HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 33 LEGALoo ca (.I \\r$\\ o uJ z z €o I I lu, IE I I I IFt< IFtu)z l= le @ @ (\ Fl b z E Fl v f-l ^lc"l utFl lF >to Fl' 'l I I I I I aFrl &Eorqzls ii ro;.2r6 dl E f () G 3o o .9oo! tli @Eoo .9 .o+ E.lt'r.f RE\ (E h.=\ oN -o Bo t-\ @ o ot E oo6 o o at, .at, : .o o E a! g; '6 -Q) o(,'ioOco(! OO o69tr 9i-oatt I -ln6.o!tF'>- =OGh.c bFFI;:o- oo\Eo'-oo:,ti =-g(!O Zvtso+jo9o(!C6(! E.9c-E cF(Et E.€ o'-ac of E=a;()>(ga Ctr, iete E- arEEoo)()G Ell! '5o €) .9 o E o .; f .; fo Eg .9 6 .9 o.o6 o Eqt E o C' 6 o O)Eg 3o .Yoqt -oo o s\o (f) tl!f.l cr) F-\o C.l E =ul z J .o X F\ c\|.f e{ uJtu z tr UJ ollJ (t IJJu,lt F =E uJo- FoFNOtlVnlVA -eo3ZZtLo ootr ^ 6zI5 >eE P oE .noG.z>o99 fr;? ooq d!i;ici6 sio fiiN(, zr' .2 L>, (G; --Etl =.o t!c o o- oEo or Or atL trJ J z Eoo zoF E uJFJ 2 tr J l U'z aFz,. 9z do3fiOI rn .i. Io\.d. o\ (f'l N\o I6 N(n zH 5 FlA tsU' z & =tr ol =.1olurlEl JI <l>l u-lol zl BlolFI .li I "l; F-.i9 ,.= Fl A U) !z A ii E z d] -) o.ir(nN I\o io- H E frl .J7z H Fl t'l |rr IJJ J lrlv F1 B I (\ rn Io\ io- zo Fti v& @.d' uJ o = z u) Fl z .<& H H(JH =cg- o \' xEFIIE I\or-.s I.n oz oulE J >1 r|- ol zl =lolFI z H &ts anz E -rO<FarQt!<ztUJF(rz C) a E uJ) az 6 =l 0 F G,Fz () z I(J uJ = s6 =l-o2 o C) oz E =EIuo- z-_ot:, :- =-<>z JO CL Tl- .X.Xt_xtE EEi ;Hg tr tu l! :l!E:E<ctf€8E9tt ira9 =4F-Jr =uJ'-E h=R :C- o-ul: >o-E 8b9 ituE XO_E X>t q-g ]r ul d)oF I =-rX r}{ rX. E{ LX u4 -t rliJ I.-') C)o t 4,,t/ i.:t )'/f.1 uJ tsooo.) zo Fo uJY uJo oF E =EIIJ €O- cox9l\./ |> ,ilrL nlo-lo9lt5lPTbkzo E =E, lrJ o-zoF C) EFazo C) an UJ uJrl tr =tu(L ouj oz 6Jf @€ oz z N ll.IJIq, I tt, l> l- o oFo z o o u,lz 3 w F ; I i ;g:- !€EEgE l E:E:s,e I :€F5 :I i';=!rc9(!hP = 35 s,l d 6 =-: ooHlbB(l,)CQ.NCI =t-tr,-cE66.:E o'- o o E =9-FO €;t-eg ;"E!-:; = *:€i E;; g5 odisPit'Eg€4-::::= -o.liof.! O'-: --c=c)4,tr gg;:s E !a;9 E; E: i ;'.E": q; g E Rs.g -68'SE : r! z ao u, uJ zIF UJ uJE z g) J F o lrl ll, o o ; UJ UJ z 6 UJ attllJ UJl]- =' UJ -t FoFNOuvn'lv YEo 'oz9Fq- gJo' c UJz |l,, Z.Z9o}io.9 =5EP62o6A9zu<.o G Hts>c)Fc'Jd sl =I .. >l LI IUo UJ UJz u,F E uJ J zo F o-u,-o 3 F. t!f J (/, zY i aDtrz zLoF IIJ<oo<OJ 5c-xr.6ci<z t- t<l; ;iol <l z : llJ K]q 3lr!lzl oz :< I EI *l HI sl '61 zl JItrl I II I I:<J @ I d IFoJ d 6 cl ,.It+ ; '(! TU =zJ<o0u)trJ lL, 'rl(! ,lFI ()I I I g HlE z Io\.$ i l- 5 I I I I>lFIol sl ul(dl {lr'l I E ul doI E cr-)r-lC\ I C\|c.) E =r! .if I N d E-t IJ fl I $ Clrlnl J ol uJt :l>l lLlg 3l HE -.r O<Fd()tr, <zEUJFoZo C) C) uJ = C)E :Pg3 J F-';Jz () 5P;() =<sgL o F C) Fz C) 2 T uJ EZr c) lI. l- -l C\l l atl .4 uJ F o >< z--o(:) - =< =z d8 ."i5>=2;tsS - i'\ 4 dd= F = UJ(L l! LlJ o- FI nE! "irs=<estsaG =b5EUF^S 956 :i tl'J O:=F-F (r .= t.rj ; :- q : !-! > E=gI c< tr'l ;aE;-ru9=H 3Hq€qil -.!Ip *F* tret a />< .x >< iEED dJ () Lu Eo c)o-) zo Fo-u,Y luo o.F E Gul _. o-_ l!'o oo I ulFoz F EE lLf o-zoF()3EFQzoO !J(J J u, olo Ev,z o ? F .!:-\=.4i i t:, -.r!r i F a -J ' ;: E=:4 ai E; *;:!T c =.2.2..ar+7.=ta :-:J G C: ? (E;=-:ii: i 3ia > - =zt. i - ?= . .= z an ' -.: e i,: r s 7E i.=.= .: :-E _:::eP=i1i2e i ! .E i .r I Z: =; t! F5€ --. 2:= t a* €iE55; ==,r = g.: .c!=?rs,.ilziiTi xEIz H z o\ @c'! .<(n rdFoH U F c{.+ (v') z (?t I& r-l I<lFIrjlzl 14l r-{ I.hl 'a .9 o >ldHE F. rtrFI zH.t) lrl zr'l Hv, 14H u C F*'"urB ar t- --\Y\-<>x >zz'!s<3dz 11<\.J,YA:-zupDZd r! F- F32q.-H 11I!\J-<..F-EZZUAq-\-*r= c< .-1 Q or zlrJ -- i<.QH:iF<Vo;;f=zE*>QU9 ?Ekr^q PFTA! ,., lrl ,^. = q- -.1iio>i*F9*.-YVl"rt?( ^en<:\JF/\-q-r'r(l FZU:ffi=HO!*XH -FYlifr*ilF-U>l- rl{F -e.eI -+.fL6 -|rC. FR EN F -rf-aH rlF.tia -H E{fts)dF fH ,rFl\ EY l- -F( -F? .Ir{|e ts\daLI(F- -E *FFLI La (f\sv fH trl 6.rF{dL. .,iljrFl .lJrht |{A. € z O Town o{ VaiI 75 S. Frontclge Ro€{d Vai 1 , Col orado 8t657 Fl an analyais based on the 19BE Uni{orm Futildins Code Fro ject Id: PACI:Y'S frL.ACE Addresg: LOT 53 BLI:: l PATATOE PATCI-{I Date: Jt-tIy 13, 19SB Contractor : HI-THRS CONSTRUCTION Occupancy: R3oMl Architect: DONALD5ON Type o{ Const: V-N Engi neer: I'lONRtrE Pl ang Examiner: JOE NORRIS NOTE: The code itemg listed in thig report are not intended to be a complete Iisting of all possible code reqLlirements in the 1985 UEIC. It is a gutide to gel ected sectiong o{ the code. TYFE 0F CONSTRUCTION:V-N SEFARAT I ON DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTFCT1ON NURTH Property line 75.0 Feet 75,Cr Feet EAST Ft-tblic hjay 168.t1 Feet 148.