HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 3 PART 2 LEGALoo LOGAN GALLERY PROJECT # 24010.00 LOT 3, POTATO PATCH VAIL, COLORADO PROJECT DETAIL MANUAL MAY 15,2001 Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates, Architects, P.C., A.I.A. 1617 Wazee Street, Suite C2 Denver, Colorado 81657 (303) 623-33ss 64t-ct I I I I I I I b.,:# t I :l I .t T I "t I I I I I T I I a J 4 5 6 n 8 9 l0 1l t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 JJ I I I I PROJECT DETAIL MAI\UAL CONTENTS Description Wall Detail Wall Detail Wall Panel Detail Column Detail Guardrail / Drain Detail Guardrail / Detail-Level Four Guardrail Detail Downspout Detail Downspout Detail Downspout Detail Fascia Detail Fascia Detail Fascia Detail Snow Guard Detail Snow Guard Bracket Detail Roof Vent Detail Skylight Detail Skylight Detail NOTUSED CNOT USED Garage Door Jamb Detail Garage Window / Fascia Detail Garage WindoV Fascia Detail Window Detail - Main Stair Window Detail - Level Four Door Transom Detail Roller Shade Detail Door Jamb Detail - Level Three South Door Jamb Detail Window / Door Jamb Detail Door Jamb Detail Window Sill Detail Roller Shade Detail Recessed Proiection Screen Detail 03115/01 03/l5/0r 03/ls/01 031r5/0r 03tr5/0r 03/15/01 03/15101 03/1s/01 03/15/01 03n5/0r 03n5t0l 03/15t0r 03/15/01 03/L5/01 03/15/01 03/15/01 03/ls/0r 03/t5/01 03/t5tOr 03/15/01 03/r5/0r 03/15/01 03/15/0r 03/15t01 03/r5101 03/ts/01 03/15101 03/r5/0r 03/15/01 03/r5/01 03/1s/0r 03/15/01 03/Ls/0r 05/t5t0r 04t03/01 05/ts/01 05/15/01 051r5/01 05/lst0r 05/t5/01 0s/r5/01 05/15/01 05/15/01 05/15/01 05ll5l0l 05i l5/01 T I o PROJECT DETAIL MANUAL CONTENTS ,l I -l I Description 03/15/01 03lt5l0l 03/15/01 03,L5t01 03/15/01 03/15/01 03/r5/0r 03/rs/0r 03/15/01 03115/01 03/15/01 03/15/01 03/15/0r 03n5/01 03115/01 03/15101 03/r5/0r 03/r5/01 03/15/01 03n5/01 03/r5t0l 03t15/01 03/t5/01 03/r5/0r 03/r5/0r 05/15/01 05115/01 05/15t01 04/09/01 Revisions 05n5tOl 05/15/0r 05/15/01 05/15/01 05/15/01 05/15/01 05/r5/01 05i l5l01 05/r5/01 05/15/01 05/r5t0r 05n5/01 I I I I T T ,l I I 34 35 36 JI 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5l 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6l 62 Roller Shade Detail - Level Four Motor Support Detail Art lift Door Details NOT USED tut Lift Door Detail fut Lift DoorDetail Base Detail (85) NOTUSED Stair Detail Garage Roof Vent Detail Garage Roof Detail Downspout Detail Deck Foundation Deck Structural Deck Plan Deck - South Elevator Deck East Elevator Type Fl Fixture Tlpe F2 Fixture Curb Details Site Wall Detail Site Wall Detail Site wall Detail Site Wall Detail Site Wall Detail Site Wall Detail Air Chase Detail Duct Chase Detail Address Monumentt I T I T I I t I I I :l I I T T I t I I I t t o o ,. kJIP F2 6lt g" 'lorof- d2-' dtr WALL DETAIL Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERIT|TT ISSUE Job No:2r1010.fl)Sheet: IDrawn By: JGL Date: O3/15/Ol Scale: I l/Z'-lt-O' T T rI T "t I I rl I T I I t T t I I T I o w WALL DETAIL s rl I Nr* tr % * NtP Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: PERMTT ISSI,JE Job No:2401O.d)Sheet: 2Drawn By: JGL Date: O3l15/Ol Scale: I l/2'-tt-0. o ?lqft$ vav,v fu<et- -re tb" t4wro aH#fril!6 t -{rl FtatCIvEe tiATN g1l7S. ?Afr?eN * ave F=#waw DY H4t1E6f - LN'..1lt.lAIe 1? /ou eva616' Aa^'ft1itxb alxl l'hu ?wuz thtv WALL PANEL DETAIL Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: PENMIT ISST'E Job No:24010.00 Sheet: 3Drawn By: JGL Date: O3/15/Ol Scale: 3!-1|{' T I T I I I t I I I T T I T T T I T I (") +r arT*Uv' lzV,', At?lV '4fo'6'W#ffi,8" eAV A)J?*tt) t _S r) COLUMN DETAIL a -\ .tA4 @ o" wual'l 4,o.4?fla' Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGANI GALLERY Revision: PERMTT ISSUE REITISED 5,/r5l0rA Job No:2tl()l0.0o Sheet: 4 Drawn By: JGL Date: 03/15/01 Scale:1r'1t=()' T T rI t "t I I I I I I T I I T T I t I ?tv l -a' L?(e) tt aFe ai ,4'AK ?-fl\JP aNAtJ-t axb (a) W Wh4jJ UNE-\ pct:vnl ?ftuA'Af1q€na4'-i\i'Z DRAIN DETAIL . GLK|WvP va*trarQ GUARDRAIL Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}{ GALLERY Revision: ret.4ldot Job No:2rrclo.d)Sheet: 5Prawn BY: JGL Date: O3l15l0l Scale: 1 V2"14' T I T I .T I I I t I I T I T I I I t I o o GUARDRAIL DETAIL LEVEL FOUR Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGANI GALLERY Revision: PERUIT ISSUE REITISED 5/15/6A Job No:24010.d)Sheet: 6Drawn By:l JGL Date: O3l15/Ol Scale: 1 l/?.14' T I ;T T T I I I T t T I .l T T T I T T o z'fqer, (r)r,- Str\ --_\ 4RtJb AW I,lfl.pa z,flef*t/.t4qpetfre)G) GUARDRAIL DETAIL '7\tL'lae'(O Segerberg Mayhew &. AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERI{TT ISST''E lob No:2t1010.fl)Sheet: 7Drawn BY: JGL Date: 03/15/Ol Scalc: 1 l/2"lLO' o I DOWNSPOUT DETAIL T I T I I I I I I T T I I T l I I I I Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. I DOWNSPOUT DETAIL o" o '1' l'1l2 I-rk-_ -l -1s_- I I I I I i 0i -l I I I I I I I I-1r-- I T I T I I I I I T T I I I T I I T T Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: PEAilM lsSI,.'E Job No:24O1O.d)Sheet: 9Drawn By: JGL Date: O3l15/O1 Scale: 3r-1|{r I I T I t I t I I T T t I I T I I T t o o 4"lfuE? FAt-PfuVf-- ?<fiNAfa t't157;a DOWNSPOUT DETAIL Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}{ GALLERY Revision: PERIT|IT ISSUE Job No:2t010.@ Sheet: 10Drawn BY: JGL Date: 03/15101 Scale: 3'-lH)r T T rl I I I T :l I l T I t I I T t t I )F IASCIA DETAIL afr# aLlfte? 12' t 4FrAia,lftzg dt)G) ffiga'Ee OL Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}{ GALLERY Revision: PERilIT TSSI'E REVTSED s^slor Iob No:2t010.0O Sheet: 11Drawn By: JGL Date: O3l15/Ol Scale: 1 l/2"1t4' a@ avfTeT12 |{,*'p+lAffre9 aF1ft) ffiO^ee IL lv V19-' -EASCIA DETAIL Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERMIT ISST.,E SEltrSED 5/r5lol Job No:2401O-(X)Sheet: 12Drawn By: JGL Date: 03/15lO1 Scale: I l/2"-lt4r affi avfTe?-17' trV4ft?nalFfagdt|ft) ffi2^'ee t^tlt' Ntb- ftiwetwrn J|" fASCIA DETAIL -f--7,{-vwJ //Q)-/,-o.9 /"Er6-4u19t' Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERMTT ISSIJE F.EIISED 545lor Job No:24010.d)Sheet: 13Drawn By: JGL Date: O3l15/Ol Scale: I l/2"11-o| o o SNOW:G-UARD DETAIL /z!+ n*t42 w NvrT Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA},I GALLERY Revision: PERi{IT ISSUE REVTSED 5n 5/Or lob No:2401o.fi1 Sheet: T4 Drawn By: JGL Date: 03/15/Ol Scale: 1 \/2r-lt4' I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I l Argnl,ftlW Vftltvv^G * Frcf A/WPWfrailgaaJC4#t*sr 6?#o-w? aN wlw a?e /o.. Mff't- Ft'/€4/.lt..b' FAl-l N/b"vfiJAJ hapy{ varei',. rutv+t trJ'.. 1r/lAft w,R @ ya*n,{".J, 'v? a"eQ fr e*;ogenlasv W V4iy'o PIet4w^*E, _ SNO$NGIARD BRACKET DETAIL Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: PERMIT ISSUE Job No:24010.fi1 Sheet: 15Drawn By: JGL Date: O3l15lol Scale: NO SCAIJ t I "t I I t I I I t I I I t t I I t I t-d' W -l \ . ,t, tl'\-url,4*v*lf - l"xllo4-@ ffi4? vuhlf (fexU) NF/\P t/1,? vwtogr&e d?p* VgW? t/zt' fl_vvte ale4tytnA - -IAF:/.;!' WAffi? ?e+ltud ROOF VENT DETAIL Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERMIT ISSI.IE Iob No:24{110.00 Sheet: t6Drawn By: JGL Date: O3l15/01 Scale: I U2"t-U t I I l I t t I I I I I t t I I t t l Segerberg Mavhew &. AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY 17rawn By: JGL Scale: 3/4r- -Or I I :l t I I I rl t t I I t I t I t I a Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAI.I GALLERY Revision: PERI,TIT ISSUE Iob No:2t(ll0ill Sheet: 18 Drawn By:. JGL Date: G!,/15/01 Scale: 3'-1t{)' I I I I' t I I I T l t t I I I I I I I ' ll4'14 @4 CHIMNEY CAP DETAIL -$ 1 \ 4-a' zmeF X (frtNAT7z VXtzaga-) aN ,,,17 ver4?afla aN I- y'rt {t{^ro afiA$l t\i.c, -tap?(zff,tT?, l/li'treA aN VI:PLvNI2qa *<r;wa ( t r.r--e'ee agv. (NOT USED) Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERMTT ISST.'E RElrrsED s/rsl(n Iob No:2t1010-d)Shee!: t9Drarvn By: JGL Date: 03/15lol Scale: 1 l/2"1t-O' t I I I t I I I t t I I T J t I I I T :_ -\ ,2 I\ caftg(Yxnxh. Ta t4xfal tuF an tLe4EUW*rle atJ Yz' TLYlJo lt+%fituvr vYrtv -arf|*<l lT tlv, tt arJ a2@9 ev@e6 -/ N CHIMNEY (NOT USED) Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERJIIIT ISSI,'E nElrEED 545l0r lob No:24010.00 Sheet: 20Drawn By: JGL Date: 03,/15101 Scale: I l/2r-lt4r '! I :l T "l I'l I I I I t I I I I t t I o o fr'Weg- GARAGE DOOR JAMB DETAIL Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERMTT T$SI,,'E Iob No:2t0l0.fl)Sheet: 2L Drawn By: JGL Date: 03/15/Ol Scale: I l/2'-lt-Qt I t ..l t "t,l t I I t I I I I t I I I I o 0rry- ??? affie -'-au-+tia. fr u lia44 Feqr$w e)6 we(N%a/^w) Mt+ (o) 9tlg"tt/t" 4f1- L (a) RAGEWINDOW FASCIA DETAIL G)------- 4tw'FtQltxtd 4ra,efra:.tpt>;E --NtO (vJcxonm) 4tW(a,oozo) 4lVW'YI ?6,:47EiVo , (2)4tuA.'re t^l@ ?42? Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERMTT lsSI.rE f,E\,lsED 5n5l01 Job No:24{ll0fl)Sheet:. 22Drawn By: JGL DaLe: O3/15/Ol Scale: I V2'-l4r I I I I I I I I I I I a I I I I I I I J b?*9@t+wpNlh*aw -) tAtT d/ Ftwrl * C6 '4) d-*s'o .lil FZVEAT- tN ?lfrWYeFtQ A?W*- 0u6{)a4rwt+-?Ffl?affi w" Nnat da?€ Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: PERi{IT ISSUE Job No:24010.fi)Sheet: 23Drawn By: JGL Date: 03/15/Ol Scale:3r-l|{' I I I I I I t I I I t I I I t I I I I o -J-??^0 w @ neh? I q!^t.,|a *a,u " llh??t44lil1b?p4" (4/'1AN?c) 4rna___g=\\lt\ 1{-r+ free ar9 ?F1VPI4!'-?AItr'l4favre)+ ve- /t''(?,'l(' t \ lr' IH -t- I ltgtlg,ov. lt-JAru W{art? :e:lc 4tpze O AF9 Q€2 fttc2 WINDOW Qr LC DETAIL LEVEL FOUR Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}{ GALLERY Revision: PERMTT ISST'E Job No:24010.d)Sheet: 24Drawn By: JGL Date: 03/15/01 Scale: 3r-l-Or I I rl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}{ GALLERY Revision: PERMIT I$9t'E Iob No:24010.d)Sheet: 25Drawn By: JGL Date: 03/15101 Scale:3r-lt-0r I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERiITT lsSI,'E nE1EED 5 5/0r Iob No:2tlO1O.O0.Sheet: 26Drawn By:l.JGL Scale: 3'.1-0r I t rl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o W? -yrYa - 7drE rogEIf*t+ -?rr2'{NEP alAA h<tWC J.Wtue .,- aY@oF 7462 :fl.YN@P 3rEl|{t GrewH 6va-- LEva- 6A/rH) Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Scale:3Ll'{ll I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I l'u lo/h" tLll/+" . 4" N xt;!4tt H aW euh2 ?lwarz T%AWP 2Y N$Jpufl{,/ pps APU6? Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: PERifIT ISST.'E lob No:2tl{l1o.dl Sheet: 28Drarrn By:'.JGL Date: 03,/15/01 Scale: 3r'1'{' I I rI I I I I I t I I I t t I I I t I fW'awwtbQ ?AtJe" tlffi"rwe IIJTWVa (/p'? rll I '?tatwu?n- Fp'+ -efl* ovt? W9'ft{r4tn* Ex'fT?v?, We * rurr.tnzt,l "?-#4ee, 'V We &+e' a40 lxreetas N/ vrenta, - WPN2 VW46tr.t@' HtNnzd,/ w aVPfueo ra fu'Atr4lr Nffiot*Q-"wre4ze ?lwa' wrNDow / DOOR JAMB DETAIL tLl'/*'''- llt/+lt Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERMTT ISSUE Iob NorStlS!4Gr Sheet: 29Drawn By:[i{il- Date: O3l15/01 Scale: 3r-lHl' I I ,l I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I lL lt/tt'Itr^' l0 4,x 4"Nx tt'-C H arffitz 42AO FIUA ?%',AW JPY NIUDg-A/ @cal?"ue? .DOOR JAMB DETAIT. Segerberg Mavhew &' As5ociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAI.I GALLERY Revision: PERMTT |SST'E Iob Nq:9{@tG Sheet: 30Drawn By:iff&. Date: O3l15/01 Scale:3r-1.{)r I I I t I l I I I T I I I I I I I I I Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}.I GALLERY Revision: PERil'IT ISSUE Job Ncu2t(f10.{Xl Sheet: 31Drawn By: [.JGL Date: 03/15/01 Scale: 3r- {' I I :l I ,l I I I I I T I I I t I I I I We? wYef v" vr'r4tzw Qp.fPe;- t/2" ?|JNO 2,+.EA$T btPf , rew?Aa' N9 Pr'..r)ev fa4 Wl# /c48*. NQ eM?avrpuN? 6' Apf --P4.ruf 1a lqxral &ugo 2 (a) o? VJ6 ROLLER SHADE DETAIL Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGANI GALLERY Scale:1 l/2r-l4r FW)W?+ Q6p.72saN/ Fe,.wre AtdPuIPw:r?F-n^\, wevtw FEtV{rAbL€ ?Aitlet>WFreffi RECESSED PROJECTION SCREEN DETAIL Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C, A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: PERMTT ISSI.''E nEusED 5n5l0r lob No:2.1010.fi).Sheet: 33Drawn By:: JGL Date: O3/15/Ol Scale: 1 ll?r-lt4t I I "l I .l I t I I I I I I I I I I I t o *'1' - F@ffip fEeT F* t.t"t?Fv.e? ?ry.A(e - t/z| fu{we W 'ptrlx1 ?t xae 'revt^leA^ue NQ ?xa'ft? WvF /&f.W ' W e?de eU*PvrJo @ A/1 ?^{trr aav*ton &lut.,f9, ty$, ROLLER SHADE DETAIL LEVEL FOUR Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}.I GALLERY Revision: PERMIT ISSI..'E nElrISEIt 5/15/{n Iob No;Pl0l0fi)Sheet: 34Dravm By: I.JGL Date: 03/15101 Scale: 1 l/2r-lt-Qt I t :l t "l I t t I I I I I I t I I I t lW: %Hr@ bY VFEr'H{4f ^tzaHftW t?? Wr??apep,rxp? elrAz +@ F oqr4_yz *.to arA,lf,EtffievlbvY WTAIE,- ..L- ?%2VPg ?t'At'x q-Ot'wt?"&e9 PANEL 'lN\- aZtVtt.E' 4t.dl F1l*,pN" eree.A,L WV32WF*AEAzr-F\nrrTa Ffrt:u oAtUNEl MOTOR SUPPORT DETAIL Segerberg Mayhew &, AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: PERI{IT ISSUE 8E1[SEL s/rslql Iob No:24{}l{).fi)Sheet: 35Drawn By: !'JGL Date: 03/15/01 Scale: 1 l/2.-lt-Qt I I I I I I I I I I t t t I I I I t I tt-a'// WV f'4',41 ARTLIFT DOOR DETAILS Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}{ GALLERY Revision: PERMIT ISSI.'E REVTSED 5/lslol Job No: 2rOlO.OO Sheet: 36Drawn By: JGL Date: O3l15/O1 Scale: I Uf-14' l"*,1'arL-rlJqe '6vtfu4 WQ 2O r., rt|J @. y-6>/ay, tti?t'(n"w vEavt2 ?"/'?'' t<t/ 4" /nuf tr GARAGE CEILING DOOR DETAIL (NOr USED) Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY F.evision: PERTIIT TSSI,'E iiRErnsED s/rslor Job No:2t1010.d)Sheet: 37Drawn By: JGL DaLe:. O3/15/OL Scale: HALF SIZE o L:-^YW" /d'T{Pe'x"aYwtt/I VAPD (O We ?Er\?'.r) LaEv * + 6tna6P aivt --pA1f1iW r'uVHKaH Wac tl+t't1/4' *o/p 4rv L @) dlx 2" /i' x t/ *'atL L L L H / wyra 6/e:,T?zx 6W va. %'*J4%" ARTLIFT DOOR DETAIL Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: ' PERMTT ISSUE *EV|seD sn5l01 Iob No:24010.fi1 Sheet: 38Drawn By: JGL Date: 03/15/01 Scale: HALF SIZE I T I T I v?e*1zP /t]Lutl1576 WF lt/4 *. t/+"x?/Urffi,, L -(c) ARTLIFT DOOR DETAIL q,poe ?/p w?'x' affiJnryA"Wa w'-ot'\ oltl IY4r?'atr*vt4 @, Ww104 W:41796 %tffi \tf-dH (rrevo veAH ) weL \ Ts, ;dxilk'x/e"- QIV L VLn ATAYW -ap fitre,trl dY" ?a Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERMTT IS9UE SEI,ISED 5/r5l0r Job No:24OlO.fi)Sheet: r-A5vDrawn By:: jGL DeLei B/t'/Ol Scale: HAIf SIZE T t I I I I T I I I I I t I I t I T t o rqi (b t @pe Mfna-l*v A< d+'<fA l4ne/} h/- n aVA.YY\eO €r,W'AW-?trg1 exffi epde OAaa ?P.\4O1D A@UqqVtJa" W.ft#/)- /cu Olrt/\bu- 2b^ f+a furHP - ?P'trA<@w tuffir eU' wP? - ;pp1S4x7pr"tF WfVtlUt- Ara ?l.av. BASE DETAIL (B5) Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociates ArchitecLs P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: PERUTT ISSUE Job No:2401O.(Xl Sheet: 40Drawn By: JGL DaLe: O3/15/Ot Scale: FULL SIZE I t rl I t I t I I I t I I I I I I I T HZlWg tuE4p1p,, lA@ nr'\? wqvl,gvewa +1,lWbE?qTW- HW A.! H" v4/ finreWPree@tatw w rye F?+'+il:E'" 4r^1t..l aA YIAil4l , f,A ' EJA\-\? 1a h.U)Art A/ f,o, rt*o .?v)&t t ELEL'ATOR HEADruAMB DETAIL (r{or usED) ' ftwe"/.fr#, JAMB Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERilTT ISST'E RErrrsED 5 5/0r Job No:2t1{11(Lfi)Sheet: 4L Diawn By:'.JGL Date: (Xl,/15/01 Scale:3r-1'-0' I I ,l I I I I I T I I I I I I I I T I Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERITTT TSSTJE Job Nor:2t1010.fl1 Sheet: 42Drawn By:JGT. Date: 03n5l0t Scale: I l/T - lt-gr /4 re'r*v v___+Tt Arw-7&tts6o{ 2x Put.l v" 4+42611' t.lo %ta,l >tFg ab-kvENT - l'r f/c aw 14'r,P va.n(arvQ l/,P+,? A,n gEn"?,rl.rE NW * v*Qez /z'?,fnpeftENHlNor-NW N/4"ru. 7+lg4tNd -GARAGE ROOF VENT DETAIL Segerberg Mavhew & As5ociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY I I :l I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I o o F+4+1nJ€ GARAGE ROOF DETAIL \ j -.J as Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PEBIIfIT ISSTJE Job No:2tlO1O0O Sheet: 44Drawn By:..J.@. Date: 03/15/01 Scale: 3r-1-gr I I rl I .l I T I t I I I I I I t I I I f.],Ta+ rFJarlc ftf, ?v??1/? aqre? ?dhtra@trr t{atzH gelaq tA @No ?ET INAl/ Vte l,,J-7'ay', ' I DOWNSPOUT (, a 6 DETAIL SECTION Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY =f.,; ds=9 ldf!Y,- xseP sr$SrB i);-, ElfiiFii3iH ,,9-,?l l! oo <t Ij ,,9-,1 1-J | /'"1KV l(J:tulor3||lltZT--'lfii,.-7r-J zf:lJo() =ulz zf Jo U 3utz l- -r- -l REVISED 5/L5/Ol l! Uzlu a(') tuu \tz F(t) Xut 7^ ['. ul\ oo <{ V Ul! ul v I I o<t Jo ttzo(J IU ut oo{ v Uluo 3luz l0 I1 ld Qlrrrtj- Ft9+ Segerberp Mavhew '* AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY DECK FOUNDATION Revision: Building Permit 03/r5/01 Job No: U4O10.00 Sheet: 46 Drawn By: TAC Date: Ol/19/0t Seale:1/4"=l'-0 t l I T I I T I t I I I I T I I I t t o ut u. tu .',s $3I(f!f.i<ci koua YO6i().r ^3lll r 65 v u.luotuJ sx @txz - (€) '1=l,l ,,?/t Ex,?/€ t - (€.) 'r REVTSED 5/t5/Ol Eq filiEfiiil r,/ L$/lt L(\r ,SA :d|" :="frt-l .t v Qie I \... I! Uzutq ol!u oz F(') xlu J E T ox vI t(l I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C, A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY DECK gTRLICTURAL Revision: Building Permit 03/r5/01 Job No: 24010.00 Sheet: 47Drawn Bv: TAC Date: 01/19/Ol Scale: l/4"=1'-0 F ulJ :lo z v,o REVISED 5/L5/OI ?9 v9 q$ I$gP gP z J v. utlll I UF E o lrl :t F f oF- 3oJllto f<t lxo 3ujz (f)o L o oF {Lby4 &8 oD Ftr 8fr 3lrl IIJ Jza?: $$ utzoFo u I I :T I l I T I I I I I I t t I I I T Segerberg Mavhew -* AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY DECK PLAN Revision: Building Permit 03/15/Or lob No: 24010.00 Sheet: 48Drawn By: TAC Date: 0l/19/Ol Scale: 1/4"=1'-0 ..@) ?wttW^\/,,lvw w* OT I I I t I t I I I l I I I T I I I I t{E^tAUJ|.r*t /a'rlt'd She e t:ob No:24O1O'(X) LOGAN GALLERYSegerberg Mayhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. Drawn BY: 'lGL 9"61s; V4.-I-Or I I :l I I I T I t I I I I I T I l I t Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAI{ GALLERY Revision: PERMIT ISSUE REVTSED s/Ls/Ot Iob No:2rrclo.fi)Si:eet: 50Drawn By: JGL Date: O3,/15lO1 Scale: 1/4r- -(F I I :l I "l,l I rl I I ,)_i t I T t I I I I T "t]. t/t r--lflljh Tcopcnturr Slllcon. Cltkat.r T- 2 7/t _l_Crrtfac.llu6lout'rv- _T It ./tt I I n.ct.nlqrfr 1 7/8' X 2 7/{ Cut llurrrlnum Bor rllh Thrra t lt N"l t Do.d l{olar. Srot /t NPJ tsppod Holar. Ptulr Prorldcd --bnr Provldcr +irll lldc lalcrrl. Dl.k(buuoDrlth Prlrmr l1l Vrrtlcd PoalgoD qnd long t{r''or Dlrtrlbutloa ln Xorlroulal PorlUoa. lnoln vrEf,SIIID ilET GATIIDO lfltxDtsn u)clc Example: B/q - I - WHW TYPE F-l s".tc. t I ,.-" *." I Avallable In Caa[ Brarr. Prcflx Srrlc! Derignation Wtth ?'. Spcclty 'NAT' lor Natural Eracg. 'POL' for Poliahed Brasa, 'lllT' lor Mltlquc Erassor Porvdcrcolt Color ln Flnlch Sectlon ol the Catalog Numbcr. Se. th? 'B-K Brass' Brochure(or Addltional Detaih. For. Ulc rith Ramote Tranrlormcrr Sce Shccts TRSS Serler, TX Scrieror Po[or Plpc In Accersory Sccllon 0I 3 l5 6 By Othcrr ESx(zow), t{' spot FRB{36w), l? SpotEfi{{ztt), l l,5' Spot ExT(solY), lO Spot Powdercoat Frlnkle Bronze BZW Elack BLIT llhttc (Glogs)WHTT Verde VEB -K LIGHTINGi INC. Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: peni,rrr ssuE Job No:2401O.OO Sheet: 51 Drawn BY: JGL Date: 03/15/01 Scale: NO SCALE I I I I I oI f SDZ. UaC'fen& fhEkEo Wdufuc.Ca]ia>r l/:lz? 4 at l6*L9gvut llunrrtn l{h! ft*.rc fnr! ta |t{rtdt 3ll'X l/l'Annnkqtu til fbl JlcJ H4,rtrtaAsarf I O Str{cre 5lad tut Sfma On'r Saco ftrth to M|tdl l--".--l 9IDE TYPE FRONT F-2 ROADWAY LIGHT Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: PERMIT ISSUE Job No: 2/1010.00 Sheet: 52Drawn By: JGL Date: O3,/15,/01 Scale: NO SCALE I I :l I ,l I t I T I I t I I T I t T I o o rc-1 CURB DETAILS a44W 1z,trDTA lWdH(e) av w51s -(1*) \- ..i| N Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision:lob No:2401(XXD Sheet: 53Drawn By: IrI. Gn DaLe: O3/15/Ol Scale:l U! - L4, ) I I I I I I :f t I t I I I I I I I I o o Pt/2n eep aJo @frV zr ay,s7y4r4nl4J,q \ ,..t SITE WALL DETAIL Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGANGALLERY n Revision: PERMIT ISSUE Iob No:24{f1O,0O Sheet: 54Drawn By:i.JGL Date: O3,/15,/01 Scale: 1 l/2r-tt-Qt I I :l t .l I I "l I t I T I I I t I I I - 4.aPC ar+,twTal? N SITE WALL DETAIL Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERI|TT ISSUE Iob Nou2llll0fi)Sheet: 55Diarn By:lrJ.GL DaLe'. 3/15/Ol Scale': I Vzr-lt4' I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I o rl4 ct ?(Tz'2P,t16ryP$eat^7 4ra#oN +t' Wees TA\NF CI4 L) av?* AN*CTE ooo il SITE WALL DETAIL ' Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: ?ERMIT ISSI'E Job Nor240l(XX)Sheet: 56Drawn By:l.JGL Date: 3[5/g Scale: 1 Lllz.-'t-O. I I :l I I I I :l I I t I I I t I I t I lrr lr' .-C)Eff11 1 t ll /e'\Nwr4Je /_* 6p (p" Hartl?TAN? 3,q, 4tr V9IIJF,@NA, SITE WALL DETAIL Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision: PERUTT ISSUE Job No:2401O0O Sheet: 57Drawn By:I JGL DaLe: S/$/Ot Scale:1 l/2'-t4' I I I I "l I J I ! I T I I I T I T I I 4t' ararT 4,P^NWWNZ &? Qt'FDr-t qPrlg ail 2xa*Y4ttqrL Z ot'TaNe ala I^!A[ (?) SITE WALL DETAIL Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision: PERMM TSSTJE ,lob No:2tl{Il0.fil Sheet: 58Drarn By:' JGL Date: 3/15/OL Scale: I lrr2!-l'{rl I I rl I I t I :l I I I I I t I t I I I o e,frturaFo l.JAt t SITE WALL DETAIL Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision:Job No:24010.fl)Sheet: 59Drawn By: JGL DaLe: 5/tS/Ol Scale: I 1/2'-'l-U I I I I I I I I I T I I t I I t I I I 1'xlbA' lnl-uM d"#rE(+ +v-ra. flrA >Y'P?gtdtaLa Q.) aN (e) Zttx,2,t y 9/tLt' aTL L ?ztgz? vf/ 4xV<slcc" Lfr 4^JWPN? e?N €T1, LO mt* 14?l AA ?Ueuqrnei ,/ht.c4&g -_ AIR CHASE DETAIL Segerberg Mayhew & AsSociates Architects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision:Iob No:24010.fi)Sheet: 60Drawn BY: JGL DaLe: .5/15/Ol Scale: L 1/2'-1i{r I I I I .l I I I I T I I I I I I I I I Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGA}I GALLERY Revision:Job No:2t1010.fi1 Sheet: 6lDrawn By: JGL Date: 5/15/01 Scale: I Vz'=lt-O' I I I t .l I I I I I t I t I I I I I I o 9*F WEtZe QeA? dAt\6, bow Nurqer-lz,f.,8 141I vxfl?e - :1-- 0i ADDRESS MONUMENT 3/4r - lt-Qr Segerberg Mavhew & AsSociatesArchitects P.C. A.I.A. LOGAN GALLERY Revision:Iob No:2401O-d)Sheet: 62Drawn By:: JGL Dale: 4/9/Ol Scale: 3/4r - {' oo LOGAN GALLERY* PROJECT # 24010.00 LOT 3, POTATO PIITCH VAIL, COI.ORADO OUTLINE SPECIFICATION MAY 15,2001 Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates, Architects, P.C., A.I.A. 1617 Y'lazee Street, Suite C2 Denver,Colorado 81657 (303) 623-33ss l-- I l-nltg art \rr 1. 2. 2. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 1: GENERAL REOUIREMENTS A. Reference Standards: Work shall be performed in accordance with the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, all codes and regulations of Eagle CountS Colorado, and other applicable state and local codes. All work shall be done in accordance with A.I.A. Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, 1997 Edition. The following Soils Report and survey have been performed for this project and are available for review at the Architect's office: a. Soils Report: Job #: 100845 Date: November 30. 2000 By:Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, lnc. 5020 CountyRoad 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: (970)945-7988 NOTE: Strictly follow all recommendations contained in the Soils Report. In case of conflict between this Specification and the Soils Report, the Soils Report shall supersede. b. Topographic Survey: Job #: 46255 Date: March 31,2000 By: Alpine Engineering, lnc. Edwards Business Center PO Box 97 Edwards- CO 81632 Phone: (970)926-3373 Coordination: l.Contractor shall field veriff all exact locations and sizes of existing utilities as required prior to any excavation. All utilities shall be installed per the utility company requirements and recommendations and be underground services. Electrical work is to be done on a design-build basis. Contractor shall coordinate fully between these contractors and all other portions of the work. These drawings are schematic and show intent only. The contractor is responsible for preparing and providing any additional drawings and information required by state or local officials. Loean # 24010.00 Page 1 May 15,2001 I I I I t 3. Contractor shall be responsible for all field engineering required for the project, including but not limited to structural layout, foundation layout, and survey layout to begin work and improvement location certificate survey (I.L.C.). 4. Contractor shall coordinate with Architect on all portions of the work and shall obtain Architect's approval of all items prior to ordering. 5. Contractor shall coordinate and install all sleeves or prepiue for all penetrations as required. Any cutting and/or patching required due to a lack of coordination shall not be considered an extra cost. Permits: l. Contractor shall be responsible for applying for and obtaining all required permits and utility taps. 2. Owner shall be responsible for payment of all permits and tap fees. Insurance: 1. Contractor shall carry Contractor Liability Insurance, Worker's Compensation Insurance, and other insurances in amounts required by state and local jurisdictions. Temporary Services: l. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining temporary services such as power, light, heat, enclosures, water, sanitary facilities, erosion and sediment control, temporary construction fencing, tree and plant protection, and trash removal adequate to meet requirements of local jurisdictions, maintain safety of the site, and maintain quality, for the duration of construction. Quality Control: 1. Contractor shall maintain quality control over supplies, manufacturers, products, services, site conditions and workmanship to produce the quality level specified in all cases. All products shall be installed strictly per manufacturer's recommendations and/or standard trade council guidelines. Commencement of work over previous work indicates that installer has reviewed the previous work and agrees it is acceptable as a substrate for his work. 2. J. C. D. E. F. t I I I I I I I I I t t I I Loean # 24010.00 Page2 May 15,2001 G. H. t I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. When shop drawings or cut sheets are required, obtain Architect's written approval of submittal before ordering or fabrication of materials or proceeding with any work. 5. Contractor is responsible for repairing or replacing any materials or work disturbed or damaged during the scope ofthis project. Substitutions: 1. Specific brands and models ofproducts are specified to set a standard ofquality. Contractor may propose alternate brands for the Architect's approval, which are of similar or higher quality to that specified in all cases. When requesting a substitution, contractor warrants that proposed substitution meets or exceeds all requirements oforiginally specified product and Architect shall be able to depend on this warrantee whether specifically stated or not. 2. Contractor must obtain written approval of proposed altemate from the Architect before proceeding with any substitution. Submittals: I . Shop drawings are required under some divisions of the work and are specified in the individual sections. When required, submit one sepia and three blueline prints for the Architect's approval. 2. Cut sheets are required when proposing an alternate and when required in any individual section ofthe specification. Provide five copies ofeach. Mock-up Panels and Samples: l. Mock-up panels or samples shall be supplied for the Architect's approval when called for in the individual specification sections. Mock-ups and samples shall be actual samples of the work showing color, texture, finish and/or pattern to be obtained. If a product has a range of colors, textures, etc., provide an adequate amount of samples to be representative of the full range. 2. Mock-ups may be incorporated into the building upon meeting fuchitect's approval. 3. Obtain Architect's written approval of mock-up or sample before proceeding with work. Logan # 24010.00 Page 3 May 15,2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I J.Project Close-out: l. At the end of the project, contractor shall provide Owner with all maintenance manuals, product literature, special tools and warranties for all mechanical and electrical equipment, appliances and other manufactured products. 2. At the end of the project, contractor shall provide Owner with an instructional walk{hrough of all mechanical, electrical and specialty items, explaining start up and shut down procedures, and maintenance procedures. Final Cleaning: l. Contractor shall clean the entire project - interior, exterior and site - such that the Owners may occupy the project without hindrance. This includes, but is not limited to, cleaning and polishing all floors, walls, windows, appliances, fixtures, fittings and site work. Warranty: l. Contractor shall warranty the entire project for one year from date of substantial completion and shall repair or replace (at contractor's option) any work or equipment found deficient within that time, to the original condition required by the contract documents. DIVISION 2: SITE WORI( A. Site Preparation: l. Perform minimal clearing/grubbing to prepare site for mass excavation. 2. Strip topsoil and retain on site. 3. Refill site as necessary to meet new and existing grade lines per Site Plan. 4. Contractor shall provide all means necessary or required to insure proper soil erosion control, including the removal of selected trees and plants. 5. Contractor shall install all basins, sidewalks, curbs, culverts, etc. per local code requirements and construction standards. 6. The Site/Grading Plan is based on information provided by others. The Architect assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of such. However, in the event of any discrepancies, notify the Architect prior to commencement. L. I I I t Logan # 24010.00 Page 4 May 15,2001 I I :l I 4. ). I I B.Earthwork: Contractor shall arrange for an open-pit soil investigation by soils engineer paid for by Owner. Run sewer and water lines below frost line. Run electrical, gas, telephone and other utilities in trenches as required by local jurisdictions. Utility locates shall be coordinated with local utility companies and Owners. Include excavation and storage of fill materials. Excavation for building itself shall extend approximately 7'-0" or as necessary for safety outside of walls. Excavate for footings and pads. Excavate for utility trenches and provide for protection ofutilities. Finish grade on landscaped areas with stock piled topsoil from site. Coordinate with Landscape Contractor for all site work. Follow recommendations or soils report for excavation, back fill and compaction and all other recommendations. 6. All fill material shall be free from organic matter and other deleterious substance and shall contain no rocks or lumps over 3" (three inches) in the greatest dimension. Any fill required beneath foundation or floor slabs shall be washed granular fill or suitable non-organic soil compacted to 95% of the maximum modified proctor dry unit weight, in general. All footings shall bear on original undisturbed hard, stiff brown or gray silt. Clay soil will not be acceptable. All import earth shall have a coefficient of expansion of not more thut 3yo from air dry to saturation under a surcharge of 60 pounds per sq. ft. at 90o/o compaction. Paving: 1. Exterior walks and terrace paving (as indicated) shall be colored concrete as selected by Architect and shown on drawings. Drainage: l. Provide perimeter drainage system at base of foundation as shown on drawings and as recommended in soils report. 2. Deck drains shall be drained as shown on Mechanical Drawings. Landscape: l. General Contractor shall place all retaining walls, including all boulder walls, and shall prepare site to a level acceptable as "rough grade". I 2. "t I t I I I c. D. E. t I I I I I I Iogan # 24010.00 Page 5 May 15,2001 I I t I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I 2. Contractor shall provide a separate budget for completion of all landscaping as indicated on the landscape plan. Provide all landscaping materials, and plants as indicated on the drawings and as required to complete the work. The Landscape Contractor shall include but not be necessarily limited to the specification and installation of grass seed mix, sod materials, soil, preparation and treatment (if required), plant protection methods and materials, mulch material, irrigation system, and all related items to complete the work. All work shall be wananted for a period of one-year minimum after acceptance of the work by the Owner. DIVISION 3: CONCRETE l. All concrete shall be as specified on the Structural Drawings. 2. All concrete work shall be in accordance with the latest A.C.I. recommendations at 28-day maximum cured strength. 3. Vapor barrier shall be 6 mil and shall be polyethylene conforming to ASTM E96 (Perm rating of 0.1) standard of performance. B. Foundations: l. Foundation desigr is based on the recommendations contained in the Soils Report. Follow all recommendations in this Soils Report. Verify all unstable soil conditions with Soils Engineer before construction proceeds. 2. Provide continuous reinforced concrete sade wall on concrete footines as shown on structural drawines. 3. All concrete walls shall be formed with sound material, properly joined, braced, spaced and otherwise supported to insure tightness, rigidity, plumb and squareness. Proper blockouts shall be provided for all pipes, ducts, etc., entering or leaving the building. 4. General Contractor shall veri$ final concrete form locations prior to placement of concrete. If form layout varies (+) or (-) ll2" from indicated design, notiS Architect immediately for all adjustments in dimensions. C. Concrete Floor Slab: l Provide a concrete slab on grade where shown on drawings, placed over vapor barrier, 4" gravel and properly compacted sub-grade. Refer to structural drawings for location ofcontroljoints, thickness, limits and slopes ofslabs. Seal exposed concrete slabs with Sonnebom "Kure-N-Seal". I-ogan# 24010.00 Page 6 May 15,2001 1. 2. l. 2. J. 4. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. All exposed concrete flatwork in garage shall have a smooth troweled finish D. Cast-In-Place Concrete Paving: Provide colored concrete paving slabs reinforced with welded wire mesh at exterior as shown on drawings. Provide with snowmelt piping as shown. Provide exposed concrete drive with snowmelt. Piping as shown on drawings. Provide steel toweled surface finish with 4'-0" tooled joints. Concrete to be colored as selected by Architect and to match existing drive. DIVISION4: MASONRY A. UnitMasonry: I . Face dimensions of 7 5/8" high x 15 5/8" long by width required for application. 2. Runningbond. B. Stone: All rough stone shall be Telluride stack to match color and pattem as constructed for existing residence at 815 Potato Patch Drive, Vail, Colorado. General Contractor shall submit samples and construct a 4' x 4' sample panel. All stone shall have a gradation matching the approved sample. Stone veneer to be 5" - 6" thick nominal. Cap stone to be nominal 2" thick Colorado Buff sandstone to match cap stone installed at existing residence at 815 Potato Patch Drive, Vail, Colorado. Attach to backing with heavy gauge, non-corrosive ties at an interval of one tie per 2 square feet. Mortar colors and,/or pattems to be selected by the Architect. DIVISION 5: METALS A. Structural Steel: l. Structural steel design information - shall be as specified on Structural Drawings - see Structural Drawings. Steel sizes and final structural details shall be provided by the Structural Steel Contractor/Fabricator. Logan # 24010.00 PageT May 15,2001 2. J. 4. 7. 8. 9. 10. t I l I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I Metal railings shall be steel in shapes and sizes as chosen by Architect. All ferrous metal fabrications shall have welds ground smooth and one shop applied coat of primer which shall be touched up after erection. All steel in contact with earth. masonry or other dissimilar metals. shall be coated with asphaltic paint. DIVISION 6: WOOD AND PLASTICS A. Rough Carpentry: l. All framing lumber and hardware shall be as specified on the Structural Drawings. All hardware shall be galvanized at exterior locations. Engineered lumber may be used in lieu of dimensional lumber specified with approval by Architect, Engineer, and Owner. 2. All wood blocking, wood framing, wood furring, etc. used in contact with the earth or concrete shall be pressure treated with decay resistant materials in compliance with TT-W571, AWP-LP-2. 3. Stud sizes are2x6 arird2 x 4 as indicated on Drawings. 4. Sizes of floor and roof framing materials and spacings are indicated on the structural drawings. Sufficient blocking must be provided in each case for support ofdecorative wood trim and accessories. 5. Sill plates shall be treated wood and be bolted to foundations with minimum of 1,/2" dianreter anchor bolts spaced at 4'-0" o.c. maximum and embedded minimum 7" into concrete. There shall be a minimum of two bolts per sill piece, one bolt located within 2" of each end of each piece. 6. Penetrations of major structural members shall be discussed with Architect/Engineer prior to drilling, and shall follow manufacturer's recommendations. Floor joists shall be doubled under all walls parallel to floor joist framing. Dimensions for framing shall be per architectural drawings. Provide firestopping as required by code. All wood in contact with earth shall be coated with asphaltic paint. Logan # 24010.00 Page 8 May 15,2001 I I I l. Exterior sheathing used shall be ll2" exterior grade plywood at walls and l/2" andI 5/8" exterior grade plywood at roof, unless noted otherwise on Structural Drawings. r 12. Interior shall be 5/8" T & G plywood as indicated on Drawings. I B. Finish Carpentry: r l. Exterior Trim: I a. All exterior fascias and trim to be Western Red Cedar in sizes and shapesi- as shown on drawings in #l grade. r b. All timber for trusses and timber frarne shall be Fir in sizes and shapest shown on drawings. I c. Provide samples ofeach species grade and texture ofwood. l| 2. lnterior Trim: a. Interior trim as shown on Drawings.! C. Custom Casework: r l. Custom wood casework will be flat panel of various styles, sizes, wood species and finishes as shown on the drawings and chosen by Owner. 2. All Architectural woodwork shall conform to AWI custom grade standards. I 3. Provide shop drawings and samples for Architect's approval. 11 4. Kitchen cabinets as selected by Owner. I 5. Kitchen countertops to be granite tile as selected by Owner. I D. Closet shelving shall be laminate as selected by Owner. t DIVISION 7: THERMAL AltD MOISTURE PROTECTION I "* l. Dampproof exterior sides of all site walls not part of the building foundation, ! from grade to bottom of footing. Dampproo{ing shall be Hydroxide 128 Spray- I t Loean # 24010.00 Page 9 May 15,2001 'r t :l t t I I B. Mastic by Sonnebom Building Products, applied per manufacturer's recommendations. Self Adhering Sheet Waterproofing: l.Waterproof all exterior sides of building foundation walls as shown on drawings. Waterproofing shall be Bituthane 4000 by W.R. Grace Co. or Jiff Seal 140/60 by Protecto Wrap Corp. Install strictly per manufacturer's recommendations including primer, corner fillets and compatible protection board. Waterproof all decks over living space. Waterproofing shall be Bituthane 4000 by W.R. Grace Co. or Jiffy Seal 140/60 by Protecto Wrap Co. lnstall strictly per manufacturer's recommendations including primer corner fillets and compatible drainage mat. C.Vapor Barrier: Provide minimum 6-mil polyethylene sheet at exterior framed walls and rooflceiling. Lap all joints and seal with tape. Repair all tears and punctures. Provide 6-mil polyethylene vapor barrier under all interior concrete slabs on grade and on surface of crawl space grade, seal edges to foundation, lap joints tape to seal. Flashing: l. Thru-wall flashing, base and head flashing not specified as copper, shall be as manufactured by Fiberweb and shall be Series #200. 2. All beams and lintels shall have an approved flashing, shall be considered as being'Vater-tight" except as noted on drawings. E. Building Insulation: 1. Exterior framed 5 1/2" walls to be insulated with R-21 unfaced fiberglass batt. Exterior stud walls sunounding main stair to be insulated with R-38 un-faced fiberglass batt. 2. Roofjoist spaces to be insulated with R-38 unfaced fiberglass batt insulation. 3. All floors over garage shall be insulated with foil-faced R-30 fiberglass batt insulation facing towards the finished space. 2."l I l. 2. I I D.I I I t I I I I Logan # 24010.00 Page l0 May 15,2001 4. 5. 6. 8. G. H. I I :l I I I I :l I I I I I I t I I I I All walls, floors, and ceilings of bathrooms and bedroom walls and floors shall be insulated with 3" thick Sound Attenuation Batt Insulation by U.S. Gypsum if not insulated under Sections I throueh 5 above. Provide continuous l" thick by 6" wide fiberglass batt sill insulation between foundation wall and wood sill plates. Foundation walls to be insulated on exterior side with 2" thick extruded polysty'ene board insulation. Insulation shall be Dow Styrofoam Thermadry installed on exterior face of wal[, from grade down to 4'-0" below grade. Roof super insulation shall be Polyisocyanurate unfaced for Class C rating. Provide 3 7/2", R valve: 23.07 (aged) at roof. Expanded Polystyrene board, I l/2" thickness for use at interior side of funed foundation walls. 9. Batt Insulation: Mineral wool blankets complying with ASTM 665-84. Provide in thickness and with facing as designated. Roofing: l. Provide a super-insulated roofas detailed on drawings. 2. Waterproof membrane shall be either "Bituthene" Ice and Water Shield system by W.R. Grace or "Protect-O-Wrap" l40l55by Jiffy Seal. Use 3'-0" each side of all valleys, ridges, and rooflwall junctions and at all eaves to 4'-0" inside walls below. 3. Roofing shall be Mira Vista Designer Metal Roofing as manufactured by Owens Coming. Color shall be Weathered Copper. 4. Roof panels shall be interwoven with 15# non-bituminous saturated felts with each layer. Install according to U.B.C. severe weather exposure requirements. 5. Underlayment shall be 30# non-bituminous saturated felts, installed per UBC severe weather exposure requirements. 6. Painted metal snow guards as indicated on drawings. Color to match metal roofing. Exterior Insulation and Finish System: l. Provide exterior insulation and finish system (noted EIFS on drawings) where shown. Product shall be "Outsulation System" by Dryvit or Architect approved Losmt# 24010.00 Page l1 May 15,2001 J. 4. J. I T t T I t I I I I I t I I I I I I t equal. lnsulation board shall be 2" thick, color coat to be custom colors as chosen by Architect. Provide heavy duty "Panzer Mesh" 3'-0" high at all walls immediately adjacent to walkways and building entrances. Install strictly per manufacturer's instructions. 