HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 4 PART 1 LEGALoolrrtTY tE\E!(nc t Design Review Eoard ACTION FOR]II Deprrtment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, colorado 81657 tel: 970.,1t9.2139 fa* 970.479.2452 web: ww.vailgoY.com Project Name: VEI-ASQUEZ RE-ROOF Prote€t Description: PO BOX 454 VAIL co 81658 ProJect Address: 802 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 802/808 POTATO PATCH DR DRB Number: DRB070423 Loca6on: RNAL APPROVAL TO RE.ROOF HALF OF DUPLEX WTTH A DAVINCI SHAKE SHINGLE. THE DRB FOUND THATfiE DAVINCI SHAKE SHINGLE WAS "COMPATIBLE" WITH THE DCSTING WOOD SHAKE ON THE OTHER HALF OF THE DUPLD(. Pafticipants: owNER VE|-ASQUEZ, JAVIER-VrSrA, BtA08l2OlZ007 PO BOX 454 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT VE|-ASQUEZ, JAVIER-VISIA" BtA08,l20 12007 Legal Description: Lot! ,t Block: l Subdlvlsion: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parel Number 2101-063{105-2 Gomments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Margaret Rogers Mike Dantas 5-0{ Action: APPROVED Date of ApproYalz @10512007 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued bward completion. Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Deparunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgw.om All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the zubmittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested, An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be rwiewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. besign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and @nstruction commences within one year of the approval. Descriptionpf r^r:t h D^\l ' | +o re-@ol h"lT "{lo Locationof theProposa,, l.o,, 5 ,,o*, Physical Address:Bot parcer No.: a6l Ob, otqf a Name(s) of Owner(s):J |'s-'tFfL Mailing Address:,O. Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: *m General InformaUon: v7g) 5 oLs, ),.,ky Phi\one: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Feer tr Signs tr Conceptual Review O New Constructiontr Additioh tr Minor Altention (multi-fa mily/commercial) Minor Afteration (single.fam ily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Reque* $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 v$i p n tr (Contact Eagle Go. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zl 6s {- b- Fax: O Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. "1 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such at re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucfi as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Revieu Board. No Fee L\9Kueo Cr- d rorrrPRoPERTYowNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements includer Rr- (*+ of oC lga d; a br. U, n., sl^lco, Additionally, please cheCk the statement below which is most applicable to you: D I undercbnd that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the ourse of the review proes to ensure compliance with the TownS applicable cdu and rqulations. (nitial here) D I rquet that all modifrcationt minor or otherwise, which are made b the plans over the course of the review process, fu brought to my attention by the appliant for addifubnal approval before undergomg fitther review by the Town. a joint owner of property located at (Initial here) MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMET{TS suBMrrTAt REQUTREMENTS General InformaUon: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB apprwal unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** o Stamped TopograPhic SurveYt o Site and Grading Plan* tr Landscape Plan* o Architectural Elevations* o Exterior color and material samples and specifications. o Architectural Floor Plans* o LighUng Plan* and Cut-shee(s) for proposed fixtures o TiUe repo( including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* a Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. o Written apprwal from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the matzrials noEd with an ostcrish (*) **For interior conversioni with no exterior changes. the submlttat requirements include a iomplete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a tite report, and written approrral from a ondominium associaUon, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal rcqulrements: Project Name: ft*a Ciernan{vsLL v.:'..ti F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMm\PIanning\drb-minor-alt-1 1-23-2005.doc rLl23l2O0S Page 3 of 13 ********a*aaf+f**'i'l*'i***9***'i****t*****+****l*aa***t*'}'}laaat**t*****a{r**'t'}'t'}ffffff*ra***a{'*a TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stat€tri€'nt Staternent t{lJl|iber: RO7OOO1598 llrprrnt: $20.00 08/2O/2oO7O1 :43 PM Payment Method: Cash Init: its Notsation: S/.TAVIER VEI,ASQUEZ Permlt No: DRB07o423 rl4)e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101-063-0105-2 Sit.e Mdrese: 802 POTATO PATCH DR \TAIIJ rocation: 8o2/8og Po:rATo PATCH DR Tota1 Feea: $20.00 Thia Paltment: $2o.OO Total ALIJ Pmta: $20.00Balance: $0.00 *+*+++allll********tl*t+ttt+*************'l**alllt*llaaa+***********'itlllt+a*t{t{.****+****t*** ACCOI,JNTITEM UST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3:-I22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Design Review Board Hearing September 5, 2007 Valesquez Residence Proposed Re-roof Staff does not believe the application as submitted can be approved by staff or the DRB. Staff is requesting that the DRB give direction to staff to file an application to amend the regulations adopted in Ordinance No. 3, Series ol2007. Staff would ask that the DRB tables this application until an amendment can be taken through the process. 14.10.6: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: A. The purpose of this section is to ensure that residential development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, except as set forth in subsection B of this section, with the use of unified'architectural and landscape design. A single structure shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architectural details, site grading and landscape materials and features. .fl*"^ )rl}, b.l lv\a,,,1,,,<+ %1ers A" aggl:..'.'r+ h^-t reftvvsrccl u ra-cctttQ o( ,^n e1,t't:..", ,l ,.g1"^ r.^,ith ,a*l*,| €l*lr" ruo?, 'TlAe ovo^er oP +ke ofLr. h"l( ol +h. A^pL^ )oes' r,o't' L"irf, t- Fepla,e h,s edisf i.^J ^.r,rl sL^Ve rrr,t. "f[J,^1r., LJ,"A ilvlces. o,re no l.n1.r a (an:*r) rcAnS{nuta\al in thc -f*^. ., f !c,,1 Th, roo0s od +he Ll.ins1u. , f B*"n reE;)e''t" ..S DDt contrlJ^o,.^, w,th N sal SiAe oP +t* A^gle^. fn f""t t)rq ,un pe,pt,r),.^l^r -to ea'h olhrr. (X, lnn5-1p "F 14-tC*(r, (e<',drni-l b"rol'g-u'rr, N,5;'r", (r^:J"l;'"' ^llo-'' fr. 'i",-g,*;hL b*;t,{,^', vna.te'.'Jr$ {'l^s1'[o" t/l' bil0' 4inJ: f lt" D'U''"1 , lyilfutic 5hrh qn apg',u.,V!" rn<{cri'.\ on t{ri e s(ruclvie' 2*' lrl,t* Lrnr^-s \).ure : q -o o ORDINANCE NO.3 SER|ES OF 2007 ORDINANCE NO. 3, SERIES OF 2007, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14.2: DEFINITIONS, AND CHAPTER 14-10: DESIGN REVIEW STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES, VAIL TOWN CODE TO CREATE WILDFIRE REGULATIONS AND REQUIRE CLASS A ROOF ASSEMBLIES OR CLASS A ROOF COVERINGS FOR ALL STRUCTURES IN THE TOWN OF VAIL, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has held public hearings on the proposed amendments in accordance with the provisions of the Vail Town Code of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has recommended approval of these amendments at its December 1 1, 2006 meeting, and has submitted its recommendation to the Vail Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds that the proposed amendments are consistent with the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and are compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds that the proposed amendments further the general purpose of the Development Review Handbook; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds that the proposed amendments promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town and promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council finds that these amendments to the Vail Town Code will aid in the prevention of loss of life and propefi, and will aid in the spread of wildfires; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to adopt these amendments to the Town Code. Ordinance No. 3, Series of 2007 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. The purpose of this wildfire ordinance is to reduce the risk of spreading wildfire by amending Title 14, Vail Town Code, to require Class A roof assemblies or Class A roof coverings for all structures in the Town of Vail. (Text that is to be deleted is stdeken. Text that is to be added is bold. Sections of text that are not amended may be omitted.) Section 2. Chapter 14-2 (in part) is hereby amended as follows: DEFENSIBLE SPACE: An arca around structurcs where non-FireWise plant matertal capable of causing a flrc to spread have been modlfled, cleared, or reduced to act as a banier between an advancing fire and resources or lives at risk. F|REWI€,E PLANT MATERIALS; As outlined in the latest version of Colorado S|B,|c Forest Seruice publication ffi.305, "FireWise Plant Materials." ROOFASSEJITBLY: A system d*igned to proyide weather protection and resrlsfance to design loads. The system consisfs of a roof covering and roof deck or a single component seruing as both the roof covering and rcof deck. A roof assembly includes the roof deck, vapor tetarder, substrate or thermat banier, insulation, vapor rctarder and roof covering. ROOF COVERING: The covering applied to the roof deck for weather resistance, fire classificafion, or appearance. Section 3. Section 14-10-3 is hereby amended as follows: 3. Site Planning:C. Removal of trees, shrubg and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of fhose essenfial for development of the site,-er those identified as drseased or those essential for creating defenslble space. Mitigation may be required for tree removal. Section 4. Section 14-10-5 is hereby amended as follows: 5. Building Materials and Design:A. The use of noncombustible bulldlng materials and designs intended to prevent the spread of fire are highly encouraged. Predominantly natural building materials shall be used within the Town of Vail. The exterior use of wood, wood siding, lveed@les, native stone, brick, concrete, stucco, and EIFS may be permifted. Concrete surfaceq when permifted, shail be treated with texture and color; however, exposed aggregate is rnore acceptable than raw concrete. The exteior use of the following siding matertals shall be prohibited: stucco or EIFS with gross textures or surface features that appear to imitate other materials, simulated stone, simulated brick, plastlc and vinyl. Ordinance No. 3, Series of 2007 2 einuletad briek Ehail n vin"l siding that aepeara te hnitate ether nateriale shall net be Bernifted, The exterier The exterior use of any building material, including those not specifically identified by this Section, shall only be permifted, unless otherwise prohibited by this Code, where the Design Review Board finds:a. that the proposed material is satisfactory in general appearance, quality over time, architectural style, design, color, and texture; and,b. that the use of the proposed material complies with the intent of the provisions of this Code; and,c. that the use of the proposed material is compatible with the structure, site, sunounding sfrucfureg and overall character of the Town of VaiL; and,d. that the material is noncombustible or aids in the prevention of fircs. D. The majority of roof forms within Vait are gable roofs with a pitch of at least four feet (4) in twelve feet (12'). However, other roof forms are allowed. Consideration of environmental and climatic determinants such as snowshedding, drainage, firc safety and solar exposure should be integral to the roof design. F. All structures shall have Class A roof assemblies or shall have Glass A roof covering materials, as defined by the adopted building code. The use of +veed ehele, concrete tile, slate, metal, asphalt shingle, fiberglass shingle, and built-up tar and gravel roofing may be permitted. Metal roofing, when permifted, shall not reflect direct sunlight onto an adjacent property and shall be surfaced with a lowgloss fnish or be capable of weathering to a dull finish. Metal roofing, when permitted, shall be of a heavy gauge and designed to provide visual relief to the roof surtace (including but not limited to a standing seam). Asphalt and fiberglass shingles, when permitted, shall weigh no /ess ffian three hundred (300) pounds per roofing square. The use of wood shake, wood shingles and rolled roofing shall not be permitted. 1. Applicability: The provisions of this subsection shall apply to new construction, ,e-roofing, utilization of the 250 Ordinance, per Section 12-1*5, and all additions except those exem pf, per Subsec tion 1 2-1 1 -3C-2. 2. The use of any roofing material, including those not specifically identified by this Sectrbn, shall only be permitted, unless ofherwrse prohibited by this Code, where the Design Review Board finds:a. that the proposed material is satisfactory in general appearance, quality over time, architectural style, design, color, and texture; and,b. that the use of the proposed material complies with the intent of the prow'slons of this Code; and,c. that the use of the proposed material is compatible with the structure, site, sunounding structures, and overall characterofthe Town ofVaiL; and, d. thatthe mabrial is noncombustible or aids in the prevention of fircs. Section 5. Article 14-10-8 is hereby amended as follows: 8. Landscaping, Drainage, and Erosion Control:A. Various natural vegetation zones exist within the Gore Valley as a result of the form Ordinance No. 3, Series of 2007 and aspects of the land itself. The north facing slopes within the valley are typically heavily wooded with spruce, pine and aspen and generally receive less direct sunlightthan the dier south facing slopes which typically consist of sage, aspen and other vegetation tolerant of drier conditions. Ihe valley floor which is adjacent to Gore Creek conslsfs of a wide variety of trees and shrubs adapted to the relatively fertile soil and natural availability of water. The goal of any landscape plan should be to preserue and enhance the natural landscape character of the area in which it is to be located and serue as an aid in fire prevention and protection. The landscape scale and overall landscape design shall be developed so that new vegetation is integral with the natural landscape and the inherent form line, color and texture of the local plant communities. Srnce the major objective of the landscaping is to help reduce the scale of new structures and to assisf in the screening of structures, the planting of large sized plant materials is encouraged. FireWise plant matertals arc encouraged due to their ability fo resisf fire. Trees should be maintained through limbing and pruning in order to prcvent llmbs from being foo close lo structures and other plant matertals. Special care should be taken in selecting the types of plants to use when designing a landscape plan. Final selection should be based upon the soi'7s and climate, ease of establsDm ent, suitability for the specific use des,ie4 ability to de|c,r the spread of fires and the level of maintenance that can be provided. New planting shall use plants that are indigenous to the Rocky Mountain alpine and sub-alpine zones or as capable of being introduced into these zones. A recommended list of plant mateials, some indigenous to the Vail area, is on file with the Department of Community Development. Also indicated on the list are FireWise plant matertals snmntale-which are suitable for planting within the Vail area. The minimum sizes of landscape materials acceptable are as follows: Section 6, lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 7. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 8. The amendment of any provision of the Town Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision amended. The amendment of any Ordinance No. 3, Series of 2007 4 provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 9. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 16h day of January, 2007 and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 6th day of February, 2007, at6:00 P.M. in the CouncilChambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ, ADOPTED AND ENACTED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED lN FULL this 6h day of February, 2007. Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk 5 Ordinance No. 3, S€des of 2007 Davinct atcS1 (lhr)()sc frorrr crrlors thrrt fit \Ir )t ll'r isiotr of'tl-rc i.lcrtl l-r,rnrc. Vineyard Blend ,\ l ltrr rr,,. rr r i .,r'l rr'J l.rr. rrrl r,r\. '''rirr'1,.1 .rr ;,1,,rirrr .r l,., r lr 'r,1,.. Shake Compeiison Guide Dd/inci Shake Choose fiom a full spectrltm ctf authentic ceclar coltlrs. New Cedar Blend Thc l-.car-rty t,i Ncrv Clc'.lar sh ingles. Ncrv Cc.lrrr 1'lcn,.l q ill l,r 'k rrrrtLrrll fLrr yrirrs to cLrtnc. (Sh,lvn r.r'ith str.right ct,ursing ol'ttirn.) 'l7eathered Grav Blend \v/. -.1, ...,,,t r :"..'. l1l,,r'(l crrrtlev: fhe tuturirl \\'itnll rlorrl roncs thlt |..,,ttr. t<lr''rrt, *, lt ''r,'1.-ltt.,'rrt'i r: rl rt'l') 3a* qar'^ Design Review Board l"t- rf ACTIOII FORl,l €. .s{wC8ff.Orcrr Departm€nt of Community Dev6lopment 75 Sosth frontage ltoad, Vall, Colorado 81657 tet: 970.479.2139 hlrt 97i'479.2452 web: www.vailgov. com Proiect Name: Project Description: VEI-ASQUEZ/BATTIN DRIVEWAY DRB Number: DRB070410 FINAL APPROVAL TO REPI-ACE ASPHALT DRIVEWAY WITH PAVERS Pafticipants: owNER VELASQUEZ, IAVIER-VISrA, Bl-A08/15i2007 PO BOX'16+ VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT ROCIS MOUNTAIN STONESCAPES 08lI5l2W7 Phone: 720-298-4996 15707 109TH AVE COMMERCE CITY co 80022 ProjectAddress: 802 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Location: 802i808 POTATO PATCH DR Legal Description: LoE 4 Elock 1 Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number: 2101-063-0105-2 CommenB: Moton By: Second By: Vote: CondiUonsl BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProval: 08/15/2007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate reviev, committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oi hnal approvat, untess a bui6ing permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toruard completion. Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $20'00Planner: Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.452 web: wwwvailgov.com General fnfiormation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partioltar approval that is requested. An application for Design Revieil cannot be accepted until all required informauon is received by the Community Development Deparbnent. The project may also need to be rsdewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenbl Commission. Design revianr approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenes within one year of the apprcval. rl N OJ Dv o d \ OLocation of the Proposal: Lou { gbct: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-85'10 for parcel no.) Zoning:?S Name(s) of Owner(s): MailingAddress: bt Owner(s) Signature(s): E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Concepfual Revieur New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor AlteGtion (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr D tr o tr tr No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 Fax: -?"o -9'rZ- tJ6? $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For constuuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rebining walls, erc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee $20 Phone: -72D -L1h-!ft94 JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name a joint owner of property located at %g providethisletteraswrittenapprovaloftheplans a"w gfStol which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: (Signature Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you: I undetsbnd that minor modifications may be made b the plans over the agse of the w poc*s to ensure compliance with the Town? appliabb codu and regulations. D I rqu*t that all modifrations, minor or otherwise, whidr are made to the plans over the cource of the review process, be brought to my attention by the apphtcant for additbnal approval before underyoing fufther review by the Town. 08 / ts /o1("",") ', \u/ (Initial here) -ffi MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDIT{GS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMTTTAL REQUTREMET{TS General Information: This application is required for proposals invoMng minor exterbr alterations and/or siE imprwements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB apprwal unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls' I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS** E 9^Pa ToPogmPhic SurveY* f DfSrre ano Gffir 3 Land*ape Plan*.* Architedural Elevations* ,4exteaor color and material samples and specifications.q Architectural Floor Plahs* / t-igtrting Plan* and Cut€heet(s) for proposed fixtures d rltte report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easemenE* if applicable f Site-specinc C;eological Hazard Repot! if applicable* o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other mabrials (induding a model) if deemed necessary to determine whetrer a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit thrce (3) copies of the materials noted with an asurisk (*). **For interior conversions with no er<terior changes, the submi$al requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a tide report ard written appronl from a ondominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and undenstand lfie above listed submittal rcqulrements: Project Na Contractor F : \cdev\FORMS\PERI4ITS\Planni ng\d rb-minor-alt-1 1-23-2005.doc Lrlz3l2005 Page 3 of 13 PROPOSED MATERUIIS Buildino Materials Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other 'soerear' co?tr"r- (Ptntt trotes: Stb.l€f' Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\derr\FoRlvls\PERMlTs\Plannlng\drb-rninor-alt-11-23-2005.doc PagE 6 of 13 rtl23l200s 6"c-sg-t Ber.t PROFOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name @mmon l{ame Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Dedduous Trees - 2" Caliper Conibrous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tyoe SquarsFootaqe GROUND @VER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify odter landscape feahrrcs (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, tr.) F:\cdw\FoRMS\PERMm\Pbnning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc PagE 7 of 13 LU23l200/s *m UTILIW APPROVAL & VERIFICATION Subdivision:- Lot#:- Authorized Siqnaturo Comments Date This form seNes to veriry that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or.proposed utility services, and also to veriry service availability and location ior new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan. induding grading plan, floor plan, and elevations,shall be submifted to the following utilities for approial and verification. pirrcr Altoilt'-up To 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAT OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTITITY COdinfffS. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Developer to Ptovide Lot Addres fnfotmation: lot Address: QWESr 970.468.6860(tel) 970.,t68.0672(fax) Contacts: Sam Tooley samuel.tooley@qwest.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Rictt Sisneros richard.sisneros@xceleneroy.com HOLY CROSS EilERGY 970.947.s425 (tel) 970.9as.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom i@ln@dveIgss,sa![ XCEL EI{ERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.4024 (tel) Contacts: Kit Bogert Kathrvn. Booert@XcELEN ERGY'com EAGTE RIVER WATER, & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhaslee@erwsd.oro COMCAST CABLE 970.418.8248 (teD 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: David Evans david evans(acable.comcast.com I{OTES: 1. If the uulity approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, or no action is taken within 2 weeG of the Utility's receipt of the form without o(plaination the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed' 2. 1; a utility company has cgncems with the proposed construction, the utilfy representative sfiall note directly on the utility verification form that Urere is i proUtem which nieOi to be resolved. ihe issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, ptease keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility aompany and the applicant to resolve idenufied problems. 3. These verificauons do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the-Department of public works at the Tor/trn of Vail. Utiliw locauons must oe ootained betore aioailc in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of vail. I uuilJiffi oermit ana rlltst 9e obtained +oaratefY' ., +. ine oevetoper is required and agrees to submit any reuiii7Eilings to ttre utilities for re-approval & re'verification if the submitted plans are altercd in any iay after the authorized signature date (unles otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Developel's Signature Date 1-25-2007 Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Departrnent of Community Development 75 Souh Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwrv.milgor.com *This dtd<tist must be sabmitw priorb Puwic Woda rcview of a popored development Owners/Projed Name: c) trtts-l Applicant:Phone Number:1?p - AklaiG Submittalo Stamped survey of property tr Civil/Site plans SurveY Reouirements: tr Surveyor's wet stamp and signature o Date of survey o North arrow o Proper scale (1"=10'or L"=20) o Legal description o Basis of bearings / Benchmark o Spot Elevations o tabeled right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. o Lot Sizeo Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 4096, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: I. Access (checkbll) o Driveway type and finished suface are shown on the site plan. o Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) o Snow stoiage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if unheated; 107o of driveway area if heated) o All drivevray grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11, Steepest Section Driveway Gnde (not theaverage grade):- o parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 II. Construction Site (c]reck all) o Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. o I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Trafftc Control Dwices, will be necessary prior to consbuction. D I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be reqUired prior to construction. F :\ide,v\FclRMS\PERMITS\PI annin g\drb-minor-alt-u -23-2005'doc tLl23l2OO5 a Landscape plan o 'l'itle Report (Section B) o Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlandsr floodplain. soils) o watercourse setback (if applicable) o Treesa Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestian, etc...) o Topography o l,ftility locations o Mjacent roadwap labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. Page 11 of 13 III. Drainage (check all that apply) D The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12. o (Note: Valley pan must not be heated) o 4 Foot Concrete Pan o 8 Foot C,oncrete Pan o Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site. s Culverb have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. tr A Hydraulic repoft has been provided. (As requested byTown Engineer) IV. Erosion Control (Check all that apply) o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre. o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped. D Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply) o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain. D 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer) o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. GeologicaflEnvironmental Hazards (check all that apply) u The projed ties within a GeologidEnvironmental Hazard area, (See Development Standards, p. 20) u A Hazard Report has been provided tr The project does not lie within a Geologi{Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (checkallthat apply)o Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. o All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade' o All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE sbmped details are provided within plans. o Only o<isting contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIU. Parking (check all) o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply) o All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19' o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. o All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction. o No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply) o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Dwelopment Standards, p'12. o Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why:- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Work Review. APPlicants Signature- F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTs\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.d0c Page 12 of 13 tu23l2o0s Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest, Director, (e70) 47s-213e Check all thatppply Date: Q I 15lo1 1. Which Department(s) did you contact? Building Environmental-Housing-Admin-Planning DRB-,/ JPEC- , 2. Was yourinitial contactwith ourstaff immediate/-dow-orno one avaihble ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? O 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely Uasis?@'{o lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app '4E>-PEC app- Bldg Permit N/A- 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 7\tsz1 (5 is hish) Name: -EE- Y-(f nowledge, responsiveness, availabili$) 7. overall effectiveness of the Front service counter' &"'1 (5 is high) 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 8. What comments do you have which would allow us to befter serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our service. 12t05105 t m Ita trrhr.I' t, d sr9 j ; j 1 'l ^l I , ll l 1 u 'iP,.l 't*', {, -l 1 IC SpEc]lluzv6lN PAVE lNsr{uAl,oN ANo LA,NDsa^rE M^TENAL Phone: 720-2984996 Fax:720-872-1869 ,OINT PROPERTY OWNER . WRITIEI{ APPROVAT LETIER a joint owner of property located at provide this fetter as written approval of tjre plans a"t a 8 f B f Ol which have been submitted to the Town of vail community Dorelopment Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above' I understand that the proposed improvements include: Additionalln please drebk the statement below which is most applicable to you: that mthor madlMtlons nay b nade b ilte plans over the aune of the with the Town's applicabte du and rryulatlons' D I rquat that alt modiftcations, minor or otherulse, whidt arc made to the plans over the outs of the rcview proc6s, be brought to my attention by ffie apptiant fur addt'tional apptoual Morc underyoing furilter review by the Town. K rcvEw Qnitial here) +***********fi******t+++++***+********+*+*++t+*t*******t*****************'t'|*t{r******+******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 0t-192007 atl4:21:27 0811512007 Statement st,atement Nunber: R070001534 Arnount: 920.00 08/L5/2OO702:19 PM Payment Method: Check fnit: ,JS NotaEion: 13 4 8 /ROCKY MOI'NTAIN STONESCAPES Permit, No: DR8070410 T)4)e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101- 053 - 0105-2 Site Addreaa: 802 POTATO PATCH DR VAIIJ IJocation: 8O2/8O8 POTATO PATCH DR Total Feea: 520.00 This Palment: $20.00 Total AIJtrr Pmte: 92O.OO Balance: 50.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description DR OO1OOOO37L22OO DESIGN REVIEW TEES Current Pmts 20.00 o Pla )?otgo!,btp? | ooarf,.b{w aflEuttGnr nning and Environmental Commieson ACTIOI{ FOR!{ Department of Communlty Development 75 south Frontage Roadn tall, colorado 81657 tef: 970.47S.2139 tax. 970.479,2452 web: www. vailgpv.com Project Name: ProJect Descrlpdon: PrcJect Address: 8OO POTATO PATCH Legal Descripdon: Parcel Number: Comments: RUTH, BATIIN, VET.ASQUEZ REPLNT PEC Number: PEC060009 E(EMPNON PLAT APPUCATION TO MODIFY A SHARED PROPERTY LINE BETWEEN TWO ADIACENT LOTS. THE TWO LOTS EXCHANGED EQUAL SIZED PARCELS OF LAND WHICH DID NOTAFFECT ANY DB/ELOPMENT PAMMETERS, BOTH LOTS ARE STILL CONFORMING IN ALL ASPECTS. Partdpants: owNER RUTH, LLOYD D., JR 0112312006 520 I.AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERflEt"D rL 60015 APPUCANT RUTH, LLOYD D., JR 0L12312006 520 I-AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERREI."D IL 60015 8OO POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: 10fi 4&7 Block 1 Subdlvicon: VAIL POTATO PATCH 2101-053-0104-4 SEE CONDrTIONS BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Mouon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Jewitt Viele 5-0-0 AcdON: APPROVED Dab of Apprcval= 0212il2006 Cond:8 tpf-CN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of vait st!ff and/or ihe appropriate review commlttee(s). Condr 300 pEC approvat shall not be not become valid for 20 daw follorrring the date of approval. Plann€r! WarrenGmpbell PEC Fee Pald: $650.00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 27,20OG A request for a final review of a final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modification to shared property boundaries, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision, located at 800 and 802 Potato Patch Drive, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0009) Applicanl Lloyd Ruth, Javier Velasquez, Peter Battin, represented by Ann Bishop Planner: Wanen Campbell [. SUMMARY The applicants, Lloyd Ruth, Javier Velasquez, and Peter Baftin, represented by Ann Bishop, are requesting approval of a final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modification to shared property boundaries, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision, located at 800 and 802 Potato Patch Drive. The proposed final plat amendment involves reconfiguring the lot line between Lots 4 and 7 to allow for a swap of 928 square feet of property between the two parcels. Staff is recommending approval of this application subject to the findings and criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicants, Lloyd Ruth, Javier Velasquez, and Peter Battin, represented by Ann Bishop, are proposing to modify the property line between two existing lots resulting in two new lots. Review of this of the proposed final plat is occuning, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code. The reconfiguration of the shared lot line results in both parcels swapping equal land areas of 928 square feet. The proposal results in the square footage of the proposed lots being identical to that of the square footage of the existing lots. This swap is proposed to allow for the owner of Lot 7 to apply for an addition to the existing house on the parcel in the future and for Lot 4 to protect a view which is important to the owners of Lot 4. A vicinity map is attached depicting the subject property (Attachment A), as is a reduced copy of the proposed, reconfigured plat (Aftachment B). ilt.BACKGROUND Lots 4 and 7, Block 1, Vail Potrato Patch, were annexed into the Town by Ordinance 8, Series of 1969, which became effective on August 8, 1969. With the exception of multiple Design Review application for the two lots which included GRFA additions, repaints, window changes, repaints, and siding changes, there has been no signifi cant action since annexation. ROLES OF REVIEWING BOARDS Plannino and Environmental Commission: Action: Pursuant to Section 13-12-3C, Review and Action on Plat, Vail Town Cod, the Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of the final plat. Desion Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority on an exemption plat, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. Town Gouncil: The Town Council is the appeals authority for an exemption plat review procedure in accordance with Sub-section 13-3-5G, Council May Appeal, Vail Town Code. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo contiaining background on the property and proMdes a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS TITLE 13, VAL TOWN CODE: SUBDIVISION REGULAflONS (partial) 13-2-2 DEFTNTTTONS EXEMPTION PUT: The platting of a portion of land or propefi that does not fall within the definition of a'subdivision', as contained in this secfion. 13-12 EXEMPTION PLAT REVIEW PROCEDURES 13-12-1: PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose of this chapter r.s fo esfab/ish criteria and an appropriate review process whereby the planning and environmental commission may grant exemptions from the definition of the term 'subdivision' for properties that are determined to fall outside the purpose, puruiew and intent of chapters 3 and 4 of this title. Ihis process is tv. v. vt. intended to allow for the plafting of property where no additional parcels are created and conformance with applicable provisions of this code has been demonstrated. '13-12-2: EXEMPTIONS lN PROCEDURE AND SUBMITTALS: 'Exemption P/als", as defined in section 13-2-2 of this title, shall be exempt from reguirements related to preliminary plan procedures and submiftals. Exemption plat applicants may be required to submit an environmental impact report if required by title 12, chapter 1 2 of this code. '13-12-3: PLAT PROCEDUREAND CRITERIA FOR REVIEW: C. Review And Action On Plat: The planning and environmental commission shall review the plat and associated materials and shall approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the plat within twenty one (21) days of the ftrst public hearing on the exemption plat application or the exemption plat application will be deemed approved. A longer time period for rendering a decision may be granted subject to mutual agreement between the planning and environmental commission and the applicant. The viteria for reviewing the plat shall be as contained in section 13-3-4 of thistitle. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING North: East: West: South: Dimension: Frontage: Land Use Open Space Residential Residential Residential Zonino Unincorporated Eagle County Primary/Secondary District Primary/Secondary District Primary/Secondary District vil.SITE ANALYSIS The following is an zoning analysis of Lots 4 and7, which are proposed to be amended by the proposed application. lt should be noted that other than lot frontage no zoning statistics are affected as the resulting proposed lols are the same square footage as the proposed new lot configurations. Lot 4, Block I, Vail Potato Patch Zoning:Primary/Secondary District Land Use Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Current Land Use:Two-Family Duplex Residence Develooment Standard Allowed Lot Area: 15,000 sq. ft. Prooosed 15,995 sq. ft./0.367 acres No Ghange exceeds 80'X80', No Change Lot 4 has frontage on two sides to Potato Patch Drive both of which exceed 30 feet. 80'X80'min. 30'min. \o 460/o of the first 10,000 square feet of site area plus 3870 of the next 5,000 square feet, plus 13% of the remaining lot area is allowed. A structure measuring approximately 6,629 sq. ft. could be constructed on Lot 4. The access for Lot 4 is currently taken off of a shared drive way with Lot 7 with all appropriate access easements. Primary/Secondary Allowed 15,000 sq. ft. 80'X80'min, 30'min. GRFA: Access: Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Cunent Land Use: Develooment Standard Lot Area: Dimension: Frontage: GRFA: Two-Family Duplex Residence Prooosed 31,561 sq. ft.10.725 acres No Change exceeds 80'X80' No Ghange Lot 7 has 30 feet of frontrage on Potato Patch Drive. Access: 460/o of the first 10,000 square feet of site area plus 38% of the next 5,000 square feet, plus 13olo of the next 15,000 square feet, plus 6% of the remaining lot area is allowed. A structure measuring approximately 8,543 sq. ft. could be constructed on Lot 7. The access for Lot 7 is currently taken off of a shared drive way with Lot 4 with all appropriate access easements. VIII. APPLICATIONCRITERIAANDFINDINGS The purpose section of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, is intended to ensure that the proposed subdivision is promoting the health, safety and welfare of the community. The criteria for reviewing an exemption plat shall be as contained in section 13-3-4 of this title which are as follows: (1) The extent to which the proposed subdivision rb consislent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the town; and Staff Response: Staff has reviewed the proposed final plat and found it to be in compliance with all applicable elements of Vail Comprehensive Plan. (2) The extent to which the proposed subdivision complies with all of the standards of this Title, as well as, but not limited to, Title 12, Zoning Regulations and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable; and Staff Responsa: Staff has reviewed the proposed final plat and found that all submiftal documents were received and the resulting lots will comply with all applicable portions of the Town of Vail Zoning Code. (3) The extent to which the proposed subdivision presents a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among /and uses cong.sfenf with municipal devel opment obje ctives ; a n d Staff Response: The proposed final plat modifying the shared property line between Lots 4 and 7 will not negatively affect the workable relationship among land uses as the proposal will maintain the cunent land uses, low density residential. (4) The extent of the effects on the future development of the sunounding area; and Staff Response: The proposed final plat modifying the shared property line between Lots 4 and 7 will not negatively affect the future development of the sunounding area. (5) The extent to which the proposed subdivision is located and designed to avoid creating spatial pattems that cause inefficiencies in the delivery of public seruices, or require duplication or premature extension of public facilities, or result in a'leapfrog' pattern of development; and Staff Response: The proposed final plat modifying the shared property line between Lots 4 and 7 will not negatively affect the elements identified in the above criterion. (6) The extent to which the utility lines are sized to serue the planned ultimate population of the seruice area to avoid future land disruption to upgrade under-sized lines; and Staff Response: The proposed final plat modifying the shared property line between Lots 4 and 7 will not affect the cunently level of utility seMce required in the vicinity. Q) The extent to which the proposed suhdivision provides for the growth of an orderly viable communiU and serves the best inferesfs of the community as a whole; and Staff Response: Staff believes the proposed final plat to modify the shared property line between Lots 4 and 7 will continue to allow for the orderly growth of the mmmunity and serves the interests of the community as the owner of Lot 4 will be able to preserve a view conidor they value and the owner of Lot 7 will be able to propose an addition to the existing structure which will comply with setbacks and preserve the lower portion of the lot as undisturbed. (8) The extent to which the proposed subdivision resu/fs in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment, including, but not limited to, water quality, air quality, noise, vegetation, riparian conidors, hillsides and other desirable natural features; and Staff Response: Staff does not believe the proposed final plat to modifr the shared property line between Lots 4 and 7 will result in any adverse impacts to any of the items listed in the above criterion. (9) Such other factors and criteria as the Commission and/or Council deem applicable to the proposed subdivision. B. Necessary Findings: Before recommending and/or granting an approval of an application for a major subdivision, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings with respect to the proposed major subdivision: (1) That the subdivision is in compliance with the criteria listed in Subsecfion 13-344, VailTown Code; and (2) That the subdivision ls consisfent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and (3) That the subdivision is compatibte with and suitabte to adjacent uses and appropriate fq the sunounding areas; and (4) That the subdivision promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves a final plat pursuant to Chapter 13-'12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modification to shared property boundaries, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision, located at 800 and 802 Potato Patch Drive, subject to the following conditions: Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the final plat, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission apryoves the applicant's request for a final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modification to shared property boundaries, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision, located at 800 and 802 Potato Patch Drive, and sefting forth datails in regard thereto." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the final plat, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: (1) That the subdivision is in compliance with the criteria listed in Sub-secfion 13-3-44, VailTown Code; and (2) That the subdivision is consisfenf with the adopted goals, obiectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and (3) That the subdivision is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the sunounding areas; and (4) That the subdivision promotes the heafth, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town and promotes the. coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that conserves and enhances ifs natural environment and its established character as a resoft and residential nmmunity of the highest quality. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Copy of the proposed final plat C. Public Notice Aot'n, B'll &.^rit-{ A*l: b-e U;ele Uot": 5'-0-D E .9 .9 a:Egto glgPG5LC\l 9Nt!EE8.5 =,9o: F.9.:Eo'=o=.LE-8 FEc!6rEo9fl.=ozJfi bErF (tr EPr'=AE -OrEdg a-E !oE Eo E ?i.illiilii:tll: : I Itr . I I lfiiill z I Ir iiffii l$iiiiiiiiir E a: *iiill i *i$lliil ri IirlIlrrj;l]t iilit! Ur it: :tr I I I Il iir;i l:! illiiirl!l ,r;lit Ill li!r lj :lshi ir !ht:{ !rt ! r, TI{I !I t!-t it .Ar!g! aI: II MO Fl Ir- F Fl iiii I,illr: i lt tiirl li:l:l iial ;; :l il :l ll, ilrllJl I llll| !, ".2 iiii lil ir r ,til | l!l i,' tii Illl ilt? l, lil lll lir: i. I li I liiri i ll I ll I lltl! ltl!iltilllrilJiiiii ; ffi lilii!r ril Ii;.! itl;iti 3,r irBl iiil:il :ll i:!l iiifiiirill iii;r /r Fl r\ xY=l+= HF-tl.Xr) Frl \J F\r6t- 4. oO r'l =t! f . \-,i a?rr a+zv - -EF ^2o4 rn RGlr.Xcliq =fiZt^-r'Jfrl \./ -I =a-,. - 9-\ g r.j Ffirj (Jztl",F o H{ i; 6 )I ?; s 'g.l g! 2 d3 3; Ee 8 :tl :i'- q; *l[' Z V) V) t?. t.i I'oii! i3!::8 Attachment B -.ffi A request for a final review of a final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat -^;ttFReview Frocedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a modification to shared property l"'t.16" \- boundariSs, Lots 4 and 7, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision, located at 800 and 802 Potato ,11'7 < Patch Drive, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0009) n Applicant: Lloyd Ruth, Javier Velasquez, Peter Battin, represented by Ann BishopPlanner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of a final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to combine two lots into one, Lots 7 and 8, Bighorn Tenace Subdivision, located at 4242 East Columbine Way, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-001 1) Applicant: Kathryn Benysh Planner:; Bill Gibson A request for a worksession to review the West Vail Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Chapter Vlll, Section 3, Vail Land Use Plan, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are avaibble for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South FrontageiRoad. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published February 10, 2006, in the Vail Daily. THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, orl February 27,2006, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivision, Vail Town Code, to allow for a resubdivision of Lot 4, Lion's Ridge Filing 2, to create lots 4A and 48, located at 1401 Lion's Ridge Loop, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0007) Applicant Richard and Jane Hart, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson ArchitectsPlanner: Matt Gennett Attachment C RESNICK MARK & TOVA 2525 ARAPAHOE 289 BOULDER, CO 80302 VELASQUEZ, JAVIER-VISTA, BLANCAS.A. PO BOX 464 VAIL, CO 81658 ROGERS, MARGARET 799 A POTATO PATCH DR VAIL, CO 81657 RUTH, LLOYDD., JR 676 N MICHIGAN AVE STE 3I2O CHICAGO. tL606tt-2848 BATTIN, PETER S. 802 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL, CO 81657 ROGERS, MARGARET GARVEY 799 A POTATO PATCH DR VAIL, CO 81657 KENT & VICTORIA LOGAN PO BOX 1770 VAIL, CO 81658 FREIN, ANN & JAMES F. RESIDENCETRUST 798 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL, CO 81657 BOYER, JOCELYN PO BOX2328 VAIL, CO 81658 -ctt-z !o o o o to I i;I kiE 16e,t Er *fiili $Eiiiiftril t t : ! i I J I 5j It fi$lfll'r z Et 5 I € i5Fr EI .l!c8E Ilrlril,liEt Et99 A I I -l5llll ':tr I;lt*' E lr ir lE ril: I 5 lE I!tr Iarl IIr: I iii r i::1i:i J iil! t 3 I I ii!; iat!li'fbl. lr ITlic Ittt.i i lliriiI lilrl .r t ll !a E r : | 5l;8:lrl !t' !J .53!t i rl E !l r tl Irl6 a:{ r; Eti E it e Bllii I!Ie i Fi !l tlh:i;E)s lct s? -rg :i: =ta!'::Ei;ls! lt5;lltl";!^'Bti3!! Eiiiii i I I i: !dlr.15 , tl Itt Itdl!d l" E | .llliEi I ;:: I a.!t;.! I j!Eiri a-r'1 IItltl :t s3i$iiiiiifiiliii*ll,, Illlr,f3!fq:€ii frri;a.ii5 I9I,{ll'f33 !^lsu i5e3 ? !!ii I<O F1 }.- FO Fl m Fl F]OH F. # (J {1 t{tt dl F1 trl (-) l-\t-{ F-,. Fi{ z (n F-{ ;fa r"l l+l s I 5 6tsss6A t 3 I gt .l iJ I tl II 'o.L SF 6ToE bl FE'ch $88el&il *l r >lr :l ur 3ti lqE i:trri !l ri El !I ll TI lsl t€ittl tl !l -r'1ttlttitltltl b;E=s3 il ti oe o () F:.o rli E-r Fv) t E-{z U E trl h zF E-t @ Fo U Fr F" F F F* Fl F Fl z FLr Fl ztrl j o E b o 5 o- o 'o o. FoJ \\ B b H :t E Ef962SiL- EB o CL 'P-'';e HJ a -<4.D- ) I q d yI<cP FJEf 58 sl-f 3: t ,----:::-"rl -i ItorI #qr6^9 da eg s38 g 3 a \- ii .-^-1"./ i,i i fl ,Ff r+- ,*m Minor Subdivision Review Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparlment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: tr Rezoning $1300tr Major SuMivision $1500E Minor Subdivision $650tr Exemption Plat $650tr Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Development District $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000tr MajorAmendmentto an SDD $1250 (n o exterio r mod i fi ca tions) tr Conditional Use Permittr FloodplainModificationtr Minor Exterior Alterationtr Major Exterior Alterationtr Development Plantr Amendment to a Development Plantr Zoning Code AmendmentE Variancetr Sign Variance $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $250 $1300 $s00 $200c,y rt;ofthe Location of : tot: ir1 gbck: I Physical Address:6'g P.+or-o,t.rtAlY. r lat-+t -, i)''-z'u5"\ C Atov2taloloLtq abpbSoio'tolto t(2ta JolOLl.l Parcef No.: )lol ob tttlot,(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:$lt &ir 5 Phone:j)D -q.]t - Owner(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address:Fax For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.: - By:-. PEC No.:Meeting Date: Planner:Project No.: ffi lllinorsubdivirionRevi€ur REcEIvED mffffif ',"";llolm"#;1'"H:lili llff,*,on rAN z 3 2006 Depiltmfi t d ODmm uniw Dsrelspmerrt 73 9drth FmnHgs Rosd, Voll, coloredo 81657 lef : 970.479.2128 fac 970,{i9.2452 wEh wtilw.valory.Em Genetal tnformrfr'on: AB prptecc '€$4ring Phnning and Efivlrohrifftrl Comnision r€yletw must r€oeh/e approv9l pilor b f,,rbmitdng a bulldhg penrrfr apptlcahm. pleeee re,tsr to the srbmltel tEquirerncntt f!'r tla prttcular appro\€l thit h rtquested. An applceflon fur Plmnng and Ernfi'onmanbl CorrlmRlfi ftil,'r6^r Cannd be a6!$ed until all irguir$ Infrnnaton is rEcei€d by $e &mmunis Oeyelopnet Departnent, The profect may Bln need s be Evie$red bl, tte Town eoundl ond/Or'dre DeCan Rslew 99fid. ?ype of Appl'rradon and Fee: tr Reonlngtr mqior$ffhrElong MlnfiSubrlMsisntr exemptlon Plattr Minor Amq|dm€nt b an sDDtr NsvSreial rretdoDnmtDisttidtr l'lajorAnadnentbfi SDO EJ l4ajorArlgu$firtbanSDD (no#rlornodtations) oondhbnal Use Permit Flooddeln Modlfrefron Hinor E(Erilr AlteEtion Mqtor Bcerior Afreration Dqrdoomefit Plao Anendflent b E Denelorment flan Zonirp @de rArnendmrt Villance VariancE $1300 f1500 $ns0 $6s0 $1000 $6000 $6m0 it2E0 $6s0 $400 $650 $8m $1500 $e50 $1300 s500 $200 tro tr tr tr tr o tr tr !M, Locatlon of Ptryst€lAq o Paml l{o.r Zonlng: tl€nrE(r) of Oryn€r(4: Meifing OrilnE|(s) Slgnat|lru(s): ilama atAppllcent: Fhorcr E-mail Addne*l Use Fre Pald: a RdTi+,^l""Turii,!2 r,"! qw-,+?(,_ 11 (contact Eagle co. As€e$orat 970-328-8640for parcel no.) Li Minor Subdivision Review iii::';; T) cnn Application for Review by the : tohi{7 ebck: I subdivision: ,afa7u b,\A ,/, Planning and Environmental Commission Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2t28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submifral requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board, Type of Application and Fee: $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $250 $1300 $s00 $200c,e-?,'S 15 D Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500E Minor Subdivision $650D Exemption Plat $650n MinorAmendmenttoanSDD $1000n New Special Development District $6000D MajorAmendmentto an SDD $6000tr MajorAmendmentto an SDD $1250 (no exteior modifiations) of tfte tr Conditional Use Permittr Floodplain ModificationD Minor Exterior Altentiontr Major Exterior Alterationtr Development PlanE Amendment to a Development Plan O Zoning Code Amendment E Variance tr lign Variance &rr 5 Physical Address: atowtalc'loLrq eppbloto'tparcel No,r ,ewt oG'.\otoS:J - (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Location of Mailing Address: Owner(s)Signature(s):' Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mairAddre*, ' k 9)0 -V76- 5t5= Jan 1Z 06 12:31a flnn o Bi shop s7 76 44S0o/tI p.3 At all times during this process, Mr, Ruttr will keep Mr. Velasquez and i[r. Brttin appnised of ihe orogress oftle prscesc thmugh the plonning nnd Zoning Commission. Mr. Ruth will incur all coets related to this property exchange. Mr. Ruth has been toldthe process will be overseen by Wanen Carnpbell, Town of Vail Planner, who has said ir drould take no more tlran tlree months. Mr- Ruth has informed all adjacent property ownets of his intention to buitd sn oddition to his home and receivcd their verhal approvnl of the pmposed work. Daredthis tAtT;"fu,zffi( Peter Batrin, 802 Potato Parch Drive Vail. CO PRBP^RED BY ANN N,E'LLY BISHO! ATTORNBY REGTSI.ERAT'ION TI.J. TIZ:I' P.O. BOXrxr vAIt co $658 )7o.7tr{,5oa rrF('FrE TGaT6-aat0 FA.x Javicr Velasquez J.rn li ub lz:3ic nn Bl shop 476 4430 At all times during this process, Mr, Ruth will keep Mr. Velasquez and Mr. Baftin apprised of the progress ofthe prgcesc ttrnough the plorrniog ond ZoningCornmission lvlr. Ruth will incur all coets related to this prcper{y exchanse. Mr. Rr:th has been toldthe prooess will be overseen by Wanen Campbell, Town of Vaii Planner, who hns said it should take no more than tJrree months- Mr. Ruth has inforrned ati adjacent property owners of his intsntion ro buitd an addiEon to his home and received their verhal aypmval rrf the proposed work. R o 70 o p.3 Dat.lntias /fE aw rr%,200 {- Percr Battin, 802 Potato Patch Drive Vail. CO PREPARDD BY ANN REILLY EISTIOP AITORNDY RECIS1'ER.Ar'|OL Fro. zazzt P.O-tOL820 VAIL,CO 81658 9 7ld!47fi50t Vfr Ot+ 6,t97 W7 6-a{te FAX Javier Velasquez o ****++*{t'lt'}*'}*+*******+{'+lr{r***tt*i****t*+**'|.'tr}**if****fl***f+++***+************************** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ******+++tttlr*'l'l************t"|''i*trf'+*********!tt*'t't*+l'{'++*+++***********'}****,}************++** Statement Number: RO6OOOOO61 Amount: $55O.OO OI/23/200603:3? PM Payment Method: RIITH 'Check Init : ifsNotation: O1?8/L,LoYD Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: Thie Payment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PV 00100003112500 ) PBC APPLICATION FEES l*+*********i**+*******++*+*****tl'*+***+**+*++******i******f****+*++****{.1.****i.1.+*'i'l'***'l***:1. P8C060009 Type: PEC - Minor Subdivision 2101- 0 63 - 0104 -4 8OO PCITATO PATCH DR VAIIJ 8OO POTATO PATCH Tota1 Fees: $650.00 Total AIJL Pmtsa: Balance : Description $65o. oo $65o. oo $0.00 Current Pmt6 650.00 MEMORANDTIM OF UNDERSTAI\DING BETWEEN JAVIER VISTA-VELASQUEZ and BLANCA S.A. VELASQIIEZ AND PETER S. BATTIN JANUARY 5,2006 The parties to this Memorandum of Understanding are Javier Vista- Velasquez and Blanca S.A. Velasquez, the owners of Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch, Unit A, 802 Potato Patch Drive, Vail, Colorado and Lloyd Ruth, owner of Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch, Unit B, 800 Potato Patch Drive, Vail, Colorado and Peter S. Battin, the owner of Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch, Unit B, 802 Potato Patch Drive, Unit B, Vail, Colorado. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to memorialize the following Agreement: Mr. Ruth is desirous of building an addition to his residence located at 800 Potato Patch Drive, Vail, Colorado. This addition will be a two story add-on to the west side of his unit which expected dimensions of up to 18 feet wide and 33 feet long. It is expected to house an office, storage and one or two additional bedrooms. The architectural work to develop plans has not been developed yet. Mr. Ruth needs additional land on the west side of his residence to meet the setback requirements specified by the Town of Vail. To accomplish this, Mr. Ruth is desirous of having an equal property exchange in which he will give Mr. Velasquez a piece of property at the south-west corner of his lot in exchange for a triangle of property on the north-west side of his house starting approximately 34 feet from the northern edge of his property line' A drawing showing a rough estimate of the property exchange is shown in the attached Exhibit A. In order to determine the exact amount of property required to meet the Town of Vail requirements and to define the specifics of accomplishing this exchange of property, Mr. Ruth has engaged the services of Eagle Valley Survey Company who will provide a survey of both properties. Mr' Ruth has also engaged the services of A.I.A. Architect, Kyle Webb, who will do the eventual drawings and plans for the addition. Once the survey is completed, Mr. Ruth plans to apply to the Town of Vail for a minor subdivision process to complete the exchange of property. At all times during this process, Mr. Ruth will keep Mr. & Mrs. Velasquez and Mr. Battin apprised of the progress of the process through the Planning andZonrngCommission. Mr. Ruth will incur all costs related to this property exchange. Mr. Ruth has been told the process will be overseen by Warren Campbell, Town of Vail Planner. who has said it should take no more than three months. Mr. Ruth has informed all adjacent properly owners of his intention to build an addition to his home and received their verbal approval of the proposed work. Lloyd Ruth 1 ,\^ '\r'- (\^^',\il.\t:t .t UNti\ur-4-- \[eNw U!\A,t 4."o'q \ Blanca S.A. Velasquez Dated tlxs l7- day of ,/2.,r'.4-'*\ ,2006. Javier Vista-Velasquez \p',s{, * /,, Peter S. Battin, 802 Potato Patch Drive Vail, CO PREPARSD BY ANN REILLY BISHOP ATTORNEY REGISTERATION NO. 24223 P.O. BOX 820 vArL.co 816s8 97 047 64s01 PITONE/970-476-4490 FAX ,--a.1 t" / ,t .-,-- |,'- /zt From Land Title (DB5) Rcport Drre Ori l0/AXf 0+{tIfU Thu 19 lan 2006 10:42:56 AM MST EACLE COTJNTY TNEAST'RER CERTIFICATE OF TAXDS III,JE Page 2 of 2 Fage: 1 CERT f: 111 SCHEDULE NO: Rfi)99t ASSESSED TO: BATflN, PETERS. 802 BOTATO PATCH DR VAIL, CO 81657 ORDER NO; ffilZW VENDORNO:105 LAND TITLE ATTN: PO BOX 357 VAIL, co 81657 I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION: SUB:VAIL POTATO PATCH BLK:I BK{425 FG443l (bt t-E5 BK-0526 QCD 12-13-90 PAf,CEL: 21016301051 LOT:4 DESC; UNIT B BK-{}356 FG-{J10/. A3-22-83 BK-0{ll P6-0t71 04-18-85 PC.0845 QCD 02-09.90 BK-0526 PG-0846 QCD 02-09-90 BK-0544 PG-0752 SITUS ADI}MO8O2 B FOTATO PATCH DR VAIL TAXYEAR CRARGE2W5 TAX TOTALTAXES TAXAMOT,JITIT INTEREST 3,50r.6 0.00 IEES o.00 PAID 0.00 TOTALDUE 3,501.06 3,501.(b GRAND TOTAL DUE GOOD IEROUGH OI/IO/a)ff 3,gll.116 ORIGINAL TAX BILLING FON 2'05 Authorfty EAOLT COUNTY, MI . OII col.o MTN COLLEGE (CMC), 012 RJ50J SCI|OOL DrST, 015 - Ol8 CO RIVER WATER CONSERVATION,OTd VAIL PARK & RECR,EATION DIST. O58 TO1VN OF VAIL, 036 ERW & SAN DIST WATER SUBDIST. 065 EAGLE COUNTY CONSERV. DIST,OSO MINTURN CEMBTERY DISTRICT, @3 EAGLE RIVERWATER &SAN., 059 EACLB CTY HEALTH SERVICE. 096 TN(ES FOR 2M5 TAx DISTRICT SC103 - v/ul, tTOwN) Mt[ Lcvy Aooud Velues 8.499 642.09 LAND 30I.97 IMPS Aclusl Assessed 3yt,5m 30,850 561,600 44,7W3,Wl 19.5E 0.230 3.29r 4.7V) t.337 0,(m o.450 |.214 2.OtO 1,480.40 17.38 uE.t? 355.U nE.m 0.m 34.00 91.72 151.86 TOTAL 949,Im 75,5s0 3,501.06 ]EE T1OR TIIIS CERTACATE IO.OO AII TAX LIEN SAI.E AMOUNTS ARE SI'&ISCT TO CHANGE DUE To ENDORSEIITENT OF fl'NRENT TAXES BY T}TE LIEi{ITOLDER OR TO ADVERTISING AND DISTRAINT WAR,RAI{T FEES. C}IANCES MAY OCCUR AND TI{E TREASURER'S OFFICB WILL NEED TO BE CONTACTED PRIoR TO REMITTANCE AFTBf,TIIE FOLLOI{ING DATES: PERSONALPROPERTY AND MO3II,E IIOMBS - SEPTEMBBR r. REAL PROPERTY . SEPTtsMEBR I. TAX IJEN SIIX REDDMPTION AMOTJNTS MUST BE PAID AY CASH OR CASIITERSI CEECIC SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS ANDTITE BOIJ}DARIES OF SUCE DISTRTCTS MAY BE ON FILE WTTH THE EOARD OF COUNTY COM}flSSTONERS, TTIE COUNTY CLERK. OR THB COI.'NTY ASSESSOR. Thts ccttiffcetc docs mt irtdr l.d or irlrFovcruns assesed uDder r scpettc afcoqd lunbcr, pcrrolat Fopcrry blar, ttlsfcr lsr or llirc- u-r mltcc,tod on bchdf of o&!r rmirics, gpccht ot tocrt itp0ovcdtdi di ri:t 'u&r&rerb or rmtile homB. !dc$ rFcificruy ncdbd. t, be od€r$iEd, do tcreby ccnify th* thc cotir€ rftrltn| of $ra6 d16 rpo[6c aboye,{2rrihcd Frcch qf rcet Fopert}, rrd rn o.rr8utdiDi lalcs fol $pril tar6 a slbvn by &e Ecords ir my othce from which d|! srlur truy etill bc rcdcanrcd wlth ahc utrqm requmd for redcmpriu arc as mtld bcin. ID sitnlse whdcoq I brvr hareurb sct [|y t|ad .Id scC Als lfrh dey ef JrnDry, 2006. 4.vr TREAS{JRER, EAGT,E COIJNTY, P.O. Bol479 E Slc, CO 81631{X79 (90) 32E{r60 KA.R.EN SHEAFTER" BY:#I" "'.t'tq iireAr j$ &l:-'-#,(*, -X Jr*4/'^- From Land Title (DB5)Thu 19 lan 2006 10:42:56 AM MSTto Page 1of 2 Land l'itle Guarantee Company CUSTOMR DISTRIBUTION Date: 0l-19-2006 Our Order \umber: V50012927 Property Addressr (A FORTION OF)802 POTATO PATCII DR B. / VAIL ITDTATO PATCII. BII(:1. LoT:4, UNIT B vAtr co E1657 If you lnve sny irqriries or r€Brirc fiIrlhcr assislrncg ders€ contact one of lhe mdels bdDw: For Tltle Asslstanc!: vail TI e D€pl. Roger Avila rOE S FRONTAGE RD IY f2O3 PO BOX 357 vArr., co Et657 Phonez 970-47 6-2251 Faxl 970-476-4732 EMafl! rrdla@ltgc.com ANN BISITOP P. O. IOX E20 VAIL, CO 81658 PhoE: 90.476,4501 Fax: 90-{76-1490 Sen Via Fa EAGLE VALLEY SURVEI' ING FO AOX D30 F.DWARDS, CO 81632 Ath: MIKE PGT Phorr: 9?0-949-ltl06 Far: 970-&{i9504 Ellsil: mikepost@evsun'ey. com Llnke d Colt[ftrEDr Ddtr-ery From Land Title (DB6) Fr.i 06 lan 2006 02:53:42 PM MST Page 2 of 7.oF I"and Tltle Land Title Guarantee Company Dater 0l-06-2006 Our Order Nunber: v500l29ncu^R.{Nltt cort)sNY Property Address: (A PORTI(N OF)8O2 P'OTATOPATCH DR B. / VAIL POTATO PATCH' BLK:I, LOT:4' UNIT B VAIL, CO E1657 Ruyer/Borrower: LLOYD RUTH Seller/Owner: PETERS. BATTI\ \-eed a map or dlreclions for your upcoming closlng? Geck oul Land Tiue's web site al www.ltgc.com for dlrections lo anv of our tl oflict locations. ESTIIT{ATE OF TITLE FEES ALTA Orvrprc Pollcy 10-17-92 It Lzr'd IrLla 6u3t:ntee Co{Patry r:1.l De c-losrng tDrs tt:t5ac!.:on, attove fees |'tll ,te co}lect.rt ,t tnrt trtc. TOTAI,$o.oo THA\K YOU FOR YOL'IR ORDER! From Land Title (DB6)Fri 06 lan 2006 02:53:42 PM MST Page 3 of 7 Cldcago Tide Irsruence Company ALTA COIVlMITMENT Our Order No. V50012927 SeHuleA Cusa. Rd.: Property Adilress: (A FORTTO\ OF)E02 FOTATO PA'I'(}I DR B. / VAIL FOTATO PATCtl, RII(:1, L|OT:4, UNIT B VAIL, CO 81657 l. Effecllve Dater Dect*r&.2005 aL5$0 P.lf, 2. Pollcy to be lssued, and Proposed Imured: 'ALTA" Oif,nefs Follcy 10-17-92 hoposed Insrrrcd: II,OYD RUTTI 3. The €state or lnterest ln tbe land descrtbed or referred to In thls Comrdtrnent end covered hereln ls: A Fee Simple 4. Tltle to the estate or lntercst covered hereln ls at the effectlve date hereof vesied ln3 PETERS. B{TTII\{ 5, The land referred to ln thls Commltment is descrlbed as follows: A FORTION OF: PARCEL {4 AND AN UNDI!'IDED 1/2 INTMFST Ni PARCEL 4C, VAIUPC'TATO PATCII, A RESUBDIVISION OF I.0T .t, BLOCI( 1, VAIUPOTATO PATCH, ACCORDING TO T}IE PLAT RECORDED MARCTI 2. T9E3 L\I BOOI( 354 AT PAGT] 3TO. COUNTY Of'EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTE: SAID ISGAL DESICRIPTION lvtt,I, CIIANGE UFON COMPLIANCE WIIII TIIE REQIiIREMENTS SET FORTTI IN SCIIEDULE &SECTKN{ T IIEREF,'{. From Land Title (DB6)Fri 06 lan 2006 02:53:42 Pill MST Page 4 of 7 ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requiremenas) Our Order No. Y50o12927 The followlng ere the reqnlrements to b€ complled wllhl nem (N) Rrymnt b or for the ac€oust ef the gI" els or moilgago$ ef Els fCl conslder"don for lhe est*e or lnler€st to be lnsurd. Ittm (b) hrper lmhtrDent{s) crcallrg the estale or lnl€rest to be lrrsur€d nr$t be executed uxl duly flled for rcconil, !o-wit: Item (c) F|ynlerf' of ell ta)t'es, clurges or assessrnents levied and 6sessed agdnst the subj€ct prcnis€s $hkh arc drr ad payde. Item (d) Additioml rtSrirenEnB, if wly disdosed hlow: l. LECAL DESIRIPTION' ACCTPTABLE TOTIIE COMPANY' TO BE COtrll'ElTD. 2. PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEU) OF TRUST DATED NOYEMBER 2I, 2OO3' FN,OM PETER S. BATTIN TOTHE PUI}Lrc IRUSTTE S'E,qGLE COUNTY FOR TIIE USE OF NAIIONAL CITY LoRTGAGE CO TO SECURE TIIE SUM OF $255,000.00 RECORDED DECELBER 0E, 2003, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 861002. 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TTIE COT{PANY TITAT TI{E TE]RM$ CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIH). 4. WARRANTY DEED FROI!1 PtrTE,R S. EATTIN TO LITOYD RUTII C(X.(VET,ING ST.IBFCT PROPERTY. a.**{..r.r..'}r NOIICE OF FEE CIIANGE, EFFECTTyE SEPTEMBER l, 2I}02 *'r',* ***,r, hrf,udtt to Colorado Revlsed Sdute 3e-l&421, 'The counry cterk ad rccorder sHl collect a surtlnrBe of $1.&) for each docunrnt rtcelved for rccordlrg or llllrg in lis or hcr olllce. The surcharge slnll be ln addltion to any otlrcr fres pernitted by stdule. " From Land Title (DB6)Fri 06 lan 2006 02:53:42 PM MST Page 5 of 7 ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V5ODI?9TI The pollcy or pollcles to be lssued wlll contaln excepdons to the followlng unless the same rre dlsposed of to the saSsfaetion of dre Compeny: l. Rights or cldrns of pardes In possesslon not shos'n by thc FrHlc rccods. 2. Easerrrnls, or chim of easennnb, not shown by th prtlic rccords. 3. Dlscrcpancies, conlllcts In bourdary llnes, sbonage ln arcg errmacllt nts, end any fac8 wtdch a contct sruvey rd lrlspecdon of the premlses would dsclose and wbich art mt shown by the ptblic records' 4. Any [en, or rlgh fo e [er\ for servlces, l*or or nDtcrlal OEretofore or herrafter funrlshed, lnposed by latff ad rnt shown by 0E publlc recards. 5- DcfecB, llens, encrmlnqrrces, sdverse ctalffs or othr mrtters, lf any, cftr@4 ni$ rplEarfn8 fir the puunc rccorgs or afiechttB subequent to d|e effecdve datt hertof hrt plor to the dete th prpsed hrsurcd acqrircs of rccord for value th €shE or Intercst or modgage thercon covercd by tlds Corsrdhnern 6. Tues or spoclal af,sessnFrfs wlfch art nol shown es extsdrg llcrs lry the prt|lc rteords. 7. IJerx for rurpdd waler ard sewer chtrBes, if any. 8. hr additioq lhe owrnr's policy will be $Diect lo tbe lmrtgrye, lf any, noted in Scction I of Schcdrde B hreof. 9. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCTIES ORCANAI-S CONSTRUCTED BY THEAUTTIORITI' OF TTIE UNITU) STATES AS RESMVED IN LINTTED STATES PATENT RF{ORDED JL_LY 13, 1939, IN BOOK I23 AT PAGT 617. IO. RESTRICTTVE COIENANTS, WHICTI DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFHTURE OR REVDRTER CLAUSE, BIJT O{VIITTING ANY CWENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED O{ RA(E, COLO& RELIGION, SEX, IIANDICAP, FAI\IILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UI\LESS AND (x{LY TO ITIE D(IENT TTIAT SAU} COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDtrR CTIAPTM 42, SECTIO}I 3607 OF TIIE UNITD STATES CODE OR (II) RI'I.A'[ES TO TIANDICAP BUT DOES NCTT DISCRIMINAIE AGAAIST TIANIXCAPPED PMS(}\S, AS COIITAINED L\ INSTRUMENT REODRDH) NIARCII 05, 1974, IN BOOK 223 AT PAGE 62E AND AS AME.\TDED IN INSTRLTN{ENT RDCORDED SEPTEIIBER A, I97S, IN BOOI( 24I AT PAGE 950. IT. TMMS, CONDMONS, AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AGRMMENIT RECORDED MARCH 02, 19E3, lN BOOK 354 AT PAGE 309- 12. EASEML\ITS, COI{DITIONS, COVEFIANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIOI'IS AND NOTES Ol( TTIE RECORDM PLAT OF A RESI.JBDWISION OF LOT 4, BI,OCK I, VAIL POTATO PATGI, REC(RDH} }TARCH 2. I9E3 IFi BOfi( 354 AT PAGE 3TO. From Land Title (DB6)Fri 06 lan 2006 02:53:42 PM MST Page 6 of 7 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCI.OSURE STATEMENTS Notf I Pursuant !o GS l0-f f -122, notice is herctry given [nl: A) Th $$Ject red pmperty my be localed ln a speclal tdlrB a[sb:lct B) A Cerdflcete of Texes Due llsdtg emh taxltg Jurtsdcdon nny be otldned fmm the Counf Tleasurer's authortzed qent C) The Infornndon regardlrg sIEclaI dlsolcts ard tle boun&des of such dlstrlcts may he olrtalned fmm ttp Board of Cornty Cotrrisslorprr, Orc Counry flerlr and Recoder, or the Cowrty Assessor. Note: Elfective Septcder f , f 997, CRS 30-f 0-406 reqrdrcs that all docurpntr received for rccorditg or filitg In the clerh anil recordeC s olfice shall contaln a top nrargln of af least orre lrrh uil a left, ttglt atxl bottom mrgln of at least ore Mf of an lnch. Tbe clerk and rtconler rney refiue to rtcord or llle any doctment fui does not confol'n, elicept tlBL tlle r€qrdrcntent for the top marBin shrll not apdy to docur3nts ushg forns on lr'hich space is provided for rrcordirg or filirg infofftefon at the bp nnrgin of Orc docurrnl Note! Cololado Dlllsloh of Ir6uEnce R€gdrdons 3-5-1, Prt:l|grsl,ll C of Adc]e Vtr rcquires tl|at'Every tide entity sHl be respomible for all mtte$ which sppesr of rccod prior to tlt tinn of recording wh€never &e tflc endty cond|r6 tre closlng ard ls r€sponslu€ for rccotdlrB or flIlB of legd docruren8 rcsuldrg fmm tF transecdon wlfch wes closed". hsvld€d thet Lard Tlfle Guslsnte€ Conpany conducts the closlrg of the Innrrd hansrdon end ls rcsponsltle for rccotdqg tl* legal docmr|er*s fmm tfte lransscdon, excepdon mrnber S wlll not eppear on the Owner's fide Pollcy ard trc Len&rs Pollcy when lssrtd, Note: Allirodve nnclanfc's llen pmt€cdon for On Owrnr nny be avdlde (ty$cdly by &ledon of Excepion no. 4 of ScMrte B, Scelion 2 of Op ConunitrFnt fmm the Owrret's Policy to be lssr*d) r4on cor$iarre witb 0n followir4 conditiom: A) The land descrihd in SehedJe A of Ois eornrdtnent mra b€ a dlgle family residence wlich lnclxles a cordodnhm or iownbouse ruiL B) No l*or or rmlerials have been frrr{shd by rmcbnlcs or lllabdal-ren for puposes of co16tarcdon on the lard described ln Schedule A of tbls Co.r'r.rhem rr'ithn tbe past 6 monlls. C) The Compargr nrrst receive an appropd|E allidavit indemrdfylng tll3 Company Bainsl |rFliled nrclranic's and rmbrial-npn's liers. D) The CoDpany mr6t rcceive paynrent of tlrc appoptaie prcndwrL E) If tbere b been consEucdor\ hprovenFnts or mlor rcpd|s underbken on the pmpetly b bc purchased wltHn $r nron$s priorto Ole Dm of On ComrntEne , tbe rrqrdrmnts to obtaln cuverage for ruuecorded lierx wlll Include: dsclosrnr of cerlrln construcdon iDfonnadonl flnrncial iDfonrradon as b lhe seller, fite trildff and or fu conEaclor; paFtrnf of lh rpp(oprlde prcdrm fully exccuted Indemnlty AgrcerEnts saflsfacbry to the company, anq any addl0onal rcqdrements as nny be recessary after an examlmfon of tlre aforesald lttformdon lry dn Corpany. No eoverege will be given rurdcr any circwnslances for labor or nnterial for which the imued lm con[:acted for or ryrced to 1ny, Note: Pusuant to {RS l0-ll-123, mdce ls hercby glven: Thls mdce apples to orTner's pollcy comnaheits containlrg a nlrnral sevennce lrsh.ment exceptior\ or exceptiom, in Schedde B, Section Z. A) Tllrf lhre ts recorded eviderrce lhat r mirErrl eshle lE been severcd, Ieased, or otherwise conveyed fmm ffr swfae €slate and rhal tbert is a substantial likelihood rhaf a ihird party holab sonE or dl Inttrest In oll, gag other ndnemls, or geothnrnl erErgy In |he propertyi tnd B) TM flrh ntlftrd estre nny hlclrde the rlgbt b enbr trd t|se tbe properf wlthout tlle flnfae osnet's lFrrdsslon Norl'qg her€ln contdned trlll be &emed lo oulgdc th corryqny 0o pror{de 8ry of lhe coverq8€s rcferrcd Eo heltln |[d6s lhe alnve condldorB arc ftdlv safisfled. Fofln llscLoSrrRE C9l01/0: From Land Title (DB6) Nlultiple Products or Services Fri 06 lan 2006 02:53:42 PM MST P age 7 of 7 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fldelity National Flnanclal Group of CompanleVCbkago Tltle InsBrance Company and Land Tltle Grraranter Company July l, 2{01 \lte recesnlze end resDEct the nrlvacy exrctadons ef tedsv's corx mls srd dr rtcdremens of apdlcable federal ud stah rriv*acv laws. Wi befierd tnt inkiip vou e]ratt of liow rve usr youn mrlnblic persoral infoindion ('?esorui lforrraflori'). and to whom lt ts dsclose{ wl[ fonn lhe basls for a reladorrlild of trrt htween us and tln ptllc tht we serse. Thls Pdvecy SteEmen provldes tbd expf,ta0orl. lt'e rcserre S* rfgDl lo clEBe rljs hlvry Staletrxnt fiom time b tirle corEislent with applicable prtvacy laws. In tbe course of our busjness, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sourcesi + Ftom amlications or olher forrrs we receive fnom you or vorr urlhorized rcutsenbtive:* Ftom yb'rn n"amaliolrs witlq or from the senices 6cirg drfonncd by, rs, o'ur aftiliafes, or others;* From 6ur Intarrret web sltes:* From the prHlc rtcords nninhirpd by govenmental endties 0td we eitrcr oHin dirccdy fmm those endfies. oi fmm our affiliates or otheisfand* Flom consrnpr or other repordrg agencles. Our Pollcles Regarding the Protectlon of the Confldentialtty and Security of Your Personal Inlornratlon We nralntrln nhvslcal. electmdc and nmcedural safesurds to protecl lorr Penoml Irtronmdon fmm wnutrorlzed rcess or inbrlibn li'e linit acrcess to the Persoml Iiforrmti,on onlv li those emdoyees who rced such rcess in connecdon wilh providing pmducts or senlces b you or for other tigiti'net" lrrsirress prposes- Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information lVe rny slnre your Persornl Hemradon wilh ourallilialesr-suchas isrrancc conpades, agents, sd o&er rcal estab sbtdemnl servlce provlders, We dso rmy dlsclose your Persord Irfornnfloni s !o aeenb. bnokers or rtprcsrnlativrs to ulride vou wilh services vou have reqrEslcdl* to did-iuty conhactoft or-sewlce pmhdes w'ho porlde serylcds or pedonn markedlg or other frrrdo* on- our behlf: and* b otbers $ith whm we enter Into Johf n|allictir€ agrcernenb for prodrrb or servlces that u-e belleve you my flnd of Interest In adddon, $e wlll dlsclose your Persoml Inforrmflon when you dlrect or dve rs pennlsslon wlen we arc rcqdred bv law o do so. or whn we iusmct fiardllent or crimiml rikities. We allo nnv -disclose vour Penornl liforrnadon wh6n othenrlse penidtl€d by apdlcaHe pr'lvacy laws srxb as, for exainple, wheir t sdosrre ls meded to erforct orn rigtrb erisiq irl of any *.".n*nt, triuuacdon or rclationsbip with ybu Ooe of Erc imporram rcspomlulities of sonr of orr dfilieted comparfes is to rccord docrnnents in tbe puuic domain Such docrmxnd nrqv conhin vour Pesonal Irfonrudon Rlgbf to Access Your Personat Informaflon snd AblIfy to Corr€ct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletlon Cerldn staei affotd you the dgl* to access your Perconal Infomqtlon ad, uder certdn clrcrnrr'|ancet, !o nr|d out !o $hom vour Persorid lrf,orddon hs beeir disclosed. Also. cerhin strtes afford vou lhe riqhl lo rc4.Esa corrtcteri, merdm or deledon of yorr Persord lrforMion we reserve the r&hq whete perdled by hw, l,o clnrgc a reron$le fee lo cover llrc coss incurcd in resporditg to srxh r€quests. All rcqwsb sutrnittrd to On Fldelity National Fimrrial Gmup of Conpanies/Clfcago Tille Iruurarre Company sHl be In wrldqg ard dellvercd to the followlrg ddress: kivacv Comdiare Ollicer Fldetift Nad6nd Fimnciat. Inc. 4050 &Ite R€d, sdre 22o Sanb Baftara, CA 93110 o o 2/2r/06 Warren Campbell Upon reviewing Land Title Guarantee Company Title CommitmentsY500l2927, V50012876, and V50012875, no Drainage Easement was discovered other than easements shown on the recorded plats of A Resubdivision of Lot7, Block 1, Vail,iPotato Patch, @ook 337,Page 189), and Parcel 4A' 4B, and an undivided % interest in Parcel 4C, Vail,/Potato Patch, A Resubdivision of Lot 4, Block I Vail/Potato Patch, (Book 354, Page 310). Colorado P.L.S. 30fI6 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci,vail,co.us Prcject ilame: Battin Residence DRB l{umber: DR8030280 Project Description: ADDMON OF WINDOWS TO WEST FACING WALL AND CHANGE OF STUCCO TO SIDING Pafticipants: OWNER BATflN, PETER S 0712312003 Phone: 970-479-6057 802 POTATO PATCH DR UNIT B vArL co 816s7 License: APPUCANT ERNST, GERALD L. 0il2312003 Phone:970-479-8950 P.O. BOX 147 sAN CARLOT CA 94070 License: Project Addr€ss: 802 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Locauon: 802 POTATO PATCH DR #B Legal Descriptionr lot 4 Block l Subdivlsion: VAIL POTATO PATCH ParelNumber: 210106301051 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApProvalz 0811412003 GondiUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revie\,\, commitee(s). @nd:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison Odrs DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO I, (print name) JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER . a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: /77er/, I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. uy' Page 2 of r2l0zl07l02 TILE COPI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 23, 2003 Luc Meyer PO Box 176 Vail, CO 81657 Fax'. 