HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 TRACT D CHILDRENS TENT LEGAL••I r«-<f ·I)f!,I t~I n ,I L-l+I\i-- ::OWN OF VAIL 7 5S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 9 16 57 1}7 C-4 7 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE,THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTEDON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUI LD PERMT Perm it #:B9B -02 88 Job Address: Loc ation ...: Parcel No ..: Proj eet No .: VAIL LIONSHEAD FIL 2101-072 -07 -009 PRJ98-0236 Status ...: 1LOT Applied .., Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 0 9 /24 /1 999 10 /09 /1999 04 /0 7 /19 99 APPLICANT HIRN BUILDERS INC . P.O.Box 18282,Avon CO 81620 CONTRACTOR HIRN BUILDERS IN C . P .O .Box 19282,Avon CO 81620 OWNER VAI L CORPORAT ION THE PO B OX 7 ,VAIL CO 81658 CHILDRENSTENT Des cription: P RT.NSTALL LIONSHEAD Occupancy : '~L -C ~nstruction: Type Occupancy: B2 TENT B2 Not in table I Phone:9708458221 Phone,970845822 1 TOVIComm.Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved -:-"L-~L-~__ amount !t'o ,cu date I "L h--z...1'1rrI Valuation:11 ,000 Add Sq !',:. Iii"'e:"""Inf o =ation :Rest ri cted : 0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE BUM MARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bu ildi ng -----;> Pl an ch.d.,. I n _at igation,. Wil l Ca ll----> 155 .00 I OO.1£; .oc J .00 R••tuerent Plan R.v i.~--,. ORB P"'..----------------·~ Recre a tionP ••·-·__·····~ Clean -up oapoait ······--~ TOTAL FEES·····---------> .oc 5 0.0 0 .00 IOU .00 40 &.15 Total c a loula ted Ye ea ---> Addi tio n ..l "--> Tot ..l p ..nd t Fe e-·······> r~ym~nta ··---·---·····--> BALANce Du a ·------------~ 4 0a .7 ~ .00 40 R ."15 4 0 &."I ~ .00 ••••y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..................•.............. I t ~~·n~100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT L U/V ~/L,9 8 J RM h~t i o n :APPR APPROVBD Item ,054 00PLANNING DEPARTMENT 10 /05 /1998 JRM Action,APPRAPPRPER Item :05600 F IRE DBPARTMENT 10 /05/1 998 JRM Action,APPRN/A I tem ,0 5500 PUBLI CWORKS 1 0 /05/19 98 JRM ~c ti on ,APPRN/A ........................................................................... J ~t,BUILDING Dept :PUU'NING PLANNINGLJt:!p t :FIRE Dep t,PUB WORK Divisio n: D1V.l.oJ..o n: v i ...~................., Divi sion: S ee Page 2o ft hisDocument fo r any con di tions that may apply to this p ermit . DECLARATIONS :0 ...1/"'c::(no"'ledg e t hat I h a ve r eRd t hi ....ppHc:ation,fi lledo ut i o ful l the 10£0=..tioo requ ired,c:""'pl .,.t",d a ne c curate plot plan ,an d ..t at ~thata ll th e i n f o ~.t i o n p ro v ided ••req~1 red i e correct .1 ag r.e to o~ply ~i th t he i n fo=etion and p lot pla n , t o com p l y witha ll T o wn ordi na nce..end _tete l a w",end t ob u ild thie e truc:ture Rec ording t o th e T own'.zon in g a nde Ub dl vi e ion "..1 ·~~.,,1!F.r.vie '"a ppro v ed ,trn if o rm Bu i lding Code a nd o ch er ordin ano e.of th e Town ap p l i cable t hereto, srcnts'rs FOR IN SP ECTI OSS SHALL B!MAD E 'IW£N'I"i-FOt1R HOUR S I N ADVAN CE BY T £L!P0 ?~:".2 1 n OR AT OUR OFFI CE F:l;OM &:00 AM S:OO PM ~lf/~>?p-,'.-- S end Clean·Up D~po~it T o:HIRN BUILDERS S I ONATUR E OF OWNZR OR CONTRA CTOR FOR HI MSELF AND OWNER P RF.PARF.1l 12/22/U,U:50:41 P ROGRAM.MRU5U LET'S COST-IO CUSTOM ER N~E T YPE PAGE CH ARGE COV E DESCRIPTION T X-OATE AJ -DATE D2POSIT ""om DEPOSIT-AIM ""~~ 12~2 8 98 -0 288 HI RN BUILDERS DEP08 IlEPQSIT TOTAl,FOR COSTOMER T YP E' DEPOSIT COUNT, "'10 /13/98 12 /22/98 l ll o .oa 1 00 .oa 100 .oa 100_00 1 00 .00 100 .oc 1 0 0.00 - 100 .0Cl- 1 00 .00 - .'" .'" .uc •G/L BATCH CREATED:BATCH -029SS 1 9 9 8 /1 2 US ER ID -JPOP ECK AI'HI':LD co cn-r-1.00 t OO.oo • •• ~******************************************************************************* CONDITIONS Pe1mi t #:B98 -0288 a s of 10/09 /98 Status:ISSUED .•*.********************************************~******************************** P ermit Type:ADD /ALT COMM BUILD PERl-,,' Appl icant :HIRN BUI LDERS INC. 9708458221 Job Address : Location:VAIL LI ONSHEAD FIL 1 LOT TR . Parcel No:2101-072-07 -009 Description: REINSTALL LIONSHEADCHI LDRENS T ENT Applied:0 9 /24 /1 998 Issued :10 /09/1 998 To Exp ir e:04 /0 7/1999 Conditions: 1 .F IRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE S TARTED. 2.FI ELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIREDTO CH ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANC E. 3 .FI RE AND BUILDING INS PECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TOOCCUPING BUILDING 4 .NEEDDOCUMENT OF LAST F IRERETARD ENTT REATMENT •...........•.•.•..•.••..•......•••••............•..••....•.•••..• TO lIN or VAIL.COLORADO ...............•.••..•.•......•..•••.•.............••.•...•.•..• No t.at.l an '1 03 4 4 0'.75 U/e",.14 :52 I n 11::IG'l ADD/lILT COtol BUILD P .._------------.-__._------------.-. P .~lt No :8,t -O l..Typa ,A -~M "'rcd ''0 '2101 -071 -01-00' Location .VAlL 1.IOHSHEAtl !'IL 1 1.0':'ra , '01 .75 Total r •••, Total £.1.he.: Salanea : 4 01 .7S 4 01 .7S .00 •~_••••o . J-e O?u.r.t Co ••O••C'ripcion -=,..ll 00 IU lt.DDIG P EMIT FE ES 155 .0 0 ~00 1 00001 112 20 0 DCSIGN REVI EW r EES 5 0 .00 "0010 000 U12 100 PLAN ctIBCll::F BIlI 1 0 0.1 5 An 1:I1 -D2'PO'CLEANUP DEPOSI TI 1 00.00 ~00100 00 111 2 .00 ifILL CALL J HSP £C1'IOJl '"1 .00 .**c o n ~a c t Eag l e CountyAs ses ••t/.'at 970 -32 8,,86 4 0 df:"j'ar c cl ,~A R C EL ,:<'10 ((.0 ]0 02 Off i ce '~a t e Rer.e ive d TOHN OF VA IL CON STR UCTIOI.SEP 1 7 1998 "",lNlT t'_ PERM IT APPLJ;CA;rIOll FORM ,DAT E :111 #%I~ APP LI CATI ON MU ST BE F I LLED OUT COMP LETE LY OR Il)~Y~~E AC ~E »I:D )(*****************************PERM IT INFORMATI Oll JrJfr*"*:Jll:*C>.~~*******. [-1-Bu ilding [)-Plul:lbing [""'-El ectri cal [--J-Mechanical [)-Othe r _ Job Ad dress : S UBDI VI S TO !\':Fi ling'Jl.I'==="'-'_-'-_Block,_Legal Description :Lot,_ __________Ph,_ Owne rs xane :Y~L.A9."dC.IA~IIj.JC ,Ad dres s:'1'-0,~....,\tb1L. Archi tect:~/'~Addre ss: General Description ::p,l:I\-lS-r.6u-'7@ ~;j L ot!lkDt2£'i-J.''7 "7'Q..Ii c Wo rk cjas s;(]-Ncw []:"A l t e ra~i on []-Ad dition al []-Repair [--r::o t h cr 2~JN>1lfLL Numbe ro f ~~ellin i units:Numbe r of Ac comm od at ion Units :o Towno fVail Reg.NO .__~_ Phon e Nu mber : Pl u~~ing Contractor : Addre ss : ~mb c r an d Type of F ireplaces :Gas Ap pl i an ce s~Gas L ogs Wood/Pe llet ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BU ILDIllG :$Ij;~.ELECTRICAL:$I,bI:O 'OTHER :$0 PLUMBIllG :$0 MECHAN IC},L:$"i .O='T OTAL :$:-'I"l ,"';fdj;::'''''--.--- ~**************************CON TRACT OR I NFORMATION ***********~***************~e n e r a l Co nt r act or :L..~c.I/..J'l.'lit'tIt of Va il Re g .NO .l SI -ii... Add r es s:,0 IL-,0 '2rpe Nu mber:-I l ~.'l '!"'" Elec tric al Contr act o r :V.L NC ,T own o fVail R,ce~g~.~N~O~,==== Addre ss:t Phon e Nu nber:_ Mechanica'~lic~o2n~t~r~a]c~tioiri,,:~VJ~~1 't~~:E=~=~~~1-l~c.T own of Va il Reg .NO ,_Addre ss :_'1'.0.Phone Number :._ ************************* BUILDI llG PERMIT FEE : PLUMBING PERMIT FEE : MECHAN ICAL PERM IT FE E: ELECTR I CALF EE : OTHER TYPE OF FE E : OR BFEE : *****FOR OF.CEUSE******************************* BUILD IllG P LAN CHECK FEE : PLUMB ING P~l CHECK YEE: MECHAN ICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATIONF EE : CLEAN -UP DEPOSIT : TOTALPERMIT FEES : T YPE GROUP SQ,FT .VALU ATIOll BUILDI NG : Pn.,oM S IGNATURE :, c !.c AS'S 3 '2-"ZON IllG: cog~~ts :-r...,,1-SIGNATURE : o '7:- rCl .EAR UP DEPOS IT REFUND TO : ~ -'.'.'.'.i .-.". ~ to wn 01 vai 15 ,oulh l ronta ge road vail.colorado 81651 (30 3)1,79-21.3B o r 479 -2139 o lllc c or community d evelop ment TO :ALL CONTRACTORSCURREH T LYL REGISTERED WITH THE Tmm OF VAI L FRO H:To,m OF VAI L PUBLIC WORKS/CO}frrnNIT~DEVELOPMENT DATE : SUBJ ECT : }1ARCH J.6,J.988 CON STRUC TI ON PARKING &K~TER IA L STORAGE I n sumnary ,Ord inance No .6 states that i t is unlaw ful f or any person to litter ,track or de posit any soil,rocK,sa n d,debris or material,including t rash dU Dp sters,po rta ble toilets and w or }~en vehicles upon any s treet,s idewalk,alley or public place or any portion t hereo f .The righ t -at-way on al l Town o f Vail s treets and roads is a pproximately 5 ft .o ff p a ve ment . This ord inance will be strictly enforced by the T own of Vail P ublic Works Depart~ent.P ersons foun d vio la~ing thi s ordinanc e wi ll be ·given a 24 hour writ ten notice t o remov e said ~a t er ia l , In t he event t hep erson so notified does n ot comply wi th the not ice within the 21.hour titne sp ecified,th e Public Horks Dcp art ~cnt will re mo ve said ma terial at t he e x pe ns e o fp er son no~ified .The provisions of this ord i nahc e sh all not be appl icable to construction ,~a i n te n ance o r repa ir proj e cts o f a ny street or a lley or any ut iliti es i n .th e right -a-~ay .· T o review -Ord inance No .6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Bui lding Departnent to obtain a c opy .Thank you for your · co operation on t his natter , Re ad and acknowledged b y : 'X [7j7X?IU(Hie,.} 'V f/ttJ L (o N7MClO<~o s i t i o n/R c la t i o n s h i p to Pr oject (i .e .contractor,ofin er) t'"t /7 p;t f'-oatc • 7 S s oulh l ,onlllge r Olld ve ll,c ol o red o 8165 7 (303)479-2 138 or 479 -2 139 • ortlce 01 c ommun lly d evelopme n t BUI LD ING PERI·a T ISSUANCE TINE FRAf lE , I f th ts perm tt req ui res a Town o f Vai l Fi re Depar tm entApprov al. Engineer"s (Pu bli c ~or ks )r eview andap proval,a Pla nning Depa rtme nt r ev i ew o r Health De partment rev iew ,and ar eview by th e Building Department ,t he esti mated t i me for a tota l re vie .....ma yt akea s long as three weeks. All commercial "(l ar g e or sma ll)and all multi -fa mi ly perm its will h avet o fol I ow th e a bove men t i o n e d ma ximum require me nt s .Resident ia l an ds mall pro jects s hou l d take 'a less er amoun t o ft ime.Howeve r ,if residenti"al or s ma lle r proje ctsimp act the var iou s abo ve men tion ed d e par t me nts Hl.th r eg ard t o neces sa ry rev i e ....,t hese p rojects may a 1so ta ke t he t hr ee week p e r i ad .. Ev e ry attempt 'di ll b e ma de by thi s d e par-tme nt to e xpedt te this'. ·pcrrnt tus.s.Qon as po ssible . I,the u nders i gned,u nders tand t h e plan check p roc ed ure and t ime fra me , II fit '[;€(CJ<.r Agroed to by. IfurJ ., )t.Lf~IJ5"".4b ('HIU>J:c-,vs.""G tvr ·Pro ject Name y q·(7 -93~O a te Work She et was tu rned i nto the ·'Communi t y Devel op m~nt Depa r-tment, ...,".••M EMORANDUM T O , FROM, DA TE: RE : ALL CONTRACTORS TO WN OF VAI L PUBLIC WOR KS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,19 94 WHEN A "PUBLI C WAY PERMIT'ISREQUI RED .. Job Name :J-H_C?H /LDgE!J?==Jb.JTDate:~)/4 /'i""£ Please a ns-Jw'--e-'-r~t hLe..Jf~0~1I-0w-;-in-g-q-u-e-sC7tio-n-n-aJC7·r-e-r-egar din g t heneed f ora "P ublic Way Permit": -- Is thisa nev1 resid ence?1) 2)Is d emolition w ork b eing p erlormed t hat r equi rest h e use oft he right o f way ,ease me nl sor pub tc pr operty? 3)Is any 'u tilitywor k needed? 4)Is I h e d rivew ay bei ng repaved? 5)IsdiHe rent accessneededtosite other t han exisl ing driveway? 6)Isanyd rainageworkbeingd one a lleclingt he righto f way ,ease ments, or pub lic property? 7 )Is a "Revocabl e Right Of W ay Permit" required?. 8)A.Isther ighl o f way ,ea sements or public p rope rt y t o b e usedfo rslag ing , pa rkingo r l encing? B.IInoto8A,isaparkin g,stag i ng or f encing 'p lan required byCo mmunity Development? IIyoua nswered yes t o a ny of t hese questions,a"Public Way Permit"must be obtained. "Public W ayPe rmit"applications m aybe o btai nedat t he Pu blic Wo r'~'s officeo ra t Communily Dev elopm ent.If youh ave a nyqu estio ns please-call Charl ie Davis,t he Tow n ofVa il Co nstru ction Inspector,at 479 -2158.. I have read a ndan sweredall t he ab ovequ estions. UOJ!rtl(~p (H cUJRc w;[2Nr 12t(~11 J ob Name C ontractor's Si gnatu re peer. t ,/1 .fJ' Date TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontag eRoad Vai~Colo rado 8 1657 9 70-479-2131¥479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 ••Date Receive d SEP 3 0 1998 Department of Community Development TEMPORARY T ENT PER MIT-SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Please submit a complete d permit applicalion andthe foilowl ng informalion tothe Townof Vail, Depanment of Community Development,75South Frontage Road ,Vail,CO 8165 7 Ja l j,4\.",.2'1 '"",l£40'Lr1SitePlanshowinglayoutandsizeoftent,vehicular delivery,andemergency access l!l Plan ofthe tentshowing exits (3 A picture or manufacturers brochur e of the tent (color,style,etc.) 9 Dateof i nstallation,eventandbr eakdown 10 -"eo eeeer 5'"-'lq &<ltAK 10010'''' oCertificate stating thelast dateof fireretardanttreatment ,..,1Q T~1'I""C,A 4N('f IS!Costof the Instailatlon eslimate '*11,000"- ~Occupancy Loadproposed '1 k.)(.IT~,~('s ~'NAoJ 300 8 Description ofailelectricity,gas,heating andlighting that Is proposed .AN INSPECTION BY THEFIRE DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TOTHE EVENT. ~Ho,-",S IZ E.of FueL 'sTt.lev.:z.l."SJ...{'C L IFTHE T ENT IS TOBE LOCATED ON TOWN OFVAIL PROPERTY (I.E.FORD PARK),THE FOLLOWING ADO ITIONAL REQU IREMENTS MUSTBE SUBM ITIED: XI Floors arerequired for ailtents onTownofVailproperty,Describe thetentfloor thatIs . proposed, '-J Locates forIrrigation Is required atFord Park.Youmustmeetwith aTOV repres entalive onf\site priorto Installationof thetent.Cail Todd Oppenhe imar at479-2158 to set ameeting. ELE CTIlICI 'r!·ces»m4~I CU c.U 'T'(I':~£~c.7rAC'iS ,(PRO~8''T .2 L>~t·....:r) t;''X/;'7I N t;/--tYD 1$To s ,rr ereco £,(.b/A,WT Nc-ATeT$"'S V'SP.;....IVIl ~D P'RP"",-c:..t..:'7 LIAJH;. c;...,J ~T~d e:.1(I:.rS'e .s/~- , J. •I S 20'31'04 "W 29.5 4' 00'"...... ,-./ SEWER MANH( / ,, // j /';/; -'I l---"I ! ""'-- 4 44.20' ,TEll'- N 85'2 4'02"E "27 5 .7 5'- .,...--_.............-,.'.- TR ACT 'B---~~ VAIL /UON SHEAD,FIRSTFlU NG 1.6450 ACR(S .>- ....-.. ~ _.~-----M __..---- ~WOOo F"[NCE --- 4 16.59' CHAIRun NO.6 16 .5 '~If ~.~."e- 7,J z F"ENCE ___ urr SHACK JG ------.....,. -.--<,\ , ML I I\..~1900 Ki nser Ave I ~Ce res,CA 9530 7 F"~1 :~l.PR aWn m:. /' A '<,, .."""'OVC'TS wc . •:.'e9 5 33 621 6 •J:t ,21 1998 O-':ffi=tl P 1 FAX COVER SHEET Datc:Oetober 21,1998 Num .of pa ges Inc.co ver:2 o Urgent 1ZI ForYour Rev iew o ReplyASAP •o Please Comment To:Vail Associates Attention:Tom Largen I f "-\--~i ..",. RE:Fire C,ntiflcate Phone:(970)479-4466 FAX :(970)479-4317 From :Mel i..... 1900K inser Ave . Ceres ,CA .eS30T E·M ail:a llent@ainet.com Phon.:(209)538 1890 (800)9558368 FAX:(209)538 6216 Tom,I P~.+> I have enclosed the Firo Certifi ca te-that you have requested.I f y ou have any questio ns pleas e c all me. Thank You, M.Rodgers L ,\--L 8 -02-88 TI'l\s message 1&n tended for the:1J&e:of the II\Cl iv'dulIl o r ~trty to Which i!:is addrlis&ed ,and may contfin Info "Tr.atlo n that is prtv,J@Q @(!,oo"r;d enhar,e nd elo:emp t from j i y;lo~urtl u n d ~dp prlC.abltl law If you a renol lila nre ndt!d recipie nt or the PQ rlocOn ree;PQn l$i b:e fo r ::lelivery tothe Int&nd&d reci Clo"t,do no t disS&mim!ll~8 ,distribute , cOJJ)'orreed lll b w mrnunication .11 you n eve recejvee ~is caTtlT'JJ r:lcation in error ,please no-lfy us immediately !>y te lephone and de stroy ~;$comm.m~ion ,TI'\e:f'!'euitQes ar.d d ceU'1'.efIts tr2l1smm:~Wltn tt1is notlet cont ainconrdantia!inbrrnation b6IOOSjling to the sende-. •• .- • .I.'"'j lOWI ul-VH H,[OLuHALJU 1'-1 J\::j ~lj >0 "'",,""'8s;1,ro::"t"LlI"(IH~~'l:.:.CT10f>J WLlf.lK bl-1EElb J-OR:l11 9JJI:l PHGE 1 t4to:E.H:l) ~=~w_~~=~~__~=~==_=__=_=~--------------------_.. I-l r t vs B":J':-l ·v1...tlB UtJ "':"': 11/:I I 'Hi r vpe s I-l-LUMM dL~t~IS:ISSIJE:u l on 0;;t ~HL.l II 1 ..I.0 I: kdr c1 1)..ell f I uT' H!;]l an t l 'Ii e ~ ll"lld "to,: VHll Llor~'JI-i~HD iu 1 LOT TR • 111i1l-·V.I /.:"'-l{l r--0 1('l ) hl1t-l,THLL L lONSHf:.AD f HILlJREI"S HI RH i.-IUILlJER;:)!N[. I.'Hi L"ORI URHT!uN 1 Ht-. I-llRN t'luiLrJ HE T'JC. lENT O ....c, Phlllll:'~ Phune: Pt,uo",: 'i1l184::;'82 1 lENT :nro r-e e t 1 QIl ••• rn ,lo'In t '" J ". I J III• I •• It.~I.I: Phone:')04 ,+6':..-; CALL -DU(;8N'T KNlJW IF NEEOu FIRE Actl"Wo.'.""/,T"••ExC ,-'2ffCQ;t!=LV m:j-\:::-er.::r'JTI7(,~ -/'Ol.T""C~;:S~tfUim'0 trr ---~6:i?;ilfCL [f[L zzzx:':_~~~Yli#?z~'7;,k'TI;&r~WGr:,.~~;~·u -----"~~r~tb-~iT L ..._'l?E_--------l~_;I''>" t.III 'Il'1il1 d,VE-W",,/qr-eo e f rna I ~ 'Ill.t Ijl L-ruutlllg .OJ!.;.-".l Lul'-L uSE SNr.u I rrr-.~pC;~l!)r ill '1/1 Vb ~'lJIJnd"t1l!nl te e I -;\f.l .1_v '-oJ /U f'C"_l.',~,....,..)I-'LHN ILL r t.e ~'1~11 -rt:CJ eb2 /TreFS'S /hvlJ b/~­ IllIltkwl t-.l,_Dtr ~r~1I J tdl 1"~')V1"l-ltl.,.,.Nut.rIll f'll",It l/,ilIl.:);-'\I)J::',I U 1 u I.::\t Ion ,jlll".1t:>l.!1 HI Ul ....b ee t ro cx 1\102\11 IZlCl0 No 01,f1.ll:'II. !,I:v ~~(I<.'III IU +11 ~L. 0lt"'l')llJ i':'LlJb F 1 ne 1 III t)!Zl....l.:.1l1 llLUG I ee p,C/U l".'11l1 ....31 F 11~E -T i::.MP.CI (J t:10~,·....PW -TEMP.[:/0 II ~m 00~3~PL~N-T~MP.L,U Itel,·lLlli)5 ...7 ~LHN F INi-lL CIO ilI~':,.:.0 FIf-cL f IN ..ILC0 1b539 ~W~t-lNHL l"/U llo'Ol;QlfJl540 BLDl.rl na J C/D 1 I-,,pl"'l.;un Fi"'quo:,t. 'QI"(l ;..'AT r;e'l ji me:lil:l:ilI0 COlJllllo>nt!;l WILL l t III 41.,i:'''1':E'L1 to Le r ns pe ct.ed ••• 00':.8 F f 1(E:..F1 NAt C 10 '.Dr:~finc'l (J •TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTA GE ROAD VAIL,COBI 657 9 7 0-47 9 -21 3B Vl1 ij!OcJ((t •Sa/::;; DE PARTM ENT OFCOMMUNITY DEVELOP MENT NOTE,THIS PERM IT MU ST BEPOSTED ON J OBSITE ATALL TI MES ELECTRICAL PERMIT 'f.A ..L....--t.1"".t:..L- "yI...c...---/.s- J obAd dre ss,B62 S FRONTAGE RD Locat i on ...:862 S FRONTAGE RD Parc el No ..:2 101 -072-00-00 2 Pr oj e ctNo .: WEST P erm it #, Status .. Appli ed . Is sued . Expires . E9 B-00 24 ISSUED 02 /17 /1 99B 02 /1 B/199B OB/1 7/199B APPLICANT RIVIERA ELECTRIC CONST.,CO P,O.BOX 1B1 93,AVON ,CO BO lIO CO NTRACTOR RIVIE RA ELECTRIC CONST .,CO P.O .BOX 1 B193 ,AVON ,CO BOlIO OWNER VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7,VAIL CO B165B Des cript ion:PROVIDE POWER TO RECYCLIN G COMPACTOR Phone ,9 4 9-6095 Phone ,949-6095 Valua tion :3 ,962.00 .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PEE SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• El..ct.r i".l~-_> OilS r.._..> I nv ...."igat.ion> Will Call ----,. TOTAL I'EES---> 7 2.00 .00 .00 J .00 1 5 .00 Tot.al Cal cula ted Fe...'--> ~d d it1on.l r •••••••••-_·> Total p.,=lt 1".....------.,. p.~..nt.---.•._-._.---_.> BALANCE DUE-···-------_·> 7S .00 .00 7 5 .M 7S.0a .00 .....•.•....•..•....•.••.....•.......•..•••••••.•••.•....•..•.•..•.......•.•...••.•...•..•.•....•........••.•.••....••....••.••... It em :0 6000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTM ENT 02 /17 /1 99B CHARLIE Act ion,APPRFOR ERNST Item,056 00 FIRE DEPARTM ENT 02 /1 7 /1 99B CHA RLIEAc ti on ,APPRN/A Dept , Dept , BUILDING FIRE Division : Di vis ion: ..................•.............•.••........•....•.........•.••.•••....•..••.....•.......•••••.•.•.......•••.............•........ CONDITION OFAPPROVA L 1 .F IELD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED T O CHE CK FOR CODE COMPLIAN CE. ............................................................•..................................................................... DECLA RATIONS I h ~r~by a cknow l~d9 ~that I h a v ~r ~a d t hi a app lication,f i lled o ut i n f ul l t he i nformation required,compl et ed a n ac curat ~plo t p l an ,and etete that all t he i n f o ~at ion pr ovided a.re~ui red i e correct .I a gree to comply wi th th e i n format ion an d plot p l L~, to c ompl y wi th all Town o r din ancca an d a te te lawe ,a nd to bu ild t hi e structure a ccording t o t he Tow n 'a zo n ing a nd eu b divie ion codee ,d ee ign rev i e w ap pr oved,Un ifo~auilding cod.a nd other or dlnance.of th e Tow n app lic abl e t hereto . REQUESTS !'OR INS PtC"tIONS SHAL L BE HADE _TWENTY-FOlJR HOURS IN ADW\NCE B Y T ELEPHONE AT 4 79 -213&OR AT OUR O!'!'ICIl FROM.8 :00.AM S :OO PM •••••••••••••••0 _••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN or VAI L,COLORADO s~at.e lll\t .••.....••••.•.....••.•........•.........•............••••.•.••. St .t .Mn~N Umb .~1 R&C-O J77 A~u n t : Pa yma n t.~.th od ,CK Ho ta tlo n:Ot" P .~l t No ,l,t -OOZ 4 Type :8 -!L!C Parca l No:21 01 -07 2-0 0-0 02 S i te Add r ••••"2 5 FRONTAGE RD M&rT Locat ion .In S P'RONTAGE RD 75.00 0 2/1 '/9 '12 ,01 I n1 1:'""'''' ELECTRIcAL PE ~IT 7 5.00 Tout r •••: Total ALL '.tal &..la n cel n .oo 75 .00 .ee .•....•..•.••.•.....•...•.•....••....•.•.•..•.•................. A c c ount.Cod. E'0 010 000J11 1 4 00 we 00 10000J112 100 C.ac:rl p l:lon IlLZCTRICAL P E'lUll1'F EU WILL CAtL IN5P8CTION PEE "-'unt 72 .00 J .00 PERl-lIT r _ 5UR DIV I S IO~: \1<-'\ Co ]-Repair []-Oth er _ p.u Number of A cc o~~o d ation Units:~ __-===--__Ph.--.:==_ .'v-s,c,'t c.\-l""),1:"''"'"1'..Ju v-: F 11 in g .i!.I.!.!l!L'-'-'.ill!=_ Addr ess: o work Cla ss :~New []-A l te r a~i on (]-Addit iona l [ Number of Dw e lling Units : ..~{l . ~*~P ~t8 C t ~8g1e County A S SCS5 0 r ~f fl ce 4It (a t ~_3 'A_R6 4 0 fo..r Par ~.l II .TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION .PARCEL P".,.•~dl/O/CZ2 PERM IT APPLICATI ON FORM •'..''COOO/t!J<P,,1 DATE:_Z-/I z.j 0/8 r I APPfa CA~I ON MU~T BEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCE PTED )(*****************************PERMIT I NFORMATION ******:********************** ()-Bu ilding []-Pl u mbi ng A -Electr i cal (J-Mech a nic al []-Ot he r _ --I.~ Job Na ma:Ve-,I (T.'o<:J."r<.~)'d :,,:>r.-r Job Add ress:gC.~-=S,--_F-,-Y'<>,,-~==d'<'~==_ Le g al De scri pt i on:Lot Block _. o v n exs Name :Ve,"!k\'uS-!~!> '~rchit ect :~~.lE:....Ad dress: Ge neral Oeseri ption :~'("V'V\."-'-. ( mber a nd Type of F ire p la ce s:Gas App l iance s~Gas Log s Wo od /Pell et --*******************************VALUA TI ONS ********************************* CJ":::>,~:::;;:;;;:::;:::;;:::;:;~7""-BUILDI NG :$ELECTRICAL :$..3J.k.:l ',;5;)OTHER:~_ PLUMBI NG :$MECHAN ICAL:$-TOTAL :$:39 r".'1 .%<;) w'***************************CONTRA CTOR IN FORMATI ON *************************** 'ene r al Contracto r:l4.0NE..-~n of va i l Reg .NO ._ Address :Mh 6 ne Numbe r:.(~.. El e ctric al Co n tractor :\<\Vl'll,....~E ~.L T own o f Vail Re g.NO .·/o/fp c Address :e-~.U>~j.\'P\C,3 &xCI'"CO 'tH<O~b Ph on e:Nu mb e r:9'1'7-GO 'S- Pl umbi ng Cont ra ct or : Add r ess : Tow n o f Vai l Reg .NO._ Phon e N umbe r: Mecha n ical Co ntr a ct o r: Ad dress : T own of Vail Re g.NO._ Pho ne N u mber : ******************************** BU ILDING PERM IT FEE: PLUM BI NG PERM ITF EE : MECHANI CAL PERMIT FEE: ELE CTRICAL FE E: OTH ER TYPE OF F EE: OR B FEE : TYPE GRO UPSQ .FT .VA LUATION FOR OFFICEUSE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK F EE : PLUM BING PLAN CHECK fEE : MECHANIC AL PLANCHECKFEE: RECREATION FEE : CLEAN -UP DEP OSIT: BU I ::::~:PERMIT ~~U m SIGNAT URE:~~===:: ZONING :F~:l:911lll-----­ SIGNATURE: Cor.nne nts : 'CLEAN UPDEPOSIT REFUND TO :. ..,.• tuwn ul vai 75so u th fro nl ag@roa d vail ,co lora do 816 57 (303)479 -2 13 8 o r 479 -2139 • c ttlceof c omm unll y d eve lopment T O: FROM: DAT E : SUBJECT : ALL CON T RACTOR S CURRENTL YLRE GISTERED WITHTHE TOWN OF VA IL TOWN OF VA IL PUBLI C WORKS /COM>fUNI TY DEVELOPM ENT MA RCH 1 6 ,1 9 8 8 CONSTRUCTI ONPARKING &~~T E R I AL STORAGE I n sunmary ,Ordinance No .6 s ta tes th at i t is u nlawful for a ny person to l i tter ,track or deposit any soil ,r ock,sand ,de br i s o r material,including t rash dumpste rs,portable to ilets a nd workmen v ehicles u pon any s t reet ,sidewal k ,alley or publ i c place or "a ny po rt ion t he r eo f.Th e right-ot-way on all T own o f vai l streets and r oads is approxinately 5 ft .off pa vement. This ordina nce wil l be s trictly enforced by th e T o~n of Vail Pub lic Works Depa rtment .P ersons fou nd vio lati n g this o rd inan ce wil l be g ive n a2 4h o ur wri tt en no t ice t o remov e said ma t erial . In the eve nt the person so notified d oes not c omply ....ith t he notice ....ithin the 2 ~hour t i~e s peci fi ed ,t he Publ ic Wo rks Depurtm ent will r emove s a id mate rial a t t hee xpen s e of pe r son n o tifie d.The provisions of t h is ordinance s hall not be a pplicabl e to c onst r uctio n,mai ntenance o r repai r proje cts of any streeto r alley or a ny u ti l it ies in t h ~r ~~h t -a-w a y . To r eviewOrdi nance No.6 i n f ul l,plaase stop by t he Town of Vail BuildingDepa rtoent to obtain a copy .Thank you for your coope ration o n t h i smatte r . ;e //1:;t l e ~ ~r "E-~.....C~~o s i t i o n/R el a ti o n sh i p to P roject(i .e.c ontra ctor ,owne r) ~D a t e ..• town 01 vai 75s oulh Ironlage road va ll,e ereree c 816 57 (303)4 79 -2 138 or 4 7 9-2139 • ollice o f communlly d evelop me li t BUILD ING PERI·lIT I SSU ANCE TIME FRANE I f thts permtt r equire sa Town of Va il Fi re Depa r tme nt Approval , Enq tneer vs (Pu blic Works)rev iew and a pprova l.aPla n ning Departmen t r ev iew or Hea lth Dep artment re view,anda r eview by t he Bu il ding Depar tment,thees t i mated t ime for at ota l rev iew mayt ake a s l o ng a s three weeks . All co mm erci al na rge or s ma ll)and all mu lt i-fam ily pe rm itswill have t ofo l lo wt hea bove me nt io ned ma xi mum req uireme nt s .Residen t ia l a nd sma ll projects should ta ke al es se r amou nt of ti me.Howev er ,if r e s i d ent ta l or smaller projec ts i mpact t he various ab ovenenti oned depa r tme nt s with r ega rdt o nece s sary r eview,t hese proj e ct~may a 1 so ta ke the t hreeweek pe rio d. Every a t t emptwi ll be made by this department to exp ed i t e t his . pe rrntt a s,s oon as possible . I ,the u nders i qned ,un ders ta nd t he pl a n check proc edu re andt i me frame . >l V...·j Pro j ect )C Odte Wo rk t ~{i!s~~roed ;ototh e Co nmu n i ty neve'l oew nt Department. • ••MEMORANDU M • TO : FROM: D ATE: RE : A LLCO NTRACTORS T OWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WOR KS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1 994 WHE N A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT"ISREQU IRED J obName:V""-//Ie ,~,,--'!.s.\ol<.<yc:.l.'--:l eQ -f ~ Dat e:~(~'8 Ple ase a ner te fo llowing q uestionnaire rega rding the need for a "PublicW ay Perm it ": 1) 2) 3) 4) 5 ) Isthis anewresiden ce? Is demolitio n wo rk being perfo rmed t hat r equires the useof t he right ofway ,eas ements or p ublic pr operty? Isan yut ility w ork need ed? Is th e d rivewaybeing repaved ? Is diffe ren t accessneeded tosite other than existing dri veway? 6)Isany drainage w orkbei ng done aff ectingt he r ight ofway,eas emen t s, o r p ublicp roperty? 7)Is a "Revocabl e Right Of Way Pe rm i t" requi red?. 8 )A.Ist herig htof way,easements or publi cp rop erty t o b e used f or stagi ng, p arl<ing or fen cing? B .Ifn o to8A ,is a parl<ing ,stagin g or fencing p lan required byCo mm unity Development? Ifyo ua nswered y est oanyof these q uestions ,a "Publ ic Way P ermit"mustbeobta ined. "Public Way P ermit"app lications may be obtained at the P ub lic Worl<'s office o r at Com munity D evelopment.If yo u have a ny quest ions p lease calf Charlie Davis,t he T own ofVa il C onstruction Inspector,at 479 -2158. I haveread a nd answered allthea bovequ estio VA R..~<-l......<1 ~Jw-:....-c J ob Name Contractor's S l , ••II MEMBERS PRE SENT Ga len A as land A nnBishop Di ane Go lden G reg M offet John Sch ofield Bri an Do yon T om W eber PLANNING ANDENV IR ONMENTAL COMMISSiON M onday .Ju ne 2 2,1998 AG ENDA MEMB ER S ABSENT S ite Visits ; 1.W ieman -2662·2692 Cortina L an e D riv er:George NOTE:If the PE e hearing e xtends unlil 6;00 p.m .•th e board wi ll break for dinnef from 6 00·6 :30 p.m Public Hearing -To wn Council Chambers 1 2:45p .m . 2 :00 p .m . 1.A requ est f ora n extens ion of aconditi onal use permit for th e U onsheadChildren 's Te nt, generally locat ed next t ot he Lio nsh ead Ch ildren's ski school/Tract D ,Va illionshead t st . A pplicant: Pl anner: Va il Ass ociate s,represented by DavidTho rpe Christie B arton APPROVED FORO NE YEAR 2 .A requ est f oramin o r subdivis ion ,t oa llowf or a n a mended final p lat t o allow fo r int erior co nve rsions,inSp radd le Cre ek Es tates Subd iv ision. App licant: P lanner. M r.&Mr s.Willi am Es rey Do min ic Mau rie ll o APPROVED W ITH ONE CONDITION 1.Th at t hea pplicantpr ovidea revised pl atw ith allrequired sig natures for record ing . 3 .A requestforaw all height v ariance ,toa ll ow a zs.toot t allretainin g wallt o rep aira failing r etaining w all ,located at 2662 th rough 2692 Co rti na Lan e/lots 7 ,8 ,9 &10 ,B lock B,V a il R idg e S ubd iv ision. A pplicant: Pl anner: H omeowners,represent edby H ans Wi eman (vente r Companies) George R ut her APPROVED WIT H ONECO NDITION 1 .Thatthe applicant transplant and/or r eplace a m inimum of 25 caliper inches of Aspen trees a nd a m inimum of 48 linear feetof Spruce trees b etween the top of t he wall and CortinaLane . 4 .A request f oraw orksession t o discuss a maj or amend ment t o Spe cial Development D istrict N o . 6 ,V ail Vi llag e Inn ,t oallo w fo r a hot el red eve lopm ent,located at 100 Ea st Meadow Dri v e ,Lot s M a nd O.Block 50,V ail Vill age 1st. Applicant: Pl anner : NO VOTE D aymer Corporation,re p resented byJay Peterso n G eorge Rut her •• 5.Aproposal to am endt he zo ning reg ulat ions to allowsingle-family and two-family struct ures t o ex pand b y 5 00 sq.ft.o rless i na llowa ble G ross Re sidential Fl oorA re a (G RFA),w ithou t co mpliance wit h cert ainde sign req uirem ents;a llowingin teriorG RFA co nversio nsf or m ultiple- f amilystructures an d reorga niz ingthe co ndit ional usesectio n of t he Zon ingRegulations. Ap plicant: Planner: To wnof Vail Dom inic M aurie llo AP PROVED W ITHONE CHANGE 6 .A req uest f ora sideset backvar iance,t oa ll ow f orthe construction of an additionalgara ge , locatedat8 13P otato Pat ch D rive/Lot 1,Block 1,Vail Potato P atch . A pplicant: Plan ner. Liz &LucMeyer,repres ented byWillia mP ierce D ominic M au ri ello TABLED UNTILJ ULY 13.1998 7 .A requ estforami nor subd ivision,locatedat 1410 Buffehr CreekRoad ,LotG-1,Li on's Ridg e- Su bdivisio n Fili ng 2 . Ap plica nt: P lanner: Eri cJo hnson,representi ngLeroySc hmidt Dom ini c M auriello T ABLEDUNTILJ ULY 13.1998 8.Arequestforaconditionalusepermit,t oallow f ortheco nstruction of an inclined elevator ,t obe lo cated at 270 1Davos Tr ail/Lot15,Block B ,Vail R iCl ge Subdivisio n. Ap plicant: Planner: W ITHDRAWN Homeowners ,represented byGa len A .Aas land ChristieBarton 9 .A request f oraw orksessio n t o discussasetbackvari ance,toallow f or th e extension of a2nd story dec k,locatedat 5025A Main G ore Place/Lot 5F ,SundialPh ase I. A pplicant: Pla nner : WITHDRAWN Harry Ruffalo Christie Ba rton 10.Inf o rm ationUpdate 11 .A pprovalofMay 18,19 98and Ju ne 8,199 8 mi nutes. T heapplications and i nfo rmation a boutt h epro posals area vailable f or pub li c inspect i ondu ring regular office hours In t h e p roject planner'so ffice lo cated att heT ownof Vail Comm unityDevelopment Depart me nt,75South F rontageRoad . S ignla nguage interpr etationavailab le upon request with24 hour nonncaton Pleaseca ll 479-2356,T elephone for t he Hearing Impaired,for jnformation . Com munity Develo pment Department Published June 19,1998 in the Va ilT rail 2 Depa nmem ofCo mmunity Develapmen: 75Soul h Fro ntage Road JiJil,C ol orado 8 1657 970·479·2138 FAX 970-479·2452 . June23.199K DavidThorpe VailA ssociate, PO Box 7 Vail.CO R165R •• Rc :Lio nshcad C hildre n's T ent Tract D.Vail Lion shead First Fi lin g Dear Dav e: At amee ting o nJun e 22.199R.lhc Planning and Envi ronmental Commission a pproved your app licatio n fo r the ext ensio n o f aconditio nal usc permit 10 a llow for thew in ters easonal usc o fa te mporary te n t foru sc by th es ki school for o ne year. Co nd it ions u n the applicatio n arcasfo llows : 1.ThePlanning and Environmenta l Commissionrequests that theapplicantnotreturn for anoth er extension of the conditionalusc perm it, If youhaveany qu estion s.pleasecall me at (9 70)4 79·2454. Vel)'truly y o u rs . (Jhrl ~/$ypJ Ch ristie Banon Planner II O If~"A PDl • MEMORANOUM • TO : FROM: DATE : SUBJEC T: PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission Comm unityDevelopment Department June 8.1998 Arequestfor an extension ofaco nditional useperm it for theLionsheadChild ren's Tent,ge nerally locatednexttothe Lionshead Ch ildren 'sski schoo l/Tract D.Va il uonsnesot st, Applic a nt: Planner : VailAssociates.represented by Dav idThorpe ChristieBarton I.BACKGROUND ANDDESCRIPTION OFTHEREQUEST This applicationis tora n extension of aco ndi tionalusepe rmit.Thetenthas been used seasona lly since1994forskischool instruction and forCamp V ail.T he memo f rom1997 is attached foryour refe rence.T hetenthas beenremovedfrom thesite . Vail Associatesisrequesting a con ditional use permittoallowtheUons headChildren'sTen tto be used only du rin gthe skise asonthrough theyear 2002 .The app licantbelieves the Lionshead Master Plan will b eco ncludedbythe end of 1998 andthe r edevelopmentwill be co mpleted b y 2002 .Vail Associates is planningon p roviding permanentspaceforthe activ ities thatp resently usethe lentintheirredevelo pment. II.CRITERIAFORA CONDIllONAL USE PERMIT Uponreview ofTitle 12.C hapter 16.the Community Development Department rec ommend s denial of the c ond itionaluse p ermit based upont hefo llowi ng factors: Con sid eratio n ot Factor s: Before actingon a co nditional u se permitapplication.the Planning and Envi ronmental Commission (PEC )shall conside r the followingfactorswith respect to the proposeduse : 1.Relationship and impact of theuse onthe development objectives ofthe Town. St aff hasconce rns withthecontinueduse of theten t and hasstated thisinpr evious memos .Ei ther a permanen tbuildingmust be consi de red or the useco ntinued at a d ifferentlocation.VA should cons ider leasingspace within itsexisting buildings for this u se (i.e ..theold go ndola building.etc .).instead of leasing area tothird parties 2 .The effect of the useon light andair,d istribution of population,transportation facilities,utilities,schools.parks and recreation facilities ,and other public facilities needs. Staff believe sth atthere w ill be little impact fromthep roposed u seon th eseiss ues. ~.