HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 1981-1999 LEGAL\*,1\'"t c-Lr Gr-do erec*t- r{(r - rq1 G}flr U oo 1981 thru 1999 - ---) | < I.\1r. .1wc'--..-'t\')L rJ r.-) TOI/{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANI CONTRASTOR OWNER BUSINESS Description: I]PGRADB FIRE ROCKY MOT'NTAIN FIRE & SAFETY 3745 E 50TH AVENUE, DEM/ER, CO ROCKY MOT'NTAIN FIRE & SAFETY 3745 B 50TH AVENUB, DEIiMER, co RACQITBT CLITB OVTNER'S ASSOC PO BOX 1088, VArL CO 81658 BIGHORN BISTRO RESTAT'R.,AI{T SI]PPRESSION FOR KITCHEN HOOD .: ISSUED -:OL2/20/L999-: oL/L8/2ooo.: 07/L6/2000 Phone: 303-321-0345 Phone: 303-321-0345 L,297.00 *of wood/Pallet: stfif,,- AT ALL TIMES #: F99-0032 FireFlace Infordatsion: Redtrictsed: 40.oo 10.o0 . o0 3.OO 80216 802L6 53.OO 75.O0 124 . OO 12S .00 .oo *of Ga6 ApplianccB: Valuation: #of Ga6 Log6: FBE SLU ARY 't1'*t*r,''rlral4echanical- - - > Plan check- --> InwestigaEion> will call----> ReBtsuarants PLan Revicw--> .o0 DRB Fce-------- .o0 TOTAI, FEES----- AddiEi.onal F6ca- -- --- --- > Totsal Pcrui,t Fee------__> Pa)mcnt6------- BAIANCE DUE. - -- Dept: BUIL,DING Division: Dept : .FIRE Division: MCGEE/VAUGHN reset only IE,em: 0510t2/2]-/L999IEem: 0550L2/2L/L999L2'/22'/L999L2'/22'/L999 O BUILDING DEPARTT4ENTKATHY ACt,iON: APPR N/AO FIRE DEPARTI'/IEIiTTI(ATTIY ACtsiON: NOTE ROI]TED TO MIKE V AcLion: APPR aDDrovedMIKE-'V Act.ion: NOTE mihualgas CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1- . FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IAIiICE. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I h€reby acknorl€dge lhat I have read EhLB appticaCion, filtod out ln full the infomaglon required, eonpletsBd an accuratso plot plan, and stsace that all" thc inf,ot1n Eion ptovidcd rs rcquirrd i6 corrac!. I rgr€a tso comply wifh thc Lnforlration rnd PloE PIan, to corBply r,ith all Town ordinancc5 and BCatr law!, end ho build !hi! Elructulc accolding tso lhr Tot{n'6 zoning rna 6ubdiwision cod€s, deaign r€wic$ approvcd, Irniform Buitding Codc and otsh.r oldinanclF of thc Town appliceblc Chcreto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALIJ Bts MADE TVIENTY.FOI'R HOT'RS SIStinTURB OF OWNER OR CO}TTRTSIOR FOR HIMSELF AND OVINER v L)..--.\ R.,-<-1 ''-"-\ cL.V; DEPART!,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIiIT -I{4& NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON SPRINKLER PERMIT Job Address...r SEaLus-. Location...... r 4595 VAIL RACQUET CLIIB DR, BIGAppIied. Parcel No..... r 2101-124-00-003 Issued.. Project Number: E:<pires- .TOBSITE Permit, 13s oR AT ottR oFFIcE FRoM s:00 .Al.l 5:00 PM vt ************il********l*l*****t*l*rll!r***i********t*************t* TO!{N OF VAIL, COIJORADO gtatemnE ***il*t*t*tt**ll****aa******rl***********tt*a*l*!r***irrlt*t**a*t+l,*til gtatemnt Number: RBC-O5O4 AtnounE :128.0O Or/Lg/OO 12:.L5 Pavment Method: CK Notation: 10657/ROCKY !m{ Init: LC Permit No: F99-0032 Tn)e: F-SPRNK SPRINKLBR PBRMIT Parcel No: 2101-l-24-00-003 Location: 4595 VAIL P,AC1)I ET CIitB DR, BIGIIORII BISIRo Total Feee: 128.0O Total ALL Pnts: Balance: ll**a*'}il*rl.la***a****l**.1**il*******'l***i!tl}****l*i**l*t*t*t}41***** Account Code Deecription This Palment 128 . 00 128.00 .00 Amount 40.00 10.00 75.O0 3.O0 MP OO1OOOO3].1]-3OO MECTIAIIICAI, PBRUIT PBES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES cL00100003123000 coNTRAeroRLrcENsEs WC OO]-OOOO31128OO TfILIJ CAIJL INSPBETION FEE 7 DEC-{4-99 16.47 FRoM , TO1f-COM-DEV-DEPT. TOVIIN OF VAIL',fi,,*,GTION P ERrr,ur rpe r-Camo N' Fo[llrPs^r' J|tD ' 9764752452 PAGE 2/2 @rffi the Eqle coutry Assesstrs Otre at 97G328464o for Pffil + XF;liJiay:at.oo- oo3 ..',.r,- /,,Ia-o riaGi+{r trq- &12rr,,-. tZha /f / Permit#yaE.'//t JobName: A -J-na-vn- lfulaD.wxa*,, 46?S /a"-(,%rk"* cl-!, b,z q7o. V2t.*73i Phmbhgr, r Elefiical( )Me.ssical ( )ore:"6 dile-+.6 th Altercim( )Rqair( )6 Buildts( ) Artfitect; f Dcs;iSiodJob: Wor*Cls: Not ( ) N@beroflx/cIiryUoits I.imbcr ad Typc of Fireplaces: Ga$ ApPlttaccs BUII-DD'IG: $ Number of Accommodtttion Units C.6s Logs TTOTAL $ d oTHER: S' lZ\k:-D- OfterAdditiorul ( Wood/Pella VAI-IJATIONS ELECTRICAL: MECHANICALSPLUMBING S 0'auQ-@cto$ G9NTRACT9R tNFoRMAnON &S4ft45 Address: =rtlS ?' sbs Qn'€' Dbnstz'' AOak Adfrcss: Phone # Addrcss: PtloaE # Adfrcss: Pbone # FOR OFFICE ugE BUILDING: Town qf Vatt RegiserarionNo. gcctricdCofo!: TovnofiYailRegiffiionNo Plunbins Cc6-rc'tor: Town of vail RsgigraionNo' Ifpchrnicrl$galractot: To*n of vail RegitrationNo. SIGNATURE: DEC 2 0 1999 R.Auate Hecetve Ia-!' al -3hEdF EET =IssiqlFEiriFi d =FtllrII .l tl|| Eii iEiH EH E$ cIt E Ea il L al 3a ItaIaztI t II| 3aItI Ea II! Itl-I F T-c II s * tIt IEl;,*E,,, n|||tnalflflta{ f $**ittii=:z i,*lllil,= I E oI 7B b C EoaIo d I F |rJt tIt eEia e .a-3a!a =Fat =d5o rErE Fg =l,iiti3l.l EloIttIt l.llz lall|l l!l- l||tl.li lF IElu IE lrlatt I ii;i!*i i iftillrliiilii i!!k lhai G' -iriiIhl'O Ebix. ibr U I rlz Ht{ |llaE.l FHiiIil E$EN JaIt a, El, 7 I 3I e .|ttrln|GlnGata' l*,*E,,, ll!**iltii=tz i,*lElil,* Iz IF2, 5ffc b G.al I IIa7 E 3tl 9 Iu 3cItI H6 IItttIlt-lrfll. El-lcIJ ldItlf,ts lr t$llIt iirlliiii i*ftfuEiiiiii -L=al2r!b-at sh!itl air!tihl'., ibix. ihe g I aa ! 3.| EiE Jt iiisiE I d =flrlrIt,!tlaEt|,ili i Ei$ EIE$ TE IFz Ef g L alat I, eaa2 Et t Ill ToftI||lFa 3ItiTIg F szc .ag Itf g I Iat f,tl|!iiGtta(!?tl IEfurrlr;r I E EII b ;,,lilll,, I| E*rittii=:2 t2 6IIo l E I ltla Ptla t E da e rfeta F;I a d -t rEih Fg iE tt:- tl!!l =oa oIt,I2 atl IFtt|lz |lll. IF lelll IFl!t>l.lrt- lF lfuirtufuiliil i!rh th 3t L Iir !r!*l, !hixa ibe T T SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX.3470 7'l-96 Page REV. 3 NOZZLE PLACEMENT REOUIREMENTS (Continuod) Nozzle Appllcatlon Chart The following chart has been developed to assist in calculating the quantity and type ot nozzle required to Protect each duct, plenum, or applrance. o 4-24 NOTICE This chart is for general reference only. See complete details tor €ach type of hazard. Hazard > Duct or Transition (Single Nozzle) ) Duct or Transition (Single Nozzle) r Duct or Transition (Dual Nozzle) > Electrostatic ProctPitator (At Base of Duct) > Plenum (Horizontal Protection) > Plenum (Vertical Protection) Fryer/Split Vat Fryer" Maximum Hazard Dim€nsions Length - Unlimited Perimeter - 27 in. (67 cm) Diameter - 8.5 in. (22 cm) Length - Unlimited Perimeter - 75 in. (190.5 cm) Diameter - 24 in. (61 cm) Length - Unlimited Perimeter - 150 in. (381 cm) Diameter - 48 in. (122 cm) lndividual Cell Length - I ft. (2.4 m) Filt€r Height - 20 in. (51 cm) Length - 4 ft, (1 .2 m) Width - 4 tt. (1.2 m) Maximum Size (without driP board) 15 in. (38 cm) x 14 in. (36 cm) Area - 210 sq. in. (1355 sg. cm) Maximum High Proximlty Medium Proximity Maximum Size (with drip board) 21 in. (53 cm) x 14 in. (36 cm) Ar€a - 294 sq. in. (1897 sq. cm) Ma(imum (Fry Pot must not €xceed 15 in. x 14 in. (38 cm x 36 cm)) Hlgh Proximity Medium Proximity Nozzle Nozzle Quantity Heights Nozzle Part No. 419336 419337178078" 419337178078', 419334 4193351417332 419336/417333 419339 419340 419339 419340 Nozzle Tip Stamping - Flow No. 1W 2W/2WH' 2W/2WH" 1/2N 1N/1NSS 1W/lWSS 127 120 230 245127120 - 47 in. - 27 in. lJV 245 - 47 ln. - 27 in. 't,|r 2WX noda ct 1.3 gtllon. 6 flot , d'|Cl ||6 pbnun pd€cllon ody. -..F- fiail 'lo;r.'F;;ffi ir-a,iii t 1.., C mal; infltnd|on o't tuqc| il'lo.l thtolsh 4'10'8 -..+"'., i.,g115.1p."1,..,,. '1q,i4i4*: r.t3.t'!r '; , o U SECTTON IV - SYSTEM DESIGN L EX. 3470 7-1-96 Pags 4'25 REV.4 rt NOZZLE PLACEMENT REOUIREMENTS (Coniinued) Nozzle Applicatlon Chart (Continued) Hazatd Maximum Hazard Dimensions Nozzle Nozzle Quantity Heights Nozzle Part No. 419338 419342 Nozzle Tip Stamping - Flow No. Fryer.- ) l Range > Griddle Maximum Size (wilhout drip board) 19 1/2 in. (49.5 cm) x 19 in. (48.2 cm) Area - 3fr 1/2 sq. in' (2390 sq. cm) Maximum High Proximity Low Proximity Maximum Size (with drip board) 25 3/8 in. (64.4 cm) Area - 495 sq. in. (3194 sq. cm) Maximum (Fry pot side must not exceed 19 1/2 in. (49.5 cm) x 19 in. (48.2 cm) High Proximity Low Proximity Longest Side 28 in. (71 cm) Area - 336 sq. in. (2168 sq. cm) Longost Sido (High Proximity) 28 in, (71 cm) Arsa - 672 sq. in. (4335 sq. cm) Longest Side (M€dium Proximity) 28 in. (71 cm) Ar€a - 672 sq. in. (4335 sq. cm) Longest Side (Low Proximity) 36 in. (91 cm) Aroa - 1008 sq. in. (6503 sq. cm) Longest Side (High Proximity) 48 in. (122 cm) Area - |440 sq. in. (9290 sq. cm) Longest Side (High Proximity) 30 in. (76 cm) AIsa - 720 sq. in. (1829 sq. cm) Longost Side (l'ligh Proximity) 36 in. (91 cm) Area - 1080 sg. in. (2743 sq. cm) Longe6t Side (Medium Proxlmity) 48 in. (122 cm) Area - 1440 sq. in. (9190 sq. cm) 1211 13 - 34 in. - 16 in. 3N 1JU 21 - 34 in. 13 - 16 in. 30 - 50 in. (76 - 127 cml 40 - 48 in. (102 - 122 cml. (with Backshell) 40 - 50 in. (102 - 127 cml 30 - 40 in. (76 - 102 cm) 30 - 50 in. (76 - 127 cm) (p€rim€ter localed) 30 - 50 in' (76 - 1n cm) (center located) 35 - 40 in, (89 - 102 cm) (perimoter located) 20 - 30 In. (51 - 76 cm) (p9rim€t€r located) 419338 419342 419333 419340 419341 419342 419341 4193/.2 419335/417332 4',t9.3/2 260 r 290 . 'tN/1NSS 290 3N 290 IT 245 260 2902 15-20in. (38 - 51 cm) "Foa rnuttlFb mala protaclloa ot alnd,a 14r1l., a.. datalLd llloamallon on Prgpr +!0'l $rot,,eh +10'S -.--. ''it*.S,:, SECTION IV . SYSTEM DESIGN uL EX. 3470 7-1-96 Page REV. 3 NozzLE PLACEMENT REOUIREMENTS (Continued) Nozzl€ Applicatlon Chart (Contlnued) Hazard Maximum Hazard Dimonsions o +25 .1 > Griddle (Continued) > Chain Broiler' (Overhead Protection) > Chain Broiler (Horizontal Protection) > Gas-Radiant Char-Broiler > Electric Char-Broiler > Lava-Rock Broiler > Nalural Charcoal Broiler > Lava-Rock or Natural Charcoal Char-Broiler > Mesquit6 Char-Broiler > Upright Broiler > Salamander Broiler > Wok Longest Side (Low Proximity) 48 in. (122 cm) Area - 1440 sq. in, (9290 sq. cm) Longest Side - 34 in. (86 cm) Area - 1088 sq. in. (7019 sq. cm) Length - 43 in. (109 cm) Width - 3l in. (79 cm) Longest Side - 24 in. (61 cm) Area - 528 so. in. (3406 sq. cm) Longest Side - 24 in. (61 cm) Area - 528 sq. in. (3406 sq. m) Longest Side - 34 in. (86 cm) Area - 680 sq. in. (4388 sq. cm) Longest Sid€ - 24 in. (61 cm) Area - 312 sa. in. (201 3 sq. cm) Longest Side - 24 in. (61 cm) Area - 288 sq. in. (1858 sq. cm) Longest Sids - 30 in. (76 cm) Area - 720 sq. in. (4645 sq. cm) Longest Sid€ - 30 in. (76 cm) Area - 720 sq. in. (4645 sq. cm) Length - 32,5 in. (82.5 cm) Width - 30 in. (76 cm) Length - 32.5 in. (82.5 cm) Width - 30 in. (76 cm) 14 in. - 30 in. (36 - 76 cm) Dlam€ter 3.75 - 8.0 in. (9.5 - 20 cm) Deep 11 in. - 18 in. (28 - 46 cm) Diameter 3.0 - 5.0 in. (7.6 - 13 cm) Deep 11 in. - 24in.(28 - 61 cm) Diameter 3,0 - 6.0 in, (8 - 15.2 cm) Deep 1 10 - 20in. (2s - 51 cm) (perimeter located) 2 10 -26in. (25 - 66 cm) 2 1-3in' (3 - 8 cm) 1 18 - 40 in. (46 - 102 cm) 1 26 - 40in. (66 - 102 cm) 1 20 - 50 in. (51 - 127 cm) 1 t8 - 35 in. (46 - 89 cm) 1 .18 - 40 in. (46 - 102 cm) 1 14 - 40in. (36 - 102 cm) 1 14 - 40 in. (36 - 102 cm) z- 2- 1 35-45in. (89 - 114 cm) Nozzle Nozzle Quantity Heights Nozzle Part No. 419343 419336/417333 419335/41 7332 419340 419335/417332 4't93351417332 4193351417332 4193351417332 419338 419338 419334 419334 419341 419335/417332 Nozzle Tip Stamping - Flow No. 1 35 - 40in. (89 - 102 cm) 2120 IW/lWSS 1N/1NSS 245 1N/1Nss 1N/1NSS 1N/1NSS 1N/1NSS 3N 3N 1i2N 1/2N 260 1N/lNSS 35 in. (89 cm) 419335/417il12 1N/lNSS $ lnc. @\ffih ocky Mountain Fire and SafetyFI DATE I}TEORPOITf,TED L0/0L/85 Colorado Michael H. Larned - PresidenE Marla w. Larned - Vice PresidenE 3745 EAST SOTH AVENUE . OENVEF, CO 80E16 (3031 321-0345 . FAX (303) 321-12s,2. 1 800-287-310S CREDIT I]IrFORIIATTON BITLI}TG INFORIIATION PO Box 810 Cosunerce City, CO 80037 OFFFICERS: FEDERIA.L ID#: 84-1001-338 BAIIK REFERENCES:Norxrests Banks 1740 Broadway Denver, CO 80274 3 03 /85',1- 8811Contract: Ron Sieg1e AccounE #].0]-8L72924 SEIP TO ADDRASS 3745 East 50Eh Ave Denver, CO 802LG 80422 TRADE REEEREICBS: AI4EREX CORPORATION PO Box 81Trussville, AL 35L73 205 / 655-327r 800/654-5980 FA)C BROOKS EQUIPMENT COMPAIIT PO Drawer 560685charlor,te, Nc 28256-0580 704/596-9438 704/s96-L9G3 Fru( GRIF-FAB CORPORATION 5350 Neq)orE St Conunerce City, CO 303 /287 -25s2 3O3/287-0283 FAjC VIKING SI'PPLY NET 625 E Watkins St Phoenix, AZ 85004 800/366-L727 602/252-4349 FA:C /tltt ^- /-o G y/ - - .,u,rs. / 7t- P'u t'/' EVALUATION REPORT Copyright O 1996 lCEO Evaluation Service, Inc. Filing Category: 0ESlGtl--Concrele (038) Officia Report No. i1572 Reissued January l, 1.996 b. Pa;@ one otthe lollowing: (fln-ui.ut allowable axal load ol 1,500 pounds per toot length ot ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc 5360 WORKMAN MILL ROAD o A subsidiary corPration of the cOxFoRMO SMARTBLOCKru POLYSTYREHE F(]RiIS F()R REINFORCEO CONCRETE WALLS AiIERICAH C()NF()RM IHt)USTRIES, IHC. 1820 SOUTH SANTA FE STSEFT sAfiTA AilA, CALIFoRNIA 92705 l. Sublcct: ConFormo SmartBlockn Polystyrene Forms for Beinforced Concrete walls, ll. Dascrlptlon: A. Gonsral: The ConForm SmartBlock concrete lorm wall w$em conststs ol expanded polystyrene units which serve as insulation an0 lorms lor load-bearing and n onload -bearingrvalls' .snear walls, basement walls, retaining walls and loundation walls The unltsaro mintiticrureo in two basic typea, Standard Forms (SF series) and Variabls #itr-tr ?i,mirvwr senes), ine face shell thickneis ol the iorms is 131 inches lor the SF series and 2 or 2116 inches lor the VWF series' The SF series units are 10 inches high by 10 inches wide by 40 inches lono wilh tongue-and-groove anachment at the top and bonom when iiio up, tne units lorm 7rl2'inch by 61/2-incn rectanqular vertical cores at f O-inines on center and-6r/z'inch bt 61/1-inch rectangular.horizontal iores at 10 inches on center. The torm units remain in place after senino oi tire concrete and must be protected by approved intsrior and exterior finish materials. The \A,VF series units are 10 or 12 inches hiOh by 40 inches 10fl0 and have vanable widlhs depending on the thickness ot the linished concreto wall. which is from 33/+ to 73la inches. The ton0uF-and'qroove.unils aro inirt on*.tto *ittr potypropitene bridge inserts. See Figures Nos' 1' 2 and 3 lor further dstails. B.llahrlal: 1. Conlorm Unhs:ConForm's SmarlBlock units are molded lrom exDanded gotvstyrene b$ds manulactured by EASF Corpontion ilrtn-cis) or nrjntsmin Chemical Corporatjon (NEB-384), having a den' ilw of t.s io 2.0 pounds per cubic footwith a maxjmum tlamFspread rat' ind anO smote-densry ntng ol 25 and 450, respectively, when tested in aiordance with U.B.C. Standard 8'1' 2. Conffttt: Concrete with 3/s'inch aggregate lor both the SF and tho VWF serles has a minimum compressive strength ol 2,000 pounds per square inch. 3. Rcinlorcomrnt: Walls are reinlorced with minimum No 4 delorrned lan coniorming with ASTM A 615'87, A 616'87, A 617.-87 or A706-86, t'auing a mininium yield stlength of 40'Q!0-qsi or-No!. 5, 6-and 7 oetJrfreO bars conto?mins with ASTM A 61$87, A616'87' A 6.17'87 or A 706-86, having minimum yield nrength ol 60'Ct00 pci. 4. olhln Wood members lor plates oI windofl and door famin0 aro preservatrv$ treate d lumber secured in placg with ga/vanized anchor bons. C- Ocslgn: 1. \/WF Scrtcr: Concrete walls usin-g ths Variablo. Width Foim seriei units are designed in accordanca with Chapter 19 ol th€ Uni' form Building Code. 2. SF Srrtar: Concrete walls using the Standard Form series units aro desiqfled in accordanc! with the lollowin0 requirements: a. Structures are limited to maximum two Storios or maximum one basement and one story and maximum 1$loot unsupported wall heights' wHtTTl ER, CALIFORNIA 90601 -2299 lnternational Conference of wall. (2) Maximum toul rool live and dead load of 50 ps1, maxjmum tolal flo;livtand dead load oi 50 psf and muimum bearino wall spadng ol tn fprl c. Parameter for determining allowable transvers€ wind load is one ol ' he lollowing: l1) Walls mav be constructed in areas wtth maximum basic wind speed of icjO mites per hour, Exposure C as defned in Sestion 1614 olthe code' iiwiOeO ve*cat and horizonul reinforcement is No' 4 bars at maxjmum 10 inches on center. (2) Moments and shear do not exceed allowable values in Tables I and 2. 3. Wall openinos are vertically and horizontalty reintorced wilh two No' 5 bars extendino 24 i0ches beyond tho corners' 4. Roofs and lloors are anchored and supgorted at the wall in accor' Oance witti Section l6l l ot the code. See Fgura 4 for typical details' 5. Allowable in'plane shear capacrty is 4,800 pounds per linear toot Uuimuii wai nei6nt to width ratio is 2.5:1 with a minlmum sheat wall length of 4 feet. 6. Anchonge to foundation com plies with Section 1915'8 ot the code' D. lntrrlor Flnlsh: Walls must be finished on the interior wilh.r/2-inch' tr'iii' gypium *allboard mechanically atlached' using- *ll-lapping iirr*s.i'o rtlr-inch-wide, No. 26 ga0e galvanized steel (0 017$inch) 0r N;, t;';; r'o.oi'itlt'l aiuminuri strips secured io concrete with 16d nJis. tfie iaii are insened into holes in the meul strip, pushed through the conform unit and are secureC with speed washers to prsvent wrth- drawal until th6 concret8 has sst. Spacin0 ol anchor plates ano E$eners ind insullaion of the gypsum wallboardhust comply wrth Sectjon 25'11 oiine coOe. Gypsum -Ooard must also be atached to window and door lrames. E. Ertcrlor Flnlrh: Walls are covered on the exterior wilh a wsther-re- sisiive iovering in iccordance with the code and/or an evaluation report SuluUls nnistt;s include, but are no! limited to: ST0 Corp' ff-wall finish rr'iiirliiiii nr-pi,ii Ho. i6izl, sTo corp. sTo trderior wall Fnish (Evalu- )ibniiio6rt lt6. s906) and Unrversal Paint Prod-ucts c-ompanv Th€rm-A' iiilxilo, Wati rtish (Enaluation Report No' 4372) Enenor.wall cover' ird tt]-tt i. ".oOnizsd'in inoividuat waluaion reports lor ths rEquirEd design wind pressures. F. -Foundrtlon Wrlb: See Fgures 5 and 6 lor typicai loundation walls constructed wilh sF series units. G. Rrhlntng Wrllt: The walls may be used as retainin^g walls-witi rein- f.;;;;ti;;"1;;o'iirsv ato otsisnid in accordance with accepted ensF nLrinO pn,ic,pres. Set iables 4, 6 and S lor reinlorcing requiremefits' H. B[omrnt Wallr: ConForm Sman8lock units may bo used for baso- riit *iric. wiri-'i ir,i ii ieries unfG ars used, the base ment is considered rh; firn $ory olthe two-story limitrtion specilied in Section ll C-2-a Ses i.-urri f , f .ito z tor reinforcing requiremints' Waterproofing and damp- pi6onno dr u.srment walls muit be in accordancs wilh Appondix unapler uildin Ewtuatiott Eporct ol I CBO EvoJuzrion ScnXc, Inc- w ittucd nkl to prcvi& infonstion u CIas A ntnbqt of I CB O' vtiliint'h" *:f: -:yh thc npn k fur.d. Eyolaarran rcpont sc not o br .onsrnrcd os "rprtantui oanairi o, on1 oll..r s.Sribulat ,rol tpccifvolJy oldrascd nor at tn cndoncmtnl or ftcottmtn' &tion tor ut ol thc tubi.ct nPorL This rcpon i bastd upon indcp<ndcnr .G'B or olh.r,.rhniael deU rubaiAcrt $ llv applfue* T7v \CEO Evoluation Scnitc' Int'' tcthniczf Uf has txtiod tht ttl.ctulttanalorotherdat4budoctnotPostlttcnllcittitt'o^ot'o^l'iip'Ji*q**ry:',.1:1,yy,l!r::t^:,:,:ffiX:T::,2ffi8.ktl .ctullt and/or othu dal4 bu doct not Postrt ,6r lecuttrtt to 'no&t c'r tno'l'M'u '3' v*4'- ,i* tit,i*r, t"t it not timil.d to, m.rch4nlab*. ;;;;l;4;;" tr, " Findinl" or oth.r nlJa.t h th. rrPofl or rt 'o attt Prcduct cowrd b' 'ht nPort Thit ditc k I .Page 2 ol 10 Report No. ,1572 ii'it tne cooe ano the manufadurer's insttuctions. Products to be used ioi waterproofing are Sealtight Mel-Rol.wderprooting -and liquid mem- L. ldrntlllcalion: Each package beam a label notlno the product name' address ol the manufacturer, tlamFsgfead and smoke-density ctings i.anl *if'norf prihers or mi$ics manulaclured by W. R. Meadows Inc', rr rfenny Ho. 1b7 asphaft emulsion manutactured by Henry Comparry or olvouird 650 wrthour primers manufactured by Polyguard Products' Inc. See Figures 7 and 8lor further details. l. Cnrl Spaccs: ConForm units exposed to the inside may be used for walls forminb u nderlloor crawl spaces, con0ngent on the following c0ndi- tio ns: 1. Entry to the cnwl space is only to service utilitjes. 2. There are no inlerconnected basement areas' 3. Airinthecrawl spac€is notcirculated to other parts ofthe buildin0. 4. Ventilation complies with Section 2317.17 ol the cod8. 5. Block units exposed to cawl spaces are limited to those manufac' tured with BASF Styropor or Hunlsman upandable pofystyrene beads' J. Fln-r!sistlyc Conslrucllon: Concrete wdls constructed qith WF ,rnri ljlr-,n.tt:tnici and 73/r-inch-thick units, with one layer of 1/2'inch- ilrci ons'rt *.rlboard anacired as noted in Section ll D, are recoonized lor fir* resisttve ctings of up 10 4 h0urs. K sp!clal Inlprstlon: Speclal inspection is required as noted in Sec' tons r?Of :. f ano t ZOt .S.l ol the code al the bme ol placing of teinlorc' ino steet anO pouring ol concrete. The inspector is req-u.ired to inspect polrinO anO c6nsotidation ol concrsle to ensure groper filling of voids at lach level, sincf, the torms temain permanently in plac8. Takjno of test specimens for stem wall foundation construction as noted in Figure 5 is not necessary. When approved by the building otficial' special inspection is n0l neces' sarv for in$alla!on ol sinqle-story, maxjmum 8'f00t'high walls nousln0 6iolo n. Oiuislon g or Group U, Dlvision t Occupancies' provided lhe fol' lowino conditions are met: a- Maximum height ol individual concrete pour is 48 inches' b. Inslallation is by trained instrllers approved by the manufacturer' c. Half the allowable design str?sses ar0 usod for the desi0n ol the walls' and the name and logo 0f the quality cofitrol a0ency, Underwnters Labora' t0nes lnc. lll. Evldanc! Submltt!d: Calculatlons and suuctural debils, reports ol tests in accotdance with applicable portrons of the lCBo ES- Acceptance Cnleria for Foam Plaslic lns ulatio n dated January 1995, and Concrste and Concre'te Masonry Wall Systems dated June 1987' reports ol fire tesls in iCcordance with U.8.C. Standards 7'1 and 26-3, and a quality control manual. Findings lV. Flndlnos: nat tir ConForm'rG Smart8locll unib dasrrlbrd In ttr is nport comply with thr 1994 lJnilom Euildlng Codr'!, tllbirst t0 $r lo llowing cond ltlont: 1. Tlrry an manulaclund' ldrntlliod rnd Inrtallcd In rccordanm rltd th! manutastunr't Inrlrucllont and lhit r!p0rl' 2. Walls u3in0 th. SF srrilt torms rn llmitld to tro{tory or mrd' ' mum on! 6aranrnt and 0nldorY 3trustlrrt rith I mulmum uniupp0rbd rall hllghl ol 10 h!1. -3. Walls utinolh! lorm3 an conridcnd combustlblt conrlrusllon' l. Phnr .nd ralculatlont an tubminrd lor bulldlng dlgarlmlnt !0orova I tor !ach 3tructum, !rccpt thal calculatlont n!!d 0ol br ri[mnrcl whrn using tht VWF rrri!3 vallt rr lourdatloE l0r stud blarlng walls ar notsd h Tablt 18'A ol $r cod'' F 5. Thr lorms .n srpamt!d lrom thr bulldlng lBtrrlor.rllh mltl-- mum 1/z-lnch'thtdt noular gm$lm uallbo'rd Intlrllrd lt ttt lorth ln lhlt nPorl. 6. Spcclal Insprsllon ts pmvld rd l0 acrordanc! Yllh Scstlon ll K ol tfilt nPorl. 7. Tta unttr rn manufacurud In Santi tna, C'llfomlr' uld" I quallty Eontml pmgram Ylth lnrpoctlonr by Undtilrlt!rr Labo- nlorl.r Inc. (HER'O.&I(B). Ilk nport lr erblcslrd to n'6remln'llon In tro ycan' st collvEFSlONS 0.02 inch = 0.51 ruu fr itrh. lO om ,if2 rlrcn = l/. / qlm -I1 iocba ' 38 oq lJ/. iocbc5 = 44J nrm 2 irbcs - 5l mra 2llr iDch6 - 54 rDm Jllr irchcs = 95 rllru 5l/r iochcs - 146 mrn 6l/rlmlcs. tS9 --Ol4 ir*trcs = t0S o.o ?l/2 i_rcb6 = 19l oll| 7ll. inchca = 197 fiuD l0 i!rb6 ' 254 nm 12 iactrcr . 105 nm TO i".t.s ' SOg .to 24 iDchcr - 6t0 mm sO iochcs r l0l6 mm 48 irhcs - l2l9 nm ?.0@ o:i = | 3.t MPa ao.m od r 276 MPr CO.ffi pi = al3 MPa 4 fc.{ - 12t9 mm t fccr . 243t om l0 fc.t . lO4E tDro 20 fctr . 6@6 mrn 50 pcf . 2394 Pr I J lbs/ftl . 24 kglrol t.o b{/ftr . 32 kg/rol l@ rEph - 16l rtn/h I JOO lbs ocr tu ' 21 t9l Nhr +eoO l!6 ptr ft- - ?0 05 f Nlr! TAALE l_'ttF 10 WATL9 W[}I REII{FORCETIEI\'T Af EDGE OF WAL!12J' fo. Sf, t it*f - zS.l nun I (ff-lbVft r 1.35581t N'rD/rn f br'fi ' 14J939 f{'tr No. 4 at ltr o.c. No. 5 rt ltr o.c. No.6ul0-o.c. I Miaimum comprt:rivc attsltrh of cortcltt! it 2-m0 Fi. 2Hocizonret rcinlorccrEnt b No. 4 { tO incbca ca ccntet 6 No 5 u 20 iDcb6 oo ccntrr' jwdls ro ba mchocd lo d! lloor5 !r)d roofi u spccificd in Scctioo 16l I of dE codc. wdls rhdl bc intcrconrEctcd sr clrDcrs by crDbcddiog and lappilg tre rci-nforccmcnt ...rilt#lHffi l"tll"lliff;* t*, mutr bc po.,rld .od th. fi,,, floor io pr*r pric o brkfi[iog. a @uare rrnporarv shoriot Euit bG ioiulLd' JM.inimurn yicld srengt of No. I b|' ir 4o.Cm Fi erd Nor' 5 tnd.6.b|'| it 60'0@ '3i'6Rcinforcin' 3'cr musl b. prurd on rlrc rcnsio iidc of rhc walr,,,a *,e our.rlrtJo'io.- r*t. i, -"",t4 by I l/rinch'L\icl (3E 'om) cooctltr' uwrll hon lcrd from '-UoiliO.i *-ior"iog s;".t r'ust f, ir t1* ccn4r of watl rnd 1lo*eblc vducr i.o Trblc 2 tPply' o Feport No. i1572 Page 3 of 10 TABLE 2-sF 1o wALLs wrrH REINFoRCEMENT AT CENTER oF WALLTJJ" No.4ulffo.c. No.5 d I For Sl: l incb = 15.4 ruu I (ftlb)/ft = 1.355818 N nrlrn I lUft= 145939N/m' t Minimum comprsssivc strengrh of concrcc is 2.c0o Psi. 2Horizoota.t rcinforccrBdrt is No. 4 at tO ilcbcs oo ccnct or No 6 ar 20 ilchcs oo c€ntlt' lwalb ro bc aDchorcd to a.ll f looE an,J rmfs as spccilicd i-o Scctjon l6l I of 6. c!dc. watls shall bc ir:rcrmmcctcd u mrocn by cmbcdding rod lryping bc reioforctocot a: spccrficd in Scrtioo l9l2 of t-hc codc. .wbco uscd as bascrncor waltr rbc boscmeor 0oor must b. poued lod tlr! fust floor ia ptacc prior o brtfrlliog. cr rdcqur& rcugorarT $crilg outr b' iBtalLd' Jl'tinirourn yicld smngdr of No. 4 b.t i5 aO.00O pi and Noc, 5 utd 6 brs is 60'@0 pi' TAALE 3-1OVWF8 ANO 12VYVF8 BASEIIENT WALL-WALL RESTRATHED A7 TOP A''19 961T99133'T'S'T-Z EOTIVALEXT FLIJID PRESSURE Ob.JtI'T} XBGIfi {k r)!40 .6 I-E---l - s6 ---l to 5 75 I t5 6 No. 4 8I lf o.c. No. 4 aa I E' o.c. No. .1 al l5 0.c. No. 4 al l6 0.c. No. 4 !r l8'o.c. No. 4 EI l8' o.c. No. 4 ar l8- o.c. No. 4 rt l8' o.c. No. 4 ar l8' o.c. No. .l ar I t' o,c. No, 4 rt l8'o.c. No. 4 ar l8- o.c. No. 4 at l3- o.c. No. 4 ar l8- o.c. No. 4 a.r l6 0.c. No. 4 l8- o.c. No. 4 a-t lEl o.c. No. 4 8r l8- o.c. No.4!l l8- o.c. No. 4 at 12'o-c. No. 4 al l?'o.c. No.4u 12'o.c. No.4!l 12'o.c No. 4 1T ol- t No. 4 sl l8'o.c. No.4d lE'o,c. No.4 l8- o.c. No. 4 ar No.4d 12'o.c. No.4rl No.4 !t No:5 u I E' o.c. No. 5 !r l8' o.c. No. 5 !r l8'o.c, No.5l | 8'o.c. No.5d l8- o.c. 9 No. 4 ar 12'o.c. No. 4 at 12" o.c. No. 4 ar 12' o.c. No. 5 ar I E- o.c. No.5d lE- o.c. No. 5 ar lE- o.c. No.5rr l8- o.c. No.511 l8- o.c. No.5u 12'o.c. No. 5 !r No. 5 ar lT o.c. No.5ulT or-, t0 No. 4 ar l2' o.c. No. 5 at l8- o.c. No.5u l8- o.c. No. 5 at 18- o,c. No. 5 ar l2- o.c. No.5!l L2'o.c. No. 5 atlT o.c. No.5u l2- o.c. No.5!l No.6|r 12'o.c. No. 6 !r 12' o.e No.6d II No. 5 ar l8' o.c. No.5u l8' o.c. No.5u 12' o.c. No.5tr Il. o.c. No.5u 12'o.c. No.6u l2"o.c. No.6ulf o.c- No.7u 12'o.c- No. 7 !t 12'o.c. No.5rr }UA fvA No. 6 ar It'o.c, No.6d l2- o.c. No. 6 ar No. 6 ar l2- o.c. No.7r 12'o.c. No. 7 s.t No. 5 st 6- o.c. No. 5 !.1 NiA I.UA IUA N/A For SI: I incb = 25.4 ltrrD- I foot = 104.E mo. I pf/ft = 47.E803 PdrD- lMioimuo compressivc suYngrb of corrclc iJ 2-mO Psi' 'Mia'imun yicli swngdr of No 4 bat is aO,Om Pri rnd Nor' 5' 6 rad 7 brr: i5 60'000 Fi' ,R.einforcing srccl musr bc ptaccd oo d)c rcnsion si& of tic wall aod tbc ourcr sr,nfrcc of tbc sacl ir covcred by I l/2-i!cb'bick (38 mm) corrptc' rHo.izoorat r"ioforccrocnr i5 No. 4 ar lO ilclEs oD caDtrr oa No. 5 { 12 i.ocb6 oo ccot6' Jwdts ro bc qchorcd to all noor: 8Dd roofs as spccificd ir scctioo l6l I of dc cod.. wlrJ rhall bc inrcrcoooccrcd rr corDcrt by GEb'ddilg aod l4piog dc rciafotccocnt rs spcoficd ia Scctioo l9l2 of thc cod!. tbc bascracot f.loor musr bc pourd @d th. first floor i! placc prior o becJdlling cr rdcquarc rcmpcrary rhori-ug ousr bc installcd ?Calculatioos art bascd on marimum two floon rbovc b. brs<m'd' N/A--Nol Avaihblc TAELE 4-1OVWF8 AND 12VWF8 RETAINIHG WALL-WA!! UHRESTFAINED AT TOP1'44 rdrvALExI FLqo Png8unr 0b.Jt l/ILl HEIGXT(F..ll !aa --1r ---l !o---l --- !.---l 6 a6 ?6 r a5 6 No.4ar l8'o.c. No. 4 aI l8- o.c. No.4u I I O-C, No, 4 rt l2- o.c. No.4! l2. o.c. No. ,{ !l 12'o.c. No.5g I t- o,c. No. 5 rr l8- o,c. No. 5 Et l8- o.c. No. 5 ar It'o.c. No.5l! lE- o.c- No.5d It- o.c. '1 No. 5 !r l8- o.c. No.5u l8- o.c. No.5uIt- o.c. No.5u l8- o.c. No.5d l8- o.c. No. 5 rr No. 5 er l2'o.c. No.5u l2- o.c. No. 5 Er l2- o.c. No.5|r 12' o.c. No.6l No.6u 12'o.c. E No. 5 er No.5u It'o.c. No.5l 12'o.c. No.5a l2' o.c. No.5g No.6u l2- o.c. No.6!I No.7d No.7rl No.7rr 12'o.c. No.71 No.7a 9 No.5u l2- o.c. No.5|rlT o.c. No.6u l2'o.c. No. 6 rt lT o.c. No.7rl No. 7 rt No.Jd 6- o.c. No.5u 6' o.c. No.6|r 6'o.c. No.5!lvA t.UA l0 No.6d l3- o.c. No.7u No.7d l2'o.c. No. 5 rt No.6{ 6' o.c. No.6ll No.5g 4- o.c. N/A N/A N/A WA I\vA II No.7d L2'o.c. No. 5 rI 6- o.c. No.6l 5- o.c. No. 5 !t 4'o.c, No.5! 4'o.c. tvA I.UA N/A N/A N/A tvA t.UA It No.6u 6'o.c. No. 5 .r 4'o.c. N/A fvA T{/A N/A N/A I.UA N/A N/A WA tvA Fcr SI: I inch = 5.4 mnr" I foot . 3O4.t mro. I pitfi - a7.8803 Pr/rn- lMinimum comprecaivc srcngrh of corrrttc il 2-000 Pti. zUioi-o- yicli 3reo$h of No. 4 brt ii 4O.m Fi lDd N6. 5.6 lrd 7 brn b 60'00 psi' 3Rlidorciol trrcl pbccd ocrr rlE cdgc of wr.tt ri& friu3 6c roil 3|rci thr th. outcr :urfrci of dr stccl i! covltd by lHorizrsral ninforccmcnr iJ No 4 !t lO irrhca on ccntcr o( No 5 d 12 inchcs oo centcr' IVA-+{or AYrihblc. I lA-ircb-rhicl coEa!' Page 4 ol 10 Feoort No. t1572 usflelT f^LL xoo{r (H) alurvll-Er RUr0 fdusuRl llb.,Lrn.) 5a !s a0 at !a 06 T I 7t !tt 6 No.4u L7 .25' o-c. No.4dt7.v' No. ,l |rtl.u'No.4d 1125' o.c. No, 4 8r t7.u' o.c. No. 4 rt 17.5- No.4u t1.u' o.c. No.4u L1 25' o_c. No. 5 tt I't 25' No.5u I't 25' No. 5 ar t125' No.5d l'l25' o-c. 