476-3723 RE: ErnsUBattin Residence, located at 802 Potato Patch / Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Dear Luc, I have reviewed the Town's legal file with regard to the remodel and addition to the house located at 802 Potato Patch / Lot4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. According to the information provided in the legal file, the house was approved for a "250 addition' in 1996. This approval granted an addition to the master bedroom and bath, and the addition of a third floor. At the time of approval, a "250 addition" required review by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The Planning and Environmental Commission approved the request on October 28, 1996. The minutes of this meeting indicate that you attended that hearing. On September 1, 1999, the Community Development Department granted an extension of the Design Review Board approval of the remodel. The extension was granted for one year. On May 10, 2000, the applicant submitted revisions to the Design Review Board approved plans that included the elimination of the roof deck and other minor exterior alterations, and was staff approved. The addition and remodel that was approved, first in '1996, then subsequently in 2000, meets the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Vail. The proposed addition does not exceed the 33 ft height limit, as is outlined in Section 124D-7, Height, Vail Town Code. Pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Design Review, the Zoning Regulations do not require notification of adjacent properties for Design Review Board applications. I understand, both from the information you provided, and from the research of the legal file, that there were many issues with the original construction of the house. However, at this time, all subsequent applications and building permits, have been reviewed and approved as outlined in the Town Code. Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369. lwould be glad to discuss this application with you further. Planner ll Town of Vail CC: George Ruther, Chief of Planning -&^- Allison Ochs, AICP {9 un"uo r^ro ?f;,?*n* TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970 -4'19 -21"38 APPLICAI{:T ohlt{ER CONTRACTOR Description: ADD GRFA TO 2 Occupancy: DEPAR1MENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT .fOb AddTESS: 802 POTATO PATCH DRtocation...: 802-8 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No. . : 2L0l--053-0L-051Project No. : PRiI98-0255 ON .fOBSITE AT ATL TIMES Permit #: B00-0201 Sgatus...: ISSITEDApplied..: 08/t5/2000Issued...: 09/06/2000 Erqgires. . : 03/05/200a ERNST, GERALD L. P.O. BOX 147, SAN CARLOS, CA, ERNST GERALD L TRUST ERNST GERALD L TRUSTEE, PO BOX HILAND DEVELOPMMfrT P.O. BOX 311. AVON, CO 81620 BEDRMS,NEW WALI, IN Phone:. 970-479-8950 PATCII DR. 94070 Phone: 530-345-L477 eARr,os cA 94070 Phone: 970-949-7939 802 POTATO 147, SAril Ilpe Constsruction: Valuation:15, 585 Fir.place Infornat.ionr Rettrictsedr YEs R3 SingleVN ffireV Non-Rated Add Sq FL: 75 #of oa. Applianc€B: [(\(\.4D ,t liz-ta lr't #of wooa/P6l1eg: TOV/Comm. Dev. amount 0iite *Of Gas Loga: FEE SUS'UARY Building- - ---> Plan ch€ck- - -> InvcEcigagion> Reatuarant Plan Revien-- > DRB Fee-------- Rccreabion Fec-------- -- > cLean-Up DepoEiE--------> Total calculaced Pee6- - _ > Addieional Fcca- -- --- -- - > Total Pernit F€6--------> 205 .00 133.25 .00 Wlll call----> 3 .00 502.50 . o0 ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: O8/L6/2OOO KATITY ACIiON: NO|rE ROUTED TO CIARLIEO8/L6/2OOO KATITY ACIiON: NOTE ROUTED TO CIA O8'/2L'/2000 CHARLIE Action: APPR CIIARLIE DAVIS6e72l-7iEAm;'o54oo-b-r,almrwe DsFARir'[Btff DepE: PL,ANNTNG Division: O8/L6/2OOO KATHY ACt,J-ON: NOTE ROUTED TO ALLISON 0677672000 AocHs Action: APPR not doing Jrd 1ey91 vetiEbm;' 6560 o--FrRE DEPARTTTEI'IT66lIs/zooo I(ATIry AcEion: APPR N/AItem:' 05500 PIJBLTC WORKS08/a5/2000 I(ATTIY Acrion: APPR N/A Dept: PUB WORK Division: i trr i r* a * i rr r tir + a * r !ri trtt*a t* * See Page 2 of tshis Document, for any condiEions t,hat may apply tro Ehis permiL- DECTARATIONS I h€r6by acknoiledgs Ehat I h.ve r6ad tshis application, filled out ln full the infortnatsion roquircd, conpl.ccd an accurqlc ploc pLan, and .t.ge thats all tsh. infonlacion lrrovid€d a6 roqui.€d ia cortect.. I a9i6. to coE[rly eigh EhG infon0.tion and Plot p]an, co conply uith alt Totrn ordinancea and 6t'at6 lars, and tso bui.ld lbis stsruccurc according to th€ Tol.tr's zoning rnd subdlwieion cod.s. d€sign revi.cr approved. unifom Building code and oth6r ordinanced of th€ Torn applicable th6rc€o. REQUES"9 FoR INSPECTIoNS slnIJIr BE MADE ltlElIrY-rOUR HOUIS IN ADVANCE EY IEIJEPHONE AT {79-2138 OR :)=y',8:00 Al4 .oo so .00 srnd clean-Up Dcpo6it Tor GERTLD SRN9T-oIJMR/BUILDER GNATT'RE OF ONNER OR FOR HIUSAI,F A,!{D OVIIIER Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS PermiL #: 800-0201 as of 09/06/00 SLauus---: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** PermiL Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied-- z O|/I1/2OOOAppl-icant--: ERNST, GERATD L. Issued---z 09/05/20AA970-479-8950 To Ercpire z O3/05/2O01, ilob Address: 802 POTATO PATCH DR LOCAIiON---: 802-8 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No-- : 2101-053-01--051 Descript,ion: ADD GRFA TO 2 BEDRMS,NEW WAI.I, IN L/R & I,AI'NDRY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditsiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECUONS ARE REQUIRED TO C]IECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F TrrE r_997 ttBC.3. SEE PROiIEET COI{DITIONS BY ALLISON + il * t t * t * I f i I * i * t* * jl * 'l * I ll + I i * * * | * |r* * t * * I t t ** * rt * | * * * + * * I * + * tr* * * * t TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO Statenmt **:l**t*i**a*trl***.rtlrl******:l*t*****f**rl*a***ttilltlt*i+*ta****a*tfi gtatennt Number: REC-0674 Amount: 502.50 09/06/00 L4t46 Paynent Method: 2932 Notation: HIL,AND DSVEIJOPI,TT In.it : iIN Permit No: BO0-O2O1 t/pe: A-BUILD ADD/ALT gFR BUII;D PE Parcel No: 2101- o53 - 01- 051 Site Addres6: 802 POTATO PATCII DR Location: 802-8 POTATO PATCII DR Total Fees : 502.50 Total ALL Pmts: Balance : **l*********tttit**t***t*iiilil***+:lt**ittt***l*ti*'r*lltt**i***il* Account Code Description BP OOl O OOO31].].10 O BUII.,DTNG PERUIT FEES DR 00100003L12200 DEgrGlI RSVTEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CHECK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CIJE.AIiIUP DEPOSIT6 RF 111OOOO3112?OO RECREATION FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CAI;L INAPE TION FEE T'his Pavment 502.50 502.50 ,o0 Anourt 205 .00 50.00 133 - 25 100.00 LL.25 3.00 MWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, ColoraZo 81657 APPLrcATroNO.r "ot BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLETaR Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2t49 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Contact Asrcsrc Office at97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef#2t0t0630/O5/ Job Nam*vt, S*./,Fort-lr?na ^ffi* ?^d^r. ,P;al, D, j* ,V^;-/ Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Nt "€e.& 6.-f,^d*essP./.iq* /lr Q*6t 6 Pho""''14?-sT_frvz uf,lttedtP;wr:bj!)*)zstt,v^,1 Pnonet g+g-4lzt Ensineery'qT4 Addressi&48-zz . V";/Phonei Eq -gg/ Detailed description of work:ff* Zn^.,',4-', N,&,, !ra*e**.fall J)i*o; A Lil qrov^d4*- A"/,oo,t' WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel}() Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both}(.)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) MuftFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDTNG PERMTT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: S /4 nZO ELECTRICAL; $ 4AA oTHER: $ zAt PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ "/8 O rorAL:8/{6e{ REFUND CLEANUP DEpOSrrrO: QaOtd tensL - Or-r.rr€€- CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION General Contradon Geratd Epnst c,w,."r\h-fr0< Town of Vail Req. No,:/s/ --z Contact and Phone #'s: rnsa{+ 530- 34'5. 141-l Contractor Signatwgd.4....4 - --i .5-> ****************:t**********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**r!****r.**r.**^4*:tr'*******-g**r!*****:r**:r F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81,657 970-479-2L38 APPLTCAIiIT COMTRAgIOR OWNER Electrical---> DRB Fae InwesEiga!ion> wiLl call----> TOTAII FEES- - - > .JOb AddTESS: 802 POTATO PATEH DR LOCAEiON. . .: 802 POTATO PATC]I Parcel No. -: 21-01--053-01-051 Projects No. : PRJ98-0255 DEPARTI{EITT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPI./TENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES EI.,ECTRICAI, PERMIT Permi-t, #: 800-0185 Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. rSSI]ED 09 /2s/2OOO 09 /27 /2OOO03/26/200L LEETRIC IJMLIMITED INC 1758 ALPINE DRIVE 1, VAIL, TECTRIC I]MIIMITED INC 1768 AIPINE DRIVE ]-, VAIL, ERNST GERALD L TRUST ERNST GERAT;D L TRUSTEE, PO Phonez 970-827-5980 Ptrone:970-827-5980 Phone: 53Q-345-t477 sAI{ CARTOS eA 94070 3, s00.00 co 8L557 co 81657 BOX 147, Description: MOVE SERVICE METER, ADD RECEPTACLE & LIvaluatrion: FEE SUI4MARY 72.OO .00 .00 3 .00 75-OO Total cal.culated Pc.6---> Additional Feee---------> ToLal F€roit F66--------> Paymongs - - - - - - - - 75. OO . oo 75 .00 75"00 BA&ANCB DUE..-. ,OO It.qm: .06000 ELEgrRrcAl-, DjPARTMEIT| Dept: BIIIIDING Divj-sion:09/25/2OOO JNOLEN Act,J-on: APPR APPROVEDIEem:-.05600 FIRE DEPARfMENT DepE: FIRE Division:09/25/2000 .fNOtEN Acrion: NOTE N/A CONDITION OF -?\PPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPEC TONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknowLodgo thab I have r.ad this appli.calion, filled our in full fhc infonnation rcquired, couplBe.d an accurate plot. plarr, and Btatse ghat all tshe infoftation provided as requirea ie correct- I aElcc bo conply nith thc infordalLorl and plot p1an, tso coEply *iCh all Torrrl ordinanccs altd €tace laws, and to build tshis structur. according t.o tshc ?ottt!'g zoning ana Eubilivigion cod€s, d66Lgn teviev approved, Uniforn Building code and other oldinaDces of the Tonn applicablc tshe'ieto. REQITESTS FOR TNSPECIIONS sltAll! BE MA-DE TWENTy-FOUR HOURS IN A.Dr]aNCE BY TELEPHONE l'T 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE PROId B:00 Alt 5:00 Pu o t*tt***t*ttlrttttt***!rtt****a*rttA***i***t***:r*a****lli********lrla TOI|N oF VAIL, COLORADO Staternnt ********t*t*il****tltt***t****l*t***t*t*it**********f *tl****atttf gtatetrEt mrnber: RBC-O680 tnount: 75.OO 09/21/OO 08:19' Palment Method : 26?O Notation: IJEqIRIC ITNLIUITD fnit : .ll{ Petmit No: BO0-O185 Type: B-ELTEC BLEqIRICIIJ PRIIIT Pareel No: 2101- 063 -01- 051 gite MdreeB: 802 POTATO PATCII DR . Iscatioa: 802 PCIrATO PAfCII Total trees: 75 .00 lbis Palmrent 75 . 0O Total N,L, Pnts : 75 . 0O Balance: -00 ********* **** ** **** *.* ilt * **t** ** * ** ***!l* *l******a *t* ** ******t,l* *t Accouut Code Descrlpt,ion Amoua! EP OO100oO31111oO EIIECIRTCAL PERIi|IT IEES 72.OO wc oo100003112aoo wIIiIJ carJ' rrrsPEcIIoN FEE 3.o0 AppLrcATroCLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMprEf* u"rro* Project #: Building Permit Electrical Permit #: rcWNOPVAIL 75 S. Fronrase Rd.Vail, Colorato 81657 97 O - 47 9 - 2749 (Inspectio ns) Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit www.e for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) ?-lo \ _OC3.-O\ -CE\ ffi Name:aRNsr-\\.\.s,r,\ Q,.rwo$q,\Job Address: Fo-r- ?o{=\, gova Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:subdivision Q6( F\ O Qs.t6X Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:s\ le Address:Phone: Detailed description of ivorkl !Ar-sv<- =*1 rJL p -a 0$,o.1.-cr- ,s-o %-^ * Lr..\**- t' €ry.rur- Rc**^t WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) *emodelfi Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both !.-T Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family 1 1 ouplexfr MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: -t-,No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (No (,/1 Does a Fire Alarm Exist: V esJ,Zf No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoJ-f COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SO FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATIoN: $ 3S O b CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s: 3?C qq esBr1-sTown of Vail Req. No.: *+************!t********ir***^-+.**-**,t*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****:r*****rr:r*rr**rr*****rt*****:!****^r*r F:/everyone/forms/elecperm RECDSEP2s2OOO TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2138 otrrrr*T oF cor\,rvruNrr" orurroril', NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITEATALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M00-0139 Job Address: 802 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status . . : ISSUED Location.....: S02-B POTATO PATCH DR Applied. . : . 11/02/2000 ParcelNo...: 21010630105 I Issued' ': ll/10/2000 ProjectNo , ?(tTqB ffiS Expires. .: 05/oe/200r OWNER ERNST GERALD L TRUST LL/02/2OOO PhONE: ERNST GERALD L TRUSTEE PO BOX 147 sAN CARLOS CA 94070 CON:IRACTOR HEARTH EXGIANGE, INC. trlll') n/02/2000 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINN'RN, CO 8164 5 License : L74-M APPLTCAIIT HEARTH EXCHANGE, INc. (TtlE) :-7i02/2000 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 570 MINTI]RN, CO 8154 5 Desciption: Installation of gas fueplace Heat-N-Glo SL550 TR Valuation: $2,384.00 Fireplace lnformalion: Restricted: Y # of cas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUIUMARY *t+*'t********r.)**'t*..**.tt1*')*',I+t',::*jt**t)t'r*t*;i:r')|'|';*:.*:;******:r*'i* go. oo Total Calculaled Fees-> $0.lo Addili,Jnalfgg5-'-.- 978. oo Total Permit Fee-----> Payments---------'-'-> ts.\LANCE DUE-._, # ofGas .Appliances: I Mechanical-> Plan Check-> Invedi gation-> Will Call---> s78.00 90.00 s78.00 978.00 So.oo 56o . oo R.stuaranl Plan Review.-> 915.00 DRBFee---*---------> so. oo TOTAL F[ES------------> 93.00 Item: 05100 BUITDING DEPARTMENT "J-L/ 09 /2OOO cdawis Action: AP approved on condit.ion that type of applianc proposed is a direct. vent. gas appliance and wil-l be locat.ed in a great room and wi vented accordingly Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:. 22 CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 701 0F THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTTON 701 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTTONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER J-O OF TIIE ].997 IMC. Cond:25 GAS APPLIA]iICES SHALL BE SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF Cond:29 ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND 97 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE TERMINATE AS IMC. 3 AND SEC.1017 OF TTIE 1997 CONST. I]NI,ESS LTSTED FOR -Dtu{!! LJJ I ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER UMC AND SITAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. /rnrr zi ' 21 BOI]-,ERS SHALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 PERMIT.PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST, Cond: 30 DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATII{IG OR HOT-V{ATER SUPPLY BOILERS sr{AI,I, BE EQUTPPED WrTH A FLOOR DRArN pER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 tMC, OR SECTION -'-3-l-1;l-"-?j--:T---T-:-l--.1I*.*:**'*--*******,t*,.**'*'',*:i**,t***t,**tt*)l***ll**t**** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorvledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan- and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply rvith the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes. design review approved. Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADY 2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PlvI. OR CONTRACTORFORH]MSELF fu\D OWNL o VEMTED THE 19 **,r*+*+:i+{r,}**:l't**{rt'}'t!t*:t:t'a'******+***,}*********{tt{r*'}**'}:t!F****!t'1.+:1.:l'****'t{.**{t'l'}{3'}f{t't't*'t*'}*****+ TowNoFvAIL, iofonnoo Statement **rr**++*{"t,t't**:t+'t**'t*'}****:l***:t ******'f ***{r{.'f ***'l*'lr*'l**+!t*+********!r***'}tlla'f *'a'|*+***+**{.*++** Statement Nunrber: R000000202 Amount: $78.00 al/LO/2OOoo1:44 PM Palrment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: Check # 1128 Permit No : M00 - 013 9 Tl|tr)e : Ii,IBCI{ANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 21010 63 01051 Site Address: 802 POTATO PATCII DR \IAIIJ Location: 802-8 POTATO PATCII DR Total Fees: $78.00 Ttrie Payment:. $?8.00 Total ALL Pmts: 978.00 Balance: 50.00 ***{.,tr*'}*'r*+**'t+t{.'}'i*+***t!*!t'r!****!**:}***dr*'t*t*,t't'}'t****dt*********{.:t**{.'f***'l t'l*i**!*'**tt'lt't*r*'f!***'* ACCOTJNTITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts l4P OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 60.00 pF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 t^lc OO1OOOO31128OO I']LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO 7Le Bu-fding Permit #2 O- qo' Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 (I nspections) NWt{0FWn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to indude:o Mechanical Room Dlmensionss Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationo Flue, Vent and Gas Une Size and Locations HeatLossCalcs.c Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Contact Asssrs Offrce at 970-328-8&0 or vistT forParel # Parcef # (Required if no btdg. permit * is provided above) Al O I Dba O t Ot I too *t'' Frrs+- Qlgdnce-robAddress: fio*?otaa2ah . J^l Legal Description ,nt 4-u{Block: I Filing:Subdivision: VU ownertrNarnF; L.L Launt Erd)lAddress: Coi,e+"n(nh.h ll Phone: 4+q-eqqoEngineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:{nsla-Qh+ o>. r7 a_ ed* Xuv&,2-!&af- ^)- !-LD\ <,-Aeo tUe ' WorkClass: ,*d Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler location: Interior ( )rrExterior 1 ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBtdg: Singlefamily(4 Ouptelr<f I l4ufti.+ant'fy( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of AccommodaUon Units in this building: No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GalLoos( ) WoodiPellet( ) WoodBurning( ) ts tnis a convers (rdl COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechankal Contractor: +]usr* Eztta,',-<- . /J Town of Vail Reo. No.: nt t?4- 14 Contact and Phone #'s:(fintr.fubl,tfu Ba7'1AZ.t Contractor Signature:(flL[AlY4 * * ****'r** * ******** ** * * * * FOR OFFICE USE ON Ly** ** * ** ** ** *********** 2000F: /eYeryonc/torms/medrperm RECD KRM coNSUL]rs, rNc. P.O. BOX 4572 vAtL, coLoRADO 81 658 o 970-040-9391 IFAX) 949-1577 FIELD REPORT F,/, Boo -ozol 10/6/2000 1 1 :00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. partly cloudy 0005-15 TO: Jerry Ernst ATTENTION: Jerry PR(NECT: DATE: ARHVE: DEPART: WEATHER: JOB IVUMBER: Ernst Remodel PRESENT AT SITE: Jerry Ernst, Kim McGhee STATUS OF COMPLETION: Lower level framing changes complete, upper level work not started. I observed the lraming that has been completed in the lower level. Though many items had not been done according to our plans because oJ existing conditions and changes, the framing appears to be acceptable as built. We will issue a new set of structural prints showing the revised conditions. COPY TO: berly R. McG ffi'*il-Dry.."{,.rW : 23.199 / _! w^4;;h.I"9 fu",,,,''S ; 'Foil.oo- oo o oo <; oo o G;o C)o E.ozOD.o e g !q g EH p A dato F (.,t{ d| AEIr Ec(.1 UF d € o E{n2ltDaoF(,Ee olae8!tEOA n9. tl cI E E g E o ol o Fo 4, E rt tr ,!q||roOA(,E at.. r!|OEOAo Fo EEEDEOEI!aa oa! EI FI F',,qD E8(a{ r, Fio2 rO a. IH'olI!o e.Ht4 tz 8BAIeaa HH e e Il. 6 E 2o Fi ECE()6q|ZA EEI&S EElD <oB 60 at{ H E.J E E. EE tuiI tslt 2 Ec Ft{oITA : T o rcD c|it-> Htrqc|< o ac}6{o }q!| oAAlr Requested tnspe€t CEte; Thuriday, hlarch ??, 2001 Insgecton ilrea: CD Slb Addr.ss: 802 PoTATO PATCH DR vAlL &O2"BPOTATO PATCH DR A,PID Infwmatlon Acthrity: g)${t201 T\43e. A-zullD Conct TY;E: Oocupaircy:PrrcEl: 2101069)1&51Aptlkrnt ERNST,GER TDL.ffir: HIT.A}TD OEVELOPMEMT ADUP VN 97(Ff'7*8950 97G9rS7939 54o34t1477 StatF: ISSLED Insp Ama: CD o|vrr[; ERI.ISTGERALDLTRUST Pfton€: De*rlptbn: ADO GRFA TO ? BEmMS,NEITV'{lIAtL lN UR & LAUNDnY lleouesbd Inglsdgdsl ltem: 90 SLDG+ln.l R€q|I3stor: ERN$T. GERATD L. AisbnedTo: CDA\nS- Actloft: R€qucsLd Tlme: 0t i00 Pt- Piion€r 97&479G50 EnlBredBv: LcAfrPBEtt K Tlme Exp: Insp'lcgon Htsrpry /) fl An ftem: 51o drtwlvr/srad€fln.r {opdonari l}tfl4/lItefii: 10 BLDGFooilrEs/St€d {ODtlonsli * Ap'r'rwed - - f t,, ulj2l/m- Insoaclor: GFG Adllon: APPR APPRo\ED | . 47^ Cofl$nsr'ti: REbAR,EPOXY,ETC PER PLAN /, ) I /4lifn. 20 BLDCFFouftbUorrSl€d {Oflbnt0 - Appro/sd " , v' .Gyz&€O lnsD€cto.. GRG' Acfion: APPRAPPROVED -#- commsnts: MIJLTIPLE L,SATIONS... &sm: 52O P!'N-ILC Sils 0907l0t) Coanrn€r.8s: 09/O?/OO Incp€cto(: Cofinncnts: ADDTL BLDGFranrlno 1$24'00 -l$peclor: BlDfr-lmuffiott |\1() N0TIFIED CO CETTTIFICATE OF hm: 3{) ftem: !50 ilfin: 60 Ac{lon: iteff: lbrn: 7t)sl f*..{i 7n5f cfriu; t 0., --.--t.(o'Jo . \\ ( *-s,,. t ! =Ji ta i : lr'($ r!r \rf $-€ry= otgs--- b,,l.,- REtrT131 .\\ \D OODG (:\ q 469Run lid:i n "rl r'tl: '.'{t1 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Ernst Residence Project Number: prj98-0265 (formerly Deighan) Project Description: 250 addition and remodel Ownet Address, and Phone: Gerald R. Ernst PO Box 147 San Carlos, CA 94070 ArchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: Steve Riden PO Box 3283 Vail, CO 81657 949-4121 Project Street Address: 802 Potato Patch Dr. Legal Description: Lot 4, Block l, VaiI Potato Patch Parcel Number: 210106301051 Building Name: Comments: changes to approved plans Designed to 33 ft- will require ILC Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Date: May Project Name: Document I Board/Staff Action Action:staff approved with conditions 1. Sign-off by easement holders for landscaping in easement 2. Materials and colors to match existing 3. Stone path may not have a poured concrete slab Allison Ochs 10,2000 DRB Fee Paid: $50 Ernst Residence TOWN OFVIN 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FAX 970479-2157 Sincerely, E"--Tlh- September I, 1999 Mr. Gerald R. Emst P.O. Box 147 San Carlos. CA 94070 Re: Lot 4, Block l, Vail Potato Patch / 802 Ponn Patch Drive Dear Gerald: Per your written request, the Town of Vail is hereby extending our design review approval of the plans dated October 10, 1996 for an addition at the above-referenced property for a period of one year from today's date. This extension will expire if construction is not commenced within this period. If I can be of further assistance in this matter, please contact me at (970) 479-2140. Brent Wilson Planner II tg*r-r^*, o FILE CCp\i 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 3V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e part rn e nt of C o nrrnu n ity Deve lop me nt Novembcr 20. 1996 Stcvcn James Riden, AIA P.O. Box 3238 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: DRB application for building addition for ti02 B Potato Patch Drivc/Lot 4, Block t, Vail l'otato Patclr (Dcighan). Dcar Mr. Ridcn: Thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board, at its Novcmbcr 20, 1996 mccting, approvcd your rcqucst for a building addition, Thc proposcd addition cqualcd 217 squarc fcct of CRFA and utilizcs 150.2 squarc fcct of thc 250 allo."vancc. 'l-hc Board approvcd this rcqucst without additional conclitions. ffyou havc any qucstions, plcasc fccl frcc to call mc dircctly at479-2148. Thank you for your paticncc in thc proccss. Sinccrcly, ,n r> lll A/( \ t-r/ U u(idi/ "; Dominic F. Mauricllo, AICP Town Planncr {p'"n"uo'u"" I MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moflet Greg Amsden Henry Pratt Galen Aasland John Schofield Gene Uselton Diane Golden Public Hearing lr -^II -IfFl--. J"t"t1\J| - 'LANNTNG AND ENVTR.NMENTAL "o"t,rr,#PPnovEDNOv 0 B Es October 28, 1996 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: John Scholield STAFF PRESENT: Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen George Ruther Dominic Mauriello Dirk Mason Tom Moorhead Judy Rodriguez 2:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Greg Motfet at 2:00 p.m. 1. .A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and adding a 3rd lloor, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1' Vail Potato Patch. Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the request. Staff believes there will be minimal impacts involved with this request and recommends approval with no conditions. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. He did not' Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. There were none. Galen Aasland said the applicants had made the changes that the PEC required. Diane Golden agreed with Galen. Henry Pratt also agreed with Galen. Gene Uselton asked for clarification regarding the landscaping requirement. Greg Amsden had no further comments. Greg Moffet had no comments. Henry Pratt made a motion for approval in accordance with the findings in the stalf memo' The motion was seconded by Greg Amsden. Planning and Environtncntral Commission Minutes October 28. 1996 oo It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 2. A request for a sign variance to allow for a lreestanding sign tor an individual business in a multi-tenant Oui"lding, located at Mountain Haus, 292 E. Meadow Drive/a po(ion of Block 5, Vail Village First Filing Applicant: Leslie and James Glendining Planner: Dirk Mason Dirk Mason gave an overview of the request. He said that staff was recommending approval with 3 conditions attached to that approval. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. The applicant had nothing to add' Greg Moffet asked for any public comment. There was none' Gene Uselton had no comments. Greg Amsden had no comments. Galen Aasland noted that this business location has been historically unprolitable and he suggested that the PEC give the owner any benelits possible to help' Diane Golden had no commenls' Henry pratt agreed with Galen to give as much exposure as possible to this business. He asked if the applicanl could move the sign to the planter location? Mike Mollica said staff hadn't reviewed with the landscaping crew if this would be possible. An issue might arise regarding the irrigation system in the planter. Dirk Mason said a letter would be needed from the Mountain House Association to change to this location. Greg Moffet was in favor of the sign in a more prOrninent location' Henry Pratt made a motion in accordance with the stalf memo, with the addition of a 4th condition to allow the sign further out into the planter if desired by the applicant. Galen Aasland seconded lhe motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. g. A request for a common area variance and a site coverage variance to allow for the conversion of one interior parking space to common area, located at 200 Vail Road/Part ol Lots A, B and C, Block 5C, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Lodge Tower condominium Association, represented by stan cope Planner: Dominic Mauriello Planning and Environmental Comnrission Minutes October 2tl, 1996 I ft ro Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the request. He stated that there would be little or no i*p""t on adjacent-properties and that it woulil not be visible to the public- Dominic said there wdJi pnysic'a narO'snii on the site. He stated that staff was recommending approval wilh one condition as stated in the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked il the applicant had anything to add. Stan Cope stated the intent of this application was to add storage. He stated that next spring the Lodge Tbwer would come again befbie the Commission to request a whole new entrance to address the aging parts ol the Lodge Tower. Greg Moftet asked for any public comment. There was none' Galen Aasland said this would increase the guest services, but Galen didn't like decreasing the parking. Diane Golden said that this was an improvement and she had no further comments. Henry Pratt disagreed that this was a hardship, rather a self-induced hardship' He did' however, have no problem with this application. Gene Uselton agreed with Henry regarding the hardship. He asked the applicant if the parking lot was ever full. Stan Cope stated that most of the time the employees park there. lf full, restrictions are placed on "rpfijye" parking. Stan stated that the intent ior thb whole program was to have people take transportation from the airport into Vail. Greg Amsden asked if the parking was common parking? He stated that philosophically he had a problem with removing parking from the Village. Greg Moffet stated that he was in favor of encouraging people to take public transportation to reduce the number of cars in Town. Henry made a motion for approval in accordance with the statf memo. Gene Uselton seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 4. A request for a minor amendment to SDD # 5 and a conditional use permit^lo allow lor the addition of conlerence space, located at 1 100 N. Fronlage Road/SDD #5, Simba Run Building. Applicant: Simba Run condominium Assoc., represented by Lynn Fritzlen Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the request. He stated that staff was recommending approval with the 3 conditions and 3 findings listed on page 3 ol the statf memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Planning and Environnental Cotmnission Minutes Octobcr 28, 1996 r oo ol Mike Schult, representing Fritzlen Pierce Briner, asked, that the condition that required restriping' Oe optionat. H6 also woJtd titre the storage space on the parking rne-zzanine, that is currently used lor long term rtor"g", be allowed to-remain. Mike would also like the wood storage on the lower level t6 Oe t<ept as-an option. lf that would not be possible, he could convert it back to parking. Greg Moffet asked for any public commenl. There was none' Gene Uselton asked if the parking spaces met the current standards? Mike schult said no, that they did not meet the current standards. Mike stated that alterations would be needed to accommodate any handicap spaces' Gene Uselton asked if all the units had wood burning fireplaces? Mike Schult said, Yes. Gene Uselton asked the applicant if any consideration had been given to converting the fireplaces to gas? Greg Amsden said the 10' high proposed skylight, as shown on the dlawing, gives him ry jd.ea *nii fne building will look lik; when it is done, since the drawing does not show the rest of the building. Mike Schult said the drawing is in two sections. He explained the renderings and showed the pro[oseO conference room.-He explained that lhe skylight would come close to the existing roof. The one on the right and the one over the pool area will be visible from the road. Greg Amsden said he couldn't see the entire elevation of the existing buildings. He didn't however, have any problem with the restriping. Galen Aasland stated that he was in lavor of the conference room. He said the applicant would have to turn the slorage back into parking to be consistent with other applications. Galen also thought the drawings foere inconsistent. He stated thal handicapped spaces should be added. Diane Golden said the applicant would have to convert the storage space back into parking. She was however, afraid thai once approved, the applicant could move his storage back in there. Henry pratt said he had no problem with the conversion of the space. He was not in lavor of parking at the entryway. He said the applicant would need to restripe the garage and convert the itorag6 back to part<in!. Henry was uncomfortable with the architeclure's mass and bulk. He suggested that the applicant take another shot at it. Greg Moffet agreed with Diane and reminded the applicant to qsk permission, not forgiveness' Gre[ was in livor of inside striping, with no parking in lront. With the elevations received, it was harito try and figure out what the skylight wiykd look like from the street. Greg was in agreement with Galen and lienry's comments. This raised the question as to whether to table or deny the request. Henry pratt asked il this was tabled, would that give the applicant a chance to formally ask for parking spaces? - Planning and Environmental Commrssion Minutes Octobcr 28, 1996 n scoda last rcviscd I l/15/96 9arn DDSIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA lVedncsday, November 20, 1996 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT SITE VISITS - L Gcnslcr - 1894 Lionsridgc Loop 2. Sirnba Run - | 100 N. Frontagc Road 3. Dcighan - 8027 B Potato Patch 4. Cahill - 2t155 Snowbcrry Drivc 5. Moncricf - 4788 Mcadow Lanc 6. Currcnt - 3235 Katsos Ranch Road Drivcr: Gcorsc 1l:45 1:00 PUBI,IC IIT'ARING - TOWN COUNCII, CIIAMBBRS l. Moncr-icf - Ncw prirnary/sccondary 47titl Mcadow Lanc/Lot 4, Block 7, Bighom 5th Addition Applicant: Philip Moncricf, rcprcscntcd by Stcvc Ridcn 3:00 2. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Cahill - Ncw garage 2855 Snowberry Drivc/Lot 6, Block 9, Intcrmountain Applicant: Doug and Michcllc Cahill MOTION:SECOND: VOTE: Deighan - Building addition & landscapc plan 80278 Potato Patch/Lot 4. Block l. Vail Potato Patch Applicant: Mr. Dcighan, rcpresentcd by Stcvc Riden . MOTION:4lrra Dirk Lauren A proreL SECOND: l+,t^XSt VOTE: J-P Dominic 4. Ccnslcr - Final rcvicw of four triplcx structurcs Gcorgc lll94 l-ionsridgc Loop/l-ot 27, Block 2. Lionsridgc 3rd Filing. Applicant: Stcvc Ccnslcr MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 5. Sirnba Run - Rcvicw of proposcd skylights I 100 N. Frontagc Road/SDD #5' Simba Run Applicant: Simba Run Condominium Assoc.. rcprcscntcd by Lynn Fritzlcn Dominic MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 6. Currcnt - Ncw garagc and tctaining wall Dirk 3235 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 5. Block l. Vail Villagc l2th Filing Applicant: Nancy & William Cuncnt, rcprescntcd by Saundra Spach Staff Approvals Hilb/Cumrnings - Changcs to approvcd pltns Dominic 233ti CarmishlLot 12, Block C. Vaildas Schonc #2 Applicant: Davc l'lilb Vail Mountainccring - Ncw sign 500 E. l-ionshcad Circlc/Lions Pridc Building Applicant: Axcl Wilhclmscn Laurcn Davidson - Ncw hot tub Laurcn Ittttl Lionsridgc Loop #9/Vail Point Applicant: Phillip Hal Sims Davidson Nadcmancc - Portablc hot tub Lauren 1295 Wcsthavcn Drivc/CMC Building - Cascadc Applicant: Koolawcc Nadcmancc Gottenborg - Rcplacc window Lauren 223 E. Gorc Crcck Drivc/Crccksidc Condos Applicant: Dorothy Gottcnborg Walton Duplcx - Addition of two hot tubs Dominic 1333 Westhavcn Drive/Parcel "8", Glen Lyon Millrace Ill Applicant: Creg Walton The applications and inforrnation about the proposals are available for public inspection during rcgular olTice hours in thc projcct planncr's oflicc, locatcd at the Torvn of Vail Cornmunity Developtncnt Dcparllncnt, 75 South l'-rontage Road. Sign language interyretarion available upon rcquest with 24 hour notification. Pleasc call479-2114 voiceor 479'2356 TDD for inlbnnation. s Fll,E C0Py 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2r 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Depart,nent of Connnunity Developrnent Octobcr 30, 1996 Stevcn James Ridcn, AIA P.O. Box 3238 Vail. Colorado 81658 RE: Thc 250 rcqucst and building addition for 802 B Potato Patch Drivc/Lot 4, Block l, Vail Potato Patch (Dcighan). Dcar Mr. Ridcn: Thc Planning Commission, at thcir Octobcr 28, 1996 mccting. approvcd your rcqucst for a building addition, utilizing thc 250 Ordinancc. Thc proposcd addition cqualcd 2 | 7 squarc fcct of GRFA and utilizcs 150.2 squarc f'cct of thc 250 allowancc. Thc Board approvcd this rcqucst rvithout additional conditions. I havc your application for Dcsign Rcvicw. This itcm has bccn schcdulcd fbr thc Novcrnbcr 6, 1996 DRB mccting. Ifyou havc any questions, plcasc fccl frcc to call mc dircctly at479-2148. Thank you foryour patiencc in thc proccss. Sinccrcly,n"./tlLl&Y lll n /l / J ,il1Xa'Al$ D6)fi ni iF. Mauricllo. AICP Town Planner DFtvI/jr {g *""'"""'u"' F, Fl.": TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: iIEIIORANDUM Planning and Environmental Gommission Department of Community Development october 28, 1996 A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and adding a 3rd floor, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Padriac Deighan and Bi]git Toome, represented by Steve Riden Planner: Dominic Mauriello I. BACKGROUNDAND DESCRIMON OFTHE REOUEST ln 1g85, ihe Vail Town Council approved Ordinance 4, Series of 1985, which created CjtaOter (19.71) of rhe vail Municipal cod-e, entitled "Additional Gross Residential Floor Area." This bnapt6r alows for up to 250 square feet of additional Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to be adddd to a dweiling (Ueyond th'e maximum allowance), provided certain criteria are met. The purpose of the Add''itaonil eRfR Ordinance is to provide an inducement for the upgrading of bxiiting dwellings units, which have been in existence for a period of at least five years, by permitt'ing up to-two hundred fifty (250) square feet of GRFA to be added to a dwelling unit. In August 1995, the Town Council approved Ordinance 6, Series of 1995 which amended Ghap[er 18.71 , for the purpose ol eliminating the ability to use the additional GRFA when a dweiting unit is "demo/iebililt." This Ordinante dso requires that all requests for additional GRFA,-that involve exterior changes to a building, be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. With this proposal, the applicant is requesting to add 218 sq. ft. of qRFA to an existing secondai unit ln a primiry/secondary structure, located at 802 B Potato Patch Drive. The proposal Ltitizes 15b.2 sq.'ft. of the 250 sq, ft. GRFA allowance to enlarqe an existing living ro.om ind add a pantry on the main living level, ind to add a third floor level. The third floor level will be compris'ed of a master bedroom suite and a study. The applicant i! also proposing to add.a third stdry deck which would be accessed from the third level study. The previously plopqs.4 roof-top deck is no longer proposed. The proposed deck is at the same elevation as the third story of the home and is visible only from the east and partially from the south. The building height for this proposalwas based on topographic information provided on-a 1980 site ptan. Ouring tne constiuction of this duplex up to 4.7' of fill was added to the site which rais6d tne height of the structure. The increase in fill added 2.5' to the building height on Uli!