HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 9 LEGAL-b(6 ,*/:rd -q&& s(^ft ^(/,M( 1A- 6,,/ ql.r,*i"u' P{e UrJ @W^+- ?-.- 1r- fin 1>& 4/'*l'(qtll i' e&.1\ \ thw 4*^ gzTezu ' UJl,)l t'v241 ..t *JtA'1 ,(, )ccatn Ab 1) \-+4LE' Tga.scs i, t-kn'' cr*d+ta,ue Orult66-, Omo, RxrriRFrELr) & posl r.r, ATTORN EYS AT LAW WENDELL A PORTERFIELD, JK POST OFFtcE Box 3 | 49 varL. coLoRAOO 8165€ TEL. (97O) 949-5380 FAX (970) a45_9 | 35 ) NI 6 F3Sh\o a,c.l .^ j& .1 -.F =.E T.s d= :lJ-. tY. v)*o:.- =o-e+: ! :.7 ,\ + =qc{ X : --.4: a .rt b rlJ ;?;*Fl I x9E!83EEU?&etnF]P3dH.HI ^V A |1 N oo-\ro -:@-:oD-9"{ oi ia. oo !s -h- ti :E5F=u1 0e-Ct .-i -oQ'a+UA>J (,4 H Fr ?h atF{ ?:35QTIg EEflEqi ECS EEiIH'f,; A- j Y.rA ,,.o*n,l,"l[ ;ffiffi:;:: 47e 2 3I COMMISSION APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntat Comrnission. For information. sec thc submittal requircmcnts for thc particular approvat that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can acccpted until all rcquired information is submittcd. The projcct may also need to bc rcviewed Ly thc Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. ryPEOFAPPLICATION: Additional GRFA (250)Amcndmcnt to an Approved Employee Housing Unit Major or El MinorCCI Alteration (Vail Village) Major or E Extcrior Altcration. Special District Codc Amcndment or El Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD Lot.9, Block I' Vail/Potato PatchDESCRIPTION OF THE REQI.JEST;{rutu" TOWNOFVAIL I flpo tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr Bcd and Brcaldast Conditional Use Major or I Rezoning Sign Variq D. E. F. c. c.LocATIoNoFPROPOSAL: Lor--- q_BLocK_ l _FlLlNc vail/poraro patch ADDRESS: 79e p.,tor., p:rch nrtve BUILDINGNAME: ZONING: p' I ma 'y / se condarv NAME OF OWNER(S): Mayer Family LLC MAILINGADDRESS: ZO6O st""dr"y, S"i Rnrrlrlc'., colorado PHONE: (303)402-1000 owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OFREPRESENTA Wendell B. Porterfield, Jr. MAILINGADDRESS: PHONE: (970)eaffi FEE - SEE THE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SIJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 soUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Date REtElve, 3149, Va1l, Coloardo 81658 r cc Y at: -25O.' ffi - ck#' -UEE By Application Datc:_ pEC JAN rs 2000 LIST OF ADJACENT OWNERS CDS Enterprises P.O. Box 1842 Vail, Colorado 81658 The Ann S. Frein Residence Trust 1829 Happ Road Northbrook, lllinois 60602 I JRN 17 '97 Pleese inetude a typed seff.addressed envelope MUST BE TYPED FILING FEE: $50.00 MUST SUBrvltT Two coPtEs 12: 15PM LIRTZhNN A}IEHLStGit to: Secretary of Slate O ,o, oric!'rl!=e onrvCorpordons Scc{ion 1550 Broadwry, Sulte 200 Denver, CO t0202 (303) tg.f-ZZSI Fex (30:!) gd+UA ANTICLES OF OFGANIZANON FON CONVEFSTON FROM PAFTNEFSI{IP OB LIMITED PARTNERS}IIP l/we ihe underslgnrc nlrural personlsl of the age 0f eigfrtccn yeanr or merG. acting es orgrnizcr(sl of a timited l.rabilhy ;:fri"1:#j.Tthe colorado umited Li.bilitv co'npa,tv Ast, adopr tfro fonowing anicree ot orsanizarion for such ttmhett -- ilFQ;i . - - , .Thg-naoe of rhe )im.i-rzd.t;aDiiirv cqtiF3ny H afR .pAltrly r_ryllEp. LI --. The limited liabiliw comilnv wls convqtcd from a:mH!/limlud Dsnnerrhip. (cirie onel. Its former name wrs Tha number of wtes cecr by the panners cnthled to vorc regarding dre convertion:for 2 against-ll--. tf lerr thln unanlmous, the nurnber or9€rqlnctg? tlquircd to agDtov3 thl conversion unorr ttte rrarrrcrshig 1g696enl.-_ . lf r lirnitrd Dgrlnrrshi!. its scnificate of timited g.rtnershiD rhrll bo ciloilld effecrive ,{1%.IL-I9?6 The 3trr6t rddress of the initial regisrered officr of the limited tiebility company is: SECOND: THIRD: FOI.,RTH: F'- | il: SI)GH: FII-ED CUE{ ---!--The grinciFal place of buginces. f kiol : SF/E}JTH: EiGiiTr-{: The manegcmrnt is vestgd in managers (chcck if apgrcpriatc) The nemes and business addrcssrs of thc initial manegsr or man.O€r! or if tte manaotem€nt is veate! in themembers. nther than mSnaelrs, the names and addreslcs of thc member o. rnembers arc: NAMEBa1'nond C. Mayer,5e60 Boulder Hills Drive, *Xt#Fff tingudg;PoSodel Chrisrine M.ya!,5860 toulder Hill,s Drive, Longmont, co 80503 NINTH:The name and address of each organizer is: T{AMEBaysood C. Mayer, 5E6O BouLder Hills Drive,AD9BESS (include zio codc,IongrrcDt, CO 80503 Clrzi sthie t'lalZer,Bouldqr Hil1s Drive, Sign ed o roanizer Signcd t, co 90503 . JF.t'. t( 't( Please include a typed self-addressed envelope MUST gE TYPED FILjNG FEE: $i0.00 MUST SUEMTT TWO COPIES i'r'dsT:.- - Mall to: Sccretrry of Stetr Corponllonr Section 't560 Errcadrmy, Suite 200 Denver, CO 80202 (303168+2?s1 Fax (303) 8s+2212 P.u? For office use only FILED COI,.' .r<. rE:-11 L-R, zr'..r-;\ .}Fls #ll#?'oF3lB#10-i+-96 1t:4i CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE OF REOISTRATION FOR A DOIV1ESTIC OR FORaGN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SECC'IJD: THIRD: FOURTT"I: The jurisdiction of its formation is colorado The"date *Illgr:1ol$!", certificate (or Registation) with the'cotorado secretary of |".?.:on for-filing thc Certificate of Cancellation and the effective date of the cancellationif different from the fiting date pqrEuanr ro C.R.S. Sec. 7-90-1001. The effecti.re darc of thjr eucellation shalI be tibv. lr I99G - I;IFTH:All trade names on file in the office of the Secretary of State for the above limitedpannership are hereby cancelled. Authorizsd lrSnature A certification of Cancella.,l^ol lut: be signed by el! genenl partners or, if thcrc sre no generalpartners, by any person authorizEd undeithe pirfriirrip agieemeni o., nu,. p-"rtn"oittip-lgr""r"ntdoes not so provide, by a person designared by a maioiity 6r ne nmnei partners. r -i rrA,'t- I i -tjtl i 2 .29 FROM. LAND TI TLE GUARANIEE t D. 192t,.l?645 34I PAGE 4/II land Title Guarantee Gompanv cusrouEn Dtsrnnunoh f,)are 0i-ll-2000 koperty Ad&css: LOT 9. BI-OCK 1, VAIL/POTATO PATCII Oudermmb€r: VTF2G7ylg EQUIIABI.^E SA\'INGS & I,oAliI ASSOC. P.O.sprri?5 STEPJ.U{G. co 80751 Aao: JOYCE Pbolcr 97o.t22{522 Fg,r: 97&522-3917 ScrrtViaFrr LAI\ID TIII-E GUARANTEE COMPA}TY IOtS. FRONTAGERD. W. fiIO3 P.O. BoX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 AEn: Vdt Closisg Gror4. Mikc Moss. Maolgca Phorc; 9G4?6225t Fuc nO47U5y vAri- i r -arti, r2.29 FROM,LAND TI TLE GUARANo I D . 197e'4 ?64 S 34o PAGE S/II land Title Guarantee Company YOUR COflTACTS Date 0t-11-2000 Property Address: I,OT 9. BLOCK I, VNUPOTATO PATCT 0urOrdcrNmbcc lfTF267ng Orner: MAYER FA}IILY PARTNER.SHIP. A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNER$ilP If you hsve any inquirics or require further ardstancc, please coutact one of the oumbers bdow: For Closiag Assisrarc.: f31l -Closing Grorp, Mike Moss, Managcr lc8 s_ FP-ONTAGERD. W. #203 P.O- BOX 357 v.{L. CO Er657 Phone:970 47Sn5l Fax: 97O476J;53/. ForftleAssi$aae VaiI Tftle'VTF" Urir/RA rOES. FRONTAGERD. W. f2O3 P.O. BOX 3t VAIL,CO 8l6t P'tolr;:.9047&2,,51 Frx: 9404764fi4 ESNMATE OF TlTtE FEES Aia Loan Polict l0-l7-y} (Reissrc Raa) Endorse,nmt 100 (I_eodcf) Endorseoeor Ala E.l (Ider) Tax Rcport SCH#/47? 5457.00 s2o -0o s20.00 tJ's - oo TOTAI.tsrz.00 TEANE YOU trON YOUR OIDER! t Ai'r l:-idU i2.29 FROM. LAND TI TLE GUARANTEEo ID. t g 764 754 s34o PAGE 6/ I7 Clicago Tftte lowaocc Csr,fasy ALTA COMMITMENT Sctc&rle A hop€rry Addrcss: LOT 9, BLOCK I, VAII4OT.{TO PATCH 1- Effective Dd€: Decenber lO, 1999.t 5:OO p.M. 2. Policy to be ls$ed, end hopoeed Imed: OuOrderNo- Yff2CTyTg Cust-nd.: -;\LIA' Ioan Policy 10-17 -y2 Proposed Insoro* EQurranru SevrNGS & LOAN ASSOC. $250,0m.00 3. Tbe cstate or intcnst in the land dcscribed or rcferred to ir rhh Connitmcnt anrl covered herein is: A Fec Silnple 4. Thle to thc cdrre or iotcrct coycrtd h6dr b rt tbe dfecive dete bcreof vcsted in: M,{YER FAIUILY PARIT.IERSIIP, A COLORADO IIMMED PARIT{ERSHIP 5, fhe Llnd rdl€rr.d to in thic Comitucat b dcscr.ibcd as follms: LOT 9, BLOCK I, VAIIJ?OTATO PATCII, ACCORDING TO TIIE RECORDED PIAT TI{EREOF, COUI\ITY OP EAcLE, STATE OF COIORI{DO- .,A}I-11*(,O !2'30 FROM: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE tD.I9?94?84 PAGE ?/77 ALTA COMMITMENT ScteahlcB.Scctiool GcqUrtluots) Onr OrderNo- :rfTF267ng Tlre following are ttre requiren€{ts to be omplicd rrr.tb: kca (a) Payucu to or for the rcoltd. of tte tramrs or motlgagors of tbe frtt consi&ration fur the estatc orinreres: io be innued. Iteat-t3) hopcr insunenr(s) creadag thc esote or ilrerest to be inscd qu* be exesuted ald. drly 6led for recor(t+wic It'co (c) Payocnt of oll taxes' 6:rgcs or ^trl.s<',rcats Ist/iad aDd asscsseil eetlsr dre subjecr prcoises qr1ic[ arc &,gard payable, Ieo (d) Adrlitioml regniremeos, if aoy discloscrl bdow: 1. RELEASE OF DFED OF TRUST DATED AUGUST 18. 1998 FROM MAYER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP' A COLOMDO LIMITED PARTI.IERSHIP To TI{E PuBuC TRUsTEE oF EAcIICOUNTY FOR TIIE USE OF WESTSTAX, BAT.IK TO SECURE THE STIM OF S2,384,E08.00RECORDED SEPTEMBEROI. I99E, UNDERRECEPTION NO- 66786I, MODII.ICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WTIII SAID DEED OF IRUST WAS RECORDEDSEPTE},fBER OI. 1998 UNDER RECEPTION N O. 6678f.,2.. DISBURSER'S NOTICE IN CONNECTION WIIIi SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDEDSEPTEMBER 03, 1998, T'NDER RECEPTION NO. 6682t0. :. RELF:.A"SE OF FINAI{CING STA]EMENT WITII WESTSTAR BANK. THE SECURED PAXTY.RECORDED SEPTEMBER It, 1998, T'II{DERRECEMONNO. 5698b5. ']. DEED OF TRUST FROM MA-YER FAI4ILY PARTNERSIM, A COLORADO UMITED PARTNERSHIPTO Tt{E PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR TTIE USE OF NqtrrrErU SAVINGS &LOAl,i Assoc. To SECURE rHE SUM OF $25o.oo().@. NOTE: SECRETARY OF STATE DISCLOSES RAYMOND C- MAYER AI.ID CTIRISTINE MAyER. ASGENERAL PARTNER OF MAYTR FAT{ILT PARTT{ERSTIP, A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. SAID DOCUMENT MUST BE EGCIJTED BY RAII},(OND C. MAYER ORCHRISTINEMAYER. IFTHERE IS ACEANGE IN ON'NER,SHIP OFTIIEPROPERTY TOBE INSI'RED ITEREIN FROMTHE VESTED OWNER SET FORTI{ IN ITET,f 4 OF SCHEDUI.E A. TANSD.I,_TIE TERMS,PROVISIONS A}.iD CONDMONS OF TIIE TOUAI OFVAIL TRA}.ISFER TIX MAY BEAPPLICABLE. s34o Jir.r-.lr-gs L2 ! 30 FROMsLAND TrTLE CUARANTEE v rD, rs7o4764st PAGE e/rr ALTA COMMITMENT ScbcdrlcE-SectioaI (Rcqdrtmcots)OurOrdcrNo. l/TF?:67g79 Coqtim.d; NorE: DUE To fIlE PROPERTY INSURED HEREIN CONTAININGNE$I coNsrRucrroN, IN ORDER FOR STAI{DARD ETCEPTION #4 TO BE DELETED. A SATISFACTORY LIEN .{FFIDAVTT AT.TD AGREEMENTAT.ID A TEMPORARYCEKTIFICATE OF oCCUPANCY WIII BE REQTIIRED. NorE: uPoN RECEIPT oF A sATlsFAcroRY IMPRO\IEMENI LocATIoN CERTIFICATE ENDORSEMENT FORM TOO WII-I. BE ADDED TO THE MORTGAGEES POUCY WHEN ISSUED. JAiI- 11-O'J I2,30 FROM.LAND TITL E CUARANTEEo tD' r97047€;4S 34o PAGE 9/II ALTA COMMITMENT $[efule B - Scction2 @lcrpCms)orrOrderNo- ]rIjF261979 The polic.r or policics to be iriled witt coolain cxccptions to tbc following nnless the sane .r. OrEoua of to the satisfaction of tbe Coqnny: I . $gbrs or claims of panies il posscssiol mt shosa by thc public records, 2, F^q'mants, or claims of eascoeors, lot shoqa by rhc prblic rccords. 3. DiscrepaocicS, cOoflicS in boundary li".s, SborUgp in rrea, eocroactneOg and ray frcrs qihictr a correct suwey alit inspedoo of rhe preoises $oulat disclooeaod qihi6 arc nor sbomby the pblic ncords- +' Aa.v licn, or rigbt to a lieo. for senrico, tabor or marerial rhegofore or bcreaf,rcr funishe4 ioposert by hw and not shown by fte public rcconrls. i. Det-:cts, lieos encqmbntces, advcrsc ct.in< or otbcr maacrs, if aay, crearcd, frsr appcariry in rhe public recorits or attachiry subsequcot to tbc cffecdvc &re hcreof trnt prior F tle dae thc proposed ilslred acErires of reconl for valw the estate or inrcrest or morg4e Aercoa co,ered W tbis Comitncnr 5. Taxes or special assessmcos vAich are not shona as crisiog licos by rhe Efilic t€cor&. i . Ueos rbr ungaid vater and sewer chgges, if aay. i. In addition, thc owrcr's policy will be srbjca o &e mongage, if any, uoted in Secdoo I of Schedule B hereof. RIGI{T OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CAIYAIS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTIIORITY OF THE UMTED STATES AS RESERI/ED IN UMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED ruLY 13. 1939, L\ BOOK 123 ATPAGE 617. RESTNCTIVE COVENAI\TTS WHICH DONOT CONTAINAFORFEITI'RE OR REVERTER CIAUSE. Bur OMITTING Alry covENA'r\T oR REsrRlcrIoN BASED oN RACE, coloR, REucIoN, sEx. ITANDICAP, FAITIILIAL srATUs oR NATIoNAL oRIcIN uNLEss Ar.rD oNLy ro rrIE EXTENT TIIAT SAID COVENA}IT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CI{APTER.42, SECTION 3607 OF Ti{E {J}IIIED STATES CODE OR (B) RETAIES TO I{ANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AG.{INST HANDICAP PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENTRECORDED MARCH 05,Iy74,IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 628 AITID AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMEER 24. 1975. IN B@K241 AT PAGE 950. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS A}TD RESTRICTIONS AS $IOqD.I OR, RESERVBD ON THE RECORDED PI.A,T OF VAIL/POTATO PATCII. EASENIEI\TTNOTSHOWN BUTNOTATED ONTHE RECORDED PIAT OF vNT,/PoTATo PATCH As FOLOWS: ' AN ELECTRTC UTILjTY EASEMENT. TEN (10) FEEr ON EITHER SIDE OF Al.rD PARALLEL TO lfIE COMMON LOT LINE. AI{D TWENTY (20) FEET ALONG TIIE COMMON LOT LINE AS MBASURED FROM TIIE II{TERSECTION OFTIIE COMMON I'T LINE AI.ID TIIE lv- I t. JAii- 1i-O@ i2:31 FROI.!.LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID,19704?84 PAGE Ig/II ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Sectioa2 @erfdotrs) Or0rdcrNo. V"tF267n9 Ibe policy or policies to beissdtyil oodaio Aaeptioss to thcfotlowilguolcsstlc samc arc ifqrcod of to the satisfadion of tbc Company: RICfifT OF WAY OF POTATO PATCTI DRIVE.' AS IT AFFECTS SUB'ECT PROPERTY. 13. fu\.f LOSS OR DA}TAGE THE INSURED SIIALL SUSTAIN IF UNITED BAI{K OF BOUI.DER. N^{TIONAL ASSOCIANON WAS NOT AI{ ENTITY CAPABLE OF ACQUIRING TTflJ TO .'UBIECT PROPERTY. I+. JOINT RESOLUTION A}TD NOTICE OF ENCIIMBRAI\ICE OF TJPPER EAGI.E VALLEY CONSOUDATED SANITATION DISTRICT A}TD VAIL VA'I.I.E'T CONSOLIDATED STATER DISTPJCT AG{NST SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOqTN IN DOCTJMENT RECORDED JAT{UARY 18, 1990 INBOOK52I ATPACE,t4T. 15. TEfuVS, COIiTDITIONS AI.TD PROVISIONS OFRESTRICITYE COVENAT.ITRECORDED II,'LY TO. 1998 TDIDERRECEPTION NO. 641L 534o JAI{- 1 i -6A 12, 3I FROM. LAND TI TLE GUARANTEE ID, I97O47645 34o PAGE II/7I LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCI'SURE STATEMENT Rc{rdrd bv C3.S. lGll-122 a) lbe sbjcct real propcrty oay bc locetcd in a qccial uxing disrict. B) A cenificatc of rq,es Duc lising earh r^-i''g jurisdicrionnay be obtrircd fron tbe couuy Treasurer's anrlorizcd ageol C) ThcidqrnariotrregardingqpecidatsrictsardrbeborudariesofsrchdstricsEay be obaiacd fto the B@d of ccu8y Qom'niqsio'..$ ttc coulry clcrt aad Rocor<lcr, or rheCoug-Assemr, E$ecri'n Septcobcr 1,1W7, CRS 3Gf0-406 rcquircs itat all dmocots rtcciv€d br recordiog 6 f,ting ia thc derk anil recordcr's otEce sball corain e top oargin of ar leasr ooc incb and a lcft, riEhr aod, bonm' oaryil of at leas or half of al it*h- Thc clerk and rccodcr may lefrsc o rccord or file ry docucat rr.^t does rct cotrfo@. exept 6et, nc .equinocnl ftr 6c rcp otgia sbell mt apply o doctocots Esirg foros on whif gacc is prorridcd 6r recording or filing hfolErtio! a 6c top na4in of rhe dauocor: Note: Cotorado Divisioa of Insnncc Rcgutadoos 3-!,1, PragnS C of Anicle VII rcquires &at 'Evcry dtle eotiry sbrtl bc rcqorsible for a[ oams which ry1lear of ccor,o prior o 6c dne of rccortiry rhc drlc emiry conducs r[c closiE aod is rrspoosbtc fu tccoldirg or 6liry of lcgal doclrneD$ rrslting froo tbc tansrction qfrich was closcd'. hovidcd 6at I -"il Trtle Guaralrce Compaly coodtcts the closiqS of 6c iasucd "2.'s".tiou. and is rcaoosr:blc for recording rhe lcgal doctrocas &om &e aeDs&doo, crcrprion nobcr 5 wiu lot lppear oa tbc ocrcr's Tide Policy ud the Lenders Policy wheo issrcd. Note Affirmativc mccbanic's lico protcctiou for frc Owacr uy be eniLab(r1'pically by delcriou of Exccprioa no. 4 of Scbcdslc B, s€criro 2 of rtc cqiocor fi@ 6c orrcr's policy o bc issaed) upoa coqliarc wi6 rhc follwilg coditions: A" Thc lald descdbed in Scbc&lc A of eis cmrnima orst bc e singlc Eoily resi&re dichirhdes a codobi.- or osnbomse noir B. No labor or masdrls have bcco ftrnisbcrl Ly neclanics or neteri"|-nan fqr prposcs of coasmctioa on rhe laod dcscdbcxlb Sdcdrlc A of ttis csunibcc wittir &e pc 6 ooorLs- C. Thc Cncnlrant mnst rccciw as, aproptiaa afiAadr indem;g;ng &c Cornfaqy q;nst uu-filed oeciadc'S ald mercridACO'S lia'rc. D. Thc Coopoy ms rtccive peyneor of the appropriate prcoino. E. If thctE hqt tlcco coDfiItction, iogtoraneos or naj,or repais oodrrtatcn on thc propcrry ro bc pucbased wi6in six oods prior ro &c Dare of tu couiucoa te r.quilcidr ro otrdn coverage for ucccdcd lieas witl ilclude disc.losore of ocrrain colsuctiooiafonatio4 fin-ncial bf,ooarioo as o tlc seJlcr, ttc buiHcr aod or ttc connaao4 payucnt of rhc rppropriarc p,rcoirn frIly c*ctatcd l"t.-'"'ig .tfccocurs gdcAaqyio tbc cqeay, and, aay additioul requircoeus as aay bc necessary rficr aa cxoiuado of thc dorcsaid iabrmetion by rle Compaly. No ooveage wrll bc giveo rmdcr aly cirtaostarcs ftr lebor or marcthl fur caich tbc insrcd has corracted for or agrccd o pay. Nothiry berein cooraircd will be dccocd to obtigare tDc cmpany 6 p'q/ide aly of the coverages rcfcrred to lacinudess rhe aborc cotditios are firly $dificd" o o"o"Q:g.i:nul"x"opmentf o y'n Receipt.No. -)(/. Please make checks Davable to the TOWN OF VAIL 001 0000 314 1110 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 3'141112 Uniform Buildino Code - 1997 - Volume 3 001 0000 314 1112 Internatidnal Plumbino Code - 1997 001 0000 314 1112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1 998 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 001 0000 3141't12 001 0000 3141112 Abatement of Danoerous Bldo.'s 1997001 0000 314 1112 Model Enerov Code - 1995001 0000 314 1112 of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 3141112 001 0000 3141211 001 0000 314 1 11 1 001 00003141r11 Lionshead Master Plan f$1.80/$1.60 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 315 3000 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/Der hou001 0000 311 2300 001 0000 315 2000 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 311 2200 001 0000 31s 3000 001 0000 240 3300 001 0000 312 1000 Assess.-Restaurant Fee to '001 0000 201 1000 own) - Retail Sales Tax.001 0000 310 1100 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than .100 so. ft. 001 0000 311 2500 001 00003112500 001 0000 311 2s00 ent District - Minor Amend 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 0000 311 2500 001 0000 319 3100 F/Ev€ryone/Fof ms/Salasacl.exe lorn of Urilrfi CllSI0€l RECTIPI rlr - -!eTE! l/19/r-0i Rgcgtpr: rstira ms?tfflillTru nl' 'ffi h & 0n0, HnTERFIIID I msr I{IYER RES. - LIIT 9 8L[.1 POIfiT(l PEIC|| tEtotn D€IRItgi |e,r.t IHTE: l/t9/90 TIIIE: l9:?t:tl, -- iiiier- otil( -- r$.Qixiiifnxmo teito'et Tlfril Yllll FoR Y{iln pqYE}lrl I.-rF--gi.-:::==:'rl5-=-.-=-5!=-=-=_--=':=:-.===i -=-_=== =::==:::i= =--:"=-=::-= =::, _== ==:=::- t+-a . rt - Tbe Town of Vail DATE RECETVED FROM 0o o a 50?98 ADDRESS ,i-nn, s '? Permit Numbers ,.rF How PAID-ca*-*.*4; 1o/ ?, ,8/'+ / /o v"nfurt7*frl DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TfTLE: MAYER NEW DUPLEX NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit. #:898-0088 Deposit Refund U IrlscripLion : NEW DUPLEX Occupancy fype Dwellings Zor:e Dwellings Zone Table Date: 05/a7/1996 FireDlace Information: Reslrictea: Y FEE SUMMARY Buil.ding-----> 3,952.o0 Re6tsuarane Plan R€viet--> PLan check---> 2,5o3.90 DRB Fee-------- ect No.: PRJ98-0063 APPLICAI{T BOY1IER CONSTRU TION/CONTp o Box 1001, VAIL co 81658 ]I:ITFACTOR BOYMER CONSTRUCTION/CONT P O BOX i-00L, VArr_, CO 8l-558 OWNER MAYER FAMILY PARTNERHSIP 5860 BOI'LDER HILLS DR, LONGMONT CO 80501 AddrCSS: 796 PMATO PATCH DR t,iON...: VAIIr POTATO PATCH LOT 9 Parcel No. . : 21-0L-063-01-008 Phone: 9704762958 Phone: 9704762958 Number of Dwelling Units: 003Factor Sq. Feet. Valuation 3 V-N 1-38 .55 5, 531- 780, l-75 . 05 3 v-N Basement 30.09 3,23L 97,22O.79 Subtotal z I,862 877 ,395.84Total Valuationz 877,395.84 Town of Vail AdjusLed Valuation: 877,395.840 *of caa Applj.anccs:*Of Wood/Pallet.: . : ISSI]ED -:PO5/04/L998.: 08/1,0/L998 .: 02/06/1,999 TOI,IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up approved antount date Status. . BApplied. Issued.. Expires. *of Gas Logs: 2 Investigation > !,liII caIl- -- - > -0o Recr€alion Fee-- --- --- --, 3.00 Cl€an-UpDepo6il.--------> TOTAI, FEES- ---. .00 ToEal Calculaged Fees---> g,55a,go 400. oo AdditionaL Pees---------> .00 I,o5o.Oo ToEal Permit Fee--------> 9,554.90 ?50,00 Paymentss--- -- -- 8,554.80 a,55a. ao BAIANCE DUE---- .Oo Item: 051-00 BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Divislon: a5/04/L998 JFlvl Action: NOTE Pr..,ANS TO CHARLIE 06/02/1,998 CHARLTE Action: APPR charlie davis Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEN:r Depts: PLANNING Divislon: 05/04/1-998 JR}l Action: APPR PI,ANS TO PLANNER 05/04/1,998 ,JPNI Action: CANC CANCEL 05/04/1998 ,JRNr Acr.ion: NOTE PLANS TO PLANNER 06/2"4/1998 DoMrNrc Action: APPR EHU provided ILem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Diwision: 05/2L/1,998 CHARLTE Acrion: APPR N/A rtem: 05500 PIIBLTC WORKS Dept.: PUB WORK Division: o5/L2/L998 JW AcEion: NOTE PLANS TO LARRY 06/03/L998 T,ARRY_P Action: APPR LP rLem: 05550 ENGINEERTNG Dept.: ENGINEER Division: 05/L2/L998 JPi^iI Action: NOTE PLANS TO LPiITERRT 05/29/L998 TPARTCH Action: APPR see conditions t Documen I hcr.by acknowl.dgc tshat f h.v6 rc.d lhi! applic.tion, fillcd out in full the inforrnahion rcquircd, cortrplcgcd an eccurat€ pl.ot. plan, and 6ts4t. that all thc infornrat.ion providcd a. requircd lr corr.c!. I lgrcc tso couply rith Lhc informaElon and ploE plan, Eo coinply xitsh r11 Tovn ordin.nc.E rnd !Lrt. lar.a. and to build !hi6 .lruclurc .ccording to lhc Tovn's zoning and eubdivieion codc6, de6ign r€viax approv.d, Unlforn Bullding cod6 and otsh€! ordinanccg of t'hc Town rpplicabl. thcreCo. REQUEgTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIL BE M.ADE TWBMTY.FOUR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY scnd clcan-up D.po6ic To: R BoyuER c€NsT PAGE 2******************************************************************************** Permit. #: 898-0088 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of o8/L0/98******************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Permit Tylge: NEW (SFR,P,/S,DIJP) PERMIT Appticant. : BOYMER CONSTRUCTION/CONT JOb AddrCSS: 796 POTATO PATCH DR LOCAEiON: VAIL POTATO PATCH I,OT 9 BtK 1 Parcel No: 2101-063-01-008 aL for any condiLions E,hat, may apply tso Ehis permit. DECTARATIONS StaEus : ISSIIED Applied: os/04/L998 Issued: 08/a0/L998 795 POTATO PATCH :r:***:t*************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PRO''ECI WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMEI{T SI'RVEY. SUCH SI'RVEY SEALL BE SIJBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPE TION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEII-,ING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FI,OOR TO THE TJNDERSIDE OF THE STRUETURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTTY ABOVE. 3. Roof shall be West Tile Beaver Creek Blend 4. no grading shall exceed 2:1 5. culver! shall be insEalled 1' below grade and and at a minim um of 1t 6. MAKE NOTE OF AI.IALYSIS AND CORRESIIONS LIST ATTACHED TO BUILDING SET OF PI,ANS alt.t t tt t rr t ttt t t t ttttt t tt i t ti ', *i ttt a t a attt., t I t t t t t ttt i i t I t at I i t.a i t fO0fN OF VAIIJ, COE ORAIO ggttrnng *t + tr r fJ r r r a rrrr r t tt ttrr.t r t rat I I ', tl,t f !r a at a rt tt f *at r a r t t t t t t t r || t tt gerB.tid1e Nunb.r: iEC-Oa3a Asount: 8,35t.t0 Oe/LO/ga O9t22 Pryl.nc U.ihoa. cK NolaElonr 1a61 InlEr l.tAW Pcr|lil l{o: B9E-0088 tlDr I B-BUILD NBfl P.rcal lfo: 2101-063 -01-O0a glt! Addr.rr | 796 DOIAIO PATCH DR toclclon! VAIL pdtATO PATCH l.C/l 9 BLX 1 Tocrl Fa.r: Thir P.ti[.nt 6,358.80 toerl AliL Drtsr: Account. Coda D..eripEl,on (8FR, P/8,DrrP) PE 795 PC'IAM PATC a, 558. 8O 3, 558. t0 Ealrnc.! .00 t a *a ra a tt| ttrt*ttlr rt a ttttt ',tttt t !, t att.?t t ttta!rlr Jtt a BP OO1OOOO31I11OO BI'ILDTNo PERIIIT PEES m. o01o0003t12200 DEsrG{ REvrBw lElg pF 00100003112300 PLIN CHECK FBES AD D2.DEPO8 CITBItrUP DEPOSITg Aoounc 3,452.0O 2oo. 0o 2, 503.80 750.00 t,050.00 3.00 RF11100003112700 RECREATToITIEES tlC oo100O031l23OO lflLL CIIJL IlfgPlqfIOW IEE ' .,' Date Received :.on.o". Eagre counry n""o""f0ffrce al'lAY 01 19([ ac 970-32Q-86{0_fo1Par.cel 0.- TOttN oF vArL coNsTRUcTroN PEfu\IIT /.! yeu rt@ pnanir AppLlcAT,Iox roiu" -[aVpuT , ,; ll -\ D|'_*1!3f: I Yrilua*., [ ,, ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR llr, MAY "O' ",J?"";;;b ' .| 'trA +ZoZrit ? r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'r * PERMIT TNFORHATION\ f ************* pERMrr TNF.RMATT.* ...(k{.3.{;*.?1,****,r***** ?-'J"zf-nuitaing 6 'f-erumting t4-ntectricaL I T--llectranibat [ ]-orher _ Fob Name, filftg/r( 1,1 tg,if,rft- rob Acldress: Legal o.scripCi onz t ot 4 nlock_ / Filing lwners Name: \rchitect: ;eneral DescriPtion: ,/tork Class: [{--New [ ]-Alteration OTHER: $ ,?LUMBING: ,J'dls****, ilectrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg,, }IO. /{ Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: 'iddress: rlumbing iddress: U,', , BUILDING; SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Address: l-nN C-twaNe f '- yn. Address:7 e (a /44, r Ph4414/2{ l-Additiona)- [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accomnodation Units: Gas Logs -72 Wood/Pellet tr********* *********************** EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECFIANICAL: $ lumber of Dwelling Units: 2.. lprnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances, t***** 't ?t * ?t * * * * * * * * * * ************** VALUATIONS )]UILDING: TOTAL:+@ INFORMAI.'ION ***'& ** * *****tr** * * *** r( * * * * * * )11 OFFICE USE *** * * * ** * * ** * *** * * * * * ** rt ?t * * * * * * BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PIUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: contractor: re chan i ca I contra ct_o r. €€ly,nT finF i, | "thlt /Jtz\ddress, af4 tf- t,lii ' 'itTf = otsi_ i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * FOR }UTLDING PERMTT FEE: )LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAL PER.TIIT FEE: :'LECTRfCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: GROUP VALUATION :onnents: , CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFIIND TO:12- fuVn6n- 2edsra/ i :j.I lnwn n llal 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 91657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DA?E: SUBJECT: ead and rn suhmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to }itter, track or a"po=ii ;;;-=;iri"rl"l, sand, debrisor material, including trash iumpsters, portabre toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street, sidevralk, alley or publicprace or anv nortibn tn"i""il--tt" right-of-way tn arr Town ofVail streetl -and-roads is approximately s ft. iff pavement.This ordinance "l1l b..;ari;iiy"enforced by the Town of VaiIPublic works DeDarthent- pers6ns found vialaain; this ordinancewirr be given a 24 hour rritt..,-'r,oii""-to-;;;;;;=said materiar.rn the event the person so notified.ao.s-nlt"'""ipry with ttienotice within the 24 hour.tir.