2. Exterior steel columns shall be wrapped with EPS column forms in sizes as shown on drawings and finished with EFS coating by Dryvit or Architect approved equal. Exposed concrete footing shall be finished with EIFS coating by Dryvit or Architect approved equal. Provide healy duty "Panzer Mesh" 4'-0" high at all columns immediately adjacent to walkways and building entrances. Install strictly per manufacturer's instructions. Flashings: l. Copper gutters and downspouts shall weigh not less than 20 ounces per square foot. Flashings and counter flashings shall weigh not less than 16 ounces per square foot. Gutter profile shall match profile used for Logan primary residence. 2. All exposed copper shall be treated with chemical treatment to patina copper to match roofing and as approved by Architect. Provide Patina samples for Architect's approval. 3. All flashings and sheet metal shall be installed per standard practices as described in the S.M.A.C.N.A. Handbook and the Copper Development Association. Joint Sealers: 1 . Provide joint sealers of the following types: a. Exterior: One part polyurethane, Pecora Dynatrol L b. Interior: Acrylic Latex, Pecora AC-20. c. Shower and other wet areas: Silicone. General Electric Sanitarv I 700 (mildew resistant). d. Expanding foam sealant: Polycel One by W.R. Grace Co. 2. Provide joint backing bond breaker and or primer as recommended by Manufacturer. Colors to be selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard colors. Provide color samples. Provide sealers in the followins locations: Iogan # 24010.00 Page 12 May 15,2001 I I T I .l I I t I I I I I t I I a. Joints between exterior door and window frames and rough wood framing- filI gaps completely with expanding foam sealant. b. Under door thresholds. c. Exterior joints between dissimilar materials such as stucco, wood, and stone. d. Around shower and lavatories. e. Flashing reglets and retainers. f. Joints at penetrations ofwalls, decks and floors by pipes and other services and equipment. g. Penetrations of exterior walls. h. Open joints between dissimilar materials. i. CIher joints as indicated on drawings or as required for complete installation as directed by Architect. 5. Provide two (2) coats of clear non-yellowin/water repellent coating on all interior slabs. Standard of performance: Chemical Products Corp.: CP-25O. Provide 5-year labor and material waranties. DMSION 8: DOORS Ai\iD WINDOWS : I A. F.xterior Doors:I l. Level one entry doors are to be 2 l/4" thick copper clad solid wood custom entry door as shown on drawings and approved by Architect. Cladding shall be copper Rigi-Bump Sheet metal as manufactured by Rigidized Metals Corporation and as shown on drawings. Style shall be RB-4. 2. All other exterior doors (not specified to be french doors or patio doors) shall be I 3/4" solid in styles shown on drawings. 3. All exterior doors shall be provided with full head, jamb and door bottom weather stripping. r B. Interior Doors: Loean # 24010.00 Page 13 May 15,2001 I I I rl I I D. I :l I I I I E. I I I I I l. lnterior doors shall be | 3h" thick custom flush panel, White Oak of sizes, styles, and finish chosen by Architect. Provide rated slab doors where shown on drawings. 2. Interior door frames shall be White Oak with finish chosen by Architect. C. Garage Doors: l. Garage door shall be wood insulated, overhead sectional door by Overhead Door Company or approved equal. l0' x 19' garage door shall be faced with Rigi- Bump primed sheet metal as manufactured by fugidized Metals Corporation and as shown on drawings. Style shall be RB-4. 2. Hardware shall be manufacturer's standard adequate to handle the weight of the finished door. Door shall have a motorized operator with variable code remote control. Operator shall have integral lights with delayed offfunction. 3. Provide full shop drawings for door, hardware and operator for Architect's approval. Windows and French Doors: l. All windows and french doors shall be copper clad exterior as shown on the drawings with l" clear insulated glazing or Architect approved equal. Refer to drawings for sizes and t1pes. Exterior color shall be custom patina as chosen by Architect. Interior wood to be stained in color as selected bv Architect. 2. All glazing shall be manufactured for installation at 8,600 feet above sea level and tempered where required by code. All hardware to be approved by Architect. 2. Provide full shop drawings for all windows and French doors with large-scale drawings showing window elevations, muntin locations and details. Skylight: 1. Skylight shall be self-supported, insulated sky roof system as manufactured by Kalwall, Model S-510-3A. Frame color to be Bronze #84. Composite sandwich to have crystal exterior color with white interior color. U value of .29 / .23 and a solar heat gain coefficient of 0.23. Acceptable skylight altemative shall be self- supported, insulated skywall system as manufactured by AIA lndustries. Frame color to be dark bronze. Composite sandwich to have crystal exterior color with white interior color. Grid pattem shall be square in 12" x 12" spacing. U-value of .20 and a solarheat eain coefficient of.20. I I Losan # 24010.00 Page 14 May 15,2001 6. F. G. I I ,l I I I I :l I I I I I I I I I I I Glazing: l. All exterior glazing (other than that noted in D above) shall be 5/8" clear insulated low E glazing, tempered where required by code. 2. Refer to Architectural Drawings for sizes and shapes. 3. ln-place system shall be designed for 35 per sq. ft. wind load. 4. Mirrors shall be ll4" clear plate glass with polished beveled edges. Hardware: l. Provide hardware with brushed chrome finish in passage, privacy, dummy and entry functions. Provide full schedule and cut sheets for Architect's approval. Hardware to be Schlage A series or approved equal in style chosen by Owner. DIVISION 9: FINISHES A. Gypsum Board: l. 2. J. 4. Provide 5/8" gypsum board for texture finish. Provide 5/8" Type "X" glpsum board at the following locations: a. All interior walls and ceiling of garage. b. Both sides of interior walls and ceiling of Mechanical Room. Provide l/2" gla.ss mesh mortarboard by Durock at all walls in shower surround. Provide 5/8" water resistant "W.R." gypsum board at all moist locations and at walls which will receive tile other than fub and shower surrounds. All gypsum board walls in Garage and Mechanical Room to be taped, sanded and textured. Texture shall be approved by Architect and will be machine-applied finish of drywall compound. Provide 4' x 4' mock-up panels of texture for Architect's approval. All other gypsum board walls to be textured with drywall compound in a hand troweled finish. Provide 4' x 4' mockup of texture for Architect's approval. Provide a U.S.G. 200 B metal trim at all locations where drvwall abuts dissimilar surfaces. ). Loean # 24010.00 Page 15 May 15,2001 B. Tile: I I :l I .l I I l. All tile will be provided and installed by Contractor. Follow recommendations of the Tile Council of America (T.C.A.) for tile installations as follows: a. Tile walls shall be installed as follows: i. Shower surround over glass mesh mortarboard: T.C.A. W-244 (use latex-portland cement mortar and grout). ii. Other tiled walls over *W.R." g),psum board: T.C.A. W-243. b. Tile shall be installed as follows: i. Interior thinset floors over concrete: T.C.A. F-l13. 2. Architect shall select all tile. l. General Contractor, prior to painting any surface, shall completely mask, remove, or otherwise adequately protect all items in contact with painted surfaces but not scheduled to receive paint. Surfaces to receive paint or other surface treatments shall be thoroughly cleaned, free from dirt, oil, and all other foreign substances. Spot prime all exposed nails and other metals which are to be painted with emulsion paints, using a primer recommended by the Manufacturer of the coating system. When applying paint, allow sufficient drying time between coats, and do not apply paint in areas where dust is being generated. Strictly follow all Manufacturers recommendations for surface preparation and coating. Painting schedule is as follows: I I c. carpet: l. All carpet and pad shall be provided and installed by Contractor and selected by Owner. I D. Painting: I I I I a. Finish #l: Painted wood interior, except wood to receive natural finish. I Primer: Alkyd Enamel Undercoatr Finish: (2 coats) Alkyd Eg-Shel Enamel I b. Finish #2: Painted wood exterior, except wood to receive natural finishI Primer: Alkyd Exterior Wood Primer - Finish: (2 coats) Gloss Alkyd House and Trim I I a- Logan # 24010.00 Page 16 May 15, 2001 I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. Finish #3: lnterior primed ferrous metal Primer: Metal primer Finish: (2 coats) Alkyd Egg Shell Enamel d. Finish #4: Exterior ferrous metal Primer: Metal Primer Finish: (2 coats) Industrial Enamel e. Finish #5: Exterior galvanized metal Primer: Galvanic Primer Finish: (2 coats) lndustrial Enamel f. Finish #6: Drywall receiving vinyl wall covering Primer: (1 coat) Primer - Sealer C. Finish #7: All other drywall Primer: Primer - Sealer Finish: (2 coats) Alkyd Flat or Egg Shell as directed h. Finish #9: Doors and other natural finished wood Stain: Oil based Primer: Sander Sealer Finish: (2 coats) urethane varnish i. Finish #10: Doors and other transparent finished wood Stain: Oil based Primer: Exterior vamish Finish: (2 coats) exteriorvarnish j. Finish #l l: lnterior metal guardrails and handrails. Primer: Commercial sandblast of steel surfaces. Finish: Factoryapplied polyester TGIC in color as selected by Architect. k. Finish #12: Exterior Soffits Primer: (1) coat white Alkyld flat primer Finish: (l) coat Alkyld gloss finish. Color to match EIFS coating system 2. All wood surfaces to receive paint shall have moisture content of l2o/o or less. 3. Architect shall select color and sheen. Provide three samoles of each finish on actual samples to be finished. 4. Requirements: Loean # 24010.00 Page 17 May 15,2001 I I I I a. NFPA 90A shall govem where applicable. Materials shall meet ASTM E-84 standard for smoke development of 50 or less, and a flame spread of25 or less. b. Submit cut sheets on actual products proposed including Manufacturers recommendations for each system. I DIVISION 10: SPECIALTIESIA. Bath Accessories: t 1. Bath accessories shall be as selected by Architect and provided and installed by Contractor. t B. Fire Extinzuishers: I 1. Provide 10 lb. A-B-C general-purpose extinguishers with manufacturer's standardI wall mount bracket at Mechanical Room. and Kitchen. Extinzuisher to be Larsens Model #MPl0. t - DIVISION ll: EOUIPMENT A. Residential Appliances: I l. Residential appliances shall be as selected by Owner. :, I DIVISION 12: FTJRNISHINGS ;| None required I I DMSION 13: SPECIAL CONSTRUCTIONt A. Access doors for transport of artwork between floors as detailed on drawings. I ["*;:,"f,;:-ings provided by Vinci-Hamp Architects for details and - DMSION 14: CONVEYING SYSTEMS I d and specified on drawings. Refer to drawings by Vinci-Hamp Architects for details and specifications of motor operator. I Logan # 24010.00 Page 18 May 15,2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I DIVISION 15: MECHANICAL Rf,OUIREMENTS Refer to Mechanical and Plumbing drawings by ABS Consultants. DIVISION 16: DESIGN.BUILD ELECTRICAL REOUIREMENTS A. lntent: l. The intent of this design-build specification is solely for the purpose of defining guidelines and responsibilities of the Design-Build Contractor (DBC) for the design and construction of all electrical systems. B. General Requirements: l. All requirements of the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", A.I.A. Document .4.201-1987 apply to this section. 2. The DBC shall be hired by and be under the direction of the General Contractor. The General Contractor shall have ultimate responsibility for coordination of all portions of the work, especially between various Design-Build Contractors, and between Design-Build Contractors and all other contractors. 3. The DBC shall coordinate all design and documentation generated by Owner's selected Lighting Consultant Vinci-Hamp Architects, and shall assume full responsibility for the generation of any additional required documentation, installation of the electrical system, and placement of the electrical system into operation. The electrical content and sufficiency of the work remains solely the responsibility of the DBC. The DBC shall coordinate with the General Contractor and all other applicable subcontractors to minimize problems and to facilitate the construction of complete and functioning systems according to the desigrr pararneters agreed to by the Owner. 4. If the General Contractor contracts the electrical system to more than one DBC, it shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor to coordinate between individual Design-Build Contractors to assure that the provisions of this section are fully carried out. 5. The General Contractor shall be responsible to schedule submittals (including adequate review and revision time), and to ensure that required submittals are received on time to avoid delays of the work. The Architect and his consultants shall review submittals in a timely manner to help avoid such delays. Logan # 24010.00 Page l9 May 15,2001 I :l t "t I I -l I I I I T I I C. Quality Assurance: 1. All work shall be desigrred and executed in accordance with the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code (LIBC) and all other applicable state, local, and./or public utility codes and regulations. 2. The design, methods of construction and materials of the electrical system shall be in accordance with the current edition of the following applicable regulations, references and standards : a. National Electrical Code (NEC), 1996 Edition b. American Society for Testing materials (ASTM) c. FactoryMutual Laboratories (FM) d. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) e. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) f. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) g. Underwriters Laboratories, krc. (lL) h. American National Standards Institute (ANSD i. The design and performance characteristics shall conform to all professional standards and practices as established by the current editions of the following references and standards : j. Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers. k. The DBC shall be a contractor; licensed in the jurisdiction where the project is located to perform the portions of the work he intends to complete. l. The DBC shall guarantee all materials, workmanship and the successful operation ofall equipment and apparatus installed for a period ofone (l) year form the date of the final acceptance of the entire work. The DBC shall repair or replace any part of the system that may show defect during that time. t D. Desigr-Build Process Outline: I I I I L The DBC shall survey the project and discuss with the Owner, Architect, General Contractor and all applicable subcontractors and Consultants the function and Logan # 24010.00 Page20 May 15,2001 I I I I "l I I I l control of the system with regard to the building progam. The DBC shall coordinate, develop, and present to the Owner, Architect, and General Contractor, the desigr parameters along with the frrst cost, energy costs and applicable altematives. The DBC shall coordinate and recommend any revisions to the design parameters until acceptable to the Owner and shall receive written approval of the final design parameters prior to proceeding with desigr and documentation. The DBC shall design the systems with schematic lighting and controls designed by Vinci-Hamp Architects, to achieve the approved design parameters. During the desigrr phase the DBC shall coordinate with all design professionals whose work interfaces with the electrical systems in order to produce a complete and functioning system appropriate for the use and design intent ofthe project. The DBC shall develop construction documents including drawings, specifications and equipment submittals relating to the electrical work not supplied Vinci-Hamp Architects These drawing shall define the scope of work and level of performance with respect to design parameters as well as construction procedure and responsibility. The DBC shall submit these construction documents for the General Contractor's review and comment. Upon review, the General Contractor shall forward the construction document submittal to the Architect. The Architect will forward the construction document submittal to the Professional Engineer @E) retained by the Architect for review and comment. The Architect shall review the construction document submittal for coordination of work relating to architectural constraints and intent only. The Architect shall return the reviewed documents with the P.E.'s and Architect's comments, to the General Contractor for forwarding to the DBC. The DBC shall not start construction prior to receiving and responding to reviewed drawings. The DBC shall retain a PE to inspect the electrical systems and prepare a written review at the rough-in stage and again at final completion. The DBC shall forward a copy of these written reviews through the General Contractor to the Architect. The DBC shall perform any and all additions and modifications required by the reports. Upon completion, the DBC shall certi$ in writing that all electrical systems are installed per code, contract documents, and industry standards. Prior to receiving final payment, the DBC shall provide the Owner with the Project Closeout Documents, a written copy of the one-year warranty and a final walk-through to explain operation and maintenance of the system to the Owner's satisfaction E.Submittals: 1. The construction document submittal shall include five (5) copies of electrical design documents including drawings, specifications, material and equipment J. 4. 5. I I I I 6. I I I I I I Logan # 24010.00 Page2l May 15,2001 I I I I product data and any other information necessary to thoroughly define the system and demonstrate that the system will meet the design parameters. 2. The Project Closeout documents shall contain: a. All Manufacturers product data, listing model numbers and specific information for each piece of equipment in the electrical system. b. Complete detailed instructions covering operation, lubrication, general maintenance and the repair of all equipment for the electrical systems. The above information shall be tlpewritten and bound in a lose leaf binder for the Owner's use. Two (2) copies shall be submitted. 3. As-Built Drawings: Provide one (l) set of complete As-Built Drawings. Drawings shall be submitted on reproducible Mylar. Drawings shall accurately show the electrical systems as constructed, complete in all respects. F. Electrical Systems Outline: l. The following outline of basic systems to be included is presented as a starting point from which the DBC is to develop the actual desigr parameters. The outline is not intended to be complete and comprehensive list of systems. Alternate and/or additional systems and/or products may be suggested by the DBC in meetings with the Owner and Architect to meet the desigrr parameters. a. Power for convenience outlets, appliances, mechanical and electrical equipment and specialty equipment including spa. b. Lighting system including interior and exterior lighting and switched outlets. Vinci-Hamp Architects shall provide to DBC schematic design layouts for lighting and controls. c. Fire detection and alarm system. d. Telephone and television systems including wiring and outlets as defined by Lighting Consultant e. Computer networking wiring as defined by Owner. f. Provide 20Yo additional capacity for future use over and above the requirements listed herein. C. The following specialty items per Owner: i). Security system per Owner's direction. t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Logan # 24010.00 Page22 May 15,2001 I I h. Trenching and backfilling for all underground electrical installations. 2. The schematic electrical drawings should be used by the DBC in conjunction withI ll"":,*:";1T:.,::j:",i"J,"T:,3*ru;mrulJ[i"'Jls:';,ffi il:"$:l: only. G. Fixture Schedule ! l. Models and Manufacturers as chosen by Vinci-Hamp Architects. I END OF SPECIFICATION I I I t I I I t I I t I I I Loean # 24010.00 Page23 May 15,2001 I I I I I I I I T t SECTION l5OIO BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS PART I . GENERAL I.I WORK INCLUDES Basic requirements common to the work in general of Division 15 and other Divisions and Sections of the Specification where referenced. B. Provide, unless specified otherwise, all labor, materials and equipment necessary for completely finished and operational mechanical systems described and specified under other Sections of this Division 15. Provide all minorincidental items such as offsets, fittings, and accessories required as part ofthe work even though not specified or indicated. lnspection: Inspect work preceding or interfacing with work of Division | 5 and report any lgrown or observed defects that affect the Work to the General Contr-actor. Do nol proceed with the work until defects are corrected. Existing Utilities: Are indicated as accurately as possible on the Drawings. Close openings and repair damage in acceptable manner to utilities encountered. This Contractor shall be responsible for field surveying all aspects of existing conditions prior to bid date. Change orders will not be issued for a failure to review existing conditions which affect Division l5 work. t.2 RELATED WORK The General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division l, General Requirements apply to this Section. and Contractor shall review and adhere to all requirements of these documents. l.J UTILITIES, EXTENSIONS. CONNECTIONS AND FEES FOR WATER AND SEWER Provide all building services to a point five feet outside ofbuilding or structure excavation perimeter and cap or plug, Provide pernanent marker at grade for other contractorrs location reference for connectron purposes. Tap fees as they are known to the trade and the charges for actual materials and labor for tapping, inspection and recording of the tap shall be arranged and paid for by the Owner. [Division 15 Contractorl In the event that the serving utility company installs their ou/n taps, service, meters, etc., all costs imposed by this action shall be paid for by the Owner [Division 15 Contractor]. Extensions from termination points to connection with building services and systems will be the responsibility ofthe Division I 5 Contractor. When provided and/or installed by the Division l5 Contractor all pads, vaults, manholes, manhole covers, meter enclosures, valves, services boxes, and the like, all in conformance with requirements ofthe serving utility company. c. D. E. B. C. D. I I I I I I I I I Basic Mechanical Requirements 15010-l Logan Gallery t I r.4 REFERENcESI A. For products or workmanship specified by associalion, trade, or Federal Standards, comply with 11 requirements ofthe standard, except when more rigid requirements are specified or are required by I applicable codes. t B. The date ofthe standard is that in effect as the date ofthe Contract Documents, except when a specific I date is specified. C. Whe-n required by individual Specifications section, obtain copy of standard. Maintain copy atjob site during work until substantial completion. I D. Schedule of Referenced Organizations: The following is a list of the acronyms of organizations referenced in these Specifi cations: I AGA American Gas Association AMCA Air Movernent and Control Associationr lili' 1ilffiTilffi-1i,'il"*'::i1,'#:",,*" ASA American Standards Association I ASHME American Society of Heafing, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers I ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers I ASSE American Sociery of Sanitary EngineeringI li,H iil:::il il:,:fl,'!'J:'fgand Materia's s AWWA American Water Works Association CDA Copper Development Associationt CGA Compressed Gas Association CISPI Cast lron Soi'l Pipe Institute I ETL Environmental Testing Laboratory I FM Factory Mutual System IAPMO lntemational Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials IRI Industrial Risk Insurers I NBS National Bureau of Standards NCPWB National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau NEBB National Environmeatal Balancing Bureau I NEC National Electric Code (of NFPA) I NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer's Association NFPA National Fire Protection Association I OSHA Occupational Safety Health Adm'inistration (U.S. Dept. of Labor) t PDI Plumbing Drainage Institute SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor's National Association UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. r t.5 DEFINITIoNS I A. Specification Language Explanation: These Specifications are ofabbreviated, simplified orstreamlined I type and include incomplete sentences. Singular words will be interpreted as plural and plural words will be interpreted as singular where applicable and where full context ofthe Contract Documents so indicates. I Basic Mechanical RequirementsI I 15010-2 Logan Gallery B. c. D. E. F. G. B. 1.6 t I I I I I I I I T I I I T I I I I t Fumish: Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, lerm "furnish" is used to mean supply and deliver to Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation, etc., as applicable in each instance. Install: Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, term "install" is used to describe operations at Project site including unloading, unpacking, assembly, erection, placing anchoring applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning and similar operations, as applicable in each lnstance. Provide: Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, term "provide" means fumish and install, complete and ready for intended use, as applicable in each instance. Indicated: The term "lndicated" is a cross-refererce to graphics, notes or schedules on Drawings, to other para$aphs or schedules in the Specifications, and to similar means of recording requirements in contract documents. Where terms such as "shown", "noted", "scheduled", and "specified" are used in l'ieu of "indicated", it is for purpose of helping reader locale the cross-reference, and no limitation of location is intended except as specifically noted. General Contractor: The term "General Contractor" used in Division l5 and elsewhere in the Contract Documents means the party with whom the Owner has executed the Owner-Contractor Ageement. Acceptable Equal: l. Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, term "acceptable equal" means that any materials, equipment, work procedures and techniques shall be either addressed on the drawing specifications or addendum by manufacturer or by detailed material description. When brand names are referenced it implies that only the manufacturers listed are acceptable. All acceptable material, equipment, work procedures, and lechniques will be noled in the specifications, drawings, or by addendum prior to bid date. Items not acceptable in this manner will not be considered. 2. When providing a product and/or service under the qualification ofan "acceptable equal", the Division l5 Contractor shall be entirely responsible for additional costs incurred due to modifications of the civil, architectural, structuml, mechanical, electrical and landscape design that may be required to accommodate the "acceptable equal". QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Materials and apparatus required for the work to be new and of first-class quality; to be fumished, delivered, erected, connected and finished in every detail; and to be so selected and arranged so as to fit properly into the building spaces. Where no specific kind or quality of material is given, a first-class standard article shall be fumished. c. Fumish the services of an experiorced superintandent, who will be constantly in charge of the installation ofthe work, together with all skilled workmen, fitters, metal workers, certified welders, plumbers, millwrights, sprinkler finers, drain layers, helpers, and labor required to unload, transfer, erect, connect, adjust, start, operale and test for each system. Unless otherwise specifically indicated, equipment and materials to be installed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. This includes the performance oftests as recommended Basic Mechanical Requirements t5010-3 Logan Gallery I by the manufacturer. I I.'I REGULATORYREQUIREMENTS I A. Execute Work per Underwriters, Public Utility, Local and State Codes, Ordinances and applicable regulations. Obtain and pay for required permits, inspections, and certificates. Notify Architect of, items not meeting said requirements. r| B. Comply with latesl editions ofall applicable codes, ordinances and regulations in effect at the time of bid opaning including but not necessarily limited to the following: I Local Building Code Uniform Building Code Uniform Mechanical Code I Uniform Plumbing Code Uniform Fire Code ' Model Energy Code I National Electrical Code NFPA-7O Stare Boiler Code I :ffff:#Ti'of Hearth'Regrirements I National Fire Protection Association Standards Jurisdictional Board of Health or Departrnent I Jurisdictional Waste Water Management Division or District I Jurisdictional Board of Water Commissioners or Department Jurisdictional Water Conservation Standards t C. If discrepancies occur between the Contract Documerts and any applicable codes, ordinances, acts,I or standards, the most stringent requirements shall apply. I i.8 suBMrrrALS I , A. Comply with the provisions of [Section 01300 and] the General Conditions of the Contract. I B il:H#li:*yL#il:T.T,in',$:.""::fr r;il:1"?#:T::::H#"#illll,l,l; , the purpose of these Submittals by the Contractor is to demonstrate to the Engineer that the Contractor understands the design concept, that he demonstrates his understanding by indicating I which equipment and material he intends to furnish and install and by detailing the fabrication and installation methods be intends to use. Contractor further agrees that ifdeviations, discrepancies, or I conflicts between these Submittals and the Contract Documents in the form of design drawings and I specifications are discovered either prior to or after these Submittals are processed by the Engineer, the Design Drawings and Specifications shall control and shall be followed. t C. Test Reports: Submit certified test reports as required by various Sections of Division 15 showing compliance in accordance with General Conditions ofthe Contract. I D. Operating lnstructions and Maintenance Data: Prepare and submit printed operating instructions and I maintenance data in accordance with Operating and Maintenance Data paragraph in this Section. I I.9 PRODUCTOPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS I Basic Mechanical Requirements 150104 Logan Gallery I T Ll0 I t I II I I t T I t II I I I T I I I t A. Comply with the provisions of [Section 01600] and the General Conditions ofthe Contract. B. Substitutions and Prior Approvals: Substitutions and prior approvals will be acceptable only when the proposed substitute has been submitted to the Architecr/Engineer and approved through an addendum or change order. C. Manufacture$ not listed must submit three copies of requests in writing to the Engineer for approval to bid not less than !q calendar days prior to bid. D. Some materials and equipment are specified by manufacturer and catalog numbers. The manufacturer and catalog numbers are used to establish a degree of quality and style for such equipment and material. Requests submitted without sufficient information will not be considerec. E. Approval of substitutions signifies only general acceptance of equipment, does not relieve responsibility for intended operation, compliance with specifications, necessary changes due to dimensional differences, space requirements, or wiring requirements. F. When alternate or substitute materials and equipment are used Division 15 Contractor shall, be responsible for space requirements, configurations, performance, changes in bases, supports, structural members and openings in structure, electrical changes and other apparatus and trades that may be affected by their use. Notification of General Contractor and other affected subcontractors shall be the responsibility of the Division l5 Contractor. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Comply with the provisions of [Section 0l700 and] the General Conditions of the Contract. B. Division l5 Contractor shall submit three typed and bound copies of the maintenance manual, 8-l /2" x I I " in size, to the Engineer, Architect, and General Contractor for their approval. These approved copies shall then be transmitted to the Owner. Manuals shall be in accordance with the General Conditions ofthe Contract. Cover shall be printed with the title "OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS" and project name. C. The manual shall be enclosed in a stiff-back, three-ring binder and shall have: l. Alphabetical list of all systern components including the name, address, and 24-hour phone number ofthe company responsible for sewicing each item during the first year's operation. 2. Identified copies ofall test reports required by this Division. 3. Operating instructions for complete system, including emergency procedures for fire or failure of major equipment and procedures for normal starting/operating/shutdown and long-term shutdown. 4. Maintenance instructions, including valves, valve tag and other identified equipment lists, proper lubricants and lubricating instructions for each piece of equipment and necessary cleaning/replacing/adjusting schedules. 5. Manufacturer's data on each piece of equipment, including: Basic Mechanical Reouirerments I 5010-5 Logan Gallery l.ll 't 1) I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I Installation instructions. Drawings and specifications (final shop drawings). Parts lists. Complete "as-built" wiring and temperature control diagrams. Shop drawings are not acceotable. D. In addition to the maintenance manual, and keyed to it, the equipment shall be identified and tagged as specified on drawings. Insert a copy of this Equipment List in manual. l. ldentify all starters, disconnect switches, and manually operated controls, except integral equipmant switches with permanently applied, legible markers conesponding to operating instructions in the "Maintenance Manual". 2. Tag all manual operating valves with I -1l2" diameter brass tags attached with chains. Tags are to be sequence numbered with legible metal stamps. 3. Provide a tlTed tag list or schedule mounted under glass in the equipment room stating number, location, and function of each tagged item. Insert a copy of tag list in each "Maintenance Manual". E. Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling instructional meetings for maintenance personnel on the proper operation and maintenance ofall mechanical systems, using the maintenance manual as a guide. These meetings must be scheduled through the General Contractor and far enough in advance so that all personnel can be notified. DELIVERY. STORACE AND HANDLING A. General: Deliver and store materials and equipment in manufacturer's unopened containers fully identified with manufacturer's name, trade name, t1pe, class, grade, size and color. B. Protection: Store materials and equipment offthe ground and under cover, protected from damage, Maintain caution labels on hazardous materials. C. Large ltems: Make arrangements with other contractors on the job for introduction into the building ofequipment too large to pass through finished openings. D. Handling of Materials: Materials shall be handled, sorted and distributed using appropriate handling methods to protect all materials from damage. Damaged, rusted, corroded or otherwise damaged materials shall be removed from the project site. Determination of materials deemed unusable or inappropriate for installation shall be made by the Engineer. PROJECT CONDITIONS Accessibility: l. Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for the sufliciency of the size of shafts and chases and the adequate clearance in double partitions and hung ceilings for proper installation ofhis work. Heshall coordinate urith Contractors ofother Divisions ofthe Work whose work is in the same space and shall advise the General Contractor ofhis requirements. Such spaces and clearances shall, however, be kept to the minimum size required. a. b. d. Basic Mechanical Reouirements 150r 0-6 Logan Gallery J. B. D. l.l3 t I I I I I t T T I I I I I I T t T t 2.Division l5 Contractor shall locate all equipment which must be sewiced, operated, or maintained in fully accessible positions. Equipment shall include (but not be limited to) valves, shock absorbers, traps, cleanouts, motors, controllers, switchgear, and drain points- If required for better accessibility, furnish access doors for this purpose. Minor deviations from Drawings may be allowed to provide for better accessibility. Any changes shall be approved by the General Contractor prior to making the change. Division I 5 Contractor shall provide the General Contractor with the exact locations ofaccess doors for each concealed valve, shock absorber, control damper, or other device requiring service. Locations of these doon shall be submitted in sufficient time to be installed in the normal course of work. B. Fabrication: Before any ductwork is fabricated and before running and/or fabricating any lines of piping or ductwork, the Contractor shall assure himself that they can be run as contemplated in cooperation with Contractors of other Divisions of the Work and the physical constraints of the Stnrcoral and Architectural Work. C, Freeze Protection: Do not run lines in outside walls, or locations where freezing may occur. Piping next to outside walls shall be in funed spaces with insulation between the piping and the outside wall. Insulation ofpiping shall not be considered adequate freeze protection. D. Scaffolding, Rigging and Hoisfing: Provide all scaffolding, rigging, hoisting and services necessary for erection and delivery into the premises of any equipment and apparatus fumished; remove same fiom premises when no longer required. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS General: Comply with Division 1. Job Site Documents: Maintain atthe job sile, one record copy of the following: t. 2. 3. A 5. c. t. 2. 3. A 5. Do nol use record documents for constnrction purposes. Maintain documents in clean, dry, legible condition, apart from documents used for construction. Record Information: Label each document "Record Document". Mark information with contrasting color using ink. Keep each record current. Do not permanently conceal any work until required information is recorded. Record the following information on Drawings: Drawings Specifications Addenda Reviewed Shop Drawings Field Test Records Dimensioned horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities. Dimensioned location ofintemal utilities and appurtenances concealed in construction. Field changes ofdimension and detail. Changes by change order or field order. Details not on orisinal contract drawinss. Basic Mechanical Requirements 15010-7 Logan Callery C. D. G. H. I I t I t T I T I T I t t I I T I I I 1.14 E. Record the following information on Specifications. 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number equipment actually installed. 2. Changes by change order or field order. 3. Other matters not originally specified. and supplier of each product and item of F. Shop Drawings: Maintain shop drawings as record documents recording changes made after review as specified for drawings above. G. Submittal: At completion ofproject, deliver record documents to General Contractor. COORDINATION F. General: Coordinate and order the progtess ofmechanical work to conform to the progress ofthe work of the other trades. Complete the entire installation as soon as the condition of the building will permit. Coordination with Electrical Work: Section 15050 [and Section 01040]. Utility Interruptions: Coordinate mechanical utility interuptions with the Owner and the Utility Company. Plan work so that duration of the interruption is kept to a minimum. Cutting and Patching: Section i5050 [and Section 01045]. Drawings and Specifications: The Mechanical Drawings indicate the general desigr and arrangement of lines, equipment, slstems, etc. Information shown is diagrammatic in character and does not necessarily indicate every required offset, fitting, etc. Do not scale the Drawings for dimensions. Take dimensions, measurements, locations, levels, etc., from the Architectural Drawings and equipment to be fumished. Each Division | 5 subcontractor shall coordinate with other contractors to make certain that any ofhis equipment, piping or ductwork which is mounted on isolators or flexibly connected does nbt become "grounded" by another contractors work (e.g. walls, ceiling, etc.). Discrepancies: Examine Drawings and Specifications for other parts of the work, and if any discrepancies occur between the plans for the work of this Division and the plans for the work of others, report such discrepancies to the General Contractor and obtain written instructions for any changes necessary. Order of Precedence: The precedence of mechanical construction documents are as follows: 1. Addenda and modifications to the Drawings and Specifications take precedence over the original Drawings and Specifications. 2. Should there be a conflict within the Specificalions or within Drawings of the same scale, the more stringent or higher quality requirements shall apply. 