HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 1977-1980 LEGALV; L.KP c'Lgc-^d" C..*^-L.^ ffi tq--l. H b U 1977 thru 1980 BEST IMAGES POSSIBLE t .'3 t f Recreation Amenities I'ees Permit # Description Amount L979 413 arffi3l;-8i38 '*".r, = $1,38s.12 4L4 Vail Racquet Club Condos, BJ-dg 4 11,081 Cnrn X $.SO = $5,540.50 X .25 = 1,385'12 1e80 455 l?ltrli"tBitr;t"o rownhomes, Bldss 5,428 GRFA X $.50 = $2,7L4.OO X .25 = 678'50 482 Vail Racquet Club Condos, Bldg 14 13,375 GRFA X $.SO = $6,687.5O X .25 = 1,67L'87 484 Vail Racquet Club Condos, Bldg 15 t2,2OO GRFA X $.50 = $6,100.00 X .25 = 1,525'00 1981 7L5 Vail Racquet Club Townhomes, Bldg H ' 6,000 GRFA X'$.50 = $3,000-00 X .25 = 75O'O0 783 Vail Racquet Club Townhomes, Bldg K 2,'tL4 GRIA X $.?O = $1,899-80 X .5 = 949'90 .3 c .l| 6\t C'Tz. oz F C) uJ-)oEG J H "l ulF o F =E,lrl o- Jz z \;, i-zed]o>z o- u- EEi -! -i ll,6il= nnn E -E? co Ecl -9o ott .E 3FE=Rtr 6u-,rJ oE+E>rF zo F(JfEFazo(J oz ts Etuo- ;goE5YFF OL9<(J<a||l z: iEEiS;<(,fril:*lF'ocQ > -q)< c *]e!e=<r( < 'l I I l_ IEt6 I I I I I l. t? l6 E 9g6 63iF ^ 6z::; =F:aaE5 - Ege z X.utr<3i 33+xav,.5 iiN(, z u- J cr) F LoPlt', aho! =o(-) =(J P OJ5go.!| rE ii z a{I I I UJ z U) uJ& J F =tr <n uJ d 1 = f o- F ato'tlEoc, c) .+,o ou|o& rlJ =ttr ,AaruE os-{ E o. L =g tt, qJ E J tr o LU o ) = =tr a UJ oo = g TL llJE o J < = -o- Fo UJz )e F C) LIJtrI c t <FcQ <lrJ < | frE e(nZ doO <oOF trst() E(,O z. l =#JZrro *5\r, F7<) =#Yt z. =8 E ti; (J Z. J<()an fo nEn ,*.#"noN neoueb,r -.TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES / WED,READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FI. FRAMING Er INSULATION tr GAS PIPING CI SHEETRoCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL \neenoveo OORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE Ie ro, INsPftTIoN REQUEsT MoN ruES wED IHUR t:tZ "'f:-J'" 4p pM NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION EI GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATTNG ________________ tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o,DtseppRoveo El REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR.-'-_I ,?"r,o* ,11,1Yf ,,o' REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: weo i''lirir) FRI JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL OUNDATION / STEEL tr BOUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED c6.RRecTroNS:: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I 'i lJ 'J t r.riI{::rt.tF; - < o |^: -t :';ls9;;!I': 11l::Xfdo9Y.,l z':)' :: < o zi:".2=-; c < :l: Yt-FCc(, <u. {(rkt;!: --i:!:3:tEi: c < (,. . Lr::er J( =: - JL _t-rr<o,o > -e;g,:-i<<'-; I'l I I Ill lu,I rrrI* t^lYI l-l.< a: <-) t'I I I I I I I I Ila(_, - _:_ o P E TU o- Hild NI lilIilfl M $!q -IdJJ ) \ ut) J-(zd (,z T G (L- otrt o(J I v, F : Poz I (,z;E ui=taOF:rZ tJ,<\cc!t)str u,cl (I) tlllII t:z zo F O.tO.J:o' =c)o.r(JO(J lrt< ':)- lnl| \l I \lYvltt <n =zJ(,z3< ut-icqoo (! IU J 9 =o -zo (t tuF z aq 6l (\l zo6 o I I r\ l-i=I -.i: T : il, @ ;u,u- (L F F o i.( cttF ;? oo() (E o c lt ()F t!,-r -2. O F J) U)z. vt)qi r-3-RJF= UJ F(,9'zvr Y, :<.lrUFg =d. o;!EH:j9t!;O .ru O O(JTz() zotr^o=?6FCtn(,<>9(J(J2 r!o o--H3>(JFOjci R't v\l $l N b o: I r, IL' lr,-() tr,(l t. c GI Eo.Iq, att .= f, E E() a,i-o. (: t: t: ;.J zoz.r9z7(ltO =2.=r :)JOo. rt .L a)(l-(: ll rt I i. l ; (, i5 5 (, ac, :) J I (J .{ 9 (J rJ o|l'vn'lYA u, z.:<:lIF DI]D o box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 April 17, I980 department of conrmunity development Gail l^larwick Land Title Vail Professional 81dg. Vail, C0 81657 Re: Vail Racquet C'lub Condominium Maps for Bu'ildings 4 and l3 Dear Gail: The Condomjnium Maps for Buildings 4 and'13 of the Vail Racquet C'l ub comply with the Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Requirements of the Town of Vail. 0n future maps' we would request a Signature Block for Pl ann'ing Commission Approval so that the P'lanning Commission can formally sign off on the Condonrinium Map. l,le have begun the process of rewriting the Subdivision Regulationsjn thejr entirety and hope to have them adopted and in effect by mid June. One of the maior purposes of this rewrit'ing is to more clearly spelI out what type of subdivisjon needs what type of approval procedure. Once we have a draft of the new regu'lations, I would great'ly appreciate inp{;t fr('rn yourself and the other title insurance companies in Towtt to rnake sure that we all agree with the new procedures. Sincerely, l'" -- tt, ,l: ,', , ,:-y'n-'- (L l---,t-,-,._ -James A. Rubin Zoning Administrator .-l-lq.2 l-, ' I T^p lfu*'..-4 7_ 6Jro,n I t 2 7 I6 Y loa- 5 l( 6 /o tajt 3 ,) "Y ?:,-.i I I /e '1 aY a.-. ,Lo aa lr(aY r6 1 lo tt-t IRL ae tf lo 7 3 1 a6 7tt 26 Co,4 d ) E^r {p.j_ .?12.135 Bool 316 Page 62 r.(\()i(rco al /1.: ()J A.Il , .,lanrr;rf),Rfcorder; Johnnerte fhi I I ips ;, I96t I ce S 2. Oitpd Eapl e Count;. CnRrrnICATB. 3', NIIr.Y ESTILL BUCHANAN, %ta,olauy a// glak of lln g/*k a/ Vrh4-/, /redy @,n/f //*/ //,n y'to,egua;l^ /* l/* u.tunnm 4 t/ra ."zl,t ",h /'**n let t /rry//"J in *ony'r/th,rzae *i//t /o* o ,/ ort"e /ooot/ k n tfr+rn h, lao,. -4r.n4/rhrf/f , il* *r/o,ttg,r"o/, q rirlue 4 l/* aol/oa+tly ,oild th. tne ly hu, /*4 uuta Fr cEFjTrFr r:RrE oF ;,1EF.:GEF; Tcr F.:Fil::l,rLfFT CLUE TCrr.lllHOI.lES Bt'rl.lEFj= F1=.=r_tttF.rtil.J., ff ct:rl-'lFjHLro l.lol.lFFi8FIT cf:rFrFr:tFrFtTIC'1.1, Il,lTO F:FCGIUET t::LLIE: Crl'lr{EF:5 ntifir:I8TIo}1, Fr cDLcrF:FttrO l.lfrt.l- F'F.:r_tF 7T f,1-JF:FOF:RT I Ol.l., THE SLrF:r,rI r.rBF.. DsprnrlreNr oF Sa',r.rs DArED: t:TDTOEEF: l-;'.. 15rE:F 1-'Bi--<=--U46t'){ SECRETARY OF STATE . r_\ cLrArtoE oF *212436 ,i.o.R3 soor r|D Page 63 at/C:00,q.rll&nu"r ), 7 , rssr izz. .o["uJohnnettJillips iagle CountlS'-- Fit_[_, xo:oroeo Recorrier; Uil 17 -.1 -- .. t'{'::l ,,, A,0; l5'fl,li:LEs oF MERGDR . J;,:;,: ;i ,,,_: , on t7 oci '60 9T,1TE ii f CC'l-Cti/.D0nAceuEr cLuB ToirNHoMEs owNERS lq$bFftigfttE-flTE - INTO RACQUET CLUB OIfNERS ASSOCIATION KNOI'J ALL yrEN and BY THESE PRESENTS, W. J. Harnden that we, G. H. BrYant , as President and Secretary, respectiwely, of Racguet Club Townhomes Or.rners Association (hereinafter sometirnes called "Tovrnhomes") and John W. Dr:nn and G. H. Bryant , as President and Secretary, -respectiwely, of Racguet Club Owners.Association (hereinafter sometimes call.ed "Condominiums") do hereby make these Artic1-es of Merger in'accordance with the lavrs of Coloiado, and particularly the Colorado I'lonprofit Corporation Act, and do state the foJ-)-orving: I- Ttrat the Boards of Directors of Townhomes and Condominiums, respectiwe)-y, negotiate.d a P1"an of Merger, a coPy of r"'hich is attached ]-ereto- ' 2- lthat 1>ursuant to.separate actions duly taken by the said Boards of Directors, of said corporations, said PJ-an of f.:erger was submit--ed to t}- e members of each corPoration for their approrral-- The meeting of Condominiums members rvas heId. on 8-70, l-980, and the meeting of Tor"'nhomes members brds held on g-7D I9BO- Th.at at each rneet.ing a guorum L'as Present and that in each case the plan received at least two--'hirds of the votes rvhich members present or represented by proxy r,lere entitLed to cast.- 3- That in eactr case the. undersigned rvere duly autho- rized and directed to rnake and file these Articles of l'lerger ewidencing the adopt'ion and approval of said Plan of Merger by both corporations- fN I{ITNESS I.IHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their h;rnds this ?u/u^, .r ,W-, le'o, and hawe Js c:rused the hereto- seals or the respective corporations tb be af fi>:ed /G. H. Bof Racguet Association nt CIub Townhomes Owners ATTEST: Racguet Club Tovrnhomes. Or.rner!Association ATTEST: Bryan Secretary oAssociation John W. Dunnof Racguet Club . e ?s president Owners Association STATE OF COLORADO COUNIY OF I ) ss-\ EI?IE, G. @NL T F:zr'l o Before me,, a Notary publicin and for said count aopearedand t{. J. HARNDN .-b'86-EEIn9:-.l-rst_duly sr''orn .upon oath d are, re_ :t::::r:ll1. lt,:.presictent_ and Secrerary of Racsuer club Townhomes 3?'r:::_issotiation, and trrar they hav"- r""a-'t;:";;.;;;";lI;'J;;= 3f_t::::": bv. them sub=cribed, -r,-d rh.t rh;-",;;;";:^::;';3rtitberein are true to the besr .F ti,5ii-x""irr"5gJ=iiu-i!ri:i: I'Iitness rny hand and official seal- exPr-res: --2 - llcrrsrber 30, I9A0 ! o \ lr S'IATE OF corrNTv" oF COLORADO a IAKE ) ) ) ss. Before me,Cynthia R. Archin and for said count! andsworn '..d? Uy9thla R. Arch , a Notary public and state, personally-appeared upon oath deposed and saTA-EE-Fey are, re-e:er -espectiveryr.the President and secretary of Racguet crub ownersAssociation, and that they have read the foreg6i"g articies.of l'terger by them subscribed, and that the matters set forththerein are true to the best of their knor.rl_edge and belief . -Witness .my handl and official seal- I commission expires: Oct. 15. 1983 ,-;fro-E?f;E- -3- PLAN OP I'IERGER OP'lrAcQuET CLUB ToIINHOMES OIJNERS ASSOCTATION INTO nACQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOCIATTON ARTICLE I Name The name Racguet Club Owners ARTICTE 2 Effective Date of Merger The effective clate of the merger shall be September l, J.98O, or as soon thereafter as a1I procedures required by law and thj-s PIan of Merger have been completed- If the necessary approval of members tras been secured on or before Septonber lr 1980, but the necessary filing with the Colorado Secretary of State takes place prornptly thereafter' the merger shall nevertheless be effective for accounting purposes on September 1, 1980. . ARTICLE 3 Restraint on Corporate Action Prior to llerger Prior to the effective date of the rnerger, except as herein othenv-i-se expressly perrnitted.' neither of ttre merging cor- por-'ations shalL, without the prior written consent of the other: (a) Amencl its Articles of Incorporation or by-]-aws; (b) Engrage in any activity or transaction except in the ordinary course of businessi ' (c) Make any distribu.tion to its members as such, pro- wided that this provision shall not prevent ordinary distributions of rentals due members as owners of individual condominium units nor shall it prevent correction of errors in accounts \^tith members as oluners of suctr units. ARTICLE 4 of the surviving corporation shall- be Association. ' Effect of Merger effective date of the merger' tbe Club Townhomes Ourners Association On the tence of Racguet separate exis- shall cease and oo it shall be merged into Racguet Club Owners Association, the sur_viving co_rporation, in accordance with the provisions of this planand the applicable provisions of the col0rado Nonprofit corporationAct; and the sunriving corporation shalr thereupon and thereafterPossess ar' the rights, privileges, imrnunities, and franchises,as r'rell 0f a'public as of a private nature, of each of the merg-ing corporationsi and all property, rear, personal and mixed,,and all debts due on whatever account, and arl 0ther choses inaction and al1 and every other interest, of or belong:ing to ordue to each of the merging corporations, shall be deemed. trans-ferred to and vested in the surviving corporation without furtlreract or deed;'and the title to any r"-, "=a"a", o, a'y interesttherein, vested in either of the merging eorporations shall-notrevert or be in any way impaired by reason of the ,n".g.r- Thesurviving corporation sha1' thenceforth be responsible and. liablefor all the liabilities'and obligations of each of the mergingcorporations,' anit any clainr existing or,action or proceeding, pending by or agai.nst any of such corporations may be prosecutedas if such merger had not taken place, or such surwiwing corpora_tion may be substituted in its place- Neither the rights ofcreditors Dor any 'iens upon -uhe property of eilher rnerging cor-poration shall be impaired by such merger- oc ' Interim By_Larvs '. ta) The by-lavrs of Racquet club owners Association in force on the effective date of the merger shall constitute the by-raws of the surviwing corporation untir thereafter altered, amended,, or repealed as provided herein, and subject' to the fol_Lowing provisions. (f) Where the provisions of this plan, including the Articres of rncorporation set forth in Article 7 hereof, confrict with said by-raws, the by-raws sharl be deemed amended ARTICLE 5 -2- r\ % for Vail hacguet. CLub Condominiums and any Supplements thereto shalL, wftere aPProPriate, also refer to the Condominium Declara- tion for VaiI Racguet Club Towhhomes, Provided that the two condominiums invol-vecl shall be treated separately for substantive purposes such as, but not limited to, the rights of first refusal and provisions regarding damage,'destruction and obsolescence. (b) The board of dire'ctors of the surviving corporation shal_l, as soon after the effectise date of. the merger as reason- ably possible, meet and revise said by-laws to conform to the provisions of . thj.s Plan- ARTICLE 6 Assets and Liabilities - The assets and liabilities of the merging corporations shall be taken up or continued on the books of'the surviving cor- poration aL the'amounts at which they are, respectively recordeil on the books of the merging corporations, appropriately adjusted in accordance rvith sound accounting practice as deemed necessary to place them on a uniform basis- ARTICTE 7 TheprowisionsoftheArtic]-esoflncorporationofthe surviving corporation, in addition Lo its name, Racquet Club or.rners.Association, as provided in Article t hereof ' sllall be as fo1lows.: SECTTON I to conform to the PIan. - (2, Refereirces to the Condominium Declaration ' The PurPose for which this corporation is formed is to aaminister and maintain tbe condominium lf,titt and generally to carry out the functions pro- .ia"a. for the o\{tr"is associations in ttre Condorninium pe.ii..tion for VaiI Racquet CIub Condominiums, being a.v"fop.d on a portion of the SE L/4 of Section 12' rownship 5 South, Range 80 lfest of the 6th P'l'l.' i"gfe C-ounty, Colorado' more particularly described ir,1tt. deed to Jay M. Utter and Walter Kirch appearing , oi r."ord in Book 227 at Page 320 of the records of -3- the Clerk and Recorder of said County of Eagle, and in the Cbndominium Declaration for Vail- Racquet C1-ub Townhomes, being devel-opecl on a portion of the SE 1-/4 of Section L2, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.I'I-, Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described in the deed to vail Racguet club Townhomes, a general part'nership, appearing of record-at Book 259 at page 971 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of said County of Eagle. Said properties have been subrnitted, in part, and additional portions may here- after be submilt.a to the provisions of the Condominium ownership Act of the state of colorado through the re- cording of condominium Declarations and supplements ift"t.t5, whicl. provide generally for the l.ewying and collection of .-"s"rst"ttts upon such condominium units to meet conmon exPenses, as more futly prowideil in said Declarations' and supplements thereto' SECTION 2 The period of duration of this corporation is perpetual- SECTION 3 ' The address of the corPoration is VaiI, Colorado 8L657 'istered agent'at such sEcrroN 4 G- H- BryanL W-'J- Harnden Douglas lfil). iohn Dunn Mary SmYttt William Stickler 4, Ea.ctr person who, from time to time' sha1-l be the owner of a Londomium unit in Vail Racquet club Condominiurns or Vail Racguet Club Townhomes pursuant to the Condominium Declarations therefor and any sup- plements thereto providing for such memberstrip shall te a member of thls corpoiation' The rights' priv- ii.9.=, duties and obli-gations of memberstrip shall be .=-pir.iaed in the said condominium Declarations for vaii nacguet CIub Condominiums and Vail Racguet Club Townhomei and any supplements thereto, and in the By-Laws of ttris corPoration' SECTTON 5 The number of persons constituting the board of' directors is 16 and the. names and addresses of those Dersons are as fo].lows: 2811 E- I^Tilliamette Lane Lit€Ieton, Colorado 80I21 7182 So- PoPIar Street Englewood' Colorado BO1I2 1026 S. Wilson Avenue Radcliff , KeirtuckY 40150 P. O- Box 11 Leadville' Colorado 80461 P. O- Box 1978 Vail, Colorado 81657 1400 East Bates Avenue Englewood, Co1orado 80110 of the 4660 and the address initial registerdd office Vail Racquet Club Drive-, Unit nalne of its initial reg- is Steve FleckensLein -4- Eric Berg E. U. (Joe) crowe Dr- Charles E- Seibert H- HoweII TaYl-or Ddward VoI-Pe Sharon Albert Fred Doilge John Kosmalski Dr- Laitrence RePsher Harold Sohrweid P. O. Box 1088 VaiI, Colorado 81657' 155 South Madisonr Box 5489 Denver, Colorado 80205 I Cimarron Drive Littl-eton, Colorado 80I2I 2222 South Dal.las Denver, Colorado 80231 320 JerseY Denver' Colorado 8O22O 915 Twin Falls Drive Houston, Texas 77O88 4955 Kensington Gate Shorewood, ltinnesota 55331- 7554 South RosemarY Circl.e Englewoocl , Colorado 80112 3358 SwadleY Street Wheat Ridge, Col-orado 80033 11 Rangeview Driwe Denver, Colorado 80215 ,Ihesuccessorstosaiddirectorsshallbeselectedas pioviaea in the by-Laws, provided that at all times it l-east l-hree diiectors lf'ttt be persons who- own interests in condominium units in Vail Racguet club Condominiurns and three directors shall be perqons who "t"" i"t".ests in condominium units in Vail Racguet Club Townhomes - The number of directors tnay be ctrangeil if the by-Laws so provide and in the manner there pro- ria"a. iny refet.-tt"" in the said Condominium Declara- tions, or any supplement to either, to the Board of l,r-r,"g"t= stra11- bL- deemed to refer to the Board of Directors- This corporation is one which does not con- template pecuniary gain or profit to the members there- of anil is organizla-..ra sUatl be operateil solel.y for non-profit purposes, provided, horvever ' that members ;;t ;" paid re-asonable comPensation and expenses for services actrral1-y rendered to the corporation- This "oip"r"tion sha11 have no Power whatsoever to carry on ptop"ganda, to a'..ternpt to,influence legislation ot io i.[" p.tt in any political campaign- SECTION 5 SECTION 7 SECTION 8 ' The initial by-laws of the corporation shall 'be in accordance with eiticle 5 of the PIan of Merger Ii ti-ti-"r, this is part- Tlrereafter, the power to ;;=;e such by-Iaw-s shall. be vested as provideil in the by-1aws themselves- " Amendments to these Articles of Incorpora- tion shalf ue rn-ae-i" t""otdance with the provisions .f--tft" by-laws of the corporation' -5- SEC?ION 9 The corporation shall indemnify every directorand officer, or former director or officer, his heirs,executors and administrators, against all 1oss, costs' and expense, including counsel fees, reasonably incur-red by him in connection with any action, suit or pro-ceeding to which he may be made a party by reason ofhis being or having been a director or officer of theassociation, except as to matters as to which he shall' be finall-y adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding to be J-iable for gross negligence or willful misconduct.In the event of a settl-ement, indemnificatior.r shall beprovided only in connection with such matLers coveredby the settl-ement as to vrhich .the association is ad,-vised by its legal counsel that'the person to be in-demnified has not been gui-:-ty of gross negligence orwill-ful misconduct in the p.erformance of his duty assuch.director or officer in relation to the matter in-wolved. The foregoing rights shall not be exclusiveof other rights to which such director or officer orformer director or officer may be entitl,ed- A1I lia-bility, Joss, damage, costs and expense incurred orsuffered by the association by reason of or arisingout of or in connection with the foregoing indemnifi-cation provisions shall be treated and handl-ed by theassociaLion as corrlmon expenses; provided., holever, that nothing in this Section 9 contained shali be deemed to obl-igate the association to indemnify any member or or-j'rr e.r of a condominium unit who is or has been a director or officer of the association, rvithrespect to any duties or obligations assrrmed or J-ia-bi1-ities incurred by hirn solely by virtue of the Condominiu"m Decl-aration for Vail Racquet Club Condo-miniums or VaiJ. Racguet Club Townhomes or any supple-ment thereto, as a member or owrrer of a condorniniumunit covered therebv. ARTICLE 8 Assessment of Condominium Units (a) In the fixing of condominium assessments for conrmon expenses as provided in the Condorninium Declarations and Supple- ments thereto ior Vail Racguet Ctrub Condominiums ("Condominiums") and \rall Racguet Club Tor.rnhomes ('Torvnhones"), respectively, the board oi directors shall atlocate expenses among the Cond.ominiums and Tor.rnhomes, and among the various types and sizes of units therein, on an eguitable basis, taking into account both direct and indirect cos.t's- The board of directors, witl. such professionaL assistance as it deems necessary, shall provide for such alloca- tions, andl tlre result thereof' so long as reasonable and fixed in good faith, shal.I- be binding on aII members of the Association- Once the allocations have been so made, the assessments shall be -€'- ^o fixed and colrected. in. the manner provided in the Declarations,'supplements and By-Iaws. '(b) The foregoing sharl not overrid.e or control the making of assessments where the condominium Decrarations and./or SupplernenLs provide specificarly for such assessments, inclucling, without limitation, provisions for assessment in cases of damage, destruction or obso].escence. ARTICLE 9 Submission to Members ' This plan of Merger shall be submitted. to the members of the nerging corporations at meetings to be carled for that purpose as soon hereafter as reasonably possible,- Failing adop- tion of this Plan of Merger by the requisite vote of the members of the merging corporations, respectively,. upon subiission thereof as. aforesaid., this plan of i'lerger shalr be deemed terminated-{r - r-- ARTTCLE IO Termination of Plan - This plan may be terminated the merging corporations expressed by boa':ds of direciors at any time after the effective date of the rnerger. by the mutual consent of action of their respective its adoption and prior to ARTICLE 11 ' Purther Action lriecessary to Conplete' And Ewidence Merger - Approvar of this plan of l'lerger by the said. ne.mbers of the merging corporations shali, in and of itself, constitute authorization to the respective officers- and directors of the merging corporaLions to take any and arl actions and to execute and fi].e any and all ilocurnents or instruments which may be necessarfr or convenient to complete the merger of ure said, merg- ing corporations in accordance herewith. -7- -y,x YA Nor ron PtoFn }lERGER CERTIFIED COPY I{ITH CIANGE OF FOREIGN PRO'IT )A NoNPRoFIT RACQUET CLUB Tol./NHoHES owNE?S ASSOCIATTON DNo3ggggg (Colorado Corporation) I NTO RACQUET CLUB oWNERS ASSoCTATT0N 0N0255503 . (Col orado Corporation) THE SURVIVOR SUBHITTED I{ITH AHENDHENTS ARTICLES OF },lERGER IJITH AAENOHTIITS 0ol,rE5TIC c:== t ls,Ti TEeE:?€i'ts OF ARTICLES OF HERGER IIA'{E A}lENDHTNT ogst 8 A rco I CONDOMINIUIT{ DECLARATION FOR RACQUET CLUB TOWNHOMES KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT I4IHEREAS, Vail Racquet Club Townhomes, a parther- ship hereinafter called "Declarant", is the owner of the real property situate in the County of Eag]-e, State of Colorado, described in Section I of the attached Exhibit A, which by this reference is made part hereof; and WHEP.EAS, DecJ-arant desires to establish a condominium project under the Condominium Ovrnership Act of the State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, a Condominium Map will be filed showing the location of three buildings, denominated Buildings C, E and F, on the three parcels described in Section L of Exhibit A; and WHER-EAS, Declarant does hereby establish a plan for the ownership of real property estates in fee simple consisting of the air space contained in each of the apartment units in the said buildings and the co-ownership, by the individual and separate o$rners thereof, as tenants in corrmon, of certain of the remaining rea1 property described in Section I of Exhibit A, as hereinafter provided and defined as referred to as the general conmon elements; NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terms, covenants, conditions. easements, restrictions, uses, reservations, limitations and obJ-igations shall be deemed to.run with the land, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, its successors and assigns and any person acguiring or owning an interest in the real property and improvements, their grantees, successors, heirs, executors, administrators, devisees or assigns. SECTTON ], - DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply unless the context expressly provides otherwise. 1-1. t'Apartmenttt or trapartment unitt' means one individual air space which is contained within the perimeter walls, floors, and ceiJ-ings of such apartment in a building as shown on the Map. L-2. "Condorninium unit" means one apartment together with its appurtenant interest in the general common elements together with any and all easements gtanted to the oh'ners, includ.ing without lirnitation those for roadway and parking areas. 1-3. "Ownertt means a person, firm, corporation, partnership, association or other tegal entity, or any combination thereof, who owns one or more condominium units. 1-4. "General- coflrmon elementst' means and incLudes: L-4-1. The land on which the buildings are located as described in Section I of Exhibit A and shown on the Map. L-4-2. The foundation, columns, girders, beams, supports, main wal-ls, roofs and balconies of said buildings, together with those halls, corridors, stairs, and stairways, located outside the perimeter walls of the apart- ments thereof. L-4-3. The mechanical installations of said buiLdings consisting of the eguipment and materS-als making uP any central services existing for common use, such as, but not Iimited to, power, light, gas, telephone, cable television, hot and cold water, and heating or cool-ing; 1-4-4. Any tanks, pumps, motors, fans, compressors, ducts, and in general any other apparatus and installations existing for contrnon use; 1-4-5. ALl other parts of said buil-dings and of saicl land and improvements referred to in Section L-4-1 hereof necessary or convenient to its existence, maintenance and safety, or normally in cotnmon use. 1-5. "Limited cornmon elements"means any parts of the general the owners of conmon elernents reserved, for use by fewer than all individual apartments, as defined on Exhibit A hereto. -2- )', I-6. "Common expenses" means and includes: r-t-i] orr ""ms lawfulry assessed against the general conunon elementsi L-6-2. Expenses of administration and management, maintenance, repair or replacement of the general common eLementsi 1-6-3. Expenses declared corunon expenses by this Declaration or by the Association's By-Lawsi and L-6-4. Expenses agreed upon as conmon expenses by the unit owners. j--7. "Association of Unit Onrners" or "Association" means Racguet Cl-ub Townhomes Owners Association, a Colorado corpora- tion not for profit, the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of which shall govern the ad.ministration of tbis condominium project, the members of which shall be the owners of the condominiurn units as more fully provided in said Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. The ArticLes of Incorporation of Racquet Club Townhomes Owners Association may provide for its merger or consolidation with Racguet Club Owners Association, a Colorado corporation not for profit organized and existing as the Owners Association designated pursuant to the Condominium Declaration for Vail Racguet Club Condominiums. If a merger or consolidation shalt be accomplished the surviving Corporation (in the event of a merger) or the consolidated Corporation (in the event of a consolidation) shall be the "Association" herein designated. 1-8. "Iulap" or "plans" means and includes a survey of the real property described on Exhibit A. SECTION 2 - MAP 2-L. The map shall be filed for record prior to the first conveyance of any cond.ominium unit. The Map shal1 consist of and set forth (1) the J-egal description of the surface of the real propertyt (2) the linear measurements and location, with reference to the exterior boundaries of the real property of the building and all other improvements built thereon; (3) the building name or designation; (4) the floor plans; (5) the number or . designation of each apartment unit; (6) the linear dimensions of each apartment unit; (7') the elevation plans of the building; (8) the elevations of the unfinished interior surfaces of the floors and ceilings as established from a datum plane, and the Iinear measurements showing the thickness of the perimeter waLls of the building and (9), where applicable, Iegal descriptions of easement areas for roadways, parking, recreation and park areas. -3- orecoo2-2. There shall be filed for rd as part of the t{ap a certificate of a registered land surveyor certifying that the improvements as constructed conform substantially to the Map; that the l{ap fully and accurately depicts the layout, measurements and location of all of the improvements; the building name or designation; the apartment unit designations, the dimensions of such units and the elevations of the unfinished floors and, ceilings. SECTION 3 - DESCRTPTIONS AND ESTATES 3-1. The real property is divided into separate fee simple estates as provided on Exhibit A. 3-2. Any deed, lease, mortgage, trust deed or other instrument may legally describe a condominium unit by'its identifying apartment unit and building number fol-lowed by the words, "Racguet Cl-ub Townhomes" with further reference to the llap filed for record and the recorded Declaration. Every such description shall be deemed good and sufficient for all purposes to convey, transfer, encurnber or otherwise affect not onJ-y the apartm€ unit but also the general cornnon elements and any limited conmon elements, easements or other appurtenances thereto. Each such description shal.l be construeil to include a nonexclusive easement for ingress and egress to and for use of the general conmon elements and any appurtenant limited common elements. SECTION 4 - IJNITS INSEPARABLE Each apartment and its undivided interest in the general conrmon elements and any limited conrmon elements or other appurtenances thereto sha1l be inseparable and may be conveyed, leased or encum.bered onlv as a condominium unit. SECTION 5 - TAXATION Declarant shall give written notice to the assessor of Eagle County, Colorad.o, of the creation of such condominium ownership of property, as provided by )-aw, so that each condominium unit may be deemed a separate parcel and subject to separate assessment and taxation. SECTION 6 - FORMS OF OWNERSHIP than one any real A condominiurn unit may be held. and person as joint tenants or as tenants in property tenancy relationship recognized owned by more corrmon, or in under the laws ot Coloradb. SECTION 7 - PARTITION The general conunon eLements shall be owned in common by all of the ovrners of the apartment units and. shall remain undivided and no owner shall bring any action for partition or division thereof. Each condominium unit shall always be and remain a single unit and rnay not be partitioned, although it may be owned in undivided interests as herein provided. SECTION 8 - POSSESSION AND USE 8-1. Each owner shal-I be entitl-ed to exclusive ownership and possession of his apartment except as otherwise herein specificatly provided. Each owner may use the generaL cornmon elements in accordance with the purpose for which they are intended, without hindering or encroaching upon the lawfu1 rights of other olrners 8-2. Each apartment shall be occupied and used by the owner only as and for a residential dwelling for the owner and his farniJ-y, guests, ernployees, and for his tenants, subject, however, to the other provisions hereof concerning tenants. Provided, however, that one unit at any given time in each building shall be exempt from such use restrictions if owned by Declarant or by Walter Kirch or Eric Berg, or by any entity controlled by them or by either of them, and this exemption may not be altered without their prior, express written consent, not!.rithstanding the provisions of Section 15 hereof . SECTION 9 - ENCROACHMENTS If any porLion of the general conmon elements encroaches upon an apartnent unit or units, a valid easement for the encroachment and for its maintenance, so long as it stand.s, shall and does exist. If any portion of an apartment unit encroaches upon the general common area or upon an adjoining apartment unit or units, a valid easement shall and does sl-milarly exist. Similar easements shall exist for any such encroachrnents that may exist in the event of reconstruction, repair or maintenance. -5- For title or other purposes, no such encroachment and easement shall be considered or determined tO be an encumbrance on the general conmon elements or the aPartment units. SECrI'ON 1'O - IIECIIANICS I,IEN Subsequent to the completion of the improvements described on the lvlaP, no labor performed or materials furnished and incorporated in an apartment unit with the consent or at tbe request of the owner thereof or his agent or his contractor or subcontractor shall be the basis for filing of a lien against the apartment unit of any other owner not exPressly consenting to or reguesting the same, or against the generaL conmon elements owned by such other owners. Each owner shall indemnify and hold harmless each of the other owners from and against al-l liability arising from the assertion of such lien. The provisions of this Section are, however, subject to the rights of the I'{anaging Agent or Board of l"lanagers of the Association as set forth in Section 12 hereof. 'The provisions of this Section shall not' however, be construed to reguire that the holder of a first mortgage or first deed of trust be requireal to indemnify the owners of other units against liability arising from acts of the ol^tner of the unit encumbered by said mortgage or deed of trust- SECTTON ]-1 - ASSOCTATION I'{EMBERSHTP The administration of this condominium proPerty shall be governed by the ArticLes of IncorPoration and By-Laws of the Association. An o\^Iner of a condominium unit shall be and remain a member of the Association for the period of his ownershiP. SECTION 12 - ACCESS. MAINTENAT.]CE AND REPAIR 12-I. The owners shall have irrevocable right' to be exercised by the Managing Agent or Board of llanagers of the Association, to have access to each aPartment unit from time to time during reasonable hours as may be necessary for the rnaintenance, repair or replacement of any of the general conrmon el-ements therein -6- or accessLble therefrom, or necessary to prevent damage another apartnent unit. making emergency repairs therein to the general common elements or to l2-2. Damage to tbe interior or any part of an apartment unit or units resurting from the rnaintenance, repair, emergency repair or replacement of any of the general cornmon elements or as a result of emergency repairs within another apartment unit at the instance of the Association shall be a cornmon expensei provided, however, that if the work causing such d.amage is necessitated by negrigent or other tortious conduct of an apartment unit owner or member of his familyr or by his agent, empl-oyee, invitee, J.icensee or tenant, then such owner sha1l be responsibl.e for such damage. The damaged improvements shall be restored. to substantially the same cond.ition which existed prior to the damage. L2-3. Each owner shal_I maintain in good repair the interior of his own apartment, including its fixtures. A11 fixtures and eguipment installed within the apartment'unit, comrnencir at a point where the utility J_ines, pipes, wires, conduits or systems (which for brevity are hereafter referred to as ,,utilities") enter the apartment unit shall be maintained and kept in repair by the owner thereof. L2-4. No owner shall do anything that will impair the structural soundness or integrity of the building or impair any easement or hereditament. SECTTON 13 - OWNERSHIP oF WAILS AND UTILITIES No or^rner shal1 be deemed to own the undecorated and/or unfinished surfaces of the perimeter walls, floors and ceirings surrounding his apartment unit. Nor shalL any owner be deemed to own the utilities running through his apartment unit, except in common with the other owners. An orrner sharr be deemed to own and sharr maintain the inner decorated and.,/or f,inished surfaces of the perimeter walrs, floors and ceilings, doors and windows, consisting of paint, warrpaper, froor coverings, and other -7- finishing riraterials and the interior non-supporting walls contained within the apartment unit. SECTION }4 - DECISIONS OF ASSOCIATTON Each owner shall comply strictl_y with the provisions of this Decraration, the Articres of rncorporation, the By-Laws and the decisions and resolutions of the Association adopted pursuant thereto, as the same may be rawfully amend.ed from time to time. Failure to compry with any of the same shalr be grounds for an action to recover sums due and for damages or injunctive relief or both, maintainable by the Managing Agent or Board of I"lanagers in the name of the Association on behalf of the owners, or in proper case, by an aggrieved owner. SECTION 15 - AMENDM,ENTS OR REVOCATION I5-1 . Except as otherwise herein provided, this Declaration can be revoked or amended only if owners representing an aggregate oelnership interest of 759 or more in the general common elements and. all holders of recorded mortgages or deeds of trust encumbering condominium units consent thereto by instrument(s) dury recorded; provided, however, that the undivided interest in the generar conrmon elernents appurtenant to each apartment unit, as expressed in this Declaration, shatl have a permanent character and shall not be changed without the consent of all condominium unit owners affected by any such change as expressed in a duly recorded amendment to this Declaration. I5-2. A svrorn statement by any person purporting to know of his own knowledge that the necessary persons have consented to such amendment or revocation, when dury recorded therewith, shall be prima facie evidence of such facts. SECTION 16 - ASSESSMENTS PRORATION 16-I. ALI owners shall be obligated to pay the estimated assessments imposed by the Board of Managers or Managing Agent of the Association to meet the conmon expenses. Except -8- for insurance premiums, or as expressly otherwise reguired or permitted. herein, the assessments shall be made pro rata according to each ownerrs percentage interest in the general common elements. Assessrnents, if made, for insurance premiums sharr be that proportion of the total premium that the insurance on each condominiurn unit bears to totar coverage. Any linited corunon elements shall be maintained as general conrmon elements, and owners having exclusive use thereof shall not be subject to special charges or assessments. Assessments for estirnated common expenses' including insurance, shall be due monthty in advance on the first day of each month- The Managing Agent or Board of Managers sharl- prepare and deliver or mair to each owner a monthly statement showing such assessment. L5-2. Monthly assessments sha1l be prorated if the ownership of a condominium unit commences after the first day of a month. 16-3. Assessments shall be based upon total cash reguirements for common expenses, as determined by.the llanaging Agent or Board of llanagers of the Association from time to time, to be paid by arl owners, including Declarant, to provide for all- estimated expenses growing out of or connected with the maintenance and operation of the general conrmon erements and for any other conmon expenses, which may include, but is not rimited to: expenses of management; taxes anil special assessments until separately assessed; if the Ivlanaging Agent or Board of Managers determines to assess for such, fire insurance with extended coverage and vandarism and malicious mischief endorse- ments attached, issued in the amount of the maximum repracement value of all condominium units (including all fixtures, interior warls and partitions, decorated and finished surfaces of perimeter warls, floors and ceilings, doors, windows and other elements or materials comprising a part of the apartment units); casuarty and pubric liability and other insurance premiums; Iandscaping and care of grounds; cornmon lighting and heating; repairs and renovations; trash and garbage co]-lectionsi wages i -9- hrater chargesi legal and accounting fees; management fees; expenses and liabirities incurred by the Managing Agent or Board of lrlanagers under or by leason of this Declarationi payment of any deficit remaining from a previous period; creation of a reasonable contingency or other reserve or surplus fund as well as other costs and expenses relating to the generar common elements. omission or fairure to fix the assessment for any month shall not be deemed a waiver, modification or rerease of the owners from their obligation to pay. 16-4. No owner may exempt himself from liability for his contribution for the common expenses by waiver of the use or enjoYment of any of the common elements, or by abandonment of his apartment. SECTION 17 - TNSURANCE Unless other arrangements are made which are satisfactory in their judgment, the Managrng Agent or Board of Managers sharl obtain and maintain at alr times insurance of ' the type and kind provided hereinabove, and providing for such other risks, of a simirar or dissimir-ar nature, as are or sharl hereafter be customary for other similar apartment or condominium buildings, and issued by responsibr-e insurance companies authorized to do business in cororado. rn carrying out the aforesaid insurance reguirements, the folrowing provisions sharr be observed. 17-1. To the extent obtainable, policies shal_l rnvolve standard premium rates, established by the cor_orado rnsurance commissioner, and be written with companies ricensed to do business in cororado and having a Best's insurance report rating of AAA or better. No poricy shalr be obtained where: (r) under the terms of the insurance carrier's charter, by-raws or policy, contributions or as'sessments may be made against the mortgagor or mortgagee's designeei or (ii) by the terms of carrierrs charter, by-raws or poricy, ross payments are contingent upon action by the companyrs Board of Directors, policyhorders -t 0- or members; or (iii) the pol.icv incLudes any lirnitinq clauses (other than insurance cond,itions) which could prevent mortqasees or the mortqaqor from collectinq insurance proceeds. t7-I-I. Fire insurance sball be maintained with extended coveraqe and alt risk endorsements, whictr end.orsements shall include endorsements for vandalism, malicious mischief, boil-er explosion and machinerv with a minimum endorsed amount of $50,000 per accident per location, insuring the entire condominium project and any other property, the nature of which is a conmon element (including a)-l of the units, fixtures therein initially installed by the Declarant but not including furniture, furnishings or other personal property supplied by or instalLed by unit owners) together with all service eguipment contained therein in an amount equal to the full replacement value, without deduction for depreciation, and which shall contain a standard non-contributory mortgage cl-ause in favor of each mortgagee of a condominium unit which shalL provide that the loss, if any thereunder, shall be payable to the Racquet CIub Townhomes Owners Association for the use and benefit or mortgagees as their interests may appear. L7-L-2. ff the condominium project is located in an area hereafter identified by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development as an area having special flood hazards and the sale of Flood Insurance has been made available under the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, a "blanket" policy of flood insurance on the condorninium project in an amount which is the lesser of the maximum amount of insur- ance available under the Act or the aggregate of the unpaid principal balances of the mortgages on the condominium units comprising the condorninium project. f7-1-3. Public liability and property damage insurance shall be maintained in such limits as the Board of llanagers may from time to time determine, but not in an amount Iess than S300r000 per injuryr p€r person, per occurrence and umbrella liability limits of $t,000,000 per occurrence, covering aII claims for bodily injury or property damage. Coverage shall -r1- include, without limitation, liabiJ-ity for personal injuries, operation of autornobiles on behalf of the Association, and activities in connection with the ownership, operationr maintenance and other use of the project. Said policy shall also contain a "severabiLity of interest endorsement. r L7-L-4. Workmenrs Compensation and employer's Liabil-ity insurance and all other sinilar insurance in respect to ernployees of the Association shal-l be maintained in the amount and in the forms now or hereafter reguired by law. 17-1-5. The Association shall purchase, and thereafter maintain fidelity coverage against dishonesty of employees, destruction or disappearance of money or securities and forgery. Said policy shall also contain endorsements thereto covering any persons who serve the Association without compensation. l7-2. All policies of insurance, to the extent obtainable, shal1 contain waivers of subrogation and waivers of any defense based on invalidity arising from any acts of a condominium unit owner and strall provide that such policies may not be cancelled or modified without at least l0 days prior written notice to aII of the insureds, including mortgagees. The insurance shall be carried in blanket form naming the Association as the insured, as attorney-in-fact for all of the condominium unit owners, which policy or policies shalL indentify the interest of each condominium unit owner (owner's name and unit number designation) . 17-3. Determination of maximum replacernent value shal1 be made annually. In no event shall the insurance policy contain a co-insurance clause for less than 90t of the full replacement cost- Determination of maximum replacement value shall be made by one or more written appraisals to be furnished by a person knowledgeable of replacement cost.. L7-4. Unit owners may calry other insurance for their benefit and at their expense, provided that the liability -L2- of the carriers issuing insurance obtained by the Board of llanagers shall not be affected or diminished by reason of any such additionaL insurance carried by any unit owner. Insurance coverage on furnistrings, including carpet, draperies, and other items of personal or other property belong to an ordner and public liability coverage within each unit shaLl be the sole and direct responsibility of the unit owner thereof, and the Board of Managers, the Association and the l'lanaging Agent shall have no responsibility therefor. SECTION 18 - ASSESTMENTS LTEN COLLECTION 18-1. All sums assessed from time to time for the share of common expenses chargeable. to any condominium unit, and unpaid, plus interest thereon at a rate not to exceed 2 per cent per month, as fixed by the Board of lvlanagers, shall constitute a lien on such unit and all appurtenances superior to all other liens and encumbrances, whether in existence before the par- ticular assessment or not, excepting on,Iy: (1) tax and special assessment l-iens of any governmental unit; and (21 all sums unpaid on a recorded first mortgage or first deed of trust, including all unpaid obligatory sums provided by such encunbrance, and including additional advances made thereon prior to the date that the holder of such first mortgage or deed of trust is notified in writing that assessments hawe not been paid. 18-2- To evidence such lien the Board of Managers or ltlanaging Agent may, but shall not be reguired to, prepare a written notice setting forth the amount of such unpaid indebted- ness, the description thereof and the name of the owner of the condominium unit- Such notice shal1 be signed by one of the Board of Managers or by the Managing Agent and may be recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Such lien shall becorne choate on the due date of the assessment and shall be superior to all other liens except as hereinabdve provided. Such lien may be enforced by foreclosure of the defaulting owner's condominiurn unit by the Association in tike -L 3- , manner as a, mortgage on real property. rn any such forecl0sure the owner shall be reguired to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedingsr the costs, expenses and attorneyrs fees for filing the notice or claim of lien and a1l reasonable attorneyrs fees in connection with such foreclosure. The owner shall also be reguired to Pay to the Association the monthly assessments for the condominium unit during the period of foreclosure and the Association shall be entitled to a receiver to collect the same. The Association shall have the power to biit in the condominium unit at foreclosure sale and, to acguire, hold, lease, mortgage and convey such unit. 18-3. The conmon expenses assessed against each condominium unit shall also be a debt of the owner and suit therefor may be maintained without forecl-osing or waiving the 1ien, and the owner shall be liable for all costs of collection, incLuding reasonable attorney's fees. 18-4. Any encurnbracer holding a l-ien on a condominium unit may, but shall- not be required to, pay any unpdid cotnmon exPense for such unit, and thereupon such encumbracer shall have a lien on such unit for the amounts paid of.the same rank as the lien of his encumbrance. SECTION 19 - I]NPAID COMMON EXPENSES-ASCERTAINING LIABILITY I9-1. Upon payment of a reasonable fee, and uPon the written request of any owner or any mortgagee of a condominium unit, the Association, by its Managing Agent, or if there is none, then by its Board of l,lanagers, shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid conmon expenses, if any, with respect to such unit, the amount of the current monthly assessment and the date that such assessment becomes due, credit for advance pa)rments or for prepaid items, incLuding but not limited to insurance premiurns, which statement shalI be conclusive upon the Association in favor of all persons who rely thereon in good faith and aII unpaid common expenses which became due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinate to the lien of the person reguesting such statement. -14 = oo L9-2. The grantee of a unit shall be jointly and severally liable with the grantor for al-l unpaid assessments against the unit for his proportionate share of the conmon exPenses up to the time of the grant or conveyance' without prejudice to the.granteers right to recover frorn the grantor the amounts paid by the grantee therefor; Provided, however, that upon pa)ment of a reasonable fee, and upon writtert reguest, any such prospective grantee shall be entitled to a statement from the Managing Agent or if there is none, then by its Board of Managers, setting forth the amount of the unpaid cornmon expenses, if any, with respect to the subject unit, the amount of the current monthly assessment and the date that such assessment becomes dues, credit for advance Payments or for prepaid items, including but not limited to insurance premiums which statement shall be conclusive upon the Association so far as grantee is concerned. unless the reguest for such a statement is comptied with within ten days after receipt of such request, then such grantee shall not be liable for, nor shall the unit conveyed be subject to a lien for any unpaid assessments against the subject unit. The grantor shall remain liable, however, for suctr amount together with aII costs of collection, incLuding reasonable attorney's fees. This Section shall not be construed to make the holder of a first rnortgage or first deed of trust l.iable for unpaid assessments accruing against the unit encumbered by its lien prior to the date that such Iienholder shall acguire title to such unit, whether by foreclosure of such lien or by deed in lieu of foreclosure. SECTTON 20 - ENCUMBRANCES Any owner shall have the right from time to time to mortgage or encumber his interest by deed of trust, mortgage or other security instrument, all of which for convenience are referred to hereinafter as mortgages. A first mortgage shalt be one which has first and paramount priority under applicable -15- law' The owner of a condominium unit may create junior mortgages onry on the forlowing conditions, all of which provisions shall be deemed part of such mortgages regardless of specific reference or of any attempt to void such conditions: (l) that such mortgages shall always be subordinate to al1 of the terms, conditions' covenants, restrictions, uses, limitations, lien for conmon expenses, and other obligations created by this Declaration and by the Articles of rncorporation and the Bylaws; (2) that such junior mortgagee shall release, for the,purpose of restoration of any improvements upon the mortgaged premises' all of his right, titre and interest in the proceeds under all insurance poLicies upon such premises effected and praced upon the mortgaged premises by the Association. such release sharl be furnished by a junior mortgagee upon written reguest of the Association. SECTION 21 - RTGHT OF FTRST RNFUSAT 2I-L- If any owner of a condominium unit, other than Decrarant or walter Kirch, or Eric Berg, or any entity controlled by thern or either of thern, wishes to se1l or rease such unit and receives a bona fide offer therefor from a propsective purchaser or tenant, the remaining owners of units within the same building shall be given written notice thereof, together with a true copy of such offer. such notice and copy shall_ be given to the Board of Managers for all of such owners. such remaining owners shalL have the right to purchase or lease such unit upon the same terms and conditions as set forth in said offer; provided, however, that written notice of such election to purchase or lease and a matching down payment or deposit is given to the owrrer d'uring Lhe 20 day period immediatery following delivery of the notice of the bona fide offer and copy thereof. The method by which the Board of Managers shalr advise the other owners of such bona fide offer and the method for determining which -I6- of the several remaining owners shall be entitled to purchase or lease such unit, if more than one desire so to do, shall be provided in the Associationrs By-Laws. This right of first refusal shall- not be applicable to sales or purchases by Declarant or Walter Kirch, or Eric Berg, or any entity controlled by them or either of them. 2l-2. ff any ordner, other than Declarant or Walter Kirch, or Eric Berg, or any entity control-led by them or either of them, attempts to sell or lease his condominium unit without affording to the other owners the right of first refusal herein provided, such sales or lease shaLl be wholly nulL and void and shall confer no possessory rights, no title or interest hrhatsoever upon the intended purchaser or lessee. 2I-3. Subleasing or subrenting shall be subject to the same limitations as are applicable to leasing. All liabilities and obligations of the owner under these covenants sha11continue,notwithstand'ingthefactthathemayhave leasecl or rented said interest as permitted herein. 2L-4- The right of first refusal reserved herein shall not affect the right of an owner to subject his interest to a trust deed, mortgage or other security instrument, but the provisions regard.ing encurnbrances shall apply. 2I-5. The right of first refusal shall not apply to leases or subleases having a term of one year or less, but any renewal or extension thereof which would extend the total tenancy beyond one year shall be subject to such right. 2L-6. FaiLure of or refusal to exercise the right so to purchase or lease shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver of such right to purchase or lease when such owner or any successo! receives any subseguent bona fide offer frorn a prospective Purchaser or tenant. 2L-7. The right of first refusal' as provided. herein, shall extend and run for the period of the lives of the incorporators of the Association, and the survivor of them, plus 2I years. The names of the incorporators are given in Exhibit A hereto. -L7- SECTION 22 - EXEMPT TRANSFERS 22-L. In the event of any default on the part of any owner under any first mortgage which entitles the hol_der thereof to foreclose same, any sale under such foreclosure, including del-ivery of a bona fide deed to the first mortgagee in lieu of such foreclosure, shall be made free and clear of the provisions of Section 2I, and the purchaser (or grantee under such deed in lieu of foreclosure) of such condominium unit shall thereupon and thereafter be subject to the provisions of this Declaration and By-Laws. Tf the purchaser following this foreclosure sale (or grantee under deed given in lieu of such foreclosure) shall be the then holder of the first mortgage or its nominee, said holder or nominee may thereafter se1l and convey the condominium unit free and clear of the provisions of Section 21, but its grantee shall thereupon and thereafter be subject to all of the provisions thereof. 22-2. The following transfers are also exempt from the provisions of Section 2l; provided, however, that further transfers shall be subject thereto except as provided herein. 22-2-L. The transfer by operation of law of a deceased joint tenantrs interest of the surviving joint tenant (s) - 22-2-2. The transfer of a deceased's interest to a devisee by will or his heirs at law under intestacy laws. 22-2-3. The transfer of all or any part of a partner's interest as a result of withdrawal., death or otherwise, to the remaining partners carrying on the partnership business and/or to a person or persons becoming partners. A transfer of aII or part of a partner's or partnersr interests between one or more partners and,/or to persons becoming partners. 22-2-4. The tre.nsfer of a corporationrs interest to the persons forrnerly owning the stock of the corporation as the result of a dissolution, or a transfer to the resulting -I8- entity following a corporate merger or consolidation; provided, however, that not less than fifty per cent of the stock of the resulting entity is owned by the stockholders of the corporation formerly owning the condorninium unit. SECTION 23 - DESTRUCTION OR DAI{AGE 23-L. This Decl-aration does hereby make mandatory the irrevocable appointment of an attorney-in-fact to deal with the property upon its destruction or obsol-escence. 23-2. Title to any condominium unit is declared and expressly made subject to the terms and conditions hereof, and acceptance by any grantee of a deed from the Declarant or from any owner shal-l, without any further action, constitute appoint- ment of the attorney-in-fact herein provided. Al-l of the owners thus irrevocably constitute and. appoint the Association, their true and lawful- attorney in their name, place and stead for the purpose of dealing with their property upon its destruction or obsolescence as hereinafter provided. As attorney-in-fact' the Association, by its Board of t'lanagers, or other duly authorized officers or agents, shall have full and complete authorization, right and power to make, execute and deliver any contract' deed or any other instrurnent with respect to the interest of a condominium unit oerner which is necessary or convenient to exercise the powers herein granted. Repair and reconstruction of the improvement (s) as used in the succeeding subsections means restoring the improvement (s) to substantially the same condition in which it existed prior to the damage, with each apartment unit and the general and limited common elements having substantially the same vertical and horizontal boundaries as before. The proceeds of any insurance collected shall be available to the Association for the purpose of repair, restoration or replacement unless the owners and al-l first mortgagees agree not to rebuild. in' accordance with the provisions set forth hereinafter. 23-2-L. In the event of damage or destruc- tion due to fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if -19- sufficient to reconstruct the improvement(s), shall be applied by the Association, as attorney-in-fact, to such reconstruction, and the improvement(s) shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed. The Association shall have full authority, right and power as attorney-in-fact, to sause the repair and restoration of the improvement (s) . 23-2-2. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruct the improvement(s), or if the damage is not covered by insurance, and if such d,amage is not more than 508 of the total value of all of the condoniniurn units in the building damaged, not including land., such damage or destruction shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed by the Association, as attorney-in-fact, using the proceeds of insurance and the proceeds of an assessment to be made against the owners of units within the damaged building and their condominium units withi-n said building and any appurtenances to such units. Such deficiency assessment shall be a common expense and made pro rata according to each sucb owner's percentage interest in the general conrmon elements and shall be due and payable within thirty days after written notice thereof. The Association shall have full authority, right and power, as attorney-in-fact, to cause the repair or restoration of the improvements using all of the insurance proceed.s for such purposes notwithstanding the failure of any owner to pay the assessment. The assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of each owner and a lien on his condominium unit and any appurtenance thereto, and may be enforced and collected as is provided in Section 18 relating to assessments or in any other manner permitted by law. In add.ition thereto, the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall have the absolute right and power to sell the condominium unit of any ovJner refusing or failing to pay such deficiency assessment within the time provided, and if not so paid, the Association shall cause to be recorded a notice that the condominium unit and any appurtenance thereto, of the delinquent owner shall be then sold by the Association. The proceeds derived from the -20- sale of such condominiun unit shall be used and disbursed by the Association, as attorney-in-fact, in the following order: (1) For payment of the balance due on any first mortgaget (2') For sale, including but not attorneyst feesi are insufficient or if the damage payment of all- costs incident to such limited to, sales commissions and 23-2-3. If, however, the insurance proceeds repair and reconstruct the improvement(s), not covered by insurance, and if more than (3) For payment of general property taxes and special assessment liens in favor of any assessing entity; (4) For pay.ment of unpaid conmon expensesi (5) For payment of recorded junior liens and encumbrances in the order of and to the extent of their priority; (5) Any balance remaining shall be paid to the owner. to is 503 of the total- value of all of the condominium units in the building or buildings damaged, not including land, is destroyed or damaged,, and if owners of an aggregate interest of 70t or more of the general common elements do not, within 100 days thereafter, make provisions for reconstruction, which provisions must have the unanimous approval or consent of every first mortgagee, the Association shalI forthwith record a notice setting forth such fact or facts, and upon the recording of such notice the damaged premises shal1, as promptly as possible, be sold by the Association, as attorney-in-fact, for aII of the o\rners of the building damaged, free and clear of the provisions contained in this Decl-aration, the lvlap, the Artictes of Incorporation and the By-Laws. Provided, hovrever, that in such sale the Association shall be entitled to impose such restrictive covenants and easements on the property as may be reasonably necessary to protect the remainder of the condominium project from any -2t- substanti'al di.rninutron in value. The insurance settLement proceeds shall be collected by the Association, and such proceeds shall be divided by the Association according to each condorninium unit ownerrs interest (as such interests appear on the policy or policies), and such divided proceeds. shall be paid into separate trust accounts, each account representing one condominium unit. Each such account shall be in the name of the Association, and. further identified by the number of the apart:nent unit and the name.of the o!{ner, From each separate account, the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall forthwith use and disburse the total amount (of each) of such accounts, without contribution from one account to another, toward the partial or ful-l payment of the lien of any first mortgage against the condominium unit represented by such separate account. Thereafter, each such account shall be supplemented by the apportioned amount of the proceeds derived from the sale of the entire property. Such apportionmenL shall be based upon each condominium unit owner's percentage interest in the general conmon elements. The total funds of each account shall be used and disbursed, without contribution from one account to another, by the Association, as attorney-in-fact, for the same purDoses and in the same order provided in Section 23-2-2 hereof. 23-2-4. In the event of such damage or destruction under Section 23-2-3, and if a plan for reconstruction is adopted as therein provided, then all orrners shall be bound by the terms of such plan. Any assessment made in connection with such plan shaLl be a common exnense and made nro raur accordincr to each owner's p"rcentage interest in the general corrunon elements and shalL be due and payable as provided by the terms of such pLan. but not sooner than thirty days after written notice thereof. The Association shall have full authority, right and power, as attorney-in-fact, to cause the repair or restoration of the improvements using all of the insurance proceeds for such purpose notwithstand.ing the failure of an owner to oay the assessment. The assessment provided for herein shall be a debt -22- of each o.htner and a lien on his condominiun unit and appurtenances thereto and may be enforced and collected as is prgvided in Section 18 or in any other manner permitted by law. In addition thereto, the Association, aa attorney-in-fact, shall have the absolute right and power to sell the condominiurn unit of any owner refusing or fail-ing to pay such assessment within the tirne provided, and if not so paid, the Association shall cause to be recorded a notice that the condominium unit of the delinguent owner shall be sold by the Association. The proceeds derived from the sale of such condominium unit shaLl be used and disbursed by the Association, as attorney-in-fact, for the same purposes and in the same order provided in Section 23-2-2 hereof. SECTION 24 - OBSOLESCENCE 24-l . O,vners representing an aggregate ownership interest of 85t or more, of the general conmon elements of any condorninium buil-ding within the condominium project tnay agree that the condominium units in said building are obsolete and adopt a plan for their renewal and reconstruction which plan must have unanimous approval of all first mortgagees. If such a plan is adopted, then the expense thereof shall be payable by all of the o\^rners in said building as conrmon expensesi provided, however, that any owner not consenting to such plan may give rrritten notice to the Association that his unit shall be purchased by the Association acting on behalf of the consenting owners in said building, and in accordance with the provisions of subsection 24-2 hereof, at its fair market value. If such o\rner and the Association can agree on the fair market value thereof, then such sale shaLl be consumrnated within thirty days thereafter. If they cannot so agree, the date when either party notifies the other that. he or it is unable to agree with the other shall be the 'commencement date" from which all periods of time mentioned herein shall be measured. Within 10 days following the commencement date, each party shall nominate in writing (and give notice of such nomination to the other party) -23- an appraiser l^tho shall either hold M.A.I. or similar gualification. ff either party fails within said l0 day period to nake such nomination, the appraiser nominated by the other party shall act as sole appraiser. Othenpise the trrro appraisers nominated shall individually appraise the condominiirm unit involved to determine its fair market va1ue. If only one appraiser acts, as hereinbefore provided, his appraisal shal-l- control . Otherwise the appraisals of the two appraisers nominated shall be averaged and the figure so obtained shall- be considered the fair market value. In either eventr the fair market value so determined, in good faith, sha1l be conclusive on all parties. The expenses and fees of such appraiser (s) shall be borne equally by the Association and the owners. The sale shal-l be consummated within fifteen days thereafter, and the Association, as attorney- in-fact, shall disburse such proceeds as provided in subsection 23-2-2, but for'this purpose itern (2) of said subsection 23-2-2 shall- be disregarded. Title to any such unit sha1l be taken by the Association as trustee for the consenting owners in said building to be disposed of as they shall direct. 24-2. Notrdithstanding the provisions of sub- section 24-I hereof, no such plan or renewal and reconstruction shall be carried out unless and until it shall have been ap- proved in writing by the Board of Managers of the Association. Such approval shall be conditioned upon a determination by said Board of Managers that the plan is feasible, financially and in all other respects, that the plan can be accomplished without substantial detriment to the remainder of the condominium project, and upon satisfactory indemnification of the Association, the Board of Ivlanagers and the owners of other condominium units within the condominium project. 24-3. The owners representing an aggregate ownership interest of 858, or more, of the general common elements of any condominium building within the condorninium project rnay agree that the condominium units in said building are obsolete -24- and that the same should be sold. Such plan must have the unanimous approval of all first mortgagees. In such instance, the Association shall forthwith record a notice setting forth such fact or facts, and upon the recording of such nolice, the entire premises shall be sold by the Association, as attorney-in- fact, for a1l of the ohrners, free and clear of the provisions contained in this Declarationr the Map, the Articles of Incorporatio and the By-Laws. Provided, however, that in such sale the Aseociation shall be entitled to impose such restrictive covenants and easernents on.the property as may be reasonably necessary to protect the remainder of the condominium project from any substantial diminution in va1ue. The sal-es proceeds shall be apportioned among the owners on the basis of each ownerrs percentage interest in the general conunon elements, and such apportioned proceeds sha1l be paid into separate trust accounts, each such account representing one condominium unit. Each such account shall be in the name of the Association, and shall be further identified by the number of the apartment' and the name of the owner. From each separate account, the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall use and disburse the total amount (of each) of such accounts, without contribution from one account to another, for the same purposes and in the same order as provided. in Section 23-2-2. 24-4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 24-3 hereof, no such plan of sale shall be carried out unl-ess and until it shall have been approved in writing by the Board of Managers of the Association. Such approval shall be conditioned upon a determination by said Board of l'lanagers that such plan can be accomplished without substantial detriment to the remainder of the condominium project, or upon such terms and conditions as in its judgrnent shall avoid any substantial detriment ttrereto. -25- SECTION 25 -ADDITIONAL PROPERTY The Associationr maY acguire and hold for the benefit of the condorninium owners, real, tangibJ-e and intangible personal property and may dispose of the same by sale or othenrtise, and the beneficial interest in any such property shall be owned by the conclominium owners in the same Proportions as their resPec- tive interests in the general conrmon elements and shall not be transferable except with a transfer of a condominium unit. A transfer of a condominium unit shall. transfer to the transferee ownership of the transferorts beneficial interest in such real or personal property without any reference thereto. Each owner may use such real and personal proPerty in accordance with the pur- pose for'which it is intended, without hindering or encroaching upon the lawful rights of the other owners. Sale of a condo- minium unit under forecl-osure shal1 thereby entitle the purchaser to the beneficial interest in the real and personal ProPerty associated with the foreclosed condominium unit SECTION 25 - ADDRSSSES-NOTICES Each owner shal_I register his mailing address with the Association, and except for monthly statements and other routine notices, all other notices or demands inteniled to be served upon an owner shall be sent by either registered or certified mail ' postage prepaid., addressed in the name of the owner at such registered mailing address. Atl notices, demands or other notices intended to be served upon the Board of Managers of the Association shall be sent by registered or certified mail , postage prepaid, to P.O. Box 1088, Vail , Colorado 81657, until such address is changed by a notice of address change duly recorded. SECTION 27 - ASSESSMENTS-RESERVES The Association or the Managing Agent may require an owner other than Declarant to deposit in escrow with the Associ- ation an anount of uP to six times the arnount of the estimated monthly conmon assessment which sum shall be held by the Associ- ation or the Managing Agent as a reserve to be used for paying -26- such ovrnerrs monthly common assessments' as working capital for the Association and such other legitimate PurPose or PurPoses as the Association shall determine' such an advance payment sharl not relieve an owner from making the regular monthly payrnents of the monthly common assessment as the same come due. SECTTON 28 . SEVERABILITY If any of the provisions of this Declaration or any Section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word, or the appJ.ication thereof in any circumstance be invalidated, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Declaration and the application of any such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in any other circumstances shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 29 - CONDOMINIUM tAW The provisions of this Declaration shal1 be in addition and supplemental to the Condominium Ownership Act of the State of Colorado and to all other provisions of Iaw. SECTION 30 - GENDER-M]MBERS Whenever used herein, unless the context shall otherwise provide, tbe singuJ.ar number shall include the plural , the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shalf include all. genders. SECTION 3I - TTTLE The section titles are for convenience of reference only and are not intended to provide comprehensive descriptions of the contents of the various sections. They form no part of this Declaration and shaIl under no circumstances be held to limj-t, enlarge or change the meaning of the various sections. SECTION 32 -. CO}.ffEYANCES OR ENCUMBRANCES The owners of condominium units agree to include in any conveyance or encumbrance of such units a provision binding the grantee or encumbrancer to accept the provisions of this Declaration and of the Articl-es of Incorporation and By-Laws of the -27 - oofs'Association. Regardless of the inclusion uch provision, noweverr any grantee or encumbrancer, in accepting a conveyance or encumbrance, shall be deemed automatically to have accepted and consented to be bound thereby. SECTION 33 - RESERVATION TO ENLARGE CONDOMINTUM PROJECT 33-1. Declarant presently anticipates that this condominium project wirt be enrarged by the construction of additional condominium buildings and other improvements. The right is expressly reserved but there shall be no obrigation to, enlarge the condominium project by constructing additional condominium buildings and other irnprovements on other reaL property adjacent to or in the vicinity of that described on Exhibit A. Such addition(s) to this condominium project may be submitted to this condominium project and such submission shall be expressed in and by a duly recorded supplement to this Declaration and by a supplement to the Map filed for record- The right reserved for enrargement of the project shall extend to Declarant and to successors in title to such additional real property owned or acgui.red by Decrarant, and shall also extend to Walter Kirch and Eric Berg, acting individually or by any entity owned or controlred by them or either of them. . 33-2. In form and substance, a supplement to this Declaration shall provide for the division of such additional real property and improvements into condominium units similar to the division made of the real- property and improvements in Exhibit A hereto. Each unit shall be so identified as to differentiate it from any other unit in any other buirding under this Declaration and the l,lap. The undivided interest in and to the general common elements appurtenant to each such additionar unit shall not be a part of the general common elements of the condominium units described and.initialry created by this Decraration and the lrtap or those added to the project by other . supprements hereto. The undivided interest in the general conrmon elements shalr have a perrnanent character and shall not be artered \dithout the consent of arL of the condominium unit owners affected thereby, expressed in a dury recorded Amendment to this Declaration in the fashion otherwise herein provided. -28- 33-3. Except as is provided in Section 3 hereof, and as to limited common elements as defined on Exhibit A hereto, or as may otherwise be provided in a given supplement to the Declaration or lvlap, all of the provisions contained in this Declaration shall be applicabl-e to such additional condominium units. Common expenses for items peculiar to such additional units shall be separately assessed, and all insurance policies therefor shall cover only such additional condominium units. For other conmon expenses, however, there shal-l be common assessments made against all condominium units in the project. So long as the several buildings in the condominium project are similar in size and construction, to the earlier build5-ngs, assessments thereon shall be substantialJ-y equal regardless of when any building has been adcted to the project. Assessments within a given building shall then be based upon the proportion of the conmon elements applicable to each unit therein. The Board, of Managers shall be empowered to make the necessary determinations reguired hereunder, and its determinations, if reasonable and if made in good faith, shal-l bind all owners of units in the condominium project. 33-4. Sections 23 and 24 hereof relate to ctestruction and obsolescence. Only the owners of the condominium units affected (damaged, destroyed or obsoLete) shall be entitled to vote in determining what steps shall be taken where options are provided in said Sections concerning reconstruction or sale. The initially constructed condominium improvements and the additional condominium improvements shal1 be a Part of the whole project, but each such separately constructed and submitted project shall be considered a seParate condominium for the purposes of said Sections 23 and 24, and the aggregate interests of each of such separateJ.y constructect Project shall be considered one hundreil per cent for such voting PurPoses. -2e- 33-5. Except as provioed in Sectlon 33-4, each condominium unit owner shalt be entitled to vote his Percentage or fractional j.nterest in ancl to the total of aLl general cornmon elements taking into account all buildings then subject to the Condominium Declaration, and the aggregate of all of the undivided interests submitted to and making uP the total condominium project at any given time sha1l be considered one hundred per cent for such voting Purposes. SECTION 34 - VAIL RACOUET CLUB The oltner ot each condominium unit in the project' shall receive one family membership in the Vail Racquet CIub, locate on adjacent Property and. providing tennis and other recreational facilj-ties. such membership shall be an aPpurtenance to said condominium unit, shall not be a severable from the ownership thereof, and ttre transfer of a condominium unit shall transfer to the transferee said membership without any reference thereto. The terms and conditrons governing such membership shall be more particularry defined by Declarant from time to time in membership certificates and,/or regulations to be furnished to unit owners by Declarant. Such membership shalt entitle such owner to the use of the facilities in accorclance witb such terms and conditions and shalf obligate the unit owner for the Payment of reasonable monthly dues in accordance with schedules adopted by such CIub' whi< dues shall not in any event be less favorable than those accorded to other unit owners for comparable units or to Persons not owning condominium units in the project. Such monthly dues may be certified to the Board of Managers or Managing Agent and if so shall be deemed conrmon expenses and collected in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration pertaining to common expenses. No owrrer shall be entitled to exemPt himself fron liability for such dues by waiver of the use or enjoyment of such facilities. The provi-sions of tnis Section may not be amended or revoked without the prior' exPress written consent of Declarant or its successors in titre. - J0- SECTION 35 - INGRESS AND EGRESS-PARKING 35-I. Declarant hereby grants to each condominium unit owner a perpetual and nonexclusive easement for ingress and egress between the public highway (Bighorn Drive, formerly U.S. Highway No. 6) and Buildings C, E and F, respectively, over and across those portions of the existing private roadway (denon- inated as Vail Racguet Club Townhome Drive) lying outside the right-of-way of said public highway and constructed as shown on the Map, and described on Exhibit A hereto, for the use of such owner, his family, guests, Lenants and invitees. Such easement shall be inseverable from apd appurtenant to said condominium unit and the transfer or encumbrance of a condominium unit shall transfer or encumber such easement without any reference thereto. Declarant, for itself, its successors and assigns, reserves the right to shift or relocate such roadway so long as reasonably comparable access to and from the public highway and said Build- ings C, E and F is maintained. Initial construction and paving of said private road.way shall be at Declarant's sole cost, buL the cost of repair, rnaintenance or reconstruction thereafter, together with the responsibility for general property taxes, Iiability insurance and other costs applicable thereto shall be a conrmon expense hereunder. 35-2. Decl-arant expressly reserves to itself, its successors and assigns, the right hereafter to grant similar non- exclusive easements over and across said roadway (denominated as VaiI Racquet Club Townhome Drive) in connection with the develop- ment of the remainder of the project. 35-3. By separate instrument to be recorded con- temporaneously with this Declaration and the Map, Declarant shall grant to the o\^tners of condominium units permanent easements for parking areas ad.jacent to Vail Rdcguet Club Townhome Drive (see section 35-1 above) sufficient to provide not less than one parking space for each condominium unit within Bui)_dings C, E and F. Such parking areas shall be paved and otherwise improved or Iandscaped initially by Declarant, but the instrument creatinq - 31- such easements may provide that thereafter aLl maintenance and repair thereon shall be a common expense hereunder, together with the responsibility for general property taxes on such parking areas and liability insurance and other costs applicable thereto. Such parking areas shall be subject generally to the regul-ation of the Association and parking spaces may be assigned to indi- viduaL units as it may from time to time determine. SECTION 35 - EASEMENTS Declarant expressly reserves to itself, its successors and assigns, the right to grant easements and rights of way over and across such portions of the property described on Exhibit A hereto or over which easements are granted for parking or other purposes as Declarant may from time to time determine to be neces- sary or convenient to the achievement of the following purposes: 36-1. Installation, rnaintenance and replacement of necessary utilities serving the improvements on the property described on Exhibit A or anv other portion of tbe condominium project; 36-2. Reasonable pedestrian travel and access from one portion of the condominium project to another, or to the Vail- Racquet Club facilities. SECTION 37 - ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS By separate instrument Declarant shall grant to the owners of condominiurn units permanent non-exclusive easements over certain property adjacent to the tracts described in Section 1 of Exhibit A hereto for maintenance, repair or reconstruction of the buildings or other improvements and for other purposes described therein. Such instrument may provide that thereafter all maintenance thereon shall- be a common expense hereunder, aLong with the responsibility foi general property taxes, lia- bitity insurance and other costs applicable thereto RACQUET CLUB TO9TNHOI'{ES By /JA/^/ ,r"*Tu":) Eric Be -32- General Partner ral Partner .STATE OF' COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGI..E ss. The foregoing instrurnent, including Exhibit A thereto, which also contain the signatures of Declarant for identification, was acknowledged bitore me this TZTday ot January, 1980, by l{atter Kirch and Eric Berg, asEll of the general partners of Racguet Club Tornhomes, a general partner- ship. Witness my hand and officiaL seal. conmLsslon explres 3 t '' | "lt-.' .r ,'l r, .. r 7,- : '-"r-1-"- . .- I | -: r- \ v -33- EXHIBIT A TO CONDOMIN I UI'I DECI,ARATION FOR RACOUET CLUB TOWNHOMES t. Description. The property covered by the Condominium Declaration shal1 be that part of the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Those portions of the Southeast quarter of Section ]-2, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.!1., described as follows: TRACT FOR BUILDING C All that portion of said SEI/A described as follows: Conmencing at the Southeast Corner of said Section 12 from which the Southwest Corner of the SEI/4 of the SEL/A of said Section 12 bears N89o35'41"w, 1306.39 feet; Thence N58o53t 42"W, I27O.l1 feet to the Southwesterly line of that t,ract of land as described in Deed recorded in Book 269 at Page'973 of ttre record of Eagle County' Colorado; Thence N28"26r50"W, 372.11 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence N33"23'8, 27.O0 EEE; tirencE-s5oEfrEI5O. o0 feet; Thence N33"23r8, 10.00 feetr Thence 556"37'E, 50.66 feet; Thence S33o23'W, 10.00 feet; Thence 556a37rE, 25.00 feett Thence S33o23'W, 27.00 feet; Thence N56037'W, 13.08 feett Thence N33o23'8, 4.67 feeE; Thence N56o37rW, 12.42 feel; Thence ll33o23rE, 5.33 feeti Thence N56o37rW, 12.58 feet; Thence N33o23rE, 4.67 feet; Thence N56o37'W, 24.50 feet; Thence s33o23rw, 4.57 feeti Thence N56o37'w, 12.58 feett Thence S33o23'W, 10.00 feet; Thence N55o37rW, L2.92 feet; Thence N33o23'E, 4.57 feeti Thence N55"37'w, 24.50 feet; Thence S33o23'W, 4.67 feeEi Thence N56"37'W, 13.08 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TRACT FOR BUILDING E AIl that portion of said SEL/4 described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of said Section 12 from which the Southwest Corner of the SEI-/ of the SE1,/4 of said Section 12 bears N89o35'41"w, 1305.39 feet; Thence N58"53|42"w, L27O.1l feet to the Southwesterly line of that tract of land as described in Deed recorded in Book 269 at Page 973 of the records of Eagle County, Coloradoi Thence N15"50r45"W, I51.07 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence N75o07'W, 13. 08-TEet;-TEenceFIZ-E5E-; 4.67 feeti Thence N75o07'w, 24-5o feet; Thence SI4"53rW, 4.57 feeti Thence N75o07rw, 13.08 feet; Thence NI4o53rE, 25.50 feet; Thence N75o07rW, 10.00 feetr Thence N14"53rE, 13.08 feet; Thence S75o07rE, 4-67 feeEi Thence Nl4"53rE, 24.5O feet; Thence N75oO7rW, 4.67 feet; Thence NI4o53rE, 13.08 feet; Thence S75o07tE, 27.00 feet; Thence Sl4o53rW, 50.00 feet; Thence S75"07'8, 33.56 feet; Thence S14"53rVt, BEGINNING. 27.OO feet to the TRUE POINT OF TRAC? FOR BUILDING F A11 that portion of said SEL/A described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of said Section12 from which the Southwest Corner of i-he SEL/A ofthe SELrl4 of said Section 12 bears N89"35r4L'W, 1306.39 feet; Thence N58o53|42"W, L270.11 feetto the Southwesterly line of that tract of landas described in Deed recorded in Book 269 at Page 973 of the record of Eagle County, Colorado; Thence N3o53'23"8, 89.78 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNfNGi Thence S690OztW, 27.00 Eeet; Thence N2Oo58rW, 13.08 feet; Thence N69o02'8,4.67 feet; Thence N20"58'W, 24.50 feet; Thence S59o02rW, 4.67 feeti Thence N20o58rW, 13.08feet; Thence N69o02'8, 27.00 feet; Thence S20o58rE, 50.66 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 2.Division of Property into Condominium Units. The real- property hereinabove described consists ofthree tracts denominated Tracts for Buildings C, E and F,respectively and on which are constructed said nuildings C,E and F. The property devoted to said Buildings are as shown and described above and shown on the Condominium Map. The said real property and the improvements constructedthereon are hereby divided into eleven separate fee simpleestates, each such estate consisting on one apartment unit and its appurtenant limited common elements together with anappurtenant und.ivided interest in and to the general commonelements as follows: (1) Building C: Units 1 through 5 shal-l each own an undivided 1,/5 interest in and tothe general comrnon el-ements of saidBuilding C and the tract allocated to it. (2) Building E: Units 1 through 4 shall each own an undivided I/4 interest in and to thegeneral conmon el-ements of said BuildingE and the tract al-Iocated to it. Building F: Units 1 and 2 shal1 each ownan undivided. i,/2 interest in and to thegeneral common elements of said BuildingF and the tract allocated to it. A strip of land 20.00 feet in width lying withinthe SE1,/4 of Section 12, T5S, RSOW of the 6thP.M., Eagle County, Colorado, said strip of landbeing 10-00 feet on each side of the followingdescribed Centerline: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of said Section12 from which the Southnest corner of the SEI/4 (3) 3. Limited Common Elements - Buildings C, E and F.The second floor deckbe lirnited common ele.ments to each such unit. 4. I . Theincorporatorsof the Associat erg and. Victor euinn. 5. The description of that portion of Vail_Racquet Club Townhome Drive referred to and in which easementsare granted in Section 35-I of the Decl_aration is as f oll-ows: -2- of the SEL/4 of said section 12 bears NB9o35'4I"w,1305.39 feeti Thence N58"53t42"11 , I27 0.]1 feet cothe Southwesterly line of that tract of land asdescribed in Deed recorded in Book 269 at nage 973of the recorda of Eagle County, Coloradoi ThenceN2lo23nE, 72.54 feet; Thence N68"37'w, 10.00 feetto the TBITE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence N21o23rE,20.00 feeF ilffie-NzF57m;-6-'3.54 feet; rhenceN2lo00'W, 45.00 feet; Thence N14o30rE, 32.7L feet; Thence Northrdesterly, 49.52 feet along the arc ofa curve concave to the Northeast to a point ofreverse curve, said arc having a radius of 40.00feeE, a delta angle of 70o56' and being subtendedby a chord that bears N40o02rW, 46.42 feet; Thence Northwesterly, 116.51 feet along the arc ofsaid reverse curve to a point of reverse curve,said arc having a radius of 95.00 feet, a delta angl-e of 70"),5 ' and being subtended by a chordthat bears N39o42rlf, 109.34 feett Thence North-westerly, 139.63 feet along the arc of said reversecurve to a point of compound curve, said arcbaving a radius of 160.00 feet, a delta angle of50000' and being subtended by a chord that bearsN49"50'W, L35.24 feet; Thence Northerly, 39.27feet along the arc of said compound curve to apoint of compound curve, said arc having a rad.ius of 50.00 feetr a delta angle of 45"00' and being subtended by a chord that bears N2o20'W, 38.27feet; Thence Northeasterly, 33.07 feet along thearc of said compound curve to the Southwesterlyright-of-way line of Bighorn Road (formerly U.S. Highway No. 5), said arc having a radius of 40.00feet, a delta angle of 47"22122" and being subtendedby a chord that bears N43o51'1f"8,32.14 feet; Thence continuing Easterly, 50.35 feet along thearc of said curve to a point tangent, said archaving a radius of 40.00 feet, a delta angJ-e of'l2o07 '38" and being subtended by a cbord thatbears 576o23t49"E, 47.I0 feet; Thence 540o20'E,81.80 feet to the Southwesterly right-of-way lineof said Bighorn Road; Ttrence continuing 540020rE, 22.OO feet to a point of curve to the left; ThenceEasterly, 3I .25 feet along the arc of said curveto the Southvresterly right-of-way line of saidBighorn Road, said arc having a radius of 40.00feet, a delta angle of 44046)23" and being subtendedby a chord that bears 562"43rIl"E, 30.47 feei-; Thence continuing Northeasterly, 38.55 feet alongthe arc of said curve to a point tangent, said archaving a radius of 40.00 feet, a delta angle of55"13'37" and being subtended by a chord thatbears N67"16 | 49'E , 37 .08 feet; Thence N39 o40 'E,18.00 feet to the approximate Centerline of saidBighorn Road and the POfNT OF TERI,IINATION. I'he above Exhibit A to the Condominium Declarationfor Racguet CIub Townhomes is hereby signed for the purposeof identifying it as said exhibit. RACQUET CLUB TOI'INHOMXS,I partnership, V{alter General Partner ,/ rtc ljerg ,General P -3- EASEMENT GRANT t THrs rNSTRUI{ENT, executed this 1t. aay ot January, L980, by VAIL RACQUET CLUB TOITINHOMES' a general partnership (hereinafter "Declarant"), WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS Declarant is contemPoraneously herewith recording the Condominium Declaration and Condominium I'taP (hereinafter "Declaration" and "Map" respectively) for RACQUET CLUB TOWNHOI{ES constructed on certain described portions of the SE L/4 of Section L2, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 5th P.M., in the Town of Vail , County of Eagle and State of Colorado; and WHEREAS Section 35-3 of the Declaration pro- vides for the granting by Declarant of permanent ease- ments over certain parking areas to be utilized in con- nection with the condominium units created in the Declaration and depicted on the Map; NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant does hereby grant to the or^tners of Condominium Units in Buildings C, E and F of Racquet Club Townhomes, and to their respective heirs' personal rePresentatives ' successors and assigns, PQr- manent easements over those four areas depicted on the Ivlap and denominated thereon "parking spaces, t' and trerein sometimes referred to as "parking areas," for vehicular parking and associated uses in connection with said con- dominium units, Pursuant to the fotlowing terms and con- ditions. L. Easernents herein granted shall be appur- tenant to and inseverable from said condominium units and the transfer or encumbrance of a condominium unit shatl transfer or encumber such easement without any express reference thereto. 2. Declarant shall pave the said parking areas initially and shall also provide such additional improve- ments and/or landscaping thereof as may have been designated in the plans for the applicable portion of the condominium development. Thereafter, all mainlenance and repair of said parking areas shall be a common exPense to be treated as other conmon expenses pursuant to the DecLaration. General property taxes on said parking areas for 1980 and prior years shall be the responsibility of Declarant, but such taxes and other simiLar governmental assessments for years after 1980 shall be treated as common exPenses pursuant to the Declaration. 3. The Association established pursuant to the Declaration shall- maintain public liability and property damage insurance covering occurrences on or adjacent to the parking areas in accordance with the provisions of section 3-7 of the Declaration. Policies representing such insurance shall name Declarant as an additional insured if Declarant shall so request. Premiums for such insurance shal-l- be treated as corlmon exPenses Pursuant to the Declaration' 4. The parking areas shalf be subject generally to the regulation of the Association, and it may assign particular parking sPaces to particular units as it may from time to time determine. until such action by the Associ- ation, however, the parking areas shaIl be available egually to owners of condominium units in Buildings c, E and F and to their respective famil-ies, guests, tenants and invitees' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has executed this instrument the day and year first above written' VAIL RACQUET CLUB TOWNHOI{ES -2- STATE OF COLORADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE )) ss. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7ffday of ,Ianuary, 1980, by Wa1terKirch and Erie defg, as the sole general partners ofVail Racguet Cl-ub Townhomes, a general partnership. Witness my hand and official seal. lly Commission expires -3- 3a EASEMENT GRANT THIS INSTRUIIENT, executed thi6 January, 1980, by VAIL RACQUET CLUB TOI{NHOMES, a general- partnership (hereinafter "Declarant"), WTTNESSETH THAT VIHEREAS Declarant is contemporaneously herewith recording the Condominium Declaration and Condominium Map (hereinafter "Declaration" and "Map" respectively) for P.ACOUET CLUB TOWNHOIIES constructed on certain described portions of the SE L/4 of Section L2, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M., in the Town of Vail , County of Eagle and State of Colorado; and WHEREAS Section 37 of the Declaration pro- vides for the granting by Declarant of permanent, non- exclusive easements for certain purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant does hereby grant to the or^rners of condominium units in Buildings C, E and F of Racguet CIub Townhornes the following permanent easements over, under and across those areas depicted within the exterior boundaries of the tract denominated as Tract 2 on the Map, excepting therefrom those portions within said exterior boundaries denominated on the Map for parking spaces, those portions within Vail Racquet CIub Townhome Drive, and those portions upon which Buildings C, E and F are constructed and shown and described on the.Map as Tracts for Buildings C, E and F, respectively. The exterior boundaries of said Tract 2 are as follows: AlL that portion of the SE L/4 of Section12, T5S, R80W of the 6th P.M., EagleCounty, CoJ.orado, described as follo\irs: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of saidSection 12 from which the Southrirest Cornerof the sE L/4 of the SE L/4 of said Section12 bears N89"35r41"W (True Meridian), L305.39feet; thence N58"53t42"W, I27O.1I feet to theSouthwesterly line of that tract of landas described in Warranty Deed recorded in J t, day or Book 269 at page 973 of the records of EagLe County, Colorado; thence N21o23rE, 50.70 feet to the TRUE POINT OI'BEGINNING; thence N68o37rW, 54.33 feet; thence N20o58 rlf , 65.87 feet; thence N75o07.W, 62. 16 feet;thence Nl4o53rE, 104.31 feet;thence N56o37tVl , LZL.69 feet; thence N7o00rE, l_9.50 feet;.thence N45o00.Vl , 45.80 feet;thence N14o39'29"W, 49.97 feet; thence N65o10rE, 29.0L feeLithence Southeasterly, 130.90 feet alongthe arc of a curve concave to the North-east to a point of reverse curve, saidarc having a radius of l_50.00 feet, adelta angle of 50"00r and being subtendedby a chord that bears 549"50.8, L26.79feet; thence Southeasterly, L2g-77 feet alongthe arc of said reverse curve to a pointof reverse curve, said arc having a radiusof 105.00 feet, a delta angle of 70016'and being subtended by a chord that bears539"42t8, L20.85 feet;thence Southeasterly, 37 -L4 feet alongthe arc of said reverse curve to a pointtangent, said arc having a rad.ius of 30.00feet, a delta angle of 70056' and beingsubtended by a chord that bears S40o02rE,34.81 feet; thence S75"30'8, 10.00 feet;thence S14o30'W, 39.5L feet;thence S2lo00.E, 42-57 feet;thence 523o37.8, 33.00 feet;thence N65o23tE, 18.00 feet;thence 523o37'E, 45.00 feet;thence 566023'W, 28.55 feet;thence S2l_o23rW, 2L.17 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 1. Non-exclusive easements are hereby granted over the aforesaid areas as necessary for the purpose of performing any maintenance, repair or reconstruction work on said buildings or appurtenances thereto, for ingress and egress thereto in connection with any such work, for plant- ing and maintenance of Iandscaping, for recreational uses incidental to the condominium units, for ingress and egress to Vail Racguet Club Drive and to the parking areas shown on the Map and for sueh other purposes as may be aecessory and incidentar to the ownership and use of the said condominium units. These easements may be utilized as well by the -2- a' Association created pursuant to the Declaration and by its authorized agents, employees and eontractors. In the event that any portion of any of the buildings' including portions either above or below ground, shalJ. encroach upon the areas outside those depicted on the Map as the Tracts for said Buildings C, E and F, an easement for the encroach- ment and for its maintenance is hereby granted so 1on9 as such encroachment shal-I continue. 2. Tbe grantees hereunder, acting through the Association, shall maintain the areas over which ease- ments are herein granted in a cLean and sightly condition consistent with the uses for which the easements are granted, and the cost thereof shal-l- be treated as a common exPense pursuant to the Declaration- 3. General- Property taxes on the areas over which easements are granted hereunder, for 1980 and prior years, shall be the responsibility of Declarant, but such taxes and other simil-ar governmental assess- ments for years after 1980 shaLl be treated as conmon expenses pursuant to the Declaration. 4. The Association shaLl maintain public l-iability and property damage insurance covering occur- rences in connection with the areas over which easernents are granted hereunder, pursuant to the provisi-ons of Section 17 of the Declaration, The policies representing such insurance shall name Declarant as an additional insured if Declarant shall so request. Premiums for such insurance shall- be treated as common exPenses Pur- suant to the Declaration. 5. The areas ovef which easements are herein granted shalL, subject to the provisions hereof, be sub- Ject generally to the regulation of the Association for -3- the benefit of the members thereof. 6. Decl-arant expressly reserves to itself and its successors and assigns the right to grant easements and rights-of-way pursuant to Section 36 of the Declaration over or under the area over which easements are herein granted. 7. The easements herein granted shall be ap- purtenant to and inseverabLe from said condominium units and the transfer or encumbrance of a condominium unit shaLl transfer or encumber such easement without any exPress reference thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has executed this instrument the day and year first above written. VAIL RACQUET CLUB TOWNHOMES ""/),b/*4WaLter Kirch, General Partner The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Ad-day of January, 1980, by Walter Kirch and Eric 4erg. as the sole general partners of Vail Racguet Club Townhomes, a general partnership. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires -4- ( ,-. EXHIBIT A TO CONDOMINIUM DECI,ARATION FOR RACOUET CLUB TOWNHOMES l. Description. The property covered by the Condominiurn Declaration shall be that part of the Town of VaiI, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Those portions of the Southeast guarter of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: TRACT FOR BUILDING C A11 that portion of said SEI-/A described as follows: Cornmencing at the Southeast Corner of said Section 12 from which the Southwest Corner of the SEL/4 of the SEr./.A of said Section 12 bears' N89"35' 41"W, 1305. 39 feet; Thence N58 "53' 42"W , ).27O-ll- feet to the Southwesterly line of that i.ract of land as described in Deed recorded in Book 269 at Page'973 of the record of Eagle County, Coloradoi Thence N28o26'50"W, 372. 11 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence N33o23'E, 27.00 Eeet; rltrence S5057-8, 50. OO feet; Thence N33o23 tE' 10.00 feet; Thence 556037rE, 50.66 feet; Thence S33o23'!V, 10.00 feet; Thence S'56"37'E, 25.00 feet; Thence S33"23rW, 27-OO feet; Thence N56o37'W, 13.08 feet; Thence N33o23rE, 4.67 feet-; Thence N56"37'W, I2.42 feet; Thence lJ33o23rE, 5.33 feet; Thence N55"37'W, 12.58 feet; Thence N33o23rE, 4-67 feet; Thence N56"37'W, 24.50 feet; Thence 533"23'W, 4.67 feet-; Thence N56"37'W, 12.58 feet; Thence S33o23 rW, 10.00 f eet; Thence N56"37 rI^1 ,l.2.92 feet; Thence N33"23'E, 4.57 feet; Thence N56o37fW, 24-50 feet; Thence S33o23rW, 4.67 feet; Thence N56"37'W, 13.08 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING TRACT FOR BUILDTNG E AIl that portion of said SEL/A described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of said Section 12 from which the South\,,rest Corner of the SE1,/4 ofthe SEIi/4 of said Section 12 bears N89"35'41"W, 1306.39 feet; Thence N58"53r42"W, L27O.11 feet to the Southwesterly fine of that tract of land as described in Deed recorded in Book 269 at Page 973 of the records of Eagle County, Colorado; Thence NI5"50'45"W, 151.07 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNfNG; Thence N75o07'W, 13.08--EEeE; fhence NIA653-E, 4.67 feet; Thence N75oO? rW, 24.5O feec; Thence SI4o53rW, 4.67 feet; Thence N75"07'W,13.08 feet; Thence Nl4"53rE, 26.50 feet; Thence N75"07rW' 10.00 feet; Thence N14"53'E, 13.08 feet; Thence S75"07tE, 4.67 feeti Thence Nf4"53rE, 24-5O feett Thence N75"07rW, 4.67 feet; Thence NI4o53rE, -1-3.08 feett Thence S75o07 rE, 27.O0 feet; Thence SI4o53rW, 50.00 feett Thence S75o07'E, 33.66 feet; \ Thence S14 "53'W, BEGTNNING. 27.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF TRACT T'OR BUILDTNG F A11 that portion of said SEL/A described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of said Sestion12 from which the Southwest Corner of the SEl/4 ofLhe SEI/4 of said Section 12 bears N89o35'4l"VJ, 1305.39 feet; Thence N58"53 ' 42"W, L270.11 feetto the Southwesterly tine of that tract of Landas described in Deed recorded in Book 269 at Page 973 of the record of Eagl,e county, Colorado; Thence N3"53'23"8, 89.78 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence 569"02'W, 27.00 Eeet; Thence N20o58rW, 13.08 feebi Thence N69o02rE,4.67 f,eet; Thence N20"58rW, 24.50 feet; ThenceS69"02'W, 4.57 feet; Thence N20"58'W, 13.08feet; Thence N69"02'E, 27.00 feet; Thence S20"58r8,50.66 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. )Division of Propertv into Condominium Units. The real property hereinabove described consists ofthree tracts denominated Tracts for Buil-dings C, E and F,respectively and on which are constructed said Buildings C,E and F. The property devoted to said Buildings are as shown and described above and shown on the Condominium I'lap. The said real property and the improvements constructedthereon are hereby divided into eleven separate fee simpleestates, each such estate consisting on one apartment unit and its appurtenant limited common el-ements together wi-th anappurtenant undivided interest in and to the general commonelements as fo.l-Iows: (1)Building C: Units 1- through 5 shall own an undivided 1,/5 interest in andthe general- common elements of saidBuilding C and the tract aLlocated to each to it. (2) .Building E: Units 1 through 4 shall each own an undivided L,/4 LnLerest in and to thegeneral common elements of said BuildingE and the tract allocated to it- (3) Building F:Units 1 and 2an undivided l/2 interestgeneral conmon elements ofF and the tract allocated 3. limited Common Elements - Buildings C, E and F.The second floobe limited common elements to each such unit. 4. Incorporators of Association. The incorporatorsof the Associat erg and VictLr euinn. 5. The description of that portion of VailRacquet Club Townhome Drive referred to and in which easementsare granted in Section 35-1 of the Declaration is asfollows: A strip of land 20.00 feet inthe SEli/4 of Section 12, T5S,P-M., Eagle County, Colorado,being 10.00 feet on each sidedescribed Centerline: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of said Section12 fron which the Southwest Corner of the SEI/4 sha1l each ownin and to thesaid Building to it. width 1yin9 within R80W of the 6th said strip of land of the followinq - z- l. I of the SE'L/A of said Secrion 12 bears N89o35r4f"t{,1306.39 feet; Thence N58o53'42"W, L27 0.11 feet tothe Southwesterly line of that tract of land asdescribed in Deed recorded in Book 269 at fage 973of the recorde of Eagle County, Colorado; Thence N21o23nE, ?2.64 feett Thence N58"37'W, 10.00 feettO the TRI,JE POINT OF BEGINNING' Thence N2IO23IE, 20. oo feef TEE-ce-Fz3637rIt-3.54 feeti ThenceN2l"00rW, 45.00 feet; Thence N14"30rE, 32.7L feet; Ttrence Northwesterly, 49.52 feet along the arc ofa curve concave to the Northeaat to a point ofreverse curve, said arc having a radius of 40.00feetr a delta angle of 70056' and being subtendedby a chord tbat bears N4 0 o 02 | I,i, 46. 42 f eet; Thence Northwesterly, 116.51 feet along the arc ofsaid reverse curve to a point of reverse curve,said arc having a radius of 95.00 feet, a deltaangle of 70o15' and being subtended by a.chordthat bears N39"42rW, 109.34 feet; Thence North-westerly, 139.53 feet along the arc of said reversecurve to a point of compound curve, said archaving a radius of 160.00 feet, a delta angle of 50"00r and being subtended by a chord that bears N49o50r?t, I35.24 feet; Thence Northerly, 39.27feet al-ong the arc of said compor:rrd curve to apoint of compound,curve, said arc having a radius of 50.00 feet, a delta angle of 45o00' and being subtended by a chord that bears N2o20rW, 38.27feet; Thence NortheasterLy, 33.07 feet along thearc of said compound curve to the Southr,resterlyright-of-way line of Bighorn Road (formerly U.S. Highway No. 6), said arc having a radius of 40.00 feet, a delta angle of 4-7"22'22" and being subtended lry a chord that bears N43"51'11-"8, 32.14 feet; Thence continuing Easterly, 50.35 feet along thearc of said curve to a point tangent, said archaving a radius of 40.00 feet, a delta angle of 72oO7 '38" and being subtended by a chord that bears 576023149'E, 47 -I0 feet; Thence 540"20rE,81.80 feet to the Southwesterly right-of-way lineof said Bighorn Road; Thence continuing 540"20rE, 22.OO feet to a point of curve to ttre left; ThenceEasterly, 3L.26 feet along the arc of said curveto the Southvresterly right-of-vray line of saidBighorn Road, said arc having a rad.ius of 40.00feet, a delta angle of 44o46'23" and being subtendedby a chord that bears 562"43'11'8, 30.47 fee1.i-, Thence continuing Northeasterly, 38.55 feet alongthe arc of said curve to a point tangent, said archaving a radius of 40.00 feet, a delta angle of55"13'37" and being subtended by a chord thatbears N67016'49"E, 37.O8 feet; Thence N39o40rE. 18. O0 feet to the approximate Centerline of saidBighorn Road and the POINT OF TERMINATfON. The above Exhibit A to the Condominium Declarationfor Racguet Club Townhomes is hereby signed for the purposeof identifying it as said exhibit. Walter General Partner RACQUET CLUB TOhINHOMES, a genergl PartnershiP,,"W Eric €erg, GeneraL P -3- I4 Lt 80 BY-I-AWS OF RACQUET CLI.JB OWNER,S ASSOCIATION The name of 'the corporation is MCQIJET CLt B OWNERS ASSOCIATION and it is hereinafter referred to as the Associatioi. !t is a corporation not for profiE organized under the Colorado Nonprofit. Corporation AcE.' SECTION I OBJECT 1-1 . The purpose for which this .A.ssociation is formed is to govern the condominir:s proPerEy situate in the Town of Vai1, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, submitred to the provisions of ttre Condorniniu.sr Ownership Act of the State of Col.orado, by Declar- arions entitled Declaration for Vail Racguet Club Condominiums and Declaration for Vail Racquet Club Townhomes (herein. "the Declara- rions'r), and such further property as rnay hereafter be added to the project, pursuant to supplenents to said Declarations, as permitted therein, and added to this Association. llnless the conte):t requires otherwise, a reference to the Declarations shal1 include all such supplemenEs thereto. L-2. Al1 present or future oetners' tenants, fuEure tenants, or any other Person using the faciLities subject to chis Association are subject to the regulations set forth in Ehese By-Laws. The mere acquisicion or rental of any of such condominir:ro units or townhomes (hereinafter referred to as ttunitstt or tshe rnere act of occupancy of any of said units will signify that these By-Laws are accepted, ratified and will be complied with. SECTION 2 }'€I'AERSHIP VOTING }lAJORlfi OF OI{NERS ouoRtn{PROXIES 2-L. Special }lenbers. For a period of seven years from December 20, 1973, the dace of the filing of the Articles of IncorporaEion of this corporation, or until he shall complete <ievelopmenc of all property which rnay be subjecEed to Ehis Association, as provided in Lhe Declarations or until he shalL decline further to act as such, whichever of such events shall f irsc occur, l.lalter Kirch, or his designee, from time to time, shall be a Special Member of this corporation. ' I ?-2. Regular l"lembers' Any Person on becoming an owner of a r.rnit shall autornatically become a Regular Meraber of t.his Association and.be subject to these By-Laws, (Except where express reference is rnade. to the Special l'tember herein, refere.nces to members or membership shall be taken to refer to Regular Meniber o I I I I I I or Regular Membership).Such roernbership shall t,ermLnate without any AssociaEion action whenever such person creetes to own a unit,, but sueh termination shall not relieve or release any such former owner frorn any liability or obligation incurred r:nder or in any connection wLth the AssociaElon during the period of such owner- ship and rnembership in this Association, or impair any right,s or remedies which the Association or others may have against such former owner and member arising out of or in any way connected uith such'ownership and rnembership and the covenant.s and obliga- tions incident thereto. Nb certificates of sEock shall be issued by Ehe Association, buc the Board of Directors mayr'if ir so elecEs, issue one membership card to the owner(s) of the unit. Such rnembership card shall .be surrendered uhenever ownership of the unit designated thereon shall terrninate. 2-3. Voting. Voting by regular members shaLl- be based upon one vote for each uniu. An owner of an undivided fractional interest in a rrnit sbal1 be entit.led to vote in the manner provided in Section 11-3 of these By-I-aws. Cumulative voting is prohibited. 2-4. l4aioritv of Unit O,rners, As rr""d ir, these By-Laws the terrn "majority of unit otsnerst' shall mean those. owners of more than fifty percent (507.) of the unit,s. ?-5. _Quorurn. E>:cept as othenrise provided in these 3y-Laws the presence in person or by pro>:y of a "rnajority of unit ou'ners" as above defined shall constitute a quorLuo. An affirm:- tive voce of a majority of the unit owners present, either in person or by proxy, shal1 be reguired to transact business;. provided, however, that no business shalL be transacted unless a rninirmrm of chirty per cenr of all of the owners, either in person or by proxy, voce affirrnatively. 2-6. rnerobers may be writing. ,a 3-1. Association Resoonsibilities. units, together with the Special i.lember, will Association,' rvho will have the responsibility the project through a Board of Directors to be herein provided. Proxies. Votes of either regular or special casE in person or by pro)qf. Proxies shall be in SECTION 3 AD!-IINI STRATI ON I'EETII.IGS The owners of the consti.cute the of administering seiected as 3-2. Place of MeetinFs. heLd at such place as the 3-3. Annua1 Meet,inR,s. Meetings of the Board of DirecEors Association rnay deEer-shall be mine. The first and. subseguent annual rneetings of che Association shal-l be held on dates seE by I the Board of Directors. At such rneetings there shall be elected :,,by ballot of tbe owners a Board of Direcfors in accordance wiCh i :, the reguirernents of Section A.of these By-Laws' The owners may : ,also,lransact such other business of the Association as may ProPer- :ly come before them. 3-4. ' SpeciaL Meetings. The President shall call a ., special meeting of the ovrners when so directed by action of the , Blard of Directors, or uPon Presengation. to the Secretary of a ::r petiEion signed by a majority of the owners. No business shal-L t. trrnr"cted at a special meeting excePt as stated in the notice unless by consenC of Che owners of three-fourEhs of all units, either in Person or bY ProxY 3-5. Notices . Notices of annuaL and special meetings shall be given Uy ttre fiesident or Secretary of the Association . by regulai mail addressed to the registered addresses of the oirrr"ti of the units aC least 7 days prior to the date set for - such meeEing. Any such. noEice sha1l state the date, time-and place of thE meeting and if the rneeting is a special meeting, ihu p,rrposes thereof. Waive of not.ice, either in pgrson or by pto*y, and signed either before, at or "f!:I any oeeting, shall- be . r ""iia subsEitute.for serrrice. The certificate of the President ,,,or Secretary that notice was duly given shalL be prima facie' evidence thereof . . , 3-6, Adiourned Meeting,. If any meeting of ormers : cannot be organi""d be""ttJe a quonull has not attended, the owners .'who are Present either in person or by Proxy, may adjourn the roeeting to a tirne not less than forty-eight hours from the time ,the oriEinal rneeting was caIled. 3-7 . . rneet,ings of the Order of Business. The order of business at owners of units shalL be as follows: (a) RolI call.(Ul Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice' (") Reading of minutes of preceeding meetsing' (d) ReporEs of officers. (e) Reporcs of conmittees. (f) Election of <jirectors, r\rhere applicable' (g) Unfinished business - (h) New business. (i) Approval of actions of Board of Directors' I SECTION 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4-1.Nuniber and Hethod of Elect:lcq. all sistins. or "..r.111"1''"J*l'be eligible for election as a Board of Directors .con- the special rnember. To person roust be a merober shall be a rnenrbers and director a -3- of the Associarion in good standing in accordance'r,rith sect{on8-1 hereof. At no Eime shall less chan three Direct,ors own unitsin"either the vail Racguet crub condominiums or the vail RacguecClub Townhomes. ...':: . | : 4-L-2. Voting for directors shaLl be at Iarge,wirh each unit represented at t.he meeting, either in person,or',b/ proxy, entitled to cast one vote for each of thl totainurnber of directors to be elected. 4-2. Terms.. Directors shall senre staggered terms ofthree years "a.hr-Ii-The r*rnner hereinafter provided. At theannuar meeting of the Association held in r9gr, tbe terms ofDirecEors Dung, Bryant, smyth, stickler and Hilr sharl expire;aE the 1982 Annuar Meeting the terms of Directors Berg, crowe,Seibert, H. Taylor, Volpe'and Harnden shall expires; and at the 1983 AnnuaI MeeEing the terms of Directors Dodge, Repsher,Sohrweid, A1berc and Kosmalski sha1l expire. 4-3. Vacancies. Vacancies in the Board of Directorsoccurring between arrnual rneeEings of che Association shall befilLed by action of the Board of Directors, and the person sochosen to firl a vacancy sharl serare the rernainder ol the terroinvolved even though such terrn may e>:tend beyond the next annualroeeting of the Association. rf chere are unfirled vacancies aE.the time of the annual meeting of rhe Association, those vacanciesshall be filled by election of persons who shall serve the rernain-der of the term invorved. such elecEion shall be expressry forthe vacancies, however, and shalL not be combined with the eLec-tion of directors for new terms. 4-4- order of Business. The order of business at arlmeetings of rhe Bm shall be as forrows: (a) Rol1 caIl. (b) Proof of notice of sreeting or waiver'. of noEice.(") Reading of minutes of preceedirrg meeting.(d) Reports of officers.(e) ReporEs of cornrnittees, including Execut.ive Cornmittee. (f) Unfinished business. { : i 4'5- officers. The President and vice president ofthe'corporation shaIl ex-officio be the chairman and vice chairmanof the Board of Directors, respectively. The chairrnan sharl pre-side ac alr meetsings of the Board of Directors and carry out suchother duties as may be assigned to hiru. :lt. -4- OI 4-6. CompensaEion and Expenses. None of the'members rhe Board of Direccors shall be encicled co cotnPensation for services rendered in thelr capacity as such members unless t,he Board of Directors sha1I have provided cherefor prior to the rendering of the service to be cornPensaEed. The members shall, however, be enricled to reasonable reLmbursement. for amounts actually and necessarily expended in carrying on the business of the Associacion. If'there shall be any guestion of the necessity of any expenditure made by a member, the judgment of the Board of Direccors, made in good faith, shall be conclusive. 4-7. Powers and Duties. The Board of Directors shall have the powers and duties necessary for the administratsion of the affairs of che Association and for the operation and maintenance of a first-class project in accordance wiEh the Declarations. In so doing the Board of Directors shaLl be empowered and shall have the following duties: 4-7-L. To administer and condiEions, resEricEions, easements, uses, enforce the covenanEs, f.imitations, obligationi and all'other provisions set foruh in the Declarations and any supplements tbereto. wich such,..",1;3;:'",":: ;:i::tilt;";"f: operation, use and occupancy of the project arnend such rules from time to time. A copy shall be delivered or rnailed to each member adoption thereof. and enforce compliance necessary for the with the right to of all such House prornptly upon the Rules all of rr,u g".,.x;l-l;. rhllit :onrron personal property. in good order, condition and repair cofirmon elements and any items of 4-7-4.To insure and keep insured a1l of the insurable genera.I cororDon elements of the property (and also all fixcures; interior walls and partitions; decorated and finished surfaces of perimeter waIls, fLoors and ceilings; doors; windows and other elements or materia)-s coroprising a ParE of the units) in an amount equal .to their raaximuro replacement value as provided in the DeclaraEions. Maximum replacement value shall be determined periociically in such fashion as the Board of Directors shall direct., in accordance wich the Declarations and Supplernents thereEo. Further, to obcain and rnaintain comprehensive liability insurance and .ether coverages as provided in the Declarations.. To insure and keep insured aII of the fixtures, eguiprnent and personal pro- pert)' acquired by the Association for the benefit of the Associa- tion and che orrners of the units and their first mortgagees. 4-7-5. To prepare a budget or esEimate of exPenses.r' To fix, determine, Ievy and collect the rnonthly prorated assess- ilments to be paid by each of the owners toward the gross expenses'of, I .the enEire premise-s and by majority vote of .the Board of Direct"=" ll --'!L- ^ --E rrL !l-'t-- ^ |,. to adjusE, decrease or increase. the amount of the monthly assess- rnents, and to remiE -gr return any excess of assessments over -5- o e):penses and cash reserves to t.he owners at Ehe end of eachoPeraEing year. To levy and collect special assessments wheneverin the opinion of the Boardof DirecEors it is necessary to do soin order to meer increased operating or rnaintenance e):penses or . coscs, or additionar capital expenses, or because of ernergencies.Replacernent due to darnage, destruction or obsolescer,ce shiu behandled in accordance.with che Decrarations. ArL monEhly oroEher assessments sha11 be in itemized statement forrn, slrall setforch in reasonabLe decail the various expenses for which theassessments are being made €nd strall be'rnailed to the registeredmailing address of the owner on or about the firsE day oi eachmonth. or othe::Ltise provided in from loss and ,2J;!'0, lSrf'3l"iinlljr3ll'"u rhe enrire premises 4-7-8. To borrow funds, buE on).y when soauthorized by a vote of not fewer than 3/4 of the Board ofDirectors, and when so authorized to execute alL such insErunencsevidencing such indebtedness as is expressl-y authorized. Anysuch authorized indebtedness shall be the several obligation ofall of che unit owners only in the sac;re proportion as theirinEerest in the general common elements. :. 4-7-9. To enter into cont.racts within the scopeof their'duties and powers. 4-7-10- To establish a bank accounc common treasury and for aIl separate funds which areor may be deerned advisable by che Board of Directors. 4-7-6. To collect delinguent assessments by suitand to enjoin or seek damages from an oviner as isthe Declarations and these By-Laws for the reguired In general, to carry on the administra- and to do all- of those things, necessa.ryto carry out the comnunal aspects of 4-7-I1 . To keep and mainEain full and accurarebooks and records showing alJ. of the receipts, expenses ordisbursernents and to perruit exaroination thereof ai any reasonabletirne by each of the owners, and to cause a complet" "Ldit of theboolcs and accounEs by a competent certified or registered pubricaccountant once each year. t1-7-I2. To prepare and deliver annually to eachoriner a statement shor,oing in ac least susunary form a1r receipt.s,exPenses or disbursement.s since t.he last such staterDent. 4-7-13. To designate and remove the personnelne^cessary for the operation, mainienance, repair and replacernentof che general and limited common elemenc.s. - 4-7-L4.tion of tshis Association and reasonable in order condominiurn ownership. -6- I .l o 4-8. Hanager or HanaBinF, Agent. The Board ofDirectors shall employ for the Association rrurnagers and assiscant manaBers at reasonable cornpensation to perform such duties andserrrices as the Board of DirecEors orr from time to time, theExecutive cornrniEEee, shall authorize and direct, including butnot limited to, rbe duties listed in section 4-7 hereof. The Board when so delegating shall not be relieved of 1cs responsl-biLity thereby. 4-g. Removal. / At any regular rneeting, or af any special meeting called for Ehat purpose, any rnember of the Boardof Directors, except the Special. Member, may be removed, wit.h orwithouc cause, by the Board of Directors, and a successor may Ehenand there be elected to fill the vacancy thus created 4-I0. Regular l,leetings. The rime and place of eachregular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be set at the preceding regurar meeting. At least four such meetings sharl be herd during each fiscal year. Notice of regular rneetings 'sharI begiven to each Director, personally or by mail, telephone or tel_e-graph, at least t.hree r.reeks prior to the day named for suchroeeting. circulation of the minutes of any regular rneeting shall be deeoed Eo be adeguate noEice of the next regular rneet.ing. 4-1I. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors n^ay be called by the President or by any twoDirectors on three days notice to each Director given personally,or by mail, telephone or telegraph, which notice shall state thetime, place and purpose of the meeting. 4-12. I{airrer of Noqice. Before or at any meeting oftheBoardofoi'""@ormay,inwriting,waivenotice of such rneeting and such r"raiver shall be deemed eguivalent to thegiving of such notsice. Attendance by- a Director at any meeting ofthe Board shall be a waiver of notice by him of the time and placechereof. If all the Directors are present at any rneeting of the Board, no notice shall be reguired and any business may be trans-acted at such rneeEing. 4-f3. Ouorum. At all meetings of the Board ofDirectors, one-third thereof shall constitute a quorlrm for thetransact.ion of business, and the ects of the roajority of fheDirectors present at. a meeting at r..'hich a quoruD is present sharlbe the acts of the Board of Directors. tt-:.4 . Fidelity Bonds.reguire Chat aIl persons handling furnds shall be subject to fidel-iry be paid by the Association. The Board of Directors shal1or responsible for Associat.ion coverage. The premiums shaLl 4-f5. Inforlqa1 Action bv Directois. Any actlon required by law Co e Board of Directorsor any action which may be taken aE a meeting of the Board, rrraybe taken wl-thout a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forthrhe action so caken;'shalI be signed by all of the Direcrors. -7- .l 4-16. ecrarg of l"lanaE,ers. An) reference in the Condo-ninium Declaracion-foi-V"il-n""q"et CtuU -Condominiums, or Ehe supprements thereto, to Ehe Board of Managers shaLl be deerned torefer to the Board of Directors of the Association. SECTION 5 EXECIITI VE COMJ'fI TTEE Board of the Board Cornroi t t ee 5-1. Number and'' Designation Directors following the Annual shalL designate three to six AE the meeting of tbe Meeting of Directors as the Association an Executiveto serve during the term of t.he Board. 5-2.Powers and DuEies.The Executive Committeeassist the managers and assistant managers in the performance their duEies and sha11 exercise such powers as may from.time time be deleg,ates to them by the Board of Directors. At, each shalI of to regular meeting Ehe Board of Directors the Executive commitEeeshall make a complete report of their actions taken since the.previous regular meeting. 5 _3. shall be filled such appoinE.ment 5-4. least once each Meetinp,s. montsh. Vacancies. Vacancies on the Executive Cornmitteeby appointment of the President of the Association,to be made from among the Board of Directors. OFFICERS The president and vice president, shallDj-rectors. The secretar)' and treasurer Board, but are noE reguired to be. Onesecretary and treasurer. An assistant t.reasurer rra)' elso be elected. The Er:ecuiive Cornrnittee sha 11 rDeet af SECTION 6 be members of the Board of may be members of said Person rnay act as both secretary or assistant 6-2.El ecti on of Officers. Association sha1l be elected annually and shal1 hold c,ffice at the pleasure may hold concurrently any two offices and secretary. 6-3. Removal of Officers.a rnajoricy of theffird may be removed, vrith or without cause,at any regular rneeting of the Board, orthe Board called for such purpose. Upon an affirmative vote ofof Directors, anY officer and his successor electedat any special meeting of The by the of said e): cePf officers Board of Board. thirs e of of the Di rect ors One person presi dent 6-4. PresidenE. rneetings of the aE*"i"EGrt The President and of the Board shall preside of Directors, at all and -[ - shall have a11 of Ehe general-.powers and duties which are usually vesced in the office of presidenE of an association, including butnot limited to the power t,o appoint cornrnittees frdrn anrong th'e owners frorn time to time as he may in his dlscretion dccide isappropriaLe to assisE in the conduct of the affairs of the As socia tion, 6-5. Vice'President, The Vice president shall haveall the poliers and authority and perforrn al1 of the functions andduties of the President, iry the absence of the presidenE, or hisinability for any reason to exercise such poners and funcEions orperform such duties. 6-6. Secretary. The Secretary sba11 keep the minut.esof the meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Association;he shall have charge of such books and papers as the Board ofDirectors may direcE; and he sha11, in general, perform all theduties incident to the office of secretary. The sccretary shallcompile and keep up t.o date_ at the principal office of the Associ-ation a complete list of mernbers and their registered mailingaddresses. Such lisc shall also show opposite each mernberrs namethe number of or other appropriate designa-,-ion of the unit ownedby such member. Such list shall be open to inspection by rnembersand other Persons lavrfully entitl ed to inspect the sarne at reason-able times during regular business hours. 6-7. Treasurer. The Treesurer sbal-l keep the finan-cial records and books of accounE of the Association. Such recordssharl include detailed, accurate records of the receipts andexpenciitures affecting the general and limited common elements.Any r:nit o''rner and any mortgagee shal1 be entitled to inspectsaid records at convenient. v;eekday business hours and, uptn I0 daysnotice to the manager and payrnent of a reasonable fee, any unitortner shall be furnished a staternent of his account setting forththe amount of any unpaid assessmenLs or other charges due ind owingfrom such owner SECTION 7 IIIDEI'NIFlCATION OF OFFICERS Al{D }.iANAGERS The Association sha11 indennrify every Director andofficer, his heirs, e>lecutors and administrators, aBainst al1 1oss,cosfs and expense, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred byhim in connection with any action, suj-t or proceeding tc h,hich he'rnay be rr,ade a parE)'by reason of his being or having been a Directoor officer of the Association, e):cepE as to matters as to rohich he thalr be finally adjudged in such action, suit or lrroceeding to beliab1e for gross negligence or u'illful misconduct. In rhe !,,,.r,.of a settlernent, inderu'rificaEion sharl be provided only in connec-tion with such roaEters covered by the seEtlement as to whicb theAssociation is advised by counsel that the person to be indenrrifiedhas not.been guitty of gross negligence or wiltfuL misconduct in thperformance of his duty as such Director or officer in relation tothe matter involved.- The foregoing rights sharl noE be exclusive _(-_ t._ o{ otlrer rights to which such Direct.or or officer rnal' be entitled.' A11 riability, loss, damage, costs and expense irrcurred or suffer- ed by the Associarion by reason of or arising out'of or ln cbnnec- Eion wiEh the foregoiry .indemnification provisions shaLl" be treatedand handled by the Associarion as cofrunon expenses; provided, however, c.hat nothing in this section 7 contained shalI be deemedto obligate the Association to indemnify any member or owner of aunit, roho is or has been a Director or officer of Ehe Association,with respect !o any duties or obligations assurned or liabilities incurred by him solely by v-.irtue of the Declarations as a memberor owner of a unit covered thereby. SECTION 8 OBLIGATIONS OF THE O;'I.IERS B-1. Assessment.s. E>:cept as otherwise pror,'ided inthe Declarations, all ordners sba11 be obligated to pay the monEhly assessments imposed by the Association to meet the comrnon expenses, and pa1'ment thereof shall be rnade not later than on the tenth dayfollowing the rnailing of the rnonthly statement to tl-e registered mailing address of the ov:ner. E>:cept where e):pressly otherwiseprovidedintheDec1arationstheassessrnenLssha11bemadepro rata according to percentage interest in and Lo the general common element.s and shall- be due monthly in advance. A mernber sha1l be deerned to be in gooc standing and entitled to vote at an)i annualor at a special meeiing of members, within the meaning of these 81 -Lar.rs, if and only if he sharl have fulry paid alr assessmenrs rnade or levied against him on the unit or units owned by him. 8-2 8-?-L- E>:cept as provided in Section 12 of theDeclaration, ever)' orr'ner rnust perform promptly at his own expenseall rnaintenance and repair work within his own unit which ifornitted r+ould affecc the property in its entirety or in partbelonging to other oir.ners. 8-2-7. A11 the repairs of inrer-na1 installationsof the unit such as ry-ater, -1ight, gas, pcwer, seirage, telephone,sani.tary installations, cioors, windoi"s, electri cal f i>:tures andall other accessories, equipment and fixLLrres including anl' airconditioning equipment belonging to che unit sha11 be at the Ot.r'Fl € [ t S e>:penSe. 8-2-3. An orrner shall be obligared to reimburseihe Association or anoiher uniE owner promptl;'upon receipt of astaternent for an-v e>:penditures incu::red by the Association or ot|erunit or.;ner unit owner or boch in repai-ring, replacing or restoringan)'general common element.s or the interior or any part of a unit damaged as a result of negligent or other tortious concluct of suchotiner, a rnenrber of his famiLy, his agent, employee, inviEee,licensee or tenant l'la int enance -10- 6-3.l'lechanic t s Li en . and hold each of Ehe orher owners harmless from any and all rclaimsof rnechanicrs lien fiLed againsE other units and the appurlenanEgeneral comrnon elernenEs for 1abor, rnaterials, services or otherproducts incorporated in the owner's unit,. ln the event suit forforeclosure of mechanicrs lien is commenced, then within nineEydays thereafter such owner shall be required to deposit with theBoard of Directors, cash or negotiable securities equal to theanrount of such claim plus interest for one year t.ogether with thesum of One Hundred Dollarsi Such surn or securities shall be heldby the Board of Directors pending final adjudication or settlemenrof the claim or litigaEion. Disbursernenrs of such funds or pro-ceeds shall be rnade by the Board of Directors to insure payn,entof or on account of such finar judgment or settlemenr. i"i,deficiency sha1l be paid forthwirh by the subjecE owner, and hisfailure to pa)'shall entitle the Board of Directors to.rnake suchpal'ment, and Ehe anrounE thereof shal1 be a debt of the owner anda lien against his unit which rnay be foreclosed as is provided inthe DeclaraE.ion. B-4. General. 8-4-1. Each owner shall comply strictly with theprovisions of the Declarations. B-4-2- Each owner sha11 alwal's endeavor to observeand promote ttre cooperative purposes for the accomplishment forwhich the Vail P.acguet Club project was bui1E. 8-5 8-5-1. Llnits shall be utilized for such purposesonly as na;' be permitted in the Declarations. 8-5-2. An owner shall not rnake structural modi-fications or alterations to his r:nit or installations rocatedtherein nor shall an owner make any installmencs on or constructan)' additions to the exterior of his unit, without pre'iouslynotifying the Executive committee in u,riting, The E>recutivecon-nittee shall have the obl igation to .nsrE. withi n thirty ciaysafter such notice and farlure to do so uiihin such time shallmean that there is no objection Lo the proposed modification oralteration. 8-6. Use of General Corrunon Eler,rents and ELer,rents.Ea ch owne r rnay u s e the corn-.non elernentsuirh the purpose for encroaching upon the c orrdnon el ements in accordance i-rrtended uithout hindering orof the other olrT)€rs. B-7. Righr of Enrry. B-7-1. Each owner hasto Ehe llanager or to any oLber person -l I - Each orvncr agrees to indemnify Li mit ed Conunon granted the authorized by and the lirnited waich they were lawful, righrs right of entry the Board of ilI I, .,J DirecEors in case of an ernergency originat.inghis unit, l.rheEher the owner i" pru""rrt at Eh;provided in ghe Declarations. in or threatcning time or not, all as 8-7-2. An owner shall. perrnit other owners, ortheir representatives, when so required, t.o enter his unic for thepurpose of perforrning instalLations, arierations or repair"-io ar,umcchanicar or elecErical services, pro'icred that reguests forcntr)' are iiade in advance and tbat such entry is at a tirne conven_ient to the owner. rn case'of an ernergency, such right of entryshall be imrnediare. 8-8. advertisemenc as auEhorized Rules and 8-B-1. No resident of the project shaIl posr anyor posLer of any kind in or on the p::oject u*""ptby tbe Board of Directors. 8-8-2. Owners and occupants of apartment unitsshall e>:ercise extreme care to avoid,"Lir,g or permitting to bernade loud or objectionabre noises, and in rsing or playing orpermicting to be used or played, musical instrurnents, radios,phonographs, television sets, amplifiers and any other instrumenEsor devices in such roanner as may disturb or tend to disEurb owners,tenants or oE.her occupants of unics. 8-8-3. 1r is prohibitedand other rnaterials fron the windows oror balconies of a building or any of the 8-B-4. Ir is prohibiredtrash outside the disposal installaEions Poses. 8-8-5. The Board of Directors shall have rhePotrer to establish, make and enforce compliance with such addi_tionar adminisrrative house rules and regurations as may benccessary for the operation, use and o""rrp"r,.y of the p-roject andthe conr.'non elements, r,'ith the righc Eo amend sarne rrom tirne to L I IIIE . 8-9- Desiruction or obsolescence. Each or,.ner shalr,upon becoming an po\,rer of actorney i.nfavor of the Board of Directors, irrevocabl-r. appointing the Boardof Directors his artorne),-in-fact to dear with the owner,s unitupon its destruction or obsolescence as is pror,,ided in the Decrar_ations- The purpose of such execution shari ue rncre ful1y toe'idence such appointment, but failure to u*u..rte such power ofattornet sharl in no way derogate from the appointment so provided.Any power of attorney designating the Board oi l:.rr.g"rs as a'rorneyi'-fact.shalr be deemed to desigr,.t" the soarJ of Directors asa ttorney- in-facC. to hang garments, rugs, froro any of the facades improvernenEs. to thror,' garbage orprovided for such pur- 8-l-0. Financial Obli ations: Additional Liens. Anyupon acguisicion of a uniC or uniEs, shaIl be responsibleor;ner, -Ii- for unpaid asscssments in the .manner provided herein and in theDeclarations and SupplemenEs thereto, and thereafcer for ot,her debcs and obligations incurred in aci:ordance with authorization providcd herein and in said Declarations and supplements, subjecEto the provisions of the Colorado Condorninium Ownership Actf.imiting srrch liabiLity. Liens, other than mechanicrs 15.ens,assessment Iiens, or ta': liens, may be obtained against thegeneral or lirnited comrnon elements only in accordance with suchauchorization, 8-11-. Multiple "Ownership. Title to any one unitshall rloc be comprised of more than three undivided interest.s. Any undivided interest rnay be hel.d in joint lenancy so Long asthe joint tenants are related as husband and wife. B-Lz - Association Exclusive Rental .1igent. The ownersassociation is designated as exclusive rental agenc for all ownersand no ovrner shall list. any unir for renE with, or enter into anyrentar through, any other agent. No or^'ner shall enter into any J.ong-terrn rental or lease (for a period in excess of thirty-one(31) da-vs) e>lcept through the association as agent. owners mayperrnit t,he use of their units by other persons, with or withoutcharge, on a short-terro renEar basis, (for a period thirty-one(31) days or less) provided reasonable notice of such use isgiven to the associationrs Fa;iager. Any olrner renting or leasingor arlowing use of a unit in violation of this paragraph may bespecially assessed the fair rental value of such r:nit for eachday of violacion- SECTION 9 A]€I{DMENTS These By-I,aws rnay be amended by the Board of Directorsat a dury constituted meeting called for such purpose; provided,however, that no amendrnent which would in t.he good f"ith 3rdg."r,tof the Board of Directors, adversery affect in a substanEial waythe regular rnembers, shall take effect unless approved by ownersreprcsenEing an aggregate interest of at least fifty per cent ofthe units. The noiice of any meeting of the regular mernberscalled to consider such a change sharl contain a sununary of theproposed changes, or a copy of such proposed changes. SECTI On* 10 }'lORTG.CGES f0-1. Notice to Board of Directors. An ou,ner whornortgag,es his r.rrrit irecrors it,.""gtthe }lanager, girring the name and address of his morcgagee. 10-2. Notice of Un AssessmentsDirectors any unpaid shaLl at the reguesC assessrDent,s due frorn fnortgagee owner of . The Board ofof a uniE reporE" aid such unit. ..1 i: Directors in case of an ernergency originatinghis unit, whether the owner is present ac thlprovided in the Declarations. 8-7-2. An or^rner shall permit other owners, ortheir representatives, when so required, to enter his unit for t.hepurpose of perforrning install.ations, alierations or repairs to themcchanical or el,ectrical services, provided tlrat reguests forcntr)'are ri'ade in advance and that such entry is at a time conven-ient to the owner. In case, of an emergency, such right of entryshall be immediace. in or threatcning tirne or noE, all as 8-8. Itules and ReRulations 8-8-1. No resident of the projecr sha11 posr anyad'ertisement or posLer of any kind in or o' tte project e*c.ptas authorized b1' the Board of Directors. 8-B-2. .Owners and occupants of apartment unitsshall e>:ercise extreme care to avoid r"Lir.g or permitting to bernade loud or objectionabre noises, and in using-or playiig orpermitting to be used or played, musical instruments, radios,phonographs, terevision sets, amplifiers and any otber instrimentsor devices in such manner as may disturb or tend co disEurb owners,tenants or oE.her occupants of units 8-E-3. Ir is prohibitedand other rnaterials froo the windows oror balconies of a building or any of the 8-8-4. Ir is prohibiredtrash outside the disposal installationsposes. Po'er ro esrabl?;l;t;.n."::."::;:.:: ::;;;i:::"'li:i :::; ::;r_tional administrative house rules and regulations es rnay benccessary for the operation, use and occupancy of the projecE andthe common elernents, r.'ith the righr to arnend -sarne f rorn tirne tot irne . 8-9. Destruction o{__Ql_gslS:Sg'Ss. Each or.,ner sha1I,upon becoming an poti,er of attorney infavor of the Board of Directors, irre'ocably-'appointing the Boardof Directors his aEtorne),-in-fact to deal with the owner's unitupon its destruction or obsorescence as is provided in the Decrar-acions- The purpose of such execuEion shali be more fully toe'idence such appointrnent., but failure to execut.e such power ofattorne) sharr in no way derogate from the appointment so provided.Any power of attorney designaEing the Board oi tt"r,"g.rs as attorneyin-fact.sharr be deemed to designate che Board of Directors asa ttorney-in-fact,. 8-I0. Financial Obli ations: Additional Liens. Anyupon acguisition of a unit or units, shall be responsible to hang garments, rugs, frorn any of the facades improvemenEs. to thror.' garbage orprovided for such pur- ot'ner, -1?- I Ilt ,.. sEcrrolr 11 EVIDENCE OF OI,]NERSHIP. REGISTMTION OF MAILING ADDRESS AND REQUIRED PROXIES 11-1. Proof of Ornel€h,lp. Any person on becorning anownerofaunitsr,ffi}|anagLr-orBoardofDirecEors a PhotocoPy or a certified copy.of the recorded instrument vestingthat. person uith ownership, which instrunrent sharl rernain in thefiles of the Association. A member may be deemed noE to be ingood standing or enEitled to vote at any annual- or at a special_rneeting of members unless this requirement is first met. lL-? , Reg,istration of l,Iai ling Addrcss. The ownersof each unit sha11 have one and the same r-gist"red mairingaddress to be used by the Association for mailing of monthlystatements, notices, dernands and all other corrnunicaEions, andsuch registered address shalr be the onry mailing address of a Person or persons, firm, corporation, partnership, association :or other legal entity or any combination thereof to be used bythe Association. Such registered address of unit owner or ownersslrall be furnished by such owners to the Secretary dithin fivedays after transfer of title, and such regisrration shall be inwritten form and signed by all of the owners of the unit or bysuch persons as are authorized b1'1aw to represent the interestsof (alr of) the oi"ners thereof . If no such add::ess is registeredor if all of t.he orcners canno-L agree, Ehen the address of the unitsha1l be the registered address until another reBistered addressis furnished as permiEted under this section. Registered . raddresses rnay be changed from time to t.ime by siurilar designation. 11-3. Required Proxies. If title to a unit is heldby rnore than one person or by a fir-m, corporation, part,nership,association, or other lega1- entity, or any combination thereof,such owners sha1l execute a proxy appointing and aurhorizing oneperson or alternaE.e persons to attend all annual and specialmeetings of members and to casE whatever vote the owner himselfmight cast if he were personally present. such proxy shall beeffective and.remain in force unless volunEarily revoked, amendedor sooner terminated b1'operation of law; provided, hor.rever, thatwitlrin thirtl' days after such r-evocation, arnendment or terminaiion,t.he owner shall reappoint and aut.horize one person or alternate Persons to attcnd all annual and special meetings as is providedby this Seecion 11-3. This section shall have no applicetlon EosPouses oirning a unit as joint tenants or tenants. in conrnon. 11-4. If the requircrrents at:e not nret, on orr'D€r of a unit, may be standing and therefore not enciElcd tospecial mecting of members. contained in this Section deemed not in good voEe at any annual or' sEcrtoN 12 COMPLIANCE t: : I I : -Jq- 'Ihese By-Laws are intended to compl1, witlr and supplerent..the requiremenrs of the cor.orado cr"a"ir"i,r.i'i,rnurship Acr and ofthe Decraracions a1d. th,e s"fpi"r.r,rs therero. rf any of thdseBy-Laws confricE wiEh_ tl,"-f ririsions "f ;;i; scarure, or o,f saldDeclarations, or Suppl"n,.r,t" thereto, the provisions of tbe;::t;ttit':rii;l'araEions' or supplements ti,!'uio, as rhe case rnay SECTI Oi'I 13 NOT FOR PROFIT This Association is not organized for profiC. liomernber, nrernber of the Board of Directors or person from whom theAssociation may-receive-any properEy or fundi sha1l receive orsha11 be lar,,fu11y entitled'tithe ope;ation inl.eor, ."; i; ;;":;::.":il"fi':l;";l,f':ftlnj'?I"0,or assets of the Association .be paid as salary or compensation tor.or distribured 'ro, or inure a" afi.-i.".ria*li'.r,, rnernber of theBoard of Directors; provided, however, always (1) that reasonablecornpensation may be paid to iny membei or Dir-ec.or r,,hile acting asan agent o. .rpioyee of ai" ar'r".iation roi-s".uices rendered ineffecting one or rnore of the purposes of the Association, and (2)that any mernber or Directo, -"y, from time to time, be reimbursedfor his actual and rear"r,"ur" ixpenses incurred in connection withche adrninisrrarion of the .iirirc of tbe Associarion. r,.i th the and wich The corporate seal_ shal1 consist ofname of the corporetion and the wordcne word .'Sea1t, in Ehe center. SECTION 14 SEAL SECTION 15 R]GHT OF FIRST R-EFUSAL concentric circlesttColoradotr between The Declarations pro'ide to the ordners of units, undercei-tain specified circu:rstancesr. the right-oi trrrt refusal topurcl:ase or leese units r..ithin .ti.,e pro5 I.i. --Sria Declararionspi-o"'ide tlrat the I)erson r.,ho v.'ishes io -"uii'o, rease his unit sha1lgive r,rritten notice thereof to the Board of D.wirh a rrue copv of're offer ro se1l .,, r""rll""ifrl";.i:5":|.'Directors shall thereupon promptly gi'u ,-,oiilu ao the remainingo\r'D€FS in the nianner pro'ided for-.,Jti."s oi ,"e"tings in secti'n3-5 hereof. rf any oi,,'nur nisl.,es to e>lercise srrch righr of firscrcfr:sal, he sharl so notiry ir-,u Board of Dir-ecrors in writinrprior to rhe expiracion of the perioa prorria.d in rhe Declarrriontlrerefor. If more than on" o*rr.a shall gi.r.-J.r"h notice of intent,Eo exercise such' right of first refusal the notice first received.by the Board of DirJcror" "r,"i.!- contror, and if noLices arereceived sirmrrtaneously' the *atter shail be determined by 10t. -15_ It slral1 rlrereupon be the sole obligation of Lhe pcrson exercising such right of first refusal to complete such purchase and t\e Board of Directors shall have no furEher parE therein. Nothing conEained herein sha1L be construed to create any right of firstrefusal separate or apart frorn the right provided in the Declar-ations. SECT10n* 16 RECREAT] O}.IAL FACI LI TI ES The Vail Racquet Club has been developecJ on properf.yadjaccnt to Elre \tai1 Racquet club condominiums and vail Racguetclub Toivnhornes. The club incLudes tennis, sr.,rinuning, and vorley-ball facilitics. Said club is o\r,nBd b1' the developel, but the o'dner of cach unit receives one famiIl' nrembership therein. Duesand clra::ges, availability of suclr facilities, and other aspects ihereof are govei-Tred by the provisions of the Declarations. r r Mlnutes of the Planning { envtronmental , Not yet approved bY the Board 'lilembers Present .lack Goehl Ed Drager Gerry l,lh'ite Sandy Mi'|1 s Roger Tilkemeier Members Absent Jin l,lorgan Staff Members Present Peter Patten ilim Rubin Dick Fyan Council Person Present Dr. Steinberg r.)Variance. R est for Va I Rac of l2-10-79 a Club Condominiums in conmisston ,""trf Peter Patten explained this item. Gery White asked Walter Kirch if he would like to make a.presentation. He siiA he would just address questions. A person from the audience asked about the number of units this will give them. l.lalter Kirch explained that under the former zoning through the County, they could have had 360. They w'ill now have 247 condo units and 28 employee units for a total of 27{. Under the cupent MDMF zoning, they are three units over the allowab1 e. They would not be over under the former MDI'IF zoning before that district waidownzoned. 60 to 707 of the units were bui'lt before the downzoning of the district. Sandy Mi1'ls asked about the impacting of peop'les views etc. She said she iras concerned because there had been such a large group of people protesting at the last vail Racquet club/PEC meet'ing. Both the staff and l.laltei Kirch said there were no objections thjs time. Notices have been sent to all concerned. The Staff pointed out that there is no visual impact. Sandy asked about the height. Peter Patten said there is no problem there. ilalter Kirch sajd some of the owners who protested last time about employee units have now actua'lly'l eased the irnits. He said people were mainly concerned with hav'ing emp'loyees in their bui'lding. o) TO: FROM: UEMORANDt,M PLAIINING rWD B{I/IRONMINTAL COMMISSION DEPARTME}IT OF COMMT'I{ITY DEVELOPUENT DATE: t2-6-79 RE:DENSIIY VAR1ANCE REQUEST }'OR VAIL RACQUET CLIIB CONDOMINI1TMS IN BUILDINGS 14 AND 15 TO BUIID EMPLOYEE HOUST}IG I'NITS. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTM Ttre applicant, $alter Klrch, wishes to contlnue construction of eurployee houslng unlts by buildlng eight one bedroom unlts in Bulidi-ng 14 and two two bedroom units ln Buil-ding 15. The Density Variance ls requlred due to a previous voluatary downzoning in L977, which does not permlt the proposed unlts. A1so, the aclditional ten units would put the Racquet Club three tnrlts over the MDMF Zone maximum for the site. llrls varlance request is sirnllar to the one prevlously granled on March 23, L979. At that t1me, a density varlance request for 16 Enployee Housing Units ia Bulldings 4 and 13 was unanimously approved by Plannlng Comrission. Mr. Kirch non wishes to complete hls construction of enployee housing rmits. The llrtits will be bul-lt at garden level on both buiLdings and will raise the Eeight of rhe bu!.ldjngs 4.5 feer. The GRFA of the 10 unlts totals 49C0 square feet., 322A for the eight one bedrooms anC 1680 for the two tvo bedrooms - The Unlts would be restrlcted to long-term rental units for twenty years. Ihe units would be a'railable to employees of the Racquet Club first, wlth the remairder offered to other employees of the Vail Area. Ihere are sufficlent parking spaces at the Racquet Club. CRITERIA AT..ID FTNDINGS Upon revlew of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Municlpal- Code, Munlcipal Code, the Department of CormuniEy DeveloPment recomEends app of the requested Variance based upon the fol-lowing factors: Conslderation of Factors The relatlonshlp of the reguested variance to other existing or PotentlaL u6es and structures j-n the vicinity. The llelght increase should not adversely lnpact any cther surroundlng proPertles. The dlstributlon of enployee housing throughout four buiLdings represents a sound solutLon in terms of integrating the Racquet Club eonmrnity. Conduct of the tenants w111 be strictLy monLtored by Mr. Kj"rch and his staff so that no negative impacts upon other users of the grounds and facllities wLll be rea1lzed. w or PEC MEM0-Va11 Racquet 12-6-79-Page Two and unlformitv of treatment sites in the vicin or Eo attaln the iective;-oT-thit tltle withoqt grant of special Pr Ttre Cotrnissloners are obvlously aware of the critlcal need for eupl.oyee hous lng ln the Town. A policy of granting densiEy bonuses for employee housful has been adopted with this ln rnind, we feel- that fu no way would approval of the varLance represent a granting of a speclal prlvil-ege ' Moreover, the appli-cant has voluntarily downzoned ln the past and ls oow asklng only for an extra three tmitsbeyond wha t is allowed. The effect of the requested variance on ities, Public facilities aod utilities, and publ-lc safetv. Not only do we reel that the spreadlng out (versus concentrating In one bufldhg) of the units in four buildings is desirable for the Racquet Club' but ls "lso a 6ound coneept for the geographical distrlbuEion of enployee r.nrits for the Town as a whole ln terus of transportation' the Townls Bus System. provides excel-lent servlce to the Racquet C1ub. RecreatLonal faclLltles aie obvlously no problem as Club privileges are conditlonally included. Adequate parklng will be provided. Such other factors and criterla as the cooslsslon deems apPllcable to the proposed variance. wi trgtry encourage developers to provlde enp loyee houslng as Part of thelr proJc-ts and feel the conrnunity w111 benefit from the granting of ttLis varlance. FINDINGS: the ?lanning and Environoental Conmission sha11 Dake the fo11ovtug findfurgs before grant lng a varlance: That the granting of the variance w111 not constltute a grant of speclal prlvllege inconsistent r^rith the linitatlons on other Properties classified ln the same district. That the grantlng of the variance will notbe detrlmental to the publlc health, eafety, or welfare, or uaCerially injurious to proPertles or iuprovements in the vlclnlty. oo Club F o? PEC !1Elt0-Va11 Racquet Club I2-6-79-Page Three ltat the Varl-ance ls warranted for the follotrlng reason 3 Tbe strlct or 1itera1 LnterpretatLon anil enforcement of the speclfled regulatLon would not result ln practical dlfflculty or unnecessary ptryatcal hardship inconsistent with the obJectlves of this tltLe. RECOMMEMATIONS: The Departrnent of ComunLty Developnent recomends approval of this varlance request. The crltical need for quallty enployee housing w111 continue to be addressed by granting varlancee of thls type. oo '!r't'1 "ni1., (-\) r:J6l)7 CERI]IIIRD I4A]I - PJTUSbI P€CETPT REQUBSI'ED Box 100 Vai1, Co Blti57 OO ItIr. Ibnald S. .r{cr-c:aJr Adrnini,strative Pa::-tncr Sunvrood At Vail 360C S. Yosemitc, Sui te 1050 Den'ver, Colcraclo 80237 I,1r. Fred Dodge 4965 Kensjngtou Gate Sho::e,vood, Itinnesota 55331 Mr. W. J. Harnden 7182 S. Poplar St-reet Sngleltood, Colorado 80112 o, i;ox 100 vaiI, co 81657 CERI.III]-}-]L) I{AIL - RUTURN ITECEIPT P{qT]FS]ED in)( J-trv :.riJ-, 'CCr tl.lti57 Box iOb Vaj"l., @ 81657 Box 100 Vail, C0 81657 oo l,lr. drarles A. TaYlor 6700 Ioolcout Road Boulder, Colorado 8030I Dr. Lawrence RePsher 3368 $laJIeY Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Mr. Vincerrt Zarlcngo c/o A::thur Yot.rtlg & Cortr lly 2100 Security Life Buil.dhE Derler. Colorado 80202 OO CERTIF]ED IV]AIL - RDruHN RDCNI T REQT]ESTED l:or, l"tj0 \/ail, C0 r,.i.rl57 oo Mr. c. II. Sryecrt: 2811 fi. Wrlliarette Lane Littlcton, Colorado 801.21 Oo box irrO Vail, CI 81657 Box 1u0 VaiI, C0 81557 l4r. Jolu Durut P. O. Box 11 Tearrrzi i .r ^ eo1orq.L AAF67 l4s. I4ary SmYth P. O. Dox 1978 VaiI, CoJ-orado 81657 ; , : orI{rIFIllD I'I\IL - RHnlIli i1rylll$x)ul'llfir)- Va.i.l , u-, B1tr57 R:x 100 Vail, (D Blti:7 Box 100 VaiJ, CD 8ir'57 ot Mr. William Stick].er 1400 E. Bates Avenue I{nglewoc'd, Colorado 80110 1.4r. Eric Berg P. O. Bcx 1088 Vail, Otlorado 81657 Mr. Joe Crcftre 6905-8 E. Girard Avenue Denver, Colorado 80224 CI'RIIFIED I{{IL - RE:TURIJ RECEIPT REQUE:,S'IED in;; 100Vail, (J) o1657 oa Dr. Charles E. Seiberc 1 Cirnarron Drive Lit--tl.eton, O>Lorado 80121 Mr. iI. llcr'trell Taylor 2222 S. Dallas Denver, Colorado 80231 Mr'. }}$lard Volpe 320 Jersc-y Denver, CoLoradc 80220 ot MRI]]'FIND MAIT - RE|URN RFCII],prN RF.NTIF-q,TF'N R:x 1u0 VaiI, CO 81657 PIJBLIC NOTICE NOIICE IS HEREtsY GWEiI THAI'Walter Kirch of the Vail Raoquet CIub Ccrrdsniair.uns has applied for a Densitlz Variance to allcr"r tr{a-tlro bedroom and eight-ore bedroqn enplcryee }uusing udts jn Buildings 14 and 15 of tte Vail Racgr:et CIub Condondniws. fhese Buildings a:e located or an r-urplatted area of Bighorn jn a lledir.un Density ltu1ti Family Zone District. Ttris applicatiqr has been nade in accord with Secticn l-8-I8.090 of the Tovn of Vail lnnicipal Code. A Pulclic Hearing vri1l be held befor.e ttle $cr"n of Vail Planning ard Brwi.:rqrnsrtal- Cornnission cn Decerber 10, 1979 at 3:00 P.Itl. in tle Vail l4nicipal fuifding. Said trearing will be held in aocordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Vail lnudcipal Code. DMARI!&tilI OF' CCIA4I]NIIY DEVEOPME.M Jares A. Rrbin Zo$ng A&ninistrator flo be publistred in the vail Trail qr LL-23-79. TOWN OF VAII,, APPLICATION FOR VAI1IANCE Application Date / 7'7f Publication Date // - 2 7'7f Public Hearing Dorc /L' /> '17 Name of Applicant Name of Orvner if ,'/Cun/u Mairing Address P O- 8u* /ofi' relephone 47e '/aO O Legal Description: Lot , Block _, Filing f,/,'/ A +Uu &"4 If pfoperty ffi#and bounds descriPtion as exhibit) App 1i cat ion is herebv made for a Variance from the provisions of of the MuniciPal Code for the 2l*uM? Sect ion Town of Vail in order to allow: different from APPIicant strict. Signature of aPPlicant APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOITING 1. Heari-ng Fee - $100.00 + $1.40 for EACH addressed envelope. 2. A LIST OF THE O\tNERS OF THE PROPEIITIES within 300 feet in a Sing1e-Family Residential; Two- Family Residential; or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to the subiect property in all other Zone Districts. The owners list sha11 include the names of a1l owners and the Iegal description of the property owned by each. Accompanying this list sha11 be pre-addressed envelopes along with Certificates and Return Recei.pts properly fil1ed out to each owner. These forms can be obtai.ned from the U.s. Post offi.ce. 3. Site P1.an, f loor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator. (This is to be submitted at the time of publication ) 4. A desc.ription of the precise nature of the Variance.(This should include au explanation of the specific hardship. ) bx i-00 ;,',iI, .C0 BlO:? l4r:. John Appleby' General Partner Riverbend /-rssocial:es Vail l"le-st l€al DsLate Inc' P. O. Box 11 57 Vail, @loradc 81657 Er:x 100r/ail, ct"r ii]657 Courts ide,Ibr,4rohones A LtuLited pantnersLrip p. O. Box 696 4917 Jtniper IaneVail, Colcrado 81652 gl1$lllr!_u4l!. - r.{i-iln3{ ilEq'rlrr RlpuBsrEp rox 10C VAIL, CO o1557 l4r. Robert Warner Warner Properbies Box B-I00 Avon, Oclorado 81620 cltRrlFrni) i,tq.rl. - RL.,TIUI$tr PJ:CirPT ltEOuIST]lD ! : 2 : g :c E F E Ef EP ," E E E Z €1"i"€€2 e fr" 'a 5 € : €€€t* st e € E E E : sg:b-3 e € * E E;*tl;igg ?, x $, g $ ;:E€t€iEEE \of,i u E .gifusfu*,i*,, E* i li:iifE :s.p ' 2 -;iitrgE;EtgE ;ii ;i r;;s!;t;l iiE 3 FEfiFfid:5FF:Fe,&'&,68'i eEP EA;'g=E[Ek i'nH =RBeaBRaRssRseBe Fg! 6 B Se.Sisi I ;Eg;;ggggEggssgssEE 3"s 85.FEFEF€isrH ;;;cd..i.,i..;..icd"d..ic.i--1iii f =E EtE:=: tL =L t:* r\I G i1til id Egiiiiiiggg*,g-uig,igilr iiig;giEiigiiiiiiii,slsiii*EI;i; s=:€;Ei:Ei; i;:gi,!iiFiiiii:i iiiiai z 7 X3 a/) Fz EI z F U () .9r !.1 E € l.aao eAl .cd io - r,.ro yrr nr :.t:r o I|. 6.a.1 .l vl .:q\\q.:-1 bTE- E itr vr{o alE6 x t: :i t!.r ':it**ELE e#"'iCA*UUUr"H $9P.EcE E i di q; ii Ei B:e c;; v i -6,NE='gv g sE{ff,:i ;I;;s :EE€:a: Eli€E eEiE;Ei Fi5i il , *gilfs€E EEiii ,ligi'**EiEiuii:ii 'vr 3 E i;;ilt ,-€;:c;;tt; i ;eE? ;- r;*'ii EgEisg;;fA E E;!i E aii:; E :ciEE i::!:€ 3 gIE-3 x a=s P!! i+r;si;:;:, i_ H Eg?r : gliBi; t;; Er:;: i,ga Bt ; 3i-2 : i::li H *€ aEB:i; ii3 ii .;;Eii I g;:E':i !E F;l?:i:;r ;e Eieq n 6 E , #:iE!E ; €;;:i*; :lA::;5i:;a 'egs te*:r n is i*€i;es ff:;;iiiitn iEi ii:a:€x 3:eE.gi! '= e=;E',iEE'i EE u-,s;;*! I:Egfliff€Eg x'E IEe;c )( g; iE eegE; iiisiiiiiiai ui;Ei:i€Elil*i3t E-;E i',aE I=:!i; EEsBsnre\sEa6sSNbS- r.) r/) rn v) \,t rn !/l vl v) |'l E f d)7,.o t'i z= h F .*.:z F€ 6E; EEiE-* :65.s€Ei:E^,s".E €E Hti;Egeg-r ;E E;.E= HEgn! E-sE6a"qJi8jB ei iE q Ete63;3s!E 3G -E "E 9etr5 iEE $E gE E; H g fi=€E =i:*: su .;gfgt' 2 it€EfE o Et I E E "7 SEIEEii =!€9!:iil r'lE;gt O ',,,',',t,,,,*EF"'y' I il I I 'I I I '| l8 ,g i :_, -li 2 2 JI "J2 2' 'r' 2l 3( 3 3: JI 3: 3r rt: I rl @?,'Date Project Application Project Name: Prolect Description: - Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: \:. Legal D$cription: Lot i.. , Btock Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board , DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Ofticial th. 9rlobry/vdl 1 '<" box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 April 30, 1979 Mr. Walter KirchVail Racquet Club Box 1088Vai1, CO 81657 Re: Recreational Fee Credit Dear Walter: department of community development This letter will hopefully document the current status of theVail Racquet Club in regard to the Town's Recreation Fee. I have decided that it is better to refund what is owed at thistime, rather than to do it on a project by projeci basis. Ifyou could go through the figures in this letter to verify theiraccuracy, I will wait to process the check until I hear backfrom you. A. ) Recreation Fee Credit Remaining 1.) Square Feet in Buildings Built in Eagle County- 81r000 square feet Assessment(at 50 cents per square Amount Deducted $40, 5oo foot ) From Costs of Recreational(two times Rec. Fee) $81, OOO Amenities Provided 2.) Square Feet in Racquet Club Buildings Built in Town of Vail-60r562 square feet (see enclosed sheet) Assessment $ 30 ,281(at 50 cents per square foot) Amount Deducted $60rb62From Costs of Rec. Facilities 3.) Square Feet in Racquet Club Townhomes (see encl-osedsheet)-14,932 square feet Assessment $ 3,733(^t 25 eents per square foot) Amount Deducted $ 7,466 From Costs of Recreati.on Facilities Mr. Walter Kirch 4-30-79 Page Two 4.> Total Amount Deducted to Date $1491028 5.) Total Spent on Recreational Amenities $775,00O 6.) Total Remaining Credit on Recreational $6251972 Amenities B. ) Recreational Fee Credit Due to Racquet Club 1.) Square Feet in Buildings Built in Town of Vail-60'562 square feet 2.> Amount of Credit given on these Building Permits-SO1 3.) Amount of Total Credit on these Building Permits-75[ 4.) Total Amount of Recreational Fee Paid to the Town of Vail-$15, 140.50 5.) Total Amount past due to Vail Racquet Club-$7,_E-Z-Q.25 6. ) Amount Credited from Racquet Club Townhomes Building Permit-($933.26) 7.> Amount of Refund-$6,636.99 Thank yoti for your patience in giving me time to figure thisout. Illese let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, /'\"4\6t*-t /{ .V"tl"'- farnes A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Enc1s. JAR: caj Mr. Walter Attachement Kirchto 4-BQ-79 letter VAIL RACQI]ET CLI]B DEVELOPMENT Bulldlng Number 5 3&6 L&,2 Club TOTALS 9-to-11-12-13 18-19-20-21 22r23 TOTALS Square Tootage 13,824 221864 2L,O47 2 1827 60,562 6,788 5,430 2 r7L4 L4,932 Assessment Paid 50% $3 ,456.005,716. OO 5,26r.'t5 706.75 $L5,140.50 -0--o--o- -0- Credit Due $ 1 ,728. 00 2 ,858. OO 2,630.87 353.38 $7,57O.25 (8424.25> ( $33e.38 )($16e.63) ( $933.26 ) Recreational Fee Assessment $ 6,912.00lt ,432. 00 10 ,523.501,413.50 $30,281.O0 RACQUET CLI'B TOIINHOUSES $1,697.OO1,357.50 678.50 $3 , 733.00 tulo- A U> UJ LUII b = llJ(L *ffirJ ili*Nl a\ Icq fn CS \ \J }| aa C[ IN-: cf N I N vi |c) N \ t0 $ N I \ ct. \ \ \q \ \j \S ,ri \s $ ltN Nr# tr E uJ z oJ- vo uJ-oz J o- J e.t() UJJ uJ z !o fJ J = IJJ uJ UJt!z tr uJ(r() uJ o(r o CD =UJ; uJ z(J6 UJo -t tl,o lz uJ a IJ,J UJ LLt E LU(L J F z 6! f 9EF lu J t! z ) Iz o uJ = NOrlVnlVA .rl 6tl/;\I Eo =zu- 6z>9 ao ulo uJzr! o,6 -u;; z bq z>o(J<)z It!lo q It P lj c,i z tr ) Fl,ll olo co uJ c N +-h \ ;il<tl(Ltl Hll il^l :lalzlolFl tEll<l l^lt-ltzl l3t< tsIF lc I l> ilE Fl il"{crl =zza 3s E; .!1 O o- : s i $ ;glHBPEez h.l\tl I rlJrl taEru;;n ll :sEs;j zIF Jf, anz ul)) aE $a Sr.s\ k tlJ_i- U; m.\, \ ci LU UJ oo = e. r,! |I.L I(Ll<l *lno z! H =J U' uJ*oz J o UJ luz :<9-F \J \)bJ l..-\9 ro .t.s TJJ F \ \J NIq J 4<rr-9;o tll \t C' GI olz. \rol'Il rlrl\l oz Foq oG(L Jzoz ,n9 d)o2z fl (L tl- "39 ==3=(Ji =Hg c €, E CLo o' o .:c5Fc-:>Ed!{ u,J 6 lJ-1.-O -.c t! E>IFtr CLott E =Elrl o-z 9F(J3E ,, zo(J u; =z tr!! l'=et <oqg UJF o |ltllltltltltltlt9'lI uJlIEI loll<l>l J4<ld=l $t$ E!! o Rac )#ilcrub Condonriniums April 13, 1979 Dear Council lrbnber: As you lanor'r, ttre Executive Conrnittee of the Racguet CI:b O*'r'rers Association has appealed the Plannilg and Zoning Conrnission's grant of a density variance to create 16 one-bedrocrn long term rerital housilg r.:nits at tbe Vail Racguet C1ub. lhe purpose of this note is to try to give you soIIE backgroirnd on what I have proposed to do as well as the nature of the D<ecutive Cornnitteeis o;position and the difficulties I trarze with their suggested alternatives. Ttre attached rTr:rTp on Long Term Rental Housing was sent to all 14 Directors of tlre Racquet Club G^ners Association prior to the Plannjng and Zoning Conrnission neeting I',larch 27 , 1979, so tlnt. they roould have sone u-rderstanding of the housing problan ard $/hat. I was attsrPtttg to do. It should eplain what I am proposilg to do and t.l:e nature of the sulcsidy, ( jncreased density), that I am requestilg frcrn tlre ccrmr:nity. I strould poirt out ttlat if the erptoyee housing units il guestion are built ard are Js,rccess, t-}re opportu-rity to ao the sane ttring in Brrildiirgs 14 and 15 exists. Tfris, of course, r,vould be the suloject of a future request for a variance and r,rould be revieved by ttre TEr,m at that tille. Itre D<ecutive Conrnittee of the Racguet Clulc G',ners Association is conprised of 5 of tie elected directors. Itte Conrnittee was forned becar:se it becarE too uiewieldly to transact the Association's busiless through a directorstrip of 14. Ttre Executive Ccnrnittee, not tlle entjre Board of Directors, has nrade tle decision to appeal the Planning and Zoning Connission's decision. I ha've strnken to several of tlre Directors regarding tJlis issue and thry have not even been contactecl hy tJ:e Cormittee. ltrree of tlte five nerTbers of ttre connlittee crn cordcrniniurs in Building 12, whi.dr is opposite Buildilg 13, cne of t.lle proposed local-es of the long term rental r.rnits. Ttrerejl lies tte root of the objections. It seems everyone pa,ys lip service to the need for arployee housing, but no one wants it close by. The specific objections of tJle D€cuti.ve Cor.mittee are: 1. Buildhg 13 is in tlre nost conjested area of the pr:oject ard it vrotrld be better to put tJ.e enployee tousing elsernfrere. 2. hle don't want Building 13 to be any taller sine that virill fupede our viglrs nrrre. 4590 Vail Racquet Club Drive o Vail, Colorado E1657 o TeleDhone (303) 476-1400 o 3. F:rployee hor:sing, mtrtr as i-t rnay be needed' is a nuisance' 4. There is not enough parkJng. In response to these objections, I r,'puld point oub the folloring: I. Ttre Vail Racquet C|:lc Oondcnriniws are sited on a loop shaped private drive with an alnost egr:al distribution of density. Buildirgs f2 and 13 are on opposite sides of the drive and overlap sc[rE\,u?lat, but it is difficult for ne to bel-ierze t}tat tJ:e cverlap makes it ttre npst conjested part of tJee project. I{ren the q/gners in Building 12 purchased t}reir condorniniurs, ttrey e>pected a tlpical Vail Racguet club condorniniun buildilg on site 13. Ihat could have been 16 b,rc-bedrocrn r:nits or 24 one-bedroom units- Brrilding 13, as proposed, will contain 8 one-bedroon long term rental u:its and l0 tr,rc-bedroom condorniniurs for sale. 2' Even wittt the long term rental tnits in the garden revrel' Building 13 witl be smller in t'dtk tlnn the Building 13 that the o,vners irt Build.ing 12 were pronised vrhen they purchased their cpndoniriuns. 3. r berieve lte can control tlre behavior of the engrJ'o1zee tenants ttrrougtt careful selection, well defined regrulations and good on-site managenent. The Racguet Club Gpners Association RentaL Fool rents tle ctr'rners' condonLinirrs to anyonre vrtro can Pay the bill. ltrere is no selectivity and little on no sr,pervision of the tenants after they arrire. 4. trrere wi1] be slighUly nore parking per bedrocrn for the enplqgee trousing than for the rest of tlre project. If parking is a problem, we can reguire tle erployee tenants to park jrr our Clulc 1ot wttidt is r:nderutilized or we can restrist thsn to one car per r:nit. {tre b<ecutive Cdrnittee has reqrested t}rat r.re devote Buildirg 15 to eiployee housilg r:nits ratler than spreadilg than througtrout tJ:e project :.n nuifaings 4 and 13 and possibly 14 ard 15. ltris is not a wiable alternative for ne for ttre follooing reasons: 1. If Building 15 were con'rerted to a rental- buildi-l.tg, it would be an apartnEnt builcling for tax purposes and I uould not be able to build il at a belcry rnarket cost. Hence, I could rrot afford to rent it at belor narket rates. 2. I trarze earnest noney deSnsits qr all of the units planned for Building 15 as rnell as suilaings 4 and 13. I wculd be renegfug on my conmitrrent to those bqlers if I converted Building 15 tp a rental buildhg. 3. Ttre ccnnnnity needs rental hor:sing no,r. hb do not plan to constnrct Buifdi-ng 15 rmtil 1980, so we would delay the awailability of the rental r:nits another year ry svitchirrg thsn to Buildirg 15. -2- o 4. I have a persural preferene for spreadjng the arployee housiag throurThout the ccnrnnrity rather than concentrating it. Ttr-is preference applies to t}te entire to\dn as well as to tie snall qnnmities, such as tlre Racguet Club, witldn the tsen. In closing, I feel corpelled to sy tlnt I believe tJle Drectrtirie OolTnittee is shortsighteil. ltrey have dane nothing to tackle the enployee housing prcblem thenrsel'ves and tbey are ol4nsing a prcject that oould help them and others out of tle pred.ieanent because it might be an inconvenience so far as ttreir personal living is oncerned. Walter Kirdr o VAIL RAOQULT CI-I'JB @NDCMINIUI'S Iong Term Renta 1 Hous irrg As rDst of you ut" *r-.", tle Tlchrn of Vail is faced with an enployee trousilg crisis. lleere si:rply is not sufficient hor:-silg a'railable on a long-term rental basis at affsrdatrfs lxices to neet tlre needs of tle ccnrm:nity. As a resul-t, prospective errployees cannot fird shelter ard are forced to leave tle area. At t]te Presenttine, nost of tle serviee br:sinesses in t}re ccrnrn:rrity are operating with insufficient staff with regard to both quantity ancl quality. In my opilion, tle long-term rental housilg shortage is a result of the trerendous appreciation in real estate 'a1ues and the ever increasing dernard for short-term rental-s from tourists. At the present tirre, one bedrocrn condorniniurs at the Vail Racquet ch:b are reselling for $75-80,000.00- Based on a sales price of 575'000'00, an ov.ners's nonthlv costs are at least as follov'rs: Principal and Interest - $60,000.00 nortgage at 10t-30 years Property Ta:<es (Based or 1978 appraised rralues) I{eat ard Light Vai)- Racguet Ctub Condorninir:ns AssessrEnt Vail Raccruet Ch:b Dues s 545.00 60.00 30.00 55.00 25.00 s 715.00 At S7t5-00 a nontli, the onner receives no return on his $15,000.00 eguity, he has no reserve for replacilg furnistr-ilgs and he lns not paid tlre Association a cunnissicrt for hrandljlg his rerrtal. If you add these factors, a nonthly rent of $850.00 is realistic. I'm not suggesting that the long-term rates for a one bedroqn rrrtit at tlre Vail Racguet Cl:b are goilg to jr.rp frcrn the current $350.00 to $850.00 per nontl. il one fell sboop, but the trerd is certailly i:r tlnt directicn and I rnouldn't be surprisea it the rates r,r€re at tJ:e $850.00 per nonth leveI rrithin tlree years. ltre i:ipact on the seasonal erptoyee is devastatjng. the follo,ving exanple stro^rs trcrr far out of Line jnccne and bousing costs are: Assr-rre a silgle errployee claimilg hirrself as a dedusLion working 40 hours per week at $5.00 per lour. 40 hor:rs per r,'eeJ< x $5.00 per hour x 4.3 weeks per rncnth s 860.00 LESS: Federal InccfiE Tax C-olorado Incore Tax social Securitv Takehone Pay I 120.00 23.00 53.00 196.00 s 664.00 dowiously, t.llis enployee cannot afford to rerrt a one bedroon cordominir.un. Dven if tr,rc enployees share a one bedrmn ordqniniun, the rent would be nore tJ.an 60t of their oonbined taketnne pay. o there appear to be tlree "solutions" to tie problem: 1. Do nothing. If this alternative is chosen, the enployee shorLage wiII increase each year until seryices becsrE so bad that the tor:rist will go elserfiere for his vacatiqr. Iocal br:sinesses wilt t}en fail and pro6ErElt rralres wiII drcP' tecause tle tourists r,lqrrt be here to stpport thmr. I"tith luck and patience, r'le might even see tle rnrhole crycle repeat itself. With lcnered Prcperty walues, tlre enptoyee, assrming tlrere are still jobs, might be able to afford housirg, services ruculd irrprove ard vail r,rould beccne a desireable resort for a nwber of years rnlil r."e find ourselrrcs il the current situatisr once rDt€. LJnfortrnately, ttre prospects of this happening are not good. If the c-crmunity is allored to 9o do^nhill- as a resort, it's doubtful that it could ever rebornd. lt)r@ver, vrho wants to go through 25 years of mediocrity befor€ tHngs correct thernse lves ? 2. Increase lrages so tlnt they are in lile wit.l". housing costs. Using tJ-e prewiotrs exanple, an hourly rate of $15.00 r'ould gut a one bedrocrn r.rnit witlr-in an enployee's capacity to pay. I don't rule out ttris al-ternative, but I thfutk tJ-at itrs r-r-rdesireable because it will ilflate the costs of goods and seirrices in vail nore tllan alternalive nurber 3. 3. Subsidized orployee housi-ng. Ttris could be acccnplished il several ways: a. the enployer pays t}le rnarket rate for housilg and leases it to his enployee at a rate t}at is ccrrnerrsr:rate witJ: tte enployee I s wages. b. Tbe errployer pa.ys the narket rate for hor:silg and sr4rpli-es bousing as part of ttre e:rployee's curpensatior. c. freate housing that is 1o.rcr il ost than the narket rate because of sawings jn land cost, construction costs, interest e>q)ense and etc- Ttre request for a variance t},at f have nrade to the Tq,r'n of Vail will, if approved, enable us to provide long-t-erm rental housilg for erg:loyees at belqrt narket rates r.nrder the abor,ze-nenLioned alternati'rc C. In t-tre falI of L977, we voluntarily ga\re lp the garden levels of buildings 1' 4, 13, 14 and 15 il ooolrration witlr the ccnnrnrritlz's desire to lcner it's ultinate population. My present request for a variance l'ould enable us to truild the garden levels of buildingrs 4 and 13 per our origilal plans so long as they vlere rede arrailable as long-tam rental r.r'rits for arplcyees for at least 20 years. The grarden leve1 r.rrits r,nould be sjmilar in exterior aPPearanc-e and gualiQ' of construction'to the existilg buildings nr.urbered 31 5, 61 7, 8, 9, l0' 11 ard 12 at t}re Vail Racguet CIub. Ttre garilerr te'.rel of each building (4 and 13) t'ould be crnprised of 8 one bedrocrn rerrtal u,its. If all 16 rental u"rits housed tr,o erployees e.drr r,re would prowide housirg for 32 enployees. It r.ould be my intent to take care of orr Ircal needs first, (Vail Racquet Clubt Raoquet Clnb O.iners Association and ttre Raoguet Ch:lc Restar:rant). If we did not need alI of the space, tle batance of the rental r.rrrits r€uld be nrade available to erployees elser*rere in the comrn:nity. -2- o.o There will be J-8 parking spaces created for tJle 15 one bedrocm ulits. lhe ratio used on the existilg bmitdings was one parking place per one bedroom rnit' so the ratio for the rental u-rits is slightly nore lilceral. l,ly prelirninarl fig,ures indicate tiat I ould rent tlre units for 5290.00 per nonth' including all utiLities except teleplrone, and make a reasonable return on my invest-nent. ltris belo^r rmrket rate can be actrieved because tlle 201ear rental reguirenent w"il1 enable ne to exlEnse a high IErcentage of the land, lands€Pil9' offsite utilities and fourdation with the condoniliun urrits in the building rather than capitalizing ttrose costs. It is appa.rent frqn your ccrrrTEnts that you are fearful ttrat providing long-term rental housirlg for enployees w'ill have an adverse affect on your enjoynent of the VaiI Racguet Clull, yor:r property values or botlt. Ib re, the essence of this problem is the gr:ality of jldiwidual to whcrn r,oe rent. It is tJ:e sane problem you face each year wittr t}ose condominiurs tlnt are rented long term. I believe that it is possible to attract a high caliloer enployee-tenant that is an asset ratlter than a detrinent to the Vail Racqlet Club conrnr:nity. At tlre sanE tire' we can assure ourselves of sufficient nr.urbers of enployees to shovel our snohtf clean otrr crcndorn-inirlns, serve our dilrrers and perform all tlre other services tlrat nake the Vail e>q:erience pleasr:reabIe. If f did not believe ttlat we can properly control long-term rental housilg r-l-tits, I rnould not be reguestirg a wariance to allcrr tlem to be buiIt. I have far nore at risk jr tJ.is venture tlnn any of you. If long-term rental housilg rnits trave an adverse affect on tJ.e Vail Racquet Ch:b conrm-rrity, it c-outd prevent ne frcrn sel-ling the balanc.e of the condomiliuns tliat are plarured and it ould destroy the economics of the athletic facilities as we1l. f believe t}rat vttrat I have proposed is a sensjlcle and econornic solution to a se\rere problem. I hope tl.at bach of you can re@gni-ze our long terrn needs as a ccnnnnity and let ttnt need outleigh your personal fears regardirrg the possi'.Jci1-iQt of having uldesireables at the Vail Racquet Club. There are other solutions to tie problar, but as I have poilted out, tJrey will be considerably nore oqrensi'.re. VBLTER, KTRCI{ It ;LAw OFFIcES CoscRrr4 DuNN & FnENcu P. O. Box tl LEADVILLE, CoLoRADo €046I {303t 446- rAAS PETER COSGRIFF JOHN W. DUNN ROBERT H, S. FRENCH STEPHEN C. WEST TIMOTHY H, BERRY OAVID H. M ILLE R EAGLE OFFICEI P. O. EOX t46 EAGLE, COLORADO Ar63l Go3l 32a-6371 BRECXEN RIDGE OFFICE; P. O, BOX 5a8 BR ECK ENRID6E, COLOFIADO AO4E4 (303) 453-2901 April 4, L979 Town Council Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, CoLorado 81657 Re: Vail- Racquet Club Gentlemen: The purpose of this letter is to give notice of appeal- of the decision of the Planning & Zoning Commissionr made March 27, 1-979, granting Vail RacqueL Clubts tequest for a density variance to construct employee housing. This notice and appLication to be heard is made on behalf of the Racquet Club Condominiurns Ownersr Association" Notice of the Cornnissionrs decision was received under date of March 30, L979. I respectfuLLy reguest that this mat,ter not be set for hearing before the council- onApril L7, L979, as I am committed to attend a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Minturn on that date. Any other Tuesday is acceptable to me. Thank you very much. JWD/md cc: Fred Dodge Execut,ive Committee Wal-ter Kirch Very truly yours, COSGRIFF.. DI]NN & FRENCH\--l 'l \ti^d,zt"^---Johr\ W. Durut ) V o INSP}TION REOUEST READY FOR INSPECTION:.J -rrl t /LOCATION: J'X? /1 DATE BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION i STEE- FRAMING PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , wED (ryJ) FRI tr TEMP. tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUS' HOODS tr FINAL tr FINAL lz' * 5'-INSPECTOB box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 o department of community development March 30 ' 1979 cerely t qr'-) Walter Kirch Box 1088Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Kirch: As you are av/are, the Planning & Environmental Commission approved your request for a Density Variance for Employee Uouslng in Buildings 4 and 13 at the Vail Racquet Club Condominiums. However, there is a 10 day period for appeal for those who may oppose the Planning & Environmental Commissionrs decision. fhey-may do this by written application to the Vail- Town Council before April 9, 1979. Gracd E-- Secretary .t- box lfi) rail, colorado 81657 13031 476-s613 department of community development March 30, 1979 Mr. John Dunn Attorney at LawCosgriff, Dunn & French Box 11Leadville, Colorado 80461 Dear Mr. Dunn: As you.are aware, the Planning & Environmental Corunission approved the Density Variance for the Vail Racquet Club to construct empJ.oyee housing during their meeting of March 27, 1979. There is a 1O day period for appel to the Vail Town Council durlng which time you may make written applicationto be heard to oppose the Planning & Environmental Commission'sdecision. This application must be made by April 9, 1979. e ^-/E. Wineman I t o }'INTITES PLANNING & ENVIROI{MENTAL COMMISSION tmETrNG OF MARCH 27, L979 COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Ed Drager Sandy Mi1ls Roger Tilkeneier Jim Morgan Ron Todd Jack Goehl STAFF PRESENT: Jim Rubin The first iten the agenda, Variance Request, Lot 8 k 1. Vail Tom Briner, Architect was present to represent the owner of a house on 392 Mil1 Creek Circle who wants to add a one-car ga;rage to his residence. As it will encroach into the side setback iequirement, they are asking for a 7t foot variance. The owner has proposed a deck on top of the addition. Ee stated there is concern- from one of the neighbors about the height of the addition, so a redesign remove.d the railing and pitched the roof. Se showed the Commission pictures and drawings of the proposed addition' Jim Rubin advised the Commission that the staff recornmendation is for approval of this request, but added that the approval for the setback variance will somewhat impact the view from tle Caulkinrs house whictr i.s behind the Slaughter residence. However, the staff feels that it would probably be mofe unsightly to bave parked cars outside and that the addition fits well with the existing house. . sandy Mil1s stated that she had visited the site and feels that the view corridor is down further from the proposed addition and that the caulkins would not 10se their view of the Gores. She also felt that the garage would clean-up the area with trash storage and putting the car inside. Roger Tilkemeier asked about the view impact from the seeond floor of the house behind the proposed addition? Mrs. Ellie Caulkins owner of the house behind the proposed garage addition asked to be heard. She identified herself as the ownei of the house at 304 Mill Creek Circle and that she is completely opposed to the construction of the garage as proposed. She Stated that it wilL definitely impact their view and questions the validity of a one car garage, as she feels there will always be more than one car parked there when someone is in residence. A gentleman in the audience u,ho resides in the Bass house on Mi1l Creek Circle also fee'ls that everyone in the area may want to add garages and then all the views in the area will be impacted' on B1 Slau hter Residence - Setback e Firct Fi1:!4g. EI o Page 2 - MINIIIESPlinning & Environmental Coumission Meeting of 3-27-79 Ron Todd asked whether they could pick an alternative slde of the house for construction? Mr. Briner stated that if they build on the east, it would block their own view. There cquld le ine possibility of building it into the hillside of the front yard, Uut tnis rea11y hasn't been looked into because it would te expensive and it would take the garage away from the main entry to the house. He also stated there are large spruce trees 1n the yard and some of tbem would have to be removed if this was done. After further discusslon' Gerry lYhite made tbe Motion for denial of the variance request for a side setback since the applicant cannot show a hardship, and there are no grounds to grant this variance request. Roger Tilkemeler seconded the Motion ind the Commission voted 5 for denial and 2 opposed to denial . The variance request is denied and the applicant was advised of the 10 day period for appeal. The second item on the agenda, Vail Racquet Clgb appliqation for a Density Variance to Construct Employee Housing on an Unplatted Parcel in Bighorn. Walter Kirch was present as applicant for this variance request. He asks that the garden leve1 units that were given up voluntarily during the L977 down zoning be returned so that he can construct 16 one-bedroom units for employee housing. He also advised the Commission that he may come back with another application when the last two buildings are built to add another 16 units for employees which will bring the total to 32 units. Roger Tilkemeier asked Mr. Kirch how many employees of the Racquet Club will use the uni-ts? Mr. Kirch feels that somewhere between 10 and 16 of these units will be used by Racquet Club employees, and that any surplus could be used for other employees in Vail. Mr. Drager asked how long these would be used for employees and if there would be restrictions imposed on them? Mr. Kirch stated they would restrict the use of these units for twenty (20) years as long-term rental units for employees in Vail. Jim Rubin stated that the staff recommendation supports this application for a density variance and went through the reasons as stated in the memorandum prepared by the Department of Connunity Development. John Dunn, Attorney at Law, addressed the Conmission as representative for the Condominium Owner's Association. He introduced himself as President of their Executive Committee. The Condominium Page3-MrNU'IEsO Planning & Environmental o Comnission Meeting of. 3-27-79 Associ.ation represents 170 units and 500 to 600 residents of the Racquet C1ub. He stated that he is directed to inform the Comrnission that the Condominium Association is opposed to l[alterrs application. He stated that he agrees with the need, but that owners are in disagreement with Mr. Kirch as to where these units are being proposed. They would like to see the employee housing placed all together in one building rather than in Building "13." Building rr13rr is in the center of the complex, adjacent to the t'bubble" and the recreational facilities. This is the most congested part of the project' and it is a building that nobody wants. They want this building as sma1l as possible and not a dormitory for he1p. Mr. Dunn continued that the Condominium Association has discussed Building I'lst' as a better location since it is at the edge of the project and they feel this bullding would be the logical pJ-ace for employee housing. Mr. Dunn added that he j.s aware of the voluntary downzoning, but that Mr. Kirch has to satisfy the ordinance and the variance procedures. He feels there are two concerns here: the first is a lega1 concern whether there is justification for thisapplication just because of the addition of employee housing. ft islaudible, but not a concern of the Zoning Ordinance. He cited a case to the Commission that reflected thi.s concern. He also statedthat the Town of Vail has not made employee housing a requirement as they have with parking requirements, etc, The second concern is that in regard to the Zoning Ordinance, he feels that the increase of density is undesirable and will have an unfavorable impact on the neighborhood. He feels that employees would be more dense, as they would be full-time residents. Healso does not feel that the parking is adequate for employee houslng.It is his feeling that there would be two vehicles per unit in the employee housing. He also feels that the employees would be noisy. The owners want to: see this variance request denied, but they donrt. want to close the door to a compromise, and would consider havingthe employee housing all in one building, their preference isBuilding 't15rr. Ired Distelhorst addressed the Courmission as a neighborof the Racquet C1ub. He asked to see where these building are to be loeated and looked at tbe site plan. IIe stated that he is againstthe increased density, and would like to see only 8 units added. Roger Tilkemeier asked Mr. Kirch whether he was at an inpasse with the owners? Mr. Kirch stated that it is hi.s feeling that everybodyis for employee housing, but nobody wants it near them. He went onto say that the twenty year limitation will enable him to expenseout his construction costs, but that it would be financially unfeasibleto put all the employee housing in one building. Gerry White asked whether there would be noise restrictionsput on the long-term renters? Mr. Kirsh stated that he would insist on controlling the mode of behavior at the Racquet Club. He stated F- aPage 4 - MINUTES Planning & Environmental Commission Meeting ot 3-27-79 tbat he does have a few employees living in the project now, butthat most of the employees have to drive from Avon or Edwards. Chuck Anderson, who was present to address theConnission on Pitkin Creek Park Development, stated that he feelsWalter should be applauded for including the employee housing on Fi!9. IIe also agrees with Mr. Kirch that financially a separatebuilding would not work and that it is important that the communitybe integrated. He added that the employe-s of Vail are highlyeducated, responsible people, and that with available and a.-ttiactivehousing, this will make for happy employees, and happy employeesare good employees. Ed Drager also feels that it is a plus that there isno tax money involved in these employee units, and that a privatedevelopment is interested in putting in employee units. Gerrylthite agreed, and stated that this should be considered as gooddensity and posltive growth. _ Sandy Mil1s made the Motion to grant the variance requestfor the 16 employee housing units at the Vail Eacquet Club Conclominiumsin Bighorn and as presented in the Department of Community Development memorandum of March 23, 1979. Gerry 'lvhite seconded the Motion.The commission voted unanimous approval. Mr. Dunn was advisedof the 10 day period for appeaf LV Ur. Drager. Plan. The third item on the agenda, Pitkin Creek Park Development Jay Peterson, Attorney at Law started the discussionby advising the corunission that staff has problems with the parkingprovided for the project. Diek Ryan, Director of Community Devetopment stated thatthe staff concern is that this employee housing pioject have as fewproblems as possible and that the function is very important. rtis felt that there are major defj.ciencies in the parking as far asLocatlon aud distribution. He stated that one and one-lialf spacesper unit is a good base for employee housi.ng and this would giveadditional parking for guests. rt was the feering that the iwoand three bedroom units may have to have even more than one andone-half spaces. rn regard to the commercial area of the project,there will be 91000 sq. ft. of commercial area, the restauiani trasa,seating capacity of 1L0 seats, but only 11 parking spaces areplanned for the restaurant and Mr. Ryan fears-that iheae wouldbe used up by the employees for the restaurant. He advised thecommlssion that a common rule for parklng for restaurants is3 seats per space. He also questions the locations of the trashencr.osures and that the asphalt is not broken up sufficiently. Hearso stated that the cornnercial space should not look like a typical "shopping center" and should be designed to fit into this area.-He recommended that the application be continued to let.the staffand the applicant address some of the concerns. !; oPage 5 - UINUIES Planning & Environmental Conmisslon Meeting o Jay Peterson stated that the Zoning Ordinance requires a specific number of parking spaces, and these are the guidelines thal are followed in setting out the parking in this project. It is bis feeling that the project wiLl need less parking than the numbers proposed for the project. Steve Kirby, Architect wlth Briner, Perkin & Scott stated that they have calculated the parking required by the Zoning Ordinance. They have planned for 232 parking spaces. Ee stated that he knows about the concerns of parking spaces per unit, and the turning ratio at the end of the lots. He went on to explaiu the site plan with the open spaces' trees and landscaping and the arrangement of the parking. He further explained that an aLternative to additional parking (29 spaces) woul-d be to use the highway right-of-way along old Highway #6, but that it would be very expensive because of the necessity to construct retaining wa1-1s and changing the access point into the project. .He showed the location of the durnpster shelters. They rryill be by paved areas where trucks can have access and will not be..ight in-front of the units. He also explained that there would be snow stockpiling areas where it would not interfere wj-th the parking spaces. Jay Peterson stated that they could look at increasing the parking during the phases of construction. Dick Ryan stated that the Town approved 198 housing units at the parking ratio of 1.5 spaces per unit' so they are not just requiring it on this particular project. The Zoning Ordinance deaLs with minimum requirements, and it is his feeling that more parking is required for the Pitkin Creek Proiect. Jay Peterson feels that the Zoning Ordinance is the only tool the developers and architects have to work with and tbey have gone by these guidelines. IIe added that if the Zoning Ordinance is in error, that it should be changed. He stated they are willing to look at this problem and if the Town Council wants it done, they will- work it out. Ilowever, he feels strongly that this plan will work as is and that the Condominium Association can also put restrictions on the number of vehicles allowed per unit. Sandy MiLls stated that she feels they should look into adding parking with each phase of construction if it looks like it will be necessary. Chuck Anderson feels.that any more parking will turn the project into an urban apartment complex. He feels that the restrictions as to one car.per one-bedroom unit will alleviate the parking some- what. IIe is very concerned about aesthetics and would rather have people walk 50 feet to their parking space than have a sea of asphalt. He feels that most of the people who live here and want to live here are young, healthy people and are capable of walking this distance- He also explained to the Commission that the commercial space plans are not finalized and what they will be constructing will fit into the area. He feels that to put the project off to a later date would be an incredible hardship. They are on a strict timetable with the -!r o Page 6 - UINUTES Planning & Envlronmental Commission Meeting 3-27-79 finauelng and construction. Jim Morgan feels that the parking is not adequate and the ratio should be 1.5. Jay Peterson stated that they will be assigning parking spaces and they dontt want to encourage people to have carsr especially more than one. Sandy Mills cited Sandstone as an exampler that locals are Living there and the parking is adequate for their needs. Craig Snowdon asked whether they had looked i.nto sovering a portion of the parking? Jay answered that this had been considered but that it would add to the cost of construction substantially and they are trying to keep the price of the units low for local people to be able to purchase them. Roger Tilkemeier stated that he likes the idea of restricting the number of cars. He feels that with the cost of gas and the expense of having a second car, that people would be amenable to restricting the number of cars they own. He feels this is an excellent experiment to try to reduce the number of vehicles, and they should be allowed to go with the parking guidelines in the Zoning Ordinance. A good selling point coutd be made of the fact that the project is on a bus route and try to loosen peoplers attachment to the automobile. He feels that this will be attractive to employees and could reduce their eost of living. He would tike to see the plans approved' and if the parking situation becomes intolerable, they would have a relief valve in the highway right-of-way. The Town of Vail is in the process of acquiring o1d Highway #6, and would not need the lOO foot right-of-way that presently exists. Chuck Anderson added that the commercial space is noi; being devel-oped to pu11 people off the highway, but as a convenience to the project and those people who live in the neighhorhood. The comrnercial space will hopefully reduce the need for people to drive The Commission was told that the developer will provide a bus pull-off at the front of the project. Mr. Drager stated that additional pu11-offs for this area should be looked into and also areas for people who want to'rshare a ride." Roger Tilkemeier made the Motion to approve the Development Plan for Pitkin Creek Park with the provision for a bus stop in cooperation with the Town of Vail and the provision for relief valveparking on the old Highway #6 right-of-way as discussed. Gerry White seconded the Motion and the Commission voted uanimous approval. The fourth item on the agenda, a Minor Resubdivision of Lots 2 and 3, Block 8, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition. Jirn Rubin explained this to the Commission. They are o Page 7 - MINUTES Planning & Environmental Commission Meeting - 3-27-79 proposing removal of the Iot line and creating one lot and are proposing the construction of 5 units. IIe stated that the staff recommends approval of the replatting and removal of thelot 1ine. After further discussion, Sandy Mills made the Motionto approve the minor resubdivision of Lots 2 and 3r Block 8r Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition with the stipulation that the eastern section of the lot be left as open space. The Motion was seconded by Gerry Ylhite and the Conrnission voted unanlmous approval. The fifth item on the agenda is a Preliminary Discussion of the Condition Craig Snowdon was present representing the owner of the Schober Building and advised the Commission that he has reapplied for the Conditional Use Permit and will be coming in for a formal presentation on April I0, 1979. He explained his second proposal in relation to the firstproposal that the Commission turned down. IIe showed them drawings of the second proposal and explained that on the first 1eve1 , they are revising the entry and on the stream side there will be an addition of undergroundstorage with landscaping on top. This will give them more green space around the building. The enclosed restaurant patio is stillplanned as a greenhouse effect, but they have pulled.it back 10feet so that it meets all requirements. It will curve around thebuilding corner and makes this space much more attractive byremoving the dlrt catching area that is there now. On the ski shop l-evel , they have pulled the front back 5 feet and developedthe arcade along the front of the building. On the third leve1,they plan to build over the deck. The first proposal asked for anadditional 992 sq. ft., and this proposal is adding only 715 sq. ft. On the 4th level , with the existing large condominium and the two accommodation units, the owner is. now requesting two large condominiumsrather than the first proposal for three units. The units wouldshare the back deqk where there would be saunas and a Hot Tub. On the fifth 1evel, there would be a storage area (which would not count as GRFA) and they would be adding a bedroom (loft).Ile showed the commission the site plan with the improvements proposed and stated that the owner is interested in a joint effort with the Town of Va1l on the landscaped areas, etc,, around the Creeksidesteps. He stated that as far as the Commissionrs concerns withthe.location of the Loading zone, the relocatj.on of the elevator wouldprevent parking of vehicles here. He advised the Commission that inregard to the additional sq. ft. , the first proposal was for a totalof 2r9O0 sq. ft., the second proposal is for 1,793 sq. ft. o Page 8 - MINUTES Plannlng & Environmental Commission Meeting - 3-27-79 Pepi Gramshammer was present to speak to the Commission. Ee is concerned about the parki.ng and delivery vehicles. IIe has had alot of trouble with this around his building and feels the congestion will worsen if the Schober Building is enlarged. He advised the Commission that he could add more footage to his own building, but he thinks this is the wrong way to go' that open areas have to be retained in the Core and that buildings shouLd not be built to their maximum. Craig Snowdon feels that this proposal eliminates the problem with de1 ivery vehicles, that with the official loadi-ng zone as established on Gore Creek Dr., there will not be a problem. He also advised the Comnission that owners of unj-ts in the Village Centre have talked with him and are very interested in seeing these improvements done because this will definitely improve their view across the creek. Larry Rider, Town of Vail Attorney, addressed some of the concerns: that the Commission has had wlth proposed additions to bulldings in Commercial Core I, specifically the applications for Conditional Use Permits in the Core. He stated that this is a problem that plagues Conditional Use Permits and that courts have said they do not create a precedent, but there is the problem of being consistently inconsistent and the court may look at this and say it is unfair. He stated that a Conditional Use Permit is given for apermitted use, but because of potential adverse impacts, they have to be reviewed. If these adverse impacts can be alleviated,the Conditional Use Permit should be approved. If they cannot be alleviated, it should be denied. He went on to explain thatthe criteria attempts to specify the adverse impacts, such as, if the increase will cut off light and air, or if there will be more trafficcongestion. If there is no alleviation of problems created bythe expansion, the Conditional Use Permit should then be denied.But, if they can be alleviated by design alternative or otherconditions, it should be approved. He also feels that if the Planning & Environmental Commission does not want to see any expansions thatthey should look to amending the Zoning Ordinance. Craig Snowdon feels that the owner is very about making his building a better building and thatforcing the maximum for this building at all. Gerry White thinks that this decision may conmunity with future build outs. posit ive he is not impact the entire Sand,y Mi1ls asked whether the decision should be to keep ComrrerciaL Core I the same forever by eliminating expansions throughthe Zoning Ordinance. Craig Snowdon asked the Comrnission whether they can comment if it is worth it for'the owner to come through with his tFr "'la ' Page 9-I,IINUTES Plinning & Envi-ronmental Commission Meeting - 3-27-79 formal presentation. Pam Hopkins, Mr. Snovrdonrs associate, feels tbat the Planning & Environmental Commission has to have guidelines for incentives to clean up and improve the buildlngs ln the Core. .: Craig Snowdon feels that the Planning & Environmental Conrnission has to look at the proposal in regard to its pluses and minuses, if the pluses outweigh the minuses, they should consider it a good proposal. Sandy Mills and Ron Todd spoke positively about the revised proposal . Gerry lYhite said that he thought the proposal did make some positive changes to the building. Ed Drager and Jack Goehl had no further comments. (Jim Morgan and Roger Tilkemeier had left the meeting before this time. ) lfith no furttrer business, the meeting adjourned at 5:55 P.M. IMMORANDUM TO FROM DATE RE PLANNING & ENVIRONiTENTAL COMMISSION DENSITY VARIANCE IIOUSING UNITS AT IN BIGHORN MINIUMS DESCRIPTION OF VARIAN-CE REQUESTED Tbis variance request from lValter Kirch is to adda garden level in the two new buildings that he plans toconstruct this summer. This garden level would be added to two buildings that ate a combination of 2 and 3 stories in height. The addition of the garden leve1 would add 4* feet to theoverall height of these buildings. The Racquet Club is a difficult project on which tocalculate allowable density due to the ori-ginal plan approvalby the County and the different regulations under whichdifferent stages of the development were built. As part ofthe downz-oning process j-n November L977, IValter Kirch provided an anaLysis which allocated land betrveen those buildings alreadyconstructed and those comtemplated. At this time, the developer was willing to commit to a voluntary downzoning from an allorvable .remaining density of g7 units to 74 units. Tbe 97 units were based on the nerv IvIDMF Density provisions and were based on the amount of land that had not been allocated to the existingbuildings. (See enclosed analysis fron the Vail Racquet Cl-ub. ) What is being requested then, is an inc::ease indensity from the voluntary dolnzoning to sti1l less than whatwould be permitted in the current Medium Density Multi-Family(IIDMF) zone. The units, which are 432 sq. ft. one-bedroom units, woul-d be committed for a period of twenty years with a proposedrent level of under $300 per nonth. There would be anadditional 18 parking spaces added for these units which complieswith the Town of Vail Parking Requirement. The j-ntent is torent these units to employees of the Vail Racquet Club and theVail .Racquet Club Condominiurns, tvith any remaining units tobe available to other employees of the Vail community. CRITBRIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Municipal Code, the Department of Commnnity Developmcnt recorrnends approval of the requested variance based upon the following factors: O.o" DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DBVELOPMEI{T 23 MABCH 19?9 I .E{.!!E E VAIL RACQUET CLUB ' .t; fifn;o3 n"nsrCvariance., ror Racquet cruO'3-23-79 Consideration of Factors - The relationship of the requested variance to other exlsting or potential uses and structures in tbe vicinitY' Buildings 4 and 13, the buildings in which tbe additional- units are being contemplated, are a combination of 2 and 3 storiesr with the garden 1evel adding an additional 4* feet ln height.. These new buildings will sti1l be small-er than most'of the existing buildings at the Racquet c1ub, which are 4 stories in height. The proposed addition in height should not impact any surrounding properties' The d.egree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the viclnity, or to attain the obiectives of this title'without grant of special privilege.. Due to the voluntary downzoning which was proposed by the developer, and with the Qverall density sti1l under. what is permitted in Medium Density Multl-Family (I[DMF), we do not feel that approval of this variance lequest will constitute a grant of special privilege. ' The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, trans-portation and traffic facilities, public facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. We dq not foresee any noticeable impaets that the additional 16 units rvill have on these factors. Such other factors and criteria as the Coinmission deems applicable to the proposed valiance. . One other factor that rve feel deserves being menti.onecl , is that the Planning t [nvironmentaf Commission did ta Pg.3 O MEMO-Density Variance for Racguet Clu ob 3-23-79 recomnend. to the Town Council; an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that would permlt an increase in density for resident housing in specific zones through a Conditional Use Permit process. The Town Council decided against this amendment, with the reason that by putting this increase in density directl-y into the Zoning Ordinance, there could be numerous requests which might take advantage of this increase and,this could be detrimental to the overall grorvth of the corununity. The Town Council, however, did say that thi-s should not prevent indivj.dual requests from being considered on a case by case basis. Findings The Planning & Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: - That the granting of the variance willnot constitute a grant of special privi- lege inconsistent with the limitations on other.propertles classified in the same district. That the granting of the vari.ance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfarer or materially injurious to properties or improvernents in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal inter- Pretation and enforcement of the specified regulation . rvould deprive the applicaut of privileges enjoyed by orvners of other properties in the same district. RDCOINIINDATIONS .' The Departrnent of Community Devclopment recommcuds applovaL of this variirnce l.eqrtest. Ille encourage the provisiolr o{ rcsident housitrg in situttious ljke thj.s, and beLieve tlrat'the cornnrunity will benef J.t by thc approval of this request- j ?'r' aFq . .l o Pe. 4 u-uro-oensity Variance for Racquest o Club 4 3-23-79 .---,.. .-!' lye also feel tha.t tbe downzoning was voluntary (there Was not a zo e "fr"ng"r-"" t maxlmum number of units stipulated iiy-t[.-m*.-Couocif-ii Oratnance No. 30, _series.of ]977) and that this variance-request ls basically frorn a verbaL commj-t- ment between tne developet and the Town. We do not find any Ep.ciii. zqning ".gui;ti"ns that are being violated by this request. .;'I I: 'i ( t 7 a ( PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT t.lalter Kirch representing the Vail Racquet Club Condominiums is requesting a Variance from the provisions of Section'18.18.090 Density of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to al'low sixteen (16) one-bedroom Employee Housing units to _..-.. ,,.Buildings "4" and "13" of the Vail Racquet C'lub Condominjums located in an unplatted area of Bighorn. Application has been made in accord with Chapter '18.62 of the Municipa'l Code. A Publib Hearing wi'll be he.ld in accordance with Section'18.66.060 Iof the Municipal Cdde on March 27, 1979 at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of Vai'l Planning & Environrpnta'l Corunission. Said hearing w'i1l be he1d in the Vail !tunicipal Building. Pub'lished in the Vail Trail g, .|979 mqrLED 3/6/79 LIST ON BACK March : j TOl'lN OF VAIL TMENT OF COMI'IJNITY \,l Fred Di ste'lhorst Box 13 Vai I Sunwood Condos. Rona]d S. l'lorgan 3600 S. Yosemite St. Su'ite 1050 Denver, Co]o.80237 Jim Sheahan & Stephen R 'Thomas Courtside Townhomes Box 696 Vai'l Cass Zabinsky P.0. Box 9'1584 Los Ange'les, Cal if . 90009 John D. Appleby Riverbend Special Box 2543 Vai'l Eric Berg Box'1088 Vai I Robert llarner Drawer B-100 Avon, Colo. 81520 l.|i'll iam Stickler ]400 E. Bates Ave. Englewood, Colo. 801l0 tthry Smyth Box '1978 Vai'l John Dunn Box l'l Leadvi'lle, Co'lo. 8046'l G. H. Bryant 28]'l E. t,Ji'l'l iamette Lane Littleton, Colo.80l2l Vincent Zarl engo c/o Arthur Young & Co. 2.|00 Security Life Bldg. Denver, Co]o. 80202 Charles Taylor 4807 Briar Ridge Court Bou'lder, Co'lo. 80302 Dr. Lawrence Repsher 3368 Swadley St. l.lheatridge, Colo. 80033 W. J. Harnden 7182 S. Poplar Engleunod, Co'lo. 80112 Fred Dodge 2200 Thornwood Ave.}lilrette, Il'1. 60091 Edward Volpe 320 Jersey Denver, Colo.80220 H. Howell Taylor 22?2 S. Da]las Denver, Colo.8023l Susan Larkin 6895 S. Steele St. L i tt] eton , Co] o . 801 22 E. U. Crowe 6905-8 E. Grand Denver, Colo. 80224 I ) TOI1IN APPLICATION OIi VAIL FOII VARIi].ICE Application Date Publication Date Public Hearing Date Name of Applicant Name of Owner if different from APPlicant b f utu{ Mailing Address relephone 3o7 ' 4'- - /aCct Legal Description: Lots-r Block , Filing proper Appl i cat ion Qon/ / unplatted submit hereby made for a bcfu-nds descriPtion from the provisions Municipal Code for /4*Jas exhibit of the yIs is mtes and Variance of theSection Town of Vail in a, I t /order to allow: lL One le4r"lom €'a-//owee - oilJ,/un/; Zone District. APPLICATION WILL.NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLO\YING: 1. Hearing Fee - $1o0.oo + $1.40 for EACH addressed envelope' 2. A LIST OF THE OI{NERS OF THE PROPERTIES WithiN 3OO fEEt iN A Single-Family Residential; Two- Family Residential; or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to the subiect property in al 1 other Zone Districts. The owners list shall include the names of a1 I owners and the legal description of the property ou'ned by each. Accompanyi-ng this list sha11 be pre-addressed envelopes along with certificates and Return Receipts properly filled out to each owner. These forms can be obtained ft'om the u.s. Post office. 3. Site P1an, floor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator. 4.A description of the precise nature of tbe Variance. ftu e-',-p,/a7ee.- ,|oaav)5 ttnt ft h)au // /- ,/'L y'/u ao,-A) ,/n-J o€ /u,br3' /g-/-/" , T/'r /r fu.- //.t h)a.r a,y;a1 Vbn't./ os eouAn),,r,^ Va.e / Znf L-; e-/;;-"'/''/ z" //n- /777 re--zo,/,4g - 74.- e&'6 o1 a&;s fl-t-l n,-2)/7.-- /*tn o-,/t az:7/ 4o- 4 7a)tu //-- oue-ra/ )-n/t o/ r/.- Ju,".//-,'.or 4 fe-f ae.y' 3Z zo"-oot! l/-- s2uare 4'b7* 4/72 "r2,ft (q<-re o2,,* vu- Liz4 ), g y'l* /lenar6/a7<.e.,4,'-{;q ttn )/-t are grr..iZ i" r1 , I \.\\ .-)a\\ \:.1.*_---_ ture of ApPIicant /)H.r' 9o-z /f, a/4 #,*,ro '//- # aZ /L.- / &,;Z;r' /r' a./ lf, ae -/Juf Z-/ a:*a// 3- .b.*a azAr a- ,fe,oara y'e- ,/ -2^ l) , . ezzlef/ for y'a-/aace _ { a DTRFTORS - \lAfL RACQLIET CltIB CCNDONlrNrtll4S E. U. Crorde Susan Larkin H. Howell Taylor Edoard Volpe fted Dodge W. J. Harnden Dr, I-awrence Repsher Glarles layl-or Vjrtcent Zarlengo G. H. Bryant John Dunrr Mary Smyth William Sticklerfric Berg a INVEST!,IENT IN AMENITIES AT VAIL RACQUET CLUB: 13 - Tennis Courts5 - Practice Courts1 - Air building and related equipment 1 - Club BuildingUtility services - gasr sewer' water' electric, storm drainsI - Swimming PooI and EguipmentPatios, walks, pool decks, pool fence Landscaping and irrigation system Parking lot irnprovements Miscellaneous equipment - court cleaning machine, 2 ball machines' video tape..' system, pool and lawn furniture, ' cabana, refrigeration TOTAL SPENT TO DATE 156,000 12 ,000 60,000 40,000 17,000 55,000 25,000 12,000 1,500 17 ,000 $ 3m' Buildings built prior to permit for building number 5: Building 7 , 8, 9, L0, Each buildingrs gross 36x96x4 = J-3,gZ4 L3,824x6 = 82,944 LL,L2=6 area = sq. ft. ol s,ljjl o o o oo o ol ool o o o oo o ol o_ol o o ro In u,) |.n \ol r0 13{ | \ \lI t\ r\ (') (v! (Y) (\t .-{ | o(Dl 6l N F{ Fl Fl ^l Nl IHI e(/)l hB,i'B'lii E E 5 Ef; f; f;o o o o- FF'g$E E E , 6 +Jo__l B.Fltl5Ff 9? E-rH B 2Hr.l dE( rl F{(JI H8RHYHEEFrH E Fl R Hg i .r utl @l - \g1 \ c! @ Fnn.Fl I Fl '-l \g N EI--l I d.| F{ d) FlEI FI \o o (t)hhJ l-. @f-F6'r Ol '-l Fl oo FlIlo c6 ?t ctl \ \sq A ao \ :3 d /-- "sggggE*eEl rggrsEErl cq +q r7.( ..{ HF) l14lrlr Ir iF4l)- I ).- \ \'1 \q \5 ,\ et\o I v J cc\\$ co Do- t{" tl 1,4 X hF^ -' fs- ,\,. tcrn\L ,- of rr- { I N=) l,A +-. o /x\8./g\ co | \,1rt5 /v/ 3 p Pf atj o o o !t\ oa I.'l #l s. e El R R Hl nr.( Os c( HI HtEI HFI HFIHgl Fgl 8l HI HI :): o r-fr- ts \"' $l r- 4 X'k€l E s @ r'u5 \o (\ !l -'-i "i j dl o\o far ,hhHq 55 tBds6Q.t o- :$ $ $n N @ol co,-r ol r-.1. .lro ol. \o]n c'l rflr\ ol rnrrlO -fl rOootoo Frl '-l\| '-l I F{ rr> vt t-lno@lo(\l-\gN(gO@ F{l o ro o\ (\t N In rd | (\t ."t o\ t\ (Y) 61$l F{ (n l\ f"t (\l @dIFl (t o\ !n (t N (omlnFf-C{(t '-l \O rt> !> rt> u). tt> {.,} H E F{O\d,-t lJN+-1 g FI(/) u|. \o(Y) t-sfFl rnIr(Y) .J> oo oo @ $oFi !> oo T!0 '-leEH9IJE F{HlnQ r-l r\.'ts!@\o'nH'6 \t \9q9?9& h Jl orrtFlNord:HE qJ }88BRFREll -'"io'"i"i.n'? .. I (Y) rO O f- C\ (n6 al '-r 04 -a dl s> {r} !> n> <t> !>l.J aotru ao 3 II ,q Efl Efi.E#pl g f, H n& EE' E E B F d lflfld6'ES oFl(Y) '-l FlGl(Ys!rOrO F.l i-t F{ F.l F{ r-l(t) (Y) (n (n rn (n Fl Fl Fl F{ F{ Fl z .p B $o.l $'H' fH6g E B:!d H;E]J U 6NUc o truH. E bt.$# ; TEiE E HEgI ,g H;flg F -8,fl. E EEEh' H ,!-3<ld. 'u eiu OE g fig; EHl s s' Ei; g HI $ E Edn. $ El $ ; gpf ;Hr 5 8H 3 #gE et{ .r{ A'd E -FR e.: 'E frH# .q # u, t €gg di f C F Efi* g,d g R B iarS EI E I -8,''d o .-l O .-{ O (0(0 N+r .-{ c _o c+{8. E A EH!, So (d ()(,d (d ii E e ii EE;f; g s ; ! a Ecix ia ..1 .-t o oo(d --l-.1 .lJ a -A 5lrlru =F H 'q F teBE 'as ii. E s HEfii E@ .n u Ln U6HE O HH E{H acqEe(H(Jl H6Dr+HF1)l ;<EE FISnRFU I EH H U(/) @ r--ot F{ &lr't$rn\ot--dl l'- F- F\ F.- 1..tr1| o\ o\ or or or_at _ _- -1r.4 o ..i.sl -EI I I l I I I I I I I I I Fql HIHIMl frlel 3l I € b o 'o I-lF{lEIalEIo N ID I Ical I I N tt) o o e (J (o <$ c\l z q) BO .d € a o iJ{ FAIf () € (J S,q IHS3 3gt HTH 3K:FRR Hgu 3s3 NEP E3HFul:a(soSH:r EFHxtrt..?i :*ES:H3: rEiNDTSxSRr.r(qFiRoi FXFs dd:E HEEFsaiF...xsdsF:EF< sE:E F=3x H .J -A.a- -iF+rfra ).|r6.R rna-atrilJrA t-drfJ f{ -H -ffF)dt+r e=rr r+r fh\ -,v {J*F{€€ 11|e a+|aaLIrJi{d *FlF.HH I'\/ rFf 11 A.tFtBLI 1lJl|..f fl-tlrffrAI € qo -E o E bo € aal =lAI =tI tD oN q) I I'l g No I& I.l it)o. F I I I I(ol c\tl rJl I z 'l) oo o I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I-l 5lol*l z,lHI>l>lHl =lq I I I t € 3 C)(, Stq rHge 3sE HfrH RRi\, r..'.r \lFRR H9H 3s= KER F3HF'rll ss; $SH: r.: S.' Z S tiBS:H3::9aF{to<r-'tfsx$Frq(*FRoi SXxs *Fss i*Htsa+F--HSdsI:Ets s F:3 FEsx {-l f- -A. -ltFt *.atrt O. FI EN aJ -alrJ.rAt-arlJtl ffi -lfF)d}H?=t i+{ {? {d*F( -ira 11lc aF\rtaLrFt{ trl *F1Ff-lH .F'v lFf trt A.tFt trtL}rlJrFrfPtFf }{A. €Q oo €tl) (5zH ==HFa (, z UJo) a.o o) 9 o.ozo(){ =F o o os I gn ftov low f'oo a lo Pa I d r10J tcT LDrht &c' &; 9.rs= 1731,1t s'g 'o''"J$rl,iif;$*trst ttin,' fl 4Yg, ?J OT S IZE ETBACKS: ISTANCE E I GHT: .R.F.A.: 6.'f o-f *./w Regulred - Fronf BETI,/EEN BU I LD II.IGS: Ave ra ge c, C*o aquired 0f fsets /-k!^r"tt tt. -*/v,h--, , Diagonal ....v-.-_-J e.r ++-Y..||, Ground Leve I %; \NDSCAP ING: CIa i rma n, Des i gn Rev iew Boa rd Da te Tow n Engineer Da le rvl + RONI.IENTA L I 7QZ2 o"-\a-Y.,)'l APPROVAL E 7O z1 a./.*ra(* d,i a t47a Atat 7)prtt e *f'D J Dat Ll'p-rrar*--, ^Rcil | tr.ct c IAY D,Uts-*=j.r __{ EG^L DEscR rr,'l l c:n 6:lO{aa-.v-, t,-t €-E lq _Scs t> fES R1OuI *_-__-*..; sE zoilE LDrlf.F ; PRoPOSED usn(s t nioilLlul*seS- 6C .- >J\rgzs ; FRotrrACE _-rc___, s idos /o + t , Rea r /O-+L?C, Actual - Fronf ll-lg , Sldes l7't Rear .-,/ 7t f,-, ' 4lo c ltb TMMER.IAL FLooR AREA: ^";,.;t,:. ;l:'""t t'ffi'o":'ubre sq' JILDING BULK CONTROL: Allowable rnaximum leng'l h tzs', Diagona | /1A' Actua I length ' lS 'Ja-"^r f''Q . Reo u i red is' td;e w.1's,4 Acf ua I S"eLi^) ir./Oz?Z-Q-, Aclua I Aclual sq. 'tt. 4 /.;EABLE 0PEN SPACE: Requi red 25b-.4_,s.,_ sq. f t. , Actua II -%, common )^Required t0 $, _- s9. f t., Actual fi -sq. f t /, - /,\RKll,lc AND LOAbING: No. Requirea Z/4U. , No. Actua t 7//0t,, Covered Re- .rired f f.,fo.; Cover:gd Actual O , fi )N ING. APPROVAL :S IGN REV lEl{ B0ARD APPROVAL 1L IT IES APPROVAL Actua i P+fae1-V rte Submitl'ed rte Subnritted rte SubnritJ'ed rtens ion of f or Zon i ng Rev ierv for Des ign Rev iew f or Envi rorrmenta I Dead I ine Date Dead line Date lmpact Re v i ew to 0ead I ine as pqrrnil'ted oa1e o{ 0rdinance No. B (Scries of l97l)., Soct lon tWtUt S,:61t- itcm oz F =E uJ.L avlk, d s Rqa d p\) Nsl =sq nq * fi { \rt sN tn uJ tJJ lJ- F =t LIJ o- /-.to-ftE+- 'E IFt< rFlaz t=to IJJF z z 3H!tr<FA;-rrEiF_k9,,9 <l 9zir:-<9Fir.r tI;HF3a::?:jcoz6TzzA)i::seA<(J|< o Lr zY iiEiE:<o- <iSsiHlF, <c o>-o<c*'eo=<q <;, q -"S F \ \ o$ ca/n c- \ h -.s oa o'6 e fr.$ "l-s {il aa ,-\ N \ ocIv 7 \ d F N -s Vu Ds' == uJ o- z o! f co Y() UJI z J EF(J IJJ fi z. d) =f o- =1_ UJ UJ uJ z tr uJ () LIJ oE o =UJ5tu z ; 't! F an IJ,J o- =z uJJ -c -\\ = d -* (n uJ UJu- ts = o- J F F z J J F UJ UJ z = L = uJ = NO|l.VnlVA =ll99 " I(ol = i N ld:: AIE Fs ; . E ?: E P =E$a; ft'b{ :Nlis 2.-r ot (J z tr :l F o c uJ F e \d -$F RA oO \- 3\ N rts LU J z Eoo z E uJF) a 3 UJz dfl IHH l\?sei fr : Feg= *frP Eed=Eg<occoz3 $lr^l I l*l I''t .t | | | |'-9Fogg9- n= iN$E3frir=r55o(9o!za) z tr J az UJ) E T t I lA N I 0l F I.IJT a I e l, ('1 l:- o UJ tr oo 3 E t! uJl! Fat o 2 6a Ett 3 uJ z Js() UJo- UJz :< iF s) 0,' t4 {):n{ $ T Rr\R$ Iv N fi I ! eJa = lu F I \9 lt- \0 u t r! JqirLX3o JF= LU to o olz, I I N r.E. N dz F C)[!-)oE S \ -\l--$ -N uJF o tn oz co = J (9()za 3b53d) r.! KN co Ectoo ott 'c- 5t-E=Rtr;o-6u-,POEurxo.E>tF€ CLoE--- ts =E,-lrlo-;zIFo :)EFazo(J 2! ="q tr i6 -2.F<|-? ;.i''i() tr= n oz ('z u- J c0 Fo Jscq si-l q: q €> ii = n q L s '1sI !Y.1 <J llJ z I I I l- a trJE o : = I v,x n 4 _Scl q =Etr v$ s q9 t$q) ?., 1 N f-l-l' I \.: \d- =o Icf -J \) s tr I I I I I I ata ll,le of1 = llJ !r-t J tx2 E tr tn llJeo )a t Qq <lz 5 €h $ J =E a UJ oo Ja t tr a UJE = E aL!to )a -o- I uJ E Fo Lu =-,d E+zg\U3T (J <O rQ Flrl g 3',1' TR E99r =fl{t o_'6J() axqF?<) =#iz =9. E t-(Eirg iEOz J<Oa?.1E '"O rNseecr{bru FIEOUEST' VAIL ,'lt {3 rd?. r --2- ' LOCATION i. J ,.r.?'ti ,4.:1":,') J>r' . TOWN o_F n ornen n peRrrnl READY FOR INSPECTION tutr,.,' { -11. WED A,rt THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: .E app RovE D ! orsnppRovED ! n e rNsPEcr N UPOT.T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR i ..ii. !.-.': uvseeciloru TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE 1-: I TIME REC€IVED - JOB NAME PM CALLER I ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE I panrrll LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM APP ROVE D ! upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnpp RovE D ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR irus"=.t(b* TOWN OF VAIL FTEBUEST DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM I orHen MON TUE D penrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUB CALLER FRI AM PM .,{nee Rov E D E orsnppRovED ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE -.v irusp=.ilo*FlEEUEST VAILTOWN O JOB NAME CALLER ! orxen MON COMMENTS: f] pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ,I{aPPROVED' n uPoN rHE CORRECTIONS ! orseppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR Projecf Applicatlon Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: ./tl o^r" G, / /U - Architect Addross and Phon€: FilingBlock Design Review Board Morion by: Tf d / seconded oy Po, Ku"- APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL V tn a ..s. SL-,apir" qbse^-t d75 S '- b .rr't + +e "/ I I j- l|r prhbrt, viil Zoning Administrator rNsieeciloru FtEeuesrl WN OF VAIL I orHen MON COMMENTS: I pnnrrnl LOCATION TUE ''i - .; PMi l't . READTFoR INSPECTION , WED THUR\. ,/ { ',.. l El'eppRovEo E DTSAPPRovED fJ UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE DATE TIME rNspect{bru TOWN O FIEEUEST F VAIL i '! :',. lr"-r"r,(r/:., : JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ,E OTHER fl panlnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM f] npp Rov E D ! uporu rxe CORRECTIONS f] orsnpp Rov E D FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nerNSPEcr tlrathrr.t'varl INsPECTOR rNs"=.to* FtEouesi . TOWN OF VAIL iiI l:r, , 1, ir E; E n ornrn E penrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WEO THUR AM PM APPROVED ! UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS florsneeRovED ! nrrNSPEcr DArE 'lt,'/ ,r L/' I ?// rNsr=rto,n TOWN OF FIEEUEST' VAIL JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECETVED AM PM CALLER n orHen LI PARTIAL LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: FRITUE AM PM fJaeeRovED f]orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR of INSPEC I pnRrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FIEOUEST . TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: AM PMFRI flnppRovED ! orsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr n uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE ir.re-:-! " lNsiPECTI}U HEGIUEST TOWN OF VA.IL E orxen E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION ,^, f:'' 4Q ^6t.:; .-"--:=:i)wED (_ tryF.-.,,MON COMMENTS: TUE ..t !. E nppRovED f{orsnpp Rov E D | .' EJnerNSPEcr ,lJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: coRRecT|0Ns ^l i'.'::-' ,;1.*-;,i '- rNsiPEcrr}u FIEBUEST NryTO OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER JOB NAME D ornen ! pnnrrnl. LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE PMFR t!;"'EInppRovED l:'!'' ' ''. Eot'sappRo.vE,D'.i ,..,. /. \-.;. .. ) :E upolrl rx e r5r-Lowurrc'ibR R eirt ons' R E I,NgP Eg.,T , .. t;- coRREcTfoNs 1lrr.2- (o n/- ,? ,4o tlo r\rsiPEcrrOru aET Q-rJ,9*^ o F . ..'-!il+rt- ' -,t+F-.\ltti FTEOUEsiT VAIL I ornen MON COMMENTS: , TUE CALLER ! pnnrtel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ' , ,:-tl' i , .. 1' ' ' .lrj' ;.' iil - FRt i,... .t AM pn/| .r APP ROVE D D upou rHE FoLLowrNG E orsnppRovED CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS ''itDATE INSPECTOR lh. pdnbry/v.l iF''f:-t.:..+.e'^!-..|4la'..:{..,,.ir'''4.J.'3'*...'.'.-{.,-'.'..!J'. rNsPEcrtOru . t') l.: FTEGlUEST 'I. DATE JOB NAME T]ME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TOWN OF VAIL E ornen E penrteu LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: ..TUi ElnppRovED El uporrr rHE FoLlowrNG conREcrtoNS: E orsappRovED f] n e rNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE rNsPEcrlOru TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orxen I panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED (1i,a;;MON TUE E appRovED I orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr EI uporv rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTtoNS: , . --l,napFnrrnNs 'r.l .t .t ,1' .- ti ,,:;t '',.:: - )7)- DATE o rNsPEcrlOru HEouEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME "v ,fT" -".I TIME RECEIVED AM PM E orxen ! penrtlu LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED.THUR FRITUE AM PM .bl.APP ROV E D I orsaneRovED E nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: , ti. PrltJt/la'l DATE INSPECTOR oate ..,',' - -: -.] . 'rt,: JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INsiFECT FIEOTJEST F VAIL, .r.t., .,-]/-''^. TOWN O ,lirn t:;-* n oruen MON TUE D pnnrtal LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED APPROVED I uporu me EotsePPRovED FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: fl netNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ^INgiPECTIIN FIEOUEST TOW VAILN OF flornen flprnrtrl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI-AM PM APPROVED E otsappRovED CORBECTIONS: f] netNsPEcr ' tr uPoN THE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNseetloNl HEEUEEiT DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orsen I panrtel. LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRI AM PM EJ lpp Rov E D flotsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr EI UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ,., ,o rNsPEcrllru FIEOUEST VAILTOWN OF JOB NAME PM CALLER E ornen I pnnrrnu LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRITUE APPROVED E orsnppRovED fl netNsPEcr fl upom THE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR o tNseeeroN TOWN O . .: .. i.' ,i-'*d"4'*r'@ FtEEUEST VAIL JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM n orHen TUE n pnnrrnr LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: AM PM flappRovED I orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: DATE INSPECTOR lia ldnrrt/varl Town of Vail II]I.FCTRICAL PERMIT Job Date of N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 526 $-.....-......-..........--.. $......-......-.............. $............................ lL-pp.:.r.:-.9.f.t,/ s e, F r. eA . : /r,& ftz ua,r Date paid....... ..a..t!....?...f k ,t / / Received 8"..... fr [-.-.. APPROVALS THIS FORT Ig TO BE POSTED OlI JOB 3TTE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 HOI,'RSI ADVANCE NOflCE REQTJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS rHr a. r. |raatrat ao., orrivrt rr0alr rNsPEcioN FtEouEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMFRI flnppRovED ! orsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOB . -r /;; - _- .- TOWN OF I _'ii +\- FIEOUEST VAIL rNs"=4,oN DATE i TIME RECEIVED- AM ! ornen I pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM flnppRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr ! uponr rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER r, ,- i,rtsririt,-\- rNsPEcloNl TOWN OF ' "t'"'*\- FIEOUEST VAIL n orxen I penrtel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM E nppRovED E uporu THE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED E netNsPEcr INSPECTOR FIEOUEST VAIL rNs"=t,oN TOWN O 9416 ,'"'''--:-', ?i'-JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen flpnnrtru LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI-AM PM El npp RovED E uporu rxe CORRECTIONS E otsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: fl netNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOF I rNsPEcloN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JO8 NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orsen ! pnnrrnl. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR EI.npp Rov E D I orsnppRovED fl netNSPEcr n uPoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS i' DATE INSPECTOB o INSPECOclN TOWN OF FTEGlUEsiT VAIL JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM E ornen n pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM E nppRovED n otsnppRovED N UPOT'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR !- - ;.i.' lr'. --; - it : !'"i.,t.'! t DATE i.,.".- JOBNAME- T|ME RECETVED i':.. ...AMlpM CALLER D orxen MON COMMENTS: ! panneu LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI .-* ,, .'t E[.eppRovED E orsnppRovED D nEtNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE 7 rNSPEcrrlru ,/-TOWN( Lr (ila- 9' FIEO VAIL UEST /^. I(Jlu'',J''t lt r.'r /,1r, b ftDATE TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME 6-Er* cALLER I o*ren I pnnrtau LocArrqN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: / TuE )FRI AM PM E appRovED El uporu rHE FoLLowrNG conRECrtoNS: CORRECTIONS ,"t ,' D orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr ,,.2. |/.''..'-l//..:/ .: Z'--" -, ..i--{ _ INSPECTOR !r Fh|rt/Yail DATE oj oa Town of Vail H.NCf,RICAL PERMIT J ob N ane -. {4.u{.. -. n- 44 t/r*.. -. /) ( Date of Application-.-- -fl--e:-- Erectricarconto"tor?..I2,)futil*2r..J*...-.. rc..22-............ N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation 513 $-......--..-...."".......--. /'s3#- 3-ce e_I a fit a-/lrca-' Permit Fee lnspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid-...-.. . -../ /..: -d J.......1 -..!-..... --....... - APPROVALS (e{-:Z? THTS FORil| 13 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING GONSTRUCTIOI{ 24 HOIJRSI AI)VANCE NOTICE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS rra a,., sciarrL a!., orrvra rr!45, r"tn -'- !- ut'-- i rNsPEcllo* HEeuEEir TOWN OF VAI.L DATI i 'Juv ' v -. ., , JOBNAME t \r{,/l(. /f I,'{ \, ltr y'l., \ '-:' !z vi -'' ?.r'E 6E^cf'E., 4 ./ ,.r.,lotr ^Ar I EE (-. ,\,' ^.1 .t - .4 -/o ,-., E lc-cf .Tf ME REcEf vEo -t ,r ett)et* cALLER I orxen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR | | '1r I I '( r- l./ t^, ,t4 (- F R1------=:-AM PM rt,r *F {:>. I i ._t) )w1 ) ElnppRovED p ueor'r rHE FoLL E otsnppnovED NG CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS crwi W' office of the town manager November LO, 7977 Be: Recreational Ameniti,.s the ameunt of credit the Town can following information should be luwn u llfll box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 Wa1ter Ki-reh Vai-l Racquet Club CondominiumsVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Walter: In order to determinelssue for your proJect, the submi tted: 1. Cost data for swj.mming pool and tennis courts. 2. Breakd.own of gross residentlal floor area built in the County and the Town an allocation can be made. This information is for our records to document refundsfor the auditors. Give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, DEP co ana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator DST/di OF ITY DEVE Vail. nacouEtClubI \ \Condominiums I{s, Diana Ttoughifl Zodng A&ninistrator Ilolvn of Vail Box 100 Va'IL, @lorado 81657 October L3, L977 Dear Diana: I am rrritting in regard to our buifding pernits for the folloring bt-riLtings at ttre Vail Raoquet Clulc: Building 5 BUTLDING 6 BUIIDSre 3 CTIJB BUIIDI}IG Or eactr pf these perrnits we harrc been girzen a 50? credit against the recreation fee. Per our pnevious disctlssiqrs r,'e al4nrentJ-y qtralify for a 758 credit ard I \^ould liJce to get ttris matter corrected before too rmrch tire trlasses. Best regards,ile Wa1ter Kirch 4590 Vail Racquet Club Drive o Vail, Colorado 61657 . Telephone (:103) 426-1rO0 a D I Itsir(iN RIiVIItiv LTOAnD /1 i ,/ tntr DArri or; r\,rrErrNc' S&iln'tl T t 7U . I,IEMRENS PRIISENT: ACTION AI)PROIIiD: SUBJECT: TAKIiN BY BOA TIOTION: VOTE: FOR: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: I Sr\PPIiO\II:D : SUtrItrIAI'IY: U4-9.*1 nJ(A \ rNsPEcloru HEGluEsr TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TOWN OF VAIL I ornen MON COMMENTS: /' TUE,I :..'lr' ::..,.--. f] pnnrtal. LocArtoN READY FOH INSPECTION THUR ,^, '( oM@ appry.sfieo III UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS r' E orsnppRovED I netNSPEcr /. /f:-:::7' -.':'-;i-:'"),.': /lr'/;!""7-'jDATE //t'// ,/ ., - l,,t t|lF ftYlva INSiPECTIN TOWN OF FIEOIJEsiT VAIL n orHen CALLEB I pnnrrll LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI D orsnpp Rov E D .AM PM ! nerNsPEcr MON TUE E appRovED D upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS; COMMENTS: CORRECTIONS ' 2/ t ' 'i.J'4'L r'<J INSPECTOR DATE t rNsieecloru F|EEUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE 41 JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED J AM,,PM CALLER c {.c E ornen n panrtel LOCATION READY FOB INSPECTION WED THUR ) IFRI..-:. --: PtrlppRovED ! uPoN rHE CORRECTlONS ! otsnPP RovE D FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: E netNsPEcr DATE / t' " t:--.-.'n:''i;!+" ;td * INSPECTOR --tt\\ -,. )- F&R+lJ\-N ;85<FA.J rr.E\:f 3 . \! e o:ff5 lu F xul (Jz tt UJ4 z Y Fv, u-t! z 6 oJ Fq) lt II F =t uJc z J o atul!Jt! o uJ z J IJJ -zo F o z tr u,lFJ Bulz z (J ut ul E FrL 2 F I! 2o F E 4Itl U' z 4 ()oo o uJ IL (.) |ll o-tn E lll Jvz o.o IJJ tc lL llJ Eoz t), oJo TLo Fl! lo UJ Fo u. .i 2 =z z 2) t! ciz NOU.VnlVn r\\.\ \ \\\ N o \\ .._) a \ N \ t' .i \ \\, \ \ \ uloul J aE \ N\ i4 1$\ \ \ r) J r> \tl t\).._!\\ \r J E N.., r\i-t F.. i4 t. \ \11 NI o = tl- YJ F J \-}, .\,s sr\)'t o ,) :e Ilr >(9cl lJl F zo9 -v,-€t z F Y= !cOF!Cq0 =>:z =< d- (J>qFO ;.i v 3 tt zo F E oItl at utz IIJ \ z F IJ o ul F F Youl z z F :.i )'! F ftr6- (J 4(J (, 2 c z z F. o IIJ ul z glozg .E 2 uJ =IJJv, UJ o F E uJc E llJt =FoF 3ksc 4\> Itlt .E Jtt J FoF !..E =tr=H o z -oJ -l o lrG' =, =etl- \.'7 t7-' ilvsiPEc||crN TOWN OF FIEGlIJEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE WED n pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED florsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE .-. -n,:-:- .,. :r:r-. r,:-1,-1.. -. 'iir. INSPECTOR '$ilcr ub Cpndominiums lt. WifHao F, Pierce Building Official Ilown of Vall P.Or Ba< l-00 Vail, Colonado 81657 Dear Bill-r .Ii$ Abbey caLLed 4rd reErested that I send you a letter stating ttnt Bui.fding 3 vipuld be hrilt in accorrilance with tle plans for suifding 5 and sulcject to ttre provisions of your letter of Argus-t 23, 1976. I ha1/e enclosed a ceFy of my letter of May L6, L977 t9 ttlat effect, If y.ro need arrlz additional infonnation, please let re knoc. Octcber ]-2, L977 Best regards,a/"e4 4590 Vail Racquer Club Drive . Vall, Colorado 81657 o Telephone (303) 476-1400 DATE il\tsPEcactN FrEorJEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHrn ! pnnrral LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE I arenovED E orsnppRovED fl upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNSPEcr DATE rNsiPEcrtC). TOWN OF HEEUESiT VAIL . JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen MON COMMENTS: n pnnrrlu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMTUE E orsnppRovED E UPOT.T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS [f, nppRovED fl netNsPEcr b e-"^-^ qzd INSPECTOR ?z<=FF ZE<u)z o.-ZY za =z j|Il<E *= =< '!1 'f \g ul o IJJ z s t,F2t! =u,lo uJ u,l GooJ lt L E tr lrl o FO Fz z, Irl uJE C)2 $ N N $ $ vul cc cqoo)t! F uJll FoJ F =< lreO =,2 =ql_-l o v G 3' lt z tr E |llo z z F ==i6FCtt4lJ ;>Qz*< co>o ;.i 96t '! E F Fzo z =o F z 3H:ri<F1<YEr2FF -<9.,9 < :. 9 z t-tr)1F<(/)F5c VfiHF;q:??: ;<aza :9<e5F F F Oca <O!'lZ;>i:i: -coid;;;<o <E:9ix-c,-,<d Q> -!')<oi-rrl!0!<q<''l z <g - !r, ot! cc zl Fz uJ = u, <t cc llJ cc J cc F J) F F uJ cc i) F 6 a lrGto =,2 =E=Jf E Y ui 2 ulo2 s cc ! =tr=H NOtl-vn'lvn t<r >ocl !l!(\l z (J: z Fq* i6 9e-> :z:< ro>o -ni Y o3 2 Fc IJJ ) z UJ a r\?r rarrF.Ft\lr.,lrA l'!, UI1 Iu lili I .r r\ \, . MEIIIBERS PRESEIIT: .L. ICN REVIElII BOARQ September 29, Lg17 o DES +ift-euof+-- Lou Parker o Abe ShaPiro reviewSTBJECT: Racqqet Club - overlook Pr ' '') t ,.r' AcrroN rAKEN BY BoARD , ftE+*'nA'q - NA ftrert 7n5'ez' MO4ION: VOTE: SECONDXD BY: AGAINST:TOR: Bill BishoP -rorr{b.dd- ABSTENTION: DISAPPROVIjD: APPRO I SUlrlllARY: Townof Vail EILECTRICAL PERMIT Date or Application...- .....-..--.5.-r.r-r-,-.-g--...--.---..--..--------..-----ts-.?-7------.------.. Ng 413 Electrical contractor..... ..N.eA.....{-*e.ln9-.;.(.,....k!..:....-...-..-........... Building Valuation S-...-.....--.....-....-..... Applicant-...... fr.t *h _..6.-.,-..&*.*-^* Islrlnlhlr. I Electricalvaluation $;';;;aiir-Ji'Fr.te.'aL'56 sa':uf,'@ | /6 tJat,rs cstL Sa, ft. fA. = A, @ il. = tto,d APPROVAIS IPermit Fee $..-..-...........-.,....--.. .,--\ |-'::": r& -'::)fu ?l;l;;,1,*-/ --ij"r6- | | Date Paid.-..-.. .?:2[=.:17 ... \ I I Received '" 4Y :i5iHi#,# ff*::il:ilX I 'i. F x..-,!.! . ,.... ","(:ra*l( ft&ffiffixs$"ffiff |I Job N ' Btuzb,te lI FIE(tUESiTorNsPEcrGru DATE /'/ , .4 / /r ,1 t -t-tr 7_,t*.-/ / / TOWN ,lt l, ,.ltt/ '',--1 ..1 ., , OF ,VAIL/i rit TfME REcEfvEs?tJ r,N)evi CALLgR E orxen E pnRnal.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED , THUR FRIMON TUE AM PM /r.eeRovED E orsnpp RovED fl nerNsPEcr Fuporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECIoNS: CORRECTIONS /'-]. . ,, ,.;. ..r.,.'' ti" 'r,'.i,,:,,2r" ,--,t ,'-f,4,..., -INSPECTOR ''.J Client Vail oacqret Club Job No. GS-?}o Test by i'i' Project Location of set Fourrlatlon valls hrl-ldlns ''3 Concrete Supplier-.-aTruck No. rn I'ountatn :loblle Cement Type Slump Ticket No. F?65 Air @ntent Temperature water Added IR Date Made g_2t+-77 on 28 day req'd strength-]!fl P> ! Inches 6"xL2" Cylinder No. Unit weight Lb/cu. fL. Total IrOad Unit Stress rDI Break TyPe Break Remarks voc "f+a5 a? 3B ?,) 1?? 117 139 1jq r 1)ao|) 6,s ronq q5,1o0 gT |OOO ??Lto 2j10 jn30 i1n0 a tl 'tv 9-27-77 9-zbn )2 'Q ''o s errd 'eS r'-V,' Mix, Proportions:Final report will include data for aII cylinders and will be sent after 28 day break. These tests were made according. to ASTM, PHA,. ACI. or other apprrcabre-agen6y test method. This-labora- tory Lannot be responsible for gnY int-erpretation of the test resurtslv-oEher lhan laboratory personnel LINCOL}I-DEVORE TESTING I,ABORATORY George D. Morris, P. E.Break Types: CM - Cbnical Mortar Break CA - Conical Aggregate Break V - Shear Break CONCRETE TEST REPORT LINCOI-,N-DEVORE TEST]NG LABORATORY Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Gunnison, Avon, Colorado - ROck springsr wyo. PLUMBING.TMEGHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL ag USE OF BUILDING: oF woRK: E new E aoorrtoru E nennooel fl nepntn RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER / D MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALuArloN $ 4{)..f7m VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMTT FEE /t7O7 fA -, PERMIT FEE , t1t,Wu'i f,otttou.o ! DTsAPPRovED ^ ?rp9TOTAL FEES: $ -1,,,/7 - DATE tNsPEcroN TOWN O F|EEUEST F VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM D eppRovED E upon rne CORRECTIONS E orsnpp RovE D FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR ,tF.-f!.. . -,**; - ,- ".. +..,. '.'.^ ".;? ..;.i.j;l i,i-n-'..\:w rNseecrGru TOWN OF FIEBIJEST VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER t . (///tb fl ornen ! pnnnau LocArtoN READY FOR INSPECTION MON GOMMENTS: l!tE,' wED i'-ft/l rnUF FRI-AM PM (nerRovED ! orsnpp Rov E D E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS D netNsPEcr DATE rf n1z7)4*. /",? a/,'"/--' /qq /.-, ,-- /' , r( 4? / a, 1., A* , -tt' 'r' ut 7U o/-n^ t 'c4Jyz ffi-( -/ -fr&,ty' /l)t-tF t-/lt r,, '- 2 3 / t rNs"=.tot FtEtluEsr DAnE "/'i1+ '.f f JoBNAME TOWN ,'i ..:t-.; VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl ornen MON COMMENTS: ! penrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E appRovED fl upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS I orsnenRovED CORRECTIONS: EnrrNsPEcr l|. rli|rl/vail DATE INSPECTOR rNseecibru HEouEsr -',.' t .'l,- -/- _oo* J ' /5 '77 JoBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TOWN OF VAIL E ornen I penrtnu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM E eppRovED D uporu THE FoLLowrNG conREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS I orsareRovED fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNsPEcrBru ,.EeuEsr n orxen E penrrnu LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR rnt I AM/PM.MON COMM€NTS: TUE fl aeeRovED E or sapp RovED fl nerNsPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE I NSPECTOR 9AMUEI S. SHERI{AN, JB. wlNstoN 8. HowaFo FOBEFI M.JOHNSON AFTHUF IC UNDERWOOD, JR. RAYMOND J.IUFNER oaFlH c.<tFrssoM I\IIILIAM P. OAN'WELL MICHAEL O.OFOEHEK $/[lrltr F. scFo€aEFLEtN MICHAEL A.WIILIAMS AFIHIJF J. AEIFEFl CNARLES EOWARO PALUER JAME€ E, HALITZINGEF @N H. SHEFW@O JAMES L.CUNNINGTIAM WIIL|^T' S.HEFSHBEFIOER MICHAEL L,CHEROUTES STEPHEN M. BFEII CONSTANCE L.HAUVER E. LEE OALE CHFISIOPHER LANE KURT A.KAUFMANN CRAIG A.CHFIISTENSEN R.MICHAEL E,ANCHE2 rH€ODORE E.WOHCESIIF ANOREI\/ L.BLAIE JR. FODNEY O.KNUT9ON S.rEPHEN P. KFEOSTEIN JACK M. MERRITTS OIJNCAN A,CAMPAELL E CHARLES v/.NE COM SUSAN O. PROCTOR LARFIY F. MAFTINEZ WILLIAM E.WALIERS B BABBAFA J, KELLEY KENNETH B.SIEOEL OEAN W.CFOWELL CYNIHIA C.BENEON BTTTY CAFT€N ARK€LL CASSAXOFA GAY SAgEO ROAERI P.MITOHEIL ANOREW E.SHAFFER JUOIIH IYNN CHEFIg CHARIE€} Y.IANABE JANE EVANS FOBERTS GEOFSE E.AEEVES gTEPHEN D.AIFEFS OEANNA E.HICKMAN JOSEPH J. EFONEEKY DAWSON, NAGEL,SHERMAN & HOWARD ATTOFINEYS AT LAW 29OO FIRST OF DENVER PLAZA 693 SEVENTEENTH STREET DENVER, COLORAOO EO2O2 TELEX:454368 303 493- 2900 Septenber L4, L977 COUNSELTown of VaiIBuilding DepartmentVail, CO 81657 Re: Certificate of Occupancy Gentlemen: Please send us a copy of your Certificate of Occupancy for Condominium Unit No. 14, Building No. 5,Vail Racquet Club Condominiums. We understand the build- ing was near completion in July, 1977. Thank you for your assistance. Yours very tru1y, ,.,/ ."1irua*..-'/fu4Mrs. Victoria Pettylotff Legal Assistant VP: jd Town of Vail F]I i']CTR,ICAL PMMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 462 $.-..-.........-............. sT!.tct.?rzp-./oo' V-:/-3- ?-Z Date Paid.--.-. Received By TIIIS FORM T3 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURITG CONSTRUCTION 24 HOUNS ADVANCE NOIICE REQUINED FOR INSPECTIONS oarvar t r r.52 Electrical Contractor-.-.-. .. 1t/| ,/ ,/' Applicant.-....- fitoJ*l -tr-' 6u.t-.--.ta-^--. SlaDatura 4oatbtt:Q ll /'/Ltt; ( ttc-rat.t Aasc , APPROVALS $............................ tf.=g d': --5el9lrz IiEni I l. Y z l. Ii;;F IEq?;\ fi; li"rl gt i;tJ ;asiN \r \s3 \;\Ni uN Fa Fz O z ' t4 F 2 + ! Yo u,l oz Jo z IO 1HY* dU IJJ ()z uto2 :<E 9 z uJ =ul ul o F c UJ ll Jt! g,l E F 9 J Fo lll Eoo l|- J oF ;- Lt NOrlvn'lvn I 3 z tro IJIo J uJz ul ,El tlrl_;<\v'Ve o' z<.r 9t z tr ==d.6 9o;> :z:< A()>oFO Fci ! E tr lrl o o z -o Jl o => l-o =, =ef- o rNsrtecrlbru Z1** o: FIEOUEST VAIL.. 1 , -.'l , / 4..-\.'.'-a I / -"t / /DATE '" -: tt 'J /.i i/ / JOB NAME ,,t TIME REcEtvED / AM PM CALLER I fl orxen ! pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE EfappRovED D orseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr D UPOI,I THE FOLLOWING GORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE _ 4,aA$.4 II\ISPECTIT" FTEOUEsiT ,TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER. D ornen E pnnrrel LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TtruR ,' 'r, i,a i WxPp RovE D E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS . E orsappRovED CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR dt uusPEcrrOru rlEeuEsr TOWN OF VA.fJ oare iz" J , , ':* ToB NAME .'LA--|,\g?-'' - '- ; z'# 5 TIME RECEf VE D "':.:'- AM pM ga1-ygg t-,-t.4 '..-)-:t ! orxen ! pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI ,. . AM PMMON COMMENTS: rue \( Q,zeee Rov E D ! upom rxe CORRECTIONS E otslppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: E nerNsPEcr DATE JOB NAME AM PM CALLER ! ornen I pennau LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WEDMON COMMENTS: i. THUR )TUE Z app RovED florsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS I ,-'-dI€ .l DATE Town of Vail H.FCTRICAL PER,IIIIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 453 $.....................-...-.. 8./..€2.&S.n&5- APPROVALS s-......-.............. 8-:22:77 THTS FORilI 13 TO BE POSTED O]I JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 HOIJRTi ADVANG NOflCE REQI,'IRED FIOR INSPECTIONS zl CIient vn{'l Rqrrqrret. C'lrrh Job No. Test by Project Location of set florr sLab-tulldins Supplier l"ountal n ifobll econcrete Truck No.Air glntent Temperature water Added Ticket No. ?q15 Date Made 7-7-?7 2 8 day req ' d strength-----lQQl|- ps i Break RemarKs Unit Stress PSI TOTAI Load Unit Weight lblcu. ft.6"x!2" qglinder No' ? nay ? t, ay 28 nay 28 "ay lle serve Pe servo RECTIVTT.D AU G u 1977 DrPt, 0t Plar rLrrr.l & lJevE \Egl9 county' co& 1783 r869 3loo 37io 50.OOO 52,500 87 |OOO 87,500 Ivlix, ProPortions:Finat rePort will include data for aII cylinders and will be sent after 28 daY break. These tests were made ""99!9119-FoA-siM; ene, act. or -other. appl*g3lre Sleir?v te3t method. Thls rabora- [6i" lu""ot be resPonsibre for anY i+**!;t Ehli"'3f "f:3"8"F.i33H*: i LINCOLN-DCVORE TESTING I,ABORATORY Break Types: Georqie D' Morris' P' E' cM - conical Mortar Break CA - Conical Aggregate Break v - shear Break Byi LINCOLN-DCVORE TESTING I,ABORATORY colorado Springs, Pueblo' Gunnison, Aron, coloiado - Rock sPringl' wY1CONCRETE TEST REPORT cl ient Vall Recquet Club Test bY Project Rll 1a{"" +6 Location of set Concrete SuPPlier l{ountain Moblle Ticket No. 7481 Date Made ?'6-77 28 day req'd strength--39q9-Psi Air Clcntent TemPerature water Added Break Remarks Unit Stress PSI TOTAI LOad Unit weight Lb/cu. fL.6,'xL2" Clzlinder No. 7 r'ay 7 n^y 28 r'a.y 28 na.w Res erve Pes erve RECE!VID AU G B 1977 !ePt' 0f Planrrrrg 'i "-rrl' Esglo gounty. Coio' 53,500 55,000 %rooo 90,000 73 75 ?6 78 Final rePort will include data for all cylinders and will be sent after 28 daY break. These tests were made according,^to n-siM; PHA, . Acr. or -other . ?PP1,-r93?re-ioen6v te6t method. Thrs raDora- i5rv -"untot be resPonsible for ?lYinl'erpietation.o.f Lhe test resurts bv other tnan tupoiatory personnel LINCOI-'N-DEVORE TESTING I,ABORATORY George D. Morrisr P. E. Mix, ProPortions: 5* sk. , jl4" n.ns. Break TYPes: CIvl - Gcnical Mortar Break CA - Conical Aggregate Break v - Shear Break LINCO],N-DEVORE TESTING LABORATORY colorado Springs, Pueblor Gunnison, Avon, colorado - Rock SPringsr WYo'CONCREEE TEST REPORT ,i-9-E'- oorrl ri(, o = 7 J'BNAME At TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER tNsPEcrl{tt TOWN OF ,F-tz') 4 I FIEGlUEST vAf L ,r'' ! orHen E pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR )PMFRMON COMMENTS: gx{{aov eo E orsnppRovED [] nerNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLlowlNG coRBECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOB FIEBUEST WN OF DATE JOB NAME TIME RE IVED- AM PM CALLER INSPECTI E ornen I penrtll. LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FFITUE AM PMMON GOMMENTS: APP FOVED E orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr E upolrt rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS PLUMEilNG'.TMECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL # Hsnnnt< E nppnoveo f] otsappnoveo DArE 7 - ZL-77 --- T\. !-*/L.V.r\_ ToTALFEES: s /t5.F 1t,* ER W A n4. Kr r(Sc r+ ADDRE'' Vn , - Mounra, ^t tl4 ee*a raA t PUng,,rt A ,,roru. 9V5- 8Oe OF BUILDING: oF woRK: 61zruew E noornoru ! nennooel ! nepetn IPTION OF WORKr MECHANICAL: NUMBERUMBING: NUMBER VALUATIONALUATToN $ L2 PERMIT FEE g,Fi ;.E,-;:- :;-::: - ----- V INSPEGTil}N TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE .'{'l '^"1 '/t JOB NAME -.--i nME REcErvEo j am fr,a ) ! oruen (.' 1i ,ri I 7 (.' ! pnnnal. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR t\ .MON \ttr--.- ,' COMMENTS: APPROVED D orsnppRovED RFINSPECT D UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS J SPECTOR o u 4ry+ cl ient Va1l Racqret Job No.cs-w-- TeSI Project Location tnrlldtne of 46 ="g fourd rtlon rraf,lo concrete SuPPlier Moun+"aln Moblle Cement Tvpe bTruck No.20 Slump Inches ti"x"t No. 72Dll air -content 5'l+ Temperatut.T oF. 28 day req'd strength psi water Added 6"x12" Cylinder No' Unit Weight Lb/cu.fL. Total Ipad fthi+ Stress PSI Break TyPe Break Remarks vRc 61 62 6" 64 A< 66 t4o 140 1+0 140 49, oo0 50TOOO 85t5OO 85t5OO 1750 1780 }rn+o 3tl/+o cl4 cl.: cl{ cr! 7 fay 7ley 6-28-7? 6-28-7? 7-79-77 7-79-?7 28 Day 28 Day P ese rve Rese rve RECE/YED JUL 2 5 p77 "'Lii"'iy;;, ;;.*,, Mix, ProPortions: 5* sk. , ilU" aet'. Final report will include data for aI1 cylinders and will be sent after 28 daY break. These tests were made according-to esir'1, prrA, ACr. or _other. ?pPl-193lrejqen6y test method. Thrs raoora- t6rv iannot be resPonsible for lnYInl'erFi?itation-of Lhe test results fv-oEher than laboiatory personnel LINCOLN-DEVORE TESTING I,ABORATORY George D. Morrisr P. E.Break TyPes: cM - conical Mortar Break cA - conical Aggregate Break v - Shear Break LINCOI,,N-DEVORE TESTING LABORATORY Colorado SPrings, Pueblo, Gunnison, Avon, colorado - Rock springsr wyo'CONCRETE TEST REPORT fril o Client Job No.cs-340 Test by EFL Project Club l{ouse Location waLls . of set Ertldlns 15 stalmell Concrete Supplier l4ountaln Moblle Truck No. 29 ticket No. W/7? Date lvtade 5-23-77 28 day req'd strength-l@-Psi Cement TyPe 3Slump fnches Air content Temperature water Added 8 6"x12" qglinder No. Unit weight Ib/cu. fE. Total Load Unit Stress PSI Break TYPe Break Remarks vRc 67 68 59 ?t) ?L 72: 74! tltz 181 :i lr.! 67,o0o 59r0oo IO2rOOt) 96r5or) 2?On 2too *30j+30 Cl,l cI,1 CM ci,'! 7 iay 7 Day 64e,n 6-ja-7? 7-2r-77 7-zFn -r.,rl\/ED JUL 2 5 1E77 Uept, Ut r,r, ^^. - a*,' L,rirlrX"1"'",' 28 Day 28 lay Re s enre Re s erve Mix, Proportions: 59 sk., 9lb" eqe. Final report will include data for all cylinders and will be sent after 28 day break. These tests were made according, to ASTM, PHAr AcI. or other applLcaDre dqen6y te5t method. This- labora- t5rv Lannot be resPonsible for gnY int-erpretation of the test resurcsb;-;ifia;-[[in--ra6oratorv personneL LINCOLN-DEVORE TESTING LABORATORY ceorge D. Morris, P. E.Break Types: CM - Conical Mortar Break cA - conical Aggregate Break v - Shear Break LINCOLN-DEVORE TESTING LABORATORY colorado Springs, Pueblo, Gunnison, Avon, Colorado - Rock SPrings, wyo.CONCRETE TEST REPORT .y'2 a*21 Job No. cslftng Test bY I'{T'^f Location of set@f Avalanehe deflector 1 Paequet concrete SuPPlier Truck No. 27 Ticket IIo. 7093 Date Made 6-1 <-7? 28 day req'd strengthiflll-Psi Air content Temperature Water Added Inches Break Remarks TTr. i + Stress PSI Unit Weight Lb/cu.ft. TotaI Load 6"x!2" Cylinder No' 28 tay 2F Day ilese rve ! es erve 6-??-n 6-22-n 7-t)-?7 ?+*j-77 RECi:. IVED JUL I 5 1977 0ept, 0l Piar,riing,v r'!er. Eagle County. Colo. 66rooo 65,ooo lo?,1ao tq7 JOo vF.c 55 56 57 58 59 6o Mix, Proportions: 5* sk., jf4" a.s.". Break Types: CM - Conical Mortar Break CA - Conical Aggregate Break V - Shear Break Final reporL will include data for all cylinders and wilf be sent after 28 day break. These tests were made according'to eSru, PHA' AcI. or -other. apPfl93?re-agen6y test method. Thrs laoora- t5rv -cannot be responsible for 3nyint6rpretation of the test resurEs6;';t6a; -[[in-- ri6oratorv personneL LINCOLN-DCVORE TESTING I,ABORATORY George D. Morris, P. E. LINCOLN-DEVORE TESTING LABORATORY Colorado SPrings, Pueblo, Gunnison, Avon, Colorado - Rock SPringsr WYo'CONCRETE TEST REPORT Job No. Iccation of set nort-h east clubhouse forrrrl rt{ nn wrl 1 s concrete Truck No Supplier lnounfuin ]'"obtle 2?Slump i* Inches Air cbntent Temperature water Added Ticket 5e. v598ll Date Made 6'?'?? 28 day req'd strength Break Remarks Unit Stress PSI Total Load Unit weight lb,/cu. ft.6"xL2" cylinder No' 28 La.y 28 ]-av 6-1.6-77 6-16-77 ?-5-77 7-5-77 Ra se trre Reserve f ' :-.-, -- " '--.hu.-: -' ,'*) JUL 7 19/7 DePt. Ll r'o,i,r rJ a -d,/el. fagio @ntyr Cllq 22aO 2?20 4060 j9LO 6z,ooo 6?Joo 114, 000 110,000 Mix, Proportions: 6 sk. r )f4tt azs'. Break TyPes: CM - Conical Mortar Break CA - Conical Aggregate Break V - Shear Break Final report will include data for aII cylinders and will be sent after 28 day break. These tests were made accor$ing,^to :3:Xa"Ttg'ofi l.f,5a?'nf; t iSnt ii8 i: :" t5rv -cannot be responsible for gny int6rpretation of the test resurEsff -;t6;; -t[in--riuoratorv personnel LINCOLN-DEVORE TESTING IABORATORY George D. IUorrisr P. E. LINCOIN-DEVORX TESTING I-,ABORATORY Colorado Springsr Pueblo, Gunnison' Avon, colorado - Rock SPrings, WYo'CONCRETE TEST REPORT Client valr Raequet B]ub Job No. GS-3110 Test by34.1 Project er'r, g^l,"o Location of set@ Concrete SuPPlier ,"rnrr nf.al n M..ol.{'l c Cement Type Truck No . r 7 slurnP 3* Inches Ticket No. v69rr5 Air contenL 6.2 % Temperature AL "F.Date Made 6-3-n 28 day req' d strength-4644r- Ps i water Added Break Remarks Unit Stres s PSI Unit rieight Lb/cu. ft. Total LOad 6"xL2" cylinder No' 7 tay 7 Fay 28 idy 28 Day Res erve Re s er:ve 4-to-775-fi-n 7-7-77 ?-r-77 RFC:i'/'n JUL ? 1977 *'oil'ri,lil:;;;' 57,500 fr.ooo 98,000 97,5rro +j 44 45 46 47 48 Mix, Proportions: 51 sk. , llt+" as.c. Break TyPes: CM - Conical Mortar Break CA - Conical Aggregate Break V - Shear Break Final report will include data for all cytinders and will be sent after 28 day break. These tests were made according, to eSrU, PIIA, . ACI. 9r -other . apPr,rg3!re-ioen6v test method. Th!s rabora- t5rv -cannot be responsible for 3nyint-erpretation of the test resurEs b; -;t6;; -trrin--riboratorv personneL LINCOLN-DEVORE TESTING I,ABORATORY George D. Morris, P. E' LINCOLN-DEVORE TEST]NG LABORATORY Colorado SPrings, Pueblo, Gunnison, Avon, Colorado - Rock SPringsr wyo'CONCRETE TEST REPORT INSPECTI FIEBUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen I panrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE E eppRovED E orseppRovED fl nerNsPEcr I uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR tNsPEcrrou TOWN OF ':, FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM JOB NAME }, CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE ! penrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E eppRovED E orsepp RovED ! nerNsPEcr ! uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR /"^? client vrll Rrcquet CIub ifob No.cs-yro Project crub Houce test bY l'!T1.l r-o""ti-o@ aouth erd eret sldes. concrete Supplier ltountaln }foblle Truck No. 27 Cement r;'pe Slump fnches Ticket No.689r Air content Temperature water Added J.5 -%ffir.Date Made 5-it-7? 2 8 day req ' d strength--1Q00- Ps i 6"x12" Cylinder No' unit weight Lb/cu.fE. Total LOad Unit Stress .gD I Break TyPe Break Remarks vRC 77 38 9 40 4t 42 tt+) t43 ru3 7t+3 62tooo 60roo0 96tooo 92.540 2215 2140 J+r5 j29O CM cl{ CH cl.t 7 Dty 7 Day 6-7-n 6-?-?7 6-28-7? 6-28-?7 28 28 Day Day Reserve Resetve RECE!\Ji,N JUN 3 0 1977 "olr",;;;;;;r;,,r*,. Mix, Proportions:Final report will include data for all cylinders and wiII be sent after 28 day break. These tests were made according. to ASTIrl, pHA, ACr. or _other. apPll9S!re aqen6y test method. Thrs labora- t6rv Lannot be resPonsible for 3nYint-erpretation of the test resurEsb;-;ffi4; -€tr5n -riuoratorv personneL LINCOLN-DEVORE TESTING I,ABORATORY George D. Morris, P. E. 5t ck., 3lt+" a;gg. Break Types: cM - q)nical Mortar Break CA - Conical Aggregate Break V - Shear Break CONCRETE TEST REPORT l,rucor,r.r-oevoRx ftsrrnc LABORATORY colorado SPrings, Pueblo, Gunnison, Avon, colorado - Rock SPringsr WYo. / tNsiPEcrtou TOWN OF FIEOIJEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME CALLER .J ! orHen ! pennal LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: '--.:a>-\ -<9TUE THUR ktrpp RovED ! orseppRovED fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: E n e rNsPEcr coRREcrloNs (/ ),./r -,- C ,, (J zl , . - PLUMBING.TMECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL D^rE r{l 1 77;"^"{4&'}tr lJ''-uxs G o**r lA,, R;*F CLrs ADDRE*' ffir)721 n //flrula.t r fr., pnone OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: ffnEw E nootrtoru ! neruooel ! nepatn IPTION OF WORK: MECHANICAL: NUMBERUMBING: NUMBER VALUATION $ALUATION REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE I orsneenovso ToTALFEES: r 7A6* // rE L /Zo/-7-7 o lNSPEcTlstt FtEoUEsT OF"-.VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen E pnnrrll. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION FRI,'<;;)'a>. '' '. --.- / \-'' AMiPM jMON COMMENTS: TUE WED El-AppRovED fJorsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr E upom rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS .:::' - 2 , /. ,- lti).: DATE i .! .')'..") ; .' ..JOB NAME ,7 * INSPECTTIU F|EeUEST TOWN OF .VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM E onren MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrrnu LocATroN FRITUE READY FOR INSPECTION ,': WED ,,' THUB AM,PM E nppRovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE.FoLLowTNG coRRECnoNS: INSPECTOR vTICIilvsPEc FIEEUEST VAIL tv OF JoBNAME i,''**" CALLEB I orxen ! pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION FRITUE - ,;P El npp RovED n orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr IZI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTfON|A , t-,--.., .'21 :'..:". .-.-. . .r.= | ..:-/,2 r '-l i"r --. t (tNsPECT't" FtEOLTEST ToWil oF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE ! pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E nppRovED florsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRFECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR Client VrlI Reoquet Club 'Job No. GS-4|O Test by St{S "*i."t O"t * Location of set concrete Supptier ldountrl'n l{obllc Truck llo. 28 ricket uo. 6Zq Date 14ade q-tq-n 28 day req'd strength Slump 3* fnches Air Content Temperature water Added Break Remarks Unit Stres s PSl Total Load Unit weight lb/cu.fx.6"x12" Cylinder No. 6-t-7? 6-r-7? 6-16-n6-$-n RilCF!\/ED JUN 1 ,I 1977 DG0t, L el. Eosi, ?lr5o0 ?0r0oo 110r000 100r000 JI 92 93 t+ 35# Mix, ProPortions: 5l al<. t )1,+n tgg. LINCOLN-DeVORE TESTfNG LABORATORY Break Types: George D' Morris, P' E' cM - conical Mortar Break CA - Conical Aggregate Break ,- ,r // ('-.. v - Shear Break BY Final report will include data for all cylinders and wilf be sent after 28 day break. These tests were made according-to eSim, PHA, Acr. or -other, apPll93?re-ioen6v te3t method. This rabora- t5rv iannot be resPonsible for 3nYI;larp;;C;€ion.of Lhe test resurts uv-oEher than laboi-iory personnel I,INCOLN-DEVORE TESTING I-'ABORATORY Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Gunnison, Avon, Clclorado - Rock Springsr Wyo'CONCRETE TEST REPORT -r-I JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER tNsPECTrc TOWNI/OF FIEBUEsiT VAIL DATE TIME n ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrnr.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PMFR E nppRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED CORRECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE . r.i, - lt;t-- ld tNsPEcroN TOWN OF FIEGIUESiT VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED ! orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr ! uporv rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR TestbyL Location of set Southwest footer Concrete SuPPlier--j@ Inches Ticket No.Air content 5-0 Date Made Temperature 28 day req'd strength--;r4oo--Psi Water Added 5 qallnns Break Remarks TOTAI Ioad Unit Stres s PSI Unit Weight Iblcu. rt. 6"x12', C['Iinder No' 7 f ay ? tay 28 Day 28 Day Rese rve ieserve p;:n-'tilf) JUN r n 1r'l u"" r.a:le' cc!r'i.i' t :' 5t+ )OnO 5?,ooo 92.OAO gntooo Mix, Proportions: 5* "k. ' 3f4't ees. Break Types: CM - Conical Mortar Break cA - conical AggregaLe Break v - Shear Break Final report will include data for all cylinders and will be sent after 28 day break. These tests were made according, to AsTu, PHA' . Acf. or -other . apPracaDre agen6y test method. This Iabora- t6rv cannot be resPonsible for 3nYint-erpretation of the test resurt's b; -;-tha; -[tr5n-- r"uoratorv personne L LINCOLN-DCVORE TESTING I,ABORATORY George D. Morris, P. E. .- ' // (^ /,'sv / LINCOLN_DEVORE TESTING LABORATORY Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Gunnisonr' Avon, colorado - Rock springsr wyo.CONCRETE TEST REPORT o rNsPEcr()ru TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL DA,TE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE f]panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM E nppRovED f] uporu rxe CORRECTIONS ! otsappRovED FOLLOWING CORREGTIONS: E nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR .*dr.rade.;tbrda&{ta4rjiddfdLdr:nli.4aIh.r!!.{r:fr}ddrr.tta&xrt.*da.r4d:lrbr,.ri6.;tar;Faii. il\tsPEcrtoNl TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen fl pnnrrel. LocAloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FR PM E appRovED ! orseppRovED D nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR II\ISPEGTIG TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen ! pnnrrll LocATroN HEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: FRITUE AM PM E appRovED E orsnppRovED f] nerNSPEcr fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR '":]l r..,- .,: DATE ilvsPEcrrGr FrEGllJEsir TOWN OF VAIL ,.. .i ,.. TIME FECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHgn MON COMMENTS: FRITUE ! pnRrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E appRovED ! orsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr ! upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR li: i .1: l JOB NAME TNsPECfrN FlEBUEsiT TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED J AM PM CALLER n orxpn MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ! nppRovED E orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR i- rr.'i o 6'ry Club Condominiums May 16, L977 Mr. William F. Pierce Building official Town of VailP. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Bill: Please be advised that it is our intention to construct Building 3 in accordance with the plans for Building 5 'already on file in your office, and subject to the provisions of your letter of August 23, L976' coPY enclosed. Please prepare the building permit for Building 3 and let me know when it is ready. Best regards,Urb Walter Kirch WK:g Enclosure hil et .1660 VailRacquet Club Drive r Vail,€olorado 81557 . Telephone (303) 476-1,1fl) box 100 vail, colorado 81657 13031 476-s613 Mr. Walter Kirch Vail Racquet Club Condominiums Box 1088 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Watler: On august 21, this office conPleted for the Vail Racquet Club Building with applicable codes includes, but following r office of the town manager August 23, L976 a review of working drawings No. 5. Non-comPliance is not limited, to tbe RE: PLAN CHECK T'OR VAIL RACQUET CLUB BUILDING NUMBER 5 ITEL{ 1 *- ITEM 2 -. Ladder does not meet requirements of minimum siair (3305). Ladders are permitted for roof access onlY. If this building is to be considered as 5-sio"ies, grade must be modj-fied in accord with definition of story (Sec' 42O)t (distance from finished floor above to grade, as defined in Sectj-on 408, must be 6 feet io" *o"" than * of the parlmeter' ) NOTE: Ensure that bedroom exit windows do not exceed 4 feet from lower level floor to siIl (Section 1304) ' ITEM 3 -- Each unit must have at least one exit door (Section 3302). Slidiug doors shall.not be used as required exil doors (Section 3303(f)) ITEM 4 -- Shower & tub enclosures should be finished with harO, non-absorbant finish to a height of 6 feet. [1r. \Ialter Kirch August 23, L976 Page Trvo ITEM 5 ._ ITEM 6 -. ITEM 7 -- ITEM 13 - Concrete tests are required on all pours for each 50 yards or fraction thereof placed' The items listed above are references on the drawings on file in the Town of vail offices. Thee items will be referenced: on one set of drawlngs for your use upon submission of a set of drawings for this Purpose, ITEIT 8 -- ITEM 9 _- ITEM 10- ITEl,,l 11 - ITEM 12 - Eaves, balconies, overhangs must be at least one hour protected or heavy timber construction (Section 1710 Exception 2). NOTE: Present system of construction will 56-approved 1f Albi Fire- Retardant Paint No. 1bZ-a is applied as outlined in ICBO Research Recommendation Report No. 1883 (copy enclosed) or the equivalent thereof' Verification is required that this roof assembey meets one hour constructlon requirements (Table 17A). Data is requj,red to verify windows are in compliance with Section 1305 and 1304. Room does not have minj,mum ceiting height as outlined in Section 1307 (a). Dry standpipe system and smoke dector system must be provided and approved by the Vail Fire Department (Section 38 amended). 12" clearance required from the fireplace openings to combustable material (Section 3703(b)) Building must be t hour construetlon throughout (section 1302 (b)) unless classified as heavy timber. NOTE: Decking will be approved if AIbi FTiEIRetardant Paint No. 107-4 is applied as outlined in ICBO Besearch Recomnendation Report No. 1883 (copy enclosed) or the equivalent thereof. Glass in sliding doors, and other areas within 18" of floor that are subject to i-mpaet must be tempered (Chapter 54). ll;"X?';3: T};3'O Page Three This plan check is strictly a service to the building owner, archi-tect, and contractor. Failure by the Building official to note non-compliance in no way approves such non-compliance nor relieves the owner, architect, or contractor from compliance, The Builinding official shall notify the owner immediately if any non-compliance 1s noted. Information as outlined in the above items must be resubmitted prior to issurance of a building permit. Sincerely, DEPARTIMNT OF COMMUNITY D 2b-.:_-, William Building F. Plerce Officia lvTP/ j k o Report No. 1883 Ianuarlt,1976 lnternational Conference of Building Officials RggEn::[il t0mEiiilTtEc nE[0mmEnBnMn ALBI Frltll-lltrTAnl)AN'f PAINT rr*O. 107.A ALBI \tANUrrAC'lUl|tN(; C(,irr'OIiATION A SUBSIDIAIIY O}' CI1-IIiS SIiIIIIICE CO]\{I,ANY 98 EAST T{,4.IN STNEEI' ROCK\III.LE, CONNECTICIIT 06066 I. lntroduction: At thc rer;rrcst of r\llri trlitnrrfacturitrg Corpor- ation, Citit:s Scn'ice Conrplny, llockville, Conrccticrrt. the Rc- scarch Conrrlittee of thc International Conlclcrrce of Buildinc Oflicials hrrs nra<le a re-cxarnination of the trst data srrlrnrittecl in connection rvith tlre use of Fire-Betardant I'aint No. 107-A. II. I)cscriotiou: Generalr AIbi No. 107-A File-retardxnt I'nint is designcd lor iuterior applicatiou over Douglas 6r and cellrrlose fiber acoustjc'al tile. The iDgredients of Albi No. 107-A are of a proprictaly rr.rture. Containets are labeletl by Underwriters' [,rl> oratories, Inc., slrr-rwing the requirecl total surflce coverage anrl 0ame-sprc,rLl chrractcristics frlr various applications. Applicat.ion: 'Ihc stanr'lard paintinq procedures for synthctic paints arr follo,vcd wlren app'lying Albi No. 107-A to wood sur- faces or tjlc. Surlaces must be clran anrl free from dirt, grease, oil, sarr'drrst, loosc paint, wbitc rvash, calcinrine, ctc. Srrrfacei rnrrst be reasonrbly drv and frce of nroisture. Albi r'No. 107-4 nrly be applicd <,r'cr rarv wocrl or over a thinned prirrrcr. The paint is ap- plied by spray, bnrslr. or roller in a one-coat applicition to provi(ie tolal coYcrace as sct forth in Table No. I. Field Test: When it is desired to test the cortinc to detenurne its eflectivt ness, thc follorvjng procedure is recnrnurended: a snrall alcohol, gas or butane torch ii apphcd directly to the Albi pro- tccted surface for a period o[ ld -seconds to i2 scconds over a 4-square-inch area. Tlre inlur)rcscent mat or heAt l>arrier should fornr imnrcdirtell'to a thickncss of 14 inch to 9( inch for a Class I flame-sprcarl clrssiff cation. IIL Evi<icncc SubnrittcC: A])plication instnrctjons and flame- spread tests cordrrcteci in accord:rnce rvitir U.Ij.C. Standard No. 42-l arc srrbnritted. Recomnrendation IV. Rccommendation: Tlrat Albi Fire-retardant Paint No. I07-A when applied ss set [orth in Table No. I to Dougla:- ffr or acousticaltile is a satisfactory method to obiain a flame.spread classilication of I providcd: I. Pginted Douglas ffr or acoustical tile shall bc installed onlyin intedor locations. 2. Ficld tcsts as described iu Part II of this report shall be msdc ulrcn requircd by the Building Ofiicial. - Thgt Albi Firc-rctardant Paint No. 107-A rrhcn npplicd to l)orrg- lss fir is a solisftctorv alternatc means lo trclt l)ouglas lir lrrnrbcr to qualifl' as firc-llet n rd arrt Treated \1'oorl {or uses pctrnittctl h1' the Uniforrn Building Code proviclcd: l. All surfaces and ends are painted sith tr.r'o coats of AIbi 107-A applied ,t a ratc pcr coat of I75 sqrrare fcet pcr gal. lon as specified in footnote 3 to Table No. I. 2. A ccrtiGcate is furnislred to the Brrildins Ollicial cenifyirrg that the paint is applicd as set forth irr Itcnr I inrrttcclirtcl) abovc. Thc certificEte is siqned b,v thc npplicator arrd a rclrre- s€ntsti!'e of Albi :\laDufrcturing Cor;)oration. 3. Usc is limited to interior locations. This rccommen<lation is subject lo annual re-exanrination. rTbe scorLstical t;le has tle tabulated iarn!-spr"rd ch:lracl.ristics t herr lttachld directl\/ to sot:d nonc-.rbustible surlacts. The Alti No. 107-A paint is nppl'.d to ce)iuiose 6ber tile over tb€ starc)]-tspe iactory fiDith. The tilc sha)l have the follo\\inc prop.rties: n.,min,rll)' !!-in.h thick, av€raKe wei:ht of 73: rrounds ter 1(Jl)o sqrrare lc.t, nverxEe tlitns\'€rse strcngth of lour poutxlr (6-inch by l2-inch samplcr brokeD on lo-inch centers ),lone or€rcoat of Albi No. 144 is npplied over the Albi No. 107-A et s retc of 450 squarc {cet pc! gallar. rln a tcst of 3o-minute duration frmespread nol ove! equiv.lent of 15with no €vidence o{ silnificsnt prosressj,je combustion. TABI.I I{0. I - FLAI.4E.SPNEAD CHARACTERISTICS DOUET.|\S fIR ac0us. Tl citT|lt' Total surface cover- age ( in square feet per gallon ) 87.53 t75 r50 1502 100!t50 Flame-Spread l0 20 IJ IJ l5 20 Smoke dcnsiS'5 U-J J 5- 10 aPPu cATt 0t{ Ratc pe-r coat ( in square teet per gallon ) ltD 150 200 IJU Number of coats z I I I 2 I Total nri: n:urn tlrickness ( in nrils ) 12Yz-13 7-8 5li -9 8ti-9 I1-12 81,6 -9 Page I ol I TOWN OF a.i HEEUEST VAI L o tNsPECTreu DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHrn MON COMMENTS: TUE I penrrnr LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM f]appRovED ! uporu rxe CORRECTIONS ! otsanrRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nEtNsPEcr DATE ,,'f;-.,,,iii.!.,r-l:!..-j..:;.-::ar-.i-.r,..,.,. ..b!.,;r,;,..n!,. -. -. -."--.-.-!'-iii!.r-;,-nLi,;-.rr--n-J INSPECTOR tNsPECTrc\t TOWN OF FIEEUESiT VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! panrrlr LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM D appRovED ! orsareRovED I nerNsPEcr n uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR lv rNsPEcrrOru FIEGIIJEST VAILTOWN OF DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHea MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E eppRovED E orsappRovED n nerNSPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE - -..-'..--:i.,,. - -- l* o DATD OF MUETING: lvlE[tBERS PRESENT: DESICN RIVI]iil' DOARD ACTTON TAKEN BY BOAfip ,h"/MorroN / L/4 f't,t- sECoMllD BY: VOTD: FOR; AGAINST: t^ U{)0fl tnuta a ABSTIINTION: -/APPROVED: t./ * DISAPPIIOVIiD: SUITIilIARY: Lrn t/ n eI:rTrt:rln- oJ t hn Ilo;iP11 ,J /, \tNsPEcrrau TOWN OF FIEEUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE [I PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FR PM E nppRovED ! orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR 6fi' r;mnru l. tr r rt tb lqrd rfllvlrlr lr f. nf|r g dll L tfd trr tb -L iff.lltf DliE|.3. lt dll lr alrtrlr- }'| r rlr.trt-tffi h pfi13 a}].r rfll r 1r* rJ r|rrrldft b f5rlrEr rrdal|r. l. hlr dll f. ar-c|rl |rb fr llF nd. iff.tm|rur r|'rrlr|r. rlr -l- ltr thf tb .lL. lra; r]ll L 1r;1d tlgq| b ;1bllfilr f1 n d I r|r q|tr *Ll all b d d rlrrld Dtt Ur|lfld-OrnHrtlr. rl. lll rtillr lr l|r rtl||'dr,la d,ll b rrrr| rra r|rrrld ft tb *$r *r tr.clrtlr. l3F.E all b tf !d tr d*L t. I bn *ad Dl El d rdfr rt Drc rr fnd|re. rff df,tlr r tb rlI' f fnfalrfrf Crff rrBSbr (r tb rlfr rd| *!r-} Irr. lG tb |:-* l|E Urrn * bl- f.i f..r a! d r-lfil-. D -b fb ref. .;p b bil 1r- -|f rfrrftr rJ drbb I q!- fr|i -rfclr.;lrnlr. tl r1rlfrrslonflrhrllrld.ir rc ra rrrbn gr rrfqfnr. r cll r rll r- fi-[|r ql.m. Ht Fl afrle ilrl r dll rIl dll n Frffrfrrtrr tlrr dll il$l1t rlr t fr n|3mr |e h 3|.1b!. tr f{ll tl' r hil $r fntl;rnrf tf fn|Dff|tlr rf r rilfr -r S.lb ffi.ffitLr rl|l tb rl tm rrdc ril *tr " rl' dlrtr' r r nl3 t' l-rn#lp t bl tllrFF-tllh.r rtr rc nrr* rh|r. lt lr rr l*c b h c rsrlr xtrflr| l|' If. lli! brd - |r I (pllttrl nfrff esr dbrlmfrHr|' rt drrlr lr c lr. tlLl|. a. b F rt!' lr fnfffr r|Hr- rfttf tb I- *r- r I. a!* -f- b C|rj drf rrrrnffr rf frnr r |lfltrl r tt daa rft tl-.xr;rr|lrfl|.rgrrrDtffitbFe lfr--ElSn dlt ur rltrl b tlt fill dnrbf |! lus fsrft Ii. c&%- dultts Vltr_ Ep.ccaOtf C-ur.)B fl&3. 2 BED 1@r4 C€pDaMlNldMs Feaul WAur- Feorrr..)e D. L. FaoTtNc. z.€ * tSo Fa'rPDATlax) ll.?5 **61 Fvaga €lrT. El{-. SllDD BO 2* tz't lNgot- PLY. WD. @P<. 23.lc.o X la x 3 WAcce 24.15 > t.. 6xz4 ) r^------ rr4. | (9 7.x2* 2ooF 6eAmS Pr.reeJug . 33 *?t, >< z 4 x,4\DELI< . ,Z€ v, ?4 z 4.2 ! lrloo(. .z * ? c h i t e c t (303) 755-8000 suite 611 hampden easl 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden at tamarac denver. colorado 80231 t< l5o ar = 315 : ll90 T*z I e,otv De.<-r< 4.5 x .lzf ,a 73 \V $v-t *.i9 f .O7 x 34 xl 4. Lc.b 3 .7?).1 I .ta r3 . €x, l. (r? x34 x15 x 3 5.dffis c.a{ 31(,.c 4E 5g 37 r5E +^'t +lz+3030r/rT. = Pu. o&a'tt da.tttsaVntu 2 BED AAc€uET C.r-r.)B 4o*to*a 1o >r 16 *4C. l^ee I l3a tTsc) 2-+ loe ,. 4,€ x 3 7G86*/n. 3 L.L. Sobt/rt D.L: 7aA6*/ rt. LL. b1 | O alel ilAx. €atu Be.lc.rrrfq PCessURE = eo)c> tgF (lr_eowaB_e,) CD'l , E: = 2bA1 PgF (ncnrnr-\2's - I \---'---/' CapDlTfaL)S = + P@m Fcauf Wlue (carrf \ L. L. -a Fucpe= 2eoF Dec,l< tilf x. LaADlroq coxrDaMlNlun^s a r c h i t e c t (gOg)755-8000 su ite 61 t hampden east 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden at tamarac denver. colorado 80231 --r I Vlru. Ear-cToel CuoB a. BED PaotVl (oxtDamlNl Utv\S -IoreerneotAT€ WAuu Fcotttlcr5 a r c h i I e c t (303)75b-8000 su ite 61 I hampden east 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden at tamarac denver, colorado 80231 o&%- Jauts D.L. ' Faertuel 2* l5o = 3ae 6ce11pDyaD 7.,'t-S >t. b1 x l€cr .B 3z.1 Fr-eog3 ??. 16x lgx B * lz€o WAuus tz.-ts x B %ra -- z$ 2x z* P-aF to.€ * lE = tS1 Belrrs .Gxt.G?>.34xfBxB ? c4z4 Pueurps . ?R r< . t3 xE 4 x 4. € 'ra 4e- z+1afr/et = D.L. L. 1_. - Ft-aatz loxrg x3 = 2lbc> Voat -?o u le *za.l3 6t2+ #tn = L.L. MIX . Larolxtci CaND lTra IJS r z 4€6 f /pr. D. e . + a3z€E/fl, L. L .@F; fflAx. €ev- BEAgrr{q ftsssuE€ = Seao PsF (x,r.owler,c) 61A3 7 = 277 | PsF (rerrllc) I o&a.rt dattis6Vlr. 2 EED Ee.\z P. L. - Fanxrc't FaortDATIou FLaaraS WALug F@F Be,L65 Fotrl.rJ3 Btuc.c13y Dec_14 BET.ME L.L. Flrceg 4ox I xB TooF -7o * l? :t z4 EAI-.C.4)Y 1o * 6x B P,}c.c?llEf CT.JJB P@A <aJDomlN,orls WAJ-J- Facrnxlq a r c h i t e c t (303) 755-8000 suite 611 hampden easl 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden al tamarac denver, colorado 80231 2x l€o 3.zSx .b1 x rsc) 27.l..oxBxB 72.19 x tb bxzl x lbZx24 la.s x 13.5xf.C?x34x13x3 2+.E3X .BBx ?4x E.f . la<x 5x ?6 x7 .33><..gRxrz-x34x6xB z+ 3ao ? z-7 5 SC. 6z+ +s lR'7 +4 =-'L s7 a+ 21o10/ er. D.L, ..L = ZG lcto 786 loso - zl1aslFt L. ztol=/r:.. D.2176'c/Fr L. l. (-. (-' (|rr-r-'awlStr) t IYLtr. Lalurlxr CaNDtrt?lJS - fflA)c. %v EEApf^)+ Pe.essu"= -tlt**," + =- z€€z p6F (Acvurr-) I-+ 'aEri!3 Pl o "!dtt dautS6 2,5 x. l€a lt.z5 x. c.? x lso 2,b.B 4,€ .1 t.1 l3 zl .1 r7x7 z1 4s lb Vrtr Plas?\)ET cuoe Pagq (t. f e* UaA Care>r{lN\utv\S Wl{I F..'azTlxtg I- D. L. FaaTllJ6r. Fiat*tDATrap Ftpozg €r+T. 2u. =aulp BD. L* lo't lfo€uL. PuY- WD. @Lrc-. wArJ-6 z6,i x lQ 4 xlc- - tllttL x tb 2ee EiEA,vtS .5 x t.6? x?,+rtzx{ fuerxrs .f.:<.Eg xr+x3 ?Eic.K .las x34 = 4.3 tf.)ttcL .ZxB -o .6 rrra i4zlV = C'o .-lo.{ 71a Pect< A.{ x .laf xuo x7 € r f x .3r)< .67 x3 4x3 I a<t 41 9b ?-7{ I lel 4sb 4aa 3?- a r c h i t e c t (303)255-8000 suite 611 hampden easl 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden at lamarac denver. colorado 80231 zc.Olt/n. = DL. I Vltu I BeD o "2 a.rr dauts6 a r c h i t e c t (303)755-8000 su ite 61 t hampden east 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden at tamarac denver, colorado 8023'l IL 780 loro lLc Dec.u loo x 4.{ x7 l"co TlAoo/vr. LL ItlAx . LaADfpq. (apttpps E ?bal s/pr. DL.3l Ao ./pt L r- SOal s/pr. Pnssung ' 3rc pg,F zB 4t P€F (1.rur") (luuaq/gBrs) UAr^q.lgf Cr-qlB ?pm CalDDDf\NltJlAS trp4tf WAL. (@Nr) LL. Fte?t 40 * c'.6 x ?eP?o >. 20 >< t/tAY . *tc Bele-txlq,. €a6 |'-- =a.q E r, YAI L E*e.rq-letrt &-r-rB I I'TJIEPJI\EDIATE WAut- tr=a;1r-tc.3 o&a.tt datttsa a r c h i t e c t (303)755-8OOO suite 611 hampden east 8000 e. girard avenue e. hamDden al tamarac denver, colorado 80231D.L. Fa2Ttpq Fou$DATlax) Ft-arec+ wAtr3 bv E EA^AS Rreuuos ; l€<: 3y tr,* 2'.5 x 3.L< >L 2t.? x tSc) .b'7 ll )4 44.8 rb><aL 3'7 b- 3L1 lo>e 39Ct z7 )1'L 3€ b) 4rtleg. *Ez* t6 lo.E xll * "#t bb +1,{ .5* f .b-l x34 x ll x5 4 +.€ . S )c .87Y 7 4 >r3t9 e +4.{ L.L. _.----' FuoaZ* 4o rp.€x 63><B ?ae 44'< 1o x llx bco ft/lA*. LaADtLJc" 4+.< 4o$DrrtaNS : iAx. *tt- Fe.letNq z+l I o/er, D. L . na4 l l4z 212G7n. L.L. Ets3? -= z.s Fee=aclne 2t3€ FgF 37& PtlF (rcrou-) 3?.f z 4 tl o/pr. DL.z1?J,s/rt. u6=+1a=t (Autawa6La) Vltu 9Ac.ArEI ADb I DED vat\ a'JF|r,,l$toDrT Bem- WAuu FraaftNlat P.L, o "I drt datttsa z.€ x lsa ?.L€ >. .b1 F t 50 21 .-7x 1 x 3 s?.S x lco 4*tc- x lb2*ttt ,a.f x lL . 5 * l-c'l >t=4v rz*{< .s ><.8? *4xl*- a r c h i t e c t (303) 755-8000 suite 61 | hampden east 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden at tamarac denver, colorado 80231 315 ga'7 46c. 6 3ct ?,L lzb 21 5t 53 66 Fagrttto. Fa})DATtato FL@lLE. v.lAL-L?. Qeerr ts€An{5 ?trp.uttJS pluc.arJY DEc-P gEArtg L- 'l- ' -- Fuaezg ?oov Bltr-at lY . F{X6 *zA >'7 .Z> *.c-ZJ' lr.' + 4' = = t ? 1o x 6.€ 10 Y4Z x3 * la- lcc1o><€x3 1E.0Ift5 loSO Cq a€ i/rr. L.L. 13 q-a61r/rr. D. r_.LIAE F/n. L. L . 6+t/er. Mlx. LaAulcq.bxtD lTlaL)s hAy .4ov- Eerg.rr*s, PeesgdP.e W--- zata?eFZT r @P=P (Aerurr-) (ALc-oulsBt-t) 6) Crd B Faartul 1 .\=57 tv/\-ea € zx\50 1"1 ytq-XltD E,; v l1 lOx ZC,.( 8 Y,6 t3'5r 3o.f Dequ e '"L% dattts a r c h i t e c r (309)755_8000 su ite 61 t hampden east 8000 e. girard aven ue e. hampden at lamarac denver, colorado 80231 { ttl,.:Uea,-. 4aorrfl L.L , trLooll lo,{ x tcc; la<O lZcel= 3c,{ 1 79 ? laf 1\lv, l- l- l- >r..* U-eF 5?u\sil aao lzoG lil 4 n(' 43+tL z2Azarr f{or loAbtxrl c(?\JbiTto! ! = 41b-u a/pl D e + jlSf r/FT LL 54{.1 */11 r\,r.v 6ru Relrelr-..rr1 ?n_i:gS.:u€, Z@a ry = ziez.s psF "sF ( ALLowaBLc ) (AcroAL ) Pass € WqrLuFaru Prte D.L. FTc a.tt 2.f x l5(> BMs ,ix,6]x34r5,63 FLe. lo x a.zf x 5,r"jwr-- llV lJ xf.c.t FocF llx lBxf,aB Co LU,I4LJ S I38 bo +o6 8ol ll t?) LL. puoolL- ?,zi x ir"3 X l,r,: lzoor- tb x€,L\y-Io ='logz 7€t+.--lll't6tr 3f +1rt r!'i{ Laa5,.r, h'I { CaljbtTtcr.r., =_ 3f4_s S I I i >r; '' rj i.:,| ? ir. , 'i r,f -r-r <-,? /; ' .1 , (* a'5-. i4 I ?:' *:. Itag$r.;y"g-,. i ,'':';7.:-.v.: i"A.,,;^';'y i:. 11":., .; z3€u ?sF (AcrraL)IIi t Tos-'l,\A'rD BAu *Cor-:fz J et** dattts a r c h i I e c t (303)755_8000 suite 611 hamDden east 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden at tamarac denver. colorado 80231 pop Fb:l- DL. F-ic 3 (xi,r x l5;i; BE-6"" , S:< l,B->x 34 x -? A\tr, P-i_ llxB x'7 BEr-*r 5xt a,3x]4x) {rP Fr-iL lix ey-,r BEc'-'^' , Sx l.{o7 x 3..4 *]llootr t3 x -t ]. Zs Aw tE3e, !5A CrtG | <P, at6 111 Xzti L.L. 11 A,tN/ FLiL O PPeiL F( TL izoo F: I y7 y lc,t: 8v1 ".,-t2ix-l y)a 56ac 56 cc I L,)s ? 34s-<.; lr I 58ao t Loa D iq: q Ccy. ; DrTlOuS - + S86a 23 L{o t-31z . O (ncr., u. ) za3,o tj. A:,. Scrr* BeaB ir..rS Pne.sS c_ln-e.3ooo FSF (nuc,owAtsLe) z1lto 3, f x3,f PAD P( Fau P'gr €TA rfa Frc. 4,f x 4,f x tSo Ber^..5x1,33x]4xl?.f r/rArr,F_a l\*gx1 lt^Arr., :,'L Il xla,)fv 5,f tsen1 r-x i,3f :<3 4 x l?,s- U? Fii r\>z6xJ Up F!1 llv 16,:gx5,f?ea''" 5vi 6)x3 4x lz,s- Vetr ,3x l?,(y ?i 30 3g 283 t"l lp&to +83 (plG LP 5-() ?. <a- 40 63 LL MAlr.r Fr"tr- MA 'rJ F T}L ulP€rL trLi_ u Pler1. FLla It.oaF 8u) y lrt-ctIa,2f y l,f xrec>8v)x /a-.:/4,)5 ri{y4p l",tx.Lt j1O 5La<: s? t3 56oo 27c-i Lt 8-7i {t:S3u / 4554o MAK .-.:ADr\ii Car.rDlTr?ri\ : lasq 4 +41353 Ell-otE- ff,AY <3rL !ef.!,rr..r( ?t:_*f-.r);> E Baa_> T,5F ffi = zs'z,j (Ac-.o^u) I llur.owaBr-* ) ao et** dattrs archit e c t (303)755-8000 su ite 61 t hampden east 8000 e. girard avenue e. hamgden at tamarac denver, colorado 80231 :r L * ,--lrAD ro"- Y6T (3, qxeBc ga ?nt FrrL/L., Ftc. 4* f x tfi. Sooo BeAn\ ,5 t ! Za:'/ 34 .< i) ; zGo ,rAr(J FeL ra l(xii.ix l\ l3co B=l*,. i..,.?"3ri4x ii,i -z-Gc> ,-.?>ei F-: rz- rc,:fxlj,fx ll l3Gc) 7-.At"" ,i t, l, 62 .'a 3 4_ > I + 31 '7 Qc:-- ln y 1{ * \+ 455A rl r-a- E_. lllv,, u-L, &'Air- j ErtL D]IF€E ruTL llDOF tc,l 1- 2z I l. f x loo ia,7{><lt,ix *c>\4u?{x tct ln3Gn 414i z4{oo 4l&oE+! ttlA* Lar>rr..:q Cau51716al g tl l g) + 4t6oa 52?t, e rnA;< €prr- tseAE-)AJq PzesSr-.ra6 -3#> trFFInrr-oy/ABL€) {'2a7 {.---4v-{2-C" 41,) (tcrua.e ) Pt> Brz- ?a13 @ Bl5g c,t= l4r'rcrt-EA-) STltz I\I,./', FTq. t.6)xfx lfo Beqn4.5xl.:3x34x14 bea'r.fvl,33w34x),3] lnA,^J F!a! tt x S,tf xJr4AlutrLn_ l\x? STxl,YlAl() FLn- ll x 15,asx3,33 Frlr. ,ryl,fx34xl€ 0P. tr1p jl x f, r_f y fuPtren tlxley ELIPFlN ti x 13x3.:BQocF- )?, 5 ;4 i4 x 15l2*o sx 13 ,< L6 jlr /,0) x .€ xt Q x o, LL- /tiAru FL. 1 >;.zf x /e'<) tt,t P.o ) x ?, S) 2< rao/nI+l^J FtL rc q._ :R: t -o"' l.=J.-.* t; 3'*:IJ:"il. 1c., xE x 4o - : -:: -''* t], 3l x r] x +c:rc(Jvl-t)zn-E I {' sY 14 x 2cs?C' < G x?<> e-1t5 3l-?-7t 4o* t18ssl nf? L81 88c 47a 241{ | 1- /.e c) | -) r-l tfru.F )G1{ I r?? g.e -7 6lo;o 3zo o G?3-z- trt{.. 5-o+o ar4,-l oZ += /y'lAx !r:DtLjg Cce 61-1 14,r_rq _- 1c- -t\3-r ! 1or {_ 4t : ailil\* si;r L BeAD ruq Ptre5;6.., q ,=34) I }sF (Atuo,r.z+Bie) .&a.;.A do;.lts6 Pnu ii:. ?qt h,,\l- ' trTG, : j3.<3.G1 " r:-o ' 6EAr4 1 z5 x . ix i, bV r34, 5=0,r,^, 'z 5t,tx,53 ><3+,mAru l=--: 2,f-x llx q,"s- - l.iAtt-, =-l 8,f 5x 8.5 x \ I- 62o.r^ , >-x l,{< 2<34 r*ll,r<-'JYv lr L jX /O X y, Li-0Ptr--*:ivg,?f :<!,{-f5eP^ f ix,ixt,-2xS*1..o7.?.5xrl,?S>r3QeP - 6xt3<lt.r- 1u -rdz^c,e lZ r-, I a?-\ ?G3 +1 'Lc I ?,2-1 2- Z-1/c lz ar c (- (- /ii A taJ tr(N rvr A tc; Fq iL v ?ren- trt rer V@tr VooF h i t e c t (303)755-8000 suite 6t t hampden east 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden at tamarac denver, colorado 80231 a. 9] * ?,75 xt;-__. z{ c <o3 , tx 8.7f )< /.a-,-. j6 G31.?t- 2,{ylc:. 1-l*ll f !i< t,l ,5 x2c> lozg i'., x t{.ixa) G5tc v ?-7 el lb L?) ' lEaq '-"5t33 ^4Ax :-oaDl$c{ Copt>trloL)q : -? 5 t:+zj3 3f 3oB{B * y"4g.*' €ztu BetLruq Prees=cia€-Ba)c2 PS, F (Aet-owlBce.) 3og+a 3,33ra3,6): 252+,1 ?SF (acrr.rtu\ 2 a:r 2. r- t PL> G €TArl)- Frzo*" Pooc- Dr-FTC a.'33 r< tX l)-0 t o 41 Fu D 11* ,6"y l5O lLedB'"r ?'t ,ty l.lA)(j+ I3€ rhAl^-,F-L 1v S,r-f x ll +e 4- /ylAri* R_rL 4,c-r3 ,f X I I l? 39-oat -? y la, Sx tj tI Z 6!o* e.* tS,f xi] fo3b,\ . rx ),8 x tx 34 t21 4G70$ + i3s.{{ ---i 7i2)3 hJ (- (- /vlAlLt trLR- hArrl FtiL tLoop VaoP 1X 5,zi 7. t0e 4,Sx 3 ,ir to<> 1x tz, i x7o?-x ti,6 7 70 31-1< I57f GIL< 41 1o ----las-4E * MAY 9;rL_ Ee.l?.rt.:-<h.=g:;l:€ T z6oa P.;ts =;< b: Fls F- t?z-? 3 (1..n:,: rll t 'i .2;a; * \ i'A *e:,'r../..8 --'- et** dattis pru Fcr:- FS'TE @ Ug D t-, Fr. iS x8.5x l5c_: B.hl , ,5*,63x-, 34xi-L'5 FeP 3 ){ x 1-t-,1y l'l F!- ! .1 Y.i:(ll WAL- ri x lly ao 1I1 i.rLJ.. j-t'< iO Tt-ccF it,ix 13,\ lo l/1A->< LaAD/\/ q,cal.;ltTro^ls 4tr |€AJS l"t3 t1G l'7-o3 3i'L ?ol s -----=-a3>> e + 243 63 3't-1 I G E- D€SqrrLg laeo B F a 256{, f (lcr"ae ) archiiec Lo.(e.l- Pnt t_ (_ Ft-r g.,ti ,< l7,i y loo F,-fL 4y e,X lac) PCpe 1{,:-x lax-c t (3O3) 755-8000 suite 611 hampden east 800O e. girard avenue e. hampden at tamarac denver, colorado 80231 lo313 7 at ^-J -v!) to 8fu z 4VG3t fnb( SotL BEALtNl I z_71G r,5 *'8, r" (lurowesce) A)Bxi Rza.r Du t\E.T oY L,9ove FTa 3,6) t 3,i r,to f:rrt>,t"1 l+ xlSoxe Brn. ,fx,g3x34xg FLL 6xlt".fS y tl wlu. gl< yi n u Ei^ .5Yt.b)Y3+xl-r- Laor lf,ixllX lr- Ei=ata lt-:"'- l1+1 0o4tt3 l4-t 4-10+ 3+l e-4tb --_113 t rL Lr* Fcn,8x faaoF 15-, f 16, 1s X t0e > l-Lxf o llooc" l jo'z-o n-GaLo t[ mAy -c4>lr.lQ car.,DtT:ous,; 1? Al +zbo-Lo 33::'! Y h.esq.ct leg 3380 t t# = 4G3 l. + \=sP 3cac) Ps pl/]A: ( Ac'r-r)a! ) ( A(LoIVAB*L \ LL f !lL- . et** darris a r c h i t e c t (gOg)755-8000 su ite 61 t hamDden easl 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden at lamarac denver, colorado 80231 o* \{e,if { }co ljooot p'e*-, ?:4i 'iri::. I PL FT4 3 ,,--1 x ?x l{o Fr..rD .'l-)-'< 4x? x I 5? " 2r* Bn\. . ir . E i ! o r. F.F 3x iZ IS.{'Ir g!r wrui j * 3 { \\ IAA.r -rAD hAv *)tL B€A?rl'r1 t) rlr'e i,t )* -w llol 801- I l?. 1+-) € aa+fr7#-tl r(4 /r-o r..)DiTlOl S '..+t/\t I 3aa c) ffi* r',,,..r;..'.. BP-'- ?6 F LAuua*/AB(E) ,\( Ac-ru:a.u; Pf4gsguL€ 2i +L ,1 Dr-.FTq 3. f x ?,G1 ,/ tto Ft.JD .G-y?x4xrlO Bm . f;r, 83x 34x { ELT'- 4x8,)S,WAL{- 4vBX tlBe^\ rzx,tx t,Gl 3+I-taaF rav | 5,f x t: fvl[x .-aADi^Jq l4 oz- 60+ tbzEr 3 Sz- 34t ,t-+l g 575A rl Coc.brJ1ort.lS -- 5)Sg + /l'3zo FLF- 4x8. 'r-iY /ao 33oo tl.ooF l" x tf. f x ?o tSoLo_--- I uTzos M Iy *r - Beai:.rxlq 21c f 6 * PeSEclIr-".-: I c)c2e p*rp a3a-2,{ (Acfrr,*) /+\i [,u urv/4Bie \ ,/-2-2-da e ?.qr._*.= > : ( {.,(, / et** d,^.ttis a r-c h it e c t tSoS)755-8000 suite 611 hampden east 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden al tamarac 'zAc.l$t /F Nc,IL]d WALL M€^JA vL_tr-T,- ?)< l5r_) tr,r-D , j-.< 4..r li.:-l WAi*'j x ll Fl-: ?4 x tl WAu'- EXI\ lt;, l x /'1": i:{ Sarc $EoLir.-tq 3 ifj z- denver. colorado 80231 Lrc,<ER Vao 'l'l- c 1l a/^L Qa Y rtt '- l- FLR*, 24 iao | 153 */pi 1-c li! 'i r-- ,,i) rT l.* r'*.i --:_ | | S -B . ,rfril iFro' ?i: at-.,9 '., P o;, 3 ea F*r ( luuodats*") l)fG,f FsF (lcrua.\ 5l$rrrg FT-' . FAJ\) NAt'- l- LIL- , WAuu Bq. Wo? wlur-- Q To:'>T Dr- z--rf:rrfo tel Y I sax4x4 rt xix4 r--4>r tl >z 4 &x ll x * l, 6) v ,5 *i4 x1,i t5,5x5,5rR tt4€ t 60?) 35G 1a96 ?() 21o 't1 l+ Lr- Fgfa-, z-4wtoa*4 76ooa@tr lf,sx1,fx)o /oJog ---/57o3tr 707 b* A',4\ LoAD i r-.r i cczr..Jb)TlC r-tS n')N 30 rc Ee.Arar':q a-oo {_--...--.2* '; = -a9 L t11o?,ffi& (o-crutu )= 2120, + PgF &et** dattts r/l€rr9 LaC<gfr_ i_L 14Ar|-) F\-l-L -pqgp Fip l) :-e t e c | (303)755-8000 suite 611 hampden east 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden al tamarac denver, colorado 80231 15x lao lE1 50 lO x 4a S,.-lel x?c> l4oo6 3175o + archi Pa> Fore Pc:.-,l5 EETW€€AJ r!1erJs Z/4 NI FT4, ?.ij x8.{ <iso'BErr- ,;\ t,Au x3 4x tZ,i i-L,L t.i 5x riX \i'Brv\, , i. ,.lG x3+ x lo'FL|L isv lox tlErn ,<-. l, b--> j4 x1(2 V@Y : v Zox 1] ;--;;-L ' 't"" l.': . .:,.. .'.. , MAV La AD rss CaulrTraLr S = too tL + 311fO 4 f ?<"-z- s- /r A>r *c,re Be.ci>rr.;<. pp_eisutqa kee pgF (6c_eowzr.Bl_i1 L +\1, tc (Acrr.r I,r-) O at'1 | z+7 2aGj tc\.1 264 L (' oa Rru, l?.f x I'z 'S v lcx zo 4-l>a-c a,i3*6,; NexT Pef \- \_ We.Sr oF ABov€ FTC b[?a/!\ FLi'l- $tn , l-Lr- $nn Q@i= WAcu B-r 4* 4Y tio 44oo ,: x l.lL r-3+ *g 158 9 -x rs x ll l3zo :^Y i.l6 xi * y 4- 71 Ax lf x lt bbo r-x l. sr x 34 x la 141 lL xl3xzo SlZoj;v Il x 8'f l+16 < <. l, I r"u 3 | r 1,{rl ,i zz1- L\-. l-\-r (_ FL fL PooF I o<)l'z-ooo I rG7 I G?<:o 703 61 \ 8x 4x la X a L I (ncrrn u \ q116 * /nAY -::4b l.!); r-g.,.r-_1! lTIOA*)ct = 11 1 A 3o3cV '.-.4ol;l,-'s- fnAY *, - BEArr-rr1-. Fi:e:-_::,rl.< ,[t tr"--,aTE< - Z{to '5= 1o :+crq: ') F;F o 1.rf,) r "Ae ccvl4g 16,) Q)et** d'att'.s uexT ic;t vlss-l- a r c h i t e c t (SOg)755-8000 suile 611 hampden easl 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden al tamarac denver. colorado 80231 Y--ra l- I !-1 Bm, FLN- Dtn anr i lr1e^r< 1''?5x?'j$ vriC i< l. itcxV4xa-7 5 x 15 X I I .;^ l. '"1 x?,4 *E is i x t r il.< J l5 ,-onDtAjl I t1+ +5+ l3-z <) ^ a1 a"ii 3-71o F F L- L- Poatr 6xlixlc-<) la,(x 6x laxi !5 Ef ( AuL6u/AE\5) t 4 r"-^ n jiae /552$e bt>DrTlou3 = >1 1O *t{;zeffi* y'^Lf *tr l3e./rl--l f-.;( Piz=*-;t-'A-c- =6-cz) fsr lucTunu ) perr FTE. Brh. Fun- WAu- Brt^r tt@F E4F. fu+t \v€37D(- ?,'t{.x3.1{*/So .fx l,rc,x 3 4rr zl 8x tf x tl 8xl\X l-1 .rK 1,6? x3+yz+ IG X rOx i3 to,f 1&xtjx1 z to1 4s+ l3zo | +1aa6 l4a?2a Gsq 917<o (- \- Fc i-r- R-ooF lzeY- e* | 5-/ l,a \?-oocr lGxlo><-71o llLoo /a.fxex'\oxt 3(?.g rf t< Pl Ax -aAblul Caob lT / ar,t*:<.:o /15 ,7 ,t -t- -.t- r.c / L_ TS'i- lv'l\>r 4at t B3*2 rr*t i V; gL3 1i:;;7 5s5?-> b! ?i:E=.:r-'p-+ -'-j.r:.'-r ),-:> P=rF (Ar*ecUZaEi,t-\ a-E'LG PSF (Acroru) et*% d,,tts a r c h i t e c t (303)75S-S000 suite 611 hampden east 8000 e. girard avenue e. hampden at tamarac denver, colorado 80231 1-)^- * tr t-- <' f-C'< | f C'>' YV€'> | F\r!/ \+ , f-TS ': -'>1 * ?.?{ x l';o BM. ,:. ),:i^t j l-t71 Frt- :x l5 t- \\ VA.- il-x llX r)x!,ii( !-tar-' '- { l' 6) '<' 34 xB \Zs)tr :,ix ? x, ti - i .fs- MA<:-DAT)IDg ri34 -I ^r'r> + I5Zo l3 +C' G (';' j\- (lLr-o+rnBLe\ LL l-, ^/\ ft lLEt=- Extf*t.\2 lo,i- < 2x -!O yti | -z('cc) .z- a? o.) 2 -(> l5EaE4 5 t3G 5 526 /nAx 9otu z}Coce + EE- EertaFul he.gs uIL€- 3@o PsF =o! u,L- = 21.-L, +- (e.wr .- )-r.E*zJ > pe). T 7a5-r' ulesl bc F-1-q \.G1 /?xl5c: 'Br',..f"34xl,'rGxvo/Fcru lx,9F ll 'Fc|"z* rix 14 x ll/--' -T-RE\'", SxlT;x j4 vzt.C ..- Gl.'o WF 1ox 5x tZ,z3+c> loo7 war (._s).s )lx I M Aw -tAD iNq riilly icr.- Bea.qlp_11 ?jze.;;irr:te !7GSI Lq-t=r|l rfx l4rloo/4FufL lr->r?xlc<: B6F zoxl x)ofzooF ci x t5,Sxlo PSP ({ur-r:rva.BiE i 2 0o+ 5a'Lt48{ 518 5'LgO l35oo l'LGao54zf_- 1 G11E IcAle, +7G l ai.--'- +-7G51 1d>c2 (acruau) loE-? G t PStr fuct-fr\ WA Lt- dr= L'zl \- . -1.- .- X l5/J -,.!\ i-) .;x,??<;;) F FV ' -t I--u iZ rtY rr wa LL- i < i; x & r:l n.-,-::. z..t ia'sxb l\ etU* dattts a r c h i t e c t (gog)755-8000 suite 61 t hamoden east 8000 e. girard avenue' e. hampden at tamarac denver, colorado 80231 173 aa+ t" F, D WeMEA-)5 '7a I -7s1 47 1i 3() lltt Loc i<€R (- (- F!r! ' VooF 1,a3 x l"-o 14,5 x 10 *{4"_l') l7n 6rn. $n .txt,ibxj4/ti7c 1*t{ 7 +*b5a1'b1 * 27 | I t/r1 ,,nA)l :alDtt,J6 CadD ITI OLJ S I oz1 @n M AX , *tr EE/,E-ltr f hr-e's6t) fL€3a-r,P3tr ( tru-oWlBu€) 33 4i I a-'t r (l.-iro .t ) lCHAEL. V PROJECT C t -- -r\€:c.e rr r\\ .l.'i-\n\lUF\b}.,.||lYrt!YlY .:-; tVA": O CTTAE lA\- z8:12'E x l.'1 '- 66.84t'lrr p=l?" J-- lbt'-?" = \*" F K,. -- Lt-b4f -tlt- = 331-12 15 -- c-:.:24 : l .l j r- "'l tr l.rAx rf hTeet, Eec, e. ll' Fvctr, Btr5L Jr.r= -i.33t* \r.'1 '-'12.4L'tkr [ = iz" J.: 8-"-4" = L". F = Kr: rz.4tto_n6 i 3 4C, ll . _ l{1= 7': ,'\ ll.J Ag ,26& ( iac :- lql Fa' = AIAJ A., PLNc-e- ?ooo Qr = 60rooo {,<- -.; f llir-rr- -: \? XIG Y,ooz ; .3e4 1Yq- tU E-A - PALE- -- -11 "/r-t .1'- ito .c. E^ - FAc_11 .+oL .i,t\!/^ =3L.a 4 tY Ee; Pr t-- = ltXlb . OO\e-r --. Ao 6.O 4t' EK,'. 21 " lo'cr6 *'q = (84 .Li6- 3L.3 4 ) -- 1.13L' . 1 rt.37= t0 .16 / ,t-xro.4u = 1.6s., etta .) 3.o'eF u.c,. 3x l"?3c Drc Tc L\cr.. cF 4orjofEa A4flUc. \\zio,rrr. Ai i.r-- .arl lLep,.- FI.IEND TbE. 'r?R;-':l: W =.gt)-925F' 1r = c-;r Q -zl. = . 2.134 *: i= { 3.o *t'= ?^2.24L 9.,ir.2. z= Yz tliorri oF 'uJALL = .E't. *i -- (1.:-li.q-_6,=x_\1*_1l _=- .06r r''3.r ( .lto ok- .ul au auer.z <ey .8t \t'I- XE -- f =.55r,4,2i= E.o6crelrr --- P4= ,3{6 )( A.rq:? 3.2{z'.F n---H::-ei../SU.; I t I -rt /i,t = {ea6-_f. - A".o.6-A5s.u* Lursor.- i rr"^s) = (. llt' +.i5 xzi ) = .,4,'7e . M4 --Ir.r (,Lre+40.r:) = .1( rt.raz )f :- .43,zlt!. - --.- . . -t,i^.---+."-'i 2 tt.-;,;'.; :.: -:--': . - ', ".-.4:' -r4"._ :-. l$suru-r.ltE NOTE: Retaining wall footing design'is based on an assirmed allowable bearing value of 3000 psf. The owner shall obtain verification of the ++e. fgl b.c. bearing value by a fess ional Eng ineeranics. Vanek Consu notified in wrlting s truct ion ' of any d bearing v1lue. Ava lanche loading Colorado Reg i stered Pro- special izing in soil mech-Itants, lnc. shal I be pr ior to begining con- eviat ion from the aisumed f )rNs"=.tQ*, TOWN OF FIEBUEsiT VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orsen n pannnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PMMON COMMENTS: TUE florsnppRovED fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNs; CORRECTIONS flappRovED E nerNsPEc- INSPECTOBDATE , 1,, , tNsPEcillu TOWN OF FIEOIJEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE n penrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM flnppRovED E uporu rue CORRECTIONS ! orsneeRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTO R -, FTNDfNGS Al{D oRDER FOR THE LTQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY OF THE TO[{N oF vArL, COLORADO IN THE MATTER OT THE APPLICATIO}I F'OP. A HOTEL RESTAURANT LIOUOR LICE}ISEF APPLiCA}iT _ VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUMS, A rral a*r,ia T ;r-i +^'l Tr1r.f r.cr-c:hi r-- -\-liliJ j- lisiJ jJ4I..r uvs rt'L!, f by WALTER KIRCH, General Partner FI}IDIIJGS AND CRDSR This matter came before the Liquor Licensing Authority at its regular meeting on April 20, L977. Mr' Walter Kirchr General Partner, r,JaS present, and the applicant was represented by the attorney of record, Mr. Richard Hart. There were no opPonents Present. Afterconsiderationoftheapplication,file,records of the Authority, and testimony and exiribits offered, THEAuTHoRITYHEREBYFINDSANDoF.DERSASFoLLoI{S: (1) Preliminary findings were made and given to the applicant, notice of the hearing was posted and published as reguired by Iaw, and a character investigation completed by the Police DePartment of the Town of VaiI' The preliminary findings indicated that: (a) No previou3 application had been made and refused based on needs and desires of the neighborhood; (b) The appticant owns and has the right to possession of the Prenises; (c) The proposed use is permitted by the zoning laws and regulations of the Town of Vaj.l i (d) The proposed outlet is not within 500 feet of a school . ' (2) neighborhood Club and the Bighorn area, Ir1r. I{alter Kirch testif ied to be served bY this outlet eastern portion of the Town and the AuthoritY so finds- that the PrinciPal is the Vail Racguet of Vail known as the I t t. t, F lit. s n ti I I t t fI , FINDINGS AND ORDBR . (3) There are no other liquor licenses borhood. and the closest l-icense is four miles to r-t-^ ^^1 € ar^rrtF.! /r1rrl-rlr^lreoLllc \r\.rJ- r . Page 2 in the neigh- the west at (4) The applicant stated that he had contacted a number of people at the Vail Racquet Club and in the Bighorn areaandhadreceivedlSl-responsesinfavorofhisapplication and I in oppositj-on. John Vernon' Don Oden' and Bob Voliter were called in support of the application' and they each testi- fiedthattheylivedinandwerefamiliarwiththeneighborhood in which this outlet would be l0cated, and are of the opinion that it is needeil in that neighborhood dnd that the residents therein were in favor of the outlet' (5) The applicant submitted to the Authority 4 exhibits containing statements as to the desires of the neighborhood' (6) The Authority specifically finds that there is a need in the neighborhood for this liquor license and that the resiilentsoftheneighborhooddesirethattheapplicationbe granted- (7) Luc Meyer testified that he will be managing the restaurantandliquoroutletandsummarizedfortheAuthorityhis experienceintherestaurantandliquorbusinessandhisfamiliar- ity with the proper operations of a liquor outlet' (8) The Authority finds that Walter Kirch and Luc Meyer are of good character and are qualified to hold' operate' and manage this }iquor license' IT IS THEREFORE ORDBRED that in accordance with the statutes of the State of Colorado' the application of the Vail Racquet Ciub Condominiums, a Colorado Limited Partnership, filed by l{alter Kirch, a General Partner' to: a hotel restaurant liquor Iicense on the premises sho$tn on Exhibit nA" attached hereto is herebY granted. DONE this 20th daY of APriI ' L977 ' AT1'EST: LIQUOR LICENSING AUTIIORITY TOI'IN OF VAIL; COLORADO tili\/ li,'ll, I i i i,. a.---------.----' Bv: I [ ' ; r t1'"t 'r hority - ISecrei'.arY o ) / \t"a/ \. I/ AR}':A TIIA}'- (.1 ^/v/(l\ \r:xilrBrl\A.' oLIQUOR LICENSI'': IS TO COVIIR: Swimming bpol CIub llouse \uildingTennis Patio(outlined i\ Black below) Controls-Pool completelv Xn".a; Clubhouse building is e loled; ienn\ patio is fenced \ 'r- ! --:'1 1 l^^ \*--r- -!.-i-!al-onq the sidcs I*- wilL bc f.urther resirici:e by a hedge and p nter s . VAIL RACOUET RESTAURANT L /, \)(o,.) AO I t t I \ \ \I:t -1 nuds.ol t\t\t\.l Illrl I \ ^cJ, f .,acNlla u orrt,i8lo"'t*i-lr n'- '"%>/ N, CLUB - HOT LICENSE z "ff"t4 2+velJ' !,u*at- o "%.\ i%o*o 1;A e \\n. o rNsPEcloN TOWN O FIEOUEST F VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHen E pnnleu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: D appRovED I orsappRovED I nerNsPEcr f] UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE il\tsiPEcrreu TOWN OF FIEGIUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n oruen MON COMMENTS: FRTUE f] pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION *a?THUR PM ! lppRovED florsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr ! uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR / box 1O0 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY TOWN OF VAIL COLORADO office of the town manager April 14, 1977 PRELIMINARY FINDINGS AND REPORT IN THE MATTER OF APPLICATION ) FOR A s-WAY HOTEL AND ) RESTAURANT LICENSE FOR VAIL ) RACQUET CLUB BY WALTER KIRCH ) TO THE APPLICAM HEREINABOVE NAMED AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES; GREETINGS: Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes, 12-47-L37(L976) you are hereby advised that with regard to yourapplication for a Hotel and Restaurant license, aninvestigation has been made, and based on the resultsthereof the following has been determined: 1. It appears from the evidence you submittedthat you will be entitled to possession of the premj-ses where you propose to exercj-se the license applied for. 2. Selling liquor in the manner proposed inyour application is not in violation ofthe zoning, fire, and other applicable laws of the Town of Vail or any laws,rules and regulations of the State of Colorado. The building where you propose to exercisethe privilege of selling liquor at retail does not appear to be within 500 feet from any public or parochial school. 3. J4 lTalter Kirch Page 2 4. According to tbe Police InvestigationReport, the applicant has not beenconvicted of a felony in Colorado orelsewhere within fifteen years priorto this application. The public hearing on your application will be heldon lTednesday, April 20, 1977, at g:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail_, Colorado.At said hearing, Vou shall have an opportunity to beheard regarding all matters touching upon your application,including all matters herein set forth. Dated this 14th day of April , L977. LOCAL LICENSING AUTIIORITY TOIIN OF VAIL, COLORADO rNsPEc{ilu TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE I pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E appRovED n orsappRovED EnerNSPEcr D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRBECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR 2 FI F 2eo (,z 3n 6\ z ;\ )r il \q>.\ nql a =J S\ \r- \-l\V F O Fz i) lrlz3 e F z 9Hlr<FAirc5r]_<Po < -..9 zFl'<' < !r'i .-rih;liio9Xlz-< =<azial EYFr-Oo<i)<Ul'lZiiEe;<o-Eg."l Itr<a> _<on tr<; An z f UJ uJ oz ut z s Cg z uJ E uJ IJJ o F E J tt ulc F ., FoF ut Jtt F l-. $ U N $il t Er ul o o z I o Jl o J lre =,-ot- o Y! 3 z F G uJ -) A,l+l - !Z l=l c \,/o F :*N zo9 z Fqc'86 FEgoA> -z*< o- (J>oFO ;n: 9 ul IJ z Jg tr br Fz o b|z. ts trl F. z \\ 3H:!=<Fg<:lk2FF-53"9 <: vzF IFF<('j l;EnEqe:iE =<oza9a153!Fr-oeo <cl<OlrlZ;:i53iE?3F1F3si3-i._,<do> -(',ssE?c < }:-: +t Ez ul IEqft d(Jo.(J oul TE !l oz u,r 2 v,Fz UJ = ul o F G ul It 0tE F =F F |ll G aFoF Eq (,r,L .E =tr=HLLc)o =z =6TJ f, 0 :*(\l |JJF zo9 -ot z trcq'c6 FG2?() >.:< 6-u>()FO -.i I ) uorJvgr I tcrr rxcu v ,o? f_ .NOJU3NMO I tNo 0il[uKL S UMMA RY LEGAL D[5CR IPT ION /L lIuKL l5.t \RY i ARCH ITECT r FR0NTAGE Requlred - BUILD Gra de Rat Front Front INGS: S ides Sldes Rea r Rea rActua I BETVIEEN Ave ra ge Reouired , Acfua I He ight e sq. ft Allowed Actua I t1 L Actual sq. ft. BUILDING BULK CONTROL: AIlowable nrax P,equired 0f f sets S ITE COVERAGE: Actua I sq. ft. USEABLE 0PEN SPACE: Required io, Allowabl FL00R AREA: Percentage a I lowab l€_,Atl ovrab le sq sq. ft., Actual , Common sq. ft. , Actua I , No. Actual Chairman, Des ign Review Board ActuaI sq.ft.wtJl( D iagona I D iagona I , Actua I ++ | -sq - f t , Covered Re- Date imum length Ar-{rr:a I length Allowable _%,A I lowab I a Qn- -Y & ;t- Ground Le ve I ING: Required fi, AND LOADlf{G: No. Required ltt/ J.u flrg/rJZON ING A PPRO VA L DES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL UTILITIES APPROVAL ENV IRONNlENTAL .I14PACT APPROVAL Town Eng i nee r Da te l.4ayc r Da1'e usE zorrE f, t ti ; pRoposED usE(s, /a (m/an,nfu. UA#, - , LOT S IZE SETBACKS: D I STAIJC E HE I GHT: G.R.F.A. c0Mr'rERc I LAN DSCA P i,.J RK ! i'IG r ; i rc d Date Submi 0ate Submi 0ate S ubm i Extens ion by SecJ lor c0 tllrlI N'f s : f or Zon i f or Des i for Envi ng Review gn Revlew ronme n ta I **ad tted t1'e d of Dead I ine Dead I ine Date Date lmpact Rev iow to Dead I lrre as pormitted of Ord I nance No. datei'f om u ()orl es, of r 9 7l ) v"''; / ! at J/f 7 ( -/0 htta s/ x*, ,tl 0r (/ 4{ l,(x z- /t(r'/( /a (x4( s, ( (trt2)'o r/17 ( 3 44K JJo 1 /(t, L= ( rs{. { Jz, s' lftl),so S ltrJ/' (2, (1 r( ;/f / t' /(tL J 44.2( ?,u+0.7r- 't J( t=/t. = "'"(JottuA fJtJ 4J"- It I D*.*,-t b,u)-z t,t- 3/{/76 /^-rry-lfot %u /1214424-- /at + ,'/t/d-*<.<-,ts'/ 3 et d';/h---<.L . 4&2.,, /t9., - t €' *',/J',s.-.ae<, t5/ /-Zll - gt' - 4/ ' a-&"n t- r'-*Z--7 - rA 2" a-.L."1,-21/-- .1? *::l-2 b*,-*.e?*:+, 772;L e A;*- /i.04/ = sa?rCZZyT/. S't-'ttfu+'/r' t a_ 4:s X q f1rt4-<z = t77, r1/y', . = I / 7 rC"/ q.Lar-L p-l-'- a-'Lt.r-- //.Ao-.f,oi Xa-lanettit : zq goZ r'^- / { I ZL&- O4--/,.4 L4.j-e -/o ,rl4"&t :Afr{ y'-,-L;, *1 4.^--,-e .- t, -2 .7 ,2. J.-) -a +,/tt..... .':v .t ta*/- l- , 4gt * /t)ri-/ \6 ?Extzf /?A/o/ /7- "?yt< rzQ rttlo :/O 131rot- ttt "o7 /> syt tlttlQi 7l zf,trzs- /t^34 I lc/)(lr-(. eoxro? lL ItXzas- /t'(45 1 ltxoi /L Sttz-2o /?/72- 8 tflrz(e /y €at,o /rr/al /> t//rz4 ,/l Jtt2o5- //rto/ /7 /7X?, 1 "(8xqzb tt^to7 1L J2lgo lo lyx rro /3xtc'3 /7 17xft 9 l/xzo lttzL. 3 ? c,/2v l aaZ a -;1.4 {,5-o' , 5-o3 ,5-r '/ ' ta,-f .f0( , fa7 \ . fol ' r,/0 ?4 x al z-4a-, = 4/x t6 <-<+-, ' f?,t36 "r'?, r 36 zr,&iz tl X ?o /f,,{to/ /7121 /, rg7 /El rt /t,/ tr7 /6 t 91 / r r ./3- t fi/t z-- /r)t r/ /rl?o / t./ zz /rl)/? /ty8t q /rt2? I I )r)t/e7 />,rr:& <9 E/t tstr,/5' A@ 2/,(tzt- r / ,t dc1 ',t//?@D :i:i!:-@ /tv,or a/s-/24 /ee 4 /to- tr<o ! , L..O ?c-roea '- :. +9, ra6 65'/ y'r 1 6f ,t slt 7a-, oo o 7o't , t z4 fez I rust=.'C* TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrnu.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED ,THUR FRI AM PM n nppRovED ! uporu rHe CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: u REINSPECT DATE INSPECTOR ---T--- =:--1 lr:;::- -.i;:ia ; ;r' ..ia i:'jr':i :'il'rl{r'-t,:: a:';:!j: 'i-- rNsiPEcloN FtEouEsir TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON GOMMENTS: TUE I peRrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM fJnppRovED E orsnpp Rov E D [] nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE :iijr.rj,.lfr.;...irr*! .: .',,"i;.'..-,-,,* I .:rill:,i .,i.',., tI :- t--_- ._-,r- r-- f -. -,r-:.i.ri i - i, ri, tJ'':: rie .:_tn!-, i,.- - :i. i r rNseecloru HEouEsir TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE ! panrrnr LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM ! nppRovED ! orsnppRovED fl n e rNSPEcr D UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR . . Lit@1aari'l'.i ,,-"r'r^--- ' : :..-ui i-i r. DATE .,1 ri .'i.. . TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL rNs"=.'C.* DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PMFR E appRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsPE.t,., TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I oruen MON COMMENTS: TUE I panrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM I nppRovED fl upom rxE CORRECTIONS ! orseppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNst=.t* TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ! appRovED E orsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr D uporu THE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR EBUEST TY FI N i/,, . OU IU c o LE oTI AG c E PEtNsBUILDING DIVlSION P. O. BOX 789 . PHONE: 328-6339 JOB NAME ','. :t ,,/ ,/ ,.r 7DATE TIME RECEIVE O ,/ ,:.1' \ AM dM) CALLER D ornen MON GOMMENTS: I pnnrrnl LocATroN BEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E eppRovED florsneeRovED ! nerNSPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE .- Town of VaiI FX.F:CTRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 360 $-..........-......-...-..... $. 3- +.&.4..,..a).. ".. $...... /.3. A.: 4....... ". t....../.*.P.., &......... frig BE POSTED ON CONSTRUCTION 24 HOI.JRS ADVANCE NOIICE REQI'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS // n rcaNarne..//y't*..../a.e:.r*=..-.(.1*r.n....-...8td.t.....{..s-. Date of Application-.-- .-.-.-...-J.AA.--..-*a1.--.-------"---.---.-----..---.---ls-7- --- Electricalcontu"tor.-..L€tJ...-..{.-+€gr.erc-,.. a/- , ,./ ,1 Appticant.....-.../7"^,J-2.../f .t...6+cu..ul** stllatuta APPROVALS THIS FO JOB SITE r{a a, F. ilraartL an., D.xvEr rroa52 a rNsPEcioNBUILDING DIVIS]ON P. O. BOX 789 'PHONE:328-6339 EAGLE C FIEOUEST UNTY OATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED - AM PM CALLER E orxen I panrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM.,PMMON COMMENTS: TUE ! nppRovED ! otseppRovED D nerNsPEcr E UPOT,T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ., 1 DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O.'BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 TIME RECEIVED--.r--- AM1PM CALLER INSPECTcIN HEEUEST EAGLE COUNTY 'DATE / '.,'!. JOB NAME E orHen n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR flappRovED E orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr D UPOI.I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE