HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 2000-2004 LEGALV;R".Oa;f-^a- A**-th 2ooo' aool D oJ 2000 thru bq 'l I0Y'IN ?FI/NL7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 Jax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: ADDffiON DRB Number: DR8040006 Project Description: ADD NEW ELR'ATORYSTAIR AND STRUCruRE, ADD STRUCruRE AT PARKING, ADD WINDOW TO EXISTING BLDG AND SKYUGHTS. REPI-ACE EI'ITIRE PLAZA DECK STRUCTURE AND ROOF, REROOF ALL BUIDUNG ADD SHINGLES ADD OUTDOOR HOT TUB, 4 TENNIS COURTS AND l.ANDSCAPE Participants: OWNER MCQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOC 01/1212004 Phone: 4690 VAIL MCQUET CLUE DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT MCQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOC 01/1212004 Phone: 4590 VAIL MCQUET CLUB DR VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Address: 4610 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: .1695 VAIL RAQUET CLUB t€gal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOM Parcel Number: 2101124fl)021 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rogers Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Woldrich Vote: 3-0 DateofApprovalz 03lO2l2OM Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006302 DRB stated that if applicant could return w/ acceptable design, per DRB comments, for entry structurb, then staff approve,,,new materials accepted e DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OOlPlanner: Matt Gennett r? ilm plication for Design.R o evi ew rA 'lo|v' e Ap Depa.tneflt d Cornmunily Dewloprn€nt 75 Sorrth Frontagp R@d, Vdl, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479 2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Crsneral Information: ^l p'olt G, r8siirg d€cu! rsbr nlrst rx*lc npuat pdff b srbmfrting a building permit apdication- Pleco refer to the submittal rcqdr€rrEfrts for the partillb 40.orri lhaf b !€SSd An ryfcdbn fq De*J| ftrbr cf,rd be amepted wfl d ]Gqiurt ifrndbr b ruied F t5 Corrrfy OetdoFEf e9tEt Tlr gttig|tr'*ld b bo cvi:d bylc Tcrcorrl zd/a 8€Ptilitgrd Eniunsidoafftig*rl lledgn rcvlor.pp.ovd lrpcos -. ldttt Fd b - rt-rfr GmE rfr|. c yw of tiltc epprotal. fs prryricaAnc; 4b?5 Vl,L RxeleJ (cu R frrrrrt, Froet t{o.: 2 )o t tZ Loo%J- (oodd Eade co. Aswr d 97{F36{61o b pacd m.) zon:ns: flEDtu\ T\E-J<I'I1 ! ITuL1l ' FAr'lrlY llailing Addnce: Orner(rf llame of Apgllcll: Addrose: r.tJ0e<.p Description of thc Requcf: llmc(s) of Orner(e): Phone: Typr of Rrvier and Fee: ' shns. ConcepttnlRoview |.ler,v CdEinFin Adfrirn MirprAtter&n (mdti-ffitJco||m'tbl) ftuAftr&n (singbffiy/d"lor) ChtEEs bAmFv€d Pbns SeparalinReq.3st $5O Plts tl .(n per' r(ise foot of total sip aua. l,,loF* t65o Forffiidiooof anfl hlf|ga&|tsJrEbdd $m Fo. dlbn utE e sflate bd4B b ad&d to any resiCential or 6n rE.cia hffrg (itctud6 250 addilE A htefur con/€'siots). $250 For mlu crEE3s b brlifftgs ad sf! hp|ottrstts, s|dt cr r€m*|gl' pdrfrr$ rhfu afirG' mrqiE, frtE d tdatg uralq 6lc. $0 Frfl.u futgEsb bui*fngs andsiEitlp.ot€fiEnts, $dt 6, r€|€dtg, pairdng, l,irxtow a(ni'|s, lttdtcTirg ierE a.d tdahirg rrdb,dc" $20 For levisirrs lo pb.rs alledy Optured by Pla.tning Staff or the De*rn fuitryB€d. 1{oF€ JAN 1 2 2004 TOV-COM.DEV. ot 12106,1171O3 BniHiog laterialr PROFOSEDTATERIA|.;S Type of laterial Golor Roof Sding Other Wall ilat€riab F6cb Sotrts Wndows WindovTrim Doors ttoor Trim l-bnd or Ded< Rails Ftues