HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 TRACT D EAGLE BAHN GENERAL 2 of 2 LEGAL••., L evel III (min)s tamp. A PPLICATION WILLNOTBE ACCEPTEO IFINCOMPLETEOR UNSIGN£lt I"---I'd "( P roj ect #:PlS!._v)-v 0 • Building Perm it #:""'E:.'-lJ'::-:£:-:_"'Odil 3 '7 S prinklerP ermit #:CO$;-00 /8 ~I ~:mWMP_) TOWN OFJ'AlL A TOWN OF VAIL FIRE--.SPRINKLER i>ERMIT APPLICATION Fire S prinklers hop drawi ngs are r equiredat time of p erm it s ubmittal and 75S.Front m ust i nclude t he followin g .Permit application will not be accepted Vail ,Co lo o ut rmati on: o loracjg,Beglste .m e lftll!Ut s he Hy lie calculati e o f Colorado eg i 0 •Plans must be submitted byaRe gistered Fi r e Pro ection C ontractor . C O ~T RA cr O I{I N.·OR J\I .\TI O ~ F ireSp ri nkle r Con t rac tor :To wnof Vai l R eg .No.:1 C o nta ct a nd P h one #'5: E-Mail Add ress: - TE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (L abor &Materials) IF ire Sprinkler:$8 ,000 --] Contact Eaate Countv Assess ors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www .eaafe-countv.com f or Parcel ., Parcel # , J O bN a m e ~'?r:,,""hovv\~'o.J ob Address :~~\r",le QA i-I Lot:,Subdivision :Lega l Description Block:Fil ing : Owners Name:Ad dress:P hone : Eng;nee"II.\I ,0::.'.,r-;d Ad d res s:t •F I I.-Ih h'h':ifl :PhOn e :".....'r'"C i-k f Detailed Locationofwo rk :(r.e..floor,un it #,bld g.#), Deta iled descnption of work : \,•I I .(:\r(<'1::";~\.ler <,v5~~ WorkC lass :New (}1 Ad ditio n ()R emodel (..J Repa ir ()R etro-fit ()oth e r () Typeof Bldg .:Si ngfu-fa mi ly ()T wo-f amily ()MUlti -family()Co mmercial oq Resta u rant ()Oth er () No .o f Ex iSting Dw ell ing Units inth is bui lding :No.of Accommoda tion Units inthisbuild ing: Does a FireAlarm Exist:Yes ()No !I .I Does a F ir e Spri nkler Sys temExist:Yes ()No!) ·······································FOROFfiCE USE ONLY ..,'···*··*·······················......••· Other f ees: Pu blic Way P e rmJ ~Fee: Occu a nc Grou p: Date Rece iv ed: Ac·cep'te_d B: LL-STAT~ FIRE PROTECTION INC, Lett er of T ransmittal T o:Town of Vail 75S Frontage Rd vsu.co R1657 A ITN:Com m.Development Date :A pril19,2005 J obName:Eagle Bahn Gondola J obNumber :2500 16 We AreSending : [8JBl ue lines [8JPennit App . [8JProduet su bmittal DA s-bui lts [8JPlan Regi strat ionD WarrantyLetter DOtbe,: 4 Description: DCompletion Letter DOwners Manual DS ign Contract I D Flow Tes t DApproved Prints DSitc plan water &size The se Are Tran s mitted as Checked Below: (gj for approval 0 for youruse 0 as reque sted 0 for review and comment Comments : 60 45E .76th A ve .#1 2 Commerce City ,CO 80022 (303)188·390'•f ~(303)188-'936 • •• • • ALL-STA TE FIRE PROTECTION,INC. 6045E.76T H AVE .#12,Commerce C ity,C O80022 Ph one (303)288 -3901 *Fax(303)288-1936 FIRE S PRINKLER E QUIP MENT SU BM ITTAL AN D F OR Eagle Bahn Gondola 331 Metcalf Rd V ail,CO MI CHAEL KRZAST EK NI CET L EVEL III ,#93492 • ALL -~E FIR E PROT ECTION,INC.4It~5 E .76TH AV ENUE _12 COMMERCE CITY,CO 8002 2 HYDRAULICCALCULATIONS FOR EAGLE BAHNGONDOLA LOW ERLE VEL3 31 METCALF RD VAI L,CO. 250016 4 /18 /05 -DESI GN DATA - OCCUPANCY CLASS IF ICATION: DEN SITY: AREA OFAPP LICATION : COVERA GE PER S PR INKLER: ORD I NA.~Y HAZARD GROUP II .2 gprn/sq .ft . 120 0 sq.ft. 120 sq .f t. NUMB ER OFS PRINKL ERSCALCULAT ED:13 spr ink lers TOT AL SPRINKLER WATER FLO ~REQ UIRED:326.1 g pm TOTAL WATER REQ UI RED(in clud i ng h os e):5 76 .1 gpm 426.1 gpm ~87 .6 psi•F LOWANDPR E SSURE (@ BOR): SPRI NKL ER ORIF ICE S IZ E :1 /2 inch • NAM E OFCONTRACTOR:ALL -STATE F IRE PROTECTION,I NC . DESIGN/LAYOUT B Y:x.KRZASTEK AUTH ORITY HAVINGJURISDICTIO N:VAILFIRE DEPART MENT CONTRACTOR CERTI FI CATION NUMB ER:0 08 CAL CULA TI ON S BY HAS S CO MPUT ER PR OG RAM (LICENSE #160 70a88 HRS SYSTEM S,I NC. TUCKER ,GA 30084 SPRI.SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS •Page 2 DATE :4/18/2005 C:\HASS7 6\EAGL E BARN GO}''OOLA.SDF JOB TITLE:Eagle Bahn Gondola WATER SUPPLY DATA .OURCE S TATIC RESI D.F LOWAVAIL .TOTAL REQ 'D NODE PRES S .PRESS .@ PRESS.~DE!-1AND PRESS. TAG (PS I)(P S I)(GPM)(P S I)(GPM)(P S I) SOURCE 14 5 .0 14 0 .0 2493.0 144 .7 5 76 .1 91.3 AGGR EGATE FLOil ANALYS IS : TOTAL FLO'I'l ATSOURCE TOTAL HOSE STR EAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLQilANCES TOTALDI S CHAR GE FROM ACTIVE S PRINKLERS 576 .1 GPM 1 50 .0 Gpr-: 1 00 .0 GPM 326 .1 GPM NODE ANALYSISDATA PRESSURE NODETAG ELEVATI ON NODETYPE TOTALNORMAL DISCHARG E (FT)(PSI){PS I )(G PM) 1 12 .0 K-5.60 19.7 1 9.7 24.8 2 12 .0 K·5 .60 21.6 2 0.825 .6 3 11 .0 ----2 4.1 2 4.1 4 12 .0 K·5 .601 9 .8 19.8 2 4 .9 •12.0 K.5 .60 21.7 20 .9 25.6 11.0 ----24 .2 24 .0 1 2 .0 K.5.60 18 .4 18 .4 2 4 .0 8 1 2 .0 K=5.60 20.2 19 .5 2 4 .7 9 12 .0 K.5 .6 01 8.8 1 8 .8 24.3 1 0 12 .0 ----21.~1 9.8 lO A 11.a HOS E S TREAM 24.5 2 2.7 100 .0 11 12.0 K.5 .6 0 1 9 .3 1 9.3 2 4.6 1 2 12.0 K·5 .60 2 1.6 20.9 25.6 13 12.0 K=5.60 20 .2 20 .2 25.1 14 1 2 .0 ----22.9 21.2 14A 11 .0 ----2 6.2 25.0 1 5 12 .0 K=5.60 20.4 20 .4 25.3 1 6 12.0 K.5 .60 22.4 2 1.6 26.0 17 12 .0 K.5 .6020 .9 20 .9 25 .6 18 12 .0 23 .3 21.9 1 8A 11.0 27.1 25 .3 1 9 11.0 2 8 .9 28.3 2 0 11.0 3 1.2 30.5 TOR 11 .0 34 .9 H..3 BFD 6.0 3 7 .3 3 7.3 B FS 6.0 40 .3 40.3 21 3 .0 4 1.6 41.0 PRD 2.0 42.1 4 2 .1 PRS 2 .0 87.1 8 7 .1 BOR 1.0 8 7.6 87.5 _URCE 0.0 SOURCE 9 1.3 91.3 426 .1 SPRI N.SYSTEM HYDRA ULIC ANA LYSIS •Page 3 DATE:4 /1 8/2005 C:\HA S S 76\EAG L ~EAHN GONDOLA .SDF J OB TITLE:Eagle BahnGo ndo la PIP E DAT A .I PE TAG Q (GPM)DIA(I N)LEN GTH PRESS. Er..'D ELEV.PT PN DI SC.VEL(F PSl WI1 (C)(F T)SUM. NODES (FT)(P S I)(PSI)(GPM)FL/FT (PSI ) Pipe:I -2 4.8 1.0 49 PL 1 0.00 PF 1.9 I 12 .0 1 9.7 1 9.7 2 4.8 9.2 120 FTG PE 0 .0 2 :!.2 .0 21.6 20 .8 25.6 0 .19 4 TL 1 0.00 PV a.' Pipe :2 -50 .4 1.380 PL 2.00 PF 2.1 2 1 2 .0 21.6 20.8 2 5 .6 10 .8 1 20 FTG ET PE a.• 3 11 .02 4.1 2 4.1 0.0 0.1 89 TL 11 .00 PV 0.8 Pi pe :3 -2 4 .9 1 .04 9 PL 1 0 .CO PF 2 .0•1 2 .0 19.8 1 9 .8 24 .9 9 .2 12 0 FTG PE 0 .0 5 12 .0 2 1.7 20 .9 25.6 0.195 TL 1 0.00 PV 0 .6 Pipe:•-50 .5 1.380 PL 2 .00 PF 2.1 5 1 2 .02 1.7 20.9 2 5 .6 1 0.8 120 FTGETPE a.• s 11 .0 2 4.2 24 .0 0.0 0.1 90 TL 11 .00 PV 0 .8 Pipe:5 -2 4 .0 1.0 49 PL 1 0.00 P F 1.8 7 1 2.01 8.4 18.4 24 .0 8 .9 120 FTG PE 0.0 8 1 2.0 20.2 19.5 2 4.7 0.182 TL 1 0.00 PV 0.5 Pipe :6 -48 .7 1.380 PL 1.00 PF 1.2.0 12 .0 20.2 19 .5 24.7 1 0.4 120 FTG TPE 0.0 12 .0 2 1.4 1 9 .8 0.0 0.1 78 TL 7 .00 PV 0 .7 Pipe:7 -2 4 .3 1 .0 49 PL 9 .00 PF 2.6 9 1 2 .01 8 .8 1 8.8 2 4 .3 9 .0 12 0 FTG T P E 0.0 1 0 1 2.0 21.4 19.8 0.0 0.186 TL 14.00 PV 0.5 Pipe:8 -7 3.01 .38 0 PL 1.0 0 PF 2 .6 10 12 .0 21.4 19 .8 0.0 1 5.7 12 0 FTC TPE a.• l OA 11.0 24 .5 22 .7 100 .0 0 .375 TL 7 .00 PV 1.6 Pi pe :9 -2 4 .6 1.0 49 PL 1 2 .00 PF 2.3 11 12 .a 19 .3 19 .32 4.6 9 .1 120 FTC P E 0.0 1 2 1 2 .0 21.6 20 .9 2 5 .6 0.191 T L 12.00 PV 0.6 Pipe:1 0 -50 .2 1.38 0 PL 1.00 PF 1.3 12 1 2.0 2 1.6 2 0 .9 25.6 1 0.8 12 0 FTG TPE 0.0 I.12 .0 22.9 2 1.2 0.0 0 .188 TL 7 .00 PV 0.8 Pi pe:11 -25 .1 1.049 PL 9 .00 PF 2.8 13 12.0 20 .2 2 0 .2 2 5.1 9.3 120 FTGT PE 0 .0 I .12 .0 22 .9 21.2 0.0 0 .1 99 TL 1 4 .00 PV 0 .6 Pipe :12 -75.3 1.3 80 PL 1.00 PF 2 .8 14 12 .022 .9 2 1.2 0 .0 1 6.2 120 FTG TPE 0.' 1 4A 11 .0 2 6.2 2 5.0 0 .0 0.3 98 TL 7 .00 PV 1.8• S PRIN.S YSTEM HYDRAULIC ANAL YSIS •Pag e 4. DATE:4 /18/2005 C ;\HASS7 6 \EAG LEBAHN GONDOLA .SOF J OB TI TLE;Eagle BahnGondo la PIPE TAG Q IGPMI DIA (IN)LENGTH PRESS. """ELEV.PT P"DISC .VEL(FPS J !-liJ{C)(FT )8m.:.•NODE S (FT )(PSI)(PS I)(GPM)FL/FT (PS I) Pi pe;13 -25 .3 1 .049 PL 1 0.00 PF 2 .0 1 5 1 2.0 20.4 2 0.4 25 .3 9.4 1 20 FTG PE 0.0 16 1 2.0 22.4 21.62 6.0 0 .20 1 TL 1 0.00 PV 0.6 ?i p~;14 -S1.3 1.38 0 PL 1.00 PF 1., 16 12.0 22 .4 21.6 26.0 11.0 120 FTOTPE 0.0 1 8 1 2.0 23.8 21.9 0.0 0.196 T L 7.00 PV0 .8 Pipe:15 -2 5.6 1 .049 PL 9 .00 PF 2 .9 1 7 12.0 20 .9 20.9 25.6 9.5 12 0 FTO TPE 0.0 1 8 12.0 23.8 2 1.9 0 .0 0 .205 TL 1 4.00 PV 0.6 P ipe :1 6 -76 .91 .380 PL 1.00 PF 2.9 1 .1 2 .0 23.8 21.9 0 .0 16 .5 12 0 FTO T PE 0.1 ,.A 11 .0 27.125.3 0.0 0.413 T L 7.00 PV 1.8 Pi pe;17 -50.4 2.6 35 PL 1 2.00 PF 0.1 3 11 .0 2 4.1 24 .1 0 .0 3.0 1 20 FTC P E0 .0 6 11 .0 2 4.22 4.0 0 .0 0.00 8 TL 12.00 PV0 .1 Pipe:"'-100.9 2 .635 PL 9 .00 P F 0 .3 6 11 .024 .2 24 .0 0.0 5 .9 1 20 FTO PE 0 .0 lOA 11 .024 .5 22.7 100.0 0.029 TL 9 .00 PV 0.2 _OA Pipe:1 9 -2 7 3.9 2.635 PL 9.00 PF 1.7 11.0 2 4.5 22.71 00 .01 6.1 1 20 FTO PE 0.0 1 4A 11.0 26 .2 25.0 0 .0 0.186 TL 9 .00 PV 1.7 Pi pe :20 -349 .2 3.2 60 P L 9.00 PF 0 .9 1 4A 11 .0 26 .2 25.0 0 .0 1 3.4 1 20 FTO PE 0.0 "'A 11 .0 2 7.1 25 .3 0 .0 0 .10 3 TL 9.00 PV 1.2 P ipe:21 -426.2 3 .260 PL 2.00 PF 1.8 "'A 11 .02 7 .1 2 5.3 0.0 1 6 .4 120 FTC EP E 0.0 19 11.0 28.9 2 8.3 0 .0 0.149 TL 1 2.00 PV 1.8 Pipe :22 -12 6 .2 4.260 PL 17 .00 PF2 .3 1 9 11 .0 28.9 28.3 0 .0 9 .6 120 FTG ET PE 0.0 20 11.0 31.2 3 0 .5 0.0 0.0 41 TL 56.00 PV0 .6 Pipe :23 -426 .24 .260 P L 5 3 .0C PF3 .7 20 11.0 31.2 30.5 0 .0 9 .6 1 20 FTO 3E PE 0.0 TOR 11 .0 34 .9 34 .3 0.0 0.041 TL 92 .00 PV 0.6 Pipe :2'-426.2 4.260 PL 5 .00 P F 0.2 TOR 11 .0 34.9 3 4.3 0 .0 9.6 12 0 FTG P E 2.2 BFD 6 .0 3 7.3 3 7.3 0.0 C.04 1 TL 5 .00 PV 0.6 Pipe :25 FI XED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE.;6 .0 0.0 4 0 .3 0.0 3 .0 psi,4 26 .2 g pm 6.0 0.0 3 7.3 0.0 SPRIN.SYS T EM HYDRAULIC ANALYSI S •Page 5 DATE:4 /18 /2005 C:\HASS 76\EAGLE BAlIN GONDOLA.S DF JOB T ITLE:Ea gl e Bnhn Gon dola PI PE TAG Q (GPM )DIA (IN )LE l\'GTH PRESS. END ELEV.PT PN DISC .VELIFPS)HW (C)(FT)sux.•NODES (FT )(PS Il (PS I)(G Pf")F L/FT (PSI) Pi pe:26 -426 .2 4 .260 PL 1.00 PF0 .0 BFS 6.0 4.0.3 4 0.3 0 .0 9 .6 12 0 FTG PE 1.3 21 3.0 4 1.6 4 1.0 0.0 0 .0 4 1 TL 1.0 0 PV 0 .• Pi pe :2 7 -426.2 4 .260 PL 1.0 0 P,-0.0 21 3 .0 4 1.6 4 1.0 0 .0 9.6 120 FTG PE 0.4 PRD 2.0 4 2 .1 4 2.1 0.0 0.041 TL 1.00 PV 0 .• P i pe :28 F IXED PRESSURE LOSSDEVI CI:: PRS 2 .0 0 .0 8 7.1 0.0 45 .0 psi.4 26.2 gpm PRD 2 .0 0.0 42.1 0.0 P ipe :2 9 -426 .2 4.260 PL 1.00 P F 0.1 PRS 2 .0 8 7.1 87.1 0 .0 9 .•120 FTG 1.0 PE 0 .4 BOR 1.0 8 7 .6 8 7.5 0.0 0.041 T L 2 .00 PV 0 .6 Pipe:3 0 -426.1 6 .280 PL 5 2 0 .0 0 PF 3 .3 BOR 1.0 8 7.6 87 .5 0 .0 4.4 140 FTG 9E PE0 .4 SOURC E 0.0 91.3 9 1.3 (N/A I 0 .005 T L 718.00 PV 0.1 NOTES: • (1)Cal cul at ions we re p er fo rmed by the HASS unde rl i cense n o.1 6 070 8 88 g ranted b y HRS S y stems,I nc. 4792 LaVis ta Road Tucker ,GA 30084 7 .6 computer program (2)Th es ys tem h as b e en c alcu lated to provi de a n a vera ge imbal ance at e a ch n odeo f 0 .0 02 g pm a nd amax imum imbalan ce at any n ode of 0 .060 gpm . (3)Ve lo city pressures have beeni ncluded i n the calcu lat ion of the s y s~em p ress ures and flows .Maxi mum water ve loc it y i s 1 6.5 ft /se c at pipe 1 6 . (4)PI PE FITTINGS TABLE P ipe Table flame :STA.\'DAR D.P IP • •DATE :4 /1 B/2 005 J OB T ITLE:Eagle SPRIN~S YSTEM Ba hn Gon d ola HYDRAUL I C ANALY SIS C:\HASS76\EAGLE BARN pa ge 6 GONDOLA.SOF E Ell 2.0 0 3 .00 E Ell 8 .0 0 1 0.00 13 .00 PAGE :A Di amet er •(i n) 1.0 49 1.38 0 PAGE :B D i arr.e te ::: (i n ) 2.63 5 3 .2 60 4..260 MA TERIAL:84 0 HWC:12 0 Equ i valen t F it ti n g L eng t h s i nFeet T L ea G A T ee LngE ll Cr~Vl v Bf yVlv Gat Vlv Al mChk 5.00 2 .00 5.00 6 .00 1.0 0 1 0.00 6.0 0 2 .00 7.00 6 .00 1 .00 1 0.00 MA TERIAL :THNWL HW C;1 2 0 Equival e n t Fi tting Lengths i n Feet TL CB G A Tee Ln9 E1 1 c hkv l v BfyVlvGatV l vAl mChk 1 7 .0 0 6 .00 1 9 .00 1 0 .00 1.00 1 4 .00 2 0.00 7.00 22 .00 1 4.00 1 .001 8 .00 26 .00 8.00 29.00 1 6.003 .00 26.00 D DPvlv 1 0.00 1 0 .00 D DPVl v 14 .00 18 .00 2 6 .00 N NP Tee 5 .0 0 6 .00 N NP Tee 17.0 0 20.00 26 .00 E Ell 2 2 .0 0 PAGE;D Diameter (in) 6.2 80 • • MATER IAL:Dr RON HWC :14 0 Equ iva l ent F it ti ng Lengt h s in Feet T LCBG Tee Lng Ell ChkV lv Bf yVl v GatVlv 47 .001 4 .00 51 .00 16.00 5 .00 N NPTee :'7.00 WA TER SUPPLY ANA LYSIS S t atic :14 5 .00 ps i Res id :140 .00 psi now:2 4 93 .0 g p rn-,1 LEG E'D Av ~ll abl~P~~S~U[~ 6.1~1 ~1 40'.6 7 pd :J 5 7 h,l qp n I Re q uil ed pr e s ~u [O:l 2 ~,n,3 3 ps i @ ')'/6 ,1 (J~n I I A.Sourre Supoly Cu rve B.Sys tem Demand C u r v~ I 2i '"'"'"H• • 160 .0 1 40 .0 G A U1 20 .0 G.. 1?1 00 .0 R E S S 80.0 U R E 60 .0 I p s i 40 .0 20.0 _J I I f I " 0 .0 B -14 .7 6009 00 1 2 00 1 500 1 80 0 • 2 10 0 FLOW (GPM) 2 400 2 7 00 • 30 00 ~~"'..."..... H...~t-<, M H..~ <, ,,~ •0"'0H~o '"•c- "C>g a.o H• '"-: ~s :c i,,[i ~H ~.., "'t:"'-on : ~-: ~~ fl'" "~. ~ 8 i;:;:' .", "'0""l " WATER SUPPLY CURVE HYDRA ULI C ANALYSIS e p age S C:\HAS S76 \EAGLE BARN GONDO LA .SDF <-1 40 .0 p si @ 2493 gpm F lo.....Tes t.Poin t SPRIN.SYSTEM Bahn Gondo la 156+ I I '1011111111111 1~3 '1111"""'" I I I 13 0+ I I I 11 7+ I I I P I01 + R I E I 5 I S 91+X UI R I E I 78 ' I I I 6 5. I I I 52 . I I I 39+ I I DATE:4 /18 /2 005 J OB TITLE :Eagle • .~ S I I 40 0036003200 .. 2 400 28 00 FLOW (G PM) LEGEND 800120 0 1 600 2000 I ========~=======_a ======~===== 26 +" I I X =Requ i red ~a t er S~p pl y I 91.33 p si @ 57 6.1 gp!lt " 13+II I 0 =Ava Ll.ab Ie Wa ter S up pl y " I 1 '4.67 psi @ 5 76 .1 gp~., I .. O ++-+---~--~-~-----+------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+ • ••Aug ust 27,200 4 Spnnkler11a MI CROMATIC'AND M ic romati cHP'STANDARD RE SPONS E SPRINKLERS 099 93 , Bronze Replace spag e 11 a-c .da ted Ma y 14 .200 4 (Spnnk ler 1017415now VK 145).Ret er to te ch nical data p ageSR1 ·2 f or ge neral Ca re , lnstall a ion,a ndm a intena nce Info r mati on . Up right Pendent Con ve nt ional TECHNICAL DATA lor Spri nkler BasePa rtNo .09 992 . Brass UNS-CS10 00 01 Co ppe r UNS-e19S00 l orSprinklers 10139 . 10 142 .10170,101 73 .10223,and 12 105 Copper UNS-e 19 5OQ for Spri n - kler Base Part Nos .10 138 ,10141, 10169 ,1017 4,1018 7 ,10190,10193, 10220.10233.and 12106 .Br ass UNS ·C 2S00Q l or a ll othe r Pa rt Nos . BIooS hi09 (for Sp rinkler Base Pa rt No s 09994 ,099~.10 188.10189,10191 . 1019 2 .10218,10219 ,10221,a nd 10222):BrassUNS-e38000 Bul b :G las s .nom ina l Smmd iamete r Bel :eYiIIe Sp ring Sea ling Assembly .Nickel Alloy .ce a led 00 both side!WIth Teflon Ta pe Sc rew:Brass UNS-C36000 PipCap lo r Sprin kle rs 099 92 . 09994 .09995 .and 10221 : UNS.c314(Xl o r UNS-e3 18QO Sprinkler Temperatu re Nomi nat Sp r inklerTemp eratu r e Ma x .Amb ient Bulb __C la$!I II I ~lI Ratl'!g I Ful!ln9 .PoiNL ~C ~1!.I !!B.J~~r .t u (8'ol or"' f--_~I ~'n a'Y--'F JI.:CL~ Intenned la!e __175 .:E tri.:Cl 150 :f.1§S:Cl Ye!lov(.~.~~200 'F ~F {~)~ _1!).I.~l:dia le~__2 1 2 .:E11 00~)_1 5 Q ~~(6 5 ::_C)_c-_l __GG~rl"':"e e n ___High _,~~6 ~.E..11ll.:CI 22 OF 10rCL-:....-BI _~a Hlgh ~F (1 !J ~C )_;mQ OF (149 :f~+Mawe _ UJ1W:!igh ~'C)4 65.....112~O ' Sprinkle r Finishes :Brass.C tv ome .En~.'M1ile Potye5ter (IM'ljle Poly fini:J h tor SprWtler Base Part Nos 10138.10139.1 01 ~1.10173.and 10220),BlackPolyester (Blo1ck Poly finish ror Sprinklf!r Base PIlIl Nos .10138.10139.a ncl 10173).am Black Teftorf Co rro slo n-Rosh.tiInt CN tlngs1:Wlite Polyester (Vvhi\u Poty "nishfor Sprinkler Base Part Nos .10138.10139.10141.10113.and 10220 ooly).Bla ck P o~s 'i (BlackPoly finish fer SplinllJer Base Part Nos.10 138.10139 and 10173).~B!ado;Tdon in alltmlPBralae ra l- Ings .Wax ·Coa lf!d Brass illld Wax over POtyesler finish tor spr inklers wi lh the l ollo'Mng ~ pera lure r allngs. 155 'F(68 °C)Lt.BrownWa x 200 'F (93 'C)SI OwnWax 286 "F(14 1 'C)Ok .Brown W ax 175 "F {?9 'c)8.ro ",,:r:'Wax _212_'£(100 .:<;:)Brow"--V'!iJIC...__ ,Based on NFP.A,.13.Olher lin'WtS may appl'f.dependRJ on fire loadr.g.spmklef Iocat ion.-an, alilei'reqllhmenls oflhe Alitolly HaWig .Junsdoctron ~efer 10 spedlc inslaIation I\ar¢)n:t;. 2 The temperata e rating i5 slamped on the defleclor 3The corrosilJn.fesl$!ant Cl;Iat lngs have pasl'ed lhoe standard con ollion lesl reqUiredby the ap· p rovIng agencies Indicated on pages11 b-d .These tests ca nnot and do not represent all pOSS ible eorostvc eewcnrreots Prior 10 Installation.veri fjlthro ugh theeoc -user that the coaueqsare compali bl@ ~th or suilablll'or l he proposed e1'N ,rooment For autom abC~ ItleB,the coal'"93lfOcatf!d are applied to the ellposed e lltenor sU'faC81 only.Note thlI llhe spnng is exposed on SpmKlers wllhPoly rmi$hes and Te~coallngs F01'Tellon ·eo;a led open spmkers oilty .the Willerway is lXIAted 4 Sprinklers of Ull rA·Hlgh temperalure r ating are inl&nded l or use iMide ove ns.dl)'e rs .o rsimi- Illr enclos ureswi th normal ope rating lempe ratures a bove300 'F (14 9 "C).wnereee ambl- enltemperature lJround the Uilra-High tempe rature ral ed sprink ler IS sigruflcantly reduced below 300 'F (14 9 'C),response lime may be seve rely retardtld 5Wall O\Ier Poester un avabble fo!S nnkler 8ase PINs 09992 ,09993.09994 .and 0lI91l5 Pip Cap and Insert Assembly for an other Sprinkler Pa rt Nos :Copper UNS-e 11000 and Stai nle n Stee l UNS -S30400 Pip Cap Attachment a ress UNS-C36000 EJeCtor Sp ring (Part Nos 12105 and 12 106):stamess St ee l Spri nk ler s w ith Te f lon-Co ating Belle vnteSp rmg SElQling Ass emb ly :Ex- posed Screw :Nickel plal ed P ,p Cap .Tefto ~Collle<l Spri nklElI$w ith Po ly Fin is hes Bell eville S pringSea ling Asse mbly :Ex - p osed A VAI LABLEFI NISHES B r ass C hrome-EnlOy&(palents pending). l/IIh;te Poly ester (While Po ly f inISh lor Sprinkler B ase Part Nos,10138,10139. 10 14 1.10173 .a nd 10 220).Black Poly es - le r(SlackPolyfl nlsh for Spnnkler Base PartNos .1 0 1 ~,10139 and 10173).arid Black Tello "-in a llemperaturer al n g s : W ax-Coale dB r as s or W ax over Pctyes - 2.MANUFACTURER The Viking Oorpcreno n 210 N .Industrial Pa rkRoad Hasllngs Michig an 49058,U SA. Telephone (269)945-9501 (8 77)384-546 4 Fax-(269)945-9599 a-mai l:techs .o.cs@v iklngcorp.com 3.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Viking M lCromabc ~and Micf omaticHpe Standard Response Spnnklers a re s mall toermoseneuve spraysprink.lers available in several f inishes ,tem perature r ati ngs , and orifice sizes 10 me et designrequre- reents.The sma ll fram e and5mm glass bUlb provide apleasing appearance Used in toI1junction WIth one cttee vancuscot- roacn-resis ta ntcoatmqs .the u nits provide c rctececn against ma ny co rro sive e nvi- r onmen t!>I n add r\lon,the Polyester fi n- Ishe s.i1 nd T~f lon ll coali ng can also be used In eeeerawe ap pncano ns where co~ 0111 are deSire d DUring fi re conditions.the be at.sen siwe liqUid In the g lassbulb ex pands caUSing the bu l::llo snener .relea5ing the pipcap a nd S8aling spri ng assembly.Wa\efflo'Ning It1 lOugh the spnnklerOr/lice slflkes the &pnnkle rderlector ,forming a un iform spray pattern 10exting uish o rco ntrol thefire . Viking Standard Response Glass-B ulb Style Spririldel1l may be ordered and/or u!X!d as ope n apnnlcleB (9 1a n bub and pipcap 85' 6eO'dy re lT'l()Ye d )o n oeluge systems . 4.TECHNICAL DATA LIS TINGS ANDA PPROV ALS Reter 10 the charta o n pilge5 11 b-d SPacing Requirements Max .spa Cing 15 ft .(4 .6m ).m in ,spacing 6 ft.(1,8m ) Glasa b ulbfl uid reroperature raled to-65'F {_55°C). Sp ring U .S A P atent No 4 ,167 ,974 M in Operating Pressu re 7psi(48 .3 kPa ). RATEDW ATER W OR KING PRESSU RE Sp rinklers 0 9992,0 9993,099 94 ,a nd 09995 ar e ratedf o rus e with water w orking p r ess ures r llng lng I r om th e m inim u m 7 psi (4 8 ,3 k Pa )u pt o 2 50 ps i(1 72 4 kP a )f o r h igh-pressure sy s- t ems .Hig h-p r enu re (H P)s prinklers c a nb e Idlln tified by l oc a ting "250" s ta m ped o nth e d eflect or. A ll othe rPart Nos.n ot m ~nt l o ned a bove are rate d t oa m ax imum 17 5 ps i (1 20 7 kPa)wwp. Fa ctoI)'tested hy drostatica lly to SOO pSI (3 448kPa j S PRINKLER MATER I ALS Fra me Bras s Cas l ll'1gs U NS-ea«QO De flector Brass UNS -eS1Di)Q ,Brass U NS·C 26000.o rCo pper UN S-e 19500 No te :U nitsof me asu re in p arentheses m ay be ap prcxmancns FormNo .F_100397 1 .PRO DUCTN AME Vlk l!'l9'Ml cromali c A.Model M and M IC ro- ma tic HP ~MOdel M Sta ndard Re sponse Spr inklers •A"'8 1Iatl ~Sty les Up right Percent.ancl C onvent'Onal \IIKltG, • • • •Sp rinkle r 11b •Augvs l 27 .2004 KE YTemperalt¥e ••--FIni sh Al MICROMATIC'AN D Micromat icH P'STA NDARD RES PONSE S PRINKLERS TECHNICAL DATA\lIKlNGi " ApprovalCha rt Micromatle'Sianclard Response Pende nt Sprinkl8111 ____Mnlmum 175PSIWWP -===::"~====-_..::SlIIndard Orifice _ Thread M..._~i n a l Ove r.ill 1 s uePr•.,ure Sprinkler o e sc rt ~K 'f ac tor Length !Llilingll and ApprovalSNP~B ~I PSIG I Slyle ~aus~::r~l i SIN 1u.s·t ·",,·I",h~;t a ,UL,,'.FM -1~-N-Y-C-,-TV-,-sT---1 Jr.1 m Per-denl Q139 I VK102 sa 6-'--2-.Jll r.I ?...69~_E1 1 .F7 1 US ,C6,Bi E&..D.U11 B ~ -15[1111]175JPendent LOj ]31!-VK102 _-.S_6 _8 2-311656 B2 ,D9.E.1l .F7J..e5 ,.C6meZ.D Q,E 11,85 Large Orifice ,•175 Ip nI LI022.3 VK202 e 0_8L08.El1 F7 B7C 10 R ISI.06.E ll • 70 3 t A< B' • o 0' 1 01 _02 0 5 .'" D2 0' 0 1 01 1 01. Ol ---t 01 01 '"o__01 • ••A UgLlst 21,2004 Sprink le r 11c •TECHNICAL DATA Approval C hart MICROM ATIC·AND MicromallcHP·STANDARD R ESPONSESPRINKLERS KE Y listings .nd ApprOVills 2 LPCB -I - x·,15 rrm 15mm 250 250 -I - • Footnolll'$ I Base Pill"rwn oer !.howrI.For complete part nu mbe r ,refer 10 V!II.lnlJ"current coce schedu le i This tal:lle shows the lI$hngs and apprOva!!o ilViI ;lable at lhe lime 01print ing.Otncr app rOVll l1 may be in p rocess 3 liSled by U nOe rwnt e ~labOflitOiles Inc.lor use In the US lind Cllnllda 4 cU LIA l ,s l!d a s corro!t'OfHtlSllilanl. ~MelncK·laclOf shown is fofus ev.tlen pressurels measuredr"kPa \Mlenpres!AAe IS measLI"ed inBAR.multiptythe met ricK.filClorslJoo.M'l by 10.0• s U shncj9 and ApprovalsIImlled 10 L'ghHlazard O CCUPlI OCltll\wi thhydr aulically calcu lated we'systems only . 7 The sprinkler irifice is bus hed ST he M icrorasl Mode l F ·1A djustab le E scutd1eon IS co nsidered a surface-mounted e sce tcte cn because it does nol alloW!he fus Ib le eleme nt 01 lhe spr1r'ller 10 be ,tI(;ll$$ed benlnd the faceof !he w an or at~i ng , t Re fer to IhtI "Sp rink!er Acce ssor ies "sectco lor technical d ata on ap prolled eseutel1eons and other lIIccenones Escutcheons l'tJU5t be orClered sepa rillely tram sp mklers .Relet 10 V ,kitlg·s current price schedule Sp ac I ng Requirements :Max m ums p.ljl cing 15 ft.(4.6m).m in imumspaClng 6 n.(1.8 m). mm) Ce iling Open i ng Size;2-5116"(59 mm)M lnlrrom. 2·112"(64 mm )MaXimum . ~I (s ..mm)I 1-.1/"- (4".5 m m)2"1-1 /2-(.18 mm )1-3/.." I (5 1 mm)~I n l mu m (.....5 mm ) -o..l'------l-"O'C ==-.L ""1:-.__ Spri nkler Ba se PartNo 10139 wi th a sta ndard 118 "(3.t mm) surtace-meurued eecncreon . Spnnd er Base Fart N a.10139 S pnnk ler BaSI:!Part No.10139 il'lstiltled With ill Mlaolaste Mode l F ·1 Adjustable Escutcheon . Figure 1 Spnnkler Base PartNo 10139 ins talled with a MlCfomabce Madel E·'Recessed Esculcheon • ta r'forsp rink lers w ith temperature rat- ings th r ough 286 'F (14 1 "C). •Wax ~r PoIynl1!r un...'mblol lot SpnnUer B umF'all Nos ,0 9992 .0999 3 .09 994 .mnd 0 99 9 5 A CC ESSORtE S Spr ir.k1e 'Wrend1 es : A Standard wrench:P artN o 10896WfB (a~a;'ab le s nee 200(1 )o r 05000cWIB (no Icnger av ai lable ). B Wre nch far coated and recessed M icro matic;'!and Micr om a li c H~S ta n- dard Response Sprinklers :Part No.07398W"(avai lable since 1990),or Part No 12 1«W I S·'.ava ilable s ,na! 2003 NOT E :R ecesse d pendent sprin klers w ith p r otective caps must u se w r ench 12144Wf B , ·'A .,."fl tc~..t 1$reqwed (net ;ova,l.bl.lrom Vi· kingl R efer to the "Sprinkler Accesso r ies 'se c " bo n of the d ata book Sprinkle,11d ••Augusl27 ,2004 MIC ROMATIC'AN D Mic romal icH P'STANDARD RE SPONSES PRINKLERS•TECHNICAL DATA I .---e mperalln "-FInISh I A' KEY - -, E9 12 B17 BE3 1c,~_=r:::=:L- y.-J 15mln 17onv. 314-20 mm 17 5 Cony. --=-L1 5~~~~5_Co ny. -2Q mm l 17S --,Conv. 3.;4":20-.!!!!!.t -'75 I Cony.• •Replaces caqe 11e -a .dat ed May 14 .2004 (Sprinkler10174 is nowVK145).Refer to technic al data page SR1 -2tor genera l c a re ,toeteueicn .and ma intenance Information . Fcrm No F_100397 ••Schedule-l0"jSchedule-40" •Fully Listed and FM Approved Sprinkler Pipe Wh en you specifySchedule-In/Schedule -an sprinkler pipe you gel a CL listed and l-Mapproved product.Alth oughthese products do nor require separateapprovals.Schedule-IwSchcdule-m gives you the exira qualuy assurance JO U dem and. Our Seh-IO j I y."-MM)pipe an d Sch-l-O (1"-2 1/:M J pipe hav epa ssedth e sa methorough lab tesnng as our ot her listed pipe products.and receive peri odic mill inspections from both UL and FM agents 10 ensure consis tent quality fIlCO /",",con ,m,~allied T\..8E ..CO'IOlMT Sch-40 Specifications NPS Nom iu J10.WI.Wl.lH20 Fill ed )Pol WL't ilt (21'1 Wl1.1Il (2 4')w~t itl l25 ' !(I.mm III'm ",lOSt'Ft KrJIm lOs/ft.·K:;,'m L·'Us .Kg LD$'K~I bj.Kg,.1.049 1680 2.05 70 2,':70 2.822 2,940 25266 2,5 3.05 10 1.120 /.280 1.334 l Y."1.383 2.270 29 3 512.431 2.778 2.894 32 35.1 4 36 4.36 5 1 U 03 1,260 1.313 1 ~'16 10 27 20 3 61 44 2,513 2 817 2,992 40 409 4.0 5,.17 44 1,14 0 /,303 1,357 2'2.067 3,650 5,13 302.300 2,628 2,738 50 52.5 5.4 153 30 1.043 1,192 1.242 2W 2 469 5.790 7.86 19 2,310 2 640 2,750 65 621 '.6 H .73 "1.048 1.197 1.247 Sch·l0 Specifications NPS H o m j~all .D .WI.WI (H20 Filledl Pol W ~'lilt [2",wt1.iIt (24'1 W1Itllt 125' In;mm In.mm LOSIFt,Kalm LOsIFt:KgIm L"LDS.KO LO s:K~Lbs,Kr; r 1,097 "00 1,81 91 2,675 3.053 3.185 25 279 2,1 2.70 91 1.2131,385 1,445 1'1."1.44218 10 2.52 61 2,319 2.664 2.760 32 366 21 3.75 6'1.052 ',208 1,252 1\1"1.682 2.080 304 61 2.664 3.045 3.112 4U 42.7 31 45 2 61 1,208 1.381 1,439 2'2 1572 ,640 4 22 37 2,051 2.344 2,442 50 54,'3.'6.28 31 '30 1,0 63 1,108 2'h'2.635 3530 5.89 30 2.224 2,5422,648 65 66.9 5.3 8.77 30 1.009 1,153 /.201 3'3260 -1 .330 rs 19 1.728 1,975 2,057 80 82.'6<11.82 19 184 '96 933•42&0 5,61 0 1178 19 2.238 2.558 2.665 90 108.2 '3 17.53 19 1,0 15 1,160 1.209 5'5.295 7.77 17.33 10 1.632 1,865 1 943 125 1345 11.56 2580 /0 140 816 '81 6'6357 9.290 23 03 10 '.951 223 02.322 15 0 161 ,5 /3,34.27 10 885 1.0 12 1.053 6'S 249 16490 4015 7 2,424 2.770 2.B 85 200 209.5 245 59.75 1 1.:00 1,256 I .3M ccstome-so-vee (BOO)88 2·5543 F<lx 7Ce ·339·1806 <G>C9 ApprO'/ed Listedlisted ® 16100 S,La mrup •Ha rve,.,Il6Qo1 26 11350 Norcom R d •P hi 'B d~l ~<:I .FA 1 91 ~ 2525 N.27 !h A ve ,•P ncc-ux,AZ85009 •Welded O utlets •llydrosrauc Pressure •Sid.:Wall Ru pture ,vrb raucn Test Galvanized Pipe Specifications &Approvals S chedule -In/Schedu le-anpro d uct can be "hot-dip"galvanized 10meetF \l requi rem ents fordry systems in accordance w ith the z inc co aling spe cifica tions o r AS TM A·I:!3. Meets"Buy Am eric an"requirement lind is availab le through dist nbutnr s ill the USA,Canada an d Mexico American Made ASP\I A-135 .and !'i fPA 13.Doth pipe products have II wo rk in.'!pressure rating o f 300 psi maximum and also mee tthe s:rinpe::t requ irement for the folluwing tests: Schedete-Iu-Schedule-an pip e ar e in com plia nce with t he foll o w i n ~, O ur a dvan ced formula mil l comingo f- rc r ~H clean.dur able s urface.It is also paint-readyfurcus tomco lo r applications ...ithoul s pecial prep aration. Th e internals urface o fallblack A llied T ube &.Conduit F ire Spri nkler pipe prod ucts u p to 4 .5000"in di ameter is c oaled with nut 11l'"'Antibacter ial Fur- mul a ,"A BF".lnsc ienuflc lab orato ry lest,ADS pro ved (u ha ve s uperio r resi s - tance to m ic robial colomzauon of pip e walls,thereby dela Yi ng or poss ibly pre- venting the onset of Mic r cbrolcgically l ntluencedcorrosion (MIC)wh en the F inl SprinklerS ystem is firs t in stalled . Superior Coating (• 55 -3 • •• The Cos t Effe ct i ve Replacement f or S che d u l e10 Realizi "g the grcwlng need o f 'Irep rotecti on syst e ms ,n ccmmerc.e!and r esrceouet construc tion Bu ll Moose Tube 11<i5 added Edd 'f Flew to i ts ccm cren ensive li ne of sprmlcler p ipe oroducts . Ed:::ly Flow IS a spec.any eng ine ered recrace ment for sche dule 10,o ffering bett er he ....cb aractens ucs wh Ile p'o'J ldlng desIgn t:l:::!X lbl li (y This product 1$FM approved,as we ll asUL listed (for US and C anada ) I Of ron glOovrng and w e ldl"'g Ple ase c nec e '....nn eo procriate sourcesfer uc-to-d ete listings er-o ap pr oval mforrnatro n A s an added benetu It 1$more eccnomcatto usetha -t schedule 10 dec 10 reduced deh ve ry costsand (lase 0 1 handling Fu rtn e-more.Eddy Ftow's la rg erI D p rovidesan OPPOrlUMy 'Of do ......nslzU1g a..,C tcrthe - cos t savi ngs C OMPARISON • I I Inside Diameter CR.R."NPH;oD Eddy F l o w S ch,10 S ch .40E ddy Flow I S ch edu le 4 0 (in)(in )(in)(i n)[in 1 1-l i4 1 660 1 S IS 1 '-4 2 1 380 I 2 ~3 ,0 0 1.1/2 1.91)C 1 73 4 1 582 161 0 3 ""1 00 2 2 375 ,209 2 157 7 067 2 78 100 2-112 2 fl7~2729 2635 2469 1 09 10C 3 3500 :3 342 3260 3 .068 1 0J 1 CO L '-5 ~O ~3 16 4 2 6 0 4 026 1CO '.00... ,----------------.",,,.;;;,,,,,,'<s------------------,, , DUIII C ~,M u!'d 10 4 SllM A1)S .n d A 79 ~. FM ap provf'-l1 fo,r oll gr(l ovlng ~d Ne'dmg l or U3t!m wo:>l ~y.~'('m 5 . U L 1;$l ed (for US .nd C .m_d"J for Joi ningb y 'Neld"'9 or b y Jjs :~(f .ub!m f ga $k"'~d 1;1/'"95 t or lJSC '"....»r :dry, p ,e_c l,o....tmd de luge Iype sp,,"k,e,sy:Slem.f L ig htweight ·5•ves sn .ppmfJ co sts ...n o o ff ers eas.e ,h ;md'inq . CoJn b e us ~d w.th ,01l9'O o.,el1 couplmgs o r wp lded clJ tl ('15 1o,p ,c ssu,~s UP to 115 ps, Floor s rock 'J'/iJiI;/b',in v,,,,OUS 'en g ,hs p'O dut:ed in f ,enlon I G Ai,G .ullid ,MO l,"I'd ,y,fS lIry I OH;.Also ur,e e o ,dercd 1/1 t:usftlm len yln$ C.n /I..s upplmd 'o/19'OCl ....d,0 1 p illin enrJ for u se "'!11l Vic'au/II:'F I r'r irti nq.~ C#fI ti l!lJ$crJ '0'w '!'tina \!ry'sy~le m$ FIFE <>R EP A,<A-,Co ', .'-'P '~D "(':l ~..'a!,':l"a I oee 5u·ta:ts sn Cukl M :ll;oo n"'<l pno'to mS tal"a ~,o~n yHlt '10 pl"O .c e ,l..a <lIQl'l l s~a t fel t-e ;U "et ':.;:,.t!S~r18CfO !$'''.~Io ce t,'!~;I~"'t D (;"n :a !'~5 Ano O'(jI';CI(0.1$I,:n'tr ee -e t;f ~/I C ti'l''!to we gfOO Vt'A.I'loo se pll,nl scare.ojl '!(~I P S ~,e il ~'"an~ru ~t -nus:ce -e rn cven :nor -c "51a IS'O'F;;JIU 'e:O l ;/~":h e ~;;1"1:;O:'ta"l 51.;-pS .,~,reS VI!I~imr,rcpe f cou p ''''':)as Sem:I';:<1 _sl"9 '~.~.a9 "A so cr-ec-,....m an .tactu-s-S .~~n s 10"lh'!Steer't f!tl "9 u ~ ~~•UBU..1.1'VtOObE T"l..IUE ~~y ACOC!EO ccmpany ta'~C lllr ~s on "'o ad C hi!~l 'l rf'e ld,MJ 6'3 011 f8CQl 325·'4$:- F",:o:1(36)537 -2645 \\~\"\\.bui;nil l('~~1 ubc.com t-mail illt~~,.hl.I I !ln!)l."tS c l u t':C .com Fo,~:ld"jCI1~1 ntoerr a'rcn. COr-t .CI you r sal"sp«lscn toOa,It 5 00 ;32$4 4 ~7 01 'E3e :53"',1;:(1 1"1 r-e USA ,or "'Jm caoeoa CA'I (800 )e8 2 ·456li •• • A Lightweight Sch edul e 40R eplacem ent P ip e Th at Ha sa C orrosion R esi stanc e R ati oo f1 .0 BUll M oose Tube Co mpany has bee -rm ak i ng p ope fora io ng tu ne and 1$recoqmzeo asa p rccuccrof qualityprpe products Eddy lhread 40 1$c esacned ....tth :t'e sa me tn crouqhoess <:I S o ur ot her 'me o.oeorocucts and no",o...r c.rsrorrers r-ave an c pncntobuy a c arefully d e si gned recracem enttorScnedc te 4 0 tnar • •Ha s aC onosrcn R es.srer-ce Rall o o f 1 a •H as No T hr ead W ar nmg •Hasa Pressure Ratmg of300 pSI •IsLigh terW eightThan Sch edu le4 0 •Is Ap proved by Factory Mut ual a nd L istedby trno erwrners l abo ra to ri es •IsProduced in Acco rdanc e 10 A $TM A ·135 and A·79 5 •Ca-t b e UsedW ith Standard Sch e dule 4 0 Th r ead ed F ittin gs . CouplingsandVa lves IsProdu ce d FromSteel 't ilth Exce lle nt Prcc e rnes of St rengtha nd Threa d amhtv Can beUs ed i n 'Nel Dry ,Preecnon.a nd D elu ge Ty pe Spunk ie r S ystem s' •Off er s Lo wer r re 'ghl C os ts EODYTHRE AD 4 0S PECI FICA Tl ONS Nom inal Weight 1.0 .B undle P ipe Size (i n )L b.lFt (i n )Size 1 1 600 1 090 70 1 -1 14 2 139 1 42 5 51 1 -1 /2 2 56 2 ,65S 44 2 336 4 2 .124 3J CORROSION R ESISTANCERATIO S N omina l I Sch .40 ED DYTHREAD40 I E DDYLI TE P i peS i ze (in)I 1 I 100 1.00 I ~7~ "_1,4 I '00 100 o 'e.."'\100 •:'0 I 0 'I -I ;L 2 •OJ 100 038- ~~•D~MOOS'i Tl.BIO cc::lIVIPANV A~co..,pany ~~1~~l lIr ~s ::>n "'o~d cres-eee'e MO ISJ G17 (flOt;l\325 ·44 6 7 FAX 46 36)~J7 ·2 5<4 5 ~\\\II .tyl:m,'I.)<'\"ll IO<:.CQI'l 'YTIa il I n l<"'d l:>ul lr_n o (l ~e-t l l hc .':l'\l11 f ~f ihl:lIt o·all'1fo,""a:ltn t:ml a:l )Iou'~a l 'lS D cr-so'1 lo(L~1 ill '800)32 ~..ol 4Q 7 or (636)SJ":"·26(l() IIIlllle USA ,or trc m Cii"ada tal'(8001 BB ~·4 1'i ~6 c@ us Ulltt n •FITTINGS • c.v-r I IW,\ S l ll ~IIITAI.""FET (YlJ .J ~ ~U <l F M~~. '~'I :'t .;~..; CASTIRON STRAIGHT TEE . I j.(., ,.'!"':.:-,~. H i7 2 SI 3 ~; w ecu r ,." ,7 5 '"2.15 D IM Emj lCJN5 • 1 so ,rs )::;0 000 I MAX 1 W O"l<,II'<G 1 o s I 300 I NO MIN AL I I TEM Si ll toOOE iI NCH,II 1 H-"ellJl .t 1.:4'C~.Ti";:'O':--:__~;(-_ .1 1,'2 CT5 S ~.~ '--'2 I c r ese 2 2 ~ CASTmON90 DEGREE ELBOW . I 'O M I N A I I IT E'.1 I M A>I D I M ENSIONS !WE I GHT I <,llJ I CO )!:'N O B K I ~l 'J EACH I "~O 'II P s I "3PIECE I ,.T::S!lOC Jl i 300 .SO I ~o 0 9 ~ I 1;4 i C B90044 ~·Sco I 17 ':.I i s 1 3 4 I I .1:Y ~ojOO 55 j 3~-i::~.1,<;1 4 -i--l s o 1~·-='9~;__'~~__L ~_2S 2 25 J _~_~j CAST IRON 4S DEGREE ELBOW .. 11 »rrce I'"to >1 -1 I1]'j 1 40--~1 .:3 1 110 ,.,,,(':9 .•. W FIG k l j f Ae _, A '"'"'"1G B M A>LI_~D~IM=~l~S I Ot.~ W O R KI ~~GI; '"5 .1 ]00 300 300 JUO INO 'vlI HA ,-I IT E M ~IZE coal I INel 1l "t..=!1 CB.t50l1 \.-g14 C BA5344 ,117 CB.o!.50S5 CAST IRON PLUGS ... "1\'('-'1\'.! 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'.",.."....."", '.....1 \'\11 II :,.If 1 \-,,I ".',.'I,..r",J ,,:'" ..,,'.~","I\.,1 "1 ','1 '1'"1','''':' "..I \"H III '"I •""'. •1'1 '.<:".'t,·:.1,"11 "',',',...."\'.\11 1\1 ,\'j 11(1 ,-,I 11 1(1 'PI I'II'I I '"f .'"'1 1 II I I \1 10' ."1\1\ • '":10 :.2 ~." 1 ~1 •os ~eo ~4 J 2 .01 A n s t sa 16' 1<0 '",,. ••• NO MINA L ITEM ." I SIZE CO ::~ Il t-I O ,t!t-ci~;13 ?s.tI,la, CX044 lOO C:l OSS l OO C XC6 6 lOO -6 '043 300 eXOS3 lOO C X063 lOO• I (\\\,.'lOA il L ".,-••-~ •• • MERIl: WELDING BRANCH OUTLET FITTINGS .. I • UNIFIED DESIGN ,.SERIES ~.:-C:-:.'c®....... A P Fl'R O V E D LISTED MERIT MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 319 Circle of Progress'Pottstown ,Pennsylvania 19464-3811 •• • • For Fire Protection &Other Low Pressure Piping Systems Ment W '":Ild -M set ",t ee-tete We ldi ng Branch Ou tle t Fitt ingsoffer tile us er a hig !"l strength .10''''cost rcrqeo thread- ed ano groovedhneOf fittings specncaay desigredandmenuiecn.recto be instaueoooscneocres 5 t t"ru'O :>:e:p'• stary ptin wn ll flow p ipe a nd stand ard wall moe. Unified Design "..Series Me't'..Uni fied Design.,.Seres c a-nes aJl lffi:x)'1aflt 1eSI';j1'\oons d c ra lio~,s ,"tlo it s ':I'll re 11"1":c r ",e 11 n 9 tz ar c -c one-1 '~I rt'J ~ raemWe c -u.ser Te e-Le ts a-e designed and manufactured to redUCt:thearrocr-t ct ....eld recurcc to 1'151.;h ue Tp...,·Lets en thin w allor c -cc nete-v Itow o pe Typically on lyo ne w e'd-pass compl e~c5 t"e in slallaflo'"t..1 en l tee -Le'a f 's :a MNilr Ie,S5 weld volJme tha n any o lner cr ane o r ....ald ,nli ou tlet rltings rn,fire sp ri n~!e "a ~:i l i - cetcos To aet.omp lish this : •....he cor-toured end of the r,niogs em!:'lo iS a redu cd oulsid ~1 a n ,"I ~r Two major ad var-taqes are l rr rr e d ia tel y ep oareot : •T he u e-ncr wa ll on th l:co nto ured en d per r-nts iNl:l lding temperat uresto O(! matched 10 tne mceness c tmebranch l ine Of m(jln thA reby IrlSUfirlg corn ptete penetration iN ithou t c o ldw elds.wel d roll -o lf ,bum-trsouqb o r ex ces stve d istor - tion. •On toe smalle r sizesae ee ver sectio n .5 mam tamed 0"the th readed end o f the fllt mQ.This protects the th re ad s fro m d amage d ur ing shlPc ing a nd h andl ifl g poor to instal!alion a s we ll a s lrom w e ld crstorton EaCi1 outl et see 1·112 "Hnd larger .Wr,f;l :ne r ma'e (ir fem a le tt,rOja ded .9 roo,>,ed or beveled req uites th e sam e rcie Sill,!Intheh e a der p.p e .Th is sl rr.~,fi ':ls me inSIIlIl,,· lio n process General Specifications Tee·ll:1 we ldng outle t Iit'Jnys a re m a 'luladLJrfIlI fro ,"hl qn ly w t!ldao le S1 6 ':1 1'Nl'heh co n form s to til e cn emcer a nd phySICA l t equrre - meots of ASTM A ·53 ,Grades A 01 B .TYPIl E .Eas e of install at ion is as suredwhen <lutOITICl t IC w a ld iflg eq uipment IS used 10 install Me"t 'lee -Let s. T h r e ,u~s a re c ut in a cco roao c e w ilh the requirements o f AN SI B 1,20 1 ,300 'b cl ass,na hc ll ll:tl sta n dardforton ..red PlfJfJ uircads 8S21.1985 B SPT mreeos are a vailable 't ee-Let thr eaded n nd grtlO '/E!d we k1 :ng out let fitt i09s a ee ULIULC L Isted .<1 M FM A pp roved IOf use In th e fil e spri"klc r s ystems ln statk:ld .n a ccordance w ith the requiremen ts o fNF PA B ullAtin 13 .T hey areratedfo r 3 00P S I c pereuco In fire s prink le r s vstems . a rc nIghe r press ures i'l o the r rce-crutca t pJp i"9 s ys te ms.Send for pr es s ure rat .ng&pe r A SM ElANS I 8 3 1 Tee-Lets a re o tl erl:ld In a wilJe va rlHty 01 r eader s izes .T he con soli dated heade r size ssho wn In tn e follOW ing c na rts anow the lit- lings 10 00 i.,s l a'ied on more th a no ne heade r Si z e ,wtule P Il "m jtt~f1 g the fi rs t si ze lis ted to f'l t he ne eoe-certecuv....hi le asma ll ga" ClIO f"9 InA rc nq.tudin a l cen ter nne ct t be neecer .....iIt a p oea -for the se cc oo size hste1 . For Your Piping Systems Specify Weld·Miser ".Iee-Let , E r a ~ch O c n.e :Fill·ng ss nail be Me rit Wel d -M ise r ...TM ·lA !~.'Ightwetg h:rcrg e<:l st eer,e rl'ploy,ng 10""..."'!!d VOl,.lmE:~r o f.le b l'rcvld~10 ' ~"II OC .,el·II!:On ....wds wtn m.me-um l;.url'-:n r:::l U9'l a,,:j pipe cts tcrt o n On s cne ouies5 th r J10.o -cc netery 11"1,,\w all .a f"d stand ard wil l o pe.T rre acse retc be .A NSI B1 20 1 ta p e re d 300 It"c rass o r 8 $2 1 19 85 ,a -d ue bere o f t ee fttlllgs calculated :0 ''''':Jro~e f'CiN Wr,lj 'l"g o cnetsto 0"UL L 'stE!C .FM A,;Jpr::r/cd forus e COnlor'Tl~';to N FPA ,8 l.ille:.n 13 ::md cr essu-e r etec for 30 e PSI -r ali"'um T""~_ Lets.b y Me nt t,la .,,,~a c t ur ng COtoo ratiof'.Pet f<;low n .;:Iel't1 Si1vl'lrlla 11$464 U.S A Howtoorder-Use e it herof the fo llow ing methods fo ro rdering Mer itt.Weld-Miser w Te e -Le l s ~. Metho d No .1 -So e::,fy q Jan l lty Method No .2 Use I"e fd':o',V1ng sys t!;'.", deslrec'ol'o ....ed by th e ,""·,1 ~nl Sl ~~ :>al1 number show"In the OJ3l\~li ClIJ ~Sil ~-Ill.r.e'SiH 'Nei9I'l '""i""!·L ~1 ..tl:t~aI•'d llT~e n sic n s 'chart for the ty~I I I ~anj s ize 01 ol,;t1 et c @;lred., At.¥i~Qr,:g,~,,,.IrWlfl $'Z~ST.I:;;"-f_~n,~....-..~0ClI"5(IiICc)Or 5 !at'1.-l !I-th e ",,&,)( !hI~ac:a.l lIjo "'"C •Cut GlW'o'e QUANTITY PARTNUMBER _....C'liJJll'l~'B'CIR-Rol GrOO\lt..,.-- Iype A I• • 1 0 100 1 ~!.. ",~"I . l Ql00 20 1010015 I 1 ~1 0010 I lC10050 I • •• Male Thread Std.WI. TYPE e/R RollGroove Sch.10 -1 I, I I J 3 19Circleof P rogress Pottstown,Pennsylvania 1946443811 16101327-4000 'Fa x (61 0)970·9282 Fax TollFree 800-543-7013 www .meritmfg .com Thre aded Type B r TYPE B D ISTRIBUTED BY CutGroove Std.WI. TYPE e •l • •• •ictaulic'Grooved End Fittings "v;.......tr -f:~:1rl';S "''': rJGs.r;r,-=-r::::<;r,r<;.J lk"ti'l ft., llS,:10 'J~rJC'J,,"rJ p ::,lr.g ':,/2' -eras Fnunq s "r'"p :(..!d~·~ ';1 '~(N~r.[·..m.t,:<.!lrAJ',,,"<:: conto rruno t.'J sWl ,da:r! steel r,lf''''':!IJt<;lrj..,':!lam",' :<:rs 'fn ":1 :r,I'I;-.<:.r U'1 -vare "I j\..gtlr-""Lu n ..:O'! vcrves -::Ill":':'};~G VI';t,:;U!i c fltt:rt~s ;-n'_~71:;1 o r 743 I ': flam;",'";)-::;:,pt":l ';;,r:::~L .,d: d isc cieercr.ce dllo(:'r.3I·~n'i ·/JI Lt.I D dlll,H:sifAJ (.I f;ttl!'l~ :lttlnfjS ~.r",;WlVl0 er11:,'/:Jr 10U,<;rn9:t'-[l':iI::l r,du .-j I:I'J :nalll'l"lU<J I I'J:I,r!'Kul"!nor; steo.or se<;j rTl <:n t.:;lIy ;,.'/,::d't'J sr......1depo;<r,rllllg on styles and SIZt;F rt nnqs a t .. pmnted orer.c e er.cme l VJ1th qelveurzcd fJpll"'~n9:II'1 iiva l]i1blE.contact vr ctec tc IrJI d e:,)]ls aligorr,<::;,(rt,,:s,;>ti~lIr.,;s &./'9 n 'A l1'I~,::)d~d f';,r '~S '2 lV:t.i '/J(:I'JuIJ(:couphnqs hl p l1l 'r:.~n-:l PIT,':{!".!~:I rJ .S ~r:­ tlCI!H 04 (Of LH:,7';S eva:' am":(or pkJm .:>w.1 9.ppli<:'3!!()m;) AU fit t i n (j ~arc !'iUP Pll(:(J w ah IJfOf)'1'.)S or shoul1"':l:: to pe rm it Ies r ::ls<.<lllat.on Wlthout lip.kl prepe.auor, Tnc q rooveddasi cn pe r- Mils n",xC'Jlhty f-..or ean'1 uc~, '" PRODUCT DESCRIPTION '/i':taul,r:r::fcs a ~l ':o'ld lrr.c e.f f.tt:~'J'i in $11.""'"t:,:Q.J ~:. ~a '(1:l 19 2 rnrmma ·;d :j ~I.~' d o;:U'JI';i:.:and r~":io_<:.ng st v'es !A:o"l !'S r..a n ':!il r~!it - tlr.g!1 "l~cast of dcnbi", .j~CtiJ8 iron to j)!er.:5l'i toler - unces V ~r;U:lu !J r:standard hl~Ir.<J';J.i!~-;:;U~'=ratl:"!';:'> cor.rorm 'JJ the II!l'.l:V.j:; 01 VL<:t:,U ,j,:StYl'"77 'XIt;;Jhn,:;,s • Stainless Steel Gl:.;.(lV'S"J a nd tit:1r,qs a le a',.-,:!Ahle T Schedule to'IY llf,!3 1(; sta .nress s teel {Sct.c-lu 'e E, 40 and l'ypr.'304 CIJt:O:1a:J'I 'l'l':lilah!t:i;n Vi;1 fl<')U:<O '~IZt:S F'Jtun g ceme r -rcenc 1:mcnsJOl'.s WIll V"1Y d ..~r;dm'}ur.-...n t~and sr.;hedlllf!R A!er to Secuon 1704 tal decal/<" A luminum -Gr:JQ.<>d <,:1"1 ~ttJ r,,-!s ale AVF.l:<lt;,<;.in "I']· rnmurr;All')';35E Til,10 sizes ~ror.:l 1 -B"'1].7 . 2 19,1 m .'TI1 P.~!er to Secw.r. 21 03 q'(.c<r,tw;t Y;r:tCl'II!'; fo:d f;lt81lll I'.~'-11 I ~~~II ~-.~'----n i--------j--J.i \c '.:::< FORA8RASION RE SISTA I'iCE ONlf 1t cc CE FOR CORROSIONAND :OR ABRASIO N RES ISTA NC E j ',", -":---, I .:. .....-'..-<-'I, 'T "'i"""'J''. ,,"• F ittings M a chined fo r Rub ber orUrethane Lin - ing (M RL )-t o:5'~'I"':e ebracve servrc ...,:-h':U:'Jh": fi :U:"l(jii IT".a'j be :\1::'~='jt ~:e '=-"t9:M 1m .;.':'fbI'e thers; LJr,:r,g may t e ,r.s:--:,,:,1:",:1'. 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TIPlcall .12" • • •• ... Wor k P r85 5 . PS I' SIZE No mll18l Inches f Ir l • .,. I.I.' DIMENSIONS e TyPlCl1 20 ·2 4~ .ATERIAL SPECIF ICATIONS Hou~inK [;Urlil<.:ue.n '."lI'·.""· In...I/)A':iT ~':!•.~y, C"u pli ll lol Gd \kf>l I::'V-qf y '.hol(""I :J G'iII d"~E-lPor,,1 E!'rJM IG'oe<,."c',1of (;fA ..1 T..mr~alU!"r3nq..-yrF u, .~;O"F ~-14'C [0 ..l l if(} P ~':.",:n,,:~1(,:-:'lld dr.<J hl:.l ·....~I "'t ....r .;.;"W lthlll 'til: "~t S "'O te tnperat vre rang·· p'u ~"l ·.tn..ty d <lll Ul'!'a'_l d ~ ,;H·ffc""!;If .tTY!ma ny cberm- O:~1 ~'2r"l r:~,>Ul CI ~51 ~"'':1 In ~,=t;("r(]~r("·.'ilt~;',';SJlhSF 5!Ir;r ':'..tI1 -%~;I...j')'':.s~.t1 1"'.~j~·~j -i'i2 ":DQI..i7.ok: .,,);,--~c··.·.t;'!::r)T-PLCGL I. 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SIZE INCH ME TRIC 'LOAD LBS .WT./1CO 1/2 3:8 Bmrn c r 1Omm 3-1.'8 2-518 40C "3"3:8 1:11,'n 0"'0"""3-118 2·1.'2 <~)"t :H:3Mm 01 1Onrr-3-3/5 2-5.E .00 l~ --3';---sc-m cr 1()rrm -~3i4 --2-=7 ~-_._-4CC-.-,-1_1'~ '-1:2 3:8 E m m :;~1Cmm ~·7 16 2-7:3 .:x;,. 2 3:8 8i1 .~,0,,0'"1'\""'1 4·1/2 ,400 15"2."1.;>--~----.10mIT'--5-518-4-1/e --"600 27 ~- 3 3'9 1Cmm 5-i /e ,50C 2, 3-1:2_3:8 10mm ;'·318 5-1 /4 500 "'---4 ~H)",c>7-=-3.'8 ---.----100J 35 5 112 1~rn lT 9·116 >;-1/4 1250 66 6 112 -c-m 10-118 5-314 '2 50 -,'-•81:2 t zm m 1 ~-11 8 8-3/4 125C__..L3§__ ~q:de!:.':j g-=-~M --------- •• •T~D IJ\COR;;>OR,ATEO CORC NA CA i i0 9 >737 _5 ~~S •I ••• Fig.68 Wide Throat Top Beam "C"Clamp With Locknut -' • Sir e Rang e--3/Bt hr u 3/4 Inc~rod Fun c tion-Forattechmer-t to strucnr ra shapes -eqt,;:nng wider t-reat espec ially ",...de r root wi th bar jotst constnctrcr This clamp may be used In [he set scre w do wn posl t.on ::ml y A ppro val s -Fac tcrv M utua l Englnee-mg A pproved f or rodSize s 318 a nd 1/2inch C onforms to Feder a l Specmcat.on VVVV -H -1 7 1E .ly~e 23 andMa nufacturers stance-dizanon Soc iety SP-69.tyee 19 Finis h -Pla in No t e---A vi'1I1a ble i n E lect ro-Ga lv a nize d fInish. Orde r By-FiglJ re n umber.rod size .andLnrsh Not e--Do not ove r l lghlen set sc-ew. •• " ,, B "I )/1/ "E II /./I"'1 , r -<'I~I'l§i ··..?t'-'/ j .Jp:IIr!;J I ',I o 'I' .,-114 29,'32 1.,,4 '!8 1 _1/.( __l.:_~J~'.'Ie. "" AP PR O X. WT .J100 MA X.REC. L OADL B S,E s.e 318 400 SOC 1 !~'300 _S,:~__~ o ~:c '-1111 6 1'2 '.'";,6 SIB 2-1:4 ~__2 ·3~ RO DSIZE ---------- •B C • .(,\. •• •l~O .....u C(. l,:;()kO ~",c..;r~':l 'J l7)~·~~'J~ Fig.98 Rod Stiffener Si ze Range--S e ~u r e s 318 lhru l iB menha nqer ro d .\1a te rial-CarbonSteel Func t i on-Secures cI"'.aM""t tobanco-reo fOf vemc ar seismiCt raong - Fi nish-E ec tro G alvanized Ord er By-FIgure n umber. Note-AV8 rla b'e In H O G firjls h or S ta inless S teel ro arenes .~'- ROD SIZE Fig.99 All Thread Rod Cut To Length Si ze R ange--31 8 thru 71 8 inch rod i n1 Il'ch Iocre-neots M atcrial-Ca rbo ...St ee l Ma xim um Tempera tu re--7 5 0 ~F • Fin i sh-Plam Order B y---F lg 'Jre numberrod diameter rodlength.a nd fmtsh Note-Avail a ble inE lectro-Galvanized and HOGfinisho r Ste-ntess St eel m e'enars -----MA X.RECLOADl BS . FO R SE RVICETEM PS 650 'F 750<F 3/8 112 ~8 ~4 7ie Fig.100 'y All Thread Rod Full Lengths MA X.REC .LOAD lBS.APPROX. FORSERVICETEMP S V'/E IGHT 650'F 750·1=PER 100FT °i4 ~8 1/2 ROO SI ZE 240 215 12 03 10 54 C 2; 113(.10'1)53 18'0 1610-------a:1 - 2710 2420 122 3770 3360 1S9 4S6C ~20 -·-222-- 1 ·~i4 80 00 7140 360 1.1.12__---"~1630 "C370 5'C Size Ra nge-JiB t nru 7 /8 met.rod if"1::l t oot lengths M stcrial-Carbo -i Stee l Max imum Tempe ra ture--7S:':'F F ,nis h--cram OrO!!r By-F igure -u.moer -00 cra-nete-a-to 11I'1 ls'1 No re--,t..I,'3"la -:;e .n El ec tro- Gelv e-vzed and HOG f l:'liS'"or Stemless Stee r rr.ete nats • -71· 2S I 55 '_--';;L -!-"iO.l 1'1 10.2') r-"'1 m ~0 2 2,iO.3 1j •----- Powder Actu ated Fa sten ing Systems DX Fastener Technical Data --I --- B6 B6 I ,<0 -I---t - f---\'ii'--+-_-L_-+-,,~O~31p-'_,!--"ro:i38~!~~2i_1--=-.l--=- 125 I '~"'6 ~-1 ---__10.5031 'v'I""J 175 I~__._.ill}BI -I -=--- 45 ee ",-r '"',":I"~7L ~:Y~7;=-I '0.401 (0 31)(0.41};J iO.31)J - ·.:'~S ':~.I'!Sa e 1(.('eteee 011~.~~~M1 ~al~'~s rr...s :~!1I'lIo ~.I;;;~t ~se;Jara tel/ 2 :I\("HH ~\IM ee U iCli i1 ltj \lSo r.g E.'ac!0'01 !.3~~'of 8 ';·,'...I'J'!tase res a-e !~C(ltl\rr"l'~!of 3'ly ~t~:n lr.~,t • us :1·800·87g·eOOO I Wf.W.JShi,I Lcom I Hilt!Product Te chnical Guide 2002 I c enaea :1-800 ·363·4458 1 www .Ga .hil1 .rJl m Allowable loads for Hi lti Ce ili ng ClipAssembli es Installedi n Nonma l·WeightCon cre te'" DX Fastener Technical Data---• ----e -- Powder Actua te d Fa sten ing Sy stems ______e"----_ ------~ 3.2.3 ~Iing Concrete Com~rre Strengttl Cilll 400J psI (27.6 MPa )6000 psi (41.4MPa j T~oo I So",''''''~~....oo ,"."I 4.';Dtgrne•l<til ,•'"I Ib ,"I<'il III ...1 •I\<Jj •I '~I r:J:1 7YlJ21 18S ~(0 911 I '40 (lOl).I I, a;m :lF32 220 (0.98)270 (1,20,1 I 260 (116)=c=:I ~ a::l7Y.lf37 270 (1 2(J1 <Xl 11.91)260 (1.1~l .-{;C2 7Xf,u'22 95 (O .42l 175 1Q.7E 1 I 9:l r.J AI1I {h271ALH27 150 10.67)215 (096)170 fO]6J 145 (065,1 205 I 0 9 ~1 ~40 (O6 2~. 11071,195 ro.~l l ~a27AAUI32 lao 10.801 285 /1.27;215 (0,96)195 (O,B7)'40--~~"'''+.'1.'''_ CC2 w.Lt'3i 210 093)385 (1111 310 11.381 CC2 7JJ.lH32·DX 1(....lk '40 l1.G7)350 (1.56)350 11 .56) Cf27X.AJ..H42 ·0t K'MI<"'"ll .33t 470 (2.09]I 350 (1.561 11'.11!"!1 _~....~e vilkd arek:t~!f'1l dip ;tSSe1 rt b !~~;COflIle(Ied tal1S ,IfICl Ull ,~",Wt S.1lWSf be m..eslQ3 1ed 'plI'aTt ly ?.:.Jowa ble vall.e,are 10"lasl l:f\e ~,nslilllt1 ill COIlC l1!lt !\.l 'nng l/I6 d!SlgJ'l8led I;(Im p '~Slve s1refl\llh at tile 1'1lt ol l ~I~~~Tr)r,_ 3 tJIow&b1 e va \,eS ~f e Ga lWlalo:d lICC OI<l,ng to\!'It r ell Ul f t l'1 ~~lS ct !C BO ES 11 [;70,W ~'C 1 p'o v l ~es a {llf ,~bl ~tatlOo'01 ~le ",fM "'l ,ng rmm 5 to e I Allowab lel oadsin 3000 psi (20 7 MPa )Lig htwe ight Agg regate Co ncre te'U 17 1 il/,1Ul:S a-e 10 taseoe 011')'.Allac~ed mater'<l'mLIS l be l ~te ~lt9 a .e~5e ta 'lll e ~, 2 AI c...able .<1 tes are Ca ~J 1 8led us1I!t a 'actor 01safeI'{o'a. 3.'A~i'Ple la:;tene·3II!~cornTl;oned lor an~llr.atrmtr.t US :1-800·11 79-9000 f w ....~.rl it:i wn !Hitt!Product Technica l Guide 2002 I Cana da :1-8 0 0·3 63 -44 ~J WW-t.ea rsuco m I,,,. Fast eners 1 '!S~r le d ~.M ct ll l Detli _""",Mr..Fa steners Inst:Illed In Cooc rete oesc~ion -,..,.0...-Em_TtnS j Ib(KN)Shea T_""'"u.-""'"'In.lnwn l In.rmml IbMIl Ib i».')Flute Flute b OO :) Dor'wl HeitlJ r1aI1 X-O!lr 0.145 I "'I 11 0 (049J I '"(0.56)60 [0.27)11 0 lO A9)200 lO .89 ) on 1'''138 1 185 (082)225 IHIOI lJll (0.561 185 ~82)21lO (1.251 Dor ~ueee r.ai .,38 I 12S1 95 (l).42j 120 (D.53)ss ((124 ,95 (0.42)200 m.e91x·~lao (0.80)10.87)(0,58)l ao 255 i!.~(15i 1111 rJllI 195 l Jll ro.""r--0.138Flllllip.jj(J !'.a(X-Cf 13 11 I 12S1 95 (()4 2)120 ~53 1 -95 10 42'130 1O.S8l H.11hml TraQ(HaI r .H fto Th P 0.138 'I.n 6)"10.24)~(0.31)25 (Q ,l1j I ss (0,2 4)110 (O .4'J 1(3.51-- Hca"1'!DJt';1114 13 ~285 (1,261 (1 09)285 11.271 245 11 (9) OS .m r-w-1 1381 320 1t.42)325 il.45)320 (,4 21 l2S n ~l0C\ITle!'Eat:t....(4.51 1 5/~(41)400 (1.78)41 0 (1.82)400 (1.78J 41 0 (1 821 I 1251 110 (0,49)125 (0.56)TOO iO .44l 200 !OM I 1/4 -20 Tr.'~S'1Jll ''If> 0 145 (321 140 ({I 62)14"11)62i 140 (J.6',o~1'/4 240 (1 .071 1'12 1381 185 10.821 185 !0.82)185 (0821 280 (1.25; Do me li ~'lal XZf 22 P8l .,38 'I.(16)85 [0,38:110 (0.49;85 (0.381 11 0 :0,49113.5.- - 0"" I r,51 zss (1 181 T!Xl '0651 110 1004 '31 zes l1 :E,190 fJ 85' 3i8 -16 Thr eaded Stud '.v1O.",'{10 ~;5,2)11/4 1321 ""11.251 I 380 {U59!""(0 49)""C ,25j 380 (169; r--wl"{4 l ]445 (1.98;I 540 !2.40i 320 11 42,445 (1.98;540 (2.40) ae t ~:,j~r .~T ,(·0 ..... 0.118 'I.1 1 ~75 "'33,140 !O.621 75 to.3l.105 i0 471 170 .0.7£.1 13.0)I ~5 1 '"10,561 175 (0 781 lJll ({J sa)I 165 ro.7 ~l 270 ~~ 0.1 45 I ;2:51 150 (:>.57)I 185 (0,92)I S!il 11 *S:ee1 ~.:aiI X-(,(3.7.I'll 132 ,200 (0.'"I 25Ii (in)I 1'h (381 260 (116l 325 !1 45)I H ea~)'~iJtf 'I.(19)so 10,36)130 10.58) '·AUi nr rr ,"25!'"10.69;240 i1.07; .- Jcf!1£Heal]M il 14.51 1 1'/4 1321 230 (1 021 I 330 (1.47),.,• • • Powder Actuated Fa sten ing Sys tem s OX Fastener Technical Data ~-_.'---.O-_ 3.2.3 __ "'Jl~1 l.llowa llie a ~es cr "9 d ~~bI eaonly,t:D'l IltCWl oans IxlJd 'lQWI as.maS!be I If stlqale1 !<l!(l(l attly ~,~t1 e u1 .ors are IrJr 'as l~II'>StlIIIed ofl to1t ttle 1\iI·....oglM de'S.lgl\ll l~cenceess....e stl'ellll "III r~e 1''''1:ollfl$l1 !aIQ/l 3 A..,,,*,oalut5 an!':ak:u.a:eJ atOOl'l r.glo 1'Ie ''lQUI f~t s DlICBO ES AC70 ..Nhtll ~'01Ide's a ~¥litll'l tar::!or 01 sal~1y fa'~rll "0015!l')8 ceiling :mJ psi eoncme Ccmpressiye strength ------ CUp I---loosiorl l ower fklte upper Fkrt:e ....<;.~y r SIo~,I 45 ueeree Tens;on I 5t1 ear ~45 ""'" ~itlf21 •1<14)•,,.•,10'11,•Mi:Ib ""Nt ~·Hjl 50 ro ~I '"l Ull 135 .'0.601 ,re ({),*+-~11.31 /+49J 1!.29.L OC270"32 65 10.291 ,325 (1.~5J '00 10.88)''''(058).325 11 .451 315 11 4 ~1 ,~~7 x.LF Jl 00 10.36)±35S (loS8l Zl1 1l,02\156 10·69)35S 11 .581 I 350 :1..56; CC271.AlJl27 10 10 311 240 (1 0 7,145 m.bS ;160 10.711 =[240 (1 .07)l ~-~ t;C2 7XAl.H32 ''''1()581 t f:(1.31)~245 (1,09)240 (1.07)ess n.r11 ,325 (1,45) CC27XA1.h37 ''''1O.8n (1561 34S (1 .531 325 (l 45,I 350 11 51).,405 (1.~ ~XAI.Hol 2 D X ~W\I<----200 f089 j I 570 (2.54!210 n93)zso 11 11)I 570~11761 v •a-e !~I •m '-•,n • •Allow ab le Lo ad s l or Hil ti Ceilin g Cl ip Assemblies Installed in Light -We ight Concret e-Metal Deck ,Ib IkNI'" All owabl e l oads in Con cret e Masonry Un itsl l.l 115 (0511 105 /0,47, 150 '067) esc (1.17) 175 10 7Si ""f1,11)I 150 (0 6 7, "..... ''''10.58J ss (0 421 145 [0 651 I I ~rl 125 ~-56! 2eO (1.17) "?-+"'="-11-"',::,,-+,(0 .401 75 (0.33) 0.1 45 i17/ "38 0-51 0.145 (17) Q.1 3Ml145 (3.513.71 0.138 13.5] v•• X·ZJ-22PST -cte s I ,.:.JW.-a:lif value!;iIIe 1or !Jle 1'l:>1efle1 only tor.r~'ld C¥1S must tw-r~~';j3te-d !W\JlIt3 1~y 2.A!t:/.ablevalues if~tIa.!;~:vI a sale!'l l'ld:r cf e ':'II.1,;)110 la~ltre '9 a'~retot'lH />1ed iCf'ntrn!.:~~re 1iIt~t, • 2'us:l ·aoo·879-8000I ''/'mI.iJS Nltl.com I !lUll Prod uct Techn k:a l Gu ide 2002 I Canada :1·8OQ-:i6.1·44.SII !-...1""holt;........ I I:~ 3.2 .3/3.2.4/3 .2 .5 e--e- Pow der Actuat ed Fastening Sy ste ms Fasten er Sh an k 118"i3 2 mm,3/1 6"1.:8 rnm 1/4"16 ,4 rr,m i 3/8"195 m-m JJ;'!l~.l Mn11 3J4"us 1 mm l Oe scription T".Di am eter Tension Sh ear Tension -Shear Tension'Shear Tension Shea r Tension Sh ear ITension Shea r In.(~~)lb 'k!J.IbM.)Ib (~N~l ib I ~"'J lb M .)l ib cltM Ib Clo llr Ib iloJl lb M ;)!I b (~tli l ib !1'1.)!Ib 'UI: 0.145 11 0 2:J(J ;000 620 81 0 I 680 "'161>;500 1'"Coo-.e '~ii ,j X EO/II 455 I 425 1 (10'-1HIl.rl!llj S~a'~:3.7}.'O 49!(l .~12.021 I n .a3J 0.56 ,/2.76)13.l;ljj ~3.1~_l2.f,ij)12 22:!i242] ';4"·20 01 45 """'"esc 620 sso '"se ... 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Allowabl e l oads in Steel ll )'l,~"1 OXFa sten erTech nica lData I LisU ng s I Approva is I OX Fas tene r Spec ificati ons ....llt SO 1.Allow~ble vanesar~'Q1.he fa ,t ~~er cn1y,COONK IP.<:!parts muS!be lf1 ~t,g a l ed se par a l ~ll', 2.f ~~"~.rlflnl .....:.(~IY ~~10~""'"Tll ohl",n ~,k_d blc lead va/>JeS See SeG llfl11 3 t 32 ].;JIt)w.:.llle values ll't e~or.Oil sale!)toc101 01 5. t l,lJlbple rao;lere~~f~fOlC(Wllrrent!ed b '..,~sed rel.aDoiil) ~_flIo ler 10 Roc:om merlllell fasreoer lenqtlls lll'Sleel Base ~k lllOO l"on PlI <Je 19 10f'appl~a !lon h llrn. 6,loads based oo;.sm A:lf Sleoo l eese f1l i terials eJcefjl X-A L·1iila i ~be ~ed O~ASTM ~1 2 Gr ade 50 ne e'. 1.\'a,ues l(]f 1'4 'sleel !tlll;k ~ess are based on dr"NIl}~1S1 1II'(;e 01 1/2· 3.2.4 listings/Ap pro vals • • Facto ryMutu al Wl0·JO-i7Pl0,"'1 ').»-~·4 ~<>1 (Ifld l'N'O·l:·,~~.o ~I')'~poet t!2JIS lIlC·j()·22'l()(~to'at:lnI"C lllri-~ f'.r>tE1"""2 EI*2I<-_X-a:f;~g ,il'1 1.ffif.r.n ~...Il;II~_W do!<' IlltemsbOlll1 Cooltre~ce of Bulldi ll!!Officials (lCBO ESJ (~·~811·M IlIL"..·VItitJo:i1y 0......Ft ~'"\tI$· (P··i 'Jl·~<)'y "-.........s..-.:l""'7 l>iI&~. f.a·~~7·~l:JOO"~~•.:¢II',,:CM''1 '?p Aw Ttloe$· tf'·4~~3·!j'H ~C~~~ms ',:Jf'i,f~-:W ~•.P1 ~).flr U,g,<lfII:H ~~121 Undtfwriters Laboratories :,J.y',11'4 G ).<~'~ .\IO·Y-2:'/>'6 'li"o--X-l<PHI,\Ilf1 ll-y,.-t;<1c"-1 rfl"~:;:H5'"(lI'ls'''Y!fl::'!:lMI tI ~il'l ,*?,' E.~.•','~,ENI'I<2 21 L~~ENP2 W2HI5 t-E~"'~'Tlt':m l·tr ',~2::<-TI«lI2 , ~'iI",~,1-,trfl'g If\d 'Etor;~421a!Je~IIor~I~IxJ<lId' Crty 01Los Angeles (COLA) ~l-Ic.2Se2 ·~~F ~· P.fx;"~ru 3t~Dld.l.lul:t...-...c SoIr.t'e m Suid 'll cede CooQrtss InltrNltlooal;se co) RI';lIYT I-l ~9Il 3:l ·~tn&fol ras:erwr f ~a r S Ifle.atioos Ff-P';)5C ~C1 :to<JI$1flIl_~r tll!o':<lC.~XI't".tIli lro """')1or'I'l:tlllJl Of~"lIlI"'.m Wo'trl il'!-Pa 1'Tl!!fllS ~II X'1illf1o!S FOfr...:~I'"IIltJl"Nlrllll:)fl r:ur \$1.~~o!I':II'W'"C(,r~l(;!~>lll 3.2.5 Po wde r Actua ted Fasten erSpec if ication •Material Pla ting MlXffledA/Sl1 070 Hl:I !!11 3JS!empe'eCI teror es s 52-58 aocew e I C. TensIe$)'eoq1l :285.000psi Vie l::S:tengttl :0.85Fu :242.000 psi Sh earSuefYJlt1:o.182.000 PSi ZI!lr.pat ~9 to a thiCkness 015 fl rr.In eccccence Wlt'l ASTM 8633,SC 1.Twe III US:1·~OO·fl 7 9-8 000 I www .'oJS hl lti ,con I HltllProduct Technical Guide 2002 I Canada :'-800·363-••581WNW ~a ,M!1 com •• •elA -VAl Fire Protect ion Pressure Reducing Valve Spec...at S -r-Iem Wilter Con t-o Val '~5 -CId...s II U LProdu ct c a'e cc-v Vu.n -F ile No E~2534 CIa-Val 90(',...'1 /g 'ooe)w id 9OA-21 (a ~lel Pre ssure Redu cing Valves aLt omalcally recuce a h igher .nletpres- s ure to a steady IOYier oouet press.r re r eccr e'cseo f ch a 'lg- In9 tl OIV rateand /or va rYing inl e l pr essu re .The va'ves p ilot coot-orsystem IS very sensmveto 51gh l downstream pres- sue rJuc.fu "l;,on'i.".,d wit it cJ lomahc a lly o pe n Of close to mAntau,'1.,.c cweo pressure <,elhr'l9 The ckP.vns lream pressure can besetO...e-a 'HIde ra nqe tl y tur nmg the <td,uslm"nl s crew on 1'm e RD ouo t cor n-or.l be adnrstment -.crew IS prote cted by ascrew -on OOVE!r,wll lc!l ca-tbe y.aled ,,,d .'>Cl;WI <ty+>lam Wfl'lg •G lobe o r Angle Pattern •Pr oven Reliable Design •Ava ilable in Cast Bronze,Ducti le Iron and C astS te e l •Accu rate P ress ure Control •In Lfne Service •G r ooved Ends (1 112"-6 ") Ci a-Val 90 G -2 1 (g lohe)a oo 9 0A ~2 1 [Angl",)Pre<;<;lJf !l ROOUl;i'lIj Valves arc moeocosacie In any nrc croiocton s ys te m O ur diaphragm actua'ec d e :;~~IS prover'l h g hty -euo oe eno easy 10 nlil nl l'l n We o HElf Doth a gl o ~Of rl ng *" f1"':tem Wi th a full ranoe 01 eoicstrrenrs.The se varvc c a rc also avai lable In a vanetyc r materi a:ocncos .E»oxy coal- '119 is strongly racornrnended for allfire system varves (exctudi "9 b-o n zevarves ].The9OG-21 ancl 90A-21 ca n be su ppl cd w th cct coar utte-nal and ':!de -nal e poxy coanro of l 'le ma,n valve we lt ~l'U 'fiKCS I!@m Oel cr lplion I.1<Xl el l Q()..O·Hy lrol ,(-lobe or AtIgI~, 2 x 508C Reslroc"OCl'·Tuee Fllt"'9 3CRO PJe nu'",~~-g Co"lIol 4 X45,\FbN C!C;ln S l'a,,,,,· 9Q.21 Ut Lisred Grooved End Ftre P 'oteC1!OIl Vii,ve• 90·21 U L L'SIC<l F ire I'l r ol",'~h o n Val ",,,, MEA Approved @ U1 110 • U nde AA H ers L abo-at ores rC'Q U res the tostaeeton 01 pressure g auges upst ream and do .....nsuee rn o r tne Pressure R~'J~'C I1 'U V alve A lSO.a m id veive 0 1net less tha'l 1,2 '1lCt"!III size t'flUS:be .ns tauec on the cowns-re a-n side ofthe ores s.re con trol va'veAdequa'e d rilln<tlJl:!(Of t-re -euer valve dlsc ha"ge mJSI be providol1 -,. ,. -~ "'I.~-.b--=-"7=--_.~:". ·~L .es L!.I CIA ·VAI croec ~illlern AII\ll tt P "U tllll ::uCllle I-on D ~C:II ..:Ion O\::tle Iron 6 r :J nze B rOlll'!B.!Yll"C a$IS'!?;<1 o ccwc lrot"Ductjeuc n S,!",'5 /j <>F 300=S 3C'l ~~'OCll T",e~.-<J '501;~25 )::F :x.iQI;F G'')(l..-.:'l Er>d Gtoo\''9d Ena 1 I ,~··U l .. 2-ut r u UI I U,-C UL IULe WL I ULC ULe ULr UL UL Ul 2 1·'2·UL 'ULC ULe U L I ULC UL I U LC ULC ULe Ul-U ,,U L I UL "r U'. I ~:!,JL r utc U L I JLC u.e :.1 1 C u:UL UL _ UL /ULC UL I ""LC UL UL,-UL I ULe UL e ,J"~LC UL e--------" • •• '" ,., .11 .J ~,··l -. .~ ~...~I ="·'· 1 Mooet N c-nber 9oJ.21 2 see 3 .Groce or An9 1e c aue m ~Marn Valve Bod,'"no Cover Malf:."la' 5 Screwed n tlnge<l or G'O'J••1j 6 c -essu-e C li'l"~ 7 0\1110 '1<11 Eoo>.Ccet r .g rsoecev v.1:h s:,,!Ii ~t<G: F lo w Capacity Table Mjlimum f low R."llC V.h,e S ize IGP M o/Wal"'1 •/"160 2"'262 2/'37 3 3"576 ~"99l.' 6"2251 8'3900 10"6 1'10 ·l.C .~ MillO ~a 've ana p ,lot v./va (J.-.J;>Nagffl ,1Il'J d sc R _fla·N '",'nl'",'Il:'l,tx .... Pi/o r c;o"rrol sys'em- P i/of c o,,'rol valve: Bronze AS TII,1 BE2 w 11 Slilnl ~:;;S S II!f11 30:;tnt..,,,,,II,,m Main ~o I~C'b ody &covor : ()IIf:"j,.Imn ·ASTM A ~lli MillO v iltv e In/f"rnal m m : BtQI"IZ E'AS n..l B61 1 112"·8"(G lobe) 2"·6"(A ngle) 11/2"-6"(G lobe) 2"·6"[An gle I 150 AN SI U·;J 2 (D OC I '~11001 IBi'O"'lC'1 JO().::l rOudtle Iron 1 3C(l;I {C <!$\5 1""I 30<):1 (01,1:1,'"GrtIO~!M Endl ,..~-....'<.~-.~~,:.oo,.'~"'''&C'»t.'€O M1....·~",.~.:"':"..o.:.~....,.,.-,~......,v-,'"l..1:1>-1 )pT<)'.,'r .="'"~,~...,":~~••C'.~"·.;S~T"':.,:.l''E C C""~"':<E Lo~·"""l (':·~.~'l S lv.<.....e SIZE -- I '> ,z-2 ',~l ",".","10·.....1 A S C~EWt D 725 9;)8 "00 12 'i0 AA tee ANSI .50 '""00 1200 ·5 OJ 20 CO 253e 25 15 AAA 3C""ANSI 9 ~!U 10 00 '1 52 1)25 '5.Co 2 Leo 2636 31 12_1 AAAA -Gf{Qti'i:E.l1 650 '00 12 '50 '!i0:1 ?01)0 L!'",,so '"'56 3 "..\)1 5 "q 25 I ~D 8 GROO VED ,~-1 213 -..2....22-4 13 €:.JO[l:AXI 5 SO 6W ".5..12.......lO..£2 _n26.15.0-2 1712 C /,lA X'",., 0 2!l~331 He 456 'i 15 15 ',,,(y,'15'! DO C ROOvED j>fll J 31 -1Z 51~758 I'E--SCREWED 325 4 7;:5~fi2S~'SCJ A,\;S I '00 ''5 5SO 500 7 ~O ,"00 12 1 ~1468 tE EE 300 A~.SI '25 5 00 58"1 1Q,r ,,i s 56 EEEE GROOVED 4 75 6 ®..-....-7 ~[J F SC REWEQ ,3 25 •FF 15l)Ar-..S I '00 J 25 4 00 '00 520 .00 ,00 '62mrooAt.,425 3SO '"'38 '5 31 ,SO 8 ~Q 93 'I~R QOl.·EO 325 q "5 00 I1SO,-.77 5 600 900 'J~10 ~j 11 50 '~M AlO >"IGG~MAX J 810 '00 -sn '"'0 SO - VALVE SIZ E '0 so es '0 .yo .,.200 250 A CREW 1M 2JB 21S )'0 A A '~O A l\;SI ate 2 :Jfl 17 9 305 381 SOl!645 156 A AA JUO A"-SI '"25'2!J 5 JJ1 '"533 .70 790 AAM GR ED j/'6 ,,,:~;;.3~1 5(" ~-RoorvE i5 28 38 '3 "'09 13 5 235 "64 -'00 413 .00 'C MAltl •,5 ."MAX '65 ,, go 11 "S JOO r:R{CD 1 "'"l,.\(j -~E SCfWIVED 8J ","0 '"EE ':iO A"-SI 102 ''''1M)152 '"'64 324 316 [E [.1'JIIAf\,SI 108 127 '"'6'200261 ~1 9 39S EEEE GROOVE"D l :.o l 152 , F SCREW D 48 '02 1 ~4 :m,ff 150/,,,"$1 '02 63 102 102 '21 ",",IFFF JO(J A;"SI '06 S9 .09 ",,165 206 IfFFF GROOV ED '",", ~IoIAX)19 1 197 '"203 228 241 767 esa -GG l MAX)20b zoa -;>1.11 '"267 • • PO 6e .Ij?5 t."wporl B..a (.~C:A "~5 ~"Ol'5 p ~c "'"949·n ?·4llliO F a ~..~g ·~45 ·~J T ~'Vib 5 '.:'.1 era-vat.corn.E·ma I'CIII ,a@cta·vlIl,.om •~ ClA·UAl , .~~'"."".[>oo .• ""'"....Or '"" :.."lC "'8'"'y.m 5tl-''''-..:\',;.......,'~,~.~. 0 . ·:·Ol2n,...... ._~"·ll~).·!·~l "."J '....'>-Ot; ;;-l,'''',...~""e- ," Oo ...,-~~~,.,.,....'.,,,..->, G>8 .T~."'''''' •''''2 _"t...,...,_.""~"'4 ~' '"to '~;.~J--'. t·........a""........ • •MODEL 1000 • • • [J o :J :J l h e A G F lv1a nufac tu ring In c.lv1 od el 1000 TEST ANDRAIN Provides Both Th e Test Fu nc uon And I he Exp ress Dra inFunctio n For AWet Fi re Sprinkler Sys tem. The lv1 o de l 1000C om p liesW ith A ll Re'lu iremellt s Of N FPA -13,NFrA -1 3R, A n d NFPA -13D . Th elv1ode l1000 TEST ANDR AIN Is ASi ngle H and le BallVa lve IhatIs Lig h t W eight An d C o mp act,In clu d es A Ta mpe r Resis tant Test O ritice ,Integ ra l Tamper Resista nt Sight G lassas ,A nd Is 300 PSI Ra t ed. Availab le In A FU llRangeO f SIZes Fro m 3/4"To2 NP I &SSP!.Wi th AllSp e r.ifiable rJll fice Sizes 3/8",7/16",,IT 1713 2",5/8 "(EW).&31 4"(ES FR) Tne Ortfice Size Is NotedO n The mdicatc r Plate And Th e Valve Is Ta pped Fer APressure G auge. Loc king Kit Ava.a bie WhichProvidesSuperior Vanda lResist a nceAndPreven ts Unintent.ona l Alarm A ctivation . •QLlI N"iA'04,,/au'"rH. ('f-Visit us 4f)r' r'<:'C on theInle rnel '//CI v c t ' MODEL 1000 • 2"11/2" 300 PSI 11/4"1" •® 3/4" • •I•I---,--' 10 c.~"'l t j j r I PLAN ViEW fRONT VIEW I '/ER rleAl rt>:;;i:\~l;\I~I ,[; G,t.IJ;;r "'LET PliSVI:;l U) stern FI O \\,, ,..,."."":.'... MATERIAL L1 S1 HAi'>Dlf STEM BAll W:." v AL\I£5E,l.1 1 ~;D t C "'CR Pl "1£ ..,,,r·C lE lOCI( srQ HI El .......-..., ?P PIPE I I,~:, 10 t-Il ,oIN : '.!':":II ,·,..tJf ..iJ A '))" APPROVA lS -!UL a nd ULe l j ~:t,:(J .J CA State Fire Mar~hall ...!r M A pproved exce pt 3/4" ~NYC -B IA NO 720 -87 1M ,OONl VIFN /HOOllONT Al INS1AUA TIO N .' )DIl"'I~1 ! •AGF MANUFAC TU RING INC. 100 Qua ker l ane ,,"o l l'ern,PA 1935 5 USA T~pMn fl ~16101240·4900 Fa x:IE10J 240-4906 W'WW ,l(!Sl 8ndfaon c om "'ACI I'"U.S A. JO B NAME,_ ARCH IT ECT , EN GINEE R, CONTRA CTOR , r..tl~')':(!rj cr.ets &11'.>,,,,f;;.st o,,,,,'}Jr.s:aU'ill'.J'1 'I!ilh jl')': :..../fj '!l-;VoI UUf;r;r;.J(:.i.lf,'1''.t ~~'"';,,1.1'1<;-rr:JJ,'j t,o;,r.1'JJIlt<:':i t-,f1'1fr'd,=",J fAilS:CL l~jjl U[\lJ P ~""lt US lrl q lO:l,.tJe,r tr) Vrc tauh ..Styl .,7'1 1 VIr.;-F1 anc;c'"(';1 S l,l.,744 ~'iJ ,"LU':k '!i;:'11)'"ad<.ptf;l'>en 'o"l th'?::,n':l :0:-;"'~'J;':(:::;'ll~II)2 5G PSI l172S kF'<:'1 :";1?"~4.-2°: 114 '3 -2:9 i rr.rn rr.;z-:::,r;r. HiS!m -n ~.;:."Oi,(:'.'13 :=~'P :u 'Jf:': Series 717 FireLock™ Check Valves 'I!ltb u cstree-r :;;':1':J rj:;':m - st ream -ttar s and a w ekle-i-m r.li;~E:l see: :'~<;:'J n ..:...r sizes of genes 717 car b ,:,l!lsta!.:<=tJ rr.J,.. v cr ucacr !1'~l rl(;ntC:lI ["-(,';j" 1:0n to pr o'll dJ'-leak-It.." s .,.<:tlJ.:'I3'under G(o:J11t1Qn,11,:; low <i s five I"""'t ,;,f teed ~aC:1 ve.vc IS !ar;VlIi't"'-'Ot'¥l tc f,OO PSI (3'1,,10 kPa;Th~ 2T,~FI nd 1"173.0 and 98,9 m rn}S I Z ~a r e ULlTJLC Listed ar.d 4 "!,1 4 ~i 'TIm) s.zcs and lar'1<:1 .:n .,I)LNlI: L is ted and ~'M A ppll)v"!'"J • Th e 4 "(114,3 rom).<Ir.n larqe r s.zasare rJI OVlGcdSizu.·12" ictauliC Si:Ju.2·...·'· PRODUCT DESCRIPTION S"'Il~S 7 17 F l!':I:.or~y'-M c heck 'Ji;JV':is "~;'.C· d-velcced 'j'.:!$l'.p th et rs h'/1:'l.I;m<im.t;:;;l.:y o;,:fl~l(:nt •f..,.tota!l'i runt":l enceosc- ietc..d disc on ';.12"/1 14 ,3 . 323.9 mol SIzes provd",s ~UI-""'IIr:;1 (,,"~1llF-1(~1:[.,.SIS tence Tt:1S Slr.IJ /~dl$': ::f:S1 1n .nccrcoretes il ::pnn');';~l<;lH;'eeturefor nc c -stcmrmnc opcrauon P :"'I systemsreq umnq a Riser Chec k o pucn If:fF:r U J s ecccr,1000. • • DIMENSIONS Typie ~12"!1 0 J O 1 "..'.PTl\.........,C ... 1 ...PlPT lI<o :-.." 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Le ss !F'1 ~no l FM c pcroved. Less g3t e n nl UL ',s l ed u n i e s ~'"st Ol l c d .....,tIl UL "sh,d g a le d votvcs M od el 88 0/880V Fl o w Curves 2 '/211 6" ",A - J,R 0, ;,- R - A '00 .\,'0 600 8Q(•'~IZCIJ OJ.)', CP M 8" A- R -----' ,.0 ,"00 1500 ;>.'()(.hOG J"'"Go " 10 " c ,R_.... A ",,,, 12 ro a,, 20, ""'6 """0 ""to,,8•6z, 0 n o 3 " 2,.""G P'A 4 " '00 IC()ISO 200 2~O 300 350 4(<l 4<,CI G I'M ",, o ""J',e,,, r, • I A ~R o 50,1 ICO"1 ~,jO 2'1(1)4')r:U .uruu isoc 1(..-,.,:,(0(..")", (.PM Th e 6',31l (J 10 'now C Ul "'~S (B-s l ,Jnd.3rd o n"III"""lll roctccc the rE SCO v ,JIve Se-IIt'1 "md ",1 6'1 . c '2 ao~16 '"i(ltl5CO30'J 40 0 (,P ill t.-Vc .1.c a 'of lO!lllallrm (mod<'!18ROV) B·Stand .1 rd 0 l1 "1taIl0 :1 (fl,o d el 880 and MeV) c A~, R , "1::- r . 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Dimen sions andWeights IUS .In t l,es ) (Me l ri c •MM )NET {k g} OS&Y 92 97 '"'"'"4'11) NET (Ib s.) OS&Y '"'"'".,. 173 1080 NET (k g ) N RS 90 se '3 ~ 2()A m 445 NET (l b s .) NR S .99 '"'"'"7Il ~!1(J H 7,. ", 9 . 11 '..", G ~., • 5".7, G 1'·1 JO l aJ;) 13970 1651 0 177 eo 22860 o,.I.'.".'~1. 15 ';, o 25400 as-co 2 577(1 .123 so l Wi r.fI 396 6e C' 12'. 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I SO90 0t Ce r uftcd •• Replace ment Pa rt s - Ul M od els 'lJFD2Q ·o/tr025 .....%030 WrOnl ',/I1'f03':. \"'-040 Wf D ~ Wf [)lJO "'~F[)M A.1 00000 o\.nO H)2 ~4 h 7000 "/\-lJW 'I.''f eNt ULC/Canadian Mo dels "i vl-D2 0A 'IJFD2 5A VlFD 30A WFD3Q.2A \o'tF D3 5~. 'NrD4OJ. 1M-O::iOA v.,TU6QA I,VFOOOA R ~I "Jd r-Aa;J1 a11$r\ fer mln,al Bloc ~. r,m'B!"tamper S\"',tch Kit cover '"V'P.r<;n R.,.p1accmo,oflt q'lw.;{~,t Product Overy lew N<!w WI 0.10-2 ITlQd cb mslidl ill 2 " 1101'l ~i lP.!> Sys t em 'jefl ~or ''j,Wf Il senes 11>co m p a !i hl ,~WIth ..o..hl."tlulp.10 th'OII'Jh 10 ,I"".p,~". s ues 2"l hrQuqh 8 R ,and 1:a 0 be mount ed In ,)v l!fll<:.al or hOflmnl ,,:Il':'s,"ol1 . IJl m od el',ar e NE MA 4 raTed S.~.l l .:d retardm..c h amsm a s sUl'C ~Ihill tbe r e t ard i.,not contamlnatl:d Oy do", ;lOd ,.lin whe n t he c ove r 1<;l+!mOVll d J '':u'tl Wl iU;h lIf:llva hoo p""mlt!. 'n~t...lI('r In 3ccuralf'ly s et fl!t ..'d unclel "OI~Y condition,> Robust c onsnucuon.Th e WFD ser te-,ro m i SIS of <l I ~Igged 1'-:E /I.I ......4 ran-d eralosure D p\lgnf'rl rOf both i ndoor an d ou tdoo r '-l SC .the \liFO s-ues c pereres ac ross a WId"rernpera ru re lange.(rom 32T to 12')'F. R~C I~bl tl Pe rformanc e.U L hsted mo dels a r~e q uip ped wlth ra mp ..r reststaru C':I\E'r scr ews topr event uneorhouzed entry !nsido:.rw c sets o f "PDl Ilorm Cl sv nchrcn.zed S>.,ildies are enctosco ina dur an],.terrnmal b lcck to a ssur.. r ell "hil'per rorm ar«.. '\l:I;ommod<lt<.:s up TO 12AWe WIT!). f(llgG"'d,dll .]l SPO T "Wltr:tW!~a-v "I'I('lo"'ed ,".it dor abl~l'llm'nal blnr:~ Slmpllh<:d Operation.The V':FD s-nes Is d esigned to sim pli fy Installation Twc co nduit o pe nings permit easva uachmentto t he locala la rm system .'f hf'ret erd mec hanism a nddu al SPOT swnches are field-re placeable. Fal",,,Alarm l",muOIt).1 he v\"FD senes ;ncor porilff'S it meche rucal r e tard ff'}J- nne .~·vhlrh mtrumtzes the r is!<.of fa lse a larm due top ressure surg ,:~or air n apped In t he sp r tnk ler system .In addu.on,l h~m echamce!retard ',;unique §I'id ,:,d d~~i~rJ rsimmune to dust and other c cruemtnane MEA approved 100),~.,.n ,.hrUntldllOf'l 3<;tIWitlP.<, bo lt!..ta-rn pa nel a n d I'JCJI bf!'l1 ,>'lTluI1dnenu"ily -® LISTED •• • Entlneerlnt:Spflclfica tlo ns ,7J'l(>-ty:.e w"ltcrtbw co tectcc s-ian be msr aueoon ';~t E rr plptng 35 cos g natcd 00 t f-e drM:'"'J ~r"d :o'as ~ifie<J 'l e,r",~ Det'::"..trJS Stl.11 T"'OU'lt 0'&ry cle;;I 0 roe span 0'r -e eoooc nato no":')r-at SIZE:e.tner G 'I "'rf i~l u::Jf lr:'I;or ~,tjI'10l'1fa l '1,.,..,<I t ,:c.st ~ !f')":"anjllU lng5 ·...ncn m ay cr erqe ....atern rec ton 'hI'.re te.01 pee o.e rr e t e...or ro closer tr-an 2 4 rrcma celve tr or"r D"t,::':.:"rs v-eu rl!:l "'"a se r survny If t -o ;;l1']'"of 4to 11)gfll ons per mm.tc a-io 0 sta r c pr€,;,;ur ~ratrqof 4S0 r S I ~oj r 2 '·8 p,p~:J ne "Her.tor 'iraJ'rlS-spCM t o wa e-tlow II"m e specified d irer.tlC''l e 't er n "''''',I'!l t i"TlF-oetey "'·H;h IS f eto (ldJu~t ~l)I","te o(:ia J I'T"r,o:r'l' mc,M s nen W e seaed rr ecraocer coecmeuc unlt ....utv sca !'Ml:.,:;ti')"l o!a~ll.a t -c.,T'~ecueto-r-8:ha'LIS,:-sna 1 Inc u~.~ po j'f"!th)'e-e vaoe In'>€'f t~j :hfQU ~"a notE:I~tre P p<:a -c cor-oect e i try a n--«h<lflCil l 11'1 ".:'9'"tc t-e Clot ,,:,1fI,:,.ramsm ':It.t:ILf~;'1<0'1 ,.orS lst:f ~I Si>DT S','IItctll'!,;FC flr C COC'l aC!>J TvKI ccoou.t e-n renc es fOf st"ndal':!fil:ill':j!>(jf wmn'\(J(llt u'*'.1 <:;I,(.\1'tal t vndlJll snan :;l<:~UV I U~en me oetect os A gl ound 1r 'g IJf OV I<,IOl"IS r;rO¥,(]f!d uoess noteo.e m:I OS\Jr~<,shaq tJI':<r~EM A 4 li!>te(1 '3y Un<Jo.::f Nllf""...,taW3tor cs 1"lC A!tjr,I,,:O (.r';'>I1all b l'!usteoby Undr;..,....l'i(C-l'S te ocrato-C'>Ir-e.for Indoor or 0'JIOO"'jl'I,..se Standa r d Specific ati o ns ".•.'.(c' 1 .."'m e r '~gs IOf l ..~CU"~U \t.h~O ~\"~r ~ ~~(~(lU:t1~~ ~~)'~,;.-,-' U'f 1(1 l :iQ'F '11":I ~"J"(:l ~UI 'J ""~I".S~"n>I'U I,FP~13 Cne~'r ...o r~""I,j ....l h "~."...t ::... IIu,ae"t,ol OcnlX"'on u~lu .l ':>t~,.,s·tf "'"'II 1 ,~"QtI;I'"'e ".'''''C'l<:<-,,<(-A n ~'"I "'.'~!JlI W:M ~~,w.I.~Ot t~·,In'J<;<,,!oc1'l<l1'uee t,'.."'~.--''"'.~'I't """""0 .."t Ul C rr ~S Opl 'tn&1 I r,.r U.''''''<I ,''s.~;"l H I,':.>4 '>·'IjI)'J lr "~..<;t,'..,,'~popo">C ~dlJ l e H)It'·.U'f~.''' , •,,<;t ",1-:'r.J :OPOl (for",::, I'J')".112 1lP '"12sn~r)'JM. ~~/.~l)/1212 ~"DC ,,""•I,'"." Orde rlni Informat ion ~"~i"'.'''~'@ '1 V\F02 t;l:<I 2 ·~S. \/li FO'!>:4 3 'bs ....suao-4 .!>It' .....Fo1r.-'·•.5 ltl. .....fC~S ·4 l It' .....FO .O 5 ,l o ~ ,"';050'6a Itls ....r 0 6Qc .,e .tls .,.fOS O),1.5 'Il$ /"" OJ ,;~.~, ;.M 5 .2 ~" 4 ,1 1l'.lH 5 .21';.2<:'5 ".... " "'020 N"Ol'i h "Ol '·2 - N 'O~~ 1,':>4 .•,.,,-,----, I ....'',''''I' A3OC!l 00 ~.,.'"""C"."il''','n 1.1701 O ~T~("',n .-.'D,O'::_ T ~",~'..,...."...,.....--~,~,<o'~,_.,-- ':."~·H "'. SI'Slem S e nsor Sales lind S er ~le e ----_._--_. S,U,m SI.IO'W..4",,1"'" ;;;2~':'''"0 ~,~..... ~,(·~r ;n ,~~:1T ~ ~,IJ::'·!>Ef,SC=2 <,<:3Ql 3i 7-f",.~S •t ~,.,~n"Or :~....ec (:.73S ·I ~i1.3 ,':tl:.....SI S ~."'!><fr,s(M',om Slo l~'"SUI '"I"C...U p~;~<;!lU <:'~6; F,'see ~1 2 On1 S )",,,,Suoo,In Europe pn;.,H 1 4 0 3 2 ~"~O F'"•4 ~14 ';,3 2 7550, $""",h nu'In Cllln. 0...IF ;:~S2~<:'25~ f,_o/i 2'<;::~ol.os-;. 5 )'10 11"1 li lnu,In S ln,&po,,, Pn •6 S,27]2 230 f>,•~S.27:;.~61(j S,Il I '"S ~n",In I""F.,h oI ~.·li !2 .2~~1 w..~ -'.•~S2 ,F3"65e'i 5,.11'"S UI O'In Auotrili. p ~.-;'::;S4 28 1 14' r IC -"13~42el 17 2 S,,,",,,Slnlo,In I/ICI I. p -•~1 11 "i s..=;~1t <; f ••n 11 !"..'r,~t '!. Pl oduct Ov erview Mode ls AVCl ll abJe_. cS&Y Sup",rv l;,o,y Switch OS&Y S upclvl;,Qry Switch I Ule/C...n~dldll l Cover Talf1l',iCt"SWitch K.t Td/t1~Ser ew':.fOf Cover GIN'!I Wre n(.tl RepiilCCrT"c rt He,l Wr ench 05"21=0 OS',,, ReplOlC f!'mllnl P ;lrt", OSY~K ~1:pl ac.~'T l:rJ t uarcwero ~,:!: ~4?7r.tXJ 507·(&·)(Y WFD W IfUW •NlMA Jil rn l "d cncIO,>UI C U'S1",tol"nd1r mo unting br3C k.et hto,n ewer v "lv~ynk..,. SII\t::lo !i lde conduit e n tr)doc",not •ltquire light "ngt..fittl nl;:~ Adju ,;>t able len gth actualol ellmina ter. t he nClld l Ot c utll ng l h ..'halt A c t'JmrnM,ltt~uc t o 12 AWG .....Ire Tllree po~lt lo n ~....It ll;h monlt ol So ~a ,,{\.l r lind ~"l vl!o clo<;a ..lgnah :....0 SPOT (.o"tact...lle enc!~d '"a dl:'lIb kl ~L~fJ'''''iI 'bk>ck 10'..J.oed ..t .,.nGtll 1 ~O··;,ync h,o"ll.Jtior.a ctlv <l les both i11."m gallt'l ,1nd IociI'b ..11 <;lmu tl a neou;,ly Sys tem S~n sm '..OSY2ts u ..."tJ t o mo mtUf Hi e QfI';n lJU-,,t 'OIl Il'all UUI'>"J,!5,.rn......JnL! Yuk ..l OS&V)t ype gate v atve . Robo ..t c cns uucnon.The 05Y2co nsists rA a r U.IUo\ed hOll \illg,im f>nd ..d r')1 Ind o or anti v uuroc r use ,When installed w it h rhr-enuator in the v-rttr a t pmi. tto n .t he 0$)'£i \K EM A 3R ra ted pf:r 1JL. ApplicatiOn AeJr ltlll it,.The 05Y2 features <'I ucer-Ir tend ty mounung bl old~e f a nd adj u stable s!lnfl to pe rmit mountin g to most 0$&Y valves.ra l l~i ng Is \izr:from 1'"to 12"Its r fght a ngle de sign a nd w id ",b racket span p rovides m exunuur c learancefor va lve com ponents .to accon.rnod,w·tro ubleso me ...atv"'.. Removi ng t ho:05Y2'\gil,......atve b lack"l i\1I0W~:he unit to mon itorside ' b racket ~ly l f'press ure re ducing valves Simplified OlXlr atlon .lnscelte uon h nede easiet \'.irh 'he 05Y2 '5 single uoc conduit e-vrarce By pJO\,i ding a direc t conduit p athway co the electrical source .righ;;,.n gle ~:U\fo,~<'II"no t r equired Installa tion is further sim pllfJ<o.d by the O$YZ '\adJusUlblf< leng:h act uator w hilh ",liJruna :es til..need fClI r urnng :.1'11'sh aft R ~hab,~P~,IOI 01 anc e .The OSY2 Is equi pped ...•..Ith t am per r ':~h l d-lll COH'r ~crtw,> '0 prevent un author ized entry Ir':>lde,two Y:'l\o i SPDT tf o rm(,s 'I IKhroni,..rt s-...·!tChE-5 art"enclosed in a du rahle t erminal b la(,t;toavsur r-roltablr-r.f>rfo rmi'll'l ($- •:-.®niLC'J1 <G>MEALISTED~L--J-__•'pploua •• • Enll:lneerinc Spll clrlc at l ons :.fr"df'1 st.all be mode l number O S y~su pervisory sw nch a s manu factured by 5;si:t-1Il Senscr OSY2 sh all be msrertec e n to'l 't.1/;,1',£as lIt:signitred o rr tho>dr awings an d /o r <IS s rJ(>cl n ed h erein.SWild:ts sh all h,..mo unted so o1 S norto inte rIere v,illl (I,f'nor mal operat ion o f rhf'valve and shall b e adjusted too per ate w ithin ''''0 TPv()l u!iom o f t he ~a h ,:,ccm rc !'..I "..h'::l ; .1:""sternhas move d no more than one-fi fth o f the oistence from n,normal posmcn The rn echenis:n shall y,.ccruained i ll a \·:~a {hf:IJJlO()r d ie ca ..t mt lel]housing.,...hir-h <.halliJTo vide a Sl Ot"e nt rance fo r I f;:"con duit a nd tnco rporete theneces.."';: fa<.l ll1ks ffJI a t ta chment to the valve.A grQll nri i ng pro-tsrcn is pro vided.1 he swru h a ssembly sha ll mclude t wo swnc bes -ae h wnh a la lf'rl ca pa cny 01 IU AlIlfJ (ci.i 25/250 VAC a nd 2."i Am p q..2 ·1VDC.T he cov er sh all ce ntum l a ~p ",r ·res i~('Hll V!Y'\\'S k,r whkh a securny \\1 ench wlllbe provi dedwit h each sw it ch.Til",051'2 .,h a ll tc L oder-...ruer s !..abor.llrrjr:e., usred for indoor or I,JUU.lOOI U ~Tht'OSY2 ~h a lll;~Factory M utual.CSF I anti \IEA ap proved. Standard Sp ec lflcatlon~ ". r"c ~",s"S'jT .·0....C. 10"~""1 1~1 '50'/..I;. 25""'\!:J'2h 0: '_?,,'.""-T ~'....~•••~~ ra-r .~I J ~'f '0'(;'to 4 "'1;. ',~.,~'''"O':>~2 ..,II ',~·i :."~,..,_4 ("'f tl>:~t;.o'~ '~4 rJ 'C '0 4'1 '(;1 ~o .."."r 'J I ","'\r "1 '''1~tJ' :,~I .~I ,"1.Jf!.'''S'''·1 ~w'lt~..~e..,~""~"<<f)'C ;"U~""'i:'C "~"~.'"r ".D (",..'"T..t Ii...',(;,1 ".'j r ~4 ::D 1i "~'<l,,,."~1 Ot '-"n~'t '''\"n ,';.4 "~"..,,'Ir"~IJ~ '1l1 'lo~,1 ''''.A I.'""e ')~",,<~.7• .,.....",~'I,.""1'f"O r l 4 ~'",8.'t<".~:In.. ," 2 '1'·'"~lt.·W,•.-to ,~1-.....P h"'.~·'k "'1 ".,.,.,',r •••.I~.~.,~ U l'IQO'>l /'>U''''''''' liP.·...3""""."no~~l t<l ",,"tho:~U u.:or ,.'Ue., '>I i a•.,\0 ,'"UlC ",1)<11:' Op '0 ',~.Ul noc..'l>iI 'l .....~"-t.'Q'.JQ :~" '.-""," .....-_....- "._'00 00 ',,_.......__..._._. .........00 MOT _...... ~'"""'''''''''''8·......·~RA .!.- ,,~,~~. .........,....c ~c ............ ''-''--'''-- .,tl':~'r-':'--," '".",IhD~~G ;~1_., ....G_'f '.~1_........s ....... ·-=.":=~~l ~~rt ---·_- Ele ctrical Co n nect io ns fo r OS Y2 ',-'UA I""_U<'o(,AL -~~"''''''''-'----' .r _\ 'lo>'!!~n,.I~.,,,.'lD'l"',.,'/"c O"')o,,\ 111 ~o ~1 ---- I A~t~..·C''lD'.,-:.,flY,....., Ord e ring Inform ation "0<1 °''....,.t ·,'flo".p'or. _______._~...:;,;.,";.c •."tn:1~"'~·"1 pt ~~l ":"_'.C h fur CCO :=..:...... "~~Ia c ,"'''~~r-••",-e'u, S )stem SeI1S0r S ~lei and Se rv ice i "lu ."''''0'o1UO~""le~ '~;~'~"',~...r": s-':~."H.'l~O l ~"­ "~~OCA ::fJSO ll ' .,~30.)77 ·H 'J ~ •--",,,,,,,r~s c-1:.""8....:1 ;'Y:.;~J;-~~;,do ·.t :"'.....t !.:.m:.':l ~C'~~'t1 Slltlm S'n n''n C '~.d' ~~.05 e :V:~6 7 h ,'Y.l ~.e 1 2 0 71'1 51,1.'"S.n.o.In !J'oo, ~~•4 4 U')j~nUlO »,•4':14 0 1 .2 1l:>~: S ~II'"S....Of In en "'. ~~,'5!;29 :::.:1;153 =••~6.:;9 ~24.~2 5 ;' hll""S,,,,O'III 5"'11:_""" PI'"•~5 273 ~n o r ••!S 2 n:;...:O 5~'.m 5 ........1"I~.~.,£Ht :>r •e S221':;1900J '•.•S!o "')56Sa O Sl"I .....S e"so.IrI Alltl '''. _I'•U 3 ~.:;I;:14' I.:..613.54 2:1 17::< s~O\.",5 .,n"O.In 1"Illi 01'1 '-9 1.11551;11 :" h •'H.tI ~.,7 .~8 t S • • Immm -------------, I •Used as 8:.Jx i11Cl Y connec tions through .....hich the f ire ceca-to-em car:pump wat ertosupplementexistingwatersucpnes L:Prevides 250 GPM fto.....(rrlr.i r:l.Jml.per 2'1,"in 'et ~-, •Single inl e t c onnections incorporate a straiq ht-mrv .nco-ctaocered design wit h fema le NPT co t'ets •Two .threeandsi x-way inlet conn ections feature brass bodie s with i ntegrald rop-clapperi nletsan d femaleNPT octets •Four-way square an d fou r-way in-line Inlet conn ectionsfea ture brass bodies wirnfemaleNPT Inletsa ndoutlets •Standard components,allc onneclions: Female hose t hread swive linle ts (mode l s 6242.'6244 with cl a p per-snoots).pl\JgsWIth cha ins .18"c over seeve (model 6202 with tube j .and identificationprat e •Cast bras scon struction ',standa rd 'Ophtllloll br >lS :>~r\l l>he $add stt'f1x to model no -B PoI,shed:-C Rough Ctorome P I ~r E.'d _-0 PoI,she<l cruome Plale<l Single ,Two ,Three ,Four,and Six·way Connections -.'- --,- f ->.---'-;,...,,.t---'----.- ILu 620216214 """!lI"! 6 22416226 6202 6214 ~?~. 622 6 6234-6236 "6 242" 624'".. 1 '''-~P I,- 2'1,·X 7'1,· 4"x 2 '1,"x 2'1,'2 5'~'2":x2 '1:"2 ~A'~'I,x 2'1,-x 2",'3 6"x 2'1,"x 2'1 ,;";2",'3 5 '1~2~:!C1 y are"-4:1V4Y --.- §.x_2'f,~.!!!.-I~~.4-wa y 4 7'1.-r: --'-"--- 19" I fQj1-C0 () ;.'I r II I -\- I • Notes •o\l\vaysscec v 'lose tnreacs ana i ce !1 lifi:::.atlOn plate l etter :ng •Contact fac::::.ry fer :::.ur"e"1 !UL i1 S!I"lgf FM acn -e...'a15 an d scecrat recu.rements '---~ 6 244 1E264 \.APPUCATION.L NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLEl"AR UNSu;.t,ifp "(l Pro)l!&#:~S=-dJo _ Building Perm it #:..), Sprinkler Permit #:i:as-<:t01 r 970-479-2135 (Insoections) TOWNOFVAILFIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT APPLICATION Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and 75S.Frontage Rd.must include the following.Permit application will not be accepted Vail,Colorado 81657 without this information: •A Colorado Regis stamp or N.!level III (min) O p. •....~m !Jnt cu heets f •y .Ie cal lations •tate of Col Re 0 form ans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. C O NTR AC T O R INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FORALARM PERMIT a Town of Vail Re g.No.:Contact and Phon e#'5 : ':l6 ~-A (Labor &Materials)--------'"""i]S<CjL s~L.....~~\,'=--____====:.;..;..il 1.Jc..-..-\L.\Ir ,s'-;-1A,.,J."G-UIIFireSprinkler:$;;J.tP ,O>t:JO FireSpr inkler Con tractor: E-Mail Address: Co ntra Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaale-county.com forParcel#-Parcel #"2.IO(07;;/()7110 « I Jo b N ame :~"rlN 5"A ee Tr ~.