HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 16 LEGALProject Name:DalyRe-roof Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail ,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.ci.vall.co.us ORB Number:DRB030198 RE-ROOF FROM SHAKE TO MAGESTlC SLATE FEDERAL GRAY Participants: OWNER DALY,ANDREW P.&LUCINDAM.06/10/2003 Phone: PO BOX 1514 VAIL CO 81658 License : APPUCANT T CC CONTRACfORS,HoracioMed06/10/2003 Phone:970-328-2340 PO Box2123 Eagle,CO 81631 License: CONTRACfOR TCC CONTRACfORS,INC.06/10/2003 Phone: P.O.BOX 1822 AVON,CO 81620 License:540-B Project Address:782 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL 782 POTATO PATCH DR Location: LegalDescription:Lot:16Block:1Subdivision:VAIL POTATO PATCH ParcelNumber:210106301001 Comments:Seeconditions BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:BillPierce SecondBy:Margaret Rogers Vote:4-1 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date ofApproval:06/10/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without thewr itten consentofTownof Vailstaffand/ortheappropriatereviewcommittee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRB approvaldoesnotconstituteapermitforbuilding.Please consultwith TownofVailBuilding personnel priortoconstructionactivities. Planner:Elisabeth Eckel ORBFeePaid:$20.00 • Application for Design Review DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,ColoradoB1657 tel :970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cLvaiJ.co.us General Information: Allprojectsrequir ing designreview mustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmitting abuilding permitapplication.Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatisrequested.An applicationforDesignReview cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequiredinformationis received bytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment,The projectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTown Council and/orthePlanningandEnvironmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal:Lot:lfa.-Block:--l-SUbdivision:4Lr"':::·~·LL-l-.u.<'-.::1:~~L--.l...!&..::u.....x\ Physical Address:7'[-:;)eo .\.."""',\1)e"\-r \,O.I v L Parcel No.:'"d.'0 l -063-0 (-00 \(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 forparcelno.) Zoning:-:-_ Name{s)of Owner{s):4./I\..-j-~ Mailing Address:~0,(3 cr;c L\A(~~,;a \)' +-Y"'Lt l/~,L((0 '<CL~s=8:- ________________Phone:(/1(,-b :.?l'7 j Forconstructionofanewbuilding ordemo/rebuild . Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoany resldential,br commercial bUilding (indudes250additions &interior conversions). Forminor changes tobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminorchangestobulldlnqsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStafforthe Design Review Board. Plus$1.00persquarefootoftotalsign area. &~'\ItI C,) $250 $20 $20 NoFee $50 NoFee $650 $300 E-mail Address: o SeparationRequest Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o ConceptualReview o NewConstruction o Addition Owner{s)Signature(s):_ Name of Applicant:JdC1oo'-'r-"O-'""c....J=:.LI --'~""'_";:..l._\I_I_""'-;_-\-"'---':...-.........---"'~"'T ""o--I ~='c::_>~~i---'''--_ Mailing Address:--'~'-""_O__IbCLI.::.C:-J.~_____O'__l_'!I_+--'-"~'_"T:"'__:__~_=_-'-::-...>o....--""'----:::r_+---_ r.c C Coo).,(CcL~C,f:S e,,"~:/R.CO .<cl")\ _______________Phone:'3'~t'--:t "3 '--I () __________Fax:3d-&,"-"A ('>77 inorAlteration (multi-family/commercial) fW)Minor Alteration\....!J (single-family/duplex) o Changes toApprovedPlans .J r: For Office Use Only:C'..\'1:> FeePaid:CheckNo.:By:t .&Q"~~------~'~~O."\, ApplicationDate:ORB No 'AI<t3>C~.~ Planner:'-'L~Project No.:-\e_¢;j-'-=-ftl_~_.-,0...:.1<)-=-"__~I~~«uH\O i 1L-~. •• •• • TOWN OFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD V!\IL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 •vtUlR-Ji-ivPtd-~ DEPARTMENTOF COMM UNI~EVELOPMENT /rri-/~/b/od::-I N OTE:THISPERMIT MUSTBEPOSTEDO N JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT P ermit #:B03-0141 JobAddress: Location : Parcel No : Project N o: 782POT ATO PATCH DR VAIL 782POTATO PATCH DR 210106301001 t>,nri3 ·-0(~-J Status ...: Applied ..: Issu ed : Expir es: ISSUED 06/05/2003 06/05/2003 12/02/2003 06/05/2003 Phone : 06/05/2003 Phone :970 -328-2340 OWNER DALY,ANDREW P.&LUCINDA M.06/05/2003 Phone: PO BOX 1514 VAIL CO 81658 License: CONTRACTOR TCC CONTRACTORS ,INC . P.O.BOX 1822 AVON,CO 81620 License:540-B APPLICANTTCC CONTRACTORS,INC. P.O.BOX 182 2 AVON,CO 81620 License: Description: RE-R6oF FROM SHAKE TO MAGESTIC SLATE FEDERAL GRAY Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation:$35,036.00 AddSq Ft:o FireplaceInformation:Restricted:y #of GasAppliances:0 #of Gas Logs:0 #of \Vood Pellet:O,..·*******_·_*******·_*******ll*",,**"'_***-********--***w*******""*-**FEE SU !vl ~1 A RY _..**_"'''''******_.'''*_***_***_***_***_*****.***...·u***•• Bu ilding---->$50 2.35 RestuarantPlan Review ->$0 .00 TotalCa lculatedFees-->$8 31.88 PlanCheck--->$326.5 3 ORBFee------------->$0 .00 Additional Fees--->$0 .00 Investigation->$0.00 Recreation Fee-------->$0.00 Total Permit Fee--->$83 1.88 Will Ca11---->$3 .00 Clean-up Deposit--------->$0.00 Paym ents--------->$8 31.88 TOTAL FEE.'>---------->$83 1.88 BALANCE DUE----->$0 .00 ***",*1t*__**************************************,r,****_.**...**>l."**"'******"'*****_***__**__*_**._•.__**.***'IIl'__*__*****_*__*_*"*** Approvals: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTM ENT 06/05/2003 df Action:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS See pa ge 2o f th is Document foran y conditions that may apply to this permit. •DECLARATIONS • I hereby acknowledge that I have r ead this application,filled out in full th e information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all theinf ormationas re quire dis correc t.Ia gree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town o rdinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,design r evi ew appro ved,Unif orm Building Code and other o rdinances ofthe Town applicable thereto . REQUESTSFORINSPECTION SH ALL BE MADE TWE NTY-FOUR HO URS INA DVANCE BYTE LEP HONE AT479-2149 ORAT OUR OFFICEF ROM8:00AM -4 eM.~+'/~~~~ •PAGE2 • **~***************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B03-0141 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL a s of06-05-2003 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Location: Parcel N o : ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT TCCCO NTRACTORS,INC 970-328-2340 782 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL 782 POTATO P ATCH DR 2101 06301001 Applied: Issued: ToExpire: 06/05/2003 06/05/2003 12/02/2003 Description: RE-ROOFFROM SHAKE TOMAGESTICSLATEFEDERALGRAY **************************************************Conditions ******************************************** Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.):SMOKEDETECTORSAREREQUIREDINALLBEDROOMS AND EVERYSTORY ASPER SEC310.9.1 OFTHE 1997UBC • TOWNOFVAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Perm its a re required for elec trical,plu mb ing,mechanical,etc.! 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUAT IONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materia ls ~~ral Contractor:T~t-/~~I G'No .:Contact and Ph ~r #'s:7 /.r.?:,"'-\-I'rl"'..\-0 r5 HtJI'(J..c :O.A\t (Yl ~<'QO -'1)SO Ema il address: ContractorSignature:~~',~.rt4'V '~<?~ /... BUILDING:$ PLUMBING:$NICAL:$ OTHER:$ T OTAL:$ c.t, .'tt9703288640Off,'t AI#C tEl CFPorarceonactagJeounty ssessors Ice a --or VISI www.eeale-countv .co m Parce l.# x/oJ-ae?3-01-00 ( I .Ju u rsarne :f)1 R ~JobAddress :7~)'Po--k-\o Po,\-ck Of:a ILl J -e5'e.cJI c.P, II L ot:("II Block:/II Filing :II Subdivision:I/....c(Pdi4-l-o f{~Legal Description Owners Nam e A",~..,D "'"l t/Address:P;().BuY tct Lt r/c.,I II Phone:'!7(;-c )]..J ArchitecUDesigner:Address:II I Engineer:I Address:II Phone: Detailed description ofwo rk:!\<-ro crP -0-"Ivl .5 hC<.k-('.5 +c Ec<o -:;\c.rJ ·1'1 '\)-("5 \1 c Sl <t \-e,c \(l'7Y C-~;t e i'a.\-<e . ~New()Addition()Remodel ()Repair ()Demo()Other ~Rof'-~O()tPv,"'~~. W orkType:Interior()Exterior ¥J )Both()Does anEHU existatthislocation:Yes (>Q )No() Type ofBldg.:Single-fam ily ~Two-family()Multi-family ()Commerci al ()Restaurant ()Othe r () No.ofExisting Dwelling Units inthis building:I No .of AccommodationUnits inthis building:/ No/Tvoeof Fireplaces Existino:GasAppliances (XJ )G as Loqs()W ood/Pellet ()Wood Burninq() NolTypeof Fireplaces Proposed:GasAppliances()GasLaos ()Wo od/Pellet()W ood Burnino(NOT A LLOWED) Doesa FireAlarmExist:Yes (><1 )No()II Doesa Fire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes ()N ~) *****11'************........*'*****************FOR0FFie EUSE0NL y ************************************** Other Fees:"!"'-0;0';'';'~~';':~\'r~~..:t;(,'>:L-,;~._: ORB Fees r'i-...c:'i.,;~l;}'c ~''';;:~</';-':> Pub lic Way Permit Fee:.}- Type of Construction:'.,...' Occupancy Group:' DateRece ived :;';';'L _';'~"'_..'".•',' IAccepted By ::,.',". \\Vai lldata\Cde.vIFORMSIP ERMITSIBLDGPERM.DOC 07126120 02 TO'NN OF VAIL 75 '"S .FRONT AGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 970:4 79-2138 ••DEPARTMENT OF CO MMUNIT Y DEVELOP MENT 14i/RI/)../o lit~ I rl-/t"b/~t-/ NOTE :THIS PERMI TMUSTBE POST ED ON JOBSf TEATALL TIMES JobAddress: Location: ParcelNo: ProjectNo: ADD/A LT SFR BUILD PERMI T 782 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 782 POTATO PATCH DRIVE 21010630 1001 "\'l.:~OO -DO"y-/ Permit #:8 01-0005 Status...: Applied ..: Issued : Expires : ISSUED 01/16 /200 I 0 1/24/2001 0 7/23/200 I OWNER DALY ANDREW P &LUCINDA M 01/16/2001 Phone: BOX 1514 VA IL CO 81658 License: CONTRACTOR RESORT CONCEPTS RENOVATION 01/16/2001 Phone:970-949-9 432 P.O.Box 4675 37347 Hwy.6 ,Ste .2 06 Avon,CO8 1620 License:203-A APPLICANTRESORT CONC EPTS RENOVAT ION 01/16/200 1 Phone :97 0 -94 9-943 2 P.O.Box 4675 37347 Hwy .6,Ste.206 Avon,CO 8 1620 License:20 3-A Description: GARAGE ADDITION/CONVERSION&ELEVATOR &HOT TUB Occupancy:R3 Type Construction :VN Single F amily Residence Type V Non-Rated Valuation :$125 ,336.65 AddSq Ft:o Fireplace Information:Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances:0 #of Gas Logs:0 #ofWoodPellet:0 ..................****"•••••••••••*•••*••FEE SU1\'fl\.fARY "'_•••••••••••••••"'•••"'••••••••••••"'•• Building->$844 .00 Restuaram Plan Review-s>$0 .00 TotalCalculated Fee...>$1,495 .60 PlanCheck-«>$5 48 .60DRB I'ce·-··----·->$1 00 .00 Additionall'ees-->$0.00 Investigation->$0.00Recreation F<e---'>$0 .00 Total Pemlit F....->$1,495.6 0 Will C all·-->$3 .00 Clean-up Dcpo.it.----.>$0 .00 Payments----->$1 ,495 .60 T OTAL FEES-··-··-··_>$1 ,495.60 BALA:'1CE DUE·--····>$0 .00 ..........................................................................*.,,.,••". Approvals : Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 01/18/2001 JRM 01/22/2001 JRM 01/22/2001 JRM APPRFOR DRB APPLICATION Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 01/19/2001 BRENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action:NO Action :AP Action:AP Action:AP PLANS ROUTED TOJRM NO ELEVAT ORAS ••PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #:BOI-0005 asof 01-24-2001 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type: Applican t: Job Address: Location : Parce l No: ADDIALTSFR BUILD PERMIT RESORT CONCEPTS RENOVA nON 970-949-9432 782 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 782 POTATO PATCH DRIVE 210106301001 Applied : Issued: To Expire: 0 11I6i200I 01 /24/2001 07/23/2001 Description: GARAGE ADDITION/CONVERSION&ELEV ATOR &HOT TUB **************************************************Condit ions *****"'****"'*"'******************************* Cond :12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . Cond :16 SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPERSEC.3IO.6.1 OFTHE 1997 USc. It~m :0550 0 PUB LI C WORKS ••••••_••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••• Seepage2 ofthi s Documentforany conditions that may apply tothis permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thatI havereadthis application,filled out in full the information required ,completed an accurate plotplan,and statethatallthe information as required is correct.I agree to comply with the informati on and plotplan,to compl y withallTown ordinances andstatelaws,andto build this structure according tothe towns zoning and subdiv ision codes ,design review approved , Uniform Building Code andother ordinances ofthc Town applicable thereto . REQUESTS FOR rnS PECTlON SHALLBE MADE T'W"ENn'·FO UR HOL"RS IN ADVA.'ICE BY TELEPHONEAT 479·2138 OR ATOUROFFICEFROM 8:110 A.\'I-5 P\,l. Send C lean-up Deposit To:•-;'(' ~ZG.:~ SIGNATURE OFOWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTMS ELF AND OWNER !*************************~************************************~********************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R000000393 Amount:$1,495 .60 Check 01/24/200110:21 AM Init:GRG Notation :ck#1067 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: B01-0005 Type :ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT 210106301001 782 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL 782 POTATO PATCH DRIVE Total Fees:$1,495 .60 This Payment:$1,495.60 Total ALL Pmts :$1,495 .60 Balance:$0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 WC 00100003112800 Descri pti on BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Curren t Pmts 844 .00 100.00 548 .60 3.00 75S.Frontage Rd . Vail,ColoraClo 81657 APPUCATIONeLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLI:"R UNSIGNED 2~"'"I .'Project #:--l.-P~P....:J"",ro........,--"",~"",,,,=!...l..__ ..Building Permit #:__.~ 970-479-2149 (Ins ections) I·CCO' TOWN OFVAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION Separate Permits are requ.ired for electrical,plul ~:::Ii\ Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit -www.eaa/~-coun tv.com for Parcel # Parcel #"'2-/0 I (9(;;~O({}O ( JobName:J)~!Zu(~~d Job Address:732 .Pohlo T:<1-cJ.Pn~e Legal Description II Lot:/b II Block:I II Filing:)IIIf II Subd ivision:Va.,!Poh.-Ie f:t~ Owners Name Andt"Va 1'1 Address:7fZ 77oh...Jo pcddLDr.[P'hone:f70 -176-b3~?> "lU>f~~er'.1Q Address:/80o S'rraUlzuN:'fltf-Mif Phone:9'1{).-t.(76 -/117--c;'Wti.Me..Prdlt ~clHI. Engineer:mMJrTJe 1-Nfwtlr Address:7/1 ~f!ttcAt«II/<..!Z£AvT'--Phone:9'10-'l'ftf-7 7bf! Detailed description ofwork:._/'/~... b ?iYI-!1<JId't't/1U tuf..I £)f!eI1tf"i'0k'-Yii17a;I1!PI1I!c ;tr;d.1'/#4 t"ld fC:I7:..-l o!M£ Remodel (.;) /I WorkOass:New()Addition()Repair ()Demo()Other() WorkType:Interior ()/Exterior()Both (II')Does an EHU existatthislocation:Yes ()No() Type of Bldg .:Single-family (vi Two-family ()Multi-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:/No.of Accommodation Unitsinthis bUild ing:I No{Type of Fireolaces Existina:Gas Aooliances()Gas Laos ()Wood/Pellet()WoodBurning () -. No{Type-of Fireplaces Proposed:G"s Appliances()Gas Locs()Wood/Pellet()WoodBurninq(NOT ALLOWED)/ Does aRreAlarmExist:Yes (v')No()II Does aFireSprinkler System Exist:Yes ()No (y J II COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &.Materials) BUILDING:$l!;1 "3 1/.0 i ~LEcnuCAL :$7:PO(J·e»OTHER:$,1 e.svs:6/ PLUMBING:$C'Ioo ,(J"e MECHANICAL:$II.r{J()(},~O TOTAL:s /;;S-33 c 6~,, RE FUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ,,**************************************FOR OFFICEUSEONLY******** ContactandPhone #'5: -cLUu!v fif-1'!sz.576-tJSC7- TownofVail Reg.No.: Zo?,-A General Co ¥actor: !Zaer!-'!r &!oVdui::.s uc OUter fees:,;':..~;·..i ;o;'.-:,":{':",,-:,~-. DRB Fees:;;·,:.:.>•. F;/everyone/forms/bldgpenn TOWNOFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 8 1657 970;479 -2138 •DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI.fDEVELOPMENT NOTE:THISPERMIT MUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBSITE ATALLTIMES Job Address: Location: ParcelNo : Project No .: DEMO.OF PART/ALL BLDG. 7 82 POTATO PATCHDRVAIL 7 82 POTATOPATCHDRIVE 21010630100 1ra.:-:,o o -ao]'t Permit#:DOI -O OOI Status ...: Applied ..: Issued : Expires : ISSUED 0 1116 /2001 01/17/2001 07/16/2001 OWNER DA LY AN DREW P &LUCI NDA M 0 1/1 6 /2001 Phone: BOX 15 14 VAIL CO B165 8 License: CO NTRAC TORRESORTCONC EPTS RENOVA T ION 01/16/20 01 Ph one :970 -949 -9 432 P .O.Bo x 467 5 373 47Hwy.6 ,Ste.2 06 Av on ,CO 8 16 20 Lic en se:203 -A APPLICANT RESOR T CONCEPTS RENOVA TI ON 0 1 /1 6/2001 Phon e:970 -949 -943 2 P.O.Bo x4 675 373 47 Hwy.6,Ste.206 Avo n,CO B1620 L i cens e:203 -A Desciption: GARAGEADDITION/CONVERSION&ELEVATOR &HOTTUB Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: R3 VN ?? Single Family Residence TypeV Non-Rated Valuation:$2,000.00 Add Sq Ft:o Fireplace Information:Restricted:#of G as Appliances:0 #ofGas Logs:0 #of Wood Pellet:0 .....................................................................FEE SU ~R~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Building-c-,.->$6 5 .00 Restuarant Plan Review->$0 .00 To tal Calculated Fees->$88 .00 Plan Check-»>$0.0 0 DRB Fee········_···_······>$2 0 .0 0 AdditionalFees-···>$0 .00 Investigation->$0.00 Recreation Foo-·---->$0 .00TotalPermit Fee--·_··>$88 .00 W ill Ca ll-c-->$3 .00 Cl ean-up Deposit-->$0•00 Payrnents--·······_·->$88 .00 TOTALFEES>$88 .00BALANCE DUE····_·>$0•00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Approvals: Item:05100 BUILDI NG DEPARTMENT 0 1/16 /2001 J RM Acti on:AP Item:0 5 400 P LANN ING DE PARTME NT Item:0 5600 FIRE DEPARTME NT Item:0 5 500 PUBLIC WOR KS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••*.*. See page 2 ofthis Document foranyconditionsthatmayapplytothis permit. DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application,filledoutinfulltheinformationrequired,completedanaccurateplotplan,and statethatallthe information as required iscorrect.Iagreetocomply withthe informationandplotplan,tocomply withallTown ordinances and state laws ,andtobuild this"crure accord ing to the towns zoning and SulVision codes,design review approved, Uniform Building Code andotherordinances ofthe Town applicablethereto. REQ UESTS FOR INSPECTlO:\SHALLBE MAD E TW ENTY -FOL'R HOURSINADVANCEBY T~LEP ONEAT479 -2138 ORAT OUROFFICE FROM8:00 AM -5 PM . Send C lean-upDepositTo:---"7/'(,r ."--....,../'-...._-'---_-'---L-=--=-__,--,--__ SIG NATURE OFO WNER OR CONTRACTORFORHIM SELFANDO WNER •PAGE 2 • **********************************************••****••••••••**••••••••***•••••********.***.***.******.** Permit #:001-0001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL asof 01-17-2001 Status:ISSUED ••••••••••**•••••••••••••••••••***•••••****••••••****••*.*.*.*******••**.*.*********************•••***** Permit Type:DEMO.OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applicant:RESORT CONCEPTS RENOVATION 970-949-9432 Applied:01/16/200 I Issued:01/17/200 I To Expire:07116/2001 Job Address : Location: Parcel No: 782 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL 782 POTATO PATCH DRIVE 210106301001 Description: GARAGE ADDITION/CONVERSION&ELEVA TOR &HOTTUB Conditions: Cond:38 THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY.AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TOANY FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE.IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE,CONTACT THEVAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond:I FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***************•••*.*******~*******.****••*********************~********************* TOWNOF VAlL,COLORADOCopy Reprinted on01-17-2001 at 12:45:35 01117 /2001 Statement **********••*********************************************••********************************* Statement Number: Payment Method : R000000366 Amount:$88.00 Check Notation: 01/17/200 112 :41 PM Init :LC #1066/Resort condcepts ren Perm it No : Parc el No : S ite Address : Loca ti o n: D01 -0 001 Type :DEMO .OFPART/ALL BLDG . 21010630 1001 782 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 7 82 PO TATO PATCH DRIVE Total Fees :$88 .00 Thi sPaym ent :$88 .00 Tota l ALL Pm ts :$8 8.00 Balan ce:$0.0 0 ****************************••***************••******************••****************.*****••• ACCOUNT ITEMUST: Ac count Code BP 001000031 11100 DR 0010000311 2200 WC 00100003112800 Description BUILDINGPERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES WILL CALL INSPEC TION FEE Curren t Pmts 65 .00 20.00 3 .00 No () Other () JobAddress: Doesan EHU exist at t hislocat ion:Yes ( TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Assessors Office at 970-328-86400 6~-OI-OO! APPLICATIoreLL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPL~RUNS.l,GNED ! Project #:rJLJO O-ODS +- Building Permit #:------..!IF- 970-479-2149 (Inspections) OwnersName: LegalDescription Work Type:Interior ()Exterior( 7 5S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 Type of Bldg.:Single-family ()Two-family(Multi-family(Commercial ()Restaura nt ()Ot her () No.ofAccommodationUnitsin t hisbuilding :No.of ExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbUilding: Wood/Pellet WoodBurnin NOTALLOWED Yes ()No () COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) BUILDING:$2-0 00.00 PLUMBING:$ R EFUND CLEANUP D EPOSIT T O: ELECTRICAL :$ MECHANICAL:$ OTHER:$ T OTAL:s CONTRACTOR INFORMATION G~~ral Contractor:TownofVailReg.No.:ContactandPhone #'s: I so,..f-(h,w h'Il-M Ov.etf~s IA..,ZoJ ~4 -;;LLe4.cL f 'ff-1'!J2-3 76-0 8 ()'Z- I Contractor Signature:d ~bY /.Y~J{r ******************************~':********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY *******************************~':**~':** IAccepted By:~Planner Sign-off: ,Date Received: !Occupancy Group: !Type .of Construction:," Public Way Permit Fee:,. DRBFees: Other Fees:" F:{everyone{forms{bldgperm ..•• Vail ,Col orado Denver ,Co l orad o Dillon,Co l o rado Date : Monroe &Newell Engineers,In c, REVISED STRUCTURAL FOUNDATION PLAN, FRAMING PLANS ,NOTES AND DETAILS,GENERAL NOTES FOR DALY RESIDENCE REMODEL 782 Potato P atch Drive Vail,Eagle C ounty,Colorado Prepared By: October 23,2000 1aN.!e£t:>: JAN....,12t01 Monroe &Newell Engineers Inc. 70 Benchmark Road,Suite 204 Avon,Colorado TownofVail OFFICE COpy 80\·oooC; 70Bench mark Road.Su i te 20 4 •P .O .Box 159 7 •Avon ,Colo ra do 8 1620 (9 7 0 )94 9 ·7768 •FAX(9 70)94 9·4054•e mail :a v on@m on r oe -newe l l.co m E 2'-(3 X 2'-6 X 10" FTG.WI (3)-15 EACH WAY r- I_~ •2X ~0 I'-~=-'; WOOD STUOBRC. WALL " 1j;J-'U-I -,101'Zo I z.oot:> ~I I q I'2.001 , -r__""'-o::::::--__-'-----''lrPAWt''?ft-tOCEL-12'-5 J/~ ?AF-T1Al-'PD~rt L..owe~ "Eo\...:r:PAM INC -PLAJo-J J 1/2" 2,X ~0 I'-~ ,WOOD STUD BRC. WAlL ~91'-0" r ----,- ~-------------------I--- ,-~-,-----"'-"'rr-'-~iu-,-----,__(9~~~'~O;/2J_ I'---*-~~-"":,-:",:,-,;",;",,,,,,:,,,::r+~=--..>..c-f-------t--: -~ ORC, EP I.O.WALL :. ,. '.';~-v: .. "" • r -. .".;" ,'..." '...> ',~. .~" .,, ) ,. .,.' ·.J?A\.-~~0'10 ,Pe:L.,;. '~"E-loiz .~I ~1'7...6JJ •.'. .l) NOTE. I ~EttOY'E ~Xi:"r';IN6 FOOT-INGS AT "-.'EXTEi~Jqf!;;.:~T~t~.· ... ..... ,',- "...... .~;...,.'.'~.. .-'t.•i .'•."....:.... II .~" ...~ ".' .."'.,...,"~. "", ',':..,,,..~, ":,.'\-. ;.t ..••-~.' .:....... • DALY RESIDENCE (M&N #4823.03) FOUNDATION NOTES: • -- October 23.2000 ~ANq/7..001 1.FOR DATUM ELEVATION 100'-0".SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRA WINGS FOR ACTUAL ELEVATION . 2.[XXX'-X"]INDICTAES TOP OF FOUNDATION WALL ELEVATION. 3.(XXX'-X")INDICATES TOPOF FOOTING ELEVATION. 4.CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW ALL REQUIREMENTS LISTED IN SOILS REPORT. 5.FLOOR ELEVATIONS SHOWN AREATTOPOFSLABORATTOPOF PLYWOOD FLOOR SHEATHING. 6.FOOTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE MAXIMUMS ANDMAY NEED TO BE LOWERED DUETO SOIL CONDITIONS .VERIFY CHANGES WITH STRUCTURAL ENGINEER :\ 7.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ALL DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 8.CENTER FOOTINGS UNDER WALLSAND COLUMNS UNLESS DIMENSIONED OTHERWISE ON FOUNDATION PLANS. 9.REFERTO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR STAIR FRAMING DETAILSAND LANDING SLATSELEVATIONS. 2X120 16"2X120 12" ~ o::~ 00::~o .J~ ~~ i-.x -0I~ ~ ~ • • b I b " HAlf..!L8IE:L.-rMH /)...fC.2X10 ~(._------ 1/4-"_1'-0 1 \ 4"DlA.S10 sn,PIPE COLOR T54 X 4 X 1/4" UP ONLY x o ): 2X1 o 12" 12'-5 1/2"· X N SIMPSON H~IU-rr HN:IGER ~~ zzzzza ExI~nlJc;.CDl.-MM1-l 1b ~rp.'( ..",..~-:.".. .' • 2 X 12 WI (2)-2 X 10-o 16"O.C. ,..: SIMPSON HHU-Tf HANGER ~ 1~'-~" ~100'-0T.O.SHEATHING "TYP .V.O .N. IAPPe.fl-~fl2.AhlJ.JG. ~'I.."I'-oh ~IO{z..OI<:lO 11"11°1 ' --I N J'-J 112" X12 16" ~.lQ.~ .l'.0> ~X OVERFRAME AS REQ'O nilS AREA WHERE NO GYP-CRETE OR STONE IS PRESENT xi",./)( I ' ~I I xI N I ,!.,.I I ~I UP ONLY I 5" 31'-6" '. • DALY RESIDENCE W&N #4823.03) WOOD FRAMING NOTES: • October 23,2000 ~~,'ZGO'.:: 1."V.L."INDICATESVERSA-LAMBEAMS ,AS MANUFACTIJRED BY BOISE CASCADECORPORATION .ALTERNATES SHALL HAVE THE SAME ORGREATERCAPACITYASLISTEDINTHE STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES. 2.COLUMNS SHALLBE(3)-2 X 6UNLESSNOTED OTHERWISE.TS INDICATES TUBESTEELCOLUMNSASDESCRIBEDINTHE GENERAL NOTES. 3..EXTERIOR WOODCOLUMNS SHALL BECONTINUOUSFROM FLOOR TO FLOOR ORFLOORTOROOF.TRIMMERSSHALLBE ADDED TO NOTEDCOLUMNSIZESASREQUIRED . 4.EXTERIOR STUDSSHALLBE SPACED 2'_0"FORWALLS SHORTER THAN 10'-0".STUDSSHALLBESPACED1'-4"FORWALL SHORTER THAN 14'-0"ANDTALLERTHAN10'-0".'.'.\. 5,ALL BEAM/BEAM AND BEAM/COLUMN CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE WITHSIMPSONSTEEL PLATE CONNECTORSUNLESSNOTED OTHERWISE. 6.ALL EXTERIOR WALLSSHALLBECONSTRUCTEDUSING2 X 6 STUDS.REFERTOEXTERIORWALLDETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 7.RE:ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGSFORLOCATIONANDSIZEOF ROUGH OPENINGSINWOODSTUDWALLS . 8.RE:ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGSFORHANDRAILANDSTAIR FRAMING DETAILS. 9.ALLEXTERIOR WALLS SHALLHAVECONTINUOUSSTUDSFROM FLOOR TOFLOORORFLOORTOROOF. JOB j;:;A-L1tL-------Monroe ~ewell Engineers.Inc.SHEETNO. CHECKED BY _ CF __--+-_-!-_ CATE --''''''-f..--'-':o.+.''=:'''::''='':=-- CATE -..:......j'---'----I~=-L- ~..j..• , ......~.....,.....1.,,,.,...' i ....L.. 1 L ....._'h., ;I :i ;!::;j ~;;!!'I ':.i I'j .I ;I I~~~.--!-i ----4-~-i-.-..---~-~--i --H ~-----~----;--~--~.---~--~_••L,L__:--._~--r ._~----r-~----;--L-.~.~----I -r--~. =~-~ff tt-i=~~-~C --i *1 ~i -~~~t t ~:~-+--;-;::r i -,-- .-1.-_~_+_._...L ,..t.,..-,...-..-r ..•.J ...~..-L-~._.-i--_.L_..-+~-,_.-..:.---~-+...r ••.•.J......,.-.····T·····L .--;-,._.-L ~ I,,.;,I "I ,I:;!I ;,'':I !:I ;!- ."·-··'l--r---T·M --~-_.-.-~-:.__.........__·_H··l .t .:-;l=~++~-I +~.1~r -0~H~f= +-1 ---'1-t--+·T····;··+·_+--t-11---j--f !...t-"1--'r --'(..t-+_·-r···j·-i·-.t··_+·_-,-t··_+··--r ~~-~t-r ---.t mt:-zr;~'-I --r--r -+-f -···"t·--r"j--··!=r r:r -·!-sr--.-"j-'Jet=,r :.,.--- .......-..I ;~-+,.--ihJ-r -I .--..;.l-,...-'--r -',--!-.-4 --.,-..)._-,__+'.~--Jl~e ~i•.•__.,._JL I.-······t-ot!"l..-Atl2:S WI'I K!II?,:!1 iii I I :'I ¢,e l-p i :I i :, !'r-'o , I···i----.t--_..t-."., L . ; ......L _. ··4 ···-···· i ...! ~..-~~..L....~~!-_..__.~ OF-----c.--;~ DATE fb u!!f Z=:, OATE_~l_~'UJrJ/ CAlCIJlATED By _ JOB~AL'1._ SHEET NO .------:c-==----- CS CHECKE DBY _ Monro.Newell Engtneers.Inc. 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CALCULATED BY_--'==""""-_ CHECKEDBY'DATE JOB.Monroe A ewell Engineers .[nco I ,"'M'"_.i -"'-- L._.- ,,,,I I 'r rz A-1l 'I IJ.C ',i 'i SCALE :j -~.._..-.-+---..;-._.;.··_·_-t--_···t·M"_••-!•._,.•_.~'----I"-.....;..._---;_.--~---_.L ~. ,. L,.,....1..•."';'_.._._,_~_.~_.1 ;j ;;I ~_._••-:OM"•••.+.., L-...[".,.~. ...L 1._.._.,I.l.,.._...l..--r-_._-,-.,. ..J.:.._..!;!_"'_"M!;~'__"_,~"._..~....."...,',..,....._.L.!..~...•M..~. L_,.; i L ;,!'l'~-.'l".."t·_·_···1 _j".......r ; l , I.,...;.-•....... !"n_••_'•••••••;,••••.••..:.• AT l::HIH 'I:::!~'&:l vt':'{bM!--A6E...KJ .::;-(;..,......,. ;. PROJECT:DALYRESIDENCE• M&N #4823 .03 .DATE:OCTOBER 20,2000 ~P.N -it I 'l6171 1 .LIVELOADSUSEDINDESIGN : GENERALNOTES • A . B. C . D. E. ROOF(PITCHLESSTHAN4:12)100PSF ROOF(OTHER) TYPICALFLOOR 80PSF DECK 100PSF -- WIND 1.BASICWINDSPEED 80MPH 2.EXPOSURE B EARTHQUAKE ZONE1 F.LIVELOADSAREREDUCEDPERCODEIFAPPLICABLE. 2..TESTING: A.CONTRACTORSHALLFURNISHORPROVIDECOORDINATIONFORTESTINGASREQUIRED BYTHEPROJECTSPECIFICATIONS.THETESTINGPROGRAMSHALLBE COORDINATED WITH THEPROJECTOWNER,ARCHITECTANDSTRUCTURALENGINEER. B.INTHEABSENCEOFOTHERREQUIREMENTS,THE CONTRACTOR SHALLFURNISH INDEPENDENTTESTINGOFSOILCOMPACTION,CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETESTRENGTHAND REINFORCING,STRUCTURAL STEELBOLTINGANDWELDINGTOTHEEXTENTNECESSARYTO ASSURECONSTRUCTIONISINCOMPLIANCEWITHTHECONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. 3 .FOUNDATIONS: A .TH E''ALLOWABLE SOILBEARINGPRESSUREASSUMEDINDESIGNIS2000PSF.THE CONTRACTORSHALLRETAINALICENSEDSOILSENGINEERTOINSPECTTHEFOUNDATION EXCAVATION.SOILSENGINEERSHALLVERIFYINWRITINGTHEACTUALSOILSCAPACITYIS EQUALTOOR GREATER THANASSUMED. B.ALLFOOTINGBEARINGELEVATIONSSHOWNAREASSUMED .EXACTBEARINGELEVATIONS SHALLBEVERIFIEDINTHEFIELDWITHACTUALCONDITIONSBY CONTRACTOR WITH APPROVALOFSOILSENGINEERANDALLBOTTOMOFFOOTINGSSHALLBEAMINIMUMOF 48"BELOW EXTERIOR GRADE. C .ALLFOOTINGSARETOBEPLACEDONFIRM,UNDISTURBED,NATURALSOILORPROPERLY COMPACTEDBACKFILL,APPROVEDBYTHESOILSENGINEER.BACKFILLSHALLBE COMPACTEDTO95%(MINIMUM)MODIFIEDPROCTORDENSITYPERASTMD1557UNLESS OTHERWISERECOMMENDEDBYTHESOILSREPORT.IFSOFTSPOTSAREENCOUNTERED REMOVESOILAND RECOMPACT WITHAPPROVEDFILL. D.CONTRACTORSHALLBACKFILLEQUALLYONEACHSIDEOFFOUNDATIONWALLSIN12INCH MAXIMUMVERTICALLIFTS .REFERTOSOILSENGINEERFORBACKFILLMATERIAL . E.CONTRACTORTOPROVIDE,ATHISEXPENSE,FIELDDENSITYTESTSON COMPACTED FILL UNDERFOOTINGSANDINTERIORSLABS-ON-GRADE.AMINIMUMOF2REPRESENTATIVE TESTSSHALLBETAKENFOREACHFOOTING. F.NOTIFYSOILSENGINEERWHENEXCAVATIONISCOMPLETEDSOTHATCONDITIONSMAYBE INSPECTED PRIO.PLACEMENTOF AAY FILLORCONC •. 4 .CONCRETE : A.ALLCAST-IN -PLACE CONCRETE SHALL BEMADEWITHTYPE !ill PORTLAND CEMENT,STONE AGGREGATE AAD SHALL SATISFY THEFOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS : CONCRETEITEM FOOTINGS FOUNDATIONWALLS F'C MIXTYPE 3000psiSTD 3000psiSTD MAXW/C RATIO %AIRREQ. B.IF CONCRETE SUPPLIERPROPOSESUSEOFFLYASHHESHALLPROVIDE OWNER WITH LETTERINDICATINGCOSTREDUCTIONATTIMEOFBID.THEMODULUSOF ELASTICITY OF AlL CONCRETESHALLEXCEED WC1.5 33 ,JF'C (OR57,000 ,JF'C NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE). C .FOOTINGS ANDWA LLS SHALLNOTHAVEJOINTSINA HORIZONTAL PLANE. D .AlL CONCRETEWORK AAD REINFORCEMENT DETAILINGSHALLBEIN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI BUILDING CODE318 LATEST EDITION,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWisE.USESTANDARD HOOKSFORDOWELSUNLESSOTHERWISENOTED .ALL EXPOSEDEDGESOFCONCRETE WORK SHAlL HAVE3/4INCHCHAMFER. 5 .REINFORCEMENT: .A.ALLREINFORCING SHAlL BE HIGH-STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TOASTM A615,GRADE60EXCEPTTIESWHICH SHAlL BE DEFORMED BARS,ASTM DESIGNATION A615 . GRADE40ORASTMA706GRADE60. B.WELDEDWIREFABRIC SHAlL CONFORMTOASTMA185GRADE65AND SHALL BELAPPED ONEFULLMESHATSIDEANDENDSPLICESANDWIREDTOGETHER. C.REINFORCEMENT PROTECTION : 1."CONCRETEPOUREDAGAINSTEARTH 2 .'.\CONCRETEPOUREDINFORMS(EXPOSEDTO WEATHER OREARTH) 3" 2" D .REINFORCEMENT PLACEMENTAND TOLERANCES SHALLBEIN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 7.5,7.6 AAD 7 .7 OFAC1318 .LATESTEDITION . E.NOSPLICESOF REINFORCEMENT SHALLBEMADEEXCEPTASDETAILEDOR AUTHORIZED BYTHESTRUCTURALENGINEER.LAPSPLICES,WHEREPERMITTED ,SHALLBEAMINIMUM OF48BARDIAMETERSUNLESSOTHERWISENOTED.MAKEALLBARS CONTINUOUS AROUND CORNERS. F.CONTINUOUSTOPANDBOTTOMBARSINWALLSANDBEAMSSHALLBE SPLICED AS FOLLOWS:TOPBARSATMIDSPAN ,BOTTOMBARSOVER SUPPORTS. 6 ,STRUCTURALSTEEL: A.ALLSTRUCTURALSTEELSHALLCONFORMTOASTMA36EXCEPTPIPE COLUMNS WHICH SHALLCONFORMTOASTMA53ANDTUBECOLUMNSTOASTMA500,GRADEB.LATEST EDITIONS .STEELSUPPLIERMAYPROVIDEASTMA572,GRADE50ATHISOPTION . MISCELLANEOUSEMBEDDEDITEMSSHALLBEA36 STEEl.STEEl. B.ALLSTRUCTURALBOLTSSHALLBEA325NINSTALLEDTOAMINIMUMSNUG TIGHT CONDITION.ALLANCHORBOLTSSHALLCONFORMTOASTMA307UNLESSNOTED OTHERWISE . 2 ••C.STRUCTURALSTEELSHALLBEDETAILEDANDFAf3RICATEDIN ACCORDANCE WITHTHE LATESTPROVISIONSOFAISC "MANUALOFSTEEL CONSTRUCTION." D .UNLESSOTHERWISENOTED,USESTANDARDFRAMEDBEAM CONNECTIONS WITHSTEEL BOLTSPERAISC"MANUALOFSTEELCONSTRUCTION"TABLEII-AWITHA325 -N BOLTSOR WELDEDEQUIVALENT .SELECTCONNECTIONTOSUPPORT60%THETOTALUNIFORMLOAD CAPACITYFOREACHGIVENBEAMANDSPAN.STEELSUPPLIERMAYSUBMITALTERNATE CONNECTIONDETAILSACCOMPANIEDBYCALCULATIONSSTAMPEDBYTHEREGISTERED PROFESSIONALENGINEER RESPONSIBLE FORTHECONNECTIONDESIGNFORENGINEER 'S REVIEW. E.ALLWELDERSSHALLHAVEEVIDENCEOFPASSINGTHEAMERICANWELDINGSOCIETY STANDARDQUALIFICATIONSTESTSASOUTLINEDINAWS-D1 .1. = F .MINIMUMWELDSTOBEPERAISCTABLEJ2.4BUTNOTLESSTHAN3/16 "CONTINUOUSFILLET UNLESSOTHERWISENOTED. G.FORALLBEAM/COLUMNORBEAM/BEAMCONNECTIONS,PROVIDE HORIZONTAL SHORT SLOTSINCONNECTIONMEMBERONLY(WT-SECTIONS,ANGLESORSHEARPLATES). H .PROVIDE TEMPORARY BRACINGANDPRECAUTIONSNECESSARYTOWITHSTANDALL CONSTRUCTION AND/ORWiNDLOADSUNTILALLFIELD CONNECTIONS ARECOMPLETED AND PERMANENT LATERALSYSTEMSANDDECKSAREINPLACE . I.STEEL FABRICATOR SHALLNOTRECEIVEADDITIONALCOMPENSATIONFORSHOP DRAWINGTIMEFORANYREVISIONSTOERECTIONDRAWINGSNORFORANYREVISIONS TOPIECEDRAWINGSPRIORTOENGINEER'SAPPROVALOFERECTIONDRAWINGS. 7.NON-SHRINKGROUT : A .NON-SHRINKGROUTSHALLBEPROVIDED: 1.BETWEENCOLUMNBASESANDCONCRETESUPPORTS . 2.BETWEENBEAMSORBEAMBEARINGPLATESANDCONCRETESUPPORTS . 3.GROUTSHALLBECOMPLETEPRIORTOADDINGBUILDINGLOADSABOVE .., '.\ B .WOOD: A.ALLFRAMINGANDTRUSSLUMBERSHALLBEDRYDOUGLASFIR,LARCH,GRADEDBY WESTERNWOODPRODUCTSASSOCIATIONANDCONFORMINGTOUNIFORMBUILDING CODEASFOLLOWS : 2"THICK-4"TO 6"WIDE(WALLSTUDONLY)STUDFb =700PSI 2"TO4"THICK-6"&WIDER NO.2 Fb =900PSI 5"THICK-5"&WIDER NO.1 Fb =1350PSI NOTEDALLOWABLESTRESSESAREMINIMUMSANDFOR NONREPETITIVE USESPRIORTO ALLOWABLESTRESSINCREASES. B.PROVIDECROSSBRIDGINGNOTOVER8'ONCENTERFORALL2XWOODJOISTSAND 2XSOLIDBLOCKINGBETWEENJOISTSATALLSUPPORTSANDENDSOFCANTILEVERS. C.FASTENALLWOODMEMBERSWITHCOMMONNAILSACCORD ING TOTHEUBCSCHEDULE TABLE23-11-B-1 UNLESSOTHERWISENOTED. D.LAMINATEDBEAMS 1.ALLLAMINATEDMEMBERSSHALLBEFABRICATEDOFDOUGLASFIRLARCHAT12 PERCENTMOISTURECONTENTINACCORDANCEWITHWCLIB .ALLSIZESSHOWN ARENET. 2.LAMINATEDMEMBERSHALLBEDETAILEDANDFABRICATEDINACCORDANCEWITH 3 THE STANeD SPECIFICATIONS FORTHE DESIGN.FABRICATION OF STRUCTURAL GLUELAMINATEDTIMBER,LATEST ED"""ON AS PUBLISHED BYAITC. 3.PROVIDEUNITSCONFORMINGTOAITC117,24FVS,D.F.FOR CONTINUOUS MEMBERS ANDCANTILEVERSAND 24FV4 ,D.F .FORSIMPLE SUPPORT MEMBERS .MEMBERS SHALLBEDESIGNEDWITHZEROCAMBERWITH TOP SURFACE CLEARLY STAMPED ONEACHMEMBER. E.PLYWOODDECKAND/ORORIENTEDSTRANDBOARD 1.PANELTHICKNESSSHALLBEASSHOWNONTHEDRAWING .APPLICATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITHRECOMMENDATIONSOFTHEAMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION. 2.EACHPANELSHALLBEIDENTIFIEDWITHTHEGRADE -TRADEMARK OFTHE AMERICANPLYWOODASSOCIATIONANDSHALLMEETTHE REQUIREMENTS OFU .S ._ PRODUCTSSTANDARDPSI,LATESTEDITIONFORPLYWOOD .ALLPANELSW HICH HAVEANYEDGEORSURFACEPERMANENTLYEXPOSEDTOTHE WEATHER SHALL BEOFTHEEXTERIORTYPE. 3.FORROOFUSE5/S"(40/20SPANRATING)EXPOSUREI SHEATHING NAILEDAT4" O.C .ALONGPANELEDGESANDAT12"ALONG INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS . 4.EXTERIOR WALLSSHALLHAVEONELAYEROF1/2"EXPOSURE I SHEATHING NAILEDAT6 "O.C .ALONGPANELEDGES. 5.FLOORANDROOFSHEATHINGSHALLBEINSTALLEDWITHTHEFACEGRAIN -. PERPENDICULAR TOSUPPORTSWITHENDJOINTS STAGGERED. 6.INSTALL SUITABLEEDGESUPPORTBYUSEOFPLYCLlPS,TONGUE AND GROOVEPANELSORSOUDWOODBLOCKINGBETWEEN SUPPORTS . 9.NON-STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS : A.ELEMENTSSUCHASNON-BEARINGPARTITIONS,ETC.ATTACHEDTO AND/OR SUPPORTED BYTHE STRUCTUR~SHALLTAKEINTOACCOUNTDEFLECTIONSAND OTHER STRUCTURAL MOVEMENTS . B .FIRE PROTECTION FORALLSTRUCTURALPARTSSHALLBE PROVIDED ANDSHALLMEET ALLCODE REQUIREMENTS FORTHETYPEOFCONSTRUCTION SPECIFIED BYTHE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS .STRUCTURALSTEELMEMBERSSHALLBECONSIDERED UNRESTRAINED UNLESSOTHERWISENOTED. ".\ 10.GENERAL: A .ENGINEER 'S ACCEPTANCE MUSTBESECUREDFORALL STRUCTURAL SUBSTITUTIONS. B.VERIFYALL OPENINGS THROUGHFLOORS,ROOFANDWALLSWITH MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS.VERIFICATIONOFLOCATIONS,SIZES,LINTELS ,AND REQUIRED CONNECTIONS ARECONTRACTOR'SCOMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY. C.PRIORTO INSTALLATION OFMECHANICALANDELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OROTHER ITEMSTOBEATTACHEDTOTHESTRUCTURE,ENGINEER'S APPROVAL OFCONNECTIONS ANDSUPPORTSSHALLBEOBTAINED.UNLESSSPECIFICALLY DETAILED ON ARCHITECTURAL ANDSTRUCTURALDRAWINGS,RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALLFURNISHALLHANGERS,CONNECTIONS,ETC.,REQUIREDFOR INSTALLATIONOF HISITEMS. D.PROVIDEALLEMBEDDEDITEMSINSTRUCTUREASNOTEDON ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL,ELECTRICAL,ANDSTRUCTURALDRAWINGS.MISCELLANEOUS EMBEDDEDITEMSANDANCHORBOLTSSHALLBEFURNISHEDBYSTEELSUPPLIER ANDINSTALLEDBYCONCRETECONTRACTOR.STEELSHALL F ULFILLASTMA36. E.PROVIDEASPHALTICMASTIC-COATING ONALLSTEELANDWOOD EXPOSED TOTHEEARTH . F.SUBMITSHOPANDERECTIONDRAWINGSTOENGINEERFORREVIEWOFALLCONCRETE 4 REINFORCING,STATURAL STEEL,ANDWOODJOISTS .T~ANUFACTURING OR FABRICATIONOF AltV ITEMSPRIORTO WRITIEN REVIEW O~HOP DRAWINGS WilL BE ENTIRELYATTHERISKOFTHECONTRACTOR. G.WATERPROOFING,VAPORBARRIERS,WATERSTOP,ETC.,SHALLBEASSHOWN ONTHEARCHITECTURALDRAWINGSANDASINDICATEDINTHESPECIFICATIONS . H .ALLMASONRYANDSTONEVENEERSSHALLBEATTACHEDTOINTERIORANDEXTERIOR WALLSASSPECIFIEDINSECTIONS1403.6.4.2AND1403.6.4.3 OFTHEUNIFORMBUILDING CODE. I.All DIMENSIONSONSTRUCTURA L DRAWINGSSHALLBECHECKEDAGA INST FIELD ARCHITECTURALDRAWINGS . J .CONTRACTORSHALLVERIFYALLASSUMEDEXISTING CONDITIONS .IFCOND ITIONS ARE DIFFERENTTHANASSUMED ,NOTIFYENGINEER. 5 • DALY RESIDENCE 782 POTATO PATCH DRlVE VAIL ,EAGLE COUNTY ,COLORADO PROJECT SCOPE PHASEI(Revised1115/01) • z: 1.1 Removelowerlevel bearing wall ,addthreefootings,steel columns andasteelbeam . 1.2Restructureventingin storage areatoallowforatleast 7'6"ceiling. 1.3Install dropped ceiling and drywall allwalls . 1.4Addwallateastend of pooltableroomforstorageand plumbing. 1.5Installbarareaateastend of pooltableroom;plumbfornew sink and refrigerator. 1.6Wrapall colwnns and beam withwood;baseandcasetomatch existing. 1.7Add carpeting topooltablearea;matchexisting. 1.8 Eliminate double doors in media room andinstallsmall window east of doubledoors. 1.9Add electrical outlets and lighting forpooltableandmediarooms. 1.10Removeand reconstruct frontentrystairs. 1.11Add snow meltto stairs and walkway fromdrive. 1.12Replaceflagstone walkway andsteps . 1.13Stuccoentrystair structure. 1.14Replace handrail andtrim;match existing. Town of Vail OFFICE COpy BOl ..oooS ••Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName:DalyResidence ProjectDescription:Minor revisionsto previously-approved plan;minor exterior alteration. Owner,AddressandPhone:Andrew Daly,c/oVailAssociates,Inc.,POBox7,Vail,CO 81658 Architect/Contact,Address -and Phone:Henry Pratt,Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects,1000 S. Frontage Road West,Vail,CO81657 ProjectStreetAddress:782 Potato Patch Drive LegalDescription:Lot 16,Block1,Vail Potato Patch ParcelNumber:2101-063-01-001 Project#:PRJOO-o034 Motionby: Secondedby: Vote: BuildingName: Board I Staff Action Action:Staff Approved Conditions: 1)Revisions approved are indicated on the plans dated October 2,2000onmeatthe Department of Commnnity Development. TownPlanner:Brent Wilson Date:September 29,2000 ORBFee Pre-Paid:$50.00 TOWNOFVAIL 75'S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO81657 97Q-479-2138 NOTE: DEtRTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP~T THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES Job Address : Location : Parcel No : Project No : ELECTRICAL PERMIT 782 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 782POTATO PATCH DRIVE 210106301001 PI2.:5CO .OO3Lj- Permit #: Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires ..: EO 1·0025 ISSUED 02/14/2001 02/14/2001 08/13/2001 OWNER DALY ANDREW P &LUCINDA M BOX 1514 VAIL CO 81658 License: CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC POBOX 1116 VAIL,CO 81658 License:156-E APPLICANT EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC POBOX 1116 VAIL,CO 81658 License:156-E 02/14/2001 Phone: 02/14/2001 Phone:970-827-5772 02/14/2001 Phone:970-827-5772 Desciption: Valuation: GARAGE ADDITION/CONVERSION&ELEVATOR &HOTTUB $3,000.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEESlJ~t~~y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Elcctrical-->S54 .00 T otalCalculated Fees->$57.00 DRBFee-->SO.OO Additional Fees-->$0 .00 Investigation->$0.00 Total Permit Fee-->$57.00 Will Call---->S3.00 Payments ••--->S57 .00 TOTALFEES->$57 .00 BALANCE DUE->sc i oo ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Approvals : Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 02/14/2001 KWARREN Action:APPR OVER THE COUNTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.);FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application,filled outin full the information required ,completed an accurate plotplan,and statethatailthe information as required is correct.[agreeto comply withthe information andplotplan,to comply withailTown ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthis structure according tothe towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved , Uniform Building Codeandother ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto . REQUESTSFOR INSPECTIOl\SHALLBEMADE 1WENTY-FOURHOURS IX ADVANCE BYTELEPHONEA ·5 PM. **************************~***********************************1IIIr**•••**••**.****.***.* TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO~y Reprinted on02-14-2001at14:08:51 02/14/2001 Statement ***••••••••**•••*.*.***.***••**********••******••***••****.**•••*.*••**.***••**••*********** Statement Number: Payment Method: Permit No: Parcel No : Site Address : Location: R00000045 3 Amount :$57.00 02/14/200102:08 PM Cash Init:KMW Notation:#15846/EAGLE VALLEY ELEC E01-002 5 Type :ELECTRICAL PERMIT 210106301001 782 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL 782 POTATO PATCH DRIVE Total Fees:$57 .00 This Payment:$57 .00 Total ALL Pmts:$57.00 Balance:$0.00 ***.**************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST : Account Code EP 00100003111400 WC 00100003112800 De scripti on TEMPORARY POWER PERMIT S WILL CALL IN SPECTION FEE Current Pmts 54.00 3.00 APPUCATIOeILL.NOT BEACCEPTED IF INCOMPLAoR UNSIGNED ~ Pr~ct#:P P4 0 0 -~_ Building Permit #:BOl:::Oal5...- Electrical Permit #:i 6(O(-)(5 25 970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 75S.Frontage Rd . Vail,Colorado 81657 Contact Eaqle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.es aie-countv.corn for Parcel # I Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #i s provided above)210106301001 ·11 JobName :Daly Residence ,I JobAddress:782 Potato Patch Drive I LegalDescription II Lot:II Block:II Filing:II Subdiv ision : Owne rsName:Andrew Dalv Addr ess:782 Potato Patch Dr II Phone: Engineer:Address:I Phone:I I Deta iled d escr iption ofwor k : Remodel of e xisting lower level floor space Work Class:New ()Addition ()Remodel(X)Repair ()T empPower ()Other () Work Ty pe:Interior(X )Exterior ()Both()II Doesan EHU existatthi s location:Yes ()No () Typeof Bldg.:Single-family(X )Duplex ()Multi-family ()Commerdal()Restau rant ()Other() No.of ExistingDwell ing Un its in t hisbu rldinq:1 1/No.of Accomm odationUnits in t hisb uilding : I Is t hispermit for a hot tub:Yes()No (X) I Does a Fire AlarmExist:Yes()No()II DoesaFire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes ()No ()I COMPLETE SQ.FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor &Materials) AMOUNTOF SQFTIN STRU CTURE :690 I ELECTRICAL VALUATION:$3,000.00 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Elect rical Contractor:T ownof Vail Reg.No.:Contact andPhone #'5:office 827-5772 Eagle Valley Electric~Inc 156 'E t.Sam Bishop cel:904-5844 Contractor Signature:x-,\.....\)~...\1 ..) I -- ***************************************FOR OFFICEUSEONLY ***********************'k ************* F:/e'Jeryone/forms/elecpe rm TOWN OFVAIL 75 ·S.FRONTAG E ROAD VPrIL,CO81657 970479-2138 rlARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVE!PMENT N OTE:T HISPERMIT MUST BE POSTED O N JOBSITE ATALLTIMES Job Address: Location : ParcelN o : Project No : M ECHANICA L PERMIT 782 POTATO PATCHDRVAIL 782PO TATO PATCHDRIVE 210106301 001 ~Q-.-S O O -co >'1 Permit #: Statu s ...: Applied ..: Issu ed ..: Expires ... M01-0019 ISSUED 03/02/2001 03/08/2001 09/04/2001 OWNER DALY ANDREW P&LUCINDA M BOX 1514 VAIL CO 81658 License: CONTRACTOR R &H MECHANICAL LLC 1047 CHERRYVALE ROAD BOULDER,CO 80303 License:1 84-M APPLICANTR&H MECHANICAL LLC 1047 CHERRYVALE ROAD BOULDER,CO 80303 License:184 -M 03/02/2001 Phone: 03/02/2001 Phone:303 -543-9894 03/02/2001 Phone :303 -543-9894 Desciption:Replac e entrance snowmelt tubing with wirsbo tubing &brass manifold @ entry steps &landing. Valuation:$3,200.00 Fireplace Information :Restricte d :Y #of GasAppliances :0 #of Gas Logs:0 #of \,Voo ll Pellet:O..···**·············lH.·__·_-*-*_·**··_*--*--*--*--***FEESU~1l\1 ARY •__•__.-.--.--._.--*--****..*"'- MechanicaI--> Plan Check -> In vestigation-> Will CaIl---> $80.00 Res t uaran t Pla n Revi ew-> $20 .00 DRB Fee----------> $0.00 TOTALFEES--------> $3 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $103 .00 To tal Ca lc ulated Fees-> Additio na l Fees-----> To ta l Pe rmit Fee---> Paymen ts--> BALANCEDUE--> $10 3 .00 $0 .00 $103.00 $103 .00 $0 .00 Item:0 510 0 BUILDING 03/02/200 1 lc 03/02/20 01 JRM BOI LER DEPARTMENT Action:NO Act ion:AP Rou ted to JRM REPLACING EXISTING ENTRAN WITH NEW USINGE CONDITION OFAPPROY AL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond :22 (BLDG .):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIREDPER SEC.701 OFTHE 1 997 UMC,OR SECTION 7 01 OF THE 1997 IMC . Cond:23 (BLDG.):INSTALLATION MUST ~FORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRU~ONS AND TOCHAPTER 10·OFTHE 1997 UMC,CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cop.d :25 (B~DG.):GAS APPLIANCES SHALLBEVENTED ACCORDING TOCHAPTER8 AND SHALL TERMINATEAS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OFTHE 1997 UMC,ORCHAPTER8OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (BLDG .):ACCESSTOHEATINGEQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITHCHAPTER3 AND SEC .l017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER3OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond :31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALLBE MOUNTED ONFLOORSOF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ONCOMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TOAN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG.):DRAINAGEOF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAININGHEATINGOR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALLBE EQUIPPED WITHAFLOORDRAINPER SEC.1022 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 1004.6 OFTHE 1997 IMC. **"'*""'''''***************************''''''"*********************"'***********""********************"'*****************************..*****...*******>t*********** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have r ead this a pplication,filled o utinfullth e information r equired,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that allthe information as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according tothe towns zoning and subdivision codes,de sign r eview approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable th ereto . REQUESTSFORIN SPECTION SH ALLBE M ADETWENTY-FOURH OURS IN ADVAK'CE BYT ELEPHON PM. SIGNATURE O f **************************~************************************~********************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R000000493 Check Amount:$103.00 03/08/20011 1:49 AM Init:LC No ta tion:#3 2 20/R &H Mechan ic al Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: M01 -0019 Type:MECHANICAL PERMIT 210106 3010 01 782 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL 782 POTATO PATCH DRIVE This Payment :$10 3.00 Total Fees: Total ALLPmts : Balance: $10 3.00 $103 .00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST : Acco un t Code MP 001000 0311 13 00 PF 001 00003 1123 00 WC 00 100 003 112800 Descr ipt i on MEC HANICAL PERM IT FE CS PLAN CIIECK FE ES WI LL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Current Pmts 80.00 20 .00 3 .00 Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: :J Mechanical Room Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Size and Location o Flue,Vent and Gas Line Size and Location o Heat Loss Cales . o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit willnotbeaccepted wi thout t he following: APPLICATIO.LL NOTBEACCEPTED IF INCOMPLe-AR UNSIGNED 'JYl.V~ Project #:eG(JOOO>\{ Building Permit #:g o/-ceoS Mechanical Permit #:t\tOl-OOl-r. 970-479-2149 (Inspections) 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaa/e-countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above) JobName:DA-~\I fZ-E.ti1 0 D ~L ,-"~,,-,,s:1 90 Pf'JI4:1lJ ?4TC-H Gegal Descript ion I[Lot:If Block:II Filing:II Subdivision: I OwnersName:I Address :II Phone: Engineer:Address :II Phone: Detailed description ofwork:t 'lJ'L4V J.j b (i\.CTfl4-r-1 SNOwt1-1 e ct:7U i5<JJ {,tvfT7-/:W1(Z>i5D 1lJ£/I.J&v t3,'l..A-S5 ,t.iA-N.'fZ/l~O 0'>VJ.T(I.-\f S-rJU>..5.~L fH...LD /N6 Work Class:New()Addition ()Alteration (~Repair()Other () Boiler Locat ion:Interior ()Exterior ()Other ()Does anEHUexist atthis location:Yes()No () ~ Type of Bldg :Single-family (vr'Duplex ()Multi-family ()Commercial()Re stauran t ()Other () No.ofExisting Dwelling Units in t his building:No.of Accommodation Units inth is bu ilding: ~._.ices Existinq :GasAppliances ()Gas toes ()Wood /Pellet()Wood Burninq ():owED)j1 NO/TypeofFirep laces Proposed :GasApp liances ()Gas Logs ()Wood/Pellet ()Wood Burning (NOT ALL Isthisaconversion from awood burning fireplace toan EPA Phase II dev ice?Yes()No () CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor &Materials) Contact andPhone#'s: qoL/-~f7~ TownofVailReg.No.: ~--V1A-­ M M ,-f-{,tZr1- HANICAL:$3 .aco - Mechanical Contractor: ~1/+M fC Ct+4fJ,J =-=/='17==#F="-"=:i"""'7"":"'7'7~;===:==~""=~~===""'========9 1 F:/everyone/forms/mechperm TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VA ~L ,CO 8 1657 97Q-4 79-2138 NOTE: DE-'TMENT OFCOMMUNITY DEVE LOP~T THIS PERMI T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES JobAddress: Location : ParcelNo: Project No: PLUMBING PERM IT 782POTATO PATCH DR VAI L 782 POTATO PATCH DRI VE 210106301001 P2."'300 -OO~ Permit#: Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires..: POI-OOl2 ISSUED 02/12/200I 02/12/2001 08/1112001 OWNER DALY ANDREW P &LUCINDA M BOX 1514 VAIL CO 81658 License: CONTRACTOR ALLIANCE MECHANICAL P .O.BOX 1855 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:552-S APPLICANTALLIANCE MECHANICAL P.O.BOX 1855 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:552-S Desciption:ADD KITCHEN SINKIN BASEMENT Valuation:$850.00 02/12/200 1 Phone: 02/12/2001 Phone :970-376-5370 02/12/2001 Phone:970 -376-5370 Fireplace Information:Restricted:??#ofGasAppliances:??#of Gas Logs:??#ofWoodPallet:??**•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE SlH\-IMARY . PIumbing->$15 .00 Restuarant Plan Review->$0 .00 TotalCalculatedFees->$21 .75 Plan Check->$3.75 ORBFee >$0 .00 Additional Fees-->$0.00 Investigation->$0 .00 TOTALFEES >$2 1.75 TotaIPennitFee-->$2 1.75 W ill Call-->$3 .00 Payments -->$2 1 .75 BALANCE DUE-->$0.00........................". Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 02/12/2001 KWARREN Action:APPR OVER THE COUNTER Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond :12 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARA TIO NS Ihereby ackno wledge thatIhave read this application ,filled outin full the information required,completed anaccurateplotplan,and state that alltheinformation as required is correc t.Iagree to compl ywith the informationandplotplan,tocomplywithall Town ordinances and statelaws,andtobuildthisstructure according tothe towns zoningandsubdivision codes,designreview approved, UniformBuilding Codeandother ordinances of theTownapplicable thereto . •REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALLBEMADETWENTY·FOURHOURS INADVANC •T 41 -2138 ORATOUROFFICEFROM 8:00 AM -5 PM. .OFOWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWNE 02/12/200111:28 AM Init:KMW Notation:U5331/ALLIANCE MECHANICAL R000000440 Amount:$21 .75 Check **************************~***********************************~********************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADOl!Py Reprinted on 02-12-2001 at 11:29:03 02/12/2001 Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: Permi t No : Parcel No: Site Address: Location: P01-0012 Type:PLUMBING PERMIT 210106301001 782 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL 782 POTATO PATCH DRIVE Total Fees :$21.75 This Payment:$21.75 Total ALL Pmts :$21 .75 Balance :$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code Oescri pt i on Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111200 WC 00100003112800 PLAN CHEC K FEES PLUMBING PERMIT FEE S WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 .75 15 .00 3 .00 APPLICATIONeLL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLEaR UNSIGNED ! Project #:_Pr j c'\()4 003 ~__ Building Permit #:6 Q /0 0 0 )- Plumbing Permit #:PO '~0 012.- 970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaale-countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above) '.•L ...VJ /i,-1 fZ,~d .'.L .. S:7 tf':J-(lrJ--!lrL ,f2"P3:/o.e:4 ~II Lot:U Block:II Filing:•II-,... II -.- Owners Name =J }A,~.£A Address:7 r,;-.f~rP;J!d t{)!?Phone:. Engineer:~Add ress:Phone: ~~~_work:p/JV/'/).AA /•At ~_di n ..New()Addition ()Alteration ()Repair()Other () Typeof Bldg .:Single-fam ily(vr-Duplex ()Multi-family()Comme rcial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of Existing Dwelling Unitsinthisbuilding :No.of Accommodation Unitsinthisbuild ing: Isthis aconversion from awood burning fi replacetoan EPA Phase II device ?Yes()No(t,..}- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of VailReg.No.:p S:S:,b-5 1A'1, actandPhone #'s: 3lt -':>""'5 10 ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY **********************************..** F/ev eryone/forrn s/plmbpe rrn •• •03-09-2001 8:04 a~ Pa ~y,arc 09200 ART MECH JR 782POTATOPTCHDR VAlL 782POTATOPATC H DRIVE Co Type: PBrC81: Owner: ~ IA5crt 1-0019 T OCtupl" 210106301001 OAL Y ANDREW P LUCINDA R&H MECI-WIICAl.u,c R &H CHANICAl LLC Replace 8 ECH tu" SubT ASFPuse· Phone 3W-543-9894 Phone.303-543- &bfess menlfold status:ISSUED InspAr :J Reque ted Time:01:00 PM Phone·904-5600 Entered By.lCAMPBEll K 200 MEl:ti-~OU!lh (0pG0neI) 310 ECH-He8t\I'lg (OPtloneI) 315 PLMB-Gas Piping (Opllonal)ptJone 320 ECH-£xtlauSt t100ds «()ptionaI1 330 ECH-Supply AIr lOptlOnal) 340 ECH-MiSC.'9PCfonaI> MECH-FIn8l (~eq red) Item: Item: B!m!!!ted Inspectlon(s) Item:310 MECH-Heatlng R U<9StOr·Tony wtltl Resort Cooce Con\rnefIb.wIBbo at entry Assigned To'W "h7ktIon"nt'//}cJt/~p-Tin Exp·_ l7/an5l~S-O*~)L Inspect!n History RE 31 Rur Id.450 , 03-02 -2001 6:13 pm AlPID Information • Requested Inspect Date: Assigned To : Inspection Type: Inspection Area: Site Address: • Monday,March 05,2001 ART BlDG JRM 782 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 782 POTATO PATCH DRIVE Page3 const~ Parte!: Owner: ~ DescrlpUon : Comment B01..Q005 Type:A-BUILD Su b Type:ASFR Status:ISSUED OCCUpancy:Use :VN Insp Area:JRM 210106301001 DALY ANDREW P &LUCINDA M RESORT CONCEPTS RENOVATION Phone:970-949-9432 RESORT CONCEPTS RENOVATION Phone:970-949-9432 GARAGE ADDITlONICONVERSION&ELEVATOR &HOT TUB knoxbox Installation required by f.d .Alarm systemneeds service by thul eledronlcs prior to ftnal.mlv.- CDAVIS Requested Time:08:00 AM Phone:~5600 70~Y Entered By:LCAMPSELL K Requested InspecUonCsl Item:10 BlDG-FootlngslSteeI Requestor;RESORT CONCEPTS RENOVATlONITony Comments :Will call:Pourtlme IIJts a.m. Assigned To:ART AdIon:Time Exp: Item Comments:AlL INtERiOR pADs APPROVED --- EXTERIORFOOTING MUST COMPlETE FORM BOARD INSTALLATIONflPI?"O v n::?REOMVEALLLOOSE MATERIAL FROM SUBGRDE OF FOOTING I ~'::OfZ (!f.1(t'"77d'rUSEWEATHERPROTECTIONoItemComments:Contractor cancelled If!SP8Ctlon and will reschedUle'7 item Comments:LEDGER ELIMINATED ·NO STONEVENEER TO BE ADDE D·STUCCO ANISH L7'C:O I1 I'U[T IC.r o /f.t15 I C£/l/rl'O C/r 5r't?~Q-0/lIlI//f"C F/lC//'(S/1'7".....-c:.. Inspection History ~/"/ Item:10 BLDG-Footings/steel (OptIonal)~Approved ~~P" 02101101 mpeetor:cdlMs ActIon :NR NOT READYFOR INSPECTION Comments:COlltnlctorcancelled inspection and wtll resched 02I02I01 Inspector:CDAVIS ActIon :COND APPROVEDICONDlTIONS Comments:ALL INTERIOR PADS APPROVED EXTERIOR FOOTING MUST COMPLETE FORMBOARD INSTALLATION REOMVE ALLLOOSE MATERIAL FROM SUBGRDE OF FOOTING USE WEATHER PROTECTION 02I09I01 Inspector:ART AdIon :APPR APPROVED Comments:LEDGER EL INATED ·NO STONE VENEE R TO BE ADDED -STUCCO ANISH Item:20 BLDG-FoundatIonIsteel (""""""'1)~A ...............~ 02114101 Insf*;tor:GRGt"'~-"t'I"VAdJon :AP APPROVED Comments:lJ-Shaped walls.CMUS.Told contractor to be sure to tie where barsare lapped.TIe WOIk thenIn progress befOl'8 I left sIle. Item:30 BLDG-Framlng (QpCIonaI)~Approved ~ 02 /14101 Inspector:l3RG Action :PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Comments:3 square tube steel columns supporting steel beam .Columns boiled to flange In tIoor and welded to beam lit tops =OK . 02121101 InSD8dor:JRM ActIon :AP APPROVED Comments:INTERIORFRAMING ,CEILING LID Item:50 BLDG-Insulallon (ODtJonal)..Approved .... 02121101 Inspector:JRM ActIon :AP APPROVED Item:60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail (Opl)onal)~Approved ~ 02122101 InSl)edor:J~M ActIon :AP APPROVED Comments:APPROVED 1SMALL WALL NIR BUT MATERIALS ON SITE T O COMPLETE Item :70 BLDG-Misc.(OptIonal) Item:90 BLDG-FJnal (Required) REPT131 Run Id:440 ---Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Nam e:Daly Residence P rojectDescription:Remodel!Garage Addition Owner,AddressandPhone:Andrew Daly,c!oVailAssociates,Inc.,PO Box7,Vail,CO 81658 Architect/Contact,AddressandPhone:Sid Schultz,Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects,1000S. Frontage Road West,Vail,CO 81657 Project St reet Addre ss:782 Potato Patch Drive LegalDe scription:Lot 16,Block 1,Vail Potato Patch ParcelNumber:2101-063-01-001 Project#:PRJOO-0034 Motion by :Bill Pierce Seconded by :Melissa Greenauer Vote :5-0 Building Name: Board I Staff Action Act ion:Approved with Conditions Conditions : 1)An additional stone column willbe added adjacent to the entry stairway tobe consistent with the columns proposed for the new garage. 2)The stone willbe carried to the top of the southeast corner of the home on the first level. 3)A "limits of disturbance"fence and some form of erosion control willbe added to the site plan prior to building permit issuance. 4)A P.E.stamp willbe provided for the combination retaining wall detail drawing. 5)The earthwork behind the garage addition shall have a finished grade not to exceed 2:1. 6)A drainage swalewillbe provided behind the garage to provide positive drainage away from the structure. Town Plan ner :Brent Wilson D ate:April 5,2000 DRB F eePr e-Paid:$50.00 til Questio.n thePlanning Sta tT:1i 47 9-2128 f RYCO -OOS e.) APPLICAnON FORDESIGNREVIEW APPROVAL / A. B. C. D. E. F. G. ____....L:.-'-="--PHONE:--=i~Io<-...LJ....J-..J'--__ H .5>c (/1 r L-.()~$,p Construction ofa newbuilding. Includesanyadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor conuncrcial building, o Minor Alteration -$20Includesminorchangestobuildingsandsite improvements.suchas, reroofing.painting.windowadditions,landscaping.fencesandretaining walls,etc. ORBfeesaretobepaidatthetime ofsubmittaI .Later.whenapplyingforabuildingpermit.please identify the accurate valuation of theproject.TheTown of Vailwilladjustthefee according totheproject valuation. -"PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICAnON,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. .cr....:'1'" ;D"'!r::~::-:;:~>:'J~'.:.<,.,:.".I":" By • Department of Community De velopm ent 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX9 70-479 -2452 March 2 7,2000 Si d Schultz Gwathmey Pratt Sc h ultz Arc hi tects 1000S .Fro ntage Road West Vail ,CO 8 1657 Re :TheDa ly Residence /Lo116.Block I,VailPotatoPatch Dear Sid : A Iter c ond ucti nga preliminary review of t he design review application submitt ed fort he above- re ferenced property ,the Town is requesting the following revisions .These revisions shou ldb e submittedfor a ddit iona l review atleast10 days prior to yo ur anticipated final DRB meeting. • • • • • • • • • • • Please correct the scale bar onth e site plan .The scale IS inaccurate. Please show the limits of driveway reg rading and the proposed dr iveway grades.Please label the driveway surface and show existing andproposed dri veway contours . Please show the limits of the driveway snowmelt system. Please provide a "limitso f disturbance"fe nce andp roper soil erosion c ontrolon your site plan. Please show additional contours be hind the garage to show th e drainage p ath, Please provide a stamped survey of t he lot. Retaining walls willrequi re as ite-specific comb ination wall stamped P .E.de tail. A lldi sturbed grades must b ere turned to a2:Igrade . Pl easeprovide a detail fort hebo ulder w allatthe e nd of t he retain ing w all.If t hewa llis greaterth an 4',a P.E.stamp will bereq uired. Please show all proposedro of ridge e levations fo rthe addition . Please provide a landscape plan indicating any impacted tr eeso nthelot. o JlE CYCU'VPAPER • Thisprojectis currently sch eduled for DRBreviewonApril 5,2000.Ifyou wo uldliketodiscuss thisprojectin greater detail,please dono t hesi tatetocon tac t meat(970)479 -2140 . S incerely, Bre nt Wilson,Planner II .••--.:To wn ofVail ----rtment ofCom munity Development 75S.Frontage Road /1 Vail,CO81657 Name:!lit/U-F j""1 ,-UIH ReceiptNo.q;trt Address :'/fJ r /I~'j:),l ~II!f h,j!r'~ifIf!~ Project:.fUN Ll :..-'/f('.t:J.-n:-;,-}-"~,a Date----3-J~3t:) I Pleasemake checks payabletotheTOWNOF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #I Cost Each Total 00100003141110 Zon inq andAddressMaos ZA !$5.00* 0010000 3 141 112 Uniform BuildingCode -1997-Volume1&2 CB I $50.95* 00100003141112 UniformBuildinq code-1997·Vo lume 3 I $57 .20 1*I 0010000 3141112 InternationalPlumbing Coda -1997 I CB I $36.00 1*I 0010000 3141112 InternationalMechanicalCoda-1998 CB i $35.00 * 0010000 3141112 UniformMechan ical Code-1997 $33 .60 . 0010000314 1112 UniformFireCode CB I $36.00 * 00100003141112 INationalElectrical Code CB I $37 .00 * 001 0000314 1112 AbatementofDangerous Bldg.'s 1997 I $9 .95 * 00 10000 3 14 1 112 ModelEnergyCode-1995 I $10 .00 * 00 1 00003141112 AnalysisofRevisions to 1997Uniform Codes I $12 .75 * 00 1 00003141112 OtherCodeBooks CB I * 0010000 3141211 BluePrints/Mvlar CopyFees BF $7.00 * 00100003141111 Xero x Copies XC !$0.25 * 0010000 3 141111 LionsheadMaste r Plan($1.80/$1.60)MS I $40.00 * 00100003141111 Studies,MasterPlans,etc.IMS I * 001 000031 53000 PenallYFeeslRe-lnspections PN I 001 000031 1 2300 PlanReviewRe-eheckFee ($40/perhour)I PF I I 00 1 00003152000 OffHoursInspectionFees OH I 001 00003123000 ContractorsLicenseFees CL ! 001 00003124000 ISignApplication Fee SP !$20 .00 00100003124000 IAdditional SignApplication Fee SP I 00 1 00003112200 DesiqnReview BoardFee(Pre-paid)DR I 'S').l9c 00 1 0000315 3000 BuildinQ InvestiaationFee PN I 00 1 0000 2 ~0 ?"nn n ovol0'l"!ImDIQv~roent Agree mentDepesilD2·DEP10 AD ! 00100003121000RestaurantLicense fee (TOV)RL ! 00100002302000 Spec.Assess.-RestaurantFeeto Co.DeotRev.SA I *00100002011000 Taxable @ 4.5%(State)·Tax payable TP I *001 00003 10110 0 Taxable @ 4.0%(lawn)•RetailSalesTax T7 I Other/M isc..MS I I 00100003112500PEC APPUCATION FEES I , I 00 1 00003 11 2500 Additional GRFA ."250"I PV$200 .00 001 0000311 2500 'ConditionalUsePermit I PV$200 .00 001 0000311 2500 Exterior Alteration-Lessthan100sq.ft.I PV$200.00 ,I 001 0000311 2500Exterior Alteration-More than100sq.ft.PV $500 .00 001 0000311 2500 SpecialDevelopment District-NEW PV i $1 ,500.00 I 001 0000311 2500 Special DevelopmentDistrict-Majo r Amend PV i $1,000 .00 I 00 1 00003 11 2500 Special Development District -Minor Amend PV I $200 .00 001 00003 11 2500SubdivisionFees PV I 00100003112500Variance PV I $250 .00 00100003 11 2500 ZaninaCodeAmendments PV$250 .00 Re-Zoning PV $200 .00 0010000 3193100GreenstarProgram I Othe r -MS !\ i 'TOTAL :D I ).IT''' -t- -Comments:t- -I- -1- - Ef J\1 '3 Received bY~t- -Cash Money Order #Check #t- -l- I II I I F :/Ev eryone/FormslSaJesaet.exe 2110/99 "fI ~ I Vltll UI VtlU..III .CUSTllIIER RE CE IPT III DA TE:3/14/88 81 RECEIP T:8885588 DESC RIPTIOH nT Y A"OUHTTP T"DESIGH REVIEW FE 1 $58.88 IDR CK GWATHm/P RA TT $58.88 TmE:9:85:21$58.88 $58.1l8 LOT lb,El K.1,VAIL POTATO PATCH TEHD ER DETAIL CK 5813 DATE:3/14/88 TOTAL CHECK A ~UN T TENDE RED TH ANK YOU FO R YOU R PA ~EHT ! •••• ZQNECHECK Filing _.L.=..~:.!-.:=--~"':"::~-==-':~_ I>A.lV~ :t(11 h I L•p<?T ....\l' e;Co I I s z,'tt-b -4, Total GRFA Allowed Existing Proposed I ~4-1.---1794 Primary GRFA +(425)(675*)=_+----=---- Secondary GRFA +(425)(675*)=_=---- *675 =425creditplus250addition Docsthisrequestinvolve a 250 Addition?]'J C Howmuch oftheallowed 250 Addition isusedwith this request?rJt¢-. SiteCoverage (.t f)"7 g c.)t-~7't +l't~)=-=tt ~4 S "\-1--~ Height (30)@),""Nc...G~~) Setbacks Front 20'~Sides 1-,..) Rear 15' -, Landscaping Minimum o~ Retaining WallHeights 3'/6'"( Parking Required S Sot-3 Enclosed Garage Credit (300)(600)(900)~It '2.-0 Driveway Permitted Slope J D %ProposedSlope _"1....1:-__% YesComplieswithTOVLightingOrdinance Arc finished gradeslessthan 2:1 (50%) ./No,_ Yes.__/_No,_ 1)PercentSlope «>30%),.!...-~_ 2)Floodplain 3)Wetlands._ 4)WaterCourse Setback:(30)(50)_-L~:..___ 5)Geologic Hazards ----'-_ a)Snow Avalanchc'_---:.I-J~,_ b)Rockfall (lXfi!':1l-ib Environmental/Hazards c)Debris Flow __--l.:N~l>_ Previous conditionsof approval (check:property filc),~·__---!.~~:..--------_ Istheproperty non-conforming?Describe:~::..L-=-~_ ••••• DESIGN REVIEWCHECKLIST Project:~_ o SURVEY o SITEPLAN Scale Benchmark Legal description LotSize Buildable Area Easements Topography 100yr.flood plain Water Course Setback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations v-, Scale Building Height Encroacluncnts Setbacks Site Coverage Eaves/Overhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope Retaining Walls Fences Parking/Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage FireAccess o FLOOR PLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attie Space EHU o BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale Color\Materi als RoofPitch o LAJ'l'DSCAPE PLAi'1 Existingtrees Proposedtrees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Titlereport(A &B) Utility verification form Photosofsite Building material samples C.O.Verification Sun'Shadc Angles Utilities (underground) View Corridors Variance s Plat restrictions 26--6 1 ~ PERMIT NO . I .TYPEOF CO NSTRUC TION III III I VV 2 .OC CUPANCY GROUP A B EH I RM BUIL DING 8000.00 DIVISI ON 12 2a 3 4 z ELE CTRI CAL0 GENERAL DE SC RIPTI ONOF WORK :>=«PLUMB ING kT => -'-c E ;~TE ~i -;OH DECK A;)DITION/WOOD DEC >MECH AN ICA L LEDGERED OFF EXIS T STRUCTURE 8000.00 TYPE GROUP G.RFA VA LUATION PERMITFE ES V R-3 BUILD ING PERM IT 125.00 PLAN CHEC K 81.00 ELEC TRIC AL NEW!)ALTERAT ION ()ADDITI ONA L()REPAIR ()PL UMBING DWE LLING UNITS ___ACCO MMOD AT IONUNITS__MECHANI CAL 'l9~~HEIGH TINFT --NO .FIRE PLACES --RECREATI ON FEE INSU LATION:TYP E THIC KNESS R,VA LLUE DES IGNREVIEWBOARD 20.00 PAID , FLOOR CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT ~---100.00 ~~EXT .WALL S USE TAX ~~ROOF TYP E ELE C.GAS TOTALPERMITFEESOF lOt=;00 SO LAR WOO DHEAl DANSTANEK 8-13-93 ADDIT IONAL PERMITS NEEDED :BUiiDiNG OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- :t..~INITI AL f-SHELLY .l!ELLO_8-13-93_------ST.CUT ONING ADMINI STRATOR DATE BLASTING IzONING &BUILDING NOTES : PARK ING AT T ,..,,,mT'T'TfUtC ()l<'n~R APP~OVAL TO T2"'"'('MDT "'T'"n D~TnR TO FINAL INSPE - DEMO CTlON I hereby acknowledge that Iha ve read this application,f illed out i n full the information requi red , c ompleted a n accurate plot pla n,and state that allth e information provided as required i s correct I agree to comply with the informat ion and plot plan,to c omplyw ith all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build th is st ructure according to the Town'Sn~d subdivision c odes ,design r ev iew a pproved ,U niform Building Code and othe~nces ~1TEf~o w n appl icable t hereto.R _CL~UP ~~~~(j.r'l'J..c n~.v..Co SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRA CTOR FOR HIMSELFi-,r-I,.<,.5 I P 1".A,W AND THE OWNER. ,gO Y-d 'f fY\.QLl.c..<L---- ...Pt ~TE -COpy OF PERMIT TOBE KEPT ON JOBSITE f:;;\tx \.fer CONSTRUCTION PERMI,·-DATE6219 3 TOBE FI ~L ED OUT COMPL ETELYPR IOR TOISSUANCEOFPER MIT TYPEOFPERM IT LX B UILDING D PLU MBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATION ,..,M ECHANICAL n L-782 POTATtiPATCH DRIVE i;EGAL LO T 16 BLK 1 ESC .FILI NG VAIL POTATOPATCH JO BN AME :DALY RESIDENCE-EXT.ALTER. O WNER NAME MR.&MRS.ANDREW D'AL Y-._- I MA li A nn R ~<:<:P.O .BOX 1514 '-33' CITY VAIL P H 4 7 6 -~ ARCHITECT FIRM GWATHMEY,PRATT,SCHULT MAI L ADD RESS 1000 S.FRONTAGE 'ID CIT Y VAIL PH.476-1147 FI RM ~17 i/CL r:A ~;)Z ~ GE NERAL TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO ,"113 -13CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM LEC TRICAL ONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE . FI RM PLUMBING TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . FIRM ME CHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. .TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO CONTRACTOR TELE . ..,, l'' ,~. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMITNUMBEROFPROJECT ,-117)CL / " READ YFOR LO CA T ION : BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /ST EEL o U NDERGRO U ND o FOUN DATION /STEEL o ROUG H /D W .V. o FRAMING ,.,o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 '-I (~lC h p-C\.~0 o FINAL ,n FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING - o FlOUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL dll~PPROVED o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIREDCtJ~ CORRECTIONS: DATE -_-L<'-;L-L-....L-7'-"">--=---I NSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST T0WN OF VA)!.,. NA ME -------'-L----;-t!----.,f-7e..::.:....::..".+~--------D AT E --1---f--''''--i--+-~ CALLER --~~:::12~Z--.-!.~~~~::..=A '" READ Y FOR INSPECTION :MON~TUESWED LOCATION :"]~::\_~-IM ar~l BUILDING:c.:(rrv:::3 LUMBING ::~GJ~O TI N G S /STEEL _{/(1M_-=-_+,-__~O UNDERGROUND I 0 FOUNDATION /STE EL 0 ROUG H /D W .V.----------- o FRA MING 0 RO UGH /WATER _ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING 0 GA S P IPING ------------ o INSULATION 0 POOL /H.TUB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ o 0 o FINAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o ROUG H o CONDU IT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST H OODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ptp lSAPPROVED $<REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,-INSPECTOR -,.;-~~'-P'-~==-----------e-/f -7'3DATE_.L!-_L.......I.'----~"_____ .. PMFRI INSPECTION BEQtlEST TOWN OF VAIL ~Q,~~, CALLER READYFOR I N SP ECTIO N ',,~O N T ES ~TH UR L OCATION :'\~~~~~ PERMI T NUMBER OF PROJECT D ATE ~-~~JOB NA ME -"'''''--'''->-''''T---'---'''~~~~---,---:-----c-c--------+-- o APPROVED ME CHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUG H I DW.V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL I H .T UB _ 0 _ o o FINAL BUILDING: o FOO TINGS I STEEL o FOUN DATION I STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK N AIL _ 0 _ I]INAL C')%?s C) o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUG H o CONDUIT 0 _ o F INAL INSPECTOR ~==~e...::....::---=""'----------(0-/7-9 <!.DA T E -.L.JL--+-.---L.--.L-"--_ ......... INSPECTION REQl:JEST <l TOW/N OF VAIL CL-tLLA CALLER 7fT;t.z.!Ie J-/d &0_____r>+J r--) ~~:;:::---~l ~\~HU R FRI ~'P MCL~~C~r 12 NAME ------~l"l7f~7=:::..:::::=~_r___=_-_,_=_---- READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tzb3 JOB.~ "ii""UILDING:J PLUMBING:-D-FeeT1 NGS 7 STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL /"J \o ROUGH /DW.V. I M ~\o FRAMING I .....---..o ROUGH /WATER .ROOF &SHEER !/rtP)\ o PLYWOOD NAILING o GAS PIPING V,ll ,()1(- o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SH {TROC,K ~IL V 0 5 4"fe-0",~0"""-0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~... ,JC.-t o APPROVED CORRECT IONS: o DISAPPROVED..o REINSPEC TION REQUIRED DATE ----==----,c;L-----.4-F-...p..='--INSPECTOR ...- ____----\~PM \..~ INSPECTION REOtJEST TOWN OF VAll ,DAlLL<1 CALLER d=e UES ~T HURFRI :if/~?/J7?6, NAME -"----"",.:----,.f-~-::-------------- READY FOR INSPECTION :MON 7572-LOCATION :---"-=---=::....-_-'-----_-'........''----''--''-_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 11~)~JOB I MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH I DW.V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSU LATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ I .~~~"'~FI~NA~L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/F ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL o DISAPPROVED /~R E I N S P E C T I O N REQUIRED CORRECTIONS : c ~ DATE -----"'--i'---':.......=--/-~~--INSPECTOR .--i INSPECTION R€QtJEST ~TOWN OF V)(IL "(i.Q 1-A 1//[£('...,(1 a ;i''ii 10-09-*l7CALLER NAME --------;:4.,zr.;=::-~~7_'7f__-__:=;:c___,------..:..- PERMIT NUMBWOJECT DA TE !/;;<JOB P M_____AMM~N l TUES W ~UR FRI H ;-h b 'etF'£ READY FOR I NSPECTION: 75?~L OCA TION :----'-~----"::....!..---'----'--"'----=----='-----_+_---t:,...l.-~:..:..-=----------- PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUG H /D W.V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ o _ o o FINAL o SHEETROCK NAIL _ ~,L JQP.J( "BU ILDING:.J o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FO UNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING RO OF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o =------r"-,------,.--------~N A L o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o S UPPLY A IR _ o _ o FI NAL o DISAPPROVED ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH _ o CONDU IT o _ ~~~AL Grs'4..P PROVED CORRECT IONS: DATE ---L..-:.:....-r~=-f--::b,.£----INSPECTOR -c a2:~ TELEPHONE CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM BETWEEN: DATE: RE: Shelly Mello,Town of Vail Community Development Jennifer Decker,GPS May 26,1993 Daly Exterior Alterations -DRB Submittal 1.Shelly stressed that the staff may require that the submittal go before the Board. 2.The jungle-gym area as well as the soccer area have never been reviewed or approved by the staff or the DRB. 3.The fencing at the soccer field was discussed.In general, the Town discourages fencing;any fencing that is proposed will be required to go before the Board. The foregoing constitutes my understanding of matters discussed and decisions reached.If the interpretation of others varies, please inform us in writing. J:: copies to:~ndy and Lucinda Daly JShelly Mello,Town of Vail Community Development ••• August 3,1993 •_RBWP.Dm ·~!\\~~~L \j GJ'n;)rY:, REC 'D AUG 5'.1993 'I Ms.Shelly Mello TOWN OF VAIL Planning and Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 RE :Landscaping andRelatedIssues 782 Potato Patch Drive -Daly Residence Dear Shelly: Asper our conversation,we are proceeding with the following projects basedonORB feedback: 1)Approximately 50 square feet of the upper grassareaison Forest Service property.This area will be allowed to grow back into its natural condition and the irrigation will be removed.In addition, the area will be fenced off to promote the return to natural state. This will be completed by September 1,1993.(Wearealso working with the Forest Service to determine in the future,what might be done to allow use of this area ,if any .) 2)We will plant 21 trees on the site which those will bea mix of aspen,spruce and several flowering trees .The latter having been moved from adjacent to the house and replaced with other materials .This provides for an approximate 4 to 1 replacement for trees removed from the site which isa significant penalty basedon the fact that the site was primarily covered with standing dead aspen.This work will be completed by October 15 , 1993. -••• Ms.Shelly Mello RE:782 Potato Patch Drive -Daly Residence Page 2 ••• We commit that this work will be completed by the dates specified unless extraodinary circumstances prevent in which case we will notify your office and put together the appropriate completion schedule . Basedon our guarantee to complete this work,we understand the building permit will be provided such that we can build a deck addition on the back of our home as approved by the DRBper previously submitted plans. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. APD:sb Ene!. Project Application •.., D ate _~~~~~~ I pmj e ctNam e :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .'.Pro ject De scriP:=:JZQJ/iC.~ Contact Person and Phone _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Owner.Addressa nd Phone :.b 'd~----'Lt1U.J/VUJ.i/..lLri-,--~~",--,-,-....::..-"'-..2L.----!"'..4A-li..AL1 ~~~~~ Arch itect ,A ddressand Phone:Wvv vv*l \1'V'\tU/_m.~n \,S .py.-Ptff ·e Legal Descript ion :Lo t -J (0 B lo ck -~~- C omments :_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ DesignRev iew Board D at e_~~~~~_ D ISAPPROVAL u-o o S ta ffAp pro val D ale :~----"""_~--l.