Fbhing Chimnel6 Trash Endosures Greentnrses Retairfrg Walls Ederio'r UShtinS Cther Nots: ?trt#'MA'sc-l E{rSI ., E rlaa 4rLv H+: tL 'l%,.,ar.r.5apJ [-o Hlrcu Evr:TT l\{rtcu E-rr( [ I{ 'rcp Zv rg'i Mltc+ F-:tr67 Alum'J,-, Y9oa\Dzr < ./lr(.l.Plr/t19, E AL Ple Airnqlso P spedry the manrhrreds nane, the cdor nane and ntsnber and atlarlr a co&'r cfiip. Fage 6 of 12106,117lffJ, Westile Roofing koducts - Ptaza}ers ffirEoffi. Page I of I what's new I litrature & specs I links I oldcasde@ | FAQ Promenade Finish I Color #2206 Gibrafter Flnish / Color #lLO4 Alt colofs subject to change wlthout prbr noti-. @brs on this webslte may vary from current stock. a€ dalabb from W€sule. Slbtt varbtbns in cobr or Rashing may occur during manufact Job Photos Systems Accessorles Speclficatlons ! PLAZA PAVERS Plaza Paver" Job Photos ht$ ://www.westile.corn/plazaasp?tmg:7&cat-zch&pry vnn0m Jan 02 O1 OS:22p r"o e0itrcr3 szo-+rlsss PROPOSED LAIIDSCAPING Common llame--zaEififia-ffie6F P,? Ouantitv 13 ELc ALli, B.BPROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS:,.----..- PRIJT.IJg CIgTEI{A VBJRIIA{ LEMIA('O A},EIA{6HIER ATNTFOLIA 60R}|J9 SER|oEA'@LoFJA{aEN!'E, CORTUg gTOLONIFTRA lgANfl ' oototEr$.|ER, L|u€l'i+s cAFfoFtEF,;tS x 6l^t@an€ 5t9 Il_uE Mt97 RIII.,g 6LAEIIA CI9I'ONTANA 9.n |PUOeWA*pog x ct{El{ArLTl tl tvecK, POTENTILTA TRUTIcoSA !<AT}GRIIE PYKE9 5OREARIA sORDIrcLIA 9AIX FURPUREA I{ANA JJNIFRI'9 C@M{'{Ig 'APINE AARPE?' PltlJg l'1160 SLOl.S,tOtrt tD, PICEA PI/I{6ENA 6'I,}EpSA' 6t AK[{6 A6FtNgFRN' 9I{OI'I CRAOAPFLE rurFLE-tEiFFLrt{ MT$YEERRY VIEIJRI{.IM 5A9KATOON gERVICEEERRY @loR.r9oDO6t900 tgAt{Tl Dogr^t@D FEKI}I6 COTOIGASIER AJJE MIgT SPIREA ROCKY l-JOlJl.fIAlN 9Jl"tAO $NCO*, CORAIEeRFT KANGRNE D/KEg FT2TENTILLA IFAL FALSC SPIREA D}'|ARF ARATIC "'ILLONALPII.Ui OARPIT JJI.IIPERgLor^!'tout@ l,lJ€o FtNr 6LOAE9F&EE -+l' t. I I 4 q q t2 6 204- to- to - EXISNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATTON DecHuous Trees - 2'Gliper Conlferous Trees - 6'ln helght Shrubs - 5 Ga]. Sourrc Footaoc III I Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Irl2z 6t,777 nrlu^ar. TYPE OF EROSTON CONTR,OL Please specify other randscape features (r.e. retalnrry wa[s, fcnces, swlmrnrng poors, etc,) 2.4. cAL. 9. CAL. . I6^!-. Oatfi. b' eaa oLu;.e , 4' Ba6 5 6AL. AONI. , 5 EAL. CONT. ' 6AL, OONT, . 3 6AL. 60Mf., eAL. CONI, a 6t\-- (,tn. t 6AL. COYf. 5 6AL. CONT.t oAL. CON|. 5 6AL. @Nr. 24' BIE gPREAD 6 OI\L. abt{l, Page 7 of r2l02l07l02 Hilite RLM Warehouse Shades t I. Height: 13" o Width: 16"r Bulb: (l) 200 Watt Medium Base. 3/4_Pos4&ru lptiorc. Aepessory and Mount Optionsr Finish Options: * See Color Chart Below Price: * See Note Below (shown at right H-l 5 I 16-C-98-WGR-103: Polished Aluminum cord hung canopy 16" H-l5l l6 Warehouse Shade dBlue Wire Guard.) Page 3 of8 H-l51t6,IILN o Height: 25" o Width: 16" o Extension:26"r Bulb: (l) 200 Watt Medium Baser 3/4" Post/Arm Optionsr Accessory and Mount Options e Finish Options: * See Color Chart Below Price: * See Note Below (shown at left H-l 5 I I6-HLN-94: Cruiser Green 16" H-l5l 16 Warehouse Shade mounted on HLN arm.) Height: 15" Width:17" Extension:24" Bulb: (l) 200 Watt Medium Base Other 1/2" Post/Arrn Options @ Finish Options: * See Color Chart Below Price: * See Note Below (shown at right H-15117-Bl-95: Dark Green 17" H-lsll7 Warehouse Shade mounted on Bl arm.) H-l5117-81 http ://www. garbes.comilighting/hilite I 0.htnl 1t9t2004 HHEIFI_L tP67 s ll 9t00 8lnll8 t{ttr {76 f,ATT nllf. Iil-CRlEl IJJ ltll lrllR l' EITGBTFIIEH; Thr 9!0o s.tt E Hlolbrtr mount d up+trE rarrcrfit !r. sle{s-sf-the-Brt iF f,[r8h li.ghl oonsfiri{on, Tha*e mult;.