HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 2 LEGALA,ttiln t:f .tr;(t:rLiiti,Ll, S,tl;;tt t'ltr"trliJ, lP" C" llO Edrvards Villafe Blvcl. . C-2O2. l'.(). Box 3fi.i Edwards. Colorado fJ I (rJ2 PIrone : 970.9?(r.760.5 . !'ax: 9r-0.926.7610 December 6, 2004 Mr. Matt Gennett Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Revised Survey and Sit Plan for The Rodgers Residence - Located at 799 A &B Potato Patch Drive, Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Dear Mr. Gennett: Attached please find a revised Survey from Eagle Valley Surveying and Site Plan from this office, for the above referenced lot. Several weeks ago, during a discussion with The Building Department concerning an issue with the Building Permit, we discovered that the Parcel Lines displayed on the Survey we included with our DRB submittal Dated 8-17-O4, was not consistent with this same information included in an old Survey Dated 10-7-1994. We discussed this discrepancy with the Surveyor who indicated that he would research the issue and notify us of his findings. The attached Survey reflects corrections made to the plan Dated 8-17-04 which include the realignment of the Parcel Lines to be consistent with the plan Dated 10-7-1994 and the addition of a measured bearing and distance for the two lines that tie the property corners to the Parcel Lines. Our revised Site Plan also reflects the new alignment of the Parcel Lines, which had no impact on the location of the existing house or proposed additions. The surveyor has assured us that the Parcel Lines are now displayed as they should be and can give a detailed explanation of what caused the discrepancy if you wish to have one. lf you need additional information, please contact Stan Hogfeldt with Eagle Valley Surveying at 949- 1406. Please call if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, ARCHITECTURAL REprrsl V* uorr, coLoRFtDo I F'AEE I t6/13/gA O9:85 REUUESTSj FOR INSF€CTION IIORK SHEEI$ FOR:LA/L3/9A AREA: CD Activity: 897-rlEt6 L6/L9/cJg lype: B-BUILD $tatr-rs: ISSUED Constr': NSFR Addr.e s s : 815 F'ETATO F.ATCH DR Locat i on: 815 F'OTATO PATCH DR Frarcel: 8101-12163-41-O13 Occ: OtZt[l7 UEe: V N Descr iption: NEIJ SFR/WiTH CRHETflKEH flppl icant r R. A. NELSON F'hone: 97O-949-515E Owner: LOGAN FAMILY TRUST Fhone: contractor: R. A. NEL$ON & AsstrcIATE$. INc trhoner 97t2t949515E Inspect i on Request Infornation...,. Requestor: RICK Req Time: O1:OO Comnents: Fhone; 9tZt4-5133 Itens requested to be Inspected... Action Comnents BEI537 F'LAN-FINAL tr/O Tine Exp Inspection History..... Item: AttaSrArA F,Ll-Backfill Inspeetion 1t em: OetSlZl1 Ft^l-T enp. acceEE/drainage A9/3A/97 lnspector: LP Actionl AFCR ANTI-TRtrCKINE ltem : Uttzr5lag l-,,t^l-Ror-tgh grade agleI/g8 Inspecton: LS Actionl AFFR SEH COMMENTS Notes: AF,F,ROVED IJITH CURRECTION5 (SITE ERADING EXtrEEDS eTOr WEST SIDE) Item; CtBstl"s F,|,J-Final dri veway grade Item : rataBtg' FLD6-Foot ings/5teelfiV/|e/97 Inspector^: ART flction: AFF'R Far'tial footing. Note): Notes: kApproved partial footing. Eontractor will reqltest insp. for South West portion in a week or two. This area was needed fon placinq of concrete pr-tmp tnltck. $9/e6/97 Inspector: CD Action: AtrCR AFFROVED/CORRECTION REGD Notes: SUBGRADE IS trUERSATURATED, RENOVE AND REFLACE UNSUTTABLE MATERIAL CONTRACTOR REMOVED UNSUITABLE MATERIRAL PND REF'LAtrE WITH CtrNCRETE I@/?A/97 Inspector: trD Action: flF'F'R FRONT ENTRY PADS Notesr EXCAVATE (REMOVE) SATURATED MATERIAL FROH FORMS 10/31/97 Inspect or: CD Act i on : AF,F,R RETAINiNE t^rALL FUUTINGS LI/A7 197 Inspector': CD Action: flFtrR FADS FOR FRtrNT ENTRY tL/te/97 Inspeetor: CD Action: RFtrR CARETAKER FOOTING Notes: CLEAN REBAR t4AT OF IYIUD/SNBW $3/n3/98 Inspecton: ED Action: AtrtrR 3 SITE UIflLLS Notes: CLEAN LtrOSE I4ATERIRL FROM FOOTING RAISE MAT UP TTl PROVIDE CLEARANCE FROM SUFGRffDE IA5/ET/98 INSPCCIOT: CD ACt iON: AFF.R UF.F.ER RETRlNIN6 NALL tilt./?'4/98 Inspector: JRM trctionr AFFR AFI-'R LUWER RETAIN l.lALL Itern : ratZtragtZt BLDG-Foundation/Steel a9/e3/57 Inspector.: CD flction: F,A NIDDLE HOUSE FSUNDATION Notes: CBMFLETE ADJ OF REBAR IN MIDDLE EAST I^IALL PUBLIC I"'ORKS MUST INSF.ECT SITE/ DRNINAEE LA/$6/97 Inspector: flRT Action: NR Not r"eady for inspeetion LtA/Ag/97 Inspectorr CD Action: tlA I-'ARTIRL AtlpROVflL LA/I6/57 Inspector: CD Action: DN IIENIED ffiSTCOPY nfinnEE REF.TISI TT]I^IN OF VAILI CtrLT]RADO F'ACE E LU/I?/SA rl9:rZr3 REAUESTS FOR INSF,EtrTION WtrRK SHEETS FOR: IA/L3/98 AREA: CD Notesr FORHS DO NOT COMF,LY l.lITH AFFRIIVED FLANS SUBIIIIT fIEVISED DR iNES FtrR AF.F.RAVRL LA/eLl97 Inspector: trD Action: NR CON CANCELLED LQ/e3/97 Inspector: CD Action: AFFR AFFRUVED lurlsl/97 Inspecton: cD Action: AtrFR BACK SFR RETAINING TJALL tI/fi7 197 Inspeetor: ED ffction: AF,FR BRCK RETRININCT t'lRLLs LIlIe./97 Inspector: CD Action: AtrFR STAIR WELL Notes: REITIOVE sNtrT., FROM FORMS AND REBAR tI/L7/97 Inspector: ART Aetion: AtrFR South annex as noted: Notes: AtrFRDVED WITH trERRECTION TO FROVIDE REMAINING HORIZONTAL REBRR AT TOtr OF t^'EsT l,,tALL. 65/IAS/9S Inspector*: ED flct ion: F'11 RETfIING I^IRLL TOF SIDE U6/h4/9A Inspectorr JRM Action: AFFR AFF'ROVED FARTIAL Notesr AtrtrROVED LOWER (LAST) RETAINING tdf,LL Item: EraSEA F,LAN-ILC Site F,Ian fig/fl,3/98 Inspeetor: CD flction: NO FOUND-lLC TO DOMINIC W/A5/98 Inspector: KATHLEEN Action: NO SEE NOTES Notes: MUST FROVIDE ELEVATIONS trN ILC/SURVEY FRIOR 1-O RFFROVAL Iten : raEilASrZr BLDG-Fr.aming AA/LL/9€ Inspectonl CD Action: AFF'R ApFREUED Notes: trLANNING HAS GIVEN AF,F,ROURL TO FERFORH R FRAMING INSFECTI SUBMlT TRUSS REF'ORT COMF.LETE TJI FIX (ITEN #E FROM sTRUC. ENG) ADD NRILS TO STAIR STRINGERHNNGERS It en : rZtOOSra ELD6-Insulat i on il3/e|l98 Inspector: trD Action: AtrFR SEE NOTES Notes: FRAITIING CSRRECTIC]N TO REF.AIR TJI NOT CI]MF.LETE COf'IF,LETE FIRE BLUCING AT DREF trEILINE IN LAUNDRY/FANTRY t^IALLIten: OAO6O BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 0,3/e7/98 Inspector: CD Action: FA MASTER LEVEL IINLY Notes: DOES NOT INCLUDE ELEVATOR SHAFT OR FIRE STUFS IN B VENT A6/A1198 Inspeetor: trD Actionr NR CONTRACTOR trANCELLED A&/IAS/9S Inspector: GRG Action: ffFFR MiddIe level floor & Notes: and stair down to landing, & caretakerr s residence lower Ievel and entry (not qarage). U6/A4/9A Inspectorr JRM Action: FA RFFR ENTRY LEUEL Notes: AFFROVED ENTRY LEVEL DRYIdRLL tZ6/11./99 Inspecton: CD Hction: ffFtrR EARAGE AT CARETAKERS UNI ra6/e5l98 Inspectorl JRM Action: AF,F,R fIFpROVED t^IITH CURRECTION Notes: COMFLETH LID IN CRRAEE RND SMALL CLOSET AT ENTRY I t em : ErZrOTUr BLDE-Mi sc. o.3/tL/98 Inspector: CD Action: AFFR LOWER SITE I^IOLL Notes: SUBMIT REVISED DRAI"IINES SHDI",ING CHANGE FROM BOULDER RETAI I.'ALLS TO NOI^I CONCRETE WALLS az/?-c/98 Inspectorl cD ActionI AFFR UFFER RETHINING WALL tzre./11/9€ Inspector: CD Aetionl AFFR DRMHfiY RETAINING WALL E9/$9/98 Inspector:'JRM Action: DN DENIED FOWARDED TO TERRI Notes: NO 4 FT F.AN TERRI WILL FOLLOW UF. Item : Orzt€lgE BLDG-FinaIItem: ratASSra BLDG*Temp. C/A Item: lzlglSse FH-TE|Y|F. C/nItem: Ora533 FLRN-TEMF. C/O Item: ra$537 FLAN-FINRL C/OItem: 40539 Ftt-FINRL C/O Iten: OBs4ra BLDG-Final C/A REF.T 1:t IREF.T1:iI i - I.!I,IN iJF VfiIL., UULIIHADU l.Utr tA/ Jti klij ! Ulli ltEr"iUUS 1 5 l.u+i I NSrtL,;; I i uf{ l^,Ulrli tiHt-ii i L-oeatior; 815 Ftr-l Hfti PATCl"l il[( $.,*ir.c'e i ! rji ur1 *ftt 3 -ta1 *utl j {..1c.:c: l uliA?t 7 Llsct V N F.AGti I A[{EAr l"]DI NSrtL';; I i uf{ l^,Ulrli SHL-ii i ti F Lrl'i : 1 ?.r / I 5/ r-iLl ::==a:==:i:==t5=.:;ie:::ti:=5..=::==5g:i====,:5==:i===i-:j==.=:J=+-:,;:=i=:i-:=====-::::::i:-:.i====j:-:::J::5===;:=sl3:::i==:::ii:= irctivrtyi 897*ret;:i:€. IAilfrlTrJ i!,pet b*titjILD Statr-rs, l ISSUEIJ Coristrl NtjFR lldrlr.e s s : 61S .pO ix-f U F,SIT C|.1 DR Dd*cript r.on r NF.lri 5Ff,t,/trl tl-l trlRETJihEil ttppl r*ant : [i. H. I'IELSUN [-'hslre ! i;' 7tlr--i-t49'-5l5c Owner': L.OGAhl FAMIL.Y TRUSI Fhsne i uorrtr*al::bsr. I R. A. NHL$CIN 6. A$gitltiIA fE.S. it{[ l-'horte: t7t7-r949515c Inspec'tion [iequest Infor'nat iorr. . liequestor';r RICH Fieq finei Ol ltZId L:ommeribs: Lterns reqnested tcri be lnspeuterJ, uilzr5.l 7 F,LArn *.F I NrrL C: / O F'trorre : 9rllt4- 51;:'l fiet r on i;tj rn ent E Time Exp Ibem; UtrdStdrd Pi'i-tsackf i 11 IrrspecL ion 1t err; Uluiliutl l-'l,J- 1 enp. apcess/11i-;iinage tAr/1Ut/rJ7 Irrspectr:i.l L..t-, Actiorrr t-rFt;f'( HI!II-iiit{tiKIllu 1 L enr r urklS(rc F-'t^l*Rougtr g ade tit|.J/dr z iiB lnspector': L:i Actronr rtl'F li Stit- CUf4tti[NIs; Notes: Ht;t-,RUVtsu t^rIlt-{ Lof{iib.{lrIl.rN'd i5IlE {iHAirthlb ExLI:EDS uTi]l WEilf IjIDE) I L enr : rZtkt$tal l-,1/,1--f:r i rrsi.l dr-i vewAy gi,ade Item :'dltrBlLr EtLD6-l:oob rngs/titteei. ulg/lcl97 Inspector*: Hf(T' l-lct i ori; f.t$-'F R hlobes: HAppl'oved pai'.tiar foobrng. Cr:nbr"acb f or' $ior-ttir l.lest port'i ort in a week ur- rieeded f ai^ plflcirrlq of corr(:r'pt F purlp i|ti/EL'/t:i7 Inspector': LI"l Actir:rr! AtrCI( HFI-'fillvED/{iUttftEC'tION ftE.OD Nobes; SUFGRflDE I5 {.tvERStrfUl:iAT[:n, RIMOVI AND RLFLFT[]E UNSUIIRBLE I{iITER I AL. L[rt{f RHI-;TgR RE.fTIUVED UhlSriUI TFIBLL rvlAitikl}liil- AhlL f,iEr'LAilE WIT}'l CONCR[:T E IU/EUtl$i.trrspecbr:r.: rjD ficticnr tlF'I-'f? irRUN'T ENTRY FADE; Notesr EXtiAVRTI (R[l{UVE) SrlIURtrIID MtllEfiiHL Fll|.lFt FLillM$i l,tdi3lz97 lnspector-I cl.r Actisnr Al-:,F,fi I(E.rrlINlNG I^'ALL [:OOTINGS 1l /fi7 /9'/ lrispectc,F: CIJ Fict ion I HfiFll FHD,I FuR f-RCINT ENTfiY tr/L'e/97 lnspeetor: i.lD Hctiorrr AF:'t-fi [AI{|]:TAI(I:t( FOOTINO l{ot es: L;LLFlf{ R[i]ttR lrlA f i-tl-r lvluli/riFllrtl ufi/&Al\A lnsuectorr CL, Act ian I AFFTR J $JTL HHL.LS Not es: Ct-[Al.l LOO$E ltlH IERIlr|. FRUI4 FOL|TINtT RfTISE trlt-l-r UF -t lJ ]-,tluVlDE CLEF|tiAtrlr-L f;f(utit E;uil{:iRArrU 'd5,ic1lt{r Insprechorr tii} Ai:tionI J-rl-'Fil UFL'ER R[l-AIi!.tNG rrltrl"L- &6/fl4irt$ Inspertor'r,titl,i ttctisn: HFI-'H ftt-'f'[( t...L,hh.R Rt:l"AIN WALL 1telr: rAr/1Aed hLD6- F o r- rdat icn,/liter: I Ar/eul5-i Inspector^: uLr Ftc.tion! I-,H iiilrl.ll-t l-luush FOUNDFTTION I'r('be!ir cilr,rF,L,[iri H0J oF: RtibHii IN i4IouL-E [H5 I {.IHL"LpLlbLIl- l^loltF,,$ I'ld$]- rNsir,E.i:] iil, lEl I.)FiH tf,,lil6[. ldt/tA6/\'7 lnspector.: FtR t t.tc.t ion l lrlti liloE ready for' intpection t$iAU/97 ln$pector'! L;Ii ficbinrr: F-'f-i F'F|R ill-.it-. Al'l-'Rt.lVAL lttr/t6lr:/lnsneutoi': LD Hc'tion.' lJl! bt:l{1[ju F'ar"t ial. l'or.r'b ing. Not e) r oi^ e,i I I reqr-rest irr$p. twr.r. Th i. r area l+as 'b r' r-1 t-' k , HL;l-, 1 1;1 T Ut{N uf', vll I1". , UtJl'crltAolj F'flGE I IUtlt.:1/eb r2'ttrO5 RE&LJU$I1j t::nR INSF'EC-[ION irlllK StlEETS FLIR: ltlt/lS/91! AREAT CD ::::;::r:iir.rj.r::-::.:.;:::==:::i:;:=:=';==::==:::=::::==ir=+:i!-..i:::l=:l:=!::::ii:!*:!g;!i:6::::r::*:-j:i,::i:;::::==:=::=== l!ote$: f:tfRMS DU NOT trOFtFLY t^,1li"t A|-'FllOVEb pLAi!5 SLlBrqI I REVISED DR - I NES tj'OR FlF,l-,[i{JVAL 1U'l;11l97 Inspector'; C0 Jtrr:tiorrr NII lltlN DANUELLED .' 1d/i3/9"1 lnspeetor': ED Hction: AFFR AF'FllOtJFjD Ivr/31/97 Inspeetor: {-D Uctionr AFI'fr Lrnut" hjpA IIETAININ6 WnLL IL /A'7 /9'i Inspectoi.: Cl) Acb ion: HF'IrR BA{:!'. RETAININ{i l.lALLS ! ) / Le/v 7 IrtspectonI Clt Ac:t ion: Af FH STAIli t^,[Ll'- Ni:besr RLFIOVE sNOh, r:R&lYl i:iORliS ,il!D li[.SFlR IttlT/17 Inspertor: l.tfi I Ar-:tion ! At]F.'f{ Sor.rth altnex as rlot ecl ! t.l(ites: AtsL,ROVED tlI-fr''t [iiRIiECTIUl{ TLi l-'ROVItli tiEi4AIf'lIFll"i HURIZONTAL I RL.tstlR Ai lUl-' uF t^rE$T WI]LL rlr'i / ttlt /qJa .[nspector: L;ll Hct iarr r FA liL::-IHING tJFILL fUF SIDE klt, z ril+r98 lnspectcr"l J llf't fit-.t ion I rtl-,L,k HFI-'RUrr[:D F'ti]il I f.lL f'icr'Les; Af'F'ltUVED t-ll[^ll;:l.i (l..h5f ) Rt:'fhlNIINl.j bIALL l t ri nr r tilrAfiilu t'Li.tN*.t L.il $ i t p l-'.1 an U.tii/tb'/\B lrrsuer:toi.: [;D Act iorr: Ni] f;OUNU. IL-L 1t,:i IJi:iMJNIC' *'e765/9ts Irrspecbr:r"; lrA-fl-Jt-.F-LiFl $ctiorr: NO 5ts[: lliiTE'ri lrlotes! t'lt",$T I-,fiuVIDE h-L-EVfltItJN'$ Ul\| ILCiSUHV!:.Y F'RIut{ lti i.:lFrFH[lU,tL I Lem: rldr(tJrd hLutS-Framing Urli/ll/98 Inspectors L.D Action! RFF'H fiFl-'R0vfllr rrlotesI fL.fil.,lNINLi Htr:i HIVET'l AppROVAL TL'l trEHf:URM H [jRAi{INt:i INSlrEC]I 5UB14IT I IIU5TJ RF.T'URT L.OMFLEIE TJI F I X ( ITEltl #e F fiillYl {;TlidtJ' f;hl6) ADO NTJILS] T{J STAITT $TRINGERI-IANGERIJ It em : OtzrrA:,ta FLiJG-Insrrlat i orr UJii/'ell98 Inspec't or: ["D Act i orr : AF'F'fi SEE Nul Es NotesI FIIRIVIII{6 |:ORI][CTIUN TL.I HEF.FIIR TJI NI]T CL]IYIF.LE]E IIL,MtrLETE FIRE ELOCIN6 A1 I]ROI.'CI:ILING IT.i L.AUI{DT{Y/PAhITRY I^JfiLL Itenr r ffL'lZt(rO BLD6*Sheeti'r,]ck l'lai I iAiit'c7 lc)tJ Inspectorr CIJ ftrctrsn; FA FtFl3lER t-iiUEt- ONLY . Nohesr Dl-rEli hlUr INCL-UDE CLEVATOR Si'li-iF-f OR f:IRE '.if{lFS Il'l ll VENf tnL'/taL/tJB Inspector-I {.;Ij Action: NR L:ON"I tiF]uroR cAl{qELLLt) rA6,/83/tl$ Insg.r*ctor.: tiHti. iJc:tiunr AFF'R tYliddte level f loor' ,1 l.lotes: arrd stair clowrr tr.r .tarici ingu & car"etakel r 5 reEidence lowet' Ie.reI *nri entr"y (rrat garage). dE itA4/c)B Irsprector'r Jftlri Acbir:n; t-'il fiFf'R f::NTRY t.EVEL l"Jr.rl;es: Al-'Fl?tjVEil EI{l'11 r L[:VEL DRYhlAt..L rdr.,.i1ll98 Irr*pectorl uD Ar:trori: AI-'l-'R L,i-rF;HGL ril LFrRE"fflKLIiS UNI Ar,',/e5/99 Inspeu'tor.; .Jf{lrl f,ction; AFF.'ii {.ii*'flRUV|ID t'l ITl"l LDRRECIIUN Nutes: {iuf4F'LE. lb. Llu .l lrr Gi+Ri.:li:t: r;"iND SFIHL.L LLL|SE:. 1 Hl F-f!TRY I t em :. tzturaTur LrLDti-lili sc" t45/ LI /98 Inspeebor: L0 Hction! Hl-'F H LDI^rLR SITf I^IALL Notes: 5UIiMl I f(EVISEii IJkftt JIt.l{:is SHOtriNri Ll1-riuLi[ l":Rrjf'l BOU|-DEli RE rr]I hALLg lu t{U{^i LiiNLRLl t. hdrL.LS L15,/ln/rrg Inspectcrrr Cu *cb ir:n: Hf-'F Ii LiF'F'f:.R iiETfJIhllNll trALL il6/1i/98 IrrspeeLor; i-L; ActiL,rt! r.rl-,F,R iiRIVLNFY tiElAININtj t^fRLL 6t:i/tltqlgti InBFector.: JRfil t-tct iorr: ON DEhl 1[U FtJLiHftbED IO TERRI Nol es : i{O 4 f;T l-'f-iN 1 L.R},( } t lLL' f OLL-Ohl UF' I t e rn ; rd'ZtrA9rd lil*Iirj-.F i na I Iterr : rTlrlrSSO ELI.iiJ--l-enp. t:/O Iten: tiI85.3S l-'lr-'IEMF, L:/u I1; rim I ttuts,J;3 pLANI*TLMl.'. C/u Item : UJUJSJ/ FLirhl-'[:iN]rL CllU It en ; UrtZrSJg l-'t,l*F INilL iilO Iberr : UttlYt+u-t tll-DCi-'Final tj,/LlI *.-[.r-,rJ tiL[-,t-131 v l-ot'hl ufr vfiIl-, ctlLuRADfr v LVitAA/r)B O8:rlra) REi;iUESt{3 l:OFl IIISFEt]I IOI'.1 WURK $l-t[:E:TIj [$':i tItX/ b/\d Uar-t-fo{=-lo?-l1. Lc'+2, G\\c1 . l-'l-l6L jj , AR[:fl:: CD .j:;::::::::.:3;;i:::====:i;-.::==:.:==l;1:====;==::=g:;i::::i:::::=5=j::g:::==::;:=::;:j:::=::::g:.:===::ji---..':;,:::5=l'.=i:==:::i=* rlctrviLy: M97-rZrl14 lvt/ 8/9tJ Iype: [l*FlEEl-l Sbatug: I$sLiED Constr: NSFR Jlddress r 815 FOi-41 U PflTtH IJR l-ocat ion: S15 t-'trTAlir 'FATCH Dll F,aree' I : I lfZrl -1163-Url *tzrl 3 Desc:ri pt i on:. MECI-I FOR NEt^l 5FR/CAREIARER t"+ppl icant r CL-IMilTE CONTr{ff1. CO OF Gt^rtj Ewner': LOGAI! FAIyIILY TRUST Llnntr''ar:toi'; COLURADO I-'LUMBINi.i SEftUICt: Ocrl Use: Fhone r 97O1)45EJ16 Fhone: Fhorre: S7tZtqi4598O9 lnspert ion lteqr-rest Inf orn,at ion. " . . Reqnestoi-l KEI fFl F;OI?NEY Fhone:6t5-rA7L.6 l.rouSE '"'oi;:;:"",!lli,3'ilI;*-*",,"n ol krr iu/e"-{ lf( 2,:1tem:(rr2rHrZroneCH_Rcrr-rg}.|LrTw{{l|lJ/tlJ.|l-. Iter r fii:3T,!b'l;$:rf:::"1"',,,'r,,51em:7?/,(,1" 8fi5 IfIE BEING I$$UEII D9l95/cJS Inspectsr-r JRFI Act ion r Noteg: {34$ INTO CA}{EIJlKEl? UNI I l5 +} It err I rZrDJIra MECH-Heat inq l 4/AI l9& Inspectonl CD ffct ion r No.bes: ZLINES 1_4 SIZI F'EJI AIRTESiT tA4/q8/98 Inspector': CO Rctionr I'loteri: ZOI'IE$ 5"e'' 5ra F$I flIRTE$T tn4/e3/9A Inspectorr UD Flctian; Notes; zuNE #12-lt 5'a F,S1 AIfITEST . ZONE 4+tE:;0 FsI F'trRTIAt- SOUTI1 'T ine Exp NIN I5 FlI A RI..F'f,I AI..T,ROIiED Gfl$ T4flTN RND AIN -TES'T' F,f,INFLIIOIT I{EAT' UL.F.ER LEVEL r.lpl-'li IhlF:LOUR ]{EA-f LINEgj FA I,iNUWI{ILT LINES F'RII4A. UN DI:Cfiti IIF.F.I{ ShIUNMEL T RT ENTRY&DECK F.A IN [.'LUIJF };EF}'I tirrNLl't[lL l1A$ FHEhI pUURED ,, AFI-,F{ [,ar'etaiker' r"rnit ga]'a I e I-'A $l1lutlllELT UFI-'Eil DHC;}(5 It.lS 5t-FltsAF[-'fi 5i;:;r area enownelt 6E* F,tF.'F 11 $Nill^INELT L'RI VEWAY ,A4/C3/98 Inspector': tio Actionr AFFIi lr pgI AIRfESi'f FOR NutesI UNDERGROUhID IJALJ F.IF.II{6 MUsT [''.'-ILL FE F.ER|TORfITEO F'RIOR TO A3/ I3/9E In.spectorr f;D Nobesr 5E F$I FtIR'fE$T Itemr l3fi.ie'l,l ME[!l-ExtraLrst l-{oods ltemI ktgUJrZ' MHCI-I-5r.rppIy Air I b em ; tarzt:14'1t MECI.-I-M i sc. w3/tb4/9A Inspect{]r: Fl Ft"[ tzrS/ I 1,/')lJ Insoect(}i.t C0 tlet i on r ne/gE/98 Inspector': CD Act ion'r N0Le5: ZONE. +li: 50 t-,Sil.]rRlHSI ZONE +tJ 5|lr [-'5 I H I Iil-L$ I hIU HE}.IILOL}5 CHL.[:E; L,N b 1 TE AhII)- F..RIIJR TO IN5F.[.C I ILII"I U{:T;URINE Flrt i on; liet i on : f.lt Les: LINI ZilNE 44 t-'$I HIRTE$T. OIHER ZOhIE I'IUSI hE AIRT.E:JTEI) :;IR,]F. RLL HETiT LOUI-,$ 1T, SIEEL td7 / 14/ $d I n s.g:ect oi'.' HR-f r+t:t i on I tL\l/A3/98 In5l:rector': JRfi Fictian: Not es : UtrF,ER f,ND LUhER ]JRI VE$ It em : raErSrlra HECH-Fina1 -\ --. r't f([:F,"f I .i t r.rzll14/$h) O7:54 RHUI_IE5I5 F0fi IN$t_'Et-] ION l{Uftp, irHF_E'tu p:[rfi!Iut/L4/9b J]REAI CI) ===€:5-:====:=s-::=i::i:::: ==: l::::i::::::;==rr========3======::== Ftctivityr l-r')7-rltrlr93 tu\/I+/lg Iype: B-I-,LMF 3itat,-rs: I5$lJEliJ Canstr': N$FF{ fiddressr Bl5 FOT'A"flJ FfllUH Dlt Lot:ationr 815 F.'UTAf{-i l-'AfGtj iiR l-'arceI r E1O1-{t€'J..Crl -413 llescript i on r PLUI{BllVG FUti NElr,SFR,/|":FRETFrKElt Appl i.c*rrrt r CULORftLTO f'LUltlL{INLi f}t:RVICi- Uwner': Lfjtif.tNl Ff,{MILV TRUSl(lontrarrLanr ti0LtlliADO FL.UIIIFING SEtiUICE | ,o*,u r.l' vAIL" c.,iur.rit)u I Ff.i6E i [jcc r. LJse: litlrurre ; I 7tb?+59BEcr l-'ftulie: Ffione: I /O:l439AtZr9 1n*pect i on Reqr-rest Information. Request sn l KEIll"l ftrlt Commentsl LATE Ite urral e 1n s pect ed. I-'hone: 9O+-'5J36 I-.M IF l..tr$sIBLE f-lc-t'i on Cttrrments Re Tine [:xpbqttdsted t F LMB--F: i na I Inspect i on Histol"y..... 1t em l tAtztelta F,LML1-Undergr"ound tt/14/97 Inspectorr ARI llctionr rIFFR tAL/A7/1A lnspeetor: CD r:tctianl ffFFi{ A1/I:9./9S .InsFect or r J RM Act i on : ill-'l-'ti Iten : rztage0 trLlvlH-Ror.tgh /D, W. V. IA'?./2V/9A Inspect or': uD Act i on: AFF R Noteel. 7 FSI f.tND / FEiI nIFiT[.5'f ttt4/'d3/9u lnspector-: CI) Ftct:iorr: Fr!'f'f{ Nt]tes: Z PSI tlIRiESl/SF,$l ,TIRIEST It em I tZrtteStl I-Ll'lH*Ftar-igh/Wat er. Wi:/g$/9A 1rrspecborr {-lD f{ct ion l Hl-'FIt Notes! 1(1gr F'SI AIRI"ESl' tA4/'cJ/98 InsLrector': LD Aet ion; AFttti Notesr'78 f-t$J ftIflTEri'l- Item: tZttilE4o f'LFIB*Gas FipinF tiltr/:l4198 Inspector'r CIt Aet ion r fltr|-'H NOTCS: 6IA+*FT TESi'T FOR 15 NINUTEIS Item : r4qreS0 F,LMB*[;no1,/1.-lot Tub Itenr : rAAg6tzr F,LMF-lvlisc. ltem : araegsr F,LMB-Final Iten: AO53S FI[IE-FINfrL C/tl air" test L" Tpsr OK c' FSI RIRTI:57 rra i n .[ til0# arrd 7# tITRElHI(ET{S UNIT F'R I IiIATiY UN 1T' [;AIiEiTfiI(ER$ IJNI"l F'RIfIIAIII. UNIT UNDER bROUND gJIqS F.IF..ING OO Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Logan Residence Project Description: Exterior lighting plan and changes to grading plan Owner, Address and Phone. Kent and Vicki Logan Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Joe Lukach, The Resort Design Collaborative Internationil, 1617 Wazee St. Suite C2, Denver, CO 80202 Project Street Address: 815 Potato Patch Dr. Legal Description: Lot 2, Blk. I, Vail Potato Patch Parcel Number:Building Name: Comments: Grading plan staffapproved. DRB approval on 5-6-98 Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1. That the driveway lights be shielded with landscaping to be approved by staff. 2. Subject to Public Works conditions on building permit. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Action: ., Project Name: Logan Residence Date: 5-ll-98 FJEVERYONE\DRB\APPRO\.AL\98\LOGAN.5 I I DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 , 't lon tac E Esgle ) TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: PER.\IIT f ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:t't PERMIT fNFORMATfON ***********r.***************,r* [ ]-Building [ ]-Prunbing [ ]-Erectricar I J-Mechanibal ffi-other @Z_14_rr/r/, fob Name:et Job Address: ,egal Descriptiont Lot .Z- Block__ rili"S sugprvrsroN, Atr P4t'C/- )wners Nane:Address:Ph.P,ePc.t, Irrchitect: S:Zfai>eZA | *s. Address:JooD 5, Fp*+ecrt BD. Ph.47( qq?t. ;eneral Description: 'ork crass: [[-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other 'umber of Dwelling Units:Number of Acconmodation Units: lmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appj-iances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet * ** * * * ** * * * * ** * *** * * * ** * * ** *** *** VALUATIONS * * ** * * *** * *** * * ** rt * * tr ** * tr * * * * * * * * /Et,EcTRIcAt; $_12. MECHANICAL: $ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CgNTRACTQR INFORMAI'JON * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * rk * * tr * * * *eneraL Contractor: Rrt ,..NZlSc n / Bso_c . Town of VaiI Reg. No.crdress: 5z{oo --+vott. -----_--r-:-- phone Number: ris'1i7T . - ,,UILDING: $ -- ,LUMBING: $t- 'lectrical Contractor : ddress: ?Q --OTHER: $ TOTAL: S Town of Vail_ Phone Number: lz Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. No.Iurnbing ddress: echanicaL Contractor: ddress: ******************************* UTLDING PERMIT FEE: LUMBING PERMII FEE: ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: LECTRICAL FEE: IHER TYPE OF FEE: R,B FEE: Town of Vail Reg. No.4<3-S. Phone Nunber: <o3-qzz-C6L7 . fOR OFFfCE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:[ * * * * * * * * ,r * * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PIJ\N CHECK TEE: UEC}IANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! Contractor: ornments: VALUATION :LEAII I]P DEPOSIT RNFI'ND TO: Ilesign Calculatione (NFPAI 3d) Reciderrtlal Fire Sprinkler Syr. Job Name: Job Address: Water Supply Location; Static Pressure: Pump Suppty: Sprinkler ldentifi cation : Sprinkler type: One Sprlnkfer Design Method Minimum Rsquirements: Two Sprinkler D,aclgn ilethod Minimum Rsquirements: Piping (1 Spkr Flow) Underground Piping Flttings A Vabes (1 Spkr Ftowf Type Branch Tee Run Tee 90 Degree Ell Brancfi Tee Run Tee 90 Degree Ell Check Valve Butterfly Valve UNDERGROUND FITTINGS Branch Tee Run Tee 90 Degree Ell BacKlow Preventer Frtn. Loss Pressure Reducing Valve Logan Residence Lot 2 Potato Patch vail, co At Site 49 psi AT LOWER LEVEL 55 psi@ 30 gpm Central Optima Concealed t.D.# sc1 18 gpm 18.4 psi t.D. # sc1, sc2 13 gpm 9.6 psi 18 gpm O gpm for domestic demand 18 total gpm Date: Prepared By: Floor Level: Elevation of Sprinklers: Copper Pipe Type'llf': Max Sprinkler Spacing: 4t12,98 WFP entry11 Fr. C=150 14X 14 CALCUTAIIONS . ONE SPRINKLER METIIOD System Demand: lttT.0oir vs i-l\/g UUf I 18 gpm Unit Diam. Lengrth Fr- loss 1 113 0.A7 1,5 ',t32.5 0.01 Total = Fr. logs 7.91 1.325 Eguiv. Unit Total Diam. Qnty Length Fr. loss Fr. loss 1 4 7.5 0.A7 2.11 7 3 0.07 1.471 12 3 0.07 2.521 0 7.5 0-O7 01030.070 1030.0701 2 7.5 0.07 1.051110.070.07 1.5 1 12 0.01 0.121.5 1 4.5 0.01 0.045 'f .5 2 6 0.01 012 12 0 Total Pipe & Fitting Demand: 28.73 Sprinkler Pressure Required: 18.4 Elevation Head Loss: 4.763 Total System Demand: 51.893 Totaf Systern Pressure Avail .: 'lo4. Total Sy$em Sefoiy Factq: 52.107 Page'l -4 Design Calculations (NFPA1 3d) Regidential Fire Sprinkler Sya. CALCULATIONS . TWO SPR|NKLER IETHOD System Demand; 26 gpm 0 Gpm For Domostic Demancl 26 Total Dernand Piping (1 Spkr Ftow) 13 gpm Diam. Lsngth 110 Piping (2 Spkr Ftow) 26 gpm Diam. Lengtho.75 0 1 103 Uncterground Piping 1.S ,t\2.s Flttngs t Valves (1 Spkr Flow) 13 gpm Type Diam. enty Branch Tee Run Tee 90 Degree Ell Fittings & Valver (2 Spkr Ftow) 26 gpm Type Diam. enty Equiv. Unit Total Length Fr. loss Fr. loss7.5 0.035 0.2625 3 0.035 0 3 0.035 0.105 Equiv. Unit Total Length Fr. loss Fr. loss 4.5 0.496 0 1 5 0.496 03 0.496 0 7.5 0.14 3.15 3 014 2.94 3 0.14 4.62 7.5 0.14 3.15 1 0.14 0.28 Unit Fr. loss 0.035 Unit Fr. loss 0.496 0.14 o.022 Total = Fr. loss 0.35 Total = Fr. loss 0 14.42 2.915 1'l 10 11 Branci Tee Run Tee 90 Degree Ell Branch Tee Run Teo 9O Degree Ell Check Valve Butterfly Valve UNDERGROUND FITTINGS Branch Tee Run Tee 90 Degree Ell Backflor,v Preventer Frln. Loss Pressurg Reducing Valve 1.5 1 12 0.022 0.2641.5 1 4.s 0.022 0.0991.5 2 6 0.0220.2& 12 0 Total Pipe & Fitting Demand: 44.82 Sprinkler Pressure Required: 9.6 Elevation Head Loss: 4.763 Total System Demand: 59.183 Totaf System Pressure Avail .. 1M Totaf System Safety Factor: 44.818 o.75 00.75 0o.75 0 13 17 1 11 13 12 Page 2 Dedgn Calculationg {NFPAf 3d} Resldeniial Flro Sprlnkler Sys. Unlt Frlction Loss(pei/ftf Nominal Diameter FlodGpn 0.75 Equiv. Length Fittings & Valve 90 Degree Ell Branch Tee Run Tee Check Valve 8 0.04 0.019 0.06 0.015 10 0.08 0.02 11 0.1 0.025 12 A.12 0.03 13 0j4 0.03514 0.16 0.04 15 0.18 0.0516 0.2 0.0G 17 0.225 0.065 18 0.25 0.07 19 0.275 0.075 20 0.3 0.08 21 0.332 0.09 22 0.%4 0.'t 23 0.396 0.11 24 0.428 0.12 25 0.a6 0.13 26 0.4!8 0.14 27 0.532 0.15 28 0.568 0.16 29 0.604 0.1730 0.64 0.18 31 0.682 0j92 32 0.724 0.204 33 0.766 0.216 34 0.808 0.228 35 0.85 0.A35 0.254 37 0.268 38 0.282 39 0.29640 0.31 41 0.324 42 0.338 43 0.352 44 0.366 15 0_38 0.75 ? 4.5 1.5 4.5 1.26 1.50.01 0.0t0.0r 0.010.0f 0.0t0.01 0.010.0't 0.010.015 0.01o.o2 0.010.o2 0.010.02 0.010.025 0.010.03 0.010.03 0.ol0.03 0.010.034 0.0120.038 0.014o.M2 0.0160.046 0.0180.05 0.020.054 0.0220.058 0.0240.062 0.v260.066 0.0280.07 0.030.074 0.0320.078 0.0340.082 0.0360.086 0.0380.09 0.040.095 0.0420.1 0.0440.105 0.0460.11 0.0480.115 0.050.12 0.0520.125 0.0540.13 0.0560.135 0.058o.14 0.08 1 1.253 4.57.5 I337.5 11 't.5 6 12 4.5 14 Page 3 o xlA TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 6 c-Bt4fl January 27,1998 R.A. Nelson and Associates / Mr. Rick Buckendorf Re: Logan Residence, 815 Potato Patch Dr, Building permit #B97-0226 Dear Rick, The Town of Vail has an ordinance in place that restricts the use of solid fuel (wood buming fireplace) buming apparatus within the town limits. Attached to this fax is a copy of the ordinance. I hope this clarifies the situation., If not feel free to call me a|479-2142 Building Liaison Offi cer *tr r a 1A _ar,. - - .t \br €p**"uo"n"* 5-3-1 SECTION: 5-3-1: 5-3-2: 5-3-3: 5-3-4: 5-3-5: 5-3-2 Purpose ; Applicability Definitions Fireplaces And Fuel Burning Devices Bestricted Permitted Devices Nonconforming Devices, Fireplaces And Appliances 5-3-6: Coal Usage 5-3-7: Refuse Burning 5-3-8: Building Permits Required; Exceotion 5-3-9: Violation; Penalty 5-3-1: PURPOSE;APPLICABILITY: A. Purpose: These regulations are enacl- ed lor the purpose of promoting the health, safety and general weltare of the residents and visitors in the Town. These regulations are intended to achieve the lollowing more specific purposes: 1. To protect the air quality in the Town; 2. fo reverse the continuing trend toward increased air degradation in the Town; 3. To orovide heat sources that are efficient and have a reduced polluting effect: and CHAPTER 3 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL 4. To generally protect the air for the purpose of the public's overall health, safety and wellare. B. Applicability: The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to all areas of the Town. (Ord.21(1991) $ 1) 5-3.2'. DEFINITIONS: ACCOMMODATION UNlt Any room or group of rooms without kitchen facilities designed for or adapted to occupancy by guests and accessible from common corri- dors, walks, or balconies without passing through another accommodation unit or dwelling unit. CERTIFIED SOLID FUEL BURNING DE- VICE: A solid luel burning device which is certified by the Environmental Prolection Agency and by the Air Pollution Control Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to produce seven and live-tenths (7.5) grams ot particulates per hour or less. This shall include both catalytic and noncatalytic Phase ll stoves as well as pellet burners and any other technology which can be shown to meet these emission criteria. COMMON AREA: The lobby ol anY 'lodge" (as that term is defined in Title 12, Chapter 2 of this Code), the area of any condomini- um project available for the common use of all the unit owners and restaurants and bars. Town of VoiI s-3-2 DWELLING UNIT: Any room or group of rooms in a single-family, two-family or mul- tiple-family dwelling with kitchen facilities designed for or used by one family as an independent housekeeping unit. GAS APPLIANCE: A lully self-contained, Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., (UL) listed and American Gas Association (AGA) ,,fire- place" unit which does not require venting through a chimney and which does not permit the use of solid fuel. GAS LOG FIREPLAGE: A fireptace as de- fined below equipped with an AGA and UL listed artificial log unit which is approved for the burning of natural gas. HEFUSE: All solid wastes, garbage and rubbish, whether combustible or noncom- bustible, including rubble. RESTRICTED DWELLING UNIT: A. Any dwelling unit which is restricted by the Zoning Code to be leased or rented for a period of not less than thirty (30) consecutive days and which is required to be leased or rented to tenants who are full-time employees in Eagle County. For the purposes of this definition, a full-time employee shall be deemed to be one who works an average of not less than thirty (30) hours per week. B. Any dwelling unit which the Zoning Code prohibits from being subdivided or sold separately from another dwell- ing unit. SOLID FUEL BURNTNG DEVICE: Any fire-place, stove, firebox or device intended and/or used for the purpose ol burning wood, pulp, paper or other nonliquid or nongaseous f uel. 5-3-4 WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE: An open hearth or fire chamber or similar prepared place in which a fire may be made and which is built in conjunction with a chimney. (1997 Code: Ord.21(1991)g 1) 5-3-3: FIREPLACES AND FUEL BURNING DEVICES RE- STRICTED: There shall be no wood burn- ing fireplace and no solid fuel burning de- vice, other than a certified solid fuel burning device, constructed or installed within any dwelling unit, accommodation unit, restrict- ed dwelling unit or common area within the Town. (Ord.21(1991) S 1) 5-3-4: PERMITTED DEVICES: Certi- fied solid fuel burning devices, gas appliances, and gas log fireplaces shall be permitted to be installed or constructed in dwelling units, accommodation units, re- stricted dwelling units or common areas subject to the following provisions: A. Dwelling Units: Dwelling units shall contain not more than one certified solid fuel burning device and, in addi- tion, not more than two (2) gas appli- ances; or in the alternative, not more than two (2) gas log fireplaces and, in addition, not more than two (2) gas appliances. B. Bestricted Dwelling Units: Restricted dwelling units shall contain not more than one gas log fireplace and, in addition, not more than one gas appli- ance. C. Accommodation Units: Accommoda- tion units shall contain one gas fire- place or, in the alternalive, one gas appliance. All gas lireplaces located in accommodation units shall be con- Town of Vail 5-3-4 structed in such a manner that access to the firebox is prohibited except for the purposes of repair and mainte- nance. A sign shall be placed on each fireplace unit reading: "Caution - Gas Fireplace Only." All gas log fireplaces and gas appliances in accommodation units shall be equipped with a timing device or a thermostat which shall cause an automatic shutolf of the fire for safety and conservation purposes. D. Common Area: Any common area shall contain not more than one certi- fied solid f uel burning device, or in the' alternative one gas log fireplace, or in the alternative one gas appliance. (ord.21(1se1)$ 1) 5-3-5: NONCONFORMING DEVICES, FIREPLACES AND APPLIANC. ES: A. PreexistingDevices: 1. Nonconforming solid fuel burning devices, certified solid fuel burning devices, wood bu rning f ireplaces, gas appliances and gas log lireplaces, lawlully constructed or installed prior to the effective date hereof, may con- tinue, subject to any limitations or restrictions contained in lhis Section. 2. Any certified solid fuel burning devices, gas appliances and gas log fireplaces lawfully designed and for which a completed Design Review Board application was received by the Department ol Community Develop- ment prior to August 15, 1991 may be installed or constructed subject to any limitations or restrictions contained in this Section. s-3-8 B. Consolidaled Dwelling Units To Com- ply: lf one or more separate conform- ing or nonconlorming dwelling units, restricted dwelling units or accommo- dation units are combined to form one larger dwelling, restricted dwelling or accommodation unit, the newly formed unit shall comply in all respects with the provisions ol this ChaPter. C. Moved Or Altered Fireplaces To Com' ply: No existing wood burning fire- place shall be moved or structurally altered, unless it is modilied in such a manner that it complies with all the provisions of this ChaPter. D. Restored Units To Comply: Whenever any dwelling unit, accommodation unit, restricted dwelling unit or com- mon area is substantially demolished or destroyed, whether by the intent of its owner or lessee, or bY natural disaster, if such dwelling unit, accom- modation unit, restricted dwelling unit or common area is restored or recon- structed, it shall meet all the provi' sions ot this Chapter. (Ord. 21(1991) $ 1) 5-3-6: COAL USAGE: The burning ol coal within the Town is Prohibit- ed. (ord. 21(1ee1) S 1) 5-3-7: REFUSE BURNING: The burning ol refuse in anY solid fuel burn- ing device is prohibited within the Town. (ord. 21(1ee1) $ 1) 5-3-8: BUILDING PERMITS RE- QUIRED; EXCEPTION: A building peroit shall be required for the installation ol any certified solid f uel burning Town of VaiI 5-3-8 device, gas appliance or gas log fireplace. However, to encourage the conversion of wood burning fireplaces and noncertified solid fuel burning devices to certified solid f uel burning devices, gas log iireplaces and gas appllances, all applicable building per-mil fees for such conversion shall be waived by the Town. (Ord.21(1991) g 1) 5-3-9: VIOLATION; pENALTy: tt is unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Chapter or to fail to comply with any of the requirements of this Chapter. Any person performing any act prohibited or declared to be unlawful by this Chapter or failing to perform an act required by or otherwise made mandatory by this Chapter shall be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. Any such per- son shall be guilty of a separate olfense for each and every day during any portion of which a violation ol any provision of this Chapter is committed, continued, or permit- ted by such person and shall be punished accordingly. In addition to penalties provid- ed in this Section, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any provi- sion of this Chapter shall be deemed a public nuisance, and may be by this Town similarly abated as such, and each day thal such condition continues shall be regardedas a new and separate offense. (1997 Code: Ord. 21(1991) S 1) a 5-3-9 Town of Vail )v"fi.Tiif,l DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PRO,JECT TITIJE: LOGAN RESIDENCE NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT .Iob Address: 815 POTATO PATCH DRLocation...: 8l-5 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No. . : 2101-053-01_-01_3Project No- : PRiI97-0131_ OhINER LOGAN FAMILY TRUST ]-O VAI PARAISO EAST, TIBT]RON CO 94920 CONTRACTOR R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC P O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620 .]OBSITE AT Permit TIMES B97 -0226 TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI TAGE ROADvArL, co 81,657 970 -479-2L38 #: Status...: FINALAppIied..: 07/23/1997Issued...: 08/14/L997 E>qgires. . : 02/1,0/L998 Phone: 9709495L52 APPLICAITT R.A. NELSON Phone: 970-949-51-52 OO2O EAGLE RD, WARNER PROFESSIONAL BLDG #1, AVON CO 81620 Descript.ion:NEW SFR/WITH CARETAKER Number of Dwelling Units: 002 Occupancy Type Factor Sq. Feet Valuat.ionDwellings Zone 3 V-N I37 -02 8, 354 L,I44, 555 .08 Privat.e Garages Zone 3 V-N Masonry 40-45 851 34,43L.46 SubEotal t 9,205 L,L79,096.54 Table Date: O5/L7 /L996 ToE.al Valuation: l- ,L79,O96 -54 Town of vail Adjusted valuation: 1,789,103.000 #of wood/Pall.et: FEE SIJMMARY Building-----> 6,?10.00 RegtualaDt Plan Review--> .00 Tohal Calculated feee---> A3,52'1 .60 Plan Check---> 4,351.50 DRB Fee-------- 500,00 Additsional Feee---------> .00 Inveetigatsion> .00 Recreat.ion Fee----------> 1,253.10 ToLal Permit Fee--------> L3'A27.60 Will Cal.1----> 3.oo Clean-Up Deposits--------> 1,O0O.0O Paynents----------------> 43,427.60 TOTAI, FEES-.--- 11 ,A2'7.60 BAI,ANCE DUE'-.. .OO Fireplace Infonnation: ReEtricted: Y *of cae Appliance6: 1 #Of eae Loge; 1 It.em: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 07/24/L997 CIARLTE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CIIARLTE 08/08/L997 CIIARLTE Acrion: NOTE REVTSED SrTE Pr,AN 08/L4/L997 CHARIIE Action: APPR see corrections lists LO/20/L997 iIRM AcLion: NOTE REVISED PLANS RECIEVED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division: 07/24/L997 CIIARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO TAI4MIE 07/25/1,997 TAMMIE Action: APPR Pre-paid DRB 200.00 08/08/1997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE REVISED SITE PLANS Item: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMEI{T Dept: FIRE Diwision: 07/24/1,997 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR N/Artem: 05500 PUBLTC woRKs Dept: PUB woRK Division: 07/24/L997 CIIARLTE ACTiON: NOTE PLANS TO PT]BI'TORKS O8/08/L997 CHARLIE ACTiON: NOTE REVISED SITE PIJAN 08/t3/1-997 LARRY_P Action: APPR LPItem: 05550 ENGINEERING Depr: ENGINEER Division: 07/24/1997 CHARLTE AcElon: NoTE PLANS TO TERRr 07/30/L997 TERRI Action: NOTE see notices O8/08/L997 cI{ARLIEQction: NoTE REvISED SITE lelr 08/L2/a997 TERRr ACt,iON: APPR SEE CONDITIONS,5/LL/L998 TPARTCH Acrion: AppR CHNGS AppR W/COND See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions that may apply to Lhis permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appticaLi.on, filled ouL in full the information required, coupleted an plan, and stabe that all the inforroalion provided ae required is correct. I agree to comply with bhe informauion to comply with alf Town ordinances and Btsatse 1arls, and to build tshis Etsructsure according tso the To*n's zoning and codes, design !evi.elr approved, Unj.f o!'ril Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicabfe thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALI BE MADE TWEIITY.FOUR HOURS IN AD1ANCE BY TEITEPHONE AT 479'213S OR AT OUR OFFTCE I'ROM gend Clean-Irp Dcpodil ?o: R.A NELSON accurate p1ots and plot plan, subdivi Eion 8:00 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATURS OF OWNER OR CONTRA TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De it Refund Status: FINAL Applied: 07/23/1997Issued: 08/L4/L997 Permir Tlpe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTTApplicant: LOGAN FAMTLY TRUST iIOb AddTCSS: 815 POTATO PATCII DR LOCAI,iON: 815 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel- No: 2101--063-01-013 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROiIECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SI]RVEY. SUCH ST'RVEY SIALL BE ST]BMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQI]EST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHAI.I, HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR I,ESS, AS MEASI'RED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEIVIBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERS]DE OF THE STRUCTI'RAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. THIS BUILDING WILL NEED FIRE PROTEETION SPRINKLERS4. AI-,L SITE GRADING SHALL BE LESS TTIAN 2: l- (HORIZONTAL TO VERTI CAL) 5 . NO WALL SIIALL EXCEED 5' IN HEIGITT approved amount date PAGE 2******************************************************************************** Permit #: 897-O225 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of L2/L7/98******************************************************************************** \.-s \ \ ___= -\ t\'.- \ *3E::qE€;€ gEE:"E ;; s= i€ E!3! EirE:;Eb sar; eH EE.;E:a.=; +!€ I*! E€*=;: ! u d.:qtr:: c - > o € As;! !o x.? ' o "ga{:iI EgEBi;t! U o- o U z Z F a1o ..1 Hql €l IJd 1 PIFI nl HI<l :l -lFI<lHI Frl nl p.-: = .= = a .9 .: tnvp -F titFnIEt<\ol trrNINl zolll (9Fl O6l J ; .= -'J =- "J :C Li I EI\.nl F<l ?:rt I I I I a M3l EI 'l !'11 El -'l BI zl a '?a .': = 3= z. z H & 2 lltkt.l urH Y-.-<>x -zzris< 3lz a1 <\,Yr\:-\ \./ F\2UQ-z= t! F-,.r. r') i-tSz ^ l'l'l \-./ F-tr2zu^L! '\ --'1 3ts= <hro5=r:OI Z{1 a- t-_q u.J < lI..1 () i '+. < '+,*<i<-<Yoli!et-.-a_F!!>Z.=<-y!:,r J<!!-* -'+ ,., tll i*o>JC4Uri:!zi\\r\-/ Fii< 1-F,a_). .'- f- = a'v-.\- r- l: :4 Iszu:T;?;,J t x *.--.^SY]+*g=ti:-\i- Hla -a. -a+ihar+a. FR EN -artIFEEl .i, lrl H Ert .fJdt fH6\ €, {-a*lq€F?Ele aF\atHF.Td *Fl LIr{ =vlH 11 O. {rfaL. ffJrFf.Ftlraf*A. € TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: LOGAN RES]DENCE NEW (SFRIP/S'DUP) PERMIT OWNER LOGAN FAMILY TRUST 10 VAI PARAISO EAST. TIBURON CO 94920 CoNTRACTOR R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC P O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620 APPLICANT R.A. NELSON 0020 EAGLE RD, WARNER PROFESSIONAL BLDG Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 815 POTATO PATCH DR B].5 POTATO PATCH DR 2l- 01-0 6 3-01-013 PRJg7-0131 500.00 1 ,253 .1O 1,000.00 13,A27.60 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expi-res . . AdditionaL tees---------> TotaL Permit Fee--------> Phone:9709495152 Phone: 970-949-5L52 #1, AVON CO 81620 JOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 897 -0226 I S SUED 0't /23/1.ee'toB/r4/rse7 02/70/teeB .00 'l3 ta27 .60 13,AZ7 .60 .00 Description:NEw sFR/wrrH CARETAKER Number of Dwerling Units: 002Occupancy Type Factor Sq. Feet ValuationDwellings Zone 3 V-N I37 .02 8,354 I tL44 r 665. OBPrivate carages zone 3 v-N Masonry 40.46 851 34,43r.46 Subtotal z 9 ,2O5 I,L79 ,096.54Table Date: 05/17/1996 Total Val-uation: 1'tL1 g,096.54 Town of Vail adjusted Valuation: 1t't89,103.000 Fi replace Information: Restricted: Y tof cas Apptiances: 1 flOf Gas Logs: 1 tof l.tood/Pa L l.et:******************************t******t*****i***rt*******t*** FEE SUtll,lARy *i*i*******i***********************i*****************i**** 8ui Ld ing-----) Ptan Check---> Investi gat i on> lli tt cal. t----> 6,710.OO Restuarant P lan Reviev-->.00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 13.A27.60 EALANCE DUE-.__ 4,361 .sO .00 3.00 Recreation Fee----------> ctean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL F EES----- *************t******************************************************t**********t************************************************** Item3 05100 o7 /24/ree7 oB /08 /ree708/L4/tee7 Item:05400 07 /24/ree7 o7 /25/ree7 08 / o8 /7ee7Item3 05600 07 /24/ree7Item:05500 o7 /24 /tee70B/08/ree7 08/13/ree7 Item: 05550 o7 /24/ree7 07 /30 /1,9e7 oB /08 /Les7 CHARLIE Action:TERRI AcLion: CHARLIE Action: BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: NOTE CHARLIE Action: NOTE CHARL]E Action: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT CHARL]E Action: NOTETAMMIE Action: APPR CHARIJ]E Action: NOTE FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A PUBIJIC WORKS CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TOCHARLIE Action: NOTE REVISED LARRY_P Action: AppR Lp ENGINEERING Dept: BUILDING Division PLANS TO CHARLIE REVISED SITE PLAN see corrections list Division PLANS TO Pre-paid REVISED Dept: PLANNING TAMMIE DRB 200.00 SITE PLANSDept: FIRE Dept: PUB WORK PUBWORKS SITE PLAN Dept: ENGINEER Division Division NOTE PLANS TO TERRI NOTE see noti_ces NOTE REVISED SITE PLAN Division 08/L2/L997 rERRr o Ac Iion: APPR SEE CONDITION ***i****************************************t*******************t*****tt**************tt****t******t****t************************* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read th'is apptication, f itl.ed out in futl. the intormtion required, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that al.l. the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the information and ptot ptan, to compty vith aLl. Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Tom's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Euil.ding code and other ordinances of the ToHn appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHALL BE TIADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELE FRol.l 8:00 Al,l Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: SHAEFFER CoN OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OI,INER o S TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De Perrnit Type Applicant Job Address LocationParcel No NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT LOGAN FAMILY TRUST 815 POTATO PATCH DR 815 POTATO PATCH DR 2101-063-01-013 Apptied: 07 /23/LIssued z 08/14/L *r.************************************************************************ COND]TIONS************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTrc sPAcEs SHALL HAVE A cErLrNG HETGHT oF 5 FEET oR LEss,AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OFTHE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. THIS BUILDTNG WILL NEED FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLERS it Refund approved amount date PAGE 2************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit {tz 897-0226 as of 0B/14/97 STaTus: ISSUED************************************************************************** ****** ****** 997 997 ****** ****** ******************* ********************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COTORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nunber: REC-0312 Amount. 9,227.60 OA/14/97 09:21 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *12504 Init: CD *****************************dr********************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 897-0226 Type: B-BUILD 2101-0 6 3-01-013 815 POTATO PATCH DR 815 POTATO PATCH DR NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE L3,827.60 L3,827 .60 .00 Amount -38.50 6, 710. 00 300.00 1, 000. o0 1, 253. 10 3.00 Total Fees: 9,227 .60 Total ALL Pnts: Bal-ance: Description PLAN CHECK FEES BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE It ]o*w oF vArL -u"rngcrre- Q tol- ob3-ol - 6t]3*ilrfl,""* FoRI't -PERUIT # - t APPLTCATToI UUST BE FILLED oul COUPTETEIJY OR IT llAY NOT BE ACCEETEDaf x***************************** P-ERUII TTIFORUATION r**************************** Jl [xJ-Buildlng [ ]-prunbing I J-Etectricar [ ]-]rechanicar I J-ot]rer Job Narne: L0GAN RESIDENCE ilob Address: Iegal Description: Lot Block Ft*l'li PARrTso ffDlvlsy' Po Owners NaDe: KENT & VICKI L0GAN Address: P0 BOX 1593, TIBUR0N ph. Architect: PIERCE/SEGERBERG Address:Ph. 476-4433 ceneral. Descriptlon: lEW tllOOD FRAMEO H0ME twork class: 1x;-New I J-Atteration I J-Addlttonal [.J-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accornnodation Units: Phone Nunber: 949-4092 I*"" and Tlpe of Firepraces: c.= App'rpr+;p*.f"s r.ogs 1 wood/pelret_ f********************************* vatfidr6(s Y*iti[**************************** iurr.,orwe: 91,78e,19?.7s Er,EqrRrcAL: $-_!l!.QQ0.00 Fldft#llYLER 1-,uniirci ffi' t{ff;fiiA;;;=Zffi tffi; ffip^rrur{BrNc: | 20.600.00 !.rEcrrAr{rcAL, $]ml0-- ToiAt, ffi7l*****************t******t** @NIRACITOR INFORrdaTroN **************r************Eeneral contractor: R.A. NEI soN I assoararFq rN. 'tr^i.h ^€ r'-..r ..i^- t1/1^ lr 'l'vrr' \'v oro4u .^-^ A?7-c>2DbElectrical Contractor: MARMOT ELECIKrL - Town of vail Reg. xo. t7o^ft Phone Nunber: 9?0-949-51 iffi::"r:"r qonrractor: MARM.T ELECTRT. pj,_,--jL -., -TgT^ol y*r Rep: No.2So_f ll'"rrhing Contractol3 C0L0RAD0 PLUMBING SERVICE Town of Vail Reg. NO. /A?_ P\ddress: --qT6f5 phone Nu'r'her: gl'o-ai|:o# lechanical Contractor: CLIMATE C0NTR0Lddress: l** ******* ** *** ****** * *****il****80RUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE:,LT'}'BING PERUTT EEE: ECHANTCAL PERMTT EEE: LECTRTC.AL EEEs THER TYPE OF 8EE: RB FEEs / Town of vail Res. uo. /J ?-n Phone l{umber: 970-945-2it- oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUU,DTNG PIAN CEECK FEE: PLU!{BTNG UECHANI RECRTATTOr{ FEE3 CI.E:AN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PERUTT FEiK ? 3 trlS? BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONfNGS STGNATTIRE: t.EA}f IIP DEPOSIT IEFIIf,D fi}: SN 1,i_643 Job #: For:LOGAN RES. LOT #2 POTATO PATCH VAI L By: cLTMATE coNTRoL coMPANY 1537-130 ROAD GLENI"iOOD SPR]NGS 9-/ A-945-2326 HEATING EQUIPMENT RIGHT-J SHORT FORM File name: LocAN REs . co 81602 7 /L4/97 Htg Clg Outside db -15 96 Inside db 't2 '70 Design TD 87 26 Daily Range - M Inside Humid. - 50 Grains Water - 35 Method Sirnplif ied Const. qlty BestFireplaces 2 COOLING EQUIPMENT .b CO Make Model Type Efficiency / HSPF Heating Input Heating Output Heating Temp Rise Actual Heating Fan Htg Air Flow Factor Space Thermostat TOTALS Btuh Btuh Deg F CFM CFM/Btuh 0.00 0 0 0 562 0.033 Make Model Type COP/EER/SEER Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total Cooling Actual Cooling Fan Clg Air Flow Factor Load Sensible Heat Ratio TLZSiJ 0.00 0 Btuh 0 Btuh O Btuh s62 cFM o. 0s3 CFM/Btuh YJ 710 I I ZOO 562 562 ROOM NAME AREA SQ.FT. HTG BTUH CLG BTUH HTG CFM CLG CFM MASTER BEN UL MASTER BATH UL MASTER CLST . UL HALL UL 2'7 0 138 196 106 68 65 4522 31.'72 27 0'7 3903 2905 2I3I lf,b.* 223 r4'1 1- 03 88 209 155 114 84 Z-l np Ventilation Air Equip.@ t.co RSM Latent Cooling 710 L I ZOO 0 10504 82 10586 6'7 0 s62 562 MANUAL J: 7th Ed.NGHT-J: V3.0.13 I oo"r-J sHoRT F.RM LOGAN RES.,b By: cLri"lATE coNTRoL coMPANY :_5:7--30 ROAD GLENWOOD SPRlNGS 97 A-945-2326 HEATING EQUIPMENT File name: LOGAN RES. LOT #2 POTATO PATCH VA] L SN, 1t-643 Job #: For: 't /r4/9'7 Htg Clg Outside db -1,5 96 Inside db '7 2 i o Design TD 8'7 26 Daily Range - M Inside Humid. - 50 Grains Water - 36Method Simplif ied Const. qlty BestFireplaces 2 COOLING EQUIPMENT co 81602 Make Model Type COP/EER/SEER Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total Cooling Actual Cooling Fan Clg Air Flow Factor Load Sensible Heat Ratio 481 L CO Make Model Type Efficiency / l-ISPF Heating Input Heating Output Heating Temp Rise Actual Heating Fan Htg Air Flow Factor Space Thermostat TOTALS Btuh Btuh Deg F CFM CFM/Btuh 0.00 o Btuh O Btuh O Btuh 242 CFM 0.0s3 CFM/Btuh 93 0.00 0 0 0 zLtz 0-019 660 L29'71 aA)242 ROOM NAME AREA SQ.FT. HTG BTUH CLG BTUH HTG CFM CLG CFM BED +1 EL BATH #]- EL BED #2 EL BATH #2 EL HALL #1 ET 233 53 1.L2 51 94 536 4454 484 23t0 1854 0 209 4 1.7 2 406 91 10 83 9 43 99 0 L1,2 9 Z-2 np Ventilation A ir Equip.@ 1.oo RSM Latent Cooling 660 129't'7 0 4 5Zb lo 4542 JZ> 242 MANUAL J: 7th Ed.NGHT-J: V3.0.13 SN. t-1643 Job #: For: RIGHT-J File name: SHORT FORM LOGAN RES..b 1/L4/9't Htg Clg Outside db -15 96 Inside db 72 7o Design TD 8'7 26 Daily Range - M Inside Humid. - 50 Grains Water - 35 Method Sinplif ied Const. qlty BestFireplaces 2 COOLING EQUIPMENT LOGAN RES. LOT #2 POTATO PATCH VAIL By: CL:MATE CONTROL COMPANY 1537-130 ROAD GLEI.IWOOD S PRINGS 9'7 0-94a-2326 HIATINC EQUIPMENT co 81602 Make Model Type COP/EER/SEER Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total Cooling Actual Cooling Fan Clg Air Flow Factor Load Sensible Heat Ratio 8087 3870 co Make Model Type Efficiency / FISPF Heating Input Heating Output Heating Temp Rise Actual Heating Fan Htg Air Flow Factor Space Thermostat TOTALS Btuh Btuh Deg F CFM CFM/Btuh 0.00 O Btuh O Btuh O Btuh 1?8 CFM O. os3 CFM/Btuh 93 0.00 0 0 0 l-78 0.022 484 178 ROOM NAME AREA SQ.FT. HTG BTUH CLG BTUH HTG CFM CLG CFM BED #3 EL BATH #3 EL BED #4 EL BATH #4 EL 169 91 _L /O 48 3L'72 5'7 4 3731 609 t418 1J / -1f,-LJ LIJ 70 t-3 6Z IJ '79 d dI q Z-3 np Ventilation Air Equip.