HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAND EXCHANGE GOLD MAINTENANCE BUILDING APPRAISAL LEGALoo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name:Vail Golf Club Project Number: Project Description: Install e retrining wall at the 15'h tee box. Owner, Address and Phone: Veil Recreation District Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Jim Myers, 700 S. Frontage Road East,479-2262 Project Street Address: Vail Golf Course Legal Description: Unplatted Parcel Parcel Number: Comments: Project#: Building Name: ***PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ISSUES _ 479.2325X""). Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved per plans received 8114100, Town Planner: Bill Gibson Date: 8/18/00 Board / StaffAction Action: StaffApproved FIEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\9N I DRBAPPRFRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 o Questions? Call the Planning StafF at 479-2138 \ GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITIAL REOUIREMENTS tr Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the existing conditions. ! Photos or sketches which clearly convey the proposed building or site aiteration(s). tr All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be useo. tl Condominium Association approval (if applicable). tr If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. UST OF PROPOSED iIIITERIA\ BUILDING MATERIAIS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SofRts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimnep Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls b<terior Lighting Other TYPE OF MATENAL:COLOR: Bto" ra Tc\N x Please speciff the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a vnall color chip # All exterior lighting must rneet the Tq^rn=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If exterior lighung b propced, please indicate the number of fixtures and locatiors on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fxture type and provirle the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fxfures. l - Town oiVail Department of Community Development , 75 S. Frontage Road . / -,t r) valwo 81657 I ,() ,^ ", Vdl / OM(--k/,l-Address: ,/ -, rr1",ra. - Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL a"".iptNffiS o^.- &//,-& Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 3't4 1110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 314't1't2 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 CB $50.95 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $60.6s 001 0000 314 1112 Internatjonal Plumbinq Code - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1',t12 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998 r-E,$35.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 $35.60 001 0000 3'14 1112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code CB $42.60 001 0000 3't4 11't2 Abatement of Dangerous Bldq.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 314 1112 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 3't4 1112 Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prinb/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox CoDies XC $0.25 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 PenalV Fees/Relnspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review R+check Fee ($40/Der hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours lnsDection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 3124000 Sign Applicatron Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Addfional Sign Applicatjon Fee SP 001 0000 3't1 2200 Design Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR IU,CO 001 0000 315 3000 Building Investigahon Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Dsvelopsr lmprovement Agreement Deposil D2-OEPi0 IAD 001 0000 3121000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 45% (State) - Tax payable ,TP '001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0oi (Townl - Retail Sales Tax -t7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 31 1 2500 PEC APPLEANON FEES 001 0000 31't 2500 Additional GRFA - "250"PV $200 00 001 0000 31 I 2s00 Condfional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alterauon - Less than 100 so. ft PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Afteration - More than 100 so. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 3't1 2s00 Special Development District - Maior Amend :PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance IPV $250.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re.Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:2L/ t/ "" ^i\ l]zt Id V Money Order #Recetued by:Check # F:/Everyone/Forns/Salesact.exs 06/062000 f -.Tlrc Torn of Vrl DATE RECEIVED FROM ADDR"ESS Ng sl{1E Permit Numbers , HOW PAID-Cadl Tout of Uail r+T OFIffiR RECTIPT T+T llfllEr 8/16/0 0l REIEIPI: Il?919 DESCRIPTIOT cn frilT lp u IIESIST REUIHT FE I |e0.n rDR cs uerL gu cLu IEOER EIflIL cs l)flTE: 8/15/0 mTfl.offi{Hilff TilERSI €c.nTIE: 16:t3t?5iet.r EOm ITfiI{ YIIJ FIX YIIJR FRYE{I! Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Golf Course Pump Station Proiect Number: PRJ00-0049 Project Description: Demo/rebuitd of purnp station at 18th tee-off Owner, Address, and Phone: Town of Vail Finance Dept. Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Jim Myers, Golf Course Superintendent 700 S. Frontage Road E. 479-2262 Project Street Address: Vail Golf Course Legal Description: unplatted parcel ParcelNumber: 210110201006 Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Board/Staff Action Action: Staffapproved (as directed by DRB) with 2 conditions Conditions: l. Window trim shall consist of 2x6 cedar with horizontal trim overlapping vertical trim by 2" on each side. 2. Three conifers shall be planted around the structure. Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 04/lll00 DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Project Name: Golf Course Pump Station O /Pary;ofl QucshonsJ Lall tnc rti;riitng Stai.''ui'i?',:-:-2ii ' APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REYIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Design Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pclmit. For specific information, sce thc submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is requestcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all the required inlbrnratiou is subnrittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Planning and Environnrental Commission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. DESCRIPTION OF TI{E REQUEST: Vct. r/c^. ll ko-Ce-nrlc, aJ GolL Co<tf 94-l) r-1' Dr5 |f iL'l- T?tflN hvvAtt B. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:I BLOCK:FILING: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: c. D. E. PARCET ZONING: (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): Vc^ i I GolI c-vvr51 MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): +r-,\19 rttc-,'g 4 PHONE:a7q - L2_bL tdenJtF. c. PHONE: .'1714-L6 z H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: EI Ncw Construction - $200 Construction ofa new building. El Addition - $50 Inclrrdcs any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or conuncrcial building. d f*linor Altcration - $20 tncludcs minor changcs to buildings and site improvcmcnts. such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fenccs and rctaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr, whcn applylng for a building pennit. pleasc idenfiry thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. The Town ofVail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLORADO 816s7. o B MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE.EXTEiUOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION This application applics to changes madc to a site or ortcric dtcrations ofa building Any alrcrCion in which additional building squarc footagc is addcd will rcquirc an'bdditions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREIVIENTF Pholos or sk*chcs which clearly convey fbc cxisting conditioru. Photos or skctchcs which clgrly.lonvcy th9 propoccd building or sitc altcration(s) All rclevant spccifications for thc proposal inctuding colors and nratcrials to bc uscd Condominium Association ap,proval (if applicablc). If thc intcnt of thc proposal is not clearly inrticated, 6c Artministratc may dctcrurine that additional materials are necessary for the rwiew of thc applic*ion. o o o $ .l a '.1 Page I of I fi 1e ://A:\MVC-23 9F. JPG 3t23t00 a Page 1 of 1 fi le:/iA :\Ir4VC-240F. J PG 3/23t00 Page I of 1 fi le://A:\MVC-24 I F.JPG 3t23t00 Page I of I fi le ://A:\MVC -242F .JP G 3t23t00 oo €' woll tl+l+ 12'3 Vail Golf Course Pump Station TOTAL AREA 202 sq ft I I 'T- I I yuWtn'\ Ta lr. !)^n"'b n,yqfi;,:fiun >>110 c^e'/arr€asciqb;#,;#w,uvc f' e{u..o (+t 1) 'J$'';:Y##l ^ t'*Yii.{" o'D Fos* Fltuh'a,t V/e-sf Fl-,n*'ort 6Pontl ' ,^o+al daar, l^l;7i rz n'fol ' q( *aoa F r" nf jvar+-l't) F l.u^hlrt oo W Qr",rh) Vl'n#oa A4/A712gAA 15!44 976949L577 KRM mNHJLTAI\tra hl". KRM coNsr.i-rAts rNc.PA6E 82 trtol r4tltrto1 F XI g.srst7 P0 eo( 45?a vAL Co-sA4l 81et8 EffitrD 7am JOENWER OOOS-r8 DA1E: PfrIOJECT: lnnooo Vrll Goll Courr PumP StstlDn EJnn J necnnoioTgt El nesaorsr E aearrceircnuE lrryor Thir a. in rusponra ro yout roqu{rrt for rwlrcd druGnr|l lrfomltiolr rof,ecdng r chrng0 h $l d'rbr Of thr pr.rrrrg Strtton trom CifUfioc[ wr1r to ...Cit1n"i-".o0 frrrning' Sh'd Sl eontrlil tho p'dilf,trt l^'lor".tf-t" f" thc rrcton dd.d 'structut'l Wood Fnming"' ln rddltlo.r to dril crhr'r!, in thr lba.nct ol matonry llnt'|3' us' (3)'2rf O bullt-up hordrr ovrr dooc rnd wlndowl wifi ona 2x6 trimmor rnd one continuour lib-iinc euo .t.rch lidc of fic oFcolng' t!tpb'l' Arrchor rtl. bofiom plrtt of thc wd|3 to dlc cxbtlng slab with 112' dit' x ?' epoxry rnahotf rt 24' rptcing. Pluvldc 4' mlnlmum mb,Gdmmt dcpth' F You hava rny furtftar quxtlonr, Phrce do not h'ritrt! to crll' COFY 7O: Plnlon Buildorr APR .-. ... rl , t.{:. ' .,. . .1.1.,.?r-.e ; . : .,., .r . ,. ..1. ::r.Ai- j_i,i,. Post Office Box 96 (e70) -827-5793 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Fax(s7o18n4217 a a BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soflits Windows Window Trinr .. Doors Door Trirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashirrgs ,.it-l COLOR:* (Au:,yt-ru Ln*-fta:s h*}D*-- a'Lqr?t6(L Chimncys Trash Enclosures Grecnhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting* * Other + Please specify the nranufacfurer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip ++AllcxtcriorlightingntustnteettheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriiirlightingisproposed, plcase indicate thc nuurbcr offixturcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide thc height above grade, luntens output, luminous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixtures. ,l $ 'r: ,. '' Updatcd 6/97 f lrtukt> PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXTSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER SOD s9ED IRRICATIONt TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Botanical Nanrc *Mininrurn icquircmcnts for landscaping: Typc Conrrrron Namc Ouantity Sizc* dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshrubs - 5 gallons Sguarc Footaec OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wails. fenccs, swimming pools, etc.) Please speciS. Indicate top and boftom clevations of rctaining walls. Maxinrum height of walls rvithin the front setback i" 1 feet. Maxirnum heieht of rvalls elscrvhcre on the propcrty is O tect. $ ':' Uirdarcd 6/97 '' -- i Sfrum ,., . i., ' x-25 SADDLEBACK (BASE 2OO) x-2s iltpAGE(BASE 200) X€4SAil SnrEOil (BASE 20) x-53 PUBE TVORY (BASE 10O)x-55 FRENCH VANTLLA (BASE 100) x-so4 BLUE GREY (BASE An)x.575 CANYON (BASE 200)x-580 SIERRA TAI{ (BASE 2qr) I These colors are intended to show tho approximaie color ot 16/20 float tinlsh stucco. (Colors will vary in other products). I Application by machi (&s@ L92;6 6Gucc@ x-17 M|STY (BASE 2(n)x-23 ASPEN (BASE 2m) x-40 DovE GREY (BASE 200)x60 CRYSTAL WIilTE (BASE 100) x-71 MrAMt PEACH (BASE 100) x-86 SANDSTONE (BASE 200)x-97 PAC|FIC SAND (BASE x-592 TUCSON (BASE 100)x{20 srLvERAoo (BASE 2(x)) -'i x.$ nEADOWBROOK (BASE 100) x€30 CLAY (gASE 200) ,:ray or texiuring will increase the depth of color. I Variations in color due to weatier, job conditions and melhod of applicalion should be expected. "i,JP' EXTERIOR STUCCO SPECIFICATIONS AND DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS A. MATERIALS All exterior stucco color coal shall be manufactured by La Habra Stucco and be the color, finish and sand gradation as shown on the plans. Stucco color coal shall be La Habra base and color pack or La Habra premix. B. SUBSTITUTIONS Any substitutions must be approved in writing ten (10) days prior to bid Cate by the Architect, Builder or Color Coordinator. DESCRIPTION A. Use: La Habra Exterior Color Coat provides a lasting, durable color linish that can be applied to portland cem€nt base coat by hand or machine application. B. Composition: La Habra Exterior Color Coat finish is a mechanically blended compound of porlland cement, hydrated lime and inert aggregates (16/20 ot 20130 sand), packed in sealed multi-wall bags. C. Color: 30 standard colors available in premix stucco or base and packaged color. Special Colors available upon request. La Habra Package Color is specilically designed for use with La Habra's Base. D. Coverage: Approximate coverage per 90 lb. bag: Float Finish 15-20 sq. yds.; Light Spanish Texture or lvlachine Dash 10-15 sq. yds. per bag. E, Advantages: . Integral color - does not need painting . Wide variety of textures and finishes. Economical . Low mainienance E, Shelf Lite: Six (6) months if keDt in drv condition. JOB PROCEDURE A. Condition of Surface: '1. Hand application over portland cement: Prior to application of eliterior color coat finish, the base coat shall be sprayed with clean waler io control and equalize suction. 2. Machine appiication over portland cement: lt is not necessary to dampen the base coat beJore application of the exterior finish bv machine. B. Mixing: Exterior stucco color coat shall be power mixed with clean water for al least 15 minutes, and shall be used within two hours after mixing. C. Application: Color coat shall be approximately 1/8" thick. 1. Hand application: Apply using trowel. Spread on an even coat then rubber floai (sand finish) or lexture to desired finish. 2. Machine applicatlon: Spray first coat over the dry surface and cover base coat completely. After first coat has dried, spray second coat to the desired finish. During periods ot high humidity it is recommended that one full day be allowed between coats. La Habra Exlerior Stucco Color Coat will normally dry and set the same day. Allow 28 days for curing. 3. Color and performance may be affected by the addition of field additives. IV, MATERIAL STANDARDS A. Hydrated Lime: Federal Specif ications SS-L-351 , Type F. B. White Portland Cement: fype I ASTM C150-56; Federal Specilication SS-C-I928. FCG COAT is available in La Habra's 30 standard colors. When ordering Fog Coat specify DX for Float Finish. DXT for Machine Finish and 1-1 2 DX tor Spanish Texture. Colors may vary due to weather and job conditions. Prior to fog coating. a sample area should be applied and allowed to dry for color approval. LqHsb?o6tucco Dlv$ton of L.a Habn &!d,vctt Inc, Sales 0tfice & I{arehouse: PC. Box 3/00 1631 W Lincoln Ave Anahelm. Oal l. 92803 (714) 774-1186 thX: (/14) 774-8593 8161 Lankersn n Blvd. North Hollywood Calif. 91605-1 61 1 (818)504-9180 FAX (818) s04-1985 La Habra Stucco E mail and Wst-sile addrGsses: E mail: in{o@ ar'rab.asluccc.aom Web-site www aiabiaslucco ccn Bire|side 2150 Eastridge Are Rrvers de Calil. 9253i (909) 653-3549 llorlheln CaliforIia (510) 444-2497 FAX: {510) 835-8941 Gorporate otfice: P0. Box 3700 240 S Lrara Sl. Anaheim. Calil 92803 (714) 778-2266 FAX i714) 77 4 2Ai9 - _-!.- '.\ri -,<liil!]iniiFr:*-GED .'-v.F\ \].-F"'jZ vn'viii&imns-rLr_!-:!!E|]}z ,{sactaiin6N 250M 98 {f*: 7"*68 61yr(, Mnt (r,""t) trle+ra{ i a rt ' o ^',ff of "T;f E' ffi' "' * r -'##:,:1,w, rlLuezo (\l e a//4 Pl^rl"Y be{"''<'ea "t-l^".o t ilate'eare<t:f ) Zt *.in, -ot fr rnos| mck ,,,ifh for^lrhr. -/ Gyp) l , l( \v. -lILI - Aeflowb wnrJ. l' C' }u(l+W 6N @r,Qodl 't DooF rviu. al+ut &4,, p}^f ta ttttttt ftwc'-o \/^',1 P,',-"1 ltaure V"i( 6olf Caqn€ AY&,*'I \lpl*.\ \, i I I I l l o '1r" = t' t Eosf ttF Ie-,raf '2Y1 t/^; | 6"1€ caurFc l,*l fh{"ba tl+t'= I' \,\fet+ 61;ra{ion Vo',( 6"ll Qu{v€ P^l sfu(/'t't '/Y" = I' ',Po5 3 6 $ ! Fg { B (+ N I I I I I I I r>lort6 = $ IUI sv) t- nuotL (D 5 AWIRD ME TROPO LI T AN RE CR E ATION D IS TR' CT 292 west meadow drive vail, colorado 81657 303t476-2W l,lay 23, 1gg4 l'lr. Richard E. Woodrow Forest Supervisor l,lhite River National Forest P. 0. Box 948 Glenwood Springs' C0 81 602 Dear l'lr. Woodrow: 5430 Vail llultiple Forests The va.i 1 Metropolitan Recreation District is extremely interested in the purchase of approximately 3 acres of Forest Service property presently under permit to them for the golf course and maintenance facility. Please advise us as to the steps or procedures we must follow and supply us with an appraisal or an apraisal method that wou'l d 91 ve us in-idea of the cbit. Approximately.60 acres is.presently used for the third green on the golf course, .70 acres is in the Vail Valley Drive road and 1.70 acres is being used as a golf course maintenance facility. l,le are only interested in this property so that we can maintain existing conditions- If you require additional information, p'lease contact me as soon as possible. Sincerely, '.i;uL f)1rt*- Pat Dodson Recreation Director Town of Vail : sml t,*;j;; Folltl ltIlrtc3 rItL tot @tltcttc Pl.rx rrrtd ronrt ordt, b.nk , or chrcl to! UtDl-Follal tlrulcl .t th.aaaraaa: tour coDtanlancal ?3-650o-tt (t/9e l l. Drt. ol taru. Dtc]{BrR t. 1992 2, l..ulng otll,c. addr.r. u|ttr nrvti It PO lOr 9at ottmrcD sPntxo3, @ 81602ll^ rtl.r D. 3165a vlIL ||ttno tBcttltlfl Dtst.l? r mt DolSOf, l{ltlldn ?92 f. r{zlDog Ditwvrrl oo 81657 tOR lltonr|Atlqf ! Pl.r.. c.ll 303-945-3215 or urlt. to th lfautng otllca rdilr r. DO llol rand c€rr.rgoniLlncr or charrg. gl .dalrar. rlth tour prtlatrt. ! ----------:::) l(l tEff Cltott b. .uia to ,,tslu& . co?t oi thlr Dtll rdt.b tour p.!'ut (---------- lol,il hcn------- 3. D.t. qr P.rloal a. D.rcrlptlon 15. lr.ount. o1lo1./93 to 12/trl9t 2720 lPtclr|. usla 1079-01Prlr. Pt ttoncrrlD Pctirlt t.rucd o 09/0g/66 Drrqrtptton/Locrtlon ! IPLY CR(83 ID 9360, OO 6o q tot squlg", '. J'Nu u?"f Footed -' "t*enaed-Z';x"ryffi i 6, Btll nnbar T2-15 :i orlorlet i !l | \aaaaaa...taaataattatttata.aaat..taaattaaat*rlaataatataatta..ra.aara-alaa.;ia-aaaaiara.aarai t i\\ llolE: Drtr.!t. not rcc.!?rd bt tb. du. atrtc .r. rubjct to . LAta PAr,tlEm CntROt .t thc r.tG p\$ltrhcd lli i\\\ bt th. DePartlGnt ot th! tr.arurt uDtGrr a dtttlBnt rrte lr prtrcrtbrd bt contnct or rgrcG.Gnt, /ltiilll lott.rrk. .rc not honorld. IDMI lstRl?Iv! cxAtols rrt .lfo bG rr..rrrd. ta lddltlond 6t PEirrfl \\\i//rlll br cbrrged tor pryDant. oy.r 90 alrtr p.tt du.. (luthorttt! Dcbt Coll.ctton tct ot 1982.) \\ : /tt attaaaattatatlaataatttattttalattataaaattaaaaaattaataaataat,aaaatattatatttataatttata traartaaataaatararailatatatttaa\ 7. ttnlt taulbGr i 8. Subunlt/Contr.ct lturbrr i 9. prtlGnt D(|c Drt.| 10. LouDt Dur 036080 9360. OO I tl. nEtqnrs 12. ?or.at Servica lccountlng Drt. lnNg. i r{lirolttlrr i oBJrcr i rHoul|" coDa i cbDl ./rr i crass i i r i agerfl | 92 i i 9360.oo totLl -- -- ----- - )9360.0O rr-6300-19 (5/921 USDI - l(flSt BtanlC! trtt ttd colltettfl l. Drt. ol l.]ra DtcDrBtR 1, 1992 \ P1.... ..t|.1 rdr.t ordar. b.r . dr.ft. or cb.ch Ir\ prt.bl. to: r'tDr-Folltt an\rtct .t th. loUorlDg .atdr...r f.r.\ Cot.Lt:cllfl O!rtc!t. !E, rockt rount.ln n glon 1.. 2. ta.ulnt offlc. .ddi.aa ffitt trl'lR lfP PO BOX 948 oLBrrD BPltroa, oo 31502 r.f ?.0. lqr 60000. ttl.a no. 3165arl tNf tllctg@. cr 9a160-155a ./ (f D!.-.ild!ar.ad rnrrloF la prgvtal.a lor trour @?anLt!ca) - ton titoll|ltlo.': Pl.." c'll , i 3O3-9a5-3215 or Yrlt to th. tltt. fiAtnO nlcllnttc Dtat. ,,..!rlng oftlc-.adr.r.. lltl! Plt DOI'C lonOll 292 I- HtfDOU Dnnta DO IOt .sral corF.|ttood.nc. or InIL co al65? 6.n9. ot .ddr.rr rltb llour ?{D.!rt. ------------r ioi ltOFBt CilDtf b. rut.r to lnclud. . cottt ot thtr blll rlth tour t.ltErt (----------- folal 3. D.t. or t.rlod a. D.rcalptta 5. lrorE|c. -EE6.oo- o1lo1,/93 ro L2ltrf93 2720 IPECII! u!!s lO79-Ol IDLY clGE nD ?l.Rr, ?ttYot€irrD P.rrtt l..urd qr o9loa/66 Daaertpttqr/t-c.tlon: ,do,;'l:r o3508O i re-13 i i ortoLtg3 i 9360.00 \attatltttaiaatitaatatattataatlttitaaatalaaaaaaataaiilatloaaaiaarltarlttaaaaiiaitiriraliaraattttaaaatlatrltatalaaiaitaltalta/ \\ totf: P.tr6tr not r.c.lr.d h,t' th. du. at.t. rr. .ubr.ct to I tAt! Dlll|l!(l ct|lnOl rt th. r.t Dtrblf3h.d /l \\\ l't th. DGfr.rtEt ot tb. lr...urt unl.r. a dlllar.nt rrtG 1,. pratcrlb.d bt c@!r.ct or atr\araat. ll/ lll Eortr.!*..r. rpt hqror.d. IDN[ttstRAttttt Cfillo!3..t rl.o b..3..fr.d. rn.aliltt!6.1 6l PmlTf \\\ ll vul b. ch.rg.d lor Drtr.n!3 ov.r 90 drtr p..t du.. (Autborltf: Drbt coll.ctloB f€t ot 1982.) \\ ,/atataatatttaataaaaaatllaiaaaiaailaaiatlirtttattaaattt!.tttt|ltltaaatataaaataaaitliliaaatarlaaaataotatataiaaaaaaaiatataaaaaaeaa\ 11. rD|lnrs | 12. torart 3rt!lc. lccountlng Drt. 6. Blll tlurb.r i 7. untt xurb.r i A. gubunlt/Contnct tllrrb.r | 9. Prt[.nt Du. D.t. ! tO. lrount Du. i tirr8. i rnollrrrt i ooD! i ooD! /rr i r i 69gaL7 | 92 olJtet ct lgs ltSJ a a360.oo E350. O0tortlt ----------t usE,A - Foraat SlrYlca BI LL FOR COLLECTION(R.t FSM 66301 l. Pfrca ot I t3ua -11 : t.1 Plcare pay by money order, bank draft, or check payablo to FOREST SERVICE, USDA. Mail payment with this statcment in tha enclosed onvelope to: UNIT COLLECTION OFFICE& FOREST SERVICE. ?. Oata ot lrtua i,r.L I ,,i, 19' .tt .i.c. :1,-11,, ; \ ccllt;;nC.: tir ': '1 1 ."t :' Plc.3. Show Any Chrngc Ot Arldra3t Brlowr ,"iiL r.i r"IFC RliFicTIC) :15T" ITTIt: ft: ti"5C|r i'rt'rri L . ;' ,r'- L' I r."L t t^ il- iElArfr 4 fN Ydr.It{' RECORDS. RECEIPT WILL NOT BE FUR. NISHEO UNLESS REOUESTEO, tolo Hlil 3. Drtr or P.rlod 4, Drtcrlptlon 5. Amdnt :1 | -1t 9 a a, < ! i'i t I lLi r.i: 1:?:-r-i lLi, r-llI tL Y-ia'. 91,, k ( '!ic'! : i-.t ) NOTE: Prymentr not recrlv€d by th. du. datr rn rubiet to r LATE PAYMENT CHARGE Tt th. r|t qrrrmtly pnbllshrd by tho Depsnment ol th! Trllrlry unbs a dltforcnt rrtr la pc*ribsd by conrsct or lgra.manL 6. Oata Prymrnt Osc -11 'l / 9: 7. Amount Dua ,.[r FOLO Xaat t. Blll Numbr 9. Unlt Numb$ .i' lO. Subunlt Nqmbar I l. Tlmb.r S.l. Contrrcl Numb 12. Ramlrkl F-.r'"1: \li;l'i V :Y'L€ [.lr .LJf- i'.,' ; .]1._J TC Al jit..!rI5TiitTi\.:. C.,:. 1 F,-FSl;ir'.T li IFi ;!.r CiLL *LC,' '.iT ;I i ;. t-. 13. FOREST SERVICE ACCOUNTING DATA TRANS. CODE MANAGEMENT CODE FY o8J CLASS AMOUNTMAJ.3UA. f: /. /. i .-. i"..,I ')sid E.r.rcn( \ppr(n ,-.|: ed ***.. CkNo** ? *li:tg4:& 14" TOTAL i.fL ? lqrr .dldon of rih lorm lr obaold..FS-650G89! (l G81l USDA - FO'iEST SERVICE o41 BILL FoR coLLEcfloN S N' PAYER,S coPY A PLACE OF ISSUE Rocky l.tormtatn #31654 DATE OF ISSUE J aauary 11, 1989 P. O. Box 60000, San Franclsco, CA 94160-1654 RETAI]I II'I YOUR RECORDS. RECEIPT WILL NOT BE FUR- i{ISHED UI{LESS RE- OUESTED. G lta,-^^Eo! Vu^,p Co gt (rcs- Vall lbtro Recreatl-m Dlet. Attn: Pat Dobson ltanager 292 W. lleadow DrLve VaLl, CO 81657 OATE OR PENIOD OESCRIPTION AM(ruNT oLloLls9 L2l3Ll89 o]-loLls9 02loLl89 Special uee fees for parh, playgrormd Late fee fo: failure to pay above by due date of irlirlil9 $ 360.00 35.00 090716 uNtT xo. T2 15 Gc) CONTRACT NO.DATE PAYMENT (xJE 2ltl89 arouraT l> OUE $395.00 FS - 650G89 (8/80) - thited States Departnent ofAgriculture Eorest Service Yhite River f,ational Forest P.O. lor 948 Glenvood Spri.gs, Golorado 81602 3O3 q45-2521 Reply to: 2720 Date: January 10, 1989 Vail MeEro Recreetior Dist. Attn: Pat Dobson Manager 292 fr. Me adow Drive Vail, CO 81557 Dear Mr. Dobson: Your payment of special use fees due January 1, 1989, haa not beeo receiveil this office; therefore, the payment is delinquent and a late Payoent cbarge $35.00 has been is sued. Your failure to pay the full amount due, including the late paymenE charge by February l, 1989, wil-l be cause to etart termination actioo. S inc er eLy , 1n of tD-ff@ lL{l/TldotrAs A. Hoors {)- Forest Supervisor Enc losur e Carlng ior the Land and Serrlng Peoplo F9'r2O0.2817-E2l / -a--. v ' United State. Departreut of Agriculture Vail Metro Recreation Dist. Attn: Pat Dobso[, Manager 292 II. Ueados Drive Vait, C0 81657 Reply to! Date: Sprilgs January 20, 1989 qo ettn'' Dear Mr. Dobson: Your paynent of tbe epecial uae fee due January 1, 1989, January 17, 1989. The late fee ie etil.L due. Treasury there is no gratce period on overdue fees. Please eubmit paynent of the late charge by February I, charge wiLl have to be a8ses8ed. S incerely, Adninietrative 0f f icer ras receipted for on regulatioos staEe tbat 1989, or aootber late -';rlfu P.O.'lor F8.C2O0.2El7.E2l usE,A - Fora* Sallca FOR COLLECTION ( R.f. FSM 65301 BI LL l. F[Ic. ot I rtu. nnuY Hnr INTA I t:tt Atta Please pay by money order, bank draft. or check payable to FoREST SERVICE, USDA Mail payment with this statement in the enclsad envelope to: UilIT OOLLECTION OFFICER, FOREST SERVICE. Z Ort. ot ltrua DEC@ P,O SAN E{OX 60000 RANCtBCO, CA ?4160-1654 VAIL }4ETRO RqCFEATION DIST. ATTN I PAT OO*SON I'IANAOER ??? lr,, l{gADOU ORIUEvAtL co 81657 r-^i, L \7/Pl.lte Show Any ChlngB Ot Addrrrs Bllow: RETAIN IN YOUR RECORDS. RECEIPT WILL NOT BE FUR. NISHED UNLESS REOUESTED. folo tila! 3, Drt or Pcriod 4, O.Ecriptlon 5. Anount o1/ot./cl? TO t2/11 /49 HOLDERT tO7?*O1 09/0A/66 HOLY CROSS RD 144 PARK, PLAYOROUND bO qJSc 5"{b3C 5- \9 tl i360. oo ) NOTE: Paymenii not recelved by tha drs dste ars rubiect to I LATE PAYMENT CHARGE at tho rat€ currsntly publishcd b'y the Ocpanrnent of the TFssury unless r difbrsnt rate is pl€3cribd b,y controet or agresmont. 6. o.tr Prymant ou! o1lo 1/89 7. Amount Du! f360. oo FOLO HEi' & Blll Numbct o9019? 9. Unlt Numbor T?1$ L0. SubUnlt Numbor l. Tlmbar sllr conlract Numbal R.m!rkt NOTE r PAYHENTS NOT RECHIVEO TJY THE DUE DATE ALSO I'IAY BE SUBJECT TO AN ADI'IINIBTRATIVE CHARGE PURSUANT TO THE DEBT COI..LECTION ADT OF 198?. 13, FOREST SEFVICE ACCOUNTING DATA TRANS. CODE MANAGEMENT CODE FY OBJ CLASS AMOUNT M AJ.SU B. A I98417 3360. OO !4. TOTAL t360. oo Prwlolr dldon of filt lom b obol3to.FS.650G89a (1G81| USOA .tor!!t Strvlct Et BILL FOR COLLECTION ( Rcf. FSM 6530) l. Placa ot I ssua tl.tIl'F Rtt.rEF: .lA1'I tlf.lfrL r:nFfi S f Please pay by money order, bank draft, or check payable ro FoREST SERV|CE, USDA. Mail payment with this statement in the enclooed envelops to: UNIT COLLECTION OFFlCER, FOREST SERVICE. a f[t. ot 155u. DtrC€t'tBER Ol o 19S7 R(:KY |'lTN *316T;4f BtlX 60000 5Af.t FRAN,,CA 94t60"1634 Dr. Ple!34 Show Any Chrngo Ol Addrlrr Balow! ui, I t,. MIiTHC' FiH {:RHA,T I l:lN I} t $'f . ATTHr FAI D0FSiON HAI'lAGtiRffi+w:F-elgw VAIL.{:0 s16ti.7 /1 errrl RETAIN IN YOUR RECORDS. RECEIPT WILL NOT BE FUR. NISHED UNLESS REOUESTED. roto Htta 3. Drt6 or Perlod 4. Darcrlption 5. Arnor.rnt ()1./+:i./'ct€i 1'O l.:,/31 ,i 8S l't0LOEft r :tO/9*'O1 Q9/08/6& |1fll.. Y IR{:!{iS FiD ,I44 T/ARI(. F.LAYGRfiIINN 1]rO q)tc 5a85Y 8.,[ p D) plr') *360. oo \ NOTE: Paymant3 not rec?iv€d by tha duo date 8rB subier to 6 LATE PAYMENf t CHARGE st the rsra currsntly rublished W ths Departrnsnt of th6 Tras3ury7 unl€s! a dilforsnt rate is prescribed by contrsct or agrosment. 6. D.tr Plymant Dua o:t../01, /89 7. Amount Oua *360 . O$ iaiLo HtiE 9. Unlt Numbor 1ilIt1 10. SubUnli Numb€r ll. Tlmbar Srlr Contnst Numb.r 12. Ramarks r.lnfEr I:AY},1HNI'!5 NOl ITECF" I UED FY HI DilH DATF 41...$B t'lAY Hrh. !it.!B.lF-Cl.TI1 AI'I ADh I N I STI'.{AT I VE NHARGE. frLlRSLlAl'lT Tn Tl{H Dti[:t I (:01. t..tic1'I or.r Acl 0F r?{11i . 13. FOREST SERVICE ACCEUNTING DATA TFANS, CODE MANAGEMENT cooE FY OBJ CLASS AMOUNTMAJ.SUB. A 3 9n417 $ 360 . Ot) 14. TOTAL f36+ " O0 Pr la[.dldon of thh fom 13 ob.olstr FS-660G89r ltO.8ll 12/07/97 L2/O7/87 SHIP TO: VENDOR: PAGE NUMBERI of 1 $ TOI.JN OF VAII-.(9) VAIL HETRO REC DIST 1778 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 I"IHITE RIVER NATIONAL FDREST RCKY HTN {*31654, BOX 60CrOO sAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160*1654 Tooo17e oo769A THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL PAPER & PACKAGES RELATIVE TO THIS ORDER. VAIL METROPOLITAN RECREATION DISTRICT 1778 VA|L VALLEY DRTVE o VAIL, CO 81657 (303)476-700O PTEASE SEND - COPIES OF YOUR INVOICE WTH ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING. IMP1OFITANT PTIASE IOTFY US IIIIEDIATELY IF YOI' ARE UTIABI."E TO SHIP CO PI.ITE ORDER EY DATE SPECIFIED. RENT ON LAND FOR BEN's SHT]P L/!/AA T0 t2/3t/88 BI[-L t+ BO4 l1 EMRTMENT IIEAD RECEIVED BY oAIE RECEr'/ED DEPABTMENT COPY by ! (9-(/+ i, -,*-*Jl s'oLi uSOA . Forctt S6wlcc B!LL FOR COLLECTION ( R€i. FSM 6s3O) l. Plrcc ol | 3tut t,J}1 ITE RIVER I.IAT I O}.tAL FOREST Please pay by money order, bank draft, or check payable to FOREST SERVICE, USDA. Mail payment with this statement in the enclosed envelope to: UNIT COLLECTION OFFICER, FOREST SERVICE. 2. Otlc ot liruc DECEHEIEfii O1, 19S6 F. O. BOx ?44 GLENUOOD SPRINGS, CO 8160: VAIL I4ETRO RECREATiON DI5T. ATTl.t: FAT DOSSON l'IANAGEF: 321 EAST LYON5HEAD CIRCLEvAtL c0 ar.637 Plcasr Show Any Change Ot Addrcis Bclow: 3- Date or Period 4, Description 5. Arnqrnt oL /ot /87 TO t7/31 /47 HOLDER: 107?-Ol 09/OA/66 HOLY CROSS 144 PARK, -F.L-AfGR&iJi*D- CJol+ /-|te- sAcp RD ?O e\q*t 3ltu\\ (,\ \ ,60 qqtae G:::- ) NOTE: Paymen$ noi received by the due date 8r€ subiect 10 a LATE PAYMENT CHARGE at the rate drrrenlly published W the Depanrnenl ot the Treasury unless a different raie is prescribed by conlract or agGemenl. 6. Datr Paymsnt Oua 01. /oL/97 t. Amoun! Dua $360.Oo roLo lteiE 8. Blll NumbQrrTotzz 9. Unll Number T|.115 10. Sub-unlt Numbet ll. Tlmblr sala contract Numbat 12, R€m.,kr NOTE: PAYI'IENT5 NOT RECEIVED EIY THE OUE DATE ALSO MAY EIE sUE:JECT TO AN ADI4 INISTRATIVE CHARGE $IURSUAI.IT TO THE DEEIT COLLECTION ACT OF 198?. I3. FOREST SERVICE ACCOUNTING DATA TRANS. CODE MANAG EMENT CODE FY OBJ CLASS AMOUNTsua. A 9A4t7 $360 . OO t1.. TOTAL $360. OO Prryl.rt edition ot thlr form ir ob'roleio.FS-650G898 tlO-8tl USDA - Fo.est Service BI LL FOR COLLECTION ( R€f. FSM 6530) l. Place of lisue rirri ri t J vi'I \'!f ;'r'rAt tiirq? Please pay by money order, bank draft, or check payable to FOREST SERVICE. USOA, Mail payment with this statement in th€ enclosed envel( tO: UNIT COLLECTION OFFICER, FOREST SERVIC 2. oate or lriue /a H')Yi!!i'a ti t?i*l )pe F ti o iiSr ?{ll trlu4fi1 r,PR I {r"q. frd fi1ii, I vAIL frit8C nil iltr f/0 IIFXal ]lt]iij';] "'H3(PAI D tE8 24 t983 PleiS€ Show Any C hang6 Ot Adclr€ti Eolow:/{- /GD# cc aotD FatE 3. Date or Period 4. Description 5. Amount Lt I l$tl) 1rl31163 5P[rIrL 95[ Itt nAilt{r tt FLAyAltUli0 Sl l5 I'q?9 7t 3l^'e q? fi{l}'il!t llir$r0it \ NOTE: Paymenrs not receivd by the due date are subjct to a LATE PAYMEM t CHARGE at the rare curren tly pubtished bV the Oepartrnsnt of the Treasury7 unless a difterent rdte is prescribed by contract or agreement. 6. Oaie Payment Due il t/i3 7. Amount Oua tlii0rtl.r R Alll Nrr6har 5"fQ le-unltNumber llo.tlI t{!} | u.T. oEPARTMENT oF AGRIcULTUfiE FORESr SEI|VICE PLACE OF ISSUE Sprlagst co 81602 DATE OF ISSUE ebruarT 7, 1983 P. O. Eor 948, Gl.erood Sprtnge' OO 81502 BILL FOR COLLECTION PAYER'S COPY 24 l98l t.1- / RETAIN IN YOUB RECOBOS.RECEIPT WILL NOT BE FUR- NISHEDUNLESSRE. OUESTED. CC: 02l-oil DATE OR PERIOO DESCRIPNOT AIIOUUT 0u83 - 0u83. ". ^ Speclal. rrs€ - 1ar9 fe9. chergr $15.00 a/ ./. 'J L' .-t UNT l|O- r1t ur (Ec) CONTRAGT O.OATE PAYIIETIT DUE 3lu8t arouxr -)> OUC ils.m Ri - 69rD{9 (UtOl - - USDA - Forest Se.vic€ BI LL FOR COLLECTION ( Ret. FSM 6530, l. Plrce ot I ''ra ,;-'.i Ti I J Vi i: r" I f; i .a l! t :11:- il Please pay by money order, bank draft, or check payable ro FOREST SERVICE, USDA. Mail payment with this statemenr in th€ encloced bnvelope to: UNIT COLLECTION OFFICER, FOREST SERVICE. 2. Oate of I s3ue ulYiq\iq lr l?it . $0X 91tl rJvniil {.2Ptq4g. !"O nt{i.f v6IL r{iIri0 cto ri.kkiL R:C ::I3T !rtti9i.F 131 PAI D * tEB 24 1983 Pleise Show Any Ch.ngG Ot Addr.rs Bllow: CD t+ loto HE.a 3. Oate or Period 4. Dercription 5. Amqrnt 7l ,lett) 12 l3l t e,t 5P!cfAr g$i Itr rAR[r 7t PLr r61,1 UriD &g l5 !!?9 .. 1 3/i.6 s? int]-r!1 1:.i0.sfi I NOTE: Payments not received bv lhe due date are subiect to e LATE PAYMENT CHARGE at the.ate currently publi3hed b,y the Deparlmant ol rh€ Treas{ry unless a diflerent rate is prescribed bV contract or ag(€ement. 5. Oate Payment Oue i/ 'tli5 7. Amount Ouc i::i0r "1 $ 5_,1i3 ls' unrt Numbcr I r vr 5 8. Blll Numbcr lO. Sub-Unlt Numbcr 11. Tlmb€i Sale Contr.ct Numbct a a o z z E2l uJ(E o 4z o I o oulzul F o o t Io f I z_ Oz z_ I ao oz I !I ' ! oz 2FYzF- Oo <a o uJ o 7 .8, o Go AUJ =a3 EoE Do. F =o =gE-:Ff H3A= EallIll tr 9A =<uIJJ f i6E) ltJ sdEp o U.3.' OEPARTXEXT OF AGRICULTUNE FoREgr' sEhvtcE PLACE OF ISSUE BILL FOR COLLECTION PAYER'S COPY spr|agr, co 8160n DATE OF ISSUE ruarT 7, 1983 P. O. Bor 948, dl,crood Sprlagr' @ 81602 RETAIN IN YOUR RECOROS. RECEIPT WILL NOT BE FUR. l,llSHED UI'ILESS RE- OUESTED. Vdl l&tro Lc. Dt.t.ffi.Y.11, O0 8f557 r98l OAl€ OR PEFIOO 02loLl83 - 0r/0r/83 $15.00 slJt.00 UNIT NO. 12 15 Gc) FS - ottoo€g {81801 - -9#:,:'" n You caLL aAcK n wrLL caLL AGATN :b= rtv,- 17a')o?o \ Ya\s.\o1 c \11(JHrbStl - 4qoltu Ve tc bl Ut 7ft"t"r"'" rqnt &^"x// 8J 7-57/-f t J.Q-'. &rft-J,."" A I kfa SJ"d I Qt qq-,oLh ,j^Ap'ctq'"' q cyrL ,)',h^b>v uiJJ- - ..s# Pd, %-', o&,"LQ (rua'f S',qt-rt "-r) */ V"tt f Au!/h/fir,\.( f.-t^l WLa)<r-P €rrltt'"WL ) 2) &'J-,-fX cu,,nfurcLcwr b futr,l- g.b'Qh aa'tD,Vl ,P- /,L c'//torne P$'o-/1!,^da/ X ry {l^rr,h,rt^ fu!"t e-,;rQ- 6?b / 20 mtdur,l* / C/ grcqs- ),,. -. @ united stateg Departneot of Agriculture fores t Serv ice I{hite River I{ational Forest P.0. Bor 948 Glerwood Spriage, Colorado 81602 Reply To: 5450 Date: June 14, 1984 Ur. Pat Dodeon Becreatioa Director Tovo of Vail, Vail iletropolitan Recreation District 292 tleet lleadou Drive Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear llr . Dodeon: lle are proceesing the Vail iletropolitau Becreation Dietrict's applicatioo to purchase the Vail golf couree gite uoder tbe Sisk Act of December 4, 1967(P.t. 90-171, 81 stat. 531, ae aueoded; 16 tt.s.c.484e). Ife have euclosed a copy of the Act for your infornat ioo Ile bave listed the Bteps to process a Sisk Act application: 1. A fornal Stateaent of Inteat ia e igned by the propoueut. 2, After the fornal Statement of Iotent ie received, tbe proposed erchange ie advertiseil i[ the local levepaper(a) olce a reek for four reelte. This advertieeneot ie paid for by the proponent. 3. At the eaue time, se vill yrite aoticea of our intentione to tbe Goveraor'e Clearinghouse for Btate age[ciee, County Comiseionere io the respective county, Golorado Congreeaional ilelegatioD in tbe U.S. Congrese, and federal ageocies such aa Arny Corpe of Engioeers, U.S. Figh aad Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, etc. 4. The nert 6tep is to nake an analysie to decide if it is ia the public ilterest to go through vitb tbe lard ercbange. thia analyeie rill be documeoted in ao Enviroroental Assesareat. The decigion is tbe! docuueatedin a Decision Not ice. 5. If tbe above decieion ie favorable for tbe exchange, tbe! I fornal appraiaal is completed. This appraieal ri1l be the document for you to u8e to pay the Uoited States of Anerica for the subject ltatioual Foreat. 6. The reet of tbe steps to consumete tbe purcheae are legal in oature aad involves tbe U.S. Foreat Service Regional Office in Deaver and the U.S. Departueat of Agriculture Office of the General Cotrnoel. FgC2O0.2t(7.r11 * -4. fiTN\u/lfr. Prt Dedroa lbe cotirc proecdure f,r@ tbc tirrc you algl thc Strtccrt of lotcnt ottil you reccivc title 3o tbc lrtioarl trorart nonrlly requirer tF to tbrcc yGar8, bat dee to e bectlog il onr LriCa Progren oo tbe llhite Biwr, rail lrcl of fauding, thie proccrr ir trtbg alot lorgcr. ODe porrible rGtbod of, eccelcretilg the proccrsilg tirc ls for tLc 8€cr.rtiol Dirtrict to pay f,or the Bnviro!ilentrl Arroalcnt and eppreirel. Plearc cort.ct Eoly Crore Dirtrict lugcr, Dave 9tart, in Hiatum (E27-57f5) for hie corcernr o! lrous propored gurcbere anil ribcre it fito in hia tia frrnc for procorrilg. Sinccrely,tm torcrt 8upervlaor Flcrooato.ttl Sisk Act . Acl of December 4, 1967 (P'L. U.S.C.484a) Wild and Scenic R ts: ,!- -.i acr 6,r ocrobff 2, J998 (P . - iiZl(note), 1271'12871 t Dec r sec. . 1. (?l -rllr" ,I'ScenlcrRiver: *:i.:1., J(b) IE ls hereby d SElCes ehet cergaln ae slEh thel-r lEEedlate e reoarkable scenlc, rec hiEtoric r culEural, or greaerved ln free- flow ionedlate envlronnents and enjoynent of Prese Congress declares thaE dao and other construc rlvers of the unlted S pol t.cy thaE would pres thereof in Ehelr free- quallty of such rivers cooservecion purposes.(c) The purpose of by lnstlEuting a natio destgnatlng the ini t iaprescribing the EeEhod vhich addiEional compctlae to tlne. (16 U.S Rivers Ellgible f Sec. 2. (a) The n systen shall conpriselnclusion ther€ln by A deslgnated as wild, sc pursuant to an ec! of thtough which they f1c adutnlsEered as wlld, agency or poLiEical su concerned wlChout exDe found by the Secretaia the Governor of the St concerned, or a peraoc by hln or theE, to Eee and such criteria supp a sEace ' county 'ii-ru"icfp.f gover-nnent or publii sthool qistrlct or other J"uii" -" "fr"" r-autho rlty "na!i ttt" AcL of-March 20' L922 (42 'si.il-zrosj,-;s anended'(16 u.s.c. 48s' 486): 9:-9lh:: 90.171,8-'l Slat.531, as amended; 16 Be it enacted by Ehe Senate and House of e sentat ive s of t l,llf;,iii';"i:'T;i:f; ".i;"s!"iiIi'i"J i $'{i"! i"'" t" ""iii"ii"".a to exchange natlonsl fo-resg linds or other lands "ari.i"i...a.by the Forest Service, Lf the State' counsy' or nunicfpaf gove.rrte.rt or Dublic achool auLhority ProPosing-h" "*ih".,[. has insuffiiient land to offer' the exchar]ge ;;; ;;;;;;i"ted upon.d-p-sit with the secretarv of Aerlcurture o, ,-pot.toi'"i-tri-ti ihe value of- the selectec iEiil--i"i-"to.r.,t'"o dePoslted shal1. be covered lnto a i#ii"r-'ii"a-in it " t"!s"ii -tttitit when approprlated shall i".-!iiiriuit i.ttit "*pena"d'bv the secretary of AgriculEur': ilt-iti^iliir;I;i;n "'r ianas in the sane state as Ehe i!i.ii.a-ii"as and whlch are detemlned bv hiT to be sultable for the ".t" p""po""" as the selicted lands' Lands""6-iE"ritta shall have'itl "at. stacus aod sh31l be subject ;; ;#';# ii,i" ' i"e"i"iions, ana rules as che selected lends.--"-fr" provislons of Ehl's Act shall not be aPPlicable to ttr" "o""!v"""e in exchange of nore than elghEy- acres to any one Stat.e, counEy, or.nuitclpal Sov,ernT:lt or-public schoo) dletrlct or otner puorrc schbol iuthortty' Lands nay be ;;;;;F; io any state, countv'. or-nunicipar governnent DursuanE to this Act only tf ihe lands wlre -belng utillzed [i'iilii-"tiiii.s on ttte iate of enactment of Ehis sentence' ;i.;;-;"-;;;;"v"4 -t"v be ueed onlv for che purPoses for ,trtctt ttr"y were being used prlor to conveyance' 2!Z TE.EPHOI{EO PLEAS€ CALL WA$ IN TO SEE YOU WILL CALL BACK { WANTS TO 8EE Yq,URGENT RETURNED YOUR CATL i I TiAXlCnl'r. !t rO No. 0r,.61 A oUAC'w PAff.PnOoUcT USOA - For.rls! lcr BI LL FOR COLLECTION (Ret FSM 65301 1. frrcs ot lssur!JHITT R, I VtIi }]AT IOij AL FORIST Please pay by money order, bank draft, or check payable to FOREST SERVICE, USDA. Mail payment with this statement in the enclosed envelope to: UNIT COLLECTION OFFICER, FOREST SERVICE. 2. O.t. ot | 3:ur ;iCVIl,!P'i h 15r 198+ :;L . :li.X 9qL' i;L,ccf seRINi;sc C0 t:1602 P ) '- t1C: t J-6-=) z)_r'- f-..-S D**/€ ' VAIL i.IETRO N',C DIST ATTi,.I ! P,'T !C3SC;i I{A"\IAG;T 321 [ASI LYCI} SiJEAi] CIR:LE vAIL C0 i{L657 Show Any Chlnge Of Addrarr B€low: RETAIN IN YOUR RECORDS. RECEIPT WILL NOT BE FUR. NISHED UNLESS REOUESTED. toto NEra 3. Oaio or Period 4. Darcriorion 5. Amarnt 1 I 8 --: I ir t2 /3t/ t7 SPLCIAT- Uii:82 ib 1D7i ,.J 144 F.4Rri r PL.-tYCR0Uiri [;001:-9C1 1360.00 ) NOTE: Pevmsn$ not received by the du6 d.te a]c subiect to 8 LATE PAYMENT CHARGE 8t ths rsto currenrly published bv rho Dopsnmsnt of ths Tr€asury unle3! 8 dilfersnt laio is pr€3cribed by contrsc-t or sgre€mdnt. " o""f7'ilBH 7. Amount Oua$55000c ro|-o raaia 8, Blll Numbor/ ;- < ?// ---') '::>t ') / 9, Unlt Numbet T\' 15 10. Sub.Unlt Numbrr I l| Tlmbrr Salc Conlrtct Numbcr 3O3O BOOTH CREEK DRIVETown of VailAtt: Mr. Rich Kaplan and Mr. Pat Dodson .B*. ALLAN MacROSSIE & ASSOCIATES o VAIL, COLORADO 81657 c (303\ 476-343jIUarch 15, I9a4 Re:U.S. Forest Service Land Presently Used by the Recreation District The purpose of this letter is to confirm in rvriting, the appraisal contract on the above captioned property. If this arrangement meets with your approval , I rvould appreciate your acknowledgement on the space provided below on the enclosed copy of the letter. I believe that the total land presently utilized for the Vail Golf Course contains 133 acres and of this 1.5 acres constitutes the Forest Service land now being used for the maintenance shack and the third green. The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the current fair market value of the L5 acres. In order to do this I suggest that an appraisal be made of the entire 133 acres currentl.y belng used as the complete golf course and then apply the pro-rata share applicable to the 1.5 acre U.S. Forest Service parcel. The appraisal approach rvhich 1 suggest be utilized is the j.ncome approach to va1ue. In my analysis I assume that a typical prudent investor orvns the golf course in fee simple and free and clear. I rvill disregard the fact that it is actually owned by the recreation district subject to debt and land leases. The typlcal investor owning the property free and clear of any leases or encumbrances would have a net operating income different from that actually earned by the property in the past. For example, he would not be selling season p"sses ind would earn the same greens fee on all rounds of golf qlayed. iartially offsetting this factoi is the probability that he would have to pay real estate taxes. If you decide to have us complete the apprai-sal along the lines as outlined above the cost of.the appraisal will be $4,000 and the report can be completed in approximately 25 days from the time that we are authorized to proceed. I hereby authorize \4I . Al1an lrtacRossie and Associates to proceed immeaiateiV-witft the appraisal assignment as outlined above and enclosed is our check in the amount of $2,000. The balance of ii,OOO wilL be paid simultaneously with the delivery of four copies of the appraisal rePort. Verv tru 4:&\{acRossie Date Signature ! rcnox I emrover F(..*,,.o fJ rcnconnnr E rcr o,rFoil^^rrox I lvners .{ I I Nore AND RErurN ! rcn nrore cru ! rtconrrraroerlox ff unv ror loxerurr or ! see ne D *ota AND nr.E I vour sleNlrure Err|B.-----_ STATEMEIITRoF NEED ST0RAGE BUTLDTNG ron vnrl"jiernopolirRn RECRIATI0II DISTRICT l. 2.HOI{ THE 3.GENERAL DElq8llIl-Q-ry THE PRoJECI AND THE REASoN wHI--[9BE!l*!VICE S-fRtr nEEDED Il!E PROJECT DEV L As with the maintenance fac-ility in general' 3f'. 191..::::lst o"' be located centrally to the Golf 0peraiiln" rn" requirement for close proximlty of'tne proposed storage facility to-fie'existing 'maintenance operat'ion is obvious' r1e-siowing -poputarity of golf' in this-area is"re4u'iring greater t*gluiit on'mainrenance and sub- sequent'l! mo"" .quip*engl -tne seveliiy-oi t;re wedther'as 'lell-as--.' a desire to encrose'and organize storiie:erforts require expanding the facil itY. SCOPE OF PROJECT To provide much needed storage for Go] f Maintenance equignent and material, i t i, propiltl "i"-iJa i tional . storage bui lding'be erected on the site currenriy under permit to tn"-viii iretropolitan Recreation District. The proposal is to-erect a precast concrete structure in a loca'uion that will allow on,i'oiu oplt-iiou' i'e' it will be sunk into an existi ng enbanknentJ "tO'"th!-to"f be covered' wi th'earth-and i and - scape thereuy minirnililn"F:. intputi,or. the building ' To furcher minimize the imi:act,uti-uisible surfaces wi li be piinted a light il;;';; ;i;"J ;iin'tn. backsround' The reason that Forest Seivice-land, is required for this projec'u is .that the propused +".iriiv'wii-t "ort wi th'the .ex!-s-ting facili"'y very closely, a ce-ntrat il.iiii," ior this *uint".inii.equipment is required' and no other lano .','i'iiiiure-around ttt"itTi"ituide ior-uris tvpe of use. The currenc majntenance program for the go1 f course must De centralized for organizational' supervisory' ard security reas0ns' .. I .t: "| : '_ i 4. I4ETHOD OF OPEMTION I'IHEN THE PROJECT IS OEVELOPTD A. Ownership -- Vail !'letropolitan Recreation District' a public body ' B. Periods of the year the project wjll be operated -- Year round' SCHEDULE OF DTVELOPNENT It i s desi red that' the bui 1d'ing 5. o be put into its intended use inrmedjately "ri 'I j .l') o ''; I a iayl3 | nr9 " '6. oTHER LANDS 0R INTERESTS l,lHICH MAY BE AFFECTTD-EI-r!g PROJECT The private lands which the golf course are located near would be affected through denial of this proposal REGULATIOTI AGEIICIES7. 8. The proiect would be regulated' Di str i ct. I{ECESSITY OF THE PROJECT l.|hat by the Vail Metropolitan Recreation llho will be affected if the permit is not granted? The genera'l public who uses the go'lf course as t'tell as the consiituants of the Vail l'letropo'litan Recreation District. will be the effects if the permit is not granted? A gradual deterioratjon of the high level of,oaintenance on the Vail l'lunicipal Golf Course will occur. How wil'l the effects, including social, economic, and envjronmental , be felt considering hurnan benefit and we1fare jf.the permit is not granted? The growing popularity of golf in the region wgu'ld be affected through deminished quality of maintenance if this permit is not gianted. Approximatley 40,000 golfers use thjs Vail l4unicipal Golf Course per Year. 9. DESCRIBE ALTERNATIVE I4ETHODS AND/oR LoCATIWS rc--I!-E-lR0P0!E!-a!IlqN -,No alternatives'that are l.arge enough:- close'enough, or central 1y located have been discovered. IO. TECHNI.CAL REQUIRENENTS NEEDED iN DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT A. Construction width of acreage -- approx'imately 'l '300 square feet in existing permit area' B. c. D. A BRIEF EVALUATION OF THE EXPECTED EFFECTS OF THE.PROJICT ON A I'IILD NV I RONI'I EN T None, in that the roof will be returngd to native grasses and environment' and the project will merely enclose existjng rnaterials and equipment. Operational rvidth or acreage existing in permit area. Percent of site coverage -- minimal (see landscaping plan) .Any operational constraints or engineering factors which night af?ect the location or design of the project -- operationally, a close proximity to the existing facility is required. ll. luwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 €031 476-5613 office of the town manager IL February 1977 Ernie Nunn, Dlstrict Ranger. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service White Rtver National Forestllinturn, Colorado 81645 Rer: rand Appraisal for vall Golf course !{aintenance Building Dear Ernie s Ercrosed Ls an appraisar for three acres of u.s. Forest serviceland presently used by the vair. Metroporitan Recreation District.As per our phone conversation, I requested that the appraiserconsider the rand to be "resource J.ands.'. He also appraised it asIf it rere residential property. If you have any questions about the proceedure used in theappraisal, please give ne a call and f .11 do lqz best to answer them. Ihanks for your assistance on thLs project. Ttre loss of thebuilding has been expensive for the Dist;ici, but everything isprogressing satisfactorily. we hope to have a better sunner thanrwerve had winter -- a new building will help. Ilave a .pleasant d6y. 14 r'f ftul'le'1., i, {rra\. II L', Jr; iv Allen Gerstenberger VMRD Coordinator lI. AtLAll tlrcR0SSlt m' POST OFFICE 30x llo.6!o lllttsll'ltllI tttt t$ItIt . YAtL, GOLORADO rr!st o (!o!t ata't'lt TOWN OF VAIL OF U.S. FOREST SERVICE I,A}ID USED BY THE RECREATION DISTRICT 2 }{. AtLAl{ IvlncR0s$rt @ rilvr$rur{r n* r$*rr POST OFFICE BOI lto.699 .YAtL, coLORTADO !t657 o (!o!r a7G.3at7 February 2, 1977 Allpn Gerstenberger District Coordinator P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: U. S. Forest Service Land Presently Used By Recreation District Dear Mr. Gerstenberger: T.*ant to yo-ur request of January 1?th and in accordance withyour-subsequent verbar instructions, I ha've compr;t"J; appraisar oft}te above -captioned property. The land on the east of vail varley Drive contains approximately31r 000 sq'are f eet and could be utilizeri as two a"pr"" "o"ed buildingsites. The land on tie west of Vail varley Drive c^ontains approximately25,000 square feet and would rc"o--odate two srngle ra*ily sites. rt shouldb_e noted that presently the land is not within the limits of the Tovun ofvail and that neither water nor sewer are included within Vail valleyDrive adjacent to the two subject parcels. Typical lots with utilities and in the Town of vail fronting alongithe golf course would currently sell for $bo, 000 ""**irr! they contain3l ay----------------.erage of 14,000 square feet. on this basis, th; ".il" of the randif within the town timits and with utilities eourd irav" a ,r"lou as high as$200,000. This opinion is based rrpon ttr" transaction" **ti".d;;]i. The very small supply of lots available combined with avery high demand. for this prestige location nas Uroughtextraordinarily_high pricei. ori tot in the rour Fiiing yas;^o^1d^!or gbb, 000 and anotherin Vail Va[ey i"i-rifirrg -for $6Q 000. In December 1925, Britton sord two srna[lots ave-raging !,^!OQ s_quare feei at the rate of gB. 1b persquare foot or $80,000 each. Five lots in the 11th Filing lylng just to the east of t}rethirteenth green with acce's""dh"p;Lane were sold toone mar within one week of the time that tiey werei I 3, I?I ito --_- ftfi\' fil. ALtAl{ Irllc[0S$lt |@J tilvrsrrrutr nrAr rsnrr Posl oFFlcE Box llo. 8!e o YAtL, coLoRADo 8rG5z . (to!r a7!-!a!t offered. The average lot contains 18, OOO square feet and sold at 91.95 per square loot or $3b, 000. VaiI Associatest Resubdivision of Lot 1 in Potato Patch contairrs five lots and these were sold in flve days for $2.60 per square ioot. The lots involve 17,000 square feet on the average. Under the assumption that the land could not be developed with building sites but had a classification of "resource use onlyr', the value would be much less. If the appraiser assumed the following hypothetical situation, the land value is estimated at $20,000. Assume that tfie area was now being platted and about to be offered for sale by the developer. For certain reasons he elecled to put a deed of restriction on both of these parcels limiting their use so that an abutting property owner could anticipate enjoying the view across the land in perpetuity. The question then arises,rhow much would an abutting owner pay as a premium for his Iot given the assurance of the continued resource utilization of the subject parcel?r. ln this situation, the two parcels of land if left with resource classification would benefit four nearby residential lots. As these lots today would have an average value of $50,000, it is reasonable to expect that their value if abutting an open space area would be increased by 1@o. This means that the land developer would expect to receive $5,000 more on each of the four beneflting lots for a total of $20, 000 in extra lot sales revenue if he put a deed restriction on the two subject parcels. I trust that you will not hesitate to contact me if.I can be of any assistance in the interpretation of the report. Please note the contingent and limiting conditions as included on page 3. CERTIF]CATION OF APPRAISER . I certify that to the best of my Imowledge the facts stated herein are i tnre, that the compensation is not contingent upon the amount of valuation reported, that I have personally inspected the property, that this appraisal has been made in accordance with the recommended and professional standards of the American trnstitute of Real Estate Appraisers, and that I do not have any present or contemplated interest in the subject property. lf. AtLAll lvlrcR0SStt POsT oFFtcE 80x x llllt$tl'|iltI ItAt tsItIt . YAtL, COLORADO 81!57 o (303) a7C.!a!7 COMTINGEI\]:I AND LIMITING C ONDIIIONS That the title to the subject property is good and marketable. That the subject property has been appraised as if free and clear of any liens or encumbrances and no responsibility for legal matters is assumed. That no survey was made of the property for this report, and that any plans or sketches utilized in this report are for visual aid only and are not to be construed as surveys or engineering reports. That certain opinions, estimates, data and statistics furnished by others in the course of investigation are reliable- That the appraiser shall not be required to testify in a court of law unless prior arrangiements have been made Neither all nob any part of the contents of this report shall be conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales or other media, without the written consent and approval of the author, particularly asdo valuation conclusions, the identity of the appraiser or firm with which he is corurected, or any reference to the American Institute of Real Eslate Appraisers or to the M. A.I. designation. The appraiser has no lo:owledge of the geological factors which may be encountered in the development of this land. The value indicated in this report is predicated upon the assumption that no unusual costs or constraints due to geological considerations will be incurred. @ o.830 6. 7. l|ilIIluwn box l oo vail colorado 816 5 z 3 0 3.4 7 6 -5 613 17 ilanuary 1977 Al1an Macrossie Real Estate Box 639 Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Macrossie : Enclosed is a map indicat,ing the portion of U.S. Forest Servi.ce Land presently used by the vail Metropolitan Recreation District forour maintenance operation. To date. the Forest Service has not requested lease payments forthe use of their land. However, since the building burned. theytve informed the Board of Directors that lease payments witl be necessary. The Foreset Service is appraising the land and requested that wedo the same. Wtren we agree to a value, we will_ pay 5t of the value per year. There are two thoughts on how to appraise the land. one is to considerit as open space or rbsource l-and; the other is to value it as residentialproperty ' simiLar to the surrounding land use. obviously, the Rec District would prefer the resouree classification. f 've spoken with Ernie Nunn,Distrj.ct Ranger for the area, and he agreed that ra.e could go with thelower-intensity classification. (However, just to be safe, please give us a quick appraisal for residential use also.) . If ltou have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 476-5613. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Smile , AIlen Gerstenberger District Coordi:rator Enc. Mr. Allen Gerstenberger District Coordlnator P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado ilvt$ilililil RtAt tslATt . VArL, COLOBADO 81057 o (303) 174-9437 February 2, t977 U. S. Forest Servlce Land Presently Used BY Reereation District ,GEi}' TnAtLAl{ lvlnrR0ssltWJ POST OFFTCE BOX l{O. 639 Re: Professional Servlces Rendered Nine Hours at $45 per Hour . . cfr"f lt,l r $405.00 1. :yffi-{ tlu'/' ' P, , ,4rrv Tfr1l l ) , UN|TED Srtrgs DEPARTMENT oF AcRtcuLTuRE FOREST SERVICE WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOR€ST Minturn, Colorado 81645 IN iEPLY REFIi TO: 2720 Vail Metro. Dist. March 9, 1977 AlLen Gerstenberger Vl.,tRD Coordinator Town of Vail Box 100' VaiL, Colorado 81657 Dear Allen i Just a short note to docunent our recent discussions on the ap- praisal value for the got.f course maintenance building. As stated in our letter of Decenber L, 1977, we are forced by Legislation to receive a fair market value for the use of public lands. We will consider the Town of Vail appraisal of the 3 acres rmderpe::nit. It should be appraised at the value for which it wouLd cost the Town to acquire sirnilar acreage for a sinilar type use in the sane innediate vicinity. If you feel the $50,000/14,000 square feet rate mentioned in the MacRossie appraisal of February 2, 1977, is accurate of trfair market valuerr for acreage zoned for similar use, we will accept that rate. Sincerely, e$\G" ERNEST R. NI,]NN District Ranger . tG; March 20, box too o vail, colorado 816s7 L977 Ernest R. NunnDistrict Ranger U':i-tec! States Deoartment of Agriculture Forest ServiceMinturn, Coloracl.o 81645 Deal Ernie: The VI,{RD Board of Directors concurs that the District should pay for the use of Forest Service land. Ife agree that the fair market value for the use of the lands should be appraised. However, we do not believe that the fair market value for the 3 aeres is the $50,000/14,OOO squarefeet mentioned in your letter of g March 1977. If you will note the l,{acRossie report, page I states Lhat the $50,000 per 14,000 square feet is based on !'the vah:e ofthe land if within the Torvn limits and if rvith uti1ities..."In the preeedlng paragraph, he stated that the acreage concern I'is not within the limits of the Town of Vail andthat neither water nor sewer are included within Vail Va11ey Drive adjacent to the trvo subject parcels." There-fore, the value as mentioned in your letter is not "thefair market value.t' A1so, the land is not zoned for residentlal use and there-fore should not be appraised at that va1ue. Approximately two-thirds of the land is used for open space. ll'e cannot accept a land appraisa.l based on a residential classifica-tion given all of the facts. On page 2 of the l\lacRossie report, it is stated, "Under the assumption that the land could not be developed with buildingsites but had a classification of 'resource use on1y,I the'Value would be much less. If the appraiser assumed thefollowing bypothetical situation, the land value is esti- mated at $20,000." the VI\IRD Board believes that the $20,000appraisal is more representative of the actual use of the l and. 303.476.5613 Ernest R. Nunn March 20, L977 Page 2 The Board has enioyed an excellent working relationshlp with the Forest Service in the past. Vfe would like to continue the spirit of cooperation. As you are aware, it is finan- cia11y impossible for the District to make lease paynnents 1n the range of $10,000 per year as would be required at your suggested appraisal. l{e do not believe that the Forest Service is in need of receiving exhorbitant payments nor in creat]ng financial hardships on the Recreation District. It was my understanding in earlier discussions with you, that the Irorest Service would entertain an appraisal based on an "open space" classification; it appears that your pcsition has altered since our original discussions. Regarding the ownership by the Town of VaiI of mining claims in the Iloly Cross area, we have determined that the Town does own several properties. I would like to point out that these lands are owned by the Town of Vajl, not Va.il L{etropolitan Recreation District. Should the Town Council decide to trade these lands for lorest Service lands adjacent to the Town for thelr own benefit rather than the Recreation District, the District tvould sti11 be forced to pay lease payment to the Forest Servj-ce. The District is worliing wittr ttre Town to determine the best trade options with the Forest Service; horvever, it cannot be assumed that the 3 acres presently used for the golf course would be the lands traded. Ernie, I am sure that you understand the sltuation that the Recreation District is in. The Board has requested that I invite you to attend their meeting on Monday, 11 Aprll at lPlrl at the Vail Town Offices; The Board would ]ike to discuss with you the needs of the Forest Service and the Recreation District. I hope that you will be able to attend that meeting. I think that discussions betleen yourself and the Board are critical at this time. Thank you very much for your cooperation thus far on this program. I hope that we wil1 be able to reach an agreement satisfactory to aIL Smi1e. Allen GerstenbergerDistrict Coordinator AG: EN MEMORANDUM TO: File (Go1f Maintenance Land Appraisal) FROM: Allen G. DATE: 12 April L977 RE: Meeting with Ernie Nunn, Forest Service & Recreation District Board Ernie Nunn, District Ranger for the Forest Servj-ce, met with the Becreatj.on District Board on 11 April 1977 to discuss the maintenance building land appraisal . The fol- lowing discussion and some criticism of the A1lan MaeRossie appraisal on the land determined that the land could be appraised at its present use and re-evaluated annuaIly. Ernie stated that if he would recei.ve a letter from MacRossie declaring the appraised value of the land present situation at a total of $2O,000, he would accept the appraisal . That would be an annual lease payment of $1 ,000 for the Recreation District. Ernie also stated that he would be willing to waive the first year's lease payment if the District was pursuing a program of trading land with the Forest Service. The District Board said that they would be able to pay $1,000per year, but anything overthat.would tax the budget. They did not feel that it was necessary to waive the first year's payment. (Later, Ernie again stated that he would be willing to waive the payment, even after the Board said that that vrould not be necessary). A meeting is to be set up between Rod Slifer, Ted Kindel, myself, and Allan MacRossie. We will, at that time, request that he submit a letter summarizing his work. box roo r yail, colorado 8t6Ez . 3o3ort6-56t3 l{ay 2.5, 1977 lnwn Allan MacRossie Box 372 Vail, Co]orado B1657 Dear Al'lan: As per our phone conversation' I would'letter from you regarding the appraisal of the the go1 f course maintenance building. As you I shall not go into it in this letter. 'like to receive a short land used by the VMRD for are familiar with the situation' be appreciated. If until June 20' but Rod Sliferyou havewill be AG/gw Your quick response on this issue will any questions, I will be out of town able to help you. Thanks for your cooperation on Smii e, Al'len Ge Di stri ct 4, ff this issue. I a- tlt. .! li' -...lFlrqt-./.r]'t I | !Jejatillt.ltu*tv stenberger Coordi nator STATEMENT OF NEED FOR STORAGE BUILDING TON VNTL IiCTROPOLITAN RECREATION DISTRICT SCOPE OF PROJICT To provide much needed storage.Igf Go]f Maintenance equipment and material,'it i, p.opll"i-in-iJaiiional storase .!tllgilg.l:-erected on the site currentiv"r.a"i: p.irit to tne vail i'tetropolitan Recreation Di strict. 2.HOl{ THE PROPOSED PROJECT FITS INT As wjth the maintenance taclt.i ty in general , the new storage must be tocated centralli;; i;;'eoii Op.iution.-The requirement for ii"t""p""-liiiv "i in"-proposed storage facility to tre existing maintenance operation-i! obuiout' Th' growing -pgpyltli!I of golf in this area :t t.qri"ing-;;;;;;; emphaiis on-maintenance and sub- sequently more equipml.t] "rn" ieuetity of tJre vreather as-well as a desire to enclose';;;";tg;;ite-tio.ug. efforts requ'ire expanding the facil itY. 3. The proPosal is to erect that will allow on'lY one exist'ing embankment and scape therebY m'in imi z i ng minimize the impact'all green to blend with the a orecast concrete structure in a location io!n-.ia., i-€. it will be sunk into an ti'[-"oot-U" covered with earth and- ]and-"ir,.'i*puii of the building' To further "i.iuil'irifaces will be painted a light bac kground . .The reason that Forest Service land is required for this project'i s t.hat the proposed iiiiriiv'"iil wort< wit-h the existing facilitv very closely, a central iiiiiii,. ror this *uint"nun." equipment is required' and no othertand is'iriijiure-around il'" diti i"y1se igl tnis tvpe of use.Thecurrentmaintenanceprograrnfor-thegolfcoursemustbe centralized' for otgini.iiional, supervisory' and security reasons' 4.I4ETHOD 0F 0PE&ATION I'IHEN THE PROJECT IS DEVELoPED A.0wnership--Vaill'letropolitanRecreationDistrict'apublicbody B. Periods of the year the proiect will be operated -- Year round' SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPI*IENT i f it 5. use inrmediatel YItisdesiredthatthebuildingbeputintoitsintended I .: i .i:1 a ,i , lly(: I lrv 6. OTUTN UNOS OR INTERESTS WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROJECT The private lands which the golf course are located near would be affected through denial of this proposal 7. REGULATION AGENCIES 8. The project would be regulated District. I.IECESSITY OF THE PROJECT by the Vail Metropolitan Recreation 9. I'lho will be affected if the permit is not granted? The genera'l public who uses the go1 f course as well as the constituants of the Vail l'letropolitan Recreation District. I'lhat will be the effects jf the permit is not grant:d? A gradual deterioration of the high level of naintenance on the Vail Municipal Golf Course will occur. How will the effecis, including social , economic, and environmental , be felt considering human benefit and welfare if the permit is not granted? The growing popularity of golf in the region would be affected through deminished quality of maintenance if this permit is not granted. Approximatley 40,000 golfers use this Vail l4un'ici pal Gol f Course per year. DESCRIBE ALTERNATIVE I4ETHODS AND/OR LOCATIONS TO THE PROPOSED ACTION 'i :l --i OF THE APPLICATION No alternatives that are large enough, close enough, or centrally located have been discovered. IO. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS NEEDED IN DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT A. Construction width of acreage -- approximately .l,300 square feet in existing permit area B. Operational width or acreage existing in permit area. ' C. iercent of site coverage -- minimal (see land'caping plan) D. Any operational constraints or engineering factors which night affect the location or design of the project -- operationally'' a close proximity to the existing facility is required. A BRIEF EVALUATION OF THE EXPECTED EFFECTS OF THE PROJECT ON A tll LD D ENVIRONMENT None, i!,t that the roof wi'l I be returnecl to native grasses and environment, and the project wi'll merely dnclose existing materials and eqqipment.I 11. t: PL... L.b E PnEVEllt POnEgf FIREAI '-'t' - U.S. DEPAnSltEl{T OF AGRICIJLTURE -:.. 'l'-,:-' . . .-' G ."'' ' :' " ' noog MoINTATN REGToN ' . -' --1 tt:l'"inio**roN;i"iLi#ilH#i'ilt,o ExcRN&' -' :-' ''.- : q. Except vhere speclal authorizatl-on exists, tie land offered to tne Untted States must bd wlthln the Soundary of a liatlonal ' Forest. .... i. .IAe'propertles of fered and selected must be ln the s arne state. NATToNAL FOREST r4]I!!-!9-EU4!liL ARE AvATLABLI rbn rrcnr'nce?" .. 1.-rraciitso.1ateifromoEherliatlona1.Forest1ands..1..:.. .'2.. The exchange rrn-rs t be t5r the.publlc interest' . 3: Itre fatr market. vai,re of the property the Unlted States p,l ves ' ln an exchange cannot exceed the value of the ProPerty lt - receLves. ' . . W}TAT r.rrder contract wlth the ltnlted States. Ttre'appraisals prepared or obtalned by the Governnrerit are solely for use- of the Government-f": f*1"F..1*. {ectston on the exchange to asaure the value of the aelected Nat'lonal Forest land ls not greater than the value of the offered property. The !6ysrarment appralsaie are based oa'prlcea recel.ved for coryarable propertlea ,- -i --..' ln recent prLvate transactions lC !n:. rnarket. area' CAl't THE PRIVATE OWI{ER MTKE RESERVATIONS ON TTIE LAID HE EXCITA:{Cf,S? RcservatLons may be made provlded the exerclse 'of these rlghts w11.1 not slgnlflcantly interfer r^rlth use of the land for Natl-onal Forest purposes. Iiescrvatl-ons made by the owner are subJcct to appropridte' rulls and regulatlons issued by the Secretary of Agriculture. These nrles and regulatlons are lntended to i-ns ure that reserved rlghts- w111 . be exercl.sed Ln such a nanner as to avold or rnlnlrnL ze damage to the ' .. r. land .cn d other resources. Reserved rlgh ts are taken lnto account Ln estLmatlng fatr rnarket value. ' ARr: TilEP.E nSStnrCrrdNS Ot{TITE LAIIDS THE FOREST SEP.VICE CIV}:S I}I EXCHANCE? Normally, th cre are no restrl.ctions placeh on th e. lancls the Forest ServLcs glves ln exchange. However, tlr e Unlted States can reserve tlmbert nd.nerals, or rlgh t6;gf-i'ay easements. Any proposed reservations are futly dtscussetl witi'the prtvate onner and he can make his dectston wltlr full knowledge of all condltlons. PROCEDURES IN LA}ID EY.CIIAT{GES Elther the landcrrner or the Fores t Se rrrl ce' can Lnitiate a1 exchanpe. If the private landorner lnltlates the exchange, he tells the loca1 l)istrlct nanglr or Forest Supervlsor wh lch Natlonal Fore3t lands he ulshes to ""qrri.. and whlc} lands he ProPoses to offer Ln exchange - If the offer is ln the pdbllc interest and othenrLse reets the prowlslons of the apprbpriat-e exchange authority, the landoqrner ma!,es an l-nformal writteo offer to exchange. Both thg Forest Servlce and tAe landcrwner exarnl-ne and s eparat ely- appraLs e all the lands lnvolved. ' sornetirnes prl-vate or^tners ernploy appraisers, ln otber cases they'rnake theli own estimates of value. : A prellnina'n7 tttte revlew of the'prlvate proPerEy ls necessary. 1?r e land- or^rner wLll nded to furnLsh evidence that he is'the owner of the offered land oi he is. {n ttre process of aiguirlng or-has a flrm contract to acquire it. ' "' f.e gil' des crlpt lons rrust surveys will need to be be prepared. 'If the lands have not been surveyed, - s6de Ln order to prepare legal descriptlons. .. Ttr e Forest Supenrlscir rrlll determlne whether the proposed cxchange meet6 the value re gui renrent8 of the exdrange authorl.ty based'on the Forest Servlce appralsals. Addlttonal lands uill need to be offered Lf the valr.e of Nat.lonal loregt land ts greater than the value of the offered land. The cpner of the offered.land te requlred to .pay for the cost of pr.rb llsh- lng the lald exchange notLce Ln local nesrspaperc havlng general clrculatlon in areas ln whldr the lands are located. .. lf there are no obJectlons or clalnrs flled after the Notlce ls pr.ibllshed, the cpner w{11 be asked co furnlsh tltle erridence to the offered land to' be exchanged. A tltle insurance pollcy ls the preferied form of cltle ewldence. fire Departrrent of Agriculture ts Regional Attorney wiLl cxaml.ne the tltle evl,dence and lf it neets the lega1 requirernents of tlre Unlted . States, he wLll prepare a deed for executlon by the landcpner. The deed . ls then recorded by the lando,rner.- Ilh en tltle to tha of fered land l-s a1>provcd by the'Of flce of General Counsel ln Washl.ngton, D.C., a patent v111 be l-ssued for the selected 1and. For more detatled l-nf orr,rat ion on lana exchanges, contact the local . ' Dlstrlct Ranger or Forest Supervl-sor HO,I LONG DOES IT TAKE TO COIIPLETE A;t EXCIIANGE?-"':----- - t :- ! An tmcompllcated excange transacticrr that does not involve clalns, tLtle defects or surveys can be completed 1o eigJrt to twelve months .'-'':.." U^O la.t"tt*^tt m'sffi . i .:..' ' 54f0 Exchanqeg sted procedCres and sequenflal rocess I n land exchan l. Ascertatn what lands, and the estate lhat are to be exchanged' Have the proponent ,.p".iiicaily descrlbe the lands he has to offer and the lands h6 p;6;;;s-to !elect tn exchange. Preferably the .land descrtptlon, und-any condltlons.ln maklng the exchange- shoutd.be Jo"r*ilt"a In a tptier, memorandum to tha. f I tes,, o1 othel _ln3frument' 2. Check your status re'cords to ensurE the offered tands 9re non-Federal "nO if,6'selected tands are surveyed Natlonal Forest System lands' eiio a"termlne whether or not Natlonal Forest lands are wlthdrawn ii"t .ntry and .are aval table for exchange' FSM 5410' l8' (See the 5430 worklng tool memorandum on dravals and unsurveYed .lands.) lands enctnnbered bY wlth- check for compltance nlth Forestts Land classlflcatlon Plan.- lf- the selected land is not ldenftfled for exchange or the offerod land . -:,' tdenttf ted for ;d;itiii;h In ttre Land Ctalsl f lcatton Plan' an arnend- ;;;;'+" ttro ptan ioting the proposed landonnershlp adJustment must be . submltted for approval by the Reglonal Forester' 3. l4ake an envlronmental anatysls of the proposed offer' FSM 85lO' thls stage the analysls may be a Phase't EAn or other format that nlll permlt tfre Foieii Slpervlsor and hls staff to evaluate the proposal to i assurg cotitP.t lance wlth laws, regulatlons and pol lcy' - (See worklng . toot paper on envlronmental'analysls.rePort preparatlon.) "' '' " ' : .- i-' :: -: . ' ':: !" .'. -' '-:'-' ": ' ' '" ' :" -" ' ':" "" 4. Make-a pretimtnary estlmate of values for the lands lnvotved to:' determlne If these values meet the requtrements,of the exchange lar' ;;;;lt ihat the value of the selected lands or tlmber does not exceed tneva|ueofthe|andsofferedlnexchange.-FSM54]2.4.'.:.:....:...i.- 5. Have the proponent execute a land exchange of-fer on Form P2-5400-5 .-tn'":717.4,....(Seework|ngtooIpaper'.onIandexchangeofferPrepara- -tlon.).:'....'..':..,,..j,l..'].'.i..i.....':.....-'...'}.':.,3,.:..."...|.:i.-. :"': :':-': ':'' 1 -'- .' : ''i'::' :' offers. 6.Request the proponent to furnlsh tltle evldence (abstract of tltle, hl; tftla Iniurlnce polfcy, an ownershlp or encumbraqce repor+r.efc. l. for the offered land. The purpose of thts revleu ls to determlne the estate tha owner has fo convey. . The revtew should reveal any out- sfandtng rlghts, clouds on thi tttle or other €ncumbrances that -mali.:,affect Tte iuUtic beneflts of the exchange, usa of the land-l-of.1.:.'.1,. Natlonal Foiest purposei and the esflmated market valuq. FSM 5424r-'. 5432 and 5470. .i-..;: 1.:-.-......-. ln e:-.,....-. ' :.:.r.,. .-'..:-.'-'. t --'-':--.- -.,1.r- - 1.. Send a copy of the land bxchlnge otter -to the Reglonal ,Off lce. Upon' recelpt, tire Recreatlon and Lands Unlt wlll request Buqeau of Land Managlment serlatlzaflon, status report and U.S. Geologlcal Survoy mlneial report, FSM 5451. The Recreatlon and Lands Unlt wlll reguest a mlnerot examinatton be made by Forest Servlce geologlsts lf the U.S. Geotoglcat Survey report Indlcates the lands Involved.,nay.have potentlal ilneral value. -The Recreatlon and Lands Untt wlll also request Bureau of Land Management concurrenco to convey mlnerals lf'. tha mtnerat examlnatlon reveals the selected. lands are nonmlnerat In character.. -' . ' Average elapsed tlnB betueen request for mlneral report by U.9. Forest SerVlEe and Bureau of Land Managernent concurrence fo convey rnlnerals has been elght rpnths. 7. 8. Requesf archeologlcal and cultural Inventory- 9. Noilfy the County Conrmtssloners of the countles tthereln thE offered and selecled lands are located, FSM 545r.12. .\i\ - Notlfy fhe StatE Cleartng House of the proposed.exchange as Per OljBfs A-95 letter, .FSM -.1565. Contact ofhers who may havE an Interest In the exchange of ownershlp, 1.e., grazlog permlttees, speclal use permlttees, or other users that may 6e-tmpacied by the exchange. FSM 5435.2t, 5474. (See 54f0 vorkl tn! tool menprandum on.optlons avallable to protect the lnterests of users of the selected lands.) 12. Search the selected lands for evfdence of mlnlng clalm locatlons and examlne the tounty records for mlnlng clalms of record. A mlnfng clalrn on the setected land has prlor i'tgtrt +o patent. Therefoier- any,mlnlng clalm on the selected land, regardless of age or actlvliy, must be rellnqulshed to the Unlfed States by the record owner or decfared null and vold vla contest proceedlngs before the selected lands are avallable for exchange. 10. ra 15. Prepare the formal apprallals^for fhe offered and selected lands. Fsg 54lo. fs." iafO'lorklng toot memorandum on appralsal preparatlon') 14. CompIete the Form 54oo.'7' Cerf If|cate of Possess':":-1:.519.].'"|1.^. exaintnaflon for appratsal purposes lf not completed PreYIoy:lI'-^(seo iq3o worflng iool'hemorandum bn completlng Forms 5400-37r 5400-58 and 5400-29., 1: -;..1;'-'. 15. Negotlate adJustrnents ln acreages lf the appralsals lndlcate the offer no longer n*"ii-ift. vatue requlren'ents of the approprlate land exchange authorltY. 16. lf acreage adJustments are made, amend land exchange offer, 191!tv countles] Staie Clearlng House, affected users and Reglonal Offlce so the Bureiu of Land Management records *l l" uTnd"l: -r"'- ::..-:, 17. Assembte Land Exchange Report ana suUmii'lt rtth Forest Supervfsorrs reconmendatlon of upi.ou"i (FSM 5415.2, 543r.23, to the Reglonal Off I ce. 18. Recreatlon and Lands unlt, Reg lonal offlce, revtew the report and . dppralsal and make " ru.ottuniatlon for approval and-prepare Notlce . ot'Pubtlcatlon and Notlce of Exchange for Postlng. Transmlt to the ' Forest. tb. :Hotlfy tand exchange proponent of approVal of.appralsals and authorlty i- prlr.."O wltfr laid Lxc-hange proceislng. Notlfy-exchange proponenf ol . nr"i to publlsh notlce of eichange. FSM 5455.6, 5436-5416.3. 20. Request land exchange proPonent to furnlsh tttle evldence. FSM 5424' 54i7.1 and 5457.2. '.i .. 21 . Request ne.\{spaper publlsher for affadvtf for Proof of Publlcaflon. 22; Assembte tltle packet and transmlt to Reglonal offlca. :.' - ay'-UHtreo StarEs DEpeRruEut oF AGRIcULTURE FOREST SERVICE WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST MinuLrn' @ 81645 ,* ^Ti,26.,.",., Vail M'etroPolitan Recreation Dist. Decsrber l, 1-976 Tcmn of Vail Atterrtion: Vail Mefrorpolitan Recreation Diserict Box 100 Vail, @ 81657 C'entlerrrn: I harre recently researded Forest Senrice poticy with regard to fee rates qr lilaticnral Forest land and the Vail lGtropolitan Recreaticn Distrrict. ltre recently passed BIM Organie Act states that Lhe United States shall receive fair maket vah:e for use of ptrblic lards. This finding obvior:,sly seriously effects plans r,*rich the Recreaticm District nay have for the golf rnaintenance area lftridr was gutted by fire Ncvenbes 24. 0:r acticm will be to ap,praise tlre land vah:e of ttre area and charge an arunral fee of five percant of ttre market value for the three acres rnder pennit to the Recreaticn District. Mditicrnal points brorglrt q.lt of our rlEeting Ncvenrber 30 lere as follcnvs: ltre current Recreation District permits have not been in ccrpliance with Forest Service requirements, i.e. land- scaping and adequate fire protection. We r^ould like the Tor,m to respve the ever increasing nr.lrber of Tcn'm buses frcm tlre l.^Iest Day Skiers Iot. Perhaps a possibil-ity erists rhat the sorely needed bus naintenarrce center could be ccmbined with the golf maintenance facility. Use of ForesE Service land by the l{crntain Bell teleptone site lvas nBnticnred. Ttte ForesE Service would like to trade the rnaintenance area for lands desirable for the Forest Service zuch as private land in the C;ores or Vail Associates land on Tigilon Road (for exaple). -a lot 2 Qr ttre basls of all the pointe Erlced I r{urld Uke to etrmgly enc,olrage t}te Vail Recreitiqr DlstrLct b trEsLe ttre latd trad; - route. If it i.s poesible to delay fee drsrge lIltil a trade iscqleted, I rrill do so. In the icsrdm ue r^rfff request f,r innediate appraLsal be rgde. fq:erely, 'ffi$R District Rangef cc: S. 0. O bn F^nqr 0. citti*-F .NL"ru r4'1t- 1+A 51r-, Wr^hvtt'Es' q\10 ffi,+, q!(oh {(lo b-?4b 31. l) I (low likelihood) -2)2' -3) 3 :4) 4 5)s 6)6 7)7 RESPoNDENT #_ 28 sept. 76 PHONE SURVEY RESPONSE SHTET page 4 DO NOT I,IRITE 49-50 5l 52-57 58 32. FROM 33. l) l-2lweek -2) 3-6lweek 34. $_._/ round triP 35.l) 0-5 mi nutes -?) 5-10 minutes 36. I ) YES 37. _l ) Bighorn l) seldom (0-5/week) -2) moderate (6- | 0/week ) 39. 1) YES 40. l) seldom (O-S/week) -2) rpderate (6-10/week) 4t. 1) YES 43. r ) YES 45. r ) YES (high likelihood) 3) 7 or more,/week $-.Jone way 4) other 3) l0-15 mi nutes 4) other 2) No 2) Sandstone 3) frequent (more than l0/week) 2) N0 3) frequent (rcre than 2) N0 TO 38. 59 60 6l 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 4 or mve none 42. r) r -2) 2_3) 3 44. r) |_2) 2 -3) 3 -i 2) N0 4) 4 or more -5 ) none 2) N0 5) -6)-7) 50-59 60 and older refused to answer I 46.I )under l8 -2) tB-?4 -3) 25-34 -4) 35-49 4) wi dowed -I) other ! Til. ALLAll ilmt0$$lt B tiltr$nmr RnL rsilrr t potr oFFr'cE !ox rro. c!e . yArL, coLonADo !rc!7 o (lcr).7!-!a!t I II I I ro\rN oF vArL . "o*ofLg;'" I-,AND I E RECREATIoN DISTRICT T I T I I aaolotl 2 +-Or, H |l tnqt ]lffiS)/ sPECIAL usE PERMIT \W Act of Junc 't, 1E97, or Fcbruary r5' t90l .Thir pcrmrt ir rcvocrblc 'nd nontren'lcrrorc tt, MG Ot "aiL ltTlt t'atl ibtroPol^ 'all Soorca';lon l'lElllg! xtxo ot ulE i'orE .nd rouad 7||r caroc 2720 Ecly Greca Permission is herebY granted to vBll!'ot@ llairlct oAtE oa ?€iMlr 'TAT:Colorcco *'[;; i, ;? "1e I ** "::: * :*':, i" #'H" ;j ;"T X:;" ;, i;i r:!,:* : :^=il.u'., l.::_.:^li-t:,;LT.'*".T;L";:%i:#il ;;J;":-;;i"r"eo rIs,,oc:i-,-:iv. f;;";i Suecniecr'e ufflces' :I'intura 6f tstl. C'l-cir.:iq e57 hereinafter callel the permittc'e' to use lancls or imProvementa: - firis per:nit covers Cons tn:c-t-1q:r-u e in g !'nd tr - Gno iolf couroe green a subject to the conditions set lut bulo*, the following describ€d =crll:;rcst ccreer cf tho SE1:i':;'Sect'ica 9' E.O ""t., tri$di.Ei::':u]3'SitE{ and islssued for the purpose of :o D - Ous r:olf course ce'lnten*'rce 'cuildil€ - Uo"ri clcllg aad ehako shlnS'lo roof)' .C - Access rcad 5'.;-foot ul Co r{ jr t-c f-iey Y\ ;;ki;:; oro& oB {-J:c eou+'h side of ti:e Ge)Kti. ;d""6'o,,od trriS,atiou $iv's 3ii€3o (Z4t x 4O | , fra-r:e ocnstructl'on, borrdl ou ancroxlnr:tely 65Ot 1oa6, iitd e srcll =-*it t",.o""u bulldiq;. p-Feaooortrosecroeolng'fortle:ralote:s:roobulldlngarrdperldn5'ar'o' S, - li'crcn r;l:'o aecurltf'-tlpe feoco for th'c o luip:rnt yard oa ths o'-ua$ gldo of r.Io eni:rto:nsco lu11d1n6'' The exercise of any of the privileges granted hereby constitutes acceptance of all the conditions of this permit. Service, U.S' DePartment of l. In consideration foi this-use,.the pcrmittte :\ali,'Hlv-!o ttrelo;5s-t"lgrvice' u'5' r'epsrlrlrcrr! ' crrlr're- the sum ", r,,"#"r,""ri'iiiii ""i;'w- I,n:'H.o]iars-i5 icc'c:----j----)-lT:l:j;;l* Agriculture, the sum o6 tlrrcrs hun:r99 siv'ty. !-1]:.2,1'lool 1=66 Jrunusrnf Itherum or B"'- "-i;-;; : ' "Sl-- '- , 199_, and thereafter -+ht'++-t*r+r-d--el;.:+{f +-t-le/j'c{ Pnaidlcd". houevtv, Ulrarges lor lnlilil-"*;t b" made or readjustcd n'L"*n'o. necessary to Place thc Proaidlcd, Inuevtv,o ;i;;;;; ; ;;; i; i;; ;;u ra te rv i th- t h.e':1r u : o r-l'.u- l.Y ti' o rli+* bv il:J;#';il;-i:"ilc; {r'"'"ru \a11'\ssocretoo' Lt'd-' - 6r \: '.io nr*lror 21.) annuallyon Jtnuory r ;^;;;:: ;;s6o:6 -+hr'+-t*r+r-d--e-:+f*+-naA9?---- r-'u I I rr' s \ v ---D-^^:)'.,) t,n;t:crt,,t r:rlnigcs i;( tfiis use may bc nrade or readjustcd tla}a (n r. t{01 tt"$Tl-h. or r/is/e, .- . 2. Construction or occuPancY and construction, if any, shall be completed use shall be actually exercised at least use unrler this permit shall begin vithin - -.l--- months, a-nd ;;hi;-:: - ' I montf,s' 6rom the datc of the pcrmit' Ttris-''-'--'- -Il0t O"ys each jrcar, unless otherwise authorized in a writing. 3.-Development pians; layout plans; construction, reconstruction, G alteration of- improl'ements; rrr revision-or i;t;;t;; i,--iii.i.ii6.-pianJio. this area must be approvid 'in advance and in writing bv the i;il't;ui;;;i.;;. -h.;;;-;;';ir;;fi;;t on tt.-p""-itted area'tti"v b*.removed or destroved onlv after the forest officer in cniige'dilil^i'r;, "n-a'n"r marked or orherwise designate-d.that *'hich mav be removed or <Iestroycd. Timber cut or <Iestroyed. will be paid for by the Frmittee as follorvs: ]lerchantablc timber at appraised ,."t;;;;;;*;-;;;h- t'i;b"i u"Lfu= tnercnairtaute size at current damase appraisal val\e; prouiderL that tne Fi,rest Slivice reserves the.right to dispose o.f she merchantable timber to others than the permittee at no stumpage cost to the permitilE. t.."i, .hrub$, and other plants may be planted in such manner an,i tn'J.,iciiplil;;b;ii the p?".i.e. "" *y bi approwed bv the forest officer in charge' 4. The permittee rfrnli *"int"in the improvements and-premises b standards of repair, orderliness, neatnesi siriitorion, and safety acceptable to the forest officer in charge- 5. This permit i" rrirl".t io all valid claims' 6. The permittee, i""*.*iri"g ttte p.iuit.gus granted.by this perrnit, shall comply.with the regula- rions of the Departm";; ;'-i;;i;fit;;; ;;d aii Fede.rt, Staie, couirts,-.a.nd municipal la*'s, ordinances, ;;;;gi,Llio; r,i-ftiiri "ii "ppii"?i,io io itt. area or operations covered by this permit' ?. The permittee .noii iuf." all reasonable -precautions to prevent and suooiess forest fires' No ma- terial shall be disposed of by burning in open n-r.i au.i"g the'closed sea'son ei'taUtistred by.law or regula- tion without a wnrten pii-it t*- iie iorist oflicer in charge or his auttrorized agent' 8. The permittee shall exercise diligence in protectingif rom darnarse the 'land and propertv of the United States covered #;d;;;dln co"iectio" *I!ti .tttii i35mit, and dhall oav the United States for anv damage resuuing r.ont"nliiie"u""; ;;l;il"!i; "ioirtion o? tt,e terms of, thii p6rmit or of anv larv or regu- lation applicable to the nalionai forests ilv trre peimiii;;,; bt any agsnts oi employees of the perrnittee icting v'ittrin the scope of iheir agency or -employment' 9. .The permittee ;;ll i;ily teiair aif damage, other.than oldi,nary wear and tear, to national forest roads and trails caused'i;ih;;"il1;tet i" ttte eiercise of the privilege Sranted bv this rytTi!' 10. No lfember ot or pete'gate to Congress or Resident Commissioncr shall be admitted to anl' share or part of this "gr.u*"ii ;;';; 6;r.ftii',;t;;i iiiie t ererrom unless it is made with a corporation for its .general benefit. 11. Upon abandonment, termination, revbcation, or cancellation of this permit, the permittee shall remove rvithin a reasonable time all structures ril'i;b;.-""ir e-i""pt those oivned by the uniied Staie-s' and shall.restore the rit.lunf.ir otf,u.*i." "g.."d-upo[-in ."iiting or iir Eris permit. If the permiitee fails to remove all such slructures or improve menrs *iinlo-" ieasonabTe. pe.riod' thiv shall.become the properry oi the united states, urfli"i"'}i-"ti-.iii"r"1r,"-i*i"iiii"u-ii ii"fitity for the cost of their removal anci restoration of the site. lZ. This permit is not transferable. If the permittee.thr.ough voiudiry sale,or transfer,,or through enforcement of contracl, foi."r"i"i.", t"*Gre, oiolrr.i-i'ariaJ.gir-proceedinl shall ceas-e to be.the orvner oi the physical improue-eirti-ottoi ir,"n those blrnIJ-qv 3{ 5iA'statcs si[ugted on the ]and described in this permit ana is unallelo fuinish adequate proof"of abiliiy to redeezn or otherwise reestablish title to said improver.trents, this permit shall be sulject'io cancult"ii;;. But lf the p"tto.l,t9-Ih:mJirle to seid-fi;r;i;;;;i;;h;liiti; "#;i;;il};;i;;';;i';; *a".eiip"i" provided is quarined as a permittee and is wiling that his rutu." t-""-,ipo""i;;i th;;;i";'..dilb;;rbject t'o such new ionditions.and stipulations as eristing or prospective circimstinces mi'- ,"a;.t; hiJgontiriuea-occupancy ot'the premi.ses may be author- ized by permit to rrim ir-, in:ii;;-;;i"i";-;i th; idi;;-;ffi;;i oi t i. suiesoa issuahce of a permit is desir- able and in the public interest. 18. In case of cntng.Li"adress, the permittee shall immediately notify the forest supervisor. 14. The tempora.;;;; iao.iup",..y of the premises and.impror-ements-herein described mav be sublet by the permitiee to third parties onty ,uiiir- thu piioi rvrilten iporoval of the forest supervisor bu! i[" p!#itti" Itt"ii.d"ii"i,.'il'L-i,,'.pi,".iult ioi.oi"pti"nce with all cudditions of this permit bv persons to whom such premises may be sublet' Btions herein or at the discretion off5. ThG pernrit mai Ue terminated upon breach of any of the cond the regional forester or the Chief, Forest Service- t6. In ttre event of any conflict betrreen any of the preceding printad clauses or any provlsron tnereor ana any oi tt* iotiotul"g .il";;;;. rni p"*i"luir tt "i"o?, the prlciding printed clauses will contlg!' r^ 17: This permit is iccepted subjeit'to the conclitions set forth above snd to conditions , ^o b-" zi''- ''--';li;;ffi fi;;"to "tia *"bu a part of this penniL I 'a t'.'.. : ' " '' - - raparlttr.n ircorsatlou Llrtrlotr PorL and ?loy5'roun!' e/a/aa ', 2lZO - Yall l'otl 1,t8, 5ho po'rr3tko shall bo rct2analblo for'prot''"1::"li il:5ilt::ljjt-:F: Je'6 sultytr3 "":;-;;-;;v"ro-d.bv t!:to pcrnlt' ar'd-'adias'i''"""""tt-t':l-fd :r'e!'r1!s' oongtruction or ip"rrti"" of 'Jrl porrlttori uso' * tn*o-, lxooasrw.t'":1:.. "f I rcacr o:rd o';hor ;:;;t:;.;tl! tc avoid tire accu:::ur""1:";;";;i"L "* 9::::d "tt.' rr;"il',;il:l'.*:jii:E"lrll.:#**:r$#i::::v*x::;:, 'J""rut.g to au-r:lc-:gst tho r€voiolal'U. :: :";... or flattor. thsyr:lrl bo . le. Alt cut c:'d flll' "1'n::-:1-11-* ot leeat 2" "t:l:];'t;";";;;s of oooo rovesctc'tcc *o'-!'*=u c:rd' cepcni'J"l"i; "3ecicc ueoc' lo to 20 ?cLrcs ' ;;"il;" =irf i!'i'1"i'ui' ?,ct sccdles "" t;;:;t-*,,t:',,:"co at a l'" "-f-|i"iiil: il""'"?Jlil'SuJ;ttn opeoioa t'ir"r'io"iio'Jnli*to" of t!:c Fcrest suTcrrlccr orrti'- 6ss3QE6o ' - -!'-'r t r" -1 ecedl cn ibo ilre:lcos or oa z!. llo si6ne or advsrtlslr6-iertccc oi::rll !'o pl?"lt,ry or at tlis iircc=lcn of ndjaqent "o"iolu:']i"roet rJas' e;--o6pt thcso''-'cstec lrri roto"t surertisot'r ,r. - -a,r.?. of tlre 2?. Ttro pcrr:ttoo silall l|tu i:1" conditlons "t'^t:" pep'lt a part of t obll5,stions oi ov ]'ossss by =it"l il;;-";" 1o to tB ercr'olsod' '2$.Sireculctlolonthoelteort}eprl.rlle.eeeut,horiredbythtsporaltn{11' not bo Porrdttotl' bltc Lo a::d o ;: ; ;r*oo ohall i:*t frce end unrsetrrctgd accoss bv "i:o T-:r-'o,orirt"ot u2cn rlre n';;;;;-"; *t :=: :""""it* iili::":'":;f"t::'o'lill'liu"l'lio'='nt ut ;;6 .$" ob-ic'ots cf tJre l?*i: t+rc Porcltt'i":"i *rtt rtglts t'iicroctr .i 26,rhe por=ritee slia*:T:.'l,l;ii;:;til:+il#i{ii::i:'iii:"*:;li'il' . rr-pos, ca;recitlcs, 1l "*:'i"ii:olllrS'"i" lii-i:.=""'t"r iri:"sdletc ol9' t .: Thta equlp:i"i-r"i:r bo ln.rccdlac6e d-' all r'i::cs -til il;";;l"it-iit.t"ttitut' 26, bstells';ic::s of uillitics' cueri.es'v'telt'::tr:;:t:i"ll:;:jl]3t1;'n"ttt'u pi lre lc u-i. : ;: ; ; ; iJ,il i';:tlTlr:"" t :tH "l l,; i ;;';- i'.lo - r'o' o' t su lrc rvi s o r i *hl"hot"r ola:ri'ards Brc !'1e irr "; a=d h1s c:.'.:lcvooa :i*1: 1:.: *:::l il"lr;:::J'i""t*llili' .'"ozr.. 1'l:c por;:l{,,,os a=c ttlt-tt':iii= 5r.i.asi_eny-?1r1.,11c;u ol.feroc T.;; e.r;c1,od rsli61on, color' cl llrfltrt-ll.rrr.*. ser-'1co, or i;rlv11c;:-Y::::."'f;11:!co "i.e;;;";B eny ccccE:.cdetion, t."it"i;-L:"i;;;h.;" cr i:ta oc.3Lovocc ;uor; iy r:," s"nolli-;;i;i:: .:,:" ::l*i";ll ;:i;f;ilif i,: ai.;t*U,i}::iii'"' .,._ - l,atronsso'lc'"r"i|i""" i::.:::"?L"lll;ti*li'i=11,, ;r;:"i91:'-:l:iror to t:ro Pornlttse ";Ji:'lcluao ""9 j;", 'n eny ouuoorr'rait*rslo rtr';:r ros*ct to tho ono ocntainoC irr ti4s :"il::-- I eu, ev-- '--- d h3rcundef roporerlcna auL\orlzoq ri'u ' sL"'vv' ..v'rrlil-.r I t' l) I a I i : ^v 2T?O - Yalt lctropollto-l iooreatls:r llrtrlot' Park a'o'tt ?Ioygr"und' eft/rc 2Slfhopon:.tttrollroogc;rrtbloforocbttauouglnapootlonc!1n2rorrc:1.:nt3. trira covlnld Ly 'Jr1t i;e rnlt to agcurs ";hnt iraiarclE arc r€novod urd $14{ :;ubllo SBfoqr, lorlth, end r,elfcro cro adequatoiy p"",o"toa. fno pondttoo r11I tri:o ocrrocil'oo aotice ac ceeCsd. Thla gen:lt ci:s.ll, !:nro no forco or offcct u:tll tho i"rrr;.1 l";.::rst ed h:: tl5:lftcd lts accuptarco of lito aupffc"to coTy to the Forost Su:orvia:r' Pb/ce -(Ie-"o ) lirc underslS::cd eu".,I:..irleed offlcla! of a:rc tell }"otrc.rolltgn i,ocrcstton Dis,'ric.., basread'Crc'fcre;cla53cn:rlti$d'Eir€osfoier<iisbeh:lfofseldl'eorcr'tica D:letrl.c.. tJie.t lt ecc€9ts e=d $ill atldo by aLl i'he te::c's eri coadltlcns 1'l-':rccf' l/*4r!rrf' '; r-/tt.ft.-.y/ "/'51flo y' 4/rtr"{'/-:-'9 - : ircr.r::lttoo haa rnado 5:e firgt lt by ai;nlng e:1d r"b'r:':f'4 Etl- ;.:';ro;c11ia:t EEr:ret+or l':ctrlct './) -4- I f- Urllad strtr. D.parttn.nt c, Arrlcultura :F.rt.l S.rvlc. I JL/ AMENDMENTTT_y/ FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT' Rcf: FSM 2714 THIS AHEXOM€RT IS ATTACHEO TO ANO T,tADE A PART oF ax€ AN NU AL PERMIT l' P" tr'tt Two c. Foro rr'15.6y ite River 15 t. Ki.id ol srr (t3-t5) l. CorJ no. l?l ) 1 02 For Park & Playqround issued o Vai'l . (KINO OF PEFI,IIIMetropolitan Recreation District on s/8/66 {. Di rrrio (79t oly CrossOZ s. slot. (16.17)h. C ounty (l E-20)Eagle O3l_ NAME OF P ERMI TTEE' amended as follows: of Permit cover sheet to: (OAIE OF P ERMI T' which is hereby Revise "A" Golf course green Revise "8" of Permit Gts) is now called green //3. cover sheet to: course maintenance buildinz 24'x88' as shown on planOne expanded golf dated 4/3I/74. Orne partially buried storage structure (precast concrete) for golf course maintenance materials as shown on landscaping plans dated 8/28175 and described in Statement of Need dated 8/28/75. Add The landscaping plan and narrative dated August 28, Lg75, will be followed Adjust fees, if necessary. )Tii{s<.tc0(sldnxrocixxocxorrtcdcs:bjecrorlbercoxditirosi**et:{odibcxixxmrkco>orxdixirglrs,Gxxxxixxxxxjo( xyxxrr xxxx\.xrr'{yx xx xxrchx*iermmu<aodm;rdxxryaxxdxf,ix PERMITTEE ISSUING OFFICER "^p,t't*7/NAME OF PERMITT EE Vail MetroDoLitan Rec. Dis t.TITLE Forest Supe rv isor XAME A ,.2 CFO lI t.e 02 2700.23 lll7?l .,--Kcc flul VAIL MUI'IICIPAL GULI- GUUR5t I'IATN ItfiANUt T'{LILI I I 4dt t r / j' IL MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE I4AIIITENANCE FACILITY ,/ -4pruuo.'#/ry- iflr,&.qo-:.t LANOSCAPING NOTES / l?zlyI.e.rTta.Ztsz. Genera'l Clean-up and Landsiapinq 'l . All areas disturbed through construction activity or other- wise will be restored to previous conditions 2. storage will be consolidated and all materjals to be stored will be evaluated as to future usability and potential value. Items of little potential value will be discarded 3. Tree p'lantings will be improved as shown on landscaping plans and dev-rsed to assure survival of all p1 anted material 4. The willow screen that commences iust east of the north .orivacy fence will be restored. Dead growth will be removed and the i^emaining shrubbery will be schedu'led into the maintenance program. 5. The area south and outside of property access must be main- tained aS a snow storage area and therefore cannot receive tree trans- iiurli. A junjper hedge will be 'installed to visually break the F""i" fine ind i'No Pariing" signs will be erected to prevent use of 'n" "':: :":: ;".l,;'::':,:":,i""";' ne orsunized and u,."unn*.o to minimize visual imPact. 7. Due to the access problems and the very limited area for the intended use, no practical means exists to improve the view into ihe site through the access opening for northeast-bound traffjc on Vi.it Vattey Drive. All reasonable care will be extended to prevent accumulation of unsightly storage in this view corridor however. LANDSCAPING OF NEl., STORAGE FACILITY l'. Landscaping of the new storage facility,whose need is substantiated in the "statement of lleed", will be extensive and is'intended to minimjze the visual effect of the structure. 2. All exposed surfaces of the structure sha'l I reveive a painted finjsh to match the existing structures, a iight , natural green. This includes a] I interior iurfaces as we'l 1 as a'l 'l exterior exposed surfaces. ,/'/z I -_-- t- {IIIL-i"1U}TICIPAL GOLT COURSE Page Two' ( FACILITY --.t 3.Thestructurewasdesignedtofitintotheexistingbank on tfrrle siJ"s to miniriie the visual 'impact of the. structure' -Thebank will be brought over the top of the structure to a m'lnlmrum a.pir, of'10 inches. The sides wit't atso be covered with earth as il;; "t possible with the maximum permissible s'lope of 2;'l' 4.Uponcompletjonoftheaforementionedearthwork,al]disturbed earth will be reseed"i ritn native grass m1x and wildf1 owers seed' The areas will be watered to assure growth uniil the ground cover is riiut. enough to sustain life under natural conditions' TIl'|E SCHEDULE FOR LANDSCAPE l,loRK l. All work ment'ioned above.will be completed as soon as oractiiable. lrtith the understanding that actual maintenance of the ;;i;";;;;;;'is oi nisheit prioritv, it is expected-that.a-portion ii'i1,.-,',.if wi'tt be ione during the off-season of Fa11 .1975- 2.Itemsthatcanmorelogica.ilybedoneinthesprjng,.--:- p"ior io "p."ing-oi ti" golf seaion,will hopefully be done in the lpring of 1976. 3. It is clear'ly intended that the vai'l Metropolitan Recreatjon Distriii complete the iandscap.ing and cleanup of this.Mairrtenance F;;;ti;i ii buirined on tt'ls itaiement and on the Landscape plan' fnese iilprovements will be carrjed out as soon as time and funds per- mi ts. O 2.7 .a ?a- Of /s I I Ul. ALl.All lt|rc[0$$lt t1{Yt$titil'|r till t$TtIr P93Y OFFtCt BOI XO.3!0 o yAtL, COLOR,IDO tlt57 . (t0tr a7a.tat? TI I I I T Febrr:ary 2, L977 Allen Gerstenberger District Coordinator P. O. Box 100 VaiI, Colorado 81657 Re: U. S. Forest Senrice Land Presently Used By Recreation District Dear Mn Gerstenberger: Pursuant to your request of January 17th and fur accordance wlth your zubsequent verbal instructions, I have completed an appraisal of t}te above -captioned property. The land on the east of Vail Valley Drlve contai:rs approxlmately 31,000 square feet and could be utilized as two duplex zoned building sltes. The land on the west of Vail Va1ley Drive contahs approxlmately 25,000 square feet and would accommodate two slngle famlly sites. It sltould be noted that presently the land is not within the limits of the Town of Vall and that neither water nor sewer are included within Vail Valley Drive adjacent to the two subject parcels. Typical lots with utltitles and Lr: the Town of \iail fronting along the golf course would currently sell for $50, 000 assrming they contain an average of 14, 000 square feet. On this basis, the value of the land if within the town limits and with utilities could have a value as high as $200,000. This opinion is based upon the transactions mentioned below. The very small supply of lots available combined with a very high demand for thls prestige location has brought extraordtunarlly high prlces. One lot in the 10th Filing was sold for $55,000 and another in Vail Valley 1st Filing for $60, 000. In December 7975, Britton sold two small lots averaging 9,500 square feet at the rate of $3.15 per square foot or $30,000 each. Five lots in the 11th Filing lying just to the east of the thirteenth green with access on Aspen Lane were sold to one man wtthin one week of the tlme that they were I I I I I I I T I I I I I I tl. lLLAll ilrc[0S$lt ilrvt$Itililrr RrAt tslrlt PO$T OFFTCE 8OX ltO.6tt . yAtL, COLOFIDO rlCtt o (t0tl ata.tatt offered. The average lot contains 18,000 square feet and sold at $1.95 per square foot or $35,000. Vail Associatesr Resubdlvision of Lot 1 in Potato Patch contains five lots and these were sold in five days for $2.60 per square foot. The lots involve 17,000 square feet on the average. Under the aszumption that the land eould not be developed with buildinq sites but had a classification of rrresource use only'r, the rralue would be much less. If the appraiser aszumed the following hypothetical situation, the land value is estimated at $20,000. Assume that the area was now being platted and about to be offered for sale by the developer. For certain reasons he elected to put a deed of restriction on both of these parcels limiting their use so that an abutting property owner could anticipate enjoying the view across the land in perpetuity. The question then arises,rhow much would an abutting owner pay as a premium for his lot given the aszurance of the contjnued resource utilization of the subject parcel?r. I.r this situation, the two parcels of land if left with resource classificatlon would benefit four nearby residential lots. As these lots today would have an average value of $50,000, it is reasonable to expect that their value if abutting an open space area would be increased by 1%. This means that the land developer would expect to receive $5,000 more on each of the four benefiting lots for a total of $20,000 in extra lot sales revenue if he put a deed restriction on the two subject parcels. I trust that you will not hesitate to contact me if I ean be of any assistance in the interpretdtion of the report. Please note the contingent and limiting conditions as included on page 3. t I T I I I I t I I I submitted."47,* I I I I ' W. Allan MacRossle E ERTIFICATION OF APPRAISER i certify that to the best of my lcrowledge t}te facts stated hereln are tme, tfiat the compensation is not contingent upon the amount of valuatlon reported, that I have personally inspected the property, that this appraisal has been made in accordance with the recommended and professional standards of the American trnstitute of Real Estate Appraisers, and that I do not have any present or contemplated interesl in the subject property. r Il. AL[All lfluR0$$lt B tilursritmr Rrm rsurr I posr oFFlcE Bor lro.6sg . yArL, coLoRADo ric!r . (s0rf .tt.t.!t T CONTINGE}OT AND LIMTING CONDNIONS I I 1. That the title to the subject property is good and marketable. r 2. That the subject property has been appraised as if free and clear I of any liens or encumbrances and no responsibillty for legal matters is assumed. I 3. That no survey was made of the property for this report, and that any plans or sketches utilized fur thls report are for visual aid only I and are not to be construed as zurveys or engineering reports. I 4. That certain opinions, estlmates, ,data and statistics furnished by I others in the course of investigation are reliable.. I 5. That the appraiser shall not be required to testify in a court of I law unless prior arrangements have been made. I 6. Neither all nof any part of the contents of this report shall be I conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news, I sales or other media, without the written consent and approval of the author, partlcularly asd,o valuation conclusions, the identity I of the appraiser or firm wilh which he is conneeted, or any I reference to the American lcstitute of Real Estate Appraisers or to the M. A. I. designation. t 7, The appraiser has no Imowledge of the geological factors whlch may be encountered in the development of this land. The value I i:rdicated in thls report ls predicated upon the assumption that noI unusual costs or constraints due to geologlcal considerations will be incurred. I t I I I I I |il. ALtA1{ illcR0S$lt ffi tilyrsrurr{r rmt rsrlrr I posr oFFrcE Box No. rs9 o vArL, coLoRADo Elrrz . (!o!).7a.!a!? I I t I I I I t I I I I I S!:rce openinn nr" U e, M. A. I. , has assisted clients with many types of mountain real estate. Listed below is a representative sample of some of the projects and clients for whom the work was accomplished. I I I I PROJECT Commerciaf Building in Rifle Breckenridge Ski Area Apartments in Vail Commercial Center, Breckenridge Silverthome-Dillon hn Motel In Gunnison Buffalo Mountain Codominiums Motel h Aspen Office Building, Breckenridge Condominiums in Breckenridge Dillon Office Building Condominiums in Breckenridge Eagle Industrial Park Subdivision L,and in Steamboat Sprlngs Apartment Complex in Eagle Recreation Community Condominiums in Frisco Steamboat Springs Subdivision Land Golden Gate State Park Subdivision Land in Winter Park Condominiums in Breckenridge Shopping Center Land in Dillon Condominiums in Steamboat Springs Core Area Land Subdivision land in Eagle Central Core Land in Vail Frofessional Office in Vail Historic Building in Aspen Beaver Creek Ranch Headquarters Central Core Land in Aspen Commercial Condominium ln Aspen Central Core Land in Breckenridge Central Core Land in Cooper Mountain Condominium trroject Copper Mountain Frisco Commercial Property Subdivision Land in West Vail Nursing Home in Grand Junction Warehouse in Glenwood Springs Condominiums in Staqe Coach CLIENT First Colorado Corporation Aspen Ski Corp. Anderson and Company Barney Brewer Davis Graham & Stubbs Stephen Narans Empire Savings & Loan High Country Development Co. Breckenridge Investment Co. Moore Real Estate Co. B. D. F. Construction Co. United Bank of Denver Mountain Modular Mfg., Inc. First National Bank of Denver. Colorado Business Development Co. Arrowhead at Vail Tenderfoot Development Co. Lake Catamount U. S. Dept. of lhe Interior Regis College Columbia Savings & Loan Town of Dil1on Ling-Tempco-Vought Keystone trrternational, Inc. Land and Cattle Management CorP. Town of VaiI Arthur Bishop and Company Robinson Brick and Title Co. VaiI Associates, Inc. City of Aspen Cook Industries The Breckenridge Company Copper Mountain Associates Charles Lewis Wheaton College Vail Intermountain Columbia Savings & Loan Coors Brewery DisLributor Builders hveslment Trust 'l '{ . .l , lir' \ h{tu il!'",fu{.Yf 'p'N"o"/u' u,it,i7,1tfu ' '(rt';t'* STORAGE BUILDII,IG STATEMENT OF NEEO FOR rcn vntl-1trTR0P0L ITAN REcREATI0TI l.SCOPE OF PROJECT To provide much needed storage for Golf I'laintenance equiprnent and material, it i, ptoiol.i"l"-iJaiiionat storase .Pill9iig.l" erected on the s.ite currenrl'"r"Ai,. p"irit t" tf.." Vuil i'letropolitan Recrealion District. 2.HOIJ THE 3. As with the mainienance fac-i1ity in general' !|t M..:torage must be located ."ntruiii"i; i;; c;i"f op.iulion- The requiremeni for close proximity oi'irre-proposed storaqe facility to tre existing -mai-ntenance oper.atiJn-ii o[uiort. ft'i-storing -populality of golf in this area is-requiring greater "tphuiit on-miintenance anC sub- sequentli rilore equipnent- tne severiii=9t-1it"."t.1!f!-lt -'rell as -' a desire to encrose and organize stoiaie-'eff-orts require expanding - the facil itY. The proposal is to erect a precast concrete structure in a loca'uion that will allorv onl;';;; opln-iia"' i'e' it urill be sunk into an existing embankment'u"l-tni-r""i-U" .ou"r"d w'ith earth and land- scape thereuy minimil'itg"in"'itptii-o; tn" build'ing' To furiher minimize the impact,iii'"itiuil"Jtrit"t will be painted a light g.een to blend with the background' The reason that Forest Seivice-land. is required for this proiect is 'that the propused +".iriiv'wii-t 'uort< with.the 1i-:-l.li:-lac'i'liiv verv closely, a central io.iiii," ror this maintenance equipment is required' and no other land is'""iiiiure-around ;;;";;i; ;;urse ?or this tvpe of use. The current maintenance program for'the go1 f course must be centralized for otjiniiitional', supervisory' and security reas0ns' 4.I4EIHOD OF OPEMTION I'IHEN THE PROJECT IS DEVE OPED A. Ownership -- Vai'l !'letropo'l itan Becreation District, a Public bodY ._: tl '. \.,rrrrL' J'rrr '8.he proiPeriods of the Year t ect wil't be operated -- Year round' ' s. scHEDUl.E-!I-q!!!!qq!lE$ It is desired that the building be put into its intended use inrnediately V* 1r/, tq( ' f-a' U*'- '-ft"/ 9 6 Ito^.t, s' 2-.0. ?*t, OTHER LANDS OR INTERESTS I.IHICH I4AY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROJECT The private lands vlhich the go1 f course are located near would be affected through denial of this proposal REGULATIOII AGEIICI ES The proiect rvould be regulated' by the Vail Metropolitan Recreation Di str i ct 8. IIECESSITY OF THE PROJECT I'lho uril I be affected if the permit is not granted? The general pub'l ic who uses the golf course as t'rell as the constituants of the Vail l'letropolitan Recreation District. l,lhat will be the effects if the permit is not granted? A gradua'l deterioration of the njgh level of.naintenance on the Vail l'lunicipai Golf Course wil I occur How wi'l I the effects, 'including social , economic, and environmental , be fe1 t considering human benefit and r'relfare.if the permit is not granted? The growing popularity of golf in the region wou'ld be affected through deminished quality of maintenance if this permit is not gianted. Approximatlly 40,000 golfers use thii Vait . l4unic'ipal Gol f Course per year. 9. DESCRIBE ALTERNATIVE I.IETHODS AND/OR LOCATIONS TO THE PROPOSEO ACTION ; 0F THE APPLICATI0|I 'i ; - No al ternatives.that are l'arge enough;. close 'enough, or centra'l }y located have been discovered .IO. TECHNICAL REQUIRENEI,TTS NEEDLD iN DEVELOPI'IINT OF THE PROJECT A. Construction width of acreage -- approximately 1,300 square in existing permit' area 8. 0perationa.l width or acreage. existing in permit area. C. Percent of site coverage -- minimal (see landscaping plan) D. Any operational constraints or engineering factors which night- affect the location or design of the project -- operationally' a close proximity to the existing facility is required. A BRIEF EVALUATION OF THE EXPECTED EFFECTS OF THE.PROJECT ON A IiILq EIIV IRONI'IENT None, in that the roof will be returngd to native grasses and environment' and the project will merely enclose existing materials and equiprnent. '6. 7. feet J ! ll. i:;. ;;,.. D.F .o.nr d Agn'ltut' J tttr Irxr or tcixtrtzt t . l'atl iirtrcTol^.as toorcar;1on Llstrlot xrxD C'7 UlC i'ork lad Pkygroua(t A TT SPECIAL USE PERMIT ct of Junc 4, 1897, or Ftbruery l5' -l9Ol.rit pcrmrt rr rcvocrblc tnd nonllrn'lct'Dlc oatE or t'€rMlT s/8/66 7n-,4C€O3 2720 ilgron 2 ITATZ lTo"ctr coloroic I i':tlt ll'r-r Ecly Grc=a IFT This permit covers Coas tn:cti:r-:, !: F@ *? !'all !'a i ro rc 11';e-u ! ccroa.tlon llsirlct .cr"s li'd:ib]-1-.:.l-.:lLt ];-l- lEI and islssued for the purpose of : Permission is hereby STanted to sf &11. C'lciCo ELCS? - - ' hereinafter callej the permiltee, to use subject to tne conditions set out below' the following described land.s or improvernents: ,_ rL^ --,r.1 !-,r. ai c..rnsr cf ti.e Slaf,.-"' Secticn 9, ;;;;{ o-f r.e,-i...,c1, ic:-est land l- i,.hc :crt'krcat c''re('r c: T.5S.r I..CJ::., €'"n F.::' ei 6h3?'3 ot o "ii- "" Cil* io 'Jrg -i';is''jrlct irr-'::';e r a:ld ForesE S';-:rcriacrt"- "fflt"", :'int":13 u"iclo-"tod Sprin5s' Coicr:lio rcsgoc;i-'-;iyo 3.O H''- t ""' 11 - (mo iolf course tr€en (i;9)''r'ith un3er6'rounil g,t./' lrri6atiou siv-S r.,€t=. rrgr, iase ocnstruetisn, bc':'rdt oa D - one 6o1f course =rlatenstrce irrilCin€ (24t x board et'clng o:ed shako shlnglo roof)' Access rced S';-fooi r:ldo rtjr t-cf--;'ry appro xfurs tc ly 650r loaAt psrki:rg a.roa o:r '*" =o'.ir side of a'ie nleir'tct:o:ce L'uilci'r:6' Feaso or troo scrcent.g forL].e :laiat';la::co bu1ld1ng ard ?3r:dn8 ars a' l1-cr'ce r;iis sccurl!-trpe feoco for the ocui'grcot yerd on thq olurJr sido \c- 'D- E- ei:d e s::a11 l..t .: of $o scl:rto:rr-cco LullClnc' Ttre exercise of any of the privileges granted hereby constitutes acceptance of all the conditions of this permit. l. In consideration foi this use, thg pcrmittee :!ali..R-3y to the forcst $ervice' U'S' Department of |r*h,J!"-:.":lle-sum or '{l':#'#'"'ii;*+ '"'i;'-;{4":1{HtD:'ii;'. ir:!9'c9:=;::'J"T lff#l1ASXlcu.llure, lle:sum or --- - - F; : Iccu rri6?-5i- -- ftqr:l J {ulusrr.Y i 19 (,' , to - annually on rr !lr'u , 5 69. gc-- - - - - -::::::=::::3 . th:re o !:iriti r"d e-:-t-r-*-ne'A* D-..'.t;di'd hotnrttr- Chaiscs fof tiri#"mamtrt*fi"*. f#,rT;;;f:r-"a" "'''.li:"'t"a ''t "'*'er necessary to placc the il;;;;;;i;'""-;;;;uiate rvith the r.arue of use authorizcd by ll,:o".lT.tl;charges on a basis cornmensurate rvith the ralue ol use sutnorrzc" "t 'iiY;til-ij.t of t/ts/sz/. i'r.r i"lo ror c. Y.'iill tr'"tr.iu r;o1f i'ssoclctoo' Ltd" ic ' " '."o nunLor 21.) ttll-a (n t. t{0, , 2. Construction constluction. if anY, use shall be actuallY whom such premises may be sublet. 15. This permit may be terminated the regional forester or the Chicf, Forest and 16. In the event ot'any conflict betrveen any an)'of the follorving clauses or any provisions upon breach of any of the conditions herein or at the discretion of Service. of the preceding prinEed clauses or any pr-ovision.thereor' months, andor occuplrncy and use -u-nder this permit shall begin urithin- I *^-+l,c 6-nwr tlmonths, 6rom the date of the pcrmit. Thisshall be completed within exercised at least -I?o------E;yi ."in i&", unlcss otherrrise authorized in writing. 3. Development pians ; layout plans; construction, reconslruction, _ar alteration of, improvements; crr revision o1 i^vo"f "i. '"onrihj.[ion ptans ior this area must be approved ,in advance and in writing by -the?ii..iiup"."iso.. Tie.i oi ttr.uffr..y on the-permitted area'may be removcd or destroyed only after tt " to..ti officer in cniige has app roved, ' and 'has marked or otherwise designated.that r*-hich may be ;;;;;;J;. ,t.rti"i.a. --tti U;a;"[ "; dcstrbycd rvill be paid for by the permittee as follorvs: ilerchantgble ifi-6a111 ";piii.'.a r"tu"-; irrte-rror';th timber beloiv tnerchairtable size at current damase appraisal ;;i;;:;;o;{ied that the F6rest Slivice reserves the rjght to dispose of she merchantable timber to others tfiin if," permittee at no itumpqqe cost to the permitteE. Trees, shrubs,,,a-nd other-plants grav be planted i;:t;ii "ilnn"i ina l" i""ir pr'acEi aUout the premises as rnay be approvred by the forest oficer in charge- 4. The permittee shall rnaintain the improvements and premises tco standards of repair, orderliness, neatness, sariiiation, and sat'ety acceptable to the forest officer in charge-' 5. This permit is subject to all valid claims. 6. The iermittne, in exercising the privileges franle{ by this perrmit, shall comply.u'ith the.regula- tions of thebepartment oi -{gricri-iture ind ali- Federal, State, countS.and municipal laws, ordinances, oi iegulations *'hi.h are appiiclable to the area or operations covered by this permit. ?-. The permittee shali iake all reasonable precautions to prevent arnd suppress .fore.st fires- No ma- .terial shall 6e .ii.poeri -o?i-t-tjr."ittg in open fires during the'closed season eslsblished by.law or regr:la- tion without a wnrten p".mit f rom ihe forist officer in charge or his aub'horized agent. 8. The permittee iha1 exercise diligence in pr-otecting- from darnasge. the .land-and pr^operty -of the United St"t"i .otur.d brr and used in con"nection with this permii, and sthall pay th.e United S'"ates for any aj-"g" resulting from'negiigence or from lhe violation oi the terms oithis permit or of any iarv or regu- Fl;-ti;ppti;Ui"io tfr" niiioiai forests by tliie peimitiee, or by any ageris Or employees of the Pernittee acting rvithin the scope of iheir agency or employment. 9-..The permittee shall fully relaiiail damage, other.than ordi-nary .wear and tear, to national forest roads and trails caused by the permittee in the exercise of the privilege gaanted by thls permlr. 10. No ltlember of oi Detegate to Congress or Resident Commissioner shall be admiited to anl' share or pari'qf [hi; "cr;;;;a Jt to?ny beneft'that may arise herefrom unless it is made with a corporaiion for its .general benefit.- - -if. Upon abandonment, termination, revocation, or cancellation of -this p-ermit, the permittee shall t"molJ *iifti" a reasonable time all structures and improvements except ]hose owned by ttre United Staies' a"a ifr^f f ..rtore the !itt, uniesJ othenvise agreed upoir in writing or iir tiris permi!.- - If the permittee fails- to remove atl such structures or improvemenis within a reasonable Perioc, they shall_become the propertli oi ii,J Unit"a States, Uul-ihai "iti "'ot relieve the permitiee of liab-ility for the cost of their removal anci restoration of the site. 12. This permit is not transferable- If the pcrmittee thr.ough voiurt:ry sale- or transfer, or through ' enforcement of contraci, fo;;i;ii.;, tu* r.te, oi other valid legil proceoiing shall ceas.e to be the ow-ner of iiie pfryri.ii i-prou.*"hti ottr"r ihan those brvned by the Unj"ted'states siiuated on the land described in tt i. -p"'r-il ""a iJ "niUt"-to lurnish adequate proof-of ability to redeern or othenvise reestablish title to ;ia -itrpr;.'.m"nti, tirir-p"rmit;dii U" ri.,Uj..f to cancellatioh. But if the per-s.o^nto whom title to ssid impr;i';;;nb "t1oii t,"tu'been translerred in either manner above provided is qualjfied as a permittee and is "'ifjing ttrai ftis iutui" o.*pon.l' of the premises shall be subject-tb such new conditions and stipulations as exGtiigoi pioipective circumstinces miy .varrant, his c,ontinued_occuparc-"- of the premises rury be-au-thor- t.a Ui*.fi]t tb tri*li, i" 1'h; ;tiri";;'f the issuiirg officer or his successor, issuance of a permit is desir- able and in the public inlerest. 13, In case of chenge of address, the permittee shall irnmediately notify the forest supervisor. . 14. The tempora.f us" and occupancy of the premises and improl'ements herein described may. be sublet-ff lfre pJtioiti.i to itriia pJ.ii"r orily rvith the prior rvrilten'ap5r_roval of-the forest.supcrvisor bu! the permittee ihall continue to be'responsibft for compliance with all cosditions of this permit by persons to , thereoi, the preciding printcd clauses will conlrg!. -c--rl -t--.- --r.^ ^^-,f:*:^-- lB totZ. This permit is accepted subject to the attached hereto and made a parL of this pertniL conditions set forth above and to conditions c!^-TU^E or fs3ufxo oFrrc€F -a:.-_--:--::: '. .[ rtru ]j:';:-.:.--:ii-.rr.*ro r.r. - --_ _ J_- cro ar t.l tl 'a t. .' ,"' ^--^llta.n haoruatton Ll.'trlctr PerE and 3)'aygrouad' e/a/ee itzo - l'all I'otrrict re.. r: ?: :1 : i : - ::": I,H" ; i'til:'i ff :! F:"iil# J: n:ir'#*} *;i [t aud 6u11y1r; ". tt-lli.i"" "i-.r,i porrtttod uso. Ee cha-lr con6!,r'rr.tlo' or oPcror:::-:-: ;'";;ia tiro aecu:::u1"t11" .:-::::'j^:;i';;iiJ.,.irr,r rcacs ord o'r'o' r=t"l;;;;t;; tc-avora iil'ul"i=trs--1on of oxooaslvs hcada c'r rrctx,r and'-: arclc;;;;;;;;^t' ""-ott'ltlt]'-;r "rtoD roverotato orr grcuzo r {5e or,tt l..ec tleea.;,;r;;;-;-c':all o="1i1]"tLt-:oll"Jnocossary pre*'i:th'o t"aeurca to arrp.t"..'.;;-;;.;"";ot"tioo"oo-it."".rr"o by tho Forost suc.rylaorr te. .c.11 c.rt esd f llf otopo" "o1l-:o-.:' lesat 2:1-o:-:1"13ti. fiT"'::l: s oouo rovesete-tcd *' ;t*=i-Ji"l"pc"e:'4 on tho o3ocicc uooc' ;;;;;; -;lrr bi r"'iuirec. ?,c. sccdt:6 cr ilar';!-; r-'!r1 b^e.,::"?."t a tlrs "l :i?^i:;1 t.i"i';:l,^fru;ttn aceclog i,l'.ieh in u].,r"i;li":o" of 1]:c Fcrest Su?crric-'r crrcrit !-ru '--- - ,ir""u".. ?1. lio sl6ns or a'cr''lrtlelr6 iericos oi:sIl tc -=1?":d "-tt-*Ou are:lcos oi olt a.djacent eo.rtca"t-icroot r*ar, "t-ou3;.'aT,l"o 1is"ea t'y.n"-"t't'!'"o ilrsctica of tli forost sureni'aorr :.J.t a part of tle 2?. Tho pcr=ittoo ciroll :r;aks t:'e ccndi'dons cf thls nuTiloi'"*' - -' ' -- ouits,otruns or *J' i:*:"T;"";; il;-;o-ru t" be cx*oieod' ?,3. Sgeculctto:r oo tttu slte or .|;:c p;ldle;os eut'hcriled bY thls poralt dll not bo Porr:ittod' 24. The porlttoo ehall ?9=1t:T: and ulroeirt-ctsd accose bjr ti:c 3trblto t' e-'d u>oa ttre pru=!"u"-"i"Ji i-,, ro" tri"io;u1 rrai' n*p"t"iiint'""ot "ot':i1-rsistort 'iti, ';,o obj';sts "i"e;-poEl t" i'!i fi;';";;;ru "'="-""i'=u e:d e::jo1=sni bv *i""t"'t*rltio of ttt" rlghts *"i:crocfr '9!ur:3 of _ -.,.^11 | nrr.-n11 fi gre €=t:.n3u-rs:.!l' r - ."-:.-:-_-r-r.I 1-^_orit Su:grriscf.' 26. Ihe pcrSitee sLaI] .'*"':t'l-lI e:tLn3u"cbet" *9 fircf!6'-'ttng a?lsr v,h.;';:!:;11'ti;,iil"tJ;lr.lT"::.li:iiii*:;il;;il:i';5-Ii,"Li-i:;" * 'rlthle cqulp=3et sl"a.rr " " i*,-: _::-:. -.' bc reeuire. b,' t tcstad or,oh Jea:, e.i; such ti:es as;;;:';";;t"e--ty th'o Forcst' sir';crrsc 2EoLrstg'11s"1c::eofuillilit"'.cuclies'sr:ter'':"-:-o'clectrlclry-eld'liquiflodpotrolc'-: ';'"t'o] i'"I-oo-rot't-to ioeio'-"t-' '"1"1oo*tll.ittll*1:. #;;:: i:rhlchotcr et"'ae'iis li'a :-ire hiE|'or i: '$c olirica oi' t: ;;. ' ;J.'o",.rtt." orc t:1s-cs":i:f'" sncll nct dlscrri:i:st€{i::q"i:"ttlli!i' """o rorlslnn, .o1o",'-i'*il'rl',"or oiiii' T-jl:";":rn;li"1li"';;;;;"; ^."-:'.ia;o,otr iors?i! EJry ecc:L:'ciotion' fncl11t;"t i;' il; F:;:1,;3ir.,;".: :i#"*i'*::ii|+X g:rlri,l,fFtto., ..,::acoc:,i::cdo"t"1",-.tj.lii;ii;."i";;iJ"::,,r, r)rr:'-,esrion Yll^:":l":L-*i"='"i"riJr". rhsgrh,f";#h:F:l'i "i:*:'i.;::"';: iill+;,,;'iir;i ;il':::'i,:; t'''' porartri,e sherltl#il; nni rolrrtro oo:"pllanoo totn "i;;'*ii,:r-ri"p"ct to tho ino ocntaln'e i"'tiii-i"q"tto"o=t ln eny €ubooltro'c! I ;;;lt;;; aut'\orlzed hgrcu'dorr I ': t j' 2?O - Yolt J*tropolltar iooreatlcr t'ktrlot, Park and ?Ioy5'r'""'d ' e/t/CU 28.fhopor..lttrottro8f,c;lglbloforocbtlnuourlnepootloocflrn;lrovc:::c:nt!. arira ccr!-;r n]d Ly -Jrl: ;crnlt to ag:urs 'Jint ira:ari! arc rrenovod aad that ::ubllo il;i,; i;Jgr. end r.,clfcro cre o<?cquatoly ?rcLoctrd. Tno por:lt^.os vlll Lij:o o"tio""ir'.o .o=i"" a. cc";ied. I?rie gendt si:dl lrrris co relulrc al ;a;.-:elt c:d !::g tho dupllca',n cz7ry to ^&o sUc6 (I.e.'.o ) lirc ur:dcrg!g::cC eu"-l:trirsd offlcle!' of ie bas re ai! .'Jrc-fcrc;cln3 3cn itr sJd--egr€63 &letrl.ct ti:r.t lt eccc;ts e=d xill aiide ty .t/--17':Tr," ': foreo or offcct u:tll tho per::tttee hao rnadE 5:e firei tl1=lflcC lts accepta:ce of lt by ai;nlr5 e:rd r"b'r:':::4 Sorost Su:orr-ig:r' \?11 l.rtrc2ollte.r iecrestlcc lls!:'ici foi ard ir behrlf of said i'<orrr'tic:t elf i,he tc t=s toi coaij.€cns !:';rticf' ffiE;inG ! c:'r.,s t S';'.:zrv1s:r -4- E Unlr.a 3r.l.. D.p.rlmcnl ot Atrlcullur. : , F.ra.t ScrYlca I _Jz /AMENDMENTTT-,/ FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT. Rel FSM 2714 THlS AlrENOrrtENY lS ATTACHED tO ANO rraOE A pART b' P" (r'') Two c. Fo'c rr'19.61 ite River 15 l. Xi^d cl urr n3.t5l l. Co'd ao. l2l )IOF THE Al,rNU A L PERMIT IOATE OF PEFI'qITI One expanded golf course maintenance buildint 24'xB8'as shown on plan dated 413I/74. . Agq .. One- partially buried storage structure course mai-ntenance materials as shown8/28/75 and described in Statement of Add The landscaping plan and narrative dated August 28, irg75, will be f ollorped. Adjust fees, if necessary. )this<3tD{evr<boxoo<isxrxe{xed<srbieuloiilx>caxdiriunsr-*et:{oos;betxirl:ro<}*to>ocxdixixrcacxxxxxixxxxxJo( yrrxxxxxxxxxxx\xxxxct;ohx*J:so:hxa..:rdx$rdg:$pero,ofxhis PE RMITTEE ISSUING OF F ICER I I 'l{rfI :l CFO t:1.:ol J. Oirt.ict (7-9) 1y CrossOZ g, Sroro (16-l llolorado 0_q h. Covnty (l8-20|EagIe Oll_@. For Park & Playeround issued 1e Vail - axlNo OF P EFMtr,Metropolitan Recreation District , on gl8l66 I^TAME OF P E RMI TT EE' which is hereby amended as follou,s: Revise "A" of Permit cover sheet to: Golf course green (i/5) is now called green /13. Revise "8" of Permit cover sheet to: (precast concrete) for golf on landscaping plans dated Need dated 8128175. XA T,I.E OF PERMITTEE Vail Metropol,itan Rec. Dist.TITLE TITLE Forest Supervisor .a1 THol.rAs c. EvANsftL VAIL I'IUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE I4AINTENANCE FACILITY /-il,/rrata.rF/ a. LAN''.APTNG NoTEs : ? /.hy'ntu'- ' fr /22,4..2o.4a*2tsz. General Clean-up and Landscapinq l. Al'l areas disturbed through construction activity or other- wise will be restored to previous conditions 2. Storage will be consolidated and all materials to be stored will be evaluated as to future usabitity and potential value- Items of little potential value will be discarded. 3. Tree plantings will be improved as shown on landscaping p'lans and devised to assure survival of all p1 anted rnaterials 4. The wj]low screen that commences iust east of the north privacy fence will be restored. Dead growth will be removed and the iemaining shrubbery will be scheduled into the maintenance program- 5. The area south and outside of property access must be main- tained as a snow storage area and therefore cannot receive tree trans- plants. A juniper hedge will be installed to visually break the ience line and i'No Parking" signs will be erected to prevent use of the area as an auto parking location.' to 6. Auto parking on the site will minimize visual imPact. 7. Due to the access problems and the very limited area for the intended use, no pract'ical means exists to improve the view into the site through the access opening for northeast-bound traffic on Vai'l Val'ley Drive. All reasonable care will be extended to prev.ent accumulation of unsightly storage in this view corridor'however- LANDSCAPING OF NEI.I STORAGE FACILITY of the new storage facility,whose need lleed", wil'l be extensive and is intended the structure. 1'. LandscaPing in the "Statement of the visual effect of 2. A1 1 exposed surfaces of the structure shall reveive a painted finish to match the existing structures, a light , natural green. This inc'tudes a'll interjor surfaces as well as all exterior exposed surfaces. Kcc fp f be organized and arranged to 46t t ,r'/5' is substantiated to minimize /-lz 4IL hUNIC]PAL GOLF COURSE I'IAII'tTENANCE FACITITY ': Page Two' ( .l 3. The structure was designed to fit into the existing bank on three sjdes to minimjze the visual impact of the structure. The bank wil'l be brought over the top of the structure to a minimium depth of'10 inchei. The sides will a1so be covered with earth as much as possible with the max'imum permissible slope of 2:1 ' 4. Upon completion of the aforementioned earthwork, all disturbed earth will 'be reseeded with native grass mix and wildflowers seed. ihe ur"ut wjll be watered to assure growth unii'l the ground cover is mature enough to sustain life under natura'l conditions. TII'IE SCHEDULE FOR LANDSCAPE I,JORK 1. A'll work ment'ioned above will be completed as soon as oracticable. blith the understand:ng that actual maintenance of the iolf course is of h.ighest priority, it_js expected_that-a portion 6t th. work will be done during the off-season of Fall 1975' 2. Items that can more logicaily be done in the spring,'- : - prior to opening of the golf season,will hopefully be done in the spring of 1976. 3. It is clearly intended that the vail Metropolitan Recreition District complete the landscaping and c1 eanup of this -MaitrtenanceFacit;ty as butlined on this italement and on the Landscape p1 an. These iilprovements will be capjed out as soon as tjme and funds per- mi ts. Landscapinq of New Storage Facility z/ .,? ?i Or /€ ; It. AtLAl{ ltluR0$Slt PosT. oFFlcE 80x ftE1\'Iffil lilIt$tt'ttltt nilt t$IAIt ' t{ftg r l|O.6!0 . YAIL, COLORADO !1t57 a (so3l at3-3rtt TOWI{ OF VAIt OF U. S. FOREST SERVICE I,AI{D USED BY THE RECREATION DXSTRTCT l I I I I I II I I 'Iil. ALLAl{ tvllcfioss (EEil'It l@J tilyr$rmmr RrAr rsrArr PqST OFFTCE Box !to.639 Allpn Gerslenberger District Coordinator P. O. Box 100 VaiI, Colorado 8165? Re: U. S. Forest Service Land Presently Used By Recreation District Dear Mr. Gerstenberger: Pursuant to yo_u1 request of January 1?th and in accordance withyour.subsequent v6rbal-in3l*"ti"lC r have compreted an appraisar of. the above-captioned property. The land on t e east of vail valrey Drive contains approxirnately31,000 square feer and courd uu "tiri"ud altwo;;;;;;""ed butdingsites' The rand on tl:e west of vail valley Drive ;;;a:is approximately25, 000 square feet and would accommoaaie two slngle rr*ity sites. It shourdb_e noted thar presentry the rand is;TilffiiLij;i;"'lr to" Town ofvail and that neither water nor sewer are incruded within va' valleyDrive adjacent to the two subject parcets. - Typical lots with utilities and h ft:_TorF^ of vail fronting arongthe golf course ro"rg curren[y settior $b0, ooo;;;;'q they containarl average of 14,000 square feet. On this Ua"is,-tfr" *;" of the landif within the to'n timitd and with utititi"" could t",r. , rrrro" as high as$20q 000. This opinion is based "p*-ur" transaciion" -*ti.rdffi;, The very small qundv of lots available combined with avery high demand. for this prestige tocation tlas frougl,textraordinarfly_h1ufr_nrices. One tot t" th; iOU, -rii*g was sold for gbb, 000 and another_in-vaii Vaifey i"i rlirrgfor g6Q 000. 11D_e_cemb e, tgii, Britton sold two srnall lofs-ave-raUrng g,^?09^=-q"r"rtu"i at the rate of g3. 1b persquare foot or $3Q 000 each. -- -- 't''i -' i-ive tots in the 11th Filing lying just to the east of thethirteenth gleen with access-on-Aspen Lane were sold toone rnan within one week of the time that they were 81r57 . ,ro sl a7!-3a!,. YAtL, COLoR,ADO Febnrary 2, L977 Tf. lttnn |vlncR0SStt @ tilvrsrr,rnrr Rmt rsrArr POSr oFFlcE BOr No. s39 . yAtL, coLoRADO !1G57 . (!O!) a7r.!a!' offered. The average lot contains 18, OOO square feet and sold at 91.9b per square foot or $Bb, OOO. Vail Associatesr Resubdivision of Lot 1 in potato Patch contains five lots and these were sold in flve days for $2.60 per square foot. The lots involve 17,000 sqrare feet on the average. Under the assumption that the land could not be developed with building sites but had a classification of rrresource use onlyrr, the value would be much less. rf the appraiser assumed the following hypotheticat situation, the land value is estimated at g20, OOO Assume that the area was now being platted and about to be offered for sale by the developer. For certain reasons he elected to put a deed of restriction on both of these parcels limiting their use so that an abutting property owner could anticipate enjoying tl:e view across the land in perpetuity. The question then arises,rhow much would an abutting owner pay as a prernium for his Iot given the assurance of the continued resource utilization of the subject parcel? r. trn this situation, the two parcels of land if left with resource classification world benefit four nearby residential lots. As these lots today would have an average value of $50,000, it is reasonable to expect that their value if abutting an open space area would be increased bytqo. This means that the land developer would expect to receive $b, ooo more on each of the four beneflting lots for a total of $20, 000 in extra lot sales revenue if he put a deed restriction on the two subject parcels. I trust that you will not hesitate to contact me if l can be of any assistance in the interpretation of the report. Please note the contingent and limiting conditions as included on page B. C ERTIFTCATION OF APPRAISER - I certify that to the best of my lcrowledge the facts stated herein are true, that the compensation is not contingent upon the amount of valuation reported, that Ihave personally inspected the property, that this appraisal has been rrade in accordance with the recommended and professional standards of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, and lhat I do not have any present or contemplated interest in the subject property. .l Ail.Al{ (tifi\ Mlct0SSlt l@J tilvrsrr'rnrr nrAr rsrlrr POST oFFlcE 8OX NO.639 . VAtL, COLoRADO 3r!57 . (3o!' rt7!-!a!7 CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDI1IIONS 6. 7. That the title to the subject property is good arrd marketable. That the subject property has been appraised as if free and clear of any liens or encumbrances and no responsibility for legal matters is assumed. That no survey was made of the property for this report, and that any plans or sketches utilized in this report are for visual aid only and are not to be construed as surveys or engineering reports. That certain opinions, estimates, data and statistics furnished byothers in the course of investigation are reliable - - That the appraiser shall not be required to testify in a court of law unless prior arrangements have been made. Neither all nob any part of the contents of this report shall be conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales or other media, without the written consent and approval of ' the author, particularly asdo valuation conclusions, the ldentityof the appraiser or firm with which he is connected, or any reference to the American Institute of ReaI Estate Appraisers or to the M. A.I. designation. The appraiser has no lsrowledge of the geological factors which may be encountered in the development of this tand. The value indicated in this report is predicated upon the assumption that no unusual costs or constraints due to geological considerations will be incurred. 3 I ! uillIlsHn box t oo vail, colorado Et6sz 303.476'5613 17 .Tanuary 1977 Allan Macrossie Real Estate Box 639 Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Macrossie : Enclosed is a map indicating the portion of U.S. forest ServiceLand presently used by the vail Metropoli-tan Recreation District forour maintenance operation. lease payments for burned, theyrve will be necessary. requested that we 5* of the value per To date, the porest Service has not requestedthe use of their land. However, since the buildingj-nfonued the Board of Directors that lease payments Ihe Foreset Service is appraising the land anddo the same. l{tren we agree to a value, we will payyear. lrhere are two thoughts on how to appraise the rand. one i.s to considerit as open space or rbsource rand; the other is to value it as residentialproperty, siroilar to the surrounding land use. obvious ly, the Rec Districtwourd prefer the resouree crassification. r.ve spoken with Ernie Nunn,Distri-ct Ranger for the area, and he agreed that we could go with thelower-intensity crassification. (However, just to be safe, please giveus a quick appraisal for residential use also.) . rf y.ou have any questions or need additionar information, prease calrne at 476-5613. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Enc. District Coordinator lnwn box 10O vail, colorado g1657 (3031 476-5613 office of the town manager ll February 1972 -Ernie Nunn, District Ranger.U.S. Departnent of AgricuJ. tureForest Servicelllhite FtLver National Forest.lrlnturn, Colorado g1645 Re: , Land Appraisal for Vall Golf Course uaintenance Building Dear Ernie: ' &rcl0sed r's an -appraisal for three- acres of u.s. Forest serviceilj":':trTi]":'*-li-:t'' u" ri -t .""i"1 itan Recreation oi s tri ct.;:t*iliif##*:ru"' Tff:::' X":':::;i::*lE',. "" ff you have an. "pp,"r..i,-p;;";I"yff 'l"lirr*l"T;lir";:"ff "T:.T:.#*3L..Thanks for your assistance on this project. Ttre loss of thebuilding has been e>qrensive for the Disprosressins satisractoriry. *" *n" iJ.il;:,"""":j::Tffi:: il..we've had winter __ a new building will help. . Ilave a .pleasant d.iy. FSmile, : ,, , ,'th '- ti: .-. : ir--tli ,t?{b/'-'. : :. g- I-1 I I , ! It !- sa(] (Jl 4tl,\, \l\l:l &\i\ \,$[L]i,: ,l\,,]',*)s !\i[J[g';l \\$N )\') / .-- j] t,[tl-, I 1r 'i',,t[' ,,(/)lr ---r - I ;1Ktf# lY g u, L2 0( v) t-olrju P (J? 5 U3.. DEPAnTMENT oF AGRIcULTUBE FOREST SEllvlcE PLACE OF ISSUE cx) 8160eBILL FOR COLLECTION PAYER'S COPY Sprlagl, DATE OF ISSUE cbruary 7, 1983 P. O. Bor 9{8, Glerood Sprtogr' O0 8l'502 24 1983 -14 v l+/' RETAII{ 11{ YOUB RECOBDS.FECEIPT WILL l,lOT BE FUR- NISHED UNLESS RE. OUESTED, CC: DATE OR PENOD OESCRIPTK)]{AIIOUNT 2lOLl83 -?lol,l&3.:. -. Spee{ rl uee - latr fac- cbarge $15.00 </ ./. it L- .-., ulllf t{o. 71t 15 (EC) OONTRACT NO.OATE PAYMETT DUE 3lLl83 rroum ->OUE $ls.0o 02l - o?l FS-65(xr-89l&r80)-^ USDA - Forest 5e.vlc. BILL FOR COLLECTION ( Rsf. FSM 6530) 1. Place ot lssue '.Hi Ti I J Vl i' Please pay by money order, bank draft, or check payable to FOREST SERVICE, USDA. Mail payment with this statement in th€ enclosed envelope to: UNIT COLLECTION OFFICER, FOREST SERYICE, 2. Datc of I isue !ulviq\iq ti !?E_? . aot 9s8 :lL,Gil \'.28 t ur,q r fi ll 11 t { t'l yAlL t{iIii0 R:a:-'l3t C/A I7.k\fL lrtttri'.' {3t A PAI D Pleaiq Show Any Ch.nge Ot Addrcss gclow: FEB P4 t98.1.- /{- t4coL:U-fr?c -?- _ 3. Date or Period 4. Oesc.ipiion 5. Amcunt ll t 183ft 12 l3l t F,t SPtcrrL g$i t{t DFil[ 7e PLA T +I,) U}iD ne r5 t9?9 .:l ili'e D? tetS-tll 1:,S$,sil I NOTE: Paymenrs not received bv the due date sre subiEt ro s LATE PAYMENT CHABGE at the rate currcntlv published W rhe Depanrnent ot the Treasrry unless a ditlerent rale is p.escribed by contract or agre€ment 6. Oale Paymcnl Ouc i/ t/.ill 7. Amount Our t: t0,19 5313 le' unrt Numbc' I l tll ) 8, Blll Numb.r lO. Su Numb€l l1- Tlmber Sate Contract Numb.t