|ruryme modular udB stt dcrignod fof iludr mountrng In Fltnu? cri|c €r in corrcreto, ird irs uesd for ft.mlmlng bfldktg bt8dc6. vr.llr, trca3. aM 3|m'iff apdlctflmc, thr lrttlg nrodrr rt{ Fs*er modules art factory ra#, tfl€rm*y prohd€d, 8nd conn.dbd by rrltfirrg*bl's ftlr4 €onnrdof t, ftound cr l4uan bcdy 4firo re n'eilable. AFCG|ttElllOlltt BOOR Ffif||l Cart alunftrnn cr cml brsts tltct loctr thg fsrnp housl'lg In!} tr|. Fough'h S.doo tlft ! dnQlr lnmperprwf eleinleE€ rlBd fu rlsner- Rittlsl# tEfiF|} kirdist nEldtd AB{1" U.v. rirbfltscd' Irnplcl rr1d ooff€ridr ratittct{ lbr u!. In d llp|a c €flvtrD n8nta. llt mmlL! HglIdffic Sl8lnlsrs s*'€l, resl€d and prr$d ot rr mdlrhr* !o 'loO-F (g8ccl. Cldrla{tldn b hmp rnodule is dana 0rqrgh ct${n€ruft|€ rrlFd €omncbr, N#fiTrtLYFRdTEEIE FOTfEn IOOl,n E: s.lLrt utdl .fieFa|llld in !n lngin.rt d comDoait* r€€in b €finin€t€ €S wrtgr enhy. lrtF TVFET See ordaring grrice. ll$ AEtfElD. tUlAOl* Sec ordeting gdlt, tlEilft ffiTl|ltmfl !r The Sgol Rdedm la epaarfr rgn ![rnlnu|n. Thr ltlHr Fleod ft{lidor h dlflr$ $ul llunlnun ind lh€ Well Wastr Rdector ie diff.lse hlddorned *rnirum. Thr BFol rnd Flood Ra{idor crdnbllrt h6itr 16- ot hhrit{ irmp tili oo a 3f{P 8xi8 of ralrttlfi. [rmp lt ir not ured in t]re wlll w!|ll u*a. Thc ]lmca lrr d$r tsfiprr.d tlll gillrg. Qonrsx lans€€ ue NvEilable. TI,|t CMT' LHIT DITTf,TIfTEI|I Iro tPiOT o r sFf|.d:SFL. 140" spfia'dl flFL = 3'{f rpreed; ItL = O(lp rFrpedl ffir10bi Unltsrtlfy RaUs ffefiedorted lEnS distribuhns lur/ deF€nding on rnlnuh'rtrtt, dhtcf Fhadmrsftc Eh*l*' COfSUff E|ilrc* 1lE'Npt, Sit{'f'lPT' als PGlo Bouom onenrga s€ err€ilabls in the cst aluninm int tsl .*Jnclon 8or Sultrblr td 81ru"$r'ndl $fttr{ro. l:tir bor haa 211 crJtac rnchet. of wlurns. AE0gt0tllt Sos Accasacrr Shpel hr mnrFuctm det*. ?rpt nouEt ft tE|€t t OnELffiS€AlrFtlfl€nllHrDG r|rrE.15llB'Effurlmqfifflio!. fu9 dlmd6d| M lhb thst hr| b0 ta&tr.{ 8} ! 0!ltrtr'r! dtn'lrrrrrl 'lJ'pd br *|lD[[n E{rps!.; trnry [ iqacnt Frnn rFo[|'0raxliF Dr lotFffi'{n fftFJ rft.IH lltr' ltHS lY l4 .$ 1tl3i cr@ GAA.LIIIS uJ- llsrFftnfilll LocAtEri ttAllElt PE|q*l DttEiltlots: Tl? (30s) Il_ *up MDB. tqralr srF TOGL Bo$nd tlllt tilrlrrT trrn r, lttslt, SllJF0rrll ll*al. Fl*r& lt3/illfl{rlE 'Ft*! ftlitS}r5rlt FffEREL STAD{EARE g TA El'ffiETElf,TG"Fl 1l€0'$0 \ ADVENPT SANilBEL flsli aA 8/ack fal-lrl.O Ysrda 't2wt 27 Watt Max. tl56 Lanp (kcluded) th' (1t.4cm) T 13V.' (34.3cm) lltllS.A B/ack trSLl8.O Yerde l2 Voll 27 Walt Max. 1156 Lamp (included th. (1l.4cm) /'\ -TI|-I tlll 19r|ll (as scm) tlllllll h" NPT (1 3cn) SPREAD LIG HTING Low area lighting produces symmelf ical patterns for illuminalion and is mosl effective when used lor lighting ground cover and low shrub- 'bery. Use well-shielded fixtures sel near lhe plantings to highlight an interesting array ol textures, shapes and colors. I o o o 32 -/ From Land Title (M8) ftu" 06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST I Pas€ 1of 24 LadlitleGsanteeGrpny Datc: January 06 2004 Encloscd plcsc lind thc li0c imraac policy for your propc(y krcatd at PARCEI^|I l-f YRC Th followi4 cdortcmds arc includcd in lbis policy: Endnsemnt103.1 Findorserent 100.31 Plcasc rrvicw lhie policy in ilr