HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 2 LOT 5 PART 2 LEGALls ,93 1813@ p.o QRCITITECTS - VAIL, CO.P.4 'xl ,i, i...+!tl | 1,,,r€,r5!, t,/g d te80080$Et 'Ov?rrlil 'ts/0q:f i e0 0t 'li (g0i) t[1- tG'-r.T- ' I": I I ,.1 I I l I 'cgx3 J,3tt i,t /iN0tiSitI y,[Oud .J oo R/ALI'H E,. JONES. D.D.g. 2!OO OUE STREET. N.W. watHt NotoN. D, c, 2000? /hL-7s t-'2A/-Xry ,&o-ln-t 4/.F. /az J Hz*/V4 /A-( u/e p"*.?^- pr*,J- 4/ -r- z fu f F 4e'.4,+ a. <4,H4^#fu,d,\;T7f / ,/ - '\ a'\ 4 /-4)'.rr; 6)erti)/, -t**/ -h * --*Z 2-r4 2./.2 74 7x"- _->& A/€-j m-. Per'"'-iA; ry Z*^ J *'uX 4€r;" -r'nZZ . -qv' 9.; -ezz,azretoD--*,-l aU*-"A 7ry& *f fr,^^flJ tr"q1-1 P^4/'/\ Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh . Architects P.C. A.I.A. Novenber 1, L993 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Mr. Ralph D. Jones 2500 Que Street N.Y. Tashington, DC 20007 Dear llr Jones r I vas contacted by Ilr Curnutte of the Tovn of Vail Plannlng Departtrent on October 29, 1993 and he stated that you had concerns on the rerodel proposal for 758 Potato Patch Drive. Enclosed are the plans and elevatlons that describe the rerodel. The exterior revisions are nininal and all exterior flnlshes are to ratch erl sting raterlals. Please call ne or Jir Curnut te if you have any questions or collent s. Thank you for your pronpt attention to thi s rat ter. Sincerely, PIERCE, SEGERBERG & SPAEH, ARCHITECTS, P.C., A.I.A. Larry Deckard. A.I.A. Associate LD/lrt enc. ccr tJir Curnut te Davld Detrlck Main Office: 1000 South Frontage Road West . One Tabor Center . 1200 Seventeenth Street. Suite 515 Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303/476-4433 . Denver, Colorado 80202 . 3031623-3355 oo ,:$!ti uvr R.ALPH O. JONEg. D. D.g. zEOO QUE IITREET. N.W. waaHrNoToN. D. c. aoooT / a '2 f-7s r8 'or' ' ( o' i9' ' ,,,,,arf oljrrn7, u'= %r;;- .^LA ca,K*A, P'{fA + a-tr1La'a-aL- '*'ol,l 6.^l e6s-6'{'{oP-t^^ --d-.^.;. /3--^-4- /&.=.-&a+- Z/6f2. -d ,/7T< /-1'-7T2,14 ?^ 4 ^/r . .- Z z i t -t t 6% z.Ar7- JZ \>/-42 4 H /"1;-//--.^ *l PUBLIC NOTICE ' NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board wilt be reviewing the following application on November 3, 1993, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross R6sidential Floor Area located at 758 Potato Patch DriveAot 5, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision. Applicant: David Detrick The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Pubfished in the Vail Trail on October 22,'1993. 1'a., t0lUI Prcnont | 5,n..lr Date of Appllcatlon 10- 15-93 DateolDRBMeeUn- APPUCA11ON FOR ADDMONAL GRFA FOR PFOPERNES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA PHE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prB-appllcation confersnce wlth a member of the Ptannlng sFf.l Ls.9r^oryll enco-uraged^to Oiicuss'tlre provlslons under whloh addluonal GRFA can be added to a slts. lt snoulo oe unJJrstooO ihat frls ordlnance does not assur€ eactr property art addlgonal 25p sQuare feet of OCFA. ninei, fre ordlnanco altorvs forgglgialQiggglglggl lf codaln condlUone ar€ met' Amllcauons for addltlons undEr thts sec{ton wtll not be accepted untess theygrs PmPletg.: . ffifs lnotuAeg atl tnformaflon requlred on thls form as wellas Deslgn Fevlew Boad submmal requlrements. A. PROJECTAPPLICATIOI| Oetrict resiaencp 758 Potato Patch Dr. Vail. c0 ," , B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 758 Potato Patch Dr. legal Descrlptlon:r-otj-Bb4-LHrns Zone c.NAME OF APPLICANT: David Detrick P.0. Box 3133 Vai'1, Co D. E. aa F. Address 1000 S. Frontaoe Rd NAME OF OWNER(S) :---qqvlg Slgnature(s (303) 476-606e . ,.--{ Fluns Fee of S200.00Is requlred at tlme ot suumtttat lf'3531", [O/ 15193CD I \) The followlng Informatlon, ln addltlon to DRB submlttal requlrements, shall be requlred wlth thls submlttal: 1. Verlficatlon that th8 unlt has rEcelved a flnal certillcate of omupanry. 2, Stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate-llst of.adJacent prlPe{ oqPrs and of o*njrs of unlts on th'e same tot. itrtl,htormadon ls avallable from the Eagle CountY Assessor's offlce. 3. Gondomlnlum AssoclaUon approval (lf appllcabte)' 4, Exlstlng lloor Plan of structure. I Va'i I , ) G. H. Your'proposalwlll be revlewed for compllance wlth Vall's Comprehenslva Plan' ll thls appllcaUon requlres a separate revlry-by Tli.Pq' Sute olfeleral agenry ofrei ttriln the Town'ot Vall, tl1; aPpttcadon fee ghall be Incrcased by $200.00. dxamptes of eudt r€vlew, iay tndtirOe, but are not tlmlbd b: Colorado Depentnent ot Hlgh$;ay Accass Permtts, Army Corpe of EnglneEn 404, etc. The applcant shafl be responslble tor pd$hg ury publlshlng tees wtrtc]t are In excass diSO7,'ot Ge appllcatlon iee. lf, A thi ti1nl'icanie Fgd.sl mgter ls posponed tor hearlng, causlni the matter to be refubllshe4 then hE endre fee for euch re' publlcatlon ehattba pald by the app[cant Amllcauons deemed by the communl$Daveloprnent D€partnent to hgrt6 elgnlflcant aiirg11;6il uii orohir bsuesu,hldt lttay.hw.e arlgnlflcant lmpacton the eimiiiinlty mairequtra revlEw by oonauldntB othsr Uian towlt statt thould a o*diiofniUonle mlOe by the toivn rtdf hat'ar oublde oonguttant ls needed to revlarv ilila16|dn] the Comfrruntty Devetopment DaPaffnent may hlrE an outslde ;ififi;tfiiarilsUtate ttri amount ot money neoessety b pey hlm orier and hls anio-unisf,'afi be forwardEd to fre fotm ry Ue abpncant at the Ume he fite6 hls adiba6 wlur the Communtty Devetopment Departnent. tl?9n^?11deuon of the dfi6* oi tne apprcadon by thi consuttbnt a4V ot ttre tunOs foruraded by tha.appllcant for oavment ot ttte consunlnt whlch harn not been pald b the congulbnt shall be [ffi6ii io -U,a appttcanf Elgenses Incumd by the ToYm In exoess ot tha amount 6*arda by tne ippffcaUon inal be peld b the Town by the appllcant wlthln 30 days of noUllcatlon bY the Town. -tot 5. Block 2, Unit B Dianne F. Louis 3O7La Isenberg Ln. OOOZO42Evergreen, Co 80439 -Lot 4f Block 2 Ralph D. Jones 2500 Que Street North WestWashington, D.C. 2OOO7 -Tract c Towrr of VaiI Finance Departnent75 S. Frontage Rd.vail, co 81557 -IoglQ.-.EfscBjc. Russell & Russelt C. ChanbersRt. 6 Box 738 Leander, TX 7864L -Lot 5, Block 2Potato Patch Condo. phase IPotato Patch Townhomes partnership P.O. Box 5640 Avon, CO 81620 . -PLEASE MAKE TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{E}iT OF COM}IL]NITY DEVELOP}IENT' S,\LES ACTION FOR},[ . 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD ZCI\T\'O .\\D A DDRESS I.'{AIS0t 0000 4 1510 0l c$10424t5 LTNFO F.\I B UILDL.'*C CO D E 0t 0000{2415 UMFOR.\,I PLUYANC CODE 0l 00,10 42.il5 .l uMFoR.u:\{EcH,{\'lc}.LcoDE UNIFOR,\{ FIRE CODE0l c|100 { 2{ l5 N,\TIOi.IAL ELECTRICAL CODE0t 0000r2415 ONIER CODE BOOKS0t c000.{24 t5 BLUE PR,I\TTS OJYLARS0l cooo.ll5{3 ot 0000 {2412 I >:raox coPIEs / sTuDIEs 0t 00c{ l?37 |i PENA l.TY FEES / RE.I.|'-SPEC'IIONS Ol OoCO { t 33Z i pL,,"V REvtnv R,E.CHECK FEE tS<O pER HR.l 0t 0000 423?1 OFF HOURS L\iSPECNON FEES CONTR,\CTO RS LICL\S ES FEIS0l 0000.1t{)2 .01 moo4t4l3 S16N APPL]CA]-JON FEE 0l 0000{1330 ADDITIONAI. SIGNA6E FTE tSI.OO PER, SQ.IT.0l 000041'{t3 ol 0000{21.,10 lvTcART FFoIECTDoNATIoN PRE PAJD DESICN R,EVIEIV BOARD TEE0t 0000.il33t BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI0l 00104241 2 01 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG) TOTAL DUE:n 0 r 0000 .1 r 330 EYTERIOR ALTER..\T]ON ITiORE TH^"\I ICO SO.F| DtsTRrcT tl'1,^JOR I SPECLAL DEVELOPTfE l'0{oR AM I 0000 41330 0t 0000 { l3 Re'DCr-qiC-,LCr 1s'" I * * * * * * * * *' o .A v : [, o T{fl^tFt 0F rJFl r L ffigrel naneurie Hfrr 16: I B: S0 5u EE.':,3i1_, 1 it iIIII? Firi::nlrt it .l+ it. tt[r:ilfiEti .i,il[: FIE fitiii:'r-,'r, 1 i-,.,r ,,li: r-erj I ter,i Faid ll ul:lrij.i 15f,i [rr10 i-:: 'iir,J..' : . i.L:i nd,J : THflF{}< ?ri:i ?98. EB Axount paid 36€r.6el 13. E0 VEIJ t'nur c.3sfrier REFtTHfi lawl I AL O( ?56 bhh Pa+z-l- zct45, tt52fi b 1/e1;" F flt'Ytl 76, to-zv-?J Totz,l 36,A 5\ 23,9'.1 9t,18 25?'t'11 v Cove,u,S Ll(^X3,?1 / sile yt"-, &n+ tn-e wW al r.&A++ p"-pWet 4;3h\ ?*, *, -ffffi",r,*,.,i Block Filing DA1E: 1"[z*1"> LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot aE--) ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONEARCITITECT ZONE DISTMCT f /.5 - PROPOSED USE 3a''l@**LOT SIZE . , AlLowed (30) (33) >'zSVo Ee" )if i,t + 425 =ljj, 351',l 4,o\Qq o{q secondary GRFA ;.f i E + &. = Setbacks Front Sides Rear Existinq Proposed Total Helght TOtAl GRFA Primary GRFA Water Course Setback Sit.e Coverage Landscaping Retaining tilall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: €etT5or T.e*p ,tw-zrre_ 3t /5t 3 neqro * tla4a 20, 15' 15' 774 D" lP L.I4 {* a*:OluA P+ - -7 €€€J-f-1*OO)_ View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental,/Hazards : Does thle reguest involve a 250 Addition? How much of the all.owed 250 Addition is us Permitted Slope 8t Actual slope P* Date approved by Town Engineer: .A ' Yes- No >{-,???- 1) Ffood Prain il/4 2) Percent Slope 3)Geologic Hazardsologac Hazarqs Lha) Snow Avalanche-----s!1pab) Rockfall PA^cl Debris Flow AUc) Debrls Flow4) Wetlands Prevloue conditions of approval (check prope =ttt-*'* ("qr""tt-tAlQ **Note: Under Sections 18.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipat Code, lots zoned Two Family and Prinary/Secondary which are less than 151000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Comrnunity Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full-tine enployees of the Upper Eagle Valley. with t 10 DRB APPI,ICATION - TOWN OT VATL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: COIORADO 1o_11_e3REC'D0Ci 1 1W! t 1-03-93 I. *rl******** TEIS APPLTCATTON NTIIIJ NOT BE ACCEPTED IngTrIr ALIr REoUTRAD TNTOnUATTON rS SUEUXTTEDta*taal*** PRGTECT INFORIIIATION : A.DESCRfpTION! Remodel of "Au Unit of 758 Potato Patch Drive Vail, C0. B.TYPE OF REVTEWS New ConstructLon Additlon ADDRESST 758 Potato Patch Drive Y Minor Alteratlon Conceptual Review tt\qt @e{W,naoY c. D.Block 2LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 Subdivlsion Potato Patch If property is descrlbed bydescriptLon, please provide attach to this appJ.ication. ZONING: Residential a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. F.LOT AREA: ff required, starnped survey showing NAI'|E OF APPLICANT3 David rnust provide a currentapplicantlot area. Detri ckG. H.NA},IE OF APPLfCANITS REPRESENTATM: Pierce. Segerberq & Spaeh J. K. FEE I 1.0. 00 $ 25.oOs 50. oo $r.oo. oo $200. 00 $3OO.OO 1 Mailing Address: VRi+"itg tlgftsss J,n0n s^ Frontase Rd+-ld-- -(3,, - I.NAME OF OV1NERS3 David Detrick *AIGNATURE (A) S Mailincr Address:Vail, C0 81658 Phone Condorninium Approval if applicabte. DRB FEA:-"ORB fees--are:oaid at--tbe time of i-ssr+anee-of q@ FEE SCHEDUI,E: VALUATION I o-$ lo,oooI10,o0L-$ 5o,ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 91s0,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000I over glrooorooo *}IO APPI,ICATTON WTI.,L BE PROEEgAED WITHOI'T OWNERIS AIGNATURE II. PRE-APPIJICATION }IEETING: A pre-application neetJ-ng with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication infornatLon is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibifity to nake an appointment with the staff todeterrnine if there are additional submittal requLrements.Please note that a COMPI,ETE applicatlon wl-tl streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IIITPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS To THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project slte toindicate property lines, building lines and buildlngcorners. AlL trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staklng must be courpleted pilor to the DRB site vlsit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS nonnally requirestwo separate meetingE of the Design Revlew Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval. Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata ninimun of two rneetings before obtaining final B. approval. C.. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled nreetlng date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their Lterns rernoved fron the DRBdocket until such tine as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following ltena may, at the dlscretlon of thezoning adninLstrator, be approved by the Connunity Development Departnent staff (t.e. a forrnal hearingbefore the DRB nay not be requlred): a. Windows, skyllghts and sLrnilar exterl_or changeswhich do not aLter the exlsting plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additlon proposals not vlsible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such a - proposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters fron adJacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associatLon approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avaLanche, rockfall, flood plaln, debrl_s flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be subnLtted and theonner nust sign an affidavit recognlzlng the hazardreport prJ.or to the issuance of a building perrnit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town pLannerprior to DRB application to deternine the relatlonshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. clearly indLcate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance fron the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting colurnns. PLEASE TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{E}iT OF CO M]VII.JNITY DEVELOP}IENT' S'TLES ACTION FOR:\{ . N5 FOISTH FRONTAGE ROAD coloRADo /181657 N,l}IE ZCNA\'G .fu\D ADDRESS TiA}S0t ocsc 4 t510 uNr.':o L\ { B ttLD[.\-G c o D E UM FOL\{ PLU!'48 L\G C ODE 0t 0000 124 t5 0t 0000 {2415 u M FOR\ t jr{Ec H.r}'i c,1. L co DE01 0000 42.il5 0r 0000 {2{ t5 I uNIFotu\{ EIRE CODE N,\TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE0t 0000424t5 OTIIER CODE SOOKS0t 0000{24t5 0t 0000 .1! 543 BLUE PRf,\IS OIYTATT ol 00c,1{24r2 | >:rnox coPEs/s'iiJDIEs 0l 00co 4237 t PENA!.fi FEES / RE.L.'-'SPECT]ONS 0t 00c0{t332 PL,LY REVISW RE.CHECK FEE [S.IO PER HR.I 0l c'000 {2323 OFF I{OURS NSPECTION FEEJ CONT:I.\ gTO RS L]CL\S ES FEEJ0t 000c.t l{ l2 SICN APPLICAI-ION FIE 0l C'000 { l:.30 .01 c\100411t3 ADDITIONAI. SI6NAGE F;E IS I .03 PER SO.IT. 0l 0000121{0 VTC ART FRO'ECT DONANON 0r 0000414t3 PRE PAJD DESICN REVINV BOARD FEE OI OOOO42412 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 T X 01 o0o0 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG) TOTAL DUE: 0t cscro 41330 0t 0000 1t 0r 0000 .l1330 OI OT$O d I33O ' I SPECLA L DEVELOPI'E}.|I DISTR]CT IT I ZOMNC CO DE I"V E\D[J E\TTS * * * tc * * * * * :"l i:l .-:T: TOtrll'.l OF rJFIII- Itirccllarcqrs CaEtt 1B-12-93 11: 17: 17 ReceiPt i 136819 Ftrcount. * T,EiNTCX REIII}DEL\E.RB FEE iiiouit t""o"t*o I ?8'6€ It.eil Paid turmt Paid E16FEi6413E1F6E ?6'89 Charrge reiurned ;' B' 68 -rHFlFlt< vcrr-t Vour caEhier REFTIS e. ruGEif -ltr^IorrdIIli./! - 'rY!l{? {s8{}0 $s. DATE RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS PermitNumbers< HOw PAID-Cash-Checg VaLr ? -f r-rl_ilr-l frF !-_-rFt I l_ lri --- I rlfii.LlLti I l- Fi i rr NAME oF PROJECT. 7,tE LIST OF MATERIATS wra] Psratt DtrfpEK 'dE6p1c*tAELEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT ,' BLOCK L SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: The following information is Review Board before a fi-nal A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffit s Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING: required for submittal to t.he Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL t - COLOR lt*tz.r E*|ST'6 PLANT MAIERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Name of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Common Nane t I2UCL Ouantity Size*v'.o'Ttso Nteu & EXISTING TREES TO 'I - BE REMOVED / *Indicat.e caliper for deciduous trees. t_trees. ^- Indicat.e PLANT MATER PROPCSED SHRUBS Botanical Name Ouantitv Size* o rALS:o Common Name EXISTING SHRUBS T TO BE REMOVED T of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minirnum size of shrubs is Square Footage *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE CR METHOD OF EROSICN CONTROL C. LANDS showlight nn {-lr grade CAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, pleasethe number of fixtures and locations on a separatei.ng p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting plane list below and provide the wattage, height aboveand t of light proposed. D. ^J L, OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimmingpoofs, etc.) PLease specify. Indicate heights of retainingwaLls. Maximum height of walls within the front. setback is3 fee:. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet.L ^ PUBLIC NOTICE FILE 88FY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on November 3, 1993, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross R0sidential Floor Area located at 758 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Potato Palch Subdivision. Applicant: David Detrick The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on October 22.1993. . .--{i\ tCl;,fl(lr'r' .tc\'lAct ri-\ \Ltf Ct t l,l r u '- | - ( , lJ,a G. Russell & Russell C. Chambers Rt. 6 Box 738 Leander, TX 78641 Town 0f Vail Finance Department 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, C0 81657 ltzau Ralph D. Jones 2500 Que Street North l,fest Washington, D. C. ZO;OO7 Dianne F. Louis. 30718 Isenberg tr. 0007042 Evergreen, C0 80439 Potato Patch Conco. Phase I Potato Patch Townhomes Partnership P.0. Box 5640 Avon, C0 81620 Project Name: Building Name: Category Number -l .f,t-. A '\ ' rt1Llqlqc--.- Olign Review Action F TOWN OF VAIL Projec{ Oumer, AddrEss and Phone: Vo;l Ca tub t'l Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: D€scription: t,ot 5 ilod( 2- suuoivlsion Pa'l*a t lo { . ( zone Distrlct Board / Staff Actlon Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: D Approral D Disapproval flstarnenrwat Conditions: AftU H^, J {$rt - Town Planner DRB Fee Pr+paid t,Date:4t/qr f z-a .on o revtsoa A/17 /94 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLTCATION . 'To TOWN DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: PRO.JECT INFORII,IATION : DESCRfPTION: pool area ref,^i r B.TYPE OF REVTEW: New Const,rucEion ($200.00) rcg Minor Alteration ($20.00)Addirion ($50.00) concepLual Review (g0) ADDRESS: 758 Fotato patch LEGAL DESCRfPTfON: Lot q Block . Subdivi s iorr Rrf:l'n pafch If property is described by a meets and. bounds 1egaldescript,ion, please provide on a separate sheet and at.tachto this application. ZONING: F. NAME OF APPIJICANT; KiTby AdamsMailing Addressr 75g pot to p-t"h - Vail m 81657 phone 476_i08n NAME OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATIVE: Jotrn SehofietrtMailing Address: p. O. Bo< 96 Mi nfrrrn rn 81 545 Phone F?7-\7q3 H. .NAME OF OWNER(S) : I. A. D. Er V 1\OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: /l r. Mailing Address t 7!8 Potato Patch Phone 475-5080 APPr'rcATroNs wrLL Nor BE PRocEssED wrrHoUT C,IINER' s srcNAlrttRB Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at, Lhet.ime of submittal of the DRB application. L,ater, whenapplyinq for a building permit, please ident.ify the accuraEevaluaLion of the proposal. The Town of vail will adjust. thefee according to the table below, to ensure Lhe correct, fee VAI,UATTON$ 0 $ 1_0,000 $ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000 $ 50, 00L - s 150, 000 $L50, 00L - $ 500, 000 $500, 001 - $L, 000, 000g Over $1, 000, 000 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ APPROVAI. ITNIJESS A BUIIJDTNG PERMIT IS ISSUBD AND CONSTRUCTIONIS STARTED. ********** is paid. -PRE.APPLICATION MEETING :II A pre-application meeLing with a member of the planningsbaff is encouraged to determine if any addiEionalapplication information is needed. IL is the applicant,sresponsibility t,o make an appointment wiLh Lhe st-aff todet.ermi-ne if t.here are additional submiLtal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applicaLion will st.reamline thereview process for your projecL. III. TMPORTANI NOT]CE REGARDING AI.TI-T SUBMISSTONS TO THE DRB: -u A. In addition to meeE.ing submibtal requirements, theapplicant must stake and t.ape the project site toindicate properLy lines, buildinq lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees to be removed must, be taped. A1lsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to Lhe DRB site visit. The applicanL musL ensure that staking done duri-ng the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meeLi.ngs of Lhe Design Review Board: aconceplual review and a final review. C. ApplicanL,s who fail t-o appear before the Design Review Board on Lheir scheduled meet.ing date and who have not asked in advance LhaL discussion on their it.em be posLponed, will have L.heir iLems renoved from the DRB agenda unLil such time as the item has been republished. D. The following iEems may, at. the discretion of the zoning administraEor, be approved by the Community Development Department st.aff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore Ehe DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylight.s and similar exterior changes which do noL alt.er t,he existing plane of Ehebuilding; and b. Building additions not. visible from any other lotor public space. At the time such a proposal is submiLLed, applicanLs must include letters from adjacent property owners and,/or from the agenE, for or manager of any adjacent condominium associaEion sEating the association approves of the addiLion. E. If a properLy is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow, wet.land, eLc. ), a hazard st.udy musE be submitt.ed and Lhe owner must sign an affidavit, recognizing the hazard report prior Lo the issuance of a building permit.. Applicant,s are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior to DRB application to det,ermine the relationship of the propert,y to all mapped hazards. F. For aII residential construct.ion: a. Clearly indicate on Lhe floor plans the inside face of the exterior sbrucLural walls of Lhe building; and b. rndicate with a dashed line on Lhe site plan afour foot disLance from the exLerior face of the buildinq walls or supporLing columns. c. rf DRB approves Ehe application with cond.iLions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior Eo the application for a buildingt permi L . 