Vail.CO 81657 (303)476-2421 Eustaquio Cortina H ome :4 76-3 11:l0 C Slifer &---_om pany _ Real Estate 230Bridge Street,Vail,CO81657 •(303)476 -2421 PORTANT MESSAGE FOR---;-o:; A.M.DATE-TIME P.M. WHILE YOU WERE OUT M M OF OF PHONENO.PHONENO. TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TOSEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN CALLED TOSEE YOU WILL CALLAGAIN WANTS TOSEEYOU RUSH WANTS TOSEEYOU RUSH MESSAGE ---I-~LAA--..!'''--:f\-''-------- SIGNED,_ "h1-¥!!g.'11..A2334 SIGNED,-:..-_ •L1.A2334 PtIlINTt'O IN U".A. EASEMENT REPORT NO.EllO That according tothe indices of the CountyRecorderofEagleCounty,Colorado relative to the following real property: Tracts C &D,Vail Lionshead,First Filing A.Easements that affect the above described property are as follows: ----------~(Easements shown on plat recorded May 18,1970 in Book 217 at Page 676 Easements shown in protective covenants recorded May 18,1970 in Book 217 at Page 675 Easement recorded September2,1969 in Book 215 at Page 903 Quit Claim Deed recorded August 17,1984 in Book 389 at Page 502 Easement recorded June5,1967 in Book 205 at P'!ge 3 *$IIM ."'» _asemel1Lr.ecor.decL~J,__19.6L.i!:!.-B.oQL205._a_age 3 *z -:",~r Aft'u asement recorded November 4,1966 in Book 200 aage 405 *~~~~-------------- Easement recorded October10,1966 in Book 200 at Page 231 *A'~ Easement recorded September15,1966 in Book 197 at Page 471 *fVrr Easement recorded September15,1966 in Book 197 at Page 469 -~A/)) , J -. " *Cannot determine if these are on property without surveyor determining actual location. ~1 ay 14,1985Dated:__-"-_"--_ (The liability ofthe company is limited tothefeepaid for this report) ,1'"I I • ,I • • I · I,Ij i i , II I ,I II.j', I .~ ;: Ii,, I I I "II \ i I"II:,.,;, LI' I ! I',:I : Ii \ II I I: I' \ • I I I , I ), ".'!]1 i·il' ~~~J! 1~'j~Jl ~ ~'!it~:11;·;;; "Ii!'y ·f l'·,f "',..I)! .t,,.,, r.: 1! i·I: i I,.. It •r, ".. ------ "!~ :J' ,I I, 'I. I ii l ,~ \ .! I I., ;:1., :'I ~I I" ~ l :\':I :' i IIIIId!Ii!,.~ I I 1 1 .1I' i I l .r e (Va ll VIll.l.Ir .Tr.c t A t r .cl of 1. f Lot b .II<>ck 1'.llrd ~u d., CI r ~.a .or.. co.prla d of •p.rt 01 Trat I,p.ft of Tr.ct C,.nd p.rt }-I.V.11VIII •••'Ir.,111 ,.cordln toth ..thaf.~f capti N 9'J 2 I.t he offlL'ofth La I.County.Color.do, r (Cl ark 'co r d.),d.c rlbad.fo llov.: the ....t rly norther I,Un .-- h ,I to "ndAr of •d I'."~I (I )14 '},'O~''''2 8 ,J~I ,.t ;(2)SI7 '36'~6"t. ",.t ('·/.I,'4 ~'~"~J ,OU I~t;(4 )S""'I I'O."W 1 1 1.00 leet;(}) bt\t,-l 'Ol.+·h IJ~.O U f e t t <"h to .""1 r ly l in u f ttl Vtll.g~C.nt r paH _' de Tt l'!d1 11 8 00'"'21b lit I .flt"f.2 'an th e lf.,..'.M ro r d a ;th n ee th e (01)t.ln.t w<c r-ur a el en t h c"t er ly b u lld .ry 0 1 .a id VUla ••Cent.r : (ll S(If··.J7'n"1l•.t.,E!I .:..(..)Soli ,'0 0 "..'1.40 fl'el t o lh "fluthe••t corn r f l,('\[~.~l d -..f.Va n V I1 ..j((}u r fj J"c;ttl nc.••l un the ••t tly lIn,(lr ,),Al l I II r ',FlI I h l ln SJ 4 'JO'3b"L 9\41>t eI (S 3]']O'41'" ,,-.t t (all "t,.li)t tt'u "'r 'h j n ,ot Lo t 8.Blndr '\-B.\'a1)V1l1a&r. JT t }l i'II ):t h II e t h 1 11 o "'lnl t v «(OU ft a loll 'a id n orth l in (I) H'"I'(til;oo It r ;(f7/"l l'OI"}~,n l~tt"f"t t o ht p o i nt o f b eLnn f ng, II f J ~~IEREA S ,s eco~~p ur ty is 6e sirous o f c onstructing and ma intai n ing a gas d i strib utions ystem located in properties owned by p arty of t he f irst pa rt, A part o f the No rt hea st o ne-quarter of S ection 7, Town ship 5 So u th ,Range 8 0 Wes to f th e Sixth P r i nci p ~l Me ri dian.Coun ty o f E a gle ,Sta te o f Colora do.more par ti cu la rly de sc ribed as f ol lows: .~. ..~':. -v Ko ta ry Public . AS S~r~~&.r resi de nt VAIL SS Xy ~~~s5 io~Expires:C:~21s:.e i -(Z?( i Beg inn~ng at the Southeasterly corner of L ot 11, Va il Vi llage Second Filing ;thence S.7 9°33'1 5" w.and along the Southe rly lines of r ,ot I i a nd Lo t 12 ,7 9 .2 9 feet;t he n ce o n an ang le to th e l ef t of 1 71 04 6 '0 9 ",79 .98 feet to a point of in t ers ectior with the S outhwest erly line of Tract A .Amende d Mao of S h eet 1 of 2o f Va il Vil lage s e cond E'i l.l.~l g ~t.he n ce N .09°45 '49 "W. ~nd along sa id Southweste rly line 1 1.4 5 f~e t t o t he true point of begi nn in g. E1>.SEMENT . i'iU S I NDENTU RE.,na Ce this £bf..day of c2 Uy '47- A.D.1 969,be tween VAIL AS__ATES ·Ne _ fi r st par t y,an d Ga s Fa cilities,Inc ~,·a publ ic utility corpo rv ~~on o f t he State of Colorado~second partYi WITNESS ETH: ~ow,T HEREFORB,fo r a nd in c on sic er a t io~o~t he s um of o~~Dol lar a nd oth er good and va lu ab le c on s iderati on paid b y se~o ~d pa r ty.=e ceipt o f wh ichi sh ereby ack~ow l ed g e d by ~ p a=ty o f t~e f ~r st p ar t,first party h ereby grants a per- ot ~ua l ~ase~en t fo r the construction,~ainten ance,removal~~d repla cement o f s aid gas line s of such size as desired b y the second party on a parcel of land descr;~ed as follows: T~e ri ght of easen ~~is hereby g =a~ted .i ncl uding t he ~:'-S ~-·:.:0 :=t }-:e r.e cessar y use of s '~i f .:·,c ':'of s a i.d La nds t for cO~St~~c~~o~J 1 5 y i n~,~inte ~ance .r emoval ,repai r a~d re - ?::'i;;.ce;:-,e::t of s~id l i.r.e .It \J ill '.::>e ....nde r's t.ood t.r.a t,t he ?:=°P E::=t lt2S \0.':'11 be z-e s t c.r ed t o o rig ir..a l oo nd i t i ons a nd a ny c Or.l age cu u s e d now or .i n the futu re ~o the se l an ds or ad- ~Cl.:1~r,g lCi.:".cs or s z rcc t u z-es as a re sult of line construction O!~*~~~~e n b nC €will be re paired. ->:.."..":N ·.,vl.:r ~KESS WHEREO F,the parties o f the razs t;part ha ve ,..:.'h e !'e u n t~p"""'§:'t t heir hands and seals o n the day a nd year firs~ --,~r~.,\wr~1:te r... s,-;;-=_ ;~." R,pL Jrn ''J'1 GAS FACIL1TI~S.INC. n :,Ma~,,,,':l ('8 ·,11 Un'j OPn"<&:I c",\(\rado GO''''' INTE R-DEPA RTMENTAL RE VIE~ DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING,_ IIPROJECT:.--:_~-.:.!.._____'='_ DATE SUBM ITTED :_-...,."..---=~--,-- COMMENTS NEEDED BY:~~~~~___ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF T ...~.J) PUBLIC WOR KS .J Reviewed by :-L.;,-'~:........_Data ~P'~/8 .) Comments: /)r '-'" FI RE DEPARTMENT Revi ewed by:----'Date ___ Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Revi ewed by:----'Date._ Comments: -:.:.(-,, .- -.~, RECREATION DEPARTMENT .Reviewed by:---:Date._ Comments:.1 .,.,:. •Date of Application.~---~--------- Date of PEC Meeting,___ APPLICATION FOR CO NDITIONAL USE PEffi~IT I.Thisprocedureisrequiredfor any project requiredto obtain a conditional usepermit. The application willnot be accepte d until all informationissubmitted. A.NAME OF APPLICANT Harbud Hiniature Golf Course ADDRESS 680 ~v.Lionshead Plo Vail,CO 81657 B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE.__~R~o~b~e=r~t~L~eV~~=·n~e=--___ ADDRESS 680 N.Lionshead plJ Vail,CO 81G57 C.NAME 0FOWNER (S)(print 0 rtype)B::..:u=.:d=--;.B:..::e:.:.:n:..:::e~d=-i~c~t _ ,OWNER(S)~SIGNAT U RE(S)(jJ ...--o~-+-----, ADDRESS 680 W.Lionshead PL,_ .Vail,co 81G57 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL-LO T ~BLOCK~FILING~___ ._;-,,••,....•....-'.~.,'••'I , ADDRESS Part of tract C &D Vail Lionshead First Filing E.FEE $100 PAID £/2.(i CK #2752 BY \t \£v t kj I / THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F.A list ofthe names of owners of all property adjacent tothe subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS,and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBL E FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II.PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFOR MATION IS NEEDED.NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPl.ETE (M UST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMI~ISTRA 10R).11 IS THEAPPLICANT'~RESPONSIBLITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE ,PEC MAY STIPULATE.'ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A 'BUILDING PERMIT IS I55UED. OVER ,-oi-.......;... •" II.Four (4)copies of the following information: ,.~. A description of the prec ise n ature of the proposed use and its operating characteristic s,and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. ,1 A site plan showing proposed development of the site,inclUdi ng topography,bu ilding locations,parking,traff ic circulation~ useable open space,landscaped area;and utilities and drainage features • c. V A. ·v ·'.B. ~reliminary building plans and e levations sufficient to indicate the dimension3,general appea~ance,scale,and interior plan o f all buildings • .h lr.u fVf D,.,•...···Any additional material necessary for the review of the application t'"~as determined by the Zoning Administrator. .. III.Time requirements The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month.An application with the necessary accompanying material must be submitted fOlir .weeks prior to the date of the meeting.. ....' :.... .- • PROPERTIES AND BUSINESSES CLOSE TO PROPOSED MINIATURE GOLF COURSE Lionshead Cente~Condominium Assoc. c/o Vail Home Rentals 143 East Meadow D~ive Vail,CO 81657 Lionsqua~e Condo Assoc. 660 W.Lionshead Ci~cle Vail,CO 81657 T~eetops Condominium 469 S.Che~~y Denve~,CO Association ttl 10 80222 Lazier A~cade Box 627 Vai I,CO Building 81658 Vail T-Shi~t Co. 470 E.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 The Picnic BasKet 460 E.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 Current's of Vail 520 E.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 Vail CooKie Co. 500 E.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 Cha~lie's Gondola SKi Shop 482 E.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 The Younge~Gene~ation 500 E.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 Al fie PacKe~'s 536 E.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 Shades of Vai I 476 East Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 Canada's of Vail,Ltd. 483 W.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 Caroselli's Vail Facto~y 531 W.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 Designe~Fu~s 523 W.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 Les Del ices de F~ance 517 W.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 Coope~Cole 507 W.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 Performance Spo~ts 501 W.Lionshead Mall Vail,CO 81657 L fl {[n .i:(y.lo J ~ '/,flv")Ve,/"-t ),)( 13o-'z 2-lf ~, G c~( -I~/'('(\ A ANT ERS·L10NsffEAD 680Wes t t.i onsneao Pla ce V all .C olorado81657 Ph one 1303)476-2471 To:The Department of Community Development Date:April 28,1985 Re:Request for Conditional Use Permit for Bud and Marcet Benedict to allow installation and use of an l8-hole miniature golf course on part of Tract C &D,Vail- Lionshead Filing #1. Description of Proposed Use We wish to relocate the l8-hole miniature golf course from the Monson's sundeck in Lionshead to the Vail Associates property between the fence south of the Vail Lionshead Center building and the bike path in Lionshead,leaving a one foot clearance between the edge of the bike path and the golf course temporary fence. The same ticket booth,course,and portable fence will be used as previously approved by Vail Design and Review Board.Operational hours will be