3. In the Drawings, the precedence shall be Drawings oflarger scale over those ofsmaller scale, figured dimensions over scaled dimensions and noted materials over graphic indications. Basic Mechanical Reouirements 15010-8 Logan Gallery F. H. l.l) I I t I T T I t T t t I I I I T I I I Should a conflict arise between the Drawings and the Specifications, the Specifications shall have precedence. Should there be a conflict in dimensions or locations belween Mechanical Drawings and Architectural Drawings, the Architectural Drawings shall have precedence. START-UP PROCEDURES A. Before start-up, each piece of equipment comprising a part of the system shall be checked for proper lubrication, drive rotation, belt tension, proper control sequence, and any other condition which may cause damage to equipment or endanger personnel. B. Insure that all control systems are fully operational in automatic mode. Individually test 4! control loop to make certain it is operating as intended and is communicating properly with other devices. C. If systems are not to continue in use following the stafl-up procedures, steps should be taken to insure against accidental operation or operation by unauthorized personnel, Provide padlock on disconnect switches where applicable. D. Factory personnel shall be notified as appropriate to start s)stems requiring their services. E. Notify Architect/Engineer at least !g weeks prior to the scheduled start-up date of all major mechanical equipment and systems. SCHEDULE OF TESTING Provide testing in accordance with the General Conditions ofthe Contract. A schedule of testing shall be drawn up by the Division I 5 Contractor in such a manner that it will show areas tested, test pressure, lengh oftest, date, time and signature oftesting personnel. All testing must be performed in the presence ofthe General Contraclor's representative; signature for verification of the test must appear on the schedule. All testing must be performed in accord with the procedures set forth in Division l5 and other Sections ofthe Specifications where referenced. At completion oftesting, the schedule shall then be subrnitted in triplicate to the Architect. Make all specified tests on piping, ductwork and related systems as necessary. Make sure operational and performance tests are made on seasonal equipment. Complete all tests required by Code Authorities, such as smoke detection, life safety, fire protection and health codes. After test runs have been completed and systems have been demonstrated to be satisfactory and ready for permanent operation, all permanent pipeline strainers and filters shall be cleaned, air filters cleaned or replaced, valve and pump packings properly adusted, belt tensions adjusted, drive guards secured in place, lubrication checked and replanished ifrequired. A 5. l.l6 A. B. c. D. Basic Mechanical Requirements 15010-9 Logan Gallery I lJ 1.17 CLEANING AND FINISHINGa . r- A. Provide cleaning in accordance with [Section 01700 and] the General Conditions ofthe Contract and Division I .t B. Cleaning shall include but not be limited to removing grease, dirt, dust, stains, labels, fingerprints and other foreign materials from sight-exposed piping, ductwork, equipment, fixtures and other such items a installed under Division 15 of thework. Iffinishes have been damaged, refinish to original condition and leave everything in proper working order and ofintended appearance. I C. Clean Domestic Water Systems in accordance with Section 15400 - Plumbing Systems. a' D. Clean HVAC Piping Systems in accordance with Section t 5500 - HVAC Piping and Pumping Slstems. t l.l 8 CERTIFICATES AND KEYS a A. Certificates: Upon completion ofthe work, deliverto the General Contractor one copy of Certificate I of Final Inspection. B. Keys: Upon completion of work, submit keys for mechanical equipmeng panels, etc. to the General I Contractor. I.I9 EXTRASTOCK t A ;ffi'f:.?nHH;Tffi:."'.'ffiJffiT":::::T,:l'J'i:Tl':":i,il::1r,il'l,::$;: - by Owner and obtain a signed receipt prior to final payment. I B. Spare products and parts shall be in their original packing material, including instructional data, and be tagged to indicate their specific equipment and/or systern use. I 1.20 WARRANTIES : I A. Warranty: Provide a written warranty to the Ownercovering the entire mechanical work to be free from I defective materials, equipmant and workmanship for a period ofone year after Date of Acceptance. During this period provide labor and materials as required to repair or replace defects. Provide I ::1"H:r.i1*:ix;H*T;X#ill::iH:J?IilJi'*l'iL'i" of one vear Submit to 'lhe B. This wananty will be superseded by the terms of any specific equipmant warranties or warranty modifications resulting from use ofequipment for construction, heat or ventilation. a C. All refrigeration compressors shall have a four-year extended warranty from the manufacturer ofthe equipmant in addition to the standard one-year warranlr. I I I t Basic Mechanical Requirements T 15010-10 Logan Gallery I I PARr2-PRopucrs 2.1 NOT USED I PARr3-EXEcurroN I 3.r NorusED I T I t I t I I I T l T l o END OF SECTION t Basic Mechanical Requirernents 15010-l I I Logan Gallery I SECTION I5O5O a BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS I PART r -GEMRAL I.I WORK INCLUDED t The Work includes, but is not limited to, the following materials and methods common to the work, in ganeral, of Division | 5 and other Dvisions and Seclions of the Specifications where teferenced: I l. Motors 2. Starters 3. Valves| : ff;:T:ff ".", - 6. Access Doors 7 . Mechanical ldentificationI 8. Expansion Joints and Compensators r ?; I;ffi:,i::i;i"";::ir300.dina,ion I I l. Prohibited Piping Installations 12. Welding 13. Pads, Curbs and SupportsI ii 3:1iff1';i.J;:i,,, 16. Painfing l7 . Drip PansI 18. Altitude Correcion 19. Existing Piping and Equipment to be Removed |l t.2 R3LATED WORK i I The General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division l, General Requiranents apply to I this Section, and Contractor shall review and adhere to all requirements ofthese documents. B. Work fumished but not installed this Contractor: ' a 1. Access doors in accordance with this Section land Section 083051. I I.3 REFERENCES -A. Reference Standards: Except as modified by goveming codes and by the Contract Documents, comply - with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following: I l. For electrical equipment and products, comply with applicable National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standards, and refer to NEMA Standards for definitions I of terminology herein. I 2. Complywith Nafional ElectricalCode(NEC) NFPA-7O forelectrical installation requirernents. 3. Certified Pipe Welding Bureau (NCPWB) and American National Standards lnsfitute (ANSI) Code Numbers 83l as applicable for welding requirements. I I t Basic Mechanical Materials 15050-l Logan Gallery I fl 4. Comply with American National Standards Institute (ANSI Al3) for identification of piping I systems. 5. Comply with American National Standards Institute (ANSI 83 I .l ) Piping Code. I t.4 QUALTTY ASSURANCE I A. Welder Qualifications: Welding shall be performed by an ASME Certified welder with current t certificate in accordance with ANSI B3l.l for shop and project site welding of piping work. B. Certificates: Before proceeding with the Work, submit to the Architect/General Contractor, two copies I of Certification that the welding work will be done according to ANSI 83l by welders who have been I tested and whose qualification test sheets are available, attesting to their ability to weld in accordance with rhe Standard Procedure Specifications as established by the National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau. t C. ANSVASME 83l Piping Codes Jr " 3li:?3llli'l?iil.i:liilili 3. 83l.8Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems f| 4. B3l.5Refrigeration Piping t 5. B3l .4liquid Petroleum Transportation Piping Systems I 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings and product data for the following items in accordance with [Section 0l700and] lhe General Conditions ofthe Contract: I l. Motors 2. Starters 3. Valves f| 4. Pipe Hangers/Supports . 5. Dielectric Fittings 6. Strainersr l: Il"1Tl"Tl""T".9. T&PTestPi-ugs 10. Sorsing Wells a I l. Unions and Couplings 12. Access Doors I 13. Mechanical ldentification t 14. Expansion Joints and Compensators 15. Freeze Protection Cable I I.6 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA - - A. Submit printed data for the following items in accordance with [Section 01700 and] Operation and Maintenance Data Paragraph in Section | 5010.t | . Motors 2. Starters I I Basic Mechanical Materials T 15050-2 Logan Callery 2. J. /l 5. 6. 2. T T l I I T t I T t I I t t T T I t t -). ). 6. 7. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MOTORS General Valves S0ainers Thermometers Pressure Gauges Freeze Protection Cable This specification covers all single or three-phase, 60H2, squinel-cage induction motors in fractional and integral horsepower NEMA frames. Motors shall be of the same manufacturer, except those that are an integral part of a factory-assembled packaged unit. These molors shall likewise meet the conditions of the specification in lhis section excepl motors which are part of a motor/compressor assembly are exempted from this requirement. Cycle and Phase: Except as otherwise specified, motor shall be of the voltage listed with cycle and phase listed below: l/2 hp and less 115160ll 3/4 hp and greater 230/6011 Motors shall be capable of carrying the required current necessary for starting load and continuous full load. Motors shall be designed for quiet, continuous or intermittent operation. Motor torque characteristics shall be selected to insure acceleration ofthe driven equipment within a time limit acceptable to the motor manufacturer. Motors shall be capable of starting the driven equipment while operating at 90% rated terminal voltage. Motors shall be built in accordance with current NEMA Standard MG-1, except as noled in these specifications. Motors shall be NEMA Design B for general purpose continuous duty and NEMA Design C for high starting torque requirements such as low speed starts on fans with two-motor drive arrangements. Motors shall be open drip-proof types, unless specified otherwise. The Division l5 Contractor shall be responsible for all additional electrical and other costs involved to accommodate any motors which exceed the scheduled horsepower sizes as called for in the mechanical or electrical plans and specifications. Altitude and Ternperature Deration: Motors shall be derated for the effects ofaltitude and/or high ambient temperature to maintain the specified service factor. B.Power Factor and Energy Efficiency l Motors shall have a labeled power factor, at nameplate rating and rated voltage, ofnot less than 85%. If a motors diaws less than a 1000 watts label rating, it is excluded from the 85% power factor requirement. Ifthrough motor design, an 857o power factor is not available, the supplier ofthat motor shall fumish power factor correction components capable ofcorrecting the non-conforming motor to a power factor of 90% or better. Motors l-l/2hp and larger shall be ofthe high efficiency type. Motors shall have a nominal L 8. 9. 10. Basic Mechanical Materials 15050-3 Logan Gallery I T l I I I I I T I I I I T T T I I I efficiency ofnot less than the following values when motors are tested in accordance with the IEEE Test Procedure I l2: HorseDower l l-l/2 J 5 l0 3600 rpm Efficiency 82 82 84 85 86 87 l800 rpm Efficiencv 82 84 84 86 87 88 89 | 200 rpm Efficiencv 8l 83 85 86 87 89 89 Minimum % Power Factor 85 85 85 85 85 d) 85 C. Service Factor: Motors shall have a standard NEMA service factor at rated voltage, frequency and ambient temperature per the following schedule. Motors shall be suitable for continuous operation through this service factor. Horseoower 3600 mm | 800 mm 1/6-t/3 1.35 1.35 ln 1.25 t.25 3t4 1.25 1.25| 1.25 r.r5 t-v2-150 l.l5 I .l5 D. Motor Construction 1200 mm l.J) 1.25 l .15 1.15 l.t 5 l. J. 5. General: All motor wiring and windings shall be copper and designed for continuous operation at 40oC environment. Insulation for motors l-ll2 horsepower and larger shall be NEMA Class B or F. Insulaiion on smaller motors and single phase motors shall be NEMA Class A or B. Temperature rise for motors shall not exceed that specified in NEMA MG-l for the class ofinsulation, service factor and enclosure type. Where reduced voltage starting is required, the starting method shall be of the part-winding type. Motors shall be constructed accordingly. Other methods of reduced voltage starting shall not be used unless approved by the Architect and Engineer in writing. Bearings: Ball or roller bearings with inner and outer shaft seals, re-greasable -- except permanently sealed where motor is inaccessible for regular maintenance. Bearings shall be rated for a minimum L-I0 life of40,000 hours. Where belt drives and other drives produce lateral or axial thrust in the motor, provide bearings designed to resist the thrust loading. Refer to individual Sections of Division | 5 for fractional horsepower light-duty motorized equipment where sleeve-type bearings are permitted. Enclosure Type: Except as othenryise indicated, provide open drip-proof motors for indoor use where satisfactorily housed during operation, and provide guarded drip-proof motors where exposed to contact by employees or buildings occupants. Provide weather-protected Type I for outdoor use, Type II where not housed. Refer to individual Sections of Dvision l5 for other enclosure requirements. Overload Protection: Provide built-in thermal overload protection for each leg ofeach phase and, where indicated, provide internal sensing device suitable for signaling and stopping the motor at the starter. Thermal overload protectors shall be sized to accommodate the altitude of the installation. Visible Nameplate: Provide a metal nameplate on each motor, indicating full identification of manufacturer, model number, horsepower, voltage, phase, cycles, RPM, full load amps, Basic Mechanical Materials 15050-4 Logan Gallery 2.2 I I l I I I T l T I I T I t I T I I I locked rotor amps, frame size, service faclor, power factor and efliciency. 6. Motor Connections: Conduit connections boxes, threaded for conduit. For fractional horsepower motors where connection is made directly, provide screwed conduit connection in end frame. STARTERS A. General: Fumish starters necessary to operate mechanical equipment motors. Stafler manufacturer shall be the same brand for ALL motors fumished under Division I 5. Approved manufacturers shall be those listed in Division l6 ofthis soecification. B. Additional submittal requirements ,t .tt in.tua. a typewrittan listing of each starter, its horsepower, the equipment plan code it serves and the features included in the starter panel. C. Characteristics: Comply with NEMA and/or IEC standards and NEC. Fumish Type I general purpose enclosures with padlock ears, and wilh frames and supports for mounting on wall, floor or panel as required. Fumish the gpe and size of starter recommended by the motor manufacturer and equipment manufacturer for the applicable protection and start-up condition; refer to individual equipment sections for basic load requirements, All starters shall be by the same manufacturer. Only manufacturers approved by Division l6 will be accepted. All starters shall comply with Division l6 requirements in addition to those listed in this section. D. Manual Control: l. Fumish maintained-contact push butlons and pilot lights, properly arranged for single-speed or multi-speed operation as indicated. 2. Fumish manual switch and pilot light for motors 1/3 honepower and smaller, except where interlock or automatic operation is indicated. E. Automatic Control: | . Fumish magnetic starters for motors 1i2 horsepower and larger, and for smaller motors where interlock or automatic operation is indicated. Include the following: 2. Provide the following features in each starter panel: a. Maximum number of auxiliary contacts available: three or more, b. Rotary "Hand-Off-Automatic" switch through starter cover with legend plate. c. Interlocks, pneumatic switches and similar devices as required for coordination with the control requirernant specified in [Section 15950] [Section I 5975] [Division l7]. d. Built-in 120 volt control circuil transformer, fused from line side, where service exceeds 240 volts. Control circuit conductots to be protected in accord with the National Electrical Code. e. Thermal overload relays for each phase. f. Automatic restart on loss of power. g. Under-voltage release or protection. Provide add-in module to disconnect starter upon drop below 80% of rated supply voltage. h. Phase failure protection on all legs. Provide add-in module to disconnect starter upon phase voltage unbalance beyond l0%o and balanced line voltage below 85%. Phase reversal protection on all legs. lndicating light with green lens having legend plate reading "Power On" Basic Mechanical Materials 15050-5 Logan Gallery I I Weather Protection: Provide weather-proof mounting of magnetic starters for equipment outside of . - the buildine. I G. Motor Control Center: Note that some starters are fumished and installed under Division 16 in the motor control center. |l 2.3 VALVES I . A. General t 1. Provide valves as specified herein and as indicated on the Drawings complete with accessories and attachments as required and appropnate. t 2. Supply valves for proper pressure ratings determined by the system working pressures at I point ofuse and ofproper types for systems and functions indicated. 3. Provide like type valves ofone manufacturer only unless specified otherwise. /- 4. Plainly and permanantly mark valves with manufacturer's name or trademark, pressure rating, both Water/OivGas (WOG) and Steam Working Pressure (SWP), as applicable and flow I direction when required to prevenl improper installation'I ' #1J:*:'#:l#tilffi;:lJ,J,l*ffi'fl:**:li:ffiJY"'J"L5;''o "*""', t 6. Provide extended necks as appropriate for insulation' 7. Pressure Ratings: Unless otherwise indicated, valves shall be suitable for 200 lb WOG and' 250"F. I 8. Fire Protection valve shall be in accordance with Section 15300 - Fire Protection B. Acceptable Manufacturers l. Ball Valves: Jamesbury, Apollo, Dynaquip, Hammond, Crane, Nibco. 2. Gate, Globe and Check Valves: Jenkins, Powell, Stockham, Lunkenheimer, Milwaukee, Walworth, Crane, Hammond, Marlin, Nibco, Gulf, Centerline. 3. Gas Valves: Peter Healy, Crane 4. Lubricated Plug Valves: Homestead, Nordstrom, Powell, Walworth 5. Stop & Drain Valves: Nibco or United Brass 6. Drain Valves: Nibco or United Brass 7 . Pressure Regulating Valves: Fisher, Watts, Wilkins, Mueller. 8. Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve: Watts, Cash-Acme, Kunkle 9. Butterfly Valves: (Hydronic use only) Centerline, DeZurik, Fisher, Victaulic, Keystone, Grinnell, Posi-Seal, TEC 10. Balancing Valves: Bell and Gossett, Armstrong, Tour and Andersen, Gerard, Griswold. I l. Pressure Compensating Flow Control Valves: Griswold C. Ball Valves (Piping Sizes l/2" through 2"): Two-piece bronze construction with Teflon seats, standard por! blowout proof stem and positive shut-off, suitable for 125 lbs saturated steam or 400 lb non-shock water pressure. D. Gate and Globe Valves - Piping Sizes 2-Il2" and Larger: I . Hydronic System, Steel Pipe: Iron body, bronze trim, rising stem, OS&Y, renewable composition disc, flanged ends, screw-in bonnets not permitted' 2. Plumbing Systems & Copper Hydronic Systems: Bronze body, bronze trim, rising stem, I Basic Mechanical Materials I I I T I t I T t | 5050-6 Logan Gallery E. F. G. H. A. I I l I I I t I l I I I I I t I I I I renewable composition disc, flanged or soldered ends. Check Valves I . Swing disc type: a. l/2" through 1-l/2": Bronze body, renewable disc, threaded or soldered ends. Nibco T433, 5433 or equal. b. 2" and larger (Hydronic Systems, Steel Piping): Cast iron body, renewable cast bronze disc and seat ring, flanged ends. Nibco F9l8 or equal. c. 2" and larger (Plumbing Systems & Copper Hydronic Systems): Bronze body, renewable bronze disc and seat ring, flanged or soldered ends. 2. SpringJoaded type: r. 112" through 2": Bronze body, Type 316 stainless steel spring, TFE seat ring, TFE disc, threaded or soldered ends. Nibco T480, 5480 or equal. b. 2-l/2" and larger: (For hydronic piping only) Silent wafer type, iron body, bronze disc and seat, Type 302 stainless steel spring, 125 lb Class. Nibco W9l0 or equal. c. Check valve vacuum breaker (steam only): lron body, brass and bronze trim, 15 degree swing disc, rorewable disc and seat, lever and weight or springs, flanged ends. Gas Valve: Iron body tee handle gas stop conforming 1o ASTM A-126 (body) and ASTM S84, Alloy No. 8,f4 (plug). Valve shall be rated to | 25 psig. Lubricated Plug Valves: Serni-steel, single gland type, wrench operated, threaded or flanged ands, resilient packing. Specialty Valves l. Gauge cocks: Brass "T" handle valve with l/4" female inlet and outlet,200 lb SWP. 2. Stop & Drain valve: All bronze construction, Buna-N seat disc, silicone bronze stern, non-asbestos packing, Type 430 stainless steel disc screw, I25 lb WOG and | 80'F. Nibco 76, 726 or equal. 3. Drain valve: 314" ball valve with nipple, cap and hose thread connection. 4. Needle valve: Sizes I /8" through I " high grade steel bar stock body, Type 303 stainless steel valve stem, female inlet and outlet. Pressure Regulating Valves: Provide valves with bronze body Y-type separate inlet per the following schedule. Make Model Usaee Strainer Watts Series 223HP Domestic water distribution 7775 Watts Series 223LP Individual pieces ofequiprnant 775 Temperature and Pressure Relief Valves: ASME/AGA rated, ANSI 221.22 certified, bronze construction, labeled for AGA temperature steam rating, labeled for ASME pressure steam rating and temperature water rating, prctective dielectric coafing on thermostat tube, test lever. Basic Mechanical Materials 15050-7 Logan Callery l. 3. I I l I I I l I I I I T I I I T I I I . Butterfly Valves (Pipe sizes 2-l /2" and larger, and for hydronic piping only): Full lug type, casl iron or carbon steel body, 175 lb SWP for 250"F sewice; bronze, nickel-coated cast iron, or stainless steel disc, stainless steel stem, non-corrosive bearings, replaceable elastomer seat, extended neck to allow for insulation thickness. Valve shall be capable of I 75 psig shut-off upon removal of a downstream flange. C. Eccentric Plug Valves (Balancing Valves, P'iping sizes 2-l /2" aad larger): I 75 lb WOG for 250'F hot water, cast iron or semi-steel body, isobutene-isoprene resilient plug and stem seals, corrosion resistant bearings, non-incremental adjustable memory stop. DeZurik Series 400 or equal for 2-ll2" through 4" and DeZurik Series 100 with rotary hand wheel or equal for 6" and larger. The installation of test plugs, Iocated upstream and downstream, or a venturi flow measuring device is required to permit an accurate reading of fluid flow. D. Balancing Valves ( or Circuit Setters, Piping sizes l/2" through 2"): Bronze or brass construction, ball or globe valve type, integral differential pressure read-out ports fitted with check or slop valves, calibrated port opening, non-incremental memory stop, valve desigred for positive shut-off. E. Pressure Compensating Flow Control Valves (Pipe sizes ll2" through l-l/4"): Factory assembled combination valve consisting of brass alloy body and union end connections, Type 300 Series stainless steel cartridge having engineered orifices, stainless steel coil spring with ethylene/propylene rubber seals, capped press/temp valves in l/4" NPT body tappings, removable intemal 20 mesh stainless steel strainer immediately upstream of cartridge. Pressitemp valves to extend past pipe insulation. Valve assembly to have five-year warranty, accuracy of + 5%o over operating pressure range. Pressure ranges: I ) I -14 PSLD,2) 2-32 PSID, 3) 4-57 PSID and 4) 8- 128 PSID. F. Valve Operators l. Provide suitable handwheels for gate, globe and drain valves, and interior hose bibbs. Ball valves to have quarter-turn coaled lever handles. 2. For bufterfly valves, provide lever-lock handle with toothed plate for shut-off service, infinitely adjustable handle, lock nut and memory stop. Valves six inches and larger shall be gear-operated with memory stop. PIPE HANCERS, SUPPORTS & PROTECTION ACCESSORIES A. Acceptable Manufacturers: B-Line or equivalant. General: Provide hangers, rods, clamps, brackets, attachments, inserts, bracing, nuts, coach screws, eye bolts, clips, plates, and washers as tequired for appropriate installation for building structure provided. All hangers and accessories shall be manufactured by one manufacturer for compatibility of all componants. All hangers, attachments and accessories shall comply with the following: Safety factor offu (actual load vs. ultimate load). National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) (except as amended by provisions of this Specification for minimums) and as applicable. Factory Mutual Engineering Division (FM) as applicable. Manufacturers Stan dardizati on Society (MSS). a. b. d. Basic Mechanical Materials 15050-8 Logan Gallery A 5. 7. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. l). 2. J. I t t I I I l I t I I T I I t T I I T c. 8. I l. l. Materials Provide swivelring hangers similarand equivalent to B-Line B-3 170, 3l70CT, and 3170C for pipe sizes I i2" thru 8". Clevis type hangers may, at the Contractorc option, be provided when similar and equivalent to B-Line B-3 100, and 3 I 00C. Roller gpe hangers shall be used on all steam piping 4" and larger and when appropriate shall be equivalent to B-Line B-31l0 black steel wilh cast iron roller. Provide insulation saddles for all roll-type hangers, B-Line 83160-3165. Calcium silicate inserts, in conjunction with insulation saddles shall be provided on all steam piping. Beam and barjoist clamps shall be appropriate for attachment locations, top beam, bottom beam, etc., and provided with retainer rods, clips or straps as required. Riser clamps shall be provided on all vertical risers at each floor and shall conform to materials and protective coatings or pads as specified in Paragraph B of this Article 2.05. Clamps shall be similar and equivalent to B-Line 8-3373. Provide concrete inserts where required in flat slab construction similar and equivalent to B-Line B-22-l Series 2000 lbs. per foot load capacity and spaced per hanger spacing schedule provide all accessories and nuts required. Trapeze hangers shall be constructed ofchannel similar and equivalent to B-Line Series B-l I thru B-72 as appropriate complete with pipe clamps, nuts, rollers etc., as required. Channel to bear fu times actual weight of all piping on trapeze system with minimum deflection (.01 inch maximum). Wall brackets shall be fabricated "knee" brackets conforming to requirements of sub-paragraph B-12 above and made up with B-Line Series B-l I thru B-72 channel. Angle clips may be used in wood joist construction when similar and equivalent to B-Line B-3060 or 3061. Hangers attached to wood constnrction shall be attached by use of eye bolts, coach screws or lag bolts when load bearing ratings maintain a safety factory of five. All other means of support i.e., special construction, pipe stands, earthquake bracing, sway bracing, etc., shall be provided as required and in conformance with jurisdictional authority and these Contract Documents, submit all special or required support and bracing systems for review by the Architect/Engineer prior to installing any item. All vertical refrigeration suction and hot gas, and all steam piping shall be provided with insulation shields and calcium silicate inserts at each support location. All piping systems exposed to motorized traffrc shall be fully protected by installation of concrete-filled pipe bollards. Bollards shall be cleaned and painted as directed by the Architect. Hangers in contact with steel, iron, cast or ductile iron shall be hot dipped galvanized or cold galvanized with "ZRC" cold galvanized compound only to a thickness ofnot less than 3.0 mil (0.003 inches). "ZRC" cold galvanizing compound is manufactured by ZRC Chemical Products Co., Quincy Mass. Hangers in contact with copper piping shall be copper clad and provided with heavy density felt (20 oz.) pad permanently attached to the hanger and placed so as to prevent direct contact between pipe and hanger. Felt shall be mildew and moisture rot proof, heavy polyvinyl chloride coating on hanger, 5 mil thickness minimum will be acceptable when so certified in lieu of felt. Hangers in contact with "plastic" or "glass" piping shall be galvanized in accordance with Sub-paragraph C-1, above and padded in accordance with Sub-paragraph C-2, above' Basic Mechanical Materials 15050-9 Logan Gallery I I D. Insularion ShieldsT L Hangers for insulated piping shall be provided on all hot water and cold water piping of this I size with insulation shields or insulation saddlesr as applicable and appropriate and in t accordance with the following schedule: Nominal Pipe Shield Gauge Shield I or Tubine Size Lenethr Thickness Material l/2" thru 3" 12 18 galvanized t * Non-collapsible inserts between piping and shield shall be furnished by 15250 t Contractor for pipe sizes 2" and larger for all insulated piping. | 2. As an option, the Contractor may use factory-made pipe insulation shields. a 2.5 PIPING ACCESSORIES ,lb I A. Dielectric FittingsI l. Acceptable manufacturer: Epco Sales Inc. .| 2. Schedule: (cornplete unions) Model: FX CX t Sizes: ln" -2" 2-112" - 12" Max Press: 250psi 175 psi Max Temp: 210'F 210"F r 3::ilii" #2 #2 ,_ Ends: FPTx Solder FPTx Solder Type: Union Flanged Union - I U:jj" i-,,r.. ,0" Y-r,r' .,r- l-,,r' -,r' - Max Press: 175 psi 175 Psi 175 Psi r Max Temp: 210"F 210'F 210"F rr Epconite Isolators: #2 #2 #2 t End Style: Solde(brass) Weld neck Iron Pipe Thread I Type: Companion Companion Companion Face Gasket: Same as isolators - I 4. Dielectric fittings will be Victaulic clearflow dielectric waterways l/2"-4". B. Strainers 1. Hydronic Systern, Steel Pipe a. 2" and smaller: Screwed iron body for 175 psig working pressure, Y-pattem with t Basic Mechanical Materials I t t 15050-r0 Logan Gallery c. D. E. F. G. I t t t t I I T l I 3 T t I I T I I I I /32" stainless steel perforated screen. b. 2-l12" to 4": Flanged iron body for I 75 psig working pressure, Y-pattern with 3/64" stainless steel perforated screen. c. Provide ball-type blow-off valve on all strainers located upstream of automatic control valves, pressure regulating valves, solenoid valves, etc. with threaded and capped hose-end connection. d. Acceptable manufacturers: Not exclusive. 2. Plumbing Systems and Copper Hydronic Systems: a. 3" and smaller: Screwed brass body for 250 psi working pressure, Y-pattem, l/32" (20 mesh) stainless steel perforated screen. b. 4" and larger: Flanged composite bronze body for 150 psi working pressure, Y-pattern, l/32" (20 mesh) stainless steel perforated screen. c. Provide ball-type blow-off valve on all strainers located upstream of automatic control valves, pressur€ regulating valves, solenoid valves, etc. with threaded and capped hose-and connection. d. Acceptable manufactures: Watts, Muessco. Thermometers: Mercury in glass, red appearing, 9" scale, aluminum ftame front, cast aluminum case, brass separable socket, plexiglass window and adjustable joint. Provide socket extensions to clear jacket on insulated piping. Normal operating temperature shall fall approximately in the middle ofthe scale. Thermometer for measuring air temperatures will be the same as above, except perforated guarded in stem place of separable socket. Pressure Gauges: 4-ll2" case dial-type gauges with bronze [stainless steel] bourdon tubes, brass sockets, bottom outlets, with gauge cocks and union connecfions. Accuracy tobe l/2 of I o/o of scale range. Provide pressure snubber for each gauge suited to the fluid measured. Steam gauges shall have "pigtail" inlets. Ternperature and Pressure Test Plugs: Test plug and cap lo be provided where thermometers and pressure gauges are shown on drawings. Provide two pressure gauge adapterc and two lesting thermometers. Sensing Wells: Brass separable socket machined from solid bar stock, threaded plug and chain, threaded shoulder, extension required to clearjacket when installed in insulated piping. Unions and Couplings 1 . 2 and smaller: I 50 psi malleable iron ground joint for fenous piping; bronze for copper or brass pipe solderedjoints. Victaulic 75-99 couplings for Pressfit System 3/4"-2". 2. 2-112" nd larger: 150 psi forged steel flanges raised face with welding neck for ferrous piping; bronze flanges for copper or brass piping. Gaskets for water piping to 140"F shall be equal to Garlock premium grade Style 22 red rubber, l /16" thick. Gaskets for fuel oil, natural gas and water piping above 140"F shalt be equal to Garlock Blue-Gard Style 3000 synthetic fiber with nitrile binder, l/16" thick or Victaulic Style 75-77-07 may be used. 3. Pipe reducers: Provide reducers, not bushings for all changes in pipe sizes. Use flat top eccentric on all horizontal water piping. Basic Mechanical Materials 15050-l I Logan Gallery I I I I I I I I l I t t t I I T I t T ACCESS DOORS A. Exact location ofaccess doors to be as directed by Division l5 Contractor and ArchitecVEngineer. B. Standard Doors l. Frames: 16 ga. steel. Panels: 14 ga. steel. 2. Finish: Chemically bonded prime coat ofbaked enamel. 3. Hinge: Concealed spring hinges operable to 175'F angle with removable pins. Provide number of hinges as recommerded by manufacturer for door' 4. Locking Devices: Flush steel, screw driver operated, cam-type locks. All access doors below 8'-0" above finished floor in public areas shall be key-operated cylinder lock with two keys. 5. Style of doors shall be appropriate to architectural finish at door location. Fumish masonry anchors where required. 2.7 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION A. Materials for identification shall be as follows: l. Metal Tags: Round brass discs, minimum 1-l/2" diameter with edges ground smooth. Each tag shall be punched and provided with brass chains for installation. 2. Engraved Nameplates: Fabricate from plastic sheet stock of sufficient thickness to allow engraved lettering in contrasting color. Attach nameplates to equipment with screws. 3. Pressure Sensitive Markers: Brady Type 350 flexible vinyl film identification markers and tape, with legend, size and color coding per ANSI A I 3.1 . 4. Semi-rigid Plastic Identification Pipe Markers: Seton Setmark with legend, size and color coding per ANSI Al3.l Drection of flow arrows are to be included on each marker, unless otherwise specified, EXPANSION JOINTS AND COMPENSATORS A. Acceptable manufacturers: Metra-Flex or acceptable equal. B. Steel Piping, (4" and smaller): Stainless steel bellows type with anti-torque device, limit stops and intemal guide. Metraflex HP, threaded ends 2" and smaller, flanged ends 2-l /2" through 4", axial movement: 1/2" extension and 2" compression, or Viclaulic Style 75-77 couplings may be used per manufacturers latest published recommendations and ASHRAE 1984 Systems manual page 13.9. C. Copper piping (3/4" through 4"): All bronze qpe with two-ply bronze bellows, anti+orque device, limit stops, intemal guides and solderjoint and suitable for 150 psig working pressure and 250"F operating temperature. Axial movement: l/2" extension, 2" compression. D. Connections: Provide expansion joints suitable to connect to adjoining piping as specified for pipe joints. Use pipe size units and provide necessary pipe guides at recommended intervals and pipe anchors. E. Design Criteria |. Domestic hot v/ater: 0"F installation temperature, 180"F operating temperature, plus l0% safety faclor. 2. Heating water: 0"F installation temperature, 230'F operating temperature, plus I 0% safety Basic Mechanical Materials 15050- l2 Logan Gallery B. c. E. F. c. H. 3.2 I t I I I I t I I I I t I I I t I t I factor. PART3 - EXECUTION J.l GENERAL INSTALLATION General: Unless otherwise specifically indicated on Drawings or in Specifications, install equipment and materials in accordance with recommendations of manufacturer, including performance of tests as manufacfurer recommends, B. Protection: Close erds ofpipe and ductwork during construction to prevent entry of foreign material. Protect insulation against dirt, water, chemical or mechanical damage before, during and after installation. Protect fixtures and equipment against damage during mechanical work. C. Quiet Operation and Vibration: All work shall operate in accordance with Section 15240 - Mechanical Sound and Vibration Control under all conditions of load. Sound or vibration conditions not in accordance with Section 15240 and considered objectionable shall be conected in a manner appmved by the Architect under the Work of Division | 5. VALVES Provide valves as shown on Contract Documents and as required for balancing and/or control offlow. Provide isolation valves for maintenance and service on each piece of equipment regardless of whether or not shown on Contract Drawings. Provide isolation valves for all branch line take-offs that serve more than two items of fixtures or equlpment. Provide balancing valves for each leg of domestic hot water retum piping of two branches or more, all heating/cooling water retums and/or supplies to equipment as indicated on drawings. Provide access means for each valve or group of valves either by access panels or utilization of inherent access provided by building methods i.e., lift out ceiling construction or exposed valve installations in non critical areas such asjanito$ closets, storage rooms, etc. Install all valves with valve bonnets or operating stems in vertical (upright) position when possible, valves may be installed with bonnets or stems not less than 35 degrees downward from vertical plane except valves on vertical piping may be 90 degrees from vertical plane. Swing type check valves shall be installed on horizontal piping no more than 45 degrees upward slope from horizontal plane, using lift checks on vertical piping. Lift check valves shall not be used on sewage or sump pump d'ischarge piping. Inspect and tighten all bonnet nuts, bolts, packing glands, lubricate all valves requiring lubrication, secure all hand wheels and identification plates, be responsible for all valves having manufacturers name, trade name, working pressure and size stamped or cast into the body of the valve. Perform all maintenance, repacking and inspection prior to installation of valve. Provide valves in accordance with the following schedule unless specified otherwise in Contract Documents: Basic Mechanical Materials 15050- r 3 Logan Gallery J.J I T t I t I I I l I I t I t I I I t I L Dead-end shut off: Gate, ball, butterfly, plug, stop and drain. 2. Throttling: Ball, plug, globe, diaphragm, needle. 3. Backflow prevention: Check. 4. Gas piping: Lubricated plug (or groundjoint cock up to l" only). 5. Water flow balancing: Eccentric plug, circuit setters [, Pressure compensaling flow control valvesl. I. Removal and Repair Provisions: Provide all valves which are not accessible for repair without removal from piping with union connection immediately adjacent to valve outlet. PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Use inserts, anchors, expansion bolts or other approved and acceptable means of attachment to concrete construction. Set inserts in advance of concrete installation, provide required reinforcemenl rod for all inserts carrying loading equivalent of one 4" pipe or more. All inserts shall be flush with face of slab or wall containing insert. B. Provide flat square washers for rods thru metal decking with nut above washer, when acceptable and approved. C. Cinch hangers to carry appropriate share ofloading and slope piping without sags or "pocketing" as appropriate and required. D. Rod offsets, or angle installation, plumber tape or wire will not be accepted. Hanger rods shall be true and plumb. E. Piping shall not be hung from other piping or equipment items. Provide attachments to building structure only. Use trapeze, wall brackets, knee brackets, etc., where hanger rods cannot be attached within spacing plumb to structures. F. Hangen for piping shall be isolated per Section 15050 whea hanger and piping materials are dissimilar and subject to production of electrolysis or galvanic action. G. Prohibited Pipe Installations l. Piping shall 41 be routed fhrough electrical rooms, elevator equipmant rooms and elevator shafts. 2. Piping installations not compllng with this requirement shall be corrected by the Contractor without cost to the Owner or delay in the project construction schedule. H. Minirnum Hanger Spacing and Hanger Rod Sizes: All valves, heavy fittings and changes in direction of piping shall be additionally supported with hangers each side ofvalves and heavy fittings, and one additional support within one foot of the directional change. Where more stringatt hanger spacing and rod sizes are required byjurisdictional authority, the more stringent requirements shall supersede the followine schedule: Basic Mechanical Materials t5050-14 Logan Gallery t T I I I I Max. Support SPacing Pipe Svstems Nom. Pioe sizine Center lo Center (ft) Hydronic Piping 2" &larger l0 Plumbine Pipine Water Cast Iron waste and storm Copper Copper Natural Gas 1/2" 6 Natural Gas 314"-1" 8 Natural Gas l-1/4" & larger l0 2" &larger l0 1-l/2" &larger l0 or each point l-l/2" & smaller 6 2" &larger l0 T I I Non-Metallic All sizes ll Hanger Rod B-Line B-Line B-Line B-Line B-Line B-Line f Dia. 8-3170 B-3l70cr B-3r70c 8-3100 B-3l04cr B-3100c Copper PVC/Glass.- Pipe Type Steel/CI Copper PVC/Glass Steel I 3t8 l/2-2 1/2"-2" 1t2"-t-l/2" r/2"-2" l/2"-2" t/2"-l-l/2-,_ l/2 2-1/2"-3" 2-1/2"4" 2"-3" 2-l/2"-3" 2-1/2"4" 2"-3" I 5/8' 4"-5" 5'-6" 4"-5" 4'-5" 5"-6' 4-5" - j 3/4" 6"-8" I 7/8" N/A N/A N/A 8"-12', N/A 8"-12"t I" N/A N/A N/A 14".16' N/A NiA rl l-ll8" N/A N/A N/A l8' N/A NiAa' 1-l/4 I N/A: Not Applicable and/or Not Allowed. N/A N/A NiA 20"-30"N/A N/A T I I Basic Mechanical Materials I 3.4 PIPINC ACCESSORIES A. Dielectric Fittings l. Provide dielectric pipe fittings and isolators at all connections between dissimilar metals in 15050-15 Logan Gallery 2. J. )l B. c. D. E. c. H. I t I I t I t l I I I t l I I t I I I F. all piping systems to control corrosion potential caused by galvanic or electrolytic action. 2. Tlpical locations for dielectric isolation are: water heaters, storage and pressure tanks, waler conditioning equipment, pumps, changes in service piping materials, make-up connections to boilers and chilled water systems, valves, deaerators, flexible connectors and the like where materials of different electrode potential are joined. 