7t8 Prt'a P"^bA lJu-l , C,s'l-'J-rPEGrFrGrOrorr \N/INDSOR CASEMENT Operator Sizes tr E tr tr tr trtrtr tr trr E H m tr tr tr trr Er E E H tr tr tr E E E E E m H Picture Sizes Note These specifications can be utilized for both clad and primed products. Please note that the clad rough opening heights will be 3/4" less than the primed shown above. Etrtr m tr tr tr 6;,"J.*' trtrtr tr tr Er u-+ trtrEtrtrtr Etr mm m@ EE DDEola,l E E E m E E m Primed Casement Sections ffi l-w]NpmRt G A s r M r Or N - WS0DW CLAD A].ID PRIN{ED PRO\.IDE SLIPERIOR PERFORI,L{NCE & \'ALUE The p|tmlsro whhnh thc Whdsor ollonfrUl The prerniere *'indow in the \Windsor of-fcring! From the most bagic elcments to tlie sm:rllest cletail, the'Winclsor aasement stuncls elrove the cros'cl to offer the best valuc fr.,r' rhc clollar in the conipetitive 90's. (.< insicler these fcrttt-rresr SEes . \{<xlular sizing on even 6" increme nls in rvicltli ancl heigllt.. 'l'he sizc (hart on the back tcatures 44 \ cnting sjzes ancl 35 pictulc $'inclows. . \\t rvill also custonr-huild thc,se ir itttlt,rr s l(, ) ( rtlf (\:l('t sizt, .specifications. flanftrtre. Supcr-srnooth clual :rrnr operating irurtln lre s'ith a litetime \\':rrranty. . 'l'lrt' srrsh ()pens to a full 90 degrees :rlkrs inc clcaning fiom the insicle.. Ar lilablc in lrronze . *.hite. or brass, t() rnlltclt l otrt clecor. . An rrcliLrstalrle hinge to c()rrect those ot cusu rnal imperfect il.lstallations to nlaintirin peak pertbrnrancc. Sas[ and tnamc . 'l'lrr: thicke-st sash in the industry,. I 1,',16 ".. Conrponent pirts alre treete(l w'ith a \\':ltcr xn(l lns(jct-rcsistant presen'ative. . (irille olfcrinU inchrcles stick. ftril perinrctcr'. a "lrctlveen the glass'' option callecl inner grille, and winclsc>rlitc (siniulated cliviclecl lite). Glass. lnsrrlatcd L,'4'g'itir a ligl'rt lrronze tone <l)ilceI is stanclrrrcl.. Vinrl glezing lloot protects thc glass aglLinst seasonal environne nt:ll shift. . I ligf' pcrfirrnance options inclu(le tintccl. Lol'E. ancl gasJillccl Lo* 8. ExtGnior Hnl$h htlons. I)r-inrc'd extcrior is sranclard for those rr r.lrirrs to rrr.rkt. thr.ir ' '\\'n rrniquc cokrt statcntent. e I tr rr.rlrlt.. !l(.nl-rc\istanl. nrain(t,nlrncc- tlee aluminum cladciing is '.rvailable in three ciesigner colors. ldded Extnas. All intcrior stops are "blind' nailcd, r;reaning no r.rnsightly holes to fill ancl sancl prior to painting.. Eas_v glass replacement, no re-pxinting or stalnlng. Englnoenod ponfonmancE, Elogant derlu, allondablo [plcol I-istecl bekru' arc the perfornr;rnce numbers based on actual tests (not tulcLrlutionsl) ol stanchld units. The highest level of performance, Grade 60 -1he cr rlntrcial .spe( ificrri(in. rvas attained easilv by the '&'indsor Casement. l'ieing re|ognizcil :rs lhe best in the industry does not mean you have to sacrifice rrusonulrlt' pricc's t<,get a premium productl V'e are committed to provicling both a supclior cLesigr.i lntl rL ( ()rit consciolls value. 'fhrough the commitment oi olrr (l('(li( llc(l clistribLrlo:s. l e h:rr e fomred the team to sen'e the demands of tlie 90's (or.rsumcr \\e rruv not l)e thc biggest. but as you examine the possibilities and tlrr ruluc. r'<lL rvill rLerrc se are the bestl Join the tl.tousands s'ho have loined the \\'in(ls()r 'l elnr '\\'lrere tlle customer is kinsl ' url 8 $Rtmu$i.tf8 ;as-Frlea 1r fDall \,r 218 t.56 211 39 '36 IIIInIruT NT!1{DA Grade R€sults Canad an Air llf lrat on 601.01 SCFMI A3 60 B3 Slr!ciLral 60 c3 'Corpu€r s mulared va !6s . accorden€ w l. NFFC 00-91 'Pfo.6d! rc ror 0 el€rmir ng Fenesifar on Th€.ms P op€rl 6s - Lrlaru€ sr6d iD'. ad !n I Eva u3llcn Cr1o.a Thrs prcducl h6€ls or ex.e€ds NWdDA lndusiry Slandard lS 2€7. Seclion.l3 2, Ar hi lraliol- ASTM E-283; S€c:on.13 3. wal€r PBn€lclon -'ASTM E.547 Seclcn 4.3,1. Unilo.m Strlcura Loading - ASTM E-330;Seclior 4 42 The'tralPedo'na.ce ASTM C 2361391 HdCmtrtocthrl Pdmrd cu.nd. trcrhr TVINoSoR S\TINGING Doons Operator Sizes sPrcrrrGilronr Sidelite Sizes @;1 ^#eJL ul'b ol-J Note Available in either clad or prime. Rough opning climeru;ions listed lnd sctkrn dnrrvings lrc fcrr I primed d<xrr. 7Ea f,tL 7"2/ t)al,, to/o ' ffi l-WiNpSR] S W I N : :!i SOP A T I 0 0008s CLAD AND Suecr FRol,r ONs CO\II]INATIONS TO MEET PRIMED TO FOUR PANEL YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Tradition 'Ii Lrt' to tltt ckxx traclition. the \&rindsor otii'r'ing trtilizcs the s'icler stiles and lx)rt()l]r rril. -[hc tradition of "olcl world" t letisntanship lrncl a conrnritmcnt t() the Iii,ghL:st clr-ltlit\ stanclards ere evident in crrc lr rncl evcrl \\'indsor ckror. Consider llrcst'teatuLcs: $ires . 'fllrcc strrn(l:rrcl heights. the 6'-8" lcplaceltrcnt. xncl the 6'- 10" ancl tl'-O" nt\\: col-tslf Ltctton slzes. . r\lso er rLilrrblc. tfic bihinge optkrn, irr s hich lroth panels ()perate. Hardwane . 'l llree hl-'lr\')' (lLlty hingcs rre stan(lard on the (r -fi' trncl 6'-i0". $'ith a fburth rttlrlcci on tltc 8'-0" ckxrrs.. Ilre ullinlirtc sccuritv is prt:r'iclecl \\ i1h thc olrtion;rl (stanrlercl on U'-0") nrultip()int lot king irertlq are r-ith llrnclle-uttir ;itecl hcaci :rncl frxrt lxrlts. Panel and Fname . Irrgincclccl t orcs lemineted with the lrigltest c;rrelitr' \ eneer's. . ( l()rnl)()nL-nt l):irts arc treated with :r \\.rl( t .ul(l lJ)\((l r( \rst.rnI Prq\('nJti!C.. ( 'n lr' ,,t]( rinH. irtr'ltttlt lrrll perintt'tcr, ;L lretscerr thc glass'option callecl inner grillc. enci \\'indsorlite (simulated c lii iclccl litr'). Glass. lnsulare cl .j .r" n'ith rr light lrronze tone splrcer is stlrncl:rrcl.. , 'l.rzc l rritlr tlrL sl' )Ir:, 1,, tl)( intqrior gir ing tht, bcst possiblc seal ageinst the ltilfsit c\t( n()f en\1f()nntcnt. . I li.qh prr f orrrrancc options inclucle tintcll. Lo\\ li. encl ga.s-filleci Lorv H. Exteniop Finlsh optims . l,t.intccl ertelior i-s stanclurcl ti>r'those 'r i-lrtt8 t, , rll.rk( lh('lr , rrr n ttnique ( olor st:tt('rrr(:nt. . I)rrlablc. (lcnt-resist,lnt. nrainten:tnce- lr t c crtnrclccl alurninLrrr claddirrg is rLr:Lilalrlc in thrce clesigncr colors. Adrled txsas. Siclclltes rrailable in tlrree stan(lard u irlths entl lrrights to ((rnpliment the s\\ inginu dr x rrs. . ()l)tionirl bronze anoclizccl sill available rvith the stundard o;rk threshold. Iltnld Clasr Englnoonln0 md Aflondablo Eo0anco V'inclsor S\\-inging l)ario Do()rs irre constructed from the highest quality pine veneers, appliecl over r laminated veneer core, This is the most structurally sound combination on the market today virtuall,v eliminating any warp or rwist of the component parts. Weather stripping. an aftenhought to most, is paramount with \I/indsor. A urethane tbam encased in vin,vl weather stripping provides the primary seal anrund the full perimeter of the door panel. When combined with the fine milling and exacting tolerances of manufacture, rhe result is truly "affordable elegance.' V€ may not be the biggest, but as you examine the possibilities and the tremendous value, you will agree e€ are the best! Become one of the thou- sands l,ho have ioined the V'indsor team, "Where the customer is king!" rfirrHtEnmunuB {, ""t _ lrrsrr alerl LoE Gas Frkd loE RVaJ€ REi slalci tr iea: | )r/ T ? :li: 2 r€2 t.i LI VA U€ Loss ol heal ' .13 ' 3-q ' .3i 'Compusr smulalod vaLues 'n eccordane wlh NFBC 100-91 'Pr€€dw€ lor Oet.fmlnng F.n$lEtron Prod)ct Thshal Prop.rtos.' Elarualion Crtena: Th s pfodlcl me€t3cr Bxc6€ds NwwoA Industry Stan.h.d S 8-88, Sscllon 4 3, Alr lrflnlaton -ASTM E-2€3; Seclion 4.4 Waror Penslration -ASIM E-5.17;Socrioo 4 5, Uiitorh Srrucrulal Loadlig -ASTM E.330, ilimrrEIiafi A' nlllral of pass DASS SJ rct.rra o MEMORANDI'M to: From: Date: The file Jim Curnutte December Subject: Drainage 3t L992 easement on lot 5, Block 2, VaiI Potato Patch 0n November 5, L992, Karen Fletcher (Land Title) called Kristan Pritz regarding the 20, drainage easement that runs through the middle oi this- lot. Kristan read through the file but could not determine why the easement was still there when a house had been built, on top of it. She asked me to look into it further' fn reading through the file I could not find any documentation to explain fiow the property owner was allowed to build a house directl-y over the drainage easement, and then later subdivide the Iot with the easement clearly shown on the duplex plat. on Novenber 11 , !992, I met with Mike Brake (Town surveyor) and we reviewed the plat for Lhe subdivis:cn, which was apPr+ved by the town in 1974. After reading through the certificate if dedication and ownership Mike determined that., although the roads and all other utiliti easements were dedicated to the public, the drainage easenents were not. In Mikes opinion these easemenls were probably intended to be dedicated to the public, however since they were not nentioned in the dedication secLion of the plat. t.hey are probably not public easements, 'On November !2, 1992, f met with Larry Eskwith (Town Attorney) to discuss the issue and to confirm Mike Brakes opinion. Larry agreed that the plat does not expressly dedicate the drainage easemets to the public. However, he noticed that the wording also does not appear to retain the easements for the use of the property owner at. the t:.me (VaiI Associates, Inc.). The drainage easements are simply not mentioned at all in the certificate of dedication and ownership, although they are shown graphically on the p1at. Larry felt thal someone coutd make a case that there are no drainage easements at all in the Potato Patch Subdivision. o) I DATE February APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEI,I A. NAME OF APPLICANT Gary R. Bossow & Mara R. Bossovr 1'l 1oRtrL-t ,,./v-),-r lt4AILING ADDRESS Drawer X Va11, Colorado 8r-658 PH0NE__]L?6=SO4_4__ B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S MAILING ADDRESS REPRESENTATI VE Same as above Same as above c.NAME OF OWNER'S MA IL ING PHONE PROPERTY OWNER (print or type) Cartr R. Bossow & Mara R. Bossow SIGNATURE PHONE ADDRESS Drai.ier X Va11, Colorado Bl-658 D. Ya|I/Potato Patch FIL ING .fituf t E"i)')L' | ,i MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 'I ]' I I 'l . Two my1 ar copies of the duplex subdivision plat fo1 lowing the requirementsof Sectjon .|7..|6.|30(C) I ,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,.|0,.|'1,.|3 and '!4 of the Suddivision Regul ations. 2. The plat must contain the following statement: . "Fot zoning purposes, the two'l ots created by this subciivision are tobe treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed' on the combined areas oi the two lots." The statement mirst be modified according to the number of lots created. 3. A_copy of the declarations and,/or covenants proposed to assure the maintenanceof any common areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEl,l CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17.24 of the Subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Cornnunity Development wiil be responsible for promptly recording the plat and accompanying documents with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder upon Town of Vail approval . G. H. P{tzuas uest for a c r to const i cant:Gary Bossow Jim Sayre read the defini of a recreation structurei n 18.04.280of the municipal code, explaining that it required a conditional use. He stated lltqt,Ihq pool building wouid be seen only from the frontage roads and Lionshead,and thUS the Staff recommended annrnval with tha cf inrr'lef fnn rhe* +h6 Dtrn Lrrqu, r, E HU(J I uuttutflg wuur(] De seen onry rrom Ine rronEagg roaos ano Llonsneao,and thus the staff recommended a.pp.roval with the st'i pulation that the pEC pass 6nto the DRB concerns aboutmaintaining the screen of aipen downhill of the pi^oposedpool and that heavy equipment access to the construction site be carefully rLviewedand addressed. After much d.iscussion, Viele moved and Trout seconded to ipprovetheuest for the conditional use per -0 in favor. 7. Request for a rear setbacK variance and for a stream setback variance in oroer Peter Jamar showed site p'l ans and explained the deck encroachments. He added tharvirtual 1y ali other units at the Texbs Townhouses with one exception had decksencroaching onto the stream and rear and side setbacks as a result of either beingconstructed prior to zoning or having been granted permission by the Town. As aresult the staff did not feel that the graniing of these varianles would constiturea grant of special privilege. Pierce w9s l! agreement with the staff. Morgan felt that it seemed a turn-aboutto use the TOV setbacks as hardship considering the way the Vorlaufer request washandled' Piper felt that the rear setback had po relaiion to the side setbacksin relation to hardship. Viele could see a hardship relating to the side setbacks, but was not sure of therebeing a hardship reiatjng to the siream setbacf. Donovan felt that noone shouldhave constructed a deck into the stream setback, however,6 others did. She addedthat. if this passed, the exterior railing of the deck should be attractive to theneighbors--should be considered at the OIB ]evel . Trout supported the issue, Morgan stated that in the future it appeared that theqRPlicant should be allowed the privileges enjoyed by others. He'agreed in thefuture that the staff refer to variancei granieil, wiih more intormaiion on tnJ-background. Jamar stated that when reiearching this he found that others inthe 70's had been given approval to build into thd stream setback. Trout moved and vjeie seconded to arprove as per staff recom cause onstitute a grant otffiinconsistent with the limitations of other propertiei classitiba'in the same-district,it would not be detrimental-to the public nbaltn, safety, or welfare, or materiitty- ' iniurious. to properties or improvements in the vicinity, and that wai warranted- because there were exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicableto the site of the variance that did not aply-generally to other properties iir ' the same zone and the strict or literal inteipietation-would deprive'the app'l rjcantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of other iroperties in the lame distritt. - /lct an enclosbuse permit atch Drive. The vote was 6 in favor with Corcoran abstainin Project Application projecr Name: & n< < av) F2J/- tlla'':l; r''ot: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: t-ot .f/ , Btoct<riting ,-ffiQ 47W , zone L--- Commenis: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL /,.alt<-\,5/\i Summary: ,/ ir?^!|^#u=.-== o^,., ' g/ lrl g:,E Statt Approval 2. {$$ NN $\3 { {. \ t,UtJLlC N{)t t(,i, NOTICE IS HIREBY GIVIt{ thai the Pl anni irg and Envi ronrrrcrrLal Cornnr jss jon of Lhe Town of Vajl will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section .l8.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on August 22, 1gB3 at 2;00 pm in the councjl chambers in the Vail municipal building. Public hearing and consideratjon of: i. Request for an amendment to Sections .|8.04.030, 18.22.090, and .l8.24..|30 in order to remove accommodation units from density controls in the Commercial Core I and the Publaic Accommodation zone districts. The procedure will follow those set forth for amendments in Sections .l8.66.'l00-18.66..|60. App'licant: Lodge Properties, Inc. A request for an exterior alteration to the Viliage Center Project at 122 East Meadow Drive to add a new retail addition on the east end, to revise the entrance to Toymaker's Trail, to construct additions to the retajl shops, and to construct a new sidewalk along the north side of the project. Procedures will follow those found in Section .'|8.26.045 of the Vail Municipal Code'and the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. Applicant: Fred Hibberd Request for a density control variance to Section .l8.64 (B) in order to remodel and add 91 square feet of GRFA to the interior space of unit #306, Vorlaufer Condominiums at 385 Gore Creek Drive, Lots l4-.|8, Block 5, Vail Village 5th in accordance with Section .|8.62 of the municipal code. Applicant: Edward B. t,lasson. Request for a condit'ional use permit in accordance with Section .|8.60 of the Vail Municipal Code in order to construct an enclosed swimming pool on Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch,.758 Potato Patch Drive in a Primary,/Secondary zone district. Applicant: Gary Bossow Request for a rear setback variance and for a stream setback variance in a High Density Multi-Family zone djstrict in order to enlarge a deck on units 4A and 48 of the Texas Townhouses,483 Gore Creek Drive. The procedures will follow those set forth for variances in Section 18.62 of the munic.i pal code. Appl icants: H. Thomas and Delores B. Coghil I ' 6. Request for the modification of a conditional use permit in accordance i{ith Section 18.60 of the Vail Municipal. Code in order to expand the playground to accommodate a sodded soccer field at the Vai'l Mountain School at 3'160 Katsos Ranch Road, on part of lot 12, Block 2, V,ail Village 12th. Applicant: Vail Mountain School , Jnc. 4. 5. 7. Request for a conditional use permit in Special Development District #4' Cascade Village in order to construct a ski trail connecting Sinrba ski trail below the lower face to Cascade Vil1age. Applicant: Andy Norris 8. Request for a minor subdivision to vacate a lot line between lots 25 and 26' Bighorn Terrace Subdivision. Procedures to follow those found in Section 17.20 of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Ted P. Stockmar 9. Request for exterior alteration to the Lionshead Arcade located on part of A p'lus Parce] l, Lot 3, B'lock l, Vail Lionshead First Fjling' at 483 East Ma'll in order to build a cormercial addition in the interior corner facing Applicant: Lazier Comnercial Properties. site Lionshead northeast. The application and information relating to Zoning Administrator's office during regular inspection by the public. TO}JN OF VAIL OEPARTMENT OF COI.II'IUNITY DEVELOPI{ENT A. PETER PATTEN. JR. Zoning Administrator Pub'l i shed i n the Vai l Trai'l August 5, .1983 the proposals are avai'lable in the business hours for review or )'-.:'0 of Community Deve'l opment .l983 Use Permit to allow construction of an . Appl jcant: Gary Bossow. 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 T0: P'l anning and Environmental Commission FROl'l: Department DATE: August 10, RE: Condi tional indoor pool DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: Sect'i0n 18.04.280 of the Vail Municipal Code exempts indoor swirrning pools from GRFA regulations. The sectjon reads: "Recreation structure" means any covering erected over a recreatjonal amenity, such as a swimming pool or tennis court, which is not a seasona'l structure. For the purposes of this tjtle, recreation structures shall constjtute site coverage but shall not be subiect to bujlding bulk control standards. Any recreatjon structures sha11 require a conditional use permit in accord with Chapter 18.60. Gary Bossow desires to add a swimming pool to his residence on Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch lst Filing. The residence, including the proposed additjon, does meet site coveraqe.height and setback regu'l ations. The addition is to be placed to the south (downhill) of the existing residence. The duplex has reached its maximum GRFA. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Sectjon .l8.60, the Department of Commun'i ty Development recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors : Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town' 0neof'the development objectives of the Town is to "prevent excessive oo population densities and overcrowding,of the land wjth structures." inL aadltion of the svrjmmjng pool wj'll not jncrease the populat'ion ;;;riit on tni, tot; the nuiber of bedrooms and kjtchens will il;i;"unlnangeo. t1or wi1 the addition of the swjmmjng pool ou.r..oua thi; large, 31 ,497 square foot 'l ot with structures' Another developmeit'obiectjve is. to "conserve and protect wildljfe' ;i;il;, woods, hjIIsidis, and-other desirable natural features'" ii;-;;;p";;a-p"or is to ue uuilt on a steep hillsjde' .However'S;it5*;l-piin! inaicate that there will be minimal disturbance of ."iiiirg lriJus Ore io-t6e pool addition. The key to preserving the hjllsiAe wj fl be the manner'by which heavy construction equipment enters the lot. No i nfl uence. Effect u n the traffic with rticular reference to co es ti on automotive and trian sa etv and conven I ence tra ffi c ow and control , access maneuvera remova I o snow f rom e street and part(r ng areas. S.incetherewi.l.