from 10:00 a.m.to 10:00 p.m. Criteria Under Section 18.600 Consideration Factors: Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town One of the development objectives of the Town is to increase commercial usage of the Lionshead area. The effect of use on light and air,distribution of population, transportation facilities,utilities,parks and other recreation facilities,and other public facilities and public facilities needs. This proposed use adds another dimens ion of public recreational opportunities for Vail's residents and guests.This new location,close to the gondola,ties in well with the existing recreational area.It will be easily accessable and will not create additional traffic problems. ,£1T \J,£1IL g ANT ERS'L10N'>fiEAD 680WestLi onshead Pla ce Val l.C o lorado 81657 Phone (303)476-2471 Effect upon traffic with reference to congestion,automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience,traffic flow and control, access,maneuverability,and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The proposal creates no adverse impacts in these regards . All pedestrian walkways will be kept open so no existing pedestrian traffic will be impeded or changed. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located,incl uding the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposal significantly improves the existing character of the space.It brings the recreational use of the area into focus .This area has been used as "ski"recreational use for the past 14 years. Conditions 1.Golf course to be removed by October 15th each year. 2.Lighting,as previously approved,has no excessive glare. 3.Operation will close by 10:00 p.m. 4 .No loud music or noise will be allowed. 5.No sale of soft drinks,foods,etc.will take place. 6.Property will be policed on a daily basis. f1T \Jf1IL g AN ERS ·L10NsfiEAD 680Weslt.ronsnead P laceV al l.C olora do 8165 7 Phone (303)4 76-2471 April 28,1985 To:Vail Planning and Environmental Commission We request a Conditional Use Permit to relocate the Marbud Miniature Golf Course in the area between the fenced property line of the Vail Lionshead Center building,and the bike path in Lionshead immediately south of the Vail Associates Ski School offices. The golf course runways as well as all side walks will be poured concrete flush to the grass level.The golf runs will be carpeted with green grass carpet.The 2"X 4"stop railings and the various miniature buildings will be bolted to the concrete and will be removed when not in use leaving the area level.The ticket shed, benches,potted trees and portable fence will be removed at the end \ of the summer,as well.(Note enclosed photos of the Glenwood Springs course.) I Walk ways will run around each golf hole,from one hole to I \ another as well as to the entrance,the exit and all exposed areas. It is our intent to eliminate all wear and tear to the grass. l our hours would remain the same,10:00 a.m.to 10:00 p.m.,from \June 15th to September 3rd.During the last three weeks in )September,we will be open weekends only,and then during the hours j 10:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. The lighting used was previously approved and directs all light down so as not to create a glare problem to any commercial or residential property.Our landscaping is portable and does add to overall apprearance of the area. This is one of the few inexpensive family activities available in Vail,and it does enhance the business activity of the whole area.It is used by both residents and guests. The proposed location adds another recreational activity close ,to the gondola,and will not alter the area in an adverse way. We will completely remove the course by October 15th each year. [ We will also police the area and restore the grass to its original state upon removal. ~-This recreational activity is important to the business vitality of the Lionshead area.We ask your support and approval in this matter. Sincerely, Bud Benedict BB:dml f1T \JAIL ..... .': ., -•~ Vail Associates,Inc. Cre atorsandO perators of Vail an dBeaver Cr eek April 18,1985 • Mr.Duane Piper ' Chairman Planning Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Duane,' This letter is to inform you of Vail Associates approval to allow Mr .Bud Benedict to locate his minature golf course on the land directly adjacent and south of the ski school office located in the LionsHead Center condominium building in LionsHead. Sincerely, VAIL ASSOCIATES,IN~:_ ~Cc~~-- Senior Vice President Mountain Operations LEL/kl cc:Peter Patten ..•..~.",......•_.._•..•"..•.•"-.:..;..._~Post Office Box 7·.Vail.Colorado 81658·(303)476 ·5601 L __.~:......;.".;',_'~'_""_'_',"""•••• ~'A ftNTlERS ·L10NS~Eft D 66 0 West Lionshead Pla ce Va ll ,C ol orado 81657 Phone (303)4 76-2471 To:The Department of Community Development Date:April 28,1985 Re:Request for Conditional Use Permit for Bud a~d Marcet Benedict to allow installation and use of an 18-hole miniature golf c ourse on part of Tract C &Dj Vail- Lionshead Filing #1. Des cription of Proposed Use We wish to relocate the 18-hole miniature gol f co urse fro m the Monson's sundeck in Lionshead to the Vail Asso ci ates p roperty between the fence s outh of the Vail Lionshead Center b uildi ng and the bike path in Lionshead,leaving a one foot clearance between the edge of the bike path and the golf course temporary f ence. The same ticket booth,cours e,and portable fence will be u s ed a s previously app roved by Vail Design and Review Bo ard .Operational hours will be from 10:00 a.m.to 10:00 p.m. Criteria Under Section 18.600 Consideration Factors: Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town One of the devel opment objectives of the Town i s to increase commercial us age of the Lionshead area. The effect of'use on light and air,distribution of po pulation, t ransportation facilities,utilities,parks and other r ecreation faci lities,and other pUblic facilities and public f a cil i ties n eeds. Th is proposed use adds another dimension of pu blic r ecreational opportunities fo r Va il's resident s and guests.This new location,close t o the g on do la,ties in well with the existing recr e ational are a.It will be e asily acce ss able and will not cre ate a ddi tional traffic p roblems. AT \JAIL '-A ANT LERS ·L10NS~EAD 680W eSI Lron sheaoPlaceV all.C o lo rado81 657 Ph one(303)476-2471 Effe ct upo n traff ic wi th ref erence to conge stion,auto motive a nd p edestrian safety and c onvenienc e,traffic flow and c ont ro l, access,maneuverability ,and r emoval of snow from the s treet and parking areas . Th e propo sal creates no adverse impacts in theBe rega rds. All pedestrian walkways wil l be kept open so no existing pedestri an traffic will be impeded o r changed. Effect upon t he character of the area in which the proposed u se is to be l ocated,including the s ca le and b ulk of the proposed use in re lation t o surro unding uses . The proposal significan tly improves the e xisti ng character of the space .It b rings the recreational u se of the area into focus.This area has been used as "ski"recreationa l u se for the pas t 14 y ears . Cond itions 1 .Golf course to be removed by Octob er 1 5th each year . 2 .Lighting,a s previously app roved,h as no excessive glpre. 3 .Operation will clo se b y 10 :00 p.m . 4.No loud music or noise will be allowed. 5 .No sale of s oft drinks,foods,etc.will take place . 6.Pr operty will be policed o n a daily basis . AT \JAIL .~III ANTLERS'L10NS~E:AD 680We st L ions heao Pla ce Va ll.C o lorado 8 1657 Phone (3031 4 76-2471 To:The Department of Community Development Date:April 28,1985 Re:Request for Conditional Use Permit for Bud a~d Marcet Benedict to allow installation and use of an 18-hole miniature golf course on part of Tract C &Df Vail- Lionshead Filing #1. Description of Proposed Use We wish to relocate the 18-hole miniature golf course from the Monson's sundeck in Lionshead to the Vail Associates property between the fence south of the Vail Lionshead Center building and the bike path in Lionshead,leaving a one foot clearance between the edge of the bike path and the golf course temporary fence. The same ticket booth,course,and portable fence will be used as previously approved by Vail Design and Review Board.Operational hours will be from 10:00 a.m.to 10:00 p.m. Criteria Under Section 18.600 Consideration Factors: Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town One of the development objectives of the Town is to increase commercial usage of the Lionshead area. The effect of ·use on light and air,distribution of population, transportation facilities,utilities,parks and other recreation facilities,and other pUblic facilities and public facilities needs. This proposed use adds another dimension of public recr eational opportunities for Vail's residents and guests.This new location,close to the gondola,ties in well with the existing recreational area.It will be easily accessable and will not create additional traffic problems. ~T \J~IL A ANTLERS ·L10NS~EAD 680We st Lio nsheadPla ce Va il .Co lorado 8 1657 Ph one (30 31 476·2471 Effect upon traffic with reference to congestion,automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience,traffic flow and control, access,maneuverability,and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The proposal creates no adverse impacts in these regards. All pedestrian walkways will be kept open so no existing pedestrian traffic will be impeded or changed. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located,including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposal significantly improves the existing character of the space.It brings the recreational use of the area into focus.This area has been used as "ski"recreational use for the past 14 years. Conditions 1 .Golf course to be removed by October 15th each year. 2.Lighting,as previously approved,has no excessive g~are. 3.Operation will close by 10:00 p.m. 4.No loud music or noise will be allowed. I 5.No sale of soft drinks,foods,etc.will take place. 6.Property will be policed on a daily basis. .n \JfliL O AT E : 3 /27/92 RE VIS IONS : Preliminary SITE PLAN Ch air 8 ColoradoBlue Spruce QuakingAsp en COMMON NAME VariegatedDogwood RedTwigDogwood DwarfWingedEuony mus BlueChipJun iper BuffaloJuniper DwarfMugoPine Jackman 's Potentilla AnthonyWaterer Spiraea Columbine PaintedDaisy ShastaDaisy BleedingHeart Daylily SiberianIris Lupin e OrientalPoppy IcelandPoppy Salvia Picea pungens glauca PEREN NIALS Aquilegia 'McKanaHybrids ' Chrysanthemum coccineum ChrysanMemumma~mum Dicentra spectabilis Hemerocallis hybrids Irissiberica Lupinus 'RussellHybrids ' Papaver orientalis Papaver nudicaule Salviaxsurperba TREES Populus tremuloides SHRUBS Comus alba elegantissima Comus stolonifera Euonymus alatus 'compacta ' Juniperus horizontalis 'BlueChip ' Juniperius sabina 'Buffalo' Pinusmugo pumilio Potentillafruticosa'Jackmannii' Spiraeabum.'AnthonyWaterer ' KEY BOTANICAL NAME Plan t Schedule T icket Booth ---+-----~ Sk i School( Gondola Building ANN UALS Scale :1/8"=1 '-0"North SH E5T \.