HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 26 LEGALDepartment of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 March 7. 2000 Eric Johnson. Architect P.O. Box 2088 Vail, CO 8i658 Re: Dowie Residence Interior Conversion Proposal lLot26, Block l, Vail Potato Patch Dear Mr. Johnson: Thank you for your recent DRB applicafion for an interior conversion at the Dowie Residence located at 795 Potato Patch Drive lLot26- Block I, Vail Potuo Patch. Staffhas conducted an initial review and has raised some key issues of which you should be arvare: 1. The fee for a DRB application where additional square footage is proposed is $50.00. You have submitted 520.00. In order to complete the review of your application. tlre Community Development Department will require an additional $30.00. 2. The submittai requirements for a DRB application where additional square footage is proposed also include: tr one complete set of existing floor plans a a Utle report o condominium association approval (if necessary) o specifications ofall materials and colors for the proposed addition tr a stamped topographic survey. and three (3) copies of a site plan, floor plans, and all relevant building elevations. 3. According to the section drawrng submitted, it should be feasible to excavate ttre back-filled crawl space to add gross residential floor area. However, the proposed dormer and hall addition do not comply with the Town Code under the Interior Conversion Ordinance for the addition of GRFA. Dormers may be considered an exterior modificarion subject to design review but may not add significantly to the bulk and mass of the building and must be compatible witl the overall scale, proportion. and design of t}le building. The additioq which you have proposed in this case, would add significantly to t}re bulk and mass of the building and does not qualifli as a "dormer" under current zoning regulations. Please note the definition of a dormer: {p *"n""* 'o'"' trigo Review a.tin Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Dowie Residence Project Description: Interior Conversion with Dormer Addition Owner, Address and Phone: Robert Dowie, 242?lDawnridge Drive, Los Altos Eills, CA 94024, (6s0) 94S-3eSs - Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Eric Johnson, PO Box 2088, Vailo CO 8165E0 926-5292 Project Street Address: 795-8 Potato Patch Drive Legal Description: Lot26, Block I' Potato Patch Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments; Approximately 351 sf of GRFA has been added to Unit B with this proposal - refer to zone check sheet for details. Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 3/19199 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 FIEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\DOWIE. WPD Qucstions? "U Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPI-,ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL frs11 - oo t1 GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any pijcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting fo. u buiiiing pc'nrit' ioispccific infomration' scc thc submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd" Thc aplpiication cannotbc acccptcd trntil all thc rcquircd information is submittcd. ffr. f.o;".t nray also nced to ;c rcvic*.6 Uy tttt Town Colncil and'/or thc Planning and Environmcnial commission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unless a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is started' A,DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: o B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: L(E T}locrc, I nrr-nqc, FcrliA-Fa FArTe+t PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PAITCEL #:(Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S):ffirtfie66 oFt tbMAILINC ADDRESS:as ONE: $n OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAMEoFornttao*t' 9'Flc,eanl AFatrl H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: - D Ncw Construction - $200 Constmction of a ncw building' V lolfr,*: - $s0 tncludcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or / ' comnrcrcial building' E Minor Altcration - $20 lncludcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcmcnts, srtch as,. rcroofing. painting. *in,to* additi6ns, landscaping' fcnccs and retaining walls, ctc. DRBfccsarctobcpaidatthctintcofsubnrittal, Latcr,whcnapplyingforabuildingpennit,pleascidentify the aocurate valuation of the projcct. Thc Town of Vail will adjust the fec according to thc projcct valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF COMMUN|TY DDVELoPMENT, ?5 soUTH FRONTAGE RoAD, VAIL. COLORADO 81657. C. D. E. c. IOli/{NOFVAIL MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: .r' ' 14q F t*o ?ft)- O TYPE OF MATERTAL:BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffrts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trint Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chitnneys Trash Enclosures Grcenhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other fttv aat tY(? t*o 6,d,}1, 4$p Wue 4+Jup Mr{oq--.* Materr il, +44 COLOR:* 4ytc A Jol-G- f:-r--. q*LY,l)tL be * Plea.se speci$ the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip *+ All cxterior lighting must meot the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If extcrior liglrting is proposed' plca.se indicate thc number of fixturcs and locations on a scparate lighting plan' ldt$fy each fixture type and provide ih. h.ight uboue grade, lumcns output, lutninous arca, and attach a cut shcot of the lighting fixtures' -r' Updated 6i97 J Report Dato: Ogl2al95 EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE ORDER NO: V-250970 SCHEDULE NO: R007556 VENDOR NO:7O ASSESSED TO: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE KOENIG, GARY & SHARON ATTN: CL 17 DEER HILL RD P.0. Box 357 vAtL. co 81658 DN\U\$- HAMPDEN, cr 06s18 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:ffiffif BK:0507 PG:O576 BK:0546 PG:O173 BK:0561 PG:0249 MISC; BK-O249 PG-0524 TYP-O BK-O509 MISC: PG-O767 SWD 06-30-89 BK-O552 P MISC: G-0383 OCD 04-18-91 PARCEL:210106301022 SITUS ADD:OOO795 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL TAX YEAR 1994 TOTAL TAXES TAX AMOUNT o.00 INT AMOUNT o.oo ADV,PEN,MISC 0.o0 TOTAL DUE 0.o0 0.00 ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASMT ASMT AMOUNT . INT AMOUNT ADV,PEN,MISC TOTAL DUE 0.o0 TAX LIEN # TOTAL CERT TLS AMOUNT INT AMOUNT REDEMPT FEE TOTAL DUE 0.00 GRAND TOTAL DUE GOOD THROUGH 1O/31/95 0.00 ORIGINAL TAX BILLING FOR 1994 Authority EAGLE COUNTY cMc RESOJ SCHOOL TOWN OF VAIL MINTURN CEMETERY DISTRICT VAIL PARK & RECREATION DIS COLORADO RIVER WATER CO VAIL WATER DISTRICT VAIL WATER & SANITATION DI VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSO EAGLE COUNTY EMERGENCY S FEE FOR THIS CERTIFICATE Mill Levy 9.981 3.997 29.572 .+. r)JU o.o33 2.831 0.394 0.000 0.567 1.067 o.563 1 .171 Amount 620.03 248.29 1837.O2 291 .34 2.O5 175.86 24.48 0.o0 35.22 6 6.28 34.97 72.74 54.866 3408.28 10.00 ALL TAX LIEN SALE {TLS) AMOUNTS ARE SUB.JECT TO CHANGE DUE TO ENDORSEMENT OF CURRENT TAXES BY THE LIENHOLOER OR TO ADVERTISING AND DISTRAINT WARRANT FEES. CHANGES MAY OCCUR ANO THE TREASURER'S OFFICE WILL NEED TO BE CoNTACTED PRIOR TO REMITTANCE AFTER THE FOLLOWING OATES: PERSoNAL PROPERTY AND MOBILE HOMES. SEPTEMBER 1, REAL PROPERry - OCTOBER 'I . SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH OISTRICTS MAY BE ON FILE WITH THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THE COUNTY CLERK. OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR. This cortificoto does not include land or improvoments assessed undor a separate schedule number, personal ploperty t6xes, transfer tax or misc. tax collocted on behalf of other entiti6s, spocial or local improvemeni dislricl Esssssmonts ol mobilo homes, unless specifically mentioned, l, lhe undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount described parcels of real property and all outstanding sales tor unpaid laxes as shown by tho smount fequired for redemption are as noted herein. In the same mav slill bo redeemed with lhe l'?,.'...''; ' - "'.........." " t..Bv ,9 r. TREASURER, EAGLE COUNTY. SHERRY BRAND ,i ,;.,, ..... t'it'::':r:ic o set my hand and sesl this O9i28l95. o ,li;)':]/,fi,0tI LEGAL OESCRIPTIO IOT 26, BLOCK I, VAIL,/POTATO PATCH FIUNG NO. 1, A-CC.ORDING TO 'INE' Firiitc-,:-ririio i,rrRoi s. rsz+ rN BooK 233 AT PAoE 62E couNTY oF EAGLE, STAIE OF COLORAOO' IMPROVEMENT TOCANON CERTIFICAIE |/EV,DEP- 4O ] n o IVEMENT LOCATIOI{ CERTIFICATE I hereby certify thot this lmprovement Locotion C-ertificote. ,"o" or"o-o*7 foi bJry ono Shorori Koenig' ih€ Town of yoil' ond- Lond Titl€ ;;;.;"i;; a;.;""y. runr rsts ts Hor a LAND SURVEY PLAT oR iu]'nowlierlf sunWv pUf, ond thot thls is not to b€ rell€d upon for itr" u"roUiiar,-"nt of fences, buildings or other future improvement lines' i tur,ii"i-l"ttirv thot the improvem€;ts on the obove described porcel ""-ini oii","("oiu.u". g. 1995, except utilitv connections .ore cntirelv *ittri. -$" U6unOories of the Porcel, ercePt os shown' thol..there ore no ;;;;;";i;;;;G ;ton ttre desiriued premises, except os indicoted' -on-d-inot tt'"ru is no APPARENT evidence or sign of ony eosement crossrng or burdening ony port of soid Porcel' excePt os tndrcot€o' ,olhl?s fl-,,r'lp**-A NOIES: 1) Street Address: .795 Pototo Potch Drive 2) The leqol descrlption ond record eosemenl informolion ore bosed " ""- tlJiJ-clJt ot voirTe"toto Potch ond ALTA litl! iommitmenl No. VS25O97O furnish€d by Lond Title Guoront€e ComponY, doled SePtember 6' 1995' J) lmprovement locotions ond opporent deed lines ore bosed upon' monuments found os shown hereon' ') An:iolli. "'n" 0"33r':3:':i;:,[:'".I:'":;1:l3lj5, - ;." propertl shown hereon is locotcd in Zone C' an oreg ol mlnrmol nooding. ( }N FEEI ) I iicb - 20 tL LOT 25 4'".,,'\' ?'r' -!.L.C. WvcD ^rO I D^rF otgn Review Action rot TOWN OF VAIL category Number /Z Date 'f" Proiect Narne: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchiteE!@ Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on:rct Zd Block / Subdivision D' f o t--, 'P^ *, i , ZoneDistrict P/t Projectstreet aaaress: 795 7', y',.,, /o 7^ r, t, Comments: €"@tafrAction Motion by:?.Ll-<!-'1. -7 t-Vote: 5 "O Seconded by: *l-r,--, fr. ARnroval ! Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid DBSIGN REVTEW BOARD APPI.ITCATION - TOWN OF . F?EI..llga. fr,+lfrr.t-7 - VAIIJ b COIJORADOs/qe'Idl0,'f\30'tllUll 03' |tOi flbilffi DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *taattttlt i*it****** B.TYPE OF REVIEW:Abv +*cat- Re . gcrtrl"ri +bl New consLrucLion ($200. ool X-foinor AlLeration ($20.00) -.Addition ($50.00) -concepbual Review- ($0) ADDRE''. 1q6 Ftrb-AtzL Dnve LEGAL DESCRI Subdivision c. n If property is described by description, please provide Lo this application. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet Legal and attach E. F NAI'{E OF APPI,ICANT: Mailing Address:Phone a G. FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION0 - $ 10,000 $ i0, 001 - $ 50, 000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $1s0, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGII REVIEI{ BOARD APPROVAIT E:KFIRES APPROVAIJ ITNIIESS A BUIIJDING PERI{IT IS IS STARTED. , Fni rbhn+-^ Aa,u- FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 OI{E YEAR AFTER PINAIJ TSSUED AIID CONSTRUCTION H. NAI'IE OF OI INER(S): OJilNER(8) SIGNATURE:Mailing Address: APPI'ICArIONS VII'IJ NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOW OWNER'S SrCIIA?I'RE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo be paid at Lhe time of subniLLal of Lhe DRB application. L,ater, when applying for a building permit, please idenuify Lhe accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure Lhe correct fee is paid. I. .t. ay APPIJICANT I S I=BSI oo t o The fotlowing information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING IIiATERIAI,S: Roof Siding oLher waLl Materials Fascia soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls ExLerior r,ighting Other LISE OF !'IATBRIAITS required for submitLal approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAIJ Eo Ehe Design COLOR Tehoe, ?lt,ar c{>r,- . cw.bll.+lotzq-+,4)Zca Wlffiml ctA*. C.,ibo+'ofifr+ Ct!4 ?eWtq. Captl I ltYcA 0 rtr^"ra.( ctr&?eVt-Q- Cg.a't I ?fucca offvwy{ FtAvl\toodb cVaY' on+ Vlgtzl TvL,ac HNzr Hatal +n ,]fueL6'- >4? Designer: Pbone: B.LAIIDSCAPING: Name of oo E t TOWNOFVAIL *."*,.". //b7/7 DEPARTIIIEIIT OF CO}ItrtUNIT}' DEIELOPIIIEIST DATE ClfECX.s M^DE PAYASLE TO TOWN OF VAIL accltol\T No.ITE.V NO.anx' cGTEt T('l^l. oI 0000 41540 ZONTNC AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIfORM tsUILDING CODE s54.00 0l 0000 424t5 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE s39.00 0l 0000 4241 5 TINIFORM MECHANICAL CODE s37.00 0t 0000 4241 5 5J6.00 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTR]CAL CODE s37.00 0l 0000 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0t 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS s7.00 0l o00o 424t2 XEROX COPIES $0.25 0l 4000 424t2 S I UL'IbS 0l 0000 424t 2 |OVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $t.0(, 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES i RE-INSPECTIONS 0r 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE IS4O PER HR. 0r 0000 42332 OFF ]IOURS INSPECTION FEES 0t 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 4t413 SICN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 0l 0000 4 t4l 3 ADI]I I'IONAL SIGNAGE TL,E IS I.OO PER SO.FT. 0 t 0000 4244q-VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0r 000041331-,PRE PAID DESICN RLVIEW BOARD FEE 7r1 , 0l 00w+z3Tl INVESTIGATION F EE (BUILDING 81fi-ff?-?5 lEt:4f,:5.1 HFrFiF,r S liEr5ffEl Fr,:i r_rn N #r::l'.i # 1851 -Ot{-0007il30-- -TTT000"r 3o---T'rToooz1lm- -TToo-oo-?Tm- -TTT0007Tr3o-- -TTT000?im- EF:Ir: Jr:rt-tl.t58tlrFp;Etott, t)F:F FEE ftrlin1-in t t,indE r*,1 ;! I r.em paid F18E18E1413:l EiffB ftnor-nt. paid :r:1. E1r3 l\r r nEt\ Tc|rlIH OF TJFIIL- l'liscel I aneouE Cash a ITOTAL: -/ f/L.---A--- ,,,***,", (i(*a frtlj*,W </r/,tz.5*/"*' U tl cAsgt-,*', ilq ,*u,",,/u4,r I oGign Review act Fen TOWN OF VAIL Category Number d --zl I -.Date l/ / /q< Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: nrcnitecldffiDAddressand Phone: 1t',. l.t,-.*,.,,-t ?O. 6o/ ./(W Legal Descripti on: tot 2 6 Block / Subdivision?r.;-l4rn ?+fz/t zone District P/S ProjectStreetAddress: 79< ?vz+rz.' 7*rzJt, Da,Qo Comments: @stafrAction Motion by:E,-^:,,.,J -2 Seconded by: ./) r' L. ' r t- p nRRrovat ! Disapproval [] SlaffApproval Vote: 5-n Conditions: 6 T/ to / ,*/t*.. r' t,; ,' +r'n ,.., * b / ^ *-., ',, ,. J L3' Town Planner o^t", 7/ rf qs DRB Fee ere-oaia 22.qr/*" J. TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Departtnent of Conmuniry Developtnent April14, 1995 Oesopr Eric Johnson P.O. Box 2088 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Eric: Enclosed please find returned your sign application and supplemental information for the proposed temporary site development sign to be located at 795 Potato Patch Drive. Pursuant to section 16.20. 160 (temporary site development signs), the purpose of a temporary site development sign is to "indicate or identify a development of real property under construction in "HDMF, PA CSC, CCL, CCz, SDD, MDMF, LDMF and RC zone districts. Upon review of the Town of Vail ZorungMap, the proposed location ofthe temporary site development sign is located in a primary/secondary zone district. The primary secondary residential zone district is Egi[ a zone district in which a temporary site development sign is allowed. Ifyou have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can be reached most easily during regular office hours at 479-2138. Sincerely, ru-*??ata George Ruther Town Planner f:bvcryone\gcorgeVener\iohnson.4 I 3 coP yFII-E TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 George Ruther Town Planner D e paronent of C ommuniry D eve lo pme nt February 3, 1995 Mr. Eric Johnson P.O. Box 2088 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Eric: Thank you for appearing before the Design Review Board (DRB) for final review with the proposed Koenig residence located at 795 Potato Patch Drive. Below is a summary of the conditions of approval placed on the proposed primary/secondary residence at the meeting held on Wednesday, February 1, 1995. All conditions of approval must be met prior to application for building permit. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Ol-1. That the Town of Vail Public Works Department sign off on the proposed plans. . 2.oV That the Town of Vail Fire Department sign off on the proposed plans. 3. o- That the proposed plans meet the Town ol Vail Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. 4. ;x- That the proposed sonotube piers for the exterior deck not exceed 1 foot above finished grade and be painted to match the exterior of the building. 5. orc That the crawl spaces be labeled as having a heacj height oi less than 5 feet on the building permit set of plans. lf you have any questions or concerns with regard to the conditions of approval mentioned above, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can be reached most easily during regular office hours at 479-2138. Sincerely, fL*-y- Q-*a,a TOWN OF YAII 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 January 19, 1995 Deparunent of Community Development Mr. Eric Johnson P.O. Box 2088 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Eric: Thank you for appearing before the Design Review Board (DRB) for conceptual review with the proposed Koenig residence located at 795 Potato Patch Drive. Below is a summary of the issues raised by the DRB atthe meeting held on Wednesday, January 18, 1995. The issues raised by the DRB members should be addressed by yourself or the property owner at the time ol final review. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD COMMENTSiISSUES 1. At the time ol final review, a complete landscape plan will need to be submitted per the landscape plan requirements indicated on the DRB application. Your landscape plan should incorporate a mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees on the property. Special attention should be given to the north side of the property. Please attempt to create a landscape buffer between Potato Patch Boad and the proposed driveway and the north elevation of the residence. The 3 foot boulder retaining walls in this area should be constructed in a meandering pattern so as to create landscaping areas within the terraced relaining wall. 2. The boulder retaining wall on the south side of the proposed drive should be turned prior to reaching the northeast property corner. This will allow for landscaping to be added on this corner of the property. 3. Additional landscaping needs to be added on the south side of the proposed residence. The purpose of the landscaping in this area is to screen the building foundation as well as lhe underside ol the proposed decks. You may wish to attempt to transplant as many ol the existing aspens on the site to accomplish this request. 4. Indicate on the landscape plan as well as the site plan a proposed limit of disturbance. During construction, a 4 foot construction fence should be placed along this line to avoid any unnecessary site disturbance. Mr. Johnson January 19, 1995 Page Two 5. The proposed architecture and design of the building is very well done. However, raised stucco bands in either an accent color or the proposed building color should be added around all window and door features. The raised band will provide additional variety and interest to the building elevations. I hope the comments and issues addressed in this letter will be helpful in providing you with the necessary information needed to finalize your project for DRB review. lf you wish to be placed on the agenda for the February 1, 1995 DRB meeting for final review, lwill need to see all revised plans by no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday, January 23, 1995. lf you cannot make this deadline, please conlact me at your earliest convenience and I will attempt to make additional arrangements. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the comments and issues addressed in this letter, as always, please feel free to contact me during regular office hours. I can mosl easily be reached during regular office hours at 479- 2138. Sincerely, n --"y?*lll George Ruther Town Planner TOWN OFYAIL 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 January 9, 1995 Departtnent of Communiry Deve lopment t ll-E Mr. Eric Johnson P.O. Box 2088 Vail, CO 81658. Dear Eric: Thank you for your Design Review Board (DRB) application for the proposed Koenig residence located at 795 Potato Patch Drive. I will be the planner handling this project throughout the DRB process. Upon preliminary staff review of your application, statf has determined that additional information with regard to the proposed project is necessary. I realize that your application is for conceptual review before the DRB on January 18, 1995, however, it may be of help to you to know the outstanding inlormation needed by the Community Development Department. I felt that the sooner you received feedback from lhe planning staff, the sooner you could get started on finalizing the proposed project for design review. The following is the necessary additional information required: 1. Three copies of a topographic survey prepared by a Colorado licensed prolessional engineer with the following information identified on the survey: A. ldentily lhe high severity rockfall zone through the use of a cross-hatch paitern. B. A sewer rim elevation is not an appropriate elevation datum. Please refer to the Policv on Survev Information for more information on elevation datum points (enclosed). C. Provide spol elevations at the edge of asphalt along the street fronlage at equal inlervals a maximum of 25 feet apart. D. A spot elevation at the proposed garage slab and driveway access point ofl of Potato Patch Drive. 2. Bring proposed exterior color chips and building material samples to the DRB meeting on January 18, 1995. 3. To determine the appropriateness of the building location on the property, the building footprint property needs to be staked out on the property for the January 18, 1995 DRB meeting. The DRB members will make a site visit to the property before the conceptual review on January 18' 1995. COPY Mr. Johnson January 9, 1995 Page Two 4. A 4loot concrete pan is needed where the driveway accesses Potato Patch Drive. The purpose of the 4 foot concrete pan is to insure that surface run-off' from Potato Patch Drive does not run down lhe proposed driveway. 5. A revocable right-of-way permit is needed for any improvements in the Town of Vail right-of-way. To obtain more information on a revocable right-of-way permit, contact Charlie Davis at the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Charlie can be most easily reached during regular office hours at 479-2158. 6. Please submit three copies of a landscape plan at a scale of 1" = 20' or larger. At a minimum, the following information must be provided on the landscape plan: A. Location ol existing lrees 4 inches in diameter or larger. B. Type, size and location of all existing and proposed plant materials. C. Location of all trees to be transplanted. D. A delailed legend of all proposed plant material including common and latin names. E. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls should be included with the contour information with top of wall and bottom of wall elevations listed. F. A completed landscape materials list. 7. Indicate on the site plan the proposed location of all utility lines from their source to the structure. Utility meters should be located on the structure so as not to be easily visible from Potato Patch Drive. 8. The finished grade near the entry to the primary residence exceeds 2:1. Please correct this siluation as the Town ot Vail Municipal Code requires all finished grades to be 2:1 or less. 9. To determine compliance with the Uniform Fire Code, please contact Mike McGee or Jeff Atencio with the Town of Vail Fire Department. Mike or Jeff can be most easily reached during regular olfice hours at 479-2251. 10. The top ridge elevation ol the structure and the upper level eave elevalion each exceed the 33 foot height requirement. Please make changes to the ridge elevations as necessary so as to comply with the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Mr. Johnson January 9, 1995 Page Three lf exterior lighting is proposed, please illustrate the lighting on the appropriate plans (i.e, landscape plan, site plan, building elevations, etc.)' Since the property of the proposed residence is located in a high severity rockfafl zone, a geologic hazard review form needs to be submitted to the Office of Community Development prior to final review before the DRB. For your convenience, I have enclosed a copy of the Geologic Hazard Review Form for your completion. According to the GRFA calculations done by stafl on the floor plans submitted December 23, 1994, the proposed residence is over on allowable GRFA. Based upon the lot size, 4,978 square feet of GRFA is allowed on the property. The floor plans digitized by staff totalled 5,015 square leet of GRFA- Please review the floor plans and revise the plans as necessary to ensure that the total square footage for the property does not exceed the total allowable by the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Pursuanl to Section 18.58.020, fences, hedges, walls, and landscape screens shall not exceed 3 feet in height within any required setback area and shall not exceed 6 feet in height in any other portion of the site' As proposed, the retaining walls in the lront setback exceed 3 feet. I hope the information provided within lhis letter will be of help to you as you proceed towards linai review for the proposed Koenig residence located at 795 Potato Patch Drive. lf you have any questions or concerns with regard lo the information provided in this letter after having compteteO a preliminary review, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can be reached most easily during regular office hours at 479-2138. Sincerely, 11. 12. 13. 14. FL-y.- K',-*z,-t George Ruther Town Planner xc: Gary Koenig .....""ffi)ffiry rt QESTGT iTEvlFI! ,goa t f APPIJICATION ' TOMI OF VAIL, COIJORADO DATE RECEIVED: TE OF DRB MEETTNG:*****t**** Y ****a*!t*** rFf , IUV 't Utvttvi, ui' ': ' I. A. R TYPE OF REVIEW: Ne\^t Construction ($200. 00)AddiLion ($50.00)_ Minor Alreration (920.00))( ConcepLual Review (90) a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 1egal and at.Lach F ZONTNG: NAME OF MaiJring APPI-,TCANT: NAME OFMailing APPLTCA}ilT' S Address: Phone 2-a REPRESE}.I"TATIVE :?nc- Johne-,-.. D. ADDREss, 146 ?offio P>tat^' *tlt?_, I,EGAL DESCRIPTI Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. Phone l{.NAME OF OWNER(S) : PhOne --a; '7,.2. o. - APPIJTCATTONS wrLL Nor BE pRocEssED wrrilow ohrNER, s s.rGrrA?uRE I. ,J. Condominium Approval if appticable. is paid. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are Lo be paid at, Lhet j.me of submibrat of r.he DRB applibacion. l,'ilei, wnenapplying for a building permit,,-prbase ideneify ih. ."rurac,.valuaLion of the proposal . The bown of vail will adjust thefee according to the table below, to ensure the correct. fee . /85 alqs By: t FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 $ 10.00n $ 10,001 $ s0,000$ s0, 001 - $ 1sO, oo0 $1s0, 001 - $ s00, 000 $500, 001 - 91, 000, 000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAI, T'NIJESS A BUILDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. FEE; :,1. c.3 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI., ISSUED ATiID CONSTRUCTION 't .'tII III A pre-application meeLing with a member of t.he planninqstaff is encouraged Eo deLermine if any additionalapplicati.on informaEion is needed. IE is che applicanL,sresponsibility Eo make an appointmenL hrith t.he st.af f Eodetermine if there are additional submit.ual reguirement.s.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline thereview process for your projecL. In addition to meet.ing'submiEtal reguirenenE.s, theapplicanc musL sLake and tape the project sit.e toindicate property lines, buiLding tines and buitdingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AllsiLe t.apings and sEaking must be complet,ed prior Eo the DRB si.te visit. The applicant must ensure that st.akingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS normally reguiresLwo separaLe meeLings of Lhe Design Review Board:.aconceptual review and a final review. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on Lheir scheduled meeting date and who have not.asked in advance Lhat discussion on t.heir item beposE.poned, wiII have t.heir items removed from the DRBagenda unLil such time as the item has beenrepubl-ishcd. The following iLems may, at Lhe discreLion of thezoning adminisLraLor, be approved by Lhe CommunityDevelopment Departmerit sLaff (i,e. a formal hearinqbefore the DRB may not be reguired): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterioJ changeswhich do noL alter the exisLing plane of t.he buj. lding; and b. Building additions noL visible from any other lotor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicanLs must inctude letters fromadjacenL propert.y owners and,/or from t.he agent. foror manager of any adjacenL condominium associationsLating Lhe associaLion approves of the addition. If a properLy is locat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood pIain, debris flow,weLland, eLc. ), a hazard sLudy must. be submit,ted andthe o\^rner must sign an af f idavit recognizing the hazard.report. prior Lo the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application Lo deEermine the relaLionshipof the property Lo all mapped hazards. For aLl residenLial consLruction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of Lhe ex.t.erior structural walls of thebuildinq; and b. IndicaLe with a dastred Line on Lhe site plan afour foot disLance from the exterior face of thebuilding walIs or supporLing columns. If DRB approves Lhe application with conditions ormodificat.ions, all condiLions of approval musb beaddressed prior Lo Lhe applicaLion for a buildingpermi t.. A. B. c. f) _LLSjr OE_!{A,TER:! NAME OF PRO.TECT, FOA!\ICe LEGAL DESCRTPTION: LOT 26 BLOCK 1 suBDrvrsroN fa*ato "2LSTREET ADDRESS: 14€ Fa.f'{a fzhY*w4 The following informat.ion is required for submittar to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUIIJDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materiats Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim I'land or Deck Rails FLues rlashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses . ReLaining Walls Exterior Liqhting Other TYPE OF MATERIAL tx (.l CAv t-f. f'toccrr etwve- f1,ill uo,., *\r<b4uca L"i".T. "tri-r..- t n?t c f z*to P+ eeA>r aot*ea_. r xG ctA.v otlr.tt<, 1:-0" (-f .f1oc,h r a t>A h.tad hjhi-t<- c.t>J worA k/d+<- lb*, td"- q4, >vfulnA crr*$1,*a{.- B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: prJANr *rr*tr, ta'i.ur wa*e .o*olr.,rq.. e"*t* PROPOSED TREES A}ID SHRUBS Wwetla.*tA:|w\,a't-' p>itLlz *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous trees is 2 i.nches. Indicate Erees.**Indicate size of5 qallon. 4a ^/LzG+/ (Jrlo height for coniferousrproposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is Tvpe Square Footaqe GROIJND. COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exLerior riqhting is proposed, preaseshow the number of fixtures and rocaLions on- a separateliqhting pran. rdenrifv each fixture from the 1i;hting planin the space below and provide the height above giade, -type ofliqht. proposed, lumen ouLput, Iuminous area and i cut sheeL ofthe light fixt.ure. (Secrion 19.54.050 J) orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reLaining warrs, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) prease specify. tndiiace hei.qhts oi'retaininfwarrs. Maximum height of warls lvithin the-f ront set,back is3'. Maximum heighc of walls elsewhere on the pioperty is 6, NAME OF PROJECT: o O orr* oF r.rATERr*O Fo=rurc. F.g+rogrraF tor zb BIJocK SUBDIVISION 1 (offo required for submitcal approval can be iiven: TYPE OF UATERIAIJ LEGAI, DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: The foLlowing information is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING MATERIAIIS: Roof Siding OLher wall MaLeria1s Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Iland or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret,aining walls ExLerior Lighting OEher Ctd>- C l>A Lt/oeJ 6a* Fpdvv@d Ccxfuw- CaW;^ hutdt',-- Name of Desisnert hl I Lo Lhe Desigrn COL,OR lluoIe,D.a"ra -t o\Q4;2t oQvu;o1?-bUt. f{.cloa %vq-o4ow<- Tvia- %d.- ee-d>,,-. B. I,ANDSCAPING: Phone: Pr,ANr t"*roi PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name OuanLitv Size*Q"*r" Q*" I -l -tll cta.-.- 2-lD v!+Vxi- 1l^n<: tftt !,XCWY'@-- t^/\ * Indica te caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper forheiqht for coniferouscidutrees is 2 inches. Indicate t,rees.h**Indicate 5 qallon.si.ze of proposed shrubs. Square Footaqe GROI'ND. COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior Iiqhting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locat.ions on a separaLeliqhting plan. Identify each fixLure from t.he lightinq planin t.he space bel-ow and provide the height above grade, type oftiqht proposed, lumen outpuL, luminous area and a cut sneLc ott.he Iiqht. f ixt.ure. (Secuion 18.54.050 J) vA44 OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waI1s, fences, swimmingpools, etc. ) please specify. hdicate height.s of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback ii3'. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propert.y is 6, zoNE cHBcK o . FOR Single Family Residence, Dup1ex, primary/Secondary ZONE DISTRICTS , / t ^-DAIT;: /I II Y> -Tt- I,EGAr, DESCRIPTTON: Lot ;fr2 stocu / suraivision ADDRESS z Fs "?on+tz ?*n!t PHONE r{eighL ToLal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA SeLbacks FronL Sides Rear SiLe Coverage Landscaping ReLaining Wall lleighLs Parking Carage Credit Drive: ExisLinq Proposed ToEaI <4---4 20, 15', 15', b% 3'1111 k te*r147V 3'/6' /',31'7 h au- ----g-L-- 5 neqrd b -.,lencr (3oo) (600) ooo{L2;;- 8& PcrmitEed slope 8t Proposed slope /Zz yes CN-./ No N/A Complies with t.o.v. LighEing ordinance waLer course Sel-back (30) (50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%) EnvironmenLal/tlazards: 1) Flood Plain ,63+ Q No__4-YES OL 2l PercenL Slope (., l}X'J-&ls- 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RockfalL c) Debris Flow olL _ 4 ) WeLLands Crtz No. /- Does Lhis reqriest invoive a 250 ri<i<iilir.rn? *q , ^ .tA How much of Lhe al-l-owed 250 Addibion is useilIltt-]5is reguesl? N/A Previous conditions of approval (check properLy file): View Corridor Encroachment-: Yes- ARCHITECT ft ;L +h,**-L/ PHONE zoNE DISTRTCT :P/r*. PROPOSED USE allowed (30)CaD ,lLor srzE ,lk'' F/ '4.</ ' BUTLDABLE Lor AREA 1/78 t 8s 4g7A 247.8+ 425 =J?e!&3?ffi /6st2 + 425 =zD1lJ_3s4.Q'U:?: 3f,r/rt L0 BLOCK ADDRESs lfg ftthfu Fc{q^ Dnp Th€i locaLion and availability of utilities, wheLher lrunk lines or proposed lines, musL be approved andfollowing uLiliLies for the accompanying-liUe plan. U.S. West CommunicaLions l.-800-922-7987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Companv. "fg=576f, . t?rk fuj4- Car.:rL{+a+I 2A'2' ?-19-4o61 Holy Cross ElecE.ric Assoc. . 949-5892 146'61q1 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heri.tage Cablevision T.v.. 949 - 5530 Steve Hiat.t Upper Eagle Val1ey Wat.er& Sani tat.ion Dis EricL * 476-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE: Aut.horized Siqnature they be mainverified by the 'Date SUBDIVISI iSi .'*1 FILING zlts rS 3ec- *crf M 1. This form is Eo verify service availabiliLy andlocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your utiJ-ity plan and schedulingrinstallaLions. 2. For any new construct,ion proposal, Lhe.applicant. must provide a completed ucility verificaLion form. 3. If a utility company has concerns wiLh Lhe proposed' consLrucr.ion, the utirity representat,ive shourd notdirectry on the ucility veriiication form Lhat thereis a problem which needs Lo be resolved,. The issueshourd then be sperred out, in detail in an at.LachedIeLLer Lo the Town of VaiI. However, please keep inmind t.hat it is the responsibility of the uLilitycompany Lo resolve identified problems. 4. rf t.he utirity verification form has signatures fromeach of the utility companies, and no commenE.s aremade direcLly on Lhe form, the Town witl presume. thaL Lhere are no problems and E,haE the dLvelopmentcan proceed. 5. These verificaLions do not relieve the contracLor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut permiLfrom Lhe Town of Vail, DeparLment of publil Worksand t.o gbtai{r uCiliCv locit.ions before diqqinq inany public right.-of-way or easemenL in the fown of\.taf 1. L build:lq.;cilnii is not. a sLreet- cul- per.nrit.A sLreeE cuE permiL musE. be obt.ained separatefy. 6. rnsE.allaLion of service lines are at the exlrense andresponsibility of the property owner. *_ Please bring a site ptan, floor p1an, and elevations whenobEaining upper Eagle vatley wat,er &, sanitation siqnatures. Fireflow needs musL be addressed. o offi o ) 'F sinsle Family *"";l"ril"";Jr"frt"%, primary/secondary ... DATE: LEGAL DESCRTPTfON: Lot _ Block _ Subdivision ADDRESS: OWNER ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE ARCHTTECT LOT SIZE PHONE BUII,DABI,E LOT AREA AIlowed Existinq proposed Tot,al (30) (33)Height, TOTaI GRFA Primary GRFA +425= Secondary GRFA + 425 =_ Setbacks FronL. Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping ReLaining wal1 HeighLs 3'/6, Parking Garage Credic F)r i rro . __Reqrd Encl (300) (500) (900) (1200)_ Permitt.ed Slope t proposed Slope t 20' 15, 15', Complies wit.h T.O.v. Liqhting Ordinance yes No WaLer Course Setback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) yES Envi-ronmental/Hazards: 1) Flood plain 2l Percent Slope (< > 30t) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snolv Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris FIow 4 ) Wet,lands View Corridor Encroachment: yes uoes inis regliesL iuvuive a Z'cj Atjriition?How much of che alrowed 250 Addition is usefrffiEis request? Previous condiE.ions of approval (check property file): NO 10 f;s E5 tIt aa a, rl 88] @ .! r-!< io (L l-r r{ t q! ed zA I E!i E3F r,i dto Eg ' |r,1 b: F F (o .{ LlJ TO: PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BRIEF DESCRIPTION Firc Dcpt.: Revicwcd by: Commcnls: INTER-DEPARTM ENTAL REVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Datc: MIKE MCGEE (€I5g H4rr D OPPENHEIMER Rcturn ,o George. Ruther Town Planner /BY: ///t OF THE PROPOSAL: a I Enginccring: Revicwed by: Gn Martrhaa Dalc: I6rNAr.\ \o. f\qS. Commcnls: Nged tPog €JqJC.t. oo ! o) '!(re*l 6h 4*r5r rry! crspvl},\r - $ruel rn+,t\*e seirxvr, F cegscrrcr.\\ ed . frl.JeNc\ rrCcl: W V)€,.\ (ni ca1fN.n vord1r51 69 12r. l\*d propo:ed c(xltc! ( 5 Srul tcp & bo\\.$ eros (\l\cc\" cJ 6\\\,{\\9. u)o\\ hdj c{s\\e ca(\nor be ?,."i..". \hqq (,. 1 .} r n trc nt tet \g-r . }.}o 3<.,cling c5ce.ctt,zr hro'q 2'- i Jnr,lp si t4 Oroicroo.gr- lb-,f U tto.f- cr 2rl'C€ntfrrlr4 tucrui\q rd(Irus t\tC) 3aroc1€ , ingr dr i'.<rr.r.l, lleat morY \oe ya.pt 4' otf of- the, <zdcfe cf +\E A:{,t\q\L,Fs? Oeorr\r*\r(E lI.o9.1116 f:"|trn F frrrs poOo.*r*/ (.n+rr ruor Be e\)fREA:e slbL..r Ftow uTtLtTrES r-rrce BE Qvil Lanclscaping: Reviewed by:Dale: Commcnls: Dislributcd lo thc Firc Dcparrmcnr, pubric works, and Landscaping on ll{ . 7 TO:MIKE McGEE TODD OPPENHEIMER Relurn ,o George. Ruther Town Planncr cadil>5 in- :Pe p\o\ tD Ua\ . GREG HA INTER:DEPARTMENTAL REVlEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMIrT€}-DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: 'Pi if !_,. n u^- _.L*u.JUu-S J./t,.._ .t., , -<z-,J Enginccring: Revicwcd by: Tsn fvtqtnnel Datc: 1 t:epruor.\ \qcts Commcnls: Ui €\ro$ q\tconce need/,yo h as,g Cj 20( G @\ef,(]c\e t'oth 3or4qe5 red <tzo,cxn<ef uc\r, cad\\us o.rr 2 ZtDr 6oq seo(es ^e-e' 4|Cce.$ or .$o(€.6ierr6\t 5see A\of.| .ZtDr 6oq seo(es ^e-e1\ 4i1c<1' o. r'so(€. 6sph6\t Y::*t exeed 31 irn.'e (rort set\orrArrondb' $ead rop&bo$orn crf a\\ us\t6 rr"\rtr oc.coo-aA "i.tori\e6\\ \n |t|s kcl.t 5rlbog ap6r"oc: Vi uri E to:1.. - ,lwl-, 1\to d(d(Yrqe Lfio€,.^ra\ gfode' are n eI(e.6 oF \Zo lo .- \Z'Io ie m4a SCadeLandscaping: t\ccrJct l $q\ . Reviewed by: Commcnts: Firc Dept.: Revicwcd by: Commcnls: Dalc: Dalc: t Dislributcd lo thc Firc Dcparlmcnl, pubtic Works, and Landscaping on oo oo TO: MIKE McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Rclurn ,o George. Ruther Town Planncr I PROJECT:/,<ocrlt Q {LI4/J ,=) ,L( DATE SUBMITTEO: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ! I Enginecring: Reviewcd by: Commcnts: Datc: Landscaping: Reviewcd by:Datc: Commcnls: Firc Dcpt.: Rcvicwed or, A/o Dalc: t-?-/-f commcnts: 6loPn ir. er<f rJ o{ tft fl-tt 5t r,...d"1. -|-a,+.r {,{grz.r<,rs r.?, rit e,n-<r.ls.7'utnrn-1 R;.-c)11"5 .^L prcprt2 'in**f:*I€ Far V*ir q.. O*,Vohrt.\e +art $'^ UfrAb\P {6 Rr,-f-' .rit.|,.iin \5O' -r Ccr- pafnfs txle,--iYl.r- {ro.tR??'rs\'sd {'r,.e togt ftt.e-ss 8_.1, 5fti"rKVr $5eyc-tu"e, '-') Distribuicd lo thc Firc Dcparlmenl, public Works, and Landscaping on_____1._ INTER-D EPARTMENTAL R EVIEW COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: *fL-.--^- ,4.,.rV.r -.I /p"..' 4-..t i;2.a1 . J -r*h,,, u. Enginocring: Revicwcd by: Commcnls: Reviewed by: Commcnls: GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Rclurn George Ruther Town Planncr Landscaping: Datc: Datc: ' Firc Dept.:l/ Revicwcd oy: -/ffPrv0 oarc:Z -Z -j { Commcnls: loaV J Dislributcd lo thc Firc Dcpartmcnl, public Works, and Landscaping on o . VAII,. TIF.:E TJEFAF:TI'IENIT STF]EET DESIEN t::RITERIA sul,4l'lAFjY OF SpEr::IFIrl:AT I of,,ts: r.rrIvAl'E Df.;Il'EtJAy: s;Et;:vE5 A t,t,ixtr.tut,t oF f'lAXIr.ltJt.l 0F 7ff FEET t'tIt.lIf,tl,l't t.,IDTt.l oF ltriLL tl[:i]Tl-lEF: Iif{IVItlE r:rF;ADE: PEIVATE STIIEETS: FUE]LIC DEDIT]ATED FJOIID: ISSUES: l DWELLIF.ItjS II'I LENI:T}I FEHT giURFACE tJF T'O Ely. HITt-tDu'r [:ohtDIT.IOt\tS A/. - IO:i NLLOI,'FD I.,ITI.I TOI,IN ENISINEER,5 AF.[:!F.lJr,'Al_ !.:\iI. . 1:::;'. I,iHLII.'IITES TOI,JI.I ENISINEEF:S AFF.F:BVALAND A HI:ATED [rFiMNri SUFiFACE BF.:EATEE I.Hfl}I 75 FEET. I}.I LEFIISTH SEF{I/INB tIOF;E T}.t,.if.t t DI.,ELLINE UFIITS;:t F EEI' ilIttIt'tut't HIDTl{ I'IAXII',IUI.I GRADE - Or]:EIOF.:DIl.IIi TO SUBDII./ISION FJEEULATIBtTtS: 97.. AI::I::OTTDIT,IE TO F'UBLIII: i.'OEI.:S DEFAFITI.IENT: BZ F:17. riF;ADE l,lAX Il"tul'l:I FEET WII]TH t,Il.lTEF; 5N0Lt ftEt4OVAL of.J sTF:EET r:itFtt,lINr:i COI.IVEF:'JIOf.I L]II' I:r=IVATE TO FUELItr F]?DPEr{TYF1;:IVAIE F;OADt3: l.l(] It.l$F[:r:TrOht DUftIt.tG TBFISTEUETIONSFE*.S }.IOT AS SI'HIET AS FUELIL- ROADSr::OilF/ir:TIt_lH tlOT AS STF:IrlT LOI,..lEE STAI.IDAT-;DS ROCTFAI,L IIAZIIRD ANALY€IS Prcpared For I[r. Gary Eoe-lg Prepared By Arthur I. Meairi, P.E., Inc. Gunnlson, Colorado : JuIy, l99l . iir,., ffilnrn 2 i {W,4 t I I' I oo Oo I STI'DY OE ECrIVESAND LIMI1IATIONS Thrs_anarysrs of rockfalt dynanilcs and potentral haz.ardwa$.requested byMr. Bob Barttrolomay of snonr country-Real Estate and has tnjrouowrng obJecflves: l. Anatysts and quanflffcaflon of rocldall velocliles and bounce heights above Lot26; 2. Dlscusston of potenflal hazard, at tJre proposed brxldrng stte; and ' 3. Dl"",rsslon of mrflgaHon concepts that could be used, lf deslred. Tbls study ts $te-sp4ss, tJrerefore the results apply only to thls stte andcannot-be applted to other areas. Furthermore, the analysts assumes rocldall slzes that are consrstent wtth fleld obsenradons.