HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 2 LOT 4 LEGALo futq 156, z_ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPART14EMT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEIiIT NO{IE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITEPROJECT TITI-,8 :*BERNDT R.ES IDENCE NEw (sFR,P/s,DI'P) PERMIT _Pr?ifct No.: 756 POTATO PATCH 755 POTATO PATCH 2101- 063 - 02 - 006 PRJ98 - 02 04 Statrus. . Appli-ed- Issued. . $qgires. Nurnber of Dwelling Factor Sq. Feet t-38.55 3 ,7-L430.09 2,023 35.2L 820 DR DR APPLICAIIT MiIIr DEVELOPEMEIIT, INC. Phone: 970-475-6944 P.O. BOX 3451 , VArL, CO 81658 COI{TRACTOR MiIL DEVBTOPEMEIiIII, INC. Phone: 970-476-6944 P.O. BOX 3457., VAIL, CO 81-558 OWNER .JONES RALPH D 2500 QttE STREET NORTIT VilEST, WASHTNGTON DC 20007 DescripEion :NEW DIIPLEX Occupancy Dtrellings Dwellings Privat,e Garages Table Date: 05/17/L996 Pireplacc Inforaaci.on: Re6!!ictcd: Y Type Zone 3 V-N Zone 3 V-N Basement Zone 3 V-N Subtotal:5 ,95'lTotal Valuation: Town of VaiI Adjusted Valuation: *of caE Appliancsa:{of eag LogB: 2,7 40 .OO 1. 7S1 . OO .o0 3.O0 ' 00 400 . oo 7'to.55 750 .00 6,444.55 6 t 444.5s . .00 5, 44{ , SS 6,44{.55 .00 R€Etuaranc PI.h Revictr- - > DRB Fce--- -- - -- Rocrcatioa Fee----------> cIcaD-Up D€po6it--------> TSXAI, PEES -- -. - TotsaI Calculated F6c6-- -> Additional P.eB---------> Total Petuit Fee---- --- -> Pal.nFnLa - -- --- - BAIN.NCE DUE...- IECM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI'IEMT Depts: BUITDING Division: PI,ANS TO CHARI"IE see corrections 03/09/L999JRM Act,ion: NO:rE 03/L9/L999 CIIARLIE Action: APPR Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTIIENT o3/09/L999 JRM Action: NO:rE PT,ANS TO 03/L9/L999 AOCHS Action: APPR Allison It,EM: O55OO FIRE DEPARII.{ENT 03/L9/L999 CHARLTE Action: APPR n,/a IEem: 05500 PI]BIIC WORKS o3/09/t999 iIRM Acrion: NOIIB PLANS TO 03/LL/L999 LSAT.TDOVA Action: APPR APPROVED ITEM: 05550 ENGINEERING 03/09/1999 iIRM AcEion: NqrE PISNS TO 03/L9/L999 CHAPJIE Act,ion: APPR PER GREG Dept: PLANNING PI,ANNING Dept: FIRE Dept: PUB WORK LEOTiIARD Dept: ENGINEER GREG HALL (VERBA]-',) Division: Divisi.on: Division: Divisi-on: yk- ilob Address: -!!Fr----.4zn / LocaE,1on...:-r>u' -Pareel No..: t/ /rb*frzkz-*_l AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: 899-001-5 Unit.s: 002 Valuatsion 43L,444 .'70 60,872.O7 29,592.20 522,008.97 522,OO8 -97 600, 000 . 000 *of wood,/Patl.t: ISSI'ED 03/09/L999 03 /t9 /1,999 09/Ls/a999 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved amount date Building- -- - -> Pl.n ch6ck---> InveE!igatsior!> vfi11 call----> FBE ST'Ii'MANT See Page 2 of Ehis oo.riln, for any conditsions tnaQray apply Eo tsh:-s permit. SEAtsUS: ISSI]ED Permit Tfpe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DIIP) PERMITApplicant: MJL DEVELOPEMENT, INC. .fob Address: 756 POTATO PATCH DR I,OCAEiON: 755 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No: 2101-063-02-006 DECI,AR.,ATIONS I h€rsby acknoslcdEq that I have raad thio applic.tion, fillcd out in full tsh€ infonrrtion r.quired, coEplclad an accureta Irlot and pIoC ltlan. su.bdiwieion p1an, and 6t,ate that all, Ehc inforuation provided a6 requiled is correct. I ag-ee !o codply witsh Uhe ilrfordreion to corqtly $ith aI1 Towtt ordinancss and Bgagc LarE, and fo build this Etluclu-. accordingr co Ehe 6n.. code6, desigD rewiew approwed, unif,oru Building Code artd oth6r ordinancaE of lhe Torn appli REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTTONS SIIAI.L BB MA.DS fiiEIiITY-FOUR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY TBLEPHONE AT 4?9 6:00 AIrl 5:0o S6nd CI.an-tI) DopoBit To: !,t\TIr DEVEIOPMEIIT OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR POR HIMSB'JF A}ID OTdNER PAGE 2 ****************************************t*************************************** Permit, #: B99-0016 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 03/1.9/99******************************************************************************** Applied: 03 / 09 /L999rssued: 03/L9/L999 ************************************:l:l:t******************************:t********** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILI, REQI'IRED A SITE IMPROVEI,IENT SI'RVEY. SUCXI SI]R\IEY SHALL BE SIIBMITTED AND APPRO\IED PRIOR TO REQI'EST FOR . A FRAIqE INSPE TION 2. SEE CORREETIONS R3PORT -PROVIDE EXEAVATION REPORT PRTOR TO FOOTING INSPECTION -PROVIDE FIRB RESISTIVE ASSEMBLY DETAILS PRIOR TO A FR,AI{TNG INSPECTION NO MECHANICAL, I{ORK CAfiI OCCTR IINITIJ PLANS,SPECS,LOCATIONS .ARE ST]BMITTED AI.ID APPROVED. TIIIS INCLI'DES ALL FIREPI,ACES3. needs easement, encroachment agreement,revokable right.-of -way permit rtatt'lit*lttitraiail+i+rt!'atatttrttl,'lt*attt|.ttattarlaratttrttttt!lrtt foltl OF Vatlr. CoIOF.ADO ItC.E.unr tttarratat.a.a.rrtartartatrarrtrtttrt'arrrftrJrrat*.rairtr!rairrr,raaa., llErtcant, !{u!b.t ! REC-0497 tDut|r: 6.2aa.95 O?lLglgg LGtLo Pry!.nE L.thod ! CE Notrtlon. 18aO Inig, 'tlt P.nir, t|o! B9t-0o16 Typ. ! A-BUIr,D t{EW (8rR,p/s,DDp) pB P.r,c!l tror 2101-063-02-006 sir. lddr.r. r 755 DCIIXDo PtfCB tn toc.tion! 795 DOIM PJIICH DR !!0ta1 !a.!: 5. a44.55 'Itrls tlylcnE 6.2t{.55 ToErl tIJ& Iht. | 6,1t1,5s Brlr[ca r . oo lccounE @da Dlacrlpllo! lDtrng BP OO10OOO3!111OO EUtIlDlltG pEgf,t.ttEg 2,71O.OO m oo100003tt2100 otgldt nEvrEw. ttE!! 200.00 Pt 0010000311t300 Plratrf c8Ecr FEEa r,?91.00 lD ttt-DEPo8 cr.EtxoD lrlpoaltg t50.oo Rp 11100O03112t00 RTCRE.ITIOT{ pEEg 770,6s ic 00100003112900 ru.I. ctEr. t![gtEctrdr ttE 3.00 IFoz o: F.oPl 'o FI,,2 liU Ft za F a -Flo E D E o EI tJ oF "i F & FIE9 ? o F rl) o !, oF.AH tt| zz F.Ot:l E F FI F'zzEbloFE flFaz rolrE I lq FTFHZ('lbooAE F a, E{ a FI 2o lr t4d =o297 E]EEIo (,alF ga U(., H F F A D EI av GI F o : l: E> !tEel r40 t Fe YX= E X-g;:; i3 8.; si E; 5 ) ! lr =q|,tQUyxo*a=E i:.:0r15 L v'= L - 5 - =*-3bBE;:" i!TEE !iiUS6bs -;= ! bDtrg lsEf g otrg.:x f +;€!.5'.i;:Er! =6P!riE!E P !t q -8eE!q;F 3 qr::.E* djE HE F'; EE=H€l -l ^l;l-l /-. Y *Fl z c) z U Fl rl o 0.J L I I*l>l .o'ltv,l-l ^ li U U 'a l-r (D at) CJi<rd '15 I I I I I I I >! | I I'e3 I >E I Y r -- |G.t bo I315 I-. -r > |ii.g; Ix+; Ivs€ |P.8P I.= 5E I::: I:5: I -x9 |F* J o./l.EEb HI ;8r ni€ii el:gE ;il(,)-d O trl = (J u rrlql:' 3lF;f Iq,/.^vtr. .g ]3 |rE 7 |or -rJ Igg:D I ot?= | ! ,+. 9.t jjE:; 8di3 'ai.Et b,LY I -u.-o Et :! r,H;r I.e€e E.e€ E .=- -B ooE l?(E tr.= ;',#5E t F.l O EPF3 A tD-,XE'E: Etr>; E xUz4 P{ DUUo f{o tr]H '4UHhH Hfr FIU \ o r.\ ^-^ l-l He co E< t{ -J*o (^.Y Lr\ f iN\J r_]s F-t'ia =, =F* L (r) \) L Q '\ >' OO v)th 0) .d (g .d a-. d a-. - ft 3rli?"?t"ti;;i'j:in:;:;:;p6"ry:xl;X#t.;:i:rrg#reReceiVe(,.*,,,,.---/\'oerx: t/f{ rQ MAR 05 rugg J APPr'rcATroN I'fusr BE FTLU'D OUT cot{pr,ETELy oR rr }rAy Nor FE ACCEI'TED ru--].' ****:t******************* PERI'trr rNFoRl'{ATroN *'f )rx********:r****n******l*;*" if)-Bui1ding ; 3_lJ.urbir.:g [ ]_Electrical [ ]_Mechani_cal [ ]_other,) ./r - L rJob Narne, /5fa,Wf (tSrl*a, rob Addre r=, JM. ,k--2- Filing------sgruir_is_io rr,n4ru, owners Nahe: _(V ACer*l Address , Po_ Bor 34Sl , ty'+tu nn. fuXrCi-: "' ''t'Arcrritect' 5{ R'o6,u ^ Address, M!- ph. ?ac-+rvceneral De scr j.pti "",{"' -work class:- [r'f-New I j-Al-teration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-otherL J ^\uyq4r- L J_\JLlt€lrNurolrer of Dwelr-iiE'Units: ? \rrr*1-^_ _, -___ _ Nt::rber of Accohrodati.on Units i _-@n \ff*:: ":: r"o. of r.ireptaces: cas Apptiar"., f, Gas r,oss ./ r.rood/per1..; 'q********rt******:t***************** vALUATToNg rt :t rt J: !: * * * .i * * * * * ,r * * * * ,c * * *:r * * * * * )r * * * i:#:i^IS: it{:'::= :*,9Ttr!}}: $- /! . o o. orHER: $ TOTAL: $ 'L Jtn+r"eiEu- =ua fNFORI'IATION * * * * * * ,lr * * ,,t 'lt * * * * * * * ,f * * * * * * * *Contractor:Address: El.ectrical Contractor: Aridress: Town of Vaj-1 Re!J. NO,.phone Numbe r: (rc _CTTF- . Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Phone Nunloer: ?own of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO- D aa lr/-r\e: . J.i r, t Mecha:rical_ Contract'or.: Addre: s: rk* * *rl t ** *x rt rt * * ***** *':t *:t )< !t* * ** ***BUfLDiNG PnRfffT FEE: Torqn of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: . - f'OR OF|f CE USE * * * * * * )r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t rr * * * * * * * * PLTIMB NG PERI''IT FEE: HEJHAI ICAL PER}fIT FEE:ELJCTI TCAL FEE: OT,{ER IYPE OF FEE: DP FT FT IT. BUTLDING PI,AN CHECX FEE:P],TIMETNG PI,}N CHFCK FtrF. uEcHANr cAr, pr.,aN- -Eeil.-x"iir, RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN_UP DEPOSTT: TO?AL PERMIT FEES: VALUATION BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATUIIE: ') / i :l ,'. ""' :t:]'lE!!iT-r-ii'r{p-I9: /I/fa bzuc P, 6or i4st t'4rc 75 soulh fronlage road va Il, colorado B1652 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 rTn. FDr\l!f. nern: ettn YE-r'm . olrlce ol communlly dcvelopment ALI, CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIfN OF VAIL TO}rN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{ORKS/CO}N.ruNITY DE\TELOPI.IENT IIARCH 16 , 198I CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I"TATERTAL STOR..GE In summary, ordinance No. 6 state: l!.1t it_is unlawful for anypet-son to litter, track or deposit. any soi1, rocl:, sand, clebris;:, ffi".;'il*l"il!t"ctins tiasn-Iiip=t"r,, poiiof,r". toiruts e:Dd tl, :"_::_;1""r;i.lli'.ilI"if i""lfi.=ii;lliIi;:lr:";:rfl:*i-",va t sEreets and.1644s i= .fproi:-nrateiy-s"ia--itt pavement-Th s ordinance wiLl be ;rr;:ii;^enforced by the Town of VailPublic'r'rorks o-oarlmentl--pJi=ins found .rih"iinq this o.rcrinancewill be given a 24 hour rtiil"n'"otice t"-i..i"":said rnat.rial .In the event the person so notified.aous-nii.,,I"Ipry vith thenotice within .n:_31 r,"ur-tir,,.^!p9c1tie;, -.i;"*;;f,ri" worx=Departrnenr vril,- remove said rnateiiii-it-ii-,"""*ili=e of persc nnotified' The nrovision= "r- tr'ri" .ordinanci srrirr not beappricab.e to "6n=tiu"ti;r;^^;i;t..,u... or repair projects ofany strc:t or a1ley o. .r,y'"1:.iiti"" i" ii"^iiiii_u_"uy.. io revievr.-ordinance Nd- e in fu1l, please stop,by the Tovrn ofX3; ;.ili13i'9.":ili:*:ll"::"";;;in a copv- rhan)< vou ror your Dat ( i. e. contractor, oi+ner) 75 30ulh fronlage road v8ll, colo r!do 81657(3c3) 479^2138 or 479-2L39 olrlce ol communlly deyolopmen I BUILDiNG PERI.jIT ISSUANCE TJI.IE FMI.IE if' th j's permi.t requ,ires a Tovrn of va jr flire Department Approva.r ,Ensineer'.s (.pubt t, Iif I l;;;"y'unl:ipprouur ,f i piiiriii,!"Depurtn, ntrev r e'u. or He,.. I th Departmenr. ievievr, -u nl, u- r"ui.; ;i-iil:',;rit al ns Siri[llE',];.,:l: "r riro .. J iiru' ior'u' to t"r i.ui.,,-,muv,,iuia:, u, i one All cornmcrcir:t '('tu"?:^:I sTull) and a.lt muttj_fam.i1y permirs vi1.lhave to fo'l l<'rr the abov-e rnenti6ned ririrrr requirernents. Residentia.land sma'l'l prr jects siroura ia[e-;-i";;;; amount.of time. However, ifresidenti-al < r snlali"".proj".tr-ii,pJ.i'the various above mcntioheddepartmcnts r., ith resard' t;";;;;r;;li:r"uiu*, these projecrs mayalso take the three'week period Every attempt vri'l r Ie nrade by this departnrent to expedite thispet'mi.'t.as s.qon as pcssi b] e.-" - '- --.t-' u're"\' LU c^Peur Le Ll I:.i!. undersigned, understand the plan check pi^ocedure and timeTrame. k s/r/f/ ,'Communi ty Developmant Departnrent. . cc)ntf. DATE: IIEIIORANDiJI,I .ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WOFKS PERMIT'' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED \' ,:_oa namp; 5!iaut? Q ES6t*vcE ?ale:_ 3 /tlqo rlease answer ln3'lollowing questionnaire regariJing lhe need for a "public Way permit": {\ 9\ dl 5) ls this a ne w residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of lhe right of way, easemenls or public fropeqly? ls rny'ulility rvork needed? ls .he crivelay being repaved? Date 7/f,, xt a\ . l'( \J t/ 6) ls different access needed to site ./oll-er than exisling drivervay? ls irny cirainage wor'x being done tlaff,:cling lhe ri1lht of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Fevoc;able Fight Of Way permii" required? B) A. ls lhe right of vray, public property to be used, parking or {encing? easemenls or for slaging, B. lf no to EA, is a parking, staging or {encing'plan required by Communitv jDevelopment? . .. I you answered yes to an.'of lhese questions, a "Public Way permit" mustbe obiained.'rublic Way Permii' applications may be obtained at the Public Wor,x's ofjice or at C o.mqlulity Development. . lf you have any questions please.call Charlie Davis, lhe Tovrnof Vail Construction Inspecior, at 479-2158. I have read and answ rred alllhe above ou Barulr Rgg,_tr^rez Contra.cio Signaturei.la rne TO!{TiI OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 OWNBR CONTRACTOR cot[rRAcfoR DEPARIIIENI OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEIiIT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PIJIII'IBING PERMfT r,'Ob AddrESS: 755 POTATO PATCII DR Location. ..: 756 Potat,o Patch Dr. Parcel No.. : 210L-063-02-006 Projects No. : PRJ98-0204 BBRNDT WOT-,FGADIG 10 Campargo Pines, CincinnaEj., OH EAGIJE RIVER PLI'I{BING & HEATING PO BOX 498L, VAII, CO 81558 EAGIJE RTVER PTIJMBING & HEATTNG PO BOX 498L, VArL, CO 81558 JOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES #: P99-0058 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 06/L7/L999rssued...: 05/2L/L999 Ex;rires . . z !2/1,8/L999 Description: Plunibing for new duplex ta*fttttttri'r.t ****r**rrrrr*r rBE Phone: 970-390-1897 Phone: 970-39Q-L897 Valuatsion:42,000.00 suuMAIlY ir*r***rrri*.*rr*r**r* tttt'irit*iairrr**r*r Pluubing- --- -> Pl.n chcck- - - > lnvc.cigation> will Crll----> R€Btuatant. Plan Revi€w--> TqXAIJ PEES-- ' - ' Tolal cal.culaeed Fe6s---> Additional Fces---------> Total Per|Ei! Fcc--------> 630 .00 157.50 .00 3 .00 .o0 ?90.50 790.50 .o0 790 .50 Pal rcn!a------- 79O.5O BAI,ANCE DUE---. .OO BUIIJDING DEPARTIIENTKAIIIY |-ctio:r: APPR ApprovedFIRE DEPART1IENT06/L8/L999 KATrry AcLion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1-. FIEI,D INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. DECI,ARATIONS I h6r6by acknorladge that I hrve !c.d Chi6 .trrtrlicatsion, filled ouE in fu1l ehe infolllalion rcquired, coDplcted an accurat€ plot plan, and o!a!c tshat' all th6 infor$iEion provid€d as required is correct. I rrith tshe inf to con$tly nith all To||n ordinancea ana stat. laxE, and tso build tshis and codGE, d€6ign lowi€w approv.d, Uniforh Building Cod6 and oth6r ordinanc66 REQUESTS FOR INAPECTIONS SIIAI,I, BE MADE TWEIIIY- FOIJR HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY 479 -2138 0R AT AM 5: oo PM It,em:0510006/L8/LegeItem: 05600 Dept: BUILDING Division: Der- Kath\t-Dept: FIRE Division: and ploc plan, 6ubdivi6ion I.t{D OWNER !o ot vll!, ooloRlDo St leEts gtrlllllrg trunbar: Rlc-o532 Moung. Dqrmnts Lchod! Ctr llotrtion ! 3539 ?to.so 06/2L/99 09 rza IniCs ing Pqlrit. I|o3 P99-O054 ftE).t B-PIJIB P&UIiBINO PEillIl Prrc.l lto 3 2101-063-02-006 gle. lddn.. ! ?95 P('IIK' PIICE ln tocrtlon! ?56 Pogrto Prcch Dr. lb.k P.l'r.t|g locrl lccs ! ?9O.5O !otr1 tlL Prer r Bllanc.: 7t0.50 ?90.90 .00 lrtcoqnE Cod. D.acriptloa PP 00100003111200 Dtrtt||Btnc 9lRllrT FISE DF 00100003112300 Ptrllt CUECf, ttES llc 00100003112400 r r& cF,Ir InSgEerlc[t FEa lmunt 5t 0. 00 157.50 3.OO rt TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 a Reatualanc Plan Rewie$- - > DRB Fcc-------- DEPARTIT,IENT OF EOMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENf NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT lfob Address... z 756 POTATO PATCH DR Location......: 755 Pot.at.o Patch Dr. Parcel No..... : 2101-053-02-005 ProjecE Number: PR*198-0204 APPLICAIiIT EAGLE RIVER PIJIJMBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 498L, VArL, CO 81658 CONTRACIOR EAGI.,E RIVER PIJI'MBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 498L, VArL, CO 81658 OWNER BERNDT WOLFGANG L0 Campargo Pines, Cincinnati, DescripEion: Mechanical for new dup. Valuation: Fireplace RegcricEed: Y +of cas Appliance6:*of caa Log6: sEaEus...: IssuED Applied-.: 06/t7/L999 Issued. - -: 07/23/L999 E:cpires- - : 0L/1-9/2000 AT AI,L TIMES M99-0063 Phone: 970-390-L897 Phone : 970-390-t897 52, 000 . 00 +of wood/PalLct: iIOBSITE Permit OH FEE SUMMARY Mcchanical - - -> Plan chcck-- -> InvestigaEion> 1, 040 .00 250 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,303.00 1,303.00 .00 1,303.00 Totsal calculatsed Fees- - - > Additi.onal Feea__ -- -_- --> Tota1 Permi! Fec--------> will call----> 3.oo Payments------- 1,303'00 BAI.ANCE DUE..- - Item: O51OO BUII-,DING DEPARTIVIEI{I Dept: BUIL,DING Division:07/L4/L999 KATHY Act,ion: NOTE Routed Eo 'JR-O7/2L./L999 JEM ACtsiON: APPR APPROVED .TRMitbmi'o5eOo-FTps DEPARTT,IENi DepE: FrRE Division: 06/Le/L999 KATITY Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, ]-. FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANqE.2. COI'TSUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS At{D TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER L0 OF THE 1997 rlt{C.4. GAS APPLIAI{CES SIIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEITT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTEB 3 AND- SEC.]-O].7 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. BOILERS SHALL BE MOulillIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOIJIimING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE AI{AI,YSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI'EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATE-R- SupFtv BoTLERS SHALL BE EoUTPPED wrrrl A FLooR DRArN PER sEc. LO22 0F T1IE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTTON 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** DBCT,ARATTONS I h.r.bt, actnorb€r tshrt I hrv. tard thlr .pplicrtion, fillcd oub in full tshc lnfonstion rcquircd, plst, and etats thr! all, thr infonrbion providsd rE rcquircd it corrGc!. I rgr.. to coply sitsh Do coqrly rlch .ll Tovn ordinanccE .nd strlc lrrE, and fo build thi6 scructurr .ccording bo cod.., dc.ign rcvilx .pDrovld, Irniforo Building codc rnd of th. losn REQI'BSTS FOR rtraPEeIIONa aHllr, BE t|tnB rflEltTv-FOItR ate|ATlrna ot owlrBR oR coltl.ntemR FoR lrrral'.l AND coq)lclra |rr accuntsr plot Lnf or[|tiqr .nd plots plB, 's zoning rnd gubdivialon AT otR OPFICB FRO|| e!00 Nl 5:00 P|| toa{t oF v rL, @roRlDo ggacaDnc StaConE ltrrbcr: REC-O543 lrou$t:1.303.0o O7/23/e9 1,5 z10 P.!ro.nu il.chod: CK NoEation! {3559/BLO!E RfvB tnlc! IJC paruLB No! !199-0053 TyIr. ! B-I|ECH MEcnN{lcAl, PERMIa Parcal No! 2101-053 -O2 -005 siBc lddrc6E ! 756 FoAATO PATCII DR Locrgl,on ! 756 Pocrto Patch D!. Thl! P.yr|nC 1,303.00 1,303. O0 ,o0 Iotrl Pe.r: 1,303.0o Total ALl, PnEs r Balanqa ! lccoqnt Codc Dalcripgion l|P 00100003111300 llEcHlNrctl! PErurIr FEEs pt 00100003112300 PLtt{ cHEq( aE89 r|c o01000031r2s00 mtL crtL lxsPBelloN FIB looutlt 1. 0t0. 0o 260.00 3.00 T t|.\ r-.t II L},t d.t C)3O \ %"1$a ELS94V64L6 : 'ON )dJld udqrt"cn 666tr 6tr 'tnf 3NI t-t8d d:lllu :rEHf : l.ltDl ; l ..l.PARCEL Ii: P25q8- osrl 3fr-oo,r6 UCTIO PER}IIT /I FORM , APPLTCATTON IIUST BE FTLLED OUT COr'lpLETELy OR IT I'fAy NOT BE ACCEPTED r****************************** PERMTT rNFORIIATTON ** ********** * *** * ********** * *t! './ r at 2ror -ou3 -oz -od''!$il"?il X}|lr:Si; Legal Description: Lot ,/.r:7-atoek2- sit Owners Nane:,{L Architect .,-&4, qd6-/ledAddress:P:n. a <1,>/ nork crass: ,'dt"t I J-Atterarion [ :-aaai/nar Number or ow4rrtng units: f a Nurnber General Description: BUILDING: S ey- nfrUer and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances 4* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * VALUATTONS Gas Logs r Woodr/Pellet ********************************* OTHER3 $ TOTAL: I [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Accoruoodation Units:'7 * ** * *********** ** * ** ******* Town of vaiL Reg. NO. Phone Number: EI.,ECTRICAL: $MEcHANrcAtzffi.4 CONTRACTOR INFORI{ATTON Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: tlc.tin'o lsL\rrrttfltuMechanicdJ. Eontractor : Address: ********************************FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber:I Bc.u1q Town of Vail Phone Number: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: T,TECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE:sssirF BUTLDTNG: SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE: JUN 17 1999 ==FtttrnE-6l5VALUATION CI.BAll I'P DEPOSIT RErI'ND ' ', ' ,,'i.,1$ Project Name: BERNDT RESIDENCE Project Number: Project Quote: Designed By: DAVID LUNDIN/HUGHES SUPPLY INC. Serial Number: 3107 Desiped For: EAGLE RIVER PLG & IITG Notes: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED TO DO I{EATLOSS. HUGES SUPPLY NOT LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. Zone | (Slab Application) I Room catlons Room Name Prinary Spacing linl Primary Area Ifr'l Banded Spacing tinl Banded Area lfel Heating Intcnsity lBtu/h ft'l Required Heat IBtu/hl Provided Heat lBtu/hl BEDRM 2 t2 217 JJ. I 7,308 7 7)? BATH 2 L2 43 35.2 1,495 2,798 STORAGE I t2 98 23.1 2,262 6,539 HALL 1 t2 8.7 671 2,494 BEDRM 3 12 154 29.1 4,474 5,r92 BATH 3 12 48 8.7 4t4 3,052 BEDRIvI 4 IL 154 26.8 4,t22 5,182 BATH 4 l2 48 8.7 414 3,052 i Enh.a; | -No. or Length [ftl j Circuits _225"4 i zq ry_2 ( $!4!,n pdic{rqr' ) Room Name REC RM EXERCISE RM i Supply Delta T GP}T Fluid ['Fl ["Fl Room S ifications Primarv i Banded Banded Area lft'l Area , Spacing linl 550 Zone S Heating Required Intensity , Heat lBtu/hftl I lBru/hl 10,009 Ift'l 162 Provided Heat IBtu/h] 2,028 Enfran Type !2" E-PexB Enfran Length [ftl No. of Circuits Head tPancl Load BERNDT.RAD Copyright(c) 1992,93,9 4,,95,96,97,98 Heatway Page I Room S Room Neme Prinary Spacing linl Primary Arca tffl Banded Spacing linl Bsnded Arca tffl Heating Intensity lBtu/h ft l Required IIeet IBtu/hl Provided Hcet lBtu/hl SEC KITCHENiLTV 12 219 30.0 6,552 6,601 SEC BEDRM t2 144 21.7 3,t23 4,340 SEC BATH t2 58 14.0 803 3,376 Panel Load tBtu/hl linl i tffl Zone S catlons Supply Fluid ["Fl Delta T rrl GPM Head tftl Panel Load lBtu/hl Entran Typc Entran Length lftl No. of Circuits 165 20 1.7 9.00 15,273 3/8" Entran Onix 160 J Room S catlons Room Name Primary 1 Primary Spacing L Area [inl i [frl Banded Spacing Iinl Banded Area Iffl Heating Intensity lBtu/h ffl Required Heat lBtu/hl Provided Heat lBtu/hl POWDER 8 .'