-=--':--~~~~ DiscussionofUghtingOrdinance. PROJECTORIENTATION11:30A.M.-12:30P.M. Daly-782PotatoPatchDrive. Wendy's -2399N.FrontageRoadWest. Fauland-1711AGenevaDrive. Dietz-ParcelD,StephensSubdivision. Lohre-1330AGreenhillCourt. Enzian-705W.UonsheadCircle. Gondola Building-600E.UonsheadCircle. UpperEagleValley-846ForestRoad. Sable/Lupine-3916LupineDrive. Connelly-4230NuggetLane. Timberfalls-4503,4511,and4516MeadowDrive. DESIGNREVIEW BOARD AGENDA June 16,1993 3:00P.M. SITEVISITS12:30P.M.-3:00P.M. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Drivers:TimandAndy AGENDA3:00P.M. 1.TownofVailMunicipalBuilding/PoliceAddition. Arequesttomodifytwosectionsofthepreviouslyapproved finaldesign:1)eliminatewindowboxesand, 2)Colorofwindowtrim. 75SouthFrontageRoadWest. MOTION:WilliamsSECOND:BomeVOTE:4-0 MM 2. Approved with conditions. SpruceCreek,PhaseIII-Utilitybox. 1750SFrontageRoadWest/SpruceCreekPhaseIII. Applicant:MikeLauterbach MOTION:BomeSECOND:BrainerdVOTE:4-0 AK ApprOVed. 3.SweetLife-Outdoorpublicseating .AK ( LotH,Block5A,VailVillage1stFilingl304HansonRanchRoad. Applicant:MikeGray MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Tabled toJUly 7,1993. 4.DeVaney-Reroof.AK Lot2,BlockF,VaildasSchoneFiling 112565 CortinaLane. Applicant:Mr.DeVaney MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Staff approved. 5 .Sable/Lupine-Singlefamilyresidence.JC Lot5A,Bighorn,1stFiling/3916LupineDrive. Applicant:RKD,JackSnow MOTION:Borne SECOND:Williams VOTE:3-0-1 Brainerdabstained Approved with conditions. 6 .Devoy-250GrossResidentialFloorAreaaddition.JC VailGolfcourseTownhouse F-2211620 Sunburst#22. Applicant:RobertandDeborahDevoy MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Staff approved. 7.ManorVail-Roofmountedairconditioner .AK LotA,Block1,VailVillage7th/595VailValleyDrive. Applicant:ManorVailCondominiumAssoc. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Staff approved. 8.Brown-16newtownhomes.AK LotG4,LionsridgeSubdivision2ndFiling/1330SandstoneDrive. Applicant:StuBrown MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Tabled Indefinitely. 9.Wendy's-Re-stainandpainttrim.TD ParcelA,VailDasSchone#1/2399N.FrontageRoadWest. Applicant :Wendy'sRestaurants MOTION:Williams SECOND:Borne VOTE:4-0 Tabled to July 7,1993 2 ", .. 10.Dietz-(Final)Sixsinglefamily residences.SM ParcelD,Stephens Subdivision/Generally locatedtothenorthofMeadowCreek CondosalongGoreCreek. Applicant:CarlDietz MOTION:SECOND :VOTE: Conceptual review. 11 .Connelly-Addition. Lot5,Bighom Estates/4230 NuggetLane. Applicants:Michael andSallyConnelly MOTION:Borne SECOND:Williams Consent approved. 12.Aldrete-Newsinglefamily residences. Lot3 ,VailVillageWest,2nd Filing/1784 Frontage Road. Applicants:Waleniya &Antonio Aldrete MOTION:SECOND: Tabled. SM VOTE:4-0 SM VOTE: 13.Enzlan-Newelevator.SM Partof1,Block2,Vail Uonshead,3rd Filing1705 W Lionshead Cr. Applicant:Enzian Condominium Association MOTION:Borne SECOND :Williams VOTE:4-0 Consent approved with conditions. 14.Daly-Addition and landscaping. Lot16,Block1,Potato Patch1782 Potato Patch Drive. Applicants:LucindaandAndrewDaly MOTION:Borne SECOND:Brainerd SM VOTE:4-0 Approved with conditions. 15.Pedestrian BridgeatUpperEagleValleyWater &Sanitation District.SM Generallylocatedsouthofthe UEVWSD watertreatment facility. Applicant:UpperEagleValleyWater &Sanitation District MOTION:Borne SECOND:Brainerd VOTE:4-0 Approved with conditions. 3 16.CascadeClub-Shed. 1295WesthavenDrive. Applicant:TheCascadeClub MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: JC .. Tabled Indefinitely. 17.VillageCenter-Landscaping.TO TractCPartofLotK,Vail Village.1st Filing/124 WillowPlace Bridge Road. Applicant:Fred HlbberdIVillage Center Condominium Association MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Staff approved. 18.Lohre-Remodel. Lot15.BlockA,Glen Lyon/1330A Greenhill Court. Applicant:JohnLohre MOTION:Borne SECOND:Williams Consent approved. TO VOTE:4-0 19.UpperEagleValley Consolidated Water &Sanitation Dist-newsign.TO 846ForestRoad. Applicant:UpperEagleValleyWaterand Sanitation District MOTION:Borne SECOND:Williams VOTE:4-0 Consentapproved. 20.Lionshead Center-Commercial expansion. Lot5.Block1,Vail Lionshead,1st Filing. Applicant:John Edwards MOTION:SECOND: Tabledto July 7,1993. 21.TheClub-Newdoors. RedUon Building,LotG,Block SA,Vail Village,1stFiling/ 304BridgeStreet. Applicant:DaveTyrrel MOTION:SECOND: Staff approved. 4 VOTE: VOTE: AK AK ..•• 22.Fauland-Newprimary/secondarywithTypeIEHU. North1/2ofLot5,MatterhornVillagel1711AGenevaDrive. Applicant:CarlFauland MOTION:Bome SECOND:Brainerd Approved with conditions. 23.GondolaBuilding -Newsign. Lot4,VailLionshead1stFiling/600E.UonsheadCircle. Applicant:VailAssociates MOTION:SECOND: Conceptual review. TD VOTE:4-0 TD VOTE: 24.TimberfaJls Condominiums -Repaintbuildings6,7,and8.TD TimberfallsCondominiumBuildings6,7,and8/4503.4511 and4516MeadowDrive. Applicant:Timberfalls Condominium Association.PhaseII MOTION:WilliamsSECOND:Bome VOTE:4-0 Tabledto July 7,1993. MEMBERSPRESENT SallyBrainerd GeorgeLamb BobBome DaltonWilliams(PEC) STAFFAPPROVALS MEMBERSABSENT Christiania-Newwindow. Lot2,Block2,VailVillage,tst Filing. Applicant:AndreNewburg TheCascadeClub-Newport-a-johnfromMemorialDaytoSeptember. 1295WesthavenDrive.1/4ofamilewestofClub. Applicant:TheCascadeClub HodgkinsResidence-Replacepatio. 4061BighornRoad,#12D/PitkinCreekPark. Applicant:FredHodgkins CrossroadsShoppingCenter-changecolorofawning. 141 EMeadowDrive/Lotp.Block5D,VailVillage.1stFiling. Applicant:TrevinaL.P. 5 •• RockyMountainChocolateFactory-Addtableandchairstoentrance. 304EBridge/LotH,Block5A,VailVillage,1stFiling. Applicant:DonWhite Magic Carpet-Revisedgradingplan. 498VailValleyDrivefTractD&B,VailVillage,7thFiling. Applicant:TimKehoe Hall-250andGrossResidentialFloorAreachanges. Lot3,BlockB,VailRidge,2ndFiling. Applicant:GregHall Pazzo'sDeck -Newdeckandawning. ApartofLotK,Block5E,VailVillage,1stFiling. Applicant:FredHibberd Elliman-Amendpreviouslyapprovedplansfordeck. 1475AspenRidgeRoad/Lot1,Block4,Uonsridge,3rdFiling. Applicant:Don&MaryElliman Ladow-Changerooffromshakestoasphaltshingles. 2625LarkspurLane/Lot1,Block2,VailIntermountain. Applicant:Mr.Mrs.Ladow 6 ..':e -DRB APPLICATION-TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: revised 9/4/91 COLO~REL-lAY 2 Z 1995 .,A Y"7 '99J May 24,1993 , June 1 6,1 993 ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTILALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A .DESCRIPTION:Deck,railing,patio and landscaping alterations to the Daly residence at 782 Potato Patch Dri ve. B.TYPEOFREVIEW: ____New Construction ($200.00)__X__Minor Alteration ($20.00) ____Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) C.ADDRESS:782 Potato Patch Drive D~LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot 16 Block _......:-_---'--- Subdivision Vail Potato Patch If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. E.ZONING:Primary/Secondary F.LOT AREA:If required,applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. G.NAME OF APPLICANT:Mr.and Mrs.Andrew Daly Mailing Address:782 Potato Patch Drive,Vail,co 81657_______________Phone 476-6333 H .NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTAT IVE:Gwathmey/Pratt/Schultz Ma iling Address:1000 South Frontage Road West,Vail, co 81657 Phone 476-1147 I.NAME OF OWNERS:And rew and Lucinda Daly .·"~·'.~'.,..~Si:GNATORE(S)·;'~~c~_:I~',.. Mailing Addres's:782POtao Pat<il1IJ¥Vail,co 81657 Phone 476 6333 ~.......---_.---.................--..~.......-..-_...~._...,'..~--. J.Condominium Approval if applicable . K.DRB FEE:DRB fees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,f1 1)~) ensure the correct fee is paid.:?0@ C1 I FEE PAID:$~,,1~ FEE SCHEDULE:{Jk.L1 '''t~ VALUATION FEE \f~J~ $0-$10,000 $20.00 t) $10,001 $50,000 $50.00 $50,001 $150,000 $100.00 $150,001 $500,000 $200.00 $500,001 $1,000,000 $400.00 $Over $1,000,000 $500.00 *DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESSABUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NOAPPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 Residence LIST OF MATERIALS ~-DalyNAMEOFPROJ~:Exterior Alteration LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT~BLOCK SUBDIVISION Potato Patch STREETADDRESS:782 Potato Patch Drive DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:Deck,railing,patio and landscaping alterations to the Daly residence. The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPEOF MATERIAL COLOR Roof NA Siding NA Other Wall Materials NA Fascia NA Soffits NA Windows NA Window Trim NA Doors NA Door Trim NA Hand or Deck Rails Match existing Flues NA Flashings NA Chimneys NA Trash Enclosures NA Greenhouses NA Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: Sherry Dorward--Alpine Inter'. 476-6668 PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical NameCommonName Quantity Size* Please see enclosed planting plan EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. 7 -;......--" l"LANT MATERIALS: PROPOSE.emRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Botanical NameCommonName Quantity Size* Please see enCl~d planting plan *Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallon. ~Sguare Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE ,OF "IRRIGATION Please see enclosed planting plan TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL C."LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:If exterior lighting is proposed,please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan.Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage,height above grade and type of light proposed. D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. 8 May 26,1993 Ms.Shelly Mello -Planner 2 Town of Vail Community Development 111 South Frontage Road West Vail,CO 81657 Re:Daly Exterior Alterations Dear Shelly: Please find enclosed the DRB application for the exterior modifications to the Daly residence.We have included our sheet that shows the plan and elevation for the new area at the north side of the house,off of the family room and Alpine International's planting/landscape plan for the entire site. Please note that Alpine International's plan shows a flagstone patio at the family room which is shown as the wood deck on our plan.Mr.and Mrs.Daly have decided to go with the wood deck as shown on our plan. Not shown on either our plan or Alpine International's is the jungle-gym and soccer area above the residence or the access path to this area.I have enclosed pictures per our earlier discussion.The Dalys would like to extend the e xisting path. The pictures show the path ending at the jungle-gym;the Dalys would like to return it up the mud bank to terminate at the grass field. We hope that this submittal is of such a nature that staff approval can be granted.If not,just let us know and we will attend the DRB meeting. Ms.Shelly Mello May 26,1993 Page 2 If you have any questions or you require any additional information,please contact either myself or Ned. Sincerely,R;Sn;;;:TECTS, Jennifer Decker Enclosures P.C. Copies to:Andy and Lucinda Daly Sherry Dorward -Alpine International •• •• * PLEASE !·lo\KE CHECKS PAY~TOTHE TOIm OF VATT.'~~\ 4~~~~'~s~:~;.;~~Y:~~:~~·t1);...~{t~:·i:.~~~)'{;:-:~~....'.,;~.~f.~""';.c'tx."'%.....;:l \'.~~~\~t ~,~~~~¥l;:~·H~:T~.~~~~~f':l.1k·?:.h;.':;:·~·.:~~...~(;::!1'''I<"tt..~~;t~t~~?l''~~~~l.u4.i~~~.!:?t:~~~.<:''8':~:g. ?:.I .J Y/;§~TO WN OF VAlL t-.i-t .~~i DEPART j\IE:-iT O F COMMUNITY D EV ELOP~1ENT i it SALE S ACTION fO R:-'i $*.~l~{)g ..~~SOUTH FR?NTAGE ROAD·'~,., ,,?;/l.,"'\,...yAIL,COLORADO 81657 .'~~·-j..a~,I:. i?-;;-\,\~IE .".((tvf j )~/A..~.-./\c:__J Il D ~TE...7 c-u»>t$rt .l/<.J1A.J){11 -pj/j~A I!Ai1l ~~,~.Ii i ~~·;~~;'·\i~~~;~~m~~~1:itor~~1~i if 01 ovoo ~2 ~15 I U~lFOR.\{?LW.GC'G CODE I 5 36.(»I ~. ~01 ()(Xi{H2·n5 ·1U~lFO?~\1 ~fECH"'S]C;'L COD E I 531,(;)I ~j: jt)OJ (lJ:':>~2~15 I UNIFO il..M F1RE CODE I .536.00 I·~.If 01 D-:oO:>~2·l]5 I N,\TION .~L ELECT?.iCAL CO DE II .5::0.CO 'f} ",:0 1 0000 42~15 I OT11ER CODE 300:<S I I ..~:~t 0 1 (lX!O ~)543 In LUE PR1NTS r.-r:'l,\,RS)II 5 7.00 I K~~OJ NC')42412 I Xc~OX CO ?~S /5TL'Du:S II 50.251 iJ;~~;~i'r 0 1 OX.IJ ~m l i I'E~ALTY FT:F.S/""·L\'SI'ECTI ONS I I,Zf, Y,Kg01C«·J 4 lJ 32 i ?LA.'1 REYi!:.•...,RE·CE~CK fEE [$~O FE:'l.HR.)I I I i,) ~I ->',',;,~,'.:.~,";01 OOCi'J 4nn "orr i-:OtJRS D-iS?ECll0H fEE..,,"I Z ".01 000;)~H 12 CONT.-t·\CTORS LlCE..\!S=.s rill t •• IT 01 C-O W 4 1:.:;0 I OTIlER FEES I II f~[J .0 1 (lJOO <14 J3 !SIGN AP?UCATIO;~n :E C.I s~o .~.1 ~ ;~0 1 CrXr3414J3 ,'AoomONM;5 IGNAGErr.E (5I.C·)j'E~SQ .FT.J II'I ..:.t,.•~,.""<:':'~":.~.' r.l 01 C{'00 ~24 ':O VTC ART P1'O)l:CT OON..n;ON ;. ft,.OIC'."'Jo·:ml I?REl'tU00E51GN ~::,vlE\VBOA?J)FEE )~I 7)~~ tt 01 (10;)042412 I BUILDING-CO NSTR UCTION PE Rl-lIT C01'lP UTER DISKS S 00 3*1~*01 0000 211 12 TAX (1,:4)•__I IL..I II I '~ ~J *·01 0 000 '11010 TAX ~Ui ·'_·_·~~.*010 000 4237 1 INVESTIGATIONF EE (BU ILDING)TOTAL DUE:,~ 01 (1::>00 ~J 330 ,ADDITION AL GRF....-250'-I.I 5200.00 I 01 0000 ~1330 ICONurnONAL US E i'E~·nT I I szco.co I 0 1 (((>3 ~1330 J F_\TER!OR ALTER,;liON {LESS I HAN IW SQ.r (.j I .,52(»).OO I 01 O(':}:>·,n::o I EXTERlOR AL 1l:~A J :ON I:'WRE T~..~'nW so.s I .j I I 55()J.lXl I 01 ()2')0413JO ISPECIAL DEVELOP ~.f":--.-r DISTR 1C T (NEW)I I 51.50'7.001 0 1 OO))~1330 ISi'EC1,\L DEVELOi':>I",,'T D1STi\.l CT p.lAJOR "')'IE"'lJ)'1 I 51.(00).(1)1 0 1 0r.>L....,~\~~O I S?EC'.....L D E V EL O ?~fENT DISIRICT r~ill'OR 1..\IE)\'1)1 I 5 20).00 I ,-';" .':. .;: ·-. Miscell aneous Cash 124058 CK #4547 /Gl<IRT Ht'lE\'/PPA TT/SC HULTZ'··.PPE P £15-27-93 Peceipt '* ACCOLlnt.# [iRl\'DECK C'CoRB FEE RmoL.nt.tender-ed Item pa id 010(1[11341 331[1(1(1 Change r e turrred > 14:22:29 20 .00 Rmoun t pa id 2(1 .(11) United States Department of Agriculture 'est Service White River National Forest ~y Cro"Ranger P.O.Box190 Minturn.Colorado 303 -827-5715 District 81645 ,." Reply to :5510 Date:August 10 .1993 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 7S South Frontage Road Vail .CO 8165 7 Dear Kristen:\IJ) I would l ike to thank~ellY Mello for notifying me of the encroachment originating from Lot 15.Vail Potato Patch Filling No.1.I also a ppreciate the Town's prompt resp~nse and resolution o f the problem .I have askedRich Phelps t ov is it the site and discuss recl am ation conce rns with Mr.Daly.Rich will contac t Shelly to c oordinate our efforts with your office . The maintenance of the integrity of our comm onb oundary is a large an d complex task.Your help in this effo rt is greatly appreciated. District Ran ger cc:Margaret Osterfoss .Mayor .Town of Vail Ca ringfo r t heL andandServing People FS -1l 20 ~28 (7-82) 75South Frontage Road Vail.Colorado 81657 303 -479-21 38/479-2139 FAX 3 03-479-2452 August6.1993 -FILE COpy Department ofCommunity Development Mr.BillWood UnitedStatesForestService P.O.Box 190'.:t.l&4-:r----:----------------- Minturn,CO B 11? Improvementson LO ~~VailPotatoPatchwhichencroachontoadjacentproperties. AswediscussedonAugust4,1993,theTownofVailhas discovered thattheownerofLot ~a il PotatoPatchFiling NO .1 hasconstructedimprovementsthatencroachontoU.S . ForestServicelandaswellaspossiblyencroaching ontoLot16tothewest.TheTownof Vailhasdiscussedthisissuew ith theownerofLot15,AndyDaly,andMr.Dalyhasagreedto removeanyimprovementswhicharenot locatedonthepropertyandrevegetatetheareas whichhavebeendisturbed. IamwritingyoutoinformyouoftheseimprovementsandtheTown'sactionontheissue.I wouldencourageyoutocontactMr.Dalyshouldyouhaveanyfurtherconcernsregardingthis issue.Pleasecallmeat479-2138shouldyouhaveanyquestions . xc:TownCouncil KristanPritz AndyDaly 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colora do 81657 303 -479-21 38/479-2139 FAX 303 -479-2452 August6,1993 Mr.SteveLoper LoperDevelopment P.O.Box2223 Vail,CO81657 Department of Community Development RE:Improvementson Lo ~,Vail PotatoPatchwhichencroachontoadjacentproperties. DearSteve: AswediscussedonAugust4,1993,theTownofVailhas discovered thattheownerofLot 15,VailPotatoPatchFilingNo.1hasconstructedimprovementsthatencroachontoU.S. ForestServicelandaswellaspossiblyencroachingontoLot16tothewest.TheTownof Vailhas discussed thisissuewiththeownerofLot15,AndyDaly,andMr .Dalyhasagreedto removeany improvements whicharenotlocatedonthepropertyandrevegetatetheareas whichhavebeendisturbed . Iamwrit ing youtoinformyouoftheseimprovementsandtheTown'sact ion ontheissue.I wouldencourageyoutocontactMr.Daly shouldyouhaveanyfurtherconcernsregardingthis issue.Pleasecallmeat479-2138shouldyouhaveanyquestions. Sincere ly, ~~h~ TownPlanner xc:TownCouncil KristanPritz AndyDaly {ii~----.---- .----~-rt 1Y:7 UlvY P CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM Date: Place: Present: Re: August 27,1992 Community Development Offices Kristan Pritz,Director of Community Development Larry Grafel,Director of Public Works Greg Hall,Town Engineer Shelly Mello,Planner #1 Andy Daly Andy Beck Jim Lovall Ned Gwathmey Daly Driveway The Town Officials called this meeting to inform the parties that the existing driveway was not in conformance with the section of the subdivision Ordinance which deals with the slope. It was acknowledged that the drive was not built precisely according to the approved plans.The differences were not intentional;the driveway has functioned for a winter and the owner requested that it be approved as it is. Ned pointed out that in its entirety,the drive was less than 10%.Greg stated that every segment must be less than 10%or 12%if it is heated.Greg suggested that applicants apply for a variance from the PEC for the slope,which will be done. The foregoing and decisions j;e inform represents my understanding of matters discussed reached.If the interpretation of others varies, us in writing. • :l'd ....S --L'::1 ii..;..:~J September 14,1992 Environmental &Planning Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 Dear Sirs: • The purpose of this letter is to express our concern regarding item #2 on the September 28th agenda;the reques t for a variance to allow the Daly residence driveway to exceed the maximum slope permitted. Our house,at 781 Potato Patch Drive (east unit),is directly across the street from the Daly residence.Ever since construction began on that site,we have had very serious problems with water draining off the site (especially the driveway)and running into our garage.See attached letter to Pete Burnett dated May 12,1991. Last summer,we spent approximately $4,000 with B&B Excavating (see attached quote)to keep the water out of our garage,with limited success.Some of the water we were able to divert ended up in the driveway of the next house, 777 Potato Patch Drive,owned by Kevin and Sally Claire. This summer the town did extensive work to crown the road and put a swale across the top of our driveway.Greg Hall was involved in this work and is in the best position to tell you whether or not the Daly driveway is still a problem .We won't know the impact of the road resurfacing until next spring.We urge you to get Greg Hall's input before you make a decision on the Daly's request for a variance. It also appears to us that,possibly due to the slope of the Daly driveway,that rain water and snow melt are causing mud,dirt and rocks to fill up the town drainage ditches on either side of the driveway.The town has sent crews up several times to clear it out. We thank you for your consideration and one of us will try to be at the meeting.If we cannot attend,Mitch can be reached at 1-530-0606 ext.509 and Jane at 666-3921.Please keep us informed about this matter. Sin~r.ely,r!J(}t~Mi~~&Jane Imber 781 Potato Patch Drive Vail,CO 81657 (303)476-0834 ••*~~~~~~.'. PUBLIC NOTICE ~ NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthat the Planningand Environmental Commission ofthe To...·nof VailwillhodapublichearinginaccordancewithSection 18.66.060 oftheMunicipalCodeof theTownofVailonSeptember28,1992,at2:00p .m.inthe Town ofVailMunicipalBuilding. Considerationof: 1.Arequest for variancesfromSection18.58.320 to allow two satellite dishestobe locatedattheWestinHote/\1300Westhaven Drjve\described as follows: TIwf pa.rt d ~SW "4 ~E 1/.e.Stodtor1 12.'T~,ho S SOLf.h.R&."\re 11 WKI t:J the Sirth Prircip.a.f U.ridiL.,.TOWo'l'lI d V&I\EAQ~Courty. Colorado.~•Io!'bws: Seo;Mi~~•~01"1 \he t-Ol.I1w't b.:>IoIN!a.'Y ci 1M p.a!e-f oJ ta."Il!..hown 00'11"'"~ornio'tj,,","Ll-.,p for 1!'141 Cobrado l,.Iovn.!M c.o.-d~"'''l'T'II ,~in Sc:cI.;:JoE7 ~Pay.620 ...she o~a r:i :~..E'a.t.eo",nt,Cokt'a:lo.C.rtt a....d Recorder.wn.~to'-1l'I:II1IOJ.M1tt come,oI...ut p.&Je-J be.a,..,S 5.2!:J::N W '••16 feoet di,~t ;t.~~1"'_101l::"....,;1'l;~;:ovr'WtI &kng t..tou'Iheorly boundvy of .u pa.':-l:(1)N 5.2 ~'?;'"E ,g.16 I...::(~N.7 ,2"S-W ,2...~..,;(3)N !.:!'7:~'E UXl f...;('l N 37 '2"5'W '.30 (00115)N SO!<7'5'E '2.60 ,...,;16J N.7 '2"~' W 1.7:ffo@l1:(7)~S<~T 1S'E 1S.00 fMol;IE)S ~1 '2'.(5'E 22.L:I ted;(P)N!.2 500"2'7 E 35.28 F"_f:l~not d..;~":.;"'l;ujd IAJlhe-ly bo ......:!a.ry N S2 ~'27 E $E..P$'M".:\.~~.:lO S n 09"31'E .L~.:..'~t"f':1"".:"0:>&N ~5C"N E LO.?O f ~;1~:"l,*S ~7 C'9 ·3~·E ~.~l~;:~I\~,",'5.2 b:~e 8.:).00;1he~.oe S ~7 """::,.E :.6 .<&.0 l_t;:~.~..:»~~~?»'"c::£1.3:;I_~;1~.er'\=-S :i7 :-"'j~~;:=-:.o:!foe«::J a.o ,::~;1."e:"lCle :'",.oiok-t-.; ff)uf COJ1U1 &10....,Goo.c,......:(1)S l.;2'6"Jtl-W 7£..tS 1..1:C2}S 22 :,,-;,0 W 12'."7 I...:;(3)•~37~w 1 10.:W f~;(")S 65 31'J6'"W 14.$.&f..l:I"''\:e ~~(1,0,.Ct-1l.N 32 5.XO W '\4''''7 t..t:~l'I.c.N 57 2S'3:T W 12'.Q2I..t;lheno.N.7 CG"3,,·W 11e.4$fM1,\C 1M po:re 01 beoQi,...v-.;.c:on:Viing 110.2'OC .q\.4'.fN':"2....P ~t...tn::If.ot 1n.I. Arequest for avariancefromSection17.28.330to allow a residential drivewayto exceedthemaximumslopepermitted.Lot16,Vail Potato Patch\782 PotatoPatch Dr.* 2. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: WestinResort\TriCountyCableVision AndyKnudtsen Andrew Dafy ShellyMello 3.Arequest for avariancefromSection18.58.020to allow the construction oftwo retainingwallslocatedinthefront setback which exceed 3feet,located onLot10, BlockB,VailRidge\2692CortinaLane. Applicants: Planner: HannsWeimannandTheTownofVail TimDevlin 4.Arequest for avariancefrom Section 17.28.330to allow a residential drivewayto exceedthemaximumslope permitted.Lot14,BlockA.Vaildas Schone Filing No. 1\2369ChamonixLane. Applicants: Planner: PaulM.Sands MikeMollica 5.Arequest for aworksession for an exterior alterationand setback variancefortheVail LionsheadCenterBuildinglocatedatLot5,Block1,Vail Lionshead FirstFiling\520 EastLionsheadCircle. Applicant: Planner: Oscar Tang Andy Knudlsen • May 12,1991 Mr.Pete Burnett TownOf Vail Dept.Of Public Works Dear Mr.Burnett: It As you are aware,we have had a problem this past winter with water and mud running into our driveway and garage at 781 Potato Patch Dri ve.Initially,most of the water and mud carne off the Daley construction site across the street.The driveway Beck Construction is building drains directly into the street. We've been told by Beck that no swale to direct the water into the town drainage culvert is planned. Water running across the street from the Daley site and down the street from above our house,is making a right turn into our driveway instead of continuing down the street.This did not occur prior to the recent re-paving of Potato Patch Drive. We are trying to keep water out of the driveway and garage by having almost $4,000 worth of work done by B&B Excavating (See attached Quotation). We would appreciate it if the Town of Vail would survey the road and correct the grading/drainage as necessary. We appreciate your offer to ask the General Contractor on the Daley site to make sure the new driveway will not drain into the street or across the street into our driveway. We would also like to thank you for your prompt response when the mud and water first filled our garage to a6 inch level last February. Sincerely, Mitchell &Jane Imber 781 Potato Patch Drive Vail,CO 81657 (303)476-0834 cc:D.Seibel -B&B Excavating J.Lovell -Beck &Associates pp;:;'28 '91 1 5 :10 ....PAGE.001 8&B EXCAVATING,INC. Drawer 249.Vail,Colorado 81658•(303)949-5889 •(303)926-3311•Fax(303)926~2344 : QUOTATION 'TO:!'oli tc.J.j ·&Jane In't:er :z fl 'Pf1iti .t..i;;l.Pt· .vetc.'ar eazz Arm:'476-0834 DATE:04-21-91 JOB NAME:Irn1.:er Hesidenc'e LOCATION:781 Potato Patch Dr. Vail ,CO 81658 .f()f YO!J~consideration weofferthe fol/c)wing quotation which if accepted shall constitute a contract between us :'.. .... .ccnscruct;an aSphalt div-ersion b urrp at the errt.rance co tbeqriv~y (approx .55 ft..Ipng),prep and install a drop grate drain at the gaI;?gtF/ Work to Include: 1.)Install'~asphalt diversion bunp at the entrance of the driVl::!\o..ay; 2 .)saw cut the e xistinc .asphalt f or the L~tal1ation Of Co drop trench drain at the qat-age; 3.)Re.'11Ove end haul-aff material fran the drain area-: Toste JJ d rop pipe \;nder e x;at;nc;rockwa Jl; Co'1'Sct tr.=nch "Eterj f1 ]• Pa tch back with asphal t t o the ~ai t};-------'-----,..-----.ax on i·12terial onlv-.~, lJoes not i..-lclude utility l cw-=,r ing o r relocation . caST:$3,835.00 This project will be scheduled upon receipt of accepted contract.Please sign in the space provided and return the original tous . This quotation subject to conditions as shown on reverse side hereof. SUBM~B &B Excavating,Inc. BY:.JJ..J:;.L1 _ ACCEPTED :_ BY : DATE : PUBLICNOTICE ,....-*THIS ITEM MAY A~OUR PROPERTY ~JPencr: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionoftheTownof VailwillholdapublichearinginaccordancewithSection18.66.060oftheMunicipalCodeof theTownofVailonOctober12,1992,at2:00P.M.i ntheTownofVailMunicipalBuilidng . Considerationof: 1.Arequestforsetbackvariancestoallowforanadditionat2963Bellflower/Lot7,Block 6,VailIntermountain. Applicant: Planner: HansandMiaVlaar MikeMollica/JimCurnutte 2.Arequestforvariancestoallowencroachmentsintosetbacksandtoallowanincrease incommonareafortheSonnenalpHotel,BavariaHaus,locatedat20VailRoad/Lots J andK,Block5E,VailVillageFirstFiling. Applicant: Planner: JohannesFaessler AndyKnudtsen 3.ArequestforaminorsubdivisionandamajoramendmenttoSOD#4,Cascade Village,toamendthedevelopmentplanfortheWaterfordandCornerstoneparcelsin areaA,describedasfollows: ThatpanoftheSW1/4 NE1/4,Section12,Township5South,Range81WestoftheSixthPrincipal Meridian,TownofVail,EagleCounty,Colorado,describedasfollows: Beginningatapointonthesoutherlyright-of-wayline ofInlerstateHighwayNo.70whencean ironpinwitha plasticcapmarkingthecenterofsa id Section12bearsS 33'10'19"W1447.03 feet;thencealongsaid southeriyright-of-waylinetwocourses 1)N 52'50'29"E229.66feet 2)N 74'38'17"E160.70feet ; thencedepartingsaidsoutherlyright-ol-waylineN 88'45'57"E138.93 feet;thenceS 40'45'14"W94.32feet; thenceS 18'18'36"W54.08 feet;thence S01'21 '36"W205.02 feel;thenceS 12'07'36"W110.25 feet; thenceS 28'28'36"W164.48feet;thenceN40 '17'04"W211.16feet ;thenceN 49'42'56"E97 .80 feet; thenceN 37'09'31"W95.59feet ;thenceS5 2'50'29"W55.10 feel;thence69.48feetalongthearcofanon- langentcurvetothelefthavingaradiusof65 .00 feet,acentralangleof 61'14'42"andachordthatbearsN 58'55'53"W66 .22 feet;thenceN 37'09'31"W118.50 feetTo The TruePointofBeginning,CountyofEagle, StateofColorado;andtheCornerstoneparceldescribedasfollows : BuildingCSite ThatpanoftheSW1/4NE1/4,Section12,Townsh ip 5South,Range81WestoftheSixthPrincipal Meridian,TownofVail,CountyofEagle,StateofColorado ,describedasfollows : Beginning atapointontheeasteriylineofa non-e xclusive easementforingressandegressknownas WesthavenDriverecordedinBook421atPage651intheofficeoftheEagleCounty,Colorado ,Clerkand RecorderwhencethecenterofsaidSection12bearsS 3B'34'43"W 1,168.27 feet;thencealongsaidlineof WesthavenDriveN52'43'41"E 143.92 feet;thencedepartingsaidlineofWesthavenDrive,132.24feetalong thearcofanon-tangentcurvetothelefthavingaradiusof55.00 feet ,acentralangleof137'45 '30"anda chordthatbearsN42'11 '46"E 102.61 feet;thenceN52'50'29"E 65 .24 feet ;thenceS 37'09'31"E 95 .59 feet; thenceS 49'42'56"W 97.80feet;thenceS 40'lT04"E 24.12 feet;thenceS 52'50'29"W 213,66 feet;thenceN 37'09'31"W 105.76 feet tothepointofbeginningcontaining0.6848 acresmoreorless . ..• App licant: Planner : MECMEnterprisesrepresentedbyEustaquioCortinaand CommercialFederalSavings. ShellyMello 4.ArequestforavariancefromSection17.28.330 toallowaresidentialdriveway to exceedthemaximumslopepermitted.Lot16,VailPotatoPatch\782PotatoPatchDr. Applicant: Planner: Andrew Daly ShellyMello 5.ArequestforajointworksessionwiththePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission andtheDesignReviewBoardforaconditionalusepermit foranadditiontothe MunicipalBuildingtohousetheVailPoliceDepartment.locatedat75SouthFrontage RoadWest(attheeastendoftheexistingMunicipalBuilding),andaslegally described below: ApartoftheSoutheast1/4ofSection6,Townsh ip 5South ,Range80WastoftheSixthPrincipalMeridian, CountyofEagle,StateofColorado,moreparticularlydescribedasfollows :Commencing attha Southeast cornerofsaidSection6,thenceNorth00degrees28minutes16secondsWestandalongthe Easlline of saidSoutheast1/4ofsaidsection672.75 theEastlineofsaidSoutheast1/4ofsaid section 672,75feetto apoint,saidpointbeing 110.00feetnortheasterly fromthesoutherlyright-of-waylineofU.S.Highway No.6 asmeasuredatrightanglesthe reto;thenceNorth79degrees 46minutes11secondsWestandalongaline paralleltosaidsoutherlyright-of-way line145.50 feettoThaTruePointofBeginning;thenceNorth16 degrees08minutes 47secondsEast78.00 feet:thenceNorth68degrees 08minutes35secondsWest 428 .70 feet;thence North66degrees01minutes29secondsWesl152.57 feel;thenceSouth27degrees42 minutes40secondsWest192.66feet;thenceSouth52degrees48minutes50secondsEast36.32feettoa point.saidpointbeing110.00feetnortheastfromsaidSouthright-of -way lineofU.S.HighwayNO.6as measuredatrightanglesthereto ;thenceSouth79degrees46minutes11secondsEastandalongaline parallel to saidSouthrightof way line585.56 feettoTheTruaPointofBeginning. ExceptthatportionconveyedtotheBoardofCountyCommissionersofEagle County ,andtheDepartmentof Highways,Stateof C%rado by ruleandorderrecordedJanuary5.1971 inBook219atPage441. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail MikeMollica ~.--*~~~~~~'. PUBLICNOTICE ~. NOTICE ISHEREBYG IVEN that th ePlanning andEnvironmental Comm ission oftheTownof VailwillhodapublichearinginaccordancewithSection18.66.060 oftheMunicipalCodeof theTownofVailonSeptember28,1992,at2 :00 p.m.intheTownofVailMunicipalBuilding. Considerationof: 1.ArequestforvariancesfromSection18.58.320toallowtwo satellite dishestobe locatedattheWestinHotel\1300WesthavenDrive\describedasfollows: That paI1 of tho SW 114 NE 1/4.Sedion 12.Town.hi>5 SOIJ''''.R~.81 Wes t of the s..th Prineipalllericfoan.Town of Vai~Eagle Cou.-y, Colonodo.deooOOod as foJ"""': A requestforavariancefromSection17.28.330toallowa residential driveway to exceedthemaximumslopepermitted.Lot 16,Vail PotatoPatch\782PotatoPatchDr. Begnnif\Q at a potnI on 1M aoutt-ty bo4Jndary d 1M!parcel of land thown on the Condominium Map fOf t be Cobado Uou ntai'l Cordominiu"... rec:otdod i n Book 387 a1 p.620 n the offICe d the Eagle Cou rt)'.Colorado.Clerk a.'ld R8OOfder.whence the rJ'I)Ct IOl.f.hettt comer d s.a;d P"'<'OIboars S 52 SO"N W '4.'8 fool d ;l!afII;thenoa th.f oJlowing nn._along 1N towtharty bound&Iy of NJ<I paroal :III N 52 5O"N E <;.18 fM!;(2)N37 '."5"W 12.34 Foo':(3)N 52 "TI5'E '.00fe«:l")N37 1."5'W 1.30 root ,5)N 52 <7"15'E 42.60 foot;(6)N 37 12'45' W 8.70 rflel:(7)N 52 ,(71S·E15.00 feet;(B)5 ~7 '2'~5'E 22 .~lee!:;(9)N 52 5C~E 35.28 ~&el ;thenoe ~"ting s.a.id SOlJIh.rty bou ndary N 52 50 '27'E 56 .P5 fOf:'1 ;th&~=:a S 37 09 '3"E "5 .:"<f ~,"a_nee N 52 50'29"E 04$.70 Ie«:tN.noo S 37 09 "3"E S.50 f ~;Illenoe N s.2 50~E 80.00;thel\Ol S 3709'3'"E ~.40 Ieet :t l,.:'l¢I '"~SO'2r e 2 1.:'S::ltoe!;ther\oe S 3709'3 1"E m .m ft«to Gcn C,.;tf-enoe the fotCJ'ollo'i ~ fou r CO Ll~_along Gc::tr.Cr&Elk:(1)S 4g 26 '~W 76 .45 1N t;(2')S 22 31"36"'W12.....7 INI;(3),53 37"'30 w 11Sl.304 fNt;I')S65 31'36"'W '04.sa t..l;lhenc.dep&rting G"re Creek N 32 5~'30"'W 1041 .047 1eel;-h.nc:e N57 25'3:1'W 1204 .02 feel;thence N37 0;'3'·W t te.'s 1eet to the poirC ol beginning,conlaining 110,.200 IquaJe teet or 2.049 acret,m::...ot 1eM. WestinResort\TriCountyCableVision AndyKnudtsen AndrewDaly ShellyMello Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: 2. * 3 .ArequestforavariancefromSection18.58.020toallowthe construction oftwo retainingwallslocatedinthefrontsetbackwhichexceed3feet,locatedonLot10, BlockB,VailRidge\2692CortinaLane. Applicants: Planner: HannsWeimannandTheTownofVail Tim Devlin 4.ArequestforavariancefromSection17.28.330 toallowa residential driveway to exceedthemaximumslopepermitted.Lot14,BlockA,Vaildas Schone FilingNo. 1\2369ChamonixLane. Applicants: Planner: PaulM.Sands MikeMollica 5.Arequestforaworksessionforanexterioralterationand setback variancefortheVail LionsheadCenterBuildinglocatedatLot5,Block1,Vail Lionshead FirstFiling\520 EastLionsheadCircle. Applicant: Planner: OscarTang AndyKnudtsen ",...... \ Mr.George Wiegers 950Red Sandstone Road Vail,CO 81657 Mr.Alan Wilson 950Red Sandstone Road Vail,CO 81657 Mr.William D.Loper 22 West Meadow Drive Vail,CO 81657 U.S.Forest Service White RiverNational Forest P.O.Box190 Minturn,CO 81645 Mitchell and Jane Imber 781 Potato PatchDrive Vail,CO 81657 Cl ifton &Elizabeth Sink 5909Luther Lane,#1603 Dallas,TX 75225 • ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS DALY RESIDENCE 782 POTATO PATCH DRIVE Mr.George Wiegers 950 Red Sandstone Road Vail,CO 81657 Mr.Alan Wilson 950 Red Sandstone Road Vail,CO 81657 Mr.William D.Loper 22 West Meadow Drive Vail,CO 81657 U.S.Forest Service White River National Forest 125 W5 Eagle,CO 81631 Mitchell and Jane Imber 781 Potato Patch Drive Vail,CO 81657 Clifton W.and Elizabeth B.Sink 5909 Luther Lane,Apt.1603 Dallas,TX 75225 Block 1 Lot 21 Unit A Block 1 Lot 21 Unit B ,.\~.""",.:>',<:.~",'",,:,r ~';?;;"';:<';"~4}':':'~N~:&":';"""~;'~8i:~ti:';~"":'"f';it,\'''_!5~>'i:{:'PJ:~l.;''~'~'''f''~SY'Yrf'W::'f.'.'':~'>'·''~'('~'i#B I .:TO WN OFVAlIJ I ·'~' .~.:~. ..:~ DEPARTME:-iT OF CO MM1JNITY DEVELOP~lENT ~;;;' .~:~ •:~< SALES ACTION FORM ~.,~ ~}-ruj Ut&W:J'=! ~;~: g ~I,1 c ":fj ;\,A :->IE g DATE ~t:"':. :0:;1.:'-..-.----';..~ '~.'":rt: ;:3fWK2c·8 L1pr:No·;~(j ~B:%l $;\·:~:~)t;{~;~£}:j1ij7~~~~;i~;f@Jfl(~*~{f:.~1~~ff.t~t:tJ·TE;~~titt{{b:~{..¥41 ~~?tl~fN o~~:}l:fY~:CYOST~EA~fb.t~ffaTXt%~S:~t-~;' *~.ce .:M I .i::::: ססoo 41 5 4 0 ZCl\1NG A,....'O ADDRESS ...'.. '.$5.00 ~~,0 1 MAPS ,w ·- ~;:.~ I ~~; 01 oooo 42415 UNIFOR.\1 B UILDIN G CODE S50-OO r~ I I .,i::;;(",01 ססoo 42 415 UNlFOR.\1 PLUMBING CODE $36.00 ~:;;~ .:::~ I I ~~;: 01 ססoo4241 5 UNIFORM MECHAA'ICAL CODE S32.00 X:~:- -.;.:~ I I ~S 01 oooo 4241 5 Ul\'IFORM FIRE CODE $36 .00 .il :.:;~ i I I },:'. 01 ססoo 42 415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE .S30.00 .;;:;~-:;;.: I I I .;;..;. 01 oooo 42 415 OTI-lE R CODE BOOK S .;:;? ~':.. I I I ;;;.;: 01 ססoo 41 545 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)S7.00 ~-:} iii '.~ 01 ססoo 4 24 12 I XEROX COPIES I STt.!DIES I I 50 .251 ;:~<.:: I Ii:0 1 DOC<>42 371 i PENALIT FEES I RE·INSPECTIO NS I ,::~:; :~~. i I ;~:~ 0 1 00('041332 PLA."REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE [$40 FER HR.):.'.~{.: ,:;:0 1 oooo 423n I OFFHOURS INSPECTION FEES I :i : I ::;i..'01 oooo 414 12 CONTRACTORS U CE.\l SES FEES ':::¥."«» I::;I I \.~ 01 ססoo 41330 OTHER FEES ,.:' ~:~ 01 oooo 414 J 3 I SIGN APPLICATI ON FEE I S20.00 I :;,(~.,.Ii /ADDmO NAL I ~~.: 01 oooo 4 1413 SIGN AGE FEE [Sl.OO PER SQ.FT.].;.:.~ :::e- 01 0000 42 ~0 I'vIC ART PROJECT DONATIO N I w .:~. 0 1 oooo 413 31 IPRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE ";".,:w I'i 0 1 0000 I :~~:. .~. *01 0000 21112 TAX (4%):J~I::*010000 41010 TAX (4%).~~:; 1",: ..-~, ;;<: I ~;:i' ~: :):;,:'~;;,. Ix S200.oo I :~.; 0 1 0000 41330 I ADDITIONAL GRFA "250"I {; F 0 1 ססoo4133 0 f CONDITIONAL USEPER.\llT I 5200.00 w · 0 1 ססoo 413 30 I EXTERIOR ALTERATION rLESS THAN 100 SQ.FT.)S200.00 ~:;~ 0 1 ססoo 41330 I E.XTERIOR ALTERATION rM ORE THAN 100 SQ.FT.]S500.00 W· 0 1 ססoo4 1330 I SPECIAL DEVELOPME!'<I D1S TIUCT [NEW]Sl.500.00 I '';:'' ·r 01 ססoo 41 330 IS PECIAL DEVELOP ~lE!\1 DISTIUCT [MAJOR AMS...'O)51.000 .00 I -.~:.~ :~~ 0 1 01)(\()4 D ~O 'S PECIAL DEVELOPME l'IT DISTRICT IMINOR A,\1END )$200.00 1 ;:~ I,:,~;:;, OJ ססoo 41330 I SUBDIVISION \ .D R;.r::;r:01 0000 ~1 330 VARIAJ'ICE I $250.00 c->L.o.,,{).tI t1,1 01 oooo 413 30 IZONING CODE AME.'lDME."ITS $250 .00 :g 0 1 ססoo4 1330 IRE -ZONll"G $200 .00 .g 0 1 0000 I ''';:~ :~':~ }~., ::::r,~.. i~.:0 :,.':.CO~I M E :-''TS :..;.".1 .~~,. 1~ ":..x .:r~ ."':}':"~:-"::.>~~'\":;...;::-::{;::~:~;).:~::{.:::::?.~~~;..;"~:::::;:::;J~:~.;":::~::<'{:~~~;:·?;~~:;;:~:i:::.::;~::~~·:·:::~:::::(:;:;,~'·::;~,::':":?~:;~::~~:~~:::~:~;~1':::::':::;i;i~::::~:zk }-:{;:~~-:::;:;::t ~:i:::)~;;;::>:':;:~:~-::~~:::::":f,<:~~:~::t :~~l.'".,.:.~.:., ** * ** ** *.. .. • TOWN OF Uf:lIL. Mi sce ll aneo us Cash • 11 :13:44 Receipt #102988 HU:OUf,t.tf CK #4026 HF.:rKiL _[:'·/(J:.,J~iT H t·1 E \'/F'F.:FH T ···.I)H F.:I H ~K:E qrn'y ...r.t ,,"2nd,?n 2d :>25[1.00 Hem pai d Hmount paid 250 .00 O.(10 TH I=t NK ....OU ',.'our c ash i Eo r-JE~m I FEF.: I I " \ I revised 9/4/91 r- ".nev .,992ApplicationDate~~3 ) PEC MEETING DATE 6lt'T 'lib. APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I.This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance.The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A.NAME OF APPLICANT ANt=Rt::W -r LM ['\~DA PAY>-/ j ADDRESS P.O .~v)(.1 ,{,"",-lv ~t7C0>~. VNv UJ PJ\~55 PHONE "4"')·'5160 B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVEJt.D Ef.,JJ Js::[-t\tv..'(''-1 ADDRESS I VDO ~l¥TH ~~~West '/ VAIV CJJ ~I~~l PHONE 416.'1\4-1 C.NAME OF OWNER(S)(type ~i n t ) OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S)__~~~~~~~.~J~~~~~~__ ADDRESS_ft'"R::....;:....:...;ARvl...:.::.~\1I.o:.~--=-_ _______________---'PHONE,_ D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT __I~~~_ BLOCK I FILING VAlL I r Df ~T o P~_ ADDRESS--=t fJ 2..PO(A.jO eAJl..:::.I!=.U\:\~J¥I.....:......:,I\AS:...::~:::......__ E.e:$2 ~PAID 1M 1"/..CK.t O2£:.By !JUM.'-iJ;;..,.;cI ~t:r THE 1"££~BE PAID BEF ORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F.A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACR OSS STREETS,and their mailing addresses.THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. I I.A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed.No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zo ning admi n istrator).It is the applicant's respons ibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. III.PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC)MAY STIPULATE,ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4)COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A.A WR ITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED.THE STATEMENT MUS T ALSO ADDRESS: 1.The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 1 • CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM •REC'D AUG 31 1992' -, Date: Place: Present: Re: August 27,1992 Community Development Offices Kristan Pritz,Director of Community Development Larry Grafel,Director of Public Works Greg Hall,Town Engineer Shelly Mello,Planner #1 Andy Daly Andy Beck Jim Lovall Ned Gwathmey ,Daly Driveway The Town Officials called this meeting to inform the parties that the existing driveway was not in conformance with the section of the Subdivision Ordinance which deals with the slope. It was acknowledged that the drive was not built precisely according to the approved plans.The differences were not intentional;the driveway has functioned for a winter and the owner requested that it be approved as it is. Ned pointed out that in its entirety,the drive was less than 10%.Greg stated that every segment must be less than 10%or 12%if it is heated.Greg suggested that applicants apply for a variance from the PEC for the slope,which will be done. The foregoing and decisions j;e inform represents my understanding of matters discussed reached.If the interpretation of others varies, us in writing. DALY DRIVEWAY August 27,1992 WRITTEN STATEMENT OFTHE PRECISE NATURE OFTHE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED Construction and Design Standards -Methods and Details 17.28.330 Design Criteria Item 9 Street Width -Etc. Driveway:Maximum Grade %-8 Maximum grade for driveways may be up to 10%if the Town Engineer's approval is obtained.If the driveway is heated,the grade may be up to 12%if the Town Engineer's approval is obtained. The driveway was not constructed precisely according to the approved plans.The average is less than 10%,however,the Town Engineer has ruled that no portion can exceed the allowable,and the existing grades range from 7%to 15%.This issue came up after the driveway has been in use for a winter with no problems resulting from its gradient. Applicant requests that it be approved as constructed. THE RELATIONSHIP OFTHE REQUESTED VARIANCE TO OTHER EXISTING OR POTENTIALUSES AND STRUCTURES INTHE VICINITY. On the north side of Potato Patch Drive many of the driveways exceed the current allowable.The fact that the orientation to the sun facilitates natural snow removal and minimizes ice build-up should be considered and was probably the basis for the designs of many of the existing drives. THE DEGREE TO WHICH RELIEF FROM THE STRICT OR LITERAL INTERPRETATION AND ENFORCEMENT OFA SPECIFIED REGULATION IS NECESSARY TOACHIEVE COMPATIBILITY AND UNIFORMITYOF TREATMENT AMONG SITES IN THE VICINITY OR TOATTAINTHE OBJECTIVES OF THIS TITLE WITHOUT GRANT OF SPECIAL PRIVILEGE. It appears that a number of sites have the same grades and complexity of alignment as the Daly driveway;granted some may have preceded the 1992 Ordinance.Never the less,the driveways are there and the variance would allow the Daly drive to be compatible. THEEFFECTOFTHE VARIANCE ON LIGHT AND AIR,DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION,TRANSPORTATION,TRAFFIC FACILITIES,UTILITIES,AND PUBLICSAFETY. Negligible. HOW THE REQUEST COMPLIES WITH VAIL'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. I could find no specific reference to the area in the documents, therefore,we must assume that the proposal will have no adverse effect. FURTHER POINTSFORCONSIDERATION: We feel that the drive is a better design with the steeper pitch in the initial straight portion than with a constant 10%which is allowed.This allows the curves above to be negotiated at a reduced incline. One reason for the change in design was the perceived opportunity to radically reduce the number and height of boulder walls that were approved grudgingly by the DRB.In improving the aesthetic,the standards were exceeded. Going back to the approved plan would necessitate regrading, increasing cuts and adding boulder walls.The existing and new landscaping,revegetation and irrigation in place over the last year,would all be disturbed by the regrading. The site lines to the existing Potato Patch Drive are clear. The 7%slope at the bottom of the driveway will allow vehicles to be parked on the Applicant's property in a snow storm and off the public road. • SUBDIVISIO.•tq92 5.Alleys-Alleysshall be provided if requiredbytheplanning commission.The minimum wiidth of the alley shall be twenty feet.Dead-end alleys shall not be permitted.All alleysshallbepaved. 6.Easements -Easements shall be provided forall utilities, drainage ways.channels,or streams which traverse across thesubdivision. 7.Block lengths -The length,width,and shapes of blocks shall be determined by the type of use,zoning requirements,needsfor convenient access,circulation and safety of streettraffic,and limitations and opportunities of topography. 8.Cul-de-sacs -Cul-de-sac streets.however,shall be designedas minor orlocalwitha right-of-way bulb of fifty footradiusand pavement radius of fortyfeet. 9.Street width-Streetwidthshallconformtothefollowing: a.A.5S R.O.WPAVED WJIm{WID1H SHOlJlJ:lER DI!SIClN MAX.MIN.CURVE fltJIURE SPEED GtAOO9I RADIUS mr Anerial (Frontage)70 Collector 50 Local 50 Minor (Private)40 Driveway 12' perlane 24 22 22 12 s 4 3 2 1 50 40 30 30 6 7 8 9 650 250 60 50 20 750and over 300-750 150·300 0-150 B.Horizontal Alignment.The major considerations inhorizontal alignment designare:safety,grade profile,road type,design speed.sight distance,and topography.All these factorsmust be balanced to produce an alignment that is safest,most economical.andadequateforthe type of road proposed. Horizontal alignment must provide at least the minimum stopping sight distance forthe design speedat all points.This *Maximumgradefordrivewaysmay be upto 10%if theTown Enginceis approval is obtained.If thedrivewayis proposed to be heated.thegrademay be upto 12% if theTownEngineer'sapprovalis obtained. 298-26 (Vail4-7-92) / / / -..0 ~~s--/1 .0 16;'Ol"--!'l ~ .- ) I I / Note:According to Colorado law,vou must commence anv legal action based upon anv defect in this certificate within three years after you first discover such defect.In no event may any action based upon any defect in this certificate be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. I certify that this drawing is an accurate representation of the existing paved driveway on Lot 16,Block 1,Vail/Potato Pa~.<i\R...".,., ..."",REC/l"t """,""~~l~~~ e land Lechner P.L.S.f .~Ec~••~\. :::<:1 c;~~---../.- §:2.3506 :=~--0--Q _Note:1.The elevation base is aSBUIlled.~~\.it:;i 2.The total length of the driveway is 380 feet.~"'~·..•.•~~ 3.The total rise of the drive':lay is 35.6 feet.'\,,/IQ,y~''''''\\~~~,:.s- 4.The average slope of the drJ.veway is 9 percent."'"",,,L l~,\,,\\\~.....u."5.The average slope of the 1st 100 feet is 12 percent. 6.The average slope of the 2nd 100 feet is 10 percent. 7.The average slope of the 3rd 100 feet is 9 percent. 8.The rest of the driveway averages 4 percent. LOT ,(,BLK.I VAlLI pOTATO PATCH LOT 17 NORH\ SCALE:1":0 2.0 'APPROVEDBY:L.')~DRAWN BY .0:.-)c: DATE:a-z.'s-<rZ-REVISED l>RIVEWAY SLOPE.ANAL'(SIS -------e---------------c;,..:--==------------oA-- DRAWING NUNBE:R I~I oJ" \ " I Project Application •..,.. D ate _ Project Nam e :--V~~L,f---~~~~.L.:>L=..:.....;::::==---...,..---------------_l- \ P roject Descr i ption :_---'-aAAP'bA"='-'-'-.......,\-"--WL~L.K____¥"..........LJL><.....c""""'O-.------------ ,~ Contact Persona nd Phone Own er,Ad dre ssa ndPh on e :_ Ar chitect,A ddressan dP hon e:~'d1 furd ~.u<_>,M!f_'_'£------ ------Em 36tP "t \}aA "'----::=:--:-_----.-::::-:-_-Legal D e sc ri p tion :Lot -l--'l0~--,Bl o c k ,Fi l ing -\:-f-J,Do-'1-..'I--~1-+~-H-.L...-1~,V C omm ents:_ DesignReviewBoard M ot ion b y : Se cond ed by : D ate _ DISAP P ROVA L $hiU{,o ~--- Date :~.9J .OU---o S taff Approval •~r evised6 /18/91 ,,I ., DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORADO ' DAT E APPLI CATI ON RECEIVED: DATE OFDRB MEETI NG: ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTILALLREQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I.PROJECT INFORMATION : A.DESCRIPTION :oIft-nd"~7/~ B.TYPEOFREVIEW: New Con s tru c tion ($20 0.00)Minor Alterati on ($20.00) Add it ion ($50.00)Conceptua l Review ($0) ~ADDRESS:7f,2.~TA;;;-71t,Cr!'D?, D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION :Lot /4 Blo ck Subdivi sion ~/ATO 7A,t:...--++ If property is d esc ribed by amee ts and bounds legal description ,please provide on a separate sheet and attach t o thi s application . E .ZONING : F .LOT AREA :If r equired,applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area . G.NAME OFAPPLICANT :~A-!:,N~D,-Y,=,,"--,-DL.LA.wL-~,/-=--:----,-_-::-:::---:-=:-_ Mailing Address :75'2-PA TA.tD ?ArrcH O K I U E VA I L Co Phone ------------------ H.NAME OFAPP LICANT'S REPRES ENTA TIVE:J1I/~r/I}SJO c:.. Mailing Addr ess ~'(3.5&7 'r ,fA-IL !b Phone _9lff £077 I .NAME OF OWN ERS: ________________Phone _ *SIGNATURE(S): Mai 1 ing Addre ss :-:::-:--_ J.Condominium Approval if a ppl ic able. K.DRB FEE :DRB f ees,as shown above,are to be paid at t he time of submittal of DRB application.Later,when applying for a building permit ,p lease identify the accurate valuation of t he proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEEPAID:$ FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION FEE $o-$1 0 ,000 $20.00 $10,001 -$50 ,000 $50 .0 0 $50 ,001 -$150 ,000 $100 .00 $150 ,001 -$500 ,000 $200 .00 $5 00,001 -$1 ,000,000 $400 .00 $Over $1,000 ,000 $50 0.00 *NO APPLICATION WILLBE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER 'S SIGNATURE 1 • •e •e POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE NO TE-COPY OFPERMI T TOBE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE l n /llAnI• PERMITNO. I.TYPEOFCON STRU CTION I II IIIIV V 2.OCCUPANCY GRO UP ABEHI RM BUILDING 4 20,5 00 DIVI SION 1 22a34 z ELE CTRICAL 9,000 0 GENERAL DE SCR IPT ION OF WORK :~PL UMBING 11,500 CONSTRUCTIONOF A SI NGLE-FAMILY :::J ..J '"MECHANICAL 9,000RESIDENCE> m450,OOO TY PE GROUP G R.F .A.VALUA TION PERMITFEES R-3 V-N f'E3 770.5 450 ,000 BUILDING PERM IT 1865.00 ~ PLAN CHECK 93 2.00 ~ELE CTR ICAL 237.00 C5'~'- NEW ("l ALT ERAT ION ()ADD ITIONAL()REPAIR ()PLUMB ING '~A AA 1 . DWELLIN GUNITS --ACCO MMO DAT IONUN ITS-.J--MECHAN ICAL 135.00 HEIG HT INFT .__NO.FI REPLAC ES --RECREATION FEE 77 8.00 INSULATION :TY PE THI CK NESS R-VA LLU E DE SIGN REV IEW BOARD lnn nn - FL OOR BATT 8 I N R-22 \j) CLEAN -UP DEPOSIT 500.00 ~ BATT 6 IN R-19 tgEXT.WALLS USE TAX ROOF BATT 10 IN R-30 il' ;)TYPE ELE C.GAS X TOTALPERMITFEES 4667 .00OFSOLARWOODHEATMICHAELWHITAKER~UIiDI NG OFFICIAL ---.---uusts«:---ADDITIONAL PERM ITSNEEDED :DAT E s.!:!.IN ITIA L f-SHELLEY MELLO __1 0/12/90 X --------ST.CUT ~ONIN G ADMINI STRA TO R DATE BLAS TI NG X IzONING &BUILD ING NOTES : PAR KING X NOWALLS T OEXCEED 6FT IN HEIGHT FROM GRADE;NO WALLS TOEXCEED3 FT IN FRONT DEMO X SET BACK;DRIVE TOBE BUILT AS SHOWN ALL I h erebyac k nowledge that Ihave read this application ,filled out i n full th e information required ;R EV W completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that all th ei nformation provided as required is c orrect.I agree t o comp ly w ith t hei nformationand plot plan ,to comply with all Town o rdinanc es andstate laws ,andto build th is st ru cture according tothe Town 's zon ing and s ubdivision codes,d esign rev iew approved ,Uniform Bu ild ing C ode and othe?Z~s of ~222 15.,,£AJV.P )1:S5<:'4-~/_"/,,..;':;,/,~.&:-t:"'7~O S ,~~RE Of>"'"OWNER OR C~TR AC T O R FOR HIM SELF.4-//J :..0 Y/b<;';'f--~"3"O AN THE OWNER . o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATION ,CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ~BU ILDINGoELECTRICA L TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRI OR TO ISSUANC EOFPERMIT TYPEOFPERMI T o MECHAN ICAL [)..\~\:\.-\,\.)~l~\\)~"")l\ ~GAL LOT 16 BLK 1 ESC.FILING POTATO PATCH JOBNAME :DALY RESIDENCE OWNER NAM E ANDYDALY VA INC MAIL ADD RE SS POBOX 1 5 /~ CITY VAIL CO PH .949-5750 ARCHITECT FIR M AlNOLD,GWATHMEY,PRATT MAILA~nnn S FRONTAGE RD CIT Y V.lIL CO PH4 76 -114 7 GENERAL FIRM andy beck &assoc CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VA IL REG ,NO.il7-a TELE.9 49-1800 "LECTRICAL FIR M TOWN OF VAIL REG ,NO.CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.CONTRACTOR TELE . FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VA IL REG .NO . TELE. OTH ER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . -. 7 5 So uth Frontage R oad Vail ,Colorado 81657 303-479-2 158/FAX 303-479-2 166 MEMORANDUM -. Department ofPublicWork s/Tran sportati on ~ TO: F ROM: DATE: RE : Co mmuni ty Dev elopment Pub l ic Wor ks J ul y 1 3,1992 Dal y Residen ce ,762 Po tato Patch Th e Fina l Certi ficate o f Occu pancy wi ll b e uphe ld unt il t he dr iveway d ra inage is reso lved .The culve rt that c rosses t he driveway wa si nstalled .3'to l ow to f low into thee xis ting cu lvert downstream . Public Works i s money for the i ssuance of the requiri ng a 4 'driveway pan to be in stalled or installati on posted by the developer prior Final Ce rtificate of Oc cupancy. the to Pub l ic Works will lower the ne xt downst rea m culve rt and connect the two culvert s.This wi ll eliminate the current ho le between both dr iveways.Public Works will a l so connect the Da ly's 4 'pan with a p an acros s the downstream driveway .Aft er a ll the drainage work is comp l et ed ,the Town o f Vail will re-w ork the road crown wit h an o verlay to r es olve any drainage concerns i n this area. Charlie Davis cc :Greg Hall Ken Hughey CD /cp D e lAi.INSPECTION'S COMPLETED e • The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of o. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: 0 FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: 0 IMPROVEMENT SURVEY DATE: ~~F I NAL ELECTRICAL DATE:~\~') 0 FINAL BUILDING DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: D TEMPORARY COF0 DATE:\\ CERTIFICATEOF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: FILE NAME :_:::::':'..!:o.l\.~,....-"':"';:~~~..I.--"-..!-. OCT-19-90 FRI 14 :0B I;ASSOCIATES P.02 -1 ANDY BECK BECK AND ASSOCIATES BOX 4030 VAll.co 81657 ANDY: I TALKED WITH GEORGE WIEGERS ON OCTOBER 2ND.EXPLAINING YOUR PLANS FOR EXCAVATION ON ANDY DALY'S Lor ACROSS THE STREET fROM THE WIEGERS l PROPERTY.ITIS UNDERSTQOD THAT THE WIEGERS'LOT MAY BE USED FOR A STAGING AREA FOR TRUOK- ING EXCESS SOILS AWAY FROM THE DALY EXCAVATION. A CERTAIN AMOUNT OffILL SOIL WILL BE LEfT ON THE WIEGERS' SITE.I WILL COORDINATE WITH YOU CONCERNING QUANTITY AND DEPOSIT LOCATION OF THE fILL.I'M ALSO REQUESTING THAT PRIOR TO ANY DUMPING Of SOILS.THAT THE VEGETATION AND TOPSOIL BE SCALPED FROM THE DUMP AREA AND DEPOSITED ON THE LOWER SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE PROPERTY. I'LL .LEAVEIT UP TO YOURSELF AND NED TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT THE TOWN Of VAIL IS NOT SURPRISED BY THIS ACTIVITY • 10/17/90 I DUANE PIPER ·i GC:GEORGE WIEGERS ." .. f/).... Q.... 0 c6 ICI' .0)at, &"Ja.-"s: Q a N~CD ~ca ~0(J), Q 0-8--Q •c: I II 0 II 10 II .Q •q Do -. October 1 4,1990 To wn of Vail Planning Department 7 5 S.Frontage Road vail,CO 81657 Attn:Shelly Mello Re:Daly Residence Shelly: -. Attached is a copy of the permission letter that I recei ve df rom Mr.Wiegers'representative,Duane Piper.AsI mentioned,we may be using Lot 22 of the Vail Potato Patch subdivision,785 Potato Patch Drive,as a stock pile location for our work on the Dal y Residence -Lot 15,78 4 Potato Patch Drive. Addit ionally,Duane Piper has indicated that Mr.Wiegers may ne ed approximately 400 yards of structural f ill to accomplish their proposed design slated to be constructed next summer.In r et ur n for providing that material,we are be ing a llowed to u se t he property as a temporary ,minimal stock pile location. It is our intent to use the site only if necessary.We intend to restore it to its original condition (as much as 4 00 ya rds o f additional material wil l allow)as well as regrade and rese ed upon completion of the significant portion of the Dal y Resi d ence earthwork.) )/#...1 .If y<;>~have any"/quest1ons concern1ng th1S,p ease do not he s 1tate to g1ve meja call. ,///' SinCe,~~lY/(/. Andy Beck President Beck and Associates,Inc . AB jdjb ••Pane Piner GENERAL'l;ONTRACTORS P.O.BOX 4030 VAIL.COLORADO 81658 (3031949-1800 e. November 6,1990 .,.~v ~g9 0 e. Ms.Shelly Mello Department of community Develop 75 South Frontage Road West Vail,Colorado 81757 Dear Shelly: okay!!I finally got my camera open and the Wiggens lot photos developed.:I;.f you recall this is in regard to our working o n Andy D~l~%~house and ~torage of fill across the street on thislot./Th~;S ..~u l d fulfl.ll the last of the requirements for your app rova Lc / :'/~ .:/'/1' Yours ruly, /)}'~, "IAndrew J.Beck p'resident Beck and Associates,Inc . AJB/di Enclosure cc:Duane Piper GENERAL CONTRACTORS eo.BOX 4030 VAIL,COLORADO 81658 (303)949-1800 TO: FROM: DATE: -. Vail Building Department Andrew P .Daly September 26,1990 -. • RE:Geologic Evaluation for LOT 16 Potato Patch Vail,Colorado The undersigned have read the Rockfall Hazard Evaluation prepared by Edward M.Morris of Lincoln DeVore,Inc .. We understand from the conclusions that the proposed building location appears to be below the area of ongoing rockfall,but there is the potential hazard of certain rocks reaching the proposed house and causing damage.We are prepared to accept those facts and request the building depa ent grant us a permit. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) )ss. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 26th day of September,1990 by Andrew P.Daly,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed j1 ~ My commission Expires:4 Ipt!Jl eZ...-!/-n n (~X MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 11-3-93 ,.- Town of Vail community Development 75 South Frontage Road vail,Colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 e. Page 1 Plan Analysis based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number:113090 Address:782 POTATO PATCH DR. Occupancy:R3,M1 Type of Const:V-N Name:DALY RESIDENCE Date:November 30,1990 Contractor:BECK &ASSOC. Architect:ARNOLD/GWTHMAY/PRATT Engineer:MONROE ENGINEERING Plans Examiner:MICHAEL WHITAKER NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1988 VBC.It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code (1988 edition)with permission of International Conference of Building Officials =============================================================================== ALL REVISIONS TO THIS PERMIT DRAWING MUST BE SUBMITTED TOTHE TOWN OFVAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL.BUILDING OF THIS PROJECTTO ANYTHING OTHER THAN APPROVED DRAWINGS IS NOT PERMITTED. FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Master bedroom 375 37.50 18.75 1 Yes 2 Master bath 109 0.00 5.45 1No 2 Study 163 16.30 8.15 1No 2 Dining/Living 700 70.00 35.00 1No 2 Kitchen/Family/Bkfst 736 73.60 36.80 1No 2 Halls,closets,etc.302 0.00 0.00 1No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2760 1 1 Bedroom #l 186 18.60 9.30 1 Yes 1 Bath room #1 41 0.00 2.05 1 No 1 Bedroom #2 177 17.70 8.85 1 Yes 1 Bath room #2 40 0.00 2.00 1No 1 Bedroom #3 167 16.70 8.35 1 Yes 1 Bath room #3 43 0.00 2.15 1No 1 Play room 207 20.70 10.35 1No 1 Laundry room 73 0.00 3.65 1No 1 Mechanical Room 76 0.00 0.00 1No 1 Garage 1045 0.00 0.00 1No 1 Basement/Storage 480 0.00 0.00 1 No 1 Halls,closets,etc.516 0.00 0.00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 3051 2 BUILDING TOTAL 5811 2 -.-. Page 2 FOOTNOTES: 1)EGRESS-An operable window or door that opens directly to the e xterior is required from this room.The minimum clear openable area must meet the following.--Sec .1204. 1)The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2)The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3)The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4)The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2)The number of e xits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3)A mechanical ventilation system may be used inin lieu of exterior openings for ventilation.--Sec.1205.(c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches.Kitchens,halls,bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection.If the ceiling is sloping,then the minimum height is required in only 1 /2 of the area. --Sec.1207.(a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area.Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet.--Sec.1207.(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension.--Sec.1207.(c) GLAZINGREQUIREMENTS: 1)All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material.--Sec.5406.(d) 2)Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regardless of the height above the floor.--5 406(d)5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. --Sec.1210.(a)4. The smoke detector is required to be wired to the building's power source.--Sec.1210.(a)3. A smoke detector is required on all stories.--Sec.1210 .(a)4. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s),a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. --Sec.1210.(a)4 FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS: FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1)unit must be an approved unit.--Sec.3705.(a) 2)Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval. --Sec.3705.(a)&(b) 3)Chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B -.e. Page 3 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence,materials approved for 1hr fire construction are required on the garage side only andany doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door.--Table 5-B &Sec.503.(d)ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide.--Sec.3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. --Sec.3306.(c)exc.#l Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers.--Sec.3306.(j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches.Minimum height =36 inches,maximum opening size =6 inches.--Sec.1711.exc 1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.-8 inches.--Sec.3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for 1hr fire-resistive construction.--Sec.3306.(n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS: 1)Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more.The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches.There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access.--Sec.3205.(a) 2)Provide ventilation in all attic areas.The net free vent area is to be not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area . CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS: 1)Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls.opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space.Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical. --Sec.2516.(c)6.Note:Vent openings may be reduced to 10%of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. For a 181.0 sq.ft.crawlspace area: Ratio Minimum sq.ft.of vent 1/150 1.21 2)Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area.Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space.--Sec.2516.(c)2. 3)Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood,the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches.The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches.--Sec.2516.(c)2. Page 4 ADDITIONALREQUIREMENTS: For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECTWILLREQUIREA SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY.SUCH SURVEY SHALLBESUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACESWITHINTHE TOWN OF VAIL ARE LIMITED TOA EARTH TO STRUCTURAL FLOOR CEILING HEIGHTOF 5',BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY,BE VENTILATEDASPER UBC 25I6(C)6 WITH MINIMUM ACCESSASPER UBC 25I6(C)2 AND MAXIMUM ACCESSOF 9 SQ.FT. EXCAVATION BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BEPERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. For MI occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE TOOUTSIDE OR PROVIDEA FLOOR DRAINWITHWITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTORTO DRY WELL ORTO SEWER.ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER &SANITATION DISTRICT. IN GARAGES WITH LIVING AREA ABOVE,THE WALLS OFTHE GARAGE WHICH ARE BEARING THE AREA ABOVE SHALLBE PROTECTED WITH ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION.UBC 503(B). '0.." Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 Plan review based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number:113090 Address:782 POTATO PATCH DR. Occupancy:R3,M1 Type of Const:V-N Portions of the material contained in uniform Building Code (1988 edition) Conference of Building Officials Name:DALY RESIDENCE Date:November 30,1990 Contractor:BECK &ASSOC. Architect:ARNOLD/GWTHMAY/PRATT Engineer:MONROE ENGINEERING Plans Examiner:MICHAEL WHITAKER this program are reproduced from the with permission of International #SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED ============================================================================= 1 ********All electrical work to be complete to the requirements of the 1987 National Electrical Code. 2 ********This project will require a site improvement survey. Such survey shall be submitted and staff approved prior to a request for frame inspection. 3 A-2,6,8 CRWL SPC Areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basemnt.shall have less than 5 'ht.from earth to structural floor/ceiling above,a dirt floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2516,with access min.size as per UBC 2516 and ma ximum access size 9 sq.ft . 4 E-2,3 ALL LEVELS Smoke detectors shall be located outside each sleeping area.A detector shall be located on each level and in the basement.Detectors shall be interconnected and sound an alarm audible in all sleeping areas of the dwelling unit.UBC 1210. 5 A-3 ONLY ONE Only one wood burning fireplace may be installed per dwelling unit within the Town of Vail.Gas appliances with "B"vents only are not restricted under this regulation.Gas logs systems are not considered as gas appliances. 6 A-4,5 EXT.COVER Exterior surfaces with stucco applications shall be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBC 4706, windows and doors adequately flashed,and a base application of 2 layers of water proof paper. .- 7 A-2 8 A-2 9 A-3 10 A-2 11 A-2 BSMT/STOR LAUNDRY KITCHEN MECH ROOM MECH ROOM This area lacks required glazed opening(s)having an area equal to 10%or more of the floor area.--Sec.- 1205.(a)This area shall not be permitted to be utilized for any purpose other than storage.No sleeping permitted and not to be for habitable area. In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided.Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav.may be ventilated with a recirculating fan.UBC 1205(c). Island fixtures shall be special vented as per UPC 614.Supply an air gap fitting for drain from dishwashing machine.UPC 608. Heating and cooling equipment located in the garage shall be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elements and switches at least 18"above the floor level of the garage.UMC 508. In buildings of unusually tight construction (all new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch. 6. 12 A-3 GAS APPLCE.Gas fireplace appliances are required to be installed as per listing installation instructions - with a "B"vent only.Combustion air must be supplied from the outside for all new construction in the Town of Vail. 13 A-2 14 **** 15 A-2 16 A-2 MECH ROOM **** 2 DOORS STORAGE Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove installation shall be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the volume of the furnace.A boiler unit will require a space 16 times larger than the boiler.UMC 504(b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system,size (BTU and volume)of equipment,vent location and termination,and combustion air to be supplied. The door between the garage and the dwelling is required to be a1 3/8 inch thick solid core self closing door.--Sec.503.(d)exc.#3 The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by 1hr fire-resistive construction.--3306.(m) 17 A-2,3 18 **** 19 A-2 20 A-2 STAIR Winding stairways may be used if the required widtb of run is provided at a point not more than 12"from the side of the stairway where the treads are the narrower,but in no case shall any width of run be less than 6".USC 3306(d). ****Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on.--Sec.2905.(b)&(c) CHIMN CHSE A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction.USC 1706.This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8"Type X sheetrock and fire-taping joints. GARAGE The garage must be separated from the dwelling by Ihr fire-resistive construction on the garage side. 503.(d)The walls in the garage which bear the area above (living)shall also be protected with one hour fire resistive construction .Wrap "I"beam. ()I L-)~f I OIILI D ale -L..-....O:c.....;..-.::=-.,:.--'----- Project Application- Project Name:--'~.l..L.l:..IL Contact Person a ndP hone Owner ,Add ressa ndPh one :_ Ar c hitect.Address and Ph one :_ /0 o ne rIs (r.)fK) DesignReviewBoard D at e _ Mot ion by : Se conded by : APPRO VAL D I SAPPROVAL Dat e: tti Staff Appr ova l f PHONE #949-5750 PHONE #476-1147 S.F.RESI DENCE CREDITSREMAINING PRIMARY{SECONDARY DATE:SEPT.6,1990 L EGAL:LOT16 BLOCK 1 FILINGPOTATOPATCH ADD RESS:782POTATOPATCHDR. OWNER:DALY RESIDENCE ARCHITECT:ARNOLD,GWATHMAY &PRATT LOT SIZE:524460PROPOSEDUSE: NOtOFUNITSALLOWEDON'SITE}}}}'2 ALLQWEDSITECOVERAG E·'}7867 SITECOVERAGEUSED I 3443 SITECOVERAGEREMAINING })..,}},.....4424 TOTALGRFAUS EDON SITE·}'·'.i '1377 0.5 GRfAREMAIN INGONSITE )·······gi?q;W$P UNIT ONE P R I M A R y U N I 1" :;P:fLit 6UoQR Pit·r i P'ililtPTAUnt ?'AEMi@f;:$1tt48A 13 E 'MSOJ#t t:$TAIB.·it .AIRLoCK n.·YOlo l t • BASEMENJiSO;FI -:.0 0 0 1 0 000.-:. lST.FLOOR S·O;FT:.·.·.··,······2441 949 12143 000 2ND.;..F LO0 R S0 ;FIt >2748 0 1 92 5 I 072 6840 3R0 i FLO0 RS0 FT.......••·••0 0 00 00 0 ,.LOFISc;fTi t n·.··••·•••·•..c H 0 0 00 000 r WrW;;TQTA I.1$1Fr n:p ili frt!f @$1••a~f .ili!fi!~4~·';rfn '31'~!5f '@t11m~:f1;~n~nWttr1Z2i .t tr ~tr~~!·~_...... .".;-.....:.:.....;..'~..•;.:"..' CREDITTOTALSUSED 1418.5 1 900 I 313.5 4372 5040 CREDITSREMANING 76.5 I -49 I 86.5 57 0 -18 0 GRFAALLOWED 6372 GRFAUSED 3770.5 GRFAREMAINING 2601.5 -- PRIMARY /SE CONDARY DATE :NOV .3 1 ,1 990 LE GAL:LOT 6 BLOC K F I LING POTATO PAT C . 1 1 H ADDRESS :782PO TATO PATCHDR . OWN ER :DALY RESI DEN CE PHON E #94 9-5750 ARCHITECT:ARNOLD ,GWATHMAY &PRATT PHON E #4 76-1147 LOTS IZE:52 446 0 PROPOSED USE :S.F .RES I 0 ENC E N O ..O F UN ITS A lLOWEO }ON SI TE ..:~cc.:,..••••••••••...2;::::=:..:::.:::.,::::::-::::-..~:..;:-:.; NO ;OEGARAG ESPACES IH :::i::.:'i:.':':':'Ii ':.:.::."3 GR FAAL LOWEDONSITE :(':.::.::.i,::::::'::::'6372 Ali LOWEOSITECOVERAGE yr ,:':":':""::."7867 S ITE COVERAGEUSEO"':i':}'::'::'.:.:..:...:.."iiii..?.....:.:::. 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IWmtMfrOTAUslll:Htl nw@w p:a.t;.•t·rtm n1.4.$::MMtHzgP)It::tt 7Q:'Wp:'ItW?$1 :U!:I:'il 17g::1j·W t $$:S} .......-..c-;.:-:.:-:'~.•...:-:.•.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.::..:.; .;:;.:;..~..:..":=::'"".;:::::-..':..t.•::::;:.::.f/:::;~::::·:::~:::::::.:.:.:(...::3::~:::~ CREDIT TOTALS USED 1549.5 I 900 I 4 00 I 7 6 I 68 I 50 5 5.5 1 CREDITS RE MANING -533 I -145 I -390 I 24 I 0 1 -22 0 1 GRFA ALLOWED 6372 GRFA USED 4261.5 GRFA REMAINING 2110.5 e •PRIMARY ISECONDARY e e - DATE:SEPT.6,1990 LEGAL:LOT BLOCKFILINGPOTATOPATCH -16 1 ADDRESS:782POTATO PATCH DR. OWNER:DALY RESI DENCE PHONE #949-5750 ARCHITECT:ARNOLD,GWATHMAY &PRATTPHONE #476-1 147 LOTSIZE:52446 a PROPOSEDUSE:S.F.RESIDENCE NOi OF UNITS ALLOWEDONSITE ~;:;:;;.;....."2 NO;OFGARAGE SPACES ~:::~::t\:::~H~et})i:it:::~:}::):::;:;3 GRFAALLOWEDONSITE:t ;'..';';-;':":'.-:::-;.-····.v ..6372:"':"':'-':':-"'::;:;':~':;:'-:;;";;;"":::'::::...•....• ALLOWED SITE··COVERAGEi i:::::;:·:::/·:c:....:.::.::..:::;.:::..;.:7867 SITECOVERAGEUSED }t:":,:····........-."-:.:..;.-:....::::~.:::.....:;:,,:;:;3443........•...:..::;..:::-;.. SITE COVERAG EIREMAININC3 :)'(:j:'::~.t';:::,::~:..';:::::-:::.:~4424...:::.,:.:.:..... LANDSCAPE COVERAGEI ~:;.;:;:-\::;::~i .··:III:::i:::·:.:.:a TOTALG RFAUSED ON.·.SITE iI :::;:::;:;,;~::.;.:.;:';':';':':::'."::::::3770.5 C3 .RFAREMAI .NINC3 .0N SITE \:~.::\:(}:-:\t}:::rt:f }),:~:i~9()11 $I CREDITS .·.RE:.MAJNING )r r\ONSITE ·:::•.:......•...•...........·..·.· UNIT ONE .-:-..-'..:..;....;.......;.:~...••....;".;.:.;.;.-,',-.,.;.;....................,.....:,:.:.'.:.;.-.';.-.'.....;::~...: CREDITTOTALSUSED 1418.5 I 900 I 313 .5 I 43 I 72 I 50 I 40 I CREDITSREMANING76 .5 -49 86 .5 57 a -18 a GRFAALLOWED 6372 GRFAUSED 3770.5 GRFAREMAINING2601.5 p /:;II @tTeCQQ8 1IldilM:$tTQ11Au rwr.-G.A8Aa~::$tQaA~S lMe;OJfm :%SmAta;]AI.8CQCK IrVOll1,!:! RBASEMENTSO Fe t a a aaaaa I1ST i FLOOR SO:FTt I ;2441 94912143aaa M ;2ND;FLQORSO:FT;{2748 a 1925 a 726840 A3RD FLOOR SO ;FT ?a a aaaaa R ,LOFTSO;FTi}.•..::·:·a a aaaaa Y ·M#tH ffiQmAU$!m@ lmmmmrt$l.a~g @W!@~9.I·1 M @ 3 13iIi.I·:nlg4$I ::mW!Nt.~i·1!%glf&6 a.~@ W g 4 O:1 T OT Ab ·YGROSS?iNSQ:EJVN t t W151·S9··:· U N I T *********•******UNIT TWO ********•********• S E C o N D A R Y U N I T ·filll$~m;~rtJ~W ~Q EHIt ~rttIMr il l i:t$;iTAlllltt GAaAGS lSitQBAGE;il !MI;PfM f StAtBll Al.8UOPK .1.iVQlPlk BASEMENLSQ;FJY "a a a a a aa 1$T?FLOO8SQ.FJy t a a aa a aa 2Nb 'FLOORSO]FJ r a a aaaaa 38P,FLOOHSQ':F;J\)a a aaaaa .·LOFTFllOQRSOiFT f t a a aaaaa l lHFkl l it QTAUSll!!l :t:il :~:::r:jf:~::til ::~:::~j f:~j :~f::~:Q]~:_@It:WFlQ .l @~m;:It1]t Il~~~U :m !!lftbrU:·W :t~~@ I~~;~~I U :f :tftt]l:I :nm[~:rl TI tit .P~::: mQm.A iNI GaQ$S·ti $Q j lrt~Wf hi c REDIT TOTAllSUSED '.l i;,.49·.•··.•..••.•;.0·.l I tO·'t/·O··,,18:itiI···.··.O::...... CREDITSREMANING143.5 a 86.5 57 a aa GRFA ALLOWED 260 15 G RFAUSED a G RFAREMAINING 2601 5 ....'e ~Communi ty Developmente ~~5 South Frontage Road .., Vail,Colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 Plan analysis based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Date:September 14,1990 Contractor:NONE Architect :E.GWATHMAY Engineer:MONROE ENGINEERI NG Plans Examiner:MICHAEL WHITAKER Occupancy:R3,M1 Type of Const:V-N Project Number:82190 Name:DALY RESIDENCE Address:782 POTATO PATCH DR. NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1988 UBC.It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code (1988 edition)with permission of International Conference of Building Officials =============================================================================== DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Property line EAST Property line SOU TH Property line WEST Property line SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 96.0 Feet 17.0 Feet 170.0 Feet 63.0 Feet FIRE PROTECTION 96.0 Feet 17.0 Feet 170 .0 Feet 63.0 Feet -.Code review for: Project Id.:DALY RESIDENCE Address:782 POTATO PATCH DR. EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENINGPROTECTION Table 17-A &Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALLWALL PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None OhrOhr None Ohr Ohr None M1 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material.Sec.2201. WEST BRG NON-BRG WALL WALL OhrOhr Ohr Ohr OPNG PROT None None None --No fire protection requirements for openings. Prot --Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50%of the area of the wall maximum.Sec.2203.(b)&Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than 12 feet.--Sec.4306.(h) NOP --openings are not permitted in this wall. *--These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing.The parapet wall is required to have the same fire rating as the wall.See section 1709.for details and exceptions. FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Air lock 68 0.00 3.40 1No 2 Living/Dining room 739 73.90 36.95 1 No 2 Family/Kitchen 630 63.00 31.50 1 No 2 Master bedroom 377 37.70 18.85 1 Yes 2 Master bath 109 0.00 5.45 1No 2 Study 157 15.70 7.85 1No 2 Halls,closets,etc.668 0.00 0.00 1No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2748 1 1 Garage 949 0.00 0.00 1No 1 Furnace room 43 0.00 0.00 1No 1 Bedroom #l 168 16.80 8.40 1 Yes 1 Bedroom #2 177 17.70 8.85 1 Yes 1 Bedroom #3 188 18.80 9.40 1 Yes 1 Laundry room 50 0.00 2.50 1No 1 Halls,closets,etc.866 0.000.00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2441 1 BUILDINGTOTAL 5189 2 FOOTNOTES: 1)EGRESS-An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room.The minimum clear openable area must meet the following.--Sec.1204. 1)The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2)The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3)The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4)The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2)The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3)A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation.--Sec.1205.(c) -.Code review for: Project Id.:DALY RESIDENCE Address:782 POTATO PATCH DR. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches.Kitchens,halls,bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection.If the ceiling is sloping,then the minimum height is required in only 1/2 of the area. --Sec.1207.(a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area.Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet.--Sec.1207.(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension.--Sec.1207.(c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: 1)All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material.--Sec.5406.(d) 2)Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regardless of the height above the floor .--5406(d)5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. --Sec.1210.(a)4. The smoke detector is required to be wired to the building's power source.--Sec.1210.(a)3. A smoke detector is required on all stories .--Sec.1210.(a)4. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s),a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. --Sec.1210.(a)4 FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS: FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1)unit must be an approved unit.--Sec.3705.(a) 2)Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval. --Sec.3705.(a)&(b) 3)Chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence,materials approved for 1hr fire construction are required on the garage side only andany doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door.--Table 5-B &Sec.503.(d)ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide.--Sec.3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. --Sec.3306.(c)exc.#l Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers.--Sec.3306.(j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches.Minimum height =36 inches,maximum opening size =6 inches.--Sec.1711.exc 1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.-8 inches.--Sec.3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required fo r 1hr fire-resistive construction.--Sec.3306.(n) -.Code review for: Project Id.:DALY RESIDENCE Address:782 POTATO PATCH DR. ATTIC REQUIREMENTS: 1)Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more.The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches.There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access.--Sec.3205.(a) 2)Provide ventilation in all attic areas.The net free vent area is to be not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at least 50%of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic.The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents.--Sec.3205.(c) For a 2748.0 sq.ft.attic area: Ratio Miminum sq.ft.of vent 1/150 18.32 1/300 9.16 CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS: 1)Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls.opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space.Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical. --Sec.2516.(C)6.Note:Vent openings may be reduced to 10%of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. For a 752.0 sq.ft.crawlspace area: Ratio Minimum sq.ft.of vent 1/150 5 .01 2)Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area.Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space.--Sec.2516.(c)2. 3)Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood,the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches.The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches.--Sec.2516.(c)2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECTWILLREQUIREA SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY.SUCH SURVEY SHALL BESUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIORTO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACESWITHINTHE TOWN OF VAIL ARE LIMITED TOA EARTH TO STRUCTURAL FLOOR CEILING HEIGHTOF 5',BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY,BE VENTILATED ASPER UBC 2516(C)6 WITH MINIMUM ACCESSASPER UBC 2516(C)2 AND MAXIMUM ACCESS OF9 SQ.FT. ANY BUILDING SITE WITH ASLOPEOF30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALLREQUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN.SUCH DESIGNSHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE,SOIL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. EXCAVATION BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BEPERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. -.". Code review for: Project Id.:DALY RESIDENCE Address:782 POTATO PATCH DR. For Ml occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE TOOUTSIDEORPROVIDEA FLOOR DRAIN WITH WITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTORTO DRY WELL ORTO SEWER.ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER &SANITATION DISTRICT. .' JAN 08 '91 12:El4 YODER ENGINEERS VAIL 303-9491959-. onrQe Engineering Consultants,Inc. January 7.1991 To....n of Vail Community Development RE:Dalv Residence 782 Po~a~o Patch Drive Vail CO 81657, P.2/2 The following beam sizes were changed on sheet S~January 3,1991. 1.(Horiz)(Flush)(2)-12"M.L.(or)5 1/8"x 1:2"G.L. at southeast dormer changed to 6 3/4"x 9"G.L. 2.5 1/8":Ie:12"G•.L.(or)(3)~12"H'.L.(Flu$h~::(Sloped) near southeast dormer changed to 6 3/4"x10 1/2"G.L. 3.(El.nsh )(Sloped (3)-2x12 (or)6 3/4"x 12"G.L.both sides of north.east dormer change to 6 3/4 11 X 10 1/2"G.L. P.o.BOJI 1~97 4ll E Beaver Creek BI1Id.,#307 "yon,Colorado 81~ 303-949-7788 FAX 3030949-1959 .. ,.;-\.,.....ID .§[?~~lrlnl§~If @)[?. ,~@)U1]lnl llil ~0Lr l?ID §~§Ib @)[;)[I1][3 ~1f . ~~~~~~~SALES ACTION FORM ¥£:£~~.~~~ COST .TOTAL ACCOUNT'.OEM .NO.EA.AMOUNT 01 0000 41:5:30 COM.DEV.APPUCAilON F=.S 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS :S.OO 01 0000 4241~1988 UNIFORM BUILDINCi CODE 50.00 01 0000 424'5 11988 UNIFORM PLUMB ING CODE :56.00 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE :52.00 01 0000 424'5 1988 UNIFORM FIRE CODE " 0'0000 424'5 1987 NAilONAL El.!C1RICAL CODE :50.00 01 0000 424'5 01HER CODE BOOKS . 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)7.00 .01.0000 42412 XEROX COF IES /STUDIES .25. P1 0000 42371 PENALlY Ft.:.S /RE-INSPEC1l0N 01 0000 41:522 OFF"HOURS INSPEC1l0N FE: 01 0000 41412 CONiRACTORS UCENSES 'FEES . •.~!).\,,\:;~~\\()C:::;.(1.01 0000 41332.Pl:.AN CRECK FEE ($30PER.HOUR) 01 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION 20.00 .'. COMMENTS:~"'~'\;\,,\.(~'~\'".~""\~~~\TOTAL ~.\\(',~._ti\\ ) \ \\\~,,\"~..\\~,C\0.\,,\\-;-:. \\ D ate _--+_--+---.!._+-+-__ J1 ()\l,l,"-_ -.--Project Application • P roj ect Nam e :~~-=-Sl,-,=;-=~.=:......:.....:=::....::::..._=---_ P roject Descript ion :LM.aM~S tv 0>;.t Co ntact Person and Phone ,- O wn e r .Ad dress a ndPh o ne:_ Ar'OJllri I /0 o~to C ommen t s :_ DesignReview Board M o ti on b y :-L4-1(J.\.£.1l.J,:.-f'vL>1.L.-1-'-"0'------------ Se co nded b y :4fzuvi I~ APPROVAL X ------l.,,-Qf1:llitL VIt =r=D -1_ ~ed lo\ltA~ahb!itleJ Date _ D ISAPPROVAL Summ ary :_ 3te\1\~\LUL.f:..C~n k===-ner--- D ate:A .It·9JL-__ o Staff A pproval MAR-20-91 WED 9:12 BE~ASSOCIATES P.01 Rf.CU MArl 2 l /9 TELECOPIER TRANSMITTAL SHEH'J' Date: To: Firm:T!?v _ 'l'elecopier #: Fr01U Jun Number of pages being ~ent,including this transmittal sheet: I OJ Letter-size pagel;! Legal-size pages If you have any problem receiving this message,please call (303)949-1800. Telecopier No.(303)949-4335 Remarks: • {lENIIl,lL co»(),ll){I)". PoD.utu:40 JO VAlL,COJcJn~v..)lJl"Jd t:JD31 So l i'·IlIua ", MAR-20-91 WED 9:t2 "' BElli ASSOCIATES V••IIp~er-lIoDntaln ...Engineering Ltd, FAX NO.3039494335 til V P.02 SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LO'l'16.BLOCK 1.VAIL POTATO PATCH.VAIL.COLORADO EAGL[COUNTY.COLORADO PREFARED FOR: ANDREW DALY PROJECT NO.89419G DECEMBER 1989 Box No.978•Avon ,Colorado 81620•949-5072Denver 693-1531 1420Vance Street.Lakewood Colorado 80215•Phone:232-0158 MAR-20-91 WED 9:13 BV ASSOCIATES V FAX NO.P.03 'PABLE l)f .-;nNTRNTS CONCLUSIONS SCOPE SITE LOCATION AND DESGRtP'rION SITE INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE "AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS FILL PLAlJEMENT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS FLOORSLABS GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM REINFORCING.. CRAWL SPACE COVER BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE LAWN IRRIGATION MISCELLANEOUS TEST LoeAT ION SUMMARY OF TEST PITS SWELL -CONSOLIDATION TEST PERI~HERAL DRAIN SYSTEM DETAIL 1 l 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 7 9 9 Drawing No.1 Figures No.'1 -.::: Figure No.3-4 Figure No.5 NAR-20-91 WED 9:13 .. (:.!lwnWSIONS BE~ASSOOIAIES FAX NO,P,04 I. 1.Subsoil conditions ar~f~irly uniform cve~the site with two feet of topsoil underlain by silty sand and sand with clay to the maximum depth explored of 10 feet. 2.The proposed residence should be founded on the undisturbed eand with clay soils on conventional spread tootings designed for a maximum soil bearing pres~ure of 2000 psf. 3 .T~e lot is located in a geologically Ben~itive area a3 defined by Town of Vail Ordinance Nc.5.The lot is desiiIlated "Hl!lh Sevel"ity Rockfall"on the Map prepared by Shmueaer and Associates_The 8tee~Ba~e covered slope to the north at the rear property line would be the most probable ~ource oi falling rocks. The aspens on the lot would probably be suffiotent to absorb the ener~J of small rocka. However.boulders.or small rock~that may avoid the aspens ~ay retain enough energy to b~a threat to life and pro~erty. 8ecause of the snow cover present at the time of the investigation an accurate QssBBsment of the risk is difficult.We recommend that additional inv8stisation be conducted in the ~ummer when the ground surface is e~poaed. SCOPE This report presents the results of a Soila and Foundation Investigation for the proposed single-family residenco to be locaeed on Lot 16.Block 1.Vail Potato Patch.Vail.Color~do EaRle County.Colo4ado.The investigation was prepared by means of teat pita and laboratory testing of eamplea obtained from these pita. HAR-20-91 WED 9:13 BElli ASSOCIATES U FAX NO.P.OS "- This investigation presents a description o~surface and subsurface conditions encountered at the site.recommended foundation syetema.allowable de3i~n preesurea.and groundwater .conditions as well as design and const~uotion criteria influenced by the eubsoils. SITE LOCaTION AND DESCF:fE:rr(ili The eite is a 1.2 acre lot located at 782 Potato P~tch Dr. in Vail.Colorado.Thera is an approximately 9 foot cut at the front of the lot to Potato Patch Dr.The lot slopes moderately steeply at an approximately 25 pe~cent elope.~b8 lot ie vegetated with aspen trees with the exoeption of a natural olearing ~h~re the propcsed re~idence ie to be lo~ated.To the north of the rear property line is a oteep aage covered slope. Dr~inage ia to the aouth-a~uthwe5t_ApproximatelY 3 feet of ~now covered the lot ~t the time of the inve5tl~ation. £I1R INVESTIGATION The field investigation performed on December 21.1989. con~i~ted of excavating.logging and 5ampling two test pita. The location of tho tes~pit=are ehown on Drawing No.1.A summary of the teat pit logs are dotailed on Figures No.1 MAR-20-91 WED 9:14 BE~ASSOCIATES V FAX NO.P.06 ;j through 2.A eummary oi the test resul~e a~e ~hown on Figures .No .3 through 4.. The test pite were excavat~d witn ~conventional backhoe. Labor&torv sample were obtained by driving a California hand =ampler into undisturbed Boils. SIJESllRFM'E ANIl GROUNDWATER c-;Q~lDITroNS Refer to the summary of test pitB,~igurea No_1 and 2. Subsurface conditions are fairly un iform.Two feet of topeoil was underlain by silty sand to a depth of 3.5 to 5.5 feet. underlain by firm Band with clay to the m~~imum depth explored of 10 feet. No over lot grading has been done prior to this inveetisation. No groundwater Was encountered in any of the teet pits at the time of excavation. FILL PLACEMENT Cn the adjacent lot.Lo~17.it appears that the cut for the northw6Bt corner of the ~tructure haa introduced instability in the upslope eoils.88 evidenced by leaning aspen trees. MAR-20-91 WED 9:14 SEW ASSOCIATES V FAX NO.P.07 4. We recommBod that iini=hed Brade on slopes should not be .steeper than the ~revioua exioting grades.Cuts may introduce instability in the soil~upslope.All outs should be adequately shored during con~truction and should not be left open for ~xtendcd periode of time.A design ~hat is matched to the topography is ~trongly recommended to minimize cutting and fillins.If retaining walls are construoted backfill should consist of a free draining soil.A drain or weep holes should be provided to prevent a build up of hydroctatic pressure.Drainage .~hould not outlet towards the houee. EBOPOSEQ CONSTRUCTION No specific design data has been provided.but for the purpose of this analysis,it hag been preaumed that the proposed ~esidence will consiat of two floors without a baaement,and that loado will be light.If the proposed project differs significantly from this understanding.a review should be made after the plans are more complete. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS Silty sand and =and with clay will be enoountered 1n the ~oundation exc~vatian.Laooratory testing indicate5 that the NAR-2o-91 WED 9:14 BE~ASSOCIATES V FAX NO,p,DB 5 I I 0 '., IIIi silty aands have a high hydro-oonaolidation potential .jcon~olidation due to wettin~especially if loaded}.Laboratorv teoting alae indicates that the clav=encountered have a low to no awell potential_The eand with clay soilB exhibited a low hydro-oonsolidation potential.The propoeed single family reeid~nc~should be founded on conventional type spread footin"= desisned for a ma~imum Boil bearing pre88ure of 2000 psf .At this pre==ure.settlements will be tolerable.It is advisable to proportion footin~=to reduce the risk of diiYBrenti~l s~ttlements_The footings ohould be constructed en the undieturbed sand with clay =oi15.The footinga excavations should be SMooth.free of debris.organic~.loose 80il.froat. and etanding water.Any over-excavations 6hould be "backfilled. and compacted to 100 pe~cent within 2 percent of optimum moieture as determined by a ~tandard proctor test IASTH D-69B).A representative of thia office shQuld be contacted to inspect the £oun~aticn excavation to verify tha~the 60il conditions are the eamB as those anticipated in this report. The bottom of the footings should be placed a minimum of 48 inches below final grade for frost protection. EWOR S[.ABS Care must be taken to insure that all excovationa made for the fQundation=are properly backfilled with auitable material MAR-2D-91 WED 9:15 BEilil ASSOOIATES V . FAX NO.p.De COmpac~ed in accordance with the procedures outlined in the .specificatione.Eefore the backfill is placed.all water and 100SB debris ~hould be removed from these excavations. Prior to the construction of concrete floors.the 6Ubgr~de should be thoroughly proof compacted to insure a uniformly high utilIties have been installed. The floor slabs should be suitably reinforced to make it as rigid a~posaible.and proper joints should be provided at the junction~of the el~b and the founda~ion ~allst 50 that a emaIL amount of independent movement can occur without causing damage. Prior to the placing of concrete floors or pavements on this site.the subgrade should be proof rolled until the grade offers a relatively unyielding surface or until the specified de~rBe of compaction haa been achieved.Areas of excesBive yielding Bhould be excavated and backfilled with clean.compacted Boll . A eranular wat ~hould be p~ovided below the floor slabs. This should be a minimum of four inche~in thickness and properly compacted. GRQ(INDW81'EB AND DRAIN SYSTEM While no groundwater was encountered at the time the field investigation was conducted.it is likely that ~easonal variations will cause fluctuations.or a water table to be , MAR-20-91 WED 9:15 BE~ASSCCIATES FAX NO.P.10 7 present in the upper soils during the spring months.or after a .proLonged period of rain.A foundation perimeter drain as detailed on Figure No.5 is recommended. REINFORCiNG Foundation wall should be well reinforced.Refer to foundation dc~ignB for reinforcing det~tlB.Foundation walla l'iit.nininfS s;l~r-l:h ehould be destgnF.tl to resi.st <In equi.valent:fluid pres~ur~of 45 p,sf ~s a ~m i n ~a levp.l ~~~kfill ~~n~i~jnn. CRAWL ....5EACE COYER ground surface in crawl SPQC~ar6ae should be cnvAred with ~n impervious moieture barrier sealed against the footings.Thi~ will help to reduce humidity in the crawl ·space area and will also preven~the moi~t foundation 50tle from drying and ehrlnklns,which could po~cibly caue6 the otructure to eettle. BACKFILL AND SlJBFACE nB~TNAGP; Tha potentially consolidating foundation soils encountered MAR-20-91 WED 9:16 ..~~ASSOCIATES P.11 in ~ort1ons of tne aite should be prevented from beine wettgQ after construction.Generally,thia can be accom~lished by insuring that the bec~fil1 placed around the foundation wal1~ will not settle after com~letion of construction and that the backfill material ie relatively im~rviou$.Water should be added to backfill mat~rial to allow ?rOper oom~action --do not .puddle. Eaokiill should be moistened Qr dried to near its optimum ~i8tur*-content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density .Structural backfill should be compacted to at lea~t 95 percent of the maxim~atanda~d Proctor density.Excessive wetting or drying of the exposed Boils in the foundation exeav~tion and under-slab area~~hould be avoided. Surfaoe wa~ar running toward the structure from upslope area~ehould be diverted around and away from the building by meane of drainage ow~lea or o~her similar measures. The final grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on all sidea.A minimum of 12 inohes in the £irs~10 feet is recommended.DownSpoUt5 and eill cock~ahould discharge into spls5h block~that Bxtend 'beyond the limite of the backfill.Splaeh blocks should slope f~om the foundation walls. The use of long downopOut extensions in place of splaSh blocks is advisable. MAR-20-91 WED 9:16 BEC~ASSOCIATES FAX NO.30~5 P.12 I,AWN IRRIGATION Do not install espr;'nkler sYstems next to "iounr.lation walls. porches or patio Bl~b5.If eprinkler ey=tems are installed.the sprinkler heads should be placed BO that the 8Pr~y from the heads,under full pressure.dOBS not fall within five feet of foundation walls.porches or patio slaba.Lawn 1rri~atlon must be controlled. If the future owners desire to plant next to foundation wall~.porchs5 or patio 51abs.and are willing to assume tho risk of structural damage.etc .•then it is advisable to plant only. flowers and shrubbery (no lawn)of varieties that reQuire very little moisture.These flowers and shrubs should be hand-watered only_ HISCEr.!,ANEO£lS The recomrnendation~provided herein are based on experience in ~he area and from the onsite field e:qploration.The information obtained from the field exploration and laboratory teBting reflects SUbsurface conditions only at the ~pecific locations at ,the particular times designated.Subsurface condltione at other locations and times may differ from the conditione at theBe locations.The extent ot any variations between the teet pit~may not appear evident until excavation is performed.However,only minor variations are expected.If MAR-20-91 WED 9:16 BE~ASSOCIATES FAX NO.30~5 P.13 during construction conditions appear to .be different.this offiee should be ad~ised so re-e~aluaclon of the recommendations may be made. Thi~report haa been prepared for the exclusive use of Andrew Daly for the apecifio ~pplication to the p~opoeed residential structure to be located on Lot 16,Block 1.Vail PQtato Patch.Town.or Vail.Ea~le County.Colorado. The findings and recommendations of this report have been prep~red in accordance with locally accepted professional engineering atandard~ior similar condicions at thi~time.There 1s no other warranty,either expre~aed or implied. Sincerely, INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING.LTD. ~.r~ Geologist Reviewod By: ASKC"pJt:-.~1)l ·\~fLti111~f~~~Y M.8panel.P.E. Vice President .~..........'. '. .: MAR-20-91 WED 9:17 _"'-'''6-_BE~ASSCCIATES FAX NO.3039~5 P.14 ~'~~.~._....._•.~n ..._,~T ."._.....-_._.~'"_•••••••-.y •.•>-_._••~_._.,.- " National Forest --- TEST LOCATION Proposed Re6ide~ce Lot 16,Bloek I,Vail Potato PAteh Town of Vail,Eagle CQ\lnty.Colorado Prepar~d for Andreu Daly Lot 17 N.T.S. •k HtJJtt:T 1IfIIl,89419 "......, Lot 16 Pit 1• Pi.t:2• - Lot 15 ----- Potato l'ateh Drlva-- "'."',NO.'1 NAR-20-91 WED 9:17 BE~ASSCCIATES PIT FAX NQ 30?~5 NQ 1 ~ P.15 • OUCR"T'Oft or ....Tt"lll. TOPSOIL 1IillARKS 33 't pas s:1 ng NC).·200 llieve at 4 feet No groundwater encountered Firm.trace of gravel and cobbles slightl)' SAND RedJBrown,lllOist SAND with Clay Bottom of test Pit at 10 reet 5 10 15;-l.--l'-':"'--l.._..L ~__-L_-l._--L._-J..~ SUMMARYOF T~ST PITS Proposed Residence Lot 16,Block 1.Vail Potato Patch Town of Vail,Eagle CoUD.ty.Colorado Prepared for Andrew Daly •k 89419 "....u Ioa-'I MAR-20-91 WED 9:18 BE~ASSOCIATES ~PIT FAX NO.3039~5 NQ 2 ~ P.16 • No groundwater enco"mtered 1'"1rm,trace of gravel and cobbles OUallPnllN ...."ATC"I"~ TOl'SOIL Redand brown.$lightly moist s1lty S.AlfD Bottom of Test Pit at 8 feet "Red/brown,slightly 1ll0:l.5 t SAND with Clay5 10 15i-l_L--I.._-L ---lL-_..L-_...J...._-I-~ SUMMARY OF TEST PITS Proposed Residence Lot 16.Block I,Vail Potato Patch Town of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado Preparad for AnQre~Daly I'IlCl.ll:a NO...8941 9 ,..ll\IftIC......2 MAR-20-91 WED 9:18 ie-..J -'i I.I 2o fio:;sz 8 o -1 -2 -3 BlW ASSOCIATES FAX NO.~1f:P.17......... !,BORINO NO1ir--DEPTH 4! I IIIII r-roo I . I. ~ \. 0 .1 1.0LOAD'KGFl•10 SAMPLE OF Sil ty BAnd NAt 'lAOISTURE COli/TENT 104.8 %S\IIELL/PRESS.SAMPLE FLOODED Ar..hQ1<9F NAT DAY DENSITV 3.1----- lClO ... PCFk -4 -9 o BORING NO.2 DEPTH" r- ~-, ~ ", r\- 0.1 LOAD IICSfl 10 100 SAMPLE OF %SWELLIPRESS . SileL Sand NAT.MOISTURE CONTENT._3_"_3__, Sl\MPLe:1I.000EO AT...L.Q...ICSF NAf.DAY DENSITY )27.4 PCF <IIr-... SWELL -CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Propose Res enee Lot 16,Block 1,V~11 Potaco Patch !own of Vail.Ragle County.CD lorado Prepared for Andrew Daly .1 "'OJCCT 000 89419 MAR-20-91 WED 9:19 .. -~0-...I ...I W ~-I !.; z -20 ~a ...I -3 0en ~-4Col BEC AND ASSOCIATES FAX NO.3039 4335 P.18---I"-"!,BORINO NO 1:'I""I DEPTH 10 II I Ii1IIi-t--~t-I i I-. '\ [\ • , 0.1 1.0 LOAD II<SFI .10 100 SAMPLE OF Sand with clay NAT \10ISTUIIE CONiENi_1_0_._3__", %SWELlJPREss._~5AMPL.~I'L.OOOfOAT 1.(.\(SF NAT DRYDENSITV 119.5 PCf ~a ..J ..Jw -1Ii ~-2 ~e -3 ...I ~z -40 0 BORING NO.2 DEPTH 8 <, "1\ ":\ 0.1 LOAD IKSFI 10 IIlO SAMPLE OF Sand Yith Clay NAT.MOISTURE CONTENT 3.3 .... %SWELl./PRESS.SAMPU::FLOODED AT-l.....Q.XSF·NAi.OR....O£IIISITV 11 a 3 PCF ".... SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TESTRESULTS Proposed Rehi ence Lot16.Block1.Vail Potato Patch Town of Vail,~agle County.Colorado Prepared for Andrew Daly •.k "'OJt\;f "O(l 89419 MAR-20-91 WED 9:19 BElli ASSOOIATES FAK NO.3039~P.19 , -, Geotextile (Hirafi.140M or elluivilant) Backfill moistened and~co.p.cted Minimum of 6-of 3/4 ;nth gravel 411 di~eter pertorated l"igid pipe 1I1oped a.minimum of 1/8" per foot to sewer latQral 9ubdrain •sump pump or daylighted. Foundation Wall Polyethelene Moisture • Barriergluedto foundDtion wall . DETAILS Of PERIPHERAL DRAIN SYSTEM FOR FOOTING TYPE FOUNDATION FIGURE 5 APR-B-91 MOO 17:03 8E~ASSOOIATES Monroe Engineering ~onsultants.ln~ A.pril 8.1991, A~nQld/G.ath.e7/P~att.~chitBC~~ 100Q South 'rontaae Rood Vail.<;0 81657 Attn;Glanu Re.:F-t'IUdn8 of nat)'lteddenu '(nc 156.5) P.02 P.V2 GBnl:1e~BIU Th~struot9ral framina o£tho Daly Reci4encG,~~782 .Po~ato P~~ob Drive in Vail.Colorado w.a'obaerved .by Monroe BnaineeriftS Con- snl~ancs.Ina.during conatrueeion. In our opinion,basad ~n OUr li.ited ViSUAl obo~~vat!oft&.the buildins woo construetod gUbotantial17 ib co~pliauee witb the lnt6nt ~!th~oonstruction documents preparad,by our offioe.'To the best of ou~kDowle4go.aay 4efiolenciea found durlns our observ~tionD have been corrected.. If you have any ~uo8tiona or .comments,,ple~.e cull. V4~t truly yours, " CJ/kf. Project Application Date --'--'4~~~"':'----- Contact Person a nd Phone Owner,Address and Phone:_ A rchitect ,Address and Phone:_ /0 Co mments:::r----------;-';:------:::::--------------;:------~=---..:....----L. ?'®l r fA it si M j1 crVVI Design Review Board Date _ Motion by : Seconded by : AP PROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date:--'--=---f--....c.+--f--l-L--------- Staff Approva l •• September 24,1990 Ms.Shelly Mello,Planner #1 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail,CO 81657 ... Re:Daly Residence Minor Changes to Contract Documents from DRB Dear Shelly: Enclosed please find highlighted prints of DRB approved drawings and construction documents. The proposed differences,the result of value engineering,are cosmetic. All other conditions remain the same.These proposed changes are: 1.stucco chimneys in lieu of stone. 2.Gable window heads to arch configuration. 3.Living Room gable lowered 2'-6". 4.The whole house is 2'-6"feet lower. 5.Quantity of stone retaining walls reduced on landscape plans and berms added per revised plan in open areas. Don't hesitate to call if you have questions or need additional information.The client is most anxious to get a building permit and to proceed with site development. Sincerely, ~~~~~~PRATT ARCHITECTS,P.C. NG/ad Enclosure copy to:Andy Daly .-Project Application •• D ate _ Pro ject Name:-f7f-l-.LI"I'-\l--l..L+----f;:::,x....;£...u..~:lLI.I;_U.s...-~..:=::...____=_------------------- Pro ject Descri ption:----''c7!l-l,.LA'-l.L..l.4,+-=-~----l-.l.L--_____l:,.L..p..--1",.L--Ul._j~~t4-.4'-LaL:_..._-_bA..IE.~S Contact Person and Phone Owner.Address andPh one :_ A rchitect.Addressan dPh one: L egalDes cription:LOI -lL,Bl ock __...JI F iling --lJ1""1"-1--...LI..L.!.~LU~--\4'H!-'V Comments 4-rf f •ra~·~ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion b y : Seconded by : APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary:_ &L 1~ Dale _\D·l,..........7 ,'---,_1 L....:::U _ 'Ji-Staff Approval Project Application Project Name:~d\.f]J!\fd Da te P roj ect DescriPtio :~b(L "fL ~1-!b=-_J-L.<trlILV'l-C-L"='_ Contact Pe rson and Phone -l -dA v i y'\rJ C\~----.: Owner ,Addres s and Phone:-',,1 11 til V1 d w ·t Pm 1111~W~11 1It-L------- Arch itect,Address and Phone :(xv Y)0\d)l 7W6d}\!YYVAO--'r)--+P-t.VL:.tJ\t~-------- ,Zo ne -I.-..,~_V bA\Q~L egal D es cription :Lot ~B lock -------1-,Filin g C omment s :Mffi -h 0 q4~,----_ DesignReviewBoard M otion by J\iM ~tJ1L.-.!....---: Seconded by :~~_-!-f1..Y.-..1.'~_ Date 1 ,1--,-,-&---,--",q D'------_ A PPRO VAL D ISAPPROVAL \f\I a..l....a.l~/~'____ Ef\I\TY\..LY (j)Summa r y :--------------------------- ~__"'of.\.__-e------'-'--"--"'-----'-'~_~&el!IJ"b ------- ?-6hJ&4".nJ.£!J.n"'--'- Dale :=7 I 1{2 -4'-==--0 _ o St aff A pproval r.•• -,.,. .~. -..... •• •"th,to 1,/I,'9D ". ,..'".-_.........-:=".... ......-.'._-"'- ~..•...... A pre-application meetingwithaplanning staff member .is strongly suggested to determine if a'ri)'additi ona 1i nfnrma ti on i s needed,Ne ,app Ii cat i em _\'fi.ll be accllllteti '<s: unless it is comp l'eta (must include all items required by the zoning admf rris tr-atcr},:';:::Z;:~ It isthe applicant's responsibility to make anappointmentwiththe staff tofind out about additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applica-;."::'~~~:" tion will streamline the approval processforyour project by decreasingthe number of conditions ofapproval that the ORB may stipulate.ALL conditions of approval must ~'<C;, beresolved before a building permit,is issued.....~?:.. ORB APPLICATION , *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI1ITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING:, B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: VAIl. Legal Description Lot"Block _--Il~Filing _ Zoning Ptelt1Al.y;/st;"Y?«J12 A'y C.NAfolE OF APPLICANT :t..ClGotk't24 1>41.1 Address \l.(tc...~~.~~~ D.NMIE OF APPLICA NT'S REPRESE NTATIVE:A~~W.TNH«,P4ATT A:et<Hf1t:C.-Tr Address ltJt?t:I 5:FIt()tJrA=~I!!D M V41(,CA telephone 47~.lItf7 E.NA ~IE OF OWNERS:A&Q4«Y t_'~"'=:.!V~"i:LJ(H~()u.A~-4DUo1!A!1lt"-lYt.----------- -Signature~2J~u:<"':'d.J ?n .~-_--_ Address V"'dc....("i6DGt.&.~.~~te lephone '14'·ts1~ F.ORB FEE:The fee wi 11 be paid at the timea building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $0 '-$10,000 $10.00 $10.001-$50,000 $25.00 $:.50.001 -$150.000 $50.00 $150.001-$.500.000 $100.00 .' $500.001-$1,000.000 $200.00 $Over $1,000.000 .$300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO.THE ORB: 1.In addition to meeting submittal requirements.the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be marked.This work must be completed beforethe ORB visits the site. 2.The review process for 'NEW BUILDINGS willnormally involve two separate meetings ofthe Design Review Board.soplan on at least two meetings for their.approval. 3.People who fail toappearbeforethe Design Review Board at their scheduled .meetingand who have notaskedfora postponement will be required tobe republished.' -.-.. 4. ... .' The followingitems no longer have tobe presented tothe Design Review Board. They,however.havetobe presented tothe Zoning Administrator for approval: a.Windows.skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane ofthe building;and ° b.Building additions that arenot viewed from any other lot or public space. wnich have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from the agent for,or manager ofa condominium association... ....,....~ .~ ~.;-.~~ ".-:"~.-...--"0 5.You may be required to conductNatural Hazard Studies onyour property.You should checkwitha Town Planner before proceeding. ,• ." , ~i'lE 'OF P~OJ ECT:.I24L't ~S It:u;OJ<~Ue:.....-:--__;"""'T""j"'<';";;"-----::=--- LEGAL DESCRIPTIOiI:Lori,~toCK (fiLlilG ----- STREET ADDRESS:71lL fc:Jr'rTO PATU./PtW€ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:CO~f7l!.w:4UM of A Ntf71.I .r16J(lF" !?tHI?y eCSIQ@.Jc:cTr ...-LIST OF HATEiHALS ,........~ "':-.~". ........'.-..-.' ...... The followinginformation is required for submittal 'by the app14cant tothe .Design Review Board beforea final approvalcanbefiven: ... "gn?Atc lS.eo U1)AC . A.BUILDHIG j·IATEitIALS: Roof Siding ' Other Wall Materials '........., Fascia Soffi ts Wi ndows Wi ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dec k Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses .Other TYPE OF MATERIAL ,IV()OQ ..5lL~ ..' COLOR Pf ~'t!'(Q:f~fl(;., lI~h PI<t4 4 •.., B.LANDSCAPING:Name ofDesigner: phone: PLANT HATERIALS:Botanical Name Common Name N {"(/?'"S Petrffla o/I'JIIS 145P~ foffll.-'l'i T1fl01t/1rP1t¥;S AJfPJ EXISTING TREES TO BE REHOVED ----- Quanitv ~S1~'z~e_*_ 1 f'CAL.. ~.J~ltre<=. ".~J"c4K *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indj"ate height for conifers. I •(over) .,," _..... .-.- " .PLAiH :·lATERIALS: (can't) Botanical Nrtrne Co~on Name Quarii .t'/Size -.0"'~I '~"..."'":- SHRUBS ~u,PO'(w990 t:.oll"''''S StrIUU!"t C:OL."UQ~,.'1ft)!7Jtu ....-,tr;.,.1C •WQ>iZ I'f!i erg ,iC;IFW-@l '*'errU••IT /0 8 ~!I{j ~/MrHel'•Ph Yg&lc Ib.o&ir;c.'S'-~,--- ,~HK ~~lMFS Att'!~ H'WTAtJJ SM'.1Iv~S.*fWMHA_fI& .EXISTIN,G SHRUBS 4'1.:lip IS 5 '.113',1 :~-;·'ital,."".,TO BE REi,lOVED ,,' .' ,. Sauare Footaae GROU::D COVERS SOD ,. SEED TYPE OF I RR I G.;71Oil TYPE OR METHOD OF (l./~,~e /)'A/~4i;c SMAle- EROS ron CONTROL C.OT~~R 'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify , ·. zmlE CHECK FOR SFR.R.RP/S ZOIlE OISTRICTS • DA TE :n L,i.:»11 ..I _I LEG.;L DESCRIPTION:Lot~BloCk Fi1ing ~f ~ ADDRESS:m4NER ----------------"P'i:"ho:""n-:-e----- ARCH I TECT .Phone ZONE DISTRICT =::y rt;c ---- PROPOSED USE .L.,~;;wy . LOT ..S.1 ZE ..-LJ .1P..~-(61 J 44 \11.1A qJ') Height Tota 1 GRFA " Primary GRFA .vD Secondary GRFA ·Lho Setbacks:Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage .1A)(~ Landsc3pina \~O Fence/Retaining ~all Heights Parking Credits:Garage Mechanical Airlock Storage Solar Heat All QI'led ~ &31z.3· ?lbI-3 .?b 7 ~48 .cr2- 20' 15 ' 15' ~)(~) 7Blob.Q (§Q)(lOOt (25)(~) (200)(400)-- ProDosed 32.'" 3'?'74.~ 'b<;"14.~ Drive:Slope P.ermitted Slope Actual Envi ronmenta 1/Hazards:Ava1anche ~C~V:....::D;......._ Flood Plain Aj(t fD Slope #4Y!.l::.O _ Wetlands .A)6 .---=--P.~---------------- Geologic Hazards Mm:.s 6l tml J ro~,--_ ~~UUt' ~~ I(~1 • 7:P;0 00 l~ \0/°0 0 (i).~c; I 0 (BeD @ \I V ~u)44&1 'U;'Ci),DC;;- --7~?:JI s-D __?~\SOO __--.,'"\1~?-·3 ~~~"'-.'--. , ,_..::t »: .':"~~ .~ DATE TO: RE: ,'samPles o Attachedj 0 under sepa?,-te co ver via _-+-thefollowing items: o ShopDrawings Ii1'Prints r.Y Plans 0Speci fication s rsI Copyofletter 0 Changeorder0 WE ARE SENDING YOU NO.DESCRIPTION THESE ARETRANSMITTED aschec ked be low: o App rovedassub mitted o App roved asnoted o Returnedforcorre ctions o o Forapprova l o Foryouruse o As requested o Forreview andcomment o FORBIDSDUE 19 _ o Resubmit copiesforapprov al o Submit cop ies for distrubution o Return cor rected p rints o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOANTOUS REMARKS _ COPYTO SIGNED ~-'-------------- jf enclosures arenotasnoted.kindlynotify us at once. WTER-OEP .r..RnIENTAl REVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING~P i\PM \I ) P?OJECT:_-f-~~*-----:"-:::::;"---;,--~, DATE SUSI1IT D:~r.f)Q CO/-:1lE1HS NEEDED BY:(o·1J.p BRIEF DESC~IPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: .sl-• /-?C 'h)GPo -;»~~~ o ..{' PUBLIC WORKS .' Reviewed-by:_r:;~~~~Date Co::t..ents: .U,ve~G ~ks ?u-:>J--~/7c oJ--.-U fl U -S5 •FI RE DEPJl.RTHENT Reviewed by:.....;Date._ COr:lil1ents: POL!CE DEPARTI~ENT Reviewed by:D.ate ,_ CO::l."iler,ts: ..'.- '.'•.; '. ..'. I ..... -1:."\. -',#.,•......,..'.'......\ REC2EATIO~DE?ARTMENT Rev i c:'rled by:Da te_ Co:;::;,.<:nts: .'.; :~ UTILITY LOCATIO::V'E!U:!CATTC:I SUBDIVISION rVT:"l.::A~\J1J.::0~P'::P-..:liU:~G~ti!.-_ JOB NA!'lE PA..GI J2~'~C£ 7-11-S7c2 7 -I 1-96 Date Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitat ion District 476-7480 Fred Haslee Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Gary Johnson Western Slope GasCo. 1800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Holy Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Mountain Bell 468-6500 The location of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines. must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail.Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any publ ic righ:- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A buildin~oer~it is not a street cut o ermit.A street cut permit must be obta~ned separately. This form "is to verify service availability and location. Th~s should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. *(Please bring a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation signatures) • DATE 1 -10 ''?Y O I JOBNO. TO:~J >I tvtG"\M) RE :~)R\3::l ~-u.6, J 'samPles o Anached/0under sepa9te covervia _-;--thefollow ingitems: o ShopDrawings il1l Prints rsI Plans 0 Specifications ri Copyoflener 0 Changeorder 0 WEARESENDINGYOU NO.DESCRIPTI ON THESEARE TRANSMITTED ascheckedbe low: o Approv ed assubmitted o Approved asnoted o Returnedforcor rections o o Forapprova l o Foryouruse o Asrequested o For reviewand comment o FORBIDSDUE 19_ o Resubmit copiesfor approval o Submit cop iesford istrubution o Returncor rected p rints o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOANTOUS REMARKS _ COpy TO SIGNED ~_I '---_ il enclosures are no!as noted.kindly no&/yus alonco. ·'• Engineering Consultants 953So .Frontage Rd.Wes t,Sui te 201 Vail ,Colorado 81657 303/476-6340 July 10,1990 Mr.Andrew Daly c/o Mr.Ned Gwathmey ARNOLD,GWATHMEY,PRATT 1000 S.Frontage Road West Va il ,CO 81657 RE:782 POTATO PATCH DRIVE ROCKFALL HAZARD Dear Mr.Daly: Per our conversation ,I have reviewed Lot 16,Block 1,Vail Potato Patch Subdivision ,address 782 Potato Patch Drive ,with respect to potential rockfall hazard.The lot is shown on the rockfall maps on file with the Town of Vail as being in the High Severity Rockfall Area. After reviewing specific conditions on the lot ,it is my opinion that the building site as proposed by Arnold ,Gwathmey ,Pratt is virtually free of any rockfall hazard for the following reasons: A small rockfall source does exist approximately 1500 feet to the northeast and 650 feet above the proposed building site.It consists of a small outcropping of the Minturn For- mation that remains sound and unfragmented .There appear to be no large ,loose rocks or outcrop segments that can become dislodged and roll to the proposed bUilding site. Any rock fragments that would dislodge and roll must go through a stand of Aspen and through a depressed area that is near the rear of the lot and on United states Forest Service Property.Both the trees and the depression will dissipate the energy of a rolling rock and stop it short of the bUilding site. There is no evidenc e of previous rockfall in the area or within the proposed building site except for immediately un - der the outcropping itself. Other Offices:Fort Collins,Colorado 303/226-4955 •Colorado Springs,Colorado 7191598-4107·Longmont,Colorado 3031678 ·9584 • This should satisfy your needs . • Please contact me if you require additional information. Very truly yours , RBD ,INC.qX~~\\\\I\\\lIlIl/ll1l111~\\\\~\\0 REG/lj/~~I J .......,t7 .#~'t,···rY"·,~~'V V ~.;5>.....\\\QQ~.~~c:::::::».~~(..-..'{....~ Kent R.Rose,P.E.~~t..:«'\"'% Project Manager ~:10076 :§ -.-0.•cc::-:::.~.-&.&.1 -~~....~~~~..~~~~......~"*~~«.rS········(.~'Wl~~/IIII ION A\.\\\\*~~IIIII "1/1II111\\11\~ • June 1 3,1 990 Ms.Shelly Mello,Planner #2 Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail,CO 81657 RE:Daly Residence Design Review Schedule Dear Shelly: • On behalf of my clients,Andy and Lucinda Daly,I would like to request that DRB review their application for a new residence: Conceptually -20 June 1990 The deadline for the 4 July 1990 meeting submittal 18 June will be met. Final -11 July meeting_ Please let us know if this is acceptable. Sincerely, ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS,P.C. Ned Gwathmey NG/ad copy to:Andy Daly • ELECTRONICS,INC.TIItiI:======= July 9,1991 Mr.Michael Whitaker Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO81657 Dear Mike, This letter isto Certify the Fire Alarm System,which we have installed,inspected and tested,at the Andrew Daley Residence ,located at 782 Potato Patch Drive,in Vail,Colorado. We have tested this System,according tothe guidelines described in NFPA,including the functional testing of 100%of the Detectors and Audible Devices. We hereby Certify thattheFire Alarm System,which Thul Electronics,Inc.,has installed,inspected and tested, atthe Andrew Daley Residence,located at 782 Potato Patch Drive,in Vail,Colorado,is functional and operational,in accordance with the appropriate Town of VailFire Alarm Codes. Please contact me if I may be of further assistance inthis matter. Sincerely, ~cs,)W MikeThul President P.O .Box534 Avon ,CO 81620 303 /949-4638 Fax949-1928 PM f.. eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILNAME~~ CALLER -=(~,h---,-,,-,~~~)", ~E S:J ~;~,FRI AM · LOCATION :----'---->.l"-="'_--'-=---->...=..:>.....::"'--_--'-"---"-""'-"----'--->,-_ RE ADY FOR I NSPECTION :~ PERM IJ NUMBER OF PROJECT DAT E \\.-A -\\D JO B BUILDING:PLUMBING:.o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW,V . o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL •E,LECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: ~E M P .POWER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL !APPROVED A o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED · CORRECT IONS:ff //-~-,9r iDATE-'---'--_~_-+--"----_ _____AMPM- eTION REQUEST T0WN\OF VAIL ~e.- w 0 T HUR fJ~ CALLER It READY FORI NSPECT ION :MO ~UJ: LOCATION :1 g ;J...,p :<:...l,....::=.l....>"------'-=---'-"'--'---=--''''"'''''-.>........:..._ PERMIT NUMBER 0 PROJECTqo PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUNDg;3)I"l ~0 ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUG H/WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB ----,_ 0 _ o o FINAL 0 --'-_ o FINAL---- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL~O UN DAT;O N /STEEL ~8}0.I .~ o FRAM ING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _'-'-::-_ '. _______________-=-_",0 _ .o FINAL --.:...----,-_. MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED - INSPECTOR1/-/6-90•DATE +.J.'----...L..:.::::...---'-----=------- ~S"OP eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ o --'-_ o o FINAL ,- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL I FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAM ING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL READY FOR LOCATION :-l.~~'-.JL.~!!!-~~~=___M~~~~~..il<~~~'.!!:!=~~ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA TE ""-m -S\\)JOB NAM E ----'--iJ'----'--'-=------,'----;,--.,.---,,----~,_____-______i'-- ',.....,.... ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ o --' o FINAL -"----_-'-_ n APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tflM l?~ o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED - DATE ~l'2lA Iqf)I I I NSPECTO ~SHOP BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL ,-"UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER •~ ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TU B o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:>MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL '&APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: __--"""=2 ~_I L Q "= at tC .,.1...L/_.(.......:!%..>L3l.....-_ DATE --Per.'---------f=-+-.L.....:....--1D _INSPECTORm)Z;lv7f/£ PM---~@ eTION REQUI!ST TOWN OF VAIL .--'·TIIl.f r ... Dtt III CALLER g,-f-<:..JC TUES WED T HUR ~pfj f-r,h>P r~+-C ~ POf,tr;t ~~ MO N 'I R-l.- READ YFORINS PECT ION: LOCATION :-------'----!.L----'--------,\---,:-:;-....:....-."-'--':--li~---------- PERMI T NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 1"2-/1 1 J q 0 J OB NAME __--=-_~--.:....------:----------- / BUILDING: o FO OT INGS /STEEL o FOU NDATIO N /S TEEL o FRA MING RO OF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FINAL PLUMBING : o U NDERGROUND _ o ROU GH /D W.V._ o RO UGH /WATER _ o GAS PIP ING o POOL /H .TUB --'--'_ o _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH -------0:0-------- o CONDUIT o _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ o _ o F INAL o REINSPEC TION REQUIRED «I'C~(J\_o( eU--u.w!J '--------'----'-------------- ~I rlj l o DISAPPROVED 5"'1 ,1/ 1{)tr ('fA,k l ~f f?f APPROVED CORR ECT IONS:-'1----------.-------,----,---...,,----,----:'-e:....--+-------_------'{L..-:::t:l--=.:KA~-"'-~--'-'k_---=----'-'l--4---~..:...t..:..:..=----____=___..L..----L..:..L..J......\'_='___=__ DATE ~l zi 7-//qoI _____AM eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READ YFOR I NSPECTION:MPf'lO .fUEVn~T D!THU~FRI LOCATION:qg~Yc ~'-'-----'-~..L-'"------_ PERM IT NUMB DATE ---'3::....-.,f--f-j'----L---'-_JOB NAME ----.t:::=.----=--,-/----L~~"_+4------____f,i/ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL ~O U G H /D W .V . o FRA M ING ,~O U G H /WATER _ ROO F &SH EERoPLYWOODNAILING GAS P IPING ------------/ o FINAL o INSULATION 0 POOL!H .TUB ~SHEETROCK NAIL ---------~V)~ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POW ER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED .or,r ar cur U, 5 3-/~-Cj( -(Ie;.WYr-~-62),~-7 -2.7 </ ~ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V . M RAMING . o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ~A PPR O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTION REQUESTv.WNOF VAIL . CALLER O ~---..L---r.L-- TUES WED TH URFR I '0 at -: READ Y FOR L OCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FO U NDATION /STEEL o RO UGH /D W.V. o FRA MING o ROUG H /WA TER ROO F &SH EER o GAS P IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0, 0 ,.1'0 o F INAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:..MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEATING ~O U G H o EXHAUST HOODS ;0 CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL Q(A PPROVED ~ /CORREC TIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR3-2.7 -9 /DATE -=:::::.-__-=--__'----L _ ).. eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER :~~::I;::R IN ~~&:~~T ~~~~ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT D ATE ~-A~-\:\\JOB N AME --=-~=T------'-~~~-~~~---- BUILDING: o FOO TINGS /STEEL o FOUN DATI ON /STEEL o FRAMING ~O O F &SHEERoLYWOODNAILING --------- NSULATION _ SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D W .V._ o ROUG H /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL:CM E C ~N I CA~!ve..h hrr-~I'kq(r o TEMP.POWER 0 H EATING _ o ROUGH 0 EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR o 0 _ o FINAL 0 FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CteUV\ ~APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS:~. -CO""~<L ',I,lfSi SIJg"------'~=>o.L L--~~4 f ~ 1-Cf .I \;\:::s (!"'0. DATE PM eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . CALLER I <\ThN~M~~~~~t3 FRI READ Y FOR LOCATI ON:-----'I-'-L",J:!~~'-:+-">"O""b.X.'__'_____'''_'>......D.LJ'___'>..__'__'____ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE '-\-~.....~JOB BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 SUPp \Y,AIR o -------'t(b=\)-Q~\ o FINAL 0 FINAL I;J~PPROVED CORRECTIONS : -".,.."Ie o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED . 1),1(1....,¥.I j DATE READ YFO R L O CAT ION : / cf(o 73 INSP eTION REQUEST PERMI T N UMBER OF PROJECT Ii ,'J .TOWN OF VAIL . D ATE t/~~-q/JOB NAM E ,.J~~01.£41 (!,#"c:L~LJdI<0a -t4I IJ~&~v IN SPECTION /)~U ESWED T HURFR I 0 ~PM i cI f7o--tcl;t;-1 ~L BUILDING: o FOO T INGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEE L o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION11SHEETROCK NAIL ---------- 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND _ o RO UGH /DW.V._ o RO UGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 _ o F INAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY A IR 0 _ o FINAL FfAPPROVED o DISAPPROVED l3i.REINSPECT ION REQUIRED DATE Ii' eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL D ATE ----+---f---'--f-=-'--'---JOB NAME ------:7"~i--_=__...-:.+...:....r~-__,___A__-__..,f..L_~~-..,.,'=7L---~~L-+-=-------==.l...------l:::>.~~P M %. READYFOR LOCA T IO N:---+--fr-'t;.L::=----;f----"'---'.:..:::...-'--'-''--------'---''---=::..l..L.l.=..~~~'---l<==--...1.---------- PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ o o P'I.../'--- o FINAL BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAill NG ---'--------,.---- o INSULATION MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ ,, o ROUGH ......0 CONDUIT /. o _~_ o FINAL __'----_ o o FINAL _ APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ... ......... DA TE 4'")0 -q(INSPECTOR l VpLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o RO UGH /D W .V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL-. BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /S TEEL o FOUN DATION /STEEL _ o FRAM ING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL F PROJECT RE ADY FOR I NSPECTION : ~~:+ -'" ELECTRICAL: o TE MP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUI T:~.,,/lVvV-c"ceJ =tiYJX~ o FIN AL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o S UPPLY AIR 0 _ o F INAL _ ~"I ..,P APPROVED ...z ' C ORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED IN SPECTOR ~=::.!..:....::....:.-~_1DATE_~_ / PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB , FRITHURMON J ol d. READY FOR LOCATION :_L-.J..<CU::"---'L.---""-'--'-~-"-,----+--"-""::L..!--"::..L.~_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL -o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAI L 0 (0 '4J;u t7 c »!--;t'e:dtv 0~~;INAL 7 ~o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED o ~~C'1~~htLIq"-l-I _-- r " - APPROVED CORRECTIONS: -co ....~k k he Ie el PERM IT NUMB ER OF PROJECT ______AM to -N -9 / LOCATIO N : READ YFOR I NSPECT ION :.....,MON ~na: v BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /S TEEL o FOUNDATION /STE EL o FRAMIN G ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o I NSULAT ION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UN DERGROUND o RO UGH /D W .V._ o RO UGH /WATER _ o GAS P IPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 -'--_ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o ROUG H o CONDUIT MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUS T HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR o ~0 _ ~rJ,FINA {4 1;;/t4.?-'J k ~""-./:~0 FINAL~\V~I ,I --------------- t(APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED CORRECT IONS : o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DA TE ----"'----''-,£._~'--L _INSPECTOR •~:~~# ~S HC P • ,,j IN SP eTI ON REQUEST ~.TOWN OF VAIL (J 1 )(dea d OR'c!J:4J_-L...-_DATE JOB NAME -~=~~I____-~..IL1..L!..~~~,..I.....:.e--------.. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT R EADYFOR INSPECTION :J MON L OCATION :1 <6c2./I ()~...-~'-:- T HURFR I -----(9 PM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NA IL _ o ~ O "FINAL (0 'I ...v>,/\N'lt er: PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POO L /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER ...,.-_ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 _ o ~I NA L MECH ANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL tfAPPROVED CORRECTIONS : - - o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED •to.....""17""......,..r r..., LOCAT ION :_--Jt........LL.t-.£..:::,~--Jc........::::.......+-==<.----""_----'---=-==""""'=-----=:;... ~INS eTION REQUEST DA TE JOB NAME /J ~TO~N OF VAIL -, ---'-I~---f-.L.L-CAL LER ~_~~. ~W E ~TH UR ~~?'qeb;k READ YFOR IN SPECTION : 1Qc;& - BUILDING: o FO OT INGS /STEEL o FOU NDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL·_ 0 _ o FINA L PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o RO UGH /D W .V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GA S PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ .0 ROUGH •o CONDU IT 0 _ I'R F I ~~L o REINSPECTION REQU IREDoDISAPPROVED / ~0 A /c tr;lJ / V \!LP AP PROVED :tLJ{;y\CORRECT IONS: f i ~ / v V' II DA T E -----'-__-=--'--_INSPEC TOR~V c;!g k £ .--v / • • eTION REQU~ST TOWN OF VAIL FRI PM MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ o _ o FINAL WED THURFOR PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL 0 ROUGH /DW.V._ o FRAM ING 0 ROUGH /WATER _ ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING 0 GAS PIPING ----------- o INSULATION ~~~~_D_P_O_O_L /H .TUB =======-=:--_ SHEETRO"CfCNAIL 0 _ o o FINAL o _------::=------------- FINAL -1 CO .-Lj57~& PERMIT NUMB~OF PROJECTUp/..1 q (JOB NAME --J>..<fP1-..L'=LLt---+-----r----:,-,----------...DATE ~ READY READY FOR LOCATION: eTION REQUE'ST TOWN OF VAIL c· PM PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V ._ o ROUGH /WA TER _ o GAS PIP ING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL.0,FINAL BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o FRA MING ROOF &SHEER 0 0 PLYWOOD NAILING --------- o INSU LATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0--------,,,,.-='--7-r------;;=-------- o REINSPECTION REQUIREDl MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXH UST HOODS _ a:- --",,;;==-----'-''-'-=---='---->~q.-4=--,...---=Jr -<O SUPPL YAIR _ _----\-''''---''L--+''--'-'''s-=-H---'q-<~---'--f'=f-'''v'--'''1!'-v s .....Jt=.......(-----'-~----'-=-'-'..:........;.----""'-=-''--J9-''''-'--'.L.:f-'--+_'k k1}{L_H-----t1,.-v--'-1_H_Cl,",--o _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o APPROVED INSPECTOR 3tf ~V~f/4v~......,""'.X"I....rI St'!S Pro";;;""", oer:S ""'I ~ PMFRITHUR . INSPECTION REQUEST D ~I TOWN OF VAIL-(.CA LLER M ON M-t JD READYFOR I NSPECTION: I)?{~ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UN DERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 ~0 ./Hll.L 1/)0t...1 S~FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o H EATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDU IT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL )APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED --1)y IIJ f l....,)A--j ("\"Auf'F'I..(FE (\',Af-POuJFU r:I?l'l~.FCORRECTIONS: / By I DATE /1 !/J /<1 <.,INSPECTOR (;~ INSPECTION REQUE J TOWN OF VAIL .I/a ·• .,)I ""),I J • FRI AMPM CALLER -';(;-I _-'-.-..::...L----''-'----__'_--'-----'-___'___~_=____ NAME -----;.-r---~~=-=~'__;__----____=_-~-- READY FOR LOCATION :_~..:.-.:::..-'-.__'___""----'-_____.t...----':....:.....;'---""-_'__'___"_==__"'_____ PERMIT NUMBER O /PROJECT DATE I I //)JOB.I (BUILDING:)PLUMBING:-o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL -,o ROUGH /DW.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB • o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 \ J (I n -LAA./I1S{,fiOl~4 Ad''1INAL[J FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH -o EXHAUST HOODS -......o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED .><i REINSPECTION REQUIRED / INSPECTOR --f-'-=--------'-~~--+-.=...:c--'------''------ ..., ///II /9 3r'IDATE--J.-....'-+--f---'------,(--'------- CORRECTIONS: /11 ~SHOP IN eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479 -2138 e r $1 D CI\/CEJOBNAME---"~U-->o-T-----=='---=':'-'-'-"'-'--'=-'''''''''''-------_ 4513 / PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE '-1/2 /1 ~I ... PFRI CALLER ----'-:--"--" ~O N TUESWED ~ 'f"6lAto 'PA-rc J-I 0 e REA DY FO '}-INSPECTION : LOCATION :J 73;). CORRE CTIONS:~F :De I UP (.-vA y ex err os t:l pecL.lr()G I2/fD E I ),6,IT UJA S GRAI\H\FAnI£RF{\IN 119:1. BUILDING:PLUMBING:.;- o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER - ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 ~r FI NAL i::>.I P.I I'r I A1 /'jO k <;/CfJ . o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL !r APPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED,t Cdt!1()(PTE t DATE -!--I-+--/-7--=7L------iNSPECTOR OO-1fZ--=-~J__".Q=________=~__==__