'l No. { ar l'7.?5- o.c. No.4 !I I ?.25' No.4 u 17,5' No. 5 Et t1 .25' o.c. No. 5 ar t1 .25' o.c. No. 5 at 1'1 1S' No. 5 ar t1.u' o.c. No.5u I7 .?S' No.5 at t7.u' No. 5 at l'125' o.c. No. 5 sI t7.u' No.5u 11 )\'ar e No.5 u I ?.15' o.c. No.5 !r 17.25' No.5 a.t l?.15- o.c. No. 5 att't.u' No. 5 ar t'l.25' o.c. No.5u 17.t5' No. 5 8r t7 .25' o.c. No. 5 ar ll. o.c. No. 5 ar 12'o.c- No. 5 ai No. 5 !r No. 5 !t 12' o.c. 9 No.5 !I 17.?5- No.5 u l'l .25' No.5 a 11 .25' No. 5 ar ll o.c. No. 5 ar No. 5 al No.5rr l2- o.c. No. 6 ar No. 5 Er o o.c. No.5uo o.c. N/A N/A l0 No.5 ar l?.5' o.c. No. 5 st No. 5 ar l2'o.c. No.5rl( o.c. No. 5 al 6'o.c. No. 5 al o o.c. No. 5 a.r 6'o.c. N/A N/A N/A WA II No. 5 ar l1 0.c. No. 5 at l,a o.c. No, 5 a.t 6-No. 5 ar 6- o.c. No. 5 ar o o.c. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1'>No. 5 at 6- o.c. No.5 ar 6'No. 5 !r o o.c. N/A N/A NiA N/A N/A N/A N/A WA TABLE FlOWVF6 AHO 12VWF6 EASEMENT WALL*WALL RESTRAINEO AT TOP ANO 96T19g| 'ZJ'T5'A'Z For SI: I ircb = 25.4 nm. I fmt = 304.t rnnt I p'sgft = a?.3803 Paln. I Mi-nimum comprrssivc scengrh of concrtt i5 2'm0 Psi. 2MioiEuI[ yicld rtreogrh of No. 4 bar is a4'C00 pi ud Not.5,6 8!d 7 b|rs ir 6O'@ psi' jfuidorci!; s.cl muir bc ptaccd on rhc teosion sidr of rb. wall. and tbc ourcr surfacc of rbc st cl is covcrtd by 1l/z-incb-6ick (38 Drm) coocrctr' aHorizonul Ginforccmcnt iJ No. 4 ar l0 inchcs oo ccntcr or No i at 12 ischcs on c'ncr' JwaJls lo b€ anchorcd lo all floors and roofs as spccrficd iD s€crioo l6l I ofd. codc. waus sbau bc inrcrcooD.cEd ar corrts by cobcddiag rd h9Piog dr rcinfcrctorol as spccr-ficd in Sccdon l9l2 of thc codc. &ftrc bascmcnr f loor musr bc pouftd and rhc firsr floor in placc pior o bsclf liot, or rdcqualc rcmpora'y rl:criLcg must b. i-ustdlcd- Tcalculafions sc bascd on roarirnum rwo floon lbovc basallcDl TAELE 6_1OVWF6 AHD 12VWF6 RETAINING WALL-WALL UNRESTEAINED AT TOP 1g'. For St: I inch = 25.4 mrn I fmt = 3O1.8 mn" I pUft.47.8803 Pa/m- lMiaimum compressivc sreogth of corErct! is Z00o Psi. 2Midmugl yicld sBenFh of No. 4 bl' i5 4o.m ps, !"d Nos.5 and 6 bars ir 60'0@ psi' lnciolo.cint srcct ptoi.a ocrr rtrc cdgc of wall si& frcing dr. soil rucb tbsr dr oursr rwfrc.c of drc ttlrl il covrcd by I l/z'irFthict cosea' aHorizrotal rci-nfonxr[cnt is No.4 ar l0 iDabc! sn crotff c( No. 5 u 12 bcbcr oo csarcr' t{/A-Not Availabl. TABLE 7-€RO BASEUENT WALL_WALL RESTFAINEO AT TOP ANO BOTTOU I ':IsJ For St: I ilcn r 25.4 ror!- t faot ' 304.8 mrD. I prflft - 47.E8O3 Prlra I M.inimr:rn comprcrsivc :uength of corcrerc ir 1SO pri. 2Minimum yictcl rmngrh of No.4 bar ir 40.000 pti lJd No.5 brr ir 60.Co0 pi. lnrinJqrcini srccl muir bc plrccd oo thc r.D-rion ii& of r-bc wall. sd tlE oucr surfrcr of tb. 5crl iJ covctEd by I l/2-iach'thicl (38 !1m) coocEt'' rHori:pnu.l rcinforccmsnt it No.4 r! l0 i.Dchcs oD ccntq. Jwdb b b. rnchorcd ro all 0m': od roofs rs rpca6cd il Sccrioo 16l I of tbc codc. wll]t ih.lll b. irrclcooD.crcd |l corocfj by cob.ddhg ud hppiag thc rtioforccocot !s spccificd in Scction l9l2 of tlE codc. &Ihc bascmcnt floor must bc pouEd uld thc frrst 0oor in pbra prior to brcuilljng, ot ldcqu.rra GtDpotlty ihoriot rtluJt b< i$tsllcd N/A-Not Availnblc. i0tlvllfxr RlJl0 mrlsrit l|!-!-'l|-ltlt| |€ol{T {h)a tt 4C -- .r --l ----T----l ------l ----.----l ---E---t ----m--l n I t 6 No. 5 ar t'l .25' o.c. No. 5 at t1.25' No.5 ar r'1.25' No.5d t't.25' o.c. No. 5 at t7 25' No.5!l t7.U' No. 5 !r 12- o.c. No. 5 rrlT o.c. No. 5 ar L2'o-c. No.5dlT o-c. No.6xlT o.c. No. 6 srlf o.c. 1 No. 5 ar t'r 25' No. 5 arIl o.c. No. 5 ar l2' o.c. No. J artl o.c. No. 6 !r No. 6 at 12'o.c. No.5!l 6'o.c. No. 5 rr 6- o.c. No.5!I 5- o.c, No. 5 !r 6'o.c. No.5EI No. 5 er 6- o.c. tl No. 5 ar I I O.C. No.5d l2- o.c. No.5aI 6'o.c. No. 5 ar 6- o.c. No.5d 6'o,c. No.5u 6'o.c. N/A N/A N/A N/A ivA tvA 9 No. 5 aro o.c, No.5u 6- o.c, No.5ar 6- o.c. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A tat r€Gllt(hrl I 6---t ----d---t -fa---t ----------i5-----t --------E---l ----T----]---T--l t t 6 No. 4 ar l0- o.c. No. 4 rt l0- o.c. No.4rr l0- o,c. No.4r l0'o.c. No.4I l0t o.c. No.4!tfl o.c. No.4d l0'o.c. No.4ulf o.c. No.4dlf o.c. No,4ulf o.c No.4 rr l0- o.c, No.4 r I0'o.c. 7 No. 4 ar l0- o.c. No. 4 rr l0' o.c. No.4d l0- o.c. No.4u Itr o-c. No.4rlf o.c. No.4|r l0'o.c. No.4u l0- o.c. No.4d l0- o.c. No. 5 ai I0'o.c. No.5d l0- o.c. No.5 |r l0- o.c- NoJ et lf o.c. 6 No. ,l ar l0' o.c. No.4u l0- o.c. No. 4 rt l0- o.c. No.5d l0- o.c. No. 5 !r l0'o,c. No.5rr l0- o.c. No.5d l0'o.c. No.5{ l0'o.c. No.5dlf o.c. No.5d lf o.c. NoJ rt l0- o.c. NoJ { l0'o.c. No.4u l0'o.c. No.5u l0- o.c. No.5u l0- o.c. No.5rr l0'o.c. No.5u l0a o.c. No.5! l0- o.c. No,5! l0'o,c. No. 5 rr l0'o.c. No.5d I f o.c. N/A I.UA l0 No. 5 rr Itro.c. No.Jl l0- o.c. No.5d l0- o.c. No.5rr l0- o.c. No.5|rlf o.c. No.5rl l0'o.c. t{/A N/A N/A N/A }UA N/A TAELE NFlO RETAINING WALL_WALL UNRESTRAINEO AT TOPI2J.. WAIL EoulYlltxt FLuo PRBsunE (b.Jttl/lr.) !3t ao aa !a ta I 3t m 7t F L 6 No. 4 r,t l0- o.c. No, 4 rr l0'o.c. No. 4 al Itr o.c. No. 5 at l0'o.c. No. 5 !r l0- o.c. No. 5 !r l0'o.c. No.5ulf o,c. No.5u I Cf o.c. No. 5 !r I0- o.c. No.5u l0- o.c. No.5r I0'o.c. No. 5 .rlf o.c. 1 No. 5 at l0- o.c. No. 5 rr 10- o.c. No. 5 tttf o.c. No. 5 al ld o.c. No. 5 !r l0- o.c. No.5u l0- o.c. No.5u I0. o.c. No.s dlf o.c. N/A N/A N/A N/A t No. 5 ar l0'o.c- No. 5 rl l0'o.c. No. 5 rt l0- o.c. No.5u I0' o.c. No. 6 sr l0- o.c. N/A N/A N/A N/A I'l/A N/A 9 No. 5 at l0- o.c. No.6u !0- o.c. N/A N/A NiA N/A N/A N/A N/A WA N/A lvA For St: I ilch = 25.4 mm. I foot = lO{.8 mo- I pf/ft = 't7.8803 krn- rMinimum cooprcssile strenglh of coocrrE is 2.000 psi. 2M.ini.oruru ficld smDS$ of No. 4 bar is aO'000 psi and Nos J srd 6 ban i'r 6O'@0 psi' lR.idorcint sacct plEc.d ocar th€ cdge of wrlt sid. facing 6c soil such rbl dE outrf surfsc€ of 6. 3t tl iJ covcrtd by I l/u 'lncb'thick coosctc' aHorizooa.l tridorccment i5 No. 4 at l0 inchcs oo ccorcr' STANDARD FORM SF 101O4O 2-g r.s T'" I* u ''- ENO II \) END PIECE /-_\Lfl_r,-ru ^I Ir'- | .t,+ I 7t\z-* |! K---------------> t0.@ For Sl: I lncfi . 25.4 mm, 1 fool ' 304.8 mm.FIGUBE 'I.-STANDARO FOSII SF SEFIES Page 6 of 10 o Feoort No. 4572 VARIABLE WIDTH FORM VVVF 21040 T r.rzo', X | 3.75' I s.zs' | 7.75' X u a15' v o.esr T,.*. I I END RECEn [-J ::l t#t# 8.m'/1O.OO'/12.00' 3.75'.15-75',F.75' FIGURE 2-VAFIAELE WIDTH l(IVWF SEFIES Fot 3l: t inci .25.4 mm, 1 loot - 301'8 mm' ReDort No. 4572 ,7 ot 10 VARIABLE WIDTH FORM \AVF 2124O T ttru' X | 3.7t I s.75. .1,7.75'+ $ ztzs' l: I I I I i ffi1 K---->t 8.00'/10.0071 2.@' 3.75'-F.75'n,75' FIGURE }-VARIAELE WIOTH 12VWF SEFIES For 5l: 1 incfr ' 25.4 mm, 1 lool :t 3Ot'8 mm' o.6r l2.m'r--] 1--__l Lge d ol iu rt'rrFraoaiG,Ira fgttE -ir t q.qtE lxtga^t'EF t.ro@alag a iEtrrg, EE^ttglrt rE E 'tttY rE E canr rftFi fr-t coaoi t r t. rGpat^! E al. tqti@ EttE |-Err,arEltEl nllJ rm,llDCEl| ttFiflrl ccFitlr TY?ICEL FL@R FR^AIII.IG D TAIL JOISTS P€RPE}{DICdJI.AF TO WAII. TYPICII ROOf DETAL RAFTEFS PEFPENO ICIJIAR TO WALL TWICAL FLOOR FRAIIII'IG OETAIL JOISTS PAFAII-EL TO WALL TYPICEL ROOF DETAIL RAFTERS PAFAIIEL TO WAIL FIGURE '.€O}INECTIONS TO ROOFS AND FLOORS For 9: t inctr - 25.4 mm, 1 foot - 304.8 mrn. .(- rr srrrr cr.o.glHllE^lfll ETAUI^.E E r.T.ot. R.^rl oi tor G@'XDEE2tot a.rltqtD( (iq tg€oitFEloE s€cTroar 16llcf Tl€ c@E ge9oflO Reoort No. 4572 E(TEAIO€ FNISH ANC'SF EOLT AS REOUIRED oousr..E JosT SILL PLATE AS AEOUIRED fi T|oFTZOMTA RESAR TOP Al{D 8oTTOM If 6IE STOFY 1tr TWO STOfiY rT THREE STORY FTGURE s-SF SERIES FOUNOAnOH YyALL (STUD WALL COiISTRUCTION) Por 5;' 1 ;6r - 25.4 mm, 1 loot r 304.8 mm. ?. c cl.C sr*? t, (r Tf\o STcv RGURE 6-SF SERTES FOUNDATIOII WALL (CONCRETE WALL COHSTnucTlot{) Fo. Sl: 1 inch . 25.4 nlfn, t loot . 301.8 mm. Pade'10 ot'tO Report No. 4572 iTE rc aEi|raaaJa Lcx oi^|. arltEa coqfltIJl Er{aa llE-aa 'ltclrflo $aq aaEn,9,lo lro(a!!.Aa iIlF FIGURE 7_VWF SERIES BASETIEI{T IYALL For St: I incf| r 25.4 mm, I foot. 304,8 mm. alra rIEan. oaa. tYrnlara6to @lIr.- -txr;rtE sr'oaFl9.lorao(avBaarE F rgttlt l. rl4to RGURE E_SF SERIES EASE EIIT WALL For !tl: 1 indt . 25.4 mm, I toot . 3Ol.E mm. -J. tt atl rao lr-to BII f|Ea..ial TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT COMM BUILD POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMT Permit #: 896-0241 Job Address: 4590 MEADOW DR Status.. Location. .. : VAIL RACQUET CLUB CLUBHOUAppIied. ParceL No.,: 210I-124-27-001 Issued..Project No.: Expires. ISSUED 08/15/7ee6 08/Le/Lee6 02 / rs /tee7 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REMOVE SKYLIGHTS AND INFILL ROOF Occupancy: A3 Type Construction: V 1-HR Type Occupancy: PLT]MB KENDALL CONSTRUCTIONP.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 81620 PLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTIONP.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 81620 KIRCH WALTER - UTTER KAREN, BOX 1088, VAIL CO 81658 Phone : 303-926-7 829 Phonez 303-926-7829 A3 Type V l-Hour Valuation: F i replacc Information: Restricted:#Of Gas App[ i ances:fof Gas Logs:fof t,lood/Pa t Lct: t*******ffi*******"***ffi*ff***ff#********************* FEE SUt4fiARy *****************i*********r****i*************f,**#***** 25, 000 Restuarant Ptan Revi ev--> DRB Fee------ Recreation Fea----------> CLean-Up Deposit-------> Add Sq Ft: .00 50.00 .00 100.00 Totat catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Pcr[it Fec------> Payments------- 639.75 .00 639.75 639.75 n*********r***n***ffift**************lllll*llli;;;;;;;;iii**********fil;li-***il-tl*ilff;;;;;ilii************iS*** ItEBi ,O51QO BUTLDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:08/.L5/.L996 CHARLTE A-aiont -llors pLANS To cHAnr_,in--oa'/I9'/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLfE DAVISI!qn:'.054q0-PI,ANNING DEpARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Dj-vision:08/.Is/.L996 CHARLIE A-tiona--NOrn pr,eus To LEUF.ENO8'/79'/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppR pER LAUREN WIt'em:'05600_EIRE_DEPARTMENT Deptt FIRE Division:9?/rs/\e_29-cEABIIE -AcEion; AppR N/A _--.' _-_- __ ::It'em:' 05500_p!rDI,IC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Division:08/75/L9e6 CHARLiE adLion: AppR N/A ****t******tt****ffiffi*ff*ttffi*tt***fttff*ffff***ff******r*****tt***ff***r*ff*i***tt********i*****t***t*****ffi********ffi**** see Page 2 of t,his Docunent for any conditions that may apply to t,his pernit. DECLARATIONS r. hereby -acknovtedge that I have read-this apptication, fitl,ed out in futt the information required, corpl,eted an accurate pl,otpLan, and state that att the infonnation provided as required is correct, I agree to compty riith tire information and pl,ot it,an,to.compty tJith al't Tolrn ondinances_and state-lar{s, and to buitd this structure according io'the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes/ design revieu approved, Uniforn Buitding Cilde and other ordinances of the Town af,pticabte thereto, Bui Ldi ng-----> Ptan Check---> Investigat ion> t i Ll. Catt----> 295.00 191 .75 .00 3.00 REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIO}IS SHALL BE IIADE TTIENTY-FOUR HOURS tN AOVAI{CE 8Y TELEPI{ONE AT' rN AUYANLE "' ""'ff7|'ffiffiFlcE FRoll 8:00 ^tl 5:00 Pr S.nd Ctean-Up Dcposit To: PLU}IB KENDALL CoNSTRUCTIOil SIGITATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AIID OI.II{ER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit *: 896-0241 as of 08/27/96 stat,us: ISSUED************,.******************************************************************* Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT Applied: O8/L5/L996Applicant: PLITMB KENDALL coNsTRUcrroN rssued: vB/L9/L996303-926-7829 To Expj-re: O2/L5/L997 Job Address:Location: VAIL RACQUET CLUB CTUBHOUSEParcel No: 2101-124-27-001 Description: REMOVE SKYLIGHTS AND INFILL ROOF Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAI, IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **************************************************************** TOI{N OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************:************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0191 Anount,:6L9 ,7s 08/27 /96 15:33Init: DSPaynent Method: CK Notation. *L542 *************************************************:*************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 896-024L Type: A-coMM ADD/ALT zLOL-Lz4-27-O0L 4590 MEADOW DR VAIL R,ACQUET CLUB CLUBHOUSETotal Fees:619.75 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL TNSPECTION FEE COMM BUILD P 639.75 639.75 .00 Amount 295.OO 30,00 191 . 75 100 .00 3.00 DATE: PERI'IIT # , APPLfCATfON DTUST BE FILLED OUt COMPLETELY OR IT I'!AY NOT BE ACCEpTED tr***** * ** **** ***** * ************ pERMrr r1FoRl{arroN * * ******** ** * * ***************n-l-14-Auitaing t l-plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibat [ ]-other NuEber of ttlvelling Units: Nunber of Accomnodation Units: _ ^ tlpmber and Ilpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ woodr/pellet_vIt*************************tt*j**** ^vaL{ATroNs *** * ******* * * *********** *** * *it***-!____ ar^^s 676_02rl[---- Py-llP$qt l^ L5tooo- EtEcrRrcAL: $- orHER: I owners Name: ke lha.X Address: Architect , V<rrc &zeZ Address: ceneral Description: T*ve Orn enluq** + iayntoApettu paof work class: [ ]-New llrJ-ttterat-ion [ ]-Additional I J-Repair [ ]-other Phone Number: iZ[-P^- Electrical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. Plunbing Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE BUILDTNG PLt['lBINc Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: ***** * *****.* ** * * *************** PI-.AN CHECK FEE: P BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUI.TBING PER}TIT FEE: I'IECHANICAL PERI-IIT FEE: ELECTRICAI.I FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: UECITANICAL RECREATTON CLEAN-UP TOTAIJ 1990 BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATTIRE: CLEAN I'P IIEPOSIT REFI'TD TO: Po,sax- 3og5-" *va$" h.o 'al(ZO l 4t-urs v.€rJDft1'<- tnNtTP^/drvrr) 75 louth tronlage rold ,ail, coloredo 81557 (303) 479-21.38 ot 419-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT: Read and oltlce ol communlly devclopm.nl ALL CONIRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIETOWN OF VArL TOI{N oF VAIL pUBLrc woRKs/coMMIrNITy DEVELOP}IENT litARcH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAIJ STORAGE rn sunmar?, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, traek or deposia ;;t:;irl-"I"x, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trasfr iunpsters, portabre toilets andworknen vehictes.upon any srreetl =i;;;.ik;;ii;y or publicprace or anv porti6n tnei"oi.--irre rrgnt-of-way on arr Town ofVail streetl -ana-roads is approiinately 5 r-t. off pavement,.rhis ordinance "ilLF-;I"i;ii;-enforced by rhe rown of VaitPublic works DeDartment. pers3ns found ,rihJfirrg this ordinancevit'l be siven a-2c houi "tiaG;';"ii".-t"-;;;:'="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within an:__t1 frour time-siecitied, the puLtic worksDepartment wir.1 remove said urate;iui ;a-ih;';6;;=e of personnotified. The provi=i""=-"r-trril-"iai""#; ;frfii not beappricabre to cinstruction, riitt"tt-r,ge or repair projects ofany street or alley or any'u[iiiti"= in the rigrri_._rr.y. To review ordinance No- 6 in furr, please stop by the Town of:3:i"::ti3i"g,";f,?**:*"::""iiii" a copv. rirani vou ror your x'ead and acknowledged by:Y \ (i.e. contractor, oh,ner)rw 75 roulh trontege .o!d r!ll, color.do 81657 (3o3) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 otflce of communlty dcvclopm€nl BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMitE If this permit requi.res.a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approvar,EngineerLs (publt. plfrt review ana.ipp"ouai,' a ptinnin6.bepartmentreview or Heal th Departmint review, -.ni'"-""uiJ ;i-;il;"iriiaingDepartment, the estirnatea tine tJr'a-tut"r ;;;il.-;"i"L[l'"s tongas three weeks. All corrnerci'al frarge or sma'[) and alr mu]ti-fami]y permits willhave to follow ine Suove ffiii6"il;xirum requirements. Residentiarand smail projects shourd tatce i-ieiier'amount of time. However, ifresidential or snn'r'r er .proiicis-rmpiii' tn" various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to-necesiiiy-revien, these projects maya'lso take the three-weef peiioOl Every attempt wil'l be IFge by this department to expedite thispenni't as soon as possible. - Yv s^t'ss ' r's Lr I:-I!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timetrame. Ft ntfit,e Communi ty Devel ooment Department. MEMORANDUM O TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY 9, 1994RE: WHEN A "PUBL|C WAy PERMIT'tS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2') ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) fs the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to site other than existing drtveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afleAing the right ol way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right CI Way permit, required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need lor a "Public Way permit': NO { ( x ( w ( L ( { !f_f9u_ a19wer9d yeg lo any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' rnust be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit" applications may be obtained at the public Work's office or atCg.TTrIity Development. lf you have any questions please cal Charlie Davis, rtre iown' of Vail Construction lnspector, at.479-215g.' I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Conlradofs Signature Da'te ftr ,'iir', rlrl , r:i -t i F.AGE L4 AREh! CF REF'T 131 'rot^JN oF vAILr coLoRADn Ln/3E/96 O6:39 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORH SHEETS FORt|ft/3Q/96 === a ==:=========== ==========:==== === =======E===g==:=== = = === -== = = = ==== ===========3= = Aetivity: 895;$f;.41^ La/3a/96 Typel A-coMM Statr.rs: ISSUED Constr: ACO( Acjclr.e s s : 4Atft-lfEffDjllal-DR Locat i on r VSILJIS$SU.EL-E!,UE-Fu.IsHBU$E Faree 1 : 31€tl -134*e7*Ag:t De sc} i pt i on ' RE_t'|g_yg jIyL"LgH.[S-.aND-JhlEIr l-* BgOF Appl icant : FLIFiB-*KENFALL CBNSTRUCTION Phone r 3tZt3-9E6-7aF:9 0urner': KI RtrH WALTER - Fhone : Contractorr FLUMB KENDALL CONSTRUCTION Fhone: 3tit3-986-74fl9 Use: V l-HROec: Inspect i on Request Inf ormat:ron,.... Requestor: ALEX-trLUMB HENDALL Req Ti rne: tZtl :OB .Co*nents : MANfIGER Itens requested to be Inspected.., 0049(r BLDtr;Einal F,hone: 9E6-7839 HAUE F'LANs AND F'ERMITt^r I t.L Act i on M*-* ExF Ing.pection History. .., . Iten r tZtO5l€t driveway gr':rde f inal Item : tAEPttft B[-DG-Foot inqs/Steel Item r IZttlOEtD BLDG-Foundat i on/St ee I Item: OOSEA trLAN-ILC Sit; e PIan Item : OOtZtS€t BLD6-Ft-aminq fi9/L'e/96 Inspecton: CF Item: 00O4O * x Not On File * * Item :'A0A5O BLDB-Insr-rlat i onItem: SlUrtAb0 BLDG-sheetr'ock Nai I Item: OrAOgCr * * Not On Fi le * * Itemr OelOTO B[-DG-Misc. Item : rararagA BL.DG-FinalItem: enASSCr BLDG-Temp. t:/0Iten: A?.'531 FIRE-TEMF'. C/n Item: enl5se Fil-TEMF'. C/t.J Itemr 140533 PLAN-TEMP. l:/0 Iternr 44537 FI-AN-FINAL t:/g Item : Srfi538 FI RE-FINAL C/A''' It em : t|O539 F,h,-FINAL C/0 Item: Ber540 BLD6-Final C/0 Aet i on ; AF'F R APF ROVED \ rall"-al. ... .v'/.t I - I rr I \i r-\lt<- Ly rr \r I - L).-^.J t !1-4_<_v CHECK REQUEST DATE: Z,Qs-/gZ VENDORNAME:/ZZ.^J VENDORNUMBER:db2/?s DESCRIPTION oF EXPENSE: GLEAIT{ up DBposrr REFUND FoRBp tA?z.a<rt NAMEOFJgB: , ZZr-2, a// ,Z*',--_< ACCOUNTNUMBER: ffiooo{,ni AMOUNT OF REFLIND:,t-,/zD.D DArE APPRovED: l);3 | -t Q ,-\ APPRoVAL srcNAruB!: _ lu - 0._'Yl & *(') lFJ {5Etll Eqo u- : it k + i lY .:l o. {,Itd .4 t L -a t olign Review Action Fth TOWN OF VAIL i Category Numbel Project Name: Building Name: orner, Address ana enone: VLL\Aft"'1.^.-' ArchitecV0ontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: L'ot --------- Block- SuMivision Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval E Disapproval fi'staff Approval Conditions: / . t.vls.d AlLT/94 DESTGN REVIEW I. A. BOARD APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAII.,, DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** INCOMPIJETE APPIJICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDUIJED FOR REVTEW.********** PROJECT ]NFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVTEW: New ConstructionAddit.ion ($s0.00) U. D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT ($200. oU -4inor AlteraEion Concephual Review 4rt- lktv Plcq.vft "&lBlock ($20.00) ($0 ) a meeLs and bounds on a separate sheet legal and atLach ;;Ai';;i "i- - i i,' o tz.,qiar-z;qp=ri *u u t If properLy is described by descripLion, please provide Lo this apptication. ZONING: F.NAME OF Mailing APPI,ICANT: Address: ulrJ| Phone Pl tlG. H. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTAT Address: 'P. I. , r., NAME OF OWNER (S) : LEE K, N>AH . owNER(s) srGNAruRE: Y- e"/" K/."^'/ APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT ONnfER'S SIGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Eo be paid aL the time of submittal of the DRB application. I-,at.er, when applying for a building permiE, please idenLify Lhe accuraEe vlluation of Ehe proposal. The Town of VaiI will adjust Lhe fee according to Lhe t.able below, Lo ensure Ehe correcL fee is paid. wn pn:n,. *Zo.m cnecx *rll^ | olrrl,blt*qu svSlUvLbWfulL FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ 1-0, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ so, ool- - $ 1so, ooo $150, 001- - $ s00, 000 $s00, 001 - $L, 000, 000 $ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRES APPROVAI, TTNI,ESS A BUII,DING PERI,IIT IS IS STARTED. J. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $L00.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI, ISSUED AI'ID CONSTRUCTION Address: It, revtsea 8/t7 /91 .t IIOI{N OF VATL UTII.,TTY IOCATION VERTFICATTON FORII JOB NAI.{E SI'BDIVISTON LOT BLOCK FTI,ING ADDRESS The form is used Lo verify service availability and location. Thisshould be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andscheduling installations. For any new construction proposal, theapplicant must provide a completed utility verification form. The l-ocation and availabiliEy of uLilities, rvhether they be maintrunk lines or proposed lines, musL be approved and verified by thefollowing utilities for Ehe accompanying site p1an. A11 authorizing signatures need to be originals. Authorized Siqnature Date U. S. West. Communications 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 -6135 cary Ha11/Rich Cooley HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering Dept. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty **TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 949 -L224 Mark Graves *rUpper Eagle Vall-ey water & Sanitation DisLrict * 475 -7 480 Fred Haslee *rA site glan iE required. Physical location of known utilitiesnust be sbowa on the site pIan. Utility locations may or may Dotoffer senrice eo tbe property liae. Aay utility extension requiredgha1l be the responsibility of tbe property owner. NoTE: 1. If a util-ity company has concerns wiEh the proposed construction, Lhe uLility representative should notdirecLly on Lhe utility verification form tbat thereis a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an att,achedletter to the Town of vai1. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company Co resolve idenEified problems. 2. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the uciliLy companies, and no conments are nade directLy on Lhe form, the Town will presumethat there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a streeE cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Pub1ic works and to obtain utilitv locations before digging in any public righL-of-way or easement in the Town ofvail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A sLreet cut permit must be obtained separately. 4. Installation of service lines are at the expense andresponsibility of the properEy owner. o Vail Racquet Club Townhomes and Condominiums The following table providcs a bricf history of significant planning rclatcd actions and documentation, including correspondence between the Town and parties affiliatcd with the Racquet Club. The table primarily summarizes information on file at the Town and vedfies documents noted in the August 15,1997 mcmorandum written by attorney Jerry C.M. Orten, Ese. ndence and Action Date Corrcspondcnce and Action Summary 9/rt/74 Racquct Club annexed to Town of Vail. 10/|/74 Memorandum frorn the Town Attomey (Gene A. Smith) to the Community Developmcnt Director (Jarnes F. Lamont). The memo identifics annexation dates and zoning application information. The interpretation by the Town Attomey at that time indicated that the tennis courts were allowed as "recreational facilitics incidcntal to pcm.ritted residcntial uses," pursuant to the previous Zoning Ordinancc $5.400. Thc Town Attomey wcnt on to state tltat thc ". . .Vail Racquct Club is . . . not a tcnnis club but rathcr a condominium developmcnt which has tennis facilitics." Furthcmrorc, the Town Attomey rnade a "libcral" intcrprctation of$5.400 that allowcd thc inclusion ofthc restaurant and bar as part of thc "othcr rccreational facilitics ofthat type of 'residcntial{cnnis club' dcvclopment." At this timc thc Town fclt it had limitcd control ovcr thc projcct since it wa,s originally dcsigncd undcr Eagle County ordinanccs. t2/12/74 Mcdiurn Dcnsity Multi-Farnily Zoning applicd to annexcd propcrly (9O-days aftcr anncxation). 5/76 Old Muddy and Path 5 Avalanche Study, by Arthur l. Mears. 8n2/76 PEC approvcd CUP for clubhouse use (per I l/l l/81 memo from Peter Patten, noted below). 9n7/79 Vail Racquet Club Avalanche Defense Report for Proposed Clubhouse, Report written for Walter Kirch by Arthur I. Mears (engineer with McDowell, Scott & Cox, Inc., Consulting Engineers). 5t9/77 Design Review Board Action Sheet. Approval of clubhouse addition. (sq.ft. unknown) oo 3t23t79 Planning and Environmcntal Cornmission Staff Report. Application for a dcnsiry variancc to allow I 6 cmploycc housing units. Thc dcnsity variancc was based largcly upon sonre prcvious verbal agreemcnt by Waltcr Kirch to reduce thc maximum dcnsity on thc sitc to 74 drvelling unils. Thc report indicates that 97 dwelling unils would nonnally bc allowcd on thc site within thc zone. Thc additional l6 dwclling unils werc to be housed in Buildings 4 and 13. (Cranted per 12/6/79 staff rcports noted bclow) 12/6/79 Planning and Environmental Comnrission Staff Report. Application for a density variancc to allow l0 employee housing units. The rcport indicates that 97 units would normally be allowed on the site within the zone. The location of ttre additional l0 units was split, including eight units in Building 14 and two unils in Building 15. The staff report indicates that with thc approval, the site would have247 c0nd0 unils and 28 employee units for a total of 275 units, which is three unils over thc maximum. The staff report also mentions the site was down zoned and that 60-7 0% of the unis were built prior to down zoning. (This may be refening to the verbal down zone by Walter Kirch.) A twenty- year restriction was to be applicd on thc cmployee housing units. I l/l t/81 Memo by Petcr Pattcn, Senior Planncr, to "whom it may concern." Regarding a proposcd addition of the indoor pool, locker facilities, exercise room and an indoor Jacuzzi. Thc mcmo statcs that the clubhouse was approvcd under a conditional usc pcrmit by thc PEC on August 12, 1976. Thc nrenro statcs that thc allowablc GRFA at that tirnc was calculated at 189,923 squarc fect (club and condos). 3/t2/84 Lcttcr from Kristan Pritz, Town Planncr, to Waltcr Kirch. Lcttcr notifring applicant ofapproval by Dcsign Rcvicw Board ofa club addition. (Application includcd indoor pool, acrobics room, wcight roon1, ctc.). 4t9t84 Planning and Environmcntal Comnrission Minutcs. Racquct Club Townhomcs variance to approvc an cxisting cncroachmcnt within thc setback for Building I. Building I cncroachcs 1.6 fcct into thc 20 sctback along Bighorn Road. Variance approvcd by PEC. s/28/85 Planning and Environmcntal Commission Staff Report and minutcs. Application for a variance to allow thc conversion ofan employee housing unit to office spacc. Thc variancc was ultimately approved after convcrsion ofa condo unit for employce housing. l/14187 Letter from Kristan PriE, Town Planner, to Walter Kirch. Letter requesting rcmoval of parking lot across from the Racquet Club. Parking is only allowed as an accessory use serving a primary use on the same parcel. 8/30/88 Letter from Arthur L Mears, P.E. to Walter Kirch, cc: Kristan PriE, Town of Vail; regarding geologic hazards and the clubhouse addition. A. Mears describes previous mud flows in the year 1970 and 1978, he states that "even when such a thin, muddy flow reaches the clubhouse significant damage will not occur, and stmctural damage is not anticipated" oo 9tzt88 Lcttcr from Kristan Pria to "whom it may conccm," rcgarding thc addition to racquct club. K. PriE providcd a brcakdown ofclub squarc footagc. Ultimately, it was found that thc total allowcd club square foohge equaled 37,984 sq. ft.. thc proposcd addition of 540 sq.ft. ncw rcstaurant space,45 sq.ft. rcstroom, and 90 sq.ft. mcchanical would create a clubhouse total of 23,015 sq.ft., leaving a surplus of 14, 969 sq.ft. Thc lettcr documents the 8/12176 CUP for the clubhouse. The club's maximum square footage equals 20y" of the total GRFA which was previously calculated in the I I / I l/8 I Peter Patten letter as 189,923 sq.ft. K. PriE notes in the letter that "lt was determined that it was not necessary for Walter to go back to the PEC for a conditional use every time he wants to add on to the Club. For these reasons, the proposed Club addition meets the cunent zoning requirements of the MDMF zone district." 9/2t88 Pdcct application worksheet. Staffapproval by K. Pritz of a Clubhouse addition, including 540 sq.ft. new restaurantspace,45 sq.ft. restroom, and 90 sq.ft mechanical. 6/2U89 Project application workshect. Staffapproval by B. Rosolack ofoffice space cxpansion into one unit (unit #3, Bldg. l5) of employec housing (2 bedrooms) and convcrsion of a condominium into cmployee housing (Bldg. 6, unit # l3; threc bcdroom, thrce bath). tUt6t89 Lcttcr llom Kristan Pritz, Scnior Planncr, to Lucinda Bartorv, Fitncss/Childcarc Dircctor. Lcttcr notcs staff approval ofa childcarc faciliry for thc Racquct Club uscrs within a condonriniunr. 4t12/96 Lcttcr from Laurcn Watcrton, Planning Liaison, to Matt Ivy, Vail Racquct Club. Rcgarding cxpansion of cxisting officc space. L. Watcrton rcscarchcd thc possibility ofan expansion to the cxisting officc spacc for thc Vail Racquet Club. The letter states that the offices for the operation of the Racquet Club arc allowcd in thc MDMF zonc as an acccssory use but identified thc following issucs for rcsolvc: l) Thc maximum sitc covcragc is 45o/u ofthc entire lot, thc lcttcr rcqucss a plat map identiffing lot arca and the footprint of all buildings; 2) Thc increasc in the offrce spacc will increase parking space requirements; and 3) any new building must be in conformance with 20 foot setback (letter notcs existing building encroachment). 9t3/96 Project application worksheet. Design Review Board approval of4 new tennis courts, parking, and landscaping south ofmeadow drive within the avalanche red zone. t--\ ; /-\_t \|+s+cili -r F\Y sd 3E\ .-1.' \J, .aL\J I -F ! * .\N bL o$ Aw. .{ ra \g/ ?.H s /{ix r6l ''t .'?. tS ,,:\ [4t /?\ti)E/ -\-tF, s @ s -3 CJ C\- f;-r I r;'.1 I l rlL-\-l \J 6 l'N 5 'l:-J i-& Lq o to \J \\t It=It I I\Ir----Ll o$ F ..4tis ll { s._ \ (fr Wi .l.v '/t,"r+./ i"7s ,,,* tlJ' -i0 : "rr,+" (il $.\r/ fA/&^ 5'-CI# A @^ \-til " /a\*A Sitt re/ t'/.h Y "-{ir"@ {"921 6'0;u I lu i': \.\. -4,,,.,*2 .r( I; il\-. I ix.. -..")(i), W,,!. /*Z ({\ id- i ''4,-\9 \)t\v > \?l ,i/.'."1#) @ {., f ,'"ti 4"u ,ra-N{'; : ""i €\ ix,. ir' r /tP//l ^/: ll. /11 / -) a l:/ : // 3 /i'rv: \2 i) )'-^',et!- -.--/:\o$ fe3-L rlr\|r i N rB\ \g/ {,,, I9\ \d/l.l E ?.H E l6l t /\ \ /5 ./ At7 -rtr'( t *\- 5s \-\ r< rd, .-{_ =--L_ A.4 8M ",t ./ ,/\'r l/E-\ //,H7v\7a si-CI# 9o*o I.&/: "E)c7 l;V {"@,21 tl.:r". i "i: "\ ,P. ,:tb r.\l3ltjlV ,"f ii @6*1\\ !il"+ M rhs/ i., 16rq,,, '.) 4.,$P 19rfl. l*\ rr@ +,f,'...t.;-;.,\* -4.y^ o F vi .. .\7 6 -T-:s b,\ '-F l*Ax\.bs.$ \\ Nrs.-{_ ( dtr lt'.\.-G \JA d{o, ! rv /t' dr \:.,, 1iltr/ \o/ H E,'; ? U '-"% /-."\r, o'& .-$ +. r,.f!" Yt",\ A.J"i.r,/ =r l'rJs 6-) a,oi:-Fl- .r\ .-s \r^Eo.-'l rr* |t-\It P(-\ |LKt re" s'-CI# 9o*o I.#/: "p,sY bi \Y {'8,21 a:;-i:ndi 5 tit,\s/.ri"// {+ ;jrrl \t)(.*'t - /st/-, "\4r '\ " "-..'"/,.t .f,.oo"...S+ .a" J" !o 3{- lt d* \" 1-. #i t' {:' a, i6% @ai. l?.r / \<ua/ii ".\ @fi);') ,dJ,:i {#:(6.l.il('; : "'., .r\ @ \"l,. ,l<! J; l\\a \\:v)\.,, \n3q 5e{ "----- \i-aS\5-o t : : € "9.0 :E| -oE o.cE!6o 26-9!@.€ !o q.9tr ac\ € a 9€ i.! FE ooi (( '- € l'tt (!t t f.-\ \-j (-\ I\u .l rt P.-E €6 6g 3E TG .Clo 6E E6roOE E5 t! 6U ;( (!#:-c!g lll b Fa ; 0)F ,{ PRg aO g) €:€6uJ3 tf .. e ,, o , r\\ r r ,,,1f'4nl'1' I' it' t' ; ,--^E # t^u'fi,\(ltu1tlo'u'ounl'l^"o*"cLIrB ,ait FrcThe Racquet Club Owners Association is interested in purchasing the \ Racquet ina ncitiW@n employee housing :urrrltsMiL-E.ei. ,t, r 3 +- tt'i > ffi585, Brief History u(l"v - Walter Kirch developed the Townhomes and Condominiums,. and the - Vail Racquet Club Athletic facilities. o-'t1,--a-A.Q t'"' - He sold the Townhomes and Condominiurfr{ and retainedSownership of the club 1 6Lnt qro^7\ - This create'd two sefaratd ehtities: 1) which is made up of 307 owners.2)% - Walter Kirch died while skiing and ownership of the Club passed on to his wife ke Hollis Kirch Why is the Club for sale? * 1) The Club is a losing ri:ntity.4 .A^. . . n'\"*'6"""'r/W4!4f,?ii-t ,' r '2) The ctub is run down. d/tt"" "-) @ YI 3) The Club is under utilized. 4) ke is tired of the excess burden of running the Club. 5) ke is not willing to make the time and financial commitment, and the necessary restructuring of the Club to make it a successful enterprise. Why is the Club not successful? 1) Many changes over 20 years a) Locals have moved down valley. b) Tennis has waned. c) Facility is old and run down. d) New competition with new facilities. e) Club needs updating and rejuvenation. o f) Club needs money to do the upgrading. Why is the Home Owner Association interested? 1) All owners must be members and are therefore the ones most affected by the Club ownership.Tp.^l /A//-oePU 2) Control home owner's destiny 3) Vital to the success of the Rental Operation Why is the Home Owners Association the appropriate entity to purchase the Club? l) It is natural a) developed as one property b) perceived by the public as one property 2) Home Owner Association and Club could combine departments to realize operating econo4qpqwhich would reduce losses. a) Front Desk, Maintenance, Laundry, Accounting, Management b) Combine office space 3) Can be more efficient if run with a common goal for the entire property. 4) The Club is essential to the property values of the Home Owners 5) The Club is essential to the success of the Rental Operation. 6) AX 307 individual owners are required to be dues paying members. The Home Owner Association would like to purchase the Vail Racquet Club facility and 23 employee housing units, providing it can make economic sense. 1) In order for any purchaser to make economic sense out ofthe purchase of the Club, there must be redevelopment. What does the Association need to make the purchase and ongoing business work? ill97,^.!a) Money to restructure and'upgFade the Vail Racquet Club facility b) A way to offset the offirating losses of the Vail Racquet Club o How can the Association make it work? additional 15,000 sq. ft. Town has already approved an'??? b) combine office space. /,ffi"t-, A'4$4ha\ 'eIJL-PUrs solw4 PhPAPc either condominiums orf'+ fuaZE Ei{st-)Lfu 2) Remove townhomes. a) Sale of new properties will help the Association to offset the expenses related to making the Club a viable operation.h4<p n"r-_la? 3) Add subterranean conference space with tennis courts on top. U-vtrl-<-( ,1 Benefits to the Town: The Home owners Association will renelv the commitment to provide @ BtUqa zl emproyee nousing itJi" r-Jrriffi ,/N P*Erury? facility and building additi,onal condominiums or,o*niorn".. (&l+ry._tfz\ i rhe Home owners ;;;;;ffi;?ffi ,ml!f"* c? ?o's' and use it according to its original ahd-tEiifinated purpose. 3) The Town will have an upgraded faciliw which adheres to ttre f philosophy of enhancing Vail's worl{class resort status. 2) What are the Association's options if someone else purchases the Club? - A't'yrtrr rv tfifk{"fi#&il*ii*o"i"tion or individuar owners have a say in -- f'Ja VA a redeveloPment? qE{a 7N PIIpA< a) Approve proposed redevelopment? b) Block any redevelopment? 6Mortdthe Town approve any expanded commercial operation at theU uurrRacquet club? 4gg;ttwould the rown approve for a 3rd partv s there any discussion of an East Vail portal for a potential commuter rail service from Denver along the I-70 corridor. t .,,-no',/-, r I-- ,_otLt>.t L( .i l rhh pnd I PaAr\rss4f.t-€ u% (P @-t+424J>A ZaJt< l\ttl Gh-torJ 7 o +Nd A 4'A'UhLIturntWra,.J 5^rcrAy bErMvS ap -rlt{ 73 E}tu;- \f€b'/ -tu @ Iz46grp)cr1ot\Ls vlw- vPc,@Y ry*tu)Awy(wE ffiorz-tr/ - frutLffEt\ rNo\Lrtwf @ntz EfqE{ @ Ptar Fo Cau,J.ry- <Y€IT*I -\tu (17 ls;Yz1tt oWP 7 :: f . nl,€ J5 '97 @?t-a4!"i'1 oiiruODl'lar't & JORDflr.l I'itsMOI{ANDUlv{CONFIDENTIAl. ATToRI'lilY-CLIENT COIvIMUN tcATlON DAT[I: TO: FRONE R& August 15. 1997 Foarcl of l)ircctors !.q('qui1. C lub ()rvncr s Associatio: ,, Llc. c/ o Matr lvy. Managcr Jcrry (l.M.Orten, Esq, laura J. Git'son, Esq. Zor-ring lssues for the Racquet Club and -fetrnis Court Propcrties lssuE: I\cvlew applicable -Iown of Vail zoning for the Racquet club and Tennis Court propertics adjacent to thi Association aud advise on 1) the cugent zonin!. 2i limiratioirs or restrictions on re-de veloplncnt of thc Lrroper(y, and 3) any spe cial requireme nts for re zoning or varlances. SUMMARY: )iscquct Ciub Property TileGis currerrtly zonecl asffi This zoning classlficaiion permirs single family, tw&family, ancl multiple fanrily rtsidential dwelliugs Condition?l uses are allowcd upon issuance of a conditior-ral USC flermit Acccssoly \rses -sromaiily incidental to pelmitted tesidential. uss$ are also allowccl Thc Rac.quct Ciub Property *J OcvetobeO as part of tic Condorninium dcvclopment and was not treated as a se6r.tate parccl G . fconis Courr PropcrrY Ij*mffi L,It;il.[Hlly1".1fiffi lt#'ff *TlllTi1l"K$:"'"u" iJiiOing Conditionat usis ari ailowcdupon issuance of a ionditional use permlt' Accessory uses i"riotiiiriry incrdcnrsl topermrttea rcsroinrrai uses are risv a.11e-wer'r' fl1rRFE.- il*Howcvir,thepropertymaybelngcologichazlrdzone.Buildingwithjna g*iogia h;;;d zone is conditiotid upon the'rcport 6t a gtologisc which includes suitable sitc uscs' -rltii'aiti[. ltt[, ir.. i"ti.., uscs of ttre Racquei Property vcrc allowcci bcca'dse this parccl was considcred tommon area" for rhe benefit or lhe condominium Prop,ct't)'. DISCUSSION: Racquct Club Condomiuiqms aad Towuhomes and thc Vail Racqucr CIub (Vail Racquct Club Propcrty) The Ali[ttE?FCtiiFFtlFny is locatcd withinjle ser.nr-ciT.L .ru1.i.l by .h. \.qt.-t :y!...' '. Condominiunrs. . Ti;;il;.q";t -iuu-co"aominiums and (tlo@ -:,-:- ; -r il;'itffi Thc Town of Viil zoning ilcords indi.cate that the propcRY r .. ^flc ]:i ,97 t?t?Ar-'il (t:?tftjilinr.l e JoRDli.r I'a.gr: 2 was voluntaTily iII||IID limit thc !uI49I of <irvcliing units wit)rin the property. lt appcars from thc zoning rccords that thc it,c Vait Racquct CIut) zoning recorcls to lhe l)jric.tor oi Comnlunr.ty t,lennil]g and fht'eloirnrcn t Jrcin the Town Al.lorney is verY intelestirtg in titis rcgard. J'trar tDcmo frorn'thc "U-providts that a dcvelopolcnt rvhich is r\rrryrit rr r\, 2 rr,frrrr(.nrrr l( I---- zoning district. llowevct, Iny irnplcssl(,lr (ltlc I ()wo $oT-cnc Vail Kac.quci Citrb i5 that it is not, a tcnrris club btrt rathcr a condominium developmcnt which hzis tennis faciiitieJ.' ro rt ,r r*mo, bw ,not rhe f ex of rhis nen,cr). Thus. thc ftt,.ii uffiF rtre Rac[uTt flroperty w(rc allorvecl bccausc this parccl was considered 'common area'' for rtrc bcnefir of ifug Conclominium Propcrry. lt is tiuclcar what developmcnr. based upon cross Residenriai Floor Arca (GRFA) allocations and thc pcrcentage of GRIA wrmitted for 'cofi)mon area", would be permitted on this pa.rcel and rvhethcr thc currcnt corrdltional and acressory uses would bc pcrmitted if the property were redevelopccl' ffire permitrecl wirhin rhe I;fF tn and inclucle; Conditional tlses Ptrblic l)tility and public servicl uscs; I'ublic buildings. grourtcls. and faqilitics; Iublic oi private scltoois; lubiic park and tecreatlon facilities; Ski lif(s and totrs; l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. o- Iypes III and lV Employee Housing Units. Accessory Uses l. Private grccnhouses, toolsheG, playhouses, attached garages or catpolts, swimming pools, patios, ot lccrcation faciiities cuslomanly incidental (o permittcd residenttal uses; 2. Home occupations, subject lo issuancc of a l-romc occupation-pcrmit; 3. Other uses customarily incidental and acccssorY to pctm-itced or conditional uses, and iecess"ry for the operation thereof' Nthough @ arc no'( exprcssly pcrmitled. those uses may be ;;A;;;t" t. cuscomary to communi(ics which provide lodging. rccrcation, and restaurant amenities in VaiL ln any evcnt, the owner of che frerearc stolle.1ffi ;i;LHt@it on thi- numlr"t- of t@ The zoning records for this note in scvcral Places that a does not app&i i.F"t'""y formal aglccment was ever rccorded or cxecuted although an agreeme nl may IWI\CLIENT\RACQUET\MEMO'OO3I . . AL'G 15 '97 (.JZ:ZSP|,1 ORTOIf'rDrlAr.r r. Jor?r)if.t I'ay,c: i e concluc[illfI a tillc ssarcir to vcrify t]:ris irrfotrrta.tion. Furttrcr, it does noc aplxai tl),rt cxistini: 1|;!|n rvill necessalili' havc ro rcmain curp)oiic trousing rrrijis IrftcrI. Th- r*tiugl enrrioycc Lc'Irsirlll ttnitt: cultld L'e a r'efltrtiating ttro-r. fqr acconrplis[ing rc-(lc velgpmerlt crr other devc.lopnleil( withlll thc p)o!)clt)r. r:lthcr by offcring ro rclain er'isr:in.r.i trnits and/or by creating new cnrployee housing units Thc zoning on lhCse proprrties is subject co variancg i[ thg owncl can sho$'hardship. lr.eclassi fication or rc-zonirrg to a hlgher ctensity is possibk bu[ may not bc plobabie without significanr political influcncc, becausc the l\acqrret Club is currently thc itighest dellsity usc witt-rin rhc arca. (Please see thc map and otheT matelials att€chccl to our rncmo) Ve are in the process of obtaining a rirle rcporr which we expect will revcal aii recorded agreemcnrs which may cf fect thc propcrty. Te,nnis Courr I'ropcrtY The 'fennis Courc Propeny is located direcciy acToss Meado\Y Drive from the Vatl Racquct Club -Property.lCconsi5tsoitcnniscourtsarrdpaiking.The-?iscuIIent1yzoned ffiTtrisc1assificationpcrntitssinglcfamily,trvo.fami1y,andrnuIti:llc.fanily resideiltial ds'tllings of not more than tour (4) uni.rs. Therr: is cvidence that this propcr(y_may be in a - f\ geoiogic hazards report l^'as noi i)rsient irt thc Town's fiics |'7e- reftweO" tt the prope.rty is irr a geologic hazard zorrc, as dctcrmincd by a' geological iiazarOs siuciy, thc uses oa tli; prop€rty r';.Ly be limircci based on thc uses deeneo suirable by the report. The pcrmittecl corrditiirL:ri and accessory Lrses aTe subs(antialiy simllar ro rtrose permictcd for rhe Vail Racquct Club Propcrcy. Conclusions Another partY could Any ffisappeartorlIl lnthisfacilitics and i"g"io, ** are in the pto.oi ti pt.p"ring an oqi"t-on l.rr.; ;t # ffiCffihif couiO f".rtrcr timit zoning and other issues relatcd to thc dcvelopmcnt of thc ;;;p.tit We arc also reviewing thc title io thc two propcrlics to ensurc that therc are no othcr documents of record which effccc the dcvclopment of thc property' (subiecr to geologic hazards). [o a use other than (he existing club IV:\CLIENT\RACQUET\MEMo'0011 "rowN qf-. vAlL"zQt{tNG LEgglg) _ tilf{(tLe FAHTLY rlEstDENt-iAL OlsTFtCl- TTYO FAMILY RESIDI NTIAL DISTRICT TW9 FAli{lLY PRIMARY/SEC0I{OAflY ReSIOENTIAL OISTRICI- 'T€SID€NTIAL CLUSTEFI OISTNICT LOY/ OENSI'I'Y M('I.TIFLE FAHILY DISTRICT rd€o,ul,l oEltstTy h{uLTtpl_E FAtt( l Ly D(s i-fticT HIGfl DiFJgtTY SIULTIPLE FAA4ILY DISTCICT F(rFLlC /,CCOMoit(\T/() D:sTtrlcT SPEC{AL N:VELC,,}I'SI{T DisTE' CT GENERAL U5E DtS'rRuT DrsrRlcT otsTRicT DISTRICT CENTfR DISTSICI SPACE OiSTS|CT HEAVY SERVICE DISTR|CT FXRXIflG OISTRICT l'1i )1l:i^'i :i .flrl:llrPi 1 u . V:/';').4 EB8 rr;Tl l.\od a{ ET] mf,W t r;4. wd UII] uffi F:g ruftq l/../A collf+€frcrAL coriE I colrf,{[RclAL coR[ 2 COf,,lMF:RclA L C(Fg 5 co+,ruERctAL SERV|CE AGRICULI'URAL A OPEN Fl ilArtrRrl. AREA t'Rt DIsTRICT E:I 5--61 t ^ ,l ffil nnrrnrlL BusrnEss Dtslnlcr rill HtLLSIDE RESIOENTIAL Dlsrff lcr__ rrTi otJTDoOn RECREATION Dl5TRtct NOTE: ANY LAND , LOT, OR SITE WTTHIN THE TdWN OF VAII- MUNICIPAL EOUNDARY lVHlCH, AccoFolNG To THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ,DOE5 NOT HAVE A DESTGNATED ZONE OISTRI( F= sxr BASE A€cFEaTtoN Dlsrnlcr SHALL.BE DESIGNATFO ZONE DISTRICT NATUAI L A hFA...IKFJE6Y4T I O N F. U) LrJc('s) LI([r -g<azGO PE I-3 F.a Li.)(lp O:: ".' Lr..l -.1 O: z'- LrJ i-ta * l",i,v itlfl iidi tF,I .$li sl664 *u r$r.$T i[*' ' . at.t"-, 3,:, '97 iJ-.zWi.1 i,rr't rf. .i.rrr.;;i U .lt)r.:rrt. .{ frl't' Fthtrj(l l,'O:*ul.>a =.>u, i< LE l-(n tdrE t!J -r? z Fit = A\INw-u - ;',- @oc- -, lv l --. Jsg -JSrtzlq, 21o-Ttt z- '1 october 16, 1991 Board of DirectorsVaiI Racquet CIub Owners Association Attention: Lorene Gruzdis, President Dear Ms. Gruzdis, With the advent of more firll-tine residents here in Riverbend, aconplex of 23 private hones with their own lot lines, werve all noted nore and nore foot traffic between the Racquet Club and thepark, especially vith the dog walking. In ny own case, Irveexperienced a number of folks vislting on uy deck and evenpicnicking on my front lawn by the creek. Then it came to ourattention that several of tbe Racquet Club's inprovements encroachon the separating property line, i.e. two of the naLntenancebuildings, tbe East-end sidewalk and garden. Frank ilohnson, your former ceneral Manager and I also discussed the eye sore of the naintenance buildings with items either trtarpedr or sinply piled-up here and there, that all this would be cleaned up and better keptin tine, This year he assured rne that it would be done by late sunner as part of an overall understanding. iluEt recently, it was cleaned up and hopefully can be maintained so as to avoid the needfor a solid fence. Iilerve always enjoyed a relationshlp of goodwilland desire to be good neighbors. As such, we trad a verbal agreenent this sunrner to build a combination fence fron the road tothe creek except in irnpractical. areas such as the dividing berm,etc. of the split rail fence and railroad tie planters (where sunlight pernits), nuch like the one in front of your building 3, andto sptit the cost or the Racguet Club provide the labor and Rj.verbend the materials, at the option of Riverbend, and that suchfence division would be acceptable in design to both sides. AIso,there was the consideration if Totrn of Vail approval vould berequired...I just checked, and it is...although very likelyperfunctory. Frank and I also discussed the problen of sone of ourpeople parking on the Racguet CIub side which we bottr agreed wewould nonitor and eliminate as best as possible, especially duringheavier tirnes. Riverbend would need to agree to an easement for the East-endsidewalk and naintenance buildings for ingress and egress forRacguet Club residents, visitors and personnel obviously from theparking lot. We likely should include two or so gates with the fenced area toallow for the once-in-a-while need for naintenance personnel to maneuver their vehicles as well as for our own manager. I wouldsuggest that your maintenance personnel develop a materlals listwith our review. The boundaries between us are readily apparentwith your Steve Ferri havJ-ng located the pins. I Page 2 This letter was requested of ne by.yosf Faith-Schwartz i-n the abgence of, Frank J';h=;";;Jit?""d ti ttre interest of expediency with your upcorniris-' pEiii"i"t"tti"g:- i an n9!---11- attornev' "thus this represenrs ,ir'"f-r" uLrlL"La io ue our agreenent in principre and g@ going t"-t""" Lneaa on this' Now personnel have changed' and we understand that an agreem"ti toiff be-subject to the approval of both Boards' ;;;;;";i. -w",aes1re goodwil-l' to smooth out the ;;r;ilt i"i.ti"""riip ana certainry I'rvEaBrlrrY' some of our onners are menbers of t-n"-ni"g"et CIub Lnd do use its facillties (I for one, a lot) and hopefully not t-o-iust abuse their. park-ing- :-i-?l:: with membership tottre C1'ub itself .- We would like to assure you of our interest t"-"""bli"G ih ttrat regard' as- well as with any Riverben6 owners -;e7;;- viiitors. {iverbend experiences -veryIittLe rental ".ti"ilv -at lrris tirne with one long-term and two short-tern rental homes. Please advise rne of your current position and wiII then take up with our Board. Thank You for Your attention' SincerelY, Riverbend Homeowners-Association Linton D. President l|al 75 south frontago road vail, colorado 81 657 (303) 479.2100 Uay 14, 1990 Mr. Charles A. Taylor 4807 Briar Ridge Court Boulder, Colorado 80301 Dear I{r. Taylor, Please forgive the delay in responding to your letter of April 25,l-990, concerning the Vail Racquet Club Restaurant. Things have been extremely hectic here and I apologize for the delay. f havediscussed your letter with our planning staff to determine thezoning which is in place at the Racquet Club as well as theallowable uses for that particular zone district. Based upon discussion with the planning staff and review of ourzoning maps, I woutd like to relate that the Vail Racguet club Condos and surrounding grounds are zoned nedium-density rnultiple-fanily (MDMF) district. As you can see on the enclosed descriptionof an ITDMF zone district, there are numerous conditional uses and accessory uses allowed in this tlpe of zone district. The RacquetClub itself is an approved conditional use and a restaurant isgenerally an accessory use to the club as is the case in thisj.nstance. As a result, the use of the condo area property in thiscase is not a misuse of the relevant zone di.strict, MDMF. AIso, in a recent conversation with Walter Kirsch, he related thatthe current garbage location for the restaurant has been approvedby the Board of Directors and is for the exclusive use of therestaurant. It is equipped with floor to ceiling doors andconpletely enclosed which falls within the parameters of the Townrsrequirenents. Mr. Kirsch also related that he proposed a new trashenclosure at a cost.of approxinately $L0,000-$12,000 of which he was willing to pay half if the onners would pay the other half. Apparently the Board of Directors are satisfied with the currentsituation and have no desire to initiate any changes at this time, as per Walter Kirsch. lnwn I I hope tbis answeri your questl.on ae to the aultability of theprcsent use of the condo area propcrty. If you bave any additlonalguestions, pleaae do not beEitatr to contact nc ln rrtting or at479-2L3a. Singerely, Environnental ltcalth officer SE:lrk cuta,,rr2Y\tw";ryff:- - {xc,fustVc rushua"JztP* - /{n /o a,/"7ilil') tt.U b l/,oh tat u-oa) Wryru/' do//'' r/fu'lh /^l fz,a1 tvnrta *#{l/p,y hr]t u fi,'flfir"N*lrrtdryl\ YY L ' Jdn i,solrt t U:,1' i il,I' hi P "uf thkw 4,uo*.u"n. fij-z-;---;:----\ Englewood, Colorado 80110l&*t$*.| '.4-68z0Eltitiiiift.l FAX 934-8745 lVhiteyouwereout unu" 6"- / r- AREA COOE - PHONE tr trI tr D ! TELEPHONED CAME BY TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU PLEASE PHONE WILL CALL AGAIN RETURNED YOUR CALL '"x. q) September 19, 1989 llembers of the Board of Directorsvail Racquet club Dear Menbers of the Board: As you know,- I-h_ave been working over the past approxinately two and one-half years in an effort to inprove th-e situationconcerning the garbage and trash dunping fron the RacguetCIub Restaurant into the dunpsters in and around -the condoninirrn units. - During that period of tine, sone changes have taken place, but, generally, I believe we have nainty been noving the problen around. It is ny understanding thata pe nanent solution has been proposed that would involveproviding a separate duropster for the restaurant away fromthe condoniniuns. Let us please do that. Specifically, it is ny reguest that the Board of Directors on Septenber 23,,authorize whatever action nay be necessaryto relocate the dunping of the restaurant garbage and trashfron the current location adjacent to Building 13, to thearea identified by ilin l{eyand in the restauranC parking lotbacking up to the tennis teaching courts. It is ny understanding that Walter had previously indicated that henight be villing to pay for at least hatf of this relocation expense, but later revised his offer because of a commentf had nade at the annual neeting. I regret that an issueas inportant as the overall appearance, health, quiet enjolment, and value of our property could be sidetrackedby any personallty or personal conftict. In ny opinlon, and f believe that of roost of the otherpersons in attendance at the annual neeting, the trashproblen is serious enough that it nust -be resoLved regardless of any palment of costs by l{alter. fn short, ifit is necessary for the Honeowners, Association to pay thefull o<pense to construct a trash bin in the restaurantparking lot, then f request that the Board authorize itinnediately so that the construction my be conpleted priorto the onset of adverse ueather conditions. ilenbers of SepteEber Page lvo Board of Dlrectors 1989 o the 19' tlhile r believe the overarl general selfare of the residentsand owners to be the nost significant reason to relocatethis trash, it nay be appropliate to address a guestionwhich has arisen concerning ine ownership of the propertyupon. which the dunpster siis. To resolvl tbe gueiti6n iirmy nind, I obtained a 9op_y of the survey of the pioperty andpartj.cula-rly the boundaiies around Auiiding rr.- ft appearst9 Te and representatives of the City, that the duilstershed is almost entirely upon HornCowners, Associitionproperty, not Racguet CIub property. If the dunpster is onWalter,s property -at all, it ippears to b; only byapproxinately nine inches. The Bylaus,of our Assoclation clearly vest power in theBoard of Directors to take action of the kilnd requestedabove. Given the fact and the general charge to the Boardin the Bylaws that it shall have the powlrs and dutiesnecessary for the adninistration of th; affalrs of theAssociation and nfor the operation and naintenance of afirgt-class project," I respectfully urge the Board to dowhate-ver nay be required to acconpt-isn Lrris now and avoidany further couplication or expense. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Chuck TaylorBuilding 12, Unit 11 4690 Vail Racquet Club DriveVaiI, Colorado 8165? cc: Frank Johnson General ltanager l,falter Xirch 4316 East Streanside CircteVail, Colorado 91658 Condominiums & Rentals September 26, 1989 Mr. Chuck Taylor 4807 Briar Ridge Court Boulder, C0 80301 Good Morning, Chuck, . . . At the request of the board, I am wrlting to advise you of the actions taken at the September 23 rneeting. After lengthy discussions regarding the restaurant trash situation at several Executive Board and ful1 Board meetings during the past year, the menbers feel that the steps taken during the past year to respond to your original cornplaints regarding noise, aesthetics, and odor have been sufficient to satisfy the owners. To remi-nd you a) The origlnal location requested by the Owner's Association Board was across the parking 1ot from the maintenance shed and away fron ALL buildings. Walter Kirch constructed the shed at his exPense. b) In response to your suggestions, the board at its meeting in early September, 1988 reviewed four alternative locations, including the front location and the current location by building 13. It rras deternined that the current location was the most advantageous because it minimized the rrdolly noisertt gave the most direct access from the restaurant, and enabled the trash pickup service easiest access to the dumpster. The board directed Peter, thru Walter' that all trash must be bagged, no bottles, cans, and other refuse that would cause a noise problem could be dunped after 10:00 pm, and that we would monitor the site Eo keep it clean and deodorized (using the same comlercial deodorizing agent used by the trash company in Aspen). e) The board directed us to enlarge Ehe doors on all the sheds to elirninate the visual aspect. -I- c) d) 4690 Vail Racquet Club Drive o Vail, Colorado 81657 . Phone 303/47G4q 'l I Page two Taylor f) There have been no complaints fron anyone, other than yourself, whether short term renter or oriner ' regarding noise, odor, or vlsual lmpact sl-nce we lnstttuted the changes. Your letter of July 19 asking the owners ln buildings 11 through 15 to express their dlssatisfaction. to the Board or Walter have not produced one negatlve response in more than 60 davs. Because ne are in a situation where three rrbusinessestt, the athletic facili-ty, the restaurant/bar, and the Homeomersr Association must share driveways, pro- perty, and, in some cases, facilities and equipment, the Board feels that creating and enforcing strict boundaries is counterproductive to our future as a ltfLrst classtt operation. The declarations and bylaws emporter the Board to create and enforce easements and the members feel that in this case, allowing the dumpster to occupy a small portion of the Associationt s property Ls appropriate. The changes that have been enacted have addressed the substantive issues in- volved adequately, and the Board feels that to spend $10,000 to $12,000 more on this project would be to vlolate their flduciary responsibility to the three hundred or so owners they rdere elected to represenc. General Manager cc: Sharon Albert Walter Kirch rely, I February 22, 1990 Mr. Frank W. Johnson and Menbers of the Board of DirectorsVail Racquet Club Homeo\itners 4690 VaiI Racquet Club Drivevail, co 81557 Dear Sir and Board Members: I have waited until now to reply to Mr. Johnson's letter of Septernber 26t L989. Uy reason for waiting was to alLow sufficienttine to see if the progran of the nost direct access fron the restaurant to the dumpsters would be used to nininize rrdolly noiserl and if there would be any bottles, cans or other refuse that would cause a noise problem would be dwnped before l0:O0pn. Since the beginning of the winter season we have spent about 45 days at our unit. r assure you that the most direct access to the dumpster is not always used. Most of the tine the route is between Buildings 13 and 14 other than the parking lot in front of Buildings 12 and 13. In addition, there have been far too nanynights that cans, bottles and garbage is dunped from 1o:30pn to L1: L5pn. we are not just week-end users of our Condo. During the ski season, we spend nore time at the Condo than we do in Boulder. AsI have stated nany tines, we do not keep garbage in our front yard in Boulder and we do not appreciate restaurant garbage and related noise problems at our VaiI home. fn your letter you state, "you have received no conplaints fron anyone other than ne.rr I would like to point out that the guestion of the restaurant garbage came before the Annual Meeting of the Homeonners ln 1988 and 1989. I refer you to your letter of Septeurber 1, L989 and your sunmary of the Annual Homeowners Meetingof August 5, l-989. I quote rrChuck Taylor stated that though inprovements had been made, he felt there was no reason to have the restaurant trash close to the condo buildings. A straw vote indicated a nunber of owners felt the same !tay. I ).'\ As a matter of fact, I paid close attention to the straw vote andthere nere no votes that gave approval for the durnping of restaurant garbage close to the condo buildings. At that neeting, hre were all led to believe that the dunpster was on lfalters property and tbat only be could relocate the restaurant garbage to a nore acceptable site. As a committee of one appointed to work on a more acceptable site,in checking with the Town of Vail I was infomed that the dunpsteris on Homeonner's property and that Walter had petmission frorn the Honeolvners to dunp the garbage on our property. Your letter would indicate that some deal vas made with walter as you state the rrWalter Kirch constructed the shed at his expense.rlIn addition, you make the point that trthe Board Menbers feel thatin this case, allowing the dumpster to occupy a snall portion of the Association's property is appropriate.rl l{y guestion now is - rrWhy were the Honeowners not so advised at the Annual Meeting? I most certainly agree with the statement that the Board feels to spend $Loro00 to $12r000 more would vioLate the fiduciary .responsibility. As an owner, f can not bel.ieve that walter put such a price tag on moving ttre restaurant garbage to his property away fron the Condos. I am sure that this problen is not going to be resolved until the next Annual lteeting. As a Cornnittee of one, I intend to inforn the Homeowners of rny findings, neetings and letters. After aII the data has been presented, I will ask for a formal vote on thisnratter. In the spirit of true Democratic Government, I assume the Board will present its side and that a vote by the Homeowners will detennine whether the restaurant garbage can be dunped next to the Condos or not. Sincerely, Charles A. Taylor cc: Sharon Albert Walter Kirch Ra _ \ail,-, o co[CfC|ub I Uondominiums & Rentals Good Mornlng. . . As you may be arrare' _there ls an ongolng concern by at reaet one homeownerabout the 10cat10n of the dumpsters uttrlzed by thl reataurant and bar. rnthe past l8 nonths a number oi correctlve actr.ons have been tak€n to lmprovevhat nas arguably a Deaayr dleturblng altuatlon, and we would Ilke to accuratelyasaess the extent of any contlnuing lroblens. Please answer the followlng questlong and return thls fornIf we do not recelve the quejtionnalre back, we will assuneconplalnts. Aprll 5, 1990 YES. 2) Slnce June dumps t er ? YES to me by Aprll 20. you have no l) slnce June 1989' have you 9I your guests been dlsturbed at night by thedump lng of restauraDt trash? NO 1989, have you NO has the IF YES, IIOT{ OFTEN? been offended by the odor of the restauranc II'YES, ITOW OFTEN? noLse of transportitrg the trash dlsturbed you or IF IES, ITOW OrTEN? or suggestlons regarding the restaurant trash 3) 4) Slnce June 1989, your guests? YES NO Do you have any comenta dunps t er? COMMENTS Slgnature Ttrank you for Racquet Club a your help ln evaluatlnggreat place to llve and ffi thla coDcenr. recreate. Please help ua keep tbe Slncerely, 4690 Vail Racquet club Drive r Vail, colorado g1657 . phone 3o3/4zGzt84o si(.) I 75 south fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 4792139 November 16, L989 otlice ol community develoFn€nt Ms. Lucinda BartovtFitness/Childcare DirectorVail Racquet Club P.O. Box L088vai1, co 81658 Re: Daycare Center for the Vail Racquet Club Dear Lucinda, The Comnunity Developrnent Department approves of your request to use a condominium for an accessory childcare center to the Athletic CIub. Our understanding is that the children's center shall only provideservices to people specifically using the Athtetic CIub. -the facilityis not approved to provide childcare to condominiun owners within theVail Racquet Club project, or to provide childcare for persons outsideof the Vail Racquet CIub Condominium project. Any use of the facilityby non-Athletic Club users witl require a Conditional Use Permit fromthe Planning and Environmental Connission. Our understanding is that you have notified all adjacent condorninium or'tners to the daycare center. We also trave a letter of condominiurnassociation approval from Frank Johnson. Thank you for providing the additional infornation we needed to rnake adecision on your request. I am sure the daycare facility is somethingthat will be greatly appreciated by your Athletic CLub guests. Thankyou for your help. Sincerely^ ,,, r l\ I {rirtq^ W\+ Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP: IT djgt,.P., November 9, 1989 Ms. Krlstan Pritz Seni-or Planner Towrr of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 Just a note, Kristan.., to advise you of the Racquet clubts owners Assoclatlonts whole hearted endorsement of the providing of daycare for Club facility users. we see only positive results frorn this creative idea, and have no objectionto its bei-ng implemented this winter. Please let me know if you have any questlons or if you requi.re furtherclarification. Since.rely, riu^r,d," Ffank lI. Johnson General Manager 4690 Vail Racquet Club Drive o Vail, Colorado 81657 . Phone 303/476-4q Vail-pacquEtClub vAlL, coLoRADO 81658 (3031 476-3267 November 9, 1989 Ms. Kri stan Pri tz Seni or Pl anner Town 0f Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai I , Col orado 81657 Re: Daycare Center for the Vail Racquet Club Dear Kri stan, This letter is in response to your sDecific concerns about the vailRacquet club accessory child care center. The children's centeris a service to people specifical ly using the club. we have notifiedthe adiacent condominium owner and he has no objections to the operation.Enclosed you will find a letter of apDrova'l from the condomjnimuinassociation. I do hci pe these answers clarify our intent and we willbe able to complete the center within the ap!ropriate guidelines. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, #,!t, do - /5c,,,7a-, r,, Lucinda Bartow Fi tness/Chi I d Care Di rector 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 October 26, 1989 oltice ol communily developmenl Ms. Lucinda Bartow Fitness/Child Care Director Vail Racquet Club P.O. Box 1088 Vail, Colorado 8L658 Re: Daycare Center for the Vail Racquet Club Dear Lucinda, The Community Developnent staff has reviewed your request to locate a ;;t";;; """tirr in an existing condorninium at the VaiI Racquet club Condominiuns. The ;taif str5ngly supPorts daycare facilities in our cornrnunity. Ille do have sone concernsr-however, which need to be addressed before 1re can sign off on your request. We would appreciate it it you would riit" ,,,r ui additionll letter answering the questions Iisted below: 1. Is the daycare center fot condominiun users or for people specificallY using the club? 2. Do you have a condorninium association approval for this use? If you do, t" to.tia Jppreciate seeing a written letter from the Londorninium associition stating their approval' 3. Have you contacted the condominiun unit owners adjacent_to.the unit that will be used for tn- aaycare center? We would like to knowthattheyhavebeennotifiedoftheuseandthattheowners do not n..'""Ii'ty"pi"ui".--"iin tn" use being adjacent to their condominiums. 4. Witl you accept any children frorn outside of the vail Racquet club proj ect? :ili t .. I We would greatly appreciate you taking the tirne to answer these questions. If you have any further questions, please feel free to Contact me at 419-2L38. Once again, I would like to reiterate that we support daycare in the Vail VaIIey; it is a natter of trying to coordinate the use with the zoning for the property. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, t7 | n,l {nrlon f',FKristan PritL Senior Planner KP:1r cc: Peter Patten *dlbrin vAtL, coLoRADO 81658 (303) 47G3267 0ctober 20, 1989 Ms. Kri sti n Pri tz Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Kri st'i n: The Vail Racquet Club woulci like to establjsh an accessory use Child Care Center. A safe and adequately staffed environment worr ld be provided for the exclusive use of CIub niembers and guests. This Vail Racquet Club service will be prov'i ded on a limited basis, as ourintention is to only service indivjduals while theyutjlize the Va'il Racquet Club premises. We will regulatethjs serv'ice by developing and enforcing strict use po'l ic'ies. An existing condominium on the property will be remodel ed to address the speci fi c regul ati ons associated with such a facility. It|e would ljke to beginthis project as soon as poss'ible and look forward to worki ng wi th you. Best regards, ilnt;,a, $a'la"/ Luci nda Bartow Fitness/Child Care Director' \- July 1.9, 1999 To: VRC HomeownersBuildings 15, L4, 13, 12 anct Ll Re: Restaurant Garbage At the 1988 Annual Homeorirners Me-eting, several olrners reguestedthat the restaurant ^garbaje-be--durnpe6' ""r"rn""e erse so not todisturb sone of the c6ndo 6*""i". werl, sone improvement has been urade, walter is at least using adorly that hai round wheers i.ttr"" than frat wtreers. The dumpsters $:"f;lr"=t ctosed-in so we don,C have to ro"i-.Jtn" garbage and On the other hand, you can still hear the travels of the garbagefron the restaurant to the aunpster which is now rocated next toBuildins r-3. But the r"stauiiil i" ""t-;";;; to crump garbage:I-i:t-19:oopn-. rhis rure has-t;.; broken . i!r-iir"=. so we srilrnave restaurant qarbage to snell and put up wi-tfr -bTcause walter hasdetermined that it is-u"=t-t"l-dt hi;-g;;G'f,1i'tn" condo,s andthe Board appears to agree ,itt t r_r. As an owner, r do not appreciate having the garbage being deliveredat night or during the day Jrt.n.i have to exprain to guests thatthe man in the while coat is aerivering (; l-i"rp-.t"r across frornny unit) restaurant garbage .ta tn.t-r live in'i cornprex whicha1lows restaurant gar6age io ue itored in "p"" "ir containers nearny house. I-lur writing to ask.you,-*Do you agree that we should continue toallow the restauranc gaiuage i" r. stored next to our condo,s orshould v/e as owners, urake -certain that we no ronger accept thisPractice. tt Prease express your opinion to the Board and to walter. rf younish, nair ne your-thoughts on the natter and r wirr see that theyare presented at the Homeowners trteeting ""-i"g.f1tn.Sincerely, 64,/q/-Chuck Tayl6rBuilding 12, unit 114690 Vail Racquet DriveVail, CO 81652 \ \ \, \- .-" \'. coMooHtMtuus€_ 'V.-i---it \ \ ',, /=' 4, 'r \.. tt \ 2? "', / f-:;{, \\\\, '\ b,o\\,rRACro \)d- \, \=. \ -tt \ \t--4 \ \ \ ,^\. \. ' .-?f\ LA \ \ \,rnacr\t \. \ @ f \* 12\\o\\\\ .,_ s\ \r-. \ FOUND .' + .. oN ROC|( "r-suPPLEuENr ro ,\ t,, \ \.""2 \3, CoNooututuus#l---\i# NO6"O4't7',w A.84, \ \t.-'"' wF ) ) ) /A.--- FouND z,,rRoN posr. Afu-JF/cr 14 / 'y/r''' / ',/o, wrrf, ALUM cApy,ry>"".\i f;ts/L,,.;;J;u il 0,, 1-rs\, \ *. \ Y""\ '\'\ 'r,,._-> \ " 2 '\{s*{t\\\-.t / t i -y;"'-, /3_N \. BALCOr{|€S AT FtRSt, \, S€COilO a THIRD FLOORS --J izo16'32"E 60.99' s37"43'29"w ll.gg' s520lg'15"8 54.2,2' /ob e' $-p52.16'32"w 54.rT' TRUE POINT OF 8E6INNIN6 WITNESS CORNER '/ihtt SW COR. SE sEc. t2, T5S ( FOUND t/2" tRa LAEELED 269C .% f:/i/'u"ib "k:# U'*s 7s,'"s 6';tu; oJQ) ( FOUND ,.+ " ON SANDSTONE, o Meetlng Discusslon of danage done to townhouse larrn by dog of tenant. Otrnerof unlt wlll be bllled for eod and labor for repalrs.Replacement of slidlng grass doors-Johnson asked ihat anyone lnterestedln replaclng thelr door wlth a new slider or hlnged door let hlnknon as soon as posslble. There does not seen ti be enough lnterestto get a bulk purchase and we need to schedure work prlor to wlnter. Rental Operatlon Report - Rental operation had nost successful year ever. unlt occupancy up 7zover 87-88 and r.ncone up 16z over g?-gg. !{e have been more dilrgentthan ever before on keeplng out undeslrable renters. Guest surveyswere conpleted by L57 of. guests and coments eere overwhelml.ngly ioslttve.For 89-90' we have ellnlnated the ttspJ.lttt on Travel Ageit comlssionsp.ald by.owners and increased slnter rates conslderably to Lncreaseowner yleld. Arl rental unlts rere lnspected and rated last falr, and uany ownera - ar€ upgrading at thls tlne. A11 units wlll be re-rated ln septenber.Housekeep lng- Questlons were ralsed about quarr.ty of housekeepingr and though ourrental guests conslstently rate the cleanlltr""" i" excellent, concernscenter on damage of ormers closets being opened.Ile have instltuted an inspectlon program irrritten) to be in use thr.sfall to assure that a genior houseieeptng person has checked theunit' and our oen housekeeper w111 lnspect a number of unlts on aweekly basls. Credlt card {rnprlnts are now belng taken as danage deposlts and weshould be able to track berter ihan Ln the pasl. Board Election - Eoneosoers runnlng for board seats were as fo ows: sharon Arbert, JackBuchannan, Dave Cole, Carl Gronau, Gary Klelman, Erlc Ratzer, CarolineRechholtz, Hal sohrneid, and vernon Taylor. Four geate were open onthe Board for 3 year tera6. Those elected were Sharon Albert, CarlGronau, Erlc Ratzer, and Hal Sohngeld. Old Business - sharon Albert announced that asaeaementa nould not be ralsed. This lsour 8th year rrithout an lncrease. Queetlon was raised about dlaturbances from Restaurant traah dunpster.Dunp lng has been scheduled to mlnlnlze dr.eturbance after I0 p.E., locatlonhas been changed to avold rorrlng dolry between buirdlngs 13 & 14,trash ls betng bagged to nlnlnlze odor, and doors have been extendedto miolmLze visual inpact. Annual Houeownerg ?age 2 DLscusslon ensued about trash renovalthat 8I1 rrash be bagged and tled.s111 be lnstalled on enclosuree bv ln general and euggestion was nade Suggestlon was adopted and elgnsfall. _h-e- -fs,]g_tLe:e_-trash close to the condo bulldlncs. owners felt 68|ne uay. _.the Club agal-n to a trlth Erlc Ratzer and the Restaurant traeh _-- qas. no reason_ tg have the reetagran ..a,filirv A stran vote inCia;r"d;;GG;;Fryy' r6t-. Preeldent A_lbert asked Taylor to woiti ,L , Advisory Board to try and reiocate "i-f;l more acceptable slte.-tofi gr . . .\rt tiL .r\rJr -t, t--.!(ttl, Proiect Applicatlon +-Qt -il I Lt t:> Proiecl Name: Proiect Description: Coniact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot /t | ,.'Comments: '1 '' / \ Design Revi Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL summary: ESI C0 t Town Planner / ..,- " , a(-7 E\statt Approval , \ait RfcquEtCIy_P_,, June 20, 1989 Town of Vail Att: Ms. Betsy Rosolack, Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8165 7 Good Morning, 3etsy, As we discussed the Racquet Club Homeowners Association has outgro$rnits business and rental office and would 1lke to extend our office space to include unit /13, building 15, currently dedicated employee hous lng . As you are aware, in 1985, lre took over the I bedrooro employee housing unit next to the then existing office space for linen storage and main- tenance office. The Owners Association has also purchased two condo- miniun units here in the complex, a two bedroon unit and a three bedroomunit, which are being used to house employees of the Association, We will be expanding our reception area to al1ow better traffic flow, expandlng our linen storage capability, and relocating two existing offices into this unit. There wll-l be no modifications to rhe exteriorof the building. Attached 1s a proposed layout of the new space. What we are asking you to consider is Eo allow us to dedicate building 6, unit 13 (floorplan attached), a 3 bedroom 3 bath condominium to employee housing use in exchange for the units we are adding to ouroffice space. Thank you for your consideration. . . please 1et me know as soon as possible what other infornation you need as we need to oroceed. tfu ank tr'/. General Johns on , Manager 4690 Vaif Racquet Club Drive r Vail, Colorado 81657 . Phone303l47G484O S-t..- +'N '*F a 0 N.\.tI$I/\ \\ \rdi *\.'\ir s U'Nirf $ll It ti s$ K tl.Jt\ Rv) t{lt \'t NR 3b+1. (o? F2 6 <) € 35 J \x x, & 6t- \TJ ur F< oI Ai Fi & i--+ t qvX ra.- ' \/ ) \)sq '<-L s{(J { \-s---'---.\r X.---l "/q € ) .'.-\Yrry -{=t L)J2r_\ .-> << <--_) s\J -$+ =.€.4\:7 I tr ) n, t /ualy "WN t'r' BE$T COPY TYNLABLE oz E =E ITJo F a F n (n r.u uJu- E =E uJ o- \\$NS''',},,,, @t cO6t@6rO r..{ | r.-l -tg -o\:< c! -rlo.l HH'o{(Jt t'lor (, .NztFH' r-{gr-E &rSi)lozEIEfl Fr,O <n F4l(J F{4,2&ol6M uJF eoF E,FIz o z o uJF z =o @ cg o =za) '-t O{ 4. .2 z l-{H &H z F z* {a z F-lA A z Fl ct Eo.c o .o(! .o o- (5 5 F (D o oooGG E o o, o (o oEo,o E dl E o =l d c) (U 3 .g E '= aD .1,*io98f; c lh a!,.9; IEE=ts'i F e 6pc-o e:5- 6.o-ttF3'l =c96'- o. -c e5t EEE*oo iEo €esF: ii=So-(' 0- $EE ane O.E*eE;(s(!-'- EE EOO: E$E 'r,c(6 0'-563 gEE E8; E*E Bte9E or eEg -o(! Nr\e.lF ca cn r\.E ;r /-f' F N 1l/I .t ,'/'/ ?t rl'i1 zl E \D s fi f1 ta"o =uj z :<o uJ-()z) J 9(EFc) uJJ uJ z =J oz () uJ = X 4 UJu,u-zo uJ (J UJE o o.o =g uJ z 6 TIJ F gJ o- z tu-) 4 x F ulatf 1 ""il/,' 12 )t, 1/, ,c47l (t .uJl!'tl- E =E uJ d J Fol- oz J @ o UJJ |lJ (,z @ J oz UJt FJ ts F NOu.VnlVA IFtz.:< ETo< =Fbffz& foc n<6A uJo|l dH HEo& (\l (\l z 6 =>cE ztr^ aoFr6Zr!< v= o-v FOjc.i z tr {l!(r o o-loE(J t! rn @ E (L uJE r+,{* J z E z tr axluFJ 3 trJz I Fzlz9. ,!). <oo< =pYTLEci<z a =z, 2z-.: F ;o3trOI LUlJ-) TE a uJ2Y i zo F Jlq,z X X X X Fl F 4 F ) d) z Y|r o- 2qto !l<lr-l zl zl .. >loulo lUulzo = ut(L z E o "llotloll =ll tl "ll<tlJtlotl'll Fll. <tlI uJllrtl !n F\o (n I 't ,0,,. ,<4'.-t ,c)//.o- o' !:r) ,/rt c)'/: o 0(4ra ',, I// IJJFiu>|6o-zo Fo- IJJ :4 UJ d! oF E =orf cPtrq b"il o F{loAl('! r=I I: tDlrl EHzo E =E, UJo- aI t z. ,n9 zE.rDo =zJO CL Lr--x__LSLJLI -)._i5\J\J= =trftQh- -r -i UJ6il= F t! o. uJ z fo ; F E o- JFlJl -h=i(ld|lJ>aL 9o\ llJ6O-:> utIrl. ru F co Eo -9o q,tt .E t E Eot o z lJ- I I I J d tt) Jo '$H ]3IF u # FlH ui =z I H\t ts F.l B =z @ @q X Fq fr qoI = s I i FlH E l-{ F Fl tr z & .J7 F-F.\t' uJt o = e.l c.l e.l I \o F. 4tll 6 H a/)z F FfFl =tr I .i z |rj J ltoz 3 9l -il I F- II EF H H ll Bi-1z tr rd.li-l ogJ \ ttoz3IF .v I ul llJF Fl z E zH F-l tr Ic\\a .i z uJ J a 23 F r) F I .i- II 1IF t z .,i ul -J l!oz 3o =tr oz oulE J- t!oz;o uJJlllF E Luz = (J uJ F - E -rO<F(rC)uJ<zE[!F(qZo C) JE<oOF f;34' -3 2? =c)=<ZE]Fd6 C) i5::F 13 g6 E. E. ;\Yifn r,Eo2<()qfr-a zIF(J &, 6zo() rttln-x-x- -F -.t .- | | I .t 0 l^' rI) F.cf, .uE( rogo crrr - rOlnq- J -l.J(!, o- )< =< o,, t-Ll C F L'Eu t', oF HE (J 6 cg Pu-(D Z(F q Y = r-,rt-: o oJ+J1 JP A)O !:v-) F lr- J C\l lu uJx=. ul F- - c\l @ I I I I UJ !r_ a/, LI' l'|-lt_ F J F € =zoN o >< ll, UJ () 3u, UJ z rU Iz (J = =C.t llJ Y UJ () F = c' J o.F ts uJ -. o-_ lL^ |I'qo- t.lo ^Jlo,lIr-l HFJ25x $rr ;1sE<(cEul u.) o.\-/ \EO E= UE^ t Rt< ?;-{i rrJ O;=F-F CE .=u = ==>F ..i- JE= HIcan{E-iEiUcr-F 3Hq3<=9lrJ; =!u-oIq *F4* lel - z,r9zE zz d.,8 ix90= F-*S .Bd EEbl F E lrlo-zo F()f, CNzo CJ .( l L lis$l- lg ! tE Ei# l; l;ri:F- lE l:+igEillPl.s9!h3.,\il; :;= $ )l: i;siNilissrsfE )liE.[i s c;'=rl6e O-O O-= llD<F6:9 o ",5iorE >< =*:€i >< E{Ig8 o6=tPidEq;!i::.== -o.:of sgi:: E iE;5 IEi;=s IT;E:E IeE;:f I:3FEE I = oz l= ts l' > =tol Flolol:i t- F :j ;t =l z F f -t *l it xeottrozo d) = tl,o zo (Jg EPltt o<>!? c)vzu-< .'B>()FO -: ai I{r (s >', = \\ $ N \l \\t J >\ tr -5ii =z c J 0 -$ =J LL c, UJo J J uJJ :\ e,f\ t.t\ t.' Engl -rz+doz (J >o:iFZO SE YZ =E8 oFo t'- -zo C) z (D E -J JC<o()F;o 5Pql _.1 O<F uJ<zq.t!FgZ\-/ O/-o F C) 11, = C) oa -Y r+Fz'16 l= ,t(JlZ r.. il# X 7 I I 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 departmont of publlc works/tra nsportatlon TO: FROM: DATE: RE: In summary, 0rdinance No. 6 states that 1t ls unlawful for any person tolitter, track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debris or material, includingtrash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk, a1ley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of vail streets and roads ls approxiroately 5 fr. off pavenent.This ordinance wil-l be strlctly enforced by the Town of vail pub11c worksDeparEment. Persons found violatlng thls ordinance will be given 24-hourqtriEten notice to renove said macerial. rn the event the person so notifieddoes not conply vrith the nogice wiEhin rhe 24-hour ti-me specified, thePublic works Departnent will remove sald material at the expense of personnotified. The provlsions of thl-s ordinance sharl not be applicable toconstruction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or al1ey or anyutilltles in the righr-of-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu11, please stop by the Town of vail BuildingDepartment to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperaEion in this matEer. Read and, Acknowledged by: /^/,A 4-./ Q -'; -- Pv/ ,- U \) Dat e rii VAIL1989 MEMORANDIJl'{ ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOI.IN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH t6, 1988 OR-DINANCE NO. 6 PToJect Id: VAIL RACQUET CLUB CLUBHOUSE Address: VAIL RACQUET CLUB Occupancy: 82rA3 Type of Const: V-l-hr NOTE:The code items listed in this reportIisting of all possible code reguirementsselected sections of the code. ?;.ii:'t"r:;*1"",1:at o (303) 476-7OOO Plan analysis based on the 1985 Uniforn Building Code ADD. Date: october 17, 1988 contractor: GORE VALLEY CoNST. Architect: C. CLAY DAVISEngineer: NONE Plans Examiner: GARY MURRAIN are not intended to be a complete in the 1985 UBC. It is a guide to DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Property lineEAST Property line SOUTH Property line WEST Property line Area increased lOO.OOt NN{E SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 60.0 Feet 60.0 Feet 60.0 Feet 50.0 Feetfor open area on OCC M^NX FLR FIRE PROTECTION 60.0 Feet 60.0 Feet 60.0 Feet 60.0 Feet 4 sides. AREA ALI'T{ED RATIO STATUSFL 2 Dining Room2 Mechanical Room TOTAL FOR FI'ORL Dining RoomL Kitchen(Conunercial)1 Retail Sales Room TOTAL FOR FI-,OORB Locker RoomB Handball Court TOTAL FOR FI,OOR BUILDING TOTAL A3 82 A3 82 82 82 82 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 1019 99 1118 L't92 480 L320 3592 2952 t 408 4350 47LO 2L000 0.05 ok28000 o.0o ok 2L4'15 0. 05 ok 21OOO 0.09 ok 28OOO 0.02 ok 28OOO 0.05 ok 24OOa 0.15 ok 28OOO 0.11 ok 28OOO O.05 ok 28000 0.16 ok 467O9 O.10 ok Code review for:Project Id.: vAIL RAc9UET lU" ""u"ousE ADD. Ad4ress:, VAIL RACQUET CLUB EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOTIIH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL !{ALL PROT82 lhr thr None l-hr thr None thr thr None thr thr NoneA3 thr Lhr None l-hr thr None thr thr None thr thr None The exterior walls may be of COITTBUSTIBLE material . Sec.22O1. None -- No fire protection reguirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assenblies.50t of the area of the wall naximun. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than L2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is reguired to have the sarnefire rating as the wall. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEI'fENTS Table ],7-AELEI,IENT I,IATERIAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing wa1l Any L hrInterior nonbrg wal1 Any t hr See Footnote #5Structural Frane Any L hrExterior Struct Frame Any t hr See footnote #LShaft Enclosure Any L hrFloor/Ceiling Assembly Any t hrRoof/ceiling Assembly Any t hrStairs Any None NOTE: See Sec. 1706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:1) Mininurn on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall reguirements.5) Nonload-bearing walls within a tenant space that are not part of aLhr corridor may be of:a) Nonconbustible (nonrated) naterialsb) Fire retardant-treated woodc) One-hour construction (any rnaterial) -- sec. 1705.(b)1. 1-7) The ceiling of the basement is required to be protected with l-hr fire-resistive construction and doors to basements are required to be of nonconbustible construction or L 3/4 inch S.C. wood. -- Sec. 1703. OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSB2-A3 ohr ADDITIONAI, SEPARATIONS FOR 82 OCCUPANCY: A Lhr occupancy separation is reguired around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit greater than 4OO,OOO BTU input. -- Sec. 7O8. FOR A3 OCCUPANCY:A thr occupancy separation is reguired around rooms containing a boj-ler or central heating unit greater than 400,000 BTII input. -- Sec. 608. Code review for: aProject Id.: VArL RACQUET Ef,US CLUSHOUSE ADD. Ad4ress:, VAIL RACQUET CLUB EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NN,IE OCCI'PATT NI'UBER EXITrpAD REQUTRED WrUtH tft.l PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES IIDIIR CORRIDOR SWING 2 Dining Roorn 69 z2 l,techanical Room O LTOTAL 58 2(1 Dining Room 119 21 Kitchen (Cornrnercial ) 2 L1 Retail Sales Room 44 ITOTAL 166 2(B Locker Room 59 2B Handball Court L4 1TOTAL 73 2( Rated corridors are to have l-hr fireceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (g) Openings -- sec. 3305. (h) In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is L/2 of the rnaxinum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303.(c)Exit signs are required from all areas serving an occupant load of 50 or more.-- sec. 3314. (a) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304.(b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b) The nunbers in ( ) are include occupant loading frorn floors above thisfloor. -- sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES:4) Based on Sec. 331-8. (a) See exception for A-3 occupancies and churches. HANDICAPPED ACCESS:1) Handicapped access is required to at least one primary entranceto this building -- Sec. 3301. (e) & Table 33-A See table 33-A for exceptions to upper floors. See table 33-A for exceptions for the basement.2l If a ramp is used for handicapped access, the max slope is1:12. -- Sec 3307. (c) STAIR NOTES: The maximun rise of a step is 7 inches and the rninimum run is L1 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (c) The urininum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupant loadis greater than 50. -- Sec. 3306.(b) See section 3303.(b) when occupant loadis greater than l-83. Provide handrails on both sides of a stainray 30 to 34 inches above the nosing. (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 3306. (j)Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 3O inches. Minimum height= 42 inches, maximurn opening size:6 inches. -- Sec. 1211. The mininum headroon is 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction, -- Sec. 3306. (n) L.4 Yes Yes Out0.0 No No N/R2'.) r..4 ( L.4 ) Yes Yes Out2.4 Yes Yes Out0.0 No No N/R0.9 No Yes N/R21 3.3 ( 4.0) Yes Yes OutL.2 No Yes Out0.3 No No N/R2') 1.5( 4.0) No Yes outprotection on both sides of walls andare reguired to be protected. #n #+ Code review for: OPTOJECT Id.: VATL RACQUET dtrUB CLUBHOUSE ADD. Add,ress:, VAIL RACQUET CLUB Provide a landing within 1 inch (L/2 incn- at doors used for handicap access)of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304.(h) The nininun sidth is sane as door width and the ninimum length is aa inches. -- sec. 3304. (i) The maximum travel distance in this building is L50 feet.-- sec. 3303. (d) ROOFING REQUIREUENTS: 1) The roofing on this building is reguired to be Class C or fire retardantor #1 cedar or redwood shake sh1ngles. -- Sec.3202.(b)3.2) See section 3203. (e) and ICBO research reports for requirements. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEI,IS :If opening are not provided in each 50 feet of exterior wall or there is floor area more than 75 feet from an exterior openingr aD automatic sprinkJ.er system is required. -- Sec. 3902.(b) An automatic sprinkler systern is required in basements of A-occupanciesgreater than 1500 sqft. -- Sec. 3802.(cr2. An automatic sprinkler system is required in enclosed usable areas above or below stairs. -- Sec. 3802.(c)4. STANDPTPE REQUIRE}IENTS :1) A standpipe systen may be required. -- Table 38-A2) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINISH:L) Wall and ceiling finish materials are reguired to cornply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) carpeting on walls and ceiling are reguired to have a class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(b) INSUI,,ATION NOTES:L) All insulation material including facings are required to have a flarne- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450 unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. -- sec. 1713. (c) exc. #22) Foan plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. L7L2. GI.AZ ING REQUIREI,TENTS :L) All glazing in hazardous l-ocations is reguired to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAI., REQUIREMENTS : For 82 occupancyIn all areas customarily occupied by humans, provide natural orartificial light and ventilation. -- sec. 705. For A3 occupancyFloor-l-st Occupancy-Dining Room The capacity of this area is required to be posted at J.19 occupants. -- Sec. 3302. (c) Coaa r".ri"w for:Project Id.: vArL RAceuET 'U" ""u"HousE ADD. Address:, VAIL RACQUET CLUB Floor-2nd Occupancy-Dining Roon The capacity of this area is required to be posted at 68 occupants. -- sec. 3302. (c) If water fountains are provided, one must have a spout within 33 inches of the floor and up-front controls. '- Sec. 5l-1. (c) HANDICAPPED TOIIJT FACILITIES:L) All doorways leading to a toilet room for handicapped are required toprovide 32 inches clear width. -- Sec. 511. (a) 2) Provide 44 inches clear on each side of doonrays. -- sec. 511. (a) 1. 3) Provide a 50 inch dianeter clear area within the toilet room(s). -- Sec.511. (a)2. 4) Provide a clear area 42 inches wide and 48 inches long in front of at least one water closet. If in a compartment and door is on the side,provide a cl-ear access width of 34 inches. Door may not encroach into clear area. -- Sec. 511.(a)3.5) A 48 inch access width is required to the handicapped courpartment. -- Sec. 5LL. (a)3. 6) Grab bars are reguired behind and on one side or on both sides of handicapped water closet. Side bar is required to be 42 inches long (nin) and extend 24 inches in front of water closet. Rear bar is to be 24 inches Iong in a room or 35 inches long in a compartrnent. Bars are to be 33 inches to 36 inches above the floor. -- sec. 511.(a)4.7) Provide a clear area under at least one lavatory. 30 inches wide X 29 inches high X L7 inches deep rninimum. -- Sec. 511.(b)1. 8) The botton of one nirror, opening of a towel fixture, and disposal fixture is required to be within 4o inches of the floor. -- Sec. 511.(b)2.&3. 5 South Frontage RoadVaiI, colorado 81657(303) 476-7OOO PIan review based on the l-985 Uniform Building Code Project Id: VAIL RACQUET CLUB CLUBHOUSE ADD. Address: VAIL RACQUET CLUB Occupancy: 82rA3 Type of Const: V-l-hr # SHEET IDENTIFTCATION Date: October 17, L988 Contractor: GORE VALLEY CONST. Architect: C. CLAY DAVIS Engineer: NONE Plans ExAMiNET: GARY MURRAIN CORRECTION REQUIRED L A-2 Handsink: Enployee handsink nust be provided in the bar area. 2 A-2 Restrooms: Restrooms floors and wa1ls must comply with Section 510(b) of the 1985 UBc. 3 A-2 Bar Finish: AII areas in and around the bar must be fight colored, srnooth and easily cleanable. 4 A-2 Bar equiprnent: AII new and existing equipnent rnust meet NsF standards and be in proper working order. No residential appliances will be approved for comrnercial use. 5 A-2 Plunbing: Provide two complete sets of plunbing plans. Approval of these plans must be completed prior to work commencing. 6 A-2 Electrical: Provide two complete sets of electrical plans showing load calculations and circuit layout. Approval of these plans must be cornpleted prior to work comnencing. 7 A-2 Note: Provide panic hardware on the door(s) indicated. --Sec. 331-8. (a) I A-2 First floor dining: The plans should indicate that a maximum occupant load of 119 is to be posted in this area. Sec. 3302. (c) 9 A-2 Second floor dining: The plans should indicate that a rnaximum occupant load of 68 is to be posted in this area. Sec. 3302. (c) 1-0 A-2 Note: Al-l elenents of the structural fraure are required tohave L hr fire protection. -- Table 17-A and Sec. L702. LL A-1 Basement to first floor: A solid core or metal door with closer is reguired between the basement and the lst floor. -- Section 1703. Required corrections for: IProject Id.: VAIL, RACQUET CfftB CLUBHOUSE ADD. Add,ress:. VAIL RACQUET CLUB # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUTRED 12 A-1 All stairs: Openings to the exit enclosure are required to be l-hr fire assemblies. -- Sec. 3309. (c) 13 A-1 Al-L exit enclosures: only required exit doors are allowed to open into an exit enclosure. -- sec. 3309. (c) 14 N/A Note: Provide adequate designated handicap parking as required by State statutes. t 75 3oulh fronlage road vell, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olf lce of communlly developmenl To: To whom it nay concern From: Kristan Pritz Date: September 2,1988 Reference: Addition to Racquet CIub Clubhouse Walter Kirch is proposing to add : 540 s.f. of new restaurant space45 s.f. of restroom space 9O s.f. of rnechanical space*255 s.f. of existing space will be converted to restaurant on the upper level where the construction will occur Reguired parking for the restaurant addition is:34seats=5spaces or8O5s.f.=Tspaces The requirement is based on the greater requirement perthe Town of Vail parking code. The 7 spaces will be provided at the tennis parking area. The existing Lower level: Main level: Upper level:Total: club has 14,950 5r 300 2,O90 the following square footage breakdown:s.f. s.f.s.f. 22,34O s.f. Existing s.F.: 22,34o s.f . Proposed S.F.: 675 s.f.Total New S .F.. 23, O1-5 s. f . Total allowed club s.f. 371984 s.f.(per letter from Peter Patten dated November l-1r198L)Total S.F. after addition: - 23, Ol-5 s. f .Total Remaining S.F.: L4,969 s.f. The square footage for the Club was originally approved as a conditional use by the PEC on August l-2, L976. In L980, Ordinance 3O adjusted the definition of GRFA. The new def-inition allowed for recreational facilities for buildingscontaining more than two dwelling units. The allotnentfor recreational is 20* of the total GRFA. The Clubts maximum square footage was calculated by taking 20? of thetotal approved GRFA of L89,923 s.f. It was determined thatit was not necessary for Walter to go back to the PEC fora conditional use every time he wants to add on to the CIub.For these reasons, the proposed CIub addition meets thecurrent zoning requirements of the MDMF zone district. ART}IUR I. I'IEAFS. P.E. =?3 E. EOTHIC AVE.EUt'iNIsBN, trO El1?30{3c]3} 641-3236 J(:i AL(gLts;t L$De l'lr, lrJalter- [i.ir-ch V.::ri I Racclr"let CI r_rhlJo:r l Cttitl V,:ri 1 ,, Cn H1&5{1 Dear l''h-[I. i ri:h : fl"1,. Yolrr- r-{:rqLtE:?t, I h n vr.,.r r-r:vi.elwecl L:he U1;,,ry DavJ.= grlans (cl:\tnd rt-:|,* H L-J 1r +or i:hn Ff arfittt: L Cl.t-tb i-t:nrclcletl.. Tiris revier,.j r{,;jr! cnndttr::t+rJ Lncleta"rmi.nn :if {:hn dehr:i. g-{ 1nr,.r nr. Einor,(j-sr,.r1 anclre haiarcl r,ryor-tl r1 Lr*rI ncrG."r'.;{:d ..-rii -..:r. r{:1slrj _h g{' t: h r.!1 propDeelrl relmoclnl. " or i+ ttri.:li *ir.,-tn ej.n bui.i.din,:r for-nr r,'rijt inuierislJ f.fie-ijeOri;:;f;,i fia:i".:i-ir"'*.fi'"i,iriiii1:rrnpelr-ty. T'he 6rrnpo:;ed .:r.drJ i t:inn i:; an Lrppsr levei =trttcture. locatsrlpriru.rily on the gide of flre tiltl.icring wi-riirr-ii-""t ";ap;;;; tn e.ny,possi bl er ;r.vel.rnch* por+cler-bl. a:rt {orcds. Tlre rier.r-i"rg]5i"il*j.,i"-n,i"'op i n j on , wi I l. not 1ggu1! r€: any spelc !. ar deei g- to resi. eji: ar.zal ;r1eheI o'rds [:rtrcalt:le il: l'.ti,1. l be ,.reti ni:iove grscle and the entire !: r.,t i ].cli.rrcti:; IocaL.r,:rd {ar intu a.f iat rtrnout zonr.. As j.nci j. ca|tr*d orr 'L.ire L.!'84 l'olln o{ v,ai I .lrerzarci map:;r thc. Rltcr';1t,,,:,,1_:cl lrb i i,:i ;r1so e;<pueecr tu rnodr.lr-atn debt-i s-* r o r.l ha:r,rrd. :il:.i::.:.:ir-lII, rhF br_ritcin!l rTlfly be rr:acrred prrnrar_iry by a {:rr:rr"nyper-trorrcentrdti:d f 10r*r, " (nrr_tddy wer.Leri , ag=ociatio wi .r ;,irrvmaj':r clebris rrow in rne cfrannel'aoiit-r' "+ th-;-;;;;i;";;nt.'"'jliri=, F,l]:-.ill1 lras prroclr-rcecl debril: +low:l or mild{1ows it-r 1?7(-, ancl 1?7,_:J.flot\'E|vErr even t{heln sLtch a l-hin. mctddy {}ow reaclreg the CI r-rShnLisg"si gni f i can'L dain.rqe r+i I 1 nnj: oiirti 1 c1fld strltcturrar -aim-eqe- ;.'; ,i;;*'anti ci.pelherd. cluletnlrp and riebr:i.:l removal irom the parh:1nq ;li- (.r{.\*lnd ad-j"r.celn l- groltncl rnay b,:: reqlri recl as it i.s al wa.ye dif { ir:r_r1 u ,: clprndir::L [:fre direc{:inn r:{ tnesi-inu.lcly +i"*r, piilicutlarl}, on.f].i\.1!;rtr'f rtreg. Bercanst'-, the prr:i:l*ed remr:del is'lnsaterl on .thr+ l-rDnerlevel o{ the buiidi'g, i^,er.i sbove g.acjer it r,,riit;oi".rt.inc;'-[i;bdetrr-it: {lorrr berhavior--in any wai", aniJ no !pecial mitia*ti;;r=w:i:;l i-ba.requi reci . Flease contaci: nre if yen have any turther qr_re=tion=. Arthurr Icr: ll:r i. e<;t r-e:nard::. QilL,^,{ rfi\ru,a . i"l€,);tr5 ,, F'. 5_. ,-";tan F'r-i't-i a As the o$rner of the VaiI Racguet Club Clubhouse, I acknowledge that f have received personal notice of the fact that the clubhouse addition is in an area of geologic sensitivity (avalanche and debris flow) and notice of the studies conducted to date. 'h^/1*J Walter Kirch, owner of the Vail Racquet Club Clubhouse w: I s'g )-'llw tvnt"uu'll*t- Lttp' I I Tn.TO I'lt.loll IT NAY CONCERN Senior PlannerFROtr{: Peter Patten, DATE: IL/II/8L SUBJECT: Vail Racquest Club Cl.rbhouse Addition - Zoning The Racquet Club (via l'rtalter Kilch) r,rishes to expand the existing clubhouse facility by constructing an indoor pool, locker facilities, exercise room and an indoor jacuzzi. Tire clubhouse was approved August 12, 1976 under a conditional use pernit by PEC. Under Ordi-nance 37,1980, a nerv definition of GRFA was adopted. The third paraS,raph refers to cor non recreational facilitl' allotments "for buildings containing more than 2 dwelling units." This allotrnent is 2O% of the total GRFA for conmon hallways, stairlvays, lobbies and conunon lecreational facilities. 'l'he intent of this is to providu ru11i.family projects, lrhether all corunon al'eas are in the sarne building as the residential units or not, with an allocation of 20% of their total GRFA for conunon areas. The Racquet Clubrs GRFA maxinuur allorvable is 189,923 square feet. 20% of this equals 37,984 square feet. The existing clubhouse has between 101000 aird 12rO00 sq ft. of floor area with the proposed addit.ion representing about 6h0 sq ft. The totat of existing and prcposed still is about half of the allowable. Thus, the addition can be allorved under the current zoning. cc : llial ter Kirch Box 1088 Vail, Co f'1tf^f- l),cpif '.iul c (D P*utr,.r. @ \Lnor,l' " '''\f,' vo.z,,' 0a.? , ,tlJ-, . -ffi6a 2 ,*rt"toN REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF ,or, \o/2o JoB NAME ' 5^to CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: ECTION:wED t"r* @) ---@ tt BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL f nouor / D.w.v. ,'{. tr FRAMING tr BOUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING ;P-c^s PTPTNG tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr_ tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER T] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNstb.oN REeuEsr READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 'MON-.', TUES WED THUR FRI AM \.pttt . PERMITNUMEERoFESoJECT . \ TOWN OF VAIL*"\R^l)\.'\'\ \..'\'\ '' \',^\ :. DATE'i)^. rt'r-JoBNAME'r '\- \...'.q.'.. \ \KNq" '':-.'. .ALLER ' "..,'.1' -- . .- '.=)-.t,..,'.*i . BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr g FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR nla 'i5.*\'. 11. tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED k, --tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /.- , ?,'r ,1 !' - . / - Y' YDATE /' i/ ',' ' /) '/' INSPECTOR -.j6ot- | PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTl, .r- r* DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUB FRI /c) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION./ STEEL FRAMING tr tr D tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICALT tr HEATING tr n tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECT1OT neOUtReO DATE INSPECTOR fr- 1tr - .'a il DArE \\/ [ JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON tNs+"rJ*oN, $EouEsr. oALLER Nf.,ut {t-vr 4tt4 - v t to6l tr.r @D 'HUR FRr -------@ pn,' t READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT BUILDITO: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr tr o tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FR*il'ING r-r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING I noucH f,i(l tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trn tr FINAL tr FINAL lf ieeaoveo ,".tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"toN REeuEsr . , TOWN Of-rVAtL tr'i Lrir c ! t., i; 1", ,'-t- ii ,: o'@" r/ t' r'/t( ,(,*. - a'* DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEERtr ;L,iwdo;'rrriillNrc c GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB \,/ ltl,/6 SHEETROCK NAIL . 'A\ tr n r-l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING r-vrr ,| | ra\f rl/r\ /'tho BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.f^&-s-H.EFl...^ tr cAS prprNc" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB sHEErRocK r,rnrr 4 tr n r-l tr FINAL tr FINAL tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB - rln tr FINAL tr FINAL @"*ou.o CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I 111 t '1 -' n Zs 'l t;'tz INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL .J.',,t,irr't r /.,i PERMI DATE,'i, :1',,/ | i JOB NAME T NUMBER OF PROJECT t/i . INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR (AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O BOUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr o tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL _ O GAS PIPING D POOL i H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr T€MP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trtr F FINAL tr FINAL fo xeeaoveo .-r-'.-,1 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST 1 VAIL AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ;:.$ffiaoveou'coaaecrroNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED TNSPECTOR 75 3outh fronlage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce ot oommunlty developmenl To: To whom it may concern From: Kristan Pritz Date: September 2,1988 Reference: Addition to Racquet Club Clubhouse Walter Kirch is proposing to add : 540 s.f. of new restaurant space 45 s.f. of restroom space 90 s.f. of nechanical space*265 s.f. of existing space will be converted to restaurant on the upper level where the construction wiII occur Required parking for the restaurant addition is: 34 seats -- 5 spaces or805s.f.=Tspaces The requirement is based on thethe Town of VaiI parking code. The 7 spaces will be provided at greater requirement per the tennis parking area. The existing Lower level: Main Level: Upper level: Total: club has the following square l-4,950 s.f. 5,300 s. f. 2,090 s. f. 22,34O s.f. footage breakdown: Existing S.F.: Proposed S.F.:Total New S.F.: 22 t34o s.f . 675 s. f. 23,015 s. f. Total allowed club s.f. 37,984 s.f.(per letter from Peter Patten dated Novenber 11, 1981)Total S.F. after addition: - 23,015 s.f.Total Remaining S.F.: L41969 s.f. The square footage for the Club was originally approved as aconditional use by the PEC on August 12, L976. fn l-980, Ordinance 3O adjusted the definition of GRFA. The new def-inition allowed for recreational facilities for buildings containing more than two dwelling units. The all-otmentfor recreational is ZOt of the total GRFA. The Club's maxirnum square footage was calculated by taking 2o* of thetotal approved GRFA of 189,923 s.f. It hras determined thatit was not necessary for Walter to go back to the PEC fora conditional use every tine he wants to add on to the Club. For these reasons, the proposed Club addition meets thecurrent zoning reguirements of the MDMF zone district. ARTHUR I. I"IEARS. P.E.222 E. EOTHItr AVE. EUNNIStrNr CO E}1230(303i 641-3236 St.: Ar.rq;uts l: :l gEl[3 l'lr. lala I ter- f,:. i rch Viiri I RarrclrrelL Cl r-thIJsx 1(iABVnil, On E1&513 Dslar i'lr lr.i. rr:h r 01 . yc,,-,r- relqlre:;t" I lrnve relvj.ewed the {]l.ry fiav j. s trlans (clated ,,-.j.-tjHi r f or tller R;rcqutet f,1. lrb remodell. " Thi s revi ew r,,a$ rondLrfi.i:Et[j todetgrrti. ne i f 'Lhn debr i. s-{:1 or,,,r nr' $nor^,-qv$1ancl-le harard woLrl d i:ai nurea'gncl a':i a rr:sLrl -L p{ thtl ;:rropn=;ed remodel { or i + thi $ ch;:rn ein i:rr..riidinq +orm wi..i. I inc:reaE;h the denri;:+t;;, irariro-t" "*J:i'i*iiiii p rnpert y 'T'h t+ prupn:led ,:rrJcii Iinn it- an Lrppelr level elrr-rcturreo locatedprim;.rr-i 1y on thel sidal o* ther tlu j. lclinq wl-riclr is noi: e:<posecl i; cl *-\nypossihl.Er aval. snchgl powcler--Lr 1. ae;t {nrcdg" The rJerru-rl",n.j,i"r, -ii'-n,""' ll-l i'-,1oi]f wi 11. not f gsrilrEi any specia.[ rJersigr:r tci resisi:. "rrzal"rrrrherclsfils iJ ttL:;tt-t'jie rt t"ti 1. I br= well above gr:rclr: and the entire br_ri .l, tl:i. riqi.t; Locertr.ltl {ar into a.f 1at rlrnor-r,t :one,, As j.ncl i calterd nn the :1. slE4. Tcl^rn o.f vai I h;r:;rrcl flr;rp:;r thel R*r:rqr_r,ntClt-rl:. :1, *]Fio ei{pr:f:i*cJ t* rn'dr*ratcl clehris-{1ow ha:;rrd. l?f::11t!iiIIf , Lhe hutitding n1;ry be reachecJ pr-imar-i1.y by ;r {:hin''nyp$r-trcJncen t:r"{ted f }or,*r " (nrrtddy waLeri. aggociater_l witfr an,7ma-i r clebri s f ltrw irr the channel 'solrth oi the oe"etooui"r,f . -"',ii-li*, channel lrat prodncerj clebris5 -f Icrwr or nncl{lowg in i+th';nri- f SZI"Jj"'rlohrFver,' even Hh€jrn such a Lhin. nrr-rddy .{Inw rearche:l Lhe El 1rbhn1.ree.:lignificarrt d:lrnage r^rill not ocir-trn anri gtructutrat clamaqle is rroi "*nti ri.plarterrJ. cLeernr-rp erncl dehr j. rl removal {rom re parh:inq *rr-ea il!_,i{., ^Fent,sroutncl may_be. reqnired as it irs always di{f irr-r}.1 toprecll {::t the drrecl:ion o{ these mr-rddy {lor.lg, partiiurlarty on .{;1..rtsurf {rcesi. Er*rau:;e Lhn prnpnsed r-emirrlel i.=' l bcaterl on thn L{Dr:rerl elveI o* Lhe ilni i cli ng. i've1 i above gr.acien i t 'xi i i nor: cnanq;- t.iiidebris { 1nr,v [:e]r";trii or in.xny r^r€\y .rnfi no ipecial nr i t i g a t i a rr - w :i. .1. I br:req ut i red. F I eas*r cntrtact me :i { yolr havcl any {r-rrther qltesti ons. Eqxi; h r:ecJardr:; "^, ;y!!-4.,..ct:: ll.r i *tan Fri tz As the owner of the Vail Racquet CIub Clubhouse, I acknowledgethat I have received personal notice of the fact that the clubhouse addition is in an area of geologic sensitivity (avalanche and debris flow) and notice of the studies conductedto date. Ittlt u,ttt ut l,ll*u uW : 8' 5' g )-' I TJ*.H-J Walter Kirch, Owner of the VaiI Racguet Club Clubhouse Q^-, / T1'r. FROM: )j o T0 WHOM IT I'IAY CONCERN Peter Patten, Senior Planner '*t'3* rffii DATE: IL/LI{9L SUBJECT: Vail Racquest Club Clubhouse Addition - Zoning The Racquet Club (via lttalter Kilch) viishes to expand the existing clubhouse facility by constructing an indoor poo1, locker facilities, exercise room and arr indoor jacuzzi. The clubhouse was approved August 12, 1976 under a conditional use permit by PEC. Under Ordinantce 37, 1980, a nelr definition of GRFA was adopted. The third paragraph refers to corunon recreational facility allotments "for buildings containing more than 2 dwelling uni-ts. " This allotment. is 20% of the total GRFA for conmon hal1ways, stairways, lobbies and conunon recreational facilities. The intent of this is to provide nulti-farni-ly projects, rvhether all coirunon areas are in the same building as the residential units or not, wi-th an allocation of 20% of their total GRFA for convnon areas. The Racquet Clubrs GRFA maximum a11orr'able is 189,923 square feet. 20% of this equals 37,984 square feet. The existing clubhouse has between 10,000 and l2r000 sq ft. of floor area with the proposed addition representing about Od sq ft. The total of existing and prcposed still is about half of the allowable. Thus, the addi"tion can be allowed under the current zoning. cc: Walter Kirch Box 1088 Vail , Co ,^ c^Yr[. wqv?nt\t'#4'h#^ 'Y\D$rt t|$ *lf,{ Q ,to,v*J (D P*uvr* @ tL^ior{' ro v"'\X' 'l'tQ D. Project Application Project Name: Projecl Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com menls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Torirn Planner -\ a,",, Approval March 21, 1988 Mr. Bruce Kendal'l General Manager Vail Racquet Club P.0. Box 1437 Vail, C0 81658 0ear Bruce: I have discussed the matter of the Vail Racquet Cl ub Restaurant dumping itstrash and garbage in the dumpster close to Euilding 12. Apparently nothing isbeing done to stop this rediculous procedure of hauling garbage from the restaurant to the Homeowners area. It has to be costly for the restaurant to have its employees haul the gabage over at least once a day normally around 11:00 p.m. It may be less costly for l.Jalter to stone his garbage on our property but it sure as hell isn't winning him any "Goodwil'l ". I never understood why the garbage was placed in the dumpster by the office. You apparently didn't like the garbage e'ither so, you moved the dumpster closeto Building 12. I got news for you, it does not smell any better or look anybetter than it did next to the office. You don't have to look at the messy mess but we do every time we come up and are continually reminded of theunsightiy mess walking to the Park or driving in and out while we are try'ing to enjoy our Vail home. lrle consider the Racquet Club our second home now that I am in retirement. !'re do not keep uncovered "trash and garbage" in the front yard of our Boulder home and we certainly do not appreciate uncovered garbage at our Vail home. !'lhat really gets me is to go get a morning paper before the maintenane workers have a chance to clean up around the dumpster next to our building. It is notthat Restaurant Employees are dumping garbage on the.ground but dogs pull down garbage bags to get to scraps and a dumpster only holds so much trash. I apprec'iate that our employees do take the time to clean up around the dumpster. This has been going on since last summer and I don't mind telling you that ny fuse is getting a little short. l.le would like to see managenent take care of the problem but if this mess is not cleaned up we wi'll be taking the matter to the Town of Vail Health Oepartment. I cannot imagine that they allow a restaurant to keep garbage and trash in an unclosed dumpster. lie are not going to have that smelly dumpster in our front yard another surmer. Yours" in Oisaustn /) flr*{y'fu./-(t Chuck and Pearl Taylor cc: Sharon AIbert Nalter Kinch Peter Hal I en April 3 | I9B7 Miss Kristen P::itz Tovrn of Vail Planning Department 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Kr:isten: I was su::p::ised to ::ead that monies have been app:opriated for a volleyball court in Bigho::n Park. when we had the hearings for public input a couple of yea::s ago, the ::esidents of the a::ea we::e opposed to locating a volleybal-1 facility in this park. My ::ecollection is that the Town of VaiI staff had a st:ong desi:e for a volteyball facility in Bigho::n Park, and that it took conside::able ef fo::t on the part of the people living around the par:k to get the votleyball facility deleted f::om the p1ans. tle even had a show of hands, and no one desired a volleyball cou::t. I{ho has made the d<-.cision to add the volJ-eyball facility after the local residents told you of tlieir opposition to it? Wiren the p::ope::ty was purchased, it was supposed to be used for a "::esidential park". At that time, I was told that a "residential park" meant undeveloped, open space that could be used for walking and to enjoy natu:e. Bigho::n Pank has a1::eady been developed beyond the o::iqinal intent, and the acldition of a volleybal1 cou::t is ce::tainly not in keeping with ea::lier ideas fo:: t::anquil open space. If the town staff wants to flaunt the public input they solicited two years ago, f think that you should at least go back to the public to see if they have had a change of hea::t. Best regards,'Jr/t/-*2 Ualte: Ki:ch Paul Johnston - Mayo::Eric Appleton Go::don Pierce Kent Rose John Slevin Herman Stau f e:: Ga i I Wahr:1 ich- Lowenthal Peter: Pat ten cc: 75 south tronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 14, 1987 oftlce ot communlly development Mr. Walter Kirch Vail Racquet Club 4695 East Meadow Drive Vai I . Col orado 8]657 Re: New parking 1ot across the street from the clubhouse Dear Wal ter: We must request that the new parking lot across from the Racquet Club clubhouse be removed. The parking.l ot is not an allowable use in and of itself accordingto the zoning on that adjacent parcel . Parking is only allowed as an accessor.,v use serving another use on the same parcel. A1 so, the zoning code stipulates that wjth the exception of single family or dunlex residences that parking fac'i lities must be designed so that it wrll not be necessary for the vehiclesto back into any street or public right-of-way. That provjsion is, of course. addressing a potential safety problem of cars backing directly into a main road. From our informal observations, jt appears that there are excess spaces withjn the main lot, even when cars are utilizing the new 'l ot. l,Je have not been awareof any parking problem at the Racquet Club, but would be hapoy to speak with you about Darking expansion if you feel you have a problem. Probably the easiest method to eliminate the parking lot would be to simply not plow it next time it snows and allow the normal accumulation of snow along the side of the road to remain. Thjs would allow you the use of the parking lot unti.l we have another good snow fall. We appreciate your cooperation for the removal of the parking 1ot. SincereIy,t/ 1 0, flfivhr\ {rr Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Standards for off-street parking shall be as follows:A. Location and Design- Itarkingsplces.aislesand turningareas sha ll bc cntircll,rvirhin lor lincs and shall not encroach on anvpublic right-of-rvay. No parked vchicle shall overhanc uni, p.ublic -right-of-rvay. - Exccpr lbr parking facilitics seivingsingle-lamily or two-family resiclenrial dwellings, or parkin!facilities accommodating less than four cars. ofi_srreeiparking areas shall be designed so rhat it will not be necessary for vehicles to back into any srree! or public righr_of.-$,ay.ll. Siz,e of Space. Each olf-street parking space shall be nor lessthan nine Icer rvide by ninerr:en luet long, and if enclosedand or covcred. not less than scvcn l'eer high. An exccprion to r h.c size ol' spacc shall hc allorvecl for conipacr spacca in lotswirh more than fifreen spaces. In this case. up to twenty-l.ive percent ot the spaces may be eighr bv sixteen and the comoact spaces shall be clearly marked as such.(-'. z\cccssways. Unobstructcd an<l dircct accessrvays not lcssihan ren leet nor more than nvcnty lcet in rvidih shall beprovided from off-srreet parkin,e ro i srr.et or allcy. 4f). Aisles. Aislcs of trdcquate tvidth for conr.enicnt and easv itccc'ss to cach parking space shall bc. provided. attordin-uqgo bstructcd yq hiqu la r-plss:lgc berrveen each parking s paciand one orlnore acccsswals. fhis requirement nray beivaived OFF-S'|REET PARKING AND LOADING 18.52.080 Parking-Standards. #t ffirrrlacing.., \ l.l park ing areas sha ll he paved arrd provided rvirh adeq ulte d ra irraue tacilir ics. [". l.arrdscapi'u. \ot lcss than ten pcrcont ()l thc i.tcrior surl-accarcit ol unsncloscd oll-slrce t parkrng are s conta in ing t.il.tecnol I?rc parkrnu spaccs shall bc dcvorcd to landscaprng. Inaddition. llrrr.lscapcd borricrs llot less lhiln ten lcet rn ticpth:hall bc pror i<led ut ullcrlgcs ol purkirrr lots contlininq nroretltrrtt li[lccn pirrkinq splcci. l.a,,.lr.up"ii bortlcrs not lcss thanrtllccn tct-.r rn tlcptlt slrtrll bc provirlcd ut all ctlgcs ot.purkinglots c()'lir il'.Ll'rrl rc t'un t ^i itr park in.t spaccs.-r\ l:r nascapcri be lrrr. rr u ll ()r. tc ncc n()r lc:r:\ r lrair iirrrr tc.i.r in heiglrt ()l.thc same lure hirccturul \t'lc irs rhc hrrrltlinu rnur. bc subsrilutcd l()r thelittttlscu pcrl hrrrtlcr. strhlcct t,l .l..,gn i.r.i*r*:,,1,1,r,r, u,. .19 | ,!'f ' Project Appllcation Pro.lact Name: Proiecl Description: Conlaci Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:.),^\\. o \(.--. \...- Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal O€scription: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL I r.a oI t-:l couEtCIubI VAIL, COLORADO 81658 (3031476-3267 Airgust 24, l-:986 I"Ir. Tqn Braun Planning Departnent Tounr of Vail 75 Souttr tuontage bad Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tcm: Brclosed is a copy of a Ietter I received frcrn John logan, the kesiderrt of the Courtside Ttl^rnh.cnes Ohtners Association, regardirg I our ns\r tennis courts and a oc5ryz of ny reply, Best regards, D"h Walter Kirch viE/@ frrclosures OUR1SDE TOWNHOMES ct voi August 12, 1986 Vall Racquet Club P.0. Box 1088 Vaii, C0 81657 Attn: Walter Klrch . Dear Mr. Klrch At our recent Courtside Condomlnlum Assoclatlon meetlng, there was discussion concerning the proposed tennis courts In the avalanche area to the east of our complex. Several of the owner:i, who's unlts are adJacent to thfs area, are concerned that a ten foot fence around the tennis playlng area will obscure or dlmlnlsh the panoramlc vlew that these unlts hrye. Several suggestlons for alleviating the concern have been suggested by the owner of unit t6, Dr. Charles Oberst;l) Shift the entire plan to the east, thereby moving the boundary fence further from Courtslde.A Remove the perlpheral side walks, thereby moving the boundary fence further from Courtslde.l) Reduce the fence along the slde of the courts to four feet as per the enclosed photographs. The view of the waterfall is also very lmportant to many of these unit owners. Anything you can do to preserve thls view as well as the panoramlc vlew to the east would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your consideratlon. fru'y'I Octij,L"o.- Jonn w. ro,i" ,Presldent)of Dlrectors Courtsicle Townhomes Association box 1762 . r,roil, colorodo 81658 r (303)47 6-8049_ .#h,!il vAlL, coLoRADO 816s8 (303) 47G3267 August 17, 1986 Mr. John Logan President, Board of Directors Courtside Townhomes Association P.O. Box 1762 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear John: I am in receipt of your letter of August 12, 1986 regarding the tennis courts that we plan to construct to the east of the Courtside complex. Please be assured that, our work will be tastefully done and nicely landscaped. I don't believe our courts will have much of an impact on any of your property ovrners because our fence line will be about 35 feet east of the property line, and your buildings are probably 15 feet west of the property line. As a result, people will be abLe to look righL over the courts and see the mountai-n panorama and the waterfall. Our original plans cal1ed for six tennis courts, but because of cost considerations, we have reduced the number to four. This should help your people for we will not be going as far up thc aill as we would have been with six courts. So far as your specific suggestions are concerned, I vould make the following comments: 1. The courts are already sited as far east as possible in consideration of your view. 2. We will remove the peripheral sidewalk if we can find a practical alternative for getting equipment to the upper courts. 3. A four foot fence is not feasible because of control problems. lle will consider 6 foot fencing where ball control is not a problem and we wilL delete windscreens wherever they are not needed for wind or visual control , As our construction progresses, I will keep you i nformed . Best regards, I'ik,/pdb llaLter Kirch " PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS SEED Botanical Name Common Name lJone' Type ' Quanity Size Square Footage SOD Zr{uo [f.u t .,fAi,.. F.^'."- o-r/ q,sookv TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROL oF \,\ of affilic,?Lb C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainjng wal1s, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. /l c.th e. A. l^ou -u.h /./ ;ltft+?3['3;', LIST MME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The following jnformation is requ'ired for submjttal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fjven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Sidi ng Other Wal'l Materia.ls Fasci a Soffi ts W'indows tJindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: Botani ca'l Name Size*PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED * I nd'i cate ca I i pe Common Name At/., trees. Indicate Quan i ty 35- a\ y'''t" T0 UoYr-c-t f, for deciducious I i-^' height for conifers. (over) OF MATERIALS ' t4 rn +Jai x(, u 1Jg +, th all g rn in= H*9r 6ezt :fl -6w % I I l., l6 I I I l*,oll-t<ErFlez l=to t2 5 IELd r4o E =9|rl!ooz llu FiE Itol I I I 5l Er brI '4tE dH IIJuJilt -r ='- o..lr- d.'ioF..o F)-.z- cc.-t IIJz =od|!tu6z.:.3Eoful <FZe'9Z(a< ..J J -- o EoE -glt C'(J =clo(g loF oG o ltlo C) oc b o o ot,rC a! oEoo CD =tlo E o =.Cf dq) o CLo'6 i .g o EEgg Eg E: € EE:3 E;:B =B=!c966.l o:5 or !EEF 5E g,? {; se SE; eoiE-o:€e€ EFEE - o.li o -+.cf6 0'- !t=o0' nr oE.9 g EEi P IloE ifis;9Eo - iEg'E <i lJ) t\ctl <r(\.t E Ee uJGozo =t.0 tn uJ IIJt! ts =e, IJJ o-J FoF E P ot o,L vlvlog c,o ->e, .-r 3 aYl \e ttt. Al = 'or (si ZtLooa^z =o 96r EE.tt O1>9()92l!<oqH6E8 -i ni I 3 F l|l c, C'(tAt^ x L a, o g ctt(te (t o EoEa3 (J ,po5cra IEId, Itt 'jj=z dlo-r (t E() xoctt IJ' ctt3 ct (J I =g t! oQtf I1o .d' tEl tFt F(J36 vtao(.' r! c lr.,EI =G, !- l-l fl? l:lloll2l Hfl oz o IIJ J IIoz }10F fl, E|igX+8, -FOz oz E =e uJo z .cPze 60 =z=f,dP J :E? =HE !!n t =g, uJq- t!o EgE<3AEe,E91rkbe5E F HEE EIE oo9 \utE qst q- €= dtoF tr!tr r{{ w ,C)"C) sl $t UJl- o .P o.o,.o 'z,'o ,l-./ O-."u-Y UJo o F Gul 0.tto o-oo I utFoz F 16 -IUJ= tEE TIlfJ l- o-z9F()3E 6zo() l*7ulF\r_,t/ t= \!-.2 , | --E.- 1- : ,i, z (59zzdto2Zf>Jc,o- u- J :E? =sg E =GuF.G-.trL,@,U|<.ozt,<:zfdEg" .Es+ c-1-#H= AEE&t !J60 =r!XJo-;:T 3Lt {rJ vJ coE.tt0 .o c: E Eoa, o o, € gttt. l-r E! -E L 'o)0)co vLo3 Etn a t t x =o zz E =Eurc,(,z I .o vt uJUI|l E =EL!o. o\F-| o Er .tl 0) h'a o Er, otc(g qt oo ol ! f(o o f to) oo (! | (1, r'5rlt o()o G' o t) t E ct rn ,3'Gl oc ; .gl6B E! G('ro9'o:33 G|F-s6 9.9o.: !-Er€ _!E; ,7,>6oN 6';t);oo -.1-.€o -o -o. P EYi.s6 r€() ;.9 g lEe L.:a t),cf io{/!i5-i?E -oc o,rr: EEi()Ga I ra:;3i9rc(.!6r I i.:-o:zli olicrslgF.'>= lf.i 3;.1 =>,E-oFtro o'iE t),_or9-ll:i;- (:lro o.'t= -'-E 9'r- cLi9o'GCl6o iE.E 16-E IEE ' c!.:a.-c,I o-:;o t 0) -.}E:i3;; o:\t.!=:-= lag PEE;octl -()qt EEi (t: E( 6j rqi E.: .9i orl )- s o. E.g tro' llt:(r. o.o.(u (tt ' E aoo o a! GlE o ct)!tg 'ocx() CI q) {) 0 d o\n N q, UJtt F o oo Bg uJcrzg t!oNOUVn'lv^ \- >c n-€JX=9 I6* EEqa E9E<o*:gj.{ UJ R J F o z. t! 3 d#dld Jd Jto F-.io=Ju- c! l\l .rl .g t{l Kd s sl Ele:ElelEg ; ---T----cl ) X ll ,o FE | *e il sB [ :EE I gE I EE I 3EE luE [eE I ;EFDD \i\\l'\r['\t] ,...-x5a\r\-/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\ '.\ C'\ DA1E \''" - 'N - " \-0 JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL 'v-l---.. r',CALLER \. '\\\i -- . - ( . \ . -.- ---.\ \MON qU_E_S_) WED THUB FRI ,! ) .rrlll INSPECTION REQUEST , t.. \ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING OOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: tNSPECTOR -'--DATE rlrstCroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE BEADY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME @ CALLER TUES WED tl+un FRI AM (PM LOCATION: ,'t) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION ft,"r=rro"* tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trfrNAL tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED INSPECTOR a'r \ t o a ,,n,(,n(rl ilf'' "'u1,,' 1t/,r"',Ut ^rnrt'_r,1,r{r' / Vail Rocquet Club Condominiums Fll ^ pf^rtl ,,tr1'f , Descrtption of Ftre Atarm sgstem ll''(o'',/ [rJn Jtl rl' ,,1 Vail Rrcqwt Club Con&roiiiuns vill be equipped virh for:rten indiyidual fire I p'y ,f, t Alarn Sfsteos, one for eEch Br.{lding of the Coopler. The S7stems vill be oonttor€d. 1' b7S7stem, at the tlffice of the Vail Racgr:et Club. The Panel vhich moaitors the individual Buildings, vill, in ttrn, sead asingle signal, to Vail Dispatch. Eacb Building vill contain aSlrcbe Light, to direct the tire Depmmenl to the appropriate Building rryon their srilat at the sceoe. The Systetos vill include the folloving c{rtrP()nellts: Quantltg l3 I r4J z1 I 60 316 ffi 5? t l5 Description { Zone fire Alarn Control 5 Zsne tire Alarn Control Dual-Action Manual Pull Stations l35 degree ROR /Eired Tenpcratur€ Detector fire-Lite EDSI Part l{umber fire-Lite ilS {2{ tire-Lite lOm Eire'Lite Btr l0 tirR.Ltte ED8{ fire-Lite ED2{ ESL fi5CSH F'L{DOIAP ESL 20{C Eire-LiteRSffi Photof,lectric Smoke Detectors, vith Integral Eoru, 200 @reee fixed Tempetrature Detecors fire Horns md Isolated Eeatstat Rererse PolarityRelays Pover Supervision Relay: Renote Stailoa Receiver Strobe Lights These iteos vill be inslalled in accordance vith all applicable Codes, wing 18 AVG, Porrer Linited. fire Protective Signaling Circuit Cable, 105C,300V. Coaduit on the erterisr of the Buildings vill be installed. using T,aintight'boxes and ctnnectors. Tbe inlerior viring vitl be ?ished'vhere possible and Viremsld will be used. in locatons not suilable fm 'fishing'. All viriag vithin lhe Eire Alarm S)'stem is supervised, vith the erception of the Tmdem ccnnection of the Local Smoke Detectorr, r'ithin the Csndominir:n llnits. trail E*:apnt tlub ton,fuainiuas Fire llaz lEarip tien,r ree 3 Ihe fire Alarm Panels vilt be located in rhe Lar.ndrTRooms, of the individ:al Buildings. In Buildings vhich do not har? Lauadrf Rooms, aBox vilt be €trsrructed, l0 contdn lhe fire Alarm Panel. This Bor vtll be insutaled and heated, t0 aYuid subjecting the fire Alarm Panel to freeaing temperall.res. fhe Snoke Detectors vhich arc located rrithin the Coadsoiniuo Units re a oon-larcblng type md inclrrde Irr integral Eorn, to sor:ad aLocal Alarm, vitbtn tbe res?ective Conilominino Uoit. Io Condooinir.ro llnits having aLofl, asecond Locaf Saoke Detector is provided. In tbese Infi Uaits, the Snoke Detectors af,e c{xrnectd in taod"m, such that aLocal Alarm vill be sor:nded byboth Detectors rdthin the Uait, in tbe eEnt that etuer of the Detect0rs senses astffictent quandtyof Smoke. Additionally. the iategr€l Eorn vill srlund upotr aGeneral Alarn.Ihe Deteclors in the Csadoninium Units contain sn isolated fixed fenperatrrs Dgtsctor. to iaitiate I Geaeral llrm, in the er:at that the teogerature virhin aCondominiuo Uait erceeds tll@rees ([). Eloor Plans of Vail Racquet Club Condominiurns, aad R.iser Diqrams, of the tire Alarm Systems, are includad vith this description. I tl,sc ! c(-.f,I c:'t- tJ- (- .:? (Da6 4)1D.1 {l) 0.t - .E H' 01 _ tt +t D, fl Ib6 :., tf, (Dixat ,:c€.6o an -Ja .+t =7E b# rFrr 6SE;t l9r =-el I F,tFJ 96;:l *e,f, ft-:x',tl d a_ l;6:gEE (9 q 3 .!|E- t\ |:l T{l €l >l€l slIlslLIal @ I ql (l).rB o)JEE€.: (D-g9o ,€fi (!) rY ano)J O l,rl 6 0) -E(l)- ^8flE orlol q ql c r{J OJoog E EEa<EEI aA-.=(J ol EI cl sl El $B_ Egflclul d EIEI$| ,Ft gl :l H3 il .El'El Elql> d t-o = .: r.r- \-7_.\t_tltttlFIl',\l 'rJU> == (D _-EfJE | \l t- .:? (o'dt ,l' (o t-\ (L,_.Ii' cl-v= qP (D5 at E I o(D :.. (t *(o b6 l/, E,tE .-: 7_E gul,. 1er fiEEPl .JE 5 EE3l -eQaJ p,6H588;6:gEE (DnB A;JFP E,- 6f3 (Dzr ".fr (u v'r ).., o.)o)-, otnhJ r- a; (D C\, 3P-6,flr\.1 i E o.8 €b .'., a q) t) q ql q\, E EEo E E.F Lr- '/ Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone i 'l i, ,'t "1 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: '-( ': '' Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: .APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner El -statt Approval II ,e-t 2/u LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRI.PTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a fjnal approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other WalI Materials o '/ Fasci a Soffi ts l.li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'l ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther Des'i gner : phone: B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caiiper for deciduc'ious trees. Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for coni fers . (over ) ^i / Indicate hei ght 11 snrl fl*/6 ra'---rt-----f-- PHONE A.NAME OF MAILING APPL ICAI'IT ADDRESS B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE MAILING ADDRESS APPLICATION FOR /TOWNHOUSE PLAT REVIEI..I PHONE C. NAME OF Ot^'lNER 'S MAILING PROPERTY Ol,|lNER S iGNATURE ADDRESS 'o. Box ( pri nt Lr /e Ac * lo/y'-,hieltvpe ) PHONE y'Z .Z TA > or rurt D. LOCATION 0F PROPOSAL S..e //t_c/t</, LOT BLOCK SUBDiVI S ION pan#!Qo.!e-&f 35073 s/i ING. s-F IL r/t E. F FEE $100.00 MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED 1. Three (3) copie-s, two of which must be my1 ars of a site map fol'l owing therequirements of Section .|7..|6.130(C) 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,.|0,.|.|; l3 and l4 ofthe Subdivjsion Regulations. 2. The condominium or townhouse plat shalI also jnclude floor p1ans, e1 evations and cross-sections as necessary to accurately determine individuil air spaceand/or other ownerships and if the project wis buj'lt substantially the simeas the approved plans. 3. A copy of the condominiurn documents for staff revieware maintenance provisions included for all commonly APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEl.l CRITERIA These can be found in chapter ll.zz of the subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning administrator shal'l be the final signature required on the plat sothat the Department of community Development wiil oe responsible for pi^omptlyrecording the approved plat with the Eagle county clerk ind Recorder.' to assure that there owned areas. G. H. ''. ?-5-EO il,1 -'-:El ./4fiK 0269 P0B !:A Q2q7 PO5 ;K O3l9 PG; i;K 0319 P€3 *K 0319 PG; ix 0341 PQ3 jiK 0341 PG3 l'l{ 0341 PG5 iit:. 0355 PG:" Bi( O3A3 PG I:,fiy l,i lgg5 T::,,h,.X* EAGTE COU[{TY TREASUBER'S OFFICE P.0. B0x 479, EAGtE, C0L0RADo 8t631 :rL8._;gHEqKa & DiaFti accEF ED 3UB.,ECt tO COt-|.ECllON INCLUOE ADDITIONAL PENALTY WITH TAX PAYMENT ..rttt1o973ot70o?33o934 o?350030oo?1 ooe3o6g4 OOldt 3.751 il!5. ?o9 O0: OOO.cc3.630 004 oco.r]ot.9!s oos ooo.il:J r. e'55 OlO OOO.os0. ?7r3 012 |.27.?o4. coo ot4 005.o1!.460 030 000.003. o10 045 006. OCil. 443 O5O O14 ! rr ruuu ! rr nsr xrlr I secono xnlr ! noHev onoen ! crsx Lf cHECK FAYI'ENTs : TAX 41,,i./taa PREOATORY ANIMAL INTEREST PENALTIES TOTAL TAX PAID /i t/ i't iitttlllr ir J 9Y 424400 433 ?14s60 BOOo4r35050'l 500500 '' / g '{!':' s. .2!, ,i ;"L ^:;;;:. "' 'fI+e.P')3.rSLATrvE tUNOrxO. YorJl. ScxOOL 6a_r.l_iiALi O I -.uNo LEvy woulD H^vc BEEr.l"l i . 5 t CTAX RECEIPT OEPUTY 9101 le4 00 003VAIL RACGUET CLT]BBBX IOASVAII- PAIO BY {ra orHEi TOI^JNHOI,lES co Et6se 1,,rl.l cF }4 ILL LEVI Es*VALUE ) / 1 Od?J!,i?il?Ef, TAX OT.,C YEAN tAx tlrc^ ccDg , TAGC ji:i4 109 ot?377 ?3h t)?8.944650 FIiII H LF TAX DUE EY FEE. IETH INO HALF T,'X DUE EY .'ULY !I5f IqIAL YAX,DUE EY A'iIL lOtH alo'-.,,. 93 aeo?. 93 44!.9.36 uJ =U' .I]o-zo Fo-1!Y uJo o F tr (r lu(). lJ-o (Loo E lrl E9E<ctlo .!)E2a9vE cdls-FJ> =ul:-E h=c,qrYo dil: >(L E 659 EtnEX(Lt x>6=Fcl'i(|'-itt; ru(0 I -- E =E, lrJ o-zoFof E, 6zoo HuJbkzo z zn )lz2dro =z o- t! J..i6 =ae dd= urI oz F =tulo- l9J Io I I I I I I r(J IE tv tzr6 I I l_ ,Ft<r6 I I I I tE IFt<ttrFl9z t= .:661?ct gbE;s €; gE8 EiEsE € EE:s-e :iE:E: OC EP 2 F'E.S oi*rEa: E F; H EE;Eig";Ege (! P O-1).g;6 9r F5€E€iE;(!66 :EEHB E6F5E - o;9; !;o./)c -. ar! l/) O Stt=E s g 1:;9(!a5EiFEo5Hi8;& i^6s 5 i eEg'eE Jl<l-l zl z .. >l lllo llJ uJzaF (r u,J o- J z Eo Y ;zz!-o ootr ^ 62.o=<o d.9.oE z',ooo9.(JzX lL<oq <,!i-t+ ,i u.r.Xz r$tO tltltltltltllolt-ltolI UJI l1lt<lI>lI u-lloltzl3tl =t \JlrJ-l Fl I I I I rl ol PI JI<l>l ttlol 3l sOl rJJFI F cil =.1olujl 1l <l>l rr-Iol zl 3l 9l ?toll!l .cl JI <l>I rr-lol zl 3lolFI I I I IIIt(L I I ,luri UJ d CIsJ E(J cil =.1olull 5l al>l rLlol zl =lPI z ll-ii zoo I I ILl" I I I U{ CIcfqi><tr =(J zts- >a )z(LO z I ut Ei. = F z J o E uJJ uJ <F uJ<zEIIJ Ftr] z )<()o9.:o i!nn l_ t?to I I lo. |rt\n E ort:g I"l tt, u.tl! tr Iuo- J F P o u,oa z uJ o o o @ 3 !9 ut z qJ ==u, (9zo tq inulFoz o =oJ fo .6 o =z tt l1lulrL == UJ u,z3o ulT l- xxxxxxx>< ><x ><x >< g) ()() G' o o E q att 3t! o) N It 3oF o o ()() G' oc ut -C (lu "rJ3:C(€..=(:-:o-: 32 F ;r:i clo:Ioiar -:: . io' lo: ro:.- .G|:F i o'.c io iSl;,> :oio ;oio:(D )gltqt (.r :: .(u|'!o'oc()(! ;3Oc,= r! o:-oqt(g= r-r 3oC!F>=oc5 s= Pa:Eoo ,-or O- l=c:- elrEar2-r-EIr- oi9o.uc i.a:lP brc= i :-E r o- .*E r O-iEc I 5'=:3;).!t iru: IE:) o:DEq TEE-ot-oo !tei a( =.. Fic-|.;ei -(cta cl -t ol Eq) = co' 6:(). o. .E 9: 1t(! 0) o (5 (t! EoaLo(\i' -oo) q) (, .. >louI u,ulz !, *, =TEul4 J zII o o E< '..:2? d6 =tr^.t E E z. F tlJ =uJ ul \J o.fo o oz o- foC'o.i = z.o Fo:t F zo(, l!o gl 9P E?>EfFd5 C) <o()F =<) Er JO<Fc(Ju.l < TIJ Farzo C' il< 3'oa'! (Jo) S Tr| =z EP F3 EE oF() EF.zo(J jJ q- 2C> 6F?6 -- PE*,- E'- + rt! 7"--o.-z Er Xogq, ;=0,*E*t ^PE.5oecP OoqruoEo EEE: c OP.L(J:rF Oi rF ql :'LOE ;S r'i -+r.|J aOaroF '- ttt Ei-s I- =IElrr-.c-. I|-UJod,EESI ztt,E_#o!k 3 9'..l, c.ae c 6-1-? >..,E#E r-cu28FrE&t E !j60E 5,st o=iE ftLf j.=ru x+<*'uJ(}J t-l._ el = L 'o)0)_c (n >z L-o3 tr!n z..rP2<dlo =z=r3JOtL u- ) "39=Ee- r'','l E \66=Enn I F a t Project Application 'Date Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: \ \ r I I r.\.. ._.. r, /,'i Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: lr a\ t\l WED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL g FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS c9NDUrr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t)ii:)i at -,r PERMTT NUMBER OF PqOJy)r . r -, z-' ,/rDA-IE t t t.t. \ JOB NAME INSPECTIONi' ,' TOWN OF/,.' r\r | _6 (. REQ VAIL /l UEST {ub. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .o.[ r BUILDING: dGoot,*cs / srEEL /4A7/i' // a'-' /'< PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT t-l T tr( tr MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ?t 44tz .. .--7 A,,, '2-i //:Fj DATE - 7., Js INSPECTOR .r .! :n PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON TUES WED t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME t /i'.C f.nc f,n", ICALLER f.6D'*'?'oo AM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:Fn:r I t-r.-*rLt /:{, -' 'i" ','tLUMBING' FOOTINGS FOUNDATI / STEEL tn( L'4 //aQir ON i STEEL .arcart ,€oo*- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELE trl UF tr( tr- tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: C / ,4.-DATE fl'''v-/ INSPECTOR z-_-, ,..\ 'r* ee +f,/ ',.1 I 0r t INSPECTION TOWN OFPERMIT NUMBER OF PRQJECT,' DATE INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: ,/r,- t ,( REQUEST JOB NAME MON CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ( tr tr tr tr o tr FOUNDATION/STEEL & tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERFRAIVING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FJNAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR \ --I DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: / ,rJ'1r)INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -.la gll PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR ',...\iFRt / BUILDING: {roorrr.rcs O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL A tC.O UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr o ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR tr tr |'|/fiAr O FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE € '"2i '^/-'/'INSPECTOR IT NUMBER OF PROJECT ::-!:i--n./-- ,o"NAME INSPECTION REQUEST' ""'! t?Y*,'ol.Y'X'f t' ' DATE INSPECTION: CALLER TUES tt.j{r..t-C THUR FRIMONWEDREADY FOR LOCATION: )r i:t .'t BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATEF tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr Etr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE qT trF tr( tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED C] REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR :t' tffil O INSPECTION REQUEST|}at-- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE , TOWN OF VAlt;.-r z,i( (. ( ,i /,. i Cy',,* READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ' WED THUR FRI BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D n FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED /rt14ISAPPROVED r t 'wAetli.sPEcroN REeu IRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ,r{2fu-a'-/INSPECTOR QUEST L i ', tft r.l .{f i, RE VAI ECTION TOWN OFtIi tli L; SP i. .a I IN i NU,,M INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: a PER ER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr EI FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o o FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR REQUEST VAIV I-l\*. \ "' {.,JOB NAME MON CALLER (- .,"t THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -t ', ^ 1 i',' .-''DATE I' I L' i,. / BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ntr f r.,t ',", j'r ',.(\lt'.-ii tr FINAL tr FINAL / {oppaoreo .72 tr DrsAppRovED tr BErNSpEctoN REe,TRED7,/ /- CORRECTIONS:'- / INSPECTOR/-; :) | ,, 'fl t SPECTION PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE .. . '. ) JOB NAME ;f t( IN .i REQUEST vAr_l I CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES .,WED -/ THUR_._*.-/ ,AM PMFRI BUILDING: Etr.FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: qiour.ronroN / srEEL 7gP UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR .,.'f,,',i' lLl 1 f PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ruES {pl rHUR FRI T l-, U 4i /! '{ ir N REQ OF VAIL .-r(- INSPE 7'Ii, J (,[iti 1- ) r BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU trU !n In trG OP tr_ MBING: UNDERGROUND ( rowomtom-l srEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK o POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST H OODS tr CONDUIT tr,sulPLY ArR X lii.. ir\ o vKo, a E FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE 4.- 1,3n,' / " ,,'INSPECTOR ..r '- JIOT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 4/- /fu; INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON THURREADY FOR LOCATION: ,/ /) ..-r,)3.fu-/ cALLER '-/t1J{&.'r,,.,y'a/ - 1/a-/ rbu-{d"*,.. "J 2"/\_-j,i,- )J,-, ruES eg2',FBI fiqz--Uze@) pM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER (rouruonl tr FRAMING ON / STEEL d/, ',/- 0; /' ' ' S tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr 'NAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR .t-/DArE 1/5 i65 JoBNAME INSPECTION:MON ruES wED rHUR (fill INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL Li.'r--t vl,^ itt. i'.' r -11CALLER /t(i 'AMl PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION:h<c,r-f i (i,1, Ltr' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK trI deoor- / H. ruB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF,,VA rHUR FRI il ) /.), tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT INSPEETION: JOB NAME . MON ,ruES r1 wiQj,, CALLER APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND g/FouNonrtoN / srEEL 1) ( t,/ErFY't-- tr RoucH / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR r .. t{t > tDltp CALLER TUES WED THUR t SPECTION REQUEST,4 ..(t /.^t r''- TOWN ()F AIL l.r 4 -----6 PM PERMIT NUMBER DATE NAME t,,', IN ..,4(- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:FRI F BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL / ,*o.ro*or*o tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n g SUPPLY AIR tr o e*€-tr FINAL *'AP;RovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: lNSPEcroR i - ?'l: r;:.' .,'{i/,-.' =1 \I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION i STEE- PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND Et ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPIAIG tr POOL / H. TUB n r-l O FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL ., / !I APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME I INSPECTIONTOWN QF REQUEST VAIL r' DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR AMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL (:HT: ; ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FlDl,AL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PER DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: I INSPECTION: ., MON .; CALLER TUES : WED THUB FRI PM MBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL - O GAS PIPING trP OOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr .O ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL b nppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR J SPE CTION TOWN OF .r L- REQUEST VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK o tr D tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr o FINAL .+f APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION HEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR --INSPECTION REQUEST , TOWN OF VAIL '--_ \. i \ j,. l! ,.,./DATE CALLER TUES NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING T] INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n tr FINAL T] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING $ nouox tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR r'l tr FINAL tr FINAL y/aeeaove, ,,4 * "'CORBECTIONS: - tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR,/ FRI AM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooo NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr o tr POOL / H. TUB q SHEETROCK NAIL D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL A,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: R HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT F SUPPLY' AIR tr FlllAL tr FINAL r- Et APPROVED ' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT IN t SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES '. WED , THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEFTROCK NA|L tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr F}NAL FINAL i trY-'\PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE PE BER OF PROJECT DATE a SPECTION REQUEST I t,L ,I"il'i:',"i,:IN NU I'...t' INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES wED trr* fr1i PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER : PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FrryAL tr FINAL /'+ i,TTAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t.::*'.' I iJ I4- -.+ | PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t INSPECTION REQUEST , / , /tLol;re b/i/lt " JOBNAMEt,€ (:l ,, / /P:':\",'(f:,,,,r(/,,/ rt'c l? INSPECTION: CALLER TUES wED rHUR ..-foREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E] INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr TEMP. PO -- Frx er .,+<2- -d"\ ,)#..t Iu't <-t:(r*!',.r. /-u.\.E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: / -- --,Je c lean / \r,-) :. c Al:l ^q( .rtd. L ou-Ar,' U q^,-'i,-, \ v rt t\ - ! .tc (eu-t,.., t4-) (L)(ier rL'S \,=r urAlrr T-i .Fot,rt-> / DATE INSPECTOR II INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \ AM ,I PM, CALLER INSPECTION: MON :, TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH i D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING .-'' ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL EL tr d tr tr MEGHANIGAL:LECTRICAL: TEMP, POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL t./q APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ; CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t a INSPECTION REQUEST PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL :lJOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR .FRI ' , --l -_' WED AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: '- /-': I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING Et INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t SPE CTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL l' ,tI ,, rr I IN /1,/r't^ t k-DATE 9/- II JOBNAME CALLER TUES FRI;READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR ,!9 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr d.rrrual + ri' \- r tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr;|NAL tr FINAL Y 'f,lT- f fieeaoveo CORBECTION tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CTIONS: INSPECTOR.DATE Ce'r.rcns eNo Vor,pn ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3O3 EAST SEVENTEENTH AVENU E SUrrE 450 oENVER, COLOMOO 8O2Og - reOr (303) 460 - rgoo E. MIC HAEL CANG ES EOWARD L. VO LPE NINA A. IWASHKO RODGER C. OALEY June 17, 1985 lllr. Peter Patton Planning and Zoning Commission 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Racquet Club Dear ltr. Patton: Recently I have been in contact with Walter Kirch' the owner of the Vail Racquet Club athletic facility. He has described to me the several conversations he has had with you concerning the request of the Vail Racquet Club Homeownerst Association for conversion of Unj-t 2 in Building 15 of the Vail Racquet Club Condominiurns into office space rather than employee housing. He has advised me' as a member of the Board of Directors of the Homeor,vners' Assocj-ation, that permission for such conversion has been conditioned upon a designation of an equivalent unit which will be used as employee housing to replace the loss of the unit of potential employee housing to be converted. I will herej-n advise you that the Homeowners' Association has historicalJ.y housed employees within units that have not previously been commj-tted to the Town of Vail for employee housing. For that reason, the Homeownersr Association has l-ittle difficulty in assuring you that employee housing to replace the unit to be converted will be available for the duration of Mr. Kirchrs commitment to you concerning employee housing. At the present time, the Homeowners' Association witl designate Unit 4 in Building 14 as the unit to be reserved for employee housing for employees of the Homeownersr Association, or, if noner for other employees employed in the Vail Valley. The Homeowners' Association wishes to reserve the right to substitute units equal or superior to the one converted and will advise you at such time as our redesignation of the committed unit becomes necessary. Unit 4 of Building 14 is, in fact, a superior C.l,Ncns eNp Vor.pn It4t. Peter Patton ilune 17, 1985 Page Trro unit to the one which is to be converted for office use, inthat it is a two-bedroon unit, whereasr the converted unit is a very small single-bedroom unit. At all times in the duration of the cornnitment, the Eomeownersr Association will maintain a unit either within the Racguet Club Condoniniums,or elsewhere. I am hopeful that this connunication upon behalf of the Vail Racquet Club EomeownerE Assoclation will beeufficient to obtain your approval of the contemplated conversion of Unit 2 in Building 15. If you have additional questions or cornments, please contact me. Edward L. Volpe ELV,/PBC 'flB H,"o* Mortgage {Melvin W. Searls \aurel B. searls FCS-DCC American Dept. of States Washington D.C. RE: 4770 Biqhorn Embassy Beijing 20520 Rd, Bldg. O Unit 4, Vail' Firsl Interslale Mortgag€ 8704 Yates O.ive, Suile 125 Westminster, CO 80G10 303 428- 1984 A subsidiary of Firsl lnlerslate BancorP the purchase of flood the ln flood/mudslide hai by signing at the bottom where office. Should you have anY uJdlerh{h June 6 ,.. .19I5 Colorado Dear Mr. and Mrs. Searls: The flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 requires insurance as a condition of refinancing, financing construction of any properties identified as being area. The property you are purchasing at: has been identified as lying within such an area. Under the provisions of the taw, you are required to purchase and maintain ftbod insurance in addition to youi regular fire insurance or homeownerts poticy. Your insurance agent should be able to provide you with this to,r"i"g" or direct you to-ihe ProPer Party. We will'require.a copy of the policy,-together wifh our stanbarb tois piyable clause-., which must be written ior ai leasl the amount of your toan, or thi maximum flood insurance available, whichever is less. At the time of loan ctosing, a copy of the flood insurance policy application indicating that the full initial premium has been paid will serve as evidence of coverage. A reserve account will be established for cottection and Payment of annual renewal premiums, in addition to the reguired monthly reserve for hazard insurance, mortgage insurance (if any) and real proPerty taxes' Please indicate receipt of this notice indicated and return the copy to our questions Sincerely ing this requirement ,please feel free to call the undersigned. FIRST TERSTATE MORTGAGE COMPANY OF COLORADO Receipt l9 2 of the above notice is hereby acknowledged this day of 75 soulh f ronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 475-7000 August 30, 1985 Joanne l'1. Dodds First Interstate Mortgage Co. of Colorado 8704 Yates Dri ve Su'ite 125 Westminister, Co. 80030 offlce of communltY develoPment Re: 4770 Bighorn Rd., Vail Racquet Club Townhomes, Bldg 0, Unit 4, Vai I , Colorado Dear Joanne: It has been brought to the Conmunjty Developnent Department's attention' that First Interstate Mortgage believes that Unjt 4, Bldg' 0 of the Vail Racquet club Townhomes is located wjthin the 100 year flood plain. Accordin! to the Town of Vajl's approved f1 ood p1 airn report done by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. in June of i975, Unit 4 does not appear to be urithin t-he 100 year fl ood plain. The Community Development Department is basing the location of the buiidings on the condomin'i um map for the Vail Racquet club Townhonres. This map was signed and stamped by a certified land surveyor. The Town of Vai'l 's approved rockfall and debris flow maps also jndjcate that this particular bujiding is outsjde of these hazard areas. Given the Town's approved available studies, the reports indicate that Building 0 is not iir ttre fl ood p1ajn or in any other hazard areas' Please note th;t a site specific survey forthe area may give you more detailed information. If you have any further questions or you would like copies of the maps that were used to make these determinations please feel free to call me. Sincerely, l(irl^t''b Kristan Pni tz Town Planner KP/b'lfcc: ltal ter Ki rch cc : Mel vi n Sear'l s , Aurel Searl s luttn n l|al 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 10 September 1985 Joanne Interstate Mortgage Company 8704 Yates Drive, Suite 100 Nestminister, C0 80030 RE: Flooo Plain Information for Vail A, Unit 4 at 4770 Big Horn Road offlce ol communlly development Racquet Club Town Homes, Building Dear Joanne: I am sending you a copy of two flood p'l ain maps that show the general location of the flood plain adiacent to the Va'il Racquet Club Town Homes. I believe that'Buitding A is on the east end of the oevelop- ment. If I am mistaken about the exact location of Building A' p1 ease take that into consicieration when Iooking at the maps. The first flood plain map, completeo by Briscoe, Nathis, Murray anci LaMont Incorporateci, shows the general area of the flood p)ain. The flooci plain is inciicated by the cross-hatcheo areas on the map. The seconci map that I have given you was completed by the Federa'l Emer- gency Management Agency. 0n the map, you will see cross-section CH' Ci ano CJ, which are in the general vicinity of the Vail Racquet CLub Town Homes. The cross-sections indicate flooci plain elevations on the Flooo Profile Chart. You wjll neeo to interpolate between the cross-sections to get the general range of the flooo plain elevation in the area of Builoing A. Please let me know if you have any further questions about how to use these flooo p1 ain maps. S i ncerely, {'ht-[ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP/o I j .l*.i,: TO: FROI{! DATEs Planning and Environnental Commission ComDuni ty Developuent Department ltay 28r 1985 _-.-\ suRrEcr: Request for a variance for the vail Racquet crub condo-miniuna to convert an employee housing unit to officespace. Applicant: Yail Racquet Club Condominiumg DESCRTPTIOII OF VARIAIICE REQT'ESTED The appricant wishes to convert unit 2 of Buirding 15 from an employee housing unit to office space. Because of prior restrictionsthat have been placed on this propertyr we have requested Mr. Kirchto follow the variance procedures to present this request tothe Planning and EnvironmentaL commission. rn December of 1979the PEC granted a density variance request to Walter Kirch.This variance was granted [o a].low Mr. Kir;h to comprete constructionof employee units in Buildings 14 and 15. A condition of thegranting of this variance was that the units wourd be restrictedto long term rentaL to local employees for 20 years. The VailRacquet club condominiums is requesting a variance from thiscondition so that the adjacent office may be expanded into thisunit. the office is used for short term rentalr saLes and management func tion s. CRITBRIA AND FINDINGS Congideration of Factora This request is for the expansion of the exisLing adjacent office spa.ce into employee housing unit #2. The use requested is currentlyexisting and t.he expansion wiLL have no impact on other existinior potential uses or structures in the vicinity. The ee to shich relief fron the strict or Iiteral in tationorcement of a c on rs necesga to acnleveanc| un orm ty of trea tEent amon slEeg n theYrclnor to attain the ectives of this title r.ithout ran tot apeclat prrvileqe. Provision of employee housing is a constant and ongoing concernof the Tovn of Vair. rn 1979 a density variance hras grantedto this project to construct emptoyee housing units. The CommunityDevelopment staff supported that variance request and has histor- Illrgq Teviets qf Cfiteria and Findj.ngs, sgction l8-62.06() of the Eunrc=lpa=r codee the Department of connunitv Development recommendiclenial of the reqqested variance based upon the following factors: or potential useg and C 'i.\ - ically supported the concept of restricted long term employeehousing. The staff feels that the restrictions and conditionsplaced upon the 1979 variance remain valid and should be respected. We feel that the Racquet Cl.ub Condominiums should attempt tomeet their office space requirements in a manner that wilL notrequire compromising employee housing agreements. The effect of the requeeted variance on light and aire distribution facilities and utrlities, and pubfic "a*r at"" a* displacement of employees due to the loss ofthis employee housing unj.tr there are no significant effectson any of the above elements. RELATBD POLICIAS IN VAILIS COITIIT'NITY ACTION PLAI| The Community Action Plan addresses the importance of the roLeof the Town of Vail in planning for long range employee housing needs. such other factors and criteria ag the cooniegion deemg aoolicabre EO Cne DTODc'Secl l'arlance. FINDINGS T_tre Flannilg ,and Bnvirgnnental Copmission ghall nake the follosingfindings before granting variance: That the granting of the variance wil. l not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on otherproperties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental topublic health, safetyr or welfarer or materially injurj.ous toproperties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the followingreasons: The strict or I j.teral interpretation and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would resulL in practical difficultyor unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent !rith theobjectives of this title. T here are exceptions orconditions applicable todo not apply generally zone. extraordinary circumstances orthe site of the variance thatto other properties in the same The strict or literal interpretati.on and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe same district. lzrr+rr ' STAFF RECOTI{UDATION The Town of vail spends considerable time and energies attemptingto address employee housing needs. The Town has supported andencouraged through a variety of methods projects involvingemployee housing. The Community Development staff was recentlyinvoLved in a county-wide employee houling study. while curren!market conditions have alleviated the intense employee housingpressures of past years, the conclusions of this study indicatethat providing adequate employee housing is a concern that willremain an important issue for quite some time. The resuLtsof the study indicate that employee housing units placed withinopen market residential housing projects are the most desirableunits available to 1oca1 employees. The study recommends thatfuture multi-family pro;ects nithin the Town include this typeof uni t. lhe staff cannot support this reques den j.al of this proposal. We f eel tha tdemonstration of physical hardship arequest would constitute a grant ofthe convenience of the applicant. t and therefore recommends there is not an adequatend that approval of thisspecial privilege due to a I PEC -3- s/28/85 but Peterson stated that dispite the fact that the Marriott had 27 kitchens, agreat deal of revenue for the Town was realized by the occupants of these units.Ray warren stated that the kjtchens were mainly uied for inicts (he ;;;iJ i;ii--by the charts used by the cleaning persons). Viele was also concerned about themarketing_procedures. Peterson stated thai the Marriott wouta go-thiorgh-ihu-sirict-est guidelines and the Marriott would also be concerned that they would notantagonize their own guests. Viele wondered about conflict betwLen time shareand.regular guests and also wondered what the TOV could do if the time shareproiect doesn't work. Peterson stated that if this were not successful, it couldbe converted to a hotej. Viele stated that Beaver Creek cliimed that they nowneed a traditional hotel and this conversion worried him. Peterson repliid tnathe had been studying this for 9 months. Piper wondered how owners of fractional fee units would have input, and peterson stated it would be the same as a condo association. P'i per wondered about the con-flict between time share owners and hotel guests wnen ihe time share units wouldbe.more nicely decorated. Warren stated tiat hotel guests would not see the otherunits. Patten stated that the discussion pointed out that fractional fee ownership maybe different-in experience from time share. He added that conditions of aiprovalwere difficu'lt to enforce, that 5 of 7 in lggl weren,t Compiied with, ana iio notwant to have conditions that were unenforceable. Rapson rnqved to deny the r uest qtie staff memo and Donovan seconded. After scuss i on,Peterson requesmore Viele to ta tabl e a fn f next meeting Vote was 5-0 e were ready).in favor of tablimoved and Rapson seconded to thi s 'i tem. The number of spectators was discussed at 2,000 with the 3. Request for a .onCj!-gnel__U_:_e pelnjt_|qqder to construct an amphitheatre Oura* ^*.the proposai and.explained the master plan and the interjm p1an, also.Jim Morter, architect.for the project, also explaineO tire proposal . Donovan'reaoher comments (attached) which itaieo in part ti.rat cultural'act'ivities and sporiidid not mix, that the iolitical situation forced the plan. Schultz said ttrit in :91:,|31:-he agreed. and that he was not sure if this was the best place toi in'ampnltneatre, but that a n1aj9r]ty of people wanted it in Ford park. Rapson agreedwith Donovan, viele stated inat ire strhreit some of the same concerns but felt thatthe architect had done a good job. piper was concerned about the fininc.i ng. - iele moved and Slhultz seconded to a rove the ug) LvoEe was n Tavor,agai nst (Rapson 4.uest for q variance to convert an I o.yee un i t t 2 in Buildinq 15oftalqgquet Club to ofFice s ace for the fai Racquet Club 0wners' soc i at ion ocated at 4695 Vail Ra uet C cant: Va Condom additional berm seating, er the staff memo. The Rick Pylman showed theof prior restrictions, local employees for 20 floor plans of the proposed conversion and stated that becausetnat employee units be restricted to long term rental toyears, Mr. Kirch was requested to follow-variance procedures \7 I} -4- 5/zs/8s for this-request. Walter K'i rch spoke and said that he was not the owner of theRacquet CIub, but was the owner of the employee unit invoiveo and ownei'oi tnJ-space used for an office for the rental 9lo!p: He stated that growth of overnjqhtrental had grown from 9,000 per year to 2S,ObO so far in tgS5-aid-inut-ir-i..r.ir.in personnel resulted in a very crowded office. He stjtea-that in the event theemployee unit was not needed in the future for office ;p;;;, that he wouia-Jgreeto return it to employee rental . Jennie Cu1p, representing the board of directors of the Vail Racquet Condominumsowners (who owned the rental operations) added more informatjon about increasedneed for more office space. Donovan asked. if there were uny .tun.. to put anoite"employee rental unit somewhere else. Kirch rep'ljed thai it'er" *.s a Z bedroomunit currentlv occupied by an employee which hb betieveJ migti be-pJrii[i.'iJ"'conrnitto an employee unit if the request were granted to elim.i natJ the employee unit-next to the office. Donovah then stated-that if that were ihe .use, she had noproblem with the conversion, and other members agreed. Sinuitz wondered if anaddition could be built onto the office either iSove-0" ti"in" tait.- rircn ilateothat he owned the oround floor, but the upper f1ooruu, o"n"o by condo owners.If he were to add io the left he woria-Ue encroaching on Meadow Drive right-of-way. e Viele moved and Donovan seconded to a rove the uest to convert thenit to o 1Ce S ont t anot er unit be restrict to emtal to tsatt same amoun e vote wasavor. st for a conditional rmit in order to construct a miniaturerse on rts o o ns yea il inq No.cant: 5. The applicant had requested that this item be tabled. 6. update on the development of vail valle.u Medical center,s long .unge plan. Debra Jost, administrator.of the hospital , told the boarfl of the plans for theItledical Center in the coming years. ' n I Project Application Date Proiecl Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Orvner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Second€d by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: E Staff Approval BESTCOPY A\IA$ABI'E ./ oApplication our" V-29 -/J' PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I' This procedure is. required f9r gny project requesting a variance.will not be accepted untjl all inioimation is submitted. The appl i cation A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS PHONE<, B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ooo^rtt PHONE c. NAME 0F OI,NER(S)(type or pnint) D.LOCATION OF PROPO SAL ADDRESs %Ei €-l-a/ / LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lor_.,z BLocK FILING /t'E. FEE gt00 THE FEE MUST BE YOUR PROPOSAL. PAIDt " t/' cr */y,Fi_ rao /zlLf L/ PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DTVELOPMEN? o ULrzz,z WILL ACCEPT F' A I ist of the names of owners gl^qll property adjacent to !!re subject propertyINcLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND AcR0ss-SraEEii', inl"tn"i" maiting addresses.THE ApplrcAl&xrLt BE grsror'rsrar_e ron-ionnici iljiir_rne ADDREssEs.See_ . <t r rctc-ttaf II. A PRE-APPLICAT-I9!..-CqTFERENCE t,liTH A, PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0IDETERMINE IF ANY ADDITI0NAL ilrFon$rron i5 NiEblD.'-il0 npplicRTr0N 1arLL BE' ACCEPTED UNLESS IT-Is^coMPLiiq (rlusr rrlCfurji nfi"iiiui REQUTRED By THE zgNrNGADMINISTRAToR).- IT Is rHE npFliCnnrs nispoNsieriiiV"ro MKE AN ApporNTMENrl.lITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT AEOIi-AOOTTION_NL-SUEMiiiNi NTqUTNEMENTS. .ll$si-NIt-THAT^A,.g9lYllIIE-APPLicArroN-wrLL STREAMLTNE THE AppRovAL pRocEss FoRY0uR PRoJEcr av-orcRmsING-THr lllNerl or cot'torrions-oi nppnovAl THAT THE pLANNTNGAND ENVIRONMENTAL^COMMtssrorl r'lnV-b'g1qr4f . -f{-ior,roiu0Ns 0F AppRgvAL MUsr BEcOMpLrED wrrH BEFoRE n eurr-Drr,ic'pEm,rriii-issffi.--'.:: , i ITI. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A I,'RITTEN SI4IFT!q OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARiANCE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. rHE STNiTNENT MUST NLSO'NOONLSS, l' The relationship of the requested varjance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the.vicinity. 2' The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforc;ment.of a speciiila regutation is n"i.rsu"y to achieve compatibilitvand uniformi!v 9r treatment atong sites i;-ih;'v.iiinitv or-to;iil;;';h;'t,' objectives of this tiile without-grant or ,i"iiut p"ruir.g..- ---- I. /"rt-?a PARTMENT \ o-,_ 3. The effect of the variance on right ulg-glf, distribution of popurat.ion,transportation, traffic facil ities, uti I ities, ariA'puUf ii iaf[ii.'--' -' B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at_a scale of at least Iu - 20, stampedby a colorado licensed surveyor including lo"iiignt-ir'att existing improve-ments' including_grades and elevations. 'other uj"renis'ttnich must be shownare-parking and 'loading areas, lngress and egress, iinir.ap.d areas anduti'lity and drainage features. c. l:!!g plan at a scare of at reast r" = 20' showing existing and proposedbuildings. D' Al1 pre'liminary building elevations and-floor plans sufficient to indicate :*,lil3':l,l'i;3313[.],.?fl:.iii:e, scare and Lse ot-iii 6,iiii'i''.ii",p1.", E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F' If the proposal is located in a multi-fami'ly development which has a homeowners,association, then written.approval from the-assoiiilion in support of theprojebt must be received uv'i durv autnoriieJ-;G;i-;;; said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application asdetermined by the zoning adminisiraior.. * For interior modificatiols: an improvement survey and site plan may bewaived by the zoning administrator. I I -' .' \ 1' IV.Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Conrmission meets0f each month. A comp'lete application form and(as described above) must be'iubmitted a minimumPEC-public hearing. No incomplete applicationsadministrator)_will be accepted by thb planningnated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th Mondaysall accompanying material .of 4 weeks prior to the date of(as_determined by the zoningstaff before or after the d-sig- the ),l -rT F. Owners of adjacent property I. Fred Distelhorst 4592 Streamside Circle Vail , Colorado 8f657 2. The Racguet Club Ovrners Association Bruce Kendall - Manager' P.O. Box 1437Vail, Colo,rado e1658 3. Riverbend Condominium Association P.O. Box 858Vail, Colorado 81658 4. Gore Creek Meadows Home Owners Association 143 E. Irleadow Drive VaiI , Colorado 81558 5. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vaj-l , Colorado 81657 "^a_t.,| {/tfr{ rccq VailuEiclub BOX 1088 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 (303) 476-3267 Afrril 29 ' l9B5 Mr. Tom Bl aun Town of Vailr Planning Department ?5 South Frontacle Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Ton: In accordance with our previous conversations' I hereby request permission from the Town of Vail to convert one of our employee nousinq units, (Building I5'-unit^ 2l ' to uOAitionai office space for the Racc{uet Club-owners Association. tne owners Association's rental business has triplerl in the pu"t if,,.u years lending to theit need for additional office space. Enclosed are the following: 1. APP1ication for a variance 2 . Check for S 100 .00 3. Floor plans of the builcling in its current form' 4. Sketch of the proposecl revised floor plan' Iheapplication for a variance form <ii<l not seem to quite fit what we are liyi"q to do so r have tried to submit what "u"*" to be the appropriate materials' The change woul<l not seem to have much effect on existinq, or poteniiaf uses ancl structures in the vacinity since the existln.t-"pu"u" are already either office or employee apar tment s . If the change of use is not c'ranted'it Yill cause a hardship fot the Racquet Club Ownets Association because there is no other ptu"tical way for them to enlarqe their office. In my jurlgement the requesteri chanqe of use-wou1d have no effect on fiqhi'ina ilt, distribution of population' transportation,'ltuiil" facilities' utilities and public safetY. 1. The Racquet Club Owners Association will have an office space that will enable them to carry on their daily business efficiently. 2. The community will lose a one bedroom employee housing unit. This will not have a negative impact on the Vail Racquet Club proiect because only 25t of our 25 employee units are occupied by employees at the Racquet Club. There will be no modifications to the exterior of building 15. In the event that the Racguet Club owners Association changes its mind and r"rants to give up the space at some future time. I will agree to convert it back into an employee housing unit. Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Best regards ' Walter Kirch o (o TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the l6.th day of 0ctober, .|984' by and between THE T0WN 0F VAIL, C0L0MD0, hereinafter r:eferred to as "Vail" and the owner of the Cornice Building, hereinafter referred to as "0wner." WHEREAS, Vail has requested that certain restrictions regarding three (3). employee uniis be placed on tne Cornice Building, here'inafter referred to as the Subject Property. Nol^l, THEREF0RE, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerition, the iufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: l. That portion of theground level on the subject property comprised of three (3) awetiing units each'having a sleeping area and kitchen and approximately 200 square feet (ieferred to as Employee Un'its) shal'l be used exclusively as em- pioyed hous'i ng units and shall not'be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the rema'inder of the Subject Property. Z. The three (3) Employee Units shall maintain a minimum square footage_ of 200 square feet pei unit,- however, the configuratjon of the units may be altered. 3. The three (3) Employee Unjts shall not be leased or rented for any.pgriod of less than thirty'(30) i:oniecutive days; and, jf it shall be rented' it shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees in the-Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagie Va1 1ey shallbedeemed to jnclude the Gore Va'l ley, Minturn, Red Cliff,'Gilmai, Eagle-Vail and Avon, and the.surrounding areas. A full-time,employee is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 4. The restrictions contained herein shalI remain'in effect for a period not more than 20 years and the life of Trent Ruder from the date the cert'ificate of occupancy is issued for said unit. 5. This Agreement shal'l be a convenant running with the land and shall bind the gwner, its Feirs, successors, and assigns, and al 1 subsequent lessees and owners of the Subiect Property. Dr. Huttner 0wner, Cornice Build'i ng ATTEST: Pame'l a A. Brandmeyer, Town C'l erk --ai...r;-' - -- ., - - )och./A ': .._..,+r. t Dear Eted: As ltotl lctot, the ltwn of Vail has girrcn r:s peunissicr to build erplqpe horrsinguxits in Building 14, and erployee hor:sing rnits and a general ofiie for ttreOmers Associatiqr in Building 15. f am nov asking ttre Itr,vn for permissim torlarrange ttle lrrits thelz pretrior:sly approrrcd. ftrey can do so a&ninistratirrcly si-noe tlrere is no ctranEe irl density, uut trrey havereqr:ested that r drtain aletter fiutt you stating that the Omers Associatiqr doesn't eject to ttrer€alrangellEnt because of your previous objecticns to tlre enplqgee rnits inBuildings 13 ad 4. Ihe approrrals fisn the 1trv,rn allcrr tle follouing: Btrilding 14: I - 432 square fot one bedroon one battrrocnr anplqTee hor:singr.rdts. Building 15: 2 - 864 sguare foot t!rc bed:pom two battr:ocnr erployee housingurits and a !,728 square foot office facilier for theqrsners Association. Ittat I $rculd lij<e to & instead of the above is: Erilding f4: 7 - 432 square foot qre bedrcqn one bathmn enployee housilgwdts and qre 432 squal€ foot storage ron. Building 15: 2 - 648 sguare foot trtro bedrrcqn qre battr:rcom anplqyee hor:singurits, one 432 qpare foot one bedrcom one bathrccnr enployee housing rlrit, and a Lr72B qpar€ foot officefacility for t}le q^rners Association. Itrere are several reasolrEi for ttre p:oposed ctranges. tre srnaller tro bedrcqnerployee rnits wiII rent for $450.00 per rnonth ilstead of $600.00 per nonttr,but will still aconnpdate a srell fanily. the storage roon rrrill enable r:s toput the air building attay during the sr.nrer season. Itris will elrniriate aneyesore and exLend tlre useftil life of the aj.r building. Filalry, the one bedrpom enprqgee hor:.sing Lrdt in Buildiag 15 will be idjacent to theA.ssociatiqr's office and rrculd be an ideal location for t}re lEr:so!1 wtlo is oncrll after hou::s. \ail--, cauetClub \C-ondominiums April 4, 1980 tlr. lEal bdEe President, RaquEt CIub Ovners Associatidr 4955 Kensingtdr cate Shorernood, titinnesota 55331 4590 Vail Racquet Club Drive. Vail, Colorado 81657 r fslsph6ne (303) 4261400 )' \ tt!r. rted Dodgelpril 4, 1980 Page 2. r ytqrld aprcciate 1t tf yorr qrld send a letter b tre rbvn of vail statingtnat Ycrr lrave rp cbjecticr to t}re ;xWoEea rearrangarent,. lEle letter should !p tos !,1r. Jfun tubin ltr^rn of Vail P. O. Bo:< 100Vail, 6lora& 81657 If lou have any questions, please call rle. Best regard.s, f t la IbUl.,tlt-2t--'--\l{alter Kirdr $K:g oz E =E uJI ot(Yl oO O Oo ooo sf (t uJ IJJu- E = uJL s8/ t//,q <l >lIt )l:s ir ,;Ir \ $$-.{i =\: AI l-r {t5oltE,lioF .{ i3E, t= IIJF F FIz = =z o l,u z ozoJ o o[ =z.) gNR EI\IE Eg IIE iNE teQEs i$qEEoo PF? EE**iEgSE'o.= c, +)!E x -.rEF3:gfrs'€$ €€;; (o Egg6 99 g.; rH,9o F !,_: EEEs -:- o gEs g8E cout.q; IEgrc-.= o ESEc-oP:i =€fd'5 =c9d EEE E E-s:€8 E;Stq! tr.=- 6clo o- sEE ?)Po_ =€:E6: E E.Eo6=eiFadttr - -o.9 veC(! 0'-5ac E'€;oi' =6>,96a i* E -e'6 e9E o €Eg -o6 (f, (\J IJF s IJ |.nfi Oo F\(\.,ro(\l rr)r\ ro F = uJo- zoJ @ :a UJ z Jo. F u,J UJ z (o =J Iz () uJ = UJ IJJtl.z9 E UJ UJE 6c tD 3g uJc,zIU' UJ F u,oo- uJo z UJJ x F IIJof an uJlult E =E uJ o- Foe oz = @ E F u,lJ uJ ozo E J L 9z -o uJ = J Fo NO|lVn'tVAi ll e I ,d I =sffi-co =Z ZtL-o o o i'i 5 a = ;E6 6 E+r F ! BE IFHfi z9 F l! UJ o ooo orir UJE J z Eoo x z tr llJ 3 IJJ2 IoLz z tr o =ooo u, tsz =J uJ = uJ 5 ul tr A 2 h z I llJ !J = oo UJzY =F (!. 2 tr 5oz I +--.-t,-$ \ I Iirjl $l Flill o (l ;o l_,, !t<t ItFt Itzt Itlt_llzl Itl| .. >l ilo l W4bP <>ltrulr4lz la 6 l< at, II --l -f a4 z tr an 16 I\l N--t I =I vA4 t'd al I "lz1yl <ltl.t "ll "l>l|lllol (f)(\l $I (\t I cct C9r{o C\JOcf ulF U' @oazo Fo.l!Y ulo oF F Eul0.lro TLoo I ulFoz z oPze coo =z dP ;Ei aHE F =.EutcItoEqE3€8E9!a;95EE dEE FE! 3tE ooE irE bF €= Ho -l ;t ur Eo E =E ltJo-zoFc) =E 6zo() !n! rm\zttr \g -t F2{A! ctlutlGl JI <l>l t!lol fl oz ul J l!oz =oF I (O oz olu = lto z =oF (J P () c, ro (t,! (5 :g tt frl oz (, ulG J ? t!oz3oF a !+)()o L! =(uz. =g ll G' <\I(\J I ro N to. (J Eo =(l) ct) ut F -l=l:l -l"lPI slql EI =(t' (, =l! ovl -o C) Io = +,o =q (J rgd, .o ii =z clo-) o- r.()\od @ .o(J .d F6 x o U)ati lJrc =t oFc) EFzo() (1. irg+&Ft-o2 y"g 33]F d. zo o J tt!z IJJ(5 trtrc tr.rlJll. F = o- J F F g) UJ UJlr-F = UJ o- .Jfq, a att l= tlrto lr! It IE l6 t: l.t1I'tutl2l3lo iil! ttl ;5fu, EFz?,YZ ar, < I 's$re l€;:fs IiEFR fft; ii€EE = ggigg E F;EgtiFoP *E!e F iF$gg utull!z9F lu€otuqNO|l.vnlvA xGo =lr z.o E=Is gFe 62os!3fH8>c)FOi Gr. .. >lLl UJou, r.lJzI =UJ J z trdu,o- lr>o lu,t-t- It UJzYo z J v>z ^l'l trz z tr oo::o()o I /.\ | r. )lI llc<ll o- IIUJ- il^[-llJrt<lz l:jtol l:l lxll ztloll EltFIJtl<ut J Fx{, I I I = a.J€;- tF lrJ .o Oo- art(JE(5'- Oz- o'-H q.E+, JO- ,6Fi (t rF c14- .- a! Oa .F ut O-Ov Ctr XLr-()c(D O'eOsr30Jt!(n.E+ro< L 0,,uJ !r- iIrlO' -O- | =-o(l,E IEP o I(/)oqrL' I '-. (J t- | ssE'E I =,i .., IO l+- or IJ.LOC IJ(U .p .lo+, r, = _YfrJ- +, .|. .rJ !Jqra.r!d---FEF-9\r I o r) s(\ lut o t; $,1 I tll trD! =.EU.r-'G-.I.LJOd .E<z.n<:Z o .Eo!.1trblH=la=El&rl!601i tuI Fr'l5-- l t*ril4aq-:pl b_ coE.CIoo o!, .gc5 E Eot o .E E |lt .,Q'E e- L,0, 0,Jo )z \-.o?-\) zoPze Eto =z5f a.,e J."i5 5 E.i aHg &o- -ts *l E Jl! \)(\(\< xNt l_ir i d-.'l t ;l$ el E JJ; I lb | ,xo.€ | lF I i9d< I | = I G(J Fs I le I siilf | 8 gFilAT trF I rF;lI ie ,\ e ,\L lOJ u l4:a'" -\.rrZa>/\)r) PERMTT NUMBER gF PROJECI. I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ., JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr o tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOO NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr EI tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr F tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL " -r't{APPROVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED m DATE INSPECTOR PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST WN OF VAIL I JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES AM PMrREADY FOR LOCATION: tiult-otttct tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr cl tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBIrnnrr,rrrrrc n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE€TRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL +(tepaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR m o PEtNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF. VryfLPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: i NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR 'Fnr AM PM tt ,: a i )/'ij JOe BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. - tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr 6 rrrunl O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL fy'eenoveo ]ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE {-:',/ , 5 INSPECTOR.-: r".' <.7'' o Prolect Appllcatlon 1- 8-85 "i! Proj€ct Name: Proiecl Description: Owner, Address and Phone: , J. t ) ' /h/'a,te,- Kt-ch 47t" 1/zz-, Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Filing Zon€ - Design Revlew Board Motion by: ,' tl Seconded by: { r 'uiriilt \N .z'- ') ( APPROV4t----.DISAPPROVAL Summary: l ../-;' ' !"'rtn'i,'.\ i ( fI -*--- - Town Planneril.l; toate: tlt:''l+,/ ,I_ E statt Approval ,.rf NAME OF PR&IECT: LEGAL bESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF Roof )r01ng 0ther t,lall Materials The following information is required for submitta'l Board before a final approva'l can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL LIST OF MATIRIALS /J,C/u&tootto by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR 3r*4tuz >1 8.o*, ?4 Fasci a Soffi ts !'li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngS.,, Chimneys Tras h Enc'l osures Greenhouses 0ther D;8*ryhnt ?*-,, fu* 8.,'-a ,?//'tt^r2-^(za /ua^zu,/ f,h,iat M.k Er*, tUun-- E^ B. LANDSCAPING:Name of Designeri phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Commbn Name Quani ty ?4 3 4J''(-/ /o' ,.t 8/,- Jfr.u"o ta ,f ca EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Si ze* rqpq *Indicate caliper for deciduc'ious trees. Inclicate hejght for conifers. , .l' PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS 2"h;ti/^ Quani ty 3/ Botanical Name Common Name Si zetu(v/' EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED $ Type GROUND COVERS Square Footaqe s0D J..-- SEED fuL +' s/rin/lertTYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls,fences, swjmming pool s,etc. ) P'lease speci fy. v/o 4rS ,"ru{ /b ufrrnm IN REFERENCE TO: ATRMATL [ flRSr CTASS MA|L n TNTER-OFF|CE f] HOW TO USE THIS u4Lzal)f4_ IETTER TO SAVE T|ME. ,C Type or write your reply in the spoce below. Then mbil lhe white copy to us ond keep the pink copy for your files.-- You'll sove lime ond elfort, ond we ll hove you, onr*"f much fosler! Thonk you. .i -.2 ,, :j DATE .- L- c-" t'' . .,i.. -" , _).-- ,i,r. .-'-4 : ),:- 2' ,ii)', ";no..r ,r}{t t,;rz-' SIGNED v,\i!- Ri.cQl'Ft, cltjB cooollttttul,ls POST O;F|C€ EOX 1088 vAil-' coLoRADo 81667 (303) 4:61400, 22-m4 ?,,, '-) '.' '-:2. '. ,t,---- 4" FE-OROER FORM No, 82352L _ (oOAY.T|M€FS, An-M, Pl l!!0! luwn 75 louth lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce ol commudty deuolopmcnt March 12, .1984 }.la'l ter Ki rch 4695 Vail Racquet Club DriveVail, Colorado, 81657 RE: Vai'l Racquet Club Addition Dear lrJal ter, 0n March 7, 1984, the Design Review Board gave final approval contingent upon submittal of the tiile report and/or eaiementreport for the Vail Racquet C.lub Addition. If you have any further questions, p'lease do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ,,). I oL llnffan{fi? Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP.nne ENCL. Project Name: t t Prolect Appllcatlon 0,. t C/u /" exist)A/, /Proiect Descriplion: Contact Person and 4fc - /(at Owner, Address and Phone:k;'6-,4oit e^er'e/ te ,."tce- fUor"1--.- ?r / Kac.* C/u Archit€ct. Address and Phone:c.& h-nu-- , Cu/uro/u Q'ott c' Legal D€scription: Lot Comm€nts: 4(7 i x /otr( 727 eto"k l6i/( Cl,I CoJ-*n,i): r,&Ui-o,,t,*) /aun/. Design Review Board Date Motion by: tl-\Lu+. 'rr Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Town Planner E statt Approval l. ' Pe-c lto *€ 3. : 4.T,.VG-. Subdivision /4,, (e t, u" t Q'''ts'ha'r'') Lot Bl ock Filing Submi tta'l Items- (A) Topo MaP (B) site P'lan (c) utilitY Plan (D) Title RePort(ri suuoivision Agreement 2. fnqineering Requirements (n) cutvert Size -(B) Dri verr'ay Grade @xT(ffitl@ Source of Uti'li!!e5 (A) E'lectri c (B) Gas (C) Ser'rer (D) l'ta'uer (E) Tel ePlrorie *z€ n ,"{,r'*,<1 (if applicable) (Acceptable) (l{ot AccePtable) 4/o u€. L/ Approved: Di sapproved:s/s/e" Bil I Alrdrc:*s \o roB NME___Uu4lste ?/ntu Z UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION lizbiaz- LOT BLOCK F IL ING The location of utilities, whether theylines, nust be approved and verified by accompanying site p1an. be main trunk the following lines or proposedutiliti.es for the Date Mountai n Bel I I -634-3778 Western Slope Gas Hamy Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hai I Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagl e Val l ey l,late4 and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek Jz <-'ry' J4B{ ee{ z//4H * For new const please fill out attached sheet. NOTE: These veri.fications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before di.gging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vai1. A, building permit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This forrn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. ".d,"i'il u-/+ 4a/4* r o ot luwn box l(Xl vail, coloredo 81657 (3031 476€tllli z aocr departrn€nt ol community development Dear Design Revtew Board Applicant: Enclosed is your Desigp Review Board ProJect Application showingtbe approval/disapprovaL of your project lncluding conments from the Board. If you received approval from the Design Review Board, you must make any correctlons stipulated by the Board and brlng the revisedplans to the Town PLanner before applylng for a Bulldlng Permit. No slte work may be comenced untll the revLslons are approved bythe Town Planner and tso sets of working drawings are subml-ttedto the Building Department. If you bave any questlons, please do not hesltate to call: the Town Planner at .476-7000, ext. 102. DEPARTMET{T OF COUUIJNITY DEVELOPUENT ./- d:. I \^t. Ll sT oF 14{ IsR I ALs " ,.r^; \il: tv.itii'(:r l/a;tQ|nA*rf__Url L0'l' l)li.S(;ll|I,'I,l0l.l0IrPIto'It:t-'t-fu-44A"'g_ I]I,OUK l;lt.li.1(; The fol lorving infonnat j.on islloard bc{'rrre a final approval A. DUILDIIi(I I{ATERIALS Roof Siding 0ther l;al1 Materials Fas c ia Soffits Windorvs I'lindow Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flashi.ngs Chirnneys Trash Encl osures Greenhous es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS rcqtrilcd for submi.ttal iry thc applicant to tltc Dcsilln Rcvicwcan be given: - rA-/,Tno"r- It{o,'atl .-r.rrt C. &-_ __ &-p ?.-,-r- .(areJ "ro-l'* H- . . fu-( Fn:> &/u-.q=4 .- Z*.otJ -*,/h/uo*iJ. T.re/2',1 *n,.i, _. O, Chy Daris VL |-71ELZ Botanical Name h"'l;l,illn Name Quanti ty zTREES Si ze t-r"'ftz/ (r,/errC.hr./ J"/o/-2a' *ll - 2Ly'' f, oo/' \ SHRUBS n/*.1,"/1^ GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION .o, SQUARE FoOTAGE tl/o lUe't 5QUARE FoorAGE TYPE SQUARE FooTAGE TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa1ls, fences, swirming pools, etc.) Please speclfy. 1' r'xrerl0r surfacrng materiars and corors shar 1_be specified and submitted [!|"ffi:Hryth'e materi ar s I iit i'.ii iuil,"ifd5H;irtment or conrnuni ty F' The Design Review Board may requ'ire the submission of additional p.rans, drawings,specifications, sampres ani oitier maitirii-tiriirliri i"modet) if deemednecessary to detennine whether a project *rii ."ilpiv'niti, o"s.ign guideiines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or'sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the locat.ion (sitet]3U gl^plop9:al may be submiiteA-in-ii", of the'r;;;-i;;;i requirementsgrven above, as ronq as they.provide all importi.r ip..iiilition, for theproposed inc'luding iotors ai,a'miie.iais'to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Orig'inal floor plans with Floor plan for addition - Site plan showing existing Elevations of addition Photos of existing structure specifications for ail materials and coror sampres on materiars rist :available at Department of Communiiy Oevefoprent.- ljo*li,t"orest of the Design Review Administrator you may also be reguired to Statement from each utility verifying rocation of service and avairability.See attached utitity location verifiiaiion form. ttT ]y":uement survey, stamped by reg.istered professional surveyoq tu/ Ft"#-aPrel{minary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists ofeasementsgasemgnts .'.", .,," I rrr,) u>z . ,,{.,(#.rrfu^ d-rt(azffit Lr / / /,,a (U* /",-,;n -, IV. FINAL SIfE ptAN -. 7 -{ - - -' , /, ./ or r.ffi"Ti ! - ri, " !:: 1 i 1 s u e ! . . uno *n(7" ftuK-#,ff : lfl]tBXli:.,ilt].ffi.ifi:Hirea ueiore i.v-oiiraing itceiu.['i"i'.'i'-g-i'ipliiiio,l"Fro,n A certifjed improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angres. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. c' All utitityservice rines as-buirts showing size of'rines, type ofmaterial used, and exact locationi. Z copies -- -' D. Drainage as-builts - 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. B. c. D. E. F. a'l I specifications shown 2 copies and proposed construction - 2 copies 7 t.vI'IELVIULE A. HICKS' -of' 10?58 FALO VEREE AVENUE LONS BEACH CA 9OgI5 , 540C, S. HOHAHI{ Rtt LITTLETON COLNRATTN SOIz:{ " I^,ENDEL & I'IARILYN MAECTELY 6164 W. ROWLAND FL., LITTLETON CO BCI123 ALLEN E.trORSETT 15601 E.CASPIAN CIR. flr)3 AURORA CF BC,OT3 I,IR. WALTER KIRCH BC|X 1937 VAIL GOLCIRATIE S165S ARTHUR J. NCrI^IASKEY 32{.6 GLENI"|fiRE TERRACE ROCKVILLE MD. ?O85O NAFI:IDS INVESTMENT Cfl"IFANY 6161 COUNTY LINE ROAtr MR. ..IOHN J. PLAINE 565(I S. SYRAf,USE CIR. STE.zI](' ENELEhJOOI' Cn SOt I t BILL I{CPIAHTIN/LECINARN H. fiARTI ECrX 7O3 INTIIAN HILL$ GCILCIRAEO SC'4S4 FLOYN HAYES 32P I.IORRISON ERIVE AnA OK 74A2(, PATRICIA CRLIFIELEY BC|X 27BS VAIL COLORADCI SI6Ei* rlR, 1* * 10?* * 1O3 * {+ I Cr4 .n {. lo5 * * 1O/r * *lO7* *109*1r+t' * 109 * lf *I lO * * llt HtNqnaltr ll - 1:|rr5?t -r I-4R. RICHARII YAHADA-*Q,= *I $?3 HRfrOI{SIEE r WILHETTE ILLINOI$ 6C,OP1 HR. *IOHN RILEY B CHERRY VALE DRIVE ENGLEh'O0E! CO got l(r .: l"lR. R$BERT BURLEY 7OS5 S. COOK I"JAY ' ,-t, LITTLETCIN CCI r3O12O FRANI{ & HARILYN I{LIRTZ 4P48 N.I.'ESTHAVEN FR. JACKSON MS 3??Q7 .' . *IAY GRUZNIS 4404 S. WTLLOW ST. J+ 113 * * 114 * rf ll5 n ' Ir20l* *i/07* * ?o3 *. DENVER CBLORADO 8CI?37 sANnY uiLtECK * ?O4 * 73OO E. ARAPAHOE RN. ENFLE[TOCt[r CO. BO11! . M,B.H.VAN HEUSEN * ?O5 tS 3:{(r l"lAR I nN TIENVER CO, gC'IIS .-rtI'IR. CHARLES IIRUT.IMCIND RSUTE 1 BCIX IO? FA['HUS|{A CrKLAHrlf'tA 74O5{. NEAL 6ROFF C/O HABISCIN GROUP 43SO S8. SYRAf,USE - NENVER CO. 80237'.: PHCIEEE BARRETT 225 WALL $TRRET VAIL COLORARO S1657 *tO8* r* ?09 {. *ll0* * 3Ct1 n. * 3C)g *" l+3O3* 3O4 * n :{oF * #' 3t)6 * TOH & .IEAN 665 HARICIN DENVER COJ FIERRICK B(,?tB t"tR, .tAl'lEs sIt'lHoNG 7.NATL OIL COT,IPANY 1350 ITTH 5T STE 200 BENVER COLSRADO SO?O? HR. THOI"IAS C. LUND 4O?5 HARHON AVENUE PECIRIA ILLINOIS 6I6T4 MR. & F'IRs. LINHAN 2634 CBHFORT tfEST ELOOI''|FIELF MI 49033 ROYAL JESTER 3307 19TH AVENUE ]4EARNEY NEBRASK:A 68S{7 T'IR. LARRY ST.JARTZ 3073 SE. COLUHBINE nENVER coLCrRAIrlt e02fo I"IR. HSI.IARTI I{LEII'4ER ', BOX 2244 VAIL COLORADO gT65S fVIR. GEIIRCiE REINKE 326,6 S. I?1 E. .AVENUE tf *307* L.rNANIEI- & CLAIRE FISFFIAN 6g40 RICHTHTTFEN PK[{Y. trENVER CO EOI?O PIARIAM T,,tCIiILER CiRUBFS 7037 IIYNEALE ST. N.l^J.,: LJAGI{'tNnTf:lN fi- ti^ ?frfi t 5 . .J Qo* - RGY .I. POBUE 7$4 -S. SALENA ST. DENVER CO SO331 I::REEK$INE INVESTI,IENTS 7455 PARI{ LANE ROAN LONEHCTNT CCTLCTRAn0 €O$(rr HR, CARL GRONAU III, 7446 S. I{ENEALL BLVII. LITTLETON cUr-ErRRtrO SOltS I'IR. ..ICIHN O"BRIEN4I I/2 CHESTNUT 5T. PRINCETSN NJ OS54O : MR. E. SHELNON GREEN 1133 RACE STREET DENVER Cl:l Bc)?t)6 l"lR. M. l^,. SEARLS JR. F. C. s. -D.0. C.. AI.IERICAN EI{BASSY - EEI,-IINTi, DEPART.OF $TATE WASHINGTON NC ?CI5?O BOF BAKER 70(t0 E. o{JINtrY *416F rldNvER cB €0237 H. L.INDLEY GRUBBS ?3OO BEAVER RB,. LANEOVER HT' 2O7A5 n 3Og * ... #. 310 * * 3ll * * :112 * r*:rl;1 * *314* n3l5* *316* *4Q?* * 4l(t {. o{'41SFRINGER & SONSggBBY L. SFRINGERP.0, BOX 56 'j: WILLIS POINT TX 73t6't .l .: H,E. SNIDEF, 7 fTOBIN CRE5T LANE ia:-. LIT'TLETCTN CCt 801?3 r?t., . ':.i i ,: t'lR. BICt( $trErTT.. 4 trRESTVIEW IRIVE PLEASANTVILLE NY 1O57O BRIAN & 9IEANNE THILMAN-HAUFF Box rs52 vAIL CO Sr65S , H. LINTILEY FRUFBS 23OO FEAVER RD. NANCY L. PRICElc' VIKING DRIVE ENSLEHITOn E:t:r BOt I O NAVIN & NIANE HILL ANNETTE HELE l* *417* r+ 413 €. * 414 ir * 415 #. * 50: r+ * 5Ct3 * NANIEL L. FITE:HETT ..IF. * 4I& * C/CI LINCOLN PROPERTY COHPANY,. " 9?S l€TH ST. SUITE 1514 FENVER CO. 8O?O2 CURTIS THIIHFSSN rf 4L7 * 4?IO CHIHO EAST BEEP HAVEN T,IN Sg3Pl E$DRAS. K. HARTLEY 42C|(r E. 0UINCY ENtiLEl.'OOn CCr 80110 *4ls* FRANCIS & I'IARY EETH GUILIANEI #. $OI * 2€{l fiEEPWOgnS ERM , LCINGEtlEADCIlil 1.lA Ctl l06 f42-! EA$T EASTER NR- ENGLE|TOTSE CCI. t3O11? -'VRCC ET4PLSYEE HOLIsllI[S BOX 1OBB to- vAIL C:BLCrRAtrCr .S165S ROBERT V. PARKE 12O? FARKT,IOOD IIRIVE FT. ICTLLINS CO SO5I1 I'IR. ROBERT A. UBZIELA &P6P B. BEHIS LITTLETON CCILORATICI SOT:O FIELVIN [t, $ACl.lS71I JC'HNSTCIN AVE, AKRoN sHrF 44s4,6 DRS. REPSHER & CREAGH 83OO t^J. SBTH AVENLIE . HHEATRIBGE Cfl g('O3T " {$' ":. GRETCHEN OSBORN 3401 SH0RE RCtAn ', FT. CFLLINS CO, 90524 ,; MARGARET A, RUSSELL . r TIHBER LANE CARLINVILLE IL 62626 FOUR RACAUETEERS C/CI L. A. f'IERKEL 5311 APPLE BRf FT. COLLINS CB 805?6 .: P,IR. JAPIES F, LESLIE ?T41 ELBERBERRY ROAE GOLETEN CCILSRAITO 80401 . f'R. RICHARD HCITITHART IsOO CONSTELLATION I}R. coLttRAfr0 SPRINGS co soPcr6 ttR, KAI REHDER 1103 I^JESTCHESTER [RIVE +5OFn *F06* * 5Cl7 * * 5C,8 {' r+ $Ctp * *5lO* d. 511 {. {. sl? *. *513* RNI:F{FFTFR MN 558fil *514* NR. .IOHN SNYTIER O 1566 CBNWAY RB LAKE FCIREST IL 60045 o*.5 I{ENNETI.I & KATHLEEN REYNARF 5505 SO. KRAHERIA ST. ENSLEIIt:rof,r CCI SO11 I RICHARIi & LYNN SALTUREI-LI IBO GILPIN. nENVER C0. gC,?tE l5* *516* r+ 6Cr I r+ * &(r2 * Jr 6C)4 # {* 605 * *6O7* ftAVITI I-I*ERIEE 1SO5 HLINTINGTON AVE. EKLAHOI'IA CITY trK. 73TTe, HR.PAUL KIRSY 7?5 ARAPAHOE *3O? BCTULTTEF C6 g(,30? : BUTI NICHOLL 6FO6 I.J.HOtrVER PLAf,E LITTLET€N GCI. 8O1?3 I.IR. RICHARN GREBE 788 GRANT BOLTLEER Etl 'qC,3C)2 *606n FCIULAER CO 8O3TI3 ',:.,: TIR. ROBERT BALASIOl ASH STREET DENVER COLORADO gO22O LARRY ].J. & ADAHARIE |:ING n 6{)8 * 1O7O RAE:E STREET UNIT F . ITENVER COLORAI|C| g0:3(16 n60g* RICHARD .& HAREN GRIFFITH P}'IILIP GRAVES n 60? #, I r r o nnt iTH MfiNAnfi *a NENVER ccl ao724 trISSY NUANES 9T51 E. EASTf-IAN BENVER COLCIRANCI o DRIVE ao?31 MR. ROBERT N. KNCILJLTL.IN 245C, E, FIFTH AVE. BENVER CO. SO?C,6 CHARLES & -IULIA BRLICE 23TP FITTERRCIOT LANE LOOKOUT HI]UNTAIN GOLNEN tr8. SO4OI LYALL D, RYNEN ??O4 z('TH STREET T]REELEY C0L0RAfiCt S0631 E. J, FILIELLER 2? LAKESHORE NR. N.E. ALBUAUEREUE NH g7ITz I,.',8. TIUESENBURY -.IR. CONDOHINIO VELERO CBSTERA ALEI,IAN TCI7O AtrAPI.{-CO GRO. HEXIES trBLCINIEL SAVINGS & LCIAN INVESTCIRS SAVINGS AssOtr. P,0,Box ?988 FBRT Wtf,RTH TX 76113 EI'WARD & NCIftHA FALLTINc/0 cctL0RAntr u. s. cORPoRATIcrN 3 5OLITH TEJON STREET coLoRADCr SPRINGS C0 ROpOS HR. BRATTLEY TJTIS$EM BOX 2975 ,tota. caLoRArr0 gl65s . '1,:. SCICIETY OF U$ -Qto - .rr 6ll * {61:* lf613* *7O1 * .* 7OZ r+ * 703 #. *7'J4r* {' 705 #. *7O6* # 7tJ7 * so2?3 .-" -.-rf'IR. JOHN GOHAISEN IT06 CASCANE AVENUE BI]ULDER COLORANO BOSOI I.lR. ^ROBERT HARTIN 7309 SO. INCiALLS r:T. :,;,- LIITLET0N C0LCIRAntr 8O1?:{ o* TtlB * , ROSALINII TEPPER49 BYSTER RIVER RTI. TIURHAH NH O3B?4 . FIR. RICHARN ZELL 12c,71 HEANWATER I,IAY I.,EST PALPI BEAC:H FL. FIARY*JANE VAN BERG 3"11_I4TH 5TREET COLUHBLIS NE 6S601 :11?411 x70?* *7lO* rf 711 r+ *71?* n713* x7L4+ *7L3* *7t6* x7t7x + 71i3 rf + HR. CiCIRDCIN SHALE I29? GILPIN *7W ITENVER CCTL0F(AtrCI g(r219 FIR. PETER AERGER r?O 5. BIRCH SENVER I:OLfiRANCI SOz?: 5KI NEST INVESTPIENTSZ TYLER LANTZY 417 tlEtrY BOULDER f,A 8030? .. T,tR. RALPH P. CHRISTIAN HR. ET'WARII L. VBLPE 3?O JERSEY . _-__ nENVFR r:nLoRAn0 g(rz?Ci -UKYLE & THOA FINK ?oo0 EA$T 12TH AVE. *1r DENVER CO S0206 I',IR. JAHES N.JCI$ 1400 HAnIs0N sT. DENVER CO. BC,2C,6 FR. TOM LARKIN 5240 50. MONAEO STREET ENBLEWOCTD CO L?O111 TOf't 6. RoBINSTf,N 24 VIKINfi ER. ENCLEWCI0n CO A0ll(r T,IR. TOH S. ROEINSON 24 VIKING DR. ENGLEWTIOD CO SOTIO HOWARN & FRANCES FLICKER 6613 5OUTH PONTIAC COURT ENGLEWOOD CO SO111 HARTIN Tt SUSAN FRYE 7425 EHPIRE DR. BOULNER GCI AO3O3 THL]HAs A. CCIUGHLIN 3OO5 BRSANHEAE RI}. BETHELHAFI PA 1.9017 CHARLES AND BETTY GRIFFITHS4I BITTERSI.IEE,T LANE SOLITH SALEH, NY TO5'O . .STLIf.IHOFFER/SNTTDGRASSc/o rCIflr sr{tD8RAss 2600 RNSEDALE DRIVE : PORT ARTHUR TX 7764T1 EENNIS & RUTH S}'IITH I9?3.CENTRAL l+ *8O5* !,,.- * 77(, * *7?t* *722x *7?3* *724* * gcrl * BCt2 r+ *$O3* *9O4* ___ HnT SpFt T Nfiq aRKANSAS. , 715rl1 J.EI, NC'RCROSS JR. 1033 - 4?TH .AVE. SREELEY CO' ,8{'634 I{ENNETH & DOROTHY REYHONS/LEE 74O CITADEL DR. E. coLoRAno SPRINGS CO. 8(,909 TERRY SIBBS 3?O $. FEERCREEI.: [tR. LELANF FIS 38756 MR. ERIC EER6 BOX 10S8 VAIL COL0RAEIT S165S : JAY HO5€LTCIN HOSELTON VAIL FARTN. 7Or HLIE$0N DENVER COTfiRADO SO2?O EIR. JOHN D,.' HALCINEY 32T3 5HORE RAAD FT. COLI-INS CCr SO:i24 LOUIS R, & BARBARA BI]LTEN P,ff.BgX 3?47 DE$ FIS1NES IOI.'A 30316 FLTIYB & JOYCE SAGESdR 43TO .R. 1.I? TERRAfiE 66Zt t o* fio6 & ANN CRCTC|:* gO7 {+ *so?* n Bltl * * Sll * *Bl3* *$13* *Bl4* * 1315 *. DANIEL'& NANCY 7618 CANDLEbICICID INDIANAFOL}S IN:: ELLICITT LN. 46?5Cl WILL IAFI C. ]{L IN6ENSI'IITH 36?$ SCIUTH ALFIBN ST. ENfiLEtdrfcrfi CO SOl lO BFAD FFEIFLEY rOSO SO.M0NACO *$Ct nFNVFR r:nl nRAnn Rfrt"4 *S16* o..T0NATHAN & EiAIL BURLEY n -pol * 5744 S, IRCINTON ENGLEI4,OOE Ctt SOI l0 ?E7S HANN/S RANCH RN, UNIT F-? vArL c0 s1657 MR, ART THOHSONIt?o4 l,0. noRAn0 AVE. LITTLETNN CCI SOI27 *?O3* PHtrE8E FARRETT ?25 I"JALL STREET VAIL CELORANO SI657 * :?o4 + HARGARETT FUREY 90? N. PINE GUNNISCIN CCI 81230 . MR. JOEL E. I'IARK$ 960 PENNSYLVANIA *€ nENVER C:tr e$?O3 VICTCIR & LYNN zuINN ?371 E. ERANN AVE. ENtSLEl^,CI0F CO B(ttl0 JAHES & LILLIAN T.IEYANTI P.0. BC|X 546' EERTHCTUIT C0 S0Ft3 I.IS. SUSAN BINNLE Bgx 1937 VAIL CITLC|RAITO A1€.5S HARRY & HARLENE I,IASILCHAK 448 CLINTON STREET r* FO&. * #90p* . BRC'CIKLVN NY 11?31 MR. ERIC BERG Box 10t38 I,|AII nrtl nPAnft !a 14^Aq t?1O* * Pll * v JANET SHITH MCTITIUbAL F.O.BOX S7430S WASILLA ALASHA ??6A7 *717#. ?13 n. *914* {. pl5 {. r+ 9l& ri *gt7* * ?ls *. * F19 {" *?ZQF.. *??1 * HR. CARL SWENSCIN 14505 CLUB VILLA CCILORANO SPRIN6s + ER. co 80908 C0LFRADO VAIL Sl:I INC. C/C, FRANCIS V.EHILT'S 80 S.W. T4TH AVENLIE EEttiA RATON FL 3343? f'R. L. N. $HCIRTELL 1SS41 LATIGO LANE RIO VERDE AZ S5255 I.IR. DAN AGUILAR 4630 VAIL RAtrAUET CLUB BLNG.? UNIT T6 VAIL COLOARNO S1657 NR.. KENNETH FLIRLONG rT2Sg I"I. ?7TH AVENUE LAF:Et^JCrf,rD CoLCrRAnfr 80215 trR BRADLEY C. *IOHNSCIN IO4 PINEHC'ON HILL€ LBN6MEA!|Oh' HA OlIO& HR. NICK MIANff 4675 5. YOSEt'tIrE NENVER CALORADC' THOHAS R. CROI.', 6 W,CHERRYTREE LANE SPARTA N.I O787I ' nIRtrK TJRITER 777 8. AnAHS . I|ENVER CALORAD0 aO?(rP HRNEST & NEBBIE AETTER' ,i 430 HunricrN . nFNUtrR _ r:ft _fr,fi?Jt *?:Z* JOHN & .CAROL ANN 714 OLD FTONE NR.r HIGHLANAS RANCH FIR. .IOHN VERN0N 'O 1lo6-?Nfr 5T, StSr ENCINITAS CA 92024 I'IR, JOHN VERNON 1to6-?NE 5T. #131 ENCINITAS CA ??C)24 JCISEPH PATRICK FINER 7679 50. HrLLIA|"4$ 5T. LITTLETC'N CC' SOl?2 ROBERT & .-IOAN IRVING FO BLENHEIH I'RIVE'EASTON PA 18(14? E. U. CRNWE Eox 64St NENVER CCI ENWARD FENTAINE 3912 N. 5RJTH ATtrHISBN AURqRA CCr SOO14 H,.-IEFFREY .& TIEBRA LEVY ?S76 BLACHTIBLB'RB. LA rrCtLLA CA 9?037 JANET I::ELE BOO PEARL {+7O1 nENVER CO SCI?O3 -;-,- * -/?4 * * 1O{,1 * * I (,r12 {' * 1OO3 * * 1OCr4 * * 1O{rS * * IOC|G * * looT r+ 1{,Og e$ '* 1OOP * .t ?4 l"lAY KCISIIALSKI c0 aol?6 ,.' DT'NNALLEY It LITTLETON Tf{B INVESTOR:{ P.0.88X 2?O2 AVON CCr 8,14,20 JOHN g( PHYLLIS LAGUAREIA J4O6S BAL$AI4 STREET tTHEATRIn6E CO eO033 WILLIAI"I & HARGARETE STItrKLER 14OO E. FATES AVENUE ENSLEWo0D GO 80110 RttN .q( ..IACLYN REYNDLDSl3 N.r,J. 44TH LATJTON . Bt( 73505 n MR. FRANK HUI"{PHREYS JR, lOC, WEST T2TH STREET SI"IACKOVER AV 7176? HR. RONALD SUNEBERG 76(,5 E. NAPA PL. FENVER CO. G{,237 I,IR. CHARLES TfftdNSENIt P.fl.FOX 6072 IIENVER COLORANO EO?O6 HENDERSON CffLLEYrI11 RIVER RNAD A-1 EDGEI.IATER N"J O7O?O t^lH. & CHARLINE SEYFER 6?7 ALASHA ST. ti0LnEN t:Cl' SCt4ClS I,IR. .IBHN NORTH III I45T LARII'IER ST.-sUITE 33O DENVER C0 SO202 co so123,o * 1O1l * lol2 n' 1{r13 r* 1014 * {f 1{'15 {e r+ lcrl6 * * tcrlT * *'1018 {. .r+ 101:7 n * 10?o *FRANI{ TAI. ?o"9 nni I TMHTNF BBLILITER CCr BO3o3 o I"IR. BERNARTI HORLEY ?I}I8 SA.PONTIAG WAY DENVER CI:ILLIRATIO 6('3T4 PETER & MABELINE NOFDS 37 HEATHER LANE PRINCETON N,I OS54O 6ARY 5. VCIGT 2741 NE 57TH FT. LAUTIERTIALE AVENUE SOHRWEIN 80215 : cT. 454J? W,CHA5 & GRETCHEN LOBITZ3I:; HUHBOLET STREET DENVER CELBRADE BO?13 ETIWIN G. HCHANUS 4650 VAIL RACAUET CLUB AR. BUILDINft *11VAIL trO, -d1637 * 1O2? * + 10?3 * I C,24 * * llOI * * 110? * * 1103 r+ * 11C,4 {' * 11C,5 * # 1106 * * 1107 *. IIANIEL T. LINT'SAY- I ?15 I{ARqHALI - AI. N. F-. P. tr, BC|X Sgp HINNEAPflLIS I'IN. f',IR, JCIHN EUNN P. Ct. BAX 34O vAIL LtO. S1658 3T' ..I. A. E:LBUATRE ?T12 UNINN WAY LAt(Et'r:tcrtr C0LCIRAnfi g(r?15 ROBERT E. f,rCrNL:rHLrE r'l.tr. 379I S. RgSEHARY I^JAY fiENvER COLORADO BCr237 EAVIT' ZISSER 2ts46 FAIRFAX STREET trENVER CLf S(r2O7 RICHARD & LINNA BLIMF 660 NI]RTHSTAR frT. BOULnER Ctr, 8C)3C,2 *IERRY Er RITA THCTFIAS I3S71 I^'. HONTANA AVENLIE LAt{El^trloF [:oLctRADO SCi?r5 ROBERT N. BROI.'N C/ff HRS. RESSIE 5200 E.28TH ST. I{ANSA$ CITY MO 64T28 RCIFERT tr CHRI$TINE AEAHF 7 HARGUERITE H. HOEAN 937 HIGHVIEI^' HANHATTAN BEACH fA FC'?66 * llOS * tl 1lOP * + 1l1O * 1111 r* re 1l12 * * l1l3 * {. ll14 * * 1115 f' * 1116 {' * 1117 * It i,"; l'lR. FRED EtCIY[, 344 s. WINDS0Rr.i. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ILL ..'1' : ,',:'. :.; ""..1i; srANLErcH cDLE ... - ; -- :- B8X 443 -+:i,', i- . ,;.VAIL co sl6ss ., .:: ", ' .. '1 .: ". :,,,l.' ;i,',; ';:' ',,.{..A. BIGG$ JR. .. ,,:".r,, ?29 Ll- 43FID=SIEEET {,'OOO4 * 111S # . ':: L. J. ORLANDO r 16 zeTH $TREET I.IANHATTAN ' EEACH o cA p{r?66 WILLIAH & JUNY INGELS 649 W. SCORPICT LITTLETON CL:| SC'T?4 HARALE CRAIEE 15653 CHENANGCI AVE. AURORA C0 130015 :i I::ARL E.I'IARTIN 21O UNIVERSITY EENVER CO 6(,?06 STEVE & SUSANNAH SATTERSTRC'M BOX ?645 VAIL COLORAITIT 81653 HERRILEE S. ELLIS ZSOO S. UNIVERSITY BLVN. nENVER CO SO2IO COLORADO WATSON INVESTHENT CO. Z JOHN WATStrN JR. BC|X 465 ENGLEWOOE CE SOISI *IAI,IES R. .-q JUDITH CERASOLI 17 CARRIAGE LANE LITTLETON CO BOIzl FICHARN L. HUELSI'IANN 1524 W. HYRTLE 5T. STI,LLI^IATER MN. 55OB? NR.. LAI.{RENCE REPSHER S30O t^1. SBTH AVE, WHEATR I nfiE Cr:t g(rc,sl ,ICIHN & BARBARA .$ALAZAR ??ot nRFtrN nalrc nP .-_ o * ll 1?* * 1130 * * l1?1 * * ll22 * * l12i+ + x 7l?4 x * l?C,1 * * 1?O? r+ * lz(ts r+ * l?CtF * * 1106 * LITTLETON ECI FRANI{ Ed LYNN ROUTE #1 frLEARIdATER so 121o HORRI$ON NE 64726 t*12fr7 x NINO ZFTTI SB3E.Sff, FRASER AURORA trCI SOOT4 DR. GARY HARTINllg ASH STREET NENVER COLI:IRANO 6CI??(I JOAN },IADISfiN Etlx 71S DENVER CO BO?O1 I'IR. CHUCI{ TAYLOR 4AO7 BRIAR RIDGE BCIULEER COLORADO LAAEIGI PARTNERS ATTN: ER. E, A. BREIT€NFACH 7O1O sC'UTH FILLF,IORE COLIRT LITTLETON CO SO1?2 PAUL JEHNSTTIN P.ff.BOX 9751 HANSAS CITY t'IIS$OLIRI ROIJER CLARK ,.!34?:{ E. 74TH ST. TULSA OH 74136 lf /r4t l4 L?OF x * 1210 .tt * l?11 * * l?12 * * l?13 rs * l?14 r$ * 1?15 * * 1?16 * HOI"IE$TAHE ENERGY FIVE C1F JONATHAN C.LORENZ V.P. II:ILflRADO NAT'L BANI( P.O,BBX 5t6S T'ENVER CO S{,2I7 f,IS. ELAINE BROI,,N 13? E. 6TH STREET HINSNALE ILLINTIIS 60521 * 1;1O? * BCTULIIER EO 803{,1 o G, CULP/G. SCHWENDIHAN BffX zglr0 VAIL CrCI S1658 ROBERT SARVIS Bt7 * ITTH 5T. STE. *3lO DENVER trO EO2O2 THOI-IAs E. & JANET R. T',IANLICK. ?156 TUPELCI NR.. LOVELANE trLt 8C,537 ',.l *IACI{ & JIMI',IY KAY SANDERS --. 3 HTNNFNHfiflN ., CiENERAL MEBIA INtr. n 1311 * 75OO td. MIiiSISSIPPI AVE, LAI{EIJ0On Cft BC,?26 D, SARCiOL * 131? * ' c/a n. Hc NELt-v E CA$CO TERRACE RD. FALHOUTH ME O41O5 ;: DALE & GRETCHEN SHAFFER * 1313 * 7IT RAtrE NENVER EO gC,2C,6 734 PoTOHAC STREET *7?4 AUR0RA c:Cr SCI011 !l' '- t^ CHARLES HOUCHENS * 13tF * ... .6P518 E,GIRARN AVE. . IIENVER CCI AC'?T4 . WALTER I{IRCH * 1316 * Btrx 1?37vAIL CCt S165S .:.- CREEKSIDE INVESTHENTS * 1317 * 7455 PARH LANE ROAD LSNGMTINT Cg 8C,5OI * lSlO * * 131fi r+ *' 140? * * 141C, * JEFFERsoN c:ITy m0 agror .o., TEtr 'q. F(ATHLEEN AVNER 15357 EAST SARATOGA PLACE AURSRA Ctr S0O15 EARL GLYNN HLICiHES 4(r5{. CALNITA PLACE .rAc:KssN f'ls 3p?11 6USAN J. DI PRIHA 9767 YUKON STREET ARVAIIA t::CI BOOOS * 1415 * l* 1416 * n 1417 * {. 1419 * * t420 * 147? tr 1433 l* x '1424 * * 1426 LOUIS .BCIRTZ , 7"64 trHEN$ COURT,,, LAI{El.r0tln Cn t3r)215 l $ANTIRA KAY 3455 BELCARO LN. NENVER CO SO?C)? ERIVEIL &001$ eo206 I"IORAN UNIT E ROBERT l.r, ttEFE 38?S SOUTH PEACH IdAY DENVER CO 80237 MARI{ A, & BARBARA [t. VI:'$EL 9{]1 SfiUTHIULI0N ___ :lf * 1:;O5 * FENV€R CO 80?37. r.-;i -. --- r0 1506.IOHN & BARFARA CHATHAT4 11 LAI.IBETH CT. OAI{BROCIK IL 6O6F1 : DARCTLI| BI]FIER 8271 UPHAf",I f,EURT ARVADA I:CI SOC'C,3 ET'I^JARD PITKIN !B{' RAINTREE ERIVE ZIT'NSVILLE IN 46A77 .-IOHAN & ANNIKA KAHH 353 OLD LONG RIB6E ROAD STAFIFCIBD CT .06903 FRED ARI{CIIISH I{TICH CRETIIT & LEA$ING CT]. 1('844 OLN F,IILL RD. CIf'IAHA NE 68153 HAYNE & *.IANE LEISER 10956 E. CRESTLINE PLAtrE ENGLEI^JC|OE CCt gOl l l I",IICHAEL & PATRItrIA KRISTO LARCHI"IONT LII"TITEN 4316 CAT"IELOT BRIVE MINNETCINKA HN 55343 MCIC'SE,/VAIL PARTNERS C/O J. f-I. CiARBNER T?23 _ 17TH STREET EIENVER CO BO?O2 ' NAVIT' COLE 46?0 PARAN VALLEY N.I,J. ATLANTA GA 3C'3?7 VRCT SALES OFFICE P, Cr. Erf,X 10BSvArL cfl. s1&58 -tAtrK CARTER r+ l5O7 * * 15OS * * 150p * * 1Fl0 * * 1511 * {+ 151? *. *' 1513 * * 1514 * * A-1 * *A-!* ENGLEl.l0l:ln CCl, I"IARK STEINBERCi 106?5 EAST FAIR ENGLET^,C[:|E CO sol loo & LEE I,ICE:LENNAHAN AVENUE 901to + A-3 *. * A*4 r+ *F-l * *E-?* *B-3* *B-4{ *C-l * * tr-3 {' * C-:{ * + f:-4 * o RCIBERT BLIRLEY TOSS SO. E0gK lrlAY LITTLETON CCr S0lztr BILL BROLII.::i 1E4O CHERRYVILLE RD. LITTLETON CTI BO1?1 LEE & PATRICIA GRANT 16T2 LINNEN LAF:E RffAN FT, CC,LLINS CA S0231 LESTER COLE -49P9 SO. T:ITTREDGE ST. AURORA 69 g(r(rt5 }.IAX ,L. THAMAS ?603 HERCANTILE EANK BLDff. TIALLAS TX 75?01 GORDCIN ROT.ILEY 12?1 F€ARL ST 5UITE T9 BOULITER COLORAnO 8(r3O? . C:HARLES LANGHfiFF 464(t SOUTH DOI",NING ENGLEWOOE CO 6Cf11C, T4R. NOUG HILL 1026 SO. WILSON AVENUE RADCLIFF I(Y 4OI60 r,IR. JERRY BRYANT 40 INVERNESS BR. E. EN6LE!{OOF CO S0110 EILL & ANN HARNDEN . nnY. l?93 *f,-5* LA ,-tCrLLA CA ?203S .o ]'IARGARET BURIIICK BCrX l26S VAIL EO. A165S ERICK R. & .IEANNE M. RATZER 3 CIMARREN NRIVE frENvER CO .gOt21 Ltrl.JE FERLIC Er O'NEIL. 3O7? NELSC|N rrR. LAKEldBtrn CCr, SO:15 ..IOAN IiIRSHENBAUI"I JUI]Y YASUZAI.IA. 60A? S. ET'IPEIRIA CIRCLE ENELEWOCIB C8 BC't 11 NAOI"4I COTTAGES INC. ATTN: C. RIE55 RTE. 39O ERESGO PA T83?6 MARILYN & LARRY REPSHER B30Cr td. 38TH AVE. IAIHEATR I nfiE f,CI BCIC,31 STEPHEN Er FAMELA ErtlEN . 1660 - 17TH ST. *45Cr EENr/ER CO. SO?O? trHUCK SEIBERT I NTHARRNN NRTUtr -- * [l-1 * * [r-l *. * fi-3 {. * rl-4 * f10RRI5 GINSBURCT rf E-l # gS'}1 HAPPY trANYON TIRIVE .. ENSLEHOAD CEI BO11(' : HENNETH C. SHATZ FRE5. * E_? * SNfrId BLINNY INVEST. ?OO HOHE FENERAL BLNI:i, P. D. B0X 3O8{. SISUX CITY IA 51TO2 . -IESSE & ALIEE I"IEINEER I+ E-:{ IS PECIRIA IL 61614 *E-4* * F-l * * F-t rt ''tl: * ci-l * LITTLETON CS 601?T .o BERNARF HAZUI{A , 2?OO CHERRYVILLE ROAN. LITTLETON CO BC,I?I nONALn L\,. FINI{ 4266 SEUTH ELI,I trOLIRT WALTER Er SANIIY ROBINSI:IN 3042 NELSON DRIVE LAl.:Et^rOCrn CO gOZrE I]ON I,IAtrY T2OO PCINFEROFA I'RIVE PARKER CCr 8Or34 ARLANTIE CALIBRESE 2lo'l N.tr. 19TH t^lAY BOCA RATON FL 33431 r+ G-3 {,, * G-4 {' * t:i-5 * l'.i,.. FREnERTff( hVenS 475 SC'UTH 6BTH STREET ,. , BCILILDER CCt AC,3O3 HARIN E( BARBARA ..I0SEPH 969 I.IYNHAVEN LANE , HANf,HESTER HTI 63011 r+ H-l fi' * H-3fi. *H-3* VAIL RACEUET CLUF f 'H-+ * PO BOX IOBG VAIL Ctr $1658 * Ll*l * C/EI JEAN I"JILEY-FERS.BANK CIFFII::ER ]' , NORTHWESTERN NAT"L BANI{ 3O3O NICOLLET AVE.50. HINNEAPOLIS I",IN 554OA,. ..' S. HOIT CA|'IPETELL * rt-:* 4404 HEST r12 ST. LEAt,CIOB |":AN$AS 4r6tl 1 VINCE ZARLENST] ^rqfln I"Fr-rqpFf-T + Ll-s lf L I TTLET I:IN UI:I EIC) 1 :3 a TRAt:y_Lt:rL:t:E 75{J;l l.lARIN ENLILEWr:rCrtl AIIVERT I5I N'J NR I VE ::iU I TErr:r Llc' 1::l r::r:rl4F ANY +?-F + ,_l-4 * * l,t-l {.L'I, A. & EL I ZATIETH FRAIdLEY ,:-657 5rl. HAtt:it'lfRTl-i BLVB, LAllEtJrlcrr:tr r:n *liJ:::;:7 F, H, T-IbJNRAFI :JO42 LA}.:E I:REFL:ENT NR. ll I N$t^l!:to[r TX 773:4cr * li-3 {. Project Applicatlon tt Oate YY Proj€ct Name: Prqiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Orvner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: own Planner t Irol o couEtClub\ .,..,-.^""I E \-rn rvoo VAIL, COLORADO 81658 (303) 47G3267 ? RT June 07, 1983 Mr. Jim Sayre Town- of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Temporary tent for Opera Colorado Benefit Tent measures 60' x 120' and will be erected over the exhibition court at the Vail Racquet CIub from approximately July 6, 1983 through July 11' 1983. Tt is 23' high. Tent is yellow and white (like the small photograph). Other photographs submitted are of a similar tent that is 40t X 100' and blue and white in color. The material for the tent to be used will be the same as the 40' x 100r tent. Walter Kirch DrAH-U o wclH suPPLY coMPA(} Li o, h c[ J, n t t,') a, p uu l:,'r,. C -, " o' 5 p te io tt ict r|Ft, .,. A. WTLSOI{ o. w. gSLsoN Et.8A, ALABAMA ROt, I ! rl /rz { tea i /',-l ,"* was made of Flame I L D 10860 Class I as affirmed aa7.2an t97-t oa c to Retardant *nxfr{TftQ\ by the supplier of To Whom It May This is to certify Concern: that the ' ' the arr+e6; THE ASTRUP COIIPANY ' Sl. Louis. tftissouri.,rr4ruL. WORTH SUPPLY COMPANYSigned: Owner: Subscribed and Sworn Before MeEThis/le -/tr-DaY of //** A h" . ely Notary My Commissi onn*eirr, .A-./l'-t /4f,/ treatd to me€t Covernmenl Specification M ',r - ' nui, 15 ,97 r:Ltason onrt|rlrJnar{ & -ToRnrlN l'0: 'lu lfilol'l l1 l.t,i\Y (;oNi.[liN ):il0l1: lcl.(,)r' I)irttcrt, ficrrio:- Plarncr' L)Alij; lI/ll/til SUDJECT: Vaj.l Racquest Club Clrrbhouse Addi-r.ion - Znning Tlie RacclLrsi Cl'.,L' (r,ia !.'aJ.t:cr iii"rch) wj.:;lrcs to expand th,: exisiinlj club)louse facility by (:onstructing an indoor pool , locl(er facil j.tj (:s, e)icr(:ise r.'oon and an indoor jacuzzi, The t'-lubhouse Ha:i approved August 12, 1976 rtnder a corrditiorlal rrse Pcr-mi,-. I'y PEC. Under ordina nc.,: 37n 1960, a new dsfinition of GRFA was adopted, The third parag,raPh refcrs to co$unon recleatiollal facility ir]Iotments ''ior lrui)dings . containing rrolc than 2 duelling units." Tltis allotmcnt is 20t of the total GRI-A flor common hal-Iwarys, stairuays, Iobbies and corunon recreatic,nal facilitics. The intent of thi-s is to provide multi-fatnily projccts, whethel all commbn Breas are in the same building as the residen.t'ial units or not, with an al location of ZO?a of their total GRFA for comrnon areas, The Racquet Clubrs GRFA maximum allo{ablc is I89,925 square fcet, 20eu of this cqrlals f,7,984 square fee!, The exisr:ing clubhouse has betwcen 10,000 and tzr000 sq ft, of floor area vith thc prolrosed addition lepresenting about 6700 scl fr. Thre total of cxistjng and proposecl still i.s about )ralf of thc allowable. Thu5, 1;1g addition c:m be allor+ed undcr tlre current ioning, cc.: l{a 1r cr Xirclr Box 1088 Vail , Co I z(ft.L,tf-.'.' n " AJr I{}i,r.i ) // oi' C.lrrbiro u;:r:- i.- !-.t r Ol lC 1q Kacaue.t' 6a4a f,r!.ft- .. Ewt-otatq ' /r' 1t7.- " t1017 { tl rL(.. r "/ duhk*rx. L,8L7 . Qo,1toz.. 8l,oa BIh:' Lu,11i" Eall< Q{v /&tq ,l //, ott /( p)t- .. " ' 13 //,att /f/^.# ty tj,1t{ 7.,t. ctt t (''':'' \ u"'r{'ls "b-iloueu""7'r) 1Z,Ln ) 'a 0 /r 7, z?f /#e/ / 4,qzs aJGuo'fu)' .r4eprrta*/ - bobo 6€a luun u l|ill 75 soulh lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ft (- O1 ,( ,- -.......-- October 13, 1981 Walter Kirch Box 1088Vall, CO 81657 Dear [!r Kirch: Enclosed is a listing of permits issued to the Vail Racquet Club from !979 to the present date containing recieation fee'charges. The cllculation for the recreation fees charged on each of your permits are calculated for your infoimation. Each individual permit was.calculated on a .75% credit basis with the exception of'permit #455 which was calculated on a 50% basis. Therefore the Town owes the vail Racquet club 25% of the recreation fee charged on p."rii #4SS rvhich amounts to g6?8.50. Permit #783 was also talculated at 50% due to the revision of the recreation fee ordinance of 50% maximum credit IfyouhaveanyquestionsconcerningtheTownofVal]. records please contact me at the Town. lt{y phone number is 476-?000 ext. 257 , RespectfullY Yours, ---7 - // ..1 /^fL.-d {7Rieh Parzonkci cc: Bill PYka Peter Patten lili