HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 21 LEGALRf~P.d-d-. I~.;1-1,blf:-/Des ign Review Board ACTION FORM Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75South Ftuntace Road,Vail ,Colorado 8165 7 te l:9 70.479 .2139 fax:9 70.479 .2452 ~T"f [E\l£l.O"Uttr"web:www .vatto cv.com Proj ect N ame:Pombo y patio ORBNumber:DRB07 0265 Project Desaiption: Fina l review of change to approved plans -patio material. Participants : OWNER POMBOY,SISSEL 06/18/2007 781 POTATO PATCH DR VAll OD 816 57-4480 APPUCANT NEDBO CO NSTR UCllON 06/18/2007 Phone:970-845 -1001 P.O .BOX3419 VAll OD816S8 license:2S1 ~A CONTRACTORNEDBOODNSTRUCTION 06/18/2007Phone:9 71l-845-1oo1 P.O.80X 3419 VAll CO 81658 Ucense:251·A Project Address:784POTATO PATC H DR VAll 78 1 POTATO PATCH DR.UNITS A &8 location: Legal Description:Lot:21 Block:1 Subdivision:Vail Potato Pa tch Parcel Number:2 101..Q 63-2400-1 Comm ents: BOARD /STAFF AcnON Motion By : Second By : Vote: Action:STAFFAP R Date of Approval:06/18/2007 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN ):No chang es to these plan s may be made witho ut the written con sent of T own of Vail sta ff artd /or theappropr iate review commi ttee(s). Cond :O (PLA N):ORB appro val does not const itute a permit for bu ilding .Please consu ltwith Town of Vail Bu ildi ng personn el prior to construction activit ies. Cond:201 ORB approval sha ll not becom e valid for 20 days foll owing the dateof approval. Cond:202 • Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departmen t of Commu nity Dev elopment 7S South Frontage Road,Vall,Colorado8 1657 tel:970 .479.2128fax:970.479 .2452 web :www.vallgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design r eview mustreceive approvalpr ior t o submitting abuildingpermitapplication.Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval t hat is requested.An application forDesign Review cannot be accepted untJlall requi redInformation Is received by t he Comm unity Development Department.The project mayalso need to be reviewed by t he Town Cou ncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Co mmission . Design review approval l apses unless a building permit i sissued and const ructi on commencesw ithin o neyearof the ap p ro val. ~ "tJ Description of the Request:';:'};Ol.,4C/.!!?iT/e:>t(r;<2 ;::LA6Sro--V,2.U.//7f-f ~ C,,·-1.K {'%:z"I{P At/,,-U 10 t21d 70t E,iIJ 7i-vC'P6 V<''V'O'-'f)?<J ~.">,;'(e x~ Loca tion of the Proposal:Lot ha Block:__Subdlvlsto n:;l1U v 1/l4,--v j--Ifc;l-I ""I/~~ Phys ical Address:7!i1 /Jrw?10 fJrI7?(.((le'c.//L !I.J.11 01 Pa rcel No.:0210 /0 c.;l;;;t(oa /t:J ,J (Contact Eagle Co.Assessorat970·328-86 40 fo rparcel no .) Zoning:tl?tff" v~6 ~vV r: 134 ,']l(/'l U /.I t?Mail ing Add ress:_-l.e c-.....'..L!...:l'-....<.'-L!.L.<~--'-.a_"",!O:L-"'-_--,._ Nam e(s)o f Own er(s)::)/5""5/Fe &cn0b Y MailingAddr ess:7$1 a 7/1i O ////1CJ-{@ . /i hone:_ Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o New Const ruction o Addi tion o Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) $50 ~$1.00 per SQ uare footof to ta l signarea. No Fee $650 For construction of a new buildingo r demo/rebuild. $300For anadditionwheresquare footage is added to any residential or commercial building (Includes 250 additions &interiorconversions). $250 For minor changes to bU ildingsand site Improvements,such as, re-rocnne,painting,window additio ns,landscaping,fences and Jt.-Minor Alteration retaining walls,etc. $20 Forminor changes tobuildings andsite impr ~n ~su(ff'a ~~o/J ~ (Single-family/duplex)r e-rcc nnq pain ti nq window eoo mons la d pi"",fences"and ~ ~Changes toApproved Plans retaining walls,etc.WI $20 Per rev .~",to pia",alcoady approved "If["i"'J ~taff or(!he 007 Desig n gevew Board .'L 0 Separatio n Request No Fee c.., I n~VA I L For O ffiC ~Only:31ff~ By:Nub Col"l5fwc/-RillFeePaid:.,lJ O1edc No . Meeti ng Date:7hC'7 ORB No .:b!?I307-0~~ Pla nner:Project No.:p ;:,0"7 -eJlzq J •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TO \VN OFVAI L,CO LORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Numbe r: Payment Method: R070001010 Amount :$20.00 Check 06/18/20070 4:10 PM I nit :LT No t atio n :Ne dbo construct ion /ck 31 952 DRB-Chg to Appr PlansType: $20 .00 DRB070265 210 1 -063 -2 400 -1 784 POTATO PATCH 781 POTATO PATCH Permit No : Parce l No : S ite Address : Location: This Payment : DR VAIL DR.UNI TSA &B Total Fees :$20.00 Total ALL Pmts :$20 .00 Bal ance :$0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEMLI ST : Account Code Des cription Current PInts DR 00 1 00003 1 12 200 DESIGN REVIE WFEES 20 .00 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREME NTS Genera l Information: This application isrequiredfor proposalsinvolvi ng minor exter ior alteration s and/or siteimprovements. Proposals toadd landscapi ngdonot requi re DRB approval uoiess t heyinvolve theadditio n of patio s, water featu res,grading,or t headdit ion of retaining walls. I .S U8MIDAL REQUIREMENTS ** o Stamped TopographicSurvey* c Si te andGrading Pla n· Q Landscape Ptan* a Architectural Elevatio ns" c Exteriorcolorand materia l samples and speci fication s. lJ Arch itecturalFloor Pla ns" [J light ing Plan*and Cut-sheet(s)for proposedfixtu res»c:Tit le report,includingSchedules A &B to verify ownershipandeasement s- )(...Ph otosof the existing site and adj acentstructures,where applica ble. Q Writte n approvalfromacondomini um associa tion,landlord,and joint owne r,if applicable a Site-spedf ic Geolog ical HazardReport,ifappticable" a The Administratorand/or DRB may requ irethesubmissio n of add itional plans,d raw i ngs, specifications,samplesandothermaterials(ln ductnq a model)if deemed necessaryto determi ne whe ther a project will comply with Design Guidelines o r if t heinte ntof th e proposal is notclearlyi ndicated. Pletl.ft'.f llbmil/h ree (.1)cupk.r o/tRt'mu/eriuh 'Hutnl with UH uJlerisK (*). ··For i nte rio r conversions with noexterior changes,thesubmittal requirementsind ude acomplete set of existing and proposed fl oor plans,atitl e report,and writte n approval fromacondominium association , landlord,andj oi nt owner,ifapplicable. e rstand thea boveli stedsubmittal requ irements : Project N ame :'_J-!,a-"-C~'T--;,-,><;r.f+'7'-"""T+------ Contractor s lgnature,_,i{.~""=,,",,;t-.!!7.'l-~~l..._ Date Slgn ed __J.«'-Jc..aJ ""-''---_ F:\a1ev\FORM S\Permit:s\Planning\DRB\drb _m inor_a IL l-2S-2007.doc Page 3 o f 13 11/23/2005 Gas Electri c Sewer Water Topographics urvey: o Wet stamp and Signatureofa licensed surveyor o Dateof survey ..,North a rrow and graphic barscale J sca le of1-=10'or 1-=20') ]legal description andphysicaladdress :l Lotsize and b uildable area(bu ildableareaexcludesr ed hazardavalanche,slopesgreater th an 40%,andflood plain) J Tie s to existing benchmark,either USG S land mark or sewerinvert.Thi s in format ionm ust be clearly stated ont hesurvey ]Property bo undaries tothenearesthu ndredth(.01)ofa foot accuracy.Distances and bearings anda basisof bearingm ust be shown.Showexistingp ins ormonuments fo unda ndthe ir relation ship t o theestabl ished corn er. [j Sh ow r ight of w ay andpro p erty li n es;Including bearings,di stances and cu rve information. [In dicate all easementsIdentified onth esubdivisionpla t andrecordedaga inst the property as i ndicatedinth e title r eport .List any easement restrictions. [SpotElevations at the edge ofasphalt,along th estreetf rontageof the p roperty at tw enty-fi ve foot i nterval s (2 5'),andaminimum ofo ne spot elevations on either side of the lot. r;Topograph icco nd itionsat tw ofootconto ur intervals r Existing trees or groups of trees hav ing trunks w ith diameters of 4-or more,as m easured froma poi nt one foot abovegra de . C Rock outcroppings andotherSignificant natura l features (la rge bou lders,i nte rmi tten t streams, etc). o All existi ng i mprovements (induding foundation wall s,r oot overhangs,bu ilding overhangs,etc.). n Environmental Hazards (le .rockfall ,debris flow,avalancre ,wetlands,floodplain,soils) o wat ercourse setbacks.if applicable (show cen terline and edge of strea m orcreekin addition to the req uired stream or cre ak setback) o Show allutil ity meter locations,irduding a ny pedesta ls onsite or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site.Exact location of existing utilitysourcesandpropo sed service l ines f rom the ir source to th estructure.Util it iestoin dude: o Cable TV J Telephone o Size and type of dra inage culverts,sw ales,etc. D Adjacent roadwayslabeled andedgeofaspha lt fo r both sides of t he roadw aysho wn for a m inimumof250'in either direction fr om pro perty . o Site and Grading Plan : n sca leof1"=20'o rlarger [Pr operty andset back li nes t;Existing and pro posed easements ~Existing andpro posed grades o Existing and propcseo tavcotof bu ildings andother structures i nductingdecks,pati os,fencesand wa lls.Indicatethe foundation with a dashed lineand th e roof edge w itha solidline. o All proposed r oof ri dgelines w ith proposed ridg e elevations.Indicate exiSting and proposed grades shown u nderneath all roof lines.This will beused to calculate bui ldUlg hei ght. o Proposed driveways,i ncludingpercen t slope and spotelev ations at the p roperty lin e,garageslab andasnecessary al ong the centerline o f the d rivewayto accurately reflect gra de . o A 4'w ideu nheatedconcrete panatthe edge of aspha lt fo r driveways that ex it the street Ina n uphilldi rection . J Locationso f all ut ilities i ndudingex ist ing sourcesand propo sed serv ice line sf romsou rces to t he structures. J Proposedsurface drainage o nand off-site . D Locationof landscaped areas. l:location of li mitsofd isturbance f endng r Location of all required park ingspaces F:\cdev\FOR MS \Pcrmlts\P1 annlng\ORB\drb_minor_a lt_1-2S-2D0 7.doc Page 4of13 11/23/200S o Snow storage areas. J Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster endcsure. J Reta ining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of wa lls.A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be providedon the planor separate sheet.Stamped engineering d rawingsarerequ ired fo r walls between 4'and 6 'feetIn height. o Deli neate ar eas t o be phased and appropriate timing,if app licable o Landscape Pl an: n SC ale of 1-=20'orlarger o Landscape plan must be drawn at t hesamescaleas the siteplan . o l ocat iono f ex isti ng trees,4-diameter or larg er.I ndicatetr ees to r ema in,to be reloca ted (inc luding n ewlocation ),andto be r emoved.Larg e stands of t reesmay be show n (as bubble)if thestran d Isnotbeing affectedbyth epro posedimprovementsand g rading . J I ndicate allexisting ground co ver and shrubs. jJ Detailed legend,listing th e type andsize(calipe rfor dedduous tr ees,height forcon ifers,gallon size fo r shrub s and height for foundationshrubs)of all theex isting andpropos edp lant material i nduding ground cover . L Delineate oit ical root zones forexistin g treesin dose proximity t ositegra d ing andconstruction. (j I ndicate the location of a ll proposed plantings. n The locationand type of existing and proposed watering system s to be employed in cari ng for plant material follo wing its installation. o Existing and proposed contour tines.Retainingwallsshall be includedw ith the top ofwalland the bottom ofwall elevatons noted. U lig hti ngP lan: n Indicate type,location and number of fixtures . 1 I ndude height abovegrade,l umens output,luminou s area J Attach a OJt sheetforeach proposed fixtu re. [REPAINT PROPOSALS n For all proposalstorepa int existi ngbu ildings,t hefo llowing supplemental i nformation Isreq uired: o Color ch ipor color sam ple induding th e man ufatturer name and color n umber(s) n Architectu r alelevationdra wingswhich clearlyindicate thelocation ofpr oposed colors (le.sid ing, stu cco,w ind ow t r im,doo rs,fascia,somrts,et c.) F:\cdev\FO RMS\Permits\PI"nning\ORB\drtl_minor_aiL 1-25 ·2007.doc Page 5of 13 11/23/2005 Building Ma terials Roof SidIng OtherWall Materia ls FaSCi a Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doo rs Door Trim Handor Deck Rails Rues Aashlng Chimn eys Trash Enclosures Gree nhouses Reta ining Walls Exterior lighting Other Notes : PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Ma terial Please speci fy the manufacturer's name,the colorname and numberand attacn acolor dlip. Pq 601 13 1U23I2005 PR OPOSEO TREES AND SH RUBS EXIsnNG TREES TOBE REMO VED Bota n ica l Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Ouantlty Minimum Req uirementsfor Landscap ing:lduousTrees -2"Cali per iferous Trees -6'in height Shrubs -5 Ga l. e Square Footage GR OUND COV ER SOD SEED IRRI GATION "TY PE OF EROSION CON TRD Please specify other Ia scape features (i.e.reta iningwalls,rerces,swimming pools,etc.) ( F:\cdev\FORMS \Pen'Ms \Plannillg \DRB\drb _minor _1l1L 1-25-2007.doc:P"ge 7 of 13 11/23/2005 NOTEST O ALL APPLICANTS Pre-aDDll ca tion M eeting A pre-application meet ing with Town of Vail staff is encouraged.The pu rpose ofa pre-applicatio n meeting is to identify any ottica l issues pertainingt o the appl icant'sproposa land to determine the appropria tedevelopment review process foranappl ication.In many cases ,the pre-application meeting helps t oexped ite t he deve lopment r eview process as critica l issues are Identified anddealt within the prelim inary stages.A pre- applicati onmeetingmay be sched uled bycont acting Joe Sutherat 9 70.479.2128 or lsuther Co)vai lgQv,com Tim e Requirements Th e Design Review Board meets onthe ts t and 3rd Wednesdays of eachmo nth .Acom plete application form andallaccompanying mat erialmust be accepted by t he Comm unityDevelop me nt Department pri or to application deadlines.Aschedule of ORB m eetingsand assod ateda pplication deadlines may be foundon th e World WideWebatw ww,yajlaov,com For a newresidential development,the applica tiondeadline isty pically 3.5 weeks prior t oaDesign Review Board heari ng . Reyiew Cri teria The proposal will be reviewed fo r compl iance w ith theDesignGuidel ines as set forth In TrtJe 12,(Zoning RegulabOns)and Title 14 (Dev elopmen t Standar ds)of the Town of Vail Munidpal COde. Req yl rem en ts for p roperties located In hazard a reas If a property is located inor adjacent t oamappedhazardar ea (i.e.snow avalanche,rock fall ,debris flow, nooccein ,wetland,poor soils,et c.),the Community Developm ent Department may req uirea Site-specific geolog ical i nvestigation.If a sne -soeonc geologicalinvestigationdetermines tha t theSUbject pro perty is located ina geologicallysensitive are a,th e propertyow ner(s)mustSign an affi davit recog nizing th ehazard report prior to t heissuance ofa building permit.Applicantsarestrongly encoura gedt oconsult w ith CO mmunity Development sta ff priort osu bmitting a ORB application todetermine t he relationship of th e pr operty to all mapped hazards, Reguired Plan Sh eet Format For all surveys,siteplans,landscape pla ns andothersiteimprovementplan s,all ofth e fol lowing m ust be show n. 1.Plan sheet Siz e must be 24"x 36 M •For larg e projects,large r plan size may be allowed . 2.Scale.Th e minimum scale is 1--20'.All plans must be at the same scale. 3.Graphic barscale. 4 .North arrow . S.Ti tle block,project name,project address and legal description. 6.Indica tion ofplanpreparer,addressandphone number. 7.Datesof original plan preparation andall rev ision dates, 8.Vicinitymap or locationmap at a scale of I M _l,OO O'or larger. 9.Sheetlabelsand numbers. 10.Abord er with am inimum left side marg in of IS', 11.Namesofall adjacent roadways. 12.Plan l egend . F:\c:de v-\FO RMS\Permits\Pla nning\DRB\drb_minocaIL 1·25-2007.coc Page 9 of13 11/23/2005 p es ign Rev iew Board M ee ting Requ iremen ts For new constructionandadditions,the ap plicant must stakeandtape the project Si te to Indicate prope rty lines, proposed buildings andbUilding comers.All treestobe removed must be taped.The applicant must ensure tha t stakingdone during the w inter isnot buried bysnow .All Site tapings andstaking must be comp leted pIior to thedayo f the ORB meeting. The app licant,or thei r represen tativeshall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing.Applicants who fa il to appear before the DesignReview Board onthei r scheduled meeting date andwho havenot asked Inadvance that d iscussion o nt heirite m be postponed,w ill have t heir Items r emovedfro m the ORB agenda until such ti me as th e item has been repu blished. If the ORB approves the ap plication withco nditions or modifications,all conditions ofapp rovalmust be resolved prior totheIssuance of a bUildingpermit. Staff Approvpl The Administrator (amembe rof theplanni ng staff)may reviewandappr ove Design Review app lications , appro vewi th certa in modifications,de ny the app lication,o r refe r the application to theDesign Review Board for a decision.All sta ff approvalsare reviewed by the Design Review Boardandany staff decision is su bject to fi nal ap proval by the ORB . Additional Review a nd Fees 1f this ap pl icati on requ ires aseparate r eviewby anylocal,state or Federal agency other than the Townof Vail, the application fee shall be Increased by $200 .00.Examplesof such review ,m ay Indude,but are not li mited to : COlorado Department of Highway Access Perm its,Army CorpsofEngineers 404,etc. The applicant shall be res ponsible tor paying anypublish ing fees i n excess of 50 %of the appl ication fee.1f,at the applicant's request,any matter i s postponed forhearin g,ca usingt he matter to be re-publ ished,then the entire feefor such re-publ icationshall be paid by the applicant Applicationsdeemed by th e Community Development Department t ohave design,land use or otherissues, which ma y hav e a SignificantImpact o n th ecommunity,mayrequirereviewby externalco nsultants inaddition toTownstaff .Should a determination bemade byTown staff that an external consultant isneeded,t he Commun ity DevelopmentDepartment mayhire the consultant .TheDepartm ent shallestimate the am ount of moneynecessarytopay the consultant andth isamountshall be forwarded to theTownbytheap plicant at the timeoff iling anapplicat ion.Th e app l icant shallpayex penses incurredbyth e Town inexcessofthe amount forwarded bythe application to theTown within 30daysof notificationbytheTown.Anyexcessfundswill be returned t o the app licant upo n rev iew compl etion . F:\cdev\FORM5\Permits\l'Iannln!l\DRB\drb_mlnor_ale 1-25·2007.doc Pagl:!10 of 13 11123/2005 Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department o f Convnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road,Va il,Colo rado 81657 te l:970 .479 .2128 fax:970.479 .2452 web :www .vailgov.com --This chedclist must be submitted prior to Public Works review ofa propo~development. Owners/ProjectName:_ Proj ect Address :_ Applicant:Ph one Number:_ subm ittal [J Stam ped survey ofproperty [J Ovil/Siteplans Su rvey Requirements j :J Surveyor'swetstamp and signature :J Dateof survey :J North arrow a Proper scale (1"=10'or 1"",2 01 c l ega l desaiption a Ba sis of bearings I Benchmark a Spot Elevations a Labeledright of way and propertyhnes; indud ing bearings,distances and curve mto rm atto n. al ot Size o Buildable Area (excludesred hazard ava lanche,slopes greater t han 40%,and floodplain) Site Plan ReQuirements: o Landscape plan o Title Report (Section B) Q Environmental Hazards(ie.rockfall,debris flow ,avalanche,wetl ands,rloodptaln,soils) Q Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) a Trees o Labeled easements (t.e .drainage,utility, pedestrian,etc...) a Topography a Utility locations a Adjacent roadways labeledandedgeof asphalt for both sideso fthe roadwayshown for a minimum of 2 50 'in eitherdirection f romproperty. I.Access (check all) o Driveway ty pe andfi nished surfaceareshownon the site plan. a Unheated a Heated (portion in ROW inaseparatezone) o Snow storage areas areshown on t he site planwi thinproperty boundaries (3 0%of d riveway area if unheated;10%of d riveway area ifheated) Q Al l driveway grades,dimensions,radiiare dearly notedon the siteplanandconform to Development Standards,p .11.Steepest SectionDriveway Grade (not theaverage grade}:__,- :J Parking spaces andturn ing radiiarenoted on site plan andconform t o Development Standards, pp.12&14 11.Construction Site {check all} a Loca tionof all uti lities and meter pits areshowno n thesiteplan. U limits ofd isturbance constr uctionfencing is showno n the siteplan. a1 am aware th at approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans,as per the Manual o f Uniform Traffic Control Devices,will be necessary prior t oconstruction. a Iam aware thata Revocable Ri ghtof Way Pe rmit w ill be required prior toconstruction. F:\cd ev\FO R M S \P e rm ¢S\P I ~n n l ng \D R e \d r b_m l n or_a ILl-25-2007.doc Page 11 of13 11/23/2005 111.Drainage (check all that apply) :J The required ValleyPanisshownon the siteplanasper Development Standards,p.12. :J (Note :Valley pan must not be heated) :J -4 Foot Concrete Pan 08 Foot ConcretePan [J Positive and adequate dra inage ismaintained at all times within the proposed site. o Culverts have beenprovidedand arelabeled and dimensioned on the siteplan . o AHydraul ic report has been provi ded .(Asrequest ed by Town Engineer) IV.ErosionCOntrol (Check.allth at apply) c Disturbance area i s greater thanon e half acre . [J A separate Erosion Control Plan has beenprofessionally engineeredand PE stamped . u Less than one half acre hasbeen disturbed,and p ropererosion control dev ices areshownon th e site plan. V.Floodplain (ch eck allth at apply) a The projectlies wi thin or adjace nt to a 100 year Floodplain . a 100year Floodpla in i sshow n on t hesiteplan. a A Floodplainstudy hasbee n provid ed .(Requ irediffloodpla in is within construction limits or as requestedbyTownEngineer) a The project does not lie wi thin or adjacent t o a100year A oodplain VI .Geological/Environmenta l Hazards (check all tha t apply) c The project lies within aGeologiC/Environmenta l Hazard area .(See Development Standard s,p.20) C AHazard Report has been provided [J The project does not l ie with in aGeologiC/Envi ronmental Hazard area. VII .Grading (check all that apply) o Existing and proposed gr ades/contours are provided on the siteplan . u All d isturbedareashav e beenre turnedt oa2:1grade . c Alld isturbed ar eas re t re turnedto 2 :1 g rade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protectionand /orstab le soils.PE stamped details a reprovid edwith in pla ns . a Only existing co ntoursare shown on the site plan,t here Is no proposedgradi ng. VIII.Parking(check all ) [J Allresidential and commercialparking spaces conform to th e DevelopmentStandards,pp.12&15. IX.RetainingWalls (checkall that app ly) [J All reta ining w alls con formtot he sta ndards i nth e Development Standards,p .19. a All r etainingw allsand comb ination w alls over 4 feeth ave beenProfe ssionally Engineered a nd Oil PE stamped deta il hasbeenprov ided with in thep lans . C All retai ning wall s areshownon the site plan,wi thlabe led top and bottom o fwa Helevationsand type ofwa ll constructon . c N o reta ining wallsare r equ iredforth is project. X.SightDistance (check all tha t apply) a Proper sig ht distancehas been atta ined and shownon site planas per DevelopmentStandards,p.12. o Proper sightdistance has not been atta ined.Explanati on why :_ Additiona l COmments Please provide any add itional comments that perta in to Public Works Review . Applica nts Signature'_ F:\cdcv\FORMS\pcr mits\Planning\DRB\drb_minor _alL l ·25·2007.doc Page 12of 13 11/23/2005 Town of Va il Survey Community Development Departmen t Russell Fo rrest,Di rector, (970)479-2139 Check allt hatapply Oate:_ 1.Which Departmen t(s)didyoucontact?Building,_ Environmental Housing=~_ AdminPlanningORB,PEC _ 2.Wasyour initial contact with our staff immediate__slow__or noone available ? 3 .If you were requ ired towait.howlongwas it beforeyouwerehelped ?_ 4.Wasyourproject reviewed onatimely basis?Y eslNo If no,why nOI ?_ 5.Was thisyourfirst t ime tofilea ORB appPEC app__ Bldg Permit N /A~__ 6.Please ratethe performance ofthestaff personwhoassisted you: 54 32 1 15 is high)Name::-:-::-:-:--.,-==",,-.,.--_ _(knowledge.responsiveness ,availability) 7.Overall effectiveness ofthe FrontServiceCounter.54 321(5 Is high) 8.W hat isthebesttimeofday for youtouse the Front ServiceCounter? 8.What commentsdoyouhavewhich wouldallow ustobetter serve you next time? Thankyou for takingthetime tocomplete this survey.Weare committed toimproving our service. 01/2 5/07 OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A L TA COM MI T MEN T SCHEDULE A OUr Ord er #VS25578-3 For I nformation On ly -Charges - AL TA Own er Policy Tax Report TOTAL S l,590 .00 $10 .00 $1,600.0 0 ****WITH YOUR REM ITTANCE PLEASE REFER TO OUR ORD ERNO.VS25 578-3**** ~.Ef fect ive Da te :J anu ary 18 ,.!.2.2a at .§..:...QQ P..M. 2 .p o licy to be issued,and proposed I n su red: IIALTA "Owner ls Policy 20·1.7 -92 Pr o posed I nsured: RI CHARD POMBO Y AND SISSEL POMB OY $835,000.00 3 .Thee s ta te o r interest in t he land described or re f e r redt o in t his Co mmitment and c o vered h ere in i s: A Fee S imple 4.Title to t he estate or i nterest c overed h erein i s at t he ef f ect ived ateh ereof v ested i~: CLIITON W,SINK AND E LIZAB ETH B ,SINK 5.Th e land re ferred to i n this Commitmen t i s des crib ed as f oll ows: PARC EL B TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED ONE -HALF INTEREST I N AND TO PARCE L C,MOUNTAIN HIGHPROPERT IE S DUPLEX,A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 21 ,BLOCK 1 ,VA I L/POTATO PAT CH,ACCORD INGTO THEPLAT RECORD ED SEPTEMBER 22 ,1 987 I N BOO K 4 70 ATPAGE 3 95,COUNTY OF EAG LE,STATE OF COL ORADO , =-- PAGE 2 '·S9B161....01.6 e ys :so LO 01 ~ew A LTA COMMI TMENT SCHEDULE B -1 (Requirements)Our Order #VS25578-3 The following are the r equirements to be complied with: 1.payment to or fo r the account of the grantor s o r mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interes t to be insured. 2 .Proper instrument{s)crea ting the es tate or inte res t to be insured must be executed a nd duly f iled for record,to -w it: 3.RELEASEOFDEEDOFTRUST DATED September 26,2994,FROM CLIFTON W.SINK AND EL IZABETH B .SINK TOTHEPUBLICTRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FORTHEUSE OF FIRSTBANKOF VAIL TOSECURE THE SUM OF $84,419 .00 RECORDED Oc tober 03, 1994,IN BOOK 6S1 ATPAGE 425 . 4.RELEASE OFAS SIGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER R IGlITS RECORDED OCTOBER 0 3,1994, IN BOOK 651 ATPAGE 426 . 5.RELEASEOFDEEDOFTRUST DATED September 1 6,1993,F ROM CLIFTON w.S INK AND ELIZABETH B.SIm:TOTHE PUBLIC TRUSTEEOFEAGLE COUNTY F OR THEUSEOF FIRSTBANKOF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $60 ,000 .00 RECORDED Septembe r 28, 1993,IN BOOK 620 AT PAGE 595. NOTE,THIS DEEDOFTRUST SECURES AREVOLVING LINE OFCREDI T AGREEMENT . 6.RELEASEOFASSIGNMENTOF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 28,199 3 IN BOOK 620 ATPAGE 596. 7.RELEASEOFDEEDOFTRUST DATED October 25 ,1991,FROM CLIFTON W.SINK AND ELIZAB ETH B.SINK ,HUSBAND AND WIFE TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THEUSEOF GMA C MORTGAGE CORPORATION OF PA TO SECURE THE SUM OF $449 ,900.00 RECORDED October 31,1991,IN BOOK 566 AT PAGE 76. B .EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TOTHE COMPANY THAT THETERMS,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OFTHET OWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX F-AVE BEEN SATISF IED . 9 .GO OD AND SUFFIC IENT DEEDFROM CLIFTON W.SINKTO ELI ZABETH B.S INK CoNVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY . 1 0.WARRANTY DEED FROM ELIZAB ETH B.SINK TO RICHARD POMBOY AND SISSEL POMBOY CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NOTB:Item #9 of Schedule B -1 (of ~urevious commitment )has b e en modifie~deleted . ="'. PAGE2 SS BIS l...Ol.S ~I5:60 LO Ot ~R~ ALTA COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirement s)Our Order #VS25578-3 THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR RECORDING!! PAGE 3 69816lovOlo6 e~S:60 loO Ol he~ ALTA COM MIT MEN T S CllEDULE B-2 (Excep tions)Our Order #VS25578 -3 The policy o r p o licies to b e i ssued will contain except ions to the f ollo wing unless the s amea re dispos ed af t o the satisfaction of t he Company : 1 .S t anda rd Ex ceptions1 "thro ugh 5 printedo nt he c ov er s heet . 6 .Taxesa nd asse ssmen ts noty et d ue or p aya ble ar~speci al as sessments no t y et cert ified to theTr easurer 's o ff ice . 7.Any unp aid taxes or a ssessments against sa id land . 8 .Lien s for unp aid wat er a nd sewer charges .i f any . 9 .R IGIIT OF WAY FOR DITCHESOR CANALS CO NSTRU CTED BY TEE AUTH ORITYOFTHE UNITEDS TATESASRESERVED I NUNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July1 3,1939 , I N BOOK 12 3ATPAGE 6 17 . 10 .RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ,WdICH DO NO TCONTAINAFORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTR I CTIONS,IF ANY ,BASED ON RACE ,COLOR,RELIGION, DRNATIONALORIGIN,AS CONTA IN ED IN INSTRUMENT RECO RD EDMarch 0 5,1 974,IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 628 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUM ENT RECORDE DS e pt ember 2 4, ~9 75 ,I N SOO K2 41 AT PAG E 950 . 1 1.DRAINAG E AND UTILITY EAS~3NT 10 FEETI N WIDTH ALONG T HE S OUTHERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTYAS S HO""N ON THE RECORD ED P LAT OF VAIL/POTATOPAT CH . 1 2.TE RM S,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLA..<!'.TION OF COVENANTS,CONDI TI ONS AND RESTR ICTIONSF ORLOT2 1,BLO CK 1,VAIL VILLAGE,POTATO PATCH RECORD ED April 30 ,1 986 IN BOOK 44 0AT PAG E 80 5. 13.EASEMENTS,RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS ASSHOWN ORRESERVED ONTHE RECORDED PLATOF VAIL /POTATOPATCH AND MOUNTAIN HIGH PROPERTIES DUPLEX. 1 4.RESTRICTI ON CONTAINEDONTHE REC ORDEDPLATAS FOLLOWS, "FORZONING PURFOSES,THE THREE P~.RCELS CREATED BY THIS RESL"BDIVISION ARE TO BE TREATED AS 0l<E ENTITY WIm NO MORE THAN ONE 2 -FAMILY RESIDENCE ALLOWED ONTHE COMB I NED AREA OF TIlE THREE PARCELS .ALLOWABL EGROSS RESIDENTIAL WILL BE CALCULATED ON THE COM3 I ~~AREA OF THE THREEPARCELS. 1 5.TERMS,CONDIT IONS AND PROVISI ONS OF DECLARATI ONSOF CO VENANTS ,C O~~ITI ONS AND REST RICTIONS OFMOUNTA INHIGH PROPERTI ESDUPLEX RECORDED September 2 2, 1 987 I N BOOK 4 70 ATPAGE 394 AND AME NDME NT THERETO RECORDED JULY 7 ,1 988 IN BOOK 486 AT PAG E 969 . 16.~EF FECT OFA PORTION OFTHE DW ELLING BEING BUILT ON PARCEL f.L AS S HO~'N Q!!nIPRO VEr~ENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED JANUARY 25 .~BY J OHNSON, KUW~EL '&ASSOCIATES,I NC.,J OE NO .9 5/00 3 . FAGE 4 69B r Sl....Ol.S A LT A C OM M IT M EN T SCHEDULE B-2 (Except ion s)OU r Order #VS 25578 -3 ITEMS h £~l OF !!!!!<STANDARD EX CE PT IONS WILL !!§DELET ED FROM TH E OWN ER S POLIC Y ~ISSUED . UPON THE APPROVAL OF tHE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTAR IZED F INAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT,ITEM NO .4OF TH E STANDARD EXCEPT IONS WI LL BE AMEND ED AS FOL LOWS : ITEM NO.4OF TH E STANDk~EXC EPTIONS IS DELE TED AS TO ANY LI ENS OR FUTURE LIENSRESUL TING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST 'OF CLI FTON W.SINK AND ELIZABETH B.SINK.OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS AR IS ING FROM WORK OR l'ATERIAL FURN I SHED AT THE REQU ESTOF RICHARD POMBOY AND S ISSEL POMBOY. NOTE:ITEM 5 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPT IONS WILL BE DEL ETED IF LAND TITLE RECORD S THE DOCUMENTS REQ UIRED UNDER SCI!EDULE B-1. NOTE:UPON PROOFOF PAYMENT OFALL TAXE S ,ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B -2 WILL BE DE LETE D AND I TEM 6WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: 19 95 TAXE S NOT YE T DUE OR PAYABL E AND ASSESSME NT S NOT YET CE RTIFI ED TO THE TREAS UR ERS OFFICE . ITEM NO .8 UNDER SCHE::lULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES AR EPAID UP TO DATE. NOTE:I tem #1 5o fS chedul e B-2 (o fy ourp revi ou sc omm itm en t)h as b een modified o r del eted .------- PAGE 5 GS81 61.tJ.OI.S - ~£S:so LO aT ~e~ ~,~.,.-•~.v'•,•-•\<. _. "'~·r / .' / /0'-5 ' ..-.~:; ..' .' , 5 "-8 -". .. ," ",.,). .. UP II @ ",. " ~,,'. ..' ,' .. I I I'I ,.,,' '"i'",•.....JL __~r OT·..· ,' '..;.... " " , ,', ,' ' 0 ,~ ~o ') '.-., " .:;,. / ".~." s-c ",, '.-= " • 10'-5" ", " ,. o ~._.._...._0.-_...._.._.. I!-=-'o!l ;'J '___11 .1 .1--._I'''-;L -,,_._,.__J r '·"..!'--, ,t:,I I ~~,J ' ,or. -. ,, " 10'-5 //2" D N DO~'N " UP , :' -<I,!.-- .'I" "" •"I,, J , ",,,,,." .' " " " I ~I) ';1.••'-r Ie'! J '-- " .'1'-' ,!TY P '~'-'...- ,--, • rAign ReviewAction Fan TOWN OF VAIL CategoryNumber Date ----'--f-L:l.f2..~--------- ProjectName:PO .....~(J ,ges';d""-'L e C-hc,"jrtPe.:"'''---'-'''--'''''''''''--'''''-'''''-.!!:....-------- Build ing Name:_ Proj ect Descript ion:(b,"1 Q.(f..c £,.v,k"'oIa ;.,A' Owner,Addressend Phone:..::"«e I aM b j' if .,',I (c).Y/{.~,Architect/Contact ,Address and P hone : '1ll-j <;-I Legal Description:Lot :;I Bl ock ,Subd ivision ¢~::;==:-:~:=::~~_ZoneDistrict --,:=-__ ProjectStreetAddress:~y I f?r,~~,.("p,,-_.LP<.!k.""---=D.--=·",v",,I!-~._ Comments:_ Motion by:_ Seconded by::_ Board I~Action ~ Vote:_ o Approval o Disapproval ..M..Staff Approva l Conditions:p l"'n\Wt(p c!ei ,:"tie ,/);5 ee l. T awn Planner Date:-q (,C;I qi IrI ORBFee Pr e-paid-======::::...._ ,, • &ign ReviewAction FtP~ TOWN OFVAIL "- rz/w I I'-J i;)L.rj (,H,. .b/1t-11 tFj Dale'--'--'~-'kjI-L....L._ ,, Category Number'-o-_ Project Name:PQ'"b"(J 12e<:.,Al.I~""""'~'----_ Bui lding Name:\\_ ProjectDescr iplion.:_....A-'.Id"-d"---'''--'"'-='-q--<''-'-'.uL "''--'''4'---'''-'-'u;.,::-.l..<1.L..t.''''f--'-'--'-------'=I--''''''----_ b f'Pr1),eL Owner,Address a nd Phone.:.S<>,..lg..l~'""_""""\o=~"\-_ PIS ArchitecVContact ,Address and P hone :-'2 ,,>";f ~bb P D,170 )("54CL'q-'-_ I I c,;\CO ii'l I::S'g ~'--'S'--I'_'_Ol.U.(j_'__(__-t-t-_ Legal Description :Lot '?I Block I S ubd ivisioni,B"i "'&.lLa"'/j"''''''--Zone District Project SlreelAddress:=1 J?'--..B"-k!.B...-k,=--'Bu"''''-''f<:(,=~_ Comm ents :_ Board /t~ Moti on by:.,---_Vole:_ Seconded by:._ o Appr oval o Disapproval ~Slaff Approval Cond itions:L ,~L.~,~~f I,c , -tJ 1 S ~t<j ~1 ~,eA- TownPlanner Dale:='--'-'+.L.J._ORBFee pr e ~p a id ~j.z::::O~O;;(j _ 75Sou th Frontage Road Vail.Colorado8 /657 970-479-2131¥4 79-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 June 12.1997 Roland Kjcsbo r.o.IInx 3 419 Vail.CO R165R •• f\lE C O P~ Department a/Community Development Ho E:ORB a pplication for4 entry p illars at 7X I Potato (latch (Pomboy Re sidence) De ar M r.Kjcs bo. T he Comm unityDevelopment Department has reviewed your a p plication to addfou r e ntrypi llars in th erig ht -o f-way at the a boverefe rencedproperty.Th ea pplic atio nha s nnl be ena pproved .In or der for thea pplicationto bea pproved .the p illars m usth e located It m inimumo f 7'fro m the edge o f s treetpave ment andthe lighting onthesep illarsm usthe eli minated .T he a p proved plans forthi ss itep rovide forth emax imumnum ber of light fixtures and therefore additionall igh ting c annoth e pro vided .Ifyouwi sh to modify th e lig hting pl anforthis s ite you w ill need to provid ea revised li ghtin g plana ndd etails (cuts heets )o f a llprop osed l ightfixturesinord e r tod eterm in e c ompl ian ce wi th th e T own's lighting ord inance . It ha s al so bee n ind ica ted that youm ay ha ve been workin go tTo f a set of plan s wh ieh do notbear th e ap proval s tamp of the T own of Vail.In s pections m ad e by s taffw ill b e don e utiliz ing th e ap proved s e t of pl ans . Ple ase let me know howyouw ish tomo dify you r a pplication . I fyou h avea nyqu estions.please ea llm e at 4 79-214H. S incerely, ({):J~ Domin ic F.Mauriello ,A ICP T own Planner / .' "'PLICATION rox DtSIG~REVIEW "PfRO\'Al. :20 ~6:?23l)25 ~Ofol ..OEV oe er . lU."7 1 3:1 3 ~?,g 0 7 r.02 (0 ·11I 1 \11 "'* \,,)\o QJ.I ~"'I ~;(.·.I:!hI.:..il lllllllr.Sldl ~4 7 '1.]I:~ 8 f, H , ,u (:.)[1'.1 '\11 1 ......·f .."1 l ldm" lnclu6t,my 'O:U!Wil hae ~\.&I"(fr>u~1\~ttl .lrly ret!iet",ri"t Cf f'o"tmm .,,~.u ~l l d;fll: ~~mtl\)f c~to W~lIP"'O ,l1t i m lJl'l~ct "~.t'!X lt as. ~.P-l'lhfl£."'uHlQW todl!iM'Il$.I.,/hc*f'~ll!t ,(C"n«!I""felOllrlint ......Il$.,a -.:. J:'O('an )'fll"f'lic.I11<41 ..!Mfcthe oII'l"DIWJ'I \l-i,hs tQ raecc 901th ~fli.,.P:",iN' ~to""'~(wbM hC'r U OOl tkflf c,«t .ft'le'I'1J ly COrnptiN .......lh th ,w;sn ~4e1·1 '1::>.The 1'!fJS ~n ~vl)tf orl.t;:)~('C 1 1l\Ul ,..;..;......r . I>R.B fecaotlCl0 be _4 ~\b.fuI'WI'"~~.Wu .""bm appJyiDj:In'a =1~pcrnUt.pu.r id«\lIfY d1e IICQlrtte "'~QQ or the prOJfC l fit TOWtI of ViiI WIll ltd.iust tho fee ~C'''Ci.nt to d!t J'l'l\j",....,~"JtO~. PL£4Sot SUlMlT TH.L\..rrUC41l0 N,ALL SlI'l MnT4I.lliQU IRI:MEl'tJS AN'I:t TIf ~.'I",a:70 'fJt;E DD'4.T~flNT ni='COMM I,..1"fITY Dt:;Vr:UJ..""r..'li T."SOUTH FRONUr,:t ROA.D . V.u L.COWk...eo 'IM':'. Printed by Domini cMa ur i el lo -----_..-----.--. F rom:Dominic Ma uriel lo To : char lie Davi s,Greg Hall,Larry pa rdee ,Te rri P artch S ubject : f wd :Pomboyrem ode l a t 7 81 Potato pa tch Drive 06 /9 7 lO:52am ~==NOTE==--===--======6 /06/97=IO :46am== Th e ywant LO amend the p lan t o provide 4 en try p i ll ars a t d riveways .I t h ink they hav e alre ady been install ed .They want them 5 '[rom edge of pavement. Terri/G reg c an y ou take a look an d see what you t hi nk .You c an't miss them. They were n ot on t he app rov ed p lans, b ut t hey want t o a dd t hem. Letme k now if theya re ok or not. Thanks, Dominic Fwd=by:=Terri =pa rtCh==6 /06 /97 -10 :51am== Fwd t o:Dominic Maurie llo They are too c lose .7 'i s the minimum d istace away from t he asphalt -lOt i s preferred . Paq e:1 -;..., ;..~. '. .. ....:. '.,',-:... ,". " '.',. ~.-. ,, /.. ."'.., ..;.. '" '.'..',.• j ':-.","".~.'.'" Y .'.-;"!':.~'..::~(, .'.... .<......" ,.. ..'. ,,' ,, '..~ ". '~';'"-: .",''v, ".'\. " ....'.'<.es.,.... ".'.........".' -,-, ".... ," .. •'.s.RE '"...'E RIOR LIGH r "FJ1;;,u .~'INDICA TES TEfRToR 'F IXI~"'E5 "'"':...3·.·.~TOTA L EX .-..":'.'..... ..., • ,.~. , ,, ..' .' r , •.•.. _.~~:-. .'., -;' ;"..... " .' •:-" .,.~T .O;RJDG~../ .E!L:10','"',', ,u " I ../.. '-•'1 ".',.. '. ", '." .... .-, ,, ',-." '. .. .~"':-"..,•... ",. ,. ;'. .. , '. '.'" '.!.:0. ....-.-~'. ~.", '. " ..., M''; ,-.- " , ..~, ,."......' < '. ...."...."'. --.- ••.-, '. ". '.~., 3 . ,.'.......:::>'~" . .. .... • .~";'Y·': ·'.;~ ·'.·'.'.", '.~.'. .. ,.'-'" ____--I......._~ , '...'..;. .~. '. '....•. " ......;.:;'. '" '~T.O.RIDGE ./ &:101.of2 ''.. ..r, •• .,-.~T.O.R'D0: "'" '.-r; " " / ,.." \' .'.,~:.,,.<, ~'r .O:RIDC4 i='('.,';': .ELf15'N'~....t\.:.~'"TP IN \l.".,r~':N F -0 ..'''_'..~" r • /CHECK R EQ UEST /)r-; PRE I'A I\ED B Y :~.(,,M!rt.oiJ )1-D ATE:d/-:;-h:t- VENDOR NAMV ).)(fL'ck !:tTrx/4-/!< V END OR NUMBER:(~/'f':f-1/V D ESCRIPTI ON 01'EX PENSE:C L EAN UPD EPOSIT REFUN D FO R DP #[71'")-03z.," NAM E 0 1'Jon:St~bcr [,e,{""6of A CCOUN T N UMBER:0 1 0 000220 02, f/v '1 00 ~;J--AM OU NT 0 1'REFUN D: DATE A PPROVED:,71-;(/9 »<r: A PPROV AL SIGNATURE:f.-'~cu.-:u , • ," --------------------TOWN OF UA IL Miscell aneous Cash 0 6-06-97 15 :34:04 Rece i P1-*"2 25760 Account ,..CK #20238 t~E[)BO COnSTR I~j C """DRB FEE Amount tender-ed >20.00 Itef'tl pa id Amount paid ,.•I --.-,.......,-;;;"-.._---.........~~_.~_•__1"'1 =.__":.=t ':_.:.., ~....,. 1-. L TOWN OF VA IL Iku:urTSO. D F.'All f ML'T U t "ro;\l ~ll'l"lTY D,[\"l:LO'M F~'T "·.'""..~_6 4...