3. Storage tanks shall be isolated from piping and tank stands by use of anti-electrolytic and galvanic isolators. Strainers: Provide strainers in piping upstream of pressure reducing valves, backflow preventers, vacuum breakers, pumps, g!! modulating control valves and elsewhere as indicated on Drawings. lnstall strainers to permit maintenance of screer and b'low-off valve. flnstall valved line-size bypass as indicated on Drawingsl. Thermometers: Provide thermometers with wells on each inlet and outlet pipe ofeach piece of heat generating water equipment such as water heaters, boilers, hydronic and plumbing heater exchangers, chillers, hydronic heat recovery coils, etc. Install and adjust scale relatively upright, tilted to pemit legible readings from a standing position. Pressure Gauges: Select gauge so that normal operating pressures read near the mid-span of the daily range. Install gauge upright and readable from a standing position. Temperature and Pressure Test Plugs: Install accessible T&P test plugs on all inlet and outlet pipe connections for each piece of heat transfer and pumping equipment such as waler heaters, boilers, hydronic and plumbing heater exchangers, chillen, hydronic heat recovery coils, circulating pumps, etc. Sensing Wells: Wells are to be installed in piping where indicated on drawings in a horizontal or upright position and shall be accessible for installafion of any future temperature sensing device, minimurn distance equal to one pipe diameter or 12" which is even greater. Trim and finish insulation interfering with chained cap. Unions: Install accessible unions on all inlet and outlet piping ofeach piece ofequiprnent and at each port to automatic control valves, pressure regulating valves, solenoid valves, etc. Sleeves and Inserts l.Division l5 Contractor shall provide and locate pipe sleeves, and inserts required before new floors and walls are built or shall be responsible for the cost ofcutting and patching required where sleeves and inserts were not installed or where incorrectly located. Provide sleeves for mechanical piping passing through concrete floor slabs and through concrete, masonry, tile, and gypsum wall construction. Where sleeves are placed in exterior walls below grade, pack spaces between the pipe or conduit and the sleeves with oakum and lead and make water-tight. Where fire rated separations are penetrated by pipes or ductwork, annular space around the pipe or ductwork shall be caulked with fire rated material. Refer to Architectural Division for material. Where pipe motion due to expansion and contraction will occur, make sleeves of sufficient diameter to permit free movement of pipe. Where sleeves pass insulated pipes, lhe sleeves shall be large enough to pass the pipe only and the insulation shall be made to butt against the construction, except for pipes requiring insulation having a vapor barrier, in which case, the sleeves shall be large enough to pass the pipe and insulation. Check floor and wall construclion finishes to determine proper lenglh ofsleeves for various locations, make actual Basic Mechanical Materials 15050- 16 Logan Gallery 5. 8. t t I t I I T ) t t t I i I I l t I I lengths to suit the following: a. Terminate sleeves flush with walls, partitions, and ceilings. b. In areas where pipes are concealed, as in chases, terminate sleeves flush with floor. c. In all areas where pipes are exposed, extend sleeves [/4" above finished floor, except in rooms having floor drains, where sleeves shall be extended 2" above floor and in Kitchens and Mechanical Equipment Rooms, where sleeves shall be extended 4" above floor. Sleeves shall be constructed of24 gauge galvanized sheet steel with lock seam joints for all sleeves set in concrete floor slabs terminating flush with the floor. All other sleeves shall be constructed of galvanized steel pipe unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. "Crete Sleeve" (plastic type) sleeves are acceptable for concrete construction as manufactured by Sperzel Division, Shamrock Industries. Fasten sleeves securely in floors and walls so that they will not become displaced whan concrete is placed or when other construction is built around them. Provide tight fitting floor and ceiling plates on pipes passing thru walls, ceilings, and floors. Nickel or chrome plated in finished areas, galvanized cast iron in unfinished areas. Provide wall and ceiling flanges for ducts in finished areas. Provide all cutting patching of holes, openings, notches. Obtain written approval for notching, boring, chipping, buming, drilling, welding 10 structural members in accordance with the General Conditions of the Contract. Flashing: Coordinate with Division 7 Contractor to accommodate proper waterproof flashing of exterior wall, floor and roofpenetrations. Pipes embedded in concrete. l. Pipes and sleeves of any material not harmful to concrete and within limitations of this paragraph may be embedded in concrete with approval ofthe Engineer, provided they are not considered to replace structurally rhe displaced concrete. 2. Pipes ofaluminum shall not be embedded in structural concrete unless effectively coated or covered to prevent aluminum-concrete reaction or electrolytic action between aluminum and steel. 3. Pipes, and sleeves passing through a slab, wall, or beam shall not impair significantly the strength of the constnrction. . Pipes with their finings, embedded within a column shall not displace more than 4 percent of the area of cross section on which strength is calculated or which is required for fire protection. 5. Except whan plans forpipes are approved bythe Structural Engineer, pipes embedded within a slab, wall, or beam (other than those merely passing through) shall satisfy the following: a. They shall not be larger outside dimension than l/3 the overall thickness of slab, wall, or beam in which they are imbedded. b. They shall not be spaced closer than 3 diameters or widths on center. c. They shall not impair significantly the strength ofthe construction' 6. Pipes, and sleeves closer than 3 diameters or widths on center. a. They are not exposed to rusting or other deterioration. b. They are uncoated or galvanized iron or steel not thinner than standard Schedule Basic Mechanical Materials I 5050- t 7 Logan Gallery '7. B. B. I t I t t I D t l I I t-/ I I I t I I t 40 steel pipe. They have a nominal inside diameter not over 2 in. and are spaced not less than 3 diameters on ce-nte6. ln addition to other requirements identified, pipes that will contain liquid, gas' or vapor may be embedded in structural concrele under the following conditions: a. b. d- Pipes and fittings shall be designed 1o resist effects ofthe materials' pressure, and temperature to which they will be subjected. Temperature of liquid, gas, or vapor shall not exceed 150"F. Maximum pressure to which any piping or fittings sha'll be subjected shall not exceed 200 psi above atmospheric pressure. All piping and fittings except as provided shall be tested as a unit for leaks before concrete placement. Testing pressure above atmospheric pressure shall be 50 percent in excess of pressure to which piping and fittings may be subjected, but minimum testing pressure shall not be less than 150 psi above atmospheric pressure. Pressure test shall be held for 4 hours with no drop in pressure except that which may be caused by air temperature. Drain pipes and other piping designaled for pressures ofnot more than I psi above atmospheric pressure need not be tested as required in paragraph d above' Pipes carrying liquid, gas, or vapor that is explosive or injurious to health shall again be tested as specified above after concrete has hardenec. No liquid, gas, or vapor, except water not exceeding 90"F nor 50 psi pressure, shall be placed in lhe pipes until the concrete has attained its design strength. In solid slabs, piping, unless it is for radiant heating or snow melting, shall be placed between top and bottom reinforcement. Concrete cover for pipes and fittings shall not be less than l-l/2 inch for concrete exposed to earth, or weather, nor 3/4 inch for concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground. Reinforcement with an areanot less than 0.0002 times area ofconcrete section shall be provided normal to piping. Piping and fittings shall be assembled by welding, brazing, solder-sweating, or other equally satisfactory method. Screw connections shall not be permitted' Piping shall be so fabricated and installed that cutting, bording, or displacement of reinforcement from its proper location will not be required. h. l. j. k. 3.5 ACCESS DOORS Provide a photographic reproducible mylar ofthe architectural reflected ceilingplan indicating location ofaccess doors in walls and ceilings for approval by Architect [and Interior Design Consultant]. Deliver access doors to Ceneral Conhactor for installation. 3.6 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION General: Provide pipe identification, valve tags, stencils, or engmved name plates to clearly idaltify the mechanical equipment, piping and controls of the various mechanical systems and direction of flow in piping. Methods for identification shall be as follows: Basic Mechanical Materials | 5050- l 8 Logan Gallery C. D. E. I l I T t I 0 I I il I I I I I i I I I l. Metal Tags: Stamp tags with letter prefixes to indicate service, followed by a number for location in syslem. 2- Engraved Nameplates: Attach nameplates with brass screws. Pressure-sensitive embossed labels are not acceptable. Nameplates shall bear the same identifying legerd used on the Contract Documents. 3. Pressure Sensitive Markers: Apply pressure sensitive markers in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations with complete wrap around. Marker adhesion will be tested for permanence. Any markers showing dog ears, bubbles, or other failings shall be replaced. 4. Semi-Rigid Plastic ldentification Markers: Seton Setmark pre-molded (not pressure sensitive) ide-ntification markers rnay be used at Contractor's option on service piping which is accessible for maintenance operirtions (but not on piping in finished spaces). This type marker shall not be installed on bare pipe when surface temperature exceeds 180" F unless a I " thick insulation band is first provided under marker for protection from the hot pipe. Piping Legend and Color Contractor shall obtain written approval of colors from Owner's representative prior to starting work and forward copies to Architect and Engineer. Background Direction Color Arrow Pressure Yellow Arrow Light Green Yellow Orange Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow PSI Lesend Heating Water Domestic CW Domestic HW Natural Gas Drain Refrig. Liquid Refiig. Suction Refrig. Hot Gas Condensate Identification of Piping: ldentify all piping accessible for maintenance, in crawl spaces, tunnels, above ceilings, and access spaces as well as exposed to view utilizing either pressure sensitive markers, semi-rigid plastic rnarkers or stenciled markings according to the following procedures: l. Use an arrow marker for each pipe-content legend. The arrow shall always point away from the pipe legend and in the direction offlow: color and height of arrow to be same as content legend lettering. 2. Ifflow can be in both directions, use a double-headed arrow indication. 3. Apply pipe legend and arrow indication at every point ofpipe entry or exit where line goes thru wall or ceiling cut. 4. Apply pipe legend and arrow indication within 3" of each valve to show proper identification ofpipe contents and direction offlow. 5. The legend shall be applied to the pipe so that lettering is in the most legible position. For overhead piping, apply legend on the lower halfofthe pipe where view is unobstructed, so that legend can be read at a glance from floor level. 6. For pipes under 3/4" OD, fasten brass tags securely at specified legend locations. Valves: All system service valves, including fire protection gas, medical gas, vacuum and special service valves located inside the building, shall be tagged and identified as to type of service. All valves or cocks controlling branch mains or risers to various portions ofthe building shall be tagged and identified as to service and location number. Basic Mechanical Materials 15050- l9 Logan Gallery F. G. H. K. B. B. c. 3.8 I I I I t I I I J I I l I D I I I I I Controls: All magnetic starters and relays, shall have nameplates or be stenciled to identify connecting or controlled equipment. All manual operating switches, fused disconnect switches and thermal overJoad switches which have not been specified as fumished with indexed faceplates shall also have nameplates or be stenciled as to "connected" or "controlled" equipment. All automatic controls, control panels, zone valves, pressurc electric, electric pressure switches, relays, and starterc shall be clearly identified. Pumps: All pumps shall be identified as to service and zones served. Base mounted pumps shall be stenciled or have system served nameplales. Brass tags secured by brass chains may be used on small in-line pumps. Storage Tanks, Water Treatment Equipment and Heaters: All tanks and heaters shall be stenciled as to service. The connecting pipes to each shall be identified and the service temperature entering and leaving the tank or heater shall be indicated. Fans: All supply and exhaust fans and air handling units and connecting ductwork supplying one or more ar€as from an equipment room or isolated crawl or furred space shall have nameplate or be stanciled as to plan code number, service and areas ofzones served. Air Conditioning Equipment: Air conditioning and evaporative cooling equipment such as chillers pumps, condensers, or roof-top equipment shall be identified by stencils, or systern nameplates. Access Doors: Provide engraved nameplates or painted stencils to identify concealed valves, controls, dampers or other similar concealed mechanical equipment. Obtain Architect approval before installation on all access doors in finished areas. 5.t EXPANSION JOINTS AND COMPENSATORS Install anchors on pipe line to create separate expanding sections. Size and select expansion joints after calculating expansion length based on the design cnteria indicated in Part 2 ofthis section. C. When indicated on drawings, expansion loops shall be installed rather than joints or compensators. D. Install expansion joints and compensators prior to pipe system pressure testing, including a minimum of two pipe guides on upstream and downstream side ofeach expansion joint. Guides shall be rigidly mounted to structure. Spacing and size ofguides to be per by manufacture/s recommendations. MECHANICAL/ELECTRIC COORDINATION Conform to Section 01040. Furnish equipment requiring electrical connections to operate properly and to deliver full capac'ity at electrical service available. All control wiring to be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations; all wiring shall be color coded to facilitate checking. Unless otherwise indicated, all mechanical equipment motors and controls shall be furnished, set in place, and wired in accordance with the schedule contained herein. Contractor should note that the intent of this electric wiring schedule is to have the Division 15 Contractor responsible for Basic Mechanical Materials 15050-20 Logan Gallery I I T I t I I I T D. E. coordinating all control wiring as outlined, whether or not specifically called for by the mechanical or electrical drawings and specifications. Comply with the applicable requirements of Division l6 for electrical work of this Division 15 which is not otherwise specified. No extras will be allowed for Contractor's failure to provide for these required items. The Division | 5 Contractor shall refer lo the Division l6 specifications and plans for all power wiring and shall advise the Architect/Engineer of any discrepancies prior to bidding. All temperature control conduit and wiring shall be furnished and installed under [Section 15960] [Section 15975] [Division l7]. Notes for the Mechanical/Electrical Coordination Schedule 1. All starters, other than those in Motor Control Centen shall be fumished under Division 15. All starters fumished under Division l5 shall be complete with lhree overload heaten and shall conform to NEC and NEMA requirements. 2. Control relays and control transformers shall be fumished under Division 15 except where fumishing such items are specifically required under Division l6 specifications and/or drawings. 3. Pushbuttons stations carrying full load current are to be wired under Division 16 ofthe work. 4. Exhaust Fans: The Electrical Contractor under Division 16 ofthe work will fumish and install circuits, feeders and disconnect swilches, and make all connections to motors and controls unless interlocked with other mechanical equipment or exhaust fans in locations indicated. Where exhaust fans are switched with lights, a two-pole toggle switch will be provided by the Electrical Contractor under Division 16. Where exhaust fans are interlocked with other mechanical equipment, the interlock wiring will be fumished by the Mechanical Contractor under Division 15. 5. The Mechanical Contractor shall be responsible for providing a schedule to the Electrical Contractor of the control transformer size for each motor controller and any other related controllers on the project provided under Division 15. Item Fumished Bv Set Bv Power Control Wirine Wirine ECEquipment Motors MC MC Motor Starters & Overload Heaters (Nore l) MC EC Fused & Unfused Disconnect Switches, Thermal Overload Heaters EC EC Manual Operating & Speed Switches (carrying load cunents) (Notes 3 &4) Control Relays & Transformer ( Nore 2) Thermostats (Line Voltage) MC MC MC EC EC EC EC EC MC MC MC MC l I I I I I I I I I Basic Mechanical Materials r 5050-21 EC EC EC Logan Callery 3.r 0 3.11 I I I I t I I ) T t t I I I I I t I I Motor & Solenoid Valves, Damper Motors, P/E & E/P Switches, Control Valves, Fan Interlocking Wiring, Low Voltage Thermostats MC MC -- MC Pushbutton Stations & Pilot Li ghts (Manually operated Switches not carrying Load Currants) (Note 3) MC MC -- MC Boiler controls including FM/IRI gas train MC MC EC MC Temporary Heating Connections MC MC EC MC HVAC Water Treatment Interlocks MC MC - MC MC: Mechanical Contractor Under Division 15 of the Work EC: Electrical Contractor Under Division l6 of the Work FPC: Fire Protection Contractor HC: Halon Contractor **: Dedicated Emergency Power Circuit for Halon Systern WELDING A. Joints between sections ofpipe, between pipe and fittings, shall be fusion welded. Use only certified welders. Strenglh of finished wetded joints to be equal to strengh of pipe. Width of finished weld to be at least 2-1/2 nmes the thickness ofthe part joined. Thickness of weld to be at least 25o/o greatet than the thiclcress of pipe or fiftings. Finished welded joints to present neal and workmanlike appearance. B. Make no direct welded connections to valves, strainers, apparatus, and related equipment. Make connections to flanged valves, and flanged equipment with welded pipe connection flanges. C. Radii of weld ells to be l-ll2 times nominal diameter of fittings. Fittings used for all branch connections, whether full-size or reducing, to have interior surfaces smoothly contoured. Wall thickness ofwelded fittings equal to adjacort piping. PADS, CURBS AND SUPPORTS A. Concrete foundations, pads and curbs for work under Division 15 shall be provided by the General Contractor. B. All dimensions and exact locations for anchor bolts, foundations, pads and concrete curbs for mechanical equipment in Division l5 shall be detemined and located by the Division l5 Contractor. Roofand other supporting curbs provided with Division l5 equipment shall be installed and leveled Basic Mechanical Materials 15050-22 Logan Gallery B. C. D. 3 I I I 3 I I I I t I I t I I I I I I ? l? by the Division l5 Contractor. CUTTING AND PATCHING A. New Construction l. [Conform to Section 01045]. The Division | 5 Contractor shall verify all openings required in the new construction in connection with the work under Division l5 with the Architectural and Stnrctural Drawings and shall thear meet with and verify same with the General Conmctor who will assign the work to the appropriate contractor to provide all openings in the new construction of the correct size and location in walls, floors or through roofs required for the installation oflhe mechanical work. 2. Failure on the part ofthe Division | 5 Contractor to make the above arrangements for required opanings shall cause the cost of cutting and patching for the necessary openings or the installation of his work to be bome by him, either by assigned by the General Contractor or in the form of performing the required cutting himself. In either case, all patching shall be done by the appropriate finishing contractor as detemined by the General Contmctor. No cutting or drilling ofholes shall be done without approval ofthe Architect/Engineer. 3. The appropriate finishing contractor as determined by the General Contractor shall patch all openings in the new structure, All materials used in patching shall match the materials specified in the Architectural Specifications and all patched areas shall be restored to the specified finish surface to the satisfaction of the Architect. 4. The Division 15 Conffictor shall pay the appropriate Finishing Contractor as determined by the General Contractor for all patching resulting from cutting to accommodate mechanical work. 3.I3 EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING [Conform to Section 02200]. Excavate forall mechanical equipment such as fuel tanks, duct work, sump pumps, manholes and trenches for underground pipelines to required depths. Compact bottoms of excavations. Slope to obtain required grade. Remove rocks, trash and debris before installation of equipment and backfilling. Backfill by hand tamping earth under the haunch ofthe pipe to specified compaction. Backfill and compact in thin layers until top of pipe is covered. Complete backfill by methods required or directed for soil characteristics to comply with lhe Architectural section ofthese specifications. Excavations near footings shall be such that, when nearing building footings, or bearing foundation walls, the excavation bottom shall not be nearer the footing than a normal 45 degree bearing line from edge offooting bottom to bottom ofexcavation. When it is necessary to perpendicularly cross under a continuous foundation wall, care shall be taken to insure that crossing is clear of the structural foundation and of minimal width. Do not place backfill over pipe lines until lines are properly tested. When trenching through specially tested areas, such as paving, asphalt, etc., Contractor shall to be responsible for restoring the surface to its original condition, and in a manner approved by the Architect. Repair trenches where settlement occurs, and rcstore the surface for the period ofone year after final acceplance ofthe project. All cutting ofpaving, asphalt, etc. shall be by saw cutting. Basic Mechanical Materials 15050-23 Logan Gallery T I 3t4 PATNTING I A. Surfaces of equipment and materials to be thoroughly cleaned and left ready for painting in . I accordance with Architectural Painting Specifications. B. Duct interiors visible through registers, grilles and diffusers shall be painted flat black. I C. All other painting of mechanical equipment and piping, unless otherwise noted, shall be performedI under other divisions of the work with the exception oiidentification ofpiping and equipment which will be the responsibility ofthe Division l5 Contractor. I 3.I5 DRIP PANS I A. Drip pan shall not be used as a means ofprotecting electrical panels, switchgear, etc. Coordinate with t Division 16 Contractor to avoid conflicts with electrical equipment under piping. r B. Pans: l8 gage galvanized iron. Pans shall be two-inch deep, with rolled top edges, and shall extend sixI rn::t';'i:"T*#T,T,T;:J:1ffi:il:;,:ffi::"T"TiiitJll"lllllli?l;*1T"i'T: I c ffi---:::::-#";l::"',arsercoppertubedraintodischargeover nearest available open drain. t 3.16 ALTTTUDE CORRECTTON A. All air-rnoving equipment is to be rated, selected and adjusted to deliver air quantities shown at theI installed elevation. Fan speeds to be changed as required to deliver CFM quantities shown with new I sheaves fumished and installed as reouired bv the Section 15990 Contractor. END OF SECTION I t I I r I I I I Basic Mechanical Materials 15050-24 Logan Gallery T sEcTloN 15250 I MECHANICAL INSULATION T PART I -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED I! A. Work includes thermal insulation of the following mechanical equipmant and systems: I . Fittings I 2. Valves 3. Plumbing System 4. Heating Systemt i: :::Xl'"iffl';7. Other Systems ! 1.2 RELATEDWoRK I A. The General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division I - General Requirements apply to t this Section. Contractor shall review and adhere to all requircments of the documents. I B. Section 15250 Contractor shall review all Sections ofDivision l5 for coordination and extent of Work. I Related work specified in Section 15240 - Mechanical Sound and Vibration Control. I.3 REFERENCES I A. ANSI/ASTM Standards for the insulation products and methods ofinstallation and testings. I I.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Section 15250 Contractor: Three years minimum experience in piping and ductwork insulation' application. t B. Materials: Flame spread/smoke developed rating of 25/50 ln accordance with ASTM E84 and compllng to NFPA 90A for installation exposure to circulating air systems. I C. Insulation thicknesses listed are minimum values regardless of'k'factor. Submitted 'k' factors shall be relative to the specified mean temperature. Any insulahon with a'k' factor higher than that specified I shall have its thickness increased to a point where its heat transfer rate is equal-to or less-than the I heat transfer rate resulting from the specified 'k' factor/thickness combination. I.5 SUBMITTALS Ir A. Submit shop drawings and product data for the followingitems in accordance with [Section 0l700and] the General Conditions ofthe Contract: l. Insulation materials and accessories.I I I I Mechanical Insulation 15250-r Logan Gallery B. c. B. c. A. B. c. B. c. t I T t I t I t I I I I I I t I I t I 2. Typewritten summary sheet indicating mechanical systems insulated, insulation type, model number used,'k'factor at the specified mean temperature, insulation thickness in inches for each pipe size ofeach system of piping ductwork and equipment. PART 2. PRODUCTS 3.1 FIBERGLASS PIPE INSULATION (Type A) Acceptable manufactuters: Manville, Owens-Coming, Knauf, Certainteed. Rigid glass fibers bonded with thermosetting resin, 850" F service temperature, all-purpose jackel of white kraft bonded to aluminum foil and reinforced with fiber glass yam, integral pressure sensitive tape lap seal,maximum flamdsmoke ratingof25/50perNFPA 90A,jacket shall have a maximum of0.02 perms water vapor perrneance whan tested per ASTM E-96 Procedure A. Manvif le Micro-Lok, performance "k" factor of 0.23 at75"F mean temperature 7)SEMI.RIGID FIBERGLASS EQUIPMENT INSULATION (TIPC B) Acceptable manufacturers: Manville, Owens-Coming, Knaui Certainteed. Semi-rigid glass fiber, bonded with thermosetting resin, 650' F ternperature, all purposejacket of white kraft bonded to aluminum foil and reinforced with fiberglass yam, separate 3" wide pressure sensitive tape matchinginsulation jacket, maximum flame/smoke rating of25l50 perNFPA 90A,jacket shall have a maximum of 0.02 perms water vapor permeance when tested per ASTM E-96 Procedure A. Manvilfe Pipe and Tank, 3 PCF density, performance "k" factor of0.27 at75"F mean temperature. 3.3 FIBERGLASS DUCT BLANKET INSULATION (Type C) Acceptable manufacturers : Manville, Owens-Corning, Knauf, Certainteed. Flexible blanket ofglass fibers bonded with thermosetting resin, aluminum foil facing reinforced with fiberglass scrim laminated to UL rated kraft, 250"F service temperature, maximum flame/smoke rating of25150 per NFPA, UL labeled, facing shall have a maximum of 0.02 perms water vapor permeance when tested per ASTM E-96 Procedure A. Manville Micro-lite, 1 PCF, performance "k" factor of 0.28 at 75"F mean temperature. J..+RIGID FIBERGLASS DUCT INSULATION (Type D) Acceptable manufacturers: Manville, Owens-Comin g, Kn auf, Certainteed. Rigid glass fiberbonded with thermosetting resin,450'F service ternperature, aluminum foil reinforced with fiberglass yam mesh and laminated to ch emical ly treated fire-resistant kaft,maximum flame/smoke rating of 25150 per NFPA 90A. Manville Type 814 Spin-Glass, 3 PCF, performance "k" factor of 0.23 at 75"F mean temperature. Mechanical Insu'lati on 15250-2 Logan Gallery t I 3.5 CLOSED-CELL POLYETHYLENE PIPE INSULATION (Type E) I A. Acceptable manufacturers: Nomaco Therma-cel or equivalent. t B. Flexible closed-cell polyethylene in pipe or sheet form, 212'F service lemperature, sealed with non-flammable adhesive, maximum flame/smoke rating of 25l50 per NFPA 90A' I C. Nomaco Thermal-cel, 2 PCF densiry, performance "k" factor of 0.25 at 75"F mean temperature.r 3.6 HYDROUS CALCIUM SILICATE INSULATION (Type F) t A. Acceptable manufacturers: Manville, Owens-Corning, Knaui Certainteed. I B. Hydrous calcium silicate, water insoluble, in either a preformed curved or scored blocks, flame/smoke I rating of5/0 per ASTM E84. c Manville Thermo-I2, l4 PCF, performance "k" factor of 0.45 at 300" F mean temperature.I I i.7 MTNERAL FrBER TNSULATToN (rype G) I A. Acceptable manufacturer: Fibre-X or equivalent. I B. Spun mineral fibers with low binder content, 1200'F operating temperature, non-corrosive, water repellent, inorganic, free of crystalline silicic acid. r C. Fibre-X Mineral Fiber Blankets#100 8 PCF, performance "k" factor of 0.42 at 400"F mean temp€rature. Contractor has option ofusing #202,203 or 302 with integral wire mesh. I 3.8 MISCELLANEOUS INSULATIoN A. Fittings Inside Air Plenums I . Manufactured Fitting Covers: Pre-molded polyvinyl chloride material rated for flame/smoke rating of25l50 per NFPA 90A, plenum-rated covers shall be readily distinguishable from the standard non-rated PVC covers, provide fiberglass insert for insulation. 2. Milered pipe covering: Molded glass fiber or insulating cement of same thickness as adjoining insulation and finish with glass cloth and apply heavy coat of lagging adhesive. B. Fitting Outside Air Plenum: Manufactured premolded polyvinyl chloride fitting covers with fiberglass insulation insert. C. Protective Jacketing Outdoors: Minimum 0.016 inch thick aluminum sheet jacket with fabricated seam. D. Protective Jacketing Indoors: Impactresistant polyvinyl chloride, l5 milminimumthickness, maximum flame/smoke rating of 25150 per NFPA 90A, sealed with welding adhesive. I I I I I I I t I Mechanical Insulation r52s0-3 Logan Gallery T I PART3-EXECUTToNa 3.I PREPARATION AND INSTALLATION t A. Inslall materials after piping has been tested and approved, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. I B. Refer to Paragraph 3.02 Minimum Pipe Insulation Schedule for required insulation thickness.I C. Continue insulation with vapor barrier through penetrations. I D. In exposed piping, locate insulation and cover seams in least visible locations. I E. On insulated piping with vapor barrier, insulate fittings, valves, unions, flanges, strainers, flexible I connections, and expansion joints. I F. On insulated piping without vapor barrier and piping convefng fluids 140'F or less, do not insulate I flanges and unions at equipment, but level and seal ends ofinsulation at such locations. . G. On piping, provide an insert, not less than 6 inches long, of same thickness and contour as adjoining .I insulation, between support shield and piping, but under the finishjacket, on piping 2 inches diameter I and larger, to prevent insulation from sagging at support points. Inserts shall be cork or other heavy density insulating material suitable for lhe planned temperature range. Factory fabricated inserts may be used. - H. Neatly finish insulation at supports, protrusions, and intemrptions. I I. Finish exposed edges ofinsulation with lagging adhesive.t 3.2 MINIMUM PIPE INSULATION SCHEDULE I A. HVAC Systems Insulation Thickness in Inches for Various Pipe Sizes il Heating Sys Steam Press Runouts l"& l-l/4" 2-l/2 5"& 8"& I Temp('F) (psig) l/2'!2" less Thru Thru 6" Up 24" | 20-200 Cooling Sys Temp ('F) & Twe l/2 I I t-l/z l-l/2 t-t/2I t I I t I T Condensate Drain l/2 ll2 ll2 l/2 ll2 l/2 Other Swtems NOTES: l Runouts are defined as piping branches not exceeding l2 feet in developed pipe lenglh which serve individual terminal units. Mechanical Insulation 152504 Logan Gallery 2. For piping exposed to outdoor air: a. Scheduled li2" through l" thicknesses shall all increase to l'-l/2" thickness. b. Scheduled l-l/2" thicknesses and greater shall increase by l/2" thickness. B. Plumbing System Insulation Thickness in Inches for Pipe Sizes Plumbing Sys System Runouts I-l/4" l-l /2"2-t/2" Temp('F) Type Thru I" & Less Thru2" &Up T I t I I I t I T t J.J 100-i 30 HW,HWC t/2 t/2 l/2 I NOTES: I. Runouts are defined as piping branches not exceeding 12 feet in developed pipe length individual terminal units. 2. For piping exposed to outdoor air: a. Scheduled l/2" throush l" thicknesses shall all increase to l-112" thickness. b. Scheduled 1-l/2" thicknesses and greater shall increase by l/2" thickness. SPECIFIC INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Fittings: 1. Insulation depth shall match that of adjacent pipe insulation. Standard PVC fitting covers are permitted throughout piping system except in air plenums. PVC fitting covers are permitted in air plenums only when accepted by the local building code officials and the covers comply with a flame/smoke rating less than or equal to 25150 per NFPA 90A. Apply minimum l-ll2" wide tape to seal edge of fitting covers to pipe insulation jacket. 2. All other fittings locations shall be provided with either mitered pipe insulation, glass fiber molded inserts or insulating cement built-up to same thickness as adjacent insulation. Finish with glass cloth and a heavy coating of lagging adhesive. B. Valves l. Insulation deph shall match that of adjacent pipe insulation. Standard PVC fiffing covers are permiffed throughout piping system except in air plenums. PVC fitting covers are permitted in air plenums only when accepted by the local building code officials and the covers comply with a flame/smoke rating less than or equal to 25150. Apply minimum I - I /2" wide tape to seal edge of fitting covers to pipe insulation jacket. 2. All other valve locations shall be provided with oversized pipe insulation with thickness matching adjacent insulation. Finish with glass cloth and a heavy coating of lagging adhesive. I I I I I I I T T Mechanical Insulation 15250-s Logan Gallery C. D. T t I I I I I I t I I T I I I I t I I Plumbing System 1 . Domestic Cold Water: Insulate horizontal piping above ceilings and where freeze proteclion is required with l/2" fiberglass pipe insulation, Type A. Jacket lap shall be stapled 2" O'C.; laps shall be sealed with an approved vapor-retarded adhesive. 2. Domestic Hot. Insulate entire piping system per Paragraph 3'02 with fiberglass pipe insulation, Type A, thickness sized for the system water temperature. 3. Domestic Water Heatels, Not Factory Insulated, Hot Water Storage Tanks and Hot Water Accumulators: Insulate vessels per Paragraph 3.02 with semi-rigid fiberglass equipment insulation, Type B, thickness sized for the system water temperature. Heating System l. Insulate the following piping systems per Paragraph 3.02 with fiberglass pipe insulation, Type A, thickness sized for the system fluid temperature: Jacket lap shall be stapled 2" O.C. a. Heating waterSupplyand Retum, 120-200oF [20 ] -250oF] [25]-305oF] [306450oF] 2. Insulate the following items per Paragraph 3.02 with semi-rigid fiberglass equipment insulation, Type B, thickness sized for the system fluid temperature at 8" pipe size and up. Wrap around cylinder and cuthng material 3" longer than circumference to provide a lap. Remove extra fiber glass at the lap and staple wilh outward clinching staples 2" on center. Matching pressure sensitive tape shall then be applied to the circumferential joinls on hot applications and to both the circumferential and longitudinaljoints. a. Air Separators 120-200oF b. Heat Exchanqers 120-200oF E. Cooling System l. lnsulate the following piping systerns per Paragraph 3.02 with fiberglass pipe insulation, Type A, thickness sized forthe system fluid temperature. Jackel lap shall be stapled 2" O.C.; laps shall be sealed with an approved vapor-retarder adhesive a. Cold Condensate Drain Piping b. Reffigerant Suction c. Refrigerant Hot Gas 2. Chilled Water Pump Impeller Housings: Provide a two-piece shop fabricated 16 gauge galvanized sheet metal casing with a 2" thickness ofclosed cell polyethylene pipe insulation, Type E, adhered to all interior surfaces. Casing shall be sufficiently large enough to avoid liner contact with impeller housing except at pipe and shaft casing penetrations. Provide latches 8" OC along seam and at each side ofpipe and shaft penetrations to connect the two pieces of casing. 3. Cold Chiller Surfaces not Factory Insulated: Insulate per Paragraph 3.02 with closed cell polyethylene insulation, Type E, thichess sized for system fluid temperature at 8" pipe size and up. Seal all joints with adhesive. Mechanical Insulation 15250-6 Logan Gallery T I .T I .l I t I T I I I t I I T I F.Air Distribution l. lnsulate lhe exterior surfaces ofthe following systems with rigid fiberglass duct insulation, T1,pe D, l-l/2" thick with all edges tightly butted. Mechanical fasteners (cup-head pins, stick pins, or weld pins) on | 2" centers shall be used to secure the material to the duct. All joints and penetrations of the vapor-retarder facing shall be sealed with a minimum 3" wide tape which matches facing. Where space does not allow mechanical fasteners, the insulation shall be applied using an approved adhesive. Outside Air Ductwork. Mixed Air Ducwork not Lined. Supply and Return Air Plenum not lined. Exposed Rectangular Supply Air Ductwork not lined. Ventilation Equipment as indicated on drawings. 2. Insulate the exterior surfaces ofthe following systems with flexible fiberglass duct insulation Type C, l-l /2" thick: The insulation shall be cut longer than the perimeter of the duct to provide 2" staple lap and minimum compression at the corners. All joints shall be lapped 2" and stapled with outward clinching staples 2" on center. The insulation shall be mechanically fastened to the underside of all ducts 24" wide or more using cup-head pins, weld-pins, or stick pins with speed clips 18" on center. All joints and peretrations of the vapor-retarded jacket shall be sealed with a minimum 3" wide matching pressure sensitive tape. a. Rigid Round Supply [and Retum] Air Ductwork. Other Systems l Piping exposed to Freezing and Weather: Insulate with fiberglass pipe insulation, Type A, per Paragraph 3.02, minimum thickness of 2". Apply insulation over heating cable. Cover insulation with aluminum protective jacketing locating seam on bottom of horizontal and angled piping. END OF SECTION a. b. d. G. I T Mechanical Insulation | 5250-7 Logan Gallery B. c. D. B. B, c. D. I I T I I I t t t I I I I ! I t t t I sEcTtoN 15300 FIRE PROTECTION (CONTRACTOR DESIGN) PART I . GENERAL I.I WORK INCLUDED System Design Requirements lnterior and exterior above ground pipe, fittings and valves All alarms, switches and required wiring Preaction sprinkler system. Single interlock. t.2 RELATED WORK The General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division l, General Requirements apply to this Section, and Contractor shall review and adhere to all requirements ofthese documents. Section I 5300 Contraclor shall revie*' all Sections of Division I 5 for coordination and extent of Work. 1.3 SYSTEM DESIGN REQUI RE M EI.TS E. F. Verify requirements with Junsdictional authorities, i.e.: lnsurance authority or Under*riter, Fire Department or Marshal, or Building Department. Provide system complete, functional and acceptable to Jurisdictions without penalty ofany type to the insurance premium rate. Division 15J00 Contractor shall be completely responsible for all aspects of coordination u'ith other sections of these specifications and drawings. No change will be issued for lack ofcoordrnation or lack ofverification of requirements of Jurisdictional Authonties. A statement from the FM insurance authorily or services office staring "no penalty" or listing "penalties" must be provided by the Contractor prior to final payrnent. Penaltres listed and atrributable to the fire protection system shall be corrected without additional cost to the Ouner or his agents. System shall be hydraulically calculated perNFPA #13, 14, and l3D. All calculations shall include florv test results. Flow tests shall be performed by rhis Contractor and verified by the Fire Department, Architect, and Engineer. Prior flou' tests on file rvith jurisdictional agencies may be used in lieu of new florv tests only when previous test has been made s'ithin 6 months of project start date. Contractor shall use 957o of florv test pressure data as the base in performrnce of the Prgect Calculations. Six copies Hydraulic Calculations and Drawings shall be submiued to the Architect/Engineer for reliew. Drawings shall show hydraulic reference points, hydraulically most remote areas clearly shorvn, and proofby example that area shou.n is in fact the hydraulically most remote. Fire Protection 15300-t Logan Gallery t I I t I I I I T I I T .l T I I I T I I . For light hazard, use area of largest room over 1500 S.F. or aggregale of 1500 S.F. minimum for smaller areas. 2. Area and densities shall conform to NFPA #13 or jurisdictional authorities requiremenls. Extended covenge systems are not acceptable as Base Designs. The system may be suggested as an Altemate only. 3. Sprinkler shall be calculated from the flow test elevation to the highest sprinkler head. 4. Standpipes shall be calculated from the flow test elevation to 4'-0" above the highest outlet polnl' G. Provide all trim and accessories, inlets, alarms, switches, valves, manifolds, and cabinets required. H. Provide special protection systems as required, i.e., dry system, anti-freeze, waler curtains, deluge, and exposure protection. Provide coated heads, caps and chains, head guards, etc., as required or appropriate. L Be responsible for accurate measurements, coordination with other trades, required offsets, scheduling, timely subminals, materials delivery and job manning, and construction schedules. J. Provide backflow preventers of required types, and installed in an approved manner. t.4 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. The firm, company, corporation, or parmership producing and providing the materials and labor ofthis Section shall have at least l0 years experience performing scope of work described and required by these Contract Documents. I.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Shop Drawings (6 sets) for the following items in accordance with Division l. l. Engineered fabrication drawings showing main, and line elevations, sizes, and routing. and certified flow test data, including site plan showing connections to main. 2. Show ductwork, lights, registers, grilles, diffusers, heat detection devices, ceiling grids, beam, joist, truss and other items of possible interference with proper function or routing of rhe system and component devices such as access panels, clear stories, display structures, skylights, atriums, etc 3. Hydraulic calculations, rvith hydraulic points ofcalculations shall be prepared in a form rvith appropriate information as required and acceptable to all reviewing and jurisdictional agencies. 4. All drawings and calculations shall be reviewed and accepted by the jurisdictional fire department, building departmenl, fire marshal, as applicable, and the insurance carrier or insurance reviewing authority prior to submitting by all agencies, as appropriate, shall be certified by name of reviewer, agency, and date affrxed to the plans or reproducibles submitted lo the Engineer. n-one *'ill be accepted nor reviewed until compliance *'ith these terms has been established. Fire Protection 15300-2 Logan Gallery T I rl I .l t I "l T I I I I T I I I T T 5. All drawings contained in this submittal including calculation, shall bear the stamp and signature ofa registered NICET Level IV Designer. B. Submit Product Data for the following items in accordance with Division l. l. Pipe, fittings, hangers, attachment devices, valves, and specialties including manufacturers catalogue information. Submit performance ratings, roughin details, weights, support requirements and piping connections. 2. Sprinkler heads and escutcheons. 3. Specialty valves and devices. 4. Flow and pressure switches. 5. Alarms and connecting devices. 6. Wiring diagrams for all switches and alarms. '7. Special fire suppression systems complete with all components and devices. 8. Air compressors, controls, accessories and devices. C. Submit printed Operating Instructions and Maintenance Data for the following items in accordance with Division l. l. Provide operating and maintenance data for all products and devices requiring service and maintenance including drarvings and diagrams. 2. Record Drawines. a. Calculations for svstem. b. Test reports for system, and flow (residual) pressures. c. Wiring diagrams for system and devices. d. Product replacement part numbers. I.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Contractor shall not fabricate or install any piping until he has assured himself that the piping can be run as contemplated in cooperation u'ith Contractors ofother divisions of the Work and the physical constraints of the Structural and Archrtectural Work. I.7 WARMNTIES A. Provide original copies of all rvarranties and extended warranties for specific equipment rvhere specified and in accordance u'ith Section 15010. Fire Protection 1s300-3 Logan Callery I . PART2.PRODUCTS t tt ^tt-t*-D EXTERIoR ABovE-cRouND prprNc I A. Pipe and Joints: r ' iaff$'Jli,:"il:ffi1,i:Tilxlti,i#i'^1ii;"1.il!'"xT#"lll"#:ii; conform NFPA #13, Chapter 3. |l B. Fitrings: I l. Threaded cast iron t75 psi minimum and in accordance with developed system pressures, I conforming to ANSI B 16.4. Threaded malleable iron I 75 psi minimum and in accordance wirh developed system pressures, conforming to ANSI B 16.3.t. 2 y,1i;1.":[',T:i,*'il*fiT1ffiffi,? ilii,"-:f;:,J.':1ff:.il:fifrIi::,1]:i , wirh Section 15050. ! 3. Crooved fittings and couplings shall conform to ASTM-A47 (malleable), ASTM 536 (ducrile), or ASTM- 106 GRB (forged steel), ASTM A-53 type E, F, or S GRB (nipples), ANSI B- 16.5 or I 816.l cast iron and carbon steel flanges. Fittings and couplings must be a listed combination I of coupling, fitting and groove per NFPA, U.L. and F.M. Listing guides. All fittings and couplings are to be from a single manufacturer. No segmentally welded fittings u.ill be allowed. f| 4. Acceptable Manufacturers ofgrooved fittings and couphngs: Victaulic, Grinnell, Stockham. I c. Valves:I l. All valves are to be indicating rype. | 2. All valves U.L. listed, F.M. approved. 3. Ceneral: t a. Provide valves as specified herein and as indicated on the Drawings complete with accessories and attachments as required and appropnate. I b. Supply valves for proper pressure ratings determined by the system working pressures at point of use and of proper types for systems and functions indicated. I c. Provide like type l'alres ofone manufacturer only unless specified otherwise. d. Mark valves requiring approval by Underw'riter's Laboratories (UL) or Factory I Mutual Engineering Division (FM) with appropriate markings cast into the valve 4. Acceptable Manufacturers: I T I Fire Protection 15300-4 Logan Gallery 6. 8. 9. D. I l I I I I I I t t I I I T I I t I I a. b. c. d. f. Ball Valves: Nibco, Milwaukee, Victaulic. Gate Clobe and check valves (flanged): Nibco, Milwaukee, Grinnell, Kennedy, Stockham. Check valves (wafer): Nibco, Victaulic, Grinnell. Butterfly: Milwaukee, Victaulic, Nibco, Grinnell. Post indicator: Nibco, Stockham, Grinnell. Swing check valve (grooved): Grinnell, Victaulic, Central. Ball Valves: Two piece bronze construction with reflon seats, standard port, blow out proof stem and positive shutoff, suitable for 125 lbs. saturated steam or 400 lbs non-shock water pressure. Nibco KT-580 or equal. Gate and Globe Valves: a. Pipe sizes 2" and smaller: Bronze body, bronze trim, rising stem, renewable composition disc, flanged or soldered ends. b. Pipe sizes2-l/2" and larger: Iron body, bronze trim, rising stem, OS&Y, renervable composition disc, flanged ends, screw in bonnets not permined. Check Valves: a. Flanged swing disc type - Cast iron body. renewable cast bronze disc and seat ring, flanged ends. Nibco F-9088 or equal. b. Wafer - Cast iron body, butterfly style, spring actuated, rubber seat. c. Threaded swing disc lype - Bronze body, renervable disc. Nibco KT-403W. d. Crooved swing disc type - Cast iron body, renewable disc, stainless steel seat ring. Must be used with couplings from the same manufacturer, Crinnell F5l4 or equal. Butterfly Valves: Bronze body, bronze housings, stainless steel disc with teflon seat. Valve to have built-in tamper switch. Switch to be contained in a NEMA I housing. GEM BB-SCS0l or equal. Post Indicator Valve: Cast iron body, bronze trim, non-rising stem, OS&Y with venical or wall postindicator Flanged: Nibco F-609orequal. MechJoint: N ibco M-609 or equal. Indicator: Nibco NlPl (venical)Nibco NIP-2 (horizontal) or equal. ). 7. Hangers, Supports, and Accessones: l. All hangers, attachments and components U.L. listed, F.M. approved. Fire Protection t5300-5 Logan Gallery B. 2.2 I I I I I I I I T t I I t t I I I T I 2. Power driven studs shall not be included in normal installation. Permission to use this type anchoring system must be accepted by the Structural Engineer prior to submitting pricing or bids to any contractor or agent relative to this project. 3. Provide hangers, rods, clamps, brackets, anachments, inserts, bracing, nuts, coach screws, eye bolts, clips, plates, and washers as required for appropriate installation for building stnrcture provided. 4. Beam and barjoist clamps shall be appropriate for attachment locations, top beam, bottom beam, etc., and provided with retainer rods, clips or straps as required. 5. Support piping per the requirements ofNFPA. 6. Riser clamps shall be provided on all vertical risers at each floor and shall conform lo materials and protective coatings or pads as specified in this Article. Clamps shall be similar and equivalent to B-Line B-3 I 3 I and B-3 148. SPRINKLER SYSTEM Acceptable Manufacturers: The following manufacturers are acceptable, providing the product to be considered is equivalent in every respect to the nomenclature, style, material, finish, and color provided by the specified make and model. l. Sprinkler Heads, Alarm, Dry and Deluge Valves, Accelerators, Detector Check Valves, Air Maintenance Devices, Spnnkler Emergency Cabinets, and Specialties: Central, Grinnell, Gem, Reliable, Viking, Clobe, Potter Elecrric, Norifier, System Sensor. 2. Escutcheons: Beaton Corbin, Reliable, Central, Viking, GEM. Sprinkler Heads: l. Schedule TW€ Standard Recessed S idc r\a ll( Reccs5€d) Side\\all(Recesred) Conccoled Dry (Recessed) Quick Response Quick Response Concealed Si'lew!ll Stvlc Pcndent Upright Pendent ulcup Srd. Extended Coverage Pendenr Pendent Pendent. Lrpright Recessed Pendant tr'cup Quick Response lUodel Link FlAllCEv F9501 [\i A][CEv F9{7] [.\i.A][cEv F950 Q.r6] [\/A]IGEV F95O Qr8] N'AllcElr R e46l FiAI[\/Al [\i A] [cEv FR-r] N;AllcEv FR-lRl N/A Ilodel Franqlble qlass [\A][CE!r Fe80] [\A][cE\r Fe72] [\A][CE\TRAL CB] NA]ICE\TL{L CBI [cE]r Fe76l IGE\r F9601 [\/A]lcE\TRAL CB.QRI [\,AllcE\TRAL OB.QR] cE\l F97i CE\TRAL CB-QRQuick Response(Recessed) [N/AllcE]l FR-l I (NA = Not Applicable) 2. All public areas to be fully recessed heads complete with white cover plate. l. All public areas to have chrome plated semi-recessed frangible glass heads. 4. All public areas to have recessed frangible glass heads rvith white escutcheon. Fire Protection t5300-6 Logan Callery I I I I I I 5. All public areas to have pendent heads with one piece escutcheon. C. Escutcheons: l. Manufacturer: GEM Troe Model One piece 7/16" deep A Two piece 3/8" deep B 2. Two piece escutcheons are prohibited from use on project - except for recessed sprinkler head installation or where flush escutcheon assembly is specified. D. Sprinkler Head Cabinets l. Manufacturer: GEM Model 740 for 6, 12, or 24 heads complete with appropriate heads, wrench and mountins. 2. In addition to heads actually required, furnish a stock of extra sprinkler heads of amounts as recommended by National Fire Protection Association including a minimum of six (6) heads ofeach type and temperature rating used and two (2) suitable socket wrenches. E. Sprinkler Head Guard: | . Manufacturer: GEM Model F774 & F776. F. Water Flow and Pressure Switches: l. Paddle Type Flow Su,itch, for pipe sizes 2" thru 8", retard adjustment from 0 to 70 seconds instantly recycling. Manufacturer: Notifier Model: WFD - 120 VAC - Dual Contacts 2. Paddle Type Flow Switch for pipe sizes I " and | - l /2", restart adjustment from 0 to 70 seconds instantly recycling. Manufacturer: Notifi er. Model: NFD-l/l-ll2 120 VAC - Dual Contacts 3. Pressure Switch for dry, deluge, alarm, and pre-action valves. Manufacturer: Notifier Model: ACW-IWFT-C03 120 VAC - Dual Contacts C. Supen'isory Su'itches: l. Post indicator valve, and gear operator type: Manufacturer: Notifier I I t I I I I I I I I I T Fire Protection 15300-7 Logan Gallery I I rI I "l t I t ! t I t I I I I I t I Model: NIP 120 VAC 2. Gate, OS&Y, and other exposed rising stem type valves: Manufacturer: Notifier Model: NGV or SGV 120 VAC H. Alarms: I . Exterior Audible and Visual Alarm: a. Manufacturer: Notifier Model: Surface Flush Unit: 7004-l 15 7001-l l5 Box: WBB FSB b. Provide with flasher, surface or recessed flush mounting in weather proof enclosure. c. Acceptablemanufacturers: Notifier,Simplex,Wheelock. 2. Water Motor Cong (Drawing Code WMC) a. Manufacturer: Reliable Model C. I. Alarm Valves: l. Manufacturer: Reliable Model E Sizes: 2-l12", 3", 4", 6" 8". J. Dry Pipe Valve l. Manufacturer: Reliable Valve Size: 2-l/2' 4" and 6" 2. Provide as required, differential type, bronze seats, 0 ring seals, complete with all trim and drain extensions, for use with [water motor gong] [pressure switch] as indicated. K. Acceleralor l. Manufacturer: Reliable Model B 2. Provide with integral check, shut-offand trim as required. L. Air Maintenance Devrce: I . Provide automatic air maintenance device for dry pipe valves and dry pilot line deluge valves. 2. Plant air supply use: Reliable Model A-2. Fire Protection 15300-8 Logan Gallery I I rl I 3. Fire Protection System Air Compressor Supply (dedicated compressor). Use: Reliable Model B-l . 4. Provide all trim, switches, strainers, valves for complete functional unit, M. Deluge Valves l. Manufacturer: Viking. Valve Size: l-l/2",2",t 4" and6" Model: E- l 2. Provide differential t)?e with wet dry pilot and all trim required. Extend drains to drain receptacle. Actuation shall be as indicated. 3. Acceptable Manufacture: GEM, Reliable. N. Wiring all alarms and switches shall be included in the 15300 Contractor's bid. 2,3 AIR COMPRESSOR A. AcceptableManufacturers: Quincy,lngersoll-Rand,Ceneral. B. Provide an automaric air compressor complete with air cooled after cooler, belt guard, auto start stop - H.O.A., starter, panel. relief valve, pressure reducing valve in conformance with NFPA-13. C. The air compressor shall be of sufficient horsepower and free air output to provide restoration ofthe total pipe volume in the system in fQ_gjgglgg or less. D. Air compressor shall not be less than l/2 HP. Voltage and phase shall be verified and motors fumished for proper electncal characteristics. E. Provide a low pressure trouble alarm ( NCO Bell) with sensor on rnlet side of P.R.V. (betrveen P. R.V. and receiver) set at l0 psig above required system mainlenance pressure. F. Provide air maintenance assembly. 2.4 BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE A. Provide a Double Check backflorv prevention device on the fire sen'ice for the building to be in accordance r,r,ith the State/Local Health Department, and the local water purveyor requirements and the University of Southem Califomia Foundation for Gross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. The main line OS&Y gate valves shall be resilient wedge type with epoxy coated interior surfaces. Check valves to have stainless steel check assemblies with ductile iron bodies epoxy coated on the interior surface. Fire line assemblies shall be both UL ltsted and Flvl approved. B. Acceptable Manufaciurer: Febco, Watts, Wilkens. C. Schedule: I I I I t I I .l T I I I I t t Fire Protection 15300-9 Logan Gallery I I I t Make Febco Febco Febco PART 3. EXECUTION 3.1 l. INSTALLATION Tyoe Model Double Check 870V Reduced Pressure 8B0V Double Check Detector 876V E. 3.3 I I I I I I I t .l T I I PREPARATION A Field Measurements: verify all dimensions before proceeding with the work. obtain fieldmeasurements for work required to be accurately fitted to other construction. Be responsible for theaccuracy ofsuch measurements and precise fining and assembly offinished work. prefabrication ofsystems is done at lhis Contractor's own risk. B' Coordination: Coordinate all work and placement ofcomponents with other trades, be responsible forcomplete coordination of design and field installation, including remedial field work required toeliminate conflicts and provide an acceptable finished product. EXCAVATION, BACKFILL, CUTS AND RESTORATION A' Provide all excavations and backfillin accordance with Secrion | 5050 - Basic Materials and Methods. B. Cuts - Restoration: All concrete, asphalt, or other hard permanent surface shalr be sau. cut. Turf areas sha becut clean with straight edge. Restore all planted, paved, and surfaced areas to original color, texture arid condition, replanting where necessary and left in the same or better condition as was found existine. B. Ceneral: Provide a complete operable system designed and installed in accordance with applicablelocal' state, federal and jurisdictionar codes, enforcement agencies and insurance rating orunderwriting agencies. All systems shall be drainable with proper drainage devices, and drain terminations either lo exrenorof building or to proper receptacles within building. AII systems shall be supported and braced for conformance ro proper and appricable standards. Care shall be taken with chrome plated or other polished finish componenls so thar marring does not occur to the finish. and installation provides for a uniform pattem and true installation. Where piping passes thru masonry units or concrete walls or floors or other building constructron, sleeves must be used. Where exposed piping passes thru finished rvork, chrome plated-or other finish acceptable to Architect, split wall plates or escutcheons shall be installed to fit snugly around piping.where rated walls are penetrated, approved safing shall be provided ut .u.h'hola lo assure effectileness ofconstruction as a fire stoo. c. D. I I I Fire Prolection 15300-r 0 Logan Gallery I t T I F. Allopenings for piping should be anticipated and coordinated with Ceneral Contractor. Indicate such openings on the shop drawings. Any additional cutting of openings must have the written approval of the Architecl. G. Contractor shall complete the automatic fire sprinkler ready for operation, in all r€specrs, as soon as possible. When system is complete and ready for continuous operation. activate the system for its intended use. After system has been activated for continuous use, water charges, ifany will be paid for by the Owner. I H. Provide identification signs of the standard design adopted by the Auromatic Sprinkler Industry, I attaching same to all valves, drains, test connections, etc., with chain around body of valve in such a way that the sign cannot be removed without opening link. I ' :::#:,'1,1T:T:1,'.T.":$li:::il1','$,,:"""$::;1,:*:llj11,:,','":H::jfi:il'":,':H:il:: of riser. Place this sign at the system control valve. I J. Provide water pressure gauges at the top ofthe standpipe risers, locate the gauge in the fire equipment cablnet. I K. Use no face bushings. a L. All threaded piping shall have teflon thread sealant with no more than 3 threads showing. | 3.4 prpE HANCERS/suppoRTS I A. Use inserts, anchors, expansion bolts or other approved and acceptable means of altachment to I concrete construction. Set insens in advance of concrete installation, provide required reinforcement rod for all inserts carrying loading equivalenl of one 4" pipe or more. All inserts shall be flush with - face ofslab or wall containing insert. It B. Provide flar square washers for rods thru metal decking with nut above washer, when acceptable andi aooroved. , C. Cinch hangers to carry appropriale share of loading and slope piping without sags or "pocketing" as _ appropriate and required. I D. Rod offsets, orangle installation, plumbertape orwire will not be accepted. Hangerrods shall betrue and plumb. I E. Piping shall not be hung from other piping or equipment items. Provide auachments to buildingal ,t within spacing plumb to structures. I 3.5 PERFORMANCE A. General: Systems shall be engineered and designed for proper densrties, ease of maintenance and accessibility. Final flow tests shall be made to prove system desiga and installation. 3.6 TESTINC AND CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION T I t I Fire Protection 15300-l r Logan Callery J A lh'ilf,?:ff".]:r+l,,;1il"".'1'-ff::1,1J;l,l::,1i1:rJ;::.1"il"":'Tjl::.'J:'" I B. :||iilil,t*,e of compliance and completion forjurisdictional agencies, and prcsent ro Owner - I ENDoFsECrroN - D t Fire Protection I 5300- | 2 Logan Gallery I I I I I t t I I T l I I I I I ! 2 I SECTION I54OO PLUMBING SYSTEMS PART I -GENEML I.I WORK INCLUDED A. water Piping B. Soil, Waste and Vent PiPing C. Storm Water PiPing D. Natural Gas PiPing E. Domestic Water Heater and Accessories F. Plumbing SPecialties 1.2 RELATED WORK A. The General conditions, supplementary conditions, and Division I' General Requirements apply to this Section, and Contractor shall review and adhere to all requirements ofthe Documents' B. Section 15400 contractor shall review all sections ofDivision l5 for coordination and extent ofrvork' I.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A.ReferenceStandards:ExceptasmodifiedbygoverningcodesandbytheContractDocuments,comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations ofthe following: I ' Plumbing Drainage Institute "standard WH-201"' 2. The American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE) Standards l00l' 1003, 1003.1' 1005' 1008, 1009, 1010, l0l I,lol2, l0ri, 10i4, l0ls, 1016, lol7, 1018, 1019, 1020, l02t' 1023' 1024' 1025. 3. National Sanitation Foundation (N'S'F') 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product data for the following items under provisions of Division | : l. Pipe, fittings, couplings' solder' joint materials' Drains Cleanouts Domestic Water Heaters 2. J, Plumbing Systems I 5400- l Logan Gallery I ! I t I t 5. Backflow prevention Devices 6. Fixtures and Trim 7. Faucets, Shower valves, Supplies and Stops 8. Specialties and Special Systems submit prinred operating Instructions and Mainrenance oT f": the forowing items in accordancewith Division l and operating.na v"int.n"n"";;ili;.?on in Section r5010. l. Domestic Water Hearer 2. Backflow prevention Devices 3. Fixtures and Trim 4. Faucets, Shower Valves, Supplies & Stops 5. Specialties and Special Systems Test Reports: Submit certifiedrequrrements. lest reports showing compliance wilh the pressure test and disinfection c. 2.1 I I I I I I I I I I T T I PART 2 PRODUCTS PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR WATER DISTRIBUTION A. Exterior Buried: l. Copper Tube, Fittings, and Joint Material: a' copper Tube type K shat be brazed to wrought or cast fittings using AWS crassB Cup brazing filler metal. b. Copper warer tube shall conform to ASTM B-gg. c' wrought copper and bronze sorderjoint frtrings sha, conform to ANst 816.22.d. Cast bronze sold.rjoi". fi;;;;; r;"'conform ro ANS' Bl6.l8. 2. Ductile lron pipe Fittings and Joints: a Ductire iron pipe centnfuga[y cast, thickness crass 2, cement rined, mechanicaljoint,350 psi minimum *orkine oressu.e,,lafing condition A,,as designated byUSA Standard A2 L5l and t fooibu.y. b' Mechanicar joints and fitrings shat be fumished wirh set screw reraining grandsand sha' conform ro ANSUAI'*A c l l 0/A2 l. t 0 and ANSUA**A Cl r l /A2 r. I l . 3. polyvinylchloride Warer pipe, Fitrings, and Joints: Plumbing Systems 15400-2 Logan Gallery t I I T I I b. Rigid polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipe for potable warer sysrems shall conform wirh NSF Standard #14. NSF pw logo shall be aflixed (prinred or molded) on all pipe fittings and joining materials. Materials shall meet requirements ofcell classification 12454-A or -B per ASTM D-1784. Pipe to be IPS size conforming to ASTM D 2241 , be provided with integral bell end steel reinforced gasket and comply with ASTM D 3 139. Pipemarkings shall include nominal and O.D. base sizes, PVC I 120, DR 21, AWWA pressure class 200, ASTM D 2241, manufacturcr name or trademark, production code, and NSF seal, AWWA C-900, UL as appropriate. Certified 800 psi test, in accordance with AWWA loading criteria, must be fumished to the Engineer for supplied pipe. B, Interior Buried: l. Provide Type K annealed copper waler tube conforming to ASTM B-88 with BCup brazed filler metal joints using wrought fittings. 2. Provide continuous tube for all buried tubing using tube bends in lieu of finings. Exterior tube may be coupled where requirements are in excess of standard mill lengths by using wrought pressure couplings with stops, and brazed BCup Joints. Lengths coupled in this manner, where necessary and acceptable to the Engineer, will meet the intent ofthe no fitting requirement of this Specification. Interior buried tube shall meet the same criteria and requirements. C. Interior Tube Supported by Hangers and Clamps: L Provide type L copper tube for all water distribution piping inside building/structure, with wrought copper fittings and couplers up to 6", cast brass or bronze fittings and couplers for sizes 6" and larger. D. Copper tubing system from 2-l12" through 6" may be installed using mechanical pipe couplings ofa bolted type, with a central cavity design pressure responsive gasket along with grooved end copper or bronze fittings, as manufactured by Victaulic Company of American at the Contractor's option. JOINT MATERIAL FOR COPPER PIPING A. Perform soldering or brazing within the following standards and with the acceptable products as follows: d. T I I I I t I e I I I I 2.2 Desimation Type Method ASTM AWSA Class Silver Silver Brazing B-260 5.8 BCup-5 Standard 95-5 Solder ^^.SnSb I Plumbing Systems 15400-3 Logan Gallery t I I ) Maximum MinimumProoerties (Percent) (Percent) Antimony 0 5Copper 80 0 Phosphorous 5 0 Silver 15 0Tin 0 95 I B. Acceptable products: Silver Brazing Materials: 5-l15 (Allstate), "Sil-Fos" (Handyand Harmon), or I Phoson 15 (United Wire and Supply). I 2.3 JOINT MATERIAL FOR SCREWED ptptNc r A. Make-up screwedjoints with not more than three (3) threads showing using Teflon tape or Teflonjoint. sealing compound. r 2.4 SOIL DRAIN WASTE VENT AND STORM PIPE FITTINGS AND JOINTS I A. Exrerior Buried Pipe and Finings: I l. Provide cast iron (centrifugally cast) service weighl (SV) soil pipe with cast iron drainage I fittings. Joint materials and systems shall be hub and spigot with neoprene gaskets and f ryffiT:il|#ing to ASA-021 and ASrM c-s64 sv pattem. Gaskets shall be equal ro 2. Provide polyvinylchloride (PVC) sewer pipe and fittings conforming ro DR-35, ASTM D-3034.I Pipe and fittings shall be bell and spigot type with reinforced rubbir ring gasket inregra-l wirh belljoint, minimum pipe stiffrress at 5% deflection is 46, material ro meet ASTM D-1784. D-2444 and joint tightness in accordance wilh ASTM D-321 2. I .. B. Interior Buried pipe and Fittings: I l. Provide cast iron (centrifugally cast) service weight (SV) soil pipe with cast iron drainagef fittings to a point 5-0" beyond buitding excavation line. Joints materials and sysrem shall be I l3#$?ff:Jl'[ff;i:'l"ii1'*':"T'J:li'.ffiil'iT:l?,i""iii"11] and ASrM I C. Interior Soil Waste and Vent Pipe Supported by Hangers and Clamps: I l. Provide S.V. casl iron pipe No Hub System using neoprene gaskers and Series 300 heavy I duty bonded stainless steel clamp and shield assemblies similar ro Alabama Pipe Co. "No Hub", in accordance with CISPt #301-64T. t D. Copper Waste, Vent and Soil Pipe and Fiuings shall be prohibited on this project.I E. lnterior Srorm Pipe Supported by Hangers and Clamps.I .l l. Provide SV cast iron pipe No Hub Syslem using neoprene gaskets and series 300 heavy dury bonded stainless steel clamp and shield assemblies similar and equal to Alabama Pipe Co. fl "No Hub", in accordance with standard Clspl #301-64T. I I Plumbing Systems I 15400-4 Logan Gallery 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T t I I t F. Where stack pressures may theoretically exceed 50 psi, use "Clamp All" couplings with restrained joints horizontal and vertical up to 80 psig. For pressures above 80 psi or on sump pump and sewer ejector discharge, use schedule 40 ASTM A-53 galvanized steel pipe with threaded cast iron drainage fittings. Roll grooved schedule 40 pipe with Victaulic Style 77M galvanized couplers may be used on horizontal and vertical stacks and mains. Use teflon tape or compound forall threadedjoint make-up. COPPER DRAIN WASTE AND VENT TUBE ABOVE CROLND A. Copper waste, vent and soil pipe and fittings will be acceptable when conforming to the following: l. Type DWV copper (ASTM 8-306) wilh DWV pattem cast copper or bnss solder joinr fittings (ASA 816.23;ASTM 8-62) and 95-5 Class Sn Sb soldered joints. PLASTIC DRATN WASTE AND VENT PIPING A. Plastic drain waste and vent piping maybe installed when in compliance with jurisdictional codes and this specification. Plastic DWV may be either P.V.C. or A.B.S. as required by code and utilizing drainage pattern fittings. P.V.C. (polyvinylchloride) pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM 84-68 with a flame spread rating of 25 or less and shall consist of schedule 40 DWV nattem. D. A.B.S. (acrylonitrile - butadiene - stytene) pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM D-266-67, CS 270-65, schedule 40 DWV pattem. SUBSURFACE AND FOOTING DRAINS A. Provide polyvinylchloride perforated pipe (ASTM D-2729) with P.V.C. fittings and solvent weld joints. Provide four rows of l/4" dia. holes on three inch staggered centers running parallel to the pipe axis. Rows shall be located 100 deg., 135 deg.,225 deg., and 260 deg. from venical per Corps ofEngineers VICKSBERC SPECIFICATION. Exceptions to hole size and locations willnot be granted. ACID RESISTANT DRAIN, WASTE AND VENT A. Polypropylene: l. Acceptable Manufacturers: Sloan Fuseal, Enfield. 2. Provide polypropylene pipe and fittings, Schedule 40, ASTM D2122 Section 4 and 7, *'ith either electrically induced fusion joints or grooved type mechanical joint. B. Class L Acceptable Manufacturers: O-I/SCHOTT Process Syslems, inc. "KIMAX". 2. Provide borasilica glass pipe, traps and fittings with fluorocarbon polymer lined compression couplings for either plain end or beaded pipe and fittings. COMPRESSED AIR A. Provide Type L Copper tubing and wrought copper fitting u'ith "95-5" Class Sn Sb, solderedjoints. B. c. Plumbing Systems 15400-5 Logan Gallery I II 2.10 CoNDENSATE DMIN I A' Provide type DWV copper tubing with drainage finings for pipe sizes l-l/4,, and larger. r B' Provide tpe DWV copper tubing wirh wrought copper finings for pipe sizes smaller than l-l/4,,. I z.n NATuMLcAS sysrEMI A. Buried Exterior pipe and Fiuings I I' Pipe: Schedule40BlackSteel ASTMA-53pipeforbunwelding. I 2. Fittings: Butt weld sreel, ASTM-234. I 3. Wrapping: Scotchwrap l0 mil pVC tape. Standard of sewing Utility Company. I 4. High Density Polyethylene pipe and fitrings; ASTM D-3350: 335434C, ppl:pE 340g/3406, Type IIl, Grade P34 Category 5 per ASTM D I 248, SDR I I pipe. Risers shall be prefabricared I metallic and wrapped or coated. f B. Interior Exposed orAccessible: I . Size I /2" thru I - l /2" (for pressure at or 'less than 6" water column): I Pipe: Schedule 40, ASTM A 53, Crade B Finings: Threaded malleable iron I irTlj::"iJiTllleable i.on ground joint, bronze ro iron sear, r 50 rbs. crass, ANSr B2.l and ASTM A I97. I 2. Size 2" and over(All pressures): I pipe: Schedule40,AsTMAl35,TypeSGradeAI i,',llTff ,:ilil11i:l[.1,jj,1"*u nange, ANS' 816.5 and ASrM Aros. I C' Interior concealed non accessible, air plenums and gas pressures above 6', water column:I l. Pipe: Schedule40,ASTMAl35,TypeSGradeA. I 2. Fiuings: Butt weld ASTM A 234 I 3. Unions: 150 lb. forged steel weld neck flange, ANSI 816-5 and ASTM AlO5. r 2.t2 DRATNS - FLOOR DRAINS, ROOF DRAINS, FLOOR SINKS r A. provide drains as scheduled on Drawings. I B. Acceprable Manufaclurers: Zurn, Josam, J.R. Smith, Wade, Jonespec.I I I Ptumbing Systems I 15400-6 Logan Gallery t T T I I 2.13 CLEANOUTS A. General: Cleanouts shall consist ofbronze plug. Floor cleanouts to be furnished with flashing clamp device and set in the center of a 24" x 24" flashing pan except for slab on grade or grade cleanoul applications. B. Acceptable Manufacturers: Zum, Josam, J.R. Smith, Wade, Jonespec. C. Floor Cleanouts (F.C.O.): All F.C.O. to have satin nickel bronze tops except its specified otherwise. I I Floor Surface l. Finished concrete Surface 2. Tiled Surface Slab on Grade Upper Floor oroverCrawl w/Occupied Soaces Spaces Below 56020-15-s8s40 56020-1541-58540 56020- | 2- l 5-58540 56020- t 2- l 54 I -58540 3. Tenazzo Surface 56020-13-15-58540 56020-13-15-41-58540 I 4. Resin Matrix Surface 56020-15-30-58540 56020-15-30-41-58540 ! 5. Carpet 56020-14-15-58540 56020-i4-15-41-58540 6. For warehouse and storage areas where heavy *heel load traflic is possible provide Josam 56040-5- l5-58540 floor cleanouts.I 7. Use Josam 56030 and 56060 series cleanouts with modifications listed above, for spigot or no hub type connections. I , D. Wall Cleanouts (WCO) I l. Provide at base ofall sanitary and storm stacks. 2. For pipe spaces and walls without access: I a. Josam 58890-58540- I 9- l 7 (use tapped C.O. tee) I E. Cleanout Plugs (CO) I l. For accessible pipe spaces and exposed sewer piping (end of main, heel, wyes, etc.) a. Josam 58540 plug with tapped spigot no hub or hub type.! F. Grade Cleanout (GCO)I I L Provide cast iron riser to grade with concrete base under riser wye, and 12 x 12 x 8 " thick concrete pad at grade with cleanout centered in pad. t 2. Josam #56040-58540-5-15 t I Plumbing Systems 15400-7 Logan Gallery I I 2.t4 SANTTARY VENT CAPS A. Acceptable Manufacurers: Josam, J.R. Smith, Wade, Zum, Jonespec. t B. provide Josam #Z67OO-2Ovent caps with securing set screws. I 2)s SAFE PANS AND DMIN FLASHINGS (no plan code)I A. provide one of following systems: t l. 4 lb./sq.ft. sheet lead with 15 lb. asphaltic felt sub pan (underliner). 2' #24 B&S gauge (.021") minimum sheet copper with | 5 lb. asphaltic felt sub pan (underliner). I 3' .040" B&S gauge (.02 I ") minimum sheet copper with l5 lb. asphaltic felr sub pan (underliner). I 4' 40 mil chlorinated polyethylene sheet. 2.16 GAS FIRED STORAGE TYPE WATER HEATERS I A. Acceptable Manufacturers l. A.O. Smirhr : l;oJn",5':'"* 4. p.V.l. lndustries 5. Ruud t 6. State lndustries I B. Description and Schedule: I . Provide glass lined tank rated for 150,300psi test, AGA Certified, and in conformance with Applicable Energy Code. I 2' Provide ASME certified pressure and temperature relief valve, porver bumer, 100%pilotand main bumer, safety shut off, electronic spark ignition. t 3' Provide flue damper with 100% fail safe feature corrosion resislant enameled steel jacket, blanket or approved foam insulation with minimum insulation factor of R=16, Dielectric I Unions for wate. connections, heavy magnesium anode rod, drain valve, with vacuum I breaker combustion chamber access and manhole as applicable. 4. Schedule: As indicated on Drawings. I 5. provide three year standard warranty. 6' Bumerc shall be orificed for equivalent BTUH at altitude of, and calorific value of, gas atI point of installarion. ! I plumbing Sysrems I t5400-8 Logan Callery I I 2.17 PLUMBINC SPECIALTIESI A. Hose Bibbs (HB) I l. Provide in each mechanical equipment room and where indicated on plans, one polished chrome plated hose bibb with 3/4" hose and spout and integral vacuum breaker, lock shield and loose key. I 2. Acceptable Manufacturers: Woodford I 3. Schedule: As indicated on Drawings. r B. Sillcocks (SC) t l. Fumish and install where shown on plans the following sillcocks. Sillcock, housing and vacuum breaker shall be chrome plated bronze finish. Vacuum breaker shall be permanently I affixed to the sillcock so that it will become "non-removable" and vandal-proof. I 2. Acceptable Manufacturers: Woodford I 3. Schedule: As indicated on Drawings. t C. Trap and Supplies Insulation r ' :i";o;.:::]j1ffi,'fi:ilT:J:.;ffifforwhereADAcomprvingravatory/sinknxrures 2. AcceptableManufacturers:Truebro I 2.I8 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT I A. Furnish and install fixtures of the type and quantity as indicated and scheduled on the drawings. All , nxtures, flush valves, and fixture trim shall be of the same manufacturer wherever possible. I B. All exposed metal parts required for the fixture installation shall be chromium plated or provided with t chrome plated cover tube, unless otherwise noted. This includes fixture connections, stops, supplies, "P" traps, etc. I C. Acceptable Manufacturers: |. Enameled steel, cast iron, and vitreous china: Kohler- Eljer - American Standard. I 2- Stainless steel t!?e 304 and 18 gauge minimum: Elkay - Just - Polar - Kohler. 3. Molded Stone: Fiat - Florestone - Stem Williams.I 4. T enazzo: Fiat - Florestone - Stem Williams - Arco. I 5. Fiberglass and Plastic: Kohler - Snyder - Owens Corning - Bradley - Aquaglas - Fiat. 6. Toilet Seats: Olsonite - Beneke - Sperzel. I I Plumbing Systems I 15400-9 Logan Gallery 7. 8. 9. t0. u. Shower Equipment: Symmons - Bradley - Fiat. Garbage Disposers: Waste King - Insinkerator - Whirl-away. Traps, Stops, Supplies, Airgaps, Drains: Kohler - Eljer - American Standard - Bridgeport - Brasscraft - Dearbom. Faucets, Single Lever: Kohler - Eljer - American Standard - Bradley - Valley - Elkay, Delta. Faucets (Standard Two Handle): Sterling - Chicago Faucel - Kohler - American Standard - Eljer - Valley. PART 3. EXECUTION 3.I WATER DISTRIBUTION Preparation: L 2. 5. 6. Field Measurements: Verify dimensions of fixture and equipment locations before proceeding with the Work. Obtain field measurements for work required. Be responsible for the accuracy of such measurements for precise rough-in, and connections of fixtures and equipment. Clean surfaces ofpiping, leave ready for painting or identification as required. All copper tube and fittings shall be reamed and buffed prior to soldering or brazing. The use of50-50 solder ofany class, forjoint makeup or back-up for finishing is prohibited. Refer and conform to the Copper Development Association instructions for proper preparation and installation practice for all soldered and brazed joints. Support water tube in accordance with Section I 5050. Service: The domestic water service, water meter, required valves, etc., to be fumished and installed as required by Jurisdictional water company. Run piping as direct as possible to required connections, and sloped to drain valves at low points for complete system drain-down. Locate drain valves at accessible points within the syslem. Sleeve and caulk wall or floor Denetrations of water services with non-hardenins adhesive sealant compound. Provide unions at connections to fixtures and equipment including valves when union trim is not fumished as a standard part of the equipment trim or where items cannot be removed from line wilhout unions. B.lnstallation: t. 2. J. 4. Plumbing Systems | 5400- I 0 Logan Callery I I I T I I I t 5. Provide adequate allowance for expansion, contraction and vibration in the piping system by isolation, looping and anchoring means- C. Sterilization: I' Sterilize potable water piping with a chlorine solution containing not less lhan 50 parts per million of the pipe volume. Chlorine shall consist of either liquid chlorine or sodium hypochlorite solution. No gas chlorine will be permined. 2. Maintain chlorine solution in the system for a period ofnot less than 8 hours, during which time open and close all valves and faucets at least 3 times. 3. After the sterilization period is completed, flush the entire system with potable water until the residual chlorine content is not greater lhan 0.2 parts per million. SANITARY, VENT & STORM Preparation: l. Field Measurements: Verify rouling and dimensions, equipment and fixture connecrlon Iocations before proceeding with the Work. Obtain field measurements for work required. Be responsible for the accuracy ofsuch measurements for precise rough-in, and connectrons of fixtures, drains and equipment. Installation: l.Service: Make connections to public sanitary sewer as applicable and in accordance with rules and regulations of Jurisdictional utiliry company. Provide bedding, restraints and hangers as appropriate and in accordance with manufacturers recommendarions based upon tlpe of pipe, fittings, joints, and bury depth using final finished grading as the basis. Piping shall be run true, plumb, and straight, ',r'ith all restraints and hangers adjusted to carry their proportional load and locked to prevent pipe "wag" misahgnmenr, movement or shear. Provide anchors for piping risers on every floor using riser clamps, wall brackets, knee brackets, and foot blocks for all verlical piping over 20 feet straighr height. 5' Fumish and install all soil, waste and vent piping for the complete sanitary system rn accordance with jurisdictional code requirements. All soil and waste piping shall be run at a slope of nor less than l/4" per foot (2.08%) All storm piping 4"andovershall be run at a slope of not less than l/8"(1.04%)perfootoras noted on drawings. Bushings in soil waste or vent piping shall be prohibired. Tapped spigors or tees shall be used when changing from cast iron pipe lo steel $.aste or vent piping, and for appropriate cleanout plug. 3.2 B.I t 2. J. I I .l 6. 7. I I I I t I Plumbing Systems | 5400- l I Logan Gallery 8. 9. t0. I l. T I I I I 12. 13. I I I The waste connections between fixtures and lheir respective collection and venting systems shall consist of galvanized steel nipples and cast iron drainage finings copper nipples are prohibited. All interior waste, soil, and vent piping up to l - l /4" shall consisr ofgalvanized steel with cast iron drainage fittings, all piping l-l/2" and over shall consist of S.v. cast iron soil pipe and fittings. All pipe and fittings shall have aflixed thereon the clspl grade mark of identification. All vents shall be installed through the roofofat least the minimum size as required by jurisdictional code and shall be cast iron. vens shall be secured rigidly to eliminare "wagging". All vents protruding through the roofshall be not less than 3" size and extended to not less than I2 inches above the finished roof, and flashed per roofing manufacturers recommendation. All vents shall be located in accordance with jurisdictional code and in no case less than two (2) feet from roofedge or parapet, or wall line ofan ,,on the roofstructure". 14. Provide all expansion joints, braces, earthquake restraints as required by the contract documents and jurisdictional authority. COPPER DRAIN WASTE AND VENT TUBE A. All soil and waste lines below ground floor or buried below grade shall be SV cast iron pipe and fittings with gasketed joints. Vents shall be type DWV or L copper with cast copper or brass drainage pattem fittings and shall terminate at least 12" above the finished roof construction, and flashed with self sealing neoprene boots with integral lead or copper flashing pans. Bushings for soil, waste, drainage, or vent lines shall not be used. Provide 50-50 Class Sn Pb soldered joinrs. Support vertical soil, waste, drainage, stacks and vents from building srructure with padded riser clamps, allow for adequate expansion ofall copper piping. 3.4 PLASTIC DRAIN WASTE AND VENT PIPTNC Plastic piping shall be instalted wilh caution towards expansion and contraction characteristics. The piping shall be free to flex and move without bindings. The pipe shall be securely anchored at the roof lo prevent movement at the roof penetrations. Roofpenetrations shall be made with self-sealing neoprene boots with integral lead or copper flashing pans. Provide solvent weld ioints. B. B. c. 3.3t I I I I I t I I I I c. D, E. Plumbing Systems | 5400- l 2 Logan Callery B. B. c. F. G. 3.5 3.6 T I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I t D. Support vertical soil, waste, drainage stacks and vents from building stnrcture with padded riser clamps. NATURAL GAS SYSTEM Preparation: l. Field Measurements: Verify routing and dimensions, equipment and fixture connection localions before proceeding with the Work. Obtain field measurements for work rcquired- Be responsible for the accuracy ofsuch measurements for precise roughin and connections of equipment. Installation: l.Install "tee" fining with bottom outlet fined with a line size 6" long nipple and capped at bottom ofpipe risers or drops. Use dielectric unions where dissimilar metals are joined together. Remove cutting and threaded buns before assembling piping. Plug each gas outlel, including valves, with threaded plug or cap immediately after installation and to remain until continuation of piping or equipment connections are completed. DRAINS A. Coordination: I . Coordinate placement with other trades and building structure for elimination of interference. Preparation: l. Field Measurements: Verify locations of equipment before proceeding with installation. Obtain measurements and be responsible for the accuracy ofsuch measurements and precise fitting, rough-in and placement of finished work. Drain, strainer, and grate finishes shall be as specified, cover all finished surface surfaces during construction to prevent damage. Install drains with "P" pattem traps and vents as required. All drain bodies shall be plugged during construction to prevent foreign obstacles, dirt concrete etc. from entering the drain and drainage piping. Drains shall be set flush and level rvith finished surfaces, with grate pattem parallel or perpendrcular to adjacent walls or floor pattems. Flash all drains on roofs, upper floors, and floor over crawl spaces with 24" x24" minimum flashing pans. Shower pans shall be tumed up in walls to a minimum of 6" above the shower receptor threshold. 2. J. ^ D. E. Plumbing Systems I 5400- l 3 Logan Gallery I I 7.1 ^I-EANOUTStI A. Provide cleanouts at 50 feet on center fior all interior sanitary and storm piping, 100 feet on center for all exterior sanitary and storm piping or as required byjurisdictional code. B. Provide appropriate access tops for imposed construction. C. Coordinate interior floor cleanout locations with contractor for Division - Concrete, ' D. Provide 24" x24" minimum flashing pans and clamp devices for all cleanouts located on upper floors or floors over crawl spaces. r E. Clean and polish all cleanout access covers prior to final inspection. I F. Cleanout access covers shall be flush and level with finished building surfaces.t C. Install cleanout plugs on exposed or accessible piping. I H. Provide wall cleanouts where piping is concealed in walls or non accessible chases, use tapped cleanout lee or tapped extension to within 4" of wall face. Do not use no-hub type blind plugs for wall cleanouts. I I. Provide 12" x 12" x 8" thick 3000 lb. concrete pads for all grade cleanouts. Concrete shall be in accordance with Division 3 - Concrete. Tops ofpads to be l" above finish grade and cleanout access I flush and level and centered in pad surface. I 3.8 SANITARY VENT TERMTNALS (vpvc) I A. lnstall where shown on drawings, vandal resistant vent caps a minimum of 14" above the roofsurface. i B. Secure dome and entire assembly tight to pipe. I 3.9 SAFE PANS AND DRAIN FLASHINGS (NO PLAN CODE) I A. Provide safe pans forall showerbases, shower rooms, wet rooms and kitchen areas. Pans shallextend I wall to wall and tum up at least 6" above finish floor level or laid over non puncturing base such as heavy asphaltic felt, fine sand that bears no silica, or other acceptable material. I B. All drains on upper floors or over crawl spaces shall be flashed with flashing extendrng a minimum of 12" beyond the drain top dimensions. I C. Seams to be folded and shaped as required:I I . Solder lead seams. 2. Solder sheet copper seams with 50/50 (50% tin, 50% lead) or 45/55 (45% tin, 55% lead) commercial grade solder. 3. Solvent weld chlorinated polyethylene seams. t I I I I H. Clean and polish all drain bowls, rims, strainers, and grates prior to final inspection. I Plumbing Sptems I 5400- r 4 Logan Callery l I I I t I t I I t I I t I I T I T I 3. t0 CAS FIRED STORAGE TYPE WATER HEATERS Set level and plumb, adjust burners to proper flame, ser temperature, and verify, to 120 deg. F minimum setting. Coordinate installation of flue, draft diverter and flue accessories with Sheet Metal Contracror. Provide ASME temperature and pressure reliefvalve with full size discharge piped and air gapped to nearest floor drain or other acceptable receptacle. Provide vacuum breakers, hose and drain valve, mixing valve, blending chamber, shut off valves and dielectric connections. 3.t I PLUMBING SPECIALTIES Hose Bibbs or Sillcocks: l. Each hose bibb, hose valve or sillcock shall be installed with accessible ball valve or stoo and drain valve in branch line ahead of outlet. 2. Anchor all sillcocks with anchor flange provided by the manufacturer. Backflow Prevention Devices: L Provide 8 inch diameter funnel one inch below back{low preventer discharge. Funnel to be supponed from adjacent piping or building structure in an approved manner by means of angle iron, pipe clamps, Unistrut clamps, charge pipe from funnel as required and open sire drain to floor drain. Install clean and test assemblv in place in accordance with the state of Colorado Cross Connection Control Manual. c.Relief Valves: 3.t2 l. Each reliefvalve shall be installed with a drain, full size ofreliefvalve opening, piped to floor drain location. Open site drain to floor drain or service sink. FIXTURES ANDTRIM Examination: Examine the contract documents and provide all necessary attachments, accessones, support equipment and materials as necessary to fit allocated spaces. Field Measurements: Verify all dimensions and installation requirements so that work can be accurately fitted to other constnrction and in accordance with the intent of the contract documents. Be responsible for accuracy of measurements and adequate space requirements for the precise fitting and assembly of finished work Provide fixture supplies and stops on every individual fixture or appliance. Stops shall be compression by compression types with flexible straight copper tube risers, loose key, screrv driver or wheel handle stops. Provide one key per fixture for all loose key (L.K.) stops. B. c. D. B. 2. B. c. D. Plumbing Systems r5400-15 Logan Gallery I I I E. All components, stops, risers, inlet pipe and escutcheon shall be chrome plated brass, polished stainless steel, or special finish as specified for fixture trim. F. Flush valves, supplies and stops shall be anchored rigidly behind walls, eliminating push or pull movement. Minimum Minimum Allowable Test Test Pressure**Allowable Pressure Period VarianceService Test Methods (psig) (minutes) (psig) H2O CA I G. All wall and floormounted fixtures shall be caulked with a non-hardening white or fixture colormatch I for colored fixtures adhesive elastomeric sealant compound providing a watertightseal at thejoint with the walls or floor. I H. Adjustment: Adjust all flush valves, faucets, metering devices, shower heads, gas, air and vacuum | il;:.::;:"ff:",_.:#::"'.*_ffi:_"ra,.rsand I 3.I3 TESTING I A. Schedule of Testine t I I I I I I I I I I . Potable Warer X X 125 60 -O- Pipe Valves & Fittings 2. Sanirary Storm Vent System X X 5 60 +lt2 3. Natural Gas Threaded Pipe X l0 3 Hrs -0- Welded Pipe and X 60 3 Hrs -0- systems carrying gas at pressures gleater than 6" water column 4. Compressed Air X 200 30 + llz rr H20 = Water (hydrostatic test) CA = Oil Free Compressed Air B. ln lhe event that tests fail, use a standard soap and brush inspection under line pressure. After source of failure is discovered, correct and retest system. Repeat procedure until system sustains required testing successfully. I Plumbing Systems T 15400-16 Logan Callery I I t I I t t I I I I I I I I C. Verification of tests shall be made by the General Superintendent or the Constnrction Manager. The witness shall sign rhe required test form. D. All joints, valves, fittings and piping necessary items shall be exposed to view during tests whether pipe is above or below ground. "Closed in" or "Buried" piping shall be re-exposed during testing. E. Proper restraining ofpiping and test plugs shall be accomplished prior to tcst. F. Test Records: Record pressure and ambient tempedlturc at start and end of test. Submit winen results oftest to the Architect/Engineer. END OF SECTION I I I I Plumbing Systems I 5400- | 7 Logan Callery I I rl I "t'l rl I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I i I t I I SECT|ON 15500 HVAC PIPINC AND PUMPS t PART I -CENERAL I l.l woRK NCLUDED r A. The Work includes, but is not limited to, the following materials and methods common to HVAC Prprng ano pumps: l. HydronicSpecialties 2. Hydronic Water Piping 3. Pumps 4. HVAC Chemical Treatment 5. Temporary Heating 6. Engine Exhaust Piping 7. Testing 1.2 RELATED WORK A. The General Conditions, Supplernartary Conditions and Division l, General Requirements apply to this Section, and Contractor shall review and adhere to all requirernants ofthese documents. B. Section 15500 Contractor shall review all Sections of Division I 5 for coordination and extent ofwork. Review Sections 15050 - Basic Materials and Methods for Work not specified in this Section. I 13 WORK INSTALLED BUT FURNISHED LTNDER oTHER SECTIoNS:t A. Two-way automatic control valves B. Three-way automatic control valves C. Aquastats D. Automatic insertion-tvoe flow indicators 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Welder Qualifications: Welding shall be performed by an NCPWB Certified Weldet with current certificate in accordance with ANSI 831.9 for shop and project site welding ofpiping work. I 1.5 REFEREN.ESI A. Appropriate standards of ARI, ASA, ASHRAE, ASME, ASTM, AWS, CDA, NDPWB, MSS, OSHA I and UL apply unless indicated otherwise. - I HVAC Piping and Pumps 15500-l Logan Gallery a I I I 1.6 suBMrrrALS I 'r A' ilT:l*i#ilfl::1i;:tTi*:'rortherorrowingitemsinaccordancewith[section0r700and] I l. HydronicSpecialties - 2. All piper i filllffi#L:i'ff"1fff:" _. 5. Test Reports 6. Certificates I ' B' Il1,l,lTff;,?,llT:t;:':;ffi:1,-torts for the fo,owing showing compriance in accordance with I l Piping pressure lest I C. Certificates: Before proceeding with the Work, submit to the Engineer, two copies of Certification that I the welding work *ill b, don" u".ording to ANSI B3l .I by welders who have been tested and whose _ qualifications test sheets are available, attesting to their ability to weld in accordance with Standard Procedure Specifications as established by the National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau. a 1.7 OPERAT]ON AND MAINTENANCE DATA I A. Submit printed Operation Instnrctions and Maintenance Data for the following items in accordance - with Section 15010 [and Section 01700]: l. All pumps and pump packages I 2. HVAC chemical treatmealt I I.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I , A. Inspect all items upon delivery for damage, taking appropriate steps to correct problems in timely - fashion to meet the project scheduling. - B. Store items in a secure area, protected fiom weather and damage. I 1.9 EXrRA srocK I A. Provide su{Iiciernt chemicals to maintain specified concentrations in HVAC Piping Systems during the ll one-year warranty period. I PART 2 . PRODUCTS r 2.1 HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES, A. Air Separators t l. TankType D ! t T HVAC Piping and Pumps | 5500-2 Logan Gallery C. D. t I t I I I I I l I I I t I I I I I I T a. Acceptable manufacturers: Bell and Gossett, Amtrol, Armstrong, Taco, Bryan, John Wood. b. Provide air separators of size and capacity indicated on Drawings. Provide with Victaulic grooved outlets 2" and larger. c. Combination Air Separators/Strainers: Sleel, tested and stamped in accordance with ASME Code for 125 psig operating pressure with galvanized steel integral strainer having 3/16" perforations, inlet and outlet connections and intemal stainless steel air collector tube. Provide blowdown connection to facilitate routine cleaning ofthe unit. Units to be provided with National Board lnspection. Horizontal In-Line a. Acceptable manufacturers: Bell and Gossett, Amtrol, Armstrong, Taco. b. Heavy-duty cast iron body with integral weir to decelerate water flow, 175 psig and 300oF maximum, three threaded ports forpressure relief, expansion tank and air vent connections. B.Diaphragm-Type Expansion Tanks 2. l. 2. 3. t. 2. .). Air Vents I . Manual Type: Short vertical section of2" diameter pipe to form air chamber, with I /4" copper tubing to a petcock, 125 psig minimum operating pressure. 2. Automatic: Cast iron body and cover, stainless steel bolts and nuts, bronze pilot mechanism, 3/4" NPT inlet, minimum 3/8" NPT outlet, up to 250oF working temperature and up to I 50 psi working pressure. Non-Electric Thermostatic Valves Acceplable manufacturers: Bell and Gossett, Amtrol, Armstrong, Taco, John Wood. Provide tanks of size and capacity shown on Drawings. Construction: Welded steel, tested and slamped in accordance with ASME Code for a working pr€ssure of 125 psig with flexible diaphragm sealed into tank, and steel legs or saddles. Diaphragm to be compatible with propylene glycol. Working temperature of240oF maximum. Non-diaphragm tanks are not acceptable. Accessories: Pressure gauge and air-charging fitting, tank drain; precharge as indicated on drawings. Acceptable manufacturers: Honeyrvell Braukmann, Ammark, Danfoss, Ista, Spirax-Sarco. Nickel or chrome plated brass body in angle or straight flow pattem, synthetic valve disc, brass or stainless steel valve stem, 150 psi/250"F maximum operating pressure/temperature, maximum l5 psi steam operaling pressure, union NPT or sweal connections. Thermostatic actuator to be a self-contained non-electric temperature regulating unit with a wax-type sensor. Actuator to be directly mounted on valve body with either an integral sensor, a remote sensor bulb or a remote sensor adjuster. Temperature adjustmant shall be indicated by consecutive numbers spanning a minimum range of 50"F to 80"F. Actuator handle shall permit complete shut-offof valve. Caoacities HVAC Piping and Pumps r 5500-3 Logan Gallery I I :l I t I I I I I Valve Size GPM of Water at Cv BTUH of Steam at 2psi OP Straight Angle Straight Angle t/2"t.4 z.)l7 zt 314"2.9 2.9 27 27 lx 5.0 3.9 36 33 2.2 HEATING, AND GLYCOL WATER PIPING Steel, Welded and Threaded l. Pipe, 2" & Smaller: ASTM A53, Schedule 40 black buttweld or continuous welded steel. 2. Pipe,2-112" & Ltrger: ASTM A53, Grade A or B, Schedule 40 black seamless steel 3. Fittings, 2" & Smaller: ASTM A 197, 150 pound black malleable iron screwed. 4. Fittings, 2-112" & Larger: ASTM A234, Schedule 40 weld fittings 5. Unions: Refer to Section 15050 6. Gaskets, All Sizes: 150 pound l/16 inch full faced-punched 7. Bolting: ASTM A307, Grade B, regular square head machine bolts with heavy hex nuts. 8. Flanges, All Sizes: ASTM A l8 I , Grade I, I 50 pound slip-on or weld neck flat faced. Copper, 2" and less l. Tube sizes up through 2" to be ASTM B88, Type L, hard drawn. 2. Fittings: ANSVASME 816.29 wrought copper. 3. Joints: ANSI/ASME 832 solder Grade 95TA. CROOVED STEEL PIPING SYSTEM Acceptable manufacturers: Victaulic, Grinnell Heating, water piping above grade may be constructed using mechanical grooved pipe couplings, fittings and butterfly valves. When this system is used, all components shall be obtained from a single manufacturer. Mixing of components from different manufacturers shall not be permined, and if such occurs, the contractor shall replace the system to meet the single manufacturer requiremext without additional cost or time penalties to the project and its completion schedule. Heating, water piping includes risers, mains, equipmant connections, branches, supply and retum lines under operating conditions not exceeding -20oF to +200'F. l. Pipe, 2" & Smaller: ASTM A53, Schedule 40 black buttweld or continuous welded steel, square cut grooved to coupling manufacturer's specification, standard weight steel pipe. 2. Pipe,2-l /2" & Larger: ASTM A53, Grade A or B, Schedule 40 black seamless steel, square cut grooved to coupling manufacturer's specification, standard weight steel pipe. 3. Grooved piping 2" and smaller shall not be permitted. 4. Couplings: Line and fittingjoints to be Victaulic Style 75 or 77 with Grade "E" gaskets and plated nuts and bolts. 5. "Rigid" line fitting and valve joints to be Victaulic Style HP-07 Couplings with Grade"E" gaskets and plated nuts and bolts. B. A. B. c. D. I I I I I I I I t HVAC Piping and Pumps | 55004 Logan Gallery 10. 1A 2.5 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 9. 7. Joints designated Outlet Couplings to be plated Victaulic Style 72 or 72-BFV with Gtade "E" gaskets and plated nuts and bolts. Joints designated Reducing Couplings to be Victaulic Style 750 with Grade "E" gaskets and standard nuts and bolts. Flanged components connections to be Victaulic Style 741 and 742 Vic-Flanges with Grade "E" gaskets. Fittings: Victaulic "Full Flow" malleable iron or ductile iron or segmental welded fittings with grooved or shouldered ends. Valves: Butterfly valves 6" and smaller to be Victaulic Series 700 or 300 with latch-lock throttling handles, Grade "E" linings and standard trim. Buttrefly valves 8" and larger - Style 300 or 709. EQUIPMENT DRAINS AND OVEMLOWS A. 3/4" thru 3": Copper tube, ASTM B88, Type M, hard drawn, ANSVASME 816.29 wrought copper fittings, ANSI/ASME 832 solder Grade 95TA. B. 4" and Larger: Steel, ASTM A53, Grade A or B, Schedule 40, black seamless with ASTM A234 Schedule 40 weld fittinss. HYDRONIC PUMPS Horizontal InJine Centrifu gal l. 2. J. 4. Acceptable manufacturers: Bell & Gossett, Armstrong, Taco, Paco, Allis-Chalmers, Aurora. Pumps shall be selected for quiet operation. Pump curve shall be submitted for review, capacities and model number as shown on Drawings. Motor to be non-overloading throughout the range of the pump curve and in accordance with Section 15050 Motor Requirements. Pump shaft shall be alloy steel, and hall have bronze sleeve-type bearings. Pump seal shall be ofthe mechanical qpe. B.Verti cal In-Line Cortrifugal l. 2. J. f. 6. 7. Acceptable manufacturers: Bell & Gosseft, Armstrong, Taco, Paco, Aurora, Allis-Chalmers. Provide pumps ofthe sizes and capacities indicated on Drawings. Pumps to be ofthe in-line type, close-coupled, desigred for installations having a vertical shaft orientation, and be capable of sewicing without disturbing piping connections. Pumps casing to be of Class 30 cast iron. Impeller to be cast bronze, anclosing type, dynamically balanced, keyed to shaft and secured by locking capscrew. Liquid cavity shall be sealed off at motor shaft by an internally-flushed mechanical seal having a ceramic seal seat and carbon seal ring, suitable for continuous operation at225oF. A bronze shaft sleeve shall completely cover the wetted area under the seal. Pumps to be rated for minimum I 75 psi working pressure. Casing shall have gauge tappings at suction and discharge nozzles and shall have vent and drain ports. Volute housing shall have a recessed cup for pipe stand mounting. Motor shall be non-overloading throughout range ofpump curve and be in accordance with Section 15050 motor requirements. Each pump shall be factory tested, thoroughly cleaned and painted with a minimum one coat ofhigh-grade machinery enamel prior to shipment. HVAC Piping and Pumps 15500-5 Logan Gallery 2.6 I I I I t I I I I I t I t I I t I I I C. End-Suction Centrifugal, Flexible Coupled l. Acceptable manufacturers: Bell & Gossett, Armstrong, Taco, Paco, Allis-Chalmers, Aurora. 2. Provide pumps and motors of sizes and capacities scheduled on Drawings. Pump manufacturer to check suction condition on pumps, and provide pumps suitable fior operation at proper net pump suction head (NPSH). 3. The pumps shall be single stage, erd suction, vertical split case desigr, in casl iron and bronze fitting constructed. The pump internals shall be capable of being serviced without disturbing piping connections or motors. 4. The impeller shall be ofthe enclosed type, dynamically balanced and keyed to the shaft and secured with a suitable lockrut. 5. Pump seal shall be standard single mechanical seal with carbon seal ring and ceramic seat. 6. A rcplaceable shaft sleeve shall be fumished to cover the wetted area ofthe shaft under the seal or packing. 7. The bearing frame assembly of the pump shall be fitted with regreaseable ball bearings equivalent to electric motor bearing standards for quiet operation. 8. The pump and motor shall be mounted on a common baseplate of heavy structural steel design with securely welded cross members and opar grouting area. A flexible coupler, capable of absorbing torsional vibration, shall be employed between the pump and motor, and it shall be equipped with a suitable coupling guard as required. 9. The pump shall be faclory tested, thoroughly cleaned, and painted with one coat of machinery enamel prior to shipment. A set ofinstallation instruction shall be included with the pump at the time. 10. Motor to be non-overloading throughout the range of the pump curve and in accordance with Section 15050 motor requirements [Motors served by variable frequancy drives shall be fumished to Section 15500 Contractor by Section 15950 Contractor.l D. Pump Specialfies 1. Suction Diffuser: Cast or ductile iron body to match piping system, 175 psig working pressure, stainless steel diffuser/orifice cylinder having 3/16" perforations, full lenglh stainless steel straightening vanes in-stream magnet for pump seal protection, start-up strainer of l6 mesh bronze, adjustable foot support. HVAC CHEMICAL TREATMENT Genera'l 2. t.Qualifications: The water treatment contractor shall be a firm which has been regularly engaged in the manufacture and assembly of water treatment formulations and equipment systems for a period of at least fug years. The chemical manufacturer shall provide supervision and service for all phases of water treatment as follows: b. Field supervision for the installation of all equipment systems and for the initial charging ofeach s)stem with chemicals as called for. Complete start-up sewice to acquaint owner's operating personnel with the operation and adjustment ofeach equipment system, care and handling oftreatment chernicals, and water lest control procedures. HVAC Piping and Pumps l5500-6 Logan Gallery I I I t I I I I I l I I I t I I I t I c. Complete water analyses to be conducted on the owner's premises at the time of each service call with a written report oflhe findings to be left with the ovvner and a copy ofsuch report to be forwarded to the consulting engineer. 3. Supplies: All items ofwater treatment equipment specified in this section are available to any bona fide manufacturer or supplier of water treatment chemicals- There shall be no deviation from or substitution of the specified items. All materials specified in this section shall be provided by a single water treatment firm. Provide chemicals as hereinafter specified for cleaning and for the control of scale, corrosion, and microbiological growths in all water- using systems. The quantity of chemicals fumished shall be sufficient to develop desired treatment levels in all systems from the time of start-up until acceptance by the Owner. 4. Waste Water Standards: Discharges from any chemically treated system to storm or sanitary sewers shall not result in contaminant levels which are in excess ofstandards as set forth by appropriate water pollution control authorities. B. Materials L Chemicals shall be suitable to local conditions and be approved by local health and building officials. 2. System Cleaner: a. Liquid alkaline compound with emulsifying agorts and detergenls to remove grease and petroleum products. b. Algaecide 3. Inhibited Propylene Glycol a. DowFrost HD or equivalent for systems with concentrations of 30olo or less. Reserve alkalinity of l9 minimum. b. DowFrost or equivalent for systems with concentrations of 3l% or greater. c. Propylene glycol to be industrially inhibited (phosphate-based). d. When installed in water systems containing more than 250 gallons of glycol, the glycol manufacturer shall provide an annual water/glycol analysis free ofcharge. e. Glycol shall pass ASTM Dl 384. 4. Closed System Treatment (Water): a. Sequestering agent to reduce deposits and adjust pH. b. Corrosioninhibitors,non-chromate. c. Conductiviw enhancers C. Equipment l By-pass (Pot) Feeder: Five gallon, quick opening cap, for working pressure of I75 psig minimum. Provide filter feeder to remove suspended matter. 2. Solution Metering Pump: Posilive displacement, diaphragm pump with adjustable flow rate, thermoplastic construction, continuous-duty fully enclosed electric motor and drive, and built-in reliefvalve. 3. Solution Tanks: Fifty gallon capacity, polyethylene, self-suppofting, one five gallon graduated markings; molded fiberglass cover with recess for mounting pump, agitator, and liouid level switch. HVAC Piping and Pumps 15500-7 Logan Gallery 4. 9. B. c. D, I I l I I I I I I I T t I T I I t I I 5. 6. 7. 8. l. D.Test Equipment a. b. d. Alkalinity fitration test kit. Chloride titration test kit. Sulphite titration test kit. Total hardness trnation test kit. Low phosphate test kit. Conductivity bridge, range 0 - 10,000 microhm Creosol red pH slide complete with reagent. Portable electronic conductiviW meter. Hieh nitrile test kit. Agitator: totally enclosed explosion-proof electric motor, stainless steel clamp and motor mount, 5/8" diameter coated Tlpe 3 l6 stainless steel propeller. Liquid Level Switch: Pollpropylene housing with integrally mounted PVC air trap, receptacles for connection to metering pump, and low level alarm. Conductivity Controller: Packaged monitor controller with solid state circuiting, five percent accuracy, linear dial adjustment, built-in calibration switch, on-offswitch and light, control function light, output to control circuit. Water Meter: Displacement type cold water meter with sealed, tamper-proof magnetic drive, impulse contact register, single pole, double throw dry contact switch. Solenoid Valves: Forged brass body globe pattem, normally open or closed as required, explosion proofand watertight solenoid enclosure, and continuous duty coil. Timers: Electronic timers, infinitely adjustable over full range, 150 second and five minute range, mounted together in cabinet with hands-off-automatic switches and status lights. Provide white eramel test cabinet with local and fluorescent light, capable of accommodating 4 - l0 ml zeroing titrating burettes and associated reagents. Provide the followine test kits: e. f. h. 1. 2.7 HEATING WATER MAKE-UP WATER SYSTEM Acceptable Manufacturers: Sage Ind., Inc., or acceptable equal. Provide Glycol Feed system as shown on the drawings (one for each system) shall consist of a 55 gallon polyahylene tank with a removable polyethylene tank cover. A 12" suction and under drain system, with hose bibb, for draining the tank, and a pump shut-off valve. The tank shall be supported by four steel legs with foot pads and the pump mounted under, for positive suction, as an integral part ofthe tank. The control cabinet shall be NEMA 4X fiberglass box. The following components shall be mounted on the inside panel: Low liquid level alarm light, low liquid level alarm silencer switch, pump test switch, and pump operating, indicating light. A 0{0 psi system pressure gauge, an adjustable drum low level sensor shall prevent the positive displacement pump from operating when the tank liquid level is low and shall also audibly sound an alarm when tank level waming alarm. A 3-35 psi adjustable pressurc switch shall control the system pressure. Thepump shall be an Oberdorfer, all bronze, rotary gear pump with a 1/3HP 1725rym molor mounted integrally with the pump. The pump shall be designed to produce 1.8 gpm at 40 psig. Electrical characteristic: 120V l60HAl phase/l/3 HP. HVAC Piping and Pumps 15500-8 Logan Gallery E. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 I t I I t I I I I I I I I T I I I I I F. The Gfycol Feeder discharge shall consist of a 3/4" check valve, 3/4" threaded female "T", for connecting the Glycol Feeder to the system piping, and a WalB pressure relief valve set at 50 psig, which will dump any closed system over pressure, back into the Glycol Mixing Tank. Provide a Hand-Operaled Rotary Transfer pump equal to Wetcorp Model WC-551031 with 8 feet of I inch hose and a non-sparking 3/4" nozzle for the transferring ofglycol from the glycol container to the glycol feed tank. The pump shall have a I inch suction pipe, and bung adapter with 2 inch thread. PART3. EXECUTION PIPE WORKMANSHIP A. Piping shown on the drawings shall be installed complete, and shall be of the size shown on the drawings. When size is not indicated, the sub-contractor shall request lhe pipe size fiom the Architect/Engineer through the General Contractor. All piping shall be installed parallel or perpendicular to the building construction. All piping shall be installed so as to allow for expansion. Install saddles and shields per Section I 5050. PIPINC JOINTS A. All pipe shall be reamed to full pipe diameter before joining. Screwed joints shall be made with standard pipe thread and an approved compound applied to the male thread only. Weldedjoints shall be made in accordance with the procedure outlined in National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau, or by other reputable testing laboratory or agency. Subcontractor shall use only "Threadolet" or "Weldolet" fittings for intersection welding ofbranches to mains or Victaulic Style970-92l mechanical tee. Valves and specialties shall have screwed or flangedjoints. No bushings allowed. EXPANSION JOINTS, ANCHORS AND GUIDES A. Refer to Section I 5050 - Basic Mechanical Materials & Methods for specification on expansion joints, anchors and guides. B. Pipe anchors shall be installed as shown and at the closest feasible point to all changes in pipe direction and elevation and at main branch take-offs, except at expansion loops. All piping shall be supported, anchored, braced and guided to control expansion-contraction and pipe movement due to pressure or shock, and to result in quiet operation. AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVES A. Install automatic control valves as required and specified in Section [15950] [ 5960] [5975]. EQUIPMENT DRAINS AND OVERFLOWS A. Provide condensate drain lines from each cooling coil, evaporative drain pan and secondary drain pan to drain or termination indicated. B. Provide 3/4" Type M copper drain pipe to nearest floor drain from drain tray ofductwork downstream of each duct mounted humidifier. HVAC Piping and Pumps 15500-9 Logan Gallery B. 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.1| I I I t T I t t I I I I I I I I I I I 3.6 AIR VENTS A. At all changes in elevation downward in direction offlow, and where shown, provide a manual air vent as follows: install a full size air chamber and pipe down with li4" copper tubing at a petcock. If lhe vert is above a ceiling, install the petcockjust above the ceiling. Provide air vent fittings (manual) on hydronic coils. B. Automatic air vents on air separators shall be provided with a shut-off valve between vent and separator. Pipe air relief full size 1o nearest floor drain. PIPING CONNECTORS A. Install flexible pipe connectors at equipment coils and pumps and elsewhere as required to accommodate misalignment and vibration in accordance with Section 15240 - Mechanical Sound and Vibration Control. Victaulic Style 75-77 couplings may also be used per manufacturers latest published recommerdations and independent Nutech Report. AIR SEPARATORS A. Contractor shall remove and clean strainer after 24 hours ooeration and after 30 days. FLOW SWITCHES Contractor shall fumish and install flow switches for mounting in piping where indicated on Drawings and at the chilled water and condenser water piping of each chiller machine. Flow switches shall be mounted in horizontal run at least five diameters downstream from bender tee. 3.1 0 THERMOMETERS AND GAUGES A. Contractor shall furnish and install a set of four adjustable, indicating type, mercury filled thermometers of the separable socket adjustable tlpe in glass faced metal cases. Refer to Section 15050. They shall be placed in the piping adjacent to the machine in the following locations: l. Entering and leaving water lines ofall heat exchanging devices such as chillers, boilers, heat exchangers, cooling towers, water heaters, etc. PIPE SYSTEM TESTING c. General: Provide test pump, gauges, meters, other instruments, materials and labor, in connection with tesls. Pressure Tests: Before testing piping systems, remove or otherwise protect from damage, control devices, air vents and other parts which are not designed to stand pressure used in testing piping. Hydrostatic Pressure: Test hydronically, piping for all services (except pneumatic system compressed air) to 125 psi for at least six consecutive hours, during which lime pressure shall remain constant without pumping. Subject welded joints to the hammer test, and copper joints to soap suds while under hydrostatic pressure. HVAC Piping and Pumps | 5500- 10 Logan Gallery A. B. c. D. B. I I t t I I I I t I I I I I t I t t ?, l? J.t-) HEATING SYSTEM USED FOR TEMPORARY HEAT DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Permanent heating system shall not be used until building is totally and permanently enclosed (no temporary barriers for weather protection), and source ofheat supply is permanently installed. B. Once the heating system has been placed into operation, it shall not be shut down except for moderate weather, and all heated areas shall be maintained at a minimum temperature of5OoF for24 hours a day. C. When any air-handling equipment is used for temporary heat, the filters shall be installed and maintained. Before building acceptance by Owner, these units shall be thoroughly cleaned and new or cleaned filters shall be installed. This is over and above the set of filters to be provided the Owner as called for in the specifications. Coils shall be cleaned, ifnecessary, as determined by the Engineer. D. Any and all slstems being used for lemporary heat shall become the Contractor's responsibility to maintain, and be put into first class work'ing order before acceptance by the Owner E. Any guarantees that start with the use of equipment for temporary heat shall be personally extended by the contracling firm holding the prime contract for construction, so that the Owner will have his one-year guarantee from date of acceptance. IN-LINE TYPE WATER PUMPS Each pump shall be installed dead level, and shall not louch nor rest on any part of the building structure. Electrical connection to each pump shall be made through the use offlexible conduit at least 18" long. Each pump shall be so installed that pump can be completely removed without dismantling or removal ofany piping or valves. No additional motor support will be allowed. Motor and coupling shall be checked and properly aligned in strict accord with manufacturet's instructions. E. Adjacent piping shall be carefully fitted and erected so that pump can be installed or removed fiom pipe line without forcing or springing. F. After system has been completed and pump staded, each pump and s)stem shall be checked for vibration and excessive noise, and any such noise or vibralion shall be immediately conecled. 3,14 BASE MOI.INTED CIRCULATING PUMPS Valves and fittings in piping to pumps to be full line size with rcductions made directly to pump suction (eccantric reducer) and discharge (concentric increaser). Pumps and motors to be leveled and aligned on bases and foundation pads in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and within their recommended tolerances using an indicating micrometer. This is to be done before any piping or electrica'l conneclions are made. After connections have been made andjust prior to placing each pump in operation, recheck levels and alignments. Make adjustments to assure that the thrust is balanced, that shaft rotates freely when turned by hand, and that pump is quietly in operation. When adjustments are completed, tightly bolt and grout motor and pump. I HVAC Piping and Pumps 15500-r r Logan Gallery I t rl I I ,l I I I I I'l 3.15 3.r 6 5.t I PUMP SPECIALTIES A. Provide suction diffusers [on each base-mounted pump and] as indicated on drawings. Remove strainer and clean after pipe system cleaning and 1fo!5y days after subsequent start'up. WATER COUPON RACK A. Provide serpentine series of 3/4" pipe elbows and nipples (8" minimum length) with four capped lees to hold corrosion coupons specified in HVAC Chemical Treatment. Provide in series a flow control fining for 3 to 5 gallons per minute and shut-off valves. B. Pipe in parallel with the water system to be monitored in accordance with piping diagram and instructions provided by HVAC Chemical Treatment Contractor. HVAC CHEMICAL TREATMENT Provide valved tees, piping and threadolets for water treatment apparatus in accordance with HVAC Chemical Treatment Contractor instructions. Size as required, 3/4" minimum. Preparation: System shall be operational, filled, started, and venled prior to cleaning. Use water meter to record capacity in each slstem. Place terminal control valves in open position during cleaning. Cleaning Sequence I I B. c. .,1 I I I I Add cleaner to closed systems at concentration recommended by manufacturer. Hot Water Heating Systems: Apply heat while circulating slowly raising lemPerature to l60oF and maintain for l2 hours minirnum. Remove heat and circulate to l00oF or less; drain systems as quickly as possible and refill with clean water. Circulate for 6 hours at design temperatures, then drain. Refill with clean water and repeat until system cleaner is removed. Use neutralizer agents on recommendation of system cleaner supplier and approval of Architect/Engineer. Flush open systerns with clean water for one hour minimum. Drain completely and refill. Remove, clean, and replace strainer screens. Inspect, remove sludge, and flush low points with clean water after cleaning process is completed. Include disassembly of components as required. D.Closed System Treatment (Heating Water, Glycol) Provide one bypass feeder on each system. Install isolating and drain valves and necessary piping. Install around circulating pumps unless indicated otherwise. Introduce closed system treatment through bypass feeder when required or indicated by test. Provide water coupon rack around circulating pumps with space for four test specimens. Provide sufficient inhibiled propylene glycol, Dow Frost or equivalent, to achieve the following solution concentrations: l. 2. J, ). 6. t. J J. HVAC Piping and Pumps I 5500- 12 Logan Gallery ooI I I I I t I t T I I I I I I I I I I END OF SECTION Solution Systern TlAe Concen- tration Freeze Burst Protect Protect Limit Limit Pressure_ I low Kate I,'TOD ^ 1. uorrectlonLolTecnon Heating Water, too/^All lnterior l"F -300F N/AI N/AT * Water l60oF or HVAC Piping and Pumps r 5500- l3 Logan Gallery I t I PART I.GENERAL I r.r woRK TNcLUDED _ A. The work includes, but is not limited to fumishing and installing the following: I |. Atmospheric, finned straight water tube boilers. . 1.2 RELATED WORK t A. The General Conditions, Supplemantary Conditions and Division I General Requirements applyto this Section, and Contractor shall review and adhere to all requirements ofthese documents. B. Section | 5550 Contractor shall review all Sections of Division l5 for coordination and extent of work. I rJ euALrrY ASSURANcE A. Welder Qualifications: Welding shall be performed by an ASME Certified Welder with current certificate in accordance with ANSI 83 L I for shop and project site welding of piping work. ' 1.4 REFERENCES I A. Reference Standards: Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, complya with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following: I B. Comply with American WeldingSociety(AWS) NationalCertified Pipe Welding Bureau (NCPWB) and t American National Standards Instilute (ANSI) codes as applicable for welding requirements. I C. Comply with American National Standards Institute (ANSI 83 I .l ) Code for Pressure Piping. I 1.5 suBMr'rALS I A. Submir shop Drawings and product data for the following items in accordance with Division l:I l. All boilers and associated equipment. I B. Test Reports: Submit certified Test Reports for the following showing compliance in accordance with General Conditions of the Contract: I l. Boiler start-up tests. 2. Thermal efficiency tests. I C. Certificates: Before proceeding with the Work, submit to the Architect two copies of Certification that I the welding work will be done according to ANSI 83 I .l by welders who have been tested and whose qualification test sheets are available, attesting to their ability 10 weld in accordance with Standard Procedure Specifications as established by the National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau. I T I SECTION 15550 BOILERS I Boilers I 5500- l Logan Gallery B. C. D. 2.1 2.2 2.3 I I t I I I I I I I t I I T T I t I I 1.6 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA Submit printed data lor the following items in accordance *ith Division I and the Operation and Maintenance Paragraph in Section 15010: l. All boilers and associated equipment. , PART 2. PRODUCTS CSD.I COMPLIANCE A. As a minimum, all automatically fired boilers shall be provided with controls and safety devices in accordance with ANSI/ASME CSD-l . Other more stringent conditions may be required by the individual boiler specifications and information provided on the Drawings. Section 15550 Contractor shall meet all requirements. ATMOSPHERIC FINNED STRAIGHT WATER TUBE BOILERS Acceptable manufacturers: Lochinvar, Raypak, Teledyne-Laars. Heat exchanger shall be of the "fin{ube" design, with straight solid copper tubes having extruded integral fins. Tubes shall be securely rolled into the headers with inspection coverplates removable from either end ofthe heat exchanger. Heat exchanger shall be mounted on a steel frame to provide "free-floating" support and be able to withstand the effects of thermal shock. Heat exchanger shall carry a ten-year limited warranty againsl failure caused by defective workmanship or material. Boiler shall bear the ASME "H" stamp and be National Board listed for 160 psig working pressure. The combustion chamber shall be enclosed by high temperature resistant, spall-proof refiactory. Boiler shall be construcled using a l6 gauge jacket, galvanized inside and outside, with a painted finish. Boiler shall be insulated to comply with local energy code requirements. Standard controls and equipment shall include: Copper fin tubes, atmospheric ribbon-type bumers of aluminized steel, 100% safety pilot shutdown, control aquastat, electric high limit, redundant gas valves, manual gas cock, main and pilot gas pressure regulators, master switch, ASME pressure relief valve. Boiler shall meet local energy efficiency standards and be AGA certified or UL approved and listed. E. Bumer shall have an intermittent ignition with electronic flame supervision providing main bumer shutdown upon flame failure firing. Provide modular burner and gas valve assemblies for multiple stages ofheating capacity. Boiler shall be capable of operating at 5" W.C. gas pressure. F. Boiler gas train shall be CSD-I compliant. G. Provide draft hood or barometric damoer as indicated on Drawines. BOILER START-UP AND TEST REQUIREMENTS Boilers 15500-2 Logan Gallery B. c. D. 3.2 J.J 5-+ I I I I l I I I I I T I I I I I I I I J.l A1 a time requested by Division l5 Contractor, the boiler representalive shall adjust and start boiler. Three, typewritten copies of the starting report shall be sent lo the Architect/Engineer pnor to final inspection for insertion into the O&M manuals, submitting a fourth copy directly to the Engineer, and shall include the following information for each boiler. l. Temperature and pressure se ings ofthe boiler. 