HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 7 PART 1 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97U479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT L of z NOTE: Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0312012W7 Issued. .. : 04/l8l20(J7 Expires. ..: l0ll5l2007 OT'INER RIITH, IJIJOYD D., .IR O3/2O/2O07 520 LAKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIEI.JD rL 60015 APPr,rCAr{:r NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON 03/20/2OO7 Phone: 9?0-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIIJ co 8L658 License: 251-A coNrRAcToR NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON 03/2O/20O7 phone: 970-845-1001- P.O. BOX 3419 VAII, co 81658 I-,icense: 251-A Descnptron: NEW WINDOWS, NEW HEAT AND A/C, TII,E IN OI{E BATH,RAISE I_,MNGROOM FI_,OOR, NEW ROOM WITH DORMER Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: VB Valuation: $150,000.m Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 68 :i**'l*'*{.'l***'l{.**lr* Building---- > $1,273J5 Restuarant Plan Review--> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees- > $2,114.89 Plan Check--> 5827.94 Reueation Fee-------> $10.20 Additional Fe€s---------> $0.00 Investigadon- > $0.00 TOTAL FEES------------> $2,114.89 Total Permit Fee----> $2,114.89 Will Call-----> $3.00 Payrnents----------- > $2,114.89BALANCEDUE----> $O.OO Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT O4/L2/2OO7 jplano Action: AP Item: 05400 PITAIINING DEPART!4ENr 03/26/2007 warren Action: Ap ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMNflT 04/03/2007 JJR Acrion: Ap Item3 05500 PI]BITIC WORKS I4/L2/2OO7 GC Action: Ap NO STAGTNG rN RIGHT OF WAY ,*****ili********** €\( \ THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Uc.^[Po[$lr.-L|r ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PCrMit #: BO7-0059 Project # PRI06-0116 Job Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location.....: 800 B POTATO PATCH DR ParcelNo...: 210106301044 See the Conditibns section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to corply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable tbereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MN)E TiTENTY.FOUN, HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPEONE AT.I7S2149 OR AT OUR OTTICE TROM &OO AM-4PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *.****:1.**************:t******,F*,k***'t***************************:t *****{<****:t**:t**:F*:1.**{.**:t*:t*{t:13*d<********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B07-m59 as of 04-18-2007 Status: ISSUED 't(*,t!*'|.*i.****'ti.*,|.*:t***it*!lti(****'(****'|.******,t*,t(*:l.***:t.*i(,},t*,{.*:t.***'t*'|t*,.,}1.*i.**:tiC********** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 0312012ffi7 Applicant: NEDBO CoNSTRUCTION Issued: Mll8l2w7 970-845-1001 To Expire: l0ll5l2W7 Job Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL l,ocation: 800 B POTATO PATCH DR ParcelNo: 210106301044 Description: NEW WINDOWS, NEW HEAT AND A/C, TILE IN ONE BATH,RAISE LIVINGROOM FLOOR. NEW ROOM WITH DORMER {<*rl*{.*****!t ****************************rN.**1.***d.*** COnditiOnS *!t *'1.*'1.*r!{.r!*x*******{.***{.***,1.***{tr.{t*{.*{t*r.t r.t * Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECKFOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2OO3IRC. Cond: CON0008844 ROOF VENTILATION REQINRED *****,i*'|******1.*{.********iit *,r****fi{.*t**********{.****t ***************'}*1.'t*,1"}**********+*+** TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statement l.****** *+*****!t:t**+t*i***i+**if **'*'i!t't**{t+{t{.*{.'t{.!t't******{.***'t'}'l ****'N**** ****f ******'}+'1.'l' ++*'1.** Statement Number: ROTOOOOSO3 Amormt: $1,289.89 04/L8/200?04:26 PM Payment Method: check Init: DDG Notsation: Nedbo 31348 Permit No: 807-0059 Tlt)e: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101- 0 53 - 0104 -4 SiIe Address: 8OO POTATO PATCH DR VAII, I,ocation: 8OO B PO:TATO PATCH DR Total FeeE t $2,114 . 89 This Payment: $1,289.89 ToLal AIJL, Pmts: $2,114.89Bafance: $0.00 *******t** * * ***i!** * * I | | | * * * * * * * * * * | | * t******** * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * *tf* * ** * *** *t****'|!'|! l'** **'i* t * | * * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: AccounC Code Descriptsion CurrenC Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIrAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO37T27OO RECREATION FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CALIJ INSPECTION FEE 1,273 .75 2.94 10.20 3 .00 ,*ffiSe?## Separate 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 etc.l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 27-op e COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUILDING: $ t'{O, 4t 60, OO ELECTRICAL:$OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $/SO,42do, @ For Parcel# Contact Assessors Ofrice at 970-328-8640 or visit 21o/o O 3a/ o// Job Name: Qrrn &zga,euc6 JobAddress:8x0€ Par47a Parcr+ Rrur Subdivision: /z 4tc Po r4ro i?4r24 co? /4/(.o 6/6f Detaifed descfiption ofx/ork: Ata Ut ,-nta4)S ,,/U Eq) He4f t 4C t T,r.E /--.' a4E 4.,q T4 /?4t54 1/u(-1.c /(ao?t Fzoo,t. twtTet) 7)ua-a ,vtf/r' r2oralt zt WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(2{ Repah( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both fi Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family!4) Multi-famity ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( .) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 7 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: : Gas Appliances ( / ) Gas Loqs ( /) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Page 1 of 16 { rzeg.S-J 0u091200s *****t+t******************t'itt+*++*ft't'l'a'**{.*+t++***************+**r!l'**r*,}******************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statetnent Statement Nunber: RO?OOOO32O Amoun!: $825.00 o3/2,/2!o1o2:28 PVr Pa)ments Method: Check Init: 'ISNotation: 31173,/NEDBo CONSTRUSIION Permit, No: 80?-0059 rl4)e: ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-053 -0104-4 Site Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIIr LOCAIion: 8OO B POTATO PATCH DR Total Fees z $2,LO4.69This Palment: $825.00 Total ALL Pmts: $825.00Balance: $L,279.69 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account code Deacription Current Prnts PF 00100003112300 PLAIiI CHECK FEES 825.00 ASBESTOS TESTTNG REQUTREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLOMDO DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESnNG ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F, OF MATERI,AL VVILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ALL REMODEI, ADDMON OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUII.DING MATERI,AIS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERI,AIS ARE E(EMPT. A copy oFTHE REpoRT MUstr BE suBMrrrED vufrH youR BUILbING pERMfrAppucATIoN o I have included the asbestos test and repod with my building permit application applicant signature OR oate .o I ceftiff my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. (fhis will be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) applicart signafure oR &Allut- ,rafr*+ 0,^+J" /*^ *r""M" o The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was original @nsbuction date F:\cdev\FORMS\Permib\Building\buildi ng-leermit. DOC Page 4 of 16 0409/200s BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Flre Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Departnent review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projecbs should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projecb impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) week to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and Ume ftame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Project Name: ,'/Dare: 3/?/0i Print name F:\cdev\FORMS\Permib\Building\buildin gjermit.DOC Page 5 of 16 0u0elzoas A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman **€*€***{.{€{<** P.O. Box 1230 Clifton, CO. 81520-1230 Cell 970-270-3689 Home Phone 970-4@-5265 INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: Nedbo Construction P.O. Box 3419 Vail, CO. 81658 970-845-1001 LOCATION: Residence 800 Potato Patch Drive unit #B Vait. CO. 81657 REPORT PREPARED BY: John R. Peterman lnspector Manager Certificate No.660I g'd d6Z:IO eO SI Jel.l A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman Asbestos Testing, Project Design, and Consulting INTRODUCTION: On March l21t',2007 an inspection/survey was conducted and 3 bulk samples were collected from the: Residence 800 Potato Patch Drive Unit #B Vail, CO. 81657 The purpose of the inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected Asbestos containing materials that might be present in the area of the Residence that is planned for renovation. The inspection was made, and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E-R.A. and State of Colorado Certified Asbestos Inspector. Great care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Wheatridge, CO. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.P.A.Qualiry Assurance (QA) program for the determination of asbestos in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materials that were discovered. If during any future demolition or renovation work, suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed. work should be halted until the material has been tested. ;'d d6e:IO LO SI JEn A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman AsbestosTe sting, P roject Design, and Consulting Residence 800 Potato Patch Drive Unir#B VaiI. CO. 81657 RENOVATION ARBA DESCRIPTION: The Residence at 800 Potato Patch Drive, Unit #B, is planned for selective renovation. The interior walls are covered in sheetrock with a light texture, and the ceilings are sheetrock like the walls. The floors are covered in carpet, wood, and ceramic tiles. The heating is provided by base board heating, and a fireplace. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENIDATIONS : Laboratory analysis, of the bulk samples, indicates that no Asbestos was detected in the bulk samples. s'd d6ZtIO 40 SI Jell ooozzz oooLLLf5=xxxeeP .., .l .,JJJEs-E Jgguooooo o0'.,z e.geo ooot a,oa, = 'a'a 6E OOOrt o- cL o.t EEElu oooo ooo ro r.o ctt ct(, .! oEE5EE ^AG€E'eo.==s E f=9.g ut 65-6F d 8p=3 ; ?.Ef;C.'s 9 H -eiE5F 6RE trft i E Esstf E 2EE d ur e++EE = d :::Ej a 3 stt dge:tO 40 SI JEtlg'd tt .g(,oooaoootto oz Ia z oocooclooo ooo =zz Fo|(r'oooooo +9+otr(o ooo gt88 U ulo. ooFoul @o sggr53 --1'xxxo{roFFF iiiJJJE:- E J !.1o(r(,ooo al{|0,z g.gC 0 oat,oE ooo = 5aa6E 8.8. ed, EEEtu oooo ooo E IJJo =f = ut c = ttt 1()(9 oo o() j 6 tri :lF E =-io 6o- o (g oo.oo@ o-oE6 itHE Fl -i8 5filE a -Olt-eF &O r r-'!FI ..==tz,va-SE E(g0oJ a dOe:IO eO SI Jctl1-'d ulct =o l!o H F o u.l9, ooo = zz= o ocros qqqooo t\E= F=€tr.eOAo6 iJ5 i BrBd g 888rro .=E.3a JGEq)H87=o=hE= f^oAln;7aB U b cEErE*E i H aaa EDg€ a F 5iE E €E* = f; =sB 4:eE: h = a ;€ H H EEE E3 e ; sss g dOE: IO LO SI Jellg'd ooozzz E:cg G .EEOi5cEbiio.i>rJ g8.9E8€ia.'6 ===999 ===ooo -II(r(59 E-- o at, tt,lrl |lJ ul Fo!fitoooooo o.oooloto oooctocl€ao€ oc3ro .'6 -€E> ra)(0 @ c;() J(! ai :tF =c3 -i(, |!a. rEIOUEZ5o.lQo&TP.FE2EE ARP Ein o --, # fz.6l- \rOF..EEF liL.,(6tr =E trTd(g 3-(rh.83 X E6--G SE-ofrJ =EO3€88aJ i> a,ll EJz g E\ E .E at 5'd dOe:IO LO SI JeLl 000c qqq9EEgg Egsg ooae qqcq qq99€E-s g'gt E'E* oooc gcoq C?9q564- o€oat o3o'rl 303-.f 63 -426? cqQq EEgE p.2DCtl Sci€nce LaboFatoFg Ilolz I I I zzzz l" l= I 2222 I l= { I zzzz FlJ- Eo 56EE SEdT E6E5 "i9=-- .i=!F ^-RF s o--l ^sEi -:!i3Eae<Y u5 |J) EXEllr5>A<zrO- !{sdt -: .jl JZ419- 3-Q3 =tEJ J J..,: J-I = * ii J-'i ?t 4.> e4.=> i- 4i;1>l> 4x>> 2=>>3E*6 SHrx =EtEPg=E S-EE SEEH-z==iF== tFt; tft= <rE ci ci <cUo <qiUct seE!!!;;; o -t 5 :5 .l dOE:IO LO gI JeLtord Hoc.:i9i EgEE atrE aa l"laF I zt OZ OS: e6a z2 E5FF JF =zEe i. ? Fz5 dc| F 5OYisirdA5AE5gE.nrt.t(,t^>i;;3F: tr =;9 X . Pis 3 E3=tpE =?2 s[;9x=F9-Eg FO x=-=t.a;;i fiE ?EE5HEza(J 5F.>2:v'aZ i ==< I a ar, 1rgdsb=Ei::{2.9 i<a EsI-t9t! a- 3 >Fie =Ez ACa 4'F<ao E r3Y, 2tq HFF r= I z u Jl': =<<o ,.' d Eg= d,6 t k!E 353a.rtZ z,t: z { 4,FES 8o5F<O,9;ouE"qt?s? "A? F 4fo TOWN OF.VAIL' DEPARTMENT OF COMMLTNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGF', ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E07-01 I l-3o-l -oosT Job Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 800 B POTATO PATCH DR Applied . . : 06125/2007 ParcelNo...: 210106301044 Issued. . : 06125/2007 Project No : -?RTOG - O \ tQ Expires . .: 12122/2007 owNER RUTH, LLoYD D., JR o6/2s/2o07 520 LAKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIBLD rL 60015 APPI-.,ICANT DOUBLE Q EI-,ECTRIC 06/25/2OO7 Phone: 970-748-9780 P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS co 81_632 License: 190-E CONTRACTOR DOUBIJE Q ELECTRIC 06/25/2OO7 Phone: 970-748-9780 P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS co 8L632 License: L90-E Desciption: OFFICE/BEDROOMADDITION Valuation: $12,000.00 Square feet: 3500 Electrical-----> DRB Fee----> Investigation-> will calt-_---> TOTAL FEES-.> $0.00 s0.00 s3.00 s1s8.2s 50.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee----> Pa)ments------------> BALANCE DUE_---> * ** l *t a * * t,t t *t t*:i Approvals:Ttem: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06/2s/2007 ddg Action: AP :::l;--::-:::--::-:i'::-:*T1|:***,,****,***,*t:t|i'*:t'lt+:it|t,ti',*t|+''l.*++'|l'|il,|l*]** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 .lill*".;l;..T::?...1.T::.::ll:X.i::..::::*T::,.,.::..:"T,"*1.*::i,.::,.:.:,,.:.:::::T:.:.**.**.**.*..*.*..:i1,,,,..r.,,.:,..i DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHATL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *** **** * * ****lllr*lll * | | | ttt* * * + * a * * * * * + * * | * * * * * * * I | * * t a + + + + + t + + + * * * * * * * r * {'{'{' * * * {' t { **{r* * *{ * t* TOWNOFVAII4 COLORADO Statement r'r* **r** * t {' * **'}t t a*** * * * * * a* ** + * t * * * * a a * * * a t a * a * * * * a a * + * a * * * * * + * * + * * * * * * * *t*{ { t { { { { {r* {' t i' * * * * Statement, Number: R0?0001095 Amount: $X58.25 06/25/2OO104:12 PM Palment, Method: Check ]-47 63 INit: DDG Notation: Djouble Q Permit Nor 807-0111 1}4)e! EIJECTRICAL PERMIT ParceL No3 2101- 053 - 0104 - 4 SitE AddreBB: 8OO POTATO PATCII DR VAIIJ Location: 800 B POTATO PATCII DR Total Fees: 5158.25 This Palment: $158.25 Tota1 ALL Pmts| $158.25 . Balance: $0.00 * * +** * * **t*{'l * * t'tl I I I I +tll ** a'} * * * * * * * * * * * * * a* * +* i** I tl * *t*llt'r I ***t * * * * * | il t I t | * a l a t * * a * * * * * * ACCOTJNT ITEMLIST: Account. Code Description Current Pmts EP 00100003111100 lvc 00100003112800 EIJECTRICAIJ PERMIT FEES WIIJIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE L42.12 3.00 Jun 22 O? O1:52p 8612212f,67 13!34 E I i zebrth Y tv- tqB-ttut'328 -5009lJt-,|.EtLc lrl ELEw I rtfw p.2 ffi **TH*i r'AGc-'rED rF "*ffiiffin t*Hffi sro+nlzt*,cnfdffi-- 75S. fbodr,lcRnYd!,Gohillo a1/l5,,luwll oFYAlt ELECTnICTI PEntIT IPPLICTTIOI{ s rStr7 coxTRrclofl rlrForlrtu atfiftrrt rrr'tffffff?fir.*.i.ffa*a-rfraioB ofFlcE usc o[LY...r tttttii..*rrl.taiffa.t.tffi|.rr , T F:\doAFo0ls\Fall[stF dfi eldddJrrtttLt r-21-AGffi Corrn cTE qL FOO]TGE FoRtnEl OF urontr lilD vrutATlotr oF woRf, (rilr r ilrHrb) RGCIRICALVAUATIOIT!S tAffofJNTOFSQFTil sntEnnEz $ loD ttsr:: f *, C Dt , 'fv1a'r€ , + P 2a { t fra €(a.cl-+trc t( L fixJ'u*,t9..+&e fieg' WbilCtacs: ilGn( ) rdduon( I neilnaebd &prir( ) Tcrnph,vcr( ) othr( ) t)o!6.o$lugtnststtilsEl'U1: Yes( ) ih( )Tr?e; tnEl$( ) sEh( ) Eqln{<1 of rca.! sfrtgl!frrlrx gtda( I lrilfiily( ) Qotrurdrl( l_ HmG.( ) oorcr( ) No. dAsrnden LhB in l|tb hdtsltP:Edsdrp HlI|g tf,lls tn tlF hlEhg: ?4.ldz rur3r20ru; wtoe51 THT]NDER MOUNTAIN TESTING ooo 2973 F. Road 0 Gnnd Junction, CO 81504 (970) 2#996s t Cell (970) 21G.7008 / FAx (970) 3r+7M7 Nedbo Construction P.O. Box 3419 Vail, Oolorado 81658 ATTN: Mr. George Snydo RE: RuthReside,nce 8008 Potato Patch Drive Lot 7, Parcel B Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Snyder, Juae 15,2007 Permit #807-0059 As requested, stnctrat steel special inspection was conducted at the above referenced project p€r the IBC 2003 Edition - Chapter 17: Structural Tesb and Spccial Inspection and project rcquiremetrts. I arived on sitc at 10:30 AM. I m6t with you to review the project requirements and specifications. The steel erector for this project is Trinity Welding in leadville, Colorado. Ihe welder qualification test reports for welders on site were rpviewed and obs€rved to be acceptable with project specifications. Copies of certifications are on file with Nedbo Constuction- Visual welding inspection was condrcted at the Foundafion Plan and the Upper Level Framing Plrm levels on structunil material as follows: l) Forn Each - 4" X 4" X W' Trtbe Stcel cohms bas€ plab and cap plce fllet welded comections, and 2) I Each - W10 X 22 and I Each - WlO X 30 wide flrnge beam fillet welded connections as required on Sheet Sl of3: Detail I & 2, and Sheet 52 of3: Detail B on approved jobsite drawings provided by The MI Mueller Conpany, Inc. in Vail, Colorado. The two base plde cohmn fillet welds in the Sorlh-West rea of the Foundation Plan level were unable to be inspected due to concrete embedment d time of inspection. The rcmaining hro at the South-East area were inspected" The frrthest eastern base plab was obscrved to be unscceptable due to incompleb welding. This uca was shoum to you on site. The second coh'nm base plate refoc,nced was obnerved to be as detailed md in compliance wift project specificdions. The Upper Level Framing Plan beam stiffcner plae fillet welds and column cap plate fillet welds were inspected and aU were observed to be as detailed and in compliance with project specifi cations. Continued inspoc'tion shell [6 son6ucbd when repairs have been complehd TOWN OF VAIL Thunder Mountain Testing THTINDER MOI]NTAIN TESTING ot0 2973 F. Rord o Grand Junction, CO t1504 (970) 2s69965 t Cell (970) 21tl-700s / FAx (970) sr+7067 Nedbo Constnrction P.O. Box 3419 Vail, Colorado 81658 ATTN: l[r. George Snyder hme2l,20/)7 P€rmit#807{059 RE: RutRcsid€nae 800B PotatoPdc.hDrive I.ot 7, Parcel B Vail, Colorado DcarMr, Snyder, , As requese4 stuctural sf€el special inspection was conducted af the above referenced project p€rthe.IB! 200f Edition ; Chapter 17: struchral Tess and Special Inspection *a pro;"rt trqoir€moofi. f ^ arivcd m site at 1l:00 AIr4 I met with you to rwlen' ueas rcaty ror inspection " Visual welding rc'inspection was conductcd a the Formd*ion Plan level on thc rcpairs fre frr&c*eastern basc plae filkt weld asrslerarced-in my dl5O? rcporL The base plare fillet urelds wcre inspccledod all qrcr€ obscrvod b be as detailed and in cinplimce wit pno;ea speiiacations This conchrdes all requtr€d-strucural steel special inspection per chapter 17 md p1ojectrequircm@t by ThrmderMorrrtFinTesting brthe RrftRcsidcnceproject.f;J;ifdis.*eeci6 found within my scope ofserviccs havc been conccted and arc acceptaile with project ryecifications. Thundcr Mountain Testing ntrGElvtrn hl iiii ; 2oo7 lU TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OFVAIL. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M07-0085 'ful -6051 Job Address: 8OO POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Stafus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 800 B POTATO PATCH DR Applied . . : 05/3012007 Parcel No...: 210106301044 Issued . . : 05/3112007 Legal Description: .-D-)-...i- ,--,- .\ r. ,- Expires, .: 11/2712007 ProjectNo .'?GSoC ' ottc ohrNER RUTH, LLOYD D., JR 05/30/2007 520 I.,AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIEI-,D fl, 60015 APPLICATff TECH-ONE MECHANICAL 05/30/2OO7 Phone: (970) 390-846e 2121 N. FRONTAGE ROAD lrt\ -rT coLoRADO 81657 I-,icense: 354-M CONTRACTOR TECH-ONE MECHANICAL 0s/30/2007 Phone: (970) 390-8468 212]- N. FRO}flIAGE ROAD VAIL coLoRADO 8:-657 License:354-M Desciption: INSTALL A/C AND INFLOOR HEAT Valuation: 545,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restsicted: # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 { '} 'l * * * 'li * a * * t 'l t)t.t * l l l * a f t *,r r* *r * l + t Mechanical--> g9oo. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> So. oo Total Calculated Fees--> 51, 128.00 Plan Check--> 5225 . oo TOTAL FEES-----> 91, 128 . oo Additional Fees-------> S0 . 00 lnyestigaiion-> 90 . 00 Total Permit Fee------..-> 51, 128 . 00 Will Call---> g 3 . oo Payments--------------> 91 , 128 . 00 BALANCE DUE----> SO. OO Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/30/2007 cgunion Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEM| CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 TFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOhIN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): BOIII-,ER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL Cond:29 (BLDG.) : ACCESS TO MECHANICAI-, IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOII,ERS SIIALIJ BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS I.ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PL,ANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTION REQUEST, Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED Hf:-":.":--:-::':'::']x":l-:]-?-Yl"--:.T:,""-:::--:-::.T'1l'i--l?-11;j-*,l|'*l*|*'*t**,}'t'},.l'it+.}'fi,}|,i'|**t*tli't*,t,:i.**l+|*+,t.| DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEqTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC. EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY W]TH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC,. ***|*******t***********t ***'t*****iI**+*t*i+****+**|*'r****|****|*********,t'tI**:t**f*********** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * * ** * * * * * * * * t 'i * * * * 'r * * * * * r {r * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * t t r' * * * * r' * * * * * * * * l' * * * * i i i {' *,t********* Statement Number: R070000835 Amount: $1,L28.0O 05/3t/2AA7A2:22 PM Pa)menE Method: ck# 122 0 check Init: LT Notation: Doug Barrons / Permit No! M07-0085 Tl4)e: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210L-063-0L04-4 Site Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Locafion: 800 B POTATO PATCH DR Tota1 Fees I This Payment,:$1, 128 .00 TOtAl AIJL PMES : Balance : r.***********i*******************t*****************'t*********************,i,t ****,i*********lr**'| $1, 1"28 . 00 $1,128.00 90.00 Current Pmts ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code De script, ion MP 0010000311LL00 PF 00L00003112300 wc 0 010 00 031r.2 8 0 0 MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILI, CA].,L INSPECTION FEE 900,00 225 . OO 3,00 APPUGATION WILI NOT BE ACCEPTED IF II{COIIIPLETE OR' 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 l\4a7- oo I fr TOV PrcJect #: Building Permlt t{echanical Permit #: 970-479-2149 Provide l'ledranlcat Room layout drawn to scale to Indude: o t'lechanlcal Room Dlmensionso Combusdon Alr Duct Slze and locaEon o Flue, Vent and Gas Llnc Slze and bcadon o Heat Loss Calcs.o EqulpmentCut/SPecSheets Permit will not be accepted without the following: Contact Person and t$lr-65hED-!>> GELI.. robnanc:fu* &**^lrs :or Md*sift o Grsw vor.*-w l-egal Descrlpdon I t-oe I Blodc I Flllng:Subdlvlslon: Owners Name:Mdress:Phone: Engineer:Mdress: I Pnone: Detalled descrlpUon of work: NS:IALL Ak-, * l,*t rpsz Df,,or WorkClass: New() Addluon( ) Altention( ) Repalr( ) Other( ) Boilerl-ocatbn: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Ottcr( )Ooes an EHU otist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) rvp"oraHgrslngh-ramily( ) Drpl*( ) Multi-famlv( ) commerdal ( ) Restaucnt( )ofier( ) No. of Exbtng Dwelllng Units In thls building:No, of Acommodauon Unib in this bulElng: --c- No/Tvoeof Fireolaces.Exisdng: @sAppliances( ) Gaslogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Buming (NOTATIOWED) tT2frl** CF VAII- USE LY***:l******:td.******rI:l*1.*****tt*1.*,{ffi 1l! * i\ F:kdo4FoRilqPERMm\Aj[dlngvned|ankdJermlt-l 1-23'2005' Doc ru?3lzJos Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desion Criteria o You must obtain Deslgn Revlew Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical worlr wlll Involve ANY exhrior w6rk. Thls indudes and is not limlted to rcmoval and rcplacement of driveuray snow melt systems. Please contact the Developm€nt Revleur Coordinator at 479-2L28 for addidonal information. r The Town of Vail has adophd the 2003 InbrnaUonal l{echanlcal Code and the 2003 International Fuel Gas Code. o All new construction within the Town of Vall ls considered b be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is rcquired to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical eguipment. Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Councll adopted an ordlnance whlch r€sEicts b constucton and use of open hearth fircplaces withln munHpal boundarie* Since that time the ordlnbnce has undergone numerous changes and revisions, strtving for compomise, yet effectiveness In addressing the air quality issue. Thenfiorc the followlng criterla has been adotrd: r Gonstruction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces ls no longer permitted withln Town of Vail municipal boundaries. o Dwellino Units - Each new dwelllng unit may contain: . One (1) EPA Phase U cert'fied solH tud burning deuloe and no morc than ttuo (2) gas applhnes (B vent) oR Two (2) gas log ftrcplaces and no mole llran tuto (2) gas apdianoe fireplaes (B bent). r @ - Each new rcstricted dwelllng unit may contain: One (r) gas log fireplae and not more t{ran one (1) gas appllance ftreplaoe. o Accommodatoil Unlts- Eacft new accommodation unit may contain: One (t) gas log ftreplace or one (1) gas apPliance fircplace. r If turo or motc separate dwelling units or aocommodation un'tts are combind to form one latger unit, the combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exlsts) and no more than 2 gas appliance fircplaces, or may conyeft up to two existing fireplaces to gas. r If during the course of a rcmodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altercd or moYed, the unit must then comply with all prcvisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplae must be onvefted to natural gas or rpplaced by an EPA Phase II certified unlL ru23lzm/sF:\cd€v\FoRilS\P€Rilm\eildng\medatlcdJremiLl 1-23-2005.DOC DdcBoydLonstructfon)olutlons LLCqmcr Rcp rc,scntruvc Ertlncdnc General Notes l ' The drawings and specifications for the work are intended to describe a complete system.Omission of minor items necessary to accomplish the design irrt"rtrfrar not relieve thecontractor from furnishing and installing the same.2' All work and materials covered uy ttresJarawings and specifications shall be subject to review atany-time by representatives of the owner. Any material or workrnanship that does not conformto the drawings, codes or specifications shall be removed and cbrrected with no additional coststo Owner. 3' work shall consist of firrnishing all labor and materials necessary for a complete and operationalsystem. All materials shall be new.4' The drawings are diagrammatic in nature and do not reflect all offsets or specialties needed for acomplete & operational system.5. This project is a remodel and Contractor shall make every effort to familiarize himself of theexisting conditions and incorporate these conditions into me propor"d ,"op" of work.{. Ngti& Engineer immediateJy if any discrepancies are rocatedar,,irrg "o*t o"tion.7' All work shall be installed in a neat workmanship manner. sutstan-aart work shall be removedand repaired at no additional cost to the owner.8' comply with all Local & Nationar codes, laws, industry standard and regulations9. Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits and fees. 10' Support pipe and fan coils with unistrui and 3/8- all thread. Fan coils to have vibration isolators. - - liry to be supported with teardrop hangers oversized for insulation-I l. R:frigerantpiping s{r{l!e ACR seamress coppertubing. Tubing shail be factory cleaned.Piping shall ttaveyz,, thick Armaflex insulation 12' All rectangular ductw-ork shall be galvanized sheet metal install per SMACNA standards- Linenew ductwork with l' thick 6.01b/iu.ft ""Schuller" linacoustic oi l"ina*t auct liner. Ductsize shown on plans is outside dimensions and includes auct liner. tea all new and existing - ^ 1**9Ik with approved sheet metal mastic. Support ductrvo* per srtaacNa shndards.l3' Round ductwork to be installed per SMACNA standards with l-lz- thick insulation- Flexductwork shall not exceed 5 tinear feet and shall be fulrv insuratea. Support ductwork perSMACNA standards. 14' Firestop pipe penetrations with materiar that is uL listed for this apprication15' Provide NEBB certified 3d party Test and Balance by independent contractor. Balance flows towithin l0% of the values shown l6' Provide 3 copies of the o&M reports with final r&B report for final review by the Engineer andOwner. 17. Provide 1 set of clean set as-built redlines to fhe owner- 18. Contractor shall provide a l-year parts and labor warranw. PoBox238 Eagle,co8163l oftice (970)328-3007 Fax(920)328{527 shmcboyd@centuryrel.net TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M07-0094 Job Address; 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location..,..: 800 B POTATO PATCH DR'B' ParcelNo...: 210106301044 Legal Description: Project No : '?C366-6\\q/ 3of - 605-1 Status... : ISSUED Applied.. : 06/071200'1 Issued..: 06/1212007 Expires . .: 12/09/2007 o$rNER RUTH, ITLOYD D. , JR 06 / 07 /2007 520 LAKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIEI-,D rL 6001-5 APPLICANT WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, INO6/o7/2007 Phone: 668-3760 ].685 PAONIA COLORADO SPRTNGS coLoRADO 80915 License : 323 -M CoNTRACTOR WESTERN FIREPIJACE SUppLy, IN05/07/2007 phone: 668-3760 1585 PAONIA COIJORADO SPRINGS coIJoRADO 8 0 915 License:323-M Desciption: INSTALL cAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $6.174.09 Fircpface lnformationr Restricted: # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 ltlt}*i'.il|tll'|+|'+**,.|*lt*|!t.l:|||++,}|t.,|*'|*.|'tt*l:}**.**|****|i*ii*' Mechanical-> S14o . oo Rcstuarant Plan Review-> So . oo Total Calculated Fees-> 5178. OO Plan Check--> g3s. oo TOTAL FEES.__----; S1?8. oo Addirional Fees----------> So. oo Invcstigation> So. oo Total Permit Fee--------> 5128, OO . Will Call---> S3. oo Payments--------------> 9178. oo BALANCE DUE-----..> 30.00 ** +*** ** t:l l * a l:l a* rtem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/07 /2007 cAunion Act.ion: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FOR CODE CoMPLIANCE. Cond z 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 oF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOV|IN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIfI-IER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLTANCES SI{ALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI-.,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 OF rMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOITNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. LISTED FOR MOT]NTING ON COMBUST]BI,E FI,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PI-.,ANS AND CODE ANAI-.,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BI,DG.): BOII-,ER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED Hfl:--:::-:"i:"::::):-::.-:l:::?-,1-T::--:-"-1,-:::Ji-o-T.-11*11-i;-i*il,++*,,*:,*****,*,*:,,**,*i+,:,,,*+.,+:i:,,,,,,,+,+,,:i,,,,,,.,,,:,, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, lnternational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN 479-?149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. 2003 IFGC. THE 2OO3 UNLESS \ S OFOWNER NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER t*{'t+tt*tt*tt****+*t*tt * I * I ttt{'ti * **il **+tt{'{'{'{'ta'*att*t********taaa***l+{alaaala****lt'ta*taa TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement l*{'*ali*tt*l*t{*a**ll** * * { i **l**t*l *** **i*lllll*+l'taaattt***+*+***lt'tlllt**la*tal***aa*t+af,l gtaEement Number ! R070000945 Amount: $178,00 06/12/200710:35 AM Payment Met.hod: Check Init : .7S Notation: 15 95 /IYESTERN FIREPI,ACE ---:------- Pernit No: M07-0094 T14re: MBCITATiIICAIT PERMIT Parce1 No: 2101- 063 - 0104 -4 Site Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL tocaeion: 800 B PoTATo PATCH DR rB' Tota:. FeeE: .9178,00 This Payment: $1?8.00 Total AIJIJ Pmt,s: 9178.00 Bal.ance: $0.00 I * * *** | * * * * t * * * ** * * * * * * * * t t | | | | | | * I * * * l' * r'l | | | | lf rr ll*ll*'l 'ti* ** 'l * t t * * 't*** * * I tllll l* ** * *** *t*t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accounts Code Description Current hltB MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECEA}IICEIJ PERMIT FEES 14O.OO PF 00100003112300 pr,AN crIEcK FEES 35.00 WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CATJIJ INSPECTION FEE 3,OO APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UNSIGN TOV Project #: Asz, oo r f Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: lylY 't Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale too Mechanical Room Dimensionso Combustion Air Duct Size and Location o Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location o Heat Loss Calcs. o EquipmentCut/SpecSheets CONTRACTOR INT'ORMATION re /A E-..'L=vieU\yLE JUN 05 2007 Town of Vail Reg, No,: Contractor Signature: ETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMiT bor & Materials Contact Assessorc Office at or uisit for Parcel # Pa WorkClass: New() Addition( )-Alteration"Vf Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior (, ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: single-family ( ) Duplex (vJ MuttFfamity ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in thls buildinq: Pellet( ) WoodBurn Noffype of Fireplaces, Proposed: Gas Appliances (f, Gas LoSs ( I ) Wood/Pellet ( , ) Wood Burning (NOT ATIOWED) Isthisaconversionfromawoodburningfirep|acetoanEpAFh--eitffi F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\mechanicalJermit_1 1-23-20O5.DOC tll23l?005 .?o Requested Inspoc't Dato:- Inspec{lon Aroa: Slte Addrere: Tuecday, Oc{obor 30, 2007 JP 8OO POTATO PATGH DRVAIL 8OO B POTATO PATCH DR rlq.. wt A/P/D Informatlon lnsoectlon Hlstorv Activitv: 807-0059 Const Tvo6:O^ftien RUTH. LL Contracton NEDBO C D€scription: NHry.WI Tvoe: A-BUILD Occupahby: T AND A/C, TILE IN ONE BA * Approved * Status: ISSUED Insp Area' JP FLOOR, NEW ROOM Reou€sted Time: 08:00 AM' Phone: 970-977-0330 Entered By: LTILLMAN K u-__Q Action: AP APPROVED INSPECTION REPORT RECEIVEO CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED FLOOR ,*fr Anoroved * 22x30. 07t05t07 REPT131 Insoector JRM NEEDS PLANNING APPROVAL Run rd: 7L86 Bf*7.r,* lof 'J, taltr I Design Review Board ACTION FOR]II Department cf Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cclorado 81657 teh970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,comoo,ttr{rY tEtEtoptf;ir Pmject Name: RUTH RES. ADD. - OFRCE/BEDROOM Proiect Descriptionl OFFICE/BEDROOM ADDMON DRB Number: DR8060119 Paticipants: owNER RUTH, LLOYD D., JR M12412006 520 I-AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIELD rL 60015 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCLHffiCIS PC 041241200f' Phone:970477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE ROAD, STE 216 VAIL co 81557 License: C000001627 ARCHffiCT K.H. WEBB ARCHffiCTS PC M12412005 Phone:970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE ROAD, STE 216 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 ProjectAddress: 800 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Location: 800 B POTATO PATCH DR Legal Descriptaon: Lot: 7 Block 1 Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel l{umber: 2101-063-0104-{ Comments: SeeConditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approva|,2 05l1712ff],6 Cond:8 (P[-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cnnd;202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008041 The applicant shall record the amended plat for Lots 7 and 4 establishing the new property line prior to submitting for building permits. Cond: @N0$8(H2 The applicant shall include in the drawings submitted for building permits a limits ofdisturbance fence, erosion control fence, and staging plan. Cond: CON0008049 The applicant shall identiff the precise heights of the four wergreens to be planted on the site to replace those being removed on the plans submitted for building permit applications. Descriotion of the Request:. "rI --J',ril ritrt 4'\d r{-ur9(' gx,\541d Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Souilr Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com &.lAr&"* {a il,€"t{ en& oP General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submittinq a building permit ?pplication. Please refer to the su-bmittal iequiiements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a buildirig permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. ol" parcet No,: 2to I O6?o t A*t (contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no') n, r tzoning: Y(lrs4{tt hgttr'}'1ff.f'4 t ,(t rl Name(s) of Owner(s): L'llrp + Lt54 ico{a Location of the Proposal: Loe ? Blocr: I Subdivision:?"trqV ?atoh PhysicalAddress: $0n0 ft Mailing Address;b b,cr rl*i t cfi. qrctg Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s); Name of Applicant:Webb Mailing Addressl Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Construction \ eaaition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamiV/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single-family/duPlex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request walls, etc. $20 For revisions to Plans alreadY Review Board. No Fee $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.' Foo ro, in ioaition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial buitding (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site im.provements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining tr D APR 2 4 2006 bLFor Officelse OnlY: iJ" pii,ji JE cneck No.:-EILL Bv: AR-29-2006 llED 02:16 PM sTEVE JAMES RiDEN AIA FAX No, 9109490304 EL/ta/2862 62i43 38354199E4 M-RESNTCK }JAR-29-2000 wED 11:56 AU STEVE JAllE$ RIDEN A('\ FAX Nol 9109490004 tr|ar.20, 2006 4r18f|{ (fl tllrbb Architccts, PC PAGE P, l P. 001 aL P, 001 [lo, 1477 ffi *'s+'.Ifo',8[uoll{iE" TOIlINOIVAIIV .,, . ._ r, (Wnt T"'")l4gA .REIUICK ,,1jolntov,vn€r of PoFwlo:*ed ",':T:t'Jt7.: ., r- 1 00=ta-!!,povlde thls letler as vurlll$ oppmwl of lhc Plans iht€d va"fi whlch hs\4 bcqn rubmltted to the Tirwn of Vall Communlty Oavrlopnrrrt Depertmrrrt fof trre.pFposcd lmprovernerrts ho ba completBd al thc addre6r noted above. I undepbnd thrt he pl4osed lmprovements indudcl 'oF l'14t^/, froo A Ctve frt{a,1fu"f_1b% --z--_ t-"it----- (SlSnDtut€) @U Pqsc3 of3/01/la/02 . w!ns$ PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim t Hand or Oeck'Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures I Greenhouses' Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: rl€xt rtthar t th^{uh exr.r,tinft +n{fw*nLlp@raiF kll e,lq,c 1.- nnafah Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F: \cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_addition_1 1-23-2005.doc Page 7 of L4 1712317005 * *** * * * + * * * * +* ****+t******d'*:t*** ***l'l'{"**** ** * * * * ***'}********'}r}*,i:t,},1.,},}tf ********************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******++*******++++**++*****+*+++1111****+*******,1*****************'i************************ Statement Number: R050000432 Amount: $300.00 04/24/200612:10 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: L,C NotaEion: #1771lKH WEBB ARCHTTEETS Permit No: DRB0601L9 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2101- 063 -0104 -4Site Address: 800 POTATO PATCII DR VAIIJ I,ocation: 8OO B POTATO PATCH DR Total Fees: $300.00This Payment: $300.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $300.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOT.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription DR OO1OOOO3TL22OO DESIGN RTVIEW FEES gurrent Pmtsa 300.00 = l'lay 4, 2006 l'lr. Waren ftmphll Senior Planner Town of Yail Departnent of Community Development 75 Solth lrontage Road Yail, C0 81657 RE: Response to l{cesary items lor final review of propomd Ru$ Relidence addition located at 800 Potato Patch Ddve - lot 7, 0lock I, Pohb Patch Wanen, As nquested, we will addrcs all of the items nque$ed for you regading the above proiect by 830am on llay 9t. Specificrlly, you uked about the lirc dam rydeflu the entire B Unit wu remodeled lrom top b bottom in 2003 and a new dam panel and sysem vas installed and approved by dre Town at that time. lf you have any que$ionl, please leel free to give me a call at 970. 47t.29t0. llany Thankd |(yle l|. Webb AIA lL}|. Webb Architects P.C. GEOTOGICAI HAIAID REYIEW Auguit 23, 1994 Lot ?, Blo* l, Yail Potato Patth I1e undenignerl hailhaye read the Rockhll l|uard lepo( dated lpril 27, 1994, prepared by Nitholu lampiril Ph.D' l/YVe undenhnd from the condusionl that dre propoad building is looted in a nodeah mcKall hazard zone, and there is $e potential haEard of rock reaching the propond house, causing damage. We are prepared t0 accePt thesr iacb and (Name,Owner) STAIE OT COIOMDO STATT OF C()LOMDO (OUNTI OI The foregoing insfument wu acknowledged before me this -dry of ,2006, ,loown to me o be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing insrument and acloowledged to me that he uecuted the same for thE purposel and considention therein expnsred. l'ly commision xpires: Department gnnt ur a permil couffiY ff 6q.glq.-- l{y commision upires liy Connhsioi ErPires June o' me dds br the purposu and considention therein gpressed. j't /') r/'K .,arp*rl -Ar u4'eu by fongoing instrumdnt and aclorovledged to me *s Nicholas Lampiris, Ph-D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.o. Box 2 stLT. COLOBADO 81652 (303) 876-5400 (24 HOUHS) AFril ?7r L994 [?R ? g 1sg1 lli1Liam Fierce Frital enFi erceBri ner FB Box 57 VaiL trA 81658 REI Hazard EvaLuation, Fotato Fatch, Davigon Residence Dear Hr. lai ercel it vi si ted the above ref erenced home i n \/ai 1 recentl y 'F or purFro!:es of a geologic ha:ard evaluation r espetrialLy asi it pertains to rosh #aL 1 potenti al , As yor-t know thi e ha.rard i s no'hed crn the Town of Vail'E naps. An addition is Propoqed on the downhill side of the home. A drainage gwale existg behind the home whi ctr,, al though designed to condurct water ar.ray from the horne, can catch gome rocke t'rhich might reach the east end of the home. The tapography ig sctch that rockg will tend to ro:L l tc: the eagt side of the property. The outcroFping of roclls abovE the Iot is minor and not very high above this hor-rse. I recommend no further mitigation at the rear o* thiB home,! a.nd nsne {arLhe Fropcsed additi on which is on the sheltered side tr'f the horne. The property does lie in a geoLogical 1y genr;itive arear bLl'E development wilL not increase the hazard to other propertyr or gtructuresr oF to puhlic ri ghts-of-way t roads, streetso easements, utilities or facilities or other properlies o+ any kind. I do recomrnend less watering of the "4ront" lawn i'F it is to be l,;ept, because the steep terrace 'Lo the soutth cLan become ungtable if unusually =atltrated with water, If 'there are further questions, pleasa contact ne. Eonsr-rl ti nq 6eo1 og i st Status: I Approved GOIUNltUTlrY DEVELoPMENT RouIItc Fonrl I Approved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:George Chalberg, PW Date Routed:05/01/06 Routed By:Warren Campbell Date Due:05/10/06 Description of work:Proposed addition to an exisitng house Address:800 B Potato Patch Legal:Lot:7 I Block: | 1 I Subdivision: I Potato Patch Date Reviewed: 5/9/06 rtment lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Department. Show limits of disturbance fence. Show erosion control olan. What is with the retainino wall. More comments with revisions. Cclrl't SITY CftGLSFtf i{t Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORH Department of Commufl ity Development 75 South Frontag€ Road, Vail, cololado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 tex:97o.479.24s2 web: www.vailgov.tom Proiect Name: RUTH ADDmON Project Description: DRB t{umber: DR8060090 CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR AN OFFICE/BEDROOM ADDMON Participants: owNER RUTH, LLOYD D., JR 0410312006 520 I-AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIELD IL 60015 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHffiCTS PC 0410312006 Phone:970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE ROAD, STE 216 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001527 ARCHITECI K.H. WEBBARCHITECTS PC 0410312006 Phone: 970477-2990 953 S. FRONIAGE ROAD, STE 216 VAIL co 816s7 License: C000001627 ProjectAddress: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: 8OO B POTATO PATCH DR Legal Description: Lot:7 Block l Subdivision: VAILPOTATO PATCH Parcel Number: 2101-063-0104-4 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT C.ondiUons: @nd:200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner; Warren Campbell Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.47 9.2128 fay; 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal r€quirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: Locationortheproposatr Lot J Btock I subdivision: TdletD f+-kk Physical Address: Parcel No.: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): a 7r)wor ooY'o Type of Review and Fee: tr $ns El/Conceptual Review tr New ConstructionD Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) n Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separatlon Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addiuon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, re-roofing, painUng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, paintng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Owner(s) Signature(s): Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tulx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com April17,2006 K.H. Webb Architects c/o Kyle Webb 710 W. Lionshead Circle. Suite A Vail, CO 81657 Re: Necessary items for final review of proposed Ruth Residence addition located at 800 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 7, Block 1, Potato Patch Mr. Webb, This letter is being sent to inform you of several items which are necessary to complete your application submittal for the Ruth Residence addition upon submittal of a final application. The following bullet points identify questions by staff which need to addressed and additional materials to accompanying the application. o When I was working on the plat amendment for this property I was informed that Mr. Ruth owned both units of the duplex. I see in the conceptual application that a Mr. Resnik signed off as a joint property owner. Did Mr. Resnik recently purchase the property? | am trying to verify that the plat amendment approval is valid as there was no owner identified other than Mr. Ruth.r The plat amendment, if determined to be valid, will need to be recorded prior to submitting for building permits.o A complete survey of Lot 7 will need to submitted with your final application showing contour lines, building locations, etc., per the requirements of the application. This will aid in determining the height of the existing structure and the proposed addition.o A complete set of floor plans for both units will need to be submitted to determine existing GRFA on Lot 7 and what is remaining. A redline set should show the determination of GRFA for Lot 7, including the basement deduction, and vaulted areas of 15 feet 1 1 inches.o A portion of Lot 7 falls within the High Severity Rockfall Hazard. A geologic report will need to submitted with your final application to determine if any mitigation in the design needs to occur. Fire Comments:o ls there currently a fire alarm or sprinkler system in the residence.o A larger site plan is needed to determine circumferential travel distance, showing grades and obstructions (retaining walls, landscaping, etc.). f,tp ^t "uo rt*t Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter pfease contact me at 970-479-2148. You are cunently scheduled for a conceptual review with the Design Review Board on Wednesday April 19, 2006, at 3:00 p.m. Cc:File With regards, l, Jn nn,^n I vfA/r8f i#ri6eri Senior Planner Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Tail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgot.com May 1, 2006 K.H. Webb Architects c/o Kyle Webb 710 W. Lionshead Circle. Suite A Vail, CO 81657 Re: Necessary items for final review of proposed Ruth Residence addition located at 800 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 7, Block 1, Potato Patch Mr. Webb, This letter is being sent to inform you of several items which are necessary to complete your application submittal for the Ruth Residence addition. I recently received your final Design review application and found it to be deficient in regards to the following items. The following bullet points identify questions by staff which need to addressed and additional materials to accompanying the application. o There will be a condition placed upon any Design Review approvals that the plat be recorded prior to the submittal of building permits.o A complete survey of Lot 7 will need to submitted with your final application showing contour lines, building locations, etc., per the requirements of the application. This will aid in determining the height of the existing structure and the proposed addition. Please provide ridge elevations on the plans for the proposed addition.r A complete set of floor plans for both units will need lo be submitted to determine existing GRFA on Lot 7 and what is remaining. A redline set should show the determination of GRFA for Lot 7, including the basement deduction, and vaulted areas of 15 feet 1 1 inches.. A portion of Lot 7 falls within the High Severity Rockfall Hazard. A geologic report will need to submitted with your final application to determine if any mitigation in the design needs to occur. As we discussed you were going to provide an old report for this property.r A landscape replacement plan needs to be submitted. lt is unclear what the intent is regarding the portion of the existing retaining wall which will be partial replaced by the addition.r Your site plan needs to clearly identify the area of existing and proposed driveway. Staff expressed a concern about the guest parking area and turn around being eliminated. You stated that the final site plan include an area similar to that which exists. lt is not clear on the site plan where this area is. f,-p ^tt'"uo ' "' Fire Comments:r ls there cunently a fire alarm or sprinkler system in the residence. Please provide a written description.r A larger site plan is needed to determine circumferential travel distance, showing grades and obstructions (retaining walls, landscaping, etc.). (A complete clear site plan as requested above will satisfy this need.) Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact meat970-479-2148. In orderto be scheduled on the May 17, Design Review Board agenda I need to have the above items by no later than May 9, 2006, at 8:30 a.m. Vli\ regards, '(JhjLMt\h Warren Camp Senior Planner Cc: File o*srrtY o€tELoFtEt(' Deslgn Review Board ACTTOI{ fOr,M Depa.tment of C.ommunity Developnent 75 South Frontage Itoad. veil, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:97o"479.2,f52 ryeb: www,v*ilgov,com Project Name: Ruth Protect Description: Addition Particapants: Pruject Addr€ss: legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: owNER RUTH, LLOYD D., JR OZlLLl2003 520 I.AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERRELD IL 60015 APPUCANT K.H, WebbARchitects, P.C. O2lILl20O3 Phone: 477-2990 953 S. Frontage Road West Suite 216 Vail, CO Kyle@ktwebb.com 81657 8OO POTATO PATCH DR VAIL DRB Number: 0RB030027 Location: 800 B Potato Patch Club Lot 7 Block I Subdivislon: VAIL POTATO PATCH 2101-063-0104-4 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditons: Cond:200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Rariew Board approval. Planner: Bill Gibson FEB-10-2003 l{ON OlI2I PI{ K.H, I.IEBB ARCHITECTS FAX N0, 970 477 2905 P, 02 T0y/[r Application for Design Review Departrnent of Communi$ Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 tax" 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information; All projects requiring design rwial mus! receive approval prior to submiEing a building'Permit applkation' ?loase r.fir ti Uru suLmittit requirements br dre particuiai apprwal trat is requested.. An applietion for Design Revieut cannot be acceplert unui aI req'r-;J iniormation is recerved by.thc.Community DeY*Pr.nent D:8ry11\-JT proluct nt.y also need to be rryie',ved by th_e lgttn Council and/or the-Planning and Envilonmental @mmF$on' ljelisn reiie,r approyat hpJ.i"r,r"".. i brilding pcrmit Is-issued and construction comm€nces wlttin one year of the approval. Doscription of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot: ?..-Block:-L- SubdiVision; Physical Address: parcel No,j _ztotdak_o.IeA+_(contad Eagle co, Assessor at 970428-8640 for parcel no.) Zonins: 3-A.A Name(s) of orrrrner(s): 4 nVn hrn+ Mailing Address: Phone: 8+l'4>E' 833D - - -*1W*Ja"DrI owncr(s) Signature(s Name of Appllcant: $50 Plus $1.00 Per square foot of bhl sign !rea' No Fea $550 For constnrction qf a ne$t building or dertt</rebuitd' iioo For an addidon where square footage ls added.to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 adlitions & interior conversions)' $?50 For mlnor dranges to buildings and site lmprovemenb, sudl as, reioolln0, xinting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rebinlng walls, etc. $20 foimin-or ctra;ges to buildings and site improveqents, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, hndsetrng, fences and Typc of Review and Fee: tr Signs !, Conceptual Review tr New ConstructionLl Mdition E Mlnor Alte|"tion' (multi.familY/cornrnercial) E Minor Alteration (sin glc'familY/duPloO n Changcsto APProved Plans E Sepolalion Requcst FtJ,:ff_:zell Appllcation Date: retainlng wall9, etc. $20 For revlsions to Plans Design Review Boad. No Fec check No.:- BY: DRB atready opproved by Planning Stnff or tte Planncr:Project No.: REcE |YEV/ fi/oz FEB-10-2003 l10N 0l:21 Pll K,H, l,lEBB ARCHITECTS FAl( N0, 970 4?7 2965 P, 03 JOINT PROPERTV OWNER WR ITTEN APPROVAL LETTER r, (printn.rr)lth++--Ltlg-, a ioint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide lhis lotter os written approval of ihe phns Aatel - L'\4'V7 '-"'-'- whlch have been submitted to tho Town of Vail Commr.rnity Development Department for the proposed inrprovcmenls lo be completed at the addroes noted above. I understand that the proposed imDroventents Include: u6tl$'-ud$A-{$'t st*ep-- I further understand that mlnor modifications may be made to the plans over lho @urse of the revlent proc€ss to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations' u-W.H*- \W Pago 2 of6-07/l E/02 -/ |6 oFet.o,jtgFg / t@t'rror6{ t tto6 9r!!16 r 0t9atoFDt o.r.Yl t4|l Fg..oo'rF.r ,ffi nl ,'gl b a A -_t- *.t { . I .i EEE9qi AAl3 Ee{! "iI{Sr {Ed c!^fi}tta6 I €; !6fi{ t) Lt @ Fl 9.t diH.A R'S cq Fl n -'t- * /'3 ,.-* --)';g1-''----'"- rt''oft 066rut0t6 )'ltvi 9tt tm lJ 0v0I ]9vlllo{l |{uol tt6 )0 sl)eltq)tn ff9t8 00vt0'101 llvl HllYd olvlod [008 tlNl0lslu.|1001^l lu 2tl:': = Et=ll R;_;: ; Qr€ll -::: ! Er IHIt|Uqqo,' zo EJo u.lo H =9i6 J<<E E9E -r to: 5 q*6 r t;$ E ; EElii Z= :-3P YE=n:,:a=;2 9,71 E< l I Es <;d Y: qoX EE F E8 flk ;?t oF 6.., iE ?I Pg 58 x= *:tu ;= :zH9 PH ?g apaX,iir ?E: HAH -t 3 94 d,,(,? E9 g9 t?6F6H ?l >=E6 I <; zz Eiz; 3C -1t<Eod ;9:<:ot= =!! 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'=t ;=rd'sl)ol!q)ro qq0a'rl 'I HR =2 Er|J z E =uJ2 E o o9o*vlR.it.'i U Fr\ r'! s g J9s>z =1-b=ii<uJ tu(9 qJ ur!Et) o 19 3 = G .llo .J( i\ z 6o 3l!2 3s$fi z Eoo FIz oH#:<d,r-="eE3 =PgPo=;iciiEul u) .]J--- -lt- tl -ll I r tr z Jo-zotr 1fUJ (, u-d(9t- U- ctaor{ F{ t! ov) Flo(\ €P e--: - ct- A- ca ee _o -c. <D tJ =r-rtt -Tt+laO =t-l.tE, IIJ -.lga Lr-lI 4 z F LU LU a LU = ts=ts- i=e 4 -E at- o r\l o 6 e<>6 ct- ? <1, -a- <uu =.- -JIJJao =t4l&, t+t -t+t6 ttJ4 :=& z F I.J-JI LU IFE z 3".,H= - .-i -.6 - CL o A- ao eo Er- <l) -o l'- -o'c €J IJ (TI -l6o =t4Ie, r4I(J -.t!l6 IJ-J1, e, z F LUJ LU It-l a €= o lt- o oA- e(= .€ l'- 4- <t rv' (1, -lt+Jao =Lll d t+l(J -lIJa t+J& d z F LU) LIJ a L! oa,*r"$|rY ElELOptGr{l Deoign Review Board ACTIOH FON,}I Department of community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax.970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Project Name: RUTH CHANGE Project Description: Participants: co 81657 License: C000001627 ProjectAddrcss: 800 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL 8OO B POTATO PATCH DR DRB Number: DR8070006 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO EUMINATE WEST ADDMON AND DORMERS AND ADD AN ADDMON ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE HOME, owNER RUTH, LLOYD D., JR Otl08l2007 520I.AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIELD IL 60015 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC 0110812007 Phone: 970-477-2990 953 S. FRONIAGE ROAD, STE 215 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001527 ARCHITECT K,H. WEBBARCHITECTS rc OU0812007 Phonei 970-477-2990 710 WEST LIONSHEAD CI& UNIT A VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot 7 Block 1 Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number: 2101-063-010+4 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval= OIltT 120Q7 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and constructbn is commenced and is diligently punued toward completion, Cond: 113 All dwelopment applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatwer form they are finally adopted; provided, horvwer, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April t5, 2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Cond: CON0008628 The applicant shall include in the drawings submitted for building permits a limits of disturbance fenoe, erosion control fence, and staging plan. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: f2O.OO -1901 Lcg'al dcscription: Lot Addrcss Architrcr. Zonc disrict Lotsizc-Q, Docs tlris rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? a,/: ZONE CHECK Phonc Phonc Proposcd usc S6 Brdldablc35 Allorvcd Existing . heposcd ' ro,r, Rcmaining .Q.-tL rorircRFA '-+- =-85!11_ If,n_*.r_* = 6-6;541 Jfr!!" dL^r'"'* cRrx -Qpfl+r+as'16ts1=-g!fu qL. I =-3b11- Bqs54r'a(t..ondarycRrA _!&6rr11u.,rryl '3111 _?1gll * O = ?1ii lU;U + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition rl Horv much of tlc allowcd 250 Addition is uscd wirb ,ni, ,.q".ol /l JAn g sitcco'cralc /o"L 6,SD gA1 ,, _-__= SaU Prcvious cond.irions ofapproval (cbcck propcrty nl"l, A J O ls thc propcrty non-conforming? DcscriUc: IJD - l, o13q'J::J a + .v = -tA| | =-:-7 --------75s 45 - Hcigbt oo@ 5 J 3) -Sctbacks Front ', 20' Lld' sidcs .J5, l3l"i3 .Rcar 15' 1{- r^nan^pine L1L ivrinimum ltrJ?3t ?3,asf' - QSpSt l, srs ry Rctaining Wall Hcigls 3, | 6, / -/Farking *r,".-![,M t/pil^!tg*ffi1,!,","0 carsgccrcdit G00)(600) ,root@ /r;,ny gtt* ft"rrJr* ____Drivcrvay pcmilncdk; tr ,/. proposcd sttop" 4tl y Conrplics rvith TOV Lighring Ordinancc V.rl_ No_ Arc finishcd gradcs lcss rhan 2:l (50%) "rr_ ! No-_-_ Enrironmcntal/llazards l) pcrccnt Slopc (<> 2) Floodptain 3)W 4) Watcr Course Sctback 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv A b) RocHall *ri c) Dcbris Florv l'- " ".i, -, sgJ3ov in.r . .l \ , Cr (-f rril! .rulrci r$fi[i ;o;., -_"i,r;: ' r.l\ |(cpef pm ssrooe) .,f;,rc,rpq t , j3; " .a 2.E$!fg9.renrtr$dt\i{61' . - suoI.!_qscr l8ld . :.,h,b:Etn^ .srop$i63.trar4 .'! a rr' i,.ni ,t, r.,-r* / l. i ..F1-':1 rtl 1 . o *)-' tl \'. . i"9p?, ..',1 , i sc3llu . ({.: .'" NVli itrc rr- r r -s s.ro l_l ctrng6ug:u4 '-^.r,)rrrneu.n'm"u +lr, ,-l 't:'ri;! l.rrli;r'S .i i . ..03*,'ry'.ttiF scpuyopsrtg\ung uoF8rgpc^.O? sqdruzs pplriuiulptlng uuoy.uopecgpc*,ggpq ,rorddy li ,.\^. snoaN\fI?iISSIl^[ '.-_,7r.t- a'' prirel :i>r\ t t rr-'al\\..1 $uoFoAcF$dS ,1.'tl rt{t-'-'' "''iibprro;6;Ffl . $3rI sprezqg 1qulsutor.r^u3 :lcBqFs crmoJ ral8lt uJulo poog .r,( gq 1 sNorrv^g.ra cMq,rirrd OHlI coedgcqyyarer3 -i,, . : rFcs sNtruxooTt tr Iqdadodol tloaorsrg scrvcn8p[ng 1' vdu9 teuoplppe gtz - t\,' : . czls fql-'!,:. f i,r ., . uopd;oscp1€j1 j Yc.uc -n-:<nr ls'., I t )Fruttcu3g olscs. .r,gAuos n. :pafo:6 rsrT)rcsEJ A{ilAgu NCISSq l.' ',,. o!r{sp1ir$1 (e:r y)ubdo._cplr Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2128 f a\i 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com , General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submiftal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, The project may also need to be'reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description 9f the Request:3N6lo$ tN '-7 lnLocationoftheProposat: Lot: f Block: I Subdivision: K4 physicaf Address: - fuo v ?ornto )r*tr'+] parcef No.: Llo lo (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoninq: ?fi;r/rp* r#4ttv*W Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:u. 6t Owner(s) Name of Applicant:luregh Mailing Address:ctl-, vr'tw @. 0 t6f,7 Phone: E-mail Address: oP @ o \.t o oor$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association Ty,pe of Review and Fee: EI Chanoes to ADDroved Plans Submittal Requirements: F:\cdev\FORMS\Permiis\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to_approvedJlans_1_page_l 0{ 8-2006.doc t)fr\ a Cv o o04 F: \adev\FoRMs\Permits\Plannin g\DRB\jointjroperty_o nerJtr.doc 12-5-2005 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER ^/ I D , I,t /I /. I, (print name) ///4f 4 f( €54 G L , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) 800 Potato Pakh Rd, Unit B, provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated June 2I,2Q05 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community. Developmpnt Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I under3tand that the propcised improvements include: Redmodeling some of the interior rooms and. the expansion of the outer part of house over the kikhen and the remodeling of the entrance I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review procss to ensure compliance with the Town.s applicable codes and rggulations.---'L_._ -7-^\_ A/au J6 fi 296 (Signature) (Date) +'l'f't*********+'t't'************t****+,!*+***'f'l****t*t+******+*+********************************* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R070000027 Amount: $20.00 0L/08/200703:29 PM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 2L92 /KH WEBB Permit, No: Parcel No: Site Address : L,ocation: This Payment: ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003 rr2200 +**+++***************+****+***+++*'i'|+*****'l+***f+*********+****++*+++*****f**++{"1*********** DR8070005 q4)e: DRB -Chg to Appr Plans 2101- 063 - 0104 -4 8OO POTATO PATCH DR VAII, 8OO B POTATO PATCH DR Tota1 Feee: $2o. oo TOtsAf AIJIJ PMIg : Balance: DeacriDtion DESIGN REVIEW FEES $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 Current Prnts 20.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 :I 0c''^-\ T"{..-l.,-?'-\|r.- t- '|bppanrlrapNT oF coMMUNITy DEvELoIMENT Lo\ r , .K \K \ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0119 3o3'o \ 3 \ Job Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL [,ocation.....: 800BPotatoPatchClub#B Applied..: Wllllz0['3 Parcel No...: 210106301044 Issued . . : 07/23120[.3 Project No : tR:tO 5'o t 5O Expires . .: ll/lll200.3 owNER RIITH, IJIJOYD D. , irR 07 /L7 /2OO3 phone: 520 LAKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIEIJD IIJ 60015 Licenge: COI\ITRACTOR SKYI.,INE MECHANTCAIJ O7/L7/2003 PhONE: 970-524-6A09 P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSI'M, CO 8153 7 License: 1-2L-M APPLICAIII SKYLINE MECHANICAL, 07/L7/2003 Phone: 970-524-6809 P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSI]M, CO 8153 7 I-,icense: 121-M Desciption: vent 2 bath fans,l dryer,l kitchen hood add 1 fireplace Valuation: $6.300.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricred: Y #of Gas Appliamrs: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 #of Wmd Pelles 0 FEE SUMMARY *****1.******+***t'1.:t'trtl*'l*:*,1*:i:i'i'*'t:t{.***:*rt*{,t****'t*ri'ttt1.*d.:t+'t't* Mechanic.al-- > 5140.00 Restuarant Plan Review-->$0. 00 Total Calculat€d Fe€s-- > 9178 . 00 So. o0 Additional Fe€s------ > ($7s.00)Ptan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call---- > 53 5, o0 DRB Fee------------ > $3.00 BALANCE DI,JE--_---- >$0. 00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIiE o7/22/2oo3 ecD Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARl'l'lEIi|lf CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE' Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF TITE 1997 I'MC, CIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG. ) : GAS APPL,IAIICES SHALIT BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 Al{D SHALIT TERMINATE A.s SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TTIE 1997 IMC, OR CTIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Condr 32 (BLDG.): pERMIT,PITANS AND CODE AIIAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHAIIICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. *:|t*+'lt*******+*t DECLARATIONS $o.oo TOTAL FEES- - $1?8.00 Total Pemit Fee-------> $103.00 Payments---------- > $103.00 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in rul the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances,and state laws, ard to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOITRS IN ADVANCE BY TEIIPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OLIR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI s mr t{oFvtnlY tt App'cAroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF TNcoMpLETE oR uNsrcNED 623- A 13 | REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT 75 S. Frontage Rd.I'lVrs-o llqVail, Colorado 81657 f\L,r..-)-L-l lr t <u46(,1,, coNTRAcToR INFoRMATIoN \ IJt " €crrrrd.,tGontractor: 5KIltdg ^4CcA Town of Vail Reg. I{o.: A.tal l?-1',4 Gontact and Phone #ts: Tr;,Sr'l nZo -1o\ - 62Z3 ATTENTIONT JR,CHARLIE,$E!:DORIS Gontractor sitnarure=-7:, - .% // $t4u* VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT REVISED AMOUNT: $ELECTRICAL:$ PLUMBING: $REVISED TOTAL: $ 3ZaO. oO For Parcel # Contact Eaqle CountuAssessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel.{2totcr U3otclqq Job Name: R..l{.h Res JobAddress: f, oo B Pol"l" /*r-t+ Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: [hf+7n plf<]1 Owners Name: gg6{p R"+{t||Address: 5 2O Phone: ArchitecVDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer Address:Phone: REASON FOR REVISIONS: A0Ofitwtr4t_arof ( 8,1 Out NLc- AoaSt€B f* "l 1 - f{yr'rrQlFrEA , - Rtrt+ FA^' l- l.ioesE 6(Au3a F,tr./ 1- pAleA *'**'H.*****s****************RouTlNG INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE O N LY****r***********srF,t********r*** BUILDING DEPARTMENT:PLANNING DEPARTMENT: C:\windows\Desktop\fFLORES INFo\Revised Bldg permit.doc 10t16t2002 e BUILDII{G PERTIT # JOB ADDRESS: THIS CHECKLIST MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE REVISON PERMIT APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: . NEW RIVIEION APPLIGATIOI{ F|LLID OUT o PAGES OF OOCUTENTS BEI}{G RErflSlD . PAGE PS Blll{G REVISID ilUST Bl HIGHLIGHTID OR BALLOO}IID r REASON FOR REVISIONE . DRB APPROVAL lF ilEIDED o 3 SETS OF REVISID PLAXS o ARGHITICT /EXOII{EERID DRAWII{OS STAilPID Appllcantts slgn|tur€: Date of Submiftal: Recclved By: r0mv 0F VI;IL TO-WNOF"VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address.: Location......: Parcel No....: Project No...: OWNER 60015 License: CONTRACTOR David P. P.O. Box vail, cO 8L558 I_,icense; APPI-,ICAICr Dawid P. P.O. Box Vail, CO 8L558 I-,icense : ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT 8OO POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 8OO POTATO PATCH 210t0630r044 Permit #: 803-0131 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 05/28/2003 Issued...: 06/26/2003 Expires...: 12/2312003 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Total Calculatcd Fees-> Addilional Fees----> Total Pennit F€€-> Payrnents--___+' BALANCEDUE > o DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT L..ot -t, ts\k \ \J.^^\ -T'o L^-\o-?*\.[ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES RIITH, IJIJOYD D., iTR 520 IrAKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIEI.D rI., 05/28/2003 Phone: os /28 /2003 Phone z 970-845-9122 0s/28/2OO3 Phone:970-845-9L22 AddSqFt 0 # ofGas logs: 0 Gossett, Inc. 43'tL 539-B Gossett, Inc. 437L 539-B Desciption: remodel to interior master bath/bed room and new deck Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Type V Non-Rated # ofGas Appliances: 0 R-3 VN ?2 Valuation: $200.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: y FEE SUMMARY .tar'rl**:t't'tl|.*''tr*:.**'t*'rtaaall+r+11!ai'r*'r*al+alt:**t*:*'r*:rr*a*'r'll Building-> Plan Check-> Investigation> Will Call---> $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 0o $0. 00 $2, s66.69 12, s66 .69 s2 ,64L.69 92,64L.69 $0.00 51,553.75 Restuarant Plan Reyiew-> S1, 009 . 94 DRB Fee-'----'--> $0 . 0o R€s€ation Fe€---_> 93.00 Clean-upDeposit-----> TOTAL FEES-.-> t:f t'i,tl *a:l l l{ *a* lt Approvals:IEem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 06/23/2003 ccD Actsion: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTI'IENI o6/Le/2oo3 bgibson Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARII{EIII Item3 05500 PI'BLIC WORKS .*.|.|*.t''''|.+|'||t'+|l||'|'||+|||'||+i||!|||l.*||.l|||l'l*|.|.|.t*|r.||i|'|i|i*||.*. See page 2 of this Document for any "o?it,oo, that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town app REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI.JRE FORHIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 *{t*:|t,}{.!t**'****'|**'f{.,|.********:},|t{.*****'t*:*{t{.*|****,tl.,t****:t**'t,|t*,|!'}:|'!*'l CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0131 as of 06-26-2003 Status: ISSUED **tl**,t* * t*** ******* * * *,f * * f tl * * 't * 't * *,t * rt ** '* 'r !* 'i *,***rt t * ** * *:t * *:i * * * *{r,t!'t!t * * ***'i **** '} * * ** !i t '} ** 't t {.'t * *{. 't {' 't ** * * **:i * Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 05/28/2003 Applicant David P. Gossett, Inc. Issued: 06/26/2003 9'10-845-9122 To Expire: l2D3/2003 Job Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: 800 POTATO PATCH ParcelNo: 210106301044 Description: remodel to interior master bath,/bed room and new deck Conditions: Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF TFIE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. t * f * + 'l'{.'l * * ** * * i * !t* *'} * * * +** ** + | t ** ** ** * | I +**+ t +'}*+ + t *** 't * * + * * * + | * * * * +** ** * * l. * * * * * * * {' * ** *'} * ** * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment *t++f+ ***++***tll + ****r ++ t*+***t ********t+ +ff** + *++t*t* i**f*+t+****+* * **+************'i +*** ** gtatement Number: R030004244 Anoun!: 92,64L.69 O6/26/200302:13 PM Pa)dnent Dtethod: Check Init: LC Notation: *1526 David Gosset.t, Permit No: 803-0131 Type! ADD,/A!T MF BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 210106301044 Site Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIIr L,ocation: 800 POTATO PATCH Total Feee: $2,541.69 This Paynent: i2,64f.69 Tota1 ALL Pmtss: $2,54L.69 Balance: $0.00 t * * {' '}*l' * | | | i* * + * +'} * + * {' * * + * * * * * * t * * *i * i * * * * **** * * * * * *** +*** * * 'l ** * * * * * * * * * + * * a' *** * + * ** ** * * * * * * ACCO{JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES cL 00100003123000 CoNTMCToR LIctNsEs PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES I^IC OO1OOOO31128OO hIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE I ,553. 75 75.00 1 , 009. 94 3. 00 ll APPLICATION WILL NOT BE AGCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U UILDIN CATION hanical, etc.l 5S x7o .iv".Lszo Email address: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUfLDING: $ rc,q)ELECTRICAL: $OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL: $rorAL:s 7<$r s[r). For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit 7-lolqa6o lozl Job Address: fub ?or+lo PA'r+l'too NarPr:r[F( Paa-twtzz p") Fa*ta DFztr-. WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ffi Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior [) Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family M Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Lfle : Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burn cas Loas ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED oR oFFlcE usE oNLy*******#********t****** \\VAiI\CEIE\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07 t26t?o02 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S,FRONTACEROAD vAtL, co 81657 970479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0115 gp3-o rSl Job Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 800 POTATO PATCH -B Applied . . : 07115/2003 Parcel No...: 210106301044 Issued . . : O9ll9/2003 ProjectNo : p(56j-Ot5D Expires. .: 03/1712004 owNER RIrpH, LroyD D., irR o7/ts/2oo3 phone: 520 I.,AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIEIID IIJ 60015 Lricense: CONTRACTOR Frank Anderson Plumbing &. HeoT/L5/20O3 Phone: 970-524-7806 P.O. Box 4209 Eagle, CO 155 Estes lJene G)E)sun, CO 81637 8L631 Lricense: 273-Vl APPIJICAIrT Frank Anderson Pturnbing &. HeOT/!5/2OO3 Phone: 970-524-7806 P.O. Box 4209 Eagle, cO 155 Estes lrane G)G)sur, CO 81637 81631 License: 273-ttl Desciption: BOILER REPLACEMENT OLD BOILER 150,000 NEW BOILER 180,000 Valuation: $8.000.00 O DEVELOPMENT Firepl0ce Information: Resticted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Mechanical-> $160. o0 R€stuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check-> S4o , 0o DRB Fe-----> lnvesligation-> will cr[-> s0, oo ToTAL FEES---> $203.00 Total P€rmit Fe€--> $203.00 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY a'i'lltrat'tt.'illlr*r*taral'|a:lar**ara*ra,ltrtlall:r*t:r'l:.**r*t'|*+t SO. OO Totrl Calculated F€€s-> $203 . 00 $0. oo Additional Fees->$0.00 Pa)'menls------> S203 . OO BALAIICE DUE---> S0.00 93.00 Item: 051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARl'!{Elgt I7/L6/2OO3 GCD Acrion: AP IteM: O55OO FIRE DEPARIT4ENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIB 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFORM TO I,IANIIFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AI{D TO CI{APTER r.0. oF TrrE 1997 n'c, c*Agr"* to" THE 1997 r!,rc. Cond: 25 (BIJDG. ) : GA.S APPLIN.ICES SHAIJL BE VEIfIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER Cond: 29 (BI,,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER THE 1997 I['lC A].ID CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31. (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SIIAIJIJ BE MOItMfm ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE I,TSTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PITANS AIID CODE ANAITYSIS MI]ST BE TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): DRAII{AGE OF MECHANICAIT ROOMS COI{TAINING BOIIJERS SIIAIJJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIloOR DRAIN PER sEcTroN 1_004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. AND SHAI,IJ 8 OF TIIE ].997 IMC. 3 At{D SEC.1017 0F CONST. ITNIJESS POSTED IN MECIIAI,IICAIJ ROOM PRIOR HEATIIIG OR HOT-WATER SUPPITY sBc. Lo22 0F THE 1997 I,MC, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build tbis structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOURS IN 479-2t49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI 't 't*{' * **+ +l' + +f * * *+ t{"t * * * * * | *+ ++ + * *** ** **'}++ + f + a* t * **** * **r * * * + *++ * f +* * * + | | + r+ *+ | f+ **i + + * t +*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * ++ * * + * ***** * + + * * a *** ***'|* + + * * I t I ** * t | | + * * +1+ *** * a' + | +* +*'i + * ** * ** * * * * * *'t f* * * * l'* 'l' * * + * f* + * * * * Stat,ement Number: R030004726 Arnount: $203.00 09/L9/200302249 PYI Pa)rment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Frank Anderson 4203 Permit Nor M03-0115 $4re: MECI|AIiIICAIT PER.IIIT Parcel No: 210105301044 Site Addreas: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIIr tocation ! 800 POTATO PATCH -B Total Fees: 5203.00 Thie Payment: $203.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $203 .00 Balance: 50.00 ***** + f++*ft t * + +*** tf * *l ** * * t+** * * **+f{r+++** + f***+ ***********:}+ +***** * * ***+* +* + ** ** * * ** ** * ** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts }4P OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PERI"IIT FEES 160.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 40.00 hlc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO AppLrcArroN vt no, BE AccEprEe rF rNcoMprEreiE un#hrffr 2 ; ^A a^c3e ll?|"'T##ffi# l\rf$ 7 I \' )t MechanicalPermit #= -* .--rrrrr. ^-.,--'' . ^:-':::tl::::T:: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 iffiiu" Permit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION MgchaniqalFntractor: n' fttrru/t. /hrkt("* lq h P Town of Vail Reg. No.: L?7 - /\ Contact and Phone #'s: 7fo -276f E-Mail Address:**"%')22' [/"t*a^--- COMPLETE VATUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials MECHANICAL: $0ao Asessorc Offie at 970-328-8640 or visit for Patel # ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy******** \\VAiI\dAtA\CdEV$ORMSWERMITS\]\4ECH PERM.DOC q) 3 E _o -A, rrde* I d. r\t ^- ^ r\t il\) rY tE -fi( 6 I <l lJ l-*Ll -..!t al l-t f Itt I r al - rill ^ - ]l -l ; 1346-unisy LiTI c-...-b+ =FO'.ug a)5r$ r--.5crfs ;ffi r uoplaloa lFqr sl3p Jet |!$ Jo suolq^ord D]rrlpsm( cqt Jo F loqsp$ ,(!r 'Jo oopurndutoo pur Fssnss: aq.l l|!Ja.I 8{prrues uollcadsur E .tajes iljaururdoO pauCc icncg ,(1ur,: eflA@Ud$A ts- \ot. i'3_56t-altf''IL TIY/I ffi IUOT irps*$ 'E d oo pcsrq pr.t:d r 10 rtrunsst ttll r al pE [qt tnltFltlJqtp reqpo :apo rtl :pc' railc ro ciffr o frm c p ol turunsetd suu'ad ry-fip.r 4o r+SJo trolsr^oJd aql Jo '(tn! D U pd t eq o! F.Es-uot aq |ou IFIP O t1ifo Prcrddr ro tluud u ;o Sunu:r3 to t?.8 tqmf ED||UO t?90I qonrtg Saxo 4frF:srvutuf roFe!pt!:o)if. tttrt Jr sacwutp:o ra4o dut Jo qoprplr. q Eala r?ma!1p so pcur tulaq suoprmdo u uiorj io vra rcrp Pdr rsopBrglcrds tusld Ptes u! slortt rsu.ntil q;ralag uro{ Fltgo tqpqoq tn lua^.rd Dc J3ffi T e Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of C.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax:. 97 0.479.2452 web: www.d.vail.co.us Project Name: Ruth residence DRB Number: DRB030163 Project DescripUon: NEW WINDOW LOCATION-EAST ELEVATION,S. TERMCE RECONFIGUMTION, AND ADDMON Pafticipants: OWNER RUTH, LLOYD D., JR 05/19/2003 Phoner 520 I.AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERRELD IL 60015 License: APPUCANT K.H. WEBBART. 05/19/2003 Phone: 953 S FRONTAGE RD W #216 VAIL 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 800 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL LocaUon: 8OO POTATO PATCH Legal DescripUon: lot: 7 Block: l Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number: 210106301044 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:05/28/2003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buibing. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 -o -o <u = 05. t5.2003 Ioning Analyris: Lot 7, Block l, Potato Patch 8008 Poato Patch, Yail, (olondo Lot lirc .3977 acre / 17,320 sq. ft. for Unit B lot Based on l.LC.'r I ta$e Yalhy Suneying Inc., ll/17/2000 loning Primary/Secondary Residential loning Setback: 20' front (l{o encroachmen$ per ILQ l5' Sides (t{o encroachmentl per l[C) 15' Rear (t{o encroarhments per l[Q l|eight 33'Sloped Roo6 GRII (tbor Ana): tllorabh 15,000 (.15) + 15,000 (.?5) + 78 (.10) = 5,328 sq. ft. 250 Additional GRIA available for both unitr (500sq. ft) lluimumr oer IOY loninq Unit A (Love) Secondary unit @ 40% = 2,131 + 425 (used last addition) = ?,556 sq.ft. "N 4 Unit B (Ruth) Primary unit @ 6Uh = 3,197 + 425 (ured last addition) = 1,622 sq.ft -plus 250 addition Existina Unit A (tove) 2,806 q. ft. Unit B ([uth) 3,059 sq. ft. (Per Town of Yail Record$ Unit A il maned out Unit B has 013 sq. ft. GRIA remaining $itc tuverage (Unit B): Allowable: 1,464 sq. ft. txisting: 2,560 sq. ft 904 q. ft. of lite Covenge kmains for Unit I ?92( Pleue note that the above numberu are subject to verification by the Town of t/ail Planning Staff. All modifications to either Unit are subject to written approval by the other Unit per Town of Vail and Party Wall Agreement l9 r0||rH fR0rrrGr R0a0 v{rJr t ll{ Yllt (010Rr00 tl{lt f9l0.1tr.I9t0 910.411.196J(f ) wyf lhw.bb.(on llttttt or lNt ArItt(rt lrttttutt 0t Ar(Ntttttt I Offi TOI4IN |,FIIIILW Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colocdo 81657 tel: 97Q.479.2139 kx: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projec6 requiring design review must receive approval prior tolsubmitting a building'permit application' Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informatjon is received by the Community Ds/elopment Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Delign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, DescripUon of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot ? Block: I SuMiVision: Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co.'Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of owner(s): 4.'Vn htnt Mailing Addressl Owner(s) Signature(s) Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Conceptual Review D New Construction [, naoition tr Minor Alteration ' ( m ulti-family/commercial) tr Minor Alterdtion (single-fami lYlduPlex) tr Changes to APProved Plans n Separation Request Phone: . ueTi -t t -.- | r, -tv411- 2-a10+11- 2_4b+ $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $550 For consUuction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residenfal or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reioofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improverlents' such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and $20 H?'i"l*,iiXt;"tiians atready approved by Plannins staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ,,-ffi l, (print name descdplbn) provide thb tetw as Jvtittsn approval of the plans dets d €{ 1 /O wtrictr haro I further undeBtand that mrror modifications may be made lo th6 plans oler the coulE€ of the revlew process to ensure cornpllanoe wlth the Town's applk=ble code and regulations' ,",'!rA,-VVgt'r- N5!\4--- Page 2 of 'l2ll7l17lO2 JOINT PROPERIY OWNER WR ITTEN APPROVAL LETIER a Fint oi,nt of pop€.ty located at (addrssn€gal b€en submitt€d to the To^rn of vail community Development Dspartunent for th€ propos€d impror'€rmnts tob€cdnPletedattheaddreesnotedabove.IunderstandthattheprcpcedlmFo'€n€ntsindudg: rd c,, ac lcc n,,r^n-] H I Trtnr'Ll)22 1.C CnnT rl rLrl-l Building Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Malerials Fccia Soffts Windows Windorv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wdls Exterior Lighting Other - %b74'a 9;ll?-D Notes: PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material -ro MF.rcu E(lETtNk *RL -ro MA4C.q €XrgTl ^)6,- Golor l4k1-Ot+ 2X1317 nb- uPrlc*l zNSr ltJ|cr' Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12107117102 From Land Tit'le (MC) Tue 20 May 2003 09:54:1.0 AM MDTo Page 1 of 9 Land Tifle Guarantee Conpany CT]STOMERDISTruBUTION Dste! 05-20-A)03 hopcrty Addrcss! EOO FOTATO PATCHDRIVE Our Ordcr Nunber: v91001010 KIt' SMBB 953 S. FR(}{'TAGE RD, W. vaIL Pf,()mlsK)NAI. B[,DG,, SUITE 216 vAr. cl) t16t AGU KILE WBB Ytut TIO4TI-DN Fs': tlV77-2ffi Sentvir Frx ErnIEttff ' From Land Tit'l e (llc)Tue 20 May 2003 09:54:10 Ail MDT Page 2 ot 9 vrt ladTtleQ.rfre@ry \unqilrrcEi Det€! 05.20-2003 Our Ord€r Nunber: V50001010 hopcrty Addrcss: frN FOTATOPATCIIDRIVE Buyer/Borrrower: LLOYD D. RUTIT, B Scller/Owner: LLOYD D. RUTII, JE It you have eny inquHcc or reqrdre further asslstance" pleese oontac, one of the nmb€rs below: For Closlng Asslstence For Title Asgbtane: Votl Tltlc DepL Roger Avlh 10t S. Frontrgc Rd- W. f!03 P.o. Box 357 Vail, Co E1657 Phonez %|04|GXISL Fext lnO47G$A Emdl: Rrvlb@ltgc.com Need I mep or dlrecdons lor your upcodng closing? Chect( out Irnd Tltle's web site at wrru' ltgc.com lor dlrectloN to ary of our 40 ofllce bcetlons. EIIMATEGTITIEE HonmionBhder 9175 - OO TCTAL $175.00 toa otltilct TIIANK Y(xI FOR YOI'R ONDEN,! From Land TJt'le (lK) Tue 20 May 2003 09:54:10 Al,l MDTo Page 3 of 9 LTN)TTNE CLNHFNTE OVIH\M tlwqcE i.iltd Ttft Otf,rnn IIOYD D. RUTII, F. hopcrty Address: &X) FOTATO PATCH DRWE Yorr Refeicrre No.l WlEn rcferdtg to tds oder, please reterence our Otder No. V50001010 . CHARGES. Irf,onuedon Birder $17s.00 -Total-$us.oo Plese rmke chds Pryable tol L{d Tldc Grsrtee Corryory P.o' Box544{l DeNer, CO &)217 From Land T'i tl e (MC)Tue 20 May 2003 09:54:10 AM MDT Page 4 of 9 (licqo Tlde AEtrmce Corryerry ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. V5m01010 Schedule A CusL Rei.: Prop€rty Addressl flN FOTATO PATCTI DRWE l. Etfective Date: April 25, 2fi)3 at 5:00 P.1\{- 2. PoHcy to be Issued, erd koposcd Insured: Irfon -T on Blrder hoposed Irued: LIJOYD D. RUTII, F" 3. The catstc or inteEst ln the lrnd dcscr.ibed or rc(erred to in tbfu Conmit|rent and covercd breln ls: AFeeffie 4. fide to the catete or lnterert coYer€d her€in is at the €fiecdve dste hereof Y€stcd in: LI{'YD D. RUTE .F. 5. The land relerr€d to ln tlds ComrDltn€nt ls descrlb€d as follows3 PARcg. B, A RESUBDWI$ON ff L()T ?, BII)CK I, VAIL FOTATO PATCII, ACCOnDING T(} THE Pr.AT RECORDID MARCH 3, 19E2 IN BOOK 337 AT PAGE 1E9, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STAIE OF c(x.oRAD(} From Land Title (MC)Tue 20 May 2003 09:54:10 Afil MDT Page 5 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT ' SclEdtle B - Secdon I (Requirernents) Our Order No. V50001010 The folowhg &re the requlErnents to be complied wlth: Itcrn (a) Faymert to or for lll eccornt of ltn grurtor:s or mor€rgorls of llt full consldention for lh es@ or fuitst to be fursw,ed" ftem (b) Prlopcr fustltrnen(s) cEedrE Arc esbre or hercst to be irErred ro|st be execuEd erd dy trled for rtcordn b-wlc Iftm (c) Payrnent of dl ffies, cllrrBes or assessrmnB levtcd ad rsscssed agdEt tlE sultJect Prerdtes wtdch arc dre adryaHe" Item (d) Ad|fflonal rcqrirerffm8, lf an5r dsdosed below: THIS COMMITMEil{T IS TORINT'ORMATTGJ OI\LY, AI\ID NO F(XICY lvlrr BE ISSUED PURSUANTIIMETO. ' From Land Tit'le (MC)Tue 20 May 2003 09:54:10 AM MDT Page 6 of 9 ALTA COMMTTMENT SchfrleB-Secfion2 (Brceptlons) Our Order No. V50001010 Thc pollcy or polldca to be issued wtll concafir exceptiorB to the tollowing rmless the srme ere disposed ol to the sadslsction of the Cornpeny! 1. HShb or clsfuc of filics in Posscasion mt shown by llr plblic rccords. 2. Easemnb, or cldrm of ecerrnb, mt slmwn by ttrc ptHlc tccords. 3- Dlscrcpurcicq codnlcb frr borrdsry lirEs, sln]fige in s|tr, encn eclmtenb, d f,ry lecb wtldr s cortct suvey ud fupecton ot ttr ptrdses would dsclose srd wlddl d! mt shown by On pHic rccords- 4. Any lien, or rlght to a Hen, for servies, labor or rnalerial trer€tofore or heltafter firrdshed, ilryosed by law ud mt shown by ttr prHlc rccuds 5, DeIecB, licns, elErnnbrurces, rdverse dlirft or ofur rmltrs, if {ry, cre&4 fitst sppesrfulg ln fix trttrc necords or artfHr{g subequcnt to dp etfocflve dele hercol hS p'lor b t|e dab dr proposed insued ecqdt€s of rccord for valrt tlr €stre or herest or rmrqage tlrreon covercd by dis Comdfueil- 6. Taxes or special assessrrrG whtch are not shwn as edsdrg liens by tr prHic rccords.o Or lttrsnrtr's oitce- 7 , Llens lor urFdd wasr ad s€wer clnrges, if rry.. E. In dddorl 0re owrrrrs polcy wllt be sd{ect io 0E morq€e, |f ory, mtd ln Socdon I of Sclrdle B hnof, g. RIGHT (xl WAY FOR DrICTIES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE AUTIIORITY OF TIIE I,]NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN T]NITED STATES PATMiIT REIC{)NDED ruLY 13' 1939' N BOOKTJZ3 AT PAGE 617. 10. RESTruCTTVE COVH\ANTS, WHICIT DO NOT CONTAIN A FONFEITURE ORREVBRTER' cll\usE, BUT OMITTTNGANY COVm{AI\T ORRESTRTCTTON BASED Ol\ RACts' CU,O& NELIGION, SEJL IIANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS ORNATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND OI\LY TO TIM D(TM|IT TIIAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EI(n}TP[ TJNDER CITAPTER.42' SECTIOI\ 36ffi OF TIIE TJNITE) STATES AODE OR (B) RU.ATES T() IIANDIO\P BUT DOES NOrf DXSCRIMINATE AGAINST IIANDICAPFED PERSONST AS CONTAINED IN INSTIIJ'IIIENT NEClCRDED MARCH 05, 194, IN BOOK223 AT PAGE 62E AND AS AMB{DED IN INSTRTJME$IT RECORDED SEPTEVIBER 24, 195, IN BOOK 241 AT PAGE 950. 11. TERM, C(}\IDITIONS ArilD PROVTSIONS OF TOWNHOUSE DmLARATTON RECORDU) SEPTEIUBER 1, 19E1 IN BOOK 32S AT PAGE 421 AND SETTIEMET'{T AGRE'f,'I}IEX!{T RECORDED AUGUST 25, 199T IN BOOKSSO AT PAGE tTt. I:L ENCROACIIMU\T (X' PARI(NG AND DRIVE AREA ONI]O II}T 3, BITCK 1 VAIL POTATO PATqI AS SHOWII ODI IMPROVEMENIT ITOCATION CERIIFIA{,TE DAT@ EEERUARY L4' 1994 BY JOHNSON, IfljNIGLAI|ID ASSOCIATES, INC JOB NO. 94053. ' From Land Tit'le (MO Tue 20 May 2003 09:54:10 All iiDT P4e7of9 ALTA COMMTTMENT SdrfrlcB-Secdon2 (ftctptlons) Our Order No' V50001010 The pollcy or policirs to be lssucd wlll cont{in exceptlons to the following rmless the serne are dtsposd ot to the sadslactlon of the Compe.ny! 13. EASEMENTS, CONDmONS, @VEr.{ANTS, RESTRICIIONS, RESRVATIONS AND NOTES ON TIIE RECORDED PLAT (X'A RESUBDMION OF LOT 7, BLOCK 1, VAIL FOTATO PATCII' REICORDU) MARCTI 3, 19E2 IN B(X)K 3EN AT PAGE IE!). 14. DmD OF TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 14, 1994 FROM LL/OYD D. RUIII, JR T0 TIIE PUBLIC TRUSTM OF EAGI,E COT]NTY trORTIIE USE (X'TIIE NORTTIERN TRUST COMPAIIY TO sEcunE Tm suM oF $59E,000.00, AND AIYY ()rIIIEn AMOUNTS PAYABILE LJNDEn'TIIE TERJI,S THmEm, RECORDED TBRUARY ls, r9!'4, IN BOOK (32 AT PAGE 929. From Land Tltl e (ltlC)Tue 20 May 2003 09:54:10 AM MDT Page 8 of 9 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Prusrnnt to CRS 10-11-L!':1, mdce is hereby given Onc A) Thc subJect rcd Foperty |tny be locabd ln a specirl trxirg dsHct B) A Crrd[cete ot Taxes DlD lisflrB ea{h tdrg jrrlsdcdon rnry be obtdlEd fmm tlrc couty Tbssurt's Nd|odred rgent C) The trtronnflon rtgorfi€ specfel dtsHcts ard tlr bomderles of srrh dstsicb lry be obffircd tom tlrc Board of Cormty C-orrdssiornn, Or Couf,y Clerh ard Reconhr, or lfu C-outry Assessor. Note: Etloctive Sepernber 1, 1997, CRS 30-10"405 rcqrdrcs tlEt all doolrrs rtcdved for rccordrry or filirg in tb clert< snl rccor*ds oflce shalt corfin a top rryin of rt leest orn inch rmd I left' tigltr md botbm Imrytn of Nt least oIE helt ol an lnclr. The clerlr ard Ecorder nay rcfrIse to record or llle arry docurnnt tld do€lt mt cortrom, except tlEt, ttn reqinranrt tor tb top rnrgh sfdl mt +ply to doc|rrInb rsilg lonm on wtich space ls Frovtded for rccordfrrg or trttrg lrtronD{tlon at tlE tDP rnrgin of the docrrEnt Note: Colorado Dlvislon of Insuancc Reguladom 3-5-1, Prrgrqh C of Ardcle Vtr rc$drts tlut'Every dde edty slnl be nsportsiHc for dl rmtbrs wtdch ryefi of rccotd Fior b tE ttr of rccotdlE whenevcr llE tfle cndq/ corducB the clmirry and b rcsporiHe tor rccordrg or ltltg of legd docrrmft rcsultfog ftom tF tsrracdon wlddr was closed". hovlded |hat Lsrd Ttde Gusrdfee Corryery condcts tr clostq ot Ar ftrsurcd fasocdon rd is tEsPoDslHe for recorftE th legd docuans ft,om tlE tsrnsscton, excepdon m.unber 5 will mt 8FF8r on the owner's TIde Follcy "nl ttr Leirden Pollcy whn ls$rd- Nob: Altnmdve 6cl rdc's licn probcdon for tte Onrrr rnry be 8YallaHe (tyflcally by &leflon of Exepdon no. 4 o? schedrle B, sectlon 2 ot the conrd!|tent frtom the ovrpfs Poltcy to be ls$Ed) upon cordlmc€ wlth Or followlng corddorB! A) Ttr lord &scdbed tr Sclrdde A oI tlds colfldtEnt r|[st be r slrBle hrdly rtsldence wldch inchdes a cordordrirlrr or townlmwe udt B) No t$or or rmterlats lrrvc be€n ltrrished by mcherdcs or rnterld-rrrn for FlPoses of cor3tr;3ton on tlr 1gd dcscribed In ScHuIe A ol Ods Crrrlrdtmnt wltdn tF Fst 6 rmrilts. c) The corryory rmrst rccelve nr qmprl& dldavit lrdenrdiyirg tlE colrysry ryairst urfiled mchdc's ud r@del-rEn's llens. D) The Corryeny rmrt rtcclve Poyrmfi of tr rympr{ete prerdrn E) tr d:re ls been corutl1gdorl irrymverrnt or rqior repdrs rudertahen on the ProFrty to be prclced wltldn six montl|s prior to ttE Dab of dr ConrdtrE4 tb rtqdrcrnents to obin coverqe ior urrccorded llens vlll incftde: dsclosur ol certrh corstrndon ir{ondon; firnmial irfondon s to tlE s€ll€r, tp hrilder srd or tlr conhrctor; IrqFrnent of the epmprtab prudun fully €rec|rEd Ldennlty AsrcemrE sedsl*tory to tE comlri{i, and my rdddorEl rcqdrclrnb s rmy bc neccssary dter sr cxerdndon of ll: alortsdd irformrfon by Er Conprry' No coverage wlll be given uder ary ct.crlrctlnccs for lebor or rrralerial tor which tb irrrred hs cor!tsschd lor or 4rced to pay. NoEs hnnnrt to CRS 10-11-123, mdce ls trereby glven! A) Thrt tlre is rccoded evldence lhet a drErsl e$ab lE been severe4 lesed' or otlB|:Ttse comey€d tom llt $trfre esrqr. ord A|rf otlt is a Jubffiid likdihood that a tldrd paily hotds sora or sll lnler€st in oil, gas, oorer rdrcrals, or geoorennl elErg/ in ttr poperty; ud B) Ih* such drrIrl eshrs rry inclrde tb rlghfi b erder ud rne dr pmperty witfuut dr $rfrc ovnet's Fndsslort. Ttds mdce qdles 30 owrEr's policy contrdtsrnb contdrdrE e rdrErel seYetslce instlI:trent exaepdon, or excepdor, in S&dde 4 Sccdon 2. Nottrirg hrcin conffired will bc d€emd t0 oblgate dre corryary to povide arry of dn coYerqcs ftf€nrd b ltrcln udess tE above coddors ue ldly satbllcd. Eoa Dl*t/csnl OglOLlOz From Land Title QfC)Tue 20 ttlay 2003 09: 54:10 AM MDT Page 9 of 9 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLTCY Fidelity Nadonal tr'tnanciel Group ol C.ompaniedChicago fitle Insurance Company and Land Tltle GErentee Cornpeny July 1, 2001 We t€coqiz ard rcsrct lhe odvrv exccbdorn ol today's coEureE d tr ttqdr€rDrs of rylicable fedcral ad sbe [iviry lews. Wi berllevd Ont rinliiu you e,wane of frow we use yorrr mr@ffc penord ftrfonmdon C?ersornl Irlorimdori'), sd to whom lt ls .fsclosed -witt lonn lhe besls lor a rcladorrhtF olt st between-F et[ OE Flbltctnt we servd flls Prlysf,.J/ SbterEI ro.ildes ht erpl{|{don We rcscrse Oa dgil tD dnge tlds Prlvry SbHEnt lmm tirr to lirr consbenf-widr SicrHe privecy lews. In the cours€ of orr busfrrcsg we may collect Personal Infonnation about you from the following s)uroeci | trbom aDltcdorE or other fonns we receive lmm vou or volr drorized rcprtse rdve;t hlom yiirr naracdons wlllt or fmm dr servlces belrg Frformd by, rs, orr filhres, or otlEnl;t Flrom bm treng web sltes:t Flom tlE nrbllc records rrintdrEd by govenrrentsl enfides thrt we eitlnr obtain drecdy fmm ttmse enddes. oi fiom ortr dldebs or oilrisiardt Fmm cbncllu or othr rtportirg agenGes. Our Pollclcs Regerdtrg the hotecdon oi the Conttdentlatity and Sccurity of Your Personcl Irfornation Wb rrntrrtrln rftvslcat. electrordc qd uocedral sdegue.ds !o ro@ct yorr Persornl lrfornnlion nDm r!|rud|odr€dres or lntitsfon fte [rdt access ti Un nersonol lftonmfloir only 6 fuse er4oyees who red $rch sccss ln cormcdon wtlh providrg po&cts or se|Tices to you or for olher liryltM lEfrEss Fposcs. Our Policles and hacdes Regardlng the Sharlng of Your Personal Information We mey slnre yorr hr:ornl lrf,onuion wlth or[ alnfdfs, ruch s in$nurce cor|rpsrie+ egenb, and o0rr red esrqrc sbtlerEit seFice provHerr. We cso ruy dsclose yorr Fermml Infonmdon: t io uenb. ho|cn or reu€entrdYcs b Drovid€ vou wl0r scrvlces you hsve rcqrstcd;t to ffird{rtr conlemft or servlce pviden wlro provide srvlcris or perform rnr*edrg or otlnr thcflori oi orr belnlf: erdt to ollrrs_lvltr whom wri erser ftrto Jolnt rmrlredrE sgrcerrnE for pmdrrb or sewices lld we bellevc you |trry fird ot hblrst In sdddorr wc wlll dsctose vorr Fersord lrtrorrndon whn you dittca or glye rs pennisslorg when we erc rcqdrtd bv law io do so. or wlrcn we'stllEEct ftudrlent or crindrnl r-fivides. We aFo tmy dsclose your Fersonal Ii{ormdon wlin o0rrrlse Deniised bry mltcrHe fivecy lsws srch s, for cxeirqle, wheh dleclosue ls ncell€.l b e!trorce orr dglt edslq arut ol eqf iperr4 trursacdon or Eldonsldp wllh you OrE of tE bortart r[srl|sltillties ol soIE of olr dtrl|ered corwdes ls to rccord doclrmls tn tlrc pbllc domein Srrh-docuarG'rry conasln your Persord Irfonrdion - Rlght to Access Your Personal Informadon end Ability to Corcct Errors Or Request Cbanges Or Deledon Certdn stees dord you the rlcll t0 sccess yolr Fcnoml lltronmdon an4 uder certdn drturetsncesr to fnd out b wlnm vorr Rnorbl ldonddon lus becir Oisctosed Also. certrh sEeir dtord you the rlght Eo rcSst conccdoi, mrffi or deledon of yo6 Fersonrl lrtronmtion We rcserre fu ftltg where pendtred b5/ law' b dnrge a reasoneble fce to coycr tlr costs incured In nspottdtg b such r€$Esb. All nEnst! suhdt&d to 0E Fldelity Nrdoml Ftnrxial Gmrp ot C-ornpanies/Odcago Tiue Argtlrmce C-orryury shsll be In wdtirry sd deHvered b lhe tollowirg ddresss Rivacv C.ormllstcc Oftrcer Ff&[dY Nd6ml Ftmr*tsl' Inc. 4050 Cslle Reel, ffE Zm' Sdrb Bert{e. CA 93110 Muldph Products or Servles tr we puvlde you with rmre llnn om flnmciat p,rodut or service, you ruy receive tmte ftm ort pivrcy mdce tDm ||s. We +ologlre lor rV lmrre ence dis may cn|sc yort. Aorr ERn|.POL. CE! '* ***'f ***:t*'t ** * ***,f***a't****!tlr't*r*tt * f,t,t**,}t*'t**'tt* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprlnted on 05-19-2003 et 15:39:10 05119/2003 Statement*******r*'r*l*'t*****'r*rd.*tr'r**'t******'|******t*****t*:t*t *t***r.*r****r*'t***+****t*t t*t*******'lrl Statement Number: R030004016 Arnount r $300.00 O5/L9/2OO3O3:38 Ptl Palment Method: Check INiI: DF Notation: CIIECK # 3394 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrees : Location: This Payment : ** *** * * * **'| lr ** {. * 'r. t* **** r' * * * *** ** ** DR8030163 TIE)e: DRB - AddiCion of GRPA 210106301044 SOO POTATO PATCH DR VAIIJ 8OO POTATO PATCH $300.00 Total FeeE: TotaL AJ,L Pmts : Bal.ance : * *****!t{. ********d.{t'lr *:}{' * * * ** * *:}**:l * '* t'l'}'}*'} $300. oo $300.00 $0. oo ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on DR 00100003112200 DTSIGN REVIEI'l FEES Current Pmts 300. 00 o o llGtf'f -ft. t|rrJhf N9 '.f tl;\ 6ts1t RECETVED FROM PoliccPermitNrmbers- tlou ?rD-u-cH-+' I ZONE CHECK Lcgal dcscription: Lot ? _ Block 1 Fitin g . f,+,o$ P.4/ Addrcss O*ncr--_,Lay4L &u-*d_ Architrct k# r.ttll^ Zonc district P Lotsizr, '1 lr{Cf d Phonc Phonc hoposcd usc Buildable -r g Allorvcd Existing 15@ , : Total GRFA 73e_+ O_ =_-t34-_ \gr*^) prinrarycRFA 3/?7 *1+2.n(S7y)- g;t'}z ; - (t"*) Sccondary cRFA zrsr + (.f2j) (675+)'=.!y;trL- ?6ob . + * 6'15 = 45jcrcdit plus 250 add.ition Docs rhis rcqucst involvc a 250 A,ddition? Horv much of rhc allorvcd 250 Addition is usc,J with this rcqucst? Proposcd = Rcmaining 6 o Sitc Covcralc Hcight Sctbacks 4 'i [3tz ?9,94 + 00@ I I !j Mirlimum Front Sidcs Rcar ', 20' .l5' l5' Lendscaping Rctaining Wall Hciglts Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay Environmcn Lal/IIr"ards \ 3',1 6'e - Encloscd G00) (500) (e00).(l 200) Pcrmittcd Slopc --___% Ycs- No_ Proposcd Slopc tt/c- 2r. I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands y'/r+ 4) Watcr Course Sclback (30) (50) ^t/A5) Ceologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l i50%) ycs_ No_d&__ Complics wirh TOV Liebting On.iinancc i Prcvious condirions of approval (cihcck propcrty filc); Is thc propcrty non-conformiag? l,bcscribc: i;:l ' I iI :1 ;{ Requircd 4 c) Dcbris Florv DESIGN REYE}Y CIIECKLIST'' Projcch -- . El qt m r,rrrt - ev.\ v li I .___ Bcnclmuk I +_ Lcgal dcscription Buildablc Area Eascmcnts Topognphy l00yr. floodptain Watcr Coursc Sctback -' Environmcnbl }lazards Trees Utility locations - Spotclcyations Q SITE PLAT.I \ \ Scalc Buitding Hcight Sctbacks Site Covcrage -, EavcV0vcrhangs (4) Decbtsalconics __ Garagc conncction Sitc Gradc\Slopc Rchining lValls Fcnces Drivcrvay (acccss urd gradc) - , Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss A FLooRPL,Ns L DE'ARTMENT oF coMMLrNrrff,ruuro.r"*', u.ii?"T^-f'( \,..of t, i\k I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Permit #: 803-0131 Job Address.: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status.....: FINAL [,ocation......: 800 POTATO PATCH Applied...: 0512812003 Parcel No....: 210106301044 Issued ...: 0612612003 Project No...: Expires...: l2ll6n003 owNER RurH, rJrJoyD D., irR 0s/2a/2oo3 phone: 520 I,AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIEI.D II, 50015 I-,icense: COMrRACTOR David P. Gossett, Inc. 05/28/2003 Phone; 970-845-9122 P.O. Box 437L VaiI, CO 8l_558 Iricense:639-B APPLfCAIIT Dawid P. cossett, Inc. 05/28/2003 Phonez 97O-845-9L22 P.O. Box 4371vail, co 81658 License: 639-B Desciption: remodel to interior master bath/bed room and new deck Occupancy: R-3 TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Type Occupancy: ?? TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Valuation: $200.000.00 Fireplace Information: R€strictcd: y # ofcas Appliances: 0 Building---> 91,553,75 R€stuarantPlanReview-> Plan Check--> 51, 009 . 94 DRB Fe€----> Add Sq Ft 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 4 of wood Peller 0 FEE SUMMARY tt*:t'tttartl*i't*r.tr,tt'r'l:|**a**arr'tr,ttlti:|*'i****.*..1'rr.*****. So . o0 Total Calculated Fees-> 92, 566.59 S0.00 AdditionalFees-_--->97s.00 SO. OO Total Pennit FF----> $2, 641 .59 S0. 00 Palments-----> $2, 541 .69 TOTAL FEES----> S2 , 566 .69 BAL{NICE DUE------>so. oo Investigation-> Will Call---> S0 .00 Recreation Fee-> $3 . oo Clean-uP DePosit--> Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARI'I{EIVT 06/23/2003 GCD Acrion: AP Iten: 05400 PITANNING DEPARII{EIIIT o6/L8/2o03 bgibson Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PIJBIJIC WORKS t' See page 2 of this Document for any that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS o conditions I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFRCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER ORCONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 *,F'1.**'1.****,1.*{.**!t'l'*,}*****:t**,F*,&***+**:t *****,}**'tr***t,tr******{.********************,r*{.'F****,F****,t(,t'F********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 803-0131 asofl2-18-2003 Status: FINAL :l 'ft **,tt,*f **,i '|** **t'*'1.* *f ******** ****************t!t *** **:t** ***** * ** **:*** *** ** ******* * ****{.{.*,}*** {. *********:t Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 05/2812003 Applicant: David P. Gossett, Inc. Issued: 0612612003 970-845-9122 To Expire: 12/16/2003 Job Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: 800 POTATO PATCH ParcelNo: 210106301044 Description: remodel to interior master bath,/bed room and new deck Conditions: Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLTIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AI.TY WORK CAN BE STARTED. KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 Voil, Colorodo 81658 (e7o) s4e-e3e1 Fox (970) 949-1577 5/8" PLYWD. ROOF SHEATHING (SPAN RATING 4O/2O) 0 T.O.W. 1/2"0 x 8" A.B.'s lN CONT. TRTD. 2x6 R #5's VERT @ 16" orlSHEET NO. CHECK BY cn-cuLrreo evfE orr; ._04/2.jl9J__ DATE -- 3/a" = 1'-o t\tt )3-O 13 R.^+\LI 2x6's @ 24" 2x4 BLKG. PANELS BTWN. RAFTERS @ BRG. NOTE: DWL. NEW CONC' WALL INTO EXSTG. FDTN. RETAINING WALL tN 3/4"0w/ fiS's x 2'-O EPOXIED x 4" HOLES @ 16" #5's CONT. HORIZ. @ 16" #s DWLS. @ 16" 1Ox l.l un f5's x 2'-O TRANSV. @ 24'' PERIMETER PER SOILS 8638'- r 0 DRAIN ENG. o T.O.W. TOWNOF VAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 a**'la | +l'l ta:! lalt*atla||*at|aat * *a*'ta**:|'l*al|*a'| NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0094 303'o(S I Job Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 800 POTATO PATCH Applied. . : 07/0312003 ParcelNo...: 2101063010M Issued. .: 07/08/2003 hojectNo : PGSO 5 o i SO Expires. .: 0l/04/2004 owNER RI'TH, IJIJOYD D., irR 07/03/2003 phone: 520 I,AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFTEIJD TI.I 50015 License: COIflIRACTOR WAGNER EIJECrRIC, INC. 07/O3/2OO3 Phone: 970-949-6161 P.O. BOX 1520 AVON, CO 9L620 License z 223 -E APPITICANr WAGNBR EIJECTRIC, INC. 07/O3/2OO3 Phone: 970-949-6161 P.O. BOX 1620 AVON, CO 8162 0 Licerase z 223-E Desciption: ELECTRICALUPDATE Valuation: S10.000.00 oEp?n aem oF coMMUNrry oever-oprvtr FEE SUMMARY ',tII*:|ar*t+taa*r*a*+*a'ta+rt'rara*':|"r*r"rtr*t*ttrtr't*tr'|:r*:" Tolal Calculated Fees-> 5183 ' 00Electrical------> 91s0.00 DRB Fee----> Investigolion*"> Will Call----> 07/03/2OO3 DF ItCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Additional Fees----->s0.00 Total Permit Fee----> $183.00 Payments---------;' S183.00 s0 .00 $0.00 $3.00 TOTALFEES-> $183.00 BAT AIICE DUE->$0. 00 i * *tl***l 'l'lr *lt a** tlt*+ +*+'tl ill a a+ Approvals:Item: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 .::.::.,";].:..:::::..:T:::::1-:1,:..H..::::,,::::-:":...:::.:.:.i::,.,::."-,:i::::.1T::.*.,*.,..*,.*."*,",,,,:,,.,i*:,,.**,,,,, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with tlre information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. ll Jul-01.!l l0rthn Fr*t0$l0F t/ill SIsntTr Dtvllill|A . rEq|a Ttro|l ItEpEflDt gIAr^t t! MAm rwl}fttf.totn]nurt T-lll 1.001/001 l.;lltt!{?tu6t Olt A?OUrOtlt0Bttof,r&00Atrt -a tt{, -;r--'BEE}B}BOAB u3N9Ht'l HUSOror eoo? 80 rnc t t+**'l{' * * *f**+fl"} * * t{' ** * ft t + + ** * * **++** + **f*1* **** ******* * +*t +*++ + + *** +* * ** a * *** * * *** ****t*f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Sratem€nr t* t{' | **t* * * ** + + l' *+**** ***i***{r*t** * t *** **+*+ ***+ *+tt * + f+ +** +* * * * *+ **+***t+lr*{rt+*t'ft* +t+ +*+** Statement Nurnber I R030004281 Amormt: $183.00 07 /OB/2OO3O9:29 AM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #23390/Wagmer El-ect Permit. No: E03-0094 Type: ELECTRICA! PERIIIT Parcel No: 210105301044 Site Addrege 3 8OO POTATO PATCH DR VAIIJ Location: 800 PO:IATO PATCH Total FeeE: S183.00 Thia Palment: $183.00 Total ALL Pmts: $183.00 Balance: $0,00 *+ **+f *+ ++******l** * **** * ** *** *+ + + a**+**fl+**** **+**t*** **********a'i+++l*****t **+f + +**+**f** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Curnent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY POI,IER PERMITS WC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL iNSPECTION FEE 180.00 3. 00 ?5S. EloaterrRd.vrfl GolorrZo tl6t? TypGo, gtdo.t ShglFftrottyCi Orrpfot flo. d ed$Sng Drreltng Unttr tn ttrrs OuiiO-iE sQ. FEIT FE R NEW EUTLDS end vALuATIdNs FORAlL CfIHIRS (t borltrtatsrteb)coHF|-ET! workChser Ncfl( ) Addtuon( )RBprlr ( ) ri Power(- ) Ofirrl Iq<rarror( ) eotnfll Docs an Eftu extrtst urir tocsuon; -.rc-.Iffi t I l,ttdt.fbntty( ) commeftrC I narffi-f > l.lo. of Ammrnod.tbn Untu rnEE tultffi AFIOUNT OF FT IN STRUCTUSF: COIITRACTOR IITFORI tATIOt{ r**rr.r. *t a* ai*iril. r** f.rtt _r *... * rrrFlOR oFFtcE USE O]{LVr * a I r....*l.. r.. rt r at r.arl t f l.lr. r r r ir * ffitsnqlrbrfi{aFGrm e ' cl-'BeelBlaoea U3N9UFI Ltdeele eooe zo rnr cPl € €$$ o pm- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M03-01 19 GslDt s { Job Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 800 B Potato Patch Club # B Applied. . : 0711712003 ParcelNo...: 210106301044 Issued. .: 07123D003 ProjectNo : ? Rj)i <)(5O Expires. .: 0l/19/2004 owNER RUIH, IJITOyD D., irR O7/t7/2O03 phone: 520 I.,AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIEIJD IIJ 50015 License: COI{TRACTOR SKYIJINE MECIIA}IICAL OT/L7/2OO3 Phone: 970-524-6809 P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSIJM, CO 8163 7 License: t2t-Ui APPLICANT SKYLINE MECIIAIIICAL 0T/L7/2OO3 Phone:. 97o-524-6809 P.O. BOX 1258 GYPST'M, CO 8153 7 License z L2L-YL Desciption: vent 2 bath fans,l dryer,l kitchen hood add I fireplace Valuation: $3,100.00 oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FireDlace Information: Resficted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 S80. 00 Restuaranl Plan Review-> 920. OO DRB Fee--> SO. OO Additional Fe€s-> $0.00 SO .00 TOTAL FEES__-------> S1O3 . O0 Total pcnnit Fc€-___> S103 . 00 # ofGas tngs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY aaaaarrla**:aaria**i:taral'traatl.lt*r*rtr'l*ra'ra.*.,4t.*'|'r.**r:l'' $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $103 . 00Mechan ical-> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> Will Call--->$3 .00 Payments--..-_> $103 .00 BALANCE DUE_-> 90.00 +*l|l:t+|it'l1*+tt|tlt**tlt+||+li|l*t1l|i||+tl*|+tt|1+!l*tl+|+*'}||'||'Item: 05100 BUIT-,DING DEPARTI{EIII o7/22/2oo3 GcD Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARIUENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond.: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-'IAIiICE' Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALTI-,ATIOII MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CI{APTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 TNIC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPITIAIICES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AlilD SHALL TERMII{ATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 199? I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 32 (eipo.), pnnurt,plJANs o* aot**ysrs Musr BE posrED -* rt*rcAr., RooM pRroR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. 'l:i:ttll+ttlt +a'ttaa'tt'ta+ tatt aat aa:tt'taa la:t*tli 'lll*t:l*1'i'al 'la:| *l*a*aa|t+l a'l'l aaat**r*'ll '|*l **:rr*11 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOT'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE 6:004M-4PM. TURE OF OWNEROR {"1* +* * *** + f + +* * 't + * * * * ** * + * *t * * * ** * +'}{' *+ + + * *** * {'** * * * *'l 't* * * 't !t + + * * | t * * ***** *'}*** ***'t* * * + + * * '}'} * TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statementl*****t * ++i***+****+ * * * +++* + t+ * * * *** + * ****** + f*++**+*+ + + +******t***+++ * ++ *+ * ***+ + * tta** ** * * * Stat.ement llufiber: R030004365 Anount r $103.00 01 /23/200372:24 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notat,ion: Skyline Mechanical 5147 Permit, No: M03-0119 1\4)es MECHAIiIICAL PERMIT Parcel Nor 210105301044 Site Addrega: 8OO POTATO PATCH DR VAII, L,,ocation: 800 B Potato Patch club # B Total FeeE: S103.00 This Palment: $103.00 Tota1 AIJL Pmts: S103.00 Balance: $0.00 'tt*!t'*'*t ***+t***t | | * ***** ** f * | *{r** '} **{r'}*'}*{' *'}'t**l'{r+ '} * *i **ft+***'tl* l***** * * l* t * *** * '} **{t'}'t{"t l' * * ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PER}4IT FEES 8O.OO pF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 20.00 ttlc OO1OOOO3IT28OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO AppLrcATroN uL no, BE AccEprED rr rn.o,"rrrrt.s mvtlnFVtnlY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections)4/os oo r*ruT|,1 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: E-Mail Address: COMPTETE VATUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT Labor & Materials o'& As*ssrc Offie at 9 for Parel # ** * * * ** * ** ** ** *** * * ** * ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*** ** * ** * * ** * ** ** * ** ** * ?tJ / L i- | 2823 89: 2O I78s24581 SKYL]NE I,IECHANI PAGE 83 MODELS AJAILABLE GNTC50 36" $,jde lircptace rt".idx a 33" wrcle o1:ening; sbndin8 pilor, rnrural gas GNTCSOE 36' wide fireplacc w.irh a 33" w-icle openin$ electronic igrrition, natural Szs GNTCSOL 36' rr'icle lreplace v"'ith 2 33'' v'idc opening; standing pilot, L P gps GNTC5OI.E 36' wicle fireplace witb a 31" wirle openinqi electonic ignition, L.P. ga-s GNTC60 47" widtr l'ireplace u'ith a 42" n'ide oPenr.g; standing pilot, n;rnrcrl gas GivrcaoE 41,, v;ide firepla.ce v":th a 42" rrijde oFeningi elerlt'nnic ignrtion nantral gls GNTCSOL /+7'' widefireplaccq'irl) a42',wiclcopeniflgrstandinsPilot, l.P,g:rs cNTcSoLE 47'', wiclc luet,lacc n'ith a 42" wjdt: opcningr clccr^rr:nic igrution, L'P' g3's A7/17t28A3 A1t2A e785246dl sKVLrNE r..ro,&PAGE A2 iINISHING MATEf,IALS Vhen finishing the NOvus Series, combusciblc material may l>e blelght up to the sides of the fireplacc but musl never ,,vcrkrp thc l:lack area. Noocombrr.*i'le material onf" *ii ^' t"'t't!' 'itt' srone' elc' filay cqucr the black face of theSe rppirances but mtrst never ccrver dre upper and low-crgrillc panels' ProductDtmensioqg ,C..l .J GHTC50 36:/8i l.l 381/al 21.7|a":,.36i 26r/sl .zJ'lE .,16" Gi[rc8oi '385/sil agy2r{4zi:479d ,21?ls'l!1'lzi 38Vr:35r/ol ,23tlt?aR' Minlmusr rnantel height - 41" altorc ttrc freptacc opcrdng . : ffi"ilil;;;; i. p .r.*.a"m' 0 i; rloor - 0"r iac k' t / 2" ; sro*.' 1 / 2'' Dirueusiolls3 ,:'J sNTCt0 304/i",l30l7nli :{ 61/il GN:rC80,:.385/s1 48Vs?1ff.121 Oul6l flue QKtr2R/QITEB4B Rc4, Rc5, RC6 ON,/C)FF Rcmotc RCR-MLT Mulri-fu nccional Remote RNT5O/RNT8O or$l/s, or, ^42 / A lB lS rlrN33A/B/S, r'.Tq?A{u/s TKN33A/B/S Trim rn andque or Ftxed ucherj cftnrs wirlr nxe<l dcnrs with ldack'!0€d Ucn€ct s(rn:i wlr r .Ldred brass, Oi srainlCS.iiiiii, ilitre.t tt"", - fnlishea ['ap,-91-gintts; l:orr <aor finishes sr:rinlcss scel fi nishes scrl .finislres *eel fini.shes ';fds'::-."'"*,[#.]:XS**''poiishccl br*tr or .{artess fieg nrlsnes Manual flalne controls Ceramic glass Poli.shecllrrass or slainle35 steel trirrr iiiiq.,", polished brass.or stainless steel rim Folishccl brass he;l door trim nrrtiq.'. or polished brass full lace trim rxlilrvnzs - . ny.ryi DFBC42 FK4, FK16U BC10 fixed Bay front, fits the GNTGSO only Fao Xlts Fan motor rheostrl contlol' *rdl mounteo MFl, MFz GP33 Tr(4028/S TK4SA/B/5 TKA2 TKN38A/B 8C11, BC12 Teml:rerahrre-aclivate(l lan conuols ;-ffi nh rech'rologies lnc' ipli uL ir""a€rs st' ' mt Plealant' I^')2(41 y JO-84T28/A' heatilaror.com io^ti^i,ii is a rcgictercd trr<lemark rrf lleanh Technologies Inc #i;;;;"" is pioviaeo for planning ptrtp":::11v, tlt"' rr,fat rn incrrllati.rn insEuchons when insratling dris produa' Gas conversion kits 87/L7/29A3 Zgi2A 10" high 30" and Wall hood stas2a6p interior-power 35" widths sKvLr€ *.*lp | | l' .rangehoocls - dlmenslons PAGE 84 10' 36 %" Fl'l ''d Wall hood side - both models Wall hood top - 36" wide models.- ;:,'/sl+ 1E'I oql''t 6 :ilt " Itt.l :nl rT| '1"| '.r', J c'r' -1' tzt - 'T"''' L,f,- Lsv.'!3.n) ELECTIICAI HOOKIJF zt^ -4€t.!r'{ | 7010"-731n" | 24'-27" oro-o.c-r F,on A* l)tu^'ffi''tl*"" f"=tJhl ",+g.{tr-l pv6 ForausFecjr<rh. Wall hood top - 30" wide models 29Vt' 30' W. Model 4'l*l 0or -l | | i--T-- r z. li/" ?6' \ l Maalal ventilation Droducts 87/17/28A3 89t20 s745246p*SKVLTNE MEcHAp PAGE A5 Basic specifications tc HtcH "tEtAcEflGrlr w u. rrroos - 2r DEp (opno Ar Duct covlR tolD sE AlalilY) , A a60 CFM bb.rr ir rhippcd rbndlrd wi$ oll l0' hilh hoodt... rvrr(F!|n ahtr riuii fot lrooth ndudqt frrornrnanddd vnhnlorqf tlr rrdng;sll ventilation products TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 8t657 970-479-2138 #?*ru*r oF coMMr.iNr- orurrtt", 90. OO TOTAL FEES_.-..._> $245 . 75 Total Permit F€e-> 1246 -75 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PErMit #: PO3-0062 Bo3-o( S\ Job Address: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 800 POTATO PATCH Applied . . : 07/01/2003 Parcel No.,.: 210106301044 Issued . . : 0710312003 hojectNo : ? i-ro5€(5o Expires. .: 12130n003 owNER RIrrH, LLoyD D., iIR 07/oL/2oo3 phone: 520 IJAKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIEI.D TI, 6 0015 Iricense : CONTRACTOR Frank Anderson Plunrbing & lle07/0L/2003 Phone: 970-524-7806 P.O. Box 4209 Eagfe, CO 155 Estes Lane, G]rpsun 9163L Li-cense: 296-P APPLICANI Frank Anderson Plurnbing &. HeoT/0L/2oo3 Phone: 9'10-524-7806 P.O. Box 4209 Eag1e, CO 155 Estes lJane, G]4)sum 81531 License:296-P Desciption: remodel plumbing 2 bath rooms and 2 washer boxes Valuation: $13.000.00 Fireolace Information: Resficted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ?# of Gas togs: ?? # of Wmd Pallet ?? FEE SUMMARY tll*aartrr+'r+'lal....rr.r.ri.r*a*ar*'t+ra:rartara'r*.lt.tt.r..*tr $0 . 00 Totsl Calculated Fees--> 1246 .1sPlumbing-> 5195.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> S48.75 DRB Fe€------>$o. oo Additional Fe€s-->$0. 00 Inv€stigation-> Will Call-->s3.00 Pryments-> S246 .75 BALAIICE DUE_> S0. 00 tttt *t* *rr.tltritt ti* itt +lt ttt ttitt tt+*t*+t ttt tt+tl*t tt* r*tt *ttt*tr *rtt*tt t**t tt+t+t I tttt*rr itt I tltt *l a|ll ll+*l+r+tl*rt ll*t*titfll*l +ll +ll li+tltl * a Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENI 07/OI/2O03 DF Action: AP ItCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMBNT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. RXQUESTS FOR INSPECI'ION SHALL BE MADE .FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE o TWENTY 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 PM. OFOWNER CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF o N 479-2 * ** + +t+{''}* *{t+ +++*ft't * * *{'*t I ++ | t + ** ***if+ | if++1t** +t+*f{rf+t+*++**'}**+t * * *l +t tt{r+**+tal f+a++++ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stat€rnent*****t t+t+l'l **+ |t * *f+t+tl'+lr'i*****++++ + tft{rt't'}**{r*'}l|***!t* t*'} t + | ++ + * * ** *'}t**l'}'} **'}* | ff++f+t + | +* gtatement Nurnber: R030004258 llrnount: 1246.75 07/03/2OO3I-1 :46 AItl Palment Method: Check fnit: DDG Notation: Frank AnderEon 4151 Permit No: P03-0062 T14>e: PLITMBING PTRMIT Parcel No: 2101063 01044 Site Address: 800 PC)IIATO PATCH DR \nIL Location: 800 PCIIATO PATCH Total FeeE: 5246.75 Thie Payment: $246.75 Total AL,L PmEs: i246.75 Balance: $0.00 **{' * lr'}{' * * +l**+*+{r*'} *{' '} 'a * *{' * * * ** * * t ++**+ t *.' + * +f++t**f f+ i * * *+{r'}t'}++** ****!a**!r{rttf* +**f* 1****'}l* ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 48.75 PP OO1OOOO31111OO PLUMBING PERH]T FEES 195.00 t,IC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO AppucATrotl Nor BE AccEprED rr rn.o,nrrt?* rn ffil7A/9 auiiainep@ Permit 49 INFORMATION COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 Plumbing Contractor:Town of Vail Req. No.: 216"V Contact and Phone #'s: PLUMBING: $0 Contact Asg;sso,rc Offie at or visit for Parel # parcet # Zl0 I 06.70 IOC(V-Yru uolo {a '"WWoTtru Ltr@---4 0n Legal lrescription I LoE I eloct<: I fiting:Subdivision: Wy;n{Woy'o yo Wg ?o7va ?IlrCft Drt Phone: Engineer: ll Rddress:Phone:* tw btt'r' p*ol,or 2-brLilu F,et?'€trtr Foo,nr E WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration( t. Repair( ) Other( ) TypeofBldg.:Single-family( ) Duplex(t-f14ul!J-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( )Other( ) No. of Sisting Dwelling Units in this building: L No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Z Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II derice? Yes ( ) No ( t-T ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* .Date Receiver RB Fees: . ,lanner Siqn-off: \WAiI\dAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLM BPERM. DOC o7/26D002 f .', .*':; R€quesEd Inrpect Elrb:' Inrpedfon Are.: Slb AddrEssr Tuesday, Dec.embcr 16, 20fi1s;;;;";;; 8OO FOTATO PATCH AlPlt |nfonmton ^.illty: HF013,Shtls: tsStEDhrpAr[: cd DGCTFUon: ,fi|off|b htador |r* bqfiYb€d rooft arld nawd.ck Co.'*n.ril: ROI,TED TO GREG A'O BI.L FOR RE.\,Elil . FRO'{T n aua{bd lnspaofionftl lb|lr: 0O BLDGFIrd Rsw€slor Dcrtl P. Goceen, hc. ^*,sHoll; cDAvLs Conrt_Tytri:ffi, *,tt .LLoYDD..JR OccrrDa*y ADDlhilrt Drvld P. Crcrl, ftrc. Criibcclor: Dwlt P. Gasalt hc. Tlnr Exp: Phon : 97G869122Ptpnc 97$&F9122 Reqs.aEd Tlme: Plron€: . Enbndsy: 0l:fil ffi 97crlyf5,l91?2 or- ol97$ 37S25aO DGOLDEN K {( lt fzarr6//-F ln$.cilonHlsbry //Off : y'f,ar-1 FttrTc E/,trrnta/7L_ Gyl OGl hrD.c!.: GCD -- Acdofl: AP AFPROVED comnimla Srtniise slteb FcuinATplr wials i'en xix oer-rn- mmD oil!+{xl sEE Fr-e ioccilonHlgbry //Off : y'f,af-7 FttrTc E/,trrnta/7L- ,f,r{./ffi,?3tw^ppor*- 'try* /z-/e-o3 O7,07,{B- lncD.cbr: JRM ' ' Actlon: AP APPRO\IED- coffndE: r-|IER|oRPADAI€GRADEBEATWALLIEORqqEE$CKSUPpORT | )G/ory{x} h.o.clofi JRM lctlon' APAPPRO'I/ED I COtn|NgdB: FOOTHGFORSTORAGES}€DOI'IIY Iffi 20 ElDqF.q|ldilotvsh.l --:AeFur.d* a.6n^r/E^ ' / (pt303 Coilrmiti: lbnr: lbm: lbnr: nrtn: I Sub Tyla: AliiFtEe: VN '/r'?2rza Fr FE c furzzt,a a lrrn: 3O BLDgFilnlE "foomnd- 0911/03-hsD.cbr: CC6' A.flon: CRCORRECTKIIIR€OIJRED Corunents: r .HEOITESTED AfEf6,iiENT FOR lfiX'-fi tg NOT PROVIOED. z.THRU rcLT4 PLYLIILAS RE@BYKRM. trrs9cchr: c.lyb Lilori: APAPPRCwED cofit ilonr mrta b (4! L\rL ftru boltro Mech.dcrl rDrt coriito|l3 hftr bsi mrdo rd o|ho. msclxnlctl oofi€G{ons rr|I |undnurrffirlrddxlwlll b.6bb h.p.cl5t6 hl| 6atelrm: 50 BLDOh$rmon "ADprqd"(n/lgo(l h.Dector: JRtr- Adion: APAPPROI/EDBn: 60 BLDGSh.soctlbI(n21/G! [ED.ctor: GCD Arilon: NR 1\lOT READY FOR lt{IFECTnN 00,:1fl03 hsir.cior: GCD Acdon: APCRAPPROITEUeORRECTIONRE@ Coflncnb: P(OI,OE WA1ER RESISTTVE GYP AT SPA TIJB IN ftiASTER BAfi, 7{t BLDeMbc.g' BLDer.Flnd 21 Pt $l.CFo|'|d.tlonPhn 22 PlJ|l+Lc Sli.Phn Pu..,,ang t^JG {Nrtc Prri} bS -edr> Run Id,: 14?5 i,; REPT131 7 Rrascr$ tnprctoc: Turdry. OcbD|]o7. 20G- lnrililbnlflr: GDSllAffirrr: tOO FqfATOPAICH DRYAL tooPOTATOPATCHA AED.$&@|[ec "*rrW IrblH: ADLi'$rtrs Ftl,EDhrp^r: (D n R?6rr.frd tmorodoilrl KOUG tst &ltfr Flsr: 37$,5ilt7m6eHr-ti Pfw: 97o.@'D7fl16 ot"D lol"Ei r60,0m l€w BClr-lR 160.m REYEUV/IFPRCn'A . DFLORESn-.,| I \D{)lldr(4-,-I rll I l!m: llffigH{GF.R.SrSc tu*AndjDnPf|t|f,hg& H.rhg ^*rsiil8: oDENcrGA [|ro.a0arH||Ur RrcuccEtlThne: 0l:00t- Plpnr: 9:IO60+7O6 + 97DtS 271'.Enn$ry r)oOmEN K TlnoEp: 20 3to 316&n EN 3'Og EN:Im:lm: farf,lor:hlnr: v\\rcF a .'fty'J r /\llt'*' L l&)o115 ^- REPT1SI Rrn Id:. 1331 ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Ruth residence DRB Number: DR8030359 Project Description: New landscapingl removal of four deciduous and one confierous tree and replacement with twelve deciduous (34"cal), eleven coniferous (8-12'h), and thirty-six (5 gallon) shrubs. Regrading at east and west retaining walls and replacement of failing Participants: OWNER RUTH, LLOYD D., JR 08/2512003 Phone: 520 I.AKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERFIELD IL 60015 License: APPUCANT K.H. WEBBART. 08125/2003 Phone: 953 S FRONTAGE RD W #215 VAIL 81657 License: ProjectAddrcss: 800 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Location: 8OO POTATO PATCH tegal Description: LoE 7 Block l Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number: 210106301044 Comments! BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ MoUon By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second BylVote: DateofApprovalz 0812712003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 A-2 1 -O3 ; 1 O: OgAM;MARQUETTE VENTUFES i a47 94O 17 24 # l/ ,l P. 02AUC_20-2003 I,IED III57 AH I(.JEBB ARCI|ITECTS FAl(No, e70C2s85 Application for Design Review Departnent of Communlty Do\relopment 75 South Fronhge Road, Vail, Colo.Edo 81657 tof : 970.4792139 fau.: 97O.479.24s2 wcb: www.ci.vail,co.us Genoral lnformation: All proJecls yequlrlng destgn €$erv must moelve appro\rol Prior to submltting a building permit appllcation, pleaoe relel lo tho slbmlttal l€quiremcnts for the palticrlar approml thal is requcstad. An application for Design Review cannot be occepled unlil all requlred lnlormation ls recelved by ths Communlly Devalopment Depsdmcnt The projecl moy also need t0 be revlewEd by ths Town Councl and/or the Plannlng and Erwlronmenlal Commissrion. Dcsign levlew approval hpeos unlcsc a building permlt ts lssucd and constauctlorr commeocas withln o||o yoat of thr approval. Descrlpllon of the Rcquest:(er,uee-asnNqGrous<a) ?.r€{,tlELqlrEern plLor r@EEp\l )yKe - c**plN I O ersrr w6;r serAt r$lNb!:Au$ 7EI-gn:*z.aga*-- Location of lhe Proposal: Loi: -?- ebck I srudivision TOrcfut+ PhyslcalAddresi: lW9fr<t*.o1mtc+t C'.*, \l*.Lt-t 6 8l6tt _ PatcdNo.zTlOlOb%lO1+-.-- (ConhcrEagtaCo,Assessorat3T0.32S.8640forparcet no.) sP-ltPY ?atPeurtra.- Name(s) of ownor(s); U-Nf> .?=<tT1-/' - Phoqet -*I'48:8n.O- Owner(e) Signature(€)l * Nam€ of Applicant: Ma i r ins Add ros ", -%-, $*futWeS-fu DA.! Z a ----*,* tlelLr-(A-_?t6a? -.__phonc: _ttl=Hq-A__ E-malf Address:-Uav@_pluLh_.CotM_Fal.'_fr _Z:_Haq I Type of Revlew and Fe6: ' Signs. Conceptual Revi".w . l,,Lw Oorplruclion. /\ddiuon . Minor Altsratlon (mul 6.fu mit cornmerciil) . MhorAlteBtlon (slnqle{amiflduploxf O Chor,S* to Appruved Plans $50 Pfus $1.00 persquarc foot of (otalsign areo. No Fec $650 For construc{ion ola new buildhg or demo/iebuild. $300 For an addlfim wherc squaG fuohge b added to any resldenlhl ot commerchl bullding (lndudes 250 addllions & Intorlor convsrslon€). 1250 For mlnot dlangar to buildings snd €ile imptovem€nls, such 03, reroo6ng, pahtin0, window addltions, hndscaping, fcncos arrd letaining udls, e(c.S20 For mirror changBs to buildings and site improvemsnls, such as, reroollng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenccs and retolnlng walls, etc,$20 For ror&lons to plars already approved by Phrrring Staft or the D6i9n Rwieu, Board, No Fcc Malfing Addrsss: 5 . Seperfltlon Roquost Ctock No,: -_- DRB SEI{T BY: JKL tus 25 | 1o:54 AUc-25-03 I I :504il; P.02 PA0E I/2s7047gt 183; JOII{T FROPGXIY OU'IIEF WR I TTEN APPROVAL I"ETYER t. lprtotnantfu 'J,rcr.l lorr , a rohl'oono. ot propeny bcaied al (*dtsneotl d€t'tnirt) pfsddefibbn rGwtlenepgovelofthephnsd.ted t/n/** whkhh!!,ebc.rt E|&nfttco to the Town of Vall Cocrnunlly Oo.€bp'ncnt o+.rtncnt hr ne proposed improvmub lo bG qrpbted Dt the adfe|. noted aDow. I rnOgUanC rtral lho gropced fnprcir€rEvts Indudr; | furfiar ilnderstand thsl mirr modifioedon: rrey be ndr !o [rc part ovor tho colrGe of lhc o/ttw 9Gtots lo. erxtr€ drtp|ac€ dlh the Towr's .pg[cablc cofu rrd rrglatbns. Prgr2 of 12ft)il/11t0fl PROPOSED MATERIALS Bullding Materials Type of Materlal Roof SHing OtherWall Materials Fecia Soffits Windows Windor Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flu6s Flching Chimnep Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior LightirE TLoner'QTMAA€\'. q++€D ,/ Nores: 1D |4nrrr,fi EXte't1Dq +tl)er Pleme speci! the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Color Page 6 of 12lOGl'l7lO3 Botanical Name PROPOSED IANDSCAPING Gommon Name +8E:]zI 5 qal./ 2re/ dga /.t kx:nfusr*n fuwuwfupt h(e'( G*te<tm lstuSbnsflL Uv*t vrnr-NnZ l7 vJE<nat 6rupr kp+lz_ b l7/ ?*( a.l. / Lto' z'- 1" ca( - B(lsrrNGTFEES @ p@"tJ ToBEFEI\,.'ED e\tE(tstt€,a tal Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square FootageType G|ROIJNDCOVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION @NTROL 6_Ls1u)a-_ Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of 12lOGl17l03 a a €, - -- 0s. | 5.2001 Ioning lndpis lot 7, Blod l, Pohh Patch 8008 Poab Padr, Yail, hlorado bt Sizs .3977 aae / l7J20fq. ft lor Unit B lot Based on lIC.t by Ea$e Yalley Surveying Inc', ll/17/1000 loning Primary/Secondary fieridential loning 5€6adc 20 front (l{o encroachment per l[Q 15'Sidu (llo encroachmenb Per l[Q . 15' Rear, (llo enaoachment per llg Hei$t 3y Sloped Roofs GlfA (Iloor tna[ lllovablq 11000 (.2s) + 15,0m (.25) + 18 (-10) = 5'320 q' ft' " 250 Mditional GRfA available.for hth mtu (S00tl. tt) lluimums per T0l'hning Unit A (Love) Seondary unit @ 40% = 2,131 + 425 (ured last addition) = 2,555 sq'ft Unit B (Ruth) Primuy unit @ 60% = 1,191 + 415 (used last additioq) = 3'622 sq'fL -plus 150 addhion tri*int: Unit I (tove) 2,005 q. ft Unit B (Ruth) 3,059 q. ft- (Per lowh of Yail Record$ Unit A ir mand out . Unil B hat 813 q. ft GRIA remaining lie Coveragc (Unit B): Allowabh: 3,464"sq. ft Existing: 2,560 sq. ft 9|t{ q.ft. of Sitr Conrage Remrinr for Unit B pleue note that thE above numbers are subject to verification by dre Town of Yail Planning ltaff. All modificationr to ehher Unit ue subjeC to written appronl by the Cher Unit per Town of Yail and Party Wall Agreement lt$ toll|r olllct l0l0 TtiI slt lla frlt (ol.0tr00 llltl ll I o.t I l.I t I O t I l.l t l.t t at ll I r I r. k h r r b b. c o n Ittnttt ot lrE lrttttn tttlttttt ot lrttttcct, I :HExEd .cd -o= cl- CI al oCL 4! eo€ CL c, r\' oo =lfle, -,r!a & L I =lol HIJlu lz' hl' =ls \-/ ss 9 .ct -.ct c, - -9 ..r!a etE(to t^tEdr-., F1.€::e -.cl =(-t .llCL o o.L 4t ee€ o- (|', (!g -llrtao =E lJ-l -,trl6 t4le, 4, z F- UJ uJ T F vl -cr -o (l, = IOI4'NT) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Crlorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Proiect Name: Ruth outdoor lighting plan DRB Number: DRB030278 Proiect Description: Landscape/outdoor lighting modifications: step lighting around patio, ground fixtures, wall lighting replacement with new FXL fixtures, for a total of 27 new fi)tures Pafticipants: OWNER RUTH, LLOYD D., JR 0712212003 Phone: 520 LAKE COOK RD STE 450 DEERRELD IL 60015 License: APPUCANT K,H. WEBB ART. Q7l22l2OO3 Phone: 953 S FRONTAGE RD W #215 VAIL 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 800 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Location: 8OO POTATO PATCH Legal Description: Lot:7 Block: l Subdivisionr VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number: 210106301044 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By3 David Viele Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich Vote: 3-0-0 DateofApproval: 08/20/2003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paidr $20,00 / ,,, Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 tax: 97 O.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General lnformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittil requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is rec€ived by the Community Development Department. The proiect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Ervironmental Commission. beilgn review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences wlthin one year of the approval. Description of the Request: -u{>tl?=-, T^frto. Location of the Proposaf: Lot: 7 gn"x' I subdiui"io", I htQor*n?mlA Physical Address: Parcel No.: AOIOOSOIOtr -_ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8M0 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s): LUVI-'h)nl Mailing Address: ++2t C Cn"ngo to APProved Plans f Owner(s) Signatu re(s) Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: VMt- Al@a Phone: E-mail Address, V<a,le Qlr-huefu'cowt Fax *71- Hb3 - Type of Review and Fee: . Signs. Conceptual Review . New Construction. Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) . Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) $50 Plus $1..00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $3OO For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or conrmercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversiorE). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such 6, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No FeeSeparation Request o ARC-WET P PattOE- 2y-Tot| Carc+- 6o14 'c77oz/zoo| oE:50 FAr. 888 FI LIJTINAIRE @oouoo2 llrxfr,.TF lNvrsrHrNr Qulltrv LTGHTtNG lNsrRUt4ENT uilled ftom etah€avy g r3e (opPcr and brass tl s petire luninaire is dnginecred to sutf ive Whether you're specifiing for a rcsort in Carmd or a badyard iq Dallas the simple geomttry of the DL blends into the eovilDDnant effonlesly. This model b perfect for coasral qosures or areas rvhere inigatioo water ontaim high lerels of mimral or caustic sdts. The patent lrcnding adiustable lamp arsemblp is milkd ftom colid braes and ie eugineered to allow the field inctaller to nm tune b€am spread for rharimum proiection with minimum glare-thereby proiecting soft glare-free light up to 28' io diamet€rl Ttre high oupul, tor€-Uft halogen lanp aseobty reducer operating and mainrcnanca coss. The sadn copP6 f,nich will darclop a 6ne patina naurally orer tirne and can bi: accelcrared with soh,nion spray. FX I D>fl i-io)oKs INAIRE' P ERIH ETEF, LIcHTtNG THE TtH EtEss Bteurv OF COPPER Whr," lxBix9.drya rE ! por,rde@ot ,kt6it dt FX utc stlve b mde ft opwr o{gonrc I i biaad into dtr gtrou'ditE erDirtmnterrl t',lo polvdaloot $i! q€rlook 6 naft)d 6 aPN drE it do€t not da€@ on qleren tno|d€d tfrti$ drd aonesrs d tE fut sqed^n { eordtanes.Afrfior4fr |tt Cip dE coo4,er pa6- livs in o &ldla (g.tdtim thel wfi qriq w- tidt b o Nry bl,4n m6{teen b|qryn ord " b&A8r!st (br/ the b@dn). 6.00' @2001 FX LUMTNAIRE.000-6E8-126I www.FXL.com' 07/02/2003 08:{e F.{I 85s 53t3{FX LIJilINAIRE D:nlLrrl ORDERING INFORI{ATION Ta Hifo8dr 2000 2qt0 100@ 5000 Xcmn @ oo2 DL-lo - t2R. cu. ss Dl$rnc! Dl-10 Dtm DL-35 l'15!{6frn LAX? OltlOt{S ,f .ll .88 1.0 .lil .33 ..16.m -u. t7-o3 .q .t5 d I ro .n.01l1 .03 .l I .0t .05 For oorcrsbn o lu;tnr: lill4at hoto.dat r l0-S.. FX th'rt ty G. r tulldocrf&a cf k l|ld lurara. UsGd ln 8rr.d oidGcotr{toc.d g|.nta badt - tP.ciC o.dcr Orr mot poguhr cmigu-erirn .rd h loc.l dbtributor nocl Use 5 t'll gound coYtr 116 to ttt toP G,l3r of Plant nc.rld ' lPccbl o.dcr Spak - o.tic 1.25' x 400' S19ct5px 2.5O x l{L0f SugG+BoX 2-5O' r l2.(XF . Fosd'lourn 150" x 13,0d \ \ \ }IOU NTI NG O PTIONS IIll..:l..rffilI -l - GT FINISH OPTIONS tor hlgh pcriormnc. .nd pr€dirrbla hn? llt r.nr D( tLJMNAnE.r'z'dormrn ody. Thr FX trrnsbnnc ir +qctficelly dgiged br tj|. hlth c.dr hmDc urad In dr fr(bJr.l - d|| urr cf Infrrior porcr erp- p[r6 crr qla ptlrorrc hrnp Fihrc and a'drc paobL.is hdudht lrlo rH< of ftr For nott ldonnrdon ot| dtr vlrt hpodr|t eltl€.t glcase qrtrct qr rt 0048&1269 or qr dro wrb. for drc bookhr c|ttlcd.|ldcrrandq UL UdnS Sondrr& b. l-!w \/o|Ela tildxrpe tlg|ltrS.' @2003 FX LU],ttNAtRE' t00-68t-1269 www.FXL.com' DemiLite - SpecTech General I nstallation Notes Locate fixture in planter areas not prone to maintenance maohinery. For best beam spread and service life place 12" lrom the edge of hardscape or mow strip. Mount on ground stake or any 112" NPS female thread J-box or canopy. For best performance - provide lamp with between 1 1 & 1 1 .5 volts. Coil 18" of low vollage cable beneath fixture for ftnal adjuslment or future relocation. Seal cable splice per detail included with installatiort sheet. Follow all local and NEC codes. Available Lamps Wattage ANSI Code 5 " T3-5 10 T)-10 Layout Spacing Footcandle 't0 21 Rated Hours FX Model 3000 DL-s 3000 DL-10 lamp and spike unless otherwise in matrix above - this fixture is Page I of2 a a a a a a t H.bcrft af.c.c + 1b g rrdit Options and Ordering Information All fixtures are shipped complete with noled. FX stocks lamp configurations shown rated for 10 watts maximum. The DL-10 and DL-5 have an adjustable lamp mount for variable beam spread. To order without lamp speciff -NL. To order without ground stake speeiff -NS. To order with DeckMount speciry -DM. For predictable lamp life and highest system performance specify FX MultiTap transformers - PX-300 or PX-600. main page I architects lgoieA-ownca I installers distributors I competitors I where to buy fx about us I contact us I site map a a o a FAX 858,o'i / 2I/ 2003 08:06 L ouv:rl,l assr t{ o ORDE R I NG I N FORI.IATION &n LA]!| P OPTIONS FT LUTINAIRE @ ool For coirt.rbn !d hnatn: Muldpt fooE rdler r |OS.. fX gbory br a i/I d..crlpddr otft ud luantB f.l lhlo3cn Xcnon 2000 5Q0 t' T ,' + 5' 6' rt3 t.3 .JO .A .tt .t2 IwH Emnzc McrClic DG€rt Gr&its Brckw'hlb Silver l',lca.llb \Ardc Sprdda Scdom Bown VWirG w.ifllcc Wrd|.rtd lron Nicld Pi|tc Copp€r F$ntt*@4 Il- _,-E-lI -I --Ft E FtN tst{ optroNs For hlh pcrfoanncr rnd FtdicFbl. f.mp t G. FX Ll.ll[{AlRETflrdomrcrs onlF Th. FX F.ndorm.r tr gcdlblty dGiSn.d br dl. Hlh t ch Inrp6 urcd h or firorrrr - thc tse of infcrlor ptrrllrr suppllcs crn cause prumrturu lamp hilu]r rnd othar problrnr lr|cludlry tlrc risk of llre, For nrorr lob.m.tior cr dir wry anpof!r.*. tldrlrd pbra cont (t u3 at t00.4091259 or on the rnb, br the boaldcr cndtlcd 't n&rrrrndn! UL lJ:tlnt SreDdlrd! br Low trblage trtdsopc lttrrg;' LDt - 20 -CU Dlri..Kr io.n C.m.r Ll'1.20 @r00! Fx Lur{rNArRE' 800-688.125t www.FXL.com' t'it?tizoos 08:06 F.lx ttt tftn FX I LUMINAIRE' LM.2O FX LIJTINAIRE @ o03 Coxurnc:rle Q ur ltrv, RESTDEN TrAL PRIcE PotNT The totrverMassimo is engineerd io briDt light to areas such as walls^raF, srain'rys and dedo as well as to other foot tafrc hazards rhat don't have an adiacent planter area br pathlightint or tl€€s and rrellis ftom whidr to downliShr Incoporatedr iDto the desigr of the LM is thc LedX featrre- The LeveX arsures the lighriry instalet dlat rhe faceplatet of rhese permaneltly mounted firtures will remain perfcctly larel upon completion of tlrc inrtdlafon. Many step and wdl Ithr! on the 'narket today are designed so rhat if ihe nounting bor is inrHlld outof-level, the faceplata once installed wil al$o be noticeably out-ofJotl" The heavt' BalrB? $tinkae mourdng bor prevents failure caured bY orttlnon, wt{dr is almoct ilopoosible to re1rair, PERF€crroN EvcRY TtH E Tha FX Lumir,lE LedX owmdr Ptwttu per/i{dy Wa itrfndlodon eve'y tinQ bl €drDht8 tt'!! lq/ f,(oae cgnFarfi's ttc troi/ess st€cl rDa'|l'lgbox omplet€ hddt tE te}€X l??qt|,|6tB tystrl,n od vtidt Pl€'l.q of /olod@u6 d,e po de,tooted olmtnim /tth<tor dlot fiouses d1e lory W hdogen Mmps qf, tE tsry gow coqqu fdfq.he Mth the fosbd djtlrslr /fli :l Srerrwev LIGHTING -/, zryt'L =ml@ PERr H ETEi LIGHTING .I .!l.I € 200t Fx LUll INAIRE'800-688-1269 www.FXL..com' {q. a * * * * * * * * * * *,1* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * +**{.,}*** {. t *,i** !t 't ****{.+,t ****:t ,},t ********'N.***{.t+*******+****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy ReprinteA on07-22-2003 at07:.59222 07/22/2003 Statenent +*** *+*********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * + |t * * * * * + * * * * * * + * *,1* +* * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * {. * * * t * * * * * * * * * * Statement Nurnber: R030004354 Anount: $2O.OO 07/22/2OO307:59 AM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: Permit tilo : Parcel No: Site Address: Locat,ion: This Payments: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 DRBo30278 210r.05301044 8OO POTATO PATCH 8OO POTATO PATCH $20.00 Descri pti on T\t)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans DR VAII, Total Feea: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: Curr^ent Pmts 20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $o. oo ,i*********,!*+f**+t***+****+*d.*'i************++**++t*********+*******t+****** *****+*********** DESIGN REVIEI'/ FEES FILE r;r,P:r August 14, 2003 Ms. Stacy Jonker 953 South Frontage Road, #216 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Outdoor lighting plan; 8008 Potato Patch Dear Ms. Jonker, Thank you for submitting an application for approval of the outdoor lighting plan at the Ruth residence. Per ourconversation, because the proposed fixtures do not match those ofthe other unit, I have scheduled the application for the next Design Review Board hearing on August 20,2003 at 3pm. Regarding the number of lighting fixtures allowed a lot, the Development Standards Handbook states that "the maximum number of light sources per lot shall be limited to one light source per one thousand square feet of lot area" (TiUe 14, p.30). I have verified the lot's size of 31,562 square feet, which brings the total allowed for both units to 31 fixtures. A visit to the site confirmed that unit A has eight lighting fixtures and unit B is proposing 27 new fixtures, bringing the total to 35. However, because 8 of the 27 new light fixtures proposed for unit B are less than 18' in height and are considered landscape lighting, the number of fxtures that unit B will be contributing to the entire lot is only 19. The DRB hearing on August 20 will be held in the Town Council Chambers at 75 South Frontage Road. There is a chance that the Design Review Board may consent-approve the lighting plan at their pre- meeting earlier that day. lf that is the case and your presence is not needed at the hearing, I will contact you to inbrm you of their decision. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any questions or concerns you might have. Again, thank you for submitting your application. Best regards, _-.. € Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 FIL E COPY August20,2003 Ms. Stacy Jonker KH Webb Architects 953 South Frontage Road, #216 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Outdoor lighting plan; 8008 Potato Patch Dear Ms. Jonker, Thank you for submitting an application for approval of the outdoor lighting plan at the Ruth residence. The plan to add twenty-seven new wall and landscaping lighting fixtures was consent-approved by ihe Design Review Board today. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any remaining questions or concerns you might have. Thank you for your patience in getting this application approved. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 t ^fuLove residence Re-paint Lot: 7 Block: l Subdivbion: VAIL POTATO PATCH 210106301043 Prcject l{ame: Pror€ct Description: Parthipants: Prolect Addrees: legal Deecrlptlon: Parcel l{umber: C.;omm€nts! OWNER [OVE,J. ROBERT&JUDTIHK. 08/122fi)1 Phone: 2065 OLD DOMINION RD ATI.ANTA GA 303s0 License: APPUCANT LOVE, J. ROBERT & JUDftI K.0811712001 Phone: 77V396-3461 2065 OLD DOMINION RD ATITNTA GA 303s0 Licenser 8M POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: SC-103 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnet of Community De\rdopment 75 Soutl| Fontage Road, Vail, Colora(b 81657 E;l: 970.479.2L39 tay.; 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB l{umber DR8010253 l,lotion By: Second By: Vote: Conditionc: BOARD/sTAFF ACfION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approvah 0ii,ltil2ffiL Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constiMe a permit tur building. Please consult wi$t Torvn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: JudyRodriguez DRB F€e P.ld: 120.00 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.4n,2139 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Ggrgd Inlbrmrdon: This application ls for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Dcslgn Rcvicw Board approval lapccr unlcsc a building pormit is iscued and comtruction oomm€noes within onG yG.r of thG apprcYal. Irccription of the Requct:Ev4eQ@L €A,Ur aTc-il o€tEv\location of tfie Proposd: n changes to Approved Plans $20 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. for an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addltions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallsr etc, For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Design Review Board $200 $s0 $20 PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQU]REMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Staff or the RECEIV ED AtE | 7 2001 Phyicrl Addrsr: gOO A parc€f tfo.: LtO t gqbl O +4 (Contact Eagte Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) iZoning:Qrrq qPY eco'oD alLY 5L- toZ l{ame(e) of Orner(a):Tt4 \Q ovg Addrca:^r 6- Orner(s) Signature( l{ame of Type of Reviewand Fe: n New Constructiontr Addition E/Minor Alteration Addrec: -,.ffi t, tprtntnu..l / 'ncl'Rv\l .a i)int owner of property located at (address/legal description) Efzr ?k-"o Cl*io-L, Uo.\. Co., JOII{T PROPE RIY OTVI{ ER WRITTEI{ APPROYAL TETTER pro/ide this lefrer as wrifren approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to he Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand ulat the proposed improvemenb include: rritf* lo * I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure cornpliance with the Town's applicable codes and reguhtions. * /u{.p w i'. lLtw 0) o .e --c ' .) trtq oc-17 BENIAMIN A OOREF AfCO LO R F VI EW' \'\, +LY6++#€## b Lrsr oF PRoPosEp MATERTI BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR: +/' ,r. -,'t t--f_ (-.," _, -// tttt'tttt***itrtftt*r'tt+'l'|t*tta'itftt**t*'|t*i***'t**ll*t*f*tll*'t{tillt*'t'|*ft*t*'|'|t*l*'|ttt*'ttt'tfi'lt TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StTtCMCNt *****'tt*t'tr*+++*a***'tr+f**tf**t****+***'rr*t**f'tr***'l**'i**+*'tfa'l*lt******a***f**+**+i'i****'**++ Stateuent Number: R000001244 Arnount: $20.00 08/L7/2OO]-LLr38 Altl Paynent uethod: Check Init: JAR Hotsation: 526 Permit No: DRBO10253 Type: DRB - !{inor Alteration Farcel I{o: 210106301043 Sit,e Addre66: 800 POTATO PATCH DR VAIIJ Location: SC-103 total Feesr $20.00 Thie Payment: $20.00 Total AIJJ [trts: S20'0o Balance: $0.00 laa**l**'il*l**t****lr**rtla**'l**+*f 'tl**lta't****l'la*'tt't*{ttl*****l+****t+*:}'}'**l***{'{t:lt***:l'tt*l**+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrlption Current ms DR OO1OOOO3I122(!O DESTGI{ REVIEId FEES 20.00 r0n'vm Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Love Residence DRB Num6er: DR8010167 Prciect Description: NEW MIUNG Participants: OWNER LOVE, J. ROBERT & JUDITH K. 06/2512001 Phone: 2055 OLD DOMINION RD ATLANTA GA 30350 License: APPLICANT LOVE, J. ROBERT & JUDfft1 K. 06125 I 2001 Phone: 479-L182 2065 OLD DOMINION RD ATI.ANTA GA 30350 License: ProjectAddress: 800 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL tocation: Legal Descriptionr Lou 7 Block l Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number! 210105301043 Comments: all deck rails to match BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of APProval= O6l26l20OL Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 t-'\./v'/- a Questions? t* Ptanning Staff at 47g-zt3: APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project reguiring design review must receive Design Reriew approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirernents for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. B. c. D. E, LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: '7 BLOCK: I FTLTNG: D^f le.r NAMEOFOwTERIS;: Eobar* a-^d 5.r,);tt-- Lov<. PHYSICAL ADDRESS:8oo,{ po;o PARCEL #: ZIO I 0650 loia (Contact Eagle Co. AssessoB Office at 97G328-8640 for parcel #) 7f.|nrTNlli' <a - r,'\ ? DESCRIPION OF THE REQUEST: -rl47o- F.oWNER(s) SIGNATURE(S)r NAME OF APPLICANT:Ver* 8oo 4 D#*loc F"tt*- PHONE:q1o-11't7- lt67 ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:tr New Construction - 9200 Construction of a new building.tr Addition - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building.E.' Minor Aheration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permif please identify the accurate valuation of the pro1ect. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuatbn. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAI| COLORADO 81657. H. TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road ttail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINTPROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER / / '-/) t, ,' / (7e( f,Ld ,ajointownerofproperrylocaredat/ u)nnl name) P e Po"Lt^-Dc;ue provide this letter as (addresVlegal description) writtenapproval oftheplans aatea GlZo /ol whicharesubmittedtotheTown of Vail Community Development for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address above. I understand that the proposed improvements includq I further understand that minor modifications maybe made to the pians over the course of the rbview process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (date) {S r"n"uoru"o TOWNOFVAIL D tr o tr o tr ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL GENERAL INFORMATION I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS One complete set of existins floor plans or aas-builtG drawings with all specifications shown, A preliminary title report, including schedules A and B, to verifr ownership and easements. Condominium Association approval, (if applicable). Photos ofthe existing structure. Specifications of all materials and colors of the addition. Topographic survev, stamped by a licensed surveyor, at a scale of l " = 20'or larger, on which the following information is provided : n Ties to existing benchmarh either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same commencement point. tr Lot area and ifapplicable, buildable area. tr Legal description and physical address. A Scale with a graphic bar scale and north arrow. O Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) ofa foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established comer. D Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of6 acres or more, in which case, 5'contour intervals may be accepted. O Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. O Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). tr All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). O Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.), centerline and edge of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, l0O-year floodplain and slopes of 40o/o or more, ifapplicable. BUILDING MATERIALS: o LTST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trint ...Door,s Dobr Trim Haud or Dcck Rails CUeaf ReA,rloo rt A,l a*4ral Flucs Flaslrings unnuncys Trash Enclosures Creenhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other + Please specify thc nnnufacturer's color, number and attach a snrall color chip +* All cxtcrior lighting nust neet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterioi ligtrting is proposcd, plcasc indicate thc nurnbcr offixhrrcs and locations on a scparato lighting plin. Identify each fiiturc type and provide thc height above gradc, luntcns output, lunrinous arca and attach a cut shcct ofthc lighting fixtures, .;, '.]. f .i ' Updated 6/97 I tr D Size and type ofdrainage culverts, swales, etc. tr Exact location ofexisting utility sources and service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer Gas Telephone Water Electric D Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. tr Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. B Spot elevations at the edge ofasphalt, along the street frontage ofthe property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. Three (3) copies of the followins: Site plan, at a scale of I "=20' or larger, showing the following information: tr Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures. n Location of landscaped areas. U All new retaining walls wittr spot elevations for top and bottom of wall. O Location ofall required parking. O Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown undemeath. Floor Plans, at a scale of 1/8" = I'or larger (l /4" = I'is prefened), clearly indicating the proposed addition. Buildins Elevations, at a scale of I /8"=l' or larger (l /4"=l' is preferred). tr If existing structure is proposed to be modified, show elevations of existing structure. tr Building elevations must be shown, clearly indicating the new addition. If building faces, existing or proposed, are at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces as well. Show all rooftop mechanical systems, if applicable. If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicted, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review ofthe application. D o tr 'l*l*'ilt*|**'t'*'ttt lt+'i***** *tl*'l****+'i**** * t***,t** *,t**ii,t,tt **dr**+* *,t* {r*,tr* t**r it**r* * * *rf f i {r,t**t*,r,} TgWN oF VAIL, COLORADO stEtem€ntllt'|ttt** t****t***ri*{r'}**{' i * * **t****** * ir* {r*+ + *r, * +r, t* *** * *** | t,t, *:t,tr* I *t** ** *irr r* +**,tt f ,tt,t t**{r* *statement Number: Rooo00o988 Arnount: $20.00 o6/25/2ooLo4:38 prrlPayment ethod; Cash Inj_t: JAR Notatiotr: Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrese : Location: Ttris Paymenc: DRB01016? Type: DRB - ttinor AlteraEion 210105301043 8OO POTATO PATCII DR VAII. Total FeeE: Total ALL Pmts I $20.00 s20 .00$20.00 Balance: $0. oo 'l'f ***t***'|**+'**ttf *t****tl"t**'l*****ti:t*l******* +++***'t**t*,tt * *'i*+tr**'t'lt{'{r***ri*'*f 't'l' *:}******r +*,}* ACCOT]NT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI.J FEES 20. 00 )ru,J ''''" l , rz./:" ' l.tt' November 19, 1982 l- cl: .'' j') , i ," Mr. Dick Ryan Community Development Town of Vai I 75 So. Frontage Road Vai1, C0 81657 Dear Mr. Ryan: I appreciated the opportunity to talk wjth you and your staff regarding our radio project. l,'le would like to request permission from the Town of Vail to place an F.14. radio transmitting antenna at a site in the Potato Patch subdivision, on a temporary basis. The American Phones Co., Inc. is conducting technical feasibil ity testing of a new radio system to be used jn ski areas. This testing is being conducted with the cooperation of Vai'l Associates. A letter to this effect is attached. Permission has also been received from the Federal Communications Commission to conduct technical testing. 0ur antenna, which resemb'l es a television antenna and measures approx- imately 5 x 7 feet, would be mounted on a mast about 15 feet above the ground. The site from which we would like to conduct this testjng is just below Lot 33 (Packy Walker's lot) in the Potato Patch subdivision where KVMT's translator and antenna are located. Both KVltlT and the Upper Eagle Va11ey Water and Sanitation District have expressed their interest in cooperating in the testing. We would share the use of the small brown structure on this site to house our low power transmitter. |.,le p1 an to conduct our testing over this coming ski season and would'like perm'iss'ion to use this sjte for a 30 - 45 day period starting no earlier than November 26, 1982. l,le understand that this site is not currently zoned for addit'i onal electronic equipment, and that any permanent use would require the Town's approval . If testing does work well from this site, we will look forward to working with the Town to provide for a permanent use. This test'i ng wjll be conducted within the FM broadcasting band on a non-interference basi s. Your promt consideration will be apprec'iated. Sincerely yours, lfu* LL'ltQ.'y4'--/l Steve Wherry r) The American Phones Co., Inc. P.O. Box 45 Boulder, Colorado 80306 ----\ (303) a9ffi362 l4't-gqtt ../ 41a -o,'zc i Encl osures: Letters from VA and the Sanitation District Vail a Associateg lnc. October 11, L982 To I{hom It May Concern: Vail Associates, Inc. will continue to assist the Arnerican Phones Company with testing of its proposed subscription Fl4 Radio Service on Vail Mountain. Vail Associates, Inc. will also work with American Phones Company to continue to explore the feasibility of APC's concept. The above conunitments are only to assist with testing andto look at feasibility and should not be construed as any kind of cournitment Eo enler into any contractual relationship with American Phones Company regarding the proposed radio system. Joe MacyVail MounEain Planning and Technical Manager JM: kl Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81658, 303/476-5601 o ./ Uppen Enele VRllev WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAD . vAlL. COLORADO 81657 (303) 476.7480 October 6, L982 lE. Ste\E Wtrery Ihe Aserican Phones Co., Inc. P. O. Bo>( 45 Boulder, Colorado 80306 Dear Steve, Vail Valley Consolidated Water District is presently receivirg a lease payTrEnt of $10.00 per ronth for the use of District electricitry and space ftom KIMI Radio. theDistrict l,Ianager has agreed that $10.00 per rcrth lpuld be fair coryensation frcm lhe Auerican Ptpnes Co. ,Inc.,d.Eir€ the test period.. As$ming yorr test ruill not i,nterfere with ecisting signals, you nay use either or both sites for yorr tesEing. Please contact ne if you are in need of frrther in- forrnation. Sincerely, t-'T-/2-J- Jerry Bender JB:pf ll PART|CIPAT|I{G DISTRICTS - ARROWHEAD METRO WATER . AVON METRO WATER o BEAVER CREEK -/----rtll i{ETRo wATER o BERRy CREEK MErRo wATER . EAGLE.VATL METRo wATER . EDwARDS wnren / cl€oN-\ /ltl LAKE cREEK MEAoows wATER e uppER EAGLE vALLEy sANrrATroN r vArL vALLEy @V ff CONSOLIDATED WATER . VAIL WATER AND SANITATION I Fo16 Agpao?aal OltB No.,r0-R349! a9rit!ant Forari Sawtc. SPECIAL USE APPLICATION ANO REPORT (Frfoeqrca Fil nl2t lhtr rcpca lr cvthorirrd by rhr Orgoatc Aer cl Jono,l, 1897 for tho purporr ol ovclvoring thq progcrrd u.. .rrd rc t .trrlt moy bo irlrod ualcrt fhlr tg.n| ir Go|npl.t.d c. fia Inrcana. llo|r it ..qslrar hcr bern ncdr o pcrr cl tht rrccrd In rc.nr otf|aa matitat. Io H fl:a e H F ul c. Record no. (1.2) 70 c. Fa...f (561 d, Dirricr (7.31 r. U ror nvaber (9.12)f. Kiad of urr (l3J 5) 9. Stotr (16..|7)h. CouarT (18.201 l. Ccrd Nc. (21) I PART | . APPLICATION (To bc completcd by applicant) Applicqllcn ir hrrchy modr fo. c p.rnrlt to ',r.. Norlonol Forort lcod sr indlcqtod brlows f. Doreriptloa ol lcadt (Atmci YAP a. PLAT) (1) Electronic site - "Minturn Mile Group II (2) Forest Service land above Potato Patch. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanjtation Patch sub-djvision. Map attached. AlsoDistrict approving use of the site. "A" and possibly "8". Map attached. Site is near the parkjng area of the water storage site just above Potato attached is,a letter from the ldater 2. Purpcrr cf uro. Temporary pennit 1i ke", stero F.M.for skiers at the frrim the Federal is requested to allow technical testing of low power, "translator-radio broadcasting system to be used as a subscription radio systemVail ski area. Special authorization to conduct technical testing Conrnunications Commission is attached. 3. Lcnd Arrc o??li.A 1.. (Fot Ri1ict.ol.9ay thou hnjth qad uidth a^d, cotrrr.ra to actcti fot ocher uret shott octrs) ifiii;:fi;Lrnerh In: 50 X wtdrh -tFgtJ =.- -.250 So. ft. per site-?F::ir- ---dffi;- ili"ii,,, l. iftp?ovanantt c. D.ac?ltric|r Directional "narrow-casting" antenna, approximately 2.5 ft. x 3 ft. to be placed upon an existing mast or upon a portable mast approxirnately i5 feet in he'i ght.-'A second antenna will measqre approximately 1 ft. wide and 6 fi. high, to be uied ifrGi-d -'FTTTI be transported to the sites, on a daily basjs, by automobi1e. Transmission equipment should not exceed a cubic measuring 4 x 4 x 2 ft. b. Ptanr .f.ch.d E Y.. lll xo. it "NO" rhor dor. plcnr will br lurnirhod aS needed ' c. E!flrnol.d coat s 1,200.00 d. Ccnrtructl.n will b.gin wilhid 1 (Yorrt\.) .. Ccn3ttu.tlon will b. co.npl.r.d wirhio ? -G;-Oof . of Attllccrion 11- 11-82 Atoli€onta nomo cad C. Stephen llherry Pres i dent Applicont'r lddrcrr American Phones Co.,Inc. DUU I Utr | r i/U I Ur OUU ?UJ\JU1'tu-ct>c fu Prrviour oditioa of thir iorm ir abrolerr (ovER) \\Ft.?700.3 r! i,/7n! Forail Saavlca TECHXICAL DATA ELECTRONIC TYPE L^fto usE Rrft FSX 272€ .. n.Gltd ic. (1.2) 7 0 b. F.Jt3jr)c. Fotrl (5.6) d. Dl.rtlcr (7-t)r Urr aunb* (9. | 2)f. Xlad cf ure (13.15) e. Srorr (l &l7)h. Coeatt (10-20)l. Ccd nc. (2!) I INSTRUGIIONS: Applicrnt coo$ctcr oDlt in3rlr I to lJ, rnd lublritr tlb fcra ritll rpplicrtion fot pcnnlt or cuncnt to plr.c clccEonic cquiPmcnl on Netiorul Potcrt bad. Thlr repct ir rudorircd by tlrc Otgrntc Act ofJunc 4, 1897 for thc prpoec of cnlurd4 thc rcqucrscd urc rnd no Frnir rnry bc inucd uolcl Air forn lr coraplacd" I. ^PPLIC^NT's N^fl8, ^OORESS& TELEPHONE NOI |. FCC RAoIO SERV|CE AP. PLIED FORr Special Temporary Authori zati on TECHNICAL DATAr l.e daa tor cach ptopotcd, trantmitler et thc hcation 2,. Frc1ueocy (ot baad) b. Powc! Outpu! fra.t&, c Typc of Emlsslot (FCCIIB.AC syabol) d" Duty Cydc: (l) conrinuow - 100% ofury horu ia 2,1 horur "'-'-" (Zl Intcrrnittsnt . All othen .........,. c, Oe.rs of Stetion fP€ IIR AC tynbol) s. TYPES 0F OPERaTIONAL COXTnOLS S) Locol Coarrcl E Ast..iotic R.p.otct ll lYlrr Lino Rrnrcro fi Ortt t ( Ezeki,a r.adcr Rctrr,tht) ! Rcdlo Llnl R.tict. PLANNED? L LOCATIO{ APPLI ED FOR: Nqro: L!tt .M. Convent ess than Conti nuous C v/ILL STATION(S) HAVE COI.M€ RCIAL POVIE R?l'll Yrr EN" ?. vrtLL STATION(SI HAVE STANDBY POWER PLANT?6Yu. Trrr -.(gl-l-g1c- Kvc4ENc I. WILL STATIOX(S} HAVE COXTTERCIAL TELEPHONE?! Yrr. Tol, No, O Erchcago ftxo r. NAME. A.DDRESS, & TELEPHONE NUMEER OF PERSON TO CONTACT tN CASE OF EMERGENCY, RADIO INTERFERENCE OR NEED FoRADDrrroNALrMoRMAnoN. Steve Wherry, 1919 14th St. #615. Boulder, C0 80302 (303)449-997) This project is for Continous service is special temporary F.C.C. Authorizatjon only. reguested. t3. OATEI I. AP PLICAN SIGNATURE 1 10 ^PPROVEO LOCATION LO? HUXBeRlsl: LICENSE OR AUTHORITY DATA OAT E ISSU E O' ASSIGXEO FREQUENCYIIESJ: IO. R EMARKS: IA. ^PPLICANT'5 TI'L E Certified Enqineer FILE NUXEE||: CALL SIGHISI: Prlllour.dltlont ot thh totm lt' oDt'"t|"FS.zroOr 0(r taq American Phones Co., Inc. Specia'l Use Application U.S. Forest Service November 11, 1982 STATEMENT OF NEED: 1. Scope of the Project: The American Phones Co. ("the Company") is requesting atemffieXceedoneyear)tooccupytwoForestServicesitesto conduct technical feasibility testing of a closed-circuit, subscription radio system to be used at the Vail ski area. 2. Description of the Project: The Company is in the process of developing a circuit, subscription radio system for downhill snow skiers. If development successful , the finished system is planned to offer the following service: The Skier will rent a small, specially designed radio receiver and headphones whichlTT.lTTlow the skier to tune to anyone of four stations that wjll be "narrow-casting" (a directional ,low power, radio s'igna1 to be directed at the ski area) stero F.M. music. The music programming will be based upon a different style or rhythm of music for each channel , thus offering a selection for the skier. In addition to the music, the skier will receive, at selected intervals, ski area information, and public service announcements, such as:. lleather information. Lift of slope closures. Lift line status. Emergency 'i nformation - as authorized by the Ski Patrol' "1'i'.ffilu: 3l'.?il:':T;:T,:':?';il:"'ll5i"'Sjllk,such as: encouraging skiers to be extra cautious of those around them. Rem'i nders of various mountain rules for ski safety, such as: "the skier downhilI has the right of way," "p'l ease observe the slow skiing areas when coming down the mountain", etc.. Reminders on Forest Service ru1es, such as: "skiing within the designated area boundries". _.- Reminders on the provisjons of the Ski Safety Act of 1979. . I lme. Road reports for those traveling that day The signal that the skier receives will be encoded so that only those people rent- ing the special receiver will be able to pickup the signal . No radio commercjalswill be sold--all revenue will come from receiver rentals. In view of the fact that this project is designed to serve only skiers, who typically do not listen to the existing radio station in the area while skiing, and since the signaf is'l ow power and very directional , it is felt that this service will not have any negative impact on existing commercial radio stations in the area. The Ski Area wi'l I benefit by an enhanced communication system that should greatTy-ffip'FoVe their ability to reach skiers quickly. This will be important in emergency situations, such as, evacuating the mountain under severe weather cond'i tions, locating members of skiing parties, etc.. Al 1 programming can be interrupted for emergency situations, as well as generating the ski safety jnformation mentjoned above. The transmission system being tested wi'l I initially include two directionalanten@onForestServicelandabovePotatoPatchandw.illbe directed at Vail Mountain. The second antenna wi ll be electronical 1y "down-ti'l ted" and placed at or near Patrol Headquarters at the top of Vail Mountain. Low power (less than 100 watts) "translator-like" transmitters will be used to generate the signals for testing- cl osed is STATEMENT 0F NEED: (Continued) An a'l ternative antenna system will be tested if the initial system does not prove satisfactory. This system consists of a transmission cable that would follow the lift system. Radiating dipole antennas would be placed at strateg'ic positions,likely every 2,000 to 4,000 feet. Transmitters could be set up at existing electron'i c sjtes on the mountain. However, this request for a temporary permit deals with the first antenna system for the "narrow-casting" approach. The use of Forest Service land is required since antenna sites for F.14. radio are very limited in the Vail valley. Most of the like1y sites are on Forest Servi ce l and. 3.Ovrnership: The American Phones Co., Inc. is a privately held corporation, conducting research and development under a contract to AP-81, a Colorado partner- shi p. 4. Development Schedule: Initial technical testing will be conducted during the198ffiItishopedthattheSystemcouldbeinoperationforthe 1983-1984 ski season. 5. Regulatory Agency: The Federa'l Communications Commission. 6. Necessity of the Project: There exist a rather high demand for mucis while sk.i@cassettesyStemshavebecomequitepopu.laraSameans of meeting this demand. The ski areas have little, if any, control over the use of these cassette systems. The existance of the Amerjcan Phones Co. subscription radio system will greatly enhance the control of the ski area operator. This control is characterized first by the cornmunication capability that the ski area wou'l d have with the radio system. As previously mentioned, that will help the ski area communicate with skiers in emergency situations, provide sk.i area informa- tion and promote skjer safety messages. Additionally, this system is designed completely for downhill skiing. Unlike the cassette systems which are designed for many uses whjch need a wide range of vo1 ume, the radio receivers will be specific- al 1y designed with a safe listening level for skiers.If a tempory permit is not granted for the use of Forest Service land and feasibility testing is not completed, the the ski area operator would not be able to take advantage of thjs radio system to improve their communications or to enhance the overall skier recreational package that they offer. A1 so, if the permit is not granted, the skiers will not have access to thjs music system or an easy access to the type of ski area jnformation that he wants. 7. Technical Requirements: The key requirement needed in conducting oyr feasibilitytes@vice'Scooperationishelpingtof.indsuitableantennas.ites to meet the special needs of this project. This project is highly dependent on producing a very good quality stero F.M. signal--one which can be picked up in most parts of the Vail ski area--and the antenna sjtes are crucial to producing a high quality signal. B. Effect on a wild land environment: Thisdev little,system is designed to be used in a highlyif any, effect beyond the ski area. F qHFFT (I s!,T55 R BI W. a a trTrI l:c'v il'1n ilttir O-lll ;f:i rl rr tc"n Q,i, .:i t):-, . /)e I- .'i,2 5il-1@rS @o 5<o@ ^6t.92 fn. To --JD -Tl > r b Fi.DorF ZP -rr P aoZ-noq ,r .:i.(r)c)Oorz>8' <nb< F z-{m (n.{ 5m -.Jo ._.. s. :: 3si. _!< arn}. 'ir'l ' I r'-i €Z IJ-,-l @>trFxm ^'Y_-d EEro, o:6eri 'r B5oil o/-rl I-lzlc)t i.e.et r-61 \-, - ? 'I | fi. ?l.i. t . j ' i b. I..1 . + . I . :3._ |. . .. 1..r rlc ra . 4'c. tl_aaa 'o a a €:f -Jrn n mn Z tr -z - / //> /z / ti I tr> t-. | .- ! vT!J '. GO,':1tr ,i ni'lli iliirlJ'/3 o-')' E L) 'UtOoo3:fF"K.-o z. e American Phones o Co.,Inc. P.O. Box 45 Boulder. Colorado 80306 (303) 4$e-0362 449-991I November 15, 1982 Mr. Jerry Bender Water Supervisor Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation Djstrict 846 Forest Road Vail, C0 81657 Dear Jerry: : In response to your'l etter, dated 0ctober 6, 1982, I wanted to thank you and the District for your cooperation in making arrangements to use the two Potato Patch sites for our radio testing' Please find enclosed a check for $10.00 for the use of these sites for the first month. We have received approval from the F.C.C. to conduct our testing and hope to start over the Thanksgiving weekend. I will confirm this and go over the detajls with you prior to starting. l,fe are in the process of requesting a temporary permit from the Forest Service for use of the upper Potato Patch site near your new water storage facility. Since your 0ctober 6, 1982 letter djd not mention the specific locations of these two sites, I wanted to confirm that they were the upper Potato Patch site, mentioned above, that is on Forest Service land, and the lower Potato Patch site whjch is located just below 765 Potato Patch Dr. (Packy l,lalker's'l ot). -This lower site is the one that KVMT is renting from you for their translator loE As we have discussed in the past, we would be conducting our testing on a "non-interference" basis. I am in the process of talking to the KVMT people now to make sure that we would not cause them any problems- I will look for-ward to talking with you prior to Thanksgiving. Thanks once agai n, t( - o Th Enclosure: Check Steve Wherry TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2138 Job AddresE: Location...: 1309 S. Parcel No..: Project No.: APPLICAI'IE TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE RD., VA]L co. OWNER TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE RD., vArr-, co. CONTR,ACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P o Box 1118, AVON CO 81620 Description: TEMP POWER PULLISS BRIDGE FEE SUI'IIIARY E Lcct r i ca l,--> 50 . oo DRB FGC DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E96-005? FRONTAGE RD 8l.657 81657 Additional Fccs-----> Tot.t Pcrnit Fce------> Payncnt s------- BALANCE DUE---- Statu8...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/24/L996riiued...z 04/24/Lee6 Expiree..: l0/2L/L996 Phone z 479-2100 Phone z 479-2LO0 Phone: 3039491403 .m 53.m 53.00 .00 Valuation:700.00 Totat catcutated F.es--> 53'00 I nvcst i gat i on> Ui l.l. Ca I l.----> TOTAL FEES---> .00 3.00 53.(n ltem: 06000 04 /24 /Lee6 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTDAN ACtiON: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI., DECLARATIONS t h.rcby acknor.l,cdgc that I have re.d this rpptication, f i l'l'cd out in ful'|, the infortttion required, coQtct'd.an pLan, and stat. that al,t th. inforr.tion provided as rcquired is corfcct. .l "s!?:,:o comPty tith the infornation i;;6dtt ;iii "it town ordinanccs "nU "ti,t. [avs, and do buitd this structurc according to the Toun's zoning and codca, dcsign rcvian approvJ, fi"i*".i guiLding coae and othcr ordinancrs of the Tovn appLicabl'c thcrcto' lccuratc p[ot .nd ptot pt.n, subdivigion REauEsrs FoR INspEcrIoNs SHALL BE ilADE TH€l{Ty-FouR HouRs rN AovAl{cE 8Y TELEPHoNE Ar 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRo}l 8:m Ail 5:m Pil **************************************************************** TOWN oF VAIL,, COr,oRADo statennt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0125 Amount: 53'OO 04/24/9.6 07238 -eayment uethod: CK Notation: FEES WAMD 8OO0 Init: DS Tlpe: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT FRONTAGE RD Permit No: E96-0057 Location: 1309 S.Total Fees: 53.00 Total ALL, Pmts: Balance: s3 .00 53.00 .00This Payment **************************t}************************************* Account Code **WAMD FEES** Description WAIVED FEES Amount 53.00 04/22i96 10;07 FAX, 970 949 674S rf,ITE RIVER ELEC @ ooe APPDT * * * | * r | * * * !r * + * * I * * * + + * * ** * * * pEnf!tr IIIORUATf OII ertrron unslr BE FrrJ.ED our cc,t{pr.ErElx oR r! nAy #'S #JJgS*"t; t(....?0trt0 Ownofs tfaDii ArcbLttct: Ph, c- df*"t and $rpr of, Firepleces:.6as [**a*****************r**r********+BUIIIDING: T ?I,DIID:TilG:jt I** * *****lart*tr|. r*rrt**t**tf Eeneral ContEastort 0..,-1.). OIEER: I TOTA!: I ** ******r****** * ***** t*r*** Tovn of VaIL Rcg.. NO._Phone Nunber: t?i.'fr;T [ ]'Buildtng [ ]-rlrrubing pd-Blactrlcal t l-]rech+R{trii'::'l':./'ilob Nane: Irgal Decerlption: Iot Eloclc F115.ng Address:Ph. Grneral DescrJ,ption: _e work Classr [ ]-lleu [,J-Atteration [ 1-Arrditional [ ]-Rcpaft t4-otfrer_Zla_ NuDb.r of Dnelling gnitr; Nurber of Acco,r*-,odation Units: ' Applla:rces Gas lrogs_ Woodr/pellet \TAIIIAIIIONS *** * * ** ***+***** ****** lrrrt** *!rt*t * ut.ec:r*lell: | %".- TIECEAIIICII.: f- col{:rR[cFoR At.]rlrEsa; ,-: Eltctrlcal Conttastor: Adclrerc: .Plunbing Contractorl Adclr3rsr t{echanl,cel Contractor: Addrese: ****rr*ri****+***t*******t****+r FoR EUTLDINC PERUIT FEE: PIINDTNG PERIIIT EEE! }GCHAr|ICE& PERTIIT rEE: Ef,ECf,RTCAI, SEEI OTHEN. IIFE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Lo$t of V_aiJ- R"g. No. l.rdE Phone lfitbbcr: -qqc-tt{aT----- Town of Veil Rag. No. Phone Nulbcr: trour of Vail ReE. llO. Ph6ne tlrrnbcr: oFFrcE IJSE **********r**r*rr***r*r**r*+*** BUI.LDINo PIJAIT CHECK EEE: PLIIITTBTNE PI.ATT CEECK FEEs I.TECEA}TTCAIJ FTAN qHEgX EEE| nEeREllllolr FEE8 CIEAI{-UP DEPOSIET EOTAT PER}TIT EEES: BUII.DINC' STGNIIT'RE: ZOIIINGT SIGNTTTIRET twttl t-t-t-l-t-I_ ttlr-r_r_ Conrnrnt-s: f o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON | ,-l.--i-' I t l JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit #: 896-0256 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2I38 E Iectri ca [---> DRB Fee Invest igation> i,/iLL caLt----> TOTAL FEES--_> ELECTRICAL PERMIT BALD MTN Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53.00 I S SUED 70 /$/ree610/L5/ree6 o4/13/|ee7 Status. . . Bq--A,ND_MANNS RANApplied. . APPLICANT DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL CO CONTRACTOR DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL COOWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE RD., VAIL CO. 81657 Description : NEI! UETER Issued... Expires. . Phone z 3034766272 8I657 Phonel' 3034766272 81657 Phone z 479-2L00 Valuation:1,800.00 ***************J.t***************lr************************* FEE SUMI.IARY *rH******i*****tr*i************t****tr********************* TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additiona L Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE---- 53.00 53.00 53.O0 .00 ****tit*rrt******)h,tff**********|t****J(*******ff******************i******************************************************************* Itqm: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT10ll-5l1996 DAN Action: AppR DePt: BUILDING Division: ***********************************'tlt****i****}J(********rr***********ff******************t*****t**********ff*ff******************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******ffi**ff************i**********rt*******************************************tr******i*****ft****t*ff*********ff*********ff***** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl.ication, f il,l,ed out in futl. the information requi red, completed an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the infornation provided as required is correct. I agfee to compt,y with the information and ptot pLan,to comPty with aLL Town ordinances and state [aws, and to bui(d this structure according to'the Tovn,s zonin! and subdivisioncodes, des'ign review apProved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town afpIicabte thereto- REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A1 479-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE f ROI.I E:OO AIl 5:OO PI,I **************************************************************** TOI'IN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ***********************************************d.**************** Statemnt Number: REC-0220 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: #8991 s3.00 10/21/96 15: 30Init: cD * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit No: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4t336 896-0256 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL BALD MTN RD AND MANNS RANCH RDTota] Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE PERMIT 53.00 53.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 E tectri ca [---> ORB Fee Investigation> Job AddressLocation... Parcel No.. Project No. APPROVED 70 /Ls /ree6to/$/Lee6 04/13/Lee7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E96-0256 Status. . . BALD MTN RD AND MANNS RANAPPlied.. Issued, . . Expires. . APPLICANT DOUBIJE DIAI'{OND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VArL CO 81657 CONTR,ACTOR DOUBTE DIAMOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VArL CO 81657 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE RD., VAIL co. 81657 Oeecription: NEI4I METER Totat catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fee-------> Payncnt BALAI{CE DUE---- Phone: 30347 66272 Phone: 30347 66272 Phone z 479-2tQO 53.00 .(x) 53.00 .00 53. fit Valuation:1r 800.00 **r***:ffi**r****r***l*rffi FEE sul {ARY **lr**f*r*fi*** 50.00 .00 .00 l,i l,L caLt---> 5.00 TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 DeDt: BUILDING Division:Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTLO/L5/I996 DAtl Action: APPR t,,r*t*****ff f ****irit*ftf'nt******tt*****t**ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL *******f,t*t*|ft*ftif,t*ftt**tt******frfi*****r DECLARATIONS t hercby ackmvtcdge that I have read this rppLication, fil,ted out in futL the information requi red, corlPtetcd rn tccuratc ptot ptan, cid state thit al,L the inforration provided as required is correct. I agree to colpl,y rrith the inforiltion and Ptot -pl'an,io cinpty yith al,t Toun ordinances and stlte [aws, and io buitd this structure according to th! Tovn's roning and subdivision codes,'dtsign revian approvcd, uniforn Buitding codr and othcr ordinances of the Tovn apPticrblc thereto. REOUESTS FOR IIISPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}I 8:OO AX 5:0o Pil SIGI{ATURE OT OUNER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OIINER roul$cdF 'ffif {fii-Lir=u' jfso:- 4i s-zrsz ru?e5 .r r:oHN o8 vlrl.. cot{sTRUCTTON-.#-i+tu FEH{IT AEPLrcATror ronMDAtrStJ'o:r4 -76 P. e1 15r06 No.010 P.0l JI PgltMrt f n APPlrcATron rtusT BE Frr,LED ou' gotrrpr,ETE.Ly oR rr lrAy Nor BE AccEprED f,**************t******f&**r*r+ r,rRl.frr rtto*rdAtro* *rrrr****t***r**r*i**rf*****r I l-Butldlns I l-ptrmblns tdlielcerrtcar t b]fchtnr€rr I l-othrr _rJob Nanc" fc| w,u qattra.- rob Aadreset &E, B+ror,f" Rv* Htu,rs rh*r tzs. Qhtnorg Nane: fL,L q9le,/t*ant/ rrrrrrrrr . lu.b-,tzt ;*- Archltect:ldldraEBr cenoral Dorcrlptiorl P*re J. ffi- f tlvsr< -._ Ph, ./ ::::^:t::': '.1:""" r r-Arteraslt'n r l-Additronal t r*Rcpar.r r !-orher--.-Nutn}'orclDwcIll.rrgUnltr:*M.NunberofAocomnoaatlorrUnitst #::::-::: :::" or llrcpracesr cae Appllancas . Gas rnsg , wood/pclrrt__ Tr*******t..*****i****ttlltltlt*tl* vALuATroNs *****i***t*r*i********r***ri****r SUTLDTNG I Address: Electrlcal contractor: bo-4Adqreoi: _'Zln al, fp-ffi tlur,bing gohtractors lddresB: {echanlcal contrtctor ilddress r +*t** tl**** *** *** **** ***t *!r * ***t*FCR OfHERT IItfECHtttICAr,; F--_-_FoT lrrf-.--* qoNCIlAclotr INFoF$}TfON ** * **+** **it**rrrrrt*i*tt*** Town ol Vail leg. NO.Phgne $unbert btuav!,Town of vall RrE, No. .?/5-6*. Phone Nunberr -aA-W. ..___ rown of ValIPhong Nuhbcrs gown ol Vall Phone Nunberl Reg. No. - Rog. NO. ---......---.-._ }U-ILDINC PEruIIT FEEIII.U}IBTNC DERMIT FEE: ECHANTCAIJ EERMTT FEEI .IJECTRTC.AL FEE:.THER TYPB OF FEE: OFFICE USE ******i***!r**tl*rr**lll*.*ri*a** lg-lrDJNe Pr.Alf ctrEcK FEE: ^E-IJUI'IBING PIA}| CHiCX FEE! ryEcttANrcAL 9IAN Crtucx-Fier RECREATION FEEICLEIN-UP DEPOSITI TOIAT, PERMTT REES; RB FEE: -r- F.-rr-. BUITJDING: SIGNAT{IRES zoNr[c: SIGNIN'RE! ,E4rf .ul pEPoslT, Bgl'lrltq ms ) REFT I3I TUI^IN 0F UAIL, COLoRAD0 PAGE 3€I flREA: EGLA/e.a/96 rtr6:44 REAUESTS FOR INSFECTION NORK SHEETS FOR=LQ/?8/96 AddresE: Locationr BALD MTN RD AND IYIANNS RANCH RD Far^ce I : , SHRVICES sERV ICES Descriptionl FH:::;C{nt r-aet or ; F,"{". NEW HETER Occ: Use: trhone: 3O3476687E: Phone: 479-E10tZr Fhone: 3O3476687E Inspeet ion Request In Requestor: SUSAN/ .Req Time: 68:OO It ernE nequested to be aotgra ELEC-Final F,hone z 476-6?77 Insdeeted.Ti ne Exp DOUBLE DIAIYIT]ND TOWN T]F VAIL DOUELE DI '{rF- ::- Insp.ction Histony..... /c -Z,f - fo. m"Item: OBllA ELEC-Tenp. Fowet' i' Item r tlOlElD ELEC-Rough r YjIt"r : 0rZrtSO,ELED-CondLiit Item : aal'4{' ELEC-Mi se.., Iten : lA0190\ELEC-Findl Iten: trDOPE4 F{.FE:=SLARM ROUBH rtem! hasss'rffellnU czo| ll , ,l TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r3A E(ectricat---> DRB tee lnvestigation> lli l, L Ca l,l,----> TOTAL fEES---> O1 Oo Lof 1 [) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT r7 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit #| E96-029i OWNER Description! WIRING FOR PORTABLE SpA *****************t**********t******t***************t******* tEE SUllllARy Job AddressLocation... Parce1 No..Project. No. APPLICANT FORSYTH, INC.P.O. BOX 2056, EAGLE, CoNTRACTOR FORSYTH, INC.P.O. BOX 2056, EAGLE, RUTH LLOYD D JR 743 BLUFF ST/ GLENCOE 8OO POTATO PATCH DR BOO POTATO PATCH DR 2101-063-01-044 co 816 31 co 816 31 rL 60022 Phone l 97O-328-127L Valuation:1,000 . 00 Status. . .applied..Issued... Expires. . Phone:970-3 5t .00 .00 53.00 55.O0 .o0 ISSUED n /Le/rse611./te/tee6 os /18 /Lee7 28-1271 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53.OO TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> Pavments------- **************t****************************t*******i***********i****t************************ff***lr****ff*lr**trt******rr*****tr*lr** rtem: 06000 ELECTRTCAIJ DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:\r/r9/i!996 cnenl,ln Actionl ApFn-non ERNsrIt'em:'056q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:LI/I9/1996 CHARLTE ecrionr aeen N/e ***********************************ff*********************************************************************lr*********************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **************ff*********************************t**t************************************#*******************t*ff*********trt*ff** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowledge that I have read-this appt'ication, f il,l,ed out in fuLl, the information required, compLeted an accurate ptotptan, and state that at[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty iith tire information and pLot i1an,to compty vith atL Toun ordinances _and state [a!rs, and to buil,d this structure according iothe Tovn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI,I 6:00 AI,I 5:OO PH Oo ******rl********************************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0236 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notati-on: #1036 Oo s3 . 00 t!/29 /96 08 : 59Init: DS 896-0297 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAIJ 2101-063-01-044 8OO POTATO PATCH DR 8OO POTATO PATCH DR Tot.al Fees:53.00 Total ALL PmtS: Balance: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * Permit No:Parcel No:site Address: Location: This Payrnent, Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE PERMIT 53.00 53.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3.00 r.lnv- t g-94 T F t o:?n AH FnRsl'TH : T;Ch-*", rst ";-i*frq;,i:.'; l'frn ,*,,,fr.*yfi fr*+;, 'J* /zq-a'/Ja 'a""2yy-g7;r7 #:^rri# # uff":f;, ,9oy yr,ntbnhs .p/.*on tni/ z610/ '/ / wrl: q'7 l-' // - fConrect E"rglr COUntt A-6Bcr^nri Ulticelf rr 970-320-8640 for rar.r.l ii. TOI{fr OF V1IL Cott61Rncrr6tt KrARcEt t t. fiJDJD1,l-eJAlll- -iiiit{ii i'eiir imrox rprrnlv il,rgtllftllh_ PERIIII f , AIPLICIIION llUST EE FIL,ITED gq COilP!R!8IJI OR ft! Htry }{ot BE Ac(:NFrsD [*a*a**t...t*]trrrar.r.r.rrr*r 'ERGB r,,,.,o*ilrtu.or a**rr**.,..rr.rr**r*r*ll{rrrrrrl- -[ J-rntrctng t l-plusbtng 1/-nrotrlcll t ]-u.charl'c.r I t-O?her itob Nau!: W Job tddaesr: aty,frh+" qa\ nr iCCrr.t, Addre*r snfl]f.&,r-oat . Dh. oenrrel Deoorlptr rrh: lU)? p,,nhly'n it tlaBk CllEs! [ J-drv , Nu.obcr 6f ltrrcrll,,g unltt: - NuDber o! rtsoounoaaaro' onal] - alPtbor nnit rypc of Fl53p1q6gr ! ca! aF,Fli.nctts- G6! rlrE!_ tfood/perlet_v /!$r**"'r**r t"'*"'*y6l:]?Tba qwaErotf6 **r.rrrr*****trl*r**ttritrrril*rr ItuiEDINo! t ,- ,',.v rEfinlek,lJ4@__ oEEERT !_JJlrBrlic, -- - frildiiiffi; i1 . :Bo4rAL! t r**ll*t+tt!:tttrrrtrt aa ar*..t colllf,lcroR. ulFotltArtox *rrai*r.***** r * r *+rtr*. *t.7 Esnesrl Coatlaetor:Ad,[;;;,-:'- Elestrlool Contfrctor: Eax,,,*lt z,-,tfriiiiii-'a- i " -i,'-i"' a%- -_ $i:1.'$#i),n'ii*)l;%. Flunrbing Corrtrastoi.r G .,_., *'|il I_e"a [m)rnOijrel -_..._-_*.__ :torm o! vall $eg. $O..Fh6hc Nutnb.ri _Urchenlctl contFactorAdilil;;-::-**"' ---.---.........--_ $;H."fiJ;ll,n.t. *.- tl tli ttr**a** * t I +** tatrart* **tl *IUIT,DING PERlf,IT TEEr tlJR oFFIcE utE ++ r *arr* r.r * **r * * I ]|r*.rarr..rr EI'TIJDING P'JIN CIiIiCK FE!: PUJI{8Irsc PIA|I crIECl( FlIr}|Eqnl|}rrcA! ptJtl| cHscR renl .RECSETTION DETIcr.ElN-uP DrPostf! lur.A& PtlHIt ttES: r,cgll uercrlption: IJot_L BlocI_L tiling_-_Euggty:g.IOn; Ptl ll lA Osh"r! lfa[|r: AEchltrct: PII'If8III6 SER}IIT !EB!IGCHANICA! EW'r" TEEIE'$(!TRTCAL FlE !otlaan agDE OF rEE ! DRB I]TE J oo L?/64/96 QTIEE REQUESTS FOR INSFECTI(IN I^IORH SHEETS FOR:18/4/96 Oo Occ: Contractor: FORSYTH' INC.Lt ttul-a'Ljl,lJri r t.I\i,r I Fll trrl,. \"------_-;Y Status: ISSUED Constr: FSFR Use: Fhone: 97O-338-1871 Fhone: Fhone:97O-3PA-187 I F'AGE AREA: E6 REPT 131 TOWN 0F UAIL, COLORADO 4tl Activity: E96-O397 l?/ 4/96 Type: B-ELEC Addrese: -EOO POTATO FATtrH DR Location: -BCt€t POTATO PATCH DR Farce I r : e101-€t63-DI-444 Descript ion: 'I,JIRING FUR FURTABLE SFA Applicant: FORSYTH' INC' Bwnet': RUTH LLOYD D JR \ Inspection REquest Infornation.... Requestor:* JOHN FORSYTH Req Time: 01:OO Comments: SOUTH Itens requested to be Inspected. .. OO19@ ELEC-Final SIDE - WILL Fhone: 471-3_$7lZ CALL F'LEAsE Act i on CommenJ s Time Exp ,,.. InsFection i:it:.', ' rlt en r i:r*' I Itemr i,.iTi ' Itenr: ;lj u" rten r Itemt. Item: Iten r fltstory..... AgLLA ELEC-Tenp. Fower Q@I?O ELEC-Rough ocr130 ELEC-Conduit OOI40 ELEC-lvli sc. 0q19ft ELEC-FinaI AQE?4 FIRE-ALARM RBUEH 40538 FIRE*FINAL C/tr tt I ?rc 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 47e-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 February 14, 1994 Mr. J. MichaelGould 800-8 Potato Patch Vail, CO f 81657 FAX: 733-7480 RE: Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Depanment of Communiry Development Dear Mr. Gould: I have checked the records on file with the Town of Vail conceming the addition on the lot referenced above. There is ons spruce tree that is outstanding that must be planted prior to the Town issuing a final Gertificate of Occupancy. The Town issued the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy with the understanding that all Design Review Board conditions and requirements had been fulfilled with the exception of the one spruce tree. Please give me a caff if you have any other questions. lcan be reached at479-2138. At(/ft xc:Chip Ruth Larry Eskwith { 80Py OOgn Review Action Ffi TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Projest Nam6: Building Name: oa, /arht/qy' ProJec{ Doscription: Ovner, Address and Phone: -- "/-) 4r.,, ,'say tuchitecUGontact, Address and Phone: Lsgal Description: Lot 4 Bbck J Subdivision ZonE Distrlct proiectstrestAddr*, *6> Pad- /u /- /. L Commentg: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by; ! Approval n Disapproval flstarnenrovar Conditions: - ",{J Town Planner o^", ta/t4/q( DRB Fee Pre-paid ^ /^- Fr i iE len P i?rq? Er i rr€r FP&,*rtrezrs ., Dr4*ou Taeroed_ goe ?otnro D"o D,nt. 34?649€ ra I I I I I I I I oF'Tttls 6/r+fi1 $ out'"u-r;*u PA t I I -tI I I ! SLAL) . I)VER'iRAV NEW DOOR AND IN EXISTING OP, NEW NASONRY 7'/z/e+ A/4LL ts L4TEAALaY EE/^/6 aO.+TA Pg A,aO 76 NDOU tNd BAR =a A -NEW Cotlc. LINE OF FLAORaebvr T,OI SLAB NEA CONCRETE Fr i+rElan Pi+rc.c Er incr 343476498 L tt\ x9 l<EDf1'l -,b IUITH EPOXY EXI,T. 8" CON. SLAB RAIUL SFACE EAST Nof6 #2 (FILL TO LE33 i'HAri1 5'-O" FROI1 CElilNG I I CRAWL SPACE AE CNU ilALL TO 34" CRAWL SFACE ^ /-r-EA2 | Ecq T4AN 12 SQ,FT, OO ECTiOI"I l_r ,uo D*,t. /o/7/")+ Fr i sE lan P i erqc Er in+r 5834?64991 ocrober 10, res4 FHtzlenPlerceBriner ARc TtITECTURE PtAt\NING ll'llERlORS Andy Knudbsen Town of VaiL Planning Departmenu 75 S. Frontage Road Re: DaviEon Residence 800 Potat,o PatcJr Drive Dear Andy, Thanks for allowing the window clad color to be reviewed by Ehe DRB while I was out of Eown. The Davisons are di""apoinEed but understand the need to comply-with the b;;;dl s direction, The exterior color as well as the qlad color will match the exieting' the cladding color'on bhe two unitg doeo vary a biE due to vreatheriig and Lhe varying age of uhe windowe, we in- tend Lo mat.ch Ehe nrid range. You are righE on the GRFA and our last solution did ;;pit: Bieed on your dlrecEion we will leave the *"it.i chase open Lecause it \tas considered part of garage area arrfwa)/ which is currently less Ehan bhe Iowed 600 sq. ft. Some:hing hae come up that I believe reduees our GRFA ;;;;. -when che noith wall of the enEry was exposec A;;;;' a.*"ficion it revealed a qoncrebe wall that is signiiicantfy cracked and deflecting lateralIy- - I..,!t- Ii6ve i.e was never adequate structurally in the. first ofi"" io handle ifre r6aas. we are doing a -number .of-sbructurat repairs Incl'uding placing net3+ bracang accroas t,he face in order to reinforce it ' This requlres moving the face of the existing wall out 6" ' noE dumb- Eheal- I underet.and that ufurring'r is not total GRFA, alEhough sEurctUre.is. gualify as face of sEructure under P1ease review and advise. discounted from the I think thie woul"d bhe circumetanceF. poST oFFlCE EoX 57 1000 ONSR|DUE LUUp VA.|L COIORAOo 6165E 303 416 6342 FAX 303 476 4901 iar(t rnraJN 4c otr nnrs r&:l r*r. iEzlenLlen Pierce htaenPierceB*J ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS September 7, 1994 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Departmentof Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail Colorado 8L657 RE: Davison Residence 800 Potato PatchFinal Building Perrnit Application Dear Andy, Here is are responses to your reqluests per our phone conversation of 8 /23/94 z Q( L. Shrubs and aspens on east side of deck were fL'elirninated with new plans. Andy is requiring that the same number be put back in on the revised site plan. Please see revised site pfan. 2. Property line needs to be corrected on the rewisedsite plan. Done. 1-y 3. Need to show outdoor grille surround as eUminated. DV Done. ,\,,F 4. Enlarged staircase increases GRFA b!, L2 Bq. ft. - .',W Recheck GRFA, we wi-IJ. go back to the original design inhi- order to get pemi_t. Y '., r, We have eliminated. the dumbwaiter chase on the basernent )y:),N leve1 as well as the haltway closet on third level to 'W'i bring the total GRFA back in conformance, please refer (V>lnq to GRFA sruunary plan submitted with this application. ,v'\?,r\ 't'q\" , 5. The Town of Vail requires affad.avit from the property ^Ul.onrrer acknowledging that they have read Nick Lanpiris'sli.t- letter and they are a\rare there is noderate rockfallhazard. Andy to fax form to our office. Submitted 8/23/94. r 4 b,fl,i, ,,,'''t V' , io\ tlf' V LOOP VAILCOLORADO 81658 303 4766342 FAX3034754901 rtRc€ Fflra$i NC osArRmttN flaRar sin€i Pg. I 0907DRB. DOC POST OFFICE BOX 57 lOOO LIONSRIDGE lh*r"opi"rcentirrJ ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIOR5 nl, 5. No I.L.C. is needed because i-mprovenents are within\- r existing envelope. Thanks, f have passed this information on to the GeneralContractor Boles Construction. Lastly, the Davisons would fike to change the color oftheir cl-ad windows to white in lieu of the bronze colorthat matches the existing. Currently atl the windows arescheduled to be replaced on the Davison side. PLeasegive me direction on whether this can be staff approvedor if f have to go back to DRB. The Davisons have dis- cussed this with their neighbors the Ruths. Please call myself or Susan Freednan in our office for any addit'lonal- information. Sorry we did not get back toyou sooner, we appreciate your patience. l-ner ccr Brad Boles Harry Foster Construct,ion and l4argareta Davison Pg. 2 0907DRB.DOC poST oFFlcE BOX 57 1000 LTONSRTDCE LOOP VAIL COLORADO 81658 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 4901 PIEIC€fRr?LrN rNC otA fRm!8! fllRC E SrrNtC Sinc,erely, L j-t-z to to flLt coPy 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 1 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 September 27,1994 Deparnnent of Community Deve lopment Ms. Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail. CO 81658 RE: Davidson residence, Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Dear Lynn: Thank you for your letter of September 7,1994. I appreciate the way that you have acknowledged each of the points that I raised when we issued the building permit for the Davidson project. I redlined the changes we discussed on the building permit set of drawings. This is particularly important regarding the amount of GRFA on the structure. The curved staircase shown on the Design Review Board set of drawings was less GRFA than what was proposed on the building permit. The way I have redlined the building permit set brings it into compliance with the Design Review Board (DRB) set of plans. The plans submitted on September 7, 1994 show a larger staircase which cannot be constructed. Removing the dumbwaiter would generate some GRFA for this area; however, eliminating the closet on the third floor does not. Please follow the redlined set of permit plans on the site as the conslruction documents. ll you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, #*"/1*-J,,(Andy Knudben Senior Planner -/ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: File Andy Knudtsen 62 May 18, 1994 Remaining GRFA for Lot 7, Block 1, Potato Patch subdivision/800 Potato Patch Drive/Mendelin, Fetterman, Gould Allowed GRFA: Secondary: Existing North 1/2: Primary: Existing South 1/2: Total for South 1/2: Total for Property: The permit issued for the Mendelin duplex by Jill Kammerer is void. 3,750 + 1,500 + 78 = 5,328 sq. ft. 40h = 2,131 + 425 = 2,556 sq. ft. 60% = 3,197 + 425 = 3,622 sq. ft. 2,556 + 250 = 2,806 sq. ft. 1st - 284 2nd- 1,507 3rd - 1.015 2,806 North half is maxxed out. No further additions. 2,821.5 sq.ft. - Addition for South 1/2 approved 7/7193 = 378.5 sq. ft. 2,821.5 + 378.5 = 3,200.0 sq. ft. 6,178 - 3,200 = 2,978 sq. ft. 2,978 - 2,556 = 422 sq. ft. South 1i2 may expand by 422 sq. ft. in the future plus the 250. "l fign Review Action Ftt TOWN OF VAIL / t /t,caresoryNunber / - D^" 5//6//4 eroiectName: @ llttut<zn'.. a-<L' Building Name: - Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architesvcontact, Address and Phone: Legaf Descripti ontLor '/Block / P" l, i"( -- Project Street Addtessi d7'l Subdivision f/n, / /J i z' y't ,'Jt /t 4 Zone District ')" y'z / /Jnv.-- Comments: Board / Staff Action/) Motion bv: 15tY '( c Vote: seconded oy' /5 n '' o"' I 4- ., ft aporouat a Disapproval a Stafi Approval Conditions: r, ( / 4.fl//**/fru'-, t'u'nu' o, , DRB Fee ,*-r^o '65b/il' Oh, *, n pl3olo'" orrr*r.rO LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOI '7 BIOCK / riliNg DArE: S/tg/ f F ADDRESS: ARCHITECT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE PHONE PHONE I tt, Zl: 3 /"" / 527 /D/f {eLfnt ,--6otul Cnfa / rr., rh %'Tr^^ty GF..EA -/ff/'teeondary GRFA Krr^"*" -# 3/ fa s.tP zt 3/ Front Sides Rear Allowed -/\(30[ (33t ..+r- no^"o /oH q//rtEq 3tqt +qzs =_W-ffi + 425 _ ztsk f ?9 : 2&q1 20, 15' 15' (301 l5ol bs 2 gqs 5@.ffi /5- lt 3' /6' Q.T xeqra '7 3 ,2t" o (3oo) (Goo) (9oo) (i.2oo , ft g Permitted Slope JqL Actual Slope no (/rL a.rf_ Date approved by Town Engineer: Existinq proposed rot^t%k (zfffi -a&-n/*--_-ffi4 1o' y'n^- 4o.los no/.).).)6, Corridor Encroachment,: Envi ronnental /Hazards :I LtL,, fu(fuNl' b) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Itletlands A-O -frevlous conditions of approval (check property file)j "' -! i----t--^ - .trlr all.!!l ---r t,. - A V.3;".::i"";"1il:":riil:1";s; i:3rti3i'i3"3""affi#;-rsis resuesr ?,/oa / **Note: Under Sections 18 .12 .090 (B) and 18 .1.3.080 (B) of the ""frffOflCode, Lots zoned Two Fanily and Prinary/Secondary which are less than15,000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development. Depart,ment may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant, meets the criteria set forth undersections 18.12.090(B) and 19.13.080(B) of the Municipal code inctudingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rentaf unit for fu1l- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. Yes l.) 2't 3) Ffood Plain Percent Slope rcGeologic Hazards ,1,// *'q "ologic Hazards L//a) Snow Avalanc\e_t,t. t-lWater Course Setback K. coverage /anascaping ,f.-*.ir,rr,9 wall Height s LErxLng udtu.^g" Credit /Drivet 10 TO: FHOM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM File Andy Knudtsen *u$rsff9;1993 fft^1 /g/ /??d Remaining GRFA for Lot 7, Block 1, Potato Patch Subdivision/80O Potato Palh Drive/Mendelin, Fetterman, Gould t*(o o E C' E E .= Ev, ([ x(g Ec(6 ItI =ooo- Allowed GRFA:3,750 + 1,500 + 78 = 5,328 sq. ft. 40o/o = 2,131 + 425 = 2,556 sq. ft. 60% = 3,197 + 425 = 3,622 sq. ft. Secondary:. Existing North 1/2: 2,821.5 sq. ft. - Addition for South 1/2 approved 717193 = 378.5 sq. lt. 2,821.5 + 378.5 = 3,200.0 sq. ft. 6,178 - 3,200 = 291.8-q-.tt- zSSu = /Z Z 2,978- F&3= tfET sq ft. South 1/2 may expand by.ffi sq. ft. in the future plus the 250. 4ZZ The permit issued for the Mendelin duplex by Jill Kammerer is void. c@ s4rvwt:u ZJU ; fl1fr i,"t:lu l:n"g^r:: l"Tii;-;;;-i;i.'"lvzii;ii#li **Note: Under Scctions ig. fZ. b ::1,1g.13.080 (B) . of 'r,he.ll;;mf,;':ii welrins unii: -ih;!f rlii.irjlii..ii Primary: Existing South 1/2: Total for South 112: Totalfor Property: " "'rvLr:. unqer sccrrons 1B.12.0TuIEI and 18. 13.080 (B) . of ,the.,ul.iniaffir;,ii1'ii code, t or's zoned rwo namirv-in;-d"L';;t/;;;;;;;;i ,,i.,icn;,i;; ,;;;;"inan ;lrii;;j;;:ll*9,99* i3'^l-!:, in area-may noL conscrucu a sccond dwerlino rrni F ' r1..,,,1,,.;,1;;'1,.,,;::3ili;i I"l";::;:ffi t',,ijisiii:l"l;l"ii:"i"il :*riilii rl3 _iili: ' -'tTiil\.\.,.....r!'r,rLv ucveropmenE, Dcpart,mcnL may granu an exccpLio;-to iili;,. 1:iiiii,i;**l::ti:::til.ft5i3?g,'*.;iilii;l:"*:E:_rl9_c.rireria ser, rorth unjqslirr;,lii,Fi:*i:H,il.ll;p3?::t-Fg"i6.iitijoo'iii'i,'iXo'ili;::i;"i:E"j:':l"ll5iii.'fi#":::ily^::"::t-"li'.q-!lo :;ii as 1 rons-Lcrrn 'liiSil,Xil"til"ilii:1''ii sq. ft. - North 1/2 may building permit being fZ 5th-rz 5b = z MG /tn, zy4 Z*d / Sb7 3-" /o/f 2 s6k' tU**+# h'2f, n /''d' nz'x><e! /"/ //a frdfl*- *JJ; l'mt,orrron ls used with. Ehis rcquest ? .+,,tjl:l!n time empJ.oyees of rhe ud;; ul';i" vatley. dll,tt?,TH?r'-,"fi ?-*,t LETTER OF TRANSUITTAL To: Attn:8oo Draro Date: Job No. Re: Attached please Find: _ Progress prints _ Specifications _..-- ll3r" , t, - Strop DrawingsX other Lof{" The items listed _ For Review and _ As Requested Other Remarks: above are: Cornment !l ror Your Use _ Returned After Review de By: Copies to: posT oFFtcE Box 57 1000 Ll0NsRtD6E Loop vAtL coLoRADO O I658tlt.l DEOi IC.FA 'l|t!.Dn (traal APR 2 $ 1gg1 Page I TRANSOOO . DOC 10\ ' [0\i't'i\' DEtl' DEPI' 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 490,1 Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 srLT, coLoRADo 816s2 (303) 876-54m (24 HOURS) ApriM, Iq94 Wiil.iam Fierce Fri ts I enF i erceBri ner PO Eox 57 Vail CA B1658 RE: Hazard Evaluation,, F'otato Fatch, Davi Eon Regidence Dear Mr F i erce: I vi si ted the above re{ erenced home i n Vai I recerrt I y f or pLrrpoFjes of a geologic hazard evaluation, especially as it pertains toroct{ f al I potenti al . As your l":now thi s hauard i E noted on the Town of Vail'E maps. An addition is proposed on the downhill si de o{ the home. A drai nage --waL F ex i sts behi nd the home whi ch ,al bhough designed to conduct water away {rom the homer can catch t;ome rockri which might reach the eal;t end of the home. The topography is gurch that rockg wj. 11 tend to ro11 to the eagtside of the property. The olttcroFpi ng of r-oc[':s above the lot isminor and not very high above thig hourse, I recommend no {urthermitiqation at the rear of this home, and none {c:r the proposed addition which is on the sheltered side o{ the home. The property does 1i e i n a qeol ogi cal 1y gensi ti ve area, butdevelopment will not increase the hazard to other property, orstrttctureso trr to public rights*of*way, roads., streetsoease.nents, r"rtilitieg or facilitiee or other properties cl+ anykind. I do r-ecommend Iess waterinq o{ the "{ront" Iawn i.f it isto be kept, because the steep terrace to the sourth can become unstabl Ei i + unusual I y satura.ted wi th r,rrater. If .hhere are f urther qutest i ons n please contact rne. Si ncef el y, __, --\ -/ / --',/_,vk4) / rr"4Nicholas Lalfioiris 0onsul ti, ng Benol oqi st lnvrsoU AccnGrurS Ltoyd D. Ruth Jr. Donald M. Lamb/Lynda Jarman Ann and James Frein Z+5 etuff Street 5015 Pon Valley Drive 1829 Happ Road Glencoe, lL 60022 Bloomlield Hills;Ml 48302 Northbrook, lL 60602 Javier-Vista Velasquez Birgit K. Toome Margret S. Garvey P.o.Box4643t6ProvinceTownRoad1300NLakeShoreDr'#12A Vait, co 81658 cherry Hills, NJ 08034 chicago, lL 60610 Fox Romrell PartnsrshiP 16801 E. Caley Avenue Aurora, CO 80016-1004 rP\ f 4la'llq+ - OqFcrr-t-s Etff o-$ \r \ v I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following aplri"ation on May 19, 1994 in the Town of Vait Municipat Buitding. 1. A request lor an additional 250 square fe-et of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Davison n""iO"n""lo""t"O "t gSi gast Gore Creek Drive/Lot 7, Block 1' Vail Potato Patch. Applicants: Harry and Margareta Davison The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning aominiitrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on April29' 1994' oo TOWNOFVAIL R.ECEIPT NO. L,)Pt*". ADDRESS PROJEC __4cco! -0IT00-T1m 010oo-TIM --0Tm0 -T'ITM -TTTM, j-ImOi j-i-imoi -T1 oooi--mam j-lTm-Trm oIm -^ - ^^-iu I tru{Jt-Ol ooo(-Tlm-]w - OT OOMNT:SI -TPRE PAID DESIGN otTmJTz3Tt IFVESTIGTIONFEE (BUILDING ) 31 0000 45110 TOV PARKINGFUND orw22g27 TOV NE_WSPAPER DI SPENSER FUND * 0l 0000 2tll2 TAXABLE @ aVa (STATE\ * 0l 0000 41010 TAXABLE @4% (TOWN) 01 0000 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTIIER -al_m-4*rFo-M $200.00 .//-z).nTTffi3OCONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TFI,AN lM SQ.FT.I s200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE TTIAN lOO SQ.FI.I $s00.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIATDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEWI $1J00.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND 1.000.00 0l 0000 41330 -PECIAL DEVELO PM ENT D I STR I CT TMI N OR AMEN D $200.00 0t 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 01 000041330 VARIANCE $250.00 01 0000 41330 reTING CODEAMENDMENTS $250.00 0l 0000 41330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTI{ER ITOTAJ-: /3) - COMME$TS: .]wl t/-/ Mo.#L--1c**t t-'t / I 'DATE_t_t_ ----rt-Y nFc.BY: ( (-J