(t Feet SOUTH Froperty line 1B.O Feet 18.0 Feet htEST Property line 3?.O Feet 5!,C) FeeL Area increased 5tt Z lc:r open area ctn ! sides, FL NAME OCC AREA ALLEhIED A/A T]CC LOAD REO'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH 1 DweI I ing 1 Other TOTAL B Dwel l ing F3 TOTAL BUILDING TOTAL R: 1I.14 Unlirnited 4 t'll 436 3(,0{:r o. 15 4 1 {]. c)B I (]. {}9 L67(, 114?6 C), 15 B ( €l) 1 (]. 17 ( O. L7' 4y,:llfrll::3 1 C,. Crs 5( A) 2 (l.rJ5( O.l7) t67{-, 114t6 C). 15 €t* NOTE: Indicates that this occupancy is nat allowed on thig floor-Table 5-D * NOTE: Indicates that this occLrpancy is an accessory area-Sec. f,So?. (a) e:.1c. The allowed M area is .liOCtO sq.ft. {c:r a mixed occL(panc:y. -- Sec. 11O?. RECIUIRED OCCUF,ANCY 5EPARATIONS .t41-Rf, I hr Materials approved for thr congtruction are required on the garage side only and 13/8 inch salid core, self-closing door. -- Sec. 5O3. (d) ex #5 All 91a:ing in haeardourg locations (see sectic:n 54t16. (d) ) is requti red tc: he of sa{ety 91a:ing material. *-- $r+c, 54(:}6. ooEXTERIOR UJALL FIRE RATINGS AND OFENING PROTECTION NOftTH EA5T SOUTH HEST OCC FRG NAN-EIRG OPNG BRG NON*BR6 OPNG EIFG NNN_BRG OPNG ERG NON-BRG OFNG ' hIALL NALL F'ROT taJALL brALL PROT I^IALL tJALt- PRDT NALL [\IALL- FRUT l'11 tlhr Ohr None Clhr Ohr None ()hr ('hr None (:rhr {thr None RI Ohr Ohr None ()hr Ohr None Ohr Crhr None (:)h r tthr Noner The exterior walls may be of COI'IBUSTIETLE material . None -- No fire protection requi rernentg {or apenings. Frot -* Openings are to he protecterJ wi+-h 3/4 hr firs assernbl ieg, fj(J?. o+ the arrera o{ the wall rnaxirnurm. Sec 5Ct4. (b) NOP -- Openi rres c1r-€ nnt permi tted i n thi g wal I .l+ *- Thtrse wal I s may be rerqui red to have a parapet w;tl I Stlr i ncheri above t-he roo{ing. The parapet wal1 is requri red to have the game fire ratino ae the wall. See sectit:n 17tlt9. for detaile and excestiong. OTHER FI"JILDING ELEf'IENTS Table 17-A ELEPIENT I'IATERIAL FIRE RATING NOTES AND EXCEPTIONSInterior Eearing walf ANY NONE Interi or nonbrs wal l ANY Strurcturral Frame ANY Exteri or Str urc t Frame See {ootnote #l Sha{t Encl ogurre ANY Floor/CeiIing Assembly ANY Roof/Ceiling Assembly ANY Stai rs FOOTNOl-ES: 1) PlinimLrrn on erterior side also based cln {r}1 terior brg. wa11 requri rements, Frovide a thr ceilinq in the bagement. -- Sec. 170f,. Baged on section f,it-r3, (b) The roo{ing on this br-ri lcling is not reqlrirecJ to be {ire retardant. EXIT NOTES: . A stai rway in;r dwelling murst be at leagt 36 inches wide, -- Sec. f,:06. (b) -- Sec. 33O6. (c) exc.*1 The ma;rimlrm ris:.e+ o{ a step i-- S inches arnd the minimnm rr-rn is g inches. Frovide a gnard raiI where drop of{ is greater than 3(l incheg. Minimnm height=36 inches, rnalr i mutm opening si:e=6 incheg. -- Sec. 1711. exc ? The minimrrm headroom is 6 ft.- 6 inches. -* $ec. 3IO6. (p) Provide a !;el{-closing 1 | 3/4 inch thic[:t r golid core or noncombursti bl e door betwelen ba.gE'rnent arnd lst gtc:ry, *- $e'c. 1703. The max i mlrm travel rJ i. starnce i rr thi s bLti 1di no i g 15t-t {eelt. -- Sec. f,f,of,. (d) ANY NONE NONE thr NONE NONE NBNE ADDTTT'NAL REGUTREMENT* *to oN occupANcy For Hl occLrpancy Fbr RS occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior {rom every room uged {or sleeping. -- Sec. 12O4.- A window mlrst provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height o( 74 inches, and a clear width of 2(l irrches(minimum). ** Sec. 1eO4. AII habitable roorns require exterior glazed openings equral to 107. or more of the floor area. (min lCt sq. ft. ) -* Sec. l?(tS. (a) Alt habitable rooms requi r-E an epenabl e exterior openings equal to 57. orunore of the {lc:or area. (rnin 5 sq.ft. ) -- Sec. 1?(:}5. (a) The minimnm ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchensn halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- 1?{r7. (a) Town of Vai I 75 5. Frontage Road Vai l, Colorado 4L657 Fl an correct-ion b;-rgecl on the 1?85 Uni{orm Furilcli.nq Code Fro.iect Id. FAC1,::Y'5 FLACE Addregs: LOT f,T FLll l FILING I FATATO FATCH Date: Jurly 1I, 19gB Contractor: ETTERS CONSTRUCTION Occupancyr RI llrchitpct: D0NALDSON Typ* o{ fiont;t: V-N Engineer: DONALDSON Fl "eng Ei:aminer: JEE NORRIS * SHEE'T IDENTIFICATION CSRRE:CTION RTGUIRHD 1 A-? WINDOW SCHEDULE Glaring in a trarardor-rg locatiorr is reqnired to be ql arecl with saf ety merteri al , -* Sec. 54(16. ? S-f, The roof ing system rnLrst bel :rpprovpd f or wind loads is this area,' provi cje information c:n the eystem to b e lrr;ed . F'rovi de attic venti l:rtion that complieg with sectit:n f,3{15. ( c ) Frovide an attic acce:;s (??Xf,a-) min) to each attic area, --- Sec. I?Ct5, (a) A srnol':e detector i s reouti red i n the accegs area tc: al I rooms urged