@ 1.Jtr RSM Latent Cooling 484 8087 0 332L _L5v 3480 389 178 178 1 MANUAL J: 7th Ed.NGHT-J:V3.0.13 S/N l-1643 Job #: For: File name: LOGAN RES. LAT *2 POTATO PATCH VAI L CL]M.qTE CONTROI, COMPANY 1537-130 ROAD GLENWOOD SPRINGS 910-9 45-2326 HEATING EQUIPMENT RIGHT-J SHORT FORM LOGAN RES..b co 81502 '7 /14/9'7 Htg Clg Outside db -15 96 Inside db 't 2 ? o Design TD Bi 26 Daily Range - M Inside Humid. - 50 Grains Water - 36 Method Simpl-if ied Const. qlty BestFireplaces 2 COOLING EQUIPMENT co By: Make Model Type Efficiency / HSPF Heating lnput Heating OutpLrt Heating Temp I{ise Actual Heating Fan Htg Air Flow Factor Space Thermostat TOTALS Btuh Btuh Deg F CFM CFM/Btuh 0.00 0 0 0 4 31- 0.025 Make Model Type COP/EER/SEER Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total Cooling Actual Cooling Fan Clg Air Flow Factor Load Sensible Heat Ratio 9104 0.00 o Btuh O Btuh 0 Btuh 43r. cFM 0. 053 CFM/Btuh 94 830 L'7 448 43L 431 ROOM NAME AREA SQ.FT. HTC BTUH CLG BTUH HTG CFM CLG CFM KITCHEN D IN ING POWDER LAUNDRY ML RM i'{:, ML ML 333 JJb 33 r28 465'7 8558 rozr 26L3 1857 38r9 864 .l-51/ 1l-J 2TL 40 65 99 204 81 L-4 n p Ventilation Air Equip. @ 1. oo RSM Latent Cooling 830 L'7 448 0 8057 592 8649 1055 431.431 MANUAL J: 7th Ed.RIGHT-I: V3.0.13 S/N 11643 Job #: For:LOGAN RES. LOT +2 POTATO PATCH VA] L By: cLrl,lATE coNTRoL coMPANy 1537-13C ROAD GLENViOOD SPRTNGS Y I|J-)4\-ZJZ6 HEATING EQUIPMENT '7 /r4/97 Htg Clg Outside db -1s 96 Inside db '72 i o Design TD B7 26 Daily Range - M Inside Humid. - 50 Grains Water - 36Method sinpJ- j-f ied Const. qlty BestFireplaces 2 COOLING EQUIPMENT co 81602 Make Model Type COP/EER/SEER Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total Cooling Actual Cooling Fan Clg Air Flow Factor Load Sensible Heat Ratio 88 90 RIGHT-J File name : SHORT FORM LOGAN RES. . b co Make Model Type Efficiency / HSPF Heating Input Heating Outpr.rt Heating Temp Rise Actual Heating Fan Htg Air Flow Factor Space Thermostat TOTALS Btuh Bruh Deg F CFM CFM/Btuh 0.00 o Btuh O Bfuh O Bfuh 4OS CFM o. os3 CFM/Btuh 95 0.00 0 0 0 408 0.028 628 14338 408 408 ROOM NAME AREA SQ.FT. HTG BTUH CLG BTUH HTG CFM CLG CFM MEDTA ML RM_1 ML RM- 2 MUD ROOM LL VESTIBULE;L 252 64 64 12 _L ro 439 4 2862 260z 2369 1852 2020 1958 1864 885 972 L25 82 82 o/ 53 108 105 100 A1 49 Z-5 np Ventilation Air' Equip. @ 1.ro RSM Latent Cooling 628 14338 0 7638 452 8090 199 408 408 MANUAL J: 7th Ed.NGHT-J: V3.0.13 SA{ 11643 Job #: For: RIGHT-J File name: SHORT FORM LOGAN RES. .b 1/14/9't Htg Clg Outside db -15 96 Inside db 't 2 -t o Design TD B't 26 Daily Range - M Inside Humid. - 50 Grains Water - 36Method Simplif ied Const. qlty BestFireplaces 2 COOLING EQUIPMENT LOGAI{ RiS. LOT .1 : POTATO PATCH VAI - By: cLl'{ATE coNTRoL coMpANy l-53?--30 ROAD GLENI,IOOD SPRINGS 910-9 4 5-2326 HEATING EQUIPMENT co 81602 Make Model Type COP/EER/SEER Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total Cooling Actual Cooling Fan Clg Air Flow Factor Load Sensible Heat Ratio 33134 Make Model Type Efficiency / HSPF Heating Input Heating OutpLrt Heating Temp Rise Actual Heating Farr Htg Air Flow Factor Space Thermostat TOTALS Btuh Btuh Deg F CFM CFM/Btuh 0.000 Btuh 0 Btuh 0 Btuh 1673 cFM o. os3 CFM/Btuh 95 _tb/J 0.00 0 0 0 167 3 0.041 1638 41159 -tb/J ROOM NAME AREA SQ.FT. HTG BTUH CLG BTUH HTG CFM CLG CFM ENTRY/GALLi'F.:'aL STAIR EL BRIDGE ML STAIR ML CENTER ML GREAT RM. ML 111 111 224 111 254 566 8193 1057 '71.22 3324 109 '17 58 360 3851 2515 0 1.6'7 4'7 JJJ 43 290 IJJ A 868 415 19 206 138 U 896 L-b n p Ventilation Air Equip. @ 1. oo RSM Latent Cooling 1638 4l-l-59 0 3L297 t29 3L420 L]1" 4 1.6'73 -Lb/J MANUAL J:7th Ed.NGHT-J:V3.0.13 TObIN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI.IT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permltr #: E98-0002 APPLICAI\TT COMTRACTOR OWNER VALLEY SERVICE ELECTRICAL ]NC. 0899 HWY. 1.33 STE 101, CARBONDALE VALLEY SERVICE ELECTRICAL INC. 0899 H TY. 133 STE 1O]., CARBONDAIE LOGAN FAMILY TRUST KENT A & VICTORTA TARPLEY LO, ]-O .fob Address: 8L5 POTATO PATCH DR Location...: 815 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No. . : 2101-053-01-013Project No. : PRiI97-0131 Status...: ISSITED App1ied..: OL/os/L998rssued-..: oL/07/1998 E>cpires. . : 07 /06/L998 Phone z 9'70 -963-1990 Phone: 970-963 -1990 VIA PARAISO E, TIBI]RON cA 94920 247,00O.O0VaLuation: Total calculated Fees- - - >3A4.OO co 81623 co 81523 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NSFR rarrrirr,rirri FEE suMMl\RY *ia""r ElecErical---> DRB Fee Inveatigat ion > will call----> TOTAL FEES. - . > Total Perni! Fee- -- - - --- > PaymenEs-------- BAINNCE DUE- - -. 381.00 .00 '00 3.OO 3 S4 .00 384.OO 3a{. oo .00 AddiEional Fcos-- -- - - --- > .oo It.em: 05000oL/ 0s /L998IEem:05500 oL/ 0s /L998 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTC}IARLTE ACEiON: APPR APPROVEDFIRE DEPARTMEIfTCIIARLIE ACTion: APPR N/A BUILDING DiwiSiON: FIRE Division: Dept: JRlTDept: CONDTTION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hereby ackno$,1edge thaE I have read Ehi€ application, filled ouL in fulL the informabion lequlred, comFletsed an accurate PIot p1an, and 6tate tshaE aLl th€ information provided as requi.ied is cotrect. I agree !o comPly wiEh the informaEion and plo! plan, to eolnply with all Town ordi,naniee and state las6, and to build thiE structure according to the Torn's zoni.ng and gubdivieion codes, deeign !€view approved, Uniform Building code and obher oldinanceB of the Tosn aPplicable bhelelo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALIJ BE MADE TI,IENTY'FOUR HOURS IN ADT'ANCE BY Toiif Or VAr!, CO&ORIDO tttEcEng Nu@rrr REC-0371 l'loung ! 3t{'00 01,/07lt3 11r34 P.!|!.nt L.thod ! CK NotrGlont 0163a3 lni'ts: UAlt P.![I! !0o r Era-ooo2 ll'tt : B-!!!C lElclllCll Pqlfrr Pr].crl for 2l0l -063 -01-0ll gl!. Addtr.r ! a15 PgfATO PATCII DR IloerDlon! 315 PoIAIo EATOI m Slrc'!at lalJtttailtlit,tlt,t*tal'a'lirltJalaltaI Thlr P.f'u.nc tlol|l tacl: 384.00 Tot.1 l!! Prt.: Blllnca! 3tt.00 l8a,oo .00 IrcounE coda DcrcrlPtlgn !9 OO1OoOo3lllaO0 EJECIRICIIT PErulr lElg ne oo1oo0o3112l00 tfrL! cl!& rNsPac:cloN tEa &unt 381.00 3.00 41-g6-L994 12:3APH FROM 5E ta vla4t TO 94-L9?B,4?y24522A9 P.@ .l.5r- r.^rur.!t .iar?{ rt 97lr-l2t-t5&O for Perc fifc@. l: ztol =aL;? - e!:!M OP UrIL €ilSBrC'gIOgPESIll! ePPurcat:qr FOf,trIlx[El PEE|TT '_- PATCIT lnilb€f of l€Edrdia tElts: - t rPP6rcl![for lo8n E Er[r.D ot]! eilEriEllEf oR rr tar rcr! E AgcEl,IED tf*-*:-***tt*r*e*.t*f***ttvEnE! DrtionnElqf r*.rtrrr..r.-.*.r,r...rr..*ir. t l-hdfaUrg t ]-PlubiDg f!-rrec*ricaf t l-rbcberi:od t t-otber llob DdE: LoGAN,RESIDENCE gob.tddscc* sl^;gr 12 PorAToE pir-cu verL,To- ragaf eraccif*tor fat Z_ Dtock_ 1rt1'ri!l nrbcr of Drnff&rgr Olltc: P.0. Box 1593oytriss tcr ,KENT LoGAll . raar.rririirii.@, co-er9z0 __la.4l5-z89-867EArrchlteat: PTEB.B' ggBTTBERc' f, Astffi"-..tm *gro-476-4433 Caq"et D€g&tf6; NgW RESfUBMI4, ( _. J%rorts Ctrls: tX]:ffc t l-rft*atie- t l-tddiri.*.r f l-nepair t l.,orh*-__ 1 siltrnrretor:!!lq.n of 9lrll nc{, IO-Agoe.tEiir.E: - ,-INferr of vstr w. rc.2?2-EzJ PbffiA r@.a:' 970-963-9IEl-' lbr|D of Va.ijt.ncgf. Dlooe llUbcr: ,Furi of VE'.l ncg. EbgDc- lnrrlbcri .Lk+*€t a,afirltff ta*.fi ttaarata xE o?RIC8 OICrB t*.rr**6*.r.rr*aat .o.ll***.rEIIDIIIG'Pt.itr.cEK EEg!tln|Brc AtlI GAFIBmItClIr 9llr cng?G pEBr. .n8cnPefirot tE3 CLEen TUP DBFgt1!: DO|IIL P8D!E ?EEE: tlo- Icalanf.ce1 GGaeto8sAddrcgs; .Io. ryrrDnE !EE!n! PlEi FECI$infil gETlTT EIE!t4Ermcrr. taE? 'IBBEr4ewRtfrl. flgsorrtr *zrE o? tEE: DBB IAE3 ' 5_ -1.- ._ lf"" ard "tDc of, I'trqrla€s: car !Et'f?::g crs rrsE_ floo4,z-E rtst_ Jft****:t*'l*rffr*-"tt*"4'+ vafgrffi -ilF^ort*rrr.aaaff rt*ihrrr',r*r****r*tr furrm: * tEBqrRtrclr.: tr-t'* 6&: l__ -Fntoot - sncariEcrl;r__ rdilb: ::-.:T::**r3E***..r call:ltlc:luR uRrtcqlElil .i....***rtri.s.H*...*. lddrrsrc: - "frefu g|Cqrcr:aciEors .edalrrca3: lddrese;' N3 / FR TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 E Lect r i ca t---> DRB fee Invest'i gat ion> l,litL CaLL----> Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 3E1 .00 .00 .00 3.00 Status. , . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Phone2 97O-9 I S SUED 07 /24 /).se7 oB /r4 / rssT 02/LO /7eeB 49-3937 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E97-0154ELECTRICAL PERMIT 815 POTATO PATCH DR 815 POTATO PATCH DR 2101-0 6 3-01-013 PRJ97-0131 APPLICANT MARMOT ELECTRICP.O. BOX 4511 | AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR MARMOT ELECTRIC Phone t 970-949-3937P.O. BOX 4511, AVON, CO 81620OWNER LOGAN FAI\,IILY TRUST L0 vAI PARAISO EAST, TIBURON CO 94920 Description: ELEC FOR NEw SFR/CARETAKER Valuation:172,000. 00 **t****J(****t*****t***ff****i***************i*********t**** FEE SU IIARy *t****ff*****t********i****************t*********i****** ToTAL FEES---> 384.00 TotaI Catculated Fees---> Additional. Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> Paymen BALANCE DUE---- 384. 00 .00 384.00 384. OO .00 *****************i***********************************************i**********************************************************t**i** DEpt: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: ********************i*********t*************l***fi**tt*********t*tt***t*********************t*******************************t**i** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **************************************t*******t********************ff***t*********************************t*********************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that r have read-this appl,ication, fil,ted out in fuLl. the information required, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required. i.s correct. t agree to compl,y riith tlre information and pl,ot i:l,an,to compty uith atl' To|rn ordinances and state taws, and io buiLd this structure according lo'the Town's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review approved, Uniforr Euil,ding code and other ordinances of the ToUn appticabl,e thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTIONS SI{ALL BE l.tADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFTICE rROII 8:OO AI'I 5:OO PI4 ITqm:,O6000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT08/14/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppRItem:' .05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTO8/L4/7997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-03L2 Amount: Paynent Method: CHECK Notation: #12504 384.00 08/t4/9? 09t22rnit: 384. 00 **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: Thie Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE E97-0154 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2101-063-01-0L3 815 POTATO PATCH DR 815 POTATO PATCH DR Total Fees:Total AL,L Pmt6: Balance: 384.00 384 .00 .00 Amount 381.00 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VATL, CO 81,657 9'7 0 -479 -2L38 APPLICA}TT CONTRACTOR OWNER JOb AddTESS. . . : 815 POTATO PATCH DR I-.,ocaE.ion......: 8l-5 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No. . . . . : 21-01--063-01--01-3 Proj ect Number: PR'J97-0131 SEaEus...: ISSUED Applied. . : 05/06/1'998 Issued. . . : 05/06/1-998 E><pires. . : ]-L/02/L998 DEPARTMEI.IT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECTIANICAL PERMIT PermiE #: M98-0052 Descriptsion: WARM AIR COMFORT SYSTEM (A/C) CLIMATE COTTTROL CO OF GWS P o Box L042 | GI-.,ENWOOD SPRTNGS, CI-,IMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS P O BOX 1042, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, I,.OGAN FAMILY TRUST KENT A & VICTORIA TARPLEY I,O, 10 Phone: co 81601 Phone: co 81601 VIA PARAISO E, ValuaEion: *of Gaa Loga: 970-945-2326 970-945-2326 TIBI]RON CA 94920 43,750.00 *of wood/PalIec:Fireplace Infornation: Re6tsricted:*of ca6 Appliancea: FEE SUMMERY M6chanical---> 880.0O ResEualanE PlaO Review--> 'oo ToEal CalculaEed F€es_--> 1'103'OO pl.an ch€ck---> 22o-oo DRB Fe€-------- '00 Addltional FeeE---------> 00 Invceti.gation>.ooToTAI,FEES-...-1,1o3.ooTotsalPenitsFce...---.->1'103.00 wilr carr----> 3.oo 3if,ilX";;;_--_--::--:__l '''o':33 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIIT -D.ept: BUII,DING Division: 667 db tl6gd -,rnt"l----- -AEElon : APPR APPRovED'fRlvl-rtem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT bdpt' FrRE Diwision: o5lo15li998 -,risM Action: APPR N,rA CONDITION OF APPROVAI ]-.FIELDINsPEcTIoNsAREREQUIREDTocHEqEE'QR-CoDEqoMP_I1I.ANCE.2. eoMsusri6N i{ifl-t5 Hr-qq-fn n-qE[ Snc. -6O:-9F-THE l-eel-l1l-4c.:--5. iN's*tIir,airoli*iliu5i 'c*ofrFoill'l-fo-t'iatmFAcrunus INsrRUcrIoNs AND-' to-ApFeuprx cIIAPTER 2l- oF THE 1991-Wq-.-- -^ -a. cIs- ApFlraNcEli'3frfr.Lt -Ep-tsNTEo-Aeeonotrye _!o_cHAPTER e- AND-' 5ii[lr,- teRMf riETn-As-Epnerl-rEt- rN -sEC. 99 0- 9g-THE ! e 9 1 -W-c-.s. ACCEFs-To -niiailu'c"e0UIFMENT-MuSr-eor"tPLY WITH sEc. 505 AND 703 0F THE 1-991- IIMC. e . 66ir,Eits -Sneili'-ffn"i,idlJNTEp qN-Fr-,ooRs QE,NQNcq$gusTlELE coNsr''' fniiE5-s - r-,r sreD ros -ttrduqrryG- qN coMBIJgr-rELE ^ Er,g'^p rN(i 7 . pERMIr, pLANs AND copE eU+1ys^is-MiAfi-iE"Fobfii"ii'i-mecsatqrcal" R6oM-Ffrron fo AN TNSPEcTIQI!-REQUEST.- --e. iii.[r'NAcu-cjr'Ms'c-]iAfrjdal:n00lls-'e6r.rrAiNrNc E_EAT_rNG oR Hor--w4IER'' Strppi,V-eoilnd$--s-luiil, es--E[tirpFeD--lvitg A FI-,ooR DRAIN PER SEc. 2LL9 OF THE 1991 I]MC. **********************************************************************:t**lr***tt*) DECI,ARATIONS r hqrrby rcknortcdgs thr! r hrvc lsad chis atE rlcatsion, filled ouE in lull the lnfotregion rcquircd, cqplrtcil an accur'lc plo! pt|rr, rnd rg.ts6 th.! rll ch. inforuacion Provld.d ae rcquir.d ir corrGcg. I agr" tso coEpty r|ith ch' lnfolurblon and plot Plan' ro colllrly ul,th a].r ror.n ordinrnca6 and gtrE€ ravE, .nd to build ch19 sgructurc according co the To$n'B zgning 'nd subdlvi'io8r cod.r. da.ign rcvi.r rpprov.d, uniforu auildlng cod€ and oth.r ordinanccs of tsh. Tovn appllcablc thcl'tso' RBerrEgrs FoR tNspeerroNs sHA.LrJ BE uADg rt{Evrr-Fotn HouRs rN ADVANCE By TELEPHoNE AT {?9-213g oR AT ouR oFFrcE RRoM s:00 AM 5!00 PM SIO!|ITURE OF O!{!|ER OR COItTRAeIOR fOR HII'IMLF tND OtMER -ittt*rttt*Jtarr J r r J * t t t t * J * * * * * J * * * r * r * * r * r a * r r r r Tot{lt oF vtrrr, corJoR}Do 9talsDtlB llrt I I I l a tt l| rJ a ti| *r rrt a ttt at tt I tl}rtil I I tt a t * ** r a a*a t * t **rta l}il tt t t {ltatoDnE lfuEb.r: R.EC-O397 lllounc: PryD.nE .Ehod: CK NotaEl,on! 3029 !'.103.oo oslo6l98 16:39 rniE: lw P.rnIE lfo: tt98-o052 f)/tr)c: B-UECH P.rc.l No: 2101-063 -01-013 8Lt6 Addrc!6: S15 POTATO PATCII DR Locecion: S15 POTITO PATCH DR Tocal Pcc6: Thi. P.y!t.nc 1,103.00 Torrl ll,L D$r.l Accounc Code DcacripEion IIECII$II CAD P8R"!{TT Balanc.: .00 trra*ttttatrtittltrtafr.artattttatttttt||t',tt,tttttl*|*t*|r*t!|tttlr!ltr 1, 1.03.00 1, 103.00 tuount 990.00 220.OO 3.00 tap 00100003111300 MBcrrAlIIe.lI, EERlrrT FEBS P! 00100003112300 Pl.lll cllBcK FEEg rc 00100003112s00 rlI!,L cAl,!, lllsPEerloir FEB IGY-44 T L tLE FROM:CLIIIIATE CONTR(Lo towlr oF vlIL coNsrRuetrolt AERHTT IPP&TCITION ITRITIDATE:4.{- 16 , APP&feATroN llusl BE TIL,IID OUT COIIPIETELY OR IT lltY NOT BE ACCEPTED xr**rrrarr lr**.rrrrtttf tilrr**. pgnulT rNFonuATIoN ,tat a*rrrr -rrr.*rr..iifrr rt trr![ ]-Buildlng [ ]-Plrrnbing I J-El€crrtc.l ]d-uean"nlcal I l-ottrer Job Nane: Looa Resid<r.rcs Job lddresel Icgal Descriptionz Lo?-_! Bloc ouners Na!B: K...1 + VicL; Lto^ Architectt Ph. 97@v*r?a IO.97A479?45?PAGE: Ae PERlrrr rB-qIW k_l_ tddreE6r Addrees: Ph. ceneral llascriptlon: I atttr Electrical ,rddress: Contractor: Icltf,Al:-- Reg. !lO.Plunbing Addrees': llechanical Contractor: Addreesl *rrr *t*r*rtta ta at a*ttrrtr rtt EUII.DING PER}'IT FEESPII'UBING PErugI }IECHTNICAI. EIJECTRTCAI{. F8E: OIIHER TYPE OF DR8 FEP: rvork clasg: x-xeu [ ]-flteration I J-Addltlonar ( J-Bepalr I l-other_ NuDber of DryelllnE UnLte: 1.._ tfuuber gf Acconodatlon Unlte: ^ )ld"t and B14re of, Flreplac€a: Gas epprianceef d"r -""1 wood/pertetV--. if,rt*'tlrr*aaltit.trrf tt*l*itf lattr* vl,ltAlroNs.tttltta*ititttfr*rt**.rar*.t! : BIIECTRICAL: I CIIIER: I Addre6s: BUU..DfNG: I PI,UUBTNG: I /lf,**r rt*rr !. ltllttl rt atrttttaat attt Eeneral Contractor s ttEcInNfcArJ, f.+-aiF CbtlIRAqfOB llttlORl|tlf OX . t t* t t. t t t t it i. r r !r r r r... m t lTorn of ValI R€9. xo. Fhone Nuuber:r_ 'rr-- Fown of Vail R€9. tfo. PhonB Nulber: Town of VaiL Phone Nuuber: I Town of vall Res. No. tzq- n Phonc Nurber: 4us - zT I cE ullB ..rl*.a*tti*rrtatrrtar..rrta.rl BUTLDINC plAlt cHEeX EEEs PLI'UBTNG PI,IIT CHEGX 8EE: BUrIDII|G! SIGNAIII'RE! ZOTTNGS SIGI|III'RE! lim t-t-t-r-r-r- TO:PAGE:@3 7 lt4 / 9't HAY-44 98 1,4tL7 FROM:CLIMATE slN 11643 97A945ALaA RIGHT-I SHORTFORM CONTRg-o 914479?45"o File nanre: Iob #:For LoGAN REs. LOr #2 FOfAtO pATcH VAIL By: cLr!4ATE coNtRoL coMpANy 1537-130 ROAD GLSNNOOD SPRINGS 97C-945-2326 I{EATING EQUIPMENT Htg Clg Outside db -ls 9G lnside db 't 2 7 o Derign TD B? 26 Daily Rurge - M Insida Humi4 - soGrainsltcter - 36Method simplif icd Conrr qhy BestFireplaccs 2 cooLING EQt TPMENT Make see ?ones torModel ecuioment data Type Efficiency / HSPF Heeting Inpur [,leating Outprrt Heating Tcmp Rise Actual Heating Fan Htg Air Flow Factor Space Thcrmostat lOGAl.I RES. . b co c0 81602 rLL273 Make Model Typc COP/EER/SEER Seruible Cooling Latent Cooling I Total Cooling Acrurl Cooling fan Clg Air Flow F4cor Load Sensible Heat Ratio 0.00 o Btuh o Btuh 0 Btuh 2e06 cFM o. 053 CFM/Btuh 94 3{ 94 0.00 0 n 0 0 0.000 Btuh Bfuh Deg F CFM CFtWBtuh c li'i. t +!!) t20 pttrl'p Dlt'q'' Ott tlP &ux'4a6 4949 ,or lt 3{ 9{ ROOM NAME AREA SQ.FT. HTC BTUH CLG ] BTUH HTG CFM CLG CFM z-2 a,-3 z-4 z-5 z-6 nPnp nP nPnpnP ?10 650 454 830 628 1638 t7266 l-2917' 8087 ., 174{0 14338 {1159 ,20tq 10504 -4526 |332IJ g 05? 7 638 3r291 562 iln 212 1?8 431 408 16?3 552 242 I?8 431 408 16? 3 Entire Houge D Ventilation Airpquip.@ I.oo.RSM Latent Coolinu 4949 u.1275 0 s4 335 14 30 55765 4 956 34 94 34 91 TOTALS MANUAL J; ?$ Ed.RIGHT-J: v3.0.13 CII.ITRILo9B14.17 FROIY4:CLIMTE SN RSR204?? Filc name: Iob #: For: Make Trade Elliciency 80.0 AEI E Hcating Input ]-1266 Hcaring Output 11266 Ileating Temp Rise 45 Actual Heating Fan 350 Htg Air Flow Factor 0.020 Space Thermostat TOTALS ?10 IOGAN . RSR LOGA}I RES. LOT #2 POTATO PATCH VAIL CLIMATE CONIROL COMFAT.IY 153?-130 RoAD GLENIIOOD SPRINGS 970-945-2326 HEATN.IG EQUIPMENT lfiY-O4 97A94SBI8 RIGHT.J SHORTFORM co 81602 PmE:44 Htg Clg Outside db -r 5 e5 Inside db 12 7o Dcsign TD 8? 26 Daily Range - !l Inside Hr.mid. - 50 Craine Watcr - 36Mcthod slmplified Const. qlty BestFireplaccs 2 COOLING EQTJIPMENT 91a,479?45? O 7 /u/sj Makc AAoN, rNc, Trade Efficiency 0.0 EER Scnsible Cooling 1058 5 Btuh LarenlCooling 570 Btuh Total Cmling 11256 Bruh Actual Cooling Fan 554 cFM Clg Air Flow Factor o. osr CFM/Btuh Load Ssnsiblc Heat Rado 94 By: Bruh Btuh Deg F CFM CFM/Btuh 1141217266 350 56d ROOM NAME AREA SQ.FT. HTC BTI'H CI"G BTUH HTC CFM CLG CFM UASTER BED UL MASTER BATH UL MASTER CLST. UL I{A],L UL 270 138 196 106 68 65 4522 3172 2701 3928 29r8 213I 157 0 139 92 64 55 2LO r56 114 84 ZI no \Gntilerion Air Equip. @ 1. 01 RSM Latalt Cooling ?10 r tt6b 10554 82 I07 42 570 350 564 MANUAL J: 7th Ed.Right-Suite: V4.0.05 1'RY-64 98 L4zL7 FROMICLI|If,TE . . S/N RsRzo{?? 97094581e8 RIGHT-I SHORTFORM File name: LoGAN. RsB Iob #:For: I.oGAN RES. LOT 12 POTATO PATCH VAIL CO By: cLr!,tATE coNTRoL coc'IPANY 1537-130 RoAD GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 97 0-t45-2326 HEATING EQINPMENT Make Trade Efficicncy 80.0 AFIJE Heatins lhout 21064 Btuh HeuinE Oitput 2 t o6 4 Btuh -Ilcatin! Terrip Risa 4 5 q+ | Acrr.ral HeatingFan 423 CFMHtgAirFlowFactor o.o2o CFV/Btuh Space Thermostat CONTRILo 5A PAGE:os 7 /r4/9"t 0.0 EgR 4s42 Btuh 329 Btuh 48?l Btult 423 cFM 0.053 cFM/Btuh 92 423TOTALS114,1 0808210 54 914479e4oTO: Htg ClgOutsidcdb -r5 95 lnside db 72 z0 Dcsign TD 8? 26 Daily Ranep - M Insidc Humid. ' 50 Grains Water - 36Method sinplifledg1602 Con$t. qlty BeFtFircplaces 2 COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Tra& Efficiency Sensible Cooling Latcnt Cooling Total Cooling Actual Cooling Fan Clg Air Flow Factor Load Sensible Heat Ratio ROOM NAME AREA sQ.FT. HTG BTUH CLG BTUH HTC CFM cL6 CFM BED Ii1 EL BATH ll I EIJ B8D *2 EL BATH *2 EI, HALL *1 EI. BED tI3 EL EATH +3 EL BED II4 EIgAtil l{ EL 233 2t6 53 tr2 169 I 'b48 5194 s36 {{5{ 494 23LO 3I72 574 37 31 609 187 { 0 211? L'I? {06 1489 158 r524 L73 r0{ 11 s9 IO 46 64 L2 75 l2 100 0 l13 9 22 s0I 82 9 z 2't n p \Entilation Air Equip.@ :'or RSM Latcnt Cooling 114{210 6{ 0 7974 175 8r?0 ?18 423 423 23 MAI{UAL J: 7th Ed.Riglrt-Suite: V4.0.05 MAY-64 CT]NTRILo981.41 L1 FROIYI:CLIi'1ATE SN RsR2o4?7 97A9458148 RICHT-] SHORTFORM File name: LoGAN. RsR Job #:For: LoGnN REs, LOT #2 POTATO PATCH VAI L By: CLTMATE coNTRoL cot{I,ANY 153?-130 ROAD GLENIIOOD SPRINISS CO 910-945-2326 HEATTNG EQINPMENT Make Trade Efticiency 80. 0 AFUBHeatinglnput r?{BB BruhHcstingoqtput 17466 Btuh Hcating Tcmp Risc 40 Deg F Actual tleating Fan 400 CFMHrgAirFlowFactor 0.023 CFM/Btrh Space Thermostet TOTALS 830 9 830I7.148 ROOM NAME AREA sQ.rT. HTC BTUH CLG BTUH HTG CFM CLG ct'M DINING RM ML KITCHSN ML I..AUNDRY ML POWDER ML JJb 333 128 J5 8558 { 65? 26t3 r62l 3837 I8 58 t522 868 r96 l0? 50 37 205 r00 81 46 Zl nD VEntilation Air Equip. @ t. 01 RSM Latenr Cooling 830 1?4{8 0 8095 592 877 4 1055 400 {33 91A479?4#. O 1/v/s1 Tn' Htg CISOuaidedb -ts 96 Inside db '72 ?0 Design TD 87 zG Daily Range - M Inside Humid. - 50 Grains Water - 36Method Simptified I r 602 Const. qlty EestFireplaces 2 COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Trade Efliciency Sensible Cooling Latcnt Cooling Totnl Cooling Actual Cooling Fan Clg Air Flow Faaor Load Sensible Heql Rrtio PAGE:@6 O, O EER 8549 Btuh 1055 Etuh 9?0{ Btuh 433 cFM 0 . os3 CFlvl/Buh 89 400 433 MANUAL J:7th Ed.Right-Suitc: V4.0.05 NAY-64 98 I4zLl FR0|"'I:CLII4ATE . SN RsF2ot?? 916J45AL?€ 1{338 91UBe e O ,tt4/el TO:FAGE:87 410 Make Trade Efficicncy Sensible Cooling Larent Cooling Toul Cooling Acrual Cooling Fan Clg Air Flow Factor Load Sensible Hest Ratio 900r O.O EER 8090 Btuh ?99 Bfirh 888e Btuh 4IO CFM O.053 CFM/Bluh 91 TOTALS 350 ROOM NAME AREA sQ.Fr. HTC BTUH CLG BTUH HTG CFM CLG CFM MUD ROOM LL VESTIEULE LL MEDIh ML RM-} ML RM2 72 176 zJz 64 64 2169 l8 52 4394 2862 2862 890 913 2029 r966 18 71 58 45 IO? .?0 70 48 49 r08 105 100 7,5 np \Gntilation Air Equip.@ 1.ot RSM Latcnt Cooline 629 r.4 338 '1669 452 8202 ?99 350 4r0 RTGHT.J SHORTFORM Filc namc: lOGAll . RSR Job #:For; LocAN Ros. LOT *2 POTATO FATC$.JAIL CO By: cLntATE coNTRoT. COMPANY 153?-130 ROAD GLENWOOD SPRING5 CO 9?0-91s-2326 HEATTNG EQTNPMENT CINTRILo Makc Trade Efficiency 80. o Heating Inpur lleating Ouput Heating Temp Nsc Actual Herting Fan Htg Air Flow Factor Space Thermostat 628 AFOE l{388 Btuh 14388 Btuh 37 DegF 350 cFM o. 02 4 CFM/Btuh Htg Clg Ousidc db -l.s 96 lnside db 72 ?0DesignTD 87 25 Daily Range - M lnside Humid. - 50 Grains Warcr - 36Mefiod sinprifj.ed 81602 Const qlty BestFireplaccs 2 COOLING EQIJIPMENT MANUAL J: 7th Ed.Right-Suite: V4.0.05 MAY-64 CONTRTLo9BLAtL7 FROM:CLIMATE Ytl RsR204?? 97A945814S RIGHT.] SHORTFORM File name: LoGAN . RsR Job #:For: LoGAN Res. LOT +2 PQTATO PATCIT VAIL CO By: ctrMATE coNtRoL coMPANY 153?-110 ROAD GLENTTOOD SPRINGS CO 910-945-2326 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make Trade Efficiency 80.0 AFUEHeuinglnput 41t59 BiuhHcatingOutput 41159 Btuh Heating Temp Rise 47 Deg F Actual Heating Fan Boo CFMHtgAirFlowFactor 0.019 CFI\,|/Btuh Spacc Thcrmostat Htg Clg outside db -15 96 Inside db 12 ?0 Dcsign TD 8? 26 Daity Range - M Inside Humid. - 50 Graim Water - 35Mefiod SimPllf ied 9i602 Const. qlty BestFireplaces 2 COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Tradc Efficiency o. o EER Sensible Cooling 3I{20 Btuh Larcnt Cooling r?I{ Btuh Totol Cooling 33134 Btuh Actual Cooling Fan 1581 CFM Clg Air flow Factor 0.053 CFM/Btuh Load S€nsible Heat Rsrio 95 974479?45? O 1/r4/s7 TO3 PAGE:98 TOTALS 153 8 3150 0{1r59 800 r 681 ROOM NAME AREA sQ.FT. HTG BTI.JH CLG BTUH HTG CFM CLG CFM ENTRY /GATLERY EL STAIR EL GREAT RM. ML BRIDGE ML STAIR ML. CENTER ML 3'14 11r 566 224 111 254 8 r93 105? 27354 1t22 t 51-a 109 7187 360 L6829 3882 258 4 0 159 zt {r5 138 65 {16 I9 900 20s r38 0 26 np \Gntilation Air Equip.@ 1.01 RsM Latcnt Cooling r638 4 1159 3r{{1 LZ5 31886 l?14 800 I6 81 MANUALJ:7th Ed.Right-Suite: V4.0.05 PAGE:6991A479?4*oMAY-44 98 14:18 FROM:CLIMATE CO'ITRIL G] glaflFlsBL?B TOI .r, o o Lll)lrl Lrl -Oa z LL t B c E c EF a E g Et atE 3r.l =I E t! f; F E ? ! E q- t g !l t t! a 5 a g |!{ Hfl:I a,l 6 B f g H t 6 IEc 3 E fl UZ n HI!a{ E 5AE alsE tl I t eqt t \ Sg t{J vl \)s( s sis-)s -..\ HAY-64 98 14:18 FROM:CLII4FITE ql 91a945ALe€CONTRILo TO:976479?4*o PRGE:18 J LrJ 5o LrlIO U) Fz:l oU z. tr- d B E E I r iiililIli g E a i!I i * ua cI llllilili d I v !5 rlalllll3 4 a .lrl-lr E T rltl9ltlt !d q 5 6 I rlllilr I H tl !li t ; aliltrl.rt E 3 I t- 3{-:++# t tls s nls EII Tt a t 5 !l5l!l5l! I q ililrlnli E a l I nlrlllrlr E Ir s c[!l!ls if;Ii J t J 'lllilul: I' e i Ei_Illlllr N::-44 98 14:18 FR0l'1:cLIr'lArE .T* * s?ae4s81aB 10t979479e4y-.o PAGE311 Aat B t'l .lt 4tl nrt q .{nl 1s I lE-l1:! lI IHI ttaI Elri I > lIFI t- cru I liE l:islii: l*ifii J HI{ E Eh 5 E I ? Etlz) =fllN c z A t E} 1 tt fi o 4 J fi a a! l. B 5 =?t ur I! c Et tr Bt o tt tt |a n tl E I .l b /. I I t a E e: I F t tlN a E t all a E e FI n| E !,rI N E E E 5t e c 11 R e o E E r tl tl rl tl tt a) HcE E o n EI c 0 e I c nr I 2 eEc a n 4 a!l q n E H H a, al H I f..,f Et E A i tlI d ltt fl lu rl lu 1'1AY-o4 ?8 14:18 FROM:CLIMATE colnRtl- Cl 9?a94s81e8 1U TOt97B479?45?o Lt-:::::l tteq",r -ii"tl..c qs.s PAGE:12 t-\z-, Fc-L b ! HAY-A4 *) L4tL9 FRU|",|:CLil'IATE COI.LTRIL CO 97ef)45s.te€ U - PRGE:13 (- 3'. rlb r. Luoc,- "'*ron *v \ q- &ilcr,-' (l,zn,a' et'r') { o DEVELO StsaLus...: ISSTED Applied. . z o7/2a/L997Issued...: 04/03/L998 Expires..: 09/30/L998 Phone z 9709452326 co 81501 co 94920 DescripEion: MECII FOR NEW SFR/CARETAKER Eircphc. tnfortuatsion: Regcricted: Y *of ca€ Applianccg: L *tr.r*rt1trt..rr.rrtr'irrrrrtr FEE SIJI{!.{ARY M.ch|nic.l---> Pl.n Chcck---> Inwcrclg.tlon> WL11 cr11----> SI'PPLY BOILERg SIIALT BE EQUIPPED WITII A TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI{T OWNER CONTR,ASfOR 2, 440 .00 610 .00 DEPARTT"TEI|IT OF COMMT'NITY PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECIIANICAIJ PERMIT PMENT ON iIOBSITE AT Permit #: NOTE: THIS ALL TIMES t497 -0124 iIOb AddTESS...: 815 POTATO PATCH DR Locatsion......: 815 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No..... : 2101-063-01-013 Project Number: PRiI97-0131 CLIMATE COIITROL CO OF GWS P O BOX L042, Gr_,ENWOOD SPRTNGS LOGAN FAFIILY TRUST 10 VAI PARAISO EAST, TIBI'RON COLORADO PII]MBING SERVTCE 2335 E 7TH ST SOU:Tfi, RIFI.,E CO Phone: 816s0 Valuation: *of Gaa Logs: 1 Restsuarant Plan Rcvicr-- > DRB Pce--------Additsi.onal Pcc6-- -- -- -- -> 3,053.OO . o0 aotsal Pcluic Pcc--------> 3,053 . O0 Pavuenta-------- 97094s9809 LzL,4'76.0O *of wood/P.l1eg. 3, 0s3 . oo .00 .00 3 , 053 .00.o0 TotrAL FBES----- 3.OO BAIANCE DT'B- - - - BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUITDING Division: CHARLTE ACIiON: NOTE PLANS RECEIVEDCHARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARTIE DAVISFIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 507 OF TIIE 199]. I'MC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUETIONS A}'ID TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF TIIE 1991 UMC. Item: 05100 07 /.24/.L997LL/24/L997Itbm:05500LL/24/L997 4. GAS APPI,IATiICES SHAT.I. BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHAI.,L TERIT{INATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 I'MC.5. AECESS TO HEATING EOUIPMEIflT MUST COMPLY WITII SEC.5O5 AND5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMEI.TT MUST703 0F THE 1991 IIMCI6. BOILERS SIIALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOO6. BOILERS SIIALL BE MOI]NTED ON F UNLESS LISTED FOR MOt'NTING ON F coNsr. \rrl !rr,:r.J.J7. PERMIT,PI,ANS A}ID CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIA}TICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REOI'EST.ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REOI'EST.8. DRAINAGB OF MECHANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER- ST'PPLY BOILERS SHALT BB EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. DECLARA'TIONS Itv f. h.!.btz'tcknorlcdg. thrt I hrv. rr.d chl. .pt lle.tion, fllL.a out, in full gh€ Lnfotaation r.quirrd. cotltrlcc.a rn rccur.ts. trlocplen, end rgrt. tsh.c .11 tsh. lnforilrtion providcd er roquiKd la corr.cc. r .gr.. co co[ply ulth chc inforo.clon rna ploc ttlan. Eo coEply rltsh .11 Torn oldlnrncaa rnd .grta lau!, lnd to bulld !hl. rgructulc cod.!, d.rlgn r.vi.F .tprov.d, Uhlforu Bullding cod. |nd oLh.r to Ch. ToIn'! zonlng end rubdivblon AT a?9-2139 OR lf OUR OPFICB lRoll a:OO Nl 5:OO PUruculgta FoR lt€PEcrro s gllAlJL Bt HIDE tflllttt-loln Holrn.g AI(trNIlru OI ('?TIEB OR COIII?ACIOR FON, HIIAEEI ITD (IIDER tarrrtaattaaaaaatta+toatatt.r*rtttaaaaatttatttraatt.rriararrtarrt lorut oF vAI!, coB{rEllto Serr.urc at.rtraaratt.rtarattttrr!raarraarJaartatttttitatataitr.rrata+rlfiaaaatt gE t.qre l|rd.e r REC-O3ga lDreC: 3,05!.OO 0{,/03,/98 10155 P.y..!tc l.Bhod r CK ltot tion: 1292a Inle. XAl{ P!!rit, tfo! ll9?-012a Ti?c 3 B-t'l8ctt |iECtlINICIJl pERntT Prrcll Xo3 2101-063 -01-013 8iB. lddtr r: a15 PgItTO PATGT DR Iocrtion ! 315 Dmllo PAIOI DR Tti. Pr!'!rnc 3,OS3.OO 3,053.O0 .o0 . Iocal, laar! 3,053.00 Tot l ILL P!C!: Bllanca: lccoune Coda D.lcript,lon up 00100003111300 UEcBNrlctL PERIiIT rEEg PP 00100003112300 PLIN CHBCK tBEg rc 00100003112300 r .L car,t tl|sptettd FtE laounC 2,4lO,0O 610.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2738 Pl.umbing-----) 1,065.m Ptan chcck---> 266.25 lnvestigat ion> tlitt cat l,----> .00 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES P97-0095 Job Address Location. . . Parce] No..Project No. 815 POTATO PATCH DR 815 POTATO PATCH DR 2 10 L -0 6 3-01-013 PRJ97-01.31 co 81650 co 81650 Status. . .epplied.. Issued... Expires. . ISSUED o7 /24/rse708/r4/Lee7 02/L0 /ree8 59809APPLICANT COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE 2335 E 7TH ST SOUTH, RIFLE CONTRACTOR COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE 2335 E 7TH ST SOUTH, RIFLE Phonez 97O94 Phone:9709459809 OWNER LOGAN FAMILY TRUST L0 vAI PARAISO EAST, TIBURON CO 94920 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEWSFR/CARETAKER Valuation:70,600.00 ******i**********t*****t*tt******t**ff****i******t***i***** FEE SUI'lilARy *****************t**t*****t************t*tt*ff************ Restuarant Plan Revie!r--> TOTAL FEES----- TotaI caIcutated Fees---> Addi t ionaI Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> 1 ,331.25 .oo 1 ,t34.25 .00 1 t331.25 > 't ,331.25 ***********r*******************,.****************r**************************************illilli-lli;;;;;;;ii***ii***.********i9l*** Itqm; .05100_EUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept.: BUILDING Division:o8/14/1997 CHARLTE Aaaion;- EpFn cHaRr,rnIt€m:'.05600_!'IRE DEPARTMENT ____ --,_ Dept: FIRE Division:oB/t4/Iee7 CHARLTE Acaioh; AppR N/A *************rrt*ff********************tr*i*t********************t**tt*******t**********************it**********************t***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***********************t***************t************************************************************************i**t******i******* DECLARATIONS l. hereby .acknov tedge that: have read-this apptication, fitl.ed out in fuLl, the information required, compteted an.ccurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required i.s correct. I agree to compl,y vith the infornation and ptot itan,to compty vith aLl' ToHn ordinances _and state [avs, and to buil,d this stfucture according io'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabLe thefeto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I1ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS ITI ADVANCE BY TELEP Payments OF OI'NER OR FOR HIIISELF ANO O}'NER o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COTORADO Statemnt.**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0312 Amount: 1,334.25 O8/I4/97 09:22 Payment Method: CHECK Not,ation: #12504 Init: CD P97-0095 Type: B-PLMB 2101-063-01-013 815 POTATO PATCH DR 815 POTATO PATCH DR 7,334.25 Total F'ees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WTLL CALL INSPECTION FEE Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4l-311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 PLUMBING PERMIT 7 t334.25 7 t334,25 .00**************************************************************** Amount 1, 065 .00 266.25 3.00 o H eat Loss Analyas RePort WIRSBO Radiant Panel Heating System Prcject#: 9769 Deite:11/1287 Prepared By COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE, INC 2335 E.7ft St. SOUTH RIFLE, COLORADO 61650 Phone#: (970)626{766 Fax#: (970) 6/+5{776 8y: JACK SILLS Project lnformation Name: LOGAN Location: VAIL.CO Closing Date: Project Summary Total Heat Loss:Uprvard; &f,506 Btu/HrDownward: 1'1,559 Btu/Hr Total RFH Load: 96.065 Btu/HrSupplemental: 0 Btu/Hr Total Combined Load: 96.065 Btu/Hr ; Detailed Heat Loss Data! Room: BATtt*t Z-2 Gross Area: Unheated Area: N€t Heated Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Component Froor rype: Temo Belom Floor Cover R\4 Floor lnsulation R\ Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Ceiling Component Space Above Heated: Net Ceiling Area: Rv: 44 ftz 0fF 44 ft2 9ft 396 fto 13ft 0.50 per Hour 70 "F Suspended 55 "F 0.50 25.00 N/A N/A Yes 44ft? 35.00 Owner: Engineer: Total Area: OuEoorTemp: Room Infiltration: Total Heat Loss: Upurard: Do,vnward: Supplemental: Net: UniUNet: Slab Depth: Water Table Present: Soace Belorv Heated: Downrvard Heat Loss: Unit Heat Lo6s: Floor Surface Temp: H€at Loss: (less sub components if any) 3,454 F -20'F 340 Btu/hr 866 Btu/hr 59 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 925 Btu/ht 21.0 Btu/hr/flF N/A N/A Diff Source 59 Btu/hr 'l Btu/hrfi3 79 "F 0 Btu/hr WIRSBO Panel Heatng System O Radlant 1il|a97 Room: BAfll#2 Z-2 Gross Area: Unh€ated Area: Net H€ated Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Component Floor Type: Temp Belorv: Floor Cover Ru Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Ceiling Gomponent Space Above Heated: Net C€iling Ar€a: Rv: 55 113 0fF 55ff 9ft '195 fl: 5ft 0.50 per Hour 70 "F Suspended(E .tr 0.50 25.00 N/A N/A Yes 60 fF 35.00 60 fF 0fF 60 fF 9ft 540 ff 7ft 0.50 per Hour 70 "F Suspended -20'F 0.50 25.OO N/A N/A Ye6 60 fl3 35.00 Room Infiltration: Total Heat Loss: Upward: Do/vnuiard: Supplemental: Net: UniUNet: Slab Depth: Water Table Pr€serf: Space Belorv Heted: Dorynvard Hat Loss: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Loss: (less sub components if any) Room lnfiltration: Td.al Heat Loss: US/|rard: Dorvm rard: Supplemental: Net: UniUNet: Slab Depth: Wder Table Present: Space Belovv H€t€d: Dovrrnward Heat Loss: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surface Temp: Het Loss: (l6ss sub components if any) 425 Btu/hr 95'l Btu/hr 68 Eltu/hr 0 Btu/hr 1,019 Btu/hr 18.5 Btu/hr/fl3 N/A N/A Diff Source 68 Btu/hr 1 Btu/hrfi3 78"F 0 Btu/hr 464 Btu/hr 1,072 Btu/hr 249 BtL/hr 0 Btu/hr 1,321 Eltu/hr 2..0 Etulhrltr N/A N/A Not H€ated 249 Btu/hr 4 Btu/hr/fF 78 "F Room: BATrI#3 2.3 Gross Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Component Floor Type: Temp Below Floor Ccr/€r Ru Floor lnsulation Rv Edge Ru Perimeter Rv: Ceiling Component Space {bove Heted: Net C€iling Area: Rv: 0 Btu/hr wrRsBo Panel Heatng Systemw*a* $eg Da|r; 11/12/07 O Radlant Room : BAT|IH 2.3 Gross Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Component Floor Type: Temp Belo,v: Floor Cover Rv: Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rn Ceiling Gomponent Space Abov€ Heted: Net Ceiling Ar€a: Rv: 40 fF 0fF 40 fl3 9ft 360 fl9 9ft 0.50 per Hour 70 "F Suspended -20'F 0.50 25.00 N/A N/A yes lmfF 35.00 40 fF 0fF 40 fl3 8ft 320 fl9 15ft O.50 per Hour 70 "F Susp€nded 55'F o.50 5.00 WA N/A Room Infiltration: Totd Hdat Loss: Up\,vard: Doimward: Supplemental: Net: UniUNef Slab Depth: Water Table Present: Space Beloiv Heated: Downvrard Heat Loss: Unit Hed Loss: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Lo6s: (less sub components if any) Room Infiltration: Total Hed Loss: Upward: Downlwrd: Supplemental: Net UniUNef: Slab Depth: Water Table Pres€nt: Space Below Heted: Do,vnward Heat l-oss: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surfaco Temp: 3Og Btu/hr 673 Btu/hr 165 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 838 Btu/hr 21.0 Btu/hrlfl3 N/A IUA Not Heded 165 Btu/hr 4 Btu/hr/fl3 7A'F 0 Btu/hr 775Btu/hr 918 Btu/hr 253 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 1,171 Btu/hr 29.3 Btu/hrn3 N/A N/A Same Source 253 Btu/hr 6 Btu/hr/fi3 81 "F Room : CARETAKER BATH Z-8 Gross Ar€a: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temo: Floor Componont Floor Type: Temp Belorrn Floor Cover Rv: Floor Insulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: t RadlantwtRsBo Panel Heafing System Pro/ect#r 97d| Ceiling Component Space Above Heated: Net Ceiling Area: Rv: Gross Area: Unheated Area: Net Heat€d Areal Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temo: Floor Component Floor Type: Temp Belc,w Floor Ccver Rv: Floor lnsulation RY Edge Ru Perimeter Rv: Geiling Component Soace Above Heted: Net Ceiling Area: R\f 156 fl3 0fF 156 tlf 8ft 1,248 fF 27ft 0.50 per Hour 65 "F Suspended 55 "F 0.50 5.00 lvA N/A No 156 fF 35.00 680 fl3 0 ft2 680 fl3 9ft 6,120 fl9 47 fr. 0.50 p€r Hour 72"F Suspended 70 "F H€t Loss: (tess sub components if anY) Room lnfilHion: Totd Heat Loss: Upuard: Downward: Supplemental: Net: UniUNet: Slab Deoth: Water Table Pr6sent: Space Belorv Heted: Do,mrvard Heat Lo6s: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surfac€ T€mp: Heat Loss: (less sub componenls if any) Room Infiltration: Totd Hed Loss: UPt'vard: Doivnward: Supplem€ntal: Nst: UniUNet: Slab Depth: Water Table Present 10:l Btu/hr 1,013 Btu/hr 3,2t5l Btu/hr 882 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 4,289 Btu/hr 27.5 Btu/hr/fl3 l.UA N/A Same Source 832 Btu/hr 5 Btulhr/ff 76 "F 379 Btu/hr 5,377 Btu/hr 10,138 Btu/hr 1,927 Stulhr 0 Btu/hr 12,065 Btu/hr 17.7 Btu/hri13 trb 40tla 35.00 Room : CARETAKER BED ZA Room : ENTRY GALLERY Z-5 Gross Area: Unheted Area: Net Heat€d Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Gomponent Floor Typo: TemD Belo\M N/A N/A / wlRSBO t Radlant PanelHeatng Sysbm ftdqt* 9769 Date: 1l/12/07 Floor Cover Rv: Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Geiling Component Soace Abore H€ted: Net Ceiling Area: Rv: 0.50 5.00 N/A N/A Yes 680 fF 35.00 Space Belorv Heat€d: Dolvnward Heat Loss: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surfaca Temp: H€t Loss: (less sub components if any) Same Source 1,927 Btu/hr 2 Btu/hr/fi3 79 "F 0 Btu/hr 1,8€12 Etu/hr 8,237 Btu/hr 2,259 gtulhl 0 Btu/hr 10,496 Btu/hr 32.3 Btu/hr/fi3 4 inch€s No N/A 2,259 Btulhr 6 Eltu/hrfi3 67 "F 0 Btu/hr 9,331 Btu/hr 24,65/ Btufir Room : GARAGE 2.7 Gross Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Ar€: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Lengith: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Gomponent Floor Type: Temp Belo\M Floor Cover Rv Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv Perimeter Rv: Slab On Grade 55'F 0.00 5.00 5.00 5-00 Room lnfiltration: Total Heat Loss: Upward: Downrrrard: Supplemental: Net: UniUNd: Slab Depth: Water Table Present: Spae Below Heted: Downward Heat Loss: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surface Temp: H€t Loss: (less sub components if any) Room lntiltration: Tot{ Heat Loss: Upward: 325 fF 0fF 325 fl3 8ft 2,600 fi9 52ft 0.50 per Hour 55'F Geiling Gomponent Soace Above Heated: Net Ceiling Area: Rv: Yes 725fF 35.00 885 11! 0fF 885 ff 12ft Room : GREAT ROOM 2-6 Gross Ar€: Unheated Area: Net Heded Area: 1!I) Btu/hr YUIRSBO Panel Heating Sysbm fto/'cct* 97d, 1 Date: 11/12/97 U Volume: 10,620 ff: Supplemental: 0 Btu/hr a Radiant Perim€ter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Component Floor Type: Temp Belo\M Floor Cover Ru Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Geiling Component Space Above Heated: Net Ceiling Area: Ru 90ft 0.50 per Hour 72"F Suspended 72"F 0.50 5.00 N/A N/A No 885 ft' 35.00 456 flr 0fl3 456 fF 9ft 4,104 ff 47 tt 0.50 per Hour 72"F Suspended 72"F 0.50 5_00 N/A N/A yes if56 fF 35.00 Net: UniUNet Slab Depth: Water Table Present Space Belor Hated: Do$rnward Heat Loos: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surtace Temp: Heat Loss: (less sub compon€nts if any) Room Infilhation: Totd Heat Loss: Uprmrd: Downward: Supplemental: Net: UniUNet: Slab Depth: Water Table Present: Space Beloa Heated: Dorvnward Heat Loss: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surfac€ Temp: Het Lcs: (less sub components if any) 28,787 &ulh( 32.5 Btr/hr/ff N/A N/A Dif Source 4,130 Btr/hr 4 Btu/hr/?F 85'F 2326 Eltu/hr 3,606 Btu/hr 8,325 Btu/hr 1,368 Btu/hr 0 Eltu/hr 9,693 Btu/hr 21.3 Btu/hr/ff N/A N/A Difr Source 1,368 Btu/hr 3 Btu/hrfi3 81 'F 0 Btu/hr Room : KTTCH 21 Grcs Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Gomponent Floor Type: TemD Below: Floor Cover Rv Floor lnsulation Ru Edge Ru Perimeter Rv: Ceiling Component Spac€ Above Heated: Net Ceiling tuea: Rv: t RadlantWIRSBO Panel Heatng SysbmPrq*t* STd, Da'F,: ll/12197 Windowl 5 4 20 2.00 90 Wlndorf2 10 4 40 2.00 't,E10 Room : LM4DIMKTTCH 2.9 Gross Area: Unh€atod Ar€a: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Component Floor Type: Temp Below: Floor Cov€r Rv: Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Ceiling Component Space Abore Heated: Nst C€iling Ar€a: Rv: 214tr 0fF 214tr 8ft.t,712tr 33ft 0.50 p€r Hour 72"F Suspended 55 "F 0.50 5.00 N/A N/A No 214tr 35.00 150 fF 0fF 150 fli 9ft 1,350 fl9 24 fr. 0.50 per Hour 70 "F Suspended 65'F 0-50 5.00 N/A f.UA Room lnfiltration: Tdd Heat Loss: Upward: Domraard: Supplemental: Net UniUNet Sbb Depth: Water Table Present: Space Belorv Heted: Dorvnward Heat Loss: Unit H€at Loss: Floor Surfre Temp: H€at Loss: (le6s sub components if any) Room Infi ltration: Total Hed Loss: Upward: Dournward: Supplemental: Net: UnitNet Slab Depth: Water Table Pr€s€nt: Space B6lcirv Heat€d: Dolvnward Heat Loss: Unit H€at Lcs: Floor surfac€ Temp: H€d Lo6s: 1,5O4 Btu/hr 6,262 Btu/hr 1,d41 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 7,903 Btr/hr 36.9 Btu/hrft3 N/A N/A Same Source 1,441 Btu/hr 7 Btu/hr/fl3 86'F Sfft Eltr./hr 1,160 Btu/hr 4,948 Btn/hr 950 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 5,898 Btu/hr 39.3 Btu/hr/flS N/A N/A OifiScurce 950 Btu/hr 6 Btu/hr/fi3 86'F 386 Btu/hr Room: M. BATH Z-1 Gross Ar€: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: C€iling H€ight: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Component Floor Type: Temp B€lo/v: Floor Cover Rv: Floor Insulation Rv: Edge Rv: P€rim€ter Rv: Ceiling Gomponent SpaceAbov}l'bd: Net Ceiling Area:(less sub components if any) Page 7 wtRsBo Panel Healing System t Radlant Rv: Room Room : MEDIA Z-5 Gross Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Length: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Component Floor Type: Temp Belom Floor Cqrer Rv: Floor lnsulation R\t Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Ceiling Component Soace Above Heated: Net Ceiling Area: Rv: Room : POWDER Z1 Gross Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Ar€: Ceiling Height: Volume: Perimeter Lengith: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Component Floor Type: 3'16 flP 0 ft, 316 fi3 9ft 2,8,44 ll: 60ft 0.50 per Hour 70 "F Suspended 70'F 0.50 5.00 NrA N/A Yes 316 ff 35.00 Room Infiltrdion: Total Heat Loss: Upward: Domward: Supplemental: Net: UniUNet: Shb Depth: Water Table Present: Spa€ Belot,Y Hedted: Domward Heat Lo6s: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Loss: (less sub components if any) Room lnfiftration: Totd Heat Loss: Uptiwrd: Do,vnward: Supplemental: N€t UniUNet 2,44Btulhr 12,731 Btu/hr 2,107 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 14,838 Btu/hr 47.0 Btu/hr/fF N/A N/A Dif Source 2,107 Eltu/hr 6 Btu/hr/ll3 90'F 0 Btu/hr 27 Saulhl 1,n1 gaulhr 2(X Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 1,475 Btu/hr 44.7 Btu/hr/ll3 33 fl3 0fF 3it fF 8ft 264 fF 11 ft 0.50 per Hour 70 "F Suspended Eq'eccff STeg Gomponent l.-engilh / widft(fr) Height (ft)Area (nr)Rtt Heat Locs (Bturr) Wall'l 12 9 10E 20.00 351 Windowl 5 6 30 2.00 1,350 Wd12 12 9 106 20.00 351 Windowl 5 6 30 2.00 1.350 Temo Belw Pagc E WIRSBO Radlant Panel Heatng Sysbm HqQd* g76c Da'r; 11/12/07 Floor Corer Rv: Floor lnsulation Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rn Ceiling Gomponent Space Above Hated: Net Ceiling Are: Rv: 0.50 5.00 N'A N/A Yes 33 ff 35.00 Space Belot,v H€at€d: Oo,vnward H€at Loss: Unit H€t Loss: Floor Surfae Temp: H€t Loss: (l€ss sub componenb if any) Dif Source ZX Btu/hr 6 Btu/hr/113 89 "F 0 Btu/hr Room Component Lengfi, wid& (ft) Height (fi)Area (fi3)Rv Heat Losg (Btu/hrl Walll 6 E 46 20.00 1EO Windowl 2 4 E 2.00 360 Wd12 5 E 40 20.00 't4 \Mndowl 2 4 6 2.00 360 IVotes; The intended use of this program b b provide accurat6 heat loss and despn data for \Mrsbo Radiadt Syslems. The heat loss and design data generaEd bythe program will only be as accurate as the informalion supplied. Wirsbo Company is not responsible brthe misuse of thb pK,gram. hllnter-Mountain lAEt gineeringlrd. SOILS AND FOI'NDATTON INVESTTGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 3, BLOCK 1, VArL POTATO PATCH EAGLE COIINTY, COLOR,ADO PREPARED FOR: DON I.AMBE I PR'OJECT NO. 91509G ocToBER 1991 Box No.978 o Avon, Colorado 81620 . 94S5072 Denver893-1531 1420 Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 . Phone: 232-0158 oriiUfl6bPv TABLE OF CONTENTS coNcl,usIoNs SCOPE SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTTON GEOLOGICALLY SENSITTVE AREA SITE INVESTIGATION SUBST'RFACE AND GROI'NDWATER CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FOI'NDATION RECOMMENDATIONS SI,AB CONSTRUCTION GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM RETNFORCING CRAWL SPACE COVER BACKFTLL AND SI'RFACE DRAINAGE I,AWN TRRIGATION MISCELI,ANEOUS TEST LOCATION SUMMARY OF TEST BORTNGS SWELL-CONSOLDIATION TEST GRAIN.SIZE DISTRTBUTION PERIPHERAL DRAIN SYSTEM 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 I 9 9 DRAWING NO. 1 FIGT'RES NO. 1 FIGI'RE NO. 3 FIGT'RE NO. 4 FIGT'RE NO. 5 -2 1 coNcLusroNE 1. Subsoil conditions are fairly uniform over the site with topsoil, clayey sand and weathered sandstone over sandstone bedrock. 2. The proposed residence should be founded on undisturbed clayey sandon conventional spread footings designed for a maximun soil bearingpressure of 2, OO0 psf.See FOIJNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS . 3. The tot is within geologically sensitive areas. EEOPE This report presents the results of a Soils and Foundation Investigation for the proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch, Eagle County, Colorado. The investigation was prepared by means of test pits and laboratory testing of sarnples obtained frorn these pits. The purpose of this -foundation exploration was to determine the various soil profile components and the engineering characteristics of the foundation materials, and to provide criteria for use by the design engineers and architects in preparing the foundation design. These sarnples were returned to our laboratory, inspected and classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification. System and the test pit logb were edited as necessary. To aid in classifying the soils encountered, and to determine general soil characteristics, selected laboratory tests (rnoisture content, unit weight, grain size distribution, sweLl consolidation) were performed on representative soil sanples. Summaries of the test results are shown on Figures No. 3 and 4. SUBSURFAEE AND GROI'NDWATER CONDITTONg Refer to the sunmary of test pits, Figures No. 1 and 2. Subsurface conditions are fairly uniforn. The soil profile in Test Pit No. 1 consisted of 4 feet of topsoiJ-, underlain by c).ayey sand with cobbles, whose content increas:d ',,'itir depth. At the bcticn o;- the test pit at 13.5 feet weathered sandstone was encountered. Test Pit No. 2 consisted of 1.5 feet of topsoit over weathered sandstone and siltstone bedded in clav. At 3.5 feet firn sandstone bedrock was encountered. We understand that no overlot grading has been done prior to this investigation. No groundwater was encountered in any of the test pits at the tine of excavation. Indexes to Geological Mapping, Eagle County, Colorado, prepared by Charles S. Robinson & Associates, fnc., in L975, states t that soils in this area may contain minerals in variable amounts that produce serious detrimental effects on concrete, metal or other substances that are in contact with the soils. Type II cenent should be used in all concrete that will be in contact with the soil. These maps also state that soils in this area may be subject to subsidence due to hydro-compaction in low density soils. The underlying bedrock is of Minturn formation. The above mentioned indexes also refer to the testing of the unweathered bedrock composed of sandstones and conglornerates in the Minturn Formation yielding the following engineering characteristics: noisture content from 0.1 to 10.9*, unit weight fron 130.9 Pcf to 166.5 pcf, modulus of elasticity from 1.0 to 12 x 1Os psi. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTTON I No specific design data has been provided, but for the purpose of this analysis, it has been presurned that the proposed residence will consist of two floors with a walkout basement, and that loads will be light. If the proposed project differs significantly fron this understanding, a review should be nade after the plans are more complete. t 5 trOI'NDATION RECOT.TUENDATIONS Clayey sand, weathered sandstone and sandstone bedrock will be. encountered in the foundation excavation. If the footings for the proposed residence are supported on the clayey sand there would be a very low potential for differential settlenent assurning the loads are distributed proportionately; however the soils investigation showed the depth to bedrock to very significantly. During our conversation you said that you would lile to place the building as far into the back slope as possible. This would mean that there is a great change of having the back footings rest on bedrock and the front on clayey sand. The potential of differential settlernent is extremely higlr when tlre supporting soiL are.jo diffeueni'. we reconnend you consult a structural engineer. There are several options to be considered, such as placing the footings completely on cLayey sand which would Dean blasting the bedrock and backfilling and corupacting, extending the footings to the bedrock or reinforcing to compensate for the differential settlement. The proposed residence should be founded on conventional type spread footings designed for a naxinun soil bearing pressure of 2r0oo psf. At this presgure, settlements are anticipated to be approxirnately one inch. The footing excavations should be snooth, free of debris, organics, Ioose soil, frost, and standing water. Any over- excavations should be backfilled and compacted to 100 percent within 2 percent of optinum moisture as determined by a standard Proctor test (ASTM D-698). A representative of this office should be contacted to inspect the the soil conditions are the 9. foundation excavation to verify that same as those anticipated in this. report. The bottom of the footings should be placed a minimurn of 48 inches beLow final grade for frost protection. Voids left by the removal of cobbles in the botton of the footing excavation should be filled with lean concrete or a granular soil with a maximum particle size of 3 inches cornpacted to 100 percent of standard Proctor density (ASTM D-598) within 2 percent of optimum moisture. Any overexcavation of the bedrock should be filled with concrete. gLeB eoNsTRuerroN AIl excavations rnade for the foundations must be properly backfilled with suitable rnaterial compacted to a minimun of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density (ASTM D-69g). The on-site soils exclusive of topsoil, organics and particle size greater than 3 inches are suitable for use as backfill in their native state. Before the backfill is placed, all water and loose debris should be removed fron these excavations. Prior to the construction of concrete floors, the undisturbed subgrade should be proof compacted with a loaded rubber-tired loader to a uniforn high density. Special care should be taken in areas where underground utilities have been installed. The floor sLabs should be reinforced, and joints should be provided at the junctions of the slab and the foundation walIs, so t that a small amount of independent rnovernent can occur without causing damage. The slabs should be scored in accordance with the Anerican concrete Instituters recommendations to control cracking. A granular rnat (-3/4 inch, less than 5 percent passing No. 200 sieve) should be provided below the floor slabs. This should be a ninimum of four inches in thickness and conpacted. The purpose of this granular nat is to provide a capillary break between the subgrade and the slab. GROUNDWATER AIID DRATN SYSTE}.! While no ground water eras encountered at the tine the field investigation was conducted, it is possible that seasonal variations will cause fJ.uctuations, or for a water table to be present in the upper soils during the spring months, or after a prolonged period of rain. A foundation perimeter drain as detailed on Figure No. 5 is recornmended to reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the footing subsoils. RETNFORCTNC The foundation should be weII reinforced and rigid enough to vithstand differential settlenents. Foundation walls retaining earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid pressure of 60 pcf for an ilactiverr case assuning a level drained backfill condition and clayey sand material. 