-.p."i;i;;,"ii"-iriric worksDeparrmenr wirr remove said mare;r;i-;r-irr!^^I"iIi=l-"i-p"ironnot_ified- The provisions "r irris orcrrnance sharl not beapplicable to cbnstruction, ,iirt.r,"nce or repair projects ofany street or arrey or any "aiiiai;;"i; il"^;i;f,i_"_".y. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, please stop by the Town ofvair Building Departrnent to obtain a copy. tirani< you for your.cooperation on this rnatter. of f lce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIfI,I OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/CoMMUNITy DEVELOPITENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }4ATERTAL STORAGE R Y iili acknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 3oulh tronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2I39 of rlco of communlly devolopment BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII,tE FMNE If thris permlt requires a Tov/n of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s..(.pubr ii wopks) review ana'ipprovai ,'i piJii,iini'bepartmentreview or Hea'l th Departm6nt.review, .nl .-review by the guildingDepartment, the estimated time for'a totar ".ui.n-i,uv"ia[i'as tongas three weeks. All commercial (large or sma'il ) and a'il mu]ti-famiry permits willhave to fo'llow tne ibove r"ntion"J-*irirur requirements. Residentialand.small projects shourd take i reiier amount of time. However, .ifresidential or snra'il er .projects impaii the various -;ilv. meniloneddepartmcnts wi.th regard-to-necessary review, the;; ;;;j;.ii n'uyalso take the three weet peiioJ. Every.attempt vril'r be made by this departnrent to expedite thispermlt as. qqon as possi b'l e. - I' the undersigned, nnderstand the plan check procedure and timeframe, TO: FROM: DATE: HE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED 1) 2) Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit': YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed lo sile other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Bevocable Right Of Way permit" required? 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) A. ls the right ol way, public property to be used parking or {encing? easements or lor staging, B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit. must be obtained.'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained al the public Work's office or atC-o.TT{ity Development. llyou have any questions please callCharlie Davis, ihe Town of Vail Conslruction Inspeclor, aI.479-21Eg. I have read and answered allthe above questions. [ ]-other rob Name, hlWfrz (egp4fr"'li rob Acrdrer", frb fuTAab fftf4 FA Lesar oescripdionz tox1fu nlock_ f Fflins sunprvrsrol{illt-.Wfift ?y'T-tlwners Narne: \rchitect: Address: 14il anaaNT Z ,- en. Address: fi Z t 144,, ph44+(14 leneral Description: -/{ork class: [;f-New [ ]-Alteratlon I J-Additional Nurnber t * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS) .-r..-]UILDING:ET,ECTRTCAL: $ I J-Repair [ ]-other___ of Accornrnodation Units : ********************************* OTHER: $ fumber of Dwelling Units z n- lnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas Logs -lzWood/petlet ilectrical Contractor: iddress: )lunbing rddress: ToTAL:+@ xNFORMATXON * * *.& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. rr tr * * Town of VaiL Reg. NQ.Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: I Contract.or: techanical Contractor: tddress: : rtrt *:t*rtrt:t******** * ** * **rr ** ***** *FOR OFFICE USE *******rr*********************** }UTIJDING PERMIT FEE: 'LUMBING PERMIT FEE: fECHAI.IICAIJ PERMIT FEE:- |LECTRICAL FEE: \THER TYPE OF FEE: 18 FEE: YPE GROUP SQ.FT. BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK TEE:MECHANICAL PI,,A}T CHECK RECREATION CLEAN-UP TOTAL BUILDING: SIGNATURE ZONING: SIGNATURE!s: EPOSIT REFIIM TO:f- byna.r-- o-rnT, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArIJ, co 81657 9"to-479-2L38 ilob Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: MECHANICAL PERMIT .'OBSTTE AT ALL TIMBS Permit, #: M00-0001 Phone: 970-476-2958 Phone; 9'lo-476-2958 5, 000. 00 *of wood/Pal-lct: Feag--- > DEPARII,IEIIT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMEI{T NOIIE: flIIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 796 POTATO PATCH DR 796 POTATO PATCH DR 2101--063 -01-008 PRir98 - 0053 sEaEus...: ISSI'EDApplied..: OL/04/2OOOIssued...: 0l/05/2000 Extrrires. . : 07/03/2000 APPLICATIT BOy-ltBR CONSTRUCTTON/CONr P O BOX 1001, VArL CO 81558coMrRAeroR BOYMER CONSTRUSTION/COI.IT P O BOX 1001, VAIL CO 81558OI{NBR MAYER FAMII.,Y PARTT ERIISIP 5860 BOIJI,DER ITILLS DR, IJONGIIONr CO 80501 Descript.ion: Val_uation: MBCII FOR 2 GAS APPLIAI{CES & 2 GAS LOG FIREPI,ACES Fir.plice Infornetion: Regtrlcted: y +of Oa€ AppLiancc!:*of oad Logs: '*trr**a**'irr PEE 9UUMARY Mcch|nLcal- -- > Plcn Ch.ck-- - > Invsatsigat.lon> 9ft Il. call----> R€ttuarant. PIan Rcvlalr-- > DR8 F..-------- TOTAI FBES- - -.. Additional Fee6--- --- ---> totaL Psroic F6e--------> Palmenco------- BAIANCE DUA-- -- 100.o0 25.00 .o0 3.O0 .00 .00 12S.00 128 .00 ,00 L2a .00 128 .00 .oo *rr*ra*l}.trr*r*rirrr*ar*rrrara i+r.t.r*.r.riir Iteot/Ite0L/ lri.Q5100 BUILDTNG DEPARI1IENI Dept,: BUILDING Divigion:O5/2OOO I(ATI{Y AcIion: APPR APPR VERBAL BY CHARTIE{ti,Q56Q0_EIBE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Divieion:05/2000 KATI{Y Action: APPR N/A COI{DITION OF APPROVAL 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. '7. 8. EIEL,D TNSPECIIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCA.gEfBgsEr9N AIB I$__REQqIRE_D_PER sEC. 7Or Or. Tlfi, L997 rrMe, ORsBcrroN 701 0F TrrE 1997 rMC.INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI'FACN'RES INSTRUCTTONS ATiTDTq CHAPTER 1_0 OF ATJE L997 UlqC, qnptER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. GIAg_APPIJIANCES SHAI'I' BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AIVD EII4_LIJ_TEBI'TINATE Ag_ggEgrErED rN SEC.806 OF IIIE 1997 UMC, ORGEApTER I OF TrrE 1997 rMC. +CqRSS TO HEATING EOUIPMEI{T MUST COMPLY WITII CHAPTER 3 AIiIDsE9.1017 OF THB 1997 I,MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TrrB 1997 IMC.qQIT,ERS SHALL BE MOLNIED ON rLoOnS Or'-r0lrC0MBUStrBr,E- eONST.qqII,EBS SIIAIJIJ BE MOttMfED ON FLOORS OF NONCO|,IBUSTIBLE CONST.lrN_LESg ISTED FOR MOIINTTNG ON COI.GUSTIBTE FLOORTNG- PEB!,!IT, PLAIIS AI{D CODE ANAIJYSTS -MIUST BE FOSTED IN MECHANICAT,=='--a-:t r.:lrllairlr I lr.L r;, l'l4vgl ltln 5\rrf I l;r.l, Ilt ltl.LllJllrlll I \-!lllBqgu pBroR To AN rNspBerroN REonEsT. DEAINAGE OF MECHANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HE,ATING OR IIOT-WATER 9qPPLY-BOIITERS SHAI'L BE EOUTPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 0F TrrE 19e7 UMC, OR SECfroN 1004.6 0F-tHE-1t97 IMe .--- ***********************************************!t******************************** DBCI,ARATIONS f h.r.by .cknotrl.dgc thrt t h.v. r.rd thi! qrplicatsion, fill.d oug ln full tho infornrClosr r.qulr.d, coupl.c.d .n rccurrlr plotphn, |'ld .c.!. th.t r11 rh. Lnf,omll,on lrrovld.d a. r.qui!.d 1r corroct. t agrco to colply rlth ch. lnforo.tlon |rird plot plrn. to conply YlCh rU Towa ordinrncl rnd r!at. I.r,5, ind to bulld !hl! .tructu!. eoeordLng !o !h. Toen'r rohLng |nd .u.bdl,vialoncodr., daalgn rrvLrv rpprovcd. tnlfom Bu{lding coda .nd otsh.r ordln.nc.. of thr aorn rlrplicrbl. th.r.bo. RBQI'ESA6 FOR INSPIqIIONA AHAI.L BE IIADA 5{!!ErY-!OI'R IIOI'RA IN 9XONT(nB OI OfiNER OR OOITIRAeK'R FOR HTTAB',! A!!D OI{NER EY TELB?HOIIE Al {?9-2138 OR AT 6ItR OPPICE FROII 8,00 ll'| 5100 TtDm| Ot Vlttr, coloRtDo gcrgrarg 8g.r.ons f,lnb.r ! R!c-0601 lDu$c ! 121.00 01/06./00 15!01 Pqrr.nC l.ghod ! 1545 lloErBionr BoIlllR cofSl rcl lnltt itf P.nte Io: lloo-ooo1 nDrr a-lccH l|lcl'rtrlcl! PlRllIl Prrc.l lfo! r1or-063-01-0ot tlt. lddrr.r 3 ?t5 Pollrlo PlllcH m locrllon: ?96 D('lllo Pl..H m tbc.l tr.!r 121.00 thlr ?r!t:mc 123,00 totrl lt& Plg. t 121.00 lalanoat .00 attttt!ritattrltt.atttattiatttttrttttatrtt!ttttlttttiltl'i'ltrttitttttf' lcco|.lrE ooda Darcrlt glotl xp 0o10ooo31113oo lllclllfllclL Ellllrl tlls It ooloooo3u2too Pltll c$lca Fttt tc oo1oooo3112aoo ru.t, c it rugPlc?rfl lll loounc 100.00 26.00 1.00 PPitqB' ooto, Contac't the Parcel # Date: Job Name: Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( 9l Number of Dwelling Units: () Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Additional ( ) 2? VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Repair ( ) Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: c^togr-2-:Wood/Pellet TowN oF vAraoNsrRucroN pERMrr AilrcAroN ,o*H** INI'ONMAflON MUST BE COMPLETE OR TEE A}PLICATION WILL BE REIECTED Assessors Office at 97U328-8640 for Parcel # Permit # Job Address: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Electrical ( )Mechanical ({ Other( Filine Subdivision Alteration 2-- BUILDING: $ PLUMBING $ General Contrac=tor: Town of Vail Regi stration No. Electrical Contractor:Address: Torvn of Varl Regi*ration No.Phone # Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Regisration Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No FOR OFFICE USE TYPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION BUILDING: pnon"+ ULts,42.-4 SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: FoR PURCHAsn uPow Hflftft Sece i ve't't'!CODE BOOKSARE AV JAN o4 2000 I DEPARTMEIfI OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEIfTTOVIN OF VATL 75 S. FROI{fAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479 -2L38 J\PPLICAIIT CONTRASIOR OhINER o NOTE:1T{IS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES .JOb AddTCSS. . . : 796 POTATO PATCH DRLocat,ion : 796 Potat,o pat.ch Dr Parcel- No. .... : 21-01-063-01-008Project Number: PRJ98-0063 SPRTNKLER PERMIT WOLF FIRE PROTECTION INC. 2626 S. PERRY ST, DENVER CO WOLF FIRE PROTECTION INC. 2626 S. PERRY ST, DENVER CO MAYER FAMTLY PARTNERHSIP 802L9 802L9 Permit #: F00-0001 SEaEus. . Applied. Issued.. Ex;llres. ISSUED oL/L0 /20OO 0L/1"0 /2OOO 07 / 08 /2OOO Phone: 303 -208-4296 Phone:. 303-208-4296 t_2,500.00 #of wood/Pal}eE: ToEal calculaEed Eees--->324 - OO Addicional Fees------ --- > -oo 5850 BOI]LDER HITLS DR, LONC.MONT CO 8O5O]- Description: Val-uation:Sprinkler syst,em for new duplex Fireplace lnforoati.on: ResErieted:#of cas Appliances:*Cf Cas Logs: FBE SUMMARY Mechanical---> Pl-an cbeck- -- > Invest.igat.ion> will call----> 250. OO 65. O0 -oo 3.00 ResEuarane Plan Review- - > .OO DRB Eee-------- TOTAL FEES----- 32a.OO Tocal Permit Fee---- - ---> Palrmenhs------- 324. OO 328 - 00 B.AIANCE DUE---- .OO-"-*--"."-..----* ITqM; .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiWiSiON:OL/L0/2OOO KATTIY Action: APPR n/aITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTME}TT DCDts: FIRE DiWiSiON: OL/LO/?OOO KATHY Action: APPR Approved verbal per MM CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *******Jr**************************************************Jr********************* DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thaE I have lead thi6 application, filled ouf in ful1 the informaLion required, completed an accuraLe plot plan, arrd st.ate Chag all the infornation provided as required is colrect. I agree co comply wiEh the informati.on and pLot plan, tso comply ltith all Tolrn orainances and stsatse lawe, and to build ghis structure according to the Town's zoning and subdiwision codes, design review approved, Uhiform Building code and other oldinanceE of the Town appli.cable tsherero. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SI{ALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR SIGNATI]RE OF OWNER OR CO}ITRA TOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER FRoM s:00 AM 5:00 Pl,l * * *** ***** ** ***i***r** rrir *** * * ** * * * * *f -.;---;-. -.. -o OI{I{ OP VAIIJ, COI.OR.A[|o gtatsenmt *** ** * t** * i** **** r***r***rr * i******* ***r***it* r ****r*******i i r* Statelllrc lih.rnber: RIC-O5O2 .ensurrt: 32A-OO OLltOl OO 10:32 PaynenE Method: CASE llotatLon: Wotf Flre plot IaIt: KM!{ Per.ltit lb: FOO-0001 T14re: F-SPRIIR SPRINKLBR PRIIIT ParceMo: 2101-063 -01-OO8 gitse Addr€s3: 796 POrATO PATCII DR Ipcatiqr: ?96 Potato Patch Dr Totsal Fecs: 328.00 Thia Paymcnt 328.00 Total AIJL Rnt!: 32e.OO , Bal,ance: . oo ********i**t*rt**rt****rlrt**ilt**t**tttt*t*tti!ta!tt!t*t:lt*a*a!lr}***tt!r Acco\.urt Code DescrLptldr eErEE MP oo1oooo31113oo MBCEAI|ICAIJ PRI,IIT FBBa 250.00 PF 00100003112300 plAlr crrEcK pEBg 55.00 wc 00100003112800 rILL CALL INE pEerl(nf pBB 3-00 PESqA . ocra3l TOWN oF VAIIONSTRUSTION PERMIT AillcATlON FORM INFORMATION MUST BN COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTT,I' F:!::'i"6ffii' 3"ul8w:38sat e70-328 8640 ror Parcet# o,n,O/o/gth?, Job Name: Buil.iing ( flyve' b'sePce Job Address: 7 Plunbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Legal Descriptio n: fot Q Block---LL Filins Subdivision.-......7-....._ 171ay6z_ ^ddrcss: -7qb fulefbE Pn&,^ Phone# Address: Other( /.-- . hht"e Pfu Owners Name: Architect: Descriotion of Work Class: New g{Aheration ( ) -/.--Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ /t t&-t Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTNCAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet OT}IER: TOTAL &. Additional ( ) General Contractor:Address: Phone #Torvn of !'ail Reeishation Nb. Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone #Torn of Vail Registration No. B!c-'nD-i4c.gg,E!rse!q : Torvn of Vail Registration No. Address: Phone # ryPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION Phone #__=f4] _.i'Z'z-Qt-Z - - FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Mecbanicalcontractort wo|fr'eEPmht;oD Address: ze,"G 5. ?EEFV /:Er"' Lo 6047 ' Torvn ol'Vail Rcsisuation No.553-S :I**CODE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FORPLIRCHASE UPON REQUEST*** TOI.'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAI) vArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -21"38 OIINER CONTRACTOR APPLICANT Description: NEW MECH FOR DT'PI.,EX Fireplace Infoloation: RcElricted: II{AYER FAIIILY PART!{ERHSIP 5860 BOI'LDER HILIJS DR, IJONGMONT GUAR,AIiTTEED PIJJMBING & HEATING P O BOX 42L0, AVON, CO 81620 GUARANTEED P AND H DEPARTIITENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEI{T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON \TOBSfTE AT AL,L TIMES MECHANIEAI-, PERMIT Permit. #: M98-0057 JOb AddrCSS...: 796 POTATO PATCH DR I-,ocation. . . . . . : 795 POTATO PATCII Parcel No..... : 2101-063-01-008t- -ri:t Number: PR,I98-0063 Status- - -: ISSIIED App1ied..: 05/04/L998 Issued. . -: 09/23/L998 Extrrires . .: O3/22/1999 co 80501 Phone: 845-6300 Valuation: *of oa6 Applianc.s:#of ca6 Log6: 25,000 .00 *of Wood/PalIet: FEE SI'MMARY Mechanical-_- > Plan check- - - > Restuarant Plan Rcvicrr- - > DRB Fee-------- Tot.al calculaCed FccE-- -> Additsional Fce6.-- -- --- -> 500 . oo . oo .o0 628 . OO . oo Inwestigatsion> .oo ToTAL FEES----- wilr car.r_---> 3.00 fiilffi::.;;;-_-:::_::::::l .,.:il *****i**r***|r** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTIIENT DepE: BUILDING Division: 09/23/1.998 JRIII ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRM-ilbm;'.056q0 FrRE DEnARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division:09/23/1998 JPNI Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, ].. FIEIJD INSPE TIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE.2- COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF TIIE 1991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPEIIDIX CIAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 IMC.I }.^T !!.PPLIANCES SHAI,I BE VEIiI:TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDuitilr.l, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 tMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITII SEC.sO5 AND703 OF THE 1991 IJMC.6. BOILERS SHAL,L BE MOIJIiIIED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOIVIBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOIJIiITING ON COMBUSTIBLE FTOORING-7, PERMIT,PLANS AI.ID CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI., ROOM PRIOR TO AN ]NSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COTYIAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATE-R- SUPPTY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WIT"H A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 21-19 0F rHE 199L IJMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t heteby aqknotrlcdgc chag t hav€ read chlF application, fill.d ouf ln full hhe infornatsion required, coIqP1cted an acculatse Plot I hrr, rna .src. thec rtl th. lnloEor"r.}vro.u r. r.qulr.d t. cors.cu. , .rr.. "oQly vrbh !h. lnforortslonr rnd pror prrn, to coBply vllh rll Totrr orall,nrncat rnd rgrt. lrr., rnd lo bulld ghla rgrqccur. rccordl,ng go gh. Torn,r zoning .nd .ubdlvlrlon cod.., dralgn rrvt.r rpprovcd, lrnlfolB aulldtng cod! rnd och.r ordlnmqrr of th. To|.n .PPllsrbl. Eh.r.go. Rl9lrEltfit loR tMrPEexIoMl aHltr! EB ltlDt tt|Blttt-FooR HouRa In gtomtuRB ot ot|l|ER oR oorr1? cloR toR l|I]|aEEt IND otltfER El TIIJlPllq|E .tT ,479-2138 OR lT OIn OFIICB FRO]I 8:00 lll 5!0O Pr o o TO$t{ OF VAIL, COLOR.IDO gErC.nnE r.4r'rrrr'lr'at*r*ttrtirrritrriittttiftattatli.rit*at*tttrl*ttrtitttrfart ' *i tr.r *ft ta j.ltJ'ttt*attit*at.rtrr'|rrilta, gE.E.nnt Iunbar: REC-o{S2 lEoung ! P.ya.nt U.Chod ! CK Notrelons 1{5e a2l,00 09il21l94 13 !51 lnlt r 'tRtl. P.rELE No! Prrc.l l{o ! glt! Addr.a! ! l,oc.tion t It|L6 P.l|ucnt U98-008? lyp.t B-lrBCB l{lCHl}lICAn 2to1-063 -01-008 796 POtttO 9tTClI DR 795 POITTO PtTCtl locrl L..: 528.00 Aogrl lIjL PBC! r IERI{II Ealanca a 624. OO 626. O0 .o0 tccount Codc D.rcrlpBlon llp 00100003111300 uEcHllflct! PERl|tt Fttg pp oo1oooo3112!oo PLII| cHBcR rlBs wc 00100003112900 lfiIil, calil ufaPtettolt FEB lEoune 500.00 125.00 3.O0 TOVilN OF VAIL ;'5 S. FROT.ITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTT{ENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVEI.,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT.MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES Permit #: P98-0045 status.. -: IssttED 9 BApplied. . :005/04 /L998Issued...: 08/10/L998 Ercpires. . : 02/06/L999 Phone': 9709490200 Phone: 9709490200 APPI-,ICAIiIT CONTRAETOR ilob Address: Locat.ion. . . : Parcel No..: Project No.: CONCEPT MECHANICAL, , AVON, CO 81620 CONCEPT MECHANICAL, , AVON, CO 81_520 PLI'I4BING PERMIT 796 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL POTATO PATCH I-,OT 2101-063 -01-008 PR,J98 - 0 063 INC INC OI,'INER IVIAYER FAMII.,Y PARTNERHSIP 5860 BOI'LDER HILLS DR, LONGMONT CO 80501 DESCTJ.PtsiON: NEW PIJUMBING SYSTEM NDUP VAIUAEiON:50, 000 . 00 Pluurbing-----> Plan check- - - > Invcstsigat ion> Itill cal.l----> 750 .00 187 .50 -oo 3.OO Restuarants Pl.n R.vica- - > TOTAI, FEES----- -o0 Tolal calculatsed Fce6--_> 940 .50 Additsional Fecs---------> Tot.l Pert|ic Fce-----___> Payfienla_--_--- BAINNCE DUE-. - - 940.50 ,00 940 .50 940 .50 . oo Item: 051-00 06 /25 /L998rtem:05600 06 /2s /L998 BUILDING DEPARTT4E}TT Depts:CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISFIRE DEPARTT4ENT Dept:CHARLIE AcTJ-on: APPR N/A BUILDING Division: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1-. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. tir*t*it*t*t**t DECI.ARATIONS I h!].eby ackno*ledge thac I have rcad tshis app1ic.t.ion, filbd out in fulL thc information rcquired, conpletsed an accurate pl.ot p1an, and EEage !ha! a1l lhe inf,onnalion provided ae requircd i6 corrocts, I .grc. Eo conply t{ilh lhe infomatsion and plot PLan, to comply rith all To!.n oldi.nancG€ end atsatsc 1aws, end lo build lhiB gtslucluls accordi.ng to th€ Tonn'6 zoning and subdivision codee, deaign rcvicw approved, Unifofitr Building codc and oth6r oldinancc6 of, tshc T9g\ applicabLc Lhcrctso' REQUESTS FOR INSPESTIONS SHALI BE UADE TI{ENTY.FOUR HOURS IN AD NCE BY OR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM 8:00 AM 5:00 CTOR FOR HTMSELF AND OWNER o rqGt oP vlIL, cotoRlDo Sgrgaunc ,Jat.rlt*tiatttt.atttr**a!.ta}'tt t t i *t at ll t rt t t i t t a !t * SErgarnt Nurb.r r REC-oala l'IoutrE: Pald.nc ||.l}roa. cK NoBrtionr f.i5:, tlo.50 O!,/1O,/99 09!26 Inis r ltAlf P.LdB No: Pt3-o015 $E !I B-PII|8 P!,t'lGlfo EERlttT Prac.!. I{o. 2101-063 -01-O0a 81tc Mdr... r 796 POllTtt EATCII DR t|ocrglonr VAtt POIAIO PAtcH LOI 9 atr!( 1 ?96 PoTlTo PlTctl lhl! Prtra.nc Aotsrl F.!a ! 940.60 aoE.l, lliL ltrg. ! Ealanca ! 9{0.50 9ao.50 .00 Accourc cod. D..crlpBlon pp 00100003111200 PDttitBtNo Paq$I? tEls Pr 00100003112300 Pt l{ cHlcK FEES rc 00100003112900 lfrt L cat r, tNsPEclroN lEB Iooung 750.00 r.87.5 o 3.O0 TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPL,ICAIiIT COril:TRACTOR OWNER Description: DEPARIIIENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT ilob Address:I-,ocation...z 795 POTATO PATCH Parcel No..: Project, No. : PRiI98-0063 F.D. TAYLOR EI.,ECTRICAL 861 SHEKEL r,AltE, BRECKENRTDGE, CO 80424 F.D. TAYI.,OR EI,EETRICAI-, 851 SHEKEIJ IJANE, BRBCKENRIDGE, CO 80424 MAYER FAMII-,Y PARTNERIISIP 5860 BOI'IDER HILLS DR, LONGMONT CO 80501. NEW EIIECTRICAL SERVICE JOBSITE AT ALI-, TIMES PermiE. #: 898-0091 STAEUS...: ISSTJED Applied. . : 05/04/1,998 Issued.. -: 08/Lo/1998 Ex;rires. . : 02/06/L999 Phone t 970-453-0726 Phone:. 97O-453-0726 Valuation:36,000.00 FE8 ST'UMARY El,cctrical---> DRB Fce Inv.6Cigalion> will call----> TOTAL FEES---> 3 65 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 36a.OO Total calcula!€d Fees- - - >368.OO 358.O0 Additional Pccs-- -------> .oo Total Pcrnit Fec------_-> Payn€nt6-------- 368.00 BAI.ANCE DUE- -.. .OO Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DepE: BUILDING Division:06/25/L998 CHARLIE AcLion: APPR CIIARLIE DAVISItbm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepE: FIRE Division:06/25/1,998 CIIARLTE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARAT]ONS I hereby ecknowl.agc tshats I hrvc !€rd !hl,s rppLlcrtlon, flllcd ouC in ful1 thr infornatsion requircd, comPlet€d an accurate ploE plan, altd dga!6 chaE all Eh6 infornalLon ptovld.d aE rcquLrGd i6 cor!.cE, I aglcc !o conply eLth chc lnfonnatsi.on and pLot plan, to conply rith.ll To*tr ordin.ncaB attd st.egc lers, anil tso build lhis Btructurc aceordi.ng tso lhe Tosn'! zoning and subdivieion code:, dclcLgn rcvict. approwed, uniford Building codc anil otshcr oldinatlccs of thc Toen aPPlicabLc thcrctso. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,L BE MADE TTIENIY. FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCB BY ''cN .lF V tL, COIORI! O gErt.une ttt tt a.taf t t at lftta l t a tt ttt ltati ttti I I lll tttfilaatti i I i ta f tttt a a ttt ElrCanng Nuub.r r RBC-043a NnounC. Prt,[lnC IaBhod ! CK fot.tion! 1a51 36C.00 0N,/10/99 09 r2t lnlt: II| P.lris tro! E98-0O91 Rp.: B-ELIC ELE6IRICIIT PERT4XI Locrllon: ?t6 PqIAIO Ptrctl Togrl Fca!, Thl. Drlrrrnc 368.00 Tog.l ll'J PBc.: Brhncc ! 368.00 168. O0 .00 arrr a 'r ttttatttta Accounc Coda EP O01O000311.1{00 wc 00100003112900 D..cripEion EI.EESR I CAIJ PERIIII FBBS wl!,t cAr,r. I!|gPacttoN rgE lEounE 36s.00 3.00 OllLT|2AAO 17:58 97A9491928 PAGE 62 .r^r,- r"-.. l ?.r? trolt' tov'l-DEv-oEtt .,r D . !?oiTgeaEz DlFrnIlS|" ot cctfitrrlrI DEIIIIPPiMtTH.o3#l**''irar&, eo E1557 9?O-i?9-213f Hffi ,, di,ffi$,ilF "* i[tH :' t'##iri Ps"iiet' xo' : PRrrlc-0o6f, Plrce: t?O-9+9'+538 rDer.rqlrt' lrIE IILECIRONT-C-ggTI!{1 ffi +'tg"e*.t-Xi#{"::: Pho'e: e7o-e{e-'15!8 P O PU-Sfa, a\tG{,-CO-E1520orusn' U*t-#ll iimtio**' "o so5o1 D.scrll'Bifllllltrlrnd,sskedctccBorlnrcallagloDVelueticn':1,200.00 ......,aarr.aaaaarrrartrt..''.F..r.a.rt..tt-i..tt'atl"ti"tt tlr mrt tttt'totltt"t"""tttttttlt"ttttt'n'"t"titr""tt"t"' tLcr|dd---D 30-'0 a"'l Grr€rrlc'a t-t"'t lot'oo ' - tlr 't! ilftfor t"t-"'-----D '00 |t!!.r{aEl-> lo'co :otif ffntic f'o"!rr'?-' lot'cl Itl11 c.u----r t'ro tltr|tt" "--' !01'oo tt Err, "!r'--' rd'Oa DlSl F-'---------"t '00 .''-.'lt,l''.t.t..1''.'..|'..t!'tt...rr.''llf'r'lt'..............tt,'tt.|...!t.......}....-.-..-..!''l'........t!t'11..'.'tt..'...'|,. iliHitl;iil:f,#:ffi , .*fri*ffiI :il:il : MII]E:Is:rs Pl$fft llgsf g8 ?osTD Of, J9asraS rt N;l' TI}ES Pcnllt l: 499-0030r Tntl PENMIT ttaaatralt"+*"6t'..-...arar.t|lttrtlattt..t..ttttttt?ti"ts ""ttttttltlliltit..tl"' @ITIC{ OF IPPnOVNT ..,..,r.rir...!-...r.,rttltrrarrtrt|l,ttrtr.ratar.ar..a-ralfttrrti!atr|iiltr|ttilltaaat'aaa"..ttt"ttttrrt-ttttt"tritttttttttttt"r'rr't ECIlItlIc|TS I ls+lt r.r.fl.qp. tr* r tt|! a tlir itlic.Eio, t r.d d! It tutt ti. bt,tt sitr nl||rrr'l, rtftlaa l|| l' trB' tl't ,fr, rd ttrrt rD19 .1 .r :.r*r.r,- ;xi-ltd r rtartFl lr t rr..r. t .ftro ta .rllt rf* lta lnll|FEln r'-tlt' tL' ;--i;.itr. .ri ir- -rr1rr a c^rro lrn, -a .. ilri ori :a=turjrccerlirg co t!. ten'r rrrirrf rad r|Ilnl'l{ €aa-. a-aF rrril rllod" *rcr r.lt11l c'- 'n' c1.: r6mr L ;1. fo- 'ltrkrbl' tL'.L - tFn ta lDEttfir hr& r tl flttr-tc nl lr rnrcl w tIltDF CTIC 'Td l; t:ot lr ID OIt ************************O*************************?******** TOIilN OF VAIL, COLORADO ReprinE.edz t2/22/99 13:23 Statemnt**************************************************************** StaEennt Number: REC-0600 Amount, :103.00 1,2/22/99 13:11Init: iIRMPayment. Method: CK Notation: L4725 PermiE No: A99-0030 Tlpe: F-ALARM ALARM PERMITParcel No: 2101--063-01-008 SiIC AddrCSS: 796 POTATO PATCH DRtocat,ion: 796 potat,o patsch Tot.al Fees:This Palzment. 103 .00 103 .00 .00 103.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Account Code Description EP OO1OOOO31114OO BLEETRICAL PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31]-2800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE PN OO1OOOO3153OOO INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) Amount s0.00 3.00 s0.00 rowN oF vArfrNsrRucroN 'ERM,, apfcAroN F.RM {r{* INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REIECTEI) Contacl the^Eagle Courfy Assess ors Offrce at 970-328-8640 for Parce! # ^d{parcet# ZlDl -obb- br-oo8 fi rd _ Oa" llc..') DDate: i > - ): -qq Permit# r,/ L Job Name:Job Address: 'l'I r Building( ) Plumbing( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Legal Description: Lot_ Block Filing_ Subdivision Description of Job: t-r!*rr \t* r,..\f*=. s-"r<.' ,-b -.\..- - Q.,^.\. Work Class: New 0( )Alteration ( ) Additional ( ) NumberofDwellingUnits: 2 cUrpc1 Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLTJMBING $ Gss@lqsslq: !!gsEs@: Town of Vail Regrsuation No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Resisrration No Address: Address: l'.t"ru OwnenName: IT\Or{A- Architect: Repair ( ) Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs WoodlPellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAI: il_-1[!!g$e- OTFIER: $ MECFI.ANICAL S TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Town of Vail Registration No. Fuzeuern Il€ctr{eral Contractor: Th,^\ El<.-\ ,.o "...:Addrcss: o i< ) A, ,,-. R\. A ., .^ cr, . 3r Leo Town of Vail Registration No.Phone # Phone # Address: All ' Oo3a Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE; ZONING: SIGNATURE: !^\". P^\"\ CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: IfiAXUil . r:CHNOLOGIE5 INC July 30, 1998 Mr. Bob Boymer Boymer Construction P.O. Box 1001 Vail. Colorado 81650 ^IEO 18th Slr€€t Ior, Colorado 8021 1-3932v Tdephorr: l3o3l 48O-O1tf4 Facoimlc: (3031 480-3660 AUG ? 