_e- (Deighan unitland 4.7'to Unit A. The existing building height for Unit B is 27.2'based on a 1996 survey and the original topographic information. At the September 9, 1996 meeting, the PEC reviewed this proposal. The item was tabled so that the appliiant could address concerns raised by the PEC members. These concerns included the issue 6t hndscaping on-site and the appropriateness and compatibility of the roof deck with the neighborhood. ine applicant has provided a landscape plan and has removed the roof deck. The landscape plan provides 25 new Aspens and 5 new Ponderosa Pines along the west side of this structurd ad weli as additional annuJs and ground cover. Staff believes the proposed revisions adequately address the concerns raised by the PEC. il. Lot Sze: Zoning: Hazards: ZONING ANALYSIS 15,996 square feet P rim arylSecondary Residential None Allowed/Reouired GRFA: 4,699.6 sq. tt. Primary: N/A Secondary: 1,964.8 sq. ft. Uillo: 2,214.8 sq. ft. Site Coverage: 3,199 sq. ft. (20a/") HeQht 33' Landscaping: 9,598 sq. ft. (607" min.) Parking: Notes: Existino ProPosed Remainino 3,359.9 sq.ft. 3,939.8 sq. ft. 759.8 sq. ft. (primary use only) 1,975 sq. ft. NiA 759.8 sq. ft. ,oq? t ,384.9 sq. ft ULIS .q.lr. 99.8 sq- fl- 3,310 sq.ft. 3,300 sq.ft. None(20.690/.) (20.637") 27.2* 32', N/A 10,715 sg.tl. No change N/A (67vi 6 spaces 6 spaces N/A 1) The existing roof overharg is nonconforming since it extends R into the side s€tback (4' is alkt Ysd).2l The prcierty is cunently nonconforming with regards 1o site coverage, and the applicant is proposing a 10 sq.tt. reduction in site cwerage. 3) 'Per survey dated 6/4/96. ItI. CRITER|AAND FINDINGS Upon review of Chapter 18.7't - Additional GRFA, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for additional GRFA based upon the following factors: A. Consideration ol Factors: Before acting on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Gommission shallconsider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 5 spacss 1. Effect upon the exbtino topographyr vegetataon. drainage and exlsting structures. The proposalwillhave minimal impact upon existing topography and vegetatbn as the bulk of the improvements are within the existing building enielope. Portions of a deck protrude outside the building envelope but will have only minor impacts upon the site. The proposal includes a landscape plan which improves the overall quality of the area. 2. lmpact on adiacent ProPelties. The additional height should not adversely affect views, light or air enjoyed by adjacent structures. Staff believes that the proposed addition will not have a significant impact on adjacent properties' 3. compllance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable devel opment standards. section '18.71.020 (F) ol the Town of vail Municipal Gode, requires that any dwelling unit loi which an addition is proposed.shall be required.to mdet the mlnimum Town of Vail landscaping standards as set forth ln Chapter 18.54 of the Vail Municipal Code. Additionally'-before any additional GRFA may be permitted in accordance with chapter 18.71' the staff shall review thqmaintenance and upkeep of the existing single family or two family dwelling and site, including landscapin.g, to determine whether they comply with the Design Review Guidelines. These standards includelanO-sc+ing,undergroundingofutilities,drivewaypavingand general maintenance of the property. Upon inspection of the site by staff, we find fiat the property is generally in cdmplianbe with the applicable development standards listed above. How'ever, a portion of 'the hndscaping located on the west side of the structure exnibits a lower level ol maintenance than the remainder of the site. The proposed landscape plan should correct this situalion' Additionaliy, ill exterior lights are fully cut-off and conform to the current limit on thd number of fixtures al6wed. The driveway is paved and all utilities are below ground. B. Findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting approval for Additional GRFA: 1. That the granting of the requested AdditionalGRFA would not negatively effect exiiting topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively impact adjacent properties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would comply wlth all Town zoning reqlirements and applicable development standards' IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department statf recommends approval of this application for 150.2 square t6et ot aOditional GRFA under the 250 ordinance subject to the tollowing findings: l. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will not negatively effect existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. 2. That the granting of he requested Additional GRFA will not negatively impact adjacent properties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will comdy with all Town zoning requirements and applicable development standards. F ;bwryone\pec\rnemosu€i ghon.o28 ,E!taEtttltl- \..\,i *x V|.) SoY,, $l)., ) )r\:t ii ii !!! t t I I I It I Iil|lllfiiitlfi t o.liI I I I N t! I \ rlt\\ rI I \\ L\ I I ri llfifiill li.t .l! i :i! : i ;riit.iihiiiiii A eI|I ra (.l Ez J i I E EsO.. **t' I I 5 I 'l) -\- .J @ tllirl 1l.to ''tI b4 d ?q) o q, f) es,\'. \nln \c-ts A2 5: Eg , H3i ! I oo ffi qNTFT TAI t nl't Gvlfl tlroa 1TCONTU NVHCII(I XHI #liitiir iiiiriii, lr Et lJallllr l_l I f 2 j !. o-lE rlrl 51 4i J! (,2 lrIxtl :aJA a H .lA ||I-lr!Ll- 93 oo @ III t I ! I II I $ ! II 3 l.li iltil ilti iliirilftill, :lllil'llil: ,i!,i!!!!i,,!iii,iii!,,, I lilllilt Irlllllr I I I 7 I+ E:gi tl lll I lu I tr!! !!l .. ... . '.'t I ttrt l3l a I iI i{ z J c 8 d .ln rd,1 1!P. -!D: !!!!!! ! ...r..1. ittr!rn ffi ortEp ittt^ lAt[ htta oavtoa ttol IiICONTU NYHCIXq f,HI fiilllii[iiiiilii, h ll ll ll lr'rt ttt l.arlllr ci @ : I E ffi oalanD .lrv^ I ttc EtYa otrttoa tEot TICONInI NVHCItrq XHI $iiiiilir iiill!li, II I I lrrr fft lrarlllr t o 6tr(.,c o =lA..tl .Dit: n z I., b!l- oE}A:tl . Irlot 8 E FIo 0 E}Ard.DIo: Io zo F c r| t{ i I 5it\llr flil I rl { f flt I I zo E rldr g'lti ffi 6Y.|.'E 'UVAr Ia tottt orv&f t30l TSGOITTU NYHCIXq ilII ffiltii!ir liiifiii, h ll lrr!*t l{ailllr \n cI!I I l I l6 E {ir HI 5-12-44-89 o P. 01 b ltql6 09-05-96 17:11a-!- PF>{4} Y \ LT 1 I \A^/\/c : ,[\-"I A Wa,,t,u- *-f Va-r/'tr"- '""ft r1atx b^4 N,'l,c \-fU 6r\'j\'- oe"A U; ^lV^^ \*a,^ J$ M^ 1 t"rt-o;t{ ;}.il!'.^^ t, ,*r d'A-a'4 a'^8" o! rn*;i*'n-of ""V.?* y il"t + * ;*ro'* br'i-o,o ^q / il.t€{';;*-r''}'*T;"1 ^ e/e"itt Y:^ ^n L "" ; \tn)z "u^{ uMAr^& CUAD vqlL ^'t . \ A",*o^1U.arsf ,,0o. ,f"t, -J4b1uz- {"r%6V, 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Departme nt of C omrnunity Deve lopment August 15, 1996 Steven James Riden, AIA P.O. Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Proposed 250 request and building addition for 802 B Potato Patch Drive/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch l3th Filing (Deighan). Dear Mr. Riden: I have performed a preliminary review of your application for a 250 addition. Several submittal items have not been provided and are needed to accurately review this proposal. These are listed below along with other comments on the project. Jr.You must provide a title report with schedules A and B in order to verifu ownership and easements affecting the lot as indicated in the DRB application package. You must zubmit spot elevations of all existing roof ridges on this unit and the adjoining unit and spot elevations on the ground under any roofridges. This is needed to verify the accuracy ofthe plans and the building height. These spot elevations lqugl be siped and stamped by a registered surveyor' I/ Z . It appears that a portion of the roof is over tle 33' building height limitation. The area of concern is on the east side of the roof where the stairs enter the roof deck' Please provide a proposed spot elevation in this area in order to verify building height, This site is located in a high and moderate rock fall hazard zone. Prior to obtaining a building permit, you must submit a site specific hazard report approving the development and an executed hazard owner affidavit in accordance with the hazard regulations found in the Zoning Code. h 994 Page l of2 {p *""'"""o '*"' 4 /, please note that under the 250 ordinance, a demo/rebuild, as defined in the Zoning Code, is not eligible for additional square footage. A unit is considered a demo when 50% or more of the Cple is removed (e.g., SOWof thi floor, which is currently counted as GRFA, is removed or destroyed). Please ooii*m that 50%of the GRFA is not being removed from this,nit' Please provide the information needed to complete the review of this proposal' I will be out of town until August 26,1996. If you have any questions in the mean time contact Mike Mollica' If you have any questions call me at479-2148- 7. Please provide a note on the site plan stating that the topographic coatours shown ro tn pf* are derived from the previous approval for this site and that the reproduotion ofthese contours on this plan is aocurate' It appears that the existing structure and proposed additions may encroach on the side setback. Please provide an improvement sqrvey (siped and starrped.by a S'rveyor) for the property showini all existing improvements, incl'ding decks and roof overhangs. Also prwide building elevations of the existing structure. These requirements are listed in the DRB application package' Provide a lighting plan for the site showing proposed light fixtures' {ts9.ryoviae cut sheets aitaiting tne hght fixtures and slowing confomtance with the lighting regulations. Srgqerely, t tll\4Ytlll nl M.d,WuA'K Dominic F. Mauriello, Al Page? of2 \97O) 949-4t21 N-l A M E IDES 3238 FAX 949-0304 POST OFFICE BOXvAIL. CO.8165 6 August 19,1996 Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO.81657 Dear Mr. Mauriello: Here is the following information that you requested on our application for a 250 addition for 8028 Potato Patch Drive / Lot 4, Block l, Vail potato patch l3th Filing @eighan). l. Title report with schedule A and B. 2. Copy of Improvement Location Certificate indicating spot elevations of all existing roofridges and spot elevations on the ground under roofridges. I.L.C. was completed by Peak Land Surveying, signed by P.L.S. Samuel Ecker. 3. Height restrictions should be measured from south elevations existing grade line. Sheet A5 of Architectural Plans. 4. Report to be provided at permit time. 5. Note has been added to site plan. 6. I.L.C. provided. 7. Location ofadditional lights have been indicated on site plan. A copy of light design has been provided. 8. GRFA study is on sheet 64' offuchitectural Plans. If you have any additional questions call me at9494l2l Encl: . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. BEGA I'L-------l'l I t-w$ tJ*1 ct- Becessed luminaires with white safety glass ditlusers. Suitable for wet locations. Color: Black. 2284T has integral elecvonic translormer and includes 1142lamp. 2284T Opening: S?/tz' x 2'Vts' x 4' 2289P Opening: 91tbz' x 2t5/$' x 4' 2287P Opening: 'l113Az' x 2Vs' x 4' Lumen ALamp zrut*iii*&^q G@ t tawsa,tev 264 ZeAa 4% 2269P Location Light G@ r gw Pt-9/a 2e/ta 4% a287P Location Light GD r rgwPl-900 1113/s Ze/s 4Ya tJ-lct-. Recessed luminaires with die casl a{uminum louvers and white safety glass diftusers. Suitable for wet locations. Color: Black, 2283T has integral electronic transformer and includes 1142lamp. 2283T Opening: 5?'/a' x 215/$' x 4' 2288P Opening: 9t3h2' x 2\V$' x 4' 2286P Opening: 11'lu' x2V.{''x 4' Lumen ALamp 2283T u'lTransformer (@ t tAwse,tev 2Yr 41/t 22fJf,P Location Light 6tiEl 1 9w PL 9Vz Zs/s 4Va 2286P Location Light (@ I tswel l11Vrc 2s/s 41/e Agenda last revised 9i03l96 lPm PLANNING AND ENVIRONME].ITAL COMMISSION MondaY, SePtember 9, 1996 AGENDA Prolect orlentatlon / Lunch - communlty DsvoloPmsnt llepanment 11il5 pm QUORUM - (September 23, 1996) Gene Uselton not present Sire vislts 12:30 Pm 1 . Ruder - 2415 Bald Mountain Road2. Futernick - 930 FainraY Drive3. Brown - 1239 Westhaven Circle4. Deighan - 8028 Potato Patch5. Eagle River Water District - 945 Red Sandstone Road Driver: George Publlc llearlng - Town Council Chambers 2:fl1 p'm' 1. A request for a residential addition to expand the existing kitchen, utilizing the 250 ordinance' located at 930 Fainray Drive/Lot 7, VailVillage 10th Filing Applicants: Morris and Miriam FuternickPlanner: Dirk Mason Z. A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and to add a 3rd floor' utilizihg the 250 Ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit ToomePlanner: Dominic Mauriello 3. A request for an exterior addition to expand the existing dining room, utilizing t!9 T0 Ordiiance, located aI2415 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 22, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing Applicants: Paul Baker and Robert RuderPlanner: Dominic Mauriello 4. A request lor a wall height variance to allow for a six-foot retaining wall, located in the front setback 1239 Westhaven Circle/Lot 37, Glen Lyon Applicant: Daryl Brown Planner: George Ruther Agenda last revi(ed 9/03/96 lPm 5. A request for a joint worksession with the DRB and PEC for a rezoning from General Use to lr,teOiitm Density Multi-family, and a request for the establishment of a Special Development Disrid b allow roi tn" Jeu,jrbprent ot'rz EHU's, located on an unplatted parcel on a portion of Parcel A and patt of Block D, Lionsridge Filing # 1 Applicants: Eagle Rirrer water and sanltation District and the Forest seMce Planner: AndY Knudtsen 6. A conceptual discussion regarding tre diglay of banners for quasi+ommunity events and activities. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Lauren Waterton Z. A request tor an interior remodel, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to add a qto!09 ar-ea !q th9. - baseinent, of approximatety 250 squareleet, located atM94 Streamside Circle EasULot 13' Bighorn 4th Addition Applicant: Donald LevY Planner: Lauren Waterton STAFFAPPROVED g. A request for an anterior remodel, to add a storage area-and atathroom of approximately.Ss- squaie feet, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, locatedat 63 Wllow Place #l/Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, VailVillage 1st Filing Applicant: Oscar SchaferPlanner: Lauren Waterton STAFF APPROVED 9. A request for a residential addition to expand the existing entry, utilizing th_e 250 Ordinance, tocatbO at 4410A Columbine Drive/Lot 1 , Block 4. A resdivision ol Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn 3rd Addition Applicant: Barbara Van Ness Planner: George Ruther wlrHDRAwN ,*** 10. Information Update - Vail Tomonow 11. Approval ol August 12, 1996 and August 26' 1996 minutes The applications and inlormation about the proposals are available in the proiect planner's otlice during reguldrotfice hours lor public inspection, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation availabb upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published SsDtsmber 6, 1996 in the Vail Trail. I ssPtembor 5, 1996 l!36 h4q s 11r'4 $ult" Jll() liu 18lr (lhcTry Flill, ldrv Jr'rx.y 08014 (60e) 114.6l lrl lhr ((*)9i r5{.7fi9(l (r{rq 15.t.0:?0 I l'!t. Domlnlc l{aurlello Conmunlty Devclopmcnt Dept. Town of VaII 75 gouth Frontage Roadvall, co 81658 RE r 80tB Pot,ato Pateh DrlveD.lghan/Btrglt Toomc Doar Mr. Maurlcllor Ihank you for Fpeaklng wlth mc ycst€rday, ln referencc fo ouf, r€modellng ipplfcatt6n. I-thought lf, necesriry to clartfy rine of the renalnlng losugs. our proporty hag an undtvtded lot C. Uy nclghboL ltr. V€la8quBz and I have a 50/50 lnterctt ln th€ €ntlre lot. lfcrlp€nt ovcr fl0ro00 tn rslandacrplng the Eaatean portlon of that lot.. rn gepuetnbsr of 1995, hte r€qdcttbd the aame arbhl.tect to provldc,plana tor developlng the wsttcrn alde of the lot. tror onc r.alon or another, wi n6ver recelved any plans. In the tprtng of -1996, I contac0od anoth€r landrcape archltest ln Avon. llotfov€r, I have not recelvid rny plans from thls lndlvldual. tle alco have a raaltor who manages the propertyr and rhc attcmPtod ln dlune and- ituly to have rOmd nork comptbteO. I arrtved tn AuguEt only to flnd nb work had been completed. I nade some effort to do tom€ work nylalf. Our archlt€ct, Steve Rldonr advlEed ne ln July thaL wslwould have tO Aubmlt lanclacapa archltocture glanr prlof to the Lcluancr of any Ctrtlllcatc of occupancy. Ehl6-waa flne tlnce lt hal bren our tirtrntlon all along. ur. Rldcn tndlcatod that some 9f the Alpgn tfegl woultl havc -to be relocated, tfs naturally, conplude<l thet the relocatlon of the treos would be part of a nsv, lancllcape plan. we alro rcpaved the drtv€way ln the fall of 95 and thl hone has been repalnted Evrlce tlncc 1993. furtherr wc havc rmployed a malntenance man from Avon to nalntaln the lnterlor and .xtGrlor sf the property. Alsgr I revlewed our nert lurvcf rtlth Hr. Rtden and l war 6urprlB6d to flnd that the ttestern modt portlon of ttre propehty ta on our lot. I prevlouEly belleved that lt belong€d to Mrt. Eoyor.,fhlt It thc arCa that rd appurB€nant to llra. aoyar's drlveway and draic drlveuay whlch leadr lnto our new landecaplng plant. rhould have any qucftlona, pleatc Extended Thlr area wtll bf . do not hctltate to Pag6 ? houge.the prlvatc lncludcd tn If you contaet n., Thank you for your tlne and constdoratlon ln thlt mattbr. y youFr, t6&rL Drlghan, Etqulr€ DBD/Jaw I ,l ' \,/t? )A71.Lch,LC I P" e/6'?. tbr. 4'"/. A L-p&-b-)^ P;hr| 24-h/"- nno^L,*Z ffi P^/=4 /4J'e- spo/*. tn'rd" fian)ea Uohl?/* a /a-4- ta,r'gral ( ?f"- ^+*"r# L"rr-- ) ^-,t/ ol* Zo*-,, ttor+-oc6 e/ fl. f.r?*4 addz^Eaw ,{<- araa ry'+h,n^.a. @'G( J a.awe/t*".t q ./ a.l< 044 a ryT f a/d4;t4 d^',"rr*" b/ ,#,,,- Ua)an',2. (n'?-uJ;> o/ -U^-'" 2^ 9 b,,u /*4 "e /t -2*L ftztcq9,.;z uz( -fr, fu- a#" n/a)o /+g I 5.A request for a Minor SDD amendment to allow for streetscape improvements to the Cai&Oe Viilage SuMivision entrance located at 1300 Westhaven Drive/lntersection of Westhaven Dr. and South Frontage Road. Applicant: L-o westharren lnc., represented by skip Behrhorst Planner: Randy Stouder TABLED UNTIL APRIL S, 1996 Applicant: Padraic Deighan, represented by Steve Riden Planner: Randy Stouder TABLED UNTIL APRIL 8, 1996 A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance,lo_allow for an el-Fnsiu to anexisting residence located at 802 Poiato Patch Drive/Lot 4, Bloc* 1, Potato Patch. 7. Inlormation Update 8. Approval of March 11, 1996 Sign language interprelation available upon TDD for information. with 24 hour notificatbn. Please call 479-2 1 14 rroice or 4792356 -6b l"/ )^/u{ ' (Y ;l'tkt'e PLANMNG AND ENVIROI{IIENTAL CO]IIIIISSION March 25, 1996 AGENDA Overview & Update on Environmental Programs and Proiects - Russell Fonest 12:fl1am Proiect Orientation / Lunch 1230 pm SiteVlsits l:flt pm 1. Sirot<in - 1415 Westhaven2. Lion Square Lodge - 660 West Lionshead Place 3. Hubcap Brewery - 143 East Meadow Drlve Driver: George Public Hearing 2:flIP.m' 1. A request for a residentiat addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an expansion to an existing duplex residence located at 14'15 Westhaven/Lot 52, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Neil Sirotkin, represented by David lrwin Planner: George Ruher 2. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the expansion of the Hubcap Brewery (a brew pub) and for an outdoor dining area located at 143 East Meadow Drive/Tract P, Block 5D, VailVillage lst Filing. Applicant: Lance Lucey Planner: Dominic Mauriello 3. A request lor a Major Exterior Alteration in the CCll zone district to allow for a lobby expansion at the Lion Square Lodge located at 660 w. Lionshead Place/ Lot 'l, Vail- Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: _ Lion Square Lodge Condominium Association, represented by John RailtonPlanner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for a Front Setback Variance and a request to utilize the 250 Ordinance to allow for a garage and a Type I EHU to be constructed at 1464 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 10, Block 2, Lions Ridge Filing No.4. Applicant: Canol Orrison, represented by Tom Braun Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED UNNL APRIL 8, 1996 TO: MIKE t McGEE | .Btc'D FEB 2 s tss6 TODD OPPTNJHEiMEF: Return to RAI|DY STCUDER Town Planner pRo.lrbr: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTSNEEDED By: z/ r't INTER:DEPAFITM ENTAL H EVI EW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Datc: 4 frhrdn d.rcnco . 7{o )t- N$ Ara\ts- QcoSD<ad qsrxlcs :\n,.rn a<csod vta. tso.; odd!\\c'o \.vj,"tt er"Ao*dt6oOOt? Itsotrrz'{ e*r-dl 2"t I wc, cuqd o sr6xd storc*xd st)(oe-l c{' Lr-et\ as o \r\\(- reec{-\ . Landscaping: NbT AgPeou@ o(r^bE RE:SntT Dalc: Datc: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Fire Dcpt.: Revicwed by: Comments: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAI-: Ml,rV>^ oi ,o',..V*t SffL ! Engineering: Revicwed by: Commenls: Dislributed to tho Fire Dcpartmenr, pubric works, and Landscaping on INTER:DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: Date: Dalc: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING GREG HALL OPPE:I\jHFiIVIEF: RA}IDY STCUDEI- Town Plannc.r TODD Relurn lo PROJEbT:(^- z{o BRf EF DESCRIPTTON OF THE pROpOSAL: .^ ., -A ) nlli ;:,6' ;'';i;i;'-"^'7r{, -f/' :"/a r-/22'z;/ oz;f--'4r', ,4l:Jz-*rzz- 302- f'/" oLt4' Landscaping: Engincering: Revicwed by: Commenls: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Distributcd to rhe Fire Dcpartmcnr, pubric works, and Landsc aping on af n . I SCHEDULE A ORDER NI'MBER: 92008209 1. EFFECTIVB DATE: Auqust 21' 1992 at 8:00 A'M' 2. POLICY OR POI,ICIES TO BE ISSUBD: AIJIOUNT OF INSI'R,ANCE A. ALTA OI{NER', S POLTCY $ 290 ' 000 ' 00 PROPOSED INSIIRED: PADRAIC B. DEIGHAN ANd BIRGIT K. TOOME B. ALTA LOAN POLTCY $ 232',000'oo PROPOSED INSURED: FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE SERVICES CORP. ' AND/OR ASSIGNS C. ALTA LOAN POI,ICY $ PROPOSED INSURED: 3.THEESTATEoRINTERESTINTHELANDDESCRIBEDo!REFERREDTo] COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN iS TNS SIMPLE AND TITLE THERET( THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF VESTED IN: PoTAToPATCHPRoPERTTES'AcoLoRADoGENERALPARTNERSHIP 4.THELANDREFERREDToINTHISCoMMIT!,!ENTISDESCRIBEDASFoIJL( Parcel 4-B' ena a L/2'(one-Half) Undivided interest in and to Parcel 4-C, A RESUBDTViSTON OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1, VAIL/POTATO PATCH,A;;;lai;;-io the ilat recorded March 2, 1e83 in Book 354 at Page 5rO as Reception No' 250645' COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO THISCoMMITMENTwAsPREPAREDoNAUGUST3I'L992.FoRQUEST PLEASE CALr-, SANDY CAPELL AT (303)949-101L' PREMITJM: SHORT TERM owNERS: 559.00 I'{ORTGAGEE: 50. OO TAX CERT.: 10.00 FORM 100 30.00 FORM 8.1 50.00 copies to: Padraic B. DeighanBirgit K' Toome continued on next page CONTINUATION SCHEDULE SHEET A ORDER Ntn'[BER: 92OO82O9 Potato Patch June SadlerCarol, First ProPerties Western Mtg. STEIIART TITLE oF eAer.,r couNTY, rNc' P.o. BOx 2000 VAIL, co. 81658(303i e49-1011 o SCHEDULEB-SECTION]. ORDER NT,I{BER: 92008209 REQUIREMENTS THE FOLLOWING ARE THE REQUIREUENTS TO BE COMPLIED WITH: ITE{ IA) PAYMENT TO OR FOR THE ACCOI]NT OF THE GRANTORS OR MORTGAGOOF THE FULL CONSIDERATION FOR THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSIIRED THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO FOR RECORD, TO WIT: IT!l!_lP) pRopER rNsrRWENr (s) CREATTNGINSURED I,IUST BE EXECUTED AUD bUT-,Y FILED 1. Execution of affidavit as to Debts and Liens and its return toStewart Title cuaranty Conpany. 2. Evidence satisfactory !9 stewart Titre Guaranty company ofpalnnent of arr outstanding taxes and assessments as'ceitiiieaby The EagJ.e County Treasrirer. 3- Execution of certificate - Entity Transferor/rndividuarTransferor and its return to the-office 4. Evidence satisfactory to Stewart Title Guaranty company that tjrear estate transfer-tax assessed by the Town 6f -v;ii--fr";-'il"; paid or that the transaction is exeirp[--irorn"saia t;i; :-- ---" s. le1e3s9 by lhe public Trustee of Eagle County of the Deed ofTrust from Potato patch properties, -a cororato cenerarPartnership for the use of First w6stern t'tortqag-- sEivire", rnrto secure $1s6rooo.oo, dated December 10, 1996 recorded PggglPer 27, t99o in Book s44 at page ZSi as ReceptiJn No.440898. Assignment of above Deed of Trust to Great Midwest Bank s.s.B.recorded Decernber 27, 1990 in Book 544 at eaga zsa aJ-nea;ii;rNo. 440999 6- Deed from potato-patch properties, a colorad.o GenerarPartnership. vesting fee siinple titte in-iiaiii"-iil-o6ighan an<Birgit x. t6ome. NOTE: NOTATIoN oT THE LEGAL ADDRESS oF THE GRANTEE I4UST APPEAION THE DEED AS PER 1976 AMENDMENT TO STATUTE ON RECORDING OFDEEDS CRS 38-3s-109 (2). Trade Nane Affidavit of potato patch properties, A cororadoceneral partnership, recorded, December 27-, -iggo in-il;i-giq utContinued on next page CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-SECTIONl ORDER NI,MBER: 92OOS2O9 Paqe 751 as Reception No' 440896' $is9l919=--:l"t the following peisons analoi"!'niii'i"i-i.; q;iln uusiness under said nane: E6;h;; il-ftccaseY and rune sadler T.DeedofTrustfrontheEorrowertothePublicTrusteefortheuse of tne proi-olEa-ienaer to secure the loan' NoTE: For an additional charge,. Stewart Title of Eagle County will provS.de any'ifiili!-"i""x6"pti"n3-i" shown on schedule B - Section 2. SCHEDULEB.SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NWBER: 92008209 THE POLTCY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLLOWING UNLESS THE SAI4E ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COITIPANY: 1. RIGHTS OR CI,AIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.2. EASEUENTS, OR CI,AIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY THE PI'BLIC RECORDS.3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOI'NDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AR: ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANY FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SI'RVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES WOUI,,D DISCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOl SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A I,I8N, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR III.ATER. HERETOFORE OR HERE,AFTER FT'RNISHED, IMPOSED BY I,AI{ AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.5. DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCIIMBRANCES, ADVERSE CI,AIMS OR OTHER I,TATT. IN ANY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARING IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OR ATTACHING SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF BIIT PRIO: TO THE DATE PROPOSED INSI'RED ACQUIRES OF RECORD FOR VALUE THE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THTS COMI,IITMENT.6. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS; RESERVATIoNS OR EXCEPTIONSIN PATENTS OR AN ACT ATITHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF; WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TITI.,E TO WAT8R. NOTE: TTMECHANIC'S LIENr AND/oR rrGAPrr PROTECTION (EXCEPTIONS 4 AND 5 ABOVE) MAY BE AVAILABLE WITH AN OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSI'RANCE ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY UPON COMPLIANCE WITH STEWART TITLE GUARANTY REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AS TO THOSE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT (S) NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THIS COVERAGE. 7. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeemed tsales. 8. The effect of inclusions in anv seneral or specific waterconservancy, fire protection, 3oil conservation or otherdistrict or inclusion in any water service or street improveur area. 9.Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligationscontained in the Protective covenants of Vail/Potato Patch, recorded March 5, 1974 in Book 233 at Page 528 as Reception NL2ss26' and Anendrnent reco'u'u 8:Hli*$ 3x'"1?lun*;."""* 'nt o CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NWBER: 92OO82O9 Page 950 as Reception No. 138069. 6) Easenents, restrictions and rights-of-ways as shown on the PIat'='z oi Vaif/p6tato patch, recorded-March 5, t974 in Book 233 at Page 529 as RecePtion No. L29527. ft) Easenent qranted to the Town of Vail by Vail Associates,.Inc.,\7 ;;;#dea iuri-ro, 1974 in Book 235 at page 581 as Reception No. 13152 0 . 12. Terns, conditions; reservations, restrictions-and. obligations.as contained in the Farty WalI Agreement and DecLaration recorClect ttaich 2, tg83 in Book-354 at Fage fOe as Reception No. 250644. 13. Easements, restrictions and rights-of-ways as shown on the PIat recorded i{arch 2, 1983 in Book-354 at Page 310 as Reception No. 2 50645. 14. Encroachnent of Retaining WaI] and Asphalt Driveway shown-on the Improvement Location Cer€ificate prepared by Milton Darrell White, dated December 12, 1990. TO oc 8E SIGNED A}ID DELTVERED TO SELLER PRTOR TO DISCLOSURE AND ACKNOHLEDGEMENT [U1""*u Hi"], ns:. ::r : -f . d Thewith ( "se o pur e resrdenEE 4-8, Block 1, Vail,/pocato patch also known as (,,property,,; . Purchaser hereby acknowledges t,hat: property escr CLOSTNG: int,o a contra AS: (a) (b) (c) (d) ldAt/d/ 5i:Eii:..; is aware that rhe properry is rocared in a speciar Purchaser nu= O:?l-informed of !|"_pfesenr mill 1eviesor the special distriii-JiF"Iiing such properry,- i:i|!:lil i*;:5i':-T3v, under rh.:.13'= or.rhe sEaEe or 5y-t,i55.-i5 ;;ii;:. ii:t;I:I.".i"Si, yt!l'?ur ii.ii in tnenorvrirhsrandins its criirJ"i-r.iiielF.ll_i."?ii; "roii;:i*;'rlixnls:: inrormed rhar_senare Birr s1-1seor-prircna;;-i;'ESt the riglrt to 5_e;ci1d such conrracror this ""r"J,.jrJln-";3;;";ir3f ij.I*"j;jflr;:1"5ij;I; Padraic n. neighan :TlgE oF coLoRADoSUUNTY OF The foregoing vas Birgic K. Toome acknowledged b-efore ne thisr19 day ofit K.Toone Witness rny hand and official seal. Hy coronission expires: E o x;:i.* T"+f*';?k.t! #. .iil"t t6iiir-o?-& re (:.-Dtt, 6lorrdo. !. 't4t' q 'trtld.lag 3!t ' E.!r ?'rc'l ''l rIld a! rr .bsn on !.h. X.P t6{.i!.1 tt'-! .Il rtfott.ialF_. c. 'no9l.r' or 'tslldl: ,, -.. hAt contlgNou. dvrrrhi Eollr csatc:'tc'r ftylAt.a. - D. 't.rE.l .a' .brrr - tP0tgthir* tlb.d on tr. ?1r! !.t.r.ncrd b.!.l!. ".. t'n LF-1 ,P.rc.I .! r. a...rl-b.d o.r t.D. tLl | IV - ,llvt' : '?..c.1 aC' .hrll xr! t.!c.l 4C .. hJOl f I r.t.rc'|c.d h.!.1fl. !. 'C*o A!.r't!.rll r.n l'!c'tl {c' t, 'Dnlt'. 'trllt ,r' .h.tl -'.r . t" tLPr' ..!r!. tr t.!c.l A, .l l !TroY.En!. not o! h.r"!t" con.tr\rctc.d t|..:.on, rll rl95t. rad ...d6tt rPgu:t"'D! --ti.!.to .nd .r! utdlvla!.d 6._MIl tb!.!..t l.o t!' l'!c!l 'c''ontl !' .h.ll -|.! . t.. .lt?t. ..!.t. It P'!c'l I tll f.4rovcrntr nor, ot tr.r..f t.r coi.t.lrct.d tjir€!, 'lriiiit. .rO ..r'r.Entt .PP!rrt.nr'!t l-b.!.to rnd rt EndlYtd'd on.-hrlt lDt.!..t 1! ?.rc.l aC. C. 'ottar' -ant a Frtonr Frtoni, t.ltr, co!9or.!ton, P{r!n.r.blP, o. r.rel.llor, o! othtt t'9'l a;iiit ;; riy'ccsrnrtlio th..!ct, oYlll's ''o ht'!"t Lo tlE t.rc.lr. !. 'r.9' ot'?l.l'-.5. th .691tldtln9 rurv'y of !h. trog.r!1..;r. tF<ltlcrIIY ld.ltltl'd t|r ii' d.ttnt!l,or o( 'ltq.ril.r' d.9l.tb9 |Jrd locrtlng tltl rD.cttl,cltv tlr.:.on tt fuc-l. .td !t+!oe6'nl' l_b'!'otr ' -tirtcl ao<ri.nt lt h.r.!t lncorFrrt.d !. r.t'r'nc' lbto utl' ttcl.r.tton.nd r.d. . Frt !.t.o!. soEh hP 'Mll-b'r.cord.d la !|l. ottl,c. ot t!. L9). County Ct'!t 'rdt c.id.r trlos to t!. ttcoldrtlon o( thi. D.cl'rttlol|' DlSCll!:rtOI lxD LtSa,tJA?IOl. tv.ry Contr'cl ol srre, De rdl-Err--rr-l-Et'frer7= rd, rl:! or otn'r tlt.lrldn! .h.rI l.t.lli &.cr1!. t ollt or r..l ProFttt !nt.r..t r. lolle.r 9D1t I or uDlt l, . r..o-bdlvl'.!oa of l.'..'t l' llocl l. vttl/Potr!. trlch, :do ot v.ll, h9l' Couhty, C.lor.& r.cord.d l! lh. otllc' ol !i' ircl.'i,noltv ct.tt ud t cord.r, rccordltg to th' tti! r.cordad di..rcl -t' 1913, lD lool Jt( 'th9. l./ll.. !v.tt.uch lt..ctlgliot thr tl b.good.nd .otflcl.nt ror'.tt pu!'Fr.t to ..11, cont .nc.rb.a or otlrrvl.. .(t.<t tll. Ll rnd ntlght., b.n.llt. .nd PloYl.lor .hrll rPg grllU-t .r ..ld t.r| l!h. ProFttl..l 1. d.!l|!.d o.cr.rrtlon. -batzA/r..4f!/;aJ 9roPtrn Dlv:tlca. l. D.cl.r.!t h.t.bt ..!$tl!h. .u.bdlvl.loa ot CL tto9.rtl.. llto tlu.. lrr '-r- I or.n.r.hlp ln !.. rt.*1., c6rl.t1!9 ol trrc-l al, al ual lC' -2- a ; -r .' t. ll!. t!'Dt€t 9r€F.rtt, loget!'r vl$-'lf r-'"'.-';; ts;rF;, 1. bi'i drii'd'd rlt' rF l2l ..i.r.t ..t t . .. totr-tl gllt r' 6rtttL!4 o! trtt'l .^' rtl - -lFt;;.; ra or hireltrr c€'lrocr'rd tn'rFn' *.'i:::*"*t"':r:a:rifi*lryi'ii'ii"'l!,.!c.l ac. ODtt t, G*rl'rt'bt o! Prrc'l l!' 'll .. f+t"'il"i1 aoi or fri'e:trr coc'tItrc!'d L'|'!'o! i]i-tlqhtr 'Da "r-!tt 'PFt-!'!'!l t5'r'to r' iii'iak r.t.r' '!d u o.rdlird'd on'-:.rll trt':'tr ln t.rc'l' 'C' 3. trrc.l 'C 'MIl b' 'ub"ct.tt t!' ""tnt' ^ot.a on tii n D rtd tlo" t't tori'5 b'!'l!' a. to gra.! r5'tl btttg rny rcttoo lot P'rlltlon or drvfrloi of riv rercrt or qlll'-9r;1d'd' b*v'r' -t!'l Ii iiii"ii.a-o"rt..r b'r'tD d'llDcd- rrt b' e'rrltlon'd 'r"e;;.-;.;;-;v ..1.' t!! Dot t'a tl'd' r' Plortd'd !" r'r' - i. .cqrr.rtion ot (xE.!r5!9 b tb' ttoFr'I"' or 'nv. P'r: ii.t.ii,-.1'.rr coD.tltut' ' tFcl:lc vrlvrr ol t)' !19ir ro ;:;:;;i;"-;-;;;i." "t tr' iroF:tt" r! rr'd' 5. I! !r' 'e'Dt trlc'lt 'r '.nd '!.r!' dn'd,bt drc .r,. riiftlor, tt! doctrlc' ol E!s'r drll rol 'p?ry' 5. lh.9'rt!", tt -r' !i'n orl.' b"lng.!D'.-. d.!.!rlD ii ..i'ri-.Gi-""ii rhrll 'erc' r-'e dr""rv" hd ;':;:;'.n; iig;t. i"d oltte'ttoot or -cb c'!'rrhrPt;;i il, -i;;:;;- u'. i i I i'..'r"":l:"Lry:i:'"i:. ".::;;:;i;;;-;;.r-i.eii rntrti'nfll ==-:,T:,:l;;fi:::i::.':,"$i ffi e;i;' ri:*ri-::=:^:;;'l'::ll"Lh. D.rEr.., -"-' li"rri"r 06.r..brtr lrc.o! . Enlt. tlt.tr .u.l .ntltY ol c{ Iii ij-ii- 'iii. r*.t. 06.- tldltldu'1 Ylro r|'11 1:?::-?:-i6it.'Ji.' r'at'rc".1.3" !!11 :l:::?:t t-I to rr- o..rer.\f ---'*_'_ri.rr.rtt rr coi.crratrg.!ch.|rtttt o! Ggocuaa.nt -n'rrii i- riiiii'..a obrle.tton' Fu'o''rt to t'bli D'clrlr!ro!' t. tay .Ech '!ttty or c'!cr!l'n! dn'!t-'hrll orvr wrlttii oottl to !x otlrr own'r d"tF'tln9 th' i;;i"iili-;.-;;. oD ltt ot t.r'lr D'hrr! "d 'ucb '€ttc'--.i'iiii'iii ril.ir;.-Liii r.'"r'a b vrlttne bt '!'ch 'ntrlv "i-!.r.t.. a5y .c! or .rl.'lon bt 'uc! d"lF't'd . -iiai"iaiii .h.ir b. bl:dl,e o.' th: 'otltv "'T:" y::":rnorvrou.r -. l.;-;1, or |lly F!.on rrr.a..:ti.:.d hl-t in l.vo! o: tn' ol sy !.ly ti.r.on. -z4ch utlr th.ll D. con'ld"'a r tt9'!'!' fi;.r iii..;i-;i rrrerr br ..P'rrt'rv ""r"d r"d a€roraE(Erats ^xD ! srxl'.rs ' :r:::rii *ffffiffii*l :i-:::::liI::':*' ;;";;;ti;;-;i-;;'..1 .! utEo ;hlcb tt lo('t'd tl'. bulr ot ;;-i;;;;;;-;J ri.ii.a t. lo<rt'd r!ov' tr'' c'r'e' nd :;;'j.#i:;;-;.;r-q' rr' Fttlo. ot 'ch lttov'-Dtr ;;;:;iit co.r.!t!ct.d Yblch coa'lltrt' th' lnco'chlnE .;;i;;'i';i;;;-b"t-.'i "ot tf..#'ri#':la:; ;::.llvlDc ro- .^d ftr.9t.c. c t-t:--:--:i:- -t.h rtr .t*igt.l. -<h..6lc'1, 'l'ctrlctl 'E!. toi.tlxr itth rlI .Lr€tetrlr -<D''6rc'r';i,;il;';;.;-;; ua rtt ot-rrr itrtc.r "' rryrcv'-?:? ld.t.d ttt !. .:r. .rc-F .r ott rttt' b'!'16"t'a t9'<rlr Hsi',rf A::;SitEifETsE'H{;..il*s.o. r!ic! .€l D.ro.clbt ts.u:g.ii;;;rrt"t-"E'lo€'t'{ trd t€l !1=l :,t*-----i' Lir*'t ' t'9'tt errdt-h. ..clo.c!to!. t a, -l|rtl!rt'rilrii5i o r-ii. -roi roectrl ae rqritc'- itr' 'ts€re'cllDtJ.'.ir- r--"r.r - !b !!. orn t .( DElt t sDqtt ih';Iii;T;"Ft. :r. u. o'n" '( e.lr' t st'#' t-h' Iiii."rG.-r"iitii r..d!! tot.Ei?orr' e:' 'r&t'artic' or ii'Eiiiliri"i-;itiJ rr'tt laclci; '.o "r-'!t I' ."d t! iii.. iiiiiiii".r rr!l! I lo<.!.'t 6 t"c'! t iFc""rv. ro3 il-;fii;il-.;Frt .id r'l:rt'n'tc' ol ro'b Dr<to'chrlg i"'.i".,--iiii'al's, !'r! @! lhl!'{ to, el "tlbg ot tn' i;14-i i;;; ynlc;'1. loc.r.d trl. bcro'cllrt P€rtrc' r''. ;;;;";i '.i't; irr{ lq,aarttco ot oll! a vlilcb 'r'?Frt 'E€!ti]iiiI'.ia- iii- I'cro.chlDt tortton trll ol Yn.lcb Fltlc'ii'ii'il i-irrili rrrrtarrrri b. r.t.tr'd tD " tJtr:tliii"irii-ii.ii-,-ii.ri.r.t turFrt"). tD. Eclorcbbt #;i;-;;;il;;;i-i"zi"':. .!.rr il d'ad | ?:'t o! t!' ".!!r r.ll'!.rrl6.t!.! d.tcrl!" '!' tL lltnlr uo "iii;i.i;;;.;-i;;.'. 'ttb "'Fct !r't'r'o .l'rr b' il::*-; i;-;;.at'.ir p'o'r.ri"' i'!'l!rtt'r ..t tort-\' 5--i"".o.irinc tortiqt trlit-lt 'b'll b' drl-d to b'n':l! s{i.l-iii-i"ii.i uitt r, :"t 'e.b h'!o'c5ltt tortlo.' b liii*.iiis- riitt-' t. lo<.t'd or.r ?'!c'l | '!d t!"':or' ;ii-i-i; Lt urrl.".a D't.! lrci{€bl'e rottloo trx"Et' u;i; i d;. no! tnclld. i! E to'chlct -rtloo-ra' t!'t'(or' oo nctorcfrtng lorlloo !. r.t !! b'tt.tllr gl|lt r' l- ar..rtt. !o: bcrc..!.ttlrlt' ID 'ddltloo !' .r. ...-"i. fiifui--;r^"fiiF,--rr'lt Frrlos ol r ttalt, lnclodlng, rllt !! thlr.tl(}lr, " ' b'lcoat' llr'9r'd' ;;-;;i ;;;; ij"t.r".o I! rn s!1! 