8 CRAWL SPACE COVER I When moist soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground surface in crawl space areas should be covered with an impervious moisture barrier sealed against the footings. This will help to reduce bunidity in the crawl space area. BACKFILL }}ID SURFACE DRATNAGE The backfill placed around the ioundation walls must not settle after completion of construction and the backfill naterial must be relatively impervious. The on-site soifs exclusive of topsoil, organj.cs and particle size greater than 5 inches are suitable for use as backfill in their native state. Backfill should be moistened or dried to near its optinun noisture content and cornpacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density. Structural backfilL should be cornpacted to at least 95 percent of the maximun standard Proctor density. Surface vrater running toward the structure from upslope areas should be diverted around and away frorn the building by neans of drainage swales or other sirniLar measures. The final grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on all sides. A minirnum of 12 inches in the first 10 feet is recommended. Downspouts and si1l cocks should disctrarge into splash blocks that extend beyond the linits of the backfi]L. The use of long downspout extensions in place of splash blocks is advisable. 9 LANN TRRIGATION Do not install sprinkler systens next to foundation walls, porches or patio sl-abs. If sprinkler systems are installed, the sprinkler heads should be placed so that the spray from the heads, under full pressure, does not faIl within five feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation must be controlled. If the future oerners desire to plant next to foundation wal1s, porches or patio slabs, and are willing to assume the risk of structural damage, etc., then it is advisable to plant only flowers and shrutrbery (no lawn) of varieties that require very little moisture. These flowers and shrubs should be hand watered only. UTSCEIJLANEOUS The recomnendations provided herein are based on experience in the area and from the on-site field exploration. The information obtained frorn the field exploration and laboratory testing reflects subsurface conditions only at the specific locations at the particular tines designated. Subsurface conditions at other l-ocations and tirnes may differ from the conditions at these locations. The extent of any variations between the test pits nay not appear evident untiL excavation is performed. However, only minor variations are expected. If during construction conditions appear to be different, this office should be advised so re- evaluation of the reconmendations nay be rnade. 10 This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Pat Dauphinais for the specific application . to the proposed' residence structure to be located on Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch, Eagle County, Colorado. The findings and recommendations of this report have been prepared in accordance with locally accepted professional engineering standards for sirnilar conditions at this tine. There is no other warranty, either expressed or irnplied. Sincerely, INTER-MOI'NIAIN NGINEERING, LTD. il,,-'7'1"'n Luiza Petrovska,Project Engineer Reviewed by: ff . Spanel, ident P. E. ce Pre \ lLotT \ \ \ \ I Pir 2 Lot 4 a Lot 3 I White River National Forest I illltrll-,1 | EPir 1 Lot 2 Potato Patch Drive rEST LOCATION Proposed Residence Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Vai1, Colorado Prepared for Pat Dauphinais ?Lot ,noJect xat gl 5OgG O',wH 8V.a4fg,SaLE.aavwa Net I I PtT NO. r a Iri otlcr!ttror ot! tttx rra ,lt;c-t Backhoe can t t reach deeper Reddish-brown CLAYEY-SAND with some Cobbles Very moist Reddish brown CLAYEY SAND (SC) with gravel and cobbles Gray weathered Sandstone at bott om No groundvat.er en c ount er ed SUMMARY OF TEST PITS Proposed ResidenceLot 3, Block 1, Vail Pot.ato. Vail , Coloraod Prepared for Pat Dauphinais rro..(c' ro.' g 150gG o A Cylinder Bulk Sample PIT NQ I ! ttrl.lL rc[:c-1 Ottcrl"tlor Ot r.rft|rL TOPSOIL Weathered Sandstone and SILTSTONE beddedin clay - angular Refusal at 3 fee! sandstone bedrock bedded at approximately 30o with vertical No _groundwater agai.nst the slope SUMMARY OF TEST PITS oAProposed Residence Block 1, Vail Potato PatchVail, Colorado Prepared for Pat Dauphinais rt E o Lt- 6,[] o.l l.o LoAD rKsFl to I : too SAMPLE or Clayey SAND NAr. MotsTURe corvrer.rr_12-5 _ro 7o swELL,/pREss. _sAMpLE FLooDEo A&LKSF NAT. DRy DENstry !12.3 pcF +1 i,0 J uJ =-1cn I -z -3 -4 z 9 o o(t,zo C) SAMPLE OF Clayev SAND 10 NAT. MOISTURE coNrENr 13.6 o/o SIYELLrrFneSS.SAMeLE FLoooEo ar_9:lxsr NAT. DRy oENStry 117.2 pcF SWELL _ CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Lot 3, Proposed Residence Block 1, Vail Potato PatchVail, Colorado Prepared for Pat Dauphinais PRoJ€cr {o 91509G F tcuR€ No 3 FTfrl <ft>arII<2, zE<l-{a9(,c\ be b.e bc.f .i r! -{ \o c{ a ' l{0lal Ig ratrDoC lu..Jrd c u,Flr,IoEa otE!lor3z !J g ctE ct2 q, stj oldEct = =(' =z lrJo.o !J lr,6 oE o2 UI .ti D r,oo||. (r.) t)o oz +,.rlA C' o o o tqorrA I€ rrurJ l0rrrld o\ rn o\ o'z F(, trJ?oEo. oz lr, t(9 L FE E(.) z.o tr =co EFo6 lrJ N(n Iz E(, U IJo. oor:O:Ytr;o th O ^- € l..'F{ ..{ l. r+a C rAF 6 .Jii'dJ tisJO tu A'C) t a =r - (It(!tu:-aOO-Fl q, O v 'r{ t-. ! o. ir 6 4.(!o X> q. !Y "i!o. Ff 7. : I , Foundacion "lal l I ?ac!c;-i I I r,roistened and well comgacted 6eotexti I e(l{irafl l40N er1ui.v1lanc) or Polyethel en€ Hoisture / f;iit." elued to foundarion Minimum of 5' of 3/4 inch gravel 4n dlaoeter perforated rigld,plpe sloped a ninj.aus of i/guper foot to sever lateral subdialn, lrutrp purD or dayllghted. DETAILS OF PERIPHERAL DRAI}I SYSTTfi FOR FOOTIT{G TYPE FOUIIDATIOI{ FIGURE 5 . 2 EITE I-,OCATTON AND DESCRIPTTON The site is a 0.48 acre parcel located on the cu]-de-sac at the end of Potato Patch Drive, Section G, Township 5 South Range 80 West, of the Sixth Principle Meridian, in the Town of VaiI, Eagle County, Colorado. The topography is moderate to steep. Drainage is to the south. Vegetation consisted of grass and few aspens. GEO&OGTCAI..LY SENSITIVE AREA A rockfall map prepared by Schnueser and Associates, Inc., dated November 29., L984, which is a part of ordinance No. 5 (Series of 1985), aurending Chapter 18.69 of the Vail Municipal Code, identifies this lot as being in an area of geologic sensitivity due to noderate severity rockfall. The investigation of geoJ.ogic hazards and determination of mitigation alternatives is beyond the scope of this report. STTE TT{VESTTCATION The field investigation perforned on Septenber 27, !99!, consisted of excavating,'logging and sampling two test pits. The locations of the test pits are shown on Drawing No. 1. The test pits were excavated with a conventional backhoe. Summaries of the test pit logs are detailed on Figures No. 1 and 2. Laboratory samples were obtained at selected intervals by driving a'rCaliforniarr hand sampler into undisturbed soil. Granular soils vrere sampled by bulk sampling. Town of Vail OFFICE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development I'OWn Of Valt 75 South Frontage Road VaiI. Colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 Pl an anal wsi .s hased on the 1-991 Uniform Building Code NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a comp.lef.eIisting of all possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide t:r-r selected sections of bhe code. Proj ect Nuldcer: 897 - 0226 Address: 815 Potato Patch Dr Planner: Tammie W. Occupancy: R3, M1 Type of Const: V-N SE PARAT I ON DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE NORTH Property line 36.0 FeetEAST ProperLy Iine 25.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 17.0 FeetWEST Property line 21.0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FTRE RATINGS Table L7-A & Table 5-A NORTH OCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROTR3 Ohr Ohr None M1 Ohr Ohr None Name: Logan Residence Date: Augusb f4, 1997 Contractor: R.A. NeI son Architect: Pi erce / Sergerberg Eng i neer: Diane Hinzman PIans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVI S FIRE PROTECTIQN 36.0 Feet 25. 0 Feet 17.0 Feet 21.0 Feet OPENING PROTECTION EAST SOUTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROTOhr Ohr None Ohr Ohr NoneOhr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None WE ST BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The ext.erior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material. Sec.220L. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected wiCh 3/4 hr fire assemblies.50t of the area of Lhe wall maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than l-2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall.* - - These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inchesabove the roof i-ng. The parapet wall is required to have Lhe samefire rating as the wall. see section 1710. for details and. exceptions. {P *""'n'o '*'^ 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Deve lopment MIN. LIGHT MIN. VENT NO.EXITS EGRES SFLNAME 4 Mas t.er bedroom 2554 Mas ter bat.h 13 5 4 Ha]1s, closets, etc. 381 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 772 3 Dining room 28I3 Great roorn 545 3 Kitchen 342 3 Media room 2503 Powder room 30 3 Office 553 HaLl,s, cl-osets, eEc. L295 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 27 992 En|rvlca l I erv 345 2 Bedroom #3 1,492 Bath room #l 572 Bedroom #4 1512 Bath room #4 402 Bedroom *2 185 2 Bath room *2 532 Bedroom *l 2L52 Bath room #1 432 Bedroom/C are t aker Lt2 2 Bath room/Caretaker 382 Livinq / d.ining Caret. I252 Ki tchen/ care taker 652 HaIIs, closets, etc. 739 TOTAIJ FOR FLOOR 23281 Mechanical room 4181 Mud room 601 carage 53 0I Elevator equip 251 carage Caretaker 32IL Mechanical room 221 Hal1s. closets, etc. 1930 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 3305 BUIIJDING TOTAL 9205 25.60 0.00 0.00 28.L0 54.50 34.20 25.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 t-4.90 0.00 15.10 0.00 18.50 0.00 21.50 0.00 0.00 L2.50 l-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L2 .80 6.75 0.00 t-4.05 t-7 . 10 L2.50 1.50 5.00 0.00 0.00 7 .45 2 .85 8. 05 2.00 9 .25 2.65 1_0.75 2.15 5.60 1.90 5.25 5.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No 1 1" 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 2 1 L 1 l_ 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 a FOOTNOTES: 1) EcREss - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The mininum cfear openable area musr meelthe following. -- Sec. 1204.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2) The ninimum clear width is 20 inches3) The mini-mum clear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum sil-1 heiqht is 44 inches2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical venti-lahion sysLem may be used in in lieu of exterioropenings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 5) The requirements for 2 exits from the 3rd floor is based on $ *un""o '*uo 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21sV479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 see excepLions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREI"IENTS:A smoke detector is requiredlocated in the corridor or - - sec . 1.2L0. (a) 4.A smoke detector is requiredarea. - - Sec. 1210. (a) 4.A smoke detecbor is requiredIf the upper level contains D e p artme nt of C ommunity Deve lopment on the ceiling or waII at a point centrally area giving access to each sleeping area. on t.he ceiling or wal1 in each sleeping on all sLories. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4.sleeping roon(s) . a smoke detector is required Sec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habibable space shall have a ceiling' height of not less than 7 feet 6inches. Kitchens, hal1s. bathrooms and toilet conpartments may have aceiling height of 7 feet. measured to the lowest projecLion. If the ceilingis sloping, then the minimum heiqht is required. in only L/2 of the area. - - Sec. L207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at Least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms excepb kitchens shalf have an area of nob less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be l-ess than 7 feet in any dimension.sec. 12 07. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A11 g'lazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyql-azing material,. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing i-n ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) clazinq in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies andpanels in swinging doors obher than wardrobe doors.3) clazins in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and encfosures for hot tubs. whirlpoots, saunas. steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wallenclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where Lhe botton exposed edgeof the glazing is less than 50 inches above the walking surface.7) clazing in an individual fixed or operable panel. other than thoselocations described in itens 5 and 5 above, than meets all of thefollowing condi t. ions : A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square Eeet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 35 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontally of theplane of the gl az ing .8) clazing in railings regardless of heiqht above a walking surface.Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fi11 Danel s . {P *""'"'""*"' 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p artment of C ommunity Deve lopment in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway.-- Sec. 12 l-0. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buildinq's power source andsha1l be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1.21-0. (a) 3.Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in aII sleeping area of the dwellinqin which they are located. -- Sec. l-210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE: 1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2) The firebox must. be at Ieast 20 inches deep and walls of firebox areto be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 j-nches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. Combustible material maynot be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustiblewithin 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch ofclearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be nonconbustible, a mininun of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material . The hearth size must be at least:If Opening size is: Front extension Side extension Less than 6 sq.f b.15 inches 8 inches 12 inches6 sq.ft. or g'reater 20 inches-- Sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 37-B FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE:1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval .-- Sec. 3705.(a) a (b) 3) Chimney heiqht must be per manufacturer,s approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fireconsbruction are required on the garage side only and any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 13/B inch solidcore door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 35 inches wide. -- sec. 3306. (b) The rnaximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #l-Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 330G. (i-) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum heiqht= 35 j-nches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. LIIZ. (al exc. #1The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usabfe space under the stairs is requi-red to be protected asfor thr fire-resistive construction.Sec . 3305. (I) {,7 *"'"'"o '*"r requ i red 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 1 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 A11 crawl spaces within the Town Of VaiI are limiLedstructural- floor ceil"ing heigh! of 5'. be earth floorventilat.ed as per UBC 251-6 (C) 5 with minimum access as2515(C)2 and naximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site wibh a slope of 30 d.egrees or moreenqineer design. Such design shall add.ress drainage,and structural d.es ign . Department of Comrnunity Deve lopment to a earth to only. beper UBC shall require an soj-1 retainage SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than9 square feeb may tined on the inside with not less than 26 gagegalvanized sheet metal wit.h all joj_nts locklapped. The ouLside must. bet hr consbruction. All openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solj-d wood door 1 3/B inches thick orequivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and" noncombustible piping installed in walls passing throuqh3 floors or less do not need t.o be in I hour shafts.-- Sec. 1705. (c) 3) All other shafts are resuired to be enclosed in a t hour assemblv.-- Sec. 1705. (a) CRAWIJS PACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provid.e ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exteriorwalls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square fooL for each L50 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributedon two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical .-- Sec. 25L6. (c) 6. Note: Vent openi-ngs may be reduced to 10% of the aboveif ground surface area is covered with an approved. vapor barrier and thebuilding official approves. Fol: a 559.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio Mininum sq.ft. of vent 1/ 150 4 .392) Provide 1,8 - inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note:opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is locatedin the crawl space. -- sec. 25L6.(cl 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance todecay or treated wood, the minimum clearance betrreen exposed earth andfloor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and qirders isis 12 inches.Sec. 2515. (cl 2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey. Such surweyshalI be submitted and approved prior to request for frameinspection. Excavation berow srabs on grade shal1 not be permitted without priorapproval . {p *""'"'""*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-213e FAX 970479-2452 Departrnent of C ommunity Development Address numbers shall be posted plainly visibl-e and. legible from thestreet. For Ml occupancy Slope garage floor to al-low for drainage to outsid.e bo provide afloor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry weII or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved. by Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the wal1s of the garaqe wiich arebearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fireresistive construction. UBC 503 (B) . {g rt"nttoruo Town of Vail OFFIfI OOPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D ep artme nt of C ommunity Deve lo pment Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vai1. Col"orado 81557 (3031 479 -21.38 Proj ect Number: 897 Address: 815 Potato Planner Tammie W Occupancy: R3, Ml Type of Const: V-N Plan review the 1991 Uniform 0226 Patch Dr based on Building Code Name: L,ogan Residence Date: AugusL 14, 1997 ContracLor: R.A. Nel son Architect: Pi erce / Sergerberg Engineer: Diane Hinzman Plans Examiner: CHARLfE DAVIS SHEET IDENTI FICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED This project will require a site improvement survey(ILC). This survey shall be submibted andstaff approved prior to a request for a frameinspection. Under no circumstances wilI a f rarne inspecti-on be done without an approved. stte improvement survey. al.0 Al,1 new construction within Lhe Town of Vail wi1l berequired to have a Public Way Permit by TOV Pub]ic Works Dept. to approve site drainage and culvert.instaflation. This approval must be complete prior to any inspection by the Buildinqr Department. A a5.0 a2.0,2.I Glazing in a hazardous Iocation is required to beglazed wiCh saf et.y material. -- Sec. 5406. A bathroom is required to have an openable window ora mechanical ventilation systen. - - Sec. 1205. (c) Cross connection control devices shall be inst.alledto protect. pollution of potable water supply by useof approved backf l-ow prevention devi-ces. UpC L003. Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shall besupplied wibh an access panel for inspection andrepair of equipment. UPC 904. Heating and cooling equipment located in the garageshall be inshalled with the pilots and burners or heating elements and switches at least 18" above the A2.3 A2.0 {,7 *""'"""o '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I j8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 A2.0 9 A2.2 L0 A2.2,2.3 11 NOT SHWN Department of Community Development floor level of the garage. UMC 508. In buildings of unusually tiqht construction (a11 new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shalI be obtained from the outside. Such combuscion air openings shalI be as per UMC ch. A chinney enclosure for a wood burning fireplaceFlrrc shel I ho nr^t-a.f ed hrr a rrna-hnrrr fiyg fetsistive construction. UBC 1706. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8" Type X sheetrock and fire - taping j oints. Approved gas logs may be insta.l-1ed in solid- f uel burning fireplaces provided the instalLation is according to the listing instructions, any damper sha1l be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Gas fireplace appliances are required to be installed as per Iisting insta]lation instructions - with a "B" vent only. Combustion air must be supplied from the outside for all new construction In Lne Iown ot varl. Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower head.s are required to utilize f l-owrestriction devices. AIso, the maximum water closetflush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallonsper flush. A smoke detecbor is required in the access area Loall rooms used, for sleeping purposes. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detect.or is required in alf rooms used for sleeping purposes. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. On an upper level where rooms are used for sleepingpurposes. a smoke detector is required in the ceiling at the stairs. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all levels wired to an alarm in the bedroom area(s) . -- Sec. 12f0. (a) 4 This factory-built fireplaee must be an approvedunit. fnclude the manufacture's name, model number, and approval information. -- Sec. 3705. (a) L2 13 81. 1 14 E1. t 15 Et .1 _LA E -L. a L7 NO INFO fi7 *u"'"u"*" 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorada 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 18 A2.0 The qarage must be separated. from the dwelling by thr fire-resistive construction on the garage side.-- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The desiqn, construction, and installation of elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators and their hoistways sha11 be as per the requirernenLs of UBC Ch. 51. This includes fire-resistance of encLosure & openings, hoistway ventilation, and vestibule ra.rrrr r5rn6Y\ta Elevator shafls which exlend through two or more floors shall be enclosed in a shaft of one hr. fireresist.ive construction. Openings (doors) shal-1 beprotected by a self -closing assembly with a one hr.rating. (Except doors to outside. ] UBC 1706 (a) (b) L9 20 {g *or"uoruu* br ERCE, SEGERBERG & AqSOCIATES o * glftfi"T: J,"t.t;, Jr'' o' . DENVER, COLORADO 80202 TEL (303) 523-3355 FAX (303) 623-2262 n T=rc-fE:r=rr=) r^: -lE]ANSnnffiTALr!r_s u u LiI rrt.F u the following items: D Specifications 'o %nu al VL/ wE ARE sENDTNG you Vnttu.n"a>/ D Shop drawings n D Copy of letter tr D Under separate cover viatPrints X Plans f\ Change order D _ ! Samples THESE ARE TMNSMITTED as checked below: I For approval ygfor you'. us" fins recuesteo D tr tr n Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections fl Resubmit - copies for 6F?Ual tr Submit - copies for distribution n Return - corrected Drints C For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE 19 - tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US lf enclosurea are not as noted, klndly notlfy us at once. o- oj a -atn s $s .!o. BEDROOI-I DI LIVING/DlNltlG 3ln. g lnu 5 9TAIR9 Il*vaf 7ilian+ wall tdl,ilioT af -; ,6ffF4 -oa?. ; CARETAKER LE PLAN NORTH thalq. 1- At =.Vri/FlLl-.l/4" ffigs "?/l ?',€l il €)t ilJ-lv"rlwr-r" I { \\I z!l uuo Eig H$H 8$8 A uI dJ cax €-,? .oot|I|J U<{ 3s Us$;rl Ipr skp L tn s 6 t$ t Ss- Os > I R.A. NELSCN LErrt oF rRA$BSoHEt\u. TO &nssocrATEs, rNC. P.O. Drower 5400 Avon. Colorodo 8'l620 WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Attached ! Under separate cover via ! Shop drawings tr Copy ot letter tr Prints ! Change order tr tr ! Samples the lollowing items: E Specifications 97G949-5 1 52 o rN 970949'4379 coPtEs OATE NO.DESCRIPTION -B-q^ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked b€low: D For approval )(1r your use tr A5 requested n Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted n Returned for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit -copies for distribution ! Return -corrected prints E For review and comment ! tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS l, atclo.uaaa rr. not rt notad, hindly aolity ua tt onc.. A.C. HOUSTON TRUSS CO. P.O. BOX378 1t268 MENOKEN RttMontnffi atloz Phone 970-249-0801 Fax: 970-249-1296 EBC PO lloN lr l.ll)wAIU)S. CO ti t6.12 J Projcct Logan Residence Modcl: lllock No: Lot No: I 0t-tr-t,),)l{ b!an4 r\ccourlt No: 17 | I)csigrcr: l)S Sttlcspcrson: I ()Il \\'ll l l l,. LO..\l)lN(i 80- l0-t{) I'.O Nulrhrr: {.162J JON 9?0 926-3ll{ I Deliver To: Lot 2 lolnto Patch Vail. CO I' ON TRUSS CO. I -Y I1268 MENOKEN RD I \J' I sr+oz EBC {94801 Fax: 9Zf!249-12961 Po lrox F ridence IJlock No: I LDWARDS, CO t(1612 Lot No: I --T_ II otli.", I Deliver To: lJoN I Lor 2 Potato Pateh | 970 926_l.tr( I | \.art. (.( ) Delivery List .h,h Nrntl)cr: 45I9 | lllgd: l)ntc I\(ricct ll): 2 () l- 1.|- 1991{ log n.l .\.counl \o: 171 I)csigrrcr: l)S Salcspcrson: l()\l \\ lll'l'l., I.(),\l)lN( i l{(}-l(}- l(, P.( ) Nunrhcr: .1.162'l /rofile:Qtv:Truss ld:Span:Truss Tvpc:Slopc.LOH ROH Loitd Br': /--t<4 I sll 7 -2 -9 2X6,/2X-l ROOI; .1RIJSS soo Ir!l -6-0 ;()-t)'lr ]1,0,0 '-i,,,)-t)-tr I l'-0-() I , ,,-,, I I + I0 [)-I' I-l l (, 0-0 i I L 1 st2 16 lbs cach J-9-3 2X6i 2X4 R(X)F l RUSS ilil -(r-(l ,(r-0 .,sl3 8-3-5 ROOF'I'IiTISS .t.{3 : t9 ZZt:- --<+*\3 sl5 I 16 lbs. each 2l -5-0 2X6,2Xfi R(X)F TRUSS 5.00 I 5(l 6 / (z):-ptv sl5G J9 lbs each 2l -5-rl 2X6/2X6 ROOI; TRUSS 5.00 250 3-()-t) .l st8 -/ 65 lbs. each 12-t-t0 2X6/2X6 R(X)F'I RUSS 4.37 2. tE 3-5,3 sl9 .17 lbs. each l0-6-t.l 2X6,/2X4 R(X)F I'RUSS 5.00 250 3-()-0 4 1 s20 27lbs crch 6-10-4 2X6/2X.r ROOI 'I RTJSS ROOF ]'RUSS 5.00 150 s.00 l.5l 4.55 2 26- 4.5S ?,?9 _ 4.J5 2 t'l l'o o I t_t l I -l -,1- 0 I II'it l -r-5-6 3-5-6 0-0-u 0-rl-0 ;:;:,' i I I0-0-r' I Iur,,ll ;*t t-1 10.0-r' itrt_- ln -,,,,, itl lc0-o-t' j lo-(),f' Ltl 1,,,Lr 3-0-(l 0-0,0 s2l 16lbs cach J-3-0 2X6/2X.|I I I l I I I I I ^-4 .,sz2 58 lbs. each ll - l - 9 2X6i2X6 R(X)F TRUSS z 4 s23 20 lbs each 4-7 -l 2X6t2X4 RO()I; I.RUSS 1 s29 r2-t-tr 2X6/2X6 R(X)F I'RUSS I s31 It-ll-13 2X6/2X6 ROOF TRUSS 4.35 ?,p_ 4.35 t.t9 5.00 :50 I s32 ll-5-14 2X6i2X4 RU)F TRUSS I s33 l0-4-t 2X6t?X4 RU)F TRUSS l-0-0 I s34 6- -t0 2X6i2jK4 ROOF TRUSS 1,.* 2.5(r 3-0-0 I s35 16lbs. each 3-5-3 2X6t2]<4 ROOF TRUSS 5.00 2.50 3-0-0 4 s36 32 lbs. each 6-10-8 R(X)F TRUSS -5.00 .2 50 0-0-0 \4 / s37 2l lbs each 3-4-2 ROOF TRUSS -4.9E -2 49 o-0-0 ,43 I f s40 lt-6-7 2X6t2X4 ROOF TRUSS 4. sl 126 l..l-0 .ON TRUSS CO. 11268 MENOKEN RI) b ot,toz ,4e-0801 Faxj e7t:):2!e-l2e! ridence Blh-k No: Lot No: Delivery List .k,b Nunlltri 45 I 9l I'lgc: .1 l) tci 0l- l.l- 1998 l,nr jcct Il): Lruittr'l ,f..,,uur f,r, l't I l),rsigrcr l)ii Salcspcrsott: 'l ( )Nl \\'lll l L l.(r\l)lN(i 8()-10-10 f'.( ). Ntrnth.'r: 4,1(t21 Deliver To: [,r 2 I'r{ato l)atclr Vail, CO J0N 970 926-33tr I ()1() 97(,-)lhl rofile:Q$:Truss ld:Span:Truss Tvpe:Slope:LOH ROH Load Bv: 4 2v s42 19lbs each 4-l-r 2Xd2X4 ROOF TRUSS 4.51 -l-.1-t) {) - tl- (l -l - (r- (l ---4 I s4.l 7l ll'\ each 15-t-12 2X6/2X6 MONO S('ISS()R 3.5{ l.'t7 o,o-o f,4 1 s{5 lT lbs each 5 - 6 - t5 2X6,2X4 RCNF TRUSS ,1.51 2.25 (,-0-(l f,4l;lzl --.< a 4 A A \ \ 4 \*T0t llt-0-0 2X6/2X4 Rd)F ]'RUSS 5.00 000 3-0-lt 4 I T02 6-8-3 lx612X4 MON0 SCISSOR 5.00 2 5(l c0-o-3 |0-0-t) i:;:;t 1,,4 I T0.3 3 - t - 14 2]t6/2]t4 IVIONO S(-'ISSOR 5.00 250 i' t; t.l ;ai Above listed ilerns have been received in good condilion. (exceptions listed to rigfrt). Rcceiv.d by: D81e: lt--tOR.T '|.'russ Elracing .al lserl in regards to the rtr engineef calc sheets, on ttre rwebs of ttre thc onglnoors that bracing diagrarns refer 4nd not a lateral :lcuilding strrrcture. bracing is ttre ertglneef or ect.and ultirratel)a .de1rt. I{orrvever, ',be rrsed to accornplish r.cjng and perrnarrent u,hen the rwebs of the . On occasions not line up it .brace tl.e indirddual arrd the lateral bracing designed and finally dept. :f oday's roofs _cotnplex and because tnrss So truss, ttre . r4t rrraking lateral very diffcult to do. care of ttre indirri dtral T!! BRACING DIAGRAM THE CONTMCTOR, ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF THE BUILDING PROIECT IS RESPONSIBLE FORALL TEMPORARY At.lD PERIIANENT BMCING 10d common nails spaced 4uo.c. T-BRACE\ WEB wood trusses specifies specilies points of lhe web) .trace, of lln at least .and fasten with center engineer to ma,ke and perrxratrently msila$,1ff5 mffilrdl8f o ro ?orqo Truss lLOGAN4 A.c. Housrotl, DENVER co 80203 ROOF TRUSS 4-2-15 4-10-1 A-q-i1 3-7-12 -t.- 4-'t0-t4-2-15 I J 1 I t+l'o 2x1 | 4-10-'l 8-5-13 3-7-124-10-1 LOADING(pso TCLL 80.0 TCDL .|0.0 BCLL O.O BCoL 10.0 SPACING 2{{ Plates lncreasa 1O0 Lumberlncrease 1.00 Rep Sbess Incr NO Code UBOICBO DEFL (in) (loc) l/defl Vert(LL) 4.04 2.7 >999 Ved(Tt) 0.20 l-2 >256 Hoz[fL) 0.01 6 rve Min Lengh / LL def, = 240 PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weight 93lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 1 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X1SPF St d OT?IERS 2X1SPF 1650F 1 5E'Except' 9-t02x{sPFStud RE{Cn0Nqlh,sE0) 6=.|093/0-3-8, 2=13070-7-12 Max Horz 2=79(load case 1) It ax Uptli6=730oad €se 3), 2='270(load case 3) FORCES(Ib) - Firsl L@d Case OnlY TOP CllORD l-2=93, 23=1112, 3-1=4, 1-5=4, 16=0 B0T CHORD 2-7=l 081, &7=108{ WEBS 3.7=806,36='1196 BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed. BOT CHORO Rigid ceiling dilectly applied or 1044 on center bracing' NOTES tl Zdy fusc fo U onn€ctod bgeuor wih 10d Common(.118'x3') Nails as follows: Top chords connec,ted with 1 row(s) at 0'94 on center' ' S;dm dods colnodod wih I row(s) al 0-1{ on center. Webs connected wilh I row(s} at 0-9{ on centet. a ni nsc fraj Ueen deslgnod tor he';ind ioads genemted by 80 mph winds at 25 lt ab6ve ground level, using 5.0_ psf top chord dead load -'a,,C S.O p* Oobrn O,ort-dead load, 100 mifiom hudcane oceanline, on an occlrpancy €tegory l, condition I endosed building, ot d''monC;! {5 [b,y21nwih exposure CASCE 7-93 per UBC CBO lf end rartjcals oicanlilevers exist theyare exposed towind. ll pomtre rxld, heian notsxpoaod b wird. Th€ lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and he ptate grip incrcase is 1.33 3) Al Fbr atc 1t120 Sb! unless oh€rwise indicated. iiff,f[ hns fral lsgi d3slgmd fo] a ,|0.0 psf boiom chord live load nonconcun€nt with any otier live loads p€r Table l'lo. 16-8, UBC'94' Si pruvido mochenlcalconiec{on (by others) ol truss to bearing plate capabl€ of wiihsta nding 73 lb uplifl at ioint 6 and 270 lb uplift at joint 2' 6lThb h|33 has bson dssigned tor bolh UBC-94 end ANSnPI 1n995 plating criterh. liLoad cas6(s) ,1,2,3,4, S-has been modilied. Bullding dsslgner must ieview loads to verify hat they are conecl for the inlended use ofthis Uus$ LOAD CASE(SI A, UeWWe - Vcrily dcsign panmcms antl READ NOI'ES ON II S AND RIaVI::RSL: SID': ttplloRE IiSl:. Oedln r6lb tlt u€a ont wllh llffa* conn€cto.s. This design is hased only upon paramelers shown, and is lor an individual fulHlng conponml lo b€ Inrtell€d and loaded verlrcally. Applicabrlily ol design pardmeFrs and propor incoporation ql r-,. mHom,U'liiHl,l,ifil3,:fi$l:';1""i"""ffif61'Jii?:x"lli"'["Jliil"lJ$""'ij;liri"J,1!11:":l;',:!::i""., llllp€mwient bndng o{ tho overall structure ie tho resf'onsibility ol lh€ building designer. For general guljanc€ regardirlg lYllllabdcatqt, qualky coolrol, do.ag6. delivory. erecton, and bract,g, consult OST{8 Qualilv Strndlrd, DSB-89 BracinqgprancfOo rril nnaf H.n;llng Inrtelllng lnd B.lclng Rc;ommeodatlon available lrorn Truss Plale Insriture. -5a3 D lllTek Indurtrls3, Inc. Onoarto Odr|' Ldl.on, wl 60710 'l.{' rLoGAltl I Oty-iFry 2 l.o-5is osc 16 1997 MiTek lndusures, Inc K6E1s30j I I Wsd Jan 14 O9:4,|:57 1998 Page 2 .-a LOAD CASE(s) 1) Rolubn Lumbor Inctoas€=1.00, Plate Increase=1.0{.) Unibm Loa& (d0 Vert 1-2=180.0 Trapozolhl L@& (d0 Vert 2=0.$b-7=-238.7, 7='236.7-to{=-408'l 2) UBC: Lumbet Inq8aso=l.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Unifom Loads (d0 Vet[ l-2-20.0 Trdpozoidal Loads (d0 V€rt 2=m.&to7=47.7, 7={7.7'to6='101. / 3) Wind Left Lumber Increaso=1.33, Plate Increase='1.33 Unform LoaG (d0 V6rt l-2=512, 2-3=-1'1.1, 3-1='1 1.1, 4'5= 1 3.5 Hofz: 1.2=6,1.2, 2.3=11.1, 3{= l1.1, 1-5=-13.5, 46=38.5 Trap.zoital Loads (d0 Vert 2={.0{o7=29.1, 7=29.,|-lo6=19.9 4) Wnd Rlght Lumb€t Incrsass=1.33, Phts Increase=1,33 Untlom Load! (d0 Vsrt t-2=18.0, 2-3=-17.4, 34='17.1, 1-5=19.8 Hoz: 1 -2-58.0, 2-3= 11 .1,3.!.=17 .1 , 1'5='1s .8, 4{ =23.3 Tnpczoldel Lood3 (Pll) Vo 2t.0.0-ts7.29.1, 7=29.1-tG6=19.9 5) lstWind Parallel: Lum0or hcteaso=1.33, Plate Increase=1.33 Un bm Loads {d0 Vert 1-2=48.0, 2-3=-17.1, 3-{=17.4, 4-5=1J.5 HoE: 1-2=58.0, 2'3= 173, 3-4=.|7.4, {-5=-1:1.5, {4=23.3 TBpozoklal Loads (pl0 Vert 2=0.0-b-7=29.1, 7=29.1-to6=a9.9 A, WaWtUC - Vcrifi daiga patanerct aul Rl. | ) NO t ES ON t lt$ AND l.,lil'l:lISIi StDt; lll:l:()ltt: (r.\!:.. D,,slgn vend tor us€ only wilh M[Lk conn€clors. This desir'r' ]s based only uF,on psramet€rs shown. and is lor an indivrdual buildng conpodoht b be insiallod and load€d verlically. At -nbilily ot deslgn pardmeters and propor incorporation dl q,npongf b rsspomlbility of building designsr - not truss ., iigner. Bracing shown is lor lateral suppod ol individual w€b mo.nbs6 ooly. Adltonal tonporary lracing to insuro slaul / duing conslruclion is th6 responsibility ol lhe erector Addilional p€rrtwild brad|g ol th€ owrall gtn cturo is th€ r€sponsil / ol lhs building dssigner. For general guidance ftigarding tAbricado.r, qlaIty co.tbol, storage, dollvory. 6rection, and l. \cing, consull OST{8 Ou.flry Slrndrrd. OSB-89 Breclng SFc lcdlon, rnd HIB{I Hrndllng Intlrlllng rnd Breclr\ ' Secommondallon available lrom Tru$ Pl6le Instltule, 583 D' Onolrlo lH!.., rdl.on, Wl 5il7l9 ill![ lllTek Indurlrlce , Inc. !r.ocrnr ROOF TRUSS Plv 1 otv 12-0-0 I' I .dq 1 tfro 12-0-0 LOADIt{G(F0 TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0BCtt 0.0 BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHoRD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORO 2 X,l SPF 2100F l.8E WEBS 2X1SPFStud OT}IERS 2 X4 SPF 2100F l.EE'ExcePf 1&17 2 X I SPF St d, 1$20 2 X 1 SPF S\td WEDGE Loft 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1'5E. Rlght 2 X 6 SPF 1650F l.sE REACTlOilqb,sts3) 2=371U0-$11 (inpot G$8), 8=3743/G$1a (inFrt 0'5{) ilax Hon2-'10(load cass 3) Max Uplli2=-156(load €so 5), 8=-45600ad case 5l BRACING TOP CHORO Shealhed or 2''10-7 on center podin spacing' BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling dkocty apdied or 104O on center bracing' DEFI (in) (loc) l/defl Verl(LL) 4.25 12 >853 VedfiL) {.31 12 >683 Hotz(TL) {.04 I n/a Min Length / LL defl = 210 PLATES GRIPM20 149/110 Weight 103 lb FORCES(Ib) - FH Lod Cass onlY TOP CHORO 1-2=91. 23=6728, 3-{=53$,1-5=4a88, 56=$488,6'7=6300' 7{--6728' 8'9=91 8OT CHORO 2-11=6061, l3-11=606,1, 12'13=5869, 11'12=5869, 1S11=6064' 8'10=6064 Ggs :].11=00, tt"t3=.2r9. 1-13=1098. 4-12=822, $ 12=477,6-12=822'6'11=1098, 7'11='279' 7'10=60 NOTES ll lhb t|lss ha! beon dtockod for unbalanced loading condilions. iin[ nng Ul l".n d3dgnod for th6 wind loads gene.ated by 80 mph winds at 25 f, above gtound level, using 5.0 Psf top chord de€d load - anC in p* Uonont Oo,tiead load, 100 ml from hurdcano oceanlino, on an occupancy €tegory l, condition I endosed building' 0f Orrnlim fS n Uy ef ftwth exposure C ASCE 7-93 psr UBCnCBO lf end \€rticals or canllevers exist, fiey are exposed lo wind. lf porctnr eudd. hey ao not €reosod b wind. Th€ lumber DOI- increas€ is 1 .33, and tha plale griP increase is 1 .33 . . S1 licrpr ar *rown lehr, specbl onnection(s) requhed to support concenrabd load(s). Design of onneclion(s) is delegated t0 lhe bukhg &slCner. 1) Provtlo doqrab dElnags lo pcvenl mtet ponding. 5) A *b. at! M20 Ctb! unless o$eMiss Indicated. 6iffr[ g1;n trac bgcn drdgned br a 10.0 psf bottom chod livo load nonononent wilh any othet live loads per TaUe No. 16-8' UBC'94' ?) WARilltlG: Roqubd batug size at loin(s) 2, 8 gteater than input bearing size. SPACING 2{{) Phbs lncrease 1.00 Lumb€rlncreese 1.00 Rop Stess Inct NO Code UBCnCBO L, UamUlrc - Verify &ign pararnerers and IILAI) N?|'IS ON f Itls AND REI/HISI| DIi rfil.)Rli LJSI::. Oolign t,!l\, for us. only Yvllh lllfok connectors. Thls design i.' bassd only upon pa.ametors shown, and is lor an individlal bt*l|e ao||Doooot b be h!|ellsd and loadsd v€rlically. Applicability ol design pardmetsr! and proper incorporation ot --..corrpofElt L lt€po.$lulltysl buildinq deslgner - nol lruss designer. Sracingfshown is lor lateral support ot individuat web ftlf.n0|r5.r! o.fy. Additooal lgmporary t'radr€ lo insur€ stabilily dutug cdnstrqction is lhe rosponsibllity ol the erector Additiooal I II rffig''$":ffiJ":I;ffi':"'Hffi:H?lr#''lT":ljf,'l'.$.'H.l;[ij8i,trjX'Ji33TiJ'3ljllll MIf Seaclledoq Jd HIE{I l{|ndllng In.t lllng..rd Brtclng Rocomm.ndrllon available lrom rtu$ Pl.to In3tltut6, 583 D f lTek Indurttb3, Inc, Onolrlc Drhn, I.dlrcn, m E:!?lg Truss Typo ROOF TRUSS .= iloTES bi p,r,lO. *.f"nf.4conmcton (by otters) ol t uss to bearing plate capablo of withslanding 156 lb uplift at joint 2 and 156 lb uplifl at joint 8' ginb tuls te8 beon doCgned lor boh UBG91 and ANSI/IPI 1'1995 flating criteria' itri fea casap) f, z,3,1,!,6,2 has b€en moditied. Euitding designer mus[revlew loads to wrify thatthey are correcl lor the intended use of this truss' roAD cAsE(s) I I Rogutac Lumbsr Inctsaso= 1 .00, Plato Incroass= l .00 Unlfom Loads ldO Vertl.2=180.0,2.3=-1E0.0'34=.|80.0'4-5=.339.4,56=.339'4,6.7=.180.0.7{*180.0,8.9=.18o.o,2.11=20.0,13420'0' &10-20O Concantabd Loed! (lb) Vort 13=900 11=-900 2) U 8C: Lumbor IncGass= | .25, Plate Increa se= 1 .25 Unilum L€ds (dt} Vert i-2*20.0. 2-3=20.0, 34=-20.0, t-5=.37.7, 5{=.37.7, F7=.20.0, 7{=.20.0, 8.9=-20.0, 2-11=400, 13-14=40 0, '12'13=-57 7, 1'1'12=57 7, 10-11=-40 0' 8'10=40 0 CorEonbabd Loads (lbl Vett 13=-18011=180 3! Wird Lolt U,mber Increase= I '33, Pla te Increase= 1 .3 3 Unltom Loads (pl|) Vert 1.2=15.3, 2.3=22.0, 34=22.0, 4-5=55.8, 5{=55.8, 6-7.2{.6, 7{=21.6, 8-9=48.0, 2-14=10.0, 13"14=10.0, 12-13='18.9, 1 1-12='18 9, 10-1'l =-'10 0' 810=10 0 Ho|Z 1-F65.3, 2-3=32.0, 3-4='32.0, 6-7=34 6, 7{=31.6' 8-9=58.0 orag:4{={2, 5{=0.2 Cooconfabd loads (lb) Vert 13=113 1t=113 1) Wnd Rlght Lrtmber Incteas€=1.33, Plate Increase=1.33 Unilom Loads (dt) Vert i-2{8.0. 2-3=21.6, 3-1=21.6, 1-5=55.8, 5{=55.8, G7=22.0, 7{=22.0, 8-9=15.3, 2.11=-10.0, 13-11=10.0, 12'13=18.9, 11J2=J8 9, 10-11='10'0' 8-10=10'0 Hoz: 1.2=-58.0, 2-3=31.6, 3-{='31.6, 6-7=32.0, 7{=32.0, 8'9=55'3 Dra$ 1-54.2, 56=0.2 Comenuabd teds 0bl Veft 13=11311=113 51 1Clryhd PaBlol: Lumbsr lnctease=1.33, Plale Incrcase=1.33 Utibfln t€ds {d'l Vet t-2{8.0,2-3=24.6, },f=24.6,4-5=55.s, 56=55.8,6-7=215,7{=21.6,8-9=48.0, 2-14=-10.0, 13-14=J0.0, 12'13=-18.9,11-12=-18 9' 10-11=-10 0' 8-i0=-10 0 Horz l-ts-s8o. 23:34.6, $zl=34.6, 6'7=34.6, 7{=31.6, E'9=58.0 DEg:1-5={r, 5€=0.2 Concontatsd LoaG (lb) Vott 13=113 11=113 6) lst unbohncgd Rogttlar Lumb€r Increase=l.00, Plate Increase= 1.00 Un[ofln LoaG (d0 Concanfabd Loads (lbl Vet 13=90011=900 7) 2rd unbalancad Rogula.: Lumber Increas€=1.00, Plat€ Increase=1'00 Uriltur LEds {dD Ven t.i'=100, Z-S=-20.0, 3-1=20.0,4-5-339.1, 36=339.4, 6.7*180.0, 7{=180.0, 8-9=.180.0, 214=-20.0, 13.14='20.0, 12-1341 ,1 ,11-12=-37.7, I Gl 1=20.0, 8'10=-20 0 Conconr.H Loads 0b) Veft 13:-900,|i=€00 :" l- I KoE1532 'll -- i.0'5, ! dtlb l0gr uirCtlnoustries,lrlc. We? jan rl tis:ai:(lo t-tigo p-ige 2 A, UlnNU,te - Vaily design paramctzrt aad READ NO'I'DS ON THIS AND RI,VL.RSE StDIt BI:t ORI: LtsL. Oodgn val|d tor usa only wilh llJtC( connoctors. This d€sign is based onv upon pafamelers shown, and is tor an individual buldng conpomnt b bo installed ard loaded v€rlicalty. Ap{nicabilily ol d€sign pardmet€rs and prop€r incoDoration ol (b.r$ongll h Eopomlullv ol bullding d€slonsr - not truss dosigner. B€cing shown is lor laloral supporl ol individunl wct) m€oEerB only. Ad(f$onsl tempo.6ry hadng lo krsure stabjlily during conslructlon is th€ r€sponsibility ol the or€ctor Addaiional pornunfit bracfig ot the o\'€rdl stn clu.e ls lhe responsibility ot th€ buildng d€sibn€r. For gen€ral guidance rdgsrding td.icallon, qlrallty cor|hol, 6loaage, d€livory. €recliorr, and b.acing. consult OSt-88 Olrllty Strnds.d, DS8€g Brrctng SDacmcdoq -d lIB4t Hatdllng haftllnq and Br.clng Fecommcndrtlon availabl€ kom T.!$ Plrto tnllilute, 58:] O' Onoftto Brlr., H.oG Wl s:r'lg russ TYP€ ROOF TRUSS ;io tggfuiier inouitries, tnc. K6815331 Wed Jan '14 09:12:11 1998 Page 1 , 21-0-01 -' 3-0-0 , -3-0{ , 8-0-0r-._------.--..-3-O-O 8-0-0 10-0-0 18-0-0 2-0-0 6x8=8x8" I I Jd.il nl L I a)l'6 2x4 | .- ----- 6 :.,_r.rLll --l IOADING(ps0TCLI 800 TCoL ,|00 BCtl 0.0 BCDL 10.0 tUMEER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 21MF 1.OE BOT CHORD 2 X I SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2XlSPFStrd OTHERS 2 Xil SPF 1650F t.5E'Ercept' 10.|1 2 X,l SPF Stud. 13-14 2 X 1 SPF SUd REACTONS{hrshe} 2=2315/0.5-8, 5=2315/0-5{ [4ax Hoz2=l2(load cas€ 3) Mil( Udin2=275(load caso 5), 5=27!(load case 5) FORCES0bI - Ficl toed Case Onty TOP CH0R0 l-2"9i, 23=2138, 3-1:-2235,4-5=-2438, 5$=91 BOT Ctf ORD 24=223/., 7 a=2235, $7 =223 1 WEBS 3{=97,}7{1,1-7=97 l{oTEs tlThbtu$ ha! bcon cho*od lcr unbahncod loading conditions. 2i Thts hrla hg| bc6n dcdgnod br lho wind loads generated by 80 mph yvinds at 25 fl above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load rnd 5.0 pC bo0om drrd doad loed, 100 rnl ftom huricans ocoanline, on an occlrpancy category l, condition I enclos€d bulding, of dlnFndom45nby2l ftwih exposutr C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO lfend v8.tic€ls or cantile\€rs eisl, they are exposed lowind. lf porcial odd. |hcy str notrxpossd tc wind. Tho tumb€I DOL Incr€as€ ls 1.33, and tha plal€ grip increase is ,|.33 3) Plo,ldo .dlqiab drahago b ptewnt water ponding. 1) Af Fbs 8o M20 Sbs unless ohomiso indicate d. SittlitusrnarUeendodgnodtora10.0psfbottornchordl€loadnoncoocrronlrvithanyotherli\€loadsperTableNo. 16-8, UBC-94 6i Pmvito mschanhalonniction 1by o$ers) of truss to bearing plate capaHo of wlthsbnding 275 lb uplilt atjoint 2 and 275 lb uplifl al ioint 5. n lhb hrss has boen deCgned for boh UBG94 and ANSffPl 1-1995 plaljng criteda. LOAD CASE(S) Sbndatd Except PLATES GRIP M20 119/110 Weight 86 lb BR^CING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4{-2 on center pudin spacing. BOT CHORD RigU ceiling dkec{y applied or 10{{ on center b]acing' DEFL (in) (loc) l/def, Ve(LL) 4.12 28 >999 VerfiL) 4.25 5-7 >U4 Hon[rL) 4.03 5 rva Min Lenglh / LL def = 240 sPACrr'lG 2{{ Platos Increas€ 1.00 Lumber Increaso 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YESCod6 UBC/ICBO A, UlnlWe - Vcrifi dtign patamctctt antl RI;,I ) NO7'EIS ON I HI.S AND Rt VEI|SI: SII)I.: nH,ORIj USI:. Ogglgn Ydldfor ulo only wllh Jff|. k connBctors. This desi$'r i9 based only upon paramelers shown, and is for an individLBl hl|&|c corrtoo.ieol b be lad.lled aM loafu ve{ically. AFt'ifiabilily ol deslgn pardmeters and propor incorporaiion dl coafpoatg, b tt!0o.t8iblr,tyot bulUing desiglsr - not buss designsr. Eracing grcwn is lor lateral suppod ot indivrduat web mott$ot!| ooly. Addl[onal tofiporary bracing to lGure statilily during consln]ction is lhe rosponsibility ol thg erectol Addilional p€ananont baEcfio Ol tho o\reftll slructure is th6 losponsibitrt r, ol the buitding designer. For genoral g0idance rdgarding lgbrlcatoal, $allty co||trol, clorago, doliv€ry. €rection, 6nd btacinq, consutt esT-oe Ourllty St'nddrd, DSB-69 Braclng Sp.cIlc!|lon, ld HB€l H.ndlln! Inst lllng.nd grtclng R.comnFndalldr available fiom lru$ Plat. Instltut., -583 o' Onoarlo Drlva, Ldbon, Wl Sgtlt t*t,R@F TRUSS ac. HousToltl, DEtlvER, co 80203.: roAD CASE(S) 0l Us.r dcflnod: Lumb€t Incroas6=1'00, Plate Incroas€' 1.00 Urfiorn Lo6& (d0 Vcil 2-3=-180.0, 3-1.-180.0, 4-5:180.0, 2'r '20.0, 7'8=-20.0, 5'7=20.0 Co06ntabd LEds 0bl Vo,t 2=-540 5='510 A Ve;WnVe - Yaifi &tign paramcten and Rt)ll) NOTES ON TIIIS AND RL.\'F:RSII SIDL: Rt.t:)RIt tt't. Derlg tr,lld lor uro only with llll' k clnnoclors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and rs lor an individual biilldlng (.,{tpon{xlt to b€ i'r|tlllod 6nd loodsd v€rtically. Apnlicability ol design pardmolors and proper incorporalion cif --,r ffiliffii'ffinr#iii**'i*11ri.:tiftr,ittl-ll$t -" iltt Se-ftotl.x\ |ttd Hts-91 H.ndlhg Inrt lllng rnd Br.ch0 nlcomnFndalloi available lrom Tru*r Plal6 Instlrure, 583 o' lllTe k lndurtlo, lnc. Onolrlo l,.h,a, Irdhoo, Wl13719 t.o.iz sbec io lssz MiTek Industies, Inc K681534 i I Wed Jan 14 09:12:16 1998 Page 1 17-7-8 21-6-0 27-6-0 30-6-0-it-0-0 3-0-0 9-1G.6 t3-9-0 3-10-8 3- t 0-8 3-10-8 3-10-8 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-O-0 3-0-0 5.00 fTz I Iciq (.rl IYlcr6 2.50 F2' 3-1-8 6-0-0 9-10-8 13-9-0 17-7 -8 21-6-0 24.-4-8 , _ 27-6-0 1 3-1-8 2-10-8 3-10-8 LOADING(psf)TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL ().O BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 21MF 1.8E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 21 00F 1 .8E WEBS 2X4 SPF Stud'Except' $11 2 X 1 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 3-13 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 7-lr 2xl SPF 1650F 1.5E, 7-10 2 X 4 SPF 1650F l.sE OTHERS 2 X{ SPF 1650F 1.5E'ExcePt' tSlT 2X I SPF Strd, 19-20 2 X 4 SPF Stud RE CnoNqb/ttze) 2=553810-5€,8=5538/0'5{ Max Hon2=1o(load €se 3) l,lar Udifl2=629006d case 5), 8=629(load case 5) 3-10-8 3-10-8 3-10-8 2-10-8 3-1-8 PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weight:429lb BRACING TOP CHORD Shealhed or 644 on center podin spacing' BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directy applied or '10{-0 on center bracing' FORCES0b) - Fird Load Caso OnlY TOP CHORD 1-2=92,2-3=-/!448,3-{=-24588, 1'5='26609, 5{=-26609, 6-7=-24588, 7-8='20448, &9=92 BOT CHORD 2-11=190E7, 13'14=186s7, 12-13=24588, 11'12=24588, 10'11=18687' 8-10=19067 WEBS $11=,1935, 3n3=6270, 1-13=-1985, 4'12=2149, 5'12='1315, 612=2149, 6-1 1=1985, 7{ 1=6270' 7-10=4935 NOTES i) $tty hrss b bc connocisd bgeher with 10d Common(.14813') Nails as lollor$: Top chords connected with 2 row(s)al0{{ on centet. ' g6tom dlodg conn6sbd wl$ 2 row(s) at Gm on center. Webs connected with 1 row(s) at 0-94 on cenler. 2) Ti! t!$ har b.cn chlclcd lor unbalanced loadlng condiuons. iinfs nii troe leen rhslned for the wind loads genenated by 80 mph winds at25 ftabove ground level, using 5 0 p$ top chord de?d load ' and 5I pst bo0oflr cho.d-dead load, 100 mifrom hurkane oceanlino, on an ocopancy celegory l, condition I enclos€d building, ot dlrl3ns6ns 45 n by 2l ttwlth exposue CASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO It end vertials or cenlilevets exist iieyare exposed towind. lf pordtos oxh( ttoy ara not erposed b wind. The lumber DOL irrrease is 1 .33, and the date grip increase is 1 .33 . . l) brcept as shovm-below, spechl conneclion(s) requked to support concenlEted load(s). Dedgn ol connectjon(s) is delegated t0 the hllding dosignor. 5l PEvldQ ad€quato dralnage to prevent water ponding. DEFI (in) (loc) l/den Vert(LL) 4.85 12 >383 Vert(TL) -1.07 12 >306 Hoz(IL) {.01 8 rva Min Length / LL den = 240 SPACING 24{ PlatGs Increase 1.00 Lumberlncrease 1.00 Rep Skess Incr NOCodo UBCflCBO L, UaWWe - Vctify daign paranetat ant! Ilt;AD NO'|ES ON t lf ls AND RF.|/I:RSI: SIDI-: RtiI:ORti LtSIi. Dcl9n Yddlor u8o only with l{ffek connectors. This design is based only r|pon paramelers shown, and is lor an individual htdno cofiiponenl b b€ ing8llod and loaded vedically. Applicabilily ol design pardmslers and propor incoeoration ot --,. ffi#i{*ffiit.}*1il:iffit[*!firu$i[t*fd*:iiii,t*'" :l::r"'ffi i'"""' ffi t Spcmc|tlo|r, md HlB4l H|ndllng Intt.lllng and 816rtrrg Recommendrtlon available lrom Tlu.s Plrte Inslirute,5a3 o' lllTek lndurtrle e, Inc. Onolrb ms, hdl.or, Wl 53?19 -?.:a ?&fd -1.