White Riv€r National For€st; USDA Forest Service
P.O. Box O
Minturn, Colorado 81 O45
Phon€ 303/827-5715
u.3, ot^rtrxafr c ^oaoinr 13rn
NCE 3tIP /-/o-
fl errrorer
I-'l ror conrcxr
I xmers
I xon er.ro rrr
! ler aro* ceu
tl@n El.lDAnoN
stt E
YOUi S|Gr,urUrC
........ A.r-.g. -?-. A z z Aca+ e -o.. - - -cs. -..
I u. s. G.P.o. 1980-316-575 ro|r aD-tla (H.l
' usDA' Forest'r1l'JeJi# A'',i'J"ift'"naI
Holy Cross Ranger District
The Town of Vail has submitted proposals to acquire National Forest System
(NFS) lanos by purchase and land exchange, Three parcels of NFS land are
involved in fhe proposals. The Towns ife Act proposa I by the Town of Vail
involves two parcels of NFS land. These ere the 4O-acre East Vail parcel and
the 4Q-acre Spraddle Creek parcel. Concurrently, the Town of Vail has proposed
io acquire the 51 ecre maintenance building parcel under authority of the
General Exchange Act of 1922, as amendecj by ihe Sisk Aci of 1967. The Townts
sfeted objecfive is to ufitlize all three parcels for low intensify recreation
developmeni and mainienance of open space. The Tovn also ind icates that it
would consider uiilizing the East Vail percel for employee housing development.
However, fhe 40-acre Spraddle Creek NFS parcel was also selected in a land
exchange proposal by Western Land Exchange Company (WLEC). A separate Decision
Notice dated September 17, 1987, directs that fhe 4O-acre Spraddle Cred<_parcel
be included in i{LECts exchange proposal rviih possible conveyance to the fown of
Va i I under spec if ic c ircurnstances.
0n January 31, 1986, the Regional Forester, Rocky Mountain Region, USDA, Forest
Service issued a Decision Notice stating that the land exchange proposed by
IfLEC is to be processed, the land exchenge proposed by the Tovn of Vail is to
be processed, and the East V-ail parcel is io be refained as part of fhe
National Forest System.i In-accordance wiih 16 CFR 21 1.18, this decision was
appealed by ihe.Town of Vail, Action Vail, Inc., and Emnret Mossman and David
Cooper. 0n May l7; .l986, the Regional Forester withdrew the January.Jl, 1986,
decislon so fhat nery informat ion presenteC in the appeal process could be
analyzed and to clerify the analysis of environmental effects displayed in the
Environmenfal Assessment tgni. if,e EA disclosing 'fhe consequences of the land
exchange proposal, the proposals by fhe Town of Vail, and a no action
alterrfative was revised in accordance with the May 17, 1986, letter withdrawing
the January ii, 1986, decision. That revised EA is available for revlew in the
offices of the Forest Supervisor, l{hite River National Foresf, and the Holy
Cross D lstr ict Ranger.
A second Decision Not ice was issued by the Reg ional Forester, Rocky Mounta in
Region, USDA, Foresf Service, on June 19, 1986, stating ihaf fhe land exchange
proposed by 9ILEC vas to be processed, the land exchange proposed by the fo1n.9fVaii was to be processed in modif ied form, and the conveyance of fhe East Vall
parcel yas to be processed under fhe Townsite Act of 1958. In accordance with
16 CFR ?11.18, that decision was appealed by the Town of Vail and by Emmet
l.lossman and Oavid Cooper. 0n April 29, 1987, the Chief, USDA, Forest Service,
remanded ihe decision to the Recional Forester.
The Chief agreed with the appellantst concern that property values had nof been
establlshect . The Chief concluded until such tlme as the property values are
estab lished, and a ttGo/No Golt decision has been made, fhere was no basis for an
appea I on merit. The Chief also suggested fhe EA could have been re leased ln
draft form in order to sol lcit publlc cornment.
The Chief did address the concern ralsed by appellanfs Mossman and Cooper
whether l,lLEC meets the qualificafion requlremenfs for enfering info a land
exchange. The Chief found I{LEC did meet fhe qualification requiremenis.
In summary, the alternatives d iscussed in the EA are as follows:
The United States would issue patent to the Spraddle Creek
parcel (40 acres) and the Lodge parcel (2.5+ acres) in
exchange for acquisition of 385 acres in the Eagles llest
Wilderness under the authority of the General Exchange Act
of 1922, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and l'lanage-
ment Act (FLPl.lA) of 1976. Th is conf iguration is based on
the Amended Siatemenf of Intent submitted by I/LEC on June
28, 1984.
The United Sfetes rrould convey the Spraddle Creek ancj East
Vail parcels (80 acres) to the Town of Vail at fair narkef
value. These parcels were applied for in the Natlonal
Forest Townsite Act application dated December lf, 1983. In
addition, the United States would issue patent fo the
maintenance building parcel (5 + acres) under autho!lty gf.
fhe General Exchang- Acf of 1922 as amended by the Sisk Act
of 1967, as amended. This action vtas proPosed by the^Town
of Vail in their Staternenf of Intent dated July 6' 1984'
No Action.
Llternative B:
Alternai ive C:
The Sisk Act allol,s municipal governments to equalize the value of the selected
Federal land up to 100;percent-of the approved gqPt?ised value' The Townsite
Act reguires piyment Uyitne local governmenf subdivision of not less than fair
market value. Tne Easi Vail and miintenance building parcels have not been
appraised. The appraisa.l lssue is addressed in fhe mitigation requirements
listed hereinafter.
The l,lhlte River Nafional Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Foresr Plan)
was approved Septembei iO, 1.91l . The Forest Plan contains a set of goals which
were bevelopeO in resPonse to public issues and concerns presenfed during the
planning process. Th; Forest Flan Goals relevant to the fown of Vailts
exchange and tornslte proposals are listed belol':
l. Pursue opportunities to make landonnership adjustmenfs to improve
managemehi efficiency for both NFS land and lntermingled private land
and to meet hlgh pr16rity resource management objectives.
2. Provlde the opportunlty for econornic growth of industries and
communltles dependent upon Forsst oufputs'
The Forest Plan also provides General Directton for landorrnership adjustment
activities which lnclude land exchanges and land sales. The relevant portion
of this direction is as follovs:
l. classify lands for disposal according fo ihe following priorlties:
a. To States, counties, cities' or other Federal agOncies when
disposal will serve a greafer public interest'
c. su itab le for development by the private sector, if developt',ent
the PubIic inferest.
hab itat, nisToiical or culturil resources, criilcal ecosysfans,
etc.) eifects are miiigated by reserving interests fo protect the
resource, or by exchange shere critical resources to be acquired
u." "onrid"red to be oi equal or greater value'
The criieria used in reaching this decision on the subject ProPosals are shown
below. Criteria numbered I Tnrougir J are reievant policy statements found in
Forest Service Manual 5403.12
l. consol idate Nafional Forest lands within existing National Forest
un its.
2. Dispose of tracts no longer suitable for National Forest PurPoses.
3.Comp|etetand-for.IandexchangestoconsolidateNationa|Forestandpiilat., Sfate, or local government land pafterns;. to perrnit-needed
urban or indusirial expansion; or to make other adjustments in
landovrnership clearly in the public interest'
conveyancP must be consistent with and aid in implementation of
;;i;;'R;;!r'Hitionat Forest Land and Resource Managernent Plan'
l"ly decision is as follorvs:
convey the malntenance building parcel to fhe Town of vail under authority
of the sisk Act of 1g67. Since ieceipts under th.i.s.authority may be used,
when appropriated, to purchase lands valuable for National Forest SYsterlt
purPoses in the Siate of Colorado,-inis por+ion of.Alfernative B responds
to the aUove
decis ion criteria. Th is parcel vil I rema in availab le
, for conveyance to the Town of Vaii tor one year from the date of this
\/. decision. lf no substantial Progress is made toward conveyanco.wlthin one
convey the Easi vail parcel to the Town of vail under authority of the.
TownsiteActoflg5S.Uponreceiptofacomp|eteappIicationincompliancewith 36 trR 2t4.21, a deiignation order setting the parcel aside may-be
lssued in accordance rith 56 CFR 254.22. conv6yance'of this parcel is
4. Any
For the purpose of protecting and Preserving
private uses of the NFS lands to be conveyed
fol lowing miiigation measures are requ ired:
Easi Va i I Parce I
The wifhdravral (PLO 1378, C-0 11497) nu
Land l,lanagement. Revocation of the wi
Prel.iminary Injunction issued by_the F
Disposal of fhe maln+enance building parcel io the Town of Vail under
authority of the Sisk Act of 1967 provides for conveyance of NFS lands
suitable for oyrnership by the Town of vail. This parcel has signif icant
improvernents constructed and used by the Town of Vail as part of its
municipal golf course, and if no longer has the abilify to produce
resources character lstic of National Forest System lands. Cash payment by
the Town of vail of the approved appraised value |,ill be ufilized to
acouire non-Federal lands'in the State of Colorado which will produce
Natlonal Forest System resources for the public'
Disposal of the East Vail parcel to the Town of Yail under authorify of the
Towns ite Act of 1958 prov ides f or conveyance of i'iFS lands su itab le for
ownership by the Town of Vail, Qwnership of this parcel by the Town will
serve ind igenous communify objectlves.
In summary, the actions covered by this decision comply.with direcfion in the
White River National Forest Land and Resource I'lanagemeni Plan and legislative
euthor it ies .
prev icus iy author ized Pub I ic and
as a result of fhis decision, the
The conveyance shall be subject to highway easements for Intersfate 70
and U.S. 6.
be revoked by fhe Eureeu of
drawal is subject to fhe
eral District Couri in fhe
rl lawsu it.
3. Location of th'e U.S.. Geological Survey gauging sta+ion must be
preserved by edsement or eEreement.
the approprieie Forest Service off icials.
Ma I nf enance Bu Ll-d-ing Parce I
1. Easements granfing rights similar to uses currently auihorized by_
special use permii sniil be granted to permittees other than the Town
o't Vuit. Thb Town of Vail shall relinquish all interest in special
use perntits it holds at the time of conveyance'
2. The parcel must be appraised and the value reviewed and approved by
the appropriate Foresf Service officials'
F i n-dj-rrg sl_jle_$jsdlJsant-_Lopaql
The actions covered by the above Decislon Noiice comply with direction in the-
l.1h ite River National Forest Land and Resource Managernent Plan and all
legislative authorities. The actions are In the publlc interest. The
Envlronmental Assessment, Incorporated lnlo thls Flndlng by reference'
Indlcates there wlll be no slgntflcant effect on the human envlronment.
Therefore, an envlronmental impact statement addresslng fhese actlons will nof
be prepared.
lmplementation of this declslon may fake place followlng the 50-day publlc
revlew perlod in accordance wlth E0 11988 and E0 11990.
Thls decision is sub.ject to appeal pursuant to 16 CFR 211.18. _Notlce of_appeal
must be ln writing and submitted to Gary E. Carglll, Reglonal Forester! Eocky
Mountaln Region, USDA, Forest Service, Box 25127, Lakewood, Colorado 80?25,
wlthln 45 days from the date of this decision. A sfatement of reasons fo
supporf the appeal and any reuqest for oral presentailon musf be filed wlthin
the 45 day perlod for filing a noflce of appeal.
'*l-c, ?r{rzr-
Reg iona I
. tr^ 1r - :n?a
'Z ''IFfi>Ah!#j,g SPECIAL USE..ry Act of Juac 4. lt9t, or I
H/lllG Ot ftrr,r rf:: ,.
"6'.'v'dl $tropol.;d8
Klro ot utt
?art e'ad
Fboreatloa l;trtttt
Flr-c @cra
bly Crom
of hil. Colm6 8!Sl .hereiaafter c8lled the pemittee, to uee cubject to the conditions set out below, tle following delcribed
lands or improveoeuts:l t&rt cf nUs.t llrr.t ld L! tlr aor-tbr.t oelrt ol tt tlttl8..Us Itt.t[.. &n r-tt P.I. rr .im I .lP qa tllr tg b Dl.trbt t ryr Ea
lbnfrtuprrlsr. Olilo.l, lbiil!! ld elcol 89rb3r, Colottdo rrproti,rr$.
This pernit covers l.O a"*" f,u#alllrsffi and is iEsued for the purpose of :
Goflfiltll?. ldl ql rrrrtrlrrnrl 2-
1 - Onr elll oocr gul (t6)'dtb ndorEnd fraergoc .Ft-.
l'- b joEl ror*r rtabar h$atT (lf r i., ti- rood*at{n, bc{ o:Ltfl rllla ra Grb rth3tr toot).
- Igr lod 50-fbot dab r:[!t'of.rqr rppdrlV CCOr toi; rnd r cll
er*fng tnn oa b outt rldr ol ttr rt"rhrnoo hlldtl3.
D - linr 18 trr r.rroll3 ttr tb rbbroc bllrllag uf prrEl3
t - lort rtn rcrl,Ql-tyfr flr tlr tnr eqdnt ynrd on {ir rotl rlO
ot tL nbtrono blldl{,
. The exercise of any of the privileges grsnt€d hereby constitutes acceptance of all the conditions of
this permiL
1. In consideration for this- use, the pernittee sh
from lg !il_, 6 uro-rr If -'
, 1g 67 , md therbfteralnua[you
=tbll:\T-trd -trtil a Ty'Oo Dollerg ($D@ry:
rroltu,cd, ttmtta)er, cbaiges fof this u8e may be made or readjusted whe]rever nece$t8rlr to place the
cherger on e baris commenrurate with the value of use authorized by firis per:niL(to. Dd{ tbr C. L f88t tfrongb Yrll ftootrtn, Ltd., trrlgonlt ot lf25/62,' -r dr tt.)
l?t}a (f.r. l{)
Pernission is hereby grantcd 6 9rlt btlosolth'a borcetloa DtrH.ot
2. coustruction or o-ccupancy- and 'c€ under this pegrit shall begin _within = I months, and
Gr^if, lfi i:Tf "xitixilll"*""i1?135u*'*'"-o#*#:l#;,$:,"l,li**ffir]lH$;$';writing.
. 3. Development pians ; layout plans ; construction, reconstruction, -oq elt4ration of iurprcvemen6 ; orrevision of layout or construction.plans for this area muii be;pp;ilili"-;a;;;";,d iri";iiilg ov 11,"forest supervisor.. Trees o"j_h_ry!!1ry_-o,n qle,ryrmitr€q .r*-fiit b" ;*;;"d;-,ftfti4;ry anerthe forest officer ir.hffc.- has approved,-sttd,lgP_ urariA or ofrerwige d.ds-ical;ed-Ur;f-rriiiii.iov U"removed or destro]'ed. Timber cut oi destroyed wiu be peid foi btih; d"|6iffi *-}"n"fr,'iuiilt sntable ---
timber at'appr-ai9e{ lalue; youqsr-growth iimuen-ueloir nerctriirtJuid;i.t;t;un;Ilaimai!'ippraisarvalue;-yra;i.d'ed that the Forest S-ervice neserves th9 right q, dispose ;i the rrerchantable t-iffir to otherslhrn lh" permittee at no stumpeft-ccjst to.the perniitiiE- - ib"-t:;hnin, ;;e;itudft;[ ;ffL*pffiT;din such.manner and ir such places pboyt the piemires as *yii app;Jed by th;i;.ert o5frt -il -"ffi;r".
.4. The permith$ shau-rnsintsin the improvements and premisas to stsiaaras of repair, orderlineis,neatness-_ sanitation, and safety acceptable to the forest officer in charge5. This permit is subject to all valid cleinrs. .. -' .: -.:
.. 0. Ih" p-er:nittee, in exercising. the privileges S8n!4 by this pennit, shall comDly with the regula-tions of the Deparhent of Agriculture and arlFederal St i€;6dti.;;a-il-,i"iii'fir"r""iJ, iiii*"""",or regulatious which are eppli&ble to the area or operati6u coieieo ui tt u, permrL J ,. . ?. SttS.peqpttee fh4l take all reasonable precautions to prevenCand suppress f6nest fires. No rn^-
Ifrial slull be disposed of by. b-urniqg ul opep nles a.un1g: ttre-aosed serson A6ttu"[A bi
b" regul,a-tion wit}out a written permit from the forcst officer in ch;rg. oi ttis intttoiizA sceot--
?" ''! '! v'
y-r,*,Titr#:F;ft gjiFn:ilffi i"f'',ff mff .*if "*m,nff"t*.r,nti"dtrg#S;damage ry1ul-t$q fro.n n-eglisence or. fr-om the niohtion-oi ut t-;r#o?thiJ#*ii "i-oii"if,?-o. ,"go-Iation applicable to the national forest$ by the xrmittee, or Uy anv sgerE oi "dty"f, "t'tn"'i"- irf*acting witliin thq gpq of lhqjr egency or'emirloynenL
.S. .T- g peroittee shall.fully repair all denage, other.tb-n ordina;y wear arid tear, to national for,estroads and trails caused bythe iermittee in the eiercisa oi th;p;1v-ii;G'grlot"a uv thi"'p."-lC-*10. No Merrber of o1 DeJeeate !o co-gg-""{s or Resideut coirmissionEr shall be ;d-itt"d t" any share
9r part of th.is agrcenent or to any beneftlhat mav arise trereirom
"-iies" iiis iiade *tur;;.D#lion forits-general beneflL- .-
rr. 9po." abandonmelrt,. teqinqtion, rev6cation, or encellation of ttris p"t-it, Ae periiittee snaUremove within a reasoueble time all stnrctures ana imbrovenentsE""li-tr,or" owacd bJ the Uuited St*t"r;and shall restoretheiite, unless otheri'i$;greed upo;-i,; *rilirg; ifi-ttis permit rf the permittee failsto remove all such structures or.improvemei-ts withiu a reasonabTe p".ioa, tt 6i-J[ili bA;;[h;;;;p"rtn otthe. United S!a!es, but thar will n'ot relieve tt e p.imittce .r Tiiulii,ty'?"i iLecdt;i-th;ii'iJri,i"o"r ""arestoration of the site-
12' This p€rmit is not transferable. If the permittee.$qouglr volun6ry qglg or transfer, or throughenforcement of contract, forcclosure, tax sale, oi otrter nau? reiii-p|ii,*frol r-irair "lr"i. t" -6tl-e
o*ne" otthe phvsical improveurents other thin ttroie bwnea ly-the Unired states si[u8-tea-jf,;i"1"[;e;iuu"a iothis permit end is umble to furnish .aaiuqate niooi"of abti'fi-d ffif. or otlrerrise reestablish tiue topr! ynnrovgme.nts..,.this permit sha! ue gitu5ect to canceuaticr"n.-- nui-u th; pd;" 6;ir;;liir! to saiaimprrovements shall have been transferred in either manner gbove pioiiaea iJ d;tifi.d; ;l;"di[i!g and iswilliTg thst his future occupancy of the premigii
"tutr l;ffi.il 6;-*'1,,-new eonditions end stipulations asillti"g or nlgqpqclive.circumstinces miy warrant, nis-contifi;e;ilil;;;i-til;Hift'#;if author-,zed by permit to him if. in the opinion of the issuiirg omceioi-tris s-rffissor, iesusilce of a p"friiis a""ir-able and in the public in'terest.
l9' I*=::l change of address, the permittee shal immediately notify the forest supervisor.14' 'rhe t€mDorisrv.uEe, and ocdlfpsncy of the premises and improvements trgrein'described may be
l,ublet bv.the perinittce to niidp;-rti6;-riti;itf tilp"ffi#id;i'pi'"1""r of the foregt supervrsor butthe pennittee shall continue bo be-responsibLfoico;pfe;ii*itf,iri#.1lib;?;i"i.;;iiifili."* towhom such prenises may be sublsl ------- ---
15' This pemit mev be-teroinatcd upon breach of aay of the conditions herein or alt ttre discretion ofthe regional forester or fhe chief. FoGtlg.r;i;:*
16' In the event of any conflict between any o{ the preceding printed cleuses or any provision thereofand auv of the following cliugq * "ni p"o*'i.lii" nereoi; irii irSoliinipnntea clauses wilt control.r '' lttr r9tl|-3"*ptcd subject to the conditions 8et forth ebove ;nA to conditions
t"-___ _ attached hereto and made a part of &b pemit
Gto atl.a!2
--\ '\'t -)Vcll iltroooltten iirorrl,tlm Dlstrtctl Prrt ald 3lryg,rould,e/a/ae
18. th'r grrrtttrr tbrll br nrrpoarlblt for grrrrati,flr.Dd oontrol of rcll trortoartd €trfft&a ol lrndr oarrrt by thtr rrrd,t, rnd tdJrocat til.rrto. nrultilS fronoolrt*lotl.n rr oporrtloo of tllr grrrdttrll uro I, .t,dt to eoartnot ut ntntrlartdr .ld otlrr l4rovrrolr to rrold drr rocrurbtloa of r!o.rr!r'r brrdr o!rrttr rrd b rrold caororolrst on .ttrrnao f,r rbell rcy.tftrt dt grmat utrncib rot! hrr b..a.tFa.d rad d,rtl ooattnrt rnd datrll sor.rtlr gnrrotlvrsr.tutllf to ngglaat tbr rwr3rtrttoa rr perrrrlbtd by tbr lonrt Suporvlroro
l9o lll ct ea.l ftll rlopl trlll b. tt trrrt trl or fhttrre ttr-ydll bltt Sot t a b trrr. radr.drpradtag ol lrr rporbt uod, lO to 20 polndr of nd
lrr r.nl rlll b. rrqnlndo
tO; t .al* or glratla3 rlll br dol d r tlr c! tir F.rr ta f rE r, lr! sltbqrrbr r6|-b b tb optatoa of tt lont Eqrrvtror'ottott tL b.rt chrnr of
EL b rfgl or rdrortlrlf d.do.t rlrll br glrord qo th. grulrrr or o!dJa.Gi rd,oad-lortat t$dr, rnrgt ttorr gortod ty or et tbr dlrttl,oa of& lonrt tegrrrltorr
33. &r prrdtfr &.ll rb tht oadli{o!. qf tltr grrdt I gnrt ot t$rob$rlloat of oy trtlrr bt;t[ tltr ur tl to br otrltrG
3!. Spocfrtlc n llr rltr or tb trlyfh3rr stLor.Lrr{ bt thl. grrdt r[1
8ot br ptd,ttrle
!1. rh. prrd,tfo rhd,l grn|t flrr rrd urrrrtrlct d rccfrr tt & g6lL b rla
ugoa ttr gtd,rr rt dl tbr ttr df lr&f rad prlg.r iln?or.f not ltloortrttrtrtli l|r oDJodr cf ttr gtrd,t cr rttl ttr nrrenrDh oxrnlc td caJoylat $lltr perrttilo of tb rl,Slt Urreofr
St thr pcrd,ttr rbrll lnrbll fln rilladrh.rr. lnd fllrtlal$fl3 rptlrrb. of
$rpo.r- rpolti,rr. La drrr, -d .t toortf,ou rgprorrd b1t tL liomrt tqrrvtrorolhlr rqulpt rldl br la mtlnrf .t dl tl,n {lr lrdbf rrl Ga ildl bt .t i rrb ;trr. tt ancb tlr. .f f1r Do rrqElrrd by tt lorut tugrrrltore
2G. Iartrttrttou of rrtllltbf, lsh rt rBtfr, f.irlr, ctrotrlotty od llqllfhcgrtrobu ltrt r, lrrt-oontbn to lndurtry, lrtlnlrGtta or hd ootulrllohevrr rtdrrtr lrl. th. hrthrr b tL oplalol of ilr Forcrt lluprrtloll
8?. 'lh. prrrl,tltor rDd bla rrylqro rbll qot illlottntnrt brolrrl of noo,rrllgloa, oclet, or ufirnl od6fE ;5fltrn qr D.rlo! by lrttr&g tc ttrra$b rtrhgrno. lny oocodrttm. teoltltyr t rd... or prlvlbgr of;lrnrd tt or onJotrd
b1r tlr.jrnnl glblhr br lirl! tlr prnlttor or btr eryloSru gublldr ltrry9.rlrn{rttu. frolttttit.'-cr prtvtlrtrr t! Elr rot tl.t Euta
: dlnrot\z or lofrrratlr!\r ,)r qE atlG tbr r' .ptrbtllty cf tb
Ftlurjo of rry t rro bornr. cf rroo, rrlt6,lca, oolor, or altlnd cr{gllr lL'grrrlttrr $rll lrtrd. od rrqulrr ooqllrn rttb r provhtol rld,.lu to ttor coatdrt la thlr nqnlrunt ln ry ]rb.oatnot nd. rltb r.ftrot tq:ttrogrntlolr entlorlrd brrruad*r
-lo'/r'* -
- ,J,|
- Valt lbtrooolltrn' firopetloa llrtr'l'ot,
b. ;DParl end ?Ialrgrouod,eft/ee
28: tbr prafttp tr nt?onttb} for oontl.$our taaporttoa of lrytlraEtr -rpt corrrrl by filt p.rrft to 1rrun tlrt brtrrdf rro rrorrd .!d tLt ptbllo
mfft7. b.rfQ; tdt riUar.r rtl rdrqurbly lrotrobdr ltr gcnrlttrc l|fu t.b
aorreotlrr Ttfoo tl n.-..
thtr grnlt rbrll btrr no forsc or riloct wrtll tht pcmltitro hrl ndr b tlrrt
rrqulrcd grVnat od brr df,u.lfl.d ttr moptuor of lt by .lg!f!t rld t|ktldtc'
thr itnplbrb oopy to {L Fortrt &ry.rrt&t. .4.
tb. rler.lfnt rntbortrd oftlchl ct ft fr!,I lotrogolttra Sronrdoa Dlrtttot
lrr rrtd ttr tongotat grnrlt, 1ad a1lrrt tbr 1jd 18 b.balt of rrld Srsrltloa
Dht"lrl titt lt 3...?tf .!d Aff &l.lr by .Il €'. it!. cd ooadlli'olr bt1tof.
tll ltropolltE i-or..tl'c! r41.tat'6
b. !. bn (3.{)c. Fo.crr'(5.6)
'tr;t9.16 ,aF-L c, t- r-!,24-'
''i.rcd Sl.tr. Dcprrrment ot Atriculturc
' For..t s.ret..
Rcf: FSM 2714
Tlro 02 ite River 15
f. Kind ol usc (13-15)
Cord no. (21)
which is hereby amended as follows:
Revise "A" of PermiE cover sheet Eo:
Golf course green (//5) is now called Sreen /13
Revise "B" of Pe:mit cover sheet to:
One expanded golf course maintenance building
daEed 4l3L/74.
For Park & Playground ;55us6 1s Vail
IKIN O OF P EFMI T)Metropolitan Recreation District ,on 918/66
One partially buried storage structure (precast concrete) for golf
corlrie maintlnance materials as sholiln on landscaping plans dated
8/28/75 and described in Statement of Need dated 8/28175'
The landscaping plan and narrative dated August 28, 1975, will be
Adjust fees, if necessary.
24'x88' as shown on plar
2700.23 (tl72l
d. Dirtrict (7 -9)
oly CrossOZ
h. Counry (l8-20)
Eagle 0?l_
9. Stor (16.17)
Val1 MetropoLitan Rec. Dist.
Forest Supervisor
GPO 02t.202 InoDrAs c. EVANS
r.,r rr - 1ar7a
n ftr
28, ttzt
'Oruno.+#// /o fu",&,',/ /Lrzl/.-co.7a,Zts>.
General Clean-up and Landsiaping
l. All areas disturbed through construction activity or other-
wise will be restored to previous conditions
2. Storage wil'l be consolidated and all materials to be storedwil'l be evaluated as to future usability and potential value. Itemsof little potential value will be discarded.
3. Tree plantings will be improved as shown on landscaping p'lans
and devised to assure survival of all planted materials
4. The willow screen that cormences just east of the northprivacy fence will be restored. Dead growth wiil be removed and the
remaining shrubbery will be scheduled into the maintenance program.
5. The area south and outside of property access must be main-tained as a snow storage area and therefore cannot receive tree trans-plants. A juniper hedge will be installed to visually break thefence line and "No Parking" s'igns will be erected to prevent use ofthe area as an auto parking location.
6. Auto parking on the site will be organized andarrangedtoto minimize visual impact.
7. Due to the access problems and the very fimited area for
the intended use, no practica'l means exists to improve the view jnto
the site through the access open'ing for northeast-bound traffic onVail Valley Drive. A'l I reasonab'l e care will be extended to prevent
accumulation of unsightly storage in this view corridor however.
l. Landscaping of the new storage facility,whose need is substantiatedin the "Statement of l'leed", will be extensive and is intended to minimizethe visual effect of the structure.
finish to match the existing structures, a 'l ight , natural. green.
This includes all interior surfaces as well as all exterior exposed surfaces.