-]29.3 967 1,8'19 LIVING RM 8 576 35.1 20,232 20,360 ENTRY 8 99 54.1 s ?55 5,612 CLOSET I 8 22 l9.l 421 782 BAR 8 25 19.1 474 879 DININGRM 8 293 38.9 I1,378 14,039 STAIRS 8 104 55.6 5,787 3,701 * B ERIID T.RAD C o pyr i g ht (c) 1992,93,9 4,9 5,9 6,97,9 8 He atway Page2 RadiantWorks 98.00 * The flagged rooms may require auxiliry heat. Heatwa Zone List Panel Load lBtu/hl Room S cattons Room Name Primary Spacing linl Primary Area lfr'l Bandcd Spacing Iinl Banded Area tfi"l Ileating Intensity fBtu/h ft'l Required Heat lBtu/hl Provided Heat lBtu/hl KITCHEN 8 344 20.4 7,0t6 15,989 BREAKFAST 8 44 t09.7 4,825 2415 " LAIINDRY'8 70 7.1 499 3.,754 POWDER 2 8 36 24.2 865 1,967 OFFICE I 45 47.6 2,t42 1,568 * * The flagged roorns may require auxiliary heat. Zone Snecificati ons Supply Fluid [oFl Delta T rFl GPM Head lftl Panel Load lBtu/hl Enfran Type Enfran Length [ftl No. of Circuits l6s 20 2.2 6.41 19,606 3/8" Entran Omx 180 5 Room Room Name Primary Spacing linl Primary Area tffl Banded i Banded Spacing Area linl [ft'l Heating Intensity lBtu/h ffl Required Heat lBtu/hl Provided Heat lBtu/h] GARAGE I t2 621 25.9 16,076 20,842 GARAGE 2 t2 246 33.9 8,346 8,362 ifications Supply Fluid ["Fl Head Iftl Entran Type Entran No. of Length [ftl Circuits t07 to 1 :+ -i --4i,112" E-PexB B ERNDT. RAD C o pyr i g ht (c\ 1992,93,9 4,9 5,9 6,97,98 Heatwa y Page 3 'Radiant Works 9E.00 06-21-1999 7,onet (Stanle-U Room Soecifications Room Name Primary Spacing linl Primary Arra lfr'I Banded Spacing tinl Banded Area tffl Heating Intensity lBtu/h fttl Required IIeat tBtu/hl Provided Hcat lBtuAl LANDING 8 65 I1.6 't55 2,243 MASTER BED 8 406 3s.3 14,332 14,358 MASTER CLOSET 8 ll4 20.0 1 ''f'f 4,033 Zone Specittcatrons Supply Fluid [oF] Delta T ["F] GPM Head Ifq Panel Load lBtu/hl Entran Type Entran Length [ftl No. of Circuits 168 20 2.3 8.00 2t,044 3/8" Entran Onix 200 ) ifr Room Specifications Room Name Primary Spacing linl Primary Area Ifr'l Banded Spacing linl Banded Heating Area lntensitY [ft'l lBtu/h ff] Required Heat tBtu/hl Provided Heat tBtu/hl MASTERBATH 8 201 29.0 5,845 10,354 ne Supply Fluid [oFl Delta T rFl GPM Head tfrl Panel Load IBtu/hl Entran Type Entran Length [ftl No. of Circuits 160 20 0.7 5.10 6,820 3/8" Entran Onix 180 2 ifications Proiect Totals Systern Pumping Specs: 23.5 GPM at I 1.96 feet of head System Boiler Load:213597 Btu/r (excludine Suoolv & Retum piping) 3250' of I/2" E-PexB "l 26, i 0 7 Ait fr;" 4740' of 318" Entran Onix ' I BERNDT.RAD Copyright(c) 1992,93,9 4,9 5,9 6,97,98 Heatway Page 4 todels Jrom 45,040 Io 500,000 BfUs. o clEltcY, silAll 01t SPACE.BIG ON E o Irl h.U-It Drafr Dtoefter Gi*s unit a lou 28" prcfile, flaking il ideal for installatiorls ait b b eadroom r6tri c t iorxs. 30 PSI ASME h"'ssurle ReUcJUah,e Ensur5 safe operution, Wects uni, from danage. Temperatwv Attd Pr?ssrare Gauge lrlab cbeYhing h)ibr functiont esq). Putnp Rel4! &aitc b6 c irculating pu mp o off autonaticalb,. Irual AdJt srabb Htgb-LffiMroLt Allurs operator contrcl ofuakl temPratu re lor qrylication Iqihlit!, greater protec tion. Llp b A%,4"F.aE qtfrciercy deltJhvs 45(m ta 504Un EIAS Atupttulcft LP. or Nata"ql G4^t ApNcattons cabatdzed Stceurcbt Heqry4uty const aclion u/ith a duroble a.rylk frnisb. WdqDerHeat Etcbar8et Tr.hes Ensules flst- and corTL'sion-free opelation fM longer W, Urrtqte Cqper-Ebt" Dstgn Flns druded directlf Irom copry tufufor unsufutesvd beat transler. Gas Uabe u,lth trtan al Sbtttofll Designed for eas! cqnnection and added safety. LtE b -H utt N C2rardc Tlle SW e-age ft nt eria I ittsu btes bttet and uEgbs 16 tban gondard refractnry. Sta'laleEs fieet h$r'prs Darabb constnrction lor longer life, bigbel effrcimcy. Spa* Igrttb.* Standard eauituEnl ofl mdel -l:l;:zixmri;" a rqlac$ st andittg pilo t. ' Abo aluilabb witb ndule frirg Bas MhE (scqt on 45,O(n BTU mdel ). 'ilhat could be better tban a bigb-efficiency Up lo 84.2% I"LU.E. Eflidenry* boibr tbat keqs you uarm all ouer wbile it saues )pu monqt? How about one tbat saues ualuabb Eace, too! That's tbe Mini-Fin8 by Lochinuar. Tbis unique boiler design packs morefea- tures and beating capacity into a compact unit tban ltou euer tbougbt possible. From tbe Copper-Fin beat excbanger and stainless steel burners, to our otun ligbtueigbt Locb-HeatrM ceramic irsulating tiles. Plus, tbe Mini-Fin offets capacities up to 5AO,00O BTUs, and all modek are approuedfor tigbt-fitting installa- At the heart of the Mini-Fin is our own cast iron/ Copper-Fino heat exchanger. Using a unique gasketless design, we've combined the best of both worlds: cast iron headers for longJasting durability, and specially-finned copper nrbing for higher energy efficiency. In fact, the Mini-Fin is rated uo to V+.T/o A.F.U.E. - which means lower energy consumption and operating coss. For maximum performance, the copper fins are extruded directly from the wall of the copper tube. The result is a heat exchanger that has a heat transfer ratio 9 times greater than ordinary copper tuk. Plus, because it's copper, there's no need to worry about rust or conosion - it simply lasts longer And the gasketless design reduces the risk of leaks or system failures that are so common with conventional boilers. 'Wben using W* ignition and Lvnt danw. tions like closets or alcoues. Only lrorn lorhinYor But there's more to a Mini-Fin than its low 28" profile and A+.2o/o efficiency. This remarkable boiler is also as flexible and convenient as it is efficient and compact. For example, the heavy-duty stainless steel burners can easily be adapted for use with either natural or liquefied petroleum (tP) gas. \X/hat's more, the Mini-Fin allows easy access to al, major components for servicing. W'e even designed the heat exchanger to slide right out the front of the boiler for faster maintenance, and we back it with our exclusive 20-year Limited Varranty. So, with over 75 years' experience in heating water, you can depend on Lochinvar. And you can depend on the Mini-Fin to deliver the performance, convenience and reliability you need. Spore.Soving Design A high efficiency Mini-Fin can not only do the job of other boilers for much less - it also needs less spa.ce. Our 45,000 BTU unit has a footprint of less than 2.5 sq. feet. It features a smaller profile, too. lVith an overall unit height of just 28 inches, the Mini-Fin is a nanlral choice for applications where headroom restrictions are a factor - thanks to the built-in draft hood. Plus, we insulate the combustion chamber with our special Loch-Heatn ceramic tiles. These interlocking tiles are not only better insulating than sandard materials, they're also more durable. And unlike refractory- lined combustion chambers, this space- age mate'jal won't ever crack or spall. Develooed from the same technology used to protect the Space Shuttle during re-entry, Loch- HeatrM insulation is thinner and lighter than standard refractory, too. Up to 25o/o lighter - which makes installation and servicing much easier. In fact, Mini-Fin units start at iust 113 lbs, - so they can easily be handled bv iust one man. tini-Iin' Dimeneions ond ifirotions o Spcr F,r r8l||)15mR srDE vtEw 1'0m $,9m $tn,VT 5V{ n$ilgoil+l 90,m 73,O0 nt/r tlr svl'21', RNilt3mfl r3tm il0,7([ntlt w'sv4'7t' mtfltmtl tm,m t{t6m ut/r 24',3/1"5y4', ztm t8{,5m nvr 3/1',I yr" n0,m 2r,00 t96 ntlt 3/4',il y{'2v 3rtom 2S,30 tst/t il3/1'E'e o25',l'ilsAnt/r360,0m 295,2m 258TNTS6O8 rBH99fl 3t9,m n7,tm lt |46'I vt' milJttrR m,m {0,m 5JW t|r t'il3/t'2f Note: Change 'N' to 'L' to denote L.P models. Pump pre-mounted and wired on all models. All models apprwed for natural L.P gas. lnlet and Outlet - 1" N.PT., models M5 through t80. t 1/2" N.PT., models 225 through 5m. L.P Gas valve Crnrection is l/2", models 045 through 180.3/4", models 225 thmugh 500. Stondord Foolurcg . Dual Adjustable High-Limit Controls r Circulating Pump Mounted and Wired (models 045 through 180) . TemperaNre and Pressure Gauge . l0 PSI ASME Pressure Relief Valve . Galvanized Jacket. Builtln Draft Hood . Gas Valve with Builcln Manual Shutoff . Pump Relay . High{loss Acrylic Paint . High Efficiency Stainless Steel Bumers . Lightweight loch-HeatrM Ceramic Tile Combustion Chamber . ASME Cenfied to 160 PSI Working Pressure (all models) . National Board Cenified . AGA Desi8n Cenified for Closet Installation (models M5 ttrough 180) o AGA Desigr Certified for Alcove Installation (models 225 through 500). Autornatic Vent Damper (models 045 through 70) Optlonol Equlpmcnt Flow Switch Combustible Floor Shield (except 39 and 500) Manual Reset High Limit l,ow Whter Cut{ff (Probe Type) Pump Delay Spark lgnition (models 045 through 270) Module Firing Gas Valve with Spark Ignition liring Conlrol tyrtenr F-l Standing pilot, thermocouple sup€rvision. (Standard equipment, models O45 through 270.) F-9 Elearonic pilot supervision, spark ignition, 4-second main gas shutdown. (Standard equipment, models 315 through 50O.) M-9 Same as F-9 with module firing gas valve. (Not available on 45,000 BTU model.) ftIndrirnarr Loclrinvar corrnration V 2005 Elm Hill Pike Nashville, TN 37210 615i 1J89S900/Fax 615 / 8a54403 Printed in U.S.A. Litho loM 2/96 ,nAtHl +t\-- -,, ,,.:-. ,/\--, \t All models complywith Canadian Gas Associatibn ASME Bdler Pressurc Vess€l Cod€, S€clion lV 160psiwo ino presEur€ and regisler"d with tlB Nalional 8oard. eglil Boil€r design cln ied by AGA as hot wat€r bdlels for both natunl 0a6 and proparD oas. RBN.O2 Ilow You Can "Do Radiant" Where You Never Thought You Coulil What is Ouik TiakrM? . A wood panel system specially engineered for radiant floor heating. Alternative to gypsum based overpour and joist heating applications. Efficient system design means minimum job-site waste ' Simple to plan and install What Does lt Do? Opens new retrofit and remodeling markets for the contractor Puts the contractor in charge of the radiant installation from beginning to end Makes basement and above subfloor retrofits easier. Quik Trak's thin profile - only t7r" thick - reduces the need to alter door moldings and/or floor baseboards Eliminates concerns often associated with poured floors - moisture issues, excess weight and scheduling conflicts Finished floors can be installed over Quik TrakrM immediately Creates a stable floor with no need for expansion joints Excellent BTU output and lower thermal mass means fast response time The \f,/f $AgiE|Ct'- Quik TiaI{* System Because Comfort Belongs Everywhere! WtFfS|Bp'-Quik Trak'i Easy lnstallation in a Variety of Construction Methods |- wOOo SuBfLooR i -rroon ,,orst 1NSULAT ON Wirsbo Quik TrakrM Over a Wood Subfloor Wirsbo Quik TrakrM Over a Goncrete Slab Wirsbo Quik TrakrM for Radiant Wall Heating world leader in ht'dronic .rv.rtel,?.r'wlFlEtBo'" 5925 148rh STREET WEST .APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 . (612) 891-2000 . FAX (612) 891-2008 FOR YOUR AREA SALES REPRESENTATIVE CALL 1.800-321.4PEX Copyrighl @ 1999 Wirsbo Company, Printed in the United States The Quik TrakrM System is based on 7" x 48" panels with aluminum backing. The panels are only 1/2" thick and are designed with a special groove for 5/1 6'' Wirsbo hePEXrMPrus tubing. Quik TrakrM panels add minimal height over an existing subfloor or concrete base. Easy for new construction. ldeal for remodeling and retrofit projects! Quik TrakrM is easily installed over a subfloor A thin bead of silicone goes into the groove Now it's time to walk the tubing in the groove Finishecl floors are now ready to be installed over wirsbo Quik Trak'" 'HARDYVOoo SIRIP FLoOF NG--- r.slorrld g.rp.ndi.! or lo Pon.s 5/16_ h.Ptx TUBI G oUIKT&c( PANEL- Sc..'