2. Heating system water pressures, cold and hot. 3. Gas pressure setting. 4. Gas volume being burned. 5. Percent CO and CO. A component and integrated check shall be made of all controls. Factory tests do not substitute for this test. A foreman or superintendent of the Installing Division | 5 Contractor fami liar with the system shall also be present and witness this test. Thermal efficiency shall be80%minimum with CO2 at 9%minimum. Presence ofCOin fluegas orhigh stack temperature will require corrective action by the Contractor. Contraclor shall request and obtain inspection and written approval of the installation by the State Division of Labor prior to building occupancy. PART 3 - EXECUTION BOILER INSTALLATION A. Installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Pertinent details of the design Engineer's plan shall be combined with all rules and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. Provide adequate space as required by manufacturer for servicing including tube removal and replacement. BOILER VENTING A. Boilers shall be vented in accordance with Section 15880 - Air Distribution and Sheet Metal. BOILERWIRING A. All electric wiring for control of boiler operation to be fumished and installed by Division 15 Contraclor. All wiring to be heat and moisture resislanl, minimum 105.C. START-UP SERVICE After completion of installation the heating plant shall be test started in the presence of a representative of the boiler manufacturer and a performance chart of the control system shall be fumished. END OF SECTION Boilers 15500-3 Logan Gallery SECTION I5750 HEAT TRANSFER I PART I -GENERAL I.I WORK INCLUDED I A. The work includes, but is not limited to providing the following: I . Unit Heaters 2. Fan Coil Units 3. Flat Plate Heat Exchangers 4. Air Coils 5. Hurnidifiers 6. Snowmelt Tubing t I I t I I I I r.2 RELATED woRK I A. The General Conditions, Supplernentary Conditions and Division l, Genera'l Requirements apply to this Section, and Contractor shall review and adhere to all requirements ofthese documents. B. Section I 5750 Contractor shall review all Sections ofDivisions I 5 for coordination and extent ofWork. t 1.3 QUALTTY ASSURANCE a Quality control shall be in accordance with Section I 501 0 - Basic Mechanical Requirements.I. 1.4 REFERENCES I A. Reference Standards: Except as mod'ified by goveming codes and by the Contract Documents, comply I with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following: I . Comply with American National Standards Institute, ANSI 83l . I, Piping Code. fl 2. ASHRAE,ASME,ASTMandARI. I l.s suBMrrrALSa A. Submit shop drawings and product data for the following items in accordance with [Section 01 700] the General Condition ofthe Contract: I I . Unit Heaters 2. Fan Coil Unitsr " l;"i:;:n-'"* 5. Snowmelt Tubing I I.6 OPEMTION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Submit printed operating instructions and maintenance data forthe following items in accordance with Heat Transfer I 5750- l Logan Gallery t I I I I [Section 01700 and] Operation and Maintenance Paragraph in Section 15010. | . Unit Heaters 2. Fan Coil Units PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 UNIT HEATERS I Acceptable manufacturers: Trane, Sterling, Vulcan, Dunham-Bush, Ted Reed Thermal, Modine, KHD. Coils: Seamless copper tubing, 0.025 inch minimum wall thickness, silver brazed 1o steel headers, and with evenly spaced aluminum fins mechanically bonded to tubing. Casing: I 8 gauge steel with threaded pipe connections for hanger rods. Finish: Factory apply baked enamel ofon visible surfaces ofenclosure or cabinet. Fan: Direct drive propeller type, statically and dyramically balanced, with fan guard;vertical models with grease lubricated ball bearings. Air Outlet: Adjustable pattern diffuser, four way louvers. Motor: Refer to Section I 5050; horizontal models with permanently lubricated sleeve bearings; vertical models with grease lubricated ball bearings. Control: Local multi-speed disconnect switch. Capacity shall be as indicated on Drawings. 2.2 FAN COIL UNITS (Belt Drive) Acceptable manufacturers: Trane, Intemational, Airtherm, Magic Aire, McQuay, First Co. Units shall consist of coils, drain pan assembly, filter and centrifugal fan with drive, mounted in a common cabinet for independent air delivery from a single unit. Units are complete except for controls.[ All oiling connections shall be extended to exterior of casing to facilitate maintenance without removing sound proofing on exterior of unit.] Casings shall be constnrcted ofgalvanized steel, phosphatized 10 assure paint adherence and finished with baked eramel. Casings shall be provided with internal glass fiber insulation having a minimum R-4 value and meeting NFPA 90A for flame and smoke spread. Units to have duct flanges when attached to ductwork. Coils shall have the number ofrows as indicated on drawings. Aluminum fins shall be mechanically bonded to seamless copper tubes. All coils shall be specifically designed and circuited for water use and shall be leak tested in waler at 200"F with air at 250 psig. Fans shall be forward-curved, double-inlet, centrifugal type equipped with heavy duty adjustable V- belt drive rated to 12070 of motor horsepower. All fans shall be statically and dynamically balanced. B. C. D. E. H. t. F. G. B. I t I I T I C. D. E. I I I I I I I Heat Transfer 15750-2 Logan Gallery t T I I I I T F. Drain pans shall be integrally attached to coil casings and are complete with threaded pipe drain connection. All pans shall be galvanized for corrosion resistance and cover the entire coil length. Drain pans shall be waterproofed to prevent leakage. G. Filters shall be provided on all units, 1" disposable type. Filter access shall be from the side of the unit. H. Motors shall be as scheduled on the plans and be in accordance with Section 15050. 2.3 FLATPLATEHEATEXCHANGERS A. Acceptable manufacturers: Triangle Tube, Tranter, Alfa Laval, Graham, Mueller, Bell & Gossett. B. Frames: Carbon steel with baked epoxy enamel paint, [stainless steel] side bolts and shroud. C. Plates: Type 304 stainless steel, stamped com.rgated surface for increased water turbulence. D. Gaskers: Molded EPDM 2. Headers: Seamless copper or brass tubes wilh silver brazedjoints. 3. Liquid Distributors: Brass or copper venturi type distributor with seamless copper distributor tubes. . E. Nozzles: 150 [300] psig. ASA flange type or grooved pipe. I F. Entire assembly to be rated for 250oF at 150 psig. - 2.4 AIR COTLS I A. Glycol Heating Coils L Acceptable manufacturers: Trane, Carrier, Airtherm, Pace, Marlo Coil, York, Temtrol,t Dunham-Bush. 2. Headers: Cast iron with tubes expanded into header, seamless copper tube with silver brazed joints, or prime coated steel pipe with brazed joints. 3. Testing: Air test under water to 350psig for working pressure of200 psigand 220'F. 4. Configuration: Drainable, with threaded plugs in headers for drain and vent; serpentine type with return bends on smaller sizes and retum headers on larger sizes. 5. Fin spacing shall be from 8 to l8 fins per inch as required to achieve btuh capacity and air pressure drop indicated on Drawings. B. Refrigerant Cooling Coils l. Acceptable manufacturers: Trane, Carrier, Airtherm, Pace, Marlo Coil, York, Temtrol, Dunham-Bush. T I I I I I I t HeatTransfer T r 5750-3 Logan Gallery A. B. c. 2.5 I I :l t I t I D. F. G. rl I t T I 2.6 I I T I I I t 4. Testing: Air test under water at 300 psig for working pressure of300psig; clean, dehydrate, and seal with dry nitrogen charge. 5. Configuration: Down feed with bottom suction to prevent trapping ofoil. 6. Fin Spacing shall be from 8 to | 8 fins per inch as required to achieve btuh capacity and air pressure drop indicaled on Drawings. 7. Coil circuiting shall be fu!!@1jg and fullv-intertwined. Face-split or row split coils will . not be accepted. DISPOSABLE CYLINDER STEAM HUMIDIFIERS Acceptable manufacturers: Nortec, Armstrong, Dri-Steem. Humidifier: Selfcontained, disposable cylinder, microprocessor controlled electrode steam generating unit. Performance capacity shall be as indicated on Drawings. Cylinders: Disposable, polypropylene plastic with field adjustable steel electrodes. Plumbing Components and Valve Bodies: Plastic, linked by flexible rubber hosing. Incorporate water fill with l " air gap and inlegral air gap on drain. Fill solenoid valve shall incorporate built-in strainer, pressure reducing and flow regulating orifice. Cabinet: Steel, with enamel finish, with hinged and lockable access door. Electric Service: Unit protected by intemal fusing on line voltage leads and automatic emergency drain trigger. Incorporate electrical terminals for installation of humidistat, duct high-limit, interlock to fan or air flow switch. H. Control: Fully modulating control to provide gradual 0to 100 percent capacity. Maximum capacity shall be field adjustable for 0 to 100 percent. High water probe shall prevent overfilling. Multiple cylinder humidifiers shall have duplicate intemal control circuitry to allow each cylinder to be independently controlled. L Drain Cycle: Field adjustable with a drain duration range of2 to 128 seconds and a drain interval range of 0.25 to l6 hours, with one drain valve for each generator. J. Steam Distributor: Stainless steel steam dispersion tube suitable for insertion in duct with condensate separator and return leg to remove condensate from distributor and return to humidifier fill. Steam piping from generator to dispersion tube shall be l-l/2" diameter reinforced rubber hose. K. Display: Digital, providing select monitoring of unit amperage draw, percentage demand from humidistat, steam output, and manually set capacity adjustment. Lamps to indicate full cylinder. L. Humidistat: Wall mounted, solid state electronic sensor, 24 volt. SNOWMELT TUBING Heat Transfer 15750-4 Logan Gallery I I c. Acceptable manufaclurers: Wirsbo, Stadler. All components ofsystem shall be provided by one manufacturer includ'ing tubing, manifolds, support brackels, fastening systems, tube bend supports, couplings, splicing nipples, etc. Tubing shall be cross-linked polyethylene with an oxygen diffusion barrier rated at 180'F at 100 psig. Pipe shall be l3/16" ID and meet ASTM F876-877. Tubing shall carry a ten-vear non-prorated warranty against failure due to manufacturing defects or exposure to stress cracking agenls. All other components to be provided with one-vear warranty from date ofOwner acceptance of project. Manifolds shall be made of brass resistant to dezincification and be capable of multiple unit connections. Retum manifolds shall be provided with an air venl and hose adapter, and have a balancing valve for each tubing circuit. Supply manifold tubing circuit connections shall be capable ofbeing left manually open or fitted with a 24-volt valve operator for zone control. Contractor shall have to option of shop-fabricating manifolds that do not have individual circuil balancing valves onlv when all circuits are connected to the manifold to allow equivalent pressure drop across each circuit. Supply manifolds lo have shut-off valve and manual air vent. Retum manifolds shall have a shut-offvalve and circuit setter. F. C. Controls shall consist of programmable electronic components as indicated on drawings. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I UNIT HEATERS A. Unless noted otherwise, mount high as possible to give greatest headroom possible. Piping shall be as shown on the plans. Protect the entire unit with a cover during construction. Manufaclurer's data is to be observed before installation. FAN COILS A. Set units level with vibration 'isolation per Section 15240. B. Check for proper fan rotation after power is connected. HEAT EXCHANGERS Install in accordancewith manufacturet's instructions. Install to permitremovalofplates with minimum disturbance to installed equipment and piping. Pipe relief valves to nearest floor drain. Pipe drain valves to nearest floor drain. Water to Water Heat Exchanger Trim I . Water Inlets and Outlets: Thermometer wells, pressure gauge tappings. 2. Heated Water Outlet: Thermometer well for temperature regulator sensor, ASME rated pressure and temperature reliefvalve, valved drain. B. I D. E. A. B. 3.2 J.J s I I t I I t T I I t t I I T T Heat Transfer 15750-5 Logan Gallery I I rl I C. Support coil sections, independent of piping on steel channel or double angle frames and secure to I casings. Provide frames for maximum three coil sections. Arrange supports to avoid piercing drain .l pans. Provide ainight seal between coil and ducr or casing.tr ; ::-,;:-:ff"i,J,-:.;,,:,::' I F. Make connections 1o coils with unions and flanges or grooved pipe couplings.I G. On water coils, provide shut-offvalve on supply line and circuit setter,/balancing valve on retum line. I Locate water supply at bottom of supply header and retum water connection at top. Provide manual a air vents at high points complete with stop valve. Ensure water coils are drainable and provide drain connection at low points. I H. On water and glycol heating coils, connect water supply to leaving air side of coil (counterflow arTangement). I l. Provide drain pan and drain connection for cooling coils. Fabricate drain pan from 20 gauge I galvanized steel. Extend 3 inches from face ofcoil entering airside,24 inches ofcoil leaving airside. ^ Pipe drain pans individually to floor drain with water seal trap. I J. In steam coils, install vacuum breaker in steam line at or in header. Install sleam traps with outlet minimum 12" below coil return connection. I K. On refrigerant coils, provide sight glass in liquid line within 12" of coil. 3.5 DISPOSABLE CYLINDER STEAM HUMIDIFIERS I A. lnstall per manufacturer's instructions, level on wall or self-supporting stand. I B. Provide steam supply and water retum back to humidifier at I " per I 0 feet or as indicated on Drawings. I Provide drain pipe sloped to floor drain. -. C. Cootdinate with Section 15880 - Air Distribution and Sheet Metal for installation in ductwork. I - D. Coordinate with Section 15950 - Controls for settins and wirins remote humidistat. I 3.6 sNowMELT TUBTNG I A. Install per manufacturer's instnrction. Coordinate with Concrete Contractor to allow for timely -r installation oftubing and concrete finishing. I 3. See piping diagram on Drawings. 3.4 AIR COILS A. lnstall in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install in ducls and casings in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible. I I Heat Transfer 15750-6 Logan Gallery oo t B. Coordinate wirh Chemical Trcatment Conhactor for system flushing and glycol fill. t I I T I I I END OF SECTION Heat Transfer t575U7 Logan Gallery I I I t t SECTION I5780 PACKAGED AIR CONDITIONING LTNITS I PARr r -.ENERAL I l.l woRK TNCLLDED t A. The work includes but is not limited to the following equipment and systems: l. Split Systems DX Packages (5 tons and less) 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Tte General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division l, General Requirernents apply to this Section, and Contractor shall review and adhere to all requiremants ofthese documents. B. Section 15780 Contractor shall review all Sections ofDivision I 5 for coordination and extent ofWork. . 1.3 REFERENCES I A. Appropriate standards of AGA, AMCA, ANSI, ARI, ASA, ASHRAE, ASME, ASTM, AWS, CDA, ETL, NCPWB, NEC, NEMA, NFPA, MSS, OSHA, and UL apply unless indicated otherwise. r 1.4 SUBMITTALS -. A. Submit shop drawings and product data for the following items in accordance with [Section 01300 and] the Ceneral Conditions ofthe Contract:I l. Split Systems DX Packages (5 tons and less) I 1,5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA i A. Submit printed data for the following items in accordance with [Section 01700 and] Operation and I Maintenance Data Paragraph in Section 15010. t,6 ner.rveiv.,'"il::::'ffi:"^:"t5tonsand'ess) I A. lnspect all items upon delivery for damage, taking appropriate steps to correct problems in a timely t fashion to meet all project scheduling. - B. Store items in a secure area, protected from weather and damage. I 1,7 EXTRA STOCK A. Provide an extra set of disposable filters for each unit for installation at time of acceptance of project by Owner. B. Provide as spare set of fan belts for each belt driven unit, tagged with Plan Code. I I I Packaged Air Conditioning Units t 15780-l Logan Gallery I I I I I I I I I t I I t C. Obtain signed receipt from Owner's representative that spare filters have been insralled. PART 2 . PRODUCTS 2.1 SPLIT SYSTEM DX PACKAGES (5 tons and less) A. B. C. F. G. H. I. D. E. Acceptable manufacturers: Trane, York, Carrier, McQuay, Lennox. Units shall consist of coils, drain pan assembly, filter and centrifugal fan with drive, mounted in a common cabinet for independent air delivery from a single unit. All oiling connections shall be extended to exterior ofcasing to facilitate maintenance without removing sound proofing on exterior of unit. Casings shall be constructed ofgalvanized steel, phosphatized to assure paint adherence and finished with baked anamel. Casings shall be provided with intemal glass fiber insulation having a minimum R4 value and meeting NFPA 90A for flame and smoke spread. Units to have duct flanges when attached to ductwork. Aluminum fins shall be mechanically bonded to seamless copper tubes. All coils shall be specifically designed and circuited for refrigerant use. Fans shall be forward-cuwed, double-inlet, centrifugal type equipped with heavy duty adjustable V- belt drive rated to 120% of motor horsepower. All fans shall be statically and dynamically balanced. Drain pans shall be integrally attached to coil casings an are complete with threaded pipe drain connection. All pans shall be galvanized for corrosion resistance and cover the entire coil length. Drain pans shall be waterproofed to prevent leakage. Filters shall be provided on all units, l" disposable gpe. Filters access shall be from the side ofthe unit. Motors shall be as indicated on the plans and be in accordance with Section I 5050. Outdoor Condensing Unit: I I I t J I l. 2. 3. 4. Condenser coil to be copper tubing with aluminum fins for durability. Provide intemal pressure relief valve and overload protection for the compressor motor, compressor to be isolator mounted, hermetic with a high-torque refrigerant gas cooled motor, Unit is to be UL listed and certified in compliance with ARI Standards 210 and 270. Cabinet to be designed for outdoor use, 18 gauge galvanized steel with a baked enamel finish and rernovable panels for easy service maintenance. Un'il 1o include all refrigerant circuit components, crankcase heater, quick connect refrigerant fittings, low ambient kit and full charge of R-22. 5. Packaged Air Conditioning Units t5780-2 Logan Gallery I I PARr3-EXECUTT.N I I 3.1 sPLIr sYsrEM Dx PACKAGE A. Verify that structure and site are ready to receive work and that opening dimensions are as required. I t I I rl I I I I ,l I I I I Verify that proper power supply is available. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions Condensing unit to receive concrete pad at grade level as required. [Provide initial startup including routine servicing and check-out. B. Provide condensate drain with p-trap and route as indicated on drawings. END SECTION Packaged Air Conditioning UnitsI I 15780-3 Logan Gallery I I SECTION I5850 AIR HANDLING EQUIPMENT ,l PARr l -.ENERAL . I.I WORK INCLUDEDII A. Work includes but is not limited to the following equipment and slstems: l. Ceiling/In-LineExhaust/TransferFans I' I.2 RELATED WORK I A il::fr:Tifft*'#;.::Hfffi:y"ff::[::i#firli,ii,$.h$ril:lJ:ffimen'fs app'|v '[. I B. Section 15850 Contractor shall review all Sections ofDivisions I 5 and l 7 for coordination and extentt ofwork. | 1.3 REFERENCES A. Appropriate standards of ACGIH, AGA, AMCA, ANSI, ARI, ASA, ASHRAE, ASME, ASTM, AWS, I CDA, ETL, FM, IAPMO, IRI, NBS, NCPWB, NEBB, NEC, NEMA, NFPA, MSS, OSHA, SMACNA and t UL apply unless indicated otherwise. 1.4 SUBMITTALS I A. il.f::"#i.1ffifi::1il:.J;:finforthe fo[owingitemsin accordancewith [Section 0r300and] II l. All air handling equipment. - t.5 oPERATION&MAINTENANCEDATA - A. Submit printed data for the following items in accordance with [Section 01700 and] Operating Instmctions and Maintenance Data of Section I 5010: I l. All air handling equipment. II I I.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND AIR HANDLING I A. Inspect all items upon delivery for damage, taking appropriate actions to correct problems in a timelyI fashion to meet all project scheduling. I B. Store items in a secure ar€a, protected from weather and damage.r 1.7 WARRANTIES I il A. Provide one-year warranty. Air Handling Equipment 15850-l Logan GalleryI\ t I r B. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I T t I B. Provide a five-year wananty from the date ofOwner's acceptance ofthe project for the following: l. 1.8 EXTM STOCK A. B. c. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CE]LING/IN-LINE EXHAUST AND TRANSFER FANS A. B. c. D. Provide disconnect switch and variable speed control as indicated on drawings. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I AIR HANDLING FANS c. D. E. F. G. Provide one spare set offilters, for each piece ofequipmenl having filters, to be installed prior to date of acceptance by Owner. Provide a spare set offan belts for each belt drive unit, tagged with Plan Code on drawings. Obtain signed receipt from Owner's representative thal extra stock has been delivered. Acceptable manufacturers: Cook, Greenheck, Penn, Acme, ILG, Jenn Fan. Provide fans ofthe arrangements and sizes indicated on drawings. Fans shall have galvanized steel housing, direct drive resilient mounted motor and gravity backdraft damper at discharge outlet. Motor to have integal thermal overload protection. Provide metal grille mounted on fan for directing air through ceiling. InJine style shall have removable access doors for malntenance. Install fans where indicated in accordance with equipment manufacturer's installation instructions, and with recognized industry practices, to ensure that equipment complies with requirements and serves intended purposes, Coordinate with other work, including ducrwork, floor and ceiling construction, and electrical work as necessary to inlerface installation of air handling equipmart with other work. Access: Provide access space around fans for service as indicated, but in no case less than that recommended by manufacturer. Do not operate fans for any other purpose, temporary or permanent, until ductwork is clean, filters in place, bearings lubricated, and fan has been test run under observation. Install floor-mounted fans on reinforced concrete pad in accordance with Section | 5050. Mount fans on vibration isolators, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and Section 15240. Electric Wiring: Install electrical devices fumished by manufacturer but not specified to be factory- mounted. Fumish copy of manufacturer's wiring diagram submittal to Electrical Installer. Verify that Air Handling Equipment 15850-2 Logan Gallery 3.2 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I electrical wiring installation is in accordance with manufacturer's submittal and installation requirements of Division l6 sections. Do not proceed with equipment start-up until wiring installation is acceptable to equipment installer with rotation in direction indicated and intended for proper performance. If there is no rotalion arrow supplied by manufacturer, install a correct roa,ation arrow. H. Refer lo Section | 5880 - Air Distribution & Sheet Metal. Provide ductwork. accessories and flexible connections as indicated. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Upon completion of installation of air handling equipment, and after motor has been energized with normal power source, test equipment to demonstrate compliance with requirements. Where possible, field corect malfunctioning equipmant, then retest to demonstrate compliance. Replace equipment which cannot be satisfactorily corrected. END OF SECTION Air Handling Equipment 15850-3 Logan Gallery I I sEcTtoN t5880 AIR DISTRIBUTION AND SHEET METAL I PARr r -.ENERAL I.I WORK INCLUDED Ir A. This Section includes but is not limited to the following work: l. Low Pressure Ductwork. I 2. Barometric Damper.' 3. Manufactured Duct Joints. I 4. Casings. I 5. Filters and Filter Accessories. 6. Duct Liner. 7. Damper Operator Hardware. I 8. Manual Volume Dampen. 9. Access door hardware. 10. Duct access doors. 11. Flexible duct fan connections. I 12. Louvers. 13. Gravity Backdraft Dampers. 14. Motorized Control Dampers. I 1.2 WORK INSTALLED BUT FURNISHED UNDER OTHER SECTIONS I A. Motorized darnpers provided under Section 15950.I B. Louvers provided under Secfion 10210. I 1.3 RELATED WORK I A. The General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division I - General Requirements apply to I this Section. Contractor shall review and adhere to all requirements ofthese documents, B. Section 15880 Contractor shall review all Sections ofDivision 15 for coordination and extent ofWork. T T.4 REFERENCES I A. ASHRAE, ANSI, ACGIH, ARI, ASA, AMCA, NEBB, ASTM NFPA SMACNA and UL Standards t apply for all air distribution, gas vent, chimneys and sheet metal products and methods oftesting and installation. I I.5 DEFINITIONSI A. Duct sizes indicated on Construction Documents are clear inside dimensions. Where lined ductwork is indicated, increase sheet metal duct size to accommodate required liner thickness, maintaining clear I inside duct size dimensions. B. Pressure Clarifications Air Distribution and Sheetmetal t I I 15880-l Logan Gallery I I T t I I I T I I I t I 1.6 l-t Low Pressure: 0 through I " WG, positive or negalive, air velocity 2000 feet per minute and less. 2. Medium Pressure: Greater than l" WG but less than 6" WG positive or negative, regardless of air velocity. 3. High Pressure: 6" WG and greater regardless ofair velocity. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. All materials and methods ofductwork construction and use ofplena shall conform to NFPA 90A,90B and 96. SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings and product data for the following items in accordance with [Section 01700 and] the General Conditions of the Contract. l. 2. J. 5. 6. 8. Duct Liner Damper Operator Hardware Manufactured Duct Joints Factory-made Flexible Ductwork Access Door Hardware Duct Access Doors All Dampers Grilles, Registers and Diffusers 1.9 I T t I I I T 1.8 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Submit printed data for the following ilems in accordance with [Section 01700 and] Operation and Maintenance Data paragraph in Section 15010. I . All types of dampers. 2. All air terminal units. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. SPECIAL NOTE: Contractor shall not fabricate or install any ductwork until he has assured himself that the ductwork can be run as contemplated in cooperation with Architectural, Structural, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Kitchen, Landscaping, and all other Divisions of Work. Report conflicts and discrepancies promptly to the Architect. B. Provide any and all offsets and fittings required to coordinate with field conditions. Tte lack of coordination will not constitute a change in contract price. The contract drawings are of a schematic nature only exact duct routing and field coordination is the responsibility of the Division 15880 Contractor. Air Distribution and Sheetmetal 15880-2 Logan Gallery I t rl I "l,l I I T l I I I T t t I I I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 DUCTING MATERIALS A. B. c. E. F. A. B. c. General: Non-combustible or conforming to requirements for Class l " air duct materials, or UL l8l. Fasteners: Rivets, bolts, or sheet metal screws. Sealant: Non-hardening, water resistant, fire resistive, compatible with mating materials; liquid used alone or with tape, or heavy mastic. Hanger Rod: Steel, galvanized; threaded both ends, threaded one end, or all-thread. Steel Ducts: ASTM ,{525 or ASTM A521 galvanized steel sheet, lock-forming quality, having zinc coating of I .25 ounce per square foot for each side in conformance with ASTM A90. Perforated sheet metal to match non-perforated and shall be provided with 3/32" diameter holes on l /4" offset centers. LOW PRESSURE DUCTWORK D. E. F. Fabricate and support in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards and ASHRAE handbooks, except as indicated. Provide duct material, gauges, reinforcing and sealing for operating pressures indicated. Construct Ts, bends, and elbows with radius of not less than l - l /2 times width of duct on center line. Where not possible and where rectangular elbows are used, provide tuming vanes. Where acoustical lining is indicated, provide tuming vanes of perforated metal with glass fiber insulation- Increase duct sizes gradually, not exceeding l5 degrees divergence wherever possible. Divergence upstream of equipment shall not exceed 30 degrees; convergence downstream shall not exceed 45 degrees. Provide easements where low pressure ductwork conflicts with piping and structure. Where easements exceed l0 percent duct area, split into two ducts maintaining original duct area. Use crimp joints with or without bead for joining round duct sizes 8 inches and smaller with crimp in direction of air flow. Use double nuts and lock washers on threaded supports. 2.3 MANUFACTURED DUCT JOINTS B. c. D. Acceptable manufacturers: Ductmate or equivalart. Transverse ductjoints may be made with manufactured components of standard catalog manufacture. Construction of the duct, such as gage and reinforcing shall be as indicated in the addendum to the SMACNA manuals as provided by the manufacturer an as tested by Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory. Air Distribution and Sheetmetal 15880-3 Logan Gallery I |l 2.4 cASTNGS I A. Fabricate casings in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards and construcl :l for operating pressures indicated- B. Mount floor mounted casings on nominal 4" high concrete curbs. At floor, rivet panels on 8 inch centers to angles. Where floors are acoustically insulated, provide liner of l8 gauge galvanized I expanded metal mesh supported at 12 inch centers, turned up 12 inches at sides with sheet metal shields. I C. Reinforce door frames with steel angles tied to horizontal and vertical plenum supporting angles. t Install hinged access doors where indicated or required for access to equipment for cleaning and t 1jT::ffi*:: | 2 inches above floor. Arranse door swinss so that fan static pressure holds door I D. Fabricate acoustic casings with reinforcing tumed inward. Provide 16 gauge back facing and 22 gaugeI ffif;"fi1*lTil,Til':1ii?;"lil::::::'ffi:11';;:n"'J:,:l!ft;'0"""" 3"'lhick' packed 'l 2's DUcr LINER A. Acceptablemanufacturer: Manville,Owens-Coming,Knauf,Certainteed. I B. Flexible duct liner insulation made ofglass fibers bonded with thermosetting resin. Airstream side of liner to be coated for eriosion prevention and be labeled "NFPA 90" or with UL label. I C. Suitable for air velocities through 4000 feet per minute and air temperaturc up to 250"F.t D. Minimum Sound Absorption Coefficient based on Type "F-25" Mounting per ASTM C 1071. I Sound Absorption Coefficient at Hertz ' Thickness 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 NRC I rD" 0.1 l 0.5r 0.48 0.70 0.88 0.98 0.68 ,l ):,:, lll l:il i:ti, ?li i'"1 ili ?li 2.6 DAMPER OPERATOR HARDWARE A. Acceptable manufacturers: Ventfabrics or equivalent. B. Regulators and End Bearings. Damper shaft leneth 12" or less: Ventlok #620 Regulator 12" to 20": Ventlok #635 Regulator and #607 Bearings. Larger dampers: Ventlok #640 or #641 Regulator and #607 Bearings. t I t I I Air Distribution and Sheetmetal I 15880-4 Logan Callery D. E. F. G. I T .T I .l t I t T T T I I T t I I T I C. Provide equivalent model elevated bases for insulated ducts. MANUAL VOLUME DAMPERS A. B. c. Fabricate in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Constnrction Standards and as indicated. Fabricate single blade dampers for duct sizes to 12" x 30". Fabricate multi-blade dampers of opposed blade panem with maximum blade sizes of 12" x 48". Assernble center and edge crimped blades in prime coated or galvanized channel frame with suitable hardware and linkage. Splitter dampers will not be permifted unless approved by the Engineer in writing. Except in round ductwork 12" and smaller, provide end bearings. On multiple blade dampers, provide oil-impregnaled nylon or sintered bronze bearings. Provide locking, indicating quadrant regulators on single and multi-blade dampers. Where damper shafu exceed 30" in length, provide regulator at both etrds. Dampers larger than 48" x 48" shall be made in multiple section using connecting rods or bars. Jack shafts shall be a minimum l" diameter with larger sizes as required for damper torque. Jack shaft supports to match damper frame material. On insulated duct, mount quadrant regulators on stand-off mounting brackets, bases or adapters. FACTORY-MADE FLEXIBLE DUCTWORK (Low Pressure) A. B. Acceptable manufacturer: Thermaflex MK-E or equivalent. Duct system shall consist of factory-fabricated assembly using a spring steel wire with an inner liner of continuous non-perforated flexible material. Duct shall be wrapped with fiberglass insulation, l" thick, having a "k" factorofO.25 maximum and be covered with a metalized polyesterfilm vaporbarrier. Operating temperature range -20"F to 250'F. 4"-16" size: Working pressure capability of 6" WG positive. 18"-20" size: Working pressure capability of 4" WG positive and a maximum 4000 feet per mrnute. c. D. Entire assembly to be Class I air duct per UL l8l - E. Accessories; Spin-in collar with adjustable damper including positive lock'ing regulator damper hardware. GRILLES. REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS A. Definitions t. 2. Grille: A covering for an air passage opening which can be located in the sidewall, ceiling, floor or sill. Covering style can be varied and will function. Register: A combination grille and damper assembly covering an air opening. Air Distribution and Sheetmetal 15880-5 Logan Gallery I T :T I I B. 3. Diffuser: An air distribution outlet, generally located in the ceiling and comprised of deflecting members discharging supply air in various directions and planes, and arranged to promote mixing of primary air with secondary room air. Acceptable manufacturers: [The listed manufacturers provide the entire line of listed grilles, modi$ as you wish, though adding other will likely result in a mixed bag ofproducs]. l. Fixed Vane: Titus, Metal-Aire, Krueger, Anemostat, J&J Register, EH Price. 2. Adjustable Titus, Metal-Aire, Titus, Krueger, Anemostat, J&J Register, EH Price. Note: When collecting submittal data, submitted style must match style as indicated on Construction Documents- Fixed Vane (Supply, Retum, Exhaust and Transfer Air) l. Ceiling Installation: Fixed vane grilles, registers and diffusers shall be constructed of steel frames with removable core made of eithersteel or aluminum. Frame shall have integral collar. Supply air outlets shall have continously gasketed frame and core shall have integral bracing to prevent rattling of vanes. Surface mounted and dropped frame margin size shall be sufficiently large enough to cover ceiling openings. Lay-in and spline frame margin sizes shall conform to the modular ceiling support grid. Provide air throw pattern and accessories as indicated on Construction Documents. Finish shall be off-white unless indicated otherwise. 2. Sidewall Installation: Fixed vane grilles and registers shall be constructed of steel frames with either steel or aluminum cores. Surface mounted frame margins shall be sufficiently large enough to cover wall openings. Provide accessories as indicated on Construction Documerts. Finish shall be off-white unless indicated otherwise. Adjustable Vane (Supply Air only) L Ceiling Installation: Adjustable vane grilles, registers and diffusers shall be of steel or aluminum construction with adjustable curved blades. Surface mounted frame margin shall be sufficiently large enough to cover ceiling opening and shall be continuously gasketed. Lay-in frame margin shall conform to the modular ceiling support grid. Finish shall be off- white. Provide air flow pattem and accessories as indicated on Construction Documents. 2. Sidewall Installation: Adjustable vane grilles and registers shall be of steel or aluminum construction with adjustable flat blades providing both vertical and horizontal air deflection control. Frame margin shall be continously gasketed and be large enough to cover wall opening. Finish to be off-white unless indicated otherwrse. ,I c.I rl T I D. T I .l I I I I I I Air Distribution and Sheetmetal t 5880-6 Logan Gallery I I 2.10 AccEss DooR HARDWAREt A. Acceptable manufacturers: Ventfabrics Ventlok Series or equivalent. - I B. Latches, hinges and gasketing. Doors less than 4 square feet - Series 100. a Doors 4 to 8 square feet - Series 200. Larger doors and in all medium pressure systems - Series 300. I 2.n DUcr AccESS DooRsI- A. Fabricate in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards as indicated. I B. Review locations prior to fabrication. I C. Fabricate rigid and close-fitting doors of galvanized steel with sealing gaskets and quick fastening locking devices. For insulated ductwork, install minimum one inch thick insulation with sheet metal - cover. I D. Access doors smaller than 12 inches square may be secured with sash locks. I E. Provide two hinges and two sash locks for sizes up to l8 inches square, three hinges and two I compression latches with outside and inside handles for sizes up to 24 x 48 inches. Provide an I additional hinge for larger sizes. F Access doors with sheet metal screw fasteners are not acceptable.II 2.12 FLEXIBLE DUcr coNNEcrroNS I A. Fabricate in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards, and as indicated. I , B. UL listed fire-resistant neoprene coated woven glass fiber fabric to NFPA 90A, minimum density 30 ounces per square yard, crimped into metal edging strip. r zJi LowERS I A. Acceptable manufacturers: Those that are current AMCA members and have their louvers tested in' I accordance with AMCA Standard 500 and comply with the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. I B. Provide stationary louvers with heads,joints, flanges, mullions and sills required for each location and t size. Extended sills are required where louvers are not flush with outside surface ofwall. Blade angles allowed 35 to 45 degrees. I C. Manufacturer: Ruskin Blade Gauge: 0.125"I Model No.: ELF6375D Frame Gauge: 0.125" I il:[:i,*.' l,u.*u- Inreriorscrean: il1,i,.,",0r",","0 a Blade Tvoe: Drainable I D. See plans for size and use. I Air Distribution and Sheetmetal 15880-7 Logan Gallery a I I T :T 2.t4 CMVITY BACKDRAFT DAMPERS Acceptable manufacturers: Current AMCA members meeting specifications. Gravity backdraft dampers, furnished with air moving equipment, may be air moving equipment manufacturers standard construction. C. Fabricate multi-blade, parallel action gravity balance backdraft dampers of 16 gauge galvanized steel with blades of maximum 6" width, with flexible vinyl sealed edges meeting NFPA 90A, linked together in rattle-free manner with 90 degree stop, steel ball bearings, plaled steel pivot pin and adjustable counterweight to permit setting for varying differential static pressure. MOTORIZED CONTROL DAMPERS [Check to make sure these aren't already covered by Section 15950]. A. B. 2.15 I I T I t T T T T 2.16 I I I I T I I A. B. c. D. E. F. G. H. Acceptable manufacturers: Ruskin CD50 or equivalent. Provide parallel or opposed blade action as required. Frame shall be extruded aluminum with 0.125" nominal wall thickness. Blades shall be airfoil shaped constructed ofextruded aluminum matching frame grade quality with a maximum width of 6". Seals shall include extruded vinyl blade edge seals and flexible metal compression type joints seals. Bearings to be molded synthetic. Linkage to be concealed in frame. Axles to be l/2" plated steel hex. Finish to be standard mill. Maximum single damper size to be 60" wide by 72" high. Jack-shafts shall be l " pipe or larger as needed by torque requirements. Minimum Performance Data Damper Leakage at Velocity & Max Sys.Width l " Pressure Differential pressure 60" 2.4 cfrn/sf at 3000 frm 3.5" 48" 2.7 cfrn/sf at 4000 fpm 6.2" 36" 3.0 cfin/sfat 5000 gm 8.5" 24" 3.0 cfin/sfat 5000 gm 10.75"12" 3.0.cftn/sf at 6000 fom 13.0" BAROMETRIC DAMPER A. B. Acceptable manufacturer: Field Control. Provide Field M+MG2 (Single-Actig for oil, Double-Acting for gas or oil-gas) in size indicated on Drawings. Constmction: Heavy duty design with stainless steel knife-edge bearing and precision balanced gate.c. Air Distribution and Sheetmetal 15880-8 Logan Gallery I I T I I rI I T .,l I I I l T D. Control: Adjustable wide range of draft settings from 0.002 " to 0.5" WC. 2.17 FILTERS AND ACCESSORIES A. Average filter arrestance and efficieacy ratings per ASHRAE 52-76. B. Disposable Filten l. Provide a suflicient number of fi hers for temporary operation and for a complete change-out prior to Owner acceptance of Project. 2. 30%: Non-metallic frame with integral support bracing upstream and downstream, non-woven cotton media in a pleated configuration, metallic grid on downstream side to support pleated media,95Vo average arrestan ce, 30Vo efficiency rating, UL Class l, provide extended reinforced top/bottom as required for side-access filter rack housings. a. 2" thick, minimum 4.6 sfoffilterrnedia per square foot face area, maximum 0.08" WG clean pressure drop at 250 fom velocity standard air, minimum 0.90" WG final pressure drop. 2.I8 DUCTWORK DOWNSTREAM OF HUMIDIFIER MANIFOLD A. Type 304 stainless steel welded without transverse joints for a straishl run length of l5'-0". [Provide integral stainless steel drain tray 2" deep x 3" wide full width ofduct with 3/4" threaded drain outlet.l PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I SHEET METAL WORK C. Provide sheet metal duct systems, connections, dampers, duct tums, housings, hinged sheet metal doors and necessary removable access doors for the complete supply, retum and exhaust systems. Provide access doors in ductwork wherever required for observation and maintenance of dampers. Duct Workmanship: Duct work to be constmcted and erected in a workmanlike manner. Ducts to be straight and smooth on the inside with neatly finished joints, airtight and free from vibration under every condition ofoperation. The internal ends of slipjoints to be made in the direction ofthe air flow. The ducts to be securely attached to building construction in an approved manner. Changes in dimensions and shape of the ducts shall be gradual. Duct sizes fall within the limiting dimensions indicated on the drawings unless otherwise approved. Duct Tums: 90 degree elbows up to 18" wide and 45 degree elbows consist ofan inside radius ofnot less than l/2" width of the duct to be fumished with single blade duct vanes with 2-l/4" blade spacing. 90 degree elbows larger than I 8" to be equipped with airfoil t)?e duct vanes. Shop fabricated duct vanes to confom to details of the SMACNA HVAC duct construction manual. Curved elbows shall have a center line radius equ^l to l-l/2 times the width ofthe duct unless indicated otherwise. Flexible Connections: Provide sound isolating flexible connections on the inlet and outlet ofeach fan to which duct connectors are made. At least 6" slack to be allowed in fabric connections to insure that no vibration is transmitted from fan to ductwork. The fabric can either be folded in with the metal or attached with metal collar frames at each end to prevent air leakase. A. B. T T I T D. I Air Distribution and Sheetmetal 15880-9 Logan Callery E. F. G H J. K. L. M. 3.2 I T T T T I T I t I t I I I I I I I t Dampers: Opposed-blade type volume dampers to be installed where called for on the drawings or otherwise necessary for proper balancing. Install motorized control dampers. Ducts to be sealed airtight and tested per SMACNA standards. Where joints are not accessible for proper sealing, hand holes should be cut in duct and joints sealed from the inside. Special care to be taken to seal duct comers. Wherever exposed ducts pass through walls, floors or ceilings, a 2" flanged sheet metal collar fitting collar fitting close around ducts to be slipped along duct with flange is tight against finished surface covering edges of openings and presenting a neat appearance. Lock collar to duct. Wherever ducts penetrate floors or fire walls, seal as to maintain fire wall integrity. Access doors shall be installed at all automatic, fire and fire smoke dampers. Wherever ducts penetrate floors or fire walls, install safing insulation to maintain fire wall integrity, per Architectural Specifi cations. Cut or drill temporary test holes in ducts as required. Cap with neat patches, neoprene plugs, threaded plugs, or threaded or twist-on metal caps. Permanent test holes shall be factory fabricated, air tight flanged fittings with screw cap. Provide extended neck fittings to clear insulation. Provide openings in ductwork where required to accommodate thermometers, duct smoke detectors, fi restats and controllers. N. During construction provide tanporary closures of metal or taped polyethylene on open ductwork to prevent construction dust fiom entering ductwork system. O. Where bellmouth fittings are specifically called for on Drawings, provide standard bellmouth fittings per SMACNA Standards. P. Manufactured Duct Joints: The installation ofthe manufactured ductjoints shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instruction and installation manuals. a. Duct liner shall 4! be provided in ductwork downstream of steam humidifier manifolds. DUCT SYSTEM MATERIAL, PRESSURE AND SEALING CLASS SCHEDULE [These descriptions, materials, pressue class and seal class numbers are suggeslions -- Edit exact rcquirements] Duct Svstem Supply Air from CV Air Handler To Air Outlets Retum Air Main Return Material Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Pressure Seal Class(WC) Class + 2.0,, B - 1.0" c Air Distribution and Sheetmetal 15880-t 0 Logan Gallery I I :T T T I I T t Return Air from Air Inlet Galvanized Steel - I .0' C to Air Handler Exhaust Air Main Exhaust Air Branch to Grille Transfer Air Galvanized Steel - 1.0" B Galvanized Steel - 0.5" C Galvanized Steel - 0.5" C l0 Feet Downstream of Stainless Steel -- A Humidifier Manifold Pressure Seal I 33 DU.TLTNER A. Dimensions of lined duchrork are clear inside dimensions after lining has been installed. B. Sound linings to be held in place with mechanical fasteners as per the latest SMACNA duct liner application standard, with joints and any tears to be coated with sealant or adhesive. The transverse joints to be coated prior to installation so that the ends ofthe liner are compressed together while the adhesive is still moist, forming a seal of the leading and training edge ofeach joint. Excess adhesive to be brushed to an even finish over the ioint. C. Provide continuous sheet metal edge protectors at entering and leaving edges of lined duct sections. D. Extent of Liner in rcctangular ductwork. [These sizes are suggestions - Edit for exact conditions, such as required by acoustical consultant] n- Thickness Location t . I " [/2'] Return main ductwork to air handler. t l" |/2"1 Tmnsfer air ducts. , l/2 Supply ductwork. t 3.4 FACTORY-MADE FLEXIBLE DUCTWORK (Low Pressure) t I t I I t A. Use factory-made flexible ductwork on low pressure supply air duct systems to make final connections to grilles, registers and diffirsers as indicated on drawings. Maximum length ofextended flexible duct shall be eieht feet. B. Install flexible ductwork in a fully extended condition, free ofsags and kinks, using only the minimum length required to make the connection. C. Suspend flexible ductwork from structure on 35" centers using duct manufacturer's hanger system or with l" width minimum hanger material as per SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards. Air Distribution and Sheetmetal 15880-l I Logan Gallery I T T I I I t D. Any tears in vapor barrier up to 12" long may be repaired using 2"-3" wide adhesive tape suited for I vapor barrier use. Tears long than | 2" long shall require replacement ofthe entire flexible duct section. a E. Any tears occur in the inner core, replace entire flexible duct connection. I 3.5 GRILLES. REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS A. Install items in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Check location ofgrilles, registers and diffusers, making necessary adjustments in position to conform with Architectural features, symmetry and lighting arrangement. C. Section 15880 Contractor shall be responsible for final coordination of location and proper type of each grille, register and diffuser used on the project. D. Provide balancing dampers on each duct take-off to diffusers and grilles unless indicated otherwise on Construction Documents. E. Install diffusers to ductwo* with air tight connection. F. Paint, matte black, the interior ofductwork visible through grilles, registers and diffusers. Do not paint fusible link assemblies. t -1'6 LowERS I A. Coordinate with General Contractor for opening requirements. Set louvers aligned with structure and as indicated on Architectural plans. I 3.7 GRAVITY BACKDRAFT DAMPERS I A. Provide gravity backdraft dampers on all exhaust fan duct systems and as indicated on Drawings. Do I not provide gravity type where motorized control dampers sewe the same purpose or where . specifically excluded by notation. I 3.8 MOTORZED CONTROL DAMPERS - A. Provide parallel blade action at where motorized backdraft dampers are indicated and where retum/outside air dampers are indicated for creating mixed air upstream ofcoils or air handlers.a B. Coordinate with Section 15950 [Division 17] Contractor for location ofshaft extension for operator Position. a 3.9 FILTERS AND FILTER ACCESSORIES I A. Install filters before using air systems for temporary ventilation. Replace filters immediately prior toI Owner acceptance ofproject. I B. Install filter gauges and accessory tubing at components defined in Part 2 ofthis Section. Coordinate a with Section I 5950 - Controls for wiring and tubing connections. Set gauge at approximately 54" above finished floor. I Air Distribution and Sheetmetal 15880-12 Logan Gallery t t I C. Mount holding frames on angle iron bracing to maintain alignment and accessibility.t D. Install side access system level and aligned with duct system. , | 3.10 DUcrwoRK DowNsTREAM .FHUMTDTFTER MANTF.LD A. Pitch ductwork to drain tray. I END OF SECTION T T I I t T T I T t I I I I I Air Dstribution and Sheetrnetal | 5880-13 Logan Callery t I .T ! I I I sEcTtoN 15960 ELECTRIC/ELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEMS :l pARrr-cENE*oL I.I WORK INCLIJDED ' A. Provide control systems consisting of thermostats, control valves, dampers and operators, indicating devices, interface equipment and other apparatus and accessories required to operate mechanical systems, and to perform functions specifiec. B. Provide electric/electronic automatic temperature control systems with electric accessories. C. Work includes but is not limited to the following equipment and systans: L Themostats. 2. Humidistats. 3. Control valves. 4. Transminers 5. Miscellaneous accessories. 1.2 WORK FURNISHED BUT NOT INSTALLED UNDER THIS SECTION A. Installation of control valves, flow switches, temperature sensor sockets, gauge taps, and automatic dampers. I 13 woRK INSTALLED BUT NoT FURNISHED IINDER THIS SECTIoNI A. Mounting and wiring of thermostats provided with equipment from other Contractors in Division 15 as described in the Sequence of Operation ofthis Section. I 1.4 RELATED WORK I A. The General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division l, General Requirements apply to this Section, and Contractor shall review and adhere to all requirements ofthese documents. I B. Section 15950 Conractor shall review all Sections ofDivision I 5 for coordination and extend ofWork. I.5 REFERENCES t A. Appropriate standards of ACGIH, ACA, AMCA, ANSI, ARI, ASA, ASHRAE, ASME, ASTM, AWS, CDA,CTI,ETL,FM,I,APMO,IRI,NBS,NCPWB,NEBB,NEC,NEMA,NFPA,MSS,OSHA,SMACNA - and UL apply unless indicated otherwise. r 1.6 SUBMITTALS I A. Submit shop drawings and product data for the following items in accordance with Division l: l. Complete operating data, system drawings, wiring diagrams, and written detailed operational description of sequences. I I I Control Systems r 5960-r Logan Gallery t T 2. Description and engineering data for each control syslem component. Include sizing as reouired. -l 3. Two of each type of room thermostat and cover, thermostat guard and each control 'l component exposed to occupied spaces. 4. Submit manufacture/s certificate that products meet or exceed specified requirements. I 5. Submittals of automatic control systems components which are not the product of the control system manufacturer shall bear evidence ofhis approval. I 6. Submit field reports indicating operating conditions after detailed check out of systems at- Dute of Substantial Completion. | 7. All drawings are to be generated using the Autodesk Autocad computer drafting program. 1.7 PROJECT RECORD DOCI.JMENTS t A. Submit record documents under provisions ofDivision l. , I B. Accurately record actual location of control components, including panels, thermostats, and sensors . Revise shop drawings to reflect actual installation and operating sequences. I t.8 OPERATIONANDMAINTENANCE DATA - A. Submil operation and maintenance data in accordance with Division I and Operation and Maintenance I Data paragraph in Section 15010. . B. Submit two copies of all control drawings, in Autocad DWG format, with one copy of each on 5.25" I and 3.5" high density floppy diskettes. I C. Include systems descriptions, set points, and controls settings and adjustments. t D. Include inspection period, cleaning methods, recommended cleaning materials, and calibration tolerances. I r.e euALrFrcArroNS . Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this Section with minimum fu years docurnented experience. a B. Installer: Company specializing in installing the work of this Section with minimum five years I documented experiance. Installers not listed below shall submit references using the prior approval I Process' C. Acceotable Manufacturers Acceotable InstallersI I I Honeywell Johnson Siebe Delta Haynes Company - Dorver, CO Factory Office - Denver, CO Long & Associates - Englewood, CO Setpoint Systems - Denver, CO t5960-2 I Control Systems Logan Gallery I I :l I T I I I I t I I Andover Westem Buildine Services l.r0 SEQT.JENCING AND SCHEDULTNG A. Sequance work to ensure installation of components is complementary to installation of similar components in other systems. B. Coordinale work under provisions of Division I and ensure system is compleled and commissioned by Date of Substantial Completion. C. Coordinate installation of system components with installation of mechanical and electrical systems. I.I I DELIVERY. STORAGE AND HANDLINC A. Inspect all items upon delivery for damage, taking appropriate actions to correct problems in a timely fashion to meet all project scheduling. B. Store iterns in a secure area, protected from weather and damage. I.I2 WARRANTY A. Provide one-vear warranw. I r.r3 MAINTENANCE SERVTCE I oPTroNs I A. Fumish and sewice and maintenance of automatic controls s)stem for one year from Date ofa Substantia'l Completion. I B. Provide two complete inspections, to inspect, calibrate, and adjust controls as required and submit I written reports. 'f C. Provide complete service of controls systems, including call backs. Make minimum of two complete t normal inspections of approximately two hours duration, each, in addition to nomal service calls to inspect, calibrate, and adjust controls, and submit written reports during the warranty periods after . t r.r4 cERrrFr:';;:;ceorprojectbvowner' A. Section 15960 Contractor shall submit a letter certifuing the confirmed action of all individual and combined contrcl loops and system controls to the Architect prior to the Owner's acceptance of theI project. I r.r5 EXTRASTocK A. Provide two ofeach type ofroom thermostat. B. Obain sigted receipt from Owner's rcpresentative that extra stock has been delivered. Control Systems 15960-3 Logan Gallery I t t pART2-pRopucrs I 2.1 ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTURERS rI I A. Acceptable manufacturers ofcontrol products are: Honeywell, Johnson, Siebe, Landis & Gyr. .L 2.2 THERMOSTATS I A. Electric Room Thermostats: Low voltage qpe with setback/setup temperature control for cooling and _ heating. I B. Room Thermostat Accessories: I l. Thermostat Cove$: Off-white synthetic. t 2. lnsulating Bases: For thermostats located on exterior walls. I 2.3 HUMIDTSTAT I A. Room Humidistat: Wall mounted, proportioning type, with adjustable five percent relative humidity thronling range, operating range from 30 to 80 percent at lemperatures up to 100'F cover with set point indication. I 2.4 CONTROL VALVES A. Section 15950 Contractor shall be responsible for selecting control valves with Cv factor that does not defeat the intended function ofcontrolled equipment or system. B. Globe Pattem: l. Up through 2 inches: Bronze body, bronze trim, rising stern, renewable composition disc, screwed ends [, with backseating capacity repackable under pressure]. 2. Over 2 inches: Iron body, bronze trim, rising stem, plug-type disc, flanged ends, renewable seat and disc. C. Butterfly Pattem: Iron body, [bronze] [aluminum bronze] [stainless steel] disc, resilient replaceable seat for service to [180"F] [250'F] wafer or long ends, extended neck. D. Operators: l. Electric gear train actuator, spring return, with spring and pressure range as required. 2. Valves shall spring retum to normal position as indicated on freeze, fire, or temperature protecfion. E. Hydronic Systems: l. Rate of service pressure of 125 psig at250'F. 2. Replaceable plugs and seats of [stainless steel.] [brass].3. Size for 3 psig maximum pressure drop at design flow rate. 4. Two-way valves shall have equal percentage characteristics, three-way valves linear characteristics. Size two-way valve operators to close valves against pump shut off head. l I t I T I t t I I Control Systems 15960-4 Logan Gallery I I 2.s DAMPERS I . Performance: Test in accordance with AMCA 500. I B. Frames: Galvanized steel, welded or riveted with corner reinforcemenl. - C. Blades: Extruded aluminum, maximum blade size 8 inches wide,48 inches long, attached to minimum I l/2 inch shafts with set screws. D. Blade Seals: Neoprcne mechanically attached, field replaceable. I E. Jamb Seals: Stainless steel. I F. Shaft Bearings: Oil impregnated sintered bronze or graphite impregnated nylon sleeve, .r /ith thrust I washers at bearings. .r G. Linkage Bearings: Oil irnpregnated sintered bronze or graphite impregnated nylon. I H. Leakage: Less than one percent based on approach velocity of 2000 ft/min and 4 inch wg. I I. Maximum Pressure Differential: 6 inches wg. J. Temperature Limits: -40 to 200"F. t K. Dampers at connections to outside air openings or ductwork shall be provided with both blade and jamb seals. | 2.6 DAMPER oPERAToRsI A. General: Provide smooth proportional control with sulficient power for air velocities 20 percent greater t than maximum design velocity and to provide tight seal against maximum systern pressures. Provide I spring retum for all actuators and for fail safe operation. ;i B. Electric Operators: Split phase tlpe with oil immersed gear train. N C. Number: Sufiicie-nt to achieve unrestricled movernant throughout damper range. Provide one damper operator for maximum 16 sq ft damper section. I D. Inlet Vane Operators: Provide sufficient force to move vanes when fan is started with vanes in closed position. Retum vane operator to closed position on fan shutdown, I PART3-EXECI-rT|ON rt 3.t EXAMINATION I A. Verify that systems are ready to receive work. I B. Beginning ofinstallation means installer accepts existing conditions. T I t I Conhol Systems 15960-5 Logan Gallery I t :l I I 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Check and verifr location of thermostats, humidistats, and other exposed control sensors with plans and room details before installation. C. Room thermostat mounting height shall match light switches above finished floor. D. Provide mixing dampers of [opposed] [or] [parallel] blade construction arranged to mix streams.[ Provide separate minimum outside air damper section adjacent to retum air dampers with separate damper motor.] E. Provide conduit and electrical wiring where required. Referto Division 16. F. After completion of installafion, test and adjust control equipment. Submit data showing set points and final adjustments of controls. Check calibration of instruments. Recalibrate or replace. SYSTEM GRAPHIC A. Provide a simplified graphic representation of the systems under served by each control panel as indicated in the Sequence of Operation portion ofthis Section. Graphic shall consist of a printed black and white paper , 8-l/2"x1 l" in size, plastic coated, frame- mounted onto wall adjacent to control panel. MANUFACTURER'S FIELD SERVICES A. Prepare and start systems under provisions of Division l. DEMONSTRATION A. Provide systems demonstration under provisions of Dvision l. SEQUENCE OF OPERATION ********t******************* ****** ************** ** t******* ***** ** ******* * ***** ****** These sequences of operation arc not by any means the absolute one and only way to operate the mechanical equipme-nt. While these sequences are acceptable for most electric/electronic control systems, they cannot cover every control aspect of every project. Furthel it is quite possible lo over-spec one area while ignoring another completely. You must review and edit these sequences to fit your exact project requirements in order to achieve your desired control scherne. You will have to determine if you need to add more information to further define any control actions. You may have to repeat portions to cover variables between similar air handling systems. Ifyou are getting numerous optional conditions for control actions, you may need to cu1 back on your variables or move onto a DDC control system. As more of you encounter different control scenarios, we'll update this section to include them. You will have to ind'icate the temperatures at which point equipment is activated and be sure you're not crossing over temperature ranges between the heating and cooling cycles when making changes to the setpoint I 3.3T l 3.4 3.5 3.6 t t t I I t I I I t I Control Systems 15960-6 Logan Gallery I T listed here. **** *** * t ** * * * * * * * t * * * * ***** * ********** * * * ** **r* ** ** * *****i***** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * - A. General I I . Building Room Temperature Setpoints Area Cooline Heatine ? General 72'F 72'F -2. All temperature and pressure sepoints shall be adjustable. I 3. The heating water system Main Control Panel (MCP) shall display the following: r I :::i:1"ffi11;::ica,ion B., c. Boiler circulating pump on/off indication P-l d. Primary heating water entering/leaving temperatureI e. Outside air temperature - f. Heating system pump failure alarm tP-__J I B. Building Heating Water System I l. The building heating water systern shall be activate upon a drop in outside air temperature t below 65"F by starting [dedicated boiler circulating pump(s) and] main heating water pump(s). I Z. A proof-of-flow switch in the main heating water return piping shall activate boiler controlI panel to initiate boiler start-up. t 3. Failure ofthe proof-of-flow switch shall activate the alarm at the Main Control Panel [and t remote contact]. 11 4. An outside air temperature selsor with solar shade, wired through a panel mountedI controller, shall reset the system's heating water supply temperature based on outside airI temperature by varying a three-port modulating valve the boiler's heating water setpornt controller] to meet the following schedule: I Outside Air System Heating Temperalure WaterSupolvTernoerature I 70"F 140"F30"F 180.F Ir 5. A packaged heating water reset controller with lead/tag and staging control shallI acdvate/deactivate boilers based upon heating supply water temperature. I C. Exhaust Fanst L EF-1,2: Fan shall be controlled by a wall switch. I I I Control Svstems 15960-7 Logan Gallery D. E. I I I t I I T I t I I iI I ! t I t I T 2. EF-3: Upon a rise in air temperature above 75'F, a reverse-acting thermostat shall activate fan to satisfy setpoint temperature. Upon reaching setpo'int, fan shall deactivate. Fan Coil Units l. FC-1,2,3,4,5: (Hydronic heating with DX cooling) Room thermostat shall be provided byunit manufacturer. Upon a drop in space temperature below heating setpoint, fan shall start and a three-porl two-position bypass valve shall open to flow water through heating coil. Upon satisfying heating sepoint, the valve shall close and fan shall stop. Upon a rise in space temperature above cooling setpoint, fan shall start and condensing unit shall be activated. Upon satisffng cooling sepoint, the condensing unit and fan shall stop. Unit Heaters - Hydronic l. UH-l: A heating-only thermostat shall maintain space temperature setpoint by opening a two-position control valve and start the unit fan motor. END OF SECTION Control Systems 15960-8 Logan Gallery I t :l SECTION 15990 TESTING. BALANCING AND ADruSTING PART I . GENERAL I.I WORK INCLUDED t.2 t , I t A. This section covers testing and balancing of environmental systems including but not limited to air distribution systems, hydronic distribution systems, and connected equipment. The testing and balancing of all environmental systems shall be the responsibility of one Testing, Balancing and Adjusting firm. The minimal standards to be met arc those set forth in Chapter 36 in the 1999 Edition of the ASHRAE HVAC Applications Handbook. B. Section 15990 Contractor shall submit bid directly to General Contractor. RELATEDWORK A. The General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division l, General Requirements apply to this Section, and Contractor shall review and adhere to all requirements ofthese documents. B. Section I 5990 Contractor shall review g!! Sections ofDivisions l5 for coordination and extent ofwork. QUALIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTOR A- The General Contractor shall directly procure the sewices of an independent testing and balancing agalcy specializing in the testing, adjusting and balancing of environmertal systems to perform the above mentioned work. Testing and balancing work shall be directly supervised and the results attested to by a NEBB Certified Testing, Balancing and Adjusting Supewisor. All technicians performing TBA work on theprojectareto be certified byTABIC. Section 15990 Contractor shall have a minimum five yeats of documented experience as a Testing, Balancing and Adjusting Contractor. The Engineer shall represent the TBA firm in progress meetings as requested, and shall be available for interpreting all material found in the balance report. B. Acceptable contracton: [Griffith Engineering Service, TAB Services, JPG Engineering, AirRight, Able Balance, Double-T Balancing Robinson Mechanical, JPG Engineering, Westem Air Balancel. NOTIFICATION OF CONTRACTOR A. The General Contractor shall submit the name of the TBA firm to the Engineer within thirw days of contract award lo ensure that the TBA firm is on the project from the outset of construction. Any TBA firm desiring to offer their services for this work shall submit their qualifications to the Engineer, not less than seven calendar days before the bid date. Approval or disapproval will be given on each request and this action will be given in writing prior to bidding the work. STATUS OF SYSTEMS Air and water testing and balancing shall not begin until the system has been completed and is in full working order. I t.J t.4 1.5 T t I I I t I I I I t Testing, Adjusting, & Balancing 15990-l Logan Gallery B. I I :l t D. I C. Put all heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and equipment into full operation and continue operation of same during each working day of testing and balancing. Preliminary TBA requirements shall be ascertained prior to the commencement of work through a review ofavailable plans and specifications for the project. In addition, visual observations at the site during construction shall be made to determine the location ofrequired balancing devices and that they are being installed properly for the need. Before any air balance work is done, the system shall be checked for duct leakage, assure filters are installed, see thal filters are changed if they are dirty, check for correct fan rotation, equipment vibration, and check automatic dampers for proper operation, All volume control dampers and outlets shall be wide open at this time. Before any hydronic balancing work is done, the system shall be checked for plugged strainen, proper pump rotation, proper control valve installation and operation, air locks, proper system static pressure to assure a full system, proper flow meter and check valve installation. All throttling devices and control valves shall be open at this time. ,, :l t OPTION 3.1 3.2 T I t t I T I I t t t 1.6 RETAINAGE A. Contract payment retainage will be withheld against the [Division l5 Contractor] [General Contractor] until the final completion ofthis section ofwork has been demonstrated by the submission ofthe TBA report and an evaluation of its contents has been rnade by the Engineer. PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 NOTUSED PART3. EXECUTION TEMPERATIJRE CONTROLS A. Inspect all temperature control systems for proper sequence of operation and approximate calibration. Report any deficiencies to the responsible contractor immediately. REQUTREMENTS OF WORK A. Balance all air and water flow to terminals within + l0Yo to -5%o of design flow quantities. Measure and record the following data. B. Air Balance 2. t.Air supply, retum and exhaust systems with air quanfities for each air device; air handling units including supply, retum, mixed and outside temperalures and fan data including CFM, static pressure, fan RPM, motor running and full load amperage before and after final balance. Air diffusion pattems shall be set to minimize objectional drafts and noise. The supply, return and exhaust fan static pressure shall be set by the balancing firm and the control contractor ifthe systems have fan volume control dampers. The duct static shall be confirmed both through the instrumentation installed on the job and by the balancing Testing, Adjusting, & Balancing 15990-2 Logan Gallery I I ,l I I contractor. The system shall be tested in all operating modes (full retum air, full outside air, modulated damper position, full cooling with the design diversity and full cooling with no diversity). System static pressure and fan motor amperages shall be recorded in all modes. The fan speed resulting in satisfactory system performance shall be determined at full design deliveryinlet or outlet fan volume control dampers shall be in the wide open position and one path presenting the greatest resistance to flow shall be fully open and unobstructed. 3. Final adjustments shall include but not be limited to the following; a. Fans, Belt Drive I . RPM: Include sheave and belt exchange to deliver air flow within limits of installed motor horsepower and mechanical stress limits of the fan. Determine the limiting fan tip speed before increasing RPM. Final fan speed setting shall allow for predicted filter loading and shall establish proper duct pressures for operation ofzone CFM regulators. b. Fans, Direct Drive l. RPM with speed taps: Set fan speed on tap which most closely approaches design CFM. Report tap setting on equipment dala sheet as high, medium or low. 2. RPM with speed control rheostat: Set output of fan at design CFM by adjusting the SCR. After adjustments, check fans ability to restart after powering down. Increase setting ifrequired, for proper starting. 3. CFM with variable pitch blades: Variable fixed pitch fan blades and variable in- motion pitch fan blades shall be adjusted by the manufacturer at pitch required to provide design output. Pitch angle adjustment shall not exceed recommended maximum to prevent "stall". c. Motor Starter Thermal Heaters l. Mechanical Contractor Furnished Magnetic and Manual Starters: Furnish and exchange thermals as required for proper motor protection. 2. Electrical Contractor Fumished Motor Control Center Magnetic Starten: Check for correct sizing. Notify electrical contractor of discrepancies. 4. Hydronic Balance a. Heat exchanger inlet and leaving water tempentures. b. Inlet and outlet water temperatures of all air handling unit coils, unit heaters, convectors, finned tube radiation, and other heat release equipment, as well as the corresponding media flows. c. Boiler inlet and leaving water temperatures, reset supply temperature (ifapplicable), gas flow rate and flue gas analysis. The flue gas analysis shall be a copy ofthe manufacturer's analysis report, if available. I I rl t I I I t T I T I I t Testing, Adjusting, & Balancing 15990-3 Logan Gallery d. A. B. c. D. G. I t I I I I l I I t T t t I I t I I I 3.3 REPORT OF WORK F. E. The TBA Contractor shall submit six bound copies of the final tesling and balancing report at least fifteen days prior to the Mechanical Contractor's request for final inspection. All data shall be recorded on applicable rcporting forms. The report shall include all operating data as lisled in paragraph 3.02 above, a list of all equipment used in the testing and balancing work, and shall be signed by the supewising engineer and affixed with his certification seal. Final acceptance of this project will not take place until a satisfactory report is received. When deemed necessary by the mechanical consulting engineer, the balancing firm shall run temperature and/or humidity recordings at the following locations and shall read any of the report quantities in the presence of the engineer for verification purposes. When all balancing is done and all dampers are set, all test holes shall be plugged and all dampers shall be marked. The following information shal'l be recorded in the final report: Design inlet or outlet size, actual inlet or outlet size, design CFM and velocity through the orifice, for each terminal in the system. The pitot tube traverse method for determining CFM shall be used and recorded where ever possible. Hydronic systems with meters: The system shall be balanced proportionally using the flow meters. On completion ofthe balance, the following information shall be recorded in the report: Flow meter size and brand, requited florv rate and pressure drop, valve settings on meters with a readable scale, flow rate in both full coil flow and full bypass modes. Hydronic systems without meters (thermal or terminal rated pressure drop balance): The system shall be balanced proportionally to the terminal ratings. On completion of the balance the following information shall be recorded in the report: Design antering and leaving water temperature/pressure drop, final balanced ertering and leaving water lemperature/pressure drop. When all hydronic balancing is done, all valves shall be rnarked or the locking rings set. Control valve bypass loops shall be set with the balancing valve to provide equal flow in e'ither mode. Confirm in writing. After all balancing is complete and all coordination with the contractor and the engineer is complete, the balancing firm shall fumish a bound report which shall contain the following information: l. RPM, drive sheave information (as installed and as changed), fan nameplate information, motor nameplate information, and amperage and voltage to all motors (in all operating modes). Static pressure across all components ofthe system. Circulafing pump flow rates, pressures, running amperage, and full load amperage at desigr flow and shut-off conditions. The hydronic system shall be proportionally balanced being certain that the path to one terminal is fully open. Total system flow shall be adjusted at the pump by restricfing the discharge balancing valve. Ifthe pump must be severely restricted, the impeller may have to be trimmed. This decision will be the responsibility of the contractor, supplier, and the mechanical engineer. Testing, Adjusfing, & Balancing | 59904 Logan Gallery I I T :l T , Ir :l ! I .l I I I I 3. Required and final balanced CFM at each system terminal. Include lhe terminal size, reading orifice size, and velocities read to attain the CFM. 4. Pump and motor nameplale information, amperage and voltage to all motors, pressure drop across all system lerminals, pressure rise across the pump in PSI and feet ofhead. 5. Thermal protection for all motor shall be recorded. Starter brand, model, enclosure type, installed thermal heaters and the rating ofthe heaters, required thermal heaters and the rating of the heaters if different than installed shall be recorded. If the starters were fumished by lhe mechanical contractor, the heaters shall be changed to the correct size and so noted in the report. If the starters were fumished by the electrical contraclor, the correct heater sizes shall be noted in the report and the electrical contractor shall be advised. 6. The report shall include a sheet which shall report the method ofbalance, project altitude, and any correction factors used in the calculations. '7. A reduced set of contract drawings shall be included in the report with all terminals (VAV boxes, outlets, inlets, coils, unit heaters, fin tube loops, radiant panel loops, etc.) clearly marked and all equiprnent designated. 8. Any problems, deficiencies or abnormal conditions that may affect the performance or operation of the systems. GUARANTEEOF WORK A, The TBA Contractor shall guarantee the tests and balance for a period ofninetv days from date of final acceptance of the test and balance report. During this period, the TBA Contractor shall make personnel available at no cost to the Owner to correct deficiencies in the balance. END OF SECTION 3.4 ! t I I Testing, Adjusting, & Balancing 15990-5 Logan Gallery lr Community Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Tom Kassmel or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Retum To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:7t27/00 Return By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Logan Residence 770 Potato Patch Lot 3. Block l. Vail Potato Patch New SF (really a private art gallery) These are only conceptual plans, so maybe only make comments if you see glaring errors. Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons) _App.oved with conditions Need title report Retaining wall per T.O.V. standards How many parking spaces are required verses needed? Show on site plan detail information on drainage from lot 3 Date received: Reviewed bv: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed: 8-7-00 F:\EVERYONE\DRIFROUTINC\98ROUTNG\PUBLICWO\ | MASTER.FRIvI t tntlRE[$#lJ'l'H.1 f crnres LtrTTil@F TRANsnntrrAL 1617 Wazee Street, Suite C2 DENVER, COLORADO 80202 TEL (303) 623.3355 FAX (303) 623-2262 WE ARE SENDING YOU fl Attached D Under separate cover via ""-' 1l-26100 lroBNo^*frf14p1tt aAkEg ":1 d>Eatry'.L Effitwxle,/ P?tv,4tEAwr Atsi=rzv ! Samples the following items: ! Specificationsn Plans! Shop drawings tr Copy of letter dp,intsn Change order n coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 4 4drm 4uv4rn %ua l,5ne Pua"rr4rtH-^xB4IlFl E\.AftO^j THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: n For approval n For your use ! As requested I For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE tr Approved as submitted E Approved as noted I Returned for corrections D Resubmit -copies for approval ! Submit - copies for distribution ! Return - corrected prints N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS fficD J u L 2 6 A9"04","",,",o, "" nor"o, *fnli) December 22,1997 George Ruther Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE:Vail Residence Lot 3 Potato Patch 6\e Pierce, Seterbe18 & Associates Architects, PC.,A.l.A. Main Office 1000 5. Frontage Road W Vail. CO I1657 fox:970 476 4608 phone: 970 47 6 4433 Denver Oftice l6lTWaze€ Streer Suite C2 Denver: CO 80202 [ox: 103 623 7262 phonei 103 621 3355 Dear George: Thank you for your time last Thursday in our pre-DRB meeting regarding a proposed residence on Lot 3, Potato Patch. Following is a summary of the points we discussed: L Re: GRFA calculations and required parking: If the residence is designed as a primary residence with no secondary residence, the total parking required would be five spaces with three spaces enclosed. 900 s.f. shall be excluded from the GRFA calculations. 2. We will investigate the owner title agreement and insurance regarding the infringement of the existing access drive to Lot 4 and Lot 7. 3. The proposed location of the new residence requires that the drive from the south be constructed for fire department access. The structure must be fully sprinkled and the drive heated. The auto drive connection between Lot 2 and Lot 3 may be constructed but would not be required. The pedestrian connection which may require a retaining wall would be permitted along with the auto drive connection if an access agreement is signed by the owner. The proposed residence is to be used primarily as a private art gallery. To qualiff as a residence a minimal kitchen must be provided. Additional spaces may be left open to fi.rnction as a gallery. The design concept for the project is to provide for maximum display area and volume with the potential to add bedrooms and other internal divisions at alater date. The design and GRFA would be reviewed by the Planning Department and DRB as submitted. Future modifications would be addressed at the time of their submittal. The exterior materials would be compatible with the residences on Lot 2. 4. 5. 6. Page2 George Ruther December 22,1997 7. There was no objection to the observation deck provided that the construction is in character with the main structure and the height limit is not exceeded. 8. You suggested that we investigate vacating the property line which may lower the overall GRFA but would eliminate the need for an access agreement. Due to the connection issue which was addressed in the design of the residence on Lot 2, I an concemed with the response by the DRB to a connection that may not hold to the letter of the Zoning Code which calls for "a single structure with common building walls that create enclosed space". If any of these points disagree with your notes please give me a call. Again, thank you for your time. Sincerely, PIERCE, $EGERBERG & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, P.C., A.I.A. O'fr" /to"t**n Architect C:Kent & Vicki Logan Gordon Pierce .- ,l r ,=.iAPPLIGATIoN FoR TOWN OF VAIL j I r PUBLTC WAY PERMTT .19 "l'I /d Job Name l/, Excavating 4. Work is for {ckcle one) Address /,O 7/t Water Sewer Landscaping /'() ',,l C:lrv. Legal Description 251 5 Gas Electric Telephone CATV 7-'/t ,r-7// e, 9zl TOV Contractor's License Number (Permit Expiration Date) 'fr -F lJ. Other Temporary Site Access Length 20 - o"Depth 7. 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit ree $ /'5 ( ( ^ 6. ALL MATERIAL. EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application lhrough the Public Works office to obtain t|5' necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process, Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-748O) PublicservicecJlfrpuny(1-800-922-1987'1 t', ''',''i tLt! r :' . , ' " , Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) t a TCI Cablevision of the Rockies Ttrtnt;t! .t TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT i54 g.res ide,rce ) Name or Location ol work) rcodstooc hones, lnc.sor;tdlle creek rd Name, Address, Phone, and Llc€nse No.) 3. Work is for (circle one)WATER SEWEB GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLETV Or"=" dralnilge Permit Fee $75.00 uood$tone h6res, i:rc. 1253 .rpradd ! r: creck nd, 'ral: , i:l i! 1 658 9_2. PERMrrNo. C1':T'lJl Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite, 6g I E 6 ii iI I 3 i .!l t! I - h (Ste Bill to: Paid:debble rcelgnd Receipt #:1687 (Public Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED t. r \ IJ'' \ -.- .'I,' I THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT!, :L-- I White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communitv Develoomenl Gold - Contractor