|benochangeinthenumberofpeople-living inl-lnu.iiing unit, the pool-should have negligable influence traffi c . Effect upon the character of the area jn yhic! the proposed-use'! s- ffiuser. The additjon will be barely visible from the adjacent site;, it will be vjs.ible from the frontage roads and Ljonshead. I0 the nortn ls 770 Fotato patch. fne dossow pool wi l l be vi rtual ly j nv is ibl e from $i, ;;i;i_unjt proie.t. ro the south and east is agricultural and il;;;;;;.- ro ine-w.ii ir-u-vicant tot. I,lhen this-rot is developed, i[; pili;itt be visab1e from this location. You will be able to see in. laa;tion from Ljonshead ind points east and west from L'i onshead' Thus it is important-lrrai-ifr" t.i^".n of aspen be maintajned around the pool . Such other factors and critelia as the commjssjon The environmental jmpact report concernlno the proposed use, if an None requi red. 'ln in oo I I I i,. ti FINDI NGS The Department of Community Development recorunends thatuse permit be approved based on the following flndingii That the.proposed 'l ocation of the use is in accord withrnrs ordlnance and the purposes of the district in which'located . the condi tional the purposes of the site is That the proposed location of theit would be operated or maintajnedpublic health, safety, or welfare on improvements in the vicinity. That. the proposed use would comp'ly wjth eachof this ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION use and the conditions under whichwould not be detrirnental to theor material ly injurious to properties of the app'l icable provisions The.Department of community Development recommends approval of theconditionar use permit with the foilowing stipurat.iohi -init tn"Planning-commission pass on to the Design Review Board concerns aboutmaintaining the screen of aspen downhilT of the p;;;;;J";;;r and thatheavv.equipnent access to thb consiruction site b" ;;;;;uliy reviewedand addressed. s t! i.- -f,- -\t*I - -::- ! =o9S.:o =.3 B g .<.^ t'-). o DUSI REVIEW BOAITD CIU'CK LIST POTATO PAICH NUIIIBER FrVENAMI' OF PTIOJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 2 BTOCK vail/Pot"to Patch FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Prlmary,/Secondary Res identlal A. Buildins Co4s-lqe-I-ations Prellm Final Approv.at APoroval Conments Building Location on Site Building Con f igrrration Appropriatenesswith Neighborhood Heiettt Mass Roof Sorms Use of Materials Choice of Color Energy EfficiencY B. Site Consilgteli-on Disturdance of Natural Features Access onto Site Snd* Removal Vehicular and Pedestrlan Circulatlon Landseaping Plan Grading Plan Erosion Control Irrigation SYstem Ext,erior Lightlng Retaining Walle Accessory Structureo C. Miscellaneo@ D. Other Coments minlsEratorFINAL APPROVAL LIST OF MAI'ENIAI,S NAME OI' PROJIICT POIATO PATCH NUIIIBER FM LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 2 BLOCK Vall/Potato Patch FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJDCT Prlnary/Secondary Regldentlal The following lnformationto the Design Review Board A. ) BUILDING MATENIALS: Roof Sldlng Other Tlall Materials Fascia Soffits Itindows llindow Trlm Doors Door Trim f,and or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Otber B. ) Pr-AltT 'I'{ATERIALS is requlred for submittal by the Appllcant before a flnal approval can be glven. Tvpe of llaterlal_--Color Sawn Cedar Shlngles Natural'. lh t@Redwood Natural-seCled ffhfur NA Re&rood Natural-sealed Rbdrvood Natural-sealed reOtfEese"nenE Double Glazed Sta1n. Dted. Brown Redwood Natural-sealed Solld Panel StalnMed. Brown Redwood Natural-sealed Reduood Natural-eealed r&h - l{lthin carage NA (Vegetatlve, LandscapLng Materiale lncludingand Ground Cover) Botanical Name COnt-On Nane Aspen' Austrlan PLne Native Ground Cover Trees, Shrube, Quantttv Size 12' 10, 30..+- As Reqd. 27 Trlple wall Hed. Brown 5 9a1. Page 2 Plant Maserials ConEinued Botanical Name Coruron Ngqrg Quancltv Size C.) OTHER I.ANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retalning Walle, Fencee , SwJ.mlng Pools, etc.) (Please Speclfy) Retaining walls-- 6x5 tlnber crlblng :lit/,,tud Snall Lmpoundnente to be llned with approved water prdof nembrane il[ GARY R. BOSSOI.J P. 0. Drawer X Vai'l , Colorado 8'1658 VAIL PLANNING COMMISSION TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 REFERENCE: Conditional Use Permit - Lot 5, Vail/Potato Patch Gentl emen : The proposed swimming pool will be used by a single family made up of three (g) berions. The impact on the imnrediate area or the overall Town of Vail will be none. Due to the fact that it is'a private pool for a single famjly' it is ngt expected to affect the air, schools, traffic, pedestrian traffic or snow removal in any way. The pool is so designed to tje into an existing structure using comparable materjals and colori. Exterior fjnishes blend in with the existing building in every detail The four (4) structures and developrents directly north of this property a] I contain swirnrning pools and appear to offer no negative aspects to me or other members of the community. The completion of this proiect can only offer a positive effect on Vail and Eagle County in the form of a larger tax base and no negative effects can be seen .by me. Thank you for your cooperat'ion. Very truly yours, July 29, 1983 Gary R. Bossow GRB/jac -il-(3 APPLICATION FORM FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I. This procedure is required for any project reguired to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NA!,TE OF APPLICA}IT a,rcJ. ADDRESS B. NAIIE OF ADDRESS APPLICANT I S REPRESE.ITATIVE /yrt /v4 tvpe) PHONE anount equal to the t,hen current first-class Postage property ownel to be notified herer'mder. of owners of all property adjacent to the c.NAME OF OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS t a'I D. I,OCATION OT PROPOSAL lu;osglss 'l 5 ( Poflb f'fol Ddt de. . I.,EGAL DESCRIPEION T."t S ilL"CK 1 EN,"; /|.'L F. jo-tl - J too 4s/5at L e,,e l/AtL ?/6s,7 NON E NdN 6 K r ntay Iv,/'8. FEE $5o.oo plus an \ rate for each A list of the name subject proPerty tuest- Lot-( _Bzf _ l-ll q t Pl ilo a,rr -s Ssoo Q '" s ret er(* a 54 t-7la ^t O, < ,ftonrA-@ 6,<rstr * uten/e<s /Vb/f/ qsct Joo67 'l-u / Vrt Enst '^l / -/ /\^o* / "/3/r2 - Cc.rndj.Li.onal. trselrtirj L pa*1t: 2 - e +:'r-i'<;rr:r1 t'scQr;;r; . iI. Jlrur-.{4} c<ilt.lcs o.f t}rr.: foll.vri.ng .i.rif.i.-rnaLion: l1 A. A dcscriptiorr of t,tr<: prclcise n;rturr: of the l)rcpo::t,:rl qgg;11rl;its opcrrat.ing ch;rr;rr;tcr:istj-r:s, i,r'rc measurc$ pr.o;,,r.r:;ccl to n:..rr..r:the usc coiiiy-r;rtj.brc v,'iLh othcr: propertics in ilr,:'.rj.ciniiy. a. A site plan sho-',,ring proposer-l d.eveloprncnt of the s;.i-te, inc)p,.1._i-1gtopography' building lo-ati.ons, parriing, traffic circulatio:r,useable oPen sPace, landscaprecl aiiea, arid uLi.litj-es and drainarge. features. .C. Preliir,inary building plans and elevations sufficiert to.indjcatethe dimensions, generit appearance, scale, and i'terioi ptan orall buiLdings. D' Any additional material nece.ssary.for the review of the appJ-icationas determined by the Zoning Adrni;istrat,or. III. Time requirements The PlaDning and Environmental conmission meets on tl:e 2nd ancl 4thMondays of each month. An applica.tion "itr, tbc necessary acco:npanyingmaterial rtust be submitted. four weeks pii", to the date of thc. meeting. {4,u*f:e {-t rrtt^1 po"Q I ---' i! ^/, Project Name: /3as S a*t fr d(- Project Description: Prolect Appllcatlon Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 2(Block Filing , Zone - Comm€nts: Design Review Board Date Motion by: dJrt){ Bltlrr*trt+, @4s Seconded by: 5lC*16^ prsAPPRovAL Ta summary: coN S)a-Jc-Tt r,ti 4r Ttv t 7y L ' 't'rrb ''72: 7HtrT 4aF r a.sl- , Ft9 )' Ptat t r it . ...; E statt Approval 75 south tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 {,,t ofllce ol oommunlly developmcnt hwn JS/l a Gary Bossow 798 Potato Patch DriveVail, C0 81657 Re: Bassow Pool Dear Mr. Bassow: 0n August 3, 1983 the Design Review Board approved the Bossow pool assubmitted. A sturdy fence should be built to delimit the boundariesof construction. The downhill portion of the fence should be built so that it will be able to stop any loose rocks from ro1 ling downhill Replace any trees lost during construction. September 2, 1983 Very truly yours,kJinf Sayre Town Planner ,r,ul6F3 , r Adclltlons a, pool 'l lrc J'o I I rrt.'i rtil itt f lrrlrt i,tt i :l llou rd bc.J',f (: l J i.nilI irIllr.orr;.rl A, iilf ll,tr!iJri i.l^,i,l:fl lA.t,s ,{ool: Sidi ng Othcr liall I'littcri.als lcrltt i I'r.:tl j.ot' :;ulrr;, 111.;1; lry l lrt: c::rrr lrc ,lj.vc,l: Ur tll'-..!J:'. t j.l-,i il-l- Red Cedar ShlngLe .t:l'.-!-:l natural Fasc i a Soffits Windor'rs l{indovr 'l'irirn Doors Door 'l'rin Hand or Deck Rails FLues Flash j.ngs Chinrrrey s Tr:,.sh Enc.l osur. c s 6:rcclrhorrs es 0tirer: Redwood Sidlng clear staln-seaLer e)g)osed concrete n:bbed, flntshed 1X4 rale bd, w/ LKLZ redwd fascla c:Lear staln Red.wood Sldlng clear stain Metal clad.?Pella" Dark lrown SLldlne Glass ZXB redwd w/ 1" nt1 balusters clear staln/ Dark Brown patnt to natch sldlng or copper none none B. LANDSCAPING Name of Des'igner: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botani ca'l Name Common Name Quanti tI Si ze SHRUBS -t (;lrutilli) c^1/ r: D( s0D SQUARL: [U0TAGI: I' r SEED TYPE TYPT OF IRRIGATION SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE Seed alL dlstured area wlth native seed blend 35% turton lreBtern wheatgrass 3q" Falnay crestecl wheatgrass and. JJ/. Luna prlescent wheat4rass TYPE OR METHOD 0F ERoSIoN CONTR0L Ne*rns C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa'l 'l s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Profect Appllcatlon Date {l ..i.4 \ ti-i Project Name: Project Description: Owner Addr€ss and Phon€: Archit6ct Addrsss and Phone: ,4 Legal Description, tot --j2- , g16s1 L , Filing ' .on, Q/a Zonlng Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board o^," 4:2^-17-i! DISAPPROVAL /!-y' a' 4-i :: z -' " z 4q t4'Y' xt&/.l4 , 1fi . 1 /,'i:2,.+ lt;f:2 &/ '' -,'-'. /..- ,,' ,-.-/' . Chief Building Official i4". ;,f4-.,:"n ta o/ Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Legal Description: Lot Zoning Approved: Design Review Board tr\! .-. ,. l Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Date: " Date: I...,. / 7 ZONE C}IECK SFR, forR, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Legal Description: Lot I Block * Filing F-a,"o ,)4-r c f/ 4 / amer KLt /{/,/4c|Tef,a Archi tect ,rtrt'.t.1t 't!': /) U/- ' Zone Distri 6 L , /o proposed use M61,t/ fi Lot Area 3b,'Lry tr ^eisht Alto**a.1f,' proposed Setbacks: Front-Requiiea 2O;"'?16posed Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required l5' Proposed Natercourse-required ,l/'4 Proposed GRFA: GRFA: Al l ovred 5€7O Primary A1loured .Primary Proposed EIE---- Secondary Allowed JKSQ-- Secondary Proposed .'"Zf -Site Coverage: Allorved 7r'2, '' 7lf0 lz/ti Landscaping; Parking: Proposed Proposcd Drive: Slope Permitted 82 Slope Actual Environmental/Hazards: Av.rlanche Flood Plain Sl ope ./Yr4 ( ( r' >l Required ba % ' ' -2/ 'Required Z/un'tr= t' Propo:ed/ ,'; /1-' -,-/rzt /a'- , r'/t//: Propos ed \.1 / ir i5r1t\1.^rj,\,.LU,Iirl(-l . /rfrv' r.r!t.Ii i/::(.1,r | | 1-u Date: I fiNE t Routins slip O rfze/nr f- ,r/ -) n Fu/zLpv lor-f or-r---5iltne l-o -,. 4 ENGTNETRTNG: AppRovED u/ Kr{ J+- 2-1 tqsl DISAPPROVED C0l,lt*IENTS: L t<vto ,1 ,J AptLt,wat- 9 trt. P<-rlt',-t DISAPPROVED BUILDING: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: COMMENTS: t o DIISI RDVIEW BOAITD CIIIiCK LIST NAMr OF pnoJECT POTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION 5 LOT 2 BLOCrc varr,zpo*oto "ot"t fILING PRIMARY,/SECONDARY RES IDENTIAI DBSCRIPTION OF PROJECT Pre1lm Final Aprrroval APProvaI Conunents A. Building Considerat-lsnE Building Location on Site Buitding Conf iguration Appropriatenesswith Neighborhood Height Mass Roof I'orms Use of Materials Choice of Color Energy Efficiency B. Slte Consideration Disturbance of Natural Features Access onto Site Sno* F,emoval Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation Landscaping Plan Grading Plan Erosion ConEroI Irrigation System Excerior Lighting Retaining Walls Accessory Structures C. Miscellaneous con6ideratlons D. Other Conrnents FINAL APPROVAL ill a I,IST OF MA1'trNIAI,S NAtvIE OF PROJIICT POTATO PATCH NO. s - LEGAL DESCRIpTION 5 l,Ol 2 nIOCK VAII-,/POTATO PATCH FILING DDSCRIpTION OF pROJECT PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL The following informatlon 1s requlred for submittal by the Applicantto the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given. A. ) BUILDING MATERIALS: Type of Materlal Color Roof Slding Other IYa1l Maierials Sawn Cedar Shingles/Natural Redwood/Sealed Natural Fascia Soffits Ifindows Redwood/Sealed Natural Redwood,/Sealed Natural . Wood Casement/Double GLazed,/Stain,/Med.Brown wlndow Trirn Redwood'/seared Natural Doors Door Trim -Solid Panel/Stain/Med. Brown Redwood Hand or Deck Rail" *"dwood Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Triple Wallr/Paint/Med. Brown 26 Ga. /Paint/Med. Brown Stone,/Natural Within carage Stiucture B. ) PI*ANT 'MATERTALS (vegetative,^Landscapr.ng Materials rncluding Trees, shrubs,and Ground Cover) Bolanical Name Cor'-on Name Quantitv Size Aspen 29 6t Austrian Pine 8 6l - ; -;:-Pfitzer Juniper 30 5 Gal. Native Ground As Reqrd' 4orze.r,-!dj.r<-- 'I. Page 2 Plant Materials Contlnued Botanical Name Comnon Name Quantitv Size c.) orHER LANDSCAPE EEATURES(Retainlng t{alls, Fences, Swlming PooLs, etc.) (Please Specify) Cribing of Landscape Tirnbers 9na11 impoundments lined with approved waterproof menbrane FULLER FULLER & ASSOC *^#;*,, Mr. Bill Andrews Town of Vail Box 100Vail, Colorado 8l-657 30 January 1981 Bill: Enclosed yourll find a revised site plan for Potato Patch No. 5, adding the items we tal-ked about over the telephone on 29 January. Trlo items of note. First, all the pins are indeed inplace, and have been flagged. Secondly, the T\I cable we discussed is not on the east side of the site as you had suspected, but is lying loose on the ground in anarc east of the roadside property line at about the point where the garages are located. I have left it off theplan because of the uncertainty of its exact location, and. the knowledge that it can be adjusted at a l-ater dateto acconpdate other utilities. Please contact me should you have furttrer questions. Respectfully,fu.fur;{Philip L. Davis, Jr,/ArchitectFuller Ful-ler and Assoc. PLD/)c Architectur€ Planning Urban Design 3820 East Socond Avenue, Denver, Co.802(F Telephon€ 300-gl&3,20 ffifit}{rY cGlEL(Ftm{r Bt*2fr**,6r,,tt Design ReYiew Board /'t a+"*i ACTIOT FORU Department of community Developinent 75 South Frontege Road, vail, folorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fix:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: MYHREN WALL Project Descripdon: DRBNumber: DRB060252 Paftlclpants: OWNER PO BOX 385 AVON co 81620 Project Addrcss: 758 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Locadon: 760 POTATO PATCH DR tegal Description: Loh 5 Blodc 2 Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number: 2101{63-0201-5 Comments: see conditions FINAL APPROVAL FORTHE REPI.ACEMENT OF DCSNNG DRYSTACK RETAINING WALL WITH NEW CONCRETE BLOCK RErAINING WALL WITH SrONE VENEER (due to failed oristing wall) MYHREN, UCrOrul n. O6t26l2ctr,6 355 CLAYTON Sr DENVER co 80205-4228 APPUCAI,IT SBDS P.C,0612612006 Phone: 390-6709 Modon By: Seond By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: APPROVED Date of ApProYal: 06/30/2006 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constituh a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valkl for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is ommenced and is diligently pursued toarard completion. Cond:CON0008231 At the time of buildirg permit submittal, the applicant shall ptovide a factor of safety rating for the proposed walls. @nd: CONdD8232 At the Ume of bulHing permit submlttal, the applkant shall prwide design assumpdons for the proposed walls. Cond: CON0008233 At the tlme of building permit submlttal, the applicant shall provide the design parameters for the proposed walls. Planner: DRB Fee Pald: f2o.dl Minor Exterior Alterations , rffilft,X Xl.E Application for llesign Review Departrn€rt of Community De\rebpment 75 Souft ffige Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.48.2L28 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.wilgov.om Gercml InformaUon: All projects requiring design rwiew must receive apprwal prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submitlal requirements for the partio"rlar approval that is rcquested. An application for DeSgn Re\rierv cannd be a@pH until all reguircd infurmatkrn b reeived by the Community DoreloFltent DeparunenL The project nray also need b be reviewed W the Tovm Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rwiew apgroval lapces unless a buiHiry permit ir iscued and oDnsttuction commenes within ore year of tte 4proval. DescripUonoftlreRequest2 f\blqct^P^+ "t eyt6+r^4 d'rl SioK (ttl 1,4,^q t/4n1e- vc-;Pt | .. .. \'/ rocationof the*opcat: rou 5 etolrt: Z s"oo*r-t Fr+Jr Fo*-h - |LOCatlOndUePFOPGal: Ld: 2 tslor'<. .(1 sumMs|(tl:IoTcTa f 4l6ltr - | Physicaf Address: 76O ?r#, P'Irh Dc. (elb. rcrrrL, l;r# *t 7f6 ?iPJ pareft{o.: Zl0lOL3O2OlF (contactEagleCo.AssessoratgT0-328-S640forparcelno.) I+tw rfafis)or0wnd"y, V;r+ur;t " ) Tryl /Lrlrrrn O Owner(s) tlignmtre(s): n/rtsp 9 -. -ilame of Appf i(I||fI= 4BD I -. c . l) r{aifinsAddress= ?0. tso, 7AF A,an, U -8!!?:O, , . \ \Phone: .PE-mailAddresst irhtari€ = Fa* 1/A'q11-O657 I ^ rypeof Review "i*lc'th;let{qr&' Qrvt ntr Signs $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. t\. {tr Conaeptual Review No Fee \l \ tr New Consfruction $650 For consouction of a neu/ building or demo/rebuild. - tr Addition 9300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). n Minor Aherauon $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' (multi-famif/omrnerciaD re-roofirg, painting, windos, additiffE, hndscafing, fences and E/ Minor ntention $20 fffiHtT:?rgio buitdings and site imprwements, such as, (single-family/duplex) re-roofing, painting, windo^/ additions, landscaping, fenes and retaining walls, etc. tr Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Sbff or the Design Review Board. tr Seoaration Reouest No Fee l{alllng Addrcss: Phone: ffi%qtry. ^**., -*t) ,, {-t/ Date: 7 -t1-Ol ****++'t*'a'l*************************+**i******'|'t't{'**ltt*******+**+*:}*******************t****** TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Staternent **t*****t**'l'li,l*****+********+*********f***********************'**,i:t+*{.********************** Statement Number: RO6OOOO874 Amount: $20.00 06/26/200603:14 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init : ,fS Notation: 23 43 /EAGL'E EYE HOME MGITP Permit No: DRBO6O252 Tlpe: DRB-Minor Alt, SER/DUP Parcel No: 2101-063 -0201- 5 SitE AddTeee: 758 POTATO PATCII DR VAII., Location: 760 PorATo PAT.II DR rotar Feea: $2o.ooThib rayrnent: $20.oO Tota1 AlL, tmtss: $20.OOBalance: S0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accollnt, Code Description DR OO1OOOO3LL2?OO DESTGN RSVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20,00 ,*m MT'TO'!TTYilTETmltrE|l'rovrLttTrEf 00,I, (prlnt &icilFqr) p|l'trfdc tftis lccr 6 wdtt$ lpptor,at d the plam daH r Jolrt ows d fFrry t€d at (artrtEse/rcg6l t rllctt her bcr q|btlE t oeTown dvlr @nnnrty Dadopnut org.fina*fr. or pp6 11proycrrcrtr tD be@mpt Ed.tthc rroE aborJe, f urdCrstrrs urat the fqse.d lnprctsrrnB ind*: t nrdE underElld dr* marr rrodlicanrc '|ry be ,* b thc pbrs s t|! qrre o, thc nrh, p?elss b enilr€ @npfrte rrrth thc Town,s app- rlb co*t ad rcgttrr. fl+ cd z'o tgo1{re{v6 t9t 19u60r.6 rr.ttr.r a"^. ! ^a- -.&- AUUId - pt6yl lyedu6 391 B9Z:60 90 eO ABlri c E g tto Eeactto.4 ] il; 88ooFo@dct<t (D(D CttectFFoqt :,- i-jt' j'i E" ceo =61 !oE: ^Eg 1E:pi =E Es -!9xEA:irt cr i ;j. 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'cN|srNvr.tnsNo. nux 0(Ivu010J 'TIVA UAIUO HSJVd OJVIOd 094 s'I'IVil CNINIVJSU tligsH,tw It .l -l-l | $a l- ol si; ; f, (n ro @o \t -r_\tr aEr..>bess = Rg $ s\ Ji i:E g:si +l: ic:;!ia aiaE;:l ! r:E F:E EE:: 7-av et E"o +p ; o $gggi EgJir!qi ;35:!iyE t:;lgili ;g!gE!:5 +*" "_sE Ig: E$E;:5.1 " di3 Eeg :i!;5;.8 ab s ss-€"E e ai:5P95 *EEttii; 5ai;E E# r r s;,; HE*o ;bE-:= 6faarubiS ii;ii$€ii =.=o oF! o o,o "eP.! d= i_ y EE9.o(/|FI ",<<3F(-) .J= 9-', n: l i,r 55 Eg'a Erto 9,o oo: q x;.U6!oqqo c: "- a- - E8v 3 ra5 nr 3€: 9HoEi*;e (J Y-c-^ oP-'i=- aa29.saa9o o c, o; v- 9o E 8:s: FE : ,iE:F€ Hs;s FuEEE Es EE i gAE Il9.:.