.d to *ood 3ubl oor 5/E' MrN. !1000 S!8FL00FO!.d o. rorer ^oll.d wwwwirsbo.com Quik Trak oTMD esign and lnstallation Preliminary Layout Once the direction of the euik TrakrM panels is determined, a layout must be designed. r Mark any areas where panels will not be installed.. From the wall measure the width of the Return Trak plus 114" Ior a totat of 7 114,' .. Snap a chalk line to outline each of the Return Trak wails (see Figure 4).. Determine the starting point for the supplypanei and snap a chalk line perpendicular to the other chalk lines using a square as your gulde. Note: For accurate results, use a square insteadof the wall as a guide. Panel Installation Use of a circular, power mitre or table saw with acarbide blade is recommended for cutting euik TrakTM panels. o .. .Begin by laying the first row of panelsparallel to the chalk line.. To improve structural integrity, stagger thepaners rn each row so the seams are not tineO up.lf you have to cut the last panel in the first ror, lio,can use the other cut piece to start the second row.AS an atternative, you may cut a panel in half andbegin the second row. Continue'tnis staiGi;'pattern throughout the instailation (see Fiture 5). Note: lf the finished floor is hard wood, installa_tion of a vapor barrier below the panels ,;t b;necessary, Check with the wood floor installer ormanufacturer to determine the proper location anotype of vapor barrier needed ,nitn inei, p.J"lt. No Ponels No Ponels Figure 5 wlnsBo- Quick Trakt$ Design & tnstallation Manuat Figure 4 17 Wirsbo Quik TrakrM Wirsbo Quik l?akrM Radiant floor heating represents the perfect neattng system for human beings. Comfort and efficiency top the list of benefits that homeowners receive from a radiant floor heating system. Over the past several years, floor heating has become the single fastest growing segment ol the HVAC industry offering numerous advantages over the more traditional alternatives such as forced air heating. In the new millennium there will be more remod_ elrng and retrofit construction in the United States than new construction. More and more homeowners will want to incorporate the manv benefits of radiant floor heating into their hom-es: . Warming cold kitchens, bathroom and entryway floors o Heating cold, damp basements. Warming floors from the exposed joists below Wirsbo has made it easier for you to get radiant heating comfort into more homes with Ouik TrakrM. This cost-effective patented wood panel system rs engineered for wood frame construction and offers an alternative to joist heating and poured floor underlayment installations. The low profile - only Vz" thick - allows you to use Quik TrakrM directly over subfloors and concrete basement slabs adding minimalheight. Wirsbo Quik TrakrM enables you to put the com- fort of radiant floor heating into your customers' new or existing homes with less hassles! aa {. Fast, Easy Installation Wirsbo's Quik TrakrM radiant floor heating systemprovides tast, easy and trouble free installation in retrofit, remodeling and new construction projects. The system includes Wirsbo's 5/16" hepEirr',rir," lgpinS: Quik TrakTM panels and Return Trak paners, (7' wide x 48" tong x 1/2' rhick), Wirsbo brass manifolds and fittings. euik TrakTM panels are desrgned_with a center groove that provides a tight fit for the 5/16" tubing. In many installations the lowprofile of the panels require only a 112', alteration of the finished floors, doors and entryways. The Quik TrakTMSystem is easily installed in many types of floor construction: 'l . Over a suspended wood subfloor. 2. Over an existing concrete slab. 3. ln wall or ceiling installations. Tools that you will need to lnstall the euik TrakTM syslem:. Table Saw, power Mitre Saw or Circular Saw. Used to cut or trim the panels for correct sizing. A carbide blade is recommended. . Electric Drill Gun. #2 Phillips bit to drive screws. 5i8' Drill bit ro driil hotes for the suppty and return runs. . Quik DriveTM Kit. Optional. Speeds up the driving of the screws and allows the installer to drive screws while standing. Kit includes carrying case, screw pouch, DewaltTM drill, Quik DriveTM extender and strio screw adapter head. . Shop Vacuum Necessary to clean out the track prior to tubing installation. . Caulk Gun. Hammer. 3/4'Wood Chisel. Tape Measure. Squarer Chalk Liner Rubber Mallet. Tin Snips. Extension Cord wtFaBo- Quick Ttakri Design & tnstallation Manual o Quik rra]* hstailation Methods 1/4'-3t8" PLYWOOD OR CEMENT BOARD Quik TrakrM PANEL THIN SET TILE WOOD SUBFLOOR FLOORJOIST 5/16" hePEXrM plus Tubing MIN. R19 INSULATION Quik llakrM Instailed Above A Subfloor with rile/Linoreum Ftoor How: Quik TrakrM panels are laid out over a gjVwooO subfloor, perpendicular to the floor joists. Inls rs done to strengthen and stabilize the subfloor/underlayment sandwich. Make,sure to stagger the seams of the euik TrakTM as shown inFigure 5 on page j 7, panels should be secured tothe subfloor with 'l-1l4, screws. To start, secure one side of the panel with a screw on each end.This allows for quick realignment if neeOeO. When the panels are properly taiO out, secure each pinel with 10 screws, five on each side of the groovb- After the panels are secured, use a vacuum to "l:"n 9.9!lil out of the panet grooves. Nen, apjtya thin (1/8") bead of Wirsbo euik TrakrM Seatani throughout the entire length of the groove. The sealant is '100% silicone and acts as an adhesive .agent promoting good heat transfer from the tubinoto the Danel. Begin the installation of the tubing as described on page 19. In tile or linoleum installations, the finished floor-rng manufacturers may require a 114" layer otplywood 91 3 98" tayer of cement board be placed over the Quik TrakrM panels. This gives a flai, soliO base for a thinset application. Where: This application is used in residentlal construction as an alternative to both joist heating and poured floor underlayment installations. This method has several advantages over both options, including minimal floor build-up, no concrete and increased output potential over joist heating. What To Look For: In tile or linoleum installa- tions, a 114" layer of plywood or a 3/g', layer of cement board is installed over the euik TrakrM panels, if required by the flooring manufacturer. This gives a flat, solid base for a thinset application. Proper insulation is critical to the performance of Quik TrakrM. A minimum of R-19 is recommended in between the floor joists. ln all Quik Trakw applications, the maximum Ioop length for the 5/16. hepEXrn plus tubing is 250' includlng leader lengths. Ftow rates torZil Quik Traktu lnstallations are calculated to a 20 deg ree te m peraturc d itferentl al. wtRgBo- Auick Tnkrv Design & tnstallation Manual 5 Quik rrtr, |nstattation Methods Quik TrakrM PANEL Scr€wed to wood sublloor UrtU" n""axruolus TUBING ya' urru. wooD suBFLooR Glued or power nailed lo slab CONCRETE SLAB Slab With Wood Subfloor What To Look For: A high water table will adversely affect the performance of this applica- tion. lf the existing slab is not equipped with a vapor barrier, one must be installed over the slab prior to installing the plywood base and euik TrakrM panels. In all QuikTrakrM applications, the maximum loop length tor the 5/16" hePEXrM plus tubing is 250' including leader lengths. Flow rates for ail QuiR Trakru installations are calculated to a 20 deg ree te m pe ratu re d iffere nti a l. 5/8- M$i. W00D SU&L0ilR Gluerl or powcr ooiledto 5lob Quik Ttakrn Installed Over A Goncrete How: A layer of Sl8" - 314" plywood subfloor must laid out over the concrete slab first. The plywood can be adhered direcily to the concrete if a vapor barrier is not required. lf a vapor barrier rs required, then the plywood must be power-naileo ro the concrete slab. Make sure to stagger the seams of the euik TrakrM as shown in Figure 5 on page 17. panels should be secured to the plywooC witn t-tl+" screws, To start, secure one side of the panel with a screw on each end. This allows for quick realign_ ment if needed, When the panels are properly lald out, secure each panel with 10 screws, five on each side of the groove After the panels are secured, use a vacuum to "lgT 9.99fir. out of the panet grooves. Next, appty a thin (1/8") bead of Wirsbo euik TrakrM Sealani throughout the entire length of the groove. The sealant is 100% silicone and acts as an adhesive agent promoting good heat transfer from the tubino to the panel. Begin the installation of the tubing as described on page 19. Where; This application is used in residential constructron over existing concrete slabs. Theptywood base together with the euik TrakrM panel only adds lr-j14" in height. tt is the ideat sotuiion when retrofitting or remodeling a cold basement, 7wtnEBo- Auick TrakrM Design & lnstallation Manuat Figure A TO!{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970 -479 -2t38 E1€ctrical -- - > DEPARTTJIENT OF COMMI'NITY DSVELOPMENT NCIIE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRIEAI-, PERMIT .fOb AddTESS: 756 POTATO PATCH DRtocation...: 755 Potato Patch Dr Parcel No.. : 2101-063-02-006 Project No. : PR,J98-0204 APPLTCATiIT TRIATiIGLE ELECTR]C P O BOX 4068, FRTSCO CO 80443 COMTRACTOR TRIAIiIGLE ELECTRIC P O BOX 4068, FRTSCO CO 80443 OWNER BERNDT WOLFGANG 10 Campargo Pines, CincinnaEi, OH DescripEion: Electric for new SFR wiEh EIIU ValuaLion: ON 'JOBSITE AT ALT TIMES PermiE #: 899-0193 StaEus...: ISSIJED Applied. .: LQ/O8/L999 rssued. - -, L0/LL/L999 E>cpires- . : 04/08/2000 Phone: 303-453 -5424 Phone: 303 -453-5424 00 tt*r*rrrr*ttrrr FEE SUMMARY **ti****t*i'*t* DRB Fe. .00 3. OO TOTAL FEBS---> 220. OO ToEal calculated Fe6s--_> Additi-onal Fe6e- -- - - - --- > Total Pernits Fea---_---_> Palm€ntss------- BAI,AI.ICE DUE-- -- 2t7 -OO 220 . OO .00 220.OO 220 . OO .00 Invesci.gacLon> nill call----> rEem: 06000 ELECTRICAT, DEPARl'l{Erfr Dept: BUILDTNG Division: 1,0/08/L999 KATITY AcEion: APPR approved per-kw riam;'o5e6o-pins DEPARTTIENi -__ - 'Dept: FIRE Division: Lo/08/L999 KATIIY AcE.ion: APPR approved per-kw L0'/08-/L999 KATIIY Action: APPR n7i CONDITION OF APPROVAT 1. FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C}IECK FOR CODE COMPTIAI{CE. DECLARATIONS f hereby acknorledge thaL I have read Ehis applicaEion, fi.lled oue in full tshe information required. comPletsed an accuraEe plot p1an, and stale Lhat all the infornation provided as required is correc!. I agree to cornply with the infonnalion and ploE plan, to comply Hich all Town ordinances and stale lavs, and to build Ehis Blructsure according go the Tolrn's zoni.ng and subdivision codes, de6ig:n rewier approved, Unifonn Bui.lding code and obher ordinances of the Tolrn apltlicabLe Lheretso. REQIIESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SmLL BE MADE T|{EMY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\ANCE By TBLEPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT OtR OFFICB FROU a:oo Alt 5:00 PM COrITRACTOR FOR HII'SELF AND O!{IIER o atarrrtattttrattlt;rttttaratrt.rr'trr.rr'rtirtatttrrrtrtratrrt''rttrt m t Ol \tlllr. @IloR.tDO sr.lcEr SerCcrat trl[b.r: nBC-O5?3 lrcunc 3 22O.Oo L|/LL/99 L3.54 P.y!.trc ltathod ! CK NocrCion! 19136,/fRiANq,E Inir: tt 9.roir No! Et9-0193 TtG,. r B-Etrlc F.Eet?ICt& pERllft P.!c61, f,or 2101-063-oZ-OO5 gl.cr itdd4.t r 756 POf,AllO PATCH Dn tpcrEl,o[l r ?56 Fotaco P.tcb Dr lot l 1c.., 220.00 $ri! P.ltlrnc a20.00 To!.1 .o! ltlrr I 22o.oo BaLn€a ! .00 lcaouog @d. D.lcrlpcioB l[ount EP 00100003111t00 BrJacIBrcAL DER$rr FEEs 21r.00 nc 00100003112300 ItxL! crLL aPEcllor FBa 3.00 J Wr- vr J(.,/rV.ww ltu.VJ.J r.V- ! PERlrrr ,frglffib PzI9fl- obL+ Bqq.oolb , APPLfCArIO!| llttsT EE SIIIIED Ot l CSlPttllIrY OR II tttl NOA BE ICCEPIED X*ttii..irr.**t.l*tt.tf *it** r*a Dlrul! rl|ttoilillloN t-...tt....t.t!} . ll.tr rr*r*i r*rl I J-Bulldtng t t-plurblng g(1-ffcctrtaf I t-r{rclrani-cal t !-other Job NaDe:,Iob Addrrr: LcAaI Dcrorlptl,ons'I€t tlook-;- Ftltng_ su*tvrsron, _ Or'rler3 Na!r: Archltsct: Nunbrr of, h{Glung ttnltr3 |Nu[bar of Acaotulodadlon Unltar ^ tlpnber and Sypo ol Flrspracrrr o.3 Attllanc.r. ca3 rpgr wood,/peuct_v ||f*r'**'*t*"*t*.*t**.i*t*t*t**atr. vrurATlottg r*r**r*rt*r.rr.rrritrrrt**arrt.rt ELlClSIC !; Itccmrrqf,!: l-oeUAnr I IrdlALs rrt ttttf I t *a.tt ttr*atlt ltr. Town ot Vall Beg. No.Phon€ NuBb.rr +A" io++ Elcctrloallddrerl .Pluabtng Contrrctotslddrels: llechanlcal Contraotorrlddrc:e: .ta l*t**att t*tr.ttaait a*tr*!r*t rttBT'IIDINC P8R[rT TEEIPLI'|.BI!|C PER}trT lEEr MECINNICAL PER}II! PEErEl,E(]ltutctL lEEr OIABR TIPE OF FEE: DRE FEE: I-dFfl?FEF' I ni l--f-l-!---l-rgonnentr: Beross Addr.rs AddacDrr Ph, Ph, ceneral OcrcrLptlon: work cla.B: g(1-ncw [ ]-Alt.ragton t.J-Addttlonrt I J-R.palr I j-otbar Addrece: Town of Vall Phone Nunbrrr 8o*n of vall Phonr Nuib.r: Town of Vall Pheno NurDrrl Rrg. NO. R€9. NO. FoR oF rct usE arrr*ir*rfr*rrrrfr.rrr**trttlr. ---. EUTI.DING PIAN CFECX FEES PU'UBTXG PIA}I CHECK '88!t.tgcnANtclL pranr cngck rusr.RECRttrIof rEE!CI/lrN-up DtpoSfT!lqlrL PEqttIT tEEsc - - curlDllfcs SroillntnEr ZOIIIfCS SlollAfltRtr Date Receive, ocT 0 6 1999 rrl BERNOT RESIDENCE ELECTRICAL PLAN KEY SEPTEMBER tO.I999 LEVEL PAGE RECESSEDCANS \ SPECIAL RECESSED CANS CHANDELIER HOT WATER DISPENSER DISHWASHER TRASH COMPACTOR MICROWAVE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SPA DOORBELL REMOTES ATTIC FAN FLOOR RECEPTACLE THREE SWITCHES (oVERHEAD L|GHT, FAN & VANITI) TOWELWARMER EXTERIOR WALL FIXTURE AUTO CLOSET CEILING LIGHTS WALL STEP LIGHTS LANDSCAPE LIGHTS ELEVATOR UPPER 42, 21-22-24-26-27 28-29-U 23 &25 1 - MASTER BATH 1 MASTER CLOSET STtrlCE COPY Date Received fen CODE MAIN A-1 1-2-3-4-5-&9 A.H-J.K.S-T 2 - LIVING ROOM }S POWDER 1&2 1 - MASTER BATH E,B&G 2E LOWER &t 2-3-4-7-8-9-11 12-13-15-16-17 M-X-Y-Z 1 - KITCHEN 1 - KITCHEN 1 - KITCHEN SECONDARY BATH BATHS 2, 3,4 & 5 BEDROOM 2, SEC, UNIT BEDROOM 6 LL, LP 220-30AMP GARAGE Town of Vail O 7&M lEl orr.rtruc, ENrRY BREAKFAST @ I - KrrcHEN @ 2 - KrrcHEN @ 1 - KrrcHEN @ 1 - KrrcHEN @ 1 - KrrcHEN SPA @2 E E 1 - LTBRARY 1 - M. BEDRooM @ ntl cRAWL SPA.E LIGHTS I GARAGE FLUoRESCENT CEILING I-f T - GARAGE OCT 0 6 il99 PAGE 2, ELECTRICAL PLAN KE' LEVEL PAGE WALL DIMMER SWITCHES WALL SWITCHES EXTERIOR KEY PAD, GARAGE DOOR SMOKE DETECTOR BATH VANITY CEILING BATH & LAUNDRY FAN DUPLEX RECEPTACLES TV/ PHONE COMBINATION PHONE ELECTRICAL PANEL MAIN UPPER LOWER i A{ A4 Aal # OF SWTCHES MULTIPLE WALL # 2 S-T GARAGE SWITCHES OR DIMMERS 3 S.B MAIN LEVEL DECK7 S.E EXTERIOR WALL FIXTURES2 D-9 LIVING ROOM2 S.L MUD ROOM7 D-2 MAIN LEVEL CORRIDOR2 D-6 KITCHEN2 D-4 KITCHEN D. s- @ o tr B @ Erq #2 2 2 *4 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 S-U UPPER STAIRS D.21 UPPER CORRIDOR }.22 MASTER BEDROOM S.X LOWER DECK S.4 LOWER CORRIDOR S-6 STAIRS S.7 LOWER CORRIDOR D-2 EXTERIOR SPA D.13 SECONDARY KITCHEN S.Y SECONDARYENTRY S-LL LOWER I-ANDSCAPE S.LP EASTLNDSCP. PATH MJL DEvELoPMENT rNC. PO BOX 3451 VAIL. COLORADO 81658 oFFrcE (970\ 476-6e44 FAX (970) 476-6947 MOBILE (e70) 471-r670 MRMORANDUM TO: BERNDTS FROM: MICHAELJ.LAUTERBACH DATE: SEPTEMBER 14.1999 RE: ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS Rather than attempt to include all items on the electrical drawings which were sent to you last weelg I will be updating those original drawings with changes and additions on a clean set of drawings. Items to be included on the revision set of drawings are as follows: l. '/ Under cabinet kitchen lighting. 2/ Landscape lighting fixture at driveway entrance. 3.r' Two landscape lighting fixtures adjacent to path to front door. 4."' 220 circuit for double oven. 5./ I l0 circuit for warming drawer below cookfop. 6. / I l0 circuit for wine chiller. 7. '/' I l0 circuit for wet bar refrigerator. t. "/ I l0 switched circuit for ceiling fans in library and master bedroom' 9.( Floor receptacle in kitchen family room. 10. / Mechanical room circuits for master bedroom and library air-conditioning rough-in. I L Low voltage specialty wiring for: a. Audio b Home theater c. ComPuterized heating. d Warm water controls. 12. Security system wiring PAGES: / NTCT-UUNG COVER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 InvcEtigatsion> wtll crll----> TCtrA', FEES- - - > 1. FIBLD iIOb AddTCSS: 756 POTATO PATCH DR Location...: 755 PoEaEo PaEch Dr Parcel No. . : 2101-063-02-006 Project No. : PRJ98-0204 status...: ISSI'EDApplied..: LLlA3/1999Issued...: LL/04/L999 E:q)ires. . : 05/02/2ooo DEPARIMEI'{T OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMET.IT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BLECTRICST PBRMIT PermiE #: 899-0232 APPLICAIIT APEX SECI'RITY GROTP Phonez 970-945-2L52 1429 GRAI{D AVBNI'E, SUrrE D, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 coNrRAqroR APEX sEctRrw GROITP Phone: 970-945-2L52 1429 GRAIiID AVENT'E, SUITE D, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 OWNER BERNDT WOLFGANG 10 Carq)argo Pinea, Cj-ncirulati, OH :::::::::::: :::::::::::::"-'i:""::::: ::':::::::::::::::::, . lll:l' .o0 3.O0 53.OO Item: 06000 EL,ECTRICAL, DEPARTT{ENr Depts: BUII-,DING Division: LL/03/L9_9-9 KATHY AcEion: APPR Approved pef KW ----iEai;'05660-FiFe ospCRT'lENl Dept: FrRE Division:lIlB/L999 I(ATITY Action: APPR N/A itrttta**aa.,rrt rtrJrt*irrrr*r*rttJtrt!rr*rrrr*arr***ar *a**rtrt'lir***t*ttri**i**t'lt**irtat*t*aita**rt.r+r rrrir Total cilculrtsed Fccs---> 53'oo Additional FcGs----- ----> .00 Totsal PcrBiL P€'.--------> 53 .00 Palnnents- --- --- 53-OO BAr,A'}lcE DUE---- .oo rr * a rr'r t*tttt.?a tt t*ttt 'r * r tt t Itir t tr * a t* a at t *a tr tt a tt t !, tlr t CONDITTON OF APPROVAI, rNsPEerroNs ARE FGQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE C0MPr.,rAliIcB. rrrrrt r t a tt i tt r t DECI-,AXAIrIONS I hcrGby .cknoulcdgc th.t I hrvc r!!d thls applicaCion, fillcd out in full bhc inforortion rcqulrcd, eotlplelsd an .ccurrCa pf,ob plan, end allts. thac all che inforEation prowidcd a6 lcquircd ia corr.ct'. I egrce to coultly i.ich thc inforo.tsion rnd plot Pl.n, to conply vleh r1l Tor'n oldinrncc. .nd .tat6 1an6, and to build lhig ltrucCurc according tso Chc Tovlt's zoning and aubdivicion cod.!, d..ign !!v-iau rpprov.d, Itriford Building Codc rnd othcr otdinmcca of thc Torn aPPlic-bl. th.rcto. REeItEgtS FOR INSPECIIONS lrmEIJ BB lnDE II{BITI-FOI R HOURS IN ADt AIICE By TELEPHOM AT 479-2138 oR AT OUR OPFICB FROII g:O0 A}| 5:00 PM ttaattaatttttataatraaati'rttttl'tttrltaa.rt.attttttt.aatatat!laaatat!r'raa lorfl ot vlr!. cot,onlDo Ecrg@!t Btrlo:t Xld.r! C-O585 lrclmt: Pry!.nc Lthod: CtC lfocrclont lltralg 53.O0 11/0a,/99 12 3a3 tnlt! Lc P.![lt f,or E99-0232 lytt! ! B-E!Ee ELICt?Icu. PERIdIT Prr€.l lo! 2101-063-02-005 8lB. Mdr.rr ! 754 Pctlllo Pllcrl B. lEcatlon t 756 Polrco Patdr DE Itrb Prltrrol lc@urtt (:|ods lotrl Faaa. 33.00 Totrl llr! P.E.: Brlrnca ! ttaactiptlon 53.00 53.00 .00 lDounB 50.00 3.00 !P 0O100003111aO0 lllEetRtcl! PEn rl tEBa IC OOlOOoo31128o0 tltL ClIlL ll|aEAetrIdr tEl WsW-oeoLl Contactthe Parcel # rowN oF vArCoNsrRUcroN pERMrr apfhsalroN FoRM INI'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTf,,I) Assessors at 97U328-8640 for Parcel # ,^,"' ,tAr/ZE/A1 P"r-ir#--Jbf,:: nanu ", 'Vittdt f/ailcr,t< robAddress: Mechanical (Jc)Plumbing ( ) Electrical ( ) Mechanical L"t4etuk=sz- ,u^- lo/rA 4g Address: ,/a&r7qt/ /'r;1 L Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: Architect: Other ( ) Subdivision Address: Phone# //41?7(2_ Phone# Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Alteration ( )Additional (X Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of DwelhngtJnits: /Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances , Gas Logs Wood/Pellet BUILDING: $ PLI]MBING $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Res.istration No. VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL {-AfuA OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: /,a. Eex 7qn t/.r;/ 4. F/Agf Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Mechanicaf Contractor, tq . 9. 4 Address: /- fr*e 5 ^ /t-pdh,s 4. Torvn of Vail Registration No.Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: ocT 2 6 1999 SIGNATURE: 0sl1?/00 10:16 fl9?0 46E 0295 NWCC0G rg*eJSAddirc LldttrGrr Orlr.cl5hlEcd*llrbr'Gr*rrtl:' reilbtb* _ fi'rttI l||Dt cd$ tr I h d d qr.d tt!Ff&dbt-tt hdG,'Al F---:r- itE tE Gl- arrf t lf;r c-EErGl-f*I*ErrB.ll'_pi3ofrl*aF-Ft-tr-Q|rrbcdlpfbcJqtrrtlith c.ldrdrf oc* c b frr at xrwmrrrr.r,rulrrFinlf; l3|lf aht|r,r hrr rrtf iB l& b rd bdq 3!40,00 er nlrb-At0.dtOrtJq$nCr|ltr - St0!0 rb $r frtc* $,000.00 r ffi hrf a,r lfl ,OCIF D'!htrt' tdr|! rrf*r *rrlrr.It o.d hd8t tU.0,00 d rrMa - tltm0 O||r S.gn"O.ar* - tztoql la|r 80 i'cd SUF.O r Hr tiratorcr i&m! r -nn+LrE^Tfo[sTl[eE bat'rrHor*il trt rctlt bTfle !'Jl df mbrtffirr0o& rTlbl$, t.lAdtUlhffrtOdaSlrblcr}v^utrrIpfl 7Z/AOD=, ffirh b'|fl Ir+t* .' '' ' "',ifrA/ -, _ - _, - ..AFilntF frrbreipnf t;r a &ln.r fr rtlr ||a S fFtu il lc ffi ft b ffi Cdorrao ql*0 ofcrrus. Ih d b ltfl a lfs|oom tr ffir nd |!F .t &trhb htr|r0n tf --..rrt b lWngOOG E flb tqgr t Qrl f,Ug r toL '|.|'c uL *Gb tryrb bt|ildmc. Boll- 6o,G cttl*t RECEIVED too' tal'n,fi[UH j' a'',, Chr.ftvr* fffhffi trfrdcAhiqru*ttcsb! /QF€/baer,,4-c czEinrt4--:- IMITAPPLICATION Be^crrr Pzs #oorrr*roF coMMUNrrY orurtt *, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E99-0027 Location.....: 756 POTATO PATCH DR ParcelNo...: 21.01.06302006 Project No : APPI,ICAIfT M'N-, DEVEI-,PMENT PO BOX 3451_ VAIL CO 81658 License: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: T56ITOTATO PATCH DR VAIL TO\^/NOF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Status...: FINAL Applied. . : 03/19/7999 Issued. .: 04/02/1999 Expires . .: 09/29/1999 03/19/7999 Phone z 970-476-6944 owNER iroNEs RAL,PH D 03/\9/L999 Phone: 25OO OI'E STREET NORTH WEST WASHINGTON DC 20007 Lricense: CONTRJACTOR TRIANGI,E EI-,,ECTRIC P O BOX 4068 FRTSCO CO 80443 I-,icenae t I25-E 000888 03/!9/L999 Phone z 303-453-5424 Desciption: TEMP POWER FOR NEW RESIDENCE Valuation: $300.00 FEE SUMMARY Electrical-> DRB Fee----> lnvestigation-> will catl--> TOTAL FEES-> $0. oo s0.00 s0.00 $3 .00 $53.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $53 . 00 Additional Fees-----> Totai Permit Fee----> BALANCE DUE-> pavments----> 553.00 $0.00 ss3.00 90. 00 Approvals:I€em: 05000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT O3/A9/L999 CI{ARI,TE ACIiON: APPR CHARI-,IE DAVIS Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT $/A9/L999 EHARLIE ACtiON: APPR N/A CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BI-,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIIAT'ICE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the in-formation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inJormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plotplan,tocomplywith"ff fo-r,orltan esandstatelaws,andtobuitd*?*.*"accordingtothetownszonin6 and subdivisioncodeq design. review approved, Uniform BuildingCode and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLESISFOR INSPECIONSIIAIT BE MADE TWENTY-FOLJR HOLRSIN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT4?9?I3E OR ATOuROFFICE FROMS:(I) AM- 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OVVIVER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII\,ISELF AND OIVNIET rowN oF vArLGNsrRUcroN 'ERM,, ori,aAroN F.RM INX'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECIE,D Contad the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # carcet * 2t>l- 6G3 - 6,J^- 6o(e Dil", a/ /1/qf Permit #6?f - oort JobName: 6tB*tbr BEsr.bcvcE Job Address: ?.f 6 Po rerro P+T.4 JR-T€nP. Electical (vfPlumbing ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) mt--fl nmr 2 Filins Subdinirion V..'l / 4 t-{o P-{. L 6.-. J t rur"u,1|-T P,+-h P-ktil * | rno,,t 476-4 >os Building ( ) Legal Description: owners Name: (J Architect: 1d 8 ''l'"'"'none*?41-4tt-l "74 €l -,-ts,'c P-1., f- | Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLUMBING $ Description of Job: Work Ctass: New ('4 Number of DwellinP Units: General Contrrctor: Town of Vail Registration No. VALUATIONS ' to ELECTRICAL: S ?oo- MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMAT]ON Alteration ( ) ) Additional ( )Repair ( )Oher ( ) Number of Accommodation Units:--O - Gas Logs Wood/Pellet OTHER: $ TOTAL $ Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Conlractor; fr t' c,-c /.-r ,'<. Address' Town of Vail Reeistration No.Phone # !!unbj4g.1@!ss!or:Address: Town of Vail Registrarion No.Phone # Mechanicd Contractor: Phone #4t/-(, 14+ Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TOI tHU 08:27 FM tto{ C29 5lE4 E-Z_RTOT UF'G l,'TU 4 l4 oorL2/ tt',l / oa) t.-J.n' AND spEcrFrc*'"?i f t' Standard llodel Includos: r Slalnless Steel Bum e Gas Valve . Redundenl Gas Valve . operating Aquastal . Safaty High Llnit Aguastat r Temporahre / Presgns Gauge ' A.S.M.E. Pressure Reliet Valv€ 30 p's.i. . Drain Valva . Drafi Hood . Transformef o Conbol Panel Endosrre Allorw 24' (61 c|rr) mHmun In tront for s€nticlng. SG SERIES BOILERS DIMENSIONS ,S o.rnn r'6 rru $ urn z' *r ur Grs @NlECtEil I Mnlmum d€alarH b combustble nraterbl: Top d (15 crn), Sldes 2' (5 cm), Rear ? (5 crn) -J> *-'/ 16e Supsr Hot product t;np ?nement prqram may result in changes to the dssign and / or specificaiims baing made without notice. 'U.S. Only.* IAO S' to Oimension 'A' (1 'll2' to each side of boiler) lo alorv for 2' NPT water connections. Optlonr: o Eectonic lgnition add suffix'F - Hot Surface lgnitbn add suffix'HS' . Hlgh/Low fire add suft( 'M' o Full Modulation add sufix'MOD" . Prcpane models add sumx'P - derate Popans models by 1006 Ftr cmdilions ah\re 2.000 ieet contac{ the faclory. IfODEL IIUIBER $tPur ont?uT DIT A-TXTI B Dl[ c DIT' D GAS coitl{. F SHIPPII{G WEIGHT MBH kw MBH kw H.P.in Cm in qn ln cm ln cfn Typical NFT tb kg scilt15 315 s2.3 ffi Tf .7 79 24.7 07.6 10.5 26.7 E.0 20.3 47.6 121 !1'307 14{) scit60 360 1(l8 303 88.8 s.0 m.,75.1 10.5 fi.7 9.0 a.9 48.0 124 t'330 tsit sGrm il00 117 3:t7 98.?10.0 32.7 t|:t.t 10.5 26.7 qg 22.9 i18.6 124 368 167 sG450 '150 1:n 379 111 1 1.3 35.7 90.7 16.5 41.9 10.0 25.4 55.3 1.10 1'395 180 sG4gli 495 145 417 122 12.1 38.7 90.3 16.s 41.9 10.0 25.4 55.3 1,{0 421 193 97 94766947 o P.g2 lbt r- I'IJL DEVELOPI'IENT I HC o P4sfst FAnocls7'KRM ooilsuLrAlns' lt{c' iiiHffm..- F'E'.D NEPORT TO: M.,L lla,oaoPdurt Artg{rpil, Mlke l-,a.aertrrlt OAIE: A'nf.G- DEPIRI: WEATffi J08,il'ffi: 1'11gtS t:fi)Pn 2:15 Pn Wr,ffl&$frTY *s Bsrrrf Ra*!qa, 7s Pddo Pdch 0tit'e' Veil' C0 Tt*r wao tra i.st ftilino qryiry br filr prci8ci" fh' lollodng ilOflr rt nond: l. fei' ra' dh"dor r e bng lrgF eholl b aM d rhr tUgp cottmditl cf hi dophg (3F412 mcrratoiUr |r|lgbcagtse 2't,rdn6brtw$o|t'(o34.o.c!h8||bt9d&dbupcaeeared(3)-rEfir1?,8LvLrcdbfll' T : ffiI] dianrcrr r s' rono'{ r -?1'1ffi## 5ffiS ffiJ *"irl iUtrF_ !&$?,ffi Sf.(s,tiiar,.a. rrr a*rsd cdd' n t rur, dt nunr o ttre @t -' 1'Thgiil3fi6tmtrrb6bthwtoxl7l?p'|lgbc'flsJdlEpd{od.diduihlU/h5|,21\,L*d.. (tr.mir) *roro*qnf"K#'uffiffi"fl'S#:fr'ffi otilrei..n'l*o wrt" ql1l||-YP::|T,g#lffi#ff*' nrr iu'iaiu rd orutlirc firrir9 4Daq_t (!Em'trer iE -- I lgns recon dcd.ffifitrx;Ty,ryo a!u"n'*T,, ^_b .^t.:l2.444"o's/t ,frrr, ctn (Dt)e.riltt'')fitrl'; )ru'ruuo ,rttfin ,4'/ o D uas wlre iru trt;bPlffit Fu 1€704765O{? sbort DEVELOP],IENT I NC 97 MJL TDEvETnPMDNIINc PO BOX 3451 VAII+COLORADO tl65t oFFrcE (970)476-6944 FAX(970)47ffi947 MOBILE (e?o) 471-1670 MX'MORAhIDUM rlo:CHARI.JDIIAVIS TOWN OT YAIL BTIIII'TNG ITEP MICEAEL J. IAUTERNACE I NOVEMEEn4 reee P.ERI*TT#BE}{NT6 STRUCTUNAL ENGINEEN'S INSPDCTION ?s6FOTATOPATCIDnIVE 2-- INCLITIUNGCOYER -rrrArBtNrTnLlItDDaXrEfrt--AtlD rtxfitffi{Drlr('@mnM llcE[t DILIVIEIy lDDllSS: 76? FtltAIO PArCn Dl f5, YAII. OOII)nA|X) tl6? a4766947 o P.91I'IJL o FROIft IDATET RE: PAGDS: Pursraot 19 yuy rEqtI€S, eocloeed for ymr rwicw is a cop of thc sirucgml €Ogioecr's rcport ocrtainim to the euo.re Jfu& rcsi.lcnce. ls the r"obcr of ililns qr tbe lis is fGw srd as lcvcnl of i;ffi"h"* .h..d" t;r-.di"4 it ic qr deeirc to procccd CItrcr*lw with insrlsriom. Prio to tfrdo|}-dq-4il ;.,ry ;ath*r ar"6s, *'6 wtl rlbwprr to oodrmtlp conflctiur of o00h itrm' Plerschtme loowimmediatdy ifwcwill mtbe$lcto proc*d with innrluion h$slhtioo todlmtoy{. Thrnb in advuoc r"t v*,i *.e."o- and plemc cofta.t mc ifyotr havo ilty qucsionr' I A6/Lg/t999 13:58 8669849391 LOREN HILL l(HM ENs,LTANTB ns' pOEX.||TE \r t co'.q|(lt t16t0 PAGE gL lg:tot}Egr F)qg.srtzt RECOHD &n,- Ensnorrsn B MEET|NG NOTES D nESPONSE PrpAtT. 6 ?f - oa r( oarc: G/le O Rrt -l$ll foP'a*rc Cl\'lJfAc iv'\ tu'u fr* P hlr{,,r^J Dtt't'Jrus frpn flltk,t, JoB t JSekt- /f, cuntncnnoN/cHANcE H.ft 'r' -TFfr- tster.rcgr'nv flAlS t"fifn' A Sf|bru Dc''t-fltil' lNDu, 6a ADOfD AtPvf fl\t CDt.',t(/') g1rr0.r6rJ_ As sls^$J tN T$f, ATIA#IiD $4trcA. Tuv" uoc' t*nn sua* cr+ar{rL qr^ (t rt/+. ri% a/t Ti, Lrtrpu L+) l/l* r\l}u^-r * (r\l''- t+ LvLr. SIGNEDT COPY TO: . ]'.; a6/M/tses 13:58 BEE98O1 KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 Voil, Colorodo 81656 (e7o) s4s-e5e1 Fox (970) 949-1577 RAFTERS T0 BE 2r12'a O 16' o.C. jir iijiit rii jii :.1": PAGE g2 .u BREilDT RESIOENCE 19902-0+ rsrrcJ .J clr-orLrE tt HH ilE gqho/ss . otil tY DATElft' = 1'-Q 2112 SIRUCIURAL SUB_FASCIA. TY?. LOREN HILL O t i\\q*"f- FRAMIREVISED ROOF OVER STAIR WELL J.l999 1.3r 58 lll?:'3' LOREN HILL PAGE 83 LEVA.'TION :0 1d r0 I J ..+('.. ---* . r- q' F-.L IE llIE:: IF tf r Tt- A \..., j -{r .s3l95(1999 1L: 17r7 978-926-9489 o Engineerlngy CMUGBOTECIIMCAL LKP ENGINEER Btrar.rur Date Receivec ilAR 05 rugg ING, INC o PAGE A2 Res,*.r+ce- March 5. 1999 Mr. Michael Lauterbrch P,O. Box 3451 Vail, CO 81558 RE: Preliminary Soils Report Lot 4. Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch Town of Vail. Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 9936 Dear Mike: PRf,gB - olo,l At your request, we have prepared a preliminary so{ls rrpott for Lot 4, Block 2, Vail/Poteto Patch, Towrr of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. This report is not based on field soils and foundation investigation. It is bascd on personal expcicnce of the soils conditions in the are4 and a review of a soil rcpo4 for the adjacent lot, you had fa,red to us. Also, this preliminary, report is based on thc assumption that a site specific soil and foundetion investigation will be done onse the foundation excavation is in progress. We had also, reviewed the Official Maps for the Town of Vail, and Lot 4 is not classificd as geologically sensitive area. For a preliminary forrndation dasign a bearing capacity of3000 psfcan be used. This value will be verified by soil sunpling and laboratory analysis ofthe acnral foundation material, We have assumed that the footings will be supported by thc gravclly soils, typical for this arca. The undersigned engineer shodd observe otd test the rclls exposed in the foundation excavalio4to verify that the soil condltlons are as anticlpated in this prellminary report. Minimum width of 16 inches il reoomrnended for the continuous footings and 2 feet for the isolated footing pads. Continuous foundation watls sbould bc well reinforccd, top and bottorn, to span an unsupported length of at least l0 feet. A minimum of 48 inches of backfill cover is recommendsd for frost protoctlon of the footing gubsoits. The foundation cxcavation should b€ free from excavation spoils, frost, organics and standing u'ater. Any ovcrexcavation within the proposed foundation, should be backfilled. in 8 inches loose, level lifts and compastcd to 100% of the mnrimum dry density and within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content as dctcrmined in a labontory frorn a Standard Proctor test (ASTM D-698). Strucntral fill, placed under footings, should bc tcsted by the angineer or her representatives on regular basis. To reduce the risk ofsutfacc watff infiltrating tlrc foundation subsoil, installation ofa foundation perimeter drain is rccommendcd behind every step in the foundation. The foundation perimeter drain should consist of a 4-inch diameter perforatcd pipe slopcd to a suitable gravity outlet. or to a sump pump location. The drain should slope at l/4 inch per foot if flexible or at I /8 of an inch if rigid pipe is used. Ttre bottom of the tench adjacent to the footing should be lined with a polyethylene moisture banier glued to the foundadon wall. The drain pipe should be placed over the moisture barrier and covcred with a minlmun of 6 inches of -3l4 inch free- P.O. Box 2837, Edwards, CO 81632, (970) 926-90t8 Tel, (970) 926-90t9 Fax, E-mail: tkpeag@snowcap.nct A3/A5/]999 11: 17 97A-926-9Ae9 o LKP ENGINEER] '. NG, I o PAGE 63 Mr. Michael Lauterbach Page2 March 5, 1999 draining granular material. Geote:rtilc (Mirafi l40N or cquivalcnt) chould be uscd to covcr the free-draining gravel to prevent dltation and clogging ofthc drain Thc backfitl above the drain should be gjanular muterial to wrtlrin 2 fcet of thc ground Hrrfaoc to prevent a buildup of hydrostatic pressure. The top onc foot ofthe backfill ns&tial should consist ofa relativcly impewious fiIl. The backfill sbould be rloping away fron thr building' A site plan was not availabte for rwierrat this tirrl. Thc folowing recommendations are general in nature. The site sufroundingtrc building sfircfitre shoufd slope away from thc building in all directions. A minimunr of 12 inohes in &e frst l0 fcet is recommendod in unp"ved areas, arrd three inches in thc ffrst l0 fcet in pavcd at€as, The top ofthe granular foundation backfill should bc covcrcd with a minimum df I foot of relatively imperuious fill to reduce the potential of sruface watet inff:ltating the foundtion subsoils. Exterior backfill should be compacted at or n€ar the optimum moishue contcnt to St lcast 95% of the maldmum standard proctofdensity under pavement, sidewalk and patio araas and to st lcast 90% of thc maximum standard Proctor density under lurdscaped areas, Mechautcal methods of compaction should be used. Do not puddle the for.urdation excavation. Surface water naturally &aining toward the pmpored building sitc should bc diverted around and away from it by means of drainagc swales orothcr approved methods. The roof drains and downspouts should extend and discharge boyqnd ths limits of the backfill. It is nor recomnended to introduce o(c€ss watcr b the foundation soils by installing sprinkler systems adjacent to the building. The installetiod of the cpinkler heads sltould insue that the spray from the heads will not fall within l0 fect of foundstion walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn inigation must bc contollod. This report has been preparcd according to locally acceprtcd professional Geotechnical engineering standards for similar methods of testing and mil conditions at this time. There is no other wananty either expressed or implied. The findings and rccommendalions of this rcport*€ prcliminary and arc based on personal experience ofthc soil conditiors in the area and a rcview ofavailable soils reports.- This preliminary report has boen preparcd for tho oxclusivc use of Mr. Michacl Lauterbach, lor the specifii application to the proposcd rtcidence to be constructed on Lot 4, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. Sincerely, LKP Engineering, '/N<tt'z-a> luiza Petrovski President ( oFrKE w?wtrd\{'PDocs\lxnwtDoc3\t9t6tlll,lf t LK? Enginecring, Irrc' o BUILDING PERMIT MANUAL Analysis and Corrections Report PERMIT #: 899-0016 JOB NAME: BERNDT RESIDENCE IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS EI\CLOSED Code review for: ProJ ect fd.: Bernde Residence Address: ?56 Potato patch Dr. ProJ ect. Number: 899 - 0015 ProJect Name: Berndt Residence Address: 756 Potato Patch Dr. Occupancy: R3, U1 Construction: v-N eage # 2 Date: March 18, 1999 contractor 3 MJIJ Development Archi tect : s ,J Rlden Engineer: KRM Engineef ing Inc Report By: Charlle Davt s Town of Vail comm. Dev. Dept. - Buil-ding safety & Inspection services 75 South Frontage Roadvai1, co 81557 (970) 479-2]-38 FAx (970) 479-2452 PIan analysis based on the 1997 unlform Bullding code NCfrE: The code ltems llsted in this report are not intended Lo be a complete llstlng of a1t possible eode requirements ln the 199? uBc- It ls a guide to selecCed sectlons of Ehe code. Portions of the mat,erlal- contalned ln this program are reproduced from the Uniform BulLdlng Code with the permission of the Ineernatlonal Conference of Bullding Officlals. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOT'NDARY AREA INCREASE NORTH Publlc way 55.0 Feet EAST Property line 24-0 Feet SOUTH Property line 3?.0 Feet WEST Property line 32.0 FeeL FIRE PROTECTION ? n n E'aaf 24.0 Feet 37.0 FeeE 32.0 Feet constructlon Paratr et Material Requ! r:ed Any NC, Any N(, constructlon Paral,et Maler1al Requl red Any N(r Any N(, construction ParapeE Macerlal Requj red Any Nc)Any No EXTERTOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 5 -A NORTH For occupancy R3 U1 EjAST For Occupancy t(J U1 SOUTH For Occupancy R3 ul- WEST For Occupancy R3 Bearing Non-Bearlng Openlngwall- wall Procection 0 hour 0 hour None 0 hour 0 hour None Bearlng Non-Bearlng Openlng wall Wa1l Protection 0 hour 0 hour None 0 hour 0 hour None Bearing Non-Bearlng openingwall wall Protect ion 0 hour 0 hour None 0 hour 0 hour None Bearlnq Non'Bearing Openlng Constructlon Paraf tlt waII wal1 Protection Material Requi r:ed 0 hour 0 hour None AnY Nc, Code review ProJect Id. : Address: 756 ul 0 None 3/4 hour for: Berndt Residence Potato Patch Dr, hour 0 hour page * 3 None Any NO - No fire procectlon requirements for openings-- openlngs are to be protected with 3/4 ht fire assemblles. 50t of the area of the wall maximum- -- Table 5-A, Footnote 5 & sec. 503.2.2 Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft' with no dimension great.er than 12 feet. -- Sec. 713.8 Not Allowed -- Openlngg are not permitted 1n this walI. NA}{E AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Master bedroom2 lctaster bath2 Ha1ls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 IJ ibrary 1 Powder Bath 1 Livlng room I h,l n lr !rrrf rrY r vvrt1 Kltchen1 Nook1 Of f lce L L,aundry room1 Powder Bath#21 Garage1 HalIs, closets, etc. TOTAT FOR FLOORB Bedroom #2B Bedroom #3B Bedroom #4B Bathroon *2B Bathroom #3B Bathroom #4B Game roomB Exerclse roomB Bathroom *5B Dlnlng ,/Kitchen (SEC) B Bedroom (SEC) B Baehroom (SEC) B HalIs, closets, et.c. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TSIAL 457 r /l r73 805 27 445 342 83 80 56 26 820 644 3t29 200 L5Y 138 4t 4tt 46 350 ]-32 ,o 254 ]-2L f,, 423 2023 3934 A< 1 n 5L.t n 44.5 n 10 .0 1-0.0 n n .U 20.0 IJ . > 13 .8 .0 Jf,.U L3.2 25.4 t2.L .0 n 22.85 8-75 r.f, 22.25 rJ. ttf t'7.t 5.0 5.0 n 10.0 6.95(o 2.05 2.3 2.3 11 q o.o 1.6 LZ - I 2.85 n Yes Yes Yes NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Yes NO NO Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 t l Yes NO NO NO NO NO NO NO No NO NO NO NO NO 1 i t 1 o Page # 4 Code revlew for: Proj ect Id.: Berndt Resldence Address: 756 Potato Patch Dr, FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens direccly tct the exterlor is requlred from this room. The mlnimum clear openabLe area must neet bhe followlng- -- Sec. 310.4 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear wldth is 20 lnches 3) The minimum clear area 1s 5.? square feec 4) The maxLmum sl11 helght is 44 lnches Escape and rescue wlndovrs witf a finished si1l betow ground. shal1 have a wtndow well. The clear horlzontaL dimenslon shatl allow t}l(r the window to be fully opened and provlde a minimum clear accessible net opening of 9 sguaie ieet wlth a mlnlmum dimension of 35 inches' wtndow wells with a verEical depEh of nore Ehan 44 inches sl-a11 be equipped wit.h an approved permanently aEfixed ladder or staJr:s' Zi rne number of exits ls based on Table 10-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanlcal ventilation system may be used in lieu of exterlor openings for venEllati.on. -- Sec. 1203-3 Such system shalL- be capable of providlng two alr changes per hour' 4) Tha requtrement for an egress window in the basement ls based on sec. 310 .4 hetgbt of not less than ? feet and toileE compartmenEs may have to the Lowest Projection. If the hetqht is requlred in only 1/2 ROOM DIMENSIONS 3 Habitable space shaI1 have a eelllng 5 lnches. Kltchens, halls, bathrooms a ceillng height of 7 feeE neasured ceiLing is sloplng, Ehen Ehe minlmum of the area. '- Sec. 310.6.1 Every dweLllng unlt shalL have aE leasE one room which has not lesa than 120 squaie feet of floor area. Other habihable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feec' - - sec. 310.5 .2 Hablcable rooms other than a kitchen sha1l not be less th'rn 7 feel ln any dlmension. -- sec. 310.6.3 O Page * 5 code revlew for: ProJ ecE Id.: Berndt Resldence Address: 755 PotaEo Pacch Dr. STAIR REQUIREITIENTS: 1) I sta irvtay ln a dwelllng musE. be at least 36 inches wlde'-- sec. 1005.22) The maxlmum rlge of a step ls 8 lnches and the mlnlmun run 18 9 inches -- sec. 1006.3 exc. #1 3) A handrall 1g requlred on one slde a Etairttay 34 to 38-lnchea above che noBlng lf there is 4 or more rlsers. -- gec. 1006.9 exceptlons {) Provlde a guard ral1 where drop off ls greater than 30 lnches' The nlnlmui tretqht = 36 lnches, naxlmum openlng slze = 4 inches' -- Sec. 509.1 & 509.2 exc. #1 5) The mlnlmun headroom ls 6 ft.- 8 lnches. " sec. 1006'L5 5) Enclosed usable space under Che stalrs ls requlred to be protecbed a8 requlred for t hf. flre-reslstlve construction. -- sec. 1006.12 o Page # 5 code revlew for: Prol ect Id.i Berndt Residence Address: 755 Potato Patch Dr. and draln inLel. 5) Glazlng in flxed or operable panels nearest exposed edge of the glazing either verE.ical edge of the door in botton exposed edge of the glazing walklng surface. GI.,,AZ ING REQUIREMENTSall glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetv glazlrlg material . -' sec. 2406.3 & 2406-4 Locat ions :1) Glazlng in ingress and egress doors except Jalousies' 2) Glazing ln fixed and sliding panels of slldlng door ass€rmblles and panels In swinging doors other than wardrobe doors '3l Glazlng ln storm doors. 4) Glazlng ln all unframed swinglng doors- 5) Glazlnq ln doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whlrlpools' saunas' steam ioo.s, bathtubs and showers - Glazlng j'n any portJon of a buildinq wa11 enclosing these compartments where the bc,t:toln exposed edgeoftheg].azingislessthane0inchesaboveastar.dlngsurface adjacent to a door where the is wlthin a 24-inch arc of a closed Posltion and where Lhe is Less than 60 lncl-es above the panel-, othet than those than meets all of theor operable and 6 above, 7) Gtazing ln an lndividual flxed locations described ln items 5 followlng condit.lons : A. E4)osed area of an individual B. Exposed bottom edge less than C. Exposed top edge greater than D. one or more walking surfaces Che plane of the glazlng - 8) Glazlng ln rallings regaxdl-ess of Included are scructural baluster panels - pane greater Ehan 9 sqrrare feet. 18 inches above t'he f I oor. 35 Inches above lhe f l.oor. within 36 inches horizontallY of for indoor and edges rs less than wlthlrl 5 feet height above a walkitrq surface. panels and nonstsructu::al in-fir1 9) Glazlng in warls and fences used as the barrier outdoor swimmlng Bools and spas when the bottom 50 inches above the pool slde and the glazlng is of the pool or spa waEer' s edge. 10) Glazlng ln walls enclosing st;lr$tay landlngs or within 5 feet of rhen bottom and top of stalrways where the bottom edge is less than 60 lnches above the walking surface. Page * 7 code revietr f or: Project Id. 3 BerndE Resldence Address: 755 Potato Patch Dr. SMOKE DETECTOR REOU T REMEIiITS : 1) A smoke detector ls required on the centrally located in the corridor or sleeplng area. -- Sec. 310.9.1.4 2) A smoke detector is required on the area. -- Sec. 310.9.1.4 3) A srnoke detector is required on all If the upper 1eve1 contains sleeplng requlred in the celling of the upper-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 NOTE: A smoke dececcor ls required ln che basement' - - sec' 4) smoke detectors are requlred to be \.tired to the building's source and shal1 be equlpped with a battery backup- -- S€c' 5) Detectors shalt sound an aLarm audible in a1I sleeping area dwe11lng in whlch they are located. -- sec. 310'9'L'4 FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUTLT FIREPLACE: 1) Unit must be an approved unlt. -- Sec- 3102-5-1 2) Clearances and ireiitn slze musE be per manufaeLures approval . -- sec. 3102-5-l- 3) Chlnney helqht must be per manufacturer's approvat and Table 31-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materlals approved for t hr. flre reslstlve construction are requlred on the garage slde only and any doors beEween Ehe garage and the res j.dence are to be a se:.f-closing 13,/8 inch sol1d core door or a 20 mtnute fire door ' -- Tttble 3-B & Sec.302.4 exc. #3 ceiling or waI1 at a Point area givlng access tc' each ceiling or wall in each sleeping stories. -- Sec. 310.9.1.4 room(s), a smoke detecEor is leveL close to the Stairway. JLu.t-t.+ power 11n o 1 ? of the Page # I Code review for: ProJect Id.: BerndE Residence Address: 756 Pocato Patch Dr. SHAFT ENCLOSURES !1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts wlth a cross-secElonal area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less t:han 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with atl joints locklapped. The or.t:side must be t hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure !hal1 be protected by nog less than a self-closing solid wood doot l 3/8 lnches thick or equlvalent. -- Sec. 7l-1.5 2) Gas vents and noncombustible plping installed In walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be ln t hour shafbs, provided the annular space around the vents or piping ls filled at each floor or ce11ing with noncombusEible materials. - - Sec. 711.3 3) Shafts for gas vents,. factory-builb chimneys, piping, or ducts that do not extend through not more hhan 2 floors need not be :Ln t hour shafts, provided che openings around the penetratlons arr) fire stopped at. each fLoor. -- Sec. ?11.3 4 ) AIl other shafts are required to be enclosed ln a t hour assembly. -- sec. 711.1 & Table 5-A CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS I1) Provide venEilation either by mechanlcal means or by opettLngs in exlerior walls. Opentng shall provide a net area of not 'r-ess than 1 square foot for each 150 sguare feet of area in crawl r3pace' opentngs shall be distrlbuted on two opposite sides and l)e located aS close Lo corners as practlcal. -- Sec. 23!7 -'7 Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10t of the above if ground surface area is covered wlth an approved vapor barrier and the buildlng offlcial itpproves. Por a 188.0 sq.ft. crawl space area: Rat io I/ If U Mlnlmum sq.ft. of vent L. Z) 2) Provlde 18- inch by 24' inch access openlng to the crawl space area' Note: opening may be requlred to be larger if mechanlcal equlpment 1s located 1n the crawl space. -- Sec. 23L7 -3 3) unless the wood ls lj-sted as an approved wood of nalural resistance to decay or lreated wood, the minimum cfearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The mlnimum clearance to beams and glrders ls 12 inches. -- sec. 23t7.3 Page f* 9 code revles for: ProJ ect. Id.: Berndt Resldence Address: 756 Potato Patch Dr. 1) Provlde a wlndon or door to the exLerlor from every room uged for sleeplng and basements. -- sec. 310.4 A wlndoYt must provlde a clear open area oE 5.7 sq.ft-, a clear helght of 24 lnches(mtnlnun), and a clear wldth of 20 lnches(mlnlnum). -' sec' 310-4 4) The mlnlmum celIlng ln a hableable space ls 7 feet 5 lncbes except kltchens, halls, aid bachs may have a celllng helghe of ? feeE'-- sec.310.6.15) Provlde a smoke detector ln aI1 sleeplng rooms and areas lnving access to sleeplng rooms. '- Sec. 310.9.L.4 6) If there ls a Laeement, provlde a smoke deteclor that 1s connected Eo an aLarm audlble ln aI1 sleeplng areas. -- Sec. 310.9.1'4 ?) Provlale a smoke detector on all floors lhat ls connecled t'o an alarm audlble ln all sleeplng areas. -- sec. 310.9-1.4 Town of Vail Comm. Dev. Dept. - Building Safety & Inspection Services 75 South Frontage Road vai1, co 81557(970) 479-2]-38 FAx (970) 479-2452 PIan analysis based on the 1997 uniform Building Code Project Number: 899-0015 Project Name: Berndt Residence Address: 755 Potato Patch Dr. Occupancy: R3 /Ul. Construction: V-N Date: March 19, 1999 Contractor: MJL DevelopmentArchitect: s J Riden Engineers KRM Engineering Inc Report By: Charlie Davis NOTE: The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of alf possible code requirements in the 199? UBc. It is a guide to selected sections of Lhe code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code with the permission of the International Conference of Building Officials. # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTTON REQUIRED 1 No Building SecEion rnctude a complele floor plan for eachfloor. - - sec. 106.3 .3 2 Egress Windows Plans must show the size and type of alL windows and doors. -- sec. 105.3.3 3 No Buildinq section rnclude a cross-section for each condition.-- Sec,L05.3.3 4 Provide Excav. Report rnclude a copy of the soils report for thi.s si-te. -- Sec. 105.3.3 5 No Building Section The ninimum ceili-ng height in Lhis area is7'-5". -- Sec. 310.5.1 6 AlI Areas G1azing in this hazardous location is required to be glazed with safety material . -- Sec. 2406.3 & 2406.4 7 Lower Ieve1 This bathroom is required to have an openable window or a nechanical- ventilation system- where there is a bathtup or shower, such system shall be connected directlv to the outside. -- sec. t203-3 Page + 2 Code review for: Project Id.: Address: 8 No widow Schedule This area requires an exterior opening for emergency escape or rescue. The mininun area is 5.7 sq.ft. and the minimum di-mensions is 24" x 20n. " Sec- 310.4 9 A smoke detector is required in this area since it provides access to rooms used for sleeping purposes--- Sec. 310.9.1.4 10 A smoke detector is required in all rooms that may be used for sleeplng purposes. -- sec. 310.9.1.4 11 A smoke detector is required on all levels and they are required to be wired to an alarm in the bedroom area(s). -- Sec. 310.9 .1- 4 12 A smoke detector is required in the upper levelceiling at the stairs. -- Sec. 310.9.1.4 13 A smoke detector is required in the basenent. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 14 A11 Stairs The maximum rise of steps is 8 inches. -- Sec. 1003-3.3.3, Exception 1 l-5 A11 Stairs The minimum run on each steo is 9 inches. -- Sec- 1003 .3 .3 .3 15 No sections The minimum head clearance vertically from a line al-ong the nosing is 6- - 8n. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.4 17 A continious handrail is required along one side of the st.airway- -- sec- 1003.3.3.6 18 The minimum height of the handrails is 34" and the maximum heiqht of the handrail is 38". -- Sec, 1003 .3 .3.5 L9 The maximum openinq j.n the handrail /guardrail is less than 4 inches. - - sec. 1003 .3 .3 .5 & 509 .3 20 A 36' hiqh guardrai.l with openings less than 4 iqches is requlred where the drop-off is 30 " or more. -- Sec. 509.2, Exception 1 & 509.3 t(lr Paqe # 3 code review for: Proj ect Id.: Address: 2I At Garage The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by t hour fire-resistlve construction. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.9 22 Shor'/ an access 118 X 24 ninimum) to the crawl space area. -- Sec. 2305.3 23 The crawl space area is reguired to be ventilated by either an approved mechanical means or by openings in the exterior wa11s- -- sec. 2306 -7 24 The mechanical room is not shown. The contractor states that mechanical equipment is to be located in the crawlspace. No mechanical work is allowed until plans, and permit is approved. The mechanical space must comply with sec. 302.5 If the heating unj-t supplies heat to both units, then a 1-HR enclosure is required. A11 room dimesions, combustion air, venting and equipment installation must comply with 1997 uMc. 25 There are flve gas f j.repl-aces drawn on Ehe plans. Per T.O.V. Mun. code Sec. 5-3-1, only four are a1lo!,red, of which only two can be gas log appliances. Provide info on these prior to installation, 26 Provide information on what tl4)e of fire resistive assembly is being used to separate dwelling units prior to a framing j.nspecllon. 27 The el-evator shaft is required to be of 1-HR fire resitive const.ruction. Provide info on what type of asenbly is being usedprior to a framing inspection. Also opening protect.ion is required to be 60 min. rated wj-th self closing assembly. 28 tandinqs are reouired on both sides of doors. April 16, 1999 Mr. Michael Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Mike: Date Receiver RE: Open Hole Observation Lot 4, Block 2, VailPotato Patch Town of Vail,Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 9936 6 ?? - od to ApR 2 0 0996cc BarsrPcstmtc4 gn.&tCa At your request, on April 14,7999, we visited the excavation site on Lot 4, Block 2,Yail- Potato Patch, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visit was to observe and test the foundation soils, exposed in the excavation. The foundation excavation consisted ofthree benches. The first bench was about l5 feet down from the road. From there to the second bench was about 3 feet and to the last and smallest bench near the northeast part ofthe excavation was about 4 feet. The soil exposed in the walls of the foundation excavation consisted of 4 to 5 feet of sandy-gravelly matrix with about 70olo of very large boulders. The boulders were of angular size. Below the layer with boulders was weathered to firm shale bedrock. The excavation was still in progress at the time of our site visit. The excavator said that they are spreading and compacting about 4-inches of the on-site material, to level offthe surface. Footings constructed on the undisturbed, gravelly soils with boulders or on the bedrock can be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3000 psf, as assumed in the preliminary soils report, dated March 5,l999.If more than six inches of structural fill is constructed under the proposed foundation, we should be contacted to test the compaction of the fill. Perched ground water condition is very common on foundations constructed on bedrock. The foundation perimeter drain, recommended in the preliminary soil's report, should be constructed as a minimum. We also, recommend that the screened rock above the perimeter drain extend to within two feet of the finished ground surface. A drain should be installed behind every step in the foundation. Follow the recommendations of the preliminary soil's report during the remainder of the construction. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Michael Lauterbach, for the specific application to the proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 4, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. (J P.O. Box 2837, Edwuds, Colorado 81632 . (9;0) 926.9088 Tel . (970) 926.9089Fal' REPTl31 Run Id: 253 ,. S n-tqB')s6{< t5 5G {?5 /v,eil lnspec Roq0stcd h6poct Ho:- Asilsnsd To: krrocctl6n Twe: kripectlon ffea;gls Ad*sss: Wodloiday, Decenter l,6, ZIx) cDAV|S IIECH JRiI 758 POTATO PATCH DR VruL 756 Potdo Patch Dr. ,ir|gdqcrx. Ef\\rLE FflvE|rt rLvlIlEINri, (l nE t I tNrs ,ACci{rects: EAGLE RMER PLUMBING & HFiTING | |Orncr: BERNDTWOLFGANG I I Descrldlor|: Mccianical for ncs dup. Jy.{V R. r stodrnipsciron{sr,.A "{r0%\ajlrnr: 390 x/Ecll+hd / ' l/tv ReQFs{oT: EAGLE RMER'TUMBING & HEATINGCqlmqds: glerthnilic!frf garaop sidc door Asrlocd To: CDAVIS- Ac'tlon: Timc Elo: A/P/D Hornatlon '*r**r"* Itsn: 200 MECH-Rouoh07nilgg Conrmlds: 07/2689 Cqnmcrts: 11r0ll99 Commcnts: 11^)1r99 Cofimrrls: A.tivity: M99O063 Co|rst T\rDa: Paiccl: 21010630: Tvoe: BMECH Occupaifry: App[c.d: EAGLE RIVER PLUMBING & HEATINGCci{lectd: EAGLE RMER PLUMBING & HFiTING Ac'tlon: Tirnc En: Itcm Corrmcr{s: WIEtrCTIHFSIEPCTION REOUEbT ARRIVED AT SITE AT 11:10 AM NO CALL FOR REINSPECTION. IF THIS NDUP Status: ISSUED Insp Arca: JRM 97G39G1E97 97G39$1897 08:01Ail 97G39G1897 Phon.: PtDnr: 1|;" LCAMPBELL K LEFT, Itcm: 240 ttem: 310Itcm: 320 FLUES.wlLL EAST DRIVE InsD6ctoc W. DRIVE 6# ActIon: APPR APPROVED oroved *' Arilon: APPR APPRoVED Ac{ion: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL (Optional) (Obtional) ,*nlwtu')*Ap llsm: 330Itrm: 340 07Bln0 Cofimcrts: 08,07nO Corfm6nti: 08r25,00 Commer*s: 0825 n Commcnts:Itcm: 390 MECI+Finalfinsroo Comm6r*s; Ac'tiOn: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - O 60#4PAN NO HEAT R.O.W. ON OWN ZONE ORBAPPROVAL REQD FOR Ci'NCRETE TO PAVERSi Actlon: APPR APPRoVED Arriorn: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL STAIRS EAST InsD€dor: JRM Adlon: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ADDTL COMMS - TEST IN FLOOR HEAT IN LOWER LEVEL ONLY Inq)ac,tor; CO Ac-tion: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL ,'1SEENOTE L) InsDcctor: CD tutlon: COCERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY AdOTL COMMS - INSPECTED WAS AL BATI{ FANS ANO DUCTS AND DRYER DQ@{TIY BOILER B VENT OR F/P FLUES HAVE NOT BEEN INSPECTED AT THIS TIME. REINSPECT REOUIRED o&'Hlo2 PLM&Gas Pipinq MECH-Heailrn M EC Fl-E*nus-l Hmrh 01iO3rO0 lmpcc{ofi Corfrncrfs: APPR BC 01n3ru0 | ACTION: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - SIDE ONLY 80# AIRTEST