*-9 rLocANt russ Type ROOF TRUSS lo'g2lDec 1d 1gdi unCir tnouirries,inc. *ur''t, i I l Wedlan tl 09:12: I ' 1998 Page 2 ,a NOTES 6l Al pbbr et! M20 platrs unls$ ohe^vis€ Indicaled. iinE nrs t lr Uc"n dcslgn.d for a 10.0 psf boltom chord live lood nonconcurrent wllh any oth€r livo loa-ds.per Table No' 1&8, UBC'94' Oi S.;rh0?Flnqd 2,8 drsiders paraflel'b gratn r€tue ustng ANsffPl 1-1995 angle to g;ln brmula. Bulding designer should verity capacity of bearing surrac€' aiF oy6;;e,ha;iaiornec0on (iy o0rers) 6t tluss to tearing ptal€ capable of $'ithsbnding 629 lb uplitt at.ioint 2 and 629 lb uplift at ioinl 8' l0lThls hJ3! has bocn &CCned ftr bolh UBC'94 and ANSI/TPI l'1995 plating cIite]h. iiiUoeOEs{d f , Z,3,1,5;6,7 has been modmed. Building designer must rivf'n loeds b verify lhat $ey are correct for the intended use of lhis ttuss' roAD cAsE(sl t ) Rogulai Lur$6r Inqoas€=l .00, Pla lo Increase= 1 .00 Unfoon Loeds (d0 Voft t-2=180.0,2.3=180.0, 3-4=339.1,46=-339.1, 56*339.4, 6-7=-339.4, 7{=-180.0, 8-9=-180.0, 2-14=-20.0, 13'11=-37.7, 12'13=-37 7,11-12='37 '7 ' 10' l '377' 8-,|0o20.0 Conconuabd Loa& (lb) VBtt i4.€00 1(F900 2) UBC: Llmbsr Ins€aso= 125, Phta Inctease=1.25 Unibrm Loeds (d0 vsf t-2=20.0, 2-3=-m.0, 3-4=-37.7, 1-5=-37.7, $6=-37.7, &7=.37.7,7{:20.0, 8-9=-20.0, 2-14=40.0, 13-14=-57.7, 12-13=-57 .7 , 11'12='57 .7 ,10'11=-57'7, t 0=-10 0 Crnc6nt abd Loads (lb) Ved: t'l*180 t0=-180 3) Wind Lolt Lumbor Inctsass= 1 .33, Plats Increase= 1 .33 Unilbnn Losds (d0 Vert i.2=45.3, 2-3=22.0, 3-{.55.8, 1-5=55.8, 5.6=55.8, 6.7=55.E, 7{=21.6, 0-9={8.0, 2-11=10.0, t}14='18 9, 12-'13-18.9, 1 1-12='18'9, 10''11='18 9' 8-10= 0 Ho|z l-2d5.3, 2-3=32.0, 7{=34.6, &9=58,0 Dra$ }/t=.0.2, S7=0.2 Concont'at d Loads (lb) Vert 14'113 10=113 1) Whd Rhht Lumber InctBase=1.33, Phto Increase=1.33 Unform Loads (d0 Vot r-2{8.0, 2.3=21.6, 3-1=55.8, 1-5=55.8, 56=55.8, 6-7=55.8, 7-8=22.0, 8-9=45.3, 2-14=-10.0, 13-14='18.9, 12'13='18.9, 1 1-12='18.9, 10'11=J 8 9' 8'10' 0 Ho.z: t-2=-58.0, 2-3=31.6, 7€=32.0, 8'9=55.3 0€g: $4<)2, &7=02 Conc8ntnt d Loads (lb) vort l1=113 1(F113 5) ld Wnd Pan[0]: Lumbet Increase=1.33, Plate Increase=,|.33 Unfiotm toads (d0 Vsrt i.Z=48.0, Z€=24.6, 3-4=55.8, 4.5=55.8, 56=55.8, 6.7=55.E, 7{=24.6, 8-9=48.0, 2-14=-10.0, 13'14=18.9, 12-13=-18 9, 1 1-12=-'18 9, 10-1 1=-1E'9' 8-10= 0 Hoz: 1-2=58.0, 2-3=-3{.6, 7{=34.6, 8'9=58.0 Drag: 3-1={.2, S7=0.2 Corsrtrabd Lo3& (lb) Vott 14=113 l0=ll3 6) 1d unbelencod Reguhr Lumber Increa s€= I O0, Pla ie lncrease= 1 .00 Unililn t€& (dD Conconfabd Loa& (lb) Vet 11*900 10=900 7) 2nd unbelanced Rogulan Lumber Increase=1.00, Plate Increas€=1.00 Unibnn Loads (d0 Vsrt i.r;ioo, 2-3=20.0, 3-1=.339.4, 4-5=-339.4, 56=-339.{, 6.7=-339.4, 7{=-180.0, 8-9=-180O, 2-1a=-20.0 ,13-11---37.7, 12-13=-37.7, I l-12=37.7, l0-11=37.7, &10=20.0 Coocontatsd Loads 0b) Vert 11=9$ 10=9fi) A, UeAmltC - Vcrifi dztign panmncts and RF.AD NOI'F.S ON TIf IS AND I\LVI:RSI: slDL tlltl:ORl' l;st:. DeCgn yafi<ltor uao only rvith ltrTak cot|noctorg. This design is based only upon paramelars shoM/n, and is for an individual bufldn0 conpononl lo bo In8lalled and loaded vortically. Applicabilily ol design pardmetels and pfoper incoeoration ot --'. ffiffiHrr*i.ltru1*:lililt*#il*iii;tt{ilfifth*t*f!'*lJ,{*t'l"l'"f*[T"'-"ffi I Spcclllcdlo|\ |td HIE{I Hrndllng Inrt.tllng lnd Braclng tlecommond.lion availabl€ lrom Trur! Pl.te Inrlitule, 583 D [lTok Indultrles, Inc, Onctlo Drh. ilrdlron, Wl dl7l9 s aty Ply K601535, l 1998 Page 1 fiYifj? f- 15-8-0 3-1G0 19-6-0 3-10-0 23-6-0_ 4-0-0 I.O-SZsOec tO tggZ MiTek Industries, Inc Wed Jan 't4 09:42:21 27-6-0 30-6-0 4-0-0 3-0-0 12x17.5 M16= 9x17.5 Ml6z 5.00 [Tr 1 I qrl ol5l '1l.l I C,Xo 3x'12-- 16 2x4 tl 2.50 fr2' 15 12x17.5 M16= (4 1 10 ll A3. HOUSTON, OENVER, CO 80203 IOADING(ps0 TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 ECLL 0.0 ECDL 10.0 SPACING 2{{ Platos lncrcase 1.00 Lumber Increaso 1.00 ReD Stress Incr YESwo UBC/ICBO DEFL (inl (loc) l/den Vert(LL) -1.03 13 >318 Vert0L) -1.29 13 >251 Hon0L) {.03 I n/a Min Length / LL defl = 240 PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 M16 127182 Weight 153lt) tUMEER TOP CflOR0 2 X 6 SPF 2100F 1.8E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 2100F 1.8E WEBS 2XlSPFStd'Ercopt' 1-15 2 X 1 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 5-11 2 X 4 SPF 1650F l.5E Gt3 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 7-12 2 X 4 SPF ',1650F 1.5E OTHERS 2 X 1 SPF 1650F l.sE 'Except' 1&19 2 X 1 SPF Sltrd, 21-22 2 X 4 SPF Sh,d WEDGE L€ft 2 X 3 SPF SUd, Right 2 X 3 SPF Shrd REACTIONS{Usbo) 2=3265/0'5€, 9=3265/0-5{ i,lar Htrz2=l2(load caso 3) Mar Udift2=-313(106d cas€ 5), 9='343{road €se 5} Mer Grav2=3267(load cas€ 8), 9=3267(load cas€ 8) FoRCES(|b) - First Loed case onlY TOP O.|ORO t-2-92,23=103E7.3{=-11259,4-5-11196, 56=10025, 6-7=11196, 7{=11259, 8-9=-10387, 9-10=92 BOTCHORD 2-.|6=96t1,1St6=9E40, 1{-15='10097, 1}14=10025, 12'13=10097, 11-12=9840' 9-11=9654 WEBS 3.16=689, $15=935, 1-15=3708, 5- 15=1259, $14=.1126, 5.13=0, 6-13=.1126, 6-12=1259, 7-12=3708, 8'12=935, 8l I =489 NOTES llThbtuEs has boon chockod tot unbalanced loading conditions. Zint tuss l13r beon deslgned tor ttg wlnd loads generated by &0 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load ' end 5.0 psf botbm dord-dead load, 100 mi fiom hunicane oceanlino, on an occrrpancl category l, condition I enclosed building' 0l dlnonsdns il5 lt by 2,1 lt wih erposrro C ASCE 7-93 per UBCICEO ll end verticals or cantilevers exisi, they are exposed to wind. lf por61ee oxl4 theiaa not 6xposod to wind. The lumbor DOL incrses€ is 1.33, aM lhe phte grip increase is l,33 3lThb tuss notdcCenod b. dastot ceilhg. Span/denecbn rdtio less lhan 360. 1l PDv6o edoquatr dralmgo b pro\€nt wal6r ponding. SlAl plabs aD til20 Fbs unloss oheftvise indica lod. BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 24-'12 on c€ntef purlin spacing BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10{4 on cenler blacing' f,**ul,i$u;fs.\ '"qS;a;;;9 A,UlnAlC-Vcrifidctignparanetenard1l1i4t)NO'lL:SON1IIISANDkllVHlSt')StDllIl:OtlLll5ll. Docbn vdld lo' rso ody wiltt llt|. t connogtors. This desiqn is basod only upon param€tars shown, and is lor an iMividual hlldoo ('Jltpo ,rr{ lo bg hStrllsd 8nd load€d vorlic€lly. At" ,aability of design paftimelers and proper incorporalion dl --,.cfiioottel b ( rporusltrol Ulldng dodgner - not truss (losi{|ner. Eracing shown is lor laleral sq)port ol indiv lual web l,/ltlmotr6.'! onv , ddto.El blporqry braclng to insure stabilily during conslruction is tho responsibility ol the erector Addational I ll ffffiS'H,1#,""j$"1i,1',X,fil"":"J'.]ll;!lB*lji't1+ti'H;[i,j8ilfj1l,3i33H".J"3ill]lX lYllf 8p.cfflc.0o|i, .nd H|B-el H.ndllng Inltrlllng end Erachr(. llocomnondallon available liom Tru$ Pl.le Instltute, 583 D' UlTek lnduSlrhS, Inc. OnolrloDlftt, rdl.on,Wl53719 russ Iyp€ ROOF TRUSS ftoTEs bln6 nra f"r *.n doslgnsd for a 10.0 psf botlom chord tiv6loa-d nonconlunent with eny other live loads per Table No. 16'8. UBC-91' ?t Bc.fio at loln{s) 2,9 onsklea paratlel'b gnhratue using Atlsfffpf f -lgSS angis rJgfoin tomuta. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface' ;iffiffi;ffilb]'iriit.uiifii"rt "t6tx11sstote:ririgplatecapatleofwitisbnding3,a3buptiflatlolnt2and343lbudiltatioinl9'ginb hA3 lut b0!n &dgnod lbr boh UBC'91 and trl'lSlfrPl l-i995 plating criteib. IOAD CASE(S) Sbndard ExePt 8l U!.r d0hod: lumb.t lmtraso=l .00, Pht€ Incteeso= 1 .00 unfibtn loa& (d0 Valt2-3*t80.0'}1=1E{,'0,4.5=-180.0.$6=180o'6.7=-180,0.7€=.180.0,8.9=.180.0,2.16=.20.0'116-.& $11-20O Conc.nfabd Loads (lb) Ve:2..5,109=510 A, U'lnrune - Vaify bign paramctcrs ad R\IAD NOI'ES ON n S AND REVEI\SIi StDE REFORE IlSl;. D€d0n vald b t,3€ only 'rifh IIJIC( conn€ctors. Thig desigr is bas€d only upon paramelors shown, and is lor an individual buMn! congonent to ba ltBhlled 8nd lo€ded v€rlically. Applk)ability ol design pardmolers and proper incorporalion of co.npooant i9 r€6poodbililyol bulldlng de3igne. ' nol lrus. dJ-'signor. Bracing shown |3 tor laleral support ol individual v/eb ll|€o$9rs o.{y. AddldoiSl lonporaay bracing lo hsrre stat}ility duing c6ostruclibn ls lh€ rosponsibility ol the or€ctor Addilional petntlr{ bcdttg of f|o ovo.all dndur€ is the responsibility ot lhs blilding desllner. For general guldance regardirE hb.lcaioG qusl'ty conttol. !to.age, d6livory, erecllrn. aftl l,racing. cln3ult QST-84 Ouollty Stend.id, DSEOg Brrchg SFdnsl.td )alB4l lLndlng In.blllng .nd BrtLlng Recomm.ndotlon availablo from Truli Pl.t. In.tit|Jtc, 58a| O' Onoarlo Drln , ll|dl.m, Wl 5t]7lg ilttr $i:- .... ':#Mml?$ fi, lllTek lrdurlrler. Inc. ROOF TRUSS K681536 10-0-0 't 3-9-0 17-6-0 k F AF o 1 J +l IItl.rI 'l 0x20 Ml6- 2.50 Fr DEFL (in) (loc) l/def Ve(tL) -0.87 12 >378 VertOL) J.08 12 >302 HonOL) {.01 I rva Min Length / LL defl = 240 SPACING 2{{ PhtesInqease 1.00 Lumb€rlncrease 1.00 Rep Sbess lncr YESCode UBC/|CBo LOADING(p6l)TCtr E0.0 TCDL 10.0BCtt 0.0 BCDL 10.0 PLATES GRIP M20 149/1',10 M16 127182 Weight 152 lb 1&17 2 X1 SPF S[td, 19-20 2 X { SPF Strd WEDGE Lsft 2X 3SPFStud, Risht 2 X 3 SPF Stud RE CTIONqUs&o) 2=3265/G53, 8=3265/0-5{ lhx Hm2:140oad €se 3) Mer UCifr2=-3a3{oed casa 5}, 8=-313(load case 5) Itar Grav2=3267(load cass 8), 8=32670oad cas€ 8) FORCES(lbl - Fhd Loed Gss OnlY TOP CHOfiD 1-2.92,2€=10211,3-1=8233, 4-5='7750, 56=-7750, 6-7={233, 7-8=10244' 8'9=92 8OT CHORD 2-11-9550, 1914=9537, l2-13=6320, 11'12=8320, tGl 1=9537' 8'10=9s50 WESS &11=f65, $13=1756, 1-13=2377, 5'13=€71,5-12=12,5'11={71,6'11=2377 '7 -1't='17 56' 7'10=165 NOTES llThlttu$ Mr bcen ducked forunbalancod loading conditions. Ziffrfi tusc fBl b6en destgn6d for he wind loads genented by 80 mph winds at 25 n above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord de€d load 'ands.O pC botom chod-d€d load, i00 mi from hurkane oceanline, on an ocdpancy category l, condition I enclosed building, ol Olrr-nrf;u fS ft Uy Zf i wih eposrre C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO ll end venj€ls o('cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. lf porches ordst, hei an not expoe€d b wind. The lumber DOL increase b 1.33, and the plate grip lrtease is 1.33 3) Pouda adequab drahaoo lo ptBvent waler ponding. 1) AI *ls! an M20 plabs udess oheMiss indi€ted. Si ffrf fuss l,al bosi deslgned for a 10.0 psl bottorn chord live load nonconcunenl wili any olher live loads pe] Table No 16"8, UBC-94' TUMBER TOP CHORo 2 X 6 SPF 1650F t.sE BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 2100F l.8E WEBS 2X4 SPF St,d 'ExcePt' 1-13 2 X 1 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 5-12 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 6-1t2XlSPF1650F1.5E OftIERS 2 Xl SPF 1650F 1.5E'Erc€Pl' A, UIAUIVO - Vcrifi dcsiga patametert axd Rbi t) NOTES ON I HIS AND REVIJ1SL SIDIi IlI.:t:ORlt IJSE. Dolgn vdd br urs or y wifi Mffal conn€clors. Thls d€sigr' is bassd only upon paramet€rs shown. and is lor an individual bllldlng co.rpon€nt to be Indallsd and loadod vgdically, Apt, lbilily ol design parimeters and propof incoryoBtion ol cdrpoatgtt b rttpotllbltty ot buldn0 d€slgnor - nol ln ss d, ighor. Eracing shown is lor lal€ralsupporl ol individualweb at|€lnba|t q{y. Aardtooal to|rpo|afy Fraclng to insure slabilil\ dudng conslection is the responsibilily ol lho ereclor. Addilronal p€rlrtadxtt bnd00 oa lio ovorall slruclure is the res0onsibilt ) of th€ building designer. Fof general guidance legading labdcalb0, qualty cq{.o|, !torag6, dslivery, €roction, ard bracing, co.lsult QST-€8 Oualily St.ndrrd, DS&B9 greclng 89adno4oq J|d HBll llndllng lnltllllng lnd B,!cln! ll.comn|endatloo available lrom Truts Plrt! In3tltutr,583 D' Onofrlo ltlr..' hdbo|r wl SiYlg BMCING TOP CHORD Shealhed. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling di.eclly applied or 104-0 on center blaong WEBS 1 Row at midpt 3-13'7-11 tut f.tryi'',fi -o ,are ti?)-?l F Q*rt,# IlTek Indudrle t, Inc. Truss TypeI.. lLocAr,rl I K681536, LO-!Z s Dec rO tsgf MiTek Industies, Inc Wed Jan'1109:42:20 1998 Pag€2 .= }OTES 6) B3efue atloht{s) 2, E consilels para[8] to grah value using ANSuTPI 1-1995 angh to grain lormlla. Butding designer should verify capacry of bearing surface iiF rd il.1gibionnec1on $y otren) of truss to t'earing 4ate capaue of withslanding 313lb upliftat joint 2 and 3'(3 lb uplifl at joint 8' ElThb trurc her baon doCgnod fo{ boh UBC-91 and Al lSl/TPl 1-1995 platjng ctiteie' LO D CASE(S) Sbndatd ExcePt 8) Usar dohed: Lumbst Incr€as6=1.00, Phts Increase' 1.00 Unlbm Loadr lPlQ Vc|t 2.3-180.0, 3{=n80.0, 1-5=-180.0, 5{--180.0, 6-7=-'180.0, 7{-180.0, 2-1t=20,0, 13J1=-20.0. 12-13=-20.0, l1- 12=-20 0, 1G1l =-20 0, 8'10='20 0 Conconfated Loeds (lb) Vod: 2=-510 8-540 A VCnMte - Vetifi daign parameters atd READ N(. I'ES ON I IttS AND RI;lrLl?SIi Y DIt Ittit:ORE (/Sta. Oaqlgn valit l,). tFa only wlth llllk conn€ctoB- This design is l)as6d only upon paramel€.s shown, and is lor an individual bulktlne compornt to bo lrBtall€d and loaded vedically. Appftcat ihly ot design pardmelers and proper incoeoralion ol r. -', ffi}.i:rffi:iTY"fl"i*''l13.::il3i:',;J"1'"'ffi,i,","l,rft?:x"l?'.,J,["Jl';Ji.,?$1i$ii,fri;'"':1H'"f'^::1,""" uil nffi:ntr;iffff#i""ll#&:"':ilfi:J:TlyJ',:'"'"::llfl't%$.'ff,1"ff9iffi""*:33!u?:i:ilg lvllr 8pr'mcdon, id HtB{t llrndllng ln3ilttlng snd Brsclng Fecommendrtlon availabls trom Truli Plrto Instltuto, 483 D' lllTek Induelrler, Inc. Onolrlo Drlv., ir.dl|on, Wl $ e V..'...- -...' .S{iiji.-.' ..'jrrs $s/ol qi el ,$Truss LOGAN4 AC. HOIJSTON, D€NVER, CO Truss Type ROOF TRUSS K6Sr537l ,t Wed Jan 1109:42:32 1998 Pagel -3-0-0 4-0-0 8-0-0 12-0-0 15-6-0 19:q:-0-__r 23-6:9. r ?!'9'0 ,- ,.- !9.-9 L I 4-O-O 4-0-0 4-0-0 3-0-0 ={ 11 ----..-.--- 3-0-0 4-0-0 5.00 Fr 13 12 1gr17.5 l\/1116 - 10x17.5 M16= I f;if Y f',1t"I*o 2x1ll 2x4 | 10 8x20--Bx20..- 6-0-12 't 2-0-0 15-6-0 21-54 z | -o-v SPACING 2{4 Plateslncrease 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC/|CBo 6-0.12 5-11-4 LOADIilG(Fst) TCLL EO.O TCoL 10.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1,5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 2IOOF t.8E WEBS 2 X l SPF Std 'Ercepf 5.13 2 X 1 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 6-12 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.58 OTIIERS 2 X4 SPF 1650F 1.5E'Excspt' 16-17 2 X I SPF Stud, 19-20 2 X4 SPF Stud WEDGE left 2 X 3 SPF Sttd, Rlght 2 X 3 SPF St'rd REACTIONS{lUslze} 2=3265/G5{, 9=3265&54 BFACING TOP CHORO Sheathed oI1'7-9 on center purlin spacing 8OT CHORO Rigid ceiling directyapplied oI 104{ on center bracing' 5-114 6-0-12 DEFL (in) (loc) l/def Vert(LL) {.62 12 >401 VertfIL) -1.02 12 >322 HonOL) 4.04 9 nia Min Lenglh / LL den = 240 PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 M16 127182 Weight 155lb [4ax Hotz 2rl 7(load cas€ 1) Ma( Ud1fl2413(load caso 5), 9=-3,f 3(load €se 5) I,lax Grav2=3267(load case 8),9=3267(load case 8) FORCES0b) - Firsl toad Case Only TOP CHORO l-2=92,2-3=10281,3-1=-9510, 4-5='/377, 5{=6924, 6'7=7512, 7{=9540, 8'9=10281' 9'10=92 BOT CHORD 2-11=9538, 13-14=8592, 12-13=6929, 1t'12=8653, 9-11=9538 WEBS $14=-537,1-14=5E2,4'13=-1660, 5-13=2179, 6'13={, F12=2232, 7-12='1587, 7'11=506' 8'11=-537 NOIES llThls tu$ lEs b€on chocled toa unbalanced loadinlJ conditions. ZiThb turs has Ueen deslgnod fcr h6 wind loads gereratod by 80 mph v/inds at 25 flabove ground level, using 5.0 psftop chord dead load -'inO lO psf Uotom cftod-dead load, 100 mi from ht,rricane oceanline, on an occupancy category l, condition I enclosed building, ol dhnonsdns 45 nby 2l ftwitr expure CASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO lfend wrtlcals or cantilevers exis! lhey are exposed to wind. lf porchos ox6t, $oy erq nol oxpos€d to wind. The lumbef DoL increase is 1.33, and ths plate grip increase is '1.33 3l Provide adsquats daalnage lo prcvontwator ponding. 1) AI plat s ar6 M20 phi08 unloss olherwiso indicated. Sifnii fus nas Ueeo d6slgned tor a 10.0 psl bottom r,hord live load nonconcurent wilh any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, UBC-94 A UrmnllC - Vcrify derign parancttt an.l Rf,jl ) NO'|ES ON nf IS AND Rlill:)RSI: SII )l BIaFOltli ltSIt. O€r$a vald iof u6o or y with lftak conneclors. This design s based only upon paramelers shown, and rs tor an andivrdual bulbltE co||poo€(t| lo bo hrtrll€d and load€d veriically. Apticability of &sign pardmeters and proper inclrporation ol -.-'.mJ fl{**' illlSp- c.toir,.nd XIB{I H.ndllng In.t lllng rnd Brlclng 'r.commcndatlon available lrorn Tru3! Plat.Inltllute, sa3 D lllTek ktdutlrles, Inc. Onofrlo Orlv., I.dl.on, Wl 13719 fs htt*',,# '& ,{)a LOGANl 80203.= NOTES 6l Bcal||lo 8 oh(!) 2, g conddrB pafallol to grain v"aluo using ANSt/Tpl 1-1995 anglo lo grain lomula. Buildin0 designer should verify capacity ol bearing $rrfacs ;i ffi;i;;;"tr.;ttf onnecuon (iy ourers) ;tluss to learing plale capaue ol wlurstandlng 313 lb uplifi atioint 2 and 343 lb uplilt at joint 9' 8l llls tuss har b3on doslgned lor bou UBG91 and ANSlfiPl 1'1995 plating criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Sbndard Except 8) Usor dcnnsd: Lumbot Incteasa= 1 '00, Plab Increase= 1 .00 Unibrm L€dt (Pl|) Vet 2.3*1E0.0, 3-{=.160.0, 4.5=.180.0, 5{=180.0, 6-7=180.0, 7{=100.0, S-9-1S0.0, 2-11=-20.0, 1}11=-20.0, 12'13=-20.0, t 1-12=-20 0, 9'11='20'0 ConcsnLtrd Lodt (lb) vert 2=540 9=5,10 A UeWntC- Vcrifi dtsipr paramarerc a*l Mt lD NOTES ONI'H(SllND Rt:lIiRSIt YDI. UI'I.ORF. I:SL,. D€€lgnvaldtorusoo|llywittlllTekconnectorsThisd€si,.,sbas€donlyuponpa|amelersshown,andisloranindividual bulldlng compon€nt lo bo lrutrllsd and load€d vertically Al,L 'iability ol desigo pardm€lers and proper incorporalion ol collTonqntbar6pon8lbllf,)ofbolldlngdedign6r-notlruss",igner.Bracingshovvnislorlat€ralsupportolindividualweb momb€6 o|lv. Addlliooal lonto.ary Fracing to insur€ slabil,iv during construction is the responsibility ol lhe ereclor Addilional pornati€att baad|g ol lhq ovgrall Skucture ls th6 r€sponsib,:,ly ol the building designer. For general glidance rdgarding lebrlcadoG qudlty coarllo|, tto.ag€. dol&€ry, erection, and 1., ncing, consull QST48 Ouallly Strndard, DSA-09 Braclng Socflca$,on, md B|sel Handllng Indalllng rnd grrcl q Rccomn|€ndatlon available hom Tru33 Phl. Ingtllule. 583 D OnCdo Orh,r, L.dLcn, wl attlo iltI lllTek Indurtrlec, Inc. tri'ffsf.$ K*;r,,i9 russ Typo ROOF TRUSS 0tv I ;-l -t t,',"1 -rd5zTo"cls rgOi Mfeit inousuis, irn wio lan il oglz:37 't99t Pase I -3-0-0 1-11-l1 1-1 t-11 I ''l 1 | .fl t91lot 1-11-11 2-0-1 0-0-6 LoADTNG(psf)DEFL (in) (loc) l/dell Vert(LL) {.00 2 >999 VerrFL) 0.16 1'2 >213 HorIOL) {.00 3 n/a Min Length I LL defl = 210 PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weighl 16lb TCU 800 TCDL 10.0 BCLL ().() BCDL '10.0 LI-'MBER TOP CHORD 2 X6 SPF 1650F IsE BOT CTORD 2X1SPF 16s0F l.sE O|HERS 2 X4 SPF 1650F 1.5E'Except' &72X4SPFSttd RE CTIONS(lbrdzgl 3*229&5{, 2=1 1 18/0+8' 4=19/0'3{ Mu Hon 2=95(load €ss 5) [,lar Upllf,3=z2g(lmd cas€ 1)' 2=271(load case 5] Mar G;v3=17200ad case 6)' 2=1118(load case 1), 1=38(load case 2) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed. iO; aHORo Rigid ceiling directv applied ot 1-10-13 on centet bracing' FORCES(b) - FiEt Load Case Or{Y TOP CHORD l-2'1E2, 2-3=253 BOT CHORD 2.14 NOTES iJ-fi,g h,* hal bosn designed for the wind loads genetated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft a bove ground level,.using 5'0. psf top chord dead load 'ilCn rd6it r dtrrd-doad load, 100 ml lrom hunicane oceanline, on an occupanc'y category l, condition l enclos€d buildlng, of iiiiiliiirili ls t uy zr n wiur exposurs b lsCe l-s3 pur uec/lceo if end verlicats oicantilevers exist thev are exposed to wind lr porcher srdst hsi ao not sposod to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and lh€ plate grjp increase is 1 33 2lAI FLt rE M20 phtss udess oheruiso indi€ted. iiff,[ ms f,ar l*. dssignod for a 10.0 psl bottom chord live load nonmnarnent wilh any oth€rlive loads perT-able No 16'8' UBc'94' 1l pm6de mda1c4 onnsaion (oy onelj J truJ io uea11q ?l9te-capabte ol withsbnding 229 lb uplift at joint 3 and 271 lb uplift al joint 2' Sinbns Ur been daslgned for both UBC94 and ANSnPI l'1995 plating criteria' LOAD CASE(SI Sbrdard ErcePt 6l Uslt dofiiGd: lumb€r Incr8as€=l .00' Plats Increas€= I .00 Unlbm Lo.& hlf) Vstt 23=180.0, 2'a=20.0 Concsntabd Loeds (lb) Vert 2=.510 SPACING 24{ Plates lncrease 1.00 Lumberlncrease 1.00 Rep Stess Incr YES Code UBOICBo A UIfuUWO - Verifi design paramcten artl RLAD NOI ES ON I'II|S AND R|t/tttsti StD[ t]El"ORE UsL. thCgn vald lor ura only {flh llJl€l connoclors. This dssign is basod only upon paramelers shown, and is lor an individual boMng co.nponrnt to bo l.rsbllod and loaded voriically. Applicabillty ot design pardmelers ahd proper hcorporation ol - -''co.rpcrdrl it t€pqlslbltttyol building d€eion6. - not truss designor. Bracing shown is for laleral support of individual web lltl.fldttb{t onv. Addltoard todpo.ery braclng lo Insuro siabillty dring constructio.r is the responsitility ot lhe oreclor. Additional E lIp6nn .d{ b.d.g ol lho ovorat sln cllre is lhe responsibility ol lie boilding deslgner. For general guidanco rdqarding lYllffebda.ton, qldlty contd. 6b€gB, d€livery, er€ction, and bracing. consult QST{8 Ourllty Srand.rd, DSB49 Br.clng spgngmh, 16A mgat Hrttitlg tnrtitttng "nd B]lclng R€commlndEtion avaitabt; hom Tru$ Pl.to In3titute,a83 o' lllTok lndurlllel, Inc' O||olrlo Drlv.. ,a..t.on. Yn 6il71 e 1-10-'l5 1-10-15 N 1-10-15 oEFL (in) (loc) Udefl Ve(LL) {.00 2 >999 Vert{TL) 0.16 1-2 >213 Hon [fL] {O0 3 n/a Min Lenglh / LL defl = 240 Phhs Increas€ 1.00 Lumborlnffeaso 1.00 Rep Stess Incr YESCode UBC/lcBo LOADING(pot)TCtr 80.0 TCDL 10.0BCU 0.0 BCDL 10.0 LUi'8ER TOP C80R0 2 X 6 SPF 1650F l.5E BOTCHoR0 2 xl sPF 1650F l.sE OTIIERS 2 X4 SPF 1650F 1.5E'Except' 6-72X1SPFSbd REACnONqlUsho) 3=253O-53, 2= 1 1 28/0-5{, 4= 1 8/0'3{ MaI Hotz 2=92(load case 5l ilax Udifr3=25300ad case 1), 2=-271(load case 5) lilax Grav3=16500ad case 6), 2=1128(load case 1), 1=37(load case 2) 1-1,1-2 o-0-3 PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weighl 16 lb BRACING TOP CHORD Sheahed. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directy applied or 1'10-8 on cenler bracing' FORCES(Ib) - First Load c,€ss OnlY TOP CHORD l-2=169, 2€=-277 8OT CHORD 2{.3 NOTES ii ffif Uus fral Ueen dar{ped hr he wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 n above ground le\€|, using 5.0. psf top chord dead load ' anC S.O Xt Oo0om OmrC-dead le<|, 100 ml kom huri€ne oceanline, on an occupancy category l, conditjon I endosed building, ol Cf.ens6;fStbyZ ftwitr expowre C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO lf end verticals or cantjlevers exisl lieyate exposed towind. ll portres ordd, troi an not eposed to wind. The lumber DOL Increaso is 1.33, and the plab grjp increase is 1.33 2) Af pbbs el€ M20 plabs unless othot\ so indicat€d. ii fi*i trll tul Uesn dosigned ftr a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconrunent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, UBC-94 ' 1i B.afig alFh($ 2 comiders paraltel to grain value using ANSlftPl 11995 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capadty of boa.hg su;frc6. $ pilid;mocLa.i;l conneclion (by ohersl of russ to boaring plato capable ol wilhsbnding 253 lb uplift at,oinl3 and 271 lb uplift at joint 2' 6lThls tus3 ha3 boen dosigned for bo0t UBC-94 ad ANSI/IPI 1'1995 dating criteda' LOAD CASE(S) Sbndard Except 6) Uset dofned: Lumbor Incca so= 1 00, Plats Increas€= 1 .00 Unllom Loedr (C0 Vort 2-3=180.0, 2-l=20.0 i 5 1998 A WtWWe - Verify daiga paramete$ au! RF.4D NOTES QN THIS AND RI.:l!t:.ltSE SII)l: BEFORII U.\ti. Dsign vsld tor u!€ qtly wilh Itfl€k connoctors. Thls dosign is based only upon parameters show , and is for an andavrdual building cotrpon€nt to bo Inrtsll€d and loaded verlically. Applicabilily ol doslgn paftimeters and proper incoeoration ol r-'. cq|Totls ls,fponlSltliyof butdhg doslgnef - nol truss designof. Eracing sho$/n is lor lateral suppod ol individual web ltlttloit$€fa qlty. Atldtooal tdrporory Fraclng to Insuro slabilily during conslruclion is the responsibiliry ol tho 6reclor Addilional E EE nffi:'ff*,H,*TJ"lljyi:,:"*:fif#'T'J;"*1:B::llitllTilt1i;[iJ3il"".tsi3lill3t?J"3illil'" NlIf Sp..iiqdoc |nd HIB{I }t ndling In.irlllng .nd 8..cln9 R.comm€rd.tloo availabl€ trom Trur. platr Inirltute, 583 o' IlTtk lndurlrles, Inc. Onoarlo lHrq Ldboq Wl6it710 Plv 1 otv I xoorswl wed Jin la ograzio rggo Fagi iiDec ro igg/ uireilndustries, inc coAD cAsE(sl Condnt€tod Loads (lb) Vort t610 A UaruVntrc - Vctifi &rigr paramcren ant! READ NOT'E,' ON TI S AND REI/EIISE SIIrE BEI:ORE U.Vi. D€8bn valkt lga uco otty wilh flII(* conneciors. This desagn is based only upon paramelels shown, and is lor an individual buiktng conTon€nt to b€ lnslelled and loaded vertaally. Applicability ol dosign pardmeters and proper incofporation ol coanpoardrt l! r€aFnsHit of bdl(IrE doalgner - nol truss d€signer. Bracing shoun is lor lateral suppon ol indivadual web irEmDgt8 ql|y. Aalddol|€l lon9orary breing to insurg slabilily dudng conslrqclicn is tho .esponsibilily ol lhs ereclor. AclCilional p€t|t|ltittt bleckrC ol tho overall 8lruciurg i3 the responsibility of lhe building desilIer. For gen€ral guktance ragaklinq hbdoalbn, qudl9 aonAol,8ior69e. d€liv€ry, oreclion, and bracing, consull QST{8 Oi.|alily Strndrrd, OSB.89 BrEcing Sg.dietloi! rtd HlB41 lbndllno Inltrrlllng lrd Braclng nocommend.tlon availablo liom Truls Plat Instltlte, 50:t o' J|lTek Onolrlo DrlY.i l|.dl.on, Wl 5g7 l 0 K6s154oj To reliMiTii( rnoustrles, inc.' wedlan 1i o9:42721998' Ptge I 3-11-11 l 3-11-11 3-11-1 1 3-11-'l 1 1-1tr-15 0-04 OEFL (in) (loc) Uden Vert{Lt) 4.0| 2-4 >999 Vertfit) 0.21 l-2 >169 Hotz(TL) 4.00 3 n/a Min Lengli / LL defl = 240 SPACING 244 Plabs Increas€ 1.00 Lumberlncreaso |.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC/ICBO LOADING(p30rcLL 60.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X6SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E OIIIERS 2X1SPF1650F1.5E'Except' &7 2 X,t SPF St d RE CTloilqlushol 3=990-5J, 2=1133/0-5{, 4=3710'34 Max Hoz2=121(oad case 5) lNaj( Udin2=227(load €se 5) lvlax Grav3=32600ad case 6), 2=1133(load case 1),4=7{(load case 2) BRACING TOP CHORD Shealhed. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiting directty applied ot 3{-3 on cenler bracing' PLATES GRIP M20 149/1',10 Weight:22lb FORCES(Ib) - Fhst Loed Cas€ Only TOP CHORD t2=183, 23=.23'4 BOT CHORD 2.{4 NOTES il-nlr tuss nal *en dosigned lor the wind loads gene€ted by 80 mph winds at 25 ftabove grcund level, using 5.0 psf top chord de€d load '.,t0 Sn pg Uttnn Otort-diad load, '100 ml from hunicano oceanline, on an occupancy category l, condition I endosed building, of dhailt6os15 n by 24 fiwih exposure CASCE 7-93 per UBCflCBO lfend \€rticals ot €ntilevers exisL heyare exposed towind. lf pdns ens( 0rey an not oxposod b wind. Tho lumber DoL increase is 1.33,and the plat6 gfip incfeas€ is 1.33 2l Al platls arr 1 20 Phtss unloss olh€t\Nlso indi€led. iifnf U,rss tral leen dosbned for a 10.0 psl bottom chord livs load noncondnent wilh any other live loads perT-able No. l6-8' UBC-94' It Poyidr modpnkal connoc,tlon (by othersl of truss lo beadng date capable ol withsbnding 227 lb uplilt atioint 2. 5) Thlt hrss ha! boon doslgood lor both UBG94 and ANSI/TPI 1-1995 plaung criteria. Lo,AD CASE(S) Sbnded Except 6l Usat dofhed: Lumbar Indeaso= 1.00, Phte Increase=1.00 Unlb||n L€ds (d') Vstt 2i='l E0O, 2-4=-20.0 Comonfabd Loads (lb) Veft 2=540 l"*':'...........{ui$vliilil') A U,lnly//ffe - Vetifi daign paranaen anl READ NOt liS ON I HIS AND REVL::RSE Stbf' Bt:t.ORI.: IJSL. Dg3lgn valld lo{ u!€ only wlth MII0I clnnectors. This doslgn is bas€d only upon paramolers shown. and is lor an individual boaldlt{ (Elrrport€nl to b€ htlalled dnd loeded ventcally. Applicability ot dssign pardrn€tsrs and proper incorporation ol -i'.coirponsn b |tsponlibltlyol butdng d€slgn€r . nol lruss designer. Eracing shown is lor lateral support ol indivirlual web lttt nFo$€.E q{y. Addtonal bttpolsry bracing to insure stabilily d{rdng construction is th€ responsibilily ol the erector. Addilional E ll ffi:mifJ.*ifffrJ":'H"ilif,:*:J:i,*#il:fllB::liH"+T!'t1;ffl8ii;,lX',3ill3tTJ?illll', Nlll Sp.cflcadolr, md Hl&01 H.ndllng Inrttlllog.nd Broclng Becommondirtlon availabl€ ftom Tru$ Plat! Inslilul€. 583 O' l|lT3k krdualllas, Inc. Onoftlo DrtY., Ldl.on, wl 63719 A3, HOIJSTON. OE]WER, CO K681541 Wed Jan 14 0914, :6 1998 Paoe 1 3- t 0-15 3-0-0 3-10-15 I I J q 'l IIn ldl 5.00 [12 r; Pr 2.50112 3-10-15 DEFL (in) (loc) UdeR Vert(LL) {.01 2-1 >999 VertFL) 0 .21 1-2 >170 HozOL) {.00 3 n/a Min Lenglh / LL defr = 240 SPACING 2-04 Plates Increase '1.00 Lumbor lncreas€ 1.00 Rep Stess Incr YESCode UBCIICBO LOADING(pE|)TCIL 80.0 TCDL 10.0BCtr 0.0 BCOL .|0.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 Xl SPF 1650F 15E OIIIERS 2X4SPF1650F15E'Except' 6.72X1SPFStud REACTIONqb/sizo) 3=90&5€, 2=1126/0'5{, 4=36/0'3'8 Mar Hotz 2= 118(lo€d €se 5) lhl Upfin2-z2s(load case 5) ilar G6v3=320(load caso 6),2=1126(load case 1),4=73(l0ad case 2l BRACING TOP CHORD Shealhed. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling ditecdy aPplied or 3€-9 on center bracing' PLATES GRIP M20 ',149/110 Weight 22lb FORCES0b) - Fit$ Loed Case OnlY ToP CHORD 1-2=l 73, 2-3=239 BOI CHORD 2{=6 NOTESiini tus fras Ueen designed lor the wind loads gonerated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psl top chord de€d load ' atrO SO put lo&,n atrorO-dead load, '100 milromlunicane oceanlin€, on an occupanc'y calegory l, condi$on I enclosed building, of dlnolrsdn3 $ fi by 2l ltwih 6xpo$re C ASCE 7-93 per UBCflCEO lf end vedjcals or cantiler€rs exist hey are exposed to wind. lf pordrer end, $sian notogosod b sind. The lumb€r DOL increase is 1.33, and the plale gdp indease is 1.:lil 2l Al Fb| ars lit20 Fb3 unlEss otherwise indicated. iini nsl f'al tns" rhCAned lor a 10O psl bottom chord livo load noncondrnent wilh any ober live loads p€r Table No 16-8' UBC-94' ii Sorhg;f Fl"q.) Z confuen panttel to'grain \€lu6 using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 angle to gnin fornula. Building designer should verifv €padt, of boadn0 $tbca. 5l Pivd rnodranlcal connacton (by others) ol fuss to bearing plate ca pable of wihsbnding 225 lb uplilt atjoint 2. 6lThb turs ha3 boo0 doCgnod for bo$ UBC'94 and ANSffPl 1-1995 plating cdteria. LOAD CASE(S) Sbndad Except 6) Usoa dcford: LlmDol Inct€a3€=1.00, Plate Increase=1.00 UnlbmL€ds(pl0 Vert 2€=l 80.0, 2{=20.0 A, UInUWC - Vrifi dcsign patanetas and RI,L , NOII,S ON lllts AND ttEt/rltsl.: S )I tat;ORIt USt.. O€€lgn valid lor uso only vrih Mffal ronn€clors. This desig, s bas€d only upon parameters shown, and is lor an andividual bulldlng cornpononl b bo lr|ltltllad ind loed€d v6rlically Apt nbility ol dosign pArdmolers and proper rnconorntbn ol co|rpong|t b r8spoGglb ny of bt lldlng dgslgnsr - not truss dr gner. Bracing shown is lor laleral support ol individoal web llx'tilb€ls only. Addlt('|al tomPorary broclng to insure slabilil iuring conslruclion is the responsrbility ol the ereclor Addilional pontE *'.{ baadatg ol tha ov€rall sltuclure is the responsibil, ol lhe buiiding designer. For general guidance regardingt!ffilon, qualtv conbol, dorag€. (hllv€ry. erection, and br 'ing. consllt QST-88 Ouality Stenderd, OSB-m B.eclngSP.cilqlh.\ !n t HlE4l H.ndllng In.nllhg and grecln( leconmond.tlon availabte trom Tru!! Ptrte tnst|rute, 583 D' OrlolrlgDrntr rdhon, Wl *t719 H![f lT.k Indu.trl.e, Inc. Page 2 .a toAD cAsE(Sl Commbatod tr& (lb) V6rt 2"{10 #tr ffi ry&,..t*9 L, WlnyWe - Voifi dctign parcmctcn and REA , NOTES ON I'HIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE I|SE. ttadgn vdd ior |.a oatly tlth flJld( connecbr3. Ihis d€slg' ,t basod o.ty upon param€le.s sholyn, snd k for an individual hrElg oo tgo.tnl b be kdd€d f|d lodsd vorlicalv AFp: abilily ot desiln pardrnet66 and proper irrcoporalion df cottTqgd b tgSpottb lyol buikling d€slqnor - not truss de, ign6r. Braci€ shown is lor lateral support ol indiiidual rvebmq al! only. Attdlonal lr4|or&y D€dng to Insure siabilily ,luring c6nstructioi i5 lho iesponsibllity of ho orector Additional paltrt|lit|tl baadng ot t|. ovrral ttn clur6 lr lho responsibllily ol tho boluing desibnsr. For gone€l gdldance rdgardinq hbd(do.r, qrallly co.rlrd, lbragp, d.llwry, eroc on, 6nd br6,.tng, corNult QST.88 Ou.llty St ndsrd, DSB.89 gr.clng Seadic$n, fd HB{l Hf|dlh9 hotrlllng .nd Errclng R.rommrnd.tlon availaue Lom Trurr Plrt. Inltitne, 5{B O'mrb Orlt!, l5rdt ltl 5i|nl K681512 R@F TRUSS J .= I l- 6-0-5 0-0-5 LoADING(pd)PLATES GRIPM20 149/110 Weight 29 lb TCU 80.0 TCDL .|0.0 BCtr 0.0 BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 5 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 1 SPF 1650F 1.5E OIIIERS 2XlSPF 1650F 1.58'Except' &T2XlSFFStid RqACTION$brshe) 3=363,0-S, 2=1255/0-5{, 1=57/0-3{ i,lar Hm2=15000ad case 5) Mar Udif|3=,l70oad cas€ 3), 2=-21 1(load cass 5) ilar GBv3=509(load case 6),2=1255(load case 1),1=114(load case 2) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directty applied or 54-8 on centel btacing' FORCES(Ib) - Flrst toad Case OnlY TOP CHORD t-2=,|83, 2€=268 BOT CHORo 2-1=0 NOTES ii-ffr;g g11$ fras b6en dsCgned foa the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0. psf top chotd dead load ' a.O S.O pC Dotorn d'ord-6ead load, 100 mi fiomiuri€ne o@anline, on an ocoJpancy category l, condiijon I enclosed building, ot dfumrui;nr45 nby 2t fivyfi expo$rs CASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO ll end verticals or cantilevers exist heyate exposed towind. lf porchsr sxl4 troiao not Elposed to wind. Tho lumber DOL increase ls l.33,and the date grip Increase is ,|.33 2) All plahs ars M20 phtes unlsss ohonvise indicaGd. liffrfi firtr t r Uli dcsignod lor a 10.0 psl bottom chord live load nonconorr€nt rvith any olher live loads per Table No. 16-8. UBC"94 ' iiprotiCc mcOrantalonfrcton (ly ot}reis) of truss tc bearing plats €paH6 of wi$slanding {7 lb upliltat joint 3 and 2l l lb uplifl at ioint 2' 5) Ihb tusc ha3 bcen doCgnod b boh UBC-g{ and ANSI/TPI 1-1995 plaling criteria- LOAD CASE(SI Sbndatd Except 6) Us0r donD.di Lumbor Incmas6=1.00, Plate Increase=1.00 Unifonn Le& (d0 Vort 23=,|80.0. 2-1=$.0 DEFL (in) (loc) l/den Vert(LL) 4.06 2-4 >999 Ved(tt) 0.23 l-2 >155 HonfiL) 4.00 3 n/a Min Length , LL den = 240 Phles Increass 1.00 Lumbellncrease LO Rep Sbess Inct YESCods UBC/ICBO ffiffiiL, WnlUfe - Verifi &sign 2araueten and N,AD NOT ES ON l'ltli AND RIiVIIRSII SIDE RI:ltORtt lt.\l:. Oe3lgn valir loa us€ only wlth lllTal conn€cto|s. This design is basod only upon param€ters shown. and is lor an individual hildino cqlTonaart to bo Lrtallod 6nd load€d ve.tcslly. Applicability ot dosagn parimoters and proper incorporalion ol -r-,.oottpoostt b trpcdblltyt btlldn0 doslgn€r - nol truss designer. Bracing:hown is lor latoral support ol individral web lltto|dr$ors oafy. lddtoad barporary braclng to in$rre sitabiiity duiinq conslrqction ls th6 r€sponsabilily ol ths ereclor Additonal - ll ffimJ"ff,ffH""jlil;i:,:"[:,ff:H'J'J#',:'"*:iji[%1Ti'11;[ii3il,il1,liB3llJ"3Llllli Ntll sp.dncdo.r, rd H|&et ]t ndln0 In.l.lllng rnd Brlclng Fecommendatlon availablo trom Tru$ Plate Instllute, 563 O' lllTek lndurlrlcg, Inc, Onofrlo O.lv., I.dbon, Wl 5:t719 ACJOTJSTON,oEt{VER" CO roAD CASE(S) Conconbabd Loeds (lbl Vrt 2=540 L, Wn|ne - Vcrifi bign potanacrs ant! ltliAD NOI ES ON llf lS AND R!:VI:RSII SIDII I\EIOR|| I:,ltl. DqCgn vr$d loa u8g only ryfth I{IIC( connectors. Ihis dssign is based onty upon pararneters shown, and is lor an individual boldng ooarpo,r6ot b bo in8talod and loaded verlically. Applicability ol deshn pardmeters and propsr incorporation of cofltponat lr ]dpomlbilityol bullding d$l0ner - not lruss dssi'tner. Bracing shown is lor lateral support ol individual web mernbors on9. Addltooal lernporary 9raclng to insuro slabilily (l'ring constniclion is the responsibility ot the ereclor Additional pofiE br baadag ot lhg ovoral ltrucfurs ls lho r€spongibilily , ,1 ihe building design€r. For general guidanco rdgardrng fgbrkafion, qusltly co.{rol. 8toreg9, d€|tuery, ereclion, and brach,g, consult OST.88 Oua ty Stands.d, DSB{o B.rctngS9a@dql, and |{B{l Hrdllng Inatalllng .nd B]rclng F,:co|ntr|sndrtlon available trom Trult Plata Inltltutc, 58i} D' Oioldo e|vG lldbo|r Wl 5it710 t!l lllTck Indurlrlcr. Inc. lroelrr ROOF TRUSS K6o1o43l I Wed Jan 11 09:12:52 1998 PagolMiTek Industties, Inc .a .- -- -- ,-- | t Ft: r I I J 9lI I Ilt | (9{lar LoADING(eoD TCU- 80.0 TCDI 10.0BCI 0.0 BCDL r0.0 SPACING 244 Plateslncrease '1.00 Lumb€rlncreas€ 1.00 Rsp St6ss Incr YESCodo UBC/|CBo DEFL (in) (loc) udefr Ve(tL) {.06 24 >999 Ver(It) 0.23 1-2 >154 HotzfiL) 4.00 3 n/a Min Lenglh / lL defr = 240 PI}TES GRIP M20 119/110 Weighl 29 lb LUMBER TOP CHoRD 2 X6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHoRD 2X1SPF 16s0F l.sE OI}IERS 2X,l SPF 1650F 1.5E'Except' S7 2 X1 SPF Stld REACTIOI{S(|b'8&01 3=363/S$8, 2=1250O$8, 4=5il0'3{ Mar Hoz2=l {8(load €so 5) Max UdifB{g(load case 3}, 2=208(loa'l ctse 5) Llax Gnv3=50700ad case 61, 2=1250(oi,d case l), 1=114(load cese 2) BMCING TOP CHORD Shealhed. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directy applied ot 510-2 on center bracing' FoRCES0bI - Fint Loed Cess OnlY TOP C HORD 1 -2.1r 3, 2-3=27 2 BOT CHORD 2-{=9 NOIES ii-nL turr t r Ue.n doCgnsd for the wind lo6ds gennrated by 80 mph winds at 25 n above ground level, using 5.0 psl lop chord dead load 'anO lO pl toUoro ,ftord-dead load, 100 mifrom hurti€ne oceanline, on an occupancy category l, condition I enclosed building' of Oirnunstinr fS n Uy Zf i wfi e)eosurs C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO lf end vedicals or cantilevsF exist, lh€y arc exposed to wind. lf polclres srd4 haiaro not sxposed to wind. The lun,iErDoL increase b 1.33,and the plate gdp increase is 1.33 2l AI *bs ro Il20 *hs unlsss ohoMlso hdicatod. iinfi n ll t ar t"sn drrignsd fiy a 10,0 psl bottom cl,ord live loed nonconcu rent wit l any oher live loads pet Table No. 16-9' UBC'94 iiA..rtOif g,(!) Z corJder panttd to gain ralue sing ANSIrrPl l-1995engle to gtrin formula. Buildinq designer should verify capadly ol bashg s{taco. $ i6vld;;;Enkal connocfon (by ohers) of truss tu bearing plats capeUe ol wi0rsbnding 49 lb uplift at joint 3 and 208 lb uplift at joint 2' 6l This h,33 het baen doslgnod lot bo$ UBC94 and I NSnPI 1'1995 platjng qiteria. LOAD CISE(S) Sbn&d Ercept 6l Userdsin d: Lt,mber Inctsase=1.00, Plate Increa$ 1 00 Unilofln toads (d0 Valt 2-3*180.0. 2.{=20.0 L ulnnwe - vaifi design ryarancan dt l READ NO7ES ON I]|,IS AND RIVt:ttSL SIDI. !t!it:()!tL llsl:. O€ailn vald lo( l,3a q y YJih Xffal conneclors. This design il bas€d only ufton paramotgrs shown, and is lor an indivdual !|,|lk la{ €flTo.|q{ b bg lnstrll€d and loaded v€rlically. Applic. bility of d€sign padrheters and proper incoporation ot .. r!'. corpo.rottt b tolpoolbt|tyof hjldoo dosign€r - not tiuss desi ,n€r. Bracing sho\ryn is tor tat€rat suppo.t ot individuat web ltltr|.|tt€r8 q y. Addonal is'nporaty lraclng to insure stabilily , rdng conslqctlon is lhe rssponsibility ot tho erector. Additonal I Il ffffi*f,11#11ffif,:"H[ffini,*Y";i,lBiljlH"+";i'tii;ii,:8ii,ili"Jfl33[ii"Bl*lX MIISFchc.lk.f |od H|8-ei lbndllne In.telllng md E..clno n, comnrondrtlon availabl; fto.n T.urs Plrte ln3titut.. -583 D llTck lndurtlltr, Inc, Onoftlo Orie ltdl.oo. wl li|?tg I K601513i I i et initustriesLni. wed Jitl I 09:1 2:5Jl ggg pegi? .a LoAD cAsE(SI Concontabd Lor& (lb) Vgrt 2'610 L, UIWWQ - Verifi hign parametets ard RF,tl ' NO'I'?;j" ON THIS AND RIiVF:RSE SIOI, RIil;OtlE IJSIi. Dodgn r,!td tor ||3o only rlth llllC( conneclors. This degig based only upon parameteF sfroq/n, and is lor an individual h.eE Oo.|!O.tnt b bo l.|!td€d and loaded verlicalv Apph, ,'bllily ol dosil pardmoters and p|oper ircorporalion dt coflpo|gn L npofialbillty ol building &signer - not tnr$ dEsi, rner. B{acing shown is lor hlsral sup@d ol indvldual vieb n|omb.! o.{y. Addilonll !.ipo.rry bradE to ins('o siabll[y 'nrhg cdrlrteclioo is ]ho r€sponsitillty ot ths €reclor Additional Fnt!|.|l brd|c ol the oitrd otuclrrr€ b tho resparsibility t lhe brikhg d€sign€r. For g€rF al guidenco .dgBrding hD,bdon, q'|l|y co|lhl, do|agp, d€liw'y, oroclbo, .nd bra ,|g, consult osT-e8 olrllty st nd!.d, osB{g B.lclng SDcmca[oG l|d a.et l|.dlhg hrrr ng lod Ofaclng I t€comnEndldon available lrom Trult Plda Inlllluie, 583 D' Onofrlo Ortur.Idroft, Wl $fle ill!IIlTrk lndurlrler. Inc. russ Type ROOF TRUSS K681544 ! er rnoustriis, rnc. weruan il og:lz:l"l 1998 Paoe 1 I'i"F---i3[ LOADING(ps|) TCLL 80.0 TCDL ,|0.0 BCtt 0.0 BCDL 10.0 SPACING 2 ().O Phbs lncrease 1.00 ,-utbar,nrtatta 1t)o Rop Stress Incr YtS Codo UBc/lollo PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weight 40 lb 1l Thls tuss has been ctockod foa unbalanced loading condiuons. ZinSns. ms U.en deslgned lor the wind loads genealed by 80 mph winds at25 ff above ground level, uslng 5.0 psltop chotd de€d load - aiiC-LO-nE O.noa af,o,O-dead load, '100 mi kom huni{zne oceanline, on an occupancy category l, condition I enclosed buildinq, of rfrnrnsiins a5 [ by 2a ft wih exposure C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO lf end verticats or cantllevers exist, hey are exposed to wind lf po,Utec ortsl t*ialr mt expoied to winO. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate gdp increase is 1.33 3) AI *bs eo M20 *b! unless olhetwisa indicated. iinftusl f,ag U..n d3dgnod for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunentwith any other live loads per Table No. 16-8' UBc-94' SiGirg ;iioint(.) 2,1 drsiders paattel to grain value using ANSI/rP| 1-'1995 angle to grain fomula Building designer should verifv €paclty of bsating srrbc€. 0 p;vido m6chan6lconnsc{ion (by ohers) of kuss to b€aring phto €pable of wilhstanding 151 lb uplitt at joint 2 and 151 lb uplift at joinl 4' TiThh tuss has bssn d€cbnod for both UBC-91 and ANSyTPI 1'1995 plating criteria. IOAD CASE(SI Sbndard Exc€pt 8l Ular defined: Lumbst Incr6ass=l.00, Plato Increi'se=1.00 Unlbm Loa& (pl0 Vst 2-3=180.0, 3-1='180'0, 26=-20.0, 0=20O A, Ulnfne - Vcrifi bign paruncten and RIttlD NOI-ES ON 7'I S AND Rtit lltsf S|DI, RII;ORF. L]SE. OoJgn vdbfu( use only nilh lll|' L connoclors. Thls design is based onty upon paramelers shown, and is lor an individual hddng corwr€nl b be Insl,rllod ard loaded vedically. Applicabilily ol design pardmeters and proper irrcoDoration ol compoatdlt 18 alSporBibilily oa bt llding deslgner - nol truss desagnor. Bracing shown is lor latsral support of individual web m€rib€aE only. Addldondl tonporary baadng to Insuro stabilily during const.uciion is lhe responsibality ol the ereclor Additionat pefitanqtl bGdng ol the owagll stuclu.e ls ths responsihrlily , 'l the building desiilner. For general guidancs rdgarding fab.lcalbi, ealty cDntol. slrrge, dglivery. erection, and Lra, ing. consutt OST-88 Ouatlty Strndard, 036-89 Bf.clng sFdfiardo.l, a.d HIB{I Httxlllng Inlt lllng.nd Br.clng llecomm.nd.tlon available lrom liu3! Pl.te Inltllute, 5€:} D' Or|ofrlo lr.lr., Ldl.on, Wl ill7l, LUMBER TOP C'|oRD 2 X 6 SPF t650F 15E 80T CHoRD 2 X 1 SPF 1650F 1.58tilEBS 2 X,l SPF Sbd REACTIONqb/size) 2=13220-5{, 1'1322n-5s Max Hoz2=-8(load caso 3) Max Udiff2=151(load cass 5), 1=151(load cas€ 5) FORCES(b) - Flrst Load Casa OnlY TOP CHORD l-2=35, 2.3=2218, 3-{=221E, 1'5=35 8OT CHORO 2{=2083, 16=2083 WEBS 36=952 NOTES BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-l'7 on center pudin spacing' BOT CHORD Rigid cefling dkecty applied or 10{4 on cenler bracing' ill DEFL (in) (loc) [defl Ve(LL) {.10 6 >999 VertOL) 4.13 6 >99{ Ho'zfiL) 0.09 4 nla Min Lengti / LL defl = 240 lllTek Induglrler, Inc. K6s15111 I I r.OizCiXcrO f ggf MiTek Industries. Inc wed Jan 14 09:'2;59 !998 Pags2 .a LbAD cAsE(sl Conosnuatad Lo.G {|b) Vctt 2*2i10 a*240 A, UlWtye - vcrifi dcsiga paramcrnx and REAI t N'TIS ON THIS AND RIivt;RsIi slDMt :oRIi tisti. Hgo vltd lo. ulo (nly wiih tilfrt cfineclors. This design is lras€d only upon parameters shown. ard is lor an indavidual b{ddne co|lponq{ b be Instell€d 8nd loaded vedically. Appli. rbility ol design pardmeters and proper incorporation ot --',oqrpo.ts{ b rr.pois5illlyof buldhe d,oslgner - not truss d€r"Jner. Eracing shown is tor lareraisuppod of individuat web l,/llt m€.nDotr oily. A.biid|al trmrrorary bracing to insuro slability luring conslruclion is lho responsibility ol the erector A(dilional I llpontrrfsttl b|8d.|g d lhq o\rsrall struclura is lhe responsibilily ol lhe buildlng designer. For geno.al guidance r6garding lt|lllt b.lcldqr, qud'ty contol. 9iorag6. dollvery, ereclion, 6nd brar ing. congull OST"8A Ou.llty Slendsrd, Dsg-ag BrEclng Sp..ficnki, |nd HIE{I Hlndllng In.tllllng snd Brlchg necommend.llon availabl€ lrom Trur! Pl.t6 In.lllule, -83 D tllTgk lnduslrlas, Inc. Onoftlo Drlrr, ,l.dhon, Wl 6l?19 -o K,rtt,'.-$ K681545 c is isiT uiiekindusrtiei, tnc. w-eo lanll og,liol js98 Fl-08 1 30-4-8 , h vfI?r 2-10-6 5.00 ffz (\l @ 10x17.5 M'l6= 2x4 tl 27-6-06-r0€13-9-0 20-7-8 6-10-8 6-10-8 6-10-86-1G8 DEFL (in) (loc) l/defi Ve(LL) {.81 1'l >389 V€rt(rL) -1.05 1'1 >313 Hotz(IL) {.04 I n/a Min Length / LL defr = 240 SPACING 2{-0 Plaieslncreas€ 1.00 Lumbel Incteass 1.00 Rep Stess Incr YESCode UBC/ICBO LOrOlilG(psl)TC[r 800 TCoL 10.0BCU 0.0 BCDL 10.0 LUMBER ToP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 8OT CHORD 2X 6 SPF ?IOOF 1.8E WEBS 2Xl SPF Sttd'ExcePt' sll2X6SPF1650F1.5E OIHERS 2 X 1 SPF t650F t.5E 'Exc€Pt' t{-15 2 X4 SPF SUd, 17-'18 2 X 1 SPF Stud WEDGE Loft 2X3SPFSbd,Right2X3SPFSltrd REACIl0NS0hrrize) 2=3265/0-S8, 8=3265/0'5{ BRACING TOP CHORD Shealhed or 16{ on center purlin spacing' BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directy applied or 104{ on center bracing' PLAIES GRIP M20 119/1 l0 M16 121t82 Weight 153lb lvlar Iion2=18(load case 3) iiax Udi{2"-313(load cas€ 5), 8='343(l( 'r d case 5) FORCES(Ib) - Fitsl Load Case OnlY IOp q{cni t-2=92, 2-3310212, 3-1=-9302, 4-5={I32, 5{=€732,6-7=9302, 7{-10212' 8-9=92 BOT CtlORD 2.12=95,|1, 11'12=8215, 10'1.|=821s, 8'10=951 I IVEBS $1?*7$, 1-12=E08, 1'11=-l E78, 5-11--4351, 6'l1=1878' 6'10=808, 7'10='7s0 NOTES t) Thls tuss has b€on d|ed(Bd for unbalanced loadfu,g conditons Ziff*nso ftas 1'r1.n &gqned fff h€ wind loeds gonented by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5 0 psf top chord de?d load ' snd SO gd lotom chord-drad load, l0O ml from hurlcane oceanlin€, on an occtrpancl category I, condition I endosed building. ol Oliitfti;L tt by Zf nnigr erposirrs CASCE 7-93 per UBC{CBO ifend verticils oicantilevem exist theyare exposed towind. ll pordres sd* trciao not exposed t winO. The lumber DOL ingleaso is 1.33,and t|e date grip increase is 1.33 3) A *b3 eB i|2o plabs unless ohor*iso indicated tinii msr nal Uen d6slgnod for a 10.0 psf bottom ,.hord live loed nonconctnent with any other live loads.perTable No. 15-8, UBC"94. 5i &arhg atloln{t) 2,8 condders parallelto graln vij ,e using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 angle to grain tormula. Building designer should verify capadty d boafig sttbco. Oti-rftdnrecfranfifconnsclion(Wohersloftrus:,bearingplatecapableofwithstanding3l3lbupliftatioint2and3l3lbuplifratioint8' HII A WnUWe - Vrifi detign paramacn ant! Rtu1 ) NOI ES ON't HtS AND REVI:RSII SI!)U BEFORE lt,Sli. D6l0n valid l.r u6o only wlth llJTaI connectots. This desilt based only upon param€tels shown, and is lor an individual bullding cool'onsnt to bo Instrllod end loaded verlically. Apt rbality ot dsslgn pardmelers and proper Incorporalion ol coltFoourl lr r€€lo lbllltyol bullding designor - nol lruss d Jn€r. Eracing shown ls tor laleral suppo ol individualweb m€anborr onl;. Artdltlonal l€.lForary Fraclng lo jnsur€ slabili\ ,luring conslrucllon is the responsibilily ot the erector. Additaonal por'narbit i ,adng of lho ov€rall struct!,re b the responsibrli' of th€ building des(lner. For general guidanco rdgarding labricado.I,i,alilyco..gl,!tor600,dof"Jery,oroclion,ardbring,consuhOST{8OualllyStandrrd,DSB-89Brecln!fabricado.I,i,alilyco..gl,!tor60o,dof"Jery,oroclion,ardbring,consuhOST{8Ouallly DSB-89 Breclng S!adncdt.''.lndl|84llEdllnglnttrlltngrndB]'cln!irecommondatlonavailauelrornTru$PLt.ln3tltute,5,a3D'lllTchbrdurlrlo8, lnc. ry 9,r.. rtr,i'."...-"1irtl3i,i1'*ii:, Onofrb Drl'o, adl.on. Wl Ay'lg '. o-tl-l-Prv--l----e ^uu'*rocmr lsoz lnoor rnuss lt lt | |tlllll ffi--l'o5zsoectol'0siiirittnoustries'|nc'Wedlan1409:43:01,l998Paoe2.z Nores 7) Thb tuls has boon dosiened fot boh UBGg{ and A}l:jUfPl 'l ''t995 dattg crilerh. LOAD GASE(Sf Sbtt&d ErcoPt 8) Ulrt dofrFd: Llmbot |ts!es.=1.00, Plats Increaso= ! 00 unh.m loads (d0- Vcn Z.d*tOOO,3{*100.0,1.5=180.0, 54-.180.0, 6.7=-180.0, 7-8*180.0, 2-12=.20.0,11.12.-20.0,10-11=-20.0, 8'10=-20 0 Cm6n!8bd Load3 (h) V6rt 2dt8 6-.518 "#fi'i-# 41. St+t A uln|ttttc - verilJ daign 2atamacrs atl READ NOI'ES ON I'HIS AND RL:VI:RII SI DI, BL:!:ORtj lJ,sti. Oadon valk ha uae o.ly rrl'r lrlch corrraors. This dosign is brsed only upo.r pa.amot€rs shown. and is toi an individual hlldng canToodlt to b€ hltlllod and losdsd vodically. Applicability of design pard.netors and proper hcorporaliron ol -.r-,.cdtpo.tstt b rBpon$lityol boildng d€signo, - nol lruss dosigfror. 86cing shoi{n is lor lat€ral support ol individual w€b l'/lllttElr1Daf8 d{y. At ddo.d bn?orary breclng lo insuro slability duing c6nstrqction is lhe .€sponsibality ol the erecto.. Additional I II 8ffiffis'5.ffiS"1H"'S,:J*fiffiT'Jt:1,:*:litl1Tftl;[ilSi;il1;3]33[ilHllB ItIItSFdialtti and HlB4t H..rdllng Inrt ltlng .nd gr.clno R.aommrndetloo availabte trom l+ur; Ptetc Inrtttutc.;03 o' lllTrk hdurlrlaa. lnc. Oooatlo Ditu r hdbo.|. lVl6:lne :'f K6E15461 Lo.lz s oec 16 i997 MiTek Indusries, Inc 'Wed Jan 11 09 13:08 '1998 Pago l 7-6-8 15- l-1 A.c, Hot sToN,oEWER, C0 7-6-97-6-8 5x6= I I Jn HI IIIt(,r d 1 15-l-17-6-8 /-o-Y7-6-8 DEFL (in) (loc) Uden Ve(LL) {.23 6 >790 Vertfrl) 4.39 44 >151 Hoz(tL) 4.02 1 ^taMin Length / LL dei = 240 Platos lndsase 1.00 Lumberlncreese 1.00 Rep Slres Incr YESCods UBC/ICBO LoADING(pd)TCtt $.0 TCDL 10.0BCL! 0.0 BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X l SPF Sttd OIIIERS 2 X 1 SPF 1650F l.sE 'Except' 8{ 2 X4 SPF Stid. 1t-12 2 x 1 sPF Sbd REACrIlONqlUsbol 2=1934[-$E, 1=1934/0-5{ lhx Hotz 2:1l(load case 3) lilax Udlflz=2zg(load case 5), 4=229(load case 5) l ax Grav2=2022(load cas6 8),1=2022(load caso 0l FORCES0bI - FH Load Case onlY TOP CHORD 1-2=69, 2.3=-3365, 3-1='3361, 4-5=69 B0T CHORD 2+3.|35, 16=31 31 mBS 36=1125 NOIES BRACING TOP CHORo Sheathed. BOT CHORO Rigid ceiling dkec{y applied or '1044 on center bracing' PLATES GRIPM20 149/110 Weight 65lb ll lhb h|!3 ha3 bosn dreclcd lor unbelanced loading condiUons. iiifritt,$Gc b"* deslgnod for th€ wind loads geierated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psftop chord dead load-'..a SO pC boto,n drord-dead toeO, tOO mitrom hunkane oceanline, on an occupancy category l, ondition I enclosed building, ol didFnC;B 45 n by 21 ll wlh oxposuro C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO lf end v€rlicals or canlils\€rs exisl, $ey are exposed lo wind. lt pordrg exbl hci an not oxposed b wind. Ths lumber DOL incrsas€ is 1.33, end lh€ plate grip increase is 1.33 3) All plabt 8t! 1t420 phhs unlo$ olhofivls€ indicaled iiff,[ tuo t at b"dt dorigned lor a 10O psf bottom chord live load nononcunent wih any ober live loads per Table No. 1GB, UBC'91. Si ecadog af H.tq$ Z,4 drsHers panllel'to grain \6lue uslng ANSI/[P| 1.1995 angle to gtain formula. Building designer should verity apadv ol boedng $rbco. 6) pridd;rmchanflconn6c{on (by ohors) of tuss to bearlng phto €pable of wihsbnding 229 lb uplift atioint 2 and 229 lb uplift at ioint 4. 7) Ihls tusE ha! D3on dcCaned for botr UBG94 and ANSIIPI 1-1995 plaling cribria.5'*l"oiffjtd9'.;5PNF/i2 ft;"...-,r';*rtj 1st: iii *1. tl A Vr*Utt tC - Vcrifi daign paramctcn ad READ NOTES ON 'I-HIS AND REVERSE SIDE llEl:ORE U,\ll. D€sbn valid br lse only wlth llJlek conneclors This design is based only upon pa.am€lers shown, and is lor an individual bulldlng co.npoalont to ba hattllod and load€d vertically. Applicability ol d€sign paftimeters and proper in@@oralion ol cq,lTonenl b tllporu5$tyof hrldng d€sigr|er - not tuss desigr]er. Bracing shown is lor late€l supporl of individual web lllt mo|l$ors ollt Adaltlooal lenpo€ry bracino to insuro slability dudng conslruction ls lhe responsibilily ol the €reclor. Addilional E El fffiB[ffi;iP,1]ffi::ifffi,:"'1"-ili:nX?PJ''1i'"::Xi'H"$.EH;ffj3ilfl:|:lli3HilSiillll lVllf SFclfrc.tl.d, md H|B-ei Brndlng Inrt lllng.nd B.rclng Recornm.nd.llon available lrom Trui! Pl.to In3ritute,503 D lllTek lndu3ltla3, lnc. Onoldo D.lYr, l|tdl|on, Wl dl7le tt russ Typs l-ocnu ROOF TRUSS LbAD G sE(sl sbn&d Erc€pt E) Us6r dofi|cd: bmbct Inctoase:1.00, Plab lo{tease=l.00 unilom loeds (d0 V6tt 23=180.0, 3-1='180.0, 2{='20.0, 4{-'20.0 Concanfabd Loa& (|bl Vert ?