> c-!6o (/, ^ o ; o -. o-;3rE E;i.p Eg:; eiE;;E::3 ,i'6 FE:,i;i EiE$c r:[5 i';g=;5ljt "riE-:Er: E silE E;:: $r;38 Fr;; :!E:si; pE 3.! s E-"la;e !.sE!l E E 5 0 5; 9 E5-a_f 9 o c " b.6 '=.3 "-.E augoE E;IE J:EE9.igil o;:Sia-)Pi !3I E: : !93 *g=.i i;j ': q 3.! iti$ 9E slit eE €t ;StEHSHaHH b:r i3: o 99: o o -j" oa : ?.s o 9 E :i E s = J3{:E ;:: -E F3 H ! 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'3'O .,9t O - ASNVUI_ Z-,e x s,gf ullNlcNl sllosuld Nrvuc ulllv',iluld 'ros 3 dor'ztuoH lNo3 s,s#-(z) sr-113 oltnouc Allnl Nl otulrNlS ,,9r. o'r8:A s,E# -r-rvM ro lo8 a'1H-Cr|,\ 'dol 1v 'Zr80n 'lNOC s,c#-(Z) /M INEU r{€ cNoB lNoc sttlc 0l_Lnouc Allnr NclullNl3 ,,9t @ '181A s,9# -l = I ,.b/e z q o) X .H3UV U3d utlNSA lNors 90a5-fa6 (toa) rlsr-5r6 (xvi taroS oJ r{or!11r.r1 ra(6-6r6 (016) z-osr lrrls i6tra OJ ly l^Y Yrvuo r| e(to zaer xos oa u6!.cp elo 6urFcu|6u. toiat.n)t. '3N|srNYrr^sNo. ullu)| ooYuo'roJ "IIVA SAIU( HJJVd OIVJOd O9Z S'ITVrtt CNINIVJIU NflUH,tr.W !t .l -t_t I Rl --|fl | s5 ri q D a- Fl iEi; fl NI?(nE i.\>}-l; {> :f IVSS ,ft% ' l;W se E :Ei.t ie !;i El s+E i isE Edi ?!E :,i.. s '? = a i - = et,ctoEct E ar,uE o, E Status: J Approved Comnltunry DEVELopMENT Rounno Fonut fi Approved with conditions J Denied Routed To:Georqe Chalberq, PW Date Routed:06t28t06 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:07to5t06 Description of work:Replacement of existing retaining wall with similar Address:760 Potato Patch Drive Legal:Lot:5 Block:2 Subdivieion: I Potato Patch Comments:Date Reviewed: 6/30/06 Need additional review bv Fire tak PvnlE - ffiiostt tlu'tt113 Wqqt? fb olos /ts Atc, cToz15 fD Aah b^^lwine + I t Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Perry Residence Project Descripion: Additional 15 sq. ft. to existing residence Owner, Address, and Phone: Tony and Teri perryy 758 Potato Patch Dr Vail CO E1658 476-5454 fuchitect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Bill Joseph and Assoc. 0102 Colorado River Rd. Gypsum, CO 81637 52+4010 Project Street Address: 758 Potato Petch Legal Description: Lot 5, Block 2, Potato patch Parcel Number: 210106302016 Building Name: comments: Add l5 sq. ft. of GRFA-No more GRFA remaining for secondary unit (this 15 ft is available due to miscalculation of storage area) Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions: BoardiStaff Action Action:StaffApproved Materials to match existing Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: April 15, 1999 DRB Fee Paid: $20 Froject Name: Perry addition VAILDATA\EVERYONE\D PG\APPROVALS\ 1 DRBAPPR\PERRY Na Na t: boy'e engineering, inc. 143 e. meodow drive suite 390 voil. colorodo 6'1657 476-2170 476-458J fox P2.21.41 EyJeTttrq F., dFtDafto H N*DLs Fvoop ?%o LUtA0. e vt911 w.FJ I r u 4xlaa.ld, J"tls l FFq 4.v-b*v) wt4,Vflqfi T?oe H+l.va0-? F )otsTc -T2€(X J"lg BeAl ,ffi At61 @p-tl 'hYlftlq #,Lt:"$ <! .-F-: 1496s 3ifl €iFtKs .tl2r'99lU o-6.-., bdfu gopffit€l> ruw# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te/: 970.479.219 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co,us Project Name: Perry Residence DRB Number: DR8030113 Proiect Descrip$on: Previous DRB approval expired - ENTRY PORCH, and DRIVEWAY Participants: OWNER PERRY ANTHONY G &TERESSAG04|L7|2003 Phone: 1908 SHELBURNE RD SHELBURNE W 05r',82 License: APPUCANT Floyd Custom Builders LLC 041L712003 Phone: 476-4284 Judy Sanford POB 1957 Vail, CO 81658 License: ProiectAddress: 758 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL location: 758 POTATO PATCH DRIVE Legal Descripuon: Loe S etocfr 2 Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number: 210106302016 Comments: BOARD/SIAFF ACTION l.lotion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApproval:05/13/2003 Gonditions: C-ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 04/16/2803 10:45 303-321-9378 " .(/$ ' 039bb MYHREI.I MEDIA, FERRY INC o PAGE ']: PAGE 02 ApplicaUon br Design Review .,. F.fg"T d Connurlty Xrrcnprncnt^*ffi,F#ffig#" t€O:rwt|.ord.a.t,' CGncr.l lrfurmrdon: s:'6crcqucrrffilr?i';W4.-#;tr8#3f; rE=" o[g affroq.< rclqlea.. t,o/utlBl. I dttcFrcpql:Itdvilion: W _reBt-4J hruf Xtc.: AIOI&ZOar ll" _(Conbct EagleCo. Ascsso?.t9 L:pg€610 fu,r porel m.)Zoa&lgt ihnca)oroUlr.'{e): l{.llirlg^.ld.r*s I on-19 il.m.d^ppl&|t|c r|aifrg FarrilAddnarec fypcof Raicil rnd rcc:O Slg'|3 tr Cqr@glnern O l&rrConfrucic'ltr Aldlhr O ltrorAlbratrn (mr*i-fan|r/cowrrcrdrl) I ui'rafurur' (cnCefmar/rtuCrx) O €hangro to Agprod rhnr tr sc'anfigl eequc* Duy/su fl Elstl.Opersqttr6flpjotets3nrB. llo fue lf! tuffii.qbnd. rErDdrtrforrh,nqfEbud.IJoo For rn dddon rlue Tire^fo;Age C igOcO- i. .ny lgrogleEt o.,'so flffiff".ffi;?,tr*#m,t*iffii-twttng, puntrrg, wideyi .ddmr5,'ri"Git-n* ""0reE|hry rr.ilS, .ic.tZO hrqSordxrgEs" h$9s 11S" ltFovsn€nts+ qraras,,g,B. qairdrt, .'r{d .dddi"*, lilr-dil.-cr* .*Ilbarrrg rrdls. ctE5Zo Ft? rlYiJor|r b pb||s .h!dy apgrsvcc by furnhg Stt or tie* r*. *t Revtgw Eoar!. J4 cEfvE0 APfr | z mnl 04/I6t2003 g9:27 303-321-9378rr' -r, .q.ri, rJ: Jt !/U4ZE55EE v MYHREN MEDIA, FEFRY Ir'lc o PA6E A2 PAGE A? JOTITIT PNOPERTY OWNER WNITTET APPROYAL TEITER I, (prirl mms desolptiori) to be completed at thc addrcss.noEd $o,r. i rrntlrrstand ttrat th tropoeed irprp\r€rne,ns ,nc1.6e: I fu(trer urrderstend tfirt minor fircdfrztixts may be made b tne flarc oer tire cgur* gf sE ,.vrew piccess to en$re cornolhnce wth the Town,s applicable cOdc and regulatixrs. I Pag€2 of 12tO2JO7lO2 provbe$EhEeraswrirrnapprwalofti: *ruaa* -, i.,lryfA wNdrhaye begr subra@d b the Torrvn of Vail Cornmunlty Dewlotrr,errt D$ertrrentfur the propcco jmproverflenB a }int owner of pEpert). lo€at€d rt (aactess/qAl all f17hrc.r 64/16/28A3 10:45 363-321-9378 ", q.r r9cabb MYHREIi MEDIA, PERRY INCo PAGE D: PAGE 02 ApplicaUon fur Design Re{riew Gs|GrJfnfunnefkm: ffiFffi ffiEf#3EJ. rnr-. b,.cre rcdr iq|CIrr cttL qge.tnrl. urj4. 6-_ ^ .^^-. "- .TT*T of co{n,l|rJ,Iry ryxr{"ffiffiry91;gqgr.', rr€D: rwrr.o.rai.co.itt .fii.ffin-X:*:rE.rr':T:T ff-H*" ofttcFrcpoed: t&_,L gtock-._i!l_ *64viion: (Aon&ad €agh Co. Ascecsor rt 9Z>32g€eO for psre! m.)Zona.|g! tLCI{s)downc]{s)! ildfogAidr*r \t ---------- A Orastei Ssn h&G{s): il.m.cf,App11(.nt: tlaiEag Fot-|AdC'e: fypcdRGnbwrod Fee:O Stgnrtr Cqrephr.l Rlvlerr ilalv Cqrao|ucdg't AddEar flhor A|tsraDqr (rnrd{U|lft/€dr|r,crd.l) Xincferyrer (Cndef.fit/4itcx) Chaagrs to Approcd ptrrrs ScprfOslnqr.re* ff-u*6* PI|O|E tr tr o X o tr fl Etg 31.00 per sgrrrru 16o1o1rrrar gn arr.o Fcc tg! fior@rrstnrtb.td. mrbuffireo.rtEDrCEbudtd.tJoo For m a.htbn upe *uarc-foage C;E-r;.ny ,Gddc(|Dd €r '2so ryfifti#",ffi1effffimf,."trruttrs trarfirg, wirdsfl ddEr,'lir,aroiffi,-n_ .rOtetahr|g ralls, -r.fzc formiFrOrrrgs" blfltg'll$. tl|provElrEntf. E at as,rpr,t9, qai$ng,,rrtsi .lor"*,'r._,*i1fr,-c,* .r,cr6E?nr9 udls. G,tEtzs tu? m,ijoo3 D ola|E ahady apprwC by plr'IrsE g_fi or t'|e** *b Rcvicr 0oI!. checr No... Ja @4/16/2OO3 69:27vr' .r,, .r./99 rJ; J! -m INC o prwfrte thb teEer ai writEn apprwat of th: pfa * AW Wwhlch have begr subnrted b $re Tsrryn of Vail Cqnmrnlty OeveloFn€nt Departrrentbr the prgpccc imprwenenb to be completed at ttre a4lrcss,noed $ovc, I undcrstand $il $c troposd imprc\r€rr|ents inc[de: 303- 321-S378!/€4755555o l{YHREt.l I\4EDIA, PERRY PAGE 07 PAGE A3 XttIfTpnopEnf,yOWI{ER WRlrIEil /rDPnovAL LFITER I, (prirt nan€ descrlpdDri) I further under:wd that mirpr nrodiFratirns may be firade b Oe danr ove, ti,e course cf th€ ,=vieri p'racess to ensurc comDliance wfth the Townb applbble ctdci and rcgulations, FiaSe 2 of L2ts2tO7tO2 I ,Frruv a Jo'nt owrcr of pEperty tocateo at (aocless/tqal all 017hrc^r 84/16/2093 10:45 303-3?1-9378J, aJ.. ' E|f,sbb MYHREI.I MED IA, PERRY INC o PAGE ,... PAGE g? ApplicaUon fior Design Review ,_ I>parrncnt of coftnujrlty Dsffi"ffiffi!,p{:1939-{*sz web: !rny.ci.1a[.!O.rr! Gaad Infolrnedoo: _mHilffitrry.ry[,Hl+ 9r-tpfio"gf thcn:qr|GrB ,v;.w#x:*:'ref* \Ef fi. e*c.i,+ toedton of trc Frctell r**C_a,.*,_A_ Srsdv**on: ffiffiffi fibce,rtrr<3 (ConAC E€h Cr. ^scesso, * 9z) 328{gO frr psrel m.)Zfl'i{r$ Ilemds)of onr6(s): t{.ttiq^a*r*: v -------- I Ornr(e)Sgnahrt(s): If.nrc otAppl&ene Ilrpaof Rcr&n lrd rse:O Sl'trtr cqEefidRrr|ew Cl ffar @661Il|s1tr AdrtHal O XluAttsralin (nrt{fn}t/cdtrnodal) I uirtrenrrun' (CnCrf.ealy/duClx) O C}nngrto Agpro4o fh6 tr SrpyrUg| nccuct Pl|ona: fl l!831.000€rs$npfndot6tsEn-€. Itb Flc lfg for qGu|.qirn of . ,En lu5ir? or dsnCrrbudd.t300 For rn adcbn ,.tue Afr.-foOSc e i;Cud-6.rr!, nesdcngat ortas{r - y' f, prt*rrE u*rocw addh.,r,'riGffi,.t ron ""0,eur Emlrs.€Efzo ror qlor <tldges to Y|:g 1!$e drpro,,snenrg sudr as, .lllodtrB, pairng, wcs; ..lnb_;-dd6;a-fr,o, undIlttmq wali ct$20 hr rwilonr b oOn" atrrOy aplrq,rcC by ptTrrf,g Srt or ti€* r*. *,O Rr.vi(,tr Eol!, 14 Pl rn3r:_ Chccf tC: - gv: g4/16/?AA3 09:.27Y-' aw. 4cr(,rir Lf : 3l 303-321-9378l/94755555 MYHREI.] MEDIA, FERRY INC o 0: aa JOTilT FTOPERTY OTUi.ER WRITTET /TpPRovAL LFTTER I, (print name desshdsri) t0 be €ompletql at tne addtess noted cboi/.. I untlcrstarrd that ttrc gopqd io4,nrr,€rnen6 Inclode: I furgler uncerst'nd thtt minor nrodifrcatiros may be made b tte dili over tire cours€ cf thc ,=vi",, prwess to ensur€ cornpliance wlh tfie To!,vn,s appli@bte @dc, and regulatirns. I Pa9€2 0f L2tO2tO7lo2 prwrh tnb kEer as writEn apprwaf of fre pla *arrd j lttf A .whtctr have becn subo@ E tle Torrn of Vail oornrnunty Devebgnern @arorrent br the p.opo6cd finprovernenb PA6E PAG€ a J<Jnt owner of ;lropeft'. lo6ated at (add.csi/qal alZ f17hrc.r *'( + *'ltl' * f *!i* * *'l{t t * 'l:lt* lt**'}* + t * * * ***,t * | *'t** i * rr** * * *r *{**i* *r ** r **,i tfi*r,t* *rr rr *t * r.rr tt**r**r*t*TowN oF VAIL, coLoRADo starement**t'**f**i*''*'ll*l'tfll*'|l***'ti*{t*tttlt*i***'r**rr***{'*'rr}r+rt***r*r**r,r*r*t,i*rr{,i********r*t**rr*r Statement Nuniber: Ro3ooo382o Amount: g20.00 04/:r7/2OO3O3:49 pMPalment MeLhod:, check Init3 arAR Sanford Notation: 2161 iludy A Permit No: DRBO3O113 T14re: DRB_Minor ALt,,sFR/DUpparcel No: 21O1OO3OA016Site Addrese: ?Sg POTATO PATCH DR VAILLocatl.on: ?SB POTATO pATeI{ DRf,VE Thia payrnent :$20.00 Tota1 Fees: Total ALL prnts:$20. OO $20.00Balance: $0. O0*'t **'l'i I lt***'t*'t*ltrilt *lt***,' +rt,.** tt:i* {t't* + t* * i * *** l*ir * *{r*{ ** **'t,rr *!i* t* rr{.,}*ri *,ir r* | r {*t,t* t{t,t* t**f ,, **ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code 0escription Curnent pmts DR00100003ir2200 ;il;;N-ilrliil-;il---- - - - - -- -;.;; Dovld Floyd Phone 9?o.r$79jBl2 Fc ItO..fr9.1l8O Cel& 9ito376.llsl E-Molh dmfiotdQcttbl.cqn ludY Sonford Phone Elo.476.qn4 Foxr 970A76.75'13 Oelh Ito39org95 E-tlolb io:onfordQcomcof.net April 14,2003 Department of Connnunity Development 75 SouthFrontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Allison Octn RE: 758 Potato Patch Drive Lot 5, Block 2 Dear Ms. Ochs, Please see attached Application for Desip Review along with plans. The original plans for the rernodel work at this residence were approved by DRB in the sunrnrer of 2000. The exterior renovations for the front entry and driveway were not coryleted along with the rest oftbe work on tle house. At this time Mr. Perry desires to corylete the exterior driveway and fiont entryway iryrovernents. It is my understanding that the original DRB approval has expired. We are requesting a renewal of this approval in order to corrylete this work €rs soon as possible. Please contact me_if you have any questions regarding this matter. Floyd CC: Anthonv Enclosures rl Project Name: Myhren exterior changes Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8030521 New copper cladding and iron handles for existing front doors Pafticipants: OWNER MYHREN, VICTORIA H, 11/122003 Phone: 355 C|-AYTON ST DENVER CO 802064228 License: APPUCANT EAGLE EYE HOME MANAGEMENT 11/1Z2OO3 Phone: PO BOX 351 VAUL CO 81657 Ucense: ProjectAddress: 758 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Location: 750 POTATO PATCH Legal Description: Lot: 5 Block 2 Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number: 210106302015 Comments: BOARD/SIAFF ACTION Motion By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED Second By: Rogers Vote: 5-0-0 Date of Approval= I2lO3l2N3 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. IOI4NM Locationof theProposal, tot 5 ulocUz Z Phygica (=ry Name(s) of Owner(s): MajlineA s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: E-mail Address: dress: ilOl f,lContact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Phone: Phone: Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request ( [) '{to't'or $50 Plus $1.00 per square footltotal sign area. No Fee already approved by Planning Staff or the For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:Check No.:_ By: Application Date: Planner: $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addfions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to Dlans Design Review Board. No Fee U -a97/tr n tr tr P tr tr btt^ug- o5c( fi ,{.- t.s ryfti(r ,r{ I ll/A.6/2@93 ll:25 9784 PERRV ,OIilT PROPERTY OWT{ER WRITTEI{ APPROVAL LETTER 765556 o PAGE 6I ,-ffi If (prffi rwne description) prwirje thb lcder a5 writtcn approudl of the phns daM whici hare been sUbmitted to the Town of Vatl Community Deneloprnent DepanmeDt for the Propo5ed improvemenE to be completed at the address noted,abore. I under$and that the Propod improrcments indude; I further .understand that minor modifhations may be mada to he plans orer the course of the revievv prGs tg ensure ompliance with the Town's applicoble codes and regulations' Page 2 of LUOA0T|OL a Joint ourrer d property located at (address/lcgal **'{.'ir}++:1.,t,}********++******'}:}'}***********.t*****{.'t 'tr'}'i**{.** ********** * * * {. {. 't,} *:1. i! * '} * ****+*****+* + TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * ** * * *** * * +***** + * t ** * ** ** * * * ** + * + +* +**:l*1.d. {. * f** * * * ***** t ** ******+** f+ * * * ** * * * ** * * + *+'}:}'}+ * ** Statenent Nurnber: RO3oO05141 Amount: $20.00 LL/L7/20031-0:1.3 Alit Palment Metshod: Check Init: DF Notation: #9406 Permits No: DRBO3O521 Tlt)e: DRB-Minor A1t, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 210106302015 Site Address: 758 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL, Location: 760 POTATO PATCH TotaL Fees: S20. oo ThiE Palment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmt6: $20-OO Balance: 50.00 * * * * * * * * * * + * ** * + + * * + ** * * * * * +*+**'i'i*,t t***+{.+*'}*****'}*{.:1.****'}'}:t******** ****{.'1.***+*****:1.'i**'}'} ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIE|^l FEES 20.00 Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us November 19, 2003 4#"l. h.7 Mr. Trygue Myhren ' c/o Eagle Eye Home Management PO Box 4351 Vail. CO 8'|658 Re: Door replacement 760 Potato Patch Drive Dear Mr. Myhren, Thank you for submifting an application to update the exterior and interior of the front door at the above residence. Due to the fact that the home is in a very prominent location on Potato Patch Drive and the proposed door will not match the neighbor's door, I have scheduled your application for the next Design Review Board hearing on Wednesday, December 3', 2003. The Design Review Board will visit the location on that day and will make a decision at the 3pm public hearing as to the approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the application. The meeting will be held at the Council Chambers in the Town of Vail Municipal Building at 75 S. Frontage Road. To get to the Chambers, exit l-70 westbound at Exit 176, heading south under the bridge, then west at the main roundabout. Turn right at the second possible driveway into the large parking lot. The Chambers is located off of the main corridor of the building located on the east side of the parking lot. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any questions or concerns you might have. Occasio nally, the DRB is able to consent-approve an application at that day's pre-meeting. lf this happens, I will contact you via telephone to let you know that your presence will not be needed at the 3pm heaing. Please contact me with a telephone number prior to the day of the meeting since a number is currently not listed on the application. I will look forward to meeting you or your representative on December 3-. Thank you in advance for your patience in what is not always a simple review process. 970.479.2454 (phone) 970.479.2452 (fax\ {s rnrct to ror", 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 COMMI'NITY DEYELOPMENT FAX TRAi\TSMITTAL SHEET TO: Steven COMPANY NAME: Eaele Eve Home Manasement FAXTELEPHONENUMBER: (970)845-1051 FROM: Elisabeth Eckel DATE: 12103103 TIME: 345pm # oF PAGES rN DOCTJMENT (NOT TNCLUDING COVER SHEET) 1 RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY TOWI\ OF VAIL COMMIJITITY DEVELOPMENT FAX # 970-4792452 TOWI\ OF. VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE # 970-479-2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: Thanks Steven: the DRB thoueht that the new door claddine will be a nice addition to the Myhren residence. However. a couple of comnents were made about the heat that copper is capable of absorbins, especially here. with the lar e amount of direct sunlisht to which the doors are exoosed. Thank vou for vour oatience! F :EVERYONE\FORMS\Faxsheet r0t4,N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Myhren exterior changes DRB Number: DRB030521 Proiect Description: New copper cladding and iron handles for existing front doors Pafticipants: OWNER MYHREN, VICTORIA H. ILll7l2003 Phone: 355 CI.AYTON ST DENVER CO 80206-4228 License: APPUCANT EAGLE EYE HOME MANAGEMENT 11/1Z2OO3 PhONC: PO BOX 351 VAUL CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 758 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Location: 760 POTATO PATCH Legal Description: Lotr 5 Block 2 Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number: 210106302015 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED Second By: Rogers Vote! 5-0-0 Date of Approval'. t2/0312003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 -- tF" I I 1I h fECglT - |tr To*r of Vd * I RECEIVED FROM , O*'t c Pcilnii mrmucn tfoll' PAID-'caslt -W -& b lom of 0ailfir CltIffiR RECEIPI **r llf,lE: 5/01/S 8l REIEIPT: ffi86?2 DESCnIPTI|n crv ilrfi lp il DESIEil RErrIfl FE I el.O rDR til BILL JIFTH{ I ffif, 1EIER IEIRILo( ffi €c.n Itf,IE: S/et/t IIE: l{:19:51 iorfl. flfo( |ec.[mrfl rsEnED e0.m llsl( Ylll FoR vqn mtE{t! Policc RoefP -.l t TownolVail Departm€nt of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 t A Na Receipt No. Address: Pro o^t -6L-9-r (D Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.llem No.Code f Cost Each Total 001 00003141110 Zoninq and Address lvlaps LA $s.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Buildino Code - .1997 - Volume 1 &2 $50.95 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $s7.20 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbino Code - 1997 U6 $s6.00 001 0000 3141112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998 \, t:D.J 3. UU 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 $33.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 3141112 National Electrical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Abatement of Danqerous Bldg.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 314 1112 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 3141112 Analvsis of Revisions to '1997 Uniform Codes s12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mvlar Copv Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1 l11 Xerox Copies XC $0.2s 001 0000 314 1 '1 1 1 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80i$1 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.IVS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Fees/Re-lnspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 0000 31s 2000 Ofl Hours lnsDection Fees TJH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Sisn Application Fee Dt-$20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sisn Application Fee 5ts 001 0000 3112200 Design Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR ?,n Q) 001 0000 31s 3000 Buildinq Investiqation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Devebper lmprovemenl Agre€menl Deposil D2-DEP10 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Tarable @ 4.5% (State) - Tax payable tr .001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0% (Town) - Retail Sales Tax T7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 00003112500 PEC APPLTCATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 00003112500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 1 00 sq. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 so. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Special Development District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 00.1 0000 311 2s00 SDecial DeveloDment District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $2s0.00 Re-Zoninq PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Proqram Other -MS TOTAL:Jn.* Comm€nts: /./ / .fa+t,. tzu /r,-., Cash _ Money Order f Check #22 7/-Received OrrW F:/Everyons/Forrnsi/SalesacN.exe /o/5 'e/'(z ,I V"nWT,r+il ON iIOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES Permit #: 998-0112 Stsatus...: ISSIIED Applied..: 05/t3/L998 ri-sueO. . ., Os/22/L99e Expires..: LL/LS/!998 APPLICANT BILL iIOSEPH & ASSOCIATES INC' Phone: 970-524-40L0 o1o2 coLoRADo RrvER RD, GYPSTTM CO 81637 CoNTRACTOR BIIJJ iIosEPH & ASSOCIATES INC. Phone: 970-524-4OLO 0tr02 cotQRADo RrvER RD, GYPSIIM co 81537 OwNBR PERRY AI.TTHONY G & TERESSA G 1e0s sHELBIRNE np, sruieuRNe vt 0s482 TOV/Comm. Dev. rrrrrrrrrirrrr FBE St l'tMARY Building----.>5l5.ooR.gEuarangPlariRcwieg-->.ooTotalcalculaccdFeca--.>r.2o2.75 PIen check---> 334.?5 DRB Fe€-------- 1oo'oo Additionat Pcc6---------> '00 rnv.6li.gaEion> -,0" nccreagion F;;::-:---'---> 'oo Total PGrniE Fcc--------> l'2o2'7s wirr cart-'--> '';; ;ii*it::"i::::::::-::--:l ,,x22'-li :iff::";;;---:--::-:-::: ''"o'"'.'o IEem: 0s100 BUILDING DEP.ARII4ENI -D9p9:-BUILDING Division: 6E7 it t 7g gd';nfi - -- --' -aEE i-on I- -lrcite PITANS -To- gteRt, rE 6a'/r67i'e-eE Eiianr.rn :isEI|{.; ApPn csani'rE DA'rc iiit\',irfug' :ffi to'""ae t5*ynut; ;"' : ;" -;'!EE!€.P LANN r Nc D ivi s i on : ll'Lkt7l228oc"+ft$oB"ntfit*8ft+ i::i :::' bv "bBE531 e'*" Division: 04726/79e6-q4rq,fr- - Ac-t-ion: APPR N/Artem: 05500 PIIBLTC woRKS DepE: PttB woRK Division: 6Et)6 t75gd-csem-,rr Action: APPR N,/A see page 2 of tshis Document, for any conditsions thaE may apply Lo Ehis Bermitr' DECI,ARATIONS I h€r6by aeknoxlodge Lhat I hav. rqed thig application, fiLled oul in fulMc infoBation rcquircd' codplet'd 'n accurat' plots plen, and 8t.ts6 that alt the Lnfordation providcd s6 raquircd is corrccE ' t rgr'c to couP]Iy *itsh !h6 infomation rnd Ploc Phn' !o compLy ui.ch aLl rown ordinanc.B .nd sEagc rasa, and to build chi6 .!-uctsulc .ccording Eo Eho Tosn'6 zoninE 'nd subdiviEion codcr, dcElgn r.viGf, applov.d, uniford Building cod€ and otshc! oldinances of tsha To{n applicablc chcretso' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTIiIENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUII,D PERMIT iIOb AddTESS: 758 POtrATO PATCH DR LOCAEiON...: 758 POTATO PATCH Parcel No.. : 2101-053-02-0L5 ProjecE No. : PRJ98-0076 DescripEion: ulean'up TNTERTbR REMoDEL, appfOved Sj-ngle Family Residen&ffloUnt Tn)e V Non-Rated datg Clean-up DeBpsit Refund Occupancy: R3 Tlpe Const,ruction: V N ValuaEion:54, 350 Add Sq Ft: Sof Oas APPIirncc6:Fircplacc InforuatLon: Rc6trlct'd: REQUESTS FOR TNSPE(TIONS SHALT BE MADE 11dBIITY-AOUR HOttRs IN AD\'|a!lCE BY 8.nd Clc.n-UP D.po.ib Ao: itoEAPH M lggoc *of Gas Logs :*of wood/P.116t: ouR oFFIcE FRot{ g:oo Ar.l 5:0o Pl'l OR COIfTRA(TOR 8OR HIU9BLF AND OT{NER Page 2 **********************:r****:r***********l**************************************** COIIDITIONS Permits #: 898-0112 as of 05/22/98 stsatus---: ISSUED *:l****************************************************************************** permit T14pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--. O5/L3/L998 Applicant--: BILL .1OSEPH & ASSOCIATES INC. rEsued---: A5/22/L998 g'7o-524-4OLO To Expire z LL/L8/L998 ilob Address: 758 POTATO PATCH DR Location---: 758 POTATO PATCH Parcel No-- : 2101-063-02-OLG DescriPEion: INTERIOR REMODEI, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndiEiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * 1. FIEI.;D INsPEcTIoNs ARE REQuIRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMPI,IAliIcE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUiRED IN ALL BEDROOMS Ar'ID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 'r rt.r a t.r a r i r r r 'l l a !r r a f tt t r t at t I t t tt t 'l t t.t i i a !r t t I * a a l rt a l tl| t t t t rl * t t t t rOflN OF VAIIJ, CO"ORADO 8CrE.6ng fir t t i.. a * 'r aa a t t r llt.E.dnt Nunb.r: REC-oaoE }lrorrllE: Paliornl tl.ghod: CK Nocation! l0g3 1, 182.75 os/22ltA L0 tze PlrEis No! 898-0i.12 ryPa! A-BUILD ADD/A.IJT gFR BUILD Pll Patccl No: 2101-053-O2-0L6 SigG MdreEs: 758 9OTATO PATCII DR Loc.tion: ?58 POIATO PATCH Tocal Faaa ! Thi. Piyo.nt, 1,102.75 Tol.1 }|l!L P[la! Inlc: tlAw |,2O2.76 |,2O2.79 Bal.nes ! . O0 *r*rr.r'tr1|ttttJttttir'r*'rtttatt at r*rttt ft lia r 'r t t ir t i t i ir'l t a t J r tat i*J r Accorlng codc D.6cripEl,on Bp ooloooo3ll1l,00 BurLDrNc PERl,lrt SEES DR OO10oOO3112200 D8Sr6l RErrrEW REES pF 00100003112300 Pl,lrl cHEcK FEES lD oo1oooo2403t 00 cLaNIuP DBPOSTTS t{c oor.oooo3r1280o nILL CAJ.L INSPECTION FEE laounc s15. 00 80.00 33{.?5 250,00 3.00 rFro2.oO:E at x E o aE ot BH o A!l :1 EE(J !E L}I{ oo o tdl oo oIt oo at d O. a E il0D & d 4 doq| clI TAEa rr l. !: a0doHANTcl oo oll!rao |n oo oC' oIt oo N a{ F.ozoE.o6U al ttl JEF8Hk EEcro AFeec|oEEE'( &E F' E{ Ei EE E9 B'{ a ', Fl 2Bi9H(o sr| FIH UBoog: E Ei E Et 8 lrAs6..l'2A cl Ttr&o C'EFr 4c|12 <oB 6U ol.l Hv, U E E D EIE!l A Ee HHt!|Ee F 1: rn 1: oElal|n dE tT5 Itrr.E'< ga4AgI EEO IE& OAAH o?Ptrt- o67(e PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: _ ) APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COHPLETELY OR IT MAy Nor BE AccEprED ^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERI'IIT TNFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * rr rr :r r-1,./-nuiraing [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical I J-Mechani'car [ ]-other Legal Description: to1c f BLock_ L FiIIng susotvtstout Val y'oVht fatu* Dh Ph. n""o""olrrr"" Parcel f. TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTfON- OZ^ 6l/ ttFrrMr.'r 3oncac! Eaglc Coun ac 970-328-8540 fo \RCEL 4 ( )wners Nane: .\rchiLect: cy ,1 PER.\IIT C Address: Address: ot?ltL rob Name, fE44l y'4.r'-on ;eneral Description: tddreiss: 6EQol, -/tork class: [ ]-New Jzj-efteration [ ]-Additional f urnber of Dwelling Units:. I lr, [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accommodation Units: ,/Gas Logs_ ,z! Wood/pelIet'lumber and TvDe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances, -' t * * * * * * * *** * * * ** ** ** * * ** * ** * * ** * * * VALUATIONS )IUILDING: $EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHANTCAIt $-----_.?LUMBING: $I t: : i.1 | I " : i : :: I i : i -1 I *.,+ * *,r * * * * coNrRAcroR r NFoRMAI'roN 562.1j6,5 t*L ;Iectrical Contractor: fLtfp,ri ELt66)uL \ddf eSS : )Lumbing Cont,ractor: rddress: }UILDING PERMTT FEE:,LUMBING PERMT'I FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: |LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: lDtr FEE. ********************************!r OTHER: $ TOTAL: f * * *'* * * * ****** * ** ** ** tr * * * * * * Town of VaiI Reg. NO. f?Z nPhone Nunber:_ ?tf, . 7?t/'?,tt 6"aX z* Town of VaiI Req. NO. Phone Nunber z ?n-eotT- Town of VaiI Reg. No._ Phone Number:. gzt -/t/f . lechanical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. NO.\ddress:Phone Nuhber: r **rt* rkrt rt *:l* ******* **** **********FOR OFFf CE USE rt * :t * * * **'t ** * *** * * **:k * rt* * * * * * * * t BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLTIMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOIAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GROUP lonments: VALUATION ) CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY PMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES EI,EETRICAL PERMIT PermiE. #: E98-0107 a DEVELO SEaEus...: ISSITED App1ied..: 05/Ls/L998 Issued...: 05/22/1998 Expires . .: LL/L8/L998 Phone: 3034757300 Phone: 3034757300 Valuation:500 - 00 toCaL CalculaEed pec3---> 5l -OO Additionel Fec6---------> Totsrl PGrtlit F.6__---_--> PsyEcnt.s------- 53 'oo BAIAIICE DTJE..-- TO![N OF VAIT 75 S. FROT.IITAGE ROAD vArr.,, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Inv..tigecion> will c.I1----> .o0 3.O0 TOTAT. FEES---> 53.00 Lrob Address: 292 E MEADOW DR Location. - -: 292 E MEADOW DR Parcel No.. : 2L0L-082-28-045 ProjecL No. : PRiI98-0076 APPLICANf SI'PERIOR AI,ARM VAIL PO BOX 2644, VArL CO 81658 COMTRACIOR SUPERIOR ALARM VAII-, PO BOX 2644, VArL CO 81-658 OhINER PITKIN EDWARD M & .JIJDITH A 10911 BRTGANTTNE DR, rNDIAlilAPOtrs rN 46256 Descriptsion: FIRE ALARM PERMIT r*r.+rr*retttt. FEE ItWMARY .o0 s3 .00 "..'.;;;;;;;;; ;**;#__ :. _: _;; ;;;ffi;';;visi.n : 6E7 i o t 75 g6 - cHARtrE- -ac c-iqnj Appn cttanr, rE DA'rR IEem: 05G00 FIRE DEPARTI'IENi -DEpt: FIRE Divj-sion: 6E7I6tI656-uRu--- ---Ac-ion' wote PLANq ro FrRE- 6i'/i871-eeE Ml-xr la acEion; ADDR -ppvd as noted CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, DECLAxA*TIONS r hcr€by .cknorlcdg. th.t r hawc rced this applicaEion, fill.d oug in full thc infolrnatsion rcquircd, coBpltlcd 'n accurace Plots plan, and 6Eat. th.! rll Ehc inf,onuEion Plovid.d as rcguired 1. cor!cc!. I agrea Co codPly vi'tsh Chc lnfornrtl'on and PLot PI'n' to eouply flitsh .lI Tor,n ordin.ncc6 and 6LaEe 1ax6, and Eo build !hi. lcructurc accoriling Eo lht' Torn's zoning and tubdiviEion cod.s, dc6igm rqvi.t .pprov.d, unifon suilding codc and o!hc! ordlnances of ghc Toen aPPlicabl' Eh€relo ' RBQUBSTS FOR rNspEc,troNs sHALl, BE MADB TWEMY-FOITR HOttRS IN AD\TANCE BY TELEPHONE At 479-213s OR AT OUR OFFTCE FnOU s:00 AM 5:00 PM o 'rrrrtrrlarrrttlttatt'latttarr'arr'at J rattttalttatia'r 53. O0 53 .00 Blllnca | . oo trrrrrrrtttaaJaJttrrtttaiattlt'rttttlttaattttttJaltattrtiatrtaiatt P.nIB No? E9a-ol,o7 TlzP.3 B-Ellc EIrBclRIcA! PERIrIT Prrc.l lfo. 2101-092 -28 -045 gtc. lddrc..: 292 E ltEADOlf DR Locrulon! 292 E llENxrW DR Tocrl Paaa: Thia Prlf.nl 53.00 Tot.l ALL I'uc!: Account Coda DG.c!ipgion AmounE BP ool.Oooo3ltl{oo ELECIRICAL PERMIT FEE9 50.00 wc oo1oooo31t2go0 wILl, cA.r,t L99ECTION FBE 3.00 StrtaonC 53.00 O5l22,/99 r0:30 IniE | llll9l *arrratttattatttlIrtatat artttttJta tor{lr oa VAIL, @LORADO sErc.wrE NUEbrr I REc-O{os Auoung ! Pryurnt Mrghodr CK Notrgion: 1083 TOV{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROTiITA,GE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 M.chrnlcrl- - - > Phn Chcck-- - > Inv..tsigrgion> DEPARTIIETiIT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitMECHANIEAL PERMIT SEaEus.. Applied. Issued. . E:<pires. 818-o//<, AT .AI,L TIMES #: M98-0100 ilob Address...: 758 POIATO pATcH DRLocation......: 758 PqIATO PATCH Parcel No..... : 2101-053-02-016Project Number: PRiI98-0075 TSSUED06/t6/!9es 06/L7 /L998 L2/L4/1998 Phone : 82'l -9623 Phone : 82'7 -9623 APPIJIEAIIT cor{TRAqroR OWNER DescripEion: INSTAIJIJ GAS L,OG SET (BEDROOM) Fircplacc Infonation: R.gtrictsed: fiTE HEARTH EXCIIATiIGE INC P.O BOX 570, MrlfrURN CO 81545 TIIE HE,ARTII EXCHANGE INC P.O BOX 670, MTNTURN CO 81645 PBRRY ANTHONY G & TERESSA G 1908 SHELBT'RNB RD, SHEI,BIJRNE \/T rr*r'r..rtti'r PEE SII4IiIARY llof Ga6 Appl.ianccs: 05482 VaIuaEion: #Of cta6 Logs: .o0 2, 000 . 00 llof wood/P.lLets: Will CeIl----> 3.o0 40.00 ReBtsuatents PIan Rcviarr-- > 10. O0 DRB Fec-------- .OO TOTAL FEES- -... .oO Additional Fccs---------> 53.o0 Tolal P€rEit Fce_-------> PayntenLa - - -_ _ -- BAIANCE DUE- - -. 53.OO .oo 53.O0 53.O0 JRjffit : BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVA]., 1. FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CITECK FOR CODB COMPI,IANCE.2. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REOUTRED PER SEC. 607 OF fiIE 1991 lrylc.3. INSTAI.I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANT'FA TURES INSTRUqTIONS AIiID TO APPEIIDIX CHAPTER 21 OF TIIE 1991 T]!{C.4. G]\S APPLIAI{CES SIIAIL BB VBNTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTtsR 9 AND SIIALL TERMII.IATE AS SPECIFIBD IN SEC.9O6 OF TIIB 1991 I]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUST COMPLY Wrrlr SEC.505 Ar'iID 703 OF TIIE 1991 I'ME.6. BOILERS SHALT BE MOI'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNIJESS LISTBD FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING.7. PBIII.IIT.PI.,AIVS AIiID CODE ANATYSIS MIUST BB POSTBD IN MECIIANICAT ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI, ROOMS COIITAINING HEATING OR HOT:WATE_R- SupDl,v BoTLERS sHALL BB EQUTPPED l{rrll A FLooR DRArN PBR sEc.2LL9 OF TIIE 1991 T]MC.9. LITERATURE FOR GAS LOG TO BE AT BUITDING SITE FOR INSPECTION10. COPY OF TOV FIREPI,ACE ORD GIVEN TO CONTRA TOR ******************************************************************************** IEem: 0510006/16/L998IEem: 0560006/t6/L998 BUTLDING DEPART!,IENT.IRM .A,CTiON: APPR APPROVEDFIRE DEP.A,RTTJIENTJRM Action: APPR N/A DECIJARATIONS I hlrlby rcknorlrdgc glll I havs rard lhia applicrlion, filted oue in full thc inforuation rlquirqd, coq)lctld an accurrtc plotplrn. and Etacc lhrt .11 the infon tion providrd ae rcquircd i6 colrect. I rgrcc to coq)ly rith lhr infonrtiolr and plots phn, tso coutlly rith all Tovn ordinancc! rnd st.tc lare, and to build thi6 Etructur! according go bh. Toxn'E zoning and aubdivl.lon cod.., d.rigtr r.vl,.r rpprovcd. t aiforE Building Codc .nd otsh.r oadinrncG. of tsh. Toirn.pp1Lclbl. th.rctso. RIQUEITA lOR INIIPICIIONS SHALIJ BE lllDE TI|!NTr-FOUR HOItRg Il{ AI}VtlfCB BY TBLEPHOIIE AT 479-2138 OR AI OtR OfllCE tRoll a:OO All 53OO Pll SI(f,NT9RE OP ON{TIR, OR @III?AC5OR POR HI AELF AXD OIINER TO OF Vf,tIJ. C9IJORIDO tatttairrr*rar rrrr t+!rtir.rr r'a ratatrt a *r SErtcDnt gt.Cclne lhrDbcr3 RBC-O416 lrcunC: Pryu.nt l,LBhod i CIIBCK Nocrtl,on ! 6i37 sa.oo o6/L7/9s L1t42 IniC| PBll PcroiC tfo: ll98-O100 Tttrrc: B-ltECH Prrc.I No! 2101-063 -02 -016 gLt. lddr..! r ?58 POttfO PlTCll DR Locreion r 758 PO|IATO P.l,lCH UBCIITNI CIIJ PERIIIT Ihir PryErnc Tocrl Fcas: 53.00 ToE.1 l!! PnC.: Brhnca: 53.00 53.00 .00 Ar@unts {0.00 10.00 3.00 *ttt I t, * *t* t ft t I t !.4*t f t} l| t *t*t t t t t t * t t.l ttt t * t * t r t * * * r t t* | t i !t * t * * t * lccounE Cod.De6crl,ption MP 00100003111300 titEcHAlfIcAIJ Pa$lIT rEEg PF 0010000311,2300 Pralf cHacr FEEg tfc 00100003112300 wrrrl cAtL rNsPBcrru{ FEE 970-328-8640EL ,,: for Parcel //. \RC ( PERMIT APPLICATION FOBMDATE:-- L -'_.* _ o', . . APPLICATION MIJST BE FILLI-*D oUT CoMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEPTEDI [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-ElectricaL 1{1-Uectranibal [ ]-other fob Name:Job Address: Legal oescriPtJ.on: Lot Block_f_ Filing suB,orvrsroN: ntZip. , rwners Narne: 6j i Address: \rchitect: tumber of Dwelling Units: leneral Descriptionz t=tradflAett - f ,< LoL .Iork class: [ ]-New t{-ota"ration [ ]-Additionat J llnepair [ ]-other 'tumber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appriances._ Gas Logs.!-- wood/peltet_| ' Z- -.-a- 'F:\- "-- r*****'r(****'t*****'t***!r************ VALUATIONS ****ftffttfr**#)****************** )]UILDING: ;L?LUMBING: $ J rr * :k * rk * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * ,r * * coNTpJ\cToR INFORI-.1AL'IONleneral ContractoY 2 /3;// J6<UN f /+<<ElA.-r;n.s _ ilectrical Contractor:'iddress: )lumbing Contractor: rddress: rechanical contracto r, uarfrr, *"rrat- l)q,l'0100 ro,un of Vair *. "o . /?/-tl\ddressi ,,., _ phone Nur,rber: FZ?-4213 r * :tc:t rt * * tt :t* * * * * ** * * * ** ** * * * * ** }UTLDING PERfiIT FEE: PLTN.IBING PI,AN CHECK TEE:r-i, l{Frrill \t r-.ir Y 11? irr ^!tF^r/ rrilJ",' ME9I{.ANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: -- '. 1 :I*ECF.EATION FEE:, , :B,$CREATION FEE: '.;", ' ELEAN-UP DEPosIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Address:vn. Nurnber of Accornrnodation Units: EI'ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ MECHANIcAT, *-,4D. ?TOTAL: f *************************** Town of Vail Reg. No. 5?Z-5. Phone Nunber: q&-otrt Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: l-'' --i;fini[c pI,aw cHEcK FEE:)LUMBING PERMI,I FEE: ''1 IECHANICAI, PERMIT Ftr6;I,.''.11'-:..11 ;LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: GROUP lonnents: ATION ) CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: o 75 soulh Ironlage road vail, colorado 815S7 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: rn su*'mary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur. for anyperson to Iitter, track or deposit ;;t-.iirl"r"ck, sand, debrisor naterial, including trasn-iumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles p1?:" ;, ;;;";;,.I31'.f,ll"ifl..,fi"=:i;ili15;_;li.l..:ri'fl*: ",vaiL streets and.roads is approxi-.!"iv-s'it.-lri pavement.rhis ordinance will be ;r.i:ii;^enforced by the Town of VailPubric works oeoartnentl--p"r=ins found viorating this ordinancewi'lr be given a 24 hour ".iil"n"notice-to-;;;;;;'said rnarerial.In the event the person so notified.does not conply vrith thenotice wirhin the 24 hour ti*"-=l""iii;;,"in"-i"rric worksDepartmenL wirt remove said rnate;i;i-;t-irrJ"I"plr=e of personnotified- The provi=ior,=-or-'itri= oror.nance sharr not beapplicable to clnstruction, *.i.,t"r,ur,ce or r"piii projects ofany street or alley or any uriliries i; r;"^;ilni._u_".y. To revievr ordinance No. 6 in furr, please stop by the Town ofVair BuiLding oepartment to outain a copy. ri,ran-r you for your.cooperation on this matter. o I llce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI{I.I OF VAIL Toi.N oF VAIL puBLIc WoRKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPIIENT I1ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE ZJIIttlI ead and acknowledged 'll )osrt* onlRer (i.e. contractor, owner) TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY 6f{- d / /4 111 .00 PMENT. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ELECTRICAT PERMIT JOb AddTESS: 758 POTATO PATCH DR LOCATiON. ..: 758 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No. . : 2101-063-02-OL6 ProjecU No. : PRJ98-0076 APPLICANT RESORT ELBCTRIC INC P O BOX L0'19, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRAqTOR RESORT ELEETRIC INC P O BOX L079, AVON CO 8L620 PERRY AI{THONY G & TERESSA G 1908 SHEIJBTRNE RD, SHELBTTRNE VT 05482 InvesEig.tslon> o DEVEL,O BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE #: 898-0133 SEATUS...: ISSIJED Applied. -: I6/LL/L998 Issued. . -: O6/L5/L998 E:,cpires . .. L2/L2/L998 Phone: 949-6013 Phonez 949-60L3 DescripEion: REWIRE ADD ON MASTERBEDROoM AND HALL Valuation:5, 000 . 00 .r.rr.rt.)rrr..r PEE SUUMARY ElccL.ic!l---> rog.oo Tots.L crlculagcd P'c5---> 111-oo DRB Flc .0O Addit.ion.l Fs.6- -- - - -- - -> Totsal PcroiE 8ae-_---_--> Paynlnt.s------- BAI,AI'ICB DUE-.-- .OO IIem: O6OOO ELEqIRTEAL DEPARTIiIENT DEPtr3 BUILDING DiViSiON: 0611111998 iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED iIRI"fitam;'d56do-F1'nr DEPARTT,IENi -Dbpu: FrRE Division:oelrrlr9se .lRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK EOR qODE.qA!{PLIAI{SE. 2. FI1g-pEpARTMENT-AppnOvl'r,-I$ REOUIRED BEFORE AlIy 6ORK CAN BE STARTED. ,rtrJari.ri.rrrtr. ar**r.rrrttararr*rrrrrt'rititt*trt!rt!ttttartti*itttaaattti*'rrr t,"iitriltltittit'r'ttatt DECI,ARA'TIONS t h.r.by tcknorlcdgc tha! I havc rcad tshi6 appllcatslon, fillcd out' in full, Chc lnfomalion rcqulr6d, couplctcd an .ccurrts' PloE pl,.n, and r!rt. lhat rll tshc inforurcion providrd rs requircd ie colrects. I rgEce to coEply *ich gh€ inf,oruation 'nd ploc plan' to coulrly ritsh .II To|,n ordinancas and !!r!c lava, and to build chir structsura according to thc ToPn'. zoning end cubdivirion cod.., d..lgn r.v1.T rpprov.d, Unlfort! Bullding cod. rnd oghcr ordinanc.B of tsh. Town .Ppllc.b1. tsh.r.to. REQTTE9TS t|OR TNSPECTION9 €HAtJrJ BE uADE t't{El{TY-FOt R HOURS rN ADTTANCE Br TELEPHONA AT 't79-2138 OR AT OUR OFFTCE 8:0O Nt 5:00 P OF OWNER OR COMTRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER raraaaar*t.rt gCrclDnt a r al'rata ari a a tt J f lla a i rrriaa ar rr rt?i?r r r r trr a r a toL o? vAtt , @t oRrDo ScrEaEnc XuEbr!: REC-0415 Allounc ! Erlr!.ng [.ghod! CHECX NoErCton: *6193 111.00 05,/15/98 12 !05 InIEI PBM 9.nlr No r E9C-O133 Tt'P. r B-EI,EC ELEcmIc'tL PBRfiIT Prrcol lfo: 2101-063-02 - 01,5 g1!. Addt..r ! 758 PdIAlo 9tTclf DR Locrclon, 756 P(lIAllO Pttcll DR Totrl F...3 g.!r!.nt 1l1.oo Togrl IIJL PDg.i Balrncr r 111.00 11r.. o0 .00 llgun! 103. O0 3.O0 lceounc Codc D.!cripcion EP OO1OOOO3111{OO BIJECIRTCN' PERUIT EIEg tfc 00100003112900 wrLrr calrL Mggtcrlo[ tEE qo* oF vArL coNsr*Uerro" PERMTE APPLTCATTON FORI'! DATE: PERI'IIT iI 6?a-orr , " APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELy OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED I*******t********************** PERITIIT fNFORMATION *******************!r********!rr!-t l-Buildlng 1 1-rrunr.ing p(-ef""tricat [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Name: ?g,ff Y Re-9., rob Address: I€gal Description: Lot Block ormers Name: TL nf Pg f fy' Address: Architect:Address: General Description: ltork ctass: t l-lr"r fi-Alteration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dnelling Units: I Nurober of Accomnodation Units: Ph. Pb. #*"r and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances [* ** " * * * ** **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vArJtATroNs Gas logs_ I{oodlPellet -rr\rlr.crll\rr ; | _ !l!!;g,l{ANIqAIJ: t_ ?OTA!: l___v,I*****************t***jt:tl*I-CoI\|:IRACTOR INFORUATTON ************t**************t Y:l::::.contractor: 6i \\ JsScph aal Assoc. r.own o-r v-ail Res. Nj,._ BUILDfNG: S EI,ECTRICAL: I PLT'}!BTNG: S !!ECEANfCAI: f Address: Address:.O Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: *****************************a**FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERIIT FEE! MECHANTCAI.I PERITTIT FEE: EI.,ECTRTCAI.I FEE: OTTIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ********************************* OTHER: $ Phone Number: -9O{-...ffi Town of Vait Reg..No. l1?EPhone Number: q{9- 6T- Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******** **** ******* * **** * * ***** BUTLDTNG PIA}I CHECK FEE: PLII.IBING PLAN CHECK FEE: I,IECHANTCAL PI.,A}T CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTTIrorAr, pERr.rrr rseD0te Rc BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNGS SIGNAIT'RE: CI.EAlf I'P DEPOSIT IENNI' TO: JUl,l r U FS t rs+--- i t.-.---) --- -----J Bill Joseph & Associates Inc. .,^ Dao6ived Butrders & Remdererc Dat9,595'-- o1O2 Colorado Rlver Rd. durr r - Gypsum, Colorado E1637 Vekre il Fu 970 524-40t0 : " TFJ..EFN( Date: 6/15/9E To: J.R. Fronu Blll Joseph Re Ferry Resldence fFeplace ltrmtt No. Fagcs: 3 p\t('D\p t gavg you tlre wrong [rerarure wtth subJect appllcadon. The nrcplace urc are Installlng ls rhe SL-TR.S550 whlch ts approved for berlrnoms per the fullowtng llrcrature. Catl me at 904-0331 lf questtons. Tharrks, BtllJoceph 5/ v Mod.!G!;:oor*s ii,rrr Mttss Heat-N. sLefofR SL'SOTR sL-750TRS Pdntatl in U.S.A. Copyrighr t9gS. Hcat-N-G lo Firephcc products, lne. 6665 Wcst Highwry 13, Savagc, MN Ss!?E WARNING : IMPROPER INbTALLA. IION, ADJUSTMENT, ALIERATION, SENVTCE OR MAINTENANCE CAN CAUSE INJURY OR PROPdNTY DAM- AGE. REFER TO THIS MAT{UAL. FOR ASSISTANCE OR ADDITIONAL IN. ToRMATTON CONSULT A. QUALr-nED INSTALLE& SERVICE AGENCY, OR TIIE GAS ST'PPLIBIL 9e132 lace Inrtallbrc Guide Undonrdiorr l,rbontories Lirlod U$ READ TIIIS M^If UA& BTFORE] II{CTALLIIIG ON O?EIATIT{G I.116 APPI,IANCE. THISINgrtLLEfit caIDE rrusr EE:t tm wtrrr APPLIANCE FON TUTUR,E Nf,FEN,EilCE. |, This applianse may bc inrtailcd in an rflcrmarket, perm-nnently .tocatcd, mrnufacturcd (mobilc) homc, whcre not prohibitcd by local codos. 2. This appliance is onty for use $,ith the type of gas indicatcd on rfte ratinr plate. This appliancc is not convcitibte for use witlr -olher Eases, unlcss a ccrtificd kit is uscd t/Plcrrc contrst your Hort-Irl-Glo Fircphcc dcalcr for any qucstions or GonocrnD. For thc'iumbcr of yout ncsrcst Hefi-N-Glo dcrlcr, plerso crll 6l}-g9tri367. WAf,NtNG: IF TIIE INnORMAnoN IN TITESE INSTRUCTIONS IS NOT FOL|I)}TMD EXAC'ILY, ANND OREIPU)SION IIIAY RESUI,T CAUSINC PROPENTY DAMAGFI TERSONAI, INJURN OR DEAiII. Do not storp or urc guotinc or othcr flarn- mablc vrpon rnd liguids in rhc vicinity of thir or eny othcr epptitrcc. Wbrt to do lf you rncl gu ' Do nol ny ro liCtr rny lppltancc,. Do rrur louch ary ctccrrlcrt rwl3ch.. lro nor urc lny phonc in your building.. lnrncdlrtoly cetl your gat supplicr fto6 1 ncighhorrs phone. Follow rhc gir ruppltc/r instrustions. . lf ygu clnnor rcrclr y.rur gls ruppllcr, c.ll thc firo dcpartrncnt, lulrlhrlon rnd sc1icC must bc perfonrrcd by rqudificd hrrrllcr, scrvicc agcncy, or"rhc grs supplicr, '!!srri (c.nrdr, r.rz!.2e.: t,'217.7., i. r ii.ii+'liiiri;iii;:a;:i; ir-i-illiiiuj..ai.ri;;:-;;:h:; u.B..oi,,or.tg,, prt.nr. ,r.rdinc. llo.9ur.l) 3^)tt Ilt-t --.-_. .. AppllpnccCrrtficdonft*Hffiffiflffi.trndeck erd mrc uy n" "rpG*ffi . MODEL |rEORATORY TYPE . cERnHCATfOril ITTAI{DARD sL-050TR Undemibn Laboretclor .Diradv€nt Deontiw ANstz21.*t.ooAz.22 SL'FOTR Undomrnlcrt Laborator,rct oilE tvont Dcconnm ANS|z21.50.ccA2.22 \"/ Apprornls and Codes ApprovalLlr0nar and Codcc ANs|zt,{,R 4lrcANlalg Al{S1Zlt.596611s22 i i Al{sl zr.rrmrilcANl-2. 19 v ilolE: AIL rcoEL8ryF uL USIED IO UlJ0rB. fUq gffXOeno LqLo1q€lRllr{cHgllllgAppu}rtiCeon'riirfrirlEnfr ioHOMES AilD RECREANOilAL YEHIC-LE'. - lrubtlrdonGodo Tho frruprrca InEtal.'bn muttoonform to roc.rcodes. Bcfuio lniteru ureffi,mn';:$ilt[9ffi;"meHi"#'f, tili#J:" ln tho abtcnce ot bcd codeJ, tlc fi?plecc inEhlrlion mu|t @nfDfln to thgNer*rnar Fucr Gar codc ffrsr'zzs. iri;o' u;,ifiil"5rtrsi;, miril ibin-l11l-l11$l coaoc On Caneoai: 'Til';ppililmnc bc oteifiaarv' rrv rrnt uriuort uoqcE tm.grna(h). The appfiem mnC bc olei*lca[yg.roundcd In c@rdrnce .trtu ocet_6oec or,'fi ddibdne c-riiliElb, *ru,the Narionat Etcdric codeANSnvrfim. ib fd ldu;-nCc sil;bil, ;6-fi ;*csA c22.lcsnadhn Ehddc codc rii C;;;i' " - Ths8c moGE may be hotallcd h a bclroom q bed+,tting roomeMCanedr.O|e t !9e- rbZE 7a<r Fi\ l- t-J tJ. -ls? =sE EE Pp. n\'F- S B BE EE EE9P b: EB Eu"e,E {Yl"cX E EbY rao ""'g 88Ei1 0o- EE ri EgE96 E9 Z 69 P'+.956 E+ g E$g €i:B gEg ?'so 6;€ F-*,q b=q EEX €EE EeE 'rB P S'*" 8 EF; E€8 ;Fi :96 iiDR 6os [i; q: : gee 0Eg iiEa :3e Er"; Eib .E88 *-E ? 6Et" €t E iE-$ 3i a-+-co co at)'o() Co 6.oo aJ',oo) oJ 7 g? !6- .cc Afr &3 qt .3 €p -E"E, : iE gE" $! 9= i+ EE *E E1.Y T'c 59 cib Ep >; E;E Es -sE 7 iE ;g :E E g*, EEA Eg A=E Eei FE b fiE €Eg EC € 3q E:e EA "e.AE EEE Z'- F Eg gfig Eg, E aBEEtH?€; ?glEe?1tEg gI[e:EEEEE -s; :Ed ggE ' i I : ! : ) |; J-==)J uO-o \,, o?o[= @0)<atAO o.o- =<\,, o,cut+- 50 E.oEo'o'o) OO -A6E.-co C -o+-co O o E 1-E Co o 15o E Eo Ooo 3 0) C oo LLI I an4-7 =c c +- c( t t( ( ( o O Co oo-o tt)o O') 0)Co 1'o .F c) o +-o C.]c Co ooo .o O')o .T'oo) 0)Co I.<lE/o t..>/ca/Ey+n 88EAo.tsO-.+O-c .t) J8,P:s969€+cca)9b1-Ee6?;Fe;5E,g ahlO .rtE=ooc!-? \F=olTo:Ia/, l-O.TO,i iC\r(v=,o i5E i I I t t l, :j ) t) 2 )_ c,/, o 0) tr c)o otno .C lu o)C o Co .Ct-o o(- oC ]Cr' o oo 0) ]C O)cTl- o 6a lJ ot/, lJ.o t c c c C ? lf,o .F c)o = = =c) o 3oCcoo LU '!r5locl gl ol C'o() o E ,C O)C 6 3o 3oC PI EI =lo E6 c\| cE+-Co() oCt- , E cc ? ( ( ( I( I L : lr)9- Ita e \)S ..o c? The lantaget t Slim *rt Technology The Vantage Line is comprised of fireplaces designed with all the advantages builders want in fireplaces today - performance. value and easy installation. Available in three popular sizes. a 32",36" and 42". The narrow depth of our Slim Line fireplaces (15 3/4) is a space saving f'eature that at the same time maximizes the viewins area. In no time at all. a cabinet or comer surround can be placed around a slim line fireplace, finishing off the unit in style. Or, if you prefer a flush mount. build a compact chase outside of the home which gives an architecturally appealing finish to the exterior of the home. Another important aspect of the Vantage Line lies with its SL (Slim Line) direcl-vent pipe. A coaxial vent with a 4" inner pipe. and a 6 5/8" outer pipe gives the builder two distinct advantages over either class B-vent or other direct vent systems. Because it's a direct vent pipe, it has the llexibility of being terminated in either a vertical or horizontal manner, while the sealed conrbustion and other benefits exceed any minimal added cost of using B-vent pipe. And, depending on the direct vent fireplace it is paired with, extended horizontal and vertical runs can be used to allow for an installation almost anywhere while fitting easily between wall studs. With its easy slim line pipe. the homeowner can have a beautiful. eflicient fireplace installed in practically any place they can imagine, at a cost well within their budget allowance. .l GDV (Direct Vent) Sealed Combustion units that vent off the back olthe firepjace.-J!rs r.s thc most efficient ventin-e termination system. Available in model{SL-.r2GDV)SL-36GDV and sL-3000. DVT (Direct Vent Top Vent) Sealed combustion units that vent off the top of the tireplace. Allows for installations in basements or areas where offthe-back is not feasible. Available in models SL-42(DVT). SL-36(DVT), SL-32S(DVT), SL-32(DVT). TR (Top/Rear) Sealed combustion units that can be vented ofT either the top or the rear of the fireplace. This gives the builder the option of going up or out on the saule unit. Available in model SL-36TRS. TV (Top Vent or B-Vent) Non air-tight units that vent off the top and nrust terminate vertically. Available in models SL-36TV and SL-TVBLD. Heating Units Approved as wall fumaces to the A.F.U.E. (Annual Fuel Utilization Efliciency) standard. Available in models SL-36TRS. SL-325(DVT) ancl SL-3000. .li r Model SL-36(DVT)Model SL-42(DVT) Model SL-32 lilodel SL-32 shown with Versa Tile Surround and Federal Cabinet Surround. Model SL-TVBLD Standard with Brass Trim Top and Bottom. Shown here in Black. Mode SL-36 with VersaTile Surround and Federal Surround lvlodel SL-42(DVT) w th VersaTile Surround and Colonial Surround Model SL-3000 Thc SL-3(XX) is ir slinr (12"), hcat circulating, rlircct vent lircplace or rvall hcatcl that ollcrs hort.tcowrtcLs versalilily' r,",ith a bctr,rlil'ul fire to errjor'. 'l lrc c()nlpaLt tlirttcnsion crcalcs unlirnilcrl installation opportunitics ls a lilcplace or a rvall hcalcr rvitlrout sacrificing the vrcrv ol a beautilLrl tlclt-\-Cilo firc. Onc of the nrost uniquc bcncl'rts of this fircplrrcc is its A.f'.U.E. ccrtification {nchicving lhc santc tcst slanditrds rus totluy's high cl-t'icicncy lurrraces). Model SL 3000 showr'r wi1l. polslrod Brass lflm (PB 26 6t. I Brass Surround. Tradrl.nir O.rk Cilbrrel and Book She|les (SL 3C TFAD.I c 5L J3 TBALJ Slirrr Prolilcs anrl Venling (.1" & 6 5/8") for Easy lnstrllation I CrrrrsFr rc Teclrrrrrhrgt : Ncu Prrrr Burner tnd Cerlrnic ,h, ii::'JiT:1T8l1ffi':fr'il;:i,1:i[]il,,." v, lrrstalled Junclion Box lil Optional Blower or Remote Conlrol A.G.A. Dcsign Cenilied and CGA Certified Bllck Fronl ancl Htxrd with Rouncled Smooth Corners Optkrnal I'olishctl Brass Trinr Kits to Match any Decor In Case of a l\twer I; ailure, Heat-N-GIn Gas tr'ireplaces with Stmding Pilots will Continue to Operate. SL 36GDV. Please reier 10 venl ng capabilties for specilic venting drawings. 00Et st-36rRs 90E VrEtv tot VlEw ltrgE vrE{ I icAL I MODEL SL-TV8LO srDE vrEw tno||T u€w Thedimensonsot Model SL-32 are reoresental ve ol a I SL-32 lireo aces except Mode SL-TVBLD. Please refer lo venl ng capabil ties for specific venting drawrngs. M0oEr sL-3000 Bic( vtEw ft-.1!tta6rl".. IIt" zlr TO? UEW GAS LINE ACCESS 42 3l 2t 31 1te 37 1'8 30 3/4 25 l/4 28 r"1 25 1,4 a7 29 37 l'8 37 18 fFg mTlI I i-r ll ll ilLr L -.r L!e+r / . d'4.a stoE vtEw Ilr NOIE: MANTLE MUST BEAMIiIIMUM OF !2'AAOVE llE TOP OF OOOROPENllrlc. NOIE: GAS FIFIEPIACES OO No-r REOlllFtE A ll€ARIH Reler lo installataon manualfor derailed specificalionson inslal|lnq this product. HEAT-N-GLO reserves the right lo update units periodically 3. t 2i) ) ModelSL-42(DVT) . Air Ti-eht Conrhustion Chanrber li)r In(loor Air Qurlity. 30.000 BTU's/Hr. Input . High Thcr m.rl Ellir'rcnc| h0', + ' Model SL--l6CDV . Air Tight Conrbustion Chuntbcr lirr InLioor Air Quality. 2.1.(XX) BTU's/Hr. Input . High ThermalEtIicienc) (70% +r N{odel SL-36TRS Air Tight Combustion Chanrbt'r li)r Inclrr,rr Air Quality 19,000-27.m0 BTU's/Hr. Input (Vari ble V Ive) A.F.U.E. Rating of 647 ' High Therrnal Efficiency (709i +) . lr'lulliple Venting Approv{ls . Avaihble,l/l/97 IVodel SL--36 (DVT) . Air Tight Cornbustion Chnnrhcr li)r lnckxrr Air Quality. 24,000 BTU's/Hr. Inpul (Vrriable Vllve) . High Thennal Efficicncy r70'li +) Ntodcl SL-16TV . 23.(I)0 BTU's/Hr. Input . Uses 5' B-Vent firr Addctl (irnvcnrcncc Modrl SL--12GDV . Air Tight Combustion Charrbcr lirf In(l(x)r Air QuiLlity. 20.(100 BTIJ s/Hr. Input . High Therrnal Efficicncy !lodel Sl,-l2S (DVT) . Air Tight Combu\tion ('h nber li)r lnd(x)r Air Qualily. 20.000 BTU s,/Flr. Input . High Thernral Elliciency (71+ti ) . A.F.L,.E. Ratirtg of 65..11i . Tesled lo CGA P..l.l ' 1996 FE691Z Ntodel Sl--.12 (DVT) . r\ir Tight Combustion Chanrbcr lirr ln(l(x)r Air Quitlilv. 10.0m BTLI s,/Hr. Input . High Thermal Efficiencl lvlodel SL-'l vBLI) . 20.000 tsTU's,/Hr. Input . L sc, J B \ ent for ArltlcLl Cirrrrc[iertic Model SL.1000 (GDV) . Air Tight conbustiur chnmhe r lor Intlorrr Air Quality i'todel s!'IART-srar . 18,(i00 BTU's/Hr. lnput(NC): 16.(XX)(l,P) . High Thermal Eftlciency (7,1'l ). AFLIE R,rting r)1 647. - Rrled ls ir Wlll F'ufnilcc . Slim Prolile ( 12" ) ibr Ersy Ins(allrt ion . TestedroCGAP.,l.l -1996 FE65.l7'l . Optional Hand Held Remote Thcrm')slirt (SNI-ART-STAT) . Optiondl Wall Therinostal (wH-STA'I ) ()paions for Yantage Line I'ireplaces . Hand Held Ren'l(Jte Clonlrol . l\4esh Screen Fro t lor \C; Units. c\cepl Vodel Sl,-J000 . 160 CFN,I Fan with Tlrt-rnral Scnst'r . wallSwitch Kir . PLrlisheJ Brrrsi L'r Chr rrc Str ins HEAT-N-GLO Fireplace Products. lnc. 6665 W. Huy 13. !linneapolis. Ir'lN 5-5178 i 6 I 2 )890-3-167 Fd.\ ( 6 I 2 )39()' ;t5 25 ittJi )(iL ht'tttnght t (r,t httlt: !lv x t .ltttttrtglo.tont l-.- I rt 'q--1*' sL 32 31 1i4 SL 3OOC 32 I/3 SL 42 32 li2 15 3'4 15 3/.1 8-Van-l ne 1 /97 32t16 REPT 13I - *!-g-\ rr ToHN 0F VAILi COLoRADO F.R6E 9 AREAr trFLA/A7/97 E7t48 REGUESTS FoR INSFECTION W0RH SHEETS FoRtIO/ 7/97 Activity:897-ffO67 lA/ 7/97 Type: A-BUILD Statr-rs: I55UED Eonstt': ASFR. Address: 738 FOTATO trATCH DR Loeation: 758 FOTATO trATCl-{ Farcet: E1O1-O63-€te-Of6 Occ: Use: V N Descriptionr LIUING RBOM ADDITION Appl icant : JOSEPH CONSULTING 0wner-: FERRY ANTHUNY G & TERESSA G Contractor: JOSEFH CONSULTING Fhone: 97O-5P4-4O1tZI Fhone: Fhone: 97O-584-4OlO Inspect ion Reque st Requestor: Bi I1 Req Time: Ol:OE Itens nequested to I n format i on. . Jo sp ph C{rnments: b{. Inspected. Fhone: 39tZ*739 1 Act i on Comment s Ti me Exp UilaAgO BLDG-Final tion Histor"y..... em: OOOI0 ELDG-Footings/5teelg16/11/97 Inspector: D$ Iten: Item: It em: Itenl Iten: Itemr Itenr Item: Iten: OO€re0 BLDG-Foundat i onlSt ee I OESerZr F,LAN*ILC $ite Flan A6/e3/97 Inspector'; CD Q6/e6/97 lnspectorr LAUREN OCtgtSO BLDG-Fnaning O7/03/97 Inspector: DS 0@A5ra BLDG-InEuIat ion g7 /A9/97 Insoector': DS lAlala6A BLDG-Sheetrock Nai 1 A7/13/97 Inspector: LFV AA$TA BLDG-Misc. OOO9A. BLDG-Final Ag/?A/97 Inspector; CD 40530 BLDE-Temp. C/O AO54O BLDE-Final tr/O Act i on: FA Act ion: NO Artion: AF'F'R Act i on : AF'F R Act ion: APtrR Action: AFtrR Act ion: NR 3 F,ADS ILC ROUTED AF,F,ROVED AF,F.ROVED APPROVED coqFLETE SHEETRoCK SCREN CONTRRCTOR CANCELLED 't' \ ? ;l::..^u '{gu*ott,*aC -'- "''^'it\.'...-..., . .......-_..__ p,J_1 .:, , 2;7.;-- f.)tl. ft ,' ii:'.t" . - -- y'rlr67n.1,, .. :. ;'r.]. _..*.._..-,,j. CIIECK IIESUEST PREPARDD aY /ZL- 2^- 1Z-J) D/+1'tr'. /a -^ r VENDORNUMBEIT: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DDPOSIT REFUND FOR tsP ttBZZeglo7 NAME oF JoB: Z-r,u - -A-,-"- Z-Z/8"=rl ACCOUNT NUMBER: .OI OOOO 22002 AMOUNT oF REFLIND T fSO A,Z2o DATE APPROVED:An n-7t-1L W4J/-q.V/"'a .I\TrN: REATTh VENDOR .REQUEST TEI"IPORARY VENDOR FORM: @ NO vENDoRs ,urr$ro) . u"*o*r6olr.) vrr.roonlpnonglY REI,'IT ADDRESS IF TAX rD# On SS # IS VENDOR A CORPORATIO}J REQUESTED EY: '/ DATE OF REQUEST: IS TI{IS A. V.ENDOR ," ol^., 324-4a, ^ Dl.FFERENT FRO},I ABOVE YES NO REQUEST FoR A nnrvso6Fi) ,', TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 OWNER Description: LIVING ROOM Occupancy: o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0067 APPI-,ICANT JOSEPH CONSULTING 0102 coLoRADO RIVER RD, cypSUM CO 81637 CONTRACTOR JOSEPH CONSULTING 0102 coLoRADO RrVER RD. cypSUM CO 81637 PERRY ANTHONY G & TERESSA G 19OB SHELBURNE RD, SHELBURNE VT 05482 ADDITION Type Construction: 758 POTATO PATCH DR 758 POTATO PATCH 2101-063-0z-At6 PRJg 7-004 2 Not in tablel Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: 250 fOJ Gas Apptiances: #0f G8s Logs: 'a I Phone: 970-524-4010 Phone t 970-524-4O70 I I #of Uood/Pa t let: Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. R3N VN Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . TotaI Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> I S SUED o4/78/|ee7 o4 /21/ree7 ro / rB /ree7 Valuation:150,000 Fi reptace Information: Restr i cted: **********************************ff*ff****i*************** FEE SUtlllARy ***********t**********t************tt******************** Bui Ldi n9-----> P(an Check---> lnvestigat i on> Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> DRB Fee-------- 940.00 611 .00 .00 100.00 37 .50 2,191 .5O .o0 ?,191 .5O.00 Recr?ation Fee---------->giLl. cal.l.----> 5.00 C Lean-Up Deposi t-------->-500. 00 Payments------- Dept: BUILDING Division:PLAN TO DAN 4-18-97 Dept: PLANNING Division:LAUREN PLANS- 4-78_97 Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: ********ffiii***************t**fi***t:t********************i*******t*****ff******i*********ff******trr***************ff*********rrl See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARAT]ONS l, F."9I_"9!i:!t*9: ll?.,1 have read.this apptication, fil.ted out in ful"L the infornation required, compteted an accurate ptotpl'an, and state that atL the informati.on provided as required is corfect. I agree to compty riith tire inforrnation and ptot itan,to_comply t{ith atI ToHn ordinances -and state_tavs, and to buil,d this structure according lo'the Town's zoning and suMivisibncodes, design review approved, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn aipticabte thereto. REOUESTS IOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE AI 179-2138 T O{JR OFFICE FROTI Srnd Ctcan-Up oeposit To: pERRy OR CONTRACTOR TOR HIIISELF AND OI.'NER Page 2* * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * CONDITIONSPerrnit #: 897-0067 as of 04/22/97 Starus---: ISSUED*********************r.********************************************************** o ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT JOSEPH CONSULTING 970-s24-40]-0 758 POTATO PATCH DR 758 POTATO PATCH 2101-063-02-016 Pernit Type AppJ-icant-- Job Address Location--- Parcel No-- Description LIVING ROOM ADD]TION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t COndit iOn g * * * lr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL]ANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.].2]-O OF THE 1991 UBC.3. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE FRAMING BEFORE TOWN OF VATL WILL OK FRAMING INSPECTION. Applied--r 04/L8/r997Issued---. 04/21/L99't To Expi-re z tO/IB/1997 I **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0263 Amount: 1,541 .50 04/22/97 L4t25 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1041 Init! CD 89?-0067 Type: 2101-063-02-016 758 POTATO PATCH 758 POTATO PATCH Total Fees:1,541.50 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit, NoParcel NoSite Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 4s032 01 0000 41336 A_BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE DR 2,191.50 2 , L9L ,50 .00 Descripti-on BUILD]NG PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CI.,EANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES W]LL CALIJ INSPECTION FEE Amount 940. 00 50.00 11.00 500.00 37. s0 3.00 o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 758 POTATO PATCH DRLocation...: 758 POTATO PATCH Parcel No.. : 2101-063-02-016Project No. : PRJ97-OO42 vr 05482 **************ff****t**t**iff*********rr*****t*****!H***t*************************t*t************ff**************************t*t*** Dept: BUILDING Division:. DepI: FIRE Division: **************t*************t*t****ff********ti*********************************************************ff**********ff*ff******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL *t**t*************************i*ff**********ff***************t*ffi*********ff**t*********ti******t**H*tt*i****t************i** DECI.,ARATIONS r hereby acknowtedge that r have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in ful,t the information required, compl,eted an accurate ptotpl'an, and state that atl the infonnation provided as requi red is correct, t agree to compl.y riith the infornation and ptot il,an,to co:rPty with al't ToBn ondinances and statc Laws, and to buitd this structure according iothc Town's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design revieH approvcd, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabl,c thereto. REOIJESTS tOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ]'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Af 479-2138 OR AT ouR oFFICE FRott 8:OO Att 5:OO plt I SSUED o4/L8/Les1 o4 /2L /Lee770/L8/Lee7 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArt, co 81657 97 0-4'19-2L38 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0057 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. .. Expires. .. APPLICANT RESORT ELECTRIC P O BOX L079, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR RESORT ELECTRIC P O BOX L079, AVON CO 81620OWNER PERRY ANTHONY G & TERESSA G 1908 SHELBURNE RD, SHELBURNE Description: LIVING ROOM ADDITION **********************************************************f, FEE St itt4ARy Phone: 3039496013 Phone: 3039496013 Valuation:4,000.00 E Iectri ca (---> 0RB Fee 72.00 .o0 Totat CaIcutated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees---------> Totat Permi t Fee--------> Payments------- 75.00 .00 75.00 75.00 .00 Investigat'ion> .00 l.l i l.L catl.---->3.00 TOTAL FE€S---> 75.OO Ite.m: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT04/2I/7997 DAN Actionr APPRItEn:..05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT04/27/799'7 DAN Acrions APPR N/A **************************d-***********************r.************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC*0263 Amount: Paynent Method: CHECK Notation: #1041 75.00 04/22/97 L4:26lnit: CD Permit No: E97-0057 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2101-063-02-016Site Address: 758 POTATO PATCH DRLocation: 758 POTATO PATCH Total Fees: 75.00This Payment 75.00 Total ALL Pmts: 75.00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount01 OOOO 4].3],3 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 'I2.OO O]. OOOO 4]-336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3. OO i I I o o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS I TE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 758 POTATO PATCH DRLocation...: 758 POTATO PATCH ParceL No.. : 2101-063-02-016 Pro'iect No. : PRJ9?