crlircty. ln tlc cvcnt that you fid any discrtparrcy, or il you havc ary qucslioa rcgadiry yorr final tifle p icy, you mry qrnhct - Phorc: PIeroe rtfer to our ffier No. V?69n4 - .Sh<ruld you dccidr tr sell &e pmpedy dr.scrihed in ftis prlicy, or if yon rrr rcquired kr pmirr.sc a new lide conmitnert for modgage pqffies, you nray be entitled b a crcdit toward futur tide insuance prtmiwns. lad 1l0c Guarantcc Company will rctain a copy of this policy so wc will bc aUc lo providc futue pmducls rnl selisrs ft> you quicHy and efffcienfly. Ihank you for giviq us lbc opporiunity lo 6cnc you. Sirrercly, Iard Tide Guar':ante Company From Land Title (M8) | fu" 06 lan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST I Page 2 of 24 LI{i PolicyNtr. ClfEU2ffin4 Form AO/CHI Our Ordcr No. V26274 Schcdulc A Propcrly Addrcss: PARCI:LS 1-6 VRC Amount $a050'000.00 1. Policy Datc: Der:cmltcr 23, I!|NJS at 5:00 P.M. 2. Name of Irmurcd: RAC'|CUET CLUB OWI{DILS A,gSOCIATTON, A COTORADO NON-PROITI CORPORATTON 3. The estate or interet in the land drscribed or referred to in thiq Schedulc and which iE urvered by this grlicy itt: AFer.\\@e 4 Titlc !o thc cslata or inlcrcsl covcrcd by this policy al. ltrc datc hcrcof is vcslad in: RACQUET CLUB O$tltns A.\S(XXAII()N, A COLORADO N()N-PROFIT CORP()RAIION 5. Itc Iand referred trr in thin policy is desribcd r.s folftrws: ST]T] A1.TACIiED PAGB(S) T.'OR LEGAL DDSCRII'I'TON lbir Prilicy valid only if Schedulc B is attached. Land lltle Guanmtee Clmpany Reprcrrcnting Chicagt Title Insurance Cornpany I From Land Title (M8) f rr" 06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST I Pase 3 of 24 LTG Po[cy No. CtEA263n4 Our Ordcr No. Y263tI4 tF{-DECRmO'| PARLTL 1: A TRACT Ot'LAND I,OCATED rN THE SEV4 OF SECTTON Ul, T5S, ri80 WrtST Ot' 1'r{E 611t PRINCfPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY ()F EA(;I4 STATE OF COLORADO, DRSCRIBD AS F(LU)WS: COMMT]I\iC]NG A.T r}IB SOUIHT]AST CORNER OII' SAID SESI'TON U TI.ROM WHICH .T.HT, SOUI.HW!].ST CORNER, OF TIIE SEU4 OF TIIE SEU4 OF.SAID SE'I.-TION tZ Bfi,R.$ N tl9 DEGREES 35 IVIINUTFIS 41 SFrOr\DS WFjIST CTRUE, TVTERTDTAN), 1306.39 FEET, THFIICE N 64 DFCRFjES 33 MTNUTES 19 SICONDS W 1614.60 r,'EE-r' TO A NORIHEAST CORNER OF TRACT n4 ',TENTn S-T'PPLN\{ENT T(} MAP 0F VAIL RACQUET CLUB , ACCORDINC TO TTIE RECORDED PLAT Tr{F"nFo4 TEENCE S 37 DEGRF.nS 41 MTNUTTS 45 SFtrONDS W, 259.13 IERT AT,ONG THE EA,STE.RLY LINB OT.' SAID TRACT.M AND 'TIII] AASI}]RLY LTNE OI' I'RACT N, ..I]LT]VI]N1H SUPFT,EMENT T0 MAP ()F VAIL RACQUET CI,UB , ACCORDING T() TIIE REC{)RDED PLAT IITERFOF, TO TIIE SOUTTIWFISTERI,Y I,INE OF.TIIAT TRACT OF IAT.{D AS DFSCRIRFJD IN DF]ED RI:CORDED IN BOOK227 ATPAGE320 Or,'THI; RECORDDS Ol'COUNIY Or,'EAGL4 S1ATE Ol' col,onaDo, TIIENICE N 37 DEGRmS 31 MINUIES r)7 SECOAIDS W 106.79 FET ALONG Tril, SOUTHWFJSTERTJ I,II{E OF TIIAT TRACI OF IAND DFSCRIBF,D IN SAID B()OIK227 AT PAGE 3Z) 10 A POINT Ot' CURVU T0 TI{E Ll4l'T; THENCE NORT}IWI'ISTI)RLY, 38.00 }'IlIlT ALONG T}IE SOUTHWRSIERLY LINE OF TEAT TRAC'T 0F I,AND AS DES(TIBD IN SAID BOOKT:21 AT PA(;E 320 AND AT,ONG TTIB ANC OF' SATD CURYE TO TTIE MOST WF:STERIX CORNER OF SAID TRACT N AND TH-E 1'RUE P1OINT OI.,BI]CJNNING, SAID ARC HAVTNG A RADIUS U, I376,Y3I]I]III', A DET,TA ANGLE OF I. DEGRMS 34 MINUTBS 52 SDCOI.