+... ~ 6:,- ·ADDR ••~'DAT E ,(,,-"1.2:, ;,"",.e'-£,..Joo.!j _D v'l.r)·.it ACCOl;~T .'0.'".. C If[C KS MAOE '''YABU;TO TO W:"i or ""II,.'.•ITT-lot:·.•-..~,R ••••__.......NO...T AX '•••~u.row, , S ~Po :0 10000 41 540 ZONI"NG A N'D ADDRESS M APS.0 1000042415 UNi fORM bUI LDING CODE-0 1 ~424 1 ')5 3~: U "I FORM-PLUMDING COD E..0 1=i=424 15 ~RMmCA ,-I 441 •OD E 5 3 .· f ,j 4 ..41 NATIO NAL A CD 537 .•-'OJ 0000 42 I III ~R CODE B ...5 • 'i I 4 1 ,..,.MYLA •. :=441 X ERQ 50. :t(lI 00 4412 STU DIES • "I 0 4 .:s M r UTER PROGRAM • ~g:~gg :g g PENALT"Fl·.,5 I RE·INSPECTI NS PLAN REVI I:w RE·CI IECK fEE -,R .. "01 0000 4 2332 O FF 1I0 URS!N5P ECTION FE Es•I 0100 414 (N RAC TORS L ;'IT[f'';.5 ~-.".0 1 00 4 14 1 S IGNA P PUCATIUN 52 .-..·:;~41413 AOITI ~~~'A J Et 5 1.P R "~100 444 VIC ART Pit I;T DONAnO N •~0 100 00 413 3 1 PR E PA ID ES IGN ~I ~\~FE ..a.}:;:j, 01 0000 4 .1 I NV ES T A T ION FEE DUl L IG)-1·310000 45110 TO PA I NG U ND..0 1 0000 2 2027 APER~D "·0 1DOO 211 A XARL II.~.STATE ·..•I DOOO410 10 AX ARL (4:)4.0 %TOWN..1>UIL U lI'ilJ I NVE:~T IGA TJO ,_J'•,,,OTII ER ~-it PEe APPLICA TIoN FEES .o .J100004133011.00 110 A 1\H ,..S200.00 I ~4 1330 C O NDIT I)NA .U S E PERMIl S200.00 I4 1 EXTER A T ERAT IO ~N 100S .rr,2 0100 0041 330 ~Rl O R A LTE RA T I ON 1M "'TIIAN 100 SQFT.5500.00 ,0 1 00 41"-A :..D1STRIC m I .·.··1 0000 4 l Ug ~C I A~.p~D1 STRI :T [MAle ~5 1.000.00-0 1 0000 41 'CA I'U1STR ICT M N A D 5200 .-- !:,OO OO 4 1J ,,• -01~41 ~V ARJAl'CE 2 O. ~"0 1 413 30 Z ON I N .AMENDME 52 0141 ,-ZUNI ,2 ~ 0 THER ~on ER 1TOTAL:Q~,~CCIM:.I L.......n : t- -"",y.<tAlA i1'0 l CK"dc2~Y 'I M.Ol-'·CA S H I., . TOWN O F VAIL 75S .FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO8 1657 970-479-213 8 NOTE:THISPERMIT MUST BE POSTE D ON JOBSITEAT ALLTIMES Job Address: Locati on : ParcelNo : Legal Description: Project No : MECHA NICALPERMIT 784POTATOPATCH DRVAIL 781POTATO PATCH EASTSIDE 210106324002 ~J>,.- Permit #; Statu s ...: Applied ..: Iss..ued •.: Expires ..: M06-OOO9 ISSUED 0 1124 /2006 0 1/3 1/2006 07/30/2006 OWNER POMBOY.SISSEL 781 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL CO 8 1657-4480 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUMB ING P .O .Box 3 40 Min turn CO 816 45 Licens e:152 -M CONTRACTOR JERRY S IBLEY P LUMB ING P .O.Bo x 3 40 Minturn CO8 1 645 Li cense:1 52-M 01 /24 /200 6 01 /24 /2006 Phone:97 0 -8 2 7-5736 01 /24 /2006 Phone:970 -827 -573 6 Desciption: Valuation: REPLACING FURNACE $3 .290.00 Fireplace Information:Resllicled:Y ,of Gas Applil ra\:0 (/of Gil.'LlI~~T 0 ,of Wood Pellel:0 .....................................................................FEE SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mechanical·->$80 .00 Restuaram Plan Review-,>$0 .00 Total Ca lculated f ees ->$103 .00 PlanClleck-->$2 0.00 TOTALFEES ;>$103 .00 Additio nal Fecs------>$5 5 .00 I n v~tigation ->$0 .00 T OOI I Permit Fce---->$158 .00 Will CaU -·-->$J .0 0 PilYIIle'IIl$---'-'-'-->$158 .00 UAI.ANCE DlIE·-->$0 .00••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I t em:05 1 00 BUILDINGDEPARTMENT 01 /25 /2006 cgunion Act i on:AP I tem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT see n oteso n plans. CONDITIONO FAPPR OVAL Co n d:12 (BLDG .):F IELDI NSPECT IONSAREREQUIREDTOCHECKF OR CODE COMPLLANC E . Cond:22 (BLDG.),COMB UST I9NAIR IS REQUIRED PERCHAPTER 7 OPTHE 200 3 IMC ANDSE CTION 30 4 OF THE 2 003 I FGCAS MOD IFIED BYTOWN OF VAIL . Cond :23 (BLDG .):BOIILER INSTALLAT ION MUST CONFORMTO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2 003 I HC. Cond :2 5 (BLDG .):GAS AP PLIANCES SHALL B E VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 20 03 I FGC . Cond:29 (BLDG.):ACCESS TO MECHANICAL HQUIPMENT MUS T COM PLY WITH CHAPTER 3OF TIm 2 003 IMC AND CHAPTER3OFTHE 2003 I FGC .. Cond:3 1 NONCOMBUS TI~E CaNST.UNL ESSBEM~ED ON FLOORS OF COMBUS T IBLE FLOORING . (BLDG .):BOILERSSHAL L L ISTEDFOR MOUNT INGON Cond :32 (BLDG .):P ERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAL YSIS MU ST BEPOSTED IN MECHAN ICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INS PECTIONREQUE ST . Con d:30 (BLDG .):BOILER ROOMS S HAL L BE EQUIPPPEDWITH A FLOOR DRAINOR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FORDIS POSING OF LIQUID WASTE PERSECT ION1 004.6 . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D ECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge that Ihave readthisapplica tion.filled out in fullthe informationrequi red,co mpleted an accuratep lot pl an,andstate thata llthe informa tion as required isco rrect.J agreetoco mply withthe informationand p lot plan,tocomply witha ll Town ordinances and stale laws ,and to build thisst ructure according tothetowns zoning and subdivisioncodes,desig n reviewapp roved ,International Building and Residential Code s and other o rdinances of the Tow n app licable thereto . REQl JESTS t 'OR I NSP ECT IONSHALL BE MADETWENTY ·FOUR HOURS I N ADVANEBY TELEPHONE AI 479 2119 en AT OlJR OFACE FROM 8 :00AM -4 PM.~ S IGNAT •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN O FVAIL,COLORADO Stateme nt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Numbe r: Payment Method: 30768 R060000081 Ch eck Amount :$158 .0001/31 /200612:55 PM Init:LT Notation :Sibley I ck Type :MECHANICAL PERMITPermitNo: Pa rcel No: Site Address : Lo cation: M0 6-0009 2101-063-2400-2 784 POTATO PATCH 781 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL EAST SIDE Total Fees :$158 .00 This Payment:$158 .00 Total ALL Pmts:$158.00 Ba lance:$0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LI ST : Account Code MP00 100003111100 P F 00 100003112300 we 00 1000031 12BOO Description ME CHANICAL PERM IT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL I NSPECTIONFEE CUrrentPmt B 135 .00 20.00 3 .00 ) .-" ~O O1 VAIL .Yes (.).N ~","-·r . ().". 'V. .-~. No.of Amlmmodation LJniIs ,this _g:. Filing: Town of Vall Rog .No.:Contact and :s:<:-~;::;>ilm:il!~ CONTRACTOR INF ORMA nON Ad dress : Provide Mechanical Room Layout d~w n to scale e Mechanical RoomDimensions lJ combustion AIr Duct Size and Loartfon c Ru e,Ventand Gas Une SIZII and location o Heat Loss cales. c Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets - esalptlOn of WCI'<: ". Class:'New ().AddIlIcn ()A1terat1cn ()Repair other (). Beller lDcation :.Interior K).Exter1cr ()Other()Does an EHU .eXiSt at this Is this .conv~n from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II devia!7 Yes Type of.6kjg:Sl ngle-fa mily ()Duplex Mulli-family ()Commerc ial ()Resta urant (-) No ',of.Exlstl ng Dwelling Un it>in this building: N W~~~ NO/T'(pe of Areplaces Proposed:Gas Appliances )Wood/Pellet ( 7S S.Frontage Rd. vall,Coloma 8 1657 Le9aI De.atptlan Lot ; Owners "Engineer: .'.,..COMPLfnVALUATtON FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT :,.'.~. CoiItaaEa ~~~~ Parcel #:. 01 /24 /2006 10:14 FAX 9708275234 Jer rl Sibl ey Plbng I NC .I~--_.~.~'.-':-~--'.-,"t:':.-.:; .,.:,.'r ~'..I .,.,~.,.~WI U.NOT B 4 ~CCEPTl:D IF I NCO MPU p ""'" "."l~{J,,-O~07 :7 ",.. o VAIl:MECHANICAL Permit will not be accepted without ...:\03 /.:/. *****~***********FOR OFFICEUSE ONLY******"****' -'r>..fiJ ..':;.J~;1'~'~f,~~,:,:Planner 51 'n -o ff :~:';~';~.;:>ij:o;,,:',;Atte 6 ~,··;;~...t:':j.i~~::'i:..~Date Received:','':'':'';,',,',~~",~":-{it -.:.. ., .'." ,. C?--,:J I!illJ ...J ~=~=='"=u..~ I!illJ '"0 ©:z:Z«~ I!illJ ~~ccs:c==: """>-~Q.. '0;0 >~•-0 L.-..9 ~c..0-~~ 'U- 0 ~""",~L.,. ~,~f2,(1-'X'.....~..JV ~ '-0 go:. , APPROVED Commu nity Development Department Building sa fety and Inspection Servic es ~1,n"""V ...........-'1lI.~ ~A&-A-o ~~M.r- ~ -----------.'I 5i E.S e-1 16M~y 77~(;?~k+O r£..i-e j ....e./~('j e. T e..r r!<u.;f/Wi So.:«I o....~(e 7 '/;;''-I I f,;fa .,1.D ~'A1 . ~W.I\P.NoV F......r-l .....c.... (,0['- ) TOl\'N~ S ection I"S~'f _ '?II }Int ernaUo nalBuildI ng Code/Intematlanal Residential Code Validityof permit.The Issuance or grantlng 01 a perm it shall nOIbe construed to be a pennit for.or an approval 01.any vK)lalion of any01 the provisionsof this code or 01any other ordinan ce olltla 1 l urisdi::::tion.Permits presuming to give authori ty 10 violate or cancer the I prol/isions 01 this coda orother ordi nances of the jurisdictl::m shal l )r t be valid.The issuance 01a permit based on construction dccumen aoo ~I <""othe r data sha!l nol prevent the b ui ~d i ng onicia l from reqcitinn lh.J .ct l.~_,i3 ,!'_J .-.tfU(il:IOn.~l san d O th e~-The buil ::l :ng ollieislisalso aull'1ori zed 10 prevent occupa ncy cr use ot aIs",,~~,_·-.-_,_!~~~tl:ny o the r Of«'~"~"_tl>'l""~-I------ this jUri~c :::t i on . ~lY'Ib If+\~ <,,"'"...~ ~u -rc.rrr"t c...... ~ *-,I I ( • J -",.,s I l~::;~I. \}-rR• u Z- Noo ~ 2;;:..•-"-.. t::; ~ ~ M N ~ ~ N..o ~o ~..-"o-..oo N, ~ N-,-o 01 /24 /2006 1 0 :15 FAX 97 08275234 •Jer ry Sibley PlbngI NC •~003 • FOAM NO.a11-4as REV.5 SUpe~ed8S Form No.G11...tB S Rev.4, I SO 'l Ull 1 ~I l lllj ~~-" Tho RheQ m Classic $el1Wl Supar Quist 80 Une of upNoYllhor1. zonral gas fulTltiQta &111 C.lrgnt d lor utlilty roomG ,0 10101911. ereeees ,DrattIcsI .ElRIIUS8 gJ the SloI ptIf'Quiet BO's low-prom. M inch IS64 mm)height,the upftow mod el can also b e used to utJsfy m ost a ppllcBUan8 t hai tnI dtUCl nally ca ll tor IIha n- mnlal t umace. The d8llgn is C8f1i~ad by CSAIntsmatlonal . Features •Innovative CQmbU9tion desi gn reeuns .In ~lI a b I 6 ,ellielsnl operation BJ:sound levels wIlfdl pl'OII lae dill UnclI;OIl'lp8utiVe adval'lf8.go.. •Patented Heal Exchanger,CO!WI'\lCls d of both stalllle8a and IIlumin/zfl d 'lelJl fW the mllXlmum in corroe'on rulaumce . •Low prali lll "'J4 inch-dtsig"is lighter IlOd aaai9f to handle. and loaves room lor optlotlal eqLll pmenl •ConYel1l ble from upflow 10 horllOl'taJ tall or rllilht w1 lhoutfi l!ll d convtl'5lon. •Left ornghl51do!2l'and el~nc lnl'tCOflnecllon8with quleK, .!Impla change . •Aobu al and rall alll.dllllct s,park Ignl1 lon ut/flllng remote SBrule Bnd an integratad boasd With humfdifl8(and electronic air durwt'hookups. •Jnsulll1ld blDWtlr compertmen l hlJl pa to reduce jacket 1053 and noise. •Pr"a-pa lm galvanlZ8 d steal cablnst. •f\.4oIdod plilrmanent Ollar. •Grab-hols8 In 1kI0 r,(0 a idIn euy door remov al an d nlpl ac8mant. A varlety of cooling eoue and pl.nums deslgned to use with Ah.em CJ asalc Selles'l SuplJI'QuIet SO ou IumBoes are avail· ableQ$optional accesso ries. 'the"f\lmilC'El6 can DlllImlted In an uprlQW po5ltl on or lald on ollnlr.loo In a hor1!OnraJ pOS ition.Flald conv.~1On net required . t A.F.U ,£"""'*F...tIJIIll:OIl :""i-...l ..........d In __...~,.,01 1!Iwgy1Hl ~. CLASSIC SERIES @ SUPER QUIET 80 80.0%A .F.U .E.t UPFLOWI HORIZONTAL GAS FURNACES RGPN-SERIES Models with Input Rates trom 50,000 to 150,000 BTUIHR [15 to 44kW] (U.S.80:Canadian Models) •• 0 3-10-2006 4;19 pm Page 8 Requ ested Inspect Date: Inspection Area : Site Address: Monday,March 13 ,2006 CG 784 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 781 POTATO PATCH EAST SIDE Status:ISSUED rnspArea :C GM06-OOO9 Type:B-MECH Sub Tm:~AOUP POMBO Y S ISSEL Occupancy: J ERRY SIB LEY PLUMBING Phone:9 70-827·5736 J ERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING Phone:9 70-827-5736 R EPLACING FURNACE CONTRAC TOR R ENEWAl FOR REGI$TRAliON FEE ADDED TOTOTAL COST OF PERMIT -CGU NIQN see notesonoffice and field setofplans -CG UNION INSTAlLATION MANUAl MUSTBEONSITEFORINSPECTION.-CGUN10N AlPID Information ActMly: Co nst Type: OwTie r : Aoo licant: Coh\ractor: Descripbon : 8E ment omment men t: Requ ested In sPeCtion(,) Requested Time:08 :30 AM Pho ne :9 70-827-5736 Entered By:DGOLD EN K Time Exp :-==-__ Item:390 MEC H·Flnal Reque stor:J ERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING Corriments:willcall827 -5736 Assigned T o :JMONDRAGON Action :'fjT.R3;"""--- -- M~rr "f!"YfdL -~ 6 ~"""~"IrVSplPrl",-Lk,eJN[,'1 3 U;-(7'fD "":J;f~/7YO fo 1;'10200MECH-Rough 3 10M ECH-Hea lin n 3 15P LMB-Gas P iPlnQ 320 M ESH-EXhaust R oods330MEH·SupplyAi r 340ME H-Misc . 390 MECH·Flnal Inspection History Item Item Item Item Item Item Item REPT131 Run Id:4457 TOWN OF VA IL 75 S .FRO NTAGE ROAD VAIL .C O 8 1657 97(}.479 ~2 1 3 8 ~EPA R T M E N T O F COMMUNITY DEV&PMENT 1.'0\z \7-,\~\ \Jv..-..."\'b ~u.\~~~~ NOTE:TH IS PERM IT M UST BEPOSTE D ONJO BSIT E AT ALL TIMES Jo b Addre ss: Loca tion: Par cel No : ProjectNo : MECHANICAL PERMIT 784POT ATO PATCH DRVAll . 781POTATOPATCH 210106 324001l'ijA Permit #: Statu s ...: App lied ..: Issued ..: Expire s..: M05-QI29 ISSUED 06 /17/2005 06 /30/2005 12/27/21XI5 OWNER POMB OY,S ISSEL 7 81 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL CO 81657-4480 APPLICANT JERRYS IBLBY PLUMB ING P.O.Box 3 40 Min turn CO8 1645 Li c ens e:152 -M CONTRACTOR JERRYS IBLEY P LUMB ING P .O .Box 3 40 Minturn CO 81645 Li c ense:15 2-M 0 6/1 7/200 5 06 /1 7 /20 05 P hone :9 70 -827 -5736 0 6/1 7/20 05P hone :97 0-827 -5736 Desciptio n: Valua tion: REPLAC E FU RNACE W ITH LIK E FURNA CE $4,84 1.00 Fire place Information:Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances:0 /I of Gas Logs:0 ,o f Wood Pellet:0 .....................................................................FEESUMMARy·······..•..•••••••..••••••..•..••....••....•..••..••..•..•• Mcchanical->$100.0 0 ReslUaJ1lJtt Plan Revjew-,>$0.00 T otal Ca lculalCd F~->$128 .00 PlanCheck ->$2 5.00 DRB Fee------->$0 .00 t\ddidonalFees --->$0.00 Invesngaticn->$0.00 TOTAL fEE.<i '"$128 .00 T oed Permh Fee----->$128.00 WiIJ Call--->$3_00 Payment~------->$12 8 .00 BALANCE DL'E---->.$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0 6/29 /20 05 GCD Action :AP Item :05600 F IREDEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond :1 2 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TOCHECKFORCODECOMPLIANCE . Cond :22 (BLDG .):COMBUSTION A IR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OFTHE 20 03 I MC AND SECTION 304 OFTHE 2 0 03 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OFVAIL. Cond:2 3 (BLDG.):BOI ILER INSTALLATI ON MUSTCONFORM T O MANUFACTURER 'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF T HE 2003 I MC . Cond :2 5 (BLDG .):GASAP PLIANCESS HALL BEVENTEDACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OFTHE 20 03 I FG C . Cond:29 (BLDG .):ACCESS TO MECHANICALEQUIPMENT MUSTCOMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF TH E 20 03 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2 0 03 I FGC•. Cond:31 •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OFVAlL.C OLORADO S tatement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method : Plumbing /c k 30 4 15 R0 500009 90 Ch eck Amount:$128 .0 006 /30 /2 00 5 02:53 PM Init:LT Notat i on :Sibley Permit No: Parcel No : S i te Address: Loc at ion: MOS-01 29 Type :MECHANICALP ERMIT 2101 -06 3 -2400 -1 784 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 7 81 POTATO PATCH To tal Fees:$128 .00 ThisPayme nt :$12 8.0 0 Total ALL Pmts:$128.0 0 Balance :$0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A CCOUNT ITEM LIST : AccountCo de MP 001 0000 3111 10 0 P F 001 0000 3 112)00 we 00 10 00 0 311 2 80 0 Desc ript ion MECHANICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECKFEES WI LL CAL L INS PECTION FEE Cu rre nt Pmts 1 00 .00 2 5 .0 0 3 .00 CO NST.UNL ESS•NONCOMBU STIBLEBEMLONFLOORSOF CO MBUSTIBLEFLOO RING. (BLDG .):BOILERSSHALL L ISTED FOR MOUNTINGON Cond:32 (BLDG .):PERM IT ,PLANS AND CODE ANAL YSIS MUST BEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TOAN I NSPECTIONREQUEST. Cond :30 (BLDG.):BOILER ROOM S SHALLBE EQU IPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAINOR OTHERAPPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PERSECTION1 004 .6...••..••..•.....••.•........••••,..•.........................................................................................................•... D ECLARATIONS I herebyacknowledgethat I have readthisapplication,filled outin full the informationrequired,completed anaccurate plot plan.and stalethat alltheinformation as requirediscorrect.I agreetocomply withthe information and plot plan ,to comply withallTownordinances and state laws ,and to buildthisstructureaccordingto the towns zoning and subdivision codes.design review approved.Jntemational Building andResidentialCodesand other ordinancesofthe Town applicablethereto. REQUEST S fOR INSPECTIONSHALL BE MADE TWF.NT Y·FOUR HOURS IN ADVASCE BYTELEPIIONE AT 47lJ -2141J ORATOUR OFFiCE FRUM 8:00AM .4 PM /C--.,z.---- SIGNAT6'R-io F EROR CO.CTOR FORHIMSELF ANDOWNEF I _____\ll!.Q.,..1_•J erry Sib ley PlbngI NC n TOWNOF VAIL MECHANICAL PMTP0 P ermit willnot be accepted with out the following: e to Include: APPUCAnON WILL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #:_.".-,.-_ Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #:140 $"-0 12.-1 970-479-2149 (Inspections) o 08 /14 /200$_18:,H FAX 9 708275 234•.- ~.' CONTRACfOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg .No.:COn ~ ...._=__~CO~M;::P;,:LEn:;YAW ON 'FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor &Materials MECH ANI CAL:$'/ .Contact Eaale COun Assessm-s Office at 970-328-8640 or "isit Ie-a:>u~for Parmi # Parcel #(Required if nobldg.pennit #is provided above).2 /ni ('Ji:.1.2 ..:0 I Job Name:,&t ill.S-;'s.Ca J.JObAcid ress :7J>1 fl,L ~fJIL.f-..l Legal Description i Lot':Block:I Rling:Subdivision: owners Na me:f!""A4Q Acld ress :S .Phone :'179 _99 I'J.P Engineer:11.)llf Acldress :Phone: Detailed p esaiption o~o~:•,,/r-r e »6-f'.d .,.l ,'f-1A .'b L.~.I .• I I I I I, I I No.01 ExIsting Dwelling Units In this building:~No.of Accommodation Units in this bU i ld lng~ NofTyee of Flre olaces ExIsti :Gas .Aoollances f ~(1 Wood/Pellet (,WO<YJ Bum l ~(, NofTVpe of Firepl aces Proposed :Ga s Appliances (s ()WOOd/Pellet ()Wood Burn ing (NOT AllOWED) Is this a convers ion from a wood burning nreplaa!to an EPA Phase n device?Yes ()No (VJ ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ****************************· r-Fees :.····."'.PlannerSi -off:-B•...~:..''...~!.~~,... ...._-,~,--- 06 /14 /2005 16 :~4 FAX 970827523~•Jerry S1bley Plbng IKC •Ii1J002 .........Q"V\Cl',,;t?CP, r'.. <,z, "'E..l Fr-\I: _._~, ,_,0' / ...~~--, CQ >1<:, r ••lot 2..\(U~Iv.(J o Lc+o If .i.c: TOWN OF VA IL 7 5S.FRON TAGE ROA D VA IL ,CO 8165 7 970-4 79 -2138 DEPARTME NT OF COMMU NITY DE VELOPMEN T APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P .O.BOX 341 9,VAIL,CO,CELM 471-4888 CONTRA CTO R NE DB O CO NS TR UC T ION P .O .BOX 34 19,VAIL ,CO,CELL #471 -4888 OWNER PO MB OY SISS EL 40 BALDWIN FARMS N,GRE ENWI CH CT 06831 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pe rmit ~:B96-02 55 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:08 /28/1996 I ss ued ...:0 8 /30 /1996 Expires ..:0 2/2 6/1 997 Phone :476-43 05 81658 Phone:4 76 -43 05 81658 DR DR 781 POTAT O PATCH 7 81 POTATO PATCH 2101-063 -0 1-056 PRJ9 6-0 1 S0 amount ):~fr ~~~aAddress : date I t ron ...: Parc el No ..: Pro j ect No.: D ~~T E :THIS PERMIT MUST BE PO STED ON TOV/COmm..~R OJE CT TITLE :POMB OY REMO DEL Clean-up Deposit Refu n (i\DD/ALT SFR BUILD PERM IT approved :1--Y/-,--CO ,,- Descr iption :EXT ERIOR RE MODEL/NEW ROOF AN D AD DINumber of Dwel ling Town of VailAdj u sted Va lu ation : un f ts :00 0 388 ,00 0 f ;r ~p l ll e l!11'1 10rllllt;on:Ru tr;cttd:/jot Gas App li lll'lces:1I0f Gas Logs :/1 01 Uood!PlIllet: ********..************~*************~~***~FE E SU MM ARY ******************************i i*'ll'ili***********~**** 1,892.00 1,229 .80 .00 3 .00 Bui Ld ing-----> Pl!lI'l C he~k---> I nv estiga t ion> \jil l ClIll---> Rest uar llntPlan Rev ie"-->.00r cte t Ca lcu l ated Fen--->3,899.80 ORB Fee----------------->200.00 Addit ioni'll f ~~~------>.00 Re ~reati o n f n--------->75 .00 Tot l'l l Permit f ee ------->3,899 .80 CLean-up Oepol it-------->500.00 Payme nts---------------->3,899.80 TOTAL fEES-------->3 ,899 .80BALANC EOUE ------->.00 ***********rt******~**~******l********"t********A***A********i**.*Al*************************************************** BUILDING Div ision : PUB WORK Div ision: Divi sion : Division :Dept:PLAN NING DOMINIC se e notes Dept :F I RE De pt: DAN ?? Dept : PLAN S TO LARRY PER LA RRY I tem:05 1 00 BUI LDING DEPARTMEN T 0 8/28/19 96 CHARL IE Action:NOTE PLANS TO 08 /29 /1996 DAN Action:APPR Item:0 5400 PLANNING DEPART MENT 08/2 8/1 996 CHARL IEAct ion:NOT E PLANS TO 08/28/1996 DOMINIC Act ion:APPR App rove d I tem:0 5600 FIRE DEP AR TME NT 0 8/2 8/1996 CHARLI E Act ion:APP R N/A I t em:0550 0 PUBL IC WORKS 08 /28 /1996 CHARLIE Action :NOTE 08 /30/1996 CHARLIE Act io n:APPR See Page 2 of t hisDo cumentf or a ny c on ditions that may a pp l y to t h is pe r mit . DEC LA RA T IONS I he r eby acknO\lLedg e tha t I have r ea d t h is a ppli ~a t ion,fil Led out i nf u ll t he i nforlilltion r equ i r e d ,comple ted a n e ccur ere pLot p lan,and ater e th at a ll the inforfllll tion provided lI:i requi red i l co rr ect.1 a gree t o cOlil ply with the information and pLot p Lan , to ~omp ly with a LL TOlin ordinances a nd stat e l all s ,e ed tobu ild t his structure acc ording to th eTOlin's zoni rog a nd su bdi vision cod es,de s ign rev iell a pproved,Un ifo r mBuilding Code a nd other o rd inances o ft he TO\I n ap pli ca bl e th ereto. ••REO UE STS FO ~INS PECT IONS SHA LL BE MADE TYEHTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAN CE BY T EL E PHO N E ,~T 479-138 OR send clean-Up Deposit To:NED 80CONSTRUC TIO N o AH 5 :00 PM PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CON DITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit #:B96 -0255 as of 08/30 /96 Status:ISSUE D ******************************************************************************** Pe rm it Ty pe :ADD /ALT SFR BU ILD PERMIT Appli cant:NEDBO CONSTRU CTION J ob Addres s:781 POTATO PATCH DR Loca t ion :781 POTATO PATCH DR Parce l No:21 01 -063 -0 1 -0 56 Applied:0 8/2 8/1996 I ss ued:08/30/1996 ******************************************************************************** COND ITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ UIRED TO CHECK F OR CODE COMPLIAN CE. 2.SMOKE DET ECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPERSEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UB C . 3.They mus t s ubm it an I LC to v er ify roof height a t fr a ming. 4.ONE HOUR CONSTRUCTIO NI S REQUIRED BETW EEN HO USE AND GARA GE WI TH 20 MINUTE DOORS AND CLOSURE . 5.STAIRS AND HANDRAI LS TO MEE T CHAPT ER 33OF THE 1 9 91 UBC 6.GUARDRAILS TO MEET CHAP TER 17OF TH E1 991 UBC. 7 .ASOI LS TEST MAYBE REQUIRED BEFORE FOO TI NGSWILL BE APPROVED BY TOWN OFVAILBUILDING DEPARTMEN T •• **************************************************************** TO WN OF VAIL,COLORADO S ta temnt **************************************************************** St atemntNumber:REC-0192 P~o un t:3 ,8 49.80 0 8/3 0/9 6 12:38 p a yrr.ent Me thod :CK Notation:i202 07 I nit :CD ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3,8 99 .80 3,8 99 .80 .00 ADD /ALT SF R BUILD P EA-BUILD DR DR Total Fees : Total ALL Prn ts: Balan ce: 3,849.80 B96-0255 Type : 2 101-0 63 -0 1 -056 781 POTATO PATCH 7 BlPOTATO PATCH P ermi tNo : P ar ce lNo : S i te Addres s : Loca tion: This Pa ym ent **************************************************************** Accou nt Code Description Amount 0 1 0000 41 310 BUILDI NG PEID1I T FEES 1 ,892 .00 0 1 0 000 4133 1 DES I GN RE VIEW FEES 1 50 .00 010 000 4 1332 PLAN CH ECK FEES 1 ,22 9 .8 0 01 00 00 22 002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 500 .00 30 0000 4 5032 RE CREATIONFEES 75 .00 010 000 4133 6 WI LL CAL L INSPE CTION F EE 3.00 I • " 0•e0s0 0•~~0 n 0 00 0 ~~•~ ~ •H ,,,r- 00 0 g000 00 0 ~"~0 0 0 ~••• 0 0- ~.00 0 d 00 0 00 0 0"0 0 0 0 •••R•0••<~• 0 ~t 0 0 0 t "~~00 0 §<00 0 0 ••0 0 0•0 ••••• §~ ""•"•n •••0 •9 ,•-0 -•", R •0 ~ ""0 "~•••0 9 ,""•0 ",0•0 0 "••0 "~0 •0 0 0,s 0 0 "0•0 0e •••••0 0 0 e •0 0 0 c l 0 0 0 •0 ·0 •••0 0_0••"0 0 ~0 ~0 H ""0 ••0 .~~"0 "••••n ~•0"0 0 0 ~§00 ~•,..~_0 •••_0 B '0 "t ~'0-•B0._~0 0•<0 0 "a 0 ~•0 Ii0005~~"••~••0 ~•~ ~~!B ~i 0 •0 g •,.0 .0 0 0 • • Boyle E ngineering,Inc . 143E .M eadowD rive ,Sui te 390 Vail,Colo rado 816 57 M r .Hill Z8 ncr- NcdboCon struction P .O.Ro'l:3419 Vall,C olorado 8 1658 The followingitems were observed : • Dale:6 -6-97 Job Number:9660 Project Pomhoy Residence Location :Vail ,Colorado Contractor :Ned bo Const . Owner :S isselPom boy Weather:Partly cloud y.70deg PresentarSit e :B ill Zaner Tim Hoyle Th e structural fram ing fo r th is remodel is 9 5%co mplete at thi s time.Th e framing has been completed a ccord ingto th e plans and s pecificat ionsissued by FritzlenP ie rce Brin er Architects,with modificat ionsc oordi nated between th is office and Nedbo Con struc tion .Ih ereb y approve o f the fra ming as com pleted with O Il C addition wh ich I am r equesting . Th e contractor willadd a I3/4 x I I7/8 LVLrimonthe so uth si de of th eLi vingRoom floor framing tha t will spli ce ac ross th e j oint be tween th e cantileve red origina l j oists an dth e ne w j oistex tensions .Th is mem ber w ill be g luedto thee xisting members w ith PL400 and nai led with two row sIOd @ 6"o n ce nter .Th is m ember is to bear o nthew all andex terior column at its ends.On e additiona l2x6 stud is to h e added b e low th is c lement at e ache nd . •• TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.F RONTAGE ROA D VAIL,CO 8 1657 9 70 -479-2138 DEPARTMENT OFCOMMU NITYDEVE LOPM ENT NOTE :THIS PE~~I T MUST BE POSTED ON JOB SITE AT ALLTIME S ELECTR ICAL P Em1IT J ob Addr e ss:78 1POTATOPATCH DR Location ...:7 81POTATOPATCH DR Parce l No ..:2101 -063 -01 -056 P roject No.:P RJ9 6-0 1 5 0 APPLICANT DO UBL E QELECTRIC P O BO X9 75,EDW ARDS CO 81 632 CON TRACT ORDOUBL E Q ELECTRIC P OBOX 9 75,EDWARDS CO 81 632 OWN ER POM BOY SISSEL 4 0 BALDWIN FAm1S N,GREE NWI CHCT 06 831 Permi t ;:E96 -020 4 Stat us ...:I S SUED Applied ..:0 8/28 /1 996 Issued ...:08 /29 /1 996 Expires ..:02 /2 5 /19 97 Phon e:30 392 636 75 Phon e:3 039 263 675 Des c ri ptio n:EL EC WORK FOR REMODEL val uation:8 ,0 00 .00 Ele ttr ic a l--) OIl B Fee -> I nvest igati on> \jill Call-> TOTA L FEES-> 144.00 .00 .00 '.00 147 .00 feta l Ca l c.ulated hu-> AddI tional Fees--------> Total Pera it Fee------> '.y ~en t$--------------> BALA NCE OUE------> '47.00 .00 '41.00 147.00 .00 Item:060 00ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08 /29 /199 6 DAN Action :APPR Dept :BUILDI NG Div isio n: CON DITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby I (knowledge t hat I have r ud this appliclltion,Hllltd out in f ull th e ;"'0rNt10n re qu ired,cOlIP l ettd an lltCurate p lot plan..and s tate that all the 1nforaatlon provided liS required is eerr-eet ,I agree to cOllipLy with th e inforNtlon and pl ot plan, to ~?ly wit ha ll TOIo'I'I ordinance.al"ld .tate l a"",a;~to build t hh structure accordingto t he TClWT'I '5 zonil'lg ami subdivis ion ecdes,design re view apPl"'OV ed,UnUo r.8IJ Hdif'lg Code and other ordil'lll nces oft he Town applicab l e th ereto . REQUES TS fOR INSPE CTI ONS SHA LL ee HADE l\'ENTY-f OU R HOURS 1MADVAN CE BY TEL EPHON Sl GrtA TU RE OF O'Jtl E 0 '"CO ••w*.w•••w*••••*•••••••_••••_.***••••••••_••_•••••••••••w••••_•••• TOWN OF VA IL,COL ORA DO S t aternnt.w_.*..w••••_*._....__._**••••••_*_.__••..***__••_.wwwww._._* S taternnt Number :REC -0192 Amo unt : Payme nt Met h od :CK Not atio n :#20207 1 47.00 08 /30/9 6 1 2 :39 I nit :CD 14 7 .00 1 47 .00 .00 ELECTRICAL P ERMITB-ELEC DR DR Tot al F e es : Tot alALL Pmt s: Ba lanc e: 1 47.00 E 9 6-0 204 Type : 21 01 -06 3-0 1-0 56 78 1 POTATOPATCH 781 POTATO P ATC H Pe r mit No : Pa rcel No : S iteAddre ss : Locat i on : This Pa yment .**_.w wY ••_.,;_*__.;;••;_*.*.__•••;.;;••;_;.*••_www*_w ww __ Ac c ount Co de 01 0000 413 13 0 10 000 4 13 36 Descri pt ion ELECTRI CA L PERMITF EES WILL CA LL INSPEC TION FEE Amount 144 .00 3 .0 0 •• TOWN OF VA IL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 8 1657 970-479 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN I TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE :THIS PERM IT ~ruST BE PDSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit t:M96-0136 J ob Addre ss.•.:781 POTATO PATC H DR Location ,.,:7 81 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No:2101-063-01-056 ProjectNumber:PRJ96-01S0 Status ...:ISSUED Appli ed ..:08/28/1996 Issued ...: Expires ..: APPLICAN TS TONE SHEETMENTA L MECHANICAL 1 111 SOUTH 9TH,G~D JUNCTION CO 81501 CONTRAC TOR STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICA L 1111 SOUTH 9TH,GRAND JUNCTION CO 8150 1 OWNER POMBOY SISSEL 40 BALDWIN FARM S N,GR EENWICH CT 068 31 Phone :827 -5724 Phone:8 27-5724 Description: MEC H FOR REMOD EL Fireplace Info raat ion :Restr icted : Valu ation : JOf C.S togs:2 5,00 0.0 0 #ot ~ood /Pallet : Dep t:BUILD I NG Div i s i o n: Dep t :FI RE Div ision: *..*****kt ..**kt******~*******-*****~**************FEE SU HM4RY *~*-*******************..*****-************.*•••*~*** Mechanical --->100 .00 Restuarant Pl an R e v ;e ~-).00 Total Calc ulated Fees--->128 .00 Plln Check---)25 .00 DRS Fe@-----------------).00 Addit 1~l Fees--------->.00 Inves tigation>.00 TOTA L FEES-------------->128.00 Total P er~it Fee-------->128 .00 ~il l Ca lL----)3.00 Paymen ts----------------)128.00 BALANC E ~U E ------------->.00 **-******************~I ********~*********tt~*~*AI *I A IIIAI IA I 'I~~'~**********************************~~,~t~~~.I~~.I ~*II***.*j *** I tim :/051 00 BU ILDING DE PARTM ENT 08 2 9 1 9 96 DAN Action :APPR I tim:/05600 F IRE DEPARTME NT08291996DANAction:APP R COND ITION OF APPROVA L 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2 .COMBUS TION AIR IS REOUIRED P ERS EC.607 OF THE 1991 UMC . 3 .IN STALLAT ION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCT IONS AND TO APPEND IX CH APTER 2 1OF THE 1 991 UMC . 4 .GAS APPLI ANCES S HALL BE VENTED ACCO RDINGTO CHAPTER9 AND SHALL TERMINATEAS SP EC I FIEDI NSEC .906 OF THE 1 9 91 UM C . 5 .ACCESSTO HE ATI NG EQUIPMENT MU STCOMP LY WITH SEC .505 AND 703 OFTHE1 991 UMC . 6 .BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON F LOORSOF NON COMBUST IBLE CON ST. UNLE SS LISTED FOR MOUNTI NG ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR ING. 7 .PERMIT,P LAN S AN DCODE ANA LYSI S MIUST BEPOSTEDIN MECHA.~ICAL ROOM PKIORTO AN INSPECT IONREgUEST . 8 .DRAINAGE OF ME CHANICALROOMS C NTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLYBOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPEDWITH AF LOOR DRAIN P ER SEC . 21 19 OFTHE 1991 UMC . *.********.*••••*•••••**•••*****•••*••*****••*********************************** DECLARATIONS ••1 he reby ~cknow lejqe thet I ha ve read thia app li tat i on ,f il led OU t in f u ll t bei n for ••e t tcn r e qu i red ,ClJIll pl eted an a ccu ratt p lot plel'l,and sate that all th e lnfoflllt i cn prell id O!'d as r tqui rt'd i s ecr-recr.I egret to eOllply with t tl.in fo rut ion and plot p lan, to cc.ply IoIl th e ll r~ordinances and state l .w.,and tobuild th is st ructure acco rd in;t o t he Town's zoning and subdivision codes ,design re I/iN app ro ved ,Un11 o,...BtJ ilding Cod e IndOth er ordinances o f th e fO\«\applicabl e thereto. SIG N ATU~E OF O ~ER OR CONT RACTO R FOR HltlSE LF AN D OU ~ER T 47 -2138 OR oH OUR OFFI CE FRO tt 8 :00 AM 5 :00 PI1 ••******************.***************••**************************** TOWN OF VA IL,COLORADQ Stat ernnt ******************.********************************************* Statemnt Number :REC -0192 Amount : Payment Met hod :CK Nota tion :#20207 128.00 0 8 /30/96 1 2 :41 Init :CD 12 8 .00 128 .00 .00 MECHAN ICAL PERMITB-Y,ECH DR DR Total Fees : Tota l ALL Pmts: Balance: 1 28.00 M96 -0 136Ty p e: 2 101 -063 -01 -056 7 81 POTATO PATC H 78 1 POTA TO PATCH Permit No : Parce l No : S i te Ad dress : Lo c~tio n : Th is Payment **************************************************************** Ac count Code 01 0 000 41 312 01 0000 4 1332 01 0000 4 1 33 6 Descr iption ME CHAN I CAL PE RM IT FE ES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPE CTIONFEE Amount 1 00 .00 25 .00 3 .0 0 .. •• P LUMBING PERllIT TOWN OFVAI L 75S .FRON TAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970 -479 -2138 DE PARTMENT OF COI1M UNITY DEVELOP MEN T NOTE :THIS PE RM IT MUST BEPOSTED ON J OBSITE ATALL TIMES P ermit t :P 9 6-01 36 J ob Address :78 1POTATOPATCH DR Location ...:78 1 POTA TO PATCH OR Parce l No ..:2 101 -063 -0 1-056 Project No .:PRJ96 -0150 APPLICANT GUARANT EED P LUMBING &HEATING P OBOX2 156 ,VAIL CO 8 1658 CONT RA CTOR GUARANTEED PLUM BING &HE ATING POBOX 21 56,VA ILCO 81658 OWN ER POMBOY SIS SEL 40 BALD WIN FARM SN ,GR EENWICH CT 06831 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:0 8 /28 /1 996 I ssu ed ...:08/29/1996 Expires ..:02/25/1997 P ho ne:30 382 7 941 4 P ho ne :303 827 9414 Des cr ipti on:PLUMBING FOR REM OD EL v alu at ion :25,000 .00 ~~***"""I •••*~*.*.*'••*'**I .*.*••~~It ***~lEE 5 U~ay ••**•••••i.il**I.~.I***.*••*t ••I ••••*.~~~~ Plullbin r->375.00 hstu oI r.lnt Plan Re lti....-·>.00 Tot al Calc ulated f ees--)1,71.75 Pl.n (huit->93 .75 TOTA L fEES --)471 .75 Addit iona l f ees----).00 In vestig.tiw .00 T ot.~Per.it h e----->1,71.7S Will C.lL --)3 .00 Payllel'\ts-------->1,71.75 BALA NCe DUE >.00 *****.*~_***_****~*.IJ *i i **••******.**.I•••••••*••***_*~••*~~••~t*~***I •••*•••*.*.*•••*J ••i *.*.*.*.***~.t**. Item:0 510 0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08 /29/1 996 DAN Acti on:APPR Dept :BU ILDING Div isio n: COND ITI ON OF APPROVAL 1 .F I ELD I NSPECTIONS ARE RE QUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COM PLIANCE. DECLARATIONS 1 her eby Icknowledge tha t 1 have re ad ttlis appli cation,fil led OI.lt i n f l,l ll t he i nforlW tion rf'qu;rt'd ,cDIIIj)lett'd an ;lC Cl,I rIU p lot pl~,Il'Id lute that a ll t he i nforN tion provided 1$required h co-r eer .1 eq eee t o ~DllIp l y \oj ;th ttle ;nforlllaticn andplot plan, t o COIIPly wi th all TO'w'n o rdinancet.and 'U te llWI,Ind to tN1l d t tlis s tructl.lre llcCQr<!ing t o t ht Tow n's zoni ng arid iubdtlti sion eodes,design review approved,Untfo r.8uilding Code and Ot he r or dinan ~el o f th e Town applicable ther eto. REQU ESTS FOil ••**************************************************************.- TOW N OF VAIL,CO LORAD O Statemnt *••*-*-_._..y .***._****-*--*---**-*--*-----**************-*---** Staternnt Number :REC -0192 Amount : Payment Metho d:CK Not atio n :#20 207 47 1.7 5 08/3 0/96 1 2 :4 0 In it:CD PLUM B I ~G PERM ITB-PLMB 47 1.75 P9 6-0 136 Type: 2 101-063-0 1 -056 781 POTATO PATCH 7 81POTATO PATCH Permit No: ParcelNo: S ite Address: Loca tio n: Thi sPayment DR DR Total Fees :471.75 Tota l ALL Pmt s:471 .75 Balance:.00 *--*-**._-*--**-***--*-*--******--*--**-*********----******-**** Account Code 0 1 0 000 41311 01 0000 41 332 0100 00 4 1336 Descri pt ion PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEE S WILL CALL I NSPECTION FEE Amount 375 .00 93 .75 3.00 .', •• P UB LI C WA Y PERHIT TOW N OFVAIL 7 5 S .F RONTA GE ROA D VAIL ,CO8 1657 9 70-47 9-2 1 38 DE PARTMENT OF COMM UNITY DEV ELOPMENT NOTE:THISPERM IT MUS TBEPOSTED ON JO BS ITEATALL T I MES Pe rmit I :PW 96-01 10 APPLICAN T CONT RA CTO R OWN ER J ob Ad dress :7 81 POTATO PATC H DR Location ...:7 81 POATATO PATC H DR P arce lNo ..:2 101 -063-0 1-0 56 NEDBO CO NSTRUCTION P.O.BOX 3 419,VAI L ,CO,CELLI 471 -4 888 NEDBO CONSTR UCT I ON P .O .BOX 3 419,VAIL,CO,CELLI47 1-4888 POMB OY SISS EL 40 BALDW IN F A.~1 S N,GRE ENW ICH CT 0 6 831 St at us ...:I SSUED Appli ed ..:08 /3 0 /199 6 I ssued ...:0 8/30/1 996 Expi res ..:08 /30/199 7 Phon e:4 76-43 05 81 658 Phon e:4 76-4 305 8 1658 Des cription: DRIVEWA Y RECO NSTRUCT ION **l.1.JJA1 •••**••••**.**•••••~.1 .1.1.**.~-*.fEE $U~A RY .*ti ****..*******.~***.**••***.~•.••**** Publ 'ie lI ay-->75 .00 I n v ~s t19i!1ti on> PayMents----------------)75.00 Bond AlllO unt->.00 BALA NCE DUE-----------).00 TOTA L fEE S->75 .00~**..*~.******••*~.rt••••~.~••••~.~••~.~••••*~.~••••~.~l*~.rt••••~.~.•*.****~~**••••*••~*.**********•••*****.*....~••**.-******.......t . I tem:05 500 PUBL IC WORK S Dept :PUB wo~,Div ision: 08/30 /1996 CHA RLIEAc t ion :APP R PER LARR Y CONDI TION OF APPRO VAL OECLA U Tross I ee rtify t hat 1 have rud an chapt'fS of Tit l e 12-Str 01 t he Va il "un;cipl l Code and III utility cOllj)any agre elaents ,signed by fie,and wiU abid.by th ,iame,and t hat I II utilit1 11'd as r.qu ired. Public lIor"',wil l M V'aspIc/de tail bx'"ava il.kl ll'i n April o f '995. REQUES TS toi I NS PECTIONS SHAll BE I!A~E 11I ENTY -F OO R HOU RS IN ADVAN CE 9Y TELEPHO NE SIGNATU RE OF OW NER OR CON TRAC TOR FOR HIMSEl,.f ANO O\jttER ••**************************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL,COLORA DO State mnt **************************************************************** S t atem nt N~~er :REC -0192Amount: Pa ymen t Meth od :CK Natat i on :#20207 7 5.00 08 /3 0/961 2:45 Init :CD PUBLIC WA Y P ERM IT 7 5 .00 Per mi t No : Parcel No: Site Address : Locati on : This Payment PW96-0 110Type :PU8WA Y 21 01 -063 -0 1 -056 781 POTATO PATCH DR 78 1POATATOPATCH DR Tot al F ees: To t alALL Prnts : Balance : 75 .00 7 5.00 .0 0 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0 000 4 13 2 0 Des c ription PUBLIC WAYFEES Amount 75.00 l "*.~on t;1.c t ~ag le County As sesso.f fic e -.1 a t '9-10-328 -8 640 for Pa rcel "'~TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIOllJ""" l'!ARCEL 6 :..;)10 1-0 (,,3 -0/-..,,,PERMIT APPLICATION FORM ,..DATE:'6-f(,-q t, PER.'Il!;_ APPLICATION MUSTBE FI LLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOTBEACCEPTED~•••••••••••••~.~•••••••••••••PERMIT I NFORMAT ION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [-..,(I -Building ['J1-Plumbing N -Electrical M -Mechanical [)-oeher _ Job N ame:(b m lny Reu".QcPe l Job Address:7 'b1 PCle-ff o 1~1 Ch Le galDescription:Lot ""2.1 Block ~Fi li ~SUBDIV IS ION :pp Own ers Na me:R,.cJ 'arJ~<;;<;<,,'/~~te ss:Ph ._ Archit ect :£E B ..Address :P DB O V S~J;VA ;f Ph.~7b 'h 3 '(2 General Description :.Qdic1 (Cd J7 ~f ,/l"-?LY _~,cc LfJi..ff",F,~I c,"7. Work Class:[)-New [~-Alt eration [)a -Addi tional [)-Repair [)-Other,~~_ Number of Dwelli ng Units:.:L-Number o fAccommo dati on un its:~ NO./'irJ -ETownofVailReg. Phone Number:_ Town of Vail Reg .NO.1.2.'1-IYl PhoneNumber :_ Town o f Vail Reg .NO .17(,-('> Phone Number : ccrrtract.or e ~em%-O l3 w Contractor : E r"-Cl.:2 0 Plumbing Con tra cto r-: Address: Mechanical Address: * mbe r and Type o f Fi~ce5 :Gas Appl i.::.nc es Gas I.r,qs Wood/Pellet ::::2 n::,1 qeo -o iso ****************.********•••*****VALUATIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BUILDING :D ,>o.Qf2f2:tJ O E ~J:C'rRH:AL :''6,0 0 O·CCJ OTHER :, PLUMBING:'0>3:QQQ:.oO !i£CHAN ICAL :I~O O Q ·O O TOTAL:~$::''1i:%(%(,~C?~O~Q:EQ(2lI:) ~'?~:~~.C~CTOR I NFORMATION .'•••••••••·."••••••••'~1."~n e r a l c on r.ea et.o-..~lUe(;f .J.2o ~......!:L~Towno f Vail R:r .NO .,:)S I ·If Address:-t;,3""Phone Number:'iL'+y IQOJ _ 'I ***********.******.**•••••****.*FOR OFFICE USE **.**************.************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBINGPLANCHECK FEE:, MECHANICAL ,P~CHECK FEE: RECREATION F EE:~.......... CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: ~o.~;tl-.