f or sI eepi ng pLrrposes. '-- Sec. 1I1(1. t a ) 6 the gtair (s) indir:ated doesi nc:t provide the reqr-rired minimum width r:f 36 incheg. -- Sr:c. 33t16. (h) 7 The maximum rige sf a step is; El inchee and the mi ni mLtm hre.rd i s ? i ncheg, -- Sec. f,5(:t6. (c ) eilc *l , I Their niinimum treadroclrn vertically frnm nosing lirre isi 6 feet 6 incheg. --* Sec, 33O6, (r:) Inclurde a copy o{ tfrE* goils r€?port {ar the site to be br-ri 1t on, FIRE FLACE f,HASE Fire place chase is to be Iined with 5/A" type X sheetrocl: tnp to bottom irnrJ fire taped with drrr a-'b sn d . Fi re pl ace termi nati on Fi re pl ac€p f l urel carp termi nati on i si not to code, $ert3 U, Fl , C" t'ac" 913 (a) , Clothes dryer Iocation Clotheg dryer located in garage is requri red to be el evated at 1 ea$t I fi " urp of f .f l oor ,Eee U. lvl. C. sec. 508, 4 5 11 t-l 'Required correctiong f or: Froject Id.: FAtrl.;Y'5 FLAEE Address: LOT 33 FLt: 1 FILINC I PATATO PATCH- # SHEET IDENITIFICATION CORREETION REOUIRED 13 Door to garage Garage door into houge is required to be min. I 3/8" gol id cor-e wi th sel f cI osLrre. Garage floor drain Garage {loor drain shall not be connected to sewer servi ce. Bathroom exhaurst {ans Fath ronm exhaurst {ans are requi red i{ there ig no exteri. or opening in room. Smol.;e detectors Smoke detectors are reqni red at all sleeping r- oorng - Plechani cal room trombustion air reqlri rements rnr-rst be met i+ gas f i red equi pment i g lrsed. oFage # ? l4 t5 16 t7 -INSPECTION REQUEST ^,.. ,. r TOWN OF VA|L t{ DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON o CALLER q|.@, *=D rHUR FRI AM@ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: PLUMBING: TINGS / STEEL .--T-. tr UNDERGROUND tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO INSPECTO o/,r.\ l._ ,* ,.-.- \ tNSPEC)^rpN- E.EqUESTPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL'(i ,)'{tt} 1,..oRre Y -'' JoB NAME J I r . ^ .lOALLER t v\-\Jf- ''l '-' 1 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:B'MON TUE$- {8884+'7HUR FRI |,-, d-_ --' \ --_-' AM qy) ^"\ e BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND o,f6-uruonroN i srEEL a\' tr HoucH / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED INSPECTION REQUEST lff-JoB NAME 4ack,t ! , ,T9WA OF VAILLl)(, t/)( ( ,a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO J--,, , BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr vf ft.i tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL (,.t 3 APPROVED I 30RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,*rfr"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF'VAIL, CALLER 'i!.;r READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: (MON \.-ruES t\..' BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR, PERMIT NUMBER OF, PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TOWN OFtVAILT NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ;g;?.OUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL w tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR s#rNnL tr FINAL ,PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECT INSPECT JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES rn$ecrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF?VAILT I (c,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: URTH r WEDECTIONq.i l)-/r INSP {-' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trr0 4rnv'1,( t ,-r- tr FINAL tr FINAL i-/ / /(neenoveo --4- A// CORRECTIONS: "( tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor= Q - :3' fF rNsPEcroR- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,*#g;,,o5,fiAqouESr-fq:r READY FOR LOCATION: onre lo/u{ JoB NAME JLaVTJ l,'t,kl ve?- &= - CALLER INSPECTION:MON ES THUR ---@ PM tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING t] INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR oor= /('1 - ,(- . {f rNSpEcroR ,*rft"toN REeuEsr- fowru oF ivAlL. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES .wEiir rnuR AM Gr)FRI \\\. - \ ..--ia, p41E i) '\- \''tOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL t,/ FRAMTNG c}f---r tr RoucH / wATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR T NUMBER OF PROJECT ,,n r?, g;*,*o Nr,$fS u E sr PERMI DATE CALLER WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:FRI ("- BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING (nsulnrroru POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL A ,PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED c INSPECTOR. '*#g;1,.oN,+FguEsr NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN TUES wED .r.F,rA-, FRr '{.. ,'\. .'