7 X$3$ Subject: Open Hole Obsenration, Mayer Residence, Ilt 9, Block 1, Filing 1, Potato Patch Subdivision, Vail, Colorado Project No. 9870280 Dear Mr. Boymer: At your rcquest, we conducted open hole observations of the excavation for the duplex structure located on Lot 9, Block L, Filing 1, in the Potato Patch suMivision located in Vail, Colorado. On July 10, 1998 we observed the partially completed excavation to confirm that the conditions exposed in the excavation werre similar to those described in the subsoil study (Job No. 4 419 89, dated August 1, 1989) for the lot conducted by Chen-Northern, Inc. (now Maxim Technologies). The results of the observation indicated the conditions were similar to those described in the subsoil study and the recommendations presented in the subsoil study remain applicable. After completion of the excavation, groundwater was observed seeping from the northwest corner of the excavation, and we were asked to observe the se€.page and offer recommendations. On July 23, 1998 we visited the completed excavation to observe the groundwater condition. At the time of our visit, groundwater was observed seeping from the bottom few feet of the excavation wall in the northwestem portion of the excavation. It was indicated to us that groundwater was also seeping from the base of the excavation near the center portion of the lot. At the time of our observations, the base of the excavation was saturated and standing water was observed in several areas, although, it was indicated to us most of the standing water was due to rain from the past several days. We understand that a perimeter foundation drain is planned for the proposed stnrctures, but that concerns have arisen regarding the groundwater observed in the base of the excavation. Based on our observations we recommend that lateral drain lines be added beneath the slab in addition to the perimeter foundation drain. Figure 1 shows a possible layout for the interior drain lines. The presence of interior footings will require the drains to pass beneath footings at some locations. The structural engineer for the project should be consulted to determine adequate reinforcement to allow the footings to bridge the foundation drain where necessary. We also recommend that at least 6 inches offree draining gravel be provided beneath the concrete floor slab. The ground surface beneath the gravel should be graded to the interior lateral drain lines. All other recommendations presented in the original subsoil study regarding the underdrain system should be observed. "Providing Cost-Effecfive Solufions to Clienfs Notionwide (} ,.0M8 Boymer Constnrction July 30, 1998 Page2 Foundation drains forthe second halfofthe duplex, located downhillfrom the first half, should be evaluated when excavation is complete and the groundwater condition can be observed. We trust this information is of use to you. If you bave any questions regarding this report, please contact us. Respectfully zubmitted, MA)ilM TECENOLOGIES. Alan J, Lisowy, P.E. Reviewed by: DHA [mffii$] JtL 3t 19S 14:28 FR r'H)<It't TECH DEI{.'ER 3E 4ff 365a TO r9.7gp.?9.9Lr9 P.@./42 ror TgTfl- FmE. E2 ** Sot !.lltelttSbcfrtf v72g7Pn HAIL BOXES ETC VRIL P.r P. 1 'tgDllS2,5E, era 113 r (tOO 77fr77r . iegE.|'rten fleca, Simi\Allcv. CA 93o5li Fax Cover De; fz:l}?? Fag!$(har{.Ec.4 Z- o Fax (&l$ $t9*765 reroHE DqIErrE EAffqilSrrFCtttlGE eo u r r ffi;ffii;Ifi[,n rfi#*n*'o Date Receive oEc 15 1999 t*49 tt*jgr-,.q7:qpn MFILFoF€S Erc vRrL P.? P.2 l, -s Certifrcate of CompH I Ctrdf,crtr Nulbrr; Ln 35896.2 tcvldon; I.R!5t96"8 Dclrrc& fdrr€f,lt, l99t hurdTo: TIEn&IASOLSilE^$,OAIHCO mtg UrionPt SirliVdt€y,CA *ffilr56r, IISA Arrgrfloal Mr, Jrs Vrdel&ftrn T',he Iisftn hebw an effiIe tu bes the CSA Mffi. CIAS ,tA ' I 2!?1 {E - IEfifEBS -!firccllqars ?tflla-I#lin$RS-trfircrlaccne-CEltlfEDf0u.S.STllltDrrD, lr" ""av- 90ir*q*crs e?W ?F'IP ,-fiFgrrroang*".U.,[fioddc5q3f, f/f0,2.q rfi1,575,{stl,t0q IIOO,f:tOO. $lFttJ-) A ^qtt.ICAEr.EItOrgrnE!,ft1tTtE ' U' - -.L cSAEdCtZ:Nc tE-le5t Mll6rEsiprc --511- t AP( fiifiiltffi : ffi#;t.ffi8'**#o:w, afi,Effi brlrt'|fittWt!ffi PIIKIUC" ittMtwt anss@,rrlltn thc CSA ilt*.. LrlClln C.gFdq CA,T. ?oooco,OlI CUA Sign6rr .==he !r-qr*r-r.rtcAf- ta-r|'t;bt-*,SHc,frd+Xelt CSA Intemational: Products & Services. Plumbins Product Certification Hazardous Locations Testinq Enersy Efficiency Verification Technical Information Service Phrmbing Product Certification Gas Products Certification Marks Information Letters httpri,u"r.r''rl',.csa-intemational.orgengli shr producto _services,,ps certllumbing-html ry Certification Services Products we certifr Customer Service Electromaenetic Compatibility Services Plumbine Product Certi fi cation When you choose CSA International to certify your plumbing products, you're choosing a mark that's recognized by regulators throughout North America. CSA lnternational can test and certifu your plumbing products to U.S. as well as Canadian standards. You can be sure that your certification will be recognized by federal, state, provincial, and local authorities. 'We've got the recognition you need. Some of the North American regulatory bodies CSA International is accredited by: r Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) r Intemational Conference of Building Offrcials (ICBO) o Southern Building Code Congress lnternational (SBCCI)r National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (N\,LAP) As wello CSA International is recognized to test your products to the standards ofthese organizations: r International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Offrcials (IAPMO). American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE). NSF International. We know the North American market. Whether your plumbing products are destined for the U.S. or Canada, we know the standards and codes that apply. We'll test and certifr your product to the appropriate standard. The CSA mark that appears on your products will be accompanied by a list of the U.S. or U.S. and Canadian standards that apply. So your customers will be sure to know the full value of your CSA certification. Save time and money obtaining North American certification for your plumbing products. Complete one application, provide one set of samples, and pay one fee. With CSAlnternational, one step puts you in two countries. For more information, call 1-80Q-463-6727. Back to Certification & Testing lorl l2r'15199 1l:56 AM Scope for UL 499 http://ulstandardsinfonet.ul.corniscopes/0499.htmI UL 499 STANDARD FOR SAFETY FOR ELECTRIC HEATING APPLIANCES Scope These requirements cover heating appliances rated at 600 V or less for use in ordinary locations in accordance with the National Electrical Code. These requirernents do not cover electric heating equipment or appliances that are covered by individual requirements that are separate from this Standard. For the purposes ofthis Standard, a heating appliance is defined as an electrically energized product that directly or indirectly generates heat to perform its intended function. These requirements also cover electrically energized products that generate steam for other than space heating purposes and have an electrical power rating of 15 kW or less per steam generating vessel. Steam generating products of the type described in 1.4 having an electrical input power rating of more than 15 kW per steam generating vessel are to be evaluated by the requirements in the Standard for Heating, Water Supply, and Power Boilers - Electric, UL 834. Each steam generating vessel in a multi-vessel unit shall comply with these requirements. The unit shall also be provided with the marking in 45.37. Aproduct that contains features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems new or different from those in use when the Standard was developed, and that involves a risk offire, electric shock, or injury to' persons, shall be evaluated using the appropriate additional component and end-product requirements as determined necessary to mai ntain the level ofsafety for the user ofthe product as originally anticipated bv the intent ofthis Standard. UL StandardslnfoNet Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Copyright @ 1999 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. lofl l2l15/99 I 1:49 AM Scope for UL 834 http: iiulstandard sinfonet.ul. coml scopc s,/08 34. htm I UL 834 STANDARD FOR SAFETY FOR HEATING, WATER SUPPLY, AND POWER BOILERS. ELECTRIC Scope These requirements cover electric heating, water supply, and power boilers rated at 600 volts or less intended for commercial or industrial applications utilizing hot water or steam. They may also be used for commercial , industrial, or residential use space heating applications. These boilers a re intended for installation in accordance with the National Electrical Code. NFPA 70-1993, and other applicab le codes, such as the BOCA National Mechanical Code, the Standard Mechanical Code, and th e Uniform Mechanical Code. Each boiler consists of sheath ed resistance-type heating elements and a vessel or tank constructed, inspected, and stamped in accordance with the applicable sections ofthe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASI\G) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Each boiler is provided with one or more safety valves or safety relief valve s conforming to ASME requirements with alt necessary temperature or pressure regulating controls, including a n integral limit control, wiring, and auxiliary equipment assembled as a unit. These requirements do not cover water supply boilers and hot water and steam generating equipment employing constructions which are outside the scope of, or not covered by, the ASME codes, nor commercial cooking or medical and dental eq uipment, nor other electric heating equipment or appliances which are covered in, or as part of, separate, individual requirements. Electrode-type boilers also are not covered by these requirements. The equipment covered by this standard shall be one of the following types of water heating boilers: a) High Pressure - A boiler furnishing: 1 ) Steam at pressures in excess of I 5 psig ( 103 kPa); or 2) Hot water at temperatures in excess of250 F (121 C) or at pressures in excess of 160 psi g (1100 kPa). For the applicable ASME Code symbols, see 3.2. b) Low-Pressure Hot-Water and Low-Pressure Steam - Aboiler fumishing: l) Hot water at pressures not exceeding 160 psig and at temperatures not more than 250 F; or 2) A boiler furnishing steam at pressures not more than 15 psig. For the applicable ASME Code symbol, see 3.2. c) Miniature - A boiler that does not exceed the followine limits: I of 2 l2il5i99 ll.49 .\M Soope lbr UL 834 htto :/./ulstandard sinfonet.ul.com,i scooes/0 83 4.htnl l) 16 inches (a06 mm) inside diameter of shell; 2) 5 cubic feet ( 0.14 m ) gross volume, exclusive of casing and insulation, and 100 psig (690 kPa) 3 maximum allowable working pressure. For the applicable ASME Code symbol, see3.2. A product that contains features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems new or different from those in use when the Standard was developed, and that involves a risk offire, electric shock, or injury to persons, shall be evaluated using the appropriate additional component and end-product requirements as determined necessary to mai ntain the level of safety for the user of the product as originally anticipated bv the intent ofthis Standard. IJL StandardslnfoNet Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Copyright @ 1999 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. lotz 12l15/99 I l:49 AM I d; l. -,..:i:.... I CONTRACTOR.S 'IIATEFIAL & TGST CERTIFICATE ,O' ;Q,O'EOROU^,O PIPItIIO a -@e accrpreo ai ^urHortiti-j fr/az k4, t i F t: I l i t i}tfiiliqm gvE! qlrro mrt?tuetlo||, E.Y!r cJrc 'al;ul,ll!i; @tO*ce rrtexanci Ero ---_ ".glul?l..-.---r+- ati|tlt !Ra PI'C AflOttt Mtt tU''''LtCt ra6;; MAKE nrnt corrronat ,o il'"'J:3;"".'^1X"""i-E w|lno.o o. rr rvo. r xaiiiF I TANOaF It l?At{oAnD rtrt:neruii ||o F.YE| Clrc rrArrlt.rrrhtrgor;qTm;E oPtnAr!o AtAiMvAtvtoi ?tonfiofcalon uenu qqvrgl , , ,rr r*'r'rui'a,, ,,rr, ,,r,, t" --.:--r' sr.,trudroF ..|'l|3'epI|n|odma|orraltsno|tha..1SF'':.!t|ersy.,".'ffi.the ctenderd-rn ir;';;;;,,;i; -' '"t tomplale end otricrat pos,lron 6l tha NFCi ";i;;;;";;";; r J, DI,al v ta loH MIEUMA ELECtitC :rst Foi _ fJ v:r [J xo It |{O. t? otEtAtt! tiorteLY YC3 [_l r{o oia Y rctt rrt?l onoufio tpFtrl.(LE n ?tftxo veI [Jno wGLDto fttta{o rro You cceltt v Ar rxt riwtrH rHt i?autt?rrCi?3 07 At LCAtr aw, oto.r. Ltv?L aa,t tcrt llra?tc rerltui!: _ f,,4 p31 J-1.-nt Und.?rorrrd nrtnr rnd trdliEiJir"rJil rv.r-.i?oii oql|taadf,|idto -ott mt|C|. tr|lnt t'lttala. at Oulhrr ruci ar l.||rh !19..tL-rat6 - -_llaari--_ Evr. Elo Errr EJ ro E rrr CJ rro aLL ptaro xvotot?attca(LV "?tteD A' onY Ftttiao t tUM ttcALLV ?atr!o FrntNq ARC r.o t F?N:riAtlo oo- v_OU Ctl?lFY iXAt tHl, WGLDTNO wal rtFtORra!O ty wrLO?tt OUAL!? rtn t.aco'rt.rlrrcl wrtx txr iaarurarrarrrs or a, LtAa, e.l oto.i. r.trn er.r oo vou c:aTrFy lHAt wet-otJ{o w^3 caa.|tGo ou, tN coMpLt^ltc! wtrx A "JCUMlNrco ou^LtTy cotatto! tFOCTOUiE rO tNrut! lHAt ALL O|JGs aif .trErrtrevcor rHAt opEnrflot ra{ rr"r.o lne suootr.. ixir'riio ^"ro orrarwc|--Dlaro ilttou! AFt tlMovro. aNo ?xAt,Ha tNf?FiaAL Ot^ttGtSil o? t{o ! |lltDtto itxAir3 l|ol|Aruitl vaLv:t of?||l _ Uotf 6e 7p*cfr an trc. i'{*-"' r:trt wttxrta:D rY .Fl;t'tO66 ./-'?4. ZT/A fu i- as.-2f >tQ-s),-dt '' $-?ij!,9:trif.d:!.fii'ry,ffi.E 9|'ht lrata, JraI !a loro.d ffiff##ttr'frg'll$ifr ffi rffi*ffi,# (bntrrctor'a Mrl".irl /L 't..t C..ti6(.t. for Abovc;rouad pipin3 ',''ffrfitof\A FICE COPY Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road vail, CoLorado 81657 (3031 479-2738 based on Buildinq Code Name: Mayer Residence Dat.e: ,fune 2, :-998 Occupancy: R3, Ml- Type of Const: V-N are not intended Lo be in l-he 1991 UBC. It is a compl-ehe a guide to TOWN OF VATL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97G'479-2452 PIan analysis the 19 91 Uni form Project Number: 898 -0088 Address: 796 Potato Patch Dr Contractor: R.Boymer Construct. Archi tect i St.even Riden Engineerr Boyle Engineeri ng PIans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVI S NOTE:The code items listed in Ehis report listing of aiI possible code requirements selected sections of the code. SE PARAT I ON DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line L20.0 Feet 120.0 FeeL EAST ProperLy line 19.0 Feet- 19.0 Feet SoUTII Property tine 26 .0 Feeb 26.0 Feet WEST Property line 15.0 Feet 15,0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTII OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT R3 ohr Ohr NoneMl Ohr ohr None EAST BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr ohr None SOUTH WEST BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OI'NG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PRO1 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None The exLerior walLs may be of COMBUSTIBLE material. Sec.2201' None -- No fire protecLion re<luirements for openings. ProL -- Openings are t-o be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of che area of t-he wall maximum. Sec,2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum singte window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension sreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall,t - - These $ralls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have Lhe same fire ratinq as Lhe lrall. See section 1710. for details and exceptions. {pr*t*'^'o MMIOFVATL Departmen of Communlty Development 75 South Fronmge Road Vail, Colorado E1657 97U479-2138 FAX9TMn-24s2 FL NAME AREA MIN. LIGHT MIN. VENT NO.EXITS EGRE S S 2 Masler baEh East 2L4 2 Master bedroom East 300 2 Bedroom #2 East 193 2 Bath#2 East 39 2 Bath room #3 West 5'l 2 Bedroom #3 WesE 220 2 Master bedroom west 341 2 Master baEh wesE 156 2 HalIs. closets, eLc, 517 TOTAL FOR FI.,OOR 203'I 1 Bedroon #1 East Side 192 1 Bath #1 East 50 1 Launclry room East 40 I Powder East 26 1 Kitchen East 2L6 1 Living room EasE 529 1 Entry East 97 1, Caretaker Ef f , 22O 1 BaLh room Caret-aker 5l 1 Bath #2 wesL Side 53 L Bedroom #2 west 205 1 Laundry room West 48 1 Kitchen west 245 I Dining room 18f I Living room west 577 I Entry West 78 1 Powder west 34 1 Hall,s, closets, etc. 742 TOTAL FOR FI,OOR 3594 B Garage Dast side 837 B Enhry East 49 B Mechanical East 438 B Garage Caretaker 390 B Garage WesL Side 592 B Ent.ry Wes t- IL4 B Bedroom +1 west l-98 B Bath #1 West 52 B Mechanical !\lest L00 B Ha1ls, closets, etc. 46L TOTAL FOR FLOOR 323L BUITDING TOTAI, 5631. 0.00 30.00 10 ?n 0.00 0.00 34.10 0.00 0.00 19 .20 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 2L .60 52.90 0.00 22 .00 0 .00 0.00 20.50 0.00 t, qn 18.10 57 .70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 19.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.70 15 .00 9.65 r-.95 2.85 r1.00 r.?.05 7.80 0 .00 9.50 2.50 2 .00 1 .50 10.80 zb.+) 4.85 11.00 3.15 L0.25 12.25 9 .05 28.85 3.90 1.70 0 .00 0 .00 z.+) 0.00 0.00 0.006 "n 9 .90 z. o \./ 0.00 0.00 NO Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No No NO No NO NO Yes No No No NO No No No No No No NO No NO Yes NO NO NO Yes I 1 1 1 l- 1 L 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 t- I 1 I -l 1 L 1 I 1 I 1- 1 1 I 1 I 1 1t FOOTNOTES: l) EGRESS An operable window or door that opens directly Eo the exterror is required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet Ehe following. -- Sec. 1204. 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5'7 square feeE trro*to"^"o TOWI,I OFVAIL Department of Communiry Develapment 75 South Frontage Rod Vatl, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 4) The maximum sil1 heiqht is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dh'eLlings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in Lieu of exterior openings for venLilation. -- Sec. f205' (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec. 1204 . ROOM DIMENSIONST Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, hal1s, bathrooms and toitet compartments may have a ceiling heiqht of 7 feet measured to Lhe lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in onlv T/2 of the area' - -Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit sha1l have at least one room which has not less Lhan 120 souare feer of fLoor al.ea. OLher habitatrle rooms except, ki-tchens shall have an area of not less than ?0 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitabte rooms other lhan a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feeL in any d imens i on .Sec. 1207. (c) GLAZING REOUIREMENTS: All glazing in hazardous locat-ions is required to be of safety qlazinq material . - Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies- 2) Glazins in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies alld panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in alL unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, sEeam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any porlion oE a building wal1 enclosing Ehese compartmenLs where che bottom exposed edge of the glazing is tess than 6o inches above a standing surface and drain in1ee. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent lo a door where the neares! exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in i closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of Lhe glazing is less than 60 inches above Lhe walking surface' 7) Glazing in an individuat fixed or operable panel, other than t-hose locaEions described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of lhe following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual B. Exposed bottom edge less than C. Exf,osed top edge greater than D. One or more walkinq srrrfaces plane of Lhe glazing. 8) clazing in raj-1ings regardless of heiqht Included are structural baluster panels panels, See exceptions. pane greaEer than 9 square feeE. 18 inches above the floor. 35 inches above the floor. within 35 inches horizontally of the above a walking surface. and nonstructural in-f ilI SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREME}iI'TS : A smoke detecbor is reguired on t.he ceiling or wall aL a point centrally {j*u* ro MWNOFVIIL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frowage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970af8&fu in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. - - Sec , L2I0. (a\ 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or walL in each sleeping area, - - Sec. L210. (a) 4. A smoke detectol is required in Lhe basement. A smoke detector is required on all stories.If the upper leve1 contains sleeping room(s). in the ceiling of the upper level- close Lo - - Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke deLectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec' 1210. (a) 3. Detectors sha11 sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. OCCUPANCY SEPARAT ION: BeEween the garage and Lhe resridence, materials construction are required on t-he garage '9idethe garage and the residence are to be a self -- Sec, L2I0. (a) 4. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. a sm<.lke deteclor i s required the c tai rway. approved for thr f ire only and any doors between 'clos ing 1 3/8 inch solid 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. S3core door or a 20 minuLe fire door. STAIR REQUIREMENTS: TabLe A stairway in a clwelling must be at least 35 inches wide. -- The maximum rj-se of a step is 8 inches and the minintttm run is -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail, on one side a stairway 34 t-.o 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306, (i) Provj-de a guard rai.l where drop off is greaEer Lhan 30 inches, Minimum height = 36 inches, maxi.mum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L71'2, (al exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec' 3306' (o) Enclo.secl usabLe space uncler the sLairs is required t-o be protected as required for lhr fire- resistive consbruchion.Sec . 3306 . (1) SHAFT ENCLOSUREST L) chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross -sectional area of not Inore Ehan 9 square feet may lined on the inside wiEh not less than 26 gaqe galvanized sheet metal with alL joints locklapped. The out-side must be t hr construction, All. openings into any such enclosure shal1 be protected by not ]ess t.han a self-closing solid wood door I 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. - - Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents ancl noncombustibte piping insLalled in walls passing rhrough 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts.-- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas venLs. facEory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need nob be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706, (c) 4) Al-1 oLher shafts ar.e - - Sec. l-706 . (a) ATTIC REQUIREME}ffS: 1) Provide an access to or more. The minimum inches or more clear Sec. 3306. (b) O i nchac required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. all attic areas with a size is 22 inches by 30 height above t-he access clear height of 30 inches inches. There must. be 30 . -- Sec. 3205. (a) tr**,,o MWIIOFVAIL Dcpartment of Community Development 75 South Fronage Road Vail, Color& 81657 970479-2138 FAX97M79-2452 Rat io r/ 150 1/300 2) Provide venti.lation in all attic areas. The et free vent area is to be not less Lhan 1 square foot for each 150 square feel of aLlic area. The vent area may be l/tOO if at Least 50% of Ehe required ventilating area is providecl by ventj'lators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice venls. -- sec. 3205. (c) For a 2039.0 sq,ft. attic area: Miminum sq. f E. of vent 13.59 6 .80 CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : l) Provide ventilati.on either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior wal1s. opening sha1l provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square teet of area in crawl space. openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be locaLed as close to corners as pr:actical ' -- Sec ' 25L6. (c) 6. Note: vent openings may be reduced to 10* of the above if ground surface area is covered wj-!h an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. For a 414.0 sq.ft. crawLspace area: Ratio Minimum sq.Eh. of vent L/L1O 2,76 2) Provide 18-inch by 24- inch accegs opening to the crawl . space area. NoLe: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is locaEed in the crawL space. -- sec. 25L6.lc) 2. 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to clecay or treated wood, hhe minimum Clearance betr^teen exposed earth and rtooi joist is 18 inches. The minimurn clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches Sec , 2516, (cl 2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project wiLl require a site improvement survey. shal1 be submitted and approved prior Lo request for inspection. A11 crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limit-ed strucLural floor ceilinq heiqht of 5', be earlh floor venLilaLed as per UBC 2516(C)6 with minimum access as 2516(C)2 and maximun access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more engineer design. Such design shall address drainage. and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shaLl noE be permiLted without prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and leqible from the streeL. Such survey f rame bo a earhh to only. beper UBC shall reguire an soil retai nage {p*nt"uor ro mmt0FVilL Deparnrent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road I&,il, Colorodo 81657 97(]-179-2138 FAX97M79-24s2 In garages with l iving beari-ng the area above resistive cons truction, For Ml occupancy Slope qarlqe il-oor to al"1ow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry weII or to aewer' Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle valley waLer- & Sanitalion District- area above, the r^talls of the garage wiich are shall be prof,ected wj-th one hour fire uBc 503 (B) . {p r*uo"o TOWN OFVIN Dcparnnent of Communiry D*clopment 75 Southftontage Road lhiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 Fil( 970-479-2452 CORRECTION REQUIRED Project Number: 898 - 0088 Address: 796 Potato Patch Dr Contractori R. Boymer ConsLruct. Archi tect: Steven Riden Engineer: Boyle Engineering Plans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVI S Town of Vai 1 75 Stru th Frontage Road vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479 -2138 Plan review based on the 1991- Uniform Buildinq Code Name: Mayer Residence Date: June 2, L998 Occupancyr R3. Ml Type of Consh: V-N Provi<1e attic ventilation that complies with section 3205 . (c) This project will reguire a site improvement survey. This survey shall be submitted and staff approved prior to a requesL for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances wiLl a frame inspection be done withouE an approved site improvemenh survey. All new construcEion $rithin the Town o€ Vail will be required to have a Public way permit plus an initial inspection by the T.0.v. Public Works Department to approve site drainage and culvert installation prior to any Building Dept. inspections. THIS PROJECT REQUIRES TWO ONE HOUR WAI.,LS BETWEEN EACH UNIT WITH A ONE INCH AIR SPACE FROM FOUNDATION TO UNDER SIDP OF ROOF SHEATING' ThE CATEIAKET UNit musb also be separated from oLher units by one hour construction. Glazing in a hazardous location is requLred to be glazecl with safety material-. -- Sec. 5406- A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventitation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilaEion gysLem connected directly to the ouLside shatl be provided. Bathrms which contain onl-y a water closet or lav. may be ventilated Irith a recirculaLing fan. UBC 1205(c) ' Domest-ic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be {grnnuor o, TOWI'.I OF VAIL Dcpanment of Community Development 75 South Frontagc Rood VaiI, Colorado 81657 97G479-2138 FAX976479-24s2 r-0 11 L2 installed as per UMC LL04 and 1903. !'lexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and sha1l not be concealed within constructi.on. Ducts shalI terminate ouLside the building and not exceed 14' length, Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanj.cal means or by openings. Such openings shall have a net area of not less than 1sq. ft' for each 150 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBC 2516(c)6' Provide a minimum I8X24" underfloor access. UBC 25L6 (c\ 2 , No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system wiEhout the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 508. Heat.ing and cooling equipment located in the garage shal I be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elements and switches aL least L8" above the floor 1evel of the gaxage. UMC 508. A bedroom, babhroom, cLoset or any enclosed space with access through such roont shall noE be utilized for fuel burning applicances. A closet or alcove shal] not be less than l2'twicler than furnace wit-h a minimum 3" space on all sides. IJMC 704. In builaiinqs of unusually tiqht constrrrction (a11 new construct.ion wiLhill trhe Town of Vail), combust-ion air shal1 be obtained Erom Lhe outside' Such combustion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch' 6. Furnaces not listed for closet or afcove installation shall be instalLed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the volume of bhe furnace. A boiler unit wilt require a space 16 times .Larser than Ehe boiler. tlMC 504 (b) Supply a mechanical drawlng indicating design of sysCem, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation- Gas piping shall not be installed in or on the ground under auy building or sr-ructure and exposed gas piping shall be kepE at least 5" above grade' nMc 2213 (b) IJ L4 15 16 {p*"*o"o T0WI,\0FVAft Department of Community Devclopment 75 SouthFrontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX97A4Ie-24s2 A smoke detector is required in the access area to all rooms used for sleeping purposes. -- Sec. 12r0, (a) 4. 