&:to..1JI J O~Ad~~..(30(-/1'1 /70 W PoLA- l egal Description Lot :I Block:II Fi ling:Subdivision: Owners Name:1/'....I ?C Ad dre ss :Ph one: En gineer :JI..LJ'III/f'_Add ress:Phone: Detail ed Locationofwork:(i.e.,floor,unit #1 bldg .#) Detaileddescr iptionofwo rk : r A"...."L A>h ."~I>'"L/"'''T/l ,~•/c ut-!r:,.oA//y.l-/A Work Class :N e w~Addition ()Remodel ()Re pair ()Retro -fit ()Other() Type of Bl dg.:Si ngle·family ()T wo-family()Multi -family()Com mercial ()Resta urant ()Oth er () No .o f Existin g Dw e lling Units i n t his bUilding :No.of Accommodati o nUn its in t his building : Does aFire Alarm Exist :Yes (X;No ()II Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes ().I No () ""••"'."".......**••"'.***'"**********••*••**'"FOROFFICEUSEONLY *··'"'"'""'....'"'"**.**"'."'*****,\"'.****'"'"**** Other Fees:Date Received : Public Wav Permit Fee:Accented Bv: Occupancy Group: \\V air>dal a\cdev\F ORMS\l'ERM ITS'S r RK PERM .[X)C 0 7/26/2002 .\ N O ._,_ot . 8 ~/2 &/208 5 1 4 :27 3 832981 936 AL-S TA TE PAGE 03 LCROKER ~...ET NNE&..IONS)[640S 'SERIES1 ____-,-/'EXPOSED TYPE _.___J----_......----------------- 6 407 SINCLE CLAPPER TWO-WAY INLETS An e xposed aux il iary irlel conn ec tion with 500 a .p.M.InJet capaci ty 10 supplement fir e protection wate r supply.Ex»osed d esign prov ides an eco nomical met hod of sat isfying Fire Dep t. Inlet requirements. STANDAA:D EOUIPMERT:Casl brass two-wa y i ,let body onl y with S ngle SWIng c lapper a nd pin lug sw ivel :ba ck ora nole o utlet co nnect ion as se lected b y figure n umber .SP~CIFY THREAD . BRANDING:"Auto Spkr." FINISH:Cas t B ra ss GP'I'IGNAL IIINISIlES: PB-Po lis hed B ra ss RC -Ro ugh Chrome Pl ated PC -POlished Ch romePlate d Angle 6 '14 10 UIL UST5D AND FM APD.OVED 6 435 Back Ovl l el 6407 An;lle Outlet Back Outlet 90 ·At'I gle O uthill -1, I-.:::"'-.--==- 45 ·Angle O ulle1 ~-~ I•-,.'I I ,,_._~ UIL "•...-aD AP~OtM'D NY .0._OF ft AND ...PII........DIROVCD OOUBLE CLAPPER TWO-WAY INLETS .An e xposed 8 Jx iliary Inl et cco neceo-wit h500G P.M.i nlet capacity 'csupp l ement ti re p rot ection water s upply Ex posed des Ign p rovides an econom ical method 01 sa tisfying FIre Dept. in le t -eq ulreme nts . SYANDARD cqu.P"'I!NT:Cast brass tw o-way in let 00dy only wit h d oubl e drop clappers andpin l ug swivets :back or angle outlet connection as aelscteo by figure number.Br and ing as selected .....c:IFy TNR!:AID and BRANDIMe. DRANDlNG:·S tand ;)i pe.~"Auto Sokr ,·'Standplpe-Sprink ler : F.N._H:Ca st BraiS OP'l'IONAL PtNtSNI!S: PO-Polished Br ass RC -Rough C hrome FJ la ted PC -Polished C hromePlated 642 7 642 7 '4 5"J.t'1 1&) 5X2lhX2lh 6XZ\t)X2 Y:1 4 X ~X 3 5X3X3 6X3X3 4 X21J.IX2 I h 'l OY. 1 1) 't OV. • 12"'"10¥e I Tn 1 t'%10""'=7 14 12"'z 10 1,08 7 '12... Page 8 -9 e 4 126/20 as 14:27-----3032881936•ALLSTATE •PAGE B4 Schedule-l0"jSchedule-400l Full y Listed a ndF MApproved Sprinkler Pipe When you ~pc c if>'Sehedule.lO:Seho:da le.40 ~prinkle r pipe you get a UL listed a.,d FM a pproved product Althouijh these i'roducts do noll require sepGrate ~r r o "a1 s .Scbedule -t O:Sched"Jle-4 0 grvcs you the extra quality essura-ceyou demand. Our Sch-lO (l 'I.'·-8")p ipeand Sch40 (1"-2",;")pipe have passed the same thorough lab testi ng as our other listed p i ~e product s,and receive periodic millinspections from both HL and FM agents to ensure consistent quality. -tileD /A~C ,"",'<T)aRied TUllE .COtfOUlT Sch·40 Specifications 'PI Nolll lnall .D.WI.Wt (H2 OffllHl Pol \rIA.l 1l ;21'1 VM.1ft (24''!MIn ItS · In.mm /n:/llm L~$lFI;Kgkn 1.1>stFf:Kpm un Lb$;KQ LlIs :Kg L/)S;KQ "UM9 16eo '05 7.2.470 2 .822 '-". 25 16.'2.;3."7.J.120 128"',334 l W '3eo 2270 2.33 5'2,431 1,718 ""32 J!7 1 ....4.36 51 '.103 1.2EO 1.313 ",W 1.610 2.720 3.81 "2,513 2.8722.992 ••409 •.,5.37 ..1.140 1.303 1.357 ";;:.067 "50 5.13 30 1,300 2.528 2.738 50 525 5.'1.63 3IJ 1.043 1.192 1,242 2'1;'2.459 57..7.86 "2.310 2 640 2.7 50 '5 627 8.'1t.73 ,.W48 1."7 ;.2n Sch.10 Specification s...IIM m.1 LD .WI.WI .Hf2D hlltl~l """""'121 '\""ml"'1 WI,tln (25 ' If./lim h,"m",Ul5A't Kglrt!LbsIP.;Kg/m "'I.bs;Kg LU.l(g Lbs;Kr,.UJ97 "'00 181 01 2.675 305 3 3.1S5 "".21 27'"1.213 1,385 1.44 5 1W 1.442 1.810 '"61 2.319 2.664 2.760 32 3U 2.7 375 "1.052 1.208 1.252 1W 1.1:82 '.080 304 61 2.664 3.045 3.172 "411 "4.52 5'I.wa 1.381 '.439 T 2.157 2.640 ",.2"37 2.051 '.3«,.... 5'54.8 3.'52837 031)1.083 t.IDa zw 2635 3.530 58 9 50 2.224 2.542 2,64fJ 5;...53 8.7T 3•7.009 I .I ~1.201 3'3.2SC '.330 79<rs 1.728 1.975 2,05 7 sa 82.8 e.•".82 ts 7114 8,.533 .'4.2.6 0 5 6~O 1".78 "2.'2Ja 2.558 2.E55 9IJ 1082 8.3 17.53 ,.1,OI's t,'!iO 1,209 5'5.29S 7.n 17.33 ••1.&3 '2 1.855 l .S43 '"l:U.5 '156 2IeO I.NO ......., ~6.357 9290 23.03 10 1.951 2.230 2,:i22 IS.161.5 1J.8 3427 70 885 '.072 /.Il~3 ~8.249 16 .4~40.15 7 2.-4 24 2.770 2 ,88~ ZOO 2C9.5 245 5915 7 I.'00 '.256 I,3Il9 Customer sevee. (800)!82 ·S543 F.l{706-339·1806 5 5 -3 <3>@ A~p roved l\~~C 161 00 S ,l athr op'H8rvey.IL 60426 11350 Norcom Rd.'P hi l a d e l pll i ~.PA 19154 2525 N.27th A VQ •Phoenix,AZ eS009 •Weld ""Outlets •H y(lrMt l.lie Pre ssore •Side WII.II RlIf'ItUTc •Vimtioll Test SdeC:u lc:-lo.'Sehed ulc-4(1 Jlir-e arc in Q.>f!Ip liancc w ilh Ihe followU1l: CaiVill1iz ed Pipo Me e c ~"Buy AMeriCA n"requirement and "a"lI.ilable thft'll.l gh ji str ibu t~in the US ......CanLia and Mell tco. Superior Coating O \lT am.antltd formu:a m,1I coolin,(If. fro a c1eaTL dUl1lble surface.It is alsu pllinl-rnIdy f('T custom color appliraticns without !p ce i al prepa ration The in~al su rface o r.1I bl ack Allied T.we &;Conduil Pne Sprin klt'f P1 J!C proCUtts up to 4 .5000M in diameter is c ceteo wi th ou r new Annbecteri al Fee- mula,"AB F"'.III 5:ientific laboralOl')' test ,AD S r rol'Cd Ia have supmor resrs- tar.a:10 mkrolT..a1 el,llonizatloo orp ipc walls,Ihe~by df lay ini 01'I'O ssibh pee - "",mi ni:she MAet of Microbio[ogiClllly Influenced COI'I'MIo r.(M IC)when ~e First Sprinkler Sy$1.ftn is first installed. Americ an Made A SfM .\.\35.an d ",FPA n ,Both pipe products bave II.wo rkUlJl;pressure f\'1.1il'@. of 309 psi muiJTlum and .al~me et the $Trln l!tnt requirene:u for the rnllo....·ln ~ t::sIS; Sp eciric ation ~&Appro"als Schedu le-I ()!Schedule-4 0 pruduct can be "jot-dip"p hAriZe4 to meet F:-.1 r ~ui rern '!'n:s f01'dry s)'sl c m~in aecorcbn:c w ith the zinc coatm.a specilie,uions or ASTM A-123. (, ( 2-1/2"•2-1/z"••" fRE 0(9T.lXW'INEC IIO ""-,..-ALL-STAT E FI RE PROTECTION'S WOR K SHALL r-I-8E GI N AT THE 4"FLANGED CON N ECTION b LOCATE D ABOV E GR AD E, ~ • INC. EAGLE BA HN GO NDOLA SAF ET Y UP GRA DES VA IL,CO . IS·Ilo £Ct\NfICAL Je lfT ,..ElJIQW ...•• ALL-STAT EFIRE PR OTECTION, ~~?'-""60 45 E .7 6T H AVE #1 2 COMM ERCE C ITY ,CO .80022 DE PARTME NT CO N N E ~!l2 ~ON E ~F r!z./ri jJ,UT):$93'11< (D FIRE B4/26 /2005 Id :2 1 3832881936 "•.o.LL STATE •PAC%.B1 LL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION,INC. 60 45 E.761~AVE.,#',2 CO M IoJ E ~C E CITY,CO 8 C022 P.J0 3 .288..39 0 1 F.3 0J.288.1 9 36 To:r1t I{((1'2/1 ?U Company:Vli l'-Et4 ( Reference:(4 6 ft'11M..!&"~R~'6 4 #Of Pages (with cover):·_---t-f _ Notes:,_ f/le.O r r A ILe • • • • • • • • Eagle Bahn Gondola Safety Upgrades Specifications Issued for Permit andBid 7 March 2005 VailRes ort s Developm ent Company 137Benchmark Road Avon,Co lorado 8 1620 4 240A rchitectu re In c •1621 18thS treet I 1Suile200 Denver,Co lorado 80202 I z J c EOS~'~• • • • • • • • • • • Eagle Bahn Gondola Safety Upgrades Specifi cations Issuedfor Permit andBid 7 March 2005 Vail Resorts DevelopmentCo mpany 137 Benchmark Rnad Avo n,Co lorado 8 1620 4240 Architecture Inc 1621 18th Street Suite 200 Denver,Co lorado 80202 • • SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION • • • • • • • 02510 15300 16721 List of Consultants WaterDistribution AutomaticSprinklerandStandpipeSystem FireAlarmSystem 3/07/05 Permit/Bid 3 /07/05 PermitlBid 3 /07/05 PermitlBid 3/07/05 PermitlBid • Table of Contents Eagle Bahn Gondola Vail,Colorado 7 March 200S • • • • • • • • • • I .IST OF C ONSULTANTS ARClllTECr 4240 A r ehttceture Inc 162 1 18th Street Suite 200 Den ve r.Co lora do 80202 MECHANICA l .,PL UMBING AND ELECTRICAl. ENGINEER C atur,R umu ,&Assocteres,Co . 1550 Dover S treet Su ite 20 0 Lakewood,Co lora do 80215 LIFE SAFETY (I'IRE PROTECTION/FIRE ALA RM) RoJ(Jense n &Associates,I 11 C. 1324Fifte enthS treet Denver,Co lora do S!0202 CIVil .ENGINEER Alpi ne Engineering I nc . 34520 Hi ghway 6 ,Unit A-9 EdwardsBus iness C enter Edwards,Co lorado 1:11632 List or Consultants Ea~le Bahn Gondola Va ll,Co lorado 7Ma rch 20 0S • • PART I 1.01 SECTIO;o.l 02510 WATER D1STR IB UT IO:" GEi'\ERAL DESC RIPTION A. B.Related Work: •1. 2. SiteCle a ring:Sect ion 02230 To psoil andRev egetat ion :Section 02921 C .Defin ition: •1. 2 . T rench Excavation :Excavation of a llm ate rial encountered a long trench ot her than rock excavation . Rock Exca ...arion :A ll solid rock forma tions w h ich ca nnot be r easo nably b roke nby n bac khoe w it h 3/4 c ubic yardbuc ket wit h bucket c url ing force a nd stic k cr owd force o f 3 5.000 lbs .each ,and requirin g dr ill ing a nd b lasting .Bo u ld ers and large roc ks o ne c ub ic yard orlarger,areconsidered rockexca vation. •D.Local Woll er District Specifications:All work shall conrom tot hes tandard spec ifications forwater line s a s adopted by th e local water Distr ict. 1.02 SUHMITTALS A .S ubmi t shop dr awings o rpr od u ct data sho wing specific di mensions and const ruction ma ter ials fo r : •I- 2. 3. 4. 5 . 6 . V alves an dV a lve B o xes Fill ings F ire Hydrants V a u lts Se rv ice Lin es Met er s •B.Te st Reports:Su b mit laborato ry gr adation tests forbe dding an dt renchsta bi lizat ion m at e ria ls. con c rete m ix de sign ,a nd c ompression test . • • C.Penn its:Submit copies of a11 permitsissue d fo r project D.Certificate s:Sub mi t copies of acceptancefrom I lealth Departm e nt prior 10 p lacing wate r sys tem in service . 1.03 J OH C ONDIT IONS A .E nvironmental Req u irements :Ex cept b)'spec ificw ritt en a uth orization.cease con creting w hen de scending a ir tem per atu re in s hade an d a\\3Y from artificial heatfa lls below 35 degrees F a nd t her e is fro stin s ubg radc .Wh enc onc re ting is pe rmit ted d ur ing cold w eat her,temp era tur e of m ixsh altn ot be less th an 60 degrees F attime of placing. • Water ntstrtbu ncn 02510 -1 Ea g le Ba hn G ondola Bu ildi ng P ermit Vail.C ulo ....ItJu 16 vta rch 2 005 •P ART 2 PROD UCTS 2.0 1PIPE ASD FITTI~G S Allductile iron pipe and fining!used shall me et the latest A'l,,'WA Specifications. • • • A.Pipe I. 2 . Duct ile Iro n P ipe :AWWAC I S!.work ingpress ure 3 50 psi.m inimumth icknessc lass52, with cement-morta r lining.AWWAC 104.Bituminous out side coalingonemil thick.Pipe j o intsshall b e restra ined j oint .Joint re..tra int devices sha ll be made o fd uc tile iron .Tw ist- o ff nuts,sized [hesame as theteehe ad bo lls ,shall be u sed toensu reproper a ct uat ing of re strain ing de vices .J ointre straint d evices shall be E BAA Iron ,Inc .•Megalug Series 1 100 or 1700 G riffenSn ap -Lok fornew p ipe restrain ,oracc eptedeq ualan d EH AA Iron S a les , MegalugSeriesl OO SDor IOO OHD for ex isting pipe restrain.or accepted equal . Polyviny l C hloride Pipe:andCou plings :A\....WAC 900.work tng press ure 200 psi.with push-en j oints AS TM 0 1869.s ix inch (6~).e ight inch(8 ")and rwet ..-e inch (12")PVC WOl ler lines shall be Cla ss200di mension rat io 14 (DR 14).PVC p ipe rna)'be u sed on ly in co rrosive a reas an din the Ed wards Metropolitan Distr ict provided the static water pressure docs no t ex ceed 170 p si.Installationo f PVC p ipe in corrosive area s mu st have pr ior written a uthorizationsfrom the Distric t. • • •B. 3 .St ee l P ipe:Allst eel pipe and filling s sha ll befab ricated in acco rdance w ith A WWA Standard C -200 "S tee l water Pipe s ix inc he s (6")andLarger".A\V\VA Msll S teel P ipe Manual . All material u sed s ha ll be ac ceptab leunderth e"Stan dardSpecific ation forLowand Interme diateTen sileSt rength Carbon Steel P lates of S tructura l Q uality,"ASTM A283 . A ll fittin gs shall be fa bricated f ro m tested pi pe and dye checked in accordance with AWWA C208. A llsteelpipean d Ilttlng ssh all be prepared .pr imed .lined ,coated .painted or wrappe d as her e inafter specified: a .E xterior Su rfaces-Sc otchkote20 6N ·co nform toAWWA e 213a nd C550 . b .Inter iorSu r faces -Scotchkote150N•conform to AW\v/\C:!13andC 550 . Fitti ngs •2.02 Fitt ingsshall be du ctile iron an d inacco rdan ce w iththe requ irementso f AW WA C I53 ,p ressure rating 350 p si.Mechanical jointssha ll conform to A WWA C III .Bolts and nuts sh all be low-alloy s teel.A ll fitt ing s ce ment-mortar li ned.A\....WA CIO·I,Bituminous outside co ating onem il th ick . VA L.VES T he valvesshall be the same s ize as thema in , • A.Gale Val ves M uelle r A-2370 .Cast iron body wi th pres sure rating 200psi.b ronze-mounted .AWWA C509 . Resi lientsea t gale va lve.Valv es,flan ged ormechanical j oint as required.Valves with r ing stemsea l. • W ater Distri butinn 02510 -2 f a g le n a h n Gondola Buil din ~P ermit Vail,C ol orado 16l\1 a rt'h 2005 • •R. IWO inch (2")squa re opera ting nut ,o~n left.Use gate v arveso n all pipe s izes lip toan dincluding t welve inches (12"),Direction of openi ng:open rig.ht int he water DIstrict:open lefta ll other locations .To determin e the co rrect valve a pplication.contac ttheDistrictInspectorand Eng ineer pr ior to ordering material. Butt erfly Valves M ue ller C lass 200B.Conforming to AW WA C5~.Tigh t cl osing with rubbe r seals fastene d 10 valv e body.O penrig ht in V.V.C.\v.D ..O pen lefta ll ot he r loc at ions .Use butterfly valves o n in st allations larger than twelv e inches(12"). • • • C .Va lve Boxes All bur iedvalves shall be pr ovided wit h a six inch (6")cast iron valve box,sc rewtype.The valve boxshallbe of adesign w hich wi ll not tra nsmit s hock orst ressto the valveandsha ll ha veen ough ex tens ion capability 10be ra ised to finalstreetg rade .The valve boxshall be castiron .adjustable screw type.wit h m inimum f v e inch (5~)diame ter sha n p rovided w ith co ..er .marked "water ". D.Pressure Reduci ng Val ves A ll pre ssure reducing valves shall be G olden-Andersonc ushioned.si ngle g tobe.p ilot pattern, hy draulically ope rated with flange d en ds.The valve bo d)'shall beo fcast iro nA STM·126 w ith flangesco nforming 10the latestANS I standards.Th e val ve bodyshall be extra heavy c onst ruction throughout.The v a lve in terio rtrim shall be bro nze 0 ·62 a sw ellas the ma in va lve o perat io n .The valve se ats s hall be eas ily renewable w hill:no d iaphragm s hall be perm itted withi n thema in valv e bod y .All controlsandpip ing sh all be of non -corrosi..·!:construction.A ll se rv ice stubo uts are required10 ha ve p ressure redu cing val ves locate dwi thin t he b uild ing. CL A-VAL an d Warts pre ssun:reducing valves ma y be considered as anacce ptable alternative . • • E. F. Ai r Release/vacuum Valves A PCO se ries140C as manufac tured by vatv e an d Primer Corp.The ..'alveshall haveacastiro n body,cov er and baffle with a stainless steel float.The seat shall be fast ened into rhe valve cov er , w ithout distortion,and shal l be e asily remo....e d,if n e c e ~s <l ry .A ir release/v acuum valves sha ll be installed o n all ma in line ext ensions at the h ig hpoin ts in th esys tem. C heck Va lve s Go lden-A nde rson S ilentCh eck Val ve(Figure 2 80).Br onze mounted,A WWA C50 8.H ig h st rength cas t iron gale wit h bronze gateri ng.Bronze.ba ck -faced seat r ing .So lid bronze v-shaped h inge . 2.03 FIR EH YOR ANTS • • A.Mueller "Cent urion"o r "warerous"conforming toAWW A Stan dard C502 .Work ing pressure 200 psi .Sixinch (6")me chanical joint inletm inimum 5 -1 /~"compression-type main valve which closes with pressure.two 2·112"hose nozz les.andone ~·1I2~pump nozzle .Nozzlethreads ANS I 8 26 . Nozz les easilyreplaced in field withstandard 1001s.Operating a nd ca p nuts 1·1/2'"No.17 Na tional S tandard hex main valve o pening left Direct iono f o pening indicated by arr ow cas t on topo f hydrant.Breakable sec tion wh ich permi ts clean bre ak ato rnear ground leve l,preventing wate r loss inca se of b rea kage.Worki ng parts remova ble for m a intenance or re pair w ithout e xcavation . O pe rati ng mec hani sm non-wetting.o il reservoir lub r ica ted .with o-rtng se als.Barr e l d rain bronze mo untedwith ntlea sr rwo c urlers.and ope rate a utom atic ally w ithmain valve.F ireh ydrants IIl USI be installedo nend o f a llma in lines . • water Distribu t ion 0251U -3 E3l:le HahnG o ndol a Buildin g P ermit Vai l.Color ado 16 March 2005 • R.Fire Hydran t Exten sions •c. Same ma nufac turer as fire hydrant or approved equal.c omplete wi thba rre l.operatorrod,andnil appurtenances. All h)dranl ~sh3 11 be ins tall ed wit h ag uard valve 10isola te hydran t forrepa ir w hile maintaining sen-ice 10 main .:-':0 service lin e taps will be allowed between guard valv e and hydrant . • • 2.Q.l D .Fi re hydrants mu st be installedatend s of all lines unless otherwise a ppro ..ed by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. SERVICE LINES A .Coppe rT ubing Type "K",A STM B88.Connect ions10be c o mpre ssion or silver sol dered . B.Corpora tion Sto ps Mueller300 Ball Valve No.B·25008or 02 5028,AWWAC800.All brass construction with compre ssion con nect io n. Mc Donald No.4 701 BTo r4 704 BT,A WWA e 800. •c .Curb St ops Mueller 300 Ball Curve Valve No .25209 with compressio n connection s.A WWA C-800. M cDonald BallC urb Val ve-6 100 T ,A WWA C800. • • • • 2.05 D .Cu rb Bo xes Mueller 11 ·1 0316.2-lIr shaft wi th extension ,T)'ler 10I F w ith ex tension or equal.Shaft ex ten sions o ..-cr n ineIeet (9')will nOIbe permitted. E .Sadd les Mueller 11·10500 or app rov ed equal,D ou b le fl at st rap d esign with duc ti le ironbo dy,Con form 10 A \VWA C 800. MET ERS R ockwell SR Compound Me ter A .Allse rvices arereq ui re dto havea po sitive d isplacem ent Rockwell meter with EC R tou ch -re ad p ad . Conformance perA \V WA C 702 St anda rd for Cold water M eters -Compound Type. I.S R 2 .SR2 3 .Compound 4 .Meter T)'~will be det erminedby theD istrict B.Installation m ust be in freeze-proof,ac cessible area. • Water Di st ri bution 01510 --I [aJ;:le Ha hnG o ndola Buildin g P ermit Vai l.Colo ra do 16 ;\'larc h 2005 C ustome r s hall install w in:fro m meter locat ion to touch-readpad prio r10 meterinstalla tion. A telephone jack must be ins talled wi thinfiv efeet (S')of the me ter to providefor future a utomated m eterreadin g . Insta llation will be nea r floorleve l in a horizontal poshlcn.Isola tion valves shallb e located before theP RV and a fter the me ter (I.e...a be.PRY.meter ,yah-e). Tou ch-read pa d will be loc a ted o n str eet sid e o f bu ild ing.th e feet (S')a bove the g round in an ac cessib le la con ian free from s no w . Master Meter vau lts:Allma ster meier vaults will be req u ired to ha ve a si x inch (6 ")Rockwell turbine meterw ith a two inch(2 ")po sitive d isplacement low n ow meier.T he C ontrac tor wi ll be required 10 submit a piping sc hematic 10 the District and Enginee r pri or to a ny installatio n .Refer to De tai ls fo r additiona linformation . •c . D. •E. F. G .• 2 .06 BEDDING •A .Granular ma terial-3/4"sc reened rock .The beddi ng ma terial shall be free ofcorrosive properties an d sha ll con fo rmto the follow in g gradation limit s w hen tested by m ean s oflaboratory si eves: Si c....e S ize 3/4 "Scre ened Ro ck T ot a l Per ce nt Passing by We ight •3/4 inc h 1/2 inc h J /g inch t-:o.4 No .s 10 0 90 ·100 4 0 ·70 0 ·15 0-5 • B .On -sire 1·112"minus we ll graded sc reened m aterial ,free fr om organic materials,chun ks o f scit , frozen material.debris.o r other sui tab le materia ls .Use o f on-site bedd ing m aterial must have pri or wrine n Dis tric t a nd Eng ineer ap pro ..al. C.:v."Cla ss 6 agg regateb ase cou rse w h ere s pe ci fied in t hep lansan d d era ils .Cras s 6AB C shallm eet C O OT s pecifications. • • 2.07 2.08 T RENCH HA C KF ILI. Bac kfill w ith same m aterials e xcavated from work lim its un less u nsuita ble .N o boulders ove r s ix inches (6")in di ameter in top twelve inches (12")of trench .No backfil l ma terial w ith bo u ld er s largerth an e ighteeninches (I S")ind iameter shall bebac kfilledin the tre n ch .No bo ulders o ver 6"in trench back fill for trenches loca ted w ithin the T own of Va il rig ht-of-way or those portions of T ract C v al t't.ionsbead,Third Fili ng owned bythe T own of V ail. CONCRETE MATERIAL A.Ge neral:All mat e rials shall be furnishedfrom sources ag reed to by the Eng ineer. B .Cem e nt:A STM C -150 forPo rtland Cem ent,T ype II.C e m ent whlch ha s b ecome pa rtially se tor co ntains l um pso f c aked cement sha ll be reject ed . •c.A gg regate:A STM cn. • W ater Distri bution 02510 -5 t:lI ~le Hahn G o ndola Bu ildin g Pe rmit Vail,Co lo r a do 16 M arch 2n n~ • D .Water:Wa te r used in m ixing.or curing conc rete s hall be cle an an d free from oi l.aci ds .sal t,a lkali.o r organic materia ls harmful to concrete . 2.09 COr-:C RETE MI X •A.Design Mix • I. 2. 3 . 4 . Proportions C ement 5-Jf2 sac ks pe r cubic yard Co arse aggregate --1 3% wate r-5.5 g allons per sac k M aximumsi ze a ggreg at e -3 /4" S lu mp:4 ~max imum Stre ngth:M inimum 3.000 psiat28 days Ai r Co nten t:5%-7% • • D . c. Jo b-M ixed C onc rete Mixed in drum mixer conforming toConcrete PavingMixer Standards of M ixer M anufacturers Bu reauo f A ssociated Gen era l Contractors o fA merica.M ixers ha ll b eca pa bleo fc ombin ing aggreg ates,cement,and wa terinto thoro ug hly mixed andun iform ma ss .D isc harg eentire con tents of .d rum befo re rechar ging .Continue m ix ingo f eac h batch forno t less th an10 minu tes a ftera ll materia ls a rcindru m. Ready -M ixed Concrete Proportioned .m ixed and transported in accordance w ith A STM C9 4 .A ny concrete no t plastic an d workabl e wh en it reaches proj e-c t shrill be rejected . • • 2.10 2 .\1 POLYETH YLE~EENCAS EMENT When requ ired bythe Distr ict,a polyethylenee ncasemen tmat eri al shall bema nu fact ured in ac cordance wit h A WW A C I05 .with the following ad ditionalreq uirements.The raw mate rial used toma nufacturepo lyethylene fi lmshall be Type 1.Class A .Grade £.].in a ccordance with A ST M 0 -1 248. TH RUST DLO C K S A ND A NCH ORS Co ncr e teth ru st b loc ks a nd ancho rsshall be s izedfor theinte rna l p ipe pressure a nd so il bearing ca pacity. Sta nd ard siz es a nd sha pes o f thrustb loc ks a nd anc ho rs ar e shown o n the de tails.Noth rust b lo ck shallbe s maller th anthat si ze required foran e igh t in ch (8")m ai n . T hru st rea ct ion b lockingsh aIJ be conc rete o ra mix not lean er than I p art cement 10 1 -1(2 part ssan dand 5 pa rts stone.an d havi ng a comp re ssive strength o fn otless than 3000 P.S.1.a fter28 da ys . • • Megalugthrust restraints ma y be su bst ituted Ior concretethrust blocki ngprovided pr ior approva l h asbeen given bythe Districtan dtheEngineer. 2.12 FI RE DEPARTM.t::NT CONNECTIONS Referto Fo e specifications in theauto sp rinkler specification sectio n . • W al er Di stribu tion 02 510 -6 F.ll g le Ha hn G on d o la Ruildi ng P ermit V a il.C otorndo 16 March 2 005 •PART J [X F.CU T IO ~ 3.01 TRCJl,i CII ING A .Trench Exc avation:Exc avateto dep ths required .Confine excavation to work li m its. • • • B c . u. Ruck Tre nch Ex ca ..arion :Prior to remcva l,n otify Engineer o f a reas requiring roc k exca vatio n. Blast ing:In g eneral,b lasting wi ll be allo we din o rde r to expedi te the wor k i f aperm it b y the local a utho r ityh aving j u risdic tion gr ante d .A ll e xp losive s and a ppurtenances sha ll be transported .han dled . sto red en d u sed in accordanc e wi th the law s of the local .state a nd fede ral gove rnme nts,as ap plicable . A ll b la stingsha ll be conrro lJ cd soa s no t 10 injure an y ex isting struct ure or fa ci lity.Th e protect io n of life and p rop erty and a llliab ilityfor blast ing sha ll be placed solely on the pe rso n o r persons co nducting t he b lasting operat ion.Th e hours of blastingshal l be in accordance,..iththepermito f the loc al aut hority .Priorto b las-ting.p rovide min imum 2 -1 hour no t ific ation 10 Enginee r. T rench S uppo rt:T he trench sha ll be ade qua te ly suppo rted a ndthe sa fety of workers provi ded for a s- requ ired by the most recent standards ad opted by t he Oc cupatio nal Safetyand Health A dm inistratio n (OS HA)Standards Boa rd .Shee ting an d s horing shall be uti lized where requ ired to p revent a ny excess ive widen ing ors lough ing o f the trench.wh ichmay bedetrimental tc hum an sa fety.to the pi pe: and ap p urtena nce s be ing insta lled ,toe xisting u tilities .10 exi st ing struc tures .o r 10 a ny othe r existi ng faci lity or item . • • 3.02 3 .03 UNSTABLE T RENCH BOn Or-.I AN D EXCAVATIONIN roon SO IL If the botto m o f t he e xcava tio n at subgrade is found 10 be Soon o r u nstable or 10 inclu de ashes.c inders,re fuse. vegeta b le oro the r o rgan ic m aterial,or la rg e piec es o r frag m ents ofinorganic ma teria l that canno t satisfactorily su pportthe p ipe o r struc ture th en the Contracto r shallfurther ex cavate and r emove s uch u nsuitab le materia l. Beforethep ipeo r structure is installed .the subgradesh a ll be accepted by the Engineer . BEDD ING Installin c onforma nce with d rawings.Placefro mmin imumo f6"below bo nom of p ipe:to I 'ov erthe top o f p ipe fo r ent ire w idtho ftrench . 3.04 P IP E INSTA LL ATION • • • A .Ge neral:De liver.handle,sto re,a nd insta ll in accordance wit h thepip e man u fac turer's recom mend atio ns and t heapp licable paragraphs o f A WWAC600 .AWWAC603,and AST M 1>2 )2 1. Carefully ex amine a llp ipean d fitt ings for cr acks an d other d e fects.G roove in b ells of du c t ileiron p ipe to be full a nd contin uo us or be rejected .Remove allforeign maner from interior a nd ends o f p ipe and a pp urte nanc es before lowering into trench ,Ca refully low e r all p ipe.f ittings,valves.a nd hydrantsinto tren chpieceby p iece to prevent d amage to p ipe materials.p rotective coa t ings .a nd linings .Do n otd umpinto trench .If pipe c annot be loweredintotrenchan d into p lace w ithout getti ng eart h into it.p lace hea ..'y,tigh tly woven ca mas bag ove r each endand leave inp lace unt il joints are made.During p ipe laying.p lace 110 de b ris.tools.c1 uthingor other ma terials in p ipe. Keep trenche s free fro m wa ter du ring p ipe laying andj oint ing .Dewater ingo f tre nchco nsidere d as incide ntal to construct ion ana ll co sts incl udedin con tract prices .Whe n p ipe lay ing is notin progress, c lose open e nds o f p ipe by wat ertight p lug,o r oth er means app roved by Eng inee r. • wa ter Dist r i b ut io n 02510 -7 E agle Hah n G ondola Build in 2 Pe rmit Va il.Co lorado 16 M arc h 2005 •B.Deflect ion of P ipe:P iped eflections a re disc o uraged .Do n ot ex ceed 5 0~'o o flhc de flect ion l imits for ea ch typeo f pipe as recommend ed by p ipe manufacturer. C.Pipe Jo int ing • • I. 1 . Ge neral:Cu ip ipefor insert in g velve s.fluings,o r clo sure pieces in neatand workma nlike ma nner wit h nod amage to pipe o r lining .LC8 \'C smooth e nd 31r ig ht a ngles to a x is o f p ipc. Mechan ica lJo ints:T horoug hlyclean last 8"o f s pigotandins ide bellto rem oveoi l.grit.tar. ando ther foreig n mat ter.Co a l s pigo t an d gasket w ith so lut ion furnished b )p ipe manufacturer .S lip cast-iron gland o n spigot e nd o fp ipc w ith lip ex tensio n ofg land to ward s pigot end .C oal gasket wit h jcint tub rican t an dp laceo n spigotend of p ipe10 be laid.w ith thick e dge towa rd gl and. Push e nt ire sectionforward to sea l spigo tin be ll of p ipe in p lace .Press gasket into pl ace w ithinbell ,evena ro undent irej o int.Mo ..e ductile-iron glanda long pipe into po sitio n for boiling a ll nuts w ithsu itable torque wrench .A llemate ly ti ghten nuts 180 d egreesapa rt to p rodu ceequal pressureon a ll parts of g land. •Pipe S ize Bo lt Size Rangeo f Torque Inc hes Inches Ft.-lb . 3"5/8 4 5-60 4"·24"3/'75 -90 • • 3. •• Push-on Joints :T hor oughly cl ean ex terior 4 "of p ipes pigot an d insid e of adjoin ing be ll to rem ovea ll oi l,g r it,tar ,and ot h ermatte r.Place g aske t in be ll with large ro unds ideo f gasket po int ing inside p ipe be ll.A p ply thinfilm jointlu bricantov er g asket's e nt ire exposed surfa ce .W ipe s pigotend o fp i pe clean a nd inse rtinto bel l tocon tactg asket .Fo rce pipe into be ll tomanu facture r's j oin t ing m arie F langed Jo ints :Tho roughly c lean face s of flan ge s o f a ll oi l,grease ,a nd other material. T horoug h ly clean rub ber g asket s a nd ch eck for p ro p er fit.Assure proper seattng of flangcd gasket .Tigh ten bl ots so pre s sure on gasket isu nifonn .Use torquewrenc hesto ins ure u niform bearing .If j oin ts leakw he n h ydrostatic te st a pplied ,remo veand rep la ce g askets an d retigh tenb olts. •3 .05 D.T h rust Rest ra intC oncre te th rust b lock s are requ ired . S AN ITARY SEWER C ROSS ING A.Norm al Condition s:wh enever po ss ib le lay water ma ins o ve r san ita ry sewers to prov idevert ical sepa ratio n o f a t le ast I S"betwe en inve rt of water main a nd c ro wn o f sewe r. O.Unusua l Con dit ions :lf abov e separat ion cannot be met,u se foll owin g: •I.Sewe r pa ssing o verorles s t ha n I S"un der water main . a.One c ont inuo us len gth of watertight p ressure p ipe C900 PV C o r Yelo mine.2 0' longce nteredon water main .Joints betwee n d iffe rent pipes encased in concre te 6" thick an d ex tending 6"either s ide ofj oi nt;o r • b .Sewer pipe encased i n 6"concre te arou ndp ipe,and extend 10'e ither sid e of wate r ma in. • W ater Distribut ion 02510 ·8 E a~l C'Kahn G ond ola H uildin ~Permit Va il,C olorado 16 M arch 2005 •,Water mains pass ing under sewers:If vertical separation less than I S"provide struct ura l suppo rt for sewer. • • • • • • • • 3.06 3.07 3 .08 3.09 3.10 3.11 TAPPING PIPE Use experienced workmen wit h too ls in good repa ir and proper adaptersfor s ize of p ipe being ta pped.Drill ing and tapping mac hines proposed for tapp ing d irectly into pipe agreed to by Engineer .If tap isimp roperl y installed w ith leakage a round threads o r,in opinion of E ng inee r.con nection is substandard.provide up sadd le OI l Contractors'expense.Ir damage to pipe cannot be repaired by saddle.in stall app rov ed repair s leeve o ver injured po rtionand retapat Contracto r's expense. Install corporation stop and couplings.flanged coupling ada pters,and s ervice sad dles 10 pro ..ideclea n seat. W ipe g askets cleanbe foreinstallat ion.F lcxtbte c ouplings and flan ged co upl inga dapt er gas kets m ay be lub rica ted for installation o n p ipe e nds.Insta llin acco rda nce w ith ma n u fa ct ur er's rec ommendations.T ig hten bolts progressively fro m opposite si des u nt il all bolts ha ve unifo rm t ight n ess.Use to rq ue wrench es o r other ap proved eq uipmen t. S ERV ICE LI NE P lace true to linea nd g rade in accordance w ith draw ings,from ma inlineto c urb stopo r me ter ,in sh ortest direct route by co ntinuous sec tion o f pipe wit h nosp lices.Loca te Iu'horizontally fro ma ll sewer lines. Terminate near cen te r of eachlot or as shoe..no n dr awings. V ALVES AND IIYDRA!\TS Carefully inspect valve and hydrant before installation .Clean interior.Operate val ve and hydranrto determine parts in proper working order,with valves seating and drain va lve o perati ng prope rly .Set plumb an d securely braced into place. Sethyd ran t with bury line er Iin lsh grade,withhose nozzlcs parallel 10and pumper nozzle facing pavement,at le351 6"behi nd curb o r s idewalka nd 18"from pr operty line oras shown on d rawings.Prov ide d raina ge p it h aving 9 squafC feel of su rface a rea an d 2'of depth below seep hole .Bac kfill pits w ith I -In.~washed rock to 6"a bove barrel d ra inhole.Provide th rust block ing a t bowl of eac h hyd rant asshow n o nd rawings.Do not obstruct barrel d ra in hole.H ydrantsan d ..'elves backfilled byins talling I-Irr aggregate roadbaseto subgrade . Va lve boxes cen tered an dp lumbov e rthe o peratingn ul.Val ve bo xess uppo rted by bricks orot he r me a ns to p re vent an y shocko r st ress t rans mitt ed to p ipe o r valve .Setval vebox c overs to j ust below subg radc lcvc l to pre vent d amaged uring constr uction o f sur fac ing if a pp lic ab le .A djust to g rade of su rfac ing. P LUGG ING DEAl)EN OS Insta ll standard plu gs o r caps at dead en ds of allfi niugsand p ipein accordance w ith d raw ings.l f'dead e nd is no t tobe extended .p lace wa ter se rvic elin eas ncar dead e nd as p ractical . V AULTS Construct vauhs 10 line and g rade shown on drawings. COKCRETE WORK A .Placement:Placetorequi red depth and wid th conform ing to drawings.P lace concreteasun iformly a s possible in order 10 minimize amount ofadditional sp reading.Place and conso lidate with suitable tools to avoid form at ions of void s,honeycomb or poc kets .Well vib rated and tamped aga inst forms . • Wa te r D istribution 025 10 -9 Ea gle Bahn Gon dola Bu ilding Perm it Va il,C otor ndo 16 March 200 5 •D.Retempe rjng :Do nO I rcrcrn per concrctc or m ortar which ha s partially ha rdened by remixi ng witho r without additionalcement .ag gregate ,o r \\311."1.Provideco ncrete in suchq uantity as is req u ired for im mediate use . 3 .12 AA C K F II.I , • • • c . A . B. Cu ring:Pro tect against loss o f mo ist ure .ra p id tem peratu re change.from ra in .an dflo wing waterfo r not less than two day s from p lac e ment of concrete.Immediately after finish ing.cover c oncrete surface with curing medi um whic h is a pplicable toloca l co ndi tions as approved by Engineer .Protect e xposed edgeo f c oncrete slabs by removing fo rms im m e d iately 10 pr ovide these surfaces with co ntinuousc ur ing treatment . O ne Fo ot Ov e r Pipe:Use 3 /4~sc ree ned roc k fo r cover m aterial an d ba c k fill by'approved m ec ha nical m ethods,Cove r materia l shall h ecle an so il.fr ee from o rganic materi als ,ch unks of soil.froze n material,de bris o r ot he r uns u itabl e materia ls.P lace and com pact s ta rt ing at top o fpipe beddi ng extending upwards to I'a bove topc rpipe.Place in li th 10 a density o f85 to 90'l-o.AA SHTOT99 . Remainder of T rench:Ba ckf il l w ith same m aterials excav ated from wo rk limitsunl ess unsui table . No boulders 0 ve r6"in d iameter intop 12 "trench .No bac kfill ma terial \\oith boulders larger than 18" in d iameter.Ca refully low er bou lders larger tha n I r ind iameter intotr enchunti l bac kfillis "*'over top of p ipe .No boulders ov er 6"in trench back fill for tre nches located within the Town ofVail right- o f-way or th osepo rtio ns o f T ract C vai l/t .tonsbeed.Th ird Fil ingo wned by the Tow n of Vai l. 3 ,13 COMPA CT IO:,>/ •A.Demonstra te m et hod o f compac t io n,Enginee r w illte st co m pacted de mo nstration section for unifo rm de ns ity throughout de ptho f e ach lift .A ller con struction me thods until acceptableto Engineer. Continue sa me pr ocedure unt il sign ificant ch ange in soi ls occurs,o r c ompactionisno t bei ng a chie ved .t hen demonstrate new method. D.Co mpaction requireme nts fo r all trenches: • • 1. 2. Predominantly coh esive soi ls wh ere AA SHTO 199 procedures are applicable :Co mpact u nifonnlythroughout each lift to 95%,AA S HTO 199. Pred ominately of roc k.to 18 "in diam eter:Pl ace in loos e liftsup to ave rage rock d imension. Placing o f occasio na l bou lders o f s izes larger tha n ma ximum layer t hicknessma y he agreed 10 by Engi nee r.p rovide d m ateria l isca refu lly pla ceda nd la rge stoneswelld istrib utedw it h vo id scom ple tely ti lled w ith sma lle r stones,ea rth,sa nd ,o r g ravel.Le v e l an d smooth ea c h laye r to d istrib utesoils an d fin er fragments of earth,W et each loose laye r as necessary to faci litate co mpaction pr ior to p lacing additional lifls . • • 3 .14 3.T renches outside road right-o f-way:Compact to 95%AASHTO T99. PAVEMENT R[MOVAl A;.lO REPLACEMENT Score exis ting su rface w ith a c utting wheelto c reete clean br eak line .Removea nd di s pose ofexisting s urface and agg regate base course .Lea ve 6 "und istu rbed subgrade lip o n ea ch side of trench ,Aft er tre nch has bee n ba ck filled an d properly com pacted .p lace aggregate base course inaccordance wit h permit requirem ents o r minimumthickn ess int hese spect flcanons .Compact a ggregate base co urs e10 95%AASHTO TI 80.Replace pa vement in accordance wit h perm itrequirements o r minim um thickness in these Speci fic at ions.Co mpact as p halt to95 %A STM 0 1559;co nso lid a te co ncrete w ith v ibrators , • Water Ili slribution 02 510 -10 Eagle Bn huG ondol a Ruild in2 Permit Va il,C o lo r ado 16 M areh 1 005 •3.15 FIELDQU A LITY CO~TROL A .No tify Eng ineer at least 2.1 ho urs inadvance of pipe bei ng la id in any trench .Cover nop ipes unti l obsc rved by Enginee r.Notify Engine er a t least 4 8 hours before pipe isto IJ.c te sted. •H.HydrostaticTes ting • • • • • I. 2. 3. Ge neral :M ake pressure and leakage rest s ona ll newly laid pipe.T est twoor more va lved sections 0 0110 exceed 1000feet .Tes t firstsect ion o f pipe la id to verify if w atertigh t.Lay no a dditional pip e until fi r ~1 res t sec tionh as pa ssed tests.Furn ish thefo llowing equipment an d m aterials fo r rests,un less oth erwise d irected by Enginee r : 2 G raduated co ntainers 2 Pressure gauges I Suitable ho se and s uction pipe as requ ired Test ing Procedure:Testeach 1000feet ar line installed while trenchispartiallybackfilled and joints are left e xpo sed for e xamination for leaks.D o not condu ct pressu re te sts u nlil48 ho u rs afte r placem ent of concrete thrust blocks.A fter p ipe has been part ially bac kfilled. slow ly 1I:t wate r in to line .Ventto al lowai r in line 10 be released .Flu sh line 3.5 necessary for cl eaning .Leave wate r in linefor24 hours pr ior to pr essure test.T est at 1·112 limes working pr essu re,ca lculated fo r lo w point o f testsec tion,or 150 p si."'hichcvcr isg reater.Valve o ff pu mpan d hold p ressure in line fur te st.T est for tw o hou rsora s agreed to by E nginee r.At en d of'tcst,o peratepu mp u nti l testpr essure isag ain att ained .Ca libr atecon tainer of water forpump s uc t ion to determine a m o un t of w ate r to replace leakage . Leakage A llowance:Leakage is q ua ntity of WOl le r necessary to refillli ne atend o f tes t p eriod .No installation wil lbeac cepted u ntil lea kage is tess than: A LLOWABI.E l.EA KAGE PER1000'O F PIPE INGP H Avg.T es t Nom inal Pipe Diamete r •in. Pressure psi 6 810 1218 200 0.640 .85 1.061.28 1.91 175 0 .59 0 .80 0 .9 9 1.19 1.79 ISO 0 .55 0 .74 0 .92 1.10 1.66 125 0 .50 0 .670 .841.0 1 1.5 1 100 0.4 5 0 .60 0.75 0 .90 1.35 • • "For p ipe wit h 18'no mina l lengths.To o bta in recommended allowable leakage fo r pipe w ith 20 'nominal lengt hs .m ultiply the leak age calculatedfromthetab le by0 .9.If p ipeline und e r test contains sec t ions of vario u s diameters.al lowabl e leak age wil l be sum ofcomputed leakage foreach slzc.R educea llowable leakageproportionately forsections less than1000 ft. 3.16 F LUSHING ANU DISI;.IFECT I;-..lG A .Ge neral :Inaccorda nce wit h AWWA C60 1.Acceptable ch lo r ine dis infectants a re calcium h ypoch lor ite gra nules .so di um h ypochloritesolutions.and calcium h ypoc hlorite tab lets . • W Oll er U i ~l ri h ll ti o n 0 2510 -II [agle Buh n G o ndola Bui ldi ng Permit Vai l,Co lorado 16 :\I a r ch 2005 •H.Chlorine-wa ter solution method : 1 Percent C hlorine So lution G al. Ch lorine Required 10 Pr oduce 25rng ,'L C oncent ration in 100 feet of Pipe .b}D iameter 100 Pe rcent Ch lorine L b. Pipe Diamete r I n.• 4 013 .16 6 .030 .36 8 .0 54 .65 10 .0 85 1.02•12 .120 1.44 I..217 2 .60 Induce chlorine so lu tion into p ipe line atac ont inuous feed rate 10 attai n a concentration 0(25 Mg:1.. free c h lorine . •c.Tablet Me thod :M ay no t be used on so lvent we lded p lasticp ipe .Maybe u sedon ly whe na ll fore ign ma terials ha v ebeenkep t o ut of pipe .If g roundwater has entered pipeduring ins tallatio n a nd table ts ha ve beeninstal led .flush main and U ~chlorine-water solut ion method .Do notuse iftem pe rature is below 5 d eg rees C .Place tablets w ithnon -toxicadhesi ve in each pipe length intop of pipein accordance with follow ing table : • • Number of 5~g HypochloriteTablets Requ iredfor Dose of25 mgll.· P ipe:Leng th o fPip e Section.ft. Diameter 13 18 20 30 40 in. 4 I I 6 I 2 2 8 2 2 3 4 10 2 33 ..5 12 3 ..4 6 7 I •4 6 7 10 13 • • •Based 011 3.25g available ch lo rinepe r ta ble t,any portiono f t abletro u ndedtonext hi gh ernu mber. D .Ch lo rinatio nT e st:Assur e va lve s are closed onexi sti ngsystemto pre ventch lo rine sol utionflowin g into existing s ystem .Re tain 25 mgIL chlor inated water inp ipe li ne fo r m inimum o f 24 hours.Du ring r etention peri od o perate a ll valves an d h ydrants to d isinfect.Atend of 2 ~hou r pe riod.chl o rine in system 10 be no less than 10 mg 'L th roughoutlength tes ted .When sec tion bein g tested me ets 10 mgIL chl o r ine aft er 24 ho urs,flush main.w ater samples take ns hall show nocotiform o rgani sms.l fwater in pipe d oes no t m eet th e governing health agency req uirem ents.rep eat di sinfect ion procedure ,atCon tractor's expense. until re qu irements arcm et .furni shacceptanceform s from govern ing agency toEn gi nee r . 3 .17 C l.EAN UPA N D R ESTORAT IO N • R CSlOre all pa vements,cu rbs.guuers.utilities.fences.irri gatio n d itches .yar ds .la wn s,and o ther structures or surfaces toco nd ition equ a l to o r be tter th anbe fore work bega n,and 10 satisfaction of En gi neer.Depo sit all wa ste m ate rialin d esignated wa ste ar eas .Grad e and shape dis posal si te .Complete top soil an d resee ding of sire.i f re quired .Whe re dis posal site ...are no t de signated .rem ove a nd d ispose o f all wa ste m aterial off s ite. END OFSECTION • w ater Dtstrtbutl on 02510 ~12 E a~l e Ba hn G on d ola lJuild ing P ermit Vai l,Colo rado 16 Ma r ch 2 005 • • PART I SECfION15300 .~-:..0 ...... AUT O ~IAT IC S PRINKU:R ANU STANUPIP ES YSTEMS ~~?-'~,~364 :~,017/0 ">:,~~\..3i o S?'j}.~ -'••-~t\...~~Gl ' .'-......,....ONAl ~,II ....""", 1.01 WORK INCI.1IDF.D : •A.G eneral .Pro vide allmateria ls and labor for the de sign and installation of new water entry and supplyfor connectionto the super vised automati cs prink ler and standpipe systemin accorda nce with ihe ap plicable codes and allrequirement s of this specification. • B .Sys tem concep t drawing sheets FPlOl is for information and gu idance o nly to showpotential system arrangement Con tractor shal l fieldverifyall information co ntainedo n these d rawings and is responsible for design and installation o f me syste m in acc ordance wilh spec ificaticos .The bid dra wings do 00 1 sbow a tl info rmation nec essary for installation of thesys tem,bUIar ein tendedto be use d as a guide by the Co n nactor for thepurposeof des igning the systemnnd preparing bid. N ,Va lves:Provide allco ntro l va lves.an dother apprut cna nceas required fo r a fullyoperable system by the lir e Fees:Pay a ll fees required 10obtain permits,inspectionsor approval o fth is wo rk. D rains :Pro vide di rec t piped con nections to bui lding drains nec essary to dra in and tes t thes prinkler syste ms. w ater -nowS witches:Provide,irr;ta ll and properly adju.<;t s prinkler system supervisory switchesandwater- flo w ind icatorsas required herein. Coo rd ination:Coordinate work with o ther trades workingouth c proj ect . Gua rantee :Guarantee all new equipment and systems durin ginstal lation an dfor a o ne-year period a fter fina l acceptance o f the work by the Archite ct, Shiclds:Installshieldsnecessary to prot ect electrical equipment from s prinkler disc harge . Sub mittals :Prepare and submi t shop dra wings,record dntwings and other su bmittals required hen:in . Te sts :T est ea ch newsp rin kler sys tem .The Sprink ler contractor shall also attend a ll fifea larm tests to aid in testings prinkler sys temmonitoringde vices.The Contractor sha ll be responsible for ca rrying o utrequired tests.Separate tests may be re quired by the A rc hitect and Au thorities H aving J urisdiction, Approvals :Ob tainall approvals required forthewo rko fthis sec tion fromallpubl ica uthorities ha ving j urisdiction,from the project insurer ,fire prot ection consultant and from the Archi tect . Underground :The ut ilityco ntractor 'Will provide a llp iping.blocking,coring.co nnections.trenching and backfilling required tofully connect sys tems 10 sup ply pipin g p rovidedunde r site work,The Contrac tor shall CO nnett to the s prinkler and stand pipe lines atthe flan ge within 12 inch es a bove finished floor . C.Supply:The sys temssha ll be supp liedfrom II water s upply as de sc ribed and s pec ified bythe civ il e ngine e r o f rec ord.The b-incb 'W-ater ma inwil l be prov ided on thecivil drawing package .Tbc lire-line shallent er the building atan a pprovedlocation and have awater department a pproved bac kfiowpre vention dev icewithin10 fee t o f po.int-of-entrylflange intothe building.S«Fire Department Co nnection (fiLX:)under Section 2 o f this specification for work included as part o f the FOC supplyto dle'system• Il. E. •F. G . II. •J. J. •K. I . M. • • A u tomatic S prinkler andSt andpipe Slstelm 15300 -I l>:a~lc Hahn G ondola V ail.Co lo rado 0 7 M ....ch 2 00S • S~;C TION 15300 AIITO MATIC SPRI NKLER AND STA NDPI PF.SYSTF.MS •d epartment an d the contract documents. • • • • o . 1.02 A. II. c. o . 1.03 A. Unit Alkl itions :Provide an y addi tional equ ipment and labor if desCribed in the B idForma t she ets forthe specified unillump sum prices o ftypicnl equ ipme nt RELATlm WOKK SPF.ClnED F.LSE\\1I ERE or BY O THERS Supply Piping:Water supply pip ing 10one-foot above point-of-entry intothe building. A lanns:Wiring lind connection tospri nkler system alarm and supervisory de vices. Drains:Floor drains a nd other fac ilities for receiving discharge from sprinkler system drains. Underground:Requirements for underground piping required by this section. Q UALITY AS.C;;lJRAN Ct.: NF PA S ta ndards :Allwo rk sha ll co nform tothe requi re ments o fth e app lica ble po rtions o ftheNa tio nal Fire Prot ection Assoc iation (N FPA)S tandards and Recommended Practices listedhe rein,as modified by the fire department. I .NFl'A J3 -2002 Ed ition."Standard for lhc Insta llation of Sprinklcr Sys letll'l.· 2 .NFPA 14 -2002Edition,"Sta nd ard for the Installation of Stand p ipe and Hose Systems," J .NFPA 24 ,"Standard for th e Installa tion o fPri vat e F ire Service M ains and Th eir A ppurtenances." 4 .N F!)A 25,"Standardfor the Inspection,Testing,andM aintenance or water Ba sed Fire Protection Systems." 5 .Rul es and Regu lationsConc erningthe f ire Sup pression Prog ram fromthe Co lorado Department of Pub licS a fety Divisiono f Fi reSa fety . •AU standards enforced will be th ose found in the yearlversion ed ition of the Na tiona l Fire Codes asado pted by the Town of VailBu ilding and Fire Department at the time of submittal. B.Go vernmental Jurisdiction :All work and rrarerials shall conformtoall Federal.Stat e.andlocal codes and regulations gove rning th is installation includin g the curre nt editions of the 2003 International Bu ilding Code (I BC)nud the 20CH International F ireCode(IFC).ase nendcd,mod ified orinterpreted by the Bu ilding and Fire Department o fficials.•C .Code Conflicts:H tbcrc is aconfl ict between the referenced NFPA Standards .Federal.State orloca l codes and this specification,it shall be the Conrr:aetor's responsibility to bring the c onflict to the aucno on of the Arc hitect for resolut ionthro ughthe rite p rotection consultan t • D .Perm it Fees:TheCo ntractor shall be res pons ible for filing 11 11 doc uments .paying a ll feesand sec uring all permits,inspe ctions and a pprovals 1k.'C CSSaI)'tor co nd uctingth is work . E .Eq uipm.:nt:A ll devi ces,systetm.,equipment and materials furnished a nd insta lled sha ll be new and sha ll be • A utomatle Sp rinkler- and Sf andpip e SY5 tc m ~ 15300 -2 F.agle Hahn Go ndola Vail,Colurado 07 M ar ch 200 5 • • • • • • • • • SECTION15300 A UTOMATI C SPRINKU;R A NI)STA NUI'IPE SYSn:MS of types or-mode ls approved b y the T owno f V ail fur USC in l>~le ms and occ upancies o f this type. f .Contractor Reqmrcrrcms:The Contractor shall : 1.Holda lllicenses a nd obtain all permits ~ry to perform \\mk of this type inthe T awil of Vai l.Copies oCthe Contractor's licenses shall be provided with b idsub mittal. 2 .H ave a tleastfive (5)years of experie nce in the installation of systems of this type and sca le and be familiar w-i th all applicablelocal.su ne and Federa llaws and regulations. 3.Be regularly e ngaged in the design,insta llation,testing and serv icing o f automatic sp rinkler and standpipe systems. 4 .Provide a j ob s ile superviso r whois to he p resent at a lltimes when workisactive lyinprogress . 1,04 S I'RINK I ,E K SYSTEl\1 DF-S IG N C RITERIA A.Densities:Existing and future Tunnel hydraulically calculated wet-pipe sprinkler systems shall be installed and des igned to produced ischarge dens ities COl Ordinary Haza rd Group 11 Occ upanci es.This pro vided density sha ll be prove n with the newwaters upplyflow capabi lities with hydnmlie:calcu lations thatinc lude oot only the l .owcrLeve l Gondola existing sprink lers but al so the fu ture s prin klers tha t wi ll be providedfor the Tun nel co nnection to The ArraHe lleatVail Sq uare . D.Minin uun Standards:TIlestateddensit ies andappl ica tion a reas are the min imum acceptable .Th e C on trac tor shall confirm d ensiti es and are as of app licatio n with loc alcodes and F ire Department as modifications ma y be needed, C .GeCK.-ra1 C riteria :Ute Connector sha ll fo llow the hydraulic des ign c riteria coetaiecd in J\F PA-I 3·2002. D .Hose:Stream "The calc ulations shall incl ude a 100 gpminside hosestreama tthe hosevalve closest 10 the floorcontmlasse mbly ,Th ecomb ined (ins ide andoutside)hose stream for the ca lcu lations shall he 100gpm for Light Haza rd area sand 250 gp m fo r Ordinary llazardar eas . F.Water Supply T es t:It is the respo nsibility of the C ontractor toperform and verifywith the Fin:Ma rshal the rcprcscm au..'e water supp ly fu r aulu matK:sp rinkler design purposes.Thi stest shall have the res uh s modified according to the lime uf year performed and the form ulas used inmodifyingbytheFire Marshal.This test resu lt sha ll be documcnted to the engineer of record with 've rificalion and approva l from the fire Marshal pro vided o n the resu lts doc umentation. 1.06 STANOPIP ..:SY ST..:r\l lJJo:S IGN C RITF,RIA: A .O utlet Locations :Out lets shall be mainta ined a t exis ting locations. B.Perform ance Criteria :The sys tem shall be sized10 de li..'er 500 @.pm to the di scharge side o f hose va lves at the top mo.,>,standpipe or roo f manifold and 250 gpm for two other addit ional standpipe nutlets (total flow of 1,000 gpm),a t aminim um outlet resid ual pressure of 100 psi wh en suppttedfr om th e li re d epa rtment pumper truck (not ,ia th e puhlle w at el'"s upply). • A ulo l11l11 tic S prinkler lind S tandpipe S~..st ems 15300-3 F.agle Bahn G on dola Va il.C o lora d o 0 7 M al'"ch 2005 • • • • • • • SECTION 15300 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER ANn STANDPIPE SYSTEMS 1.06 SUBMllTALS A.Procedure:Co nttct the Archit ect for the s ubmittal procedure and co mply with all specification and co ntracto r submittal requirements. B.Shop Drawings:Tl c Co ntractor will 00 authorized 10 start each port ion of the workwhen the s hop dra wings,ca talog cuts lind calc ulationsforthaiport ion of the work are receive d.rev iewedand a pprovedby the projec t insurer ,th e Arc h itect.the Bui ldingand Fire Department o fficials.Shop drawi ngs,cata log cuts andcalc ulations shall be rev ie....ed andstampe d (re view stamp)by the eng ineero frecordp rior to s ub mitta l to the Fire Department,Installationpri9!.!o the se 8pprmllls shall be al ~k ofthe Co.ntraqar. I.The Contractor shall submit4 sets of shop drawings,4 sets ofc atalog cuts,and 4 setsof hydraulic calculations and tec hnica l data to the Arc hitect for approva l in accordance with the s hop drawing s ubmittal sc hed ule and procedures. 2 .Shopdrawingsshall show a ll of the informat ionrequ ired by NFPA13 and N FPA 14 forworkin g p lans and shall includ e d rawings s howing the locatio n of all eq uipment,control s,p ip ing,va lves a nd dra ins.Th e d rawings shall a lsoshow:an estima te o f future a utomatic sprinkler p iping for the Tunne l co nnectio n 10 The ArraBelle at Vail Square,a future port ion of this system 10 be handled under Phase U of this project. 3 .S hop drawing s shall co ntain a list of a ll ma terial 10 be used fur the sprinkle r system on this project lbc manu facturer ,trade name and ca talog number shall be g ivenforeac h itcm. Co Product Data :The Co ntractor Ilh3 11 s ubmit a p roduct da ta s ubmitta l with theshop drawings :4 sets o f Manu facturer's Data Sheets showing the type and model o f a ll equipmenl orma terial proposed .Thill infonmtion shall inc lude type of p ipe or tu be,hang ers,valves.pipe fitting s/joining method&,sprink lers, water-flow devices,supe rvisory devices and fire department connections,esc utc heons,and signage .Wh en a Ibtll Sh ed shews mo .-e th an on e preduet,th e spect ne p roposed product shall be tlt-a rly lndlt'aled by a rrows or olMr s uitab le means . D.Permi ts:Priortostart of instal lation.theCo ntractor shall submit c opies u f all pcrmita and approvalsto the Architect necessary to conductthiswork . E.Certificat es :The Con tractor shall provide theArchitect with one co py of a ll docume nts tha t all:reviewed a nd approv ed by the local code authorities .These documentss hall include,bu t no t be limited to.the followin g : I.S iteinspection fortn'l 2.Pcnnildnlwings•3 .Finalinspectionforms All dccunenrs shallinclude all required approval s ta ~signatures or o ther information necessary 10 prope rly cert ify tha i the installationha s been reviewed andaccepted by the Fire Department officials. • f .Operation and Maintenance Manual:The Contractorshall provide the Owner with a loose-leaf manua l conta ining: • Automatic Sprinkler andSt andpipe S lslerm 15300 -4 fl:a~l e Hahn Gondola Van .C olorado 07 M a rch ZOOS • • • • • • • • • S ECfl ON 15300 AUTOMATI CS PRINKLERA ND STA NDPIPE SYSTEMS I .I I "x 17"reduced copies o f the reco rd drawings req uired below. 2.Copy ofNFPA 25. 3 .Copy ofallrestcertificates and approvals. 4 .A list of rec ommended s pare parts. 5.Serviced irectory. G .Draft Operating and Maintenance (O&M)Manual:Within 2Q daysof aulhorization to proceed.the Contractor shall sub mitto the Arc hitect 4co pies of the draft manual fo r approval (exclud ing test certificates anddrawings). II .Final O&M Manual:Within 30 days of the completion of the work,copies of the approvedmanualwith red uced drawings andtestce rti fic ates sha ll be de live red to th e Archi tec t. J.Record Drawing.<;:TheContractor shall provide and maintain o n the s ite a n up-to-due recordset of approved shop drawing p rints which wll be marked 10 show each and C'\o'cry change made to the:sprinkler system from the original a pproved mop drawings.This s hall not be construed as au lhoriza tion 10 deviate from or mak e cha nges to the shop drawings a pproved by the Architect without writt en instruction from the Archi tec t in eac h case.Thissc i of drawings shall be used o nly asa record set. J .F ilial S ub mittal:Upon review ofthe printedrec ord drawings,before final a pp ro val.one set or re producible rec orddrawings and a dditio nal sets o f printed rec ord dra wingssha ll be del ivere d to tbeArchi tec t.In addition.a rec ord se t o f drawing s shall be trans n uncd 10the Archi tect inelectronic forma l o n CD disks with a ny a pplicable e xecutableun -archiving files . K .If the Contractor's submittals,upon review by the Arc hitect do no t conform to the requirements of th ese spe cifica tions,the Contractor shall be requiredto resubmit with modificat ions ,within tcu (10)wockill &days of receipt ofthe Arc hitect's no tification tothe Contrac to r. 1.0 7 W ARRANTY AND ~Mfl:RG .:N C Y S ":RVlCE: The Contractor shall guarantee a ll ma terials and workmanship fora period of one yea r beginnin g with the date of final ac ceptance by the Ar chitect."The Contractor sha ll be responsib le duri ng the de sign,installation,tes ting andguarantee periods for any damage caused by him (o rhi s subcontractors)or by de fects in his (o r hissubc ontractors'}work, materials,oreq uipment A .Emergency Se rvice;During theins tall ation an d warranty pe riod ,th eCo ntracto r sha llp rovideemergency repair se rvice for the s prinkler sys te m within four(4)ho urs o f a request by the Architect o rown er fo r suc h serv ice.This se rvice shall be p rovided on a 24-hour per day,seven days per wee kba s is. 1.08 S PARE PARTS A"D S rJo:C IAL T OOLS: Spare parts and specialtools shall be provided 10 the Architect pri orto fina l acc eptance . A.Special T ools:The C ontractor shall supp ly the Architec t wi th two (2)co mp lete setso f s pecial too ls and eq u ipme nt nec essary 10pe rform ro u tine main tenance o n the spr in kl er systems new c omp nents. • Aulomatl c S prinkler a nd St.a ndp ipe Sy ,te llls 15300 -5 Eag le HahnGo ndola Va il,Ce tcradc 07 M a rch 2 005 • • • • • • • • • SECTION15300 AUTOMATIC SPRINKI .ER ANUST ANUPIPESYSTEMS PART 2 ~P R OD U CTS 2.0 1 GEN t :RAI .:Al l eq uipment and system co rrporentsfurnished a nd installed s baU be ne wa nd o f first quali ty, a nd be listed by Underwriters laboratories Inc .,or approved by f actory M utual (F M)for the ir intended use . A llsucheq uiprrent andsystem compo nen ts s ha ll be installed within the limitati o ns of the respective UL listings or FM approva ls. 2.02P I PE AND FI1TINGS:Sprin kler sy stem piping o r hilling shallme et the requi remen ts o(NFPA 13.des ign stmdards o r anyone o r a co mbinatio n ofthc follo wing: A.Thin-wall P ipe:Sc hedu le 10 P ipe meet ing ASTht A -53,A ·135 o r A ·795 requirerrems with : I .Mechan ica l grooved p ipe couplings and fitting s forroll grooved pipc s izes 2 ~-inchesand larger. 2.P lain-end p ipeco up lings and fillings for pipe sizes l -inch thro ugh 2·inches,inclusive. 3 .Thr eaded fittings for tubing specifica lly listedfor suchuses and installed in accordance with lhe manufac turers recomme ndat io ns and listing req uirements. B.Sdtcduk 40 Pipe:Schedule 4 0 Pipe mee ting A ST M A -53 ,A -135,and A -795 requirement s with: I .T hreaded p ipe couplings and fittings 2 .Mecha nical g rooved pipe co up lings and li lliul}"l forroll or cut p ipe s izes2 v,.inches a nd larg er. 3 .P la in -e ndp ipe coup lings a nd fittings forp ipes izes l -inch throu gh2 -inches,inclusi ve. C .XI.Pipe :A llied XI.p ipe meetin g ASTM A-135 requirt-men ts with : I .T hreaded p ipe couplings andfittings and tu bing spec ifically listed for such uses a ndinstalledin accordance with lhe manutaciurers recom me ndations and listingrequireme nts . D .Co ppe r Tu be :C opper tube and fittings as listedin NFPA 13.A ll joints for the co nnectio n o f copper lube shall be brazed e xcep t tha t so ldered j oi ntssh all he permitt ed in accordance with Sec tion 3-6.4 of NFPA 13- 1999. I .Joints sha ll be properly cleaned wi th a pprovedabra sives or wire bru shes;se lf-cleaning fluxes are not to be used. 2 .Fo r so ldered j amb :On ly usc amildl yc o rros ive solde ring past e,co ntainin g zinc andammoni um c hlo rides . 3 .For b razed j oints:Use free-flowing brai singfilter me tal (6%s ilver). 4 .Solder sha ll be 9 5-5 T in-Anrirmny ASf1...1 S tandard 8-32,A lloy Grade 95T A . 5 .At connections be tw ee n c opperp iping syste ms and ferrous pipin g ,approved type d iclec tric sepa ration shall be p rov ided. • Auto matic S prinkler a nd S tand pipe Systems 15300 ·6 Eagle Ba lm Gondola Vai l.Co lorado 07 Marcb 2005 • • • • • • • • • SECTION 15300 AUTOMATIC S PRINKLER AND STANDPIP F.SYSTEMS 6.UL listed g rooved fittings a nd couplings sha ll also be acce ptable when installed within the limits of their listing. E.Undefground pip ing ;A ll underground pipessha ll be centrifugally cast ducti le iron o r ot her ma terial approved by the Architect and W ater Department Standards. F.Unde rground pipe fi llings :Underground pipe filtings sha ll be "Tyton","Fastite",or "Belltite"mechanical joint,short body C lass 230 Fittings co nfonning toANS I Specifica tion A21.10 .Flanged Fillingsshall conform 10 ANSI Specification 3 161,Class t25. G.Pre ss urera tings:Press ure ratin gs o f a ll fittings shall mee t ore xceed max imum wo rki ng pr ess UfC sava ilable withinthe system. 11 .Corrosion protection :A ll p iping and hangers where exposed 10the weather orinstalled ina corrosive atmo sphere sha ll be protected against corrosion. 2.04 C O ="-i ROI.AND DRAIN VALV ES: A.T)'PCs:Sprinkler system co ntrol and d rainvalves sha ll be the following types: I.O.S .&Y.gate valves . 2.Butterfly va lves that area pproved for usein a utomatics prinkl er systems . 3 .Butterfly valvesw ith integral valve supervisory switches,whose entire esserrely is approvedfor usc:in sprin kler systems. B.Listing :Allvelves mus t be Ul.hsted nr FM approvedfor their intended use. C.S igns :All water supply co ntro l valves a nd drain valves shall be permanently markr .."'lI with meta l signsto show their func tionand the sprinkle r system zone they serve. 0 ,Pr essure Ratin gs:P ressure ratings o fa ll va lves sha llmeet or exceed ma ximum working p ressures ava ilab le within the sys te m E.Supervision :All control valves sha ll be electrically supervised. F.Access Panels:Provide and install access panels (minimum size 12-inches by t2-inchcs)forallc ontrol valves located above finished ceil ings or concealed in walls .Architect will approve a ll locations and select finisho f ac cess panel s.Access panels installed in lire resis tive construction s hall be of'the types required for ma intai ning proper protection of assembly . 2 .0 ~SPRINKLERS: A .T ypes ;Au tomatic sprinklers sha ll be of the following types (existing heads should be mai ntained in sysrcru , however.thissec tion is leftin speci fication for guidance of unusual and unforseen conditions requ iring add itional sprinklers): 1.Pendcru and sidewall sprink lers sha ll be instilled in allpublic areas and backo f bouse area s with • A uto lll:ll tle S prinkler a llll S t a ndpipe Sys tems 15300-7 E:lI g le B ahn Go ndola V ail,Co lo rado 07 M arch ZOOS • • SECfION 15300 AUTOMATIC SP RINKLER AND STAN DPIPE S YSn;MS finished ce ilings .A ll pendents prink ler heads wi ll be concea led s prinklers. 2.Standard uprightor pende nt sprinklers shall be installed in oon-public,untiru sb cd areas. • 3.All sprinkler locations will be coordinated or approval by thearchitector fire protection c onsultant, B.Uniformity:All sprinkl erswithin a s pace shall be from the SlIl11e man ufacturer and have the same heal response element.inc luding tempcrnlurc rating and res ponse c haracteristics. • C.Terrprrature Ratin g:II sha ll be the Contractor's responsibility to install sprinklers ofthe proper renperature rating as required by NFPA 13. D.Corrosion Resistance :Spri nklers located o n e xterio rp iping sys tems ,o r located incorros ive atmospheres sha ll be corros ion res ista nt . E.SprinklerEscutcheons :Escu tcheons ,1 ~I1 be "",,'and be listed with thesp rinklersforrecesse d sp r inkler loc ations . •F.Sprinkler OrifICe:All sprinklers shall he standard orifice sprinklers (1 12 ~orifice)unless lipttifica lly approved otherwise . 2.06 F IRE DEPARTMIt:NT 1I0S F.VALYr..s:Fire Department hose valves shall be ex isting 300 newvalves shall not be necessary . Required Information:Il ydrauJic c..lculalionsigns shal l inc lude a ll infonnation indicatedin NFPA13-2002 . Valve iden tificat io n s igm shall ide ntity the function oflbe valve and the area served . ID ENTJI<l CAT ION S I G ~S :Co ntractor shall furnish and install hydrau lic calcu lation signs for eac h new s pr inkler zo ne .Contracto r shall also provide iden tification s igns for allvalves installed under this secuon. Desc r ip tion :S igns sha ll be rigid ,flat steel ora luminumplaq ueswith embossed ena melbackgrou nd and lettering .Signs shall be sec ur ed by chain or d urable wir e to eac h s p rin kle r zone co ntro lvalve,or in an obv ious location s pecifica lly approved by the Ar chitect. SU PERVISO R Y ANn A I.AR...'\I E QUIP MLYf :Allwate r-now andval ve supnvt.'IOr)'switches shall be furnished,installed and properly adjusted b y the s prinkler contracto r.Ala mt monitoring of these de vices will be byo thers. 2.07 • A. B. • 2.08 •A.Co ntacts:All wate r-flow a nd va lve supervisory switches shall be prov ided ....'ith two "Furm C~(D .ll.D.T.) co ntacts for moni to rin g.S pecific co ntact rating sha ll be coord inat ed with the fire a larm co ntrac tor. B .Water-flow Switches:Vane-type water -flow ind icators shall be prov ided to ind ica tewater-flow in eac h new s prinkler system zone . • C .Supervisory Switches :Va lve supervisory swit ches shall be provided for <I II valves contro lling the water supplyto the s prinkle r and standpipe systems .Pressure swi tches shall be supp lied for dry-pipe sys temswith theab ility tomonitor hig h a ndlow press ure limi ts. • Aut omatic Sprin kler a nd S ta ndpipe S ys tems 15300 -8 [agleBahn G o nd o la Vai l,C o lora d o 01 M arth Z005 • • • • • • • • • SECTION15300 AUTOMATIC SPRI NKLERANDSTANDi'IPESYSTEMS D .Loop Type Swit ches:Valve supervi sory switches sha ll be theyokemo unted or integra l type .Contra cto r sha ll not use remote mounted,win:loop type switches . 2.09 RACKFI.OW PREVE NTERS A .Backflow preve ntion de vice shall be UL listeddou b le checkvalve typesand accepted by the Water Department andFire Departme nt.T yp ica lly .the Wa ter Department wa nts th e b ack-fl ow prevention dev ice within10 fed o f the unde rground WIlle r e ntranc e into the b uilding.Th e assem b ly shall ha vetwospri ng- loa ded inde pendently operating poppet-type va lves mo unted in a comroon body between twoOS&Y g ate valves .The assem bly shall have four lest c ocks and shall be d esigned for installatio n inahorizonta l n ow anitude .A bypass flowmete r shall a lso be p rovided. B.These sys tem>are onl y intended 10 ha ve wet and dry pipe coverage .If any m'l311 antifreeze loop systems are used,an ind ivid ual reduc ed -pressurebe ckflow p rev e ntion devi ce sha n be used fo r the antifreeze portion. 2.10 FI RE DJ<:rARTM£NT CONNJo:{~TJONS A .A freestanding fire department connection (FDC)sha ll be prov ided by dlC Utiliti es contractor performi ng the underground work.The roc sha ll be loca ted se veral hundn.-d feet from the Eagle Bahn Gondola near the bcuom ofttle ramp between the Treetops B uilding andthe Liomhead Center Ruidling.The pi p ing from the roc to the F.agle Bahn Gondola will be undergroond and bro ught o t wit hin 5 feet of the Eagl e Bahn Gondola .It is the res ponsib ility of the automaticsprinkler contractorto bring the fDC pipi ng into th e Eagle Bahn Gondola,throu gh lhc floo r from unde rgrowtd II is also the respons ibility of the automati c sprink ler comrac to r 10 pro vid ea n a utomatic lowpoi nt dra in fo r this sys te m to dra in whe n ch ar ged . H.The FIX:sha ll be a frees tanding2 way wi th 2 Y1-inch outlets x4 -inchinle t rough bra ss.Co nnection shallbe Ul ,listedandcompl ete with clappers and To wn of Vai l bose valvesca psand cha in.s,S ignage shall be provided with l -inch high letters indiceueg ,"Alfm SPKI.ER A ND ST A~1 }P IP E".Allo fthis provided b y the U tilities contra cto r perfunning the underground wo rk . 2.11 PRESSU RJ<:U ED UC ING VALV£ A .A press ure reduci ng valve (PRY)s ha ll be installed in all serv ice line s u ps tream o fe very wate r met er to ens ure p rorecuonfrom l1 uctuatingwat er ma in pressure s.11lC p ressuresetting of the PRV sha ll notexceed 200 psi without written permission from the Eagl e River Water &Sanitat ion l>istrict In accordance with the 2005Rule s and Regulations for w ater and ScW\.'f Service fromthe District 2.12 M I SCELLA1'~EO US P R O DUCTS A.P ressure Ganges:Pre ssure gauges ~ha ll be tJL listed4 II2 -inc h mi nimum dial type ga ugeswith a maxi mum lim it o f not less th an twice the normalworki ng p ress ure a l die po iut installed .A ll ga uges sha ll be pro vided wit h a s hut-off valve (gauge-cock). PART J -.:Xr.C l m O N 3 .01 WORKIN G C O N D n I O ~S :11 shall be:the Con tractor's responsibility to inspect the drawing s and become familiar with the conditionsunderwhichthe work will be performed. A.Work ing Ho urs :A ll wo rk may be co nducted d uring norma l wo rk ing hours .Ea rlier phases o f the res ident ial • A utomatic S pri nkle r a nd Sfa ndpipe Sy~tt"ll" 15300 -9 J<:ag Je B ahn G o ndola V:III iJ,Co lnndo 07 /\I arth 2005 • SECTION 15300 AlITOMA TI C SPRINKI.ER ANU STANUPIPE SYSTEMS project will be occupied.soa fter bours will p robablynot be possible. Construction Meetings:The Contractor shall be responsible for attei1ding weekly construction coordination meetings with the Architect. PREPARATION f.'OR WORK Cooperation withoth er tra des:Th esp rinkle r Co ntractor shall coordinate w iththewo rk o fthe o ther tra des towards the ge neral purpose of having the construction pro gress as rapidlya nd as smoothly asposs ible with amini mum of interference between trades. • R. 3 .02•A. • H.Opening s.cutting and patching:Before the start ofSlruCtUml Work,thesp rinkler Contractor shall submit instructions for openings and penetrations requ ired for h i ~work to the Architect.Instructions shall be subjectto the Architect'sapproval The sprink ler Co ntra ctor sha ll provideany s ubsequent additional pe netrations or o peningso r re location required,butnot delineated in hi s in suucuons a tno additional cos tto the Arc hitect. • C.Approval p rior to installation :No "vo rk shall COIl1l1J:l1lX prior to approval of sho p dra wings by the Architect.Any change in work which has been installed prior to approval of the shop drawings shal l be made without additional compensation tothe Contractor . 3 .03 GEl"ERAL I~STAl.I.All0l":Ac sthc tiL'S shall be a primary co nside ration when insta lling sprinklers and s prinkler piping.Any faceto f sp rinklerinstallation that does no t meet withthe Arc hitect'sa pproval sha ll be revised b y theContractor to the Archit ect'ssatisfac tion. • A .Holes :All ho les mad e bythe Contractor in a ny wa ll.ceiling,o r floor shall be patc hed by the Contrac tor. restoring the wall ,ceiling.flooror member to its original condition,lire res istance and integrity. H.C'.eneral Locations:Location of all equipment,conuols,piping,valves and drains shall be subject to Arc hitect's approval. • C.Special Install atio nlus rrucnons :All sprinklers an d equipment shall be in stalled in acc ordance with manufacturer's iu snuctmns .A ll spec ial too ls reconunended by the manufacturer shall be used. D.De flectors l nstarces:S prinklers pennanently installed ~II be installed with the deflector 10 cei ling distances in accordance with their listing requi rements and NFPA 13. 3 .04 PI PINC ;:All sprinkler piping insta lled in public areas or oon-public areas wit h suspended ceilings shall be concealed in the walls,ceilings orso ffit .Pipein unfinished areas maybe exposed. •A.Exposed Piping:All piping e xposed with in thebuild ing puh lic areas sha ll be approved by Ute Arc hite ct and painted by Ute Co ntractor.A ll ex terior p iping shall be p rimed wit h z inc chromate and painted by the Contractor.Architect to select paint colors. • B.Escut cheon Plates :All exposed pipe which passL.'5 thro ugh a 'MIll,ce iling,or floor shall be p rovided with esc utcheon plates. C .Minimum H eight:All exposed piping and devicessha ll be installed as h ighaa possi b le,hutno Ies.o;tha n 7 · feet e-mchcs above the fini shed floor ill traffi co r wo rkingareas,and so a s notto ob struct any portion o f a • Automatic Sprinkler and St andpipe SJstems 15300 -10 lo:a ~le Hahn Gondola Vail.C olorado 07 March 2005 • SECTION 15300 AUTOMATI C SPRI NKLER AND STANDP I PE SYST F.MS •wind ow,doorway,stairway or passageway,and shallnotinterfere with the operation or ac cessibilityo fany nechanical,phunbing or el ectrical equipment. • • • D .Operating Chains:Valves controlling water supply to the sprinkler systems shall be Jesstha n 7 ·fl"'C l6-inchcs above the finished floo r w hen specifica lly approved b y jhe Arc hi tect.they ma y be higher if they a re p rovided with operating chains . E.Protection :The Contractors ha ll identify toth e Arc hite ct locations re quiring adeq uate pe rma nent p rot ection for any insta lled pip ing,valves.de vicesor accessories w hich are su bject 10 p hysical damage or may be haza rds.The contractor s ha llmak ereco nurendatioes for protection of this equ ip ment and the Arc hitect will approve these protectio n devices or techni ques. F .Sea lant:P ipe wh ich passes through fire-resistive barri ers (inc luding shaftwalls)s hall be sleeved and grouted or sea led to mainta in the integrity a ndrati ng of the fire res istive ba rrier with rated lire p rotectionse ala nts equa lto the fire resistive rating of the asse mbly. G .Underground Piping :Underground p ip ing sha ll be installed as req uired in applicable sections o fthi s specification.T renching,p ipe laying,bac kfill,co mpaction,thrust b locks,testing and flush ing sha ll be in accordance with the epecitlcetions. 3 .05 S Y~IE M TEST A.~n IlR AIN r.ONNECIlONS; The s prink ler s ubco ntractor shall provi de all test valvesand drain connectionsas requ ired by N fPA 13. A .Discharge :A ll tes t connections and dra in co nnec tions s ha ll be hard piped to di sch arge waste wa terd irectly tothe outside if possible,Of in to a noor dra in.The sprinkler co ntractor shell mule the p ipe and modify any •floor drai n grates as IIt.'CCM3ry tomi nimize spla.'lhing due to di scharge.In locations where the Archi tec t allo....'5.,Lhc wain may discharge wi th a do ....n turned elbow at the building exterior.In these locations tbr.: co ntractor shall provide a concrete splas h b lock to protect the landscaping. 3 .06RI SERS : Th eCo ntractor shall loc ate the ma in risers a nd stan dp ipes lo r the s prin kle r sys temino rdertomin imize •obstruction to tra fficor bu ildingo perauccs.Exac t loc ation of risers sha ll be a pproved hy the A rchitect and the fire protecti on consu ltant. A.Zoning:The fire sprinkler sys temsha ll be zoned on a per floo r ba sis. B.Supervisory Switc hes :Va lve supe rvisory s witcbes sha ll be providedon all va lves co ntrolling wate r supply to the fire s prinkle r sys te m.includin g valves located a t ba ckflowp reven tio n dev ice.•3.07t 'LUSHINGAN I>SA NITl l..A TIO ~: • Priorto connecti ng the sp rinkler piping wi th me underground main,~Contractor sha ll flush and sanitize the un derground.ma in in accordance with NFPA 13 and the Hea lth Department and thewate r cOrt1Xl nys standards.111C Contractor sha ll norify the fire department priorto underground fl ushing. 3 .08 TRAINING: • A ulomatlc:S prink ler a nd St andp l ~S yst em s 15300 -II ":lIIgl e Hahn G ondola Va il.Colorado 07 M a rc:h 2005 • • • • • • • • 3 .09 SECTION 15300 AlffOMATIC SI'R INKLER AN I>STANDP IPE SYSTEMS Th eContractor sha ll co nduc t Iwo (2 )training sessio ns o f fOIlI (4)hours eac h10 fa miliarizethe building pers onnel with thefea tures,opera tion a nd rraimenancc of thes prink lerand standpi pe systems .T raining sessi ons shall be sche duled by the Arc hitect a t a time nanually agree able to the Co ntractor.O wnerand the Architect. A .Agenda :The Co ntrac tor sha ll submit a proposed train ing agenda for the A rchitects review and a pp roval ""irhin 60days of au th0ri7..ation to p roceed .The proposed training agenda shall include .butnot be limited to.the following : 1.Ov erview o f syste m ope ration. 2.Ov erview o fsystem equipment anddev ice locations. 3.Detailed operatio n guidelines. 4 .Detailed maintenance p rocedures . 5.Periodic testing procedures. D.Fina l A genda :Th e Co ntracto r shall sub mit the fina l a ppro.....ed tra ining agenda 14 days priorto the f in! training session. H NAL INS PECnON AND T t:S ''': TIle Contrac tor shall inqu ire about makin g arra ngementswiththe Architect for fina l inspection and witoesstng o f the final acceptancetests.Tbc Architect may want toco nduct afinal inspection a nd w itnes... the final acceptance tes t.This Architect inspec tion and test weeki he separa tefromtesti ng by the local authorities . A.Required Tests :A lltestsand inspec tions required by the referenced Codes and Standa rds.lhe Town of Vai l Bu ildingand Fire Dep artment o fficial..and me Ar chitect sha ll be pcr fom..-d by th e:Conuac rorunder this. scope of work. I.When local code a uthoriti es a re required to witness tests,theCo ntractor s hall be respon.sih lc fo r mak ingall necessary arrangements with the code authoritie s andcoordinating the work with the A rchitect . 2.TIle Co nlIac tor shall be responsible fo r ohtaining all tes t documents willa necessaryapproval stamps arxls ignatures o f the rode authorities .Tbe Co ntractor shallsubmit o ne copy of eac h o f these cIocuments to the A rchit ect B .Notice :C ontractor sha ll provide at least five (5)wo rking da ys noti ce for a llics ts. • C .FinalAppro val:F inala pproval and acceptance o f the ....o rkwill be given b y theArchit ect when: I.T he co mpleted s prinkler systems have bee n inspec ted.tested aOO approved by lhc Arc hitect a nd the Town ofYail Building Inspection D ivision a nd FireDepa rtment officia ls . 2.Required submittals ,system operatio n and rrainrenarce ma nuals.record drawings,spare parts, • A uttlluatic S prin kler allli S tandpipe S)'s tcms 15300 ·12 Eagle B ahn Go ndola Va il,Co lorado 07 M arch 200 S • • • 3.12 SF.CTlON 15300 AlITOMATIC S P RINKLER ANDSTANDP IPE SYSTF.MS special tools and training have been prov idedto.reviewed,andaccepted by theArchitect. D.The Arch itect's Co nsultant will visit the job siteto observe the work andwitness lhe final acceptance rests when be has been advised by the Co ntractor that the work is completed and ready for test ,If 1M work has I10l been correlcted or the lest isunsatisfac tory,the Contracto r shall be responsible for the Architect's extra expenses for re-inspecnonand witnessing therete sting of tbe Vonck .S uch ex irafees shall be deduc ted from pnyments by the A rc hitect to the Contractor. RE CIU\-1NG AND HANDLING • • • • • • The Contractor shall be responsible fo r aUreceivin g,handling and storage of his materials at the job si te . Use of loading decks,service driveways ,and freight elevators shall be coordinated with the Architect. 3 .13 RUBB ISHREMOVAL Co ntractor sha ll removerub bish anddebri s resulting fromhis work ona daily basis from the work s ite. Rubbish not removed by the Co ntractorma y be removed by theArchitect and back-charged to the Co ntractor. END OF SECTION • Automatic S prl nk ln lind Siand pipe Sys tems 15300 -13 E agle Babn Gondola Vail,C olorado 01 March 200 5 • • SH..'TION 1(72) FIR ..:AL ARM S YSTEM P AIU I Gt:N I<:RAI, • • • • • • • 1.1 G t:l'"ERAL DESC R IPTION A .Providing all n e tenalsandlabo r for the design a nd insta llatio n o f a n ew a ddre ss able a ndanalog automatic firea larm sys tem ,hereafterre fe rred to as thesys tem,in the Eag le Dahn Go ndola in V ai l,C o lorado. H.All wor k shall he pe rformed in accorda nce ....-ith th es e s pecific atio ns and goo d prac tice .No mo dificatio ns to the se speci fications will be accepted wi thoutthee xpressed written a pproval of the Ar chitect.It is the Co ntracto r's re sponsi bility 10 document Arch itec t 's approval o f e ny s uch modifi cations p rio r10the execut ion o f work. C .S ystemconcep t drawi ng sbc c rs fA I 00 through fA I 02 are for information on ly to s how potential sys tem erra ngemc ru.Co ntrac tor sha llfie ld ve rifyallinformatio n co ntained onthese d rawing s a nd is res po nsib le for de s ig na nd insta llatio n o fthe sys tem ina cco rd ance with thes pe c ifications.T he bid d raw ings do not s howa llin formation nece ssary forinstalla tion of the sys tem,but are intendedto be used as aguid e b y the Contrac torfor the p urpo se of d es ignin g the s ystem a nd p reparing a b id.A s such,they ind icate: I.Approximate de vice locations. 2 .Types andmin imwn q uantities o f iuin ating d evices andno tification app lianc es. 3 .Loc at io n o f the new fire a la rm sys tem co ntro l unil(s). 4 .Locat ion o f k nown electri cal/me chanical eq u ipme nt to be interfaced to,moni ton ..-d ami/or contro lledb y the new fireala rm sys tem 1.2 I NTF.;\"T OF SP EC ln CATIOSS A.It is intended tha t the wo rk pe rformed pu rsuantto these s pec ifica tio ns be complete in e veryre spec t, result ing in a system ins talled entirely in accordance with the a pplica b le co des,st anda rds,ma nu fact urer's reco mme ndat ions and Unde rwrite rs Laboratorie s Inc .(UL )listings . R.II is furthe r int ended tha t upo n comp let ion of thi s wo rk ,theOwn er be p rovidedwith: I .Co mplete info rmatio n and drawings d escribingand depi ctingthe entire sys tem as in'italled,inc luding a ll info rmation necessary forma inta ining ,troubles hoot ing,and/or ex pand ing the sys tem a t a futu re da te. 2 .C o mplete docu mentation of system test ing . 3.Certi fication that the entire sys tem ha s been inspe cted and tes ted,is instan t."<I entirely in accordance with the app licable cedes,standa rds,ma nufa cturer's recommcndarionsa nd U L listings,and is in p roper wo rking o rder.Co nlractor s ha ll foll ow a cceptance resting requirements as indicated b y Sec tion IOA.I.I ofNFPA 72 -200 2editi on . 1,3 WORK I NC LlJI)I(1) A .Provide and install ne w li re a la rm sys tem furthi s pha se (Phase I)c o nsist ing of; • 1672 1 -I Eagle B ahn Gon dola V ail,C olo rado 07 M arth 20 05 • • • • • • • • • SI-:C l"I UN 16721 nRt:AI .AR\I SYSTEM 1.A ddressa b le an d an alo g fire a larm co ntro l unit loc ated intheC o ntro l Room a ttheUp per Level Go ndola,ca pab le o f'acco mmo da uug th eaddition of lir e al a nn compo ne nts inv o lved in Phase IIo ftile p roject .thenewT u nnel to Th e ArraBclic at Vail Sq uare .. 2 .Po w e r s uppliesas needed to acco mmodate a udible a nd v isua l noti fication d evice s for bot h Ph ase I an d Phase II. 3.Devic es .equi pment and wirin g as ~es sary 10 mo nitor the ac tivation of s prinkler sys tem s upervisory and a larm dev ices . 4.A ud ib le(horns o r s pe ak ers )a ndv isual not ifica tio n a p pliances thr ou gh out the Lower a nd Upper Le vel G o ndola as ind icated o nth e dr awings. n.R...mcvc the e xis ting firede tec tion a nd a larm syste minthe Upper andLo wer Go ndola Leve ls and provide necessary pat ching and pai nting.Removal o f sys tem componentsb eyond th e Lo wer Le vel Gondo la into th e e llisting T unnel to th e o ld G o ndolabuild ing is not necessary.The new fire a larm sys tem s hall be in p lace a ndrea d y fo r pla c ing in service prio r to removal of th eex ist ing sys tem. C.Provid e andinstall devices.eq uipment.and wiring necessa ry to monitor the act ivation of s pecialhaza rdli re supp ression s ystems.Fi nal c heckout uf intcr-c unoc c rions s hall be made byac tivat ing the special haz ardlir e supp re ss ion s ystems (s )de tection c irc uits.C o ntrac tor sha ll incl u dethe services of th e s pecial haza rdfire s uppress ion s ys tcms (s)co nlr acto r(s).i f needed ,to fu llytest th e in te rconnec tion s . D .Pro vid e e nd insta ll equi pme nt a nd wiri ng nece ssa ry [0 mo nitortheac ti vation of new s p rink lera ndsta ndpipe system supe rv isory a nd a larm devices be ing p rovidedas part of th ea uto matic sprink ler a mi s tandpipe upgrades. 11.Provide and install eq uipm ent a nd wirin g neces sary to include the s moke de tector be ing providedinte rnalto the Liebert C RAC unit be ing p rov ided as part of th eai r c n ndi tioning upg rad es for the T ele co m and C o mp uter rooms in the Lowe r Le..'e l Go ndo la . F .P ro v idea nd install dev ices,eq uipme nt ,a nd w ir ing necessa ryto transmit fir e.trouble ,a nd su pervisory sig na ls tothesec uritylfire d epa rtment (or c e ntra l stati o n), G .Provideand install magnetic dour h olders in the Lower LevelGo ndo la if t he e xist ing door hol d erscannot be ut ilized wi th the new sys tem. H .Provid e and install protec tion equipment to prevent dama ge to fire a larm c ompo ne ntsfro m the carts used in the Gondola for transporting su pp lies to theMo unta in Operations. I.T est and .lldj u.~t a ll equ ipment and systems. J.Pr eparea nd submit shopdra wing s,contr ac to r record d rawings and o ther s ub mittals re quiredher e in . K .Wa rranty a ll ne w eq uipme nt a nd sys te ms forone year a fterfina l acceptance of th e system by the O wner. I ~Ob tain,sec ure ,a nd pay fora ll permits.plan c hec k appro vals .and inspection s necessary to pcrfcrrn the work .Thi s shall include any n ecessary off-hour costs for inspections and w itnessing o f tests. M .Provide testing of a ll dev ices,a nd re pa ir as nec essary ,durin g the warra nty period upto and including the • Fi re Ala rm Syste m 16721 -2 ":aKle Bahn (:olldola Vail,Co lora do 07 M a rch 2005 • • SECTION16 72. I'IRE ALAR'1 SYSTEM firstannual tests.as requ ired in NFPA 72 . N .Coo rdina te all wo rk with ethe r Contractors wor kinginthe bu ilding orco ncurrent co nst rucnonr remcde fing or install atio n of o ther syst ems (~.adj usting waterfl ow al arms.....'itc h retardsb y the S prinkler C o ntracto r). 1.4 Q UALITY ASSURA......CE •A.All work s ha ll con form10 the req uire rrenes cf thc applicable po rtions of the Na tional F ire Prot ection Association (NFPA)S tandards.Gu ides and Recommended Practices lis ted bcrein.The lat est ed itions of th esestandards shall be used,unless otherwise directed b y local au thorit ies. • • • • .. • 1.5 I .NF P/\70 ~2002.Nat iona lElect rical Code 2 .NF PA72-2002 ,Nat iona l F ire Alarm C ode B.All wo rk a nd materials sha ll conform toa ll Federal,Stale and local codes a nd reg ula tio ns g o verningthe ins tallation,including thecurrent edi tions of the 2(0)InternationalBu ilding Code (I HC')and 2003 International Fire Code (lfC)and the Town ofVaillluilding andFir e Department amendment..a.s we ll as the interp retat ion uf fhesc docu ments by the Town of VailRu ilding Offi cia landFire Mars hal. C.If there is a co nflict between the re fer enced NF PA s tandards.fede ral .s tate or loc a l codes.and thi s s peci fica tion.it is the C o ntrac to r's re sponsi bili ty toimme diately b ring the c onflict to the a tte ntion of the Archit ectfor res o lution.NFPA standards shall s upe rsede un less lo ca l co des a re mo restringent .Co ntrac to r sha ll no t a ttemp t toresol ve co nflicts d irec tly with the local a uthorities unlesss peci ficallya uthor ized by the Architect. D .A ll devices.s ystems.eq uipment a nd materials furni shed and installed s ha n he new and listed by Underwriters La bora tories Inc.CU Ll for their intended use.All eq u ipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacture r's rec ommend ations and the UL listinglimitat ions .l isting requirements for separate voice .fire al arm systems,smokema nagement sys tem eq uipment and smoke detectors shall be ~I.The C o ntrac to r sha ll provide e vid ence .with submittal.of listi ngs of a llp roposedeq uipme n l a nd combinations of eq uipment . E.TIlt:C ontra c torsha ll be responsib le for ti ling o f a ll doc ume nts.payin ga ll fees a nd sec uring a ll pe rmit s . ins pections Slid approvals necessary for c ond uct ing t his wor k.Thi ss hallincludea nycos ts assoc iated wit h p lan chec k.o ff-hour inspect ions,andfees L ..sociated wi th witnessing o ffire a larm test s.Plan chec k drawin gs submitted to the C ity for pe rmit app roval sha llincludea ll necessary infcrmaticn,inc luding an y stamps or seals required for approval. SYSTI-:M OPE RAT ION A.Th eac tivation o f anysprinkle...wa ter-flow s witc h.a rea smo ke d et ec to r .or a ny o ther fire a la rm initiating device 511.111: I .Cause a n aud ible alarm to so und and a visual signa l toilluminate at the mai n Fi re a larm co ntrol pa ne l and remotea nnunc ia to ns). 2.Initia te the a udible andvisua l notil icat ion device s t hroughout the building o r d esi gnated bu ilding e rc".5 as approved by the fire depa rtment . R .The activatio n of any valves upervisory switcho r any o ther s uperv isory de vice sha ll ca use ana ud ible a larm toso und anda..-isual signal to ill uminateat the ma in fir e a lann co ntrol panel a nd remot e • Fi re Alarm Syste m 16721 -3 ":lIgle lIa hn Gondol a Va il.C o lorado 0 7 March 200S • • • • • • • • • 1.6 ss cnox 16721 FIR .:ALARM SVsn:M annuncia tor(s). C .S ystem tro uble s ignals s hall: 1.Ca use anaudible ala rmtosou nd and a visuals ignal 10 il luminateat the ma in fire a larm control p anela nd remote ann uncialor{s),indicatingth e type of tr ouble and area of trouble . 2 .T rouble signals shall be di stinctively d ifferent than a lann o r s upervisory signals . SU B ~tlTTALS A .111c Owne r's F ire Prote c tion Co ns u ltant sha ll rev iew and recomme nd a pp roval/di sa pprov a l orta ke o ther appropriateac tion 0 11 the Co ntrac to r's sub mittals includ ing sho p dr awings,sam p les,anddocume ntation • and record drawings .T his review is 10 ve rify conform ance 10proj ectspec ificationsand des ign concepts ex pressed in the con tract documents .Th is actionshall he taken with ell reasonable promptness as to C8lL'>e nodel ay in the work.while a llowin g a deq uate time to penni!adequate re view.Revi ew of suc h su bmi ruls is nor conductedfor the purpose ofdetermining the:accuracy and ccnelereress ofother d etails (i.e .• dime:nsions)or for substantiating installation or performance ofequipment orsystems designed by the Co ntractor,all o f which remain the COlllral:tor'S responsibility to the extent required by the concacr documents.The Owner's Fire Pr otection Consultant'sre view sha ll not co nstitute approval ofsa fety preca utions ofconsuocuo n,mea ns,methods.tec hniq ues,seq uences of pr oce dur es,or approval ofa s pec ifica sse mb ly o f whic h the ite m is a part. R.I f sub m ittals,upon re view b y the A rch itec t,ar e fou ndnot to c o nform tothe re quirements of the se specifica tions.th eCo ntrac tor sh a ll be re quiredtore submit ....ith mod ifi cations . C .Product Dat a :S ubmit a detailed equipmentlist,identifyingtypes,model s and quantities of a ll ma terials,devicesa nd cq ui pmcnl p roposed .Thi s submitta l shall include manufacturers'da ta sheets showing the typesa nd mod els of a ll eq uipment ,d evices.mat er ia l a nd wire pro posed .Evid ence ofUL listingsand locala pprova ls s ha ll he submitted w iththe d ata sheets.The su bmitta l sha ll incl ude ,hutnot he limitedto,th e following: I .Fire a larmc o ntro l eq u ipment and ann uncia tors,i ncluding a ll co mp o nents ,modu le s,a nd enc losures. 2 .Ma nual li rea larm stat ions,d etect or s,a uxil iary func tionrelays am i solen oids,an d no ufi ca ucn a ppliances. 3 .Condui t,raccway,junction box es,terminal cabinets,device bac kboxes,fitti ngs ,ha nge rs,a nd mou nting har dware . 4 .Wire,cab le ,connectors ,te rminal s trips ,and e lectrical tape. 5.Smoke de tectors,moni tor modu les,and control mod ules . 6 .Unin terruptah le power supplies a nd standby b atte ries. 7.An y ot her mat eri al s,d evices or e quipment 10 be p rovide d. 8 .Fire a larm sc hema tic rise r d iagram supp leme nted with narrative d esc ript io ns as nece ss aryfu r cla rity an d completeness. w h e n a d at a s heet shews more l h a n one product,t b e pro[W)se-d prnduci sh a n b e d e arly ind icated b ya rrows or olher s uilable means , D .P ermits,Licenses,andCe rtificates:Prior to start o finstal lation,the Ccntrector sha ll obtain and submit co pies o fall pcnnits,licenses,certificates and app rovals necessary toco nduct this wo rk. •nrc A larm Sys te m 1672 1-..lo:a ~l e n ehn (;olldol a Va il.C o lo ra d o 07 J\-hrc:h 2005 • • • • • • • • • secrr IO~1672 . Fl RI':ALA RM S\'ST t:~1 E.ShopDrawing s:Priorto installation submit five full !OCt'!of shopdra wi ngs and da ta sheets.an d inst all ation manual s/i nstru ction s d etailing the manufacturer's in stallationrecomm endation s for a ll eq uipment 10 be install ed fo r approval.Installation pr ior 10 receipt of approved shop dra wings sha ll be atth e risk o f the Contra cto r.The shop dra wingssha ll co nsis t of lhc foll owing : I.A dr awing leg end s beet identifying : a )A ll symbols used onthed rawings,by type of device o r eq uipment,manufacturer .and manu factu rers part n umher.This in formation sha ll c orr espond tothe ma nufacturer's catalog data sheet'!re quiredels ewhere in thi s section. b)A ll c onve ntions.a bbrev iationsand s peci alizedtermino logy usedon thedrawi ng s,as necessary tounder sta nd andin terpr e t th einfo rm ation con tained ther ein . c )All co lo r code s a nd conduit,conductor/c ircuit and dev ice nu mbering s yste ms . d)A co mp lete d rawing list/index identifying a ll drawings in the sho p drawing pac kage by ti tle , d rawing number an d Spe cifica rion cro ss -reference. 2 .C lea n archi tect ura l floor p lans d rawn tosca le and a syste m riser d iag ram with ati tle b loc k 0 11 each drawing .Th e floor p lan dr awing s shallind icate : a )Lo cation ofull dev ices ,eq uipment,risers a nd electrical power connection s.A dd ressable sys tems shallindi cate d evice addre sses for a ll add ressa b leco mpone nts shownon ea c h d raw ing . b)N umbe r,s ize,and type of condu ctors and co nduit. c)Typical wi ring d iagrams for all alarm initiating devices and notifi cat ion appliances,showing the s izeand type of c ond uc tors,w iri ng termina t ions and terminal jdentifi eatio ns d )Wh en remotetra nsm itting panel power is d erived from "local"so urce of hui ld ing emerg ency powe r,the shop drawing s sha ll show w irerout ing.and poi nt of co nnectio n (location)10 the bui ldin g "E"cir cuit. e)Co nduitfill ca lc ula tio ns,in ch art form,ind icating thec ro ss-sect ion a re a perce nt fi ll for ea ch type of wire /cab le in ea ch siz e ofcond uit use d inthe system A max imum of 40 percen t fill is a llowed . 3 .The ri se r d ia gram shall ind icate : a)Num ber ,si ze,and type o f riser c ondu its/race ways. b)Numbe r,s ize,andtype of conductors in ea ch ri ser . c)N umber of eachtypeo f d evice on e ac h c irc u it o n eachfloor . 4 .Detailed wirin g d iagrams for a ll ala rm control panels.controlp ane l modu les,powe r s upp lies, e lectrica l power connections .auxiliary function rela ys a nd soleno id s,a nd a nnunciators.identifyi ng a ll req uired terminatio n.s,incl uding terminalidentifications .A ll uns upervise d co nnections and terminations shall be noted "unsupe rvised." • Fire Alarm Sys tem 16721-5 Jo:a~lc Ha hn Go ndola Va il.Co lo rado 07 M arch 2 005 • • • • • • • • • secn ox 16721 F IR":A lARM SYSTI<:l\f a )T hese d iagrams sha llde pic t a nd ide ntify all c ircu it boards ,modules.power s upp lies,s tandby bat te ries ,w iri ng hamcssc s,tcnnina l st rip s a nd connectionsth e rcto ,incl uding sp are zo nes a nd c irc uits .W here multiple components ofa si m ilar type are pro vided ,a unique componenl number sha ll identi fyeac h . b)These dia grnrTIS 5h",,11 include front-view d eta ils of all control p anels and annunc iators, depi cti ng and identifyingallindic a tors,c ontrolsand zo ne labels.in cluding proposed nomenc lature. c )These diagrams shalld epict thereq uired informat ion to re lative scal e.ac tual S iLC or large r, sho wing propers pecia l relationships betwe en compo nents ,an dreflect the c or resp o nd ing syste m compone ntsas they Arc 10 be installed. 5.S tandbybatt eryca pacity ca lcu lati ons.Batt ery calculations shall iis l the type of devices and modules;quan tit ie s,u nit and e xte nded amperage draw fo r qui escent and alarm co ndit ions,to tal a mperage dra .....and battery amp/ho urra ting .For de sign crit eria.lbe calcu lated load shall be the: d es ign load,including span:capacity .In addition,the battery capacity use d tomee tthe calculated load shall be a max imum o f 80 pe rcent o f the a mp/hour rating listed b y the ma nufac turer . 6 .V o ltage dr op calculations shalllist the percentage o f drop for compliance with the local au thorities'requiremen ts. 7.A c omp lete a dd ress list ide ntify ingea c hinitiating de,..icea ddress a nd type ,notification app liance ci rc uits,remotes igna ling de vices and devi ces co ntrolling a ux iliary func tion s. 8.Sequence ofOpcrationsma trix .This matrixshall ind icate s pec ific system func tions assoc iated w itheac h type of in itiating de vice incl uding a larm,su pe rvisory and tro ubles ignals . Eac hd ra ....'ing s hall be c ross-refe renced to all rela ted drawings and specificd rawing d etails as ~ces.~a ry fo r thes ub mittal as a who le tocl ear ly de p ict the proposed installation.Each d rawingsha ll show re visio n num ber and dat e indi c ated in th e title b lock .Rev isions sha ll be cl ouded orot herwise highlig hted between s ubm iss io ns.Rev is ions ma dewith out cloud ing o r o the rh igh lights will no t be reviewed a nd anyapp ro va l o f the reviseddrawings wi ll no ta p plyto tho seunno tcd rev isions. The Co n tractor .....iII not be authorized to startinstallatio nu ntil a ll of theshop drawings 8 J'Kt d at a sheets an:received,reviewed a nd a pproved in writing by the Arc hitect a ndthe T O\\TI o fVail n u ild ing a nd Fire Depanrre nts. Operation a nd Maintenance Man ual:The Co ntractor shall provide the Architect with a loose -leafmanua l. T he mai ntenance manua l shall contain: I.A d etailed narrat ive d escr iption of'thc sy s temarc hit ec ture ,inputs,notification s igna ling ,au x iliary fun ct ions.annun c iation,int end ed seque nce o ropcranons,exp a ns io n ca p ability,ap p lication conside ratio ns,and limitation s. 2.A detai led d escriptio n of the operation o f the system.inc ludin g o perator respo nses.Tbc approved seq uence of o pe ration sha ll be pl aced in,o r adjacentto ,the opera tor's co ntrol panel. 3 .A d etailed descr ip tion of ro utine mai ntenance required or rec ommended or a s would be provi ded u nd er a ma intenancec o ntractinclu dinga testing andma inten ancesc heduleanddetai led testin g • Fir e ,\18 nll Sys tem 1672 1 ~6 .:llIg le Hahn Go ndola Vail,C olorado 07 Manit 2005 • • • • • • • SECOON 1672 1 FI RE ALAR'.SYSTEM and ma intenance in stru ctio ns forea c h type of device ins talled . 4 .Manu facturers'data shee ts e nd in stallationma nual s/instru ctions for a ll equip me ntinst alled with deta iled tr n uhleshoori ng ins tru ctions fo r each specific type of tro ub le co nd ition recognized by the sys tem.including opens,grounds.parity errors,"loopfa ilure s,"et c.Th ese instruc tionssha ll include alistofa1l trouble signals annunciated by the sys tem,ad escriptio n of the oondition(s) which will cause those trouble signals,a nd s tep-by-s tepins tru ctions d escribing howtoisolatethose problems and correc t th em (orcallfor service .as appropriate). 5 .A list cfrecommcndcd spareparts . 6 .Service d irectory,which includesthemai n 24 -ho ur eme rge ncy se rvice nu mb e rand at least three alte rnate numhe r...thaiar e monitored on a24-hourhas is. 7 .S mall-scale(11 inche s b y 17 in che s )record drawings o f the sys tem Thi s manual shall be wri tten,oompilcd and edited specificallyfor this projec t and thesys tem installed Unedited manufactun..r'sca talog da ta shccts andIo r equ ipment manua ls a re unacceplah le as content for this submitta l. G .Rec ord Dra ....r ing s:Th e Contrac tor s ha lt pro vide and ma intain on thes itea n up-t o-date record se t of a ppro ved shopdr awi ng pr ints whic h sha ll be ma rkedtosh oweac h a nd e very c hangema d e to the fire ala rm syste m from th e ori g inal approved shopdr awing s .Th iss hallno t b e construed as a uthorizat ion 10 d eviate frum o rmak e ch anges tothe 3pp rOVI,."'(]shop dr awing s.Th is se t o f drawing s sha ll be us ed only a s arecord set.The se dr awingssha ll be madeavailab le 10 the E ngineer of Record,or their repre sentative ,upo n req ues t. I .Upon completion of the work .the record se t of prin tss hall be usedto prepare co mp lete.ac curate final record drawings re flectingany and a ll changes and dev iations made to the fire alarm sys tem 2.Uponco mp letion o f the wo rk.two sets ufbluc -Iinc reco rd drawingssha ll be sub mitted tothe Arc hitec t for re vie w . 3 .Fo llo wing the A rchitect's revie w a nd accep ta nce of t he b lue-line reco rd d rawing.s,a nd be for e final a pprova l.o ne(1 )sc i of re produc ib lerecor d dr awing s.o ne co py o n d isketteo r other med ia.and four(4)ad ditional se ts ofhonrlrec ord drawings shall be del ivered to theA rchitec t. 4 .The reco rd dra wings a re required to show and to identi fy quannnes ofjunction boxes,spare c onduc tors,ec tor-coding ofc onductors.sp lices.de vice ba ck bo xes .and termina l strip s.The se drawings sha ll inc lude a sc hedule ofalllvnru.-ctionsi tl:nninat iolls.indexed by junction bo x.de vice bac kbox and termina l stripa nd sha ll re ferencewirc ide ntifica tion taped num bers as insta lled . II .Softwa re Docurrcnta non a .Oocumentationof Software Modi fications shal l indude : 3 .Acomplet e printo ut of the system p rogramp rior10 the c ha nge. b.A completc printout o fthc sys tem program ~U ~JeJ1t to the c hange......'ithall mod iftcatiom highlighted. c .Aletter prepared and s igned bytheindividual who matk the c hanges,desc ribing cac h change made.and the reaso n for tha t cha nge.Th is le iter shall certify th at the prtparer has personall y • Fire Alarm Sy~It:1Il 16721 -7 E a gle Bahn GUIIIJola Va il,Colorado 07 March 2005 • • • • • SECTiON 16721 flU AI.AR.'1 SYSTEM re viewed and compared the be fore and a fter program p rintout andverifi ed the correctnes s o f the modiflc atioufs). b .A co pyo fa ll s oftware documentation required b y this sec tio nshall be maintainedo n-siteb y the Contra ctor .ina hinde r,arranged in chrono logical or der.This binders hall be turned ov er to the Ow ner a t the completion of the project. c .Once the fire alann sys tem is pul into service.in whole or in pa rt.and the associated bui lding(s) partiallyor wholly occupied,noso ffware changes s hall be performed wit hout the pri or wri tten pe rmission o flhc Ar chitect . d .All scfl warc change s to the fire alarm sys tem.o nce it is in se rvice,s hall be pe r formed bya certified, manufac ture r's re prese ntative,trained in the ex ecution ofs uch changes.A co m p leteprintout o ft he s ys temp rogram c ha nges shall be p rovided. e .Each rev ision to the so ftware s hall be Idcntiflcd bya unique vers io n number anti dal e. J.System Program Pre-Testing a .Allfirea lann control equipment shall be assembled,connected/interconnected in th e nunnt T in which it w ill be installedin the build ing,powered,and p re -tested by the Co ntractor foramininuun o f30 da ys,p rior to d eliverytothe projec t s ite.This period shall be us ed by the Contractor to prepare a nd test thes yste m s oftwa re.The fire alarm co ntrol e quipme nt and s oftwares ha llb e d eliv eredto th e projec t site a s a co mp lete package.in an operational,tes ted configuratio n,wi th a ll mo nitor and co ntrol points p rogr ammed in pcnnancntme mory a ndd isabled in RAM .Aletter from the Co ntractor ce rtifying suc cessful correlction o rrte requi red program p re -testings hall be s upplied to the Architect at the umc the equipment is de livered tothe s ite . b .Atlea st one total reprogramming shall be Inc luded in this contract <I nt."projec t co nditions,sys tem i nter-conrections ,a nd req uired text are finalized . • J .T est Record Sys tem ce rtification anddoc un entauou of s ystem test ing requi red by thi s Specifica tion s ha ll be s ub mi tted tothe Architect for rev iew and ap pro val at least 14 da ys prior to the final acc eptance test • • 1.7 W ARRAN'IT A.Warranty Period I .Tbe Co ntractor s hall warranty all materials and workmanship during the install ation period end fora period of oneye ar,beginning with the da te o f fina l acc eptance by the Owner .The Contractor s hall be respo nsible during the d esig n,ins tallat ion,tes tinga nd .....arranry periods forany damage caused by him or h is s ubcontractors or by defects inhis or his s ubcontractors'work,ma terials,o r equipme nt. 2 .During the warranty period.the Fir e Alarm Co nnector s hall inspect and tes t the e ntire fire alarm system in oonfo nnance with NF PA 72-2002.All devices shall be tested a t a mininuun interval of 6 mo nths apart,withawritten report a fter each test The warranty period s hall inc lude the first a nnual inspection and lest. R.Eme rgency Se rvice • .·ire Al Arm Sy st em 1672 1 ~8 .:a g l~Ba hn G ondola Vall,C o lo rado 07 M arch 200S • • • • • • • 1.8 1.9 SIo:CTION 1672 1 f'R E AIAR.'.SYSTt:M The Contrac tor shall prov ideemergency repair se rvice forthe sys tem,at no c ostto th eO .....n cr,withinfour hours o fa req uest forsuch service by the Owner during bot h the installatio n andthe w arra nty peri ods. This service sha ll be provided ona24 ·hmlf per da y,seve n d ays per week basis. C .SPUriOIL'l Alarm:<; I.If the Owner experiences an unacceptable number of spuriousor unexplained false alarms during the installation and warranty periods.the Contractor shall be responsible for providing the l'Ie\':CSS3ty labo r.mat erial.andtec hnical ex pertiseto correct the problemtothe sa tisfaction ofthc Owner. 2 .TI le follow ingnumber of s purious alarms,ca lcu lated asa ratio of falsc ala rms 10 number o finitiation de vices ,s ha ll be co nsideredun acceptable : a .A utomatic (s ystem co nnec ted)smo ke detectors -M orethan 1""'0 spurious a larms pe r100 detectors per s ix months during the sys tem warranty period.Ifth is number is calculated to be less than two .two spurious alarms shal l be considered unacceptable.A ny calculated number shall be rounded up . b .Automatic du ct type s mo ke de tectors ,More lhan tV,IO s pu rious alarms per 50 dete ctors per six rmnth...during the sys tem installatio n and warranty periods.Ifthi s n umberiscalc ulated tohe less th antw o ,two spurious a larms sha ll be cons idered un acce ptable.An y calcula ted number shall be rounded u p . 3 .An ys puri ous a larms shall be considered unacceptable for the following types of eq uipment. a .Manual fire alarm stations. b .Sprinkler or stand pi pe sys tem waterflow de vices. c .S prinkler or standpipe system va lve supervisory switches. d .Range hood anddu ct fire suppress ion sys tem monitori ng d evices. TRAI NING A.Conduct two (2)tra ining sessions as re quired,but not less than four(4)ho urs eac h,tofamiliarize the Owner's pe rsonnel wit h the features.operation,and maintenance or the modified sys tems.Training se ssions shall be sc hedu ledas ag reeable toth e OWIll.,.. B.Trainingshall include a ll system operational functi ons needed b y bui ld ing end security personnel .This shall include,but will not be hnnted to : I .Al a nn acknowledgement . 2.Interpretation of the sc heme used to provideiden tifiers . 3 .System rese t. 4 .Bas ic troubles hoo ting. S PEC IA I ~TOOLS A.Three (3)comple tese ts or any special tool s or ke ys ne cessary for normal operation and maintenance of th e system shall be provided under Ibis \\'Ork. • Fi re A larm System 16721 ·9 E ag le Bahu GO lldo llol Va il,C e teradc 07 J\1.ar c:h 2005 • • • • 1.10 SH:TION 16721 H R Io:AI.ARM SYSn:M "·I NAr.A PPROVAl ,AN D AC C":PTANCr. Final appro val and acceptance ofthe work will be gi ven by the Owne r when : A.Th e co mplete system has bee n inspected .teste d.and approved in ""Til ing by the Owner andthe T own of Vail Bu ilding andF ire D e partments. B.A ll requ ired su bmittals,inc luding system operation and maintenance manuals,co ntractor record d rawings.lest reports,spare pa rts,special tools a ndtraining havebee npro vided to,reviewed by,and acce pted in wri ting by the Own er . C .A ll sys temso ftwarech anges ",0,,"<1 in RAM havebeen tr ansferred into permane nt memory••nd verified i ll wri ting ,b y the Co ntrac tor. r ART 2 PROI>UC rS • • • • • 2.1 A .The sys tem s hall u tilize ana log po int-addressa ble technologyp roviding a di screte system "address"for eac h individual in itiating d evice . B.A ll equipme nt an d s ystem compone nts furni shed and installed shall be new and listedb yU Lfor the ir intended use.T he equ ipment and sys tem components sha ll be install ed in accordance with the app licable codes and sta nd a rds,the manufa cturers'reco m men dations and wi thin the limit ation s of the U llistings .All e quipment and syste m co mpcnems s ha ll be thestanda rd producto f a si ngle manufacturer.Evidence ofUL list ing is req uired . C.Syst cmcomponents s ha ll be modular in de sign to en sure future expansion ca pability o f the system. S pare ca pacity sha ll pertain toq uantities o f dev ic es ,c ircuits,power supp lies,amp lifiers ,co nductor capacities (size )a nd le ngths. D .T he syst em shallhave s pa re in stalled c apacity enabli ng it to supporta30perc e nt inc rease in the numb er of initiating devices (after Phase I I),a nd in the n umber o fcontro l andno tificat ion appliances. S pa re circuit capacity shall be evenlydi stributed throughout the system E.Electromagnetic In terference:A ll fire ala rm control e quipment,devices and wirings hall be pro te cted against unwanted radiated el ec tromagnetic interference (E..\t l)and radio frequ en c y interfer ence (RFI) wh ich c a n inte rfere wit h no rmal sys tem processing andposs ibly c ause unwan ted a larms. F.The sys tem shall he o ne o fthefollowing ma n ufacturers o r eq u ivale nt as a pproved bythe A rchitect and fire pr c recucn engineer: I .f:d wurd s S ystems T echnology (cST) 2 .Notilicr 3 .S iemens Iiui lding T echnologie s,L td .(Siemens) 4 .S imrlex • 2.2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Fi re Alarm Sy stem 1 6721 ~10 ..:a J:le B alm Go ndo la V ail,Co lorado 07 M arch 200S • • • • SEcnON 16721 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM A.Init iating Device Circuits: I .Fire alarm initiating device circuits,including circ uits mon itOring smoke and hea t detectors.water- n ow switches and devices use dfur detecting activalion o f special fire suppression sys tems shall be in accordance with full y a ddressable multiplexsys tems. 2 .S upervisoryinitiatio n cir cu its,including ci rcuitsmo nitorin gvalve supervisory switches,fire pump functions,ai r pressure s upe rviso ry switches.magn et icco ntacts,e lec tric al powe r s upe rvisio n a nd lowbat tery s upervision shall be inacco rdance with fully a ddressable m ultiplex sys tems. B.Signaling LineC ircuits: I .Circuits connecting remo tea nnunciat ion devices with the control panel o r circuits.and addressab le circuits shall be Style "4"(C lass B)as d escribed in NFPA72. 2 .Th e main sys te m ri serbe tween remot e tra nsmitt ing pa nel s andthecont ro l pa ncl(s},sha ll b eS tyle "4"(C lass D)as describedin N FPA 72, C.xonncation Appl ianceCi rcuits: I.Ncufication appliance circ uits sha ll be Sty le "Y~(C lass D)to mee t the requirements o fN FPA 72. Z.J POWER S l JPPI.IJo:S A. • B . C. •D. E. •F. Exce pt where o therwise requiredb y local code,allnew AC po wer co nnec tions shallb eto the bu ildin g's designated emergency electrical power ci rcu it and s hall meet the requ irements of Section 4.4.1 .6 o f NF PA 72 . A ll portions of thesyste m shall be designed and equipped on stand by (rechargeable)battery power, eithe r d irect ly orby provision of a nunint erruptable po wer su pply o r s upplies. Upon fa ilur e o f normal (AC)powe r,the a ffected portiones}o f the sys te m s hall automatic ally switc h ove rtoseco ndarypow e r without lo s ing any a lam..trou ble or opera tor a cknowledg e me nt s igna ls. Operation of an)'po rtion o fthe syste m o n seconda ry power sha llann unciate as a troub le signal, ide ntifying the inoperable power supp ly(ics). Standby batteries shall ha ve suflicicnt capacity to maintain all portions of the system in II no rma l,non- alarm condition foraminimum of 24 hours.a fter wh ich it shal l he capab le of o pe rati ng a ll no uf ic enon a pplia nces simultaneously fo r a m inimum o f IS min u tes. A ll s tandbyba tte riessha ll he continuouslymonit ored b y thesys tem,Low b atteryanddi sconnection of ba ttery p owers upply conditions s hall immedia tely a nnunciate asa tr oubles ignal,identifying the deficient bat teries . • G.A ll power supplies,including any U PS,shall be capable of recbarging their a ssociated batteries,froma fullydi sc harged co nd ition toa ca pacity s ufficient toa llow the sys te m to pe rform consistent with (he requ irements uf thi ssec tion,in 24 ho urs max imum . II .A ll b atteriess hall be maintenance -fre e type .Wetc e ll lead acid standby batte riesa re proh ibited . • "'Ir e A larm S lstem 1672 1 -II 1o:lgl e Ba hn Go n dola V ail ,Cetcradc 0 7 M ar ch Z005 • • • • • • • • • 2.4 SE (.'-ION 16721 FIR}:ALA RM SYS.....;!'tI I.De sig n load co nnecte dto a ny powersupply,a mplifier an db a tte riessha ll not e xc ee d 80 perce nt of its rat ed ca pac ity. ANN UNC IATlO:oi A .'I bc system sha ll be desi gned and equipped 10rec eive.mon itor and annunciate signals from d evices and circuits install ed throughout the bu ild ing . B.Receip t of a larm,troub le.and supervisory s ignals sh all ac tivate integral audib le d evices at me co ntrol pa ne l(s)an d ateach remote annunciation device . I .T he integ ral a udible de vices s ha ll produce a so und o utputuponac tiva tion of n ul le ss th an 85 dBA at to feet. 2 .Alann,trouble,and s upervisory signa lsshallinit iate recogniz a bly d ifferent a udible outputs. T roub le and s uperviso ry s ignals may initiate the sarre audible output if di sti ncti on is byVisible a nnunc iation . J .Integral audible devices shall co ntinue tosou nd until s ilenced by a sys te m opera lo r actuati ng a switch design ated (or tha i purpose . 4 .Rece ip t o f s ubseq ue nt a larm o r s upe rv isory s ignals sha ll cause the in teg ra l a ud iblede v ices to resound . C.Th esy stem sha ll recognize a nd annunciate the following signals : I .Fire ala rms . 2.S upervisory signa ls . 3 .T roub le co nd itions . 4 .Ope rato r ackno w ledge ment or annunci ated s ig na ls. 5 .System re set. D .All a larm s ignals,supervisory alarm signals a nd troublc condit ions shall be annun cia ted b y th e co ntrol pand(s)andb y ea ch rem ote ann unciation devi ce .Thec ontro l panel(s)shall annunciate operator acknowledgement of smo ke d etecti on signa lsa nd sys tem reset . E .F ire A larm Signals:A ctivatio n of thefo llowing de vice s sha ll be recognize d an d annunc iated by tbe sys te m as fire alarms : l.S ystem type s mo ke d etectors ,e xcluding in-d uctsmoked etect or s. 2 .Sys tem hea t d e tectors . 3 .Wat er-flow s witches. 4 .Manual fire alarm sta tions. • Fire A l arm Sy stem 1672 1 M 12 .:aglc Ba lm G o ndo la Va il,C olondo 07 Muc h 2 00 S • • • • • • • • • 2.5 2.6 SECTION 16721 FIRE ALARM:S YSTE M 5.I revic es mo nito r ing actuat ion o f s pecia l supp ress io n sys te ms. F .Supervisory Alarm S igna ls:Th e following co nditions sha ll he feeogn i7.ed a nd a n nunciated by the syste m ass upervisory alarms: 1.Va lve supervisory switchactuation. 2.In-duc tsmoke detec tors . 3.A larm c ondition rece ivedfrom A rrnAelle (Future]. 4.NC po werfailure. G .T roub leS igna ls:T he system shall also recognize a nd annunciate the followingtro ub le co ndition s: I .In itiating d evice circ uit,s igruding line circuit,andnot ification a ppliance circuit trouble cond itions 2.Powersupp ly trouble co nditions 3 .Remote a nnunc ia tio nd evice trou bleco nditions 4 .A s moke detecto r,with automatic d rill c omp ensatio n feature,requiring main tena ncewhen it r eaches 80pe rcento f its thr esho ld limit for aperiod of24 hours. II .Operator Ac know ledgement S iguals:S ilenc ing o f integ ral aud ible device s requ ired by these specifications shall he recognized and annunciated by the system as operator acknow ledgement of (he si gna l(s)displayed. FlRJo:.A LAR~1 C ONTROL PAN Jo:l.(S) A.Fi re a larm control p anel s s hall b e d es igned and eq uippe d to p rovidethe follo wing: I.A lphanumeric Display and Sys tem C o ntrols:Pane l sha ll includean 80 ch arac terLC D d isplay to ind ica te ala rm ,superv iso ry.an d trouble messages a nd shall incl ude a keypad lo r lise in ente ring and exec uti ng co ntrol comma nds. 2 .Conventional homs in general alarm sha ll sound the standard eva cuat ion signal ,ANS I S3.4 1.three pulse rerreoral p attern. 3 .Sta ndby powe r s upplies capable of su ppo rting a ll depe nd ent devic es and eq uipmentas required by these specification s. 4 .Th eco ntro l pan el(s)shall not beca pable of bein g reset u ntil a ll alarm condition s ha veheen cleared. ANNUNC IATI O~DE\1CES A .Indicating l ampLED Disp lays a.Ind ica ting lamp displays shallindicateall rue and supervisory alann s igna ls rec eived u ntil such • FireAla rm Sy stem 16721 -13 ":a~le Kahn (;ondola Vall,Co lorado 07 March 2005 • • •Z.7 S H:TI ON 16721 f1'.H E ALARM SYS TEM time as theala rm con d itio n is cleared and the disp lay manua lly reset. b .Indi cating lamp dis plays shall indicate all troub le signals receive d u ntil suchlime as the trouble con dition is cl eared . c .Indicatinglampdisplays shall be d ear ly labeledusi ng nomenclature approvedby the O wner . d .Operating(etectricat)power sha ll be derived from the co ntrol pa nel(s)viaa supe rvised ci rcuit; M AN UAL t'lRE ALAHM STATIONS A.De scription of Equipment • l.Manua l fire alarm s tations sha ll be of the doub le-action,ram-coded type .They shall consist of a housing,fitted with a pal l-down lever.wh ich when operated.locks in position to effect activationo f an initialing or s ignaling line:c ircuit.The body of the manual station sha ll be permanently at tached to the ba ck p lateassemb ly.Resetting the sta tio n a fter opera tion shall req uire the:use ofa key or spec ial tool.'11m manua l station shal l be su itable for e ither surface or se mi-flush mJWlting. • • • • • Z." Zs 2 .Manua l firealarm stations s hall annuncia te by point a nd be addr e ssab le. 3.Manual fire alarm stations shal l be in stalled 1>0that the handle is 48 inches from the floo r. S ~I OKE DF.TF.CTORS -AREA TYPJo; A .Spot-type s moke d etectors shall be syste m o perated,analog pho toelectric typ e plug-in d etectors which mou nt toa tw is t-loc k ba se.Th e d etecto r shall contain an alarm ind icating LED,which will bli nkto s igna l a c tivat ion o fthe d e tector.T he de tec tor he ad shallbe e qu ippe d with a mes h insect sc reen to p revent foreign objectsfro m e ntering the se ns ing chamber.T he in it ial sens itivityvo ltage shall be facto rysetby the ma nufacturer.Detec torss ha lt he listed hy tJI .a s"S moke -Automatic Fire Det ectors," teste daccording to UL268 .Detectors listed 85 "Single a ndM ult iple Station Smo ke De tectors,"tes ted accord ing to Ul217 sha ll no t be used . B .Each spot-type smoke d etector s ha ll be mon itored individually,via a llintegral,ad dressable element. T heu se of addr essablezo ne mo dules tomon itors po t smokedetec tors is 110t acceptable . c.Spot-type smoke detectors sh all have p rovisions lor ca libratedsens itivitytestingcons istent with the requ irements o fNFPA72 . D .Protect smokcde tectors and smo ke de tector hac;es from dust,d in.and paintcontaminationduring cons truction .Detector co vers sha ll he removed upo n co mpletion of tbe work in the:a rea(s)inwhich they are installed. E .Holesin the hack o f det ec torsa nd dete c torba ckboxes sha ll be c overed withgas kets,sea lant or eq uivalent,a ndd etecto rssha ll be mo un ted so tha t a irflowfrom ins id e the detector ba ck-box orfrom the pe riphery o f the d etector h o usi ng shal l no t pre vent the e ntry of smokeduri ngafire o r rest cond itio n. S M OKE DETE CTORS -IN-DUL.T YPt : A .In-duct type smoke det ectors s hall be ins talled in co nformance with the requirements ofN FPA 72 , NFPA 9 0A,local requireme nts and inacco rdancewiththe d et ector manufacturer's insta llation instru cti ons .In -duct smo ke de tec tor ss ha ll be suitable fo rthe full range ofa ir vel oc ity c o nd itio nsin the ai r-hand ling sys tems in wh ic h the y areinsta lled . • 1672 1 ·14 Eag le Bahn Gondo la V a il,C o lo.-ado 07 M arch ZOOS • • • • • • • • • 2.10 2 .11 2.12 2 .13 SII;cnON 16721 F IR)(A I .A RM SYSTEM In-du ct smoke d etectors shall b e of the an alog,addre ssable type .co ns isting of apl ug-in type d etect or headina duc t-mountedhousing equipped with ai r-sampling lube s providinga ir n ow throu gh the detectorh ousing .In -du ct sm o ke d e tectors s hall be p hotoelectri c type .In -duelsmok e detecto rs shall be listed or app ro ved for that applica tion .In -duct s mokede tector ope rating vo ltage sha ll be 24 VDC. B.Each in-duct s moke d etector s ha ll be mon itored indi viduallyv ia a ninte grala ddressable e lement. C .In-du ctsmoked etector hou singsshall be e qu ipped with a relay fortheshutdown o fth e respe ct ive a ir- hand ling unit .Pro vide necessary int er lock wiring 10 a ir-hand ling uni t s tarters andmot or con trol centers fo rshut down o ffan s. H t:AT [)(i;n :C rORS A .Whe re req uired p rovide addressable co mbination fixe d-tempe rature and rat e-of-ri se u nit withp lug-in base and a larm ind ication lamp;I 35 -dcg F fi xed-temperature se tting except a s indicated . S PRINKLERS UPERVIS ORY AN i)A LARM ":QlIIPMI<:NT A .Wa ter-flow indicator"sha ll be monit ored under thi s co ntract to indicatewa ter-now in eac h s prinkler sys tem w oe .Providea new addressable monito r modulefor eac h wa ter-now switch . B.V alve s uperv isoryswi tches shall be mon itored und er this contra ct forva lvesco ntrolling the water supp ly to th e spri nkler systems .Providea new a ddre ssable mon itor mo dule for e ac h va lve tamper switc h. AI)[)RESSARI.E CI RCU IT I;'ll TF.RFA(:E MODULES A.Provide.ins ta ll,a ndtest addressa ble ci rcuit in terfaces to non -addressable d ev ices .suc h 30<;water-flow and va lve supervisory devices . D.A ll circ uit interfaces used for supervisory fu nctionss hall be mou nted with in 3 fe eto f the mo nitored switch o r c ircuit. C .C ircuit interfac emodul ess ha ll also h euse d forc ontrol o fva riouscirc uits,suc h a s elevatorrec al l and fan c ontro ls.Th ese modulesshall be provided with DPDT dry contacts for p ro per intc rfacing .Whe re co ntact ra tings ar eno t su ffic ie ntto con trol th e requ ired.circuit,provid e ad ditiona l re lays co ntrolled by th e addr essable module for proper circuit rat ings . D .AddressableCirc uitInterface M odules shall be provided where re quired.ins uffi cient q uantities,fora complete and operational s ys te m,whethe r specifically ind icated o n the d rawings o r not . AUDIBLE/VISUAL S IGNALING m :vICF:S A .Genera l:Signaling dev ices sha ll consist ora combinationhorna nd strobe asse mbled in D co mmo n enc losure ,or installed in separate enc losures p rovided proper coverage is pmv-ided .A udible s igna ling d evices sh all be insta lled a nd spa ced so asto produce a sound o utput on a larm,which is clearly audible a bove theamb ient no ise levelthrou gho ut the huilding.The audible alann shall be:15db a bove the ambient room noise teve land at least 75 db a t10feetfromthe device. B.Fi reala rmhorns shall produce a 3-pulse tem poralpat tern sound o utput • I-ire A la rm Syslem 16721 -15 Io:agle Bahn Gondola Vai l,Co lor:ado 07 Mar<:h 1005 • • • • • • S E(..'TI ON 16721 FIRE A LARM S YSTF.I\I C.V is ua l S ignali ngAp pli ances: I.Whe n vis u al signa ling a pp liances are mounted onthe wall ,the wo rd "Fire"sha llreadfrom top 10 bortom.. 2.Visual s ignaling app liancessha ll be lis ted ill accordance with VI.1971. 3 .Stro bes o f ad eq uat eca ndela rating s s ha ll he pro vided inaccorda nce with thevis ua l coverage re qu irement so fN FP A 72a nd as indi c atedo nth e dr awin gs. 4 .Mou nting hei g hts and locationssha ll be in accordance with NF PA 72 and the A me ricans w ith D isa bilities Act(A DA)Access ibi lity G uidelines.In sleeping rooms when mo unted wit hin 24 inche s of the c e iling,the candela rating shall be increased to 177 cd in accordance with 2002 NF PA 72.Section 7 .5.4.4 .2 . 2 .14 SPAKI(PARTS A .A s p arto f this contrac t,pro vi d e th e fo llowing l;p are parts: I.Automat ic detectio n devices.and addre ssable circ uit modules -1\..'0 percento f the insta lled qua ntity o f eac h type.but no t less than 2 . 2 .A ud ible an d visua l device s -Two percent of the installed quant ity o f e ach type .but not less than2 of each type . 3 .Fuses-Five eac h fo r ea c h type ,ra tin ga nd size o f fu se u sed in the sys tem. 4 .Keys-Am in imum of thre ese ts of ke ys sha ll be p rovid ed and appro priately identified. 2.15 C ON DUcrORS AJ.'\"D CON D UIT A. •B . C. • D. E. F.• Exce p t aso therwi se re quiredby theT own of Vai l a nd/or the se S pecifications.fire alarm circ u it w iring shall co n form to therequire ment s of Article7 6 0 ofNFPA 70. Firea larmci rcuitw irin g sha ll be ins talled in a Ut.Hs ted meta l co nduit orra ceway .Minirrarm condu it size shallbe t tl-inch. All c ab le runs shall be continuous be tween d evices,wit hou t s p lic es,wher ever fea sible.A ll o ther connections shall be 10 tc nnina l bloc ks .wires co nnec ted tog ether shall have the same co lor ins ula tion . A ll co nne c tions s ha ll be access ible fo r ins pec tion a nd servicingand sha ll be cl earlyident ifiedo nthe re cordd raw ings. Wire and cab le sha ll be sized,twisted and shie lde d asre co n urcndcd by th e fire slam.sys tem man ufacturer,and Ankle760 ofNFPA 70. A ll co nduit shall be grounded b y ap proved g round cl amp s or o ther me ans . Wh e re c o nd uit is im bed d ed inp laster ,atyp esuitab lefor thi s usc sha ll be ins tall ed .A ll jointsinsuc h imbe dded co nd u it shallb e liqui d and g as-tig ht.C o ntinuo us r un of conduit withoutj o ints is preferred for imbedding . • loire Alum Syslem 16721 -1 6 Elg ie B lhn Gon dol.. Vail ,C olo r a do 0 7 J\hrch 2005 • • • • • • S ECTION 1672 1 FIRE A LARM SY STE:\I G.A ll elec trica l enc losures,ra ce way s a ndco ndu its sha llcontai n on ly those e lectrica l circu its assoc ia ted with th e fire detection and alarm sys tem a nd sha ll no t co nta inan y wire tha t is u nrel a tedto the sys tem. H.All wi r in g thai is not enc losed by co nd uit sha ll be s upported a nd anchore d withnyl onstrapsor clamps . The useo f s tap les is p roh ib ited. I .W iretha i ha s scrape s ,n ick s,g o ugeso r c rushed insula tionshallno t be used . J .The usc of alumin URI w ire is p roh ih ited . K .A ll elect r ical c ircuits shall be nwne rica lly ide ntified at bo th ends w ith wire taped n umbe rs . LAll syste m co nductors.ex cep t gro undingconduc tors,shall be so lid c o ppe r. M.All e nd -of-line re sisto rs sh all be mou nted onterm ina l blocks . N.All devices insta lled ill a reas subject to mo isture sha ll be provided with wea therpro of enc losures . Pr o vide N EMA 4o r eq uiva lent. U6 RETRANS J\lISSIO~0.,·.,un ;Al ARMS TO C ENTRAL S TI\TI O:'" A .Receipt of any fire a larm s ignal (iIu tial signa l o nly)sha ll beautoma tica lly retrnn ..smirted to the'U L listed Centra!Sta tion. B .All wi ring and termination s betwee n the fire a larm sys tem andan yo n-site eq uipment llI..xcssary for pe rforming this func tion s ha ll be e lectrica lly su pe rv ised .Fau lts in monit oredc ircuits w hich mayp revent re transmission of fire alarm signals to the Cen tra l S tation sha ll cause atrou b le s igna l a lthe Centra l Station. C .Allconnections be tween the protected premises and the Ce ntral Station alarm statio n shallbe e lectrically supervised from the Ce ntra l S tatio n . • • • 2.17 AIJDRESSAnu:C I RCUIT I NTER )<'ACE !\.10J)UU:S A ."The Co ntractor shall pro vide ,ins tall .and test addressa b le circui t in terfacesas nec essary 10 co mply w ith cause ande ffects manix,whether shown on drawings. B .A ll circu itinterfaces used for su pervisory or co n uol fuoctio ns s ha ll be TTDUJl ted within 3 feet of this mon itored switc h o r circu it C.Addressa b le c irc uit inte rface n odules s ha ll he provided for monitoring/co n tro l of d oor ho lder dev ices, ele vat or recall.fire/smoke da mpers,(open/clo sed),a nd fan sta tus (o nlo ll).C ontra ctor shall be res pon s ible for provid ing addressable mod ules for co ntrol and mo nitoring o fflrC!sm oke dampers ami fan uni ts .Damper stares shall monitor units for 100010 ope n and closed posit ion.s .Contractor to provide suffici ent quantities of mod ules to provide pro per c orurol a nd status functions. • Ftr e A la rm S ys tem 16721 -1 7 fo:agl c Hahn Go ndola V ail ,Colora do 07 M arch 2005 • • SECTION16721 fl R E AL ARM S YSTEM PART J EXECU T I O ~ • • • • • • • 3.1 3.2 3 .3 3.4 3 .S I NSP [(:'"fl O l" A.The job site supervisor s hall examinedail ya ll areas inwhich the work wil l be performed ontheda y prior to beginning work.Th es upervisor shall immedi a tel y report unsatisfactory wo rk ing cond itio ns to the Eng inee r of Recordfor re solution .The superviso r s ha ll no tproc eedwith thework u ntila ll un satis fac to ry wor kin g co nd itio ns have bee n c o rrec ted. INSTAL LATION A.Allholeso r d amage made in a ny wall.ceilin go rfloorshall be patched,resto ring the walls,cei lings. floo rs to their o riginal condition.fire resi stance and in tegrity . R...\11 p ip ing a nd cond uit s ha ll be instal led ata height so as no llo obstru cta ny portiono fa window , doo rwa y,sta irwayor passagewa y and sha llnotinterfer e with the o peratio n of a ny e x isting mecha nica l ore lectricaleq uipment . c.System ,i.,,(,j shall be install ed in mec hanica l <ow ",,}"o r conduit,loca ted '0 avoid ph ysical harm, They shall he route d through protected spa ces.sucha s e lectrical c losets,avoid ing locations such as loading d ock!;and les s than 7 feet a bove the floor. C ONC F..A I .MENT A .A ll wi re.ca b le .co ndu it,raceways.j unction bo xes an dd evi ce back boxes s ha ll be co nc ea led in wa lls. ce iling space s,el ectrical shafts o r closetsinnil finished a reas .Conduit,raceways .j unctio n boxes and d evice backboxes may be exposedin unfini shed ba ck -of -bouseareaso r mec hanica l e quipment rooms . B.Accessible co nduit,raceways.j unctionboxe s,and o ther assoc iated items related to the co nduit net work shall be provided with red bands every 10 fee t with junct ion boxcovers labe led as fire a larm,unl ess spec ifically instru c ted ot herwise . T ESTIN G A .Provide wrin cnce rtification that a ll equipmentinaccordance with NFPA 72 Fire A lannTe sting and C ertification o f System Operation : I .Ha s been inspected and tested b y a manufacturer's certified repre sentativ e . 2.Is installed in a ccordanc e wit h the ma nufa ct urer's rcconu ucnceuous a nd UL listings. 3 .Is ill pr ope r wo rk ing o rder. I\CCEPT A.."Ct:n :snNG A .U poncompletion of e ach ins tallat ion pha se ,perform anddocument 0 11 3 11 a p proved format.sys tem tests as required her ein .Alla cceptance rests shall be pe rformed in th e pr esence of th e E ngineer of Record o rhi s de sig nat ed representatives. I .All conducto rs .inclu ding sh ielding conductors .s ha ll be te sted for contin ui ty .sho rtsto ground a nd • 16721 ~18 F.agle Baho Go ndola Va il,Co lora do 0 7 M uch 2005 • • • • • • • • • 3 .6 SECTION 16721 I'l RE ALA RM S YSn:M short sbe tween pairs . 2 .All remo te transmitting panel monitor po in tsshall be functionallytested andmo nitor point ide ntificationsverifi ed. 3 .Allalarm ini tialing d evicess hall be functi onally tested . 4 .All s upe rvisory fun ctio ns of eac hinitiati ng d evice and s ignaling line cir cuitssha ll befunct io nally te sted . $.A ll b uilding controlfunctions (i.e .ele vator rec all)in itiated hy the fire a larm co ntrol pa nel sha ll be tested. 6 .Receipt of allalarm a nd tro uble signa ls,initiated durin g the course o fthe testing .sha ll be verified 011 e achannunciationd evice . 7.Co m ..xtle beling o f a ll annunciationde v ice LED's OR LCD's shall be verified . 8 .The sys tem C PU a nd annunciators shall be loadtested for4hou rso n s tandby battery po wer. 9 .A llremote transmitting pane ls s ha ll be load tes ted for4 hours on s tandby battery powe r . 10.An y additionalte sts ,requ ired by the referenced codes.S tandards.o r T owno fVail.shall be perfonncd.Doc umentation of such tests s ha llinc lud e : a )'111c dat e a nd rime of each test. b)A reference se t o frecord d rawings,numerically identifying the individual components a nd circu itstested ,rcstJccauons.a nd ind icatingthe measured so und level in ea ch location. c)A desc ription o f each testpe rformed. d)Achc ckhst of eac h devi ce uud circui t te s ted .indi catin g the re sults o fea ch test. e)T he names and signatureso f the individuals c onduct ingandw itnessi ng eac h rest . l)A co mpletepri ntout of the sys te m program produced by thesys temp rinter .Thi s print out Wall he p roduced andda ted upo n coreplc ucn o f a ll req uired tes ting/ve rification.incl uding any modifica tions necessary pri or to final acceptance test ing . •'I NA L IN SPECTION AN I)TESTS A.Make arrangementsw iththe Engineer o f Record forfina l inspect ion and witnessing of the fina l accep tance tests.The En gineer of Record ",'ill wit ness the finalac ceptance rest. H.If after being a dvised thatthe work is completed and ready for test,the wo rk has not been completed o r the final acceptance tests are unsat isfac tory,the Contractor sha ll be responsible for the e x tra expen..es for re-mspcction and witnessing the retesting o f the w ork . • F ire A la rm Sys tem 16721-19 F.a~le Ha hn Gondola va tt,Colorado 07 March 2005 • • • • • • • • • • Fire Alarm System SECTION 16721 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ENDOFSECTION 16721-20 Eagle Bahn Gondola Vail,Colorado 07 March 2005 Project Name:CH AIR 8 5IGN5 Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Developme nt 75 South Frontage Road ,Vail,Colorado 81657 t el:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .24 52 web:www.va ilgov .com ORB Number:DRBO SOS 91 One BuildingI dentification sign ("Lift tic kets-5squaref eet ),T wo BusinessI denti fication signs ("SeasonPasses","Advance Ti ckets"-5sq uaref eeteach),a nd 3Public InformationSigns ("Restrooms","Nen ","Women "~5 sq tt,1.5sq ft .each)at Partldpants: OWNER VAIL CORP 10/3 1/2005 PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 APPUCANT VAIL COR P -RICK CAUDEL10/31/2005 PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 Project Address:616 UO N5HEAD CR VAIL U ON5HEA D5KIYARD Locat ion: Legal Description:Lot:Block:Subdivision:VAI LU ONSHEAD FIl 3 Parcel Number:2101-072-0700-8 Comments: Motion By: second By : Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF AcnON Action:AP PROVED Date of Approval:11/04/2005 CO ndoB (PLAN):No cha nges t o th ese plansm ay be madew ithout th e written consent of T own of Vail staff an d/or t heapp ropriate rev iew commi ttee(s). CO nd:201 ORBapproval sha ll not become vali df or20days follow ing theda te of app roval. CO ndo 202 Approval ofth is pro jectshall la psea nd beco me vo id o ne (1)yea rfollowingthe date o ffinal a pproval,un lessa b uildingpe rmit i sissueda ndco nstructio n is co mmenced a nd is diligently purs ued toward co mpletion. Planner:Elisabeth Eckel ORB Fee Paid:$72.50 • ,. , Sign Application fo r Design Rev iew Department of Com mooity Development 75 South frorltaoe Road.Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970.-4 79.2139 fax:970.-479 .2452 web:www .vailgov.rom (/L. eo 3/(,$", e :'170 -e"QS--722>'2.. For construction of a new bu ild ing ordemo/rebuild . For an additlon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial bui lding (lndudes 250 additiOnS &.interior conversions). For minorchanges to buildings and site improvements.such as, reroofi ng,painting,window additiOns,landscaping,fences and retaining wal ts,etc. For minorchangesto bulktings and site Improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window addi tions,landscap ing,fences and retaining walls .etc. For,r evisions to plans already approved by PlanningStaff or the ~gn Review Board . ~$1.00 per square foot of tota l sign area.zz,.S'!t=.<!7 3 ~) $650 $300 $250 $2 0 $2 0 No Fee $50 No Fee General Information: All projects requIring design r eview mustreceive approva l prior to submitting a building permit appfication.Please d referto the submittal requirements forthe parbcula r approval that Is requested .An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is r eceived by theCommunity Development Department The project mayalsoneed to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Plan ning and Envi ronmentalCommission. Design review app rovallapses unless a bu;;ding per mit Isiss uedand co nstruction com mences withi n p o ne ye ar o f t he a pproval. Descrip tion of the Reque st:I/o 1//dI-U I UJI f tON {'"0 t:.l:'.L irIe!J """>v-" l o cation of the Propcsak l ot:8lock:Subdivision:I/k/(..[../odSl1\SA?BII"",J "- Physi cal Address:~10P1 Oft!-VP1<-(!fJA1,rL 13 -I-U>,J£I1<""/t,;77VJ r.-,C>V Parcel No.r 2.10/o 77-15a:>!-(Contact EagleCo.Assessor at 9 700328-864O forpa rcel no .)~ d '1 ~, Name(s)of Owner{s),;,:,-"..!!!.=:...l-="--'c::....'-'-,,-"='-'---=-__-=_ Zon ing :.,...,~__.,.,,-_---,,----------------- 0 Minor Alteration (mu ltHamlly/commerdal) 0 Minor Alteration (slngle-fam ily/duplex) 0 Changes to Approved Plans 0 Separation Request Mailing Address:--L.:""-':-=:';;--"--,7"I'-'=-'-'=-i->===lC'-'-:i"::'i""''''=--;;;;--..--- Name of Appli cant:OJ.:::=O=~c:'-=__-r-'~_ Mailing Address:PO ~q ~~P)~o ~~2-0Phone~170~e>f5::-2:~'M... -E--m-.-i1-A-dd-r-e s-s-:-::/2-C:-:-A7/.<"'O-e-I--@"'~:C¢lC:-@--::-~::--=\fax :1Y .~M (..or-.'1"7"1·?Jo f r.. Owne r(s)Sign ature(s):_L~~~f-,a;~-2:.~~_ Type of Revi ew a ndFee: o Signs o Conceptua l Review o New ConstructionoAddition ,.....r:I for Offic e us~e 0 ::!..,1>1;-?'7 1_Z '\<L."';;-).'t:.',.,,',' FeePaid:7_Che9<~.:C:><....W'By:',.L "·""'·-,=~",,·.,....,..t-----I Meeting Date :7 -QL ORB No .:~_~:~5";:r;D;S2i:t.~/t=;.==j Planner;./"~Pro ject No.:I s::.- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOF vxn.,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S t at ement Numb@r: Payment Method: CAUDEL R050001839 Amount :$72 .50 Ch eck 10 /3 1 /200 501:44 PM I n it:J S Notat ion :32 62 /RICK Permit No: Parce lNo: Site Address: Location : DRB0 50 59 1 Type:DRB -s ign Appli cati on 2 1 0 1 -072 -0700 -8 6 16 LIONSHEAD CR VAIL LI ONSHEAD SKI YARD Thi s Payment:$72 .50 T otal Fees : TotalALL PInts: Balance: $72 .50 $72 .50 $0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR00 1000 0 31 12200 SP 00 1 00003 1 24000 Description DESIGN REVI EW F EES SIGN FEES Curren t PInts 50 .00 22 .50 •-.\ SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Generallnformatipn This applICation isforany sign that is located with in the Town of Vail.SpecifIC requirements areavailablefro m tre Department of Community Development I. B. li BuIlding name and physical addres5;"C tL ~ &er1-IIIUS-lboT?olh of (J11JI<(l-2>4oH_..f.,.l otJ5~ xB'ulldlng IdentificationoMuraloWindowSign o S19n Prog ramoGasFilled/Fiber OptiC o TemlXll"Cl ty Sign Written apprOlla l from coodomil1lum associ ation,landlO rd,and joint owner,If applICa ble. Type of si9n (check a ll that apply); QFreestanding Sign J:ilt,'alJ Sign OHanglng I Projecting SignoDisplayBox a Oaity Special Boa rd Q Joinl Directory SIgn QSUbdMslon Entrance Sign 0 Other Ntrnber d Sigr'!S PJ ~:~Number fA signs existing:d .i1 Sign messa•.,~a g;mAcff<?0 ",Jt I . Sign a nd I!tten~mensions tor e ach ~Sign (attach a COlored scaled schematiC dr.twing 0 q1 Y'I 14"=11 '~4?/'l!iVHtZQ ::=I "'~....-/'~ l ength d business frontage:SE €A7J ilGIt~6t!I CIl , H.ghtor _gn ('llremg_,&c(/¥Z1 tat<tl~}O''~IJ Sign l ocation '.attach a site pian a:-a an e l ev~~~pr iI photograph clearly indiCll llng the Ct1r proposed locationof <;Ign(s»:fi¢:?f ~!5!-tJ.fv;>O' B lAd-..",c2:,'0 I)I/'!.YI..--S'-"e4-7~'1?Matenalsand colors of Sign (a:z samples): Sign lighting plan:b'0 lJ I ndicate type,location and number of fixtures. lJ I nd\.id@ tM!igh t above grade,lumens outpUt.luminous area. lJ Attach a cut sheet for eadl proposed fixtur \!:. C. D. E. f . G. .2-~'f;/~«Ir:. 3?,!,e,er J K. L M.Drawings showing how and v.tlere the SIgn orawning will i!l t:t2lCh to the buildmg and I'low the awning wil be constructed. N.The AdmlnistratOi"and/or OR Bmay require the submiSSIOn of ecc ecoer plans,drawings, specifications,sa mples andother materials (Includinga model )if deemed necessary to determine whether a project w ill comply with Design Guidelines or jf tt:e Int ent of the proposal is not Cl early indicated. na te Sig nedl_J..:."I-!i...'-!-y 1-_ n eoar tn.e nt of ConuDUfllty Development 75 South Frontage Rood.V.i~co lorado 81657 lei:97 0.479.2139 fax:9 70.47'l .2452 web:www.v.ailgov.cwn Design Rev iaw Board ACTION FORM /.J~l12>raL G I (6;::"Y~) 'Tra e:t T:> FINAL APP ROVAL FOR A CHANGE TOTHE APPROVED PLANS ADDmON OF LOCKERS.FE NCE AN D TUFFSHED •IIg h ~ng fixtures above men's/women's restroom sig ns to be pa inled10 match sid In g color -tuffshed has been pa inted to Imp rove appearan ce . Project Name:(}lAIR 8 TICKET OFFICE .D-IANGE r roje et Description: DRB Number:DRB060 521 Partldpants: OWNER VAlL CO RP 1l/10/2006 PO BOX 7 VAlL CO B1658 APPUCANT VAlL CORP 1l/10/2006 PO BOX 7 VAlL CO B1658 Project Address:61 6 UONSHEAD CR VAlL Location: U ONSHEAD SKI YAR D Legal Description:Lot:Block:SUbdivisio n:VAlL UONSHEAD FIL 3 Paral Number:210l-{l 7Hl70 D-B COmments:see con ditIO n Motion By: 5e<xmd By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF AcnON Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:°11/16/2006 Cond:B (PLAN):No changes to these plans maybe made WIthout the wrttten oo nsen lofTown of Vail staff and/or the appro priate rev;ew commlttee(s). Cond :0 (PLAN):DRB approval does not oonslilule a permil tor building .Please consuit with Town of Vall Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond :201 DRB a pproval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approva l of this project sh<\11 ~pse end become void one (1)ycer following the d ~te of final approva l,un less a buildi ng pe rmit Is Issued an d constr uctf on Is comm enced and Is dnl gently pursued towa rd completion. Cond:1 13 All development appl lcations submitted to the Town after the effectlve date of Ord inance 26,5eries 2006 shall be subject to the pend ing employee hous ing regulations in whateverfern they arennally adopted ;provided,however,that ff the Town falls to adopt the pend ing employee housi ngregulations by April 15,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications . condo CONOQOB556 Applicant shall paint lighting nxtures above men's/women's restroom to match siding color on main bUilding . Planner:Elisabeth Ed<eI DRB Fee Paid:$20.00 • Changes ToThe Approved Plans Application for Design Review Depart mentof Commun ityDevelopment 7S South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado8 1657 te l:9 70.479.2128 fax :970.479.2452 web:www.vallqnv.corn --C e:.-'0\......"5 ~ ('\"1.0)L..{'""l'1:-40.:::t0 ("'..,"')"17 ~-'"o~O Mailing Address:__'--'='---=""'------'_---'''-'''-'==-_=c:=_--,;:::..:..:::...::.c:::.._ Name(s)of Owner(s):__'-"'''-''-.::::Z''''''''''''''''----'''''-'~_ \'c >,~C""..... General Information: All projects requir ing design review mustreceive approvalprior t osubmitting a building permitapplication.Please refer to th e subm ittal requ irements for th eparticula r appro va l that is requested.Anappl ication for DesignReview cannot be accepteduntil all required informat ion is receivedby th eCommunity Development Department.The projectmay also need to be reviewed by th eTownCoundl and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review a pproval l apsesunl essa bu ilding permit i s i ssuedand construction commences within on e year of the approva l. Description of the Request::f1 v";).-,u"-l."!:..~-J V ~~u 5 -0 c.."c O . 7L"~~c.~"'-~A"''-~u ",~V~""b...'-'<A.L-.S Location of the Proposal:Lot:Block:Subdlvtston:_ Ph ysical Address:~l ~\-..\.,,",~':S~...~.....u.C ,~c........c.V6..\,-", Parc el No.:2.\f""J \O '\:7-0 "\0 o.:c (Contact Eagl e Co.Assessor at 970-32 8-8640 fo r parcel no.) Zoning :h\O ~~",,_"'"V\A.\."t--~)o')."'''50~"l... 'I.>,\\---c..o 6 ,......."S~ __________________Phone:(~\\,,:»-.(i."~y.<??'S:< Owner(s)Signature(s):)-1L,=-",~(,--~Name of Applicant:)€;:::-;;::-!G.c."j J3~~& Maillng Address:7 .0.'\30 .....<.V t;:>..1..,- ---------=--=:-....,,---;----c---Phone:-,---"--'-'''7L.:=-"'=-'---'-=O=:=:--- E"mail Address:.)c..Qc.'c>~-10...,\r~~ax ::__-'---'---'-"....1--"'--"--'--'--.2=='--__ Type of Review and Fee: cY'Ch enqestoApproved Plans Submittal Requir ements: $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Pla nning Staff or the Desi gn Review Board . 3 Sets ofPlans Addressin g Project Changes Signatureof Homeowner(s)orAssociatio n Planner:Proj ect No.: ,. D escr iption of Re qu es tforcha ngeto De sign R eviewA pproved Pl a n Nu mber DRB05·02S0 A fte r O RB a pprova l of the tem poraryt icket o ffice /bat h room faci lity a t the L ionshcad s ki yard ,two featurewe rein stalled forse rvicet o t heg ues ts of the s k i area and ma teria ls stor age . The fi rst insta lledfeaturearc50se lf-service ge ~~e utilized b y g uests of t he town a nd res ort for dai ly st orageo fpers o nal equipm ent-as-wellast he a ssociate dto ke nd istr ibut ion m a c h ine.T hes e loc ke rs h ave bee n m ounted to th e nort h s ide of t he res troombu ild ing o n t he outsi de. /'.---"- T he s ec ond insta lled fea ture isa 6 'x 6 'tTutlShed"to be usedasstorage for ma terialsrelated to the Ski S choo l chi ldren 's tea ching a tt:a :-This s mall bui ldinghas been painte d to b le nd it w ithth esurround ing bu ildings. V ail Associ ates,Inc is seek ing to a ddthese 2 ite m stothe a lready a ppro ved DRB p la n. r-, " \\.\~.o ~ ~ ~I (,))H~oN. t r 'I r----- I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I I \ I ER1SONAL \ I IL _ 8 SERVICE T LOCKER • I I --- - 8,< 50SEL ~QUIPME I I i I I I 1 I I I I \ \ \ \ ~~\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ I' I I I I I I I i I I I , > ---- ==~--=~--- - PROPOSED CHANGES TO APPROVED ~Vail .NOVEMBER 2006 DESIGN REVIEW'BOARD REPORT LIONS HEAD SKI YARD FACILITIES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFVAlL ,COLORADO Stat ement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S tatement Number : Payment Method : R 06000 1940 Amoun t:$20 .0 0 Ca sh 1 1 /1 0/20 0 61 0:2 7 AM I ni t:J S Notat ion:$/JEFF BABB Permit No : Parce l No : S i te Add ress : Lo cation: DRB060521 Type :DRB-Chg to Appr Plans 2101 -072 -0 700 -8 616 LIO NS HEAD CR VA IL LI ONSH EAD SKI YARD Total Fees :$20 .0 0 Thi s Payment:$20 .00 To t al ALL Prots:$20 .0 0 Ba lance:$0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT IT EMLIST : A CCOW"lt Code DR 00 10 00 03112200 Description DESIGN REVI EW FEES Current Pmts 2 0.00 .., --- c +_o fRONT ElEVATi ON \ \ ------------------------flZ ~ ,II ,If ..W I .. -----~---------~-------~--------~@2 Sl 0 EELEVATION 7,1'\I r(f l --- M.'o '/ c,I. rn- -- I W--- L -J--------@ SIDE E lEVA T ~ -, / / \, ____:::.-.~_J _ L _ Q REA RELEVATi ON {J.(.S ' ,..,.-'" IO /tA /OS ~-b?0'2.-- SIG N ELEVATI ON SCA LE,3'-1'.0" • 5'·0· • VINYL FACED SIGN SU RFACE, COlOR TO BE GOlD 6'HIGH BlACK LETIER S,FONT TOBE DUTC H 801 RM BT CHAIR 8 SKIERSERVICESBUILDI NG VAlL,COLORADO '0 o -'- 5'·0" • SIG N ELEVATION SCAL E,3"~1'-0" VINYl FA CED SIGN SUR FACE , CO LORTO BE G OlD 6"HIGH BLACK l EITERS,FONT TO BE DUTCH 801 RM 8T CHAIR 8 SKIER SERVICES BUI LDING VAIL COWMOO "'fLIC K "'Ho c r ..es I NC Q 5'-0" SIG N ELE VATI ON SCALE,3'-1'-0' VINY LFACED SIGN SURFACE , CO LORTO BEG OLD 6'HIGH BLACK LEIT ERS,FONT TO BE DUTCH BO I RM BT CHAIR 8 SKIERSE RVICESBUILDING VAIl.OOl.ORAllO M ELIC K ....550C '...1 f5 I M C Q 5'-0" b, SI GNELE VATI ON SCALE,3'~1'·0' VINYL FACED SIGN SURF ACE, COLO RTOBEGOlD 6"HIGH BLACK LETT ERS,FONT TOBEDUTCH 80 1 RM BT C HAIR 8 SKIER SERV ICES BUILDING VAn..WWRADO "'fLlC~AS SOCI ATES I NC Q 2'-0 '2'-0' omen en VlNYL FACEDSIGN SUR FACE , COLOR TO BE GOLD VINYL FACED SIGN SUR FACE, CO LOR TOBE GOLD 4'HIGH BLACK LE ITERS,FONT TO BE DUTCH 80 1 RM BTSIGNELEVATION ?CALE,3'~1'-0' 4'HIGH BLACK LEITERS,FONT 8 TO BE DUTCH 801 RM BT 4 f------ CHAIR 8 SKIER SERVICES BUILDING VAIL,COLORADO M f ll CK A SS OC I A TeS INCa , ••• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departme nt of Com munity Deve lopment 75 South Fro ntage Roa d,Vail,Colorado 81657 te l;970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 we b:www .d....en.co.u s Project Name:T rampoline Project Description: ORB Number:DRB030186 Location : Trampoline for summe r u se Participants: OWNERVAl l COR P 0 5/30/2003 Phone: POBOX 7 VAI L CO 8 1658 li ce nse: APPll CANT VAIL CORP 0 5/30/2003 Phone :47 9-4 395 Jeff Babb PaB7 Vail,CO Bstubblefield@vaifresorts .com 8 165 8 li ce nse: CONTRACTOR VAIL RESO RTS(VAI L CORP)05/30/2003Phone :970 -845 -2354 P.O.BOX959 AVDN,CO 8162 0 Uce nse:115 -A Project Address: West of go ndolanext to golf/cl imb walt Legal Description:Lot:Block :Subdivision:VAI LU ON SHEAD A L 1 Parc el Number:210107207009 Comments: BOARD/STAFF AcnON Motion By:Pie rce Second By:Woldrich Vote:5-0 Cond itions: Action:APP ROVED Date of Approval :06/09/2003 Cond:8 (PlAN):Nochanges t o th esepla ns may be madew ith out t he w rittencon sent of Town of Vail staffand /or t he appro priate review committee{s). Cond:0 (PLA N):ORBap prova ldoes notconsti tute apermit f or build ing.Pleaseconsult w ith Townof Vail Bulldin g personnelpr io r toconstructio n act ivities. Cond:CON0005924 r.. That th is approvalshallbe contingent onthe PEe approval of theassociated conditionalusepermit. Planner:BillGibson ORBFeePaid:$250 .00 •• Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 ret :970 .479 .2139 fax :970.'479.2452 web:www.d.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring designreviewmust receive approval prior to submittinga buildil1Q permit application.Please refer to the submittal requirements forthe parncuter approval that is requested.An application torDesignReview cannot be accepted until aU required information is recetved by the Community Developmen t Department The project mayalso need to be revewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission . Design review approval lapses unless a building permit isIssuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:c onstruct p av er stone pad t oe rec t SaIto Trampolino on at the b ottom of t he r.i00'i bQilcl Gondola. Location of the Proposal:lot:Block:Subcl ivislon:_ Physical Address:600 Lionshead Mall Parcel No.:2101 -073-0 7-009 (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 97 ()-32B-B640 For parcel no .) ZOning:_ Name(s)of Owner(s):Vail Resorts ,Inc. MailingAddress:P .O.Box 7 ,Vail ,CO 81 658 ________________Phone:(,,9,,7-'°ct)"'4-'7-'9"'-"-4"-00"'B"-_ For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition 'Nhere SQ uare footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes250 additions &interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements,such as, reroofing ,painting,WIndow additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. For minor dlanges to buildings andsite improvements,suchas, reroofing,painting,window addroons,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. Forrevtsons to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. ~$1.00 per square foot of total signarea. $20 No Fee $250 $20 $50 No Fee $6 50 $300 III MinorAlteration (multHamily/commerdal) 0 MinorAlteration (single-family/duplex) 0 OIanges to Approved Plans 0 5eparabOn Request Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o New ConstnJd:ion o Addition Owner(s)Signature(s): Name of Applicant:J...:e...:f...:f...:r:..e:..Y'--B:.=a=b=b _ Mailing Address:P .O.Box 7,Vail ,CO 81656 __---,__---,===="'===:-:==-Phone:(97 0)4 7 9 -4 0 oeE~mail Address:j e ffb(lvailresorts.com Fax :(970 )4 79-4030''''-'.-''-'-''-'-''-''''-''-'''---------:-- For Office Use Only: Fe e Pai d :Check No.: ApplicationDate: Planner: By: ORB No.: Project:No.: -Q(l (:1;D2 -tft 6/'"' '.-:~...•• ••••.•.................~.....~.....~.....~~~...~~.~~.~~..~~..............••..•••.•.•...••... TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement..••.....................................................~. Statement Number :R030004077 Payment Method :Credit Crd Amount:$25 0.00 05 /30 /200 312:51 PM Ini t :DF Notation :master card West of g ondola nex t to golf /c limb wall Total Fees : $250 .0 0 Total ALL Pmts : Ba lance : Permit No: Parce l No: S i te Addre ss : Lo ca tion : This Payment : DR B030186 2 1 0 10 72 07009 Type :DRB ·Minor Alt .comm /Multi $250.00 $250 .00 $0 .00..•.................................~~~•....•...~. ACCOUNT ITEMLI ST: Acco unt Code DR 00100003 112200 De script i on DESIGNREVI EWFEES TOiN Of VAI L 75 SfROHTAGE RO VAIL ClI B16 57 970 -479 -1110 54 1427101016632 TOV2 om 05 /30 /03 TiME 00 :55 An Cur rent Pmts 250.00 ITEM :003 VI S SALE ACC T:41 46 0400 010461 49 RE SP:AUTH /TXT 01 6273 OP:20 EXP :0402 $258 .08TOTAL: 1AGREE TO PAYABOV E TOTAL AM OUNT ACCO ROINGTO CAAOISSUEA AGA EEnEH T (nEACHn HTAG REE MENT If CREOIT VOU CH ER) X~E~~-----------------JffiA AB TOP COP y-r£RCHAHT BO TTo n COP Y-CUS TOMER • North Am eric a's "Reso rl ' •_v su Resorts,Inc .is s eek ing a2-y ear ex tension of the ConditionalU se P ermit torein stall theSaito T rampolino o nth e Gondola law n a reainLionshead for s ummerusage in 2003 ··lffid 2004 .Thecurrentpermit ,obtained inthesprin g 0 [2002e xpires May 3 1,2 00 3. ·We would al so lik e to ma ke so meadd itionalimprovements to t hearea b y cons tructin g a ·\'paver stone hard scape p latform forthe trampo line tobeer ectedon .Thi s pl atform w ou ld mat ch thee xisting pavers tone pl atform a t the bottom o f the Ea gle BahnGond o la. ,, The reasons f orthi s p la tform ar cas follow s : I .A cl ~aJi ,consistent loo ktoth eare a .e 2.}\)lafsurface toerectth e tram po line system . 3 .Small reducti onsin maintenance tim ea ndwat er needed to maintain th e so dd ed area. 4 .Mo ;e pleasant experiencefor th e g uestandthe people wh o run th e operation. As part ofthe current pcnnit,fe ncing andflow ersarcrequireda ndtho se it em s w ou ld be put into service aga in w ith thene w p ermit.We stern Do wel p o st andrail fence w ill e n closeth e area and several flower po ts w ill s urroundthe area.,' The proposed dates and times of o p eration s ar e as follow s :,' .~'<t;~" Mid -Jun e2003 through Mid -Se ptember 20 0 3 10 :00 A Mto 6:00PM ,.Monday thro ugh Thursda y '10 :00AMto9 :00 P M ;'Friday thr ough Su nday • ,~Mid -Jun e 2004 through M id -S eptemb er 2004 1;10 :00A M to6 :00 PM ;M on da y th rou gh Thursda y '~'10 :00A Mto9 :00 PM ,Frid a y through S unday ,.•~ The attract f~n ex p erienced gre at s uccess du rings umm e r 200 2 o perat ions ,brin gs a sub stantial ,amount o f en ergy tothe a rea and fils ni cely with theo therac tivitie s in thi s vicinity. " exHIB IT A • ••++++++++++++++••••••••••***********+***********+++•••***.** •*..+.. ACCORDING T O A SE AR CH OF T HE INDI CESOF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDE R ASOFJUNE 5,1 996,THEVAIL CO RPORATION, A CO LO RADO CORPORA TION,IS THE OWN ER OFTHEFOLLOWING PARCEL S IN EAGL E COUNTY , PARCE L 8ISBR /GOLDEN PEAK PARKING,TENNIS COURTS,BASE FACI L ITY,CHILDRENSCENTER,RA CE START/FINISH ) PARCEL I ,GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT PARC EL,ACCORD I NG TO THEPLAT RECORD ED JANUAR Y IS ,1987 I N BOOK 4 55AT PAGE 934,COUNTY OF EAG LE,STATEOF COLORADO. PAR CEL9 (CC2 /GOND OLA LAWN /CHA IR 8 LAND /BORN FREE EXPRESS LOWER T ERMIN AL) TRACTD ,VAI L/LIONSHEAD FIRST FILING,ACCORDI NGTOTHE RECORDE D PLATTHEREO F,COUNTY OFEAGLE,ST ATE OF COLORADO . PARCEL 1 0(CC2 /GONDO LA BUILDING) A PARCELOF LAND T HAT INCL UD ES ALLOF LO T 4,BLOCK1 ,AND PARTSOF TRACT C AND T RACT D OF VAIL /LIONSHEAD F IRST FILING , A SUBD IVIS ION RECORDED UND ER RECEPTION NUM BER 113 26 0,INBOO K 217 ATPAG E 676 ,AND CORR ECTION OF PLAT RECORDED OCTOBER I S, 1 970 IN BOO K2 18 ATPAG E 900 OF THE EAGL E COUNTY CLERK AND RECO RD ERSRECORD S ,S AID PARCEL OF LAND BEING MOR E PAR TI CULAR LY DESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS, BEGI NN ING AT THE NORTH EAST CORNER OFLOT 4 ,BLOCK 1, VA IL/LIO NSH EAD FI RST FILING,T HENCE THE FOLLOWI NG T HREE COURS ESALONG T HEEAST BO UND ARY OFSA ID LOT 4, 1 1SOUTH4DEGREES3 5 MI NUT ES5 8 SE COND S EAST A DIST ANC E OF 59 .15 F EET 2 1 SOUTH85DEGREES 2 4MINUTES 0 2SE CONDS WEST ADI STANCE OF 1 2.06 FEET 3 )S OUTH 4DEGREES 3 5 MINUTE S58S ECO ND SEASTADISTANCE OF 1 90 .90 FEETTO THESOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4 ;THEN CE CO NTI NU ING SOUTH 0 4DEGREES 35 MINUTES 5 8 SE CONDS EAST FOR A DISTANCEOF 10 2 .81 FEET,ACROSST RACT C,AND INTO TRACTD VA IL/LIONSHEAD F IRST FI LING;T HENC E SOUTH 85 DEG REES 2 4 MINUT ES0 2 S ECONDS WE STFOR A DISTANCE OF 1 87 .21 FE ETTHROUG H S AIDT RA CTD AND ACROSS SAID TRACTCTO A POINT ON THE WEST BOUNDAR Y OF TRACT C ;THENC ENORTH 1 2DEGR EES 43 MI NUT ES23 SECOND S WE STALONG THE WEST BOUND AR Y OFTRACT C FOR A DISTANC E OF1 03 .85 FEET TOTHES OUTHWE ST CORNER OFLOT 4 ;THENC ET HEFOLLOWING S EVEN COUR SES ALONG THE WES T AND NORTH BOUNDARY OFLOT 4 , (1)NORTH 1 2 DEGREES4 3 MINUTES2 3 SE CONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 1 6 .70 FEET (21 NORTH 44 DEG REES5 0 MI NUT ES 0 9S ECOND S WESTA DI STANCEOF .XIlI BITA • 1 )SOUTH 19 DEGREE~O MINUTE S 29 S ECO NDS WEST--r58 .3 FEET ,TO A POINT OF CURV E 2)AN ARC DISTANCE OF 30 5.5F EET ALONG A5 13 .0 FOOTRADIUS CURV E TO THE RIGHT,SAID CURVE HA VING A CENTRA L ANGLE OF 34 DEGREES0 7MI NUT ES 14 SECOND S AND ACHO RD THAT BEARS S OUTH 46 DEGREES 34MINUTES 10 SECOND S WE ST 3 01 .0 FEET 3)SOUTH 6 6 DEGREES 52 MINUTES 34 SECONDS WEST 175.8 FEETTO APO INT ONTHE WESTERLY LINE OFSAIDNORT HW ES T1 /4 NORTHWEST 1/4 SECT ION 7,THENCE NO RTH 00 DEG REES 07MINUTES 43SECONDS WEST 318 .9 FEET ,ALONG SAI D WESTERLY LINE OFNORTHWES T 1 /4 NORTHWEST 1 /4 SECTI ON 7,TOTHEPOINTOF BEG INNING. PARCEL 1 6(CC 2 /SUNBI RD LO DGE ) LOT 2,BLOCK 1,VAIL/LIONSHEAD THIRD FILING,ACCORDING TOTHE PLATRECORDED OCTOBER IS,1971,INBOOK 2 21ATPAGE 992 , COUNTYOFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO .TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS,EGRESS,PARKING AND DRAINAGE ASMORE FULLY DES CRIBED IN AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 2 5,1 972 INBOOK 2 25 AT PAGE 183 . PARCEL 1 7 (CC2/PARK OF GO NDO LALAWN ) TRACTC,VAIL/LI ONSHEAD THI RD FILING ,ACCORDING TO T HE RECORDED PLATT HEREOF,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO, AND TRACT CORNER,VAIL /L IONSHEAD ,F IRST FILING,ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLATTHEREOF ,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO ,EXCEPT THAT POR TION MORE PARTICULARLYDESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, BEGINNINGATTHENORTHWEST CORNER OFSA ID TRACTC;THENCE, ALONG THENORTH LINE OF SAID TRACTC,25 .29 FEETALONG THE ARC OFA 3650 .00 FEETRADIUS CURVETOTHE RIGHT,HAVING A CENTRA L ALONG OF0 DEGR EES 23MINUTES 49 SECONDS (CALCULATED) AND A CHORD THAT BEARS NORTH 7 6 DEGREES 3 8 MI NUTE S56SECONDS EAST25 .29 FEET;THENCE ,ALONG T HE EAST LI NE OF SAIDTRACTC , SOUTH 4 DEGR EES 3 5MINUTES 58 SECONDS EAST 236.44 F EET;THENC E ,DEPARTING SAIDEAST LINE ,SOUTH 85 DEGREES 24 MI NUT ES 02 S ECO NDS WEST 25 .00 FEET,TO THE WES T LI NE OF SAID TRACTC ;THENCE,ALONG SAID WEST LINE,NORTH4 DEGREES 3 5 MINUTES 58 SECOND S WEST 232 .59 FEET,TO THE POINTOF BEGINNING. PARCEL 18 (LI ONSH EAD SKI S CH OOL ) COND OMINIUM UNI T C-l,C-2 AND C-3 ,VAI L/LIONSHEAD CENTR E COND OMINIUM,ACC ORDING TOTHE CONDOMINIUM MAP THERE OF RECORDED OCTOBER 1 5 ,1 970 INBOO K 218 AT PAGE 902 AND AM ENDED S HEET C OF COND OM INIUM MAP RECORDED OCTOBER 11 ,197 2 IN BOOK 22 5AT PAGE 740 AS DEFINEDIN CO NDO MINI UM DECLARA TION RECORDED OC TOBER 1 5,1 9 70 IN BOOK 218 ATPAGE 901 AND FIRST AMENDMENT T O COND OMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDE D OCTOB ER 11, 1972 I NBOOK 225 AT PAGE 7 41 ,CO UNTY OF EAGLE,S TATE OF COLO RADO . [ --\ • SKI AR E.-\....-\.IL • •SF.ARB ALIOSSIIEADSA• SITE 101AP • .......,.,.,......... <r ---lo ozo C) ,"~.~.."-; ,-I "_....,,", • • JI • l • II ..~ -f 4.j.Dd .. ".\~<--• •• 0> 0(<> •',¢.., :/. ,'I •I I •'""" =•\..,I~<- "'II I. , ""•••--=- • •;.t.',iA'1 i'3l 0 d ,n'l l ~' •• ~. --;0." <O %t'>~:,"~\I'~i;OJ:_.... "".'JI .~'"...\'{,~ II ·.~.,.",. -f ...I~?..\\'I .~ • 01 ' ><..-.--_.....Q..... "", .'1 'Ii '[.~ ",.;'.\,,••• .~ I.IO:..IS HE AD T RA~lPOUNE '", ~.. ~. 1-,' ~.:...J,,<l.I I ::& Cl-, VI '" .0: •I I =, • .~ ~. 'I, , ~ ,-f ,<-•,\~?'•'I I•", 01'<-." ""il•.,., JI •• •'""• 't ,,"OR TM 2.Typ icalpa verhar dseape ins tallation -bottom of th eEag le Bahn Gondo la. •• ~Vail . 3.Detail o f paverstonestobeused. 4 .Typ ical Weste rn Dowe l fence in stallation. ••• ••• I I t • t • • , • -----rf ,·,1-..; " II 'I I'"i •II • - •• Planning and Env ironmental Commission ACTION FORM Depa rtment of Commun ity Develop ment 75South Frontag e Road ,Vail,Colorado 8 1657 t el:970.479.2 139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d .vail.co.us Project Na me :T rampoline Project Desc ription: PEC Number:PEC030028 T rampo line -cond itiona l usepermit Participants: OWNER VAI L CORP 05/13/2003Phone: POBOX7 VAI L CO 8 1658 License: APPLICANT VAIL CORP 05/13/2003Phone:479-4395 Jeff Babb POB 7 Vai l,CO Bstubblefield@vailresorts,com 81658 Ucense : Project Address: West o f g o ndola next t o go lf/climbwa ll Location: Legal Description:Lot:Block:Subd ivision :VAILLlONSHEAO FIL1 Parcel Number:210107207009 Com m ents: BOARD /STAFF ACTION Motion By :Hartm an Second By:Lamb Vote:7-0 Conditions: Action:APPliED Date of Approv al: Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochanges to th ese pla ns maybe m ade wi thout th ew ri tten co nsent of Town of Vail sta ffand /or th ea ppropriatereviewco mm ittee(s}. COne!:CON0005925 Th ea ppl icant shall be prohibit ed f ro musi ngo utdoor I1 ghtingin association with t he operation of t he tra mpoline. CondoCON0005926 T hea pp lican t shall insta ll a post andrai l fe nce t oenclose t he trampoline a rea,In thesamema nner asap provedby t he 2002 conditiona l u se pe rmit an d d esig n rev iew a pproval of t he trampoline. COnd :CQN0005927 T he a pp licant shall be pro h ibit ed from i nstalling an d displ aying any f or m of ••advertisingsignage in associationwi th t he ope ration o f the trampoline. Cond:CONOOO592 8 Theapplicant sha ll install deco rative flower pots,in t he same man ner asapproved by the 2002 conditiona lusepermit and design review approval of the trampoline . Cond :CON0005929 Th e dates of o peratio n of the trampol ine sha ll be mid-June2003t hrough mid -September2003a ndm id-June2004 throug h mid -se ptember 2004.Th ehou rs of o peration during t hese da tes sha ll be 10:00 AM to6 :00PM,Mondayth roughT hursday, a nd 10:00AM to9 :0 0 PM,Friday throughSunday. Cond:CON OOO5930 Thi s co nd itio naluseper mit app rova l shall exp i re,andbecomenu ll andvo id,o n september 30,2004. Planne r:Bill Gibson PECFeePaid :$650.00 4 J •• Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Com munity Development 7S South FrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970.479.2 139 fax :970.479.2452 web:www.c.vau.co.us Gen eral Informatio n: All projects requiring Planning a ndEnvironmentalCommission review m ustr eceiveapproval priort osubmi tting a building perm it application .Please refer to the submitta l r equirementsfo r the particular a pproval tha t is requested . An applica t io n to-PlanningandEnvironmental Commission review cannot be accepted u ntil all required information is recevec by the Community Development Department.The project may also need to be r eviewed by the T ovvn Counc il and/or the Design Review Board. Typ e o f Appl i cation an d Fee: o Rezoning o Major Subdivision oMinor SubdiviSIon o Exemption Plat o Minor Amendment to anSOD o NewSpecial Development Di strict o Major Am endm ent to an SOD o Maj or Am endment t o an sao (no exterior modifICations) $1300 $1500 $650 $650 $1000 $6000 $600 0 $12S0 •ConditionalUse Permit o A oodplain Modification o Minor Exteriof Alteration o Major Exterior Alt eration o Developme ntPlanoAmendmenttoaDevelopment Pl an oZoni ng Code Amendment o VarianceoSignVariance $650 $400 $650 $800 $I S00 $250 $1300 $500 $200 Des cription of the Requ e st:Installation of a SaIto T rampolino for summer a ctiviti eso n the Gondola lawn area just west o f the Eagl e Bahn Gondola . (Contact Eagle Co.As ses sor at 97Q-.328-8640 f or parcel no.) location of the Proposal :Lot :Filing 1 MallPhysicalAddress:600 Lionsh ea d Parcel No .:2101-07.3""-07 -009 t UYI t!/Zo ning:!:.-'.-'-'--"'----"-_ Vai l Resor ts ,I nc. (970 )4 79-4 008 Owner(s)S ignatu re(s):S 4.:""~g,,-1='«.:.9 ~"Name o f Applicant:::J.::e.::f.::f.::r"e"yc...:B::a::b::b=--_ Mailing Address :P .O .Box7 ,Va il ,CO8 1 65 8 ____________________________Phone:(970)479-400 8 Mailin g Address:P.O.Box 7 ,Vail ,CO 8 1658 ________________Phone :-'.'-C-'-'--'-'-'_ E-mail Address:j e f f b@va11 re sorts .com Fax~(.:9.:7.:0.:.)...:4...:7.:.9:...-_4:.:0:.:3:.0=____ CheckNo.: Pag e 1 01"5 -011 18/02 For OfficehuX Only::,~::;,.,~a~~f;t:~O~O=_::::=~/O~?fP1~~~~No .:(111'«~e=----~ Ptanner:Pro)CCtNo.:~()/~ • ~Vail . • NorCh AmM/ca.,"Resor ! •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TO WN OF VA l l.COLO RADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number : P ayme nt Method: Resorts R030 00 39 76 Che ck Am o unt :$65 0 .0 0 05/13/2 0 0307 :50 AM Init :JAR Notation :10 3059 Va il Type :PEe -Condi tional UsePermitNo: Pa r cel No: S i te Addre ss: Locatio n: This P ayment : PEC030 028 2 101 072070 09 Westo f gon dola next to gol f/climb wall T ot al F ees : $650 .0 0 To talALL Pmts: Balance : $6 50 .00 $650 .00 $0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AC COUNT ITEM LI ST : Ac coun t Code PV 00 10 0003 112500 Descr i pt1 0n P£e APPLICATI ON F££5 CurrentPmts 650.00 • MEMOR ANDUM TO:Planning andEnvironmental Commission FROM:CommunityDevelopmentDepartme nt DATE :J une 9.2003 • SUB JECT:A requestfo r a conditiona l usepermit,pursuant toSection12-7H-5,Conditio nal Uses ,Vai lTownCode ,to allow fo r ap rivate o utdoor r ecreational facility ,locateda t 600 LionsheadMa llfTract D,Vail Lionshead pI F iling. Appl icant: P lanner: Va it Resorts .re presented by J eff B abb Bill Gibson T he applicant,Vai l Resorts,r epresented by Jeff Babb ,is re q uestin ga condit ionaluse pe rmit ,to allow fora private outdoor recrea tional f acility (i.e.t rampoline)adjacent tothe Eagle Bahn Gondola inLionshead.Asi milar conditiona l usepe rmit proposal was approved foro ne ye ar by th eP lanning a ndE nvironmentalComm ission onJu ne10,2002. Basedupo n staffs r eview of t he cr iteria in Section V I1I of t his memorandum an d the evi dence and testimony presented,t he Co mmunity Developme ntDepartment recommends thatt he Pl a n ninga ndEnvironme n tal Commissio n approve t herequestedco nditional use pe rmit,s ubject tothefindi ngs noted inSec tionIX of th ism emorandum. II.DESCRIPTION OFREQUES T According tot he info rmat ional m aterialssubmitted bythe applica nt,the propose d t ra m poline isa n ext reme sport j umpingt rampo line w ith a bungee cordsystemthat safe ly prope ls j umpersup to24feet in totheai r.The spec ially des ig ned ha rness a nd b ungee co rd syste m acce le rates th e u sers ju mping ability andpro tectsju mpersf rom injuries.The applicantis proposi ngto erect the trampoli ne onth ea rea dir ectlywes t of the E ag le BahnGo ndola .T he operation o f the trampoline will be for thes ummer seaso n o nly a nd is in te n dedto compliment theot her exis tingrecreationalfaci lities a lready approved o n t he site .Ifa pproved ,theap plicantintendstobeg in ope rations of the trampoline in mid -June and cease ope rations inm id-September.The proposed hoursofopera tion wouldbefrom 10:00 a m -6 :00 p m weekd ays a ndf rom10:00am - 9:00 pmwee kends . Acco rding tothe Offic ialTown of Vail Zoning Map,t he proposed trampo line site is locatedo n a p ropertywi thinth e U onsheadMixe dUse I zo ne district.Pur suant to Sect ion12-7H-5 ,Va ilT ownCode ,Co nditionalUses;Generally (Onall levelso f a bui lding o r outside o f a building),private orp ublic o utdoor recreation facilit ies arc a llowed,subject tot he iss uance of acondi tional use permit in acco rdance wit h the provisions ofChapter 16 of t his Title(Zon ing Regulations). 1 II I.B ACKGROUND •• On June 10.2002 .the Planninga nd Environmental Comm ission app roved asimilar conditional usepermitfora trampoline adjacent tothe Eagle BahnGondola.This conditional use permit is valid f oro ne year from t he dat e o f the P lanningand Environmenta l Comm ission's d ecision.T herefore.the applicant is re-a pplying f o racond itional use permit to again allow f orthe installation of the trampoline forthe 2003 s ummer season . TheDesign ReviewBoard reviewedth e designreviewapplication a ssociated with this cond itional usepermit proposalatitsJune4 .2003.public hearing .The Design Review Bo ard a pproved the associated desig n review appl icationco ntingent upon thePlann ing and Environmental Commission 's approva l ofth is cond itional usepermitapp lica tion. IV .ROLES OF REV IEWING BODIES Planningand Env ironmental Co mmission: Action:ThePlann ing andEnvironmenta l Commission is responsible forfinal ap prova l/ap proval with conditi ons/d enial ofaconditionalusepermit. The Planninga nd EnvironmentalCo mm issioni s responsibleforevaluating aproposal for: 1.Relationshipandimpact oftheuseon development objectives of theTown. 2 .Effect oftheuseonlight and a ir ,distributionofpopulation ,transportationfacilities, uti lities,schools,parks andrecreati on facilities,andoth er pub lic facilities andpublic facili ties needs . 3 .Effectupontraffi c,w ith pa rticular reference ID co ngestion,auto motive and pedest riansaf ety and convenience,traffic flowand control,a ccess,maneuverability, a nd removalofsnow fro mthestreets andparking areas . 4 .Effect upo n thecharacterof the area in which the propo sed useis to be located, inc luding thescale andbu lkofthe proposed usein relationtosurroundinguses . 5.Such ot herfactorsandcrite ria as theCommission dee ms applicab le tothe proposed use . 6 .Conforma nce withdeve lopme nt standards o f zone district. DesignRev iew Board: Actio n:T heDesignReview Board ha s no review authorityofacondi tional usepermit,but must reviewanyaccompanying Design Reviewapplicatio n. TownCo uncil: ActionsofDesign Review BoardorPlanning a ndEnvironmental Comm ission may be appea led totheTownCouncilor bytheT own Council .TownCounc il eva luates whet heror notthe Design Review Board or Pla nning andEnvironme ntal Commission erredwith approvals orden ials andcanuphold,up hold w ith modifications ,oroverturntheboard's decision . 2 •• Staff: Th e staff is responsible forensu ring thatall submitta l requirementsa re provided andpla ns con form to t hete chnical req uirements of (heZo ningR egulations.T hestaff also advises the applica nt as tocomp lianc e witht he desig n guidelines . Staff provides as taffm emo containing bac kground onthe property a nd provides astaff eva luation oft he project wit h respectto therequiredcri teria andfindi ngs ,and a recom mendation onapp roval ,approval withcond itions ,ordenia l.Staff alsofacil itates the review process. V.A PPLICABLEP LANN INGD OC UMENTS TownofVailZoni ng Regula tions (Tit le 12,Vai lTo w nCode) Art icle 12-7H :L1 0NSHEADM IXEDUSE1(LMU-1)DISTR ICT 12-7 H -1:PURPOSE:The Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District is i nte nded to provide sitesfor a mix ture of multiple-familydwellings,lodges ,hotels,fractional feeclubs, time shares,lodge dwelling units,restaurants,offices,skier services,an d commercial establishments in a clus tered,unified developme nt.Uonshead Mixed Use 1 Distric t,in accordancewiththe U onsheadRedevelopment Master Pla n,is in tended toensure adequate light,air,open space and other amenities appropriate tothepe rmitted types of buildings and uses and to maintainthedesirablequalities of the District by establishing appropriate s ite develo pment standards.This District is meant to encourage and provide incentives forredevelopmentinaccordancewith the Uonshead Rede velopment Maste r Plan . ThisZone District was spe cifically developed toproviae incentives for p roperties to redeve lop.Theultimategoa l of thes e incentives is tocreatean economically vibrant lodging,housing,and commercial core area.The incentives inthisZone District includeincreasesinallowable gross residentia l floorarea,building height,and densi ty ove rthe preViously establishedzo ning in the Lionshead R edevelopment Master Pla n study area.The primary goal of theincentivesistocre ate economic conditions favo rable to inducing private redevelopmentconsisten t withthe Uonshead Redeve lopment Mas ter Plan .Additionally,theincentivesare create d to helpfina nce pub lic off-site improvements adjacent to redevelopmen t projects.With any development/redevelopment proposaltaking advantage of theincentives created herein,thefollowi ng ame nities will be evaluated:streetscape impro vements,pedestria n/bicycle access,public pla za redevelopment,p ublicart, roadway improvements.and s imilar improvements. Sectio n12-7H-5 :COND ITIONA L USES;GEN ERALLY (ONA LL LEVE LS OFA BU ILD ING OR OUTSIDE OF A BU ILDING) Thefollowingcondit ional usesshall be permitted,subjec t toissuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 oflhis Title: 3 •• Bed a ndbrea kfast a s furth er regulated by Sec tion 12-14-1 8 o fthi s Title . Brew pubs. Coi n-operated laundries. Commercial storage . Private o utdoor re cre ation facilities.as a prima ry use. Publicb uildings.grou nds,and fa cilities. P ublico rp riv ate p arking lots . P ublic p ari<and recreation fa cilib'es . P ublic u tility a nd publicse rviceuses. Ski lifts a nd tows. Tetevtsio n s tations. A dditional uses d etermin ed t o be si milarto co nditio nal uses de s cribed inthis s ubsection ,in accorda ncewiththe p rovisionso f Section 12-3-4 of this Title. C hapter12-16:CONDI TIONAL USE PERMITS 12-16-1:PU RPOSE;LIMITA nONS:In order to pro vide th e flexibility n ecessa ry to achieve the objectives of this tit/e ,s pecified u ses are permi tted in ce rtaind istrict s subject t o theg ranting of a co nditional use p ermit .Because of th eir unusual or special chara cte ristics,co nditionaluses requirer eviewa nd eva luation so th at they ma y be loc at ed properly withres pecttot hep urposeso fth is title and with respect to their effectsonsurro undingp roperties.The r eview p rocess prescribedinthis chapter is i ntended to a ssure c ompatib ility a nd ha rmonious development between co nditi onal u ses a nd su rrounding properties and thetowna tlarg e .Uses fist ed as conditionaluses inth eva riousdi stricts ma y b e p ermitteds ubjectto su chco nditions a nd /imitations as thel own may prescribe toen sure that th e l ocationa nd operation of th econditional u ses willbe in a ccordance with d evelopment o bjectives o fth e town and willn ot be de trimentaltoo th er u sesorprop erties.Wh ereco nditions cannot b e devised to a chieve these objectives,applicationsf or conditional u se p ermitss hallbe d enied. V I .SITE ANALYSIS Z oning: Land Use Pl a n Designation : Current LandUse : Li onshead M ixed Use 1District To urist Commercial O utdoor recreation VII .SURROUND ING LAND USES AND ZO NING N orth : So uth : E ast: W est: Land U se M ixed U se O penSpa ce O penSpace M ixed U se Zo ning Lionshead Mi xed Use1 District Out door Re creation D istrict N at ural Area Preservation Di strict Lionshead M ixed U se 1Di str ict 4 • VIII.~R II E [lI A ANDFINDIN GS • T he rev iewc rite ria fo r areq ues t ofaco nditional usepe rmi t are established by t he T own Code .Th e proposedp rivate o ut door recrea tio nal facilityuseislocate d wi thin the U onsheadMixed Use 1 District.Therefore,t his p roposaliss ubject to t he is suanceof a co nditio na l usepe r mit in accorda nce wit h t he provisions ofChapter 12-16 (Co nditional Uses),Va ilTow n Code . A.Conside ra tion of Factors R ega r ding t he Condit ionalU se Permit 1.Rel ation shipa nd impa ct of the u seo n the d evel opm ent object ives of the Town . Staff b elievest hat t h is proposal w ill ex pand them ix t ureof us es in th e Lionshea d area ,aswe ll asp rov ide a n ad ditiona l recr eational fa cility fo r v isitors a ndresidentso f Va iltoe xperience a nd e njoy .Li ke the m iniature gol f co urse a ndt hecl imb ing wall ,t he t rampo line isa seasona l u sedu ring th esu mme rmont h s.It is intended t ocom pliment t hem any other op po rtunit iesa lready in Town.Sta ff b e l ieves the u sew ill co m p ly wi th the p roposedzone d istrictin Lionshead a ndtheLionshea d Redevelop men t Master Plan. 2.T heeffe ct of th e u se on li ght and air,di stribution o f populati on, transportati on f ac il ities,utilitie s,sc h ools,p arks a nd recreation facilit ies, a nd othe r p ub lic fa c ilities ne eds. Sta ff be lieves thatt he proposed co nd itional u sepe rmit wi llno t h ave any negative imp actso nthe above-referenced services.T hepasto perations o f t he minia tu re golf cou rsefacility ,cli mbing wall,a ndtrampo l inenear the Eagle Bah n Gondola ha veproven t obepos itivere crea tional oppo rtunitiesforthe public. 3.Effect upon trafficw ithp arti cular referen ce t oc onge s tion,au tomo tive a ndp ede striansa fety a nd convenience,traffi c fl ow a nd c ont rol,access, m an euver ability,a ndr emoval of s now from th e s treet a nd parkinga rea s. T heope ration ofthe trampoline hasprovento ha vehad noneg ative i mpact u pon t raffic flowin t h e vi ci nity of t he course.The Plannin g a nd Env ironmenta l Com miss io n's prev ious req uirementt hatthet rampoline be se tback a m inimu mof30fee t f ro m o ther facili ties hasb een re s ponsib le fo r t he sa fe andefficient f low o f bicycle a ndp edestr iant raffic t hrought he a rea. 4 .Effe ct upon th ec har ac ter o fth ea reain w hic hth e proposed u se i s to b e located ,i n cluding th e s c al e an d bulk of th ep ro posedu se Inr e lat ion t o s urr o u n din g u s e s. 5 •• Th e trampo line isuniq ue inits design int hat i tco mbinesfo ur round t rampolinesi nto asqua re utilizingo ne ce nter s uppo rti ng st ructure .The ov erall dimension o f the propo sed trampoline is approxi mately 3 3 fee t squa re by25 fee ttall.The he ig ht of the trampoline is m eas ured a t t he five s upporting a rms that acco mmodate thebungee co rd jumping system.Staff does n ot be lieve t hat t he scal ean dbu lk of the trampo linewill hav e any neg ativeimpactsonthe character o f thesurrou nding uses. B.T he Planning and Environmental Comm i ssionshall make thefollowingfi ndings before granting a conditional usepe rm it: 1.Thatt he proposed location of t he use is i n accordance with t hep urposes of t heco nditionalus e permit section of the zon ing cod eandt hepurpos es of the OutdoorRecreationzo ne di st rict. 2 .Th atthe proposed locationo f theuse andthecondi tions u nder wh ic h itwill beope rated o r ma in tai ned willno t be detrimen taltothepub lic hea lth,safety, o rwe lfareo r materially i njurious to properties o r improvements i n t he v icinity. 3 .Thatthe proposed use will co mply with each o ft heappl icable provi sions o f t hecond itionaluse pe rmit sectio n o fthezoni ng code. IX.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community De ve lo pm en t De partment recom mends approval with conditionsfor a condit iona l u se pe rmit.pur sua n t toSe ction12-7 H-5,Conditional U ses,Va il T ownCode ,to a llow fo r apriva teo ut door r ec reat ion al f acili ty ,loca ted at60 0LionsheadMal VT r act D ,Vail Lion shead 151 F iling .Staffs reco m m end a Uon is based upo n t he reviewo f t hec rite ri ai n Sec tion V III o f t hisme mora ndum andtheev idencepresen ted,SUbject to thefo llowing finding s: 1.Thatt h e pr oposed locationo f theu seis inacc ordance w ith t he p urposeso ft he co nditiona l u sepermitsect ion of t he zon ing cod ea nd th e pu rpos es o f the Comme rcia l Core 1 (CC 1)Di str ict. 2.T hat the proposed locationo f theuse and the conditions u nderw hich it w ill be ope rate d o rm aintainedw ill no t bede trimenta lt ot hep ub lic healt h,safety,or we lfare o r materially injurious toproperti es o r improvements in thevici nity . 3 .Thatthe proposed u se will comp ly wi the achofthe a pp licable provi s ions o f the con ditional u se permit sec t ion of t he zoningcode . 6 •• Shou ldt he Pl anning an dEn vironmenta l Co mmission c hooseto approve thiscon ditiona l use per mit request,theCommunity Development Department recommends th e fo llowing conditions: 1.T he app licant sha ll bepr ohibitedfro m us ing o utdoor lighting in a ssociat ion wi th theo peration of th etra mpoline. 2.T he ap plicantshall install ap ostan d rail fenceto enclose thetra mpoline a rea ,inthe same m an ner as a pp roved by the 2002 co ndi tiona l use p ermit a nd des ign r eviewa pproval ofthetra mpoline. 3 .Th eap plicant s hall be pro hibitedf rom insta lling and displaying any formof adv ertisingsi gnage in associ atio n wit h t heop e rationof the tr ampoline . 4 .T he applicantshallin stalldeco rativeflowerpo ts.inthesame ma nner as a pproved by the2002co ndit io nalusepe rmit and des ign rev iew ap proval of the trampoline. 5.Th edates o f o peration of t hetr ampolines ha ll be m id-June2 003thr ough mid-S ept ember 2003an dm id-June2004t hrough mid -Sep tember 200 4.The hourso f o peration d ur ing these d atess ha ll be 10:00 AM to6:0 0PM,Monday th rough Thurs day.and10:00 A M to9 :00 PM .Friday thr ough Su nday . 6 .T hiscondi tionalu sepe r mita pprovalsha ll ex pire,a ndbecomen ull a nd vo id , onSe pte mber 3 0 .20 04, X.ATTA CHMENTS A .Vici nityMap B.Publi c Notice C .Appl icant's lette r o freq uest D.A rchitectural plan s 7 • •• A ttachrnen t:A .SITEMMAYAFFECT YOURPROP.Y PUBLICNOTICE Attachment:B NOT IC E IS HEREBY GIVEN tha t th e P lanning and Environm entalCommission oft he Town of Vailwillholdapu blichea ri ngina ccordance w it h Section 12-3-6of theVailT own Code on J une 9,2003 ,a t2:00P .M.intheTownof Vail Municipal Bu ild ing.In cons ideratio n o f: A requestforav aria nce from Section 12-7A-11,P arkingandLoading,V aH T own Code.to allow f or parking an dload ingin t hefront setback,located at9Va il Road/Lot C ,Vai l V illage 2 nd F iling . A pplicant: Planner: Nine VailRoadCo ndom iniumA ssociation andNi colet Is land Dev elopment,Inc. Allis o n Ochs A request for aco nditional use p ermit,to allow fora seaso nal use t oa ccomm odate an educatio nal , rec reational,and c ultura l use ,located a t 530S .Frontage Road /Fo rd Park ,Unplatted. App licant: P lann e r: Town of Vail/AIP P,re pres en te dby BraunA ssocia tes ,Inc. All iso n Ochs ~req uest f oraco nditional use permit ,p ursuant to Section 12-7 H-S,Co nd itio na l Uses,Vail Town ode,to allow forapr ivate outdoor recreational facility ,locat ed at 600 Lionshead MallfTract 0 ,Vail ionshead 1S1 Filing. Appl icant:Vail Resorts Planne r:Bi ll G ibson A re questfo r arecomme nd atio n totheVailTow n Cou ncilt oa mend t he Town o f V ail Stree tscape Master Plana nd settingforthdeta ils inregardt hereto . A pplicant: P lan ner : Town o f Va il,repre sented by G reg Ha ll W arrenCampbell T he app l ications andi nform ationa bo utt hese pr oposals a re available for public inspection d u ring regular b usiness hours at t heTown of V a il C omm unity Devel opment Department office ,75So u th Fron tage Ro ad.T he pub lic isinvited to atten d th e proje ctori ent at io n he ld inthe Town ofVa il C ommunity DevelopmentDepartmentoffice a ndthe sitev isits t ha t pre cede the pu blic h earing . P lease ca ll (97 0 )479-2 138 forad ditionali nformation. S ign language interpretatio nisavailab le uponreq uest with 24-ho ur not ificatio n.Pleaseca ll (970)4 79-2356 ,T elep ho nefo rt he Hearing Im paired,fo r add itio nal informa t ion . T his n oticepub lished in t he V ai l Daily o n May23 ,2003. 1 • ~Vail . djoinin g PropertyOwn ers : ,.';.' • N orth A merics's "Rasor ! Attach ment:C North AmarlcB's #1 Rasorl - ••·~j ~Va ii . -,.a ilRe sorts ,I nc.iss eeki ng a 2 -yearex ten sion of th e Co nditional Use P erm it toreins ta ll '","-.S allo Trampoli ne onthe Gon do la lawnarea inLionsh cad for s ummeru sage in 2003 d 2 004.Thecurr ent p erm it,obt ained in thesprin g 0 [2002 exp ires Ma y 31 ,2003. "c l ould also like to makeso me addi tional improvementsto th e area by c ons tructinga~axe;,",~i on e hard scape p latfonn forthe trampol ine tobe erectedon .Th is p latform would ~P\rtcli~-;~tne exi sting pa verstone platform atth e bottom of the Eagle Bahn Gond o la. 'd~""tf;l ,""~",If,.,Thcrcaso.ns:orthisp latform are asfo llow s: 't~'':i-'-';>'-,l.{l~A .c1 ea h:-c o nsis te n t look toth e ar ea. 2."t\·~)f~t-.i';hr~c e to er ec t th e trampolin es ystem . 3 .SrrfaU'i-eauctions in ma intenance t ime andwa ter needed to m ain tain th es oddedarea. 4 .M~r~pl ~~~'iiiit experience fortheg uest and t he peopl e who ru n th e operation. 'tli;,,~~~-~.:,.\,1:/~ As part of~h.~cuir~nt p ermit,fencin g and flow ers are r equired andth ose item s would be putint o smiee iga in wit h thene w permit.We stern Dowel postandrailfence will encl ose the a!~Cl:an (?eve ra l flow er pot s w ill s urroundth eare a. ~~1.,1::';~7-,~,,;o:.r-:-,-,:/' Thepropo sed d~~~:§~,~im e s of ope rationsare as follows: ''-jJl'''~'~"'J'~§i~"Mid -J une ZO'03 thiou gh M id -Se ptemberZ003 ~}1 0 :00 AM t o 6:'6b'rt,l f Monday th rough Thursday,,<f "".',"'O;._",t ",~,·'to :OO AMto 9 ,00 PM ,Friday thr ough Sunday ~'."i'j;-\~-.•_-.:+..";F;;'~!!;ll .~:>;".:,:.'....~i;.;V&ID .'l"-~~•.,......'"'t;;1]'.~~" ''ih ~'"Mi cL-J une Z004t!ri;.opgh Mid -Se ptemberZ004h~Fo;'O Ii_A M to 6 :09,,\'¥~Mo nda y throu gh Th ursday "<;',,>'10 :,09'{\M to 9:0 0 )'1\1 .F ridaythrou gh Sun day '~.';;,;~,~';;k'~~h ~;",,;"1'-I __"""",~:t.,,);~...,1I' \:-'-'t-'~O;~~:-tr:...~".,T h e Tirtrll ~t i6 q ex perien'ced gre at s uccess durings ummer 2 002op erations,b r ings a s u6~Taijtrat~mou n t of'cn'brgy toth e area andfits n ice ly w ith th eoth er activiti es inth is ••I .';,~,,~'."~~:;:"~."':!I '1~'.~~, v l em~t y ,·:t'~<.~,..~..-~•/~;"~\'-rr,.~....,.~.n8"<""d'"' "·S ......::,,•"<t',,'r).:'\f'.~.\/',,1 ",./:.~'!<".,~,:);/~j,:";'t:';;.~',,'~}i~'''~r.~':'.~~~,.~.•\l!. ;"f:;tJ~'.ifi.ih ~:~.(J;;'~ -!>.~.,'I.,,~,I!\;'1 1~','''''''''1 "i,•.:::~-r,..-...."Y., ••j,"'~~~.'I;-r,,~,~~,_:v. -'~.''~,'\h'~.~.''1 '..\"J.!.~..',t~~-, ",:l",;''-''-/:_ •"-'y lij .........+.."':t ,.....'",~, "-••.:>;i~o;,-r: :~:k:~·~',',"•..(.:-:;"'- ""-:'."~. .~::::,:;'; [ Attachment:0 \ j ~I., , \. ,, SKI A REAVAll... S ASE ,",IH .ALIONSIIEAO SiT E MAP • -.-.~:~S',".n- , I -...n..__ ,, "'"*":........- i• JI • l ~, ~. , '\' •= c , .~ \\ 0)0 0> <H -,. of .,.,I~<"'1\'l .-7 •'=,,•""••• ~-.•'.Q--' ,,rf,''cjA 'lX./·. \\3 1 0 o;!.Cl V1 ,""JI ~. ,""-.",".~-.".,'",'.',,~.,..",",'.'..-",'"'.'..",.'I ","",·\-.',,",',,',·'-.'1"',-""-'-,'''''.'''','"'.'",,'.....,.,,'.'.',,'.....,',,,,.','._.....,.'. ,~,:.,';','..:-,';-:,',:..':',"-.'.,'--;~~.':"~'.'-,';.,'.'.',,';' '.""-"""-.'"-'--",' " 1":-,',.-.;'_".',,',.:,",,-:.:,,_,,,,'.'.-".",'.',.-",,-,,',.1 -,-.,"."".,.:,'.';",1.::.":''_','.,:.,','/:','1,":"'"-, .',I ,:.".',~-:':.';,',:..':',~-•,'.-:~"':':"'.-.'':-••:,-.':';''.".,-.,..,."""-.,,.'11.·:I ,.:;',.·.~'-"':".:.-:~'_.-.:"':;"':~'_".:',.:;'..:,,',,"'.,,:,:,',','.,,:,.',',,'.'./,:.:,',,',.-.,..,-.'.'".,'.'"..'~'.'.'~".,-'','.'~".,-'~....'',""-','.'.'.,,~,,..'".,.,_.,'0'.""'.' ••',••••','.,_.~.,....~-'.,_'..f r:r.',•••••"••••.•••~.,.,•••~•••'_••".V -J,••_.,,~._'.d ·..__'•.'.,_".,-._"•.','"~-',-",.'."',-',",'.,.-"",.~,',:,,-,',..-.:"1 ,-:.,,,._,. ~'.'.',".',.1,'.',.:.".',",'.',..",,'.',"'.,."....-:,~.:"'.'~~.,'.:.-:~-.::':,~.'-r.::.~.'.:';~'.,:.::,~,:.e.,-.".'.,-.',.'...-.-"..'--.,..'','"~-'..-..,.'~''f--"..~,',..,"',',' -.-,t,••,....'-,'"".""._,-.',.I "',',.'•'"".";·',',':.,'."-'."~'.':....'_...,,'....,".'.",.-,""."-:.,".-:.~,:..';~'..,'',".::~~''~":~~'.'....v-.:.,';"~.~-.:.'.~.:.,';' ,;-...,",'~':,:.c,;-.-.,",''.,..,",<:..:-....,,";',':, \-,',~",.,.."I-,'••",\-,'I .'',-'",.I -•"••,.- '1 ,'.'.'.,',".','1 ,'._:'(',",'.',"1',".'.",'._.''''''t : ·.,-,",-,',»:..'..,~'.-:.:.-:,~~;~'.-:.;.-.\~,::';~~','-,';-,\~.:..'.• "-",.'~-,'.,""'-",-;~"",':, .~.!:,..\"=,.\-:'",...... 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'1 10"'--,,',,',-I .',.I ' '-',",'.':''1-,~.,-' •• •• Permi t t :8 96 -013 7 TOW NOF VAIL 7 5 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAI L,CO 81657 9 7 0-4 79-2 138 DEPARTME NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPME NT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MU ST BEPOSTED ON JOBS ITE ATALL TIMES ADD /ALT COMM BUILD PERMT J ob Address: Lo cat io n ...: Pa rce l No ..: Proj ect No.: YAIL LIONSHEADTENT 21 01-072 -07 -009 Status ...:I SSUED BEIIINApp lied ..:D 06/04 /19 96 I ssued .•.:06 /0 4/1996 Expires ..:1 2 /0 1/1996 APPLICANT MENDEL-AL LI SON CONSTRUCTION POB 21-746 ,AVON CO8 1620 CONTRACTOR MENDEL -ALLISON CO NSTRU CTION POB 21 -6 AVON CO 8 16 20 OWNER VAIL CORPORATION TilE PO BOX 7,VAIL CO 81658 De scription: TEMP.TENT Occupancy:A3A3 Type Co nst ruc tio n: Type Occupancy: Phon e:97084 504 66 Ph one:9708 4504 66 Valuation:100 Add Sq F t: f irep lace I nfo r-t ion:Reat dcted:'01 GlI~AppUances :'Of Gas Logs : ************************ll*'ll**~***********************FEE SUKK lRY *•••*•••*********.*••**********************************,** Bullding-->20.00 Re&tullrant P lan Rev iew->.00 Total Calcul ated Fee s ->36 .00 P lan Check-->13.00 DRB Fee------->.00 Addi tional f e es----->.00 In ve st1 gllti on>.00Rec reation Fe__--->.00 Total Perll1t Fe e---->36 .00 will Call-)3 .00 Clean-Up D~s;t----->.00 PaYlents-->36 .00 TOTAL,FEES------)36 .00 BALAN CE OUE------>.00 *.****....*..~**~***~~*****..****.*****..~**.*.**.***********.**~********~***~**************************.**.**••*•• Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0 6 /04 /1996 CHA RLIE Acti on :APPR I tem:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06 /04/1996 CHARLIE Acti on :APPR I t,m:05 600 F IRE DEPARTMENT 06 04 /199 6 CIIARLI EAc ti on :APPR I t io:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 0 6 0 4 /19 96 CHA RLI EAc t ion :APPR De pt: CHARLIEDAVIS Dept: P ER LAUREN Dept : N/A Dep t: N/A BU ILDING Di vision: PLANNI NG Divisio n: FIRE Di v is io n: P UB WORK Division : S ee Page 2 of th is Document for any conditions tha t may apply to t his permit. DECLARA TIONS 1 hereby a cknowledge that I have re llCl t his applicat ion,til led out tnf ull t he infor_tion r equ ired ,cOlliple ted an accurate p lot p lan,and s tate that el l the in for ..t ion prov ided a s r equ ired I s correct .I ~ree t o co-ply with t he i nt or aa t ion and p l ot p lan, to c:oaply with all Town o~inance .and stete laws,and t o build thi ss t ructure a ccording to t he Town's l oning ands ubdivi sion ead es,de sign r eview approved ,unifo r.Building Code and ot her ordi~nc:es of the TOYn appl icab le t her eto. REQ UES TS FOR I NSPECT I ON SSHA LL BE KAD E fYE NTY-FOU R HOU RS I N ADYA NCE BY TEL SendClean-Up De pos it To:SGHATUR E OF Olo'tlclt OR C TRA OR FOR HI MSELF AN D OIo'HER • .:. •• ******************************************************************************** CONDITI ONS ' Permit .:B96-0 137 a so f0 6 /05 /96 Status :I SSUED ******************************************************************************** P ermit Type:ADD /ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant:MENDEL -ALLISON CON STRUCTION 9706 450466 Appl ied :06 /04 /1996 I s s ued:06 /0 4/199 6 ToEx pire:12/01/1996 Job Ad d ress: Loc at ion :VAILLIONSHEAD TENT BEH INDLIONSHEAD CENT ER P arc el No:2101-0 72 -07 -009 Des cription : TEMP.TENT Conditions : 1 .F IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F OR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2 .ALL EXITS AND STAIR WAYS MU ST COMP LY WI TH 1991 UBC .,, •• Permit t:B96-013 7 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 DEPARTMEN T OF COMMUNITY DEVELO PMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSI TE ATALL TIMES ADD /ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address: Loca tion ...: Parcel No..: Project No.: VAIL LIONSHEAD TENT 2101-072-07-009 S tatus ..•:ISSUED BEHINApp1ied ..:D06/04 /1996 Iasued •..:06/04 /1996 Expires ..:12 /01 /1996 APPLICANTMENDEL-ALLISON CONSTRUCTION P OB 2 1-746 ,AVON CO 81 620 CONTRACTOR ME NDEL-ALLI SON CONSTRUCTION POB 21-746 ,AVON CO 81620 OWNER VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7 ,VAIL CO 81 658 Description: TEMP.TENT Occupancy :A3A3 Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Phone :97 084 5 0466 Phone :9708450466 val uat ion :1 00 MOf Gas App l iances: Add Sq Ft : 'Of Wood/pallet: **_.*.*,***************************************************fEE SUMMARY -***..,...._*.,_.*,.,*..**-*_.*_._*....***.*_._***.,*****, Bu1l ding----->20.00 Rc,tuaront Plon Rcview-->.00 Total C.leul.t~fee~--->36 .00 Plan Chuk->U .OO DRB f ee ->.00 Add1 tl0flill 1(($---->.00 I I'lV tst1gat1on).00 Recreat ion f ee ------>.00 To t a l Per /lit Fc e--->36 .00 wHl Call-->3.00 (lHin-Up Oep os;t------).00 f ay llenU-------)36 .00 TOTA L f EE5------->36.00 BALAnC E DUE >.00 ***************************.*•••l.***.*••l~*~**********************************************************"'***ll ll*l ~************** PUB WORK Division : BUILDING Division: PLAN NINGDivision: Item :05100 BUILD INGDEPARTM ENT 06/04/1996 CHARLI E Action:APPR Item:05 400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/04/1 996 CHARLIE Action:APPR Ite~:05600 F IRE DEPARTMENT 06/0 4/1996 CHARLIE Action :APPR Item:05500 PUBLIC WORK~ 06/04/1996 CHARLIE Act~on:APPR Dept: CHARLIE DAVIS Dep t: P ER LAUREN Dept : N/A Dept : N/A FIRE Division : See Page 2o f this Document fo r any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby eeknowledge that Ihave read th is application,fil led outin full t he in1onaation requ 'red,ca.pl eted an accu rate plot p lan,and atata that al L tha i n1o r..tion pro vided as required i .correct.I agree to eoeply with the i nforeation and plot p lan, t o ea.ply with all Town ordinances and s tete lews ,and tobu ild thi s s tructure a ccording to the Town's ~on ing and s ubdivIsion codes,design r evi ew app~ed,Uni1or.Building Code end other ordinances of the Town applieable theretO. REQUESTS fOR I NSP ECTIOHS SHA LL BE HADE TWENTY-fOU R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEL Send Clean-Up Deposi t To:S GNATURE OF OW NE OR TRA OR FOR HIHSElF AND O'J NER . •• _*.__..__**-*---------------*-----.-*--••--*-*.**_.***-_.- CONDITIONS P ermit ,:B96 -0137 a s of 06 /05/96 Status :ISSUED ••_-******--*_.*-****-***-******---*--_._•••_-*._.__.*******-;-*---**----******* Permit Type:ADD/ALT COMM BUILDP ERMT Ap plican t:MENDE L -ALLISONCONST RUCTION 9708450466 Applied :06/04 /1996 Issued :06 /04/19 96 To Expire :1 2/0 1/1996 Job Add r ess: Locat ion:VAI L LIONSHEAD TEN T BEHIND LIONSHEAD CENTER Parce l No :2101-072 -07 -009 Description : T EMP .TENT Conditions: 1.F IELDI NSPECTIONS ARE REQU IRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMP LIANC E. 2 .ALL EXITS AND STAIR WAYS MU ST COM P LY WI TH 19 91 UB C ••**************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL ,COL ORA DO Statemn t **************************************************************** S tatemnt Number :REC -0 152 Amount : Payment Method:CK Notation :1 25905 36 .00 06/05 /96 1 3:55 Init:CD ADD /ALT COMM BUI LD P 3 6 .00 Permit No : Parcel No : Location : This Payment B96 -01 37 Type:A-COMM 2101 -072-0 7-009 VAIL LIO NSHEAD TENT BEHIND LIONSHEAD Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts : Bal a nce : CENTER 36 .00 36 .00 .00 ****************************••********************************** Accoun tCode 0 1 0000 4 1310 0 10 0 00 413 32 01 0000 41 336 De script ion BU ILDING PERM IT FEES P LAN CHECKFEES WILL CALLI NSPECTI ONFEE Amoun t; 20 .00 13 .00 3 .0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- •• TOWN OF VAIL 75 S .FRONTA GE ROAD VAIL ,CO8 1657 97 0 -479 -2 138 DEPARTM ENTOF CO MMUNI TY DEVE LOPMENT ADD /ALT COMM BU ILD PE RM T NOTE :TH IS P ERMIT MUST BEPOSTEDONJ OBSITEATALL TIMES P ermit I :B96-0137 J ob Addre s s: Location ...: P arcel No ..: p ro ject No.: VA IL LI ONSHEAD TENT 2 10 1-072-0 7 -009 Status .••:APPROVED BEHINApplied ••:D0 6/0 4/1996 Issued ..•:06 /04 /1996 Expires ..:12 /01 /1996 APPLICANT MENDEL -ALLI SON CONSTRUCTION POB 21-746,AVON CO 8 16 20 CONTRA CTOR MEND EL-ALLISON CONSTRUCTI ON POB 2 1 -746,AVON CO 81 620 OWNER VA IL CORPORAT IONTHE PO BO X 7 ,VAI L CO 81658 Description: TEMP .TENT Oc c upancy:A3 A3 Type Co nstru ct ion: Type Occupan cy: Phone:9 70 845 0466 P hone:9 708450466 Valuation :100 Add Sq Ft: IOf ~.Logs:'Of Wood /Pa llet : Il******.III.*.****I*IIIIII*........*I*I******.****.II..~f EE SU~RY ***...llli.il"*I'*'*'•••*i'••••'••I•••••••••*.*••I~ Bui l di ~>20 .00 Rest Ullr.n t Pl ....Aevitv->.00 rere t C.lcul.ted Fees-)36 .00 P lan Chec k->13 .00 ORB Fe~---->.00 Additional Fees->.00 ln~e st igat ion>.00 Recreation f ee---------->.00Tot al Per.it Fee >36 .00 WHl c.u->3 .00Cl ean-Up Oepollit ----->.00 Payllen ts-------).00 TOT AL FEES ->36 .00 BALAN CE DUE >36 .00.********••****••******••*****•••~.~.**.~.~.*..h.~.**I~.~.;1 ·***..***••••*******A********i***I*********I*IIIII~...**IIIIIA*IAIIIA**II*IIIIII*I N/A N/A Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTME NT 06 /04 /1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR Item :05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06 /04 /1996 CHAR L IE Action :APP RItem:0 5600 F IREDEPARTME NT 0 6/04 /19 96CHARLIE Actio n:AP PR I t io :05500 PUBLIC WORK~0604 /1996 CHAR LI E Act>on:APPR Dept: CHARLIE DAVIS Dept : P ER LAUREN Dept : Dept: BUILDING P LANNING FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division : Di vi sion: Di vision: See Page2 of th isDocu me nt f or any c ondit ions that may apply t o t hi s permit. DECLARATIONS Ihereby ~tkn ow l~e t hat1 have read th is appli cut ion,f illed out i nf ull the i nf orMa tion r equi red ,oo.p le ted an accur ate pl ot plan ,and state t hat a ll t he i nfor ..tion pro¥lded a s r~uir ed i l correct.I agre.t o ee-p ly with the in10r.ation and plo t pla n, to a.ply vhh all Town or dinances and state l aws,and t obuild t hls s tructu re according t o the Town '.zoning and subdivision codes,Mli gn r ....tew aP9ro¥ed,Un1for.Bu i ld lng rcoe and ot her ord ;NlnCel of t he Tow n appl l ub le t hereto . REQU ESTS FOR I NSP ECTIONS SHA LL BE M OE TV ENTY-FOUR HOURS 111 ADV AN CE BY TELfPHON E AT 41'9-Z138 Oft AT OUR OFFI CE FROI'l 8:00 M 5 :00 ," Send Cl_rrUp Deposi t To:S IGNATU RE OF OW NER OR CON TRAC TO R FOR HI"SELF AN D OIJ NER •• **********************.**********************************.*.*.****************** CONDITIONS P erm it I:B96 -0137 as of 06/04 /96 Status :APPROVED .***********************.*.*********.*.*************.************.****•••••••*•• P ermit Type:ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant:MENDE L-ALLISON CONSTRU CTION 9 708450466 Appl ied:06 /04 /1996 I s sued :06/04 /1996 ToExp ire :12 /01 /1996 J ob Addres s: Location :VAILLIONSHEAD TENT BEHIND LIONSHEAD CEN TER Parcel No :2 10 1-07 2-07-009 De scri pt i on : TEMP .TENT Co nd it ion s: 1.F IE LD INSPE CTIONS ARE RE QUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMP LIANCE. 2 .ALLEXITS AND STAIR WAYS MUS TCOM PLY WITH 1991 UBC "*-Cont act Eagle Cou nty As ses.Offic e •"I at 970-328-8640 l or Parcel ?TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTU;A:~L ,:;1.10 /-0 7k 0 ]-PERMIT APPLICATION FORM ,..,DATE:'S"-a0v PERl-lIT ft -- R ECEt VE DJUN 3 0 ~ OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED SUBDIyI SION: :~il.i\4-)a..."o'----_Ph .y%.;t.o \ PERMIT INFORMATION •••••••**••••••••******••••• J -Electrical [J -Mechani-cal r-[J -Other --ri~ Job Address:~M....J~""l1ao..:Qt'"""'_ -Architect: owners Name : APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED~••••**************•••*•••**** [J-Buildinq [J-Plumbinq [ Job Name:I L'~/, Address:---Ph.--- General Description:l!.WJh tbNI-Q1)~E1Q hiL¢M:fqf rf\l1 1!Ir lehl~Y'~~. Work Class:[J-New[J-Alteration [J-Adaitional [J-Repair [)G-Other~ Number of Dwelling units:~Number ot Accommodation Units:~_ x:er and Type -of Fireplaces :Gas APPliances ~~Gas LoqS ~WOod/pellet~ ***~*••*••********••••**.******VALUATIONS ***.*.*•••••••******••••********.9 &>-01 3/ BUILDING:$ID a _OC ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$_::======PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:~~•••••*******••*********••**CONTRACTOR INFORMATION *.*.***••**~******••***.*.*l1~neral r.cmtractor:MENO)ll.LL ItiLUSlqrJ <'tlN5l"2tk;;tt tlN Town of Vail Reg .NO.33CO-8 Addre ss:Phone Number: Electrical co"n~t~r~a~c~t~o~r~:-=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Address:._ Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: .Plumbing Cvntractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg. Phone Number : NO. Town of Vail Req.NO.,_ Phone Number:------------------ Mechani~al c~ntractor: Address: ****••***.**~••••••*••••••*.**** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE : OTHER TYPE OFFEE: ORB FEE : FOR OFFICEUSE ••••••••••**••••••••••••******. BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK TEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP Comments: SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING : SIGNATURE: XCLEAR UP DEPOSIT KEF1lND TO: ,• lown of val 75 .oult'!tron'_g.ro.d wail.colorado 116S7' (303,4 79-2138 or 4 79-2139 • of lie.atcommunity drvelopment TO : FR OM : DATE : SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS ClJRRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARC H 16 ,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In s umm a ry ,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawfu l for any p erson to l itter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash d umpsters,portable t oilets and wo r kmen vehic les u pon any street,s idewal k,alley or publ ic place or any port ion thereof.The right-ot-way on all Town of Va il streets and roads is approx imately 5 ft.o tf p a vement . Th is ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail PUbl ic Works Department.Persons found v iolating this ordinance will be qiven a 24 hour written not ice to remove said material . In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice wi thin the 24 hour t ime spec ified ,the Public Works De p artment wil l remove said material at the expense o f person noti fied.The provisions of this ord inance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any ut ilities i n the right-a-way. To review Or dinance No.6 in f ul l,please stop b y t he Town of Va il Build ing Department to obta in a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on thi smatte r. ~Rea~~aCknOW7/rifl~! )l IJdI144 ~J ,,_15\@!o -g.'0+UmQ"",v.u::,:-'I -===-~osition/Re lationshlp to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) ...~'3 0 ·Q0"'Date ""'-------- 75 aoutn front.g~ro.d VIlli,colorlldo 81657 13031 479-213 8 or 479-2139 • office ot l:Ommunlty detvelopment BUILDING PE~1IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this penm tt requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer '~(Publ ic Wor ks)review and approval,aPlanning Department reviewor Health Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated time for a total review may ta ke aslong a s three weeks. All coemerci el Oarge or small)and all mult i-family permits will have t o follow theabove mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and smallprojects shouldtakea lesser amount of time.However ,if residentia l or smaller projects impact thevariousabove ment ioned departments with regard to necessary review,these projects may also takethethree week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to exped ite th is . penni't assoon as possible. I.the undersigned,understand the plan check procedure and ti me frame, "5·3 1 ·q.~ "nate Work Sheet was turned into the Community OeYel~~~~t Department. ALLCONTRACTORS TOWNOFVAILPUBLICWORKSDEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'ISREQUIRED ,• TO: FROM: DATE: RE: •MEMORANDUM • JobName:V.~1I:t '\1\~If.I'.".A _ Date:5 ~-,'JL.loll,---.".-------;__ Please answerthefollowing questionnaire regardingtheneedfora"PublicWayPermit": 1)Isthisanew residence? 2)Isdemolitionwork being performed that requires theuseof the right ofway,easementsor pUb lic property? 3)Isanyutilitywork needed? 4)Isthedrivewaybeingrepaved? 5)Isdifferentaccessneededtosite otherthanexisting driveway? 6)Isanydrainagework being done affectingtherightofway,easements, orpublic property? 7)Isa"Revocable Right Of Way Permij" required? 8)A.Istherightof way ,easementsor public propertytobeusedforstaging, parkingorfencing? B.If noto GA ,isaparking,staging orfencingplan required byCommunity Development? Ifyouansweredyestoanyofthesequestions,a"PublicWay Permij"mustbeobtained. "PublicWay Permij"applications may be obtained at thePublicWork'sofficeorat Communijy Development.IfyouhaveanyquestionspleasecallCharlie Davis,theTown ofVailConstructionInspector,at479·2158. Ihavereadandansweredallthe abo~v quest?W N2 'JLft f RMN fI /.1,mSlib j ta/IUz ~'--:------'!....U.!----!.~ JobName !:entmcto sSignature Date \:x'(.1/""....flJ4A 2 ..'•• PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS HowitrelatestoBuildingPermits : 1)Fi llou t our checklistprovided w ith abu ilding permit appl ication . If yeswas answered toanyoftheabove questions thena "Public Way "is requ ired.Youcanpickupanapplicationateither Community Deve lopment, locatedat 75S .Frontage RoadorPubl ic Works ,locatedat1309Va il Valley D rive . 2)Noticesign offs foruti lity companies.Alluti lities mus t field verify (locate ) respective utilities prior tosigning application .Someutility companies require up toa 48 h ournotice toschedu le a locate. 3 )A constructiontr afficcontro Vstaging planmustbe prepared ona separate sheet of paper.An approved s ite planmayalsobeused.Thisplanwill show locations of a ll traff ic controldevices(signs,cones ,etc ..)andth e worn zone ,(areaof Construction ,Staging,ete..).Th is p lan willexp ire onOct.15th.andw ill need to be resubmitted fo r approval throughthe winter. 4 )Sketch of work be ing performed must be subm ittedin dicatingd imensions (length, w idth &depthof worn ).Th is maybedrawnonthe t rafficcontrolplanorasite planforthejob . 5 ).Submi t completed app lication tothePub lic Works's office fo r review .Ifrequ ired, locateswi ll be scheduled forth e TownofVailElectric ian s and Irrigation c rew.The locatestakeplace inthemom ing but,mayrequireupto 48 hours to perform . 6 )ThePub lic Wo rn's Construction Inspector wi ll review t he appl ication and approve o r disapprove thepermit.Youwi ll b e contacted astothestatus and any t hat may needed.Most permits arereleasedwithin 48 hoursofbeing received ,but please . allowuptoonewee k to process.. 7 )As soonastheperm it i s processed,acop y w ill befaxedto Community Development allowing the "BuildingPermit"to be released .Pleasedonot confuse the "Public Way Penm it"w ith a "BuildingPermi t"todo worn onapro ject itself. NOTE: •The above process Is for work Ina public way only, •Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. •A new Public Way Permit Is required eech year If work Is not complate. '. TOWN OF VA IL 75 South Fronta ge Road vau;Colorado 81657 303-479 -2 138 /479 -2139 FAX 303 -479 -2452 •• Departm ent of C ommunity Developmem IRFORMA~ION NEEDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMI~ 1.HEATL OSS CALCULATI ONS. , 2•TOSCAL EF LOORPLANOFMECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TOS CALE,WI TH P HYS ICAL DIMENS IONS ANDBTU RATINGS OFALL EQU IPMENT IN ME CHANICALROOM. 3 .SH OW S IZE AND LOCATI ON OF COMB UST ION AIR DUCTS,FLUE S, VE NT CONNECTORSAND GAS L INES. 4 .NOTE WH ETHERE LEVATOR EQU IPME NT WILL ALSOB E INSTALLED I N ME CHANICALROOM. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS IRFORMA~ION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMI~. ,• 75 south tro~rOMS vall.,coIcndo 81157 (303 )4~2138 (303)4~2139 • office of community development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS EffectiveJ une 2 0 ,1 991 ,the Town of Va il Bu ilding De p artmen t h as deve loped the f ollowing procedure s to e ns ur e t ha tn ewc ons truct io n sites ha ve a d equate ly es tabli s hed pr oper d ra inage fr om bui lding sites along and ad jacent to Towno f Vail r oads o r streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town o:f Vail roads or streets and the installation o:f temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street on to the construction s ite . S uch approval must be obta ined prior to a ny re quest fo ri nspe ct ion by th e To wn o f Va il Building Dep art ment for f o ot ing so r tempora ry ele c trical o r any o th er ins pe c ti on .P l ease call 4 79-2 160 to requ e st an in spe ct ion fr om t he P u blic Wo r ks Department.All ow a min i mum of 24 h ou r n otice. Also ,th e To wn o f Vail P ublic Work sDep artmentwill be a ppr o v i ng a ll final drai n agea nd culvert i nstall at ion wi th r esu lt in g r oad pa~ching as nec ess ary .Such approv al must be obt ain ed priort o Final Cer ti fic a t e o f Occupancy i ssuan ce. • •...COMMUNITY DaLOPMENT FEBRUARY,1'196 DIRECT LINE T ELEPHONE LIST: • ADMINISTRATION Susan Connell y,Direct or of Community Development Lorelei DonaJdson,Department Secretary Judy Rodriguez,Plauning Secretary BUll.OING OMSION Charli e Davis,Building J.nspc:ctorIPIan.s Examiner Ch uck Feldmann.Buildin g InspectorlPlans Examiner Em.st Glatzl e.Elcctricallnspector Dan Stanek,Building Liaison Officer ENVIRONMENT AL HEA LTH DMSION Russell Forrest,SeniorEnvironmental Policy Planner Paul Reeves.Environmental Health Officer HOUSIN G DNJSI QN Andy Knudtsea,Senior Housing Policy Planner PLANN ING ONISI ON Jim Curnutte,Senior Town Planner Domini c Mauriell o.Town Planner Mike Mollica.Assistant Director of Community Dev . George Ruther ,Town Planner Randy Stouder.Town Planner Lauren waencn,Planning Liaison Officer Fax Number Inspecti on Requests 479 -2 140 479-2 149 479-2 139 4 79-2143 479 -2325 47 9-2147 479-2321 4 79·2146 4 79-2333 4 79-2440 479 -2142 479-2148 4 79-2 144 479 -2 145 479 -2 150 4 79·2128 479-2452 479-2149 ,/ 46'5~ ., '.,J t -',»i: \t._ I "l /. - ..;:,+. .. 5 .7• • ..I ••._''-'."-..' / -------..,A n N (I •.5 9 ...,,,....~ I .,~".... ,- '.- ...,...--..• •• •• TOWN OFVAIL TEMPORARY TE NT PERMIT S UBMITTALREQUIREMENTS 292 W .Meadow Drive Vai l,CO8 1657 9 70479 -2279 PAX ,970 -479-21 97 1.Site plan showing the layout is on two separate pieces of paper. Lookforthe packet marked #2.it show the d imensionso f t he tent. Then.th es itepl an(#1)shows th e emergency access. VAILGOLI'O.lJli 17711 Vail Vllllq nnw: 4 79-22llO 2.See site plan(#1). 3.See the copy of the Polaroids taken. GOLF.\:PARK MAINTF.NA.xa 127&V.il Valley Dnw: 4 79-2262 VA IL Th'~1S CENTER 700S.FrollllJ:e Road 479-2294 4.Vail Associates informed me that the tent was installed in 11/95. Camp Vail finishes their lease withVail Associates on 8-31 -96.So. as far as VRDis concerned.breakdown can occur after that date unless V.A needs the tent to remain for the '96-'97 ski season. JOHNA .DOB SON A RENA 321 L10nst\(0.a d C ircle 479-2271 VAll YOUTI I Sllil.VICHS 395 E.UClftShud Cirde 4 79-2292 VAll NAnJRc<-"l;N'-"R Vail Valky Ilrive 479-2291 5.Copy en closed. 6.The cost ofms tal lation »$0.00.VRDd id not have to pay to install the t enl 7.Occupancy load needs to be detennined by the fire department.If the structure is30'x 40'I would estimate it to be approximately 34. That's ifyou require 35 square feet per child MA RKhTI'\:G 292 w .M('.aOOw Drive 419-2446 8.See enclosed pennit packet (#3). 9.The floor is made o ut of wood and carpeted Let me know if you n e ed a ny more in fo rmationo n it. 10.N t A I hope that this isall the infonnalion that you need .Please let me know ifI can do anything else to help this go through.I am hoping that it will be approved b y the time Camp Vail starts on June10th . Thank you!! / /Sincer ~t1~'J/'--.- Susan C.Hodder Director of Camp Vail 29 2 W .M eadowDri ve Vail,CO8165 7 970 -479 -2279 F AX:970-479 -2 197 • Town ofVail Condi tional Usc Permit RE:Using.VA's Tent for Camp Vail "Scope and Se q uence" • VA lI .GOI.FCI.UIl I nll Vall Vallq Dnve 479-2260 GOLF e PARK to lAIN'TENA....CE 12711 V.iI Valky Dnve 479-2Z62 VAIL TEl'-'?\lS CENTER 700 S .Fror'laJle Road 4 79-2 2~ JO H NA.DOB SON ARl;.NA 32 1 Liollshead Cirrle 4 79·2271 VAILYOUTII SERV ICES 39:5 E.I.ionshcMl Circle 479-2292 VA ILNATI:RI:("EmU Vail Valky Drive 479-2291 MARKl:.-nSG 292W .Me.dow Drive 47<).2446 If the permit is issued the Vail Recreation District's Camp Vailis p lanning on usmz Vail Associates'tent in Uonshead for t he following a ctivities. 7:30 -9:00AM A place for the 51 2year aids to meet if they don't wa ntt op lay inside the bundmg or outside on t he availabl e grass. To be used for playingg ames .talking,or Just hanging out. Supervised atall t imes . 9:45-12:3OP M(Mon.&Fri.)'A possiblelo cation for Drama p r esenta tions or Discovery t a lks .Th esew ould last anywhe re fr om 20 .45 minutes.t hree times a d ay (until 12:30). 12:30-3:30PM (Mon.&Fri .)"Not In use. 4:00 .5:30PMAsin the morning this area can b e used as an additional space to t he ski schCXJ I or outside. 'On Tuesdays and Thu rsdays th e 9:45-1 2:30 &12:30 -3:30 s lots wou ld be reversed .So th e tent wouldn ot b ein use on Tuesdays a nd Thu r sdaysin the m ornings . We feelwe need to offer a n a dditional space fort he c hildrent o ga ther d ue t o th e amount of cons truction goi ng o n in the area .I hope t hat t his ti me sched ule is what you need.Please give m e aca ll at479-2292 if you have any questions. Susan C.Hodder Director of Camp Vail /·lR .va l ecreanon D ISTRI CT •• 292W .Mead ow Dri ve Vail .CO8 1657 970-479-2279 FAJ(,970-479-2197 VAIL GOU'CLUB Ina V aLl Vallcy D ri~ 4 79 -2260 GOLF&:PARK MAI NTI.::NANOi 1278 Van Vallt:y UriV('. 4 79 ·2262 V AI L m"NIS n ':NTER 100S l 'ronuo£e Road 479--2294 JOlIN A.UOIL"O ON ARENA 32.1 L)on.w-.ad Cirde 41'1-2211 VA il .YOIITII SERVICF.5 395 E.l .lolloJ"'J1d C trele 4 79 -229 2 VAil .NATURECF..NTER Vail Valky D rive 4 79-2291 MARKE71NG lin W _Mradow On ¥<: 4 1'l-2446 V ail Recrea tion Dist rict's Application for Condit ional Use Permit RE:Usc o fth eVa il Associate's T entinU onshead 1.The issue here is safety.The Vail Recreation District would like to use the existtng tent in the Lionshead area (across the bike path from the Licnshead Children's SkiSch ool)for Camp Vail Camp Vaila ndPre -Kamp Vail h ave been ternporartly reloca ted t o th e lionshcad a rea fort he Sum me r o f1996.W ith the m ove to Li onshcad we a relo okin ga td o wn -sizin go ur camp facilityb ya bout th ree -q u arter.W e h aveal ready red uced the number of campers th at we normally accept in to the prowam.Yet we would like to b e able to sprea d o ut.especial1y during our Drama.Discovery.and Art blocks.Another i mportan t fa ctori st hat the Pre -Kamp will need t he primary fadlity quiet for at least 2 hours in the afternoon.d uring na ptim e .Th ese are n ot the only two concerns.Alii mentioned.at th e beginning wea relooking for a safe shelter fo r the ch ild rent o playin .We willb es urroun dedb y heavy constructi onth is summer.It is m y understanding that the l a r ge construction ve hicles win b e d riving b y the camp e n tra nce whenn e eded.W hich brings up con cerns of p laying freely o utside.We need t o be a ble to provide a space for the children to pl ay their games.O ur option is t he tent. a .I don't see it as an impact on t he d evelopment o bjectivesof the Town It iso nly a te mporaryp lacement.as wewi ll be re turn ing t o th e GoldenPeak Childre n's C ent e r for theSum mer of 1997. b.I see n oe ffects on any of t he issu es presen ted .It will effect t he view of the con dominiu m owners in t he vtcrnny.But.one t hat ca n n ot b e worse t han the construction that will be su rroundingit. c .The Impact w e will h ave on traffic docs concern me even if we weren ot to have u se of the t ent.The playing area wewi ll have is the dirt a rea just East ofc hair 8.So .whether th e t entis present or not,w e are dealing with th eco nst ructiontraffi c and the use o fth e bike p ath (whichwe are all cu rious if it is being rerout ed due to th e construction ).[w ould like t ofi nd out if th e Town h asi n i t's pO~.session ~is:ns th at we c ~n put \lP ~,h.at in sot.n e (b on say,"C~utlott!cHn dferi I>!ayinjll 910w t:lolA1l!"Or m~vj,e you could le t us know where we mi ght-find some.Thanks!·. •• Application for Conditional Usc Pennit Page 2 • d .As mentioned earlier.this temporary structure willeffect t he aestheticsof the area .J dofee l t hat Vail Associates has done a good jo b o fmakingthe tent fit intoto th esurrounding enviro nment.I also understand thatthe owners of property inthearea may no t approve ofit 's existence .We're hoping that the familiesinthearea take advantage of Camp Vail'slocateand tum it into a benefit for themselves. We look at using the tent fOT a v arie ty of activities forat least 8 hoursoutofthe10hoursthat Camp Vailisin operation each da y. The dates of use are between June10th through August 23rd. Monday through Friday.The hours of camp are7:30a.m to 5:30pm . (b)Thear ticles desc ribed onthere verseside her eof are made Fr om a flame -resi stant fabric or material re giste red and ap proved by th e State FireMar shalfor suchuse . Trade nome of Ilo me-re slsto nt fab ric or material use d p.':\Clf.l.m Reg .N o_..X33~t .. 10-6-95 D IJ '~l re ol ed o r mtJnulo chlr.a 'rlIII NOT Be Removed By Washing (w ill or will n ol) By LARRY BJ:X:CARD .PLANJ__,WOOTIOE'':iS__ Til'. Is sum IY A &L PRODUC TS ,I NC. 1900 KINSER AVE , CERES ,CA. REGIST ERED APPLICATION CDHURH No, I F 3JO RAVI !'JlMl\SH ,...I'RQIIUC TI OII SUPERV ISOR Nome af Ap pli<o'o,h,P,n dud ion Su p.,inIWnden' The Flame Retardant Pro cess Used This is 10 c ertify fhat 'he materials describedon t he reverse side hereof have b een flame· re lardanttre oled (or are inh erently non fl amm a ble). ron VP,rL ASSOCIATES ;\!>DRESS 862 ~._l'1l 0NTAG'l:<E...lROl'Jjl;AD'I......_ CITY VAIL STATE'--'CO"I"'O"'RADO='--_ Cerlification ·;s her eby mod e thot ;(Check "0"or "b") Co)The crt id es d escri bed onthe re verse side ofthis Certificatehc ve been trected with a nome-retardant chemica l approvedan d reg istered by the Slatef ire Marshal a nd that the applicationo f said cheml ccl wa s done inco nforman ce wi ththe lowsof theSlate ofCalifornia and the Rules and Regula tions of th e Stale Fire Ma rshal. Name of c hemicalused Ch ern.Reg.No . Methodo f a pp lication . o I l ijr:lI~mmll';'1 I';"I ';"II;'II ;I\:I\;fii l\"inil \";"/U I'im l\"ilI'il\"i1 I;1\';nj'M I';'l\jffilL]Ji ,\';"l ill'i'I'il\"il\";1lil\i'jl';"HI 'j'I\';'I\";"4£\ I ._~ '!Certificate of jf{ame l\e~i~tance I..••• .' TES T LM l 0002F/LMl0002FA LMlooo2 F BLACKOUT ME TH OD AMERICAN METRI C AMERICAN METR IC WEIGHT FS·lg1·5040 13 ou 44 0GRI I S Oll 508 GRI SOYD SO.M SOYD SO M WIDTH 6 ''',7 2''155CM 61",7 2"155CM ,83CM 183C M FABRIC DE SCRIPTI ON POLY ESTER WEFT POLYESTE R WE FT INSER TE D KNIT 10000 INSER TED KNIT 10000(WARPxFILL)x 10000 (9X91SO.INCH)x 1000D(9 x 9150.INCH) . TEN SILE STRENGTH FS·19 ,·5 'OO 165x165 75x75 165x165 75x75 (WARP x FILL)(GRA B)LBS .'".KG LBS KG TEAR STR ENGTH FS·19 1·S134 55x55 2Sx25 55x55 25x25 (WARP x FIL L)(TONGU E)LBS KG LBS KG ADHESION(PEEL)FS·19 1·5970 15x 15 7 ~7 15x 15 7x 7 (WARP x FILL)LBSI2"KG/SC MLBSI2 "KG/SC M Tl1i S informationis ollered IOf your gen eral guidan ce on ly,II 's accurate 10 the bes t 01our ~now iedl;e attime of printing but isnol i nl e ~10 relieve ee user from us responsiti lity to in>.-est ,g3te and under stand ctner ~Ii nen t sou rces 01 ir lom',a,i()"l arc 'o comply wilh 311 131'0'5 andprocedure s applicable '0 tne sale hand ing and usc of ttns materia l. ( I< m I ! NOTE:THIS P ERMIT MU STBEPOSTED ONJOBS ITEAT ALL TIM E S MENDEL-ALLISON CONS TRUCTI ON 11 65 S P EN NS YLVAN IA ST ,DENVER MEN DEL-ALLISON CO NS TRUC TION 11 65 SP ENNSYLV ANIAST ,DENVER VA IL CO RPORA TION T HE PO BOX 7 ,VAI L CO 8 1658 S ta tus ...:ISS UED Appl ied __:1 1 /08 /1 995 I ssu ed :11 /0 8 /1 9 95 Exp i re s __:0 5 /06/19 96 Pho ne:9 708 4 50 4 66 Phone:9 7 08 4 5 046 6 • CO 802 10 CO 80210 PERM ~lPermit #:895 -0400 Department o/Community Developm ent • LIO NSH EAD SKIS CHOOL CO .l."lM BUILDINGNEW • Job Add res s : Loc ati o n...: Pa r ce l No ..: 75 South Fro ntag e Ro ad vau.Co lora do 8/65 7 970 -479-2138(4 79-2 139 FAX 970 -479-2452 OWN ER APPL ICANT CON TRA CTOR De scri pt ion : TEMP T ENT v a luation :17 , Occup ancy Ta ble Da te : Type 0 6/2 0/199 5 Factor Sq .Fee t Tot al Va lu at ion : Va l u ati o n _0 0 Fire p lllCO!Info rlN tiQn ;Res t ri cted :lo t G"$Appl i ence a:lIet ll00d/Pi;lllet : rt~t******.**************~"***~~***.***~f EE $U"KA RY *************************t ••tt ********••••••••t•••****•••• Ik.l1ldlng-->225 .00 Re!o t ....rarlt ..lan Revi elt->.00 Total Calcu l .u'CI F_s--)52 4 .2 5 Pl an Check--)146 .25 OilS Fe e---------->50 .00 Additiona l f "es-----).00 I nve st 'ga t ion>.00 Re c reat i on Fe e------->.00 Tota L P ~r.it f ee------>524.25 \lll l c.ll-->3 .00 C l~an -U p Deposi t----->100 .00 Pa y.oeo t l ------->524 .25 t otAL FEES--------->524 .25 BALANC E OUE ---------->.00 ****.*••*••••***....~*******••••*•••I••**"*~..~*.*-***..**~*~~.****..***..********~I*******••I I*.**~ I tem :051 00 BUI LDING D E~A R TM ENT 1 1 /08 /199 5 CHUCK Ac t 10n:APPR I tem:05 400 PLANNING DEPARTM ENT 11 /08 /199 5 RA NDYAction:APPR I tem:0 5600 F IR EDEPARTM ENT 1 1/08 /19 95 CHUCK Ac tio n:APPR It em:055 00PUBLI C WO RK ~ 1 1/0 8/1 9 9 5 CHUC K Act 1 0n:APPR Item:0 5 700 ENV I RON ME NT AL HEALTH 1 1/0 8/199 5 CHUCK Ac tio n :APPR I t em:0 5900 LI OUOR 1 1/08 /1 9 95 CHU CK Ac tion:APPR I te m:0 58 00 NWCCOG COUNCILOF GOVER NM EN TS 11 /0 8 /199 5 CH UCK Acti o n:APPR De pt :BUILDING Di vi sion : Dept:PLANNIN G Div is ion : De pt :FI RE Di vi sion : Dep t:PUB WORK Di v is i on : Dept :HEALTH Di vision : Dept :CLERK Di vi s i o n : Dept:BU I LD ING Di vi s ion : S e e Page 2o f t his Do cumen t f or a ny c ondi tions that may apply to t h is pe rmi t.• DE CLARA TIONS I n~reb y acknow l edge tha t I nave r ~.d th is appl ication,f illed out ;n f u ll t n!;n f o r ~t i on rtQuir ed ,co-pl ~ted all ac curate pl ot p lan,and s tl t ~t hat a ll t he i nf o r.at ion prov ided as requ i red 's corr ect .I agree t o co-ply with th~i nfo rma t1on and p lot p lan, to co.ply wit h al l Town o rdinances and s tat e l aws,and t o build t his s truct ure ac cording to t he Town 's zo nin g and s ubdivisio n cod e s,des i gn re view a pprov ed,Unifor .Bui l d ing Code and ot her o rdinances of t he T ~n appl icable tnereto. "OU 'STS'OR l N""'lON '"'Ll .,"""'NlY-'OU R HOURS I N ""N"'J T'L "","~~0"'"'RON ,,00 " Send Cl ean-Up Oe posit To:S NAT URE 0 O\I NE R OR COtHR ACT OR FOR HIMS ELF AND OW NE R **A'1,!,,' •• AX ••A'A'tAk A •••••A A i ARAAl A'AkRiiA.,.*.A •••***"" 75 South Frontage Road Department of Comm unity Development Vail,Co lorado 81657 CONDIT IONS ~rwi>12 JJ &!4l';ll'rJl>4 00 as o f 1 1/08 /95 S tat us :ISSUED *+*?~~nt-~tJ.5~+·**·*****************·***********·********••••••••*•••••••••**•• P e rmit Type :NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Ap pli can t:MEN DEL-ALLI SON CO NSTRUCTI ON 9 7 08 450 466 J obAddr es s : Lo cat i on :L IONS HE AD SKI SCHOO L Parce l No: De sc r iptio n: TEMPTE NT Condi ti ons : App l ied:11 /08 /1 995 Issued :1 1/08 /1 995 To Expir e :05 /06 /1996 six-mont h It will b e moun ta in t h at it wi ll n ot b e sod coveri ngs must is removed in t he 1 .F IRE DEPT APPROVAL REQUIRED PRIOR TOAC .O .8 EING ISSUED 2 .FIELDI NSPECTI ON I S REQU IRED FOR CO DE COMPLI ANC E 3.Th e s i t ep lan for t he t ent i s inco r re c t.Te nt p ad is be i n g co n st r uct ed in a sl igh tly different location,n o rth a nd east o f the locat ion shown on the pe rm it draw ings.A sev en (7) f oot s ep ar at ion mu st be maintained be tween the te nta nd t he edge of t he bike pa t h. 4.Tent f ounda tio n s hall be c o n str u cted so v i s ible i nt hes u mm ermonths.Dirt a nd b e us ed t o cover foote rs a fter the tent spr i ng .. 5 .The te nt sha ll be erect ed for not longer than a pe r iod,to co incide with t he normal sk i sea son . removed,promp tl y and entirely ,a s soon as t he clo s es. 6 .A rust ic woodf e nce mu st b e added a ro u nd th e tent entryway as s hown on th e site p l an .Additio n al a ccessory items may b e r e q ui red by th e TownDep art me n to f Comm u nity Dev elopme n t . 7.All d i s tu rbed area s t ob e c overed witha n e ro si on co ntrol matting for t he wi nt e r,and to be re -seed ed or sod ded in the Sp ring .Anys poi l fro m fo unda t io n ecvation to be placed a lo on n or th s ide of t ent site ,a nd SC Ulpted to mimic natu ral grade .The s poi l mu st a lso be cove red wi th a n e ros ion mat and r e -vegetated i n t he sp ri ng . NOTE:THIS PERM ITMUST BEPOS TED ON J OBS IT EATALL TIMES S tat us ...:I S SUED LIO NSH EAD CHILDREN S CHOLLApplied ..:Tll /21 /1995 I s s ued ...:11 /21/199 5 Exp i res ..:0 5/19/1996 75 South Frontage Road Vail.Colorado 81657 970-479-213/V479 -2139 FAX 970-479-2452 • ELECTR ICAL PERM IT J ob Addre ss : Loca t ion ...: Parc el No ..: Pro ject No.: • Permit #:E9 5-02 76 Department a/Community Development APPLICANT CONTRACT OR OWNER RIVIERAELECTR IC CaNST .,c o 2107 WEST COLLEGE AVEN UE,ENG LEWOOD CO R IVIERA ELECTR IC CON S T.,CO 2107 WEST COLLEGE AVENUE,ENGLEW OO D CO VA IL CO RPORATION THE PO BOX 7,VAIL CO 81658 P hone: 8 0 110 Phone: 8011 0 30393 7 9300 3 039 379300 De sc ription :TEMPORARY ELECT Valuation:1,000.00 Electr ieal--) ORB FPe -, In...e st'igation> lIil l ClIl l--' TO TAL FEES --) 50.00 .00 .00 3 .00 53.00 Total Calculated Fees ---) Add itional Fees----------, Total Permit Fee--------' Pay~n t s----------------, BAUN CE DU E-------> 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 11 /21 /1995 DAN Acti on :APPR Dept:BUILD ING Di vi sion: CONDITI ON OF APPROVAL DECLARAT IONS I hereby a cknow ledge that 1 ha ...e re &d t his appl ;cation,fi lled out 'i n full t he in tor .ation required,co.pleted ~accurat e plot pl a n,and s tate tlM.t all the ln for-ation provided a s r equired is correc t.1 agree to cOllp ly with th e i nfo rlMtlon and plOtplan, to eo-ply vith al l Town o rdinances and s tate l avs ,and t o build t his structu re acc ording t o the T O ~'B lo ning and subdi ...isi on codes,design review appro...ed ,uniforM Bu i lding Code and ot her ord inances o f the Town applicable th eret o. REQUESTS FOR INS PE CTIONS SHA LL BE MADE TIIE NTY-F OUR HOUR S IN ADVAN CE BY TE LEP HONE AT 1,79 -21 OR AT OUR OF FIC E fROM .00 ,lJ1 5 :00 PM o REcrLUDr"pI:R SIGNATU RE Of O'oI NER OR CONY'"R FOR HIPIS EL F AND CNN ER ••. **************************************************************** TO WN OF VAIL,COL ORADO S tatemnt Sta temnt Number:RE C-OIO I Amo unt : Payment Met h od :CHECK Notati on :#1128 53 .00 11 /21/95 15 :00 In ic:LRD P e r mitNo :E95 -0276 Type :B-ELECELECTRICALPERMIT Loc at i on :LIONSHEAD CHIL DR EN SCHO LLD TEM .TENT Tot al Fee s:53.00 This Pa ymen t 53 .00 Tota l ALL Pmts :5 3.00 Balance:.0 0 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 4 1313 0 1 0000 4 1336 Descr ipti on ELECTR ICAL P ERM IT F EES WI LL CA LL INSPECTIONFEE Am ount 50 .0 0 3.00 NOTE:THIS PERM IT MUST BEPOS TED ON JO BSITEATALL TIMES Department a/Communi ty Development PLUM B I NG PERl-lIT IS S UED 11 /0 6 /1 9 95 1 1 /2 0 /1995 0 5/16 /1996 S tatus .. Applied . I ss ued .. Expires . Permit #:P95 -0179 • P RJ 95 -02 39 LIO NSHEADS KI SCHOOL • .Job Add ress: Locat ion ...: Pa rce lNo .. P ro jectNo .: 75Sou th Frontage Road van;Colo rado8 /657 970-479 -2/31'14 79-2 /39 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT MENDEL --ALLISON CONSTRUCT I ON 1165 SPENNSYLVANIA ST,DENVER CO 60 2 10 OWNER VAIL CORPOR ATION THE POBOX 7 ,VA IL CO 81658 CONT RAC TORTOTALP LUMB I NG 6 390EAST 49THDRIVE,COMMERCE C ITY 60022 Pho ne :9706450466 Descript ion :TE MP TEN T Va luation :2 ,500 .00 _..t t '*'*"'''*''*.*************•••:HU u :h ****...fEE SU M ARY ***U1I *1<***iI'n*1"t't1tu.t-tu.*****••••• Pl ullbinq-->4 5 .00 Rn tua rllnt PllJl1 Rll v ie....->.00 To t.l C .l cu l ll t ~Feu->59 .25 Plan Check--->'1.25 TOTAL FEES--------------->59 .25 AQd;t;onal Fees >.00 I n"est i ~ti on>.00 Total '.rllit ree >59 .25 1I 1ll Cllll---->3 .00 Pay_nu-----------)59 .25 BALA NCE OUE ).00*.....*~~**.~*****..*.~t~~~~~~.-*******~~*t***t~~t..*~..***.t.tt.**.*.*••~t.~.~.~*~~~********..~~ Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11 /06 /1995 CHUCK Action :APPR Dep t :BU ILDING Di vision : COND IT ION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS 1 n~r~by acknowledge t hat 1 have rea d thi,app li cati on,fi lled outin f ull th e i nformat ion r ~qu i red ,co.pleted an a ccurate p l ot p lan ,and st a te t hat a ll t he in fo raat ;on pr o vid ~as req uired i ,co r r ect.I ag ree to co~ly with th e i nfo rmation andp lot p lan , t o comp ly with a ll Town or dinances and ,tate taws,andto bu i ld th is structure acco rd ing to th e Tow n ',zon i ng and subd i vision code"de,ign r ev iew a pproved,Un1fo r.Bu i l ding Cod e and other ordinance'01 t he Town a pplicable t hereto . OHTR AC TOR FOR Hl"SELF AN D ~HER p>~~~"A T OUR OFFICE FROM 8 :00 A GlOA TUll E OF ~N REQUESTS FOR I NSPE CTION SSHALL BE o Hj,l ;YCU:OP,4.P/:R •• TOWNOF VAIL,COLORADO Staternnt •••••••••***••••********************************.*************** S tat emnt Number :REC-OIOO Amo unt: P a yment Me thod :CASH No tation: 59.25 11/20/95 1 1 :15 In lt :LRD P LUMB ING PERM IT 59 .25 Permit No : Location: Th is Paymen t P9 5 -0 1 79 Ty pe:B-P LMB L IONSHEADSK I SCH OO L Total Fee s: Total ALL Fmt s: Bala nce : 5 9.25 59 .2 5 .00 ******************************************************__._w*ww __ Account Code 0 1 0000 413 11 0 1 0000 4 13 32 0 1 000 0 41336 De scrip tio n PL UM BINGPE RM IT FEES PLANCHECK FE ES WILLCALLIN S PECTION FE E Amount 45.00 11.25 3.00 J l 1 -e 7 -1 9 9~10 :59AM i ~-.~...,;... F ~AK ENGINEE RI NG I NC 303 279 iiIiS T E ~No v 07 ....2:3 5 No.OOI P .OI P .2 at< STJ'.lIC T\"lRi\;.. ""GtiEfR ~G FILE 45 I'l.'S DIR PROO 11 -3-9S" DATE PAGE 11 ' 1~"'3TI2UC1U >?£~-t ol -3t{"co·<.pa.4 Va il Colofll\l,.lC> J I ,I I~)TI :~-e s e b 'o ...c.-S i1f\"'e.""'"Ie<':' 0H,"N""I<>co r 1- <;'0 1'1 t"'!'W U",,"i-0'<\\<'.>-";>VJ L-....,I."'-w:.,.\<,.'1 ..I ,,~'>....'7';.r r u d1}U~~?'I/t"~t;o .?-'"s 'Ttilck.c-u.("'1a'lee!2'S) .1 .~/',';;1 I~lorCij:>QO ~O\;)~<,.;11... A,1 ·1I 1 ~,~'i e:t\<:I.Lo <GLoPII"?;11-r '0 ,~1 ?I~ I " I L-l~"f " ALL.rf2Al~t'iv f"I~S'7-11;",_2.o ~"""",Ll.( .;'..I __l.z..~'_".i'1 5 , ~A.}t 017 ,?o '~lilldt !"4:'}1 !-< A"'2.41 114 I ".1.....1 l;~-_.•._- •••A .,.,." I ·_--, 2:35 No.OOI P.0 2 PIIOO DATE tl -~.'"I <;" PAOf 7.( P .3 CD M==M~fL I &>!2-t ·c::alrpA.-S f P1''-''"•1$~1 t ~€>•.;,1 ...~~.":>".3.~I fl .-L 1-':f -'7.-t ~"".c;I f..Q /r:~I ~",.s ~11.(,~'5 -'(,1 C,,"\"'1 . •~..-s-1 ·cp -,'l.1 ,'l.~<;-. -I,oz'1 p...~_.5(;-.<.\1<:irs Sc:P:'>1-~'l1 1'-1"'''-;..~~/'_ -=j'".....I \:JIm1 I"'&>Ff"'!:~1t\~ f"SQIC-Wlt...L.~IP -~~E rtl e-11W sses r ,,1\..... I •1 1-07 -1995J 1 :0 0 AM T1IOMQ MOCHIZUICI I!MGIIN!IRlKa CIVIl. snoveT\JRAl.- FR0 :;W;:EAK ENGI NEERING INC 3121 3 2 79 2~ TE.No v 07 .• P :c:1 2'35 No .OOI P .03 PAOG .....OE 'V "'.1/1'-e-'2.>'F·'tI"Z../k>t <.14~, f ..."'1-'21 rl :' f ..Jk,,,,,"'1·'/..1 ~1 ·12..'(.11.r;It 't~ f;-llA~S .· _.f..~-::11~/I~""O -1.1 4'r(I.-,-;>'t i~~i (1=>+->(..) ®MtEP"I(3)~!2-'5 .Uf'L.\f1"\N1Nl1 ,J./r -.6'7 ·"1 .....'·4))'l./·"1'Il""...-s f..t e ';."1 f...Il.,..,.,C;·c;.1"\.1 1-::"'.1"IeIF~ fDf~"'~1-r~-~l'3 '':j.,,;e .o~ 1 1-07 -1995 11 :ClAM 0'. DATE PAOE "'il P .5 e:;1~1'1G.f,-"~\A{IWII .Ufl.,lf'1 . ..-_..__._--------..c f)~.p ::</).r-;>';:'o -oz..,"".141":;lb s'I' up -::,._---_.... F'~l .HyIS,..I ~c)-,.11411v(cl As f<'>~ re-'.r"~L,. c tH::c ~C /\r~ve.X-~(2."C I/'\b-=-~_.- '"--...IT-~_..,¥- --'-Qc~ *P I ~JoN ~L--:.I.oc....fe:...j-.<I.....,'Z,"l.6 r r "."~'1 .~"'(:'t ':),,~w...I.......... 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Suite 195 303-279-0707 Golden,Colorado 80401 Fax:303-279-2125 rPEAK ENGINEERING INC.", '"+, Date.\I-lAs. project #.Ii"'o \0;,,& Total Pages.Z4- '(including t .ransmittal) FACSIKILE TRANSKITTAL LETTER TO:D~""nlcl>.PlE- , COMPANY:",.0:,,-~e.aoiOoo""''7 PHoNE.\-'\"\0-....'0,-::>\46 FROM.n...e-o;",,,,,y SUa.n;CT.""DNT .'~~ \'Z-eol'l~'"O~C:AI 6J~1\0'><'"-...=. \\C<>f'llt'7 OF'.~""'I L.""• MESSAGE. g.oue,-> It transmittal is not as indicated please notify sender 1 1-1217-19951 1:14AM ENGI r-£ER I I\Ki I NC 303 2 79 .iii5 Ho v 07 ••4 :01 Ho.002P .11 p .24 ALOlDOlO Tor 0- .,...- WOT.CAL "'"- -.....J.•::::::::..~.....o ••••••,•·. ;--, ~··•.'• ." ..' T'" AU.114........ .......'j '..'.'.' TCII' 0ClIlD Al.OIOO10 .," , .~., 1_'.:"", -{"~,....... ", .... .'~.'.:" N••••• T I V••o•••, 8 .Ii·~o· cp-- I)- I I C!> q> I I I I I <!)-- o} ~ "'I -;""I .' • PI.,,,. WI •...,.•• III .,.IIIN.. •• .' RigGi alT ,411.", 7....,.,.:.. 1·" .. 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