{DS AND BEING SUBTENDM BY A CEORD TTTATBFAR.S N 38 DFjGRF]ES t8 MTNUTFjS 33 SFICOI{I)S W 38.fit FF,ET; TIIEFICE N 52 DEGREES 28 MINUTT.S fil SEC()NDs^ 4 Ul3.ll0 FEET AU)NG IIIE NORTHWF-STERIJ I,INE OF SAID TRACT N TO TTIE MOST NORTTIERIJ CORNER TTIERF]OF AND TTIR SOUTTW}61'}:RLY LINE OI'SAID 'T'RACT I\I" TrrrjNcE N 52 DEGRFjFjS 16 M|r{UTFS 32 SECONDS W, 6.61 FFjET ALONC TIrE SOUTHWFSTERT,Y LINE OI'SAID TRACTM TO TITts I\[OS1'WESII]RLY COITNIRT}IURI'OI': TITFNCE N 30 DEGREBS 04 MTNUTFS 00 SECONDS E 112.94 FFjET AI,0NG TTrE WFj,STERU LINE OI' SAID l'RAgf'M TO 'f'HE NORtIWEST CORNIiR't-rr.r,rrr1-Ol' AND 'l'HU SOUTHERLY LIND Orr' IRACT 14 'EIGHTE SI]PPLEMH\T TO MAP OF VAIL RACIJET CLUB , ACCORDIN(} fi) TIIE RFTORDED PI,AT THERXJOF': IIIBX.{CE, N 82 DEGRE&S 41 MINUTES OO .SECONDS W. I7.II2 TTET ALONG TTIE SOUIEERLY I,INE OF'SAD TRACT T, TO A SOUTIIWFJIST CORNER TEERE|OT'I TTIEI',ICE N 03 DEGREE$ 3{l MINUIUS {Xl SECONDTT^ W 1111.14 fmT ALONG TIIE WEST LINE OF SATD TRACT I, TO THE NORTTIWFIIT CORNER THERFJOF; TIIH\CE N M DEGREES y) MINUTE^S fil SECONDS E, 7632 FEET AU)NG TrrE NORTHERLY I,INE OF SAID TRAST I, TO THE WFSTF.Rr,Y I,INR OF TRAST D, 'T'IRST SUPPT,F,I\,IENT TO MAP oF vArL RACQUT,-r CLUB, ACCORDTNGl'O l'H.E RECORDED pl,AT l'HEraEOr'; TTTENCE N 06 DEGREFS 04 MINUTFJS 17 SECO\TDS W 55.07 FTET AI,ONG THE WRST I,INE OF SAID TRACT D AND 1TIE WESI. LINI] OI. TRACT C IN SAID ,!IRSl. SUPPI..EMD}I.[ TO STAP OT.' VAIL RACQTJET CT,IJB; From Land Title (M8) f ru" 06 lan 2004 01:31:55 PM MST I Page 4 of 24 LT(l Policy No. (IEAAi32i|4 Our Ordcr No Y263n4 LEtA-tffim0,l THEI{CE N 41 DECREE.S lt4 MINUTES 17 SEC()NDs^ W, 69.52 FET ALON(; TIIE WF^STERLY LINE OF' SAID TRACT C AND TITE SOUTHWFISTERI,Y I,INE OF' TRACT B, 'T[,i\P OF VAII, MCQUET CLUB , ACCORI}ING IO lHI: RI'CORDED PI,AT IIIIJRTdOI'; TTIFNCE N 49 DEGRFjES 34 MINUTfS 17 SFIOIII)S W 217.10 FEF,T ALONG TrrE soulltwEslnRLY r,lNE oF sArD TRACT B, THE SOUI'HWESIDRLY LINE OF TRACT A rN SA|n 'l\{AP OF VAIL RACQUET CI,TIB, AND TFN SOUTEWLSTERLY LINE OF TRACT 4' TJFT()ND SUPPT,EMENT TO MAP OF VAn RACQIIET CI,UR , ACCORDING TO THB, RECORDF"T PIAT TH!)RAOt'; TTTFNCE N 58 DFjGREF:S 34 MINUTFIS t7 SECONDS W,72.74 FEET AI.ONG TIIE SOUTTTWTSTERT,Y LINE OI' SAID TRACT.T] 11] l'HE MGJI' wl]SIl]RLY CORNER TIIEREOI'AND 'T'IIE MGT I]ASII]RLY coRNEn oF IRACT (;, 'F,IFIE SUPPTEVIEbIT T() IUAP OF VAIL RACQUET CLrJB, ACCORDIN(; T0 TTIE RFIORDED PI,AT THF,REOF; TTIE{(E S 31 DEGREE.S 25 MINUTT.S 43 SDCONDS W. 2J.02 FMT AII)NG TEE SOUTHMLY I,INE OF'SAII) TMCTG; TfiEt{(E S 77 DEGRm.S 16 MINUIB'i m SDLONDS W, 223.31 rTEI ALONG TI|E SOUTHERLY I,INE OF' SAID TRACT G, TTIE SOUTTIF"RIJ I,INE OF TRACT E 'FOUKfiI SI]'PPT,FXITBNT TO MAP oF VAIL RACQUb-I CLUB , ACTORDING r0 I'IiE RI:CORDnD pr,AT I'HHRIOF AND TlrE TJASTERLY LINE ()F TRAC.T K, '![INTH SUPFT,AVIEI'IT T() MAP ()F VAIL RACQUET C.I,UB , ACC.oRDIN(; T0 TIIE RIjICORDFD PI,zIT TIIEREOF: IIIEI\TCE, S 12 DE(;RM.S 44 MINUTBS IX} SECoNDS E. 142.00 TEET ALON(} TIIE EASIERLY r,INE OF SAID TRACT K TO TITE SOUTHEAST CORNER THERFJOFI THE{LE S 77 DEGRE$ 16 MINUTS; fil SDCONDS W 1ll,m FET AITONG Tm SOUIHERLY I,INEOFSAID TRACTKI fiIET.{CE S 4{I DEGNMi 14 MINUTE.S 43 SECONDS W. 30.ffi FMT AINNG IEE SOUTHERLY I,INE OF SAID TRACT K TO THE MOST SOUTHERTJ CORNAR TTTF,RF'OF' ANI' TTIE SOUTIITYESTF"RIX LINE OT'THAT TRAST OI'T,AND A,S DESCRIBI)D IN SAID BOOK 227 AT PAGS 32OI TITFNCE S 41 DEGREFjS 45 MINUTTS 17 SDCONDS q 412,47 T:rp; AT,ONG TrrE SOUIITWIISTI:RLY LINE Ol'THAT I'RACI Or,'I"AND AS DIiSCIRTBED IN SAID BOOK227 ATPAGT] 320 TO A POIN"T OF CT]RVE T0 THE RIGTIT: ftTDNCI' SOUTIIITASIURI,Y 63.80 I'I'L-T'ALONG SOUTITWES1TRLY LINE Of' I'HAT TRAgf O}' I-ANT) AS DSLTIBD IN SAID BtX)K 227 AT PA(f,3211 AND AL(r.lG Tm ARC OF .SAID CURVE To TtrR TT.UE POrNT OF BEGINNING, SAID ARC ITAITNG A RADIUS OF 1376.93 FTj,EI, A DFT,TA ANGLI] 2 DEGR-EES 39 EITNU'IIiS 18 SI]CO.