- Although the 1ss lmnflons that control roeHall behavtor (rock slze, slope steepness, hardrress, and rougbness), are based on fleld observaHoris, andturrentprocedures were applled to qunnflfy rocldall veloctfles and energles, there some small probabilrty that rocks may travel farttrer and possess greater energr than predfcted. 2 sTT'DY SUMMARYAND CONCLUSIONS The ffeld observauons and analysis completed for tlts study tndtcate thefollowtng. Amore complete dlscussron can be found tn secflons B, 4, and Sof thls report and tn F'tgures I - S. a. Rolltrg and bouncrng rocks could reach rat2llocated on ttre downhlll slde of Potato patch Drtve, but such rocldall errents would probably (rccur only once every lO to IOO years; tbey would not be annual wents. b. Rocldall,hazard ts tow. euanUtaUve analysls tndtcates rocldall velocdfles, bounce helghts, and energtes wlll be moderate wen durlng the rare rocldall esents whlch may reach I,ott26. c. Rocldall mtHgaflon could easlly be achlerred by rernforctng ttre lower 3 feet of the uphtll burldr€ walls, t{{eitred, but tdls ls not necessarJr because of the low rocldall UaEara. t I I t I t I I I I I I I t I l t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A FIELD OBSERVATIOIITS AND DATA Fleld observaflons of the srte ptrlslcal feafures were obtalned on JuLy 24,l99l' and measurements pertalntng to rocldall slze, rocldaill sourcejarea characterisflcs, and slope hardness-and roughness were obtalned. The followlng summarlze the ffeld observaflons ana aata obtatned. a. The rocldall source area ls a small sandstone cllff outcropptng located appro:dmately soo feet above and zoo feet north of Lot 26. The sandstone outcrop contalns numerous loose "dlsk-shaped" rocks up to appro:omate\y 2 feetln drarneterthat could roll down the steep slope toward pbtato patch Drlve. Rocks have prwrously fallen fromthe outcrop a'd were found on the slope above Potato patch Drlve, howerrer construcdon within the area may have removed some errldence of prevrous rocldalls. A proffle of the potenttal rockfall path ts shown trn Filgure l. b. The south-facing rocldall path supports a few aspen trees; fragments of trees and tree trunks are tytng on the Jlope, but gengrally the terratn ls fatrly smooilr and supports only small herbneeous plarrts. The plant cover and ground roughness provlde some reslstance to rocldall movement that was accounted for tn computer modellng of rocldall (Sectlon 4). c. Potato Patch Drlve ls cut lnto t}re slope above r.ot26 (Flgure 1), and provldes an addldonal barrter to rocldall movement because lt acts as a catchtng devtce for rolllng rocks. d. In summarJr, the fleld evldence suggests tlre "worst casen or "deslgn rock" to be consldered tn Aazara analysls ls best modeled as a "rock dlsk" appro:dmatehy 2 feetln rttemeter and O.5 feet thfck. ThIs rock would roll and bounce down the slope, ttrrough the sparse aspen forest and would lose energr upon lmpact wlth tlre herbaceous plants and ground surface. smaller rocks could.alsq roll from ttre outcrop but need not be consldered |r1 destgn'or hnzard analysts at Lol 26. Most rocksfill stop well above Potato patch Drtve. I .r.:.. I I I I oo oo 4 COMPUIBR MODEIJNG OF ROC]FAI.L Ideally, the potenttral ior rocldau dould best be determtned by rolllng a laqgenurnber of rocks of "deslgn srze" doqirl the slope and carefutiy nourf ,o"li bounce helghts, veloclfles, and stopptng postflons. Even tf the same rockwere carrled to the top for numercjus trlal rocldall errents. each errent woulddlffer from ttre last due to comple:< lnteracflons between flre rock and theground/vegetadve surface. obvtously, such an er;:erlment ls not practlcalat thls locaflon, therefore rocldall behavtor was modeled through ' appllcadon of the Colorado Rocldall Slmulaflon program (CRSp), acomputer program that predlcts rocldall behavlor. The use of CRSP reqr{rgs lnput data on slope steepness, ground roughness,ground hardness, and destgn rock slze andihape.- Ttrese-data wene obtalned during the slte lnspecflon and dtscussla m sectlon 3. The modelprovldes output of rocldall velocl$r, bounce herghts, energy, and stopptng poslH.on' parameters used to quantt$ hazard and destgn mrugauon, trnecessary. Addlflonal detatls are provlded tn Flgures Z _ S. For design pur?oses and hazard evaluatlon an go%o "exceedence grobabiuty" \ras used. Thls means that, for the deslgn 2-foot dlameter, dlsk-shaped roch 2O rolls out of IOO would exceed tf,e veloctttes. bounce hetghts, -1na en914es grven below. It must be recogntzed, however, thatany smdler rocldall events would probably stop sooner (above potato patch Drive), and not affect Lotzo. Therefore the "go% exceedence probabillt5r', does not apply to all rocldalls on tlre slope, but only to the most severe caseconsldered. T?re deslgn rocldall case used tn hazaid evaluatlon ald whlch could be used h any future construction ls: Rock slze: Dlameter - 2.O fg firlcloness - 0.5 ft; wetght - 26olbs; Rocldall veloctty at Lot 26: 34 ftlsec (2S mph); Rocldall bounce height at Int 26: 3 feet Rocldall lidneflc energr at Iot 26: 4,600 ft-lbs. A rocldall of thls magnttude hrtung ilre slde of a house could damage tJresidtng or cause othe-r mtnoS damage, but lt certatnly would not be Japable of penetratrng a wall. FurthermorE, because the rotldau errents a.re rare,ocoufflng at return tntervals of ro to loo years, tlre economlc loss fromrocldall would be lnslgntllcant. i,..i.. I I oo oo 6 HAZARD ASSESSMgITTAND MITIGATION Because rocldall ts a rare event dt Urts locafl,on, tlre hnzard, whlch dependson etfposure of persons and property ls not slgfrtflcant. Thetefore rocfoa[ shorrld-not prerrent bulldrng constmcilon on Lot 26 erren thot,gh a rarerocldall event rnay cause some mI'nor damage. Rocldall Inazara at tlrls sltewould be less than the }nazard assoctated wftn arfvrng Potato Patctt Drlvedurlng snow-covered condtttons. Mltlgaflon, lf deslred, could be easlly lncorporated trto the uphlll stde of thehouse. This could constst of an energr-abiorbtng barrter B fiet htgh dssl€Fed to restst the ldneHc energr gtr"n ln secEon 4. Thts could belncorporated lnto the butldlng destgp wlthout drffisulty. A.s noted, however,midgaHon ts not a necessl$r on lot 26 tf restdents arewtlltng to accept thesmall rocldall rtsk descrlbed ln ilrls report. Report prepared by, t'l r ,'\n ', ,'AL'w1Jl I l'l t Ata Arttrur I. Mears, P.E. i r;:. I I I I I I I l I I I I Geoloolc Hazard- Revlew{rhl llE.,-t L"* C. , Eladt- (Date) (Legal Descrlptlon) The undersigned has/have read the tz*Z0r|,l Hazard Report, datedJu lAl/e understand from the conclusions that fre proposed building is located in a Eo-la (>ll hazardzone, and trerb is tre potentiathazard ol voeLq, reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared to accept these facts and request the Town of Vail Building Department grant us a permit. OAd T. &il\t|rz, (Name, O'vner) /rlf tfteo The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this l17A day of dno*tnl . 1915 by Gtrtr f Ks enia - , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he execuled the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commission expires: ,ADAM HUELEY NOTARY ?UBLIC tifY oottM. EXPIRES MARCH 31' 199! STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this - day ot -_____-.__..-___J 19..-._, by _known to me to be the person whose name ls subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and conslderation therein expressed. My commission expires: ) ) ss. ) cltoms\hz&d Ioy.O0ilil tr|/, DEPT, (r-" 8lSE wlITE RERICITOR Low.bnbht|rss spby assjrls vi$ral cqfllort. Aluminum nfcctor fnbhed in foma. Whltr oporalG etfr ciailly wih A and fiT lamps Wids droict ol uratuges and lamp tnos 1171 may also bo usad with heat lamg. Econmical choico lor low.budgot pmjosts m!Fnrh n 419, 75W max. PAR30, 75W mex.t R30. 100w max. >1002F| gn 13W >100282 >lt00Pt R'10, 150W max. PAR38, 150W mu. Rtl0, 250W max. ffraEd Hcalffi trn fiw->fl0m 10?l P!t|||a $rhit i ll' ll* /'rKt{ i )t_r-=E-t' -tt'-l >t002Pl >1900P1 q i ttttlo ts n Pt r tD|t tit t!|E mdt PAR30' 75W max.b- rd dL, CrL rc re6. R30, 75W mar. ffn nnna Wnnc >1102P1 A19' 100W max. >1100.8 A19, 60W max. PAR38. 90W mar. R{0. 100W max. >1102F, >1g00Pl A19, 75w max. ER30, 75w max. 830. 100W max. >1102F1 Un, 13W >119m >1100.8 419, 60W max. R30, '100W max. r corlun,t .ons"s otnelloclor Ttim and lnmFhl!. 0-r!9r se? Noles and Limnatlons. Paoe 109 >1000.8 A19, 40W max. PmH0tE Small aportutr conceals light souGa Innrr mafla blilck shicld Educ?s gtata Easy chmping wih $ap.h, $aDout fas€Phta Anduitso aluminurn Etlector ooriflils usc ol A ard fiT lamos Efrfitl Fnil{| A r-2002Ft >t90Pl2fi1 Manr Whitc Faceptatr -rrl1l = rttFttJELlJ.Lirt'5l-, iFffi Wnitc Facoglatt >1002P1 A19, 75W max.Fh >lgooPl PAR30. sow mar.ll-rFn >llurrf r^rilu. fuw mdr.I l /fK >loozFt orl 13wIJ+4J. >losm lJrrl lflllo Lrr n Pl F.rDh {lb tnna .iditn -l tdi anru cd. l[ 1954. 419, ,l0W ma.x. R20. 50W max. PAR20, 50W mar. PAB|6, 55W max. l"ElrsurE Fr6$al lens. regcsssd in whits bezrl, spcads light 6v!nly, giws high efllciency am lor bfthtnass Alrobrid dumhun trflcchr. t|sidrlita springs altofl lsr6 assombly t0 bo pullod dorvn .asily lor ttlmping ard draning. Sunaua lq wt locadons fl2t illatlc Wiito grzcl ..rm, )F = t.// | \\tl-F:+,_rt._ Fdnch n >flO1f, 419, 100W max. >19mPl >1102f1 0n 13W >710?n >1100.3 Al9, 60W max. -i5 ".- ,{r'l H8trm uFrsB fun whitc Albahc gtass ditfusrl, rrgrlssed ln wfits balel, lmks crbo ard oonccals lanB Anobdtoe aluminum l!flactor mali mEls ouqfl To|simtitc spnngs allow ditfusor asscmbly to bo pullcd dofil oasily for r€lanptr|g and cloening. Suila!16 lor t/vln locdims 112! Man Whnc 8.2!1. I ll' ll r IZ;\ITrv t L<L'j >t102Ft >1900Pt >fl02F1 >tl02F:t un r3w >1100.8 A19. 60W max. Fr*r 0l X-ow l/btta0r 20001V 2000LVR >$mdad 2002n, fiOm, fl02n >ficmodcln 1900P1 >Comoac't Ruorlscrnt 1002F1, 1002F2, 1102F1' 1102F2 Hnsu|atcd Coilhg 1000.G 1100.1Ci-rcii.:?oi-ilEl? 112 rrlStA,{ |lcurt i- Night Magi9 '': 2'a ^^ 4X4*\tl+ ,rr)t,,^ I ,,^, |."'' L4 (/ r--'J-; \[/[Lt \rti.rrult"G (a. l? t' ! .- to,tflrlE BEACOIIS ANO BOLLAROS Rugged beacons and bollards lor lo na/sl lighling. Beacons arB oie{asl aluminum housings enclosing thermal shock.resisEnt glass lenses. Fully gasksted to s6al out bugs, water and dirl. TamoerDrool scrsvys (wilh hex key) and regulat screws supplied. Finished wrlh black or dafi bmnze silicone-potye$er pant or€r epory pnmer l0r maxmum durability. gollards malch the stylos of beacons and ha/e 5%" dia. Uv-resistanl FVC columns thal arc conosion- pmof. Black or dafi bronze color is solid lo the con which will nol lade or show chips and scrarhes. Oe cast aiuminum bases assure actur8te rigid mounling. Ayailable lor us8 wilh incandescent, high pr€ssur8 sodium or comoact lluores- c€nt lamps, Surtable lor n€l Iocations t8fict cruf'/'o 'a, w.t""*tW tzll /'t*t - t/trttr'rnot Dluqs: ndac!d dlnrldw l wnarrwl fasn€t (s!d|dl lol .v. 20 !!ct!tlt uico l0r ft!{a[4 n placa firc't|d '.Cd. -t.-.-ftdiU ,".n3*:.l F O6itt,L. aVJ [tLr'@l// 'q:ur' EtY' $fnnumt ptrgs; ruCact f dlsfEd wllh *i|lltfol WillilFr (s|J9or.dl tor Yr.20 scrll! usat lor no|,o!ng In placa 8!!cont BoUdr o gq A.I l.tn Fa tnqt n0 lolLrd on ///:€/:"7 fElie l3l arcrEr loatr. mt3. loclw..shl|s ri (l) lmta! lq -qtlr al!n||lg ol b|t3 f,|ln b:sa ol bur|L ct0! 0!t3r 8uu n For s!nr! oollad ol blSon In 9r0um. 2 4 Xfibrr EfC0 tilrltcJli -al.- !r FFt I fUll'riif i -5lz hclutor: (l) htr'/y viall piF aflt (2) cross- sr|lls lo. tcrnno cnrrlgrn lt|.l stcrrls ,r9t n 0Fum. r !la -I tTair=-g-*-I.!tr|d trtEttl ' rt" -c|'- r. a'- ! 'l_lig! j=! ?L-J r iL_J t-rt'- .5t* hclrEtscutltuAtg t5w ttur 5002u 690582 6922l',{ 69258X i905u 6909U 692581 59298f, 690782 6910U 6927&( 69308( iffir +nr €t +ffi ili tli 69138z 593381( 691682 693681( 691982 693981( Contast FluorGc?fi 2 Lt. 7wor9w 691{B! 693{81( 69't782 693781( 692082 69{0Bl( f,re:rsd h Smund Rlct$rd HdrtrEd 690582 690t82 Sufic! tflrtbd !TY*6 sgrzu 691582 69rEBz :*.: l: cor'fl ror3[r 693881( Srgfr P'ls3r! Sodm Et7 1 LL 35W AIIA ol.rft.r'B Folicy 11047-921 o Po licy of Title Insurance lssued By ATTEST New York TRW Title Insunance Inc. il'^.a"a e*zy&-''t 1247 PU. 10rS2 o --tala, 'AJJ 0 tgt-tozzsq New York TRW Title lnsurance Inc. SU&JECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE BANDTHECONDITIONSANDSflPUI.ATIONS, NEW\ORKTRWTITLE INSUFI,ANCE INC., a New York corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Folicy shorvn in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not o(ceeding th€ Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred {lhe insured by reason of: 1. Titl€ to the esiate or interest described in Schedule A being wsted other than as stated therein; 2. Any delect in or liEn or encumbrance on the title; 3 Unmarketability of the title; 4. Lack of a right of access to and from lhe land; The comparry will also pay the cosF, attornq6' fees and o<penses incuned in defense of the title, as insured, but only to the odgnt provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. S€creliary ;I[C'[)DEC 1 i rv:r #a o seaion t(atrv' ol lnc tr^''"'Jr'e"" ' - ',o oo EA POLICY NO.: P.l,t. SCHEDUL ORDER NO.: 9121394 DATE OF POLICy: August 30, :-g94 at. 4.27 AMoIINT OF INSURANCE: 9 2rC,000.00 o-- t97-702254 1. 2. 3. 4. NAME OF TNSURED: Gary Koenig and Sharon Koenig THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND WHICH IS COVERED BY THTS POLICY IS: Fee Sirnple TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS VESTED IN: GARY KOENIG AND SHARON KOENIG THE IAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLTCY IS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, COUNTY OF EAGLE, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOI.,,LOWS: Lot 26, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch, according to the Plat thereof filed in the office of the Eagle county Clerk and Recorder, State of Colorado. o S C H.E D U L E B POLICY NO.: O:- THIS POLICy DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE CoMPANY IIILL NOT pAy COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES OR EXPENSES) WHTCH ARISE BY REASON OF: 1. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSTON NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.2. EASEMENTS, OR CLATMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN By THE PUBLIC RECORDS.3. DISCREPANCTES, CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY LTNES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANY FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTTON OF THE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS.4. ANY LIEN, OR RrGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVTCES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.. 5. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS; RESERVATIONS oR EXCEPTIONSIN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF' WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. 6. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessnents and unredeetned taxsales. 7. Reservations or exceptions in Pat,ents, or in Acts authorizingthe issuance thereof, including the reservation of a right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of theUnited States, as reserved in United States Patent recorded in Book 93 at Page 278. 8. Covenants and restrictions contained in instrunent filed March5, 1974 in Book 233 at Page 528 and as anended in instrunent recorded September 24, 1975 in Book 241 at Page 95O, hrhj.ch doesnot contain a reversionary or forfeiture clause. 9. Utility and drainage easenents as shown on plat of saidsubdivision. , 10. A Deed of Trust dated August 30, 1991, executed by Gary Koenig and Sharon Koenig to the Public Trustee of Eagle County, to ' secure an indebtedness of $151,788.00, j.n favor of FirstBank ofVail recorded August 30 | I99L in Book 561 at Page 250 as Reception No. 457378. tt' *;t:3'ill"3frffi"*:.'ff;5i;: Ausust 30' 1ee1 in Book 561 at Pase oo oo Au/4 gtuwJ,^, ,r{rrdn"^ L'^.t /, ,' , t / f'. /',- t /' ',', ^^t', e IN?U*-*'r, oaoo TOWN OF VAIL REcEvrrc. ?b>o3 DEPARTME}iT OF COM IllUr-ITY DE\TLOPMENT DATE CIIECI{S MADE TAYABLI TO TOWN OF VAIL ACC()UNT NO-ITD,M 0l 0000 4l 540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 424i5 UNIFORM BUILDINC CODE $54.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLI.JI4BINC CODE sJ9.00 0l 0000 42415 TNIFORM MECIJANICAL CODE $3 7.00 0l 0000 424 | 5 UNIFORM FIRI] CODE s36.00 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s37.00 0r 0000 424t5 OTIIER CODE tsOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUII PRINTS (MYLARS)s7.00 0l 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES $0.25 0l 00c0 42412 STUDIES 0l o00o 42412 TOVFEES coMPUTER PRoCRAIvt s5.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES i RE.INSPECTIONS 0100004t332 PLAN REVII:W RE-CH|ICK FEE IS40 PER IlR.l 0l 0000 42332 OF'F IIOURS INSPhCTION FEES 0l 0000 4t4t2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0t 0000 4l4l l SIGN APPLICATION FEI]s20.00 0l 0000 4t413 ADDITIONAL SICNACE FEE ISI.OO PER SQ.f T.] 0l 0000 zLll4o ATTC ART PROJIJCT DONATION 0l 00Q-41331 lRE PAID DESIGN RLVIEW BOARD FEI:atlja 0l 0000421711 INvESTicATToN FEE (BUrLprNG) 310000 t - OfT0ml HiEcellaneous Cash-0TT0I'0-0TT00O [ri_r:11 _,Ji 1 r:1 : fi'.:i : r-8,0l 0000. h:e.eiF,t # 1{,f,{,nr:i mT060- Ftc..:r-rrrt # r:ii + :4t-r:mT00O i.L-iriJlrlr.l'p;g pEE mT000- Frri,lr_rnt. ten,jere,J :i ;_-t$, r:1F0TTooo- ffi lren Paid Rmounr' paid drT000 ,:{r _,,_,,_r,_..{ { _ 0_i_0000 r:1r rii jr:i+ I j j 1 firll_l r:*g. t:1tJ 5IT060 0l 0000 r_.rr.3rr'ly r* t.r_r r-r,e,l ... , , , ,, , DITOOO THF|*{|< I/ETJ \ Mo.r l_ __l cK.* V REC. BY:-cAsH l_l eilc E,x-T" e?- ta 7 v--Gg l'-J | (? F-e+'tP-el"J€'e 1a c, 7of^ta l-,l.'licP' v/.Alt, , 4eva7^Pe €ava? eaHeHe johnson Izeo? t{ e avAee t*Je b'Taae fAac t,>. ffiFtT /F+rLlH(7 $114aoHlTatste ENTFY .2 ll2 | |*l(? HtX t7u?? KOENIC RESIDENCE 795 POTATO PATCH DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO EDfT"t*i F..i * pe .. '*.'..1.:'L*rl31 ff:cK r { I .... 1I tt r ,t: i " q,1*), \, f " i * t'x l. -lL,-.,s:f.d.""."* f,r: 1., i. :"..,. p**4t;"* ryr Ff,r lT" 42 t$ttICP / T'Futt*"1 4,,€ftt5HE .: ' ri r" L, ""..'"' etr i' .."i {,g;, g;} -""'--} t' Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Dowie Interior Conversion Project Number: PRJ00-0025 Project Description: Interior Conversion of 12 x 24 crawl space to storage and addition of egress window Owner, Address, and Phone: Robert Dowie 7958 Potato Patch Drive 476-3362 ArchitectiContact, Address, and Phone: Eric Johnson, Architect PO Box 2088, Vail, CO 81658 926-5292 Project Street Address: 7958 Potato Patch Drive Legal Description: Lot26 Block I Vail Potato Patch X'iling I Parcel Number: 21006301068 Building Name: Dowie Residence (B side) Comments: 288 square feet of GRFA added Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: Staff approved with conditions f . $0.00 to be added to building permit (epplicant only peid $20.00) 2. check egress window requirement 3. no approval for regrading Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 03/30/00 DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Project Name: Dowie Interior Conversion r) e u..,i *.i r rn " r rrr,, r('f {rK P='F APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit For spccific information, see the submittal rcquircnrorts for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application cannot be accepfcd until all thc requircd inlbmration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Envirounrental Conrmission. Design Rcvicw Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr fitral approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. '5 ^|tn;n Qyl/e^a= Lo e- -A DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOWN OFVAIL Cr>t -rl + B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL. Yg'l. 1. tC V BLOCK: I FILINC:l{x1o tr/I".L_ PHYSICAL ADDRESS:115 V %f4o Y,\z<...-- W. ZONINC: PARCEL#: L\o o'6i ol oGb(ContactEaglcCo.AssessorsOf6ceatgT0-32E-S64Oforparcel #) v /czD. E. 'T\r- tftt\7 c. NAMEOF OWNER(S): MAILINCADD 145 b fo PH}NE 41,b'77 b2- owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT:€Eaa Jott-rua.r.-.*l fte_ee MAILING ADDRESS: H. TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Constnrction ofa new building.tr Addition - $50 Includcs any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidortial or t / commcrcial building. !ltlinor A.ltcration - $20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcmcnts. such as,t \ rcroofing. painting. window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building permit please identifiT thc accurate valuation of thc projcct, The Town ofVail will adjust the ttc according to the project valuabon. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTVTENT OF COiVIMUNITY DEVELOPTIENT. T5 SOUTH FRONT.{GE ROAD, po VAIL, COLORADO 81657. M fl ai^Ae,.lc furltt(i +aa/M TOWNOFVNL o O tr a a O ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL GENERAL INFORMATION Applicants requesting the review of additions which requirc the utilization of an Additional Gross Residential Floor Area (CRFA) (250 ) request must also submit a Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) application. If the addition requires an Additional GRFA request the applicant must receive PEC approval prior b Desigr Rwiew Board approval. I. SUBMTTAL REOTJIREMENTS One complete set of existins floor plans or "as-buiit" drawings with all specifications shown. A preliminary title r€porq including schedules A and B, to verif, ownenhip and easemene. Condominium Association approval, (if applicable). Phoos of the existing sructure. Specifications of all materials and colon of the addition. Topoegaphic survw, stamped by a licensed suweyor, at a scale of 1" = 20' or larger, on which the frllowing information is provided: tr Ties to existing benchrnarlq either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This inforrration must be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same commenc unent point. B .. Lot area and ifapplicable, buildable area. tr Legal description andphysical address. tr Scale with a graphic barscale and north anow. O Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) ofa foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established comer. A Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals may be accepted. A Existing trees or gruups of trees having runks ivith diameters of 4" or more, as measured Aom a point one foot above grade. tr Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). Io ,l- $l 1 flrIt -l' ? i v d g & -1 0 l1l \} fll POr I.\ \g{ FJ\-\- J8{.\., r 1 s L Rt'\t ,S)rt rN":$\>\-liGiN A ? J s \ OA -\ _\. \ t\\ -v. I ri I, \r \r ,o \, a d rl t- Il/lllItl d t\ d\ N s e) .l_ +?'^Lr g +r, =I v $ ?i1($1 ILJriJT [.(\1 l:,J$ rlL s $ I$r uf $ .s l$ ctl- I\s Jil l t\\ q Ir $I \i )J 4ri '1 .\ \.\ fu \$ o rl $ $ Ltt IL \i I ilt if nl ,.-l::F Jl l^i tiN d: $t 'Sri I !!tr$$;$T F. t s _t \9r {J ,{. L \ t-. I t_ io{lat; l0tf- & if ru T $\-Ir s$ ) $ i .\ \.-tI $ \) rttt = $ _l s r- _i ! X {.I $I r$ I-t-i* l-' lsIF \ tr 0 't\I ^.1I t€ va|EJ qwJe ebL u+/t [:n/?,z]G/1fl-Evfl FF^(n0 ftou--+'\p+ F--li--lT-i l@ ^dvcNo,-rs - 1._'*iJ J+ ggz *z- x . neHdeqanf " o-,' 1ff uf /aa -,e ta' na/eal -tL =,''l,a litl__ _ted_l;], ,,'tfl_ ,-rt;i -;ll ,,e1)o te'tal L A N D ' ' T*GUARANTEE THE ROBERT O. AI{D BARBARA J. DOWIE TRUST 24221- DAWIIRIDGE DRIVE LOS ALTOS HILLS, EA 94022 14E w Potxto ?\ff* I>?' Dear Customer: Land Title Guarantee Company is pleased to provide ycu with your Owner'e Title Insurance Policy. This valuable dccument insures good and marketable title to your property. Please revj.ew the policy in ies enEireby. we at Land Title 'Suarantee Conpany believe in providing you, our customer, with a quality producE wtrlch vrlll serve your needs. In t,he event you do find any discrepancy, of, if you have any queetions or cornments regarding your final policy, please cont-act f-he follorving deparr-ment and we will gladly handl e any requeaE you may have as efficiently and guickly as pcssible. TITLE DEPART!,TE},IT TELEPHONE # (303) 476-225L FAX # (303') 476-4534 PITEASE REFER TO ORDER NO. VS250970 Should you decide to sell the property described in Schedule A, or if you are required to furnish a new Eitle commitmenE for mortgage purposes, you may be entitled to a crediE toward fugure triBle insurance expenses. L,and Title Guarantee Companywil-l retain a copy of Ehe enclosed title policy, and in the event you do need future services, we will be in a pcsiEion Eo again serve you prompEly and efficiently. Thank you very much for giwing Land Title Guaranlee :ompany che opportunity co serve you. "lpANy ' Form AO 4/95 Order No. VS250970 norr"" t LrEH2soe?o AmounE $618,000.00 SCI{EDULE A Address 1. Policy Date: February L2, 1996 at 5:00 P-M. 2. Name of Insured: TIIE ROBERT O. AI{D BARBARA 'J. DOWIE TRUST 3. The eatate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is covered by uhis policy is: A Fee Simple 4, Tiele Eo che eauate or lnteresE covered by this policy at ctre date hereof is veeted in: THE ROBERT O. Al{D BARBARA J. DO9lIE TRUST 5. the land referred tro in Ehie policy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado, and is deseribed ag follows: PARCEL B, VAIL/POTATO PATCH, A RESIIBDIVISION OF LOT 26, BI..OCK 1, ACCORDING TO TIIE PLAT RECORDED.'ANUARY 24 1 A996 IN BOOK 585 AT PAGE 483, COUMfy OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIJORADO. I,A}ID TITLE GUARAMTEE COMPANYPage 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. ' Form AO 4/95 der No. vS250970 olicy No, LTEH250970 SEHEDULE B Thie policy doeo not. inoure againsts looe or damage by r,:aoon of Che following: 1. Rights or cLaims of parties in possession not ahown by thepublic records. 2, Eagements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records, 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shorE,age in area, encroachmcnlg, and any facts which a correct ourvey and inspection of the premiees would disclose and which are noE shown by E,he public records. 4. Any lien, or right t.o a lien, for serryices, labor, ormaterial theretofare or hereafter furnished, impoged by la$t and nou shown by Ebe public record8. 5. 1996 TN(ES NOT YET DI'E OR PAYABI.,8 AND ASSBSSMEMTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREAST'RERS OFPICE. 6. tIE!IS FOR T'NPAID TIATER A}ID SE9IER EHARGES, IF AI{Y. 7. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR EANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THB AUTHORITY OF TITE I'NITED STATBS AS RESERVED IN I,NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 13 , L939, IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 61?. 8. RESTRIqTIVE CICVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CO}ITAIN A FORFEITI'RE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF A}IY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RETIGIONI OR NATIONAIT ORIGIN, AS CONTAfNED fN INSTRITMENT RBCORDED Mar<;h 05, 19?4, IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 628 AIID AS AI{ENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SepEember 24, T975, IN BOOK 241 AT PAGE 950. 9. IITILITY AI{D DRAINAGE BASBMEIIT 10 FEET IN WIDT1I ALONG THE SOIJ:fl{ERI,Y LOT IINB OF SIIB,IECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON TIIE RECORDED PLAT OF '/AIL/POTATO PATCH- 10. BASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/POTATO PATCII. J.1. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND R,ESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR. RESSRVED ON TITE RESITBDMSION PIJAT RECORDBD January 24, L996 IN BOOK 686 AT PAGE 483. INCLT]DINC BIIT NOT LTMTTED TO : A) ACCESS EASEMENT AFFECTING SIJB\TECT PROPERTY. B) FOR ZONINC PT'RPOSES, TIIB LOTS CREATBD BY THIS SIEDIVISION ARE TO BE TREATED AS ONE LOT WITII NO MORE TITAII TWO DWELLING UNITS ALLOWED ON THE COMBINED AREA OF TI{E TWO LOTS. Page 2 ' Form AO 4/95 Qo:lcv No. LTEH2sogToder No. VS2509?0 SCHEDULE B L2. TBRMS, COIIDITTONS AI\rD PROVISIONS OF PARTY ]|ALL AGRBEMENT RECORDED February L2, 1995 IN BOOK 68? AT PAGE 750. Page 3 (D(}"*".?:t:imlfr oo.-"roe'"*f Q Vail, CO 81657 aeceiptvo. €Of5 { f4v-c /<- Data_Z__J_Zz- t__.ep Account No.Item No-Code #cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 CB $50.95 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $57.20 001 0000 3141112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 l, El $s6.00 001 0000 3141112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998 trE $s5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 D.t.t.ou 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code VE'$36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code UE'$37.00 001 0000 314 1112 Abat€ment of Dangerous Bldq.'s 1997 $9.9s 001 0000 314 11't2 Mod€l Enemv Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books UE 001 0000 314 1211 Bke Prints/Mvlar Coov Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Cooies XC $0.25 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 31s 3000 Penalty Fees/R€-lnspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Revielv Re-check Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Otf Hours lnsoection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contsactors Lrcense Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Siqn ADplication Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sign Application Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200 D6ion Rwisw Board F€e (Pr+oaid)DR ZO. e') 001 0000 315 3000 BuiHinq I nveEtioation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 001 0000 312 1000 001 0000 230 2000 '001 0000 201 1000 '001 0000 310 1100 001 000031125!o oo1 00003112500 oo1 ooo031125oo 001 0000311 2500 oo1 oooo3112soo 001 00003112500 00t 0000 311 2500 oo1 oooo 31 1 2soo 001 0000 3t1 2500 001 0000 311 2s00 oo1 oooo 31 1 2so0 001 0000 319 3100 . --. ^ --- __-r n^-tse nr ttEotn l IAD =-'tL SA TP;= MS --T Tom of Uai I onn' IilvftF[F* m?h,fi** IESCRIPTIIT{ IIESIB{ REUIEII FE R{IIERT IlflIIE 0. R. B. TB{ER ! TAILD{ tglt DflrE: ?/23/0 TOTA- OfD(flflffT IE{I€REN 0n ffiilfr rp ilI feg.m IDR CK PV PV PV PV PV FVE EY IPV tPv FV lil,n TIE: lt:28:58 E0.m €0,m TSI( YITJ FIIR YflJR MYE{TI Commqrts: MS $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 $200.00 .00 .00 -00 TOTAL: Cash_ Money Oderf Check #/4(/Recelved by: F:/Ev€ryons/Fomvsalesecl.exe OQQ ar7 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 March 20. 2000 Eric Johnson, Architect P.O. Box 2088 VaiL CO 81658 Re: Dowie Residence Interior Conversion Proposal lLot26, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Dear Mr. Johnson: Thank you for your recent DRB application for an interior conversion at the Dowie Residence located at 795 Potato Patch Drive I Lot 26, Block l, Vail Potaro Patch. Staffhas conducted an initial review and has raised some key issues of which you should be aware: 1. The fee for a DRB application vvhere additional square footage is proposed is.$50.00. You have submitted S20.00. In order to complete the rer,iew of your application, the Community Development Deparnnent will require an additional $30.00. 2. The approval that nas previously granted for the dormer addition has now lapsed. If the dormer is to be part of the interior conversion, the Community Development Department will require plans for this addition. There are no plans on file for the original proposal. The submittal requirements for a DRB application rvhere additional square footage is proposed include: o one complete set of existing floor plans o a title report (already received by the Communiqv Development Deparunent) o condominium association approval (if necessary) o specifications of all materials and colors for the proposed addition o a stamped topographic survey, and three (3) copies ofa site plan. floor plans, and all relevant building elevations. 3. According to the section drawing submitted, it should be feasible to excavate the back-filled crawl space to add gross residential floor area. Statr will review plans for the dormer addition once they are submitted in order to determine compliance with the Town Code. Please note that dormers may be considered an exterior modification subject to design review but may not add significantly to the bulk and mass of the building and must be compatible with the overall scale, proportion, and design of the building. Also note the definition of a dormer: {7 **uoru* f 9 lll\1 "'A "',, '' 1. )- 4!l "a vertical window projecting from a sloping roofofa building, having vertical sides and a gable or shed roof in which the total cumulative length of the dormer does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the length of the sloping roo{ per roof plane, from which the dormer projects" I have enclosed a copy ofChapter 15 ofthe Town Code, which includes a section pertaining to tle Interior Conversion Ordinance (12-154). I have also included a DRB apptication for an addition with associated submittal requirements. You may wish to revise your plqns accordingly. You are also welcome to meet with a mernber of the planning staff to discuss possibilities for improvements at the Dowie Residence. If you would like to set up a meeting or require any clarification of the issues contained in this letter, please contact me at 479-2128 or akjerulf@ci.vail.co.us. Sincerelv. Encl. o{ ql c- z a F A fi+Es: E!Eg:Y€=;E g€ s $8ir:; lEEE:;E3*2'2E'E= gF:E€E ;I s$igEi ! = it € a:E* i Eg€FEE I I I al I (.)] F{l4AI IolhlklFI NO: ororr -.\ .ol :orl "\F\I N I I + .= = I I .l HTztc6 Y}itfr{ Y =€ 5 : t z I I I =.9 c A F I I I \.ooo oi Fq dz = :- .= _= rl "i ?; U - <l ZI ..\l ts <lEl &lal I :.: a.! c = I IX ? Y z a)4 z. o F-'.arH Y:--a>F =zzrrs< 3iza\ ,< \J,Y ,,1 :- 2 L'Q-z: i',:Itsz r-)< -j.zzu^ '!\ .\ ii<=c4rr<iq-..o= zL! i- ;-f\ -! i) i\:.--:-<--f\<:cli . .-.jz>;=<-!, 3iu-{=.trx:- ' F- !-.i /1 \\\i:c=.- /17=Si-.-; <ij>+r< =+i:.-* ;-- = a\\rF.\- tr-^XA -Z\J."t-a:-l{i--autx-{,..:-Y*+xgs-;:-\:-:-\-;-F FIF -O. rF -+tLa a+ Oael mF<-.!aar{.F|a Gtttst Ftfla.T,a,F fHfr\ -,,V i- -0Fl --aqH|e F\d/f-lF. -d *FlF LaH sv i+{ 11 A. irl Ef-l rfJrF| fiJ*fhA. € Oa J") ,F4 ,) NI Y CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY ATE: i VENDOR NAME VENDOR NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR nett4//s::Zzalt (To be used for General LeOger;@ ACCOUNT NUMBER 0r 0000 22002 AMOUNT $ 75"4- DATE DUE APPROVAL I lo /ra -<-i, TOWN OFVAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST NEW SFR BUILDING BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT Perrnit TIMES B9s-00 60#: 75 South Frontage Road Vail,ColoradoS165T Job Address: 795 POTATO PATCH 303-479-2138/479-2t39 Location. .. : 795 POTATO pATcH FAX303_479_2452 parceL No..: APPLICANT BEEHIVE CONSTRUCTION 1256 HOVER, LONGMONT CO 80501 CONTRACTOR BEEHIVE CONSTRUCTION 1256 HOVER, LONGMONT CO 8O5OtOWNER KOENIG GARY & SHARON 17 DEER HILL RD, HAMPDEN CT 06518 Description: NEW PRTMARY/SECONDARY Phone z 3034478866 .00 Total Catculated Fees---) Z,Z9Z.SO 400.00 Additionat Fees---------> .OO 932.10 Total permit Fee--------> Z,?9Z.SO 750.00 Payments------- DR DR Dept Dept Dept Dept De pa rt tne nt of Cotnnwiry Development APPROVED o 4 /03 /7ee5 04 /2r /tees to / L8 /rees78866 Status. . . App1ied.. Issued... Expires. . Phone t 30344 BUILDING Division: PLANNING Division: FIRE Division: PUB WORK Division: tireptace rnformation: Restricted: YEs fof Gas Apptiances: 3 fof Gas Logs: fof [ood/pattet:lr**lrffilr*fff*H**ffiffi***tff*****rr*ffi*ffi**ff* tEE su l.lARy ************f,****ffi*ffi****ffi****:tirtr:tff***ffi***** Occupancy DweIlingsPrivate carages Table Date: Bui tding-----) 3,156.00 Restuarant pl.an Reviey--) Plan Check---> ?,Or1.40 DRB Fee-------- TYPe Factor sq. Feet Valuationzone 3 V-N 125.80 5,382 677 ,035.60zone 3 v-N 3l ,62 A32 26,307.A4Subtotal: 6,2!4 ?03 t363.4404/01/L992 Total Valuation: 203 t363.44Town of VaiI Adjusted Valuationz jO3,363.440 Invest igat ion> l,i L l, Cal, L----> .00 Recreation tee----------> 3.00 clean-up Deposi t--------> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/20/1995 CHUCK Acrion: AppR04/2L/1995 TRyNrs Acrion: AppRItem: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT04/2!/1995 cEoRGE Acrion: AppRIIem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTo4/2L/I995 TRYNTS Acrion: APPRItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKSO4/21/199s TRYNIS Acrion: AppR tHr**riffi*ffffiffi*ffi'r**ffi****rHrffi*ffiffiff*******#**l**ffit*********.r********ffiffi***ldrt**ritr**#rffirr*ffi*#**tr* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that, may apply to t,his permit. DECLARATIONSI hereby acknovtedge that I hrve read this application, fitl.ed out. in luLt the infornation required, conptcted an accurste plotptan' and statc that att thc information provided as requi red is corrcct. t agree to compty rJith the information and ptot pl.an,to cottpl'y vith att ToHn ordinanccs and state [aws. and to bui l,d this structure according to the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniforl 8uiLding code and othef ordinances of the Tolrn appticabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TII€NTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: EEEHIVE CONST OR CONTRACTOR FOR lsbbl .//pgt 7A4,sO LF AND OWNER !p TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479.2 I 39 D ep arnnent of Comntunity Deve lopme nt FAX 303-479-2452******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS as of 04/21/9s Status: APPROVED********************************************************************************Permit #: 895-0060 Permit Tlpe: NEW SFR BUILDING PERMIT Applicant: BEEHIVB CONSTRUCTION 3034478866 Applied: 04/03/t9e5 Issued: 04/21/1995 To Expire: L0/I8/I99s Job Address:Location: 795 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No: 2101-063-0I-022 Description: NEW PRTMARY/SECONDARY Conditions:1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. Retaining walls shalL not exceed 3 feet in height in front s etback.4. The const,ruction fencing shalt rernain in place throughout the entire construction process. o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address: 795 POTATO PATCH DR Location. . . : ParceL No.. : 2101-063-OL-022Project No. : PRJ95-0246 APPL,TCANT BC ELECTRONIC SERVTCES, INC P.O BOX 730, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR BC ELECTRONIC SERVICES, INC P.O BOX 730, AVON CO 81620OVINER KOENIG GARY & SHARON 17 DEER HILL RD, HAMPDEN CT 06518 Description: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ffiffiffi*ffi*ffi***#******ffiffiffi* FEE SUHI.IARY 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorado 81657 9/0-479-213V47e-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 E Icctri ca t--> DR8 Fec Invcstigation> $i tt ca U.--> TOTAL f EES_-> TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Department of Community Development Permit #: 895-0281 Status...: ISSUEDApp1ied..: t2/04/L995Issued...z 0L/30/L996Expires..: 07/28/7996 Phone:303-949-1100 Phone: 303-949-1100 Valuation:68s .00 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53.00 Total Catcutatcd Fees---> Additionat Fccs--------> Totat Pernit Fee-------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- 55.00 .00 55.@ 53.00 .00 ffi ffi ,t#r*t**ffi**ff ffi ff **ffi**fr"t*ttffit*f, *tr*tr*******.lr****#ffi I!eB! ,gqqqO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:OL/29/1996 DAN Action: APPR0L'/29'/I996 DAN Action: APPR fi-re approved l/29/96 *'ttffi********tffi***t**{.*ffi*|*H***ffiffi*****ffit****ffi1*****ri#rlH**ff*ffi**ffi*ffi***rr*t*******t**#fi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. SUBMITT DATA ON FIRE ALARM PANEL.2. SECONDARY UNIT MUST HAVE FIRE ALARM PROTECTION. **ttfi***ft*rt*Jr|t**ffi****tJrffiffi***t**ff****ffi**tff**tffi***#************rt*ffi**ffiffiffiffi***ffi**** DECLARATIONS I. her.by .acknovtedgc that I havc read thi3 app[ication, fitted out in futl, the infornation fequi red, comptctcd an accurate plotplan, and state that att the information provided as rcqui red is correct. I agree to conpty riith the iniornation and pl,ot il.an,to.comPty lrith att Tovn ordinances and statc tavs, and to buitd this structure according to the Tolrn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding code rnd otheF ordinances of the Town appl,icabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTI0NS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 179-213A oR AT OUR oFtICE FRO}I 8:OO Att 5:OO Ptl {S *nt"uor*"r *************************************:********tt****************** TOWN OF VAIL' COLORADO Statemnt *****************************!r********************************** statemnt Number: REC-0113 Amount: 53.00 ot/3o/96 13:14 Payment Method: CK Notation: #L572 rnit: DS PermitNo:E95-0281rlPe:B-ELECELECTRICALPERMIT Parcel No: 2101-063-01-022 Site Address: ?95 POTATO PATCH DR Total FeeE: 53.00 This Paynent 53.OO Total- ALL Pmts: 53'00 Balance: .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Antoult! 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAI., PERMIT FEES 5O.OO 01 OOOO 41336 VIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3. OO -. - b Vrt"-i1 B IScr:a DATE: Job Name: @ Job Address: Legal Description: Iot-.,1!_ Block_!_ Filing owners Name: Architect: Address: Address:FAi-ceneral Description:oP+u*,Flt &-Elfork Class: [!-New [ ]-Alteratl_on t l-Additional [ ]-Repair t l1{ Number of Dwetlj.ng units: - Nunber of Acconmoaaticib"rBrEl_ ftl"" and rlpe of Firepraces: Gas'Apptiances- cas r.ogs- ndiia7--rea"B- 1|f********************************* vALUATIoNs ********************i****i* j*i*** sl+etl#ra Contractorz BL e AJ tr f""" Number:ffi lirics|:rFEirr. sontra_ctot.z t6L EU*tez*ttc EEqceS Town of Vaif nef. NO.t.l 3g-SAddress: Po- ?o' r-ao , 4ro],iF6ilgz - phone Nunber: 17> qzL qf * Plunbing Contractor! Town of Vait Reg. NO.Addressi Mechanical Contractor: Town of Val_l Reg. No._Address: - phone Nuraber: ****************** ******* * * ** ** * FOR BUTLDING PERUTT FEE: PI,IfiBING PERUIT FEE3 I.fECHANICAIJ PERUIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTI'ER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE; PLWBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERITT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNGs STGNATI'RE: f,q5^ 003L CLEAI{ UP DEPOSIT REFT'I|D trO: PERMIT MUST PLUMB]NG BROWN PLI'MBING & HEATING 14OO VTOLET AVE, BOULDER CO BROWN PLIJMBING & HEATING 1400 vroLET AVE, BoULDER co KOENIG GARY & SHARON 17 DEER HILI RD, HAMPDEN CT EW SFR PLI'MBING NOTE: Job Address: ?95 POTATO PATCH DR Location...: Parcel No.. : 2101--063-OL-022 Pro-iect No. : PRJ95-0036 o THIS BE POSTED PERMIT JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES P95-0138 ON AT #: Statue. . . appIied.. Issued. . . Expiree. . Phone z 3O34442656 Phone z 3034442656 FINAL oe /o7 /Lees oe /08/Lee5 03 /o6 /Lee6 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR O$INER Description: Ptumbing----> Ptan check--> Investi gat i on> 1.,iLL catt---> Restuarrnt Ptan Review--> .00 TOTAL FEES_---Additionat Fees-------> TotaL Pcrmit Fee-------) Payments------- BALANCE DUE--- 80304 80304 0 6518 Valuation:43,000.00 ********l*********************t*******************t******** tEE SUltl'IARY Totat cal,cutated Fees---) ffig '25&5-0{) 161 .25 .00 3.00 .(n w.25 a@.?5 .00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN!-o,/oi/7sss oxtt Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS t hereby ackn@rtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fu[l' the inforration reguired, corrp[eted an accurate pl'ot pl,an, and state that al,t, the informtion Pro;ided as rfouired is corfect. .l agree to comPty Uith the infornation and pl'ot ptan' to compl,y lrith au. town orJinances and stlte [avs, and io buiLd this structune according iothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes,'dlsign reviev approved, Unifonm BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Toin appticable thereto' REoUEsTs FoR INsPEcTIoNs SHALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FoUR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEP}ONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:OO AT 5:OO PI'I Job Nane: Koe'{t e Re q Job Address: Legal Description: f.',ot f C owners Name: Kaea,g Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Ph. Architect:Address:Ph. a.General Description: [,,teSTt r ,te zI{ork class: [{]-New [ ]-Atteratlon [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repal.r [ ]-other Nurober of Dwelling Units:a..Nunber of Acconnodation Units: ftu"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances- Gas Logs_ t{oodlpellet_ l|t********************************* VALUATTONS * ****** *** ******* * *************** BUILDTNG: EIJECTRTCAL: $- OTHER: $ ^ELIrMBrNcz Tql@ !!EcgAN-;cd; i- ;offi; ------ v ^I*** * * * ***** * ** ********** *** CONI1RJ\CIICR INFORI,iATJON *********** ****************t N;ff:3:.contractor: rown or val-r Res. No._ Phone Nunber: Electrical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. NO.Address:Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Tovn of Vail Phone Nunber: Plunbing. Contractor: f. tsRb*]ru Lun Address: Reg. NO. ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* PLUI.IBING PERMfT FEE: I.fECHANICAL PERUTT FEE3 ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FE83 DRB FEE: BUTIJDTNG PIJAN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PIAN cHEcK FEE3UECTIAI{ICAL PI,AII CITECK FEE: RECRE.ATTOI{ FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI.!fL FEES: ZONTIG: SIGNATTTRE: P.,fato Pel<H t)Y na TOWN OFYAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE Permit ALIJ T]MES M95-0166 AT 4.'lt . 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Addreas... Location Parcel No.....Project Number Department of Community Deve lopment 795 POTATO PATCH DR 2101-0 63-OL-022 PRJ95-0036 ISSUED oe /2e /tee5 Lo /os/tee5o4/02/tee6 Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER BEEIIIVE CONSTRUCTION 1256 HOVER, LONGMONT BEEHIVE CONSTRUCTION 1256 HOVER, LONGMONT KOENIG GARY & SHARON co co 80501 80s01 cT 06518 Phone: 3034478866 Phone: 3034478866 Phone: 3035304138 17 DEER HILL RD, HAMPDEN CoNTR,,ACTOR YOttNG, SCOTT 4461 DRIFTWOOD PL, BOULDER, Description: NEW SFR co 80301 Valuation:49,000 . 00 #Of tlood/Pa I Let:Fireptace InforlEtion: Restricted:#Of cas Appl.i ances: 980.00 Rcstuarant Ptan Revi err-)245.00 DR8.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 #Of Gas Logs: **ftffitt*t*trt****t****$ffiffi#r*****ffi:trsr*ffi**ffi FEE SUlltlARY **ffi}trntff***ffi*t*ffi**t**ffi***ffiffi llechanicat--) Pt.n check--> Invcstigat i on> lli Lt Ca L t-:--) .00 ,@ 1,2?8.@ TotaL caLcutatcd Fces--->1,224.@ Additional F!cs-------> .00 Totat PePmit FcF------> 1,228,@ Paynents------ Dept: BUILDING Division: BALANCE DUE_-_*t*:|fffi ffi ,nlf**t*ft **tntffi *ffi***ffi ****t******ffiffiffiff ffi******t*f***ff **H rLe.m: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO9/29/L995 DAN Act,ion: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL l. EIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. q-o_uEqsTroN ArR rs REQUTRED pnn sec. 007 6F- rHn-rset--uMe . --3. INSTAI,LATTON MUST CONFORM T0 r"iellUFACruRES- rNsrR0etrollS-euo. TQ_APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. qA9_APPLTANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ $u4!_L_TEBMTIEATE AS gpECrFrED rN SEC.906 OF rHE -1q91 uMC.-s. aqqEgs ro HEATrNG EQUTPMEITT Uusr-e6llFr,i wrrn--sne .50s-irNp703 0F THE 1991 nMCl6. EQ,I_LEBS SLTALI BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.- qNI,Egq LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FTOORiNG:7 . pEBl4rT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYS r S -MT0Sf - Bs-FO-SinD--ru-laecHArrcar,_ B99D_4 pRrOR Tq_AN TN9pECTION REQUEST. -- -----8. DBAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS-EoTIIATITTNE HEATING OR HOT-WATERqgppLI_BoI EBS $HAL! BE EQurppED witH- A FtooR Dnallr--FEn'.5Ec-.-2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. *******************************************************************************l DECLARATIONS I h$eby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitl,.d out in futt thc inforDation requi rcd, conpteted an accurate plot {g*n""uoruo a' ptan, and to conpty codcg, dc3 informtion provided as required is corn.ct. I agrea to coryty sith the inforiation and ptot ptan,r and statc tavs, and to build thi3 structurc according to thc Tounrs z$ing lnd subd{vision Uniform Buitding Codc and othcr ordiruncca of the Toun appticabL! thc.cto. BE IIADE TIIEI{TY-FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT oun OFFICE FRoll 8:00 Atl 5:00 Pl,lREOTU',IV srctSn{t$dt fiUir!&r!f,imfloR FoR HtnsELF ANo Vail" Colarado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Development {g^tnotoruo ' **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REc-0082 Amount: L1228.OO lO/O5/95 13:20 Palrment Method: cHEcK Notati-on: #1319 Init: LRD Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 413t2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L336 M95-0166 Type: 2101-063-OL-022 795 POTATO PATCH B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT DRTotal Fees:L,228.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAI,, PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE L,228.00 L,228.00 .00.**************************************************************** Anount 980.00 245.O0 3.00 NOTE: o THIS 795 POTATO PATCH DR 2101-053-0L-022 PR.rg5-00 3 6 PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL ON JOBSITE Pennit AT Phone: 3034478866 Phone: 3034478866 Phone:3035304138 49 r 000.00 fof ld/P.t Lct: 1a.4t/- 21{"2'/. ALI, TIMES M9 s-016 6 BE POSTED PERMIT #: Job Addre66...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: Status...: APPROVED epplied. .. oe/29/!99s rssued.. . : 09/29/L995Expires..: 03/27/L996 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER llechani cat---> Pl,an check---> Invcatigat ion> Hi Lt cat t----> BEEHIVE CONSTRUCTION 1256 HOVER, LONGMONT BEEHIVE CONSTRUCTION 1256 HOVER, LONGMONT KOENIG GARY & SHARON 980.00 Restuarant Ptsn Review--> 245 -@ DRB F!F------.00 TOTAL FEES---- 5.00 **rflt**ffr*t**fi!***ffi ******ff **t*ffi tt*t*t*t****** .00 Total catcutated Fecs---> 1,?28.@.00 AdditionaL Fees---------> .00 1 ,2?E.@ Totat Pcmit Fee-------> 1'?28-OO Peyncnts------ BALA CE DUE-_- co co 80s01 80s01 cr 0651817 DEER HILL RD, HAMPDEN CONTRACTOR YOUNG, SCOTT 4461 DRTFTWOOD PL, BOULDER, CO 80301- Description: NEW SFR FifeDtace Information: Restricted:#0f Gas Apptiances: ***ffi*ffi******ffit****ffi****tr*****ff**#*H FEE SUl.ll.lARY Valuation: #Of Gas Logs: Dept: BUITDING Division:Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO9/29/L995 DAr{ Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOU]RED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 I'MC. INSTAI.,LATION MUST COfrFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. GaS EPPLTANCES SEALI, BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EQT'IPMENT MUST COMPLY WITI{ SEC.sO5 AND703 0F THE l_991 IJMC.BOILERS SHAI,I, BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRA]N PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 ttMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovledge that I have read this appl,ication, fitted out in fuLl, the information rcqui red, corptctcd rn .ccuratc ptot 1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 8. PERI.{IT "* , - , APPLICATfON ITIUST BE FILLED OIIT COI-IPLETELy ORUx * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** pEtulIT INFOR}IATTOIIrlI J-Building [ ]-plunbtng I J-ElectrLcal Job Name: Iegal Owners Name: Arcbitect: /Block_.(_ Fillng Job Address: Address: on: Ipt IT IIIAY NOII BE ACCESIED *t ****r***** !rr *** r********i** Ph. Pb. tional I J-Repair I l-other Address: Nunber of fitrelllng Unlts: raber and Tlpe of Fireplaces:Gas Appllances Nunber of Accornnodation Unlts: OTHERs rOTAL: TNFORUATION ********************* **.*r* BUII.DING: S eurlrBlNc: $ EI.EqTRICAL! I{ECIIAI{ICAI,: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: . Plunbing Address: Mechani Address: ********************************FORBUTLDING PERI.IIT FEE: PLI'UBING PERI.IIT FEE: }IECIIAI{ICAIJ PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE! DRB FEE: Igw "-{ vall Res. No.g38l3 Phone Number: Town of Vail Plrone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. No. Reg. NO. - Town of Vall Recl. UO./l I Phone Number: AVA-,'fi oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDTNG PIAN CITECK FEE: PLI'UBING PLAN CHECK fEE: UECI'ANTCAIJ PI'A}I CHECK FEE: .RECRE,ATION FEE: CIJE:AN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.TIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNAflTRE: ZONTNG: SICNAI'T'RE: CI.EAII IP DPOSIT BEFI'ITD lD: o*Q'r'-W w {6 Ofl- ,r"4 tH t-E dob,KWA^,ffi t lt'tf . /,o. J tj2 6rq 7? znr -{ l*w o? ,,Q.ot' Jlr.- .t-Z v*,& 3a -hes 'R36='et45 ,2L x,7t O_ tJt a +- l&or 3D OU /rc fL \ 7 f Y 'P 7'7t7Yt, rfzl\r,uE i"6;1;;,afu Htt:oT,ffirl."r'o, - 7514?L 'r.- *Mffi'*W:+- iu'Fi' : Li,..ffi6$/G:+. €rro;-" l Lia;lt{$y6tltG ;. *.e ' al^^' ilrg:: . ,_. .r "atb'fu;'Yffi, '-*[-r tWtrA \ 7fb/zt^ Knll *-.,fi: A*,9+r*,,,*- ffieffirpn, \/o^Jl.1n-,Pu;,,,^^rt 0^\ --Y-- rh,]tu"^16fr6, " //L/ ht^{304/.# fluto"0z* t Y,d, -t) f D"Ftu''teur-, J ruw'r or vall p#&il"*uill Plan qPProved rJ Ju-ffy* oalth Flre I tt Valldity of Perrnit Sec.303 {c) 19 U.B C' the hsuancc or g{anting ot a permit 0r approval 9f 9lan1 a1l ;;t;;d; strittnot 5e condtrued to be a perrnil.l?.t:.01-on ;;;;;1't1 ;t uioi.tion of anv of the provisions q||'lt--'ld' ;i';ifi;ir;'oioininm ot th6 iurisdication The issttance oi a nBrmit brsed upon ptans, specilications and other data shal iliicvtt ffiffiibing oirkiar trom thorearler requirins^th( ;ilffi;';i ;ioii-in'saio plans' specitications and othp Jata. " ,',trt 4-Lq''1 'lown olVail ()FFICE COPY 8' ,.r *''Q ,r'J-t4? Sil*<r*,ffi,,{a, )flb Ha>e.,,- tull, lCrreyttarrrt t- a/,Jhrw/tu,,% z wsfubf,ffirA'., ut'V t'r, U'^frrfr a"3"/'4'/; ' f'bAl' a, I lv ./r& y'safr tA.f\ tr orL6mhu!<h att- tO|4,44o/ ,t'4L5;Ll#/&o fo,)!. . s" aAbl I&l ta, a/tz-, q-al , futt 7/L I €'E-!Ar, r[|",/^rL! p"^ n l'L,,',.,t f\ I t7x'ow I ,fonlt l tr, fno.t dll,ha "- -:1tu| -t rt t b'rgrS^,-,orfftrby, t NOTE: TH]S .00 .00 .00 3.00 53.00 PERMIT MUST ffimel BE POSTED PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL pernit # TIMES ffi JobAddressm Departrnent of Community Devel.opmen ' Phone:3039496013 € [lctri cr [--> DRB F.c Invest igation> l,i l,L Crtt---> TOTAL f EES_-> TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees-------> Totet Per[it FeF------> Payments----- EALANCE DUE---- 53.m .00 53.00 53.00 .00 IIEM: O6000 ETECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Divi-sion: CONDITION OF APPROVAL *rr**ffi********ffi*S***********ff**********************************ff***ff******H******iffii******#***#*****ff* DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknowtedge that I havc read this appl,ication, f itl,ad out in fuLl the information requi red, conptrtrd rn accuflte ptot p[an, and state that al[ the information provided as requiced is correct. I agree to coDpty with thc information and ptot ptan,to compty vith atl, ToHn ordinanccs and state taus, and to buitd this structure according to the Toun's zoning lnd subdivision codes, design revicr approved, Unifoftr Buitding code and othcr ordinanc.s of the Tovn appticabte thrreto. REOUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAD€ TIIENTY-FOUR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 e70-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Location...: Parcel No. . : 2101-063-01-022Project No. : PRJ95-0036 APPLICANT RESORT SERVICES P O BOX L079, AVON CO 81620 CONTR.,ACTOR RESORT SERVICES P O BOX L079, AVON CO 81620OWNER MGARY & SHARON 17 DEER HrLL RD, HAMPDEN CT 06518 Description: TEM POWER Valuation: 300.00 Jrffit**ftrffir************t*t*ffit#ff*****t***ft FEE SUlll,lARY ***t****ffi**********H*t******t****ff****t**ffi*f**ffi Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 06/02/L995Issued...: 06/02/1995Expires..: LL/29/L995 Phone: 3039496013 {gror"urruo ir*************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0037 Amount: Payment Method: CK1953 Notation: s3. oo 06/L9/9s 10:39Init: lO,lC 895-0121 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2101-0 63-Ot-022 795 POTATO PATCH DRTotal Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Pernit No: Parcel No: Site Address: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CA].,,L INSPECTION FEE 53.00 s3.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3 .00 :. rt I TOWN OF VAIL CONFTRUCTTON'pARcEL ltr_ pERMrr AppLrcAtroN EgFtt-n.4 -T'a),,- r,^ zt DATE: Mf ' , ' AppLrcATroN l.tusr BE FTLLED our coMpLETFI,J gR,,r?, Dlil,t,iNdfide accnpreo,V! It***************************** pER!{Il INFoRttATIoN ******** ** ** *****************rl-t l-Building t l-plumbing XElectricat [ ]-Mechanicat-, [, J-other rob Nanre: kerrh teS, - - rob Addre ==, 115 ?"+A' i;1aA Dn Legar Descripti on, iotfuQ Brock- ,itins ***rrr^, ft+nr| W ohrners Name: I *t*tr fi9en!< Address: ph._ Architect Addqess: ph._ ceneral Description:tns work crass:-{Hew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-additionil I l-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwellinq Units. 2_- t-tt ) ^ tlpnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesilf3ffias Logs_ Wood/pellet_vlt********************************* VALUATIONS ********************************* 'lur""r*o: s ErrcrRrcA L, r3ffif orHER: $ n^LLTMBTNG: T-_ I,{ECHANTCAL: $- roraiivf * * * * * * * * * * * * * !. * * * * * * * * * * * 't 't CONTRACTOR INFORIT{,ATfON ***************************7 Eeneral Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address: phone Number: Town of Vail Reg-.7E Phone Number: Electrical Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I.IECHANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEEI 74, DRB FEE: ,{?f a /z/ Nuraber of AccommodatLon Units: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PINN CHECK FEE: PLUI'fBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: - RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: 4Z -3 BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATIIRE: PER}IIT iI Contractor: CLEA}I IIP DEPOSIT REFTII|D I1O: - tir TOWN OFVAIL NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRTCAL PERMIT Permit #: 895-0121 75 South Frontage fuad Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Etectri ca t-> DRB Fle ->lnvestigation> Lli tt ca I t-> Departmerrt of Community Development Job Address: 795 POTATO PATCH DRLocation... : Parcel No.. : 2101-063-0L-022Project No. : PRJ95-0036 Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . rssuED o6 /02 /ree! r0 /04 /Lee204/oL/ree( APPLICANT RESORT SERVICES P O BOX L079, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR RESORT SERVTCES P O BOX L079, AVON CO 81620OWNER KOENIG GARY & SHARON 17 DEER HILL RD, HAMPDEN CT 06518 Description: fEM POWER and ELECTRICAI SFR Phone: 3039496013 Phone: 3039496013 30, 300 . 00Valuation: *****i************H*ffi*r**Jnt**ffiffiffi#t*******ffi* FEE SUllllARY *****ff***ffi*tffiffi*H*#***ffri*ffi**t**t*** 261.00 .00 .00 3.00 Totat catcutated Fees--> Additionat tees------> TotaI Pefmi t Fce------> Paynents------ 314.00 .m 314.00 314.00 TOTAL FEEF-> 314-OO BALANCE DUE.--- ffffi*f,|*#****r*ri***tfit"tt*t**ffi*t:*fffi*,t*ff**ffiffi*tffi*********ffrrtffrrtffi#*ffiffi****#******ffi*ffi*t Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTI{ENT Dept: BUILDING Division: *'rt'-*,t**fi,tffi*#*ffi**ffi***ffi*J.i*****i.*ffi*Hffiffi**#****i***ff*ff********it|*ff**Hffi*******ff****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi*****|*ffi*t*ttii****ffi*******#rffiffiffi*ffif*f*ffi**********ft**ff****ffi**Hffiirl*H*ffi*ffi*t**l*** DECLARATIONS I h.reby acknoltedge thtt I havc read this apptication, fil,ted out in futt thr infornation required, coRpl,eted an accurate ptotptan, rnd state that atl the information provided as requir€d is corract. I agree to coriply uith the infornrtion and ptot p[an,to compty with at L ToHn ordinancrs and state [ar.rs, and to bui ld this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design rlvicU approvcd, uniforn Euitding codc and other ordinances of the ToHn appl.icabl.c thcreto. REaUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SH LL 8E ADE TsE TY-FoUR HOuRs lt{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 479-213A oR AT OIJR oFFTCE fROlt E:00 A 5:00 Pir {p*ntoto'u"" a:r - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt ******************************************a********!t************ Statemnt Number: REC-0081 Amount:261.00 LO/04/95 L3z?e Palrment Method: CHECK Notation: *2060 Init: LRD E9s-0121 TlT)e s B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2101-063-OL-022 795 POTATO PATCH DRTotal Feeg: 261.00 Total ALL PmtE: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 Description EIJECTRICAIJ PERMIT FEES 314 . O0 314.00 .00 Amount 261.00 .a ******* TO!'IN OF***************************************************** srFoHffSo REC-0016 Amount.:200.00 04/2L/95 16:07 ---'T5foatffittnmgrRoad-- ---Depar*rnentof€ommunity Development Vait,dlmwifrt&,I B9s-0060 Type: B-BUILD NEW SFR BUILDING PER s o i -4Mse l ap2 1 $r o L - o 6 3 - o L - o 2 2 rfrXt'dr-lfHy€q,st 795 PoTATo PATCH DRLocationt 795 POTATO PATCH DR tt *************************************** Statemnt * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** ** * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * Total Fees i200.00 TotaL ALL Pmts! Balance: Description BUTLDING PERMIT FEES ****** This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41310 7 ,292.50 200.00 7 ,092.50 Amount 200.00 7 UU**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * Statemnt Nunber: REC-0018 Amount: Payment Method: CK5661 Notation: 7 ,092.s0 04/27 / 95 08:01IniT: TT **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01.0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 4s032 01 0000 4t336 895-0060 Type: B-BUILD 2101-063-07-022 795 POTATO PATCH DR 795 POTATO PATCH DR NEW SFR BUILDING PER 7 ,292.50 7 ,292.50 .00 Amount 2,956 ,Oo 400.00 2 , O51, .40 750.00 932.1,0 3.00 Total Fees: 7 t092.50 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE CWav-\<--.\*zrJ( S TO[{N OF VATL PERMTT APPLI DATE; CATTON |t4AR AppLrcATroN MUsr EE TTLLED our coMpLErELy otdT.HAy Nor BE +qgFprED *************************** pERMrr rNFoRuATrooi rlr..irtrl!ll"/r"I.U.E[1.******r**** [ ]-Building [ ]-pluDbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Name: KeerrigRes,d-once- Job Address: ?RS ?ert+t-ea*r:_\^.br. Legal Description: Lot 26 Block Fiting Owners Name: Address: t.?Tt.r U\\\8.1.,il.qr^darr-.Cqo6sr"rpn6'"g €1!61 Architect:Address: Buv lolbl2, t9^1\,G Atgsg P}J.Yu.lzz€r, General Description: I{ork cLass: gXJ-wew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-AdditJ.onal t l-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of AccomnodatLon Units: U/A j#iBiffi;Yfffi i"Tffii$ili%: UffiI;i@- X:;:x.:n:::f$lftjjfrw:"ril'ff T-o*, jij*:;.;:i;.": #tl"t and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appli"n"""-l Gas Logs v/ r{oodlpellet ^'1 'T."gqg8.e:la:?'.ii3.rTJli.,i:iii,,gAlu,1Trq$*1:iltt:"*J*"tdJ.*l,i8:is**********BUILDING: $ aaaies=: .z;;,il ilH".f"Iill,[?if.if*.iDQ5-ooaoElectrical Contractor: TBDl.:t-^-- - - ffi;;;;;-^ \,.,'r,,r.crs,-r,r: \ rpL/ -T:y" "-{ V.ail Reg. NO._Phone Number: ill*:3? contractor: tBTr rown or vail Res. No._ Phone Number: _ Mechanical Contractor: TET\Address: !ri'-"r'- \ L<-\r I:t" "_{ Vail Reg. No._ Phone Number: ******************************** FOR oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PIAI{ CIIECK FEE: PLT'I{BTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: }IECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.EAN-UP DEPOSTT: ?OTAL PERI.IIT FEES: 5<<.cr.-.d,r Ra=\Je"-rc.e- BUILDING PERMIT FEE:PLWBING PERUIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNGs STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAIIIRE: CLEAI| I'P I}EPOSIT BEFITIID 4/v- -z.r't--t-r-,-* C.a-rt<-Cr^-t-.t-.t_r.<a-' I 4z,L,a'-./.res 1, ';"r::["lil#i,::;" 0Ff.fC?' ffipV Plan analysis based on the 1991- Uniform Buildinq Code Prolect Number: PRiI95-0036 Name: KOENIG PRIMARYAddress: 795 POTATO PATCI{ Date: April 1-2, ]-995 contractor: BEE HfVE CONST. Occupancy: R3, Ml- Architect: ,fOHNSON Tlpe of Const: V-N Engineer: MONROE Pl-ans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN NOTE:The code items l-isted in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of ali- possible code requirements in the l-991- UBC. It is a guide to sel-ected secti.ons of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOI.'NDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NoRTH Public way 65.0 Feet 45.0 Feet EAST Property line 24.0 Feet 24.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 67.0 Feet 67,0 Feet WEST BuiLdinq 0.0 Feet 0.0 Beet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON_BRG OPNG BRG NON_BRG OPNG TIAI.,L WALL PROT VTALL WAIL PROT WALL $IAI,I., PROT WA].,], WAL]., PROT R3 ohr Ohr None ohr ohr None ohr ohr None thr* thr* NoP Ml ohr ohr None Ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None thr* thr* NoP The exterlor walls may be of CoMBUSTIBLE material . sec.220l-. None -- No fire protection requirements for openj:ngs. Prot -- openings are to be protected r4ri th 3/ 4 hx fi,re assemb.Lies. 508 of the area of the warl maxi.mum. sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than l-2 feet. -- Sec. 4305. (h) NoP -- openings are not permj.tted in this wall.* -- These wall-s may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wai.l is required to have the same fire rating as the wall see section l-7L0. for details and exceptions' FL NAME AREA MIN. ].,I GHT MIN. VENT NO . EXITS EGRESS ---_-*-----3 Master bath L46 0.00 7.30 1 No 3 Master bedroom 233 23.30 11.65 l- Yes 3 Halls, closets, etc. 584 0.00 0.00 l- No t TOTAL FOR FLOOR 67]-2 Garage 544 O. OO2 Laundry room 93 0.002 Kitchen 193 1 9.302 Dining room 258 25.802 Living room 483 48.302 HaIIs, closets, etc. 495 0. 00 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2066l- Bath room 72 0.00l- Bedroom #3 1,85 l-8 - 501 Bedroom #4 193 19. 301 Family room 2'7 9 27.901 Bedroom #2 162 L5.201 Bath room #2 65 0.00L Halls, closets, etc. 394 0. 00 TOTAL FOR rLOOR l-35 o BUILDING TOTAL 4087 0. 00 4 .65 9. 55 aA 14. 0. 00 3. 60' 9.25 o 6q L3. 95 8.l-0 5 - ZJ 0. 00 1 1 1 l- l_ 1 L l- 1 1 1 1 l_ 2 No No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The rninimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1204. L) The mj-nirnum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear wj-dth is 20 inches 3) The minirnun clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum siLL height is 44 inches 2) The number of exjits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in l-ieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1.205. (c) 5) The requirernents for 2 exits from the 3rd fLoor is based on Sec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, hal1s, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only I/2 of the area' --sec. I2O7. (al Every dwelling unit shall- have at teast one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 sguare feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) HabitabLe rooms other than a kitchen shal] not be l-ess than 7 feet in anv dimension. -- Sec. L2O7. (e\ GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS : AII glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety gLazing material. -- sec. 5406. (d) l-) GLazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) GJ-azing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enc-l-osures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas' steam roorls, bathtubs and showels. Glazing j.n any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inleL. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a z4-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and whexe the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. t 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than thoseIocations descrj-bed in items 5 and 5 above, than meets all of thefollowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 squaxe feet,B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the fl-oor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 35 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 i-nches horizontally of theplane of the gl-azing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of hej-ght above a wal-king surface. IncLuded are st.ructural bal-uster panels and nonstructural in-fil.I panel s . See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMEMTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally Iocated in the coxridor or area giving access to each sl-eeping area. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or waLl in each sl,eeping area. -- Sec. l-210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on a1l- stories. -- Sec. L210. (a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper l-evel- close to the stairway. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4 smoke detectors are required to be wiled to the building's power source and shal-I be equipped with a battery backup. -- sec. 1210. (a) 3. Detectors shal-I sound an alarm audibl"e in all- sleeping area of the dwel-l-ing in vrhich they are l-ocated. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPI,ACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUILT FIREPI,ACE : l-) Unit must be an approved unit. -- sec. 3705, (a) 2) c-l-earances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval . -- sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) chimney hei.ght must be per manufacturer's approval- and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a sel-f-closing 13/8 inch solid core door or a 2O minute fire door. -- Tabl-e 5-B & sec. 503. (d) exc- #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dweL.l-ing must be at least 36 inches wide, -- sec. 3305. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the rn:inimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #l- Provide a handrail on one-side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosj-ng if there is 4 or more risers. -- sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard raj.L where drop off is qreaLer than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- sec. L7L2. (a') exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3305- (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for ]-hr fire-resistive constructi-on, -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCIJOSURES: 1) Chutes and dwnbwaiter shafts with a cross-secti-onal- area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with aff joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. A11 openinqs into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door L 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- sec. l-705. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping install-ed in walls passing through3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- sec. 17 06. (c) 3) AII- other shafts are required to be enclosed in a l- hour assembly. -- Sec. 1"706. (a) CRAVTLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation ej-ther by mechanical" means or by openj-ngs in exterior wal]s. Opening sha11 provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as cJ-ose to corners as practical- -- Sec. 2516. (cl 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 109 of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building of ficia.L approves . For a 655.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of vent 1,/150 4.3'7 2) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larqter if mechanical equipment is Located in the crawl space. -- sec. 25L5, (c') 2. 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum cl-earance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 25L5. lc'l 2. ADDIT I ONAI, REQUIREME},TTS : For R3 occupancy This project wj-ll- require a site improvement survey, such survey shall be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. AII crawl spaces within the Town of vail- are limited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5 r, be earth floor only' be ventilated as per UBC 251-6(c) 6 with minimum access as per UBc 2516(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any bui-l-ding site wi:th a slope of 30 degrees or more shal-.1- requi-re an engineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permrtted without prior approval . Address nurnbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from the street. For ML occupancy Slope garage fLoor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptsor to dry welL or to sewer, Any garage fLoor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shal1 be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503 (B) , L Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road vail, col-orado 8165? (303) 479-2L38 Town of Vdl OFFICE COPY Plan review based on the L99L Uniform Bui.l-ding code Project Nuniber: PR,]95-O036 Names KOENIG PRIMARY Address: 795 PoTATo PATCH Date: Aprj-.I L3, 1995 contractor: BEE HM CONST. Occupancy: R3,M1 Architect: ,JoHNsoN Type of const: V-N Engj-neer: MoNRoE Plans EXATN-iNET: CHUCK FELDMANN Al- 1 electricaL work is to be complete to the requirements of the latest Natj-onal- Electrical- code' alL Town of Vail ordinances, and HoIy Cross Requirements. This project will require a site improvement survey. This survey shal-J- be submitted and staff approved prior to a request for a frarne inspection. under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done without an approved site improvemeDt survey- Exterior surfaces wi-th stucco shall be provided with exterior metal ]-ath as per uBc 4705 with 2 l-ayers of paper. windows and doors are required to be adequatel,y flashed(not with just screed meta.l-). A lath inspection is required prior stucco application. All new construction within the Town of vail $tiII be required to have a Public way permit plus an j.nitial inspection by the T.O.V. Public works Department to approve site drainage and culvert installation prior to any Building Dept. inspections. This project is restricted from the burning of wood in fireplaces. UnLess the lot is a restricted Lot in sJ.ze, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are pelmitted per unit allowed. Gas Log chimneys encLosures shall be one hr. protected. THIS PRO,JECT REQUIRES TWo ONE HOUR WA],LS BETVIEEN EACH UNIT WITH A ONE INCH AIR SPACE FROM FOUNDAT I ON TO UNDER SIDE OF ROOF SHEATING. 1-0 11 L2 L3 In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry roons a mechanical venti.l-ation system connected directly to the oucside shafl be provided. Bathrms whj-ch contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per lJMc 1104 and 1903. Flexibl-e duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shall not be.concealed within construction. Ducts shaLl terminate outside the buil-dinq and not exceed 14r Ienglh. No domestic dishwashing machine shal.l- be dixectly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPc 608. Cross connection control devices shall- be i-nstaIIed to protect pol"lution of potabl-e water supPly by use of approved backfLow prevention devices. UPc l-003. Island fixtures shall. be specj-al vented as per uPc 5L4. Plurnbing fixtures wi-th mechanical apparatus shall be supplied with an access panel for inspection and repair of equipment. UPc 904. Domestsic ranges shal1 have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material . UMc l-901-. Approved gas logs rnay be installed in solid-fue1 burning fireplaces provided the installation is according to the lj-sting ihstructions, any damper shal-l be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff vaJ"ve is provided. uMc 803. Gas firepJ.ace appliances are required to be insta.l"Ied as per listing installation instructions -with a "8" vent only. Combustion air must be supplied from the outside for all- new construction in the Town of vail-. supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume ) of equipment ' vent location and termj-nati-on, and conbustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado state Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to uti]-ize f.Low restriction devices. Also, the maximurn water closet flush usage is limjj-ted to a maximum of 3.5 gaLlons Der f1ush. L4 IJ l-o L7 18 19 20 2t The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3306. (1) At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of fe]-t so1j.d mopPed to sheathing and between Layers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Tabl-e 32E}1 . Because of this project's location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage.to areas bel-ow finished grade. UBC l-707(d). The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion wiE}:. L/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolts must be into the concrete or rnasonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. See code for additional requirements. -- sec. 2907. (f) Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. 22 Town of VrllTown o f vai.l- 25 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8L557 (303) 479-2r.38 PIan anal-ysi s based on the 1991 uniform BuiLdino code Project Nuriber: PRJ95-0035 Address: 795 POTATO PATCH Occupancy: R3, M1 TIpe of Const: V-N OFFICE COP!, Name: KOENIG SECONDARY Date3 April L3, 19 95 Contractor: BEE HIVE Architect : ,JoHNsoN Engineer: MoNRoE Plans Exami-ner: CHUCK FELDI"IANN NOTE:The code iterns listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of aI1 possible code requirements in the 1991 UBc. ft is a guide to seLected sections of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 29.0 Feet 29.0 Feet EAST Property line 24.0 Feet 24.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 69.0 Feet 69.0 Feet WEST Building 0.0 Feet 0.0 Eeet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTTON Table L7-A 6 Table 5-A NORT}I EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WA]JIJ IIiAJJI, PROT $IAI.,L WAI.,L PROT WALL WA],L PROT WAIJL WAI.,L PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr 0h! None thr* thr* NoP M]- ohr ohr None Ohr ohr None ohr ohr None thr* thr* NoP The exterior wa1ls rnay be of COMBUSTIBLE material. sec.2201. None -- No fire protectj-on requirernents for openings. Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fj-re assemblies. 50t of the area of the wall maximum. sec.22o3. (b) & Tab.l-e 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than 1,2 feet. -- Sec. 4305. (h) NoP -- Openings are not permitted in this waLL.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 j"nches above the roofing. The parapet wall is requlred to have the same fire rating as the waIJ-. see section 17L0. for detaiLs and exceptions. FL NAME AREA MIN.IJIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 Master bath 91 0.00 4.55 1 No 3 Master bedroom t71, 1"7.10 8.55 1 Yes 3 Halls, closets, etc. L69 0.00 0.00 L No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 431 ]. 2 Garage 288 0. 00 0. 00 1 No 2 Kitchen flz ]-L.zO 5.60 1 No 2 l,iving room 329 32.90 L6.45 1 No 2 Dining room L3'7 13. 70 6. 85 1 No 2 Halls, closets, etc. 304 0.00 0.00 l" No TOTAI, FOR FLOOR 1170 11 Bath roorn #2 38 0.OO 1.90 1 NoI Bedroom #2 115 11.50 5.75 1 yes 1 Bedroom #3 ),29 12.90 6.45 1 yes L Bath room #3 38 0. 00 t-. 90 L No1 Hal]s, closets, etc. 206 0.00 O. O0 l_ No TOTAIJ FOR FLOOR 526 1 BUII.,DING TOTAL 2127 1 TOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterio!is required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meetthe followj-ng. -- Sec. 1204. 1) The mi-nimum clear height is 24 inches2) The mini-mum cLear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maxlmum sill height is 44 inches2) The nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwelli-ngs) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS : Habit.able space shall have a ceilinq height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches, Kitehens, halls, bathrooms and toi.Let cornpartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the Lowest projection. If the ceil-ing is sJ-oping, then the minimum height is required in only !/2 of the area. --Sec, 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of fl-oor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not fess than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shafl not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. 1207, (c'l GLAZ ING REQUIREMENTS : Al-l glazing in hazardous locations is requi-red to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Gl-azing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) GJ-azi-ng in fixed and sliding panels of sl-iding door assemblies and panels in swi'nging doors other than waldrobe doors. 3) Gl-azing in storrn doors. 4) Glazing in al]. unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enc.Losures for hot tubs, whirlpools' saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. G1azj-ng in any portion of a building wal-l- enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the gLazing is .Less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 5) el-azing in fixed or operabfe panels adjacent to a door where the nealest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a z4-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and wtrere the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above the walkj-ng surface. 7) Glazing in an individuaL fi-xed or operable panel, other than those locations described in i-tems 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the ffoor. c. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the fl-oor. D. one or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the gla zing. 8) Glazing in raiJ-ings regardless of height above a walking surface. Incl-uded are structura] baluster oanels and nonstructural in-fi11 DaneIs. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REOUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centraLlylocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sLeeping area. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wa]-l in each sl-eeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.A smoke detector is required on al"L stories. -- sec. I2tO- (al 4.If the upper l-evel contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is requiredin the ceiling of the upper level cl-ose to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's powe! source and shai.L be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3. Detectors shal-I sound an al-arm audlble in al-l- sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMEN:TS : FACTORY BUIIJT FIREPITACE : 1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval . -- sec. 3705- (a) & (b) 3) chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, material-s approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side onLy and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 13/8 inch soLid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- TabLe 5-B & sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REOUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must be at Least 36 inches wj-de. -- Sec. 3305. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail- where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height: 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- sec. l-712. (a) exc. #1 The minirnum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is requj-red to be protected as required for Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec, 3305. (1) SIIAFT ENCIJOSURES: l-) chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a closs-sectionaL area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galwanized sheet metal with aII joi.nts locklapped. The outside must be L hr construction. All openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not Less than a self-closing solid wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncor custible piping installed in walls passing through 3 fLoors or ]-ess do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- sec. 17 06. (c) 3) AL l- other shafts are required to be encLosed in a t hour assembly. -- sec. L705. (a) CR,AWIJS PACE REQUI REMENTS : 1) Provj.de ventilation either by mechanical means or by openinqs in exteriorwalls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than l- square foot foreach 150 square feet of area i-n crawl space. openings shaLl. be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical . -- Sec. 25L5.lc\ 5. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 1.08 of the aboveif ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. For a 302.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of vent L/L5O z.OL2) Provide 1,8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- sec. 2515.lcl 2.3) Unl-ess the wood is Listed as an approved wood of natuxaf resistance to decay or treated wood, the nr-inimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inihes. The minimum clearance to beams and qirders is is l-2 inches. -- Sec. 25!6.lcl 2. ADDITIONAI., REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey. such survey shall be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection . Al- I crawl spaces within the Town of Vail- are linited to a earth to structural- floor ceiling height of 5r, be earth floor only, be ventiLated as per uBc 251-6(c) 6 with minimum access as per UBc 25L6(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any buil.ding site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shal1 address drainage, soil- retsainage and structural design. Excavation bel-ow sl-abs on grade shall not be pernr-itted without prior approval . Address nunbers shatl be posted plainl-y visi.bLe and l-egible from the street. For Ml occupancy slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a f l-oor drain wj.th sand and oil .l-nterceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by upPer EagLe Valley Water & Sanitation District. In garages wi.th living area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shaLL be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. I'BC 503 (B) . ? I .';; ^ ao-' l, "??. FRO4, : TI.{SRP EROKERRGE-GARy THORF . Chen-Norlhern,'lnc.30e0 Ficso t':.1 Gignrrccc Spfi'rgt. C0 8ltiol 003,.r{S.r4iig .rur-. 13. r"!?1, 2i.7? P'l 6,r': g r.'l:i c. C,,:o, J...-. Si:' , _.. O+1,,:' eitg- I rSnt:&,, G,trlle Clsrlr Cod SF':rg: ,- PL frilSt,I Ftc €r'.< Po..ats,,: F+;i j7.n:,;1 Sl,: :. rr. C,',, San Airigno Trr Cr&Jt Yrhijnl i I t I t t s I I I I t t I I ! I SUBSOIL STUDY F'OR FOUI.JDATION DTSIGN PROPOSED DUPLD( LAI 26, BLoCK I POTATO PATCH SUADIVISIOII vAI!., CoLoRADo Pregared gcr: Marx Kaiser c/o Ross Davts, Jr. P.0. Box 190 ValI C0 81658-0190 Job !b. q a62 89 May 10, 1989 It 'tlv l' ,::t':- ',t* BRoTGRAGE-c l*-frrr, ziz? pn P2 TA8LE 0F CO,lltE,VIS collcluslotJS PUnPo3E $,JD scoPE OF STUDY PROPOSD CONSTNUCTIOTI SITE C.OIOITIOIi|S FIED EpLoRAIIoN suEsorl COTDITIONS cEoloctc corltsIDERtTIONS FoUND.I'IoN R EC0,,I{EI,JD.qTI oilg FLCOR SI-ABS UI.IDERDN.AII.I sYsTEM SITE GRADI}E SURFACE DP"AIIIAOE Ul'lITAIlottS EIGURE 1 - LOCATIOII OF'SPLORATORY PITS FIOURE 2 . LSS OF EXPLORATORY PITS AIID IECT}ID AIID I.IO'ES FIGURE 3 . CR.|DATIOII TEST RESUL?S t*ta t - SUt0.uHf OF I.flBORATOPJ, ?EST REULTS ii;,,, I 1 I 2 2 J 4 5 o A 8 .f rssr z.z? ?t) coilcLUSIoNs Ine propos.d l:pllI shoulo oo fo-To-,1._.li!! ^"p."rc foo*nEs;ea.'1nE or: ?he ca!.,;ral 5,,reru:.er ioi:,-u u1o des:gi)eC for an auc:,,cbie:crr bearin' F!"e3eure_ d1,iz,1o' pli. -" o'tner oe_"tgr: and ccnitrucDlc::'':'tEr:a re.l,atinr to gectec.hnilgi' asiects cr r,isidii:iJi:'o.r.lop_rent on the rcr a--re priseniil"i;-;^;"t;y of rhe rcpc,:-:. r . -r l.:. t I E t PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF grUDY 1'bis repor! presentg the rcsultg of a subsoil study for cesign of, founca_t'ions f,or a proposed duplex to be rocgted on LoE 25, Bloci< .!, pcteto Fercns'lbc1v:sion, t'ail, cor,rrado. The prcjecr, sits ls sholfi on F1g, i. ?he sLuryuts co 'cuctec i'n acccrdanc' with our agreeine'r:! fcr prcfessionai e:..g:aer -. - s€rvlgg5 lgtte:. tc Marla i(elser, c/c goss Davls, Jr., cia.,qi lprii 10, i9gg. t*;u!::;r'sLsnd:hc fi.ndlngs of this sru,Jy wiJI be eonsr,.jer..9r ir: the salcr,p::Fc*ssecf :he lct 1n which Mr. Kalser 1:, the !,uyer. 0ecio6ic ji:€:^eEure rlso:vleued to c'Jar'u3:e po.entlal lnpacc cn the propcserJ cevercpment. A fiolJ exproratlcn prcf,rirc con::tsLlng cf expl0rerol.y Flts ue, co::,.jucte-t0 o5tain lnforn:atj,cn cn subsu:,face condltjons. Samp!.r5 oDta:neo durinE theflelc exprcra'i'on were Le ;d in the iaboratoQ to deter,mi,ne ihelr :.n51neeringc!:aracter!:c!cs. Tnc resu .s of lhe fielC explo!.aEtcn anc laborai.., ,.rr,"Jwere analyzed to develop reccrrnerdabions for fcuncarion typesr deptns sndalro"ra;le pressures fcr.the paopo.ui burlcJng icuncEilcn. lne resuits cf chefie.ld explcrali.on enc laboraiory lesting are presenrcd ln the repcrc,. Th1: re'ort has beerr prep;rr€d !o g,:rngrii,e the cafa obts:ned durlng thlsst'udy and to presen! our concr,usjocs anr r€cc:i;,flend'ticl:s ,oasec on ttle proposecjconstruction and 1: sub:oll co:iditicr:s encount,erd. rlst5n paranerers and adi-scuss:on of 6eolech,nical, eng:neer"ln8 r;o[siri=rrJ?1;ns rt]atgc r,o resldent!al cong[ruc].:cn ,:n thr, .i,ob Er,.r lncl,jdc\d in the rqpaf,:, .FRO|'' : THoFtr ETRoKERAEE-E. 'i,' l' u$l:i [.rri FROP0S; .,ONSTRUC-:'- Developnent RP .1 l'Jl lL rU, -'H.tL .r-e- 11991 ?:eE PH F .l - - for the lot had nob been Cei'ernined at the trme of our gtudy. l.lc urdsrs:....c a cuplex reslcence :c propcse'J wlbhin lhe uPp'i'' par: of ulle ioL, Dr,!,veuay ascess .;i!i be frorl Fotalo Fe'"ch D.f ie. "'le assune rel'a- tlveLy 1i'ghi fo'ur<tsEion loadlnas, typical of the propased t:'/?e ccnst:'uc!1cn' !ue :c :he €:ev::::r. cjlfference cf iiie io!, ye elsg assutrle shall':w c';! an3 fj,:,1 -{. ':evelopotent If buil::ing )'cadin;s, iccation or grading pl'an: change s'iinifiean!]v !'ron ixog€ descrlbed eccve, Hc ihculd be ncLiflec lo reevaluage the recoi'-'ner.'la!ic:is '.jonta:r, :.: ls reporf, ' ::TE CCIOITIO}IS ?he lcu ls lccabec downnlll of Potato Palch Drive tn very hilly terrain' The!'3 :9 e v:ry $'Ee'J, eLoFe slong Lhe :'cad vl:len aFp'cars to ts- placwJ for r-xe fozf;ua! consEruction. The lot sLoPe ls dcsn Lo !!re 3outh wilh a noder- ately sf-ea? topcgraphlc btnc?r in lhc upper pc:":i3tl of thc lot' then '/ery sLeep 1n the remaltrlng part. The buil'dln{ site ts ln the upper b'ench t alcuc 1c to 15 feet of elevacion ctffe:-enEial Scrcss the approxir€le b"'-din2 area' ihe lci is vegctated xlbh grass, weeds and nus,erous aspen. Scai t ':blc5 arid bouiders Here observeC 9n "h€ gror:nd su:^face' .; FrELD SPLoRrTroN ld ?he ?ie1o explorati,on for the proiect ras conducled on ipril i ':69' I He a.ctc*npled access on .{pril i btiL ther.e ',,tas'too tttu:I, sncr.J ag thet tio:e' Tr'rs exploraiory piEs wer.e dug st the locabion$ .;hq!rn o[' S15: 1 F-o eva]uo?e cl^- subsurlac+ ccnd:sione. Tne pits "'le:re excavafcd-rrith e bactdlse 3r:d ItEEed by ' ;:)'l:t,iong . Tne Pits "Je:r e gxcavaE€c -91tEn e. ootts;= r"'JI ' Jggbs vJ ' ' ; J I 'lI. .: I I 1". I -3- repj'e-ientabive of Chen_lltorthern, fnc. Acce;g tc thE steep slope off oj. potrto palch Drtve. '^'e:'e !"e!ufi€d to ouf labofatOry. for fevie,.,l les!lng. SUESOIL COIOITIONS Ihe subsoil ccndlEior:s encountered aE rhe site Fig. a. The subsoils consisi of atcut ? to 3 ii| ralative)y den$e, sllty to clayei sandy g; avels culders. Ercavatiilg ths, (tave19 Hlth E ligl:l duty to the cobbles and boulders. ie::ra::!y tcstirrg perforr.ed.or. ganpJes obteineC f:clr the pits cone._.cf nE;ural roisture eontent, dry delsity and gl-ada:ion anaryse,s. Regulis orgra(3"icn enalyscs gerforvled in sar:ples oi ihe naE,';f aj scil. ghor,X o;: F1e. 3. The Laboratcr), test,h6 i: suL?.ar13ed ln Tri:le I. lirter serpage ".'a3 encoun-uered ag a depgh of 3 ii2 t*et F't i tirrre of diggrng. The subgoils were ger:e.ra'y rcist to vel y nois:. are s!:own 5r:.rphica].ly cn feef, of +"opsoli c,verlyln6 c(:nta:rl:ng cobbles encl hacl:..:ce was difficul! Cue CEOLOCIC COIIDSIDERAT:ONS The becrcck ln the area sj,.st.s of bcds of sandstorre, of the eite ls thr shale; congJ.cmerate l{intur:: Fornatic,n wr. and I isrer f rrr, a:zs Fr,j ont'.r l"he lc: l.es Sarnples taki.n by ihe project dt.'ci^rrlr ,r.. --....vtrJ t, u lig frcm lne piE,s engineer enc sF.I:II'] : THI]RF EFIO,GREIJE-Ir'a C:,.r,,r. j\,'-f rr--' r::F Frl F l,;,lr-,:,., F 0U ilDATi Crti tl ECOt"lM tf\,r)ATI oNS CcnsllderiSg the subsal.L candi!:aris e;ical$lei"+J :.r tte expl;r.sLcryaid Eie ss-t:ned coxsr.f uct:c it iype, w€ i.r:lccrsr€iC che t:u1I Jir;g l: icurrCer,i s:re6c I'c:'"ings bear:ng on ilte ,:aEuieL granul.ar gril:. The rJe:zign an,J con:truclicr eri:ct ia preseli;irj ge.ior,r shculj be ob:er, r;fct': s':reec foot:r5 fc':rndatioc syst,en. 'fhe construcgii,rr c:"iier:e:houri L. : Jri-J:Ce!.ei *l:en pr:;,ar : l:g, prcj ec3 dc,slslerris. '! ) Fcclrr;s rrEcei cn :he uci:9turb,."ri natirr-al Er-elrirri,f sr::r ^Lr-.irrJ oe clesigr:e.d fs:" ar allor;Eb.le soil. bearinE, pre::sJre cf ?5C- : .:.. -,.-ec erperiqnce, ',_re arpect stiuil.r::rqni of foo.rlngs a*..rrrr,rd_-il;.ucie.j ri:s:us:ed rn this sic,Jlrn uilL be ebcu! .l :nc? cr Less sc,: .-lssent:;_:, occur durlng cons!,^uc!!cn. ?) Arl r'xi'sting filr r fop::orl and al:y rccse or. clsruri,,ec :ci15 sriourc re reilsved ind tilc- foot:r6 bea.ing Jevel er;emdeg cc,,?: to r*Iatively dense ngtura! g:.anu3.ar eci.t:. Volds cauj?.ed by boulder re,..:cvgl shcuid be nocjr_fillec wi.-h conc::ete c:. ccnpac:ed fine sand and gravei. 3) Tl:e fcct,lngs shourd trave a r:ilninun eidLh o{, ,r 6 incnes for conL!;rucu, xalle and 2 feet fcr. ts6l 3gcd ps3s, E::terlor foot:.ng' anr! fcotlrgs benea",h unhegted sr.eirs si.ourd be p;.ov:.ceJ w:th acequat'r soil cover ebSrre the:r bearlng elevadion fcr fl.osr prc,tec-i:cr:' P]ac*nent cf foundar,lons 6? ree:t 4g jnches Bercir g;s;s:-ioi grrcr-) tr typically r.:sed in ?his aree. . i tsr- 4) I 5)I I Conf.lnusus foundatlon walls choulcl be relnforted top $nd h('!rcr, to sF:n err unsuppslried :engLh cf a: leaot 12 feet. Fotrndalibri '{a}J: actirr3 as retSlning Ett'uci,utes should El-.io be Cesign.'d co re-tisi a Iab':r'rl tarih preesure co:'resporidlrrg Lo an g.1uj,val:.nt fJiid unrt "'relih'" of 45 pcf. Eacl:f1l1 shcul.C constsl cf predoninan+" grarrli!a,' 5o111 lll':e tr:e or:-eife soils. Foot:.::gs :hould nci be place.J next to StEep darr:rlcper sui'h irs netural slopes cr culs to.llnit adverss inlract ol r.he. slcpe l:'-ab:Ii+-y. The foc'-ings nay nee,J Lc be set, ,Jacy. or tli,'bearln6 leve-l lr-,';er<d. ',l'e gh')ulC :'evieli the foundation plan when bullcllna J.ocation anC grading he'.'e L'::- deterrnined. ?) .{ p*presento;1ve of ihe soil. en6lt:eer shou}d ot'serve a!1 fcoling i-:o tlons prlor tc cor4ilrele place;ent to e'ra.l.ua?e bt'l.,ri: - :or:d{iicns. FLOOR SI.A3S The naLural on-sliC eoi:.s, exelusive of lopsoll, are suitpble to supFor! Ll#;ly !o r:oCltrate!y 163rJeC g1a'o-on-8rade ccns:!-icllon. Tc reCuc0 the effecis of sone Clflerellial. ncvenenL, floor slabs shoulC be :e.parateC frun: a!1 bearirg ';alls a:iC colurms '*ith expar:sicn joints r^'hl.ch allc* u:::'tstralnec verlical movcmen!. !'IqO:' sigb ccntrol iOin'.s shoul.C be useC !o reCuce datr€g'e due !o Sh!":nkege. crackj,n!. '1,1e suggest Jolntc be provided on,the orCel of i5 fee: on cenler. The rec.ulrsuenb-q t'o. sfah relnforcene'n! shculC be esisb- Lished !:r the Cesigrrer based on q'xpertence ar:C the interded sl'ab use. A nlnir,un .l-icc.r, leyer Of ff.ee-Cralnlng gravel snould be placed beneath baserrenb Level slabs :o iaoill,bate dralna5e. ThiS mater"i.tl shou':a consigl af rninu.s 2-inch aAg!.e6,ate uith less thar 5Oi passin; fhe llc. 4 sieve enrl lcsg tl:an 2! passing the tlo. ?00 sieve. I I t I I 5) I I l i T { I t I I ,.l=. 'r*2:30 Pt1 H E I I I I I ag t I I I I . AII fill mer,erials for supporf af least 95? of naxlmran stsndafd proclor opttrnr:1. Requlral fill ean corisisf of tlcnr tc.o$orl and oversized roclc. UIIDERDR.CIN SYSTE},I lrlater seepage :Jas e:rccunter"ed curtng cLrr .explorar-ir;n. rt has been c..ri. PYper:elce in n:cunt81nou.$ aress that Locsj percncc griunch,ate!. n:iry de.iein!) dut"!"tg tir*:s of hea'ry preciprtacion or seascnar runoff. Frcze.r grlunc cur::-. sp:":ng rJnoif can create a p*rchec condj tian. !.re reccr::r,,.eric berc,; ccnsf ructl0n, such a3 relainis3, i;a),1s, c:-a.nr spece anc basg.-nerrt, arc crc'lected from wetting and hydroetetic pressi:re buildup by s:: unCer.r system. The drejr:s should ccnsisr of draln tile plseeC !n the b.;l becl:f1il at each ievel of e:t.:avaH,;n and su!.roundcd a,.go!.e ?i-.e 'nver:r''i'-i: iree-drainrng granur,rr material. rne .rrain phcur,c be piaccd a! l forr: beisi' l*resr adJocent flnish 6rsde and slopec er. a inin::::n 11 suifabl'e etav!L! oucrot' Frre-creining gr^snurar na'er-!a! usec crsin syste$ shourc contain iess r,hen 2! passinS the rrc.2c0 s:er. 5C3 pa*tng rhrr llo. { sleue and }igve a naxiftn size or.2:.nches. 6ra're! baekJ'rll shqu:,d Oc jt teasu 2 feet deep. sI?E onAD"ItC The hillslde on the :ir,,n oFef atlons. DeSlgn potenriaL tnstsbi.l.lty 1n FTcSOE$C .ct"! uctu!.e. A slt,o could becomc unstable as a result and con$tructr1on ec'$iOeiliicns nust order to successfully ccnstruct and mcinleln r_he detailed sloprr stabjlity cvalua;lcn an{ regultln6 JUL. 13. 1991 ?:34 PN P 8 fl,o,Jr slabs should be cojnpacE*:l tc ar <lensiiy at a nolsc,ure crrntect nes,- the or-slte grs'uels CevoirJ cf vegtLa- ]ei,e.] l;,lcl- ..lCl'- :$5 then The drai.'. of construc- be given !o qo'. : rrroRt-EtorE.Fc!, ..uCur-:'*"'-,uG.,ril ?:31 Pf,l P9 E H E H rsccnmend,ations are u'eyonc thc sc.Jpe of thlc :-eport. HolJe,.,e!-, i!i:!l*l.irr guide- 'nes'a:'e g,,r*:nted bel.cw fc:. plannlng enC preJ.!i:rlnai^:/ dcs.rgn. .tj.i.:r. t!:e ii,iEl Cesi8:t, ','re thould be conlacLed fo re'liew lhe i::fornalicn so r€c,JrT.t€;.:- : -::c:r3 fcr rCCitional lnvestigaflons cr ccrrsultaficn mey be nac+. 1) Th'e builclng rhcul.c be lccated in the upper- toFcgraphlc benci: of rjr;: siEe sr{ a'il:ry fron tt?e ve:"y siee! do"lrrs}ope io fhe }owet. pal.: cf tr.e loi. 2) 'Ercavatlsns should bE kept shallop Lc leCuce ths ris7 ar'ins!3iitl:Il, 'lr!!"1n9 g:'acing. Oenerarly, cuts not exce<!in; 6 v: z iee: bejcr !ne ground sui.face are reccnnendeC. 3) Poter:?ia] slope instablllty during excavallon o:' the foundailcn ca:, cq, reduced by cons+.ructlng lhe excavetlon durin0 rejaEj,,relj cr}, peric:s :,1 the year. Excavaltonl macle in the spring or early sulin:ei.iJ?u:a excc....-+ water :eepage rhlch wjll bc adverse to .,he slcpe staol1lty. 4) Pors36s!:t. un:'etair;ec cufs ar.d fllis lcss tha:' g feei:n he:ent snoul: ercced ? 1/2 hcriscntal tc 1 ver"rlcal. The ;'l:j.: of s].cp: :nsiar:l::; wrll be stg;l1t'1cant),y irlcreased if seepage !s enccijnlerc.c :fl cui-:. F:lIs snoulc not be pLeced eboye ve!'i' sterp nar.r,i";l sl.opeg such :E - -: i?. acwnhill sj.de qf r-he buil.rjing area. The ground eurface underl.y ili: sceu'cns shculd be preparoi [y r*ouing elL orgenic malter, sirr - to .q depth cf 6 inches and reccmpactine zo 955 cf the iil9l(r..r sla;idirrd Flcctcr densi::, prior.to fllt placenen,". FiLls shourd c .:ecec intc hiilcides .*.."di"g f horlzontal to 1 vercj,cal. .: 5) Goed :urface dralnage shoulc be provlde<i arcunc.. al.1 peri::anent cuts and fiilg and steep natural slopes to dlrec? surface runoff axay frcm the slop: faces. slopes and oLher rcrlppec are.rs sl1o"L:rd be proreste] agernrc erosloc by r.er/egelat:on or ogher methodg. il il il I I I I tti'3 t . trE]nFr : THORP EROKERTGI, I Itx, t9 ':::i rlr:Ui l.J.(,| ,u].,r*2:32 Pf{ Pl@ t'. l: Id ORP H H H H I il H fl t t E f, il il il I I il ,:E! :;_rITi :i:i r,*I'_ ,1... -8- 6) filCr grading, drain Cet,ails and hu[dlrrg p!sne shcrr]l be prepirreJ by qualjfl0d et:d!.neers farilisr wllh Lhe so:J Eh.i deol,rgio ecndit:ons in che srca' A ccngt:'uer-icn sequ;nce plan of exca,raLll:g, iall c*nsr,r.uctlcn anj brac:n3 arrd bacr.fllring lnotca!1,ng lhe time rec.'J!,red cnould be pr€ps!.€d by the contractor. 7\ A1l flll metCff:iI rhr,rr),t .r,,.. pr.artnar,f y1"ntf y gr.r,nir,!.:r s,,ii iiiia tirr on o1r_; 'sand and gravel. ?he fil.L shoulj ,.re ccrpacte.J Lc a! lessr 9ii o:. :ts. naxi:::rxt ltan:le,ri ProcLcl der:sity rrear opt,li:ui:r nojscure ccfiEeiE. FilI shculc noi conuairr ,.joncerlEretlons of organlc *iite" oa s:hr. dele;<:.jr::: substan..jes. Tne soil englneeF should eualuate ii:e tuitebilit; cf ;.,;-3_ posed f'iU n.-aterlals pricr !c placer,ienr. SURFACE DRAIIIAGE The foll:"lr.ng drainage precautlons ghculd be obg,:lryec curl;-,g :sr:::!-u,:::.:.-. arrd niintalned ai ail tlacg afl:r the rluplex ni$ b.:e-n ccnple+.ci: 1) Inuncation of, the foundatien excevatione and unJtst-llab aregs shouli be avolded Curing construcbicn. 2) fxicric:. backfil.! should be adjusted to ne3r opllnurn rr. -.,jre and compacled tc aD leasi 95i of th*r maxirrrurn stand;:rd Proctor o*nsliy ir: .oavenenl ar:d glab arlEs and !o al lL.as|. 90i oi the n:xiirur. s?3ncard Proctor denslty in lartdscdp€ areas. 3) The ground surface $ufrounclng t,he exbericr of ,the b'.:llding .:i.roulc be sloged Lo d!'a:n a',lay frorc ihe fcuncaticn tn all djrecsions. iJe reco,.*lgnd. a m:n!nu:n slcpe of. 12 lnches. ln rhe f1r9! 10 feet io unpaved areas snc s cliniruft:!cpe cf 3 lnclrcs ir the fjrst 10 feeU Lh'paved aress. tt) ioof Jc'.rnspouts and clralr:s shoulC rll:charge well bcyor:d tire Lin:b oi aIJ. bacxf:l I . i I I nUKr EF,LI^EI<HIJE-|j : .r ':::i rl .l U,: L..rl l ., |;sr !:se Pr'r ,..fi.l Lrr,trTnTI0lls Th'is report hes been p,"epor.O ln gccordance uJ,th 6errer":l:l' ecc'ti::€d sc':: ond found:t:':.n *nglrerl+ri116 praotiocc i:r !h;ir :rgo fur urc Uf '.].s .;1ic,ri. fgl' Ces:grr pi:rpcse::. lte eonclusions and recoi',rnendations gulmllte1 iu thig :'epcrt ar^e bas;d ui:r. the ,Ja!g obbajned f,rcin fhe explorerori' plts Cue at !!:r lccz- !!.-.r9 lnd:,33!td crn Fig. 1 anC !i':r. ag:sufled tyFe of cor,:",i,ru:!lor:. Tne csture ard etrtcnt of su53urface vilr'ia:lon:: ocrgss ihe sj.f..r i:ay rro! beccne e!lJ:ni, untl] cxcszirtio:l ls pet'fonied. If durlng con3:r.iction, fill, so1l, rock cr ,,.'i.t,::' condl',:cns appeor' tc be differen'.. trclil thcse Cescrtled hEr€ir:, tjils rffice gfrould be 6dvised at once go reevaluablon cf lhe reconnerrl'latl,cns fiR:; ils.{'le. rdr recome::d on-sj,te observation of excavst:cnj 6rtd !'oundallor bee,;'in; str3za and tesging of slructufsJ f11i by a re!,'.esenlgtive ct the -i;J engineer. Very Lrul,y yours, CllgX-:{OR'fHi!(}i, f lic. By. q- i2'J'h4 Seeven L. ttevie!ileC 8): Paullal.i, P , E. Hardin, P.E. gX"4- SLP/ec ff$*+ffi4r"""- -citf *i 1s222 i*il,, -*$j driir'*$}! ,*; nJL.1l19'r1 2:3s Fr't F laltrl -i3i eE l'lli T-t-Tll I e!lr.ti III I I I G I o o o 07c = o T1 :.- q, O-{ .F? *E {m o lT| cn m o r -la 0It 'lli fffii I I I t.J crl\) tt tY r2 :\, ,l Irr. Be,.o ;D ,I I I I .l POTATO P47cH OANE LOT 26 APPRoxtMATE SCALE LOT EOUNOARTES . UTIUTY EASEMENT Chen-Northern, lnc;LocATrON 0F EXPIORAToRY Prrs LEGEID: Pit I Pir ? c, (, t{C= 13. 70D.115.3+4=3 -200.40 -r4-48 -200.23 Topsoi I ; organi.c sandy silt and clay, black. soft. 6:al'el' (Gll); sandy, silEy to clayey, cobbles and boulders, 2'-3'5i:e, sub-angular lock, Cense, Dois: !o h,et, brourn. I F fiand driven liner sarnple. t---. l--j 0isrurbed buik saruple. I -\.- Narer seepage level cncountered a: tiure of drilllng. }IOTES: l. Exploratory pirs h,ere dug on April 13, tg89 wlrh a backhoe.3. Locations of exploratory piEs were neasur.d approxinarely by pscing fronfeatures shown on thc site plan provlded.5. Eievations of expl,oratory piEs were not,.ncasurgd and logs of exploraiory plts are drarn ro depth. ;.4' The eSploratoty pi! locatidns and elcvations should be dbhslaered sciurare onl.y to rhe degrce inplied by rhe rnethod used.5' The lines becween nar,erials shown on rhe oxplorarory pii logs reprcscnr the - aPproxinate'boundrrieg bctwccn rn3rerial rypis and trsnsirions may be gradusl .b' l{ater level readlngs shown on thc. lggs wcre nade ar the tine and undc! lheconditions indicated. Fluctuarlons 1n uarer lcvel nay occur wiEh tinc.7' Laborarory Testing Resruls: }{C = Warer Conrcnr (t) +4 r Perccnt lctalned on No. 4 sicvc DD - g1y Dinsiry (pcfj -2Oo ' Pcrcsn! Passing No. t00 sievc Boulders (, () Chen-Northern, lnc.Lois of Exploratory Pits andI 262 89 --fi.ttfl.il- lP.\\rfi-:l I :r ..-a, Cier,;; j t :,:CJ:C :tr, T s^ui"-l .F si lfy Sand I Y'ricrr: -: R A,{:i lr.rJ '' 'rri, li xrj'. ,.911;1y ; 'r,,,. 001 e)t Ctlf O SrLt G;{^v€L .4g .e Lrouto itMtr Seuale 6; Silty .t - :ir ?r"]I!r Eajijlf i,cL: tN M,LL rM6Y€R g taNS 5 7 r,SrLl ^NO CL;y PLASTICITY,Nc€x na: r 1.;i,tncu Pi.t 1er 3 feel 9€v€ aNi!, ySrS sA,to ? 9 t SrLt aNO CLAYtPusTlctlY tNogr sandy gravel _ .z !b-ot^uerEn cr p^RT|cLE tN MtLLTMET€tS '.23 | !r :t.-. l€:l<- 5tc Iot a FRoM Pit ? zr 4 feer ro 5 feer GAADATIOI..J TEST RESULTS Chen-Northern, lnc. " ---'t ' It" I II i T--i-l I i x l. G'F<l -o ^o--o .l >t'f'' l"' lc, c9 . c.:l3, <t- u) t: f a ut .E l'- U) tu tr o UJ cr FO co lJ. o TJ a o<' I q) = o i.. ),, ,l " :. re .-- _-'e,:; ,'r.,Y'',f., ., .TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PERMITNO. CC.2837 Contractor's copy to be kept on lobslte, KOENIC IDENCE LOT 26. Tf,ITUPOTATO PATCH ITIIX 795 POTATO PATCE DRIVE (Job Namg or Locaiion ol '1. 2. 3. Permit Fee S75.00 LONCT S VATTNG PO BOX 894 AVON! CO 81620 949-4682 (Exca\€tlng Co.{raclor'g Phono. and Ucans€ No.) Work is for (chcle ong) o I o ; t 6 eFo I Eo- o l! I]IE to3 e Io E- Bill to: PARKING ,..r d Cql"-- (Conlractorl Signature) Ps;6;JAI'IEIL INSPECTION REMARKS: Receipt #: (Public Work6) SKETCH PLAN OF WOBK ATTACHED '!i. .t.\ .-'' a -+{ APPLIGAT]ON FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 .i ' !t t \.J TOV Contractor's License N Start Oate 4i' Work is for ftircte one) Completion Date Length (Permit Expiration Date) oindh :' - 5. Trench-width (min.4') Depth 7. Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the buckel shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. . UpperEagleValleyWaterandSanitation (476-7480)-'1, t-1 ,-. ;t\r-'-\va'1.^ 4-4 !,a; Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161) Public Works (479-21 58)x- THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction trafiic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bil 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee, I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streels and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signature of Agreement Date ol Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location ol cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. \ * i I rl r'/ ( C,C a' Electricians(47s-2171) (,l' f O' 9. 10. 11. 12. ;.D tL r- BC I r\ Prz-rrursro j I i-<r. .) ((/ DE,rctL -1-1 tt I f'1-rr r THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! YBllow - Flnance Pink - Community Development Gold - ConlractorWhite - Public Works DEc-14-96TUE19:9.Q..Fl'l]d|cNALD.SI-25LoNG]'ioHT3o56519669 -----------. r'-V paaa .1,opg /gi P.62 j z-'ra44 Pzata 4G7 O*f..ri 6r? 7- kry,-ri o4ttu&-- t /'+'u (o'?zow;otr 2z{ P"&1 /a ,l/tt *'2< f?rr- d(ead- fcs .' 4ory 4*6 76ot /ptt, (//&t /tt- /,a-e*nuzl- (o gaso I Z F Yan //xz:s- ry du"rfi*5 Pzt *ts Cn^2y'*r* 'oL€ *f 7dr'1sz o? z / s*" DEPARII{ENT OF COMMUNITY D PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitMECHANICAL PERMIT o EVEIJO Status...: FINAL Applied..z 09/29/L99sriiued...: Lo/05/r9ss Expires ..2 0a/02/L996 80501 80s01 cr 06518 .m Totll' cr I' cu l'.tcd FGr!-> 1,22A'0o .OO Additimlt FcG3------> '00 I ,ZZa.n Tota I Pcrni t Fr.-----> 1 ,22E'0lJ' Payncnt3----- alllxce out--- TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONtesg RoRo vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Job Addreaa...: Location......i Parcel No.....: Project Number: ?95 POTATO PATCH DR 2101-063-0L-022 PRJ95-0036 Valuation: fof Gas Logs: ALL, TIMES M95-0166 Phone: 3034478866 Phone z 3034478866 Phone: 3035304138 49,000.00 lof llod/Ptt tct : AT *: APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER i.chrni c! l,---> Ptan Chcck--) InvcatigstiotD tJi Lt c.t t---> BEEHIVE CONSTRUCTION 1256 HOVER, LONGMONT BEEHIVE CONSTRUCTION 1256 HOVER, LONGMONT KOENIG GARY & SHARON co co 17 DEER HILL RD, HAMPDEN Deecription: NEW SFR Fi rlpl.ace Infornation: Restri ctcd: FEE SU]I'IARY CONTRACTOR YOUNG, SCOTT 4461 DRTFTWOOD PL, BOULDER, co 80301 #of Gas App[ ianc"s: 9EO.@ Rrstuanant Ptln Rcvict--> 245.@ DRg FcF------ . M TOTAL FEES-_-- 3.m Item: ,05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENE-At/29/7995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divieion: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE BEQqTBED TO-CH-Eqr E9R-g9DE qOMPJrr-ANCE' 2 . eor,rausitoN-Aif;.-i5'd$ouinED EER SEc - -E-o-1-9F-TE.E 19e I -lJuc: --- 5 : iFdEnI,r.,aiioN'iiugi |ENF9RM-T|_ IiANUFASFIJRE s INsrRUcr IoNs AND-- iei-ipFnNDrx-cHAPTER 21 oF rEE 1991-!ryq-.-- -- --a . dis' liF-i,reNcEii"'sttEi,L-se Vgufep-AqqqnDf rye ^Io-qFAPTEB -e- -4ND 5ii[r.,-r,- rn nM r llEie -iiii-SpeE r i' t ED- r H- - 5 E e' 9 0 -6 qE-THF 1 e 9 1 - uU9--. s . IfCEEs - ici'-nEiiiilld-nEtr rFfrEllt-uu$r- edt'tpr,v wIrH sEc . s 05 AND ?03 oF THE 1991 I'MC. /.,\r,.!?r,o. g6ir.,Ei.s-SHAi,i-fip-i'i6uNtso 9N FLooRs aE_NqNcqyqusrIBLE coNsr.'' UNlEEg-ListED FoR -nOuNrrNG q!{ coMBUSTTBLE FlooRrN"r"."*r"o"z. FERI,ITi,FLANS-AND- cODE-4N4-LIs-rs Mrusr BE Posrel '. BRRg"REEo8"9"til"frI8iE'HB8ilsiE8$EiTurNe u-EArrNG oR Her-wBrER-' SilPF-LY-solLnitE-'sfriIrl,--se-'EOtirpFnD-iiirn-A FL,oon DRAIN PER sEc' 2119 0F THE 1991 t,l,lc. ******************************************************************************** DECLAR,ATIONS -. r. hcrcby acrmnieage that r havc ".* anr"t""tion, fit[ed out in tutl' the intorrti'FFEuincd, corlctcd en accurttc ptot plao, and 3t.tc that att tnc'lniorrsiion proiia.O * .:q"i.J- ii conrect' ,f "nry. it ",ototv jittr tirc in?orration atd pl'ot pt!n' to coety rfith al,t roun oriinancis ina "*tc [avs, and t'o buitd this structurc ""-.aing io thc tom's zoning rnd gubdivisio'r codcs, dcaign ""ui* "pp.orJ,"rrtif."i aui taing ciO. "na-olt ". ordimnces of th! Tor'n appticabtc thcreto' REe[rEsrs Fon r spEcrroirs sH LL BE ]'ADE mExry-t.,.rn HotRs Ir{ ADv NcE By rELEPtfi{E AT 179-21fi on AT olJR orFrcE fRol 6:fi) Alt 5:00 SIGI{AIURE OF OgiIER OR CoiITRACTOR FOR HTIISELF AIID OI'IIER "_*-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *?* * * * * * * * to* ot vArL, coLoRADO Reprinted2 05/3L/96.14:09 Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0082 Amount: 1t228.00 L0/05/95 1J:30 -paynent Method: CHECK Notation: #1319 rnit: LRD Permit No: M95-0166 TYPe: Parcel No: 2101-063-0l-022 Site Address: ?95 POTATO PATCH B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT DR TotaL FeeE: I,228.00 Total ALL Pmt6: Bafance: Deecription MECTIANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE L,228.00 L,228.0O .00This Payment **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Amount 980.00 245.00 3.00 o THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL BE POSTED PERMIT zdtlz_ zt/,/r/ ALL TIMES M9 5-016 6 ON Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: NOTE: 795 POTATO PATCH DR 2101-06 3-OL-022 PRJg5-0036 ISSUED oe /2e /Lee5 Lo /05 /reeso4/02/tee6 Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. Vafuation: fof 6as Logs: JOBSITE Permit AT Ja. APPLICANT BEEHIVE CONSTRUCT]ON 1256 EOVER, LONGMONT CO CONTRACTOR BEEHIVE CONSTRUCTION 1256 HOVER. LONGMONT CO OWNER KOENIG GARY & SHARON 17 DEER HILL RD, HA},IPDEN CT 06518 CoNTRACTOR YOUNG, SCOTT 4461 DRTFTWOOD PL, BOULDER, CO 80301 #of cas Appti anccs: 8050 r_ 8050 r_ Phonez 3034478866 Phone: 3034478866 Phone:3035304138 52, 900 . 00 #of llood/Pa L tet: Description: NEW SFR Fi reptace lnfor ation: Restricted: * FEE SUfi ARY t'|echani ca[---) 1,060.00 Restuarant Ptan Revierr--> .00 Totat cal,cutated Fees---> 1'328.00 Additionat Fees---------> .0OPtan check---> Invest i 96tion> l,i l. L cat t----> 265.00 .m 3.m DRB FcF------- TOTAL FEES----- .00 1,3?A.W 1,32A.W 1,22A.6 Tot6 [ Permit FeF-------> Payments------- BALAIICE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT09/29/1995 DAN Action: APPR COND]TION OF APPROVAI-, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE qOMPLIANCE. 2. eOMsDsiroN ArR rs REoUTRED pER sgc. 607 oF TIIE 1991 ItMc.3. INSTAI-,I-,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 I'MC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSnfu,r-,-tnnMrltAre AS SpnerrrED lN sgc.906 oF THE 1991 uMc.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 OF THE 1991 IJMC.6. BOILERS STIALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIELE CONST. 0trr-,nSS LTSfED FoR MoUNTTNG oN coMBusrrBLE FLooRrNG.7. PERMii,FIANS AIIP COPE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PR]OR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.E. DRAINAEE OT MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR H9! WAIER-' BupFtY-soiLnRS-S-HtirL -es- EOUiPPED wrrH A FLooR DRArN PER snc. 2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** I hereby acknovtedge that I have DECLARATIONS pead this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful,l, the inforrEtion required, cory(et.d an accurate Ptot plan, and state that Et[ the infornation prcvided as requird is correct. I agree to to co[p ty uith !1,1, ToHn ordinances and statc [avs, and to buiLd this structure accondi codas, dcsign review approved, Uniform Building code rnd other ordinances of the Toun -corpl,y lrith the infornation and pLot ptan, ng to th. ToHnrs zoning and subdivision appticabta thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E }IADE TIEI{W-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOIIE AT 479-2138 OR AT OT,IR OFFICE FROII 6:M Ail 5:M PiI SIGNATURE OT OI.ITIER OR CONTRACTOR FOR I{IIISELF AND OI,IIIER l*Contact Eagle County Assesso' -[ J-Building t ]-Prunbing [ ]-Electricat fi{:lyrec;tLanibal. t l rob Name: @ Job Addre=J, 1?t/,%-l Legal Descri Ordners NaEe: Architect: on: Lot Block_ Filing Address: nPnler and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances lf* *'t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUII,DTNG: $ PLTIUBTNG: Gas Logs Wood/PeIlet * ******** **** *********** ** * * *it * ** Electrical Contractor: Address: .Pluubing Contractor: Address: BUIIDTNG PERMIT FEE3 PLI'IIIBING PERMIT FEE: MECIIANTCAL PERITTIT FEE: ELECTRICAI, FEE: OTHTR TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE3 Cornn€nts3 ill- Ph.i- ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration I J-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling UnLts:Number of Accommodation Units: nt,ECfntCaf: $ t, -,\ OTHER: MECHANT cA r., tW1otc' TorAL : RMATION ** **** ******************** * Town of Vail Recr. NO. Phone Number:qilsO | - Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Tolrn of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Mechanical Contra Address: ******************************** FOR oFFrca usE ** ****** ** ****** *************** Town of vail Reg. No@ Plrone Ntullber .3I3SZ9!JZ' BUTLDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLI'UBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: I.IECHANICAL PIAN CTTECK FEE3 RECREATTON FEE: CLE.AN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PERI'IIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: STGNAITIRE: CLEAII IIP I'EPOSIT IEIItf,D trO: VALUAIION o THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M95-0166TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel- No.....:Project Number: Department of Community Development 795 POTATO PATCH 2101-0 6 3-OI-022 PRJg5-0036 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 09/29/1995 rssued...: I0/05/1995 Expj-res , ,: 0a/02/t996 DR co co APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER llechani ca [---) PLan Check---> Invest i gat ion> UiLt ca|, t----> BEEHIVE CONSTRUCTION 1256 HOVER, LONGMONT BEEHIVE CONSTRUCT]ON 1256 HOVER, LONGMONT KOENIG GARY & SHARON 17 DEER HILL RD, HAMPDEN 980.00 Restuarant P[an Revi ew-->245.00 oRB 3.00 TOTAL FEES----- 80501, 80s01 cr 06518 Valuation: TotaI Permi t Fee--------> Payrnents------- Phone l 3034478866 Phone: 3034478866 Phone: 3035304138 49, 000.00 #of Uood/PaL l,et:#of cas Logs: .00 TotaI catcutated Fees---> .00 Additional, Fees---------> CoNTRACTOR YOUNG, SCOTT 4461 DRTFTWOOD PL, BOULDER, CO 80301 Description: NEW SFR Fi reptace Information: Rest ri cted:fof Gas Appt iances: *fklt****ffi|tf,ff***ffi****'tffiffi*ffiffiffiffi*** FEE SUllllARY ffi#*******ffii**#ffiff**#**ffi***ffi*tff*ffi 1,224.@ 1,228.N .00 1,??6.@ 1 ,226.00 Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT09/29/1995 DAN Action: APPR DepT: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.INSTAIJIJATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC.AqqEgS TO HEATING EQUIPI.,IENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 OF THE 1991 UMC;BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE TLOORING.PERMIT,PI-,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MTUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICALROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST, DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTA]NING HEATING OR HOT-WATER9qPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED V{ITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS r hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in ful,l, the infornation requi red, cofipl,eted an accurate ptot L.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. {7 ""'""'o '*'* o. inforration providcd as required is correct. I agree to conpty with the infofmation and ptot ptan,ptan, and to'co.p ly codcs, des and stlte [aus, and to bu'itd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision , Uniforr Building code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabtc theneto. BE ITADE TIIEI{TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEP}OI{E AI 479-215E OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}I 8:OO Ail 5:OO PT*YI''IIN src.ffl/f/f2ilrh Ff$nr!&femgroR FoR HtrlsELF AND Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Development {S*""nuoruo ^-o Hnrwonrn-Pawrer G June 9, 1995 EorEcHNIcAr. INc.5020 Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Fax 970 945-849 Phone 970 945-7988 BeeHive Construction Company Attn: Ray Kutash 1256 Hover l,ongmont, Colorado 80501 Job No. I95 229 Subject: Observation ofExcavation, Proposed Koenig Residence, 795 Potato Patch Drive, Lat26, Block 1, Potato Patch Subdivision, Vail, Colorado Gentlemen: As requested, Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. observed the excavation at the subject site on Mzy 25 and June 2, 1995 to evaluate the soils exposed for foundation support. The findings of our work and recommendations for the foundation design are presented in this report. The work was done in accordance with our agreement for geotechnical engineering services to BeeHive Construction Company, dated May I, 1995. We were provided with a subsoil study report for a duplex proposed on the lot conducted by Chen-Northern, Inc. in 1989. We understand that the proposed residence will be a two-story wood frame structure with a walkout basement level. Basement floor will be slab-on-grade. A soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf, as recommended in the previous subsoil study, has been assumed in the footing design. When observed on May 25, the excavation was shut down due to the heavy precipitation. At the time of our visit to the site on June 2, the foundation excavation had been completed with the exception of the upper garage area. The excavation observed was cut in five levels from 4 to 10 feet below adjacent ground surface. The soils exposed in the bottom of the excavation consisted of silty sand and gravel with cobbles and boulders. Results of consolidation testing performed on samples of the finer matrix materials, presented on Fig. 1, indicate low compressibility upon loading and wetting. The results of a gradation analysis performed on a bulk sample (minus 5- inch fraction) obtained from the site are presented on Fig. 2. A seep was observed to be flowing from the uphill wall of the third level down from Potato Patch Drive. The flow was small, but constant, and it was recommended that a foundation drain be placed on the bouom of footing level at this location. The soils in the remainder of the excavation were moist to very moist due to precipitation. The laboratory testing is summarized on Table I. The subsurface conditions appear similar to those described by Chen-Nonhern. Considering the conditions exposed in the excavation and the nature ofthe proposed coruitruction, spread footings placed on the undisturbed natural sand and gravel soils designed for an allowable bearing pressure of2,500 psf should be adequate for support of the proposed residence. Footings should be a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for columns. Loose and disturbed soils at the foundation bearing level within the excavation should be removed or compacted. Exterior footings BeeHive Construction Company June 9, 1995 Page2 bearing level within the excavation should be removed or compacted. Exterior footings should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevations for frost protection. continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bonom rc span Iocal anomalies such as by assuming an unsupported length of atleast 10 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures should be designed to resist a lateral earth pressure based on an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 45 pcf for the on-site sand and gravel soil as backfill. Foundation drain should be provided at each level of excavation to prevent temporary buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the walls and prevent wetting of the below grade areas. Structural fill placed within floor slab areas can consist of the on-site soils, devoid of topsoil and oversized rock, compacted to at least95vo of standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Backfill placed around the structure should be compacted and the surface graded ro prevent ponding within at least 10 feet of the building. The recommendations submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the foundation excavation and the limited subsurface exploration by Chen-Northern. This study is based on the assumption that soils beneattr the footings have equal or better support than those exposed. Variations in the subsurface condiiions can increase the risk of foundation movement. If there arc any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC. _f""+ Iordy Z. Rev. By: IZA|n SLP Attachments Reference: chen-Northern, Inc., 1989 subsoil stndy for Fowdation Design, proposed Duplu, Prepared for Mark Kaiser c/o Ross Davis, Jr., Job No- 4 262 39. . H-P GEoTECH - 17 1tc arzoq) L o{(J 0.1 1.0 10 100 APPLIED PRESSURE - ksf Moisture Content = 15.3 p€rcont Dry Unit Weight = 1 13 Pcf Sample of: 511gt 5.n6 From:Lower Grade Level Foundaf i.on \No Mr unon YC || A/ert nt lat 195 229 HEPWOFTH.PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, Inc.SWELL-CONSOIIDATION TEST RESULTS Flg. 1 ta Hn ttm.|3 U|r| |l U|r.rb lltlf. 19 rrtll. a Mtlt. I MtN. oz (.,c A o .a, (J G .a? OIAM€TEN OF PANTICLE IN MILLIM€TENS ctAY ro sLt GnAvEL 30 | LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE oF Silty SANO 38 '[ SrLT AND CLAY ?.PLASTICITY INOCX Sand and Gravel FFoM Middle ?2* r. Level Foundation Grade 2a t.rlils Mril t xn. rs u|N a0 Mrx. 19 lflN I utx '5o ..o'!|t o 6 z t)tl lra .l.t .2et | .5m l.lt DIAUETEN OF PANTICLE tN M3LLIMETERS CITY TO SILT GF VEL * SILT AND CI-AY PI STIOTY lr{OEX FROM LIOUIO UMIT SAUPTE OF 1(l8 220 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, tnc.GRADNTION TEST RESULTS Fis.2 GF -.t o o io (E U' U' (l) (9 .= B !t (g v, =v, o € (9 ! oo (o U' =U' 0 !" = 3E- gHE' =E I o FF 3xgEs eE8 i 93'" H3;* (\l(') z 9F $I fie @ cr) ?F (,cf) iuat ..|gFE5A^PESE<oozEo {c,l F 29 (,o = a F TJx o =oFFo a)t)Ega(, r-.Y96 AE -l: lJ- c,!Eg B(9 o.9!(u!E 43 l! c, cru?(9 o.9 E(E!!t z,=ot! o)(\ c!() 6) dz --t oU,4t-.{ JJ o&. =_F.J.A(JFr ult-biLtl -n(, u+tr J z,<Y (n> J'CO =1o- u- -oFEEo ==GHd 8 205 28e 8509 I/n _rd-,l tl ta,lr Monroe & Neqrel Elr$,r]:cal. lrr. j)'ooo-noo'' Ftqt.n w?oRT tx$v(r, ('d.r.It) vJl, Cdo.tlll -tt , (\(A+ tt*J.' Drip , Vail,C-a, t. . oits, qhlqf e,$ectikouiq Reg,idoil<t, Cdntoctor:,\d?hiUe, Crrrst'. Qngn lwirttrer: Ucudlt -- - t r eriecnt !t slr: Xf,o k"{ct hi Erie.Sohrcm - ! rP - srs R,ldotncntq. fzlif,r \ahilsan i Proicct #;;;^; Fo{o.lo F*+oh owner: hrrr, kocft$ Temp:. 0?6 ' rhL tono""ing was nbted: ts.L^^ \ o.,,al F\o'A r1te, $rarr he Filmu urc,t\, qnd'-;,n^l 1 uJcs discorsor ,itt o ad G) lU'Pu \ ll/+x lb wc q*ry pr*,viarcA/ , .enkoM,i[r^ fuud' fif gv, f\d i;tl n Laret tl 'l4n+l urq$ lt W 'f, iilli'f f ,fr ffin*ii';:L:ri*[ "id E;;; i i rD the. co'nnecftr?s oq ,fl* qVgild"qts (F"as) LI' r ii*tyi;'5,rui)F,',h :*ffi,trilujffLf ' | _{ L' rrr '^ rrf .\ --J ,v t| (s" emtaad) ' l,OOO. rarru,aaL,n ,r' o siuile !'lto o U(tr'tr. Grrlorrttl<' 6QtoA t ('lollt (;it''92? r f AX (tOll6l'l'6602 I 5't 295 2Se 4309 lr Monnce & Newell liruirrccns, lrr, F'rr.r.rr R,GPqRT idolro bt*+, Cmpcn/ Zr+"sh Fglhlwl El,do,nrufl [?.Tl"ip{*{o uloh Owoer: t'rtf, FOerlrl Temp: of$ I Ttp followlng wrs noted: lqt n Level Ftan Levet Fl W Bh'pL wo,5,/0, 7Ar/ Pt&/,by,ffirh i),id 1f#n-'i5o*,4n4ialq -r,,d fcafr!/,t1L will 4g*,1Lt*n1 h Ltrruj Pti6a. pe.ftr /o altfuiW - t3 calunrt b<om ho4r- . Atl"'-rt cnds g's qrd?- ;;;' soppJAry nV @\,yrn". Dcnra, €tlcrrrdtt ral. abloerfr s+>& Mle , Vail,gp ux+gt e\4sV ,rtrorr, .r5 TIP fgllowlng wa,t n*91' Morurce & Newell 9nglr*c*, lm. IIEINAEBOBI Proioct #uoiiti""'ekh tleh c*pn/ ?H;|4io*'7 l)Gftth, CaJ{rntjo vrtl, C{rl.t tdt -, l- -Fsfif --, or Mt^e,Vq)l,CO : sLds at r taepAA olfuhrlt, 'rti/ 8 293 288 e3A9 NSPNa F00D-l'l6D'5 Q Pr,,rrso/ z* h dllwnn @ 4"0,L qncl niil ?x u'/ lltJ noils @ 4n'o.L f;, r I Unqln a$ eu p otrrol coltwn, ,(mftu/w, I rt\"LLfidDlcaI (9 non fl efloiPw.l/-,Ir,'*r/lnsrb-ilerto, pl b nalifi ML"l h,fu oflrtf'f Wltr: Ettgrcu.r 116 f lenr Prtr ?b o (J0t) 6t3.1927 r r^x (!(fl) 6zt'660r L | /24/95 5 t 293 2e8 e309 RSPH F00D-||cD'S P.g? + t|Slt+ (rt\'t* to. ?V&.4 $ :t.t b. li' i$ ls s -ll :.o t\- - s jli sil .lr ;$ l!" * 't IL -$t\\=\ ll,rrrili clo 2; x $t .r.- € ./e 'i u %++NI il-'*{" -llr .ErF+._l__ I l I1t' itL tI I )'rir.-faii..j' sry gi*i ffi:*,$-t t1/24/95 16i35o t 203 288 8399 ; ilo ?V? Qb'. c'r lo'-o,, K , 9'*?-: .re'Ffy i ,rt l' , qC iai.tl,l. - a -lAoH.. Ot-: t- lls? '9;?t.O' 11. \i'F* t3''r -'re: Al {q C. tarl t tl(+S -.-*----- ' '.4tli, -rJt "q ce . A tt, tl i{. :ci-..''- .t? x t 1 ,'V' . rrr rr i+,5';,4.,i.: rl / )'htl:q' 19:31o I i i Deite:'lll|4lqsl: r r. ' 4\ .lclnarPrgiedt: Kotni q R6tqvlrLc. I C#it*t"i] AilU., ic-' ?'-*rq\n'cJ't qn WAatjrer: €unnV Prdseht at slte: hno- !,whrV€ O^sl'I EntL aSchnton : dvuiq Carwll Toi .pr.ic, aohrsrh r?$x L | /24 /95 was notad: Ade roo0 A,P . Monroe ..t Newell lintinesn. Itr" FIFI.n REPORT Proiect t ZtlO Location: Voi I Owner: Temp: o {d FooD-mcD'S P.A2 I |(|rvar. (,||||.*rtl wl. cr*'||J, . t 203 288 e369 FSPNo i t' i. t l. sk*-+,lolZ '" J".,,:1] Srrt I iiu-" *rmpso^ qt4sllt tL*i .hR o'l eterpslcry rlf '' [iEE: ili'r;f"iJ'i$'s-hapll;;it -d" .-'liii,it atnnd flones{"ry roo$, r,il6{lfi.:i l-A:',1 t- .."# I #'* JL^'lf$'s-l#ts,,';3$"tC"il[it":i"6'l ulL' (z-o) lbJ J{ e"qch end 0f i{np, ei'Ti,;:.S jots.l*. 1o" nailq { nl^bloekdn s .lo hrP- rc.oqns. usnt"'Lioi;;Pt'n .,|P --T 'J,t.r:S.".flt: ce\ rr ri .rI r. t' rr 13!)t{oz sde fir"*t.ty Poo$, o !irriri' ll(, r t)r.nvrr. Colrrtaqio t,rlO, . ()O.l)Gll'tg2t . FAX (llltt6lI'66(12 Ll /24 /95 19: 32o t 205 288 9309 nSPN F00D-l'leD' 5 I krrYtrJ. (i|l|]rgt \'rril. (a*rul, Monroe & Newell ErUi.recri, l3r. F'IFLD REPORT s[ll-+ z4Z Projoct I 2849 Localion: Vat I Ownsr: Tcms: o4g o was noted: s+ s,d.a * *fftsiofl , b/ocLs fulu'uwt 5oisl spt@'''i;;i;i i'f*v'dukyn' si. *+ /4'L *;;"fr''r,L eanfuo,b insh/h/ i 'O){;'A kTsQ ez'b'c' cnkoo/-- sLat) dr-e'"i''f,i i'O hreaito.r. c;k"o-b sLal) ur-a' i 'ft\ew( nails e tb'b'c', G,, ilrrh,toet i, -tx1'i,fy siae a'nd '^*iltrl al "i' di l*,b o-rnd nc/'[y' us ' +'';;i""4" ,$ (r'u1ew Qe(d Vjlrt/r*i fn onroc i, Newo't( EnS,nf /; ,c/o' Sorre i/iws nol co//lPLtf</' (r6al S.v.,lntccnrh !il !'r.nr(r. (irllrrrorlo TotOt . (JlrJl atlt. agl, . ?AX (l(l-ll6?l't601 ,a REpTrSl TUWN UF VAILi COLORADU LL/A?/93 O7=@9 REOUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION WORR SHEETS FORzIL/ E/93 F,AGE I I AREA: CD Aetivity: 895-OID6O lt/ e/93 Type: B-BUILD StatuE: ISSUED Constn: NSFR Fddress: 795 FUTATU PATCH DR Farce I : EltZtl-O63-lA1-laeE Oce: Rg UEe : V N Descript ion : NEW trRIMRRY/SECCINDARY Appl ieant : BEEHIVE CONSTRUCTION Ownerr KOENIG EARY & SHARUN Eontr"actor: BEEHIUE CUNSTRUCTION F,hone: trhone r Fhone: 3rzr3447SA66 31434478866 Inspect i on Request Information.... Requestor: RAY H0UTASH Req Time: 08:06 Comments: Items reqrreEted to be Inspected... 00030 BLDG-Framing trhone z 476-7743 Act i on Eonment s Time Exp Inspection History..... Item: AA51O Ftd-Drive by Inspection Item : ADAIO BLDG-Footings/Steel Item : AAA?A BLDG-Foundat ion/SteeI A6/e3/93 Inspector.: DS A6/30/95 Inspector: f,F Iten: croseta pLAN-ILC Site trlanItem: 60la30 BLDG-Framing 2z b/r5 Aetion: APPRAction: AtrtrR RF'PROVED ENG LETTER REOUIRED Item: laOA4O BLDG*Roof & Sheer trlywood NailItem: @0O5O BLDG-Insulat i on Item: AAAAA ELDG*Sheetr.ock NailIten: O0OSO BLDG-trourtesyItem: QAATA BLDG-Misc.Iten: OerOgA BLDG-Final Itemr OO53O BLDG-Tenp. C/O /1 l- tgt-': :::r')r)H wo Ar4,- tur czrrtu r t o-a @9*r.U f /an' *l 8 *^^-n- ii^'./ f4V Pa</- /uu'w oL'' / ' I @raAAft^ ryf- @ /Yn4?4 1"4// 6)" -/a/ sa* v*W ,4rfol / J ?,;J C (3a7/t f* e<-L r'F i'44'd# ffillil" o6,s1 nEsuEsrtln'?[U"EErY3il."F1'3ffiP?=|}: r,ps/e6,PR6EAEAI EG Activity: Address r Loeat i on: Faree I r Descript i on: !+dF ,., Appl ieant : Owner: Egs-OrAl L/?3/96 795 POTATO PATCH DR elol-o63-tat-til?? TEH POhIER and ELECTRICBL SFR RESORT SERVICES KOENIG 6ARY & SHARON Status: IESUED Constr: ltlSFR Occ: Use: Phone: 3O39496O13 Fhone: * Phone: 3G39496O13 Type: B-ELEC '-J. Contractor: RESORT SERVICES Inspection Request Requestor:6ary Req Tire: 68:OOIters requested to Inforration..... Resort Svcs trho;-e r 949-6O13 Corrent s r west be Inspeeted. -. half reinspeet Action Corrent Tire Ex @tg0 ELEtr-Final F /-2 s'' f6 Aetion: DN tt.t\ Actionr AtrPR APPROUEDAction: AtrPR APtrROUED t tt, _- ., ' ftelr OO13O ELEC-Conduit' . Iterr.lOQf4O ELEC-ltlisc. Iterr OS19O ELEC-Final. 0l/e4/96 Inspeetor: EE DENIED ttli } 'i 'i \,, -'*?;Tl 1f,, ,r,o= *rnrr"rl*'?lgog[r|3,i'ufifl'3[EB?=* e 4/ tL/e6 PAGE AREAc EE Aet ivit y: Address: Parce I r Descri pt i on r Appl icant: Owner: Eontraetor: E95-Otal 4lll/96 Type: B-ELEC 795 POTATO PATCH DR e101-063-01-Oea TEH POI{ER and ELECTRICAL SFR RESORT SERUICES KT]ENIG 6ARY & SIIARON RESORT SERVICES Status: ISSUED Conetr: NSFR Oecl Use: Fhone: 3O39496O13 Phone: Phone: 3O39496O13 Inspection Request Inforration.... Reguestor: EARY/RESORT SERVICES Req Tire: O8:OO Corrents: EAST Iters requested to be Inspeeted... OOI9O ELEC-Final Phone: 949-6O13 HALF Action Cor.1p@/Tire Ex Inspection History. ., .. Iterr OOIaO ELEC-Rough ll/gA/95 Inspeetorr lll?-.C195 Inspectorr Iter: OOI9O ELEC-Final Ol/?4/96 Inspeetor: Ol/?6196 Inspector:lt4l10/96 Inspeetor: EG EG EG EG EG \. +-//- 76. Action: AFPR Action: APPR Aetion: DN flet i on; RPPR Action: DN nppRouED APPROUED DENIED APPROUED DENIED ffiliil. rs:,? REeuEsrto*'?ilHoEE'YBitoh?'3f;:P?!:r, t,.4ts.P1REE AREAr CD ffct ivity r Address r Parcel: Descript ion r Appl icant : Ownerl Contraet or r r{95-O166 l/?4lSB Typer B,-HECH 795 POTATO trRTCH DR e101-o63-Ot-Oee IG}I SFR BEEHIUE CONSTRUCTION KOENIC GARY & SHARTIN BEEHIUE CONSTRUCTIT]N Status: ISSUED Oce: Fhone; 3034479S66 Phone: Phonez 39,344788,66 Constr: NSFR Use: Inspection Request Inforration..... Requestorl RAY KUTASH Req Tirer Ol:OO Eorrents: IIEST UNIT Iters requested to be Inspeeted... Acfli4n oo39G ltfEcH-Final flT. Phone: 476-7743 ire Er Inspeetion History.... . Itrr: o,O?lAO i'IECH-Rough Iter: OO?4O PLltlB-Eas Piping Iterl OO3IA HECH-Heating l$llgl93 Inspeetor: CD Ief?Olg3 Inspector: CD lLltBsli5 Inspeetor: CD tL/17f93 Inspector: CD Iter: OSBPO lEGH-Exhaust HoodsIter: SS33S ITECH-Supply Air ll/16/93 Inspeetor: CFItl16/95 Inspector: CFIter : titas4td ltlEtrH-lttise. ltle7/93 Inspector: CDllfgilgS Inspector: CD fter : OO39O ltlECH-Final Ot/e4196 Inspeetorl CD Action: AtrPR APPROUEIT Flction: fltrtrR EAST GnRflBE FLOOR I{EAT Aetionr DN SNUU HELT CANCELLED Action! FIPPR HEATING SYSTEFI Action: APCR INSTALL HANGERS Action: APCR INSTALL HANBERS Action: APPR EAST 56 pSI I'IEST 5e PSt Act ion: flPPR BRT}|ROBI4 9ENTS' HUFIIDIFER Aetion: AtrPR IIEST ultllT Notes: DRIP LAGS REO'D. FOR GAS LINE PLUITIB TEI4P. RELIEF UALVES TT} FLOOR INSTALL HBNGERS I.IHERE NEEDED FOR HEAT EXCHfiNGER Notes: UPPER BATHROOH UENT FIUST EXIT BUILDINE OVERFVLOI.I FTIR HUT4IDIFIER HUST RUN TO LAUNDRY DRAIN REST OF THE BATHROOII UENTS ARE UENTED T{I CRA}ILSPACE COT{FION VENTS ARE ALLOI.IED EXIT VENT 1{U5T BE PRT]trERLY SIZED DRYER DUCT OUER I4'CHECK DRYER SPECS. FOR LENGTH OF RUN ffiitrL=,i, oB: rs neeuEstn AIt-, t"to*o"t! ON I.JORK SHEETS EtrRz 4/2?/96 Activity: P95-G138 4/e?/96 : B-trLtlB Status: FIIIAL Occ: PffGE AREAI Constrr NSFR Use: eddress: 795 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel r ?1Ol-O63-Ol-Oee'"' Ddsbroipt;iop: Ehl SFR PLUI{BII{G Appl icant i "BRtltfN PLUHBING & HEATING 0wnerr KOENIE GCRY & SHARON Eontraetorr BROI'IN PLUIIBIHG & HEATING Phone: Phone: Fhone: 3034444656 30.3444?6# Inspeetion Rrquest Requestor: RAY Rcq Tirer @:OO Iters requested to 9]o,e9$ trLlrlB-Final Inforration.... Correntss EAST be Inspected... Phone: UNIT Act i on Tire Ex Inspection History.....Iter : OQ29g trLltlB-Final O?fO?196 Inspector:g4/lE/96 Inspector: CF CD Action: APPR Aetion: DN PROPER DS}IT{SDIR AIR 6AP EAST UNIT CANCELLED *i N PAG€ AREAI Aetivity: n95-e166 4/E2l pe: B-I{ECH NSFR Address: 795 POTATO PATCH DR Fareel : P1O1-O63-61-oieeDascription: NEI'f SFR Appl icant r BEEHIUE CONSTRUCTITTN 0wnerr KOENIG GARY & SHffRONContractor: BEEHIUE trONSTRUCTION Inspcction Request Inforration..... Requestorr RAY ROUTRSH Req Tire: @rOO Correntsr Iters requested to be Inspeeted... OO39O ltlECH-Final Statusc ISSUED Constrr Occl Ugc: Phone: 3934474966 Phone: Phone: 3034474466 Phone: Act ion AP, Corrent s Inspection History..... Iterr tlo,?gg ftlEtrH-RoughIterr .no,?49 PLFIB-Gas Piping Iterr OO31O MECH-Heatinq l$l19/95 Inspector: CD ltlnl9E Inspeetor: CD lllofil95 Inspector: EDll/t7/95 Inspector: CD Iter: iDOS?O ftlECfl-Exhaust HoodsIte:r 06330 ltlEtrH-Supply Airlllt6lg5 Inspectorr CF 1t/16195 fnspeetorr CFIter : 6034S ttlEGH-l'lise.I0le7f95 Inspeetor: CD lll09/93 Inspcetor: CD Ol/e4/96 Inspeetor: CD04/tBl96 Inspectorr CD Notes: DRIP LflGS REO'D. FOR GAS LINE PI-U}IB TEDTP. RELIEF VALVES TO I]{STALL HA'{G€RS I.JHERE NEEDED FLOT]R FOR HEAT EXCHANGER APCR IttlSTALL HAltlffiRS EPCR INSTflLL HANffiRS AppR EAST 50 pSI l.lEST 5e psl APPR BATHROOH UENTS,HUilIDIFER Aetion: APPR Actionr APPR Aetion: DNAction: APPR Aet i on: Act ion: Act i on: Actionr APPROUED EAST GARAGE FLOOR HEAT SNO].I }IELT CANCELLED HEATINE SYSTEH Notes: UPPER BATHROOiI VENT ilUST EXIT BUILDIN6 OVERFVLOT.I FOR HU}4IDIFIER ]4UST RUN TO LATJNDRY DRAIN REST OF THE BRTHROOIiI UENTS ARE VENTED TO CRAI.ILSPACE COI4iION UENTS RRE ALLOT.IED EXIT UENT iIUST BE PRtF€RLY DRYER DUCT OUER l4'trHECK DRYER SPEtrS. FT]R LENATH OF Iter: OO39O iIECH-Final l!/ SIZED RUN Action: APPR IIEST UNIT Action: DN EAST UNIT Notes: tiNOUf ]{ELT BOILERS f,RE REQ'D TO BE ON NONCtlit FLOORI}IG OR SP€CIAL BffiTE ]{EETED PLEASE VERIFY -: g REPTISIg4/?e/96 HfSffiE?S" R= 4,??,e6 PAGE AREAI trF 'Activity: Address I: Paree I : Descri pt i on: Appl icant: 0rrner I Contraetor: 895-006G 4l??196'Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED 795 POTATO PATCH DR e1s1-o63-rD.t-s,?? NET.' PRIHARY/SECONDARY BEEHI VE CTINSTRUCTIT]N KOENIE EARY & SHARON BEEHIUE CONSTRUCTION Constrs NSFR Use: U NOccr Phone: trhone; Phone: R3 3634474S66 3034474466 fnspeetion Request Inforrat i on. . . . . Requestor: Ray Coutash Req Tire: OB:OO Correntsl TCO Iters requested to be Inspected... SS53O BLDE-Terp. trlO(exlLsea'r- uaxs E{Jt*n,- r. o Fhone: I' i I I ExAct ion Corrents n TirelW- +PPduvD - - HAt tD--EAtL*.-oLL- Inspection History.... -Iter: OgOeO BLDG-Foundat ion/Steel o,61e3/SS Inspeetor: DS $6/30/95 Inspeetor: CF OOS2O trLAN-I'LC Site Plan ItltD6/93 InsPector: GR OOO3O BLDG-Fraringll/t6/i3 Inspector: CF APPR ffPPROVED Cg APCR ENE LETTER REOTJIREIIT APPR ILE reeeived t approved APCR APPROUED/CORRECTION REOD FIELD INSPECTIT]N REPORT AND ^ttL-C Aetion: Act i on: Aet i on: t.\' Aet ionl fterr Iter: Iterr Iterl ...-*..''"' Iter r Iter:Iter: llIO9/95 Inspector: CD , Aetion: APtrR Notes: LOl.lER CRAIIL SPffCE FIUST BE COFIPLETEtl/?'Atg5 Inspector: CD Aetion: APPR OAD66 BLIIG-Sheetrock Nai 11ll/16/95 Inspeetor: CF Action: APtrRI?/tl/95 fnspector: CD ection: AtrtrR Notes: CO!|PLETE UppER BATHROO!| At{D EARAGE o0,g$6 * * Not trn File * * OtdgTO BLDG-lrlise.Action: APfB. j-ATHE H r r'rNEYs-ei\D$fdst roP Notes: COPY tlF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS AppRounL REouTRED/cD. SHEETROCK REEUIRED ON PARTY o/no.fin * * Not On File * * OOOSO BLDG-Insulation hIALL BEHIND TUB I,IEST UNIT EAST UNIT ALHOST DONE INCLUDES CHIiINEY CHRSES INSPECTION T.IALL ON DECHS DOI.INSTAIRS I.EST BAT}IR IN PLACE AND PLANNING TO CALLINE FOR A T.C.O APPROUEDICORRECTION REOD l?f21/55 Inspeetor: CD Notes: COiIFLETE FRUNT ENTRY trHlilNEYzulhfp PRNTF|:T FRNH trRFF7 TNI? \..PROTECT FROTTI FREEZINE \., 6 Insoeetorl CD Action: NO Notes: STONE VENEER APPLIED ttl FRIfNT ENTR HANDRAILS NEEDED AT FR.T!I'ENTNY iN+irlsTtr+€UNCHLIST T.IEST UNIT S:TRIRS Ol/e4196 Inspeetorl CD CLOSER NEEI}ED FOR GARAFIE PED. DI}OR CON9TRUCTIT]N iIATERIAL ]{UST Bftt'IOUED T.ITIRKINE KITCHEN REB' D. TOTLETS CnULKED, FTNTSH 6UARD RArLS SAFETY GLASS IS REO' D. IN I.IINDOI.I AT A BOND FOR UNFINISHED I.IORK IqUST BEtruBLrc DloRKs AptrROVAL REQ,D. pRIUR Iter: of|,o)O BLDG-FinalIter: OO53O BLDG-Terp- Clg 0?/0?/96 Inspeetor: CF Aetion: APCR o .l 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 07/Fax 970-479-2 I 57 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: George, attached reference project. Thanks. RTM/aw Attachment MEMOMNDUM George Ruther R. Thomas utoornead f( 0^ March 14, 1996 Koenig/Dowie Property is a cover letter and the Indemnification Agreement This should become part of the Com. Dev. file. {* OfJice of the Town Attorney B\k \ u*^.\' t -RoLwA{Lot ec 1<t "oL\--RJJ''-D^ concerning trre above- {g*"no"o'u* I jEcErvED lrAR r 3 8s TELEPHoNE (970) 476.?646 FAcsrMILE (970) 476.71 l8 March 11, 1995 Thomas Moorhead, Esq. Town Attorney Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 8L65'7 RE: Koeniq/Dowie Residence.?95 Potato Patch Drive Dear Mr. Moorehead: Pursuant to BethA. Ross's request, I have encLosed a copy ofthe executed Indemnification Agreement regarding the above- referenced matter, which has been sent t.o the Eagle County Clerkand Recorder for recordation. I will send you a copy of the recorded document when it is received from the Clerk and Recorder. ff you have any questions or comments, please do not. hesitateto contact this office. Very truly yours, TRAVERS, P.C. /ktm Vear I flu'r"tt A PRoFEssroNAL CoRPoRATToN ATToR\EYS AT I.Av THg GLs.... LYo,.. BUILDING. SUITE 2OO 1000 SoUTH FRo\"rAcE RoAD ItrEsr VArL CoLoRADo 81657JA,uEs R. IAEAR RTCHARD D. TPAVERS CARoL E. DAVrs BETH A. Ross \moorehea. lt INDE}TNIFICATION AGREEI{ENT WHEREAS, Gary Koenig and sharon Koenig and the Robert o. and Barbara J. Dowie Trust, a California Trust, hereinafter referred to collectively as rrDecLarantrr, are collectively the owners 1n fee sirnple of ttt" following described real estate, situate in the county of Eagle and State of colorado, to wit: parcel A and Parcel B, vail/Potato Patch, a Resubdivision of Lot 26, Block L, according to the plat thereof recorded January 24, tgg6 in Book 686 at Page 483 in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado (the rrProPertYrr). WHEREAS, the in connection with the construction of a driveway on the Property (the rtDrivewaytr), the Town of Vai1, a Colorado municipality (tire rrTownrt ) , tlas granted Declarant a variance relating to-the slope of the Driveway (the I'Variancerr)i and WHEREAS, the Town desires Declarant to indemnify the Town in connection with the Variance and Declarant desires to provide to the Tolrrn such indemnification. NOW THEREFORE, Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terrns and conditions shatl be deemed to be covenants running witn- ttre land and shall be a burden and a benefit to Oeclarint, so long as Declarant retains an j-nterest in the Property, Declarant's successors and assigns and any other person acquiring or owning an interest in the Property, their grantees, peisonal representatives, heirs' successors and assigns, so long as any such person retains an interest in the Property. 1. Indemnification. Declarant shal1 indemnify and hold harmless the Town from and against any losses, damages, claims and/or costs, including, without lirnitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from the slope of the Driveway and the Town's granting of the Variance. 2. Governinq Law. This Agreement is made and executed under and in respect will be governed and construed by the laws of the State of Colorado where the Property is situated. 3. Counterparts. This Agreenent, plus any nodifications or addendums, [dY be executed in counterparts, which, when taken together shall constitute the entire Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, herein, have hereunder set , L996. the undersigned their hands and being the Declarant day ofseals thisa n{1"".r^, l/'t,: ' ,2t.1 t:'ii tl I K &l'( LStfaron Koenr.g /1 ROBERT TRUST, AND BARBARA J. DOWIE California Trust STATE OF [i'r COUNTY OF r-ile"O i-pi.lpyr day lSEALl ss. N ctr*{", Fkl rje-v-' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before ne this 4rh of l..io,-oh , L996, bY GarY Koenig. I,ETTNESS BY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY coMurssroN ExPrREs: ANl"?I-EAl-l.Y-qllA My Ccitmilsicn Exiir:s Janiiary 3t tg-\ trnAt,t/tt"- ,l (Yzr.4r -,'Notary Public 'J STATE . OF (Jctr;rre.-f ,n.rl The foregoing instrunent was acknowledged before rne this day of t1')aroL, , L996, by Sharon Koenig. WITNESS BY HAND AND OFFICTAL SEAL. My coMMrssroN Expr*"", ANP,iFAJol,HfllA SS. Nor{{a iik,ue.,r COITNTY OF Np.cr[{r.,,oeur r.J+tt [iy Connission Expires January 31, 1997 Notart Public lsEAIrl /' 11 t ee' couNTY or z\h,xL- 't tl The forego]ipg ipstrument was acknowle day of fYllLt'lrh-. =, !99-6 ' bY The foregoing instrument was aclnowle;\9 $1I".3'" ffi'#'.'J"=f: tu WITNESS BY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY coMMIssIoN EXPIRNS, T]ZI fQ1( STATE OF tunh--_-T- ss. COUNTY OF I SEAL] STATE OF ss. Trirstee o@owie Trust' lSEALl rledqed bsfore me this ll9tlifurl o. \-ae as ll*\ed before as WITNESS BY HAND AND OFFICIAI, iEAL-I r la'' JQ4MY CoMMISSION EXPIRES' I l"')/' I this / indemkng.dc o updsted 4ll7l9s Awtic tio DaE ll lzo I tl? PECMEETINGDATE b B. APPT ICATION FORA VARIANCE cENERALTNFoRMATToN @NLe Ag+tfe'e.Et++^ Cereaf,C Fo *t-t- This procedre is requircd for any project rcquesting a vriance. The ap,plicationowill not bc acccprcd until all thc information is submitted" A. BREIFDESCRIPTIONOFPRO*'* VVTi. T-,IO AClOru CITY, STATT, AP c. NAMEoFAppLTcAN'sREpREsn*rerwe rFP,d€. *Jot{A}$orrl, &4t$ t?.c, D. NAME OF OWNER(S) (type or print owNER(S) STCNATURE( :-o< F' €.Dctl OO = = 0b6Jb oooxpss F a z.oD$ psepp 123 ' Sa,RZr-, crry, srArE,zp Vi I aa 6tas8, € ADDRESS CIry, STATE, ZIP E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LbLOT___j:_BLOCK V;t fta trD Pe'tr^ - STREETADDRESS 'f qg "dW ?>1?4 >rvz- crrY,srArE,"tr V*l Dt6G? tr..FEE lo11 E{ &'eL^cr*jj-?aev Arf tac.ll The fee mug! be paid beforc the Community Development Department will accept your proposal. M. ADJACENT PROPERTY NOTIFICATION Staryed aa$lsra e,nvelopcs of the names of owners of all propery adjacent to the $bject prop€rty INCLUDtrIG'PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of rheirnames andmailing addrossos. TI{E APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. TV. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is stongly recommendcd to detemdne if ary additional information is necded- No 4plication will be acccptsd unless it is comolete (must inoludc all itcms reo.gired by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's rcsponsibility to make u rypointment with the stafito find out about additional submittal requirernenrc. V. SIJBMITTALINFORMATION PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOI.JR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NIJMBER OF CONDMONS OF APPROVAL TIIAT TIIE PLANNING AI{D EI'IVIRONMENTAL COMMSSION (PEC) IiIAY STIPULATE. AILCONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPILED WTIII BEFORE A BI,'ILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A v/Titten statement ofthe precise nature ofthe variance requested and the reguluion involoved The statement must also address: l. The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potential uses and strucnres in the vicinity. 2. The degSee to which relief from the strict or literal interpetation and enforcemcnt of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity oftreaunent among sites in the vicinity or to anain the objectives of this title without grant or special privilege. 3. The effect ofthe variance on light and air, disfibution ofpopulatioq transportatioq traffic frcilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your rcquest complios with Vail's Comprchensive Plan. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale ofat least l" = 20'stamped by a Colorado licensed suweyor including locations ofall existing improvementg including grados and elevations. Othcr elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and oglesg landscaped aeas and utility and drainagc features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least 1" = 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. D. All preliminary building elevations and floor plans srfficient to indicate the dimensions, gsneral appearance, soale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary title r€port to veri$ ownership and easements. F. If the proposal is locded in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' associatio4 theo written approval from the association in zupport of the pmj ect must be received by a duly authorized agcnt for said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. * For interior modificaions, an improvemen! survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning adminisfator. VL TIMEREOUIREMENTS A. The Planning and Environmsntal Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A conpleto application fonn and all accompanying material (as described above) rnust bo submittod a minimum offow (4) weeks prior to the dat€ of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administator) will be accepted by the planning staffbefore or after the designed submitlal date. B. All PEC approved variances shall lapse if constuction is not mmmenced within two years of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion. vIL OTHER A. If this application rcquires a scparate review by any lncal, State or Federal agcncy other than thc Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arc not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, erc. B. The applicant shall bo rcsponsible for paying any publishing fees which are in cxccss of 50% of the aprplication fee. ff, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing causing the mater to be re-publishe( ttren, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant C. Applications deemed by the Community Development D€paftnent to have sigrificant design, land use or other issuos which may have a significant impact on the community may requiro review by consultarts othcr tlan town staff. Should a determination be madc by the town stalf that an outsid€ consultant is neoded to review any applicadoq Communiry Deveiopment may iure an outsoe consultant, shall estimat€ th€ amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwaded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Dev€loprnent Dcpafiment. Upon conpletion ofthc rcvisw of the application by the consulunt, any of thc funds forwaded by thc applicmt for payment of the consultrnt which have not been paid !o the consultant shall be retumed to the applicant. Expenees incurred by the Town in excess ofthe amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. f:kveryone\formsVari arrce.477 t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 1 07/ F ax 97 0-479-2 I 5 7 Ofice of the Town Attorney MEMOMNDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: George Ruther Koenig/Dowie Property George, attached is a proposed indemnification agreement from Wear & Travers on the Koenig/Dowie property. I have informed Beth Ross that it is acceptable to us. She is waiting to hear from Ann Bishop who represents the'othe/ property owner. I told her that when it was executed if they would provide the original to us we would see that it got filed with the Clerk & Recorder. lf you have any comments, please let me know. rhanks 6* RTM/aw Attachment R. rhomas uoorheadiffi February 19, 1996 {gun"uo"u", '42-L6-L995 A22?€Pr1 I^rlEsRWE R nlct nD D.TnAvEns EANd. E DAVIS ESIHAFC DATE: TO: FROU: TELECOPY #! COI|FIRI.I f: FRT}I I^IERRO & TRRUERS, PC Wear & Travers A PRmsstoN L 6qron/\1lc{ ATTOnIqfgATI.^W IITB OTTN LYON ffJII.DIIIO, CITE AO tm sqrfH ltnoNrrrc RoAD WEsr VAIL oron m 8t667 rEr,4"clrPr ER TR Alssufltalr tr€bruary 16, 1996 Itlr- llhonas l{oorhead, 8sg- Beth Ross 479-21,57 970-476-7646 TN 4?92t5? P.At TEI"EPT{oIB OrO).tr?6a6 F/.rcsodl5 (tro) .r67llt OPERATOR: bT we a;re sendlng yorr a -g* page telecopy (including this coverpage). If you do not receive all of the PaEJes, or encourtter any aiiti<;uftlei sith tbig traneuission, please oarl our office at 197|J, 4'16-7545 ieedlately. Itrank you. Required Acti.on: An fndennification Agreenent relatLng to the Koenigr/Dowie Residense follorts for your review and cournents. tlal+tttltttttttttilltat.t..rrl|tatr**tttaaat,lttttftaltttttlt!tlilt....e.rttt.tt.atttttlalll|++tltltttlt|} .!B!s |csgta!! 16 II|lEElED OtEt FOB TE3 rrsE ot fHE lIDrvlHDL oR EtIITI lO ffiCtl rrt rs ADDnISIIID lllD xtt cotnllx rxRnxAtrqt TElt rs pEvrr.EGED, cdrFrDgrrlll, lrD ErExpr motl DrscrrFIrRE ul|Dln IP?LrclBIJ Ltn. I! tha raqCar of this rE€ElgE 1s not the lntended Eacipidrt or th€ @PIqr€€- or agent r€6tron!l-b1€ ftr deuv9li8g tbc eas.ga to tie lnt6nd6d roclplent, tog q9e h€E€b'y notifiGd that 6ly dieqoiaatioo, .rlrtr!,butl6n or copylng of thia egDtnic.tiod tr etrlc?ly- Prohtbitad. If you h!e'e rsivgd thir c@tllcat!,c[r ln erriri. giecae notify uE iGdlttoly blt tclaE honr (collact) r ud r€tun chc orlglsal n6aaEa to u. rt tb€ lbwe addr€34 vla the u.s. Pottal 9€r?i'c6. thlBh yoq' w-L6-L996 Az.?€,Pn FROT,I I,jERRo & TRAUERS, PC TO 4?9?L5? P.@ TIDET|IITTCAETOT AGNEEIEIIII WHEREAS, Gary Koenig and Sharon Koenig and th9 Robert o. and Barbara J. Ddule fr1'uet, a Califot1ia Trust, herelnafter referred to aollectively as rDeclarantttr are collectively the ownere in fee sfunple of Efre folloning deeqribed real €atate, situate in ttre county of Eagle and state of Colorado. to wit: Parcel A and Parcel B, Vail/Potato Patch, a ReeubdivLsion of Lot 26, Block L' according to the ptat thereof recorded January 24' Lgg6 in Boot< 685 at Page 483 -in tle office of the Cterk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado (the rrPropertyt). nHERE;AS, tlre in connectLOn with the construction of a driveway on the property (the trDriwetrayrr), the Town of vail, a colo-rado nunicipalit] (-thi l1ownn), ha6 'granted DeclSrant a variance relatl.-ng tdtni slope of the oriverby (the iVarianqen) i and mIEREAS, the Tot4tt deaires Declarant to indennify tlre Town in conneqtion witn the Variance and Declarant desl-res to PEovide to the Towrr such lndemnif,ication. NOII TIIEREFORE, Declarant does hereby publish and declare that ttre following terui and conditions shalt be deened to be covenantg runnittg witn- tne land and shall be a burden and a benefit to Oeclarint, their successors anil assigna, and any_pergon acquiring-r owning an interest in tfre Property which ie described, herein, their grintees, pereonal representatlvee, heirs, sucsesEorE and asslgns. 1. I{rd€pnificatiop. Declarant 6hall indennify and _holdhatmless tfrE-town tron ane againgt any los6es, damages, claiue and/or costs, inclucling, wl-thout linitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting frou the elope of the Driveway and the Town's granting of the Variance. 2, GoJ'ernl.nq La!t. Ttris Agreenent is made and executed under and in respect niu be governed and construed b!| the laws of the State or colorado where the Property ts situated' 3. goufrterPads- This Agreenent, plus any nolifications or addendqns, rniy be executed in countertrlaltsr uhichr when taken together shall constitute the entire Agreement. FRO'I UIERRa@-L&-L996 @.t?gFl!l IN berein, & TRRUERS, PC 4?g2LS? P.B t{ITt{BSlt ltltEREoF, the undersigned being the Declarant have hereunder set their hande and seals thie clay of , 1996. TO Gary Koenig ROBERtr O. AIiID AARBARA J. DOTIIE TnUST, a California ltu6t By: ay3 STATE OF ) ) ss. )COT'NTY OF lsEAr,) E[aronxoenit llhe foregoing J.netrunent sas acknowledged before ne this day of WITIIESS BY HAND AlfD OTTICIAI, SEAL. UY COUilISSION SIPIRES: srATE Or .' - ) COUNTV OF ) ss. ) rITNESS BY HAND AIID OETICIAL SEAI.,. UY COl.[trEsIoN EJ(PIRES! tsEALll lflre foregoing inetrrnent uas acknowledged before ne tbis day of Notary FE'Iic .t '@-L6-t9.96 @2|*n STTIE OF couN["c oF & TRAUERS, PC TO 4n2LT? P.U )) ss. ) Notary Publis ss. instruuent was acknowledged before rne this ) ) ) day . 1996, by I'IT'IIESS BY HAITD AIID OFFICIAI. STAI,. mf COtllfiSSION EXPfREST Notary Public tsEALl FROM I.IERRO The foregolng lnstrrment was acknowledged before ne thl,salay of , 1996, by l?ustee of the Robert o. Dovie Tru6t. WITNESS BY IIA}ID AND OFTICIAI. SEAL, lIy CUUUISSION EXPIRESS tsEAIrl SEATE OF cDt lmY oF lfhe foregolngof /ind.frig.& TOTAL P.A4 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479 - 2 1 07/ F ax 97 0-479-2 I 5 7 Afice of the Town Attorney February 14,1996 Richard D. Travers, Esquire Wear & Travers 1000 S. Frontage Road, Suite 200 Vail, CO 81657 Re:Koenig/Dowie Residence 795 Potato Patch Drive, Vail, Colorado Dear Rick: George Ruther of the Community Development Department informed me that you represent Robert Dowie. If that is not the case, leave me a m(:ssage if it isn't too much trouble and disregard the following. Town Council granted a variance on the above-referenced residence conditioned upon execution by N{r. Dowie of an indemnification and hold harrnless agreement from him to the Town regarding any damages or claims as a result of the slope of the driveway which exceeds the Town's restrictions. This agreenlent is to be filed for record in Eagle County and should run with the land. If you could prepare the agreement for review by the Town, that would be appreciated. Please feel free to contact myself or George Ruther, with any questions or comments. Very truly yours, /-"'-' /Vz( R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTIWaw xc: George Ruther {g un"uoru", ,-] n nrj\ \ u f lu; zo { 7 F o Ei€ E€ EiE;€ i€iiE; iffi;i E$€BA3 o\o o Ir) tq I I I I Ij l.q I 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I >{M ozoc, v'l :-Fx& EFi& "i I : .: o = lIJtu^ l^\ F-orB9i-<>xo,.,u >zzas< a:-t -<\J,Yl/a- z'*'vrz =r! F--r.. s) i..,fsz: >a]q. ,:a\ LtJ v- o< ..r-fZZUAsJ \ -"1 tF4=!! t\ -J!<qca \ q) f 'roI z3FF H9=j-/*-F<Vo;<lczF!r> =oF-J-.P=HU--, 1--/\ -' F!L<"fiT6I *J 7) L_latuest€sXF<Fvl--.\- -LrrcZl FZU.-ffrpiutx* -FYltffXr*SU>! +r F -A. a.a -irF{ fi E a+ Of FR m F -IFE rFft H Et .lJ atF il-lcr\--.tv rJ -F(€F? 11l9 a+\aaf-lt-*d *Ft€LfHeh\-F'v rF. trt A. {rt Ei{ 1ptFlrPtFff{At=)\/ U o. F z v \oo\o\ -: fq;3 = 7.: I E 7. t / tf, ii 585765 B-689 Sara J. Fi she r I ^,?z', L:"(::"'l i: i[ l"*:t" .,REC 16.00 DOC INDEI.{NIFICATION AGREEMENT WHEREAS,GaryKoenj.gandSharonKoenigandtheRoberto.and Barbara J. Dowie T-rust, a California Trust, hereinafter referred to collectively as rrDeclarantrr, are collectively the owners in fee simple of in" following described real estate, situate in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, to wit: parcel A and Parcel B, Vail/Potato Patch/ a Resubdivision of Lot 26, Block 1-t according to the plat thereof recorded January 24 | 1996 in Book 686 at Page 483 in the office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, colorado (the rrProPertYrr) . WHEREAS, the in connection with the constructi-on of a driveway on the Property (the "Drivewayr'), the Town of vail, a colorado municipaliiy line rtTownrr ) , has granted Declarant a variance relati-ng to-the slope of the Driveway (the t'Variancerr); and WHEREAS, the Town desires Declarant to indemni-fy the Town in connection with the Variance and Declarant desires to provide to the Town such indemnification. NOW THEREFORE, Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terms and conditi-ons shall be deemed to be covenants running witfi tfre land and sha1l be a burden and a benefit to Declarint, so long as Declarant retains an interest in the property, Declarant, s successors and assigns and any other person acq|iring or owning an interest in the Property, thej-r grantees, peisonal-representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, so long as any such person retains an interest in the Property. 1. Indennification. Declarant sha1l indemnify and hold harmless the Townlrom and against any losses, damages, clains and/or costs, including, without lirnitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting frorn the slope of the Driveway and the Town's granting of the Varj.ance. 2. Governing Law. This Agreement is made and executed under and in resp-cl wi1l fe governed and construed by the laws of the State of colorado where the Property is situated. 3. counterparts. This Agreernent, plus any modifications or addendums, hdY be executed in counterparts, which, when taken together shall constitute the entire Agreement. '.n H et,L, Z/, vL":l Vua "^*"r1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, herein, have hereunder set , !996. the undersignedtheir hands and Declarant o being the seals this d9y of ROBERT TRUST, O. AND BARBARA J. DOWIE California Trust 7u./r.,-o- STATE OF Frr ,r",e.-l^, n,.-i COUNTY OF irle.J F{r..re,r ss. N or*{n Fri ';e-vr SS. Nor{+r l[ig€vi 2 01:14P rne this {th me this q+tr ;"e FI 585765 P-765 03/L2/96 PG2 oF3 Ar ( srArE oF L0t0v'44! o , t lzz 141------_---_1...|- J7^ ss. COIJNTY OF /indemkng.dc SS. 3 03 /t2/96 01 : 14P rne this I I t.lItY'-' as //*(- * la C) before .a' At i srArE os [-'nl6Yhlx 585765 8-689 P-765 PG3 OF3 oCgn Review Action Ftt TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: . -1. D Legal Descr: Project Strer Comments:. Motion by: Seconded ! Approval .. ! Disapprot tr Staff Appr Conditions: Town Planner Date:DRB Fee Pre-paid t.ab.A T lLlta DESISN RBVIEW BOARD APPIIICATTON ' TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ?af*+ +ta++ *ff PROJECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: P44bLoWt-s V VAIIJ, COLORADO 6/s/ qa ?ar=1p€N;c-EI. A.Addttror.-, 1o Ez.t= *ttt*ttt*r *!rtttt*t**Fet-lVa B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New const,ruction (g200.00t X uinor AlLeraEion ($20.00) AddiLion ($50.00)Conceptual neview ($0) D. c.ADDRESs, -J1Q ,A FotaJ- tr'Jct^ Drrv<' IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: . LoI, 2(e BlocKSubdivision fo+>+ ?W?ob. If property is described by a meets and boundsdescription, pleiase provide on a separate sheeEto this applicaEion. E. ZONTNG: f ,/+ F..NAME oF APPITTCANT z O>t Mailing Address I EqL -Johtr,'.o^J A-et- NAME qF O$INER lll t (a OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address:*t*<-' APPTJICATIONS WIIJI. NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S STGIVATURT Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,l are Lo be paid at. the Lime of submiLLal of the DRB applilacion. LaLer, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accuralevaluaLion of t.he proposal . The Town of vaiL will adjust thefee according to the Lable below, Eo ensure Ehe correct fee i a *r i -: 1ega1 and aLt.ach G. H. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT'S REPRESEI\TTATIVE: Address:o I. a4+ = SzalL is paid. iI. FEE SCHEDUI.IE: 'r/ALTTATTOI{FFN U t g I /i c, s il*#"6 r$ilil 6g/ / I I aLte At-t1 !5 DT- $t $,! {[fi!fFNt 7"Irt\l l-r i_rJt (oI'l I N il $r$ sl- t N L 0( I a EI: TIIv It|ftt LOT I fi '4 Lett .- E --F I f,tt t t I I Il' , ,- , , , t tQl' T 0'f 05 n $ (\ F F Js $ ) ef $ us E, t ,tT Fq f,F I s+ $i Fv Bt,9r+'fiiL Ih-a la'- et 7? o 7o aE?,P6A? ts?P trri 1 \ t4Arc9.llllt ?^'tt-- WzT ef?rub4 e%EtWe ?oelAbvA A?A REC. RMtffiat1 6tb"I ro'- q'/tl firrrtrl BDRM J tT{TTfl 1t- Ata ?€atz- AwlTe*l lol4e? Ve\.Et--?u*i.V Voa*lle Pa-tpA,!C,D. h'. oll 1qQ 2. fuT*to ?t+Tetl pZ, irO rS N F ) T T :1 s $ rt L 0 s x F lfI ,T rt r$ ftlf\r$f .".l I I Hatr ,/ | ?q1oJt. I vatATA, Dec? *?? lf te*L ?a 't / czoUtH , J/1" pogl-142, e?42.D>&e (aAwvAt-ttl-tl flrra'e2ft | lltz ( n'xr+t v I ---=--- 7,-h Itrratrg-, L6/e?Wv Ap?rTlaJ ?oe EUC7 Feszrpel-rcEr N e FTH t Y+' q .-l E 42'lel 6t7=< Aa fl^? Ob' 'rl I rr:-rl-+rt t'_ - \t (r. ! x N lalt \ aprr-+-fl il lf . __ I'h lt ' 40* 4o v, ,.,t' p1v FJ/ E 6C lr,rtf hl, T?tl. bt'- +t' lo? 96t.eorb e ?tEr. 9+ to e lL t, !th' -r -t @)Lx tr0 -s _ls 1 _ls $ 1 -l1l-1, h'* b'*tA/ xq l+" F'to l'o BrlBlJ--J- L zol vorlep LB:tcl- .toA.(zE' . t" 6p'- (o'l qo*. q't t?" ?w hJ/ ib a 'r wl ! v tf rS t a ?te? 2 It TOWNOFVAIL R.ECEIPT ItiO. ( I I DEPInTMEJ\T OF COMIllllNtTY DEIEL()PMENT n^"," t-f\C J()hnaor\ ADDRESS-o^rr-5-, PR(IIECT CEECIiS MADE TAYAEI.E TO TOWN OF VAIL 0l 000041540 ZONING ANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 42415 UMFORM BUILDING CODE $54.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLTA,TBING CODE s39.00 0r 000042415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $f7.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIT.OKM f IRb, CODL,$36.00,l oo00 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE sf 7.(ru 0l 000042415 OTIIERCODE BOOKS 0l 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$ /.u0 0l oo00 42412 XEROX COPIES s0.25 0l 0000 424t2 STUDIES 0l ooo0 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l oo00 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE I'S4O PER HR.I 0r 000042332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l oo00 414t2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 4l4 t 3 SIGN APPL]CATION FEE s20.00 0t 0()004t413 ADDITIONAL SICNAGE FEE ISI.OO PER SO.FT.I VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 0()00 41331 IAE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEF qt,0D I}WESTIGATION FEE (BUTLDINC) Jl ur(ru 451 I 0l 0000 220* 0-To00dtrT{-TTooo 4-iiry tTmr'II-oTm"il-TT{mo-ZlTlTm-,mTIMMTfiI-oTTom"IT T'r-moo4-lf-0lTooo 4-E-:-0l66oo-;nn TOV PARKINC!ruHP Lrr ../,H r L- t'li scel I sreotrs Cash 83-87-9F-.'tit!:48:51 Fl*ceipt S 134-d:Jf, Eccaunt *L:ll + 11FI .Tr:rHl{5r-1t{, EFlIC".t)E5IGt'l RE|'JIEtd EFltr FEE Rnr,:un t. t*rrde re,J 'r 'ltl' tJEt Item Paid F-11€rgBB41sf,1BBB ftnount Paid !r:1, ElEl -0-i-dm?m T'i@'ABie-t--- r,\,n rlu OTHER OTHER @t,"^,,", Wru^q- oharytlo a?Wwd dan, 6sf,l l t*o t l.r.oLJ *"."", L{,t-/ 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 07/Fax 970-479-2 I 57 Ofice of the Town Attorney L* 26, v"; ?omo7'nz6' February 14- 1996 Richard D. Travers, Esquire Wear & Travers 1000 S. Frontage Road, Suite 200 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Koenig/Dowie Residence 795 Potato Patch Drive, Vail, Colorado Dear Rick: George Ruther of the Community Development Department informed me that you represent Robert Dowie. If that is not the case, leave me a message if it isntt too much trouble and disregard the following, Town Council granted a variance on the above-referenced residence conditioned upon execution by Mr. Dowie of an indemnification and hold harmless agreement from him to the Town regarding any ' damages or claims as a result of the slope of the driveway which exceeds the Town's restrictions. This agreement is to be filed for record in Eagle County and should run with the land. If you could prepare the agreement for review by the Town, that would be appreciated. Please feel free to contact myself or George Ruther, with any questions or comments. Very truly yours, t-tt-"' /w( R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTIWaw xc: George Ruther {S u"nuoruo Date: 217196 To: File From: George Ruther, Town Planner MEMORANDI]M b{- Re: Town Council Review of the Appeal of the PEC decision to deny a requested driveway grade variance request. On February 6, lg96,the Vail Town Council heard an appeal of a PEC decision to deny a requested driveway grade variance. The variance had been denied by the PEC on January 8, 1996. Upon review of the original request, the Town Council approved a motion,to overhrn the PEC's decision to deny the driveway grade variance. The Council found, unlike the PEC, that a grant of special privilege would not result with an approval of the variance. The Council's motion to overtum the PEC's decision caried a condition with it. The condition requires that each of the owner's of the property in question submit to the Town of Vail, a notarized statement indemnifiing the Town of any liability associated with the approval of the driveway grade variance. It is further required that the properly owners record the statement with the-Eagte County Clerk & Recorder's office prior to the issuance of a Tenrporary Certificate of Occupancy for the east-half of the duplex. I VARIA}ICES f8.60.090 Conflicting provisions. In addition to the conditions which may be prescribed pursuant to this chapter, a conditional use shall also be subject to iu other procedures, permits, and requircments of this and other applicable ordinances and rcgulations of the town. In event of any -connict between the provisions of a conditional use permit and any other permit or requirement, Qe more restrictive provision shall prevail. (Ord. 8(1973) g 1s.900.) Chapter 18.62 YARIANCES Sections: 1t.62.010 Purpose. 1t.62.020 Application-Information required. 1E.62.030 Fee. 1E.62.040 Hearing. 1t.62.050 Plannin! commission action.1t.62.060 Criteria and findings. 1E.52.070 Appeal to the town council.lt.52.0t0 Permit approval and effect. 18.62.090 Related permits and requirements. f 8.62.010 Purpose. A. . In order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result ftom strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulry or unnecessary physical hardship may rcsult ftom the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing strucnrres thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or traff,rc condi- tions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the 479 (Yail 4-7-92) B. ZONING applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. Variances may be granted only with respect to the development standards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, setbacks, distances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, useable open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requircments; orwith respect to the provisions of Ctrapter 18.52, governing physical development on a site. The power to grant variances does not extend to the use regulations prescribed for each district because the flexibility necessary to avoid results inconsistent with the objectives of this title is provided by Ctrapter lg.60, 99n!1ti-oryl use permits, and by Sections 18.66.100 through I 8.66. I 60, amendments. (ord. 8(t973) $ 19.100.) 18.62.020 Application-Information required. Application for a variance shall be made upon a form provided by the zoning administrator. The application strall be supported by documents, maps, plans, and other material containing the followin g in formation : Name and address of the owner and/or applicant and a statement that the applicant, if not the owner, has the permission of the owner to make application and act as agent for the owner; Legal description, street address, and other identifying data concerning the site; A statement of the precise nature of the variance requested, the regulation involved, and the practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title that would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation; A site plan showing all existing and proposed features on the site, and on adjoining sites if necessary, pertinent to the variance requested, including site boundaries, required setbacks, building locations and heights, topography and physical features, and similar data; c. A B. c. D. (Vail 4-7-92) 480 t VARIA},ICES E. Such additional material as the zoning adminisuator may prescribe or the applicant may submit pertinent to the application and to the frndings prerequisite to the issuance of a variance as prescribed in Section 18.62.060;F. A list of the owner or owners of record of the properties adjacent to the subject property which is subject of the hearing. Provided however, notification of owners within a condominium project shall be satisfied by notifying the managing agent, or the registered agent of the condominium project, or any member of the board of directors of a condominium association. The list of owners, managing agent, registered agent or members of the board of directors, as appropriate. shall include the names of the individuals, their mailing addresses, and the general description of the property owned or managed by each. Accompanyrng the lisrshall be stamped, addressed envelopes to each individual or agent to be notified to be used for the mailing of the notice of hearing. it will be the applicant's resporuibility ro provide this informition and stamped, addressed envelopes. Notice to the adjacent propeny owners shall be mailed fint class postage prepaid. (ord.49(1991) g 2: ord. 50(1978) g ls(pan): ord. 3d(1978) $ 2: Ord.8(1973) $ 19.200.) 18.62.030 Fee. The town council shall set a variance fee schedule sufficient to cover the cost of town staff time and other expenses incidental to the rcview of the application. The fee shall be paid at tlre time of application, and shall not be refundable. (Ord. 8(1923) $ 19.300.) 18.62.040 Hearing. Upon receipt of a variance application, the planning commission shall set a date for hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.070. Notice shall be given, and the hearing shall be conducted in accordance with Sections 18.66.080 and 18.66.090. (Ord. 8(1973) g 19.400.) 481 (Vril 4.7-92) ZONING 18.62.050 Planningcommission action. Within twenty days of the closing of a public hearing on a variance application, the planning conrmission shall act on the application. The commission may approve the application as submitted or may approve the application subject to such modifications or'conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this title. or the commission may deny the application, A variance may be revocable, may be granted for a limited time period, or may be granted subject to such other conditions as the commission may prescribe. (Ord. 8(1973) S t 9.500.) 18.62.060 Criteria and findings. A. Before acting on a variance application, the planning commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity; 7. The degree to which relief from the shict or literal interpretatiort and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatabilig and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege; 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety;4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. The planning commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: l. That the granting of .the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district; ?. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; \ t (Yatl 4-7-92) 4n t VARIAI.ICES 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons:a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcementof the specified regulation would result in practical. difliculty or unnecessary physical hardship incon- sistent with the objectives of this title,b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcementof the specified regulation would deprive the appli- cant of privileges enioyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. (Ord. 8( 1973) g 19.600.) 18.62.070 Appeal to the town council. A. An appeal to the town council may be made by the appli- cant, adjacent property owner, or by the town manager.The town council can also call up matters by a majority vote of those council members present.B. For all appeals, the appeal must be filed in writing within ten days following the decision or must be called up by the town council at their next regularly scheduled meeting.C. The councit shall hear the ippeai within tNrty days-of its being filed or called up, with a possible thirty-day exten- sion if the council finds that there is insufficiLnt informa- tion. (ord. 37(1980) g I I (part).) 18.62.080 Permit approval and effect Approval of the variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion within two years from when the approval becomes final. (Ord. 48 (1991) g i: Ord. t6 (1e78) $ s(c).) 483 flail a-?-92) I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: iIEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department JanuarYs' 1ee6 b,eq ,4. f+ \t*,u zP t1-.D A request for a wall height v'ariance and driveway grade variance for the Koenig residence located at 795 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 26' Vail Potato Patchsubdivision' vJt4c-e ha4hr \we;n _rr=. r4Ff.ov6 Applicant: Eric Johnson for Gary Koenig Planner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST The applicant, Eric Johnson, representing the property owner, is requesting a wall height variance and a driveway grade variance for a new PrimaryiSecondary residence under construction on Lot 26, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision. A Building Permit for the Primary/Secondary residence was issued on April 21, 1995, and construction on the project has proceeded since that date. On October 17, 1995, the applicant submitted an lmprovement Location Certificate (lLC) for stalf review and approval. Stafl requires a review and approval of an ILC to insure that the improvements under construction comply with the relevant development standards. When staff reviewed the ILC for Lot 26, it was determined that the retaining walls on the south side of the driveway, and those on the north side of the driveway, in the front setback exceeded the 3{oot height limitation pursuant to Section 18.58.020 of the Municipal Code. The heated driveway was also be over the 1Zy" $ade maximum. & Section 18.58.020 of the Municipily'offirmits retaining walls up to 3 feet in height in the front setback, and Section 17.28/69O allows driveway grades up to 12o/o if heated and approved by the Town EngineerYSince the applicant is proposing retaining walls up to 6 feet in height in the front setback, and a heated driveway with a finish grade of 14.1o/o, ? variance approval from the Planning and Environmental Commission is required. II. BACKGROUND According to the applicant, the need lor the wall height variance and driveway grade variance requests are the result of minor construction defects. . On April 6, 1995, the Town of Vail Public Works Department reviewed and approved the proposed heated driveway grade at 12%. The Public Works Department's review and approval was based upon a site plan and topographic survey submitted to the Town of Vail. Additionally, the Fire Department approved lhe 12/" driveway grade once the applicant revised the site plan to allow for a wider driveway access onto the property. DZivew-r*l ,1u* ttfuirhtrp ba '>.a4e:> )-o t:>t . (ao-n-*n .o tPa-i+'-?e-"tif"f4 . '/-O .Jo D6lY. I ,qa On November 14, 1995, an inspection of frre finished driveway grade was completed by the Town Engineers.. The inspection concluded that the finish driveway grade exceeded the allowed maximum grade of 12% pursuant to Section 17.28.030 of the Municipal Code. The finished driveway grade was determined to be up to 14.1o/" over a 20 foot long section of the driveway. On December 11, 1995, a worksession was held with the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss the proposed variances (See Attachment 1). Al that meeting, the applicant presented a proposal to construct another three-foot tall boulder retaining wall along Potato Patch Drive. The purpose of the additional retaining wall was to lacilitate the reconstruction of a two-foot wide gravel shoulder along the street. Upon detailed review of the site, it has been determined by the contractor's Consulting Engineer and the Town of Vail Public Works Department, that the pre-existing gravel shoulder cannot be restored and still maintain a safe slope adjacent to the street. iherefore, Public Works is now requiring hat the contractor install 36 linear feet of steel guardrail, including flared-end sections, along Potato Patch Drive, should the wall height variance request be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commis$on. The purpose of the guardrail is to protect the general public and the property owner ftom vehicles sliding otf of Potato Patch and down into the driveway and house (See Attachment 2 ). The driveway grade variance was also discussed at the Planning and Environmental Commission worksession. The driveway as currently constructed, exceeds the 12/" maximum allowed by the Municipal Code. The applicant has requested a variance to allow the existing driveway to remain as constructed. According to the "as-built" survey submifted by the applicant, the driveway exceeds lhe 1?/o maximum over a 20' section of the driveway. The maximum grade on the existing driveway is 14.1%. According to the applicant, the excess driveway grade is due to minor defects in the construction process. It has been suggested by the Planning and Environmental Commission that the applicant research the possibility of "capping" the driveway to resolve the grade issue. The applicant has met with a Consulting Engineer to discuss the possibility ol "capping" the driveway. The applicant has indicated that according to the Consulting Engineer, the long term longevity ol the "capping" process, including the use of special concrete additives and epoxy, is questionable. The concern of the Consulting Engineer revolves around the extremely thin layer ot concrete that will be added to the driveway. The applicant is continuing to research the "capping" process. At the December 11th worksession, staff had identified several issues which we wanted to discuss further with the Planning and Environmental Commission and the applicant. These issues included the redesign of the retaining wall along the south side of the driveway, and the need to redesign and regrade the landscaping in response to the change to the retaining wall system. The applicant has submitted a set of plan revisions illustrating the redesign of the retaining walls on the south side of the driveway, as well as a new landscape and grading plan (See Attachment 3). The applicant has indicated that the retaining wall south of the driveway will be modified by adding one more planting zone at the southernmost aspen to raise the grade of the top of the wall, thus shortening one of the areas where the wall is now just over four feet. The applicant has indicated a desire to leave the top course of stones along the driveway to act as a deterrent to vehicles sliding off of the driveway, and to prevent the erosion of the driveway subsurface. ilt. Additionally, the applicant is proposing to amend the landscape plan by adding three additional Colorado Blue Spruce, twelve five-gallon Red Twig Dogwoods, and eight Blue Rug Junipers to the previously approved landscape plan. The additional landscaping is intdnded to mitigate the visual impact of the proposed six foot tall retaining walls. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Pursuant to Section 18.62.060 (Criteria and Findings), before acting on a variance application the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the requested variance with respect to the variance Criteria and Findings. Upon review of the Criteria and Findings, staff recommends denial of the applicant's request for a wall height variance and driveway grade variance. 1. The relationship of the requested varlance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity; The relationship of the requested variances to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity of the Koenig Residence will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on existing or potential uses and structures. The retaining walls are located on the downhill side of Potato Patch Drive. The walls will not be visible lrom any other location than the applicant's property and the adjoining lots to the east and west. To mitigate the visual impact of the retaining walls, the applicant has proposed to add more landscaping on the property. The additional landscaping will be placed to take maximum benefit of its' screening ability. Similiar to the wall height variance, the driveway grade variance will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The request lo exceed the maximum grade allowable by 21% will only affect the users of the driveway. The proposed driveway will remain heated to help ensure all-weather access. Staff would like to point out however that since the adoption ot lne 12o/" driveway grade standard in 1991, no driveway grade variances have ever been granted. The approval or denial of the requested variance does not create precedence for future driveway grade variance requests. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement ol a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives ot this title without grant of special privilege; The applicant has requested the minimum relief necessary from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the driveway grade and wall height regulations to achieve compatibility with the objectives of the 3. Municipal Code. The applicant has agreed and proposed to add and delete boulders in the retaining walls where possible to reduce the linished wall's height. According to the Consulting Engineer, the retaining walls constructed to the north of the driveway are the minimum necessary to support the earth behind. In some locations, the Engineer has indicated that it may be desirable to increase the wall heights, however, this is not necessary. The applicant has submitled a set of Engineer's stamped plans to the Town of Vail as requested by the Planning and Environmental Commission. A letter from the Consulting Engineer has been attached (see Attachment 4) The applicant has neither proposed to increase, nor reduce the existing driveway grade. Instead, the applicant has requested that the driveway grade be permitted to remain at the grade constructed. At the present time, only 20 feet ot the total driveway length exceeds the 12% maximum grade. Staff believes that the applicant is asking for the minimum amount of relief from the code necessary to achieve the desired objective. Staff, however, is concerned that granting the requested variances may result in the granting of special privilege. As discussed at the worksession meeting, the applicant had originally submitted, and the Town approved, a Building Permit set of drawings that illustrated the ability to construct the residence with a maximum 12"/" driveway grade and three foot tall retaining walls in the front setback. lf the applicant had come to the Planning and Environmental Commission requesting a wall height and driveway grade variance prior to the start of construction on the residence, it is quite likely that the variance would not have been approved because it appears no physical hardship or practical difficulty existed on the property. lt would appear now that a practical difficulty exists. The issue, however, is that the practical difficulty of rernoving and reconstructing the retaining walls and driveway was self-imposed by the applicant and the contractor and their representatives. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety; Staff believes the wall height and driveway grade variances will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on the above described criteria. Statf would like to point out that from a public safety standpoint, the Town of Vail Fire Department has granted their approval to the driveway grade variance request ( See Anachment 5). Such other factors and criteria as the Gommission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Staff has not identified any other factors or criteria applicable to the proposed variances. 4. B. The Planning Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district; 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difliculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance thal do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends denial ol the wall height and driveway grade variances. Upon review of the Criteria and Findings listed in Section lll of this memorandum, staff feels the applicant has failed to meet the findings necessary to recommend approval. Staff agrees that the requested variances will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious, to properties or improvements in the vicinity of the Koenig Residence. Staff is concerned, however, that the applicant has not addressed finding 81 since the granting of the requested variances may constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to grant an approval of the wall height and driveway grade variances, statf would recommend that the approval carry with it the followino condition: That 36 lineal leet of steel guardrail and required flared-end sections be installed along Potato Patch Drive in a location approved by the Town of Vail Public Works Department. ?en";es Thrtf llr.e €an'EE -t €Ec-tt-tue a Ee n-,p--o uti Ph /U /lp4ov+ i:;,ze /414e'n olou''7U\ a1=iran. L*n'i -*rt1 b,+o, /Jo c't vr'af| i't crct-toiiod= LA'-psc4pi-tcrt 6L - hrna-rornatr 1'o t>M&i^c,f l.-rii4-r l,,lt|rua-*l 5NFtr lnrn:onoe-\\ &"--* ,4 PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMM ISSION December 11, 1995 draft minutes 6. A request for a worksession for a wall height variance and driveway grade for the Koenig residence located at 795 Potato Patch Driveilot 26, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision. Applicant Eric Johnson for Gary Koenig Planner: George Ruther George gave an overview of the worksession to discuss the wall height variance and the driveway grade. Two walls are now over the 3' height limitation. Public Works would like to have a 2' wide shoulder along Potato Patch. Statf would like the contractor to explain where the discrepancy happened between the approved set of plans and what got constructed. Public Works said the driveway is over 127o. Mike McGee (Fire Departmen0 indicated that the buibing may need to be sprinklered in order for the grade to be approved. The driveway is heated, but there is no requirement from the Town to turn on the heat and also no enforcement. The current owners have provided a disclaimer releasing the Town from any liability. Ray Coutash, owner of Beehive Construction and contractor for the Koenig residence stated the intent was to try to preserve the native plantings. Upon excavation he moved the existing aspens. lf wasn't for the rock wall those trees would have had to be cut. They tried to remove as little as possible. They only brought in one truckload of rock because they were able to use existing stone which explains the difference in the rock size. The slope of the roadfill was over 40"/". fhe change in elevation from the highpoint to the driveway was not supplied in the original survey. There is almost 13'in elevation change. Eric Johnson, the architect, gave a 23% guideline. The staging area that the Fire Department wanted was an additional 4'. There is only one area in front of the east garage doors where they raised the wall. Durability and strength were the reasons the wall needed to go to that height. They didn't make a cut along the road due to the presence of utilities and mature trees and felt that that was the primary reason for the decision. On the south side the intent was to preserve the aspen trees. lf they used a three toot stepping process they would have ended up with five walls. The rocks along the roadway cieated the higher wall. He discussed these changes wiith the neighbors and decided to mitigate with landscaping to make the wall appear less high. The neighbors were ok with the look and liked the rock walls. Terri Martinez thought a guard rail should be put in. Ray Coutash said that would have created more problems. Their engineer is writing a letter to keep the earth the way it is and not put any more rock walls there. Ray raised the north side 9" to bring the driveway up, and came up 3-4" short of 12o/"grude. Thursday evening he had a12/"grade. Because he never got a response lrom Terri Martinez the inspection never came together. He had ditficulty with the pour and called for two inspections. Inspections to check rough grades never materialized. He made the decision to go ahead with the driveway. lt was a great surprise when it didn'l make grade. Portions of the center of the driveway do make grade and he feels that should be the criteria. George Ruther introduced Teni Martinez as the project engineer. Henry Pratt doesn't see the driveway grade as a big deal. He is for adding a second wall along the street. He encouraged the applicant to d0 double or triple walls without impacting trees. ArraculrENT tl o Dalton Williams said the wall height is to keep the neighborhood from looking like a bunch of .. walls. Dalton is not concerned a-bout the wail except for safety reasons. He thinks a guardrail would make it safer. The Town goes bonkers over driveways. The Town gave an exlr.a2/" grade allowance just so we woul-d never have to grant another variance. You can't add 3"-4" of concrete without sloughing off. Ray Coutash said he is low in the driveway relative to the slope ol he driveway. George Ruther said the bottom needs to come up to lesson the grade at the top' Dalton Williams said he is not in favor of granting a variance for the driveway. Jeff Bowen said whatever needs to be done to get the driveway to the correct grade needs to be done. He is concerned with the heating being so deep into the concrete. He would like to have an Engineer design the rock retaining walls and will not approve the request unless that is done. Greg Amsden agrees with Henry Pratt to go with the existing walls to save the landscaping. As for the driveway, he agrees with Dalton. When the ertra27o grade was allowed, it was supposed to give leeway. Greg has a tendency to be lenient with it. Kevin Deighan would like to see some type of solution between staff and the applicant. He has no problem with the retaining walls. He would like to see an Engineer's certificate saying the retaining walls will hold. Greg Moffet said the relaining wall problem is the result of procedure. There is a somewhat contiadictory Zoning Code. Greg's concern is hearing about it after the fact and not before it was put it. He agrees with Henry to terrace as much as possible to save trees. He is also sensitive to the safety issues with the driveway. He agrees with the guardrail or rock wall on the south side. He would like to see an attempt made to get the driveway within code. Jeff Bowen stated that one of the problems that exist on Potato Patch, and Garmisch as well, are that rock walls present a terrible safety issue. High retaining walls present a safety threat for children lalling off. He wants an engineer to say the retaining walls will last a long time and at a height that a car or child will not lall off. He will let the driveway issue go. Dalton Williams said he will be ok with an Engineer's letter approving the retaining walls. Greg Moffet stated this is a worksession. Ray Coutash assured Jeff that the heat in the driveway does work very satisfactorily. lt has melted a 3'snowdrilt. George Ruther asked the PEC for direction. Terry Martinez stated that we do need a 2' shoulder and slope. A 2' rock wall would launch vehicles. Recovery on a 2'shoulder could happen, but there is no guarantee. Steep grades on driveways encourage people to park on the roads, rather than in the driveway, which presents a problem for snowplows. George Ruther began the summarization of the direction. Jeff Bowen said it is critical it be certified by an Engineer. a Dalton Williams said the driveway needs to be redone. Greg Amsden asked what the Town's position was on replacing previous driveways. Dalton Williams assumed that if we required a heated driveway, we should require it to be turned on. George Ruther said it is impossible to police whether heated driveways are turned on. Dalton williams said a condition should be hat the heated driveway be operational at all times. George Ruther had preliminary conversations with the Fire Department. They feel the house needs to be retrosPrinklered. Henry Pratt said one of the conditions of approval should be that the Fire Departrnent may not be afrle to access the house. Eric Johnson (architect) said the owners have signed a waiver absolving the Town from any liability. Greg Moffet said he doesn't like waivers, just indemnifications. Eric Johnson said the owner would take on the full responsibility and mitigate whatever the Town wants. Snow plowing generates a huge amount of snow. Aguardrail inhibits snowplowing. Henry Pratt mentioned that a snowblower can throw snow over any guard rails. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Public Works Department January 2,1996 Konig driveway/ wall height variance I. The architect is requesting a variance for a driveway grade which exceeds the maximum grade allowed W 2.1%, as well as a wall height variance for walls exceeding the maximum height of 3'by 2'2". II. III. Upon review of Section 17.28.330 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Public Works Departnent recommends denial of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. No variances for driveway grade have been granted since l99l when the Town began to enforce the ordinance. All driveways that have been built since then have been in conformance with the Town standard. B. The Town Engineer will allow the contractor to exceed the maximum allowable grade of l2Voto account for inadequate surveys, etc. The contractor can exceed the maximum grade by l0o/o, or go to an absolute maximum of 13.2%, before we would ask the contractor to submit a request for a variance. In this case, the grade exceeds the absolute maximum allowable at l4.lVo. To allow the contractor to use a driveway at l4.1Vo would definitely be a grant ofspecial privilege. C' Allowing the driveway to remain al l4.lYo will potentially cause access problems for the current owner as well as any future owners, Potential problems include bottoming out or scraping if they drivc larger vehicles'on the drive, as well as problems with emergency or delivery vehicle access, particularilly ifthe owner chooses not to turn on the heating system. D. The wall height variance as proposed is acceptable, but the contractor will be required to install 36 linear feet ofguardrail, inctuding flared end sections on both ends. The guardrail should be installed to protect the general public from sliding off of Potato Patch Drive. down into the Kong driveway/home. The contractor was unable to restore the preexisting shoulder on Potato Patch Drive and still mcet safe slope requirements for this section of the property frontage. ATTACEHENT '2 o ' ll.j-l^ - *(i\,,riY va EFl .l.luata !ra! r, Tl| A!! -ont- . ,li c... ,,4.r i C.1Y'J-.!,| ! . mulmmrr ,t- ?dv^e? cetFtrlttJ?' lrlstu . tLt ?aD 111.) C ir ti HT. trt? Lr|.rt .7 r|JrPF.luf . (ar:ritro i,.3c cp|ta'Jt-( Q; fra.E Jerry C. Lan, P.E. 335 Donegan Road Glenvood Springs, CC'r 81601 December 28, t995 Georg,e Ruther r Town Planner T'oem of vail Departu€nt of ConrmJniLy DeveloFrnent 75 South Frontage RoadVall, CO 81657 F,El the Koenig Resicience lfall Heighi Variance Dear Mr. Ruther: ; i,ave prepared the follohzing suumary paragraphs out of respec! for your linriCedtime to study the rany different rrariance ca6e6 vhlch 1ou review. I respeccfully reguest Ehat, Lhe uall helght variance be alloued based on the posiulrre aspecls ofthe existing ra]ls versus the unsafe and sparsely landscaped 3t ualls shown inExhlbits C-L, C-2,C-3,C-4. The tlon TI{E I'GLY See Exhibits C-1 7C-2,C-3,c-4, nFserles of 3, ralls would beri tJr very little landscaping in belveeri and orly a 2. shoulder ab 2:l (unsafe). Respectfully sulmitted, We/4- ,terry C. Lav, p.E. e)dstlng ffaUs (see Exhibits 3-1,9-2,9-3,84) sere built using sound construc- Princlples rrlth reu corpacted soil held in place vlth Mlrafi fabric coveredtighLly interloclcing boulders. TIre 1,a11s vi1l provide a stabre senrlce 1lfeafter lhe landscaping has raatured anc est,ablished o<tenslrre root systens. 11{E AADI! is physically itpossible to conffi a 2? road shourder, a 5, stope at 2;ltthen-step the rock rra1ls 3' vertically within thrspac-e arroved at the Koenlgresidence. I nostly rock eqposedrith g 5t s19pe tIrE. c€oD ATTACE}TEI{T '4 MWNOFYAIL Vsll Flrc Dcplrra,zt42 Wcst ltrcsloo Drittc Va)1, Colordilo 81617 t0t -179 -22t 0 Michacl McGGG Fite l,{ar$tl HE^rf4y . -DZive CALJ b€ h,zed A , ?ae=e-v++iou "6,ro" \./f+L-L6 Q <t.-tD(ern,','Lr1 |or*to ?*fc,h.. Jrnrrry4, 1996 Crorgc Ruthcr Town of Vail lrcputmcat ofComrnunityDctdopman 75 South Frontagc Road VaL Colorado 8t65? Rc: Koaig Rcquoc for Variancc on Wrll Hdgbt ud Drivcway Grade Dear Ocorxc; Tho Vril Fire Dcpertmcnt complaed rrnthcr plan rwiew and conducted a sitc visit this urornhg Et 795 Pottto Palch. Based on thc obs€mstiom we mrdc dnring the site visit and baviag again rgcvaluted the plans and conditions es tbey cxiq nre do not objecr to thc SIUting of the \trirnca prwided dre rtructure is prnvidut with ur 4prwed rnd monitorsd firc clarm sy$cm. Pleasc advi* us as to the PEC's dccision. Siaccrcly, -ffi Q-Er1'|A?i6,>i 4F TrZc*', L<w i,J .v-.rf+LL |ne.1hr -DZiv<wlt+y is b,+D . ATTAcnffim t5 18.51. oso yJftt-r- hc-a'qh1- 5ftl6 TTZE-- t yrleL r+ucE OU_-D?-'*,-r-1n---, -'==----"2J z 6rea -fi1 . TOTRL P.A1 ltll ECOPY 1 George Ruther gave an overview and said the Steinbergs were appealing the statf's interpretation oflhe Zoning Analysis. The Steinbergs were not present and were appealing that a third dwelling unit on the property was the concern they had, since only two dwelling units were allowed. Staff was recommending upholding the statfs zoning analysis. Rick Rosen, representing Sam Cook, said Town Council should not have sent it back to the PEC' The addition is a wet bai sink and lemon refrigerator. Section 1 8.04.1 90 states the def inition of a kitchen does not apply to this addition. lt is simply a bedroom with a sink. The code is real clear and we should not be here. He didnl appreciate the Steinbergs writing a letter and not having . any representation at the meeting. George Ruther said Tom Moorhead could not be here. Tom was looking for an agreement from the property owner to get on the record that the intent is not to be used as a third dwelling unit. Sam Cook. the owner of the house, has 4 children who each have 2 children. lt is simply an extra bedroom. He regrets the problem with the neighbor. Lynn Fritzlen, Mr. Cooks architect, wanted to assure staff that they have gone to elaborate lengths to stay within the constraints of the Zoning Code, even though the house was built in '64. There were no problems by anyone on the Board. Jeff Bowen made a motion to uphold the staffs Zoning Analysis and that it be approved in a manner where the PEC agrees with the review. Kevin Deighan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 6. A request for a worksession for a wall heigbt variance and driveway grade for the Koenig residence located at 795 Potato Patch DrivelLot 26. Vail Potato Patch Subdivision. Applicant EricJohnsonf*DkFC Planner: trtlllsFryda- George gave an overview of the worksession to discuss the wall height variance and the driveway grade. Two walls are now over the 3'height limitation. Public Works would like to have a 2' wide shoulder along Potaio Patch. Staff would like the contractor to explain where the discrepancy happened between the approved set of plans and what got constructed. Public works said the driveway is over 12%. Mike McGee (Fire Departmen0 indicated thal the building may need to be sprinklered in order for the grade to be approved. The driveway is heated, but there is no requirement from the Town to turn on the heat and also no enforcement. The current owners have provided a disclaimer releasing the Town from any liability. Planning and Environf,eDtal Commssion Minutes December I l, 1995 Ray Coutash, owner of Beehive Construction and contractor for the Koenig residence stated the intent was to try to preserve the native plantings. Upon excavation he moved the existing aspens. lf wasn't for the rock wall those trees would have had to be cut. They tried to remove as little as possible. They only brought in one truckload of rock because they were able to use existing stone which explains the difference in the rock size. The slope of the roadfill was over 40%. The change in elevation from the highpoint to the driveway was not supplied in the original survey. There is almost 13'in elevation change. Eric Johnson, the architect, gave a 23% guideline. The staging area hat the Fire Department wanted was an additional 4'. There is only one area in front of the east garage doors where they raised the wall. Durability and strength were the reasons the wall needed to go to that height. They didn't make a cut along the road due to the presence of utilities and mature trees and felt that that was the primary reason for the decision. On the south side the intent was to preserve the aspen trees. lf they used a three foot stepping process hey would have ended up with five walls. The rocks along the roadway created the higher wall. He discussed these changes with the neighbors and decided to mitigate with landscaping to make he wall appear less high. The neighbors were ok with the look and liked the rock walls. Terri Martinez thought a guard rail should be put in. Ray Coutash said that would have created more problems. Their engineer is writing a lener to keep the earth the way it is and not put any more rock walls there. Ray raised the north side 9" to bring the driveway up, and came up 3-4" short of 12/o grade. Thursday evening he had a'l2o/o grade. Because he never got a response from Terri Martinez the inspection never came together. He had difficulty with the pour and called for two inspections. Inspections to check rough grades never materialized. He made the decision to go ahead with the driveway. lt was a great surprise when it didn't make grade. Portions of the center of the driveway do make grade and he feels that should be the criteria. George Ruther introduced Terri Martinez as the project engineer. Henry Pratt doesn't see the driveway grade as a big deal. He is for adding a second wall along the street. He encouraged the applicant to d0 double or triple walls without impacting trees. Dalton Williams said the wall height is to keep the neighborhood lrom looking like a bunch of walls. Dalton is not concerned about the wall except for safety reasons. He thinks a guardrail woufd make it safer. The Town goes bonkers over driveways. The Town gave an exlra*/" . grade allowance just so we would never have to grant another variance. You can't add 3"-4" of concrete without sloughing otf. Ray Coutash said he is low in the driveway relative to the slope of the driveway. George Ruther said the bottom needs to come up to lesson he grade at the top. Dalton Williams said he is not in favor of granting a variance for the driveway. Jeff Bowen said whatever needs to be done to get the driveway to the correct grade needs to be done. He is concerned with the heating being so deep into the concrete. He would like to have an Engineer design the rock retaining walls and will not approve the request unless that is done. plenniog and Environncntal CoomissioE Minut€s December I l. 1995 I t Greg Amsden agrees with Henry Pratt to go with the existing walls to save the landscaping. As for the driveway, he agrees with Dalton. When the ertta2V" grade was allowed, it was supposed to give leeway. Greg has a tendency to be lenient with it. Kevin Deighan would like to see some type of solution between staff and the applicant. He has no problem with the retaining walls. He would like to see an Engineer's certificate saying the retaining walls will hold. Greg Moffet said the retaining wall problem is the result of procedure. There is a somewhat contradictory Zoning Code. Greg's concern is hearing about it after the fact and not before it was put it. He agrees with Henry to terrace as much as possible to save trees. He is also sensitive to the salety issues with the driveway. He agrees with the guardrail or rock wall on the south side. He would like to see an attempt made to get the driveway within code. Jeff Bowen stated that one of the problems that exist on Potato Patch, and Garmisch as well, are that rock walls present a terrible safety issue. High retaining walls present a safety threat for children falling off. He wants an engineer to say the retaining walls will last a long time and at a height that a car or child will not fall off. He will let the driveway issue go. Dalton Williams said he will be ok with an Engineer's letter approving the retaining nalls. Greg Motfet stated this is a worksession. Ray Coutash assured Jeff that the heat in the driveway does work very satisfactorily. lt has melted a 3'snowdrift. George Ruther asked the PEC for direction. Terry Martinez stated that we do need a 2' shoulder and slope. A 2' rock wall would launch vehicles. Recovery on a 2' shoulder could happen, but there is no guarantee. Steep grades on driveways encourage people to park on the roads, rather than in the driveway, which presents a problem for snowplows. George Ruther began the summarization of the direction. Jeff Bowen said it is critical it be certified by an Enginee t. Dalton Williams said the driveway needs to be redone. Greg Amsden asked what the Town's position was on replacing previous driveways. Dalton Williams assumed that if we required a heated driveway, we should require it to be turned on. George Ruther said it is impossible to police whether heated driveways are turned on. Dalton Williams said a condilion should be that the heated driveway be operational at all times. pl"nning and Environmental Com.mission Minurcs December I l, 1995 I , George Ruther had preliminary conversations with $e Fire Department. They teel the house needs to be retrosprinklered. Henry Pratt said one of the conditions of approval should be that the Fire Department may not be able to access the house. Eric Johnson (architect) said the owners have signed a waiver absolving the Town from any liability. Greg Moffet said he doesn't like waivers, just indemnifications. Eric Johnson said the owner would take on the full responsibility and mitigate whatever the Town wants. Snow plowing generates a huge amount of snow. A guardrail inhibits snowplowing. Henry Pratt mentioned that a snowblower can throw snow over any guard rails. 7. "Council Reports." a. A vacancy existed on the PEC board created by Bob Armour.b. Call-up of Serrano's.c. Golden Peak has gone before the Town Council for a first reading. Kevin Deighan said he heard that the Councilwas going to reguire a parking structure.d. The Bob Borne denial was overturned by Council. Henry Pratt heard that Council overturned some of PEC's architectural approvals. He is not sure to what extent the Council has overturned the PEC recommendations. 8. Approval ol November 27,1995 PEC minutes. Jeff Bowen moved that the minutes be approved. Henry Pratt had changes on page 2010 delete the 7th line. Greg Moffet had some deletions on page 20. Palton Williams had changes on page 20. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the November 27, 1995 minutes as modified. Henry Pratt seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote ol 6-0. Dalton Williams said he doesn't plan on running again for the PEC. He is stepping down due to time retraints but has enjoyed his 6 years on the Board. Jeff Bowen made a motion to adjorn the meeting. Dalton Williams seconded he motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. The meeting adjorned at 4:50 p.m. Plannilg ad Environme al Commission Minutes December l l, 1995 10 Printsed by George Ruther From: Terri Martinez TO: 9:03am George Ruther, Greg Ha1l, Larry Pardee, Terri Martinez Subject: Konig TCO ===NOTE ===L/30 /96==9 t22axj-= MEMORANDUM The public works requirements for Tco for the Konig residence are as follows: 1. 36 1f of guardrail will be required from the entrance of the driveway westward. 2. Temporary guardrail (.Iersey Barrier) may be installed until Spring. Temporary guardrail must be inst.alled by 5:00 pm. February 2,L996. If the temporary barrier is not installed, the Tco will be revoked. The public works requiremenL for cO of the ronig residence is thaE the driveway grade problem must be resolved. Either the Council will support a variance, or the owner will rectify the situation by rebuilding or capping the driveway. The driveway grade problem must be resolved in the Spring Printed by George Ruther 9 : 01am From: Terri Martinez To: George RuUher, Greg Pardee, Terri Subject: fwd: Konig Ha11, I-,arry Martinez TCO ===NOTE=== ==L/30/96==J2))atl;. = MEMORANDIJM The public works requirements for Tco for the Konig residence are as follows: 1-. 35 lf of guaxdrail will be required from the entrance of the driveway westward. 2. Temporary guardrail (ilersey Barrier) may be installed until Spring. Temporary guardrail must be installed by 5:00 pm. February 2,1996. Tf the temporary barrier is not installed, the TCO wi.11 be revoked. The public works requirement for CO of the xonig residence is that the driveway grade problem must be resolved. Either the Council will support a variance, or the owner will rectify the situation by rebuilding or capping the driveway. The driveway grade problem must be resolved in the Spring Fwd=by : =Greg=Hal 1 - -===L / 3 0 / 9 5==1 : 0 1p6== Fwd to: Terri Martinez I would say the Jersey barrier is required not that it may be installed. Fwd=by : =Terri=Mar Line=t / 3 A / 9 6==L : 0 7pm== Fwd to3 George Ruther, Greg Ha11, I-,arry Pardee George, please change the wording on the memo to reflect Ehat, the ilersey Barrier is definitely required! A1so, I-,arry has not recieved any calls t,oday regarding the final TCO sign offs on the project. What is the status of the TCO? Page: 1 Printeil by From: Terri Mart,inez To: George Ruther Subj ect: Konig ===N6TE=== ==l/Ja/J$==9 ?27an.== ceorge, the driveway grade problem can be resolved at CO, not necessarilly in the Spring. Gary Koenlgl7 Deef ltlll Road Hanpdgn, Conneticut Novenber 15, 1995 Torn of Vall Conmunity Developnent 111 South Frontage Road WestVall, Colorado 81657 RE: Koenlg/Dowle Residence 795 Potato Patch DrlveValI, CO To t{hm It May Concern: Regardlng the tssue of my drlveway at the above addrese betng ln rroi-conpllance wlth etrftt allowable heated slope atandards as deternlired by the Town of Vall Departnent of Public ldorls, I have pergonally lnslrected arrd apProve of the lnatallatlon. Eavlng recelved perBonal notificatlon of the fact that safd drlveiay at the above resldence te ln non-Conpliance, I accept the cOndltlons and walve all reaPonslbilltles that The Town Of Vail nay lncur. STATE OF CONNETICUT)ga. coulraY oF ) Tbe day f,oregolng lnstrunent wag acknowledged before ne this of , 1995, by. tlltness ny hand and offlcial seal. tly comlSeion expireg: Notarl, Public It]1/ 14 ',95 et:fffl ,* u* F , L,'L RoD'at Dortlc iill",l#ti "|:$i r5'o tfouaD.s 15. 1995 torra of v!11 cocunittl Dsvelo!'o'ot 1fl Sotrth Frontrgl. EoaO feEtviit, colotrdo 81557 RE: Ioenlg/Dor.tg Raltd€nce Zgl Po'tato Prtctr Drlvs Vrtl, 9g To HhOC It Ha @lreern: nigrEding thc !3su€ o! oy drtv€rt:' at tlur aDsve addrorr being in non-coqrrt.t". ,riit -"t*Lf-iuc;Dlr ilitra tloPa stacoatdt at d.t€flrtnco by tbe;;;;f-iarr ocpaitrant ot ?uDric workr' t h'va Dcrrooallv rmp"ctei-ttti-apetw 6t tue instrllatlon' tlcvtns a.crlvcd 9€lsoacl .1"1^ll1-t?tl* ot tJ'rc lTt thrt cald drtvarrry.at th. "oirve rerldcnce r.-ii-ilr-"ory1_langa, I rcccDt thg codttlonr rno raiJi-aii-d'tpotttiuliltiii inri rue lon or vrtl atv lncur. ltnc.foly. FoDcrt Dorrl. SIIIE OF GTLI cout|Tl or 8rr{ Iho totagolng FT'RTII)aa. llrrEo) 1n3tdr[aat ia.t QcfnsytsOgeC dag'ol , 1995, W UltDott ry hrrrd rnd otttcral gcrl . tty contfrlon crPlras: J53bctorc E thll rLL/. tl lsrHJ q)€EZA6gLrgL6 .'ttr lzI 966I"!T/T1 eric jgfl n?gn January 17, f996 Town of Vail, Town Council 11 S. Frontage Road ldest VaiI, CO 8L657 RffiW TOV.COltlll\|, DEV. DEPT. RE: Koenig Residence Prinary,/Secondary Residence Improvements 795 Potato Patch DriveVail, CO 81657 VARIANCE STATEMENT This variance is written in order to prevent hardship and increasepractibability for an existing non-conforming condition. A request to deviate from a strict interpretation of Section 18.58.020 and Section 17.28.330 involving the items listed below was denied by the PEC on 1/8/96 is hereby submitted for appeal . The difficultylies in a minor construction defect found in the driveway installation due to a topographic survey error and a request by the Town Engineer to install an extensive steel guardrail in the Publ i c-Ri ght-of -t{ay. The original heated concrete driveway was designed for a maximum 1-2Z slope as aLlowed, reviewed and approved by Public Works on4/6/95. Upon on-site verification on 1I/L4/95 by the aboverepresentatives it was determined that on the centerline ofdriveway, a short (2O') section at the bottom exceeded 128. Thiscould be attributed to a minor construction defect; however,following a request by the PEC Worksession for as-built surveys,the original topo showed errors of 8n. The 12/28/95 topo andfollow-up letter by White Survey clarify this fact. This eliminated any room for error and this hardship has resulted in a request to appeal the variance denial..As seen in the enclosed letter of.approval by the Fire Marshall, this area of concern has been mitigated by an.extensive fire alarm system and state-of-the-art driveway snowmelt controls. The costs associated with completely resolving this matter involvethe cutting, demolition and complete removal of the seannlesshydronic tubing and reinforced concrete and the re-installation ofthe same for approximately $70,000. A smaller scale concrete capping of the related area would be approximately 91,500-93,000but the quality, Iongevity and upkeep of this solution is highlyquestionable. This opinion has been acknowledged by Public Works. The issue of the steel guardrail along Potato Patch Drive is a lastminute condition attached to the PEC approval of the retaining wallvariance by the Public Works Department to safeguard a conditionthat was existent before the project began. As seen in the 7/25/94topo survey there was no shoulder along Potato Patch Drive beforeconstruction began nor was any shoulder proposed in the 4/5/95 approved drawings. l000lionsridge loop. suite 3d o vail colorado 81657 . (970) 476-9228 t fax(97O) 476-9023 The Contractor has made every effort to regtore a 2t .gravel shoulder with at least 5'of 1:2 slope but this is now impossibleto achieve (in a small area) with the driveway and retaining wallsin place. The area requested to be nitigated by the Town Engineer(adjacent to the shoulder) is also occupied by a 1 I/4 " PVC gas line @ 30n below grade that may be impacted during construction and certainly effected for future repairs. We feel Public llorks created a hardship condition in 8/89 when, according to Gary HaII of PSCo, Director Stan Berryman ordered a second gas line be placed on the south side of Pgtato Patch Driveto eliminated future asphalt utility cuts. PSCo requires maintenance of the line be performed between the asphalt and any improvement. Therefore, allowance for future guardrails, such asis presently requested, was not made and herein lles the hardship. This also brings up the issue of future maintenance, liability and shared costs. Initial construction estinatea suggest $3500- $4000installed without having to move the gas line. Should this be absorbed by the property owner or is there a possibility of sharedcosts? Should the railing need maintenance or is damaged, who should absorb these costs? The barrier also creates a hazard byIlmiting sight lines for trafflc and casting shadows that createice slicks. Who is liable in theae instances? Whil.e there is theissue of additional damages created by improvement of the property there is also the safeguard of homeorrvners ineurance that covers such matters . While we agree to the request for matters of safety our orm civilengineer has reached a similar and less obtruslve solution. Werespectfully request these methods be considered in interest ofcost, the likelihood of danage to an underground gas line, reduced hazards and appearance. We feel these matters and the conaequences to the home oerners shall have no effect on the light, vierds and safety of the public. HereinIies the summation of the variance request along with the surveydated L2/28/95 and letters for the above stated Prinary/ Secondaryresidence. The above items have been presented and discussed withthe Planning Staff, Public tdorks and the Planning and Zoning Commission in previous conferences and thie statement is ourunderstanding of the matters lnvolved. lde appreciate any otherpoints of clarification and should be brought to our attention inwrit ing. Enclosures: Fire Dept (Mike Magee), White Survey (Daryl lrJhite), PSCo (Gary Hall), Civil Engineering (Jerry Law), Petition (Adj. Neighbors), Beehive Const. (Ray Kutash), Longs Excav (Daryl Long). Casson Concrete Construction (Jinbo Casson). tf ly $ubmitted, ARCHITECT, P,C. ,lr rrrr" Crrnstnrctl.r C-.r- rr..rrp fEFG llovcr lon;|monl. Crrlo. tl)50 I 6f l-AA$f rnclno {{7-lttl06 Tourn of Vail Community Development 75 South Fronlage Rd. Vall. Co. January 1, 'l 995 Attn: George Rulher Re: Koenig Residence 795 Potato Patch Dr. Vail, Co. Oear Sirs, Our proposal for the work retating to our varlance application is oullined below. The meeling wilh Terry Martinez, Eric Johnson, and yourself on Friday, December 29, 1995 was very helpful in evaluating the englneering repon and determlning our course. We requesl lhat the variance for the rock walls norlh of lhe drive be granted, leaving lhe walls at their present heighl. Cleaning up of lhe road right of way, landscape planting and minor grade work will be completed in the spring. As outlined In the engineering reporl no more excavalion along lhe road will be done, this wlll ensure that the load capacily of the road till and lhe shoulder can be preserved as well as pmvlding a safely zone for the public right of way. The visual impact of this wall will be minimize<l through the landscape and the planling ol ground covers within the interlocking rock wall. The wall south of the drive will be modified by adding one more planting zone at the soulhern most aspen to raise the grade at tho too of the wall thus shorlening one of lhe areas where the wall is now just over four leel. The ramainder of lhe wall would be left at its existing nobhl, tho stone sleps wlll shorton lho h€lghl of tho wall near the house'and provlde access. This will leave one section of the wall slightly taller than the thr€e foot height, we have planled a Balsam Fir in lhe planting zone in fronl of lhls section, it will stabilize lhe earthwork arld visually miligate the wall height. This wall will also be planted with ground covers and improved in the spring landscaping.We wish to leave lhe top course of slone as the delerrent to sliding off the drive and to prevent eroslon and the undermlning of the fill that supports lhe concrete drive. The zone belween these rocks and lhe concrele serves as a curb and is betler able to warn a driver ol lhe edge wilhout the llkelihood of becomlng sluck or going beyond the drive wilhout a possible recovery. The sloplng chsracter of tho wall wlll be enhanced by the removal of the rubble slone stored there at presont, and tho wall wlll bs much safer and attractive upon completion, resembling lhe natural rock indigenbus to tho reglon. The driveway grade is an issue much troubllng me. Our engineering consullants support the granling of a variance based on the drlves conslruction and minor grade defect. To achieve comPliance a capplng process has beeir evalual€d. Tho long term vlability of the cap process, even wilh special add mlxtures and epoxles, has bEen queslioned and no warranty on the process ls posslble. We wlll be asklng Mlke Mccoe, lhe towns flre marshall , lo ovelueto lho as buill survey and to vlsit lhe site and see the wort. I believe that access is the key issue and lhere are allemalives to the staging area on tha drive that satisfy lhe 150 ft. rule and provide proteciion lo the slle, the firernen and thelr equlpment. the drive design was based on survey information that conlains two enors maklng thls an unnecessary hardship and an extremely dlfficull design and englneering task. The grade dld nol teveal the nature of the ryall at ille northwest properiy comer and the second enor of a much more substantlal nature is the grade at the drive along Potato Patch ls aciually .8 n. or botween 7 and 9 Inches hlgher than the approved drawings show lt. This addltlonal height removed any lolerance from lhe drlveway grades. This second error was dlscovered In evaluatlng the es bullt survey and interpreting lho earlier suNey wsrk and drawings. Thls ls a very sensltive lssue and I hope that we are able to resolve this without compmmlslng the Inlent of lhe $elute end the pmoess of veriance. The nature of the drives construction may help In th€ decislon to grant a variance. The hydronic heat system ls a 70% glycol closed loop. Mor€ lmportsnt ls the control, a Tekmar conlroller 'sees' precipltetlon lt tums on snd off the 2 bol!€r, 2 purnp syslem as tho temp€ratur€, snow, and ice requlre heal. Unllke many systoms thls costs much less to run and ls automatod whore lhe system remalns ln the ready mode untll needed, the syslem ls on and ls suppoded by backups. This system is rep€ated In both unlts with sllght variation. It has always beon my intent and the ownels intenl to fully comply with codes and ordinances. In an efforl to satisfy the comprehensive plans guidelines we have made every effort to unlfy lhe home wilh tho site, saving th€ nallvo trees by movlng them , utilizlng lhe Indlgenous rock snd plants and preserving the naturel cherac-ter of the site. I would reguest that you grant this variance based on the strength of the englneerlng repods and the efforts to fulflll the Intent of lhe codes and the statutos govemlng our bulldlng pmJed. Thank you for you conslderation, Sincerely, F**f \<..,--\*\ Raymond Kutash- Beehlve Conslruc{on IlecHlve C-oncforrcllon Company Iti6 Hovcr lnngmont Crrlo. tllS0l Ct f -ttat rct n {{?-tltl0d Town of Vail Communily Developmenl 75 South Frontage Rd, Vail. CO January 23, 1996 Town Council: The section of roact above the Koenig residence at 795 Poteto Patch is along a dead end road. The projec{ is slong a straight sedion of rcad with moderale slope not far down from the end. Town engineers are asking lhe owners to Instell a thiny six foot guardrail wesl of the drive. Other similar road secilions do not have guadrail. The building project has added shoulder where steep slope with no shoulder fell off before oonstruclion. The rock wall and fill have provided access and a road buffer as well as pr€servlng andbenous plantings and aspen groves. The guardrail would add the risks of ice shading, higher accumulated snow from plowing operations, and blocked sight lines for cels ent€ring and leaving this drive. These risks outweigh the limited proteciion provided by the proposed rail. As an altemative we would prefer you allow a low landscape visual banier and nol require a guardrail. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely: R"*t Ray Kutash Beehive Construdlon Sharon and Gary Koenig - Owners Barbara and Bob Dowie - Ornels We ere signing this at tho request of our neighbors: .S CONSTRUCTEDi, BLOCK 1 'ATCH FILING NO. 1 iLE COUNTY, COLORADO . a$$69 a Oc 0 Oo 0 Ood Ooo -o ?ansc.Js ooo *"n / (!tlt) Ih.t.a n I nucrrrs rsret rnet * oc^rEs tr/[RcR$r| InEE rfilE grRtEnrc ra 0r7dr [ill. ls olJT P. o, 601 115 GRAPHIC SCALE RoDcrt Doctlc 1875 E. Orant strect *540 Sarr llateo, CA 94102 Nov€Eber 15, f995 Tour of vatl conaunity Develogmnt lll South Frontage Road l'eetVat1, Colosado 81657 RE: Koentg/Dorrle Resldence 795 Potato Patch DriveVatl, CO To Uhon It MaIZ Concern: Regarding the issue of my drivsway at the above addreeg being in nOn-conpliance rlth strlct allowable heated slope stardardg aE deternined blr the Town Of Vail De9artneint Of Publtc Worko, I have peraonally lnapected and aPprovB of the installation. Havlng recelved Deraonal notlficatlog of the fact that sald drlveway at th€ above resid€1c€ 1S in nOn-cougllallce, I agcePt the cotrdlttong and ralve all responslbilittes that lhe Iorrr of Vatl aay lncur. Elncercly. Robert Dowle STATE OF COT'NTY OF CALIFORIIIA) Ea. sAlr MAIEO) The foregotng lnatruoent ras acknouledged betore ne thtE l'{\ day of ,1995, l{ltDesa rly h6nd and offtclal seal . l{y conntsalon erpires: c)dra 39vd EZB69L'AL6 rrizt 966r/DT/ll 75 South Fronage Road Vail" Colnrado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-4792452 Department of Community Development aFw Novernber 28, 1995 Eric Jobnson, Architect 1000 Lions ridge Loop, Suite 3D Vail, Colorado 81657 Re:The Koenig Residence Wdl Height Variance Dcrr Eric: The Tovrn of Vail Office of Community Development has received your application for the proposed wall height variaoce at the Koenig Residence. Upon rreview of the site plan submitted with your application, you have neglected to address the wall height exceedance south of the existing driveway. Since a portion of the wall is in the front setback lt too is required to comply with thl three-foot tall wall height requirement. Please address this siruadon so we may be able to resolve tbe entire wall height issue at the December 18, 1995, Planning & Environmental Commission meeting. In order to resolve this item at the December 18, 1995, Planning & Environmental Commission meeting, I will need to see rwised site plans and section drawings by no later than noon, December 5, L995. If the revised drawings af,e not received by the December 5th deadline, I will need to table this item to a later meeting. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to tbe information addressed in this letter' as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can be reached most easily at 479.2138. Sincerely, fJ^-","y- Q'er.-, George Ruther, Town Plaoner {p'"n"uo'nnr o hnenc onec t llovenber 20, Torrr of VaiI. Department of Connuntty Developnent 11 S. frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 RE: Koenig Residence Prinary/Secondary Residence Inprovenents 795 Potato Patch DrtveVail, CO 8L657 VARIANCE STATEMENT items ltsted below is hereby submitted. The difficulty lies ln the oar 1995 a St ect This variance is written in order to prevent hardship and increasepractlcabifity for the existlng non-conf,Orming condltion. A request Lo deviate from a strict lnterpretatton of Section * involving the )(. tg.Eb. ozo.4 s of the lo theto restore the-gravel ehoulder and a minor n veway ina lation. lneer lon s non-affl 9st, As submitted for Design- Review Board and Town of Vail Planning,/ Englneering approval the orlginal driveway design was DRB approved Zt7/gS and:Public Works approved on 4/6/95. pug .tq the- stqeg' $21-308) sl and narrow (110'wide) lot on th€ dffi Patch Drlve o ort.s concept waa aPproved bY Greg rry Martlnez on 4/6/95Following an on-slte rleetlng (LI/L4/95) with the above represeniatlves, it was suggested that what once irtas (f994) a 2 foot gravel shoulder G 2* slope be restored and stabtllsed with boulders. This necessitates steeper grades than 2:1 or an increase in the 3' bouldler retaialng wall @ the drlve wbich is in the front setback,a sinsle 3' to 6' ht. boulder wall 0 the drlye, a 3'ht, boulder stabilizinq wall @ the shoulder and 2!l sroPes aa losed revi orl.sinal heated concrete driveway was desl.for a maxlmum slope as allowed, rev c rfis on 95.on-site verification on resentatlves it was easlbre,a on at tne DoEEom a ributed to nor consttuctlon The L2E 4/6 !a8 ac ffidef€ct, however a or EUtCetion is r. AB seen ln enc regardlng this natter tbat may ariee. yboth prgperty owners have ved all Town of lrfe feel these natters and the cpnsequencas to the home owners shall have no effect on the ltght, viewg and safety of, the public and w111 ln fact renedy aod stabtllze an ongoing eroslon probleu. Vail responsibiltties ecepiu, 11. Lb.9% 1000 fionsridge toop. suite ld o vailcolorado 81657. (97O1476-9228. fax (970) 476-9023 Hereln ltes the sunmatlon of the variance requeat along wlth the drawlngs dated LL/2O/95 and afftdavlts eubnitted LL/L5/95 for- the above itateA Prtmdry/Secondary resld€nce. 1he above ltens have been preeented and dlscussed wlth the Planntng Staff and Publtc Works in prevtous conferences and th18 stateneni ls our understandlng of the nattera lnvolved. lfe apPrectate any other Poiqtq of clartflcatlon and should te UrOugtrt to our attention in urltlng' Erle JohnBon, Archltect ERIC JOITNSON ARCHITECT, P.C. As property owner of the above resLdence I have been lnforned, understand and accePt the condltlons, negotlated resolutlons and future regPonslbflftiee agsoclated with thls varlance appllcation' er (Prlnary) --/.//:!-?-i-r-'S- Dated Robert Dowle, Owner (Secondary)Dated 1l/iltrpY,eP'?9. -u : 43fl]l -DCJ^1,-LDERS Sublttcil, tsla IBIC RKD j.'/il a27.<t'5 tf.rctn lirs tho tumtttoa of tbe votlance rGqus-lq ^r-loag vlth the dsrrrns! oated Lr[[/;i-*o atlror-il! ruDnrtied Lr/L5/95 tor tbc eboln rtrtcd ptrto-iiJ"-tt-til"y -tt"iaco"c- The above tterr ltave bcen pr.ccnt.o rrro crrciig.d iit"-thr rllnntng .6!t-{l- oai--Rrbrtc Torks ln Dscslour conreran-csg End thts rtat-eloni 13 our-undesstmdt'ng ot thc !.tt.rr lnvotvrd. gt apptc"-f-ati - iBlz other Poltl!! ot alEtltcrtlon and -rr""rc *-uJ[im-io our aitenttoo ln rtltlng' ll?togsltyomerottheebcvelellosncelbavgDG€nlnSorocd. ,rgdaratrad anO acsep:t iio co"Cf tlmr-,--ncgottatad- re^eolutlonr ud iiffii'r.Jpons rOr f-ifr"e ilrocletcd wl irr tdl s vrslance aPPl I cat ton' Johnrd chlt.ct IRCHITEC!, P.C' q gixli ltl't .l odoslgs* E-- .$ o s P$ro JJt FF t-T I- I v aq F qt { 1 JJ {.L -$L a $ll! $ tt r$ \J : \ s,. ilil! :Jf $ I b $ L {r { '-lJ E fl B l I!u r IL lf,! f s il;f !t9 HsI\l BE RELO 0 )|t $ $ r' s) Iv {fsT $ b { !r .T ( '$ $ SJ TF F4 x6 utu $ I L f s P- 0Icrr 'rt .i - *i*. { tl f;\& w $1 ,"l r$. Irl{s PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMM ISSION December 11' 1995 draft minutes 6. A request for a worksession for a wall height variance and driveway grade for tle Koenig residence located at 795 Potato Patch Drive/Lot26,Yail Potato Patch Subdivision. Applicant Eric Johnson for Gary Koenig Planner: George Ruther George gave an overview of the worksession to discuss the wall height variance and the OrivefraigraOe. Two walls are now over the 3' height limitation. Public Works would like to have a 2' wid6 ihoulder along Potato Patch. Staff would like the contractor to explain where_the. Jiscr"pancy nappened -between the approved set of plans and what got constructed' Public Works said'the driveway is over 127". Mit<e Vccee (Fire Departmerrt) indicated that the building may need to be sprinkldred in order for the grade to be approved. The driveway is heated' but tneie is no requirement from the Town to tuin on the heat and also no enforcement. The current owners have provided a disclaimer releasing the Town lrom any liability' Ray Coutash, owner of Beehive Construction and contractor lor the Koenig residence stated the intent was to try to preserve the native plantings. Upon excavation he mov-ed the existing aspens. lf wain't ior the rock wall those trees would have had to be cut, They tried to remove as'little as possible. They only brought in one truckload of rock because they were_able to use existing stdne which expiains ine diff,erence in the rock size. The slope of the roadfill was over qOy". inechange in elbvation from the highpoint to the driveway was not supplied in the original survey. There is almost 13' in elevation change. Eric Johnson, the architect, gave a 23% guideline. The staging area that the Fire Department wanted was an additional 4'.- There is onl-y one area in front of the east garage doors where they raised the wall. Durability and strength were the reasons the wall needed to go to that height. . They didn't make a cut dlong the roed due to the presence of utilities and mature trees and felt thatihat was the primary reason for the decision. On the south side the intent was to preserve the aspen trees. lf they used a three foot stepping process they would have ended up with five walls. 'The rocks alonj the roadway created il'ie hlgher wall. He discussed these changes with the neighbors and decJded to mitgate with landscaping to make the wall appear less high. The neighbors were ok with the look and liked the rock walls. Terri Martinez thought a guard rail should be put in. Ray Coutash said that would have created more problems. Th-eir engineer is writing a letter to keep the earth the way it is and not put any more rock walls there. Riy raised the n6rth side g" to bring the driveway up, and came up 3-4" short of 12a/oerade. Thursday evening he had a12o/"grade. Because he never got a response from Terri Maitinez the inspe6tion never came together. He had difficulty with the pour and called for two inspections. lnspections to check rough grades never mate.rialized. He made the decision to go ahead with the ilriveway. lt was a great surprise when it didn't make gra$e, Portions of ihe center of the driveway -do make grade and he feels that should be the criteria. George Ruther introduced Terri Martinez as the project engineer. Henry Pratt doesn't see the driveway grade as a big deal. He is for a{{ing a second wall along the sireet. He encouraged the appli'cant to do double or triple walls without impacting trees. ATTACf,HENT 'T Dalton Williams said the wall height is to keep the neighborhood from looking like a bunch of .. walls. Dalton is not concerned a-bout the wail except ior safety reasons. He thinks a guardrail wouto mat<e it safer. The Town goes bonkers over'driveways. The Town.gave an exl.r\!-"/"... grade allowance just so we woul-d never have to grant another variance' You can't add 3"-4" of concrete without sloughing off. Ray Coutash said he is low in the driveway relative to the slope of the driveway. George Ruther said the bottom needs to come up to lesson the grade at the top. Dalton Williams said he is not in favor of granting a variance for the driveway. Jeff Bowen saicl whatever needs to be done to get the driveway to the correct grade needs.to be done. He is concerned with the heating being s--o deep into the concrete. He would like to have an Engineer design the rock retaining iatts and will nbt approve the request unless that is done. Greg Amsden agrees with Henry Praft to go with the existing walls to save the landscaping- As f or tie drivewayl he agrees witfr Dalton. When the exta 2/" grade was allowed, it was supposed to give leeway. Greg has a tendency to be lenient with it' Kevin Deighan would like to see some type ol solution between staff and the applicant. He has no probleir with the retaining walls. He would like to see an Engineer's certificate saying the retaining walls will hold. Greg Motfet said the retaining wall problem is the result of procedure. There is a somewhat cont"radictory Zoning Code. dreg's concern is hearing about it after the fact and not before it was put it. He alrees w-itn Henry to t6rrace as much as possible to s.avg trees.. He is also sensitive io tne satetf issues with the driveway. He agrees with the guardrail or rock wall on the south side. He wbuld like to see an attempt made to get the driveway within code. Jeff Bowen stated that one of the problems that exist on Potato Patch, and Garmisch as well, are that rock walls present a terrible shfety issue. High retaining walls pre.sent a safety threat for children falling bff. He wants an engirieer to say ihe retaining walls will last a long time and at a height that a car or child will not tall off. He will let the driveway issue go. Dalton Williams said he will be ok with an Engineer's letter approving the retaining walls' Greg Moffet stated this is a worksession. Ray Coutash assured Jeff that the heat in the driveway does work very satisfactorily. lt has melted a 3'snowdrift. George Ruther asked the PEC for direction. Terry Martinez stated that we do need a 2' shoulder and slope. A 2' rock wall would launch vehi;les. Recovery on a 2'shoulder could happen, but here is no guarantee. Sleep grades on driveways encourage people to park on the roads, rather than in the driveway, which presents a problem lor snowplows. George Ruther began the summarization of the direction. Jeff Bowen said it is critical it be certified by an Engineer. Dalton Williams said the driveway needs to be redone. Greg Amsden asked what the Town's position was on replacing previous driveways' Dalton Williams assumed that if we required a heated driveway, we should require it to be turned on. George Ruther said it is impossible to police whether heated driveways are turned on. Dalton Williams said a condition should be that the heated driveway be operational at all times' George Ruther had preliminary conversations with the Fire Department. They feel the house needs to be retrosprinklered. Henry Pratt said one of the conditions of approval should be that the Fire Department may not be able to access the house. Eric Johnson (architect) said the owners have signed a waiver absolving the Town from any liability. Greg Moffet said he doesn't like waivers, just indemnifications. Eric Johnson said the owner would take on the full responsibility and mitigate whatever the Town wants. Snow plowing generates a huge amount of snow. A guardrail inhibits snowplowing' Henry Pratt mentioned that a snowblower can lhrow snow over any guard rails. JRN-64-1996 L3"44 #FIREDEPT. 9?6 oo 4?9 2t?6 P.AL 42 Wast llleulos Drioc VaiI, Colotado 81617 t0t -479-22t 0 Janrary 4, 1996 Crcorge Ruthcr Toum of Vait DEpsrtmmt of Community Dewlopmmt ?5 South Frontsgc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Rc: Koenig Rcqucct for Varisnce on Wall Hcight and Driveway Grade Dear Gcorgc; The Vril Fire Department complered rnothcr ptan review and conducted a sitc visit this mornhg at 795 Potato Patch. Brsed on th€ obsewations we madc dunng the sitc visit and havirg again reevaftuted thc plalrr and conditiOns as thcy exigt' we do not object to the Slaltting of the vgri&rcc prorrided drg strueture is providxt with an apprcved and mOnitored fire alarm systcm. Please advise us as to the PEC'g dccision. Siocrroly, -rt,/. f '# Michael Mc0ec Firs l\ds$hal T0wx0Fvut Util Ftrr Dcglrrz,til ATTACEilHrI '5 TOTAL P.A1 LL/z?/95 L?. Lq UI1LLE DEL RI0 CtiNPld'lY, rr'lu. -' gJ 4'16 t4r(r ullrt " Cnntt'rcdo., {i'.,t1"t"f 125|6 llovr:r tlr(rnonl. Coto. t|O5(l I G6 t-tffl[ eel ar lt2.Atl60 ItoYrrbor 27, 1995 Tovn of VelI Comunlty Dcvrloparnt Planntng Strff Atlal llr. Gcorge Rutlrer Ber Kocotg Boitdendc. ?gS Pot.io PBtch Drt've, Yat'l, Co Dcrr S.tr: Ic pleccd and finlahed the coDcrete drJ,vcray at the l(oenlg BcsLdcace for Bcy Kutreh, EecHl,v. Conetruotloa on lloverber 31 1995. Gradee fere 8et by the Contrrctore. checred by our crer and the Archltcct rlth the orner Prc-'cnt. To the bcct ot our lrnOrlrdge the l2U grade ua6 !Gt. Thcre rBE tro tolerance due to thc rstual elevetlona of the rord nnd gersge' Rey tnforocd u8 of the drlve'falllng a auDaeguent aurvey' tro (21-tO' gcstlone exdeedcd the dcgl,red alope by a erall rargla. The drLva contal,aa artcntlYo.rclnforclng, hydronla. ano; ralt aad orcccda l3r o,i ooncrctc ln l'ola lrcr! (to rcct thr gndr roqulro..nt). tt ru drltgnrd rnd bullt to lcrt. Ie rould hope that e varltrtcG rrt Dc grlntrd. Plerrc trlt' lntO aceount tho CIo3c tolcrrnco oI thc eLte end the techn:Loel upaotr o{ conttruetton Ln conslderlng the regueat'tor 3 vlrilncc. tbarf you. Slnoercly, Jlrbo Caeoa Ceeon tlaaonrY I GonstructlonP. O. Box t55 Edrerdg, Colorado 81632 I1U. JI I PrulLong, Prcddrnt IovrnDcr 2Zr lt99 ?orn of grtl Gerlunlty DrveleprrDt-plraalne gtt{t AttnI ltr, Grcngr iirth* teray McArthur - i0ng I r^ Exgavatlon rul ld.J, lr!9 irl tiocnle Bmldcact 795 Peteto prtCt DrAvcr Vellr CO ' Dcrr Str: ua conrtructcd tbr ncofr retrlnrng rrllr ct z9t petatc. Prt€h Drlvr to clppcrt tho t3ll rrt'rlrl tir tlrc drlurrry radto r.t.tn rhr drlvirry cut rtcng tlr-icic...'h; ilcivrtl,in---r:o1!T la gr.d.r cad olcvrttonr. thrt r-gulrrc thrrr nlb.TDr oatagn .loy.t30al rad rtruoturel ooaridFltl0nr rete glvcnry{orrtr ln ptrcmnt of tnr iirrr rno tui. proDor €crDrcttDq.ns rr(toarrve c.ro rcao t.Irn to Dretrgt. tettge ?itotr orlvr rnith, rtrlur tc thc ltgcnrg notlrtansr. ofvi; tDr brre rrrvittcn,It- ltrDpcd thr rrrh rnd oerDhtrd tho eertbrorr to rnrurc tirclDtrgrr,ry ol rho eriatl,ns ioiC ltu-lnc-io;;ail rDo Dorrtrolutlca {or thr dunurllty -i trrr rcar iic a-rth'rtructurrocar tlltr h undrrrtibd thrt r vatntracr trr rcquirrd for poritonaof thr rrJ.l rnd Emd. -rlo19 ttrr roaJ. -ii-ilqurlt tlrl ior-'etrl! th{r vert.!or," rr rict thrt .tlrr mriliiag-rorr roivicprcDlmi. lnherlnt to thtr dtfffcult rltrr itr-if you. tt I 'Rtc'DNov2s1995 hrza I'l+-e Retum tO George Ruther Town Plannor INTE N.DEPARTME NTI\ L REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: -4-.--^* -.+--"-;^--,- -l -rA-,..- -Fr--f..--*-J u"uA-.l J"--/J// \Lc;'*-,-"-- rt-t u-/er-/-4-,a 7 € 5 ;-n --c+t-..-- N .-E-t4^^2 ,<- ltJoelL= u ' - DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: -\'trn l.4a*incz Datg: g**n19sr \\,tA.6 Comments: 6cr:ed uvocrnl t" J"t"'" tr tl'" <,tt3s..*O sutte"\ cd * *::f dg\\e g\os\ | T "rcl-'<I d6\ Y'\e' uJ6$ \-\a?f$ ! cr{\c\n(e lvc- narasre'':6F ttv- grcrsr6\itrPed tto't *"y6plYr"'*a d(\\''er'$-\ &)drtcrrc qd e= nt'e' e/-\sY$\:\4Yot erastrcrr<' g.rong ?o1c'r o Pc'tc\n Dc*re , it ivrot-' rd t.\dl! €' btf-n 9osir6'a ro \lrd <r,. 3'v''c$ o,rrd cnornt<.rrn q ? ?caue\ sYro"rrdor o.t;;t**' t"W:t-T l9 o\r{}stl\\ \-.'us q"oott-g '."*tf'. t-*it z:\ oc \e5:' -L c"E.' o(.'r'\ o'st"(.*tt''os o\ ccr-+rsjc{\ e,cccc c*-r>-tcert tw>r cir"qA ** -"*;;'"*;-"t oo... \o be b e\\^)€'r'J\ 3- G' icr order r& crro'crtrrt'' \hF- (ood "t ;-t"; a<chitec! " \t'ai'v\q\G\\ t\-'eA \o dcffO'ie-toc r(Jtjcr rst*C te'J€\tJ Qroce-t5.: ' ..ri..C I llJm Retum tO George Ruther Town Plannsr INTEN-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT t,"C Date: //-77- U Comments:l@ gb,(-t'o'^''i -J I I TOWNOFVAIL *',.n,no. !.'/f(!(? DEPARTMEIYT OF CoMM un.*lTl' DEIG,LOf ME!iT CHECKS M DE PAYABLE TO TO\I'N OF VAIL acc(xrlaT No.rTttt m!. ' trx ' ooarla T('TAL' 0l 000041540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 | 0l 000042. [T-Immzz [Tlmm?z | 0l 000042, | 0l 000042 rcTmm42- rcrTom"T | 0r 0000 42 TT'ITOM"Z 0TT000?z-TTTOOOZZ -TTT6M7I TITOM"Z-TTTOMTI -dTTom"r lTTom-4r-Ofoom-?Z-TTmm;r -TTmmTZ -lTTom?s-olmm'zz TTTTOOO7] TTl 0-0607l-mmm"z loTrrER $54.00 $19.o0 s37.00 s36.00 s17.00 s7.00 * s0.25 s5.00 $20.0u PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l 0000 41330 ADDITIONAL GRFA "250's200.00 0l 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 0l 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TTIAN IOO SO.FT.s200.00 0l 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TMORE TI{AN IOO SO.FT.I $500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENTDISTRICT INEW]s l,500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND s 1.000.00 0l oo00 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND 5200.o0 0l 0000 4I SUtsDIVISION .\ I 4 0l 00qr4l VARIANCE | (L\N^t>.^ \-.,'1{. , \>i tJ . $25U.OOl0l 0000 4t330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS - - I $250.00 0r 000041330 K.b - ZONINC s200.00 OTHER ITHER /., ) """. "".'rtllZCA,sf, L.-t cK.n t r It.oLl oI i}. + ry FI u.,n,*". Vt'1{/ 6/ DAT CTIECXS MADE 'AYAII.E TO TOWN OP VAJL TOWN OF VAIL aoorx'itNo.tlzlr NO. AnX - C(XT;A. lrOTaL ,^N'Lrr: a \rrr ^nnDFss MAPS .'. rcimrcTm-rctm-rorm--TTmo'.-Trm' -TiTm" -T'Imo--TTM- -TTTM- -TTTM'-Tlm -TTmo'lTmoo-* 0t 0001 - 5r.00 $54.00 I $39.00 $37.00 $16.00 !iJ7.00 57.00 $0.25 55.00 $20.00 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING Il.n/ESTIGATION OTIIER PEC APPLICATTON FEES 0r 0000 4t330 ADDII-IONAL GRFA "250"$200.00 0l 000,0 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 0l 0000 4t330 EXTER]OR ALTERATION I-LESS TIIAN IOO SO.FT.$200.00 0l (n00 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TMORE TI]AN IOO SQ.FT.s500.oo 0l 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT TNEWI $ t.J00.u0 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND $ l.our.oo 0l 00tn 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND s200.00 0l 0000 SUBDIVISION D ,.j N0l 00q[4 yARIANC_-E l,)c'y. JJt^-ri-5?5030-/)( 0l 0m04Tft[ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.oo 0t 00m41330 RL - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER ITOTAL:. n cAss r- tr*,, I C2'*,;;;;\v_ Y THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 8, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a Minor SDD Amendment to allow for changes to the development plan locatdd at Millrace Phase 3, 1335 Westhaven Drive/Development Area A of the Glen Lyon SDD (SDD No.4). Appticant: Steve Riden representing Gregory Walton Planner: Jim Curnutte A request for a Major SDD Amendment to allow for a 485 square foot addition to an existing cordominium in the Gateway Building located at 12 Vail Road, Unit S/'VailGateway Plaza Building. Applicant: Steve Riden representing Vail Apartments Inc.Planner: Randy Stouder A request for a building height variance to allow for a residence currently under construction to exceed the height limit located at 1339 Westhaven Circle/Lot 23, Glen Lyon Subdivision (SDD #4). Applicant: Bill Anderson representing Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hovey Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a wall height variance and driveway grade variance for the Koenig residence located at 795 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 26, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision. Applicant: Eric Johnson for Gary Koenig Planner: George Ruther A change to the TOV survey policy to require an lmprovement Location Certificate (lLC) prior to a foundation inspection whena project is within three feet of a setback line, has a building height within six inches of the maximum allowable, has a driveway that is greater than 10% or for all projects including three or more separate structures.Planner: Lauren Waterton **Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information.-* Community Development Department Published Decem.ber 20, 1995 in the VailTrail. FteveryonetpecVroticesv)1 O89n$pd (- t) .i-.. vc)u)-(-.-iLl- F!(-/ v(o.- (J I $$ $,r$-, fis $$ -- st b;Bor/t- I sc; q." -- (a-ut *,A Johm 1q+V;I o COblt-l?t-t- , Potr*o t':thr{^ furYz aD btg_q=-= %v 7ov'Fot^V*[wx 1 120 blbeb 5; fi3 F: $' €=*r.-l EI H$ =oi tT .-l *O uE$'E Fr Jelr' A FoHAt1261o 7lit1- %,?o*.,t&-., CO Fa"l vrnora^d +C Av> lo,-. Cx*te- fu&, %+oz- PUt-{c"Af.-t Tlur- @ 6otoq THIS TTEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOT]CE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the TOwn 0f Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance wltr Section 18.66.060 of the Municiial Code of the Town of Vail on December 18, 1995, at 2dt0 P.ll. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration ol: A request for a wall height vuimce for the l(oenig residence located at 795 Pdato Patch Drivelld.26, vail Potato Patch Subdivision. Applicant Eric Jotnson for Gary l(oenig Planner: GeorgeRuther Sign language interpretelion available upon request with 24 hour notificadon. Please call 479-2114 roice or 479'2356 TDD for inbrmatbn. ILTA O*n*t Folicl (ror7.92f t 0 lst-tozzs4 New York TRW Title Insurance lnc. SUBJECTTO THE EXCTUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPNONS FROM CO/ERAGE CONTAINED lN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND SflPUI-ATIONS, NEW YORK TRI,V TITLE INSUFANCE lNC., a Ngw York corporation, herein called the Company, Insures, as of Date of folicy sho'vn in Schedule A, against loesordamage, rnto<ceedingtheAmountol Insurancestated in ScheduleA sustainedorincured bythe insurcd by reason of: 1. Titl6 to the estat€ or inlerest described in Schedule A boing \€sted other than as stated thErein; 2. fury defecl in or lien or encumbrance on lh€ title; S Unmarketability of lhe title; 4, Lack ol a right of access to and from the land; The compatry will also pay th€ costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in defense of th€ title, as insured, but only to the odent prodded In the Conditions and Stipulations. New York TRW Tifle Insurance Inc. h*.q AITEgT 1l*zydt*; oL) Policy of Title Insuranc . lsued By o e -qa-a, ,aJf r2{' Prd. or92 sp€ct to s€Ctlqll r\c,\rt/ v 'r- -"' (_, o \-,o S C H.E D U L E A oRDER NO. s 9121394 POLICy No.3 o-- lgl-l0ZZS4 DATE OF POLICY: August 30, 1994 at 4t27 P.11, AI,IOUNT OF INSUR,ANCE: $ Zfa,0OO.00 1. NA}IE OF TNSURED: Gary Koenig and Sharon Koenlg 2. TTIE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND WHICH ISIS: Fee Slnple COVERED BY THIS POLICY 3. 4. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS VESTED IN: GARY KOENIG AND SHARON KOENIG THE I,AND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS IN THE STATE OF COTORADO, COI'NTY OF EAGTJE, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Lot 26, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch, according to the PIatthereof filed in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, State of Colorado. i (*' , t*,o SCHEDULE POLTCY NO.: O:- THIS POIJICY DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE coMPANy WTLL NOT pAy cosTs, ATTdRNEYS' FEES OR EXPENSES) WHTCH ARISE BY REASON OF: 1. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.2. EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN By THE PUBIJIC RECORDS.3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARy LINES, SHORTAGE rN'AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANy FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND IJHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4. ANy LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR I,IATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPoSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.. 5. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS; RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS.IN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF; I{ATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. 6. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessnent,s and unredeemed taxsales. 7. Reservations or exceptions in patents, or in Acts authorizlngthe lssuance thereof, including the reservatl.on of a right oiway for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of theunited states, as reserved in united stltes patent relorded inBook 93 at Page 2?8. covenants and restrict.ions contained in instrument fired March5, L974 in Book 233 at. Page 629 and as anended in instrumentrecorded September 24, 1975 in Book 241 at page 950, which doesnot contain a reversionary or forfeiture clause. Utl1lty and drainage easements as shown on plat of saidsubdlvlsion. , A Deed of Trust dated August 30, 1991, executed by Gary Koenigand Sharon Koenig to the Public Trustee of Eagle County, tosecure an indebtedness of 9151,288.00, in favor of Fir-tBank ofVaiI recorded August 30, 1991 in Book 5G1 at page 2SO asReceptlon No. 45i3?8. AssJ.gnnent of.Rents recorded August 30, 1991 in Book 561 at page 251 as Reception No. 457379. 8. 9. 10. 11. Revised 5/2/92 (PLEASE PRINT ORA. APPLICANT PROPERTY O OT|NER'S SI MAILING ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI: AFPLICETION FOR DUPI.EX ST'BDWISION RSIIIEST(Chapter L7.24 VaiI Municipal coddf " '' (}CT 2 6 irj\1"00|Vil\ll, mmunity 1995 iih.il, c.{ 5t^ nonn zo> -2*84 '*noN"@t)447asa-@l {ag-nrtG*. ?-zr-z? { a-;6.sr I srREEr ADDRE5S ?" gR +,*toPc-+.l,\ E. F. lor_p1!ar-,ocx suBDrvrsrou?+**a?**ch rrr,rue t-\-.. APPLTCATION FEE 9100. OO MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivisionplat sha1l be submitted to the Department of CommunityDevelopment. The plat shaLL incLude the following: 9{ The final plat shal1 be drawn by a registered l,*) surveyor in India ink, or other substantialY/ solution, on a reproducible medium (preferablymylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-sixinches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feetLo one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to t.wo inches on the Left and one-hatf inchon all other sides. 9=\ Accurate dj-mensions to the nearest one-hundredth(*) of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used t,o\-"'' describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, aI1eys,easements, structures, areas to be reserved ordedicated for pubJ.ic or cornmon uses and otherimportant features. A11 curves shall be circulararcs and shall be defined by the radius, centralangle, are scored distances and bearing. Alldimensions, bot.h linear and angular, are to bedetermined by an accurate control survey in thefield which must balance and close within a limitof one in ten thousand. 1. @ North arrow and graphic scale. d4.:'A systematic identification of alI existing and l!orooosed builctings- r:ni f s,- I otS, trl-ccks, anC na:r.egfcr all stree}-e. e/-*\ An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, /r+-) and other public areas or facitities as shown on(1/ the plat, and a dedication thereof t-o the pubticuse. An identification of the easements as shownon the plat and a grant thereof to the public use.Areas reserved for future public acquisition shallalso be shown on the plat. f. A written survey description of the area includingthe total icreage to the nearest appropriatesignificant figure. The acreage of each lot orparceJ. shalL be shown in this manner as well. B:;:,ffi:il"S.;fi:"i; €tl\ I B. AppLrcANT,s REpREsENrarrve(ar\Y t4uTr+=r{ ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS If DETC b,i [-T[ Pd_ . .,] I l}d l*'ULI Lo-.-lywvlt 4> ?nd, on' h k. \ @,. 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants relating tothe subdivj.sj.on, which shall assure the maintenance ofany corunon areas which may be created. The covenantsshall run with the land and sha1l be in a form suitablefor recording with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder.r\[&)4. Schedules A & B of a title report.\__./ G, APPF-O\.I}I PP.OCESS, P$VItrTi' CRITERIii Upon receiving two copies of a complete submittat along withpayment. of the appropriate fee, the zoning administratorshall route one copy of the site map to the town engineerfor his review. The zoning administrator sharl then conductthis review concurrently, The town engineer shall reviewthe submittal and return conments and notificat.ions to thezoning administrator who sha1l transmit the approval,disapprovaf or approval with modifications of the platwithin fourteen days to the applicant. The zoningadministrator shall sign the plat if approved or reguiremodifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due m. AII current taxes must be paid prior to the Townrsapproval of p1at. This includes taxes which have been bil,led but are not yet due. The certificareof taxes paid nust be signed on the plat or astaLement fron the Eagle County Assessors Officemust be provided with the submittal informationstating that gLL taxes have been paid. n. Signature of owner. The plat must contain the following statement: I'For zoning purposes, the lots created by thissubdivision are to be treated as one tot erith no morethan two dwelli.ng units allowed oi-the combined area oft.he @ 1ots.I' The statement shal1 be modified toindicate the number of units and lots proposed." :"e$:"liiln'*"ll'.;:T:I"lfE:":?'.i3'n found . subdivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter.per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monumentsshall be established as major control monuments,the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. A statement by the land surveyor explaining howbearing base was determined. A certificate by the registered land surveyor asoutlined in Chapter 1?.32 of this title as to theaccuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance wit.hColorado Revised Statutes L973, Title 38, Article 51. A certificate by an attorney admitted to practicein the State of Colorado, or corporate titlej-nsurer, that. the owner (s) of record dedicating tothe public the public right-of-way, areas orfacilities as shown thereon are the owners thereofin fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encurnbrances except as noted. The proper form for filing of the plat with theEagle County clerk and recorder. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Shouldthe certificate of dedication and ownershipprovide for a dedication of land or improvementsto the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trustand mortgage holders on said real property will bereguired to sign the certificate of dedication andownership in addition to the fee simple obrnerthereof. ,l Revised 5/I/92 tl ::,il::T;"hryffn:;'i";li,$'fl:lilil^ifE":: ii:"oi:. . FILING AND RECORDING The Department of community.Development wil-l record the platand any related covenants with the- Eagle County Clerk anlRecorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by theapplicant. The community Development Department will retainone myrar copy of the plat for their records and will recordthe remaining mylar copy. Revised 5/L/92 If thls appLicatlon requlres a separate review by any local. State orFederal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall beincreased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are noteIimited to: Colorado Department of Bl"gheray Access permits, Army Corps ofEngineers 404. etc. The applicant shall be responslble for paying any publlshing fees whichare in excess of 50t of the appllcatlon feC. !f, at the applicant,srequest, any matter is postponed for hearing, causlng the matter to bere-publlsh9d, then, the entire fee for such re-publication sha]l be paidby the applicant. ApplicatJ.ons deemed by the Conrnrunity Development Department to havesignificant deslgn. land use or other Lssues which may have a significantlmpact on the comnunlty may requl.re revieyr by consultants other than townstaff. Should a determl,nation be made by the town staff that an outsideconsultant is needed to review any application, the Comnunity Developmentmay hlre an outside eonsultant, it shall estimate the amount of moneynecessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Depaltment. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by the consultantr any of the funds forwarded by theapplicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to theconsultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the anount forwarded by the applLcant sha1l be paid totbe Town by the appll-cant within 30 days of notification by the Town. r < r icrr j I T--.:E]T-F UJEFr; ij- fFiFlL"lEFl : rr,q TFJHE.IFT t-.ljJr I{ALL AND DUPLEX DECIJARATION WHEREAS, Gary Koenig and Sharon Koenig and the Robert O' Dowie Trust, a coLorado Trust, hereinafter referred to coflectively ast'Declarantsrt, are each owners in fee sinple of a portion of thefollowing described real estate, hereinafter "subject property'r/ situate in the County of Eagle and State of colorado/ to wit: Lot 26, BJ.ock l-, Potato patch Subdivision, as shown onthe pLat thereof recorded in the office of the CLerk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado. WHEREAS, the subject property has been divided into twoparcels (individually, a ItParce]rr and co1lectively, the 'rParcelstt)each consisting of the Parce] designated with the correspondingletter, together with atl improvements thereon and all easeinentsand rights located thereon or appurtenant thereto as provided herein, as folLows: o Ax'TY Parcel Parcel- A Parcel B such parcels being shown on the subdivision plat depicting thesubject property as recorded in the records of the Clerk andRecorder of Eagle County, Colorado (the t'plat"); and WHEREAS, a duplex consisting of two (2) dwelling units is tobe constructed on the subject property; and WHEREAS, Declarants wiEh to provide obligatJ.ons, covenantsand restrictions f,or the separate ownership of such units andcertain separately owned prof,erty and for ceitain property to beheld by o!'tners of the units as tenants-in-cornmon. NOW THEREFORE, Declarants do hereby publish and declare thatthe followlng terms, covenants, conditions, easements,restrictions, uses, reservations, linitations and obligations sha1lbe deemed to run with the rand described herein, shal] be a burdenand a benefit to , their successors and assigns, and any personacquiring or owning an interest in the real property lrnicfr isdescribed herein and inprovements buirt therein, trr"i.i grantees,personal. representativeE, heirs, successors and assiqns. - (a) Each Parcel shaIl be inseparable and may be ]eased,devised or encumbered only as a resiaence. , (b) Title to a Parce} may be held individually or in anyform of concurrent ownership recog-nized in coJorad.o. In case ol OtJner Gary Koenig and Sharon Koenig The Robert O. Dowie Trust 1. 1 t:i-53-1 9515 1 : : Z:tFt.l O 'rn.1' '-r.-/r_ | l1lll.C.t-1;l. l-l,4?EEF-,lE F. E3 any such concurrent ownership, each co-olrner shal} be jointly andseverally liab]e for perfornance and observance of all the dutiesand responsibilit.ies of an rrownertr r,'ith respect to the Parcel in which he owns an interest. For the purposes herein, there shalI be deerned to be only two ov/ners, the owner of Parcel- A and the ownerof Parcel B. The parties, if more than one, having the ownershipof each such Parcel shatl agree anong themselves how to share therights and obligations of such ownership, but all such partiesshal-1 be jointly and severally Iiable for performance andobservance of all of the duties and obligations of an rtownerrf hereunder with respect to the parcel- in which they own an interest. (g) Any contract of sale, deed, Iease, deed of trust,mortgage, wiLl or other instrument affecting a parcer may describeit by its Parce1 nurnber and by reference to tne plat. (d) Each Parcel. sha}I be considered a separate parcel ofreal property and sha]L be separately assessed and taxed. I.lEHF]I TD 2 . Landsgapincr. and Service FaciJ-it-ies, (a) Each owner shall be responsible for all }andscapingand general outdoor i"mprovernents on his individual parcel and,except_for any expense or liability caused through the negligenceor wlIlfur act of the other orn"r, his fanily, igent or irr.rite",which shal1 be borne solely by such other ownlr, Lach owner sharlpay aIl expenses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibiritieswith respect to such randscaping and outdool in-provements l-ocatedin or on his oh,n parcel. Th; owner of one parcer shal"r notunreasonably darnage the value of the other parcel such as by shoddyupkeep outside, and both owners sha]l nake al} reasonab.re-effortsto preserve a harmonious common appearance of the parcels. . (b) Coramon utility or service connections, conmonfacilities or other connon equipment and property, if anyr'strati reowned as tenants in connon and,, except - for- any expenses orliability caused through the negligencd or wiruirl ait o,t anyowner, his fanily, agent or invitel, which rnay -shal1 be norn-esolely by such owner, all expensee and ]iabilities concerned withsuch property sha1l be shared proportionatery with such ownership- Thg gt":f:r if necessary, shali dlsignate orr3 owner to receive alll9a.nt. utility bi119 (however, the bitts will be in the joint nanesof both owners) which are used in common with both parcels and thatdesignated owner sharr be responsible, subject to contribution fromthe other owner for his share of the exp6nse, for the payrnent ofsuch utility. A11 such cornmon expense' shali be boine* =ixty:;i;percent (5-29). by Parcel A and thiriy-eight percent (38?) by eircelB. The desi.gnated owner shall notir-y the appropriate 'utiJ.ity company and inform them of the conr*oi bilLinq address, whereseparate rneters for neasuring costs or expensei for such utilityservi-ce are available, such c5st shall ne an individuar exp.ni*-anb not a joint expense of the owners' Expenses f-or construction and future maintenance, replacenent "."0 tlp'uit-ot tuture comnon utility services to the subject proPert; "-n'urr rt allocated alnong tf" owners of the parc"rl ae desiribed above for replacement' reparr and naintenance ;;;;;-;; ti-"><1=ting-itiritft:'' Notwithstandine the above, if a utility is .separaGi.v rn*tgt?{ ?!-t--=uch service or any porrion tnereJi-i"'foi tn6 lenlllt of both Parce] A and Parce] B, then the to"t*-J sucn service shalL be equitably adjusted between the owners. 3. DrivewaY. The Parcels shall have a common drivewayr dlld' thereisgrantedherebyanon-exclusiveeasementforingres,sand egress purposes ".r.t u"h across tn"s" l"rtions of a Parce} which is used as a drivewa;-^;; which ut"-^"r-" particularly noted 9l lh: Plat. No owner--'shaII hinder "oi- p*ttlt his -quest to hinder reasonabre access by the other o*''"t'u"J ftin guest to his Parcel' Maintenancerrepairorimprovenentofsuchconnondrivewayr'raybe;;;i;;"iii*-iir".-to-tirl, and the same shall be undertaken upon the urranimous agreement of the owners who shall share a}l expenses equally. The otn"tt acknowledg" ;"d-""aerstand that each resident contains an individual snow*ell "yii"* relating !" .:?P^I:l: portions of the .o**"" driveway. EaLh owner agrees to keep sucn snowrnelt system in good maintenan".-unJ iep.ir ind to continuously operate sucr, syslen- fro* october r througtr April 30 of each year' 4. Par-ty w4LL' (a) Each owner of a separate Parce] shal] have a perpetual t""iptllur -".tl**tt in and- to that part of the subject property owned by the other o""*t-u"'a on which.the party 1ill .l* located,forpartywallpurposesrincludingna,iatenance'reParr' and inspectionl .,ditrt"t &nei =rtairEier of change th" !-t*Y ::++ in any manner, interior decoration excepted' and the party watr shall always remain in the "u*" -io".tion as when ereoted' The costs of maintaining the party wali sha11 be borne equally by both owners. (b) In the event of damaqe or destruction of the party wafl frorn any cause, other than'lrie negligence of either party thereto. the then owners shalI, at joint- txgense, .ttf-*:.:t.::?::::rutA t"il, to its previous conditj'on whicn speclfLcarjy lncruqert the previou= "oo'ra iian=*issi"" """ificient, a-nd eactr -p1t-!V'- -tl:tlsuccessorsand"'*iq"'shallhavetherighttot.hefulluseoISa}q waLl so rep^ireii- an-d rebuilt. rt-tit["i Pfrtyrs. neg]ige"": =!1]] cause damage to-'oi--destruqtion oi said t"il, such negligent party shall bear the entire cost of repair and reconstruction' (c) Either party shal1 have the right to break through the party wall for the purpo=" of t"puiring.or i'3,storing utilities' subject to the obligation to restore said wa]} to its previous structuraf conai-iio-ri. "t irt specif ically includes the previous sound. transmission coefficient, at his own expense and the payrnent to the adjoining ownEr of any daraaije caused thereby. Either party shalt have the right to nake use of the party wall provided such use shal-I not inpair the structural support or the sound transmission coefficient of the party wal}. 5. Alteration, llailrtenance -and Repair. (a) If any irnprovernent on Parcel A or Parce1 B is damaged or destroyed, such damage or destruction shall be prornptly repaired and reconstructed- Repair and reconstruction means therestoration of the inprovements to substantial)-y the same conditionin which it existed prior to such darnage or destruction- Th.e costto repair and reconstruct any irnprovenent on Parcel A or Parcel B shal1 be the sole expense of the owner of said Parcel except asnodified by Sections 2 and 4 above and without prejudice, however,to the right of any rule of law regarding liability for negligenceor willfu] acts or omissions. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary, if the negligence or willful act or omissionof any owrerr his agent or invitee, shall cause dainage to, or destruction of any inprovenent on any Parcel/ such owner shall bearentire costs of repair or reconstruction. (b) Each owner ehal1 be solely responsible for a1I maintenance and repair of the exterior and interior of his residence, including all fixtures and improvements and al.I utilit,ylines and equipnent located therein or in, on or upon his Parcel, and serving such Parcel only. (c) Utility or service connections, faciJ.ities or otherutility equiprnent and property }ocatecl in, on or upon either of Parce1 A or parcel B which is used solaly to supply a service orutility to one Parcel shall be owned by the o$rner of the Parcelusing such utility or service and all expen=es and liabil-ities forrepair and maintenance shal] be borne solely by the owner of suchParce1 who shall have a perpetual eagement in and to that part ofsuch other Parcel containing such property for purposes ofmaintenance, repair and inspection. -_--1 /1a1 / r,ro owner shall make or suffer any structural ordesl-gn ch*nge (including a color schene change), either permanentor ternporary and of any type or nature whatsoever to the exteriorof his Parcel or conitruct any addition or improweme,nt, on hisParcel without. first obtaining the prior written conse,nt theretofrom the other ovner. which -con="nt sha}I not be unreasonablywithheld or delayed. (e) Where the owner of eLther parcel, in conrpliance withthe other provisions of tlris Declaration, desireJ to build,renovate, excavate, improve or otherwise alt,et the structures orimprovements located on his parcel , and where the ohrner hasobtained the written consent thereto of the owner as provided insection 5(d) d.bovs, the owner of the other parceL shari cooperate to the extent necessary to enable that owner to qbtain any required building perrnit ""-"io,ifut perrnit oi li""n"*.'- I-t- is understood and agreed, however, tnat iftouta tfre Town of VaiI al1ow an addition or *6airi".tion to be-rnao" to either parcel A or Parcer B. the ovrner of the Parcel- ,loi ^uf.ing such addition shall' not unreasonably withhold his consent pursuant to this Section 5(e)' Notwithstanding ";;fiil; coritiin"a herein, no owner raay modif.Y any lmprovement wtr:.ch'would utilize more than the zoning density or ;i;;; iotting rights available to such Parce1- Parcel A shall be entitled to sixty:iwo percent (62s) and Parcel B.shall be entitled to thirty-eight percent (38t) of any such zoning. density or rights' Anv costs or expenses associatee witrr the obtaining of a buirding or sinilar permit shal] be the expenses of the awner Cleslrlng salq pur*lt and'shali not f" a join€ expense of the owners of both Parcels. (f) In the event that either Parcel-'. or fraction thereof, is tafen by eminent dornain or in condernnation, the owner of that Parcel shali receive any suns payable with respect to such taking. In the event that both parceli, or any fractions thereof' ;;;-t;k"" ly'erninent donain or in cond.emnatio-n. the owners shall divide any sums pav"lie pursuant to such taking in proportion. to the rei.ative values of the Parcels, or fractions thereof' taken with respect to Parcels. 6.Mechanic's I+Lens. Indemnif ication. (a) Except for iterns incurred as a qommon expense as pravided. for'herein, it ej.ther owner shall cause any rnaterial-to be furnished to his Parcel or Parcel or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, the other owner shal-l not undef any circurnstances be liable for the paynent of any exPense incurred or for the val-ue of any work done or miteri.l furnished; all such work shall be at the ex'pense of the ovJner causing it to be done, and such owner shaLl U6 solely responsible to contractors,. Iaborers, materialnen and. other pers-ons turnishing labor or rnaterials to his Parcel or any lnprovehents therein or thereon' Nothing herein contained shlff lutttorire either owner or any person dealing through, wj-th or under either owner, to char99.t4" Farce1 of the other-owner with any nechanicrs lien or other l-ien or encumbrance whateveri and, on tire contrary (and, notice is hereby given),-!h: right and power to charge an-y'ti".t or encumbrance of any kind agiinst the- other owner or the other owner,s Parcel for worlc done oi rnaterial furnished to one owner's Parcel is hereby expressly denied. (b) Except as provided for in Section 9 below' if because ot'any act;r ornis;ion of either owner any nechanic's. qr other Lien qrbraer for the paynent of money shall.be filed against the other o\,tner/s Parcel or iny improvements therein or thereon, or against the other owner (whethlr o-r not such lien or order is valid oi enforceable as such), the owner whose act or onission forms the 1r.r-t:.1.:..- l:r,35 1! : 3:Fl,l A TEFUEFI5, Fi 4TE,E61E F. TJ? basis for such Lien or order shatl", at his own cost and expense, cause the sane to be canceLled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety conpany reasonably acceptable to !h" other owner, within twenty (20) days after the date of filing thereof, and further sha}l indemnify and save the other owner harnless fron and against any and all costs, expenses' clains, losses or damages, including reasonable attorneyts fees, resulting therefrom' 7 . Us-e. Restlictions. (a) The ParceLs shall be used for residential purposes only as a permitted user and conditional and accessory uses shalL be as defined by the Town of vail Zoning ordinance. No structuresof a ternporary character, trailer, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out-buildj.ng ehal] be used on any portion of any of the property at any tirne as a residence, either temporarily or permanently. (b) No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raisedr bred or )cept on any of said property, except that atotal of two (2) dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for any conmercial purposes and provided further that they do not unreasonably interfere with the guiet enjoy':nent of the other Parce] by its owner. (c) No advertising signs (except one ilFor Rentrr or 'rForSaLerr of not rnore than three (3) square feet per Parcel),billboards, unsi-ghtly objects or nuisances shall be erected, placed or permitted to remain on the subject property, nor shaLl any ParceL be used in any way or for any purpose which may endanger the heaLth or unreasonably disturb the or.rner or resident of the adjoining Parcel. (d) AIl rubbish, trash or garbage shaL] be regularly reuoved from each Parcel and shalL not be allowed to accumulatethereon. AIl such expenses are the expenses of each individual o\^/ner. and are not a joint expense of the owners. (e) An owner shall do no act nor any work that wilL irnpair any easement or hereditanent or do any act or allo\,f any condition to exist which wLII adverselv affect the other Parcel. 8. Insuraqqe. (a) Each owner shalt keep his Parcel and all inprovements and fixtures located thereon insured against loss ordanage by fire and extended coverage perils (including vandalisn and malicious urischief) for the naxinum replacement value thereof,and covering such other risks of a sirnilar or dissimilar nature asare or sha11 hereafter customarily be covered vith respect tosinilar properties issued by a responsible insurance company or [,tEFiF]t TI 1g-9.:--1995 Tfl 47EEF.,|6 P. e'E companies authorized to do business in the state of colorado. The insurance ror eacn Parcel, shall provide that the poficy cannot be cancelledl or sulstantially nodified untit afLer thirty (3o) 9uy=pii"i-*ritten noiiru i= first given to each olrtner and each first mortgagee. (b) Each owner shall provide and keep -in force for the prot,ectiott'oi hi*"*If general pub-lic liability and property damage in"r.r-t." against claims for bodily injury or -death or property darnage occuiring in, an or upon hi= Parcel and the irnprovernents in"i6"", in a fi'mit of not leis than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($50o,oilo.oo; in respect to bodily injury-or death to any nunber Ji p*i=or1s arising oirt of one accident or disaster, or for darnage to iroperty, and i-f rrigner Iimits shall at any time be customary.to prot""t agij.nst toit fianility, such higher liroits- shalL be carried ind each owner shall name the other ownLr as an additional insured party under such policY. (c) Each owner shall deliver to the other altner certificates'evidencing all insurance required to be carried under this Section 8 upon realsonable request/ each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or mbAity the policies without giving the other owner written noLice of at ieast thirty (30) days' Each owner shall have the right to inspect and copy al-L such insuxance policies of the other ow-ner and require evidence of the payments of premiuns thereon. (d)NothingprovidedinthisSectionshallpreventthe owners frorn jointly acquiring a single policy to cover any one or more of the hazaras requirea in ttris Section 8. SUch prerni-uns shal] be apportioned ac-cording to the reLevant coverage to each Parcel". (e)Eactrownermayobtainadditionalinsuranceathis or./n expense 'for his own fendfit provided that all such policies shall- Lontain waivers or subrogat-ion and, provided further, that the liability of the carrieis issuing covering the Parcels hereunder snatt not be affected or dininished by reason of any such insurance carried by any ovrner (f) rnsurance. coverage on any personal pxoperty iterns stored witfrin the improvenents located on eacir Parcel sha1l be the responsibifity of the owner thereof. However, nothing herein shall be construed to requLre such insurance. 9. EnforceJnent. (a) rf an owner, at any time, shatL neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation reguired hereunder, theother owner may, but shall not be obligated to. after twenty (20) days written notice to the other owner unless the circurlstances require innedlate action, nake such payment, or, on behalf of such l0-O*'- 19!5 1:-: 33Ft"l & TFIAI"]ERS, FCL,JEFiR o TO 4?68616 F.09 other owner, expend sqch sum as nay be necessaly tO perfofm such obligation,' iniluding but not Iimited to, the payment o.f any inrui"""" premiurns regUired hereunder for repair, restoration or maintenancE, and such other og,ner sha11 have an easement in and to that part of such defaulting owner/s Parcel as is reasonably necesslry for such repair, restoration or maintenance. (b) Alt sums so paid or exPended by an ownex, uith interest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (188) per annum from the date of such paytrent or expenditure, Ehal] be payable by the owner so failing -t6 perform (tfre "defaulting ownerrr) upon demand of the other owner. (c) A11 suns so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting owner shal1 constitute a l-ien on the Farcel of the defaulting owner in f avor of the other ol,A/ner prior to a1] other liens and encumbrances, except: (i) Iiens for taxes and special assess:nentsl and (ii) the Lien-of any first nortgage or first deed of trust of recorcl encurnbering such Parcel-. The lien shalt attach from the date when the unpald sun shal"] becorne due and nray be foreclosed in like manner as a rnortgage on rea] property. To evidence such a 1ien, written notice of ttre lien shall be prepared, setting forth the arnount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the defaulting o\,iner, and description of the Parcel to which the lien shall attach. Such notice shall be signed by the owner in whose favor the lien shall be fiLed, and the lien shall be recorded in the office of the clerk and Recorder of the county of Eagle' fn any foreclosure or other colLection proceedings, the defaulting ownershall be required to pay the costs and exp€nses of such proceedings, including reasonabLe attorney's fees' (d) The ]ien provided for herein shall be subordinate t'o the Lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, including all additional advances thereon. SaIe or transfer of, either Parcel as the result of court foreclosure or a mortgage foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the lien as to [ayrnents thereof which become due prior to such saLe or transfer, but sha]I not relieve any forner owner of personal liability therefor. The first mortqagee of such Parcel who acguires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shall not, however be Liable for any past due anounts and,/or obligations due hereunder and shal] only becone liable forfuture amounts and/or obligations on the date it becornes the ownerof such Parcel. No sale or transfer shal} relieve such Parcel fronliability for any amounts and,/or obligations thereafter becorning due or frorn the lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transferof a Parcel- with respect to which sums shal] be unpaid by adefaulting owner, except transfers to a first nortgage . in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in l-ieuthereof, the purchaEer or other transferee of a interest,in suchParcel shall be jointly and severally }iable with the seL}er ortransferor thereof for any such unpaid surns. a:. J'+rt_t 8, TF.:H'.rEF:S, F,CLJIHH \t Tr:r 4?EEE,1E F.IE (e) Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee,prospective rnortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transfeie-e "ia Parcel, the owner of the other parcel sn-atr issue a writtenstatement setting forth the arnount he is owed under this section s,if any- such statenent is binding upon the executing owner infavor of -any person who rnay rery thirebn in good faith. unie*=-arequest for such statement shall be conplied with within fifteen(1?) days after receipt thereof, dll unpiia sums which becorne dueprior to the date of naking request sh;r.} be subordinated to thelien or other interest or ihe p'"rso' requesting such statement. - (f) Each provision of this Decl_aration shal] beenforceabfg ,lV aly owner by a proceeding for a profriUiCive ;;mandatory injunction or by a suit or actiorito recov6r damages. rfcourt proceedings are instituted in connection with the iiliri, oienforcernent and renedies provided in this Decraratioi, th;prevailing party sharl be -entitred to recover its costs and. :Il:n"u= in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney,srees. (s) !ach.ovner hereby agrees that any and ar] actions inequity or at ]aw r,.rhich are instituteo to enior"e any provisionhereunder shalr be- brought in and onry in tne Jourts of the countyof Eagle, State of Cololado. (h) Failure to enforce any provision of this Declarationth1l} not operate as a waiver of any such provision, the right toenforce such provision thereafter, or of any otn"r provision ofthis Declaratfon. . (i) Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by oneowner with respect to the other owner,s parcel, including ,but notlinited to, the use of^ any easement granted herein, shal1 beexercised in a manner which "iraii not un-reasonably hinoer, i*p*;;or irnpose upon such other ownerrs use of his parcel. l_0. Easgnents, (a) Each parcel and the parcer on which it is situated:l?il be . subject to an u"r**"nt for encroachrnenEs created byconstructj.on, settling and o,reiharrg, previously existing or asdesigrned and constructid by the tr as a resurt if any addition orimprovement ,pursuant to tfris pectaration. A valid easeilent forsuch encroachments and for the rniintenance or sanre, so rong as theyexist, shall and- d.oes ""iri, -"-in the event any improvetnent ispartiatlv or totarrv aesti-ved, ulia ;G";;;ijrE,ttr." o\dners agreethat rninor encroacfrrnents g'f-;.;r of an aajaEnt parcel due toconstruction shalL be permittda ina that a vaiia easenent for said:::::l:l*ent and the maintenance ihereof shall. ""i=r Eo l_ong as rhelnprovehents sha11 stand. o A TRNVERS, PC 4?AA616 F.11 (b) Each Parce] and Parce} are subject to a blanket easement for support and a blanket easement for the maintenance of the residences- and other structures or inprovements presently situated, or to be built in the future, on the Parcels. (c) There is hereby created a blanket eagenent upon' across, over and under the unirnproved portion of each of the Parcels for the benef,it of the Parcels and the structures and irnprovenents situated thereon, inctudingt the party wal1, for ingress and egress, installation, replacing, repairing and naintaining aII comnon property and utilities, inctuding, but not lirnited to, $rater, sewer, gas, telephone, cabLe tv and electricity. Said bLanket easement includes future utility services not presently avai].able to the Parcels which nay reasonably be requiredin the future. By virtue of this easement, it shall be expresslypermissible for the companies providing utilities to erect and maintain the necessary equipment on any of the Parcels and to affix and rnaintain electrical and/or telephone wires, circuits and conduits on, above, across and under the roofs and exterior wa1lsof the improvements, all in a nanner customary for such companiesin the area surrounding the subject property. Notwithstanding theforgoing, a1I such utility equiprnent, wires, circuits and conduitswiLl be placed on the Parce1 benefitted thereby to the extentpracticable, will be p)-aced underground if possible, and to theextent practicable will be placed as close to the Parcel l-ine aspracticable, Either owner shaLl have the right to relocate withinhis Parcel any utility at his soLe cost and expense, 11. Right of Fi.rst Refusal,. fn the event ej-ther owner shallwish to sel-l his Parcel (the ItSelling owneril ) and shal t havereceived a bona fide contract therefor fron a prospectivepurchaser, the owner of the other Parcel shall be given writtannotice thereof, together with an executed copy of Euch contract,and such other owner shall have the right to purchase the SeIIingowner's Parcel upon the same terms and conditions as set forth inthe contract. If such other owner eJects to purchase the SeLlingf Owner's Parcel, such owner shall, within twenty (20) days of thereceipt of the notice and contract from the SelLing owner, providewritten notice of such election to purchase to the Selling Owner. Upon such election to purchase, the purchasing or{rner sha}1. provide any down papnent or deposit as nay be required under the terms ofthe contract to an escrow agent and the cJ-osing of the purchase andsal.e of the Parcel shall- take place on the date and at the time Eetforth in the original contrait, Notwithstanding the foregoing,should a Sellinq owner wish to convey his Parcel to a menber ofsuch Selling ownerrs inmediate fam!}y, the right of first refusalof the other or^,ner as prov5.ded in this Section shall not apply. t2. Gener-aL Provisions - (a) Notlce. Each owner shall register its ,urailing address with the other o\,rner and alI notices or -demandE intended to 10 rol be served upon owners shal} be sent by certified rnai], postage prepaid, addressed in the name ,of the owner at such registered maiiinq'address. In the alternative, noLices may be delivered if in writing, personally to ottners' (b) Duration. AII provisions -contained in this Declaratiori 'shill E6itinu* and remain in full force and effect until January l in the year 2016 A.D., and thereafter shal1 be automaticallf extended fbr successive periods of .ten (10): yeg: eachr. unlesi this Declaration is amended or revoked by recorded instrument signed by a}l owners and al.l lienors holding a first mortgage or first aeea Of trust of reCord on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B, (c) Alnelldment or Revoc-ation- This Declaration may be amended or revoked at any tirne 1i) by so long as owns both Parcel A and Parcel B, or (ii) upon unanimous written approval. in recordable form of all owners and all lienors holding a first nortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parsels A and B. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shall be amended or revoked only by an instrurnent which specifically refers to this Declaration and which is signed by each of the then existing owners and first lienors. Any easement nade nust be properly recorded at the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the county of 8ag1e, State of Col"orado. (d) Effec! of Provis.ions of-DecJ-aratlon. Each provision of this Declaration, and any agreement, promise' covenant and undertaking to comply vith eaCh provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exempt,ion or reservation or grant of title, estate,right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration:(i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrurnent by !,thich any right, title or interest in any portion of Parcel A or Farcel B is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forthor referred to in such deed or other instrument; (ii) shaLl, byvirtue of acceptance of any right, titl-e or interest in any portion of Parcel- A or Parcel B by an awner, be deemed accepted, ratified' adopted and declared as a personal covenant of Eu_ch o!/ner and, as a personal covenant, sha1l be binding on such owrer and hie heirs,personal representatives, successors and assignsr' and/ shal] be de.emed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each owner of any portion of Parcel A or Parce1 B, and (iii) sha1l be deemed a reaL covenant by , for thernselves, their heirs, successorEand assigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portionof Parcel A and Parcel B. (e) severability. Invalidity or unenforceability of any prov5-sion of this Declaration in whole or in paft shall not affect the vaLidity or enforceabil.ity of any other provision or any valid and enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration which sha1J. rernain in fuLl force and effect. 4T68615 P. 1: 11 t ^s 'Ssoto RetUm tO George Ruther Town Planner INTE H.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ' .'-'L-- COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ?llbti. x-beV:=. Reviewed byz 1m Date: l' 1t 4< Comments: grc*r {r,.g LYAnt Cwi^( I (GI-i 8r'1241L996 12:35 s7a476sql RKD PAGE AL DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT IO|/.CO[,|lt,|. DE|/. DEPITHIS AGREEMENT, made end entered into this _26 day of January , tggq bt--- 11d among ,sarv roenie,' (herginattar called the 'oevetoperl. ano trre rEwN OF VAIL (herelnafter calted the -Town). WHEREAS, the DgveloBer, as a condition of approval of the tenporary xertificate wishes to enter inlo a Developer lmprovemant Agreement; and of o."upun"y. WHEREAS, tha Developer is obllgated to provido security or cottateral sufflctent In tha iudgment of the Town to make reasonablg provisions for compleiion of certain improvements set torth below; and WHEREAS, the Doveloper wishss lo provlde collateralto guiirantoe pedormance of this Agreement, includlng construclion of the above-refgrenced improvemenis by means of lhe followlng: Developer agrees to establlsh a cash deposit wlth the Town of Vail in a doltar amount as set fotth below, such cash deposit ac@unt shallprovide security lor the fottowing: IMPFOVEMENT Inprovernents to be cornp leted at 795 Potato Patch Drive, per the attached bids. 4 3 pages of ol'@'2z0z6 Now. THEREFORE, in consideration of tho following mutual covenanls and agr€emenB, lhe Dsveloper and the Town agree as lollows: 1. The Daveloper agrees, at lts sole cost and expenses, to furnish a[ equpment and material necessary to pedorm and complete all improvemenls, on or before -lgne 30, 1996 - . The Developer shall complete, in a good worr(manlike manngr, all improvements as listed above, in aocordance with ajl plans anl specifications liled ln the office of lhe community Development Department, the Town of vail, and to do allwork incldental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other deslgns, drawings, maps, specifications, skelches, and other rnatter submilled by the Developer to b6 approved by any of the above-reforenced governmenlial €ntities. All said work shall be done under the inspection ot, and to lhE satisfactlon of, the Town Engineer, the Town Bullding Official, or othgr olficial lrom the Town of Vail, as affec{ed by speciat districts or service districb, as their respective interest may afiqr,at, and shall not be deemed complete untit apprcved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vait Community Development Depaftment and public WortG Department. 3;rrn. Jle totat gstlmated cosl of said warlrand imryovaments is- the sum of.r- g ,lze ol To secure q4d guarantel p"norr|an"" of its obligalions as sdt torth trrerein. tne aLl24lL936 12:35 s7s476eT RKD PAG A2 oeveroper agrees to provide security and colateralas folows: A cash deposit ac@unt tn tho amount ot $JJ,_Q4-gJI_ to be hetd by the Town, asgscrow agenl' shallprovide the seo.rity.forffiproiinents ser torth above it thero ba dctautr under lhe Agreement Oy Oev6topei. 3' Tn" -Dg"]9pel Tlay.at any time substute fie cottarerat originaily set torthabove for anorher for_91collata'ir agcept.br" ro frefi*n to gr;-r." the faithfulcomplellon ol hose improvements retenio to hereh ano ne pErtomance of lhe terms of tris i,3:?:illT' such acceptance bv the rown;r.airer;ail; i"ilitir"r'"r'"il be ar tre-rown;s IorE l: The Town shalr not, nof shail any ottic€r or ornptoy€e thereor. be lable orresponsible for anv "-Tfj_n! ro.: gl damage r,ippenins oiffi;;; .o rhe work specried inlhls Agteoment prior to the oompletlon and-accaiianca ot ttre samelnor shafi the Town, norany ofllcer or employ.ee thereof, oe laor" roi any percons or property inJured by reason of thenature of sald work. but all of salo ttaoitiues shair ind are nlrllv-i"Jrred by the Devetoper. The Devefoper hereby agr@s to indemnlfy and hotd harmtess tha Town. and any of itsofflcers, agents -o :Tjy:^r^r_?-g1nst aniiosses, craims, damages, or riabirities to which theTown or any of its orflgr_o, agenrs- or €mproyees.may become subject to, insofar ", "n, .u.rJlosses, clalms, damages or tiaoititr'es 1or iJrions in respect hereof) thar arise out of or arabased upon any perfgq?nc€.by ttre oeveloiar nereunoer; anJtn;'dereroper shail reimbursellr Toy.n ror any and.al re_gar or ourei exp"I'r." ,eaonabfy lncured by the Town inconnecfion.with investi,gating .or defendinj any such ross, d;im, l;ir-age, riability or actr.on.This indamni$ provision snirr uJn aoJiLi'ib anv oh6r rabitity ,rnicrr r," Developer may 5. rt rs mu.tuaily.agreed thet the Deveroper may agpry to the Town and rhe Townshall authoriee lor Pania! riteise oilnJ*rraterat obpositei dith-G iown tor each caregoryof lmprovement at such timE as sucrt impio"emenls are constructed in complianco wilh allplans and speciflcations as referenced trireunoer "na ".""it.i[vli, ro,n . 6' lf the Town determines that any of the improvemsnts contemptated herein aronot constructed in complhnce wlth tne ptan! inct specifi&io"..rt ronn herein by the date sotforth in paragraph 1, the Town mav ririoEiirom the_cash oepoiir irin funds as may benecessary to complete^the unfinishid lmprovem€nts. The Town Jnail Lnase such tuncrsupon the written request of lhe Town staiing irrar rc imfrouJm"nsli.r, not been compfetedas reguired by the agreement. The rown siall not reqr.iire te concu'ince ot the deveroperpdor ro rhe release ot the^funds to_the Town, nor shail the.Town be requkecr to vedfyindependently that ths improvemenb have not been compreteo asielu-irect by this Agreement,but sharrrerease such funds solery uponlhr'io"n,, written request.7, The Deveroper warian'ts ati worr an _ materrar tor a period of one year afteracceprance of a[ work ,::":ryloJn lnig Rgreemenr uy ttre-Town iis,jir, work is ]ocated onTown ot Vait proparty or on road rigfri-of.wly.-' 8' Thc parflejr. hereto rnutuary agrcethat thrs Agreem.nt may be amendec, ,romtims to ume, provldbd rhat such amenomint!'oe rn writrng ;d;;;;;i;; by ail parries herero. g'11241L936 12:35 97A47697 RT<D PAGE B3 . Dated the day and year llrst aboye wdten. STATEOFCOLORADO ) couNry oF EAGLE itt' '7 t+il .Tna -loRgoing Developer lmproveme4t Agreemert was.acknowledged b€for€ me thls{'day ot _JAduAlzV , tffov Aa4i lZoiturn- -"'-' witnsss my hand and offlcial seat. U My commission expires: MY COMII'IISSION EXP|REs : JuDe 27, 1998 STATEOFCOLORADO ) couNry oF EAGLE itt' The,foregolng Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowleclged before me thisday of , l9_by Wilness my hand and officlal seal. My commisslon erplres: 1-€,2-199E 5:19AM Gaeon MaeonrXr Gl Gonstruction Quollty siloncwotk . Concrete fiotwotk Genelol mslonry. ExcovstinE 47&78./. 3G/589-5131 476873 Fax , Beehive Conslruction. Attn: Rey 1256 Ho/er Longmont, Colorado 80501 Dcccmbcr 18, 1995 In regards to Potato Patch Projecf, Cason Masonry & Constnrclion, tnc, will epoxy coat drivorrny to echisv€ d€sir€d grade to pass Tom of Vail approval. The price st $1,5@.00 includes labor and mrtorialr. There will be no riqranly on 3aid work.. Accepted ttria @Oay C December, 1 995, Ray ltutash Beehive Consh,rc.tion I Jlrrico Coson .MoUle949E7l8 . 303'926'3315 . P,O, Boxl${ r Edwodr'CO81632 P.2 i-sz-'lggs ='tl,"ilTIoN P_3 From futu,a* f!'aa- lO?1 . Dc-I- G, B/6s I -\Art\l*=^^3ffie^ 0u;9- 6. gtesl 'lo I We are pleased Eo quore as tolloss: Ouancicy Descfipcion . i .-.il '""Unrt I r\nlor/nc --1F..'-1,ff' Ita"" | ?oae !sa* I | rcae | &o^ l+s'= | =90'o I Qa" I ts* l4le st71 l I . 4 : 6 7 E ::J 10 11 12 13 14 r5 16 17 I & t5./o t0-I 3 / 5 3 8V 7' 8',a- 6r rso"d aadql 60* /3aoo /r./p / <4ro /6 ,&.co o b%x 5'ol9- q&* g1'a ,'A,gce^4\""^^ g"-.il"Crr ,i- P*; Eo"^"*."[ 5qA0B .4..7, #;ys"p- . q.r-Lt *^) Cri.i"^,* S -, + t )tF4^jr'nA-alr. Y U r.\ . -/v\-aJ(rr>4-V-" L.,s^-Ar^ Ab6.r*> uI-q-al F to.^'er. -,,\,^/\e 1 lgps Q ronu gacg t\' \r\ ""]*.trxr..Y4\-) qJ r''|i'|:/'rirr'ri'' JFII 24 '96 LA'.?4FdrI I'IAIL N€ ETC VRILatz4+t f4ArLfs Erc ToYn of veil Communlty Dcvelopment 75 South Frontage Rd, Vall, cO Jrnuery 22,1996 curfitrsit Prloing- ?gg Potrto€ Prtch, Vril, co. 30 Lf, gucdrailCl Sgorl.f, ' 8900.00 2 curued .nds @ $B{10 er. = 81200,00 mobilizetlon@31000 r$1000.00TOTAL o S3100.00 P.? -Pr..l. k*-*l: -}ra ij\ru'( ( ars\ - l-48-1995 2,52AM '*!P.3 ff coHlvc GolrthrlEon l0orupany ISFO lfovan lnngrront frrlrr. tllFltl 35f -tlll rclnr tf?.ftl|3lt Town of Veil Community Developmant 75 South Fmntagi Rd. Vail. QO January 26, lss8 Jersey Baniers Pricing: 795 Porato Patah, Vrll, CO Dave Poder ' $s6o.oo $700.00Telal. $r.000.00 From Colorado Banioclgs, ldl.b.nier€l'4t d'eli' '13 *1nAay1 <L k-*t*.+-*, [^----'"BceH,L<- d**-ts\-- 4?1241L936 12:35 97a4763a2 3 O DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT RKD fArrE bf :Yru I0i/{0l1{[,|,0Et/. DlpI THIS AGREEMENT, made end entered into this 26 day of January , t9g by ancl among Gary Koenig (hereinafter called the 'Oeveloper), and the TOWN OF VAIL (herelnatter callad the -Town). WHEBEAS, the Dsvetoper, e-r a condition of approval of ths rernpora'ry certificate wishes to enter inlo a Oeveloper lmprovernent Agreemen| and of Occupancy. WHEREAS, the Developer is obtlgated to provide security or coltateral sufflclent In the judgment of lhe Town to make reasonabla provisions for completion of certain improvaments set forlh below; and WHEAEAS, the Developer wishes to provide cotlateral to gu?ranteo performance of this Agreament, incluctlng construction of the above-referenced improvemenls by means ol the following: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit wlth the Town of Vail in a dollar amount as sel forth below, such cash deposit account shall provide security for the following: IMPBOVEMENT Inprovenents to be completed at 795 Potato Patch Drive, per attached bi,ds. the ,d 3 pages of NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agrssments, lhe Developer and the Town agree as tollows: 1. The Developer agraes, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipmsnt and material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before June 30, 1996 . Thr Developer shall complete, In a good wOrkmanlike manner, all improvernenB as listed above, in accordance with ajl plans and specifications ,lled ln the office of lhe commu;rity Developmenl Departrnsnt, the Town of Vail, and lo do alt work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other despns, drawings, maps, specificalions, sketches. and other maler submilled by the Developer to bB approved by any ot the above-relorenced governmenial entitiEs. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to lhE satisfactlon ol the Town Engineer, the Town Bullding Official, or other official frorn ths Town of Vail, as affecled by special districts or service districts, es their respective interest may app€ar, and shall not be deemod comptete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town ol Vail Community Development Departrnent and Public Works Department. ^2.^_^ ^'l^he tOtal esUmated-cost of said work and imorovements is_the sum of8,839.00 ( ', . ^ At r. _ U l-t-z -t c To secure qnd guarantee perfoJnance ot '6@'?20z6 of ils obligalions as sdt fonft herein. the