\.., ror;,~OF I;\iL •• 3.Effect upon t raffic w ith part icular reference to congestion,automotiveand pedes trian safetyand convenien ce,tra ffic flo w and cont rol ,access, m aneuvera bility.andremova l of snow fr om t hest reetand par king areas. Th e proposal willhavelittle negative impact onthiscriteri a. 4 .Eff ect uponth e character oft hearea i nwh ich the proposed use Is t obe located, i ncludingth e sca le andbul k o ft heprop osed usei nrelationt o s urroundinguses . Thetem porary te nth as b eenape rmanentf ixturein Lionshead .Thest ructure isoutof c harac ter fort he areaa ndd oesnotimprovethea rchi tectural integrity o f the a rea.Du eto its'temporary'na t ure,it d o es notbene fillrombuildinga ndfire salety co des asw oul d a perman e nt st ructure.Res id entsove r th eye arshavevo iced concerns ove r t hist entan d oth er impro vementsin t he a rea.St aff believesVAs hould f ind a n ewho me f o rth e u ses w hicho ccurin the l e nt.It a ppe ars t hat p rio r it y ha snotbee n g iven toth isusea ndV A in ste ad leasesspace that co uld have ot herwiseh ousedt heact ivit ies inthist ent. III.FINDINGS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ThePla nning and Environme ntal Commission sha llmakethefollowing findings b efore granti ng a conditiona l usepe rmitfora temporary tent: 1.Thatthe proposed location oftheuseis in accordance withthe purposes ofthis Ordinance andthe purposes atthed istrict i n which thesite is located. 2.Thatthepro posedlocationoftheusean d t he co nditions u nder which it would be operated ormaintain ed will n ot be d etrimentaltothe p ublichealth ,safety.or we lfare o r mate rially injurious to pr opertiesor improvements inthe vicinity. 3.Thatthepro posedu se will com ply with eac h of th ea pp licable provisions o f T itle 12oftheVailMunicipa l Co de . IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION TheCo m m unity Develop me nt Department r ecommends denial oft he applic ant's requestlo r an extension of a co nditional usepe rmitforthe Lionshead Child ren 's Tent,ge nerally located nextto the Lionshead Childre n's ski school/Tract O.Vail Lionshead ist,s u bjecttothe following find ings : 1.Thatth e proposed location ofthe use is notinacco rdan ce withth e purposes of th is Ordinanc e andthe purposes ofthed istrict inwhichthesite is located. 2.Thatthe proposedlocationoftheusea nd the c ond itionsu nder whic h itwou ld be oper ated or maintained willbe d etr imentaltothe public hea lth .safety.orwe lfar e o r materially injurious to properties or imp rovementsinthevi cinity . 3.Thatthe proposed usewillnot comply witheachoftheapplicable provisions of litle 12 oftheVai l Munici pal Code . • Va il Resol't s Developm ent Company • ....................................................... Vail .Breck enridge.Keystone .BeaverCreek-•BachelorGulch-•Arrowhead A pril 22.1998 Mr.D ominicMaurie llo Town Plan ner Dept.Of Communi tyD evelopment T own Of V ail 75So uth frontage Rd .West Va il.C O 8 1657 +. Date Rec ei ve d MAY 08 1998 •."'d ,.,, smlnfrlll Sr_dlot ~CIom AlpInI ~..""r... RE :Li onshead Childre n's Tent App licatio n For E xte nsio n of Co nditloual Usc Dear Dominic: VailAs sociates herewith subm its forextension of the condit ional use penn it for the Lionshcad Chi ldren 's T ent.Thetentwas ori ginally approved as a temporary [win ter o nly)structureforuse b y theLion shead Ch ildren 's Ski Sch ool.Th e intent at th e ori ginal a pproval in 1995w as for t hetent tobe used for thr ee years untila permanent so lutioncouldhe con structed in Lionshcad .Since that t ime the tenthasrema ined in p lace(as appro ved by The T oev'n of Vail)andhas been used by TheTown of Vail and b y VailAssociates for summer child ren 's programs.Thetenthasalsobeen utilized for theorigin a lly pla nned w inter program function .The tentis scheduledto h e d isman tled dur ing May 19 98. T heLionshead redevelopmen t w asthepermanent r eplacementth at wasenv isioned by V a ilAs sociates du r ing the 1995approva l processforth eLionshea d C hildren's T ent. Si ncethatre developmentproc ess h as takenlongerth anoriginallyant ic ipated ,th e n eedforth e programspa ce tha t thet entprovides has notyet been fi lled .Th e tent continue s to se rveitsorigi nal function inthe winter .T he additio n of the newgondola has incre ased g uest trafficin to Lion shead .Th e increased traffi c hasincreasedthe n umber of child ren usin g the tent. Inth e win terti metheLionshead Children's tent isused by th e following groups and functions: I.The L ionshead C hildre n's Ski School 2.The ProjectChallengeProgram 3 .TheYouth Devo Pro gram 4 .Specia l Children's Events 137 Benthmark Road .PO 80)(959 .Avo n.Colo rad o •81620 ·09 59 •phone 97 0.B452350 •fa)(970.8 45 235f1 0 en , •• The function of thetentw ill notchange: I ,T he relationship andimpact ont he develop ment object ives o f t he townwillnot change. 2.Effecto n light and a ir,tran sprctation facili tie s,utilities,sch ools,p ark and rec reation facilities and other public faci lities willre ma in asami nimal e ffect o r as noim pact. 3.E ffect o ntra ffi c wi ll r emainasno impact . 4.E ffect o n th echaracter o f thesurro und ing are a willremai n ascu rrently exis ts. T h eex terior of thetent thatwas previo us ly approved will remain un changed . Vail Asso ciates req ues ts thatthe r ight forwin ter only usc be extended for the L ions hea d Children's Tent unt il th e Lion shcad r ed evelopment b ecomesa realit y.At thattim e t he tent willbepc nnanently r emoved from Lionshe ad,andthe p rog rams that currentlytakepla ce inthe tentw ill b e rel ocate dtoafac ility thatis appropriat ely d esignedtofit intothe new Li on s head skier s ervicesco nfiguration.Until tha t tim e, the ch ildre n an d the fam ilies th at vi sit Li on shead need the spaceth at th eten t provides . Sinc erely,. ~/ avidE.Thorpe,Manager,P re-C onstruction Constru ction D epartmen t Fil e: Lionshead Chi ldren 's T ent 199 8 ·107.1 o cc :Ch ris Ryma n JoeMa cy Da veC o rbin Ja ckH unn S u s ie Tj osscm T omLarsen TO : FR OM: D ATE : • M EMOR ANDUM P lanningand Environmenta l C o mmissio n Co mmunityD evelopmentDe partment May 19.1 997 •ORIGINAL S UBJECT :A r equest f orac onditional use permittoa llow f or t hesu mmer use(Ca mp Va il)of t he ex istingtentloca ted at th e Lio nsh eadSki Schoolpractice a rea,located a t5 20 LionsheadMa ll!T ract 0 ,V a il Llo n shead 151 filing. Appli cant: Planner: VailR ecreation D istrict I VailAs sociates,Inc. Lauren W aterton I.BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST The V ailRec reation D istrict(V RD)h as r equested aco nditional use p ermit toa llow for th e s ummeru seo fth e e xistingtem poraryt ent.locatedon T ractD,VailLi onshcad 1s tf iling .Th e ap plicanth asindicated tha t theco nstruction wo rk occu rring at t he Go ldenP eakC hild ren's Center d uringthes ummer of1997h asca used t hemtote mporarily relocate t he Cam p Va il an d Pr e-KampVail ac tivities tot he uonsneac Ce nterBuildin gfo rthi ssu mmer. In t hefall of19 94,Vail Associa tesr eceivedapp rovalt o construc t a t empora ryten tat th e ba seof theU onshead skipor tal in order tofac ilitate skisc hoolinstruction .T hePEG gran tedt he co nditiona l use p ermitfo r a p eriodof oneskiseaso n o nly. Int hef allo f 1995.Vail Associates req uested a n ew conditio nalu se p ermit t oag ainu set hetent forski School activi ties ,inas lightly d ifferent locanon thant hepr eviousa pproval.Asa pa rt of th e r equest.Vail Associatesaske d that th eco nd itional u sepe rmit fo r t he tent b eap provedfo r wi nter u se,inp erpetuity.Altho ugh t he P EGd id n ot a pprove t hereques tt ouset he te nt every sk i season i n perpetuity .t heyd idag ree t hat itco uld bee rectedfort he next th reeskise asons, expiring att he endoft he 1997/9B ski season (A pril.199B).The PE Ga pproved t hisco ndit ional use permit requestwit h t he co nd ition tha t t he te ntbein pl acef or no longer t hanasix-month p eriod .to coincide w ith t he nor mal sk i seaso n,a nd sha ll b e removedp romptlywhe n t he mountain closes ea ch Ap ril. O n May 2 0 .1996 .t he PE Capp roveda co nditionaluse p ermitto allow for t heVRDt ouse t he t emporaryte ntf orCa mp Va il during t he s um mer of 1996 .T his was n ecessarydue tot he constr uction at Golden Peak. Th e t ent is located approximately7's o ut h oft heU onshead b ike p ath(see attac hed site pl an f or exact Jocation)an d isco nstructed of a tan-co lored vi nylmaterial s upported byp ine logs.Th e lower portion of th etent sides isrough s awn logsa nd t he u pper po rtion isviny l,wh ichca nb e rolled up sot hat t he te nt funct ions asa n open pavilio n.Th etent is approximately 1B'talla t its hi ghest point a ndis 4 0'long b y24'wide.There isa wooden flo or co nst ructed in mei nterior o f t hetent.E lectric .phone and gas lin e s have b eenrun tothe t ent.Ast het ent isno tu sedat night,t herea re n o lights,inside o routs ide. A lthough m anyoftheactivities associated withC ampVail w ill tak e place withi n the Li onshead Ge nterBu ilding,theVRDwou ld like to u tilize th e t ent toex pandt heir childre n's p rograms t o •• include an appropriatelocation for indooractivities s uch as drama,di scovery andart blocks .The V RDb elieves that t hey will utilize t hetentatleast8 hoursout ofthe 10hours thatCampVail i sIn operationeachday.Th e requested datesof useare June 9ththroughAugust22nd,Monday throug hFriday.Th ehours of operation ofCampVailare 7 :30 a.m.to 5 :30p .m. II.~MfRCIA L CORE II Z ONING CONSIDERATIONS ZOl'lIng :Commert:ial Core II Area:1.645 acres 0(7 1.656.2 SCI .h. 45 1001 1O·on aI SIdes te """ N S ·., w . ". 33" ""360' PaOO:'Ig is 001 required lor lemporary :s.lrtJCues 510 Coverage : PllrWtg: 1Q"f.0(50 ,159 $<1 _ft .N/A lot SllMOnal SlnJClure III.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Upon reviewof Section18.60.theCommunity DevelopmentDepartmentrecommends a pprova l oftheconditional use p ermit based upon the followingfactors: A .Consideration ofFactors; 1.Relat ionsh ip and impact oft he u se o ndevelopment o bjectives o fthe T own . The developmentobjectivesoftheTown ofVail canbe foundin the purpose sectio n of theCommercial Core II (Cell )ZoneDistrict,as well as the Zon ing Titl e of the Municipal Code.Thepurpose section of the CC II Zone District c alls for a mixture ofuses.Sect ion 18.02 .0 20 (8)10 ,thePurpose Section for the Zoning Title,calls for the provision ofrecreational facilities.Staffbelieves that this rec reationalfacility willp rovide anappropriate temporary locationfortheCamp Vail andPre -Kamp Vail c hildren's programs .We believethatthe use o fthis te nt toaugmentthef unctions of asummer daycare facility,forthesummerof 1997,is appropriate and adds to the mixtureofusesin the Lionsheadarea. Staff has concerns.however,regarding thecontinueduse01thetemporary structure.Theorigi nialapprovalfor thewinteruseofthetemporary tentnever contemplated thepermanentuseofthefacility.Webelieve thatwhenthe conditional use p ermitexpires forthe wi nterseason (April,1998),eithera permanent buildingmustbeconsidered orthe usem ustb e disconti nued atthis location.Furthermore,staff wouldnot supportanotherrequesttoextend the condional usepermitpastthe April .1998 expiration. 2 ...•• 2 .The effecto f t he use on lig htand air,di stributiono f pop ulation, transponation f acilitie s ,u tilities,s chools,p arks andrec reation faci l it i es ,ando ther pub lic facil iti esneeds . St aff b elievestha t ther e will no t bea nynega tive impa cts t othe c riteriareferenced a bove. 3 .Effect upon t rafficw ith particular reference tocong estion.automotive and pedest rians afetyandco nvenience ,traffi c flow andcon trol, access,maneuverability,and re movalof snow f rom t hest reet and pa rkinga reas . Startbelie ves thatt here w ill be little impactontraffic ,or related issues.if t he con ditional use permit is approved.Pa rents dropping the ir children offforthe Camp Vail program will pa rk intheLio nsheadp ark ing structure and w alkto t he Uo nshead Center b uilding .Althoughthe majorityofarr ivals will bethroug h the Uonshead mall,some p arentsmayarrivevi athe bike pa th,locatedonthesouth si de of the bu ilding.Ineit h er case ,s taffbe lieves thatthe pro poseduse ofth e te nt is n ot likelyt o ge neratea ddi tio nal v ehiculart ripsi n Lions head. 4 .Effect upon t he c har acter of t hea reaIn which the proposed use is to b e located ,I ncluding the scale andbu lk of the p roposed u se in rela tion to surroundin g uses. Staffbe lieves thatthe requested conditional usepermittousetheexist ing tentfo r the 1997 summer months willhave litt le effecto n t he character oftheareain which itis located .Staff does notbe lieve thatth e addit ional useofthe t ent,in conjunction wi th outdoor acti vities,willhavea negative effecton t he neighborhood . B .Findings Th e p lanni ng a nd Env iro n mentalC ommission s h all makethe fo llow ing fi ndings b efor e gr a n tjm~aco nditional useper mit: 1.Tha t thep roposed location of th e useinaccord wit h t he pur poses o f the conditional us e permit sectio n ofthezoningcodeandthe p urposesoft he district inw hich thes iteis located . 2 .That the proposed location oftheuseandthe conditions underwhi ch it wo uld beoperat ed orm ainta ined wouldnotbe d etrimental tothepu blic health,safety .or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in thevici nity. 3 .Thatthe p roposedusewo uld comply with each of theapplicable pr ovisio ns of t heco nd ition al use p erm it sectio n of t he z oning c ode . 3 • IV.STAFFRECOMMENDATION • St aff re commends a pproval oftheconditional use permit 10 usethee xisting temporary sk i school tent forC amp Vailactivi ties forth esummer o f t 997,subj ect toth e fo llowing f indings: 1.Tha t theproposedlocation01theusein accord with thepu rposes ofthe con ditional use p ermit section o ft hezoni ngc ode andthe purposes ofthe d istrict in which t he siteis locat ed . 2 .That theproposedlocation ofthe useand the co nditions under wh ich it wou ld be o perated or maintained w ouldnot be d etrimentaltot he publich ealth,safety.or welfare orma terially inj uriousto properties orimprovements in t he vicinity. 3 .Thatthe proposed use would co mply witheach oftheapplicablep rovisions ofthe cond itional u se permit sectiono f t he zon ing code. Th e re comm endation of a pproval carr ies w ithitthef ollowing condi tions: 1.T hat th is ap proval is v alidonly for t he summer o f1997.The temporary tent must be removed w hentheco nditionalu sepermi t (for thewi nteruse)e xpiresi nAp ril. 19 98 . 2 .Th atski rtingmust be added t o the b ottomofthet ent(the entireperi meter)to p reventc hildrenfrom accessing thearea underneath the tent. 3 .That the appli cant submit abUllding p ermit application tothe Commu nity D evelopme nt Department for thetem porary t ent.T he ap p licati on must be ap proved a ndthetent in sp ectedfora ll sa fety issues p rior t o any furt her useor occupation . ~.T h at no s ig n sbe p lacedont he pro perty.o r onthe te n t.u nt iltheyha ve been r eviewedand approved by t he T own . 4 Printed by Chr is t1e Bd rton Pr om :Domi nic Mau ri ello To :Chr istie Rar t o~ SubJ ect:VA Ten l ~0 9 /98 8 :16am9-----.- ===URG ENT =NOTE ========6/09/98==7,SS am == CC :Geo rge Ruther ,Judy Rodr i que z ThePEe made ami stake l a st night o n t his i t e m.They s u cces sful ly v o t ed t o recon s id er t h e item .J ohn c ou nted wrong. AL thee nd of Lhe me eting they v oted t o tabl e the item to the n ex t me et ing. Plea se c al l Dave Tho r p e AS AP t hi s ~or ni ng t o le t himknow. Al so .the final agen da s ho ul d JUSt ind ica te the tabl in g . Thanks . Dom ini c Page :1 APPLICATION FO R PLANNINGAND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL Quese?Call the Planning Staffat 479-20 8• G ENERAL INFO RMATION Thi s appli cati on is for an y project requiring approval by the Plannin g and Environmental Comm ission.For specifi c information.s ec the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested.The app lication can not be accepted until all required informati on is submitted.Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council an d/orthe Design Review Board.. • A. B. TYP E OFAPPLI CATION: o Additi onalG RFA (2 50)0 Amendment '0 an Approved Development Plan o Bed and Breakfast 0 Employee HousingUnit (Type :)a Conditi onal Use Permit 0 Major or0 Min orCCI Exteri or Aheratioe o Majoror 0Minor Subdivi sion (Vail Village) o Rezoning 0Major or0Minor celt Exterior Altcmtion o Sign Variance (Liooshcad) o Variance 0 Special Development District o Zonin g Code Amendment 0Majoror 0 Minor Amendment toanSOD DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQUEST:M IJCTEtl";,ib>;l of Tt!f.GtiD tTIoN"'b (~1""i¥!"IIT &>L ~p o..lS\\fA.o O\:IUl2.i;,l.5.~ C . D . E. F. G. r fU;r )s LOC ATIONOFPROPOSAL :.LOI -BLOCK FILING \,I"I\..\,IOIol\l!£Ao F-,~EiUH.t.., ADDRESS:N.o14a M~4>leO BUILDINGNAM E:LlOtl~kAo CWMl£Dl\~ ZONING:Ct>",,,,i!~6,\.C!:>\U.Z.'l:IISn.l!.T %M!;; NAMEOFOWNER(S):V AIl..M~ MAILINGADDRESS :Y 0 Jlcix5 YAI\.I Ctl ~1G.5l3l-.:-:-_ ..'.~PH O~eg ~ID OWNE R(S)SIGNATURE(S):~~. NAM E OFREPRES ENIATIVE ::DA",Cc.."'n\c..l.!:51t.f'G.lI!I:l:!:...._--,-__-=-c-_ MAILING A DDRESS:Po 1:tl'lC.99i A\&tJL,/f.l.CO.IL...l;el~c.~'t~O~....,....,:__-­ ______________PHONE :"lJp &!$"'l.}~ H.FEE -SEETHE SUBMIITAL REQUIREMENTSFORTHEAPPROPRIAI E FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION.ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO TilE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.75 SOUTH fRONTAGE R OAD. YAIL,COLORADO S1657. For Office:Use ODI)': PEC Meeting Date: Fee Paid;1.(10 .cO Ck#:'?'I U b'i'?"By':'_-"C"",~'----_ Application Date:?j1--1( o I L II . SUBMITIAL~QUlREMENTS FOR A CONDITIONI USE PERMIT PRE·APPLICATIONCONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly encouraged.Noapplication can be accepted unless i t is complete.It is theapplicant's responsibilityto makean appointment with the staff to determine additional submittal requir ements . S lIBMITIALR EQUIREMENTS FEE$200.00 .The fee ID.II1l bepaid at the timeof s ubmittal . Stamped.a d dressed en velopes i!!ll1 a Jist of t he names and mailing addresses of all property owners adjacent tothes ubject property.inclu ding properties behind and across streets,The app licant is responsible for correct names and mai ling a ddresses .This information is avail able fro m th e Ea gle County Assessor's office. A d csaiption of the precise nature of the pr oposedusean d its operati ng characteristics and measures proposed to make th e uscco mpatible wit h other properti es inth evici nity .T he d escri ption must al so address :4/u;'6 L tmil. I .Relationshipan dimpactoftheuse ondevelopment objectives of theTown . 2.Effect of the useon l ightan d air.distributionofpopulation.transp ortation facilities.utilities , schools.parks andrecreationfacilities.and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3.Effectupontraffic.with particular reference to congestion.automotive and pedestrian safety and conv enieoce,traffic flow and control.access.maneuverability.andremovalof sn ow from the streets and parking area. 4 .Effectupon the character ofthe area inwhich theproposedusc is to be located,including the scaleand bulk of the proposeduse inrelation tosurrounding uses. A preliminary title report.including schedulesAandB.to verify ownershipandcasements. If the building is eondominiumized.a letter from thecondominiumassociation in support ofthe proposal must be submittedto staff.r.,1/~. o o Fo ur (4)cotljes or tbe fo llowj0 L:" An improvement SW'V cy of the property sbowing property lines.locationsof aU improvements, topography.an d natural features. Asiteplan atascaleof atlee...1I"=20'showing proposed developmentofthesite.including topography.building locations.parkin g.traffic circulation.useable opens pace.landscaped areas and utilities anddrainage featur es. Buildingelevationsandfloorplans.at ascale not s maller than one-eighthinch equals onefoot Page 1 of2 ••o •• III. IV . Anyadditional material necessary for the review ofthe application as determined bythe Administrator . Forinterior modifications .an improvement survey andsiteplanmay be waived by theAdministrator. PLEASE NOTETHATONLY COMPLET E APPLICATIONS CANBE ACCEPTED.ALL Of THE REQUIREDINfORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER fOR THISAPPLICATION TO BEDEEMED COMPLETE. TIME REOUIREMENTS A .The Planning and Environmental Commissionmeetson the2nd and4thMondaysofeach month.A complete applicati on formandall accompanying material (as described above)must be accepted bytheCommunity Devel opment Department by the appropriate submittal date. which is aminimum offour {4 }weeks prior to thedateofthe PEe public bearing.Incomplete applications(asdeterm ined by theplannin g staff)willnot be accepted. B.Al l PEe approved conditional usc permitsshalilapsc if construction is notcommenced within oneyearof thedate of approval and dili gently pursued tocompletion,or if theuscfor whichthe approval is granted is notcommencedwithinoneyear. v.ADD ITI ONAL REVIEW AND FEES A.Ifthis application requires aseparate reviewby any local.Stateor Federalagency other than the TownofVail.the application feeshallbe increasedby $200.00.Examples of such review.may include.butarcnotlimitedto:Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits.Army Corpsof Engineers 404,etc. B.The applicant shallberesponsible for paying any publishin g fees which are in excess of 50%of tbe applicationfcc.If.attheapplicant's request,any matter is postponed forhearing.causing th e mattertobere-published.then.th e entire fee for such re-publicationshall be paid by the applicant. C.Applications deemed by the Community Development Department tohavedesign.land useor otherissues whichmayhave a significant impact on thecommunity may require review by consultants inadditionto Town staff.Should a determination be madeby the Townstaff that an outside consultant is needed.the Community Development Department mayhire theconsultant The Department shallestimate theamountofmoney necessary to pay theconsultant andthis amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time offiling an application. Expenses incurred bythe Town in excess ofthe amountforwarded by theapplicant shallbe paid to th e Town by the applicantwithin 30days of notification by the T own.An y excess funds will be retwned to the a pplicantupon review completion. RECEIPT -The Town of Vail DATE '2 --I(.I9ZL _N?.48582 h_CEIVED f RO M "lui k .,C,C('lf.;jCS ADDRE SS ((-box T V;;..p PC (~CW I,i <(}7.7d f2 ~4-rJ S U/N d?{t~UK- --r:;;,!hiidjvU/<iNcl -vr(C't?DOLLARS s he c:o Permit Numbe rs _Police RecelptNumbe rs _ {]6 LAN D L E GUA RAN TE ~CO M P AN Y . ; .'s; Re present ing T itle Insurance Company of Min n esota THANK YOU FOR YO UR ORDER Jctober 01,19 92 Our ord er No.:V1 94 65 -5 BEAVER CREEK HO TEL CO RPORATION (ASTO 33),AND v~,. BEAVER CREEKASSOCIATES,I NC.,A COLORA DO 2 2.,I G )';2 :~'­ CO RPORATION (ASTOPAR CELS 15,1 8,20 AND .,T't COMPANY ,INC .,A COLORADO UNITS M-14 AND M-17 PARCEL BUYER/OWNE R: . VAILASSOCIATES,·INC.,A COLORAD O CORPORATION (AS TO·THE REMA INDER) S ELLER: AD DRESS: VAILASSOCIATES LEGAL DEPT. P .O .BOX 7 VAIL,CO8 1658 1 Attn:GERRY ARNOLD ,; DAVIS,POLK &ARD ELL 4 50 LEXINGTO N AVE. NY,NY 10017 1 Attn:JAM ES P.MCINTYRE •••ALTA COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE A Our Order No.V19465-S (3 )NORTH 4 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WEST ADISTANCEOF 1 0 2.84FEET (4)NORTH 27 DEGREES 0 5 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WESTADI STANCE OF33 .87 FEET (5 )NORTH 4 DEGRE ES 35 MINUT ES 58 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 38 .47 FEET (6 )NORTH2 8DEGREES 44 MINUT ES 30 SE CONDS EASTADISTANCEOF 25,37 -FEET (7)NORTH 85 DEGREES 2 4 MINUTES02SECON DS EASTA DI STANCE OF24 8 .96 FE ET TOTHEPOINT OFBEGINNING .(GONDOLA BUILDING AND LAW N) PARCEL5 : TRACT H i -VAIL/LIONSHEAD,-THIRD COLO RADO .(GONDOLA DOC K) PARCEL6 : FILING,COUN TYOF EAGLE ,_STATEOF _- TRACT D,VAIL/LIONSHEAD F IRST FILING,ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDE D PLAT THEREOF,COUN TY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO .(GONDOLA LAWN) PARC EL 7: -TRACT G ,VAIL/LIONH S EA D,THIRD FILING ,ACCORD ING TOTHE RECORDE D PLAT ---- THEREOF,CO UN TY OF EAG LE ,STATEOFCOLORADO .(GO NDOLA DRI VEWAY) PARCEL 8 : LOT 1 ,BLOCK i,VAIL/LIONSHEAD ,-THIRD -FILING;ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED _: PLATTHEREO F,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COL ORADO,EXCEPT THOSEPORTIONS CONV EYED IN DEEDS RECORDED NO VEMBER 3,197 2 IN BOOK 2 26 AT PAGE3 2 AND RECORD ED JULY 11,19 83 IN BOOK 3 63 AT PAGE 34 1.(NORTH DA Y PARKI NG -LOT) P AR CEL 9 : TRA CTS A AND B ,MORCUS SUBDIVISION,ACCORDING TOTHERECORDED PLAT THEREOF CO UN TY OF EAG LE,STATE OFCOLORADO.(WE ST PARKI NG LOT) PARCEL1 2: AN UNPLATTED PARC EL IN T HENORTHWEST 1/4 NORTHW EST 1/4,SECTION7 ,AND IN THE SOUT HWE ST 1/4 S OUTHWE ST 1/4,SECTION 6 ,TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH~RAN GE 80 WES OFTHE 6TH P RINCIPAL MERIDIAN,T OWN OF VAIL,EAGLE CO UN TY,COL O R~DO ,BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBEDAS FOLLO WS: BEGINNI NGATAP OINT ONT HE WESTERLY LINE OFSAID NO RTHW EST 1/4 NORTHWE ST 1/4 SECTION 7,WHENCE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OFSAID S ECTION 7 BEA RS NORTH 0 DEGREES 0 7 MINUTES 43 SECONDS WEST 209.8 FEETDI STANT ,SAIDPOIN TOF BEGI NNI NG ALSO LIES ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHTOF WA Y LINE OFINTERSTATE HIGHWA Y NO .70,THENCE NORTH 5 9 DEG REES 30 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST 5 81 .0 PAGE 4 •ALTA •COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Our Order No.V19465-5 25 .UTILITY EASEMENT 10 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THERECORDED PLATOFVAILVILLAGE FIRST FILING . 26 .PEDESTRIAN,EMERGENCY,MAINTENANCE AND UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED CONDOMINIUM MAP OF ONE VAIL PLACE. 27 .ACCESS EASEMENT ASPROVIDED BY RELEASE AND TERMINA TION OF EXISTING EASEMEN~ AND GRANT OF NEW EASEMENT BETWEEN LODGE PROPERTIES,INC.AND VAIL ASSOCIATES,INC.,A COLO RADO CORPORATION,IN DOCUMENT RECORDED MAY 3,1979 IN BOOK 284 ATPAGE 924 . 28.THOSE PROVISIONS,COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS,EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TOTHE CON DOMINIUM UNITDESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A,AS CONTAINED ININSTRUMENT RECORDED May 29,1980,IN BOOK 303 AT PAGE 407. 29.EASEMENTS,CONDITIONS ,RESTRICTION AND RESERVATIONSASSHOWN OR RESERVED 0 1 THE RECORDED CO NDOMINIUM MAP. (ITEMS 22 THROUGH 29 AFFECTPARCEL 3) 30 .RIGHTOF PROPRIETOR OFAVEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TOPENETRATEOR INTERSECT THEPREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITEDSTATESPATENT RECORDED May 24,1904,I N BOOK 48 AT PAGE 5 03 AND IN UNITEDSTATESP AT EN T RECORDED September 04 ,1923 ,IN BOOK 9 3 AT PAGE 98.. 31.RIGHT OF WAY FORDITCHE S OR CAN ALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORI TY OFTHE UNITEDSTATES ASRESERVEDI N UN ITED STATESPATENT RECORDED May 24 ,1 904,I I BOOK 48,ATPAGE 503 ANDRECORDED September 04 ,1923,IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 9 : AMD JULY 13 ,1939 I N BOOK 1 23 AT PAGE 617 . 32 .RESTRICT IVE COVENANTS ,WH I CH DO NOT CONTAINAFORFEITUREORREVERTER CLA USE,BUT OM ITTING RESTRICT IONS,I F ANY ,BASED ON RACE ,COLOR ,RELIGION , OR NATIONAL ORIG IN,AS CONTAI NED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED May 18 ,1 970,IN BOOK 217 ATPAGE 675 AN D AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED July3 0,1970, IN BO OK 218 ATPAGE 334 AN D AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED October IS, 1970,IN BOOK 218 AT PAGE 899. (ITEMS 30 THROUGH 32 AFFECTPARCELS 4,5,6,7,8,AN D 9) 33 .EASEMENTS,RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS ASSHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLATOF VAIL/LIONSHEAD,FIRST FILING. PAGE 19 ••ALTA COM M IT MEN T SCHEDULE B-2 (Exc eption s) -(IT EM 33 -AFFECTS PARC ELS 4 -AND 6 ) Our Or der No.V19465-5 34 .RESTRI CTIVE COVENANTS,WHICH DO NOT CONTAINAFORFEITUREORREVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OM ITTING RESTRICTIONS,I F ANY;BASED ON RACE,COLOR,RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN,AS CONT AINED IN INSTRUMEN T RE CORDE DOctob er 1 5,1 9 71, IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 991 AN D AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORD ED August1 2, 1977;IN BOOK 258 AT-PAGE 453 . 35.UTILITY EASEMENT 25 FEET I NWIDTH ALONG THE WEST LOT LINE OFSUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLATOF VA IL /LIONSHEAD FIRST F IL ING. 36 .EASEMENTS AS CON TAINEDI N DEED RECORDED NOVEMBER 12,1971 I N BOOK 222 AT PAGE 2 58. " (ITEMS 34 THROUGH 3 6AFFECTPARCEL4 ) 37.TERMS,CONDIT IONS AND PROVISIONSOF CONSENT AND WAIVER RECORDE D Mar ch 30 , 1987 IN BOOK 460 AT PAGE 38 . 3 8.TERM S,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONSOFQUIT CLAIM DEED RECORDED october 07, 1 988 IN BOOK 492 ATPAGE 636. (ITEMS 37 AND 38AFFE CT LOT 4,BLOCK 1,VAIL/LIONSHEAD FIRST FILING-_PART OF ..PARCEL _4) 39.UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT AFFECTING SAI DT RA CTAS SHOWN ON T HERECORD Er PLATOF VAIL/LIONSHEAD,THIRD FI LING. 40 .EASEMENTS,RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE . RECORDED PLATOFVAIL /LIONSHEAD ,THIRD FILING . (ITEMS 34 ,39 AND 40 AFFECTPARCELS5 AND 7) 41 .UTI LITY EASEMENT THIRTYFEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE NORT HERLY LO T L INE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON T HE RECORDED PLATOF VA IL /LIONSHEAD,THIRD FIL ING. (ITEMS 34,39 ,40 AND 4 1 AFFECTPARCEL 8) 42 .UTILITY EASEMEN T ACROSS SUBJEC T PROPERTYAS SHOWN ON THERECORDED PLATOF MORCUS SUBDIVISION . PAGE 20 LIONSHEAD HOMEOWNERS LIST (ADJACENT TO LIONSHEAD CHILDRENS TENT) Treetot Condominium Association 450 East Lionshead Circle Vail,CO81657 Lionsquare Lodge Condominium Association 660W.Lionshead PI. Vail,CO 81657 Lionshead Center Condominium Association 143E.Meadow Dr . S.397 Va il,CO81657 -.THISITEMMAY AFFECT Y OUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBYGIV EN th at the Planning and Env ironmental Commission ofthe Town o f Vai l wi ll h old apubli c h eari ng in accordance w ith Sectio n 12-3-6of theMun icip al Codeof t he T ownof Va il on June8,1998,a t 2:00P.M.inthe Town of Va il Mun icip al BUilding .In cons ideration at A r equest for a w orks ession tod isc uss a major am endment to S pecial Development District #6,Vail V ill age Inn ,t o allowfo r a hote l r edevelopm e nt ,lo cateda t 100 East Meadow Dri ve,Lots Mand 0 ,Block 50,Vail Village tst. A pplicant: Pla nner : Daymer Corp orat ion ,represented by Jay P eterson Ge orge Ruther A r equestfor a co ndition a l u se perm it,t o allow for a Bedan d Brea kfast operatio n ,loca ted at 1779 Sierra T ra il/L ot18 ,VailVillage West Filing#1 . Appl icant: P lanner; Ma lin Johnsd otter/R obert Z eltman Chr ist ieB arton A re questfor ama jor ame ndment t o Spe cial Develop ment District #22 ,Grand Tr a v erse,and a r equestfo r a m ajo rsubd ivisio n f o rLots5,6 ,7,B,9 and 10,Dauphina is-M oseley Subdi vision F iling #1 . A pplicant: P lanner; Pat rick Dauphinais G eorge Ru ther A requestfo r asidese t back va riance,t o a llow forthe const ruction o f a garage,locatedat 8 13 P otato PatchDrive/L ot 1,Bloc k 1,VailPo tato Pa t ch. A pplicant: Plan ner: Liz &Luc Meyer,repr esented byW illiam Pie rce Dominic Mauriello A r equest fo r an amendment toapre vio us ly appro ve d pl anf or t he Ti m ber Fa lls De v elopment. lo ca t edat 4469 Timber Fa llsCourt/unplatted. A req uest f or anextension o f aco nditional u se permit fortheUo n sheadC hildren's T ent ,locat e d nextt o t heLio nshe ad Chil drens s ki scho cl'Tract 0 ,Va il Lions head1st. A pplicant: Pla nner: A pplicant: P lanner: RADFive L.L.C.,r epresentedby Greg Amsden Domine Mauriello Va il Assoc iates,representedbyDa vid Thorpe Christ ie Bart on A r equestforam inor su bdiv ision t o am enda b uilding en ve lope,toallo wf orthe insta llation of a gazebo,loc atedat 131 5 Sp radd le Creek Road /Lot 12 ,Sp raddle Creek Estate s. Appl icant:DaycoH olding Co rporation,representedbyDa vi d Argo ofNo NameA rchitects Planner:Do m in ic Mauriello .g A request foradd itional GRFA,utilizing t he250or dinance ,to allowfor th eco nstruct ion ofa -"tt l re sident ial add ition,located at 1998Su nburst Drive /Lot19,Vai l V a lley3 rd..~;J.-D (~14 ~ Applicant NateAccard o,represented by Fritzlen,Pierce,Briner rll.t iLe.G :?I.~~/ Plan ner:George R uther \t"'l'""J ~lr ron~ A request for addit ional GRFA,utilizi ng th e2 50 ordinance,t o allow f or th eco nversionofa ga raget oGR FA,a nd fortheex pansion of themecha nicalroom,located at345Mill Creek C ircle/Lot 14,Slock1,V ail V illage1st. A pplicant: Pla nner : LeeM.Bass,represented byS nowdenandHopkins Geo rge Rut her A r equestfo r ad ditional GR FA ,ut ilizing t he250ordinance,to allow f or t heexp ansion o ft he entry,located at 2005W est Go re C reek Drive/U nplatted. Applica nt: Plan ner : T om Thomso n,rep resented byJo hnP erkins C hristieBarton A requestfor afi nalreviewof amajorame ndment t oSOD #4,t o a llow f or afract ionalf ee club andach ange tot he ap provedDevelopment P lan ,locatedat 1325W esthavenDr.,Westhaven Co ndominiums/CascadeV illage A rea A. Applicant : Pl anner : G erald L.Wurhmann ,rep resented byRobby Robinson G eorgeRuther Theapplica tions a nd information abo utt he pr oposalsareava ilablef or publicinsp ection duri ng r egularoffice h oursinth e p roject planner's officelocatedatt he T ownofVailCom munity Development Department,7 5Sout hFrontageRoad. Signlangua ge interpretationavailable up onre quest wit h 24 hour notification .Please ca rr 47 9- 2356,Te lephone f ort heHearing Impaired,for inf ormation. Com munityDevelopment Department Pu blished May 22 .1998 intheVai l Trail. com!nity DevelopmentPlan Ro!ng Form Routed To:Greg I/all,P ubli c Works T odd Oppenheimer ,Publi c W orks Mi keMcGee,Fire Return To:Chri stie Barton ,ComDcv Date Routed:5113 /98 Return By:5/20/98 .;A-J.,.",J r,,-, ProjectName:VailAssocia tes Proj ect Add res s :Li onshcad Children'sTent Proj ect Legal :Tract D.Va il LionshcadFirst Filing Project Description:Extension of Conditional Usc Permit-FYI X Approved __Denied (ci te detailed reaso ns)___Approv ed with co ndit ions COMMENT S :: 1.'-:".'''''''' -,\"VMt..-- tCltlv'i!.(\,)1l~IG6 rE.'Vlo.rwd .",I?I qt"ft\\J il"\C(\"'1 1I ~\q'O '*O-.v ,hi.·-\GCv'l\nr h ~t\'ll':>ore ,\rnc (0(\10,,):er""·5crr~l~ Date received : Reviewed by:Da lereviewed : ,., LAN D TLE GU A R A NTEtt COMPANY I, i, f Representing Title Insurance company of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Jctober 01,1992 BEAVER CREEK ASSOCIATES,INC.,A COLORADO CORPORATION (AS TO PARCELS 15,18,20 AND Our Order No.: BUYER/OWNER: V19465-5 BEAVER CREEK HOTEL COMPANY,INC.,A COLORADO CORPORATION (ASTOUNITS M-14 AND M-17 PARCEL 33),AND VAILASSOCIATES,INC .,A COLORADO CORPORATION (AS TO THE REMAINDER) SELLER : ADDRESS: VAILASSOCIATES LEGAL DEPT. P.O.BOX 7 VAIL,CO 81658 1 Attn:GERRYARNOLD ''': DAVIS ,POLK &ARDELL 450 LEXINGTON AVE. NY ,NY 10017 1 Attn:JAMES P.MCINTYRE ..,..•ALTA •COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE A Our order No.V19465-5 (3)NORTH 4 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WEST ADISTANCEOF 102.84 FEET (4)NORTH 27 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WEST ADISTANCEOF 33.87 FEET (5)NORTH 4 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WEST ADISTANCEOF 38.47 FEET (6)NORTH 28 DEGREES 44MINUTES 30 SECONDS EASTADISTANCEOF 25,37 'FEET (7)NORTH 85 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 02 SECONDS EASTADISTANCEOF 248.96 FEET TOTHEPOINTOF BEGINNING.(GONDOLA BUILDING AND LAWN) PARCEL 5: TRACT 'Hi"VAIL/LIONSHEAD,"THIRD COLORADO.(GONDOLA DOCK) PARCEL 6: FILING,COUNTY OFEAGLE,.STATEOF ." TRACT D,VAIL/LIONSHEAD FIRST FILING,ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO.(GONDOLA LAWN) PARCEL 7: TRACT G,VAIL/LIONHSEAD,THIRD FILING,ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLAT .... THEREOF,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO.(GONDOLA DRIVEWAY) PARCEL 8: ".... LOT 1,BLOCK 1,VAIL/LIONSHEAD,THIRD 'FILING,ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED .:. PLATTHEREOF,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO,EXCEPTTHOSEPORTIONS CONVEYED INDEEDS RECORDED NOVEMBER 3,1972 IN BOOK 226 ATPAGE 32 AND RECORDED JULY 11,1983 IN BOOK 363 ATPAGE 341.(NORTH DAY PARKING "LOT) PARCEL 9: TRACTSA AND B,MORCUS SUBDIVISION,ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO.(WEST PARKING LOT) PARCEL 12: AN UNPLATTED PARCEL IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 NORTHWEST 1/4,SECTION 7,AND IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 SOUTHWEST 1/4,SECTION 6,TOWNSHIP 5SOUTH;RANGE 80 WES OFTHE6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,TOWN OF VAIL,EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO,BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS: BEGINNINGATA POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OFSAID NORTHWEST 1/4 NORTHWEST 1/4 SECTION 7,WHENCE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION7 BEARS NORTH 0 DEGREES 07 MINUTES43 SECONDS WEST 209.8 FEET DISTANT,SAID POINT OF BEGINNING ALSO LIES ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHTOF WAY LINE OFINTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO.70,THENCE NORTH 59 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST 581.0 PAGE 4 " ,.• ALTA • COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Our order No.V19465-5 25.UTILITY EASEMENT 10 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHLOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ONTHERECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING. 26.PEDESTRIAN,EMERGENCY,MAINTENANCE AND UT ILITY EASEMENTAS SHOWN ONTHE RECORDED CONDOMINI UM HAPOFONE VAIL PLACE. 27.ACCESS EASEMENTAS PR OVIDEDBY RELEASE AND TERMINATION OFEXISTING EASEMEN~ ANDGRANT OF NEW EASEMENT BETWE EN LODGE PROPER TIES ,INC.ANDVAIL ASSOCIATES,I NC.,A COLORADO CORPORATION,IN DOCUMENT RECORDED MAY 3,1979 IN BOOK 2 84ATPAGE9 24 . 28.THOSE PROVISIONS,COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS,EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS , WHICHAREA BURDEN TOTHE CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RE CORDED May 29 ,1980,IN BOOK 303 ATPAGE 407 . 29.EASEMENTS,CONDITIONS,RESTRICTION AND RESERVATIONS AS SHOWN ORRESERVEDOJ THERECORDED CONDOM INIUM HAP. (ITEMS 22 THROUGH 29 AFFECT PARCEL 3) 30.RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OFA VEIN ORLODETOEXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROMSHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES ASRESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENTRE CORDED May 24,1904,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND IN UNITED STATES PATENTRECORDED September 04,1923,IN BOOK 93 ATPAGE 98.• 31 .RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES ORCANALSCONSTRUCTED BYTHEAUTHORITYOFTHE UNITED S TATES AS RESERVED IN UNITEDS TATES P ATENTRECORDED May 24 ,1904,II BOOK 48 ,AT PAGE 503 AND RECORDE D September 04,1923 ,IN BOOK9 3 AT PAGE 9 1 AMD JULY 1 3,1939 IN BOOK 123 ATPAGE 61 7. 32.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,WH ICH DONOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE ,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS ,IF ANY,BASED ON RACE,CO LO R ,RELIGION , ORNATIONALORIGIN,ASCONTAINED IN INSTRUMENTRECORDED May 18,1970,IN BOOK 217 ATPAGE 67 5 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENTRE CORDED July 30,1970, IN BOOK 218 ATPAGE 3 34 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENTRECORDED October 15 , 1 970 ,IN BOOK 2 18AT PAGE8 99. (ITEMS 30 THROUGH 32 AFFECT PARCELS 4,5,6,7,8,AND 9) 33.EASEMENTS ,RES ERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN ORRESERVEDONTHE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD,FIRST FILING. PAGE 19 I' i ,.•AL T A •COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Our order No.V19465-S (ITEM 33 1\FFECTS PARCELS 4AND 6) 34.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,WHICHDONOTCONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS,IF ANY;BASEDONRACE ,COLOR,RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED October i s,1971, IN BOOK 221 ATPAGE 991 ANDAS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED August 12, 1977 ;IN BOOK 258 AT "PAGE 453..-... ....,"".... 35.UTILITY EASEMENT 25 FEET IN WIDTHALONGTHEWESTLOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ONTHERECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD FIRST FILING. 36.EASEMENTS AS CONTAINED IN DEEDRECORDED NOVEMBER 12,1971 IN BOOK 222 AT PAGE 258._'_,_, " (ITEMS 34 THROUGH 36 AFFECT PARCEL 4) 37.TERMS ,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OFCONSENTAND WAIVER RECORDED March 30, 1987 IN BOOK4 60 ATPAGE 38 . 38.TERMS,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONSOFQUIT CLAIM DEED RECORDED October 07, 1988 IN BOOK 4 92 ATPAGE 636. (ITEMS 37 AND3 8 AFFECT LOT4 ,BLOCK 1,VAIL/LIONSHEAD FIRST FILING...PART OF ,PARCEL 4) 39 .UTILITY ANDDRAINAGE EASEMENT AFFECTING SAID TRACTAS SHOWN ONTHERECORDE[ PLAT OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD,THIRD FILING. 40.EASEMENTS,RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ONTHE .., RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD,THIRD FILING. (ITEMS 34,39 AND 40 AFFECT PARCELS 5AND 7) 41.UTILITY EASEMENT THIRTY FEET IN WIDTH }(LONG THENORTHERLYLOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ONTHERECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD ,THIRD FILING . (ITEMS 3 4,39,40 AND 41 AFFECT PARCEL 8) 42.UTILITY EASEMENT ACROSS SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ONTHERECORDED PLAT OF MORCUS SUBDIVISION . PAGE 20 ........ ?opj /h/~~~~s:rOG /q3 .e:/'7t?40 ~ .{',Z"%r-- ucdC-<.S cf/CC7- '... ",... .... :.\.....::..:.:::;:.,'. '.:,'_.'..':...... '.r,«,-:"'.r-..:':'.• ",.'.'.'': . ," ",, .,..:..''.,' ,.... .'.. , •."• FILE COpy 1.A request foracond itional use permit to allow forthe summer use (CampVail)ofthe existing tent locatedattheLionsh ead Sk i School p ractice area,located at 520 Lions head Ma lV TractD.Va il Uonshead t st filing . Applicant : Pla nner: Vai lRecreationD istrict I Vail Associates,Inc. Laure nW aterlon Laur en Waterton gave an overview ofthestaff memo. Brian McCartney.fromVail Associates Mountain Operations.saidhe wanted to make sure t here we reno misunderstandingsr egarding theK id 'S Cam p us age .H e s aid theK id 's Cam p w as c o mmi ttedtob eing overat G olden Peak,bu tt heuseoftheChi ldr en'sCe nte r w ou ld b e inappropriatef or t he K id's Ca mpthissu mmer .Hesai d f romam ountain develop m entpo into f v iew.hewa s encouraging the camp to move,a stherewere safety issues with equipment running arou nd theCh ildren's Center .Healsosaidthe parking lotwould become an issuefor access with parents dropping off k ids ,a s lOV buses wer e running an alterna te r oute.H e said there were a series ofco nditions thatd idn 't lend themselves torunningacamp,buth e wanted to preserve theoptio n to m ove. John Schofield asked ifBrian McCartney a ndDavid Corbin werein co nc urrence with t hestaff recommendations . Br ianMc Cartney sa id.yes. Ge neUse lton hadnoco m ments . Plannin,aM EnvironmcTlUll CommiHion Minult'l\ May IlJ.1997 1 ,.,..•• GregA msden as kedw hen it would be kno wn if thec hildren w ouldb emov ing to G oldenPeak andalso if the t entwou ld remain . Mike Mollica said staff wou ldlike t he t entt oco med own ,if the camp sta ys at Go lden Peak. G regAm sdensa id hewou ldlikethe te nttocom e d own as a con dition of approval. Bria n McCartney s aid if theKid 's Camp elects to remain atGolden Peak,V Awou ld liketo pr eserve theoption to keep th e t ent forthe summer. Greg Amsden sa id asp ecifie d use w as needed forthetent,s o it doesn 't become ast orage facility . Brian McCartney said it could be wri tten that it be usedfor k id 's programs .H e m ent io ned that in termsof theKid 's Camp,there w as nofee fo r usage.byVa il Associates.inLi onshead. Ga len Aasla nd sa id heagr eed withthe1yearapp roval.asstated in t h estaff memo.H ewas co ncerned wi th a te mporary ten t meeti ng snowload requirem ents . AnnB ishop saiditwas nee dedwh enthe w eatherw asn't veryg ood.b ut she e ncouraged skirting t hebu ilding and landscaping. Brian McCartney saidas phalt w as g oing down for th e redo ofthe b ikepathw ithlandscaping t o e xtend fromtheLio ns Square Lodgeto t h et enta ndfrom t he skischo o l outtothest reet a nd agreed th att hewh ole are a neededto bef ixed up .He saiditw ould b eexc lusivelyused forthe kids . G reg Moffet hadn oc omments. Ann Bishop m ade a motion for approva l inacco rdan ce withthest affmemo ,t o includet he 4 co nditions . John Sch ofieldsec ondedthem otion, Th e m otion passed byavote of 6 -0 . Planning lind Environmental Com m i~~ill " Minutes May 19,I lN7 2 •• '{ft I vel>~i-h~[,{~:VevVl\Ak -1C~\~s ll'1 19t- ~M~-~rd'7 \\--\l,~clu.K ~\[l?D ~ ~tr;-h 1A';e-c.olO..w.~tlUk!rnJ~Ce«kr VA ~ -It \1 ~O'S~-It,<:l1\rW VI2D -tv ~L0m~. ~t:1 i~tX ~'F'<Z<\.¥- ~-fr,~Th oFf1iM .Jo fwv -M CC\M~ G ~-ciu"~I'.8>W-dnvIVc...a -~LU'e ...;"~-k....A-C<m<L-cJ.v;.....if ~ ~~~. ~-~.0;11 1\l.ih 1Jt"'~~\-1iM ~~. ~-~;.~~us<fr,tuk. c..~-~il-1>..""""S<..tfLJ.<!7 ~tlM ~ ~-~~ir.«.~'...w.-,wau.i.d lL¥<-11 'S<L- ~"'~8 ~-~t"-~(I<lW. ~-f\{)CCl'l1mLw1::> fhwt -Monim -to ~with ~e.ont.mCn? J OVlv\-~ (;-0 vote ,~ • MEMORANDUM •ORIGI NAL TO : FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planningand Environm entalCommission CommunityDevelopment Departm ent May 19.1997 A re quest for a conditionaluse permit 10 allowfor the summeruse (CampVail)of the existingtent locatedatt he lionshead Ski SChool practice area,locatedat520 LionsheadMall!Tract D,Vail Lionshead1stfiling. Applicant: Pl anner : Va il RecreationDistrict I Vail Assoc iates .Inc . LaurenWaterton I.BACKGROUNDA ND DESCR IPTION OFTHEREQUEST T he Vail Recreation District (VAD)hasrequested a conditionaluse permit toallowtorthe s ummeruseofthee x isting t emporary tent .locatedo n TractO.Va illionshead 1st f iling .T he applicant has indicatedthattheconstruction workoccurringattheGoldenPeak Children's Center during thesummer of 1997hascausedthemto temporarily relocate theCampVailand Pre-Kamp Vail activitiesto the Lionshead CenterBuilding forthis summer. In thefallof1994,VailAssociates received approval to construct atemporary tent at thebaseof the uonsneaoski portalinorder to facilitate ski school instruction.ThePECg rantedthe conditionaluse permit for a period of one skiseason only. Inthe fall of1995,Vail Associates requested a newconditionaluse permit toagain usethe tent for skisch ool acnvnles.inaslightly d ifferent location thanthe previousapproval.Asa partofthe request,Vail Associates askedthat t he conditional usepermitfor the tent beapproved forwinter use,inperpetuity.Although the PEC didnot approvethe request touse the tent every ski seaso n inperpetuity.they didagreethat itcould beerectedforthe nextthree ski seasons, expiring at theend of the 1997/98 ski season (April.1998).The PECapproved this conditional usepermitrequestwith t hecondition that the tent bein place for nolonger than asi x-month period,to coincidewiththe normal ski season,and shall beremoved promptly whenthe mountaincloseseach April. OnMay 20.1996.the PEe approved a conditionaluseper mit toallow for theVRDto usethe temporary tent forCampVailduring the summer Of1996.Thiswasnecessarydueto the construction at Golden Peak. Thetentislocatedapproximately 7'south ofthe Lionshead bike path(see attached siteplan for exactlocation)and isconstructed ofa tan-colored Vi nylmaterialsupportedby pine logs.The lower portionofthe tent sidesis roughsawn logs andthe upper portionisvinyt,whichcan be rolledup sothatthetent functionsasanopen pavilion.The tentisapproximately18'tall at its highest point and Is 40'long by 24'wide.T hereisa woodenfloor constructed inthe interior of thetent.Electric.phone andgas line shavebeen runtothe tent.Asthetent is n otused at night,thereare nolights,insideoroutside. Although many oftheactivities associatedwithCampVailwilltakeplacewithin theLionshead CenterBuilding,theVRO would l iketo utilize t he tent to expand theirchildren's programs to •• include anappropriate location forindoor activities suchas drama,discovery andartblocks.The VRO believes that they will utilize thetentatleast8hou rs outofth e 10 hours that Camp Vailis i n operation each day.The requested dates atuseare June 9th through August 22n d.Mo nday throughFriday.Thehoursof operation ofCampVail are7:30a.m.to5:30 p.rn . II.COMMERC IAL COReII ZONING CONSIDERATIONS lOlling :CcmrTlefCl8l Corell Atea '1.645 acresor71.6562 sq fl Height :'>1"." 10'on al l Yies 18 """ N S, E, W ". 33" 13" Jro 700/.or 50 .159 sq.h Pariung lIS nol requ ed tor lemporary &!lUC ues III.CRITER IA ANP FIN PINGS Uponreview ofSection 18.60.the Community Development Departme nt recommends approva l oft he conditiona l use permit based upo n thefollowing f actors : A.Cons ideration ofFactors: 1.Relationsh ip and impact ofthe use ondev elopment objectives ofthe Town. Th e development o bjective s of th eTow n ofVailca n be f ound in the pu rpose section 01 t he Commercial Co re I I (CC II)ZoneD istr ict,aswellast he Z oning Ti tle of theM unicipal Code .Th e pu rpose sec tion ofthe CC II Z oneDis trict c allsfor a mixture of uses.S ection 18.02.020 (B)10.the Pur p o s e Sect ion l or theZo ning Title.callsforthe pr ovisionofrec reational fa cilities.Staff be lieves tha t t his recreat ional facility will pr ov idean appropriate temp orary location forthe Camp Va il andP re-Kamp Va il children 's programs.We believe thatthe u seoft his tent toaug men t t he fu nctions ofasu mmer dayca re faci lity ,forthes u mmer of 1997,is appropriate andaddstothe mixt ureofuses inthe Lionshead area. Staff has co ncerns,how ever ,regarding t he continued u seo fthete mporary structure .T heorig in ial app roval for thew inter useo f the temporary tent ne ver c ontemplated th e permanent us e ofthe facility,We believe tha t whenthe cond itional usepermit e xpires forthewin ter s eason (April ,1998 ),e ither a permanent building must becon sidered or theuse must bed iscontinued atthis location .Fu rthermo re,stan wou ld not support another requesttoe xtend the c ordronat useperm it pa stt heApr il ,1998ex piration. 2 •• 2.The effect o ft he use o n light andair,d istribution of pop ulation, tran sportationfaci lities ,util ities,schools,pa rksa ndr ecreat ion facilities,a ndo ther publ ic faci lities needs. Staff b elieves that t here w ill not be any n egativei mpacts t othe cr iteria refere nced abo ve . 3.Effec t upon traffic w ith part icular referenceto congestion,automotive and pedestrian safety and conven ience.traffic flow and control , access,maneuverability,andremova l of snow from t he street and parking areas. Staff belie ves thatt herew ill be little impact ontraffic .or related issues.if th e condi tionaluse perm it is approved .Parents d ropping the ir ch ildrenofffor the Ca mpV ail p rogram wi ll pa rkin t he Lions head parki ng st ructureandwal k to t he U onshead C enter bu ilding .A lthough the majority o f ar rivals wi ll be th roughth e tlonsnead mall .somepa rents m ay arrive v ia the b ike pa th.locatedon the south side ofth e build ing.In ei thercase.start bel ievest hat t hepr oposed useofthe t entisnot likely to generate add itio nal veh iculart rips in Lionshead . 4 .Effect upon the c haracterof th e areaIn which the proposed use Is t o be l ocated,Including th e scale and bu lk oft he proposed use in r elation t o surrounding uses. Staff believes t hat the requestedcon ditional u sepe rmitt o use t heexi stingtentfo r t he1997sum merm onths will have litt leeffec to nthe ch aracter of t he area i n wh ich it islocated.Staffd oes n ot belie vetha tt he addi tionaluse o fth etent,in co njunctionwi tho utdoora ctivities.willha ve anegative effe ct onthe n eighborhood . B .Find ings T he Planning a nd Enviro nm ental Commission shall mak e the following f indings b efore g ranting acondi tionalu sepe rm jt: 1.T hatthe proposed loc ation o ftheuse inaccor d withthe purposes ofthe c onditional useperm itsec tionof the zo ningcodeandthe purposes ofthe di strictinwhichthe s iteis located . 2 .Thatthe proposed l ocationof t he useandtheco nditions under wh ichit w ould be operated o r ma intained wouldnotbe detrim entaltothepubl ic hea lth,safety .or w eltare o rma terially injurious topr operti eso r improvemen tsinthevic inity. 3.That the p roposed usewouldcomply witheachoftheapplicable pr ovi sionsoft he c onditional use permit sectio n oft he zo ning code . 3 • IV.STAFFRECOMMENDATION • S taff recommends approval of t he co nditiona l usepe rm it tousetheexist ing t emporary ski sc hool t ent to rCampVai lactivitiesf orthe su mmerof 1997,s ubject tothe following findi ngs : 1.That the proposed locationoftheusein accordwiththe purposes of the c onditional usepe rmit section ofthe zoningcodeand t he pu rposes oft hedi strict in wh ich thesiteisloc ated . 2 .Thattheproposed locationoftheuseand th e conditions under which it would be operated o rma intainedwo uld no t be det rime ntal tot hepu bliche alth,sa fety,o r we lfa re orma terially injurious to properties o r improvements int he vici nity . 3 .Thatthepropos eduse wouldcomplyw itheach ofthe applicable provisions ofthe cond itionalusepermi t section ofth e z oningcod e. The recommendatio n of approval c arri es w ith it thefollo wing conditions: 1.Th at thisapprov al isv alid onlyfo r the s ummer of1997.The temporary ten t mus t bere movedwh enthecon ditional us epe rmit (for th e wi nteruse )expires in April, 199 8 . 2 .Thatski rting must be added to thebottomof thetent(the entireperi meter)to pre vent ch ildrenfro m accessi ng the area underneaththe ten t. 3 .Th at theap plicantsubmi ta bu ildingpe rmit appl icatio n totheCom munity Development Departmen t for th e temporary tent.Th e applicalion must be appro ved andthetent inspectedfor allsafetyissuespr iortoany furtheruseor occ upation. tf .Tha t nosigns be placedonthe property,or onthe lent,untiltheyhave been reviewedandapprovedbythe Town . 4 I .1/ '-./',.~ SEWE R MANHOU / S20 '31 '04"W 29 .54' •.' / / :; /. I I,//I. /I I---....,....•.• !N 85'24'02"E ~wooo-M~\M...~275.75'-_ f ENCE -- ........."""'-----.444.20 ' TRAC T 'D ---~~ VA /L/L10NSH EAD,FIRS T FILIN G 1.6450 ACRES ...__ A SPHAL T PA TH CHA JRlI FT No.B 16.5 '~.cf~..... :'. f ENCE ___ z JG ( ----..............-\---....... a GOlF __ :~R ~87' 1 0 ·~tj~).~~4 .4 '~.-..J (.,.\.I..oo!.. .~l., U fT SHACK • .. , .I', ,.- .II •I' ., . / ,,, ,, t ,., •,'..,, .,. , //,•. .",., ,.•>•, , '.. •,•'., ,, ..._"., . • ",,. ,,,,. ,. -.,., /.I ///,..,.' ;..,....::..."., -, fO'l L;'/-,,··n._"!iIi-l.·,".)f'I'"""(.....,1 ,_1,..........\. '. , " .r ._~.\ ;. ,. ,I , •, .'' T '. '. \ ./,!• • .~ , -- "' ,, \.. , , i, / '--"", f• ._-- , '. " ,, ", " .t ( .~ ..~.',. .....~,.. .'. .'..~ ;'-, --_._..., 2 /4PAGEID,9 71l14792452 V"'-.~UUlI!<o -\,""1l 1l;I ,,"''''ll~.Jt.II I to,..I '#-I .'.1'" A _,ICATJON FOR PLANN ING AND I VIRONM r.i'<TAI, COMMISSIO:-l AP PROVAL'-:::::::~..".\ MAV-02-9 7 12 '42 FROM .TOV ~COM-DEV-DEPT. TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL INFORMATION T his ap plication isforany project requiring approval bythcPlanning and En\oi ronmcnu.1 Commission.For specific information.sec the submittal requirements for tile particular approval thai isrequested.Theapplication can n ot be a ccepted untilall rcqu in:d informati on is submitted.T he project may aJ so need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or theDesign Revicw Board. A .TYPE OF APPUCATION: .0 Addilion>l 0&1'A (2 50)o Bed and _as!X Conditional Usc PermitoMajoror0MinorSubdivision o Rezoning o Si gnVari ance o Varian ce o Zoning Code Amendment o Amendment to an Approved Development Plan o EmpJ oyce Housing Unit (Type:, o Major or 0MinorCCI Exterior Alteration (Vai l Village) o Major or0Minor cell Exterior Alteration (Lionshcod) o Special Developmen t District o Major or0Minor Amcndma'lt toanSOD B .DESCRIPTIONOF THEREQUEST :P,~5t\rs P;:C (t\I ~-?uyo +0 k :a.vt::. Ll-\C\'\\I~:;:"'-1 '?:::YxxJ \·-tent ...{\p lCA Ce:...-{:VOro C. D. f . G. t--ICL>if 1 ,.,..",v0u.g ~~2e;,"t"Z,I \ci '17 .. LOCATIONOF PROPOSAL:LOT ~BLOCK.-L-FILING Vc::u\w~w<:>cl 1=1,.~t 1"""'3 ADDRESS:N o"-A!7.j;9 ne .d BUILDlNG NAME:5'Ll ~,",OO\Te-Ot- ZO NING :CJ.Jrnrne v"c .....W c.o..-e.JL~_ NAME O F OWNER{S):\JoJ \f\<;»O~:::l=nc. MAILlNGADDRESS:PO BQX 2 CI/S 'J~CO PHONE ::-r- ~~Icct...e. ~Q...("'\~e.rI"\ OUJ::=>W\~ P o.guz,)(i <:fS"15Vo.AJ..C O 8 \0 58 __________....:..-PHONE :~,'1-4 @ H.FEE·SEETHE SUBMIDAL REQUJREMao.'TS FORTHEAPPROPR.IATE FEE. SUB ~n T THIS APPLICA TION.ALL SUB MI TTALRE QUIREMENTS A ND T HE FEE TO TIlE DE PARTMENT O F COMMUNITY DEVE LOPMENT.75 S OUTH FRONTA GE ROAD. VAIL,COLO RADO SI 657. For Offic e Use 0 Rlx.: .Fcc Paid;2m Application DaIc: CI:1I :.&5'+--By:Su£;tt\ij:¥CJ7:<.Ct1.".LZ;&Qlo..._ PECMcdinSDate:5 -/,}-'l 7- H AY-02-B?1 2.43 FR OH .TOV-C OH-DE V-DEPT.ID .B ?04?B24 62-.P ACE 3 /4 292 w.Meadow Drive Vail.CO 8 1657 970-479-2Z79 FAX ,970-479-2197 VA.D..OOLFa..UB 1771Vail V.xq Drive 479'-22fO GOLFa.PARX MAJ>/TEl<ANCE 1271 Vii!vaDer DI:M.,.."., JOHN'A.DOBSON ARENA 3111f"laib::ed Orcle .,.."." VAIL YOVTH SER VlCES 395Eo.LionsbeHf Ordo"'"-= VAJLNATURECENTER. Vail V .xq EltM "'"-22\>1 Vall Recrea tion District's Applicationfor Conditional Use Permit RE,Usc o f the Vall Associate's Tent in lionshead 1 .Th e issue here Is safety.The Vall Reaeation District would like to use th e exlsting tent in the Uonshead area (across the b ike path from the lionshead ChUdren's SId School)for Camp Vatl.Camp Vall and Pre -Kamp Vall have been temporarily relocated to the Uo nshead area for the Sunnner of 1996.WIth the move to Uonshead we are looking at down-sizing cur camp facility b y about three-quarter.We have already reduced the number of campers that we normally accept into the program.Yet we would hKe to be able to spread out,especiaIly during our Drama,Discovery,and Art blocks.Another Important factor is that the Pre-Kemp Will need the primary fao1ity quiet tor at least 2 hours in the afternoon,during nap time.These are not the only two concerns.As mentioned at the beginning we are looking fo r a safe shelter for the children to play in .We WIll be surrounded by heavy construdion this summer.It Is my understandtng that the large canst!uctlon v ehides will be drtvlng by the camp entrance wilen needed.Which brtngs up concerns of playing treeIy outside.We need to be able to provide a space for the chtldren to play thetr games-Our option is the tent a .I don'see It asan impact on the d evelopment objectlves of the Town.It is only a tenlJ'O'ary placement,as we will be returning to the Golden Peak 01I1dren's Center for the Summer of 1 997. b.I see no"-on any of the Issues pesented It will eI!eCl the view of the oondominium owners in the vicinity_But,one that can not be worse t han the construction that ,...,11 be surrounding i t c.The impact we will have on traffic does concern me even If we were not to have use of thetent The playing area we will have is the dirt area Just East of chair B.So,whether the tent is present or not,we are dealing with the construdiOn traffic and the use of the bike path (which w e are all curious if It is being rerouted due to the oonstruction).I would liKe to find out if the Town has in It's possession stgns that we can put up that in some form say, "Caution!CIuldren Playing!Slow Down!"Or maybe you oould le t us know wh ere we m ight find some.Thanks! HAY-0 2-97 1 2 .43 FROH .TOV-COH -OEV -OEP T .1 0 .97 04 792 4 52 PA GE 4 /4 -'. Application for Conditional Use Permit Pagel •• 292 W.Meadow Drive Vail.CO 81651 910-419 -2219 FAX :910-419-2191 OOU'AP~ >W><ID<ANCE 1271 V&iI V&1Icy Dd"O •"/90226l VAlL YOUTH SERVJCES m E.L.fond-d c:m:Jo.,.."., d .As mentioned earlier,this tempor.uy structure will effect the aesthetics of the area.I do feel that Vail Associates has done a good job of making the tent fit into to the surrounding environment.I also understand that the owners of property in the area may not approve of it's existence.We're h oping that the fami lies in the area taIce .advantage of Camp Vail's locale and turn it into a benefit for themselves. We l ook a t using the tent for avari ety of activtties for at least 8 hours out of the 10 hours that Camp Vail is in operatiOn each day. The dates of use are between June 10th throUgh Aug»st 23rd, M<mday through Friday.The hours of camp.are7:3O;un.to 5-.3Opm....., ••• TH IS ITEM MAY A FFECT YOUR PROPERTY P U BLIC NOTICE N OTICE ISHER EBY GI VEN t hat the P lanninga nd E n vironmental C ommis sion of t h e T ow n 01 Va il will hol d ap ublic h earing in accordance with Section18.66.060of th eM unicipal Cod e o f t he ' T o ....n ofVailon May 19,19 97 ,a t 2:00 P.M .inthe Town 01 Va il Municipa l B Uilding .III c o nsiderat ion o f: Are questforaw orkses sl on to d iscu ssac ondit io nalu se permit,t o all owto rth e constructiono f t heAl pi ne Garde n Edu cat ionCen ter ,lo cated a t 620 Va il Valley Drive/Tr act A.Vail Vi llage 7th F iling. Applica nt: Plan ner: Vai l A lpine Garde n Fo undation G eorgeR uther A reque st10 establish a Special De velopment D istrict#35,th e A ustria H aus ,located at2 42 East M e adowD ri veIPart ofT ract C ,Vail Village 1st F iling . Ap plicant : P la nne r : S o nnena lpPr ope rt ies,Inc .re p rese nted by G ord on P ierce Ge or ge R uther A re q uesttora work sesslon to d iscuss amending t heT ownalVailZo ning Code to cre atea n ew z onedi str ict (PA ·1). Applicant : P lanner: Sonnenalp Properties,Inc .rep resented by G ordan Pierce George R uther A r eq ue st f or a w orks c s sio n to di scuss a mending theo fficial T ow n 0 1 VailZ oning M ap to rezo ne t he Au str ia Hausp roperty,located a t 24 2 EastM e adow D rive/Par t o f T rac t C,Va il Vill age t st Filing,toPA-lo Applicant : Planner: So nnen alp P ropert ies .Inc .represented b y Gordon Pie rce Geo rgeR uthe r A requestforan in terior re mod el,utilizi ngt he 250 Or d inance,locat eda t 12 0 Will ow B ridge Ro ad.Un it 5-KlLotK .Bl ock5 E.Va llV illag e 1st Fil ing . A pplicant: Planner: St a nley an d C ecelia s cno cser,repre sented by Kyle Webb D irk M ason Ar equest forthe PEe t orevie wa nd make arecomm endation to the Town C ouncilon p ubl lc v iew corridor me t hodology and criteria f or t he Li onshead RedevelopmentM aster Plan Area . A requ est fo r aco nditional use p ermit t o all owfo r a seasonal str uc tur e t ob ee recte dfor t he p urposeof selli ng se asonalpl a ntpr oducts,loc ateda t 21 54S.FrontageRoad/{Conoco), g enerally located at: THAT PORTION OF THE SF.114 OFSE1/4OF SECTION 11 ,TOWNSHIP 5 SOUT H.RANGE 8 1WEST O!=THE6THP.M.,EAGL ECOUNTY,COLORADO.WHICH BEGINSATA POINT ON THESOUTH- EASTER LY RIGHT·OF·WAY LINE OFINTERSTATEHIGHWAYNO.70.WHICH POINTOFBEGINNING LIES S86 ~1 4 '22·W ADISTANCEOF 1200.64FEET AND N4 a ~OO'STE ADISTANCEOF 380.04 FEETOF THESE CORNEROF SAID SECTION 11,THENCEALONGSAID RIGHT-OF-WAY N44-0 "OS-E A DISTANCE OF190.0 FT.,THENCE S45-58 ·55-[ADISTANCE OF 229.50 FEET,T HENCEN8S-36 '13"W ADISTANCE OF297.94 FEET TO THEPOINT OF BEGINNING.TRACT CONTAINING 0.500AG. Appl icant : P lanner : Appli cant: Pla nner: T ownofV a il S usanC onnelly Ja ne Mack TammieW illiamson ••,.• A re quest fora co nditional usa permit to allow for thes ummer use(C amp Vail)o fthe e xisting tt loc ated att he Uonshead SkiSc hoolpr actice area,locateda t 520 Lion s headM all!T ractO. 81 onshead 1stfiling. App icant : Pl ann er: Vail Recreat ion D istrict I VailAss ociate s .Inc. Lauren Waterlon T heap plications a ndinformation about th e p r oposals a reavaila ble for p ublicins pection during re gular offi ce h ours i n thep rojectp lanner'solf ice locatedal th e Town o f VailCommunity Development Depa rtment,75 Soulh FrontageR oad. S ign language interpretat ion av ailable uponreque st with 24 hour notification .P lease call47 9· 2 114 voice or4 79 -2356 T OOf or information . Co mmunity D evelopment Department Published May 2 ,19 97 Int he Vall Tr ail. ------............... -, -"'"((:1... '.-.' ~ ( , I I /--- '.":.t)t1,' ,, .. ), .. , ••'I ,, •••• TOWNOFVAIL1-'-""'-'-'-"'-''-'''"''--1J!.u'u.r.r-oc._ I:",,,~~VC1J O~\ ,ADmu.~5 _ ~I'ROJ"CT ~ AC"C'O W.TNO .• 5"I Bin ClIF.cKS MA DE 'AV ...sU T O TOWl\l OF \"AIl.".~rTVoI .-_·".-····_·····__·~-'····-Nn····--TAX --,.-CO'ITEA.'mTAI. • . " •• • •.25 " '.00 • S37~OO •$36 .• • . ~s s .O O • 4 .00 " ~ 01=00004 1540 ZON INGA AESS APS 014 241 Ul'1 UILDlK GCODE ·0 14 241 •IFORl PLUM D E ~0 4 2415 NI FO .:HA N I AL eODE -01 00004 2415 UN!!i?RMFIRIco[)· ,(.1 004 ..41 ATIO A ElE A c o 01142415 J f E R-C o Dl~ROOK 0 1 41 548 •RIN cM YlA -01(41 XE cop .01~IOO42 412 STUD ~ -01 00 4241 2 FH-:S COMPUTE RP ROG RAJ.. •0)43 71 p .ALTY ..I RE-.~CT IO, 0 10000 4l3J2 PLANRF.V U:W R E·CII ~!,~E 5'10 .t llR. -0 I 0000 4 3 m 'F n OORs INSPECTION FEE'2 10 1 000 41 41 CORS LICENSES FL ':5 :.:01 .4 1413SIN APrl AT IO .• :;100 41413 ADDITIONA I AGEFL:\S I.OO Pl:.R ~0 1 QIJ OO 42440 VTC ART I'ROJL 0 0 A 01 00 4133PR .PAID D1 ,SIGN RI,V I EW BOARD FEE -01 ססoo 4237 1 ESTIGATIONl-'EE(ILOI "-3141 10 PAR K It\G FUND it 01OUOO 2.01 TOV NESI)A :S PENS ·UN D -·Ol oooo2lJll T ABlE (a~4.5 ;t STATE)::I I·OIr/k,o"04iO J i\.ABlE (Q1 4 .0 %TOW N :0 1 4 2371 B UILDING I NV[STIGA nox ~I . .'...-.. o r AL:!.lJ ~.M S2 5200.00 5 200.00 S~ 51 ;500: 51.0 00.10 S2 .10 - 1 '0 2 iiiiIT-' 00 :::=::-1S2S0~ill ...• PEC APP FEES" Jl....JOOAW O A AL A 'W- I ססoo 4133 ONDlTl oNAL USE PERM IT -..EX TER OR A TERAON L ESS 100S .T. "'!:01 0000 4 IH :RIORA ERATIOM ORE AN 1005 .T. -0 1 0 OO4 b30 SPE ciAL DEVELO PME 1 iI ~I 00004 1330 S~ADEV·OPM E tc AUR M1ENDl ;~:1 ~SP t L 1ENS I AM ~ ~~~4 IHO IVARIAN .~.O I ~4 133 0 UINGCO UEAMEN J MENTS •.0 1 ססoo 41 330 -ONI JTH ,Ra. _CO!>lM H'TS:"-'--'-_-"'=.u._ .---.,..--------------------fij •CA SHI I cu ,S?5-r-,M.O LJ esc,BY : , • TC"....H OF '...JA.I L T I-U::n'-IK 0_.'OU ••• 75So uth Fr ontageRoa d va n;Colorado 81657 970-479 -213 8/479-2139 FAX970-4 79 ·2452 May21,1996 •• FILE COpy Department of Community Development Ms.Susan Hodder Vail Recreation District 3 95Ea st Lionshcad Circle Vai l,CO 81657 RE:PEe approval for thesummerusc ofthe LionshcadCh ildren'sCenterTent, locatedat520 Lion shcad Mall/Tract DVail LionshcadFirst Filing. Dear Susan: At their meetingof M ay20,1996.thePlanninga ndEnviron mental Co mmiss ion approved your request fora conditional uscpermitto a llow fo r the1996 s ummeruse oftbe exi sting ten t located atthe Lion sheadChildren 'sSki School practicearea,located at 520 Lion shcad Mall/Tract D Vail Lion shead First Filing. The PEe impo sed the fo llowing condition s ofapprovalonthe conditional usc permit: I .Skirtingmust beadded tothebottom of the t ent toprevent c hildrenfrom accessingthe are aunderne ath thetent. 2.Priortotheuse ofthe tent,anew stairway,with railing,mustbeconstructed to provide safe access in andoutof the southern doorwa y. 3.Nosigns maybe placed onthe property,or the tent,until theyhave been reviewed and approved by the Town . 4.The appli cant must childpro of thefence whi ch will belocated around the children's play area.During thesite visit.thePlanning Commiss ion noticed that theexisting blue fenc e on thewest side oftheplay areadidnotgoallthewayto the ground ,allowing children tocrawlunderthe fence. •• I The applicant mus t regrade andrcvcgctatc thearea immediatel ycast of thetent and properly install the erosion control fence. 6 .Pri or to its usc,theapplicant andlor owner shall indemn ifythe Townagainstissues rel atedto t heusc of th etemporary tent,subjectto the T own Atto rney's review a nd a pproval. W ith regardto co ndition no .6,I h ave met with T om Moorhead.Vail T own Attorney.T om h as dc tcnnined tha t condition no.6isnot necessary provided that th e Town re issues th ete mporary permit (w hich has c urrently e xpired)fo r the tent,Plea semak e a pplicationforan ew te mporary permit prior tooc cupyingth e tent. If yo u should have a ny questions or comme ntsregardingtheinformationcontainedinthis letter, pleasedo Dot hesitateto callmeat 4 79-2142. Sincerel y, A~ J imC urnutte Senior Planner cc:Joe Macy,VailAssociates,Inc . File •• TO: MEMORANPUM Planning and Envir onmental Comm ission J 1...4.COPy FROM:CommunityDevelopm ent Department DATE :May20,1996 SU BJ ECT:A request fora con dition al use permit to allow for the sum meruse (CampVail)of theexisting tent located atthe Lionshead Ski SC hool practice area,located at520 Lionshead Mal V TractD.Vailuonshead 1stfiling. Applicant: Planner : Vall Recreation Distr ict I Vail Associates ,Inc . Jim Curnutte I.DESCRIPTION OFTHEPROPOSEP USE TheVall Recreation District (VRD)has request ed aconditionaluse p erm ittoallow forthe summe r use of th e existing tempor ary ten t,loca ted onTract 0 ,Vail uonsneac tst fili ng .The appl icant has indicated tha t th e cons truc tion wor k occu rringatthe Golde n Peak Children 's Center during thesummerof1996 has cau sed them to temporarily reloca te the Camp Vailand Pre-Kamp Vail activities toth e Lionshead Center Building for this summer only. In the fall of 1994.Vail Assoc iates rec eived appr oval to con struct a temporary tentat thebaseof th e uon sn eao ski portal inorderto facilitat e ski school ins truc tio n.The PEegranted th e conditio nal use permit for aperiod of one ski seaso n only .In the fall of 1995,Vail Associat es requesteda newconditio nal usepermit to agai nuse theten t for ski school acti vities,Inaslig htl y diff erent locat ion than the pre vio us approval.As apartof the reque st,Vail Associa tesasked that the condit ional usepermit tor the tent be appro ved for wint er use,In perpet uity.Al though th e PECdid not appr ov e the requ esttouse the tent every ski season in perpetuity ,th ey didagree thatitcouldbeerectedforthe next threeski seasons.expiringat the endof the1997/98 ski season (April,1998).ThePEeapproved this conditiona l use permit req uest with the condition th at th etentbe in placeforno longer than asix-month period .to co incid e with th e normal ski season,and shallbe removed promptly when the mou ntaincloses each April. Aspreviously approved.thetent islocated approximately 7'south ofthe Lionshead bike path (see attached site plan for exact loca tion )and iscon struc ted ofa tan-colored vinyl material suppo rted by pine logs .The lower por ti onofthetentsidesis rough sawn log s and th e upper port ion is vin yt ,which can berolled upso that the tent function s asan open pavili on.The tent is approximately18'tallatitsh ighest pointandis40'longby24'wide.There isawooden floor constructed in the inter iorof th e tent.Electric ,phone and gas lines have been runtothe tent. As the ten t is no t used at nigh t,there are no lights,insideor outside. Although man y ottheactivities associated with Camp Vail will takep lace within the Lionshead Center Building ,th e VRD will be utilizing the open fiel d tothe sou th for ou tdo orplay acti vities. The District wouldliketo utilize the tent.located adjacenttotheplay area.to expand their childr en's prog rams to incl ude an app ropria te loc ation fo r indoo r activitie s such as drama , discoveryandart blocks.TheVRDbelieves thattheywillutilize thetentatleast 8hoursout of •• the10 hoursthat Camp Vailis inoperation each day(seeattachedschedule).The requested datesof useareJune10ththrough August23rd,Mondayt hroughFriday.Thehoursof operation ofCampVailare7:30a.m.to5:30 p.m. Sincetheexisting tent isnat authorizedtobeusedduringthesummermonths.and isactually requiredto be removedfromtheproperty,theVail Recreation District mustapply fora new c onditional usepe rm it ino rder to utiliz e it duringthe s ummerof1996.Per Article32oft he Uniform FireCode.tentsare notallowedto be usedaspermanentstructures,and theiruses hall notexceed aperiod01 180 days.within a 12·monthperiod.onasinglepremise.Althoughthe existing tenthasbeen inplace for greater than180days,and if approvedthis request will extend its usethroughout thesummer,DanStanek (BuildingLiaison Officer)hasgrantedanextension tothis time p eriod to allow forthecont inued useofthetent during the s ummerof1996. II.COMMERCIAL CORE II ZONING CONSIDERATIONS ZOOlOg Conmeraal Core II Area:1 645 1ICr9B (It 71 ,6562 sq.11. p roOO§od 45'''' 10'on aI SIdes 181001 N S E· W ,•. 33" '3" 360" S~e Cover age :700/.or 50 ,159 sq h .NIA lorseasonal structure PlW1<.ing ;ParlYng is not roquired torlemporasy SlrudUUI8 III.CRITERIAANDFINPINGS Upo nr eviewo f Section 18.60.theCommunity Deve lopmentDepartment r ecommends approval ofthe c onditionalus e pe rmitb asedupo n thefollowingfactors : A .Cons ideration of Fa ctors : 1.Relationship and I mpact of t he use on development objectives of the Town. The developmentobjectivesoftheTown ofVall canbe foundin thepurpose section ofthe Commercial CoreII (CCII)Zone Districl,aswellas theZo ning Tille ofthe Municipal Code.ThepurposesectionoftheCCIIZoneDistrict c alls for a mi xture ofuses.Section 18.02.020 (B)10,thePurposeSectionfortheZoning T itle ,calls fo r the provision ofrecreat ional facilit ies.Staff believes t hat thi s rec reat ional facility w illprovidea nappr opriatelocat io n fort he Ca mpVall andPre- Ka mp Vailc hildren'sprograms.We be lieve thatt he useof t hist ent toa ugment thefuncti onso fasummer d aycarefacility,forthe summer o f 1996,is appropriate andaddstothemixture ofusesinthe Uonshead area . 2 •• 2.The effect of theuseon light andair ,d istribu tion of popu lation, transportation facilities,utilities,schools,parks and recreation f acilities,and other public facilitiesneeds. Staftbelievesthatthere will not be any negative impacts tothecriteria reference d above . 3.Effect upon tr affic w ith part icular referencet o congestion,automotive and pedestrian safetyandconven ience,trafficfl owand control. acces s,maneuverability.andremova l of snow f romthestreet and park ing areas. Staffbelievesthat there willbelittle Impact on traffIC,or related Issues,ifthe conditional usepermitis approved .Parents dropping their children oN forthe Camp Vail program will park intheLio nshead parking s tructureand walk tothe Lionshead Ce nter building .Although the majority ofar rivals will b et hrough the Li o nsheadm all,some pa rentsma yarrive viathebike path,locatedo n th e south side ofthe building .In either c ase .staffb elievest hatth e proposed useo f t he tent is not likely to generate additional vehicular tripsinL1onshead . TheVRDwill place an orange snowfence (asshownonthe attached site plan) a long thenorth .west and south sidesoftheou tdoo r play area,which is located between the Chair 8 lower t erminalandthetent .When outdoors.t he children (twentyat most)will have constant supervision ataratioofat least 1ad ultf or e ach 10chi ldren.D uetoco ncerns relatedto t heco nstructionactivity inth ea rea this summer,including theuseofthe bike path byc onst ruction vehicles,lim ited open ings inthefencewill restrict acces s toandfromthe play area.During outdo or playtime ,thechi ldren will be e scortedtotheplayareaby adults.The VRO has requested thatthe Town provide afew ·ChildrenPl aying:signs to alert construction workers at thech ildren's presence. 4 .Effect upon the c h aracter of t he area I n wh ich the proposed use Is to belocated,i nclUdingthescale andbulk 01 theproposedusein relation to surrounding uses. Staff be lieves thatthe requested c onditionaluse permit tous e thee x isting tent for the summer months willhave little effect onthe character ofthea reai n which it is located .Iftheuseofthel ent werenot allowed forthe summer of1996,and physically removed from the site,aspertheexisting conditional use permit req uirement ,t heVRDw ouldstill utilize theareaso uth ofth ebik ep ath f orou tdoor c hildren's activities .Staff does not believeth att he ad ditionalu se o ft he tent.in conjunct ion w ith these outdoo r act ivities ,wouldhavea negative effect onthe neighborhood . 3 B.Findings •• ThePlanning andEnvironmental Commission shallmakethe followingfindings before g ranting a conditionaluse permit: 1.Thattheproposedlocationof theuse inaccord with thepurposesofthe conditional use permit sectionof the zoning codeand thepurposesof the district In whichthesiteis located . 2.Thattheproposed locationoftheuse and theconditionsunder which it wouldbe operated ormaintained would not be detrimentaltothe public health,safety,or welfareor materiallyinjurious to propertiesor improvementsinthe v icinity. 3.Thallheproposedusewould complywitheachofthe applicable provisions oftheconditional usepermit sectionof thezoning code. IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffrecommends approval of theconditionaluse permit10 use the exlsl lng skischool tentfor CampVailactivitiesfor the summer of1996 .Staff believ es thattheproposalisconsistentwith thecriter ia as d iscussedabove,aswellasthe findings .Speci fically,sta ff be lievesthatthe proposeduseofthefacilityis consistent with thepurpos e section of theCom mercial Cor eIIZ one District Staffbelieves Ihat therewill be noimpactstopublic neattn,safety,andwelfare and m at theprovis ions of the Zoning Codeare met.Staff recomm ends approval ofther equest with the followingcondit ions : 1.Skirt ingmu st be addedtothe b onomofthe tent to p revent ch ildrenfrom acc essing theareaund erneath the tent. 2 .Priorto theuse at the te nt,a newsta irway ,withrailing ,must be constructed to provide safeaccess in andout ofthesouthern doorway. 3 .Nos ignsmay b e p lacedontheproperty ,orthe tent,untiltheyhavebeen r eviewedand approvedb ythe Tow n. 4 292W.Meadow Dri ve Vail,CO 8 1657 970 -479-227 9 FAX :970 -479 -2197 • Tov.n o f Vail Conditional Use Pennit RE:UsingVA'sTe nt for Camp Vail "Scope an d Sequence- • VAIL OOLF cuin 1778 Vall Valley Drh~ 419-2260 COl..F &PARK MAThTENANCE 1218 Vail Valky Drtve 419-2262 V AIL TIJ\'NIS C'E:.'"TER 100 S.Frontage Road 419-2294 JOHNA.DOBSONARENA 321 U oru;hea dClrcle 419·221 1 VAn.YOUTH SERVICES 39S E.Uonsbead Cude 419-:292 V AIL NAtuRE ~IE.R Vall Valky D l'h~ 479-2291 MARKET INO 292 W.Mea dow DI1vt; 419-2446 If the p ermit isissued theVailRecreati on District's Camp Vail i s plann ingo nusing VailAssocia tes'tent in Lionshead forthe following activities. 7:30-9:00AM A place forthe5-12 year o lds10 m eel If they don't wa nt toplay inside t he buil ding or o utsid eonthe available grass. Tob e u s ed for playing games,talking or ju stha nging out. Supervised at alltimes . 9:45 -1 2:30PM (Mon.&Fri.)'A possi ble loca tionfor Drama presentation s o r Discovery talks.These woul d last anywhere fro m 20 -45 mi nutes,threetimesa day (until 12:30). 12:30 -3:30 PM(Mon .&FIi.)'Not in use. 4:00 -5:30 PM As in the moming thisar ea can be usedasan add itionalspaceto theskischool orout side . 'On Tuesdays a ndThursdays the 9:45-12:30 &12:30 -3:3 0slo ts would bereversed.Sothetent wouldn otbe in use onTu esdays and Thursdays inth e mornings. We feelw en eed t ooffer an ad dition al spaceforthechildrent o gatherduetothe amount of constructiongoing oninthearea.I ho pe thatthistime scheduleis w hat youneed .Pleasegive me acall at 479-2292 if y ou have an y q uestions . SusanC.Hodder Director ofCamp Vail • -r; •• . •, revi ...d 10/5/92 •• Date o fApplic ati on Date o f PEe Me e tin .J szo 'l ie ",\",Ii..r,LJI. APP L ICAT IONFORCONDITIONAL USE PE~T, I .This p rocedu re is requi red fo r anyp ro ject r e qu i red to obt ain a conditional use permit . The applic ation will notb e a cc epted until al l i n formati on i s submitted . VJ?!J, PHONE 1L .,+,'"(?W '''''~be V.I\. ) NAME OFAPP LICANT 'S REPRES ENTATIVE ADDRESS """,""",c.v NAME OF OWN ER(S)(print or type) OWNER(S)SIGNATURE (S)_ ADDRESS,--;:==_ _____________________PHONE,_ LOCAT IO NOFPROPOSL :EGAL :LOT X FILING ADDRESS U'C":.~~-<t:.0'T'\.On L t C' FEE 5200 .0 0 PAID ~J .Cn CK ;""f-"i 5 £r~BY_....:.....:...;;,...:....,,--_ B. A. E. C. D. THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEF ORE THEDEPARTMENT OF COMM UN ITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL . F .Stamped ,addresse d e n velopes o f the na mes of o wners o f all p roperty a dja ce nt t o the s ~bject property INCLUDING PROP£RTY BEH IND AND ACROSSS TRE ETS ,and a li st o f names and mailing addr es se s .THEAPPLICANT WILLBERESPO NSIBLEF OR CORRECT OWN ERS AN DCORRECT ADDRE SSES . II.PRE -APPLICATI ON CONFERENCE: A pre -appli cat ion conf ere nce with a planning staff member is stro ngly s uggested t o det ermin e if a ny addi tiona li nformatio n i s needed.No app li cation will be accepted u nl ess it complete (mus t in clude all itemsr e qu ired by t he zoning adm i nistrator ).It is the appl icant 's responsibility to make an appointment with the s taf f to find out about additi on al submit t al re quirement s. III .P LEASE NOTE THA T A COMPLETE APP LICATION WIL LS TREAML INETHE APPR OVALP ROCESSFOR YOUR PR OJECT BY DECREASINGTHENUMB ER OF COND ITIONS OFAPPR OVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONME NTAL COMMISSION(PEC)MAY S TIPULATE .ALL CONDITIO NS OF APP ROVAL MU ST BECOMPLIE DWIT HBEFOREA BUILDI NG P ERMIT IS I SS UED . /Fou r (4)cop ie s o f the fo l lowing i nf ormat ion must be V submitted: 1.A descripti on of t he pre ci se n a tur e of th e pr oposed use and its operat in g chara ct er istics and mea sures p roposed t o make the u se compa tibl e with ot her proper ties i n t he vicinity . The des cripti onmust also a dd re ss : a.Re lationship a ndi mpa ct of the use o n d eve lopmen: objectives of t he Town . 1 -.b .•Ef fe ct of the use on lig~nd air ,dist r ibution o f population ,t ra n s porta~o n facilities , utilities ,schools ,park s and r ecreation facilities ,and other p ublic fac il ities and publi c f a cilities n eeds . c .E f fe ct upon t ra ffic ,wit h p a r tic ul a r re fe re n ce to c o ng esti on ,au t omo t ive an dp ed es tr ian s af e t ya nd convenience ,traffic fl ow an d cont ro l ,a ccess , maneuverabili ty ,and r emova l of s now fr om the streets and parking a rea. At itle report to verify ownership and e as ements . Pre l i mi nar y b uildi ng e l eva tions and f lo or plans . F or interior modifications ,a n impr ovement su rvey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrat or. •• Any addition al ma teria l ne cessa ry for the r eview of the appl icat ion a s determined by t he zoning administrator. If t he bui lding i s c ondominiumized ,a l etter fr om the co n dominium a ssociati o n i n s upport of the p ropo sal must b e submitt ed to s taff . d.Effect upon the cha ract er of t he are a in whicht he proposed use i s t o be l oca ted,i nclud ing the scale and b ul k of the p r opos ed use i n re lati on to surrounding uses. A site plan at a scale of at l east 1"=20 'sh owi ng p roposed development of the site ,inclu ding t opograph y, building l ocation s ,park ing ,t r affic ci rcul a tion , use able open spa ce ,landsc aped areas and ut il it ies a nd drainage f eatu re s . IV.TIME REQUIRE MEN TS A .The Plann ing a nd En vironmenta l Co mm i ssi on meets on t he2 nd and 4th Mondays of e achmonth .A complete app lication fo rm and all accompa nying material (a s described above)mu st be s u bmi tteda minimum of f our (4)week s prior to the date of t hePE e p ublic h earing.No inc o mple te a pplicat ions (as determin ed by the z oning administra tor)will be accepted by t he plan ni ng s ta ff before o r after the designated submit ta l date . B .All PE e appr ove d co ndit io n al use permits shall lap se if c onstructi on is n otcomme nced wi thi n one ye ar o f thed ate of appro val a nd dil i gently pu rs u ed t o completion ,o r i f t he use fo r which the appr oval is granted is n ot commenced wi th i n one year. V.A.If this a pplicati on r equires a separate review by any l ocal , S t ate or Federal agen cy other than the Town o f Vail ,the app lica ti on fee s ha ll be increased by 520 0 .0 0.Examples o f s uchr eview ,may i n cl ude ,but are not limitedt o:Colo rado Department o f Highw ay Access Permits,ArmyCo r ps of Engin e ers4 04 ,etc . B.The applicants ha ll b e r e sp onsi ble fo r paying an y p Ub lishing fees which are i n ex c ess o f 50%o f the app lication fee .If, a t t he applicant's reque st,a ny matt e r is postponed for hearing,causing the matter to b e re-published ,then ,t he e ntire fee f or such r e -publicat ion s hall be pa id by the applicant . 2 • ...c.APPlicatilns deemed b y t he c o mm unit~D eve lopme nt Department to have sign ificant d es ign ,l and use o r othe r i ssueswhi ch may have a sig ni fic ant imp act on the commun i ty mayr equ ire review by consultant so t her tha t town st aff .Shoulda determinati on be mad e by the town stafft hat an o ut side consultant i s needed t or e vi ew a ny a pp lication ,Commun ity Development may hire an o uts ide cons u ltant ,i t sh all estimate the amo unt of mon ey n ece s sary to p ay h im o r her and this amount shall be f orwar dedt ot heTown by t he applicant at the time he files hi s applicati on with th eCo mm unity Developme nt Department.Upon c ompletion of the review of the application by the c onsu l tant ,any of t he fu nds forwarded by t he app l icant f or payment of the c ons ultant which have not b e en pa id to the c onsultant s hall be returned to t he appli cant.Expenses incurred b y the Town in ex cess o f the amount f o rwarded by the app li cants ha ll be paid t o the Town by the appli cant with in 3 0 days o f notificati on b y t heTown . 3 .,.•• ..-_.., TOWN OFYAIL1__~=~__I ..m n""._.__ "VeD~"""'I E.·- ·ADORES< ·I ROJ£CT-·."C'CO~,....o .--C'Hl .CKJI !lotA.DE J'''YAJU TO TOW!'OF '">\JL TTL'll("_•.-_.•-1"0.,-.-T AX""COSTU -'TOTAL • ~ S40 P R R. IS .rr. Ari:J;0S.FT. ~w ,n ~O R ~ L I··1 41)~O Z ••AN D A D ~A 0 I OOOO 4 .:!41;)-UNT RM BU I L DI ~D E _01 4 41 ,N ~I ....J 00 42415 .m UNICAL 0E I 4 24 15 00 ,404 ),A=C S A ~(M L A ) ..I 4 24 12 .;.I 4:!.412 -I 42 ...12 I S :-'1 T g; •OJ 0000 ..t:~3 71 I ""PBfA rYl=ITs I ..S 1 0000 ..U3L I A.'\.m.C IIECK ..010000 .:.2332 ~fFItOLRS~C TIO. 0100 4 l..lL I I •5 I "'1 -U3 I A ITJCATlON"ll~01 ':')413 •ASIG A~=:~4 2~O AR J C IOGSA . I 0041331 PA~I 5 1 ..rn e,0 1 ססoo4 2311 I 1'\'.A jrTE.E.(BUl lOl:-'~ s $:5.0 • 554 .00 •· $39.0 • ~fOO : 37.00 • • 7.00 • .2 •·• •) ))• )-.I )I , I ~ I • I I ·,· I -- '.~ · S==S .·S5 .) 51 ,I ·· 51 .- )SO .0 - I · 5 250.· ~· A . ·CASH I '. .AJ. Va il Re C r ea ti o n~ D ISTR ICT ~ •• 292 W.M cado w Driv e Vail ,CO8 1657 97(}479 -2279 FAX ,970-479 -2197 V ....I LGOLF a..UD I77S Vail Valky Drive 479·2260 GOLF&.PARK M AI NTEN ANce: 1278 ven Valky 1>l1ve 479-2262 VAIl .ll:NN IS CENTEII: ?OO S .Frnn l~ge RNld 41'1·2294 JO liN A.l lfl lt.'iO N'"ltENA H I t.iOllw.ad CIrc le: 479-227 1 VAll.r orrru SF.RVIf:FA'i J9.'i to:l .ioMhr~ri Clrc:k 419 ·2292 VAil .S A TIlN.F.O':I\,.EM. Viii VI IIq I>nve 419-2291 MARK ETINCj :N2 W.M...a<tn ....I>nw. 479-2·U6 Vail Recreation District's Application (or Conditional Use Permit RE:U sc of the Vail Associate 's Tent in Lionshead 1.T he iss uehe re i ssafe ty.Th e Vail Recreation District would li ke to usc t he exis ting tent in the lionshead area (across t he bike path from the Lionshead Children's Ski School)for Camp Vail.Camp Vail and Pre-Kemp Vail have been temporarily relocated to the Lionshead area for the Summer of 1996.With the move to Lionshead we are looking at down-sizi ng OUT camp fadlity by about three-quarter.We have alread y reduced the number of campers that we nonnally accept into t he program.Yet we would like to be able to sprea d out,especially d uring our Drama,Discovery,and Art b locks .Anoth er important factor isthat the Pre-Ke mp will need thc primary facility quiet for atl east2 h ours in the afternoo n,duri ng n ap ti me.These are not t he only t wo concerns.As m enti onedat t he beginning we arc look ing for asafe shelter for the children to play in.We will be surroun dedb y heavy construction this summer.It is my understanding that the large construction vehicles win be driving b y the camp entrance when nccded .Which brings up concerns ofp laying freely outside,We need to be able to provide a space for the children to play their games.Our option is the tent a.I don't seeitasan Impact on the development objectives of the Town.It is only a t emporary pl acem ent,aswe will be re turning to t he Go lden PeakChildren's C enter fort heSum mer o f1997. b.Isee no effects on any of the issues presented.It will effect the view of the condominium owners in the vidnity.But,one that can not be worse than the construction that will be sunuunding it. c .The i mpactwe 'Hill have on traffic does concern me even if wc were not to have use of the tent.The playing area we will have is the dirt area just East of chair R So ,whether the tent is present or not,weare dealing with the construction traffic and the use of the bike path (which we arc all cutious if it is b eing rerouted due to the construction).I wouldli ke to fi nd o ut if t he Town has in it's possessi on signs th at we can put u p that in some fonn say, "Caution!Ch ildren Playing!Slow Down!"O r maybe yo u could let us know w here we m ight find some.Thanks! 29 2W .Meado w D rive Va i l,CO8 16 57 970-479·2279 FAX,970·479·2197 VAll.(IOIF CUJII Ins '0'.11 Valley nnw: 479 ·2260 GOI.F.(:PARK MAINTENANCF. 1278 Vall Valky nnw: 479·2162 VAIL TENNIS CENTER 700S.ftulll~Rc.d 41'}·2294 JOMS A.DOBSONARE"'A 321 U ou,J.ead Cuclc 479 -2211 VAlLYOUTH SERVICES 395 E.ljQlI~b:.d Cudc 4 79 ·2292 VAIL SA TURE CENTER Va il Valley Dnve 479·2291 MARKETING 292 W.M«u...w Dnve 419·2446 •• Application for Conditional Use Permit Page2 d .As mentioned ea rlier,this temporary structure Will effect the a esthetics of the area.1 do fe cI that VailAss ociates has done a good job o f making the t ent fit into to the su rroundingen vironment.I als o understand that the owners o f property in the area may not approve ofit's exis tence.We're hoping that the families in the a rea take advantage o f Ca mp Vail's locale and tum itint o a benefit for themselves. \Ve look at using t he te ntfora v ariety ofactivit ies foratleast 8 hours o utof t he10 hours that Camp Vail is in operation each day. The dateso fusea re between June10th through Au gust 23rd, Monda y through Friday.The hours of camp are 7~a m .to 5~pm. -45 .18 " i 2i "o -~5 .7,.-L --!J•N • • ,,.,...-::.~.. I'',"'.-I.I-.-_...... • • • •••• ~. laiI Recre ation . DIS TRI CT ~lcadow Drive·Vail,CoJondo .1657 -479-2279 .FAX 303-479-2191 --OIS·TR4t crI.VU '\) Meadow Dti~·Vail Colondo '1651 -479-2279·FAX 303-479-2191 n·,u,,'I ·.rw.~__..._ •• vcJ.AsSoG'CLiM 00;\;(..ilwp ibv'J 'vcvJ.to 3/650 Ll 0'lS[~CuJre ~nJo A-csS '1 \Lt ~E .(Yle.a du J DflJt Sv dL :s q7 J ~Co ~1 ~'S 1 •• ,.,Orin -Vlil.c:oIomdo 1 1657 :279 -FAX 3m..479·2197 LI on)5q U6fe.kf~Corio /n;«. ~~o iJ L\Dfl s{~ad (}ttlJ ~cuQ Co 2(G)7 .dow Drf\re-vll1"l:OlCrtOO .1l;U ' )-2279 -FAX 30)..$79-2197 -.''.:.i>.,•.:","• ;:.-.......~':,:"';:'.:.'';: ...':~:.<;.:~.:;':'t ,'"'.'..::.. 1 n?dto ~Hs sex.-. \L-1 ~Eo (V1 w..da-J Dr 5JrL 3f7 Q.o 31{£fJ ';"""'.'...~"","".: . "..."..."\.'":<":.:.:,-'.'. ...~, .:< •• THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOURPROPERTY PUBLIC NOT ICE NOT ICE ISHEREBY GIVENthat t hePlannin g andEnvironmental CommissionoftheTow n of Vail will hold apublichearing in accordance with Sect ion 18.66.060 of theMunicipal Codeofthe Town of Vail onMay20,1996,at2 :00 P.M.in theTown ofVail Municipal Bu ild ing .In con siderati onof: A req uest for a Conditiona l Use Permi t in the cell Zone District to allo w fora min iature golf cours e t o b e located at 600Lionshead MalllL ot 4,Block 1,V ailLionshead tst Filing . Applicant: Planner: Charli e Alexan der Jim Curn utt e A req ues tfor an inte rio rresid entialadditionutilizing the250 Ordinanc e,located at 100East Meadow DriveNiliageInnPlaza PhaseIII,Unit 111 1Lot 0 ,Block5 0,VailVillage 1st Filing . Appl icant : Pla nn er: Tom Thornburg Lauren Waterto n A requestto mod ify a cond itio n of appro val foracondit ional use permit for volle yball co urts to be lo catedby the soccer field ,loc ated at620VailValley DrivelTract A,Block 2,Va il Village 7thfiling . Appl icant : Planner : VailRecreation Dist rict George Ruther Arequest for a Cond ition al UsePerm it to usea tent atthe Llonsh ead Ski Scho ol fo r Camp Vail, ~c a t e d at520Lionshead Malll Tract D,V ail Lionshead t stf iling ~"plic ant:Vail Recrea tion District Plan ner:Jim Curn utte A requ est for aS ign Code Amendment toallo w fo ran amen dment andreorga nizatio n ofTitle 16. Signs,Chapter s 16.20(SignCategorie s)and16.22(Sig n Categories for t heCC3and ABOZone Districts). App licanl: Plann er: Town of Vail Dom in Ic Mauriell o 11111111111 Sign language inlerpretationavailableupon request with 24 hour notification .Please ca ll 4 79·2114 voic e or479-2358 TOO for inform ation. Commu nity Develop ment Depart ment Pub lished May 3.1998 in the VaaTrail. DEC 2 1 '95 06 :42PM VA PLAN OC SI GN CONS• fail Associates ,Inc. •P.::: ....,,,........... December 21,1995 Mr.Randy Stouder Town of Vall Office of Community Development PlanningDepartment 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 ...........,...,, +. RE :Lionsbead Children's Ski Center Tent Tent Fabric and Exterio r Finish" Dear Randy; Thework that was required to rectify the concerns of the Town of Vail Planning Commission,re lative to the appearance ofth e Lionshead Children 'sSki CenterTent,has heen completed.The tent now hss the fabric co ver that was approved by the commission, and the logslab facade is in place. ::_,u~.~i ,c/u 'V ai l Associates requests that any necessary inspectio ns to verify these actions take place ,"'UUfOH''''wt d th final ·fi f s:th r ili b ldd__.....,...."........N ••..an at acern cate 0 occupancy lor e lact ty e provtc , Thank y ou.once again,forworking withu s.Theactionsof theTownofVailallowed us to coordinatetheresolution of this issue whileprovidingour guests with the service,of thefacility,Your deferencetoour guestswasappreciated. UlIIltt"........ kr c.,.lIIlOlo "'III "-I·II ."ll W.1........ SicccrclY~0 ~~------- avid E.Thorpe,Project Manager PlanningDesign &Construction dt.lhtent PO 3ol(J i Va il,eo!erado.81658·phone 970."76 5601 ce:Chris R)lIW1 J ack HIUUl SusieTjo sscm r •Project Application c/.;/~J 101/-4;."" Projec t Descrip t io n :fi..I-'trl f:.Pc.Ju).f(J 7.£;v.:/- Co n tact Pe rs on andPhone 'kve ~t<G !V11l{V Q ov J I ((<>--0 CO m ,1 Owner,Address and Ph o ne:t/ad ASft1 r (d ()F fL ~1./7 5 -?I 'f J A rchi tect.Add ress a ndPh one: l egal Description:Lot &4 rr [) Co mments :_ Design Review Board Sec ond ed by : .3 t J . t/)h vhc (,r:d (J "-Cf., ---7 r.:ffh e:./To wn P la nner Date :/;~.'7 ) Dale _ D ISAP PROVAL • Vail Associat.es,Inn Dec ember 2 1.1995 Mr.Rand y Stouder TO\\TI of Va il Office of Community D evelopm ent PlanningDepa rtment 75 So uth Fron tageRoad Vail,CO 81657 RE:Lionshcad C h ildre n 's Sk i Center Ten t T ent Fa bric andExterior F inishes Dear Rand y: The work that was required to rectifytheconcerns o f theT own o f VailPlanning Commission,relative to thea ppearance o ftheL ionshcad Ch ildr en's Ski Center Tent,ha s bee n com pleted.Thetentnow has th e fab ric cove r tha t wasa pproved by th e commissio n , a ndthe logslab facade is inplace. o".".....~~<I,,~~,.'~"u:V a i l Ass ocia tes reque sts t hata ny nece ssary inspectionsto verify thes eac tion s take place v."e ••..."c·•••It..",d 1 fi al if f 'he f 'I'b id d.""..",....k."l.'.·o"".,an t t ata III cern reate 0 occupancy lor l e lac!tty e provie . Thank you,once again,for workingwithu s.The act ions of the TO \\TI of Vail a llowed us to coordi nate there solution o fthis issuew hi le providin g ou r g uestsw ith the s erv ices of th efac ility .Your deferen ce to our gu es ts w asa pp reciated . hlOl<,'"'"''''",".'0'""·"',..".".""""..,.,... S in c er el ~~ DavidE.Thorpe.ProjectManager Planni ng Design &Construction d t.lhtent PO 80_7 .Vail ,Colorado .81658 .phone 970.4765601 cc :C hr is Ry man JackHun n Su s ie Tjo ssem fAY1 1 t •C ,q ,\q1' Dale 01 A'pp li caU on 'ii<~lp.f CJ 5 Date of Pee Meeting I /--,.I" APPLICATIONFERIORALTERATIONS 'oj' ORMODIFICATIONCOMMERCIALCOREII SfP 17 .IONEAD '(1/C 1995 Planningand EnvironmentalCommissionreview Is requiredfor !healtera 1M,V.OEtrr existing building which adds orremoves any enclosed floor areaor outdoo r patio or the r I. replacement0 1 a n existing b uild ing locatedin the cell D istrict.F OLLOWING PEG APPROVAL,THEPROJECTMUST BE REVIEWED BYTHEDESIGN REV IEW BOARD (ORB). I. Theapplicationwillno t be acceptedu ntila ll I nformationandfees are submi tted, A. B. NAMEOFA PPLICANT VA.I\...A'SSO~~T:S;"'H ., ADDRESS _po 1LO'lC.:i...VA\~t.o _~_ _________PHONE -'?ol '--_ NAME OFAPPLICANT'SREPRESENTATIVE.b~VI.D 111o:",ge~'f,==,-- ADDRESS ~A.l"\y;.'f"~a.laT f"1l>+lJ"lg ________PHONE3 i'l -"!:.143 NAMEOF BUILDING OWN~E R ~(P~&S'!Q:.-I~I~c.. SIGNATURE(S)~? ADDRESS ~\2. ________PHONE 3"H-~\4~ C. .(Condomini umAssociation appro val will a lso be requi red ,if appl icable.) D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGALDESCRIPTION:~T I>""-_ VA.\LIl\oolSl\:eb{?£\~"i>'T ElLII,L!" ADDRESS:""EM Cob::>L\btL~&.O MALI E.FEE /$200.00 (LESSTHAN 100 SQ.FT.) 17 $500.00 (MORE THAN 100 SQ.FT.) PAID ¢CK #BY ~IP -rno~",~,--_ TH E FEEMUSTBE PA ID BEFORE THE COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTWILLACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. II.PRE·APPLICATION CONFERENCE: Apre-appl ication conf erence wiLh aplann ingstaff membe r is stron gly sugge stedto determ ineifany addilional informatio n is needed.Noapplicati on will be accep ted unless it iscomp lete(must include all item s requiredby the zoning administ rator ).It is the applicant's respons ibili ty tomakean appoinlment with tho stallto fi ndoutabout additio nal subm itlal requirements. III.PLEASE NOT THATA COMPLETE A PPLICATIONWI LL STREAMLINETHE APPROVALPROCESS FORYOURPROJECT BYDECREASING T HENUMBEROF CONDITIONSOFAPPROVALTHATTHE PEC MAY STIPULATE.ALLCONDITIONS OF APPROVALMUST BE COMPLIEDWITH BEFOREABUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED.THE FOLLOWINGMUSTBE SU BMITIED: A.Im~r ovement survey of pro perty showing property lines and locatio nofbuilding d anyimprovements onthe land. ••.l,:,n:.l~:E ;~;,NAME OF PROJE CT :_~~c.l\~~ra.\<>CEclTl%F>!W'ILIO!-L ~T -VAol L.6.p f'~T'"llfo4l...LEGALDE S CRI PTION :LOT__B LOCK __SUBDIVISION U Cl o.1!>HUooO STREET ADDRESS :1-,1'>;>/>.~T TO COco I.lo.15'1EAO f?\!:\LL T~r b ~~TO~c.1\""~L\FT B >\01.","O~n\~F(:oTl!4,Ol,E. The fo ll owing inf ormati on is required for submittal to the oesign Revi ew Board before a fi nal appro val c an be qiven: A .BUILDING MA TE RIALS: Roof S iding TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR P.>\EbE. Other Wall Mat e rial s Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim t-l/A.. Doo rs Door Tr im Hand o rDe ck Rails F l ue s Fla s hi n gs Chi rrm ey s Tra sh En clo sures Greenhous e s Retaining Walls Exte r io rLighting Ot he r NcN~E.,-_ B .LANDSCAPI NG:Nam e of Designer: Ph one: 7 ••PLANT MATERIALS :Botanical NameCommonNameQua nti ty Size- PROPOSEDTREES AND SHRUB S ·rnd ica te ca li pe rf or deciduous tr e es .M1D1mum caliner f or deci du ou st rees is 2 inches .Indi cate height f or coniferous tr e es .Minimum he i gh tf or coniferous trees is 6 feet . **Indicate size of p roposed s hrubs.Mi nimum siz e of sh rubs is 5 ga lloD . GROUND COV ERS SOD SEE D TYPE OF IRRIGATION :IYIle ~E.nJg..l m b\A..11V E. Square Footage TYPE OR METH OD OF EROSIONCONTR OL blC>.T\'Ie ("ew~O c..eN I!'.l? l""'lLT \::et!UO "D9~\H.L.Ce.l.~c.1Jc:.t=l'> C .LAND SCAPE LIGHTING :If e xte rio r ligh t ing i s propo sed .please show the number of fixture s and locat ions o n a s ep arate lighting plan.Ident ify each fix ture f rom t he light ing plan in t hes pace b e low and pro vide t he he igh t above g r ade .typ eo f l ight proposed.lumen output .lumi n ous a rea and a cut sheet of t he lig ht fixture.(sect ion 18 .54 .050 J ) D .OTHER LANDS CAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming p o ol s,etc.)Please specify.Indicate heiqht s of retaining wa lls.Maximum height o fwa l ls within the front setbacki s 3 '.Maximum he ight of walls e lsewhere o n the prope r ty is 6 '. 8 '"a. I I ~"7Q3<:1.':'1-.... I~~"'-""'l~~~~'IO ~l""1 I I I I "'"9 --.-.......~.....-.... ill III "D W .... ~ .~ .< .J> .--....- '.-.:.'.. . ..' .- _..-.....:...:.__....- .. ..... TRUSS KPBC FRAME 300 WIDI1I.,"30Ft ..................:....:.....Li!Nqm .4ri ·'Fl······:···_..-.LEGS "...B Ft .a. (c]199~A &:L Products me.(all rights rcseMd) Phone (BOO)9SS·TENT (8368) ~FAX209·S3ll-6216 -. OCT 24 '95 08'4 21'<'1 VA PU<rl'!r:SIGN CONS•• ., - ,. ·, ·. , :"., ·,, ,·, I,. ..!,,, ., ,. ~• It o- P .4 .'( ,., .''1 .• ,~_Q f-:I u ·C ."'Q t _0 tilt .. ."'"'. •• PlANNING AN D ENV IRONMENTAL COMM ISSIO N Novembe r 27,1 995 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT: BobAr m our Greg A msden Greg Moffet Henry Pratt Jeff Bowen Dalton Wi lliams KevinDei ghan (1 hour late) pu blic Hearing MEMBERS ABSENT:S TAFF PRESENT: T om Moor head . M ikeMollica . Jim Curnu ne Lauren Water lon RandyStouder George Ruther Judy Rodriguez.. 2 :00 p.m . Them eetingw asc alledto o rderbyBob Armour at 2 :05 KevinDeighanwas not prese nt. MikeMolllca askedfor a Commi ssion discus sion and voteon a nissue with theVA temp orary tent InU onshead. Randy S toudersla ted thattheV A tempo rarytent i smade of vi nyl,ratherthancanvas(approved material)and hefelt that the PEe shouldreviewthechange in fabric.Hesaid there would ar so be roughlog sid ing on the lower porti on of the tent Heasked the co rnm tsston to disc uss the materialc hange .. Jack Hunnsaid the cur renttent wa snot portable,however,thefabric isofthe same quality . Dalton Willia ms had a problemw ith th e ro ugh woodsiding and w ith them aterial change.He staledthatt he woo d siding wo uld mak eth etentlo ok l ikeanold bea t-up s hed .Lastyear's material was b ette r.Daltonsaidto put b ack what was approved,the size const ructtcn e t~. J~ck Hunn said thenewlocation was approved . Dallon W illiams sai dlastyea r's tent ha droll-upsidesandthec urrent tent w ith w ood siding predudes that.VA i smodify ing an app roval.He i snot infavor ofapp roving thi s change. Jack Hunn said the rough sidingwas added togive thetent a w e s t ~rn look-and characte r. Randy St oude r also added tha t staff recommendedthat therou gh siding be added. Greg Moffet asked if thesamematerial from Jast year was still available. Jack Hunn said tha t i t w as,but i t w ouldhavetocomefrom ad ifferent manufacturer and thi s would take m oreti me.Jack request ed go ing through oneyear l ooking likeit does .They made a mistakeby pUtt ing theshiny side out instead ofthedull side .Three fabric samples were sh own tothe PEe .Jackstated that sample #1 was last yearsfabric,sample #2 is this year s,with the exception thattheshiny sidemistakenly wasputon th eouts ide andcan't be turned inside out at th is point... 1 •• Dalton Williams said sam ple #3 is acceptable. Greg M offermo ved that the tent fabric bechangedtosample #3 with the roughsiding thisyear, be fore C hrist mas. Greg"Amsden secondedthem otion . Thevot ew as5-1.withDalton Williams opposed,because t hewood siding is noti n the same ' taste a s t h er est ofLi onshead. 1.A r equ est for a setback variance to allow for a residence under construction to encroach i n to the f ront setback loc atedat 28 50 Ki nnickinnickllot6 ,Innsbruck Meadows Subd ivision .. Applicant: '~Planner: Am.Bros.Development Inc.,represented by Bob Borne Ge orge Ruther Gr eg Am sden abstain edfromt his ite m . .~. Geo rgeR uther gave a noverview o f the r equest and state dt hatinsta ff's opinion.C riterIaA2a nd B1had n otbeen me tandstaff is reco mm ending denial.' BobBo rne,the applicant,expre ssed embarrassment and g avea nap ology forthiserror.He stated that hehasb een do ingt his type ofw ork f o r 3 5 y ears an d t his isthefir st t ime asur veyo r ha s don e so mething likethis.B ob Borneme ntioned tha t he has e stablisheda new proced urein hisco mpany because of this error.H ee xplained that his c ompany w ould r eq uest aprelim inary ILCe verytime a f o u ndation w as located nea r as e tbac kline.He t eels w ith this n ew p rocedure,a m istake l ike thi s can beavoided inthe fut ure.This i saresulto f a nerror i n thesurvey ing techn ique.Thehar dship of takin g d ow nthebUilding ise xtreme andthe punishment doesnott it the crime . BobA rmou r as kedift he spac ingb etwee n t he bu ildingswo uldb ecom promised. BobB ornesaid t helot linesareim aginaryit wo uld no t compro misean ythi ng . Geor ge R uth er asked if t hebu ilding was pushed back wou ld itn ot encroac h Intothe required bu ilding s eparati on. BobBo rne sa id no. Henry Pratt re commendedden ial b ecausehet hought t here may be a grant ofspecialpriv ilege . Dalton Wi lliams reco mmended den ial b ecause ofspe cial pr ivileg e.He stated tha t BobBorn e is intheb u siness a nd sho uld no tm akemistakes like th is. Jeff Bo~n h adno thing toadd. Gr eg Moffet r ec ommended gran ting a v ariance wit h c orid itionsa slisted inth eme mo. Bob Ar m our not edt hat a l ettertha tB ob B orne sent wa s now i n t hepa cketBob Armou r saida prel im inary ILC a dds a notherste p i n the alread ylong process.H e s ees n o harm i n th is bUiiding being 3.5'inthe s etbackandhe is i n favor ofit . I.. P\Mnin'iJ and Envi'onmental Commi$$ion Min"," N~mbvr 27.1935 2 • Je ffm ad ea m otion for den ia l. Dalton \V jlJja ms se conde d th em otion. • Dalton asked if hemiss ed something similarthath ad b eenp reviouslyapp roved du ring meetings in th ep ast.Dalton s aid h is concerns weretha t Inh is 6y ears on t heBoard :theymadesomeone takea roof off for as imila r s ituatio n: Bob Armo ur rem inded the Commiss ioners that ther e i sa motio n o n thefloo r an d discussion sho uld have been taken up i nthew orksesston.. Geo rge Ruther m entioned t he Musyl res idence andt heM ichael Lau terbach res idenceon Sandstone were s imilar situation s w here surve yin g errors caused bUildings toben on-. confo rming,h owever,th ePE C ha d granted a v ariance. Dalton Williams saiderr ors and omission insurance sho uld cover t hisloss •. Bob Borne said w ithr egard t o the Musyl r esidence,the surveyor made a 2.5'errorinheight. Th e Board grantedthisvar iance.Hestated m at the home(U nit 6 .Innsbruck Meado ws)iss old and the owners wa n t to move in.It cann ot be moved. Bob Armo ur rem inded Bob Born e tha t th ere i s an a ppeals procedure afterthe PEe vote. Dalton W illiams as ked the staff ifthereisany such thingas a penalty to thesurvey or because of this erro r. Geo rge Ruther sa id he isnot awar e of anyw ay fo r the Town to p enalizethesurve yor. Th e vote w as 3 in favo r ofde nial and 2 opposedfor den ia l. MikeM ollica state d thatBobB orne h ad 10 days to app eal to T own Counc il r egard ingthe PEC vo te of d enial.. 2.A r equ estfo r anamendment toChapter 18 .24.0 50,Pe rm ittedan d Co ndit io nal Uses AboveS eco ndF loor,toc larifythe Zoning C ode regard ing the rem ova l of dwellingunits and accommodation u nits for allfloors above theseco nd floo r.requ iring a Cond itional Use P erm it . Applicant: P lann er: Tow nofVail Geo rge Ru1l1 er Ge orge Ruther gave a n ove rview of the r equest a nd state dth at h ewasbr ingi ngit tot he PEC as a houseke eping ite m.If weare p roposingtokee p t he usethe same,1l1ere wouldben o change in the permitteduse..T h is change i n the pe rmitted use is i nt he staff memow ith thelanguage . StaHfe els th is change shou ldbe made to create c onsistency In thecode . Bob Armour a sked TomMoo rhead ifh e wa s going tosay anything onthis subj ect. Jim Lam ont.r epresentingth e EVHA,wo uldliketo see the l anguagestrength ened andi s i n favor ofthe change,because it p ro motes the mi xed use inthene ighborhood . Greg Moffet asked ifwewe rer ecommendingth is togo to Council. P laMir'og and Environmental Commission Mirw.n es N oYembef'V .1995 3 •• George R uther s aid yes.thatany cha nge to anO rd inanceg oes t oth eC ounc il. G reg Amsde n isaga inst it b ecause itisan add itio n toap rocessthat isno tn eeded. Jeff Bowensai d it ti ghtens up t he Ordinan ce.He proposedt hatin additiontothestaff 's language som eoftheusesinthe memo shouid bedeleted suchas delicate ssensand spec iality food stores,V arietys tores.LIquo r stores,Rad ioa nd TV stor es andrepair shops andkenn els. Dalton Williams said it reduc esd ensityin the wrongplaceandsoheisin 'f avorof it.Daltonsaid to detetedog kennels,butwantstostickwith thet ext that star trecommended . H enryPratt falls be tweenthetw oG regs.Hec an goei ther way. Bob Armour is in favo r of it. Jeff Bo"wen m ade a mot ion to appro veth isre qu est forr ecommendatio n toCou ncil wi th t he addi tio\!allanguage that dogkenneland Household Appliance storesberemoved. Greg Moffet seconded themotion . Da lton W ill!ams sai dhehatestotin ker wi th thewo rdingo nth es pur o f the mom ent,alt hough h e isn oti nfa voro fd og kennelsbe ingi ncluded. Jeff B owen r em in dedtheCommissio ners t hat th i sis goi ng to C ouncil. Th e vote was 4 infavor andGreg Amsden andDa lton Willi ams oppos ed. 3.A request fo r aCo ndi tion al Use Per m itt o allow fo ra "qu asi-public club"to b e located on the 3rdand 4t h floorsoft heSerranosBuild i ngl ocatedat298HansonR anch RoadlLot C , Block2 ,VailVillage 1stFiling. Ap plicant: ..Planner: Gre tta Park s,r epresented byG len Heelan. JimCurnutte . Bob Armourre minded everyo ne that at th ela st meeting this item was ta bled..;, Tom Moorhead gavehi s det ermination ofa C onditionalUse Perm itandclar ified it witha m emo. Hed o es b elieve theapp lication meets the Co nditional U se cr iter i aand apr ivate clu bisn ot a n issu e.It i s h is u nders tanding fro m the Co nditi onal Use st andpoint,nothing stand sin the way of i ssuing it.There w asa NewPurpose clause ado pted i n1980 andnowhere u nderthe CCIr egs i s there identified an y requirement th atea ch bu ild ing ha ve aresidenti al c omponent.The reis no reference to d welling uni ts.so bas ically he could n ot fi nda nyr egulation that wo uld pr eclude granting th is request.Thebu ildingt hatisbei ng rep laced ha dno res idential compo nent. JeffBowensaid theapplicant has changed fromaprivate clubtoaquasi-privateclub.His question isdo es that u se fitw ithint heZon Ing Code. Henry Pratt asked ife xcluding clubs was Intentional. Tom Mo orheadsaidthat under thepresent application,it i savailabletothepublic for afee. Jeff B owen asked if t hat w ould be Tom'so pinion i fitwo uld beapr ivate c lub. ~and EnvirCll'1mffi1ll1 Comrnluio:'\ Minl1les NtlIIamber 27 ,1995 4 '.•• To m Moorhead said h edidn 't know .What isbeing proposedi s n otapr ivate cl ub . Gle n Heelan said hedoesn't have alot toadd.Weha ve iden t ified the issues.'The3rdand4th floo r ~s si milar toan eating a nd dr inking establis hm ent. J jrn lamont.r epresenting theEVH A.as kedTom if this is quasi-public,dot hesedefinitionsstem from the open space zoningissues.How dow e defi nepri vate.If on e needs amemb ershipto jo in a private c lub In other zone districts a ndalso hasa membership ina q uasi-public c lub;wh at i s the difference ben...eenthem.. TomM oorhead sa id theus e is i ssu e being addressed.In 1 980 th eNew eel Purposestat emen t did not r eferenceany oldlanguage .Old l anguagewe ight was los t with t he New Purpose s tat ement. Jim lam ont s aida po l icyissue i sthe argument.That thisus e will n ot c hange th ec haracterof .th e n eighborhood i safallacious argument.Clearly a ny n ew building mu stc onformtothemixed use gcals.Ou r d iscuss ion h ereshou ld b e if we canhav e accommodat ion units in the bU ild ing ands tiR h aveaclu b.He takes arg ument wit h staff and state d that wehave tobeverycare ful if we are c hangingour ph ilosophica l goa ls.Ifweare goi ngto f ollow the staffsrecommendation, th e n a precedent w ill b esetthat will eve ntuallydoaway wit hthe m ixed u se In th en eighborhood . We don't w anttob ecome asales tax cow tofinancethego vernment. KevinD eighanarr ived at3 :05p.m. Tom M oo r head s aidaccommodation u nits a re encouraged.W h at statthasr ecommended c learly refer enc esthepol icy that is now i n effect. Greg Moffet isin fa vorofitbut w ith mino r chang es .He would like a cond itio n tob eaddedth at appli cant apply forapub lic liquor license , Greg Amsden agrees w ith G reg Moffet's comments .W hatif thesuc cess oftheprivateclubwas s o good that the y wan t 10 gototal ly private.Some r ecourse needs tobedone by the Town,He didn 't think m any p eop leactuallyre side inthe eel Zon e District.He doesn't b elieve it's a resl d errtlal sector . He nry Prattsa id this use is b enefic i al to the Town.We must evaluate these requests onac ase by casa basis.Weshould cons ider a r estriction against livemu s ic:wherea partymightbr ing in ampliHed o r liv e mus ic. Jim Curnutte statedthatthe noise ord i nance would dea l w ith any l ivemus ic, H en ry Prattsaid thenois e ordinance i sr eactive.H e woul d lik e topro h ib ititaltogethe r andtake an active stance w ith this co ndition, Gl en He elan s aidi t m ay b e appropriate tohave liv em usic.s uchasap i ano b ar aslongas it co mp lies wi th the n oiseordina nce. Tom M'oo rhead sai d itc omes d own to t hed esig n ofthe amplified soundsy stem,W emayw ant to consider some typ eof co ndition to app rovethede signof t he a m plified syste m, J im C urnuttesa id existin gn oise ordinances and promises by t he applicant madehimbel ieve that this WOlJld be c omplied wit h, Pl"'''I ning and Envircn'T,e:t.a/CoITvnissio :'l Min:..1e1o November 27,'9 ~5 5 ••.".. Glen H e e lan said t heyareair-conditioningthe wholebuildingtocontrol no ise.He statedthat he -"', is sen sitive to t he noi seIssu e. Dalton ""illiamssees no problem withtheproposeduse.That is w hat th e villageis about.This is a case where thebuilding h as neverhad accommodation unitsand soisnot settinga precedent.. JeffBow en said AU's areImpo rtantb ut not necessarilyin thevillage.Thi s Isan excellent use of the bui lding.Hestill has a problem withtheexcluslvlty., Jim Lam ontsaid thiswas amixedusebuildingin the1970·s.Inre sponsetoGreg's point ;In the 70's i t was employee housingand t hat is why thehorizontalzoning was passed.The c ommerc ialv al ue is exc eedin gthe reside ntial v alue.Weare no t here to protect t he loca ls.butto protect ther esidential use.Residentialmeans being made up ofresidential and accommodation units.W eare making a decision i nad efacto basis to turn itint oall c ommerci al.Jim tends to , agree with Tom regarding having a sound design system. Bob Arm ourison therenee.It is n ot an existi ng lodge,nor will it be.HeIs againstaprivate club."Aq uasi -privateissomewh at bener. Jim Curn une clarified the horizontal z oneandthatthisproperty,inrelation to a quasi-club,meets the crite r ia for a Conditional Use . BobAr m o ur saidhewants to changethetwoyear start date tooneyear. GregMo ffet agreedthathedoesn't want i t twoye ars from today.. TomMoo rheadsaid t he approval should beconcurrent with thed ate. KevinD e ighan said he w ill not v oteonthis i ssue.but is happywit h thec hangeto q uasi-private. JelfBow en madea motion toapprove with the additional conditionsthat t heapplicant must carry apublic liquor license and that the approvalrun concurrently withtheapprovalofthe origInal project, Greg Mo ffet seconded themotion . Bob AnmourstatedthatinApril1997.thisConditiona l Usewoul de xpire should therebea lapse inconstru ction. Dalton Wi lliamswanteditclear thatifit becomesaprivate cl ub,it w ill n o lo nger be able to operate . Tom Moo rheadsaid theapplicant's change of use i s notbeing hindered bytheStateLegisl ative Liquor Law. Glen Hee lansaid we areapplyingfor a hotel and lodgingliquorlicense. Dalton Wi lliamsreminded the app licantthat th eConditi onalUseapproval wo uld goawayifit becomes private, I / P lanning and Environmernal Commission Minules N OY8mber27.1995 NOTE :T HIS PE~~IT MU ST BEP OSTED ON JO BSITEATALL TI MES PERH II Petmit ;:395 -0400 Department of Co mmun ity De velapmeru P hone:97 0845 0466 S tat us ...:ISSUED Ap pl ied ..:11 /08 /1995 I s sued ...:1 1 /08 /1 995 Exp ires ..:0 5 /0 6/1996 P h one:9 70845 0 4 6 6 CO 80 210 CO 8 02 1 0 LIO NS HEAD SKISCHOOL CU.'li1 BOILD INGSIEA Job Add re ss : Loca t io n...: Parcel No ..: ME NDE L-ALLI S ON CONSTRUCTION 11 65 S P ENNS YL VAN IAST ,DENV ER MENDEL-ALLISON CONSTRUCTI ON 1 1 65 S PENNS YLVAN IA S T,DENVER VAILCORPORA TIONT HE P O BO X 7 ,VAILCO8 1658 75S outh Fr ontage Road Vail.Co lo r ado 8 1657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 9 70-479-2452 OWNER APPLI CAN T CONTRACTOR f • Desc r iption: T EMP T ENT Va lu at i o n:1 7, Occupa ncy Table Dat e : Type 0 6/20 /1 995 Fa ct or Sq .Feet Total Valu at i o n : va luation .00 tI~liood /Plll et : ...t-.-rr.•••**•••••••IU.liH !'Ulh "h lt u.ItIt nit f EE SUI'IPUIl Y AiIU iU'.U.U.i '••••••hU.hh ..U hU U .* BuH d ;nq-->225 .00 llto st.....r .."t Pl an Ile...i ev-).00 To ta l C.le...l .t ~~~s ->52".25 Plan Che e k->146 .25 DII S Fe ~------>so .00 Ad d itional fee s --->.00elwestl;lt i cn>.00lle c:r elltion Fee ».00 Tou l Per.it h ·e-->524 .25 i l l Cal l ---->3.00 c lean-Up D ~Slt -------->100 .00 P~~ts >524 .25 TO UL ~EES ----->524 .25 9),....NCE OUE----->.00..........".~.y."••~.y."••~.y."••~.y."••~••••".~••l.".~••••h.~.~••~.;.~••h.;.~••~.~.....rs ~•••••••••••••••••••••l••••••••••l.l •••••••••••~•••••••••••••••j l•••••••• I tem :0 51 0 0 BUILDING DEPARTMEN T 11/08 /1 995 CH UCK Act io n:APPR I t e m :054 00 PLANNING DEPAR TMEN T 11/08 /1995 RAN DY Act io n:APPR I t em :0 5600 FIRE DEPARTMEN T 11 /08 /1995 CHUCK Act ion :APPR I tem :0 5 500 P U8 L IC WOR KS 11 /08 /199 5 CHUCK Ac ti on:APPR I tem :05 700 ENV IRONM ENTAL HEA LTH 1 1 /08 /199 5 CHU CK Ac t ion :APP R Item :0 5900 LIQUOR 1 1 /0 8 /1995 CHUC K Act ion:APPR Item :0 58 00 NWC COG COUNCILOF GOVERNM ENTS 11 /08 /1 995 CH UCK Ac tion:APPR Dept:BUILDING Di vi s io n: Dept :PLANNI NGDi vi sion : De pt :F IRE Div ision : Dep t:PUBWORK Di visi on : De pt :HEALTH Div i sion: Dept:CLERK Div is i o n: Dep t:BUILDI NG Div isio n: Se e Page 2 of th is Document for a ny co n di tion s t ha tmay a ppl yt o t hi s pe rmi t. OEC LA RAT ICNS 5:00 ~" 1 ~e r ~y 4 c K now l ~e tha t 1 have read th is appl i ca tlon .f il led out i n fu l l t he in fo r~t ion r~uirtd ,co.pl eted an a ccurate p l ot p la n,a nd state that a ll th e i nf onat ;on prcvtced ill S requ irtd is cor rect .I ~ree t o cO llpl y u;tl'l th e-'infor lllCllt ion and p lo t p lan, to conpl y w ;t ~al l Town or d i n.nccs An d s t ate l~ws .and t o ~i l d th is structure according t o the Town 's zonin g ~s~bd iv ision codes ,design r ev i ew a ppr ovtd ,Uni for.BUl ldl ng Cod e and other ord inancesof the Town apoli ca~le thereto. ","EST''OR !'SPECTlOH',"'L'BE "DE TW "':"~'Hiiu~'IN AD"""BY TELEP_'.~Offi CE F'ROH~~.,""....rr:oo-;;~ ........£d,/':~~~~~=-==e nd Clean-Up ~ePQ $;t To:.~"-,C,.~_.~~.S NATUR E OF ClINEIl.OR CO NTRACT OR FOR HU1SELF AND Ol/NER .,'...'>.!~:,.- • e..TO!J!'f OF V4IL *:•••••• • ••••R •••••••I••"•••,•••,••••**••** 75SouthFrontageRoad Depart ment of Community Development Vail.Co lorado 81657 COND ITIONS m~12l!1V4~'1:JI>40 0 as of 11/08/9 5 Stat us :I S SUED ***F~9 nt-~t~~****************************·*·********************************** Permit Type:NEW COMM BUILDINGPERMIT Applicant:MENDEL -ALLISON CONSTRUCTION 9708 450466 Job Address: Location:LIONSHEAD SKI SCH OOL Parcel No : Description: TEMP T ENT Condit ions : Applied:11/08/1995 Issu ed:1 1/08 /19 95 To Ex pi re:05/06/1996 six-mo nth I t will be mou nt ain that it will not be sod cover ings must i s removed i n the e e 1.F IREDEPTAPPROVAL REQUIREDPRIORTOA C.O.BE INGI SSUED 2.F IELD INSPEC TION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COM PLIANCE 3.The site plan for the :ent is incor rect.Tent pad i s b eing construc:ed in a s li ghtly different location,north and east of the location shown on the permit drawi ngs.As even (7) foot separation mu st be maintained b etween the tent and the edge o f th e bike pat h . 4.Tent founda tion shall be co nstructed so v i sible in the summe r months .Dirt a nd be u sed to co ver foot ers after the t en t spring. 5 .The tent s ha ll be erect ed for not longer than a p eriod,to c oincidewit h the n ormal ski seaso n. r emoved ,p romptly and en tirely ,a ss oon as the clo s es. 6 .A rustic wood fence must be added around t he tent e ntryway as shown on the site plan .Additional ac cessory items may b e requ ired b y the To wn Department o f Community Development. 7 .All disturbed a r eas to b e covered wit h a ne ro sion control matting f or the wint er ,and to be re -seeded or sodded in the Spring .Any spo il from foundat ion ecvat ion to be placed ala on north s ide o f te nt site,and sc ulpted to mimic natural g rade.The spoil must also be cov ered with an erosion mat and re -vegetated in t he sp r ing . o RI.'CYCLEOPAP£R ••***••*********************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,CO LORADO S tate rnn t ************************++.*************************************e tatemntNumbe r:REC-0097 Amount:504.25 11/08 /95 1 3:02 Pa ymentMethod:CK3 23No tat io n:Init:MMC Permi t No : Lo c atio n: This Payment B95 -0400 Type:COMB UILD NEW LIONSHEAD SKISCHOOL Total Fe es : 504.25 Total ALL Prot.: Balance: COMM BUILDING PE 524.25 52 4.25 .00 ***************************.************************************ Acco u nt Code Desc r iptio n Am ount 01 0000 4 131 0 BU ILDI NG PERMIT FEES 2 2 5.00 01 0000 4 1331 DES IGNREVIEWFEES 30.00 01 0000 41 332 PLAN CHEC KFEE S 14 6 .25 01 0000 ·2 2002 CLEANU P DEPOSITS 100.00 0 1 0000 4 1336 WILLCALLIN SP EC TION FEE 3 .00 • • r 75South Fr onta ge Road van;Color ado 8165 7 9 70-479-2 13 1V4 79-2139 FAX 970-4 79 -2452 November 27,1995 •• Department ofCommuni ty Development DavidThorpe ci a V ail Ass ociates PlanningDesign &Constru cti on Box 7 Vail,Colorado 81658 Dear Dave : Attheirm eeting onNovember 27,1995,the Planning andEnvironm ental Commiss ion(PEC) con sidered you r request for a material change for the VAChildr en's Pavilio n Tentin Uonshead .The PEG deniedyour request to retai n the existing fabr ic.They requirethatyou re-cove r thetent with a different textured material.Thefabric sam pleyou submittedtome,labeled #3 was appro vedwith the stipu lations that the sh iny side ofthe fabr ic mu st be turned inward ,and rough log siding be appl ied as sid ing tothe lower poti on of the tent.Logsid ing aro undthedoorwayscanbe appli edornotapplied at you rdiscr etion.Thetent must be re-co vered assoon as possib le.JackHunn waspresen t at th ePEC meetingandherepresen ted tothePECthat the tentwou ld re-covered beforeChr istmas . I talke d w ith JackHunn follow ing themeeting and wediscussed the possibil ity of sending the tent to ORB for review prior tonext years re-construction.T hiswould be agood idea.Pleasecontact me whenthe re -coverinq Is comp lete.Also,Ithink that part of the problem withthe aesthetics of the tent were re lated to the quality of th econstruction.The tent fabric was not tightly stretched in many places. Is thereawayto imp ro ve on theconstru ction quality next time?Pleasecall mewhenthere- con struc tion is complete. Ifyou have any questions rega rding thi s matter,please call meat479-21 50. S i nce rely, ;&~~'>0 ~ Randy S t ouder T ownP lanner f :\everyone \randy \l e lterslVAfenl.pec •,• Vilil ASSlIfiilt CS,In n N ovember15,1995 Mr.RandyStouder To w n o f Vai l O ffice o f CommunityD evelopment P lanni ng Depart ment 75So uth F rontageRo ad Va il,CO 8 1657 R E :Li onsheadCh il dre n's Ski C en terTent T ent Fa bric andExte riorF inishes • +. D ear Randy: Wearcawa re of,an dse nsitivet o,t heconcernsyou h ave expressedtousabo utthe ap pearance of thc Children 's Ski Ce nter Te nt.Aswe di scussedon November 21 ,1995 Va il A s sociates is committed to completi ng the tent ina manner thatisacc e ptable to th e T own of Vail,V ail Associa tes,Inc .and ,m ost imp ortantly,t oo ur g uests .T othat e nd , wefullyin tendtowo rkdiligently t owarda mutua lly agreeab le res olut io no f th e iss ue . Our u nder stand in g isthatth etown pl anner sw ish to bring t hisbe fore the pl anning D ...""".ndoP.,.,o"o/c o m m iss ion on Mo n day,November 27.19 9 5 for their recommendat ion.w~ag ree tha t ,.(8....""'00./Itlon suc h an a ction is appropriate in t hi s in s tan ce ,We ask,ho wever,thatyouco nsider ."d A"o_••dM~~"u,""provi ding an a p prova l t o th e town Building Insp ecto r to r a T emporaryCe rtificate of O cc up ancy condit ioned on there so lu tion o fthi s issue.As we d isc ussedo n N ovember 2 0 and 21 th e i ssue isan archi tec tura l issueandnota fi re.lifesafety issue. T he Children 's S ki School isex pecting to ho s t a largeg uest e nro llment o ve rthe Thanksgiving ho lidaywee kend .Th e te n tisa n inte gral pa rt of th eiro perat ion atthe Lio nshead C hild ren 's Sk i ar ea .Ift he te n tcan beuti lized over thewee kend unde r a T C.O .the guest will be s erve d in a safe e nvi ronment.Weas k thatyo u p rovideu swi th a condi tional a cceptanceassta ted a bove .We w ill w orkdil igen tly inthe d ays fo llo wingth e Th ank sgiving w eekend to reso lve the issue wi th th e Toevn of Vai lP lannin gCo m miss ion. Wew ill tak ew hatever immediatest e ps arc then necessary to rec tify th es i tua tion to o ur m ut ual s atis fa ction. I_~e llom"",i .,""""."""•,,,,,"n"...... Thank you foryou r p rompt a nd fairattentiontothe p roject.Wc will co nt inue to work w ith yo u to res ol ve t he s ituat ion .F or you r referencewe have attac hed t hree swatches o f tent fa bric for yo ur rev iew : 1.Fa bric from th e tent usedat Lionshead lastyea r po Box 7 •Vall,Colorado ·81 658 ·phone 970 .476 5601 .. " •• 2.Fabri c usedat Lion sheadcurrently 3.Asam p le o fanot her fab ric that o ur te nt supplierhasava ilable . Pl easeno te that the c urrentfabrican dtheop tional fab richave uniq ue app earanceso n eac h side .Wewou ldli ketobe presentfor the p lanning com miss ion 's re view .Iw ill v is it y o uro fficeor ca ll y ou to follow upo n t his letterand toanswer any qu estions y ouh av e . S incerely , David E""'-Z:o anager Plann ingDesig n &Co nstruction d t.lh ten t Att achments-Thr eeeac htentfabric sa mples co:Jack Hunn ft'.1 ./ •( , '.:-- 75 South FrontageRoad vait;Co/ar oda 8 1657 3 03-479-2138/479 -2139 FAX303-479-2452 October 10,1995 J oeMacy clo VallAssociates 80x1 Vail.Colorado81657 DearJoe: •lE COpy Depamnenr of Commun ity Development At theirmeeting onOctober9,1995.thePlanningandEnvironmental Commission (PEC)approved yourrequestforaConditional UsePermit toallowVailAssociates to erect and useatemporary tentas th e Uonshead Ski School and Children's Pavili on on aseasonal basi s atTractD.VailJlJ onshead 1st Filin g. ThePEGimposedthefollowing conditio nsofapproval on the ConditionalUsepermit: 1.Thestructure shallbeerecte dfor not longer thana six-month period to coIncid e withthe normal ski season.The ten t sh an bepromptl y.and entir ely removed as soon 8Sthemountai n closes. 2.The C onditional Use Perm it will expire atthe end of th e '97r 98 sk i season . If y ouh avea ny questions regarding t his m atter p le asa call me a t 479·2150. D es ign review a pprovalw illn ot b e necessary,but y oum ust submit co nstruction d etail i nfo r matio n t o thebu i lding departme nt alon g with aco nstr uctionp ermit application .F or m ore informatio n on co nstructionpe rmit requirements ,p lease ca ll 4 79·213B an d asktor abuilding inspector. Sincerely, T~~ RandyS touder TownPlanner RS •• W es houldnotex pect V Ato haves ite specif ichousingw ith t his p roject. H enry P ratt agrees wit h J eff Bowen,bu t w is hest hat VAwo uldfind so meadd itional un itsin V ~i1 ,- fo re mployeeh ousing . K evi n De ighan hadnocom mentr ega rding r equiringe mp loyee housi ng . Greg Amsden had nocomment withrequiringemployee housing. J imLamont asked if sufficient legalstanding:what'sthe difference betwee n t hisandan SOD app lication . Bob M claurin ,Town Ma nager,sa idthatVA has d oneagoo dj oband h asdo ne more t or h o using th an anyone el seinth ev a lley .T he docu ment b etween VA a nd th e Town addr esses ma cro iss ue s. M ike M ollicasa idwedon 't h ave the lega l a uthori ty to se t asp ec ific numbero fun its r equiredpe r pr ojectan d th at it wa sa broad spectru m .M ike asked fo r c larif ication onth einvo lvementVA h a s intheCom monsp roject. Dave Corbinsa id he d oesn 't know how t h e $660.000 co ntributionf or E agle B endwasde rived . V A'sp led gea nd co ntr ibu tion w ith the T OVwillbeeq ual tot hat of E agleB end .Dave do esn't k now tow hat degree,but pledge s t hatVAw ill standbeh ind thei r co mmitment. B ob McLaurin sa idwe have tog e tb ack t oVAwi th the d oll aramou ntneeded for th eC o mmons p roject. Jim Cu rnutte poin ted out tha t the proposedzon ingc ode textamendments w illb e di scussedat th eOc tober 25t hPEC work sessio n.•2 .Ar eq uest fo r a C ondit ional Use Perm it (C .U.P.)to a llow fo r ate mporary te nt fo rth eVa il Assoc iates sk i s c hool and ch ild r en 'spa vi lion tobe located attheLi onsheadskib ase, Tra ct 0 ,Vail /Uonshead,t st Fili ng . Ap plicant: Plann er: Va il Assoc iates ,Inc .,repre sen tedby Joe M acy Randy Sto uder Rand yStouderg avean overview oft he requ est. Joe M acycl arifiedth at th eapp licatio n was f or a seasonal use,h owever.n otj ust fo r t hecom ing wi nter,b ut rat her lor4 -5w int ers or m ore.Th e need i sgoi ng to continue.T he st aff's recomme ndatio n isforon lyo ney ear.Jo eM acy wo uldlik e t o have mu ltiple yea rs . Bob Arm our co mmendedV A,as th e re mo val o f thet ent last year wasti mely. Kevin D e ighans aidif it w as mu lti-y ea r,hewo uld liketo seea m orepe rmanent structure bu ilt to house th esk i sc haalacti vities .If not ,hewo uld like tosee a1yea rC .U .P.onl y. G regAms den wo uldnotbeopposed t o 2-3yea rs ,but a lso w ould lik e t oseea p ermanent st ructureifth e use c ontinues.Hefee ls a2 -3 ye ar t erm wou ld e limin atet his t ime c o ns uming pr ocess again . Je ff Bowen aske dJ oe h ow ma nyye ars wo uld he need .•PJanni ngand En vironmenW Co llUl\lll&iO!l Minutn October9 ,1995 6 J oe Macy s aidhedo es n't want t o co me back an d wastestatrs time ea cnyear.s o h e wo uldlike tohave 5 yea rs and se eh ow the redevelopmenttakess hape in Lionshead du ringt hatti me. Uonshead Centerhas no problem w ith winte ruseof the tent. Joe d oes n otseeVA changin gthelocat io na nd doesn't an ticipate hav ingtom ove the lent agai n . Jeff Bowen t hinksp erhaps 3 ye arswould be ag ood compromise . Henry Prattwas i nclinedto s upport 2·3 ye ars . BobA rmour stated hewa s in favor oft he oneyea r te rm,sotheywo uld not ha vetowa it3 ye ars to remedya nypr oblem.Hesta tedthatth e PEGr eceivedco mplaints w hen the t ent w as n ear t he b ike path . Joe Ma cyst atedth at th e tcnt wasmo ved o ff theb ike pa th wh en the problem arose.IIa problem arises again,VAw ill work.the problem outwi th staff. M ike Mollica s aid thePlanning Co mm iss ion cancall -up a ny prob lem,reg ardless ofth e te rm of theC.U.P. • ..•• Jo eM acyme ntionedth atV Ahas a favo rable tetter from the Lio nshead C ondo Association , Randy Stouder saidthen e ighborhood objected because o f theoldloc ationo ntheb ike path and because i t was or iginally propos ed f or summer usesas we ll as theski school. Jeff Bowen m adeamo tion toapp rove the request forape rmanent t entfor 3 ski seasons with t he conditions l isted on page 4 ofth ememowiththe e xceptionthatcond ition #2willbe cha nged t oex pire at thee nd of t he 1 998 sk iseason . _Kevin D eighanseco ndedt he motion. The m otion passed unanimously withavot e of 5-0. 3 .A request fora Conditional U se Permitto allow theFir st BankofE agle County tolocate a br a nch office at theVa il Gateway Building /1 2 Va il Road /Lot N,Block 5-D,VailVill age 1st F iling. Applicant: Planne r: Mo untainB ancshares,Inc. MikeM ollica • M ike Mollica summarized th e request as per the m emo.Hestated that staffwas c oncerned with the c ourier service andstatedthat it needed cla rification ofwhatit would e nta il. Ra ndy Garman fromthe Rrst Banko fEagleCo unty explained whyhec hoseth e Gateway Bu ilding f orhi s l ocation.He d oesn'twa nt a hugeprese nce inV ail ,b ut a q ualityo newith c lassicalmu sic p lay ing,cus tom inte rio r and desks.Hehasg ono ove rboard wi th ahigh quality image .P eop le will be surprised that theyw ill h av e notelle rs,butw ill do banking b usiness froma secure desk system .V isually fromt he atr ium theoffice w ill be ve ryatt ra ctive.Hee xpla ined that they were no t after t remendous re tail business,but just anoff ice to follow upon acco u nts a ndt o provide certain service s to residents.Aban k emplo yee ,atapred etermined time ,will take the ba nk format tothecu stomerviat hec ourier service.The y o nly n eed 8-9 h igh end businesses o n board to j ustifyth eex pe nse . Bob Armou rsai d aco ncern hasto d o with p ark ing . l'Iuailll &lid P..v;roGlnC.IIl&I Coauni IlioD,...... 0et0ber9,1995 7 •••• October 6,199:5 SusanConnelly Vail Planning Department 75 S .Frontage Road West Vail ,CO81 657 RE:Vail Associates tentapplication. 520 W.Ljorahead Mall •Vail,Co lorado 81657 •1 #3 03 #47 6 ~36S 1 r?-aWhi ocr 10 1995 ~ ra -l,OMM .DEV.DEPT Severalmembersof the VaillLionshead Centre Condominium Association's Boardof Directors would like to be onrecord opposing the Vail Associates tent duringthe summer months.1be p roposed location of the tent is directly behind the complex.They are not opposed to the tent,and rel ated acti vities.during the ski season. Sincerely, .7'fo~~...d Larry G.Barnes Managing age nt •• TO:Planning and Enviro nmentaJ Commissi on FROM:Com munity Development Depanment DATE:October9.1995 SUBJECT :Arequ est foraConditionalUse Permit toallowfor atemporary tentfortheVall Associates skischool and ch ildren's pavilion tobe locatedat theLionshead sk i base .T ractD.VaillLionshead.1sfFiling. Applicant: Planner: Vall Associates .Inc ..representedbyJoeMacy RandyStouder I.DESCRIPlJONOF lllE PROPOSEDUSE Vail Associates(VA)is p<opos ing toconstructa temporary te nt (season #2)atthebase ofthe Lion sheadski porta l to facili tate ski sch ool in struction .After normal mounta in ski hour s,th etent would be used for ski Ins tructor training and for the storageofprops used during th e children 's skiinstructionprog rams.With this Conditional UsePerrolt._VA ISj'equesting approval to er8ct_the seasona tten t.every ..!f inter. VAprop oses to erectthesame tent ttl aLwa~erecte(O as t year.but in adifferentlocati on.The tentlocationhasbeen moved _so thatitwillno longerblockthe bike_path (seeattachedsiteplan forexact location ).Thetentismade of 'VMe _ca nvas JMlI1Qrted bl'Jline logs.T he sides of the tent will also be made of white canv asand can be rolled up so th at the tent functio nsas an open pavilion .T hetentwillbe18feett all atnshighest poi nt."will be40feetlong and 24 feetwide. There wi1l be a woo den floor constructed in the interi or of the tent .whic h will belocat ed approxi mately 2feetabove exis ting grade.Snow accu mul atl ona nd groom ing will fill in the 2- foot gap so the fl oor of th e tent will beflush wit h the snow. Electri c and pho ne line s will be run tothe tent from theChair 8 base facility .andagas line will be run to the tent fromaconnect ion that will bemade to ~he gas main in th e bike path.Staff unde rstan ds tha tthe tent will not be used at night and will not haveany lig hts ,insid e or outsid e. The tent will.QQ.1 requ ire guy wires forsupport . The Town is consi dering this tent to be a "recreationJacili ty',:",wbichjs a conditional usejnjhe CCIIZone _District (Section18.26.040(0 »_R ec r e ~ti onaU ~ci~can~ve r ed_o n aseasonal basis .not to exceed 7 consecutive months .Tents are not allo wed to be usedlor perm anent structures accor dingto Uniform FireCode Article 32 which states -rtle useof tents,canopies or temporary membrane structures shall n o~x ce~~~ause periodof 180 daiSWI ffiiiia.~2_mo nth period...or:ta_S!fl gle.pfeJ!l ise.M Since the propose dtent will meet the abo ve use limit atio ns,staff con siders itto be aseason al,recrea tion al facili ty /stru ctu re.Assuch,thetentis no t requ ired to be reviewed under the CCII ex terior alteratio n cri teria.Vall Associates understands that if the tent is approved.itcan be e rected andusedfo r a6 month period only. • II.COMMERCIAL COR E II ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Zonng:Commeraal Com II Area :1 645 Rertts or 7 1,666 .2 sq,n. •• Height ....., 10'onal aides Prooosed N s . E, W, ,.. 33" '3" 3GO' Sile Coverage : Pariling: N/A!of ...onal 51ruc:l lK& Parking is not required lor temporary slruclurea . III.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18 .60 .the Community Deve lopment Department recommends approval ofthe conditional use permit based upon the following factors : A .ConsiderationofFactors;. 1.Relat ionsh ip and Impactof th e useon development ob jec tives 01 the Town. The development objectives oftheTow n ofVallca n be found Int hepu rpose section ofth ez one d istrict aswellasth e zo ning titleoftheMu nicipal Code.The purpose sect ion ofthe Commercial CoreII zone district callsforam ixture of uses. Section 18.02 .020 (0.10),the purpose sectionforthezoni ng title.call s forthe provision o frecreationa l f acilities.Staff bel ievesJha~this recreational f acility will continue to augme nt theskischool program inthe uonsneac area .Webe lieve that ski school facilities areanapp ropriate USB toaddto t he mixtureof uses at t he Uonshead ski base . 2.The effect 01 theuseon light andair ,dlstrtbutlon 01 population, transportationf acili ties,u tilities,schools,parks and recreation f acilities,and other pub lic facilities needs . Staff believes thatthere will not be any negative impacts toth ecr iteria referenced above. 3.Effect upon traffic with part icular reference to congestion,automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience,traff ic flow and centret , access,maneuverability,and removal of snow fr omthe street and park ing areas. St aff believes that there will belittle impact o n tr affic orr elated Issues.Although the proposed structure may aChJaily increase pedestrian traffic inthe a rea ,itisn ot likely to generate add itional veh icular tripsin Uonshead. 2 •• ThePublic Wo r1<s Depanmentrequested5-1 0feet ot clearancebetween the b ike pathand the edge ofthetentor anyassociatedd ecking.Theapplicant'ssite plan indicatesaminimumof7feetofclearancebetweenthenearest portionofthe deckandthe bike path .The applicatio n complies with this requirement. The Fire Departmen t has Sli pulated thatthetent mayonly beused for one hundr ed and eig htydays.t hatthe canvas mus t be fire r etardant,a ndthat th e maximum occupant I O'!.I:Lb~sixty.-seven P.!l:rso ns.VailAssoclateshasagreed to complywiththesestandards. 4 .Effec t uponthe character of theareaIn which the proposed use Is to be located,i ncludingthe scale and bulk ofthe proposed use I n rela tion to surrounding uses. I',~ •..;..L-I ~ ~-, It--.'~..I.....'.,.. C'~\,..- B, -, Staff believes thatth e c anvas andlog m aterialsgivethetentatra ditional western ch aracter,thatis appropriate forthesite .However.st aff al so feelsthatVAshould consider conSlructing a permanentstructure tollouseJhe exPan ding ski~school Veeds ,J}lis.wa:u:ommunicaledJO-VAJ astyeaLduringlbe_firsueyiew ot thetent, ~as alsfLdiscussed.-w ith.Jbe.Ipwn C o_u npillast year.Basecton lastyears_ s ~c_ess'u Lope ration s andthe changenthe location ~t he tent(off the~bl~e path) staffbelieves that the pr oPQ sed structur e isacceptable foroneadditional seasonc-.-----~-~--omy . Findings The Planning and Environme ntal Comm issioo shall makethe followjng findings before granting a conditional usepermit: 1.That the proposedlocationoft he usein accord with thepurposesofthe conditional usepermitsection ofthezoning codeand thep urposesofthe district inwhic hthe siteisloc ated . 2 .Thattheproposedlocation oftheuseandtheco nditionsunder wh ich it wo uldb eope rated orma intainedwouldn ot be detrimental to thepub lic hea lth,safety .orwelfareor mate rially injurious t o propertiesor improveme nts in the vicinity. 3 .Thatthe proposed usewould comply witheach ofthe applicable provisions oftheconditionalusepermitsectionofthezoning code. IV.STAFFRECOMMENDATION Staffrecommends approva l based onthe belief that the proposalisconsistentwith thecriteria as d iscussed above,aswellasthefindings.Specifically,staffb elieves that Finding B,1 ismet i n thatthe purposeofthe facilityisconsistent with the purposeofthe Comm ercialCoreII Zone 3 •• DistriCt.Webelievethaitheproposa l Is appmp llate to accommodate guestsw ith add itional ski school serv ices atthe U onsh eadski base.Concern in g Finding 8 ,2,staff believes that if the.Br.e Departmen t accessissue ca-!l be resolve.Q !hat there will be no impacts topublic neann ,safety , and welfare .Concerning Finding 8 ,3,staff fiiids thatthe provisions of theZ on ing Code arem et. Therefo re.staftreco mmends appr~Ya l ofthe requ est ~ith thefollowing conditions: That th estruct ure sha ll be erecte d torno lon ger than asix-mon th peri odto coinc ide wit hthe normal ski seaso n,and shall be removed prompt ly,and entirely, when the mo untai n clo ses. \2 .Th atthiscond itional use permits hall expireat theendof the '9 5f96 ski season (April19961. '.....,....009 ~~~r? ~O~~fIIJX'.t ye-{tle lJ (O(,;;(..,'n..);/. <JhZ--lJl:t/~~'5 f;..UI.N,~@ ~1 (1UJ¥+r-C;l~>. &wn A.-~'l Yfl5 IK 1l~~~J ~4 ~1~~, y i -5"YR5 ,(ld~~1~1 DnvWty'!!/rtM~14' {\1J1t ~~JUl.-. j'Jl:-1~(t-~(.".:,le hl>!')-1-....-')y~r a-(- 1M.>~O\l.t ~~(p".•~(e,.-l (~~~ 4 / r /"~/'" SEWER MANHOLE / S 20'31'04"W 2 9.54' ~ / I I / /-- j ----------444.20' N 8 5'24'02"E .--275 .75' j "---.WOOD FENCE --- TRA CT 1)---__ VA/L/L1 0NSH EAD,FI RS TFILI NG 1.6 4 50 ACHES ;'~~ .....-... -----~ .----- 416 .59' •16 .5'~? CH AIRUFT No.B '"".'" -/~-----/"-:?"---/"/"----------_.----/----7-------'---_.---:6.~~.--~Jo:.-------. ASP HAL T P ATH / 7 .3 Ul ~-l>; ~0J (l)0l.- 01 CD z urr SHACK f£N CE __ IG •--"--..1 35 "24'02"E 2 MINIA TU RE GOL r ~' BU ILD ING ~--" -..---<,\ • -. e . -- --,. --, "'-, ---.,----,-, -.'-.._- " " I ~- /\;-r N,, - '- -c:'1 .. / -,=--.- ,: -. .;.--- -- -i -I"._~-~-1 ..,.- .- -.- --"-- s I--• -. .- ,,-"-. , -'.', '-,-" -" ~,it.. ~---,. ." ,.'..f.''t', ,.., ... ,'. , -. ., ~ \"'p ' .. r ---..,- -0 '• ". " :. .-{ -, -._- .' ".' ., • " • ,. .\ -I "I \->.'",.' ..... 42 Wt'St MrIJ40fD Drivr VaU,ColtJr'luJtI S 1617 JOJ·479·12,0 VAU firr Drpartmt"t TO: FROM DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM RA.'lDY STOUDER,COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT lI-UCHAEL MCGEE,FIRE MARSHAL <1F / 10/09195 VATENT PROPOSAL AT LIONSHEAD I received a call from Joe Macy requesting a meeting thi s morning regarding the memo(?)you released last Friday .We understand theyaregoingto PEe tin.afternoon and you issued a memo with restrictions the were generated from the Fire Department's review . Joe Macy and Imet and reiterated theFire Department's approval forthetent under the conditions the proposal isnow "temporary"and.not permanent The issues of access identified.in the memo we sent 09/12195.can be held in abeyance unless there is some change in the use and configuration ofthe Treetcps/Lionshead Centre driveway 81 addressed in Item 5 of the 09/1.2195 memo. Secondly,I understand VA has the permission ofthe Condo Associations touse the driveway for access . Items 2 and 4 of'tbe 09/12195 memo are building code issues and CAll beeasily addressed in the normal course of events . Item 3,the J80 restriction onusc.has apparently been met by virtue of the restriction to winter use only . In short,the Fire Department 's position isthe plans canbe approved as amended. Plea",call me if youhave additional questions . TOTR L P.02 •• S20 .OO I ..1 4~1)PARKI:-.;'G !0 1 0000 22027 ~\V S P A P E R 0 1•. ....fll 0000 211 1 ,A Q :;4 V.(STA ) ~.·0 10 11 004 1010 TA.X~·.\(a..4 '"/.(TOW:",") ~I 4OJ'1 II IL .TIGATI., ~AO DR'" ~PROJ£CT ACcom.,.s o. J TOWNO FVA IL~"....'I /<J 11.om m'C'<TO'CO ''''',nYD£''''''''''"A.m.~U~'-1,4 fL'1/;,'0 'JAr:_ V /'...yJ ~ p i /-b!t b "4:f~Jelift ClfEC KSMADEPAVUUTO TOYl....O F\·4!L t I1TJo{MO.TAX '{'O!'lTu.tuTU I 4 1 4 IN A.iliAD ~PS ss.oo • ,0 10000424 1 NI 'O Mt SUI :TID'F.554 .00 •,.,. J 4 ~4b fii;i t PL D ·e ..~I0 000 42415 trn M ECHANICAL CO DE sroo -OJ 0000 42 415 C S3 .• ~::n I4 ..41 5A T ID A .~ALC OD S37 .00 • ~~:~4~5 (m lmER<:~/OO KS : 1100004 24 1 .I ES • 0 1000042412 .. I 4 2412T VfEES~=RRAl\$5... ...01 4 ...3 I PENALT'Y'FEft ,-~ 0 141 ~.~--K OPER HR. 010000 4233 2 INSPEC T.IO~EIm: I 0000 414 12 ~~010000 414 13 5 1 i:"l APP CAT ~ '"0 1 .t l.t l "T1 0 NAL 51 A ..."R S :.oI 0000 A PROJECT O~A p I ~4 1331 ,PR A :SIGN REVIEW A F . _-OJ oOl':_.1 INVI:::S A "EEBU ll ) A • 0 10000413"A ~.ONA Lli R A _U •I 00 41330 N1 A L USEPERl-I 00 41330 EXT!:A .A TION L ESS "IIA Nl OO S .F -01 4 1330 ....'(.n:RIOR A .\.nox MORE T l lAN 100SQ. _,-noon4 1 3 JA L DE'II'EWl _11~4 b-'...IAlDEV El p~:STR IC MAJOR A M lJiTC -1 4 133 S =IALDE 1 ·f\;~l\A 00 :.4 1 -' ~'I 41330 VA RlAN _1 4 133 0 jgNIf\;G .AMF.t ENTS 1 000041 -'-O SISG _HER $200 .00 ~ SJ .500 . SI..0 S200 .00 S250.OO I S 5 . • CR • 1\: _C'UMM F1'>TS;-ij'" J ~t.O l-J REC.BY: Ilj./ DAT E • RECEI PT -The - -fi 19 [,{ I . • -------- vn of Vail, 47076 ,,( Che ck Permit Num b e rs_~_ now PAID-Cash >c \{ Police Receipt Num bers _-'-'-,-_ By -,../.!trw d~ TOl.It~OF VI'!:I L Ni scell an ~S Cash 10-02-95 IO;~,l ;IO R~c ~i p t ~181267 Acc ount."Dl=llJID rnORPE "·...JA IL AS-SOC.LH CHIL[)R(t~S eTR 'PREPAI D ORB FE E Ari.a un t tend...r ed >:zo .(10 Item p aid AIIIOl,m t pe i d 0 100004 1331000 :0 .00 ChClfl';j';"re t.ur ned }C -. THR NK y OU Your c,:,shi eor HE IDI • Randy Stoud er ,I "y I ~'H.-l\C \)0"('---t.v '--,J .I~l \.<-"v,"-\-1,.'':-~-,, I "{I ,, .v '~"'I ~,*\",-c ,~" • I -C , r e-...-t.r \>";1 ,.~l / • , t ·e-1"l t '+<-,(1 ,:;-; ) t ,,,(C rj :::·k:•6-iI'1\",( L"iL'f'dUi~;r~") 'ft-.hp (,:It I 0:i /c:..d L'/r .~~'.",..J ,....., ",' o Rl.'CYc.:U.'l)I'APJ.'H • Randy Stouder ~r"If)rIl~'(J1c-Wi ~ltlnfJ til 1fc::{t0v--{~y r/t.J, ~Jf/*4 /'~~J ~.A/-'-I:r)-r:U~1;/~J 07, q:Je )c:...c\,/,A..e,~J ovv /'\.1/)\ ;v--cI ix psw /';1'7J(?>~ 1r:Jv;5-wh d l1--L rJ~.~-r­ ,f>cv-(G\;;r-f{vj,tlcd /Wr{-{f"" (O({J/;~~{/celt ~t ~b~Id/L ~lj ;Cv.i.:'If (/;'u:,'1X f((lW,L/atk"C( t1~,'J,,\&1/iZ¥i Cl(tt~,(?(/h 11rtcft)c!flt:j I¥t f~/~e) tWi i [i(JJ {tj})1':;7i~~C'v1l\ilJ)r !. I • r ev i sed1 0 /5/92 Date o f Date o f APPLI CATION FORCONDITIONAL USE t.This p rocedure is requ ired for any project conditi onal use permit. • The application will not be a cc epted unti l a ll informati on i s submitted . A .NAME OFAPPL ICANT Vai l Associates ,~nc . ADDRESS Po st Of f~ce Box 7 Vail co a1&S7 PHONE 4 79 -3012 B.NAM E OF AP PLICAN T 'S REPRESENTA TIVE Joe n acy ADDRE SS Vai l Associates .Inc .Bax:,.:."7.="V"'a;;l.:..;rr-'-7C..,O..-BllTrr6"S..,7----- P HONE C .NAME OF OWNER ($)(print or t y pe )Vii i 1 Assoc i at es ,I nc . OWNE R{S)SIGNAT URE{S) ADDRESS Bo x7 Vai l CO 8165 7 PHONE D. E. LOCATI ON OFPROPOSAL:LEGAL :LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS par t of tract B Vail :LI'Oi1sh ead """"2"nd filiN'=----- F EE $20 0 .0 0 PA ltVO~CK t '2 bS?51 if f BY U·A v@.__/ THEFEE HOS T BEPAID BEFORETHE DEPARTM ENT OF COMM UNITY DEVELOP ME NTWILL ACC EPTYOUR PROPO SAL. F .Stamped ,a ddre s sede nv elope s of the nam es o f owners of all propert ya d jace nt to the subject prope rty I NCLU DI NG PROPERTY BEHI ND M~D ACROSSS TREETS ,and a list o f na mes an d ma ili ng addresses .THE AP PLI CAN T WI LL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COR REC T OWNERS AN D CORRE CT ADDRESSES. II.PRE -AP P LI CATI ON CONFEREN CE: A pre -app licat ion confer e ncewitha pla n ni ng s taff membe r i s strong ly suggest ed to d et ermi ne if ,an y add it ion al in fo r mat ioni s needed .No applicat ion wi llb e accepte d u nl es s i t comp lete (mus t include all it e ms r eq uir edb yt he z o ning a dmi n is tra to r).I t i s the a p pl ic an t's r e sp ons ib ili ty to make an a p poin tme n twi ththe sta fft o f in do ut abo ut a ddi ti onal submi t tal req ui reme nts . III .PLEAS E NOTE THAT A COMP LE TE APP LICATIO NWILL STREAMLI NE THE APPR OVAL PROCESS FORYOUR PR OJECT BY DECREASI NG Til E NUMBE R OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANN ING AND ENVI RONME NTAL COMMISSION (PEC )MAY S TIPU LA TE .~CO NDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE CO MPLI EDWITHBEFORE A BUILDING PERMI T IS ISSUED. Four (4)copies of t he f oll owi ng i nformat i on must b e submitt ed: 1 .A d esc r ip tion o f t h e precise na ture of t he proposed u se a nd i ts o pera ti rlg ctlar ac t er is tic s and mea sures pr o po sed to make t heu se cQmpa tib 1e with ot h erp roper ties in t he vL c LnL t y . The d esc ri p t ion must also add ress : a.Rel ations hi p and impact o ft he use o n d evelopmen t ob jectiv es of t ile To wn . 1 I OCT 04 '95 11:231=11 VFl IL ~:I A T ES t ...•P.l Vail Associ ates.ln n............................. Randy Stouder Town ofVail fax 479-2452 October 4,1995 re:Lions head Tent App licat ion .......,................. +. 0-".../".,."",01 ~'(MY CrI!'Ii'''-: "'.~19-'~~""""r.., :"'o .=.ur............. ....'.....a'........'. De llr Ra ndy: C--<, Purpose ofthis lette r is to amend our applicat ion forthis project to a winter seasona l use only.Please call if you have any questions. ~--- Si ncerely , VAIL ASSOC IATES ,INC . ,.1Jc ~ Joe Macy cc:Jack Hunn,Dave Tho rpe o •• Vail Associates.lilt. Ms .SusanCo nnelly Director,Department ofCommunity Development T ownofVa il 75 South Fro ntage Road Va il,CO 8 1657 A ugust30,1995 D ear S usan: • +. O",n."~mi o~,.,o"01 11.,1,B U"~r C,~.l HolO" .,0<1 A,rv ",~••d M""rI ,,n Re:Prop osed LionsheadSkiSchool an dCh ildren's Pavi lion. T he purpose ofth is letter is to ap ply foraCo nditionalUse Per mit f ort he i nstallat ion of t heLionshead Ski SchoolPavilion on land ow nedby Va il Assoc iates ,Inc .T hepavilion will be reinst all ed i naco mplete ly d ifferent l ocationthan it was l astvear (oat on t heb ikepath). T he sq uare f ootageofthe pavilionitself is960square feet.704 square feet of deckonthe AOfll1 ,west an d sout h sides oft hetentw i ll be include d . Thepav il ionistan in colorandwill be part ia llyerected in a utility ease ment wh ich con tains sewer serv ice but will not bebu ilt overthe ex istingsewer service.Th is wilt a llow repairo rrep la cement ofthe sewer serv ice w ithout requiring r emovalof the te nt. During ski season,th e tentwi l l beuse dfo radu lt and chi l dren in the intermediate p hase of theski schoo l prog ram betwee n sig n upand act ua l on-snow classes and exercis es.This phase inclu des orientation,vi deos; indoorexercises ,meeting instoructorsforchild ren 6-13,adult begi nners , -Breakthroughprogr ams,etc. Somei nst ructor training y;i11 o ccur eaIly_seasollim,<LaUhe..end olthe...day arter.thestuoentsl eave,Theapproximatehou rsof oper ation wo u ldbe .8:00 a .m.to5:30 p .m. T heare au nderthe t entwould beuse d for storageof matsandsupplies t hat are useddu r ing thedaybutneedtobestoredat nig!J!.so thearea canbe gro omed .T heexist ing 'stagecoach'wouldbe removeda spartof thepr oject. 1....~L HL n ., 'L~.n",:<"n ""'II """'" ,.I.,,"PO BoJ.7 -Vail.(oltHdIJo -81658 -phone 3034765601 ••" •+.• During thesummer of 1996,the Potpour ri DayCampprogram w ould be moved to t he tentsite becauseof t heproposed const ruction at Golden Peak .It iscontemplatedt hatPotpourriwo uld bepermanently hous ed in t~e tent duri ng subsequen t summers because ofthe prox imity to the Gondola,miniaturegolfcou rseand the Lionsheadtot totac ross t he _creek .•Th is usewouldbe f rom8 :00 a .m.to5:00 p.m.Junethro ugh Labor .Day .Potpourrihas ope rated inLionshead in previousyears. Naturalgas ,e lec tricity and telephonewoul d beextended tothef aci lit ~g ,n9oter t an security lights would be usedatnight. Effect o n the develop ment obj ect ive o ft he t own T heskischool isan important part of the overa ll mountain operationin the wi nter.Th isfacili ty willenable the sk ischooltoenh ance its custome r ser viceto o urwinter c lientele of adultsand chi ldren . Insummer,the facilitywill enhance our custo mer service level to visitors and residents by prov iding a facil ity in Lionshead with convenie ntaccess topa rkin g ,t he Gondola andoth er adjacentrecreational fa cilities previously addressed. Effect upont raffic,et c, Na adverse impacts for traffic ,ci rculatio n,snow removaletc.are anticipated.Infact ,the relocationof the f acilityoff thebike pathshould addressneighborhoodconce rns expressed lastwinter regar ding its p reviouslocat ion onthebikepath .The relocationofthe fac ility willnot affect groo mi ng operations . Effe ct onthe c h aracter of the a rea Theareahasa numberof recreationalfacilities including theGondola, Chai r 8,MagicCarpet ,stagecoach ,bike path ,Li onshead totlot ,skier bridge ;al l ofwhichare compatible rec reationalf aci lities T he stagecoach wi ll beremovedfr omthesit e.Scal e a ndbul k of thefacility will notaffec t viewsfrom residential units in Lionshead Centreor Tr ee Tops.However,thefa cilitywil l bevisible fro m af ewof t hese units. Pedestrians wi llbeabl e toseethe fac ility fro m t he bikepat h butthe fac ility will notblockviews of thesu rrounding mountains because it wil l be generally be low eyelevel.Asmall section ofGore Creekwil lbe obscur ed byt hef acilityb ut mostof thispa rt ofGore Cr eek isnot r ead i ly •+.• visible fromthispartofthebikepa th becauseitis below thebankand partially o bscuredbyex isting vegetation alongthec reek .Thetan color of the f acilitywillblendi nwith t he surroundings . Two summers ago,a chi ldren 's summer seasona l recreational amenity waslocated onthesamesiteinc lud ing teepees,etc .w ithno apparent adverseimpactstotheneighb orhood . Please c a ll withanyquest ions. Sin cere ly , VA IL ASSOCIATES ,INC. ,:f-/'~*,lX::MaCy attachments: •site plan •improvement survey •appl ication •titlereport •$200 appl ication fee •e levations •legalde scription .. TOWN OF VAIL •• 75 South Frontage Road Vai~Colorado81657 970-479 -21381479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Commun ity Development COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER::_---'_.:-.::..::....:..-:..._ FROM:~-4-,-\ I /,11/((:Z L' #OFPAGES INDO CUMENT(S)(NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEETJi __ll::/_ SENTBY:...L.__-'-_ (970)479 -2452TOWNOFVAILCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTFAX#:-C1.lJil.±L:b<:lU._ (9701479-2138TOWNOFVAILCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTTELEPHONE#:_-I.;LJ.j=cEtc:cUtlL_ SPECIAL COMMENTS ANDNOTES : o IlEC'ICLEDI'APER "• 75SouthFr ontage Road Vail;C aiarada8 1657 9 70-479-2131'1479-2139 FA X 9 70-4 79-2452 .. Department ofCommunity Developm ent COMM UNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSM ITTAL SHEET TO:._ CO MPANYNAME:_ FAX TELEPHONE NU MBER :_ FROM::_ D ATE:.T IME ::_ #O F PAGES TN DOCUME NT(S)(NOTI NCLUDING COVER SHEET)I _ RESPO NSE R EQUIRED?,_ SENT BY .:_ (9 70)479 -2452TOWNOFVAllCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTFAX#:~LlI..l±L:1~=_ (970)479-2138TOWNOFVAllCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTTELEPHONE#:_----l:t.l.!u.:tJ.:t.:.g.;"'--_ S PECIAL COM MENTS AN D N OTES: o RECYCLEDI'IiPER • TOWN OF VA IL 4 2 West Mea d au'Dr iv e Vail,Co lo rado 8 1657 303-4 79-2 2)0 •• Va i l Fi re Department MEMO TO : FROM : DATE : RE : RANDY STOUDER,DEPT.OF COMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MICHAEL MCGEE,FIRE MARSHAL e..-- 09 /12/95 VAIL ASSOCIATE'S TENT PROPOSAL 1 LIONSHEAD Wehave reviewed the proposal fOT the placement ofa tent ontheVai l As sociate's parcelin Lionshead.Werev iewed a similar propo sal aboutth is timelast year,fora "t emporarytent."Theissuesarealso similar. IhavelistedtheFire department 's concerns asfollows : 1.Theproposedsite plandoes not extendtotheparkinglot ontheea st end of the Lionshead Centre.Fire Department access cannot be achi eved from t hewe st as indicated on t he en closedplan .The b ike pathis notp lowed during the winter,the acces s beneaththe Gondola is notavailableduringthewinte r,andthe acce ss r oute through Lionshead Mallis frequentl y restri cted orblocked during the su mmer .The site.planneeds.to.include..theclosest pointof fire apparatus ac cess. Uniform Fire Code Art icle 32 regulates"tents ,canopies.and temporary membrane structures"andis applic able for this proposal.Of chief con cern is the restriction ,_under section 32.104,t hat "Theu se of ten!§,can opies or temporary memb rane .-?'"structuresshalln ot exceed au sep.eriod of 180 dayswithina12 month periodona single premi se .........<' /1 Secondly,the definition of "approved fire department access"requires the a lieant t o rovide access viacoertoran casement underthecont ro l o f the appl icant.V ail A ssociates cannot «g ra nt"or "assure"us ccess through p roperty o wnedor under the control of a notherpart y without an "a Cc ess agreement."1((1:( \.tP-t\i:;~C 'i \(;(lA~'l\ ,lI'.:"r _~;~!'.,,~-'I 6')1 Fire Department acce ss hasnot been provided .) -ii' Inlerior useneedstobe clearly di sclosed ,a longwith detail ed plan ~indicat ing the ~,/,rf location andtype of heat ing appliance s,clcctrical fixtu res andwirin g ,meanso f \\'"~I §_!tectiicai'd l'sconnect ,exit lo cations andsize ,fram ing plansforthe dec ks ,and "c,~o ~ "e le~a t io!!.§..,, ~, -'0,:3 . ...;~.. rI f ~>''o ,.'• V A TENT PROPOS AL PAGE2 • 4 . T;/<'.') 5. It a ppearsth at r einstallation of a "temp o rary tent "t hat w as in us eun til the e nd o f sk i seaso n,andtheu seo fthetentdurin g the1995/1996ski season,w ould bea vio lation o fthi ss ection. Secondly,it appears the statedintent isto infact,exceedthe180 days limit at ion by v irtue o fi t 's inten ded u se du ring the summer . T heissue o fstruc tural stabilityre ferencedin u.F.C.sec tion 32 .106,needsto be addressed.Based uponissues identified inBreckenrid ge and subsequent di scuss ions between The Co lorado Chapter of the Internati onalConference o f (Bu ilding O fficials andtheFire Ma rshal's A ssociation of C olorado ,I s uggestth e issue of snow load andwindload be addressed . P otential plan s forco nstructionat the Treetops an d LionsheadC entreb u ildings need t ob e identifi ed .Itis o ur understand ing th at th ey may have plan s th at would re stricto r preclude t he FireD epanment fromg ainingaccess th rought heirp arking lot.It is our ant icipationth at th eco ndominiumassociations mayhav e so me degree o fcon cern r egarding thi s matter . ....' TO - ·',- ~MI KE McGEE ;G REG HALL • TODD OPPENHEIMER R clum to And y Knudlscn Town Planne r INTER-DEPAR TMENTAL REV IEW ,C {'I'!,!"""(;..'I:r 7 .r •.;-. 811 DATEOFPUIlUC HEAniNG #22. V IIPROJECT: DATE SUBM==m=E"'Oc:"":--",r-"''-:::-==-==:-:-::-:'''':-:=c:=:':-::--:-:=r:--- COMMENTS NEEDED !l V:--<'lJLi-f.LI7L----.,,..-_ !lRIEF OE SCRIPTI ONOF THE PR OPOSAL: .J "-"r'r ".".'", , I -I ,/,/,'.,'(',,/1 1 (\.,..-I ~1 1.... Enginc~rin g: Reviewed by :~__Dale:_ Comm ents: Lan dscnptnq: ,Reviewed by:-,_O.le :_ C ommen ts:. --, ,; " " ~.",".' Hc lu rn La tftt~>y h t ;1s j'A/ Town Planner INTE R-DEPARTMEN TA L REV IEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITIED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEEAAnnlii\NiCGi ---~-------------=== COMMENT S NEEDED BY:_-_-_-_----------------- BRIEF DESCRIPTIONOF TilE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT Commonts: ,.-8"'V-u,v h £..:OO)},-/A-~n r ,/-:>-<7'".'ld ,(Fe-.£.;;t:1~, -t1///iCl~;r 7;;//,zlO'n 1N /'//:U-/R/f~!l "$/,-/W.w 4 -vT"?u<9'MKF /--:;;'.e R.E..i P!&.IJ;f;i/)', ?-;!/;/PK/;"Y J7/('~r)£/r}:/i:'~.:t4·j ~7i-.~-;;:4 I/J ';-,;1..,1'9' u n ///~.v /'J <-0/frr J.Jo. 'fi')tr /lj/j ~2..b/l,o ;,{<£-it;-/;:Y/f;-dc-"Ldr'fir4-d1'.tJ7; /»(J/t1~JI7l/l""?;'v .;e"';M.J~"J ~/2-67/1//,£/..f;:W , ,/1s,,¢-co«:/;G.r....-/j ,O/;,;u..,Z1l (f/k ) /Jti?Y/,//l dl .:JCC(i/!f<"-L,..yM )/A-h'?k -07 Cs",,-fill/,.[31/1 "'d , 5;1/...vV'/ll~77t4 J?//<'7Q/46' ••• TO :MIKE McG EE ---- RANDY ST CUD E~ Town Planne r R c!urn 10 _....,,-,=-';;::==-=-__ INTER -DEPARTMENTALREV IEW PROJECT:J /k-----r.e4,Q ?~.)Z....-.J D ATES UBM ITlED:"h /.DATE OFPUBLIC HEARING _/,-,O!L.:Z...1.'j~__ C OMMENTSNEEDEDBY:_--='--_ BRIEF DE SCRIPTIONO F TH E PROPOSAL: Reviewed by :Dale:_ Engineerin g: R eviewed by:(-'>I~k/..-!1 Dale :~ L.l .......~~..."'~"k:.~Lvi-,.........."J .....~...~ jo'-e ,..-",.,;"'C..c.../ '"k.'"K 4A-.:' ..J-"/'dc..~l-~ Commenls: Fi re Dept.: Reviewedby:Dal e:_ Comments: DistributedtotheFire Departmenl,Public Works ,and Landscaping on,_-!----''--_ ,u.' ",.. ,........- " ':.\': " .~., ....1.,." ..'.. \ ,,'I ", I l f ,;t •••".,"NO " _.., '..",.' 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L..o ,.....VAIL A..~!iOC l.\l Y.~.J ~c..01 Co ,lond .:a •urp....a d",n .,u..(·..~n ,.,,',~"l~J t - 1·._I..'.~"'''',1••-I".,'.~",.,,,, TIJ\oo N Of v":J..iI f :'dlot.,oJ., ",..ltldpal ~"q..'r.,t ,._" ...._1 ·•••1••1."...,.•:<"'u~h I ."nl m :"1<".•(; ;:0I I.17,·1 "r.,_,<iJ,.51 •.~,..~,.f ·......"..•,~., ....2 -.",22••••••,__,_ /',~".26({!i :-i:A("r,.' _O'~..'I L ···":.f.'e .J----._J ..,lI.. ,,"!u l h,'~"",,,1.•n.'v.,'.."",."~,·""l d lt r .1 1 r.... ,.-,I,,·•.•",,•.•",.f'"""',...'.I -.,.,,•••.".'"••"1,,-v ,."",,,.",."··,..,.,.·••·.'M .I .,.••..•_".r.,.,~•...~...I.". ."••••,.'.~.,.,....,•..•..,•.•:."-••.••,.'..••.••.,.'....N'.'.,._"'" ......,.... ...".,".•1..:.'."''''-''....,.'.",.,,,., /.,U I ~~~./JotI-.',I.'1/1'.'Ii •'f.>"-.···',.. 1""",·".f."·.'1 .... 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'..:..' ......-.:'., -..'".• THIS rTE/.l MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY P UBLIC NO TICE :..-~ .NOTICE IS HEREB Y GIVEN that the PlanningandEnviror.mental Co mmission oftheTownof V ail w ill h <old ap ublichearing i n accordancewith S ecti on1~.66 .06 0 oftheM unicipalCode of the Townof Vail o nOc to ber 9,1995,at 2 :00 P.M.i nthe Town of Vail M unic ipalBuilding.In conslderanion of: A request foraCo nditi onal Use P ermit 16 a llowfor a pe rmanent te nt for theVail .Ass ociatesskischool a nd c hildren's p avi lionto betocated at th eLionsheadskib ase, Teact D.VaiVLionshead.1st F iiing. Applicant: Planner: Vail As s ociates,Inc.,repr esented by J oe Ma cy Rand y S touder 2..A ..e quest fo r adensity (GRFA)variance t oa llowfo r theco nversion of atticspace to GRFA l ocatedat 3 130Booth F all ~C ourtlLot6-A ,Bl ock 2,Va ilV illage 12th Fiiing. Appllcan l: ,?tanner: Je tfrey &Eil een S chiffrin Randy Stouder 3.A..r equest for a Conditional UseP ermittoa llow for :.1 e temporary place me nt of a mobile ~ll a b tobe locatedat t heVail Valley Medical Cente r,181 Vv'est Meadow Dri vellots E & F_V ail Vi llage Filing /1 2 _ Applicant: Planne r: V ailValle y M ed ical Ce nter.represented byDanFeeney . Ra ndy S touder 4.A.request fer a Conditio nal Use Permit to allow for a private club to belocated on the 3rd and 4 th 1I 00rsof the SerranosBuild i ng loca ted at 2 98 Hansen RanchRoad/Lot C,Block Z-V ailV il lage1stF iii ng.. Applicant: Planner: GrenaPar ks,represented by Glen He alan. Jim Cu rnutte 5 .A reque st for a minor eel exterioralterationanda site{overagevariance to allow for the adldition ofabay window tothe L ord LatigoShop locate j in t he A &0Building,286 Gore Cc,;eek Dri ve/Lots A-D,Block 50,Vail Village1st F iling .. App licant: P[;anner: BarryFl orescue r epresented b y SagePirson Lauren W aterton 6.A ..re q uest for am inor subdivi sIon to allo w fo r a shiftIn t he tocatl on of abuildingenvelope located o nLot3,Spraddle Creek S ubdivision. Applicant: Penner: Luis A _D 'Agostino GeorgeRu ther 7 ·.A ..equest fo r a cond itional usetoa llowtheFirstBank ofEagle C ountyto l ocate a,branch offiiice at the VailG ateway Buiiding/12 V ail Road/Lot N,Block 5-0,V ail Vill a giF1l i n~~ Appiicant:M ountainBancshares,in c..q!~ Plann...:M ike M ollica/A ndy Knudtsen -d' .~•..... '. 8.Arequest lor aworksession todiscussa proposed amendment 10 Chapter 18.39 01 the VailMunicipalCode(SkiBaseRecreation)aridan amendment tothepreviously approved developmentplantoallow lor the redevelopment 01 the Golden PeakSkiBase,locatedat . .:....:'.485VailValleyDrlveITraetF.Vailviliage 5th filingand Tract B.VailViliage7thRling.' ::r:::,-.:.:.,..:~...i...'.~.~;.:::'.-.~':;..~"-.;"i".""-'~.:~_.';.,::::~~...,...;--.:~~~~~,~~~~~..;~::~~;:;:'~-i;~_:~'-':'.:~~'~'.."..;: .'.-,Applicant:-,,::,,:ail AssociatesInc.•represented bY.oa~i~C()rqin :-.,:'."'..•... Planner:Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton .'..~•_.__.._ .'"I '0 "';.-",~.~:.."". •:-'.f '..; .-". ...~.,. -. -.... t •.:;.";. - +. JllI l IlMULI ~,IIiL.......................................... 7/qf?e ~~~OC //-r?G -Me<kJ tN,o.-e.. .(3 f?- V~U /p/6J7"- --------------- +. --------- +. ........................................ /;CJ;V .J /b/~?~#.DOG /q3 e-/77 R44 "'-'~ s-eer- u4~ cf/e:c-=r- 70wv 67C OU 7S r T4~~~ tA::c /a c?/6.J?- ,. OF '-)!=l IL • u y --'-r -. _...I ..... I :·eii,pai d T i--ii=lt -..;;.-:: ,.I _I'-iE.IC:= .. _-.r n .." • • • 554.• 539 .'• S37 .00 • S6 .00 • • I • • 50 ._• S 5J1£:• ER HR. I. F •• PROJUT ii,~415 40 ZO N IN~CG~DA DDR i ·14 241 N I l LDJNGC · 1424 15 UNIFORM:PL BIN :.01 4241'I dmPiIlANICAL COD · --:c 01 00004 4 1 TItM ·O DE 01 0OOO4 ~4 1 7'lI\A E -1\• I ~OO 42 41 5 OT l ot ODEB -I JO 4 1548 BL ~(MY LARS ) --I 4-4 12 _ES ~ ...0 1 4 ...4 12S DIE ~ ~'tmOOOO ·to.4 1_••C MP f\~ '-I 4 2371 p ,AFEES i R E·, ·1 ~4 1332 I ~P LAN R ~II ~\~'·CI .~. ...0 1 4•.l 2 ,S .e Tl ON FEES :0 1 0(004)4 12 C ~N S ES F E ES -".I 00 .+)011 3 SI A (AIIO,. ,.01 0000 414 13 ADALSIGN AG ·l. ,;01 4 2440 VTC AR PROJET D O.A . s:01 00004).).,1 •A ~RF.VIEWBOA =-J OUOO 4 2371 1A T FEE HUI LDI SGI - ;1 0 "0 ADD~A '~ 1 ~~I I ~A S :PERJ....UrOl~EXT ~IORALTERATI L 'SIS ".01 00 0041330 .A~~ONMOR¥.TlIAN1OOS .. _I4133 srE A ,RICT ~ 0 1 IJOO(J 4 1330S PE A _DEY .WPMfRI CT IMAJO R A MEND 4 1330 S PEA mg__M.~Riel MIKOR A.\1 ', 1 0000 41 n iS LJ BDlV Ie-·I 41 .l A A ,E _I 0000 4 1330 ~.(OD EAMlNDM NTS 1 01 0000 4 1330 f-ffi -, ·O TIIER O THER ~ S200.a S2OO .0 S 00 . I ,. I SI~ I 5250. s~ TOTAL: -. • • ~CUlol\4 U-TS:i;1 ~CA SH 1 1 C ,"14'D))SIV ~,OLl kE C.BY~ .. InYoice No.Do..V..-Gn>u """'"'""""""'"........... CONO r I UN L US E P ERI1 II Lo l CH IL OR ')tn.~"y c s i 89 5 V1 39 'J2 2 Q ~.O O 2 00 .0 0 ~\?,rcr:---ro1~ 1\'0AUG'-"1 95 id, Pl M,.;lt..:,.....,;...;,.::JI lSlllUC1l Oll Ched<No.Dale liendol'No .Vendor Nama Tala!Amount -5-1 -'~'1 419 0 'i /?9 C)02~H')T ",l i F VA II 7 00 .00 47014 ------7/J j RECEIPT '•b.Towny Vail DATE ;;YLv.P,{~tL9)(;j . RECEIVED FROM (j lLf1",~;_f""---,{L",-,,LJ;<:J~"~(Lj:..-::,,~~_ ADDRESS _ Permit Numbers 'if/:I/{/Police Re ceipt Numbers~.,__----- HOW PAID-Ca')'o.ec J cf "5 1'1 T By Y 1!)/,,f (d-~ '-'" , I I I I ! I ! ~,! ~ ..a.:=--.=::::.-==--=-=.-...=-=-~.==-_-=-.=.-==--==-_-==-~-==-_-=-=--=-_-==-_-=-==--_-==-_--'""'=-_=---_-=-_......_ e ,'."l',.. • <'"..e• FI!~roov Bob A rmour opp osedGRF Abeing loc atedi n the frontse tback. Bi n Anderson agreedwith Bob 's comment.He askedthe appnca qt why he desiredto build a24 foot tall garage if no floorarea was allow ed:. Dan Fred erick feltthatthe 24foot tall garage wa s a better des ig n than w hatthe PEC had prev ious ly app roved . Jeff Bowe n madea motion to den ythe request fo r a setbac k variance to arrow for GR FA to be loca ted inthe front setbackwith Dalton William s seco nding the motion.A 6-0 vote denied the applicant's request. Andy Kn ud tse nstated tha t he would discuss thesituati on withT omMoorhe ad to determinewhich boa rd (PEG/ORB)has purv iew over which sections of the Zoning C ode. 4.Arequest for an upda te onthe cond itional usepermit approval forthe ten ttobeused for the VailAssocia tes ski sch ool tobe loc ated sou th of the L ionshead Cente r ', Building fTract A .Vail lions head3rdFiling. Applicant: Planner: TIm Keho e.repr esenti ng Va il Assoc iates Andy Knudtsen A ndy Knudtsen presented mod ified drawings of thep roposed tent tobelocatedatthe VaH Associate s ski school located sout h of the Lio nshead Center.He stated that the ORB had approved the tent with the co nditi on that theexterio r tenthave a "woo dsy, weste rn-like "appearance . ThePEGwasnot concerned with the prop osed locationofthetent. Jack Hunn explained the differ enc es between the curre ntly proposed tent and thetent app roved by thePEC . Bill Anderson inquiredhow Vail Associa tes proposed toachieve the "woo dsy"con cept theDR B hadrequ ested. Jack Hunn stated tha t th is wou ld beaccomp lished viaaseriesofapplied logsonthe exterior . Ka thyLan genwa lterpointedout thatthe current tentw as not what th e PEC h ad recently approved . P1L'IIlUlg ...,~~ruJ ~....nllln o="tlI'I'10.199<1 3 Jack Hunn stated thatsince the ORB hadrequestedthat the PEe review window modifications tothetentasacondition ofapproval that hefelt that it was a good opportunity for the PECtolook at thecu rrently proposed designofthetent. BillAnd erson did not have any concernsaboutthe propos ed plastic windows. Bob Ann ourand J effBowendid nothaveany issueswi ththe proposed plastic windows. Allison Lassoe statedthatshewasabstaining from th is item. Dalton Williams wasconcerned that the wooden exteriorw ouldgiv etheappearance of a more p ermanent structure.Hestatedtha t hewasno t infavoroftheproposed plasticwindows . Kathy Langenwalter summarizedthatthePEe w ouldliketosee thelogseliminated fromthegab leends and that the PEC di d nothave a west ern theme inmind when they approvedtheoriginal t ent.She stated thatshewould pre ferflagsasopposed to additionalrailings forthe t ent. Jeff Bowen madeam otionto approve theproposed tentmodifications,thatthe proposed log treatments not be required,thatthepo les beroundrather thansquare, that railings notbe requiredand t hatthe w indows with in theg ables notbeallowed . BillAnd erso n seconded themotionanda5·0·'voteappro ved this req uest with Alli son Lassoeabstaining. 5.Arequest for anupdatefora major amendmentto the G len LyonSODtoallowfora revision tothe masterplan 10 allow forthe expansionof theGlen LyonOffice Building located al 1000 South Frontage Road WesVArea0 ,G lenLyonSOD . Applicant: Planner: Calumet FederalSavingsandLoanAs sociates ofChicago,represented by Pierce.Segerberg andAssociates Andy Knudt sen TA BLED T OOCTOBER 24,1994 JeffBowenmade a motion totable this itemto theOctober 24,1994withBill Andersonseco nd ing the motion.A6-0 v ote tabledth is re questto the October 24, 1994PECm eeting. 6.Arequest for frontandsidesetback variancesto a llowforanew res idence tob e located at I 7aa AlpineDrive/Lot II ,Vail V illage W est1st Fiiing . Applicant: Planner: ThomasTheys JimCurnutte T ABLED INDEFINITELY Jeff Bowen ma de amotion totable this it em indefinitely w ith BobA rmour seconding thisitem.A 6-0 vote tabled this item indef initely. PlaMi....an d Envitonm.nl al e:w.....u.iotl Mim1:u O::lob«10.111.4 4 "p-=- 'l.c...f'0n V~~(uur i Ka1hy Langenwalterwas most c oncerned wit hthes ite p lanning forthi spr oject.Sh e fell tha t an approach thatwoul d fill inthee xist ing sid eo fthe w estbu ilding would have t he leas t impact ontheF rontage Roa d.th e Interstate,e tc .Sh eteltaditteren t apg:>r oach was needed fo r thissit e a ndstatedthatthisw as what t heSOO criter ia w as about.She saidt hat shewould like 10 se e apla n tha t wasm ore sensit ivet othe site . Dalton Wi lliams ag reed wi th Ka thy 's co mments .He sai d t hat s hould theapp licant proceed w ith thec urr ent propo sal,that t he two p hasesbe reversed so thatth e parki ng structurewa s bu ilt fi rst. Bill Anderson stated that it appearedthatth e curren t pr oposal was designed ar ound the c urren t bui lding andthatposs ib ly ad emo lit ionoftheexistingbu ildingsho uld be considered . Ken O 'B rien stat ed thatthe yh ad previously approached thesta ff w itha planthat calJed fo r ut ilizing the spac e atth e west end o fthe sitebutthat t he Town stafffeltt hat there wastoom uch s ite d isturba nce w ith t hatp lan. AndyKnudtsen sl ated t hat thesca le o f that p roject was muchlarger. K en O'B rien sta ted thatheco uld b ring th is sce nar io to th e next P EG worksession so that t he P EG c ould rev i ew it and c omparethetwop roposals . Itw asagreedtha t t he applicant w ould r et urn forad i scuss ion a tth e ne xt P EG he aring , that as itev is itwasnotn e eded,bu t when t h efollowing he aringwa s schedu led,t he applicant wo uld stakethesite. 3 .A request forac ond itionalu seperm it t oa llow fora tentt obeu sed fortheVai l Associates s ki sc hool10 be locatedso uth o f t he LJQ.Q.s.h ead C enterBu ildi ngfrract A, VailLi onshead3rdFiling. Appli cant: Planner: TimKehoe,rep resent ing Vai l As sociates Andy Knudt sen The P EG members electedtofor ego a formal staff p resentationofthis item . KathyLange nwalter as ked t hea pplicant how e lectrical po wer wou ld g ett o thete nt. Tim Keho e stated thatt he ir fi rstcho ice wou ld b et ou ndergroundthe line s.Th e second c ho icewou ldbeto run a lin efrom ad ifferentl ocat ionthat w ould a lsobe underground . Bob Arm ourinq ui red what the specific use o fthe t en twas . Tim Kehoerespondedthatthete nt w ouldbeu sed forchil dren's sk i school activities . P\annir1;&f\Cl E~....I Commis ~~~n s.~lItrntter 26.I O ~4 , Jeff Bowe n made amotion toappro ve this request for acond itional use perm it per the stan memo wit h the conditionoutlinedo nPage 4 .Bill Anders on seco nded the motio n . Kath y Langenw alterstated that sh ewou ld like them otionam ended toref lect tha t if the site is used in su bseque nt yearsthat the recreationpathbe relocated. J eff amended hismot ion and Bill amendedhissecond according iy. A 6-0-1 vote approved this item.withAllis on Lassoeabstain ingfrom this item. 4 .A requestforfron t and side setback variances to allow fora newresiden cetobe loc a ted at1788 A lpine OrivelLot 11.Va il Village W est 1stFiling . App lic ant: Pla nner: Thomas Theys Jim Curn utte TABLED TO OCTOBER 10,1994 Jeff Bowenmadeamo tionto tab le this re quest tothe Octobe r 10.'994 PEGmeeling with Bob Armo ur seconding this motio n.A6-0 vote table d this itemto theOctober 10, 1994 P EG m eeling . 5.A request for a wo rksession for a Special Development District and amajor Cell exterior alteratio n to a ll ow fo rthe redevelopme nt and expansio n of theL'OsteJl o Lod ge located at 70 5 West Uonsh ead CirclelLot 1,Block 2,VaiVUon shead 3rd Filing. Ap plicant: Pla nner: Ali en,Inc ./Joh n Dunn Randy Sto uder TABLED TO OCTOBER 10,1994 J effBowen made amo tio n totab lethis r equestto theOctober 10.1994P EG me eting withBob Arm our seco nding this m otion.A 6 -0 vote tabled thisitem tothe October 10, 19 94 P ECmeeting. 6.Appr oveminut esfrom September 12,1994PEG meeting . Jeff Bowe n made a motion to approv e theminutesfrom theSeptember 12 ,1994 PEC meetingwith Bill Anderso n secon ding themotion.A5-0-1 voteapprovedthe minutes fo rtheSeptember 12,1994 PEC meeting with Kathy Lang enw aJle r abstain ing as sh e was absent from the last PEC meeting . 7.Update on Comm unityDevelopment Director selection process. Mike Molli ca gaveanupdateofthe Commu nityDevelopmen t Director selection process to the PEG. 8.Reminder:AllisonLassoe w ill be the PEGrepresentative totheORB fromOct ober throughD ecember,1994 . P'.annin'jl .~ll'~f'II&l Cownis s ioro MHl"'ll "'.....n s.pl.mbe<25.19;..5 75So uth Frontage Road Vail,Colorado8 /657 3 03-479-2/38/479.2139 FAX 3 03·479-2452 OCtober12,1994 ,, FILE COpy Dep anmentof Community Developmen t M r.Jack Hunn .Director,Desig n and Constructio n VaH As sociates,Inc. P .O.Bo x 7 Vail,CO 816 57 RE:Ski School Tent atth eLionsheadBase Dear J ack: On O ctober 11 .1994,th eTown Co unc il reviewedt hed ec ision ofth eP lanning and Environmental Commission(PEG)a pprovingthe Co ndit ionalUse Permitfortheski sch ooltent at theba seofUo nshead.TheTow nC ounc il exp ress ed concern ab outthepr oposedten t . The y understand t hat Iheuse islimited to oneyea ron lyand hig hly dis c ourage as econdy ear in thisloca tio n.Jf V ail Associ atesfindsthat the 1l00f areaisben efic ial tot he skischool pro g ram,th e T ownenco uragesyou to finda p ermanentbUildingto locateth e use in.Wealso encourag e youto inc o rporate this nee d i ntot heprogramming for any redevelopment plans for e ither lionshead or G old Pea k. Thank y ouforyo ur coo perat io n in wo rking o n thiseffort .Please g ive meacall if y ouhave any qu estions. Si ncerely , j};;n~J!--J 1 Sen io rPla nner ,"','".-",.'..-".'. .sign Review Action 'm TOWN OF VA IL Category Numb er~~_________Date 10 ~'-_ ProjectName:L-..("'\\...1.-~I\.sl LS""l-'w:".s k-:_~.l;r ':r-(I~It7- Build ingName:_ )L,f'<~,.,-1 '(r:J...a .,·,_~~i f .. o ""I ¢151 ~1 <1 (14 ,';.1 ••(Project D e s c r j p t i o n :_-'-"'-.LiL-""'--'---"''"''--''-,;-=-"''-----''L.._--'J.''"''''--'_-'''-.2,-'-''-':..::.-''--''~-------- Owner.Addressand Phone:0:,'->.h'l ",-tic ,"] I •\1 'K',-I,, Architect/Contact.Ad dress andPhone:_ A I I (?,....JLegalDescription:LotBlock Subdivision I It!·C ,c/.,I ,y .~_c '..).Zone District Cc;zr- '1 ''\::(_."ProjectStreet Address:__.,<.L"""''-'-_'-''_~....;'_-'_ Comments:-'-_ Board I Staff Action .:,;,'."t/,.....»-<: <")0'/<!/"'/I/d I ,I Vote :_ , ...:',.!.$',;......;i i •I /e ll I ·(", Motionby:_ Seconded by:_ o App roval o Disapproval ~Staff Ap proval Cond itions:f c.C '.o .I.r;,1:<: .:./,., , /'<:"0 .Cr:/.I... t~,1 .'",-a, ..,,).;-............ ~-"....f{t.j :•..,j , ,':'t ',';':;,/f I 'c/o .,. __~.'r.r .-:"'"t.,.yo c {.·II !•C /~ , _-br~{/~./I ."..../ .I Ir · /?/"t"< 'I '. ••"'-[c: .;.,r , Town Planner D ABFee Pre -p..d-'1/"--"'--~_'/./,:-",oj -;'<'1,Date:--'-""-''''-':.L...::L<;"L...._ I I PLANNIN G AN D ENVIR ONM ENTAL C OMMISSION October 10,199 4 AGEND A Prolect Or ientation /lunch SiteV isits F r ed e ri C k~ 44 Willow Place 12:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m . Drivers:Andy and Jim Public Hearing 2 :00 p.m. 1 .A req uest foracond ition al use to all ow for threeemployeehousing uni ts to be loca ted at 44 W illow PlacelLot9,Blo ck 6 ,Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applican t: Planne r: 2. 3 . Jay Pete rson I rr ,7 V,.k ·!>-0 -0,>I ~L"".~~.,~-<.-..Andy Knudtsen ...,I'I D r ,]2-~<",....z.P'o'lv .II.,~,-[6fr'-"'-" A reque stfor asetback variance to allow forGRFAto be located inthe frontsetback for a proposedstructureat 2 840 Basingda ie Boulevard/L ot 4,Block 9,Vail Int ermountai n.\.,IS J;v..Ht Kl:v..:<»dr ""-~ Daniel Frederick .&0 Andy Knudtsen '2.,...~.G......t ~V t f<.-0 -_De...d 1. A requ est for an update onthe conditio nal use permitapprov al for thetent tobe used 4 . for the Vail Assoc iatesski sc hoo l to be located so uth ofthe Lion shead Center BuildingfT ract A,Vail Lionshead3rd Filing .)1l1..o -,(.""".J"'Y ·ilrv'~ Applican t:T im Kehoe,representi ng Vail Associates 2-~.......d..'t /I ~,t,-."')....... Planner :Andy Knudtsen .~~;l t A reques t fo ran update fo ra major ame ndment tothe G len LyonSO Dto allow for a • revision tothe master plan to allow for theexpansionof theGlen Lyon Office Bu ilding locatedat 1000 Sout h Frontage RoadWesVAreaD,G len LyonSDD. TAB LED INDEFINITE LY Thom asTheys JimCurn utte Applicant: Ap plicant: Planner: Calumet Fed eral Savings andLoanAssoc iates of Chicago,rep resented by Pierc e,Segerberg and Ass ocia tes ~--. Pianner:AndyKnudtsen .TAB LED TO OCTOBER 2 4,1994 1\\.'t ~"'- Z r-d-f¥"""-oK A req uest fo r fr ont andsidesetbackvaria nces toallow for anew residence toe ioc ated at 1788 Alp ineDrivelLot 11,Vail VillageWest 15t Fili ng. 5. 1 ·.\ A request for a setback varianc e to allow fo r anexpansion tothe reside nce that would extend to w ith in 4.7 feetof the property lin e at4295 Nugget Lane/Lot 7.Bighorn Es tates. Applicant: Plann er: Margaret Grass Randy Sto uder WITHDRAWN 7.A request fo r aw orksession fo r a Specia l Development Dist rict and a major cell exterio r alte rat ion to allow fo r th e redeve lopment and expansion oftheL'Ost eJlo Lodge locatedat 705WestUons head Circ lef Lot 1.Block 2.VaiVUonshead 3rdFiling. Applicant: Planner : Alien,IncJJo hn Dunn RandySt ouder TABLED INDEFINITELY 8.APprove minutes fromSeptember 26.1994PECmeet ing. 9.Council Update: ·OpenSpace tex t amendmen ts .. 10.Vail Commons Update. -_.._-.-.... .--.. (..,-e-~f,-"",:5 Ok I'ec ~i ··8§S:c./'GP &> 2 ,,..ISign Rev iew Act ion lm TOWN OF VAIL - Project De scription:S\..,.(kl T =f=:::J &...st-& Lj711,d u ,./.s I.;S'd ==I' Owner,Ac'!ress a nd Ph one :lid:I ;bs<!c A.&j1-«.u.JJ 1-.-; Po &:,.;7 a {,S7 I ta 1 ....7 -Arch itect/Conla ct,Address and Phone:--+.::f£''-------------------- II ~1-<- /T"Block Su bdivi sio n-iL~_LJd."""!=:!>"""=i.._'.S~=ZoneDistrict Commen ts:...:-_ Board I Staff Ac tion Vo le:1~o -(()O ';'="- &o~h.CL Motion by:__-<~_="-----.,___---- Seconded by:.ar.O'«..l:o<.<:::...;._ >t App roval o Disapproval o Staff Approval ~';.-Cond itions:------7il:¥}2<:;~.:::::~--".<:!.:.t..:.~.!....:.::::2 -~::::::.:::~==-------!.:....:::::J ::..---- -----L:cA-ut ,f::.,,~ /CJ,&9¢ ..,.~- :..Town Planner ...Date:----'~-¥-.z.y.----- /p-o -/ MEMORANDUM Plann inga ndEnv ironmental camm iS ~ '.~Community Development Department September 26 .1994 ./ A request fora conditional use permit toa llowfo ra temporary tent t obeused for the Vail Associa tessk i sc hooltobeloca ted s outh oftheLionsh ead Center BuildingfTract A.VailLio nshead 3rdF iling, .\'I Applicant:T imKehoe.representing Vail Associ ates Pianner:~Andy Knudtsen • TO : FROM : SUBJECT: DATE: I.DE SCRIPTION OF T HE P ROPO S ED USE Vai l Associ atesisp r oposing toco nstruct a temporary tentat t he base o fthe lionshead s ki portal t o facilitatesk i school inst ruction .Th e t ent w ill be m adeo fwh ite c anvas supported by p in e logs.It w ill bes imilarin appeara nce tothe stru cturesatthe Pine yRiv erRanc h.The sidesofthe tent w ill also be made o fwhi tecanva s and canberoll ed upsot hatt hetent funct io nsasanopen p avilion.The tentw ill be 18feet t alla tits highest point.It will be40 feet lo ng and25feet w ide.Th ere w ill bea wo odenfloorcon structed in the i nterioro f t he t en t. whi ch will b e loca ted appro xi mately 2 te et a bovee xist ing gr ade.It is inte ndedt o be flus h with the level of thesnow o n the o uts ideoft he t ent.St affun derstands tha tth e tent willnot b e usedatn ight and willn ot have any ligh ts inside.Thete n t w ill not req uir e g uy w ire s t os upport it. O n August 22 ,1994 ,t hePl ann ing a nd Environmental Co mmission (PE G)r eviewed a pr oposed "c lam shell "struct ure fo r t h is site .Duetothe concerns expressed about its a rc h itectural c ompatibility w ith the Uonsheada rea,Vai lAssociatesisno longer pursu ing th at con cept.Thecu rrentproposalis m orea long t:'e lineso fatrad itiona l western t ent structure . The Town iscons idering this tentstructure request asa "recrea tio n Iacility",wh ic h is lis tedas ac ond itional us eun derS ection18.26 .040(0 ).Beca use it isa te mporary b u ilding.it is not . requir edtobe rev i ewed u nderthe ce ll e xter ior alterat ioncr iteria.Vail Associates understands that i f the structure is approved,it would have to be removed i mmediate ly after the ski season.VailAs so ciates and Town s taff have agreed that th e tent m ust be removed by April 22 ,1995.For t he 1995-96 season,i t could notb e repla ced w ithout anot her co nditionaluserev ie w. .;«-<-1.,,-«:/.r ,'c ~I;r '.,G ~ ·' II.COMMERCIAL CORE IIZONINGCONSIDERATIONS Aru:1.6-4 5 acres 01'71,656.2 sq.It "',.I 1 "r.J,P . 22'(0/ )...~; 80',~ 1.40"::.:" 18 'HI 1.4%01"1,000 sq .h . Zoning:Commercial Cote II H ei ~l;45 fe el AIaw.d Se tbacks :10'o n BI side s Sh e Coverage :70%or50,159 s q.ft landscaping:20%or 14 ,331 S4 fl.94 .9%Of 67,986 sq.tl.¢Ii y- Parking is no l r ~"ed for lemporary str\lcttJr.s . III.CRITERIAAND FINDINGS Uponr eview ofSection 18 .60,the Community Development Departmen t recomm ends approval oftheconditi onalusepe rm it basedupo n the following factors: A.Consideratio n of Factors: 1.Rela tionship and I mpactofth e us e ondevelopment ob jectives of the Town . Thedevelopmentobjectives oftheTow n at Vail can befoundin the purpose section of the zo ned istrictaswe ll asthezoningtitleattheMun icipal Code. The purpose sectionofthe Comme rcial Core IIzonedistri ctc alls foramixture 01uses .S ecti on 18.02 .020 (0.10),thepurposesection f or the zoningtitle calls for the p rovision 01 recreational facilities.Staffbelie vest hatt hisrecreational facility w ill c ont inue to augme ntthes ki sc h ool prog ram inthe lions headar ea . We believetha tskischool facilitiesare an approp riateuse to addtothe mixture atusesattheLionshead skierba se. 2.The effect oftheuseon light andair ,d istribution of population , transportation facili ties,utilities,schools,parks and recreation facilities,and other pub lic facilit ies needs. Staffbeliev es that therew illnotbea ny negativ eimpactsto t hecriteria referenced a bove. 3.Effectupon traffic withpart icular referenceto conges tion, automotive andpedes irian saf etyand convenience,traffic flow and control ,access ,maneuverability,andremovalof snow fromthe street and parking areas . 2 ~.• Staff beli evesthat there will be littleimpact ontraffic o rr elated issuesasthe p rop osed s t ructure may actually increaseped estriantraffic in thearea,but is not likely to generateadd itionalv ehicular trips inLi on s h ead. T heFire Dep artmen t has stipulatedth at thete nt may on ly be u sed for one h undred a ndeightyda ys,that the c anvas m us t be fire r e ta rdan t,and that the max imum occu pant load b e sixty -sev en perso ns .Va il A ssoc iate s hasagreed to c omply with t hesestandards. 4.Effect upon th echaracter of th e areaIn which the proposed use i s tobe loca ted,i n cl udi n g t hesc are and bu lk of the proposed use in r elationtosu rrounding uses. Staff b elieves that the proposedtent is consistent w itht he cha racterof the Uonsheadar ea.Webelievethat the materia ls.canvas an d log s.addto t he character of th e struct ure.Theformof thebUilding isc onsist ent with a tradilionaJ w esterntent.Staff believesthat th e pr opo sal is rea sonable.given that it will be lim ited t o the 1994-1995 s ki seaso n .S taff believesthatif Vail Associ ates finds that the floorareaisn eededfor their ski schooloperations that Vail As sociatesp roposea permanent struct ure inthe fut ure .W ebelievethat for a one -yeart ri al b asis,thep roposed structu re isacc eptab le . B.Findings T he Planningand Envir onmentalCommiss ion shall ma ke the fo llowing findinos b efore g ranting aco nditiona l u se pe rmit: 1.That the p ropos ed location o f theuse in acco rd w ith thepurposes ofth e cond itionalu sepermitsectio n of th e zoni ng c od e an d th e pu rposes of the distr ict in whi ch the siteis located. 2.That the p roposed location of th euse andthe co ndit ion s u nder whic hit wo uld beoperated or ma intained wo uld n ot b e d etr imen taltothep ublic health,safety,or welfare or mat erially inj uriou s to pr opert ies or improvementsin thevicini ty . 3.That the proposed use wouldcomplyw ith eac h of the applicable provis ionsof th e con ditional u sep ermit sec tion o fthe zon ingcode. IV.L10NSHEAD DESIGNCONSIDERATIONS This location isnot identified i nany atthe Su barea Concepts . 3 ---._-----=~........- .,,, 1 V.STAFFRECOMMENDATION Staffrecommen ds approval of therequestw ith onecond ition.We believe thatth e propo sal isc onsistent wit h thecriteria asdiscussed above as w ellasthe fi ndings.Sp ecifically,s tatt be lievestha t Rn ding 1 ismet inthatthep urposeof t hefacili tyisc onsistent with the CommercialC oreII z one district.W e believ e that it is appropriate toa ccommodate guests w ith additional s ki schoolservices a tthet tonsnead ski b ase.C oncerning Findin g 2 .stau belie vesthat itis m et b ecause therew ill beno i mpactsto public h ealth,safety,and welfare. C oncerningFind ing 3.staftfinds thattheprov isions oftheZon ing C ode a remet.Therefore, staffr ecommendsap proval of t hereque st with the following condition : 1.Pr ior toApr il22,1995,Va il A ssociates w ill remove the st ructu refrom thesit e. Anyprop osal for the "995-1996seasonmustbereviewed by the PEC as ano ther conditiona l useperm it.Staff st rongly recomme nds that if Va il Associates finds tha t t his facility Isbeneficial,th at Vai l A ssociates p ropose a ~--'<,pe rmanent facilityin th isg enerallocation. ~N~6 (f r ((['0/....0-'---iJ J/ (11 'f ((~7 ,.-< V~-r~- •••.. 4 r, ~.,. ,, III I ..---._--~-~--- ?) ! !,, •I \ -, , ,, " ,I U r .~[,»!~·I i ill il !,!."'il 'i! "I .' ;OJ .,~ ~...--j.!..,..... ..,..~.'.,. // ., o s •_.s'......._... ,...., i I I ~ ..' , 1, I I \ I~- I i :.: , .. .. -. tJ<:>~~~".,ii'M,",,~-, .I r . I I 'I "I 'u:!1 .IJ !:~iH I iii h ;~} I •I .. .. \'. .•'.<•.••'.•_~ .~ t..,,..t -,;-,, i, '- ~ !,!•,\,'j ...I h ··,~', -:r "•'11S'},. ;,_.I "I ·,.,,\ ·.:;1 :,\_) !!f \0--.-.L ,1...1 -1;\ ,'/=~.t .....-l;{f<'!~'r ;..:::,I;,-;.-.~!~j ~'~r :~~..,l~-'=q-..",r i ·~~•,1 ',e!I ~.~ Ii, ,j I·.· ·~, nL 'Jl\~,•.',•,,1Ir'.0=-"'"[i !\··,,f -~~,:~,..~,nn;,\I "l ';=-~'~','',,'!,'.--....., :".IE~~,--:r -::J.;~.:.;I -~~~:".,1 ..____l~~Lat :t --I--'I I ,It ;;I :,!..I ."I !~f;:~'¥Ii ''.1 ,-'"'-1 ---,'.i ~'-I I (:I,i f·~·~~~:.·!f L __:.~,.7 .L ~,=-,/•----•IiLjv ,,I,..'-,i l ,!'c ••,-.--,[1'''=1 '•~.•..·I •,,L!--..___ !i; ··I , f .'.",... .'• j .. · ~,... .\~ jil.i :[lll IrI,!r . I il h1l11fQr ~•..")..,•t._~~J'•••, I "..;"~.....,Ir '.~..I ,.1;",..-.!""";., \ I-..,~, I I J r oz en Im:>o omz -Im :0 ----,r-.,,..--.._......,.....,joJ,,__-- • , I ~ rr, ~,, /_--" -z: 1 (j\• I\.) Cv• ~, , 1\.)'~o !• 01 •~ I\.)o• CD / ~/,.'.~-."',">;-"':t<. ..-•...--.-.:..-.~_'.:.~,•..,~.".'. TO;MIKE McGEE '·GREG HA LL 'TODDOPPENHEIMER Return 10 Andy Knudlscn Town Planner INTER -DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT :y: DATE SUBM ITIED :I , cr ~{.'n..A--t..J ..Lf.---<.- DAT E OF PU BLIC HEARING -L.?!,-,Z",.",{<c..'_ COMMENT S NEEDED BY:_...I.X:L..S'Z4-f'--_ BRI EF DESCRI PTION OF THE PR OPOSAL: "-Ie-~f 41 rt......: ,/tL"A'!'"~"VZ'-e L-/"-0..L~/.' E:k/,"'-4,1 Engineering: • 0 /1 ..fie.r" -'-5''''o~,'iID/',Y- Comments : Reviewed by:Date:_ Fir e Dep l.: Comments: Reviewedby:Dale:_ Dislribuled 10 IheFireDepartment;Public Works,and Landscaping on'---'--'---''....d.,''--''-F__ kt..ef c:i..<--J<-.'7 ' 6 e-+c(.;,.!.j" Lands capi ng:7 ~".,~~,-II h ~".~•.,. "'., Relurn 10 .4I{f n',ls//'/ Town Planno r INTE rl-D J::PA RTMENTAL REVIEW BRIEF DESCR IP TIO N OFTilE PROPOS AL: P ROJECT: DATE SUOMIHED : DATEOFPUDUC II I'N lii NNiGGi_-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-~~~COMME NTS NEEDED OY;_--------- FIR E DE PARTM ENT Comments: ,--6~,(f.)h ;r;",jeW,-A n--:;r,/~-v /..f4,{Fe-/'7tfr~'-'. -t///-jlja;'7-;T.,//;(.1,1'5r de,/;)/:;'3;'{/:rr/f;v,(.,.,.()~-i-~fl//.w A'-:....."..4aiV');.d',4~ /..,;/R.//,.,.,,0 ,/7/l'lf',f/;,Jc/J', /("I///~h~jI 'J7/~r;d"'~/e~J ///a.'//r »<iy A ,,;p..vlJ. 'fi:)lr//,//1 //.J-/<.c.;r.f<-I?:lt;./lif"';-,1",-H'?,.tE7//.f'.J.'RT;.. /);{f//,t<'Jl'l/i'71J,I/;If""pt1',1:"'J /V"tL 6'H//"c/-l.?P/. fi>;[11/,·-io«:/;G.hu"/).(}//,;w.271 (U4:.) /Wy/,{/(H-I Jr.rti'!wr C'/4~'l&h..k-C7 Cs""-frl1Itr ss»...~ •.5i9'..w /h19,?ljJ .;I/o'/,/c'l?//-/fy , TO;MIK EMcGEEGREGHALLTODDOPPENHEIMER Rc lurn toAndy Knudtscn Town Planne r PROJECT :V:, DATE SUBM ITIED:I INT ER-DEPARTM ENTAL R EVIEW q f'1,.q t.·n-A .t....J ..6'<>-<-- DATE OF PUBLIC HEAR ING --..u?/'""Z"',62=--__ '. .,.., COMM ENTS NEEDED BY:_-<m:t-£?4.{_ BRIE F DE SCRIPTI ON OFTHE PROPOS AL: ......Kf 41 !t-.....6<>-<.<of ~r ~"en:..<.f...~F~ En gineering: Reviewed by:~__Da le :_ Com ments : Lnndscaping : Rev iewed by:Dale:_ Commen ts: Fire Dept.: Rev iewed by :Dale :_ Com men ts: Distrib uted 10 the Fi reDepartment,Public Wo rks,andLandscapi ng on :l';/.J:"/?1- TO WN\;OF:::::VA~IL~~~\ 75 Sou th Frontage Road Vail,Co lorado 8 1657 303 ·479 ·2 138/479·2139 FA X303 ·479·2452 September 9,1994 Mr.TimKehoe Va ilAssocia tes,Inc. P.O.Box 7 Vail,CO 81658 Fax:479 ·2054 ,fI ~GOPY Depart me nt of Conununity Deve lopmen t RE:Tho "clamshell"attheLionshead SkiBaso DearTim: I WOylQ liko to help clwily the review times l or ilny proposalto be constructedat til e Llc nshead Ski Baso.In order tomako presentation at the September 213 .19M Plartnlng and Environ mental Commission (PEG)meeting,please have planssubmitt edtoour off iceno Jator than Monday ;Septembe r12 ,1994.T his will allow us a minim al amount of timeto route Ihe plans through th e Fire Department and Public Work sDepartment fortheir comment s.It will als oallo w the Community Development staff to dev elop a posi tion on theproposal. Ir you have any specific questions about temporary structures,perman ent struct ures,tho Design Review Board (ORB )pro cess,or Ihe exte ri or alteration proc ess,please do no t hesita te 10 call me.Thankyou foryour coo peration. Sincere ly . ~~~:~~ Senio r Planner . »> 1/-- ~r-'.f.,.• .. FIL ECOpy 4. 5. Approve minutes fro m A ugust 8,1994PEG meeting . J effBowen made am otion toa pprovet hem inutesfromth e August 8 .1994PE G meeting with Bill And erson seconding themo tion.A 3 -0-1vo te appro vedth em inutes from t heAug ust 8.1994 PEGm eetingwi th KathyL angenwalter abs taining ass hew as notpre sent at th e A ugust 8thPEGmeeti ng . Dalt onWilli ams updated thePEG on the roun daboutproposalforthe four-waystop. It should benoted t hat A llisonLassoearriveda t 2 :00p .m.fo r t he meeting. 6.A r equestfo r a conditional usepermitt o allow fo raTypeII emp loyeeho using unit located al126 Fo rest RoadILot5 ,Block7,Vail V illage 1st Filing . App licant: Planner: R on By rne Ji m Curnutte/George Ruther Geo rge Ruther made a presen tationpe rt hesta ff memo.Hes tated that staffwas recommendi ng approval of th is requ est w ith t he tw o conditionsou tlined o n Page6o f t hestaffme mo. BillRestock,thearchitectforthisproject ,slatedthathedi dnothave any a dditional commen tsb utth athe w as co ncerned abou t stan 's request r egard ingthe commo n sewer. Kathy Langenwalter statedthe common sew er wa sa Pu blic Wo rks issue . J eff Bowe nma de a m otion toa pprovet he req uestfor a con ditional u sepe rmittoa llow fo raTypeII emplo yeeh ousingun itpe rt he staff memoincl uding t he two c onditionso n Page6of t hest aff memo.Da lton Willi ams seconded the motion anda 6·0 v ote app rovedt hisrequest. 7.A r equ estf or a cond itionalus epe rmit 10 allo wfor at ent t o be used for the V a il Associ atess kisc hooltob elocated south o ftheLtonshea d .Ceri lerBu ildinq /IractA. Vai l Uonshead 3r d Fi ling. App licant: Planner: Joe Macy,representing Vail Ass ociates Andy Knudts enlGeorge Ruther George Ruther made ap resentation p erth es taftm emo .H est atedthat staff h adan additionalco ncernr egarding th isreques t concerning thep arkingrequirement.Geo rge reviewed th ecr iteriafor aco nditional use perm itwi th thePEC an d s tatedthat st aff leers thatt he c haracte r o f t heU onsheadareaw ouldben egativelyimp actedb yth e p roposed tent.Hestatedthat st aff was recomm ending den ial oft hisr equestd ue toits lacko f com patib ility wi thitss urroundings .Headd ed t hat sh ouldth ePEG c hooseto approve t his item,t hat staff w as r ecommending two co nditions o utlined o nPage4 of th e staftmem o. PlatV'ong &I'\d E n ~~'Ul Cornrri'ss.ion l.AMI .ng u,N,Us ""v",t22.,~2 e -•e ·• J ack Hunn,rep resentingVailA ssociates(VA),staledt hatVA feltthatt he proposed t entwas appropriate fortheuses t hey envisioned for it.Hestated that Sus ie Tjosse m, s ki schoo ld ir ector,wo uldexplain h owthete ntwou ld enable Va il Associates to augmentt heir traini ng procedures.He added t hat theproposed ten tw ould b lendin we ll wi th theexisting bu ilding .Jack sa id thattheyw ouldbeab le toaddtrees tothis loca t ion. SusieTjassemstatedtnatvideoandthe useofbiofe edback hasbecomeoneofthe new tec hnologies w hichVa il As sociatesistry ing to incorporate intoth ei r skischool. J ack Hunnand Kurt Segerberg pr ese nted the PEe w ith am odel ande xplainedhow theproposedten tw ouldfuncti on. Kurt S egerberg sta ted t hattheyhad lo okedat several pe rmane nt -type structuresand . stated that t he proposed "clams hell-was comparatively low p rofile. GregAmsden inquiredwhe ther there w ould beafloor in thetent. Jack Hunnstated thatlhere would bea floor andtheywould like t helIoo r tobe2 l ee t abo ve the summer grade . BillAnd ersonslated tha t he h ad a prob lemwith the a rchitecturald es ign and espec ially wi tht h is m odel.H e w asaware that t heP EG had approv ed tent-ty pe st ructuresin the past for temporaryuse sbu tfe ltth at m orethought should beg ivento t hearch itec tural e lementsand howtob lendth isinwit h t he r est 01 Lionshead. G reg Amsd en s taledt hat h efe lt thetent appeared"industrial"a nd d id notfitwit h the r esto f Uo nshead. Je ff Bowensta tedt hat t heideabeh ind it was pos itive.Hesugges ted that the l ent shouldbemor e 'circus -like"andle ss indu st r ia/looking . Alli son LassoeagreedwithJe ff's comm ents . DaltonWill iamsstated thatheagreed w ith Bill's andGr eg's c ommenls concern ing Ihe a rchitecture.Heb e lievedt hat the proposedt rees wo uld notg row inthe pr oposed locat ions. KathyLan genwalter hadmi xed fe eli ngs ab outany t emporarystruct ure.S hefeltt he te ntsho u ldbesofterand less industrial in appeara nce.S he acknow ledged the applicant'sr ightt ol ocaleas tructure at t he pro posed locat ion . Jack Hunnsta tedt hattheyhadb een re s e a rchingd ilte rent str ucturesfor appro ximately s ix weeks andtha t the "clam shell"so fa r was thebe st so lution r egardingsnowload andflexibility . BiiI A ndersonstatedthat theapp licant ha d foun datent thatw as fun ctional buttha t it d id n ot fit in w iththe r est ofthe Lionshead neighborhood.He sa id that hew ould s till have a problemwith the "clam s hell-regardlessofw hatco lor it was. Plan"""'Q aod ~.....I Corn'r<~~iofI ~Mltv.:1M A"'i!USI 22.1994 3 Dalt on W illiams supporte dthep ropose d us eof t h el entb ut statedthathec ouldno t see ho wt he t ent co uldbe loca t edsothat it w o uldn ot encroach o n the Magic Carpe t or snowca t ope rations. •'i•• Greg Amsden st atedthat the ap plicantneededtoc onside rwh ether a l entwasan appropri ate s tructureforth e fu nctions whi chVa ll Assoc iat es ha d in mi nd .He felt t ha t the PEGsupp orted the applicantsproposed use b uta mo re su itab lestructuren eeded tob esel ected ..",, George R uther request edthat the applicant explai nth ep roposed interior lighting fo r th e request ed tent. Jack Hunn st a t ed tha t t hepr o posed t entwo uld b e used durin gt he daytime on ly and thato nlyexter iorlighting w asbe ing p roposed .a . Kathy Lan g e nwalter as kedt heap plic antw het her h e wan tedt he P EG tovote o nthis item o rtotable it so that t hea pplicantco u ld continue t ow orko nthestructure. J ack Hunn stat edthat hew ou ldliketotable th is ite m and co me b ac k b eforethePEC . Jeff Bowe n m ade a mo tionto tab let his item t o the Se ptember 12,1994 PEC mee t ing . Bil l And erso n seconde dt he m ot ionand a6-0vo le tabled thi s item to the Sep tember 12 .199 4P ECmeetin g. 8.Pr oposed textam endments to C hapter18.38,Gr eenbe ltand Natural Ope nSp ace DistrictandCh apte r18.36 ,Pub lic Use Di strict.01 theVa il MunicipalC odeandt he c r eationofC hapter 18 .3 3.Ou tdoor R ecreationDistrict. Applicant: Plann ers: Towno f Vail J im Curnutte an d R uss F orrest R us s Forrest mad e apr esentation pe r t hestaff memo .Hestate d that staffw as proposing atw o-stage pr ocess .The1irs t stagew as t he ap proval o ft he text amendmentsto t heZoning Co de.Thesecon dstage w ou ld involve sta ffreviewof t he land u se s throughou t towna nd rezo ne p arcels acco rd ingly. J oe M acy,r epresent ing Vail A ssociates.stated thatVAwas c oncernedw ith th ese proposed text amend mentsspecifica lly in regard toth e Vist aBahn area He stated thatt hisar ea n eeded additional ski base facilit ies.A secon d conce rn w ith the propo sed t ext amen dments co ncerns theparce l of land loc ated ad jacent to t he Lod ge atV ail.He sta ted thatCha irlift1 was locate d inthisareaand tha t s hould the tex t am endmen tsp ass,thatV A w o ul dnotb eab let o r eplace t his c hair lift. Ji m L a m o n tsaid it w ashisu nderstand ingtha t t hetext a mendmentswo uld notaffect an y spe c ificpi eceof la nda nd asked stafftoc lar ify howt he rez o n i ngp rocess would work. Russ Forrest e xplainedho w t he rezoning proces s w ould o ccur. J im lamont was c oncerned a bout thepot ent ia l 10 rezon e parcels o f landthat al ready ha d esta b lishedu ses. P ~nir>Q L"lI E ~rr.al c.c.mm<nior!u.tIing Ir.l '"'-'ln Aug~t 22.'~;4 4 ~ail Associates,In c. c............l C/rnwo ....nI \\oaI.,.J "".~c'"'~·Rr...... f'n5 1 OlTke Boll 7 •Va,l,Colo nJo 6 16511 Vail Associates,Inc. c......-l Orn--,,,/\Io•..w 8<.......c_·Roo.,. f\M O«,ce ~j •~d .C>I..-Ju BI6S8 .......A a.o.7.;p'"""",a....~1.11"e..-.....,.......--',""•......-...··'....-.lfk......C ,••r.Offi ............. .'"ICC 8ulI 1 •v.",.C "'...klo S16S8 Vail Associates,Inc . Co ._.......C\rtnf.....1 v..1......~__.•Po.!....-...e-I Il...... Off,ce Bo~7 •Vol,!,CoI"I"3Ju BI6SB Condom inium Association for Llc nshead Ce nter 520 Wes l Lionshead Mall Vail,C O81659 Town of Vai l 75South Frontage Road Vail.C O 8 1657 Vail Assoc iates.Inc. P.O.Box 7 Vail,CO 81657 po s-,S03q 1/«:I CiJ '&/&5(f T ree Tops Condomi nium ASSOCiat ion 1 4 ~East Me4ldow Dr ive .Su ite 397 Vall.CO 8 1657 An emicn:Ma rbel Barnes ~. •.. THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOURPROP ERTY ' PUBLIC N OTICE NOTICE IS H EREBY G/VENth atthePlanning andEnvironmentalCo mmissio nor the Tow n of Vail will hold a publichearing in accordance with Sectio n 18 .66.060 oftheMunicipal Codeof the TownofVa il on August 22,1994,at2 :00 P .M.in the Townof Va il Mu nicipal Building.In consideratio n of: 1.Pro posedt ext amendmentstoChap ter18.38,Greenbeltan dNaturalOpe nSpa ce Di strict andChapter18.36,PublicUse District,of theVail Municipal Codeand the crea tio n ofChapter 18.33,Outdoo r Recreation District . Ap p licant: Planners : Town ofVa il Jim Curnutt e and Rus sForrest 2.Arequest lora wo rksesslonfora major amendment to theGlen Lyon SODtoallow for a revis ion to themasterplantoall owfor the expans io n ofthe Glen Lyo n Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage RoadWesVArea0 ,GlenLyon S OD. Applicant: Planner: Pierce,Segerberg andAssociates AndyKnudtsen 3.A requestfora conditional usepermit to allow for an expansio n tothe adm inistration bui ld ing located at 1309 Vail Valley DrivelUnp lattedp arce/locatedno rth ofthe/-70 Right-Of -Wa y,north ofVa il Village,8th Filing. Applican t: Planner: Tow n ofVa il.represented byG reg Hall Andy Knudtsen 4 .Arequest for a setback variance toallow tor a new residenceat 5 128 Gore CirclelLot 4,Bloc k3 ,Bigho rn 5thAdd ition. Arequest for a condi tional usepermit to allow tor atenttobeused fo r the Vail Associates ski school tobe located southof theLionshead Ce nter Buildi ngfTracl A, Va il Lionsh ead3rdFiling. Applicant: Plann er: Applicant: Planner: G his laine deTeron anne deFe rn andez/repres ented by Duane Piper AndyKnudtse n JoeMacy,representing Vail Associates Andy Knudtsen 6.Arequest foravariance fr om Section 18.69.040 (Develo pmentRestri cted)of theVail Municipal Code toallow for the const ru ctio nofabuilding on slopes greaterthan4 0% fora site locatedat 4 403 Bighorn Road/Lot3,Block3,Bighorn3rdAd dition. Applicant: Planner: Betly Luke,representedbyMi ke Lauterbach Jim Curnutte -. THIS ITEMMA Y EFFECT YO UR PROP ERTY P UBLIC NO T IC E NOTICE IS HE REBY G IVEN t hal lhe Pl anningand E nv ironmental Co m miss io n 01 the T ow n o f Vail will h old a pu blic hearinginac cordancew ith S ection18 .66 .060 o fthe Municipal Co de of th eT ownofVa il o n Se ptember 26,1994 ,at 2 :00 P.M.i nthe T owno f Vail M unic ipalBu ild ing . In conside ration of: 1.A req ue st fo r a worksessi on f or aSpecial Devel opmentD istrict a ndama jor cell e xte ri or a lteratio n 10 all ow for th erede velopmen t and e xpans io n at the l.'Ostello Lo dg e loca teda t 70 5 West Lio nsh eadC ircle /Lot1,Block2,VaiVUo nshead 3 rd Filing. Applica nt: Planner : Alie n,Inc .lJ ohnD unn Ra ndy Stouder 2.Arequ est for a v ariancetoallow fo ra wall inth e f rontset back 10 exceed 3feet l ocated at 2427 G armisch Dri vellot 13.Bloc k H,Vail das Sc hone 1s tFili ng. App licant: P lanner : T .J.C onners J im Curnutte 3 .A request for front a nd s ide s etbackv ariances t oa llowfo ra n ew res idenceto be loc atedat 1788 A lpineDr ive lLot 11,Vail Vill age W est tstF iling. A pp licant: Pla nner: T ho mas Th eys J imC urnutte 4.A re q uest for aw orksesslon fo r ama j or am endment to the Glen L yonS DD toa llow fo rare v ision 10 t he ma ster plantoa llowf or the expansiono f t he Glen Lyo n Office Buiiding locateda ll000SouthFrontage R oad Wes VArea 0 ,G len Lyon SOD . A request fo ra co nditional us e permi t t oa llowf o ra tent t o b e u sed f or th eVai l Associat es sk i sc hoolto be located sou th of the Lionsh ead C enter B u ild ingfTract A , V ail Lionshead 3rdFi ling .* App licant: Plann e r : App licant: Planner : P ierce,Seg erberg andAssociates AndyKn udtsen Jo e M acy,rep resenlingV ail A ssoc iates Andy K nudtsen T O: FR OM: DATE : -. MEMORANDUM Pla nningandE nvironm ental Co mmiss ion Com munity D evelopmentDepartment August 22 .1994 e. SUBJ ECT :.A request for a conditional useperm it toallow foratent to be us ed fortheVail As sociates ski school to b eloc ated southatth e Lionshead Cen ter Build ingffract A ,Vai l Lionshe ad 3rdFiling. Applicant: Planner : Jo e Macy,representingVa il A ssociates A ndyKn udlsen I.DESCRIPTIONOFTHEPROPOSEDUSE Vail Associates ispropos ing to construct a "clam she ll-tent structurefo r theChi ldren 's S ki Sct1ii"o l Prog ram.Th Is woul db ea t emporary s helterloca ted im med iately east o f the Born Fr ee E xpress,betWeen theLi onshead SKlSChoo l ro cation an dth e M agic C arpet lift.T he ~c r a m sherr is 45 feet lon,28 feet w ide,and16 feet·l Inchta:lrth e term 6c1 am sheW isthe brand na meofth e tent struct ure a IS p r opos WI beconst ructed out of analuminum flame w it h awh ite polymerc overing. T he purpose of thetentis to provide addit ional sac e for thes ki school program .Va il Associates has to teowna ey need the additionalenc losed floo r ar eatofac ilitate the s ki schoo lin Lionshead.Thetent will ha ve entrances onth e northands outhsidesto allow passagethr oughit. Th!:Town is cons ide ring thi s ten t str ucturereq uest ar ecreati onfacility ,wh ich is listedasa co ndltJo nal use u nderSection 18 .26 .040(0).Because itisa te mporary building,itis not required to bereviewed under the exte'rfor -alteration cr iteria .Vail Associa tes understands th at if t he-struct ure is approved,it would have t obe removed immediately after the ski season .Staff b elieves thata May,.1995dead lineisapp ropr iate .N ext season,itco uld not be r eplaced w ithout ano ther co nd itional use revi ew. II.COMMERCIAL COREIIZONINGCONSIDERATIONS Th eZan ina Code d~s nat pro vide aspe ci fic p arking requlre me :e..Q realional fac ilities. Si m ilartothe analys is oftherecent adffi Jo ntotheskischool ,staff recommends thatthe app licant pro videan analysis s how ing the incremental increase of customers th at ar e lik ely as ar esul t of the tent.Atthistime ,staffha s n ot askedfor this ana lys is.If the Pla nn ing and Enviro nmentalComm ission(PEe)de cides toappro vethepro posal,staff will work witht he app licantonthe de termination oft he park ing requ irement a ndretumtothe PEe toc onfirmthe appropriate am ount.Asthesi te is zoned CCII ,the applicant will be r equiredto pa y into the e,ar king fun d for an yfloorareade terminedto generatetraff iC . Ii ·....--:'..••....0 • Zoning :Commercial Core II Are a;1.645 a cres or 7 1.656.2 sq .N. Propo Hd 45 ....161_1.'inch Se lbaoo:'0-on all sides N · 5 , E'w. 60" '0" 120" 210 70%or SO,159 sq.fl. 20%Of"14 ,331 sq.h . ,.8%or 1.260 sq .It. 94'"4 o r 67,725 sq.rt. P~ng :As previously discu ssed.the site is z oned CCII,the appleanl will be "'CFJ Ue!10pay i'\I0 !he pariUng lund lor any lloot ar ea.de1ermined bythePEC10 generale tra"ic. III.CRITERIAANDFIND INGS Uponreview ofS ection 18,60.th e Community-Development Departme ntrecommends denia l ofthe conditional usepe rmitbaseduponthe following factors : A.Consi deratio n of Factors: 1.Rela tionship and im pactoft heuse ond evelopment ob ject ives of theTown. .Thedevelopment objectives oftheTownofVail ca n b e found inthe purpose sect ion ofthezoned istrict asw ell asthezoning title oftheMunicipal Code . Thepurposesection of tI"Ie Commercial Core IIzonedist rict cal ls foramixture ofuses.Section18.02 ,020(0,10).thepurpose section forthe zorun qtitle calls for theprovi sion ofrecreational facilities.tieves thatthisrecreational facilit wi ll co ntinue toaugment theskischool roram in the Lions ea a. e be lieve thats I SC 00 aC 11res are anappropriate us e toadd to the mixture of usesattheUonsheadskier base. 2.T he eff e ct 0 1 the us e o nl i ght and air,d is t r ibuti onof po pulati on , t ran spo rt ati on facilities,u tilities ,s chools,p arks andrec reat ion fac ilities ,and othe rpu blic fac ilities needs . .Staff b elievesthat there will notbeanynegativeimpactsfathe criteria referencedabove. 2 StaN be lieves that there w ill belittle impacton traffic or r el ated issuesasthe proposed s tructure mayactuallyincreasepedestrian traff ic inthe area,butis not like lyto ge nerate add itional ve hic ular trips in Lionshe ad. 3.Effect upon traff i c with pa rticu lar ref er encet o con gestion, automotivea ndpedestr i an sa fety and convenience,traffic fl owand control,access,man euve rability,and r emovalof snow f romthe street andpar king areas. e -•.~• 4.Effect upon t he cha racterof th earea i n w hichth e proposed us e is to be loca ted ,i ncl u di ngt hesc ale andbu lk of th e p roposed usein relation to surround ing uses . Staff be liev es thatth echaracterof theareawo uldbe n egativ ely impactedby thep roposed ten t.W e be lieve tFiaflJ'i'e""Cla l1T s h-ell''is-a-forTTT'"ttTat IS nor- consistent wi th the c urrentarchitectural character In Lio nshead.We believe that i t w ill b e a sharp c ontrast tothe buil dings located to the north ofthis site, asw ell as the strea m and theJiparian corridor ,[ocated -tcrth'esoUth-of the:-site: We eleve t lectsa more TridUStiiaJ tY pe on.lruc fijre:-~We ··­ under stan d theb enefitsofversati lity and ease aco ns rue Ion ;no wever,we do not believethat the pr oposedtent is of aq uality tha t Isapp rop riate to be loca ted inthisar ea. B.Find ings T hePlanning andEnvironm ental Commission shall makethe fo llowing findings before gr anting aco nditiona l useperm it: 1.T hat the proposedlocation 01 theuseinaccordwit h the p urposes of th e co nditional usepe rmit sectionof the zoning code an d thep urposesof th edistri ct i n wh ich thesite islocated. 2.Th at the p roposedlocation 01 the useandth econd itionsunder wh ichit w ou ld be operated orma intained wou ld notbe d etrimental to the p ublic health.sa fety.orwelfare ormaterially injurioustopropertiesor imp rovemen tsin thevicinity. 3.Th atthep roposeduse wo uld comply w ith eachof theapplicable p rovisions ofth econditional usepe rmit section of th ezoning code. IV.L10NSHEAD DESIGNCON SIDERATIONS This location is not idenftfied in any of tne Subar ea Conc epts. 3 •• V.STAFF REC OMMEN DATION St affr ecommends d enial 01 t he c onditional use request atthisloc ation.Th oughitm eetsth ree o f the cri teria .staff believ es t hat it does not meetth e fourthcri teriad ealing w ith t hee ffect upon t hecha racte r o f t he su rroundingar ea . If th e P EG w ereto ev aluatet hecri teriadi fferentlya ndweret osu pporttherequest,s taff wo uld r ecom mend t hatth e PEG addtwo c onditions ofappro val.W eb eli eve the structu re s hould be rem oved fr omthesi te nolat er than May1.1995andno t be allowed t o bereco nstructed wi thout a nother co nditionalu se review by thePEG;andtha t thea pplicantsh o uld pr ovide a parking an alysisand r eturn to th ePE Gtoco nfirm the required numbero fp ark ing spaces. .. .-,1../1')-0 '•~ 4 • 0 00 0 ~. .~o ~ 11 P""'?T il 'REVISJO N:"..w..~Shecl:.........'"V.I VJb'¢?I~1l:»~o 2-lo ~0 Au .......u Up l-b.Hf;>l:J 'f ElfT '~.., D _!?c.o p :Z A,.d,iltcU •r.c A ,loA.-'1'l.1'1'. ,.,.• ••••-,'. FlE XlI3 lL1T Y EASE /SPEED OF I NST ALLATI ON STRU CTURA L I NT EGRITY FRAM E M ATERIAL PRE·ENGINEERED OPT IONS PRO DUCTFEAT UnES &BENEFITS Only th ree structural corn pononts -I"A"beam ;88 ',"0" beam ;13 2 "and arch cu rv eslallo w fordi rec t in terchangeability . Th e cu stomer m ay t al ler t h e C la mshelter'swid th ,h eight a nd leng th tosp ecific s ite o r app li cation r equire m e nt s. Cla mshul ter s w ith spa ns o f up to 80 fe et c an b e in sta lled a trat esof 6 5 square f ee tp er manhour u sing simple ha nd t ools. Nocranes,sca ffolding or he avy equ ipment is re qui redto assis t inCl amshclte r i nstalla t io n re s ulting in a cos t - e ffectiv e insta lla t io n . All f ramec ompon entsw aighless t han 100po unds allowing t wo men t o lift anyClam sheltc r part. Designed to w iths tund9 0 to 1 20 MPH w ind l oad and 10 t o 40PSFsno wl oad (depend ingon bu i ldi ng size). Clamshell Buildi ngs,I nc .anodi zedaluminum(60 G1 -T6) fr ameis c orrosl o n -r c sl stan t.lon g -lived 15 0y e ars)a nd aestheticallypleasing. W hon co mparing 606 1 wi th com monlyuse d 6063,60 61- TG off ers a 30%in c reasein y ield st re ng than d b e twe e n 2 7 %a nd 42 %n.cr eas e i n o the r a llowa ble stru ctu ra l p ropertie s. T he Clams heIter isp r c -enainoeredt o accommodatea o f a ccesso ryopt io ns. T he e xtrude d al u minum fra me readily accommooa tes a n ex terna l wc athe rshcllas w ella s a n interna l in sul ati v e or bla ck -o ut lin e r wit h its m ultiple "tr a ck s". T h e frame is e xtrude d to a ccornodate el ectricalca ble or cond uit,lighting fixtu res.ho ists and sprinkler sys tems wi t hout com prom ising o ra ltering t he a lu mi num f ra me . A ran ge of doo r syste msc a n rea d ily be in stall e d in a ny side ba y o r flaten d . T he C lamshcltcr isa lso f u rn is h ed complete with ara in gu tter syst e m. TO· •-_. -~M IK EM C~GREGHALL •• TODDO PPENH EIMER ReturntoAndy I(nudlsnn T ownP lanner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL RE V IEW -C {dc!{("(t.;j,r 'i r.d - iJ'11 DATEOFPUBLICHEARING fit?2. VAPROJECT: DATE SUBM--=IT=T"'ED=-:-,:r=-==-=-::.,..,::::=-:,,;-.,..,==,,,,,""""--::,,,-,,,,,--- COMMENTSNEEDED BV:---<tiLJ.-!-t7L-_ BRIEF DESCRIPTIONOFTHEPROPOSAL: (/u ,·,\··r Engineering : Rev iewed by:~__Dale:_ Commcnls : La ndscaping: , Ccrnmcnts: •• TO:M IKE McGEE -• GREG HALL TODD OPPENH EIMER 0.'.."~,_.. ----n ctum (0Andy I(nudlscn To wn Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTALREV IEW PROJE CT:V A .c.(del""~rc...'i'l"7 .r .cJI-- DATE SUBM IITED:15"11 DATE OF PUBLIC HE ARING !t1 ?2. COMME NTSNEEDED BY:-..Jti'-l-!-I7.l.-_ BR IEFDESCR IPTION OF TH E PRO POSAL : \ -,Ir"I I~(I.., Engineering: Reviewedby :1«";Dale:"'1 '71,4---'-~- Comments: No """'"tl\t$. Landscapi ng: Comm ent s:. Fire Dept.: Reviewedby:Da le :_ Comm cnls: Dislribulcd 10 IheFire Department,PublicWorks,andLandscaping on ",.j;4/(0/ •.'. i ". ."\ ••-.::;r.,'T'.;:'i -q ';.~. CL AMSHELL DOOR M INIMAL REPAIR/MAINTENANCE ..'. SHIPMENT Provides cl earspan ,full /leight access. Allo wsfr ee m ovemento fe quipmentin toand out of t he Clamshc lter w ithou tt he res tri c ti ons p osed w ith ro ll-up or s lidingd oor sys tems . C lamshelter's anodized al um i num framcs as suresalong life f reefr omc orro sion . Wca thcrshc ll pane ls arc repaired /r eplaced in divid ually on site , Punct ures result ingtro rnc arelessheavy equipment o perators,f or example.arerep ai red in p lacew itha Cl amshell Buildings,I n c .p rov i ded repai rk i t. Replacement weathers h ell panel s me ills Wiled inon eh our f rom g round le vel. TheClam shel ter 's inte r chan geable c omponen ts afford lower w eighta ndv olume re sult ingi nlo wer surface shipment c osts,t heabi l ity to air f r eight tore m ote r egions .a nd m in imal spa ce re q u ireme nt f o ri nv entory . •• 75 South Frontage Roa d Vail.Co[omdl1S1657 303 ·479·2 138/479·2139 FAX 303 ·-179-2452 August 9,19 94 Ms.ac in Levino Pierce,Sege/berg and Associates 1000 Sout h Fron lage RoadWest Vai l ,CO8 1657 RE:lionsh eadSki School Children's T ent DearBeth: -•FI LE COpy Depart ment of Commu nity Development ..- Tn ank y ou for y ou r me morandum sum marizing ou r me eting onAug ust 4 ,1994.I Ihi nkit is import ant 10 reiteratethat the Towncertainly want s 10 c ooperate with Vail Asso ci ales in provid ing ahigh qualil y skier experiencein our community.To that end,we wan t10 su pport Vail Associates'offo rt toimprove theChil dren's Ski Schoo l.However,wearc concerne d about theappearanceof Iheclam shell andIthoug htthat this foll ow-up lett er wou ld help clarifythai concern.Please call me if you or your clien ts nave a ny questio ns. Sincerely, /j .<.r1/~.ci!~ AndyJ<nud l s en S enio rPla nner xc :Klr k $cgerberg Jack Hu nn '.-••C "Pn0'n'"..•------_._...~------~-------- P i e r ce ,Sc g c r bc rg &A s so c i at c s •A rc h i t cc t s •P .C.•A .l.A. MEMO RANDUM !lATE:AIIC1L'>1 4,1994 TO:Jac k H unu COMI'ANY: FIlOM : SUIlJECT: Va il &Associates nelh Le vine ~ Lioushcad Ch ildren 's 'felll Mee ting with An dy Knudtson a t theTowno r Vail And )'iUld lmet th is morning to discuss 1I1 e "clamshell"tentfor t heCh ildren's Sid School inL icnshcad.Andy's initial co ncern s we reth e lllmgc oft he s tructurea nd th e fact th al a n expansion oft he Ch ildre n 's S id Sc houI ha d j ust hceu approved. OUf d iscussiont hen foc used onth e n eed for an ou td our,heated gat h er i n g spacetoho lh enhance t h esk ier ex perience and he lp w ith skier safety an d congestio ninLio nshcad .And y said th e Town is aware of this needfo r theconuuuuity and would h ewilling t o help Vai l Associates. Andythoughtayear-long approva l for a temporary structure wo uld IJc ap propriate t o validate t he necessity of astructure in t hat location .T hcn perhaps a more perm anent st ruct u re or ap proval cou ld b e obta ined. Andy'sonly other concern was i f th ere wou ld be a ny other it ems aroundthestructure. cc:Kurt S egc d Jcr gfPSA AndyKn mlt sen /TOV M ai ll Offino:10 0 0S o mh t t routng c R oa d w cs r •Va il.Coln rnd o ~1(157 •:10]/476 ,4-1)) O n e 'rub or Ccm cr •1 200Scv c ntc cnt h S fr cc t•S ui tc 51 ~•Dc uvc r.Culor a dn ~O ~02 •)03/623·335 5 ••-• TO:MIKEMcGEE GREG HALLTODD OPPENH EIMER Re lurntoAndyKnudlscn Town PI;lnncr INTE R-DE PARTMENTALREVIEW .C tdlrr...~{~,..(<r 7 .r~tI- S-/I DATE OF PU BLIC HEARING f/z 2. PR O JEC T:.-=V=A:,:--=-~~=-=-~::==:~::-:-:::=.=C:r-,,--__ DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY:......lnl./-LI7L-_ BRIEF DESCR IPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: fJn ·t t •;7<..c, Engineering: Reviewed by:-'-__Dale:_ Comments: Land scaping: Reviewed by:Dale:_ Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by:Date:_ Commen ts: •••Pi c rl.:c,Sc g c rb cr g &A s soc i at cs •A rc h i t c c t s •P .C .•1\.1.1\. VailAssoci ates LiuusheadC hildrcns'Tent IP)~~- Jl JUL2 2 1994 ~ PLANN IN G,ULS IGi-J tl CO N S l l I U C r iO l ~ ViI;1 A ~~o d al t s would liket o propo se Ihe additionofanew,temporary facility to co mplementth ech ildrcn s 'skiin g pr ogram .T his f acility wo uld h e loc a t ed n ext toth e Born Fre e Express C hair L ilt .T he f acility will b e a {CI11Il Ul ";II 'Y,simple,a urnc uv c t ent struc t ure. Th eC hild rcn s 'Te nt w ill be used as a ui cc rlu g point furt he C hil drcns 'S k i Sc hool,thus m inimizing th e p resent traffi c and congestion ill Liou sh ead .Thes ize a nd hulk of th etc nt sha ll he of a s ma ller scale than t heHorn F ree E xpre ss and s hallhe w hi l e t o bl en d in with th e winter ima ge.Th e t ent will be awond erful gath ering pla ce for p ar en ts an d ch ildren alik e. M ai"Of/i et-:l oon Stlll ih F rllIll<lge It u;ltl w c s t •vail ,Cu lu r;ulu 11 1657 •3 U.1/,176·44 33 O ne Tubur Ccm c r •I ~O O Sc v cutc c uth S j r c c t ,S UIle .'\I S •De nver.Culnr atlu Kfl2n2 •30 J/623 ·33 55 •'.,,- .-~ -:-(r/l .2r§F4 CJC i .~ -~// / / L-~-----~ --'---( ------_.~.---------------------._----..-._---------- ! ~J r.eN;'. .I , / / .!.',,.-...,' -.-/i ~/ / .- \ / p~ s.........& Anoci.tu An:h ilcctl VflC--~T~~ L~t:Pl:2.lI-reHi " JMNe.1 ~4<P S he e t: • P..... St:~_erx &. M UKi.'Ll A rchif «:h........ V»I L ~?I.t>r&:=' U"'H-?Ht:'P\?'ft:Hf ' J'"No.~Sheet: 1994 J uly 2 5,199 4 -• Oate of Ap p1 icationc--~cc="__~~__ • "---l'f)\1&r"E~Wq •)\\1.~\\\\I~. ..'JUL 2'j 1994 Date of PEC Meeting Aug ust 22, \I caNl Nl DEV,Dm,~~~11'iW ~1\l~-.APPLICATION FO R CONDITIONAL USE PE }.!)=U ~~~ I.This pro ~edure isrequire d for any project requ ire !~~og~~i ~9 P.P.PPit~l use perm)t. The application will not be accept ed untilall in fI~tf,;g ~~s~{Jg€JP.T. A•NAN E0F AP PLI CAN T -,-Va=-~:.:'l:....:.A",s",s-"o=.c ~:.:'a:.:t"'e"'sC--_ p a nax 7ADDRESS,--"'-'l.--"LalL...:L _ VAn,.co 8J658 B.NAME OF APPLI CANT'S R EPRESEN TATI~E Pi e rce ,Segerberg &Associ ates Arch itects ,P .C.,A .I .A . ADDRES S 1000 s .Fronta ge Road West.Su i te 300 V ail ,co 81 657 _________________________________________________,PHONE476 -4433 VA IL ASSOCIATES,INC.C.NAME OF OWNER(S)(print ortype)~~~~ O~NER(S)'SIGNA TURE (S)/_ P.O.BOX7ADDRESS,-'--_ VAIL ,CO 816 58 D.LOC ATIO N OF PROP OSA L:LEGA L:LOT_---'BL OCK'--_,FILlNG'--_ ADDR ESS Vail Lionsh ead 1 st Filing ,Tr a ct n A/N...1-15-q'l E.FEE $200 PAID X CK I.!/.!:J3Q BY Pi er ce,Segerbe rg &Associa tes Arch i tec ts ,p .e.,A.I.A . THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFDR E THE DEPARTME NTOF COMMUNI TY DEV ELOPM ENT WILL ACC EPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F.A lis tof t he namesof ow ners ofal l property adjacent tot hesub ject property IN CLU DIN G PR OP ERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STRE ETS .and their mai ling ad dresses. THE APPLIC ANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FO R CORRECT OWNERS AND CORREC T ADDRESS ES . I I .PRE·APPLICATI ON CO NF ERENC E: A PRE -A PPLICATION CONFERE NC E WITH A PLANNING ST AFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGEST ED TO DETERMIN E IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED.NO APPLICAT ION WILL BE ACC EPTE DUNLESS IT IS CO MPLET E (M UST I NCL UDE ALL ITEM S RE QUI RED BY THE ZONI NG ADMINISTRATO R).IT IS THE APPLI CANT ,S RESPONSIBLITY TO MAKE AN APPO INTMEN T WIT H THE STAFF TO FI ND OUT AB OUT ADD ITIO NAL SUBM ITTAL RE QUIREMENTS . PLEASE NDTE THAT ACOM PL ET E APPLICATI ON WIL L STR CAMLltlE T N E ~A Ppp n V ft.L PROCESS FO R YOUR PROJ EC T BY DECREASI NG THE NUMBE R OF CONDI TIO NS OF AP THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE.ALL CONDI TION S OF APPROVA L MUST BE CO~~BEFORE A BUILD ING PERMIT IS 15SIJ[D.~'.~.,' ~fj)~",,-~0'~~'\>':A~~'\,\~,~'-,\..~'-,y ~ (OVER)~~ ,\\5 •..•••xev.t eed 9/4/91 ."'. ORB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DA TE APPLICATION RE CEI VE D:Ju ly 2 5.1 994 DAT E OF ORB MEET ING:Au gu st 1 7 .199 4 ********•• I. E .ZONI NG :Comm e rc ial Core II _______________Phone P IERCE .S EGERB EPG &ASSO CIATES H.NAME OF APPLI CANT 'S REPRES ENTATIVE :ARCP-ITECTS ,p .e .,A .I .A . Mailing Add ress :1 000 s .F ro n tage Ro ad We st '200 Va il .c o £165 7 Phone 476 -4433 F .LOT AREA:I f r e quire d,a pp li c ant mus t p ro v ide a curr en t st a mpeds ur vey s howi ngl ot ar e a . G .NAM E OF APP LI CAN T :..;v..;a:.;J.:.;·l::...cA=s;os;oo;oc.::i .::a:.;t:.;c:.;s'-_ Mai ling Ad dr e ss :-------==c::----------- I.NAME OF 0I~NER5 : •SIGNATURE (S): Ma ili ng Add re ss : VA lL o co 01 6 58 Ph one 3 03 -479-3 012 J .Co nd ominiu m Approval if a pp l ica b le . 2 00 .00FEEPAID; FEE :;.%0.00 S ;}O.OO $1 00 .00 $200 .00 $4 00 .0 0 $500 .0 0 $10 ,000 ".$50 ,000 $15 0 ,0 00 $500 .GOO $1 .000 .000 51 ,000 ,0 1)0 VALUAT I ON S {J $1 0 /00 ~ $5 0 .00.!. $150 ,001 $500.00 1 $Over' ORB F EE :ORB f e es ,as s ho wn abov e,ar e t o b e pai d at t he t ime of su b mittal of ORB a pplicat ion.Late r ,when a pplying for abu i ldi ng permit,please iden t ifyt he acc urate valua tion o f thep r oposal .Th e Town o f V a~'~----__ wil l a djust th ef ee acco rd ing to t he tab le belo t o ensure the co rrect fee is pa id . F EB SCHEDULE: K . •il E SI GN REVIEW B OA P~APPR OVAL EXPIRES APPROVAL illlLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS S U .RTJW. ONE y ~AFTEY.FINAL IS S UE D AND CONSTRUCTION IS ·""'NO A1?PLIG.:1:rION ~o1l .L J~BE PROCESSED WI TH0 01'Om .J eR'S SIGNATUl1.!: 1 -..,._~....,,,,......,",;.-..'. SUBDIV ISIO N •-r ~L I T Y LOCA TION VE RIF I CATI 1It V A I L.L l o N \II (Tp..Q 3 y.l..J,)F \~"~(, C HI LDrL ll:"r:'5 LOT _BLOCK _Fl LI NG __-'-'='-=:":"'...!-'--- ADDRESS ...lJ f A-I p l'r-ST t?r Cx-tz.~G=8 L eA...AJ r.:'fL :nr A m ,~,t\l . I v~t L.....Y'v\..~,...tT ""\I ~ T he loca tion a nd av aila b i l i ty o fu t il i t i e s,whether they be main t r unk lineso r p ropo sed lines,mu st b e a ppr o ve d and v er if ied by th e f o llow ing uti li ties f or t he acc omp anying site p lan. U.s .West Comm unications 1 -800-922 -1987 4 68 -6 860 o r 9 49-4530 Publ ic Se r vice Compan y 9 49 -5 781 Gar y Ha ll Holy Cross E lectric As soc . 9 49 -589 2 Ted Husky /Michae l Lave rt y Heri ta ge Cablevision T .V. 949 -553 0 Ste ve Hiatt Upp er Eagl eVa ll ey Wa te r &Sa nit at i onDi st ri ct * 4 76 -7480 Fr edHas 1ee Aut horize d Signature i bi;;(q4- ~O b lq q t;!t -r( NO TE:1.Thisf orm is to v e ri fy servicea vai labi l it y a nd loc ation .Th is should b e used i n con junct i o n wit h pr epar in ga u ti lit y pla n and sch edu l ing insta llat ions . 2 .For an y n ew co nstr uct io n proposa l ,th ea pp l i cant mu st pro vide a complete d u t il i ty ver i fica ti on form . 3 .I f au ti lit y compa nyh as c oncer ns with t h e pro po sed co ns tr uct i on ,t heu tili ty rep rese nt a tive s hou ld not e di r ect ly o n th e u tili ty v erifica ti on f orm that there i s a prob le mwhi ch ne eds to b e reso lved .I f t he iss ue i s rela ti vel ycomp l ic ated , it shou ld be s pe l led o ut i n d et ai l in a n at tac hed letter to the Town o f Vai l.Ho wever ,p l ea sek eep in min d that i t i s t he res ponsi bi li ty of the uti l it y compan y and o wner to resol ve iden ti f i e d problems .~ \ 4.If t heu tilit y v erifica ti on f o rm has si g n at ures fr om e ac h o f th e ut il it y compan ies ,an dno c om men ts a re made di r e ct ly o n t he fo rm ,the To wn wi ll p r es u me t hat th e re ar e no p rob lems an d th at t he de ve lo pment ca np ro ce ed . 5.Thes e v e rif i ca tio ns d o n ot reli eve t he c on tr ac t or o fh is res ponsi bil it y to ob ta in a street cu t pe rmi t f rom t he To wn o f Vail ,Dep art ment of Pub lic Wor ks and t o obt a in ut il it y l ocat i o ns before t' d i 99 in 9 in a ny p ubl ic r i ght -of-wa y o r eas emen t 'n t he Towno f Vail.A b'J i ldi ng permi t i s '1 o t a . stre et c ut per mit .A st ree tc utp erm it mu st b e obt ain ed s ep ar ately . *Please bri ng a s it e pla n ,f l oo r p lan ,a nde lev at ions wh e n ob ta ini n g Upp er Ea g le Va ll ey Wa t er &S an it a tio n s i gn at u re s.F i re f l ow ne eds rov st he a ddre sse d. 9 ; I, t -; ~." •~L I S T OF MATERIAL S •NAME OF PROJECT:Vai l Assoc i ate s -Lio nshead Childrens Tent LEGAL DESCRIPT IO N :LOT BLOCK SUBDIVI S ION __ STREET ADDRESS :Vai lLio nsh ead 3rd F ili ng,Trac t A DESCR IP TI ON OFPROJECT:Vail Associates -Lionshe ad Chi ldrens 'Tent Th ef ol l owi ng inf orma tion i s requ ired f ors ubm it t al t o the Des ign Rev iew Board b efore af i nal app roval can be given : A.BUIL DING MAT ERIALS : Roof Sid ing Other Wall Mate r ial s Fa s cia So ffi ts Wi ndows Wind ow Trim Doo rs Door Trim Han d o r Deck Rail s Flu es F l ash i ngs Chimney s Tra s h E nclos ur~s Gree nh ouses Other TYPE OF MAT ERIAL Highs treng th PVC f a bric High strength PVC fabric Stru ct ure i s light -we iaht aluminum CO LOR White \'lhi te 8 .LANDSCAPING:Nam eo fDesigne r :~N:;;o;;n:.:e~_ Phon e: PLAN T MATERIALS :Botan ical Name Co mm on Na me Quan tit y Size* PROPO SEDTREES EX IS TING TREES TO BE REl10VED *I ndicat e c al ipe rf or d eciduous t r ees .Mini mu mc a lipe r for de ciduous tre es i s2 inches .I ndicate he i ght f o r con ife rous t r ees~Minimum height for co nifero us t re e s is 6 feet. 7 , PROPOSED SHRUBS Qua ntit y Siz e*Commo nBotanicalName...-PLANT ~ EXIS TING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indi ca te s i~e of propo se ds hrubs.Mini mu ms ize of shrub s i s 5g all on. Sq uare Footage GRO UND COVERS SOD SEE D TYP E OFI RRIGATION TYPE OR ME THOD OF _ EROSION CONTR OL C .LAND SCAPE LIGH TING :If e xt erior ligh ting is proposed,please s how t henu mber of fixtur esa nd locatio ns ona s eparate lig htin g plan.Identify e ach fixtu re f r om the light ing plan on the l i st below a nd provi de th e wattage,h ei ghta bo ve gr a de an d type of light proposed . No ne D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEAT URES <re tai n ing wall s,fences ,swimming pools,etc.)P le ase specify .Ind icate heights of r etaining wa ll s.Maximum h eigh t o fwalls wi thin the f ront setb ack is 3 feet .Ma xim um height o fwalls e lse whe re o n t he property i s 6 feet . None 8 r ...,.r S FR ,R , ...•ZONEC HECK- FOR Rp Is ZONE DIS TRICTS DA TE :July2 5 ,1 994 LEGAL DESC RIPTION:Lot Blo ck_Filing _ 4 76 -4433 479 -31 43PHONE &ASS OC IATES ------------------- ~"I .A .PH ONE -"..02.=......'-_ PIERCE ,SEG ER BERG ARCHITECT ARC HITECTS ,P .C .• ADDRESS :L ionshead3 rd Filing,Tra ct A OWNER Vail Ass oci at es ZON EDISTR I CT Agri cu l t ura l a nd Ore n Spa ce PR OP OSE D USE T empo r a ry Ten t ··LOT S IZE Allo wedEx i sti ng P rop os ed T ot al Height (3 0)(33)16 '-1 " Tota lGRFA 1 ,26 0 1,260 Pri mar y GRFA +425 =__ Sec ondary GRFA +425-_ Se tb acks Fr on t Sides Rea r 2 0' 15 ' 15' / ~l a t e r Co urse Setback (30)(50) Site Co vera ge 1,2 6 0 Landsc aping Reta in ing Wall Hei g hts Parki ng ___Reqr d Gar age Credit (300)(600)(9 00)(1 200)_ Drive :Permit ted S lo pe ~Actu al Slope Da te ap proved by Tow n Eng inee r : Vi e w CorridorEn croa chment :Yes _No,_???X Enviro nme nta l/Ha za rds:1 )Flood pl a in 2 )P ercentS lope 3 )Geolo gic Hazards a)Sn ow Avalan che _ b )Rock fall c )Debris Fl ow 4)We t lands Pr ev io us cond it ions o f a p pr oval (check proper ty f il e )~:_ Doe s th is r equest i n vo lvea2 50 Addition ?~N~O~~~~. Howmuch of the al lo wed 250 Addi tion i s used with th isr equest ?_ --No te:Under Sections 18 .12.09 0(8)and 18 .13 .080 (8)o f the Mu n i cipal Co de ,lo ts zoned Two fami ly and Primary /Second ary wh ich are l e ss t han 15 ,0 00 sq .f t.i n area ma y not con st r uc tas econd dwe ll ing u ni t .The Communi ty Dev e lopment Department may g ranta n excepti ont ot hi s restricti on provid edt he applica nt me ets the criteria s et fo rth u nde r Sec tio n s1 6 .1 2.0 9 0 (B)and 16 .13 .0 60(B)of t h eMunici pa l Code i nc lu ding pe rman e nt ly restricting the un it a sa lo ng -term rental un it for f ul l- time employees o f the Upper Ea gle v all ey . 1 0 -= -SEWER MANHOLE S 70°45'17"E 134.9~-> S 47°32'30"E /45.18' / / / EDGE OF I GOR E.CREEK 'I, / / / ..:::o 0 1.{)fV)... fV)C\jI.{)p \ \ \ ) / I SEWER LINE EXHIBIT PART OF TRACT B,C,D VAIL/L10NSHEAD FI RST FILING,&PART OF TRACT B,VAIL/L10 NSHEA SEC OND FILING &TH IRD FILING TOWN OF VAIL,EAGLE COUN TY ,COLO RADO .~ ,'-..."-<. ~, SEWE R MANHOLE / / / /;' BRIDGE -~( S 2 0°31'04"W 2 9.54' -- / / / / /-: /' -- --- ,48.00 '-... ,12-"£LOc..AI~D PA..V\\...\01--1 /'/ O •./ V -~.....- 1.25 ,ACRES (BOOK 38 9 ,P AGE 502) (PA RCEL "I ) P A R T OF TR A CT B VA IL /LION SH EAD,FIRST FILING '---... WOOD _ FENCE TR A CT 0 VA IL/LI ONS HE AD ,FIRS T FILING 1.6450ACRES /// --------- FILING -s '-2' t 4 16.59 NOTICE: Accordingt o Colorodo low yo u m ust commence any l egal action based upon anydefe ct Int his sur vey wi th in three years after you first discover suchdefe ct.Inno event,m ayan y act ion basedup on an y de fect In this survey be comm enced more thante n year s fr om the date of the certificatioo shown here on. CHA IRLIFT No.8 •16 ,5' 1b'Y _----v-=.-=-\ _-7"------__)E -xX- I\ (j) ,. 0 .988 ACRES (BOOK 389 ,P .AGE 5 0 2) (P A R C ~L 8 ) FENCE -_ ./['/.O.J LIFTSH ACK - z ---------85°24'02"E ')---___._ (\~-------'--------~..>--.7----~--=.~=_-~.~-~_ MINIATUREGOLF .:»:ASP HAL BUILDING P A TH MINIATURE GOLF _--- COURSE -: /, rara 1"'"/ / ra6 PART OF TRAC TB ",~",.VAIL/LION SH EAD,SECON 0 / .: .: / / / N 85°24'O~"E 201.8-S PART OF TRAC T C VAIL/LIONS HEAD,FIRS T FILI NG 0.751 ACRE S \ \ -t:--~ ~(J1 (J1 -t:-- ~. (J1 lN (X)OJ ~~ ~ z \-- \\->»>.~ \~/'I (20'I\\\r~/ \\\\\:I \\~/ \\\\~/ \\\\I \\,I \~I \\\\,'SP H AL T I \ \\\tJ;\PATH;I \\t \/ \ )CYJ_X / \ /\ \ //\\I \/\\) \\tv \ \\~ \\. \\ L \SEWER MANHOLE 25 'U TILITYEASEMENT SEWE R MANH OLE - S 86 °51'43"W 5.0 1' . 411 99 HIGH WAY 6 &.24 .EAGLE -VAIL P.O.BOX 1230 EDWARDS ,CO .81 632 303949-1406