-TOTAL PERMIT FEE 6 23 1398 TION -BUnDING:::j~')~¥Hy tlkl J OFt': SIGNATURE : ZONING: SIGNATURE: TYPE GRO UP SQ .FT.VALUA -----_. -_.. BU ILDINGPERMI T FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE : MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE : ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: DRB FEE : Comments: •• FritzlenPierceBriner 1650E.Vail VdleyDri...e.Suil eC-J _Vail.Co.8 1657 _(970 )-I76-634}•FlU:(970)·176-4901 August 7.1996 D ominicM auriello CD,1VV R e :P omhoyResidence Snbmnta t Do minic, A ttached are those it ems you had requested/or th e Pomboy re sidence.Included are : oneset of btuelines of the sitep lan,demolition plans,floor plans.ex terior elevations .a nd sc hematic buildingsec tions;exterior light flxture CUI sheet s ;sche matic p lanindicatinga rea of roof demolition /GRFA correlation Theb luelinesa re bas ically the same as those previouslysubmitted .wit hthede molition and n ew work be ingindi cat ed 0 11 sep arate she ets. if th ere'sanythi ng elsey oune ed pleasecall.Thanks! o« Dale Sm ith A rchitect ,Associate L:\9 62 6\DOC\TO\l807.DOC • .. • • •DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday,August 7,1996 3:00P.M. Project Oriegtation I No L uncb .Community Deve lopment Depa rtment 2 :30 QUORUM -(August 21 ,1996)Arne tt 0 Aim 0 Brittai n 0 H ingst 0 Golden 0 Site Yiri ts I.Casa del Sol-2065 West Gore Creek Drive 2 .Scheidegger -2450 Cbamonix Lane 3.Pombcy -771 Potato Patch Drive Dri ver:Dirk 2 :30 PubUc H cariDl::·Town Council C bambers 3:00 I. 2. Bridge Street lodge -Changes to approved plans (rooftop mechanical) 278 Hanson Ranch RoadlLot A,Ban d part ofC,Block 2.Vail Village 1st Applicant:GPH Partners MOTION :SECOND:VOTE: Casa DelSol -Conceptual review of landsca pe improvements 2065W .Gore Creek Drive/Case Del Sol Applicant:CasadelSo l Condo Association MOTION :SECOND:VOTE: D irk Mike 3 .Golden PeakSkiBase-Changes toapp roved pavilion plans Laure n 458 VailValley Drive/Trac t F,Vai l V illage 5th &Tract B.Vail Village 7th Applicant:VailAssociates.Inc.•represented by Jack Hunn MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 4 .Scheidegger.New Primary/Secondary DIrk 2450 C hamouix LanelLo t 7.B lock B.Vail DasSchone Filing No.I Applicant:Kari nScheidegger MOTION :SECOND :VOTE: 5.Pcrnboy •Building addition and exterior modifications . 781 Potato PatchILot21.BlockI.Vail Potato Pa tch App licant:Sissel and Richard Pomboy MOTION:SECOND : 1 V OTE: Dominic MEMBERSPRESENT StafIApproyals • MEMBERSABSENT • HansenlSchwnacber residence >Addition 775 PotatoPatch DrivelLotl9.Block1.VailPotato Patch Applicant:Andrew Abraham ,Morter Architects Kravis -Rebuildpatioarea 424Forest Road/Lot d,Block 1.VailVillage3rd Filing Applicant:Henry Kravis,repre sented byBill Reslock Aborigina l Arts -Newwindow signs 143E.Meadow Drive/Crossroads East Applicant:Linda Fried Weber -Landscape lighting 1675AspenRidgeRnad/Lot fi,Block4.Lions Ridge 3ed Applicant:RobertWeber Campi si.Remodel 742SandyLanelLot3.Block2.VailPotatoPatch Apphcant :Char lie Campis i Vail Associates -Stairwa y replacement west of One VailPlace Applicant:VailAssociates.Inc..repr esented by Frank McNeill Wimer-Landscap e plan 2850 Aspen Lane/Lot17.Resub o fTractE.Vail Village11th Filing Applican t:Frank Wim er Brinkman -Replace existing retai ning wall 2693EastCortina LanelLot8.BlockA,Vail Ridge Applican t:Amo &Hermine Brinkman Nigh-Sunroom addition 4515Bighorn Road.UnitFlLot6 &7,BlockI,BighornSubdivision 3edFiling Applicant:John &Cindy Nigh Berkowitz -Driveway replacement 275 BeaverDam RoadlLot40.Block7.VailVillage l st App licant:Stcvenand Susan Berkowitz 2 Dirk Dirk Lauren Lauren Dirk George George Dirk Dirk Lauren • HittIMc hlcr -Chan gesto app roved plans 1717 AGeneva Driv clLot 8A,Matt erhorn Subd ivision Applicant Dennis Mehler Campis i -Residing 742 Sandy LauclLot 3,Potato Patch 2nd Applicant:Jeri Campi si Nourse -Cbanges to approved plan s 3 04 Brid ge Street/RedLionBu ilding Applicant:Robert Nourse Manari -Reroof 2945 M anns Ranch Ro adlLot4,Block 1,Vail Village 13th Applicant:Frank &Kath eri ne Manart Hall -Rem odel and deck additi on 1645 GolfTcrraccIVail Golfcoursc Townhom es Applicant:David Hall Norring -Reroo f 2417 Cham onix Lane #7fLo t19.BlockA,Vail Oas Schone Applicant:Bruc eNorrin g Bighorn Fall s ..Changes to appro ved pJans 4 335 Spruce Wa y #3/Lot 4,B lock3 .Bigh orn 3rd Addition Applicant:Mike Lauterbach Testwuide -Window addi tions 898Red Sandstone Circl clLot7,VailVilla ge 9th Applicant:PaulT estwuidc Fritzlcn -Repaint 2998S.Frontage RoadlLot 2 .Block 5,Intermountain Applicant:Lynn Fritzlen • Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren Domini c Lauren Lauren Sign langua ge intelTl retati on available upm reque st with 24 hour noti fica1io n.Please call 479-21 14 voice or479-2356 roo for infarm.a.J.ion. 3 .e-P{;C ""''''V'-O T ..A'j l a tH' ZO;;R CHECK Gb_u"W 11·...0 Single Family Res idenc e.Duplex ,prima ry/Secondary ZONE DISTRI CTS PHONE _ S ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot j8l Block ~Subd ivision ~l ADDRESS:'}:7 \1'.f.,1-0 edr k OWNE R S .sse I 6 -."...,La:; ARCHIT ECT 'Df ,I e s ""ho""----'-PHONE _ DATE: ZONE DISTRICT ~P~(=S~~_ PROPOSED USE ~;l~~t;~~~;~4r~~~~~~ LOT SIZE !1.5"'1 3 .$rk ----- Height lasO') Total GR FA ·oj-ZSO i"~o ____+4 25 =_ ____+4 25 -_ Primary GRFl\ Se condary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear 2 0 ' 1 5' 1 5' Site Co verage Landscap ing 3 ]-al,t, t /.tl (.,, W I'/;"61 I flll ,~ 'f/J1;2 j / /1.C;,t:{.3, Re t ai ning Wall Height s J '/6'lJ !ott ·, Parking ...5:....Reqrd ~3 Encl Garage Credit (JO O)(6 00 )~(1 200 )L1t O¢> Dri ve:Perm it ted Slope l?%propo s e d S lope'::::;Z %"""led. /2f,h...lto) Comp l ies with T .O.V.Lighting Ordinance Yes No Water Course Setba ck (J O)(50) Do F in i sh Gra desExceed 2:1 (50 ~)YES ....,-NO ~ Environmental/Hazards :1)Flood plain N D 2 )Percent Slope «>J O %)_~lJ~~=-_ J l G e o lo g~c Haza rds a )Snow A valanche~bJ~D~_ b)Ro ckfa ll -.!4",..s~u;:=======c)qebris Fl owl_!OoI o View Corridor Encroachment: :)06S th is request .i.nvvl v e ct 250 i\tiuitiuUf ~s (2 ) !low much of tho allowod2 50 IIddit ion is u s c\<ith t h is roquost?-:1LL Previous conditions of approval (check property fil e):~~ ·."..}., TH'ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PR OPER" PUBLICNOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthatthePlanningandEnvironm enta l Commiss ion oft he TownofVail w illhold a pu blk:hearingin accordance w ith Secti on 18.66 .060 o fthe M unicipal Codeof theTown of Vail on July 22,1996 ,at2:00P.M.in the Townof VailMu nicipalBuilding .In conside rationof : Areques t foran ext erioradditionutilizing the250Ordinance .located a t781Potato Patch!Lot 21, Biock1,Vai l PotatoPatch. Sissela ndRichard Pom boy Dominic M auriello Arequ est forala ndscapeva rianceto arrow for abu ilding addition andadditional s urface parking , locatedat2131 N .Front age Roadl Lot3,Vai l Das Schon e 3 rd Filing . AppI k:ant : Planner: Sateway .Inc.,represented b y Dennis W yatt DominicMauriello A req uestforan i nterior addition in t hee xisting basement ut ilizingt he 250 Ord inance.loc atedat 1645Go lf Terrace ,VailG olfcaurse Townhomes,Unit432 . Ap plicant: Planner: Jeff Lu tz La uren Waterton A requestfor a worksessl on tod iscussavariancetoall ow d etachedg aragesinthe front setbac k, locat ed at 2853and2833Kinnickinni ck Road/Lo ts 7 &8,Block 4 ,VaillntermountainiLodges at T imb erCr eek . App licant: Planner: Ji m M arx Dominic Mauriello 11/111111/ Sign language 1nt9rpr91a.1ion available upon reqU9sl wtth 24hour notification.Please call 479-2114 voice or 4 79 -2356 TOO for information. Community Development Department Publ ished Ju ly 5,1996 in the Ve il Trail. •A e lll5l revised 11161'96 lOam PLANNINGAND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Mo nday.July22.1996 AGENDA Project Orientation I L unch •Community Development Department S ite Visits 1.Pomboy -781Potato Patch 2 .Lodges atTimberCreek-2833 Kinnickinnick Road Driver:Dominic Public Hearing·TownCounc il Chambers 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 2:0 0 p .m. 1.A request fora wo rksess ion todiscussavariancet oa llow detached garag es inthefront setback.locatedat2853and2833Kinn ickinnick Roadllors 7 &8.Block 4 ,Vail Inter mountain/L odgesatTimbe r Creek. Applic ant: Planner : J im Mar x Dom inic Mauri ello 2.A request loranexterior addition utilizing the250Ordinance ,loca tedat781Potato Patch lLot 21 ,BlockI ,Vail Pota to Pa tch. App licant: P lanner: Sissel andR ichard Pam boy Dominic Mauriello 3 .A request tora landscape variance toa llow fora bu ildinga ddition and add itio nal su rface park ing.locatedat 2131N.Frontage Road!Lot 3.Vail DasSchone3rdFil ing. App licant: Plan ner: Sateway,Inc.,represented byDennisWyatt D ominic Ma uriello TABLED UNTILAUGUST12,1996 4 .A request for an interiorre model to adda bedroom and bathroom,inth e e xisting baseme nt utilizi ng t he 250 Ordinance,locatedat 1645 Go lf Terrace,Vail Golfcourse Townhomes,Unit 432. App licant: Planner: Je H Lutz Lauren Waterton TABLED UNTILAUGUST12,1996 111111/11/1 5 .Inform ation Updat e 6 .App roval ofJuly8.1996minute s Sign language interpretatIOn available uponrequest w ith 24 hour notification.Please ca n 479·2114voiceor 479·2358 TOO for information. C ommun ity Deve lopment Departmen t Published July 19.1996 in Ihe VailTrail. • MEMORANDUM T O :Planning and Envi ronmental Commissio n FROM:Department ofCommun ity Development •FILE COpy DATE:July22 ,1996 SUBJE CT :Arequestforanexterior additionutilizing the250 Ord inance,locat ed at78 1 PotatoPatch/Lot 21,Block 1,VailPotatoPatc h. Applicant: Planner : Sisse l and Richa rdPomboy Dom inic Maur iello I.DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQU EST In 1985,th eVail Town Council approved Ordi nance 4.Series at 1985.which created anew C hapter (18,71)to the V ailMunicipal Code,entitled "Add itionalG ross Residentia l Floor Area ." The purpo seof the Add iti on al GRFAOrdinance is to provi dean inducement forthe upgra ding of existing dwellings uni ts.which have been inexistenc e for a period of at least fiv eyears.by permitt ing upto two hund red fifty (250)square feetofGRFA (beyond th e maximu m allo wance)to be added toa dwelling un it.Certa in crit eria must bemet inorder to allow the add iti onal GRFA. In Augus t 1995.the Town Council approved Ord inance 6.Series of1995,which amended Chapter 18.7 1 byelimi nating the ability to use the additional GRFAwhen a dwe llin g unit isa "demozre b uild ."T he 1995 Ordi nance also requir es that all requests for addi tio nal GRFA,t hat involve exterior changes to a bu ilding,be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Envi ronmental Commiss ion . The appl icant is requesting two 250 requ estsin orderto expand the existing prima ry /secondary residence.Theproposal adds383sq .ft .ofnewGREA.Prev iously,110sq .ft.ofa250 r equest was utili zed with in this structure .Thepropos al reall ocate s GRFA for anexisting crawl space area within th estruct ure and expan ds Unit B beyo nd the exist ing bu ilding envelop e. Thesite is in excess of the 20%site coverage lim itationandtherefore the applicant is rem ovinga portion ofagarageon -site tonotfurther exacerbate on thisrequ irement.Thep roposal also indudesadding a pitched roof to the exist ing flat roof structure and reworki ngand heati ng the drivewa y.This req uest absorbs all bu t7 sq .tt,of the pote ntial GRFA all oca ted for the site under the250ord inanc e.Seethe aUached draw ings for more detail. Th e si teis loc ated in a mod erate 10 hi ghseverity Rockfali HazardZone.Th e own er has pr ovided asite spec ific study approving thepropo sed modifi cation switho utmiti gation. 1 • II.ZONING ANALYSIS • On May 2 6,1981 ,the ORB app roved this prima ry/secondary ho me .In1990 ,UnitB ott his duplex recei ved 11 0 sq .It ofadd itional GRFA as pa rtofa2 50requ est.UnitA has not utilized th e25 0 Ordinance.Th e following tabl e p rovidesas ummaryo ft hezoninglimit at ions for th es ite . ZOning : S~e Area: Bu ildable Are a : GRFA: Two 25O's : S 9COfIdary unit: Donsity: H eight : Sito Coverage : Pari<ing: Landscaping: PIS 18 ,54 3.5 sq .ft 18,543.5 sq .ft. AlIowableJR W red 4 ,954 sq .fL 5,454 sq.tt. 2.066 sq .ft.(4 00/0+4 25) +250 sa ,ft. 2,316 sq .ft . 2DU's 33 fL 3 ,708.7 sq .ft. 5 9pa09S 1 1.126 sq .ft.(600/.min .) fi!i>ll!Il 5 .5 29 sq .ft.' 5 ,064 sq .ft . 1,5 73 .3 sq .h . 2DU's 2S' 4.086.61 sq .ft.(22%)"' >10 spaces (4 endosed) 1 1,178 .5 (6 0.280/0 ) proposed N/A !I.447 s q .tt, 1,939 .3 sq .ft. 2 DU's 31'·T 4,o n .31 sq .fL (21.9"'1 :>10 spaces (3 e nclosed) 11 .514.3 sq .ft .(62 %) "Includes46 5 sq .ft.o f illega.lI y conve rted c rawl space . "Exist ingnonconforming condition. III .CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Uponreviewof Chapter18.71 -Additiona l GRFA,the Community Deve lopmentDe partment recommends approval ofthis request for ad ditionalG RFAba seduponthefo llow ing f actors : A .Cons ideration of Factors: Beforeacting onanapplic ationfor additionalGRFA,thePlanningand Enviro nmental Commissions hall c onsiderthe following fac tors w ilh re spect t o th e propo sed use: 1.Effect upon the existing topooraphy.yegetalion.drainage and existing structures. Th e prop osed add it ionswillhave mini mal ,ifa ny.negative im pact onthe site .Portions ofth esite will be regr adeddu eto add itionsandth e el imi nation of pavemento n-sit e.The proposedmod ifications im prove t he dr ainageandland scapingo n-site . 2.Impact on adjacent properties. T he proposed remodel w ill not h avea n egative impact o n adjacent prope rties.Thep roposal w iliadd landscapingandt he proposed pi tched roo fw ill add t oth e qua lity and aesthetics o f th e house. 3.Compliance withtheTown 's zoning requirements andapp licable deyelopment standards. 2 • LO T 2 :) '.... l~1 27.30 T..ee as- l C ,,'~"I9' Ul35,:.0 :>2':..1"t '0, -'''''---'''" "0 "'. ·'U TRA CT B A10 1 t::EMC>L/nON p~ NO S ~E LOT 22 •• Sect ion 18.7 1.020 (F)oftheTow n ofVailMun icipa l Codereq uire s t hat any dwellingunitt hatpro posesto useAdditionaiGR FAshall c omply wi thth e standards outli ned in the Tow n ofVallDesi gnReview Gui delines.These standards include landscap ing ,un dergrou nding of utilities ,dri veway paving andgeneral maintenan ce ofthe property.The site has paved parking and adequ ateland scapi ng .All utilities are located underground. The property iswell main tained . B.Find ings : The Plan ningand Enviro nmental Com missi on shallmakethe fo llowi ng findings before g ranting approval forAdditi onal GRFA: f.T hatthe granting o f therequestedAdd itional GRFA willno t nega tively affect existing topog raph y,vegetation,drainag e and e xistin g str uctures. 2.Thatthe granting oftherequested Additional GRFA will n otnega tively impact adjacent properties. 3 .Thatthegranting ofthe requestedAdditional GRFA will comply withT own zon ing requ irem ents and applicable development standard s as they apply tononconf orming sites and structures . IV .STAFF RECOMM ENDATION TheCommunity Develo pment Departmen t staffrecom mends approval of this applicatio nfor AdditionalGRFA subject tothe fo llowing condit ions: 1.Thatthe owner execute a Geolog ic Hazard owner affidav it prior tothe Town 's issuanceofabuild ing permit forthe project. 2.Thatall propose d crawl spaces and attic spac es shall not be converted to habitablespace.All existi ng crawlspaces which arebeing modified,all new crawl s paces ,a nd allnew atticspaces s hall ha ve le ss th a n 5'inhead h e ight in accordance with Town policies. Staff believes thatthereview criteria have beenmet as discussed inthememo.Regarding the fi ndings.staffbe lieves tha t:findingB1 ismet .asthe proposed add rtion w ill have minimal impact ontheexi sting site ;fin ding8 2ismet.asthe propose d addition will not negativelyimpact adjacent properties ;and fin ding 8 3 ismet,asthe pro posed addition comp lies with thezoning requirementsand applicable developm entstandar ds. F ....~_~boy.122 3 LOT 22 TRACT8 .c.l0Z S I TE PLC::N No~ v .......," Le l21.J<1" h65,35' LeG '25.69' C8~S :>0 :'2 '~'( LOT 2 D • • I, I ' e•~ a ..•.....- /, .' ... '...- i ..····· ".'/.» /00- -II .' .~• I -I- I • I I .. • ~I;;==~.•:,--1 .:/1~~+j ]1 00 1 h'-ff~---V -i-,I a . :j,j,:1 _~ -I Ii i .~~H l ~l '1==== m :i';,..~1 -1-, • r, """"-:~ :f ·~···::;;···TIR---4r=====;;::;;=' ff::::~: ""~:: t :: """"""""" @ ir-~ •::11 -@-f'.',,",,-,---Il __....I!==JL I"j\r -:::-'''''''' ® i ('J:;- / / ~/ ~) I .-1- .' .' o o " •,, • / / / A. 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I I-~~ I -t ).!~iUJ -J U, I-,~ <J)lij ~ UJ ~~t'.3 ~ i::~~ titfjo1 II -~~I ~I I I z ~~Wffl () I I-UJ "-"'"I I -r UJ ~~s.).l- I UJ () I I -J z I UJ (,,z; I I ~:r:,u, I I I-,l- i i :::J L ~<.f) ()., I I ,>-...<.f)"",-II •<.f) I I I I I I I I 1.lh :;~;~I i ., #"l~r,: ~f ~~4-; • • PLANNING ANDENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION July 22.1996 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet GregAmsden HenryPratt Galen Aasland Gene Uselton Diane Golden J ohn Schofield MEMBERS ABSENT:STAFF PRESENT: MikeMo llica DominicMauriello JudyRodriguez public Hearing Themeeti ng was called toorderbyG reg Moffetat2 :00 p .m. 2:00 p .m, Henry Pratt made a motion totabl e items 1.3 and4until August 12.1996. The motion was seconded by G regAmsden . 1.A request for a w orksesslon to discuss avariance to anow detached garages in the front setback.located at 2853and2833Kinnickinnick RoadlLots 7s8.Block 4 .Vail Intermountainllodges atlimber Creek. •Applicant: Planner : Jim Marx Dominic Maurie llo Themotion passed unanimous ly bya vot e of 7·0. 2.A requestfo r an exterior additionutil izing the250 Ordinance.locatedat781 Potato Patch/Lot 21.Block 1,VailPotato Patch. Dom inic M auri ello explained that the applicantwasrequ esting touse alltheremainingGRFAfor the property,withtwo250's.Theapplicant hasprovidedasit e-specific hazardstudyapproving theadditions without mitigation .Dom in ic also stated that there were minimal Impacts to the topography .The proposed landscaping and roofadd ition willaddtothe quality and aesthetics of the house.S faff isrecom mending app roval withthetw o co nditions.asstatedinthe staff m emo. T he 2nd condition was added because there was crawlspace that was conv erted withou t Town approval.The250 isnot intended for a demo-rebu ild .Dominic stated that staff wanted to make itcle ar that ifthe house is demolished toapoint ofbeing dassilied asa demo-rebuild,the applicant is not entitled toa250 request . • Applicant: Planner : S isset andRichard Pomboy Dominic Maur iello Pla.anmg and Envir oomeu ta l Commiuion Minu tes July22.1996 1 Bill Pierce ,the architect.was present on behatt or the applicant,but had no commen t. Henry Pratt wanted to make It d ear tha t the applicant isover on their site coverage because the sitecoverage rules were changed after this structure was builtandthe sit e istherefore alegal non-c onforming use. •• • There were no other comm ents from the other Comm iss ion ers. Gene Uselton made a moti on to appro ve the request wi th the two condit ion s asstatedinthe staff memo. Galen Aasl andsecon ded Ihemotion.Ga len want ed il reneetedthathe supp orted w hal H enry Pratt saidregardingthe site cove rage.. Mike Mollicasa id I hat p rior 10 Iheissuance ofabuildingpermit,staff w ill confinnth ai t hes neIs legally non-conforming with respect tosite coverage . Galen Aasland also supp ortedthe c ommenlthat Iheynotteardownandrebuil d t he structure. The motion p assed unan imously by avol e of 7-0 . TABLED UNTIL AUGUST12,1996 3.A request fora land scape varian ce to allow for abuilding addi tion and additional surfa ce parking,located at2131N.Frontage Ro adl LOI3.VailCas Schone 3 rd Rli ng . App licant: P lanner: Safeway,Inc .,represente dbyDennis Wyatt DominicMauriello •4.A requ est for an interior remode l to add a bedro om and bath room.in the exi sting basement utilizing the 250 O rdinance.located at1645 Golf Terrace,Vail Golfcourse Townhome s.Unit 432. Applicant: Plann er: J eff Lutz Laur en Watert on TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 12,1996 111/11/11/1 5.Inform ationUpdate Mike Mollica said there wasno Information Update. 6.Approval ofJ uly8.1996minutes Gr eg Am sden hada c hangeon page 9 . HenryPratthadachange onpage5. Plarming IDd Env ironmen tal Commiss ioo Minu les July 22.1996 2 • rAign ReviewAction F& TOWNOFVA IL cloo .....f..t!I">±o aSD.:t Category Number Date 't !~1~/LIjLbl2...._ r;")r l Project Name:---Yo M.\.,OJ (;;5 0 .t\JJa ,,1tS ~d fY\D.j If r'"'X I.e ,'0(" Building Name:poM k?r'j ,a LJ"Olt-s ProjectDesc ription :t\.1J ('l ID O'"('t n.EA i: 0 .......cA p C'h I'AlC 'j I SerO(/Q.d,,(~ Owner ,A ddress and Phone :<;I c,se {Pc Co h ":::j Architect/Contact,AddressandPhone: PI s•t/.:(f"'-k-J","f(>!I11lnh-:.i<(.,'---__Zo ne District -L.,t....:l-_Subdivision u 'if:el j ..(I, Legal Description:Lot :2 , ProjectStreet Address: Comments:_ (s"§d)Staff Action Vote:3-DMotionby:Ihf ;j \AI " Seconded by:(,,,\OPh Ia ApprovaJ o Disapproval o Staff Approval Conditio ns:(onf,j',-".3 ,O'l 0 LBoly.o!OebJ,IJ St.,]",!"(sf..({')'-_,,=-"-=_ TownPlanner Date:----l'g>+(Y+-(1LJb"'----_ I J •• FritzlenPierceBriner /650 H.Vail Valley Dr ive.S uite C-f •Vail,Co .8 /657 -(970)4 76-6341 _Fax :(9 70)4 76-4901 June 1I,/996 Dominic Mauriello TOV C ommunity Development 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,Co.8/65 7 R e:Pomboy R esidence Dominic, This isin response to you lett er dated June 5,1996 pertaining tothe above referenced project.1 would liketo g o through tho se issues you have noted in YOllr letter inthe order you've listed them .Attached are thr ee rev is ed sets of the drawings you 've requested.There ar e also several additional drawings whi ch will hopefully easethereview process .There is only one set of these additional drawings ,as theyare intendedfor DUB review only.The items listed below reference the appropriate drawing. A .The first item referen ced in your letter (not numbered)pertains tothe250request.Per our telephonec onversationIbelieve thi s isa mute issue,as wearenot pooling GRFA. I .TilleR eport with S chedules A and Bareatta ched herein. 2.Thes ile plan has been separated into e xisting Demolition PlanA201 and new S ite Plan A 202. This should h elp clarify whatis newversusexisting. 3.S tampedtopo graphic survey is attach ed h erein. 4.The site plan has been converted into I:10 engineeringscale . 5.There ison lyo neowner onthis project,item 5 is not applicable. 6.I haveno tbeen a bleto locate Nicholas Lamperisora copy of the previous letter p ertaining to the Ro ckfall Hazard Zone.I will continuethe research pertaining tothis item .However,given that the previous letter d oesexist,and obviously appr oved the o rigi nal project ,and that subsequent houses have beenconstructedbetween th e hazard zo ne and thi s residence thi s should notbeenseenasrea soning to hinder theDRB progress.1 will copy you assoon as I have • DominicM auri ell o Page 2 Jun e II,1996 o btainedth e required letter. • 7.The grade a lterations are refle ctedo ntheSitePlan,sheet A202. 8 .The G RFA alterations ar e somewhat confusing.The ar eas noted below coincide with areas noted and reflected onthe plans.Basically.whiletheexisting conditionsdonotmeetthe current zonin g requirements,the proposed changes doflatmakethe building more non-conforming.As previous lett ers have shown ,it is difficult to reviewthi s tn Ietter form .I would prefer 10 review a llthe various criteriawithy ou in persoll to make surewehavean identicalunders tanding of thesituation. 9.Whil e the total site coverage may exceedthe current zoning requirement a llowed,by the various alt erations Iam proposing(garageremo val ,etc.reference attached plans SeiOi and Sei02)I am not making the site more non-conforming.In fac t,the sitecoverageis actually de creasi ng thesite coverage,bringing itclo ser inlinewiththe required zoning. 10.R e:A102 for exteri or ligh t locati ons.There areeighteen (i8)light s proposed,whichi s th e a llowed maximum . II.An ex terior cotor samplebo ard willbe provided tothe DRB for app roval prior tothe scheduled DRSm eeting. 12.Portions of the propo sed driveway ar e atatwelve percent (J2 %)slope.Theentir e driveway is proposed tobeheat ed 13.No fe nces per'se are p roposed Severa/stone p ostssha ll he place along P otatoPa tch.The pos ts shalt not exceed three feet (3')in h eight.Details of the p osts shall be provided priorto the DRB m eeting for app roval . 14.Sethacklines arerefle cted onth e Sit e Plan A i02,a s i s a5 '-0"se tback encroachmentlin e on the south side of thehou se. i 5.Uponreviewing the ele ctronic copy ofthe survey,o ur new proposed buildingjloor plan was pla ced onthe s urvey incorrectly.The bui lding is currently n ot within th e s etback as th e attach ed copyof thes urveyreflects.The ar chitectural plans havebeencorr ected 16.A 5'-0"setbackencroachment line isshown o n the S UePlan Ai02.Ne itherthe p roposed bay windowor th e a ccomp anying d eckexceed theirrespective requirem ents. • D ominic M auriello P age 3 Jun e II,1996 J 7.N oretaining walls a rebeingp roposed /8.Re:she etL I01f or proposed lands cap ing alterations. • 19.R e:attached sheet noted "Landscape Area ",We 'll n eed todiscuss this,however,as withthe sit e cov erage and GRi'A we arenotmakin g a c urrentnon -conforming item moren on- conforming. 20.Appropriate sections and or no tedelevations h eights and building sy stems willhe reflected 0 11 the Construction Documents a t the appropriate time.Ibelieve the n eed/orsec/ions a t this p ointtob e premature. 21.Roof elevations have beenaltered onthe site p lan totenths ofafoot in lieu of inches.The original grade eleva tions have been interpolated bas ed o n thos e gr ades reflected on the topographic survey.a ..isthe 10Vac cepted norm.By my calculations the h ighe s t point above theexistingg rade is measu red to be 31'-7",which is 2 '5"be low the allowed maximum. In s ummaryIbelieve all items havebeen addressed with the ex ception of item number 6 (whichI will provide to you sho rtly)and item number 8 whi ch weneed todiscu ss.Item s II,13 and 20 willbe addressed before the DRB meeting scheduled/or July 3,1996.I imagine wewillh avethe opportunitytodiscu ss thes e item s in our meeting on Tuesday.Jun e 10 a t 2:30 pm.It is my hope wecancome away with a mutual understanding ofa I/these issuesat that time .Should you have any o ther questions or comments pleaseeal/.If thereis any additional informationI can provide y ouwith please letmeknow .Thanks/or your assi stance inreview ing this project. Si ncerely. {}td;~-_. Dale Smit h ,Architect A ssociate l.:19f>2f>IJX>C\TOV610,DOC 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 816 57 970 -479-213 8(479-213 9 FAX 970-479-2452 June 5 .1996 ••rilE COpy Department a/Co mmunity Development DaleSm ith Fritz lcn P ierce Bri nerAr chitects 1650 EastVai l Valley Drive Vail .Colorado 8 1657 RE:7 81 Potato Patch/L ot 21 ,BlockI .PotatoPatchS ubdivis ion (Pomboy) Dear M r.Smith : The Planning an d Env ironmental Com mission.attheir J uly 22 .1996mee ting.a pproved yo ur r eque st fo r a bu ilding add itionutili zingthe 25 0 ordinance for additio n s tobot hunitso f this primary /secondary reside nce .This a pproval ut ilizes allb ut 7 sq .ft.of po tential GRFA underth e 250 ordinance .The req uest was approved subj ect tot he following co ndition s: I .T hat theowner execute aGeo logic Hazard owner affidavit priortot heTown 's issu ance of abuildingpermitfo r the project:an d 2.Th ata llproposed crawl spa ces an d attic spac es shall not b e converted toh abitable space,All exis ting c ruwlspacc s whic h are be ing modifi ed .allnewcraw l spaces , and allnewatticspa ces s hall ha ve less th an 5'in hea d he ight in accordance wi th T own poli cies . It shou ldbe noted that structures which qualify as a demo/rebuil d .as de finedby th eZo ning Code arc not eligibleforadd itional squarefootag e und e rth e 2 50 ordinanc e.Th is approval allowed addit ions toanex isti ng struc ture.Ino rder toins ure tha t therenovations do not m eetthe d efinition o fa demo/rebuild.yo u mustsubmit demolition p lansw hich clearly deta il all de molition occurring with in thestructure. o RE £.TCLElJ i'AJ'l:."H •If you have any questions please callmeat 479-2148. Thank youfor your patience inthe process. 7J'';tt Dominic F.Mauriello.AICP Town Planner 75South Frontage Road Vai~Colorado 81657 970-479-21381479-2139 FAX 970-479 -2452 luneS ,I996 •• Departmen t a/Community Development Dale Smith Fritzlen Pierce Briner Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Vail.Colorado 81657 RE:781 Potato Patch/Lot 2 1,BlockI ,Potato Patch Subdivisio n (Pornboy) Dear Mr.Smith: Ihave received your app licatio nfor addit ional Gross Residentia lFloor Are a (GRFA)an d your Design Review Board (DRB)application for exterior remodeling and aminor addition .Staff h as ident ified numerous issues.withregard to th is ap plication. J . ~• You ha ve ap plied for two 250's und er th eaddit iona lGRF A Ordi na nce.However ,since tbis buil din g is beingconvened into asingl e-family struct ure.you are only allowed one 250 appl icat ion.TheCodec lear ly stat es tha t no pooling o f GRF A is allowed under the 250Ordin an ce.Th er efore,you must revise the ap plication to conform with the 250 allowanc e for one unit. Due to the extent ofissueswith th is proje ct.this item will not be pl acedonan agend a ofthe PEe. until all submitta l requ irements have been submitt ed and a compl ete review has been completed . The following comments are from the Fire Department and the Department of Community Develo pment.Comments from the Public Works Department willbe forth coming .The comme nts incl ude: /1.You have provid ed deedsshowi ng owners hi p of the property.However.we must have a preliminary Title Report with Schedules AandB,inorderto verify ownershipandto verify any potent ial casem ents on theproperty . DalcSmitll JIIIIC 3,1996 P..~I •• c dJ :ow the existing condi tions onthesite.It is difficult to determine whatisnew andwhatis proposed ontheplan youhave prepared.Youmaywantto includea separate sheet showing the existingconditions.Pleasemakenotes to clarify pavementthatisbeing propo sed and pavemen t thatisbeing removed. ,, Provide a stamped topographic surveyo f theproperty .This survey should also indicate allimprovementsonthesite.aswellasanindication of theacreage oflhe property. Thesite plan mustbe drawn atan Engineer's scale (oneinch equals ten feet). If this siteisinmorethan one ownership ,please provide a condominium approvalletter fromtheother ownersoftheproperty. The siteislocated inamoderate tohigh severityRockfall Hazard Zone.Youmustsubmit a report by aprofessional engineeror ageologiststatingthat theproposed improvements neednotbemitigated.Iftheydoneedtobemitigated,that needs tobe reflectedonthe plan.Also,thehazardletter should state thefollowing: •That the siteis a geologically sensitivearea,butde velopment will not increase thehazardtootherpropertyorstructures.ortopublicbuildings. rights-of-way,roads,streets,easements,utilities orfacilities orother propeniesofanykind. •Youmust also sign thehazardreviewaffidavit form prior to obtaininga building permit , •Thereis a previous letterinthefilefromNicholas Lamperis,Ph.D.An updatemaybeprovided tothis letter. /7.Youmustprovide a gradingplan showing theexistingcontours,proposedcontours and drainagearoundthe structure. 8.Statfhas analyzed your siteplanfor GRF A requirements.You arcproposing 5.734 sq.ft. ofGRFAandwhatis allowed forthissiteis 4,954 sq.ft.(without a250 request). Therefore,youareover by 780 sq.ft.Youhavea n additional 153 sq.ft.from aprevious 250 application availableandthusyou can onlypropose astructure witha total of 5.107 sq .ft.of GRFA.Please revise the plan sto comply withthis lim itation. DaI ¢Smith """"3.1\l96Page2 ..... \19. '-'10 . ~\e'h j"'~e 'lll r:,,,~\e L..,/e/~'._~"I\:""h ~ T he proposed plan exceeds the20%sitecove rage limitation.Youarcallowedupto 3.708.7sq.ft.o f site cove rage asd etermined by the Zo ning Code.The proposalshows 4,1 38sq.ft.and therefor e,youare overby 429.3 sq.ft. Utt-S~.d1 p.""f,.o ee:You mustprovide a lighting plan showingthe details oflighting fixturesand showing confo rman ce with thelighting regulations.asstatedinthe Zoning Code.This site permits 18 exterior fixtu res .Pleasealsoshowthefixtures onallbuildingselevations as wen . .r r ,i",~ol!e . Provi de colorsamples o f all proposed fini shes. .Ii 2.Provid enotesonthcplan that clearly show whethc rthe driveway is heatedornot Driveway slopes in excesso f8%m ustbe approved by the TO\\l1 Engi neer.Dri veway slopes in excess of l00h mustbe heated . 13.Providea detai l ofthe fencing andthe fence posts.including an elevation showi ng m aterials to be used.A lso ,indicatetheheights offences.Fences inthefront yardset back are limi tcd to 3'inh eight.Elsewhere theycan be upto6'in height,The code places l imitationso nth e u ses of fences (see Des ign Guidelines).Fences may notarbitrarily follow property lines. .114.Clearly show setbac k lineson the site plan .The front setback is20'.Sideand rear se tbacks are 15 '. A s.Jt a ppearsthat the existingstructure encroaches in toth e 15 're ar se tback.As long a s no build ing additionis made inthisarea .the enc roachment cancontinue withou t ob taining a varian ce.Adeckmayprojec t 5'intotherequired setback andabay w indow may p roject 3'into therequ ired se tback .Show the setback lineon the relevant floor plans an d show the level of encroachment (i .e..provide dimensi ons). vl6.The propo sed d eck to thercar of the property maynot project more tha n 5'into the requ ired rearsetback.Your proposal exceeds this lim itation .Please rev isethe plans to adhe reto the S'limitation . , <l 7.Sh ow any pro posed retaining w alls onth es iteplan .Also ,provide adetai l o f eac h reta ining wa ll.Provide secti ons where n ecessary . Clear ly show ex isting and proP0500 land sca ping.Label tree sa sexi sting o r proposeda nd incl ude the sizes and tYPC5 oftrees . o.Je Smittl Julie 3.1996 hp3 ./)9. •I . V,'.\".Ie<t.o ""b ot ""t """"e ~~,,.•.,tic,y l.,-.J,f- The ZoningCoderequires that60%of the sitebe landscaped and notcontain improvements.Theplanyouprovided has approximately55%of thesitecovered by landscaping.Please provide a plan whichclearly delin eates theareacovered by landscaping (i.e.•docsnotcontainbuildings,pavementorother improvements).Inorder for anareatobeconsidered landscaped ,it must have a minimum area of 300 sq .ft.anda minimum width or length of 10'. ...,... 20.Provideacross-sectional detail of all crawlspaces and atticspaces.These spacesmust not be a ccessible andmusthave aheadheight of 5'orless. AI .Roofelevationsand tope ele vationsm ust beat thesame scale and d eterminedfromth e samebase point Correct the site plan,roof plan andelevations to clearly show elevations using the samedatumasthetope survey.It appearsthatthe proposedridgesareinexcess of33',Submit a copy ofthe orig inaltoposurveyforthissite,prepared priortoany development occurring onthe property.Thisis necessary in order to accurately d etermine building heights. As statedpreviously,these commentsdonotinclude Public Works Department commentson the plan.Assoonas I rece ivethose comments,I will forwardthem toyou.Please also notethat uponsubmission of arevised plan,newcommentsmay be produced based onthenewrevisions. Pleaserespond tothesecomments inwritingandal so re fl ect changesontheplans, [fyouhaveanyquestions pleasecallmeaI479-2148. Dominie F.Mauriello,Al ep Town P lanner DFM,ljr DaleSmilh J IIOC 3,1996"". ISSUE D 09/2 5/199 : 1 0/02/1 99: 0 3/30/1 99f Status ...: Applied ..: I ssu ed ...: Expir es ..: Depa rtment ofCommunity Development ABB/AL'l'3t"K ~t:I1LB Pf;!tIlIYPeI .tti L #.n'~·0323 • Job Add ress :7 B1 P OTATO PATCH DR Loca tion ...: Parcel No ..:2 10 1 -063 -01 -055 Pro ject No .: NOTE:THI SP ERMIT MUST BEP OSTED ON J OBSI TEATALL TIME STOWN~OF;:VAlL~~:; 75 South Fr ontage Road Vail,Co lora do 8 1657 970-479-213l',14 79-213 9 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT STARKROOFING COMPANY PO BO X 2082 ,GLENW OOD SPRI N 81602 CONTRACTOR STARK ROOFING COMPANY POBOX 2082 ,GLENWOOD SPRIN 81602 OWNER I MBER MITCHELLJ &J AN E 78 1 POTATO PATCH DR ,VAIL CO 81 657 Phone:3039455 238 Phone :3039455238 Description: REROOF WITH LI KE MATE RI ALS Occupa ncy : Type Const ru ction : R3 VN S i ng le Fa mily Residence Type V Non-Rated v a lua tion:4 ,875 Ad d SqF t: Firepla ce In f or.at ion:R e $tr ;c t ~:'Of Gas.logs:tOf 'tJood /Pa nee: *~***t*~*~****~******t ****"'t*t"********t****t*FEE SUKKARY **t*********************************************t **~* 6uilding--->95 .00 Restua rant Plan !levi ev->.00 Tou l Cal cl,Ilattod Fee s-->259 .75 Pla n check--->6'.75 DR8 f ee---------------).00 Addit ionel Fee s--------->.00 I nvesti ga tion>.00 R~c r ~at;on f ~e---------->.00 Tote l P er ~i t f ~e-------->259 .75 \lil l CI ll--->3 .00 Cleiln-Up De po ~it---->100.00 Pey8enu ------------>259.75 TOT AL f [£5--------------)259 .75 BA LA NCE DUE -------------).00 *..***..*~******-**..*******..******....***..**************~*~*****t..*t**************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DE~ARTMENT 09/25 /1995 DAN Ac t10 n:APPR I t em:05400 PLANNING DEPARTM ENT 0 9/2 5/1995 DAN Action:APPR I tim:0 5600 FI REDEPARTME NT 09 2 5 /199 5 DAN Action :APP R Item:055 00PUBLIC WOR KS 09 /25/1995 DAN Action:APPR Dep t:BUILDING Division: Dept:PLANNING Div is io n : Dept:FIRE Di vi sion: Dep t:PUB WORK Division: See Page2 of this Documentf or a ny conditions t hat may apply to this p ermit. DECLARA TIONS I hereby e cknow ledge thltI hi ve re-d this Ippli cat i on,f1ll ed ou t in fu l l thei n10r..t ioo required,cc.pleted an accura t.plot plan,a nd s tlte t~t II I t he 1nlor..t ion p~1ded as r equired i s correct .1 I gree to ca.ply with the i nfor.-tion and plot p lan, to co.p ly with al l Town ordinances and stlt e llwS,and to bu ild this structure a ccord i ng to the Town's zoning and subdiv ision cod..,de.ign review approved,Unito,.Building Code and other ol'dil'lllllces of t M Town epplie.ble thereto. REQU ES TS f OR INSP ECT IONSSHA ll BE ftA DE ~E NTY-f OUR HOU RS 1"ADVAN CE BY TE lEP Send Clean-up Depo sit To : OR T OU ROff I CE f ROt'l 8:00 IJ'l 5:00 PPl TOWN OF VA IL Page 2 75SouthFrontageRoad Department of Com munity D evelopment V.it Colorado 81657 CONDITIONS ~~2 1~4~323 as of 1 0 /02/95 Status ---:I SSUED ·*~~~~i******·********************************************************** Permit Type :ADD/ALT SFR BUILDPERMIT App1icant --:STARK ROOFING COMPAN Y 3039455238 Job Address :781 POTATO PATCH DR Loc ation---: P arcel No--:2101 -063-0 1-055 Description: REROOF WITH LIKE MATERIALS App1ied--:09/25/1995 Issued ---:10/02/1995 To Expire:03/30/1996 **************************************Condit io ns ****************************** 1.F IELDINSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COM PLIANCE. 2.SMOKE DETECTOR S ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.121 0 OFTHE 1991 UBC. O R ~D"AN:R **************************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL,CO LO RA DO Staternnt ************************************••*.*****.************.***** S t atemnt Number:REC-0 07 9 Am ount: Payme nt Method :CK No tatio n:ck1 8 72 5 25 9 .75 10/02 /95 10:09 Init:MMC 259 .75 25 9 .75 .00 ADD /ALT S FR BUI LDP EA-BUILD DR Total Fees : Total ALL Prnts : Ba lance : 259 .7 5 B9 5-0323 Type : 2 101 -06 3-01 -055 781 P OTATO PATCH Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: This payment *********************••••****••*****************************••** Account Code 0 1 000 0 4 1310 0 1 0000 4 13 32 0 1 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 De scription BUILDING PERM IT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEAN UPDEPOSITS WILL CALL I NSPECTIONFEE Amount 95.00 61.7 5 1 00 .0 0 3 .00 81 /82/1995 8B:1 2 97B 8 279819••PAGE En Dominic F.Mauriello,AICr Town Planner Town of'Yail Dear Dominic Thank youfor looking at the four columns at the Pomhoy Residence.llalkcd with MI'.Porn boy and shewill set the columns back seven feet from the pavement Shewill also comply with the exterior lighting requirements set by the town or Vail. I apologize::for for the miscommunication on the pillars,t was under the impress ion lha.the archite<ts had gorten the approval for their location and we will go by the approved set of drawings . Best Regards !!:Z?h ~"..~lE©lTOWNOPVAILCONSTRUCTI'l!!\III'J 2 10/0<;&0/0 PERMIT APPLJ;CA:-lON FORM ' DATE:'?/2{~2 SEP Z 5 1995 APPLICATION MUST BE PILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT HAY 'I ~CC ED DEP1tI.I 'I'V IVI.LI v.. ~••*.**~*****••••••****•••****P~T INFORMATION ••**********••*****•••******. [l-Building [l-Plumbing [l-Electrical [J-Hechan1cal [l-Other~~;Zl Job Name:7 :///tT//////~/Job Address:78/Jl:/a/cR ,Jbk4,1/~<, Legal Description:Lot '2./Block l U ling SUBDIVIS I ON : Own ers Name:7Jl/f'C£'/IJJ Ot7/'.Add ress:78/1l/oh Jk#h (t41J!Ph.1 ;1;-;W?'/ Architect:Address:'-Ph._ General Description :-7~lJJ~4 ~c>/I.rg;:/~.;j,//I ;,-.<1 //7<11>//~//P s(;;/rA %"w:,;. "Work Class:[l-New [I-Alteration [l-Additional [l-Repair [I-Other r~~~1' Number of Dwelling units:~/_Number ot Accommodation Units: Town of Va il Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ~*•••*******•••••••*********•••***VALUATIONS *****•••••••••••••**.**••••**•••• BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:I ~- PWMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$#z;[.q f-7-<. ~**•••••••••*.********••*.*~CO~CTOR INFORMATION *******.*.****************. "eneral c9P,tractor:/,1 /fe<:W'7"C e>·Town of Vail Reg.NO./61 -5 Address:.o.iJe,y ze,<>rL.Wl .02.Phone Number:'3e'3-?ff-2 3i" %--0323 plUmbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vai l Reg.NO .~ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO ._ Phone Number: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VAWATION ,I I<J r :>, v BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ******•••••••••****•••••••****.* BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: IlECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHERTYPEOP FEE: ORB FEE: 'Co mm ents: FOR OFPICEUSE ******••••••••*••••••••••**•••• BUILDING PLANCHECK FEE: PLUMBINGPLANCHECK TEE: MECHANICAL PLANCHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMI'J::,FEES: }L,,/Z /___ ~eLEAH UPDEPOSIT KEFUIlIJ roo • FritzlenPierceBriner ARC HITEC TURE PLANN I NG INTER IORS • C olor Board For Pomboy Residence Stucco co lor : L \96':6\0(JC'C1.RBlUl Wl'1) • FritzlenPierceBriner A RCH ITECTU REPLANNING I NTE RIO RS Co lorHo ard for Pomb oy Re siden ce • Stone Veneer : I.\96 26\1Xx..X'I WI I Iol I )\\1'0 ~ CO M P ANY -'_ELA l'U!1l • • •The French Lantern • • FOCUS ON FINISHES PolishedSo lidBrass co mbined w ith Painted Aluminum The Copenhagen Finish: Poli sh ed Bras s w ith Bla ck (PBi D! • Finish : Polished Bra ss wi th \'t:>rd l'G re en (PBW ) ~i nish: Po !iSl ll'd Brass w ith l \tl ~l y Iron rl'l!i Ii ) "PFW3 I 'T-:!~"(HI I.-hlr' rrr.-I II" In .l it" 0 '-'\n- lJI t\.,~.. lJIA .-H ' P F491 I'El'lilJANT -IIF 39 1 DfA .-I -r 1'1-'1 9-1 Pt-"-l9 -l ,'f :,\"U :\.\,T -1'''':I 'I~11 1.\'-I"""'I'I '"f HII.-li'- I'F492 I'F192 1'/~'NI JAN'1'-l'F3 ~2 Dlr\.-lfj'J ··liT.JT'OAH .-l i.'i " " I, 11 "- , 15 " I 26 " FINISIl: Al uminum :Pain te d Mack ,ve rde ,rus t or w hite.Hr ass:PoJisht>t.J O {W eat h e red Brass o r Pewter , Cus tom finishes eveilnble . LANTERN SPECIFICATION THE MEDITERRANlAN C ONSTR VCT/ON: Cas t A lum inum or So lidBrass . Hras.<;a cc ents . G lASS: PF490 PF190 PHN1MNT ·P1-'390 01 :\.-11 "1 11 :-2 ~"(JAil -till" ~ CO U '''h ' ELA COMPAN Y •ml~1 ........11 111 t\~'r'IIOl' C i l }'of In d ustrv,CA 9 17·HHI'J7 lil l HI !lIi .'j·(lHZ1 ·1..'1 II I>Il "-l.l 17 •1/11 111,l !l ';'1'/ J-(a ,,\'(1 ltUll l·l b .~'I -I'll "'f1')<J~L"G\tl2:(1.-c: l""0\\z,llc3 IIt Wf.-fi....l~. I Post Eases t.l \"'~,, ,••T HIS ITEMMAYAF FECTYOURPROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTIC E isHERE BY G iVEN tha t the Planningand EnvironmentalCom miss ion of the Town of Va il will hol dapublic hear ing in accor dance wit h Sect ion 18.66.060 of theMunic ipal Codeat the Town ofVail on July8,1996,at2 :00 P.M.intheTown ofVail Munici palBUild ing.In consideration of: A requ est foran ext erior add itio n ut ili zing the250 Ordinance,locate d at 781 Potato Patch/Lot 21 . P otato P atch . Sisse l andRichard Pomboy Domini c Maur iello A reques t for a worksess ion to discuss parki ngand retaining wall heigh t variances toallo wforthe constru ctio n of a new parking areaat th eLod geat Uonsh ead,located at380EastUonsh ead CircleILo t6,Bl ock 2,Vail Lionshead,2 ndF iling. Appli cant: Plann er: l odgeat Lionshead,rep resented byRic Field s Dom in ic Mauriell o A request for Iront and sid esetback vari ancetoallo w for areside ntial add ition to the Messenbaugh r esidence,locatedat9 70 Fa irway Court/loiS,Va ii V illage 10thFiling . Appii cant: Planner : RobertandHildegardMessenbaugh,representedbyMikeGu ida George Ruthe r Arequestfor work sessio nto discuss a cond itio naluse perm itfor a proposed addition to the Vail Chapel ,locatedal 19 Va il RoadfT ract J ,Block 7,Va ilVill aget st F iling . Appl icant: Planner: VailReligious Founda ti on Dom inic Mauriello A reque st fo racond itiona l usepermit ,adens ity and fr ont setba ck vari ancetoallo wfor a Type II EHU abo vet he existinggar age,locatedat 227Rockledge Road/l ot 13A,Biock 7,V ail Villa ge t st Filing . Ap p licant: Planner : Steve Kirby Dom inic Maur iello A request for a setback vari ancetoallow for a sn owmelt boiler to enc roach5.5 feet into asideyard setback.locatedat 2049 S unb urst DriveJL ot 1,Vail Valley 4th Filin g. Applica nt: Planner: landon and MaryHilli ard.repr esented by Larry Eskwith Geor ge Ruthe r iliIliIliI Sign langu age interpr etatio n availablEl upon request with 24hou r notific ation .Plea se caD479·211 4 voice Of 479-2356 TOO for Information. Com munity Develo pme nt Depart men t Pub ~shed June21.1996in th e Vail Trail ••• GF-ve.c.E /f-NO EL./3ftl?=I'H VY/="'teC;;> 7E6 Po7?lrO P~..vIZ. VAIL..j Co ·81b5'::;" "..• ••• ;;;Jqv/o 4"'0 fJ/r-lA LANe &x 2''0 1 Av )Co. i;;,<Ze:> ~n -A r~1.do P~teL.Dr. V~I 'I to FIt"Sr·, ;4vOOSN :A:N17 L 0C-//Vo4 t:A1 t-f' 443 WEI.AiO~";u.. f3;0U-J?;;;;e I G eo 80 :3 /tNoeE0I 17-<0 LUCINP/i O/Ji....j 782 fi,/7t:'FV p~a. VAl L.-}CD 8/0>5 T .,..'•• !J/L.OC~~{)£AETfJ="£~OL../A9 c:;c;/'1 FR''r11J6 f?4.Ni f2r? f3out-O.612.--Co. &00/ /6==--/1/---1 h.D 7riw....y CC"h,e.. N 5>E .Wze GzE=.--2~OtZ. VAiL-I G .f3/tb~+ ~.c •• -f7z.e:;o 13#1L i r: 22 q:£.Lri~~r:-k , CIfIc-J"ttJ-O J ~L &:00/1 - J/Jr">~C;-lri1~Wc-Il-NO 2854 -r;;:c.uP C,f2 ;;'u -;;'. f30uU'-?F~7 Co. 8 0 303 ,...o j ,"" " "" ".' .... ."• ,-- 'I I ,,',.", ~02 .1• .. e ',...... '";,•.~.;::..~~;:::"'''''"'':.~:.':.'.•·;,....,'t"..~.9 .),000 .00 1 ;:.1__1...._ e-.,., ..__10 .'''''..."...I I "';9t l.............""""_.11(.1"..... 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W~o1h'O: ".I ~'",..,.~ 0'"<1 110 '.0 1 01 _,.f t ..,.._",",I, 11'01 ."1,I ••_I........_.I1 r 'k o _o f J O.oo 2 496OV, II I I/H It.1I,,,.....'....", C....I'•• CI.,i\l H OEF.O """11 1_1 _...I • •,t ho COOI'l,of YII.UI'o,I kU ........._I,o.l~' COMMON ELEMENTS A S SHOWN ONCON DOMINIUM HA P Of LOT i s,8 LOCK I, VAI L/PO'I'ATO PATCH,ACCORDI NG TO THE P UT REC,)RDED SEI'TE."iBER 15,1994 IN BOOK 6 50 A.T PAGE 9 ,AND AS DE fIN ED AND OES CRInEO IN TilE CO NDOM INIUM OECLARA7ION REC ORDED SEPTEMBER I S,199~INn OOK 6S0 AT PACE 10 , COt1N'I'Y Of'EAGLE,STA TE OF COLORADO . 10 ..'It ••10 oo..D _o H ~.11 _........,,-.:.&_pr h tt ....,_"""'"... ,__"'"''''11 "'.'.,""",,Ill••,..,_c _•.,,,.._n l.) .,,_',.II ~..I..I _"y ,,,pr __•_,"__•••~....,.._'U"'.,"••__ _.,'I t)too,............t fv_•• I _"110'"IoMI!l fDO',n ,.._tlloU 0'"0 .....'I ...-....t ll.... .,. to.'lel ..,01 I.t II _.'"0_00 .4 M '."'1 1'''''.''''__,.'.._. ....._.-1 ,H.d.--...._11 ClII ••,I ••••,..._.-.I..,_.'M. ..I.•IlUII a"u o ,t o _01 ''.1 IN ,,,__I .Ilh'"_,f...........,t.,.,.I hlo ,,,d .'_""'."••t."'11''''.,....It _I "'COI In . 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S(HEOUL f A PiO~ER I Y OESCR I PII O~ 4665 -... P Al<C El A OROfR 'fO.1 I '67""12 --,r:0 '11",......'1 -"..,-0,.:<o..?~ $~•.'-~':l::.Fee ._- A,dO 3 ~80 4 8 ·....!:/-"l"'...".1.,l.«. Jlih"".:.I,."".'UC lE <:1 Y .ll.r C O~,';1 • 80301 .,.__..._--_.- .1'87 u,I~I""" ~).I~nl.l _...1>'1:.\1.) ___,>,t:.\I.1 Bou lder.CO April Jr . 'rurs 1>n:lJ.14.d.,~"15th d or"f ...,.....~W111hm J.McC.rrtn . •I\h.('o uM,.r c..'.,.dcI ,gllh.tI ,.,~.,I,o nd Nlcol.s C.AISO Ul d .nd Odette A.AssDua d ~""""0••10••1.l~fryiniP.n Rd •• .0\') .r l h.('."""of (,olft r.~.,ofl ~'.....n~p.r.: ond .....r ....~.nd u l".h1.""••ld U.n .1.11"••,d P'''I'u(I h.f".,po".n h .nol p••'bl ,t.•'0'"p."I...f lM .......,4 po rl,lh.,......,p b '.h ..,.•••'......1 01.,~..,..I..oI l ..l.h •••,...,.-.1 .h'K.l~""....101 .''''"'M.r""..... by ,''''pn ••h"d-t 1..h.".,n II••~""r ,.",,,'"u"lu ,n •••,~n"",,·...t ......'n~p ••'.,!>OJ ,h hOI •••IIfh'n h<>lln l.hah<1 Ih """'".'",hu'"'l"'''''.h'h,)".n1 ....1"11"",,,,,.....'"..,'1",".p.'"""", I.hd••Ilua'•.1)'lh'I"d bool'"lh ,lIP ""u h')'"t Ea g1e ....1 ~,.,••t C<>l.,.~<o .'0 ...", .I.n knnw"....,.<1 Phd ."""... •"J 'h••'".v.n..".,"n1 r •••'....,n 'I<.""'~,.,,..·.,·u ..,.I"'...·..,,,,,,.r II"••,.lj ,'1 n "d ,.... •""",,/'h.m.II"·,,••",n•••,,1 II,.h.'".A,,,l ,~I .,,,.1.••;"",,..",.,.11 r',". 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Oh",h.'lh•••m.It."n".'~.,r."",.11 ,''',''''h''",.,,.••••,"'.'.I n•.,_M .... .......,,'h .tP<..~,~,h ,.".',,.except generel taxes fo rth e year 1987 and su bsequent years .euements of re cord or in exts te nce ,re<:o rded dec lara tions restr ict ions .~$e rvatlo ns.and covenants.• nro HU NDR ED FIVE THOUSAN D OO LLARS AND NO/lOO--------------------------"OI.1.A1I 1 See Attached Exhibit A ........".,,,,... ,'''''''')''''.,», fh.,",...,,,""..,',,~..~,••'••~"n ..Ir ~~,••"",."":'.". .<"" h)io'111hm J .:~,C a rr e n Jr .' .\l>'·.....m ......"••,,,...,/,,/1';; •."....r..-.I I"•__••01 .•._---",•.0.to ..•"•__,_.'_ J_.."",".._.~..,. .. , " \ .- .:I . A T ~Ltt .~.'.ek I,~I L/POTATO 'ATCH ••"IUID IVIII OH I IItICClRt&D INTHI ,,"ICI:"T1C IEAOU:CCUlTV ,CCJL(WtAD().CLaN(~ MCClRDIIt IlINO~PART ICULARL Y DlSCR IKD M P'QLLQl.tII IiO INiINQ ATT IOUTHEAIT CQRNIft 01'lA ID LOT ::0 .Tl-ENCE ALClNO THI IOUTHlRLv L PC CIP M ID LOT 20 H ..MORUI :U ft l NUT II 4e .CCHDS w 112'.1 "UTI THDtar DlP'MTINO SA ID &OUTHEItLY Lue N I I DrCA££1 55 "INUTII 24 SE~W 20 .~F£lT I THIltCI H 74 MORUI 04 "INJTn 16 SlCONDS 8 .10 nIT,THENCE H 15 DEOREIS ="5 "INUrES 24 "celt"..20010 nIT,THi NeI H 74 Df:OftUB 04 "INUTIS ,.KCONDa E 14,20 nET,rICNCI:11 .47 FEET ALOHO THI ARC 01'A .tuRVE TO ftC 'UOHT HAVJNa A RAOlua 01'3 .65 FEET.AN I NTERIOR AHOU:OF 1 10 DlCIRUI 00 "I NUT Ea 00 SECl:W\I DS lIND A CHORD WH ICH lINtS N 74 DECIRUI 0 4 "INUTU 36 SlCONDe E 7.30 ,I En THVfCI:N 74 DEORaI 0 4 "MJTIa ,.SECONDS E 2 .60 FttT ,THENCE N IS DlOREIS 5'"'I I 2 4 SECONDS W .9.10 FEE TI THENCE N 74 DEOI'liiS 04 "I NJ'rEI 36 CClNDI I:20.80 FUr l TJfE"NC&•8 6.DE ORU'S 10 "SNUTI.4 7 a I 66 .:)9 FEET TO THE WESTERLY R IGHT OF WA Y LI ..Of P'O TAro TCH DR IVEl TtCNCI:THE Fou..ow n.o TWO COl.fiU. IlUlNQ lAI D "Ii "WA y Lnel C·I)79.92 FilT AL.ONQ TIC ARC Off " cutW TO TIll HI twflND A RADIUS Off 6~"1 fEET ,A C£NTftAI.. NIL.&CP 7 DE .,HIN.tTII 08 IECONDS.A CHORD WHICH lENt'• 41 tlIQRIU U ..IfJTII a lIalND1 r n ..."Err)(21 2 1 .67 fElT ALCINO nc Me "CUI'tW TO TtC Lin HAYING"RADIUS Of'".t. o PUT,A CKNT .....f7 II D£OREI:I 32 I1INJTII &2 a:~.AND "OOUI ..nCH I 40 DlORUI IS "IMJnl 36 8E~I!21.M J'IIT TO TIC POJ OP KOIHNINO . ~nc",WITH AN I ASOtINT fOR INOI'CU AND E:0RrSS ACA08S /II PNtT "PARCC.A./II PAl'tT Of'Lot 20._lock I VAIL/POTATO PATCH.A SUlDIVJ tlON RICOftDID IN THE!'Of'JI'l ca "EAOl.I'COl.NTY .CQL.ORAOO.CLERIC AND nICORDER.SAID PMCEL /II a-t IUO ~PMTlCU"..AftLY DlSCRIND M raualtl DEO lhWlNO AT n.:NOR ncA&T CORNOt OF SAID LOT 20. THDCI(TIC FClLLONl NO TmEE CCl.RSE1 AL ONQ THI NQRTHERL Y. •...TERLy AND 8OI.ITttIiN.Y 8OI..tlDAIW Of'lAID LOT 201 el.176 aalRUl ,.ftlNUTEI 02 1ECCJHD:8 W 120.=fEET TO DC HOATJoMIT~CCWCR OP'CAID LOT201 (21 I 2'DEORllli:8 34 "INITn .7 £ECONDa • S :'~IF:f"r~:gurc:~cr~:J:~~~I~;I=· e nc 8QUTH LINE"lAID LD'20 ,~ns DEOREn ~"IN..JT'D 24.m "",,, KCCND8 N 20.03 FUT'THEHCI:N 7.QEOR£EI 04 HINJ"R'360 CGCIC)I J:1.10 FElT)THENCe N .,DEMUI 55 HINUTn 24 SECONDS 20.10FUTITHENCEH74DEGREES04t'IlNUTIE I 36 6ECONDS E 14 .20 FEET.THDU 11 .47 FEET ALfM3 11«ARC OF /II CURVE TO TIC 'UOHT HAYINO A RAD IUS OF 3.~F EU.AN I HTI!RIOR ANOL E CF 110 O£ORI:D 00 "INUTlI 00 6UOND8.AND A CHORD WH ICH BEARS N 74 DEORUI 04 "J HUTE I 3 4 SECONDS E 7.30 FEET I THENCe N 74 D£QA£E8 04 "I JfJTII 34 SECONDS I 2.60 FUTI THENCE N US DEGR£E8 ee "UAnES 2 4 SECOHtlS W 19.10 FEET)~14 DECiREil 04 "lINT"36 sacoNPI I 20.10 naT,THENCI ...M OREA 10 "IJr&1TEI 47 KCONDI I ".:It nET TO TIC IC'ITI:N.Y IUDH'T "MAY LI"Of'POTATO H,TQt DRIW. nllENCC ALCINQ lAID 'UClHT C#WAY Lue ".07 FEST ~DC Me t1' A CUt'4 TO THI RIGHT tW/INO III AADIUI "~.'1 nIT,A ~ AI«JU 01'7 Motal 14 Hlf«JTlI 30 UCONDI.AND "CHORD WHICH IEAR8 N ,.ccoA£n ee ''I NUrES 39 SECONDS w 79.02 nET.TO 1'..: POI NT 01'BEOI""INO.DC P&OIENT FOR I NQR£U illH D lOREn ACAO&8 PMT OF nc MQw-DUQU KD PMCn.A 1&DUCRI8£D I'IlJM PMTlCULARY M m'OWI I IEQU.cINO AT TIC HOlT EAlTERLY CCW£A or SAID PARQ."'L A.WHICH II "POINT ON nc WESTERLY 'UOHT "WAY LZ"01'f"OTATQ PATCH DRIYI:WHUG THI:NClftT"AST CORNEA r:I lAID LOT 20 8£M;&N 38 MORaS :IS "INJTU 3'9 KCQNDI W 79.02 P'UT DIITAHTI 1'1CNC«IlLONQ SAID AIOMT rw WAY LlfC 31.'7 FUT AL.QNOncMeOFACURVETOnc,tiGHT HAYING A MDIUS "625.'1 P'U.T. A CEHTMl.ANOL&OF :I Il£ORaI 84 HlNUTES03 u:CONDt;AND II CHelAD WHICH BEARS N 40 DEORUI 45 "INUTU a2 IaCOND8 ..:U.62 FOT, THENCI IlrUARTtNO lAID RIGHT 01'WAY L INE N at DEQftU8 Of "I NUT il 39 GECQNDS W .04 f'UT.'OE:HClE 8 15 DEOREE'8 5'"IHUTEa 24 SECOND&•24.FtETI TlCNCIi:I 79 DEQRE£&12 "%tUTti 32 S£CClNDI E 17.13 nrr TO TIC SQlJTHEN.Y ICIlJ«lMY (6 SAID PARCEL "I THENCI: THE FOLLOWINO TWO COURSEa ALONO SAID SOUTHERLY lIClLl«JMV.e u N 74 DEOREES 04 HINJTE8 360 SE.CONDS E 20.80 FEET1 (2)186 tlEORED to "I NUTES 41 SECONDS £....3'9 F EET.TOT..POINT OF BEOUltINO. COl.MTY OF E AQL£.ST ATE OF':COL ORADO• -, .' .;~s, ~~ , ,-•i"< .- 0r:, e' 0I,,, .I ~. 60",,". FI LI NG S TAMP ~'li I uo-I COLO RA UCJ ...... ..' -..11.10 "t<:l 1 .~." ,..._,,,......,_.11 ~l tlo._.,j U'S24S ,OOO.OO I ......".. "'1 /3 ~1'~~II ..... EAGLE C OUt~lY CI.(HK , .....P'O".1t ""0.11,.........._••1"1,,,,_.,,..li e,•., NODI P.oo.V and ~H.W OY ~'1'....,1JI Ill .I ~'_d 1~.__Grt ",.110 1..t .'I , I"","",,",•..-.'----...-....r··---------" _._...,Itt..I f to. e'...IIr .."",_ THIS DEED .....t~l .......,J 4IIJlI ry OJ,1990•.- ......I _I od<!''',to 4 43 WDoCIOo tR . ro.JL[(;R CO8 0J Ol.,,0.(.....tv I'rAC;1 ~ .lTOl'n (l"......~.01 14 pe<t,Ir ..."'1'"or•• too "'_10 '01"'t'o(loOXOOO tIf....1,..011 ..:IlIIC<llH' U II I to"_,to••f l ~'-.-""u .,...,••t I ._........,......_.._.... .....'N 1-.1 ,._•..___"'.._.__.""111 '-'"_un,h__Ill ""'I ,U .I ""OK_po.I"II>1--':,_'''jlt",,_",,_.,..I r h h. It'd ...1....If ."",....."h....'''_'••11 I~'••1.....1 4I11c ,l_1"10 1 .._'"H o'"I Mll••f h L,I _,'"" Ih C..........ElGIl:_1••,."C.I~_.•••11. tor 16l f>l1X':!S.L.VAII/ilC'rATO PA1'Q:t 1...tpX.RDn t:>10 na:PU .T RElXSltUl KMOi S .19'1<&IN f!XJl(2 :'~T ...N.t.6211.o::r.tm'OF UlLN.L .S't'.n (If'a>t.C:RA[X). f(ll;lI~1 i..,••••h ~"__•.-..th 1 'or --..1.._. _.h 1 _...,'_'_'1•..-"••_1 _""". 11 11 01 ••10 11 _'_10_••f Ill _to.,._.fl 11&"••It I _II,.f.I .... _1..pt ~od l._1t ...,_•.-. 10 1IO\'f _lilt 10 ~Id "...1 •••_..b.t_...,_,,,_.•lth -.-'...-n ._1.,..11 . 'h __'••_._.,_.,,h-.t 1 _or._'"''''_.t _f til PO '" ..,..It PO"''''''.I ""t ,,,",_._',,.._,•...,"I",H"/lO """••,h••K_""".._._.1_.r ,h _.,,1........."'<0 ""'"••_-..t_.<h.,.,t• ••,11 ou t ".f ._H .-..It II ..U'".f ._..,.lo o-vool f Jo U. _.1 r I1 of ttl>••lt t ..I '"'M .I ~.-"r '.M '_._I".."",,_tl.~ to I '1..,u IL 'h••_."......,"._•••,.""._,_01_,.....U Jf_._~~,~....!.!.,~••I ..,""~"'.!.!~....!"!!.o..'''''_''''''•••,....,t or ........__I cca:Pr ~.~.lIND ASS~l:>J'\.e'I nm '(V,R 1990 AN:>SUI!liIJ;UDIT YEARS,. 10M)SUBJECT TO I R I ~I Of WI'.......OIT{MES OR "'.....L ~{O/f~I IlUC '!D I T 111[1~'IIOIlI1'01 1M E lMl HD S T I H ~ PIU U _[[ORDElI JIll '11 .I U9.l~BtoO K ltlll PIIOt"'''lI InU ICl 1W[CD_[IWlIS ."ICM 00 llO T COIITAII I f ;)RHITUR{I>R RB£RU I CL IUS!.But 1)l1l1l~G RE ~lIlcn ollS .t r .toll l.IASiO OIl uer .{OlOI.I UIGIOll OR U TlO/Ill Dlt"l~.AS COIlIIllll O II I~SIIIJM[.T RECORD fD IIIRCM ~.1914 I _1001 llJ I'~11Ot 611 110 I ~o\IIt.wf.O r.l astR uMlll iRW£"LU PJ1.JIlIIU.~~\'USq]I1t~W ~lt "".l~-•..,leI ",",""••I~-,...-...-.r '-.Ith.l,1 ,_.h.I t of .",__.1_,11 __r '_wlly .l .I.I,.. c••l ••••_10 ..,PO".-,••••,,'eI poo'"01 f l.u PO"11 -~Il t ,OUIII '0:-""'1 0"1....J 111111"'",1 (:)1'.I~Id ",",t,..,fl.u "I to _II bo h IIod t tl ,r.f1dM._"••.,por 1 to _u .,,IH'1d ""It , I .......".....do,....1'""r l."_••~r1 1l "', 11Iu', (,RA j;r.'t.;,(i r.j.:~,~....tL"Ji..,.Y.,.A 1lE':'IIEll!.J\H :J Ali';'I L :'~ .:r'R I ~.l lA T :(\t;I, ~18 ~~5 8-~~~-1 ~6 JOHNNl::l lE ~H I LL I PS ....~__. ,....... I 'II -.I'-'.") 8l~AH'8 1 •7 1 ,.".,~I ..~~ •.,.t .1.Z.L ,·..~t ,:t_f 't1L L !'r :~':~[P Y.'1.[1;('1 1.,,". ...II'U.f Ja nua ry 19 .19 88 1-------- e-.,If _J'1IGLI TH ~DEED.lid 1111 ,.,., c.t ,""".,eM Un',.,.tf &"l1lI !:AVID R.[ANI anc1 NDa I .UN! ~,trot tolnty 21 !'JlGIZ 1111•.,k l Ool'-',II CIt -.en ....tr t \llT ••ml,",II 1 ~'u ld ,.,.1,."til,fl .n ".n ,f I..._IdIt,..U.....,t"'-....,L~_:""_._•._.__ IIIoH 1...1 ........I,J!IJX 20001 ,AVl::M ,CD .8 1620 ..... .",- t .:, I I ~'. n . ._--_.---- ,.n .,."\J-,-------- H E!: I I .UU Janu4rY 15.1 996 67 ~H 9 0 •{I"ll ...\""Of -L rJb '\'.,. ,,"'1/\,\\,,"-'\~-­'0"'••~,.. _______________________1""1 "·1 9 0 O Il I ';l'';I ti O ~:6 11'I'll 01'~ ~..~l ..":Oll"t y l:l <-r k •tl ..co rll ..,. I ""'"CCl OO ~<-----­,......., 1<-I>Kh F t I h ..,. ,••''''·70 ·...,..."..-, ...LCt1ISE 'l .~,'JlIlJSI'EE OF nat LCt1ISE r .HILSCN 1982 "nlIJS1'DA.nm D£O>IIlDl 1 9(1 ~AS »cFWm I ••,'."0"••1..\1\{1.lh.',"-......1.;...,.,,••#;.#." 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IN WIlNESS WHEREOF,the 0tan1Cf hal aeculed lb.eked on Ihc dale lei TOOErlHER with aD aDd t laJUw the IIcrcdiWDeftti aDd 'pp"tteft.mc:a thereunto helon PI Of In anywilc Ippen.JnJn..and the tcYCn loa and ~remainlb and f'ClM1nder&,f'Cll,tl,Iu ua and prolill tbereoC,and 111 the e-llle,ri,hl,title,lntetol,dalra and demand -m1KJeYef ol the OnnlOl',eilher In I..Of cq ulry.of.in and to lbc Ibove blr pincd p rt:milea.,witb lhe hem:li~tDeZlLI .lId a ppun.en.neet. nus DEED,laIdt:mil ..!l.!N IJ'at N!)velllber _~1993, betweeD ElJZABE'11f C.WIEGERS.ollbe CowatJ 01 E.JIe,sale 01 Colorado ("OflnlOrj ADd nIB EJ.JZABETH C.WlEOERS TRUST UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED AS OF OCTOBER.28,1993 BErNEEH EUZAnEllt C WIEOERS \fHE SEJ11.OR")AND HANS Vl'SCI rnm TRUS'I'EE").(lbc "Onnte:e"),...1.-c&l1dl.tre:M It 78$Pola&o "Ida Orne,VIfI,Cokndo. WIl'NESSE'IH.that the O'UUOl,b _1D COCIIicIen;tioI!at eM __cl Tea r>oa.a (SIQ..OO)IDd ochet JOOd and ¥aI'**:ccouideiado&lbe rcc:dpt IDd """'**'d. wtlk1t.II bcn::bJ ~hoM "anted,Ntp!aod,JOId ud lXJIn'e)"Od.&lid .,.dae preKnll docI pm.buplA,Jcll,couYC)'and CIlXlllnD.IIDIO lbc On.ntee,III wc:raIOCI andlui,..rOfC9a',bet PoIGdMcSod coc-htJl inlcrelt III IIIId 10 the rM1 propeny,IofCthcr .... Im~tl,&/hUlte.,IyiDJ aad bein.III the CouDty ol Eqk.SUite!01 Q>klndo,dcIc:rb:d •""""'". 10 HAVE AND TO n OLD !he laid prem1IeI aboYe bllrp1ncd and ~ with the .pp~U.llto lhc Grantee.ILl '\ICCCIIOlt IlId ...lana lorcYcr .ADd lbc OraftlCl',fot lbelIlIcMs,lbdr bcin and p::rIODI!rep'''K!ItaliYcI.,dca CiO¥eftI4(IDd ap!CI 10 IlId wItIr.the 0raD&cc,III .~_.-f&;nt.that at lhe time ollhe _O'una ad deIhaJ of tbcIo pracIltl,lbe7 Ire tIIdI ~ollbe pteaIteI Ibowe ~ba..:JDOd.An, pedcc:t.Ibdu..and Indelo..._Colla of iBhcrIlaDcIe.Ie law,ID ree IImplo..and bne pld rtPt.r.uu ~IIId -..tuIlUlbority 10 FaD&.bupla.Idl aod ClOII¥C)'tho _111 _ ..in:l •aforw.afd,aDd lUI die _..rr--:I cbr from II former ADd ocher.-. bupiaI,.....Ic:m"&-.__II,~lad ~of wbatowr tfad or Mtun 1OOYef.e::IItqIC ta:Iei for tt.7'"f 1993 aDd 1UtRquc:n1 )'Call and any and ..CIO¥eMntl, CODdltklm,.realric:tlonl,riptl-d'""Ito'I)'.eUClDeDtl,1m and COQImbfVICU tuneIllly 01 ft'O:lC'd md atrcetiro.&be propetly. The 0raA1Cf lbaIIeDd -m WARIlANT AND fOR EVER DEFEND lhc above- buplMd pn:milcl in ee quid and pcaceabIc JW-ion 01.lhc.OranlCC.Itl I&-=-on aDd ..IPo a.aI..1 aU and ~petIOQ CIt J'C"OIIl Jra(uDy c&.iminl lbe ..hole or IIrry part """"'" (S EE ATTAOtED PAGE :1 FOR SIONAT1.J1lm AND ACKNOWl.£lX)EMENT] 627459 8-626 P-396 12 /02 /93 03 :64P PO I O F 2 Sara J .Fl ah er fll l l ~Co u nt y Cle rk •R~co r d~r -" _...... WARJL\N1Y DEED REC DOC 10.00 (SED A'tTAOIED PA~B 1 fOR SIONAlVRES AND At.'1:NO\\I EOOBMENT] The MnpIat lumbar thalllodl'do the pl.....at,lho plun1lhD IInl\lw.ud lho _ollUl1 ..&ball bI Ipp&IbIe to II FodelL IN WJ'I'Nmt WHI!R.EO p.the Gralnor hal CI:IIIlQ,lIOd lhiI deed oct tho dale lOt ~ESSEn'H,thallho O 'lnlDr,for aM In IDOflI.idc rllkln at tbI .IlDl ot Teo DoII.an (SlO,lXl)IDd otbcr &ood and nllllb le ccn:dctalkla,the rocc lpt ItId .~cl ~It berebr ~rod.hal 1fInted,bar,l1Md,told Md ~and bJ thoIo prDIOllti docI JJUI,bv,11D.IlCll,CIClnYCY Ind c:oatltm.unlO l!Ml Or.ft~ILl .lKl*IDd Md IIdpI tomer ,Il.II uadMdod Cl6O-hall b1lCf01 l 111 IIlId 10 thCI rca!propenY l loaclber whh ~n tl,.ltli lte,IyIn,and boln,In lho Q Uint,ol Ea,lo.St.te 01 CoIol ~cSc:K:rlboJ U 62 246 11 B-82 11 P-3115 U /0 2/U 03 ;1I0P PO1 :.! SIU''''J .Fl eh er £••1e Coun t.,.C lerk I Re co r.h r- LOT 2:Z,BJ.OCJ(I,VAJJ.JPOTATO PATCH,ACCO ROlNO TO 1HB JWCORD ED PLAT nt:2REOP,COwrrY 0 'BAO LS.ITATB 0, COLOIWlO. TOOEIHBR willi I II.and Ilnauw lho tK:rodlllmcnll Illd Ippw1ClWlOOI Ulctcllllto IloIaafinI or III .,.....~ud 1M f'IYOrIlca and ~M",Hor IlIII mulndm.,.~...aDd proftll u..1Dl,IDd II &hi tItM,ripe.dlJe.ill....... aod cIorD.s ~of \1M Orutor,thJlor III .....or eqWtr,cl,Ie WIO Ibe above .bItph:lod pteu,*-..w.tho ~II and Ippur&aallCOl. \~~..10 HAW AND TO HOLD tbI .,preaiIII abcM batplDod and ~ .....wItk 1M ~..IbI aru..Ja •.-wI ud -tp rom.r.~.. Onatar.b "1.11"-."'"IDCI Jl'f"IODIJ ""1I~doCII ~ad ..to ad.ttll dIt an-..ud ~&Mli ..1M dale of tilt ...,'"__lIlor ..u _'"IIlo __.-_."'"_ pertoct.libIoIutt IlIIIlodet.1bIe _bitt ot IftIlIrllanal,Ie In,Ie r.II m ~lOll tiM F04 riP&'flail paww aDd 1ItrfIA I\Itbof'lty 10 &rant,bttp1ll.KII and convey tlle Hmo In D'lUQel' ad lam •IlDra&Id.ad lJlat the .,.frM and deu rro.aD 6Jnnct ,&Ad otMr put., barpIat.........~Cl'ICU lllbnlXa and rDlttktlont ot wba1eWlr ktD4 CX' Mtwe ~,ClICCpI e-Ibr lbe rear 1991 and llIbecqucnl yean .nd 'Il)'aDd an ocwnantl, etmdltlonl,ratrkdona,rlJ!l .'-ol-wty,cuementa,lIeM and eneumbm'lOCl turTC nlly o r rDCOfd and .£rcell n.the property. The OranlOf ahaD Illd -m WARRANT AND FOREVER DEfEND tho aboYc - bt;rp£ncd pmnlNl 1n LM qIIIot and pcaccab lo paIIOIIlon 0(1110 Orl oleO.itllIIOOOIIDCI Ind IIIIp,I plllIl II 1M O¥OIJ penon or pc~1I'Wf\.111y dllnUnl lhe wbolo or .'"pan ....." .. •NicholasLamp iris ,Ph.D . CONSULTING G EOLOGIST P .O .BOX2 SILT .COLORADO 8 1652 Pnone J Fa~(9701876 5otOO (24 HOuRS, J u ly 3,1996 • Dale Smith 1650 E.Vail Valley Drive Suite C-l Vail CO 81657 REI Hazard Evaluation,781 Potato Patch Dr,Pomboy Residence Dear Mr .Smith: I visited the abovQ referenced home in Vail recentl y for purpose. of ag eologic hazard evaluation,espec ially as it p ertains to rock fal l potential.As you know this hazard is noted on the Town of Vai l's mapa .An addition 1s proposed on the downhill ($outh )side of th e hom e.This home is on the south side of the road,further from the sourc.of rocks. The topography is such that rocks wil l ten d to roll t o the e a st side of the property .The outcroppin g of rocks above the lot i s minor an d quite ~distance f rom thi s house .I recommend no further mitig~tion f or thi.home,and none for the propo.ed a dditi o nwhich is on the sheltered 5ide of the h ome . The p rop er ty doe5 l ie in a geologica lly sensi t ive ar ea,b ut deve lopment wi ll not incr ease t he h az ard to ot her p r op e rt y,o r struct ure5,or t o publi c r iQh t s-of-wa y,ro ad 5,s t reets, easements ,uti lit ies o r faci litiws or o ther properties o f any k in d.If there are furt her questions,p lease contact me .;. " , <J-,o r.. "'"/f "r I".' •• e ~;:;::3F;t.1 ~•"g~sts. ~~~C;";•0 .,., 0 ~a ss~'".~,-'"~o,• "''''"0Il. ....., .,....'"t,;...-J •::;i'C -e-...0: (l ...•0""ee -0.•--:z",co '"...S'...•.'-e-~e-• t:I ".. ~.'~.-e: ~ \ ,.,06 /12 /96 l S :09 FAI 9;0476 4901..FR lT ZU::~PIERC E •IiZlO Ul Datt: To: Far: Re : Sender: Fri tzlenl:JierceB riner 1650E Vail VallQ'Drive,S~i te Col Vail ,Co.81657 (9 70)476 ·6342 Far.(970)4 76-4901 FA-X TRANSMISS ION C O VER SHEET 1"..12,1996 Dom inic Mauritllo /TOV CD 4 79-2452 Pombqy Res iden a Dale S mith ..:Jt:j YOU SHOUW RECEIVE 4.P'4GE(S),lNCLUDlNG llilS COVER SHEET.IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE AlL THE PAGES,PLEASE CAIL (9 70)476-6342. Dominic, As I hlld mentioned to y ou on tJu phone 1 h""e recakulaftd the GRFA f or the Pomb oy res idena. As ""It.""agrm!,th.,ltJ:I.>Jlowed 5 ,454 squllTe feet ofGRFA,whllt my /atest es timatJ:On tht prop osed dJange s is 5,624,abou :170 squart ft d over the aIlowed.Also I rtalize the se numbers differ sligh t!?jromy ou caku/ations.Attadted are redue<prints oj tJu tltrtefloor plans. the hatihed r:tna indicates l1UJ ar eas I am us iflK!()r my calcula tions .Th e rwo outlIned area on the L<Ve1 One plan Q1't those sreas I will probably enclose and infill in order to meet the allowed area .I"",waiting for "FP'uval jrom tJu owner.Please ",mpare the area that 1 Iuzve aaounted for ..J""'area .Oruc I roxivo dirt<:6:rn jrvm the 0"'1tT (I"'P'fiJIy y et tlds ,,«:A )fll gety "U ;ull sizt prints witJ.the "FP'0priatJ:estimates for you to r:htci . Thanks foryou r tIn>t and effo rt on this prDim. Uil'26'DGC\TOV6U.DOC UNJ 7 'A 'UH'T 'jJ ' LfVFl CNE 3810 ll1't.~0 l.E\lfL T(!/{}/JJ 8.~1,721.' LEVEL IHREf OH 'OU Lwrf t orr:{1l5 'c;3.'10 .3 • TO TAL GRfA 5'U ~• AL1~"ED HSi • OVE R BY no./ ~."'1'" ~ <:-, POt/BD Y i!E5/DEIICE GRFA CAL C U ~A T!ON5 o o •• o • LLVEL ONL ~~, Q=, ~ N, ~= ~ ~.. Q ~ s =~ Q ,~ ~ ;:J-:::i ~ -e-~ '"• "Qo ~ •06 /12 /96 15 :09 FA!97 0 ~7 64~OI..FR ITZLE.\"PI ER CE •~u ua I . U l'l '"~ '&......'''I SillJ<I)....o.:~....~...,~~ (J~"'~..; ~-.llJ .... a'C :<~~~ t'"):5 ....o<q~~~, ~"ii;~".",Iil -e-llJ (J ~~~C>~n'\_.~'On.:~ ,"'I:-,-c\\!§l ~~It;-(J ~'0 '~r<Q 'C ,,~-~.'"~~~~ >::::"-It.i l.4i.U -<'"<:.>'":--..:--......~L-:;::l ~'"'"'"'"Q..-:J ~--">--<0 • o=, ~ N, ~= ~ ~ ~ o ~ ;a ~ ;:j 5.. ~ !:l f.1 • ~ ~o ,~ ~ o 0 oL£V£L 7J-/~ "-, -, -,-, s '-..-, , "",:... -,'to. "----,,...,-----, UMT 'B'/,U,., t ill.2ess 3~1 0.3 ",A, ~~~~,;v-,.-'~,;'~..,;'',-,""1 .~"-,~: ,,~...,..--.--.----.."".~====:. "".~;"~,~"~..~..".......,I . "K ".,~~.I I K ~'~..,"\...,;'::<: -,, "..• '."". I.,SO ;t2(J SiS.( 11?.1 IiMT TOTAL Tc:r!lL (,RfA Al.!ObJEJ OVe~ar tJM7 '1\' LE/H {JIt,'f.3810 Lf.{J-L 11:,10 l/3tJJJ LEI/U THR EE 13H PONB OY I?ESlDElJCE GRFA CA~CU :A T fO N 5 '"c ~ ~ ~IJ N -l "-9 "''''H ,~~F h'oM .LA NU ."t.l-l F orm 1\0 4 /95 G lJA JO'A NTEE V AI L 10 .:l 1Il ';t~ P Ol l C ~O .LTEH 2 53 0 ~1 PACE O rd~r No .V25 3 0S 1 S CHEDULE A Am oun t $60 8.00 0 .0 0 Add ress 1 .Poli cy nat e : 2 .Name of Ins ured : S I SS EL POMBUY May3 1,1996 at 5 :0 0 P .M . 3 .The e s tate o r in tere st i n the land desc ri bed in this S c hedule a nd which i s cove red by this pol icy i s: A Fe~S impl e 4.T it le to the es ta te o r interest covered by th is p olicy at t he date h e reof t s ves t ed in : S I SS E l.P OMBOY 5 .The l and rete rred t o in t his policy i s Rituat ed in EAGLE County .Co lo rad o.~n rt i s described as fol l ows: P ARCEL A .TOGETHER wrTII ANUND IVIDED ONE -H.A.L F I f>."TBREST IN AND TO PARCBLC ,MOUNTAIN HIGHPROP ERTIES DUPLEX.A RBSUBDIVI s r ON OFLOT 2 1 ,BLOCK 1 ,VAIL /POTATO PATCH.ACCORD ING TO THH PLAT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 2 2.L9B?IN BOOK 470 AT PAGE 3 9 5 .C O L~ OFRAGLE,S TATE OF COLORADO . 1 LA.ND T TTLE GU ARANTEE C OMP ANY T his pol i cy v a l i d onl y i f S c h e du ~e H i ~a t t ~~h B d . 06 /'0/96 10 :2 4 TX /llX 0.4 30 2 P .!J']~ JUN -1C11 -9S "'!ot .~2 z o em AO 4 /9 5 J 'ROM ,LAND .LE C U ARA NTE£V AI L Order No.V2530S1 SCHEDULE B r rs , Yolicy No .LTEH 2530S1 This policy dOCG not in sure again st loss or damage by reason of the fOll owi ng : 1 .Righ tc o r claims of parties 1n posfJessionn ot shown by the publi c r -eoo r -d a . 2.Edl:H:~mentH ,o r c laims o f e asements,n o t a hown by thep ubli c rec ord a . 3 .ois crepancic~,conflicts in boundary lince,ohortage i n a rea, encroachments .and any f act:$>whi r:h ,;"correct survey a nd inspe c tion o f the p remis@s would dis close and which are no t shown b y the publi c r ec ords . 4 .An y lien,or ri ght t o a lien,Cor s ervices,labor,or mat erial theretofore or h ercatt~r fu rnished.i mpos ed by l aw a nd not Hhown b y t he p u bli c records . s .1 9 96 TAXES NOT YETDUE OR P ~V ~BLE AND AS S P.SSMF,NTS NOT YET C ERT IF IED T O THE TREASURERS OFF ICE. G .RIGHT OF WAY P OR.DI TCHES OR.CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY T HE AUT HORITY OF THP. UNITED S TATE S AS RSSBRVED IN UNIT~D S TATBS PATE NT R.~C ORDE D July 1 3 .19 39, IN BOOK 1 2 3 AT P AGE 617. 7.RESTRICTIVB COVENANTS ,WHI CH DO NOT CONThI N A FORFB ITURE ORREVBRTER CLAUS E,BUT OMITTING RESTR ICT IONS,IF ANY.B ASED ON'RA CE .C OLO R,RF.I .r G I ON, OR.NATIO~AL ORIGIN.AS COl ITAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Ma r ch 05 .197 4,IN ROOK 233 ATPAGE 628 ArID AS AMENDBD IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED ~eptcmber 2 4 , 1975 ,IN BOOK 2 41 AT PACE 95 0 . s ,DRAINAGE AND trr rr .r-rv BASEMBNT 1 0 P ERT IN WIDTH ALONG THB S OUTH ERLY LOT LINE O F S UBJECT P ROPERTY A SS HOWN ON THE RECORDED P LAT OF VAIL /POTATO PATCH . 9.HASRMBNT S,RE SERVAT ION~AND RESTRI C Tl ONS AS SH OWN OR RES ERVED ON THF. Re CORDED P LATOF VAI L /POTATO PATCH AND MOUNTA IN HI GH PROPERTIES DUPLEX 10 .RgSTRICTION CONTATNED ON T HERECORDED PLAT AS FOLLOWS: "F OR ZONING PUR POSBS,TH ~THREE PARCBLS CREAT BD BY TH IS RBSU BD IVI S I O ~ARE TO BE TREATED AS ONE ENTITY WITH NO MORE THAN ONE 2 -PAM ILY RBSIDENCR ALLOWED ON THE COMB I NED ARRA OF TIl B T HR EE PARCEL S .ALLOWABLE GROSS RESIDENTIAL WI LL BB CALCULATED ON TIlE COMBINBD AREA OF THE:THREE:iJARCELS. ll .TERMS,CONDIT IONS AND P ROVIS I ONS OF DE CtJI.RATIO NS O F COVENANTS.CONDI TIONS AND RES TRICTIONSOF MOUNTAI N HIGHPR OPERTIESDUPL EX RECORDED September 22, 19B 7 IN BOOK 470 AT PAGE 39 4 AND AMENDME NT THERETO RECORDED JULY 7 ,1 988 IN eOOK 4B 6 AT PAGE 9 6 9 AND SHCOND AM ENDMENT RECORDED FE BRUARY 1 5,1 99 5I N WOO K 6 61 AT PAGE 50 9 . Page 2 06 /1 0/96 10:2 4 TX /RX \.1302 • ·'UN -l lll -sa 0 9 ,22 F O rm AO 4 /95 F'R'OM ,I.A NO .£, Order r;II A h'ANT~~V A I L No.V2 5305 1 1 U ,:J 1tl3.4 5 3 4 Policy No . PAGE 4 LTEH25 3 0S 1 SC HEDULEB 12 .TE RMS .COND IT IO NS AND PROVISIONS O ~RECIPROCAL PBRPETUAL EASBMENT AGRE EM EN7 RE CORDED F ebruary 1 5,1995 IN BOOK 6 61 AT PAGE 5 07 . ITEMS 1 T HRO UGH 3OFSC HEDULED ARE HEREBYDELETED . I TEMNO.'1 OF THE STAND ARD EX CEPTI ONS IS HEREBY DELETEDAST O ANYI.IEN$OR FUTUR E L IENSRESULTINGFROM WO RK OR MATERIAL FUR NIS HED AT T HE 'REQ UEST OF MIT CHELL J .IMBER and JANE IMBER . OLD R BPUBL IC NATI ONAL TI TLE INSURANCE COMPANY S HALLHAVE'NO L IARTl.I TY F O R ANY LIENS ARIS ING FROM WORKOR MAT ERIAL FURNTSH ED ATTHE REQUES T OF n /a . Pag e 3 U6 /10/%10 :24 rx/nx NO.'2 02 P.UO l • •,•I~rb~~)!~~r&,..;f,.....1 S'J \[/L ~I I Dato ofApplication 5/'28&10 HA Y',199<rJlJ Dato of ORBMeoting r I ,,-""1.! Date o fPECMeeting (if nocessaryY.'•1.\,Wi {":~f il I)E~T APPLI CATION FOR ADDITiONAL GRFA (250) i.TY PEOF REQUEST ..$.-Standard250 TypeI EHU250 __T ypeII EHU 250 _T ypo V EHU250 II.PRE-APPLICATION CON FERENCE Apre-appl icati on confe renc e with a memb er of the planning staff iss\j'ong ly encourag ed to d iscuss the pro vision s under which addi tionalGRFA can be addedtoasite.Itshouldbe unde rst ood that this ordina nce does notassure eachpropertyan additional 250squarefeet of GRFA.Rather,thoordinanc eallows for upto 2 5 0 ,squ are feel if th e conditi onsset forth in Chapter18 .57o r C hapter18.71 ofthe Town ofVailcodea re m et. App licatio ns for additionsunder thIs section will notbe accepte d unless they arecomplete. Thisincludes all information requiredon this fOnTI aswell as DesignReviewBoard submittal requirements. III.A PPLICATION INFO RMATION A.PROJECTDESCRIPT ION A=T7 o tJ Tv-ID (??OO/l=/C/1770 N TO q /bJ//V<:'~/D @"I~.Bo W &/~I -r-r ), h-<Q ~!Qfff2<1 ./fiLe:P&fl"r>C</f;..lILL poE:TTt£: e&fl),A1r'0C-e oF fT"'7 ~"'O<.J~29:;I~""""?,:/c,,,"DJ)TJ""I't= 3ifOcL>-JO ~r-v1U-v.;.E /h-l-0 =T7t€/'.e~,4 ~e ,nl nGr::? B.LOCATION OFPROPOSAL:a 'j 7H'~__p ,,,,'(..Ie,...'N'" Address._='--"''----'-..::..:.::....:.-=--'--='-'''<:!...._ LegalDescription:Lol ;Z.I Block,,-,-/__Filing 1'0//1/0 1",.:1 7<:# Zone Distrlct__-'-'-=---'-'-==-"---'-"'-"--'-=_=:.=::....:;=---'_ C.NAMEOF APPLICANT :..5I.:iXZ .;~L',o(%/,v..wv:>ur Address -to ;'::",At!?iW/A./"'Aero ~,y/,-<,('~,c~c/,,;;r.tj :J/ D.NAMEOFAPPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVE:!?,AU sm//?f he-~c4,, Address 1"'50 £.14\1<:v,i(a.cy /:?I'e ,"'-<l U AYOt;.c c ol,vAl',cc/6 1(,,58 E.NAMEOF OWNER(S):..5/~j::K,w.&-\r-o ?or/l:>c)'( ..SlgnalUrO (S )__c;;>;~/t.~'~--.:':;1-::;;~k.~----------- Address '/Ir..d ,Phono 203 -c,.ZZ -c;.",,:rS- Nl e i-/-err:C>GB 'S I F.Fili ng Fee of $200.00 is required at tim eof submitt alof a standard2 50.For a requestinvolv ing an EHU.the fee is waived. •••• DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION •TOWN OP J AIL,C OLO~O II I,M.l 2 8 1996DATERECEIVED:~ DATE OFORB MEETING:----u:,',,~D l•••__.-_.-IV V ..G U iiUlle Wi.itW ~. I N COMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NQT BE SCHED ULED FOR REVIBW .*._.-•.--- , 1.PROJECT INFORMATION: B.TY PE OF REVI EW: Block ...Lt _ C . D. ~~N e w const ructi on ($200.0 0)----Minor Alterati on ($20.00) X Addition ($50 .00 )Conceptual Re view ($0) ADDRESS :7E3{f'OO-TO ,P~TCI-I L EGALDESCRI P TION:Lo t 2 / Su bd ivis ion VN<:./,o/!'""r.';O"""g.""'U=c:""cf"'" E . F . If p roper ty i s desc rib ed bya mee ts and bounds legal descrip t ion.p le ase p rovi de on a sepa rate s hee t anda tt a ch to this ap pli cat ion . ZONING :r,{JO ,c-",/JJ/('j U /Z/ffJ'l/-'t S<CoA/O:1l?1 NAME OF AP PLICANT:5~.f E /'f:ffJtP k &1fj"'Y Ma i ling Add re s s:.;;0 ~.W r.~_t q /¥¥!Jf<},k;/.I CT O~(>3/Phone ;to :>e 1Z ~575" G . H . NAME OF APPLI CANT'SREPRESEN;ATIVE:~5--1/~"".6A'.:"'-', Maili ngAd dres s:;070 r.,~vMU£y'U--.ft.4<L.Jz/@,{C -t; ~/<:.co .8/I'P5 8 Phone 9 70 f"Ze"cr 3 t"Z NAME ;F OWNE R (S):./'-'//=,.,l u 'j:· OMYER(S}S IGNATURE: Mai1 ing Addres 5 :0=-I C APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BB PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE t .Condom inium App rov ali f ap plicabl e. J .ORB FEE:DRB f ee s,a s s hown above,are to be p aida t the t ime o f s ubmi ttal of t he DRB ap pl ica tio n.Lat e r,whe n ap plying fo ra building pe ~i t ,p lease i dentify t he accura te v a luation of t he p ropo s al .The Town o f v ai l wil l adj u st the f ee a c cordi ng to t he table b e low,to e nsure the c orre ct fee is paid. FE E PI\ID:$5Z?OO CHECK #:(//2 2 DATE:5 1??:>BY,Ff73 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $0$1 0 .000 $1 0.0 01$50.000 $50.0 01 $150.000 $1 50.001 $500.000 $500 .00 1 $1 .000 .000 $Ove r $1.00 0.000 FEE $20 .00 $50 .00 $100 .00 $200.00 $400 .00 $500 .00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONEYEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLES S 1\BUILDING P ERMIT I S I SSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS ST ARTED. 1 •LIST OF MATERIALS • NAME OF PROJECT :;'?O/!(2?(M.5I/.//-/i .J c~ LEGAL DESCRI PT I ON :L OT~BL OCK L-SUBDIVIS ION MAZo /0 1'1::4 STREET ADDRESS :7 6!j76 7/1 /O &'r c;..l . Th e f oll owing inf ormati on i s requ i red f or s ubmi tta l t o t heDes ign Revi ew Board bef or ea fina l app r oval c an b e given : A.BUILDING MATERIALS :TYPE OF MAT ERIAL COLOR Roo f Siding Other Wall Mate ri als Fascia Soffits Wi ndows Wi ndow Trim Do ors Do or Trim Han do rDe ck Rai ls Fl u es Fla shings Chimneys Tra shEnclo sure s Gr e enhou s es Retaininq Wa lls Ex te ri or Lighting Other c~,;;/rt?L, IJ:;(/.I B .LANDSCAP ING :Name of Des i q ner:_!:;/...J~0:;.::;U:.:__·::.J~.·':,:/.;./c;l')~!~_ Phone:""1«/f/:,4 :" 7 ', PLANT MATERI ~ PROPOSED T REES AND SHRUB S Botanical Name •CorrunonNam e Qu a nti tyS iz e* *Indicate caliper f or deci duous trees.Minimum caliper fo r deciduous tr ees is 2 inches .Indicate he ightf o r c o nife rous t re es .Mini mum h ei gh t f or cooife r ous t re es is 6f eet . **Indic at e s ize o f pr opos ed s hrubs .Min imum siz e of shrubs is 5 g all o n. GROUND COVERS SOD S EED TYPE OF I RRIGATION TYPEOR METHOD OF EROSIO N CO NTRO L ( Squar e Footage //25 C.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:If exterior lighting i s propo sed,please s how t he numb er of f i xtures and locations o na separate lighting p l an .Identify each f ixt uref rom the light i ng pl an i n t he space b el owa nd provide t he h eigh t above grade ,typ e o f l ig ht propos ed ,l um enou tput,luminous a rea a nd ac ut she et o f the light fi xture .(Sec tion 18.54 .0 50 J ) NA D .OTHER LAND SCAPEF EATURES (re t aining walls ,fences,s wimm ing poo ls.e tc .)Pleas e speci fy .I ndicate heights of retaining wa ll s.Maximum h eigh to f walls withi n t he f ront set back is 3 '.Max imumh eigh to f wall s ~15 ewh er e o n t he proper ty is 6 '. .s rz:»:f1z--ff .:YM'O SIN;),cEN ""frv,1~S ' 8 ••C ommunity Development Pl an Routing F orm RoutedTo :G reg Hall,P ublic Works Te rri Martin ez,Public W orks Todd O p penheim er,P ublic Works Mike M cGee,Fi re Return T o :Dominic F.Mauriello.Community Development Date Routed :5 /2 R/96 Ret urn By:6/5/96 Proj ect N ame :Pomboy 250 remodel Proj ectAd dres s:78 1 Potato Pa teh Projeet Legal:Lot 2 1.B lk .r,Potato Pat ch Project De script ion :Addition addingGRFA a nd exteriorremodel _~App ro ved X Denied (citedetai led reasons)__.Appr o ve d w ith conditions lllllt*·'"lil'lIIl1l1t"tp·"N,i\'''m!l'',+'%ltlw.g,%l%.'®tt:&'-\':''is~''¥i "1*1.111;f*;--",,:t::'f"":',%~.»:-'it?'........."-",-":,[G ,.iiM ,":S ":~:",,,"i~,~':t ~'~'i f *,;~~"";O;""~:"';'""',-,,;;:·~,;d;b ',":'"--:__:-__il~10""8 :"a:",:",«_J;_i ';.<,4f)\tf ~t:~:'i'!;1"i"%;!:;f'"''''.·,'':J '''~'~A~+:tl:<'*~,"#"'i>;~""-,~,:""""W ~,"Wli "~"".,·"v ",'>:.".:,'.'"A' h 'r'l ""-~.,(\e ,...\\('-.'~\r,n""r\)','(~h\'''l.c..OI ((~-':1 t iffl ,:~.-i .,U(rr ,h -(..:..,...:: - -""",~(\\.,nr_c DC '\t:)(\c ~\t-e (\\...-.j .", """G ';Iw ..-..=.,-f"-'I\C""-\(:"}I..f,n \'\{"<r:n\'t.,\.f'".l>«l ~\'Ol::_Ik'",=,,0 ,Ie "'''''tnc e.7."\~.>f\\",,,"", (~~~'<\,'\\\\cx-; ~. "'"~",.....-..)lt..or \T<'~\~",",,::.') Vc,..){'(~(•..<:>-\cc-r-,,,'()l (.O •.l rt..oft (\ft:'>'N.>I ~(~'"'<.i rt-c.~'..z "];en l "~(\m 0.v-,.,-.o,!\X n ,t'3,-L'."'"("'6J ~O ce."''''''~~ru.4..\Cl~,'O.a..4:- -ii-;<''u ,v~-L •rf 01''''/1 C',/rl/-i?rrv rl 11",,/!l ()'--blll/tl;., I Date received: Reviewed by:Date reviewed: 0 comm!ty Development Plan RoutlForm Routed To :G regHall,PublicWorks T erriMartinez,PublicWor ks To dd Oppenheimer,P ublicWorks Mike.McGee,Fire: Return To:Dominic F.Mauri ello,Community Development Dat e Routed :5/28/96 Ret urn By :6/5 /96 ProjectName:Pomb oy250 remodel Project Address :78 1 Potat o Patch Project Legal :Lot 2 1,Blk .I,Pot ato Patch ProjectDescription:Addi tion addi ng GRFA and exterior remodel __Approved ___Denied(citedeta iled reasons)__~A p proved w ith conditions ~~4 4\ltit~iI1flltl~~,~tj ~;m 4~".~.-tf;.9#15llitl~:i.I*~+~~:~jM~~~*Mw~~t;~;w~t*~~~t*_",,~:~'l'~:~;:~~~W,'»»-=",*»,-~:4;,,+~A0m:%tW'w:tt~*'R"',:lVJ R:~~tN~..,~W~)tWY~;H;t,.'4 Tl *r$.W~~4 Wt J~11W#~~@t% ~£4.-v e ","-"/~,-,y&f.<-A'-h'~~--vc..c<>""/2 - // Datereceived: Reviewed by :Date reviewed : Printed by Domi n i c Mauriel lo P rom :Mi ke Mcgee To :Geo r qe Ruther Uub ject: f wd:POMBOY RES IDENCE,7 81 POTATO PATCH 12 /96 2:54pm :::NOTE ======:::=====:6 /12 /96==1:32pm== ce :Fi re _Of fi cer s Group,Jeff At encio WE HAVE REVI EWED THE PLANS FOR THE POM BOY RESIDENCE AND APPROVED THF.M AS FOLLOWS ; 1 .T HE DRI VEWAY GRADE (12%1 IS TOO STEEP TO STAGE A F IRETRUCK ON BUTTHE RES IDENCE IS WITHIN A REASONABLE DISTANCE FROM THE ROAD ,THAT WE WILL APP ROV EDTHE PLAN S ON THE COND ITION THEY OWNER I NSTALL A MONITORED PIRE ALARM SYSTEM ,DESIGNEDAND INSTALLED ACCORDING TO LOCALCODES . PLEASE LET US KNOW OF YO U NEE D MO RE I NFORMA TI ON . T HANKS! Fwd=b Y :=G e orqe:Rut her =6/12 /9 6 ::2 :01p m ~= Fwd to :Mike Mcgee I think th is message was intended for Dom in ic!? Fwd=by::Mike=Mcqee::=:6 /12 /96==2 :25pm== Fw d t o:George Ruther CC :Domi nic Maurie l lo OK! Paga :1 -.. mOd "It::I 101 -.•• R e :l.<>1 21.Block I ,Vail Potato Peuch Lauren Watenon roV DCD 75 S Frontage Rd. Vail,Co 8 1658 FritzlenP ierceBriner i ss»E.Vii"Vallty Driw,Sviti!c-t •Vl:nl,CrJ.!/1657 _(970)4 76-6341 •Fax:(9 70)476-49fJl j April 8,1 996 1'"\'lui tv ~I '\ vV<- 4.J1 -%,~-tlW'~U (t lJ'.iC\... L I -'-wet.}/,£,e ,'VlR ,t.i..- I'{v,#/;"",,-,fi",s tl.u(1 ,lilA !>+-12',,,,,It>TYU tot . {VDrv ~Uu--I Cj:3 *it~f IflU ,M'1(vn<l z6D fbr ()11 frtt, ~"'£,....po ,,--ihit{ClHI\bu Lauren.PO cfj'fio,'"Y1~vI p e... P ursuantto our recent conversauon 011 the above referencedpr operty;c 1V{I •'ItI J::'{<....--. -At this time ther e are /53 .'quare J~e L ofGRF4 available for deve lopment on lire s ite 1 tAl irrespective ofpossible or previous 250 sq.f l..applications. -Uni t B has made an application fo ra250 sq.ft.addition and,based o ntire plans submitted , (and approved by the Town of Vat l),lJO sq.ft .ofGRFA remain available for deve lopment as a 0 iJ,'O ponlon of this previous applications;if!Ireaeckadjacent totire secondfloor M aster Bath was no t completed (in ac cordance with the p revious appli cation)lhis ar ea may he developed elsewhere On the property . The 110 sq.ft..of GRFA referenced a bove d oes Includetheentryadduion 10 Unit B ,approved in 19 95.which c ontained 77 sq .ft..ofGI/FA . -TheGRFA ofUnit B includes a'ssarage area'10 lire eas t of thegarage (left side as you ar e enteri ng lire garage).In that the g arage contains only 456 sq.ft.the109 sq.ft.aj'storage'could he added 10 lire garage and the 109 soft..cou ldab e deployed as GRFA elsewhere ontire site. -UnitA has n otmadeappll cali onfor an addihanal250 sq .ft. -The plans,app ro ved by the W v.d Q n otindi cated any floor area (GRFA)in the basem ent of Unn A (page J ofthe original hIIildlng plans f or Mullin I Se rifan R esidence by WheelerlPiper A rchitects). -The si t«coverage requtr emems (a maximu m of20%of the site area)has been exceeded on the site under the current rules and imerpretauons.ifredevelopment oj the property reducer sue coveragr lhe amountoj site coverage reduced C()IJ!d be used elsewhere on lhe site as lr:mg QJ'it d id not make this 'non-conformance'mart:!nun-conforming: L ·.POMOOY , is m atter and look f orward to discussing them with you. ,, P ermit #:B95-0039 ••THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB SITEAT ALLTIME S ADD /ALT S FR BUI LDPE RM IT 75So uth Frontage Road Vail,Col orado8 1657 303 .4 79·2138 /4 79·2 139 FAX 3 03·479·2452 CT 0683 1 NEDB O CONSTRUCTION P OBOX3 419 ,VA IL CO 816 58 NED BO CON ST RUCT ION PO BOX 3 419,VAI LCO8 1658 lil'OidI dYt,SISSE L 40 BA LDWI NFARMS NORTH ,GREE NWI CH, APP LICANT CONT RA CTOR OWNER ,Job Address : Locat io n ...: Parce l No ..: 78 1 P OTATO PATCH Depa rtment of Community Developm ent DR Status ...:APPLIED Applied •.:0 3/14 /1995 I ss ued ...: Expir es ..: Phone:30 3 476 43 95 Pho ne:30 3476 43915 Description : ADD NEW ENTRY Tow n of vail Adjusted Valuat io n:1 5,000 Fireplace I n1o rNt iOl'l :Rntric ted :MOf GlIS Appli anc es :/tot Gas Log s;1101 WOOd /Pallet: ***Tl'-H'*ri:'-'...-t**************it*~."'*********_*******_f EE SUHrt'R Y ********u **."'"'"'."'.**."'•H -til·***"'••"'_h. Bu Hd i ng-->195 .00 bnUlllrant Plan Rev;_>.00 Tota l Calculated Fees -)474 .75 P lan Ch~k-)126 .75 ORa f ee--->50.00 AdchtiO,'"loII l fees---->.00 I n llesti gat ion>.00 ReCl"eilt Hln Fee >.00 Total Pe r.it fee-----)474.75 lUll Ca U--)3.00 Clean-Up Cepc)$it-->100 .00 Pay.enU--------)50 .00 TOTA L fEE S----->474 .7S BALAN CE lHJE ------>42 4 .75 **.******-**************t********************-~****t*****-***************-*.***********************************-********-***** Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTM ENT Dept:BUILDING Di vis ion: 03/14/199 5DAN Act i on:APPR I tem :05400 P LANNING DEPARTMENT De pt :PLANNING Div i sio n: 03 /14/1995 DAN Action:APPR Item :05600 FIRE DEPAR TMENT De pt :F IRE Division : 03 /14/199 5 DAN Action :APPR I tem :0 5500PUBL IC WORKS De pt:PUB WORK Div is ion: 03 /14 /1 99 5 DAN Act io n:APPR Item:05700 ENVIR ONMEN TALHEALTH Dept:HEALT H Di vi sion: 0 3 /14/1995 DAN Ac tion :APPR Se e Pa ge2 o ft h is Doc umentf or any condition s that may apply to this permit . DECLARA TIOtlS I hereby a cknowledge that I na ve r ead t h is a pplicat i on ,f illed ou ti nf ulL t he info r ~t lcn r equired.eoap Leted an accu r at e plot p lan,and state that al l t he infor ..t ion pr ovi ded a s r equ ired is co rrect .I agree to coapl y with t he info~t ion end plot plan, to ce-ply with IIll TOldl ordil'\3ntes and state l ....s,and to build t his s t ruc t ure acco rding to the Town 's zon i ng and subd ivision codes,design r evi CN app roved .unt10rwl Build;"']code and o the r ordinan ces of the Town applicabl e thereto. 6;00 AK 5:00 PPl s REQU ES TS FOR INSPECTI ON S SHA ll BE "ADE lY EN TY-FOU R HOU RS IN ADVA NCE BY TEl EPHON Sen d CL eM -Up Deposh To:NEDBO CO NS T ••• ***~~~~bw.rnt~R(n~*********************************~pa~~hh~J th~~n~~*Det~~p~b~** Vail.Colo rado 81657 303-479 -2138 /479 -2 139 CON DIT IONS ~_m_M'-0 039 as o f 03 /14/95 S tatus:APP LIED ******************************************************************************** Pe rmit Type:ADD /ALT S FRBUILDPE RMI T App licant:NEDBO CONSTRUCTI ON 3 034 764 380 J ob Address: Loc ation: P arcel No :2 10 1-063 -01 -056 Des cription : AD D NEW ENTRY Appiied:03 /14/199 5 Is s ued: To Expire: Co nditions: 1 .1 .F IE LD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU IRED FOR CO DE COMP LIANCE. 2 .ALL MA TERIALSTO MATCH EXIS TI NG . ••*••••_.*_***-**.*.*_.**•••••***••••••• TOWN OF VA IL ,CO LORADO Repr inte d:07 /07 /95 09 :21 Statemnt_.***••••••••_•••••••••_•••*_._*.__.._.*__**.*._***__**_t**__•__ S ta temnt Number:RE C-OOIO Am ou n t: Payment Met hod :CK No ta tion:99 37 4 24 .75 03 /24 /95 11 :51 Init:TT 374.75 474 .75 -1 00.00 ADD/ALT SFR BUILDPEA-BUILD DR Total Fees: To ta l ALL Prn ts : Balance: 42 4.7 5 B95 -0 039 Type : 2 10 1-063-0 1-056 781 POTATO PATCH Permit No: Par cel No : Site Address : Thi s Pa ymen t **************************************************************** Ac count Code Descr ipt ion Amoun t 01 0000 413 10 BUILD ING PERM IT FEES 1 45 .00 0 1 0000 41331 DESIGN RE VIEW FEES 5 0.00 0 1 0 0 00 4133 2 PLAN CHECK FEE S 12 6.75 01 0000 22002 CLEAN UPDEPOSITS 1 00.00 01 0000 41336 WILL CA LL INSPEC TION F EE 3 .00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- OTE:T HIS PERMIT MU ST BE POSTED ON J OBSI TEAT ALL TIME S• ELECTRICALPERMIT P ermit t :E 9 5-G0 2 6 75Sou rhFr ontage Road Vail.Co lorado 8 1657 30 3-479-2138/479-2139 FAX303-479-2452 J ob Addr ess : Locat io n ...: Pa rce l No •.: 7 81 P OTATO PATCH 2 101 -063-01 -056 Department ofCommuniry Devs lotnnouDR~tat us ...:APpL IED Ap plied ..:0 3/13 /1 9 Issued ...: Expires ..: APPLICANT POMBOY ,SI SSEL 4 0 BALDWIN FARM S NORTH,GREENW ICH ,CT0 6B31 OWNER POMBOY ,SI SSEL 40 BALDWIN FARMS NO RTH,GR EENW ICH,CT 06831 CON TRAC TCR DOUBLE 0ELECTIRC P hone :3039263675 POBOX 975 ,E DWA RD S CO 8 1632 Descr iption:Valuat ion : E l ~c tr1 ca l --> Plan Check --> I n\lest ;gation> Wil lCall--) TO TAL fE ES·-> 50.00 .00 3 .00 ')3 .00 TO Uil CAlcu lated f ees -> Add itional fees-----> Tota l Per.it F~-> Pa ywtlt s-) BALANC E DUE > 53 .00 .00 53.00 .00 53 .00 I tem :0 5100 BUILDI NG DE PARTMENT 03 /1 4 /1995 DAN Action:APPR Dept :BU ILDING Divis io n: CONDITIONOFAPPROVAL DECLARATIONS I h er~y a cknow l~e that 1 have read t hi.app li cation,f illed out i n f ull th4 i n f o r ~t i on r equi red ,~leted 8 n accura te plot plan,and 5 tll.te that el l t he in fo r.at i on p r ov in ~a s r equi red i s correct.I agree t o oo~pl y wi th the i nfo r~t ion andp lotp la n, to co~l y with e ll T ~n ordinan ces and state l aws ,and tobuild th is s tructure accor ding toth e Tow n 's zoning 8 ~subdi vision ccdea,design revieol aj:proved,Uni fon eu ilding Code.~a ther o rd i rwl nces cf the Tow n appl iUlble the reto . REQUE ST S FOR INSPE CTIONS SHALL BE KADE TWEN TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEL EPHON E 8 :00 All 5 ;00 PH •**************************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL ,COLORADO S tatemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-OOIO Amount: Payment Met hod:CK Notat ion :9937 53 .00 03 /24/95 13 :29 I nit:TT 53 .00 53 .00 .00 ELECTRICAL PERMITB-ELEC DR Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts: Ba lance : 53 .00 E95-0026 Type : 2 10 1-063-01-056 781 POTATO PATCH Perm it No: Parcel No: Site Addr ess : This Paymen t Account Cod e 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMITFEES WILLCALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 50 .00 3.00 t!,4,I rP .;2/t:J /-bc.7 -(J/-~" ,C;I 0 TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO ,PERtIIT f'_ 4.Y /)jq 10J PERMIT APPLICATIONC'<FORM En MAR I J eeeuqIDATE:~l ">,.n .. APPLICATION MUSTBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOTBE ACCEPTE D )(•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ['1CJ -Building [J -Plwnbing [XJ -Electrical [Y J -Mechanical [J -Other _ J ob Na me:PC;V>I ~J C 'I f?em ,cP'"I Job Address:78 1 (:'·L .tr Pro-6.l!,[),h-f Le gal Description:rLot.li Block--L Filing SCBDIVISION /1it..6.,4..4 £ r;'')" Owners Name:os."c ha,J f C'ti0 L C'-/Address:~PA 7Architect:~__Address: ,~ Number of Accommodation Units: General Oeser iption:M/~tV e,\,.1 e'"h -YJ!J.'\C l.'-II Wo rk Cl a ss:[J-New[J-Alteration [)-Additional Number of Dwell ing Units:2- "[j-Repair [J-Other'___ * mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ••*••••••*••••••••••••••••••**•••VALUATIONS .**••••••***•••**•••*••••••***••• '1,1 5"-00"~ BUILDING :$/){)C()O(j ELECTRICAL :$.;J ,cr::v,(?O ,-OTHER:$, PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$;i(""'-U{,.<J lew TOTAL:$/S OCO ? X rnQ '>-OOO1 'il r I .*******.***•••••••••**••'CONTRA R INFORMATION •••••••••••****•••••••**••• eneral Contractor:;U ~h (>,,£1,,--Town of Vail Reg.NO -Z5 /-6 Address:-_00 ~Phone Number: El ectrical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO./fv t=' Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor: Address: MeChanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg .NO o __ Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg.NO ./ZV r Phone Number : :TO ·CC.,! C,1lL y"a .l .,{J :=:f J c.e FOR OFFICEUSE ***•••••••••***••***.*******••• BUILDING PLANCHECK FEE :1'/1':'7,- PLUMBINGPLANCHECKFE E: MECHANICALPLANCHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE : CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT : TOTAL PERM7FEES:_ BUILDING:iI-~/qo,""7 <;- SIGNATURE : ZONING :{4MktW !JJtIUiIr.t ... SIGNATURE: I'x1A+'AliI.I6 10 M.Ww g;j'l!irjtr-------------------P<1 1 T YPE G ~OUP SQ.FT.VALUATION ,I ,.;..,. , *•••**•••***.********.**•••••••• BUILDING PERMIT FEE :I Ll"-(1 0 PLUMBING PERMIT FEE : MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER T YPE OF FEE:LI.I /.(... DRB FEE : Comments: I ~, .' ,••lli!~)\~~j 1tf:]~",f ..('...."'"WI.~'& Date ofApplication '3/'28Ie;i;HAY 7 ,l1i9 .J Dateof ORB Meeting r ~I,'.. DateofPECMeeting (if necessa ryy"•\,.1 ijl1ll ',Jfv,i)E~r APPLICATION FOR ADDtTlONALGRFA(250) I.TYPEOFREOUEST ..$.-Standard 250 TypeIEHU250 __Type IIEHU250 __Type V EHU2 50 II.PRE·APPLICATION CONFERENCE Apre-appllcatlon conference witha member ofthep lanning slallisst 'onglyencouragedto discu ss the pro visions un derwhich additional GRFA canbeadded toasite.It shou ld be und ersto odthat this ordinancedoes not assure eachpropert y an additiona l 250 squarefeet of GRFA.Rather.the ordinance allows tor upto 250 square feot il th e con ditio nsset forth in Chapter 16.57 or Chapter16.71 oftheTownofVailcode a re met. . App lications fo r add iti on s und erthis sectio n will not be accepted un less they are com plete. This includesall inform ation requi red on this torm as well asDesign Review Board subm ittal req uirement s. III.APPLICATION INFORMATION A.PROJECTDESCRIPTION Ac=T7 o tJ ~(O (??OOIF'/C/l T1DN TV Ex IbT1r.JG.R e=:-sIO€A (~-;>.80m r;z.11?'V't>e</ -r:;;), A t-i Q ~0 CtP-<1.I /f-::=f3z er'~f,.../lU...1-16E:Tff€= J2&y{)A1r1or=....e =IT""",~O<..J~2''.T-;¢rl P/·''':/C ..i7o.J}TJ-I'€ ~OA1ii<1 "'AU-u;>E /TU-O ~T7f€/".e<=,,t'/~t2 ""net? B.LOCATION OFPROPOSAL:iB '1 T H '''''.-t,~,'("«:.....'10" Address,_---'-""'---'--=....:...:=-'-===_ Legai Description:Lot 2./Block'--'./__Fili ng 'p",r/orO ;:?A7C:# Zone District.__'--'-=---'-'--==~___:..:....<._'____'_=c="_""_'____'_ .. C.NAMEOF APPLICANT:2 .:u:z ..(A/VI.L\oC'l n.?'~r' Address fa ~C/.??<J/A.I 1".NZ1-V .</Uef}I q/...c",~/c,<{,c r,""'~;j/ D.NAMEOFAPPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:O,AC£.YJ1//2I,ff/"8 4ecN. Address /(,5 0 £.~t I4l cCfy O /z'//.<I u ,c-OtJ<c 'l,v A/C,cc(8 /"58 E.NAMEOF OWNER(S):-'/.:'J~:..c,K""A /-O ,A~I'7~()( .~. requestinvolving an EHU,the teeIswaiveo. ..~.-_......- •••,..vl ..04 '/17/14.,.'U DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION •T OWN OF VAIL,COLO~O 1.\ DATERECEI VED:L 1-1.1 2 8 1996 DATE OF DRB MEETING :--f{\"'i-lll!LDW I I ll:Cl ••••******I V V •C V ~"ill · INCOMPLETE A PPLICATIONS HAY NOT BE S CHEDULED FOR REVIEW, .*.*****•• , I •PROJECTINFORMATION: A .DES CRI P T ION :e,xT E.C/C¥2.@10 a=t../N ('z ,!1/;<P Z ,.6OU7/Q/J, B ,TYPE OF REVI EW : ____New c on s tructi on ($200.00 )----Mi nor Alteration ($20.00) ~Addit ion ($50.00)Concep tual Review ($0) C .ADD RESS :78(e <.JO..T O ,P/'.TC H D .L EGAL DESCRI PTION:L o t2 /Bl ock -1.1 _ Subdi v is ion V.<V.(,'poT!'ro eArcH E . F . If prop er ty is d es c rib ed b y a mee ts andb ounds leg al des cript ion,please p ro vide o n a separate sheet a nd a t tach to t hi s a ppli cat i on . ZONING:n UO 1'/1/11/('1 U/z'//1?'1(ZY .:x C O~'t NAME OF APPLICANT :.5~~,£1fj:/fJf.P PCJM/;-oy Ma i linq Address :*_'t<.-]<J p ~A KJC ?H C7I'!.!¥&tJIC/.(c r 0 ':'13:3(Ph one z _-;,e li'>:CP 5 7 5" G . H . NAM E OFA PP LI CANT'S REPRESE N;ATIVE :~J)/II2!/c66 A<:c;<./, Mailinq Addr e ss :/",-;;0 /-.~V4 LLEy'@''-,z;;iZZJi112<i£C-(. ':0-f Lo ,c o .$;""-:>13 Pho ne 970 r 2v cr 3f"Z NAME OF OWNE R(S):.5/~~t-(Z /c,•1'-11~r l tl'j.'. OffiNERCSJ S IGNA TUR E: Ma i l i n g Add res s:'" -I C APPLICATIONS WI LL N OT B E PROCESSED WI THOUT OWNER'S SIGNAT URE t .Co ndominium App rova l i f appl i cab le. J .ORB FEE:ORB fe e s.a s shown abo v e,a re to be p aid at t he t ime o f sub mit ta l o f the DRB a pp li c a ti o n.La ter.when a p plying fo ra bui lding p e ~it.plea se iden tify t he a ccurate va lu ati on of thep r oposal .The Town of Va il will a djustt he f e e a cc ording to t he tab le b e low .to e nsur et he c orr ect fee is pa i d. F EEP AID :$5Z?,0 0 CHECK #:fp f-z'5 DATE:5[z.to BY:r EB F EESCHEDULE ; VALUAT ION $0$10 ,000 $10 ,001$50,000 $50 ,00 1 $15 0 ,00 0 $15 0 ,00 1 $500 ,0 0 0 $500,0 01 $1,0 00,000 $Over $1 ,000,0 00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPRO VAL UNLE SS A BUILDING PERMIT I S IS STARTED . FEE $20 .00 $5 0.00 $1 0 0 .00 $20 0.00 $4 00.00 $5 0 0 .00 ONE YEAR AFTBR FINAL ISSUED AND CONSTRDCT ION 1 •LI ST OF MATERIALS • NAME OF PROJECT:/-"Orl0 1 ,ec.5//.//-:~.!C£. LEGAL DESCRIPTION :LOT~BLOCK L-SUBDIVIS ION 8'/4£0I0Ti:;q STREET ADDRESS :76/6 0'-t(J §!Ir eH . The foll owing i nformat ion is r equ ired f or submi tt al to t he Desig n Review Boa rd bef ore a fin al approval c anb e gi v en : A.BUILDING MATERIALS : Roof Siding OtherWal l Mat eri als Fascia TYPE OF MATER IAL COLOR So ffi ts Win dows Window Trim Do ors Doo r Tri m Hand o r De c k Rails Flu es Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosure s Gr e enhouses Re tai ning walls Ex te r io rLigh ti nq Other c £/.?/'/_ «}xl .! ..5To AIL ./,3v# B.LANDSCAPING :Name0 f Des iqne r:-"'/./.::;0;.:..::;(.,/:,:.,...·,::..l'",I-,I;'1"i.,J:;/~_ Phon e:"-1 I(.~if ;f,":/~. 7 -, PLANT ~~TERI ~ PROPOSEDTREES AND SHRUBS BotanicalName •Co mm on Name ·OU a ntity Si ze. *Indi c ate caliper fo r deciduo us tree s.Minimum cal iper for dec iduous t re es is 2 i nch e s.I ndica te height fo r coni fe r o us tr e es .Min i mum he igh t f or co nife rQus tr ees i s 6 fee t . **Indicate si ze of prop osed shrubs.Min imum size o fs h rubs is 5 g al l o D. GRO UND COVERS SOD SEED TYP E OF I RRI GATI ON TYPE OR ME THOD OF EROSIO N CONTROL I Squar e Footage //75 C .LANDS CAPE LIGHTING:I f ex terio r l ighting i sp roposed,p l eas e s how the number o ff ixtures and locations o n a separa te l igh ting plan.Ident ify each f ixture from the light ing plan i n the s p ac e bel ow and p rovi de the height above grade ,t yp e of light propo sed .lume n output,l um inous ar ea and ac ut sheet o f thel ight fix tur e.(s ect ion 1 8.5 4.0 5 0 J) D .OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reta ining wall s.fe n ce s.swimminq p o ols .etc.)P le ase sp eci fy.I ndicateh ei gh tso f ret ai ning walls .Maximum h e i gh t of wa lls within thef ronts et b ack is 3 '.Ma ximum he igh t of walls ~lsewher e on t he pr operty i s6 '. sraY':r/ix-ff "jA"YO ~.J "'-ENe","ft<Y.;r ~S ' 8 ••Community Development PlanRo uting Form RoutedTo :G reg H all,Pu blic Works T erri M a ftinez,PublicW orks Todd Oppenh eimer,Publi c W orks Mike M c Gee ,Fire Return To:Dominic F.Maurie llo.Comm unity Develop ment DateRouted:5/28/96 R eturn By:6/5/96 Proje ct Name:Pomb oy 250 re model Proje ct Add ress:78 1 Potat oPatch Proj ect Legal:Lot 2 1,81k.I ,Po tato Pat ch Project Descrip tion:Additi on ad ding GRF A and exteri or remodel __Ap proved X Deni ed(cited etailedreaso ns)__A pprovedwith c onditions f.\4"VI:ryorw:lI\\rou tfoon ~_j'!'_IM •••••··kS······Mc···_·····..f.t_"·]1.11rlll]I'.''ftW0 ,,~~~m%~-Mn~t;;4ttf'l~~f'iT¥k~~",.<'i l&t&ttf ':"',,l,40$t\'_,.1Z:kW;$;'w <>;]W{'·'~:4f:f;1'';tf)i''l.~®~~:_~:'f;@.!*t'*""'>i+,4'''Wf1 ''~'f:''W '-,-.:"':,,:-,'"L·::;:y.,'0*,'*'_~"~,"R~_'__"1'1'1'$'.,>': ..16'.......,..>.-C :,ne,·,~U(-.'''-'r '\~.n "r \l..("~1-"c..(~f(.:(r ll""r'."·::"tI '..I (l,J("""''' '~~i"':'. -...........:o(IC f\~,..-,t:::(..........'<.......')C"~\l-"::'l\\'~{'rO,\\S ""'"~N.•;'e ~~>{\~\(:'I<.\".'r"-,<..c {:n \I)'-'~',,«'\"':'\'6c,uc.",uc".o \I e 0\1 to the e X.,';1f\\\c-, '~ ((lU.~i"IU..,,-,n\\\\.on we,~If'h'l'(~c f \rc.re~(B ') 1/"",'.)<V'''':''c ~,cur ..,,'X1.J c..'1.,]-.-c,_Cln.:U.N ~-#-N-o......""'L\""'N).:.l'2.• Wen ,t-lI a.mru.-ce-....·,....n '..\(1 :-<"(.\\.0.c e.....~Dl".,.\~~O verv..ro<4:\O ltl-'O.<:1;..:. -ChYVl (lu l v.L c;If h,oh'r>)'//£'tYP,(/1",/il(')'-bI /J Nt, I Date received: Reviewed by:Date reviewed: •• comm!ty Development Plan Rout!Form RoutedTo:Greg Hall ,Public Works Teni Martinez,Public Works Todd Oppenheimer,Publ ic Works Mike.,McGee,Fire ] Return To:Dominic F.Mauriello ,Comm unity Development Date Routed:5/2 8/96 ReturnBy:6/5/96 ProjectName:Pomboy250remod el ProjectAddre ss:7 81 PotatoPatch Proje ctLegal:Lot 2 1,Blk.I.Potato Patch Proj ect Description :Addition adding GRFAandexteri or remod el _~Approved __Denied(citedetailed reasons)___Approvedwit h conditions // Date received : Rev iewed by :Date reviewed : Printed by Dom in ic Maur iel lo From:Mik e Mc gee To:George Ruther Subje ct : fwd:POMBOY RESI DENC E,781 POTATO PATCH 2 :54pm Ie.S M,tt-.. ===NOTE===============6 /12 /9 6==1:32 pm~~ CC:Fire_Officers Group ,Jeff ~tencio WE HAVE REVIEWED THEPLANS FOR THE POMBOY RESIDENCE AND ~PPROVED THEM AS FOLLOwS ; 1 .THE DRI VEWAY GRADE (1 2 %1 IS TOO STE EP TO STAGE A FI RE TRUC K ON BUT THE RESIDENCE IS WITHIN A REASO NABLE DISTANC E FROM THE ROAD ,THAT WE WILL APPROVED T HEPLANS ON THECONDITION T HEY OWNER INSTALL A MONITORED F IRE ALARM SYSTEM ,DESIGNED AND INSTALLED ACCORDING TO LOCAL CODES . PLEASE I.RTUS KNOW OF YOU NEED MOR E I NFORMA TION. T HANK S! Fw d =by:=Georg e =Ruthe r=6 /12 /9 6==2 :0 1pm== Fw d to :Mike Mcgee I t hink t h is mcssaqe was i nte nded for Do mi nic !? Pwd=by:=Mike=Mcgee ====6 /12/96==2 :25 pm== Fwdt o:Geo r ge Ruther CC :Dominic Maur iello OK! Pag e:1 OTE:TH IS PE RM IT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBS ITEAT ALL TIMES TO WN OF VAIL MECHAN ICAL PERMIT • Pe r mit #:M95-00 2B 75SouthFront age Road von:Co lorado 8/65 7 303 -479-2138 /479 -2139 FAX303 -479 -2452 Jo b Ad dres s: Locat i on ...: Par ce lNo ..: 781 P OTATO PATCH 21 01 -06 3-01-0 56 Departmeru ojCommuniry Development DR Statu s ...:APPLIE D App l ied ..:03 /1 3 /1 9 Issu ed ...: Exp ires ..: APPL ICANT POMBOY ,SIS SEL 40 BALDWI N F ARMS NORTH ,GREENWIC H,CT 068 31 OWN ER P O~~O Y ,S ISSEL 4 0 BAL DW IN FARM SNORTH,GREENWIC H,CT 068 31 CON T RAC TOR S TONE S HEETMEN TAL MECHAN ICAL P ho ne :3 03 2 42 5014 111 1 SOUTH 9TH,GRAND J UNCT ION 81501 Des c r ip tion : Firepl ilce I"fo r~tion:Restricted:'Of IIood/PilUet : ....~*'IIIIIIII**.t..**t ..**..**III**I*II ••I •••*••*•••I*FEE SUMKA RY ~~.'**II'.**••*'**.*'•••"'*'III"1**.**.*I .*" l'1e chanlCilt-->20 .00 Restua rllln t ptan Rfll view->.00 Tot"t CilLcu lated Fn$->28.00 p l."c bece -e->5.00 ORB Fee---------).00 Add itional Fees ----).00 I nvestig"tion).00 TO TAL FEE S-------)28 .00 Total Pfor mit he---)28 .00 will Cal l --)3 .00 Pl yllentl---------).00 eALANCE DUE -)28 .00 ••~~••••t ••••ii~•••~~••••**_••••~.....~~~*********~*~**~**iii_iii ii***i****i ~t ll i ilil **'l i i .*1Hht* Item :051 00 BU ILDING DEPARTME NT 03 /14 /19 95 DAN Action:APPR I tem :/0 54 0 0PLANNING D E ~A RTMENT 0 3 /14 1 995 DA N Act10n:APPR CONDIT ION OF APP RO VAL Dept :BUILDI NG Divi sion: Dept :PLANNI NG Divis i on: DE CUUTIOHS I hereby a cknowledge that I have read t h i s app lica ti on,f illed outin f u ll t hei n10r ..ttoo requ i r~,cQe9leted an accu rate p lot plan ,and s tat e th at all the i n f o r ~t ;on pr ovi oed as r equired i s correct .I agree t o c ~p l y wit h the in f o r ~t i o n and p lotp la n, t o comp l y with all Town ordi nance s and s t ate la ws ,enG to build thi s s tr ucture a ccordi ng to th e Tow n's zoning and subdivi s i on codes,desi gn r ev i ew appr oved,Un i f or.Bu i ldi"9 Code and othe r ord lna nces oft he T o~app li cable the re to . "WEST''0'IN'PE enoo,SHALL BE 'ADE ",,,TY-fOU'HOURS IN AD"'"BY T ELE~;;'2:,...8 ,00 ..5 ,00 PO SIG HATU 'E 0'"HE'O'CONT .ACTO.'0'HI"El 'AH'"HE'~ o ,-......'p e m eo v := HEF<E -e>C ..:>.y-::::;):-l"",,",' A.';-::':'"Z ~!~.-E ,t...:.4.:-. ",IC ·':£:, Q ~T E1 "~ - J',..'. " '.' .'I I I I 'L r ,i I L! Q \~·.l ·':_::~_:"·!~.!'l':;\ BUIld ,Y;:f- .AI':>'...n'"V..,Ccw1lfIIIIIlItY ," \loY_L IVI IJ'=!A~ Health ,.. TH/4 .....J;:E:A e ..''><1 .,.,<=0 /f!P'''R.~o r:n Z AbOI j'"I CJ~r _' """ -,---"'- I, L r IC /•~.I -~vi~l _y...J C;;;;._"r : =,J;i.(7 -'711'1 '><I '''l;?..,-'~"/],.-. ,' ,1 1""...,..-'.,~...,./•to"1'"lDl .l._•• ....~ " ", CENO EExJ6T:~S l C:~T ...=""'G - /f ' i ,-..'.t:>:",UP Z P-':"-".A'~'-~ ....,t '/'/"l'''1 6 .----.+.----.-------~ ,"'L...A-1-.A.._.'#".•~_...........~.~•---I3E ,Vc.H' /i.--N SiN EE'>fl'eJ£l o fW'-to"J/'LL (/';""'::'N I...J .~t-f =~/~T:C .AN -::.-e v iii:R.~~",N?'I -z- /,., f",,',J .~,-,<' )\L,u -ali:>DIIJl~ Y)(VO l,! )~/()~'~i~1(.,0<:... $i'&'~1 3ltt T1 G F loo".\.I • '''"-r'/-~.._. '-. ? • :;IN DETAIL > CRAWL SPACE ..,,J.b,.I , '".;.." '"'"• 1..·1 e 'I...!f >:-:- ~,.....-.I' @ ~~ATION DETAIL Town of Vail OFFICE COp y /J:At()"''''-1/:> "TUD WoIlL L '. '. "'.PLYWOOD _y-/.~.T.•Go.PLYU.I?OD ~T.I 'JO I &T ~_",,~..1$110 '·.,..· ~,T.o.l"l.YllO. FINI&l-l GoRADE -------... $-10ll'-10 1<,';.._--" ,T.oW.'I-U"-II "•<,..~-;-.=<,11'"'·JOI&T at "'·OOC. I ,1=:'11 <,_,,ll.!."1 '.~CCN T .l .b TREATED .;PLATE WI 1"'1 '.ANCHOR,,\0(..-'-'.BOLT&at -4 e 'o.c..(MAX) • -$"I.10e'"I l~. I l Or . CCNT.7."TREA TED PL ATE WI ~,"ANCHOR eoLT&a t 48'o,c.(M AX) ~II'"I ·JOlln at '''·OOC . CRAWL SPACE 11':fi 1 I'!2I '&CCNT.,~W §I '............-TOP .6OT. I "=----»> • '. .. - • ~~J I'·..•.1 --~"t b-'l:~_.")C ~at.48'o,c. ". <, J /.~.T.'Go .PLYUJOOD R ,,,'".I 1 """._'_.."''1'T.o.l"l.YllO. I.'I, ,, , v 1\ ....~ .).. I I-t . , .I "'1 ""..:'"'-l:...~.p....Lt-.'"1 ·:"v---; 1-- I .---- ------ , ~--••--,.,. L•.f"'",.--, ••---_...-t I .-- I . 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MO NTUE SW ED TF RI --;-AM ~ F ffAfo ItdC ~"]0·irBREADYFOR L OCATION ·---4--'"'-~-f-"'--'-=C'--'-'--..t....:"::":===-=-==---"'==-t;;""-_ BUILD ING:PLUMB ING : o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o UNDERGRO UND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUG H I WATER ROOF &SH EER o G ASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSU LATION o POOL I H .TU B o SHEETRO CK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANICAL: o TE MP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH ra-::EX HAUST HOOOS .:ffrJJ,;;>!10 ;,.-I o CON DU IT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL f!&P ROV ED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQU I RED~O RR E C T I O N S : DATE ....::L..O::.-....:...-'-_IN SPECTOR oQ(-003'1~P E;:;R:;;M"'I'"'T N UMBT.R O ~P ROJEC T DA TE t.j!t)lq ~J O B, READYFORINSP ECTION : L OCATION :191 I NSPECTION REQUEST T O WN O F VA IL 4 79-2138 N AM E --'--::--:c.:....-"---7-f!--...,......,.------,;-------- FRI fl. C l RRECTI O NS. BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o UND ERGROUND o FOU NDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WAT ER In.ROOF &SHE ER o GAS PIPINGYP~OD NAI LING~ATI ON o POO LI H .TU B H EETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o H EATING .-/o ROUGH o EXHAUSTHOODS o CONDUIT o SU PPL YA IR 0 0 P f iN A L o FI NAL IiXPPRoVED o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIRED DATE -"'-'-"'----'--'-_INSPEC TOR {p O INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAI L ~479-2138 fI-1:%60uV---n--"7 ~~ CALLER A(p ~I!L,.eeu 9l./9)V?tJ ~~( we D/_T H U R ~AMPII?V'J-.h ;(1)#4--1MONTUES i'/1'2;/ JOB NAM E , DA TE __-,--,,--,=:,,,,__ PERMIT NUMB ER 0PROJE CT «(:;,. I ~U);Q I N G !PLUMBING:1'- a FOOTINGS 'STEEL a U NOERGROUND a FOUNDATION I STEEL a ROUGH I D .W.V. a FRAMI NG a ROUGH I W ATER ROOF &S HEER a G AS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING a I NSULATION a POOL I H .TUB r:r SHEETROCK NAIL a a a o FINAL o F INAL ELEC TRICAL:ME CHANI CAL: a TEMP.POWER a H EATING a ROUGH o EXHA UST HOODS a C ONDUIT a SU PPLYAIR a a I q f I NA S-a FI N A L ,/ 'd1).,PPROVED a D ISAPPROVED a REINSPECTION REQUIRED IN SPECTOR ;;;;:~ ____---,<~....PM \fl if U"(~JL.\$!tj\~ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I)(479 ·2138rL}I D::.l( tt'C ALLER !l ee -CT ~h Ie---. HU V FRI-n.-,. •002.),P INSPECTION :'r ,I PERMIT NUMB:A O F PROJ C T D ATE IJ t/J /q JOBN AME ---'---=r----,'----------,----s-: ... BU ILDING:P L UMB ING : o FOOTI NGS I ST EEL o UN DERG ROUN D o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRA MING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &SHEER o G AS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL I H .TU B o SHEETROCK NAI L 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHA UST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 ¥FINAl o FINAL o REINSPECT IONR EOUIRED r ~ o DISAPPROVED £AJ 4/./ r1APPROVEDtf COR RECTIONS : •--;> M--~__ /' Ilfto .n.Y.s/.5DATE---'""""-_~~----'----"=_ ,. INSPECTION REQUEST TO WNUF VAIL 479-2138 IN SPECTION :M ON TU ES WED TH UR ,6\1=bh~v --PeL-!c..h ]21'. • READ YFOR L OC AT IO N :__.:c...:._-'-'==.=:..._-'-'==-'-_=c...:...--.:"'='''--'''-''''''''''''----_ PERMI T NU MBERO F PRO JECT D ATE _='-'L..:...c=..__ BUILDING :PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOU ND A TION /ST EEL o ROU GH /D WV. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WA TER RO OF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 b<FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHAN ICAL: o TE MP .POWER o H EATING o ROUG H .o E XHAUST H OODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o FJNAL o F I NAL ~IJ.P P OfW E D o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPEC TION REQ U I RED·v o.gn ReviewActionF• TOWN OF VAIL • • T 1l '"J"'" .-. Date ~L:':.:.ql:'52....-_ /1-'Ut:v1f----------------- 1&Category Numberc_-'-"'----_ Project N am e:~\ Buildi ng Nam e:-;-----;:--:-_ Project Description:UML---!.='-.L-'T--\.--''----'f..:.==='''''-==---.J~~___L<!L1lL...__.I."'"'''...L _ Owner,Address andPhone:5>l<+.l..\4'[211 j"",vd ei)'/\Ah>'1~------------ Architect/C ontact,AddressandPhone:}\eil bo CAi \\'ohw tWY'PO 12&>?11 'i,1/«d Legal Descript ion :Lot 2:I BJ ock-!.-Subd ivi sion ?a±r-dv tJnt...cJ"-d Zone District ",.t'",(,,-_ ..q;;",....,.".~- Project Street Address:_1":2'T'C:m¥2 fn.~.!.:1I"-~/=----:_ Comments :_l .u \h~1 !\A/I ,~ty e-+y I ,?C (\L.c \5'31\1 cf VI f\'O ~N'I)-l A ,I I \. -l}V/'Z C7D rr.--> Board I Staff Action Vote:e:,-0Motionby:%Jb 9x)('f\R/ Secondedby:0 \\AJ fui.\'VI(ul _ /l'tApprOVaI ((011 ~j ) o Disapp roval o Staff Approval Conditions:11 (d r k..., Town Plann er Date:~.II C[5 ORB Fee pre'Pald !r.;O ,aU pi . TOV ·c~.lfv.rer. • ••******•• • •••••••••• DATE RE CEI VED: DAT E OFDRB MEETI NG: P ROJECT INFORMATION : DESCRIPTION:4 (1 Dl.€w $;)'-_ INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOTBE SCHED rJ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,CO LORADO n""""" I. A. B.TYPEOFREVIEW : /Block 751 Ne w Co ns tr uc t ion ($200 .00)Mi no r A l te rat io n ($20 .00 ) ~Addi ti on ($5 0.00 )Co nce ptualRe v iew ($0) PciWtr AM fl'tu"-f'ADD RES S: ~~~~~v~;~~~I PT I ON :et~k~'~\b:c';]t~)c~jf:<,-iL:;::=~::~==========D . C . ZONING:E . If p r op er ty is desc r ibed by amee tsan d b oun ds l ega l d es c ri ption.p lease p rov id eona s e par ate s he et and a tta ch to t his a pplica ti o n . ()u de r _________________________Ph on e _ r .0 NAME OFAPPLIC ANT :Siss el "wd,,,,J fo l ~lo o '( Ma i 1 ingAd dr ess :=_F . NAME OFAPPL ICANT' Mai l ing Addr es s : G . II . Ph one _ NAHE q F OWN ER(S):)iS5e L /'P~""O,-,lf-(_ O_ER r S }S I GNATURE :U ;';.c/'~ M~g Add re ss :~M 4;,--MM,-M~h1I ~ff titJ;a 1 Phone ~m -6J-i':.(~, A PPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER 'S SIGNATURE I.Condomini umAppro val i f a ppli cabl e. CHECKFEEPAID: OR B FEE :ORB fe es .as shown a bove .\a re to b ep a id at t he ti meo f submi ttal o f thc DRB appl i~ation .Later.when app lyi ngf o r a bu i lding permit.p l e asc id en tif y the a c cura te val uati o n of t he pr opo sal .The Town o f v ail will a dju st t he f eea cco r di ngt o the tab le b el ow .t o e ns ure th ec o rr ect fee is paid. J . VALUA TION F EE SCHEDUL E: •n •v $1 0 ,001 $50 ,001 $15 0,001 $500 ,001 $Ove r ;10.000 $50 ,000 $150,000 $5 00 ,00 0 $1,0 00 ,0 00 $1,0 0 0,0 00 F EE ;,20.G G $5 0 .00 $1 00 .00 $20 0.00 $40 0.00 $500 .0 0 DESI GN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFT ER FINAL APP RDVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CO NSTRUCTION IS STARTED. 1 p .,P R E 'A P P L I C A~O N MEETING :• A pr e·app l ica ti on mee ti ng wi tha memb er of t he plann ing sta ff i se ncou ra g ed to dete rmi ne i f a ny a ddi tion al ap p lica ti on informa ti o n is n e eded .I t i st he ap plican t 's r esponsibi lityt o ma ke an a ppo in t me nt wi t h t hes taff t o det ermi ne i f there are additional s ubmit t al r e qu irement s. Pl ease n ot e thata COMPLET E a pp li ca t ion wi ll s t reaml i ne t he r eview p r oc es s fo r y our p roj ect . II I .IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALLSUBMIS SIONS TOTHEDRB: A .'I na ddit ion t omeet ing s u b mi tt alr equir ement s .the ap pli cant mus ts t ake a nd tape the proj ec ts ite to indi ca te property lines.bu i ld ing l in es and building c orn e rs .Al l tr ees to be r emov e d must b e tape d.All s itet a pi ng s ands t ak ingmust b e completed pri or to t he ORB sit e vis it.The a pplica nt mu st e nsure t hat s t ak ing d one dur ing the wi nte r i s no t bu ri ed by snow . B .The revi ew proc ess f or NEW BUILDINGSn ormally r equires t wo separa teme eti n gs of t heDesig n Review Boa rd :a con cep t ua l r eview an d a fi na lr e vi ew . C .App l i c a nts wh o fa il to a p pe a rb efo re t he De s i gn Re view Board on thei rs ch edul ed meet i ng d at ea nd who have n ot a sked i n advan ce that di s cu s s ion on t hei r i t e m be po stpo ned ,will hav et h eir i te ms remov ed fr om the ORB a genda u ntil suc h time a s t he i tem has been r epub lis he d. D.The following i tems ma y.at th e di sc re t io n of t he z on ing a dminis t ra t or.be ap pr o ve d b y t he Co mm un it y Devel opme nt Dep a rtment s t aff (i .e .a f ormal hea ri ng befo re t he ORB may n ot be requi r ed):. a .Wi ndo ws.s kyli ght s and simila r exte rio r cha ng es whichdo no t alt er t he exi s ti ng pl ane o f t h e b u il di n q;a nd b .Building a dditio ns not v isib le from a n y oth er l ot o r publ ic spac e .At the time sucha proposal is submi tte d.appli c an tsmu st i nc l udel ett er s f rom a dja ce n t pr oper ty o wners and /or from th e agent f or o rmana ger o fa ny ad jacentc ondominiu m as sociat io n s t a ti ng t h e associ atio n a pp r ove s of t he addit ion. E .I fa prop e rty is located in amapp e d haza rd a rea (i .e . snow avalanc h e .roc kfall,f lo od p lain ,d eb ris fl ow , wel lan d.etc.).a h az a rd stud ymu st b e s ubmitted a nd theowner mu s t s ign a n a f fi d a vi t recog ni z i ng t he h a zard r ep ort pr ior to t he i ss ua n ce o fab uil ding p erm it . Appl ic ant s a re enc our a ged t o c he ck with a To wn Pla nner p rio r to OR B app licat ion to determin e the r el ation s hip of t he propert y to a ll mapped hazards. F.For all r e side nt i a lc on st ruct ion : a .Clearly i n dicate o n t he f l o or p la ns th e i ns id e fac e of t he exte rio r s t ructural walls o f the bui lding ;a nd b .I n dl ca te wit h a d a shed l i ne on t he sit e plana fou r fo ot d is tance f rom t he e xte rior f ace of the b u il di ng wa lls or s upporti ng c olumns . G.If OR Ba ppro v es the appli cat i on with c onditio ns or modi f ication s,all c on diti onso fa p pro val must be a dd r essed pr i or t o the applic at ion f or ab u ilding permi t . 2 •LIS T OFMATERIALS •, N~E OF PROJECT:---..!1Ux b?'f R()I:,~==~e,--!..I ,,--,--,----,,--,---, L EGALDES CRI PT ION :LOT--.2.:B LOCK __'SUBDIVI S ION _Po fc.JQ R.f&c _ S TREET ADDRE SS::75 I PoWO B--~,"\..Dr ,,,..., The fo l lowing in forma ti on i s requi red f or s ubmit tal to the Design Review Bo ard before a fin al ap p roval can b e g iv en: A .BUILDING MATERIAL S:TY PE OF MATERIAL COLOR (,\. ) _~,---,,~~k~_ Jc<~A ~r-__ \(I I Roof Ot her wal l Ma te ria ls S off i ts S i di ng Fa scia wr ndo ws \•f 1 /1 - Window Trim \\ Doors Do or Trim ,.1 I \\ Hand o r De ckRails Fl ues /lI R Fl a shing s Chimneys Trash Encl os ures Greenhouses Reta ining Wa l ls Ext eri or Lighting Othe r B .-LJ\N[)SC API HG . 7 PLANT MATE AtLS : PROPOS ED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name carom 'Name Quantity Siz e" ..c----_"_:;:::--= "I ndi ca te caliper for deciduous trees .Minimumc a li pe r fo r d ec iduous trees is 2i nc he s .Indicat e heigh t f or conif e rous tre e s.Minimum heiah t f or coni fe rous t rees is 6f eet. ·"Ind icat e s ize of pr o posed shrubs .Minimum size of sh r ubs is S g allon . Square Foota g e GROUND .COVE RS SOD S EED TYPE OF IRRI GATION TYPE OR ME 0 0 OF EROSIONCONTRO L C .LAND SCAPELIGHTI NG:I f e xt er i or l igh ting is p ropo sed.please sh ow t he n umber of fi xt ur es a nd loc at ion s on a separate ligh ting pl an.Id en tify eac h fixt uref rom the-righting plan in t he s pace bel owa nd prov id et he hc igh~above grade .type o f l igh t proposed .lum en out pu t,l u~s ~a r e a and a cut s heet of th o light fixt ur e .I Sec t?5 .050 J) ----------------------:=------- D . 8 •v •Lo+2-1,?ot-....-\o '?,,-+c.h... l'¥{..CllkflbbYl (~'"\'f\!I uvW.v old.~~~) G!.i'i>h1)~(e.)Z.(,~I A\I""'ob l~:41.0+ ~/'lb)..L~)~'l-..."Z5t> 7..tf;cs ~ ~i"h"t:.L t>.)\351 Nf)AJ ~f-ft>.fV..L<~:AII<w"'~' ~('Oh"o ~"'ro "li",," lJQ)~,i..(t-:,1"11'"oC.<l..z.o'\- 3z:t4-4'i.;>+- uni\-A.t6'lt>1<\-0 ~v;;t> '1t>1.'l-5<>'\4- ~oIJ6..n· 4-'l:'tf ~~"'.'"\S (;,«'1'.with %~~:16i3> -p\1.l.'>(!."\'Os~\oI.e.v.;o ~ur.\p.,,opl~110.&(l {rx ~vro fbr u";'\-'=!, •S ingleFa mily ZONECHECK .f OR Residenc e .Duplex . ZONE DIST RICTS •Primary/Second ary DATE :3 'I ."It? LEGALDESCR IPTION:Lot 2-f Dlock L s ubdivi sion 1btz<h,"R:d-ru.. ADORES S :WI "Po±p.+O Jb:tc,.h OWNEn PHONE PROPOSEDUSE _ LOT SIZ E {6 ,2 +2 .e L-_ Hei ght T ota l GRFA 41 04-r 85!> pr imary CRFlI.+42 5 Se c ondary GRFA 16ft> Sctback~Front Sides Rear Site Covera ge t.ond cccp Lnc Retaining Wall Heigh Ls park ing Ca ra ge Cr edi t Dri v e: +425 =1--Ouq 154 <>1210 20 ' G<"-<"A "'''''''''i''b'1"53 >\1 I S'~/ I S ' 3 3'95.1-2'1$1:17 b 3T~"S 11,(2-&""""'-~flk 3 '/6 ' ..2--Reqrd --±...---;Z-Encl (300 )t§91l (900)(1200)_ Permitted S lOP C~%r r op o so d S lope /% Com pli es with T .O.V .Ligh ting Ordinance Yes NO Wat erCo ur seS etb ack (30 1 (5 0) DO Fini sh Grad es Exceed 2 :1 (50 %)yES _NO >< Env ironmenta l/Hazards :1)Fl oodP Ia in 2 )Per cent S lope «>30%)__~~~~_ )}Gco logic Hazards a lSnow Av a l a nc h c.~~~~_ b)Rock f all =,-----"""'~------- c )Debris F low _-"Mz""-_ 4)Wet l ands _---Cr-oC-"._ View Cor ridor Encr oachment :Yes __No ,l\Q Dv'::S Lhi .5 r eque s t,.i n v ul ve e 250 i \li rJ i Lluu t :;M:>p""'-;-,,.,,.....,.,,, How mucho f the a ll o wed 250 Ad d ition in U.!i c d wi th Lhi s r cqu cst ?_ p r ev iou sc ond it ions of a pprov al (c heck proper ty file): 1 0 + DA TE I r QWNOFVAIL1--'-'=='"'-==1 RECEIPT :"0._ , ---....,......::.- •• e ,. -. ... ~ .h< ~ 1..;....., $5 .00 • S4.• S39 .00 • S37.0 • 5 36 .00 • .0 • • S7. SO.25 • •!][. S2 . S250.00 $25 0 .00 2 0 .0 ..0 .00 520 0.0 0 S20 0.00 S500 . 1 ,500 .0 <i .00 .00 '=":5 00.0 C Hf.CKS ~UDF.PAYARU T O T OWS OF"VAlL So.'.~TAX -:-"CO STF.A--TOTAL , ,.0 1 oo oo rn I NVESTI GATi ON fE I ~(BUIL DI NG 11 3 1 04 5 1 1TO PA K N F __0 1 o 00 ::!2027 OV NEWS PAP :R D1 SPE N r;·0100002111...TAXA BLE ,u;-I •(STATE) ~·01 0 0004 1010 TAXA BLE (Q)4 %(TO\\':\") ._;0I OO(N)4:!J7 1 BU ILDING 1t\\'ESTIGA T ION .<om · .> :l:i 0 1 00 41:>3 A ITIO NA LG f\i"..~ ~0 1 00 00 4 1330 CONDITIONAL US E PE RMIT :0 1 0 0 OO4 1J ~j EX T ERI O R A LT ERA TI ON LE S5TIIAN 1005 0.I-'T . -:-.01 000041330 EXTER RA L ERAT N MORE THAN IOO SQ.FT . >-010000 41330 S PI£IA •vr ;,O P M E ~~ISTR IC [NEW l ~ ;;.0100 004 1330 S P CIA LDEV ELO PME NT RC AJR A : ...1 1 4 1J~.ALD EVE S R ICl MNOA ME D_. .-"01 4 13305S ION,!i;,o1 00 004 1330V A IUANCI :~0 1 000{)41330 ZONING COD E A MENDMENTS 0 1 00004 1.)_-Z O NI N(J :'TlII:R ~A CCOl;~T SO.ITL... IE 0 100004 1540 ZO}\;ING AND ADDRESS MA PS _010000424 15 UNIORMB UILDI.G O DE 12.10 1 0000 4 24 15 JN IFORM PLUM CODE __01 0000 42415U NIFORM 1 'C 1/\CALCODE [00(}O424 1 N I FO .CO D- ~'"0100 00424 15,A Tl ONALE L ·T RJ CAL COD E ...010000424 15 O TJIER CODE BOOKS '"';;014 14 N S ~\.S rn-0 I OO 441 EROX CO PIES _I DOOO 4 241..5 DIES ,.0 1 0000 4 2412 TOVFEI ~S COM PUTER PROGRAM it.01 0 000423 7 1 PE ~~y .ES i R AKSPEC TIONS .;'0 \00 004 1332 P LANREVI I:WRE-C I[CKFEE $4 J P ER IIR. ....OJ 00 00 42332 Off HOUR S INSPECTIO •S ~.:0 I 0000 41 4 12 T RACTORS LICE _ .:.0 1 4 1413 A~A ].: ;~0 1 UOOO ·H41-,A DITi q A L liN AGE r l-.E S I.OO PER SQ .H.] ".0 1 0000 "oj ART R(EC T DO AT ION 01 0 00 41 H RE PAIDDESIG N REVIE\V BOAR D f EE OT IIER TOTAL:-l~ {1Jf-"-Bro od NtUj.(!rb H'''-'751 fi&.h PaM /Jr -;, .. •• NOTE -COPYO F P ERMIT TO B E K EPTON JOBSITE Avtrh. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT~!.l DAT E S~PTiWgii;R 2 1.1993 .636 4..,PERMITNO. 1111 11 nil lY t .TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION rnm tvv d epartment o f co mmunity de velo pment 2 OCCUPA NCY GROUP ABEH IR M BUILDI NG ".00 0 on • DIVISION 122a3 4 z ELECTRICAL T OBEFI LLED OU TCO MPlETEL Y FRIO ATO IS$UANCEOF PER MIT 0 ~ TVPE OF PERMIT G ENERAL D ESCRIPTIONOF W ORK :<PLU MBING~ REBOOF ~< Xl BUI LDING 0 PLUM BING >M ECHAN ICAL o ELECTRICAL o FOU NDATIONqMECHANICAl~81 POTATO P m,G ROUP GR.f ,A VALUATIO N PERMIT FEE S lDT /7_1 .V R-3LEGALBlK BUIL DINGPERMIT '0 '0 0 ESC.FILI~1t,~"1 /fJ/c.Io £(k~PL AN CHECKRE~. JO BNAME :SINK ELECTRICAL OWNER NAME BETSY SINK NEW(,ALTERATION ()A DDITI ONAL (,RE P AIR jli.l>j PLUMBING-- MAll ADDRESS DWfL l lNGU NITS __•A,CC O""MODATION UNTTS ___MECHANICAL ClTV PH H EIGHT INFT -...0 f ~flEPLACE S --RECREATIONf EE----------\ARCHITECT FIR M INSU LATI O ~2-'yPE H11CKNES S R-VALtuE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD------ FL OOR CL EANUP D EPOSIT '00 00 .c-MAil ADDRESS E XT WAllS ~\s-,"'1CITYPHUSETAX RO Of (i:::->:- GE NERAL f iRM PLATU e ONS'l'RU C'fION crr r r em ,00 TYPE EL EC.GAS ",(I" CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAllREG .NO.148-B 0' TOTAL PERMIT FEE S '0<00 O'.U_'OO' SOLAR WOOD TElE.HEAT _DAN_SL\!'LEK.___2 -Ll -:93OC __- ADDITION ALP ERMITS NEEOEO '6U IlOlNGOfF lClAl ATE ---- FIRM l ECTRICAL ,~lli!.!!~---------- CONTRACTOR TOWNOFYAlb RE G NO.------ ST CUT ON ING ADMIN ISTRATOR DA TE TELE.BLASTI NG 'zONING &BUILD ING NOTES: f IRM P....R KING PLUMBING CO NTRACTDR TOWN Of VA ILREG NO.D EMO T ~LE FIRM r hereb y ac knowledget ha t Ihave read this applica tion,filled~i n full the information requi red, M ECHANICAL completed anaccurate pl ot p lan .a nd s late that a ll the tntorma t t prov;~tqU;r ed is c o r rect.I CON TRA CTOR TOWN OF VAll REG.NO.ag ree toco mplyw ith the i nformationand plot plan ,to com ~~i hall0 ordinancesandstate TELE. laws .andto build this st ructure according tothe ~7 gan ubctvlston codas .destqn review approved .U n iform Building C odeand o the r o rdt ~h f}ownapp l ic 10. OTHER FIRM CLEANUP DEPO SIT TO:•~/'X TOWNOFVAllREG.NO.W It ~IJt r I SIGNATUREw~tOWNER 6R c6NTRACTQR FOR HIM SELF CONTR ACTOR T ELE .T).t.I IIH'"?r-»:ANDTHEOWNR. • ..' ." TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AP ~flAT&ON FORM DATE :r 10 3 tI APPLICATI ON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLE TELY OR I T MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~•••****•••••********••*••**••PERMIT INFORMATION •••••••••••••••••••••••••**•• ·~-B u il d i n g []-Plumbing []-Elect rical []-Mech anical []-Other _ J ob Name:,C):O k'Re ~,:,(eQ e e J obAdd ress:7S(ft-f.-.ic~7..-.L1('i~, []-Other __.']-Repair Ph._ __________Ph._ \..) [j-Additional [ Number o fAccommodat ion Units : Addre ss: Lot,___Block,___Filing,-==_ 5 ;0 L Address :7 S /7?-\rd0n G.-C r>: Legal Descrip tion: oJners Na me ;~\ Architect : General Descr iption: Work Cla ss :[]-New []-Altera~ion Numbe r of Dwel ling Uni ts: INFORMATION **••••••••••••••••*.******* Town of Vail R.<e~g~.~N~O~.=======Phone Number :_ OTH ER : TOTAL:~13941,1n /Va >:>, Gas Logs Wood /Pell et._ l ~mb e r a nd Type o f Fireplaces:Gas Appl iances ~******.**•••*••*.**.*************VALUATI ONS **.**********.*.***************** BU ILDING :~J3,9 <P -:O C)ELECTRICAL : PLUMBI NG:MECHANICAL: ~****.**.*•••*.*••••**.**.**CONTRA~~ne r al ntractor :~ Addre ss · El ectrical Contractor : Address: Town of Vai l Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Plumbi ng Contract or: Addr ~ss: Town of Vai l Reg .NO ._ Phone Number : Town of Vail Reg .NO.)+~f:, Phone Number :Cil\"-t9/:)S ••********.*•••****.*••••••••••• BUILDING PERMIT FEE:/7?~ PLUMBING PERMI T FEE: MECHANI CAL PERM IT FEE: ELECTRI CAL FEE: OT HER TYP E OFFEE: ORB FEE : 1 //)- TY PE GROUPSQ.FT.VA LUA TION ,I t ? Comments: (CLEAN uP DEP~SIT REFUND ., BUIL DING : S I GN ATU RE : ZONING: SIGNATURE: .. ,,, ,.''1 lit -j I-II"!I'---I'I,',•.,',1 I•.--~__._I.:.j I,I.:"1 I'', I I, [I ,i '[j i ,'I I I'r:I'II"I-·l ~t+~'I Jt -i~lt'l_lll-JI 'II I ~~~~I i -ll::~1 ..~lO'r --++-~1-.l !l.l lll I',,-",:"-hl-!'--r--,-'Ir l',II ;I I i .,.''::1:':":-:t<-¢~':;"~,~'I I-I,!,,'i I I'[..j--,["'"'"j ~.i.-'I I'I 1 ',I I,I ..,3 101 r -..,I I ",'I ,II "'l.."""I''1'1III'I It ,I --,,I(},,,, :;,1'1'1.;"1 t:2 -\'-=,~,t]r I'll I'",I' !~,j """'"I\.!r I 'iii<:_i,'I '~~!I!_",i I II I i,'I i ~-,i ,,-re'·'~..'I I l'I : I ,<L.r .I ~''''-..9J -.-~r 1,i ,,-I !i:"1...,,..,,-----'..T I-c -I "I c c t:1'I I'!Ii1fi iI!I"~I ~"-;'<;i-,-I 'Ii I ,f:~I'I'i :i III':I,I,-:',f,,:,1"1 'I I'II III I I"'I I 1 : '::"I '1 '1 II NX I,'111'1 I ~;",i I I !!:~t'jII-,,~ft1K ~illi I,!,,':I ~ ,I,:]'_I-I"~!I i ' f -1=I I I I ~"'I',TF '!-;I -~;-:I I : 1 I't1l '"j '"j i 'T ",f~r '1',,•:ii',i -;:,",!I I ,I !'!Ii L-i '.;~',!II :,I i I,'I I II !I 1 '1 III1 "'"1 1'I ::"-1 I,I, ,,t·•t ~.-1-1 t I II!I II I -.,1 :r.,.,I I,-I .!.I 1-I 1 '.,',r!I 1'1'II'Ii"•'1"I I'".',,";'.'''''I 'I 'I"1 I I''I I .;I -r-'"'I','I I ·I"'-,-,,'..,',,"r" '\:";;I ;11 II'l .:-'-j~---.~I::;::!...r-:I-~-E-:~~~l',;,':Jil fI NI!,!"I'l l:1--,',-T lll ''h--rJ;-~:I'i: I 'l o!'!i :ti=f 1,it rl ,--I r t".tl l II',or"~1,1 II ~i .j 'QJ 'I :,~l :I'-I I ',;l-j ,-:-;~'I i·::'1:.:!",1 "I <il '1 I 1",,3 1,';,,~',''1 1'-,-,,",-'r 1 i " ,:~.i 11:1 ~i ri 11;-':_-jT T~,T':::'f-:-;::'I~;:'111 ,i '_" I !Jr iiTr t i 1 1 -[r 1'1 i I '-t ~I-j~:;-l j :~I:II ~II-dJ :~i 1 !; .'i II &1':-~II-;I:Q,\0'--.''::::!'<j i: l',".et,.II ,I ;...i I ~,--"---4-!--1:1"-:i-:-''1 1 ";et 1 r r :I'.'r,-j-lJ-Jl-'/"Ir,~.L r r t.1 1 -'';''1,,1,':::l--fiH,!11'--,-f--'--t-N '~I "t .f-"\--","'"'"I I 1 ~---1 ~~-- j 11!+:r'1 T~J:l·J,..I-i,Jt :-,:-_~,:(i:__:,::=,$--~(I:I~I:r I',!!I".,.,'n "II!:.,.;!II '. .. ,,1"illll'llltl ~1 'I I','II '.,0'.1.:!I "1\""I I i I I I'll,' I ,I ,I i ~~,~U ;I'I i II'II I,I!.,!I"I I .I'I II'c-.I'"II Ii:I I I ,!I'[I ;:11;1 \~III:I:II':I'I "II I'I'~it It"~','I II ,I I'II Ii:I I I'II , :I I ,'i ~:I'I ,i I I I I V\I"I I I' 'I I I I ~-s..~I I ""I II I iii I II II I'I I ,!,;'I I i I I I'..I I iii ''_;),\'2.:I q ~i I I ,I'i II "1 I rI 41!I,I r ~~':.J i I'I :!!'I i §"",,1"11'I i:t!I 1'-~I I I i,-j;6 I ,I-:I 1 '<><:,I I ,I:':":II :~Ii '",i 'cj -0'c+.\1I ,'I I '.I, ,Ii!:I:'i I ffi '_,L,I i ~ill :~~i *1':,:II III i II ,I',:I".I ~..I I',:I II 1'-<0 '-:11 1 "II'III,!'III ,-I -l..I I'-1;)'I I 'I 'I.''i'I'I I ,,$-I ,<:;l..!,I',i :',:",-,I I !I i [I #-ii lid ~II II III rl,':''I ~II'I:'1'1 ~J3 ~'i ,I" '"I'I I'\I '~,I"I ~,1 1 ,I"',I II 1 1 ,"II 11 III \®I',\;i I,'I ' ,<J "II I'I 1,I\i :'~I I:I I i III II'I I'1.1 :,I "I V I:,I I ,I 1 I I I ,~Vj,,'I I :',:I l!I -l :I I :I II :I ~I'I ::~:,I ~!"!,!I 7 1!11 I :1 I 111 I"'!"'~:'I!I ::!:I'II i l:iii'III;!1;11,1 11<!i'I ,I 'I I ~ii,I i 11'11 i'I II:I...;.;:t"':I',!'I"II"'I,II I,Vl I I'I 1 I''1'I i -,';',~_,'~":,"I!I,,"!' i /"~,,'I'""r --i -"j I !Iii II "I'i'I :,,,,I ""'I I:[111 !1"I:I 'i iii'I'II i '!,I'I i II II,',II'I"'"I'\,u,I I :I ii','I ;!,1 I'I,,;!I:t j ; ,"~"I,.1'I"'I'1'1'" ,I II <;>"I'"'"I':'I :,I 1 ""'"'""I ~II"III ,I"'4,"II I',,I I II' ,,I'II :I I ;:I II J I:I I :I'I II'I Ii: ,,I :,'I I I I __I,I!Ii:II 'I i ,~~I,:I '::I:I j !II I',J '111111 j !I I:ii''!..'" ,' ,, ,',' I •II I •II I),,, I 1 , -, ,'f-.:.", <f)! '< \3 • Septe mber 16,1993Page2of 3 Pages Ro olln gSpecification lor Nedbo Constru ction For7 81 Potato PatchDriveWest unit TEAR OFFI MISCELlANEOUS:UPPER &LOWEREPDMROOFS: 1]Removeexisting river rock ballast,stonemat,andsavefor re-use.Remove all oxisti ngparapet caps andsaveforre-use.Plath Construction will k eepthe jobstte as c leanas possible andpractical dUringthe construction,anda thorough cleaning of Plath 's wo rkareasw ill be performed upon completion .PlathConstruct ion will take all reasonable precaut ionsto protect theInterior of theb uilding fromwaterand weather.Howeve r,Plath Construction s hallnotbeheldliablefor anyinte rior damage sustained fromleaksca used b y sudden,and ,o r,u nforseensto rms thatoccur dUringthetea r offpha se of thiswo rk. 3)Plath Construction will provide allInsurance andper mits required b y t heTown 01 Vail BuildingDepartment. SINGLE PLY ROOFING: lJInstall lib.denslty "E PS-insu lation ,tape red toward drainsattherate of l/f!'per foot ,w~h a 1/2"m inimum thickness. 2]Installballasted60mil "EPDM"s ingle ply membrane according to specifications by "Firestone","Kelly","Goodyear",or"Manville".Extend membrane upwallsa minimum o f 12"atrooftowali junctures. 3]Cover membrane wtth "ston e mat"protection she et before applying ballastasadd ed p rotectionfromanysharpedgesontherockballast. 4)Ballast membrane w~h aminimum of 101bs.ofriverrockper square foot.Thiswill beach ieved by adding totheexisting ballast . 5]Re-install p arapetcaps. Costforworkas specified above :$13,925.00 GENER ALNOTES: I ]Pleasebe ad vised t hatmateria ls fort his proposal havebee n bidat current mar ket prices.Dueto thecu rrent volat il ~oft he m arket,mat erial prices c annot be gu aranteed past30day s. 2J Iceands nowremoval,da ily covering and uncoveri ng of t he roo f deck wlth p lastic, anddryingout olthe roof deck ,if necessary,w ill beanextra charge over a nd above the con tractp rice andw ill b e charged extraattherate of $30.00 perman hour.Materials, (p lastic,p ropane,etc.)w illb ec harged ext ra at Plath's cost. 3]Winter work Is notligured inthis proposal.Ifroofing work is delayed past November 15tb,addit ional charges may apply tocov er our added expenses fo r working un der adversewirrter condilions.Anysucb charges shallnotexceed 10%of theremain ing contract amourrt ,andareinaddit ion toany snow removatand priming cbarges that may apply. 4]P1alh Construction carries property damage liabiltty insurance inthe amount of $1 ,000,000 .00 pe r occurrence.PlathCon struct ion carriesautoinsuran ce inthe amount of $1,000,000.00.Plath Construct ion carries appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance th rough Co lorado State Compensation.Nofurther insurance coverage is Includedin o ur price,andifreq uired,the addilional costshall b e added tothe contract price. .. Page3 of3 .. • • • 5)Uponreceipt olthe contractprice ,PlathConstructionwillissuea warranty cert ificate guaranteeing roofingagainstleaksduetoflawsinworkmanship lor aperiodof2years from thedateofroofingcompletion .Leaksqualifying under thetermsofsaidwar ranty will berepairedpromptlyatnocosttotheowner .Thiswarrantydoesnotcoverany subsequent interiordamagethatmayoccur. 6J Thisisa"fillin"jobthatwearesqueezingintoanalreadytightfall93'schedule.For this reason,weneedtoremindyouthatbythetimethatwegettoyourjob,snow removal,maybeafactor.Addttional costsforwinterworkwillbeaddedtothiscon tract price.Seeitem #2 lor pricing. .... TION REQU"EST TOW N O F VA IL 479-2138 J OB NA ME __=.="----"..<:11.'-'-''''''-_ PERMI TN UMB ER O FPRO JECT DA TE /-<'f -91 PM_____AMFRITHUR CA LLER _ TU ES W ED J?8 To-/-vo I NSPECTION ,M ON 7 f!./~T/lTO READYFOR LOCATIO N : BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUN DATION 1 STEEL o ROUGH 1 D.W.V. o FRAMI NG o RO UGH 1 W AT ER ROOF &SH EER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I N SULA TION o POOL 1 H .TU B. o SHEETR OCK NA I L 0 0 0 ~F I N A L o F IN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POW ER o HE AT ING o ROUGH o EXHA UST H OODS o CO NDUIT o S U PPLYAIR 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL ~O V E D o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQ UIRED cI RRE CT ION S: DATE 1-2 e .f<...:</l-_I-I NSP ECTOR ~/~~ 3PLA.~S I N SLOT_-,,--_N OTE-CO PY OF PERMIT T O BE KEP TO NJ OBS ITE T ~ON X~X DEC 3 1 199 1 TYPE D 1/22/92.,Ll CTION PERMIT DATE •0 05300PERMITNO.Ih••...ITVPEOFCONSTRUCTION 11l1ll l VV d e partmentof communityd evelcpment :1 OCCUPANCYGROUP A B [H IR M aUlLDING 22 ,000 D IVISION I 2'1.3 4 z EL ECTRI CAl 3 .000 TO BEFl LI.EDOUT CO U PlETEL'(PR IOR TOISSU ANCE O f PERMIT 0 ~ GE NERAL DESCRI PTIO NOF WORI(•<PlU M BINGTYPEOFPERMITADDITIO~OF LIRERAV AND SUNSPACE .""r;h()I'.<"'ECHANlCAl~BUILDING C PLUMBING II > ~el ECTRICAL :J FOUNDATION ~TOTAL 25.0 00 0 ME CHAN ICAL 0 781 POTA TO PATCH D T't PE G ROUP GR FA VALUATION PERMIT FEES I LEGA L lOT 21 BlK I VN R *276.2 25 .000 BUILDI NG PER MIT '", DESC FI LING VA IL PO TATO PAT CH PLA N CH ECK 192 JOB NAME :SINK ADDITI ON ELECTR ICAL 54 OWNER NAME BETSY S IN~NEW I I At TERATION (I AD DITION ...l 'XX REPAIR (I PLUMBING--148 00 QUORUM DRMAILAppRESS OW!'L lI NC,U NITS --ACC O,,",M ODA 110 fll Uf\II TS --MECHANICAL (\DALLAS TX2 14-99 1-7095CITYPH H(lGtiT INFT --fII 0 l'''AEPL AC1:S --RE CREA TIO N FEE 41 "----:t-'fARCHITECTFIRMFRITZLENPIERCEBRINERINSULATlONtVP!'T>i ICK NE SS R·VA lL UE DES IGN REV IEW BOARD 50- I E-JBOX57~L O OR CL EAN·UP DEPOSIT c,"MAIL ADDRE SS 100 --.....' VAIL 6-6342 ~EKT .....ALlS USETAX e-, C'TY PH ~ POOF '(;~FIRM NEDDO CONSTR OCTION GENERAL 251-B TYPE £LEC 3:0 $732CONTRACTORTOWNOfVAILREGNO.OF -TOT AL PER MIT FE ES TElE-476 -430S ""-"22.92HEATDA.'J STANEK JAN FI RMDOUBLE DIA.'10ND SERV ICE u"'ii OiNG OFFIC IAC ------~A n -----ADDlTIONAL PERM ITS NEE DED: '::lECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL Rlo4R8.134-B ,~~SHELLY MELLO JA.'J 17 .92.---------------....)NTRAC TOR ST CU T X ONING AD MINIS TRATO R DATE TELE 4 76-62 72 BlASTINO I .DNING &BUILDINGNOT ES:I.L .C.REQUIRED PRIOR FIR M PARKI NG FRAMI NG ;SUPPORTON2NDFLOORA DDITION TOB P LUMB I NG I .SUPPORTED W/PRACES WH ICH DONOTREACHGRAD TOW N Of VAil REG.NO, CO N TRACTOR CE MO I v "E."LANDSC AP IN~TO B.i NSTALLED TElE Pfi lOR TO C.O . FIRM I he re by ac kn owledg e Ih at Ih ave r ead thisa p plca ncn.ti lled out i n f ull th ei nfo r mation r e qu i red , ME CHAN ICAL comple ted a n accu ra tep lot p la n ,a n d s tate t ha t a ll t h eInformat io n provide d a s req uired i s correct I C O N TRAC TOR I OWN OF VAIL REG .NO.agree t o comply w ith the inform ation a nd p lot p lan ,t o comply w itha ll Town ordina nces a nd state T'"la ws ,a nd to build this structu r e according to the Town 's zoning a nd subdi vis ion codes.design re v iew approved .Uniform Bu ilding Code and other o rdinances01 the T own applicable the ret o . O THER FIR M CLEAN UP TO:NEDBO CONST . TOWN OF VAl lREG.NO POBOX 3419 SIGNATUR E OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR fO A HIMSELF C ONTRACTOR TELE.VAIL ,CO 81658 ANDTHE OWNER. ~INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of O.•a •,• o Please check off in the boxpr ovided. FINAL PLUMBING o DATE : FI NAL MECHANICAL DATE: WEST SIDE: RESID.NAME: EAST SIDE: FI NAL ELECTRICAL DATE :rn 7-\J ~b FINAL BU I LDING CJ IMPROVEllENT SDRVE ~l~_--",,,,-,-,,,,---,,=,,-_ DATE:1-0 .'k ·')....L _ ~ -U DA TE : TEMP ORARY COF0 DATE:t\S "l CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LAllllSC API NG DUE DATE : x -'-- ")O,OD :>?(X)O '0 1') PL A N C H ECK 1 9:J eXi OES IG N REVIE W BOARD BU I LDI NG PER MIT 19 ~-,00 US E T A)( C lE AN -UPOEPOSlT MEC HAN I CAL RECREATION FEE ElE CTRICAL ""'iLl .()O TOTALPERMIT FEES B U ILDING ;"CV u Z ElECTR ICAl 3 00 vQ ~<PLU MB I NG~ "<MECHANICAL> "'''LUAlION PERMIT FEES 1 II 1Il I ,,& A rlE H I @ M OATE /~''31 '1 / GftQ UP G .fU::.A.I VI'E I TYPE D ECONSTRUCTION Uti 2 O CCUPA NCY GRO UP OWEI I.I N r.lJ NlfS __ACCO MM ODATlONUN lrs __ H (IGflT I N FT NO FIREP LACE S I N SUL ATI O N :T VP E THIC KNESS A.\lAL LUe 'COO R I I r ::;AL LS TYPE ecec.GAS O F SOl A,R wo ocHEAT NEW t I AtTERATIO N ()ADDITIO NAL I REPAIR I 1PLUMBING DIVISION 1 2 2.1c!l4 G (Nf.H"L D ESCRIPTIONO F WOf(K :11 iI ;;W1Tl@ tP l:,.Ii#&4-'''-dNP /I ,ICITY Lor "2 /OLK-J/L-__.I FILI NG IIAik f 17Y ;':V PA lktt_ JOB N AME : TYPE OFPERMIT, rli BUILDI NGfaELECTRICALoMECHANICAL ARCHITECT [!AMi-r i-l"2 feci Pft"lc £B r.N' MAIL ADORESS&X ,Iff "1 TOBEF I LL ED our CO MPLE T ELY PR lml T O t5S UANCEOF PERMIT O WNER ,GENERA L \CO NT RAC T OR TOWNQF VAll REG.NO .2.S 1-f\ T ELE ."I 7/..·Ln,o <;; ( ( f :LEGAL OESC c:.. ;0 ?/''-""()'j CONSTRUC TION PE RMIT '~/JfC J .-_...~.)._:.~~--~~===:..----.J IOil PE RMIT NO.r.::::'111111 !lillY de partme nt o fco mm unity developmen t \ h . ZO NIN G &BU IL DING NO TE S:1 ./!'r f 11 A._~\,'"~. 1)y1'..(-h"\-M i Ml J "'....-('_'I JJ..'r .....Fl, \'1'-\~\1i ...,~'i rill h ~1),./...l.,"" \~,,~;-yY ,1 r,f.,'"U (71,.1-p I '-if'.'I 'W ~), I hereby ack n owled g e that Ih ave r ead thisa ppli c ation.f illedo ut i nfu llth e rnfcrmatt on r ~u T red .7 com pletedan acc urate p lo t p lan ,an d s tat e tha tall th ei n forma tion p r ovided as r equir edi sco r r ect.I agree to c o mpl y wi th I h e i nformation andp l o t p lan,t o c om ply w ilh allTowno rdi nan cesand s tate l aws.a n d 10 bu ild th is s t r uc ture accord in g 10th e T o wn 's Jon i n9 a nd subd iv i sion codes,de si gn r eviewa pproved.Uniform Buil dingC odea n d ot her 7~t he T own aR l icable thereto. X SI GN ATURE 0'o w~o/H IMS EL F AND TH EO WNER. l<'V\1,d.i)CW1'h',0'1v .!.!:!. P ARKING 8 LASTING S T.CUT D O ,jO A DD ITIONAL PER MITS N EED ED : FIRM TO W N OF VAll REO .NO . C O N TRACTOR TElE. OTHER ~""R;;:M _ ELECTRICAL \~.'h CO NTRACTO R TOW N OFVAil REG ,NO , TELE W7 /,'uxt»: (C ;~~~:~~~R TOWN Of VAlL.REG.NO . TELE . < fI R M M ECHANICAL ,CO N TRAC TOR TOWN O F VA ll REG.NO. TElE. • Plan Review Based on the 1992 Uniform Codes • PROJECT NUMBE R : AD DRESS: VAIL,CO LO RAD O OC CU PAN CY : TYPE OF CO NSTRUCT ION : DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: NAME : DATE: CO NTRA CTOR : ARC HIT ECT: ENGINEER :NON E PLANS EXAM I NER : , CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirement s in the adopt ed codes.It is a guide to selected sections of the codes.The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1 .P ARTY WA LL BETW EEN UN ITS TOBESEPERATED BY ONE HO UR FIRE WALL EAC H SIDE . 2 .SOIL REPORT MAY BEREQUIRED BEFORE FOOTING IN SPE CTI ON I S APPROVED ,IF SOILI SUNS TAB LE. 3 .AN IMPROVEMEN TS URVEYI S REQU IRED AN D APPROVED BY P LAN NING DEPARTM ENT BEFORE FRAM IN G IN SPECTI ON CAN DEDONE . 4.LAND SCAPPIN G TOBE CO MP LETED AN D APP ROVAL NEEDED BY TOWN OFVAILBEFORE FINAL C /O CAN BEI SSUED. 5.CRA WLSPACE TO BE NO MORE THAN 5 'FROM GROUND TO BOTTO M OF S TRUC TUALFL OORJO IS T. 6.NEED MORE DETAIL OF STUCCO MATERIAL STO BE USED AN DTHE STUCC O APPLICA TION . ••• -. • ,.' "., \"-=--\~e1-=iJ-\'?','•• ,.j ,,,, ,' PLAt--l • '.-': J."•• .. ;'r'{':'~. ~-.'. .-..;. " " -~.. •.•~~-r • -, 1<00 F FRAM II-J~ " .. 'UD t.JALL.. (?»'.!~I2.·L.;/ 'W o e;~"' Town 01 Vall Comm unl ty Del/6:oP mtnt filln auild .I'.oallll -\ppro ved 0 cp r 0 Oemed 0 0 ~ ~ ,'•• .- .. , 51,~1 ~'l<Z4F-Vt>-~:9'6r:..J.\A'1 e3 5'/.i 111'/.-;'-e ~ewLM0FV :•'.•2.+F-Ve>.- L H+J(.Yt I\.O~e>Yt ·wI (,)-',4'4 TH~U-~O~tSo EA.UU'l .'-.,-.-". ...1 J\;V N 'O F:V • ••.,, .-I• ,. -,..:.-: -~, • - '. ".. FL 00 ~.F RA ~I t-J ~P-LA.b L ,"-~:!Ie!, SIt-J/<:-R E51 rC ... ." .' ,.,... "'; , ",.', ,"•.",,.,.. .-,•>....,.,•,., "• '. ";..."I , " " ',' .' ,, " '.. ., " , ,, ,, :--'.~-. " " " " " .. .' .' ,,' '. 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LOCAT ION : READYFOR DATE -H-'-"'~+-'-- BUILDING :/PLUMB ING: o FOO T INGS /s rea ~lA -,o U NDERGROUND ~FO UNDAT IO ~EE L I ~;);,;o RO UGH /D.W.V .-,'\/o FRAMING o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSU LATION o POOL I H .T UB o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FIN AL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEM P.POWER o H EAT ING , o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDU IT o SUPP LY A IR. 0 0 o F INAL o FI N A L X A PPROV ED C ORRECT IO NS: o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION R EQU I RED • • PM • IN SPECTION : ,~\LO CAT ION :'-'"'""--_--"'-'-"""'''''"-0---->:''''''"'''''""''''--_ READ Y FOR 'r evVI~l(t:. ~INSPECTION..RE.OUEST PERMI T N UMBER OFPROJEC T T OWN 0"VAI L DATE S\-%-\\\)J OB N AME ~~"~\~~:\ CA LL ER ~~'-'0~}'\~~~_-A M BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOO T INGS /ST EEL o UNDERGR OUND o FOUN DA TI ON /STEEL o ROUG H I DW .V. ~A M I N G o ROUG H /WA TER O OF &S HEER o GA S PIPIN GPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LATION o POO L /H .TU B o S HEETROCKNAI L 0 0 0 o FIN AL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP ,POWER o H EATING o RO UGH o E XHAU ST H OODS o CO NDUIT o S U P PLY AIR 0 0 o F I~AL o FINAL W A>PROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REI NSPECTIONREQUIRED CORRE CTIONS : D A TE ----'---'--"r-.......-r , •• _____AMINSPECTION:'7£1 5"300 INSPECTION .REOUEST to.T OWNO F VA IL DA TE -L!4'-"---J OBNA ME ~;c.--vnt.deL- CA LLER &.M<!'-.(=~~T UESW EDTHUR FRI '---P'.,~H.z;-4 lkz REA DYFOR L OCAT ION :.+-a....J'---_-'--=-=='-L'-""""="'---l.LI:.....:_ PERM IT NU MB AOF PROJECT BUILDING:PLU MBING: o FOOT INGS I STEE L o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATIO N I STEEL o ROUGH /D .W .V . o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WA TER ROO F &S HEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:M ECHANI CAL: o T EMP.POW ER o HEATING of ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS,. o CONDUIT o SUPP L Y AIR 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL o REI NSPECT ION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVEDyiPPROVED/'Y COR RECTIONS:_ • INSPECTOR • PM •• _____AMFRI • REA DYFOR LOCATIO N :--"'I.ll_~~!:l.l~~c,.;~::..:s:L~.dS'___ PERM IT N UMBER O F PRO JECT D ATE~-~-~JO BN AME __---'--''-''-'''''''''"''''-''''-'''''~~''______,:_-__.___-- BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOO TI NGS I STEE L o U NDERGRO UND o FO UNDATION /ST EEL o ROUG H /D .W .V . o FRAM ING o ROUG H /W ATER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPIN G~YWOO D NA ILING, SU LATION o P OOL I H.TUB ~'HEETROCKNAI L 0 1'0 0 o F INAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL : o T EMP.POW ER o HE ATING o RO UGH o E XHA U ST HOO DS o CO NDU IT o SUPPLY A IR 0 .-0 o F)NA L o F INAL ,;pP RO VED o D ISAP PROVED o REI NSPECTi ONREQU IRED CO RRECT IONS: :::.:::..--...:........:.k IN SP ECTOR -'6-?'--"""'=="""--==--~---- -------'9 PM I INSPECTION 'RE'OUEST I )T OWN O F VAILS)If.--M /¥-~,.../d CA LLE R 4ftLt i/'i¥u ,."~I,~THUR FRI {;'tf;./..,<.,,'-"-1 N AM E --=<-'--c~-:-:;.:..,c----'T----'---'-''-'--------- M O N ,:t.r -,,--,t"" ~.... I N SP ECTI ON : ')(/ PE RMITNU MBEROFPROJE CT D ATE /,,11 -;'JOB I RE A DY FOR L OC AT ION . BUILDI NG:PLUMBING : o FO OTING S I ST EEL o UN DERGR OUN D o FO UNDATION I STEEL o ROU GH I D .W.V . o FRAM I NG o ROUG H I WAT ER • RO OF &S HEER o GA S PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATI O N o POO L I H .T UB ?-SHEETROCK N A IL 0 0 0 o F IN AL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWE R o HE ATING o ROU GH o EXHAUST H O ODS o CO ND U IT o S UP P L Y A IR 0 0 o FI NAL o FI NAL o A PPROV ED o D ISAPPROVED ~E I N S P E C T I O N REO U IRED C ORRECTIONS : o ••INSPECTION REQUEST \<==M~\WN OFVA IL ~~~§~~.CALLER N AM E ~\~ \ PERM ITN UMBER OF PROJECT D ATE 't-~'?\-~J OB • READ Y FOR LOCAT ION: _____A M PM BUILD ING:PLUMBING : o FOO TINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o RO UGH I WA T ER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULAT ION o POOL I H .T UB o S HEET ROCKNA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEAT ING o ROUG H o EXHAU ST HOODS o CONDUIT •o S U PPLY AIR 0 0 ~INA L o FINAL ((APPROV ED o DISAPPROVED o REINS PECTION REQ U IRED I NSPECTOR -.::z.,'-'-''''--''-'==--=-,L-=-=fr''=~--- W ED ~FR I ,. PM_____A M eTION -REQUEST TOWN OF V AI L INS •- PERMIT N (M D A TE ---,--I'---I~--'-f-I--=- READY FOR IN SPECT ION : L OCATION : • ...-..... B UILDING:PLUMBIN G: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o UN DERGR OUND o FO UNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW V. o FRAMING o ROUG H /WATER ROOF &S H EER o GA S P IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I N S ULATIO N o POOL /H .T UB o SH EETROCK NAIL 0 0 2l0·0 )(fINA L o F INAL I E LECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SU PPLYA IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPRO VED COR RECT IONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPE CT ION R EQUIRED DATE _IN SPEC TO R PERM I T NUMB EROFPRO JECT •eTION RE.QUEST TOWN o r'VA IL 4 79-2 138 D ATE JOB NAME _-'-'-"-'-'-==-_ PM_____A MFRI CALL ER Ac/-P/d:;J I N SPEC TION :M ON ~WED THUR 70 Jhuro ,?/?TedJ0/ READ Y FOR LOC ATION :--"-'...L.-:i-""'!L!...!..-'''-;;'''==.t..e..---_ r CORR ECTIONS: BU I LDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I ST EEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WAT ER ROOF &SHEER o G ASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSU LATION oPOO L I H .TUB o S HEETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 ~Fr NA L o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o H EATING o RO U G H oEX H AUST HOO DS o CONDUIT o S UPPLY AIR 0 0 o FI N AL oFI NAL pj1\PPROVED oDI S APPRO VED oREIN SPECTIONREOUIRED INSPECTOR ....L~=-<::.=!!!L"---_ Project Appllcalion •••~ ••Date -"-_-'--_ o-Pr oject N ame :~L!.J'-'-J.=---=---------:c----:7------------ Co ntactPersonand Phone O wner ,AddressandPhone :_ A rChitect ,Addressand Phone ~,,-j\,----_0~ Legal Description ;l ei 1-1 Bl ock\FIling lkll--L~bti1U~r4J1l Z one ~ comments frt cl~·&effi (1 140"'---L..IY@~s.I--)_ (0 /0 q____----=-__-'----_-_2""'Ud':=.L-21 Z;-I--"-*--"----j~'------- P-==:tik-C~el-'~%07 • DesignReview Board Mot;onb"~ Secondedby:2K=_ D<lle _ APP ROVAL 4-0 (1~t _ D ISAPPROVA L -- Date 45)~:-=-'n~t-="---­ -J /1-/QO O/d'T).eg u fa f7tT11 5 o Sla lf Appr oval SFR ,R, , DATE:1L /\f quo__ LEGAL D.~iSE:~CR~IPl'~I:O~N~:~Lo~t~=..2L~~~B~l~O~C~k~J~~~F;i;l~in~g~~~=~~~~~ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE _ ARCHITECT '2 __-V\(.Y C PHONE ZONE DIST~~ICT[~~i~========-----------PROPOSED USE {,? LOT SIZE ;7 . Al lowed Existing Prop osed Total 20' Height Total GR FA Primary GR FA Secondary GRFA Setbacks:Front @ (33 ) --4±cl.t-@ -7 4 M 4 ~lb 2_ 2re1QI+-?l!2 J.7 c'o L dHq .2..- UA !·"-I?g},J '?;,5"/ oG (~)(50) '270& IS' 1 5' Re ar sides Water Course site Co verage Landscaping Fence/Retaini ng Wal l He ights 3 '/6 '~~~(rv, parking Reqrd Credits :Garage (300 )(600) (900)(1200) Mechanical (50)(100) Airlock (2 5)(50) S t orage (200)(400 ) Drive :Permitted Slope 8 %Actual Slope :.L!--L_Date:0./"-Approved by Town Eng ineer :~_r \ Environmental/Hazards : Avalanche =--=.,---..,.--=:,......,,..-_1)Flood P la in ___ 2 )%Slope _ 3 )Ge ol ogic Hazards a)S now Avalanche _ b)Rockfall ----7'~------- c)Debris Flow 4)We tlands " Dec ember 1 4,1990 She lly Mello Depa rtmento fCommunity Development Town o f Vail 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,CO 8 1657 frltzten ,pierce .briner a r chitecture.pl anning.interiors p .o.box 57 1000 lionsridgel oop suite lid vall,c olorado 81658 303 -4 76-6342 f ax 303-476-4901 Re :S i nk Re side nce 78 1 PotatoP a tc hDrive Lot2 1,Block 1,Vail/Potato Patch Dear S h elly : Thank you f or taking the t ime to discuss the above r efer enced proje ct with me this morni ng .Our dis cussions focus s ed o nGRFA and Site Coverage i s sues. Following our di s cussions I have recalculated the GRFA and Site Covera ge .I h ave calculated the fi rs t f loor GRFA i nc reas e to b e 215 square feet .The newf ireplacet hat was c o ns truc ted would d e duct 21.5 s qua re feet (o ne qua rt er of 5 '6 ~radiu sc irc le in area).I have modif ied the propo sed s econd fl oorp lan to decreas e the additional GRFA t oa gain o f 55.8 s quare fe e t.Th e prop osed additions would total 250 square feet GRFA.I have encl o sed copies of my calculations. Per y our r e que st I have recalculated t he S ite Coverage and produced an ew plan (attached ).The Site Coverageo f the e x isting s truct ure i s 3522 squaref eet.The propos ed addi tion wou ld add 130 square fee t o f Site Cov erage.The tota l wo uld be 3652 s qua re f ee t,which compares favorably wi th t he3 708 square feet allowed.You e xpressed some c oncern t hat a portion of the s econd story may be supported by ac o lumn,therefore increasing Site Coverage by 5 0s quare f eet .It appears that there is a beam that may supp ort this s ec ond f l oora r ea but a cross-section through t his area (attached )sug g ests that this area i s c an ti le vered.In a ny case,t heS i te Co ve rage will be within the a lloweda r ea. Last we ek I s u bmi tted a copy of Nick Lampiris 'l et ter regard ingRockFall Hazard .I will discuss the find ings with t he o wners b ut the f indingswil l conc lude that n o mi tiga tion is required due to the location of the improvemen ts. pi cIT".fr itz le n,8n.'hilrcts.inc.d .b .•.rrne ten.pierce ,briner forme r ly Inrreteet desl!!n troup •LIS TOF MATERI AL S 4!:S CK I • The f oll ow ingi nformatio n 'i s r equi red f orsubmi t tal by t he app l ic ant to t he Des ignRev i ew Board before af i nal ap proval can be fi ven: COL OR t/Jd 7T.J:/Ea-x .... Ro of Sidi ng A.BU ILDING MA TER IA LS ;TYPE OF MATERIAL• Ot he r Wall Mater ials 72rJ.)4:-0 {t I el "~....J FVI'7r:,, I I Fascia _72J.lL:~1-Ic?~~o-:::::..':-'---'-"!.!L=:=-'=== Soffits ...J!'f2&,=~~IM~a2=17«<-_ Wi nd ows Window Tr im Do ors II Do or Tr im I I J I.II - ------......- Han dor Deck Rails -"_ sen Fl ues Flashings ,-r ;-;.. Ch imneys ---,------- Tras h Enc losures ';:)..r ' I Green houses ·--~c;;;;·~L "i.·j4~02.:==:___._J.':1:~El~-- Ot he r J.U:. -,,~I,'..-'.'---:- B.LANDSCAPING :.Nam e O f_D ~~~~~;;t.~=/:I=U~,::/=1w'~==6=/~~~~~.::':-=======::::: Siz e*,1/7,11 -C~It t:-1 -ci Quani ty A C2 Common Na me .._--------'---- .'PLA NT .MA TERI ALS:'Botani.".],Name "'•• PRO POSED TREES .~----_.----- EXI ST ING TR EE S TO -,' BE REMO VED -'--'---- , 'I ndi ca te cali perfordeciducious t rees.I ndicate hei ght for coni fers. (ov er) •• PUBLIC NOTICE • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board o f the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing on December 5,1990 a t 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1 .A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Romrel1 residence located at 799-A Potato Patch Drive.Lot 28,Block 1,Vail Potato Patch . Applicant:Mr.Larry Romrell/Fox-Romrel1 Partnership 2.A request for an additional 250 square f eet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Hoyle residenc e located at 5053-A Snowshoe Lane.Lot 26,Va il Me adows Fil ing #1. Applicant:Mr .Byron Hoyle 3 .A request for an additional 250 square fee t of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Sink residence located at 781 Potato Patch Drive .Lot 21,Block 1,vai l Potato Patch. Applicant:Mr.&Mrs.Clifton and Elizabeth sink 4.A request for an additional Residential Floor Area for the 5053-B Snowshone Lane.Lot 2 6, Applicant:Mr.Al Dorset 250 square feet of Gross Dorset residence l ocated at VailMeadows Filing #1 . The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular o f fice hours for pUblic inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on November 16,1990. , •Nicholas Lamplrl s,Ph.D. CONSULTINGGEO LOGIST 0 793VALLEYROAD CARBO NDA LE ,COL O RA DO81623 (303)963-3600 (2.HOURS) • D ec ember" toJ l L'i j "1m !::'.i o --c e Fr-r r.zi c-n ,ri c r-c.e ,8\-j rH1'r •PO Bo:<:-';7 'Ja il ,en 8 165~; uo e r-I'it-.el r.:TC''': ne ve-co r np t e t eo my c e oj c o tc n e ze r-c ~',Icl1q <'.lt r:,'r.'l men t i.cme-o pr-op e rt v w i t.h i n tno r own ~:lf \;<,~j."::':,-:l :,:, boundary n e .w ~en S ect io ns 1 ~rl (J 1 2."r 5 S!r [J'~)', p .r"!••l....i t n Ln t be j~li n t~!'T:1 5 mt rnrt s-(l.!.:-(\i !'-'~.r·'::O I ",".. Co lcrccr., 1 "!·;\r-:tH t "IE'1;-1:') C".I .•il l Tb er e J.Si an c::,i -=..t:illg t"l aMP rm t b e P :-C;f ::~t'ty ';r:\·I~'.~ additi nfl::;w iI l be tiur j t;('5 P i~cn-ewt nq et ,1 ~~':"t .'P "t-,;o,h'l o t h e lot c ons isc s o f a qe-rr tl vn o ut.nwc s --!:1 c il1~slf'lf,r"'n\"",""C'd L-lith u s t Lve qr-a raae-s \·l h i .c h i s h'l C k:::d tl"',\JOI1"·,"i''''·'i:,·P ,.I ~l'~l...~ 1:.":1 't nc uout.n , lite q :Jo J.c q','of t he ;',!"'ca C":c)n ~"i !:.';t o:;o f !'·,,;·\no;:·";,','I,!1j",,(",,f'.»rtu n F ~l ~m at.i"'n u nd -er-t h e s ite w i lt,P enn s 'll""i?,n "i.i:'~·-~·"·1 'I'.'\1'\,'l.<''''' Ma r-c o nro r-met a c o Eur-t t ne r-u p ~<h E~ni j t e a d e-tp I>ll'T\W I;: th i~;;er-ea 1 <:!i pr-ed c .r u n ~"l.i1 1':1 Y d g r·ay s h",•.J ,:11'".d e:<nctx tor ..•I"Ji tt L i me e t one L ay er s,T he Mal-Don i s a l 1f..:'ifl Do t i tE'~'·f cmr'l;,:C'':J sil t 5t on ~.s a nds to ne 3nd slla19 .Bot h o ·t h ru0 :'c-m~tl~n~dt a bout;3 '1 to 40 creu r-e es to t he r.or-th ,Ther-e i s;~"l ·':.u-j r-:.-i '1 } c cver-t n q of q L e c i e l d ri 'ft o'f R '.la t""r "1'1 <!l r '/,,;\(102 ;:.+;rr.c CHl :.rh r .q s i t e-wh i c b c c r rte t ne 5 i 1 te ,sa'lds ,c Clbt J F..~;c rio cc u r -':!=I r This lo t;t t e e ne a r-t he b ~l'<;~o f :;,s t aec I i J.:t~:;L::::·vI \r:"","': e r-r rr sa the eubd i v i e i c n l o a d am 'i e,j"~l 'pB-ti ,,,,'.Lv '.....{if I t .c H i g ~1 se v e r tt v R ork fi:\11 Z o ne ':'oS mepp c o r or-to e to...n o f '/::<.:;. T u r-t t ev e t hat roc k fa l l ...,1:t h :l.3 c i t;o ,!'".;,os":'°b l""'let :1,'\, L il-elv d ue t el th f~t yp f:'a nd o r t ec t.e ti c n a t tt ~'"'"II 't "·I ·(":!-~,atrov e a nd the g l::'ne r id t o ptl gr a p ~~y e bcv c t.nc e i t e ,"l'"'!e ),Jjlir ;::;.'> r o a d . •• I recommend that,d uri ng wO I~k o n "h I:-'<;,....-'tr-..'O/E".."t~I ••co I ,ll ror- b er-mt nq i n f ront o f t he home w i 1.be-b eo e L i c i eL,nl l~o th el - addition is at t he back of thp home w ~]]....i ll h ..'!.Il O e ff oc t on r-oc kf a Ll ,I de no tb e L t eve that I)f e t t t cr.at t o n ,1 f o pt ed e cr ,wi 11 n ega ti v el y a ffect ad l o i n ~nc prope l t ie ,.l or -oJ;11 th ~a ddition .The site is"qeof cq t ce f L v ,j H.,~i.tl'l>;>'ar-P ~'" b u t d evelop me nt wi lln ot in cr ~A S ~th~he7 &r li L,)~ll ~r p r-op erE v or'c t.r-uc cur-e s,o r to public:bu i L d inc e r ·H h t 'S~·)':~ way,r-ce de ,.a t.r -e e t c,eeeemer rt c ,l l t il t i_p ~0'f •.1 (ilI1 ~~.(II ot h er-pr-c p er-t t ee of a ny ki ne.I n t he eY~'?I I ':ll ll.II"li."l not; put in to plac e ,thcn:~w i L 'le til J b e I H I 1 u .r-r-e ec If '<1;d:~d b -, t hE'a b ov e l is t ed t n-pr-ove.nen t e, I f ther-e ar -c r Ur'"~ncr-que -st t on s,p l ,:;Ods~'do l ot ".e-",j c ontac t me . S incer el y ~ -'7JU -e;': Nichola 3 L ~~p i ~:~ Co n~u lti nq Gl:=.-l oQ i s ot t .-'\-0 •t •PUBLIC NOTICE • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing on December 5,1990 at 3:00 p.m . in the Town of Vail Municipal Building . consideration of: 1.A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Romrel1 residence located at 799-A Potato Patch Drive.Lot 28,Block 1,Vail Potato Patch. Applicant:Mr.Larry Romrell/Fox-Romrell Partnership 2.A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Hoyle residence located at 5053-A Snowshoe Lane.Lot 26,Vail Meadows Filing #1. Applicant:Mr.Byron Hoyle 3.A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Sink resid~nce located at 781 Potato Patch Drive.Lot 21,Block 1,Vail Potato Patch. Applicant:Mr .&Mrs.Clifton and Elizabeth Sink 3.A request for an additional Residential Floor Area for the 5053-8 Snowshone Lane.Lot 26 , 250 square feet of Gross Dorset residence located at Vail Meadows Filing #1 . Applicant:Mr.Al Dorset The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on November 16,1990. '. H O V -6 -9 0 TU E,IHT RATE C T P~01 ,••••••*•••*****.~•••*.***~~.~••• "AX T"AN8~TAL ""'C UOTO:~U.X MeU..c W [Z]~OF DEn FlI I:AJ1"'11",1 ."".. FROM :'$zan-Ct .PHO NEA1t,.Grm.-/ CO:F PI?>fAl(l:~ Po.HI'"IHana flxl ran $l7ll nal memo 7llT1 -'--~.:'~[""~'I '-'_'''';'';::':';~"'''P\1Ui-'' ADr.mCKN"l'PROPKR,TY OWNERS "1'0 CLD"1'ON 5:BLIZABSTII S INX FOR SllIJ[REt!QDRL ODETTE A.v1UNI'!'B to»20 BLOClC 1 UN IT A PO'nro PATCH CLAIR,KEVIN Ii SALLY 193 E.GORE CREEK DR. VAlL CO .81657 ASsotJAD r NICOLAS C .&: 6919 FRYING RD . BODLDER .CO .80301 un 22 BLOC!<1 1'O'1'M.'O PMCB J WIEGER,GOBRGE A .AND BLI'l"HBB'l"H C .'cto SL IFER,SMITH,&:FRAMPTON 230 BRIDGE ST . VAIL CO.81657 un 15 BLOClC 1 POTAro PATCH (' l<ASSON,BROCE N .&IlLNA C.V 7607 STONEWooD CT. BDrHA MN 55435 un 16 BLOC!<1 PQ'nTO PATCH vi' DALY,AllOREw P .&:LUCINDA 8.' 443 WEWOlCA DR. BODLDER CO.80 303 LOT 1 7 BLOClC 1 PO'nro PA'l'CB vt WILSON,LOUISEY. 61 STONEGATE RD. LAKE FO REST lL.60045 LOT 18 BLOClC 1 PO'nro PATCu .vi UNI T A LANE,DAVID R.AND NINA E . 778-A POTA~O PA~CH DR. VAIL CO .81657 y UNIT B BARTLI'!',..rRED V\ C/O KIRKLAlW AND ELLIS 200 EAST RANDOLPH DR ••5500 CHICAGO,IL.60601 ; !I:..,r· ",:-:..;:----- ..---. , •• APP LICATION DATE :_ DATE OFORB ~E E T IHG: ORB APP LICA TI ON •.::Ca"r=-"~~/&-JN7I.L ·····TH IS APPLI CATION WILL NOT BE AC CEPTED UNTIL ALL INF ORMA TION I S SUBr Il TTEO ····· I .PRE ·AP PLI CATI ONMEETING : Apre-a pp licati on mee ti ng with aplanning staff me mber i ss trongly suggestedt o de termine i f any addi ti onal i nformat ioni s needed.No app li cat i on wi ll be accepted un less i ti s compl ete (must in c l ude all it ems requ ired by the zoningadmi nis trat o r ). It ;sthe appli can t 'sres pon sibil ityto mak e an ap pointment wi ththes taff tof ind ou t abou t add i tio na l submi t t al requi remen ts .Plea seno te thata CO MPL ETE app l ica- ti on wi l l str eaml ine the app roval process fo ry ou r proje ct bydec reasing the num ber of cond i t ionsof approv a l t ha tt heORB may stipu la te .ALL cond it i on s ofappr ovalmust be reso l vedbef ore abuild ing perm it i s i ssued. A.PR OJ ECT DESCR IPTI ON:4 0 l2lT7QA 1 TV r:</.-"'-'t .j;P /-''-':'/I 'Ln 'I a=. m ll.ftJg.eGlJJ7JaIZ 1r)6k7l:J?Idf?-<;2eE d 12?tCdED t>1?rlLvIAJ56-~e:'Sr -?mEF &.f'eA!'V~. ~----- .. B.LOCATI ONOf PROPO SA L: Ad dress 7 ,8 //1'7;-Jm ,a rea ,CJe ll.J E.. Legal Descri pt i on Lot Z /Block __,'---Fili ng !6rd TO &-H Zo ni ng 1-//// C.NAME OF APPLI CAN T::I,I Frn-.J ddO e t .I -cI1 6P '/H ~':·l t {~ D. E. NAME OF APPLICA NT'S R EPRE S E N T A TI V E :l6J.'JL4&eL.i~~l:::1~_ Address f!h<0 7-:\t0 il 'j Co ,te le !>h ona17£,./.-';4'Z :::a ::r :WNEe;~:::t(g 7J:J:~~ Address 7f1 ;g",L &klz "8"Vnl b te l eph one L/7t -7<?1..<. F.ORBFEE:The fee will be pai datt he t i me a buil ding perm it i s req ues t ed. VALUATI ON FE E $0 S 10.DOD I 10.00 $10 .001 $50 ,000 $25.00 $,50,001 S 150,000 $50.00 $150,001 S 500 ,000 $100.00 $500,00 1 -$1 ,000,000 $200 ,00 $Ove r 11.000,000 $300 .00 IM PORT ANT NOT ICE REGARDI NG ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1 .I n addi ti on t ome et ing s ubmitt a l re qu ireme nts .the app lic an tmuststa kethe site t o i ndicate proper tyl ines and bu ilding co rners .Treesthatwil l be remov ed s houl d a lsobe marked .This wor k mus t be completed bef ore t he ORB vis it st he s i te , 2 .The re vi ewprocess f orNEW BUILD INGS wi l l no rma lly i nvo lvetwo separate me eti ng s ofthe Des ign Review Board .soplan on atl east t wo meetings fo rthe ir ap proval . 3 .Peopl ewho f ail t o app ear be fo re t he Des ign Review Board a t t he ir scheduled meeti ng an d who ha venota skedfora po st po nement wi ll be requ iredt o be republis hed. ••..,....'.~". •.,. '..., -, ...'..,I ..,...',~•I ,.",',1 . ••• 4 .Thefo ll ow i ngi t em s no lon ger havetobe presen tedto t heDesign Revie w Boa rd. The y ,ho wever.have to be pres entedt o t he Zoning Admini s trator for app roval : d .Wind ows .s kyli gh ts andsimi lar e xter ior chang es t hat do notal terthe exi stingpla neoft hebuild ing;and b.Bu ilding additi ons that are not v iew ed fr omany other l ot or pub l ic s pace. whi chhave had l e t ters sub mitted fr om adjoiningpr ope rty own ers app rovi ng th e additio n;and/or approvalfro m t he agent f Of .or ma nager ofa condomi nium a ss ocia t ion . 5 .You ma y bere qu ired to condu ct Nat ura l Ha za rd St ud ieso n yo ur pr oper ty.You s hould checkwith a Town Pl anner beforeproc eeding. • The fol lowi ng i nf ormation is r equired f or s ubmi ttal by t heapp licant t o t he Des ign Review Bo ard before af in a l approval can bef ive n: A.BUI LDIN G MATER I ALS:TYPEOF MATER IA L COL OR Roo f Sid;ng Othe r Wall Mater ials Fasci a Soffits Window s Window Trim Doors Door Tri m Hand or Deck Ra ils Flues Fl as hings Ch i mneys Trash Enc losures Gr eenhou ses Oth er I ;--i-?I '"/1-/",,_',:I .:..r'J -s:, t;/t., I vr r-t //.{,..uxi: :j /1 " J " f.~!'., Comm on Name B.LAN OSCAP ING:Na me ofDesigner: ph one : PLA NT MA TERI ALS :Botan ical Nam e PROPOSED TR EES EXISTING TREES TO _ BE REM OVED ·II!<./lil1,, *Indicate ca li per for deci duci ou s t rees.Indi c a te height f o r con i fers. [ove r ) • ·.•• •••• •.., • • . •.-. .IDI3I?[;JW1fffiJI3~1f @)[?·.. ·[£@)ffiJ ffil I!!]~D1f W IDI3~I3[6@)I?[i1]§~1f .. ::t ~~~~::H'£SALES ACTION FORM ~~~~~~:'£ CO ST .10TAl. ACCOUNT ,.1lD.I .NO.v..AJ,lOUNT 01 00 0041330 COIJ .DEY.APPUCA'IlON nE:S \.IOO OC) 010 000 41540 'ZO NING ANO ADORtSS IIAPS 5.00 01 0000 42415 19SS UNIFO RIA BUILDING COOE 50.00 - 0100 00 42415 19S5UNIFOR lJ PLU IJBING COOE 36.00 01 0000 42415 19S5 UNIFORM IIECHANICAl.COOE 32.0 0 01 0000 42415 19S5UNIFO RM FIRE COO;;• 01 0000 42415 1987 NA'IlONAl.mCTRICAl.CO OE 30.00 01 0000 42415 OiHER COOE BOOKS .••.. 0100 00 4 1548 eWE:PRINTS (M'lURS)7.00 .. ..•01.0000 42412 XEROX COPI£S I STUOI£S .25. PI 0000 4~71 . PENAl.TY ms I Rt-INS?EC'IlON . 01 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPEC'IlON n::• 01 0000 41412 CONlRACTORS UCENSES nES ••, . ·01 0000 413 :30 OTHtR n::s ·. 01 0000 41413 .SI GN APPLICAnON 10.00 COI.lMENTS:J,",'V Q ...,."".~""<.'n lOTAl.lin oCO (i.l.Q=-"' •••• • •• TOWN OF ......11=1 r L • c ...e-i c-t.~0:::"'0- _'-Il..n i il .r ~TEC ~pp ·E t=I ...on t r er-oer J "'.ng-=-r-e tvr.Eo' 15 :01 :<19 101J.l>e Ratoun \PiUd THAN K YOU .. \-.,...•Project Application ---,-• Date _ Project N ame :__-f,/-I.J...u:='-_ Owner ,Ad d r ess and Phone;--'-_ A r cmtec t .Address a nd Phone: '2-\ Comments : Design Review Board Date '-_ M o t io nby : Second ed by : A PPROVA L DI SAPPROVAL Su mmary :---'-'''-'-''---''-----::-JJ-'''-..u-''=''''-.wl-'-----<L--''--=--'----'-r~b_-=---'--'-------IV.Nv'\tV I ()0-"'tJv\f!-,o ~ ----Y-1)'-.J..L6--"~i 1'SI8f1 App ro va l Date : J 300 0 1 0 00 2 ,00 0 15 3 6,0 00 3 D0 00 PER MIT FEES 31 7 159 5 1 20 PERMI T NO,_ BU ILDING PERM IT MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE PLU MB ING ElECTRICAL PL AN CH ECIC, BUIL DI NG z ELECTRICALQ ~-e PLUMBING~ "<MECHANICAl> TOTAL VALUATION 36 ,000 I II III I VV ABE HIRM G.R.F.A ?=N OTE -CO PYO FPERMITTO BE KEPTON J OBS ITE PLANS I N SL OT ~ 04619DATENOVIi, __N O .FI REPLACES R-3 GROUPTYPE I .TYPEOFCONSTRUCTIO N 2OCCUPANCY GROUP DIVISION 1 22a3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPT IONOFWORK :111 I NTE RIOR REM ODEL V-N OWELL ING UNIT$__ACC O,,"MQOA TIQN UNITS __ HE IGHT IN FT . NEW ()ALTERATIO N (X ~AD DITIONAL()REPAIR () CONSTRUCTION PERMIT.------~~::::.::.....-----, NAM E CL IFTON &BETSY SI NK MAILADDRESS 14800 QUOR UM DR #4 CI TY DALLAS.TX PH SI NK »~REM ODEL ~,'.('M .. ••• '"'DI IIIdepartment of co mmunity dev elopment JOB N AME : OWNER ,- TO BEFILL EDOU TCO MPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUA N CEOFPERMIT TYPE OF PERM IT ~BUILDING OO'PLUMBING ~ELECTRICAL D FOUNDATION l(}:MECHANICAL D 78 1POTATO PATCH DR t-:~'---r'::""::-'--"'="--T--::~=""--I I--------'::::~':":::'=----.-=--~ ~E G A L LOT2 1 BL,K'2:::::,,-1 -I FlU NGPOTATO l'ATCHESC, ARC HITECT FR IT.lL EN.PI ERCE,BRI N RFIRM I N SULA TION TYPE H-l lCKNE55 R·VA LLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN ·UPDEPOSIT TOTA L P ERMITFEES $8 1 2 O N I NG &BUILDING N OTES:_ MICHAE L WH ITAKER11/8/90 Bu"'ii.rnN G OFFICIAL ------~AfE ----- NO PLAN NE R-INT ER I OR ON LY =ONING ADMI Ni'SiR ATOR ----OATE---- I N ITIA Ll!- X GAS wooo""CAR ElEC DEM O ST ,CUT PAFIKING B LASTING EXT ,WALLS ADDITIONAL PER MITS N EEDED ;, ROOF FLOOR TYP E OF H EAT 6-6 3 42 251-B 176-p 134 -B PH POBOX 57 47 6-4 3 0 5 949 -8 4320 VAIL NEDBO CO NS TRUCTION DOUB LE DIAMOND GU ARANT EDD P &H TOWN O F VAI L REG.N O. T EL E. TELE . TOW N O F V AIL REG.N O. FIR M fiR M CI TY FIR M M AIL ADDRESS P LU MBING CONTRACTOR11l1""'-""-""''-'''''''-JO!!L----''-'-'---=--- LECTR ICA L C O NTRACTOR I OWNO F VA IL R EG ,N O . 476 -62 72 T ELE . G ENERAL CONTRACTORI ""''''''~='''-'''''''''''''~_-'-'--=-_ FIRM ME CHANICAL CO NTRACTOR TOWN O F VAI L REG .NO . T EL E. O THER ,,""'RM"-_ TOWN OFVA il REG NO CO NTRACTOR TE LE , I he reby ac kn ow led g e th atr h ave rea dt his a pplicati on,f illed o utinfu llt he i nfo rm ation re qui red , co mpletedan accu rate p l o t pl an .and state t hat a ll t he i nfor mat ion p ro vided a s req ui red i sco rre c t.I ag ree toco m ply with t hei nf ormati o n and p lot p la n .t oco mp ly w itha ll T own o rdinan ces andstate l aws,a nd to b u i ld t h is st ructu re according to th e T ~:;;S Z O ni~ng an d S U b d iVi SjO ~~~des ,d esig n reviewapp roved.U n i f orm Building Code and ot her o~~'lces h ,ofJY6PPljc~e t h eret o. CLEANUP TO:NEDBO CONS T ,A t'7 .r:.;£, P OBOX 3419 8 6 8 SIt':NA UREOF O~ER a N"'T~R~A"C"T'j""""'F"O"R"H"'I"M:::S"ELC:OF VAIL .COL.1 5 ANOTHE O WNE'Y 2Q,OCO \1- ~000 1\ -Z '-'00 .\1.. /DOO/r...•/.,.\''\ I .J lk'pMtmont o f comm un it y OOve l oprrnln ~ DATE 2.OCC UPANCY C RO UI' I Jl Ill I "~ "D EU I~BUll Dl NG ElECTRrOL P1.U Ll 6:NG IoI ECItAHICAl PERMI T NO .'I b 7'[\ ~O I S :'/7 /5 '( PER MIT F[[S aUILOINC P f/IUi'1 Pt A""1 CH ECI( H CCTRrCAl Ll EOIANI CAl De SIC N REVIEW GOARD RECREA TIO N FEE Cl eAN·UP DEPOSI T USE T AX TOTA L PERMI TF!'ES O NI NG &.BU ILDING N 0 1 (.5;_ fcc------- :ormlG ....O U INlSTRATO R ,REP;'lH (&'I[...:..::.::::.:.:::.:.:+~=..:==__I V ...t UA Tl O~; WOO D ::mmO tl Al { EL EC.TYP E OF HE ....T ADDiTlON....LPER MI TS N EED ED: i: ST.CUT NEWl I ALTERAllO BlASTING PAAKING O EIolO CITY V Al Fl UNG ARCHITECT [J RM E 'gITZ l.EH PtW ...,t:.fZ P"I W ~ ~Qe£S~~,=,,,-'-.1'-_ PH.4 "1 4 ·1.3<fl ·LEC TRICA L \'l~JTOWNOFVAlAEG.NO,.;-)~\-D C O NTRACTOR TElE .'\'\\"~\rA"J:l I ...£+--IW PLUMBING TOWN OF v'",.'0ft';\"\\o~\l CO NTRACTOR \).\'.C\_I)-.,'J{\ T E tE :. ~JOB NAM E : OWNER G ENERAL EIRM NEP150 c.oms ·~CONTRAC TOR roWN Ol"VAil FlI'G.N O .~--s TEl E.4 /lD -4-:">08 ~ •I l a.-Inl-e y t \ ....J.lfGAl -"DESC. f IR M M ECHANICAL CO N T R /,C TO R I .l;IQW""~NUO~F,-,,VA~.~,~.,.'~G~.~N~O~.------ THE. OI liER ~F1".="_ TOWN O FVAll RCO .NO . C O N mACTon TH E. I h ere by ackn owl ed q o tha t t h av o r ead t hi ::;ap oncattc n,f i ll ed ou l i n ro utne I n t or m at tonr equired. com p leted <I n accura te plo t p lan .and s late tri a:all l ho Ioto r ma u on provided a s r e q u ired is co rrect I a greo 10 comply w i lh me in form ation and p lot pla n,10 c o m ply w ith a ll T own o r dinance s an d stal e l aws,an d 10 build t his s t ru ctu re :J.cco r ding 10 t h~_~?'S zo n i ng a n~SU.)d i ~i~:?~,~es .de sig n revie w a p p roved.Un;lo 'm Ou;ld ;n9 Code a n "i.h e ;;/'~,~,ap,.a b l ~the ,elo. SIG N ATUR E OF oWN EA i'l1:7 C Q NTn ....c ro n Fon W MSElJ AND THE OWNER -"'"'"- • lown of vai 75 southfro nlage road vail .c olorado 81657 (303 )479-213 8 (303)479·2139 Plan Review Based on the 1988 Uni~orm Codes • c t nce 01co mmunity developm ent • PROJECT NUMB ER:11/5/9 0 ADDRESS :7 8 1 POTATOPATCH RD. VAIL,COLORADO OCC UPANC Y:R -3 T YPE OF CONSTRUCT IO N :V-N ORB APPROVA L REQUIRED:NO NAM E:CLIFTON &BETSY SINK DA TE :OCTOBER8 ,19 90 CONTRA CTOR:NEDBO CONST. ARCHI TECT:FRITZLEN ,PIERCE ,BRINER ENGINEER :NONE PLANSEXAM INER:MICHAE L WH ITAKE R CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes .It is a guide to selected s ections of the codes.The following is not to be construed to be an a pproval of any v iolation of any of the pro- v isions o f the adopted code s or any ordinance of the Town of Vail . 1.I nstall f i rep l ace as per f i re pl a c e i nstall a ti on .List i ng I nst a ll ation t o be l eft a dja centt o equ ipment for own e r a n d i nspect or r e vi e w . Mai nta in o ne hr .rat i ng of f ir ep l ace chase around fl ue. 2 .Dry er e xhau st a s p er UMC 1104 &UMC 1 903. Ma in ta in ventilationf or lau ndry as per UBC 120 5 . 3.All electr ical work shall be comp leted t o Nati ona l E lectri cal c ode of 1 9 8 7. 4 .Ma intain one h r .ra ti ng o f wall fr om g a r a ge t o l i v ing a rea . PMm,...;:'---AM eTION REQUEST T.W N OFVA l FRI.Irr CAL LER __--''.L!.'-''~:lOL_...L:.Cl4'__.L¥_----- READYFOR IN SPECTIO N: L OCATION :__~£iJL-I~:JQ"=LI.L-+-~n.:£,,-----.&i::1----,"'2-.'.-_---'::~_ DATE PERMIT N u i~R t-1r.OJECT oREINSPECTIONREQU IR EOoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: oFOOT INGS I STEEL o UND ERGROUND,r ".£;U/oFOUNDATION I STEEL O'"RO UGH I DWV. ~RAM ING ~O U G H I WA TER ROOF &SHE ER oGA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o PO OL I H .TUB. o SHEETRO CK NA IL 0 0 0 o F I NAL o FI NAL ELEC TRICAL:MECHAN IC AL: o TE MP.POW ER o HE ATING oRO UGH o EXHAUST HOODSs.' o CONDUIT o SUPP LY AIRk 0 ,0, o FINAL o FINAL, •b /AP PROVEDy""- CORRECT IONS: , • DATE !r;l -7j5h INSPECTOR I ~Z •• .... ______.AM I@ '+os:s;),/c eTION REQUEST TOWN O F V AIL M ON Po IN SPECTION : I «671' READ Y FDR L O C ATION : BU ILDIN G:PLUMBI NG: o FOOTING S I STEEL o UN DERGROUND o FO UNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DWV. o FRAMIN G o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H.TUB J(SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 0 o FI NAL o F INA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o H EAT I NG o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CON DUIT o SU PPLYAIR 0 ,0 o FINAL o FINAL ~P P R O V E D o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTI ONR EQUIRED C ORREC TIONS ::7 ta/£- DATE /;'-~-2i1,IN SPECTOR ~-:7 ____ • PM_____A M ., eTION REQUEST T OWNO F VA IL FRI NAME ----L.L.j--'-T--"-----;---,,-,--,-"".,-------..----=- READYFO R L OCATION 'L-"'--L__-l-"--'-''''-''--_=:u.=_--'"=--''---_ PERMIT NUM{;f "OFt RD JECT D ATE I ~~JO B, BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGR OUND o FOUNDAT ION /ST EEL o ROUGH I D W .V. o FRAM IN G o ROUGH I WA TER RO OF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SU LATI ON o POO L I H .TUB o SHEETROCKNA IL 0 0 0• o FINAL o FINAL, ELECTRICAL,MEC HANICAL: ~~E M P .POWER o HEATING ROUGH o E X HAU ST HOODS , o C ONDUIT o SU PPL YAIR 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL '/APP ROVEO ~f'o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIRED CO RRECT IO N S,-:;, t! I NSPEC TOR cf;:~ll ,4/f -rc ./' .' eTION REQUEST T OWNO F VAIL PM_____AMFRI CA LLER READY FOR __'N_S_PFEC_Tf;'.L 0 _ N _:_~pM<-0-JL"'.UL_U_Eh~"3W;;;E"D:.,~t...~~T~_R _ L OCATION :":f~1 ~~4,~ • CO RRECT IO NS : BUILDING :PLU MBING: o FO OT IN GS I STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION I STEEL o RO UGH I DWV. o FRAMI NG o ROUGH I WAT ER ROOF &SHEER o GA S PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULAT IO N o POO L I H .TU B o SH EETROCK N~t 0I~~«1..J y ',,,,,,I ,l.'",,+-tf~J)I..Ef.-"'- o FINAL N •o FINAL ELECTR ICA L:M ECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o H EAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUS T HOO DS o C ONDU IT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ,~PP R O V E D o D ISA PPROVED o REINSPECT IO N REQU I RED INSPECTOR ~/2 -/0 -pc;,,D ATE -t'-=-L-"'------"'--"'------ PM_____AM eTION REQUEST W N OFVA IL, CALLER ----,W&~I-_=_:o=!-:J.g,£L.I£JL------ ~DINSPECTION:MON 1 tz / READY FOR L OCATION :-'--;1--'L.,L-__'--'<...J.~"'___"'__+_'==='__1....0.l_~_ J ECT DATE _.l-+..<.c=--f-:+-..::D JOB 1 BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /ST EEL o UND ERGROUND o FOUN DAT ION ~STEEL o ROUGH /DWV. o FRAMING o RO UGH /WA TER BOOF &SH EE R .o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING., o I NSULAT IO N .o PO OL /H .TUB o SH EETROCK NA IL 0 0 !0 OFINA L o F INAL ELECTRI CAL:; ,MECHANI CAL:--o TE MP.POW ER ,o HEATING ., o ROU GH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL F<!'PPROVE D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQ UIRED , .- ,\ ! • • DA TE +"--='-"---"--""_ FRI <t'ftIlf',...Nil'",.... INs_eTION REQUEST T OW OF VA I L /Vll.JJ .'t- .... MONREADYFOR L OCATION :_----':l-iJL_~D:!~:hLJ~~?f~~I)G~--------------'~:::: %1£1 • :::P"'ER"'M"I"T"'N""U M BE0FPROJ EC T DAT E 0 JOB NAME --...",..'-'---'----:7i~--,-+'---""=;.-'--"O.""''''''''_I_---~-~ BUILD ING :PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDER GROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FRAM ING o ROUG H I WATER ROOF &SH EER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULAT IO N o POO L I H .TU B o S HEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o HE ATING o RO UGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SU PPLY AIR 0 0 FIN AL o FINAL P A)oP ROVED.47 o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECT IO NREQ UIRED CO RRECTIONS: DA TE /.?-fez -9'0 ,INSPECTOR -~~;RiL ·AL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED • The it ems below needtobe complete before giving a permit a final C of o. .. D Please cb~ck off in the box provided. FI NAL PLUMBING WEST SIDE: RESID.NAME: EAST SIDE: F AL ELECTRICAL DATE:\)d -'\\~ FINAL BUILDING DATE: D FINAL MECHANICAL DATE : 0 IMPROVEMENT SURVEY TE: o D DATE: TEMPORARY C OF 0 DATE: LANDSCAPI NG DUE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY o DATE:/2-2 /-90, DATE: FILE NAME :(.. C. B. A. AP PLICATION FO R DU PLE X SoBDIV ISIO N RE VIE W NAME OF APP LICANT '-n l o.~ll ~~jzdi Pa ~~<J MAILING ,f )n./\{j .Ii ADDRESS '13/0 C14 ~C ~l lA.c iiJ /1 ~.{(1 tQ..1 ..t eA .2 0 30 I ..PH ONE -53 0 -(')241- ) N~E OF APPLICAN T'S REPRESE NT ATIV E d ~Lttt ulLiv. ____________II__,PH ONgF1j-2 =;513 NA ME OF PR OP ERTY OWNER (print or t ype )LJJ!<P IC-"'1 ,b H··cJ1 Pr0J~~ OWNER'S S IGNA TUR~7f:"!J.J,Ltf(II !J.i...(Joe~/rI:"./J O N E 4'1b-UZ3 MAILING ADD RESS P O /1J.N--30:Y YUf 6J 2 /IJ5Z D. E. F. LOT 7i \ FEE $100.00 MA TERIAL TO BE SU BMI TTED FILI NG 1 .Two mylar copiesofthe du ple x subdi vis ion plat following t he requirements of Sec tion 17 .16.130 (C),1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,1 1,13 an d 14 of t he Subdivision Regu lati ons. 2.The pla t must contain the fo llowing sta tement: IIForz oning purp oses .t he t wo l ots created byt his s ubdivision ar e tobe tr eated asoneent ity withno mo reth an one two-f ami ly re siden ce all owe d on the combined areasofthe two lo ts .1I The statement must be modif ied accord ing tot he nu mber o f lotsc rea ted. 3.A co py of t he dec lar ations and/or covenants propo sed toassurethe ma i ntenance of any c omm onareas.The decla ration and /or covenants shall speci fica ll y addressthe painting ofthe ex teriorsoft he uni ts so that the units will bepain ted the s ame co lor and maintained i nthesa me manner. G.APP ROVAL PRO CESS,RE VIEW CRI TE RIA Thesecanbe found i n Chapter 17.24 of the Subdi vision Re gulati on s. H.FILI NG AND RE CORD ING The Dep artme nt of Commu nity Development will be responsible for prompt ly re cordi ng thepl at and acc ompany ing documents withthe Ea g le Coun t y Cler k and Re corder up on To wn of Va il appr oval . •• DEC LARAT ION OF COVENAN TS,COND ITIONS,AN D RES TRIC TIONS ~R THE HOUNTAIH HI GH PROPER TIES DUPLE X A RE SUBDIVISIDH OF LOT21,BLOCK 1.VAIL /PO TATO PATCH TOWNOF VAIL EAGLE COUN TY,COLORADO TH ISISA DECLARAT ION ,ma de on t he date her el naf ter set fo rthby MOUNTAI NHI GH PROPE RTIES,a Colorado Limite d Par tn er shi p (h er e ina ft er r e fer red to as "Declara nt")and re place s the previou s DECLAR ATIO Nr ecorded i n Book 440.page BOS.on Apr il 30 ,I986 . RE CITALS A.Declarant i s the o wn er of certain prop ert y in Eagle County .Co l or ado.which i s morepartic ular ly des cribed as follow s: Lot 21 .Bloc k 1 .Va il/Potato Patch (h ereinafter re ferred to asth e "property"). B.Declarant 1 st he own er of adup lex resid e nt ial dw e lling (hereinafte r r efer red to a sth e "buil ding ")on t he p rope rt y. C.Declarant desi r es to impose certain covenan t s. conditions .and re str ict ionso n t he prop er ty for its benef it a nd mu tual benefit of s ubseque nt ow ne rs. D.THE REFOR E.Declarant hereby declares that the prop erty shal lbehe ld.s old .and conveyed subje ct to the fo llowing easem ent s,r es tri ct ions .cove nants .a nd c o ndi t i ons which a re for t he purpose of prote cting t he value anddesi ra- bi lity of t heproperty .and which shall fun with th e pr o pert y a ndbe bind ing o na ll pa rti es hav ing a ny righ t,t itle .or i nte re st in the property orany part ther eof ,their he irs , successo rs,a nd assigns .a nd s halli nure to the benefit Of ea ch o wner thereof. •• ARTICLE I PROP ERTY DIV IS ION 1 .Thepr op erty is hereby d ivided i nto units asf ollows : a )MO UNT AI NHIGH PROPERT IES,UNI T A,co nsisting of a f ees imple estate 1n Par cel A,t og ether wi tht he improveme nts thereon,t ogeth er with a n undivide d one -half interest in that portion of the p r ope rty de sc ri bed as Pa rcel C (Co mmon)1 nExhibit A a tt ached hereto a nd mad eapart hereof. b )MOU NTAI NHIGH PR OPE RT IES,UNIT B,consisti ng of af ee si mp lee sta te in Parcel B,togethe r wi th the improve ments the reon,tog eth er wi than und ivi dedon e -hal f in terest1n th at portion o f the prope rty desc rib edaspa rce l C (Commo n)in Exhi bit A attac hedhe r eto and ma dea pa rt her e of. c)Said un div ided in terest ss hall not bec onve yed or mortgaged separ at el y from the units . AR TI CLE 2 ORI VE WAYS 1.There are o n the p rop ertyt wo dr i vewa ys.The cos t a nd mainte nan ce o f ea ch d riveway shall be borne by t he owner of th e duplex unit served by its respect ive d riveway. ARTICLE 3 PARTY WALLS I .As apa rt o ft he constr uction of t he building,a par ty wall wa s erecte do n t hed iv idin g line between th e un its.To t hee xten tnot in consis tent with t hepro visi ons o f this art ic l e, t he ge neral rul es oflawr eg ar ding par ty wal ls andl iabi li ty for pr o perty damage du e t o ne glig enceorwi l lf ul a cts o r omissions shall a pp ly to the party wal l. 2 .Thec ost of r ea sona ble repair and maintenance of th e partywa ll shall bes harede qually by the owner s of t he duplex units . 3 .If the pa rty wa ll is des troyed ordamagedbyf ire o r ot her c asua lty.an d if the buildingi sr estoredas herein after pro vid ed,the own er ssh al lc on tri bute e qual ly to t he cost of res to rationth er eof without prejud ice ,howeve r. -l - •• to the right ofa ny own ert o cal l fo ra large r cont r ibu tion from another ownerunder a nyr ule of l aw regard ing l iabil ity for negligent o rwil lf ul acts or omissions . 4 .Notw1thstan~1n9 an y othe r pr ov is iono ft hisa rt i c le , a nowner who by h is negl ige nt o r wi llfu l a ct c a uses t hep ar ty wa ll to beex pos e dt o t he elements shal l bear the whole cos t of f urnishing the nece s sary pr ote cti onag ainsts uch e le ment s. 5 .The right of any own er to con t ri bu tio n f romanyo th er owne r und er this artic le shall be appurtenant to the land a nd shal l pass to such owner 's su ccessorin title. ART ICLE 4 EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE 1 .Exterior maintenance of the bu ild ing Inc lu d ing,b ut not limi ted t o,patn t,re pair,r e placeme nt ,and care for roofs, gutters,downspout s,exterior b uilding surfaces,trees.s hr ubs. grass,and walks shall be the j oi nt o bl i gation o f t he ow ner s of th ed uplex units .Such exte ri or main tenance shall not i nclude c leaning or replacing g las s surf a ce s,door s,or ext er ior d am a ge caused intentionally or negl igently byan owner,his f amily, g ues ts.or i nvite es .Cleaning and repla cing g las s surface s and doors within a particular un it sh a ll bet he respo ns ib I l it y o f the individual owner.Repair so f ex te ri ordamage c aused by an owner or his f amily,guests,or i nvitees shall be r ep ai re d by such owner at h is expense.In the ev ent the need f or maintenance or repair is cau sed through the willful or negligent act of the owner,h is fam i ly.guests.or invitees.or if an owner fails to rep lace g lass sur face s,i ne it her case , after ten (10)days'not ice from the other owner,the other owners hall have t he r ight.but n ot the Obligation,t oh ave t he re pairs or main tenance perf or me dand the cost of s uch maintenan ce.replaceme nt.or r epai rs s hallbea l ie n o n th e int erest of the default ing owner ,wh ich may be ev idencedbya notice there of recorded i n th e Eag le Co un ty r ecord s. -3- •• 2.If any owner fal ls to p ay Its sha reofany cost for mai nt enance ,r ep la c em ent ,or repa ir of an it em des cr i bed s pecif ica ll yorgen erally I n P ar agra phI a bove,andi f the oth er owne r ha s p a id ~OO perce nt (IOOS)of the cost ther eo f, t he othe r owner s hall have a l i en onth e intere st of the defaulting owne r for the def aulting o wners·sha re,which may be ev idencedbyno tice the reof record ed i nth e Eagle County r eco rds .The de bt e v id ence dby such l ien shall be the person al obl igat ion o ft hede fault ing ow ner,andt he ot her ow ner sha ll hav et he ri ght to sue t o collect the debt or to f o r eclose the li en t hereofasa mortga ge.I nany such ac tion on the debt o r to foreclose the lien as a mo rtgag e,t he preva il in g p a rt yi n s uch acttons hall be e ntitled to i ts attorney s 'fee s and costs .Any sum paid onbehalf of a de fau lt ing o wner sha ll be ar tnterest at the rate of t enpe rcent (ID S)pe r annum f rom the d a te .a ld s um was pai d by th e nonde fa ulting owner. ARTICL E5 EXTE RIOR DECORATION AND LANDSCAPING The Declaran t agrees th at the e xt er io r deco rationa nd landscap ing of the bulld 1ngi nclUding,but not l im1ted to,t he co lor of draperies ,shade s,or c urta i nsvi sible from out s ide th e bu ild ing,c ol or and texture of pa i nt ,st one,wood work p anel ing,roof mater ial s,si ding,a nd t he curr ent e xte ri or l andsc apin gco ns i st ing of na tural mountain gr asse s and t r ees sha ll not be ch anged fro mt hat ori ginally utilized on t he property and 1n t hebuilding w1thout t he prio r written c on sen t o f all owne rs. ARTICL E 6 WA TER AND SEWE R Dec la rant ag rees t hat si nce t here is an i ndiv idual wat er meter f or each unit,the wa ter bi ll for ea ch un it s h all be t he in di vi dual o bl ig ation of the own er of that uni t . -4 - •• AR TICLE 7 RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS The pro perty s hall bes ubjecttot he f ollow ing re st ri ct ions a nd easeme nts: A.No f ence ,wall t or ot her ex te ri or barr ier sha ll be erected,constru c ted,or maintained on the prop erty with out the pr ior written con sento f all own er s of the prope rt y. B.If a ny porti on o f the bu ild in g encroa ches up on ei ther un it.ava lid ea se mentth e re fo re s hall e xist for t he enc roachments and for the maintenance thereof.In the event the buildi ng 1s partta11y or totally destroyed an d th en rebutlt.minor en croach - ment of parts o f the bu ilding d ue t o const r uction s hall be p ermittedandava lid e as em ent therefore andf or the main ten ance thereof shall e xist.There 1 s h er eby created a blank et easement upon,across.over ,and under t he p ro per ty for i ngress,e gress . ins tallatio n,re pla cement ,r epa ir.an d ma intenance of a ll ut il i- tie s.i ncluding,b ut n ot li mi ted to ,wat er,s ewer ,g as,te lephone. electricity.anda television anten nao r ca b le sy st em ,if a ny. By virtue of this easemen t,it s hall be express ly pe rmi ss ib le for the ut il ity co mp any t o er ectand ma i nta in t he nece ssary eq uipmenton the propertya nd to af fix and main tain elect rical o r telephone wires,cir cuits.and conduit s on,abov e,acros s,a nd under the roofs ande xterior walls of the building .No se we r. e lectrical wire s,water lin e s,o ro ther u ti lit iesmayb e insta l led or relocated o nt hep rope rty,however.e xcept as initial ly installed by De cla rant wi th out the prior wr it te n appro val of all owners .The foregoing e ase me nts shall inno wa y af fect anyo ther presently re cord ed easeme nto n t hep rop e rty . ARTI CLE 8 I NS URANCE Each owner sh all maintai n h azardi nsurance,insur ing it s i nterest1n the p roper ty in the ini ti al am ounts of $350,000 and S200 ,OOO fo rth e Wes t (large r)a nd East (sm all er)unit s res pec- tively,with annual increases o f five percent (5 %)of said -5 - •• amount fo r each calendar yea r unless t heown e rs Agree ot her- wise.Ea ch owner shall als o ma inta i n compreh en sive lia b il ity in surancein connect io n with it s owners hip of the property and lts duple.unit ln t~e min 1m um amounto f S300,OOO,w1t h th e other owneras an add itiona l name d insu red.The pol ic ie ss hall provide that the insurer sha l l give not ice to the other o wn er ln the event the prem lum 1s not pa id and shall pro v1de t hat the other owner sha ll have the r ight,but not th eo b li gat10n,to cur e any such nonpayment.It is agreed that each own er s h all rebulld that port10n of Its un 1t wh lch i s SUbstan t ial ly destroyed unless both owners agree l n wrlt 1ng t h at rebu ildlng is unne cessar yo r unless the mortgAgee of either par ty refu se s to consent to rebuild ing.In the event e ither ownerf a ils t o pay for the i nsurancepremium and the ot herownerpays t he premiumor ob tains the coverage at its expense or if an owner falls to rebul1d as prov lded here in,the nondefau ltlng ow ner shall havea lien aga in st the i nterestof the defaulting own er to be e videncedbyanotice thereof re corded in the Eagle County reco rd s.Sa ld amounts Sh all a lso bet he pe rs onal obl i gati on of the defaulting owner .The nondefaulting owner sha ll have the r ightto sue fo r collec tion of the amount o f t he lt enor to f oreclose the l ten a sa mo rtg age.I n any such action t o foreclose or to sue on the ob l igat ion.the prevai l ing pa rt y s hal lbe entitled to its reason able at torneys I fee s a nd court co sts.Any su m pa id o n beha lf of a defau lt ingo wner shall bea r interest at the rat eo f ten percent (lO l)peran num from the d ate said sum was paid by the nondefaulting owner . ARTIC LE 9 GEN ERAL PROVISIONS 1.Any ownersha ll have th er ig ht toen force ,byany proceeding at l awOri nequ ity,a ll r es trictions,c ond i ti o ns. con venants,l iens,an d charges now or hereafter im pos e d pursuant to this Declaration .Fa i lure by any owner t o en fo rce any conve~ant or restr ict ion here in c onta1neds halltnnoe vent be dee me d awai vero f t he rig ht t o doso thereafter .I n any -6 - •• enforcement proceeding,the prevailIng party sha ll be e nti tled to its costs and attorneys'fees,including.but not limited to,the cost of injunction bonds. 2.Inva11dat1o~of anyone of these coovenants or restrictions byjUdgmentor court order shall not affect any other provision which shall remain 1n full force and effe ct. 3.The coovenants and restr ictions of th is Declarat ion shall run with and bind the land,fo r a term of twenty (20 ) years from the date this Declaration i s recorded.after wh ich time they shall be auto matica l ly e xtended f or fiv e s ucc es siv e periods of ten (10)years.This Declaration may beamendedby an instrument signed byal \of t he unitowners a ndal l mortgagees or holders of deeds of trust on units. 4.Declarant and all subsequent owners of any intere st in the property,by accepting a deed to any interest thereto, waive the homestead exemptIon or any other exemption of the laws of the State of Colorado orany federal law only as it relates to any lien filed byany owner pursuant to this Declaration .Otherwise.such e xempt ions are not hereby wa i ved. 5.Any lien filed byanowner pursuant hereto shall be subordinate to the lien of any f irst mortgage ordeed of tru st on the unit. 6.Eachowner shall r egister jts maIl ing add ress wit h the other owners andal l notic eso rdemands intended to be served upon owners shall be sent by certified mail,postage prepaid.addressed in the na me of the owner at such registered mailing address.In the alternative.notices may be delivered. if in writing,personally to owners .Prospect ive purchasers of units shall be entitled to determine jf a selling owner is i n default with respect to any maintenance obligation orany ot her obligation under these covenant s by delivering a wr itten Inquiry with respect thereto t o the owner of the other unit. If no response i s receIved to such inquiry with in thirty (30 ) days of the date said notice is received,the nonselling owner shall bedeemed to have wa ived any clai m of lie n or cla im for damage.The existence of a recorded notice of lien.however, -7 - ..•• shall consti tute notice to a pr osp e cti ve pur chaser o f a c l a im by an owner of the other unit,ands hall not be affected b y th e foregoing request for i nfo rm a tio n. Datedasof.this U day of ;!It/GusT / STATE OF COLORADO l COUNTY OF t::ou..QcPl1 55 . DE CL AR ANT: MOUN TAIN HIGH PR OPERT IES By:~Tf!';~~1~ Genera l pa rtne ~ Gener Partner 921 . Th.foregoing instrument wasack now ledged be fo reme th is cl day of a L«;l1 tl t .,t;i2 by /a44 A/1),mu lt//) ) 1hM.{t 9 ~u a 7 A /2 WITNESS my handand offi ci al seal . My commission e xpires : -B - ~~~()V..-,t ~~~~() W .....~a..v.e..f\o~,;;... fu cJcS'l ~(f .ILL~l:& gCl'l \rX?-.\\>0\,;]0 ~&. \..)~g 1'>&lh-td,d'\~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ C1m~LotS -s-r'(. •Pro ject Application Contact Personand Phone O wner,Address and Phone:_ Arch itect,Address and Phone :_ ~! ) •Zone _ Comments;_ 'M'lSj f3.oY.o e AV Design Review Board 6 -0 D I SAPPR OVAL 109blb!....--1f2-~~C._------.:W2 _Summary: o Staft Approval -- • to wn of vai box 100 vail.colorado 8 1 6 5 7 (303)47 6·5613 Augus tg ,1982 lar ry Mulli n 3236 Katsos Ra nch Rd. Va i l .Co lo ra do 816 57 Dear larry : • department o f com m unity development RE:ORB Su bm ittal of 8-4-82 On August 4 .1982,the Des ign Revie w Boar d approve d thecolo r change for l ot21,Va i lPotato Pa tch .TheStocolor approve d i s no w 905 5. Sincere ly, 7';'-"c;k~ Jl ffi Say re To wnPl anner JS :df 75 south frontage rn . vall.co lorado 816 57 (303)47 6 -70 00 J anuary 12,1982 Larry Mull in 323 6 Katso s Ranch Rd . Va il,Co lorado 8165 7 • departmen tofcommun ity developmen t RE:OR B Subm i t ta l of 1-6-82 • Dea r Larry : Att he Janua ry 6me et i ng oftheDes i gnReview Bo ard s y ou r submi ttal fo r aco lor cha nge wast abl ed unti l May to evaluatethe propos ed c ha nge i n rel ati ont o adjacent prope r tie s . S ine;e~Y s t1 / 'lCQ;Y Pete r Jamar Town Pl anne r PJ :df •• Pr oject N ame Bat cQ /prOj :;:;atl ~~4 --+-P=-/--=--""'--- ----I. Project De scription ;_ ContactPerson and Phone I c{¢j/,IOwner,Address a ndP ho ne :----l..4.p'=--r---.L..!..Ll.f.="-'~------------ Arch ite ct ,A ddress andPhone :_ ~.zo ne _ Comme nts:_ Design Review Board D ate -J.f<~f--'''---'-':.--- M otion by :_ Seconded by :_ APP ROVAL D ISAPPROVAL To wn ..o S taf f Appr ova l Da le :-------,f-P~.L.Ll,..o<:----- --- ..-.e '. Date '-t)ec - • '12 1 /~ Project Application• C o ntact Personand Pho ne PJ;;,~I (rx oe (I-I Project Description 7 tIPa-/-,J,P;U (h j,'lAA;4 Lt-H~ Owner,A ddress a nd Phone :~C\...kv-..Lt1-1t~"":' I 17 (.·30 '7// r /)76 -I t!tA.Architect,Addressand Phone :_-..l\-.:\",!)!..:.JwJ=~,uk","_=-~~~_~~-=-!.!:.~=-_ ./I{/.7-1/dll ~j7 I ff.,•.-(' Legal Description :Lot ;..I Block __1<-Filing -...L=---,r-~=_-'<:' Comme nts:f~...J1....:h ~a 4 f ~"'__o_ f I'/ -w&<~.t~,~I ,'-'"~~" DesignReviewBoard M otion by:_ Sec ond ed by :_ APP RO VAL D IS APPROVA L ,;; Town Planner o 5 1aft Appr oval Date :-;,-+-_ --...... DIVISION1 '1 '1,3 " GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :II New Duplex TYPE OFPERMIT [X BUILDIN G [)ELECTRI CAL [)M ECHANICAL III III •V II ABEH 1 RM PERMIT 'NO.[\'1 71 9 BUILDING ,,·nnn z elECTRICAl.t nnn0 ~PLUMBING 15 000~ ~•M ECHA NICAL 6 .000> PROJECT NO._6-15-81 m PLUM B INGoFOUNDATION O NLYo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DATE I ITYPEO F CONSTRU CTIO N '1 O CCU PA NC YGROU~, • L EGALLOT 21 BLII...-L D ESC.Fi liNG Potato Patc h JOB NAM E:"Patch 21"Du p lex TYPE v GRO UP R-3 o;;n FT. 4104 VALU ATION B UILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK PERMITFEES 100"nn 504 .00 OWNER 'l>NA..."'_ELECTRICAL n7 nn MAIL ADDRESS PlU MBI NG 150.00 ARCH ITECT I cfl"RM"--_ MECHANIC AL CLEAN·UP Df POSI T ...r ........"li:VIEW BO ARD 60 .00 ,"~I I 615.60 I 100.00 2nn nn .7._•••••.•7"..RECR EATIONFEE .illM..B EDROO MSGRF.A CO MMERCIAL SYST RESTAURANT SEATING NEWf "'}Al TERATIO N !I ADDIT ION ALl 1 REPAIR ()PH PHClTY CIT Y MAlLADORESS OAlf 0:~- $2 734 .60V eO,-t Il ,,-..\ ~,\>\.../...V -LX'"");Io t; 'ON I NG AD MIN ISTRATOR I R-3" R-19 R V ALUE D_Tn GAS WOOD : THIC KN ESS 2 R1dQ fd HEA T I NSUL ATION ELEC ·X HEI G HTlN FT ,_B ATH TU B/SHowe R N O FIR EPL ACES NO TOI LETS COV ERED PARKIN G UN COVERED PARK IN G VA IL WATER &$A N,DIST lAPF EE SOLAR I n e:UliD I NG"offIClAl _. PH FIRM Mull in-S era fi n Bl d r s. uea OTHER I ~"~P:::"_ MA I L ADDRESS El ECTRICAL 'ONTRACTORI ".lllNJ..L"610"O!BR:cESS"'--_ _OTV FIRM FIRM M ECHA N ICAL CONTRAC TOR IM.".,lI.L1I'DJPPI1JR"'''S'-S--------- crrv GENERAL CONTRAC TORI M~.lll~~J..~AlllD"DUlR"'ES"S~_ PLU M BI NG CONTRACTORI MALL.AD DRESS ""TV CO NTRACTORl CITY PH SPECIAL t.lOTES ' -""""..,,,.', l)"'tH o "!""'fI ~\\r, • DATE INS f'/:J-v k L JOB N AME --~Wt ~'-7I eTIO N REQUEST T OWN OFVAl _; PM_____AMFRI CALLER _ MON .~W ED THUR p ~r>r,fc!.. READ Y FOR INSPECTION : LOCATIO N:)[I BUILD ING:PLUMBING: o FOOTING S I STEEL n U NDERGROU ND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMI NG o ROUGH I WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPIN GoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATI ON o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 'J FI NAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP .POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXH AUST HOODS o CO NDUIT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0----/ /D 'FI ~(o FI NAL /' A PPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQ UIRED~O R R E C T I O N S : \ DA TE ---'''--.:....:::..::::_-=-.:==-__ _____AMPM eTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAIL _. FRITHUR CALLER _ INSPECTION::-'MQ;)TUESWED 7 k!))0 r;-;:-»;Ie ( <I a-I t ';'?"rJ I{,-r 0'"-T IA.r",4,) '7 /2-j)h V JOB NAME _...!-.L.L~~~"----_ /I READY FOR LOCATION:_'---''--''_...!.:.-''----'-''---"'-'--_--'----''--"---'---'_ DATE BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 ~~P...r ...t ..0 o FINAL f/o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o H EA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o S UPPLYAIR 0 ,0 I q FINAL o FINAL, "c APPROVED !Cb RRECTION S: o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIRED I - J , I /-)I CX )Ill.,'f/..'7 \V . DA TE IN SPECTOR '---1 q c-~-L •• J I - INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN O F V AIL •..2./"JOB N AME --L~""""""=c_":::"~~_D ATE /-/f-f z.. _____AM PM C ALLER _ T UESW EDTH UR FRIMOREADYFORINSPECTION: L OCATION :_ BU ILDING:PLU MBING: o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o UNDER GROUND o FOU NDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o FR A MING o ROUGH I WA TER o IN SULATIO N o GA S PIPING o S HEETROCK NAIL o POO LI H .TUB 0 0 D-flH1';!.7b1 ~"3'''''o F INAL ELECTR ICAL:M ECHA NICAL; o TE MP.POW ER o HEATI NG o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o C ONDUIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o F l tjI"L o FINAL ~P PR O VE D o DI SAPPROVED o REI NSPEC TIONR EOUIRED /CO RRECT IO NS : D ATE /-/I'-I'z INSPECTOR ~~..<~ ..._.....- '"---{j PM 17"" BUILDING:PLUMB ING: n FOOT I NG S I ST EEL o U ND ERGROUND o FOU NDATI ON I STEEL o ROUGH I DW .V. DFR AMING o RO UGH I W AT ER o IN SULATION o G AS PIPING . o SH EETRO CK N AIL o POOL I H .T U B 0 0 n FINAL o FINAL ELE CTRICAL :MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEA TING o ROU GH o EX HA UST HOO DS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 ~F}NAL (Ae -,.<·1'l"'.)o F INAL Y APPROV ED o D ISAPPROVED o REINS PEC T IONREO UIRED C ORRECTI O NS: D ATE I~J"-P IN SPECT O R .'.6W -...-.,.... • R EADYFOR IN SPE¥ON :.-IO N LO CATION :(1 '1 ,0 2J ' CA LLER T UES WED T HUR BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U NDERGROU N D o FOUN DATION I ST EEL o RO U GH I D W .V. o FRA MING o RO U GH I WAT ER. o I NSULA TIO N o GAS PI PING o S H EETROCK NA I L o POOL I H .T UB 0 0 )\R ~--r~,t ~o o FI NA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o H EATI NG o ROUGH o EXHAUS T HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 Df l ~o F INAL ~~P P R O VE D 7 C~R R EC T IO NS : o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQU IRED v DATE DA TE tLrjnI, READY FOR IN SP EC TI O N : L OCATIO N : M DN • BU ILDING:\PLUMBING: o FOO TING S /STEEL o U NDERGROUN D o FOUN DAT ION /ST EEL o ROUG H /D W .V. o FR A M ING o ROU GH /W AT ER o I NSULATI ON o GA S PI PIN G o S H EET ROCK N AIL o POOL /H .TU B 0 0 o FI NAL o FI NAL -ELECTR I CAL:ME CHAN ICAL: o TE MP.POWER o HE ATIN G o RO UGH o EXHA U ST HOODS o CO NDUIT o S UPPLY AI R 0 0 ~FINAL o FINA L I ~I S A P P RO V E D p1fEI NSPECT ION REQ U IREDoAPPROVED /-~-d2.I N S PE CT OR ~7~ -"""...."...., READ Y FORI NSPECTION:Q TU ES p~E D T HUR FRI AM PM LOCATI ON:J .Jr I 1f~t-,.h.0.4-,l \0_1'S~ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o ~OO TI N G S I STEEL o UN D ERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o RO UGH I DWV. o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WATER. o IN SULAT ION o GA S PIP ING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL I H .TUB 0 0,.o FINAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o H EAT I N G o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS I o CO NDUIT o SU PPLY AIR rr-0 I ~FINA L o F IN AL o AP PROVED CORRECTiONS: o D ISAPPRO VED o R EINSPEC TIONREQUIRED J{-6 l .-4;.~j =~Q4~.c......~~ ~L"-:t;--r--• I ././I _____AM ® eTION REQUEST T OWNO F VAl t.. al ft~,--- T HURFAI f <;'-/" T UES IJ If..INS NAM E ~,L/-~~i"':I2=--'=-filL~~~ CALLER -'._ JOB READ Y FOR L OCATION ; r BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTI NGS /ST EEL o UNDERGROUND o FO UNDATION /ST EEL o RO UGH /D.W.V. o FRAMING o RO UGH /W ATER o IN SULA TIO N o GA S PIPING o SHEE TROC K NAIL o POOL /H .TU B 0 0~u ir T~2"t 10 o FINA L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HO ODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 4 0 O,F)NAL o FINAL ~;P PROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTIO N R EQUIRED C ORREC TI ONS; DATE //-/6 -,f;/ --- - INS TIO N REQUEST TOWN OFVAIL ' -Sf'Ic e",.,.JO BN AM E _-<--'--'-'''''-!'''_'-'=''-_=...I:....ILs::...:+--Juq~_DATE MON TJA _____AM PM BU ILDING :PLUMBI NG: o FOOTINGS I S TEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION I STEEL o RO UGH I D .W.V. o FRAM ING [J ROUGH I WATER o I NSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCKNAIL o POO LI H .TUB o ~.,~a ~0 o FINALoFINAL ELECTRICAL :M ECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUSTHO ODS o CONDU IT o S UPPLY AIR 0 0 o F INAL /1 o FINAL 4 o A PPROVED f L ISAPPROVED 9 /A EINSPEC T IO N REQU IRED CORR ECTIONS : • v Qh-u'(?~IC /~Ll°6c,U;;:'<""I e"I 7 c H.e"...I .a~QC'#:"5 ~..."';<£'£7';;<...."C lt'",_H J ;< blssoc£~'9 , ac ..."r?<x ;,- (J t\-<,c d ,.-4 t 5 /.1·rc: D ATE ---!-.'-----L...::..:.:.L'----_ ..._...- _____AMPM 1('/,,'0=- DAT E INSP eTION REQUEST"7 /.TOWN OF VAIL- II 1/l/[L J OB N AME /1lJ,t J ~~S:n -r.l- TT C A LLER ,4 ,C±~Q ~0/e CC READYFO RIN SPECTION :M ON TU ESW ED THU R .t§) (2h-r '2 L-~G Dc i c(2 (LOC ATION : BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO T INGS I ST EEL o U ND ERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUG H I W ATER o INSULATION o G AS PIPING o SH EETROCK N AIL o PO OL I H .T UB 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP .POW ER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o C ONDUIT o S UPPLY AI R 0 0 AFI N AL o FINA L 16 APPR OVED o DI SAPPROVED o REIN S PECTION REQUIRED '(2 C OR RECT ION S: Gtr-----=-----t"7------=---.".------;::--r----,------ DATE //-/J .If IN SP ECT~;/?;Af/£ -~... • AM @ ;2 INS eTIO N REPUEST.I.L.J TOWN O F VAIL .. ~":;/~/. 'CALL ER @?,I~U i;z;".~A WED THUR ~_t07P JOB NAM E +-'==----":<.4--#'7'-"'-------,-:;---------DA TE lo4k READYFOR INSPE&,.;?,MON r;ZUES LOCATI ON :7(J -"K //--t ,~/.d'r;//•• BU ILDING :PLUMB ING : o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDAT ION I STEEL o ROUG H I DWV, o FRAMING o ROUG H I WATER. ~INSU LAT ION o GASPIPING SHEETROCK NA IL o POOL I H ,TUB ~0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRI CAL;M ECHANICAL: o TEMP,POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o S UPPLY AIR 0 0 D j ~o FINAL ~P PR O V E D o D ISAPP ROVED o REINSPECTIONREQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .-, DATE ,$;2--r IN SPECTOR #f L~~~~ • ...........- I '3 1 ..... INS • READY FOR LOCATIO N : INSP ECTION : HlJ l.{..4.1 BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TINGS I STEEL o UN DERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o RO UGH I DWV. •o FRAM ING o ROUGH I WA TER o IN SU LATION o GA S P IP ING ~SH E ET R 0 6 K N AIL o POOL I H .TUB 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: O T EMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST H OODS o CO NDUIT o SU PPLYAIR 0 0 o f1f!AL o FINAL Ifi0..PP ROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPECT ION REQU IRED ~O RR E C T I O N S: CH&/£..!,c2..o'-k....IN :;v"'E CT/(}.o...1 • • I DATE -'.-"-....::..--'-_IN S PE CT O R ~-~ -........,._, INS • eTIO N REQUEST . TOWN O F VAIL: PM_____AMFRI I THUR I ,,+fA,,6</' C ALLER ----r--------------- M ON T UES WED J OB NAME --.c="-'~=---J"I'~_DATE -La -1 -,[/ READY FOR IN SPECTION , L OCATION :_ BUI LDING :PLUMB ING : o FOOTI NGS I ST EEL o UN DERGRO UN D • o FOU N DA TION I STEEL oROUGH I D .W.V. a FRAM ING oROUGH I WA TER ~:N S U L A TI O N oG AS PIPING o S HEET ROCK N AIL o POb L I H .TU B 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ELECTR ICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o HEATING I oROUGH oEXHAUST H OODS I o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 -1 o FI)::IAL o FINAL A ~PROVED oD ISAPPRO V ED o REIN SP ECTrON R EOCJ IRED CO RRECTIO NS: • D ATE ..L.tL-=<..;:='-_INS PECT ~~J .. - '-n7."sk p~-a.r~~~ _/tWJ-rf VrUJ veJ J M . .. "111.dii..'S f (3~ 3~~4k~7i~~ VOJ ,~,~/657 0d:7 ,/99 { PM INS TIO N REQUEST/J -/-T OWN O FVA IL 'I~(''i C I -,dt ~;'-f~11 (;" CA LLER l HAn /t,7e;:«;p,Jl. R EADYFO R WED TH~R FRI ---,@ LOCATIO N :...,t....Y---L--C::.T.::::::!e!'...,p~'A-""":<.L---=.-~JM1'~!:!.--'s.,..el:·dl .".._ DA TE rt f;/;7 BUILD ING :PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDER GROUND • o FOUN DAT IO N I ST EEL o ROUGH I D W .V.1\'FRAM ING o ROUGH I WA TER •.IJ INSULATION o GASPIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POO L I H.T UB 0 0 • o FINAL o F IN AL • •• ELECTRI CAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o H EAT ING o ROUGH o EX HAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SU PPLYA IR 0 0 ~NA L o FI NAL j ~~R O VE D o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECTIO N REQ UIRED ~CO RRECT IO NS : • DATE _--'-__.::...-_"-/-'----_I NS PECTOR~~T •• TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR IN SPECTM m TU ES WED THUR L OCATION :1{/.,4,.-Wf.1.itz~;r, DA TE 9P 3}nL-__JOB N AME -4'-1-+u:,..y~-=-~~¥eI:.~f.fLf2.=--_ ! BUILDING:PLUMBING:. o FO OTINGS I S TEEL o UNDERGR OUND.. o FO UNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I W ATER o I NSULATION .o G ASPIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POO L I H .T UB 0 0 o FI NAL o FIN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP .POW ER o H EATING ~R O U G H o EXHAU ST H OODS . o CONDUIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 o Fi NAL o FINAL B-APPROVED o D ISAPPROV ED o REIN SPECTION RE QUIRED -CO RR ECT IO N S: • I / I / j J' - PM • -------,(3 INSP TI ON REQUEST//J,TOWN O F VAI L' DA TE VZ31YJ J O B NAME /1£1 1t;-.,~'"~lJr-r C A LL ER ---?JJ'-'..I!LOL.M""/"""'~--:=o::---------RE A ~Y FOR I N S P E~~~T UES W:D THUR e L O C ATION 7!/~~'t../l",,I • BUILDIN G:PLUMBING: o FOOT ING S /ST EEL o UNDERGR OU N D o FOUN DAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH /DW,V, ~F R A M I N G o ROUGH /WATER I NSULATION o GASPIPING ~ o SHEETROCK N AIL o POO L /H ,TUB 0 0 o FIN A L o FIN A L ELECTRICAL :.MECHANICAL: o T EMP,POW ER o HE ATING o ROUG H o EXH AUST H OODS o CO NOUIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o F!)iIAL o FI N A L ~P PR O V E D o DI SAPPROV ED o REINSPECTIONREQU IRED I N S P E C T O ~') -.-......., INSPECTIO N REQUEST T OWNO F V A I L • D A TE 9p;jt!JOB NAM E /It,/lu;-fitf __ CALL ER ",;",__,__I!:?2,It..:-k,a/,_ READ YFO R I NSPECTION :/,?~O N ~WED THUR FRI 8 PM LOC ATION :2l/8.Ii.4 ~(1 "':z::k-{c C (-<'4tt=CORR ECTIO NS : BU ILDI NG :PLUMBING: o FOO T INGS /ST EEL o UN DERGROUND o FOUNDATI O N /STEEL ~~OlJG H I £lOW ,V,/J"'R,t;6. 'Isl.FRAMING '0!S >(ROU GH /WA T E~C4'<= o I NSULATION o GASP IP ING o S HEETROCK NA IL o POOL /H-T UB 0 0 o F I NAL o FINAL EL ECTR ICAL:M ECHANICAL: I 0 T EMP,POWER o HEAT ING o ROU GH o EX HAUST H OODS o CO NDU IT o S UPP LY A IR 0 0 .0 ~fA L o FINAL ~P R OV ED /o DI SAPPROVED r EINSPECT IO N R EOUIRED ~- ~=--------------------- 0-"2 2 -fDATE_+~~=_¥-_ 9/2-ll fl I I PM BUILDING:PLUM BING :. oFO OT INGS I ST EEL oU NDERGRO U N D o FO UNDAT ION I STEEL o ROU GH I D W.V. o FRAMING oROU GH I WATER oIN SU LA n ON o G AS P IPING , o SHEET ROC K NA I L o POOL I H .TU B 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: c TE MP .POWER o HEA TING ~RO U G H ~r;.J...l.V>-.•C oEXHA UST HOODS oCO NDUIT o SUPPLY AI R 0 <1.-<.1 ,-y,..d ""'-0 o F INA L o F INAL•, lJ APPR OV ED C~C T I O N S : o D ISAP PROV ED oREIN SPEC T IO N REQUIRED .I h '"/.t. I I INSPECT O R ;zJ?d~ ./'/'..._-..- , • • INSPECTION REQUEST TO WN OF VAIL Pr,r l 2 I C ALLER /'''*J;:;:m u..ftM TU ES WED T HUR ~-----9 PM 1-./-0:,),r f g,,-- r c '".r .r;:; • q/I7/f/r I READYFORI NSPECTION 'MO N LOCATION ,"7 f I 1:>0 0 ,,. BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTI NGS I ST EEL o U ND ERGROUND o FOUN DA TIO N I ST EEL ./,I?ROUG H I D W.V. o FRA MING '6.aoIJGI I ;Wl\'fER o I NSU LA TI ON a .G A S PIPING o S H EETROCK N AI L o POO L I H .T U B 0 0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELECTR ICAL :MeCHANICAL: c TE MP.POW ER o HE ATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CON DUIT o SUPPLY AI R 0 0 D Jl;$L o FINA L '''A PPROVED o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTI ONREQ U IRED V CORRECT IO NS , -, D ATE -,{-----'--=__'-_I N S PE C T OR~~,-"'='7-'''---~===----'--------_....- \ INSPECTION REOUEST. TOWN O F VAIL J J"/r;-5Q;"-f., CALLER L c..h '1 )1t I "((,."".Ac 1 >&..,a ~ PM_____AMFRI r I, WEDTHUR p;-r.:,{ TUES [!.-t MON "7 f ILOCATION:..L..L..L__+'-''-'__L:..<--'-"'--''~_"'_+----------- READYFO R INSPECTION : BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TINGS I ST EEL o UNDERG ROUND o FOU NDATION I ST EEL o ROUG H I DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUG H I WAT ER o I NSULATION o GASPIPING o S HEETROCKNA IL o POOL I H .TUB 0 0 o FIN AL o FINAL EL~TRICAL:r f_MECHANICAL:1-.1 (I..i-JbTEMP.POW ER I'h':";t.,o HEA TING=,)........- o ROUGH o EXHAU ST HOODS o C ONDU IT o SUPPLYAIR 0 -,t;":,f?,d ~/'"".,){.l...0 O flNAL o FINAL lrf AP PROVED o D ISA PPROVED o REIN S PECTIONREQ UIRED COR RECTIONS : h~~ I >I ;;I {~ DA TE ,L'---,-"'-.L.--"'-......,--fl"-'---- ...~...... •• I ~U.-!\~f*1 Lot>O j",f;.c·r -s-l ~L-.;..'"~ 'I I ./r- "j;~I ~II I I I ,,-,ye,lII,'7 t:d¥-.'b 11-GYi ~12·--- I I Fj 11,171 x..I:?,17')(.10 -1~·11 f:- /><F~D =-J ~."CL -rz·1 Irt-'Z ,I \·1 ~~~L.~?~~<;"F lI c:'';.. I /.,:.~II _CIt ~_I ±.""7 +"2.../~'"'->r:l.--......I 'I _If?'_"'"",-/-",~x.=--...:::J=. ~.Q --.'......, •••• READYFOR LOCATION : INSPECTIO N REQUEST .--,rJ IJ ••T OWN O F VAIL JO BN AM E I/h«yh -~fT ' C ALL ER ;/i '>d2 I ;id40)1iilt:l UES e T HUR FRI ;;Ql,u ~PM BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOO T It-LGS LSIEEL).17 /1n /Y.t[.o U NDERGROU ND ~A T I O N I STEEL ~V"'J'"o ROUG H I D .W.V. o FRAM I NG o ROUGH I W ATER o IN S ULATIO N o GAS PI PI NG o SH EET ROCK NAI L o POOL I H.T UB 0 0 o FINA L o FI NA L ELECTRIC Al:M ECHANICAL: o TE MP.POW ER D H EATING o ROUGH o EX HAUST H OODS o CO N DUIT o SU PP LY A lA 0 0 o F)NA L o FINAL ~~R O V E D I o D ISA PPROVED o REI NSPEC TIO N REQU IR ED COR RECTIONS: DA TE -''-----"''''''-'LL _I N S P E C T O R ~~ INSPECT ION REQUEST ' /r-TO WN OF VA IL //1 u...t...-f 2-t .Je.f ;/n CALLER ____----'Q PM PM>'i/~a ( TU ES ,WEDT HUR FAI p,-;65 i?t£fc( J OBNA ME --''-'---'-''''''''':....='-='''-"y..-'--'e:L _ INSP ECTION: '1R'I' READYFOR LOCATION : DATE BU ILD ING:PLUMBING:•. o FOOT INGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND •••o FOU NDAT IO N I STEEL o ROUG H I D W .V. o FRAMING o RO UGH I WA T ER o INS U LAT IO N o GAS PIPING o SH EETROCK NA IL o POOL I H .T UB ~.,.,.1 "f,r018 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEC HANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 D t 'NA L o F I NAL -IIP.!'ROV ED o DI SAP PROVED o REINSPEC TION REQUI RED CO RRECTI ONS. ",-,,',,". I NSPECT OR2-2 7 -4DATE-...L"'-'''-':....:.''4'------- INSPECTION REQUEST /")TO WN O F VA I L /~t2J tJ., ICALLER J OBNA ME _-'-''-=''--''~'-=="","...L.=''-_7 h-J hIT7DATE PMWEDTHURFRI I~r;-c..MON P, READ YFO R INSPECTION: L OCAT ION :/8' . BUILDING:PLUMBING , o FOOTI NGS I STE EL o UN DERGROUND "o FOU NDATION I ST EEL o ROUG H I D W .V. 0 o FRAMIN G o ROUG H I WATER o INSU LA T ION o G AS PIPING o S HEET ROCK NAIL o POO L I H .T UB 0 S(.I"64'<"'6£0 o FINAL o FINAL ELEC TR ICAl:MECHAN ICAL: o T EMP.POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO NDUIT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 D /FINAL o FINA L rl APPROVED o D IS A PPRO VED o REIN SPEC TION REQUIRED '7CORRECTION S: DA TE 2 -z 9 -.cfj3/I NS P ECTO R ~ I 1 J « DA TE JOB NAME --'-.L-''--''=-'--'---'--=--7--=''--'-'--'--'--'--':......---- I NSPECTION :MON 'X-/ READ YFO R L DCATl ON :~«_"'---'--'__...L__'_--'-C---'-'-~'--""-''__''_''__:......= BUILDING:PLUMBING : /o FOO TINGS J STEEL ~U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION J STEEL ,o ROUGH J D .W.V. o FRAMI NG o ROUGH J WA TER o INSULATION o GASPIPING o S H EET ROCK NA IL o POOL J H .TUB 0 0 • o FINAL o FINAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CO NDUIT o SU PPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL 9:APPROVED COR RECTIONS : o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SP ECTIONREQUI RED INSPECTOR<7 /•7 -DA TE -I---=---""...:;:."'--'O""';:...L---- PM ---./ INSPECTION REQUEST'J2 TO WN OF VAIL,/]/,,,,Lex '7 &,&ze<C~tW7L WED T HUR @) JOB NAME~--''''-::-,,,,,-,~,£-'',,,,,,~;-;------:,-------- CA LLER --"'''''''~''''''=~<2J.x-.J..I.==~'-------''- READ YFO R INSPE e~£UfS L OCATION :?til ,~. BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I ST EEL o UND ERGROUND,IRFOUNDAT ION I STEEL o ROUGH I D,W,V , I '~FRAMI NG o RO UGH I WAT ER o INSULATION o GAS PI PING o SHEET ROCK NAIL o POOL I H ,TUB 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP,POW ER o HEA TING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o S UPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L I NSPECTOR/7 -y /,7 ·D ATE --L~.L....L...=--7=----- • TIO N REO,UEST T OWN OF VAIL -.• INS 2/ ... J OB NAM E _--'-'e:----"_o"--_--==--'---_ READY FO R INSPECTION: L O CAT ION :711 C AL LER ~TU ESP.t a tv WEDT HURFR I BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS /ST EE L n U NDE RGROUND /I;l FOUNDATIO N /ST EEL o ROUG H /D W .V. f\o FR AM ING o ROUG H /WA T ER o I NSU L ATI O N o GASPI PING o SHE ETROCK NA IL o POO L /H .T UB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL :MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POW E R o HEA TING o ROUG H o EXHAU ST H O O DS o CO ND UIT o SUPPLY A IR 0 0 o F I N~)-o FI NA L o REIN SPECTION REQ U IRE D n, V.-'t o DI SAPPRO VED.:::::::.:b p PROV ED <,., C ORR ECTIO NS : I N SPE C T O ~~~c::;/ _....-'Y ,.." JOB NAM E ~:L..':'>-----'--L"-7--"---:;----------- READ Y FOR '1 jECTION:"I"'MON p)tt I 1iiM3WED'tHOR?>FRI I '",,'"d L OCATION :1t.rtIJCM t rr./d /JL- (/ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND ~II In .r/(I}{FOUNDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I D W .V. o FRA MING o ROUGH I W ATER o I NSULATION o G AS PIPI NG o SHE ETRO CK N AIL o POOL I H .TUB 0 0 o F INAL o FI NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POW ER o HEA TIN G o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o C ONDUIT o SU PPLYAIR 0 0 o F!N.AL o F INAL _/ .:ro/~V E D COR RECTION S : o D ISAPPROVED o REIN SPEC TION REQUIRED / D ATE --"=-----'=---'~__--_IN SPECTOR ~~t -~- • ,(':;0 eJ PM TION REQ.UEST T OWN O F VAIL ~'. CALL ER Ik,M.T;;~d :t.-!i1/2,.J!lEf2r.GvEQ)T HUR FRI ~!Lslf(7 READ Y FOR INSP ~ LOC ATION :-,-1'.!!.'J',L'I-J"l/!1~~L!l.LLt"-''''''-~_ BUILDING : j:(FOOT I NGS I ST EEL o FO UN DATIO N I ST EEL o FRAMING o INS U LAT IO N _ o SHEET ROCK NAI L _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o U NDERGROUND _ o ROUGH I D .W.V._ o ROUG H I WA TER _ o GAS PIP I NG _ o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o FI NAL _ ELECTR ICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH _ o CONDUIT 0 _ O ~A L MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ O ~_ o FINA L M A PPROV ED,o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTIO N REO UIRED CO RRECTIONS: D ATE -eh:l..='-I--.,L=-'-'_IN SPEC T OR ..._...,.... •U IItb+ \I I .67 x 1JSD ","';~1/e,';- t>~t-~. M=(f)(~)((p--) =.)'J('x.,f.,7 )(.,~=,,,b -t;·-C t ~~-i"..~==-J ..Ii &_~_1 ..S-'3 I~=-_V'~~_I ..'U:l-1 _ ~:::,12.j' ie b •bI-b,,, 2A- 10 •ro-'-«1./ f.:: - 7,,, PM_____A MFRI •;.,l r.:: THUR INSPECTION REQUEST/)-f,!TO WNOFVA IL. I/o r;:2 I 1M r.JJ!.~CALLER ----"-'--'-==----':J.-_ TU ES 1)~ MON P-,7£ INSPECTION: I (p I e,In I I READYFO R LOCATIO N :_-+--"--'-__-'---'-'-'--='-------'==----'--_-"--'--'-=~_ o REINSPECT IO N REQU I REOoOISAPPROVED9APPROVED CO RRECT IO NS: BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o U N DERGR OU ND o FO UNDA TION I ST EEL o ROUGH I DW.V. o F RAMIN G o ROU GH I WA TER o I N SU LATION .o GA S PI PING.. o SHEETROCK N A IL o POOL I H .T U B 0 •0 o FI NAL .;o FINA.I{[ '1 .., ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: , I I-, r;(TEM P.POW ER o HEATING H- I -""-o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CON DUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o F)N AL o F IN AL .,/. ',. ..............-\ )p( 71DATE--f7'----+'--'.,L.--;;C-L-- ,,,,-,.DATE J 03 ~;'/.~E : POT!"OCB;SS J1 3(,ft' i c.rv Va.0 6>"IEW l i, SO.FT . ..aLi /\1"t{./ CF;OUP 1 f}.< 'VPE " 4 "1'0 {H,!". P LU~'3ING FOUNDAT ION ONLY TYPE OFPERMIT B UILDING ELECTRICA L ME CHANICAL ~ "'-' DES:. L EGAL ,=R I ARCH ITEC T Fl'••••~-.,~-'--'_ ~'5 ::':::r:R f;o:.~ CHV'JoJJ .a .PH#76 -IO&L/ C""'110'1 ___:E~;;'::'O ,":$ 1"0 FIREPLACES ___NO.TOILETS .\,,"Vi.:'",'.",;".I .~......;.,,',1:;.'.;·.···I'I.~ In:At.,:1:.\"':·I'I.I ~"'·.10•.'<...~j;~'t.;~1 'H ••;., I ;;;-"'.>:\'.\l "";~:.I.l;,;,~,:.'I .:. 1........:."•.".,ot:l:'<-.W;·::.:;''''i:<,....~"'T ~:" "';-;u ...:.1 .~fl lo.''<••:,',:~......~.,....:.,:.:;, T H I CI',~::S S IN SULATIO:\ ,',7v --j:J ---.-\N Cl:H ,TA P Fff ; -OOF FLOO ~ -'f PE SOL A i~' PH UL1 "3 -40 70' PH:T'I'(3 o ul ~(l r ','.;::..A.~D R ES S .I R II\ F I R',l ).,'JD dy ']neeir ~~e Q p gES S C'TyO "IJ U~r :PH """,0 ,1:0 n kkd _..:.,-;.:.'ORfSS OTH ER E:E:JOof h:lis Hill,fh,./l _/);'P ',' ~.'c CHAN I C AJ.1 ~':..'~.t.::l..:L!?£.SS. CONT R';CTCnl lT V lktiJ.... P L iJ ~~8L'~G . CON T R;.C TO C ;~'."'..J..-"""''''''----_ ELECTR:C;..t. CONTRAC TOR C O!\TRACTORlcliV-_.."..., PH L "'OTE~: .~__'.!.'~._",:":,,,,~,•t.. Project Applicat ion . 19Ziod~ r tf VI ,:O"<, LI'"1.-0U 'zo .' I t".b II --, LegalD escription :Lo t --";2.'-1 Block I F iling Id .Zone _~__ Comment s t f}J¥y.:1<,,/~~\IJ ill ~~.~~~ DesignReviewBoard Moti on by:_ Seconded by : A PPROVA L D ISAPPROV A L ~~V;,.L------- S ummary :_ o Staff Appr oval ---.,0"" r Projec tNam e: Project Application •!Ok frr I 1 Pr ojec tD escri p tio n :_ Co ntactPerson an dPhone Owner ,A d dress and Phone:_ A rch itect,Address an dPho ne :_ .2 0 n 8_ Co mments:_ Design Review Board M otion by : Secondedby :_ A PPROV AL loJr )<g'{ J 7 DIS APPROVAL , - Dale :'-=+....c..-+.L-j'--_ Statl Ap pr ovs l -_.... •••• Let ter o f a c c ep t a n ceo f chan~es on Mu l lin-Se ra f in duplex be l n~ c on$t ~lcted on l ot 2 1 Potato Patch .Th is l et t ~r 1s r eou i r ed to be sen tt o a dja cent p ro pe r ty owners .. Ch an~es Rre as follow : 1 .e p$t yard wa ll to be moved 5 'i nt o t he s et ba c ~. 2 .wtndows-a ddit i ono f l on~e r wi ndows mas te r b ed - room e ast u n it and ma s t erb ath east un it. addi tio n o f one window (2 'l"xS '4 ")on north wall ~aTB~e eRs t uni t .a ddit io n o f two wln~ows (J '6 "x3 ')on west wall 1 1 v l n ~ r o om we st un it .ch anq e of windows f r om nA r row to wide units so u th wall 11 vln~room wes t u ni t.del et ion o f twowi nd ows o n west wall ~r ee nhou s e .Dele t ion of upper windows find slo ped o.::la ss roo f .i nc lusiono f A r e - cessed d ec~ebove ~r eenhou se . 3 .p~tl o -r e d ucti o n 1n s iz e of pa t io o n west un it. box 100 vail,colo rado 81657 (303)416-5613 11ay 26,1981 Du ane Pipe r 1973 N.Frontage Rd . Vail,Colorado 81 657 De ar Duane: • dep artment o fc ommunity development RE :ORB Su~"i tt a l of5/20/81 l ot21,Blk .1,PotatoPa t ch At the Ma y 20 mee ti ng of the Desi gn Revi ew Board ,you r subm it ta l f or a duplex ~as give n unani mo us app rova l.Ap prova l was f or ~ Pr im ary /Seconda ryr es i dence wi tha tota l GRFA of 4104 sq .f t .: 2738 sq .ft.pr imary ,and 1366 sq.ft .se condary.The only s tipulation was t hat t he ex ist ing trees be protected duri ng cons tru cti on. PeterJamar Town Pl an ner PJ :d f •Project App lication II Date \)M"(5f Us'V1 E rJc.e \'\'\'"\.A..I t-.l.S=+------------ Project Name,M I \...U J~c;",-_---l,~~~~"'---_ P rojectDescript ion:0 4 (,.0(1-= Owner Address an d Phone :~1 A rchite ct Address and Phone:1...d\..-~E& -511...;1\0 10 '1--'-----__----::-__--=-_ legalD escrip tio n :Lol 2-\.Block --l.-.Fi ling ~('):>--rArCt=T Zone:_ Zo n i ng Ap proved : M olio nby : Secon dedby : DesignReview Board D a l e S holR!,/ D ISAPPROVAL Summary :-' D ate:Date : C h ief B uil ding O fficial e"?"••• ENGINEERI NG CHEC K LIST , &Til TO !bred 6' Sub divi sio n ~~~",-~:oL~l--__ Lot Blo ck Fil i ng J.Subm itta1 It ems (Accept able)(Not Acceptabl e) (A)To po Map v/' (B)Site Pla n ..< (C )Uti l ity Pl an k<' (0 )Titl e Re por t ~ (E)Subd iv is ion Ag reement (i f a ppl ic able)__ 2 .~ng ineer i ng Requireme nts (A )Culvert Si ze ;1Jo,~ (B)Or i vew ay Gr ad2[8%ma x)(""A"'ct"u"'aT]')-=-''-L'"-'--___ 3 .Sourc eof Ut i l i t ies (Al El ectr i c .--- {6 Gas ......- (C)Sewer / (0)Water / (E)T ele p hor.~,,/ (F)1.Y. 4 .Comm e nt s:------------ Approved: Oi sap prove d : . cf'JI a....t v'>-- De pa rt me nt of PUblriC Works Bi ll Andrews chenand associate s,inc. CO NSULTING EN G IN EERS I I lOlL"f OUNDAnQN E NGI NE ERIN G 5080RD .154 •GLENW OODSPRINGS,COLORADO 81601 •303 /945-7458 son.!lND FOrnIlo'\TIrn Th'VESTlGAT lrn proPOSED OOPLEX wrU ,BLCCK 1 PCJm'I'O PA'IOt ,VAIL EAGLE CXXNl'Y ,mLORJIOO Prepared For: \fiEELER AND PIPER,AJOU'lH:IS P .O.oox 3129 VAIL ,mLORJIOO 81 657 Jet>No .21 ,740 March 24 ,19 81 n r ",••'"r n rn,rn,c ..,",n "r."H •.....n ,.,••••,'w',.. I I a:N:LUSICNS 1 =PE 1 S ITE CUIDITICNS 1 SUBOO ll.CUIDITICNS 1 f'CUIDo\Tlrn REJ::r.f.NENDM'ICNS 2 GlUA"'ID FI.(X)RS 3 tNDERDAAIN SYSTm 3 SURFllCE DRAINAGE 4 MIOCELLANEXlUS 4 F IGURE 1-LCCATICN OF TEST PITS FIGURE 2 -LCGS ,=JIM)!U1'ES OF TEST PITS FIGURE 3 -SWELL-<XN9:lLIIlI\TICN TEST RESULTS FIGURE4-GRAIlIITICN TEST RESULTS =I-stMlI\RY OF LI\BORAroRY TEST RESULTS I I '!he proposed du plex shoold be founded wi th s pread f oot.irqsp laced on the 1""""natura l sands am gravels .Footings shaJld be designed for a nux.i.nun beo.rin;pressure of 2 500 psf with design details arrl precauticns as discussod betcc. 9X)FE 'Ihis report presents the results of a soil and foundation investi- gation for a proposed duplex to be Iocatod on Lot 2 1 ,Potato Patch ,Vail , Ea g le CCunty ,Colorado.'lhe subsoil corxlitions ,.reccrrrerded type of famdatioo,allcwable soil pressures ,e st.i.m:lto:1 scttlments and other soil re.lcced design and construet.ial details are discussed in the report . SITE =ITICNS '!he lot fronts on the oo..nhill side of RaJ Sardstone ncod .At the t.i.lre of oor field ~,the site was vacant arrl covered with stall sage- brush and apprcximateIy 6 in::hes of sro-'.'1here are sote aspen trees rear the road an the oo rth pa rtial o f the site.'I11e grcund surface s lopes rr<:derately dcsn to the sou th ,Approxin>'lte ly 10 to 1 5 f eet of elevation d ifferential is existent across the lot . SUBOOIL =ITICNS '!he subsoil ccn:liticns were investigated by excavatID:j b.o explora- tory p its at the app.rox.i.mate I ocatdcns sho,..n of Figure 1.Graphfc l egs of the subsoil profiles are shc:J".m on Figure 2.Test pi ts ~a thin layer of topsoil above an apprccdmate 4 to 5 f oot depth o f san:ly silt with c:ccas icnal gravel OIIerlying a dense s ilty san::!and gravel layer wi th sane angular to aub-anqu l a r cccotee and lxulders.5WeU-ccnsol idation test I -2-I results ,shONn 00 Fi gure3 ,indicate the upper fi.ne-qrained sandy s ilt to be ncdstnre sensitive .Ccnsiderabl e ccnsolidaticn is exhibited under loading and ....etting .Gradation test resu lts of the granu lar soils are sho.o.n on Figure 4.'l11 e upper curve i llustra tes the resu lts on the minus 1 1 /2 inch fractioo and the I ocer curve on the minus 3 inch f ra ction o f the silty sand am.g ravel layer . fuisture content of the subsoils was described as being s light ly rroist to very rroist wi th depth .No f ree water W3.S encountered at time o f test pi t excavation . FU.M)M'Irn REIXMIDIDllTIrns we understand the proposed build:in:l is anticipated to be a 2 story weed franed structure with typically light famdatim l oadings .'lhe follc..dng design and oonsttuctim details shculd be observed , (1 )Footin;Js should be placed on the natural granu lar subsoils be.lew the topsoil ani soft to rocrlerately s tiff ,rro isture sensitive s ilt layer and designed for a maxirmm bear:in:l pressure of 25 00 paf , under this pressure,settlanent should be less than 1 inch and differential less than 3/4 inch across the bui.Idtnq, (2)Mininun footin;J width shoukd be taken a s 16 Ircoee for walls and 2 feet for cohmns , (3 )Ccrlt.inuaJs fam:lation walls shcukd be adequately reinforced to span an unsupported l ength of a t l east 10 f eet .Basanent walls a.ct:..iD:1 as reta ining structures should be designed to resist an equivalent l a teral earth pressure o f 4 5 psf per foot of depth . Backf ill shou.ld be ccmpacted to a tl east 9 0%o f s tandard Proctor density and have a surface slope that drains ciway frem thes trUct ure . I -3 -I '!he on-sit.e course grained soils shculd be used f or b ackfLlI ma terial. (4)All topsoil,disturbed materia l and l ocal soft pockeca o f soil frond a t the rose o f the footing excavations should be removed and the exccvaetce extended to the lcwer finn soils.A representative of the soils engineer slx:uld observe the excavation. (5)All foot ings should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing e l evation for frost protection . =FIroRS The upper fine grained soils are suitable to suppor-t;ligh tly loaded floor s labs.These soils are stable at their natural rro i sture content rot upon wetting ccctc settle caus.inq settlerrent o f the floor slab.To r educe the e ffects of scrre differential rnovanen t,a ll slabs sh culd be separated fran beari.n:;rreecec-s with a r.ositive expansion joint and adequately reinforced..A min inun 4 in=h layer of free drai..n.in:3'gravel should be provi ded beneath s 1al:>-al-qrade floors to distr:ib.1te loading and provide a uniform sur-face f or concrete pJ..acerrent .Backfill shculd be granular o r c:onsisto f cn-site silts canpacted to at least gOt of s tandard Proctor densi ty a t a m::>isture oontent near cptirnlln. l.INmXlRAlN SYS'IDl Althcugh free Wlter was not enco.mtered in the exploratory pi ts at the tirre of drill irg ,it has been cur experience in areas sum as this that localized seeps can develop at times of seasonal runo f f. Therefo re.the l.a..er level should be p rotected fran wetting by an Ul"derdrain system.The urrlerdra in shoJld ccnsfst,of a perforated p ipe installed in a gra vel filled trench placed be .lew floor s lab or crawl s pace qrede and al opod to suitable cutlet.The grav el beneath t he fl oor ,-4-, slabs stoJld be connected to the underdrain systan . SlJRF1\CE D!lI\INl'Q: 'rtl e uFPCX natllral subsoi ls are susceptible to consolidation upon manges in rro isture content.It is inp:rrtant that qocd surfa ce dr a inage be maintained bo th during cx:nstnJction and for the life of the buil ding . 1hc following details shoold be obseIved : (I)Excessive ~tting o r drying of th e foondatic:n excavation shal ld be avoided during cces truceton . (2)~liscellaneoos backfi ll aroond the scrocture shoold be rroistened and ccrepacted to at l east 90%o f standard Proctor density. (3)'!he g ram:!surface surrconding the exterior o f the bu ildirq sooujd be sloped to drain <Nay fran the structure in a ll di.r=tians .We rea:.:rnrend a miniIrun slq::e of 6 inches in the first 10 feet. (4)Reof <kwlsprots and drains shoold di.sd1arge well beyond the limits of a ll backfill. MIOCELIANroJS '!his report has been prepared in accordance with qenere LIy accepted soil and f c:mrl1.tion ergineerin3 practices in this area f or the use by the client for design purposes ,'Itle cccci usicos end recx::rrrre1daticns suhnittcd in this report are based upon the data d:>tainerl fran the test p i ts excavated at the l ocations in:licate:!en the test p it plan.'lhe nature an d extent of variations between the test pits nay not becane evident until excavation is perfo med.If,duri.n:}ccnst.rcctdcn,soil am qIU.lf'd water ccnd.i ticns appear to be different fran those described.herein,this off ice shoukd be I -5-I advised.a t once so that re-evaluatioo o fth e reccmemaeccee may be made. We recc:rmeOO co-erte cbservati.cx1 of excava tions and fCl.llldatio n bear.inq s trata by a soil en;ineer . By S.h~M [),O~ St.efhm A .fu.n~E .I.T . SAD/SLP/jw , I ,\,ntic.1'Pated~uil d i n g tn~el op e ,,/ / / I / / / / / / / 110 I l'll-1 I:L-IOO ' P il -2 EL-I 06 ' I 110 105 IDS t;;\\'c-5 .0 .... '"OD-93 .4 '"w ........ I 100 100 zzc0~ ~........""'0- 0-w '"-ta '" 95 95 we",7 .9 -200=35 LL ~22 P I-S 90 90 85 . 85 LEGEND NOTES ~Topsoil (1)Testp i ts ~e re excava ted o n 3 /5/81 wi th a backhoe. r:::;;:'l.S ilt(ML ).sandy wi th occasional a ngu la r t:......d t o sub-angula r gravel ,mode rately st iff . s lightly mois tt o mo ist ,r e d-b r own with occas ional small r o o ts . ~Sand a nd g rave l(SM-GM),s il ty .wi t h s o ~e an~u la r t o s ub-angular cob bl es &bo u lde rs . dens e .mo is tt ove ry mois t ,red-b rown . Und is t ur bed Hand Dr ive Sample Dis tu rb ed bu lk sampl e (2 )Eleva t ions are approx ima te a nd were ta ken from Pi t 1 l Oa 'assumed . (3 )Nof ree wate r was en - coun te red i n th e t est p i t s a t t he time of excava t ion . (4 )we ~Water Con ten t (%); DD '"Dry Dens it y (pc f); -200 '"Percent Pass i ng No .200 S ieve : LL -Li qu i d Li mit (%); PI -Plastic i ty I ndex (%); ee 0 c 0 1~•••"0- S 2 0u 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 hen and associates,in ,""",lure Co<'!I..,1 •5 .0 ..~, 0",Untl Weog l'l t •93 .4 ,,"Sa mpi e 0 1 Sa nd ys il t,h_ P it 2 a t 3 .5 fee t p lA,d a l c om r e s 10 ~,e n ~J .,.l..~u r e s s r .ue t e I [\ \ \ .1\ \ r\ 1\ .,I.,.100 #2 1.740 APPLIEDPRESSURE -k.' SWEll -CONSOLI DATION TE ST RESUl TS F'g 3 CA-2·79 ~h e n and as sociates,inc~ " " Q•",s•~~ z• '9 ':Ill I ..,'-S ~'-A U ~.. ."',,',..-..I ',",- SI EVE...NAt YSIS ~'D G ......~[.. o,ot [)l U"~"UOi(COA"~COfIet.ES ~S ILT AND Cl...Y 35 ~ ~ PLASTICITY IND E.Jl.5 'ROM Tes t Pit 1 at 6 feet S"'ND 58 ~ 2 2 7 OJ;~;4 149 ;1\1 1 ~1 "i ese .11>Ii~ lH1 20 Ol ...METER OF P ...RTlClE IN M ILLIMETERS Ct.A'"TOSItT Sil ty sand L IOUIO L IMIT GR "'VEl S AUP tE OF e '" H "'E R E 4Ol";;;~<.IS lOU,,,,,,,,,,1."'",_ "" HYDRO METER ...N...t "'SIS uS STAIoj OAA!l SC ;;"fS Cl[jlJl s.;oUjlJl[O'[t"NoGoS."'SO '010 '30 'I'"'........,"'"3 COfI fil t S Q ,,~ a•~~=::=::E=::~=!=I=l z 24 ~ IY II'38' St EVE AN"'l YSIS SI LT AND CLAY PtASTIC ITY t NDEX 50 ~ ·'00 SAND ~ .~ 38 4 ;'6 ~ac DIAMETER O f'P...RTI CLE IN "'ILLIUETERS ""0 ~ cu....l OSlll G R......EL 26 ucuo LI Mit SAMPlE Of Si lt y Rand and g r ~v c l ~~O M Tes t Pi t 2 at 7t o 11 f eet 4 F'9 --------GRADATION TE ST RE SULT S 112 1 74 0 CHEN AND A SSOCIATES TABLE I SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS JolI "'2 1.740 • NATU .....L -.ATURAL D"Y ATT[RI[RG L IMITS UNCONFINED GMOATIOM DE""W0 1ST Ulll[DE NSITY'LIQUID ","U fiCllY fO WPRE5SlVE -,SOil T Y~[P IT ('[n)(e/.)I PCf I LI.tT '.011 STRENG TH +-+200 -200 (...)1.,.1 IPsr) I 6 7 .9 2 2 5 7 -..2 °,.s il t y sa nd -..--- . 2 3 .5 5 .0 9 3 .4 eand v s 11 t-• ,,_11 '"o n 24 sf]r y so n"Lwl'icl- .- -. -~.- •••,LI ST 0 1''lATEH IALS NAME OF PROJECT W\Ul-L.!!1 /ot;"fll21F!d '?f2,IDMc.e../. LEGAL DESCRIPTI ON;L OT--2.\--B LOCK.--l-FI ~I NG---f!:>Tt:-~~_ DESCRU'Tl ON 0 1'PROJECT ~Lt:x~----------'----------- Th e fo ll owing i nfo rmati on i s r e qu ired fo r s ubmi tta l by t he appli cant to t he De sign Revi ew Bo ard b e f orea fin alap prova l ca n b e g i ve n: A.BU ILDING '~T ERIA LS Ro of Siding Ot her Wa ll Ma terials lYre of Mat e ri al Co lo r Fa s cia So ff i t s \~i n d Ol ~s WinC'l cw Tri m Do ors Do o r Tr :i ll' HaJ:J 0\'Deck RaU s Fl ues E l a sh i ngs Ch.l mu c y s Tr-ash E:1C lcSI1Tf:<; ·Gr e enholls e s Other ~~--------- ~---,N~__ ~_.~~-- ~ ~~~il=-1rG ~_.~V'?#k -;!:tlYl PIG I 1.1.PLANT MI\l13RIALS (veg e tn ttv e ,Lan d sca p ing I-h ter l al:i inc l udin g Tr ees ,Shrubs ,fi nd Gr oun d Co o ve r) Bot un Ic a I Nam e ------ CO Llmon .Nam e a~l{z~ t:12b~~ .jJ.l~~~ gwm t ity Si ze---I fdo b L . :.,'/,'I<;;t>%5~%Io-I'Z- !2 C.....c., _7"__~• ----- ------ --.,_.__.-.---_•. ••• C.OTIlER IANOSCAPE FEATURES (Retaining Wa lls.Fences,Swimm ing Po ol s.et c .)Please specify . ,---------------------------- •- SFR. ZO NE CI :ECK for R.R PIS ZON E DI ST RI CTS Lot 2L Bloc k /Fil ing Ri""'".Are I-f Owne r -C..'-""':l.<.'--"---i'--""'<=''-'-!.-~(-,Ar c hite ct (jjJ Iti-iiI.-Y/Ft/t:R. Zon e Di st ri ct __-'-,'--';'-__---'Proposed Use _ Propose d __-'-_ GRFA: GRFA: Parki ng: Driv e:S l ope Permitted Environm e ntal/Haz~rds: Comne nts :.e..:.L->d ="--"-..LL--==="""""--"-;~=~='"-C="'--='-"""--_ Date : •- r • EN GIN EERI NG CHECK LIST Subdiv i s i on _ l o t Bl ock Fili ng •• 1-Submit ta l Items (Acceptab1e )(No tAcc eptab le ) (A )To pa Hap ./ (B)SitePla n ,/(cl Utili ty Pla n ./ (D)Titl e Rep ort c/ (El Subd ivis i onAgreeme nt (if a pp l ic ab le )--------- 2.!;n ginee r in g Requ ir ements (A)Cu l ver t Si z e (B)0 r ;VC'\'IUY Gr ad::-e "c("B"%C-;;:ma"'xC").---T(A"'c"'t"u"a'"lT)-- 3 .SOl Jl~CC o f Utili ti es (P.)El ec tr i c (B)Ga s (C)SeVier (fJ )Hat.e r (E)"l el ephone (I')T.V. 4.Commc nt .s : Approved: ----._----_.__.._----_.- Disappro ved:___ ~De par tm ent of Public \':orKs 6i 1 1 Andr-ews •• di m E XA f'1J N ER 'S R EPOH T T OTALS r- L f.1 0\J !1 L ~.i n !!igh P ro p er ti e s 3 2 36 !·:~It:S·1 3.t h TI c . va I I ,ee l 8::'G~"J J'\t t.l l:},a rr :'r·1 '..1 11in A ~1 0 U .N T (Jw ~!·~n :: ,,~{,;-:"'(;,1,(,~ 1\"lJ !T iO ~A l.l 'lL'a f;~~ CO,'-;'!'O;·"I'AX CI~:tT li'lL\TE J ~:Jl~\-EY (\':;T:; *'l'j t:l.~S ear c h I'H E M l l);\1 -~---- --~---------s ,3 5 .00 ~· s,------~ ~--­ ~ Yr .m-I tc fero ("')_gLn .~ii gL .__ Pro pcr t;t c -, N v._1-10 ·1 ~;j·i 'c: CC ':-T o : T I::I L~.::l~t,·,';'-.'1':1 .,:TI ~ll'·:..n cnC c mpuny,n C r~l;r"l'I d ;,I ~\.r p (l l'~.tic ':l I,cl,·jn l 'p.l l ~l l t he r:(m!,'~\"Y ,f or .1 \,:;);:,"1:-t"liS;('r-":l(jm~,:·),,:,11.:.conun i ls t :·i~_.l ,,~it!'1"Jf:1ic-y «r l .f\!i .~:';r,f ti tlc i n s u rance.:1.."ideu'.,ifb l in S chedule A .in ;..n,,·\~:L proposed insu red n:-,li c~:l ~\t '-hedul c .\.,:'.'u wru-r fh·llil~'I·lga<.:(.;'of th,·(..·t::i~OJ j),tt-r('sl r o"e"l'd l.c,'!iJ.'·in I:H'l -md ilf'.~C l':L·\i 1;1 l ·de,'l \d tl,;I LS ch-dntc A.IIp',n J"'rnh~d of t he l ll"('::·du lll!i ~:~.!cl .cv c c-l b ·,·"r,...)";~!i .'~'~'j~:('t to the l '!"'~'i s :\l"::(.r ~·h ,1'11.,:.0;;A :,11 .1n an d t o t h e co nd l f ions »nd eti pul.t- t iuns ....11 (,Wn on t he i ll ~j d ~o~t !I ~(.I.",[;1". J ill .Cb i ldre f:.:3 ,'.UTl l v RI;r;t O S IC.l,\,l 'll!: J'-.','Cu st cinc rCont :«.l :u r-u cc !T U ~:..l:>~y LJ~lh _ Pho n (':~4 1 G=':,.~.L . 'l'h r-rl l'l'di vl'<btl'«f l1 ,is con uuitm cnt i 5 _.AJu:.il..._1.('~.,I ii .r,J a t ._8.:.0 0l\M . A t wh ich tinu-i t·,1il l!'""'[l!:'ves tedi n: HotJN'l '.l\H l HIGH PROPE RTI ES ,<:\Ldm.i,Led l '.;:!r Lne r sh i p ~~C I:~D u L h A 1,I 'oh cics t o b ,~issu e d : (f'.)Owners ": ~',.....S O'r.,,~.'It.·.'~,'·H • 4104837 S heet 2 of <1 SCHEDULE A -Continued 2.Covering t he L and in the State ofColorado,Cou nty of Eag J.e D es cri bed as: Lot 21 ( Block 1.( Vi\IL/PO'l'l ,TO P NfC H a c cor ding to the rec o rded pla t t here of • 4 104B37 Sheet 3 o f 4 • S CIIEDULB A-Continued l lE Q UIn EMEKTS • 3.T he Iotlovving-are t he req uirements to be complied w ith prior 10 the issuanceof said policy or pol icies. A ny o thd'instrument recorded subsequent to UJ{'date hereof may upnenr ns ~II exception under Schedu le nor thr-!."liey to he issnr-d.UlIli'm:otherwise noted ,ali documents must be recorded in the offlce of clerk a nd recorder of lIH~cOLIIlLy in.which enid property is located . .NONE 4104 8 37 Sh e et 40f 4 • SC IlEIJULD B •.. T H E P OLI CY OH l'OI.T CmS T O HE I ~S 1J EIl IJI-:H E tJNlIEf(WILL NOT I NSUHF.A(;i\INST: J.l t i ~li t s ur-claims (If par-tics i n po vse ssi ou n«t s hown I/y til l?'publ ic record s. 2.E a s ('n H'!l I ~.«r cbhm;of f2a,:l,;1"1I "IlL;;,n ot s hown hy t he pu blic l •.cords . 3 .D i"r'I 'I'},rlll(":1 ,C'O!:lIiets ill 1J~l:ml ::rY l j l H'~:.s horlllg('i ll ;11"('<1 ,ouc rcachmcnts .and nn y fa cts which H- correct !>Ul"n'y 1ll''Hl inspection o f th c pre-mises W ('~I1d rl i:-:t !,l,q ·an d wh ich :.IC n ot s hewn hy t he public re cords. 4 .Any lit-n o 01"rizht to a lien,f or serv ices.1:1 l-...1I",or mater-ia l heretofore 01"h r-roaftcr fumi-hed,iru- l )tl",cd I,)1.1'\and I:"t ~'1O\\1I by the public records. ri.Taxes due and p:yuhlc ;n nd nny tnx ,specia l assessmen ts,chargO"(II'l ie}im p os ed for water O ~·s e wer s ervice,I "Ior any ether specin l t,.:dnz dlstrict . G.R ig ht o f I.h e Propr i etor of it v e J.n or l o d e to ex t ra ct a nt]r{!II~V C h is o re Lh o rc Er-om ,shcu Ld t he s ame be fo u nd t o pc n c t ra t.c or j n t .crs ec t; t h e:pr-r-r ni s c sb c ro b y g ro u ted ,a nd r.ig ht o f \.;ay f or di tc h es or c an al s c o nst r uo tcd b y l·.hc~.urtho r i Ly of the Un L t.ed ta.,1!:('S ,;\5 rc;-,c T ·V(~f 3 in Unit ed St~tc s P at ent s reco clJed M~y 2 ,]9 04 in Boo k 4 8 a L ?a~J e 5 03 , a ndr ec o r-c.cd J u l y 15 ,19 39 i nRook 1 23 at Pa qe 6 17 . 7 .Rcs t rr i c t Lon s ,•....h i ch 0 0 n ot c onta in a fo rf eitur e or r evo r t.crcLeu s c , b ut on i t.t.L nqr-os tr i ct.Lo ns ,i f any .bu sed or,r a c e ,c olo r ,re t i.u Lou , o r n at ion al orig i n ,as cont ain ed i n i n st ru ne nt recor de d ~a r ch 5 ,19 7 ~ i n Bo ok 233 at Pay e 628 . 8 .Ut il i t.y e nd d 'r a i nn q c e asemen ts as ahown en the P lat of Veil/Po tato P at c h,r cc o r-dc d j~il ("c h 5 ,1 974 in Book 2 33 a t P~CJ e 629 ,c n d as r c s or-vc a in Ln u t ru ment;re c ord e d Na r-ch 5 ,1974 in n o ok 2 33 a t Pc q e G2 8. •••llfILI TY LOCATIO N VEilIFICATION •.. SUBO IVIS ION .0 0 1([10 12 Eff ie-I-, JOB NAM E '-H1""n tq:"Hii}6 Prop -"'€'"-I,'-'-f .!.-;->t<-5L-_ LOT 1./BL OC K!FILIN G'_.J:.I-rl:x:!->...,_ ADDR ESS '1 2\fo tqto Q Pa tch Dx_ Th e l o c a tion of u tilities .whether they b e main trunk line s o r p ropos ed line s,mu st be approv ed and v e rified by the fo l lowing ut ilit ies fo r t he acc ompanyings i te plan . Mountain Bell We st ern SlopeGas Publ ic Se rvice Co ~pany Ho ly Cro ss Elec t ric Assoc . VailCa bl e T.V. Uppe rEag l e Valley Wat er and Sa nit3 tionDis tri c t Author ized Signatur e I Dat c "4 --:0 {.P I-a/ _1/l--8 I I{-21J <:I 9/¥P/ NOTE :These veri fi c ations do 11 0 t r c lLev e t he c ontractor of hi s respons ibility to obtain a stre e t cu t permit f rom t he To wn of Vai 1 .Depar-t ment o f Pu b lic h'::ll k s a nd to o bta in ut i lityl o c a tions before d igg in g i n a ny public r ight R of-way or c a sement in t ho 1'01,11 of Va il .A b u il din g p ermit is no t as r re et cut p ermft •As treet cut perm it mus t be ob tained s c pmat.e I y, Th i s f0 1111 f s t o verify s cr -v i c c ava fI ab l Lty and loc ati on . Thi s s ho ul d be used i n c oujuuc t i o n v i th pr epar in g rOUT ut il ity plan a nd sched u lin g I u s ta Ll n t f.ons . •• •9 ('""48 '.,2 .,.p ,.. "30 , 8'30 •6"000W )'0 8 0'00 E :>V .>O'OO·W or' .,6 '30'00'W l'00 N73 '3O'00',,6 3?·..·0 'E 00' N "l e '~'f 3 00' N'1 ·26'23·....2:::'.00' ~'O'OO'OO·N .00' ,32'39 '20"[4200' 519'02'52"W •00' 76'36'02'W \6 3O' 59"57'50'W 3906 09 '13'1"7",2\ /.8'0'00'[ 1 OO"w 91' 3"0'00 IN 6& 'OO'w 2 3'o < '(1('#/ ·30.J(,s:2',..E J'.~', c D n v" b , 2 L1, , " 19 L0 "12 lJ I' , R-229.28' t:.-31'49'01" L-127 .30' T-65.35' CH =S 50'52'53"E,125.69' LOT 20 \ --- r LOT 22 jr )(l y TRACT 8 r , ,. n r ~Jen r q y l'" u IMPROVEMENT LOCA nON CERTlFIC:A TE PARCELS A,B,&C MOUNTAIN HIGH PROPERTIES DUP'LEX A RESUBDIVlSION OF LOT 21,BLOCK1,VAIL /POTATO PATCH TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO 08 N 'q,'"