{DS ANiD BEING SUBTENDI)D BY A C'HORD TTIAT BEAITS S 40 DEGREE$| 25 MINUTE$ 3II SDCONDS E. 63.80 FMT. PARCEL 2: A PARCEI, OF I,AND SITUATE IN THE SOUTI{EAST T/.1 OF SECTIOi{ 12, TOWNSHTP 5 SOUTTI, RANC'S 80 WBST' OT.'TTE 61TI PRINCIP{- MT]RIDIAN, COUNTY OI'EAGTA STA.IIJ OT' COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTIL'IJLARLY DESCTIBD A.$ FOLL,OWS: II' I' I I i From Land Title (M8) fru" 05 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O Page 5 of 24 Lfil PrrEcy No. CtEA26gn4 Our Ordcr No. Y26gn4 tE{-Dffimo,l BFI;INNING AT A R)INT 0N THE SOUTTIWASIMLY RIGHT 0F WAY OF MEADOW DRIVE FROM wHrcH THE SOITTHFAST CORNER OF SFCTION t2, TOWNSIilp 5 SOUTrr, MNGR E0 WFIST OF' .T'HT: 61II PRINCIPAI MDRIDIAN BEAfiS SOUI]J 69 DEGRI]I6 28 MINUTtsS 5E SECONDS T;AST A D$TANCT OF 19!D,57 trEET, SAID P0INT BENG TTIF'. ITAIVIE A$ TIIE NORT}IWF^STERLY CoRNER OF TTTE MOUNTAIN MMDO\il STJRDIVISION; TIIF]'ICE SOUTH 48 DEGRFES 32 I\{INUTTS T6 STrcONDS WIiST ALOTIGTIIE WESTI:RLY LINE OI'SAID MOUNI'ATN $.IEADOW SUBDIVISTON A DI'f TAN(I OF 347.67 EEE[; TIIEI{(I NORTII 42 DD(;Rff^S 04 MINUTtr; 4lt .\IECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 777.!|8 TEE[; THENCE NORTH 02 DI',GRI'F]S 53 MTNUTES 50 SFfONDS EAST A DrS'ri{NCD O}' 121.67 I'llET; THENCE NORIL 47 DEGREES s2 MINU1}iS 29 SECONDS llA.ST A DTSTAN(T oF 261.65 FMT T() A R)INT ()N fi) SoUTEWE"SIDRLY RIGET OF WAY OF MEADOW DRWE; THI',I.[CE SOUTII 42 DECRF.DS 04 ll{INIUTnS ll8 SFjCONDS EAST AI,ONC TIIE SOUI}IWESIIiRLY RIG}IT OT'WAY OI'MEADO\ry DRIVE A DISI'ANCE OT 26E.OO T'T]ET. TO TTIE POINT OFBEGINNIN(;, COUNTY OFEAGL4 STAIS OF COLORADO. PARCIIL 3: coNDortrrNmM uNrT Nos. r TERouGn & oF RUIID|NG NO. 4 OF VAn RACQUET CrIrB CONDOMINIUIVIS ACCORDING 1O THE NINIU SUPPLT]I\{INT TO 1IIE IVIAP THT]REO}' }'IL[:D T'OR RECORD AND TIIE CUND(NTII'{IUM DEO,ARAIION THERPOF REiCORDIjD DFI]TX\{BM 13, 1973 IN BOOK 232 AT PAGE 484, F,\GIT COUNTY RT]CORDS AND TTIE NINTTI SUPPI,EMFNT TO SATD DECT,ARAIION, RI)CORDED SEPTEMBER 10, 1980 rN BOOK 308 AT PAGB EEL, EAGLE COUNTY REL]ORDS, SU&IECTTOTEEIERMS, CONDITIONII, PROYI^SIONS AND 0BLICATIONS OFSAID DEICIARATTOTTI AND NINTH SUPPLFMENT TIIERETO. COUNTY OF EAGLF^ STATE OF COLOR DO. PARCTL 4: CONDOMTNIUM UNTTNOS. L IITROUGH& Ol'BUTLDINGNO. 13 Ol'VAIL RACQUIT-TCLUB CONDOMINIUMS AOCORI}ING TO THE HGIITTI SI,IPPLHIIENT T() IEE I\{AP THEREIOF FILD FOR RFJCOf,D AND TIIE CONDMIIFIITJII| DECI,ARATION THERF,OF RRCORDFD DFCEMRER 13, I93, TN BOOK232 AT PAGB 484, EAGT,E COUN'IY RECORDS AND 'fnE, Elcmlr SUPPLESTENT TO SArn DDCI"ARATION, RECORDD APRJL 16, 1980 IN B(X)K 301, AT PA(;E 744, EAGLE COIINTY RFTORDS SURIFTT TO TI{E TERI\flS, COI{DITTONS, AND ORUGATIONS OF SAID DFj T,ARATION AND I]IGIITTT SUPPLI:MENT I}II'RI'IO, COUN1Y OT EAGLB SlAlE O}'COI,oRAI}O. PARCF"T,5: CONDONIINILIM UNIT N(N. 1 IIIROU(;H 8 OF BUILDIN(; NO. L4 OF VArL RACQIIET C'LUB CONDOIVfINIUMS ACCORI'ING TO THE TFNIIT SUPPT,B,{FNT TO THE MAP THEREOF FII,FJD F'OR RT]CORD AND T}IE CONDOI\4INIUII[}EC1-4.RATION TTTERI]OT'RECORDED DDCEIMBER13. T93. TN B{X)K232 AT PA(;E 4IX, EAGLE COUNTY RFf0NDS