- , 'r' I \\...:, '' PM BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING fr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDt, DATE INSPECTOR ,"#=gt,*oNr.REeuEsr WED ) THUR CALLER TUES FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. : tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR {=q'^o.FINAL APPROVED '-.^/tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ECTION .REQUESTTOWN OF'VAIL' t' zC- IN PERMIT NUMBEB OF PFOJECT '\ ,/' I /,1 ,,1.c:: ( -, READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES /(+-"^(fe oe..,. / r / z' u f.r./ JoB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO trrrr t PERMIT NUMBEB OF PHOJECT oo'.\:_\\5N JoB NAME READY FOR LocATIoN: INSPECT INSPECTION REOT.IEST TOWN OF VAIL \ tr REINSPECTION REQUIBEDPPBOVEDtr DISAPPROVED CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL CORBECTIONS: -:- ,.' ,,\ ',, \ coerc /u')/'\7 tNSPEcroR nffGsr"e o FINAL INSPE TION'S COMPLETED The be'lm items need to be complete before g'iving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUI.'IBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 \"s\s.r"- \.1 Nn1 %\,t-,* DATE:LEGAL@Block ADDRESS: Ot.lNER ARCHITECT ZONE DIST PROPOSED LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining Wal I Parki ng Credi ts: Garage ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Filing Al I owed (30)(33) 5r{t 3:25 20' 15' 15', (30) (50) ( 300 ) (600 )(eoo)(1200) ( 50) (1oo) (2s) (50) (2oo)(4oo) /^\A I'II I/ 6i +t" (.q+-*+- Proposed .41 ' -lglL t./ tl ---- | t ')Arl ,^#tu. - 8'{?r Mechani ca I Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental,/Hazards : Comments: Heights Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope _--\ ,.'t - -,/Slope Actual ( c>'t=". [-D PD }Jetl ands Geolog'ic Hazards M) ne Zoni ng: Date: I \ bet\tttn^c;al I : AAtrJ t-r:r,rcrZ_ I \rSq .5 tGo t\i'{ .5 t- 5r5---+- 2qll # -?(Dd cxl+c^6-: 5t3 Ctts,) L-ru\*)c' 1o'{ 5t &2 G5 lu^ \7 ?q1 ?71 1.5 3 l rsl ( GF^ $/VWA' vfq\e- k Jccj..-fu,'..-G-- il.r/Br6es r 1rc-\' S ?q.> $o 25 \/os5 C SL.r-l* u^e-cL. l*'r \ c,rJ'b q./\octL tr Cqt6j1.5 _jf DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l,JILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: o Filing / -a'r*to 6,rcqp t / ./ APPLTCATIoN DAr* + //b/86 ' It DATE OF DRB MEETII{G ' g/ 4/EO INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED**I** A pre-application meeting w'ith-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to a.i.irii,i if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted ,ni.tr it is comptete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). it is tne applicant's responsibility to make an appointment.with the staff to find out about addjtional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of Conaitions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 1>oTer,ro FA?.cr4 A,'2.Ve ,/ vArL, c5. Legal Zoning Des cri pt'i on Lot__33__B'lock I APPLICANT: telephone 4>a-2s46 D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: vt4Tor< l-aA.'?F tuA++c>-tcA ,*ct#ffkz$ C. NAME OF Address I Address E.NAME OF Ol^JN Signa Address DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION be oaid at theF. 0 - $ 10,000 10,001 - $ 50,000 50,001 - $ 150,000 150,001 - $ 500,000 500,001 - $1,000,000Over $1,000,000 $ $ $ $ $ l $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indjcate property iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be inartia. This work must-be completed before the DRB visjts the site. Z. The review process for NEl,l BUILDINGS rvill normally involve tt'to separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approva'l . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeiing and who have irot asked for a postponement will be required to be reoubl i shed. telephone ?4q-sao tei ephone time a building permit is requested. FEE -Js(o 4. The following items no longer have.to be presented-to.the Desi9n Review Eoard' They, howev"r, niui lo U" p".s.ntea io-tnb 7oning Administrator for approval: a. Windows, skylights and. similar exterior changes that do not alter the exi sti ng p'l'ane of the bui l di ng; and b. Bui.lding additions that are not.viewed flonr gny other lot or publjc space' which have nii'iliteri-suUmiitea'iiom-adioining propertv owners approvrng the addition; and/or approval rrom ine-i!ent f6r'' oi-minager of a'condominium associ ati on. 5. you may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should .n".fi "u,ith a Town Planner before proceeding' MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEl^l CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamP. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with djameters of 4' or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (1arge boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40% or more, if applicable' 6. Ties to ex'isting benchmark, either USGS landmark or set^rer invert. 7. Locations of the fol lowing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site shorving size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact'locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: cabl e TV sewer gas Tel ephone water el ectri c c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements 8. Exist'ing and finished grades. 9. AlI existing and proposed improvements'including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, wal ks, drivelays, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevatjons of top of roof ri dges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. To be submi tted wi th si te plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany a1l submjttals,'to insure property ovrnersh'ip- and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Shorv the locatjon of 4" diameter or larger trees,:other shiu6s ani-native olants th,are on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape areas with the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. N 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above jnformation as possible should occur on the site p1 an, so that the inter-relation of the varjous components is clear. The iandscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetatjonal characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to shol lot lines and building corners. Trees that lvill be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. E. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies . l. Must include floor plans and all elevatjons as they will appear on completion. lievations must show both existing and finished grades' Z. Exterior surfacing materjals and colors shall be specified and-submitted for review on the matirials list availabie from the Department of Comnrunity 0evelop- ment. Color chips, sidjng sampies etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeti ng ' F. The Zonjng Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of addjtional plans.' drawings, tp"liiiiitions, samples and -other material (including a model) if deemed necessary ro determine whether a project will comply with design guidelines- II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) oi proposal may be submitted iir tieu of the more formal requirement: Slvgl above, as long ai they piovide all important specifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESiDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Originai floor plans with all specifications shown B. Floor plan for addjtion - 2 copies c. site plan showing exj sting and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Soecifications for all materials and color samples on materials'l ist available at Department of Communi ty Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of servjce and avai'lability. See attached uti I i ty I ocati on veri fi cati on form. H. Sjte improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor' I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a bu'i ldjng perrn'i t has been issued, and when the project'i s underway., the following will be requirei before any build'ing receives a framing'i nspection from the Build.i ng Department: A certified improvement survey shot'ring: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. djstances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. All utility service ljnes as-builts showing size of lines, type of material used, and exact locations. 2 coPies Drainage as-builts. 2 copies E. Basjs of bearing to tie to sectjon corner. F. All property pins are to be ejther found or set and stated on map' G. All easements H . Bui I di ng fl oor el evati ons and roof ri dge el evati ons . c. D. t., DESCRIPTION OF PRO Roof Si d'ing 0ther Wall Materials Fas ci a Soffi ts !Ji ndols Window Trim Doors u00r trlm Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashings Ch'imneys Trash Encl osures Greenhous es 0ther LIST OF MATERIALS CCaA R ,st+Ae;-s -grvc-co c>e*-e dZH zF fV*Js? - sal de 4Ze^ rZ c:,c,Ptvtpt - -r'fA, J 1a/3 Aoo Q raArr* .t prtJa ^Lcl^q. c,tAo frLLA # tl4zoc <.<,rrr..l cE o*rz oLYt"(trtc ct*,A # e/6 tto<> o rt rl 1laEo+-z rl,oo r> At.r NAI'IE 0F PR0JECT: ?t<K ?'t pcq &. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: - - ;;;;;:;zA DP^/B ..za,L The follorving information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR tl B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: Phone: Botani cal Name Y't4 D' A{zc1t'ree't-t444-.9zoo Common Name Ouani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'IOVED for conifers. (over) *lndicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate hei ght - PLANf IATERIALS: Botanical Name Corrunon Name Quanit_v Size.. (con't) SHRUBS _verz -rP€*cat tAlr -'- EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED Tvpe Souare Footaqe GROUNO COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I'IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa'l'ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFIC.\TION SUBDIVISION JOB NA.'\!E LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines or ProPoseClines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the acconpanying site plan. Authori zed Siqnature Date Mountai n Bel l I -OJ4 -J / /6 l.lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hal l * Holy Cross El ectri c Assoc . Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vai'l Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle t/alley t,{ater anci Sanitat'ion Discrict David Krenek NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsi.bility to obtain a street cut permit fro:n the Torvn of Vail, Department of Pubiic l'/orks and to obtain utility locatj-ons before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Tor'rn of Vail. A building Permit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut Pernit must be obtained separately. This fornr is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction lvith preparing your utili.ty plan and scheduling installations. * For nel cons please fill ot ai,',eched sheet ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: 'l/to / oa IEEEI DESORIPTION: LOt_ -1 B'lock I ADDRESS: OI,INER ARCH I TECT ZONE DIS PROPOS ED LOT SIZE \F Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining ",1a1 1 Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmental,/Hazards :Ava I anche F'lood Pl ai n Siope Actual t/z% F 2/- Filing 1- Pon'ro F\rttf 7226 v/a4 Al lowed (30)(33) s+@ 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) 6626.2:e 7p.st4.a.sr 2.t (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50) (1oo ) (25) (50) (2oo)(4oo) - Prooosed --- | =-- / tr^ %' JT /5' fdoo -tF V?r3?o -rae,+ s:o?'€ -re 5o z€ 9O Slope l,Jetl ands Geol ogi c Haza rds Comments: Zoni ng: Approved/Di sapProved Date: $afT-SgneTure INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI EI,I PROJECT: DATE SUEMITTED: COIII'IENTS NEEDED 8Y: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING /.ir,, o,-\ Reviewed by: Comments: Date PUBLIC WORKS 2 ,4 Reviewedby: /< h/) // lla Comments: 4I-/'a /e/t-- FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTI'IENT Reviewed by: Corunents: Date RECREATIIN DEPARTII,IENT Reviewed by: Comnents: Date SUBDIVISION JOB N,.'E U/4LKE:tr . , LOT JJ 5 ,BLOCK / FILING ADDRESS L/a.,L,- The location lines, nust acc onpany in g of utilities, whether they be approved and verified bysite plan. be main trunk the following lines or progoseC uti.lities for the ['lr te Mountai n Be'l I I -634-3778 Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross El ectri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Mjchael Laverty Eeritage Cablevision Steve. Iliatt Upper Eagl e t/al I ey tlater anci Sanitation Discrict Davi d Krenek fl"Js{ 4-ry-Pv 4/ z-tY -/ ,., ^-* For nel con:q-11-n olease fill or aii:ched shee 't:J2:Zt 5^2-88- NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fro:n the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Public lVorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public riSht- of-way or easenent in the Torvn of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut permit xnust be obtained separately. This fom is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. f,/pd"- UIILIfi LOC,\TION VERIFICATION Authori:ed Siqnature o BESTOOPY ry* il tbIID, r.5 t6rl -a JutE I -F Je t a - ad -H -a lGl,uty-t'.Ih ato[ll P. Elt f, tDd SEBRnIE * "_- -r- o.darlrDd ds tUllUlllr-r d vAt! lssoqlArEs, llG- ' ..-F{hqfl..a da*db {rr. dtbbd ib tbc colon'lo, !lEti. la.a lb -|. Ft!.G! a L nt* rrr' ft. od tr -d<Ld' '! tL - "3IO.OO lnd othcr gooil and vrluable consider.tion-'i---r--Etl-a ntlcs dr nra Fr I Hldblb -a F d t'd Fntt rr'l !H| frrt.dr.a d.-.-H, b nG td f.4|{..t. .|a -rrt{ 'i lt lr"'F- - tA Ld, l' -.a| -a -r, - l-.L F q d tb d Frt b -r d r-l- t'!rr' tmrmr Iri !o'{l llaIl rl cornErNcE FoR Tr?tt EuRFOSES ONLt--no DocltlElltARY StlllPs RDOT'IRED. nmtDl rtrl .n ra t.il. f Hi-r. ... .rt trr|E t|.FuL t'L'ala c in 'nJri' t|.rE3 ra lb tri- .l t.tri* t-rar ..a r3h-tr. r-\ b 'r'l t'int tl_61: 'd 'l! } rf rtf rf r:..t &L |'a a-.ta Lt-rt I rL rr. F|r ia3 { tb lttt D'n 'irr'r in rN -.*..a, t d a rb -D bt H t!-r-' tlA tl. L.atrrt' '' 'Dturt'eeIOIAYIII|DIO nDt .f t id-&n btr.ba.ld -..to'a rltl |lt trttr't't'* ub rb d rd! d t !t ta trt |.. G d d! t !.r. &rd lb tt. Fr! let d tL l1'.r t'r! l* theDl ve3 thqit cr.*.1 .-hrirr. ac 6r-4 aut. lutrir d '5{ b !a rnL a. da Frrr i tr nr F|tt r Er d rlra tL a rb ri- " rb 'r"'lhr ul &'in'' "b fr-, they ar€ d .-a d lb t -... .Lr. o!qi( - d ab{ E!. FrldL 'L':!t "dll5 .lr- .. bbtr, r Ltr I tr. r-\ t|. t !t" a..a tll. tCl Pt" |.t !"lul rrootut ro a l Lra.lr, d cl.ata lI rD t..r.tt ltn...!t ..L .ta O't t|. !'r G li' rd 'r'ri t|d dl-.t.L arrd,rr* dr h' ar' -r d lrrb.x. 'l !r'L\!' Lin'r 't rt:n -Et ercept the ganeral taxca for 1976 anal subsequent theaeto, gxcapt relcrvation clnt.inctl in Pltent t'eclrdeal in Book {8 at Plga 5Ol end In Eook 123 at Page 617, etacePt a Deed of Truat recorile(i Itv 19, 1975 in Bogk 239 nt Paqe-l'c8 an<l excent all easelrents'raatrictions anal licht9 ot rtv ol recorc.Ii i; ;;-i;;i;r rii:i-- t",L-di ;i'--.-i|a t"-6 .i tr. dd F,|, 'r u' F ' F " ib tdt l, Dloct 2, VAII,&OTATO PAfCr -r d ...1r {ra.a |tr .d -rt ,.r-.. F lNtulb .b9rba d t! dli' rL rLL 'r et t" t-t a, rf. da ,ra i6a $. tt|a t ti .rdl .ta d tTARMn-t At{p tOA}:Ini DEf f,r_D- [l llll|llA ltlllo?.tl rI!i reldUrltdFnb dd 3 t -t ra !.t h.l- .rl!-. t..l llad D.H rlb tt-..d Sht'rri e a E gle d --- - ..pENNSVt\rANll ' srarr or u![r, I 6n61 ctrnberland Jalb lq.a- ra.nr ra ..rrcrh{. a lda x llb lt76 .lr John P. Hrll and Sh.arlo llall It?tlEa! E U ..a d|!.d -L t*aa|. rEt 7 itt! lnn It r', i5'1d1,!rs t t:G}c' 19 ltz :L:!r.3L i. od.ll c€ .J ' ..t t &rot Jun(' y'E>-.-, B!r;i,,I ( :! 1 I. r a Fl l-r b.. r. cnt .b, ta F-.ta& L--r :1. l,i'l ll ,r r :ili,i.'r i RESIDEIfTIAL IIATER & sa€R TAP IEE Cll-c!'[JTr0r* Ml€ OF lC|€ O;lilER i(Ku vAlL $ATER & sarrlnrtcn DlslRlcr I uo,il bilio$" noY pn{srcAL j* *.* TC/.,,/ BASET€NTlsr rrcoR 2m rtoca JRD FLMR BASEfENTlsr rm,l 2m rr-mn JFD FLOOR BASIN & K}I[. T. (ofrE MtF EATH, DfiRA SINICS RII BA]II (s+g.rER oR TtE{ BASIN, TOI LET,, / asrx1.S - x,E= i5.m = Oetc-/NAL Cra/tl. 2. q. 5. 6. 7, 8. 3, BAssrENrLsr FLOm 2m ruooa JRD FLOOR R6.ls (Ll'/lNG rcoms, EEDROOn-S, oFtlcEs, sruDtos) nie.als Dl${,'lAslfis IJIJIDRTES . GeR xsrai) tcE l4A&ltNEs SAITW WATB coot.ERs & IIAIER FOWTAI}IS S1{It'f"tlt\C P00ts JAAJZI OUTSIDE I,IATER I.0ltnllul oF cNU FI.ll. BA1TS mrs KIIC}GN Dtsl{'lAsi€R [AlNmtEs O'TSIDE WATER x x x x x X,E i iiffi xl.CI = 2,fr 1.m .50 .6= ,E= 9. 10. APARBTENTS 1.' 2, 3, q. 5, x 3.S x 1.S I ?:ffi x' .50 I . i x l.ff) = TOTAL POTNTS ,l I at II ffi '*ffi frttfiflmffi fiil;*:ilffi :'#hr#H'lir$'{r;f nff-RI.Rt lffi ,l1 t tnt t ott D I sr* I cr o DESIGN RESIEIV I]OARD DATE OT MEETING: MEMBENS PRESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION: VOTE:FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUlrlltlARY: ndciil4 ,\pl'r\ :t , tctil SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTDNTION: GJ^ Fiii-, r.t-rr''"'rrfi of tlrc lklard DESIGN REVINW BOARI) nprit ?; tgzeDATD OF M1IETING: ITEMBERS PRESENT: - - BILL RUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP NON TODD ABE SHAPIRO Packy t,lalker Residence (Revision)SUBJECT: Vail/Potato Patch LOT , BLOCK_, FTLTNG ACTION TAKEN MOT.IO}I VOTE: sEcoNDED ev: A B B 9-/ao, "'' ., AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPROVED { DISAPPROVED:- SUTIIIIARY: q-Zc-rb DBSIGI$ REV'IEIV I]OARD DArE or rrEErrNG -fwt> l+ ,n11 trIEMBERS PRDSDNT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION: VOTE:FOR: APPROVDD: DISAPPROVED: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: SUlllrlAHY: Fffifi'fin oT-Trrc-Iidiid r ffi (f(t',rf rr) .'ac;Otl i .f w ijA; ;, J,O j J i- rrgl I c .i a ('J o N 91 _i-ro (: o v! ,:/i illi t/ ioni, r/(,'r' it \ \" \-,i '9._,}9e1 ,zF t2i.--'. 1 . s€ 6c1 -r.. I t-:' 1:= q {''-c< ,t bf o\,/,'rb-/n -- ,ollF;AAo- '..0 ,'b 8l /E a -aJ, ul n q tfrr i {, .. .>6 i.Li o ,€ 9.og N '/ ." -.t' .' i.- -' -f 58 [lo'-, i11 n lrovlt.rvt lrr: Dato Pa I PROJ ECT LEGAL OESCR IPT ON USE ZONE ZON ll'l(; Clll:CKL l5 f S UMMA RY ; AR.OH ITECT n7/ ; PROP0SED USE ( S ) LoT s ,r, 34 /q/ ; FROT,TTAGE SETEACKS:Requl Actua BETI,JEEN Average O I SI ANCE HE I GHT: G.R.F.A. COMMERC I red - BUILD Gra de Rat Front Front INGS: AL FL00R AREA: Percentage a I lowab le_, A I Actua I sq. ft. Allowab le rnaxi mum lengthBU I LD ING Required S ITE COV BULK CONTROL: , Actua I length UI Di0ffsets ERAGE: sq. ff., Actual sq Ground Leve I LANDSCAP I NG:Required _fi, --%, com;no n sq. ft. , Actua I b; fi -sq. f i , Covered Re-PARKII'lG AND LOA.Dli.lG: No. Requi red 7 , No. Actua I.--...,-_- quired No.; Covered Actua I ;/CN ING APPROVAL Zon i ng Admin istrator DES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL Chairman, Design Rev i ew Board UTILITIES APPROVAL ENV IRONI.4ENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL Tow n E n g i n ee r Mayor ,fi Da te Da te Date €o , sldes bk! JOh,{ ^.u,&.tJ( , Reoui ,oa 30rJ,( , Actuat Heiqhf Al-- - 31(o+-tQtoio, Allowbble sq. ft. Sldes Rea r lowed Actu a I ,{(zC D , Actual sq. ft. Iowa b le sq. ft. agona agona ArlowaoteS(\ %, Alowabte sq. ft./+838,2i Actual Actua USEABLE OPEN SPACE: I sq. ft Required Date Submi Date S ubm i Dato Submi Extens ion by Soct lon CO[IN]FNTS: ng Review gn Rev iew ronmen ta I ite d tted tte d of for for for Zon i Des i Envi Dead I ine Dead I ine Da te Da te lmpact Rev iew to Dead I lne as porrnitted date B (Serlos of l97l) item of 0rd Inance No. (,4, o DESIGN REYI-Ey-BOARD DATE OF MEETING: I'IEMBERS PRESENT: SUBJECT: ; MOTION: VOTE: FOR: {,{Jfl/l' n'u' ABSTENTION: sEcoNDED u", /r thtA- AGAINST: a"' APPROVED: y' DISAPPIiOVIiD :.- SUilI}IARY: DATE OT MDETING: I|EI{BERS PRESENT: SUB ECT: ACTIOIi TAKEN BY BOARD: APPROVED: DISAPPROVIjD: Ourra* REVIE* B.ARD hrk Br ti*tc? t-t sBcoNDED ev, YilIL-:t[ AGAINST: ABSTENTION: Lt)tlkt.r SUTItrIARY: ir I -) t {tti T >-{! r-r { \ \J r\IJ \ \i-T tst (\ s $\t \ $ \) ; $ r!,r )$ltr {' A}\L \t_ $J.{. _f F -u$t {- \) $l rtt rrl +-- {i ll= {, I {. 0 BESTOOPY AVAII,ABIE at $ tjt X rr s $ $l $ -.t $1[ 1[ ur _d )slt\ ,l H Project Application Proiect Name: Project Descrip ,,.^, '4 /o/ ZfuU-' Owner Address and Phone: ) tryt/t{ Architect Address and Phone:/,/r" l hno/s.n //dtr Legal Description: Lot Block r;rtnn ?of.fro /r+zt/ /t/ Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ,^r" ,/r/'o DISAPPROVAL Motion by:;)a. Chief Building Off icial Project Application o^r. J,i:t, Proiect Name: Proj€ct Description: Owner Addr€ss and Phon€: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board 'n4 "l/ ' Molion by: //UZ I't'//'ta,'- .1 seconded ay, ha4la.. or{^oro, J 7-b DISAPPROVAL 3 -r S' 'wlta^ /jz/n" t ' Zoning Admi Chief Building Oflicial o 176-//AY Projcct Application Proiect Nsme: Proiect Description: Owner Addr€ss and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phone: Legat Description, r-ot 5-? , Btocr / , p;l;ns Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: ,.r. /- 3/- fu DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL ng Administrator Chief Building Official Zone Distri ct K Tb proposed use Srufxr Ffltti/L? Lot Area ?4 'ai ,eight Allorred 30' proposed / Z --- ZONE CIIECK for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Legal Description:w33 al ocr / F'i I lns 0vner f .&4Lke7Z Architecr //, Setbacks: Front-RequireA Z0i'- 'Froposed 6 / Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required 'l 5' Proposed a,t, Watercourse-required //A Proposed --- A]lovred i5 Primary A'l I owed Secondary Allowed Primary GRFA: GRFA: Landseaping: Parking: Site Coverage: A1loived ;t=c;y.- 6{3f /i, , Proposed Proposed Secondary Proposed Slope Proposed Proposed Propc: ed Actual Requi red _4 a /'L' dL Envjronmental/llazarcls: Avalanche Flood Plain S'lope Corrrnents: Dli i ' lnwn n lltl box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 April 3, 1979 Mark Donaldson Box 3667 Vai1, CO 81657 Dear Sir: IYe are holding plans submitted by you last for the Packy lValker Residence on Lot 33, Potato Patch. The total permit fee is $851 .30. Please let us know if this permit will be out during the 1979 building season. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, b'h'Ll+A^* Catherine A. Jarnot Building Dept. Aide caJ department of community development Fall Vail taken leeRl@atoct< ADDRESS: nAll l./ b-, *ru (*tt-t+--Filing neOt^lNER ARCHITECT ZONE DIS PROPOSED LOT SIZE USE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Reta i ni.ng l,la'l I Hei.ghts Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Phone 8ctJ\ Al I owed (30)(33) 51sl 3 )75 20' 15' 15' ( 30) (50) ialft ( 3oo ) (600 )(eoo)(1200) (50)(1oo) (25)(50) (2oo)(4oo) Proposed 11 lG./o l/ ,/-------t'T /^ -tfr Ava I anche Slope Actual pD Flood Plain Sl ope PD Wet'lands M2 Geologic Hazards L2> Comments: tr .)l. t' Zoni ng: Date: :j \ Q t*I| \_-:-