19 on an upper level where rooms are used for sleeping purposes, a smoke detector is required in Lhe r.oi'l i no af th.) stairs. - - Sec , I2L0. (a) 4. 2I 4J 24 A smoke detector is required on all an alarm in Lhe bedroom area(s) ' -'levels wired t'o Sec. 121-0. (a) 4. basement wired - - Sec. 12 r0 . (a) 25 26 A smoke detector is required in rhe to an alarm in the bedroom area(s). 4. The garage must be separated from the dweLling by thr fire-resist,ive construction on the garage side' -, Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The door between the garage and the dwelling is required to be a 13/8 inch Lhick solid core or 20 ninute self closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.*3 The design, construcLion, and installation of elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators and their hoistways shall, be as per the requirements of UBC Ch. 51. This includes fire-resistance of enclosure & openings, hoistway vent.ilaLion, and vestibule requi rements . Elevator shafts whj-ch extend through two or more floors sha1l be enclosed in a shaft of one hr. fire resistive construction. openings (doors) shall be procected by a self'closing assembly with a one hr' iatinq. (Except doors to ouLside.) UBC 1706 (a) (b) At- eaves and valleys an adequaLe underlayment' shall be provided Eo protect a sLrucbure from ice buildup and waLer <lamage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and betr,veen layers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281. Because of this project's location, the f oundat"ion is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage t'o areas below finished grade. UBC 1707(d). Include a copy of the soils report for the site Eo be built on. -- Sec. 2905. 27 zd trr*ro^"o ************************************************************************* * Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel , MN * Copyright (c) l-990 Version 1.7 * *********************************************************************** * * L * * UIREMEITTS SUMMARY Page 1 * * 9/L7/98 * 12:4J- pm 't* * Inst,aller,/ ** CONTTaCLoT:GUARANTEEDP&H * TOTAL INFLOOR HEAT: 83855 BTU/hr OU|DOOR DESIGN TEMP: -20 deg. F. TOTAL SUPPI-,EMENTAI-r HEAT: 2OOO BTtJ/hr Job Name: MAYER DUPLocation: LOT 9 BL,,K 1 vArL co. 8r_6 Zone #Room Name Heat Required BTU/hr IBTU/hr/sq. fr.Room # '1 z 4 5 6 7 d 9 r_0 1L L2 r-3 L4 15 16 L7 18 1_ 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 o 7 GARAGE CT LOWER ENTRY LOWER MAI}T STAIRS CARERAKER IvIAIN EMTRY I,IVING ROOM KITCHEN BEDROOM 1 BATH 1 LAI]NDRY POWDER ROOM BEDROOM 2 BATH 2 MASTBR BEDROOM MASTER BATH MASTER CI,OSET UPPER STAIRS GARAGE 2 L4l_90 3935 2675 2264 3323 i_5730 3084 6L32 r_8s8 L2tO 783 5bbb 92L 7698 L6 .0 37 .5 16 .6 6.8 L7 .7 27 .O* 23.5 26.4 29.0 22.4 8.s 1.9 .1 L0 .2 20.9 21, .6 LL.2 r.3 .9 1_5.9 * room requires supplemental heat Room: l- Zone: l-WalI l- R-Value WalI 2 R-Value WaII 3 R-VaIue Door L R-Va1ueFloor R-VaIueFloor Cov. R-ValueIndoor Design Temp SIab Edge R-VaIue Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required: Max Flr Srfc Temp: T\rha Danf lr. ^A, ,t l, -)J t lA t.ll 1 F-=ea: l. l- l' IIaLL 2 Area:.f, ll l- Y.r-r r rI\ l\ r l{arr 3 Area: lV! DoorlArea: \ Floor Area:-Floor Covering Area: 55 Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl IIeaL Provided:Bru/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab TemperaUure: GARAGE 23 .00 23 .00 23 .00 15.UU 7 .50 0 .20 70 deg. F. 0 .00 885.0 sq. ft. 0.0 cu. ft. l-4190 BfU/hr 78.0 deg. F. 0.75 in. 105.0 sq. ft . 94.0 sq. ft. ?08.0 sq. ft.. 1-28.0 sq. ft.. 885.0 sq. ft. 885.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 fr. 800.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 1_6 .0 81.2 deg. F. * * * HEATING REOUIREME}ilTS SI]MMARY** iIOb Name: MAYER DUPLEX EAST* LOCAIiON: I,OT 9 BLK 1 POTATO PATCH* VAIL CO. 81558* Installer/* Contractor: GUARAIfr|EED P & H Heated Floor Area: 105.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: 1050.0 cu. ft. Heat Required: 3935 BTU/hr WalI L R-VaIue Wa1I 2 R-Value Door 1 R-VaLue Door 2 R-ValueFloor R-Va1ueFloor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-Value: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Floor R-Va1ue:Floor Cov. R-VaIue: Wal-1 1 R-Value WaIl 2 R-Val-ue Window l- R-Value Door 1 R-Value Carpet R-VaIue: Carpet Pad R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value: Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-Value: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 23 .00 23 .00 3 .00 3 .00'/.5U 0.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00 88.7 deg. F. 0 .75 in. WaII L R-Value: 23.00 7 .50 0.22Indoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F. SIab Edge R-VaIue:0.00 HeaE,ed Floor Area: L42 . 0 sq. f t . Room Volume: ]-420.0 cu. ft. Heat Required: 2675 BT1U/hr Max FIr Srfc Temp: 79.4 deg. F. TUbe DepEh:0.75 in. Heat,ed Floor Area: 333 . 0 sq. f t . Room Volume: 0.0 cu. ft. Heat Recruired: 2264 BTll/hr 23 .00 23 .00 3 .50 3 .00 0 .78 0.52 0.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00 73.4 deg. F. 0.75 in. ************************************************************************* Infloor SysEem Sizing Program by Gtp-Crete Corporagion, Hamel , MN Copyright (c) l-990 version 1-.7 * *************************************************************************** Page 2 1l * 9/L7/98 * 12:41 pm * * * * ROOM: 2 ZOne: 2 CT LOWER EMTRY Room: 3 Zone: 3 LOWER MAIN STAIRS Wa1l L Area Wal1 2 Area Door 1 Area Door 2 Area Floor Area Floor Covering Area Air Changes per Hour Ext.. Room PerimeEer Tube Coverage Area Splmntl Heat Provided B'rrJ/hr/sq. ft. Req Max Slab TenE)erature WalI 1 Area: Floor Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BT1u/hr/sq..ft. Req: Max Slab TemperaEure: Wal.L 1 Area: Wall 2 Area: Window l- Area: Door 1 Area: Carpet Area: Carpet Pad Area: Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour: ExE.. Room PerimeEer: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl HeaE Provided: BTU/hrlsq. fE. Req: Max Slab TemperaEure: L07.0 6q. ft. L64.0 sq. ft. 21-.0 sq. ft. 21.0 sq. ft. 105.0 sq. ft. 105.0 sq. fE. 0.30.0 f E. 1"00.0 sq. fE. 0 BTU/hr 37 .5 97.0 deg. F. 90.0 sq. ft. 142.0 sq. ft. 142.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 fr. L2s.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 18 .8 83.5 deg. F. 58.0 sq. ft. 150.0 sq. ft. 35.0 sq. ft. 21.0 sq. ft. 22L.0 sq. ft. 221.0 sq. fU. 111.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 fE. 300 .0 sq- ft. 0 BTU/hr 6.8 82.9 deg. F. Room:4Zonez2CARERAKER * HEATING REQUIREMENTS SI]MIVIARY* * ;TOb NAMe: MAYER DUPLEX EAST* LOCATiON: I.,OT 9 BLK 1 POTATO PATCH* VAIL CO. 81-558* Installer/* ConLraclor: GUARATITEED P & H ROOM: 5 Zone: 3 MAIN ENTRYCeiling R-VaIue: 40.00 Wa1I 1 R-Value: 23-00Wal] 2 R-Value: 23.00 Window 1 R-VaIue: Door L R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat, Required Max F1r Srfc Temp Tube Deptsh: 5 . f,U 3 .00 0.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00 1-88.0 sq. ft. 1880.0 cu. ft. 3323 BTU/hr 78.8 deg. F. 0 .75 in. CeiJ-ing R-VaIue9lall L R-VaIue Wall 2 R-VaIue Window 1 R-Value Window 2 R-Value Door L R-Value Door 2 R-Value CarpeE R-value CarpeE Pad R-ValueFloor Cov. R-va1ue Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Value HeaEed Floor Area Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Deptsh: WalI L R-VaIue Window l- R-VaIueFloor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area 40 .00 23 .00 23 .00 3.s0 3 .50 3.00 3.00 0 .78 0.62 1.85 70 deg. F. 0.00 ft.fr. 83.5 deg. F. 0.75 in. 23.00 3.s0 1 .85 70 deg. F. 0.00 582 .0 sq. Room Volume: 8l-50 .0 cu. Heat. Required: l-5730 BTU/hr 131.0 sq. Room Volume: 1310.0 cu. fL.fr. Heat Required: 3084 BTU/hr Max F1r Srfc Temp: 8L.8 deg. F.Max Slab Temperature: ************************************************************************* Infloor System Sizing Prog'ram by Gg>-Crete Corporation, Hamel , MN* Copyright (c) 1990 version 1.7 t'*************************************************************************** Page 3 * * 9/t7/98 * 12:41 pm * I * * Ceiling Area: WaII l- Area: Wall 2 Area:g{indow 1 Area: Door l- Area: Floor Covering Area: Air Changes per Hour: Ext.. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl HeaE Provided:Bru/hrlsq. fE. Req: Max Slab Temperature: 1-88-0 sq. ft. 93.0 sq. ft. 68.0 sq. ft. 28.0 sq. ft.. 24.0 sq. ft,. L88.0 sq. fE. 0.3 0.0 fE. 150.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr t7 .7 82-7 deg- F. ROOM: 5 ZOnC: 3 LIVING ROOM Room:7Zone:3KITCHEN Ceiling Area:9IalI L Area: Wa1l 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area: Door l- Area: Door 2 Area: CarpeE Area: Carpet Pad Area: Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: T\rbe Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTu/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Tefiiperature: wall 1- Area: Window 1 Area: Floor Covering AreaAir Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage Area Splmntl Heat, Provided BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req 582 .0 sq. ft. 321.0 sq. ft. 143.0 sq. ft. L71.0 sq. fL. 1-32.0 sq. f E. 85.0 sq. ft. 2?.0 sq. ft. 582.0 sq. fE. 582.0 sq. fts. 582.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 ft. 550.0 sq. fL. 2000 BrU/hr 27 .0 133.5 deg. F. 184.0 sq. ft.7l-.0 sq. ft. l-31-.0 sg. ft. 0.3 0 .0 fr. 125.0 sq. fL. 0 BTU/hr 23.5 1-25.3 deg. F. * ** ************************************************************************* Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-CreEe Corporation, Ilamel , MN Copyright (c) 1-990 Version 1.7*************************************************************************** * Inst,al1er,/* CONLTACTOT: GUARANTEED P & H Room: 8 Zone: 4 BEDROOM l- * * * Job Name: MAYER* Location: LOT 9* VAIL Wall 1 R-VaIue Wa11 2 R-Value Door 1 R-ValueFloor R-Value Carpet, R-Value Carpet Pad R-Value Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max Fl-r Srfc Temp: Tirbe Depth: Heated Floor Area: Room Volume: Max Flr Srfc Temp: T\:be Depth: Wa1I 1- R-Va1ue:Floor R-Va1ue:Floor Cov. R-Value: Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-Value: HeaE.ed F100r Area: Room Volume: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: HEATING REQUIREMEAITS SUMMARY DUPLEX EAST BLK 1 POTATO PATCHco. 8r_6s8 23 .00 23 .00 3 .00 7 .50 0 .78 o.62 70 deg. F. 0. 00 232.0 sq. ft. 2320 .0 cu. ft. 6t32 BTU/hr Wa11 1- Area: Wa11 2 Area: Door 1 Area: Floor Area: CarpeE Area: Carpet Pad Area: Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTU/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab TemperaEure: wall 1 Area Wall 2 Area Floor Area Floor Covering Area Air Changes per HourExt. Room PerimeE,er Tube Coverage Area Splmncl HeaE Provided BTIJ/hrlsq. f t. Req Max SIab Temperature WaII 1 Area:Floor Area: Floor Covering Area: Air Changes per Hour: ExE. Room Perimet,er: Tube Coverage Area: Splrnntl HeaL Provided: BTU/hrlsq. ft. Reg: Max Slab Temperature: L26.0 sq. ft. 150.0 sq. ft. 45.0 sq. ft. 232.0 sq. ft. 232-O sg. ft,. 232.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 fr. 200.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 26.4 1,20.2 deg. F. Page 4 * t 9/t7/98 * 12:41- pm * * I * 1-40.0 sq. ft. 75.0 sq. ft. 64.0 sq. ft. 54.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 f E. 60.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 29.O 90.9 deg. F. 83.2 deg. F.0.75 in. 23 .00 7.50 0.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00 64.0 sq. fE. 540.0 cu. ft. 84.5 deg. F. 0.75 in. 23 .00 7.50 0.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00 54-0 sq. ft. 540.0 cu. fE. 81.2 deg. F. 0.75 in. 86.0 sq. ft. 54.0 sq. fE. 54.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 fE. 50.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 22.4 85.1 deg. F. Room: 9 Zone: 4 BATH l-WaII 1- R-Value: 23.00Wall 2 R-VaIueFloor R-ValueFloor Cov. R-VaIue Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Value Heat. Required: 1858 BTU/hr ========== ROOM: 10 Zone: 4 LAI]NDRY Heat Required: 1-210 BTU/hr ************************************************************************** Infloor Syst,em Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete CorporaEion, Hamel, MN ** Copyright (c) 1990 Version 1.? **************************************************************************** HEATING REQUIREMENTS SI]MMARY Page 5 **** Job Name: MAYER DUPI-,,EX EAST 9/n/ge ** Location: I-,OT 9 BLK 1 POTATO PATCH 12:41 pm ** vArL co- 81-558 * * Inst.aller,/ ** ConLracLor: GUARANTEED P 5. H * Room: 11 Zone: 4 POWDER ROOM Tube Depth: Room: t2 Zone: 5 BEDROOM 2 WaII 1- R-Va1ueFloor Cov. R-Val"ue Indoor Design Temp SIab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max Flr Srfc Temp Ceiling R-ValueWalI L R-VaIue9lall 2 R-Value WaII 3 R-Value Window 1- R-Value Window 2 R-Value Window 3 R-Value CarpeL R-vaLue Carpet Pad R-Value Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Max F1r Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Cei-1ing R-VaIueWalI 1 R-VaIueFloor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design Temp SIab Edge R-VaIue Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max F1r Srfc Temp T\rbe Depth 23 .00 1_.85 70 deg. F. 0 .00 92.0 sq. ft. 920.0 cu. fU. 783 BTU/hr 74.3 deg. F. 0 .75 in. WaI1 1- Area: Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Room PerimeEer: Tube Coverage Area: SpImnLl HeaE Provided: BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max SIab TemDerature: Ceiling Area: WaII 1- Area: Wall 2 Area: Wall 3 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area: Window 3 Area: CarpeE Area: Carpet Pad Area: Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: SpInmEl HeaE Provided: BT{J/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max SIab TemDerature: Ceiling Area: Wall l- Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Hea! Provided: BTu/hrlsq. fE. Req: Max Slab Temperature: 85.0 sq. ft. 92.0 sq. ft,. 0.30.0 fE. 90 .0 sq. fE. 0 BTU/hr 8.5 90.0 deg. F. 297 -A sq. ft. 124.0 sq. ft. 124.0 sq. ft. 233.0 sq. ft. 3L.0 sq. ft. 31.0 sq. ft.9.0 sq. ft. 297.0 sq. ft. 297.0 sq. ft. 0.3 0.0 fE. 280.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr r_9 . r_ L06.2 deg. F. 90.0 sq. ft. 73.0 sq. ft. 90.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 fE. 90.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr to.2 77.4 deg. F- 40-00 23-00 23 .00 23 .00 3 .50 3 .50 3 .50 0.78 u -oz 70 deg. 0 .00 297.0 sq.ft. fE. 79.5 deg, F. 0 .75 in. F. Room Volume: 2970.0 cu. Heat Required: 5666 BTU/hr Room: 1-3 Zorre:. 5 BATH 2 40 .00 23 .00 0.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00 90.0 sq. ft. 900.0 cu. ft. 921- BW/hr 75 . 1- deg. F. 0.75 in. * * HEATING REQUIREME}ilTS SUMMARY* * JOb NAMe: MAYER DUPLEX EAST* LOCATion: i,OT 9 BLK 1- POTATO PATCH* VAIL CO. 81558* Installer,/* CoNLracLor: GUARAI{TEED P & H Heated Floor Area: 368.0 sq. fE. Room Volume: 3680.0 cu. ft,. Heat Required: 7698 BTU/hr Ceiling R-Valuehlall 1 R-Value Wall 2 R-Value Window 1 R-Value Window 2 R-Value Door 2 R-Value CarpeE R-Value Carpet Pad R-Value Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-Value: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Celling R-Val-ue:WalI L R-Value:Wall 2 R-VaIue:WaIl 3 R-VaIue: Window l- R-Value: Window 2 R-VaIue: CarpeE R-Value: Carpet, Pad R-Value: Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-VaIue: Ceiling R-Value WalL 1 R-Value Carpet R-value CarpeU Pad R-Value Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-Value: 40 .00 23 .00 23 .00 3.s0 3 .50 3 .00 0 .78 0.62 70 deg. F. 0.00 80.5 deg. F. 0.75 in. 40.00 23.00 23 .00 23 .00 3 .50 3.s0 0 .78 o .62 70 deg. F. 0 .00 40.00 23 .00 0 .78 o .62 70 deg. F. 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 255.0 sq. fL. Room Volume: 2550.0 cu. ft" Heat Required: 5504 BTU/hr Max FIr Srfc Temp: 80.8 deg. F, Tube Depth:0.75 in. HeaE,ed Floor Areai 64.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: 640.0 cu. fE. Heat. Required: 715 BTU/hr ************************************************************************* Infloor System Sizing Program by G1p-Crete Corporation, Hamel, MN Copyright (c) 1990 Version L.7 * *************************************************************************** Page 6 * * 9/L7/98 * 12:41- pm * * * * ROOM: L4 Zone: 6 MASTER BEDROOM Ceiling Area: Wall 1- Area: Wall 2 Area: window l- Area: Window 2 Area: Door 2 Area: Carpet, Area: Carpet Pad Area: Air Changes per Hour: Ext.. Room PerimeEer: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: 368.0 sq. ft. 165.0 sq. ft. 255.0 sq. ft. 18.0 sq. ft. 72 .0 sq. ft.45.0 sq. ft. 368.0 sq. fu. 368.0 sq. fE. 0.30.0 fE. 350.0 sq. fE. 0 BTU/hr 20.9 109.7 deg. F. ROOM: 15 Zone: 7 MASTER BATH Ceiling Area:Wall l- Area: Wall 2 Area: Wall 3 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area: Carpet Area: Carpet Pad Area: Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: SpImntI Heat Provided: Bru/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Room: L6 Zone: 6 IiIASTER CLOSET Ceiling Area Wa11 1 Area Carpet Area CarpeE Pad AreaAir Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage Area Splmntl Heat Provided BTU/hrlsq. fE. Req 255.0 sq. fE. 75.0 sg. f t. 1-96.0 sq. ft. 156.0 sq. ft. 36.0 sq. fE. 49.0 sq. ft. 255.0 sq. ft. 255.0 sq. ft. 0.3 0 .0 fL. 250.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 2L.6 1L1- .0 deg. F. 64.0 sq. ft.. 68.0 sq. ft. 64.0 sq. ft. 64.0 sq. fE. 0.30.0 fE. 50.0 sq. fE. 0 BTU/hr LL.2 ************************************************************************* Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete CorporaEion, Hamel , MN* Copyright (c) 1'990 Version 7..7 tt ************************************************************:l*************** HEATING REQUIREMENTS ST'MMARY* * .fob Name: MAYER DUPLEX EAST* LOCAEiOn: I-,OT 9 BLK ]. POTATO PATCH* vArL co. 81658* Installer,/* ConLracLor: GUARANTEED P & H Page 7 t' * 9/tz/ge * 12:41 Pm t * * * Room: 17 Zone: 5 UPPER STAIRSCeiling R-Va1ue: 40.00WalI 1 R-Value: 23.00 Ceiling Area:wall 1 Area: Window 1 Area: Floor Covering Area: Air Changes per Hour: Exts. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmcul Heat Provided: BT'rJ/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max SIab Temperature: WalI L Area wa1I 2 Area Door 1 Area Floor AreaFloor Covering Area Air Changes per Hour ExE. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage Area Splmntl Heat ProvidedBru/hrlsq. ft. Req Max SIab Temperature Window 1 R-Va1ue: FLoor Cov. R-Value: Wa1I 1- R-Va1ue Wa1I 2 R-Value Door 1 R-ValueFloor R-ValueFloor Cov. R-Value: Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-Va1ue: Max Flr Srfc Temp: fube Depth: 23 .00 23 .00 L5 .00 7 .50 0.20 70 deg- F- 0 .00 78.0 deg. F. 0.75 in. 1-04 .0 sq. f t.70.0 sq. ft. 18.0 sq. fE. 104.0 sq. ft. 0.30-0 fE. 100.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 13 .9 l-02.8 deg. F. 72.0 sq. ft. 346.0 sq. fE,. 64 .0 sq. f t. 422.0 sq. ft,. 422.0 sq. fE. 0.30.0 ft. 400.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 15 .9 81.2 deg. F. 3 .50 1.85 Indoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F. Slab Edge R-Va1ue:0 .00 HeaLed FLoor Area: L04.0 sq. fE. Room Volume: L040.0 cu. fts" Heat Required: l-450 BTU/hr Max FIr Srfc TemD: 77.0 deq. F. Tube Depth:0 .75 in. Room: 1-8 Zone: 8 GARAGE 2 Heat,ed Floor Area: 422-O sq. fE. Room Volume: 0.0 cu. ft. Heat. Required: 5729 B\I/hr (1 T 1t [-x a-% \ $T Ji 0 ,J S ]E't ih s \, +i \ I .*.\3 - -J-_ Fffi Ef f iciehry* Boiters oir"nrio?& Sperif iculions J 9/16- t81I50.il9 t8t{300.1,19 300,000 252,000 t\t)tt' N (ltkrl. "t It(tl(itr:(.lh tqr',\'h l. li .t.tul|kl ht,l,.ti<, /lit'iuk'l (IiIk tshnN (ltt(tls t\'tt| |Ii.,tttt,tt r. o rrTre'l- o atytl o o u0,000 199,999 250,000 l?6,m0 r68,000 2t0,0m l9 tYt( 23ty|i', 21hi' 3l rif I \l- I ki' t0 rtlf l2t{' l5u i l9 rl,td 23Vti 23thi 5' 5' vi v( yi v( Sfsndord Jeolures: r l]rrnrcr lrlanrc Ol)servlli(nt I)(nl. I ligh Flfficicncy Stxinlcss St(t.| lhrntcfs. 'l\Y()-Slilge l;irinlt (lvlg) . 'l\rr Aclitrstuble ()lx'r:rtr)rs (lliglr irnt lr,',r' l;irc, fv19) . l:ixctl ljigh t.inrit . I krt Surlltc Tgrrition . 'lc llinxl stril) . ( iusket-less Ilclt lix(it:ltl{cf . .lO l5l l)r'(risut'( llt lit l' V:rh t.. l\rrrrP lt.l:ry . (i;rh,unizcrl Stcel .lru ktt. (i rnvcntionlrl Vclrt ln(n,lrscl. Ail lrrlet (irvo . ASiVll: (i'|litlc(l to l(r0 l)Sl \\trrking llrcsstrn' Eoiler desiln cedilied lry A.G A. as hol water boilors l0r bolh nalurd 0a6 and pro0ene 00s. . Nrrliorlrl Il()iu1l (;crlili(.(l . A(;A I)csign (lcrtillctl lir (lkxct Inst;rll:rtiolr. A( ;A I )csil.1r Ccrrilictl li >r' Al(r )vc Inslirll.rli( r') Opfionol lquipmenf:. V('r1i(irl |)ircrt \tnti g-50 ulrrir':rlc|rt litl. lknizxrt:ll I)irrcl \('t)linl{-50 (luivll(.nl lcL{. Nlrrlti-Stlrtk l.jlllrc (!ic(' trt < essolics surrorrI. L()\\ \lflt( r (lrl-()ll (P|olrt'lvPt') .lrk,\\ 5\\'il(ll. l\lurrrrrrl llcsct lliglr l.irrrit. l\rrrrp l)t Lrt SNitr'lr. lnl('r'nrilt( n( l\l|ll). ALr )) l|( ll. ln(k x n;,( )ul(l( xn (i,nttrrl I'..\. tttkl./i i'i!!tt |\tttrttr Ix,tfuIitt!' 5" r Ggil1a rf,fil^ochfuNar l.r x lrinr:rr ( irrlxrlrliorr Itx )5 l:Lrr llill I'ilt \rtsltr illt . l\ .1-llf) 615 iis9 S9(){r lrt\ ()l; li,\i- I l{J.i Allmod€ls comDly vr'ith ASIIIE Boiler Pressfie Vess€l Codr. S€cton lV. 160 psr Nmrlino pressurc and re0isler€d wrlh thc Nalioml 8oard. Avoiloble liring Systems: 19 = lkrt Strllr<c lrinition (llsl), ( )r/()ll'(De [ltk)n l\,|9 = 'l'w() Sl:tgc l;iring witlr I lsl llill50.n9 iBll200. 9 Eil?50. 9 flilm0.[9 6' 'lir i)tLttrtxr tt'q inllt)I its insktllul t$i .g ct tt t I lr tl it, lt t\'t t I i ,4 E8.01/sM/6-97 (s \:'-,/ Canadiin 6as Associalion Prinled in USA rt * ************************************************************************* Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporationr Hamel , MN * ighr (c) 1990 Version L.7 * *********************************************** IREMENTS SI]MMARY ********************* * t * *BLK co PATCH Page 1 * t 9/L7/98 ',1-0:42 am * * * * * Install-er/* ConEraclor: GUARAMTEED P & H ilob Name: l"lAYER Locat,ion: LOT 9 VATL Zone #Room Name TOTAL INFLOOR HEAT: 88267 BTU/hr OUTDOOR DESIGN TEMP: -20 deq. F. Room # Heat. Required BTU/hr IBTU/hrlsg. fr. 1 I 1 TGARAGE | ]-2732 | 19.s2 | 2 | ENTRY-HALLWAY | 2945 | 1_9.03 | 2 | r_,OwER STArR | 21,27 | L9.24 | 3 | BEDROOM I-BATH 1 | 8835 | 26.85 | 4 | BEDROOM 2 | 4064 | L7.75 | 4 | BATH2-CLOSET | 1870 1 1s.77 | 4 ILAUNDRY | 1208 1 2L.68 | 4 | STATRSMATN I rt26 | 15-3 9 | 5 IPOWDERROOM-HALL | 3840 1 23.1l-0 | 5 lLrvrNGRooM I L3847 | 24.L11- | 5 | ENrRY I 3079 | 2s.7L2 I 5 I DINING ROOM 5L44 I 19.813 I 6 IKTTCHEN 3393 1 a4.9L4 | 7 | BEDROOM 3 | 5969 | 24.915 | 7 |BATH3-CLOSET I 2151 l 18.11-6 I 7 ISTAIRSUPPERLEVEL I 3276 1 L9.7L7 | 8 IMASTERBEDROOM | 7428 1 22.91-8 | 8 IMASTERCLOSET | 1323 | 9.s =====l===:==L5::::=::::== ===l===::::=l=====1::1\==Room: 1 Zone: 1 GARAGE -.a,.:;1 _. I t^\ $:ll I l-Ylil3, 33:33 | ,<os"* i{hft\ iI3:; 133:3-*i:w'ri r"i'ri"r"i' "Ti,n t,,gfriffi-,{ii:il il:#!:WaII 2 R-VaIue: H3:l i l-Y3ix:; ?3:33 r{rfrw-.8::r I ii::i {i&V,,"3i:"3 l:Y3ix3; i:33 Yt Floor ifi3; .3-'l(il: rE.Floor Cov. R-Value: 0.20 | floor Covering Area: esa.4 sq. fE.Indoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F. I air Changes per Hour: _ 0.3 SIab Edge fr.-varu-e: 0.00 | nxt. no6m P'erimeter, fo.o ft. Heated Floor Area: 654.0 sq. ft.l Tube Coverage Area: -tr\0 sq. ft. Room Volume: 0.0 cu. ft.l Spfmntl Heat Provided: frdDfU/nrIRRoom Volume: 0.0 cu. ft.l Spfmntl Heat Provided: f tdGrU/nrHeat Required: L2732 BTU/hr I BTU/hr/sq.ft. Req:^ll\.5 Max FIr Srfc Temp: 79.7 deg. F. I Max SIab Temperaturel[-83-?6 deg. F. Tube Depth: 0.75 in. ************************************************************************** Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel , MN ** Copyright (c) l-990 Versi-on 7'.7 ***************************************************************************** HEATTNG REQUIREMEI{TS SI]MMARY* * Job NAme: MAYER DUPLEX WEST* LOCAEion: LOT 9 BLK 1 POTATO PATCH* VAIL CO Wall L R-Value: 23.00 * Installer/ ** Contractor:GUARAIITEEDP&H * Room:2Zone..2EIVTRY-HALLWAY Floor R-VaIue: FLoor Cov. R-Value: Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Wall L R-Value:Floor R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value:lndoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-Value: Room Volume Heat Required Max FIr Srfc Temp T\rbe Depth WaIl 2 R-Value Window 1- R-Value Window 2 R-ValueFloor R-Va1ue Carpet, R-Value Carpet. Pad R-va1ue:Floor Cov. R-Value: Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-value Heat.ed Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max F1r Srfc Temp Tube Depth: 7 .50 v . zz 0 .00 155.0 sg. 1550.0 cu. 2945 BTU/hr 79.5 deg. 0.75 in. waIl L Area: Floor Area: Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splnntl Heat Provided: BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Wall 1 Area: Floor Area: Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Room PerimeEer: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided:Bru/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Wa1I 1- Area: WalI 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area:Floor Area: CarpeE Area: CarpeE Pad Area: Floor Covering Area: Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Ternperature: Page 2 * * 9/L7/98 * 10:42 am * ! 