AND THE TENITE S'IJPPT,EMF,I{T TO SAID TrFjCTARATTON, RtrrORDF.D NOVEMRI..R 9, 198t IN ROOK 331 AT PACE 825, COUNTY OF BAGUI STA1U Ol' C0LORADO. PARCtr"t,6: C0NDOMINIIIM UNIT N(N. 1-1% 1.11i AND 1-L9, BUILDIN(; NO. L-2, VAIL RACQUET CLIIB CONDOMINIUIUS, ACCORDING TO TTIE SE\IENTH SUPPLFf,VIENT T0 TIIE MAP TIIEREOF FII'F,T, FOR RJTCORD AND TtrE CONDON{INIU$I DECT ARA'I'ION THEREO}'RECORDf,D DUCI]MBER 13, 1973 rN B(X)K 232 AT PAGE 4It4, AND THE, SEVENTII SUPPLAITENIT T() SAID DE,LI-ARATION RECORDD JUI,Y 19, Iy'g IN ROOK 288 AT PAGE 575, COUNTY OF'EACT,R STATE OF'COI,ONADO. From Land Title (M8) f fr.06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 Pii MST O Page 6 of 24 LT(l PolcYNo. Cf6ll263274 Form AO/CEI Our Ordcr No. V263274 Sdhedule B Ihis pilicy dx$ nrt insus 4aimt kxis cr dmrage (ud th Compuy will nrt pry ustq a&rIn:ys' t'ecs or expen*s) which rise by rcason of: Gereral hcepions: f. Righk or clabrs of parlics in poescgsion not shown by lhc pudic rccorde. 2. FiGerrrenb, or clairl|s of easernenb, not shown by fte FHic rccor*. 3. Discrrprnie$, codietr in lxmdary lirrxl shortrge in uea, encnl*lurenh, aud rny fir:ti which a corrtct suvcy ,.rrl inspection of flrc rcmiser would discloae md which are mt showr by the public ttcorils. 4, Ary [cq or right tr a [m, for sewiccsq lalxx, or rufurial heretrrfrxr or breftr fomished, irryrsed by law and mt shown by fie prHic rtcords. 5. I99B TAXF:S NOt YET DUE OR PAYABT,E AND ASSTSSMENTS NOT YEI CERTTF'IFD TO TTIE I'REASURERS Otl,'rcrt 6. RIGTTT O}'PROPRII]TOR OI' A VETN OR l.{)DE 1 TqXI]IACI AND REMOVT) HIS ORT) TIIENEf,R,OM SIIOIJLD TEE SAME BE FUJND fi) PENEIRAIE 0R INTER.SECT IIIE PREMI^SES AS RFISERVED IN UNITFD ST TES PATENT RFtrORDF.D NOVF',Iv{BER 17, IMz, IN ROOK /I8 ATPAGtr,492. +++EI\DOI|SEII4EI\1' 100.31*I* TIiE CONIPANY III]REBY INSURES TIIT] INSURED AGAINST L(XIS WHICE Tm INSURED SIIALL SUs-TAIN BY REA"SON OF PEYs^ICAL, BUT NOT AFISTHETIC, I}AMAGT] TO IMPROVEMFNTS EXXSTING ON TIIE TAND AT DATE OF POIICY oR coNsl'RUCTED TLEREON 'I'HEREAT'1!R R!:SULUNG FRoM THE EXERCTST;, SUBSEQUtsNT fi) lHE DATE OF R)LICY OF ANY RIGIITIi T() US'E lEE S'IJNF'ACE 0F TEN LAND UTIDM. TI{E IVIINERAI, INTDREST REFF',RRFx) TO IN EXCT,"TTOI\ NO. 6 OF SCHF]DUI,R B ('THE $ilNrlnA|, RTGHTS'), SU&ECT, HOWEVE& TO TIIE t'OIIOruNG TERIT4S AND COr',IDI1'IONS: 1. TIIE INSURFD SHAI' NSNF"T TTIR COMPANY PROMPTT,Y IN WRITINGTN CASE XNOWT,EDGI: SHALL COME'IO AN TNSURUD HDRUUNDIIR OI'AI,IY ACTUAL OR THREAII:NDI) A(MLI.SE ()F TIIE MINERAL RIGIITS. 2. TIIE COMPANY SIIAT,T, HAVE TIIE RIGIfT, AT TIS CST, TO TAKE ANY ACfiON WIilCH rN IlS OPINION MAY BI] NI]CDSSARY ORDT:SIRABU' IN ORDERI'OR THE C1DMPANY TO AVOID (}R MINI}|UE IIIE H(TET.IT OX'NS LIABILITY UNDER IETi EI'{D0R^SU\{E{T. INCI,IJDTNG, BUT NOt LINITTF,I) T0 Ar\rY OR AtJ, OF TIIE IOLTOWING: (A) IN THD COMPANY'S OIVN Rrclff, OR IN 'I'HE NAME Ol" l'Hl] INSURIID I'OR'l'Hll COMPANY'S BEl.lEX'If, TO INSTTIUIE, PR(ISECUTE AND PUR.Stm TO flNAL DETT'fiIUINATION ANY PROCEFJDINGS AT IAW OR IN EQUITY, OR RFIF'ORE ANY MUNTCTPAI,, ADIITINTSTRATIV$ RI'GUI,ATORY 1'RItsUNAL OR tsOARD; (B) IN TflE COIVTPANY'S OWN RIGIIT, OR IN lEE NAME ()F IIIE INSURD T'OR THE COMPANY'S BFNEFTT, TO COilTPET, TTIE GTVING OF' SF'CIJRITY ROND OR UNDERTAKING RY l'HE PEIISON OR PEI(SONS I,'RONI WHONI l'HE INSURTD IS ENI'II'LF;D BY LAW llC SUC'H I It.. I . From Land Title (M8) frr" 06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O