=-5{0 1''510 K6Bl s46l I ek Industries, Inc.wellin il oe:lL.os 1998 Pag;2 1998 A W*nWe - Vetifi deign paumctcrs aad READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BE\;ORII USL:. Oodgn valb l(' uga only rlth Ilfek clnn€clors. This dssign is based only upon paramolors shown, and is lor an individual bolkfng co.npo.Fnf fo b. kFbl€d sod looded wdi)ally. Amlicattlity oI dqsign pardrnolers and prop€r incorporatioi ol --,.co.rlpooa,lt lr tspo||tlulnyol bulldlng dosigner - nol lruss dosignsr. Bracing shown is lor tateral support ol individual web lltt m€fibor8 ordy. A(blUonal lomporary 9raclng lo insure stabllily du ng constn ctbn is th€ responsibilily ol lh€ ereclor Additional I llponn€.*ttt bod.rg of lho o/orall Etruclure lE the responslbllity ol the bulldlng designof. For general guidanc€ rqlading lYtlltab.lcalion qudily co.fiol, Etof6gs, dollvory. .rection, end bracing, consulr OST48 Oulllly Strndrrd, DSB.89 Brrclngsp..fi€rbrt.nd HlB4t tlrllng In.t lllng .nd Br.clng n.aommlidrtloo .vqilau€ lrom ftur. Pirtc Insuhn., s8it o' IlTrk hdurlrhl, Inc. Onoarlo Drlvq Ldl.o|r Yn 50?19 t- f-| K6s1517illl l.o-lia 0". lo rOgl Mire[tnoustries, tnc wed Jan tl 09'13't2 1998 Pas' 1 -3-0-0 7-6-8 15.1 -1 7-6-9 . 18 l-1 3-0-o76-8 6x10 ll 5.00 Fr 2.5017 7-6-8 I5- l -l 7-6-9 DEFL (in) (loc) Vdel Vert(LL) {.08 6 >999 Vert(IL) 4.44 6 >407 HotzOL) {.01 4 n/a Min Length / LL defi = 240 Plates Increase 1.00 Lumber lncroase 1.00 Rep Slress Inct NO Code UBC/|C8O LOADlltlG(p6t) TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 1OO LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 2100F 1.8E BOT CHoRD 2 X 6 SPF 2100F l.8E WEES 2X8SPF1950F1.7E OIHERS 2Xl SPF 1650F 1.5E'AcePt' &9 2 X I SPF SUd, 1',|-12 2 X 4 SPF Sbd REACTIONS(lbrsizsl 2{357/G5{"1d355/0-5{ ilar Hoa2=ll(loed cas6 3) lhx Uplifl2=-228(load cas€ 5), /t=228(load cas€ 5) FORCES0b) . Fhst Load Case OnlY TOP CllORD l-t?s, 2'3='15052' 3-1='15051, 1'5=75 BOT CHoRD 26F.|1085, 1S=140E'l WEBS 35=1074 BRACING TOP CHORD Shealhed or 5'1-5 on center purlin spacing BOT CHORO Rigid ceiling directiy applied ot 104{ on center Dracng' PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weight 153lb NOTES il2-oty Wss b ba conn€cbd togeher tviur 10d Cormon(.148'x3') Nalls as lollous: Top chords connected wilh 2 row(s) at 0-9{ on center' ' A;6;-d,o,e ."....t d wid I |otr(sl at 0-9{ on cenbr. webs connecled wih 2 row(s) at 0-9{ on center. a SDodalco|rr|octon |rquhod b distihts bottom chord loads equally betwsen all dies si Tii! fuss has bsen dlock€d for unbalaned loading condilions. iiiifr ffi il;ffi i'Ji6'iiiiidl fio toads seienred by 80 mph winds at 2s nabov6 ground level, uslns 5.0.psl top chord dead load " iiiJS-O pO-tit nr'A"rt-O""rt load, 100 ml tromlun6ano oceanline, on an occtpanry category l, condilion I endosed b0ilding, of 6fnc*bl ls ft by 2{ n wnn .,oo*" L'lidCe i-gi p.i uecrcso if snd vedic;ts or cantllivea exist urev are exposed to v{ind ll por*el aO* mf .r not expobO towinO. The lumier DOL increso is 1.33, and th€ plate gdpjnctease is 1.33 . , 5l'i,.[pt6td*n i,olor, rpecial conneclion(s) requir€d to supporl concentrated load(s). Design of connec{on(s) is delegated to lhe ' bulrtirg rleslgner. 6l AI 9Lb1| ac Mm Pbbt unloss of|enviso Indicated. iilif mi, rt , Lo d0ccn6d tol a too psl bottom chord liva load nonconcunent wilh any othet li\€ loads p€r Table No' 16-8' UBC'91' JAN 15 1998 A vtqwwe - vcrifi daign parametcr ant! RF.AD NOI'ES ON',THIS AND REVIiRSE SID': BE|tORE IISE. OesiOn valldlor uso only vrtth lllfC( conn€clofs. Thls des(tn is bas€d only upon parom€t€rs shown. and is lor an inc,vidual buildng co.npon€nt b bo inslallod and loaded v€nically. Applicability ol dssign pardmelsrs and proper incorporalion ol --,.compo.lq{ l! €spor|sititityol boilding d€6lgner - not truss d€signer. Bracing shown is lor laleralsupport ol individual wsb f'/lIIrnerft€rt o. y. Addltlonal lsmporsry bracing to inEure siabillty during c6nstrqclion is lhe responsibility ol the ereclor Additional I Il 1.flffi1ffiJ"'5ff*1lf,lffi:":Xfi::*i?',';",i!:iXlifi'?f.ff"'H,i;i.",l8ii,i,i1,3lli3Hll8fllii', MIf Sprdncdktir, Jd KB-01 H.idllt! tr.tdllng .nd B..clng FGconmcndstlon available trom Trulr Plrt. In3titut6, 58i, o' lllTak Indurl tr, Inc. Oiotrfo DrlY!, filldao.\ Wl 'i'fle ;., LOGAN' Trus3 s01G Trussrvle O ROOF TRUSS otv I Plv 2 co 80m3 1.0-12 s 0€c 16 199/ }{oTES s) Boadng ttloln(s) 2,4 comlders pallol b 0rah value uslng ANSlfPl 1.1995 angls io graln formula. .Building dosign-sJ should verify capacity of bearing surfac€ ;i prcv6; ilctta;iaiconnccton (by othsrs) it tuss to uearlrig pato capable of wl6da nding 228 lb uplift atloint 2 and 228 lb uplift atioint 4' rb) nf n$ trar lccn dcshnod bt boh UBG91 and ANSnPI 1'1995 flatng cdta&' i;ifi;;F)t h.sboc;modified. ButHing d0signer must revtew toaOs to vertity ttral hey arc conocl tol the Intended us€ ol lhls lruss' LOAD CASE(SI Sbndad ErcsPt 1) Ro$rtan Lumba. lncGaso=i.00, Phto Incrsase=l.00 Ur'lbm Loedr (d0 Vort l-2=1E0.0, 2.3''180 0, 3-4=180'0, 1'5= 180.0, 26=20.0' 16=20.0 Croncontrabd Loads 0b) Vst 6='1E11 K6815{71 l Mitit tndusties, tnc. weoJin tlog:lf:tg 1998 Page2 JAN 15 1998 R",''# A WeWtwC - Vcrlfi &sign paramet n and RDlt ) NOI'ES ON '1HIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEIORE U.tfi. Ddlgo veld for u66 oarly rvith ffC( clllnec{ors. This d€sigr rr based only upon parameters shown. and is lor an indaviduat bulklino coflipomnl b be Indallsd snd load€d vodically. Apph abilaty ol dosign pa.lim€ters and prope. inco@oralion d, --'.ffi:1"',:"ffiHlY"###fi:iJ3i:',;J,"i"':ffifl,ilT"fi:n"1ffi["J[nflJ$il*;liii:1,"*i',l'$';'-'^:$i."", Iltp€rfirdent brschg ol th. o\rorqll slfucluro ls the responsibilit\ ot lhe buildlng designer. For g€n€ral gold6nc6 regarding IYIIIlabd€don, quallly oontrol, tlorag€, dellvory, orgcllon, and bra,iing, consull OST.08 Oirallly Strnderd, DSB-09 Braclnq Sprcncffon, rria 1|n{| H|nilne tnld ng lnd Errclng n;omm.nd.tlon avaitabt; trom ftu.. Pt.tc Inrtltute, iss o lllTck Indurtrlc:, Inc. Onolrlo dYr, dlrcn, ltl 6ll?19 rc:i2 s-oeiTo is97 riirir tnousirieilnc. wed Jan 14 09:1 ' I K681548i ij ,7 1998 Page I 2x1 | L F t r oL x44 rl.2e Fz 3x1= 5x12 \\ 2.17 l1T ql (ot d 8-6-1 1 LOADING(ps0TCtl m.0 TCDL ,|0.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 LUMSER TOP CHoRD 2 X 6 SPF 2100F 1.8E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 XI SPFStJd REACTIONS( b/shc) 6"1 116/S3{, 2=1 199/SS7 ilar Hoz2't3l(loed cas€ 1) i/hx Udil6={9(bad cas€ 4), 2=-230(lo€d €s€ 3) FORCES(b) - Fi.!t toad caso Oily TOP CIIORD 1-2=95, 2-3=2010, 3-1={, 4-5='0, 46=0 BOT CHORD 2-7=1909, &7=1937 WEBS $7=814, iI6=-1897 BMCING ToP CHORD Sheathed. BOT CHORD Rigid csiting direcuy applied or 10{4 on centel bracing' PLATES GRIPM20 149/110 Weight 45lb NOTES t;nittus tus Ueen dsCgned for he wind loads generated by80 mph winds at 25 fr above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 50 pd botbm chord-dead load, 100 mlftom huni€n€ oceanline, on en omupancy €togory l, condruon lendosed b0ilding' 0f Oltr-niiimlS n OyZt fl wlh sxposure C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO llBnd verticals or €ntilsvers exisl they are exposed towind. l{ porchsr exld. heiall not oxpced b wind. Th€ lumb€r DOL incfeas€ is .|.33, and th€ dato grip increase is 1.33 2)AI datat e.! Mm pbbt unhss ohe isd Indi€ted. ii n[ nll t133 Uecr deCgnod for a 10.0 psf botbm chord liw bad mncon@rent rvith any o$er liw loads per Table No. 16-8' UBC'94. iisrarhC rtlohqd Z conJrho panllel to'grain \alue using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 anqlo to grain forrruh. Buldino designer should \€rity cap.dy ol boaftc lrbco. Slilvdrn d;n1i; conn6cton (by ot€rs) of tuss to b€aring plats caFblo of witlsbnding 89lb uplif, at ioint 6 and 230lb udift atjoint 2. 6l Thb tus3 h.r boon deCgned br boh UBC€4 and ANSI,TPI l'1995 phting ctiteft. TiLoed cag3(!) l,2,3,1,s-has been nroOifnd. Building designer must review loads to veri! that they are conect for the intended use of liis w33. LOAD CASE(S) DEFI (in) (locl Uden Ved(LL) .().07 7 >999 Ve(IL) 0.17 1-2 >256 HozfiL) 0.02 6 da Min Length / LL def, = 240 SPACING 2{{ Platos Increase 1.00 Lumberlncrease 1.00 Rep Sbess Incf NOCode UBC/1C80 L, lUlmUwC - Vaifi daign parcmeten aad RMI) NO1ES ON'1HIS AND REVEITSI: SIDF: BF,I:ORE USI:. OoCOn vtlit lof lra only wilh lffFCa connectofs. Thls desig.l is b6s€d onty upon paranete.s shoyvn. and is lor an individual bddng co.rPo.rot b bo lrto|all€d End lo.ded vertlcaly. Appt' ability ol design padftet€rs and prope. ircorporation ol conpo.|et b tlrF.dblllyof brdlding d€signer - nol ln ss de'rgner. Bmcing shoMr is lor hrerat suppod ol indvidual web l,/llIrl6mt€t! or y. Adilbnel tdrFo.ary tsadng to insws elability rkning c6nstrqclion is the responsibility ol the oreclor Additio.r"l I I! HHHmg"ff,ffi$:tr""s,:"f"f::#Ti::,1,:T":llfll'"*lltll;[ljSiHll"ll33[:l'l'3illll1 lYtll Sp.cltlc.tdr, md Hl$el B.ndllng In.trlling end Br.clhg necomm.ndrtlon avarlabls lrom llu3! P|!io Instlluto, 583 D UlTek lndu3lrlat, lnq. Onolrlo 0116, tLdl.od, Wl !:|7l 0 ROOF TRUSS .a LIAD CASE(S) 'l I Rogulat: Lumbor Inctoaso' l .00, PlalE Increa se= I .00 Unlform Loads (pl[ Vort'l-2=180.0 Trapozddal Loeds (d0 Vstt 2{.0-b7='210'9, 7=-210.9-to6=-4 1 2.2 2) UBC: Lumb8, Ingsass=1.25, Plats Increas6=1.25 Unttom Los& (d0 Vet l-2=2(}.0 Tapezobal Loadr (d0 Vert 2=20.0.b7=62 .2, 7 =42.2-toS=-102.4 3l Wnd Loft Lumbot Inctoase=l.33, Plate Incr€as€=1.33 Unihm Loads (d0 Vut l{=50.7, 23={.0, 3-{=13.6, 1{=11.5 Hon: 1-2d0.7. 2-3=6.0, 3'1=13.6, l'5='1a.5' 16=38.5 TEe€zoidal Loeds (d0 Vet 2={.&b7'21.7, 7=24.7'to6--18.3 Hoz: 2=0.0-b7=.45.8, 7=-15.8-to€={9.5 1) Wnd Right tu|Itor Inqraso=1.33, Plate Increase=1.33 Unilom Loeds (d0 Vert 1.2{80,2-3={'8, 3-4=-16 4, 4'5=17.3 Ho|z t-2=58.0, 23=8.8, 3.{=16.1, 1-5='17 3, 46=23.3 TtapozoEal t@ds (df) V€rt 2{.Gtil=21.7, 7=24.7-lo-6=18'3 Ho|z 2{.Gb7=-15.E. 7=-15.&to{'{9.5 5) ld !ryind PaEll0l: Lumber lnc6as€= 1 .33, Plate Increase= 1 '33 Unifonn Lo6d! (d0 vsrt 1.2={8.0, 2-3={.8, 3-1=-16.1,,1.5=11.5 Hore 1-2=-58.0, 2-3=8.8, 34=16.1, 4'5='1{ 5' 45='23.3 TrapezoHal Lcds (d0 Vert 2=0.0-t>7=24.7, 7=24.7-to-6=18.3 Hoz: 2=0.Glo7=-{5.8, 7=-15.8'te6=89.5 -il'"i ostitirei6dJairieaJni-- weo Jan tl'os:ls:l8 1998 Page 2 r'i.urt *w A UlnnWe - Vctify &tign patamctas and READ NOI'ES ON THIS AND REVE|S|: S\DE IIEFORE USE. DrCAn val|d |ol t !a only u,lft flfC( connoctors. This design is basod only upon paramelors shown, and is tor an individual buildlng coorponsrt to bs lrEhll€d and load€d venilxlly. Applicaulily ol d€sign pardnelec and prop€r incoDoration ol --,.cornpooor[ la Elpo.tdHlltyot bulldlng dg€igne. - nol lruss dosigner. Bracing shown is tor lale.al supporl ol individual $/eb IIIIri€nbore o.{y. Addtonal lolpo6ry b€cing lo insur€ siabllily duing c6nslrqctbn is the rasponsibility ol lhe erector Addilional I II nffiffi*,5,ffi":s,Ti:"*?,frurT'Pi',:'ff:ilittltr?ii;[ffsj"11'"1]3.[TJ?illlF, Itllr sFcltlc.lkir,.nd H|84l lLnrfllng In.Llling rnd Brrclng Recomm.ndation evailable lrom lttrs! Platr Inditute,883 o' lllTck InduSlrlea, Inc. Onol.lo Orltt, Irdl.on, lO 5il7l9 ;b LOGAI{1 T russ s09 TrussType O ROOF TRUSS otv Pl)/ 1 o s Dec 16 1997 Ml K681549 I ei'inousmei, rnc, weo Lanliog:ll:zl 1998 Page 1 3-10-7 6.4-7 l !10-7 2-6-0 3-10-7 LOADING(ps0 TCLL 80.0 TCoL 10.0 BCLL O.() BCDL 1()O LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X6 SPF 1650F 1.58 B0TcH0R0 2x1 sPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 Xl SPF Sfud OTHERS 2 X 1 SPF 1650F 1.58 'Excepr 7-82X{SPFSltd REACTIOilS(b,sEel 5=399^)']8, 3=791/0'5'8 l'{er lhn5*112(load caso 5) ilax Udifr5=35(load case 5),3=-151(load case 3) Max Gnav3=883(load case 6) FORCES(b) - Fi]st Load case O0lY TOP CHORD 1-2F-11, 2'3{, 3'{=69 BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2'11'11 on center purlin spacing' BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directy applied or 2'8-13 on center bracing' PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weight 21 lb BOT CHORD 3.5{' WEBS 2-5=365 NOTES tiifrfs nss fras b".n doslgned for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psl top chord deed load ' i.O Sn pO Uotonr O'rU-dead load, 100 mi from hunhane oceanlins, on an occl,pancy €tegory I, condilion I enclosed building, ol Oi*nsiimfl n UV A iwift orpogtro CASCE 7.93 per UBCflCBO lf end ve jcals or cantilevsF exist EEy are exposed towind. lf pordrar eld4 troian nA exposeO to winO. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate gtip increase is 1.33 2) Ail platas 8rs MA pbbs unlsss ohelwise indi€ted. iiff ii tusl fr.r U.en d$lgnod for a 10.0 psl boltom chord live load noncondrnent wilh any olher live loads per Table No. 16-8' UBC'94' ii e.;ritgitlotnqrts confreB paEllel to'gEin value using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 angle to grain fotmula. Building designer should verify caDacly ol boaring $ftco. S) ilyd;6d9nki connoction (by oherc) of truss to b€ring plate capable ol withstanding 35 lb uptifl atioint 5 and 151 lb uplilt at joint 3' 6iThb h,ss has been dosigned lor both UBG94 and ANSffPl l-1995 dating criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Sbndad Except oEFL (in) (loc) l/dei Vert(LL) 4.05 3 >894 Vertffl) 4.05 3 >794 Hoz(IL) {.02 3 n/a Min Lenglh / LL de|| = 240 SPACING 2{{ Pleles Increase 1,00 Lumb€rlncrease 1.00 Rop Sfess Incr YESCode UBC/ICBO bo/u}i.ol? 9",,.i."" ( -1"i.;9 $";u'lj A UAAntwe - Ucrift dctign pdram.t n antt RF"4D NOI1ES ON THIS AND REVERSF. SIDE RF:I:ORE USI.:. Oesbn valld to|I ulo ont vr[h Urlak conneclors. This design is based only upon poram€lers shown, and is lor sn individual bulldlng coopo|l!|rt to be hrtrllod and bsded vonbally. Applicability of design pardmete.s and propef incorporatioo dl r-,. comt,'rnnl lt tllponslbflltyof bdldno dollgner - nol trusg d€sign6r. 8€cing shown ls for leloral supporl ol individual w€b l'/lII n|omb4r8 d|V Addtlonal i.mporsry lrecing lo insu€ stabllily du ng construction is lhe reoponsibllity ol lho e@ctot Addilional I Il ffir*:ffi9"*1s:sL:'ffiiii'.HfrflfJ'J:Hil'3:tlfl'[%+".:ifit[fl3:H:i3:'sffiT:f"ix lfltl Spcl tcalki\ aod ]llB-gt ltandllng In.tdtlng rnd Brlclng Fecomnsidalloi availabl€ lro.n Tru$ Plrl6 lmtltule, 503 O' IlTck lnduftbt, Inc. Onol(io Drlvt X.dlaon, Wl lirtl0 otv .a ro D c,AsE(s) 6l Urcrd.lhad: Lurto. Inctraso=1.00, Plat€ Incrgase=l.oo Unltun toadr (d0 Vct l-2*180O, 23=180,0, 3'5='20'0 Conconudlod Loads (lb) VE|t 3'€10 mu*A UlnwWe - Vctifi daign patameters au! RF-4D N07 ES ON TIIIS AND RI)t I::RSE SIDE RIit:ORIi IlSl.). D€lgn va&C laa uso only vdlir llJTal conn€dols. This d€sign is Lased only upon paramelers shown, and ls lor an individual bullding cqlDooot to bs lnabllod and loadgd vedicallt Applicatility ot d€sign parirn€lers and prop€r incorporalion of --rl'. co.nponar l! rEpo.rslulityol bnildlng d€signor - nol lruss dosig or. S.acing shown is lor laleral support ol individual web lltl n€tr$ors o.tly. Addtonal tenTo.ary biacing to in6ure stability during constnlction is the rosponsibilily of the erector. Additional I IIp€tn|aDsnl brrckE of tho dorall alruclure is lhs rosponsibility ol th€ building design€r. For general guidanc€ regarding ltllllabricatlon, quality conlEl. 6toraga, d€liv6ry, €raclion, and bracing, consult OST{8 Ouallty Sisndrid, OSB-89 Ersclng Spen€tlorl rnd H|84l lLndllng Inrlrlllng lnd Erlclng Recornnondatlon availablo lrom Trus! Plat. Inslitute, 5€3 D' lllTck krduattlea, Inc. Onofdo dv., X.dl.on, lYl ClTl I K681550 Wed ian 14 09 43:25 1998 Pag; 1s Dec 16 1997 MiTek Industries, Inc ory- [" Ill'l 1.0-32 ROOF TRUSS 7-2-9 .: -2-6-0 7-2-92-6-0 t F. r I J 91 1 Itqlt9l 101 7-24 7-?-s u-u-)7-?4 Plairslncrease 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 ReD Sk6ss Incr YESCods UBC/ICBO LO DING(ps|) TCLL 8()O TCDI 10.0 BCLL ()O BCoL 10.0 LU[1,_]E it TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X l SPF 1550F 1.5E REACTIONS(lb,sDel 3=523/0'5-8, 2=1249/0€4, 4=69/0-3{ llax Hotz 2=156(load case 5) lilax Udm=€20oad case 3), 2=179(loed case 5) ilax GEv3=614(load €se 6),2=124900ad case 1),4=139(load €se 2) BRACING TOP CHORO Sheahed or 64{ on center pudin spacing BOT CHORD Rigid ceiliog directy applied or 7-14 on center braclng' DEFL (in) (lo€) l/deff Ve(LL) 4.13 2-4 >619 VerflL) 0.36 1-2 >87 Hotz(tt) {.00 3 n/a Min Length / LL defl = 240 PLATES GRIP M20 149/t l0 Weight: 28 lb FoRCES(lbl - Fhst toad Cas€ only TOP CHORD l-2=116, 2-3=165 BOT CHORD 2-1=11 NOTES tl nG n$ hal b6en desiDed for the wind loads genemted by 80 mph winds at 25 ff above gtound level, using 5'0 psf top chord dead load 'and50 pqt bo0om drd-dead loud, t00 mitrom hunicane oceanlino, on an ocflpancy category l, conditon I enclosed building, of dlrnend6ne 15 fi by 21ftwih exposure CASCE 7.93 per UBC/ICBO lf end verticals or cantjlevers exisl theyare exposed towind. lf porcher ed4 hey are not erposed lo wind. The lumber DoL increass is 1.33, and tie plate grip increase is '1 ,33 2) Al platls st! [O0 plahs unlsss oherwis€ indicated. ii n[ Uurs nac b""n dosign€d for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load noncond]renl wih any otrcr live loads per TaUe No. '16-8' UBC'94' ti eoadne etrohqs) Z coniidea parallel to'grain \€lue using ANSlffPl 1-1995 angle to grain fomula. Building designer should veriry capadty of boa E sithco. Sl p1iv6j rn6chad; connoc{ion (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of wiihsb nding 82 lb uplifl al joint 3 and 179 lb uplift at ioint 2. 6l IhF ftls 1€r b€en doslgnod for bolh UBC-91 and ANSI/fP| l-1995 plating criteria. LOAD C SE(S) Sbn&nl Excapt 6l Usordofnod: Lumhr Increase=i.00, Plate Increase=1 00 Unltorm Loads (plD Vo.t 2€=1 E0.0, 2-1=20.0 Concenuatsd Loads (lb) Vet 2=510 A ulnlnuc - vcrifi design patamctts antl RI"4D llOI'ES ON ?',It IS AND REVI|RSI| SIDL| ]]I1FORI.: ItSt:,. Dogign valldlor u86 only lgtlh tfd( connoclors. Thls daslgn is bassd only upon paBmel€rs shown, and is tor an individual bulldng cotnponeol lo bg Ingiall€d and loadod vedically. Appllca|ilily ol design pardm6t6rs and propor incorporation cil -.r'.compo.|q ls Gsponslbllltyof buildlng doslgn€r - not truss dosioDer. Eracing shown ls lo. lat€ral suppoi ol indivkJuat web lIIt nEmbe.s or y. Addithoal toaDorary bracing to insure sliabitily rring c6mlrqclion is th€ respoosibitily ol th€ orector Additionat I Il t"ffiH'.ffi'.l1,ffffiJ":T$"T,:"'1""',n:H'.ll'$il?::lfH"f-li'Xj;[ijSi]lilll"fllil3'f.3J?ljllll lVlll sp.clic.$oi'.nd X|B-el H.ndllng Indllllng .nd g.eclng B, commcndrtlon availablo lrom Tlu.! Pt.tr Ins rute, 583 D' [lTek InduSlrb3, Inc. Onolrlo ttln, ,Ldl.on, Wl 53?19 td-32i oec-6 1997 MiTek Industdes, Inc'Wed Jan l{ 09i13:21 199E 3-10-7 64-7 3-10-7 2-6-0 i d LOADING(psf) TCLL 80.0 TCoL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPACING 24{ Phtes lncrease 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Sfess lncr YESCode UBAICBO PLATES GRIP M20 119/110 Weight 21 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 'iPF '1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X.I ';PF Sbd OTHERS 2 X,l iPF 1650F 1.5E'Except' 7-8?(4SPFStud REACTIONS(lblsi? ) 5=399/0-3-8, 3=79al0-5{ t,lax I , iz5=-1l2{load case 5) Max tlrlift5:35(load case 5), 3=-151(load cas€ 3) Max crav3=883(load case 6) FORCES(tb) - Firsl Load Case OnlY TOP CHORD 1-2=-l l, 2-3=4,34:69 BMCING TOP CHORD Shoahed ot 2'11'.|1 on centet pudln spacing. BOT CHORD Rigid celing ditectyapplied ot 2'8'13 oo cenbi btrdng' BOT CHORD 3-5. il WEBS 2-5= i65 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed lor ho wind loads generated by 80 mph v/inds at 25 ft above gmund le!d, uslng 5.0. psf top ciord de"d load and 5.0 psf bottor r chord dead load, 100 mi from hunicane oceanline, on an ocdpancy category l, condition I endosed building, of dimensions 45 ft hy 24 ft wih exposure C ASCE 7.93 per UBC/ICBO lfend ve.licals or cantileveB exis1, they ats exposod lo wind. lf porches exist, they are nol exposed to wind. The lumb€r DOL increase is 1.33,andthe plale grlp increase is ,|.33 2) All plates are M20 plates unless otheMise indicated. iiftti! tru*t n . U",,i' designed lor a 10.0 pst bottom chord liw lo6d nonconclnentwith any oher lh/e loads pet Tabl€ No. 16'8, UBC-9{. 4iBeadng atjointls) 3 considers parallelto grain,6lue using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 angle to grain lormula. Euilding deslgoer should verit capacity of bearing surtace. S) irovide mecnanhil connectjon (by otiers) of truss lo bearing plale capable ofwithstanding 35 lb udift atioint 5 and 151 lb udift at ioint 3. 6lThis truss has b€rn designed for bolh UBC-g{ and ANSI/[P| t-1995 plating criterh. IOAD CASE(S) Slrndard Except: DEFL (hl (oc) udet Veri(LL) {.05 3 >891 Vert(TL) .0.05 3 >794 Horz(tL) {.02 3 n/a Min Lengh, LL dei = 240 al-r-'qA ttapNtru; v rily ltsi(,t pn Dttrers attl RtiAD Nol l:.t oN I HIS ANI) RF:VERSE SIDE BEFORE IISE. Design valid lol use only with MiTek connsctors. This dssign is based only opon paramelers shown, and is lor afl individual bu ldrng componenl lo l,e inslalled and loaded venically. Applicabilrly ol dEsign pardmsters an.t proper inco@oration cit -rt,. -ffifr?ili'ifiiii#t#"li:il1fu *]":"ffti]ti:**,E$ll**ftii;1.ffi ll;lt*ffi',-"ttl speciflcslion, and HIB 0l Handling Installlng .nd Bnclng Recomm.nddtlon avaitabte kom Truls ptat.Inrtitrr., ao3 o' lllTak Indu3|flot, Inc. Onolrlo Drlve. Madison. W153719 " l' '" ILOGAN4 S, . 'r.d. xousrol.lo rve nJo lTruss Type lnoor rnuss I Plv 1 80203 LOAD CASE(S) 6)Ussr dolined: Lu, ber Increas€=1.00, Plats Increase=1.00 Unitorm Loads (t i Vert'l-? 180.0, 2-3='1E0 0, 3-5:20 0 Conc€ntrated Lr is (lb) Vert 3=' 0 A tf,lnXtrtt; - ln ily thtigu p,tanttrtt; d*l lll:lAD NO !'lis ON I'HIS AND RI;|'F:RSE SIDE BEFORE IJSE. Design valid lot r|se only wilh Mife& connectors This des.on is based only upon pararn€lers shor/n, and is lor an indivi{toal burldrng componenl to be installed and loaded ve.tically. Applpabahly ol design pardmelers and propor incorporalion ol --,. liffit"s"il$'***-*,';j:iffr1{'ilili*':r{[[t*ftfrt{{i;},".t'*ff[ffiu;1'{i]ff""' tlll Speciricallon, and Hla-g1 Handllng Inslalllng and B.sclng R€commendsllon avarlabte trom Tru.r Plats In.titute,583 D' HlTak IndUalrlsc, InC. Onokio Drive. Madison. W|53719 l.os2 s Decl6 199r MiTek lndusries, inc WsC .tan lr 0g:lg:25 t998 -2-6-0 7-2-92-6-0 5.00 frr l LOADING(ps0 TCLL 80,0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPAC|NG 2-0-0 Plales lncrease 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Rep Stess Incr YES Code UBC/ICBO csl TC 0.88 BC 0.40 wB 0.00 (Matdx) PLATES GRIPM20 119n10 Weight 28 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E REACTIONS(lUsize) 3=523/0-5-8, 2=1249/0-5-8, 4=69/0-3{ Max llotz 2=156(load case 5) Max tJptift3=42(load case 3), 2=-17g(load case 5) Max Grav3=614(load case 6), 2=1249(load case t),4=13900ad case 2) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6{{ on center purlin spacing. BOT CHORO Rigi{, ceiting directy applied or 7-14 on centet braclng' FORCES(lb)- Fkst Load Case onlY TOP CHORo 1-2=,|46, 2-3=165 B0T CHORD 2-4=11 NOTES tjft is rrur. tras U""n designed lor he wind loads genented by 80 mph winds at25 ff above gtound level, using 5.0 psf top chord de€d load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, '1OO mi from huricane oceanline, on an ocarpancy category l, condition I endosed bulding, of dimensions 45 ft by 24 ft with exposure C ASCE 7.93 per UBC/ICBO lf end ve icals ot canflewrs exist hey are exposed b wind. lf porches exist, they are nol expos€d to r.vind. The lumb€r DOL increaso is 1.33, and ths plat€ grip increass is 1.33 2)All plates are M?0 plates unless olherwis€ indicaled. iifni! rru*t t.r Ur.n designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord tive load nonconcunent wilh any other llve loads per Table No. '16-8, UBC-94. ii S..nng.riohqO Z cons'lders parallel to'grain lue using ANS|/TP| 1-1995 an9l6 to grain formula. Building doslgner should verit capacity ol bearing surhce. 5) provide mechaniil connectjon (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable ol withsbnding 82 lb uplifr atioint 3 and 179 lb uplilt atioint 2. 6l This truss has been designed tor both UBC-94 and ANSIfiPI 1'1995 daling criteria. tOAD CASE(S) Shndard Except 6) User defined: Lumber Increase=1.00, Plale Increase=1 00 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert 2-3=180.0, 24=20.0 Concenkated Loads (lb) Vett 2=-540 DEFL (in) (loc) l/defl Vert(LL) 4.13 2-4 >619 Vert(It) 0.36 1-2 >87 HorzOL) {.00 3 n/a Min Length / LL defl - 240 m A trntXtn"t; . li., ih d$iot J,ntd,t'tt rs ul ItItAD NO'I ES ON I I S AND REVERSIa SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid lor use only with MiT€k connectors This design is based only lpon pa.ameters shown, and is lo{ ah inclividLral building componenl to i)e Inslalled and loaded verlically Applicabilily ol dgsign pardm€ters and prop€r incorporation dl --'. -fll#';'idyi#!:*,lj.*tilltilill{ri{fr*ri:*ditr$ittiT'rli:rl{iiffi hf '-"il|Isp€citicalion, and lllE-91 Handling Inslalling and B6cing Recomm€ndetion available kom Truss Ptato In€tttuto, 583 D' lllTak Indurlrloc, Inc. Onofrio Drivo. lla.lison. Wl 53719 1.G32 s osc 16 '1997 Mi' ek Indusrbs' hc. -2-6-0 2-6-0 LOADING(psrl TCLL 80 i) TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 TUMBER TOP CHORo 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD ] X 4 SPF 1650F 'I.5E REACT|0NSllb/size) 3= l2 li0'5-8, 2=998/0-5{, 4=35()-3{ f,lax Hotz 2=1o7(load case 5) Max Uplift3=-3(load cas€ 3), 2=-'192(l0ad caso 5) Max Grdv3=305(load case 6), 2=998(load €ase 1),4=70(load case 2) PLATES GRIPM20 119/1.|0 Weight 17 lb BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed. BOT CHORD Rigld ceiling dirscty applied or 36't2 on centsr braclng' qlq 1 FORCES(Ib) - Fkst Load Case OnlY TOP CHORD 1 -2= 1 46. 2-3='21 4 B0T CHoRD 2-1=6 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 fl abovs ground level, using 5.0 psftop chord deed load ' ,nJ S.0 prl Oott* .hord-dead load, 100 mi from hunicane oceanline, on an ocdrpancy category l, condition I enclosed building, of dimensions 45 ft by 24 ft with exposure C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO lf end verticals or cantilevers exist, th€y are exposed to wind' lf po,ches exis( they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DoL increase is 1.33, and the date grip increass is 1.33 2)All plates are M2i! plates unless olherwise indicated. Sj fnis Uuss tras leen designed lor a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load noncondnent with any olher live loads psr TablE No. 16'8, UBC-94. liBearing atjoin(g 2 considers paralletlo g|ain !"10e using ANSI/TPl 11995 anglo lo graln formula. Building designer should veriry capacity of bearing surface. 5) providi mechanical connecUon (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withsbnding 3 lb uplift atjoint 3 and 192 lb uplift at ioint 2. 6) This truss has b€en designed lor bolh UBC-94 and ANSI/rtPl 1-1995 plating cdteria. LOAD CASE(S) Slandald Except 6) Us€r delined: Lu mber Increase='1.00, Plate lncrease=1.00 Uniform Loads (pl0 Vert 2-3=180.0. 2-4 =-20.0 Concenlraled Loads (lb) Vert 2=-540 DEFL (in) (loc) Vdel Vert(LL) {.01 2-4 >999 Vert0t) 012 1-2 >256 HoR(IL) 4.00 3 n/a Min Length / LL dei = 210 Plates lncrease 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YESCode UBC/ICBO A tUtll,t.l,Vr;. Itrilv,lt,i,:n ptnnn'terr au! Rl..AI) NO!t::S ONlIIISAND RIiVERSI.:StDE EEFORE .JSE. Dosrg.r valid lor us€ only w lh MiT€k conneclors. This dssign is based ooly upon parameters 6hown, and is lor an individual burldlhe oompon.nr to b. in.tlri.d .nd lo.dod v.nbrlry. appll..brrliy ol d..ign pardm.r.r! ldd pfop.r lhcorporatlon dt --.. *fl,lff #iqfnitrii:ti*ltqil*;nri'il,ilr"Lqil,t+;'*:tir**;fi"'fiffi iif '-'illtSpecilication, and HIB-91 Handling Inslalling and Bracing Recohmen.lallon avaalable kom Truss Plate lo6tltuto, 583 D' lllT3k IndUslrles, Inc. Onoldo Drive. Madison, Wl 53719 r-oeo cnse(s) -: Concentrated L rds (lb) Vort: ? (n A trunntm; titily tlcigr paurttrets rtul R!,AD N)'!tiS ON t'ttts AND RIiVr:ltS[. S1DE BEFORE L|SE. Design valrd lor us€ r' ly with MiTek connecloas This desion rs based only upon paramel€rs shown, and is lor an individusl borlding cornponent I b€ rnstallcd aml load€d v€rllcally Applicabilily ol dosign pardmsters and propsr incorporation ol _ _!!!1,. componenl rs respon : lrty ol butldrng d€signer - nol lruss designer. Bracing shown is lor lateral $pport ol indivi(fual web memb€rs only Addilr. !,al temporary btacing to insur€ stability dudng conslqction .s lhe respfl3ibrrity ol th6 oroctor. Addltlonal permanenl braclng 0l llro ovofall structurs ls lhe responslblllly ol lhe bulldlng designer. Fot gsnoral g0ldancg rdgardhg labficalion. qualrly conlfol, slorage, dellvory, erectron, and Draclng, consutt OST-88 eurllty Standard, DSB.Og Br.clng lvl|lf Speciflcallon, and HIA-9l Handllng lostalling and gr.clng Recomm.ndltlon availabl€ kom Tru.. pt!r.Ini luro, 503 O' lllTak IndUslrlar, Inc. Onokio Dfiv6, Madi3on, Wl53719 NOTES 7) This truss has been designed for bolh UBC'94 and ANSlfiPl 'l'1995 plaung crileria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Except: 8l Userdefin0d I umb€t lncreasG=1.00, Plate Increase=1.00 Uniform Loads (Plf) verr: r-j=-igo.o, g-4=-180.0,4-5=J80.0,5{=t80.0, ?'10=-20.0, 9'10=-20 0,8-9='20 0,6{=-20 0 Concentrated Loads (lbl Verl: 2=-540 6='540 A tt",,ttt^-tlfC l'o.iJy tltsiptr y,rrtrttrn rs aul READ NC)'|'ES ON '1HIS AND RI,:VI1RSI\ SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid lor us€ only vulh MiTek conneclorc. This design is based only upon paramoiers shown, and is tof an individual bLrrldrng compooenl lo b€ mslalled,rnd loaded v€rtaally. Applicability ol desrgn pard,neteA and proper inco.poration ol I-,. cornpon.$l rs ,(rsp.)nu|rlly ol buikhrU desioner ' rot truss dosagncr Bra€rng shown as lor lalsral sopport ol mdvidual w6b mernbers only. A,l,llronal ternporary bracing 1o insure slabality dudng conslrqclion is the r€sponsibitily ol tho ar€ctor Addilional permanenl bra.r I ')t ihe overall slruclure is lhe r€sponsibilily ol lh€ building dosigner. For general goidanc€ r€gording r.brr€.lron, quahly {:onnor, lloreg€, doliv.ry, .r|ctron, .nd brrcing, conlult O8T-a! Qu.llty 5trnd.rd, 0gB.!g B..otng lvllf Sp€citlcation, a', I Hl&91 HandlinE Installing end B..cing nocomn€ndstlon avaitable kom Truss Ptste Institule, igt O' lllTrk Indu3ltha, Inc. Onolfio Drlve. t,."tison. Wl 53719 ,F ITruSS I'LoGAN4 ls15c-eclousr o-H -oeltven, cb - ]rruss rvr ROOF TRUSS 80203 21-5-0 24-5-0, -3-0-0 l-- 3-0-0 't0-8-8 16-0-12 3-0-0 9x17.5 M16- t FrFi?lo I I :r q IlT.l$ 5.00 F2 3x4 10 2x4 tl 2.50 [12- 2x1 -7 16-0-12 5-4-4 5.4-4 -BcE6'bi-Jru,+Gsee!4lt{t,qose tOADING(ps0 TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 1O,O LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 8OT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 2'1OOF 1.8E WEBS 2X4 SPF Stttd'ExcePt' 4-92X8SPF1950F',l.7E OTHERS 2 X I SPF 1650F 1 58 'Except' 12-13 2 X 4 SPF Stud, 15-16 2 X4 SPF Stud REACTIONS(lUsize) 2=7497/0-5€, 6=7497/0-54 Max Hoa2='15(load case 4) Max UpliM=299(load cas€ 5), 6=-299(oad case 5) FORCES(lb) - Fkst Load Case OnlY TOP ChORD 1 -2=92, 2-3=-29647, 31='28672, 4-5='28672, 56=29647' 6-7=92 BOT CHORD 2-10=27 658,9'10=27 658, 6'9=27658, 6{=27658 WEBS 3-10=106, 3-9={12, 4'9=21099, 5'9={12, 5{=106 NOTES 1)a.ply truss to be connected togelher $/ih 10d Common(.118'x3')Nails as follows: Top chords connecled wih 2 rovr(s)at 0'9{ on center. ' Bofiom chords connected with 1 row(s) at 0.94 on cenler. Webs connected rvith 1 rou,(slat0-94 on center. 2) Special conneclion required to distribute bottom chord loads squally b€tween all plies. 3lThis fuss has been checled fot unbalanced loading conditions. liThis buss has b€en designed for the wind loads genented by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above grarnd level, using 5.0_ psf top chord deed load and S.0 osf bottom chord dead load, 100 mi from hunicane oceanline, on an occupancl category l, condition I endosed building, of dimensions 45lt by 24 flwilh exposure C ASCE 7-93 p€rUBC/ICBO llend vBrtjcals or cantilevors exi4 theyare exposed to wind. lf porches exist, lhey are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL incfeas€ is 1.33, and the plate grip incfease h 1.33 .. 5) Lxcept as sho,vn 6elow, spechl conneclion(s) required to support concenlratsd load(s). Design of€onneclion(s) is delegated to the building designer. 6)All plates are M20 plales unless othetwise indicated. BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 644 on center pudin spacing' BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling dkec{y applied ot 10{{ olt csnter braclng' PLATES GRIPM20 149/110M18 127h13M16 127182 Weight 356lb oEFL (ln) (loc) l/den Vert(LL) 4.16 I >999 Ver$L) {.88 9 >289 Hoz(ft) {.01 6 n/a Min Leng$ / LL def = 240 SPACING 2{{ Plales lncrease 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Stress Incr NO Code UBC/ICBO A trUnNtvt, llJily itsiru ldntutrcrs trw! M:AI) NOlts ()N r' ts AND RI:V\:RSI.:, SIDE REFORE USE- Design va|d lor rlse only wilh MiTek connectors. lhis design is based only upon parameters shown, and is lor an individual b! ldrng compon(rnl lo be Inslalled and loaded vedrcally Applicability ol design pardmolers and prcper incorporation ol componenl ls relponsrbr|ly ol burldrng desagner ' nol lruss designer. Bracing shown is lor late€l suppod ot Individualwgb members only Addiional lemporary bracinq to insure stability during construclion is th€ responsibility ol th€ erector. Additlonal permanenl bracing ol lhe overall struchre is lhe responsrbilrty ol lh6 building d€signer. For goneratguidarrco r€ga.ding lalrrrcallon, quat y conlrcl, slofagG, delivory, eracllon, and braclng, con6ult O8T.t8 Oulllty Sllndlrd, DEE{g Bnclru Speciticolion, and Hl8-9'l Handling Installing tnd Baaclng Recomm€ndalion avarlablg trom Truls Phla Instltuto, aSS O' Onolrio Orive.lradison. Wl 53719 IIrss o ILOGAN4 S:TG L' A c. HoOSToN. nENVER, co _a NOTES ilin-ir ftu.s t as u"en designed for a 10.0 psl bottom chord live load non@ndJfient with any othor live loads per Tade No. 16'8, UBC'94' 8) Bsaring atloint(g 2,6 considers paraflel to grain value using ANSnPI 1.1995 angl€ to graln lormuh. Buitding dssigner should verily capaclty of bearing surtac8' 9) provide mechan,cal connection (by others; 6f truss to bearirig plale capaUe of wittrsending 299 lb uplilt at lolnt 2 and 299 lb uplift al joint 6 tb) This truss has been designed lor bolh UBC-94 and ANSI/TPI 1-1995 plating criteria' iii LlriEqO t has bee;modilied. Building designer must review loads to verity fut lhey aro conecl lor lhs interdod uso ol lhis Wss' LOAD CASE(S) Standard Except: 1) Regular: Lumbef Increase=1.00, Plate lncreas6=1.00 Unifom Loads (plf) Verr .1-i-180.0, 2-3=_180_0, 3-4=J80.0,4-5=180.0, 5{=-180.0,6.7=.180.0, 2t0=20.0,910=200, 8-9=.20.0,6{=-20.0 Concentrated [,ads (lb) vertt 9. 9680 lrruss Trrc 1"ar:' 80203 \ tI1jnUtNt, . ,',rilyluistt p,t,nnLrer rutt !u:At) NOt t.:.t Ot\\I'HI.\ANIJ R[V[RS|: SIDE BEI:ORE I]SE. Design valid lor use (,,|y wffi MiTek conneclo.s. lhrs design is based only upon p€ramote.s sl|(,wn, and is lor an individual btilding componenl n, b€ Inslalled and loaded vedically. Applicabilily ol d€sign pardmebrs and prop€r incorporation ol r-,. *trftt';',i,,il##d*'*'',*iili*rffi*[it[*'n'unqt*lli*i+illffi lf --ffi I Specificalion,andlirij-glHandlinglnslallingandBracingB€commendatlonavailabreftomTrus.pt.!eInllitute,-83D'l|lTeklndurr,lce, Inc. Onokio D.ive. Madis,).|. Wl 53719 ioeo cese(s) 1)Regular:Lumb, lncreas€= ! 00, Plah Increase=l 00 Unilorm Loads f) Vert 1'- -180 0 Trapezoidal Lo: rs (d0 ve/(:2- 0.sro12=-21S.2, 12=-218.2-tc11=-312.9, 11=3{2.9-te10='467 6, 10=-467.6't09=591 2 2) UBC: Lumbor ||'crease=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (Plf) Vett 1-2=20.0 Ttrp€zoidal Loads (Plf)' Ven: 2=.20ii-tot2=63.6, 12={3.6-to-11=-88.6, '11={8.6-te10=-113 5, 10='113.5'to9=-138.2 3)Wind Lelt Lunrber Increase= 1.33, Plale Increass=1.33 Unifom Loads (d0 Vert 1.2=50.3, 2-3=4.8, 3-4=4 8, 4-5='12 4, 56=12 4' 6-7=12.4, 7{=16 'l Hoz: 1-2={0.3, 2-3=4.8, 34=4.8, 4'5=12.4, 54=12'1,6-7=12.4,7 {=-16 1,7-9=38 5 Trapezoital Loads (Pl0 Vert ?,'0.0-to-12=23.8, l2=23.8{o11=37 5, 11=37.5{c10=51.1, 10=51.1"b'9=64 6 Hoz: 2 =4.0-to1 2 =-15 .7 , 12=45.7'lo'11''1 1,8, 1 1 =-71 8'tc 10=-97.8, 10=-97 E'lG9='1 23 7 4)Wind Righ! Lumber Increase=1 33, Plate Increase=1.33 Uniform Loads (Plf) Ver! 1-2=48.0, 2-3='7 .2,34='7.2,4'5='14.8, 56=11.8, 6-7=-11.8, 7{=18 5 Horz: 1-2=-58.0, 2'3=? .2,34=7.2,1-5=14.8,56'1{'8,6'7=14.8,7{='18 5,7-9='23 3 TBpezoidal Loads (Plf) Vert 2 -0.0-t}12=23,8, 12=23.E-t}l1=37.5, 11=37.51o-10=51.1, '10=51.1-tG9=6{.6 Horz: 2=4.0-to-12=45.7, 12=45'7{ot 1=-71.8, 1 1''71.8-to-10='97.8, 10=-97.&tGg=123'7 5| 1st Wind Patallel: Lumber Increase=1.33, Plale lncrease=1.33 Uniform Loads (Pl0 ven: 1-2=40.0. 2-3=7 .2,34=-f .2,4-5=-14.E, 5{=-14.E, 6-7='14.8' 7{=16.1 Hotz: 1-2=-58,0, 2-3=7.2,34=7.2,4'5=14.8, 56=14.8, 6-7=14 8, 7-8=16 1, 7'9=23'3 Trapezoidal Loads (Plf) Vert 2=0.01012"23,8, 12=23.8-to11-37.5, 11=37.s'tc10=51.1, 10=51.1-to9=64.6 Hoz: 2=O.0-to12=-45.7, 12=-45.7-to11='71'8, 11=71.8'to10=97.8, 10=97.8'te9=123'7 f.--$tffi A lfai',\i/N(,, l'ttify Jrigr |,rnn,'uts anl READ NO! r:S ON I'IIIS ANI) REVERSI1 StDE BEFORE USE. D€sign va|d lor uso only with MiTok cmneclors. This d€siqn is bas€d only upon paiamelsrs shown, and is lor an individual bu'lding compon€nl to be inslalled and loaded v€r||cally Applicabrlity ol d€sign parimGt€rs and proper incorF,oration ot _ _-=.- oompone.nl rs responsrbrlrly ol burldrng designer - nol lruss designer- Bracing shown is lor laleral suppori ol indivllualweb olembets only Addrtional lemporary bracing to insure stabilily dunng consr.qction is lhe r€sponsibitity ot th6 €roctor. Additional permanenl bracino ol lhe overall slructure rs lhe rssponsrbilily ol lh€ building d€6iilner, Fof O€n6.etglldgnce rdgarding i,rbllcallon. quelltfcontrol, stotago, dellvery, erecllon, and bracing, consult OST-8! Oltllty Stendard, OSA.89 Braclng IYIf Sp€citicallon, and HIB-91 Handling In3lalting snd E.acing Recommcndetion availabtolrom Truaa plata Inltttute,583 D, IlTck hfdualtba, Inc. Onohio Drive.ll.dison. Wl 53719 5-3-7 10-6-14 5-3-75-3.73-0-0 t rr t 2x1 11 I LoADING(ps0 TCLL 80,0 TCDL 10.0 ECLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 SPACING 2.04 Plates Increase 1,00 Lumbet Increase .|.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBSICBO csl TC 0.73 BC 0.50 wB 0.66 DEFL (in) (loc) Udsfi Ver(Lt) 4.,|0 7 >999 VertOL) 4.12 7 >988 HotzOL) 0.03 6 n/a Min Lengh / LL defr = 240 PUTES M20 GRIP 119/1'10 Wei0ht 48 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD ? X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD ;, X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS :'X 4 SPF Sfud REACTIONS(ll'/size) 6-1069i0'3{, 2=1577O-5{ M rx Hoz2=263(load case 5) tl.rx Uplilt6:'l 1o(load case 5), 2=-1930oad case 3) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case OnlY TOP CHORD 1-2=91, 2'3-21 51, 34=0, 4-5=-1 1, 45=-504 BOT CHORD 2-7=1993, 6"7=1993 WEBS 3-7=101, 3{=-1954 BRACING iOi cxono Sheathed or 5-3{ on cenbr pu.lin spacing, excopt 8rd voilcab' BOT CHORD Rigld c€ling dhoc0y applied ol 10{{ on centst brectng' WEBS 1 Rofl at midpt 36 NOTES ij ffrrs rruss ft.s Ueen designed lor the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground le\€l, using 5.0. psf top chord dead load ' anO-S.O prif"ttom Aoddead lo6d, 100 mi from'huri€ne oceanline. oo an oco,|pancy €tegoly l, condition I endosed htilding, ot dimensions r5 fi by 21 ft wib erposure C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO lfend ver{cals or cantileve6 exist hsy are exposod h lvind. lf porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DoL increas€ is 1.33, and the plate grip increaso is 1.33 2l All platss arc M20 phtes unl€ss olhen|ise indicaled ii frti! rr"r, trrt n""n designed for a 10.0 psl bottom chord live loed nonconcrrrenl with any other lhc loods per Table No. 16'8. UBG94' ii Aearing af ioin(s) Z conJiders parallel to grain ralue using ANSIIIPI 1-1995 anglo to gmio formub. Bulding deslgner should vetily ca pacity ot bearing surface. Sy iiiviOe mecfraniit connection (by others) of truss to b€aring plato capaUe of withsbnding 1'10 lb uptift al Jolnt 6 and 193 lb uplift al ioint 2' 6i This truss hns been designed for both UBC-94 and ANSlfiPl l'1995 plating criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Shndatd Except 6) Usstdefin€{l: Lumber Increase='1.00, Plate lncrease=1 00 L \\;nRNlN(, llily fusiptt p,tnnrttt: attl llt:lAt) NOl lt.\ t)N I I S ANI, III:VI]RSI] StDE REI:OR|) IJSE. Design va|d lo. use only wilh MiTek conn€ctors. This design is basod only upon paramelers shown, and is lor an indivldual bLrldilg componenl lo be inslalled and loaded vertically. Applicability ol desbn f,ardm6t6r5 and propgr incorporation dt _ _!!i!,. compon€t is r€sp.)nsitilily ot bLrilding dosigno. . nol lru56 d€sign6.. Bradng shown is lor lateral support ol individual rrob r!rrJ||D..s ohly. Adlillonol lcmporary br.nlng to hsu.a llablllly dr.ing collltqcllon b tha ralponllb lty ol thg cr€ctoa. Addftlonrl perrnanenl b.acan{r ol lhe ove.all slruclure rs the responsitrility ol the building dGsigner. For gonerat guidancg roOardino labacalaon, qualily L;ontrol, slorage, delivery, ereclion, and b.acing, consull QST-8a Ouallty Standard, DSB-00 Brrcing It-I sp€clllcallon, rnd Hlg-91 Handling Inltalllng and Srrclng R6commondatlon availabt€ |rom Trus3 pt6r! Institur.,583 o' lllTck lnduatalca, lnc, Onotrio Oriv6, Madi6on. lvl53719 " lTnrss I IrLoGANl ls19 ' nc. Hoosrolt.leHvenlco LOAD CASE(S) lrruss Typ€ i'i11: oty 1 80203 Unilorm Loads (Pl0 Vert 2-3='180.0, 3'1='180.0, 1-5=-180 0. 2-7='20 0' 6-7=-20 0 Concentratsd Loads (lb) Vert 2=-540 A IXnRNINL I'rrily l:tign Tnaurters anl RtllA!) NOIESONTHISANb RIiVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid lor use only wilh MiTgk conneclors. This design is bas€d only !pon paramelers shown, and is lor an individ{ral buildrng componont lo tts Inslalled an{l loaded vertically. AFplicability ol desrgn pardmeters and proper incorporalion of _ _-q,. componeJrl is responsibrlily ol buildino dosigner nol truss dosign€r. Bracing shown i6 lor lat€rat suppon ol individual w6b nembers only. Addlllonol lempot8ry blEon0 b hsure El$lltty duino conltructlon 13 th! racponslbllly ot th! 6ractor. Adal onel petmanenl bracing ol lhe ovo,all slrucluro is the .esponsibility ol th6 building d€sionsr. Fo. gcneral gUfilanc€ regardig tabrication. qualily conkol, slorage. delavery, eredlon, and bractrlg. consul asT-aE Oustity St.ndrirt, D8E|-!9 A].clng lYlll specific.tion, end HIB-91 Handllng Installing and Brrclng R.co|nmeodation evailaue ftom Tru$ p]l.Inlrltur., 583 o' IlTah hdualtla3, Inc. Onolrio Driv., Medison, Wl537 t9 6- t 0-{ j '1, tAl--f =--G',L r 6-104 6-1,0-9 1.0-32 s D8c 16 1997 M lek Indusrres, Inc.Wed &n tt 0g:r3:5S t99a 6-10-1 -.h ll russ lTruss Typ€ tiiLoGAN4 iszo lRoor rRUSs ttl ' n.c. Housroru,'oeNven, co go2os DEFL (in) (loc) Ude[ V6rt(LL) {.11 24 >732 Vert{rl) 0.38 1"2 >100 HorlfrL) {.00 3 tva Min Length / LL dei = 240 SPACTNG 2{.0 Plales lncrease 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YESCode UBC/ICBO LOADING(psr) TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10,0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF '1650F 1.5E REACTIONS(lb/sjre) 3=451/0-5{, 2=13520-5{, 1=66t0'3{ Max Hon2=164(load case 5) Max Uplifr3=65(load case 3), 2=-216(load case 5) Max Gcv3=587(load case 6), 2=1352(load cas€ 'l), 1=132(load case 2) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 64{ on cent€r puiin spacing' BOT CHORD Rlgid ceiling dkecty applied ot 64'10 on conter bradng' PLATES M20 GRIP 149/110 Weight 28 lb FORCES(Ib) - Fhst Load Case OnlY TOP CHORO 1'2='182, 2-3=138 BOT CHORD 2-4=11 NOTES ilft'ir trurr nrr mrn designed tor Ure wind loads genenated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above Itound le'/el, using 5.0 p6l top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chorddead load, 100 miftom hunicane oceanline, on an occ pancy category l, condition Iendosod building, of dimensions lS ft by Zl ft with exposure C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO lf end rcrticals or cantileve|s 8xist, hey aro exposed to wind. lf porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DoL increase is 1.33, and the plat6 grip Increase is 1.33 2) All plates are M20 plates unless otieruise indicatod. fiffrii truss fras Oe.n designed tora 10.0 pd boflom chord live load non@ndnentwith anyoher lilreloads Per Tabl€ No. 16-8' UBC'94. li Bearing atjoin(s) 2 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/rP| 1-1995 angle b gtain tormuh. Building designst should verify capaciv of beating $rfrce. S) piiviOe mecnanicil connectjon (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 65 lb uplift atjoint 3 and 216 lb uplift at ioinl 2. 6) This lruss has been designed tor both LJBC-94 and ANSlfiPl 1'1995 plaling crilerie. LOAD CASE(S) Sbndard Except: 6l Ussr delined: Lumber Inctoase=1.00, Plate lnctease=1.00 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert 2-3=-180.0, 2-4=-20.0 concenlrated Loads (lb) Vert 2=-5.10 Rtn A tran^-tNr; verily tlttiyu lttratrcters atul REA!) NO'rS ON I tus ANr) Rr,t7-:RSra yDI: REFORE USf:. Oesrgn valid lor use o,rt wdh MiTek conneclols. Thrs design is based only upon parameteE shown, and is lor an indivktual burkirrtg conponenl l() be rrlstalled and loaded vertrcally. Applicabilrty ot design pardmeloG and prop€r incorporation ol --,. i"d{fit,ii :ftfl :-#fr lt***illiffifl [*ffiiffi[if;[iti*i:,11,fi ''i'u*r"rr'1:''::r'""'illl Specilicalaon, 3nd Hl8-91 Handling Installing and gracing Recommendarlon ava atls kom Trucs ptar.Insritor€, 58:t O' IlTok hdua11la3, hc. Onohio Driv.. Madison. Wl 53719 I5 1998 80203 3-3-0 J*ilIlii?t9l'i LOADING(Psf) TCLL EO,O TCDI 10,0BCIL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 csl TC 0.76 BC 0.07 wB 0.00 (Matrix) PI.ATES GRIPM20 149ni0 Welght 16lb LUMBER TOP CHORo 2 ' 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E REACTIONS(lb te) 3=-19/0'5{,2=1159/0-54'4=30tG3S M, ilotz 2=11 1(load case 5) t!,1. Uplift3=-49(load €se 1), 2=252(load case 5) Mi , Grav3=zsg(load case 6), 2=1159(load case 1), 1=sg(load case 2) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-2-9 on center pudln spaclno. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling direcdy applied or 343 on cenbr bracln0' FORCES(Ib) - | st Load Case OnlY TOP CHORo 1 '=181,2-3=-253 8OT CHORD 2 t=5 NOTES ii-fnis rruo ttr been designed lorthe wind loads generated by80 mph windsat25 fl above gtound level, using 5.0.psf top chord de€d load ' and S.0 psf b rtom drorddead load, 100 mi trom huni€ne oceanline, on an occlpancy category l, condition I endosed building, of dimensions 1., fr uy2l ftwith exposure c ASCE 7.93 per UBC/ICBO llend verticals or cantllevers exist, heyare exposed to trl/ind lf porches exlst theyare not expsed to vi/ind. The lumber DOL increass is 1.33, and the plate gdp Increaso is 1.33 2)All plates are .tm phbs unless othelwise indicated. Sif;il gl|s. f,.r b".n designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconc nenl wifi any oher live loads per Table No' 16-8. UBG94' ligearjng atjotr,(s) Z mnJrders panllelto'grain \ralue using ANSI/TP| 1-1995 angle tograin fomula. Building designer should verily capacity ol be:rring surtac6. 5l provide mectranical connection (by olhers) of truss to bearing plate c€pable of withsb nding 19 lb uplift at ioint 3 and 252 lb uplift et ioint 2. 6lThis truss has been designed tor both UBC-91 and ANSI/[P| 11995 plating criteda. LOAD CASE(S) Slandard Except 6l user delined: Lumber Inctease='1.00, Plale Increase=1.00 Uniform Loads (plf) V€rt 2 3=180.0. 24=20.0 Concentrated t.oads (lb) Ven: 2=.540 3-3-0 DEFL (inl (loc! t/dei Vert(LL) {.00 2-1 >999 VertfiL) 0.2{ l-2 >155 HorlOL) {.00 3 rva Min Lenglh / LL dei = 240 SPACING 2{{) Phtes lncrease 'l.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Suess Incr YES Code UBC/ICBO S,;;i;?9 A, ttnnn"tNr; Vtifi laiqtr p,tanrtta.t'tl RtaAD N()' iS ()N 1tlts ANt) RI.!.,F:RS|: SIDE REFORE I|SE. Design vald,or us| only wrlh lliTek conneclors. Thrs desrgn is bas€d only upon paramstors shown, and as br an individual hurlding componcrt t() be inslalled and loacied verlically. Applicabihy ot dosrgn pardmeters and propor incorporaticn ol --.. mfrifi#iilr,ill:r;t$iii:r"l',lir*#*T*frfl[ilft]fuil';,"**iuftl:,tguEri,*lf'-" ill Specilicalion, ancl tllB-gl Handling Installing end Eraclng Recommondation avaitabte kom Tru3. Pt.t6 Instilut€,5CO D lllTck Indurlllcr, lnc. Onolrio Orlv6. Madison. Wl53719 a r 1-1-9 3-3-5 4-10-7 7-10-4 4-10-7 2-11-13 4.55F2 I I J 1 I jg Ll.iP I l, F I 4-10-7 7-10-4 11-1-9 4-10-7 2-11-13 3-3-5 lOlZ s Oec tO tggl MiTek Indusltios' Inc'WeO Jan Og:lr:02 tggS DEFL (in) (loc) udefr Vo(LL) {.11 10 >999 VedFL) 0.15 t-2 >281 Hoz0L) 0.03 E rva Min Lengb I LL del = 240 SPACING 2.0{ Plates Increase 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Rep Slress Incr NO Code UBCnCBO L0ADING(ps0 TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 1O,O LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 2'IOOF 1,8E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 2'lOOF 1,8E WEBS 2X4SPFStud REACTIONS(lb/size) 8=1929/0-34, 2=1585/0-54 Max Horz2='187(load case 4) Ma^ UpliftS=-104(load case 4), 2:248(load case 3) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case OnlY TOP CHORO 1-2=99, 2'3=-3779, 3-4=23aE, 4'5=-2318' 5€=4,6-7=0' 6{=0 BOT CHORD 2-10=3576, 9'10=3565, 6-9=2241 WEBS 3-10=8'14,3-9='1318,5'9=1620'5{=-2333 BR^CING TOP CHORD Shealhed. BOT CHORD Rigid c€ling direc{y applied or t0{4 on conlsr bracilu' PLATES GRIP M20 119/110 Weight 59 lb NOTES ijrnis truss nas ueen designed for the wind loads generaled by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level,.using 5.0. pst hp chord de€d loed ' .nJ S,O prt lott*.hord dead toad, 100 mifrom huricane o6eanline, on an occupancy category l. mndition lendosed hrilding, ol dimensions 45 ft by 24 lt with exposure C ASCE 7-93 per UBOICBO lf end vedicals or cantileve6 exisl they ate exposed to wind' ll porinJs exist, ttreiare not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increaso is 1.33 2)All plates are M20 plates unless olheMise indicated. iiif,i! fr".. f,"r U6n designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconqrnent wib any othsr live loads per Table No' 16-8, UBC-94' ii A;aring atioin(O Z considea parattet to gnin ralue using ANSVTPI u995 angl€ to gmin fonrula. Bulding designer should vetiry capacity of bearing surface. S; irovide mectranical connection (by others)ol truss to bearing plate capable ofwithstanding 16{ lb uplift aljolnt I and 248 lb uplifl atioint 2' 6) This truss has been designed for both UgC-91 and ANSI/TPI 11995 plating criteria. TiLoad case(s) 1,2,3,1, thas been rnodified. Building designer must revbw loads to \€rity lhat they are cotr8ct for be intended use ol lhis truss. LOA0 CASE(S) A tVllr.Vl,n,C li|ily tltnltt 1,,rt,tntttrs dnr! M|AI) N}'|I::S ON tufSAND RIiVIIRSE SIDE BEFORE I:SE. Design valid lor use only wilh MiTek conneclors. This design is based only upon paramot€rs shown, and is lor an individual blrkirno conpotrent lo be rnslalled and loaded verlically. Applicabilily ol design pardmet€rs and prope. incorporalion ol -r-,. ;*tr'i*i'",liiT#*fr:i,tfrltufltrT:11rxi:'itffiiuffi1*fffii,'ffig"1,;{i,fii:*-" tll sp€clflcalion, irncl HlB.9l Handling Installlng snd 8rlcln9 Recommondatloh available lrom Truss ptat.Institut., 503 O' lllTck ktduslrlaS, Inc. Onokio Orlve. f,ladison. Wl 537'19 r, jTnris lTruss TYPe 1l,LoGAN4 jsz.', lRooF TRUSS ' nclHousroHloerrvER, co ab)oJ IOAD CASE(S} 1) Regular: Lumber I tcrease=1 00, Plate Increase=1.00 Unifotm Loads (Pll) Vert 1-2= 180.0 Trapezoidal Loads (d0' Ved: 2=0.r )-tol 0= -240.2, 10='210.2-W9=-391.0, 9=-391.0'to8=-540.7 2) UBC: Lumber Incr':ase=1.25, Plate Increase=1 25 Unilorm Loads (Pll) Vert 1'2=-20.0 Trapezoidal Loads lPlf) Veri: 2=-20.0'io-10=68.0, 10=68.010-9:'98.2, 9=-98 2'toF\8=-128 1 3) wind Left: Lumber Inctease='! 33, Plale Increase=1 33 Uniform Loads (pl0 Vert 1-2=48.9, 2'3=6.3, 34='13 8, 1'5=J3.8, 5$=13 8,6'7=16 1 Horz: 1-2=-58.9, 2'3=6.3, 3'4 =13 8, 4-5= 13.8, 54= 13'8, 6-7=-16 1' 6{=38'5 Trapezoidal Loads (Plf) Verl: 2={.o-to'10=26.2, 10=26 2-tca=42 7, 9=42.7-toS=59 1 HoE: 2=0.0{0-10=-50.3, 10='50.3'tcg={1.8, 9={1.8-te8='1',|3.t 4)Wnd Right Lumber Increas€='1 33, Plate Increase=1.33 Unifom Loads (Pll) VeIt 1-2=48.0, 2-3=7.2, 34=-'11.E, 4-5=J 4.E, 5S=-14 8,6-7=17'1 Hoz: 1-2:58.0, 2-3=7.2, 3-4=14.6, 4-5=14 8, 5{=14 8' 6-7=-17.1' 6{*23 3 Trap€zoidal Loads (Plf) Vert 2=4.0{o10=26 .2, 10=26.2'to!9=42'1, 9=42.7-lo8=59.1 Hoz: 2=0.0{c'10=-50.3, 10=-50.3-tG9=41.8' 9={1.8-to8='113.1 5) 1st Wind Patrllel: Lumber Increase=1 33, Plate Increase=1.33 Unilorm Loads (Pl0 Vert 1-2=48.0, 2-3=-7.2, 3.1.=-14 8, 4'5='1L8' 5€=14.8' 6'7-16.1 Horz: 1-2=.58.0, 2-3=7.2, 34=14 8, 4'5=14.8, 5€=14.8' 6'7=16 1' 6"8=23.3 TraDezoidal Loads (Plf) Vert 2={.0-to-10=26.2, 10=26.21G9=42 7, 9=42 7-to'0=59.1 Hoz: 2=00-te10=-50.3, l0=-50.31G9={1.8, 9=€'1.&to-8=113.1 A wnnvtNt; - t?ril.y tlesi.r4u prrantters arttl RIrll) NO'lESONl'HISAND REVI:f{,':. SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valrd tor use only with MiT€k conn€ctors This design is based only upoo param€lers shown, and is tor an individual buihnJg componenl lo be Inslallod and loaded vedrally Applrcabilaly ol d€sign pardlrel€rs and prop€r incorporation Ol --'. liffi#*f$l*l':-*:tr#il#ik*r*f*[tt*i*ll+s*''**lr'*ft}j';'-ufltf,ff' - iltt Sprclllcrtlon, rnd Hl8.9l Hrndllng InllelllnE snd Brrclng Rrconm?ndltlon avallable lrom lfur! Fhta Instltute, B!3 D' lllTfk hdullflat, Inc. Onolrio Drive. Madison. Wl 53719 o LOGAN4 Truss orr-**ro-oi**--# 1-7-1 4-7 -1 I tlir I b P r I ,l 1 Ittt9 lol 4-7-1 iJ5fi IAT-i!a-7 MiTa k Indu strios, I nc. 4.55 flt LOA0ING(Psf) TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 ECLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 SPACING 2fi Plates Increase 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Stress Inct YES Code UBC/ICBO csl TC 0.93 BC 0,15 WB OOO (Matix) PLATES GRIP M20 1491't0 Weight 21 lb LUMBER TOP CHORO 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 1 SPF 'I65OF 1.5E REACTIONS(lb'size) 3=125/G5{, 2=1303/0-5{' 4=43/0-3{ Max Hon2=128(load €se 4) Max Uplif'2-261(lo3d case 3) Max Gcv3=380(load case 6), 2=1303(load cas€ 1),4=86(load cas€ 2) BRACING TOP CHORD Shealhed. gof cHoCo Rigld ceting direc0y applied or 4-4-10 on centsr bradng' FORCES(lb) - First Load Case OnlY TOP CHORD 1-2=186, 2'3=-253 BOT Cl-loRo 2 4=6 NOTES rlff,i, rru., f,". Ue"n designed for the wind toads generated by 80 mph windsat 25 ft abore ground level,.using 5 0 psfbp chord dead load ' ,nO S.o frt uottophorddead load, 100 mi from hunicane oceanline, on an ocorpancl €tigory l, ondition I enclosed_building' of dimenstons 45lt by 21 ft wilh exposure c ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBOilend vertixls oicantiliv€rs exlsl, tieyac exposed towind lf porch€s exlst, ttey are not exposed lo wind. The lumber DoL increasE is 1.33, and the plat6 grip Inctease ls 1,33 2)All plates are M20 ptates unless otherwise indicated. iifr'i'r tru"t n.r Or.n designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live loadroncononent wih any otier live loads p6t Table No- lm. UBC'94' iie.i*g;tFintOt z considers panlet h'grain vatue using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 angle to gtri; fonnula. Bullding designer should verit capacity of beanng surface' St i,ivfii mechanfi connection (by others) of t uss to bearing plate capabls ot wilhslanding 264 lb uplifl atioinl2. 6iThis trus has been designed lor both UgC'94 and ANSlfiPl 1-1995 phting criteria' LOAo CASE(S) Standard Except: 6) User delined: Lumber Increase=1.00, Plate Increase=1.00 Unifotm loads (plD Vert 2-3=180.0, 2-1=-20.0 Concentratod Lo3ds (lb) Vert 2=600 DEFL (in) (loc) Ydef, Ve(LLl 4.02 2'{ >999 Verifrl) 0.37 1'2 >112 Hoz(ft) {.00 3 n/a Min Lengh f LL dei = 240 Aw.tnNtNt;,l'etif\thsipnVtt.,tttrtttsaulRITADNO' iSON7tIISANI)RIWRSE,SIDEBEFOREL|SE. Desagn va|d lor use only wdh MiTe* connectors- This design rs based only upon paramelers shown. and is tor an irdividual h,rlrlinq compon€nr kr be Inslalk)d aod londa.l verl'cally Applicabrlily ol dcsign parimaters and prop€r incorporation ol --.r ffi;,,fti'*;frittffi*grti*i**[rt[ildll,t#+l*ru*i*.t',1*;:';;l*'-', tll Spedlicallon, snd lllB-91 Handllng Insl.lling rnd Braclng Fecomd€ndttlon availablg l.om Tru!. Ptrls In.titure, -583 O' lllTck Indudrbt, Inc. Onolrio Drive.lradison. Wl 53719 .$ LOGA}I1 r.o.iz JoeC toigsr MiTet Indust ies, Inc. K681562 . Wed Jan 14 09:44: i5 ts98 Pjgi t 6-9-1 1 11-11-13 4-{-6 2-5-5 2-5-5 2-8-13 t IL F 5x8-- 3x8', 4xO-- 11 10x10= 2.'t9l1T q ct I 4.35112- 6-9-1 1 I 1-1 '1- 13 2-5-5 z-5-5 z-8-13 LOADIIIG(ps0 TCLL 803 TCDL lOO BCU- 00 EcDt 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X6 SPF 2tMF I.8E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F l.sE WEBS 2 X I SPFStJd'ErcePt' &i0 2 X4 SPF No.3 REAcnoN$hlshol 9=2217103{, 2=17661065 Mar Hotz 2=ml 0oad caso 1) Mar Udifr9E-196(load caso ll,2=-279(load caso 3) FoRCES0b) - Flsl Load Case OnlY TOP CHOhD l-2=96,2-3{81a 3{=-3916, 1-5=3916, 5€=-2279' 6'7=0, 7{={' 7-9-0 BOT CHORD 2-12',1585, 11'12{576, 10'11=3717' 9'10=2183 WEBS 3-12=615, 3-.|1={31, 5-11=l 131, 5'10="16a2' 6'10=1975' 6"9'-2455 BMCING TOPCHORD Sheelhed. gof CiOio Rigid ceiling directy applied or 104{ on centet bracing' PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 weight 65lb NOTES llds tus has bosn &signed for Uts wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 fl above ground level. using 5.0. psl top chord de€d load '' iiiSiE f,.m,"-'ri"rt'0".0 foaC, tOO ni nom nunicane oceanline, on an ocwpanq category l, condition I enclosed building, of Ofno-*iiufSnryZf Iryfi axpo6u]B CASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO it enC wnicits or-cantilivers exis! hey are exposed towind lf po,U,"l.rOA, U'cf an not expobd to wind. Tho lumber DOL increasa is 1.33, and lhe plat€ gtip increas€ is 1.33 2l l0 Sbr at 1,120 *hs unless oh8rwbe Indlcated. iifii[ t li fnr Ucli C6tgneC tor a 10.0 psf bottom chord livo load nonconcln€nt with any other live loads per Table No 16'8. UBc-94' iig*-rf"g.rf.hqai, onfren parattettolnin \€lue using ANSI/TPI l-1995 angle b grain fomula. Building designer should veritv capacly ot bc.fig sfrco. St iiSvUinrsOranf[f connoclion (by othors) ol russ to beadng plate €pablo ot withsbnding 196 lb udift at,oint I and 279 lb uplitt atioint 2' 6iThis hNs tEs bgsn dosignsd bt both UBC'91 end ANSffPl l-1995 dating criteda. iifo.C casots) f. Z, S,,1,S-has been modilied. Bultding designer mustieview loads to verily that they ale conec't for the intended use of lhis t!sg LOAD CASE(S' DEFL (in) (loc) Udefr V6rt(LL) {.16 12 >859 Verl[tL) 4.20 12 >687 HozOL) 0.05 9 rva Min Length / LL defl = 240 SPACING 244 Plates Inccase 1.00 Lumbor lncreas€ 1.00 Rep St83s Inct NOCods UBC/ICBO A, UIWnNC - Vcrifi &sign paramcter and RMD NOTES ON 7'IIIS AND REVERSE SID|: BEITORE Llsli. Dcdign vald lo( ulo q y rviltr Xlfdt conn6cto.3. This dosign is bas6d only upon paramotors shown, and ls lor an individual brildng conponod lo bo huq €d and loNfu vortically. Appliebility ol design psnimet€rs ard prop€r incorporalion ol -rb'|!corponor fi nqoruUfVd UHng deslgn€r . not tuss desitper, Bracing shown is lor lateral sqpod of individual web |'1|It mo|r$grB qrtt ^ddlctrl idpordry Fr.clng to insure stablllly dudng conslruction is lhs responsibilily ol lhe sreclor. Addilional I tl ldrmalbnt b|rdE ol ho or,e.Ell slruciuro 18 th6 .gsponsibllily ol lho building dosfgnor. For goneral guidance ragarding lYtllhblhlnon, qrnfty contd, lio(ag€, dollv€ry, eraclion, end bra, i,rg. consull QST-oE Oulllty strndard, DSB-89 Braclng EFdoq0ohddHE4rH.nillnqlntt;lhglndEraclng|r;ommendallon.vailabl;lromTru$Pl.loln.lttute,;$o'lllT3k]nduatrla3, lnc. O||olrloOrtrt, .dl.on, Wl dt719 tu;;# K681562 s. tnc.-wbbGn lrbg,rl,rr lgsa pro" l roAD C SE(SI t) Rogubn Lur$ff Incrsa66=1.00, Plalo Incroase=i.oo Unfofln LoaG (C0 Vert l-2=18{1.0 TFpoEoUal Loeds (d0'-'- v€rt 2={.Glo- 12=211.3,12''214.3-to11=-337.7, 11='337.7'tol0=-161.1' 10=-161'1'to-9=-583 4 2) UBC: Lumb€t loctoaso= I '25, Plate Increase= 1 .25 Unfom Loa& (Plf) Vert l-2=20.0 TEp8zoldal Loads (d0' Vert r-z0.iiti12={2.9, 12=62.9'tc1 1={7.5, 11={7.5'kr10='112 2, 10='112.2'to9=136 7 3) Wnd tsfr ttmbor tnctoase= 1.33, Plate Inctease'1.33 Un orn Loa& (Pl0 vort 1.2=50.5, 23=-4.7, 3-1=-4.7, ,l-5=-12.3, 56=-12.3, 6-7=12.3, 7{=16.1 Hotz: 1-2=6(1,5,2-3=1.7, 3-1=4.7, 4-5= 12.3, 5{=12.3,6"7=12 3,7{='16.1' 7'9=38'5 Trapozokhl Loads (Pll)' vert 2{.0.i;12=23.4, '12=23.4-t'}11=36'9, 11=36.9-te10=50.4, 10=50.1-lG9=63'7 Hon: 2={.Gbl2=-11.8, 't2=-11.8'b-11='70.7, 't t='70.7'to-10=96.5, 10='96'$to9=122'1 4) lvhd RiCht ttlmber Incr€ass=1.33, Plats lncreaso=l.33 Untrotm Loads (C0 Veit 1-2d8O, 23=-7.2, 3{=7.2, a'5='14.8, 56=11.8' 6-7=,|4.8, 7{=18.6 Ho;z: l-2=583, 2-3=7.2, 3-1=7.2, 4'5=14.8, 5{=14.8, 6'7=14 8, 7€='18 6' 7'9='23 3 Trapezoidal Loads (flf)' Vert 2=0.$to12=23.1,12=23.1-W11=36.9, 11=36.9-to-10=50.{, 10=50.4'to9=63 7 H,iz: 2{).0.b12=,[i1.8, 12=-11'&t+11=70.7, 11=70.7-1G10=96'5, 10=96.5-t']9=122'1 5l ldlryhd t'arahl: L||mbat Inqease=13:1, Plalo Increase=l.ilil Unlltom Loads (plO Vert 1-2=18.0. 2-3=7.2, 3-1=7.2, 16='11.8, 56='113' 6'7=11.8' 7-8=16.1 Horx 1.2d8.0, 2.3=7.2, 3-{=7.2, 4'5=11'8' 5€= 11.8, 6-7=11.8' 7-8=-16.1' 7'9='23'3 TnpezoiJal Lods (Pll)' V6rt 2=0.$b12=23.1, 12=23.1-tol1=36.9, I 1=36.9-to-10=50'1, 10=50.1-to-9=63'7 Hotz: 2={.Gb12=-413, 12=-41.8'to1t=-70 7, 1 1=70.7{0'10='96.5, l0='96.5't}9=''122'1 JAN i 5 1998 3"ri ,i&,Sa;'9 A, WnniVC - Vetify dcsip parumetot and tLlllD NOTES ON I-HIS AND RIIVtiRSIi ,9lDIi REI\OM| ll.ut. Ogdgn valdf(,, ulo onv wth Xllek cohn€ctors. This d€sign is based only upon paramelers shown, and is lor an individual bddno corponq[ b bo lmtrllsd and loaded venically. Applicability ol &slgn parametors and proper incoryoralaon ol cottpofiJrl b re*o.rlblltlol bldhg d6?&ner - nol lrus3 deshn6r. Bracing slxrwn is lor latorni srppod ol ;divirhral wob ftltmff$ro mty. Addtldd l.rrporary Fraclng to Insuro slabllity during construction ls th6 responsibility ol lho sreclol Addilional I tI nm?fi,ff*trffif:'.:I#fr:J1""f:i:11'Jy",T"l'"'":*ff'H,1Tf[1;fi",i3i;lilil,l]33HiJT*liX ltllrlabdclbn, quatty control, slonge, delivery, ersction, and bracing, consult OST-08 Ouallty St.ndard, DSB.89 Braclng AD.cltlcroDn. ind Hl&'el Hrndllnd lnlt lllno and Br.clno Recommendallon available lrom Tru!. Pl.lo Inslltule. 583Spacttlq0 , r;d Ht&01 Hrnillng tnlt lllng and Br.clng Re;ommendatlon availabl; lrom Tru!. Pl.lo lnstltule,6$ o' XlTek lndurtlcc, lnc. Onoftlo lh\,r, .dl|on, Wl 5:1719 co E0203 16 1997 MiTek .- roAD cAsE(sl 1) Rsgular Lumbet Insrass= 1 .00, Pla 16 Incroe se= I .00 Untum loads (d0 Vstt 1-2=-1m.0 TEpozoldal Loads (t0 V.rt F0.0-b12=218.6, 1 2=-21 8.6-to-1 | =-313.1 , 1 t ='313.1 "b-1 0=-{67.7 ' 10=-467.7'tc9=-591 .1 2l UBC: lumber lncreaso=1.25, Phts Increas€=l'25 Unfom Loa& (pl0 Vcrt t-2=2{1.0 TrapozoHal Loads (d0 Vct 2-20.$b12'{3.7, 12={3.7-tG11=-88.6, 11={8.6-io10='113.5, 10=113.5'ttc-9='138.2 3l Wind Lctt Lumb$ Incrsase=1.33, Phte Inctease=1.33 Unibrn lsds ldt) Vot 1-2=505,2.3=-1.7, 3'{:4.7, 1-5=-12.3, 56=-12'3, 6'7='l2 3' 7-8=16.1 Hotzt 1-2's{).5, 2.3=,f.7, 3-1=4.7, 1'5=12.3, 56=123, 6'7=12.3, 7{=16.1, 7'9=38.5 TEpszoldal Loads (d0 Vert 2=0.Sb12=23 9, 12=23'g-tc1l=37.5, 11=37.5'to10=51.1' 10=51.1'lG9=64,6 Hoat 2={.0.t}i2=-15.f ,1245.7-10-11='7'1.8, 11='71.&tG10='97.9, 10=-97.9'tG9='123.7 1) Wind Right Lunbst Inctraso= I .33, Plale Increa se= I .33 Unlbm Loads (d0 V€|t 1-2{80,2-3=7 .2,3a='7.2,1'5='118, 5€='11'8, 6'7='11 8, 7{=18.6 Hoz: l-2d8.0, 2-3=7 .2,3.{.=7.2,4'5=14'8,5$=14.8, 6-7=11.8, 7{='18.6, 7-9=23.3 TrapozoHal L€ds (plt)' Vott 2=0.0-t$12=23.9, 12=23.9-iol1=37.5, 11=37'5'tc10=51.1,'10=51.1'tG9=61.6 Hotz: 2<1.0.b12=45.7, 12=45.7.tc.|1='71.8, '11=71'8-tc10=97.9, '10=973'to9=123.7 5) tswhd Para ot lumbo] Incr€ase:1.33, Plate Increase=l.33 Unibm Loads (d0 Vott l -2=48.0, 23=7 .2,94=-7 .2, 1'5-'11 .8, 5{='14.8, 6'7=-1 1.8' 74= 16.1 Hotx 1-2-68.0, 2-3=7.2,14=7.2,4-5=11.8,5{=14.8,6'7=11.8,7€='15'1' 7'9*23 3 TBpozokhl Loeds (dD Vert 2=0.0.1o12=23.9, 12=23.9-to-1 1=37.5, 11=37.5-to10=51.1, l0=51.'l-to'9=61.6 Hoz: 2=0.Uto12=-{5 .7,12={.5.7-b11='7 L8, 11=71.8'to10=97 9, 10-97.9'to9=123.7 JAN 5 1998 A wruun e - vtifi &tign paramcms and RIAI) NOT ES ON T lItS AND REVI1RSI. S\DL RE\-ORE IJS!,. Oclgn vglld fo' u6e only *llh ll|' l conn€ctors. This design is based only upon pararheters shown, and is lo. an individual building @nT( Bnt to b€ h6trll€d and baded vertically. Applicability ol design pa(irneI€.s and p@per inco{poralion ol --,.cqnpof|g ls |l sponsbllfy d bll|dng dosigner - ml lruss dosiqrer. Bracing sho\ n is for lateral support ol individual rveb lt I In€n$a.a oov /\ddfiooal ion?orary bracing lo insu€ steblllly during constrqction is lh€ responsibilily ot lh€ €rector. Additional I Ilpolr|€drnt bro, ng of th6 @€rall slnlcllre b the rosponsibllity ol th€ building d€6fgn€r. For general guidanco regaidng lYlltlabdcation, quirrty oonlrDl, rloraga, dollv6ry, €r9cllon, snd bracing, consuft QST.88 Ouallty StandErd, OSB.8g Braclng Speltbdd, ,!nd HIB€l Handllng In.l.ltlng rnd Br.clng Rrcomrncnd.tlon availablo lrom Tru!! Plat.Instltute, :'83 D' IlTck Induslrlo3, Inc. Onofrb Drtu!, tl.dbon, Wl Gitttg 6-11-0 K681561 eialnduaubs, Inc. wed Jan ta o9:1'l:t0igss Fegr I 8 ,.1 5x8'- -'' 3-56 2-5-10 2-5-10 4,35 [2 4x6-- 3x8-' 11 10x'10= 2.17 l1Z I tr; n'Il, I i? F I a.---'' p-- 4-5'6 , 6-L!:9-- , ^gl g i --J2:1-1t ,' 4-5-6 2-5-10 2-5'10 2-9-2 DEFL (in) (loc) Uden Ve(LL) 4.15 12 >920 Vert(IL) {.19 12 >736 Hon(TL) 0.04 9 n/a Min Length / LL defl = 240 SPACING 2{{ Platos lncreass 1,00 Lumberlncrease 1.00 RBp Stress Incr NO Code UBCnCBO LOADII{G(psf)TCtr 80.0 TCDL 10.0ECLI 0.0 ECDL 10.0 PI"ATES GRIPM20 149/110 Weight 65lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 21OOF 13E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 2',100F l.8E WEBS 2 X,{ SPF Sbd 'ExcePf &10 2x 1 SPF 1650F t.5E REACTIONflIb/sEe) 9=2307/c5{, 2=1796/0-3{ ttlar Hon2=201(load cas€ 1) lrlax Ufliig=m2$oad caso 4), 2=-283(load cas€ 3) FoRcES0b) - Rct Load caso mY TOF CHOhO l-2.98,2€={981, 3-1=-1001, 1-5=-1001, 56='2321' 6-7=0, 7{:{' 7-9=0 BOT CH0R0 2-12={703, ll'12=4693, t0'11=3821'9'10=2225 WEBS 3-12=6:16, 3.11={69, !11=1169, 5-10=1686, F10=2031, 6-9=2512 BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed. BOT CHORO Rigk ceiling directlyapplied or 1044 on center bracing NOTES il1'frG tur. tr.. U..n dsignod tor the wind loads genemtod by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load 'iiiO=SO pg mnor Aord-dead toao, to0 ml fromlunicane oieanline, on an occtpancl category I, condiljon I enclosed building, ol Olt*nsiins tS nUy Zf fiwih elpo$r€ CASCE 7-93 per UBCICBO llend vertioh or cantiivers exis! they are exposed towind' 11 porOr"ieii.*triaro nOepaieCf wnO. The lumber DON- Increas€ is 1.33,andthe plale grip incfease is 1.33 2l AI platrr ato M20 pbbs unless olherwise hdicated. iin[ nr. frar L". d$lgnod for a 10.0 psl bottom chord livo loadionconcunenl wilh any other tive loads pet Table No. 16-8. UBc'94' ii di"gitJ6ittttZ confrsro pantlet toirain value using ANSI/fPl 1-1995 anglo to grain fomula. Building designer should veritv capecly of boafiE $ftc8. $ i;dii; rnoch;rd connodion (by oherslof tuss to berdng plate capaHe of v{ilhsbnding 202 lb udn atjoint 9 and 283 lb uplift atioint 2' 6i Thb tus3 hat b€en deslgned for boh UBG94 and ANSrfPl 1'1995 pla|jng critetu' ii io.C ca*frl f , e, S, 4, S-has been modifred. Building deslgnsr must ieview loads to vedfy haihey aro coneci for the intended use 0l this tl'SS. LOAD CASE(S) A Vent'tWe - Vaify dcsign patametot atd RL4D NOTES ON II S AND Rql,?iltsli gDIi IIH1)RE UStt. Oodgn valld for uso only *ith llffak connecio.s. This d6sign is bas€d only upon paramelers shown. and is lor an individual butbg coriponont b bo instalod ond loaded verlicsly. Applicatility ol design pardmetars and proper incoeoralion ol -.b'rcotnporrt b rospoostUtityd building d€sign€r - not lruss designer. Bmdng shown is lor laloral suppod ol individual web |1|tt mor$ers ooly. Add!ql61 t€mpo.ary bracing to insuro Btability during construction is lho responsibility ol lhe erector Additiotlal I Elpenrun{{ brech! ot lho ovorall struclu.e is lhe €sponsibility ol lh6 building designer. For gBn€ral glidanc€ rdgarding IYIIIlab|baton, quallty cootrol. sloaage. dol ery, erection, end brac,nq. consull OST-98 Ouillty Slandord, OSB-ag Sraclng SFdLnc.tloii, r;d XtBai H.nillng Inltrlling lnd 6r.clng Rcconmrnd.tion avarlabl€ kom T.us! Pl.to lnslitule, 583 D' tllTek lnduSlrle3' Inc. oiofilo Orlv.. ,a.dlron, wl 6i?10 LOADCASE(SI Cono!n!'.t!d Lo.dr 0b) Vott 2t-510 A Wnmne - Vcrifi dzsign parancten and RI-4D NOTES ON 1HIS AND R\|VIRSE SI,L nEt"ORIt L],tt. OoCgn |ald tc'r uso only wth lf,Tdt coon€cto.s. Thb design rs bassd oriy upon pararnelsrs shown, and is lor an andividual hI&tC co.rpot|d b bo lodallod and loeded v€nically. Apdlcability ol design pa.dmeters and propor incorporation ctt cofifongn b t!€podbflyoa bullding deslgn6. - trot ln,ss de6lgn€r. Bracing strown is tof laleral s0pport ot individual web mlrttb€a! o.tly. Addto.tll t9opo.ary tsa.hg to hsuro stabllity du.ing const.qction is the responsibitity ol lh€ orector Additionslpor|trtif{ btao}1g of lha o/erall ltrucfura b iho responslbilily ol th6 bullding desig €r. For gsneral guidatrc€ r6garding fab|balhn, qJs$ty co.rt.ol, 8lorEg6, dolivory, €r€ction, 6nd br6cing, consuti OST{8 Oirrllty gtardard, OSB€9 Brrclng spaclflcado.t, rd HIB-el H.ndllng ln|trllln! lnd Br.clng Rocommendrtlon ovailable hom Tru!! Pht ln3tltuie, 503 D' Onofrlo Dnlra, l|dl|on, Wl f('no lllTek lndurlrler. Inc. *u'l i6l90t'tliiTei industries, inc. wedtn 11 09:44:28 '1998 Pa98 1 6-1 1-10 __,,_=- l 6-11-10 LOADIt{G(pd} TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0ECtr 0.0 BCDL 10.0 IUMSER IoP CHORD 2 X6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 80T CHORD 2 X I SPF 1650F 1.5E REACTIoilS(lblsh6) 3'461/05{, 2=1358t0'54, 5=71/0'}1 l,lax Hotz 2=166(oad caso 5) Mex Udlfr3=€7(load casa 3), 2=.216(bad case 5) Max GBv3d950oed case 6), 2=1358(oad cas€ 1), 5=112(load cass 2) PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weight 28 lb BRACING TOP CHORD Sheatred or 644 on center purlin spacing' BOT CHORD RigU ceiling dkecty applied or 6{{ on center bracing' FORCES(lbl- FH Loed Casa OnlY TOP CHORD t-2=181, 2'3='lt[1 BOT CHORD 2€'11, a'S=l NOlES ii-fftt tu*r f"r U.an d6dgfled for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 n above ground le\€|, using 5.0 psf hp chord de€d load 'anC'S.O pg Uotbnt ctrod-dead loed, 100 mlftom hunicane oceantine, on an ocq,pancy category l, condition I endosed building, ol dlmand;|r| a5 n by 21{twlh enooulo C ASCE 7.93 p€r UBC/ICBO il end verucils oicantileverc €xist they ate exposed to wind. lf pod|o! rdd, hoy ars nolbxposed to wind. The lumber DOL increas€ is 1.33, and he plate grip increase is 1 33 2) AI plab3 arN i,120 *t.3 unhss ohe iso Indkated' iin[ ns n* Ucn dgslgnod for a 10.0 psf botlom chord live load noncondrnenlwfi any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, UBC-94. fiS..rhgrfFhqO Z coosides parattelto graln rnlue usln0 ANSI/[P| 1-1995 angle lo graln fomrula. Building designer should verify capadty of bradng &tfaco. Sf iririij nrggrantil co1nection (by other5) of tuss to beadng plate capable of wihsb nd ir4 67 lb uplift atjoint 3 and 216 lb uplift at joint 2' 6l Thb trlrr h.! b.m doslgnod fof bo0t UBG91 and ANSlfiPl U995 Fting crit€da- LOAD CISE(S) Sbndad Erept 6l u3or &lhod: Lumbot Incr€aso=1.00, Phb Increas€=l.00 Unlbfln lsdt (d0 Vrrt 2€!-1E0.0, 2-5=20.0, 1-5=20.0 Concanlrt d [oads (lbl Vct 2-510 DEFL (in) (loc) lldefl Ve(LL) 4.11 2-5 >733 Ver(rL) 0.39 1-2 >96 HorI0L) {.00 3 n/a Min Lenglh / LL defr = 210 Plates Increaso 1.00 Lumborlncreas€ 1.00 Reo Stress Incr YEStus UBC/ICBO iL, tU'lnNfve - V.rirt d.tirt paramekrs and Nrll) NOI'ES ON T HIS AND M,VI,RSII SIDE Rt:t:OM USI:. O€6lqn vrlid l.rr (re only wlh illlok conn€cto|s. This d€si(n is bas6d only upon parameters shown, and is lor an individual buldho coopona. io bo l.t3lalled end load€d vsrtlcelly. Apt,licaulity ol deslgn pardnreters and proper Incorporation of --'.conpons{ 18 Fagoodb{ityol btildlng dGign€r - nol ln ss dosi9n6r. B.acing shown is for lateral support ol individuat web ff ltl|l€ntal! only. ldd0qd bnporary bracjng to insur6 stabilrly du ng constnftioft is lh€ regons&ility ol lhe ereclor Additional E IXffi lffi*,5,1""s"mj;:"HffiHT,p",[:j*llf,'t%1:ffi1"[il3il.Ti3:'sl":J"3:J:il, IYIIIgFdicdhi,r|d HB-e! H.n tkig lnltrlllng .nd g.lclng Recommcndouon availablo lrom Trulr Plrt In3rlrute, 583 o' lllTck Indurlrlcr, Inc. Onolrb DdY.,lhd-n Wl 6i'ne K681566 -3-0-0 3-5-3 I 3-3-14 3;5;3 ' 3-3-14 0-l-5 3-5-3 I ri DEFL (in) (loc) |ide[ Ve(LL) {.00 2-5 >999 V€rtfiL) 0.25 1-2 > 153 HorzfrL) {.00 3 n/a Mln Length / LL defl = 240 Plabs Increaso 1.00 Lumb€r Inccase ,|.00 Rep Stross Incr YESCode UBOICBO LOADING(pd) TCLL 80.0 TCol- 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHoRD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E B0T cHoRD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F t.sE REACnONflUslzo) 3:11&5{, 2=1158,Uffi, 5=36/G}1 Mar Ho.z2=1i4{load caso 5) Mar Ugllftl=ll(load caso 1), 2=-247(load case 5) lilar Grav3=276(load caso 6), 2.1158(load caso 1), 5=71(load cass 2) PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weighl 17 lb BMCING TOP CHORD Sheahed ot 3-5'2 on center purlin spacing' BOT CHORD R;gid ceiling direcuy spplied oI644 on center blacing' FORCES(b) - Fltst Loed C€s6 Only TOP CHORO 1 -2=1E2, 2-3=251 BOT CHORO 2-5=5,1.5=1 NOTES tjfttA tus tt , teen desilned for the wind loads genetrted by 80 mph winds at 25 fl above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load ' anJ5.0 eC botom chom OeaO teO, tOO n'i tromlunkane oceanline, on an occupanq 61egory l, ondition I endosed bulding, of dimenCins 15 fiby21fiwitr exposure CASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO lf end vedicals or cantileven eris! they are exposed towind. lf gocho3 sdc, hsy 8c not exposod to wind. The lumber DoL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip inclease is 1.33 2) All plab3 all M20 plalss unless oth€nvise indicatsd. Sini fus, h.r b..n deCgned for a .|0.0 psf boflom chord live load nonconcunentwilh any olher live loads pet Tabl€ No. 16'8, UBc-94. 1iB6arl09 auoh(sl2 consirers psralsllo grain ralue using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 angle to graln formula. Building designer should verify capaq'v d b€atug ilfte. 0 p;id; nr.chank;l connoclim (by others) ol tuss to beadnq plate capabla of withsbnding 11 lb uplifl at joint 3 and 247 lb uplifi at joint 2' 6) Thb tu$ l|as bcln dodgn€d fot boh UBC-91 and ANSI/[P| 1-1995 Plating criteria. LOAD CASE(SI Sbndard Ercept 6l Ussr dofinod: Lumbor Insease.1.00, Plate Increas€=1 00 Unfonn LoaG (d0 Vet 2-3*1E0.0. 2.5=20.0. 1-5--20.0 Cooentabd Lo6ds (lb) Vot 236,00 L, UttWtwg - Vcrify daign parametqt dnd REAI ' NOTES ON TH\S AND REVIRSI, SIDE RF,I:ORI: I:SE. Dadgn vSlldtol tF€ only rvlth lfiTo* c$nsalo.s. This design is bssed only upon paramelsrs shown, and is tor an iodividual bulldng compon€nl b be Inslalled and loaded v€rtically. Applicibillty ol design pardm€t€|s and propsr incoryofalion ol -.-,.corlpo,td b .rspo.tslbilllyef bulldlng d6slgn6r - not lruss dss\lner. Bracing shown is lor lat€ral support ol individual web l'/ltlr|orrto(! ooly, Arrditonrl tJtto.ary brscing lo insure slability durino c6nstruclion is tho rosponsibility ol the erector Addrtional I II ffi1ffiE*H,ffii":ffi:"Xffi:ffiT',y,:ffT"*ijfe"$,'ff,:"i,$3ilfl:1,::33ffi"#j:il'" ItIIr SFcl0c{ikit" rd F|8-01 tLndllng krrtrlllng and Br.chg nqcommcndetlon availablo lrom Tru.! Pl6te Instltute,583 D HlTak lndurlalea, lnc. Onolrlq Drlva, tadlton. Wl &r''19 -1o:iil Deci6199ifu iiCi inoustries, tnc 9-10-86-10-8 ''I 6-10-8 3-0-0 6-10-8 LoADING(ps0 TCLL 8OO TCoL 10.0 BCLL ()O BCDL 10.0 LUMSER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F I.sE BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5EWEBS 2X4 SPF ShJd OTHERS 2X 'l SPF 1650F 1.5E'Except' 7-S2XaSPFStd REACTIONS(IUsE€) 5=699/0-3{, 3=118,a/0-5{ l,lar Hons=l6700ad case 5) llax Udill5:-54(load cas€ 5), 3=-200(load €se 3) FORCES0bI . Frd Load Case Only TOP CIIORD 1-2=ll, 2-3{, 3-4=06 BOTCHORD }5<) WEBS 2-5=635 NOTES l)Ihb Uuss ha8 b6sn doslgned for he wind loads genected by 80 mph winds al25 fr above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load ' snd 5.0 pd botbm chord dead load, 100 mifiom hunican€ oceanlin€, on en ocqrpancy category l, condition I endosed building, of dlmsnslon3 15 fr by 21 fi wih exposuro C ASCE 7-93 per UBC;/ICBO lf end rrerticals or canlilevers exist lhey are exposed lo wind ll ponh!! cid. hoy 81! nol expos€d to wind. The lumbet DOL Incroaso is 1,33, and ths date grip increase is 1.33 4 A[ platss ac M20 *lss unless obe] iso indicaled.fini tuss tras Uecn doslgn.d ltf a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load non@ndnent wilh any other li!€ loads per Table No' 16"8, UBC-94. 1i Brarln0 etFhqsl 3 consldsrs parallel to grain \€luo using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 angle b graln lormula. Buildlng designer should verily capadty ot boadng s/ftco. 5) Praudo- moclEnkil connection (by othsrs) ol truss to bearing plate capable ol withsbnding 51 lb uplift at ioint 5 and 200 lb uplift at joint 3. 6) Thb tuss hes bo€n &slgned for boh UBc-g{ and ANSI/TPI l-1995 daling critem. LOAD CASE(SI Sbndard Except 6) Uset dellned: Lumber Incrsts€=1.00, Plate lnctease=1.00 PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weight 33 lb BMCING TOP CHORO Sheathed or 6{{ on center purlin spacing. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directy applied or 5-9'15 on center bracing' DEFL (in) (loc) Udef Vert(tl) 4.10 3-5 >789 Vert(tL) 4.20 3-5 >383 Hoa(tL) {.04 3 n/a Min Lengh / LL defr = 240 Phbs Increase 1.00 Lumber Inaeass 1.00 Reo Slross lncf YESCodo UBC/ICBO A U,twttle - Vctily dcrign parancters a RMD NO'I'ES ON 1'H$ /lND REV\:RSI S\DI.: BI,I;ORI| I]SE. Drdgn velld lor u8€ only lvfth Mff6k conn€ctors. This design is bas€d onty upon paramelerc shown, and is lor an individual bulldng cofipo(|ont lo bg Inslallod and loaded verllcally. Applicability ol dBsign pardmelerg and prop€r incorporation ol -.-'rco.ipoald* b tspoatBiulityol building deslgnsr - not tlt|ss deslgner. Bracing shown ls lor lateral support of indivictual web l/lIIo|qnos'g or y. Addito.lal lertp{)rary bracing lo Insurs stability during conslruction is the responsibitity ol he erector Additionat I II nffi:'ffi*trffi[1]#l:.1*,H??TH',5*llfl't'"$3["J;[i,'3il"'l'#133t:3Jtrilil3 ftllf 6P.dicdbn,.r|.l HB-el HlFdllng h.rrlllnO .nd graclng Becomm.ndatlon available hom Tru!! Plrto Inltitute, 583 o' HlTek Indurlrler, Inc. Oiotrlo DtlvG U.dl.o.\ Wl 5N /1e Plv 1 '1 roAD CASE(S) Unlhm Loadr (d0 Vo]t t2=-180.0, 2-3=-1E0.0, 3-5=-20.0 Cono.otat d Losdt (lb) Vert 3=510 JAN 15 1998 L, VtnlUfe - Vtify letign patamctets and RFLD NOI LS ON 'I HIS AND RF,l.7tRStl SIDF: RI:FORE IISL. Dgdon vglid lor u8€ only w h lllTok connectoB. This d€sign is based only upon paranelers shown, and is lor an indrvidual bulldlng co{rpooont to bs lruiall€d and loadgd vsrlically. Appllcobility ol d€sign pardmeters and prop€r incoDoralion ol r-," compooqd ls r6sponBlbltlty ol bullillng de3igner - nol truss d€signer. Eracing shown is lor latoral supporl ol individual web lI If md|tbois of y. Additonal lo.rporary braclng to insu,€ slabilily during coostruction is tho responsibilily ol the e.eclor Additional I lIponnanent bredr{ of tho orerell stnJcluro is lh6 responsibilily ol the hrilding desiner. Fo. g€ne6l guidance regardang lY]llllal,licdoo' quallty control, storaoe. dGliv€ry, ereclion. and bracing, consult OST-88 Ouollty Standrrd, OSB{9 BrEchg 8!.dnqdo.t.nd HlB4l l|lndltng Inttrlllng rnd Braclng Recommondotlon available trom Tru!! Plat! Institul!, 583 o' lllTgk Indudrler, Inc. Onolrlo lXY., l|idbon, wl 5371 I 2x1 tl 84-2 '- --l Jn.?l I LOADIilG(ps0 TCLL 00.0 TCoL 10.0 BCLL 03 BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F t.sE BOT CHoRO 2 X 1 SPF l6s0F 1.5E WEBS zX4SPFStrd OTHERS 2X1SPFl650F1.5E'ExcePt' 7{ 2 X4 SPF Strd REACIlOilflh,sLo) 5=il6rc\3{, 3=831,0*tB Max Hons=l16004d caEe 5) liax UdiflS*2E(load case 5], 3=173(load case 3) FORCES0bI- Flrsl toed Caso Only TOP CHORD l-2=11, 2.3=0, 3-4=86 PLATES GRIPM20 1411110 Weight 21 lb BR,ACING TOP CHORD sheathed or 2-1-13 on center purlin spacing. BOT CHoRD Rigid ceillng dkec0y applied or 2-24 on cenler bracing' BOTCHORD 36=4WEBS 2-5=-317 NOTES 1l Thls tuss has beon deCgned tor $o wind loads geneEted by 60 mph winds at 25 ff above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord de€d load ' anO j.O p* OOom aof-Cead load, 100 mi ftom hunicene oceanline, on en ocdpancl category I, condi0on I endos€d building, of d!n;d;m {5 nby 2{ nwlt| 640$110 C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO lf end withals or cantleveG exist hey ars expossd to wind. ll po.dlor.rd4 hsy e'3 nd 0rpos6d to wind. The lumber DoL incr€as€ ls 1.33,and the plate grip increas€ is 1.33 4 A *bs aD MZO Sbs unloss oho {is€ indicated. S n[ nrs t13l leci doCgnod ftf a 10.0 psf bottom dlord live load non@ndnenl ryfi any oher liv6loads per Table No. 16-8. UBC-94. liBeariq .tloin(sl 3 mnsldea paallel to grain \alue uslng ANSI/rP| 1.1995 angl6 io grain lormula, Building designer shottld verify capadty of beating drttscs, 5) Pr;yidjtn dtanflcmnrc{on (byo$ers)of truss to bearing plale capaU€ of v{ithsbnding 28lb upliftatjoint5 and 173lb uplift atioint 3. 6) Thb hr$ har besn design€d h both UBG9I and ANsnPl 1-1995 pla0ng qiteda. LOAD CASE(SI Sbndad Exc6pt 6) Us.t drfined: Lutnbor IncBsse=1.00, Plate Increase=l ,00 JAN 15 1998 DEFI (in) (loc) Ude[ Vert(LL) 4.10 3 >36{ Vert(TL) {.11 3 >323 Horz0l) .0.04 3 n/e Min Lengti / LL defl = 240 SPACING 2{{ Plabslncrease 1.00 Lumb€rlnctease 1.00 ReD Sbess Incr YES Cods UBOICBO L, VtWtYe - Vaifi dcsign parumetetr ant! RI:|4.D NOI'ES ON lI S AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORL USf:. Dcigo vab lot us€ only wi$ lfffd( cmngclors. This design is bas€d only upon paramelers shown, and is lor an individual blllldlnO coirponqtl b b6 insiall.d and loadod vortlcally. Applicability of design pariimetels and proper incoporation dl coipononl b ll€po.|sibllltyof boildlno deslgner - not truss d6sign€r. Blacing shown is lor lalerat supporl ol individual web msr$s.8 only. Addi0onal lEmporary braclng lo insuro slability during conslructlon is lhe responsibility ol lhe €rector Addilional p€atnothnt brachg ol tho ov€rall Elrucluro 13 the .€spon8lbility ol tho building deslgner. For general Ouidanco regarding labdcrton, quafty conlrol, ltoraoo, dollvery, erection, 6nd bracing, consult QST{8 Ooslity Slendrrd, OSB-89 Bracing Spacmcdkn, md HlE4t Handlln! In .lllng rnd Brrchg n.conmond.tlon available lrorn liu!! Pl6t. In.lltuto, 583 D' Onolrlo Ortv., Ldl.on, lO 53710 ill lllTek hdurtrlo, lnc. s.ffi49 $iffid .)F Ply ILOGANl iolouse(sl a Unbom L@dr (d0 Vort l-2=180.0, 23=-180O, 3-5=20O Concenualed tods (b) Vc 3'-310 ,1.0-32 s Dec JAN 15 1998 2925z !-c fr';a;u,# A Wnt ttlrc - Vctifi &sigt parameters o'd RIiID NO'I'ES ON T HIS AND REVI:RSE SIoE BI..FORE t tsl. [)3dgn vafd |q ula mly vilot ll]Iel coitroctors. This design is bas€d o. y uf,on paramoteG sl|own, snd is lor an indivkiral buildl.rg co.rpoarait to b. kBtrl€d end loed€d venbally. Apr{i( atilig ol d6sl9n par{imelers and prop€r incoryoralion ol co,npooqrl b rBpoa|libilhyol building designer - nol lruss designer. Bmdng shown is lor lateral slpporl ol individual web mefibgrS only. Addldonal ldnporary Draclng lo insurg slability doring conslructioo is lhe Gsponsibilily ot th€ erector Addilional peroutl€nl brSchg of lhs ('t,otall strucluro is lh€ rosponsibilily ot {:ro building designer. For general guidance regarding fabriledo.|, qldfiy co||trol, ato'rqe, dollvory. er€ction, and b|aoing, consult OSI-Aa Oulllty Stsndard, DSE{g Brrcing Spo<ricdbr, and HIB{I }krdllng Inatalllng .nd Brrclng Recommendatlon available kom Tru$ Plata In.titute, 58i} O' Ooofrb Orlrq Xadlrdt Wl 50710 l K6E15691 I ROOF TRUSS .a 't 1-6-7-3.{-0 $9-l 2x4 il t t I. i oEFL (in) (loc) Udefr Vell{LL) {.14 7 >921 Ver(rl) {.18 7 >73E Horz(tl) 0.04 6 n/a Mln L€nglh / LL defl = 240 SPACING 2{{ Pbbs Increass '1.00 Lumbsr Incteaso 1.00 ReD Suoss Incr YESCode UBC/ICBO 11-6-7 LoN)lNG(pE|}TCtt 800 TCoL 10.0BCtr 0.0 BCDL lOO LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E soT cfioRD 2X1 SPF 1650F 1.sE WEBS 2X4 SPF St'd REACTbN$htsizol 6=,|166/S3-8, 2=1733/0-5{ ltax Hotz 2=260(load caso 4) Llax Uplifl6=110(load case 11, 2=245(load case 3) FORCES(lbl - FH toed Cas6 OnlY TOP CIfORD 1-242,23=2581' 34=0' 1'5='10' 46=-547 B0T CHORD 2-7=218, t7 =2123WEBS $7=111.35:2381 BRACING i6Ccrlono sheathed ot46-12 on cenler purlin spacing, except.end verlicals 8OT CHORD Rigid ceiling directy apptied or 1044 on centst bracing' WEBS 1 Ro\./ at midpt 3{ PLATES GRIP M20 149i 110 Weight 51 lb NOTES ltThbhtsslratb63ndg*lngd|olhowind|oadsgeneniedbyS0mphwindsat25fiaboveground|ovel,Usings.0.psftopchordde?d|oad " ilis.oi,iii6i',iriro'ci.oto, ioo nl rto. r'unlone o6eanline, on an o@rpancy cetegory I, condition I endosed buildins, of Cirnns6nrfS[ryZf iwfii o,eo6u]o cASCE 7.93 per UBC/ICBO if end verticats oicantilerors exist, tlrey are exposed to wind lf porches erlg, heiao not gposod to wlnd. Tho lumb€r DOL Incr€ase is 1.33, and tie ptate grip increase is 1.33 2l Al olab a]€ M20 Dlebs unless o$s iss indlcated. ilffiffiffiilcoilnroO.iro.o psf bottom chord ti\c loednonconc renlwih anyoher livo loads per T-able^No. 16-8. UBG94' ;i il,i,i;ipf.qait oniders panattet nirah ralue using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 angls to gtain formula. Building designer should veritv cep.dv of b.rdm lurbcc. Sf iiffij mcfunfil oonnoc{on (by o$ers) of truss ro bearing plate capable ol withstanding 110 lb uplilt at joint 6 and 245 lb uplift at joinl 2' 6iT$ fuss lns been dcCgn€d br both UBC'91 and ANsnPl t'i995 phting cdteda. LOAD CASE(SI Sbndard Except 6) Urar dofnsd: Lumbs. Inctsas6=1 .00, Plate Increa se = I .00 Unfum Lo.dt (C0 Vcft 2-3a'180O, 3-1=i80O, 4-5='180O, 2'7=-20.0' 6'7='20.0 L U,lnntne - Vcrifi &ti1s paramctcrs axd READ NOTIIS ON 111IS AND RIil4iRSIl SI DE lltat:t )RI;. ltsl:. Oorlgn valld tgr us€ only rvlih illlok conneclors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is lor an individual bulldlng corpoarcnt to bo lnriNllod aM load€d vertically. Applicability ol doslgn parimeterg and prop€r lncorporalion dl -..1'.cqrlorgf b.!€oonsuey{, bukling d€slgner - nol tniss d.egn€r. Bracing shoen is lor laleral suppod ol indivrdual web lltt momb.B oily. Adddq|rl idrpo|Dr/ braclnO to Insure slabllity during c6nstqclion is lhe responsibility ol lhe ereclof. Additional El EEpo.||tr|!nt t'.!drlg ol th! orordl srruclure b lhe rgsponsiblllly ol lhe buildlng dosigner. For g€neral $ridorrce rdgarding l|;llftabfuadon, qualty contDl, alolaoe, dellvory, orcclion, and ttraalng, consull OST-08 Quallty St.ndard, Dsg.gg Braclng Sg.cltbdb;, .;d H|BAf lhn;IDg Inldlllng .nd Br.chg fto-comm.nd.tlon available lrom llu3r Pl.to Institute, -583 D XlTok Indualllas, Inc. Onolrlo Drt[, Xrdl.on, Wt 53719 4 Truss Typo ROOF TRUSS K6E1569 I I ltr* rnouitrles]rii. weilJan rq osri:lo lsgs Page z LDAD CASE(SI Cooccnbabd to.& (lbl Voft 2--S0O :""rr;o"( ..i.4Kt l, UIANWC - Vcrifi daign paranetcn and READ NO'IES ON I HIS AND REl4tRSIi S\DE REF)RE UStl. D.rglgn valid lbt t,se orry rdth Ulfal conneclors. Thls design is bas€d only upon paramelers shown. and is lor an rndividual buiklng ooflTonont !o b€ tEtlllod and load€d ve.tically. &plicabilily ol dos'gn panimeters and proper ii@rporatioo ol -rb'|'c1,rnponant b r€€ponsbtityot brilding d6lgn€r - nol lruss d€sign€r. Bracinq shoMm is for laleral support ol individual web ltttmentor! orJy. Addldon€l bntorary bracing lo insuro slability dudng conslrqctbn is the responsibility ol lhe ereclor Additional Eil !H permariont bGckE of lhg o\rorall d[rctur€ is lhe responsitility ol ths buildinq doslqner. For gongral guidancs regading fvllflaHhado.r, qudlv cool|ol, otorago, dellvery, oroction, and bracing. consulr OST-88 Ouallly Stand.rd, DSB49 Br8clng sp.dlhd|;, dd l B4r H.n;lhg tnrdllhg .nd Brrcln., nelommenddtlon avaitabte lrom Trurc Plats Inltltute, aS:l D' lllTck Indurlrler, Inc. qiotdo Orlri, lr.rtl.oo, Wl 1371e russ Type ROOF TRUSS -34-0 4-l-l I 4-1-l I' r l I ,1 +lIlr I a.t{ t+l l'1 4.51 FZ- 4-1-1 4-l-8---- -+ 4-1-l 0 !-7 lti LoN)lNG(ps0TClr 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPACING 24{ Plabs Increase 1.00 Lumborlncreaso 1.00 Reo Sttess lncr YESCode UBC/lcBo PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weight 19 lb LUMEER ToP CHoRD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 80T CHORD 2 X 1 SPF 1650F 1.5E REACTI0I{S{blshs} 3=52/0'5{, 2=1288/0'5€' 4=38/0"3{ l ax Hoz2=121(load case 'l) Max U Dllfl2=273(load €se 3) iiar GEv3=339(loed case 6), 2=1288(load caso lL 4=76(load caso 2) BRACING ToP CHORD Sheathed. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3'10'8 on center bnacing FORCES(b) - Fld Loed Casa onlY TOP Cl'l0RD t-2=1 81, 2-3=251 BOT CHORD 2{=6 NOTES ij-frr:t tus fras Ueen desbn€d fo( $6 wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 n abo\t ground level, using 5 0 psf hp chord dead load ' ana'S.O pgloua AorU-doad load, to0 ml from huni€ne oceanline, on an occupancy category I, condilion I endosed building, ol amensiins fS t Uy ef n wih exposuro C ASCE 7-93 per UBqICBO tf end venicils or'cantilevea exist, they are exposed to wind' lf po,g,as sri*, tef .te not expoied towind. The lumbet OOL increase is 1.33, and tie plate grip increase is 1.33 2) N *b5 a|b Un *bs unless otherwise Indicated. iiffrfi mss f'as Oeei dsCgngd for a 10.0 psf boltom chord live load noncon nentwilh any other live loads perTable No. 1ffi,UBC'94' fieddng atlolnqstZ considers panatlet to'grain value using ANSI/[P| 1-1995 angle to gEin formula. Building designer should \€rity €padv d boa.ing srrace. S) pfutd; rnodtsnicalcoonsction (by others) of truss to b€aring phte capabto ol withstanding 273 lb uplilt atjoint 2. 6t lhls h,ss has bosn deCgned fo. both UBC-94 and ANSUTPI 1'1995 phung criteda. LOAD CISE(SI Sbndard Exc€Pt 6) Usor d6fin6d: Lumbot Incroaso=1.00, Plate Increase=1.00 Unifom L€& (d0 Vot 2-3=180.0, 2-{*20.0 Concsnbabd Loads (lb) Vstt ?=€00 JAN 15 1998 AWAlntlC.Verifidaigtparanchxn',ltll'llrN()ll:5()Nltll,\ANI)tlt:lt.tl't'.\ll)lBl:I()ltl:It.\1.. Deslgn valld lor uce only $dlh il[ak connoclors. This design is based only upon param€ters shown, and is lor an individual buildlttg co||po.l€r{ to b€ hltrll€d 6nd load€d v€rtically. Applicabilily ol dosign pardmet€rs and proper inco@oration ol --,.cotyrpon€t b taspons&l0tyof hlldng doslgner - nol t uss designer. B€dng shown is lor lateral support ot andividual web lltl hrmbarS qrly. Addlionsl iorpora.y bracing to insu@ slabilily during conslntction is lho responsibitily ol lh6 erector. Addilroml I lEp€rmanont bractB ol tho ovo.all slrucluE ls the rosponsibilily of the building designer. For general guidance regarding lYllltabfuaUon, quatt confol, atorag€, deliv€ry, eroction, and br".irg, conitlt QST.88 Qi,'llty Stsndsrd, OSB-89 Braclng Sfrclflclloir, and Hnal Hrndtlng Inlt lllng and Br.cln{t llecomdond.llon available lrom Tru3r Plalo Instltulo, 583 O lllTek Induakhs, Inc, O olrlo Odn, lildlaon, Wl 5:1719 OEFL (in) (loc) Udei Ve(LL) 4.01 2-1 >999 V€rtfrl] 0.37 1-2 >112 Hon(ll) {.00 3 rva Min Length / LL den = 240 i^r! Ioenr 3-'l -,13-1-45-6-7 I I JIn '1 I l." I ,it s Dic t6-rggr uner tndustriCi,lnc K66'1571 I wad Jan-'14 09;44:52 tSgE Pagf t 5-5-7 8-7-1 I 11-9-0 . 15-1-',t2 34-12 p I I 2x1 t 1.77 172 7xl5 M16= DEFL (in) (loc) Udef, Vert(LL) 4.36 10 >185 Ver{fL} -0.46 10 >388 HozFL) 0.08 7 ola Min Lengh / LL dei = 240 SPACING 2{4 Plat€s lncrcaso 1.00 Lumber Increas6 1.00 Rep Sfoss Incr NOCodo UBSICBO IOADING(psflTCtt 80.0 TCDL 10.0BCL! 0.0 BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHoRD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X4SPFStud RE CnoNqlustse) 1=1257/S5s, 7=2659/OtE Mar Hotz 1=2g0oad cas6 4) Mex Udm1.-84(load cas€ 3), 7='297(load case 3) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-1'1 on center purlin spa( ing, except end verl'lcals' BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling ditecty applied or 10'04 on center bracing' WEBS 1 Row at midpl 4'l PLATES GRIP M20 119/110 M16 127182 Weight 71 lb FORCES(Ib) - Ft!| t@d Caso OnlY IOP CHORD l-2={630, 2-11d317, 311='5347, 3-{=3095' 1-5=7' 56=21' 5'7=-808 BOT CHORD 1-10=6108,9'10=6408, 8'9=5191, 74=3009 WEBS 2-10=69,2-9=1217,3-9=152,3-8=2254,4{=1089'4-7=3264 NOTES ij-firl tus fraa leen doCgned ftr the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5,0 psf top clrord dead load ' anO i.O p* lolor af,orC-dsad load. 100 mi fromlurdcane oc€anline, on an ocotpancl category I, conditjon I enclosed building, ol Of*nai6or fS n ry Zf fiwith exposrJc CASCE 7-93 per UBC/ICBO llend vertcals or canlilsv€rs exist, lhey are exposed towind. lf porctnr exl4 hei an not sxposed to wind. The lumber DOL increas€ ls 1.33, and he plate grip increase is 1.33 2) A *bs at! il20 plab! unless othonviso indicated. iin['n*Gt U."^ deslgned far a 10.0 psf bottom chord lh/€ lo€d nonmnqrnent with any other liw loads per Table No. 16€' UBC'91' fiA".rlng.tlohq$ f onaiders parallelto graln valus uslng ANSI/TPl 1-1995 angle to grain tormula. Building designer should Yerifv capeclty of bcadng cltFco. q p;,vldd mcdank;l co.tneclion (by others) of buss to bearing plato capade of withsbnding E1 lb udin atioini I and 297 lb uplifl at joint 7' 6) Thb hrs! hrs boen doCgnsd tor boh UBC'91 and ANSI/[P| 1'1995 platng cfiterh. ti Load €so(rl 1, Z, 3, l, 5-has bean modilied. Building designer must review loads to verify that they aro corect for the intended use ol this tru3t. LOAD CASE(SI A, Ur*mne - Vcrify dcsign patannrer and R!.AD NOILS ON I HISAND Rtil,tlltsti $DI IJI:I:ORI: IISI:. De€lgo valld tor use only n{h l lfek connoclors. Ihis design is bassd only upon pa€melers shov/n, and is tor an individual bu*h0 contponont to bo Inslalod and load€d vorlically. Applicabitity ol design pardm€te$ and proper incolporation ol _ _==,. compo(Elt i5 r48poo8ibililyga bui||'rng designer - not tfuss designer. Bracing shown is for laleral support ol individual web me;b€n onlv. Addtdonal ienrporary Sraclni to Insurs stability during constritction is tho responsibitily ol tlrc oreclor Addtlaonat t Egponmn€nl br.,ahg of lh6 ovgrall struclur€ ls lhe responsibitity ol th€ building dosigner. For general guidance regarding fabdcalb.l qr'rlily cof d, slorsg6. deliv€ry, eroction, and bracing, consull OST-88 Ou.llty Stsnda.d, Dsa-ag Brochg IYIII 39.d0c.tlo[. and H&el Hdrdllng In.lrlllng rnd Bruclng Recommendrtlon available trom T]u3! Plrte Instituie, i83 o' UlTek Induflrlgg, Inc. Onofrio Odvr, t rdlsr. wl 5:t719 oq/-'lPir- [Li'l 4.0-32 I 'i oeC lo tsgr t','tirei Industries, lnc. K681571i wed Jan'11 09:41:53 f ggg P.gJ j folocme(s) 1l Rcgulac Lumb€r Inqoas€=1.00, Plate lncrsas€=1.00 *rl.'11g*169'8,2=t69,8.b.l1-.216's,11=216.8.t,r3-_267.2,3-26t'2&.4=.361.5.{:'5{o 9=29.7.118:-40.5, 8={0.Fto7=-51.3 ?) UBC: Lutnbor Inct€as€=i.25, Phte Increase='1.25 ''".*l11tl|lE.l8.9|2=-18.9.toF11:.24.1,11=24'1-to'3=29.7,3=.29.7.to.4=4o 9=-{9.7-t}8s'50.5, 8=60.5'tc7=71.3 3) V{hd Lott lJmber lnclorss=l.33, Plate Increaso=1 33 Unforn Loads (d0 Hoz: $7=38.5**.,f,[\:i'.Jfr= 8=m.3'b'7''25.6 Horz:1.3.&t}2=38.3.2=38,3-tG11=.50.0,,11=-,3=.54'8-to.4=.78.8,1=.78.8.1o-5=102.7.5=.127.4.104=-129'8 llWnd Rlght Lumber lncreas€=1.33, Plate Increas€=1.33 Unitoflr t€& (dD Hoz: $7=23.3 Trapszobdlmds (Pl0 .-,^o .-4^an ha=rnoo i=not.'-10:-g.4. 10=-9.4-to.9=-14.8, 9=-14.8-to4=-20.3, v8,t i.{.&to.2=22.7 ,z=u.t-to!11.g1.t,li=24.1-tc3-33.7, 3=33.?.to4=52.3, 1=52.3.te5=70.8, 5=t08.0{06=109.9, 1=0 0'to-10=-9'4' 10=9 4't0. 8"-20.&tr7*25.6 Ho|L 1=9.E.to.2=32.1. 2'.32.1.t}11=43.7, 1 1=-36.,1.tG3=-18'6, 3=-48.6.10-1=-72.6' 4=.72.6-le5=-96.5, 5=.133.6.to{=.136.0 5) lst Whd Parallsl: Lumbot Incleas€= 1.33, Plate Increase=1'33 Unlfom Loads (dD Huz $7=23.3 '""'f1\19'.Jf, E=20.$to7=25.6 Ho|z:l=9.8-b.'2=.32.1,2=n2.1-le'11=-43.7,11=-36.,1-tG3=.48.6,3=.48.6.10-4=.72.6,4=.72.6.to.5=.96'5,5-127.4.10,6=-129.8 Ac. HousTcN, oEilvER, CO 80203 A UlnnWe - Vaifi daign paramctcn aad RLAD NOI ES ON I HIS AND RI,VI:lRSti SII)E REI;ORE ltSli. Dgdon valld tga U30 only sllh llJ|' l conn6clors. This d€sign is bas€d only upon parameters sho$r, and is lor an individual building colrpoioart to be krrtalled and losdod v€rtbslly. Applic^bility ol dosign par;melers and proper incoporalion of --.. mxHrffiWffi,*fl31:";ff:'gnffi1ift?n"l?t',lTl;:T"'$""'."$]iff"T;:tlrlJ:',^::1"^", ul;pomanbnt bradng ol ih6 ovorall slructlro is th6 responsibility ,rt the building d6slitn6r. For general glidance regarding lvtlllsbtlcado.r, quallty conlrol, ltorao€, doliv€ry, erection, and bracing, consult OST{8 Quality Strndrrd, OSB.8g Braclng SFcltlcltlon, md HIB-gl Hrnalh! ln.trlllog and Br.clng Re;om|nendalloo availabl€ lrom Truss Plat! Instltute,583 o' IlTck Induatllee, Inc. Onolrlo OrlE, $rtl.on, Wl 6it7l9 $6-15 s-15 ___-,1 tF r 3x1= DEFL (in) (loc) Udeff Ved(LL) 4.04 1-3 >999 VedirLl 4.09 1'3 >708 Hoz(TL) 4.00 2 nte Min Length / LL den = 240 Phhslncr€ese 1.00 Lumb€rlnctease 1.00 ReD Stress Incr YESCrdo UBC/ICBO q_A-16 0-04 LOADING(pst) TCLL 80.0 TCDL .|0.0 BCLL O.O ECDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F l.sE BOT CHORD 2 X l SPF 1650F 1.5E REACIfONqb/slzo) 1'522n+8,24t0n'5-8' 3=s3/0-3€ M3x Hotz 1"79(load caso 1) Mar Upliltl*250oad caso 4), 2=84(load cas€ 4) I'iar Gra€= 1060oad case 2) FORCES(b) . Fhst Load Case onlY TOP C}IORD l{=115, 2-1=145 BOT CH0R0 1-5=€, $5=E BRACING TOP CHORD Shealhed. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directy applied or 644 on center bracing' PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weight 18 lb NOTES 1) Thb h,ss has beon dosigned br he wird loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 n above gKxrnd level, using 5 0 psf top chotd dead load '' iric-sO g uno. Atorgioad load, 100 mifrom hurhane oceanlin€, on an occtpancl cattgory I, condition I endosed building, ot dtrn3nstom alt R by Zt flwnrr expo$ral AdCt i-gs pe, uacncso if eno verticats oicantjliveis exlst, thev are exposed to wind lf podrss 1d4 Ureiao not srpoiod b wind. The lumbet DOL increase is 1.33, andhe phte grip increase is 1.33 2! Al Dtab! ac M20 dabr unless oberwise indicabd. iififfi]5ffiffi;;rfu-fi tbi;ig.g piibrnom chord tivo toed nonco-nqrrrentwith any other live loads petTable No. 16'8' uBc-e4' ii sra-dngir1ohqsff onsioers panu roirain vatueusing ANSrrPl l-1995 angle 1o grain fornruta. Building designer should verifv capadY of bcatbg $fics. o privfOi nccfgnffi; connoc{ion (by ohors) of tuss to bearing plato capaue of wihshnding 25 lb upliff at joint 1 and 81 lb uplifl at ioinl 2 6iThtr tusl trac bsen d$lgnod lor both UBC'94 and ANSI/[P| 1'1995 pla0ng criteria' LoAD CASE(S) Sbndad Erc8pt 6l Ular d€fnod: Lumbet Incroaso=1.00, Plato Increase=1.00 Unilorn Leds (Pl0 Vcrt 1.,{=1800, 1.5='20.0 ,9j.:d W" tr+r . "....:'*9B.s'/fi1 ;€) A ulwtng - vrifi daigt pataneten and RMD NQl ES ON t-llls AND RliVllRSIi StDti III:ll;ORl:) IJSI:,. Dsolgn vatd to{ uro drly yJih l[fa* c!.m€c1oG. This dosign is basod oniy upoi paramelers shown, and is lo{ an indivdual bulldino conpo|lq{ lo bo lnttlll€d and loaded vortically. Applicabilily of design parirnet€rs and proper Incrorporation ol --..orrponsrr b ruqponeibintlof brrlHing dwlgos. ' not l.uss desiqner. Bacing shown is lor lateial supporl of individual web UIt nromb.|3 ont Addltional tomporary braclng lo insuro slabilily du.inq construction is lhe rcsponsibilily ol lhe €rector. Additional E tE poflnamnt bndng ol ths ov€r|ll slniclur€ is the responsibilily ol the bullding desr'qnor. For general goidance rdgardi|g lYlllbbdcatbn, $aly contyo{, doraoo, dolivsry, efeclion, and bracing. con$rlt OSt{a Qtuallty Strndard, OSB{9 Braclng sp.cfi.ibh, dd H|s€l H.ndllng Indtllng end Braclng R;ommendlrlon available kom Tru$ Pl.te In3lllule, -58J D' lllTck lndurtrlco, Inc. Onolrlo lrrlYt, ll.dlion, wl 5ul I :LOGAN4 co 80203 SPACING 244 Plates Insoeso 1.00 Lumborlnclease .|.00 Rep St€ss Incf YESCode UBCYICBo LOADING(p6l) TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0ECI 0.0 BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP ClloRD 2 X 6 SPF l65oF ',l.sE BOT CHoRD 2 X l SPF 1650F 1.5E WEES 2 Xl SPF Stld OI}IERS 2 X I SPF 1650F 1.5E 'Except' lGl1 2X 1 SPF Std, 13-14 2X I SPF Stud REACTlOilqlb/sEo) 6=2315O'5-8, 2=2315/0-5{ fi,hI Hm2=1300ad €se 3) Mar Uplif6=275(load case 5), 2='275(load case 5) FoRCES{bI - First toad Case Onlll TOP CflORD l-2=91, 23=.3111, 3{='219'1, 4-5='2191, $6='3111, 6-7=91 BOT CHoRD 2{.2852, 64=2852 WEBS $8={88,1{=826,5{=488 ltoTEs BRACING TOP CHORD Sheethed orrt-7-11 on centef puriin spacing BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directy apPlied or 10{{ on center bracrng' DEFL (in) (loc) Vdell Vert(LL) 4.18 2S >999 VertOL) {.37 ffi >575 HozOL) 4.04 6 n/a Min Length / LL def = 2{0 PLATES GRIP M20 119/110 Weight 90 lb ll nb [u$ hat b3on dscked lo unbalanced loading condruons. ii nf tu.. ft .l".n d$lgn6d for he vi,tnd toads geieratad by 00 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psl top chord dead load -'anJS,O pdbg66m drod-d6ad l@d, 100 mlftom-hunican€ oceanlino, on an occupancy €tegory l, condition I enclossd building' of dlrnondil 15 n by 2l fiwih exposure CASCE 7.93 p€r UBCIICBO ltend vedicals oicantilevers exis( hey are exposed towind lt poorct crtt treiar mtoxporod b wftd. The lumb€r DoL incfeaso is l.33, and the plalo glip increas€ is 1.33 3) AI Fbt elr il20 Fb! unl6ss oheftvis€ Indicaled. iin[ tulr Ur Oe"i, deCgnsd fo( a 10.0 pst boflom chord liv€ load noncon$tr-enl wilh any o0rer live loads per T-able No' '16-8' UBC-94' Si proriOc ncAangf ccnicton tUy ourell of truss to bearing ptate capaUe ol withsbnding 275 lb uplift atjoint 6 and 275 lb uPlift at joint 2' 6l Thb hils ha3 boon dosigned lbr boh UBG91 and ANSffPl l'1995 plating criteria. LO DC SE(SI Sbndad ExcePt A, UTWNWC - Vttifi &tign paramerets and RL,tll) NOI ES ON T IIIS AND RI,VIiR.