-0O42 AT ALL TIMES P97-0035 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . I SSUED o4 /18 /ree7 04 /2r /tee7 70 /18 /ree7 OWNER PERRY ANTHONY G & TERESSA G 1908 SHELBURNE RD, SHELBURNE VT 05482 CONTRACTOR HI-TECH PLUMBING Phone: 970-945-1038 45855 HWy 6 & 24 LOT 57, GIENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 Description: LIVING ROOM ADDITION ********************************lrt************************* FEE SUl,lI'IARY Valuation l 1, 500.00 P Lumbi ng-----> PLan Check---> Investigat ion> tliLt cat l.----> Restuarant Ptan Revi err--> TOTAL FEES----- TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additionat fees---------> TotaI Permi t fee--------> 30.00 7.50 .00 3.00 IIem: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO4/2I/I997 DAN Action: APPRII'em:' -O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT04/21/1997 DAN Action: APPR N/A .00 40.50 1+0 - 50 .oo 40- 50 40.50 *ffitt******ffi********ff*********************************************************************************************-t************ CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCEAT ROUGHIN AND FINAL **********************ff***********************************************************************************************Lt********* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication/ f il,l,ed out in futt the inlormation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty yith the information and pl,ot pLan,to comPty with al't Town ordinances and state talrs/ and to buil,d this structure according to the Tolrn's zoning and subdivisibn codes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and othen ordinances of the ToHn appLicabl.e thereto. DeDt: BUILDING Divisi-on: Dept: FIRE Division: FOR HI}ISELF AND OI'NER REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2158 OR T OUR OFF ICE FRO}I o o Joseph Consuhing Real Ettatc Devclopment and Cons I rqcilo n .M arlplg emc N S ety lc:e s 0loz Coloiado Rtver Bd, Gypsum, Colorado El63Z Volce & Frx970 s?+40r0 6/2/97 lr Charlle Davls Butldlng Inspetor Town of Vatl 75 So. Front4ge Rd, Vall,Colorado Et657 Re Plumblng permlr, perry Restdence Remodel 3"T"Per our r*errt ctrnversadon,.the pxrpose of thls letter ls to lnforrn you that ztkaPlumbtngJlpted as the ptumber,irtJcoia gn the perurtt for subJect tob has .e,lTr3f .lt1"_f g.lry,lu_Tdjas.beenrepri.;ddy:i{rT;;irumbrng,rownofvatl pl u mbrng Lrcense # z z6-p. please rdr" ir* ibp-pri":ti .r,iii8 tf"i.ilirecords. Slncerelngtl fr Blll Joseph \)r o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS I TE PermitPLUMB]NG PERMIT JOb Address: 758 POTATO PATCH DRLocation...: 758 POTATO PATCHParcel No.. : 2101-063-02-0]-6Project No. : PRJ9?-0042 ZIKA PLUMBING & HEATTNGP.O. BOX 6013, VArL CO 81657 ZIKA PLUMBING & HEATINGP.O. BOX 6013, VAIL CO 81657 PERRY ANTHONY G & TERESSA G 1908 SHELBURNE RD, SHELBURNE VT 0s482 Valuation:1r 500 . oo SUllllARY *********t***************************************Jri**t*** .0O Totat Catcutated Fees---> 40.50 AdditionaL Fecs---------> Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/I8/IselIssued...: O4/2I/7997 Expires. . I Lo/78/199't Phonez 970/476-820A Phonez 970/476-8208 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER AT ALL TIMES P9 7 -00 35#: Description: LIVING ROOM ADDITION .**************r**********************t**t***t******t*t**** tEE Plumbing-----> Ptan check---> Invest i gat ion> tliLt Cat l,----> Restuarant Ptan Revi ev--> TOTAL TEES----- 30.00 7 .50 .m 3.m 40.50 .00 Tota[ Pernit Fee--------> 40.50 Itqm: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO4/2I/L997 DAN Action: APPRItQm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTo4/2L/L997 DAN Acrion: AppR N/A Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: *********Jc***t***t**ff***ff***ff*******t*******rr***t*******************************ff*****************************************trt** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCEAT ROUGHIN AND FINAL ************fi**************t*****t***t****fi******r*i*****************************************************t*******************t** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this apptication, fil,Led out in futL the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y riith tire iniormation and ptot ptan,to conpty Yith al'l' Tolrn ordinances and stste [aws, and to buiLd this structure according iothe Toyn,s zoning and subdjvisibncodes, design fevie!, apProved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ]'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 T OUR OIFICE FRO}I CONTRACTOR FOR vv**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0263 Amountz 4O.SO 04/22/97 L4.26 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1041 ' Init: CD Permit No: P97-0035 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMITParceI No: 2101-063-02-016Site Address: 758 POTATO PATCH DRLocation: 758 POTATO PATCH Total Fees: 40.50This Paynent 40.50 Total ALL pmts: 40.50Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount01 OOOO 4131]. PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 3O.OO01 oooo 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 7.50 i __91_99:9_111I________11:_:ill_:y:::119I_T:___________199__ I ,tConcact Eagle Councy Assessors f r"" ac 970-328-8640 for parcel /l . TowN oF vArL coNsTRUcTIoNPARCEL ll : Ztot 6'r^9 O2Olb PERMIT APPLTCATIoN FoRM DATE: PERI.IIT iI I APPLICATIoN l'lusT BE FILLED oUT COMPLETELY oR fT MAY NoT BE AccEPTED{ f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt tt PERMIT INFORMATfON *****************************,l pfl-Building [ ]-prumbing I J-Erectrlcal 1 ]-uechanlbar [ ]-other Job Name:flesp& Legal Description: Lot {Block Siling susoltsto:'i'z tbTfin fnTZl -vdt/ owners Nane: 1Op? fERpT Address:75T ffirfin FATu/ ee .Ph. /?1-{t/f,t/ Architect:Address: fO.6ox z-o8? Vn//PiJ.726-{zrz LrVIL4 rloo* 6General Description: Pnber and Type of Fireplaces: Cas Appliances '5* * * * * * * * - . . . ; ;;H. * * * * * * * p12$t*' :^ulvt t o"t BUTLDING: + ffio br,ecrnrrdKLz $ loa ********************************* OTHER: $PLItMBfNc: $ rrc;rp.oo MECHANICAL: $ ?lunbing Contractor: Z;Etq pzur.,&J4 * /+aazr)6\ddress z P- o. 2,.'- L.".a t/^a: t /..^ .\' , ?? tlectrical contractorr _.&Espar e?ezzerg E4J-&5J ,orn of vait Reg. No. /,,?Erddress: r'.o, aox ro?l @-- phone llu^uri, _zz=_eu:__ Iechanical Contractor: tddress: Town of vail Reg. No.23)f Phone Nurnber: 4- - Fz* Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: i*******************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* ]UTLDTNG PERMIT FEE:,LUMBING PERMTT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ]LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF TEE: )RB FEE:#be? BUTLDING PI,AN, CHECK FEE 3 PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECH.ANICAIJ PI,AN CHECK FEEs RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERUIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: work class: [ ]-New 6i-ert"ration t l*Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accomnodation Units: . ,_ Ggs Logs 2( Wood/peJ-J-et ToTAL: l__lg+oeo_ l*************************** CONTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * ,. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Senerar contractorz Jor?.tt 4^.s,.tn)c 84-l-rctn*lTown of VaiL Reg. No. g?26\ddress z otoz ut"e'+oo e'ki@'pnone-NulniZt t-' -,nzg-g_ JLEAN ITP I}EPOSIT REFIIND !O:| ftRn7 t 7{t PoTt+tt Prt?zd oi.. th;l Joseph Consulting Real Estate Development C onstruction rtll r, *, nt Se m ic e s 0102 Colorado River Rd. Gypsum, Colorado 81637 Voice & Fax970 524-40IO May 7, L997 CharlieDavis Building Inspector Plans Examiner Town of Vail 75 Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re Perry Residence Addition DearCharlie, Enclosed ftnd a print of the south elevation of subject prorect. I am transmitting this plan to you showing the proposed details of our glazing installation. Prudence, the cost of the glass and my job schedule demand that I get this one right (the first time) regarding the issue of tempered glass and height above finished floor. If you would be so kind as to review the enclosed and call me at 39G.7391 to indicate (hopefully) your approval, I'd appreciate itvery much. Sincerely,gl Bill Joseph .- CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY:DATE: VENDORNAM VENDORNUMBER: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FoR BP # NAME OF JOB: ACCOLINT NUMBER: 0t 0000 22002 AMOUNTOFREFUND: UI 4 <h"-' L-/Jw' DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATUM: { Item: 051OO BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT04/06/1995 CARY Action, eppnIIe.m: 054OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT04/06/L995 cARt Acrion: eppnItem: 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT04/06/l-99s cARy Acrion: AppRItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS04/.06/1995 cARy Action: AppR04l06/199s cARy Acrion: AppRItem: .05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH04/06/1995 cAR:r Action: appi Dept Dept Dept l.)a n# Dept BUILDING Divieion: PLANNING Division: ! IKI; IJ].VIS}ON: PUB WORK Division:. HEALTH Division: f***k*Hf**Jri*l*Jrti***tt*rHrrtrhtrhfrht*tnhh*rHr*-fJrt*fft****t**r****t*fft*ff*r.hhff*r:*rHi.r.t*l*t*l*iit*-*t*.***-i#t*f1*-* ' see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that, may apply to this perrnit. OECLARATIONSI hereby acknov[edge that I have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in fu . the inforration required, conpleted an accurate ptotPtan' and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. t agree to compty vith thc infofnation and pl,ot pl.Bn/to comPty vith 8Ll' ToHn ondinances and state [aus, and to buitd this structure according to the ToHnrs zoning and suMivisioncodcs, design reviev approved, uniforr! Buitding code and othef ordinances of the T REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS Send Ctean-Up oeposit To: SHALL 8E I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HO{'RS rN AOVANCE 8Y P INYON ouR oFrIcE FRon E:00 A[ 5:00 Pt{ TOWN OFVAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT JOBSITE AT Perrnit rIMES 895-0065 ALL #: 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. PINYON BUILDERS P O BOX 96, MTNTURN PINYON BUILDERS P O BOX 96, MINTURN ADA},IS KIRBY CLARKE PO BOX 6207; VAIL CO 758 POTATO PATCH BACK OF HOUSE co 81645 co 8164s 81658 Deparunent of Contnunity DeveDR Status...: *I Applied..: 03/3L/Lees Issued...: 04/07/L995 Expires. . : tO/04/L995 Phonez 3038275793 Phonez 3038275793 *ffi*t#ffi****ffildiH*ffiffiffiffi FEE SUtll.lARY trffir***#*r.ffi******ffiffiffiffii Description: POOIJ AREA REPATR Fi reptace lnforDation: Restri cted: Town of VaiI Adjusted Valuation: #Of Gas Appt i ancca:#0f Gas Log3: 40, 000 #of t,ood/Pat Let: TotaL catcutated Fees---> 996.@gui fding-----> Ptan check---> Investigat ion> lliLl CatL---) 1?0.oo 273.W .00 3.00 Restuarant P (an Reviel{--> DRB Fee------- Recreation Fee---------> Ctean-Up Deposit--------> .00 50.00 .00 250.00 Additional, Fees--------> Tota t Pernit Fee-------> Payments------ BALANCE DUE---- .m 996.m .00 996.00TOTAL FEES----- ffiffiffiJr*ffiMffi IteM: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT o4/06/Lse5 eAPtt Action: APPR Item: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT04l06llees GARY AcLion: APPRIIem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/06/1,ee5 cARy Action: APPRItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Action: APPRAction: APPRItem: 05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH REOI'ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: PINYoN 04/06/tees GARY 04/06/1ee5 SAp.Y Dept: BUILDfNG Dept: PLANNING Dept: FIRE Dept: PUB WORK Dept: HEALTH Division: Division; Division: Division: Division: 04/06/L995 SAP.Y Action: APPR ffi ffi *rri*ffirf rffi ,rf iffirfrrnhf nHffi . See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, fil.Led out in futt the infornation required, conpteted an ptan, and state that att the infornat ion provided as required is correct. I agree to conpl,y vith the infornation to comp [y !,ith att Toun ordinances and state [aus, and to buitd this structurc according tq the To!,n's zoning and codes, design reviex approved, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tqvn fpglilcab lg-thefeto. accurate ptot and ptot pt6n, subdivision OUR OFFICE FROI.I rOR HIIISELF AND Oi,INER *f%) I ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 895-0065 as of 04/07/95 statu6: APPRo\'ED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT sFR BUILD PERMTT Applied: o3/.3t/.L?9? epplicant: PTNYON BUILDERS Issueds 04/.07 /.19953038275?93 To Expire. Lo'/04/r995 Job Address: Location: BACK oF HousE Parcel No: 2101-063-02-016 Description: POOL AREA REPAIR Conditions: I Job Name: Adams Job Address:758 Potato Patch Legal Description: Lot4 Block_l Fifing@ Ohtners Nane: r<irFy qdans Address: 759 potato patch p5.476-5080 Ph.Architect: N/A Ad.d,ress: ceneral Description: lcork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Adclitional Nurnber of DhreLling UnLtsi 1 Nurnber 1)|*.t and Type of Sireptaces: Gas ApptiaDces {* * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs @-Repair [ ]-other of Accomraodation Units: Gas Logs_ t{oodlpellet ********************************* :;u.11PII9r ! ao,ooo.oo ELECTRTCAL: I orrrER: $PIJIJUBTNG: $ uEcHANrcAr, $-' ioTfi; @l*************************** CoNTRACTOR TNFORMATToN *** * * *********** ***********t teneral Contractor: Pinvon Elui lders .1 .\E ^:actor: Pinyon Builders. gox 96,Town of Vail Req. 96. 106-Aphone Number: 827-579- .E;recErlcaL Contractor: r,/,rAddress: "r/r I:I" "-{ Vail Reg. No. Plunbing Contractor: f,r/rAddress: ''r/rr Reg. NO. ** *********** * * ** ***** * *********FOR OFFTCE USE ****** ** ***** * ** ********* * ***** Mechanical Contractor: ^'/,Address: % BUTLDTNG FERMIT FEE: PLT'MBING PERMTT FEE: IIIECIIANICAL PER}IIT FEE : ELECTRfCAL FEEs OTHER TYPE oF FEE3 DRB FEE: BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'I.iBTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: I'IECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: Town of VaiI Phone Numher: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT TOTAL PERMIT BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: CI.EAIT I'P DEPOSIT REFIII{D TO:4# v*o tLr./. 1 T.O: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REOUIRED following questionnaire regarding the ne€d for a'pubtic way permit": YES NO *1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easemenls or public property? 3) ls any utitity work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to site other than €xisting dnveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7l ls a "Revocabte Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used tor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered allthe above questio lf^vgY. "Ty"t9d y"t to any otthese questions, a "Pubtic way permif must be obtained.?ublic way Permit' apptication! miy be obtained a the'public work,s ofiice or atc9.r.nr.r1qitv Developmeni ltrou. h.1ve_any questions ptease caltChartie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspecioi, at 479-21fu.' K x X x x K 3 - 3/ *qs- Job Name Date lnwn 75 louth frontrgc ro.d Yrll, color.do 81652 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 olflce of communlty dcuclopma[l BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this permit requires a Town of vair Fire Department Approvar,Engineer"s (Publt. lglltr ""ui"* .no'ipprovat, a pranning Departmentreview or Health Departnint revi:ew,-an[ .-review by the Building lioilg;'h"ll: .'.t'.ted time ro"'a-totar ""ui"n-iluv"Lil'as t6ng A'l'l corrnercial (rarge or sma'[) and ar] murti-fanriry permits wiilhave to follow the ibove menti6neJ-maximum requirements. Residentiarand small projects shourd take a ieiilr amount of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartments with regard to-necessily-review, these projects mayalso take the three weef perioJ. Every attempt wil] be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possib'l e. E'i'rs'' I'E-- r'I k-Jl" unders'igned, understand the plan check procedure and timetrame.. A)" Projedt Comnuni ty Devel opment Department. 75 soulh tTon|lgc ?ord Yail, coloredo 81657 (3o3, 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 TO: IROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ottlce ol communlly dGyclopmcnl ALL CONTRAqTORS CT'RREMTLYL REGISTERED WITII THITOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COM!,I]NITY DEVELOPUENT ITARCH 16, 1989 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MAIERIAL STOR.AGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to ritter, traek or deposit i"v-""ir]-"ii, sand, debrisor material, i""t:3iln_trash lunpsters, portable toilets and,workmen vehictes. upon any streetl sia"raii, -;ii;y or pubticplace or anv port'i-on th";";;. --irre rignt-of-way on arr. Town ofVail streetl in.r.roads is approiir"t"iv-s-it]-iti'avenent.This ordinance wirr ue ;trilIi;^enforced by the Town of VairPublic lforks DeDartment. --p"iilns touna viir"iing this ordinancewilt' be siven a 24 hour "=i;l;;';"ti""-to-;;;;":="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within aO:_31_ n""r tirn"-"iecified, ttre pulfic worksDeparrment will remorre said nattii"i-ai-ir.J'Irili=e of personnotified- The orovisions-of-lrri] orainance srrirr not beapplicable to c-onstruction, -riiit.r,.nge 9-r repair projects ofany street or alley o, arry'"tifiir", in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. e in full, prease stop by tbe Torrn of::li.::ii:i"g,Tiif*i*"::""iiii" a copv. rlani< you ror your acknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) t UUtVltvt, r]EV, DEPT questions regarding this inspection or the balanceplease contact this office at the phone nunber T0v the mj mueller co., inc. 14 April 1995 l{r. John Schofield PINYON BUTI,DERS PO Box 96Minturn, Colorado 8L645 Subjeci: POOL I'LUCR FI(A!TIN3 REPAIR 736 Fotato Paich DriveVail, Colorado Dear ilohn: At the request of the Town of vail Building Department, lhis officehas conducted a visual inspection of the final framing for theabove referenced project. see structural prans and speciticationsaE prepared by this office dated 4 April 1995. The framing iscomprete, colrcrete topping.was being placed on the froor eraningat the tine of the inspection, and all finish details are yet t5be completed. The follosing items are to be noted: a) FINAI-, FRN{fNc INSPECTION-The final framing as completed,conplies with the intent of the structural plans andspecifications. b) fNSPECTION REQUESTS-Address all items on rrlnspection Requestsrlas prepared by the Town of Vail nuilding Department. rt shourd be understood that this office was not present at thesite continuously during the demolition and construction processand conseguential lw., unabJ e to wer-i fy that e'.rerl' - singlecongtruction procesa lras coupleted correctry. Ilowever, due to tnefreguency of the site inspections and the constant coordinationwith the contractor, was abre to verify correct placement of thefraning nenbers and associated detailJ, and conpliance with theintent of the structural plans and specificationJ. If you have anyof the project, Ehown below. Sincerely yours, THE }IJ MUELLER CO., INC. l,tark J. lilueller, PE President civil architectural and structural engi neering o p.o. box 2747 vail, colorado 816584762627 476-2637 lFAXl TownofVail " u ;'7 Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO.81657 Re: Permit #895-0065, 758 Potato Patch April 17, 1995 Gentlemen: Pursuant to your inspection dated 4-L2-95, please find enciosed a letter from lvlark J. Mueller to comply with your framing inspeotion. 4(]! ill! uul Post Office Box 96 . 303-827-5793 o Minturn, Colorado 81645 Fax 303-827-4217 ulo J o o (, E 2ou =Foo4 t fl ffi ';i;b6:i-E : E !,=\., 7 9= E:€J;::; 3 5: ?* F 3 .Z 2i i:is€ E: i: 36E!-E - ar e;;: riizEEi;a:io:. = - u= c :E€ Ci:;i i !.= .= it'gt riE9--_-=i :i ! ci e f E Ai FE€:. ?: ; c* EXEEb:;:; F g: i::* i?; rl H H }l Fl H Ff (J F{< ots Ho @tn F. 60 z HH & A E a.rz (fl I& U F F z E o! I (J H E{z H.J' tr] O f X tl p tpv, z Q qt a'\ .\I-urHe\)<>xo ,., \J pzzES< 5dz 't<L/z"v5Zi FtEr>0ta trJ l,- a< ." Fr*2.RUALrt \ --: tF<= FC%Q5=c:crE zr!Li-t-*rI]< H:F.*sx Qd<l=zE*>QU95ll]t--B=H3PFtrOIrl Eto>F;rrOr/) ar ru -,:?:ga HF3SdFxo*oxXF-zL.):ffT=EosxH.-,FYlEtr{ilF-(J>F- rFfEa t3fF, O.EFFE !3* E) FQ a. EgEEs ,E les flJtlrlLe. € F\ -af-)r- -d *FlFLIH{?\sv fH 11 D o ' ' 3 "fr'efogg ttt ' lN3rrtSsvS lltlrl'n,o€ - ,$..t1 .69o99S tt rtt.N o ffi,ez"re o =b =tIuo- an IJJlJl! E = IJ.Jo- o0\\\\\ \r q';K-f-\'$ e.l o'\o\ o\ C.l zz E FJ )4q) F t&i frl=zoztr< OR 4oozJ f 9r o tll E Iz = =z I l t.-. IElot-t4I\J Itr lal4tFlIDlolrd rtz i\-z? 9Fqit =z @ c.tQo;iz=zhI z t! lorIE l8 CEFzoo UJz3 -i- o c6*6.9 F HE:E EEg;I :gE;; igFiE .C.;Eg€ sE;eJ : EE€E igEsg60'-.:-€-o9 o E g;:;5 gBiEg cr) cn \'HXr* u'r e Na n \.| F =!! 2 J .o Y !! () 2 o- 9 F(J uJJ UJ 2o = o- J 9z ut = UJ uJt!z F tu IIJ E o.o =ul ll, z 64r F UJ z uJ x F UJo anulult! ==E UJo- J FoF o =oJ J () uJ uJ oz to =J z uJ NOtrvnlv^ F r:. YC 3c u- r!Ou.zcOr- EF .t tix? <:.1G\- I]JUzt- l!"-(9- =>c --l')Itn.S =CON z2ooFo- 6xfzF9 0 ooZt-oaJoz. t! <(o* t!2.x ;<ri t; Iq)tFl lg lEiIH IF lv) ls IEIX lrl1 I' 14tF1 lE-rl< It4 t1 to Ftr l-. KJaHFHp{ t ]I1FIrFr K) Rr z tr IIt t.1 UJo- l- UJE z9 Eoo r( >{*z tr uJ =uJz atrzJz9. ,rr. <oo< =P9c6o<z trz. gz do =trOI X X X X Ff Fo =u) dt z Y IL lll Jl<li-l 4l zl .. >l UJouttuzoF (r uJ.L J zo E u,llJJ E (t, UJzY i 2I J U)z c.t I o€lLo|l z uJ tro c0o'azo Fo-ulY llJ c0oaF;iF-r =CE \"l!Nc..t! Elohli=lo-l ?=lrl He, \Jz6 !d F4a P.{z,"9 g =k *coO b =Z Ft -1 la;-Y t^ nD! = E uJ o- tt f llJ59E<ol€aB9EL ar =o-=> =l!-E h=E :g o =:E ub 9 EtnE XO-r x>o=F?> r+6- i\!i ut m F --- E =E,lrl o-zoF C) E,Fazoo z -o LIJ =trl|<J J o FO uJJ IJJ tr zoJ co ! < H t-.1 F-l az tr- 6 FoJ .J)E F l-l F4 ui =z cto-t = a Hv l,u z : 3H Fr @rn F t4tu os -.1 = LO I (\ (fl i o- FlH F =tr ul = o- F6 =tr I a ul >J r|. ol zl =l9lFI c tr oz d uJ I lroz3o ul E c 4 1.1 u z E EHX E tr IF\oN z .,i uJ J ltoz =oF or Iot.if o\ ui l,uF =G, lr- oz o UJ 5 <1 t! z39 uiJlll F. E I.JJz = Fo UJtI E E -rO<Fc() IJJ <zEr!F(tZo JE<oOF H#u, --r,i O -o 9P E?ZE]Fd6o 5E =3a= =g Ei; =+tl-Fo2 o(J <OarnLUrX'l SECTION 1. General Information 1A Inboduction This manual provides installation and operation llqmatiol for the Teledyne Laars Series O"! fr,|"alr Fl,9"F EpS swimming poot/spa heaters. ft t --- :llo.lSry recommended that the instailer read SEC-Tro N s. tNsTALl_ATlo N r r.rsrnu Ci o r.rs, l"i In-!"rlocal and $ate codes before instailing the h";;;. -" Experience has shown that most servr:ce calls are aresult of improper installation. The EpCiEpS series of pool heaters are com_pact, high performance apptiances *niln gli ttuiielecrricaf power lrom an extemal lZoV or icoisource. They are a\railable with either a sinole lermostag (EpC modets) or duat thermostXiboro_ I emp controt system (EpS models) for poo/spa com_ 9,1-"j:f or pr+heat convenience. Ail Series bn"EPc/EpS heaters meet the c"rirorni",'i"*"i Jii --..-. GBATE TOP ASSEMBLY COLLECTOB ASSEMBLY Fig. l TopAssombv r'\ Oregon state energy installation or to improve access for heater serviceano maintenance. To make this change, it is neces-sary to rotate the heat exchanger ass-mbf 180d.eqrees. This procedure shoutd be Oone jrioiio in_stallation by a trained service technician. Followihesestep-by-step instructions and accompanying i[uair;-tions, open the front cover. .. .... Rem,ove the hex-head sirews shown in Figure 1and lift the grate top assembly straight upl n:_c?llelolassembty can now be removed by rmrng n out of the chassis. Bemove the S screws securing the gap closures (2 & 3) and put them aside.'4= Fig. 2 Heat Echanger Reversal a. b. r j, ) 18. Wananty The Series One is sold with a limited faaorv y?ranty. D€tails are specified on the back covei of :llT:nu3l and a copy or the Warranty and War_ranry Hegtstration Card are included inihe plastic bag. Fillout and return the Warranty R"gi;f;;; Card. The heater serial number can be rirnJ-onin"rating ptate located on the inside paner uefiinJiire'- ll:lj,*:_"_." door. Damage caused by impropeiInsra[ation or as.sembly, or to the Heat Exchanqer Ovcorosve water, is NOT covered by this Wanan-ty. !11,!_e^1on,+r regarding maintenance of properpool water chemistry. SECTION 2. Assembly Instructions Sectbn 2A Reversible Water Connections .. Tq Series One pooilspa heater can bain---sraleo wlth the water connections on either side. Theunit_is shipped with the connections on tnJ ffi "i0",lT l^1dd,p" nece.ssary, or advantageous, i"o rritcithe connections to the other side ,or ea." oi - -'-"-" 3C-g Special Precautions ,o, tG"" Heaters Liquified petroleum gas is treavier than air. Therefore, pool heaters using Lp gas should not be installed in pits or other locations where gas might accumulate. Heaters must be located a sale distance lrom LP gas storage and filling equipment. Consult local codes and fire protection authorities relative to specific installation restrictions. 3D. Water Piping . . Plastic materials may be used in pipes, fittings, grids and other elements of the filter sysiem it acceptable by the authorities having jurisdiction. A metal "heat sink" pipe should be used between the tilter and the heater as shown in Figure 11. . D9 not ins1ail pVC ptastic piping directty ro the heater inleVoutlet header. pVC pipe does not have the high temperature capabilities required to assure safe and reliable operation of the heater. CpVC hioh temperature plastic piping, Schedule 40, can be c6n- nected directly to the heater inlet/outlet header when allowed by local codes. A check valve should be installed if there is anv chance_of "back-syphoning" when the pump stops. Do not install any other valve or variable resiriction in the piping between the heater outlet and the pool, unless it is necessary to increase back pressure. The heater is equipped with ? universal header couplings. The couplings accepts threaded ? pipe, unthreaded 1-11? pipe and 1-14? or Z coppei iipewithout an adapter. See Figure 14, Figures 11 and .12 ilustrate typical water piping for a pool with a therapeutic spa and the OectiiOe - equipment. Figure 13 shows a manual by-pass valve installed between the heater inlet and outlet. This valve is required if the system filter-flow rate exceeds 125 gallons per minute. To set thq bypass valve. tollow this procedure: a. Clean the pool tilter. b. With th€ tilter pump off, remove the drain valve located on the right side of the header, and install a thermometer (see Figure l5). c. Close the manual by-pass valve. d. Turn olf the heater by moving the toggle switch to the "OFF" position. e. Start the filter pump, f. After 3 minutes, note and record the thermometer reading (this represents pool water temperaure). g. Turn the heater back on. h. Slowly open the manual by-pass vafue, counting the rotations, until the temperature rise shown in-. Table 3 is obtained (the temperature rise is the difierence between the first reading and this one). i. Be sure the thermometer reading remains constant for at least 3 minutes. j. Scribe a line on the by-pass valve to record the position in case it is necessary to repeat the pro- cedure. Remove the handle from the valve. An automatic by-pass valve located inside the header maintains proper flow through the heater at flow rates ot 125 gallons per minute. THERAP€UTIC ATIACHTE T OPTIOI{AL PUXP FOR HYORO IHENAPY WITHI'S OWN PIPE SYSTEI T}IREE.WAY CHAI{GEOVEF VALVES BY.PASS VALVE FOF IAI]{TANII{G THERAPY POOL uatt{ PooL FILTER t{ozzLEs IHERAPEUTIC POOL OVER.FLOW OR LEVEL EOUALTZERS (8ELOW xrinfura w TEF LEVEII t OPIIO AL LOCAT|oN I t il Fig. 11 Typical Poot pipingFig. 11 Typical Poor piping oFnr* Fig. 12 piping Diagram.for poot/spa combindion re c a,, n " e-tt p, a / ;, rV i F*i iii {':?,- Hl";;*;pr : r + lo t f t n s ( o r u ttrr/ t ; " e) ciz ts =t u.lo-.J F- an IJJ IJ.Jt! E =E UJo- s7,-1,/'P,/ "Jir,TW .ir cn cn cr) ? ?: X1 tr.,trzl<l cn' zl<l UJ Xo(-l @ IN ii,()=l ;,J ,rflz"lqEl ? Frl uJF oz z z oltl l- z oz 6I @ .a zz Eutz3o UJ Foz z H ts p ts z t-lzHE Jlt = F tsH an z F-l ct Eq, .c -g.oo .o CL G ooo Gr E o o E (u (l,Eoo ol E= co E o f, po (5 =(l) E co) atoE oopo() .9 .9.:o.o o g, coN :hc 3oF q) .c o o) t o (! E o o = -o ! (! lt;(t, O; (! '=Oo g8E eoq,.9; It(l)cF,= (! !BEc-oe:i =€Pd'S =c9o'- o,c EsE_'t >3 Ea =iE*9oj't; Ri f.Y- (d o.(o o. sEE atYdE€: E6:EP bo F€ EdE_E'9 e+,C(! 0'-.c= 0)e --c $EE '6>.9 6a EfiE h6e9E o cEg -oG N r-c\c LI o\ o F E llJL z I uJ z o E Fo uJ E z 6 =J o- z tu u,l uJu-zo F LlJ uJ oE o ao 3llJ llJez 6ut o- ur z uJJ x uro FlFl Fl FJHB at UJ UJu- tr =E UJ J FoF z J d c, uJ UJ (Jz @ =J () z gJt NOTMlVA tsr l"> G. l! - I F ls3 ur N lt= o . l! Y' =,2 Z u-\o o o: F ^ O Zl P a = FEtnoe. g : fii9 q 12 E g gE <NO q c) 14al z9 e l! ai uJ F E- z E ) 2otr EulFJ =UJz tltltltl ezlz *Qn<oo<OJ =PPr!6o<z trz,. 9z fio3trOI qJ IIJzI iF 2 tr 5 oz J 3 F llt oo = F il -l zl zl .. >loulo lU u,lzoF =tr uJo- J zo Eo t-t- lol: t;,; ao I z I f\to t.c(c cn € & Etl1 uJko UJ tsg, c0o-zo FLulY ul co oF F =G llJ o- lto o-oo I uJFoz IttT-]f-t.i<UU E =GqJ o-lt 2uJ59E<of€ue9Eira9.EE J>l-Jl- =ul-E b=o dtrx >o-f Ou-E ooI HutE XO-t x>t E-o,i!E uJ I-O E =E. lrJo-zo F()fEFazo C) z oP =eoo =z o-- I EEiA;E EEI nI' lFiillc)llHlt<ll*l "l gl Jf;IdEl lill>' ,l UF'i -J Ll- E t4 H t-r i.i =zo -l |4In I Ha q E 4 H H F rn r.- th uJ J = o- E(J 4 "l ^l! Iutr o J {z HH F z tJ HzHt =tr I.$ N I UJi <l>l u- zlil otFl \'c! lr) I N c.l @ i I H F F-l Fl Io\ ciz o LIJE tt z;o o\ Ln IF C.l u u Fl Hv z z (, =l GI A I @ ?-{ o o1 u,l.l J a t!oz3I c\ I G ul gl F =tr .iz ot!q >llto zl 3lotFI = tr Iolz) olull 1l <l>l l!l zl Bl FI LIJJuI Eulz. =o F IIJtI C)E <FG(JuJ<zEt!F(aZo C) J C) F C) UJ -JItu - ) J z)) oz dl = Jo- I 5 I 7) ixoF 43 gE o E i. =+EFt-o2 oo .J<oe9.5.6I t /3 IOISN OT VAIIJ CONSTRUCTION PIRUTT APPIJCATTON FOR}!DAIE:-+ffrufi0V 2 9 l99t , APPLTCATTON UUST BE FIIJED Ottt CEUPTETELI OR IT t{AY NOT BE ACCEPTEDrfIt{***********************t***r* PEtruNItr rNaoR}IATION *****************************/l {Ll-Buildtng [dl-Pfunbtng [{J-Eloctrica1 [ J-]fechanlcal I J-ottrer Job Name: tr)'F T.( ,,-tr- ( = .", ifz.ra Job Address: Legal oescriptlon: rot-5- ilock3/ Ftl ouners Names 9Avw D€rRrctz Address: Architectz l-l*<ce +F"#aresr:P}il. 12L4Y7. General Description: P-s \ rsRMrr tI?5& Number of Dnelllng Unl.ts: J-- Number of Acconmodatlon UnLts: - ltpnber and Tlpe of Fireplac€a: Gas Appllances 2 Gas logs_ Woodr/PelletJ_v^lt****************l**********t***** vAIJttATIoNs *********************************tt iurr,orre t t lqofu)rco ErJEcrRrcAtz t-!i-"ooJo orHER: !-PilIMBTNG: -r,n ltEcltAttrcAL: l- ToTAL: J% - ^J****r*******************r** ggNTRAqIOR IN5.ORMATION **********r*r**r*.*tl*,r*t*rl!eneral contracton lrTwr< -Co,*r. Town of vail Reg. Uffi*-Address: Phone Number: ?A1-;..<z-./ Town of vail Reg. no. lfr'e Phone Number: 7ll-,59, work class: [ ]-New 1t{-l.ttetatlon ta.l-trdditional [ ]-Repair I J-other Electrl-cal Contractor: Address: Ph. Plunbing Contractor: Address: COrrcerr t4gcz Town of VaiI Reg. No. l8g-+/ Phone Nunber: ?zt, - zc 4 l[echanical Contractor: Mdress:Town of Vall Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: BUTLDING PER}IIT FEE3 /T^I.CTJ -PLWBING PERIITIT FEE: 3-7o - ***************r**************** roR orrlcE usE *******************r*.**r******* IIECEN{ICAIJ PERUIT TEE: BUTLDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PDT'!,TBING P[AI{ CHECK FEE: UECHANICAI, PIIAII CflECK FEE3 RECREATION FEE: CL,EAII-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERI.IIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATT'RE3 ZONING: SIGNATTIREI EIECTRICAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE:I @,04 &7st Conments: GLEAI IIP DEPOSIT TEFUND flt: h,.,cK Co,nf+atCd) tr. s>6o*,'4tq I 75 aoulh fronLaga ro.d u.ll, color.do E1657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlco ot communlly dovelopmuil BUILDINc PERIIIT ISSTANCE TIME FRAttE lf ttris Penilt fgquj.res a Town of Vall Flre Departnent Approval,Engineel"s (.Pgb'llc Works) reyiew and approval,' a p'lannin!' Departmentreview or Health Department revi'ew, and-a review by the 6uilhing Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as 16ngas three weel(s. All conmercia'l (.large or small ) and all nu'lti-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnts. Residentialand-small projects shou'l d tal(e a lesser amount of time. However, if fesi.dential or smal'l er projects lmpact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso taRe the three week period. Every attempt will be made by thts departrnent to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. I,. the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frane. Dtr4rc/( /(E moor-t-- Project Name Corrnuni ty Development Department. , 75 |outh Ironllg. rord u.11, color.do Ei657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 o (i.e. contractor, owner) TO: rRolt: DATE: suB.TEgl: offlce ol communlly dcY.lopmcnl ALL CONIRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII ITHE TOWN O8 VAIL TOWN OP VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMI'NITY DEVEIFPUENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmalT, -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dunpster!, portable toileti andworknen vehicl.es upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public Pf?ge 9r any portion thereof. The right-oi-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance witl be striLlry enforcEd by the Toin of VaiIpYPli-" works Department. persons found vi6tating this ordinanc"rtlrr be glven a 24 hour written notlce to rernove said material .In the event the person so notifl.ed does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pulfic WorksDepartlent will renove said nateriat at the expense of personnotified. The provLsions of this ordinance snaff not beapplicable to construction, uaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utill.ties in the right-a-way. To review OrdLnance No. 6 In full, please stop by the Town ofvail Bullding Department to obtain I copy. rhani< you for yourcooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: osition@ f 6#; t'lz4/% Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: DETRICK REMODEL DATE: 12-2-93 ADDRESS: 758 POTATO PATCH CONTRACTOR.: MINICK CONST VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V ARCHITECT: PIERCE,SEGERBERG, ENGINEER: BOYLE PLANS EXAh{tr{ER: DAN STANEK !, t, CORRECTTONS REQL|IRED . The items listed betow are not intended to be a complete iisting of alt possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. r. sMoKE DETECTORS REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AIFER SEC.12I0 OF TI{E 1991 UBC. ti 1 2. EGRESS WTNDOWS REQUIR€D FROM ALL BEDROOMS REQUTRED AS PER SEC.12O4 OF TTIE I99I UBC. 3. FIELD INSPECTIONS REQUTRED FOR CODE COUplreNCn. 'i 4. GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC 1712 OF TT{E 1991 UBC FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 5. HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC 3306 OF TIIE 1991 UBC FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 6. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAY BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE T}IE REMODEL, IF THERE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES AND OR PROBLEMS. 7. A ONE HOUR SEPERATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN TIIE GARAGE AND DWELLING INCLUDING CEILING.WALLS AND ALL STRUCTUAL MEMBERS. 8. DOOR BETWEEN GARAGE AND DWELLING TO EE.}O MINUTE RATED WTTH CI,OSURE. .. 9. TWO NEW GAS FIREPLACES TO BE GAS APPLTANCES ONLY WITH B-VENTS, AND OLTTSIDE COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED FROM GAS APPLIANCE IN TIIE BEDROOM. oz E =eut4. .$.f, tn IJJutl! E =t uJc tSuS$*@c'l @ e.l dH& zH &fr E '.! I I I I I IH lo I I I I I I lJ t6 lE ib t?ro l= uJ o E e, a z (, zz U'ulFoz oz6Jfo .! oz2 gffi iffit96Eo''. €E='gE -'=-/ :gEsg H $ iiiiEi' Fl N(r)rn {A E =c,l!o, z = ao Y uJ () z o. o c,F gJJul z t o- o2 u,E ul uJl|-zIF uJG() UJ o o.D =g UJtz(5 Bro F I uJ o. z uJJo x F ulo U' IIJ uJl!t =.EllJL J FoF o = =lo -tIe,Fo uJ ur ozo =fJr oz ujI Flf, oH NOrlvntY U)F zH a(J z lEl Ft-lu .a (9 H Fltsv U) ::;IFt;sle ..r EH= =iH e a =83U, O CHFP Efitg fs iN z9F f oG(J llJo- oo .n xX E, c UJ J z E zo EulFJ ;u/z oz F z F o lll trzl =J) UJ ' tuJtl3ltJlt<lt>t l..lIL Htlltot'trlHtltftutltaLlt>il'ltltltzltolItrlt<ltJl tl,ltzl X F () Fg, Jl<l zl zl >-l ct uJ uJ - tlJzo E uJ J 2o F 6 zxG o- (o I !-c\ @ CDOO utFo c0o-zo FculY UJo oF F <@(E orlll -ic (-, <\ u,tF o o- !-1AE9Aro LuFIo:Zl l1<z' oP I =E fl =z E dPfrF!!! J "dq=a'<q t:- =u.l E6d= ts .Etto-lto EUE<saEe,39It ir EEE dEE 5EI 6tE ooE irE ;Ia u.lo -'i!E uJcloF E =E lrJ o-zIl-ofEFazoo \ lqt "l Hl jEl t:l .l 3 lotzq= 4 H A{rd& E .J)a ii =z co \-) a 3 tntn P.lfr (9 t z an uJeoo = L 6 =ctr a IIJ 6 T - () FiExH Fll FIXHHtEIgt E tg t! I @ (\ oz dutEJ ltoz3oF @ @.v I F\ -if u LtF tg oz qt uJG J tto 2 =oF =d TL oz o rJlE J t!oz3oF Eg oz o u.lG J l!oz =oF ul |ltF. Gulz3o F C) uJt-o E -rO<FG(J IJJ <ZG IJJ Fa6 () J I C) uJ1v z) 5( e) 2? e3fFd6 (J -lIzro uJ = E, ?) =z chUJX+EFL-o2Aofifr=lFntr ciz F =e, IIJo- :)c ccr) N -l oo oolt) oo oOo LNN LO a uJ r.uII F =E IJJo- +a)ndaobf,,e €&loef b'\& N t(uEto,otLLI+Jq-l -Fl3l-l!t(l)lplol lctl+{'-lot ol(u (l,lsl r(ot .irt >lo+Pl tElO.-l IJJ +) | EHI 951qFl ;:l ;61 l_ .Ft<ro I I I I I, IFt<( lbz l=t6 t2,zt9 luJIF lo JsIltt!oozof @ =FIrl EI EI il;l :l.Pl.nl El o{(Uclo.r- | CLt(U:'lrts'rr I IFel-.nl'Folc-l =ss .;xtn-9bH}itF o-€ =*EOiu ul:3oca E>cL33 .9 EeE0) Es8g '4)n 'rG-oc rF FC .so5€N('.pE :E\-o $s oo oDcC(5 e€oo3o6cD =E Ed otc f€ Dl -E59q9'o-!o.c6 ";o .!P .!E 2,} oF o '= |,; CI rE E i(! o CL E 6 o G E o .= o, .: =boco o o E cn a! - E oo .at .g Eo tn(u oo1t Io,coEJ EIil ; (! (! E o G o E C' cg o, o o- o E ()o(! c(! 6' o o- Eoo Ec) E c - e ; f .E oo(D i .9 (! 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Ouj = Eh H b2 oO E -r- -' 7 'Y,q'l'P'" .i:-l*"r{ .L4f s- \3, P #/( /5) s PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor- 7/t,/(t JoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: o SS OhJ INSPECTION REQUEST ( 0'll TOWN OE V P" ol a*!/, CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI'rs^8 P"/-oh ?c^*c[, Dr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr t 4 arV.,^'o' L . U. ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT 1"I T] FINAL MBING:PLU trU tr tr tr tr tr tr NDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB O FINAL MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR - FINAL futt^outo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED CORRECTI l/ol;:e ?i/tu/4/ rNSpEcroR S Er.(0, dFigre POE|OX C-,|OO avoN,coLo.alB?o t303) a4g- E O72 ht$_.r-Mounta,in .li.?"""#:.:l;:.,: ffagineering|.td. (3o3r e3a-o1sa wE ARE FonwaRorHoq Est lmates Prl ntA Copy of Letfer Proposa I s Specifications Change Order TO YOU: Herewifh D w D D Du IUnder Separaie Cover Vla Reports Su rvey Dn D NO. COPTES DRA}IING NO.LAST DATED DESCR I PT ION ,v - 4047:at/9 /f+J"]s [4k s Pftfnh MfrL -r nit'if,-fiT1i llard h lx.:? oo.llt l'it^hu.>!nzd) \l- tJ1J3 )O A/tt THESE ARE TMNSMITTED: [l ror Your use I for Approval trn For Review Approved as and Corment Submitted As ReguestedfIn PLEASE NOTE: htcr-Xorrhh Er3lroorh3 rra .PER Avon Lakenood UJo o Eulz I ? o A ': i i.'::!.E ! * r=v r 9=::.-e.E:=t i i:ii; i€f ; E ir E j;:: i,g s i 5 i;!:iQ>. ::€:.; = 5 i E |.= i-= ': !p j:1riiZi:z i." ..8 , *arEi+; 2 = ; c-- 3X E : : :Ei l; t.i +!-t1-.:j.! :: ; iE H A ts H e.J M() F.] I,.l H Fl k H F.t rl F .E '! o0 z tiH & Pl E a , U F |\ Z m IE at HFz H rJ) U X aE ?h z r{!{la o F-'.urB9tf,<>x >zzR<< 3tz t.\<t)Y/a- zaQ-3;r!Lr32 t =Q11 kJ \/- o< .^ F.ZzbA. lrJ \ -..1sts= (hcQS=uor z3F.-*!a<H9lt-<-f-. < vO;El=z>A=<-v ,.-.t -' E=HH -' l- !.1\ ,.' ' td Eto>.^nSrlX_: -\.\z t,\ L- Z.tr<s<xI<-\Jt--r\-toxAFZU:ff;=Du*x*'"1 -FYliff+tF-U>F lFl fa -A.a- -rFarl{frIa9 a+ A. FI EN F -rf-aH.Pfa -F -a.lJdF r+{ {t1\€v l- -frrF?r?FLa 19 -,Fa/LrrF -a *lqFLIHfh--J.v rFr 11 AIrl{ Et-lraJq-t rfJtlrll.A.I oz E =t uJo- oo f\N (f) ooO rJ) cc rl':(\ ooo 1n LU uJt! F = UJ LUF o oF Faz o (,z- I UJ z z2 I I t'$I ?l tl 4 X t- l A a 9 F 7z ilz - 7. z z- z 3 J b iiFs ;i3 9 rl-$ *li R ;;i; 3=e\r i F -l\ ?l!i \. ii5.r :<,Jt i=.( :I;s 3;Et d< ({ u: Ui(\ tc F Nrcrc Oc) (7)$t oo oro(\I Oo o lr'sf t\ cIcc cc cc(\ t\ -l(\l(o tr =E IJJGoz ) Y I z F J uJ z f o-- ) 9z tJ = UJ trJ z tr (uEollJ c ogt =llJ UJEzI UJ F6o ut f z llj (J o tGt. 5 =Eui(l- J F F z o: l e.F UJJ uJ z6 l d 2 uJ: NOttvn'lv^ qaf,3 =(Ul =l <tl(-. I\'tl (\Jlsl -l Jg. =Zu- 6z>9 a tr.to E IJJz LUo )6 -I z tr^ aoz>(J (J<)zt!<oq o-Y-x ..';c.i zotr l o dfo (5 uJ F o o t\t\(r) t (L ut z 9 Eoo z =k IJJ J * 3 rlJz ||tltrtttl7zgi E g F6-itpP96EiEE gnEEEg lsl I I | |t8l *' ' | | ? 2 -=A fr E 3 * s*=gE:o(,o-z<) zI J az UJ ?E Olr-l @(r) E uJ- x ;i UJ rI| o 3 G J uj ; i IoI UJF 3 I ,!) uJ z) () uJ UJzY O F N \o or{oo @ (f, (v) I& ltlo- F '(' E, +)+,.d cct PP.d co .Jci,Lxlo JFY t! - l.lq r*l :l I z F llj-) E J3ol:l "l uJ o z T UJ = z_ =u- :<) I "1 F- x(U o = LG' =ah Lri z c) I z UJ o =c luEoo = i E I I I IJqvl tnqqtp.qP(5Fl5d:trl = Iq t,1+lq 0{ Lr{ Iq B iut ili r-l x Ft 6l<EIq<trl = tr <t)l IIJI 6l <l -4<l =l Goo - tr(, UJEoo -)a = =E IIJz = F Ll.J EI E, <F ur<zE (42 o ) =Fc) uJ E ) 2 L zt- =<>G. !z O toYFz() =tYZ =g t- g+E o o )<(J.4 (n E3 zoz.-ozz coO =z (! tr -) J\J J.JtDuJ o E CL -9o c, c!r-F=Cdo;itJi o* itt ; E>-TF{t,o,.. {, E3!tr F 16 = liE l-uI r- o-zo F(J DEFozoo /('---\/ \.4/ _^._ {l E,\, /Il=y i/ t-\\'-l/ te\<_lr_ = .G ! .8tr L a { 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlly development March 6, .l984 Gary Bossow Sumaru Corporation Drawer X Vail, Colorado, 81658 RE: Permjt #70.| - Sumaru Duplex Lot 5- Bl k 2 - Potato Patch Dear Mr. Bossow, Upon checking our files, we find that the permit #70.l , Sumaru Dup'l ex has expired. The last inspect'ion was done November 30, .l982, this was an e'l ectric inspection that was disapproved. The sheet rock najl was done December 28, l98l . It is very important that you contact thjs office for the renewal of your permit before further work can be done on this project. Your immediate attentjon is requested. You must contact this office five days from the date you receive this letter. Steve Patterson Bui)ding 0ffjcjal S P/ rme 'O'ATO Y '-YAIL' OO I_ I ,!rt o{ l|Gt ttt^t'a Tr{ta sTATEtct{T;E a*Ir!!aL) rE altC,( ra r. t^vID.? oa rTaua !,r!aLi|-D rLowt ..o? *l'.(F tt-a./- r€wry Lra Froi,rrr-y. Ho rtrc.tri ErstRED, DaLUXI - FEil,| Wvc-z v-7 rL;': DE|.UXI . FDiM *.rrG.l v-7 S lu t"1 {r3t{ I "tt|-, cE $s 33 hrdt Hrmben I ., pW ?AIn-Cllh .i' Olc6ft. Ne _166t8: