HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS VIEW LEGALr l'A l.{'\^-A V\.eAtJ P.O. Box 523Vail, Colorado 8I657 April 19, 1976 l'layor John A. DoJrson Town of Vail Council Town of Vail P.O. Box 10C Vail, Colora,,fo 81657 o I ri-{ ,, ' lp'P' U t IY lo'f 'and l'lernbers Lrivl Re: Vail ?issociates, Inc. ts site 9, Potato P.rtch Park:'.Dg r.'arj.ance req\ies: Dear I'layor Dobson and Courrc i.lpers ons , I urge the'lovrn Council to deny Vail Associates, fnc.'s request for variances fr:ort l-he rcquired 75?-rt'j-thin-l-he-buildi-ngr coverr-:d-parking requir:eirient of t-he Zoning r-'egul.ations. This issue c-'omes to yot-r f r:r:rn -i: l':c Vail Plannj.ng Cominission afl-er its tie vote of 2 Lo 2 with 2 .rbstent-i.ons. ;lt the P1anning Commission meeting April 15, I976, Mr. I'layne'Ioh'e, Pt:e;j-ri=n-:- of B. B. i:-rderson, the viould-be buyer of Site 9, said that his cclnl:;-,n1".:c'.r.ld not purchase t,his ground llrorn Vail Associa-,-es, fnc. if they were not 9i-"'cn a;'rn 4cer;uesr-cd i;ark j-ng va::J.ance. IUr. Towe, when asked vrhy thcy i'rouJ-d not buil-d tire projcct wj-th 75?" rtf t-.he par:king within the building, as r(:qlti::ecl ,stated that Lirey "sirnply cannot af ford it" . ArLicle 19, -qection 19.100 of the Town of Vai-l Zoning Ordinance clearly staLes that "cost or inconvenience t.o the applicanL of strict or literai compj-iance with a regulation sha1l not be a reason for granting a variance". Legal.ty then, it seems this va::iance cannot be granted, as to do so r'rouid directly violate the Zoning Ordinance. Additionally, I would like to give you further reasoning for denial of this variance request. Vail Associates, Inc. and the prospective buyer/developer of the site have sLated that they rvould have 150 parking spaces on the site, with 5 additional spaces designated for the day-care center located in one of the buildings.. They plan a total of 123 uni-ts z 84 2-bedroorn un.its, and 39 l-bedroom units. There may be a total of 2 people---livJ-ng in a l-bedroorn unit, plus a small child if desired, and 4 persons living in a 2-bedroom unit. !1r. Towe stated that they wilL rent to related or unrelated per.sons. Totally the project could thus house 4l-4 people. Rents will range from $240.00 for a l-bedroom unit to $340.00 for a 2-bedroom unit, PLUS ELECTRICITY. (The buildings v.'il1 be hcated electri- cally.) An estimate of $60.00 per winter month to heat and 1i9ht a unit is not out of line with current electricity bil1s. Therefore, it is not unreaListic to believe that, with rental- rates Sunning $300.00 to $400.00 or more per month, these units will have to be occupied b)' the maximum number of people to pay the rent. \tttere wiII this maximum number of 4I4 people be able to park their cars on site? -2- Mr. Towe stated that I purt ing space would Ue figned to cach bpart- ment, with a manager on duly to police and control on a day-to-day l>asis. The remaining spaces would be given to gucst parking, and overflorv parking. Notvrithstanding the f act that the r:equired nurnber of parking spaces is being met, 150 parking spaces for this number of residents is in.edeqrrate. A sol.ution to the parking problem which will undoubtedly result on this site is not, as Mr. Norris of VAI stated, having tenants se1l their second car, store it somewhere else, or be requested to find housing elsewhere because they own that sccond car. And Mr. Torlre also stated that they didn't rvant a negative cash flow...r'ihich means that they nrostcertainly want those aparLments full no matter tl-re nurnber of cars ownedby the tenants. A step in the right direction toward a solution of the probJ-em is defj-nil-ely to insist that the parking requireinent be met--atleast 758 of the requj.red parking be located wiLhin the buildings. tr^Ihen that amount of parking becornes inadequate. thcn at least there willbe some land left on site for treating the problem in as tasteful a manner as possibl.e j-n }<eeping rvith the Town goals of assuring adequate open space and a clrr.rlity colrunun-il-y. As norv planned, the prospective developer sa.id he coultlntt put any riore cars on Lhe site. I^Ihat would become of the excess cars? The school i-ol- r+oul-d be handy, or any area roads, or the Lj-oirsll,:ad par:ki-ng lots. But this j.s not a vior:kable sol-ution t:o the problcm t-]re deveLoper i-s cr:catj.ng. Tire plans nc',v ca11 for a berm on the south pr:cp(:rty ljne to be plalrted witir about 65 trecs, 7 of ivi'rich are spruce, and the r--eirainder aspen. Tite intent is that tiris berm and the planting rvil,l effectively hide ti-ie cars exposed on the site. 'Ihis j.s a coniplete impres5lbility. Rather these par:king l-ots wr11 be in ful1 vierv from the mountain, highvay, and lcedes-L::j.an ovci.p:rss. It rvil1 not be a pl-easant sight, and is not corsistetrt rvith ar:other Town goa1, that of l-ridirrg f rorn view as many cars as possible in this vi11age. I^lith 75":" of the required parking ruithin the buildings, the "left over" cars will still very definitely have a negative visual irnp"act. I am still concerned with the populatj-on inrl:act of this project. HDMF zoning for thj-s site seems excessive rvhen compared to the residential area .edjacent to it, and in light of Lhe recent Town actions of down- zoni"nq areas further to the west and north. Perhaps this project, in the scope as planned, and with the questions it raj"ses, is not right for this piece of ground. This niay be the larger issue. Nonetheless, to address the issue before you, I again ur:ge dcnial of this variance reauest. Sincerely, l-4.y'h-.rQ /txLL Sandy l"Iills (Mrs. ) cc: Terrell J. Minger, Town ManagerJ. Dudley Abbott, Chairman, VaiI Planning Commission The Vail Trai-l TFe vilI virTEqer Aprri ru .i9;t' ADDENDUM +' FHA PROJECT 10j -35195-PM LION'S VIEW APARTNIENTS Vail, Colorado Addendum #1 to plans anci specifications entitled "irllt Pro3ect r0i-3519:r-PNI' ^" View Apartments, Vail , Colorado, dated March 8, 1976, prepared by Terton Arcr..rtt;is ai'd Engineers, 3534C East Sunshrne, Spnngfield' Missour'; 65804' tsidders are he^cewith notified rhat the above mentioned plans and specificattoos are r:roc(rfled as fotlows: .:il-ul A 1-02 A1-03 qi-04 A --05 A1-0b PLOT PLAN is hereby modlfied as shown on sheet No' S-l' revrised April 16, 1976. GENERAL REQUIREMIN-,'s , Section 1u0-16 (Malor Cnanges; ffi be summarized as follows Del.;';p't: shall make All requests for materiai change or coustruc tr'orl tYPe to FHA,whetherinitiatedbyhrmseif,GeneralContractorori.sub-contfactvl ..@, Section 2?1 , Ali chain linl fencrng is deleted' I"ANDSCAPNG, Sheet S-2 of crawings Trees along property line paralieling North !'rontage l'oad s''; iI b ' changed as follows (moving West to East along sals rine) ' lliS^ri ' ; at point near Building C, S. E ' cornei:: "14 Aspen"- ctelele I r'-"" Aspen(retain3.2'';,substi[ute11spruce;''^aAspen'Lo'erelcl\, aspen iretain 3-2r and 1-3"), suDstitute 10 spruce; "12 Aspen'i-de'e'e l0smallAspen(retain2-4"6\,substrtutel0spruceli'17Aspr'i'l'r-ce-te 16 Aspen iretain 1-4"), substitute 16 spruce' SH HARDWARE, Sectio:^8?0- i , ^Udrerials conform ro standards estab'h5e'' '.i i ^'r Multuamiiy Housing (latest edri:i'i'^, ;rrd- SITL GRADING, Secrion a . Earth within ;0 ft. b. Earth Banks 3 to 1 Quality of finish hardware sbau Minimum ProPertY Standards 221-4, c.2, Maxi rxrn. Gradreni ' of bu^rding- 5/8 in/ft 60/0, ratio . ^'8. - Addendum #1 Pg.2 A1-0? A1-08 A1-09 A1-10 A1-11 A 1-12 FHA PROJECT 101-351'95-PM, Lion's View Apartments Vail, Colorado AWNINGS, Section 1063, shall be deleted' Instead' roof overhang shall be extended over upper balcony as follows: Overbang at outside corner (away from Apariment U nit) will be 0r" increasing to 6r-8r' at opposite side ladlacent to Apartment Unit)' Outlookers of same dimension as top chord of "oof t"o"""" shaU be scabbed to truss ' to frame balcony roof . iypical fascia will be. retained with bottom board of .fascia staying ag"ainst building wall (w/vent)' Soffit of overbang shall be 3/8" plwood (see detail 2,/35' similar)' ELECTBICAL WORK Any electrical wiring in 2 hr. rated,firewall (see wall type 2' detail g/i8 of drawings) shall be in metallic conduit' Provide a complete Fire Alarm svstem to comply with @'Mi'nirnum property standards,@ fiatest edition) 405- 14' 1' r.,ocate one break-glasffit-ion "ttd alarm device centrally in each cor- ridor (at each level) between Apartment Units ' Electrio Fireplace wiring at upper level is deleted' ELECTR,ICFIREPLACESasspecifiedln$ggtionllg4isherebydeleted. Instead,use:WoodB-urning'zeroclearancefireplaceequaltoMajestic ilTudorr', wall hung wtodel frtfW3z-Hl, lVlatt black finish, complete with ceiling collar, nue, flue cap and flashing collar' Also provide decorative flue enclosure on roof at each flue location as shown on sheet No' S-1 (reviaed APril 16, 1976). SWIMiIING POOL, Section 1385-3b, Pool Shell' Depth' pool shall slope from a 3t-6rt minimum depth to a maximum 5r-0t? depth; no diving well shallbeprovided.oivingBoard(1385-2f)shallbedeleted.A4S''(from high side) high board fenc-e shall be provided around pool deck (see sheet S-1 of drawings - revised, April 16, 19?6) withtwo 36'rwide gates eOuiOPed with padlocks (as shown on Plot Plan)' ITARDBOARD SIDING as indicated on drawings is the same material @ 620-1j, comPosition siding' R,OUGH CARPENTR,Y Metal Joist I{angers Gs specified in Section 610-1n) are to be used in all caseg where joist bu* to beams"or joists may be notched for 2 x 4 cleats and nailed, provided said cleats are attached with lag screws' FURNlTllRELAYoUTattacheddrawingsindicatedpossiblefurniture placement Echemes. A1-13 Addendum Pg.3 A1-14 A1-15 A1-16 A1-1? A1-1.8 A1-19 A1-20 #1 rHA PRoJECT l'01-35195-PM' Vail, Colorado 18" and 15" wide cabinets flanking interchanged. Lionfs View APartments range (uPPer and lower) shall be 256-8 (PP.2-11) must be in real good condition' KITCHEN CABNET LAYOUT (SEE DTAWiNg A-38) RAILROAD TIES, Section Used ties to be accePtable CAULKING, Section 790 ffi.i;;;;;"i: a' cut-outs and intersections with adjacent surfaces shall be ""oU.J i" all sound control walls (Wall Types 1 and 2 ' eee 8/se1. A SPHA LT IC CON C FE TE .P-A yp MENIr. T-"^t]"" 26 1- La' Work include d' 3. Bike paths 1s*tacffiltffiphauic concrete over 4rrbase course)' ToNIES A1l Apartment units (except over Basem:-nl ""d Iaundry areas) shall be constructed as, shown oo a"t"it 2/3g (this also does not include grade level balconies - which will remain as shown on detail l/98i)' 3/4" plywood sub-deck -ifr-L" "t'"o ged to 7/2" plywood and intermediate 15# felt increased to 30# t"it. Cotitt"uction shown for Mid-Level balcony' detait 3/38, is no tonfii appticaUte' All-balcony docke will-retain 1r' slope from building "J-"tor"n. Rait Height at Balconies shall be increased 1il for a height of 3r-6rrabove deck' BALcoNIEsghownondetailsll/38and14/SSshallhavesamerailing and slope dimensions as stated above; however' construction will remain as shown wlth the toffoii"g "tception:. Insulation shaU be changed to 6rl blanket type and rttgi No I zaz s, z-t/2" 'liameter ' miniature ' aluminum; breather ventilators *iir u" provided in the end of each joist space above insulation. VENTILATION Kitchen range hoods shall exhaust a minimum of 100 cfm' Bath ventilators shall provide for a minimum of 8 air changes per hour' RAMP shownfor Building rrgrr lDetail g/A-g7l shall have walkwidth ffi;#;; e--0" tto" a iotal walk way width over curb and re-wall of 6r-6'). Railing *iu ;;t*; along South Side of walk as shown on North Elevation and East Elevation (West Wing)' Sht' A-33' A1-21 Addendum Pg.4 A1-22 A 1-23 AL-z4 AL-27 A1-28 A1-29 #1 FHA PROJECT 101-35195-PM' Lionts View Apartments Vail, Colorado PARKII{G STRUCTURES ut: 9^ Ue- Slfitiea as shown on revised ;h*t N":3 (d"ted rev. April 16' 1'976)' CRAWLSPACE ACCESS shall be same method for all buiidings as shown for Building A (See ffidutio", First' Second and Third l-evel Plans; Shts. A-1,2,e, ana +1 . These are shown on the appropriate plans' except for Sht. A-10 there eirouldbe a crawlspace door in stairhall A (east landing, north waII) and in West wall of 2IrB unit (East wing' West side)' which were inadvertantly ;ommitted and are to be included' A1-25 A1-26 A PAnTMENT Wfr-!-e and-l-C opening between Kitchen i:d^:::t:,*",,,""."rT shall be provided with a type D). This becomes mark 17). pair ot tYPu C sliding doors (Pr'1r-8rtx 6'-11-1/4r' new door mark 25 (installation is similar to door epRntVrtnT UNiT 2S-A (Sheet No' A-25) Beduce width of ctosei;-urge Bedroom to 6r-0rtand change door to type 14 15r-0trwide). nefocatl door marked 3 to front wall of Closet 1"rnorr"" it-0" to l"ft). hovide new 2t-0r' x6t'g-1/4"' type C' bifold door in old Closet .,,a *att; this new space becomes Linen (install shelves as shown on detail 10/38). New Linen Closet door becomes door mark 23 (supercedes old Mark 23, installation eame as for D' mark 10)' Old Linen area becomes Storage ' ATTIC ACCESS ffiide;ta't x 24tt l-L/z hr . access door in attic ceiling of and in Stairhall C, C1 and C2' APARTMENT UNIT 2-LB Belocate hot water heater PLUMBING AND E LECTRIqA L See above for relocation of hot water , U.L labeled, insulated mstal, ceiling two Stairhalls ?rBrt (BuildingA,Band C) Milcor or equal . to Storage room between Kitchen and Iarge bath' BATH ELEV IIONL Sheet A-26' Incorrect bathtub is shown on elevations 2,5 specified) should be shown. Relocate towel heater in Unit 2 L-8. and 6 /ZLfiberglass unit (as bar (TB-1) to above W.C. tank' BATIBOOM ACCESSORIES' F"ti1" 1080-1a rNote: onry one to*ruir-"" "nd no shower rod requrred in half bathrt should "L"a, 'ryotu: no shower rod required in half bathrr' (two towel bars are required). A1-30 DENSITY SUMUARY ' SITE AREA: 4.919 acres or 214,271 square feet SITE ZONINGI HIGU DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY (HDMF) , MDIIF HDIII'gEryW AU'owABLE ALLowABLE Units Per Acre 25 30 50 Totat Unlts L25 L47 245 Gross Residential Floor. Area 85,221 74,995 L28,562 oe s i;ff1#;;;liiiiiiffu*i'E i o @aflt *-{ t1t'ILr Q'aalL,J B, 5 Ec.l t- -\a<-? ci $lFNId-'?:bq $l\l r.l ]*t I'e I.l\-41 \l I I .ct (|, o b cl c:x ot ta 8 v)(r I i t-.h :r! \t \€ nll=\T \ 1 IY|{ rJ \ I .J =S j Fl ..i < igiaiati;;lliiid;r:i E=,li;iiEiiEt?E3;i I ;';3 l iiEiEiiii ! i : { i t i. i l {gr iiiiiiili a i € E i d ! ;a l{ireE gi;?E tTEEAq ! A ,1o E Iso'-{.r*t B<Z;; t*7r1nc( ,t/t=T I*.<ntt^7=T€{<+r /2 1ffaa=a1 SluwA-t& (aye-a *AC -fz"a.; R,vrA.)Bz"c1j\ *# €ffiD -/L4/-28+t C**/+- l I,h-- t- 71 4+---, -^(tr=-,4-A+ /- -fr_ _._&z ----a*4// t*r*+-- fZ --/a,D-,1-:.-/././t.,. x1 tl il a :-fu*,-L-eAZE- ? O<.d-.2S'.o-Lz-& \-* 4+:3- u ^*'---/ 1-?-*- Av//+14@ A*1