\ll SIDIi RI:t:ORli ltS!t. thCAn valH lo[ ulo only !v|th llllel conneclors. This dssign i:t based only upon paramoters shown, and is lor an indvidual bllldlng cqrpononl lo bo hltlllad and bsd€d v€rtically. Afl li,.flbilily ot dssign parim€ters and prop€r incorporalion ol -r-..cqnpongrt |l |rrponsfralyot bd*lg doslgror - not truss rhsignor. Bracing shown is lor lateral suppod ol individual web llllnF||so'l ('ly. Addtonal bnporary brscing to insuro stabllilv ,lrring c6nslqclion is the responsibility ol lhe efeclor Additional I ll ffi:ffi*,*i:ffi:1[:i1"":*il3il1X'i1,,:i'"1'l1lilli.i$$ftT"[il$Hlill:'[3'JiJi:il:il'i Mtf 8padfcihrf aod HD-el tbnaflng hrblllog rnd g].cln$ rlrcomrr|€odallon availablc liom Trus! Pl6tc In.tlrutr, 583 o' UlTck krduaulcs, Inc. Oiofrto dvt' Itbdlaon, Wl Al 9 JAN 15 1998 { 3"^.'r. t6 tggT Uilet tnOusfies,Inc Wed Jan 1{ 09:{5:Ol K681573 i I I 1998 Page 2 .'a LDAD CASE(SI 8l Us6r dofhcd: Lumbor Incroasa='|.00, Plats Increas€='|.00 Unifom toadg (C0 Vrt 2{=1E0.0, 3"4=-180.0, 4-5=-180.0, 5{='180.0, 2-0='20.0, 6t3'20.0 Concsnfabd Loa& (lbl Vott 6=5,10 2*540 JAN 15 i998 A, UlnNWe - Vaify &sign patamctcrs an! READ NOTES ON THIS ANO RFVF:ntl:. S\DE tllll:Oftl: UStl. OaCOn valid loa |.Ea onty wlth lllTak connoctors. This design is bas6d only upon parameters shown, and is lor an indivadual blllding cotlpoareral io bo Inabll€d end load€d vortically. Appllcability ol d€sign pardmst€G and prop€r incopofalion ol --'rconponont h ,lponslbllital bulfirlng d€slgner - not lrus6 doslgner. Brdclng shown is lor laloral support ol individual wob llll ors|lbe.s only. Atldttlonal tdftpo.ary lraclng to lnsur€ siabilily during conshqclion is th6 responsibilily ol th6 ereclor Addilional E IIp.trnariool brd.rg ol tho o/grd 8tructure b lhe responslbllity ol the building d€sagner. For general guidance rdgarding IYIIIfabdcalion, qd|y co.rtaol sbaagB, d€livory, €f€ction, and bracing, consult OST{8 Olrllty SLndard, DSA{g Aroclng s!-lffc itlo.r, .nd KB-el Hlndlli|o Inrtllllng .nd B.rclng Recommcndetlon availabl; l.om Tru!! Pl.to Instituto, 583 D' IlTok Indullrlel, lnc. O.|otrlo D.lI., mrdl.oi, Wl Sll7lt MONO SCTSSOR l.o:izaoeCio rssi Miiet tndulues,.tnc. weo ian tl09;r ''03 1998 Page 1 6-8-3 -l34-2 31-2 '1 1 "r{9l'l I h t," l. G0-3 0-0-3 6{-15 q-8-l 0-3-464-12 LOADING(psf) TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 1OO SPACING 2{{ Plales lncrease 1.00 Lumb€r Increase 1.00 Rog Stross Incr YESCode UBC/ICBO PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weight 26 lb BMCING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 644 on center pudin spaciog BOT CHORO Rigid ceiling directy applied ot '10{{ on cenler bracing' LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 80T CHORD 2 X { SPF 16s0F 1.5E WEES zX4SPFStud SLIDER Len2 X 3 SPF Strd 1'7-5 REACTIONS(lb/sEe) 1=636OS8, {=307/SS, 4=30//0-5{, 5=328/0'5€ irar Honl='106(load cass 5) iilar Udittl=zl(load cas€ 5), 4=-51(load c€se 3), 5=-21(load case 5) FORCES0b) - Fl|sl Load Case Only TOP C}|ORD 1-2=-1157,2-3=1fJ{.2,34=94 BOT CHORD 1-5=911 IVEBS :l-5=9,|1 NOTES llThbh,ss has boen dosigned for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 n above ground level, using 5.0 psl top chotd dead load ' and 5.0 pd botom chord OeaO baa, tOO ml tom hunicane oceanline, on an occllpancl category l, condition I enclosed building, of dinrnCins 15ltby 21fiwih exposure CASCE 7-93 per UBC;/ICBO lf end wrticals or cantilevers €xisl, theyare exposed towind. lf pod|€s €rbt, hoy a]c not sxposod to wind. Ths lumber DOL Increase is 1 33, and the Plate grip increaso is 1.33 2l Al Fbs atg MZO Fbs unlsss ohe iso hdi€ted. fini tu$ har b.ci d.Cgncd for 8 10.0 psl bottom chord tivo load nonconcunenl wilh any olher livo loads per Tablo No. 16'8. UBC'91. liE€erln! atiotn(s! | co0sidsrs paEllel to graln '€lus using ANSI/IPI 1-1995 angle to grain lormula. Building designer should veriry capadU of b€adng arftco. 5l P;vidd medtanfi connection (by ohers) of truss to bearing date capable ol withsbnding 21 lb uplift atjoint 1, 5t lb uplift at joint 4 and 21 lb uCilt at lolnt 5. 6) Thb tuss has bcon dosigned fot both UBC-94 and ANSlfiPl 1-1995 plating crilerh. LOAD CASE(SI Sbndard Except 1998 DEFL (in) (loc) Udefl Ve(LL) 4.09 1-5 >811 Vert0t) {.19 1-5 >407 HotzOL) 0.01 5 (la Min Length / LL den = 240 A ur*Nwe - vaifi &-sign parameters aad READ ,\OI'ES ON l-HtS AND RMtiltsti SIDIt BtittoLti USI:. Doslgn vSlld lo( uso only wlth lllTok connoctors. This d€sign is l,ased only upon param€le.s shown, and is lor an indrvadual bu dhg conpoosnt to bs lnslrllod and loadod verthally. AFplicabilaty ol doslgn pardmebrs and proper incorporation ol -.-'rffi.f,:fffi3ffiJl#*1is,S;3i:';S""ffiffi"1'Jft?fl:ll"",lHlfiJ"$'"f$1ii"J;:T;:iJ'';:1,."", Itt Hffi:ff"llu;L'[iffS":'1"";;J:,:""*"";fi:llT',y",:!is::lliH#;".["J"[ff3il"%:i3:33';"ff's:J:ll! I?ltr Spcncdbr|,.nd H|B-el H.ndllng In.t lllng .nd Br.clng Recommendetlon avaitablo lrom Trulr Plate Inst ute, 483 D HlTrk Induslalei, lllc. f0 DcAsE(s) 6lUsrrd.0n d: tumb€t Incteaso= 1.00, Plah Inclease= 1 .m Unh|nt@ft(dl) Vet l-2=t800, 23=lE0O, 3-{=180.0, l-5=20.0 L UlnnNe - l,i ify &ign pramctd' and RIA| , NO'I'ES ON '|'HIS AND IIEVIIRSE SIDti uIt:ORE USIi. Dgdgn yalldbf ulo onl!, wlth lllf€k conn€cto.s. Thb design bas€d only upon paramelers shown, and is tor an indlvidual hJ|C|g dflFomnl b t .) Inslallod and loaded vedicefly. Appli, ,$ility ol dgsign padmetors and p.oper incolporation ol onpq l h faPomlh llyd bu{dlng dodoner - nol lruai do..\tnor. Bracin€ shown is lff Inl||.nl siDporl ol Indiviimlwnh ttLitlb.|! oity. Aart llor' ,l trrpoarry tsdaro to hsur6 stablLly r rhrg c6rtstrqcllon ls tl|o respotrstbihly ol ll|o orecto.. A(lJitaor|lrl pafll|lti{ Uthg of i])o ovcrall sttuclurg ls tho reSponsibilit! ol lllo bulldlng dosigner. For genoralguidonce regarding tabrlcalha, q,rlly conlrol, abrag6, deliwly, ereclion, and bra, ]n0, consult OST.88 Ourllty Strndard, OSB-a9 Breclng tlgaotlcado.L tatd Hlt'.ti Handllng InaLllln0 rnd B..clng ltocomm.ndrtlon availabl€ hom Tru!! Plato lnrlllute, 563 D' Onolrlo Drlta k I&", Wlllne iltflTek lndurlrlcr. lnc. m Fi:.-... .-..":{"-9$;;at?9 3-1-1it 3-l-14 t, Fr J 1 SPACING 2{{ Platoslncrease 1.00 Lumbsr Incrsase 1.00 Reo Stess lncr YESCode UBC/ICBO LOADING(p{ TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL l()O LUMBER TOP CltoRD 2 X6 SPF 1650F l.sE BOT CHORD 2 X4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Lolt 2 X 3 SPF Sird l+4 RE CTloNqbrsiz0l 1=279O-5{,5=29/0'5{, 3=307/0'5{ ilar Hon 1=62(loed case 3) iihr Udifl3=69(load cas€ 3) ltax Gravs=s7(load cas€ 2), 3=307(load caso 1) FORCES(b) - Fird Load Case OnlY TOP CIIORD 1-2=-110, 2-3=76, 3-1:-20 BOT CHORO 1.5=5 BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling dkecuy applied or 2'11-2 on center bracing' DEFL (in) (loc) l/defl Ve (LL) {.00 1-5 >999 Vert(IL) 4.01 1-5 >999 HozOL) 0.00 3 n/a Min Lenglh / LL defi = 210 PLATES GRIP M20 149/110 Weight 12 lb NOTES iJ-firfr nss fras been doslgnod for he wlnd loads genented by80 mph winds at 25 fl above ground leYel, uslng 5.0 psf top chord dead load '.nC C.O pg fobr cftodlead load, 100 mifrom hunicane oceanline, on an occupancy category l, conditjon I enclosed building, of Am.-nifi*GnOyZf Ivififi ogo$re CASCE 7-93 per UBCnCBO lf end verlicals orcanflevers exist, theyarc exposed towind. ll pordrer ufil hey an not expoicO to wind. Tho lumber DOL increase b 1.33, and $e plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Alt plab! aB M20 platos unless o$erwlso Indhated. liffrf nrl fras bosn &Cgnod lor a 10.0 psf bottom chord live lo€d nonconcurent wilh any ottrer live loads per Table No. 16-8, UBC'94' ii*.ttnOittottq4 t onsirhrs parallel to'gcln \€lue using ANSUTPI 11995 angle to gnin fomula. Building designer should verilv capedty of bsadng sit€cs. S) PrivHd msdranhalconnscllon (by others) of Iruss to beering plate €pabls ot wilhshnding 69 lb uplilt atjoint 3 6) lhb tt,lss ha3 b.sn desilned fot both UBC9{ and ANSlfiPl 1-1995 daling crilerh. LOAD C'ASE(SI Sbndard Except 6) Ulct d6nnrd: Lumbor Incnes6:1.00, PlatE Inctease=1.00 A ulnlalte - vcill design porameters a RLAD N0|'ES ON 7l l lS ANI) RtiVtiltS| Sl l )li fill;Okli I/.\1.1. Ngn vrllc ha use only wilh llJl6k conn€ctors. This design as based or y upon pararneters shown, and is tor an indivrdual bt l|ditlg cofilpfiont to bs In8tslled and loaded vsrtically. Applicability ot d€sign pardmetea and proper incorporalion of --,.compo.Er{ ls tBpoorlblllgot building designer - nol lruss dssigne.. Bracing shown is for laleral supporl ol individual web llll mernbers only. Addhlonal l€mporary bracing to Insur€ stabitlty during constrrtction is ihe responsibilily ol tho orecror Additional E lEpotnwanl b.sdftg ot lho o/er8ll slru€1ur6 is the r€sponsibilily ol the building desioner. For goneral glidance rdgRrdntg ll]ltlbrtdioo, qualt coittol, ltorag€, dolivery, er€ctfun, aM bracing. consult OST-08 Ou.lhy Strndard, DSB{g Arachg Sp.dflcdo.t Jd H|Fel Hlndtlng lnrlrlllng .nd Brrcing Reaommend.tlon availablo trom T,u!3 Pl.tc Instituto, 583 o lllTek Indurlfler, Inc. Onotrlo Drlro, adlron, Wl63710 AE H@sTolr DENVER, co 80203 iolo crsr(sl Unitun Load3 (d0 Vert t.5=20.0, l'2='180.0, 2'3=180.0, 34'-180.0 A UealAUr; - Ycrift &rig parametcn and Rlr', ) NOI Es oN I II\S AND RIiVI:RSL SlDIi Bt:l:ORFi ltsl:. Degign v& ior uso oa{y vrith ll[I€k connedors This desigr ; based only upon parametors shown, and is lor an indilrdual buiklir|g conponant to bg inftallsd and loaded v€rlically. Apt abilily ol dosign pardmeters and proper incorporalion ol --'.co.rpomr b r€r,pondbnty of bijlhlng deslgner - not trlss ,r :igner. gracing shown is lor laleral support ol individual web lI t t memb€r8 only. AlHllional lsmporary 9racing lo insure stabil|| r during conslection is lho responsibility ol lhe €rector. Addilional E E Epsnnetignl bradno o{ tho o!,o(oll slructure is tho rosponsibilrrv ol tho bullding desigfler. For general guidance regarding lYltlhbrlcaton, qually co.|!o|, ltoaago, dollvery, eroclion. and [, :ing. consull OST.88 Oiralllv Strndard, OISB-09 Breclng sprc@tiroh,rrict|taarxrnittngtn*itttnganoBr.clnltn;ommendrtlonavaitabt;l'ornTrus!Plltelnstitute,-583D'lllTeklndurtrleo, lnc. Ot|olrlo ttrtut, H.dhon, t$ 3:t7l I ma Sheet TIONS for & BRACING METAL wooDTRusses @ Th6 installer awaren€3sas with any oth6rslruclural to bo intorpreted as sup€rior 8p€cification for handling, installing mot or f,oor. Th€se rscommendalions are technical peFonnel in the wood TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 583 O'Onofrio Dr,, Suite 200 Madison, Wisconsin 53719 (6081 833-5900 truss industry, but must, due to the nature of responsibililies involved, be prcsented as a guide for the use of a qualified building designer or installer. Thus, the Truss Plate Institute, Inc. expressly disclaims any responsibility fordamages adsing from lhe use, application or reliance on the reoommendations and infomalion contained herein bybuilding designers, installers, and others. Copyrighl @ by Truss Plate lnstitute, Inc. All rights reserved. This document or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without writlen permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. TRUSS STORAGE Frame oo 'C.ozo9j9 o.i Ha2o9.o a|I! 4 Fn2 F8F!r Haato !i !l('A tt H =I o .f Ho F. coo oaa aa.|oqtc.!lA .|ctocto FEIrta co CI o o oo UHAoA l,lgtlc! o IL AEe. fl 6 U l.! cl AB2ZDDboltt E44 cE E. 4 Eil'zzE9!E0EiEa{ 4 lt E{az '{PrOEr- .o E FFHZclD g4 A f,rl{ cl e EI zo t,EA t{ zo :{ HEEZ(J '(ozg EE-qo rr!|H EAE S9ll nv AH Hqt U :. A D l<co E EI A B E I A t o; loa cE EIFtal{q!cl S 8;..EAIE o o FI!F C;Uoc fri6atoH(.'P"Haqlz0 d!4 ooo oo o .{F Itr I6 EE A d nl2I E'EE A !.O EI I{ &-oHqI U o p {$r uAA J 3 $ r3 R $ 2a o; B I $o s BrrLT 'Er3E;g * q o t, EoI (\l F E(.1 1d qlr EEU t] l.! 6 ,l AFI EBi8ga EEH Fl.2ZEP E9R. BE '{9ilH{o!o Ea F. l.HZOD R8q.!a EH A I Hlr x Bt{t{ !lc-u<q|ZA c|E ETEts b a6c tu FIol U g H F. I{ oA!q B F o AE orp N rl!ilo'- EIE'4et .a !aolrcdgl lo a o oo RHF'T I31 I 1 / 1S/9S fr'7 r3!+ REIIUESTI] | ,o* or: 'AIL, r:oi-ti*fiDo O F-oFt INUL'ECIIUN I^JORI{ {jHEETS FOr{ : rt / L$/98 F.flGE 7 AREA: CD p.'5orre : tTrn-949"-515u Flione: F,hone: €j7rZr94g5I5E F h er rr e t c)fi4- 3t+7fi Activity:897-rZrEE6 1l/l&/96 lyper B-EIUIL.D tit.rtr-rsr lSsUED Donstr: NSFR flddress: 815 POTATO FATCI'I DR Locat i oii r 815 F'OTATO F'ATCH DR Farcel: ElrZrl -E63-EI-O13 Occ: tltrlbT Use: V N Desci:ipL ion: NEN SFR/l^JITI-{ CRRETI1KER Frppl icant : fl. A. I'|ELSON Owner; t-OliAN FAI4ILY TRU$T Eontr-actor: tt. A. NELSON ti FTSSOCIATE$,r INC Inspect i on Reqnest Infor"mabion..... Request trr: l-o i s Req T!Eonments: e ar'1 y pm Ite "r-ieqr-tested t,d € Inspsct ed. . . Hct i ort Time Exp 4{il 8LDE-Final C/ In spect i on Item l Item: Hi st or'y. . . . , raraSUA F,Ll-Backfi 1 I Inspect i on OAEEI FW'-Tenn- acces s /dr-a irtarue . fi9/34./97 Inspecbsr': LF flction; {iFCR AhI TI-IRAGI(INE Item r rAASgte Fhl-Rorrgh qrade U9/etl98 Inspector': L-S Action: AFFR SEE COf{MENTS Notes: AT,F.ROVED I,JITH CORRECTIONS (51TE 6RFIDINCi EXCEEDS gTOl I,JEsT $IDE) Item: AOSOJ F,lrl-Final dri.veway gt'ade It en : tAtZrAlO FLDF-r:oot irrgs/St ee I fr!/Ie/9"1 Inspectr:rr ilRT Fletiun: f.iF,lR F,artial footing. l{ote}: Notesr kffppraved par"tial Footing' Iuntr-acbor' ]rl ]1 r'equest insp. for" $icuth !.lest partion in,a week or twci. lhis anea was needed fan placi.ng cf roncrete prtttrp tr''t-tck. $9/e6/97 Inspector: CD tict i an: FlFCfl A;-'F R{JVEO/C{JRRECTION REGD Notes: SUBERffDE IS OUER5ATURRTEOT REMOVE HND REFLACE TJNSUITABLE l4''{THR l AL CUNTRAtrTtrR REMOVLD UNSUITABLE I'If.I.TEF{IRFTL AI{D REF.LACE I^III.H CONCRETE I&i ewl97 lnspect or : illl Ac't i orr: i.tl-l-'F F' RUhIT ENI-RY F'ADS f,lotes; EX[flVAIE (REIYIOVE] Sfl'TURRI"EID 14fl1'E:l{tt{L Fl{OH fjORMs tI1/il-l/1g Inspec'Lor': f-D At:t iorr r A[jFR Notes: lli.-EAl"l LUOS[: t4fl-l-ER]AL frROF'I FOOf ING O5/Pll98 Inspector': CD tA6/fi4/94 Inspector": JRIYI 1E/31/97 Inspector'.r CD lllOT/9'7 Inspectari CD li/le/9'7 Inspectorl UD Notesr CLEAitl REB0R HAf OF lA/$6/9'7 Inspector: AR"f lU/0'A/9| IrrspecLr.rr: CD tA/ Ii'-/i7 Inspector': CI) ACt i ON I AT.!.FI F{E1"|:I I N I N6 WRLL FOOT I NES flr: b i on r fif'F R F'ADti FOF{ FItON-f HNI RV AC't iOrr: FIF'F'R CfIftETTIKER FOOl ING NUD/SNEt'l J $ITE WFLLS Act i r:rr : flFI-'R UFpFR RETdTINING tIALL Act i on r AIrl-'Fi AFf'R L.Ot"rER RET'AIt'l I^IRLL RPITJE M6iT Utr TO PRCIVIDEi CLEARANCL.- FIIDI4 SJUBGRADE Item : OtAAetA BL.D6-For-rndabion/Steel A9 lE5/9'7 Irrspectorr LllJ tlctisnr FFI l?lIIIDLI HOUSU FOUNDATION Notes: COI'IF.L-EIE ADJ OF REBATT IN }4IDDLF EffST NTILL PUBLIC NOR}(S MU$T IN$F'ENT $ITE/ OIiAINT.IGE Aebion; NR Actionr F'A r{ct i on: DN NaL ready For insPection F,AIII" I AI- AF'F'ROVRL OE}\I I EI) CommetrLs R[:P | 131 TOI^JN OF UAIL,. i]tJLL]IIADO F.AGE A AREA: CD1Ir1€I/96r u17t34 liHil"JEtjl$ F0t{ INSl-,EL;l-IOhl t'lijRli $HEF-] ti r'0t(: LLl1819$ :ijj::lJ.,::j:i;-:-:.:g=-:!::;t:;::=:-iE;:::i:;j.i;:';::!::-lil::l!i4::;i:;::-====5l-=====-===:j:.:i::J===:::=::::-:::=:::::::J=== lrloteEr rjLlRf4S iUO t'l0T COf'll-,LY t^.lITH r.iFF'l{{iVEn l'LANEi $tjt{fii T R[:UISED LIR ING:J T:OR ']F'F,ROUALtVJ/Xll97 Irrspectorr L;D'1o/C3/')-7 I nsprect ar": f,D' 1t2t/3t/{r7 Irrrit:et::torl Ci I) t t /t4-7 /9'7 Inspectar': CI) 1 t. / LAiciT Inspecton: CD NOTES: REMOVE SNOI^I FROIYI f:ORFI5 flNI] FFFAR t. I/L'l/$7 Irrspector: ART Acf iorr: l.t l-11-'R Siut-tth a{rlrlsx as noted: lilotesr flf-'Ff{trVED WITFI CUIiRHC;IIilhl TO l-'ROVI$[: R[.]{AINING ll0RIZI]NTAL RHFAtt AT TOF Ut:: t4f:5'r hIALL-. Ut5/UtB/99 Inspect or.: CD rA6/A4/9A Inspectort JRM trr.:t ion l N[{CT]I''| LANCELI-.EI) Act i on r AFtrR At-'F IiUVED Ar:t i orr r tltrF l:l Biltll"i $F A HETA I N I NO t^,At.L Actiorrr AFF'R BJ-ICK i{ETAINIt'16 tlALLs At:tionr AtrFR $1 AIR WEL-L Actiernr FA REIAING t^tALL TOp SIDE Flet i on : AF F'R AF F RtrVFD PRRT I AL It,em: tZttZtEfA ]-,LAN-ILC Site F,1.xrr tztg/43/9S InsLreet or": CD It em I tZtUl{J:itA HLD6-lrrsu1at i crrr ralSlc1/98 Inspect or: Lll) Not e s : F:HA|4I lil{: CORRECT i ON T{l COMF,LETE FIf(l-- trLOCItl{i WALL Item r tiltZttjl6O tsLD6-$freetruck Nai I thl5/87 /9A Ins;:eetar.r i.)D Notes: AFFROVED LOt^lER (LAST) REfAINiNG HrtLL- FOUND. ILC ]O DOMINIC tiEE Fl0t'E5 I NsF.ECT. I Flctrun: NO $e/$3/99 Insoe.ctor r ](AT|-ILEEN Ar.:t ion; hlC| No'hes: lvlUST F'tiOVIDE ELEVtTTlOI',,lSi ON ILC,/IIURVEY I-'RIOr? TO RI-'pROVRL i b em: fiOrZrJB BLDG*Fr.am inq tzrSl11/!B Irrspectorr CD llctionr AF'FR Al-il-'ROVEti Nobes: I-.LANNING HAs, 6IVEI! RPF.ROUAL 1O F,EfTFORIYI A FRAMING .SUBMI] TFU:]s REI..URT' COMFLETE TJr FIX (ITEl,l SE FjRUN STflUU. ENGi RDD h,IAILS Tt] STAIR sI'RI|IGERHANGIR$ A6/ilt4/9& InEpectol.: JRltl flci:ion' Nobes; AFFROVED ENIRV LEVEL DRVHALL At:t i sn ! Atrl-'R St: I Nl]I t-"S RHFAIR l.II I'lOl {]Ot4FLETE ii.I DRgf.. LE.ILiNLi .IN LAUNDRY,/I..ANTRY tlcb i orr: [-'Ft I'IASTER I-EVEL- DNLY Or:i t'iIl{t: SIOFS IN B UENT CON T'R$.IL;TUR IJANCELLE:T)Action: NR tlEvEL Notes: DOES NOT ItltiLUDE ELEVAIOR SHAf: I t't6/AL/98 Inspectorr CD ra6lrA3/98 Irrspect sr r [iRG l,lutes: arrd stail dowrr to lanf ingr.arrcJ stair down to lanf ing,, .'&.,.r.'grelLaket''r ti. r"esidenr'e lower' L eve I and en bry ( nr-lt q*i-age ) .' 't t Y '.1, I .. .,.,..- A6/Ill98 Inspector': _ Ut6 /:E3/99 lrrspe "- .---i * - s4--- -nifiiT'-ceuq,ue'G ratzraTrzr ELIIGJM i sc. fi3/ ttl98.. lnspector: CD Act ioil: AI-,Fift LOI^JER $ITE WALL NC.ltES: "bUNMIT REUISED DEAIT.INES SIJOI^'ING CI-IffI{Gf: FRTJH BOULDER RETfiI I^IALLs 1-O NOI^I CONCRLTL WALLs I qqbion:'trtrFR - tiARRtiE AT CIIRETAI{ERS UNI l-'d.jtionr flF,Frr FIFFf?OUED tIITH CORRECTIOII- / ^\-l^. r,ro,.,-., , Itelrl ra3lEel9S Inrpectsr': CO Or'/1 1/98 Inspec'Lerr"r {:D O9,/B{)/99 Inspectorr JRM' iilotes: NCI 4 FT f,fiN TERRi I Lem; rArzrtl9fJ BLDG-f; inal t.V-r/ I6/Eb Inspec.tor': [;D Nobes: ELEC, FINAL l:t[:tl'u Aetion: AFFII UFFt:R REffiININE tdALL FICITON: AI-'F'R DRlVF:I"IIiY RETAININB I'JALL Act i on r Dirl t)f:l! I ED FOT ARDED TO TERR I t^tIt-L t-oLLot^J Llt-' Actionl lrl{l Lr.Jl!l tiFlEttlfi Nt,'f IF IED ALL CUNSTRUCT IUN I4ATERIALS REI,ITIUUL' sTABING AREA I4UEiT BE LLHA|'IED UF. FII'IO I{L:VEGGED HLt_ t".llltJsE #g f(n:ilr b SJTE I^JT]RK i4U5f BE. COIYII-'LH T[: CARE"IAKERU UNI.T'; -.---7- o I L€- l,Mu|r uD--, 6S'-tBrrtmzA REF'T 1:' 1 TOI'N OF UAIL. CNLNRADIJ PAGE : AREA: EDAlITLl96 Et8:OI4 REGUESTF FOR INSF.ECTINN HORH SHEETS T:ORI 3/IT/98 Activity: 897*tZt3*6 3/lL/SA Typel B-FUILD Statr-rs: IS$UED Constr': NSFR ,:::;:::: 8lg ffiTn# !n+EH **,* (lU1::.,:::,_,^,_=,::": v NFar.ce I : E1tZtl-O63-Ut1-Cr13 Desbriptionr NEt^l SFRItIITH EARETAK Anol icant: R. A. NELSONr own*", IiffiitlFAmlly rnusr F,hone: contt act or: rH?FitELSoN & FlssocIATES. INC F'hone: 9709+9515i: Inspect i on Reqt-test Reqriss'tror: RICK Req Tine: O8:tZltZt It ems leqt-test ed t o TAABJA BLD6-Framing I n format i on. . - R. A. NEI-SON Comments: be Inspeeted. F,hone: 9rZr4_5113 ommentsction Time Ex1 .___{ _-t Inspect i on Histor.y..... Item: OtAStZtO F,t,l-Backf i I I Inspeet ion It em : tZtZtSO 1 F,l^l-Temp. access/dt ai nage fr9/3fi/97 Inspeetor: l*F Act OASOI Fl.l-Rorrgh grade raAEgtS F,W-F i na I dt i veway grade OtZ'Ut10t BLDE-Foot inns/Stee I Q9/I'e/97 Inspector: ART Actionr AFFR F'artial footing. Note): Notes: kApproved par"t i"el f oot inq. Contractor- wi I I f"eqr-test insp. f or South l.feEt r:ort ign in * week or two. This area was needed for' plai:ing of concr^et€ pr.tmp trt-tek. t, nS /:16/9"/ Inspeetor': CD ACt i ON : AF.CR AF F'RNVED/fiDRRECT I ON REOD Notes: SUBERADE IS OVERSATURATED. REI'IOVE AND REFLACE UNSUITRBLE I4ATF-RIAL CONTRACTOR REMBVED UNSIUITABLE T4flTERIRAL flND REF'LACE I^IITH EONCRETE 1"A/'l,tL/97 Inspector': trD Act ion; AFFR FRONT ENTRY'FADS NOTCS: EXCAUATE (REIYIOVE) SATURATED MATERIAL FROM FORMS ANTI-TRACKING Item: - Item: Item:{ L| ,. I ! I Action: flF'trR 3 SITE WALLS Notesr CLHAN L0OSF MATERIAL FROM F0BTING RAISE MAT UF. TO F'RNVIDE CLHARANCE FROM $I.JB6RRDH Item r EO0TEO BLDG-For-rndat ion/.$tee I lrzrl31./97 Inspeetor-: Cf)lI/fi7 /97 Inspector-: CDIt/ 1?:/97 Inspector': CD Notes: CI-EAN REBAR mAT OF A3/tA1/98 Insoector': CD Aet i on ; AF'trR RETA I N I NG WALL FDOT I lSSi ACtiON: AtrF'R PADS FOR FRONT ENTRY 't Actiorr: ffFFR CARETAKER FO0TING MUD/SNO1^I ; frg leA/97 Inspector: CD Action: FA MIDDLE HOUSE FUUNDATION Notes: COMFLETE ADJ EF REBAR IN NIDIILE EAST hIALL F.UFLIf, t^|gRKS MUST INSF,Ef,T SlTE/ DRAINAGE lA/A6/97 Inspector": ART Aetion: NR Not ready for- inspection lA/a8/97 Inspeetor.: CD Action: FA FARTIAL AFFROUAL IA/ 16/97 Inspecton: f,D Act ion r DN DENIEI) Notes: FDRMS DO NOT f,OMF'LY I^JITH AFFROVED FLANS SLIBMIT REVISED DR INGS FNR NF.F.RI]VAL 16/:.L/97 Inspector': CD Actionr NR CnN CANCELLED 1lo/'e3/97 I nspect or I CD Act i on : AF'tr11 AFF RnVED L-,.--r- ----r--,--l L/:E-l lQZlncn-ert-an'rflL Alt i nn rQEFR -BAnl{ -S-tr'€-EE-[qL\L]l{G-ldALl- - i on : AFiCR *{, '' A3/AB/98 Inspector': CD Itemr Bl}gerb F,LAN-ILC .5ite F,lan $2/o3/94 Inspeetot*r CD U?/fr3/98 Insoector: KATHLEEN RETAING WALL TOF. SIDE FOUND. ILC TN DOMINICI sEE NOTES iI , i liit i:;l I I REF.T 131 TOt^lN OF UAIL, COLORADO F.AGE ( AREA: CDA3/lI/98 A8:Ct4 REOUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION [,ORK SHEETS FORt' 3/11/98 lL/A7/97 Inspeetor. I CD Actiont f;F'FR BACH RETAINING WAL.I-S IL/IE/97 Inspector': CD Action: AFtrR STRIR f.lELl- Notes: REMOVE SNUN FROM FORMS ffND REBAR Ll/L7/97 Inspectol': ART Action: AF'FR 5or-tth annex as nrlted: Notes: AF,F,ROVED t^IITH CORRECTION TO FROVIDE REMAINING HORI ZONTAL REBAR AT TT]F' OF I.JEsT NALL. Actionr PA Action: NO Act ion: NB. NOTES: MUST F.ROVIDE ELEVATIONS ON ILC/SURVEY F'RIOR TO APF'ROVAL Item ! rarala3a BLD6-Framintr Item: OraOSA BLD6-Ins'-rlaiion i Item : rZtOO6lA BLD6-Sheetrock Nai 1 It em ; EO'Z'7O BLDG-Mi sc. Item : otaagta BLDG-Final It em : 0rA53O BLDB*Temp . C/A { n Item: AlA53g F,W-TEMF|, C/A ITEMI OqI533 F'LAN_TEMF" C/O I t em I rz'8r537 FLRN-F I NAL C/0 Itemr 44539 Pll|-FINAL C/0 Item: erA54A BLDG-Finaf C/O ' 3-.r'ttnqtC l. c)|- .--Lb-:^{..1. t r.1 ? I---rr-l )).u+L e$t pneuri\se\tC \trlrJ-r Db- Nicol Associates, I lnc To:R. A. Nclson Attcntion: Rick Buckcndorf Project: l,oganRcsidcncc .ru ') 3 \SSb ^. r'FIJEO t Lv - KL"- rIf,,LD RTJPORT' Datc: Fcbruary 18. l99E Arrivc: 9:.15 a.rn. Dcpart: I0:5-5 a.nt. Wcathcr: parll) cloud) Job No.: 97(16'l The following itcms rvcrc notcd during my sitc obscnation: l. The exterior stcel pipc colurnn at thc south cast corncr ofthc carctakcr gtragc bcars onll half rvay on thc concrclc wall. Add a bcnt plate 3/8"x4"x2"x 1 "0 rvith (2)-518" diatnctcr cxpansiott anchors as shown in thc attachcd skctch. 2. Thc l-3/4x18 M=L and l-3/4rl l-7lS M=L at thc floor stcp in thc carctakcr garagc floor lianting havc warpcd and scparatcd. Bolt through rvith (5)-1i2" dialnclcr bolts spaccd along lcngth olbcatlt' Block to idjaccnt l$o joist spaccs to prclcnt furthcr tlvistitr,. Add joist lrattgcrs at cnds' 3. Thc double M=L hcader at thc top of rhc carctakcr uuit stairs shall bc supported rvith a 'Sirupson' luT4l4 (or cqual) lungcr at thc south cnd. At thc llorth cnd adjaccnt to thc corlcrclc $'all' bcar hcadcr on a 2x6 nlctrtbci sct flat against thc $all and alrachcd lrith (2)--5i1t" di lllctcr oipansion anchors (4" crnbcd[lcnti at 12" on-ccntcr. kavc a 2" tninintunt gap bct\\'ccrl thc lloor slab and thc 2x6. 4. Providc lcdgcr indicatcd in fax on l/29/98 bclou arrglcdjoists conring into sidc of concrctc $all at main cntry Porch flattting. 5. The triplc l-3/4x14 Nl L bcaur supporrinS, floor and porch joists bclorv tltc rnaittctrlrl wittdorv wall has warpcd and thc nr, rubcrs arc scparating in spitc of nailing. Boll through rvilh (5)-l12" diantctcr bolts spaccd along lcrrgth of bcam. 6. Thc wcb stillcucr lu\lrcatcd itt fax on llllltgl shnll bc aclclcd adjitccnl lo cristing bcilrlr l)clrclrillioll in WlEx65 ovcr garl 'i. ,t-10 Wnlnul Str(f1, Slil,. .,I rr In n,lkv, (-'t,r.,kl Ilo !1) ! To: R. A. Nelson Attention: Rick Buckcnrlorf Projcct: LoganResidcncc Datc: April 17. 1998 Arrivc: 9:50 a. tu. f)cpart: lo:2(r a. r Wcatltct: partlycloudy' Job No.: 97ll(r4 Thc follorving ilems ncr c llotcd during ury site obscrvation' l. Itcms notcd in ficld rcport frorn sitc visit on 2/t8/98 appcirr to havc bccn addrcsscd siltisfactorily \r'ilh the exccption of#(r. The $'€b sliflcncr indicatcd in fax on I l/l l/97 shall be addcd adjacelrt lo thc WlEx6-5 bcaur pctrclratiou ovcr lhc garagc ncar thc Ituilt up slud colutttn bcaring abovc. 2. Holcs in floor joist wcbs obscncd over thc front half of thc garage and ovcr bcdroonr #{ arc acccphblc. Thc darnagcd floorjoist ovcr balh #4 shall be hcadcrcd to adjaccnt .ioists. 3. Thc 3 li2" dianreter penetralion through the Wl0x22 bcam flungc at the uppcr lcvel fralniltg is acccptablc. NICOL ASSOCIATf,S, INC. Consulting Strutl ural Er4iuc,r's ,'\ ,, /- 'l L./'//,' Signed. \1../A/ .1 t&\4-F4r _ Diaue L. Hiiltzrnan. P.E. cc Joe lJkach Pierce Segerberg. arxl Associatrx 1191064tr2 4710 W.lnl|l Sklr'i, Soir. 21 r) Eoukicr, Col(,r;xk) solrll EDttB2Ilggs Field Rcport R. A. Nclson Re: Logan Rcsidcncc February 18. 1998 Page2 7. Only onc mcmbcr of thc (2)-l-3l4xll-718 M=L lcdgcr indicalcd in scctions l/56 and 2/56 al thc cntrv level framing lras apparently cxpansion bolted lo lhc concretc wall as indicatcd; thc outcr rncmbcr was glucd and nailed to thc frrst witlr (3)-l6d nails at 12" on ccntcr. Nail through with an additional (2)-l6d nails at 12" on ccntcr. NICOL ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Structural [nginccrs Associatc Allachment: skclch cc: Joe Lukach Piercc, Scgcrbcrg & Asyrrciatcs n97064til I REQTIV o.ounrtv Developm e nt Plan *ou,?u?o.rn /k r: ",,)- { (-,' Approved ( Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Routed To:Larry Pardee, Public Works Greg Hall, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire \-\ \' Dominic Mauriello, Community Development Logan Rcs. Revised retaining walls, driveway, etc. see attachedhoject Name: Lot 2. Blk. l. Vail Potato Patch Scheduled for DRB May 6 for exterior lighting plan.Project Description: f bvsyorlc\dom\roulfcrm ir.-,.' ,\ '''-i' ' i, ,' "' t:'\ lla- r ,1' r I April8, 1998 Townof Vail Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: George Ruther Re: LoganResidence Lot#2, Potato Patch Pierce. Setcrber8 & Aisoci.rt . Arthitecri- PC-AlJ\ i,Lin Ofi.r | 000 S. kont4c Rord \.1 \ait. co 8t657 fd': 970 176 18 phoa,- 970 1f6 43t Oenrer Oficc l6l7Wbree Str!.t Suite Cl Oerwec CO 80202 ftr: 30r 62J 2262 pl'one 301 62f 3155 Dear George, Per our conversation I am attaching plans and specifications regarding modifications and additions to the approved site plan for the Logan residence, Lot#2, Potato Patch. As we discussed at an earlier date, the Logans own tlte adjacent Lot #3 and plan to construct a residence there in 1999. The schematic plans include a driveway link from the residence on Lot #2. Following is a list of the modifications and additions. l. The mechanical concrete pad location east ofthe residence has been increased in area due to the inclusion of condenser units required for air conditioning. This ( area will be covered by a deck I bridge at the time of construction of the residence: 'r on Lot #3. Prior to that the area wi[1e screenld by landsca|ing. ' ' 2. Thb,area for the future driveway connection has been modified. The grades" between Lot#2.andlot #3 have been adjusted. The grade change between tlie two lots has been softened. Less boulder retaining walls will be needed at this transition. The boulder retaining wall on the north side of the driveway has been modified- A portion ofthe boulder retaining wall has been replaced by a stone faced concfete wall per owner request. The'driveway will be colored concrete and fully snow melted. The addition of a 1'-0" wide sandstone edge is proposed on either side ofthe drive from the cul-de- sac to the porte cochere. Approximately 30 feet from the cul-de-sac an electrically operated gate has been added. The gate will mimic the forms and colors of the residence and will be attached to stone colurnns. (See attached drawing.) J. 4. 5. o.a t 6. A survey completed prior to DRB submission indicated the edge of pavement elevation of 5'l'4- atthe culde-sac. A new survey indicates an edge ofpavement elevation of59'-6". The grade ofthe driveway has been adjusted accordingly and made consistently more gradual for the full length. 7. The locations ofexterior lights have been indicated on thc site plan and on the lighting plans. A8.2 - Wall mounted sconce - max lamp 1 00 W Al 9 (kitchen - north enty, storage room - north ertry, master closet - north entry, secondary garage - east entry) Al7 - Recessed downlight - max lamp 75 MR 16 (Porte cochere) A18 - Pendant-max lamp 150 W @orte cochere) A25 - Recessed downlight - max lamp 75 MR 16 (Enny) .{26 - Recessed stop light - max larnp25 W. Mounted lT" above grade or stair. (Stairs, sp4 garage, bedroom decks) Note: All stair and spa lights are mounted on the inside surface of walls. A27 - Similar to M6 where a wall does not occur - max lamp 25 W mounted 17" above grade (driveway) V/e feel that these modifications are positive aesthetic additions to the project. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to call. i 'sincerely, The Resort Design Collaborative Intemational (formerly Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architects, P.C. AIA) Enclosure o De sign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Logan Residence Project Description: Exterior lighting plan and changes to grading plan Owner, Address and Phone:Kent and Vicki Logan fuchitect/Contact, Address and Phone: Joe Lukach, The Resort Design Collaborative International, 1617 Wazee St. Suite C2, Denner, CO 80202 Project Street Address: 815 Potato Patch Dr. Legal Description: Lot 2' Blk. 1' Vail Potato Patch Parcel Number: Comments: BuildingName: Grading plan staffapproved. DRB approval on 5-6-98 Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 5-ll-98 Board / Staff Action Action: ApprovedMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Brittain Woldrich l. That the driveway lights be shielded with landscaping to be approved by stafl 2. Subject to Public Works conditions on building permit F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98U-OGAN. 5 | | DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 GENERAL INFORMATION itris application is for any projcct requiring Desigrr Review approval' Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcview lnust rcccive Dcsign Rcvicw approual prioi to submitting for a buiiding permit. For specific information' scc thc submittal rcquircmcnts tbr the particular approval that is rc'quested. The application cannotbc acceptod until all thc required information is submitted. fne piojcct may also nced to bc rcviewcd by thc Town Council and/or the Planning and Environnrcntal Commission. Oesign Revicw Board approval expires onc year aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issucd and construction is started. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: E. F, OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 tl Addition -$s0 $20 tr Conccptual Review - $0 Qucstions? Cac Planning Staffat 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL n I ^- a LOT:A BLOCK: I FILING: PHONE A. B, c. D. c. [yinor Altcration - Construction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition whcrc square footage is addcd to any rcsidential or commcrcial building. Includcs rninor changes to buildings and sitc improvemcnts, such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions' landscaping, fenccs and rctaining walls, etc. For any application whcrc the applicant wishes to meet with Desigl Review Board to determine whether or not the project genoally complies with the design guidelincs. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews' DRB fees are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Later, when applying for a buildrng permit, please identiff the accurate valuation ofthe projcct. The Town ofVail will adjust the fec according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SI]BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELoPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' TOVIN OF VAIL DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: MAILINC ADDRESS: VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Updated l/9i April S, 1998 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: George Ruther Re: LoganResidence Lot#Z, Potato Patch Pierce, Seterbert & Associares Arch tects, PC.,A.l.A. Main Offic€ 1000 S Fronuge Road W Vail, CO 81657 fox:970 476 4608 phone: 970 476 4433 Denver Ofllce l6l 7 Waze€ Street Su te C2 Denver. CO 80202 fox: 303 623 2267 phoner 301 623 I355 Dear George, Per our conversation I am attaching plans and specifications regarding modifications and additions to the approved site plan for the Logan residence, Lot#2, Potato Patch. As we discussed at an earlier date, the Logans own the adjacent Lot #3 and plan to construct a residence there in 1999. The schematic plans include a driveway link from the residence on Lot #2. Followine is a list of the modifications and additions. l. The mechanical concrete pad location east ofthe residence has been increased in area due to the inclusion of condenser units required for air conditioning. This area will be covered by a deck / bridge at the time of construction of the residence on Lot #3. Prior to that the area will be screened by landscaping. 4. The area for the future driveway connection has been modified. The grades between Lot #2 and Lot #3 have been adjusted. The grade change between the two lots has been softened. Less boulder retaining walls will be needed at this transition. The boulder retaining wall on the north side of the driveway has been modified. A portion ofthe boulder retaining wall has been replaced by a stone faced concrete wall per owner request. The driveway will be colored concrete and fully snow melted. The addition of a l'-0" wide sandstone edge is proposed on either side ofthe drive from the cul-de- sac to the porte cochere. Approximately 30 feet from the cul-de-sac an electrically operated gate has been added. The gate will mimic the forms and colors of the residence and will be attached to stone columns. (See attached drawing.) 2. J. 5. 6. A survey completed prior to DRB submission indicated the edge of pavement elevation of 57'-4" at the cul-de-sac. A new survey indicates an edge ofpavement elevation of 59'-6". The grade ofthe driveway has been adjusted accordingly and made consistently more gradual for the full length. 7. The locations ofexterior lights have been indicated on the site plan and on the lighting plans. A82 - Wall mounted sconce - max lamp 100 W A19 (kitchen - north entry, storage room - north entry, master closet - north entry, secondary garage - east entry) A17 - Recessed downlight - max lamp 75 MR l6 (Porte cochere) A18 - Pendant - max lamp 150 W (Porte cochere) A25 - Recessed downlight - max lamp 75 MR 16 (Entry) A26 - Recessed stop light - max lamp 25 W. Mounted 17" above grade or stair. (Slairs, spa, garage, bedroom decks) Note: All stair and spa lights are mounted on the inside surface of walls. A27 - Similar to A26 where a wall does not occur - max lamp 25 W mounted 17" above grade (driveway) We feel that these modifications are positive aesthetic additions to the project. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, The Resort Design Collaborative International (formerly Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architects, P.C. AIA)kk- Architect Enclosure 7 Wa^N b.reto:gr.''laz lor+2 ?a#:T? 7Xe.H e>q6to? LlCrr{TlNtCt P erce Sege"befg & Asscciates Ar.hrtectr Pc.. A.1A l'lain C'fice 000 S t-oft..ge Ro,rd \"!' vi t, co B 657 iat 97A 4i6 46aB Pha.e: 9iC 4i6 4433 16 7 \^tee Steet 5u le a2 De.vel CO 602-r2 iat ))3 623 17€2 phcnc: i33 623 3355 tlf l\..-.rJc)- l J>(f La-'+A tsuJJ tc r-lr-a:JJ l l-||tu trJL:t!zvt6 44L JJtb lr.t4t LOGANRESIDENCEO O I tighflng Firlure S.t "Or, Manufacturrr Leucos lGEe/Color TBD l-amp & Mfg: S'LVANTA TRU ArM BRTLLTANT 5oMR16e (Beam spread rBD perptan) Refiart$: pending owner approval. A10 Decorative Low Voltage llexible conductor system. Two circuit llat tin coated copperconductors, mounted to elastic clear -makrolon' plastic insutatin! c"re. ^o.1uat"ut" no.nt"PakqS" MR16 lampholder for artwork and decorative pendant (to be determined) fortables' Requires remob transbrmers- Transparent plastic end capi. cast aluminum ball-jointed suspension Points, matte millect finish. Lengih of standofb to urro* tor horizontalmounting of ribbon trnless othenivise noted. Exact mounting height per cighting ptans. Seedrawings for lamping requirements. Manufacturcr: Bruck 230150. 230190, 23O3OO, and 230360 for flexline system.Bruck pAKO-S 230700 Fixture. Bruck Decorative pendants (TBD) LAMP & Mfg: SYLVAN]A TRU AIM BRILLIANT'5OMR16Q (BCAM SPTEAd TBD PCrplan) Accessorlas: Translite two piece alurninum lens/louver holder. Abrisa Grass Sorite- 1/g' x 1.965" diameter soft diffuse rens honeycomb louvers. ani Accessory product numbens NOT included in items listed above. Manufactuier and contraclor to supply appropriate mounting hardwareand.guantities to complete installaiion ii itown on drairings. See architec,tural plan for layout detail. All Solid-rod vlA susPended continuous 12 volt sy$tem in matte aluminum finish. Requiresremote transformers. suppried with sber cabri suspension, connectors, rive ends andhadware as required. M.R'!6. white TrMo ramp holders, soft diffuse rens and honeycomblouver. Exact mounting height to be determined. See Jrawings for lamping requirernents. Remarks: Manufacturcr: Lamp & Mfg: Accsaeories: Remarke: BRUCKVIAmc TIMO Vvtrite SYLVANIA TRU AIM BRILLIANT 2OMR160 BAB Abrisa Glass Sotit+ 1/g' x 1-965" diamebr soft diffuse lens and honeycomb louvers, Accessory product numbers NOT included in items listed abore. Manufac'turer and contractor b suppty appropriate mounting hardwarcand quantities to completra installation as shown on dranings. See architec,tural plan for layout detsil. Decorative exterior walr sconce for (1) 100 watt A19 ramp. Medium Base Socket suitabteforwet locatrion. Untrested clpper body, white baked enamel finish on bottom oisnaoes,10.4' overall heigh( 19.3. protrusion. Manufacturen Louis poulsen pH Wall (7,18) lamp I lutfg: 1ooAls (tnside Frost) ROSS DE AIES5I LIGHTING DESTGN Revised: Apdl06, 1998 Lighting Fixlure Schedule IIat DtIa TDatttrta laaataaaaaII Daaaaat loaaaaIlI rD DIltIItItIIaIII Accessories: Abrisa Glass Solite- 1/8" x 1.965' diameter soft diffuse lens and honeycomb louvers. Remarks: Accessory product numbers NOT included in items listed above. PENDING OWNER REVIEW OF ALTERNATE SYSTEMS TO BE PRESENTED BY LIGHTING DESIGNER Manufacturer and contractor to supply appropriate mounting hardware and quantities to complete installation as shown on drawings. See architectural plan for layout detail. A13 Wall mounted uplight, allow 250 Watts A14 Manufacturer: TBD Lamp & Mfg: Allow 250 Watts Low Voltage under cabinet light strip for 20 Watt G4 Bi Pin halogen lamp, requires remote transformel 1.2'x1.2'extruded aluminum body, length as required, sockets 6" on center, white reflectors, frosted glass angle lens, white finish. Manufactuter: Light Solutions East A6M/P/20WAS2/LENGTH TBD Lamp & Mfg: 20 G4 Bi Pin FrostRemarks: No substitute. A15 Low voltage socket strip for 20 Watt 20ALR12/SP18-GBE aluminum reflector bayonet base lamp, bayonet base sockets 4' on center, requires remote transformers, 2"x2" aluminum body extrusion, clear finish. Manufacturer: Belfer 2791-4' on center or equivalent by Litelab. Lamp & Mfg: Philips 20ALR12/SP18-GBE Remarks: Exact location of strip within valance to be mocked up by contractor for designe/s approval prior to final instiallation. Electrical contractor to provide. wedges to tilt the fixture towards or away from curtains as : required. A16 Recessed incandescent downlight for '100 A19 lamp, thermally protected air seal lC rated housing., 5.25' aperture, 9" recess depth, gold Alzak reflector cone, white overlap flange. Manufacturer: lris 5A19/G or equivalent by Edison Price Lamp & Mfg: 75419 Frost 417 Recessed adjustable accent for 50 Watt MR16 lamp, thermally protected air seal lC rated housing, integral 120/12V magnetic transformer, nominal 3.5" aperture, 9' recess depth, gold Alzak reflector cone, white trim ring, soft focus lens. Suitable for wet location. Manufacturer: lris 3/MR AASR/C Lamp & Mfg: SYLVANIA TRU AIM BRILLIANT 50MR16Q (Beam spread TBD per Plan) Accessories:. Abrisa Glass Solite- '1l8' x 1.965" diameter soft diffuse lensRemarks: No substitute. At8 Decorative Pendant for exterior use as selected by Architect and/or interior Designer, allow 200 Watts ROSS DE ALESSI LIGHTING DESIGN Revised: Februory 23, l9?8 aII ) Dp 'oabaI Dpp rDtaa D Dcc rDrII DIca Do DI a a o o a D D D o o oIIII a DI a D D -.--.-_lLOGAN RESIDENCET - Vail. Colorado Llghling Flxlure Schedule Manufacturer: TBD Lamp & Mfg: TBD A19 Semi recessed in wall low voltage step light for 50 Watt MR16 lamp, requires remote transformer. 5" square face plate, 3'recess depth, 1.5' protrusion eyelid, cast aluminum body and trim, white finish. Suitable for wet location. Manufacturer: B-K Lighting S/Q-1-WHW Lamp & Mfg: SYLVANTATRU AIM BR|LLIANT20MRl6e (Beam spread TBD per ptan) Remarks: No substitute. A2O Decorative pendant as selected by Architect or Interior Designer, allow 200 Watts Manufacturer: TBD Lamp & Mfg: TBD A2',l Recessed incandescent double wallwasher for (1) 100 watt A1g lamp maximum, medium base socket, 5'aperture, 7.75'recess depth, double cutaway alzak reflector, overlap flange, thermally protected. Manufacturer: Edison price 41 9/5/D\/M//CO_ Lamp & lrlfg: 100419 Remarks: Or approved equivalent by lRlS 422 Recessed decorative downlight for (1) so watt MR16 lamp bipin socket, 4.s" trim diameter, 6.5' recess depth, 1.5' drop frosted blue glass trim, integral 120112yolt magnetic transformer, thermally protected. Manufacturer: Leucos IGEA/Color TBD Lamp & Mfg: SYLVANIA TRU AtM BRILLIANT 5oMR16Q (Beam spread TBD per ptan)SOMR16 EXN Remarks: Pending owner approval. A23 Decorative Low Voltage pendant, adjustable height, counteruveight, for 35 waft.ping . Pong' bipin double envelope lamp, chrome trim, integral 12 Voltlransformer,,6" diametei shade glass shade, color TBD, inner shade in pebbled aluminum. Manufacturer: Licht im Raum/ NIVEAU Lamp & Mfg: Satco S31BB 3SW 12V Bail Lite Remarks: Color of outer shade pending owner approval. 424 Low Voltgge striplight for 24Volt swatt xenon Festoon lamps 2' on center, 1"x1', length as required, wedge base sockets, with live ends, connectore, mounting hardware, standoffs, screws as required, UL listed for remote transformer. Manufacturcn ARDEE Clikstrip Lamp & Mfg: . 5 Watt Xenon Festoon Frost Remarks: Electrical Contractor to size low voltage wires, number of feeds and lengthof runs to avoid objectionable voftag6 drop in line or within fixture. Elecbical Contractor to coordinate blocking with cabinetry designer. RosS DE ALESSI LTGHTING DESIGN Revlsed: Februory 23, 1998 oaLOGAN RESIDENCE Vait. Cotorado tightlng Fixlure Schedule F1 A25 Recessed lensed and gaskefted downlight for 50 Watt MR16 lamp, thermally protected air seal lC rated housing. inteyal 12Ol12V magnetic transformer, nominal 3.5" aperture, 9" recess depth, clear Alzak reflector cone, white trim ring, soft focus lens. Suitable for wet location. Manufacturer: lris 3MR/FRC Lamp & Mfg: SYLVANIATRU AIM BRILLIANT 50MR16e (Beam spread TBD per Plan) Accessories: Abrisa Glass Solite. 1/8" x 1.965'diameter soft diftuse lensRemarks: No substitute. FLUORESCENT FIXTURES Surface shallow fluorescent channel for two side mount T8 lamps, side reflectors, 8.5' W, 2.125"H,length made up of 36" and 48' pieces. Cold rolled steel housing, baked white enamel finish, symmelric side reflectors, integral Lutron Hi-Lume dimming ballast. Manufacturer: Legion 675 225l Hi-Lume Ballast or 675 2321 HiLume Ballast Lamp & Mfg: (2) cE F25T8/SPX830 or (2) GE F32T8/SP)U830Remarks: contractor to verify cabinetry length in the field prior to ordering fixtures. Surface under cabinet fluorescent task light for one T8 - 3000"K lamp. 5.4375" W 1.5625'H, length made up of 36" and 48" fixtures as required. Cold rolled steel housing, baked white powder coat finish, translucent white opal acrylic diffuser mechanically secured, integral high power factor electronic'120 Volt ballast. Manufacturer: Alkco 325/ECB or 332/ECB Lamp & Mfg: (1) cE F25T8/SPX830 or (1) cE F32T8/SP)9830Remarks: contractor to verify cabinetry length in the field prior to ordering fixtures. Surface:under cabinet fluorescent task light for one T8 - 3000.K lamp. 5.4378' W 1.5625'H, length made up of 36" and 48" fixtures as required. cold rolled steel housing, baked. white powder coat finish, translucent white opal acrylic .diffuser mechanically secured, integral high power.factor electronic 120 Volt ballast, integral rocker switch. Manufacturer: Alkco 32S/ECB/RSW or 332/ECB/RSW Lamp & Mfg: (1) cE F25T8/SP)V830 or (1) GE F32T8/SPXB30Remarks: contractor to verify cabinetry length in the field prior to ordering fixtures. Recessed lensed downlight for (2) 18 Waft twin tube compact fluorescent lamps, 4 pin socket, 7.25" aperture, housing approved for insulated ceiling, white cross baffle, self flanged cone, opal lens, integral high power factor electronic ballast Manufacturbr: Lightolier 8096CBW/ 7218T120 OPAL LENS / LC. Lamp & Mfg: F18DBX23T4/SPX30/4PRemarks: No substitutions. End of Schedule e:Uogan-co\1 desdev\t 020fsch.sch F3 Ross DE ALESSI LIGHTING DESIGN Revised: Februory 23, 1998 e-a)tr +1L ) )E-a) Genenl Notes: The Contractor ehall verify lighting firture clearznce in all mounting conditions 1nd. compadbitity with all building ind site Eystema and repoft any discrepancieato the lighting coneultant for actiJn prlor to orAering trxtures. voltage to be verified by Electrical Engineer or Electricat contractor prior toordedng fixtures. In low voltage remote transformer applications the Electricat Contractor shall beresponslble for keeplng volrlge drop within limlts accepted by code. Secondalywiring from trangformer to loads ehall be aized ac"ording to distance and load.Number of feed points to be determined accordingly. where product numbers on the fixture schedule conflict with the productdescription or other requirements, the written description or requirements shalprevail, or a request for clarification shall ba made to regolve the conflict A8-l Decorative wall Sconce for 60 watt 110 medium base lamp, 4-1' protrusion, 6.2G, height3.9' diameter, cord & plug br minor mount, canopy icr wali mount'condition, length of cord as verified witr electrical contractor, white blown glass etched banel shafed shade, metallic trim in satin aluminum finish. UL lisled. Manufacturer: FLOS Venezia Lamp & Mfgr 6oTlO/F Remarks: SupPlier to veriff mounting height and conditions with architec{ and cabientrv manufacturer to provide hardware and conection for minor or wall mount. A23 Decorativd Lor Voltage Pendant, adjustable height counterweight, for ss watt,Ring Pong' bipin double envelope lamp, chrome trim, integral 12 Volt transformer, 6" diameter glass shade, color TBD, inner shade in pebbled aluminum. 'Manufacturer: Licht im Raum/ NIVEAU Lamp & Mfgl Satco 53188 35W12V Ball Lite Remarks: Color of outer shade pending owner approval. 426 Semi recessed in wall low voltage stepllght for 50 Watt (marimum) MR16 lamp, requires remote dimrnable transfurmer. 5"x3' face plate, 3' recess depth, cast aluminqm body and trim, dark brcnze finish. Suitable for wet locaUon. See drawinge for lamping requirem-nts. lllenufacturcc B-K Lighting B/Q-S.BZW LAMP &'Mfg: SYLVANIA TRU AIM BRILLIANT 2OMR16848Remate: No substitute. Dark bronze finish to be approved by contractor, factory to provide sample for approval. ROSS DE ALESSI LIGHTING DESIGN Revised: iltsrch 16, 1?98 HrK-Er/-l:lu L4; Jb l'(U55 lJE, HLE55I L I Nl.l tt46 44L f .83 Podlql Lightlng Fixlure Sehedule 427 Low voltage fuil cutoff exterior boilard, for 50 l/vaE (max.) MR16 la,np, bi pin socket,requires remote dimmable tsansformer, finish per architect 17" high, 3.5, deep, atuminumbody, lensed and gasketted, linear spread lens. Manufacturer: B-K Lighting CU$1096{3 Lamp & litfu: SYLVANTATRU AIM BR|LLIANT2oMRl6a BABAcceesorios: Abrisa Glass solite- 1/8" r 1.965' diameter soft difiuse lens (additional)Remarts: No substitute. End of Paftial Schedule g:Uogah-co\zcoMoc\1 998\03 t 63chd.doc I ROSS DE ALE5SILIGHTING DESIGN Revlsed: Mqrch 16, lttg aq . -?j tr" s-s ,@M !c HLE.I=l L|{Lr L':Lrt\oL('4if'T f\- llr< - J- :t :lC 44L 9r2t'l'.a3 Milwbulee. Wiscons n rlrirclure o.ound o stoniord 4,. Ior lurll.er derorls P H \!,,rr r)esisrrr:, i,,rrrr rr,..r.rrri.!scr.r .r\11 e-\qtti.sltL'l\, Cr:llfcCI lt'-l t.r. (()l)l)c: r-\len(lcCl \\,:rll fi.\tUr.c. Thc lntre.t(L-cl c()i)l)cr n ilj clt'r.cl<r1t :l l)c:LUtil,ul vcf(iigris Plltin:r \\ritcn U.5ccl ()utcloots Tltr or t::_rt1-rltinq t.L-flcctof shxclc-s Colors lJntreoied Copper. Woll rrounted directly to rhe reces!ed luncliof Ilox Eleclrico Relcr fo techn col doro sheels Lomps: M<rn: | / l0otA//lng. For lomp speciiicotiorr romphotder; ocondesaenl: Medium lcbels: cUt, Wel locoiion lee seclion l20l Bose I '""J c( )ntDlctel\, (:oncclt i Iltr: lL'jlIsoL.rcr' lr.tJ11. r rr l 1 lrr, lt:rcliplrrte lrntl I lrLntl)-h(.rIcler'.Ls.senrlrit.is t.^.. I " " f l)r l( lt(.(l fr.onr I'c:rr v I q:t Ltgc .sollCl copllc-r l-lialrr,.l to A" ltr-:rSs IirL .strLlclL!l.:1| fL'tlcctiltc riltrf:lcL': ()l:titc sh:r(lcs :lrc finisi)<(l ::l l'r;t.lteci rvititc, cr'lil nl!i. Dic o"crcr P..icdo,, Md<ihun 3:a ll.rqlt. . __ ___Yl.tl!!'" I tgt(lrlV. I lte llln(.1 I weillltcr I Csts[:l|r t w,rgtr Corolog NlJnhs, t:.7. lc.,' 19 j, 1/toaw/Ata rl lh! flrw.g te louis : tf poulsen ta )ccpp aaIttp lctbb D Dtf,ctttIIcrlcccccceactIIIaac DI Db acc DaI o OE LEMENT: ADJUST "A17" o ABLE TTN' SHOWER/LENSE Specrlicatron{rade rrsidenlral liiures that are wellocafion lisled and ulilize lorY'voltag€ halogln MR16 lamDs. A clear regressed lens makes lhis the ideal linure lol highlighling lile. laucrF. and olh€r archiledural leaturrs n a w€l location. . Lamo can be hot-ameo and locted tvithoul toot! up Io 15'lilt. 361'rolalaon Lanp aimrng lernarns locked dunng lelamorng. ! Precision-contoured tempered glass l€ns is r€tained during leiamping. r fiJduE is shiDD€d shndard wilh sotlloqJs lens. up lo iro lilter mdh may be us€d lor drarnadc etlec$. . FouFbolt. acoustically isolaled l2v |ranslormef mounling lnsures noise-llee operation. . To6ion s0rrngs and mechanrcal lighttrap ensur€ sag-lrle inslrllation vrilhoul light leaks. r ll3/l[R lirtur! ls llrlleht, Dut insuhlion m0sl !! taet 3- arrl; all olher linures are ainagn ano nay De used in direcl conbct wilh insulation. r Opticar elemenl can D€ otnged wftoul tools alter rnslallation. Seler t0 pages l0-13lor comprele lisl ol modules and €lem€nts. 3.5'APEBTURE Zi 3.5'APERTURE ll3/trlR MSR/E' Pl.Iom: 1l-7l81 r 8-5/81f r 5'tl tht. Lrm[: 15t 816 thlrtr C.11. 6. I Flrn!!: SF. Mlv 'fo r!!r!l! trlddrv. conslrt Etory ('\ -F s/TYIR MSR/f, Plriorfi 'l$3/4'L r l01rgtH l||t. |..|nE 50MRl6 tlnirh: C. H. G. B Fllngr: SF RAW oBoEI|I{G txFoRHATrorl tjnit calalog numoers corru comolele wilh the llatJbm and elemen! These,ilems may l also og oroerro Inoividually. Sr€ pag€s 1013. Unit numDers are list€d with the clear (Cl Alnts tinish (N3/MR AASR&). To order oth€r aEdable ftnishes. sulstrtute lne 'C' al $e end ol he un number with the apflopaale linish code. EI.: ll3/tl8 AASR& l0 N3/ltR MSRiE (black Alzakr linjsh). All elemefis come nrth a wiite. remorable di&tat llange ring. tor alternatiws. add appro- pflac lhnge code lo fiic €nd ol your unt nurnbcr. tr.: ll3/trlR AASR/G$[ (sell llanq€|. To order hmDs. add alprooflale Z code lo yur und numbg. Ex.: il3/MR AASBIIEE0ISt Se€ page6 64{6. 0PTr0[s Flnlahls tl:ng.i C . Cleat SF = 5s11P13.tt X = Xi:e 8AW = 8ancast 8in9 G = Gold I = Blaci for nct! otctttuiton rlitioinl !:!rc.ilnoa:allsor:as lta ctgas 56.59 tr lFr. l-r('rrtr\.. \\rrr\r\ HI_'H_EB_ 1998 LZ|27 ti..; iz n Ach,llc Cnstiglioni i978 ROSCOE irard De5<.lDtion; Pendant Iirtur€ Ptovidine dire(t. diffused nnd reflecr€d illuminrrioh oprtl o(rylic ditiuset is suspehded by lh/et lin e sleel cables. A blach metal steln irnd desrtn A qh lllt C a stiglioni 199.2 MOMA colld<tion & FO5(OE a ward Oescriprlon: SLrspenrion lomp p.oviding d iffus e d llght. Opal wh ite Btrs j diffuser is euspendeC by a slerl (able and Powered by lw0 sUpplV r.o rd i. ceiling rose js vrhrt€. L! fi Fr: loow Opa I A-19 (rr Osram 23W D'llur EL. Lomp noI provlded. I w, rr mesh bark€t a9Ser:rt)lV !eCUre the refle (ior lo thE Iti' power cord. FiniEhes: Reflectorr .N,(lel f .BlacL ? sDcc;ry: | .Finish /h L.mPr , li\ r5ow 5upertur- / l\\ trmp pf Lrv,ccd. ./ ltri t\'lr\ T /\Ii \l/ \t/ T fl) VII ).9- Ato ROSS DE I]LESSI LINb [,SGN 2a6 441 9926 P.,aZ taaaaaaatatoaoieaioo O a0 {rIIa ea e ae Oaaa e ecce a e a Of D D Dccc f,I a SHOWER/LENSE ELEMENT: Speci{icalion-grade residenlial lixtures lhat are wet-location listed and ulilize low-vollage halogen MR16 lamps. A clear regressed lens makes this the ideallixture l0r highlighling lil€. laucels, and olher archilectural lealures in a rvel location. . Lamo can b€ hot-airned and lock€d withoul tools up lo 45'lill. 361' rohtion. Lamp aiming relrEins locled during relamping. r Precision-conloured tempered glass lens is retained during relamping. r Fi(un is shipped slandard wilh solllocus lens. Up to lwo liller media may be used lor dramatic eflects. r touFbolt, acoustically isolaled 12V translormer mounling ensures noise-kee op€ration. . To6ion sprinos and mechanical light lrap ensJre sag-lree installation yJithoul light leal(s. r l{3/tlB llrlurr is alnbn, lul Inr0latlon mlFl !! lcpl 3' !sa$ all olll€r lidures are airtighl and may be us€d in dir€ct contact with iNulalion. r optical elemenlcan be chanoed withoul tools att€r inslallalion. Reler to pages 10-13 l0r complel€ list ol modules and el€menls. 0 R 0 E R I lr G I lt F0 B it Al | 0 ll Unit catalog numbers come complelervih lhe platlorm and elem€nt. These items may allo be ordered individually. S€e pages lG13 Unil numbers are listed wilh lhe clea (C) Alzakc finislr (l{31!lR MSR&). To order otier available linishes. substilule lhe 'C' al the end ol the unrl numDer with tlie appropriate linish code. Ex.: 3/ltln AASB& to ll3/l R MSRn (black Alzakc linish). - All elemenls come,,vith a white, removable die-czsl llange ring. tor allemalives. add appfo- priate llang€ code lo lhe end ol you unil number Ex.: [3/tlR AASR/tSI (sell llange). To order hmps. add appro0ride 'I co& lo your unil number. tr.: l{3itln A S8/!/?IQ[SB See ru€s 64-66. 0 PT t0 t{ s Finiihcs Flangrs C = Clear SF = Sgll 613.t, H = llaze RAW = Raw Casi Eing G = Gold I = Elack tor moc nlolmalioo legadno oplrons and acclssories. sle 0ages 5&59 Ttte 2d' o EO A a D ADJUSTABL 3.5" APERTURE "rl \ 35- N3/MR AASR/C' Platlom; l1-7l8'L x 8-58"lv r51 tl.r. Lrmp: 75MR16 Finl3h: C. H. G. I 3.5"APERIUBE D.-...t\3/tlR MSR/C Platlorm: 'lt3/4-L x l01\/ r 9'H l||.r. Lrmp: 50MR16 Flnlsh: C. H. G. B FlrrCe: St RAw Arcv{ q4eeq*f a^.lNu4r+T Yq416a1 (o* yuflAlw ! r"tt LTGHTTNG SYsrEMs (Jz (Jz F::r*g J .1TI !/E. hLE JJ 1 L)u .+1L ) )a-t) | , trtJ O q FV) (J CD "T]G',A?) ODrrlro -a ;;; q c- otE3"& ru;;; Es* iiFE* ;g;g::-si F t EsFi;;= iEE fsFE!; irl i;irs:iit (, .:tc E =Nq -,lE . E Et'l t,oILo!;o tH o l0 Jgc oao IJ t, . q,tt!I .,-.9- .FA;F :+\tJ6 T- I --9 iF€FA:Fo6ElulG>.xE Er f:. l-t Elil F F I I CJ E arE Et!xf.f ()l crl sl EIEll 9l El :l 6l ltttl ooF.(DrO b q) Fl rdl Ictlcrl $$ $$ lii+ Fl iiEiiiEl 1i RU55 UI HLESST LINU USUN t!48 44L AAZ6 $$ (t1e"hz Eov.IL luo6 i$i,*eI i$- Ifri 33I $ bI !i I ,{ f,oi {i ta $ {r5-){ II EIE TIn i 4 I:f I € I€6 Io,qJ Fx g t- g J =A otr Uz.I o2 FFIt() HQri trll I 7/t TOTfl- P.8? May 5, 1998 Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Senior Plarurer Town of Vail, Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Logan Residence Lot#2. Block 2. Potato Patch Dear Dominic: ITEM Community Dev. Dept. Public Works Pierce, Seterbert & Associates Architecrs, PC.,A.l-A. f,lain OIfice 1000 S. Fronuge Road W Vai , CO 81657 fax: 970 476 4608 Phane: 970 476 4433 Denver Offce l6l7 Wazee Srreet JUrt€ e -a Denver. CO 80202 foxt 303 623 2762 phoner 303 621 3355 The site plan has been modified in response to comments from the Town of Vail dated May 5, 1998 RESPONSE There appears to be a misunderstanding as to the proposed driveway connection between Lot2 and Lot 3. I met with George Ruther on l2ll8l97 for a pre-application meeting regarding the proposed project on the adjacent Lot #3. The residence on Lot #3 will have an independent drive connecting to the cul-de-sac. This was deemed necessary for access requirements. The link at the east end ofthe existing drive of Lot #2 is secondary in nature and not meant as an access. No grading will exceed aralio of 2:7. A note to that effect has been added to the plan. The original submittal contained a wall detail and reinforcing schedule for all site walls from 2'-Q" to 7'-6" (Note: No site walls exceed 6'-0"). The drawing is stamped by an engineer. Refer to detail 20, Sheet 57, dated 8ll8/97. This note is unclear. I have checked the wall elevation for the two retaining walls to the north of the structure and they appeitr correct in relation to the adjacent grades. l. 2. 3. .Page2 ' Dominic F. Mauriello May 5, 1998 4. The top of the wall is 109'-0" and this note has been added to the plan. 5. All remaining boulder walls will have a 1"1 layback maximum. 6. A detail is attached indicating a section through the concrete pads on the east side. 7. A topographic survey was provided for the initial submittal prior to building permit. 8. The radius shown was approved June 18, 1997 by the DRB. Attached is a modification indicating a larger radius without effecting grades. 9. The top of wall elevation for the east side of the garage / parking area is indicated as 73'-4" on the plan. 10. This comment refers to a drive servicing more than 3 dwelling units which will not be the case. 11. The existing driveway / feeder road entry has not been changed since the site development plan was approved on6118/97. 12. Re: Comment 10 and I l. 13. The original submittal indicated that the entire structure was sprinkled. There has been no change to this design. I hope these comments have addressed the concerns of the DRB on this project. Sincerely, THE RESORT DESIGN COLLABORATIVE INTERNATIONAL. P.C. (Formerly Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architects, P.C.)*tu Architect ign Review Action F TOWN OF VAIL "'r ; b- /?- ?7Category Number Project Name:/-oa*N Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone . Ketrf ?Vtckt loonnt to Vn P* p*,so EnEr Tsuno t CA 74q zO @cont"ct, Address and Phone: /lt/1 Nnzee 3f,,1,'nr CZ De"' -x (o 0oZoz- LegatDescriprion'tot / Btock ?-- suoaivisionVtu ftrfrro Pt+lctl zoneoisria P/ 3 projectstreetAaaress, gt6 Yo\ktp ?n'rrH bA(e N ONE Staftfation- -.,1 \--r-- rrtotionuv: Jt-b htNGsT- vorc: 3'| (Bitt rterre) seconded uy, g GEnrs Usei-roN }|Rpproval ! Disapproval ! Statf Approval Conditions: NttNt= DRB Fee Prc-paid I L@, g MEMORANDUM Design Review Board Community Development Department May 21, 1997 Final Review Logan Primary/Secondary Residence F !L d. 0ilPYTO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: l. Description of the Fequest The applicants, Kent and vicki Logan, represented by Pierce, segerbergand Associates are r"qre!fing ilnai review ot a new piimary/iecondary residence locited at815 Potato Patch Drive' The proposal includes a 5,189 square loot primary structure with a 423 square loot secondary structure. The proposal does meet the zoning code development requirements relating to site "ou"rrg", setbicki, freighi, inJ landscaping.- Public works issues have been addressed i"iisi3glorif' "t this iimel inete are a tew riinor issues at it relates fire department requirements lor sprinkling the structure, providing additional spot elevations and p.roviding engineering details ior iSt"ining;a1ls. These'iisues will be addressed at the time of building permit issuance' il.lssue Staff believes that the proposed connection does not meet the intent of the design guidelines regutating p1mary/seconOiiy oeueropment. Specifically, Section 18.54.050 l, of the design guidelines states in Part: Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within.a single structure, excepl as set fortti in ie.O+.050 l, i thereof, with the use of unified architectural and landscape design. A single structure shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade'" While the connecting covered walkway is considered GRFA by the codedefinition, staff believes that the other unifyin-g architectural eldments relating to lhe common roofs, building walls and enclosed space substantially above grade, has not been met' The intent of this section ol the code is to create structures that from all angles appear as a unitied development. lll. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the DRB deny the proposed development based upon a lack ol compliance with Section 18.54.050 l, of the Zoning Code. DESICN REVIEW sub-grade placements or other means that both screen the satellite dish antenna and do not appear unnatural on the site.5. Satellite dish antennas on or attached to existing structures shall be permitted provided the satellite dish antenna is architecturally integrated into the structure. Effective use of color shall be required to ensure compatibility between the satellite dish antenna and existing structure. The use of a mesh material shall be strongly encouraged when attempting to integrate a satellite dish antenna onto an existing structure.6. Landscaping or other site improvements intended to screen a satellite dish antenna proposed on any application shall be completed prior to the issuanceof a building permit to install a satellire dish antenna. A letter of credit equal to one hundred twenty-five percent of the costs of installing landscaping or site improvements may be submitted to the Town of Vail if seasonal weather conditions prohibit the installation of landscaping or site rmprovements. 7. All improvements required by the design review board for the purpose of reducing the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall remain in place so long as the satellite dish antennas remain in place unless permission to alter or remove said improvements is obtained from the design review board. All satellite dish antennas and all improvements required by the design review board to reduce the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall be adequately maintained and repaired and shall not be allowed to become dilapidated or fall into a srare of disrepair.I. Duplex and primary/secondary development.l. 'The purpose of this section is to ensure'that duplex and primary/secondary development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling 4s4j-l (Vail 8-2-88) June 5. 1997 Tammie Williamson, Town Planner Town of Vail, Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 2, Block l, Vail Potato Patch Dear Tammie: ITEM Plarming Pierce. S€Serberg & Associates Architects, PC.,A.l,A. Main Otllce 1000 S. Fronlate Road W. Vail. CO I1657 fox: 970 47 6 460A phone:970 476 4433 Denver O6ice l5lTWazee Street Slite C2 Denven CO 80202 fox: 303 623 2262 phonei 103 621 3155 Attached are 4 copies of the Lower Level Floor Plan and Elevations indicating our response to the DRB comments of June 4, 1997. We have not changed the GRFA. The areas that have been modified on the elevations have been clouded. RESPONSE The gates prcsented at the June 4, 1997 meeting of the D.R.B. have been modified. The face of the gates still align with the inside face of stone wall as to not alter the GRFA. The metal gates are solid without openings. The wall adjacent to the stair has been extended and modified to solidifr the connection. . I hope these modifications have addressed the concems of the DRB on this project, Sincerely, PIERCE, SEGEBBERG & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, P.C., A.I.A. Joe Lukach Architect Gordon Pierce May 16,1997 Tammie Williamson Town of Vail, Department of Community Development 75 Frontage Road Vail" CO 81657 RE: Lot 2, Block, Vail Potato Patch Dear Tammie: Pierce, Seterberg & Associates Architects, PC., A.l.A. l'lain Office 1000 S. Frontage Road W Varl. CO 81657 fox:970 476 4608 phone:970 476 4433 Denver Office l6l7 Wazee Srreet Denven CO 80202 fox: 3O3 623 2262 phone 303 621 3355 The plans and elevations have been modified in response to comments from the Town of Vail datedMay 15,1997. ITEM Public Works RESPONSE l. Grades have been modified on the site plan to indicate 2:l maximum slope. 2. Additional wall elevations and grading has been shown adjacent to proposed site walls. 3. Spot elevations of the street have been shown on the Site Plan. The survey will be updated prior to application for building permit. Spot elevations on the steet will be confirmed or adjusted. If adjustments are required for the slope of the driveway the slope will not exceed the maximum slop of 12Vo for a heated drive. 4. The site plan has been revised to show 4' and under bolder site walls with a 1: I layback. If they are later modified to indicate a steePer layback they will be stamped by an engineer at time of application for building permit. 5. All site walls greater than 4' will be stamped by an engineer at time of application for a building permit. 7. Swales have been shoum around the house to indicate drainage. 8. Grading at the bridge closest to the spa and grading at the west side of the main buildins has been clarified. Tammie Williamson May 16,1997 Page2 Fire l. 1. The main structure will be sprinkled. The secondary structure will have a fire separation from the main structure if feasible. If area separation is unfeasible than the secondary structure will be sprinkled as well. The previous submittal did not count the GRFA between the primary and secondar-v units. In order that the connection of the primary and secondary units to be counted, revisions have been made to both solidiff the element and increase column size so as not to use the exception requiring a continuous and contiguous opening in the exterior wall of 25o/o of the total perimeter of the area in question. The columns have been increased to 20" in diameter and walls are shown at 48". The closest column spacing is 5'-3". Planning The actual GRFA was calculated at 5,615 s.f., 108 s.f. under the 5,723 s.f. allowed. The floor to ceiling height of a portion of the mechanical room has been lowered to be under 5'-0". Lowering the floor to ceiling height decreases the calculated GRFA by 158 s.f.. The calculated GRFA below the connection is 219 s.f. yielding a total GRFA of 5,676 s.f.. I hope this re-submittal has addressed your concerns on the project. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely. PIERCE, SEGERBERG & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, P.C., A.I.A.qt// y'oeu*ach Proiect Architect c: Gordon Pierce F|LE COPY TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 May 15,1997 Joe Lukach Pierce, Segerberg and Associales 1617 Wazee Street, Suite C2 Denver. Co. 80202 Deparnnent of Conntunity Development Post-it'Fax Note 7671 o^teq-7 { lJ"8l.> 5rolov 1,,, LAc++ffiurt't,tz Ntqt+esn, Co./Dept.Co. Phone #Phone # '^* of3o3) bz3 -7tttz ,^'lqta)4tq - zt4z RE: Lot 1, Block 2, Potato Patch DRB Fevisions Staff has reviewed the revisions submitted on Monday, May 12, 1997 for the Logan residence. The following comments must be addressed by Monday, May 19, 1997, in order to stay on schedule for the May 21, 1997, Design Review Board meeting. Public Works: 1. Site grading exceeds 2:'l . Please see plan for specific locations; 2. Please revise the site plan to show top and bottom of wall elevations; 3. Please revise the survey to show spot elevations on the edge of the existing asphalt; 4. Revise site plan to show uralls 4' and under with a 1:1 layback or have them designed and stamped by an engineer. ll stamped by an engineer, please show them with the layback required by the engineer; 5. Please have an engineer design and stamp all walls greater than 4' , 6' is the maximum height; 7. Revise site plan to sholv drainage around the house; and 8. There are two areas where the grading/rock wall transition is unclear. One location is under the bridge closest to the spa. The other location is the on the west side of the main building (north of the drive), Fire: 1. The main slructure must be sprinkled the secondary structure may be able to satisfy the Fire Department with construction separation. Planning: 1. As we discussed, the staff believes that the proposal does not the connection requirements of the code. There is no GRFA connecting the units and staff will be {P *""'""'o'uo recommending denial of ttis design. Please contaot Terri Partch at (g7}l 479-2169, concerning any comments from public works ol fire. please contacl me at (97d) 479-2142, regarding scheduling ard/or plannlng issues. Sincerely, d"'**^ # Arll;**- Tammie Williamson Town Planner #,qrP\ \\o\Irt\\t\" t, \\ l\ \ ' ll \ \ IIl, \ ,\ \I \\ ..,? ,\01.', *! \\ ..y.. o$ \\ \\t\ l\ 'I \ \ 4z#; i\ {-\rtl N o --!"<\'..' \ \ 1 \ (/' fl, \ \ t+ \ llco '\;-4-"- 4. --l \r r$: ' 1j/1' Ir- ,'+ ' /'-1, _*,t w) -.1 , lF)':' \// ..--- eA. i I Ir :./ ,.r I 4-" \ ".- N r$ $ $ -L,( { ,/ ./ .--\ I I I I I ', I I I $ I I't ---rr-+, -./ \ - *- tritlt . Approved colnrrrtity Development pun no.rt?g Form X Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch. Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Return To:Tarnmie llilliamso n, Community Development X 21 42 Date Routed:4/24/97 Retum By:4/30/97 Project Namc:l.ogan Rcsidencc Project Addrcss:815 Potato Patch Project Legal:Lot 2" Block I Vail Potato Patch Pmicct Description:Primarv/Secondarv Residencc trrve q(odrr\q 5till ex@eds Z:l p\eq.)€ 5ee ihe plao ftr s*:()frc A(eo<, Pleasg Provrd e lop or wot\ orrd tro $q'n o€. rc*t\ el€varti(ns Yo,itr\l do ho r-meet t k\.,trv &partmtnt occets (A.>\ftlra1b. \so $\\\ he,:<l to prc.-id c irurnortrlrrd.l lioq ir\q qr@ adequoEe [rq hce lruoa a( sp(\nH€r fhe horne . Ptga!3 \ove !ou'3\rve! ce.r\cd io lhow spotr etevovicn5 ch tlrs edqe ctr ti-v; e/r<t[Y.l 6!p!q]t. >\\orp eA\\S 4' o.tvj c,-rder l':rt\t q \ : \ \o\bocJa oc\ R\e \r\o.n oJ,. \o,t. tklcfi1 des\q\e.c] ond stornfed b..\ qn enqifleca -/sm^ Pnem ar the p\on urfh lhe lolbocK .eq,,t,.erJ Lr rFe e,-rq'r req- \,\avzan enqinee,r desiq.rartrslomp al\ el\-$[9 4 .\rgrex trqn 4\ (Lor ,5 c,,.,. -6y nergnt) J\-,cw dro-tnc'qg aro*r} tt'*: \rou?. \Hr\rc\r1f Lf'Z TtrA gOrg 2 or<OS .^;h4g the ,1rarJ r.,g/r ct-rf \!x\\ t rqr\,.r\ hor1 \^tr5 oi\-EAt.. Org. rS o t'der l\-A bridge o!+ to +he .,pc\. Tt @od\ea oreA o[ c6.\&3rn ts hE bv:,,: we' qrcdrrq ond \.q\\s megF Hre \rce!€ cr'\ tt"€. t 'ctt Stde' (\.? tb{,, rncrrn bo r\Orn<,l (ror ttt 5,a16 Oe ttre, &rW) Iq.r U.P"r,.r- rec-r,oierl 5lrllq'i rer,rcu ed 5l\3lq'l cep.rell <ll5lq?. Dn.i Datc rcccivcd: Date rcviewed. May 9,1997 Tammie Williamson, Town Planner Town of Vail ,Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Dear Tammie: Pierce, SeterberS & Associates Architects, PC.,A.l.A. Main Office 1000 S. Fronuge Road W. Vail. CO 81557 fox: 970 476 4608 phone: 970 476 4433 Denver Office l6l7 Wazee Stre€c Denver, CO 80202 fox: 303 623 1262 phone: 303 623 3 355 Thank you for your assistance regarding GRFA calculation ofthe above mentioned residence. Per our conversation of May 8,1997,I have decreased the size of the support colurnns between the caretaker area and main area ofthe residence and have verified that they are not spaced closer than l0' apart. I have also verified that there is a continuous and contiguous opening in the exterior walls of not less than 25Yo of the total lineal perimeter of the area in question in order for the roofed area to not count as GRIA. The plans and elevations have been modifred in response to comments from the DRB: ITEM Public Works RESPONSE l. Grades have been modified on site plan to indicate 2:l maximum 2. Wall elevations and grading has been shown around proposed walls. 3. Spot elevations ofthe street have been shown on the Site Plan. 4. Driveway has been modified to indicate a maximum grade of l2o/o (driveway is heated). 5. Patio and deck elevations have been indicated on Site Plan and floor plans. 6. Walls have been verified or modified to comply with 6' maximum height. 7. All walls 4' to 6'will be stamped by a structural engineer at time of permit application. Site Plan has been revised to indicate a 4' concrete pan with a2" invert at the bottom of the drive. Drainage has been indicated around the house. Snow storage has been indicated (3% ofpaved area for heated drives - approximately I l0 s.f.) 8. 9. 10. Tammie Williamson May 9,1997 Page2 ITEM RESPONSE Fire 1. Astagingareaattheedgeofroadmayexceedthemaximum 150' separation required. Ifso, the building, or portions ofthe building requiring sprinkling will be sprinkled. Planning l. Theutilityeasementof l8feetinwidthindicatedonltem 12onSchedule B-2 of the title report has been indicated on the Site Plan. 2. The primaryisecondary zone district front side and rear setbacks have been indicated on the Site Plan. 3. The spa at the rear ofthe residence has been moved 2 feet to the south as not to encroach into more than halfofthe required setback. 4. The wall shown on the south elevation is attached to the foundation of the building. Grades onthe site plan have been adjusted. 5. Walls and planters have been added to the primary / secondary connection as suggested by the DRB. The roof has been raised to create a more substantial connecting element. Please note that the caretaker unit has been moved approximately 4' to the east to best attempt to save a large aspen cluster that was close to the northwest comer. Also note that there has been a slight shift of the main entry (level 86'-6") to create a more inviting entrance. The total square footage or GRFA was not changed by this modification. I hope this re-submiffal has addressed your concems on the project. Ifyou have any questions please call me. Again, thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, PIERCE, SEGERBERG & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, P.C., A.I.A.y'.2 /-47//Az4.d/ Joelukach Architect c: Gordon Pierce To: From: Date: Re: MEMORANDTJM Staff Interpretations Notebook Dominic Mauriello, Planner May 14,1996 Consolidation of policies on GRFA - Interpretation #70 Definltlon: Calculatlon: The definition ofGRFA is attached Interior walls are included in GRFA calculations. For duplex and primary/sccondary strucNres, cornmon party walls shall be considered ixtcrior walls. Bay windows, fircplaces, and mantcls shall bc included in GRFA calculations' Grccnhousc windorvs (self-srpporting windorvs) shall not bc countcd as GRFA. Grecnhouse windows arc defrncd according to the follolving critcria (scc graPhic): l. Distance Above Insidc Floor ftvel - In order for a window 1o bc considercd a grccnhouse window, a minimum distanc€ of36" musl be provided betwecn the bottom oftbc window and thc floor surface,' as measurcd on thc inside face of thc building rvall. (Floor surface shall not include stcps necessary to mect Building Codc egress requiremcnts). The 36" minimum was chosen becausc it locates the window roo high to bc comfortably used as a window seat and bccause it allows for a typical 4' high grecnhouse windorv to be usod in a room with an 8' cciling height. 2. Projection - No greenhouse window may protrudc morc than 18" from thc exterior surface of lhe building. This disancc allows for idcquarc rclicf for appcarancc purposcq without substantially adding to tbc mass and bulk of thc building. 3. Construcrion Characterisrics - All greenbouse windows shall be self-supporting and shall not requirc spccial framing or construction metbods for srpport, with the exception that brackets bclow the window may be allowed providcd thcy die into the wall of the building at a 45 dcgrec angle' A small roofover the window may also be allowed provided the overhang is limitcd to 4" beyond thc window plane. 4. Dimensional Requirement - No grcenhouse window sball have a lotal window surface arca greater than 44 s.f. This figurc was dcrivod on the assumption that thc maximum hcight of a window, in an avgage sizcd roorq is 4'and the maximum widtb for a 4'high self-supponing window is betwe€n 6' and 8' (approximatcly 32 s.f.). Sincc thc window would protsude no morc tban 18", the addition of side windows would bring the ovenll window area to approximately 44 s.f. 5. Quandry - Up to two (2) greenhouse windows will be allowed per dwelling unit" however, tbe 44 s.f. size limitation will apply to rhe combined area of tbe two windows. 6. Greenhouse windows do not count as site coverage. Pagc 1 of3 , . Vaulrcd spaccs and arcas.bpcn to bclod' are pg! includcd in GRFA calculations. I Storage arcaq mcchanical areas, stairs, landings, roid spaces, and thc like are included in GRFA catculations. * The conversion ofall areas countcd as "crcdit arca" prior to January l, l99l shall be allowed. Rock storage arcas may be convcrtcd to GRFA. Gerege credll:r AlIowable garagc arca is awarded on a "pcr qpace basis," with a maximum of two spaccs per allowable unil Each garage space shall be dcsigted with dircct and unobslucled vchicular access. All floor area included in thc garage credit shall bc contiguous to a vehicular spacc. * Alcoves, storage arcas, and mcchanical arcas which are located in thc garagc and which are 25% or more open to the garage arca shall be included as garagc credit. ' Garage space in exccss of6e alrowabte garage credit sbal bc countcd as GRFA. Crawl and attlc space:r Crawl spaccs created by a "stcpped foundation," hazard mitigatioq or otbcr similar cngineering rcquirement lhat has a total height in cxcess offivc feet may bc cxcludcd from GRFA calculations u te Oscrerion ofm Director of Crmmunity Development. I Prc+xisting cnwl spacc or attic arcas, no mattcr what tbc head hcight, can be convcrtcd to habitable area only if the project or development has available GRFA or approval for addirional GRFA under tlc 2j0 ordinancc rvhen analyzed using gggggl GRFA regulations. r Prc-existing crarvl spacc arcas, unhnishcd with an eanhen tloor and limited acccss, no mancr what thc head. height rvill not be counted as GRFA until sucb time as conversion to habitable ar€a is proposed and approved through the normal design rcvicw process. Again, convcrsions can only be approvcd if the project has availablc GRFA whcn analyzcd using currcnt GRFA rcgulations. . All crarvl spaces construcred must meet thc following definition: crawl spaces shall includc any below grade or substantially buricd area cnclosed within thc foundation walls, with a cciling hcight less than or cqual to 5 fect as mcasured from lhe surfacc of thc carth to thc undenidc of ftc structural membcrs of thc floor/ceiling asscmbly abovc. Crawl s?accs must be acccsscd with an opening not greatcr tban l2 square feet in area" Encloscd spaces not mceting this definition wilt be considercd to be GRFA. Enctosed spaces countcd as GRFA will be clearly notcd by the ptanncr on thc redlined floor plans. Trui srawl spaccs sball bc shown on floor plans and labeled witb a notc indicating: l) rhat the hcight ofthc space will bs 5 fect or less, and 2) that access will be provided via a hatch or door not io cxcced 12 squarc fect in area. All crawl spacessbown on any approvcd floor plans shall have zuch a notc, or thc planner will count thc spacc as GRFA. * If a roof srucue is designcd utilizing a non-truss syster4 and spaccs greatc than live fcet in height rcsult, thesc areas shall not bc counted as GRFA ifALL oftbe following critcria arp met: l. The arca cannot bc accessod directly from a habitabtc arca within the same building lcvcl; 2. The area shall have the rninimum access rcquirod by the Building Code from the level below (6 s.f. oporing rraximum); 3. The attic spacc shall not havc a sfucnrral floor capablc of supponiog a..livc load,'greater than 40 pounds per square foot, and the "floo/'ofthc anic spacc cannot not bc impfoved Page 2 of3 DRB Presentation Notes MaY 7,1997 Request This request if for a conceptual review of a new primary secondary residence tocated at 815 Potato Patch Drive. The property is zoned Two-Family Primary/Secondary. TopographY The site is 26,233 square feet. The site is generally flat. The lot is steep in certain areas, however the slopes are less than 30%. GRFA of Unit(s)\\t\ t&t ot CHfn. The site is permitted a totalThe proposal has a total of 5,722 square feet of G lssues Statf has reviewed the proposal, and has identified the connection as an issue the DRB should evaluate. Staff feels that the connection does not meet the intent of theDesignReviewCriteriaofSectionl3.54.050|oftheGode. .The purpose of this section is to ensure that duplex and primary/secondary deveiopment be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure w]th unified site development. Dwelling units and garige" shalt be designed within a single structure. A single structure shall 6aui comron roofi and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade." Matsrials Roof Siding Fascia Soffits Windows Doors Hand/Deck Rails Metal Chimneys Stucco Materials Shingles E.l.F.S. Exterior Insulation Finish Wood Gypsum Alum. Clad Wood/Metal Color Copper See Attached samPle#2 See attached samPle#4 See attached samPle#1 See Attachedll4 See Attached #4 See Attached #4 White GRX'A CALCULATIONS LOT SI7.E= 26,233 sq.ft. 15.000 sq. ft. X .25= 3,750 I1,233 sq. ft. X.10=LlZL! 4,873.3 sq.ft. Base GRFA (Primary)4,873.3 x .60--2,923.98+425 (credit)=3,349.90 sq' ft + (Secondaryt,873.3 x .40=1,949.36+425 (credi0=L3ZLl6 sq. ft ' 5.723.26 TOTAL GRFA * A heated drlve must have 107o of the requirtd arcs sllocated for snow storage. 1. Lu/'eL $oz ) b zs -L*b 7-' / f"X? * gM Xeo"( Irhry- Ti,_afi,,/s_ fr.*,2 1 grda-7 */ cuuote'i* (p>-l toze- jBsT *b\'/ 'r,* 0]{1'l.$h'::,i- dt;;; $u;\ InL TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Design Review Board Community Development Department September 7,1994 Duplex and Primary/Secondary development - connections between units The purpose of Section 18.54.050(l) ol the Design Review Guidelines, "Duplex and Primary/Secondary development", is lo ensure that structures built in these zone districts ". . . be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site developmenl.' The following criteria are listed in the Zoning Code, and provide a means ol evalualing proposals lor conformance with lhis purpose: nl. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, ... with lhe use of unified architectural and landscape design. 2. A single structure shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. 3. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, lhe use of compatible building materials, architeclural style, scale, roof lorms, massing, architeclural details, site grading and landscape materials and features." These three criteria should be used to evaluate all duplex and primary/secondary struclures. Statf leels that since these are design related crileria, that it is in the best interesl of the Town for the DRB to evaluate each proposal on a case-by-case basis using the criteria noted above. However, the planning staff has discussed ways of facilitating the DRB's decision making process regarding adequate connections between units. We feel that the connection between units should be comprised of: GRFA sharing a common wall with a common roof element, that when viewed from all angles around the perimeter of the structure, provides enclosed spaces substantially above grade that produces the appearance of one architecturally integrated structure. The type of roof connecting the units should be the same type of roof as exists on the remainder of the structure (i.e. if the structure utilizes gabled roofs then the connecting GRFA should bd covered with a gabled roof). A flat roof over a one-story garage connection, located between two-story units with gabled roofs would not meet this criteria; and B. (C, The conneclion should occur on more than one levet if the duplex is more thanv one'story. This would eliminate deliberate one-story connections with two-story structures on each end, and would make the duplex comply with the 'single structure" criteria. Staff would be willing.to.compile photographic examples of acceptable and unacceplableconnections to be included in a policy guidance memo if the DRB wishes. xc: Planners 2 with dccking; It must bc demonstrated by the arctiitect (to tbc staff) that a "truss-typc" or similar stuc$ral systcm cannot bc utilizcd as defmcd in the dcfurition of GRFA; and It will be nccessary that a structural element (i.e., collar+ie) be utilized when rafters are used for the roof system. In an unusual situation, such as when a bearing ridge syslem is use4 tbe staffwill review the space for compliance with this policy' {a, corerd(roofcd) area NOT to count as GRFA, therc must be a continuous ald contiguous opening in the extcrior walls of not lcss than 25% of tbc total lincal pcrimeter of thc arca in qucstion. An exception shall be made for railings up to 3' in height and support poss with a diamcter of l8n or less which are spaced no closer rhan l0'apart The space betwcen thc posts shatl bc measured from Oc outcr srrfacc of rhe post (see gaphic). Prlmary/Secondary unlts:t Tbe 425 s.f. crcdit pcr unir sball bc applicd to each unit AFTER thc 60/40 split has becn calculatcd (i.c., thc sccondary unit shall be allowed 40% of the total GRFA + 425 s.f.). * On Primary/Secondary and Duplex lots, GRFA is calculatcd based on thc entirc loL t:\cvcryonc\td$llcrprc\grfrpol.iDd 4. 5. (* ,, Page 3 of3 ;,,.:.: .- :jfii:i.';l ,/\,/\,/\ fl$ uuPl TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 May 5, 1997 Joe Lukach Pierce, Segerberg Architects 1617 Wazee Street. Suite C2 Denver, Co.802O2 Departrnent of Community Development RE: Lot 2, Block I, Vail Potato Patch Dear Mr. Lukach: The Town ol Vail Community Development Department is in receipt of your application for the . Design Review Board (DRB). The Public Works, Fire and Planning Department have identified a number of issues that must be resolved before the final review by the DRB. Public Works: 1. Please revise the site pan to indicate 2:1 grades. More specifically grading around the entry and in the utility easement on the soulh side of the property exceed 2:1; Z. Please revise site plan to show top and bottom ot watt elevations. Please show all grading around the proposed walls; 3. Please revise the survey to show spot elevations on the street; 4. The maximum grade for a heated driveway is 12% without heat is 10%. Two sections of 5. 6. 7. 8. the driveway exceed 12 feeu Provide patio and deck elevations; Please check the walls on the site lo ensure that walls within the front setback do not exceed 3'any other walls on the site cannot exceed 6'; All walls 4' up to 6' must be stamped by an engineer; Please revise the site plan to show a 4' concrete pan with a 2" invert is required at the bottom of the drive; 9. Please indicate drainage around the house; and 10. Please show snow storage. Snow storage must be a minimum of 30o/" of the paved area. This area may be at landscaped with plantings that will not be damaged under snow. {g*onuoruo Fire: 1. The plan does not meet the fire department standards in terms of tl"9i19;-ll91t^",lllY a stdging area that is 150' from the edge of the street pavement or a staging area ln Ine Jriveilai tnat meets this standard. ThJs minimum area required for fire department staging is 32' in width by 28' in length. Planning: 1. Please show the item 12 on schedule B-2 of the title report; 2. The site plans shows 20' side setbacks. As information, the setbacks in the Primary/Secondary Tone District are as follows: front-20' side-l5' rear-l5' 3. The rear deck or patio may encroach into the setback a total of 7.5'or half of the required setback. The site plans shows an encroachment ol 8'5'; 4. lt appears that the wall height may exceed the maximum permitted by code.on-the south etevition of the caretaker rinit. ls'this wall part of the foundation? Please clarify; 5. The connection between the primary/secondary does not appear to meet the specificalions in the zoning c6de. More specifi'cally, Section 18'54-050 l, Design Guidelines states: 1. The purpose of this section is to ensure that duplex and primary/se.condary OJveiophenf be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally iniegraied structure viith unified site development. Dwelling units and gardges shall be designed within a single structure. A single structure snalihave common rdofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantiallY above grade' please find enclosed the section of the code referenced above and a staff interpretation merno that addresses this issue' This application is scheduled for a conceptual review by the-DRB-on Wednesday, May.7' 1997' f ; ;d6; to stay on schedule for final revidw by the DRB, on May 21, 1997, you must address. these issues as well as DRB comments by noon, Monday, May 12, 1 997. lf you hav-e-questions iegarOing puUlic works or fire comments, please conlact Terri Partch at (970) 479-2169. lf you nl"ve pf a-nning questions, or scheduling concerns, please contact me at (970) 479-2142' Sincerely qr"*^{ //A"-*- Tammie Williamson Town Planner ZONE CHECK Lot sizc Existin e hoposcd Total Rcmaininp LI (30(o 20' l5' t5' 1{t /5' t5-', Minimum n,frL I 1il 3',t@ Required 3 -Enclosed Garagc Crcdit Drivcway Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2:l (50%) Enrironm cntalA{azards (300) (600) (eoo)(@ 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) ' N / n 5)CcologicHazards Nlh . - a) Snorv Avalanchc N /ll , - Addrcss Orrncr - -) t/ ?> f\Lcgal dcsc-ription:Lot 4 Block I Filng VA t, (O7A-7? //+rc ft -8b PhoneL3c3) bZ3' 3 355 Proposcd usc fLtM ltl Buildable arca ' Zl. ' 7'3 Allorvcd TotalGMA 4B'lL *=EJLL_ 60o/t, p;^*y GRFA Zq3?-X{D{ozs.) --}eE& 4 7o soona^ycRFA {3LL@ 67 5+) = ?,372t) * 67 5 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcquest involve a 250 Addition? N0 Horv much of the allowcd 250 Addition is uscd. rvith this rcoucst? N/ * Sitc Covcragc l57o Hcight Sctbacks + 413L = Front Sidcs Rcar Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcigbts Parking Pcrmitted.slopc tL v" proposcd stop" /OffiFA Ycs- No-AiO De;T*t-s Ycs_ No 1) Pcrcent Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain N/* 3) WetlandE b) Roclcfall c) Dcbris Florv Prcvious conditions ofapproval (cbcck property filc);CNL ls thc propcrty non-conforming? pcsc;Ae: N f ft o DESIGN RHYIEW CIIECKLIST Projccfi --O STJR\IEY Scalc -- Benchmark I . L.gal dcscription i Lot Sizc Buildabletuea E€sem€nb Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Sctback Environmenat llazards Trces Utiliry Iocations Spot elwations Q SITEPLA}I tr FLooRpI/$ts Scalc GRFA 250 additional GRFA Gau,l\Atic Spacc EHU O BulDnrcELEvAnoNs Scalc _ ColorWatcrials Roofpirch O L$IDSCAPEpLAtI Existingtrccs Pmposcdbccs I4gcnd MISCELI.AI{EOUS Scale BuildingHeigbt Encroachmens Setbacks Site Coverage EavcdOvcrhangs (4) Decls/Balconies Garage connection _ SiteGradeLSlope ReainingWalls Fcnccs TumingRadius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage CmdoApprvral Tittercpct(A&B) Utility.vaifi catim form Pbotos ofsitc Bddingmataial samplcs C.O. Verification Snn\ShadcAnglcs Utilities (underground) Vierv Corridon Varianccs Plat resfiictions FireAccess corn*C Development Plan noutifiorm Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Larry Pardee, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Community Dcvclopmcnt Proiect Name: Project Description: Nc,,^s ?/t Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions .- ^LrF-l '-,.^J rooo 5 l+u\toqe('?.oaf we\Y. - t!t,;'l -7. hJhl .\oF' Trqie a;le u? it'r> b \5[t'* t, r,'..0 'nv4^ | Date rcvicwe<t: - fan L .Pcruy q ltl1-lR evievred br': ?Oob c* .lcor Vaved areA, rn a tcrhd5tApt$ P(eon shc-...l lTe^-# /, E>. 9.kh1c E-L "f l-,tk Eepfr Ol/25/e7 TUE 13:08 FAX 803 2262 PSA DENVER FAX TRANSMITTAL . ItJa4 Lukar.J G23o E oor DATE: I(): FROM: RE: I'OCUMENTS TRAI{SIUITIEI}: : Pbco, Scfefiaf &Ascbtr Ardr[!.ts, P.C, AIL U.h Oficc lO08n!o.|!enldWcd vdt oo tl5t? ih: Sro)atG{6orpfc: g70l 4?ea433 DcotE Ofioc l5t7W6StcaSubC! IrEows, OO UBEh: (J(E) 643-ZA ![G: (3lB)6a1,355 Nunbcr of Prgc (hcludhg ttb cc'cr rhecl): MEMO: -t:??,n r F' Thb ficsinilc is irtsrdcd oaly br lhc ddrcsr* udnry mtrin infocndon dr|t b privilcgod end cofidcntisl, If thc rdEr of ttrb ncssage i3lot th. i|ttlodcd tFhicot, Jrqr lG Hy ditrcd lhl aay dirrcoinfioo, ditibuticr or oopyiry of tbir coooudcdo h *iAty prohftircd. If yat hrvo ttcoircd thi! c@rrniaii[ in cru, plcrr noti$ rrs idi&ly by Ucpnoc-o rralgc fc its rtbm. Tbnk yotr Ifirrormbdo is'nsatirtiaory, contra scod.r by plffi -.(308)&3-33si orto (303) 6a3-2262 GtFrE-rthaurnr- 62301/29/97 flJE 13:09 FAX 303 OL,D PAGE PSA DENVER IC NATIONAIJ TITI'E TNSTCE COMPAIVY TA COM.MITMENT .SCHEDULE A our.Order * V256048-5 For InformaEion OnlY 2262 REPUBT, AL &ooz 1. 2. - Charges -lI.l'A ovmer Folicy 92, 002 . 00 AtEa Lender Policy 9L0O.00 Tax Report 520-00 Endorsement 100.00 S25.00 Endorsenrent 335.6 (AIta 8.1) $30.00 EndorEement 100.29 $2OO -2O Endorsement. 115.2 (AlEa 5) $200-20- - TOTAr, - - s2,577-4O **r THIS IS NOT Al'l IMIOICE. BUT Al{ ESTIMATE OF TO TIIIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERBNCE OTIR ORDER Effectiwe Date: February 11, 1997 at 5:00 Policies to be issued, and proposed fnsqred: f'AlTA" Owner's Policy 7o-A7 -92 "ALTAff Loan Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured: FIRST I{ESTERN MORT(;AGE SERVICES, INC- Ttre esE.aE,e or interese in the land described orEhis Coffinitmenc and covered h€rein is: A Fee .Simpl.e Ti.tl.e E,o t.he esEate or int.erest covered hereineffectiwe daEe hereof vested in: RAYT|IOND G. COTE FEES. WIIEN REFERRING NO. V255048-5 r** P.M. s900, ooo. o0 s675,000 . 00 referred to in Proposed Insured: KENT A. LOGAN AND VICTORIA TARPI,EY IOGA}I, AS TR,USTEES OF IOGAI'I FN,IILY TR.UST T}iE 3. is ac t.he 01/29/sz fiJE 13:09 FAI 303 823 2262 PsA DENVER or-Q"*"orc l{ArroNArr Trrlr' rn*to co't'Alry AI,TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULB A Our Order f v256048-5 5. Ttre land referred Co in Ehis Cormricment is described as follows: ror 2, BrrocK r. VAIL/PO:rATO PATCU, ACCORDING m TIIE REcoRDsD PIAT TTIEREOF, EOUNIY OF BAGT,B, STATE OB COLORA.DO. PAGE 2 {Aoos Ot/25/97 IIIE 13:09 FAX 303 821 2282 PSA DENVER''. I ALTA COMMITM SCHEDULE B-I (Requirerencs) NOTE: Iterns S !g. 6 of modified or deleced. I EN Our Order t+ V256048-5 esEaEe or int.erest to be filed for record, Eo-wiE: ScheduLe B-1 (of vour Prewious cormri tsmen E )have Eoo4 T The following are Ehe requireltenEs to be complied witrh: l. Payme{rt to or for the accouDE of Ehe grantors or m€rrEgagors of Eha fulL consiaeiat'ion for the esEate or interest Eo be insured - Z. Proper insErumenc,(s) creating the insured musE be executed and dulY 3. 4. 5. 6. EVIDSNCE SATISFACTORY TO THB COMPANy THAT TI{E TBRMS, coltDITIONs' AIID PRO\,rISIONS OF TIIE JOIIIT RESOLUTION AND NOTICE OF EMCTJMERANCE RECORDBD .JA}IUARY 18, 1990 IN BOOK 521 AT PAGE 441 HAVE BEEN SATISF]ED. BVIDENCE SATISF.ICIORY TO TITE COMPAI\IY THAT TIIE TERMS, COIIDITIONS AIID PROVISIONS OF TIJE TOWN OF VAII, TR"N.ISFER TAX HAVE BBEN SATISFIED. wARRAtrry pEBp F4oM RAyMor{p G,. mTF 19 5!IL4+Ig4I_ry_gsffis-tnusffi sll4'tgcr PRoPEmY" DEED oP TRusT FRoM KEIIT A: toGA,l{ 3g@ vIeIoRIA TARPLEI ry $-TEIET'FE! trgE r.ocAN FAurr.,y rn03ffQ--rru pusm rx':ffiE&EEGis- co-lttITT-FoR J$g-W ( ffisrT-q-srBBEuQsffiE sEnVrEes, rNc. To sEcuRE TIIE slru 04 s67s,0o0.00' be( rHE COTINTY CLERK .AND RECORDERS OFFICE RSQUIRES RETI'RN ADDR,ESSES ON DOCTIMEMfS SEITT FOR RECORDING I ! === PAGE o1/29/97 TtfE 13:10 FAI 303 623oLT 2262 PSA DBNVER A COMMITMEN SCHEDUIJE 8.2 (ExcepEions) Our T Order f V256o48-5 Boos FROM TIIE LOCATION The policy or policies to be iesued will contain excepEions to Ehe following unless t,he sane are disposed of t.o Ehe sat.isfaction of Ehe Cod|pany 1; SEandard Exceptions 1 Ehrough 5 prinEed on the cover sheet. 6 - 'l'axes and assessnrenEs not yeE, due or payable and special a6sessmencs not yet cereified EO Ehe Treasuter's office. ?. Any unpaid t.axes or assessments againsE said land. 8. Liens for unpaid waEer and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF T{AY FOR DITEHES OR CAI{AIJS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AT,ITTIORINT OF THE ITNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN ITNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JuIy 13. 1939,IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 61?. TIIE EXISTENCE OF TITB MINERAL EXCEFTION AIID/OR RESERVATION SHOWN AS ITEM 9 SCHEDUIJE B-2, I|IIJL IIO|f AFFECD OUR ABILITf ItO ATTACII COIORADO ENDORSEUENT.NO. 1OO .29 TO OI'R MORTGAGEBS POIJICY T{HEN ISSUED. IO. RESTRT TIVE EOVENANTS, FIIICH DO NOT CONTAIN A,FORFEITURE OR REI/ERTER CI,AUSE' BUT OMITTfNG RESTRfCTIONS, fF Alllf, BASED ON RACE, COI,OR', RELrcroN OR IiIATIONAL ORIGIN, AS COIVIAINED fN INSTRIIr{ENT RECORDED March 05, 1974, I: BOOK 233 AT PAGE 628 AIID AS A}|B![DED rN INSTRUMEMI RECORDED SepEember 24,r_975, IN BOOK 241 AT pAcE 950. ].],. EASBMEIffS, RESERVAfIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON TH8 RECORDED PITAT OF VAIL,/POTATO PATCH. ].2. INILITY BASEMENT 18 FEET IN WIDTIT AFFESTING STJBJECT PROPERNT .qS SHOWN ONTIIE PIAT RECORDED I'{AA.CH 5, 1974 IN 9OOK 233 Ar PAGE 629. ITEMS 1, 2 AND 3 OF TITE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WIIJL BE DELETED MORTGAGEES POLICY UPON RECEIPT OF A SATISPACTORY TMPROVEMBNT sgRvEY- NOTE: SAID SURVEY MUST SET OIIT THE EASEMEMTS SET FORTI{ IN SCHEDULE B-2HEREIN. PLEASE PROVIDE LANO TITI,E GUARAIITEE COMPAI{Y l{ITIt TltB NAI'IE OF T}IE ST'RVEYTNG COMPAIry AND WE TIILL SET{D COPIES OF THE NEEESSARY DOCUMENTS. FOR.!.1oo erllrL BE ISSUED AASED UPON THE COMPAM'S REVIEW OF TtiE SIIRVEY AS SEr FORTH ABOVE. NO[E: IF THE TMPROVBMENT LOCATTON SITRVEY IS NOT R,ECBIVED BY LA}iID TITLBGUARANIEE COI'{PANY IN SUFFfCIENI TIME TO REVIBr A}ID ENDORSB TgE COMMITMEITTPRIOR TO CLOSTNG, ADDITTONAL EXCEtrTIONS TO THE POLTCY COUIJ) BS E:'(CLUDEDFROM FORI,I lOO COVBRAGE. PAGE 0l/25/s7 nE 13:10 F I 30t 823 2282 Ps IIE{VER Eoos al olo coMMrrMENr O SSIEDT'I.E B-2 (ExcepElons) our Order # V2S6O4g-s ENDORSEMEIiTT 335-6'I{rLr BB ATIACHBD To ALTA roA}r porrrcy WHEN rssrr@. BIDoRSEMENI No. 115.2 ttrllr BE ATTACHED m I.rNAL polrcy wgEN rssnED- lrorE: Tllrs ENDoRsBMEhlr wrLL BE ADDED IIFON REcBrpr oF A sATrsFACloRyrJ{pRorrEtrErrr rocATrop csntrFicATts. - PAGB 5 '"5" Qucstious? Call thc Planning Staff at 479-2l2ti APPLICATION FOR I'ESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION 'fhis application is for aoy projcct rcquiring Dcsign Revicw approvel. Any project rcquiring dcsign review mttsl rcr:civc Dcsign Rwicw approval prior to subnrining for a buildrng pcrmit. For specilic information, scc the subrnitlal requircnrcnls for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application canno! bc acccpted un(il all the rcquircd information is subrnihcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by tlo Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Rcvlew Board approval crpircr onc ycir aftcr final eFprovol unlcs$ r buildlng pcrmit Is irsucd and constructlon i3 rtr rald. A. DESCRTPTTON OF THE REQUEST:New residence rrlth ettached caretaker unit, Veil B,LocATIoNoFPRoPOSAL: LeT:. 2 BLOCK:--I-pp11rJ6. Potato Patch PHYSICAL ADDRESS: c. D. ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): Kent and Vicki Loe4n E. r. oWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAMEOFAPPLICANT: PieTce. Se MAILTNGADDRESS: I6L7 Wazee Street, Sui PHoNE: (415) 789-8678 PHONE: (3O3) 62i-33ssC. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: X6 New Construction - 5200tr Addition - $50 Construction of a rrew building. Iucludcs anyaddition whcrc quare footagE is addcd lo any residcntial or comrncrcial building. $20 Includcs nrinor changes io buildings and site improvcment$, such ss,rcrcofing, painting, wirrdow additions, laadscaping, fcnccs and retaining walls, etc,B conceptunl Ravlew - s0 For any application where the applicant wishcs to nleel wth Dcsigrr RevicwBoard to detcrminc whdher or not thc projcct gcn era y comptics wirh thcdesign guidclincs. Ths DRB docs not uote on "un""pr.ial rcviews. DRB fces are to bE naid at the titnc of submittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building permrt, pleasc idcntifyths accuratc valuation of thc projcct. rrte rown orv.il will ad;usithc-fc. "ccoidingto theproject valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS AI,}LI-CATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REOUIREMENTS AND TIIE F.EE TO T1TEDBPARTMENT OF COMMUNiTV NNViiiiPiUENT, 7' SOUiH NNOTVMCN ROAD,VAIL, COLOMDO EI557, E Minor Altcration - MAILINCADDRESS: I0 Via Paraiso East ulCld-uyJ-_ a LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS { BUILDNC MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: Copper shingles E.I.F.S. ExEerior Insul . Finish Sys. S tone Wood Gypsum Aluminum clad E.I.F.S. Wood / Metal E.I.F.S. Metal Metal Copper Stone Stone Stone CQLQB:* lls (KM576-D) #2_txM5t_TD-- It3 / ll4 (KM574-M/KM575M) /s_GM5J6=Dl- #_1_l-EU5-Zl--L)-- ll4 (KM575-M) ll2 (wrs73-L) #/+-lnU5J5=M)- It2_!.rr5l3_D-- ll4 (KM575-M) #l--Gu5-Z-6:-DI- lls (KM576-D) ll3 / ll4 (KM574-M/KM57s-M) It3 /#4 (r<Ms7 4-Mlwrs75-M) {3 / # 4 (KM574-M/Kr'{s7s -M) Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lightingrr Other * Please specify the ** All exterior lighting please indicate the number jl 1'1 ,.; i the height above gradc, ,vide UTILTTY LOCATION VERIFICATION This fonn is to vcrily scrvicc availability and location for ncw construction and should bc used in conjunction with prcparing yor,rr utility plarr and schcduling installations. The location and availability of utilitics, whcthcr thcy bc main trunk lincs or proposed lincs, nrust bc approved and vcrificd by thc followirrg utilitics for thc accompanying sitc plan. U.S. Wcst Conrrnunications l -800-922-l9tt7 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvice Cbnrpany 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C.I. 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District + 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc Date q-2s-g? y'-r/ zz t';{ 7_//_77 \-t6^qu * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, lloor plan, and elcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signaturcs. Firc flow nccds rnust bc addrcssed. NOTES: If the utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs from cach ofthe utility companics, and no commcnts are madc dircctly on tbc fomr, the Town will presurnc that therc are no problents and thc development can proceed. Ifa utility conrpatry has conc€ms with the proposed construction. the utility rcpresentative shall note directly on the utility verification fbnn that thcre is a problem which needs to be rcsolved. The issue should then bc dctailcd in an attached letter to thc Town of vail. However, pleasc keep in mind that it is the rcsponsibility of the utility company and the applicant to rcsolve identificd problems. These verifications do not relieve the conhactor of the responsibilib/ to obtain a public Way Permit frorn the Departruent of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or eascnrent within the Town of vail. A building oermit is not a Public Way perrnit and must be obtained separately. .\ l. 2. 3. Authorizcd Signahrrc s\r.ed b..*-+ |f, ,oii 1.3 =iri@ z 2Ee F :3;i|- -i> >-'E_? iac.oo 'I rl .--a . ' ix 'oe #T o_ 'r'-4 )€ '\q z\ :\i 3F\ r €Y? {:6€ooi}- __:>>> = =,; zz 1, 13, ia --iE14c = =l i1 /,: = 19o' ;3=anz -r> >>.gE q* 3g =L o. lll>g l3R :o EiH E ciE; ;iO\''9,1,\ -,i,':,'i, _--- j / '----':--, -:----- i''Kr\*€E (c) : Pqo rl;;'?, l'3eb, 3t@ . !- /":a.li i.o 3aa' =nz .{ i,9,/ /^\'/' /\-/ 31 90 3,^c,,E-.6C L, =>E ^.+E. ?H9riia-^+o'/) 6 **+ Piq.' 5lc! * .' -i>>> =l;zz \7 a\"' q.j' 4q I \coi H a{ E36U - -,i zz /r\/ r'</ ,t /'Y/ s7-,Y-,:\/ ;\ / S/"Y ?E,I .-c lo ri trl