105.0 sq. ft. 155.0 sq. fE. 155.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 fr. 125.0 sq. fE. 0 BTU/hr r_9 .0 83.7 deg. F. Indoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F. fL.fr. .e- Room: 3 Zone: 2 LOWER STAfR Heat,ed Floor Area: 1-11- . 0 sq. f t . 23 .00 7 .50 0.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00 1110.0 cu. ft. 2L27 BT'-rJ/hr 79.6 deg. F. 0.75 in. 80.0 sq. fts. 1l-L.0 sq. f E. 111.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 fts. l-00.0 sg. ft. 0 BTU/hr L9.2 83.8 deg. F. Room: 4 Zone. 3 BEDROOM L-BATH 1llall L R-Value:23-00 23 .00 3.s0 3 .50 7 .50 0 .78 1_00 . 0 sq. 214.0 sq.39.0 6q. 50.0 sq. 335.0 sq. 270.0 sq. 270.0 sq. 50.0 sg. 0.30.0 fL. 300.0 sq.0 BTU/hr 26.8 120.9 deg. fr.fr.fr.ft.fr.fr.fr.ft. fr. F. o -62 0.22 70 deg. F. 0.00 330.0 sq. ft. 3300.0 cu. ft. 8836 BTU/hr 83.4 deg. F. 0.75 in. * * * * JOb Name: MAYER DUPLEX WEST* Location: LOT 9 BL,K L POTATO PATCH* VAIL CO* Inst.aller,/* ConLraclor: GUARAM|EED P & H Room: 5 Zone: 4 BEDROOM 2Wall l- R-Value: 23 .00Wall 2 R-Value: 23.00 Window 1- R-Value: Window 2 R-Value Door 1 R-Value Carpet R-VaIue Carpet Pad R-VaIue Indoor Desiqn TemD: SIab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max Flr Srfc Temp Tube Depth WaIl 1 R-Value: WalI 2 R-Value: Window 1 R-Value: CarpeE R-Va1ue: CarpeE, Pad R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value: Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-VaIue: Wa11 1- R-Value Wa1l 2 R-Value Window 2 R-Va1ueFloor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-Value: Heated Floor Area: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Deoth: 3 .50 3 .50 3 .00 0.78 o .62 70 deg. F. 0.00 230.0 sq. ft. 2300.0 cu. ft. 4064 BTU/hr 78.8 deg. F. 0.75 in. 23 .00 23 .00 3.s0 0.78 o.62 0.22 70 deg- F. 0 .00 23 .00 23 .00 3.s0 0.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00 Heated Floor Area: 119.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: L190.0 cu. ft. Heat Required: l-870 BW/hr Max Flr Srfc Temp: 7"7.9 deg. F. Tube Depth:0 .75 in. 56.0 sq. Room Volume: 560.0 cu. Heat, Required: 1208 BTU/hr ft.fr. 80.8 deg. F. 0 .75 in- ************************************************************************* Infloor System Sizing Program by Gytrl-Crete CorporaEion, Hamel , MN * *Copyright (c) 1990 Version 1.7*************************************************************************** HEATING REQUIREMEI.TTS SIJMMARY Page 3 * * 9/L7/98 ',10:42 am * * t * Wall l- Area: WaII 2 Area: Window l- Area: Window 2 Area: Door l- Area: Carpet Area: Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext . Room Perimet,er: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTrJ/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab TemperaEure: WaIl L Area:WaIl 2 Area: Window L Area: CarpeL Area: Carpet Pad Area: Floor Covering Area: Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: T\rbe Coverage Area: Splmntl Heat Provided: BTu/rlr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: ft.fr. f|- f t..fL.fL.ft. fr. F. 155.0 sq. ft.75.0 sq. fE. L5.0 sq. fE. 48.0 sq. ft.48.0 sq. fE,. 7l-.0 sq. ft,. 0.30.0 fr. 1-00.0 sg. ft. 0 BTU/hr L5.7 99.9 deg. F. 56.0 sq. 150.0 sq. 24.0 sq. 15.0 sq. 40.0 sq. 230 .0 sq. 230 .0 sq. 0.30.0 f r. 200.0 sq. 0 BTU/hr a7 .7 103.6 deg. Room: 6 Zone: 4 BATH 2-CLOSET Room:7Zone:4LAUNDRY WaII l- Area Wall 2 Area Window 2 Area Floor Covering AreaAir Changes per llourExt. Room Perimet,er ?ube Coverage Area Splmnt.l Heat Provided BTIJ/l]r/sq. ft. Req Max Slab TemperaEure 90.0 sq. ft. 60.0 sq. fb. 1-5.0 sq. fE. 56.0 sq. fE. 0.30.0 fE. 50.0 sq. f E. 0 BTU/hr 2L.5 85.5 deg. F. ************************************************************************* * Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Cret,e Corporation, Hamel , MN * CopyrighL (c) 1-990 Version L.'7 * *************************************************************************** HEATING REQUIREME}ITS SI]MMARY I "oO Name: MAYER DUPLEX WEST* LocaLion: LOT 9 BLK 1 POTATO PA,TCH* VAIL CO WalI 1- R-Value Window l- R-Va1ueFloor Cov. R-VaJue Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max F1r Srfc Temp Tube Depth Wa1I 1 R-Value: Wa11 2 R-Value: Window 1- R-Value: Door 1 R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value: Indoor Design Terq): Slab Edge R-Value: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 23 .00 3 .50 1_.86 70 deg. F. 0 .00 69 .0 sq. ft . 590 .0 cu. ft. 1,1,26 BTU/hr 78.2 deg. F. 0.75 in. wa11 1- Area: Window l- Area: Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmntl HeaE Provided: BTU/hrlsq. fE. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Wall l- Area: Wa1l 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Door L Area:Floor Covering Area: Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Room PerimeEer: fube Coverage Area: Sp1rnnEl Heat Provided: BTu/hrlsq. ft. Reg: Max Slab Temperat.ure: Ceiling Area WaIl l- Area WaIl 2 Area Window 2 Area Door l- Area CarpeL Area Carpet, Pad Area Floor Covering Area Air Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter T\rbe Coverage Area SpImnt,I Heat Provided BTJ/l:r/sq. ft. Req Max Slab Temperature Page 4 * t 9/t7/98 t' 1-0:42 am * ! 110.0 sq. ft. 15.0 sq. ft. 59 .0 sq. fE. 0.30.0 fr. 60.0 sq. fE. 0 BTU/hr 1_6 .3 l-08-5 deg. F. 225.0 sq. ft. 39.0 sq. ft. 30.0 sq. fts.45.0 sq. ft. L66.0 sq. fE. 0.30-0 fr. 1-50.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr z5 . L A24.6 deg. F. * Installer/ ** Contractor:GUARAIfIEEDP&H r. Room: 8 Zone: 4 STAIRS MAIN Room: 9 Zone: 5 POWDER ROOM - HALL Heatsed Floor Area: l-56.0 sq. fE. Room Volume: L660.0 cu. fE" Heat Required: 3840 BTU/hr 23 .00 23 .00 3.s0 3 .00 1 .86 70 deg. F. 0.00 81-.5 deg. F. 0.75 in. Room: L0 Zone: 5 LMNG ROOMCeiling R-Value: WalI 1 R-Va1ue:Wall 2 R-Value: Window 2 R-Value: Door 1 R-Value: Carpets R-Value: Carpet Pad R-Va1ue:Floor Cov. R-Value: Indoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F. SIab Edge R-Value:0.00 Heated Floor Area: 575.0 sq- fE. Room Volume: 5750.0 cu. ft,. Heat Required: L3847 BTU/hr Max FIr Srfc Temp: 82.0 deg. F.l\rbe Depch:0.75 in. 40.00 23 .00 23 .00 3 .50 3 .00 0.78 0.62 r-.86 575.0 sq. 312 .0 sg. 345.0 sq. 192 .0 sq. 90.0 sq. 575.0 sq. 575.0 sq. 575.0 sq. 0.30.0 fE. 550.0 sq. 0 BTU/hr 24.L 125.8 deg. ft.ft.fr.fr.fr.fr.ft.ft. fr. F. * * 40 .00 23 .00 23 .00 23 .00 3.s0 3 .00 v -zz 70 deg. F. 0 .00 120.0 sq. ft. 1-200.0 cu. ft. 3079 BTU/hr 82.8 deg. F. 0 . 75 i-n. 23 .00 23.00 3. s0 3. s0 3.00 0.78 o.52 1_.85 70 deg. F. 0 .00 fE.fr. F. 77.4 deg. F.0.75 in. ) HEATING REQUIREMENTS SIJMMARY .JOb NAME: MAYER DUPLEX WESTLocation: LOT 9 BLK 1 POTATO PATCH VAIL COInstaIIer,/ ConLracLor: GUARANTEED P & H Ceiling R-ValueWall 1 R-Value Wall 2 R-Val-ue Wall 3 R-Value Window 1 R-Value Door 3 R-ValueFloor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design Temp SIab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max FIr Srfc Temp Tube Depth Wall 1- R-VaIue Wal1 2 R-Value Window 1 R-Value Window 2 R-Value Door 1 R-Value: Carpet R-VaIue: Carpet Pad R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value: Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-VaIue: Max Fl-r Srf c Temp: T\rbe Depth: Heated Floor Area: 250.0 sq. Room Volume: 2600.0 cu. Heat Required: 5l-44 BTU/hr Max Flr Srfc Temp: 79.9 deg. T\rbe Dept,h: 0 . 75 in. Room: L3 Zone: 5 KITCHENWalI 1 R-VaIue: 23.00 Window 1 R-VaIue: 3.50Floor Cov. R-Value:1 .85Indoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F. Slab Edge R-Value:0.00 Heated Floor Area: 228.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: 2280.0 cu. ft. Heat Required: 3393 BTU/hr ************************************************************************* Infloor SysE,em Sizi-ng Program by Gyp-Crete CorporaEion, Hamel , MNcopyrighr (c) r-990 Version L.7 r,*************************************************************************** Page 5 * x 9/L7/98 * 10:42 am * * * * Room: 11 Zone: 5 ENTRY Room: T2 Zone: 6 DINING ROOM WaI1 1 Area: WaIl 2 Area: Window l- Area: Window 2 Area: Door 1 Area: CarpeE Area: Carpet Pad Area:Floor Covering Area: Air Changes per Hour: ExE. Room Perimeter: Tlbe Coverage Area: Splrnntl Heat Provided: BTU/rJr/sq. ft. Req: Max SIab Temperature: Ceiling Area: WaI1 1 Area: Wall 2 Area: Wa1l 3 Area: Window 1 Area: Door 3 Area: Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour: ExE. Room PerimeEer: Tube Coverage Area: Splnntl Hea! Provided: BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperalure: WaIl 1- Area Window L AreaFloor Covering Area Air Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter Tlbe Coverage Area Splmntl Heat Provided BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req Max Slab Temperature l-20 .0 sq. f t, .80.0 sq. ft,. 100.0 sq. fE. 100.0 sq. ft. 20.0 sq. ft.24.0 sq. ft. 120.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 fE. 110 .0 sq. fE. 0 BW/hr 25.7 88.5 deg- F. L5l--0 sq. fts. 65.0 sq. f t. 79 .0 sq. ft,. 20.0 sq. f t.21.0 sq- ft. 260.0 sq. ft. 260-0 sq. ft,. 250.0 sq. ft. 0.3 0 .0 fr. 250.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 1-9 .8 LL6 .7 deg. F. 22A.0 sq. ft. 58.0 sq. ft. 228.0 sq. ft.n? 0.0 f r. 200.0 6q. ft. 0 BTU/hr 1,4 .9 105.1 deg. F. * * * * tr lr L * * ). * *:t *** *** * * * * ***** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** *** * ** * * ****** * Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel . MN Copyright (c) 1990 Version L.7 * ***************************************************************:t*********** HEATING REQUIREMEM|S SI]MMARY I "oO Name: MAYER DUPLEX WEST* Location: L,OT 9 BLK l- POTATO PATCH* VAIL CO* Inst,al-1er/* Contractor: GUARiANTEED P & H Room: 14 Zone: 7 BEDROOM 3Ceiling R-VaIue Wall 1 R-ValueWa]- R-VaLue Window 1 R-Value Window 2 R-Value Door 1 R-Value Carpet, R-Value Carpet Pad R-VaIue Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Value Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Ceiling R-ValueWall L R-VaIue WaII 2 R-Val-ue Window 2 R-Value Carpet. R-Value Carpets Pad R-ValueFloor Cov. R-Value Indoor Design Temp: Slab Edge R-Value: Max F1r Srfc Temp: ?ube Depth: 40.00 23 .00 23 .00 3 .50 3.s0 ?. nn 0 .78 0 .62 70 deg. F. 0.00 82.4 deg. F. 0.75 in. 40.00 23 .00 23 .00 3 .50 0 .78 o.62 v - zz 70 deg. F. 0 .00 79.0 deg. F. 0.75 in. Ceiling Area: WaIl l- Area:waIl 2 Area: Window l- Area: Wi-ndow 2 Area: Door 1 Area: Carpet Area: Carpet Pad Area: Air Changes per Hour: Ext,. Room PerimeEer: Tube Coverage Area: Splrnntl Heat Provided: BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperalure: Ceiling Area: Wall L Area: Wall 2 Area: Window 2 Area: CarpeE Area: CarpeE Pad Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room PerimeEer: Tube Coverage Area: SplmnLl Heac Provided: BTU/hrlsq. fE,. Req: Max SIab TemperaEure: 240.0 sq. ft. 151.0 sq. ft. 289.0 eq. fE.30.0 sq. f t. 24 .0 sq. ft .45.0 sq. ft,. 240.0 sq. fL. 240.0 sq. fE. 0.30.0 fE. 225.0 sq. fE. 0 BTU/hr z+.t 1l-7.3 deg. F. Page 6 * * 9/L7/98 * 10:42 am * * ! * L21-.0 sq. ft. 75.0 sq. ft. 173 .0 sq. ft.15.0 sq. ft. 48.0 sq. ft.48.0 sq. ft. 71-.0 sq. ft. 0.0 fr. 100.0 sq. fs. 0 BTU/hr 18.1 104.3 deg. X'. Heat,ed Floor Area: 240 . 0 sq. f t . Room Volume: 2400.0 cu. ft. Heat Required: 5959 BTU/hr Healed Fl-oor Area: 119.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: 1-L90.0 cu. ft" Heat Required: 2l-51 BTU/hr * , * HEATING REOUIREMENTS SUMMARY * Job Name: MAYER DUPLEX WEST* Location: LOT 9 BLK 1 POTATO PATCH* VAIL CO* InsEaller,/* CONTTACToT: GUARANTEED P & H Ceiling R-value: 40.00Wall 1- R-Value: 23.00 WaI1 2 R-Va1ue: 23.00 Window 1 R-Va1ue: Window 2 R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value: Indoor Design Temp SIab Edge R-VaIue Heated Floor Area Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: HeaEed Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max F1r Srfc Temp Tube Depth Ceiling R-Value:Wall L R-Value: CarpeL R-Value Carpet Pad R-VaIue Indoor Design Temp Slab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 3 .50 3-50 r_.86 70 deg. F. 0 .00 l-65 .0 sq. Room Volume: 1560.0 cu. Heat Required: 3276 BTIJ/hr fr.fr. 79.9 deg. F. 0.75 in. ROOM: L7 ZONE: 8 MASTER BEDROOMCeiling R-VaIue: 40.00 Wall 1 R-Value: 23.00 WaII 2 R-Value: 23.00 $Iindow 1 R-Value: Window 2 R-Value: CarpeE R-Va1ue: CarpeE Pad R-Value: Indoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F. SIab Edge R-Value:0.00 3 .50 3. s0 0.78 Q -62 325.0 sq. ft. 3250.0 cu. ft. 7428 BT.|J/hr 81.4 deg. F. 0 .75 in. 40-00 23 .00 0 .78 0 .62 70 deg. F. 0 .00 L39.0 sq. Room Volume: 1390.0 cu. HeaE Resuired: L323 BTIJ/hr fr. fE- 74-B deg. F. 0.75 in. ********************************L**************************************** Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-Crete Corporation, Hamel , MN Copyright. (c) 1990 Version L.7 * *************************************************************************** Page 7 * * 9/1,7 /98 * L0:42 am * * * * ROOM: L6 ZONe: 7 STAIRS UPPER LEVEL Ceiling Area: WaII 1 Area: Wall 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area:Floor Covering Area: Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Room PerimeEer: Tube Coverage Area: Splnntl Heat Provided: BTtJ/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab TemDeraEure: L66.0 sq. ft. 82.0 sq. ft. 188.0 sq- fE-i-4.0 sq. fE. 30.0 sq. fts. 165.0 sq. fL. 0.30.0 fr. L50.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr L9.7 LL6.6 deg. F. 325.0 sq. ft. 206.O sq. fts. 1-69.0 sq. ft.46.0 sq. f E,. L05 .0 sg. ft. 325.0 Eq. fts. 325.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 f r. 325.0 sq. ft. 0 BTU/hr 22.9 LL3.4 deg. r- Ceiling Area: Wa11 1 Area: Wal1 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area: Carpet Area: CarpeE Pad Area: Air Changes per Hour: Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: Splmrtl Heat Provided: BTv/hr/sq. ft. Req: Max Slab TemperaEure: Ceiling Area: Wall 1- Area: Carpet Area: Carpet Pad Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area: SplrnnEl Heat Provided: BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max SIab Temperature: 1-39 .0 sq. f t . 85.0 sq. ft. 139.0 sq. ft. 139 .0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 fE. 130 .0 sq. fE. 0 BTU/hr 9.5 88.1 deg. F. ************************************************************************* * Infloor System Sizing Program by Gyp-CreEe Corporation, Hamel , MN * Copyright (c) 1990 Version 7..7 * *************************************************************************** HEATING REQUIREMEI.ITS ST]MMARY I "oO Name: I{AYER DUPLEX WEST* LOcATion: LOT 9 BLK ]- POTATO PATCH* VAIL CO* Installer/* ConTracLor: GUARANTEED P & H Room: l-9 Zone. 9 MASTER BATHCeiling R-Value: 40.00 | Ceiling Area: 200.0 sq. fb. WalI 1 R-VaIue: 23.00 | Wal1 1 Area: 200.0 sq. ft. Wa11 2 R-Value: 23.00 | Wall 2 Area: 148.0 sq. fL. Window 1 R-VaLue: 3.50 | Window l Area: 48.0 sq. fL.Floor Cov. R-Value: 0.22 | Floor Covering Area: 200.0 sq. ft- Indoor Design Temp: 70 deg. F. I air Changes per Hour: 0.3e"srrJvg r\Slab Edge R-Value: 0.00 | ExE. Room PerimeE,er: 0.0 ft. Heat,ed Floor Area: 200.0 sq. f E. I Tube Coverage Area: L75.0 sq. ft. Room Vo1ume: 2000.0 cu. fE.l Splmntl HeaE Provided:0 BfiI/hr Heat, Required: 3909 BTU/hr I BTu/hrlsq. ft. Req: 19.5 Max FIr Srfc Temp: 79.8 deg. F. I Max Slab Temperature: 84.1- deg. F. T\rbe Depth: 0.75 in. Page I * * 9/1-7/98 * 10:42 am * * * * Efficienry* Boiters oir"nrionll Sperifirorions J 9/16" l'' u -l s, t1r' l- r-Ll- 6 | /t6'o fl o o o ---l I I 2a 1/l t8l{50 M9 t8 ?00.M9 r50,000 r99,999 ?50,000 300,0m r?6,000 168,000 ?t0.000 25?,000 Itt thi l0r!1e 11'/i' 15rYrr' l9rl4c' 23tiat 23 t/ti r.l/r6' 5" 5- It vf l9r r' 23 thr' 7l hi 3l Yr{- c--=l r)iillli .\i'lt' ,\'t\litl\.\ittt l (i^.( l,.t,tr!, .\ h, I l, tttltut l,n,l\nr..ltt iultl.liDftrlli"tt.rIktt\ n , .thnh,ttI Jlondord Feolures: . Ilrrntr.t lillUttc ()llstrrlrtiort I'ort. I liglr lilii<.it.rrr.)' Srililrlcss St(\.1 llllrk.t:,. l\\'() Stlli( trilirrg tl\19) . l\\r) A(lhr\lll)l(. ()1xr:rrrrr:s li.qlr rrrrrl l.rrrr l;rrt . Nl()) . lrixrrl lliglr t.irr rir . Il()t Srlrl.r((. l.ra|]iti()tl . li tr tlin.rl Stlil) . (;;t\li( t l( sri l[:rt lisr lrlrrrgL.r.. J(, IlSl l'r(.ssur(. liclitl \.rrhr.. l\rrl) lt(.li | \. ( irrlr rrrrizrrl Str.r.l .l;rr kr{ . ( .on\'(.l lion:l l \i.nt lrx.t(,:ls(.1 . /\ir lrrl(1 ( i)\'(.r' . ASI\'lli (h.rlilitrl l() l(){t l,st \\irrliirrlg l,rt.rsrrrl . N.rtrr rrr,rl lhr:rKl (i.rtrlit'rl . A(;A l\.\i.r.ln (i,rtil'rrrl lirr (.1()w,t lnstitll.rti(rn. r\(;A I)(sil]|l (i11ili(.(l l,n Al(r)\(. l||\l:rll.rti,nr Optionol lquipment: . \i rti(.tl l)iR\ l \(,nti ll i0 rrgLrrurlt.rrt ltrl. l l( 'ri.4 ntt.tl l)itr.(t\(,ntrttll iotrlrrir:r[.rrt h.r1. \lrrltr :t.rr l. I r.rrrrL r'r'r..tr,(.s\oti(.\ \rrti{rlt) . l \\ \\',iti.r {itt ()ll ||)|,l)(,t\|\,I . l:| rrr Srr itr lr . lllrrrrrrrl lit sr,t llirllr l.irrtrt. I'll ll) l)(.1:t\ 5\\ tt( ll. l|llr. trtltr'nl l, t|tlr .;\l.rrrrr li.ll . lrtrlxrt t )rrltirrrr ( r{rtr,rl | \ ttlttl ltrt |!t ltttlt,ul\ l,t,ttl : Avoiloble Iiring Jystems: li() = llr)t Sr lir(a. lglliti()n ( l lSl), ( )rr ( )ll oltr.r:rtirrr Alt) = l\\1' St.ru(' l:iring witll llsl t8 tt0M9 5" t[N?00M9 5" tBil?t0M9 6" tBN300 t19 6" ' | 1 t1t rrt ttrt\t) trll tll tt k t!: rn\hlIrl tr\tu.t, | | attl Ilxr l ttltt ' xu |,r(ltIt\.[ ( r )tln,t.tltr '|l.ltttt' I lrrr llrll l,rl,r, \.r\lr\ il[. l\ i ,ltJ trl\ lili() lit!Il |.r\ r,li liiji I trIi dHfl! rurA$NlS\lW(t gana llrilcr do$|glr certit|lxl hy AGA is lntrater lx)iters lor bolh rHtrri{ gasird propafle 0Bs Alllxntds r:(,lrl y ttl iSMl ll0 er Presslt|: Vess{{ Cfilc Scdxnt lV. 160,,sr wr.{lir{ pr|:ss|lrc nrxl r'0rstcr.xl {r lt tl|ct8,01/sM.'6,9/ ,/A\(..e) {;rriftrn Gis Asso{ii iul Pr |f.d I IsA @@ 'j If-r I ( \(\;'. I -'r+ r- It t-- I, I I+- T. f.t $--R\=--RF Robrl Boy er ? (970)4799119Your Phone Number h3/23r99 O9:4ilAM na2 R. BOYMERCONSTRUCTON P.O. BOX l00l VAII* CO 81658 970.476.2958 office Y|0.390.9?39 cellular March 15,1999 RE: Change of Plumbing Sub-contractors Town of Vail Building Deparrnent Attention: Charlie Davis. As per your request I am informing the Building Dept. that R. Boym-erConstruction has ctrangbd nunbingiConfactors from Concept Mecf,anical to Guaranteed Plumbing and Heating for The Mayer Residence at796 Pbtato Patch Dr. U, .r?6- P Sincerely, Robert Boymer R. Bovmer Constuction n7 re* TOI{N OF VAIIJ Id: ACIP1SO Kelmord: (aAqn{ User: CIIARIJIE oL/ag/OO Activity Maintenance - Inspection Proce66lng NEW (SER,P/S,DUP) PBRMI Permit No: 898-0088 Applicant: BOYUER CONSTRUqTION/COIIT Status: FINAL Addreea: 796 POIIATO pATCH DR DepT: BUII,DING D1V: InBpection Item: 00540 Description: BLDc-Final C/O fnspection ===== Timee ===== Date Inspector Actlon Notation Begin End EIpBd Bntry No 0L/18/00 @ APPR all issues colq)Iete :2O 1 Enter Option: A=Md an Entry F2=Next ltem Ps=First L2 &rtrles c=change an Entry F3=Previou6 Item Esc=Return to Item List D=Delete an entry F4=Next 12 EntrieE F o IHozODroOI F o co o F o o F co o F oo (\| o F oo F o o F $ h Fo Acr()A CC{l! l.ai8 diOA A4E '.OHIdEoo tsoo I;& Ioro qlo8 s6 E c0 o F H3Bi8 F o T 2 xlJE C.o l, aHdfloD o o t E.rk 6 !a:r FIE.:ex IU EF|HF.H{E6aaiEE\uao AFIEE EI E5a F 3'ra3 Er e rr Fl ?F H: $ E fiE E: ts TA t !o z E E Tu EE EE EE ffi E EL A E Etl aT LIE HHoIEa o )p Ed->D-r]Ea oa&at!' cE(' tEE OAAH REPTlST ' mrn ttF YArL, coLoRADo { PAGE " 3 AREA: CD' OL|O4IAOOO OBz2I REaUESTS - IIISPECTII IORK SIIEETS FORI Ll 4/2O Acttvl.ty: li9A-OO57 Lf 4/2O Type: B-ltECtl Stetuer ISSUED Conatr: IIDUP Addreeg: 796 POTATO PATCH DR Locetl.on: 796 POTATO PATCHPsrcelr 2IOL-O63-OL-OOA DeacrLptt-on! llEH IIECH FtlR DUPLEXAppllcant: GUARAIITEED P AllD HOrner: IAYER FAIIILY PARTilERHSIP Contractorr GUARAIITEED PLUIIBIIIG & HEATIIG Occ:Ueer Phone: Phoner Phone: 845-6300 Locke, Ilolde, and lloticea. . .. ACTIYITY IIOIiCE: TfENtN XCHAIIGE RMUIRED PERNIT DBL F.EE . ----_\--- _____) InapectLon Requeet fnforration. . . . . Requeator: Bob Boyrer 2 fnapectJ-on lli.atoryIten: (M2OO ItECH-Rough OglSLlX, Inepector: CD Phoner 3f),lr-9r239 Req The: OLIOO Corrente: rest sl.de Iterg requeated to be Inepected... Actl.on Corrente oo3:)O IIECH-FInaI TIre Erp llotee: IIECH ROUGH APPROYED,ITEIIS TO BE REIIISPECTED: -TEnilr[ATIOilS FOR ALL EXHAST DUCTS. (FAltS,DRYER ETC..' -FlP III UPPEN LEYEL l|OT TilSTALLED AT THIS TIIIElWl$Glgg Inepector: JRll Actionl APPR appr vent terrlnatloae llotes l reeh or darpere /flappere req . 'L2/L3199 Inapectorr JRllfter: OO24O PLIIB-Gag Pt'pLngIter: 9lor3L0 IIECH-HeatLng LZfO9f98 Inepector: GRG O3f23199 Inspector: CDllotee: IOO tPT 06102/% Inepectorr CD Actton: APPR IEST UIIIT IIIFLOOR HEATllotes: ALL UPPER FLOORS TESTED AT lOO t AIRTESTIter: OO32O IIECH-Exhaugt HoodeIter: OO33O IIEGH-SuppIy Air6116/99 Inepector: GD Actl.on: APPR COI.IBUSTIOI{ AIR DUCTSllotee: ALL DUCTS IIISPECTED AllD APPROYED IIICLUDES rB, VEIIT ETIYIR. DUCTS AIID ITTHCEX HOOD DUCTIter: OO34O IIECH-llLsc. O9l24f9A Inapectorr JRllllotee: 9Ol AIR TEST O9/Olf99 fnepector: GRGLLll2l99 Inepector: GRG LLlLSf99 fnepector: GRGLLlLZl99 Inepector: CDllotea: 5Ol al.rteat provlded Uq---;--z Actl,on: APCR EAST SIDE SEE llt)TES Actlon: APPB APPR ROUGH Of, FIREPLACES Actl.onr PA ilIRSBO SLAB IEST lOO PSIAction: APPB EAST SIDE IIIFLOOR IIEAT Actl-on: APPR ltl FLI]OR IIEAT GARACE Actlon: PA SIIOH||ELT EAST DECKS lOOtAationr PA UEST DBM OIILY' A5 PSI Astion: llF EAST DRM CATICELLED Astl.on: APPR enornelt eaet drive I I I) Iter: OO39O ItECH-FlnaI .L2l2L/99 Inepector: GRG Actlon: Dll tlof- OUfTE READY., llotee: STfLL IEEDS CAPS Oll ALL BATH & LAUIIDRY B@Otl 'VEllTSl' GoIiPLETIOI| OF FIREPLACES, CI.EAXUP & ;ISCELLAnECIUS. 1 REPT131 TOTil OF VAIL' ittoatzc,oo o'z2r REeuEsrs - rllsPEcrll HoRl! = == = = == = = =r = = = === ==== ====== ======--==2= ====--=a l, tztntgg lnaPector: ART FOR: Il 4l2O PAGE AREA: == ==z= =====- === === = ====== == === == Astion:APPR APProved IIECH-F1naI ': j'iilirr ,.:...r..,'.r- .- "". -.12-b-Y, ^ rtAY-E6-r998 11:51 . \'U'-"'. > I B\JE rar JF|'E.J r\ r vL, r F€st|da€tr{EUlut F tttcctrn ot G|rtrh DOoa'!, (ll| nff A, tr ortr.? *",- t)o -tL t3idCr drr'r or r uri:oc *rurrt loali m 0t ptwry blia ba.r*dtrg'rt rid t||lott dv4 Cdo'*t!tr?c;rt} !'pw, n€RErc€e haor-'bt tu(ry hgotf ' -t'trh' r'strtbdgt' @t b O' bt'rl of aI ranE a rtp tlrv xrtat|r Pr|lilrt ot t'c' t hc|d rt!' qlic l8lt |r, tFltl tr'lictr' crr6|tf, d€|F-ti' rf *r'dr *' f -qd F tr..r uihlb @ 'rn inrt i irt |rt|l udt' btliE (ar tr qtr. rr tGFrttJt"* lr.3rG' =E'*r1 r- tr Errgrrr r..rr[ c'-l't.5g, {tlrf trL B t!r!y rrlad o rf\rre I E d'y- HcNrgE unr Gl{4 lr€r .tul cl.ltt Y|5t r[ tht t.Erri*r cr groiocrflltlz4 lrsit.qn..i ra.tr.Go ctr.vd *tH 6 r' !t=€to- Tlt ?F.[lt laf'o Hcrtt! |trl 'nr! b hdro rrrc ril |lr t{'ti d str' fi rit b €rfbCasilf. rt EllJ d$ tu !' L6- b ' gtldt rg th'T lit ffiJAb dr( frrtr alpr of fi rit4 t t{'&n' ! Obtr bdr dDrs ar srlrdll!rqrrrdrnr' A tr!. tr Eli, u'ry tFt b. -* tdrtdr 6€ qT d tffi? tt|tt tt hrlt dr{|9itryb.Ft?4. TtL T}'. I lr{u aU ltqt ba#'o i rq faflt d dtstL' h'rtd d|r"'S' c fdtr *rrrS-fl irtr'!&'d hrt| ilu*'f,d Ood"'trTdnof r/{' tbn'fitFt|.'rotGsty|r.!|flr'ddr*vgnrtgrinw....itrnl E||rahtlraqF d bhil'lt-c'toctti"lF fl rrt*F€d- ol. r+tr cr I bfi rt I €trt'd rrtttl ltt c'il''tr1rt ot'clrr o|F'riri ! It Crfin,it OG*.tiltOi"!|tt{dltt -rfliot Vd dCtItttlrCG.Tc|ttolY' Haatftdtc?tdtlttrcflr*ll*rc||: rfr ft|t-t-tsiE'tf lr{rtf, nr-trhqdrataflt,llr d t{'' Or'il"Ltt' rtltli Ertr|.trlrt-' rl*tn rrdatrtn|hD dl'ltt{itn*ft. h €r*Cg?' \\ \i 2, $,ttE*Alt, Clrl6 ilou: lhis docr.rmeri is a poor ccpy and wil tptdtoqei mL This is ndhe fzult oidrissifice I |llilr llilt lllllll lll lllllll llltllllll llllllll llll llll efiliz6itio/1996 0!r34P 3?3 sr.l FlrhrrI oJ 2 R 11.00 O O'OO N 0.00 Ergh C0 NRY-€6-t99g l,1:51 5lE\/Er\ J>rr e.r r\rtairr ',.:.: '.":'.. . tlrarr u!dr. tndat 'nr te,|bd fo'r dtrir irlfii.| '5 t' Ta ctl"t' ll]f Tqit etttl llrd!, Ad!,it Vlt aridr ttr. rt't*'t rrtut''l qr ll ldf g'stF rxlbotc..twrD at t$t\ o,|E ra ]trtd'nt9 ler it.r*L Tht flrtitt rDdrd bEdsr rn lv..lto' r'tl{drr||rCfrttrtrr{ drdatrrF uiB ll tr sirlt rEl .rrd .t$ it trcr J,tl|ta gnt tnrfir tt it{b'dairttrdDb h nor$dFirta. h @o,t ogf "tt r *nffc o{ ra'i$o lodd tt'in' r sff tqr{ r b. h tro|!!.'fr,l| Jtrl r El|i|aD Fril(-r li-ilrrF Rttfl*ttlt r|lrq, ,-T*" - r-lich€rcl-tIrryb t4crt ttlr.C}rrrltlpT*t' Tb co6a\b.!r.€r-.r, tFfer' ryrr |f|wr rydf lr|Jr rlll tFl b' sld.-tlcrrAsida.ii...aa gtrfrrl!:rsrr CIUlthtTr| d Y.f .td ir Oti., of rfr grP{. rgr$l OFv{- r C&t*'iltthh|l -'F er irurrrrr r.rrrdncd.rjpd r*.r mr ilr4 t -trEJS tt I /; 0. rtL thrytll|. x *,,ffi;*'llll*tff'""HI8*- ?5 S. FrofltagE Foao o * a ea eg 3E Eo' =9 EE s€eg - =a \E'I - Ci-.4.-L Plvfrr* a-ra- I tillil il1il lllllll lll lillll llll llllll lll lllll llll lill alizalz O|lL0ltaat Olr3fP 3?3 Serr Flrhor 2 ol 2 R 1t.00 D 0.00 N 0'00 Eelh @ , ''ff-,*J r,. * I* ot-sg.l*g-Js c d #t"ri# fffiilnlr Tgf Ft_ P - 94 FILE fipv TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8 FAX 970-479-24s2 April 15, 1998 Steven James Riderq AIA P.O. Box 3238 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch,796 Potato Patch, Mayer residence Dear Mr. Riden: The Community Development Department has extended your Design Review Board approval of December 4, 1996, an additional year to December 4, 1998. Al[ previous conditions of approval and plans are valid and you may apply for a building permit. If you have questions, please feel free to call me at 479-2148. Dbminic F. Mauriello. Senior Planner {g *r"rrurr ro RFR-13-19S L?zn STEVEN JR1"1ES RIDEN AIA AR L 1 I | , r ltr L. \r, I 93 949 AW P.6L lu , 1 t t t I ltr L. r., POST OFFICE BOX 3238vArL, co- t165E AFlril 13,1998 TownofVail Ocgutmat of Community Dwdopmort Attn Mr- Domonic Mauridlo Rc Lot 9, Bhck I, Vail Potao PodX 796 pffi Edch, I{a5rcr Rsdrilw. Dcar Mr. Murrcillo, My clicot tvtr. Ray lvlayer would like to nqucrt 0n 6ension to tbe urunimars approved Dcsign Revicw Action of Dccembcr 4,1996. Ihis is to comply with at r€quost by Tho D€parfincnt of Comnnrnity Dwelopu etrt to proceed with pcrnittiog. Thank You inadvurce foryour coopention. R€Brrds, sr/sjr INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS' Lr Stcvrn lam6Riden AI.A . MEMBER OF AMERICAN TOTAL P.A1 oo Agcnda last rcviscd lTlJ/96 9an DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wcdnesday, Deccmbcr 4, 1996 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / NO LUNCH - Comnrunity Development Department 1:30 MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Brent Alm Mikc Arnctt SITE VISITS - MEMBERS ABSENT Ted Hingst Crcg Amsdcn 2z15 l. Mavcr - 796 Potato Patch Drivc Drivcr: Dominic PUBLIC IIEARING - TOWN COUNCII, CIIAMBERS l. Simba Run - Rcvicw of proposcd skylights I 100 N. Frontagc Roacl/SDD #5' Simba Run Applicirnt: Sirnba llun Condorninium Assoc., rcprcscntcd by Lynn Fritzlcn MO'l'lON: Brcrrt Alnr SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE: 3-0 3:00 Dorninic Tammic2. 'I'ABLIID to Decenrbcr 18, 1996 Maycr - Ncw primary/scoondary rcsidcncc 796 Potato Patch Drivc/Lot 9, Block I, Vail Potato Patch Applicant: Ray Maycr, rcprcscnted by Stcve Ridcn MOTION: Brcnt Alm SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED with one condition - roof material shall be west tile Beaver Creek blend. 3. The Vail Village Club - Changes to approved colors, windows and landscape irrigation. Dominic 298 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2,Yail Village lst Filing Applicant: The Vail Village Club, reprcsented by Glenn Heelan MOTION: Brent Alm CONSENT APPROVED SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE: 3-0 I .an ?ucopy Paul Rondeau stated that he was an engineer by trade, not by license. Gene Uselton asked statf if a building permit was required? Dirk Jvlason said a plumbing or mechanical permit was required, if the applicant was planning on heating the addition. Greg Amsden had no comments. Greg Moffet said he liked to see people coming in when they wanted additional GRFA and he stated that all the findings were complied with. John scholield made a motion for approval in accordance with the staff memo. Gene Uselton seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of S-0. 2. A request for two, 250's and a conditional use permit in order to construct a Type ll EHU,. tocated at 796 potato patch Drive/Lot g, B10c* 1, vail potato patch. Applicant: Ray Mayer, represented by Steve RidenPlanner: Tammie Williamson Tammie williamson gave an overview of the request, per the staff memo. DominicJvlauriello explained that this request was lor an EHU of 500 sq. ft. He went on to say that the 500.sq. ft. was given as a bonus to build the EHU. The applicant was not required ouse up the allowable GRFA first. Greg Moffet asked il the applicant had anything to add. The applicant had nothing to add. Greg Moffet asked for any public input. There was none. John cogswell, an adjacent property owner, stated that this was the first time he had seen theset of plans and that he was wondering about the parking. Dominic Mauriello said that there were 5 parking bays. 9reg Moffet said one ol the conditions of approval was to deed-restrict one of the parking spacesfor the EHU. John Cogswell said the neighbor to the west and the neighbor behind him had asked John toattend this meeting, as they were losing their site views.-John said that there were 3 units andhe asked about the GRFA? Greg Moffet explained that the applicant was proposing ro buitd using 180 sq. ft. tess than whatwas allowed. He said that the applicant was itsd building a lower ho"use. Gieg said the propoiaf was permitted within the code, however, he did understaid about the loss of si-te views. Planning and Environmental Comnission Minutes November 25, l996 '.\ .: 6 896APPNOTE) ]EI, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet Greg Amsden John Schofield Gene Uselton Diane Golden November 25, 1996 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: Henry Pratt Galen Aasland STAFF PRESENT: Dirk Mason Tammie Williamson Dominic Mauriello Tom Moorhead Judy Rodriguez Public Hearing The meeting was called to order by Greg Moffet at 2:00 p.m. Henry Pratt and Galen Aasland were not present. 2:00 p.m. 1 . A request for an exterior addition to add a 125 sq. ft. sun room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 930 B Fairway Drive/Lot 7, Vail Village 1Oth Filing. Applicant: Paul and Nancy RondeauPlanner: Dirk Mason Dirk Mason gave an overview of the reguest, according to the staff memo. He stated that no mitigation was being required with this proposal. Greg Molfet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Paul Rondeau had nothing to add. Greg Moffet then asked for any public input. There was none. Diane Golden asked if the area would be heated? Paul Rondeau, the applicant, said yes, possibly. John Schofield had no comments. Gene Uselton asked when the duplbx was originally built? Paul Rondeau stated that it was purchased in 1988. Gene Uselton asked the applicant if he did the work hirnself? Paul Rondeau stated that he did the work himself. Gene Uselton asked the applicant if he was an engineer? Planning and Enviroqmeotal Commission Minutes November 25. 1996 L 1 t o John Schofield said it was good for an EHU to be built. Gene Uselton agreed with John and said it was lower than allowed and was a nice residence. Greg Amsden asked if the Fire Department had looked at the plan and also if there would be any problem with the drainage? Tammie Williamson said the Fire Department had looked at the plan. Diane Golden stated that the landscaping was good and that there were more lrees then are there now. She is also thrilled to see another EHU. Steve Riden, representing the applicant, said they knew they were going to restrict some neighbor's views and so that is why they overemphasized the landscaping. Greg Moffet suggested to staff, as a salient point, to put together a staff memo in response to John Schofield's concerns about building less square lootage than allowed. Greg also reminded everyone that the applicant was sinking the garage quite a bit lower than the Code required. Gene Uselton made a motion for approval in accordance with the staff memo. John Schofield seconded the motion. Greg Amsden asked if staff will require an ILG survey after this project's loundation is poured. He wanted to make sure the height of the structure was in compliance before construction got too far along. Tammie Williamson said, yes. The motion passed unanimously by a vofe of 5-0. 3. A request to amend Section 18.22.030, Conditional Uses, of the Vail Municipal Code to add "Time-Share Estate Units, Fractional Fee Units and Time-Share License Units," as conditional uses in the Public Accommodation Zone District. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: George Ruther Greg Moffet stated for the record said this was a narrow issue and reminded everyone not to talk about the individual project, but only the issues surrounding lhe time-share use, Dominic Mauriello stated that George Ruther, the Planner for the project, was out of Town and George had asked him to give the overview. Dominic then gave an overview of the proposal, pursuant to the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Gordon Pierce, representing the applicant, said that he was in agreement with what was presented by staff. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes November 25, 1996 oO Greg Moflet asked for any public comment. Jim Lamont, representing the East Village Homeowner's Association (EVHA), said he differed with staffs interpretation of the Vail Land Use Plan's reference to a goal on page 6, S.2, saying that "we should be encouraging time-share." He felt lhe interpretation of residenlial meant a residential zone district. Jim questioned how we jumped, in a 3-year span in 1g83, from we don,t want it, lo yes we do. He said when used as a conditional use, lrom a legal standpoint, he doubted that we would be able to deal with it on a case-by-case basis. He questidned staff on the definition of fractional fee and did it apply to condominiums? Jim said th'at, on page 2, he read into it that it did include condominiums and he further stated that condominiums have been approved in the CC1, wlthout going for a conditional use. Jim Lamont stated that we permitted all three and given the definition, are we saying that condos were not allowed in any oiher zonedistrict? ls it nol saying that all condos are fractional fee units? Jim said the probl6m wilh the conditional use approach, was that it needed to be included in all zone districis. Jim asked how could you make a distinction from site-to-site reqarding time-shares or condominiums, based onthe tact of ownership. He said that ownership vias nol a means to regulate time-share. He disagreed with the wording in the conditions lhat said "shall have no adverse aflect" and stated that there had been no base-line study that gives an indication of the status of existing time-shares. He further explained lhat there was no study to be used as a basis for controi or tocompare' He felt these criteria to be very broad and questioned who was required to provide theenforcement information? He asked what was heresay vs. actual fact? He telt it to b6 wellintentioned, but "gumming the issue, rather than biting into the issue." He stated until we have assurances, the EVHA would be hesitanl to have a final position on it. Jim questioned thepotential impact on the existing condo market lor units in a similar price rang'e? He said thatunits in this area were in the $150-$250,000 price range and telt that we ne6ded to tailor this toapply specifically to the project. Jim felt that housing types in each neighborhood should bedefined in the ordinance using a menu. We could hive a discussion oi the relative percentages 91 3 til within the project. Jim felt a condilional use was a weak sister, rather than i use by---right. He stated that we needed to determine the percentage in the area. Dominic Mauriello explained that stafl did intentionally draw this broadly, so that each proposalcould be evaluated to see how each proposal implemented the criteria. He said that ii wis theapplicant's responsibility to meet the crileria upon their apptication. He staled lhat staff did notwant lo nail down criteria for just one product. He explained that staff felt the criteria should bebroad_erough to include other proposals. Dominic stateo that there were 13 criteria in order forthe PEC to.make judgements.. He did suggest tightening it up. He said staft recognizes that - there are different impacts and that there ii a distinction-between condos and timj-strarei.-- Jim Lamont asked for clarification on whether it applied to all housing types, or is the criteriasolely for time-share? Dominic Mauriello said that condominiums are a form of ownership and if you read the definirionof fractional fee, it discussed the conversion of property or condominiumsio lractional fee. Diane Golden had no comments. John Schofield asked Tom Moorhead if a private club could be construed as a fractional use? Tom Moorhead said. no. ^Jl Planning and Environmcntal Commission Minules November 25. | 996 riLE C0l*' 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departrnent of Comrnunity Development Novembcr 26, 1996 Ray Maycr 5860 Boulder Hills Drive Longmont, Colorado 80503 RE: A rcqucst for two 250's and a conditional usc pcrmit in ordcr to construct a Type Il Employcc Housing Unit (EHU), located at796 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 9, Block l. Vail Potato Patch Dcar Mr. Maycr: Thc Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). at thcir Novcmbcr 25,1996 mccting, approvcd your requcst for two 250's and a conditional usc pcrmit in ordcr to construct a Typc I I EHU at thc abovc rcfcrcnccd propcrty. 1'hc approval carricd with it thc following condition: L That thc onc-car garagc bc appropriatcly dccd-rcstrictcd for cxclusivc usc by thc occupant of thc EHU. I fleasc bc aware that the Gcologic Hazard Rcport on this propcrty must be complctc prior to thc u/Design Rcvicw Mceting on Decembcr 4,1996. I have encloscd a copy of a decd rcstriction for a Type II EHU for your rcvicw. If you have any questions, please call me dircctly at 479-2142. Sinccrcly, qU#lt,olr"*a',- Tammie H. Williamson Town Planncr Enclosure THWijr {g run"ttorutr FILE COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development November 25, 1996 A request for two, 250's and a conditional use permit in order to construct a Type ll EHU, located at 796 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 9, Block 1, vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Ray Mayer, represented by Steve Riden Planner: Tammie Williamson I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST GRFA In 1985, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance 4, Series ol 1985, which created Chapter (18.71) of the Vail Municipal code, entitled "Additional Gross Residential Floor Area." This bnapt6r alows for up to i50 square feet of additional Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to be aOO6d to a dwelling iOeyonO the maximum allowance), provided certain criteria are mel The purpose ol the AdJitionfu ORfR Ordinance is to provide an inducement lor the upgrading of bxisting dwelling units and also for the provision of employee housing units According to Section 18.57.050 (B)(5) (Type ll Employee Housing Unit, General Conditions)' "An applicant shall be permitted to apply to the Community Development Department of. the T6wn for additionai GRFA, not to eiceed live hundred (500) square leet to be used in the construction of the EHU." With this proposal, the applicant is requesting to use all 500 sq. ft. of the two 250 allowances, in the const;uciion of a fypd tt Employee Housing Unit at 796 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. In t-his proposal, the applicant wishes to construct a 504 sq. ft., Type_ll Employee Housing Unit, between the proposed primary and secondary dwelling_units' The applicint's propos-eO floor plans and building elevations, illustrating the Type ll Employee Housing Unit, have been attached for reference. This is an undeveloped lot. TYPE IIEHU Additionally, the applicant, Ray Mayer, is requesting approval to construct a Type ll EHU to be attached to a primary/secondary residence. f n September and December of 1 992, the Town Council passed Ordinances 9 and 27 , Series of 1992, to create a new Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing, for the addition ol Employee Housing Units (EHUs) as permitted or conditional uses within certain zone districts within the Town of Vail. The definition in that ordinance stales: f :\everyone\pec\memos\mayer. n25 Section 18.04.105 (in Part) "Employee Holrsi"ti Uhit tbrfUt shall mean a dwelling unit which shall not be leased or rented for any peridO lessthan'thirty (30) consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are trffiite e.pfoyee! bt Eagle County. EHUs shall be allowed in certain zone districts at t"t iottn in bndpter t A otinis Code' Development standards for EHUs shal be as proviOJd in dnapter iA.sz - Employee Housing.. For the.purposes ol this Section, a tirtt-time employde shall mean a person who works a minimum of an average of thirty (30) hours Per week'" Pursuant to Section 18.57.050(8) of the Vail Municipal Code, in part, jt Typ-e ll Employee Housing Unit shall be a conditionaf uie in ine Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District; be permitted on lots which meet the minimum lot Size requirement; be attached to, or located within, a single- tamify Oweffing or two-family dwelling; not hive more than two bedrooms; shall have one parking spac6 perOeOioom, with a'e00 squire loot garage credit available to help meet the enclosed parking space requirement. The Type ll EHU proposed by the applicant will be a 504 square foot, one-bedroom unit, between thepririiary unit td tfrb west and the'secondary unit to the east. The applicant has proposed an enclosed one-car garage for the EHU II. ZONING ANALYSIS Legal Address: 796 Potato Palch Drive/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Lot Size: Zoning: 28,575 sq. ft. / 0.656 acres Primary/Secondary Residential Use: Primary/secondary dwelling units with a Type ll Employee Housing Unil GRFA: Allowed 5,957 sq. ft. GRFA with two (250's): 6,457 sq. ft. Site Coverage: Setbacks: front: sides: teat'. Landscaping: Parking: 5,715 sq. ft. 20' 1E' 1(' 15' 17,145 sq. ft. minimum Reouired 6.5 spaces (one enclosed) Prooosed 6,274 sq. ft. 6,274 sq. ft. 4,295 sq. ft. ZJ 18" 15' 80' 17,557 sq. ft. Proposed 7 spaces (5 enclosed) III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR ADD]TIONAL GRFA Upon review of Chapter 18.71 (Addirional GRFA) and Chapter 18.57 (Employee Housing), the. Community Development Department recommends approval of this request for 500 additional square feei of GRFA to be utilized in the construction of the Type ll Employee Housing Unit based upon the following factors: f :\everyone\pec\memos\mayer.n25 A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Commission-shall coridider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: structures. In the staff's opinion, the 500 additional sq. tt. ol GRFA being incorporated into the Type ll Employee Housing Unit, will have no negative effects upon the existirii topogriphy, vegetation, drainage or olher existing structures in the area. dnanges io itre eiisting topography, proposed by the applicant' will result in regiading that complies with the Town's 2:1 maximum slope. It is staff's opinion that the proposed new primaryisecondaryresidence with a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, including the 500 sq' ft. of additionli GBFA,'wili conform architecturally with the other existing structures in the Potato Patch neighborhood. lmpact on adiacent ProDerties. In the staff's opinion, the proposed new primary/secondary residenc_e with the Type ll Employee Housing Unit and the 500 sq. lt. of additional GRFA will n6l have any negative impacts on adiacent properties. The applicant is proposing ad6quate parking, per the Municipal Code, to accommodate veiricies paiXing dn the site. lne SOO sq. ft. of additional GRFA will result in a minimal inclease in bulk and mass of the structure. Staff believes' however, that this minimal increase in bulk and mass will not be readily noticeable from adjacent properties. 1. 2. 3. development standards. section 18.71.020 (F) of the Town ol Vail Municipal code, requires that: "Any dwelling unit that proposes to use additional GRFA shall comply with the standards outlined in the Town of Vail Design Guidelines (18.54). These standards include landscaping' undergrounding ol utilities, driveway paving and general maintenance and upkeep of the property." The site plan does show compliance with landscaping, undergrounding utilities, driveway paving and general rnaintenance and upkeep of the property. B" Findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting approval for Additional GRFA: 1. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively effect existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively impact adjacent properties. f leveryone\pec\memos\m ayer. n25 lv, 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would comply with all Town zon-ing req-uirements'and applicable development stiandards' A. Consideration of Factors: Belore acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commissiori(PEC) shall consider the factors with respect to the proposed use: Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval ot the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town. When the Town Council adopted the Town of Vail Affordable Housing Study on November 20, 1990, it recognized the need to increase the suppiy ot housing. The Town encourages EHUs as a means of providing qu'aiity tiuing con-ditions and expanding the supply of emp_Loyee h.ousing for 6oth year-round and seasonal residents. The proposed EHU will have a positive impact on the Town's housing needs, by providing housing for employees. 2. The effect of the use on light and ail, distribution of population' transportation facilities, utilities, schoots' parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. staff believes that there will be little impact from the proposed Type ll EHU on light, air, population, transportation, utilities, schools or parks. 3. Eftect upon traftic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traflic flow and control' access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The site is currently undeveloped. The proposed development is compatible with the existing development in the neighborhood, therefore, little impact will be associated with this ploposal. 4. Effect upon the charactel of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The scale and bulk of the proposed structure is very similar to those in existence in the surrounding neighborhood. GRFA for the project will not exceed the maximum allowed per the code. 5. Employee Housing Units may be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as specified by Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code for Ordinance No. 27, Series of 1992, Employee Housing and shall be subject to the following conditions: f :\everyone\pec\memos\mayer. n25 a. b. It shall be a conditional use in the Single-Family Residential' Two-Family Residential and Primary/Secondary Residential zone districts. The subject property is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential' It shall be permitted only on lots which comply with the minimum lot size requirements of the zone district in which the lot is located. The minimum lot size for a Type ll EHU in the Two-Family Residential zone district is 15,000 square feet of buildable site area. The applicant's property has 28,575 square feet of buildable site area. It shall be located within, or attached to, a single'family dwelling or be located within, or attached to' a two'family dwelling pursuant to Section 1S.54-050(1)' Ilesign Guidelines Duplexind Primary/Secondary Development' lt may also be located in, or attached to, an existing garage provaded the garage is not located within any setback, and further provided tnat no existing parking required by the Town ot Vail Municipal Gode is reduced or eliminated. The proposed Type ll EHU will be attached to a primary/secondary development. It shall not be counted as a dwelling unit for the purposes of calculating density. However, it shall contain kitchen facilities and a bathroom, as defined in chapter 18.04 - Definitions ol the Municipal Gode. lt shall be permitted to be a third dwelling unit in addition to the two dwelling units which may already exist on the lot. Only one Type ll EHU shall be allowed per lot. The proposed EHU will contain a full kitchen and full bathroom laciliiies and for all intent and purposes, will lunction as a third unit. It shall have a GRFA ol not less than three hundred (3fl)) square feet, nor more than nine hundred (900) square feet. An applicant, however, shall be permitted to apply to the Gommunity Development Department ol the Town of vail for additional GRFA not to exceed tive hundred (500) square leet to be used in the construction ol the EHU. The proposed EHU is 504 square feet in size, and the excess (4 feet) GRFA has been calculated in the overall GRFA allowance. It shall have no more than two bedrooms. The proposed EHU is a one-bedroom unit and therefore complies with this criteria. c. d. A f leveryone\pec\me mos\may€r. n25 o s. h. No more than two (2) adults and one (1) child not older than sixteen (16) years of age shall reside in a one (1) bedroom Type ll EHU.- No more than $ro (2) adults and two (2) children noi older than sixteen ('l6) years of age shall reside in a two (2) bedroom Type ll EHU. Since this unit will function as a one (1) bedroom, Type ll EHU' the first part of the above listed regulation will be in compliance' Each Type ll EHU shall be required to have no less than one (1) parkinj space tor each bedroom located therein. However' if a one (1) bedroom Type ll EHU exceeds six hundred (600) square teet, it shall have two (2) parking spaces- All parking spaoes required by this Code shall be located on the same lot or site as ine gn0. ff no dwelling exists upon the property which is proposed for a Type ll EHU at the time a building permit is issued, or if an existing dwelling is to be demolished and replaced by a new dwelling, not less than one (1) of the parking spaces required by this paragraph shall be enclosed' A 300 square teei enfa credit shall be allowed for the construction of one enclosed parking space for the Type ll EHU. The proposed EHU will be anached to an existing primiryisecondary structure. The proposed developmentle.quires b.S paixing spaces, one of which is enclosed and for the EHU' The'development has 7 parking spaces, therefore the parking requirements are met on this site. B.Findings The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following lindings before granting a conditional use permit for an Employee Housing Unit: That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of this Ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location ol the use and the conditions under which it would be'operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or wellare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code. 1. 2. 3. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of the applicant's request for Additional GRFA subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively effect existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. f :\everyone\pec\memos\mayer. n25 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively impact adiacent ProPerties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would comply with all Town zoning reluirem-ents and applicable development standards' The community Development Department staff recommends approval of the applicant's request for a conditional use permit for an Employee Housing Unit subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of this ordinanc'e aho tne purposes of the district in which the site is located. Z. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or inaintained would not be detrimental to the public health' safety' or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Title 18 of the Vail Municipal code. The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of the applicant'srequest to utilize 500 s{uare teet ot aOOit6nal GRFA, in accordance with Chapters 1 8.57 and 18.71 ' to allow for the construction of a new Type ll Employee Housing Unit and the reque-st for q . . . .. conditional use permit to construct a'iype ll EHU at 796 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 9, Block 1' Vail potato Patch. Staff believes that the r6View criteria have been met as discussed in the memorandum. Staff believes that all the findings are met, and will result in the complete compliance of the site with the Town Zoning requiremenls and applicable development standards. Staff recommends approval of the applicant's request with the following condition: 1. That the one-car garage be appropriately deed restricted for exclusive use by the occupant of the EHU. -ar _ r-*# Iri iII I aI {I a ai q q o I '|lrl vlr l{Fort xlrz EF z rg c =='3-E---r-=- =_- _.]D__ ---.-- _ -f,==-:- -.\J.--.-=- ---- \\-,_-__-::-\-l.-..- -.t\--f,-] v, U rl rl fl 1l 'fitl!ili riifiitfl THE XAYEI' f,T,sIDENCE 101 9. llocr r. rotaro r^rctlvltL. col'ollDo W '--"- LalltltllrID |'i -J>--__]- l-----]------ .--=- \ -'nE- ---.8il- =- *""-*t ==t5= -- -l --- at {It I i ffiHHtr I:t I i;il i Iirti!r ir Iirl.iii i EI rl l r' ...rirrr l3 iH ii liiiiifiri ,rarr,lr,, r!il$il| q o I iiiiliiiii I iiirllill! . iiiiiiiiiilts ! q a F: a iI I I II I I I tiilifilillltfilitiiifi ;li ti !la; :F.z-tr ,'o:E FI 5z Iiii nt!!I iit! !!r rltrtl.ir. r ! t...... F r{ rl il ,iiiiilii riftlifiifl THE IIAYX,I. RESIDENCE LOr 9. aLOOt t. totAto tatcE YAIL. OOLOI,ADO *'!* e.oa,I @ iFro.{ iF E llF F 8I E z }J tl n F F 'iif;iliiliilif,lil THE XAYER LESIDENCD tot L ttooS r, totato tatclrvAtl. oo!olADo oo iF =ztrFI ItF ilF I rt E l\st THE XAYEf, RESIDENCE LOr 9. TLOOI l. tOtAtO IATOIIY.ftL, OOt OIADO E---E-ar- oo /I\ \r icl.l ',.F ip FI FtF rt 5 ? rtF z I li t ,iiiiiiii rfttiiiiH TIIE IIAYEN. RESIDENCE LOt t. ttoor r, tor^to t^rot vAtL. oolollDo ig :T {.d F! E 9 fill THE IIAYE& f,ESIDENCElot 9. lLocr t. roTato ratcHvatL. oototaDo'iifr!!i iF.3 tIF FI rl oz jjjj tkt I jjjjjiffjj I I ,717 'jjjiffjjjjjj oo itillltil|ltiilil lllllliill /r--'1fl.x ,rA\_.,\-__/ c THE XAYE& &BEIDINCE LOI 9. ILOCI t. tOtAtO tAtOE YA!L. OOI.OTADO lilla,fStEaaa/- oo s: .ztr-FI FIF o e :U '( U, Frt t.) It E ,iiiiii!i liifiiiEf, THE IAYEX, N.ESIDENCE lol 9. ll,oor t. rot^to r^torlvatt.. oot'orlDo oo ig.F ;F !t tcF o E HU}( v, t3 lr tl ti h tifiiiii Iii!ilit THE UAYEI. TETIDENCE LOr t. ILOO! I, tOrAtO TATCEvltl.. ooLolADo Is::$oii!*lfir4:f$ - n--rrEt-ltE DATE: Single Family ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, DuPIex, ZONE DISTRICTS Primary,/ SecondarY PTION: LOL Block Subdivision Pcmrt, ?nc H v PltoNE 'y) PIIONE I.,EGAI, DE ADDRESS: OWNER NRCI.IITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE HeighE 3+rtD | ?t(t 7 .,7 %& 2-M3 FronL S ides Rear ro.ar .RFA 5l c'?+8>"7'=5157 ?loTX 6o'),P t imary GRFA r l tt+ xloJjlcondarY GRFn -- i=fl(f seLbacks 425 425 =491 :24r-fu 5OA' 1451 20' 15't5' lrf neqrd (300) (600) (900) (12 f&( ove'rwrvY1 e: ctt-ci!' U +' 5 Encl /4?L L,ighLing Ordinance (30) (50) 2:L (50%) NO NO 1'l 2) 1\ > 30%) a) snow Aval+TIgFe ND b) Rockfall H\ c) Debris Flow - t4o wetlands 11?4) Yes ><No /;-tLOT SIZE . Uc-)L? ^ * NgA lcclg"k Y efr+ t.. ..rrt 'V(c-(\ V vicw Corridor EncroachmenE: h--- r-l-: -tJtJI= D LIII D I{ow muctr Previous Xoor*&lr-d1er d$On\n fr()n e c.,f PfofLrtt - t doF hccc xtrrs oP obo*':€- Allowed (30) (33) BUILDABLE Exi s b.inq si be cove tuq"ZDo/o Landscapi ns i'I1i t1 (dCro I c, ReLaining WalI lleighLs narking caragc Crcdil: Drive: Complies with T.o.v. /ro""t coursc set-bac)( Do Finish Grades Dxceed {=l Envi ronmen Lal /ltazards : requesL invuivc a Z5O riciciiLiorr? YC2-: - -^-.rof Lhe allowecl 250 Addition is useFwiLh Lhis rcquesL? condiLions of approval (check properby file): LOT AREA Proposed Total Permitl-ed slope % Proposed slope iO z Yes YES Flood Plain PercenL slope (< Geologic tlazards 10 DEC-85-1996 1A:39 i. STEUEN JAHES RIDEN RIA RR 3A3 949 A3A4 P.A? r0A0 nurd l5a Clrn*+od SPrtogr CO $tof Slx tto ta!t'rt{ Phlnr 9?0 9lFll6i Job No, t96 f05 Ilurwonrx' PewLA r GEortl( :l tNlcAt t INc' Doccntbcr 4,l99fr- Stcvu Jrncs RiCsi' lfa P.O. Box 3236 Vdl. Colurado sJfJr Subicct: Grotryie l{eid Rtview for Prqoscd Mryct Rffiiderrcc' lpt 9' Bloch I' - Pctdto Fdtcb, Vail, Colorado' Dcar Mr. Rid'en: AsrequesterJ,wtnevcmarlelt?ologlc.hEafd'revicwofthclot.Thcprrfrorcoftbr rcviaw waB to cvrlultt rntcltffi*ttgf hrzerd.iurpacu-g ry P*.?S coostrucdm' A rwoilleissence of *p ioiwls fraOein Dcccnbcr 3, 1996. Ilr edrjition, publinhctl ;giligcol"gi" bazrrdr snrdks of thc arer urcts rcvi:wcrl' Itopoccd Cmstructlon: Two living unis !ru by side rrc proposcrt on thE lot' Thc sie pJnn tbr thc proicrr -t""r rlc niiHbs h rryiowu, souttrru put of the lot. '[tF ilifirh ;f ,t-U,iirfAi"g *ea will havc i *rrptcC bo'ldcr ryrll to l€ttiu thc ".rt fof thc building prd. Ttris ,y*"",f1;;;*" ir ill1'' t0 cristing rcsidensss to eitltcr side uf G-r"t, iil uphil dt of thc lot will nmbc di*urbcd' StteCondtttons:Irrrgharesrcetaddrcsrof?g6FotrtoPltchDrivc.flrelotis loertert on rlre uFhill, nonh sidc of tbe shcet on e colluvisl xril rieposir' Thc stopc is usrrerally rnodcrrta itt uo-t"ifOitf arra-ond s1*t stc€P iil thc uPPGr prrt of thc lot' Ssvcrnl hurrdrtd n", f*,r"t "p-ril it Uuo't lrrgc' r prominmt.sandstonc cliff' Numcmus boulrten .tt'pi"fi "n'il-lilp cottuv'iat det'osit rclatinc$ :tT* *t the ctift in Nrtioral fn or prdrti.-tf*.t to the lot arr snau -torlders about I to 2 fcct iu rize. Tbc lor rppcars,oE n " ofbouldcrs at thc rround surfacc alth.ugh6 t(r E inchcs of snow sovered n* ri.,G a;;;i*t sia "i"i; vqeel*lon1lthe-lot i$ mrtstly sEall b,rugtt lrs grass *il &J ,rd dying rspcn trccs in tbc upger Part of thD ld. (hobEicllrrefde:(JurrgviewofthefrcldcondilionqarrdrcgionalhnzrrdsltudiEr tnd;.* that tbs lot is erposcd to gtilential rccldhll' The cliff along fte uppcr vrlley side to tln no1! of rhc lot is thc potcntirl uourcc arca ftrr rockfrlt. rH ro$lt b;ii."-trro* rhc clifl ere probnblv.the u:uit,of Ptst rqstf.il_ TtF hitdiog;;;;pp.o 15 bin5. in r high scvmity rockfsll harlrd zcrl)c ($chm,cscr ug as*i;;i igSai. U*cd onitt" itrt{ucnt anl small siz'e oFllrc mcks i",Fnrli,iiii rrca, the racttalt ecvcrity is probrbly moderetc' Cmclurionr: The proporcd btdbinS gitc rppslli lo lic h tbr lowcr nrnilt zor of potcnri&r rockfrll. 'rbc vrorroscn *trqrcrylPo"*."qiry lo *^{i:** ProPcily dcrcrqrrrnu "oo smrrir-nit incren$ rrre cxistini georogic h'rzards to adiaccnt propcni$, includiug t-"*f*"Vit"A urility crsEilnlc' TEe 6runthl tocltall corrltl caucc TOTAL P.A2 DEC-85-1995 1A:38 STEUEN JRMES RIDEN RIR RR 3A3 949 A3A4 P.AL RNjFEREI\ICE l9ft4, Rod{all $ndy - l'rmn a[Yuil: I'rcprcd tbr tbe l'own Stcvcn Juncs Riden. AIA DsEGrubGr 4, 1996 Pagc 2 drnrgc tu tln buitdings proposcd on thc tor. Mitfation mcthotls, rr*h as a cephing drm, crblc fcmc or uphill tnilling wlll rcinforccmcrrt, rmy bc posible to 11{uct dF p,orcntial impast, ffmitigrfun is dssktd, we shotrld be so1rrctfil for addiriortd analysis. If tbre arc qucrtioo, pleesc cell' Rrsptntfrrlly submittcd, HEIryCIRTII PAWU\K $tewn L. Rcv. By: SLPlrq !t*$, Pawkh, P.D. RGM Siehmrreser ard Assmiates, of Vail, ffi-"ffi 18222 !: ffifi.$i TOIYN OFVAIL ,t/-g t' '/e 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 e70-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Conuunity Dcveloprnent COMM UN tTY D IIVELOPM IINT FAX TRANSM I'[TAI, SHDEII COMPANY NANIE: 4-.,SENIBY: f r N:LLJI*MSoN TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX#: .f/70) 419-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #: (.970\ 419-2138 FAX'tELDPI IONE NUiVI BER: -1 t/rnov: 1 , Wt ut nnsonJ DArE: ll'914 b # oF pAcES rN DOCUMENT(S) (NO'f lNCLUDINC COVEI{ Sl-IEET) RESPONSE I{EQUII{ED? SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: I -)---'- (t tp r'""uo'u'r '' ,?\ | i-l t.. t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e par t ne nt of C o n nunity Deve lopn e nt COMI\,I UNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEEI TO: COMPANY NAlvlE: FAX TDLEPIIONE NUMBER: FROM: DATE:TIME: # oF pAcES tN DOCUMENT(S) (NOT INCLUD|NC COVER St_tEET) RESPONSE REQUIRED? SEN'I'BY: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX#:@ TowN oF VAIL coMMUNtry DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #: ' (970) 479-2l38 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: {p "'"nuo'uo MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Riden I FROM: Tammie Williamson, Town Pleurrre(Tfu DATE: November 2f , 1996 RE: 796 Potato Patch This is just information. The staffwill require that the geologic }:razard report be compleie by the time of the December 4, DRB meeting. I just wanted to be sure you had this information, as soon as possible. The request for conditional use permit is going before the PEC on Novernbet 26' TOTW OF VAIL :, 4D /r-t /-Eo 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 e70-479-2 I 3 8/479_2 t 39 I?AX 970-479-2452 Departtnenl of Corttrtuutity Developnre rtr COVIjI{ UNITY DE\t L Opr\{ENT FAX TRANSIVIITTAL S TTE ET rot STWE R IDEV COMPANYNAME: FAX TELEPI.IONtr NUMBER: <1 .t FROMT DArEt ll - /4- qb rrvr: // !&*n4 ii OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT(S) (NOT INCLUDING COVER SI.IEET) Z RESP ONSE REQTIIRED?__dQ- SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL COMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT FAX#:@ TOWN OF VA]L COMMUNIT* DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #: (970) 479-2138 SPiCIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: SrEwt r N*^wD T rvtLktr svKE 7t1*r /or AKo lN PoSsEssroru Ap fu+ Dep/t?T4b/74L cutvttlnN'\; Ato ft+e Neut sl4Nwu Vl#f io( Nrct- 6E A0Lff/tvc l:'E\€RYCIiAUOR\B'!.L'(f R\t {g r'"'""oou", UI'I{ OF INIL , Sotttlr l:rontagc Road til, Colorado 81657 '0-479-2I38/479-2t 39 tx 970-479-2452 Dcparnnent of Conrnwity Developtnenr COM]\I UNITY DIIVIiLOPil{ENT IIAX TIIANSI\{ITTAI, SI.tEEl' TO; COMPANYNAM[: )IAX'I'E I,TI I'I,TONI] N I.JII{ BE II : ];JTOM: l)A1'U:TIN,II]: /I OF I'AGES IN DOCUMENT(S) (NOl'INCLIJDING COVERSI.IEET)- )TDSPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITDEVELOPMENTFAX#: (970) 470-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMIJNITTi DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #: (970) 479.2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: {p r'"'"uoou,* o Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Community Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works trffi f'artin"e7f Pdblt'iLrltorks Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Ntikelr4cQee;Fird Retum To:Tammie Williamson, Community Devclopment Date Routcd:10/30t96 Retum By:11n3/96 Project Name:The Maycr Residencc Projcct Addrcss:796 Potato Patch Drive Project Legal:Lot 9. Block l, Vail Potato Patch Project Dcscription: Nced Comrncnts by I l-13-96 -.---.?-.-----i_-.' llruchJre(s) (eq uised +o be ^lrlf\qorhD\etrt\./ 5orlnK\erea wr{@ {vn I *lntn',-' sVsy'n^,fur 'uF(,/n zD3- 'Jurninq fuJfo5 do nof- +/au Acress e.'fu t,.//-;tror4r' y'rerq- ?641- -- I t'otL..-W ned ilrn**v >/^J*'d) Datc rcccived: ,tr nl Rcvicwcd by: /+iOYO{0 DrlvewaY Standard Slnglc-fanrily, Two-fanrlly, -Srimary/Scconda dwclling units (including FillUs) -structurcs and all portions thcrcofwithin 150' from edgc ofstrce{ Pavement Multiplc Fanrily -acccss lo 4 to | | dwelling rrniLs - lcerlcr road onlY llt ultlplc Fsmlly -acccss to more than | | dwelling units - fc,,'dcr road onlY Back-out/l urn around trel I l' wide 20' ce rerline radius Dcaigncd for 3 Point turn or less Back-out into right-of-way prohibitcd Turn Eround arca: 2()'certerline rcdius Designed for 3 Point turn or less Illck-out into riSht-of-woy prohibitcd 'Iurn around aroa: 20'ce terline rddiur Designed for 3 Point turn or less Drlvewry l'rll (Dr!lnrge) 4' n'ide concrele pon al edge of osPhoh lor thelull width drivewoy Pavenettl 4'wide concrete Pon ot edge of asphaltlor tlrc full width drive$'qY poventetlt 8' vide concrete Pan ot edge of ospholt ht thelull width drirewoy pavemehl Nonconfornrlng sitcs. Nonconforming sitc.s and sitc improvclncnts lawfully established prior to the effectivc date ofadoption ofthcsc standards may conrinuc, subjc;t to thc lirnitations prcscribcd by Chaptcr 18.64 ofthc Zoning Code. Thc paving ofcxiSing lcgal nonconlbnning (unpavcd) dr.ivcways shall bc ailorvcd without compliancc with thcse stanclards. llowevcr, a rcasonablc attempt shall be madc to adhcrc as closcly.r.r possiblc to thcsc standards whcn paving cxisting driveways. Dsrno/rcbuilds, as defincd by thc Zoning Codc, shall bc rcquircd to adhcrc to thcsc standards. Surfaclng. All parking arcas shall bc an improvcd pavcd surfacc. Sttow storflge. /ll rcquirei pnt.king utrd access ureus sht l be tle;signed kt acconmtoclule on-sile snorl sloragc (i.c., lli'ilhin futundaries of Iot ttnd ntt withirt the t:ighrof-way). tl mirintunt functiornl rca equulitry 2 5o/'o of lhe pavetl area shull he provided co'tliguous to lhe paved area and desigttetl kt acconnrodate snow storage. Turfareas and olher area's r+ilhout trees may he utilized for this purpose. If driveways are lteated, tlrcn tlrc ntirtinunt snow storuge area nny be reduced to 109i, ofthe required parking and access areas. reqbired isf dtiv,:ewra'are'fldjf c0iritdj$!0jtps;,s9Ai{f tb'an ?i;I.. ao Community Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works fuftbrffiFoils Todd Oppenheimer, Public WorksrflF;ffiidr.$ir I Retum To:Tammic Williamson, Community Development Date Routed:10t30/96 Retum By:tt/13/96 Project Nane:The Maver Residence Project Address:796 Potato Patch Drive Project Legal:Lot 9. Block l. Vail Potato Patch Project Description:Single family residence with a caretakers unit ifluD 0ct si t$9r ,/Approved \ Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Need Comments by l1-13-96 Oo \!9\1d!e Utr$e repqr? \f thFrF.. GU r\uh) {"-1'Cmerrt rn Hre l^rmfoF tr:r. tAY7. vw seeA o.4rpon cr\ tte. boHqncx tlzdn'ue (cqrade olflcrtl st$c\\u (rbooe cuttr,rt E]14 Sifcil f fot,rl I lraq t\6eua1utc^{ fr9,,rn ;fW6phcttU I^,4u$ cr\o(f! dt (l!\\Nm\rnay L-'lo. Anqtec.;tu(rt Lc Vltp Csltc(4 (rntrrr)o€ tnelltgh 0l leA:t 4' qe nc<dqecr^ tvw Osd-](rlt. lncrucJenorrr ko creqiea1la,[ir 5r],ql€ (xoc!€ +he curusF on6 6sqrod€ \f\o 6yvcd( o[ n-2 rcud Lo Zl al Z[o {r* ^" " tr* ir(ffi)^e" ; e.\orrtirc^p donk sr.Kek rhe arr.:kicrqor parpcr.al-c*de-Gaer J- At\.4qo.,r(co/- rD6\r, ooof {'r.rhc1c,rnf rr<al to!lg. &',tclt,e.dfttompai bi c.rc\\"Y@:6<^iw,/' Tr^,r,LoC1\., mo.,f b4 yy,1aa jra,*n p6 W gl ar'Yled detci\ Trv e.crsP rrl, r 2 oso'.!',rn\f, ner.d to be abtc tt> ltyn aroqd dn l|^E crcaa-t-l - (leoL< q 6r, 1 6rrcrnd revroN€d ct.Novecnbs'. t+\a pgr.r6JE! <). oc-\c\](<- \qq\o rgrxoecl ob.r{D{trn€f \64\0 T a Ybm'w't Date received: Reviewed by:Date reviewed: ton) - Co a mm unity Development Plan Routing Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terfi Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Miko McGee, Fire Return To:Tammie Williamson, Community Devclopment Date Routed:r0/30196 Return Bv:1t/13t96 Project Name:The Mayer Residence Project Address:796 Potato Patch Drive Project Legal:Lot 9. Block l. Vail Potato Patch Project Description:Single family residence with a caretakers unit Need Comments by I l-13-96 {y-ucLur<(5) feo uire tb< C-o nK[ er e vJl wAore sV5tarn UF, -/urnpq fi.Jt,l 5 do /rot */aul ,4cLi"Ss a/7 L7'7LL/ t t,*{^- a Datereviewed: //'t'74Reviewed bv: TOTYN OFYAIL rg5D ,t/ tz/q tp 75 Soutlr Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8;.657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D ep a rune nt of Cot n nuuity D eve lop n e nt COMM UNIry DE\{IiLOPMENT FAX TRANS]\,IIT"TAL SITEET TowN oF VAIL coMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT FAX #: (970) 479-2af TOWN OF VAIL COTVMUNIfi'DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #: (970) 479-2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: TmNs eor'tll,cl thE tF Yov HnVn /NV Qur.' ,o,'.,.. ro: -flZVL R lDani COMPANYNAME: FAXTELDPHONE NU|,/lrjNN, q4? - OZ4 ....-nxOr/l: f, Nttt-r4r4SoN nlrr, ll//3f?tp rlvln, 8:4o4,,t4 Ii OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT(S) CNOTINCLIJDING COVERS}IEET)z_ RESPONSE REQTI]RED? SENT BY: a,L'RECTCLED PA.PER 'o OilT,{ OF WIL Soutlt l;rontagc Road ril, Colorado 81657 '0-479-2 t 38/479-2t 39 tx 970-479-2452 Dcpartnc nt ol C ot t t ut ur i ty Dcve lop lt,cnt CO ivnl UNITY Dli\fli L OPr\{ E NT FAX'TRANSIUITTAI, S}rEET TO: COMPANYNAMI]: IIN X'I'DI.,DI'IIONIl N [JI\{BIi IT: Irt{oM: l)A1'U:TIIvIE: ti oF Pn c[s IN DocUMENT(s) (Nor INCLUDING covtrR SHEET)- IIESPONSD REQUTRED? SENT RY: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX #: (ozo) azg-Z+SZ TOWN OF VAIL COMMTJNITf DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #: (970) 47O.2I38 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: {g rr"nrrorur^ 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Community Development November 13. f996 Steven J. Riden P. O. Box 3238 Vail, Co.81658 Re: The Mayer Residence The staff has reviewed the plans submitted on October 28' 1996 for the Mayer residence. The following is a list of comments generated by the public works and the planning department. The contact for the public works department is Terri Martinez, 479-2169. The comments for public works are as follows: l) Please submit a title report;2l Please provide a 4 foot pan at the bottom of the drive. Regrade a small swale above the culvert to keep street flow and pan flow away from the asphalt; 3) Install culvert at a minimum of 2o/o, and angle culvert to keep center (invert) of the ditch at least 4 feet off of the edge of the asphalt. Include a note to create a smallswale above the culvert and regrade the shoulder of the road to 2 ft at 2o/o: 4) The plan indicates a few areas where the wall elevations do not meet the edsting or proposed grade: 5) All rock walls over 4 feet in height need to be designed and stamped by a registered engineer; 6) The walls must then be drawn per the stamped detail; and 7l The east and west units need to be able to turn around on the property' therefore creation of a turnaround is requested. The planning department has the following comments: l) The subject property appears to be in a high severitSr rockfall hazard area. Please submit a site specific geologist report to determine the hazard level for the property and proposed mitigation if necessary and; 2l There is a roof overhang that exceeds 4 feet, on the north corner of the west unit. tp u"ouo'*'* The fire department is requiring that the properfy be sprinklered as per the ffre safety regulations. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2142 if you have any questions regarding this project. Sincerely, /') ,l I Ade'; lJ NLlfua'"41'- Tammie H. Williamson Dlll(ic n'!YIET' rollD IDPLTCAfIOI fotlr or Ttr,. col,cLlDo DAA! RECEIT'ED: DATE OF Dl! HErrll{g I ttaraloara .aaalttatlt A.DESCRITTION: rY9E 0F LlvlEl{: / ttes Conrtructi,oo (tZoo ' 00l_Ia,aat eron 1$50 . 00 | uinor Altaratton tf20.00) -Co"".p r,t"l Beviaw ( 30) c. r. t- It. ,x zoNtl,!6 r N^rt8 0f $ail lng AP'LICATT: Addrel3 t 18 paid. Ne}tE oF ol{Nrn(s), (AY MAYEe : Attltctrrollrs r'tt L tpr tE 'nocEss'E *tt',oot omtEx 19 trqvatuRl GcAaloGlnluln Approwtl it .DDlrc$le ' DBE FEEr DRB feca, at thortt) above ' !'r! Lo be-Dald et Lhe iiio' ii' ."i-,i c rar or . th;-;;E rlllill l"?;.".lli'i; "l*:*,=,applYtog lor a bullaling ve:uaEion ot t'lle proPor.i ' --irt! iot.rn of vai:.will t'lJusE ghe lcc rcco(tlioq to uto t.iii rlii"'-tJ iosure the c6lrrci fee !xf-.9FlcDt&l^ vAluh?roal0 o'l 10'000 iii.0nr -J 5u.uuu 150'00r'f 130.ooo i130.001 t 500.000 s500.001 .11,000.000 I ovca f1. 000 ' 000 D!!I6r rsltrril lorrD l??tolrr! Er!$4iiiiovrr ucrea A turrlorno Ptrlra tE IS IBARTID. D. ADDRBS9: -?{u Drrrril Prfc'}r oe' !EGA! DEtc{l'tP?ton; Subttlvisioo :f Droparty ir Cltcrlbed bY i.sir ri t i,oir, Dk.ae PECrvid'to thli apPlicauoD ' dU UtU N:NIU S3HUT N:h:IJ.5 r :rreeci anit bouadr legel i-'I-iiplii.l sheet lnd et tach FEEr 20.00t >u. uu 3100.00 t200 .00 t400.00 t500 . 00 ffi"t.l#l$gllHro' BgPL!,C'INT: 1A'A ?ACA A'F trRtr 0F:SI 9661-S?-IfO IT. PRE . APPIJICATTON T'IEEIrING: A pre-application meeting wiEh a menber of the plannj-ngst,af f is encouraged to deEermine if any addifio;alappl.icat.ion infornation is needed. It is Ehe applicant,sresponsibility to make an appointment l^,iLh the ilaff codetermine if there are additional subnitLal requirements.Please note thaL a COMPLETE application will sireamtine Lhereview process for your projecl. III . IMPORTANI NOTICB REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addiLion to meeting submittal requirenenLs. EheapplicanL must sLake and t.ape the projecL site toindicate properLy tines, builating J.ines and buildingcorners. A11 trees Lo be removed musE be laped. A11site t.apingg anal st.aking must, be complet.ed prior Eo tfre DRB siLe visit. The applicant musL ensure thaL sLakingdone during the wint.er is not buried by snorrr, B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS nonnally requires tr^ro separaLe meetings of Lhe oesign Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. ApplicanLs who fail to appear before bhe Design ReviewBoard on their schedul.eal meeEing alaLe and who have not.asked in advance that discussion on their iLem bepostponeal, will have their itens removed from the DRBagenda until such Lime as the iLem has beenrepubl ished . D. The following items may, at Lhe discreLion of thezonj.ng adminisLrator. be approved by the CorununityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skyliqhts and similar exterior chanqes. which do not aLLer the exist.ing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not. visible from any other lot.or public space. At Lhe time such a proposal issubmitled, applicants tnus t, include letters fromadjacent properEy owners and/or from Lhe agent foror manager of any adjacenL condominium associaLionstatj-ng the associaEion approves of Lhe addition. E. If a property is }ocat,ed in a mapped hazard area (i,e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris florrr,wetland, etc.), a hazard s Lualy musL be submitLed andthe owner nust sign an affidavit recognizing, Lhe hazardreport prior t.o the issuance of a buiLding permiL.Applicants are encouraged to check vrith a Town plannerprior to DRB application to det.ermine Lhe relationshipof the property !o aII mappeat hazards. F. For a1l residential construction: a. CIearIy indicate on the floor plans the insiCleface of the exterior struclural walls of thebuilding; and b. rndicate wit.h a dashed line on Lhe site Dlan afour fooL distance from the ext.erior fac-e of Lhebuildinq walls or supporting columns. G, ff DRB approves t.he applicat,ion wi t.h conditions ortrrodifications, all conditions of approval must beaddressed prior to rhe application for a buildingpermit. Ttt Three copies of a recent topographic survey, sL:rmped bya Colorado Professional LiceDsed Surveyor. at a scaleof 1r' = 20, or larger, on which lhe fotlowinqinformaLion is provided: 1. tot area, andl builatable area when different thanIog area, 2. J. Lega1 description and physical address. Two fooL contour intervals unless the parcelconsists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5,cont,our intervals may be accept.ed, Existing treea or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4" or more, as measured. from apoint one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (large boulders, internittent st.reams,etc. ) . Hazard areag ( avalanche, rockfaIl, etc.),centerline of streams or creeks, required creek or s t.ream seLback, ancl 1,00-year flood p1ain, ifappLicable. slopes of 40t or nore sha1l beclearly delineated by cross hatching. Ties Lo existing benchmark, either USGS landmarkor ser/rer invert. This information must be clearlysLated on the survey so that all neasuremenEs arebased on the same starLing point.. This isparticularly important for determininq builatinqheiqht and driveway slope. See policy On SurveyInformaEion, for more informaLion regarding surveys . LocaLiolrs of Lhe following must be shown: a. Size and tl4)e of drainage culvercs, swales,etc. b. Exacc location of exist.ing ut.iliLy gerwice lines from their source to lhe sLructure.incl.uding: b. cable Tv telephone Sewer Water Gas ElecLric c. AlL utiLity neter Localions, incLuding anypeClestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. 41. Property lines - disLances and bearings andbasis of bearing. e. IndicaEe all easenent.s identifieal on thesubdivision plat. 9. Plovide spoL elevaLioDs at the edge of asphalt,alonq the sEl.eet frontarrc of thp nr.rnert-], at bwenty-five fooL int,ervats (25,), and a minimum one spot elevaLion on either sj-ale of the lot. Site Plan 1. Locat.ions of ghe fotlowing must be shown: a. ExisLing and finished grades. b. Proposecl surface drainage on and off site. of n c. proposed driveway, including percent slopeand 6pot elevat.ions at the property line;garage slab and as necesgary along thecenLerline of the drive to accuraLely reflectdriveway grade, d. A 4, concrete drive pan aL the edge ofasphalt. for driveways that exiL the sE;eeL inan uphitt direct.ion. 2. A11 exisLing improvements including sLrucEures,landscaped areas, service area6. siorage areas,walks, alrive{ays, off-street parking, loadingareaa, retaining !,t'alls (with top and bott.orn ofwall spoL elevations), ancl other existing siteimflroverents. 3. In order to debermine proposed building heiqhtselevations of all lop roof ridges, and eaves whendetermined necessary by the zoning adminisLraLor,shaLl be indicated on the site plan wibh exisLingand proposed cont,our lines shorrn underneat,h, I.andscape Plan (1" = 20'or targer) - 3 copj-es required.1. At a minimum. the folLowing informaLion mus t. beprovided on the lanalscape plan: a. Locat.ion of existinq trees 4n diameter orlarger, b. Tt4)e, size and locaLion of all existing andproposed p1anL material , c. LocaEion of all trees to be transpLanted. d. A detailedl legend of all proposed ptanLrnaterial including cotnnon and Latin nanes. 2, The locaLion and type of exiscing and proposedt aterlng systerns t.o be employed in caring forplant. maLerial follorving iLs inst.allaLton. 3. Exist,ing anil proposed contour Lines. Retainingwalls should be included with the conLourinformaLion wiLh Lop of watl and bott.om of walIelevabions lis Led. 4, Complele the altachect landscape maLerials lisL, Sian eff from each utilitv conpanv verifying thelocaLion of uLiLity service anal availabiliLy (see at t.ached uLility verif icat,ion form) , A prel.iminarv LitLe report Schedule A and B mustsaccompany all submiLtals, to insure property ownershipand idenLify iuLL easements affecLing ttre subjectproperty. Arcbitecturat Plans (!/8" = 1' or larger, 7/4', ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies are reguired. 1. Floor plans and aLl elevaticns of the proposed development. drawn Lo scale and fullv dirneirs ioned.'the elevation drawings must show boLh exiseing andfinished grades. 2. One set of ftoor plans must be ired-lined" to showhow the gross residential ftoor area (GRFA) wascalcuIaLed. 3. Exterior materials and colors shall be specifiedon lhe attached naLerials 1isL, This maberialglist nusL be compLet.ed and submiLted as a parc ofthe applicat,ion. Color chips, sicting sampleseLc,, shall be presenteal at the Design Reviet,Board rneeting. Detaits including, buc not. t imj. t.ed F. U. to fascia, trim, raitings, chil' cap, mererIocations, etc. musL be shown g\faphiclffy andfully dimensioned, Zone cheqk list (aLtached) nust be completecl if theproject is tocaLed within t.he Single-Family,Primary/seconalary or Duplex zone aisEricts: Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadj acent, strucLures. - The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require t,hesubnission of additional plans, drawinqs. - specifications, samples and obher rnaterials (includinga noalel) if deemed necessary to d.etermine wheLher aproj ect r,vi1l comply r'ri th Design cuidelines . I. Ti{INOR AIJTERATIONS lTO TBE EXTERTOR OF BUIIJDINGS . Photos or sketches which clearLy convey Ebe realevel-opnentproposal and Lhe l-ocation (site plan) of Lhe redevelopmen!proposal may be submi t. t.ed in lieu of the rnore formaLrequlrenenEs set forLh above, provided a1l importanLspecificaLions for Lhe proposal including colors andmat.erials to be used are submitteat. VI . ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAIJ oR CoIIIMERCIAIJ A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposeal floor plans L/9" = 1' or larger(l/4,, = L' is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing exisling andproposed consLruct,ion. Indicate roof ridge elevationswiLh existing anal proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposect adaliLion. E, PhoLos of the existing sLructure. F. Specifications for all naterial.s and color sanples onnaterials IisL (aCt.ached) . At tbe requea t, of the zoning Administrator you may also berequireal to submit ! G. A staLement fron each utiliLy verifying location ofservice and availability. See at.tached utiliLylocaEion verif icat,ion form. H. A site improvemenL survey, sLampecl by registeredColorado ProfessioD.a]. IJice[sed surveyor. I. A preliminary tiLle report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which list.s aLl easenent,s. VII. FINAIJ SITE PIdN Once a buj Lding permiL has hpcrl i ssrred, a7|d coD6t!''_!atian isunderway. anal before the Buitding Department will schedule aframing inspection, two copies of an hprovement LocationCertif icat,e survey (ILC) sLamped by a registeredprofessional engineer musts be subrnitted. The followinginformation musL be provided on the IIJC: A. Building location(s) lvith ties to property corners.i, e. disLances and angles. B. Building d.inensions to Lhe nearest tenth of a fooL. AII utj-lity service 1ine as-builts, showing Ll4)e ofmaLeliaL used, and size and exact 1ocaLion of lines. Basis of bearing to Eie t.o section corner. AI1 property pins are to be eiLher found or set andslaced on implovement survey. AII easenenLs . carage slab elevations and a1I roof ridge elevationsr,rith existing and propoaed grades shown under Ehe ridgelines, VTII. CONCEPTUAIJ DESIGN REITIEW A. Submittal reduiremenLs: The owner or authorized agentof any project. reguiring design approval as prescribedby this chapter may submit plans for concepEual reviewby the Design Review Boald !o the Department of Cotnnuni ty DeveLopment. The conceptual review isinLended to give c.he applicanL a basic understanding ofLhe compatibility of Lheir proposal with the Town'sDesign cuidelines, This procealure is reconmendedprimarily for applicacions more conplex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developersof single-family and tr,ro-f amily projects shall not beexcludeal fron the opportuniLy to requesc a conceptualdesign review. Comp1et'e applications must be submicLed10 working days prior t.o a scheduled DRB meeting. The following informaLion shall be submiLteci for aconceptual review: L. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimumscale of one inch equals twenty feeti 2. ConcepLual. elevations showing exberior mat.erialsand a description of Lhe character of the proposedstrucEure or sLructures i 3. Sufficient informaLion to strorr the proposal complies with the development sbandards of Lhezone district in lrrhich Lhe project is to belocaLed (i,e. GRFA, site coverage calculations,nunber of parking spaces, etc.)t 4, CompleLed DRB applicaLion form. B. Procedure: Upon receipL of an application forconceptual design review, the DepartnenL of comrunityDevelopmen! sha11 review the submiELed maLerials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirenenLs ofthe zoning code. If the proposal. is in basicconplj-ance with Lhe zoning code reguiremenLs, theproject shal1 be forwarded !o the DRB for conceptuaLrevj-ew. If the applicat.ion is not. generally inconpliance with zoning code requirenents, LheapplicaLion and submit.tal naLerials shall be returnedEo the applicanL with a writlen exp1anaLion as to whythe Comnuni ty DevelopmenL DepartmenE sEaff has found Lhe proiect not to be in compliance with zonino coderequirenents. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB shall review the submiLted concept.ualrevi. er^r appli.cation and supporLing materiaL in order todetermine r.rhether or noL the project. qenerally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not voLe onconceptua] reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative EbaLL be presenL aL the DttB hearing. F H. IJIST OF' UATERIAIS NAII{E OF PRO.JECT: _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT3 BIJOCK I suBDrvrsroN "oTA-T.o FATCH /vatvSTREET ADDRESS: The following informabion is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING IITATERIAIS: Roof Sidinqf Other WaIl Mat.erials Fascia soffits Vtindows window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining WaLls Extcrior Liglrt.ing Other I,ANDSCAPING: reguired for submit.t.al to the approval can be given: ITYPA OF !.IATERIAIJ SH|NGLF9 NATUEAL zY cebAq<- a{EsfNUr BAILI{ T +G PNg NAfu€AL Design COI,OR (.FF^R. E6aEf iBarrs.l rqFfNyf tsrcot"ltl <roLlE Designer: Phone: GE;f9'l a.eFAK C,{fffi\rur BEar^lN wodD t\iATLtRAL zXrfuAK--- cuE#rNor @I rEDAP- .FE*r.l\./f FEor^lN, At-utttrrrtuM gr-ac,{< orou€ 5TO$g (;G?PtrR ureArAERFE2 C,6ffi< E Name of 'a PI,ANT MATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name Cornnon Name Ouantitv KL'. t-t r.A'.rDEa?E zuANl *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimun calioerfor.deciduous rrees is 2 inches. rnaicaee hEilE t-T6i-coniferous lrees. Minimum heioht for coniieroustrees is 6 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 oal lon.Minimurn size of shrubs is Tvpe Sduare Footaoe GROUND COVERS SESD TYPE OF'IRRIGATION soD BLtE(RAtr5 = =_ .. ztq R6/Ec' NA'fiveSeED 724'g?Fvc4. !ldrLp F'c,S@ SfiV I g bA TIIE oR METHoD or zza<toN: cq*trgl trAILL R€-'. Ll EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting ia proposed, pleaseshow Lhe nunber of fixtures and locaLions on a separaLelighLing ptan. Iclenrify each fixLure from the riihting planin LIre space below and provide Che height above giade, -El?e oflighc proposed, lunen ouEpuL, hrminous area and i cut sneet. ofthe liqhL f ixt,ure. (sect,ion 19.54,050,J) OTHER IJANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walLs, fences, swimmingpoo1s, etc,) please specify. Indicate heights of retainini.hralls. Maxinun height of wall.s within the front setback i; 3 r. Maximum height of walls elsevrhere on Lhe property is 6' . Fz', a> L +rre pe,uoel{E4tT D. !..t.ed 8i 17le. o .JOB NAME SUEDIVISION I,OT ADDRESS U. S. West Comrnunications 458 -6850 o! 949 - 4530 Public Service Company 949 -6135 Gary Hall,/Rich Cooley Holy Cross Etectric Assoc. 949-5892 Engineering oept .Ted Husky/Michael Laverty **TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 9 49 - 1224 Mark Graves **Upper Eagle Valley WaLer & Sani t.at,ion District * 476-7480 Fred Haslee rtA aite plan mus t, be showtloff€r serviceshal1 be tbe NOTE: 1. IIOIIN OF VAIL IIIILIrY LOCATIOTiI VERIFICATTON FONU BLOCK FILING The form is used to verify service availability and locacion. Thisshould be used in conjuncLion ,wiLh preparing your utility plan andschedluling instalLations. For any new construction prop-os-al, Lheapplicant musE provide a completed utility verif icat-ion- form. The location and availability of uLilities, wheLher they be maintrunk lines or.proposedl lines. must be approved and verified by thefollowing ut,ilit,ies for the acconpanying lite ptan. A11 auLhorizing signatures need to be originals. ^LrJru'/ /% n /+ le*zs4a is requireit. "offi "tttt.t* - J. oa th€ siEe plaD. Utility locaBions may or may DoE.to the property line. Any utility exteasion requiredrespoosibility of the properEy onn€r. If a uLility company has concerns with the proposedconstruction, Lhe utilit,y representative shoutd noLdirecLly on the utility verification form Lhat thereis a probLem which neeits to be resol-vetl. The issueshould then be spelled out in detail in an attachedleLter to the Town of Vail, However, please keep inmind that it, is the responsibility of Lhe utility company Lo resolve identifieal problems. ff Lhe utility verificat,ion form ha8 signatures fromeach of the ubility companies, ancl no cornments arenade direcbly on Lhe fortn, the Town will presume LhaL there are no prcblems and Llrat. Lhe development.can proceed. These verificauions do noE relieve the contractox ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut peflniL from the Tor,vn of Vail, Department of public works and to obLain utilitv locations before diaaino inany public right-of-way or easement in the Town ofVai1. A buildino permi L is not a street cut permit. A st,reet cut permit. musL be obtaineCl separately. Installation of service lines are at the exDense andresponsibiliLy of the property orvner. 4. lF('|alu:ll vrTt- lt'|lqJlrrry' Locl!trmr vttrFrcl''Tog Fonra ocT.28. 1996 1A:53Rt1 tarla.a a:rll/t. TCI RVON COLOo o NO.974 P.Z/3 fo')?')€ i'OB l|Al{E 6I'EDIYI tO!Brocr ADDREI!I U, t. w€at coruurnicationsir68'6860 or 9{9 -45!0 Public SeF lce CoqDrDy 9{9 -5135 Grry Hrll/Ricb Caolry Boly CrorF El€c!.rlc Asloc. 94,9 -5892 Ettrgtacrf lDq DegE. Ted Hucky/l(lcbrel Lrver sy .'!cI clbleelrloa of Ebe 949 -L22t ltaFk Grlvet FILING The fo:m ig usrd to vcrlfy r.wice avaitaDilify and locaLion. fhlrsb-ould be uted in coajuacilou vllb Dregrrilg your utiliry Dlao anagcbedrrling inrtallrtioSa. Fo! a.By nee colsEt:llcllon grogoail, theapDllclnt nutc paovial. a coE|pletcd ugtliby verific.tj.oD- forn. Fhc locrBls r$d .vailabili ty of uEilitier, nhechar thcy bB nainLtunk lin€! or proDored lln€t, sruFt be approvsd and verifte6 by Lbcfollq{lsg uclllElea fos the accorryranyinE -ite plan, Al1 asBhoriziDg sigaatuteg qeed io be origiDala. PAIS I '"k1ru/-e Rockiea NOBEi l. rruDger Erglc valtey watss & 9a!1taB10n DirErict r 47 6.7 res Fred Hlslee /d-'z&e o.A rtr. prrrr 1r rcqur.rcd. *F"SIV{1hY*S. -- ur.irir.iesuult b. !hor,! o[ t!! llta t llqt lttlllty locrtloqa Ely or sry loggtto! ra:lrr1ca to tbs DroD€rty 11D9. lE:y nLtLlty cttss\aloB raqul!.il.brll b. tb. restooribility of tbc Droit)efty oyoer. It r uElllly cqEtury ha! concerna qiEh r,be Dropored cona lructios, rhe uBilicy regresenlaEive sbould noBclirrcEly on lhe urility vcrificolion foErr Lha C sherQIs r grebleB vbich aeeda Bo be aerolved. Tbc Issueshould Eben bo rpcllod out in qgtail iR an aE,Lachodlett€! to rbe trow! of vail. ltoseve!, D),eaEe keeD inniaal Ebrl. ic is che respoaribiliiy of Ehs utilil,y codrDarry to lerolve iilestiEieal Froblens. rf lbe ul,1llty verlflcatlon totilr hrs sltnrtuler frosr €ach of Lhe uciliLy coqraoies. anal no c@8ot! aronrilc ctirecEfy on the fornr. the Tolrn r|ill preArne CbaE chele ate DO plcblet:g and cLat Fb€ developrenLcrn ptoceed. Itlhara vtlificBtiont ilo aot rclievg Eba coDtlactor ofhil rasponeibiliLy to obtaitr a ELrcst cuL FesniLfrorn the tona of vail, Delargnent oE A$llc worfg ancl Ed ghi.rin u? tui,tv Jocellon. before aliEEinr iq any public riEht -of -r.ay or 6a!sD6at ia lbe ?owa otvall . A ! L!ee!, cut D6t-ni!, trnrs B D6 obBaincd reparatelv. Ilstallatlon of lervica lioc! are aL the expe$sererponsibility o! tlre properry ormcr. viffieoc.-fo fed 2. 4,rnal DATE: . zoItIE cHEcR FORsingle Family ReEidence, Duplex. primary,/Second.ary ZONA DTSTRICTS ON: Lot Block I Subdivision ?oAffn ?AaLt| PHONE ARCHITECT €TEvs\ 5Awl6 RtDE|\t pnoHr LEGAT, ADDRESS: OWNER zoNE DrsrRrcr ?RrHARy /Srr.i$bARy usE Fe6rpeNn&uPROPOSED IJOT SIZE Al lowed (30) (33) 5t07 Azs = 34k9'2 aE =215_L_ 20 ' 15' 15 | -'r-7 l<-iz--l--az-- BUII.IDABIJE LOT AREA Existing Proposed Total HeighE TOTA1 GRFA Primary GRFA Seconalary GRFA Setbacks bob4.2+ 2(J33- + Front, Sides Rear 3+42 2.454 za /< t< 4sboSiLe Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wal1 Heights Parking Garage Crealit Drive : 3'/6' lo @_ EncL permiLted stope B t propose.t srope l6t(lle^'fgU> Yes a YES- 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent. Slope (< > 30t)_ 3) ceologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanghe_b) Rockfal lc) Debris Flow {, weElatrcts / No__y__ No ooes thi8 requesr, invotve a 250 Addit.ion? Vt5- lF,oTlj Hord nuih of the alloned 250 Additio4 is used wiLh-LhisPrevious conditioDs of approvat (check. property file): a>6 avYe ll EHU) rcarcsiz -#.i7.:Jgl b s.eqra 5 (300) (600) (900) Complies with T.O.V. Light.inq Ordinance water Courae Sebback (30) (s0) Do Finish crades Exceed 2:1 (50t) Environmental /Hazards : .::-1i., . View Corrido! Encroachment: yes 10 List ofadjaccnt propcrl)' orvncrs for thc Mayer Residcnce Lot 9, Block I Potato Patch I . Lot tl, Block I - Ann S. Frciu 798 Potato Patch Drivc Vail, Co. 81658 2. Lot 10, Block I - Jolur & Mary Clark 794 Potnto Patch Drive Vail, Co. 81658 3. Lol26, Block I - Robert & Barbara Dorvic 24221 Darvnridge Road Los Altos Hills. Ca. 94022 4. Lot27, Block I - Raynrond & Sara Duncan 32 Albion Place CastleRock, Co. 80104 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PFOPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBy GIvEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vuif *if InofO a public nearing in accordance w-ith Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 15, t9g6, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building' ln consideration oi: A request for an exterior addition to add a 125 sq. ft. sun..room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance' locatbd at 930 B Fairway Drivei Lot 7, Vail Village 1oth Filing' Applicant: Paul and NancY Rondeau Planner: Dirk Mason A request for a major SDD amendment to SDD # 4, to allow fol a new office building-, located at tOOO'Soutn Frontage Road WesULot 54, Tract K, Glen Lyon (Glen Lyon Office Building). Applicant: Glen Lyon office Building Partnership, represented by Ken o'Bryan Planner: Dominic Mauriello A reouest for two, 2S0's and a conditional use permit in order to construct a Type ll EHU' located Il#'6 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. lfilibant: Ray Mayer, represented by Steve Riden Planner: Tammie Williamson A request to amend Section 18.22.030, Conditional Uses, of the Vail Municipal,Codg-t-o-,19^1^, ,,Time-Share Estate Units, Fractional Fee Units and Time-Share License Unils," as condltlonal uses in the Public Accommodation Zone District. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, lnc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner:George Ruther A request lor a worksession to discuss establishing a Special Deve]oP.m.9lJ District overlay to the Rustiia Haus, located at242EastMeadow Drive/ on part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request to amend Sections 18.27.030, 18.29.030, and 18.30.030 of the Zoning Code to allow van dtorage/transportation related businesses in Commercial Zone Districts as a conditional use. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello llllllllll The applications and information about the proposals are availab_!-e for public inspection during reguldr office hours in the project planner's 'office located at the Town of Vail Community Delelopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road' Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD for informalion. Community Development Deparlment Published November 8, 1996 in the Vail Trail.^)o , raVY^,/r,\4 - Ur ", lhtD' I t/ t-tlil\" ! ,t/nl {J t -l-CrlrlFl tlF t-tFl I L- l'f i scel I aneous CaEh 1B-::J--.-r{. Flecr:ipt. + ;:81!rtj55 ffcrr,r:rrl. # t:tt +! 5'r:81* .-:TEl,rEt.l FjIIrEtl. fiqF: FqI Frr'r,:un I lFiri,i* r?d : ':Et:l ' *tl:l Itenr Peid Fmaunt Paid S l SBAB+ 1:f, 1t:188 [h.:rr-r,3e rF t.u i.ned ,1 i:81f1, Ei::l -t-HFlb.{l{ \'clu 'y'':u r c.::--h i ei' l-'lEFtT!-lFt ao TOWNOFVAIL DE'ANTNIENI OF CO)IIT LN-ITI' DE1ELOPTIEI'T ADDR"ASS I' o^r"--!-Q-,22-,1b- CTIECr(.S M DE PAYASLE 'O TO\\}i OF i'AIL PnorEcr 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND.,lDDRESS MAPS 55.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIIjORI\TBUM-s54.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORMPLUMM sr9.00 0l 0000 4241 5 UNI FORA,I N4 ECI{ANICAL CODI:537.00 0t 0000424t5 UNIFOR 4 I-lRIl CODE s36.00 | | oo00 .12.t I 5 NA I ION.,\L L,LLCTRICAL CODI:sJ 7.00 0t 000041415 OTIIER CODIJ I]OOKS 0l 00004t5.{8 I]LUE PR]NTS (MYLARS s7.00 0l 0000 42412 XLKOX COPIL,S s0.25 tl 0l 0000 424t2 5 I UDII,S 0l 0000 424t2 TOVI.EF-S CO\,lPUTER PROGRAII'I s5.00 0l 0000 42i7 I PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0t oo00 4l3i2 tLnN Rlivll:w Ill;-CllLCK l-l:li {540 PLR llR.l 0l 0000 42-132 (]FF IIOURS INSPECTION Fl:LS 0l 000041412 cONl'R CTORS LICI:NSES I-LF-S 0l 00004t113 SICN APPLICNION FEE sl0.u0 0r (ru004t411 ALIDI I IOn-AL SIGNACE FEFI tS I .0O PER SO.FT.I !L 0l 0000 42.140 v I C AI{T PROJI:CT DONATION1)l (ruo0.4 Ii Jr(E Pn lD Dl:SlGn- &EVII:W IIOARD FI;l:W.tm J}A/ L,STIGN TI O N FF:I.:'tsU I LD]N6 )il 0{)00 {51 t 0 IOV PARKING FUND 0l o()(to 2t037 IOV NL,WSPAPER DISPENSER f UNDr 0l 0000 2l I t2 1,L\tlBIEErISm* 0l 0000 4t0t0 Tt\^BLErpEm 0l 0000 42171 IJU I LDI NG INVIJSTIc TION I l:R !t I'EC APPLICATION FEES 3 0l 0000 4 . i(l ADDITIONAL GRI.A "2J0"s200.c)tl 0l 0000 4 JIU CONDITIONAL USI; PERI,IIT 52U0.0U 0l oo00 4 3io EXTER IOR ^ LTERATIO N {1 ESST]NXIOOTO}T:I 5200.000l 0f)00 4 I _r j0 IJXTERIOR N LTERN TION A4ORE TIIN N IOO SQ.FT.I 5500.00:l 0t 0(J00 4l jiO s.l'l:CIAL IILvLLOPI4 ENT DISTRICT h\'IlWl 5 I,)UU.0U ai 0l 0(}00 41330 S PECIAL D EV ELO PNI En* T DI STR ICT [\,|AJOR AMTND s 1.000.000t oo00 41330 S P EC I A L D EV I: LO PN,I I IN T D I ST RI C T IIfiXOR ANr r. r.'' " D 520U.00 0t 00004r3i0 SUtsDIVlSiON or oooo 4t-i30 |VARIi\NCF;s250.000l o()004t110 ZONINC CODIi nMl:N DMIiN'fS s250.00ol ul00 4ltt0 RE. ZONING s200.00 OTI]F.RIOTI]ER @ tll '\ n-,ouuu'n, M,A)4(/( I)VF- I CASS t-t cK.! t 11.0 Ll \ec.sY: LN o eo'd rutor i-atll! Orh ol lggtlcdot --+D.holDFCiftillo----- 6if. ol peC il..frrg (ll ntc'rtrtL.-- APPUCAltotl Fot AgomoNAL GntA lln, r. 1vP5 QEiEo!E!L --7 i!!. l6t{u 2s0z gl:tl3fl A 9rr.rpPftr0on cc|lJlfico ln I nst|ltt of uxt gnnnlDg $ l9tlenltt 'ncDurlgod lo diFu|! thi grstlslc|tr ,ttot tttd tff-f-girii "or aE rec o r r|tr' ll 3hs'ld be urdr,lpd rt,rt i 3 or{tlnltrst *iiil'liJ tttn o'opr-try s ldw 250 rQuit' ltol ol oRF^. hrfti,0r. onrnmcc t**-iqlfr+fC*+q- ]f' o'rldllon3 |,r tadh rl 6iiiii,-ii!l s cmer.r l0 ?l ot ho rtun ol vdl Go(h rt' mer Appthrtqrt tor trEillotla l,t dlr f,3 ftcm|r ril hol bc HPtld uth$ [rl' rc oofilPlob' rhb hdudc6 .n o,*r* r"q"rlfiirtifi--ilrcu-:l o..hn tuvlfl Borfit subilngl racrlr txntr" il. 4PPl-GArloillNFOSM4rloN PaElP?Llel[lo@glEuEl LOOATTCtr{ OF PiOPGALT Lroil O.rcr9ltsr:url-eo*-l-tmg----- A. eono obh"r .ErMlfY I5k4$DIRY- $ MEor^PPLlC^nr:.RAV MAVEK . - }rAilrE oF ^flPuc^r{Ts REPffiEExrATlYe, <16€{ SArarg [<aE$ Ffiro Fil ot e00,00 It nqlnrd rt iit$ ot stnnBut ol I ttJt'htd 2lO' For ' nard |rlol$m N'l EHU.lhthc i9 wdvrd. E.+- 76')bnca <6 cac xH HtFr NAnlx ql^H I Na,^ra lq n":qI C66I-SZ-IfO I [:..1,, rl,./.rJ-t]r I .Lli The tollowlng Inlormation, ln adddon lo DBB submlfia, thls submlttal: bo rEquk€d with 1, Vorilicalion lhat thr unh h83 rscelvod a rlnal cfrllflcato of occupancy. 2. stampod, addro88ed onvelopss and a soparalo llst ot aqacenl propony owners and of orners ot unnt on lho same lot. Thir Informatlon ls avallabls from tht Eaglg County Assossor'E ofilca. 3. Condominlum Aseodatlon approral (lt applicauol. 4, Exbtl|lg of poposed lloor dana ot glructuro. G. Your proposel wlll bo rovl6wsd tor compllanct wlth VBI'8 Gomprehenslve Plan. H. lf thb app[cauon roquiror s soparato revl€w by any local, Stato or Fodeml agency othor lhm lhe Torn of Vrll. tne appllcafion l€e shall be Increassd by 3200.00. Example3 ot sudt tovlsw. mey include, but ar€ not llmltod to: Colorado Dopadmsnl ot Hiohwey Acc$g Pomlts, Amy Corps ot EnOlneeB 404, otc. The appllcant shall be r06ponslbh for paylng rny publlshing fees whlch aro ln €xcosg of 507o Ot lh0 appllcallon lee. ll. at th6 applicant's request, any matlgr ls posFoned lor hoadng. causlng the matler to be ro-publlshed, lhcn ho on ro foo lor guott ro -prrbllcslion shall be pald by tha apdlcant. Appliqatlong de€m€d by tho Communlty DovBtopment Dopadmont to havo slgnlflcari deslgn, land use or olnet bsuos whlch may have a slonlllcant lmpact on th€ commun y may roquiro roviorv by Conaulhntg ofi€r lhan lown slafl, thould a dstermlnellon b6 made by the town stall thal an oulslde consullant ls nsefu to tovlow any appliC€tlon. lhe Communlty Developmont Dgpartnonl may hke An outEldo coraullant, ll shall oetimate the amount ol mon€y nocossary to pay h|m or her and thls amount shall be torwafdrd to lha Torirn by lhe appllcant at tho ttme he llles hlg appllcallon wlth the Communlty Devolopment Doparlment, Upon camplofion ot ihe roviow ol lho appllcalion by lhe comullant. any ot the funds lonrardd by lhe appllcant tof paymrni ot tha consullant whlch have not been pab to ihe consultani chafl 6ir retumed lo lhe appllcanl. Etpenses Incurred by lhe Town In exces3 of lhs amount lorwardod by tho apdicant shall be pald to the Town by the appltcanl.wlthh gO days of nollflcallon by tho To$/n. FR0r.r IM OwnorB Form z3l2 19,28.1996 97.39 rorrfno , Az76z4sz Flle No. V13749 lrmount 9t?0 r 000. 00 SCHEDULE A AddreFg , Pollcy Date: August lo, 1.999 at 8!00 A..Itt. . Nams of, Insured: MAYER FAMILY PARTNERSITIP, A COI.ORADO LII.IITED PARTNERSHIP . The estate or lntereet ln the land deecrlbed ln thls Schedule and whlch Ls covarsd by ttriE polioy le: A Fee slrnple . Tltle to thc egtabe or lnterEet covered by thlE pollcy at the date hereof ls veeted ln: I'IAYER FAI'tIIry PARINERSHfP, A COIORADO IJIMITED PARTNERSHfP . The land referr€d to in thie polloy le sltuated tn EAGLE county' Colorado, and ls descrlbed ae tollswe: L,OT 9, BIpCK t. VAIL,/POTATO PATCH, ACCORDTNG 1'O THE RECORDED PIAT THEREOF, EOUNTY OF EAGL,E, BTATE OF COIORADO, Pag6 t This Policy valid only if Schedule B le attached. ffM owner Form 2313 Ftle No. v13?49 SCHEDULE b Thls pollcy doee not lnsure agalnst'lo6E or darnage by reaeon of the fol lowlng: 1. Rlghte or clains of partlee ln possesslon not shown by the publlo records. 2. Eagenenta, or clalne of easementg, not ehown by the publlc recordE. 3. DlecrepancLes, confllcts ln boundgry llnesr.ehortaEe in area' lncroilrrnente, and any facts irhlch I correct eurvey and iii"p""iion of'the prcirlece vould dieclore and whlch are not ehoin bY tht Publlc recorde. {. Any lien, or right to a llenr.for servlcee, Iabor, or-naterlal €h-ereto!6r" or f,ereafter fUrniehed, lrnpoeed by lar, lnd not ehown by the Publlc recordB. 5. 1989 TAXES NOT YET DUE AND PAYABI-,E' 5. LIENS FOR UNPATD WATER AND SEWER CHARCES' TF ANY. ?. RICHT OT WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE }UTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS REEERVSD IN UNITED SIATES PATENT RECORDBD JlrIY 13' 1939' rN BOOX 123 AT PAGE 617. 8. REETRTCTM COVENANTS, lilttctt DO NOT CONTATN A FORFETT\'RE oR REVER?ER CIAUSE, BUt OI'1ITTING iTESTRICTIONS, IF ANy, BASED_ON RACE, CO-LOR, RELICIoN, oR NATroNlt oiiciN; lC-ionrlrnED iN rNsTRln'lENr nEcoRDED Harcb os, l9?4' rN BooK 233 AT pAGE eie rno Ag NIENDED IN rNsrRUltgNT RECORDED septenber 2tl' 1975, rN BOOI( 241 AT PAGE 950. 9, EASBMENTB, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS 6HOWN OR REgERVED oN t|HE RECORDED PIAT OF VAIL/PoTATO PATCH. tO. EASEI,IENT NoT SHOWN EUT NOTATED ON THE RECORDDD PLAT OF VArL/POTATO PATCH AS FOIOI{S t N AN ELECI'RIC UTII/ITY EASEMENT, TEN (TO) FEET ON EITIIER STDE OF IND PARILLEL To rHE coutitoN I,or LrNi. AltD TtlENTy (20) FEET II,oNG THE cowoN lnr IJINE As MDASuRED TRo}' THE INTERSESrrON OF TXE COMT'ION I,oT LINE AND THE RIGHT OF VIAY OF POTATO PATCH DRIVE,II AS IT AFFESTS SUBJECT PROPERTY. FRSII rO,2A.1996 g?r32 O PolicY No, Az?62482 Page 2 +r+El{D**'r, Mayer Residence Exterior Lighting Information Lot size = 28,575 sq. ft. Maximum # of light sources -- I per 1000 sq. ft. Maximum # of exterior lights = 28 # of lights type name & number bulb size l8 wall mounted Visa # OWl062 40 watt 2 recessed cans Elco # EL7lCl00 40 watt 6 stair lights Progress #P5223-3IWB 40 watt Total 26 Exterior lights Luminous Area of each light Visa - l9l8 x4.4 = 10.45 sq. in. Elco - l9l8 x 4.4 = 10.45 sq. in. Progress - 3 x 1.5 = 4.5 sq. in. Initial Lumen Output Visa - 40 watt bulb = 440lumens Elco - 40 watt bulb :440 lumens Progress - 40 watt bulb -- 440 lumens Luminance Visa - 42.1 Elco - 42.1 Progress - 97.7 SPECiit0 MOOB- UMSER: il0iEs OIIVENSI|]NS i,INT5 D l]ENlTfl BASE AOO MOI)TLI{0, LAMP SUTF|X 400 FIIIISHSUFF]X TffPAED SANOEI.ASTED GLASS PAXEIS STNDIffD TEI,IPtRED SAIIC BUSTiD GI.ASS PANELS STANOAED f 12' F3/4' 6'3/4' 0W10m 178mm 3lFmm l7lrim lTlmn 1t 6-U4', 36mm l7larn 7', 173m 17lmrn 0w1064 -roFr3. r0F26 -lNtm -10Fi3.10t26 -1N100 HOUSIIS: .Pl vG TOP&MM: HOUSINC .PI VG IOP & AffM: .PT 8-3i 1' 15-3/8' 2nmm 3g1mn 01,f1066 -mF:3.20F26 -2Ni5 93/8' 238rnm 8-3/8' 213rnm 8'3/4' 15-3/8' 9'3/t' 8-3/8' 0W1062 -2CF13 20F26 22rnm 3glnrn 238nm 213mm -2N75 MHH ffiH II TEMPEBEO SANDELASTED GTASS PANELS SIAiIOAiD SU8['IT PANE! OESIGN ARIi'/ORX FOR OIJOIAIION t 1/8mm 6.31{ 0tr106t 171mm 12', 305mm 6-3/4' l/1nm .tutil tutr0 -tNt[0 HouS[\sr .PT,VG IOP & MM: .PI 8-3/1' 15-3/8' 22mm 391nm 0!v1070 -20F13.20f26 -?x/5 $3/8' 238mm 8-3i8' 213im TECH TCAt SPECtFtCAlt0l{S PHOTOMFISICS Ftt{ts8Es 0m0 s IAMPTNG Conlact ocai repres€nblive ior lrmp sDeciiications.Applicati0ns assishnce available. BiLLAST flotfiEt Pow€r Fador. 0 deoree lahrenlett mnimum starlrnc iemoenture l0r lluorescenl lampinq. PT Pa nled Vef if! ivailability ot oplions selected. {Sp€cily color suflix lrom Fin rshes brochure ) AC Acrylicpanels inslead clshndard olass paruis. verily nH(imum .valaqes avarlable 277V Fllorescsntlampinq.F,OUSING Fabdcaled melal. caslalumrnum cao ind sandblasted lemoefed olass oaoels VG Verdigr,s (Hand applied tinish ovel solid copper. Finish will vary lrcn lixlure lo lixture.) MoljNTltlc firounts t0 a standard elecl ca] \,/all lunction box. @ w,,r*rio., i,@ * @ ourooor 0esign l,ilorjilfJlion Ri hls Fes€rved. VISA LICHTINC '\n ()l(k.nhorr | ,n r, (in\rx1y 8600 Wesl Bradley fd. Milwaukee. lvl 53224 4t4 354-6600 414 354-7436 Specrlier Holline l-800-;88-vrsA Tel: Fa: @ 1993 Visa Lighlino / VLISDCPP / 0W004 Print Code 8ev 0594 BASE TYPE WATTAGE UIMP TYPE INITIAL LUMEN ()UTPUT AVERAGE LIFE HOURS MAt'lUF. DATA USED BASE TYPE WATTAGE LAMP TYPE INIIIAL LUMEII ()UTPUT AVERAGE LIFE HOURS MAI{UF. OATA USED G23 UAZJ Gx23-2 G24d1 G24d2 G24q-2 2G11 I/ED BIP zutl G24d3 G24q-3 2G11 2G11 ztttl MED BIP MED BIP MED BIP MED BIP GR10q GR10q GRl0q GR10q GR10q 09w 13W 13W 13W 18W 18W 18W 20!V 24nrN 26W 26W 36/39W 40!v 50w 30w 40w 25W 32W 10w 16W 21W 28W 38W FL FL FL(DBL) nFl OFL 0FL(4-PrN) FL FL(T-12) FL OFL 0FL(4-PrN) FL TL FL FLfr2) FL(Tr2) FL(T-8) FL(T-8) DFL(20) DFL(2D) DF(20) DFL(20) DFL(20) 600 825 860 900 1,200 1,250 1,200 1 200 1 800 r,800 1,800 2,850 3,150 4,000 1r(n 2,125 2,850 650 1,050 1,350 2,050 2,850 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 12,000 10,000 10 000 12,000 20,000 14,000 18,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 GE GE OSBAM GE GE OSRAM GE GE GE GE OSRAM GE trtr GE GE GE GE GE GE GE bc GE GE MED .UFL- MED [/ED N4ED MED MED MED MED MED MED MOG DC BAY DC BAY DC BAY G4 lJ I o.JC 40w 40w rNc lNcff-10t AAn 1,000 1,000 PHILLIPS 60w 60w 75W 100w '150W 150W 200w 250W 300w 500w 100w 150W 250W 20w 50w 300w rNc rNc(T-10) tNc rNc rH(PAR-38) tNc rNc(A-23) 1r(PAff-38) rNc(PS-25) rNc(PS-35) TH TH TH 1H02V) TH(12V) TH(T-3) 8i0 7AE 1,190 1,750 2,850 4,010 3,370 6,360 10,850 1,600 2,800 5,000 350 1,000 6,100 1,000 1,000 750 /cu 4,000 7(n /JU 6,000 750 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 [rE PHILLIPS GE GE GE GE UE GE GE uc GE GE GE OSRAM OSMM OSRAM RSC RSC N4ED MED MED MOG MOG MOG PG.12 PG-12 MED MED MED MEO MED MED MED 70\,t/ 150W 70w 100!v 175W 250W 400w 1000\^/ 50!v 100w 35W 50w 70w 100w 50w 75W 100w OH DH n H H H H H ws(T-10) ws(T-10) HPS(B-1i) HPS(B-r7) HPS(B-17) HPS(B-17) MV(B{7) MV(B-1i) MV(B-1i) 5,000 11 000 s,000 8,000 1s,000 18.000 36 000 105,000 2,300 4,700 2,150 3,800 8,800 1,140 2 800 4,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 24,000 24,000+ 24,000+ 24,000+ 16,000 16,000 18,000 OSRAM OSRAM PHILLIPS GE SYLVANIA GE GE GE PHILLIPS PHILLIPS GE GE GE GE GE GE VISA LIGHTING @ 1995 ta 4trttl u1 a1mz frIttntn(,! U!tnI Deck o and A ccent Lights l.intler'Rutl Deck Light L'se ntittitttLu'a untlar'ruil lights on tlccks' u'ulktt'uys' ,io1ri,, o, u'htrrrer tm inconspictnus light srturce is tlesirctl. P5224-3lWB Bloc{ CLrcL e tcsl o Lcrlnun is pcwier :;1 .;1""1;'superrc' reestonce ro cnipping fod'ng - iii tiJ.tr-"t.s or solr cir Ecs.'l,instcl'olcr on:-olllg:tt ilni.t-UV .",,rt.nt.l2 cn9 =16 ccble tSee coqe tvrl :: "v- ,.r,iiii E{ienos^' 3 3 rcluces one l2-lol' iu"iq. ol:t" orrp =:l2 rwT-5 o, trpright Accent Light :rliniature l2-t'oLt uccent tight installs Lmuu'here-'r,i'iiii * p*rh uprights' at steps or u'herel'er gou u'unt a sPlash ot'uccent light' P5223-3lwB Block Durcbie cost cluminurn Pl!"1j'ii:l]t :;;; "-' - ;;:;"; i ted'o'-"ss' c5i c oi 1s' igc-r 1i" :nc rr:9 ^ ;F;:-;o;s.,'; oi' ','w'l'l'2 htLrtends r'rrS" lnciJoes one l2-volt ryecge bcse cl:lo =w zr rJW P5223-54W8 l'lcturol dec(rng I94 PFI<>GRESS