'rt'tr csr'llrst" ' F:i o( t€ch hl!. D€.nc.o.c\.' qPoo !lr' ot5'r gDl! o! t.L-. ;;;-;;;-;.-; relrtt ol trr..'6.tl-!'tldr ot '!t balldtlt oi ourrr ttors-rnt. or l!.tt trc! 'ocro'c5-n! 'Lll;;;';;':;ii;r ri i'rrott of- r..06' !r"<! loa ' r'e'l''. -iiirtr, .rrrrtfttg. E t-at qs otitrYl" ot 'trt !'lldl!9 or iiJi-iii-;J'tl I v.ltd ...45! tor t-h 'n6torrcb'nr- 'r'tar r.:r ielntrnrncr ol t\. ..t.Llt 't'ttt F tqrg 'r t_L. iiilori. "i- "ii-i- i'e..'-'.t 'rl'!'' h r'b' 'F6! 'n:f 'e'5;ii;;;; ;; itr.i i'6io..-'t .h.ll rrc' trr to trr D'. iiii.iiy-i.-*.i r i7a..t'ov.a .. I r.'ul! ot t1" or otr''r 1..-f tt'or rr I rriclt ol c€.ddutlon ot -l!'!t 6' l_o. ;;;;;i";; iia-tiii-..xitt, .rEro'cb'n!' ot Frir or t:'. i.rrar*.'o, oti.s l+toi.-Et. 6 t}' oLh'r glll ' <tu' to .'.i i.i"rroros. th.ti b. Fnlrt.d, 'o lo"9 r' rtEn . .nc:o.cl.rnt. it. ot no 9!..t.! ct'a! rr" !b" gr"lotrr:t .'iliiis_lJ-'ilra i..Jotr tor rrEh 'rr'to'G!l-htt "'r rl' -r...ni... th.r.o! .lull .tt.t .o lo!9 'r tn' lirlldltlg o! ollt ! trprov.-at. .n ll .t.td. l- t ..-ntr tn cF lJ"' t'c! otn'r 'h'llh.'r . non{rcrfii;i-i'=;T-o'"-i;=-'o't ' !l.d" 'natltloc.h lh. Co-^ Ar.. to! alr F,!Do- o! F "ur'n 'rcnhlc|;t.t .cc..., 9.rd.nlt{, oFt .Fct, rrct"tlo||' p.!rlhg' r.lnl.n.trc.. !.F.1!.. .td tor 'll Frt?::'i.i-iiiiti i-i....y't" irrlon env .lutl.' ot obll!::r::' :'rrcrcfrr Ly rtlhtt'or ....-nt. ot tu.! gir'l h'!'lF' :i' !" ot '\r'li "tcnt bt r'! (ltt'r 'Ml! b'' 40|l. la.'J.h -nn.s .. n<,t !o 'rnt...a.r6ly lt!"t'r' Ylt' u' tlghtr o! tlt oth.l Ottr.t .. ..1 (orti n'Frn' o.clrr.nt,'i. #i 9:l:1'to! DntDo..a h.t-t ' .!" t rtt 'Gqqtlbg '! "urat rr-' trtro.ar,'ot qrd.r D.Gl^r;tl. tr.f l MQ .t ...-at oirt urid..-.nal .cro.. th.t Ft-tld of rnt Cc lttf T!..,^.-o.cupr.d Dy r .trr|c'tor. or !Tro?i6t for t'b l'rt'lr'll6 -a- €.rrtlc, r.l-!t..!.., nFl!, .lt !rtlc6, IlrFctlot t.|d rlplrc:.ic o! lrtlucy rb.r. Loclodbg, bdt ltot llrlt'd to, rrirr ttnrr. tYrr 1b.., ss lln t, t l.PG,. lID.r, t.frrltla c.!I. IlD.. .!d.qdF.n! l'lcldssl d|.r.to' ?L'rrr lq!L. (r) t!. cct '.11 9l.c.d oc d,. ctroo boua-dffE!&.tlng gDlt l.td U!1! !, tti tootlngr -urd.ri.ytng..d t!. Frtldr ot rool oY.!.uch r.ll l. colt.ctlrtly ..t.!r.d to D.rtlr .t t!. '!.rty r.tl'. a(bt to tJt .rt ot Dot l$cootl.trnt rtt}| thli D.cl.r.llon, !,|. g.^.!.1 nr.r o! l.v rcg.ldlng Pury v.llt .nd ll.blltty lor d.!.9. Cu. ro n.gllg.ncr, Yllllul .ct. or dtrrlcflr rh.ll rgply to t\. t.rly !..I1. {cl th. cid.r. ot.ltn.r utt! .Mll Mv. r FrP€ttr.l€.r€Git ln |'d !o tJut P.!! o( !.b. oti.r un1! o.r Yhlch tJl. lrrry r.lt 1. loc.|t.d. lcr PGly vrll FrrP6..., iDcludlng!u!u.l tupport, ulnt.n.r:c., r.p.l! .Jrd lt|.Fctlon. In tr. .v.nt o! d&!9. !. or &.tncllon of tl|. t.rt, x.ll !r@ rny ..u.., ti.n t-rr. o..n!rt .5.11 .t Jotttt .tFi..' ltg.lr o! rGbulld !.ld p.rty e.lt, &id ..ch cn.r. rhtll h.v. tn.c.u.., ti.n tJr. o.rnlrt.5.ll tl .o rtt.llcd lnd t.ln.d.!ovc to tn cntlr. co.! ot r.P.lr o! r.con.tNctlon, .nil M -n.. Yno Dt hlr n.gtj.g€ar o! rllltul .ct c.u.c. ti. ?.rty l.1l !o !- cxporca to t.}l. .lcs.nt! th.Il b.tr t,t. tull co.t o: furnl.hllrg th n.c....ry Protcction rgrlntt .uch .lct nl|. IAxDSCrtIrC. slRt'tCE IACILI]M ITD PIIf,IxG. l.) tn dnarr l16 tD. to tlDa.n.il ud.!tr.ta.uc:r lano.c.Prn9 .id 9.n.!.1, o{rdoor lr9lov6cntt ln.ludlng bol not llrlt.d lo art"c.ry .'td FrL169 .:..r .t tli.y r.y tutu.lly .nd s.nttourty dGGi prop.! :or ti. Mltonlo|r. ItProv.t nt ol botn eltt ta. cGoa ti@., 6d, dc.P! lor.ty.!Fn.. o! lLllllty c.u.cd !.\rougb t}t. egJ,lg.ncr ot vlll!u1 .c! o! .ny o..n.r, hl. l&tly, rg.nt or lovitc., Y ch rhrll b. borD. .ol.ty !'y ruch dn.r, ..ch ovrl!. .h.ll .h... .ll .tFnt.., llrlllltl..t Md 9.,.!.1 uPldP t..Poorlbl11i1.'yltlr r.t!'.ct to.uch lMd.c.Plng .nd outdoor r.4rov.t n!r. Th. G^,n.! of on. slt .hrll tlot unr..ron.-bly du.9. t}r. vrlu. of tic oth.! utrlt .u.h.t by .Doddy uPt..9 o{t.Id.' bot born dn.r. .h.l! ..1. .rl r...on.!I. .ftortt to Prr..rvr I Mlroalo!. c.=.oo rPF.r.tcr o! tlr. urltr. Any tu-b.t.ntl'l .odlll..tion to l.^drc.p1ng to.t h.v. tJE P!Ior c'oor.nt ol t r. otlEr oytr.!. My r.Pl.ceal o! . d..d !!.. N.t b. &n. vit-! plior co..Gnt ol tb. ot'-r ovn.! ud YtfI b. ch.rgcd to l.ndrc.plng co.tr. (b) Cc-on uttllty ot ..rvlc. conn.citon. or tlnc.. c-on trcllltl.. or otlr.r.qulF.n! .td ProFrlyto<.rcd Ln or on.l!h.r ol ti. unltt brrt u..d ln c@n vllrl dr. otJEr unlt. j,l .6y, rh.ll b. c.n.d .r t.n.nt. ln c.6on ol .$r.l sdlvld.d on.-h.ll lnt.!c.i. by tr o.,n. rr ol ..ch uti! lnd, .rc.9t lor .ny .rFn.. or llrbllllt c.u..d t}lloogh th. '.9l19.nc. o! ritllul .ct o! rty o,n.t, htt f..lly, .gcnt o! lnv.lt.., rb.lch !h.ll b. born. ro.l.lt by.uch oYi.r, .ll .rFnt.t .nd ll.Dllltl.r ..onc.rn.d ,i!h .u.h Pra?.tlY.h:ll b. .rtrr.d progort'lo.r.r.ly rltlr .uch oYn.r.hlP. tb. oen.. ot tJ.}. !.olt o|r yilcb ruch 9ft'9.rty lt not lc.t.d .hrll h..v. . FrFtu.t ..r-.nt ln ud !o ti.l Frt o! .uch oti.r uJ|lt coot.lDln9 .uch 9r.?.rty rr lt !...on.bly n.c....:A lor FJr?orr of r.j,n!.n.nc., r!9.1! .nd lAtFctl(r'r. _L' i ta: Ifrffi#i*=;" H.ffdt'ffi*E.#:ru,+d:*::,:lr* LF#:i&ffrT*";*#t.*ll'1"' -v lr roculred lrl t.ll' t' t,x *i,i#;$,ft gi*; 4ffiff , H i;,r;'!o t-\. lot ol !h' o!i". oYn' r- I::-;';.;,; tlrr nor--\':rt.cc... to unl! D.hrrr D" Fa':*.;:,:ii-io'onrr r torcorn.r ot $. P.rrrne "-"-":g;'il;;-F;r .Jly v.nrcr.rR..r ro onll. l). nor ;-;;-t;.;i'. oicuTv rr!r Portlon of !i' F!llne "'=:'' - i: ;';;; 'rtcl 'rli bt'rl'r'. '1t:r v'htculrr or F€"r:rtn- 'il!.i.i-ir'. otrr.! onlt or !o trr' Frrlne ""-nt '?ilr'-'^&'rr ro dra oilt a onlt. ^!"!R arq!, jlr!!rtrg-lP-.19!g+:- - lit :: :::l:t""' :ili i".li;::,;' ;;L iiil"i ipp" ""' -1'-nl: y*,:: " "'l]':i';'il':";';;-;-;:; n',' do" o.t'"ady' ,.,,, .o.lil..il.;.;;i. iJ ::rl::.-::,?l1ii'"'5,." i .o..ffiTl):-il--'ll::Lll:li::ff '.:illll-pi;i iai'L ;' ; i ;:-tl:::*=,ili :::-*:"*;:'f :ill'L:'i,ii;;-;:-unt'provcd po*ron' o! .-.:";:;:.i'Iil.tr:l-l'-l:,1""':*,''"i;"i'lL;'iL^!1.-".,o'..-\.9.r..1 lJF'r Yhrcn iilrl"l-t" tirc cxtrrlor v'l\r' lrch d'r' rrhlr..d !o gr..rsrre. --..-. --;; ""ii.. rr\. D.e:.* orfor tl. r.Ittcnrnct o( hlr crn rc liialir*.i.'.. rt (cct' ih' e' *l-:'ll:- -:1j-"3-::tl:::;:"::'::::'il.-ii;[ -"":" b".*:-:":: ii] =:alt not E aa ln a l:xft rur-^ ';i:;;it. don. rr tn' Frogortlon'!"tFnr' ol t't' ovn':''' ili.iililiri".-:"t o'.'r"nrne .t,:':It:::tl::l..lil"lF.D.lr, ri9r.q4n --rl ur. n-a lor rt?.I: 1r.;rid.lrd lnt.!1ot slat'n''rt:: --,. .,..,:1:5'il"il;-;:';ii;';" o! 'rrl!u! 'ct or 'nv o':1'r' iil -i-..iiyl - lj.;. o. io' i t-.'"'!-T1-:1:: I Y:"-*.'1l:, :i:::i.:;";;i ;;i; ;. -:"1::a:.l?:.,,.:;":"T': lc) lrch o.r''.r .h.ll b. rot'lv. r':ry:'llli,,jil -,n..n.".1"1.0'ii|.r:i :l:'i.:i.::i!'1, i{qif uir?i:t:::fi;"'f':*::.:: H: lii'iirii'i-i';.',:o f,::-^'l::!:::' *::.l;'x:s;.i:":i'":ll'*1': ^::;";:-;l:;; ffi ' ;;;i-:;:i r; i.Ii- ri..iro'' rnrinrnco' .. tr Fr'-'-'-i;' or ln ltPrcalng or:orrlng .uch glnr.n8d .nd r'9' 'i'_'ri' xr' untr- M -''t thrrl do rty 'ct or ro:r_hru.lti:;=fl::.l!.rlng hl. unl!, no a.n.r rjr. trttyli*i::'*;;'*::x::-ff9';;i,":-:i$i ilff; li'lili;'a :. ol .uch llFrr orliri't-i-Llir". .PF'r'nc' o( hl' utlt 'o rr no! i;':p;:,;;'- b-::; n',' 'tdn o.t'"ccl' i tbl tn ir|..?.nt rn dn'r.r! 1: :a::F::: I i::.::.':"il:.ii:' gliiii Gj pi;'t;::1.':lti".g..lffi ::lbos.rC.rlrt of hlt ri'ld'nc' c€' ;;;'il ot"\r r rrrlarncrr In tJl' tdn ot vrll' dr' o5': 1I.". i.y,'.rt.' 13 d'v' vltttrD noilc' to t'h' di'r' or .uch !rllu!. .,'rd rt trt!'t! "'l J:: t: AT::-Y:':':H.::.uch:rllur..,'rc rr trl,rD "'1 ifi.-oi.i.irg, !n!o ru5.!.n!l.Ial. I eood trlur.llolt to Dlrng con:o:rltv Yjtlr nj,. n.lghbrr Prlrt1n9t' tlr. olh'r 'c+r'r!t'vll'iiili-Jr.i '..p-'.rbi. P'rtr".to ;'lI '" :-9'j.::cdrr.cl vrtn r..pq,rFr- r-..-- ,r,ii..-tt: dn.r L\.:.r:cr. io!!.ndlne ri. r''- tl.ntlne. .-a ?;';:.; . e.rr o! L\. - i.nd.uch cort.!t ll b..4d.lt to ';.:.;;";-i; ;rch'"ch,1t' t''ubJ'ci' -ll?-T'I^":lllll**r.lI:in:;l: *:i **':'n.':,1*l'* .lli,ff'1""'il!lJ**"1 ]i'-*ti t. F.tforr t-\. r!ot"'ld eorl' I o ' tdl oitlltt, or r.rrtcr @o.'rrctlon. or llD.., t.clltll.r or ot!.s stllltt .riElF.nl rad 9t\o9.rty loc.t.d t!. 6 or |'Fn .l$.r ol t!. Etllr. tnich .!. $..d .ol.ly to rulrrtr . ..rnlc. or utlltly to otr. u|rlt rhtll D. €n.d bt tlri ci-.r ol !.b. |lrlt urlt{.ocfi ltllltt or t.rvlc..lrd.lt .rD.:r... .nd ltelllltlrr to! t.P.lr .n{ r.!trt.nMc. .h.ll b. born. .ol.ly !? tjr. oyn. r of .uch utlt' Yio rh.lt h.v. . FrFtu.l ..rent tn.nd to th.t P.!l ol .uch otic! ?r!..1irr imtt coneelntag tucn groFrtt .. !! !...on+fy n.cc...!y !o! Frrp.... o( ulDt.n.tc., t P.lr .'|d tnrP9itlon. l.l !{o orn.r .h.ll ur. oa tullc< any ttruclu!:l or d.rtlh ch.ng. (1nc1!d1n9 . colol tchct. ch.fig.| , .1L\.r D.r:rn.6t or t.tFr.ry 5d o( rny !YP. ol n.!u!c rh.t.o.v.l io th. .rtGllor o( hta unl! or cont!ruc! .ry .ddlllon.l bulldlag or r!ruclu.. o! ey iyP. or nrtur. rl1.!!o.v.r uPon .ny p.!i ol hlr qnl! rlttloul ttrtt obtrt.ing tha prlor eritt.n cont.n! tiarato tacE !.h. oii.! dn.t, Yilch con..nt rh.ll no! b. un!..ton.b1y YlthJl.ld. In cr.c ol d.ttg. ol dcrtruction ot..ny unlt or.,ly p.it tlr.rcof by.nt' c.rrt. eh.tro.v.!, tnc or:.cr ol .u.h unlt .hrll cru.. Yldr du. dlllgc... tlr. url! !o b. r.p.ltcd .nd rctto!€d' .P9Iy1n9 !n. procc.d. o! ln.$:!:c.. L! .ny, for tirt Frr9ot.. Sucb unlt rh.ll 5. r.rto!€d ..o I condltion cet?rrrbl. to tirt Prlo! !o !h. d.r.g. .rd ln r hrrEonlout snn.r to 9!cEot. !.h. c.@oA Lh... ol botn |lJrltr. at-l,acrrlON c? lx?Slsas- Co.t! .r1d .rFn.G. ol hnd.c.Pin9, rc r"l;-"iETlTiii:l-Tl?ii;'i, . I i. !. tl on, r. I' t.n.hc. rnd !.p.lrr. rccr.ltlon.l ..rc5.n! .rc.Pl .r cru.ld bt !h. ncaligcnc. or tlll:ull .ct ol rA o'n.!. th.tl b. .llo<.!.d ln r't. toI toelig proPo!!ton.: trlc.l aA aa 2/t I l.!c.l aB l3 l/3 | x!Ci.lt{tc, S LtErS r trDDa{IrICratO!. {.1 ltc.gl lot rtcrrffitovld.d to! h.r.tn 'i,l .,ly dn.r rhrl:, c.o.. . y !.!.tt.l lo b. furnl.h.d to hlr Frc.i o. unlt t\.!.on or ;t 1.bor !o tt FltotD.d lh.!.ln o( t-h.!con, !h. oL\ar oyn€r th.tl not otd.r .ny cltcutttrnc.t b. ll.bl. !o! tn. p.F.nt o! .ny .rFn.. lnclrlrcd or lor tlt. vrtu. ot .ny rtl donr or r.!.tl.l lunl.h.dl .l! tuch rolt !5!lI b..l !.h. crp.n.. o! ih oJrr.! ..tr.thg l! to !,. do.., .nd tl|ch otn.r ih.ll b..ol.ly r.spon..lbl. !o con!:.cto!., l.borarr, natartatr.n rnd otjt.r p.r.ona furnlthlng l.bor o! o.t.rirla !o hIt uni! ot an)' ltprovc$'ntr !h'r'ln or !h'r'ont not!|ing h.!.ln conlrtned rh.ll .stnorlt..l!h.r oYnGr or.ty Fr3on C..llnt $.ough, v1!t! o. utdtr .lti.r oYnc! to cn.tg' thc urla g! tha otj'|a t cdncr Yi!h.ry..ch.ntc't !1.n or or,hcr li,!o or and;nbr.^c! vh.lcv.ai .rd, on th. contt.ry(.nd notic. l..h.r.by 91v.n) rh. rlgh! rnd iror..r to ch.rg..6y ll.n ot .ncurb..nc. ol ey rlnd .q.lntt on. ortr.t or .9.intt on. o.n.s'r ut|lt lor ;orl dona o! !.t.r1.1, ,urnlth.d to lhG oth.t otn.r'r uolt ir h.!€by .r9tr..ly d.nl.d. (bt Ac.pl .. grovtd.d (or b.t6., lt. b.c.ut. o! .ny.ct or c.ir.ion ot.nt o,n.!r .ny r.ch.nlcra os oth.l-licn or o.dcr lo! th. p.yn.nt o! Eoncy rh.ll b. tt:.d.g!l||tt!h. odi.r 6.n.!'a unlr o! .ny irproy...nt! tJr.rcln or !hc!aon, or againr! .ny otlrc! ov[.r (rhattr.r or nol auchll'n o! ordt' 1t v'ltd or 'n!o!c"btt rt 'u'h)'! Lh' dtr'r vhosa .c! or c.!a.lon (or!a lJla b.r.tt for auEh ll.n ot ord.r.h.ll .! hlr rn.o.!. d .rFn.. c{rr. ri. r.r.. to b.crnc.ll.d .nd dlici.!g.d ot !.co.d or lFnd.d by . tur.ryc..P.ny r.r.on.bly .cc.p!rbl. to .uch otlt.r ovn.t, Ylthln 20dtyr.!t.r th. d.l. ot tl,ltrlg tjj.!.otr tnd lrrrthr.h.ll ,'ss*'c'. !.) R+-f"j f:'":T-.!i #:'5.::t H:r.,Eff *'*il $ff s.*::r: i; -fr ffi ; ilil,iil,i' *l+#-'; i l'=T' # $ #'#; ",:ii::.'":::':'i:'ll'ili'ill iiii'?li-ir-'r'' ovnri-ob"rrrins Ji-li"..il"r,'Lr." r'rd 'Ppr'i"r d't'r:rn" $': 'T"-iii.-iI'iii",'r''."'.a w.*J1-f;,sl"li,'il'1il?il'oi'iil tn yhlch c... t\. co.i ot '""='liiirili'i".ir-I-. arirnt.'..t.am.!t oropor!1on't'lY' su'n 'Iii'i.a!i.i,ll'i. trr.r rd P'nv vbo i' unr'lrlcd ln ."v rAi"r ;".i;;;"-;.. vtrd'! $rolsh JoLnt bu'ln.rr 'dv'hturct or (b) r'ch oYi' r 'hrII ersvld' sd I':? li'l:lai' t"..n. o.Jil..Gi oi ur'arcrr' qa"!'l ellltc ll'btritv uc . oroe.rtY ala:.gc lntulaocc tgttttt cltttt (or t'dlly t'')ury :;-i:;; ;; pioe.,tv a.."eo T*'!*;:.::."S1;iii'"Frc.I dncd ln. !e . LP:' r ''c6i'o] oi-rr, - ...p... o! bodtly;. l1tlt o! not I.t. tn'n riuv'v i.iil--"i-a.!.r' to 'nv Dur!'r-or rruo'rt r:r'tie Nt ot on' ::a;i:";-.; dtr..t.r,-or tor-d'r';' !o proFrtv' '!r<r !! ;;;il;-idi.' .h.lr rt "v !!r; co'tc"rY t! Prot*! liliii.'iliio:. tort trrlrIrlv''uci :i*'J*t':.'I" - c.!tl.d ed .!ch C'in.r '|rrr'r u iiiiii"..i-r...'.a FnY \rnd'! -Jch Fllq' (c) t'<h o'n'r 'h'll &llvtr to t! "Tt -'i::-' -.trrr..tll'.'Gii'i"g'rr t!'u!uc' r's!lrrd to'D''c'rrr'c ;;;;- ;r ;-p.'.s..eh'. ;'cn cs"-'rnrne,i!ifi"Ii.H"fr '"*t!nor.r! not to c.tr.t I ol roarl ;;-;;:t-;.' t,rt!!.' 'otlc. -^r et lrrrt l0 d'v'' E'cn J*i liiri;,.vc ri. rllhi !o tb'F<t "'d coet 'II ruch inNr.trc. riollcl.r o! dr. o r'r dD'r' ".""...',:":-f li!:':!$fi .i#l$iiiril;*l*;:.,,i"'.t ."Y dr. or -r. o( tlx . t! ii-ii i.i,.i.."rv ln'ur'd 'erln't bt "ch w'r'r' Dlt(l6t oR Dls:Eqctror ...,.ffi;,lil."l'"H, dl!.tt.r, ti. ln.ut.n6' tro"'d" 'Mll b' ut'd to r'P'rr;i;:il.;;.; il r,nrt. -n' ::.'iJ5:L*:t"ffi'llo.utnotirG tn. n.c.r..rY r'P'rr;;l;:;;;"; ero-oor''r rr-rr.r?":if ,L*:"ilill.'3, .".&f!.y t-h. co.l t,l.rcol. 't'9;i;;: .. !'.d h.n I n. -.1?. !ll'il'31,1"',-19::fr ::'":i...ub.let l. t lY !h..rt condrtr ;;-;;;;;: .rtrr rrcrr untt hrvrne th' trx bo'rndrr r" r' b.tor.. (b) tl th' intur"c' Proc"dr 't'. fn'sttlcl'n! !o ,.o.r..no'i.cqi.truct eny a-'q'a qolt' tuch dE 9' or' ' - ;Ii.,.;i;-;;;i-L p'itrv rierr rrd 'ra r"o6'tnct'<r -r".;;-;;' u.r'a trr. Ii.""rr"' er;c"d"ad tj' Proc"4' or ' ;"i;;-1.;;;;; q.tnrt tl' d!'r o! ttr rt"'e'd unr! ' o' lt: . t :ir-, ' -: I .-.-. ffi !.rtor.!io^ or r:lnl''n'nc" *:*i; jj*l;j#'il,'llilii#ir{ :t"* c. ^rr .,.'t 'o d"'id:l I'.Hti:i.1,T-t::i:li:H"*n.r.h.ll coartltu!" r r'n or '-'-'- -';-i;'otp'.tll tut rbrl.lrrd .h.ll .!!r.h lr.r t}. d.t Y ;;;:;;: -;;v-; !or.cro..d rn rtt' unn'r !1 :.?Ie'e' q.i.r L! !reo! o! ib qtJ|.! ort r Dtlot P !11 Ift. l1::: fii-ii.li t"t trt" '!d tF<lrr.tr.t c56r.!tt.rc.. ' dc.9tr lr, ltrErr ror s ....:-".'..4- ttll ir'. 1t.! ol .!Y lltttLi.i-Ji*i-;,'r rri ir'. li.; or.!Y tl'tt -rters' or ii;;;;'.i ii.,ji ir rrc".s "c'r"5:rr!e ^+...1j'.'31..-ra!tr.5a, ( tl) torur ;J.il;;; ;;;; il i atcrrptroa or tn' u'tt' rr'Mv lili'iii"i ri- ii' .r'c drlrultrne dn'r rh'rr b' r'qJIrrd ro ;;'i;';;;i'-;;p..-. "r ;u.! e!'c'edt.q'' I'cl''driq r.a.6n.bl. .ttorn.Y'. !F.. D, ih. ll.i Provid'd !o' l|.!'lt 'h'll !'' tu5!d:n'tt. to tt'i-tlin-or rnv'!l!t! oor!919' or dG'd of inrt!' lncIudlA9 ii:,-.iaitro".r !di'sc.. dEr'on' t'l' or i:'n.''r o: "v;i.-;;-!h; iirurt ol court tor'cloru!' ol ' Erte'E''*r;;:"i;';. iit.'ir'.r'. Publlc lrur!"' or ',rv Froc"ciDt rr i;:;-;;-;;;.;i;:;;. . .h.ir .rttneut'h r'r'. rr"' or 'ucn.]iri..i.".' .r !o FvE.nt. ti'rcof Yhtch b'c€' du' P!tot to :;:;-;;i: -;.-;.;.ici ' u:t rnrrr roc r'rr'v"nt !or-r ;;t-;;-F;.;;.r l!r;ilttv tt!'r'for' ?h' sctte's" o(. tuch ""li-.rt" i'.o"it.t tttt. by Y'v ot lor'clotur' or dr' t'llng :i':;.i-;;-ii;; Jiicor" .rr!rr no! hodv'!' b' tt'b!' tor iiy'piii-c". ;;;:';.;. ."0 .r'rt 6rY b'ca' rr'b1' ror fu!u!. a.tctF.nt. on lhc o.!. rc urcbr r th' oYt:'r -o( 'uch;;i;-- i;-;;i: "i t'.,r.r.r.h.tr r'rt'vr '!ch u'It t:'cE ilJirrti r.i ."i ..'"'*.'t' t'b'r'art'r !'cdrne d\" or ii". irt.'fl.t t-\ircof. In t.h. .v'nt ol t}|' rrl' ot -tt'ntlcrii-. 'l"i t -Jiil' '"li"i to .t,i"r' 'ut' 'h'lr b' snP:l!-!J i-iir."i.iig .,i"., i'..pt t'.n.fc* t6 ' :i!'t Frts'l".rn ionrr."tloi Yith. folcclotur' ol lt' ll'n o! ' d"d in ll'u ii.-iiii. ir'. t'!!ch.'.r or ol\'r tr'n'!':" ol rr lnt':"t rn ii'ii-iiit-'i.ii u. Joln!lv .5d "v'r'rlv llr!l'-rltn trt' :;if.;';; i'.air.ioi L\.!:o! (o! .'v 'uch ',n?rr'd 'urr' t. uPon vtltt.n !Gg'u.tl ol dY ovn'r' 'ortg'9n'prorg.ctiv. .o!!g.SG.. Purc^"'r o! oti'r ProtFctlv' !r!t'- i:;::-;;-.-"'i;;'""a i,ircr or tr'. otrr' r uar! 'nrrr rt'u'.' 'iili.i-'...*i. "ttlne tott'r d\"'ounr h' 1' o-d Yd'r !h.lt Fr.g!.Ph, l! &'ry' vltn n!.Fc! to ruct u,lr!' rulr ri..t;.tt'lt_blndlng uPon dr. crictrtlng ovr'r ln-trvor o! iii-p.ii..-.t'; 'ri itli urcr.o'.tn cood trtlh' onr'r' '!Gqu..t lor .uch rt.ttt*nE .r'rr tF ctEpll"d. vttJ| tlUrrn. iiii..i aiy' .(t.r rcc.iP! ut.r.ol, 'tt E'P'lil 'urr v:r'cD. b.c.t du.'Pltor to t.lr drtr ol r'Llng tuch rrqu'r! 'h'll D' '"l.il..tJl to ih. ll.n o! o!h.r tnt'r"! ol tlt. Ft'on r.gu.tt in9 luch 3trl,.t.nt. t)ltrx t sailttotl Al{D lla{roEsrt aoan ' .dsr.litt!rtion .nd 6.n.qct\.nt of th' obl19'tloir hcrcund.r. aot€v.!, in tJ\. 'v'nt !'oth dn'rr-c'nlrot tu!u'rrt .qr.G vh.n t d.citlo^ lt r.gulrcd Dy thlr D'cl'r'tlon' ln' i6p.ttc !h.ll b. !.tolv.d.t foll6'r! 1r) D.cttlon r.qult'd ln y"r l9El 'nd 'v'ry .. '..""a y.'i-lr'.iiiiiiil i;;".t {^ o;'r'r d'cl'lott l' blndrne' tb) D.citlor !'gulr'd in y"r l9!' 'nd 'v'rt .. ...ona y..i-ir'.iiiiiii'i i.i-t '! ovn'r't d'cltlon l' bindtns' OvZtstD!. tn th. .v.nt 'ny 6'n'r b'11'v"' b"rd on th. r-;ia:ifot th. t...on.bl. r'n. (t, lh'! 'n ItP"" :.. zu[sffi*; -rltt ol ti. ctr'' , ; :,mffiffii:iii' *'n-l:f ::'Hf i:ll (bl to 't!'rlor tountcd rrdlo' thottYrvi' or ^"-' '-';i ut'n" ('rc'P! !o! ^ t'l"l'lon 'Et'M't '3:T:il- :: -.il';; iii-ii'a' 'ttn'r 'r'v'tld or 'r!r'o' *.:iF:i :il;.;:, 5i;;:;!::.1'":l*f ;il:$;il=l'*"Ii'iir i.. i".a --' 'l!b'r u'l! Yrt rpPlov.I o! both "n'rt' ' -- .^^- -, l:1. f ,::T:::":"*1.i.5"#:.'::;*;:t -' ::,:::l^':ifi i.*;i i' ""ii- i; ::i:'.t l'i*.uili'iYil.lI..o:*::i:'::f':;:'tlYlSit;.lT':li iirj', a" r"' ?':::" *Tin:!:":l.r:'niili ;:; ":::'r;g;' if; .'l^i'liii' to tuch e!F.1t ' td) rn'ddttld'|-r?-*.t:llll';ilii$iil'$' ffi ;Ifi l;i'.6trtii'#F$,#'**,'.orc tt.n tjr!.' rut€ttv' vrnrl 11l'l;.?'ill,35 il'lli?.ll'i";-n'o' *o' .,-,,,..'lil..li,.F.il,rl,:]i.f; i"hTl,',$i'lndn.!t on ! tlt b"l" tn'rr e;ii;.;; prro*tttt.'''19A':.":r::3"=':; i5.i':, ii;:::.rl.ill,t' iir:::$ilr.':Hii'ii- :: ;:: : * Nqirc!. !,ch o|'"':'*tt,iill':: ::;::tiil.i:::".;.ith i6-i-h. r osi'r 'nd rll n' :.ffi ,:n,,:i:i;iii:i',i rri{.Iiil"*fu l:'::'-r.o irl..Gd 6.I1ln9 'd63"r' r' ;';:ii;:;.;-ii-I; Y'rttnq. Fruon'rrv to €n'r'' DuRAtlon ot Dlct.^a.^tto!{.', ":'l-":Et:::: ::":l:f t" .n,. Hf,iiH#i#iffTfirit':: ::-:1;.'::::-i:ili:H.H :'::;:::.Ii:".:';;;;i: :::1::l-i:'.':l lll!.il:;:":f,:'"::iiii:t;';;Ji!.Iii i::l;Ii..:l:l';::.f::*'i":;li:l:"il^:.::i;'il' !" ii -i::r-r:,:' l:: l::'iIrhrll coatlnu. .nd r.srn '" ':'-a.iii-oi !rr. t..r .urvlvo.F.iod ot 2l y...t lolldlng ti: :::;' .r,r. L.rrrrtlo6 trF.iod oI 2l-.y.,._.r--t_orrrrne. "; ;;tl iiti o.crrrrtro6 tr : j*ri"-##l3i*iftr-..#"iiJ,-'r'r.r-'.':rr't-occu"vhlctrvri tlt.! occnrt';:.Fi.-=tiiiFi-ifiI -.."v, d.d' vnren v't iii-.ii.i-o.-"r.r"n. con!'rn'd tl 9l'-x11:'::::1 !i;i::*.i:I'.:i15:l'ri-iiii";;; k :11.'::lLl."i?i5'.o hu.6.1 .-.^ --'--.,*"...ty. ,irtod. ol Iol. 2olt 4.o,, rtd !h.!"{i'l lor r:'. :et ::l::',':::5:,Y.g'gl?.{ff':I }r::::i.o.. or rt l.r.t I t.t Ftol t'iJoo o? eaY rtrclFar ..4-!|, drlr.tl@ ot sIi.o.. or rt l.r.t I t.t Flol t'io-il.i'plirii-;i &i,-'.*r. a"r.e1-r. *, }'L",.liilt'liil#:f;f *SeHrffi;"6i4. i4T:*!i:i;:i';".fi X:1J:iiil-.-_=.:'g'.:,:':;';.-:i'i*rtc..d bt rll st rl - "' ":l'6-9ori.r,an or rrrccl .ror tlrtl d..d ot trsnt ot ntclrE or r.rc.l l. .-*ffit#f,f,; *i.:il'::' l;;ii, * :..-,.H'j-il.i'rli.ii'u .,'i i.'c'i '!' o' (bt-uedr "^'i::':i ';i;;;;;:i ia rocoterrrr tot-r or 'rl -""' eo 'rr'ii:;;;:;;iii';-.-ir..t -'te'e' o' rt!'r d"d or tru't or ililiii-"i-;i' s"*rqr ot trrc'r ''a or ?'rc'r 'r' *,, ffi: #ii'!r:iii:::.::.ff:.;;i;;-;;';Prt vid'| "cr e'r""t ' to'' ot drlr o'cr'!'tton' rnd uv n.c.r.rrY .:c.Ptlon or nFrt'tl''| or grrtt ol ,.r--iiirl,'..iii..-'igb! o; lnbr.'t t! r!:'ctu't' 'nv Provlrron ;i';i.-il;i;;.;i; t {r) 'h'rr' b' d'acd rncorFt'r'd 1n Ii.r-'ilci- il -..i. t ll'.tn"ot t vhlch 'nv rlshr' rr!!' or .iiiirlii-ri-;i p"'ttoo ol t'rc'l { o! trrc'l '! r' el'tc6' i.-iilJ ii".".i.i.a. Ytr.t'\'! or r'ot "t toitrt or r'!'!!ed 'toi;';;;;;; or ittrr r lrrtr'-"t' tlt) r'h'll' Dv vrrt!' o! -iL:.iiii'^il-i:-;i rteh!, lltl' or lnt' r''r! In rnv Por'-ron or ?.!c.l aA or l.!..I a! Dy u GD'r' b' &Gtd 'cc'?t'd";.I;ii; ii"piil -a o:;l:::"jl:.li::':l:l,T"li::'$ ""tuch or'n. r Mal, .. . FrFnrr @ tuch o!'n.r .nd hI. h.M, Frr€'I r'Prt"nqtlY"' 'ucc'rrofi".;;i;.;'il; .Lii i.'o.-a ' Frt6''r "a:lll: ::';;-;;';;; t;-b.n.:tq of 'rc! -''r or rnY Frtron or iiiJ.i'ir-ii riic.r or "d (rttr 'h'tr b'9'*' T:i---.' l*'lii"i'l'y-o..r..e.!', lot tJ'--lt" ' tJtl! ltr1rr, Flron'r ..ercr.^tr!1v.., .s u'19D" '+ 'l:9.* 'qurtrbr'l:li;;;; ''-;i"r, h ..ch trurd'n rrrD rnd uPo. ti. tl!I. to .rch .hd rF'.rt portioo of t'rctl 'A |nd ?'rc'r a!. *.,.*ffir*##.;,r' ;] #""-:q{' :'"9.:}i"" iii'i' "iiiiui ii; or t'hd'rorY tnJu'ctrod 6' bt ' mrt or' . ilir..'iJ i.iJ.t alreer' r! co':rt grercdlngr '!' ln'trtutco ;:-;;"::.i;;-.lah L\. 'leht' o! '6forc€'nt rnd r"cdr'r. ;;;;iI-;;';;:;;i;.;ii-'. L\' eriv'111ne P'ttv r'\'rr DG :nrltr.d lo r.co'/.r It. cotlt ud 'r9rn"t ln conn'ctron iili..iu'. l;crudlne !r.'on'bl''ttorn'v f "'' lb) !.ch oYnt r h'r'!t '9rG" ti't 'ny '^d 'tl.<rionr ti'Aut; or rt tr' *rri'l irt lh'tl'ultd !o ctt!o!c' iiJ'iii.ilii!l-ijl.'rnd.. .h.).r b' broostr! l^-"d.odrv 1n t" iii.li..-i-ir ot:.91. co*'ttv, st't' ot color'do' (c) r.ttu!' 'o 'n!orc' " Proei'lon o( thlt D.cl!r.tlon .h.Il hot oFr'!' " e vifier o! 'r|y ts'h Pro- ;;i;;:';:; .iqii ." ."go'"' '!'h P'qvl'lon tr''r"!tcr' or oi-.ii'oir-t-pi-'t.ion ol tnt ' D'cl'r'rlon' txraclsz Ot ttcats. ^ny .r.rctt' o! 'ny. llgtrt gr'ntcd h..."ffi"lttr irrg:ct to tlr' odr'r o'n'r'r l;;i;-;;i;i^; ;'; lot tr'tt'a to ttr' u" ot rnY crr'ent ;;;;.;-;:;:I; irrrr x *rrct'a rn ' r'nn'r vhrch th'rr ili' .ii..iliJri ';iia. r, t'p'a' or l'Po" upon 'uch 6tn'r orn.r'. rr.. o! h1. u:tl!' ". -, #H.EF#,1* 3#ii,'T' 3i": i ;'Sfi ' :L' iil ! i'" i;;;-i.-;a uiiiiii-"t t!.c1'!"t 'id "ch otn'r rn'r utr b ':;t- s"lt: o! cll.oalF cflrrr o! ! 6rl su.5.crtb.d .nat 'tFr! to b'!ot' r' rbtr A!d'v o! ?.bru.rt, l9l!, bt Jrvr" T"q'"' r!t!... rY h.id "|d olflcl'l r'l' ) ' ss. ' Fy cclr..toa .r9lrcrr rr 6Eisj.. !*! Irt !.lttl r .r.cuetd tjrl. D.clrtruon $aat Orrt 6l rG ti' ftr. C.d Er " r- "..3r I UU r ,,i l.iu.UUL r.tj./L JVa t, rgl|i!l lttuo .flofi ForaDofitoft|L 'Hfi##s r}DtlEHrrtco Trp| ll IHU t!0tpr Y ll{rtt0 l pn.tilorilar cilthrarnt illumu'-rto poi'tiiii-mfi ;frW$mggif THI llm"ffiffitffiffimmsffi" ffiF ir,r*r* ilr. aEHIDtInUJU@4eil L uE no0{of rcrotfl.,Soz s Pava-a1 . Var. trlJDlnbthn q3-**Jr@ &m Or'|a - c.r|AitEoFAPfuq ilt Po 3zgg ilAitG of lrPtErrf3 mnrsf,il? flv€l Pihg F|o ct 1300.00 b |t$ron || |h|. d rdrc 0, r rlrl|tr! ito. ro, I nqfit fr!'l,|le O tftU. !i t|. b rltvrt [W.M[l[{.DEV. DEPT I-RId OFF I CES TELrl-609-354-7690--0270 Feb 22'96 r3:50 N0.001 P.02O -'a 'r.,t,,rDll lDtr.rcltls - !l0 c rItL, oolloarDo DAtt ltDl.lctf tofi RscULVr:u : Dlr?t s! Dnl EltIilC: aataaaata.!!tr rrrt.tclltor rrr& !q! lt I'c,ftatDurttt lr& 130!tlrD rEiltofior ta rerratltDaaa.raalaaI.proarlcT rr|f onxl4'IJo[r T, DESCRII?IOI:mffi ;T'I A] a. EttE 0t rE9IEr: Nrr conttt.rrcglon (ft00.001 -Iinot [t.4tlsn (920.001 ( tcclrton (gto.oot .conc.pturl 8oYt.f (!0t G. t. lDDnl3s: l.ECl! DIse[tttI0N: Lot !'irrtlvl!ion troct It plfCrty lr dcocrihC bydoDcrtPtlen' pl.rrr provldcrlL.ch to ttrlr appllbatlorr. r rr.t r .nd bour& trgal 0n ! !l9arl3t rhrrl rnd t. t'_ aI. f. zoNtx6; LO? FrBil I tt r.qul rtd, rt rilp.:d GUf93y suur&lg NI'IE OF AT'ILICANT;Hrtli,ng AltCrvrl:-.. n9a! Drovi dc I currrntrppl lcrrrr-lot a"tl. o. B.t!FLlc}}tr't lltA,El. gri't,lBtttt :Nlt' { oFHrlIlng Adclrttt r l. NlllE ()l' .lt$}lor! ll) tiling |d{rcrr Corrdg.ulnlet! epptovol tt rg911c.bl.. DRE ll8: DRI la.rr er aborrr &ovo' rre to tr. Prld rcth. ?fule ef rulrtdttrl ot nlu ltDllottiql|, Lrtcrr rhcn cAgtytnq te. r bulldlnt D.nrt!, pl...r- i d.n?tt!2-th. _ -aiirriati volu.tlen ef thr DroPoril ' ttrr lorn of Valt IEE ICTIEDIILE: VALT'}TION$ 0-5 10'000E10,001 -$ 5o'000f10r00t-C 1901000tl$0,001 - i :,00r000l!00,nnl - 51r90Q1000I gvrs lt ,0001 000 . Dtartrt ttlrrrr rorrlD ppaoyl,L tptlttl oll rrrn $!tB tlrll.rttow. lfrlltl I aEtt rlc ttllll ra lfatro rF GiltarDstlorttr jllD. ..r0 lttltcrrrov IlrI. il taocllltD rMolr orrtl't ltonnll .cerrrata voluatlgn ef thl DtoPolar ' IDr Torn o? vn1*trl Odlu3t Lb. t.. rccoadlrU lo th. trb). qilorr'tgr,trl orllust Lb. t.. rccoadltu lo th. crb). qflor, r0 ansrrra Eh! Corrssl taa Ir nrtd. s'=2.) /\t.,.^,1f'l, rLtD2 atl ./v.w.J t-4 eL,+H(4Mi FAE 0 ?0.00s 50.00 4r00.00 0?00, oo f{00.00 t50rt - u0 ?0lAr P.0l o Adacent List for Padraic Deighan Donald M. & Lynda Jaman Larnbe 5015 PonValleyRoad Bloomfield Hills, M 48302 ,Ptt6^(, ?s^Ye'to Jocelyn M. Boyer P.O. Box 2328 , Vail, CO 81658 Blanca & Gavier Vista Velasquez L"f t{ Box464 Vail, CO 81658 Harry P. & Margereta Davison 384 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lloyd D. RuthJr. 743 BluffStreet ' , Glencoq 1160022' ' l^t3 L"fs ru rHrs rrEM "it tlttft6l3uR PRoPERTY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmenta!,Commissjon of the Town of Vait wil hold a pubtic near-irid in?df6rbancJ tiitn Seciion r 8.66.060 of the lvlunicipal Code of the Town of Vait on SepteruJiYg, i66i, it zioo iru. in tne Totn ol Vail Municipal Building' ln consideration of: A request for an interior remodel, utilizing the 250.ordinance to add a storlge area in the basemenr, of approximat;ly -*6;iqilte ieet, f ocatdi at iaga Streamside Circle EasULot 1 3' Bighorn 4th Addition Applicant: Donald LevYPlanner: Lauren Waterton A reouest for a residential addition to expand the existing kitchen, utilizing the 250 Ordinance' tocatbO at 930 Fairway DriveiLot 7, VailVillage 1Oth Filing A request for an interior remodel, to add a storage area and a bathroom of approximately 85 square feet, utitizing the 2;0 O;;i;incl, roiatedat Sg Wttow Place #1/Lots i'and 2' Block 6' Vail Village 1st Filing Applicants: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Morris and Miriam Futernick Dirk Mason Oscar Schafer Lauren Waterton Barbara Van Ness George Ruther Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Dominic Mauriello A request for a residential addition,to expand the existing gn!ry, ulilizing.the.2S0 Ordinance' tocated at 441 OA Corumotne*-Oii"eiloili ef oci a, A resd-ivisio'n'of Lot ia, gtocf 4, Bighorn 3rd Addition A request for a wall height variance to allow for a six foot wall, located in the front setback 1239 Westhaven Circle/Lot 37, Glen Lyon Applicant: Daryl BrownPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession for a rez-oning lrom General Use to Medium Density Multi-family' and ; ;;q"G;i i;; lre iltiorisnhent ot a Speciat Development District to allow.for the development ot r A EhU's, located on an unptitted paicel on a portibn of Parcel A and part of Block D, Lionsridge Filing # 1 Applicants: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District and the Forest Service Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request lor an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and adding a 3rd floor' ;iilt-ffiih; ,tO OtOinince,ldcareO at AOZB Potato PatctvLot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Applicants: Planner: flJ:l,f:lL%.,T;j5"i1fi',x1:l'f;J:r?lBi!iiB'',il'iji,'.ff'ilii:J:1T#P"'r#'the 250 ordinanca' Aoolicants: Paul Baker and Robert Ruder Fidnner: Dominic Mauriello ,ttt,ltl The applications and Information about the proposals arE avallable in he proiect Planner's offlce durini iegutar omce noutiii6i'p,rui.-i!'$gi[o-4rhcaied at he Torvn of VdilCommuni$ o-e"iioptitnt Department, 75 Soutr Fro'ntage Road' sign language interpretet'nn availeble upon requet with 24 hor'rr notilicatirn' Pleare cell 47*21 14 vplce or 479!2356 T0D for informatio n. Community D€v€lopment DePatiinent Fr6tl.t "a h,,sus i3, 1998 in ihe v.itrr8il' rl* t I ,. A request for a rezo^ning from General Use to Medium Density Multi{amily, and a request for lhe establishment of a Special Development District to allow for the development ot 18 EHU's, located on an unplatted parcel on a portion of Parcel A and part of Bloik D, Lionsridge Filing # 1 Applicants: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, the U.S. Forest Service and the Town Planner: of Vail Andy Knudtsen A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and adding a 3rd floor, ^utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail potato patch.A-tr[/^4.!It..xi!.qppricants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit ToomefFbnner: Dominic Mauriello A discussion item regarding vehicle storage/transportation related businesses in Commercial Zone Districts. Planner:Dominic Mauriello il1ililil/ The applic-ations and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during legular office hours in the project planner's 'office located at the Town bt vait Ccimmunity Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign Language interprelation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Gommunity Development 0epartment Published October 1 1 , 1996 in the Vail Trail. rH rs rrEM "i"raii".fil YouR PRoPERTY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission ol the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October 28, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A request for a setback variance for a bedroom addition and a garage addition, located at 2704'Larkspur CourULot 5, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Craig McCullyPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request to amend Section 18.26.040 of the Vail Municipal Code to add "time-share estate units. lractional fee units and time share license units" as a conditional use in Commercial Gore ll, located al242Easl Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C, VailVillage lst Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc, represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: George Ruther A request for a common area variance and a site coverage variance to allow for the conversion of one interior parking space to common area, located at 200 Vail Road/Part of Lots A, B and C, Block 5C, VailVillage lst Filing. Applicant: Lodge Tower Condominium Association, represented by Stan CopePlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request tor a conditional use permit for a proposed addition lo lhe Vail Chapel, located at 19 Vail Road/Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Ned GwathmeyPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a sign variance to allow for a freestanding sign for a business in a multi-tenant building, located at292E. Meadow Drive/Mountain Haus. Applicant: Leslie and James GlendiningPlanner: Dirk Mason A request for a sign variance to allow for a window sign greater than 25^feet above qrade,and to allow 0.g4 square feet of sign area beyond what is allowed, located at Crossroads Shopping Center, 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot R, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st' Applicant: Linda FriedPlanner: Dirk Mason A request for a minor amendment to SDD # 5 and a conditional u_sq Perlni!to allow for the addition of conterence space, located at 1100 N. Frontage Road/SDD #5, Simba Run Building. Applicant: Simba Run Condominiurn Assoc., represented by Lynn FriElen Planner: Dominic Mauriello -- - -..-, , -- .':n_:\ ' olign Review Action FO TOWN OF VAIL Category Number o^r" ufz^f14 Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvoontact, Address and Phone:.-\ ni /-l ,,,1/,.t.- Legal Description: Lot Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval fl Disapproval \4staft Approval ' Conditions: Ftd{'*v" DRB Fee Pre-paid t -APPLTCAIION - IO9|N OF V]\IL, DATE APPLICATTON RECETVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ]..ri". d s/AlsL cotoRADo ********** IEIS .EPPI.ICATION }TII.I{ NOT BE UNEXI, TI.L REQUIRED INAORMATION********** ACCEPIEDIS SUBI,TIIIED T PRO,JECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION.: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Constrrlction ($20.00) ($0)Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ADDRESS: IEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT Block I Subdivision /($200.00) r,/ Minor Alteration c. D. If property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. ZONING: a meet,s and bounds legal. on a separate sheet and E. F.I,OT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentlot area. G.NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailin I. NAME OF APPLICANT' NAME OF OWNERS: Mailing STGNATURE (S) :Mailingr Address : Condominium Approvat if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittat of DRB application. Llter, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the__accurate valuation of the proposal . The fownp'?-A{ILwiII adjust t,he fee according-to t.he table-Jd1or"r, to ^nA\ensure the correct fee is paid' ",". -^/^\h A,^, ilrltt b'L,t,r'' J. K. FEE scHEpuLE: FEE P26: s 5D OO {[lt'c1tw13 .'v'eLUATiOli FEE .l $ 0-$ 10,000 $20.00$101001 -$ 50,000 $50.00$ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 s100 .00 s150,001. - $ 500, 000 $200.00$500,001 - $1r 000, 000 $400.00$ over $1,000, o0o $500. oo * DESIGN REVXEW BOTRD APPROWIL EXPXRES ONE YE.LR AFTER FINAI, APPROVAI I'N!ESS- A. BUII.DING . PE.RMIT "IS., LSSSED AI{D. GONSTRUCTTON rSSIARIED. **No APPr,rcATroN wrrl BE PRocEssED wrrHour owNER's STGNATURE r,--. 1 I' IroNII., PRE-APPLICAT MEETING: A pre-qpplication meeting with a menber of the planningstaff is-strongJ-y encouraged to deterrnine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to nake an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additionat submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IMFORTANT NOTICF RE9ARDING. ALL SVBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. rn ioaltibp"rb'a""iitt4 6,r'u.itrur requiremenrs, rheappl,iggr,rt $ueq sbgkg;anfl tape the project site toindicat6 pioFej-tV .Iines, bgifAing fines and buildingcorners. Al].t.rees.to be iemoved must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site.visit. The applicant. nust ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow B. The reviehr process for NEW BUILDINGS normalLy requirestvro separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of tlilo meelings before obtaining finatapprovaj- . ,.'). '. .: . . ', C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their iten bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at the discret,ion of thezoning administ.rator, .be. approved by the ComrnunityDevelopfrent lEpirrrmeint,-d.tafi (i.". i formal heariirgbAfAte the D{B m'ay. 'not 'be'l rgqui.red).: !i::i r' . :'.t;^: - -t,iir. .it'a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeslrlLich do not alter the existing plane of the rff..'d lruilding; and. -. .._ ,,c.i ,-,. i-. .: .'.:ilf 1: - .'B.iiilding addirlon pidfrsale nor y'isible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such apropold!,l.S) jubm(tt6d, applicants must includelet.ters,from adjacent property owners and/or from. tfte ageat..fori'or. ma.ndger of any adjacent -'.1 I ;, pondeairiniuh aSso.ciatjon- sqating. the. associationd.l', t-'. .'ldpproves of the additioni],. ,i. . tr' E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood pIain, debris flow,wetrandr etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationship . ,of. !h" property to all mapped hazards. F. Foi'all resldentlal construction: a, Clearly indicaLe on the fioor plans the insideface of the exterior st.ructural walls of thebuilding,. andb. Indicate with a dashed 1i_ne on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. G. If.DRB €pprove8."the appli.cabi.on,..vri.th "condiLions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresol-ved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. / PLANT MATERTII Boranicar Name co.*ontl. ouanrty size*, pRoposED sHRUBs qh*--,^-" 4,4i"\ilrl\n,r s ftil 3il'' SNrrst+A." \4ir"F\"\rr 6 g+!" EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is*fndicate size5 qa]lon. Tvpe GROUND COVERS SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION tnro /Trri{ro\. rYPE oR nr1rtpalpp ERosroN cowfRblr' c. LAIIDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on. a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting pJ.anon the list below and provide,the waltage, height-abov6 - ..,ygr.a'de arld rype or lighi: propoded. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimningpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainin!walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback it3 feet. Maxirnum height. of walls elsewhere on the properryis 6 feet. D. Ssuare Footaqe O Lrsr oF MATERTAL' nelaE cir PRoiEcr: : LEGAI DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF :', ,. '.,' ; P The following information is Review Board before a finaJ. A. BUILDING MATERTALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Materials Door Trim " ,.r,.f,r. Hand or Deck Rai1g...,.,.".,. i{Flues Flas.hings Chiglneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other reguired for submittal approval can be given: TYPE OF TT{ATERIAL to the Design COLOR , .,.,ry -\ 1r .. ' tl PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Oua,ntitv Size* fq tr' -_L -MItrt *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. ' Phone: Cornmon Name trees.Indicate height for coniferous rr- r EI F,hl"Aet WFILE COPY. lnwn 75 rculh fronhg. ro.d |![, colondo 81657 (30:r) f7s2138 (303) {7$439 lfarch 25, L99L Ur. Ray StoryPierce, Segerberg, Spaeh 1000 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 ---re!-sadler ReELdence, Lot 4, Block 1, vail Potato Patch \ Dear Ray: 250 sg. ft. of cnfa ior the above-residence. Due to the upcomLng public hearings regarding the 250, I feel it is necessary for the appllcint to either act on the application by filing a site coverage variance application or fornally withdraw it and receive a refund for the application fee. Please contact rne with the appticant's decision. Sincerely, fiu,rynu,il,- Shelly l,lello Town Planner /ab |/.rLg 9r nlJyt tLqulull / -,Date of DRB t'leeting- ' PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-appllcailon conference wrth a member of the planning staff is stronolyencouraged to dlscuss !!. ptoniJiois'''inaer.*r,rJr,i5iiii'onlr enrn can be aioldto a site' It should-be uhattsidil'tillt-*,t, iroiii,iii-o'J.. not_assure each.properrye'ffi'tr'?''::iij,i,jj.ji,tlf:.":.;!;::H:"i::,;ffce a,,ows ror gs i5 Appllcations for addit]gr: yrgst this section wir,r not be accepted unress theyare complete' This incrudes arr iniiriltion riquir.i"oi'tti, fonn as ve, as-uesi gn Review Boarc suumiiiir -.iq,iii!,i.1... PROJECT U lrt- A.DESCRIPTION:tT(,bS Rra-^-1 ;\ 8. TOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addr.rt Legal Description: Lot 4 Rlnnlr I err:--r e Block ,!_Fi I ing Zone Oistrict D. c.NAIIE 0F APpLICANT:. ooo"ttt it - nhone 475 6201 ll^MF r.'F - NAME OF APPLICANT's REPRESENTATIVE: Ray stoTy Address - hone 476 4433 E. **' NAl.tE 0F 0WNER(S): Signature(s) Address O6on" F.Filing Fee of gtOO,0O is required at tlne of submittal 476 6201 Il: follonilg. Information, ln addition rrequired witf, trrii ;ubmittal: :o ORB submittal requirements,.-shal'l bel' 'verification that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy.2' Names and mailins i99t.,:g: of tdjr::?!-p"op.rty-o",i.r, .no of or.rners of;!l::rSi,lniriil!.'"r' ihi'-in;;ilatjon'is'jvjiri6ii'rrom the Eas.re county Condominium assocjation approval (if appl icab.le). Existing floor p]an of structure. 3. 4. r Loru 2 - Block 1 - Vail Potato Patch: Vr Raymond G. eote P.O. Box 644Vail, CO 81658 Lot l- - Block 1 - Vail Potato patcn:/ Luke H. a Elizabeth A. MeverP.O. Box 176Vail, CO 81658 rLot 3 - Block 1 - Vail Potato patch: y't Patricia A. Rickman 801 Brookfield Wichita, KS 67206 ,NLot 4A - Block 1 - Vail Potato Patch: y'' ilavier-Vista Blanca S.P. VelasquezP.O. Box 454Vai1, CO 81658 /fLot 48 - Block 1 - Vail Potato Patch: Y June S. Sadler P.O. Box 819 Avon, CO 81620 Lot 5 - Block 1 - Vail Potato patcfr: I Georges M. & ;Iocelyn M. BoyerP.O. Box 2328Vail, CO 81658 Lot 6 - Block 1 - Vail Potato Patch: No lot 6 listed. IJot 7A ' Btock 1 - Vail Potato patcn: / Mindlin Realtiesc/o A1len I. Mindlin, MD 18304 Lake Enclno Drive Encino, CA 91316 Lot 78 - Block 1 - Vail Potato patchzrt Harold B. & Ruth Federman 1113 WilsonPottstown, PA L9464 Lot 28 - Block 1 - VaiI Potato Patch:Ronrell Fox Partnership 5823 South Kearney Street Englewood, CO 80111 =\{== .-- -r\=*\=*-:3 Ss"s" 5s. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of VaiI nill hold a public hearing on october L7, 1990 at 3:00 p.n. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an additional 25O sguare feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Dorset residence located at 5053 B Snowshoe Lane. I-ri- 26' Vail Meadows Filing #1. Applicant: AI Dorset 2. A request for an additional 25o sguare feet of Gross Residential F100r Area for the sadler residence Located at 802 Potato Patch Drive, Unit B. Lot 4' Block L, vail Potato Patch. Appllcant! June F. Sadler 3. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Myers residence located at 3988-A Lupine Drive. I-ri" 2, Block 2, Bighorn lst Filing. Applicant: Dan Myers 4. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Zinn residence located at 1558 Golf Terrance Unit N-49. Vail Golfcourse Townhones. Applicant: Davld U. and l,taritlm Zinn 5. A reguest for an additional 250. square- feet of Gross Residtntial Floor Area for the Collier residence located at 1557 Golf Terrace, unit M-45. VaiI Golfcourse Townhomes Phase ITI. Applicant: Richard E. and Sandra S. Collier The appllcatlorie and infotmatlon about the Prollosale are aval,lable in the zoning adnl.nistratorrs offLca during regular office hours for publlc inspectlon. TOWN OF VAII, COI,TMT'NITY DEVEIOPUENT Publlshed in the Vall Trall on S€Ptenber 28, 1990. IS r. suBl,llTTEDI**** PRE-APPLICATION I{EETING ! .rt the appllcantrs responslb'to Dake an appolntuent w-tth the staff to flnd out-about adlditlonal gubrnlttal requlrernentg. Pleaee note A pre-applLcation neetlng slth a plannlng_9!?ff nenber iE strongly suqgested to deterulne lf any addltlonal tnforfraiton-is needed. Ho anellcatlon vlll be acc?nt9d that a'COUPLETE appllcatlon wlll strearnllne the approval proceBs for your pioJect by decreaslng the.number of bondltlons of approval that th€ DRB nay stlpulate-. ALL conditlons of approval rnust be resolved before a bulldlng perrnit ls lssued. Appllcatlon will not be proceseed sithout ownerrs Sl.Enature. "E8flffiE tt?flr1T5r"X:A.REMODEL AND ADDITION TO SECONDARY B.IPCATION OF PROPOSAI,: 802 POTATO PATCH DRIVE, Legal Description Subdivislon P0TAT0 c.NN{E OF APPLTCANT: VAIL, COLORADO (l.lEST SIDE) Block Zonlng FeM JUNE F. SADLER 802 POTATO PATCH DR. - BOX 4046 - VAIL' CO 81658 Address I€t PATCH Mailing Address: D. Pbone 476-620r APPIJf CAI|T I S REPRESENTATIVE:RAY STORY a66ss3s 31000 S. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST - VAIL, CO 81657 Phone 476-4433 E.NAI-IE OF OWNERS:JUNE F. SADLER SrorlrlunE(8) 3 Malllng Address:P.0. Box 4046 - VAIL, C0 81658 Phone 476-620r F. G. condoninlun Approval lf appllcable. 9oI 10,001I 50,001 s150,001 ssoo, oo1I Over - s lorooo- s 5o,ooo- s 15o,ooo - $ 500,000 - 9l,OoOr0OO 91, ooo, ooo NAI'IE OF r.{alllng DRB EEE: The fee wlll be pald at the tine a bulldlnq nermLt ls paid for. IIAIIIAf,:IIIU FEE s 10.00 s 25.00 I50.oo 9100. oo 92OO. o0 s300.00 DJ'r(trlt Auur(trgD: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:REMODEL & ADDITION TO SECONDARY RESIDENCE UNIT B The followlng J.nforrnatlon le Revlew Board before a flnal A. BUU.DING UATERIAI.SS Roof Slding Other WaIl Uaterlals Fascia Sofflts IfLndows wlndow Triro Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other regulred for eubnlttal to the Deslgn approval can be given: TYPE OF }IATERIAL COIPR -ro^|e sfl*rgg r.lTTtJFiL 3T.4-rle-az |'Ilrya*Ev.rc1, :tT. iffi r5r. fsr. C-:rLv. PnureT2 Mqrer+ EYtsT^l3. B.I"ANDSCAPING: Nane of Deslgner: Phone: PLANT UATERIALSs PROPOSED TREES Botanl.cal Nane comrnon Nane ouantl'tv Sl'ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. u+nlFu! carlP?I:[?f- tree-s ls 2 lnche€' Indicate height for conlferous trees. TUIAIU PAILII OWNER ZONE DTSTRICT PROPOSED USE IPT SIZE Helght Total GRFA Prfunary GRFA Secondar? GRFA Setbacks: Front Sldes Rear Water Course Site Coverage Iandscaplng Fence/Retalning Parklng Credite: carage PHONE PHONE 4 /6-4433 ExletLncr Proposed TotalAllowed (30) (33) t{all Heights Mechanical Alrlock Storage 1) 2, 3) 7o^ 1f,to )|sr *81, 44 n7 29to 29AB lf- -o?bb!2ft tru+ bW- zac+ 201 15 1 15r W zob'?eft 3. /61 _Reqrd (3oo) (600) 1n(eoo) (1200) (50) (roo) lO0 (2s) (50) bO.l (zoo) ({oo) 100 ?.o\ lg' It' 4,E Drlve: Pernltted Slope 8* Actual Slope flo Approved by Town Engineer: Date: Envlronnental/Haz ards : Avalanche Flood Plaln t Slope Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) nockfall c) Debrl.s Flow 4)l{etlands io [""""* f I u^^&.tsl t7 \t^. F4* Qos setq 2F,7 Doc Fe€ 22.30 56'...'. t.rnrr,r. ..r{. r, ultts !. . sADlJElt whosc hXnl o&tlem lr p. O . BOX g I 9 AVON, COT,ORADO 81620 of tln County of EAGIJE WITN$:Sltlll'H, Thrt thc jnntor for rnd ir conildcrrtioo of rho rum of rrd Strtc of Colondo. gnntcc: ffx""?j:n:fl'TP,$LoJH.ER .cooD. AND VATJUABLE coNsrDERArroN__--__-__ DourRs. Countyof EAGLE md Srrtc of Cokrdo rlgcdbcd u followt: PARCEL 4.8, AND A 1,/2 (ONE-HALF) UNDIVIDED A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 4, BLOCK VAIL,/POTATO PATCH, According to the plat recorded MarchPage 310, as receptlon No. 250G45. INTEREST IN AND TO PARCEL 4-C, 1 2, 1983 in Book 354 at Clerk's Note: No property declarat,lon vas Bubroltted with this docunent. rs lnnwn hy rtnct rnd numhcr rs: Uirit B, g02 potato patch Drive, vail, colorado g,,657 r'('cEllll':R Pith rll rnd sinxulrr thc hercditrmcntr rnd rpFrrtcnrnccr thcrcto hcronging. or in rnywrrc rppcndning, .nd thc .'r,onl'. mdtrrttshtns' nmtinr'lcr rnd rcn,inthn. Fnl3. isrucs md pmlitr thcrcror. rnd rll thc crtrrc. right. tirlc. lntcltrt, chim rnd rhnrrno whlrootr of tJghntrn citln'r itt l;nr or uluity, of. in rnrJ kl thc rhm hrrgrincrl prenri*r. with thc hcrcditrncnu rnrl rppurtcnrnccr.'ro ll^vl: AND To lroLD thc sairt prcmiscn alxnc brrgrincd rnd rl*cribcd, wirh rhc llrFrdcn;s. u.'to rhc tnntcc, hir lrin rnd 'rignrf('Gt/t!t' And thc lu{ntrr' frrrhim*clf' hlr hchr.lnd Jxrsrmrlrplprcnrrtivcs, drrs crmmnt, grrnr. barg.in, rrxl rgnc to rnd wirh thc gnntcc. hit hci' rnd$si[ns.thn|lt|hc|ittrofthccnscrrlingrnr'|r|c|iwryofthcrcpcrcntl.hciswg||rc|rct|ofthcpmmixrrhn€convgJcd,h$8rltrr|.rure.Jrrfcct,rbrlu onditxhfcnrih|ccstt|lcofinhcri|iml.in|rrrr.infccrintp|c,andh|s8|Id1i8h|,fu||Jx'wcr|ndhwfu|su|ht|rityto!not,b|f8.in.sc||en(!conr4ythcs!' in nunncr unrl lrrm m rfrrr*nid, .nd thot thc samc a& fmc rnrt clcrr fnrn rll funncr rnd othcr grnnts. brlgainr, rrlcr. llcns, iu, $r$menlrlcncumhrnnrcr tnd rc$ttictioni of r,hrtcw, lind or n0tur i{Evci crc!.pl rflOSE ITEMS ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HAREIN AS EXHIBTT A ilames Buttram Ardyth Buttram STATE OF {gF'lqnt(b OKLAHOMA counryol ,'f(47 . ![ tur3oinj Inrrrumcnt vu rlnonlcrlgcrt lxforc n: rh h 4t+ Uy t fi ?a ry , P-.l,T]les W. Buttram and Ardyth Ann Buttran :,;.'..' .l1r . ;iiffp|T-y- n", 1 ,Dqt .wirnc$myn.nr.ndorhcirrr'r. ,te%) 1< tlarr hua3 Thc tr'ntor rhrll rod vill wARRAM AND K)REva DEFEND fiG rbo,+b*sdncd pnnko in rhcqulcl rnd Facrblc po,$rrslon of rhct rt6, Ii\l"s tt:n"t: rSrin{rll rod crrc.t pcrxrn or Jrnons lanfulty clrimin3rhc wtrolsor rnt pr'r thcrlof. Thorintrt.rrumb.rrhrlllncludc rhcplunt,," O]:::1,,*.::ltrr, .|d_thc urc of rny gcndcr rhel hc rppthrbtc ro ril 3enocn, - lN ryll'NEs.s wnEREoE rrrcrnnror hf,r crccurcrr rhir dccd on rhc dltc rq toflh dxlrc.ft4--.),a-{,2:. , ,, \.-n i.-, - (^ R. wAtl^rtY DrtrD (ftr ]rr.rnrrk Hl ltd,crd htl.lhr. '|trW. .|l Arr., Lt.rcoa, COlf ,f _ tfOft ,'i'fi SCHEDULE A ORDER NUMBER: 90005918 l. EFFECTM DATE: March 06, 1990 at 8r00 A.M. 2. PoLrcY oR PoIJrcrEs ro BE rssuEDr AltouNT oF rNsuRANcE A. AIJTA OtrtNERrs pOLICy $ 223,000.00 PROPOSED INSUREDs STEPHEN J. MccAssEY AND JUNE F. SADIJER B. ALTA LOAN POLICY 9 PROPOSED INSURED: C. ATJTA IJOAN POLICY 9.PROPOSED INSURED 3. IHE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO TNTHIS COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN IS FEE SIMPLE AND TITIJE THERETOIS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREoF VESTED INI JAMES W. AUTTRAM' ARDYTH ANN BUTTRAM' AND MARJORIE M. MAGEE, AS TBUSTEE OF IIIE MARJORIE M, MAGEE TRUST UNDER INDENTURE DAIED TEEsTts DAY OF DECEMBER, 1983. 4. THE IrAND REBERRED To rN THrs COMMITMENT rs DESCRIBED AS Fof,,LoWS: PARCEI, 4-B, AND A 1/2 (ONE-HALF) uNDrvrDED TNTEREST rN AND To PARcErr 4-c,A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1 VAIIJ/POTATO PATCH,According to the Plat recorded March 2, 1983 in Book 354 atPage 310, as Reception No. 250645. COUNTY OF EAGIJE STATE OF COI,ORADO THIS COMMITMENT WAS PREPARED ON MARCH 14, 1990. FOR QUESTTONSPLEASE CAIJL SANDY CAPEIJL AT (303) 9{9-1011. PREMIUM:OWNERS: 703.00 TAX CERT. 10.00 STEWART TITIJE OF EAGLE COUNTY, INC.P.O. BOX 1248vArr,, co. 81658 ( 303 ) 9{9-1011 STE\ryART TITLEcuAt^Ntt coLttNr ZED SCHEDULEB-SECTIONl ORDER NUMBER! 90005918 REQUIREMENTS THE FOLLOWING ARE THE REQUIREMENTS TO BE COMPLTED WITH: ITEM (A) PAYMENT TO OR FOR THE ACCOUNT OF THE GRANTORS OR MORTGAGORSOF THE FULL CONSIDERATION FOR THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED. ITEM (B) PROPER INSTRUMENT (S) CREATING THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE .INSORED-MUST BE EXECUTED AND DULY FIIJED FoR REcoRD, To WITI l. Execution of affidavit ae to Debts and Liene and itg return toStewart Title Guaranty Company. 2. Evidence satisfactgry to stewart ritle cuaranty company ofpayment of all outstanding taxes and asgessmentg ai cerlitleaby The Eagle County Treasirer. 3. Execution of certificate - Entity Transferor/rndividualTraneferor and itg return to the office. 4. Evidence satisfactory to stewart ritle Guaranty company thatthe real estate trangfer tax aseegsed by trre-iown of vail haebeen paid or that the transaction ia ex-empc-f;;;'gaid tax. l' Release by the public Trustee of Eagle county of the Deed ofTruet, from Ruesell L. Magee and Marjorii m. M;;;; for the useof colonial rnvestment corporation io gecure giAl,00O.O0; aiieaMarch 2, L9g3 recorded_Marcn tg, l9g3 in Book lSS.t p.g, iSi,-aa Reception No. 25f495 9. Proper withdrawal of Notice of Election and Demand for saleby Public Truetee, recorded January {, fggO in aoof< SiO-at p;;;648, ag Reception No. 416912. 7. -_Affidavit by a Truateer setting forth the name of MarJorieM' Magee, the names and addreseeg of arl the Trustee' who arerepresente{ by such name and the authority or-tfie affiant toexecute and record. the_ affidavit, and tfre-auihoiity of CtreTrugteeg who are thereby empowered to convey-"i-ott.rwise act onbehalf of the The-M.-uafee itu"t under rndenture Dat,ed the SthDay of Deeember, 1983. 9:. Trust_Agreement fgl^!. Magee trust Under fndenture Dated the5th Day of December, l9g3 NOTE: Trust Agreement need not be reeorded. 9. Deed from James lrf . _Buttram, Ardyth Ann Buttram, and MarJorieM. Magee, aa Trustee of The MarJorii u. uageJ iruet Under CONtiNUEd Oh NEXt P'9BTE\,yA,RT TITLEGUAtAxtt colt^tf t CONTINT'ATION SHEET SCHEDUI,EB-SECTIONl ORDER NUMBER: 90005918 fndenture Dated the Sth Day of December, 1983, veating feeeimple tit,le in Stephen J. McCaesey and June F. Sadler. NOTE; NOTATION OF THE LEGAL ADDRESS OF THE GRANTEE MUST APPEAR ON THE DEED AS PER 1975 AMENDMENT TO STATUTE ON RECORDING 08 DEEDS CRS38-35-109 (2t. NOTE: For an additional chargel Stewart Title of Eagle Countywill provide any copiee of exceptionr er rhown on Schedule B -Section -2. STE\fART TITLE GUAIAlrTI COI'ArI .-{* SCHEDULEB.SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUMBER! 90005918 THE PoLrcY oR PolrcrEs ro BE rssuED 9|rllr coNTArN ExcEprroNs fo rHEFor,LowrNc uNDEss rHE SAME ARE DrsposED oF To rHE sATrsFAcrroN oE,THE COMPANY: 1. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY TIIEPUBI/IC RECORDS.2' EASEMENTS, oR cLArMs oF EASEMENTS, Nor strowN By rHE puBIJrc RECORDS. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY IJINES, SHORTAGE TN AREA,.ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANY F'ACTS WITICH A CORRECT SURVEY ANDrNsPEcrroN oF TEE PREMTSES wourrD DrscLosE AND wHrcH ARE NorSHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4' ANy LrEN' oR RrcHT To A rJrEN, FoR sERvrcEs, LABOR oR MATERTAITHERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOi _--- SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.5' DEFEcrs, r'rENS, ENcuMBRANcEs, ADVERSE cLArMs oR orHER MATTERS,rN ANY' CREATBD' FrRsr APPEARTNG rN THE puBlrc REcoRDs oR ) ATTACHING SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF BUT PRIORTo rHE DATE PRoPoSED rNsuRED AceurREs oF REcoRD FoR VAL0ETHE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THISCOMMITMENT.6. UNPATENTED MINTNG CLATMS; RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONSIN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF,WATER RTGHTS CI,AIMS OR TITIJE TO WATER. NOTE: "MECHANICIS LIEN" AND/oR I,GAP" PRoTEcTIoN(EXCEPTIONS 4 AND 5 ABOVE) MAY BE AVAILABLE WITH ANOI'NER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ON RESIDENTIALPROPERTY UPON COMPTJIANCE WITH STET{ART TITLE GUARANTYREQUIREMENTS. PLEASE CALTJ FOR PURTHER INFORMATIoNAS TO THOSE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT (S) NECESSARy TOOBTAIN THIS COVERAGE. ?' Any and all unpaid taxes and agsegsment,E and any unredeemedtax EaLee. 8. The effect of inclusions in any general or epecific waterconservancy, fire protection, soil-c5neervation lr otherdigtrict or incrusion in "ny'""i"t gervice or street improvementarea. 9-.- .Terrngr conditionee r€E€rvationg, restrictiong andobligationa aE contained in protective covenanis-or vail/potatoPatch, recorded !9rch s, LgZ4 in sook 2ia ;i-i;;6e 628, aeReception No. 129526r and Amendment, r""ord.a-siltemUer 24, L97Sin Book 24L at page 310, ae Reception No. ZSOelS'. 10' Eagemente, restrietione and rights-of-irays ae shown on the 3. conrinued on next p"sSTEwART TrTLEGUAIANT' COX'AN? CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDUIJEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUMBER: 90005918 Plat of Vail/potato patch, recorded March S, L974 in Book 233 atPage 629, aa Reception No, L29SZ7. 11. Easement granted to The Town of Vail, by Vait Aseociates,Inc., recorded July 10, L974 in Book 235 at page 581, asReception No. 131520. L2. Termg, conditions, regervations, regtrictiong and-.... obligationa ag contained in Party Wall Agreement and Declarationrecorded March 2, 1983 in Book 354 at page 309 as Reception No.250644. 13. Easementa, regtrictiong and rights-of-ways ag ghown on thePlat, recorded March 2, 1983 in Book 354 at page 310, agReception No. 250645. STE\ArARTTTTLE cuAlAl|at col?/rNt 2. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS l. The term mortgage, whon used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or oth€r s€curity instrument. ff the proposed lnzured has or acguires agtual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting th€ $t€ts or interest or mortgag€ thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shell fall to disclose such knowledge to ths Company in writing, the Company shall be reliared from liability for any loss or damags resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the €xtent the Gompany is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose qlch knowledge to the Company, or if the Company othenvis€ acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or othsr matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of thas Commitment accordingly, but such amendmEnt shall not reliwe the Company from llability prwiously inctrred pursuant to paragraph 3 of th6€ Conditions and Stipulations. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to tho namod proposed In$rred and zuch parties included under the definition of Incrred inthe form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss Incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking In good faith (a) to comply with th€ requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or crgat€ th€ estate or interest or mortgago th€reon coverd by thisCommltment. In no e\rent shall crch liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the pollcy or policies committed for and s.rch liability ls subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of thepropoced lnsured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not basd on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the lien of the insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment. STEWAR-T TITLE OI'ARANTY COMPANY All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texas 77252. and identify this commitment by its printed COMMITMENT SERIAL NUM- BER which appears on the bottom of the front of the first page of this commitment. 3. 4. Page 5 'bVa Y'v'ovA+WJ-\ PROJECT: DArE suBMrrrED: l}'L'qD DAIE oF puBr,rc HEARTNG %' W . l'l ltr coMMENrs NEEDED "", 1O' t6\O 40 BRTEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: lO/zz./ao e/k 4'L-- J/*'t- h Jr*r-r Connents: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTI,TENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: Date: INTER-DEPART!,IENTAL REVTEW o/r-tZ +4- &o-, Date: ctz E-e, uJ4 o ln ot oo o\ al, UJ UJlt F =c uJc dAAAlUlt, I,AQL,( *t) ct\ cf) FFl b H a z F) IUJ ^:<@lo o\ \o tsFl FJ v Fli3ootrF4u-O>rOazEl = utF F c I =E zz F-lHFz IIJ l14 IJ^F!.,/otsz oH =zo J-CA tH.o +1## 'a HIAt<l(J l(/l tzt< lFr l9l|rbr ll-lt< pr F1 or lll :zHzz A l!J uJo lt o Fo Fzoo o fulFI<F2^a YZo< \ Ir\r N lil-i li't tiN EgElII iffi EiiEF iiEign L \l$rn cfl tl ln rn an co F NF + E =g, uJAoz .o :() UJI()z o- c, UJJ uJ (,z ao Ef o J oz Q uJE X N ql UJ|I.zoF uJ.e. uJ =g UJEz 6 uJ(] o- uJo o, i ulJ x F IJJ(tt HH H ts tll zH U' UJ llJlr ts =E uJo- J FoF o =oJ J ocFoqJ t! z -:tJo- Iz E <) uJ- F{ E{ ts NO|lVnlVA l5l"lE = lctl=.lE_ r - lt*fsSl., = ro . lE YrI] 3*ZzLoo ooF-.lrzJ; F =F3ooErl6g ^finu.<33 iZFH Edtrq ari(\to IFt< t: Itrll l= zo l q l! tr o. UJ F Ot uJ >+xJ z Eo A v,Fzfz9. ,!l <oo<ol =gxr!do<z Fz, 9z -F."-63d ltl Hlltltltol tdl u,llJ.J o o)ulzY = ulo- F zI )foz I z z I J ! UJ ct o 3 o I Jl<l -l:l zl .. >l ur uJ uJz <t,b uJ.L J zo F 6 N z tr J c)H I z9 UJF =UJz ,l-.1r-il.,I F.i' Cv)3F-cAcFvc)Ou)zl(orZ 0 \ S\ \ ,d UJ Eo @o-zo Fc IIJY UJ @ oF tr tcHs b5l E*lO >il_<trEl Hu,bEzo D<,--IXJLILI =lFl "dg EI=fiE r'HHE ts t! ltori utE9E<ctf€8e9?irb9caJ:-E'J:utFho+E=EFE5Fotr88,.. -.1!i oo- \ t_-/flE\uJ= t: \r\!til d\ ts =E lrJ o-zoF(JfEa, zoo :d F-.{< -rO,^ = r'r =k *0oo b =z a ;.Y o -- @ H oz J lJ- ao FoJ N ln Fl ii =z too-) (\ rn 1r1 IF-(\ tlsl* |t4t tl 'l'-'l.t Ic IEt I?l olit zlll dlFt utltsl aElr'll i3tatt >lEl qta Efl e.l\olnrn IF- @ I oz ollttr t! z3 F H 14 d rqE Fl tsH z =tr tntOr((a( 00.,.'t a(nr >( = >{HH +rrts =) lllol tv I--t-l EJI .. I5l r+ |ol Fr IU:I rI1 I<l p1 |Fll < |r4t c, I>t t I Et I Et g -l cltctg1 33 (\ rn rn I rtlt|ip<l FI "ltlol =l sl sil HI il bl fl iltsl()l frltslctlzl "l Fql tr11 rrr INItl 8l 3l El H I I I EI EIcl <l>llrlol pl i E -rO<FG()lrJ <zEUJFtrz E 9P =<z.E r-6o F tFz () Ei\ Y FEo2 ilcfson / ZrE^ Conrttuction Co. lnc. Drawer 5400 Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone 303/949-5152 Jul y 13, 1.989 Town of Vail Comuni ty Devel opment 75 So. Frontage Road Vai l, Colorado 81657Attn: Betsy Rosalack Re: Velasquez Residence Dear Betsy: Enclosed please find a copy of a landscape plan for the Velasguez property located at 802 Potato Patch Drive. Please review this and advise us as to your acceptance. l.le have addressed each area as directed by the Design Review Board, at their July 5, 1989 meeting. We are also asking the owner to consider a "drip" type watering system and a maintenance program for the landscaped areas. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated, since we are very anxious to proceed with this project. Sam Yantzer Project Mana SY/cam Encl osure Si ncere lfclson / z"i Constnrcffon Co. Inc. Drawer 5400 Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone 303/949-5152 June 16, 1989 Gary Murain Town of Vail Building Department 75 So. Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Velasquez Residence Dear Gary: Enclosed please find a copy of a letter from to Martin & Martin Consult'ing Engineers. A recommendat'i ons is also attached. Please review this and contact our office as complete this project without further delay. Thank you and your department for working on hearing from you soon. Nelson,/Zeeb Construction Co., Inc. copy of their reply and soon as poss'ible, since we need to this with us. I look forward to Sincerely, NEL$N/)ZEEB ,9*- Sam Yantzel Project Manager SY/cam Encl osures 0N c0., INc. , r.rl o"/ .5a ^ -l"'tt e ty- ., \" ll . (,1qY , a( I ,j I tl'{Lfro- or- DtL t3 o h 21J MARfINIMABTTN Consulllng Englnear3 1251 Kipling Whear Ridos. Colorado 80039 301t .(|r 6100 June 13, 1989 Mr. Sam Yantzer Nelson/Zeeb Construction Co.P.0. Drawer 5400 Avon, C0 81620 Re: New Playroom in Existing Crawlspace of the Valesquez Residence Dear Sam: The new p'l ayroom is to be constructed in the existing crawl space below the upper floor of Unit 'A'. The playroom will be appnoximately L2' wide and 22' long. It is to be located against the southern exterior wall. Our review is based on architectural and structural drawings (dated 8/B/80) of the existing house as well as telephone conversations with you. We have reviewed the impact of the new playroom on the retaining walls directly downhill of the house. The constnuction of the pl ayroom will not adversely affect these retai ni ng wal I s. In addjtion, we have evaluated the affect of the new playroom on the adjacent foundation walls of the house. The playroom will require the existing foot'i ngs on the west and south walls be lowered below the new slab elevation and will require the foundation walls be strengthened to resist the soil pressures. A new wall is required at the north end of the playroom and new openings wil'l be placed in the south and east walls. The attached sketches describe the required constructjon details. The construction sequence of the playroom is crjtjcal. We recommend the existing foundations be excavated and underpinning pilasters constructed at the locations shown before any other excavation commences. The pilasters have been located beneath roof framing bearing points. 0nce the pilasters are completed, the balance of the excavation can proceed. All excavation should be done by hand to prevent damage to the house. Nelson/Zeeb Construction Co. June 13, 1989 Page 2 We appreciate this opportunity to provideIf you require further information, please Si ncerely, engineering services. call. d ^^M/>n tl. Maas, P.E. sociate Principal Jl'lM: et Enc. Copy: Paul Doak Ncfson / Z&b Construction Co. Inc. Drawer 5400 Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone 303/949-5152 June 2, 1989 Paul Ooak Martin & Martin 4251 Kipl jng Llheatridge, Colorado 80033 Oear Paul: As per our telephone conversation on Friday, June 2, I am sending a complete set of blueprints for the Valesquez Buildjng. lJe p1 an to hand excavate an area at the craw'l space shown on Sheet #2. The area'is to be a playroom, approximate'ly 12'wide x 22' long. }le also plan to install an Eggress window at the South foundatjon wall of this space, as seen on Sheet #6. The Town of Vail has not given us a bui1ding permit yet due to their concern about the possibility of this crawl space area being excavated. They believe this area was backfil1ed to help support the structure of the building, and by removing the backfill, we wi'11 threaten the stabi'lity of the foundation. Hopefully you can shed some ljght on the proposed project and we can proceed. If you have any questions, please call me at 949-5152 or on my mobi1 e phone at 949-1913 tone-1118. Thank You. S i ncerel y, INC. Sam Yan P roj ect SY/cam Encl osu Manager l\rv, I (o"^'?r r,y);tft{,rl: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER CTION RE EST TOWN OF,,VAIL E-*(s/ TUES\THUR FRI \ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr n tr tr tr tr t-l UMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING .-.1 ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING [*orc*D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rl tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL Elnppnoveo,.1 .CORRECTIONS: '.i ./tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED } ffis@p DATE INSPECTOR "'...) it,rf\t tNsPEcn*oN, SfipuEsr READY FOR |NSpECT|ON: MON rUeST-freO-) rHUn FRt aim)pn/l lo"oloi, adL.?..\o {."\).^4 *=' -"' \---- ' "/)€t7y' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,o* la{'lt JoB NAME u € -Z-' 1 D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER I a-(-s><-:?-='eb BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n T't tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr tr FINAL tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o 16o* #*or,*o DATION / STEEL RootdsHeeR PII?WOOD NAILING INSULATION tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL ylreenoveo CO-RRECTIONS: oor, //-l tff rNSpEcroR t 3q 43 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE il. \3 .6q READY FOR LOCATION: Va l,r: tNsPEc-il*O||, ilwEsrr v< z-JOB NAME MON CATLER INSPECTION: 60e Lri ti;a tC |,,.'. tr DISAPPROVED WED THUR FRI q. Vorrrouro CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STE tr FRAMINGI,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION -$ sneernocK NArL E;: tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER -O ROUGH tr CONDUIT o_ tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB o tr tr MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS o o tr EE L FINAL SUPPLY AIR FINAL DATE INSPECTOR APPROVED ,'/tr DISAPPROVED I I N s P E crwr*o ||, +t8rJ E sr <'2_- l,* o ----@ PM tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: PERMTT NUyBER OF PROJECT ,rlzr\DATE II' 9' I JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL - tr D tr tr O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D FINAL D^rE //-.1 5^-f/ rNSPEcroR t INSPECTIONTOWN OF $APuEst'r oor. I I- 7t': JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: t l-F --= | \J \)Z--/ PERMIT NUMB R OF PROJECT CALLER TUES BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL 'l tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDaeenqyeb COBRECTI D^rE . '--y'-ry rNSPEcroR ) zq:R - ) | | -----z 9JJ-ON,3A58VEST onrE tl[A \ JoB NAME t PE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tNs -z_ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oArE ,,/4 -/ -4a^ tNspEcroR o FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor iters need to be complete before giving a pennit a final G of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: \S-fr FINAL BUILDING TEMP0MRY C of 0 e\us\x*qoorxt1\**5 \-\ CERTI FI CATE \R€,\X a\$k \Y rs- l.-N qQ)(U0J(u l-s- +) P u@ co-ruo -Lo-o cs \J t*t\{- | $Ii +ll \Y'* )/% I _9 _/a -t T ir "[ 0t- s .., [,lu ir-11{+ rI. tq{ $ll ; I F,nt--' rl .,$1 a-\>b. t,\ \ \ \\ \\\ \aI' ir I 'v ;r,;., Proiect Appllcation 7 /5/8eDale Project Name:VELASQUEZ ADDITION Project Description: Contact Person and Phone '6nfz-y' Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: secondedov Cl')- ,r'h'{-() APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL E Statt Approval ! i, [, --t /'!L//o*' /r/r o- p1 Ih/ c'a-'---[rF ; !-- '- ^Lfu,"*91 LL b4Jf-- ?* "" ,/-r 5-\ u("-- )"4o ' 5l- ". JL-^ - a.d fr#r"- tn)., 4#f sl^-r- Y- ll /1I I lt/#As Skr z- - /)\ 4u\t'-.-- r / \ @.+z o <-( tr)l ( d-Z--:- !( Splr -:G n*/- / d /t ,) r- -^r-.1 .t" e:. eer4,>r &A.t.. i1.z-- uL'-a.u2L<..1-c-,-..<- 4 A* Lu.<" 2t ,z//A{L) XS- !ffi-,/*w ,- {4 ,- (*l* t5u+ ,*t?)% '-'{ry/,,- (*l* t5u+ ,*t ?) + 7^, ,/ ^, t- r<cru"-,.--, (t rV (i\ ',|o'?o + \ t-TBAIK OF AVOAI OO11 W BEAVEF CREEK BLVD, PO. ORAWER 5270 AVON, COLORADO 81620 303.949.0100 November 28, L989 Tovrn of Vail 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vall, CO 81657 RE: Letter of Credit 1t8423261 for rhe account of Nelson-Zeeb Constructl-on Conpany dated July 14' 1989 for $5 , 600. 00 Gentlemen: I"le have agreed to extend the above mentloned letter of credit for an additional ten months. The terms of the letter of credit shal1 rernaj-n the same except that the expLration date LB hereby extended to September 30' 1990 and all drafts must be negotiated no later than Septenber 30' 1990. If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me. S inc ere ly , fy,t,J,.L Dr- r' lif[lc'tv \ Randy f,-Dlers Executive VLce President RLD/jhk t-TBA]{( OF AVOT{ IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT OOlI W EEAVER CREEK BLVD.po. DRAWER 5270 AVON, COLORADO 81620 303-949-0100 DATE: AMOUNT: NIIMBER: EXPIMTION DATE: July 14r 1989 $5 ,600 . 00 842326r December 1, 1989 Town of Val1 75 S. Frontage Road Vall, C0 81657 Gent lemen: We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Credlt in your favor avallable by your drafts drarn on the FirstBank of Avon, P.O. Drawer 5270' Avon' C0 8L620, at sight for any sum not exceeding the total of FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($5,600.00) on the account of Nelson-Zeeb Construction Company. Each draft must bear upon its face the clause, "Drawn Under Letter of Credit No. 8423251 dated July 14, 1989 of FirstBank of Avon, Avon, Colorado. The amount of each draft, which ls negotiated pursuant to this credit together with the date of negotlatlon, must be endorsed on the reverse side of the Letter of Credit. We hereby agree that drafts drawn under thls Letter of Credit and Ln compllance with the terms, shal-l- be pronptly honored if presented to FlrstBank of Avon on or before December l, 1989. Sincerely, )\,' J-.=.i / Denise Davis Assistant Vice President DDD/j lw ..... J FRO'II . WHITTAKER ENTERPRISES' P.O. BOX 284 EAGLE, CO 91631 ( 303 ) 328-7329 Jp-p"ool Proposol no:, 01 Sheet No. 01 Dqre 7 /13/89 PRoPoSAI SUBm|TTED r0 worK T0 lE mtoilro AT 111666 Nelson./Zeeh Consf rrrc'l- i n1 Sttaet Qfl? Dn+=+n D=+nh nr Straet 0020 Fieol e . Rd Citv Va i 'l Slote eO Citv EFc'lF/Vai I Dote of Plons 1/ 1 1 1A9- Sfola CO Architect Tclcphone Number 9,t 9-51 52 We hereby propotG to furnish qll the mofcriols ond perform oll the lebor necGssory for the completion of thp nlantino of nerennials. Shrubs and trees at the ahovc erldress- This work w'ill consiqt of the planting of; 2 Rlrra SFrrrr-e Rrto 10r, ?0 Asnen lltr to ?ltt- 6 thnlcanfiorr.i bq- 5r to 6r. ( Arrstrian Roses 5 oal- and 5 Wi l'l ows 8r to 10' - All mqteriol ir guorontccd lo bc or speciftcd, ond specificotions rubmitlcd for obovc work Five Thousand Six Hundred with poyments to bc mqdc qr follows: material advance of S1.2OO-00- with the balance of S4-400-00 due at ond fhe obovc work to be pcrformed in occordonce with the drowings ond compleled in o substontiol workmonlile monncr for lhe sum o{ and OO,/1OO Dollsrsl$5'600.00 l' the compleiton of the iob. Per Bill Whittaker Note - This proposol moy bc withdrown by ur if not occepfed within 3 O doys Any olterotion or dcviotion from obove rpccificotions irivolving cxtro corts, will bc cxccutcd only upon writlen ordcrs, ond will becomc qn extro chorge over ond obove the cstimqtc. All ogrccmenls contingent upon slrikes, occidenls or dcloys beyond our conlrol. Owner to cotry firc, tornodo ond othcr necersory insuroncc upon obovc work, Workmen's Compensolion ond Public Liobility Insuronce on obovc work fo be tolen out by Whittaker Enterpri ses - F Respectfully submitlcd 4)" Whittaker Enterprises ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAT The obove prices, :peciffcolions ond condilions ore solisfoctory qnd ore hereby occepted. You ore outhorized lo do lhe work os specifi ed. Payment wi ll-$ " :dn":r:}:z Acceo,ed /L d% Siono,ure /4 A* -z--- / cz^-z' Dorr z ,/.2 /? 7 sionarura EP 40 skao6 Town of Vail Community Development Dept. Vail, C0 81657 .a'A* w to Patch ition to floor area. nZeeb Gentlenen : After visiting your office today to determine what this application entailed I visited the site which is adjacent to my property' Lot 5, Block 1, Potato Patch. It seems that the request for a permit is just a sham. The work descrlbed in the applicalion is very much in progress and must have started quite isome time ago. The west wall of the building has an opening fully 5'x6' through the nasonry. The excavation under the building is fully 15 feet to 18 feet deep. It seems that the work has been done with shovels, wheelbarrows and buckets all of which are in evidence on the site as was one workman. I find it incomprehensible and unacceptable that the contractor, Nelson-Zeeb, and the owner, Velasquez, have such contempt for Town of Vail regulations that they have gone ahead and performed all this work without benefit of a permit. As you well know, the building in question was constructed in violation of its original permit. It was built 4.7 feet higher than the permit called for. Furthernore the excavated dirt is fill dirt placed there by the original contractor, CDS,/Gagliardo. I want to take this opportunity to request that you deny the appli-cation. Unfortunately I will not be in Vailto attend the hearing scheduled for MAy 31 to express rny views to you verbal1y. My reasons for requesting thi.s denial a::e: i= the building does not need additional floor space. 2- The opening in the wal1 and the addition of a window will alter the outside appearance beyond the origi-nal design approval. 3- The original settlement between the Town of Vail and the contractor (Nelson-Zeeb) and the owner (Velasquez) ca11ed for a definite anount of landscaping. None of this was ever done. 4- The total disregard by contractor and owner for established rules and requlations of the Tor.rn of Vail. drawer J vail, colorado 81658 303 949 4815 800 338 6303 outside colorado cable address: SKEA vail, colorado : Lot 4, Block 1, Po Application for a gross residenti- lasquez/N Perhaps it is tine for the Town of Vail to put teeth into its regulations and penalize violations by denying permits and even suspending the right of guilty contractors to operate within town limlts. -2- Yours very tru1y,y'r..--w L*_ o APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOI.IABLE GRFA Date of Appl Date of DRB Meeti PRE.APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-app1 ication conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which addjtiona'l GRFA can be addedto a sjte. It sltould be understood that this ordinance does not assure eaclr property an additional 25U square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordjnance allows forgg to 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applicat_ions for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Excavate crawlspace for playroom. Finish to match rest of house. i cati on B.LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: 802 Potato Patch Drive Legal Description: Zon€ 0istrict Lot Blockl Filing Vail-Potato Patch - C. NME OF APPLICANT:Nelson/Zeeb Constructjon Co., Inc. Address P0 Drawer 5400, Avon, C0 81620 D.NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: Address Same as above Sam Yantz phon 949-1913 tonel I l8 E. NAr'rE 0F ol^lNER(S)Javier Velas q-?-L-slt"y t** signature(s) 949-5152 Bucarel i Mex i co Ci ty,Addres s F. Filing Fee of $100.00 is required at tine The following information, in addition to DRB required with this submittal: l.' Verification that the unit has received 2. Names and mailing addresses of:adjacent units on the same 'lot. This information Assessor's office. hone 5.|83950 of submitta t rf <,'t "1 f 4 submittal requirements, shall be a flnal certificate of occupancy. property owners and of owners of is availab'le from the Eagle County 3. 4. Condominium association approval (if applicable). Existing floor plan of structure. Your proposal wi'l I be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive P'l an.G. NAME OF pR0JECT: Velasquez Residence LEGAL DESCRIPTION: tCh-iSt STREET ADDRESS: 802 Potato Patch Drive DESCRIPTI0N 0F PR0JECT: Excavate crawlspace for plavroom. Install eqress window at south side. Finish to match existinq- The following Board before A. BUILDING Roof S'i di ng 0ther t.Jall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l.li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Des'igner: phone: Botanical Name 'information js required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Stucco Match Existing No Change No Change No Change No Change Pozzi - to match existing Wh ite Brickmold - to match existing t^lh ite No Change No Change No Change No Changp No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED None Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Indicate height for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. ..,t',, . PLANT MATERIALS:' (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name No Change None Corrnon Name Quani ty Size Tvpe No Change Square Footage SOD No Change SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL No Change C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools' etc.) Please spec'ify. No Charge r/e,.,t= *.rr= ?*f** n^q"t*!- s('ln k* CoI* ,trt".r*r-/ 6 4 ro YL{t^ o,i Pkrl W,*trouo ? Pao-tr- l-e>r 3 ${"-K- f Pr*,* ?*,;* P^t,.,* p,".r-r--l 7 73c Dotl,'^ CJ-. u),.]^,.-L\ vs. u72lo(4 ': r.-.ofl78u<r*t0P ,1;u.g:,J ',tn.*-rga-J #{€."Jb Fs$ecgr,r,+J ;, utrrNroLrAj 26nr-rrcls llrl9 t^rrls-,\ 3rS.tel-F 91rr- b'+.4x,* B.-rzO . B""TD"-tJ ?o- rj",trtte,rD6c'* CA. f rSaS 11 '{Gq ,, u, S $taet \ Gq\o B"Ys< Do-r""f -\. ,l r ?- gtt-S(t/q^lv Llt ' i 't't. Bto<K Wr 1 L-t ,7"f , l4z7ol', Luc I+- €t'-'z- 4 'Scx tt 6(ftf, tr/( i7 ;ur#/n \fl-- \\ *.\ = \x..\ I I Rru} N (_"1 i'l r i-=--*-..=* -1"+l>/l F \I o e ? s tl Atd G I l,tl4( /="-10,,--*. tN l.st fS v\ tr/ :'\--^.\'* \\ ,<- \\_---\\'r \. -- .*\ 'v A,, ,,-/)D''"'-'Yi" U 1,;* ttt t 4tc %^ tNs H7+-/qr 3 TION REQI.'EST )WN OF.'Vfi5r.:i \ *o', \t t.o- 't/ 2 7 iow^r oF.'tt*p 6 :i \ {t,,t' PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE JOB CALLER Sa rot ""L READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI ' AM PM Lnl.l D.+^{., ? ' / '-\ '- I ' ' A LoCATI.N: '--o r u - u a rclt KOz- ['o'f'a-l.-o / af c/t Uy'' 1 APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr F'NAL Q, "/ O,tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR INSPECTOR o - '\ Project Application oare Y- l'X-l Proiect Name: Proiect Description: contact person and enon" 54u'r\ y',A J f ztfr? '- s-l cr- sa-J :2,--gB Owner, Address and Phone: lc:i Architect. Address and Phone: ,r r t | 1) 2/. Legal Description, Lot \ . Blocr I Ftling VAtt- I'.'ftrt' rtl t/i' , zone 75 Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: c" (-' I ?,4,,)t€ ,\ 7-q._ i.-t-<l r' ,1>a .ja- oo,a 'rt- -' --'.1.;;i r ..-ia.-+ --. J-.-rarr nr il,.' APPLTCATION DATE: Auqust 14' 1989 ' ''*"i t-I DATE OF DRB |4EETIHG: Ausust 30, 1989 "a'l, -.i *****THIS APPLICATION }IILL IIOT 8E ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI4ATION IS SUBIIITTED**Ti .DRB APPLICATION ? I. PRE-APPLICATION.MEEIING: . :., ", , '. :'. A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member.ls strongly suggested to. detennine if any addltional lnformatlon is needed. No appllcatlon will be accepted unless it is compl'ete (must include all ltems required by the zoning adrninistrator). : It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointnent with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- ; . tion will streamline the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the-oRB may stliulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved'befo.qe a buildlng permit .ls lssued. '', L./T A., PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 802 Potatoe Pbtch Drive. Vail, Colorado 81658 Legal Descriptlon LotJ__ Zoning Residential Block 1 Flling Vajl-Potatoe P'atcn-f i rst C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address Bucareli 108, Mexico City, Mexico telePhonq 5183950 Mr. Sam YantzerD. MNE 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Nelson/Zeeb Construction Co.. Inc. Address P.0. Drawer 5400, Avon, Colorado 81620 telephone 94q-5152 E. NAI'IE 0F 0!|NERS: Sl gnature tached. Jav i er F. Address Bucarelj 108, Mexico Cjty, Mexico telePhone 5183950 DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION FEE 2. The review process for'NEllof the 0esign Review 8oard, BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings so plan on at least tt'lo meetlngs for their.approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Deslgn Revlew Eoard at their scheduled 'meetlng and who have not asked for a postponement will be requlred to be republ i shed. be paid at the tlme a buildlng permit 'ls requested' $ 1o.oo $ zs.oo $ 5o.oo $100.00. $200.00 $300.00 $ o-$'lo,ooo $1o,oo1 -$ so,ooo $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARI)ING ALL SUSHISSIONS T().THE DR8: 1. In addJtion to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the appllcant must stake the slte to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be inarkld. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the. si te. 75 soulh frontage road vall, colorado 81657 (3(B) 4792138 (303) 4792139 otfice ot communlty development July l-2, L9B9 Mr. Sam Yantzer c/o Nelson/Zeeb Construction Company, Inc. Post Office Drawer 54OOAvon, Colorado 8l-620 Re: Lot 4, Bl.ock 1, VaLl Potato Patch Subdivision Dear Sam, At the Design Review Board rneeting on July 5th, the Design Review Board approved the addition on the above property. Please subrnit a landscape plan, to be approved by the staff. As far as whether we would should receive a bond or a letter of credit fron the owner to cover the cost of the landscape, the staff would like a letter of credit. Before we can deternine the arnount of the letter of credit, we need to see the landscape plan and see a bid on how much it wouLd cost to finish the landscaping. Pfease call me if you have any questions, at 47g-2l3g. Sincerely | .,.\&a/i. Betsy Rdsolack Planning Techinician BR:1r luwn 75 soulh lronlage road vall, colotado 81657 (303) 479'2138 (303) 47$'2139 July 3, 1989 ofllce of communily development Mr. Javier VelasquezBucareli 108 Mexico City, Mexico Re: I,ot 4, Block 1, Potato Patch, Flling No. One Dear Mr. Velasquez, We have received your application for an addition of a playroom underyour home. In looking back over your file, we have noticed that the landscape plan was partially cornpleted. Nornallyr we would have to askyou to cornplete thl.s before we would even bring this new plan to the Design Review Board, but we propose a cornpromise. We will take this to Design Review Board on July 5, but we witl not release the buildingpennit until the landscaping has been conpleted. In looking over the landscape plan, we do find that you placed nineteentrees and one bush around the area. Twenty-two trees were proposed. We ask that you plant two nore trees per the Design Review Boardrequest. Also, in one area, it said that there would be sorne willows and tall shrubs to screen the hone frorn the lot to the west. We askthat the screening be placed here, plus that you do whatever landscaping Design Review Board asks of you. In granting an additional 250 square feet, the zoning ordinance requires that all landscaping rneet the zoning code requirenents. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to call me. /^/ Planning Technician BR: lr cc: Sarn Yantzer/Nelson Zeeb I o UP.'IIN I'liE DIST'riICT CO COUIJTY OF iirGi,E STATE OJi COLOF$DO ?o Civil Action No 81-cv-328 STIPUI,ATION BEST IMAGES POSSIBLE - I'ISSTERN IIANAGEME!'IT COI1PANY, vs. THE TOI{N OF VAIL, et al, Plaintiff, De fendants Ai#;,;L,t: Il..i:-jrj-.,i! .;.;1 ;l- :;ri : 1,.a.: i. l JAi''i 27 i-ei:z o {r0..., C,i-r.'r' i:'i:l a:::i .flL^ ^--r-i ^^Iltg \,rat L Ic5 stioulate: 1. That ludoement rvill enter for the Plaintiff and aqainstthe Defendant on Count 1of the Comglaint (RuIe 106A4 Review) incor-ooratinq therein the terms and conditions of this stioulation. 2. That uoon the comoletion of the imorovements, includinqthe landscaoinq situated on Lot 4, Block 1, firsi filinq, potato patch Subdivision, VaiI, Eagle County, Colorado, in accordance with thenlans oreviouslv aooroved, as modified by actual construction com-oleted and the Drovisions of thi.s stioulation, saidimc::ovements shall be deemed to comoly in all resDects with thezoninq ordi-nances and buildinq ordinances of the Tol,vn of Vail. 3. (a) The Plaintiff shall emoloy a Colorado resisteredenoinss!' comDetent in structural enqineering to insoect allstructural comoonents, including the foundation, of the imorovementand certify his f indj-r-rqs of rvhether the structure comolies rsith theuniform building code as adooted on JuIy 30, 1980 by the Town of Vail to the Tor.rn Building official. For each structure comocnent where the imorovement does not comoLy with the uniform building code, theenqineer shall Dreoare a reoort of required corrective constructi-onfor aooroval- of the chief buildinq official.(b) Prior to the commencement of anv work on theDrer,:ises, the enoineer and torvn buitdinq of f icial shaIl Dreoare aounch list of aIl non structure items that shall be corrected, comoleted or undertaken for comoliance with the uniform buildino code. If any other ounch list items are discoverecl durino the comDletion of construction, the enqineer and town buildinq oflici.alshaII jointlv determine whether the it.em must be corrected ancl the manner o! construct ion . 4. The exterior siding in the structure shaIl be ch;rnqecl to clear a]1 heart, vertical grain, !i X 6, glain bevel redwood (CF.,l) 5. The P1.-rintiff shall builcl tlre lanclscar)c DreDarcd b\.' Garl' p6orsler , 2 305 Rroadwa! , BouIder, Colorado, rvl'ri.ch was orc:;ent'-ed ' '.to the Dcsiqn ,a.[-1"arcl of the Tr:i.,n of,' with the amcnclrnents ict forth in o.,raqrioh "1 te s.,"tcrrber 3, 19a0, below. (A) to the east3 - B'-10' Engleman Soruce 6- Aclditi..:,uar. 1y, the plaintiff .shar] have tlre crrainaseolan set forth on paqe B of the lancscape "iu"-ru"'cwcd by aregistered cor-orado engi-ncer who sharr- ir"ttriv t-tr.t, as desiene,c,the olan wiIl orevent sub.srantially, the d;;i;.;; of r...ater f romLot 4 .nto Lots 5 and 6 0f first filinq, potato patch s.ubdivision 7 - The plaintiff sharl add additionar olantrnos to thelandscaoe olan as fol lows : elevat j-on, ?a9e 2 of the Lanclscaoe olan,as olaceC bjrthe landscaoe archiiect.(B) to the south elevation, oaqe 3 of the lancjscaoe olan,betvreen the -boundary line of r,oi 4 _ 5 and the I;;;-";;;;"Ji-Ir,"'"drainage swaIe, B - 2!" randomly olaced A.scen true, -""i':6'ti"J gallon native shrubs . The nati-ire snruus ltr. ir -u. olaced so as toef fectivelV landscaoe the drainaqe sr.ra1e. (C) to the rvest elevation r gaee 5 of the landscaoe olan2 -'8 ' - 1ot Enolenan soruce as rocared bv rhe r""a=..lJ""";"nitliii. (D) to the north elevati_on r gaee 7 of the landscape oIan,2 :-2\" Asoen and 5 five qallon native'shrubs t"-."".."ti!-IItIiiir"wall- from view after olant maturj.ty 8' That the praintiff shall build the deck on the westelevation as set forth in the deck revision ofan desioned and ore-oared bv Itrheeler Pioer architectr "nd ="u*iti"i to Vail Desi.on Revier.,Board seotember 2, r981, and Vair Town council seoteil;r-iil-is'Bi. 9. '?hat the plaintiff shalI buitd the retaininq wall seriesas set forth in the fandscaoe olans -and- oreoared by Gary Roesslerand submirted to Vair Desiq; Re;i;; ;;;.J;-iliilouu, z, reB1, andVai-l- Tor+n council, seotember 15,-1goi,-ritr,"tilJ"r"rrowing modifica_tions series: A11 three warrs in the three steD retaining rvarr seriesdeoicted on the "Easr Erevation" ""a -;s""t['ii"i]a:-or,,, drawi-nss sharlbe faced in naturaL stone 10. that the work stioulated to hereinin the 1982 bui l-dinq =";;;;. shaIl be comoleted 11orejudice.That all other claims lrerein shall be dismissed with -2- lf;rf c )^ \f -P> Al,t,l.1cA]'IOli I :( )ll,i\1 l;Oll A St, U I ) lI I :; J -0,t -l]l'-qu-i-'S'l- l^ ' r 'f I A. Nane of Appl icant -J -q=-oLez-- y glS:Z+=y- -nau,"=,2 e Z-BLL-zJL.- 2.r B. Nanc of AppljcantIs ltcirlcsentat ive Phone ntrone Y2l ,->Y/a-. c.Authori zat i on of Propertl' Owrcr Signaturc Addrcs s Locati.ou of Proposal (clicck one) fol.ring ntole than { )ots) l'linor (invol'r'ilg 4 or felver lots) Plr one 1 Dupfcx (splitting a duplcx strrrctul'c and/or 1ot) G, Procc<lures for tna jO:- and tninor subcl jvis j.ons are as <lef incd ilr thc Tor'n otl \tei I Subdivi.sion llegulations on Pages 9 th:'ouglt 20' l)upl cx subd j.r,ision :'cquires thc -salte. j.tlfol.tnation as a tttinor subdivisiorl r''lith tltt' rcquir.emcnt that thc following statcnrerrl ri;-;;-;;P;;t' o^ tltc plat bcfolc t'cct'ivingIt. I. Torrn of Vai I apPloval: For zoning or othcl land-use :'cgulntiorls of the Torrtr of crcatcd b1' t his. srrbtl j'r'i siott arc dt-'cll:t'd to bc onc lot ' rcsidencc slrall be ltl lotrcd on thc c-olubitrc'd :ircas of tlrc G:'oss llcsiclcntial l:lool r\r'ca (Glll:'\) for thc' tNo-f:rrli l;' calc.ulatctl usitlg tht' corlrbi-ne<l :tl'c;r <lf tltc tso lxtrcc'l s' Vlli1, thc tlr() l)lll'c('l s No nlotc t lr:t tr trttt' ttitt-r:rr;ril:" tt.'o Pal.ccl s. Al loti'iirl c lcsidcncc *1t,1 11 bc J. Tirnc' lierlti r.L'nlcrrts: trl:rioI and ttrirlor. srrbtljYj r:ionS trrtst- hc lrpllrovCd b)' tllc I'l:rllttllrt arrrl l'r'ir.orrn*:'tal c.t.:tiss jotr. '11," l';li:' ;;;;ti o-oti-trtt.lrrtl :rrrtl'4l.h llotrtl'r\':: ()l' t':r..lr rlotrth. An tr|1;l ical iort r*ith thr. llcc(':;:'it)')',icc,rt,t1':t't;'il1!l llultcl'i;tl tltttst l)(' rilrillrlit tcd forrr (4) 1'qc'k! llriol to thc tlatc of 1.lt() ltlc()tin8' $ 100 t/,/ &3' of Sub r) o3 dirrision POWER OF' ATTORNEY KNOW ALL IIIEN BY THESE PRESENTS, thAt I JAVAE Vfllasquez, a resident of the County of Eagte, State ofTHESEPRESENTS.r- L - J-JavierMENBY Colorado, DO HER-EBY NOMINATE, CONSTITUTE AND APPOfNT, Ross Davis, Jr., a resident of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, my true and lawful attorney in fact, for and in my stead and in my nane, place and stead, for my sole use and benefit, with respect to the following described property: LOT 4, BLOCK I, VALL/POTATO PATCH, according to the recorded plat thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. for me and in my name, place and stead by futl covenant and warranty deed to grant, bargain, sell and convey the premises hereinbefore described for such price and on such terms of deferred payment or otherwise, rvith or without the taking back of a purchase money mortgage as to him seems proper and to receive the proceeds of any such sale, and to grant, bargain, sell and convey any interest in said premises or any part thereof, and to enter into an1' contract or contracts for the sale of said premises on such terms as he shal1 in his discretion elect and to execute, acknowledge and deliver in my name any deed or instrument of conveyance that may be required for the transfer of said property or any part thereof or interest therein. And I hereby give and grant to my said attorney in fact fu1l pcwer and authority to do and perform every act necessary, requisite or proper to be Cone in and about the premises as fu11y as I might or could do were I personally present, with ful1 porver of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all +-hat my said attorney shal1 lavifully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof- This Power of Attorney shalI not be affected by my disability. This Power of Attorney shall be irrevocable for a period of one year from the date hereof. rhis Power of Attornelu and the duties of my attorney in fact hereunder shall be construed in accordance with Colorado Law. IN WITNESS ITTHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this /oPVA day of February, f983. ERV LASQUEZ r! My commission expires: l,rlv Coinnl:sion exiires hlay 30, 1983 utilitrnr STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Subscribed and sworn February, 1983 b-v Javier iJitness my hand and to before me this Vdlasquez. e of f i.ci-al seaI. day of LAND TIT!.E GUA.RAI.ITEE CO. 3rc65 CherD' Creek No. Drive Denver, Colorado 8C209 Nott?t -Pu-blf; Address: I,ARTY WAI,L AGREET'IENT AND DECI,ARATION OF covENANTS, CONDITToNS AND RESERVATToNS FOR A RESUBDIVISION LOT 4, BLOCK I 'VAIL/POTATO PATCH OF VAIL REC]TALS TOVIN i-ir.,' il"te of colora'do, Lo! 4 ' Block ioin "f Vail, according to the recorcled , ("Declarant") is 1, Vail/Potato Patch' plat thereof, as Lhe real estate 4, Block 1, , CountY of -plat thereot ' 1. amended. 2- Declarant has constructed on Parcel 4A and Parcel 49, as a"=ctibed on the Plat hereinafter more specificalrv ia.nii;;;;,-u u"iraing consisting of two units' ::.;';;;;;"6a-u"a intended for use and occupancv as a residential dwelling unit, which, together-n+tl-the ParceI upon which each i" io"tt"d and u" "t'6i"ided interest in the common space ,-"""Iiii.a-i" lf-r. uU"""*.niioned Plat as ParceI c, are sometimes'iti"ttua to herein separately as "unit" or cofIectiveIY as "units" ' 3. The Declarant wishes to provide for separate ownership of the initt-"p"" the aforementioned Lot' to createeasementsrelatingtoeachuni'trandtoestablishcertain rights an- obligitions """""iuitd with the units and in""p".tv iaII t"puiuti"?.,1h:-:"it=' the footinqs underlaying sucn Party wall and the roof orter such party wa1I. DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and decl-are that the following terms, covenants ' conditions ' easements' restriction= r 'ta"=, tttttttttions ' limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run with the land described herej-n, shall ne a burden and a benefit to Declarant' his personal t"pt"t"t'ltiit'"t ' heirs' "t"ttu=ors and assigns and anv persot u.q."ii''g ot owning an interest in the real ;;tn:;;;"*rti"ii-it d6scribed herein and improvements built thereon, hts gat''t""t ' personal representatives ' heirst successors and assigns ' !-Eu-ryrl-9r-q. Unless the context shall expressly P:"Yid" otherwise, the roii"ti"g-terms shall have the following meanings: A. r"1he Propertiesttmean a1I of lega1Iy a"sctibed as a iesubdivision of Lot Vai-I/Potato Patcn Subdivision' Town of Vail ;;;i;;-C"i"tuao, according to the recorded recoroeo ln Bookrk , paqe on the day of , 198-t :-n [rre-?e6ords of EhE-clerk aand Recorder of Eagle County, CoIorado. B. "Lot" or "Buildinq Site" means Parcel 4A and48 as shown on the Map togetheliith all appurtenances. C. "Duplex" or "Buildingf" means the twocontiguous dwelling units constructed upon the Parcels. D. "Parcel 4A" shall mean Parcel 4A as describedon the Plat referenced herein. "parcel 48" shall meanParce1 48 as descri.bed on the plat referenced herein."Parcel 4C" shal1 mean Parcet 4C as described on the Platreferenced herein. F Ei "Comrnon Area" sha1l mean Parcel 4C. "Unitr'. "Unit A" shaIl mean a fee simpleestate in Parcel A, alI improvements now or hereafterconstructed thereon, all rights and easements appurtenantthereto and an undivided one-half interest in the Parcel 4C. "Unit B" sha11 mean a fee simple estate in Parcel B allimprovenents now or hereafter constrrrcted thereon, a1Irights and easements appurtenant thereto and an undividedone-hal-f interest in Parcel 4C. G. "Owner" means a person, persons, f irm,corporation, partnership, or association, or other legalentity or any combination thereof, owning an interest in theParcels. H. "Map" or "Plat" means the engineering surveyof the Properties more specifically identified in thedefinition of "Properties" depicting and locating withspecificity thereon the Parcel-s and improvements thereon,which document is hereby incorporated be reference into thisDeclaration and made a part hereof. Such Map shall berecorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk andRecorder prior to the recordation of thi_s Declaration. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATION. Sa le, Deed ed,instrument shaII lega1Iy describe a Unit interest as follows: Every Contract of Wi.1I or otheror real property Unit A or Unit B. a resubdivision ofBlock l, Vail/Potato Patch, Town of Vai1,County, Colorado recorded in the office ofEagle County Clerk and Recorder, accordingPlat recorded February "--, 1983, in Book Page Lot 4, Eagle the to the at Every such description shall_ be good andsufficient for all purposes to scII, convey, transfer, encunber or otherwise effect the Lot and all appurtenantrights, benefits and provision shalt apply to the propertiesas said term (tbe Propertics) is defined in thisDeclaration. PROPERTY DIVTSTON. 1. Declarant herebY cstablthe subdivision of the Properties into ownership in fee simple, consisting of ishes this plan forthree (3) Parcels for Parcel 4A, 48 and 4C. -2- 2, The subject property, together with all improvementl, thereon, is hereby rlivided irrto two l2lseparate es1 ates as follows: Unit A, consisting of Parcel 4A, aII inrprovements now or hereafter constructed thereon, a) I rights and easements appurtenant thereto as provided herein and an undivided one-half j-nterest irr Parcel 4C- Unit B, consisting of Parcel 48, all inrprovements now or hereafter constructed thereon aII rights and easements appurtenant thereto as provided herein and an undivided one-half interest in Parcel 4C. 3. Parcel 4C shall be subject to the easements noted on the Map and those set forth herein. 4. No Owner sha11 bring any action for partition or divisj-on of any Parcel or Unit, provided, however, that an undivided Unit as herein defined may be partiti-oned among the Owners by sale, but not in kind, as provided by law. The acquisition of ownership in the Properties, or any part thereof, shalI constitute a specific waiver of the right to partition and portion of the Properties in kind. 5. In the event Parcels 4A and 48 are owned by the same entities, the doctrine of merger shall not apply. 6. The parties, if more than one, having the ownership of each such unit shall agree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownershiP; provided, however, that if a corporation, partnership' association or other legal entity sha1l become an owner or the parties, or more than one, have the concurrent ownership of a unit, then such entity or concurrent owners shall from time to time designate one individual who shall represent such entity or concuirent owners in all matters concerning aI1 rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration. 7. Any such entity or concurrent owners shall give written notice to the other orrrner designating the individual to act on i-ts or their behalf and such notice shall be effective until revoked in writing by such entity or owners. Any act or omission by such designated individual shaIl be bindj-ng on the entity or owners having designated him in favor of the other owner or any person who may rely thereon. 8. Each unit shall be considered a seParate parcel of real property and shall be separately assessed and taxes. ENCTO.ICHI.:ENTS AND EASDMNNTS 1. Encroaching po4.!_gl. A portion of the inprovementscr:ntaffithe''EncroachirrgPortion'') as no\^, constructed on the Properties is located outside the boundaries of Parcel 48 upon which is tocated the bulk of such improVcnrtl:1t and ir:.stead i s located above the Garage n ornt constructed {rn Pare-el 4A. The portion of such itnprovenrents currently sen:;Lructed rvhich constitute the Encroaching Portion inclrrdc, but are not limited to, a portion or the l-ivinq room .''ttJ f jreplace on the second f loor of such Uni.t B, tolether with alI structural, mechanical, e1t'ctrical and plumbing syr;t(rl:rs arld all other fixtures and impt'ovements located thelr:in, e\cept as otherwise hereinafter specified. -3- The Owner of Unit B shall have a perpctual exclusive easement j.n, to, above and over the portion or Parcel 4A upon which such Encroaching Portion is located and the Unit and aII other improvements located upon such Parcel 4A for the encroachment, use, maintenance, support, repair and replacement of his Encroaching Portion lthe "Er,.roachingPortion Easement"). The the Owner of Unit B under the Encroaching Portion Easement for support and maintenance of his Encroaching Portion shall include an easement in and to those portions of Unit A located on Parce1 A necessary for the continued support and maintenance of such EncroachingPortion, including, but not limited to, the ceii-ing of the Unit A above which is located the Encroaching Portion and structural wa1ls and foundation of Unit A which support such ceiling and the Encroaching Portion (a11 of which portions of Unit A shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Encroaching Portion Structural Supports"). The Encroaching Portion Structural Supports shal1 be deemed a part of the "Party i.la1l" hereinafter described and the rights and obligations of the Owners with respect thereto shal1 be governed by the Party WaIl provisions hereinafter set forth. The Encroaching Portion Easement sha11 be deemed to benefit Unit B and burden Unit A, for such Encroaching Portion. No Encroaching Portion is located o'.-er Parcel B and therefore Unit B is not burdened by an Encroaching Portion Easement. Unit A does not include an Encroaching Portion and therefore no Encroaching Portion Easement benefits Unit A. 2. Easements for Encroachments. In addition to the easements h any portion of a Unit, including, without limitation, any balcony, fireplace, or roof eaves contained in the Unit vrhich constitutes a part of such Unit, now encroaches upon the other Unit or the Common Area as a result of the construction of any building or other improvement, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of reconstruction, repair, settling, shifting, movement or otherwise of any building or other improvement, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same shall exist so long as the building or other improvement exists. In the event any such building or other improvement shal1 from time to time be partially or totatly destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the buil-dings or other improvements on the other Unit, due to such rebuilding, sha11 be permitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those previously existing and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building or other improvenents shal1 stand. 3. Easements in Common Area. Each Ovrner shall have a non-exc1@oss, under and through the Common Area for the purPose of pedestrian and vehicular a(-cess, gardeningr open space, recreation, parking, maintenance, repairs, and for all purPoses reasonably nccessary to perform any duties or obligations or exercise any rights or easer,rents of such oitner as set forth herein. Thc use of such easement by an Owner shall be done in such manttcr as not to unreasonably interfere with the rights of tlrc other Owner as set forth hcrein. 4. Easements for Access and Uti. Iities. Declarant, its I include, for purpose:; hereof, any party acquiring an easement from, through or rtlder Declarant) , shall have an casement over. under and a,'ross that portion of any Common Area not occupied by.r structure or improvcment for the installation -4- operati-on, tnaintcnnrtcc , rct>,li r 7 alteration, inspection and replacement of uti ) i ty t inc-.s.; , i ncluding , but not 1i-mited to,'"tater 1ines, swer I i rrcs r 9ns I i nes, telepone 1ines, "elevision cable 1j nes .errcl cgu j,pment incidental thereto. pARTy t^tALL. (a) Thc cornmon wall placed on the common boundary-sE!.-irating Unit A and Unit B, the footingsunderlying and the portion of roof over such wall is collectivelyreferred to herein as the ,'part-y I^1a11". (b) To tl'rc extent not inconsistant with this)eclaration, the gcncral rules of law regarding party wa11sand liability for damage due to negligence, willful acts oromissions shall apply to the party WaII. (c) The owners of either unit sha1l have a perpetual easement in and to that part of the other unit on which the?arty I{all is located, f or party r,ra11 purposes , i-ncludingnutual support, maintenance, repair and inspection. In theerrent of Camage to or destruction of the Party IaIaIl from anycause, then the orvners shall at joint expense, repair orrebuild said party wall, and each owner, sha1l have theright to the fulI use of said party wal1 so rerrai-red andr:ebuiIt. I'lotwithstancling anytiing contained rto,r" to thecontrary, if the negligcnce, wi11fu1 act or omission of anycwner, his family, agent or invitee, shalI cause damage toor Cestruction of, the party hra11, such owner shall bear theentire cost of repair or reconstruction, and an owner who byhis negligent or rvillful act causes the Party Wa1l to beexposed to the elements sha11 bear the ful1 cost of furnishingthe necessary protection against such elements. LANDSCAPING, SERVTCE FACTLITIES AND PARKING. (a) The owne rffi sh-a-r-fffi ds capingand general outdoor improvements including but not limitedto driveway and parking areas as they may mutually andunanimously deem proper for the harmonious improvement ofboth units in a common theme, and, except for any expense orl-iabi-lity caused through the negligence or wi11fu1 acL ofany owner, his family, agent or invitee, which shall beborne solely by such owner, each owner shall share allexpenses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibilitiesv'ith respect to such landscaping and outdoor improvements. The owner of one unit shall not unreasonably damage thevalue of the other unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside,but both owners sha11 make all reasonable efforts Eo preservea harmonious common appearance of the units. Any substantialinodification to landscaping must have the prior consent ofthe other owner. Any replacement of a dead tree must be done with prior consent of the other owner and will becharged to landscaping costs. (b) Common utility or service connections or1ines, conmon facilities or other equipment and propertylocated in or on either of the units but used in common withthe other unit, if any, shall be owned as tenants in commonof equal undivided one-ha1f interests by the owners of eachunit and, except for any cr:pcnse or liabil j-ty caused throughthe negligence or willful act of any owner, his family,agent or invitee , which sha 11 be borne solely by such or^,rner,all expenses and liabilitics concerned rvith such propertv sha11 be shared proportionately rvith such orvnership.- Th;owner of the unit on rvhicS such property is not locatedshal1 have a perpetual crscrnent in and to that part of suchother unit containing such property as is reasonably necessaryfor purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. -5- (c-.) .; l: is: ,t:.:..,,-:,._.J'i-.c'i i l,.rf , r..i)o ' l.(ic:ir; f;rcili Lt:st'ri 1l be prr,.,v i rlc',] ,-,n ;t i..r tr. t ir;n ,,i- .:.; L ri i hr_, .rJr itS . ,Tlteo'.','ners shal. l lt,,.,vt, r-,,;,.:;t1. r,'i.r;hi- ) il.- r1;.: .)1 ,,;1,1i, o,ra"s!-; iqtfno oh'ner shal 1 l-ri nrlef or i,(iri il lr i .; i\,, ; I .-cc 1o hinclefreaSonabl€ ,1cr.r.-s;s by t-he ot-her ,),,.,'DC: i ,t tcl h j_s inv j-tees to th.jothet: owner ' s; rirr i t or pa rk ()]: [:cr rn j t-- ]r.j s i""i t.o" to pa rkany vr-hic:1c: cirr i,r;r: L,ri-ii-ki rrg .rricr a.-.i--css f acilily-"itno,rt ti-,econ:;eil t-. r,f i..lr(] .;t ltr:r- lrr.JnC r , I l. | 1, | 1.sr5,r1n13<j i-hat SrrOV.rplOWi nr; '," j .l1. bc I i:, lui i-,-rl i. l.r,rir t'ii:it i.r- ' ,,,,,, . I ltrl c,tL;ts 9f l",hich wil_1.or: :;har:erl )-,1t I ;,,, r il,..r .r | ,., ,. iit,, l, . r Oil , j. t_)i hcr: :ri,iintctra:1.:,:p,t-i-f r:r ilt;tr,-,.. ,i, r,l .,;r:lr :..: ,.1 ..t_rj.. :; f.,,ai1il, j-e s:rtay hr: rerlr;il-,..1 _ jrnc tc :, .,-i ,,j,c siirir€ r:tlaiI beu-trl,:,r t;ikcn Llp( j ji l_l:, :i .:lii .r..i.j r,,j , ..r jl.: r_; i the {1,.-,,tcrS whos.:al1 sharc .tl -L:iir..t:jcs. r. .. r r i , ; ., . , r_- o,..;t df .jhaI1 usc the (:rcairle:rt,i f ied !rp!)n the plat .rs , p.. r k i rg r-tasL-menl; Jpp,rraenantto the lot of the other oh:ner ((jxcept i:hat persoirs gainingaccess to t.rrrit B sha1l be per'ritted Lo c.osi the 'orthwestcorner of the parking easement appurtenant to Unit A foracccss to tjnit B) , nor shatl either O\n/ner park any vehicleon or otherwise occupy his portion of the part<i-r,g "uu"*.rain a manner rvhich rvi11 inteifere with vehilular or pedestria:-.access to the c--,1-rie,. Uni-t or t:o the parking eascment appurter..jntto the other: Un i t . , - _ U,rfnni\lr'1{iNr il , I'iiiri\l':\i\,Ii.:|i ;^',r' .i't-.,) tir:ii . (a) In adclition,LO mal nt err,rrt,rrt ])i .._r i(ii)rl lirt-r ii,,r ;rll, .,t theif .l)l-Opol-1 -l-Oil ,-,. a (j. ),,ii.r(t, 1_,r,..'irir., r ,-:i ,1, rr 16,;1.1,-"e andcxterior -r',''.'i,rr' i'o1 i-hr: ,'1i!: ',.r,J rJ : r.:r-r i,,,pr.oved portions ofthe par-'(..)1. ,r',:')), ;iir:jr i.i: is; L- ri.,,.i i,,,-;.r , ii.r.rr, but nOt llltj:::] l:r., ,'" i .,-r.r-ior ,.r Ils. i.,rr,tr ,,v'er shat 1 be responsiljleIOr- 1_ttc nt;t ' I',j : t(t Of iti:. r,.{r.t 1..)(.1r, UllfeSS the negleCt Ofsaid trraintcn;rrre c .rtfcct:; i.|.;, r.y21, l1r rual"f . If such repairsare not rnade in a ti:nely manner, t.he other owner may havethe regairs done at the proportionate expense of the owners.iiepair, replacernent or cleaning of ext.erior windorvs shar, I beconsidercd i'teri.'r *ai'tenanc6. rf the need for repair iscaused 1,,1-rro:i<Jh i I ,, ,r,:r-1 I ig1111"a or \,vil l frrl ,rr:l_ of any o\"rner,lris. iairi [1', .,(j,- -., ,'.,- l,,.rii.,_-,:, :;itt:h o\1rr),:.r rh..,:.1. 1 1_iear theent ir:c c)stj (-r 1: ,,i,: r ,: j.J..t i. l. O1-. t.e(j.il,:) i_ r,,.:. j;rr.r. EaCh Ownefslt..i.J 't;ri:tt;rilr '.lrr, ' :t.. j_o.:.. iJr',r),i.1,:..ti,,..1r r_r,, l,i,s un j.t so as noitc i1,-,:' tlr.:, t,l . ,,._, to t-,r_,. t;,: .- rr dr;wir or shoddy. (b; trr I jtc event an (.,,.!,,)er at his own expensei a i l r; l r) triairttai:r, preserve, ;rnd replace as needed, thetr'.,'e r ' ';irr-.1.,s ancl grass (the p1antings) within the pJ-opert).boi.rnrlar ies of his residence ct**ensurate with the standardsset .J-,y t:he ot.hcr residences in the To\,rn of Vai1, re othcro'!.''ne!s ray, af ter. 15 days written notice to the owner, ofsuch r,'i-lurc-- "r'd i.f \.rithin said t:ime the o,;ner iras failed L,_rnake ,r 1oocl f;r jtl,.,:f fcr-t to bring his pl,.i'ltt.i lqs i rri-o sl.tl),it_.Jconfr.)-,r,iLy ,.., r I,ir I i s ;rt' j,rhr:ors pl i;rti,.,,,., ,.llc ,",: 'i.,.L !_.;:i:.,, t 1...961-rl :.-,ih- rnrir !t r, ,..r1;'Sii_. 1c 1;;rr i-: i,-; iL: t'i,.,,j e):!_.1 , ,1 , ;-,;-) Of '.,r .ing r, .,,-i r :; lrlrltii.nrr:, rn,j ,;1t.,;,:., _,..i ,r,...,i,-;, ,l r.. --: , ,a.',: .:..ra:lt ,-,.):.;i ::: ,l j i:e ._itl,-j,tr-l LCr r i :-,. ti,, i ,,! i:h., 'I':.- -.:";:iL i,r '., 9r- ',t ilr C;' | (l .::.;' ,,<:'-l r.; ] li. i.i i., {. ) '.1.,,..}-r ,-'.;.:,.,r sj.,r I;'r :. ,i.,.rrt(,t ,rrt(l I e1;,ri r: Of t.:her itltl iirtir: (,\,.i..3:. _S .rnrii,,., I ltL:r,.! t'l ..'rd ::r;:LVinE Su, r.l r. t. .':; :,i, r I i be c,:r. .tr-r-l .ir, L .'i -irr; :;'tClt t..t I ' , l_ ... ;., . ,, ,t ( I f) ,,lt(1 J,., i;1rr lti.{ ,rrii-r r).) 1...1161. .lr : ,lii., r'S the S!. 1-rl,:1 rl1--l L :j Dr.r Ir -rn(. ,,r, I l i-) t' ',,'it jclr i r:t_cr f r^. 'l.,:: ,,.,ilir ,i: r t-. i ;i " I l_,, .. .,.\, ....:i.,..rl .,;rbl,, ...,.i,'.:i do nf 1, i ,,., i r- inr; t ,,,.]: . ,, alt.,i-.1 | i'1-, li .l ,r:)d,,:... clt ',:rit. orri'f , ', i-,ttlot.'r 9i,..t:,s er. j or r. a inl_cr-iancr:, f n i.r r.. r-.;l,r i6, 11 . i:n,:... i:.t,i '.t I. I rrc' ,t-rj; -r (jl oL ,i:]' : ..;:._S ,)i,,ii,l:,,r- r. tI-,, thr- i;):,' ,,:'lr.- ,.1';- t). -r,i i',; : (,1 ) Utility or service conn('ctions or lines ' facilities r,; 61-het,r-ti-lity equipment ;rnd ProPerty located. in, on or ul 'on c,ither of the units, which ire-"sed so1ely to suppty a selrrice or utility to one unit shall be owned by the owner ol the unit using such utility or service and all expenses antl Iiabilities for repair and maintenance shalI be borne solely by the owner of suth unit' who shall have a perpetual c,'rsemcnt in and to that putt'of such- other parcel or unit containing such property aL i'= reasonably necessary f -r purposcr; of mii,,tet'tttce , repair and inspection ' (c) Iio o\nner shall make or suffer any structural or design c).range (including a color scheme change) , either permanent or tei:lpor-ufy u"9.of any tyPe or "ltl]::-r'rhatsoever+a {-ha avtnr-i.rr tf hii unit or cbnstruct any addltional oiriii"g""i'=ti""ture of any type or nature whatsoever upon any part of ]'ris unit withoul tiist obtaining the.prior written consent thereto from the ottt"t otn"i ' which consent sha1l not be unreasonably withheld' Tn case of damage or acstruction of any unit or any part thereof by any cause h'hatsoever, the oiner of such unit shall cause with due diligence the unit to be repaire- and resLored' applying the proceeds of insuiance, if ai-ry, for that purpose'- Such unit sha11 be restored to a condilion comparubte- to that prior to the damage and rn a harmonious manner to promote the comlnon theme of both units' ALLocATIoN oF ExPENsEs. Costs and expenses of landscaping, .ur.riffiiffitki',q, arteration' maintenance and repairs, recreational- easement except as caused by the negligenc" ot tiiii"ir-tti of an otil"t' shaIl be allocated in the following Proportlons: Parcel 4A Parcel 48 66 2/3 Z 33 r/3 Z I,IECHANIC. S LIENS : INDEMNIFICATION. (A) EXCCPT f OT it"^=' rovided for herein ' if any owner shall cause any mateiial io be furnished to his parcel or unit tnet.o'' ot u-r'y labor to be performed therein or thereon, th" oif,.t owner -"nuf f not under any circumstances be liable for the pa)rment of any expense incurred or for the value of any rorL 'aorr. or material furnished; all such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done' and such o\.rner sr,air be soIe1y responsible to contractors ' Iaborers, materialmen and other pti=ot't furnishing labor or materials to hi=-;;i; or any impiovements therein or thereon; ""trri"g-herein contained snltt luthorize either ov'ner or any person dealing tniough, with or. under either owner to charge [i."""ra-"i t6" "tr,.i owner with any mechanic's lien or other lien or encumbrance whatever; and' on the contrary i;;;-""Ii"" i. t.i"fv given) the right anrl power to charge any lien or encumbtut-tt6 of any kind agaiit:^:i:..owner or against on. o*n".; =-""it for ivork done or materials furnished to the other ovJn..'s unit is hereby expressly denied' (b) Except as provided for below ' if ' because of any act or omission of any owner ' dDY mecbanic's or other Lien or orclcr r"."iit!-puy*""t of 'n'only shaIl be f iled against the other o\'.:ner' s unit or any itrprovements therein or thereon, or aEainst any other o'o-r'" t (whcther or not such ii;;-or'ordcr-is varid-or enforceable as such) ' the ov/ner whose act or o;ni=.iot forms the basis for such lien or order shall at his civn cost an^' e>:pense cause the same to be cancelled ana aiscnarged of iecord or bonded by a surety company ..ntor,-biy tc6eptaPi" i: such other o\''ner' within 20 days after the ;;i"-;i tiri"g thereof' atrd further sharr -'1 - ir:.Cemnj-fy and save 1-lrc otlrcr owDer harmless from and against any and all costs, ci:J)cnrres, claims, Iosses or damages,ineluding reasonable irttorney's fees resulting therefrom. INSURAIICE. (a) Each owner shall keep his unit and allfixtures tlerEin insured against loss or darnage by fire andextended coverage perils (incl-uding vandalism and maliciousmischief) for the replacemcnt va l-ue thereof. Any owner mayon 30 days' written notice, at any time one year or longerafter the last appraisal of the units, obtain a writtenappraisal of the other unit from a competent appraiser, in orCer to determine i-f said unit is insured to its repl-acementva1ue. Said appraisal shall be paid for by the orvner obtainingthe appraisal, unless said appraisal determines that theunit is under insured by more than 5? of replacement valuein which case the cost of .rppraisat shall be shared by the o\t:r€rs proportionately. Such appraiser shall be a disinterested and independent third party rvho 1s unrelated in any mannerto either olner whether through joint business adventures or of re r\ri se . (b) Each owner shall provide and keep in force,fo: the protection of himsel-f, general public liability andprcperty dainage insurance against claims for bodily injuryor death or property danrage occuring in, on or upon, hi-spa:cel orvned in fee sirnple and the improvements thereon, ina limit of not less than S300,000.00 in respect of bodilyinjury or death to any number of persons arising out of oneaccident or disaster, or for damage to property, and ifhigher limits shal1 at any time be customary to protectagainst possible tort liability, such higher limits sha11 becarried and each owner shall name the other owner as anadditional insured party under such policy. (c) Each owner shall deliver to the other o\^/rlercertificates evidencing aJ-1 insurance required to be carriedunder this paragraph, each containing agreements by theinsurers not to cance1 or modify the policies without givingthe other owner written notice of at least 30 days. Each owner shall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurance policies of the other owner. (d) Nothing provided in this paragraph shallprevent the owners from jointly acquiring a single policy tocover any one or more of the hazards reguired in this paragraphto be separately insured against by each owner. DAI4AGE OR DESTRUCTION DESTRUCTIOII OF rI'IPROVEMENTS ON PARCEL. (a) In theevent y fire or otherdi,saster, the insurance procceds, shalI- be used to repair and reconstruct the unit. The o'v;ners shal1 then promptlyauihorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work andthe insurance proceeds will be applied by the owners todeiray the cost thereof. "Repair and reconstruction" of theunits, as useC herein. means restoring the improvements tosubstantially the same conclition in rvhich they existed priorto the damage with each unit having the sa;ne boundaries as be iore . (b) If the insurance proceeds are insufficient torepair and reconstruct any clemat_:ed unit, such damage ordestruction sha1l be promptly rclaired and reconstructed bythe owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of aspecial assessment against Lhe owner of the damaged unit, or -B- furds advanced or obtainr'tl l-)v the other owner. Any such assessments sha1l be equirl t,t the amount by vrhich the cost of reconstruction or repirir of the unit exceeds the sum of the insurance proceeds al locable to such unit. Such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (30) days after written n.rtice thereof. Th,] special assessment provided for herein shall be a del>t of each owner and a lien on his parcel and the improvements lrereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. Nothing herein shall obligate thc or.uner t'6 advance any funds. (c) Notrvithstanclirrg the above, the owners and first mortgagees of any or a1t of the destroyed or damaged units may agree that the destroyed or damaged units shall forthr+ith be demolisl-red and alI debris and rubble caused by such demolition be removed and the parcel(s) regraded and landscaped. The cost of such landscaping and demolition work sha11 be paid for by any and all insurance proceeds avai 1ab1e. D.AMAGE TO PARCEL 4C, COIUMOI.I AREA. fn the event of danagffi-ilI-or a Fortion of the commom area due to fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds if sufficient to reconstruct or repair the damage, shall be applied by the owners to such reconstruction and repair. If the insurance proceeds with respect to such access and parking easement damage or dcstruction are insufficient to repair and reconstruct the damaged or destroyed Cornmon Area, the or.,'ners shaLl consider a special assessment. If such assessrnent is approved by both or.rners, the owners shall make such assessment and proceed to maJ<e such repairs or reconstruction. If such assessment is not approved, the insurance proceeds may be applied in accordance with the wishes of the owners, unless nade jointly payable to the orvners and the first mortgagees of their respective parcels, if any. The assessment as to each onner and parcel shall be equal to the assessment against every other owner and parcel. Such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (30) days after wri-tten notice thereof. The assessment provided for herein sha1l be a debt of each owner and a lien on his parcel and the improvements thereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. RIGHT TO LfEN. A. If an owner, at any time, shall neglect or -reTuse to perform or pay his share of any obliga- tion required hereunder, the other owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after 20 days written notice unless the circumstances. require immediate action, make such payment or, on behalf of such other orvner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligati-on including, but not lrrnited to, the payment of any insurance premiums required hereunder or the undertaking of any work required hereunder for repair, restoration or maintcnance, and such other owner shall have an easement in and to that part of such defaulting o'...'ner' s unit as is reasonably necessary for such repair, re stor:at ion or maintenance. B. AI1 sums so paid or e;':pcnded by an owner, with interest thereon at the rate of 18 percent per year from the date of such pa1'ment or c>:1>encl i ture, shall l:e payable by the o'..,'--r e r so farIirg to pcrform (tlrc "'lcfaulting owner") upon cl.=:n.lnd of the other owncr. C. Al1 surns so demandc'd l>ut ri:rpaid by the defaulting o...,'ne r shal1 corstitute a licn on the unit of the defaulting -9- o\{ner in fav,rr of the other owner pri or to all otlrc.r licnFand encumbrallgss r €xc€pt-, !i) liens for taxes ancl specialassessl"rent; nnd, (ii) Lhe lien of any f irst mortgagc orfirst deed oI trust of record encumbcring such rrni!. Thelien shall attach from the date when tlre unpaid sum shallbecome due arrd rnay be f r-rreclosed in like rranner as a mortqageon real propurty upon the recording of a notice or claimthe::eof execrrted by the nondefaulting owner setting forththe amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the def aulting o\,rner, upll a description of the unit. In anysuch foreclosure the defaulting owner shal1 be reguired topay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, includingreasonable attorneyt s fees. D. The lien proviied for herein shall be subordinateto the lien of any first nortgage or deed of trust, includingall additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of anyunit as the result of court foreclosure of a rnortgage,foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceeding inlieu of foreclosure, sha1l extinguish the lien of such assessments as to payrnents thereof which become due prior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any former owner of personal liability therefor. The mortgagee of suchunit who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the takingof a deed in lieu thereof, shalI not however, be liable for any past due assessment and shall only become liable forfuture assessments on the date it becomes the owner of suchunit. No sale or transfer shaIl relieve such unit fromliability for any assessments thereafter becoming due orfrom the licn thereof. In the event of the sale or transferof a unj.t wj-th respect to which sums shall be unpaid by adefaulting owner, except transfers to a first mortgagee inconnection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in lieuthereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such unit shal1 be jointly and severally liable wj-th theseller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. E. Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee,prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective trans- feree of a unit, the owner of the other unit sha1l issue avtritten statement setting forth the amount he i-s owed underthis paragraph, if any, rvith respect to such unit. Suchstatement is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a reguest for such statement shall be complied with lrithinfifteen days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such statement. AD}III.I I STRATION AIID TIANAGEIqENT ALL OIT'}iERIS RESPOI']SIBLE - ULTIMATE COI{TROL RESOLUTIO}.I Both r:arcel owners sha mutually responsible for theadministration and manaEement of the obl-igations createdhereunder- I;owever, in the event both owners cannot mutua111' agree when a decision is required by this Declaration, the impasse shall be rcsol-ved as fo11ov;s: (a) Dccision required second year thereafter: Parcel 4F^ (b) Dccision required second vear thereafter: Parcel 4B in year 1983 and every owner's decj-sion is binding in year 1984 and every owner t s decisi-on is bindin,r OVERRIDE. In the event any owner believes, based on the standa-rCi of the reasonable man, (i) that an impa.sse - 10 - <lecision has bec1l ntacle j ncorrectly or <-'otttrary t.o theDeclaration or (ii) that the owner in ul timate r--ontrol isguilty of mis- r riral-, or non-feasancc with respect to this Declaration then the aggreived owner trray petition the Eagle County District ('ourt for a judicial rlctermination of the controversy whiclt dccision shall be binding upon both owners. The Court may as:iess costs and any reasonable attorney fees as may have been incurred by the parties based upon the neri ts of the cal;e. USE RESTRICI'Iot.1s . (a) Each uni t sha I I be restrictedto a iEGJde-ntf al--d\,relling as a permittecl use, and such use as rvell as condj-Lioned and accessory uses sha11 be definedby the Town of Vail zoning Restrictions. (b) lJo exterior mounted radio, shortruave, or other type of antenna (except for a television antenna) ivhatsoever or tank of any kind, either elevated or buried, or clothesline or incinerator of any kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal property shall be permitted or naintained on either unit without the prior written approval of both o\{ners. (c) No animals shall be kept or maintained in, on or ul)on either unit, except that cach owner may keep and ma j ntain vrithin hi s unit trvo domesticated dogs arrcl/or two domesticated cats; provided, however, that such dor,iesticated .rnirnals are kept under corrtral at a1f times, do not present a nuisance to the owner and are kept controlled in strict complinace with all Town of Vail ordinances that may apply to such anirnals. (d) In addition to the parking restrictions set forth in subparagraph LAIJDSCAPINGf SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKING (c) above, each owner may keep no nore than three automotive vehicles permanently on his unit. Parking of boats, trailers, campers, motor homes, ATVs or recreational vehicles on either unit is expressly prohibiteC. Parking of more than three autornotive vehicles by either ortner or his f amily, agent or invitee in such o\,uner's unit for more than a 48 hour period is expressly prohibited. (e) No "time sharing", "interval ownership" or siniiliar interest, whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis, shalI be established on either unit rvithout the prior written approval of both owners and a1I lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parcel 4A or Parcel 48, which apr.,roval shal1 be ref lected in a document of record. NOTICE. Each owner shal1 register its mailing address with EIe other owner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon oh'ners shall be sent by certified mai1, Dostage prepaid, addressed in the name of the owner at such registered mailing address. In the alternative, notices rnay be dclivered if in writing, personally to owners. DURATION OF IIFICLAR\TION, Each provision containcd in this Declarat-ibn-wlli-ch-Ts-G[lject to the larvs or rules sonetimes referrcd to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibitit'l9 uit:easonable restraints on alienation shal1 ccntinue and remain i-n ful1 force and effect for the period of 2I years folloi"ing the death of the last survivor or --rre-vier-rg1-esqPc!-=.- _-, or until this Declaration is tcr-m-i natcd as hcrr-'i tl.rf ter pror':..ied, whichevcr f irst occurs. AIl other provisiorls contained in this Declaration shall continue and remnirr in full force and effect until Jatruarv t, 2013 A.D,, an(l tl)creef ter for successive periotls o[ 10 - t1 - years each; unless at least I year l;rior to J.rnuary l, 202'3A-D.' or at leas: l year prior to ilre cxpiration oi any such10 year period oi extended duration, ilril Declaration isterminated by recorded instrument, clirecting termination,signed by all ornrers and all lienors holdini a first mortgageor first deec of trust of record on any portion of parcer Aor Parcel B. AI{ENDMEI.IT Oi REVOCATfON. This Declaration may beamend@J--by oeclar.rnt so long as Declarant or.rn s both Pa r:ce I 4A and pa rce I 4B , or (b) ,rpor, ,r.,-r,i-mouswritten approval in recordabre form of all trrr"t= and alllienors holdrng a first mortgage or first deed of trust ofrecord on any po:tion of parcel 4A or parcel 48. EFFPCT OT P:OVIgIO CLAR4TTON. Each provisionthis Declaration, a@, "orr"r,-i-rl- andundertaking to ccnply with each provision of this Declaration,and any necessar-\- exception or reservation or qrant oftit1e, estate, right or interest to effectuate any provisionof this Decraration: (i) shatl be deemed incorporated ineach deed or other instrument by which any righl , title ori-nterest in any ccrtion of parcer 4A or pircel 48 is granted,derrised or conve'. ed, rvhether or not set forth or refeired toin such deed or cther instrument; (ii) sha1l, by virtue ofacceptance of an1' right, title or intercst in any portion ofParcel 4A or Parce1 48 by an owner, be clee*ed ac-epted,ratified, adoptei and declared as a personal covenant ofsuch owner and, as a personal covenant, sha11 be binrling onsuch owner and his heirs, personal reprcserrtatives, successorsand assigns; and, shal1 be deemed a personal covenant to,with and for the benefit of each owner of any portion ofParcel 4A or Parcel 48; and (iii) shall be deemed a realcovenant by DecJ-arants, for themselves, their heirs, personalrepresentatives, successors and assigns, and also an equitabteservitude, runninE, in each case, as a burden with and uponthe ti-tle to each and every portion of parcel 4A and parcel 48. EI.TFORCEMENT -\ND R_EI4EDIES. (a) Each provision of thisnccla le by ..ry orr., by a proceedingfor a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit oraction to recove:: damages. rf court proceeding= .re institutedin connection witl the rights of enforcement and remediesprovided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shalt beentitled to recover its costs and expenses in- connectiontherewith, includingf reasonable attorney fees. (b) Each owner hereby agrees that any and allactions in eguitl' or at 1aw which are instituted to enforceany provision hereunder sharl be hrought i-n and only in theDistrict Court of Eagle County, State of Colorado. (c) Failure to enforce any provision of thisDeclaration sl'rall not operate as a waiver of any such pro_vision, the right to enforce such provi-sion theleafte.l otof any other pro\': sion of this Declaration. EXERCISE OF 3JGHTS. Any exercise of any right grantedhereundc-r by -one .-vnEFwi th -respect to the other owner,s "-i+ in^l,,/ii^^ '-,urrr L -!rrLrut-rrrr9 r.rdi not limj-ted to thc u:;e of it i-t'r, cds€fl1€Dtgranted herein sha1l be exerci-sed in a manner ,*hich shal1not unreasonably hinder, impede or i:npose rrpon such otherowner's use of his unit. SUCCESSORS +i!_AqSIGNS. Except as otlrcrv.rise providedherein, -tIIF;ecLration aE-al1 be Lirrding rr)on *nd sha11inure to the bene:it of Declarant ar-rd c..rch c;',,'n e r and the -12- L-.e,m-- - -r-'.. v heirs, Personal- riiprcsctltatives ' successors and assigns of each. SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of any ..o.,iffisDcc1aratioirinr'hoIeorinpartshaI1not;;;";;-;il. ""riJitv ". ""i"iceable part of a provision of :his Declaration. CAPTIONS. The captions and headinqs in this instrument are i6i-Eoiveni"n." ;;it-;;; irturl not be considered in cons:ruing any provisio'ns of this Declaration' CONSTRUCTTON. When necessary for proper construction 'tn.n'iffi""v'"'a.-"i"ai".thisbec1arationsha1Iincludethefeminineorneutergenderrandthesingularthe c1ura1 and vice versa. IN WITNESS WIiEREOF Declarant cc Subscribed and sworn to before me this l&fuay ot .'.\\' -$r' S; j, t.= ): has executed this Declaration vElasquez -.his t99{ day of February, 1983,,-\ I \ STATE OF COLORADO COU}iTY OF EAGLE Febr-uary, I983 , by Javier V/dlasQuez Witness mY hand and official seal' My commission expires: l,ly Comni:sicn expires lotary Pu Address: lvlay 30,1983 - 13 - '{U'7 d. ,'v1 Inu Y' Prt 6'o1-i UAdr3 3 A} e! df t-+-l/r34 .'--t,_ \r s_i. x -6\r q k ;-+d i -.-l '*(- \ r )a t! w-u, ., I0l iJ" , 'l I F. ' r.l>- t\'rry -!til r'J,e, v KKBHA Inco? 9o?dlaal Conrulti|lg €ngi6ear3 eToN€. {eNreR &an-v. =az-e.e.d@ f5o l(ouo.t-. RP-fAr ry r ryG vt-zA r-l- DETiArl- *s * Lg t6't a,a, t Project Application Project iame: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ULegal Description: Lot / , Block Comments: Filing Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL rI 8483. Sl (15) 8444 (20) 8083 ',.. St (14) 8084',(27\ 8085 sr (39) 8086 ar (50) 8087 (58) 8088 sr (67) sr (30) 8486 (50) (4b/ 8783 -III 8883 -" Sr (10) 8884 . (18) 8885 sr (30) 8880 (40) 8887 152) 8888 sr (68)III8983.-- (10) 8984 - (18) 8985 sr (30) 8986 (43) 8987 (56) 8988 sr (68)IIffiII 9085 i 9185III (32) (34) Sl (s|llkat) Die mil Sl gekenn- zeichneten FErbldne Bind in Silikatfarbe lielerbar. ErEuterungen Commentaire Comment 80s0 .'.- (58) J i;'.3* s Ei -=7 =- :X: !: P!E .E Tq = ,o dE; ! ^!Y> e-_ ;1: -.:' ; 9. Y .o <d . 3E?i f r+ y:a I := :d 9 ,l* E:: -< ^!' lq He-di !) o= : a, {"iq d 6d : 6 q. oo 6 oo sr (14 9083. Sr (16) 9084 9183 ..', Sl (15) 9184'91 86 IIiltr III 8785 8185 Sl (30) 8186 (45) 8187 (52.\ 8188 sr (66) sr (38) 8286 (50) 4287 (60) 8288 sr (70) \44) 8587 (5s) 8588 sr (68) (48) 8687 (56) 8688 sr (65) sr (36)8786 (48) a787 (60) 8788 sr (70) l44l 9087 (52) 9088 sr (64) (48) 9187 (56) 9188 sr (68) sl (72) a+84 --€t*€AI___-_..- Soee'lt Su,n, . Col or 9283 . Sr (11) 9284'(22) 9285 Sr (32) 9286 (41) 9287 (s3) 9288 sr (62) a re sY STEME STO-COL o ORCommentai Pr6face La nouve le carte de nuances repr6sente une aide elficace pour a realisatron en couieurs et, en meme temps, elle repond aux sou haits du public et des specialistes, quj tendent a une cadre de v e meilleu r en couleurs agreables. Le nouveau SYSTEME STO-COLOR se differe des nuanciers STO precedents par le fait qu'il permet de creer plus dune seule composition de teintes. Ci-aprbs, nous vous expliquons le nouveau SYSTEME STO- COLOR par rapport a sa composition et a ses avantages prati- ques. SYSTEME STO-COLOR I Le systdme STO-COLOR a 6t6 etabli ensebasantsurletrangie des couleurs analogues: (voir page de titre) 2. Le systdme STO-COLOR permet de composer, a Iaide d une seule teinle de base. non seu ement une s6rie de teintes ec airircis- santes mais meme 4 dilf6rentes series de terntes oui se comolatent oarlaitement enlre elles Serie eclairircissante = Teinte de base mdlangee avec du blanc Sdrie mate = Teinte de base melang6e avec du gris de 600,,0 env 36rie assombrissante = Teinte de base rrelang6e avec du norr Sdrie ombr6e: Untente de la serie assombrissante m6lanode avec la teinte parallele de la s6rie 6c aircissanle. Les dift6rentes teintes de chaque sdrie individuelle s'harmon sent oarfaitement entre elles. Cr6er avec une seule couleur (monochrome) To!tes les teintes se trouvant surdes lignes paralldlesa!x c6t6s du triangle s'harmonisent parfaitement entre e les. Des s6quences absolument exactes s obliennent avec des nuances situ6es sur la bissectr ce lransversale de I'angle. NIeme la composition tout a fait arbitraire de teintes laisant parlie du triangle des couleurs analogues ne causera aucune discordance grave. Pour les faQades, il convient part culidrement de cho sir les teintes de la s6rie 6clairircissante et de la serie mate. ou bien encore les nuances clarres de la serie assombrissante. Cr6er avec plusieurs couleurs (polychrome) En se basant slr les principes de la chromatique et, en mCme lemps. sur les possibilites qu'offre le systdme STO-COLOR, ilest possible, sans cependant tomber dans la routine, de rdsoudre bien des Drobldmes concernant la r6al sation en couleurs. Voila des possibilites cr6atrices vraiment illimitees pour tous Nous mettons a la disDosition de nos clients un dossier com prenant, p. ex , les d6finit ons suivantes: Triangle de Goethe (l nfluence des couleurs sur la disposition de l'ame et lelat d esprit; cercles de couleurs; conlre couleurs, accord de troist resp. de quatre couleurs) Parametre (harmonie), Contraste (valeur de figLrresi tace-arriere et haut-bas), Facteur dominant facteur subordonne accenl (d6composi- t on de la surface et de lespace en cou eurs dom nantes et cou- leuts seconoarresl. Par suite de linitiative de la Ste. Stolmeisler + Co., Farben- und BaJstoff-Kc. le doss er a ete elabora dans le cadre du sdminaire "Couleurs - surfaces - espaces,. en collaborat on avec l lnstilut fur Farbenpsychologie (lnstitut de recherches et d Otudes du con- ditionnement des couleurs), Marquartstein. Commentaire sur les d6tails au dos des feuilles de couleurs Dosages pour nuancer soi-mCme avec les leintes de base du systdme STo-COLOR: Les dosages figurant au dos des teuilles susmentionn6es ont pour base la peinture pour faqades STO-CRYLAN. Pou r ce qui concerne nos autres produits, ces dosages n'onl qu'une valeur approxi- mative- Les ch lfres indiqu6s correspondent aux pourcentages en DOtdS. Luminosild Comparaison avec I'albedo d'un gris defini de l'6chelle internationa e des gris. VWS Cette teinte convient tout particul drement pour le sysldme d'isolation thermique totale de STO. Au cas ou cetle reference n'est Das donn6e, la teinte en question ne doit pas 6tre utilis6e. R6sistance a la lumiere , Les valeurs de rdsistance d la lumidre port6es dans un cadre E correspondent au x indices de solidtt6 e la lum dre de l 6chelle pou r Ia laine qui comprend I cat6gories ou: 8 = excellente (mei leure) resistance d la lumidre; 7 = sup6rieur;6 = trds bien. teintes solides a la lumidre. Pour l'exterieur, il est recommande d'utiliser seulement les teintes caract6ris6es par les indices de soliditi6 A la lumidre no. "8" et "7". Observations particulidres Les supplements pour les teintes intenses se trouvenl en bas du num610 s'y rapportant. Les teintes inlenses ne sont livrables que pour peintures exterieures, peintures int6rieures r6sistantes au trottement et enduits a base de r6sines synthetiques. Tous les enduits, revetements rnuraux et peintures peuvent Ctre nuancds en usine. ll y a cependant lieu de remarquerque certains diflerences de tons peuvent se produire dans la pratique en raison des diff6rentes structures des mat6riaux. Oe l6gers 6carts de teinte ne peuvenl pas toujours Ctre 6vites par rapport a la carte d 6chan- tillons. Au cas ou I exactitude absolue de la nuance desiree est in- dispensable, il est conseil16 de nous soumettre un petil morceau de votre carte de coloris. Etant donndes les variations des matidres premieres, nous nous reservons le droit de faire de ldgers dcarts de leinte. Cela vaut en particulier pour toutes les commandes supplementaires Commandes supplementaires: Afin de pouvoir fabriquer exacle- ment la nuance ddsir6e. il ne suffira pas de prectser le numdro de la teinte voulue. Dans ce cas, nous vous prions de nous indiquer le numero du bulletin de livraison et/ou le numdro de la facture de la premidre commande pourque nous soyons en mesure de vous fournir precis6ment la nuance d6siree. Teinles pour enduits: ll se poulra que, parsuite des mutations dans la maqonnerie, les enduits a teintes claires deviend ront 169drement mats; ils se lerniront. Au cas ou vous ddsirez cependant recevoir la nuance absolument vive, le prix y relatif augmentera de 10-200/0. 4'.i' ''-w .r' a Proiect Name: Project Application ?g Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date I T 1 ..:Motion by: Seconded by: $APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL --*i.;:'s . -' - ... -'* Urt 4 '(rrero ry r,f,j,' 41.^.'/ e;r-1 w+'ta' -- I frV 49a(+J, /tia''a aig'lf .l I --r-- - - ---'l -F--1 BESTCOPY AYAII,,ABIE t I -"1.|.'1..i, lI .', t U?t (** fA't'" ''l r ili -LL? ) -t/ \:7 ' I d-_ I I __J_ I I NW,*' , I '/:-'A/t_ *- :2,,VAff e-- r..i -_- - ____.-.-_i- - --.- .-i I ,,*ss! o I'lo. D]S1']RIC'I '";OF EAGLE OP COi,ORADO .J aCivil Action IN'i'liE COUNTY S fATE Bl-cv-328 STl P ULATION I^JESTERN IIANAGEME\]T COUPANY, THE TOi^lN OF VArL, et aI, P t,a r ni r f t Defendants |,1 i.i c)? 1C.'?.J.-1 'I aJ { l.-!,{- /. ^'.J.--i.- (-iik-: ..-, :,, -'.t-:1 The oarties stioulate: 1. That judoement wiIl enter for the Plaintiff and aqaj,nscthe Defendant on Count 1of the Cornofaint (Rule 105A4 Review) incor_ooratinq therein the terms and conditions of this stioulation. 2. That uoon the comoletion of the imorovements, includinqthe landscaoing situated on Lot 4, Block 1, first filing, potato patchsubdivision, Vair, Eagle county, cororado, in accordance with thenlans oreviously aooroved, as modi-sied by actual construction com-oleted and the orovisions of this stioulation, saidimcrovements sha1l be deemed to comoly in al1 resDects with thezoninq or{inances and buildi6q ordinances of the Town of vai1. . ,J ,. (a) The plaintiff shal1 emoloy a coforacro reqisrered I€noinssr comDetent in structuraJ- engineeri'g'to insoect arlstructurar comoonents, includinq the foundation, of the imorovemenrand-certifir his findinqs of rvhether the structure-.";"ii""' ;i;;";;"uniform building code as adooted on July 30, l9B0 by the Town of Vail tothe Tor^,'n Buirding of f icial. For each structure comoonent where thelmDrovement does not comory with the uniform building code, theenqineer shall r)reDare a reoort of required corrective constructionfor aooroval gf the chief building officiat. . V/ (b) Pricr to the commencemen*- of anv work on theDrerrses, the enoineer and town building official sharl Dreoare aounch list of afl non structure items that shall be corrected,comoleted or undertaken for comol-iance with the uni- f orm buildino code. any other punch list itemsf construction, the enqineerv determine whether the itemnstruction. 1rcomoletion o sha11 jointl rnan n er of foI Iv4. to c lear all are discovered during the and town buildinq official must be corrected and the The exterior siding in the structure shaIl be chanqedheart, vertical grain, \ X 6, olain bevel redwood (CRA) 5 - The Plaintif f sharr builcr the lar.rdscaDe DreDared byGary Roess)-er, 2305 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado, which was oresented It to the Des i txrQ?.;:,:l' illl:$,r:."r'S,seorember 3, 1e80,with the u;.li*tl:"1:l]y: rhe, plaintiff shalr have the drainase::;1.:::"5'::l-:l^1"::^ ?- :i_.1: _ i;:d:;.;;";i";"::"::;":'i;": il: ?':1.:t,11_:,:":l: :;;:a:11,., !",'in!=iilil"l!.j;,i:.S:"i::;u,;;:';i:;"3, i?':::::-i":t:::: :1". i;;i;-;:';i?; ;;:i:':3 5I"in".u ?Lot 4 ofi Lots 5 an. o ot riisi-iiii""l ;;::i:";"lln'"Blilr;;:T"" O rherr,.,ascayorllt"St?jli:*:.shatr add additionar orantinos to theas follows: (A) to the east elevationr ?a9e 2 of the landscape olan,3 - B'-10' Enqleman Soru"" u" "il".a b)rthe landscaoe architect.(B) to the south elevation, oaqe 3 of the fandscaoe olanbetween the'boundary :-ine .;-;;; 4 - 5 .r,a ir-,. lJw oornt of thedrainaqe swale, 1.:_zt'; 'tu.J"ilii otu.ea Ascen rrees and 30 fiveqal-lon narive shrubs. rhe natiire ah;;;"'^;;Iir'i!'olaced so as roeffectivelv Landscage the arainaqe srvale. 2- wa 1l- oared bvBoard Se 11orejudice - (C) to the west elevationr Daee 5 of2 --B ' - 10' Encrleman Soruce as iocated bv the the landscaoe olan,landscaoe architect(D)53u.f.rl3:.:"?+::.li?lt eale .7 of the randscape o1an, ' .,"*":::,^,.1?. : -':y:_:"]i:;-;;;i;. ";ili,,i.'io.::"j:"1;:.iE.llil;" :: :l:_:tlin!1rr-sha11 bui.ld the deck on the west L(fn Keember 2, 1981, and VaiI r"r" C"""cj-l septeil;r-i;, 1981 9. That the Plaintiff :frall build the retainin wq 11 serie sanoscaoe olans arrand submitted to Va : ---:--::'-rrJ !eudfeo bV (_;aI. \,' FOocauesrqn Rev-iew Boa-!q, Supt"*b"te -*T ffi.r-;:---:'-r--::-"::r1t!91 !5-r I 981, with the fol towinq moeTiiia- ffi::., :,;;;, .. :::.::: : :1.1_ ;"[;;t r;;".I=ij i,i=$.lll""iE,r., That all other claims l.rerein shal_l be dismissed wi_th Uw,,, U"L feurvn twtb4rr\ 7vftr"I : tiolC=-{Ies, - ' --:-vvr.ve! 1'r rv(1 r, wl-En the tolfowing 4od!fiE- I denlcted o,-, .S'f$l9oY;ull-i.li,-t!3r!*Ie-", .s!,9p .q19i-ni3e-,,rv,a-l1-series /uFta;.J i; ;;;"r;i-".a=iEl"cr.on.. and ,,south Erevation,,- diewinqs_snarr i --- 10. That tho r.'^rt ^{-.:*--1-, 1=- 10. That. the work sliourated. to herein shall n" ih€Ein the 1982 buii-dinq.;;;;;: )Lf{t+rn -2- chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 50! RD. 15. OLEXWOOO 3rfitXO!,COLOt OO llaa,r 3!/ras-tast Jure 30, 1982 Subject: Dccarration O)ser:\ration, P:oposed Retaining Wa1I Sys@n, I-ot 4, Blod< 1, Fotato Patch Subdiwision, VaiI, Colorado Job No. 22,966 Nelson Zeeb ConstnrLion Oo. P.O. Box 685 A.rcn, O 81620 Centlsrerr: . ' As requested, r,e obseraed the ercavation at tlre subject site qt June 24 and 25, 1982 tD determine tlre general sr:bgrade conditions for for:ndation sr4:port, Iie previously corducted a site obserrration of tlre e><isting residence concrerning site gr:ad.inq ard for:rdation const:uction on Augl:st 19, 1981-. At the tjrre of our site visits, excavaLion to for,:rxlation bearing level tnd essentially been corpleted. Cut depths ranged to a nraxirrnm of about 10 feet on the uphi11 side and daylighted to the southeast. ltre excavation steFped lq) to ttre west.. Ttre proposed retainirg wa)-l qgsten appr^oxi-nately enorpasses the entire south building lile ard hal-f of tlre e.qt buildilg l-ine. Ttre soils orposed at t}te bottcrn of the eccavation consisted predonilantly of silty to clayey sands ard gravels r,,rith scattered oobbles and occasional boul-ders. Results of gradation tests perfo:rred on the mjnrrs 4-inch fraction of tJle natrral soils are presented on ttre attad€d figure. At the southeast outside corner, lcru density siltsstil1 rsrra-i.ned i-n the e><cavation. Considerable loose disturbed soil was also obsenred at the bottcrn of tlre rnajority of tlle excavalion. A keln'ray trendr about 1 fot vride ard 2 V2 feet deep had been excavated wittLintie lolqer 3 r,ra11 section. A milor arDr.trlt of pondilg water, al4urerrtly frcrn seepa.ge, was obserlred at ttre nortleern erxi of the key'ay trerch. lVe ulderstand tle bearing pressure inposed by the reta.ililg wallfotrdalion is less tlnn 31000 psf. Ihe coarse grranular soils belcr,r the lovr density silts and loose distr:rbed soils shoul_d be srritable for fourrlatjon sLFporL. Tfre sr:bexcavation to renove ttrc silt or lose soils strould be bad<filled witi concret€ or coarse gnanular soil curpacted toat least l00t standard Pl:octor density. A relati-vely free drainirrg grranular rnaterial stpuld be used as bad<fill ird an urderdrain or rreeptnle OFFICES: CAgP€n . COLORADO SPntNG3 e ggpygg . SALT LAiE CtTy June Page Nelson Zeeb Cons truction @' 30, 1982 2 ptease call. SLPldc cc: KKBilA Attn:Brian Kurtz veq' trulY Yours' { GIU\I AND ASSOCITIIES' NC. _ <2/- /.2 -/"b-*M"ak'P.E. svstsn stculd be prowided to prelert-buildrp of occessive-llfdrostauic piessures. ltiscellaneous uu"Lfifl'p:-al Gtt"="t' tlre retainillg e'all ard existirg rqsidence "ioJA Ue carpaciea to at least 908 stardard hctor density and capped -ilh ; i"GUittry i"e"tttitt" soil to reduce roisture ixfiltration ard gror.u.d settlenent' ltris reporb is based r4nn obsenration of the soils'eposed in ttE open e<cavation. r";tdt"-to revear ut;;;;il oorditions belovr for:rdation elevations, eralorati;-;uE be required' It is possiJcle that tte subsoilsbeloltlpseeposedjntheoperro<cavationrrayctrarrgeardnay contradict tlle reccnnerdations presented jlt this reporb ' If nou Irave any quesLions or if we can be of fi:rther sel:\rice' ffi'k'ift}! t szzz lrl'"e "'T@?-tS o chen and associates, inc. HR. 7 HR. MIN 15 MIN 21 o z t-z o o = z 80 30 o$2 iF 50(r z 80() 70 z z o 60 MrN '19 MIN 4 MrN I MtN CLAY TO SILT GRAVEL 48 % LIOUID LIMIT srvplE or silty u2 otnuettR oF pARTtcLE tN MTLLtMETEHS 3" 5"6" 6' 't 9.1 38. r 127 | r52 % excavat ion SAND 32 % srLT AND cLAy 20 PLASTICITY INDEX sand G gravel FROM Botton % of ANDAAD SEFIESHB 7 HR- MIN 15 MtN 21 a5 r@ @ MtN 19 MrN a MtN 1 MtN '2m .100 CLAY TO SILT '50 '10'30 .16 '10,'8 | 590 r19 Q.o12 2.O OIAMETER OF PARTICL€ IN MILLIMETEHS lg.t 38.t 76.2 121 | 152 cRAVEL 45 * sANo 34 x srLT ANDcLAy 23 96 LfourD LtMtr ZS * "aosnctry tNoEx 7 'h SAMPLEoF clayey sand 6 grcvel FRoM Botton of excavation HYDROMETER ANALYSIS #22,966 GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig o Ilucrr.e'x-lN, Trror'ra's .a'r.ro Jorrlrsort PI|OFESSTONAL CORPONATION ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LA\f' T2499 'W'EST COLFA)< .f,\/ENUE. SUITE .{ LAXEW'OOD' COLORADO 8oel6 (303) e3€ _ e404 5 DON E. TBASLEY -.- 'l/ ( -l rcd*f,'t qtl / i)n'rt April 30, 1981 Mr. Steve Patterson Building Department Town of VailVai1, Colorado 81557 Dear Mr. Patterson: You and I met briefly in Vail some months ago. You may recall that I represent Georges and Jocelyn Boyer, whom you know in connection with building activity taking place on Lot 4 in Potato Patch, which adjoins Lots 5 and 6, which are owned by Mr. and Mrs. Boyer. As you know, much correspondencer conver- sation and concern has taken place regarding the construction undertaken by CDS Enterprises on Lot 4, because that construc- tj-on work seems to continually violate and adversely affect the property lines and the land itself of Lot 5. The actions of the builder also appear to directly violate construction standards clearly established by the Town of Vai-l. While meeting with Mr. Boyer a few days ago to cover a variety of matters, we began to discuss the continui-ng problem of construction on Lot. 4, and due to the fact that despite legal action which has been taken by Mr. Boyer against the owner and the contractor, despite warnings which have been given to the contractor by you and other city officials, intrusions on the Boyer property and violations of ordinances continue to occur. Mr. Boyer has asked that I write on behalf of him and his wife to make clear the exact nature of the recurring and most recent problems and to ask that the city take whatever steps it can, as quickly as it can, to see that the construction on Lot 4 be done in accordance with the townts requirements and that the construction activity cease affecting, both physically and aesthetically, the Boyers' adjoining property. The particular matters about which the Boyers are concerned are as follows: 1. The large quantities of fill dirt moved onto theproject were dumped near the property line so that substantialquantities spilled over on to Lot 5, which was not only a o Mr. Steve Patterson Paqe 2April 30, 1981 violation of the property line but also affected the drainage and caused damage to the natural condition of the land. 2. Employees from the buil-der drove heavy equipment overthe Boyers' property tearing up the natural condition of theland, and this has been repeated several times, the most recentof which occurred after a court Restrainincr Order was enteredprohibiting such iilffiions upon the BoyerJ' property. 3. A high retaining wall naCe frcm rail-rcad !:ies nowexists I0 feet east of the property line at the souttrern endof the structure. The plans approved by the Vail pesign Review Board called for the edge of a retaining wall to be more than 20 feet from the property line, and we believe Town Ordinancerequires that the wall be at least 15 feet from the property line. 4. Similarly, a lower retaining wall has been placednearly the entire length of the property line, and this wal-lhas been placed dj-rectly on the property line. However, thereis a 10 foot utility easement which runs on either side of the common property line and the retaining waI1 has been constructeddirectly in that easement, which is not only a violation of the Town Ordinance and the protective covenants of Vail Potato Patchas adopted February 25, L974, but will also cause substantialproblems in the future should additional construction by the Boyers on Lot 4 or by any subsequent owners of either property be undertaken. 5. Finally, a part of the foundation of the building asit now exists is 10 feet from the property line, which is aviolation of the Vail Building Code, and the ta11 retaining wa11 ment.ioned eariier does riot eyen ap-peal r.lrr tire piarrs approved by the Design Review Board. When the Boyers construct their house on Lot 4, they will expectto be bound by the actj.ons of the Design Review Board and by theregulations and ordinances of the Town of Vail. They believe itis in everyone's interest that the requirements and ordinancesof the town be strictly applied to all construction in that areaso that no lando\,'rner is deprived in any way of the benefits hederives from the property or'from the town protections givento that property and its owners. The Boyers are aware that you and other town officials are very much concerned about this narticular construction activitv as a o Mr. Steve Patterson Page 3April 30, 1981 well as the fair enforcement of the townrs laws, and the Boyers have asked me to express that they very genuinely appreciate your highly professional approach to this situation and the prompt and courteous and responsive manner in whichyou have dealt with them. This letter is sent only to formal-ize their deep concern about this matter and to ask that the town renew its efforts to make certain that the constructionon Lot 4 of Potato Patch does not in any way adversely affecttheir adjoining property. Very truly yours, BUCHANAN, THOMAS AND JOHNSON',ffi),Fl&/^ Don R. Teasley DRT: cj t cc: R. Caplan, Town l4anagerLarry Rider, Town Attorney Georges M. Boyer llal department of community development' vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 September 30, 1981 Mr. Lawrence J. KellY Attorney at Law P.0, Box 927 Eag'le, Colonado 81631 RE: Duplex on Lot 4' Potato Patch Dear Mr. Ke'l ly: In regard to your letter dated September 29, 1981 the Town of Vitt Ton.ing Code does not allow for a re-hearing by Town Council. I am now turninE this matter over to the Town Attorney' Si ncerely,<--,\. IJ4---L Dick RyET;rector of Community DeveloPmentDepartment DR: df Larry Rider Paul Johnston