PageT of 24 LI{} Potoy No. CtEIJ263tl4 FomAO/CHI Our Ordcr No. V263.274 Schcdule B .SECIJRITI, BOND OR UNDERTAKIN(;, AllD IN Tm SAME AMOUNT ()R AMOUN1$-- TO WEICII TIIE INSURED WOUI,D IIAVE BTJF'N SO ENTITT,ED IIAD TflNS BNDORSX}IENT NOT BFJF}I JSSUIID; AND (C) T()RDTAIN ()RBEPAID OUT0FANY SUCHS'DCURITT, BOND ()RT]NDERTAKING, OR OUT OF ANY COMPENSATTON OR FTJNDS NECOYERT,D BY TIIE COMPANY OR THE INSURX"D, SUC:IT AMOUNT AS wlLL RETMBUI$I] I'TIE COMPAXY T'OR AI,L PAYMENT$J MADI: TO THE INSURD BY TIIE COMPANY BY REASON 0F THE IN.SURAN(3 ATFORDED BY TH[i ENDORSFTVIEI\T, TOGETHER WTTH AIJ, COSTS AND ITXPFNSFJS INCURRED RY THE COMPANY rN coNNngrroN TrrERswrut TNCLUDTNG AmoRNtsY's !'EEs. 3. NO RIGE]T$, BENEFIII| OR DEF'ENSE.S ANE INTEI{DM TO 0R SIIALL BE DEEN{D T() F'I,O\ry OR BE MADE AVAIIABI,E T-O ANT PERSON OR ENTITY OTIIN,R THAN TIIE INSUREIT) BY REASON Ol' Tllll INSURANCB AI,'r,'OrulD By TtilS TINDORSEMENI'. AND l'HIl INSUREI) AGREF^S IEAT ALL OF THE,INST'RD'S RIGITI$ A}ID RA\{EDIAS AGNNST TIIIRD PARIIES RFJiTING T0 TIIE SII&IFjCT MATTER OF TIrts ENDORSEIIIFNT SH.'ILL Rn DFiEIVIII) TO IIAVE REMAINED INTACT, IN 'TIIE SAME I}TANNI]R A,S IT'T}II,S ENDOR.STD{I]N1' HAD NOT'BI}EN I^$$rjm. RIGHT 0F WAY FOR DrI(NE.$ 0R CANALS CONSTRU(XM BY IIIE AT,rIIIORITT ()F TEE UNMFD STATFJS AS RF':SERYFD IN UNTTED STATDS PATENT RECORDXD NOVEMBDR T7. t-902, rN BOOK 48 AT PAGD, 492, ***ENDO[ISEIIII]N'I. 103.1**T l}IB COMPANY IiI:IIEBY INSURES AGAINSI'I.G;S OR DAMAGi] WHICH IEE INSURID SIIALL STJSTAIN A"S A RESULT OF ANY ffiERC$E ()F THE RI(}HT OF USE OR MAINTENANCE OF TIIE EAS;EMENT REFERRFJ) TO AROVE OVEB OR TIIROUGH SAtr) I,AND. RrGH$i Orr owNElts, covDI{ANTs, coF,tDtl'toNs, REs'r'rugftoNs, RlEsERvAltoNs, EA.SELEtr!TS, LIENS F{)R A,S.SEASMENTS, OPTIONS, R)Wm.S OF ATTORNEY, AND LIIITITAfiOT{S ON TTIIT, CNRATF,D AS SET FORTII IN TEAT CONDONITMUM DRCIARATION RECORDI'D DECEMBER I.3, 1y'3 TN BOOK232 AT PAGI] 484 AND JANUARY 9, T98O IN R(X,K2Y7 ATPAGE 170 AND SIJPPLEI\,IH\TS AND AMM{DMENTIi TEEREI'O, AND ANY AME,NDMFjNTS PRESFNT OR FUTUR4 AND IN TTIE REI,ATED RYIAWS, RUI,FS ANI) REC'TJLATTONS, OR IN ANY OTTIf,.R INSTRUMf,.NT'CRtsATING TITE ESTATE OR INI'ERDSIT' INSI,JRD BY TTIf,S R)LICY. ALL RIGIITS ANI) PlUVrl .nGFrs OI'OTHIT)R OWNERS IN I'IJE CONDOMINTUFPROJECT IN AND IT) ALL (trNERAL AND LIMIID CoMMoN U,A!IEI'[TS, A.S TII($E ITRM$ ARE DEF.IND BY COLORADO L W WHrCH PASSED AS AN APFURTEI{ANCE TO TIIE INSURFD PRFJVIISFjS. ALL FTJTURE A.SSF^SSMEI{TS AND CHARGF^S OF VAIL RACQIIET CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATTON. EXISTING I,EASES AND TENANCIFS.9. From Land Title (M8) f fue 06 lan 2004 01:31:56 PII MST O Page 8 of 24 Form A'/cHr htYN" c8u'?63'z14 ' OurOrdcrNo. V263274 Srtrdule B orFrds 6 TrrRouGH 9 AFFECT AIt, p RCFJS 10. EASEMFNTS, RFjSERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RFJI$ERYFJD ON TTIE RECORDBD CONDOMINTUMMAP OI'VAIL I{ACQUIfi'CLUB CONDOMINIUMSAND SUPPLE.MENTS TIIERETO, AFFEC'TS PAR(H^S 3 TIIR(XJGII6 11. TTIEETEC'TOFDIITEES, AVAI,ANCEEHAZARD Z)NINGAND PARXING AREA OUTSIDE ()F BOUNDAN,Y I,INFJS. AII, AS SIIOWN ON IMPROVEMFNT T,OCATION (ERTIIIICATEDATFJD IIIAY 1, 1998 By EAGT,B VALLEY SURVEyING, JOB NO. 2456. 12, CI,AIMS OT'RI TT. IITL,EAND/ORTNII'RIBTTN THE PROPT]RTY trT,'TWEEN I}TT]T'ENCT] BOUNDARY LTNE AND TEE FB{(E (A,S DEPICTED ()N IHE .SURVEI PREPAXD BY EA('TT VAIJ,FT SURVET|NG, INC., M NUMRER 2450 WEETHER SAID CT,/\|I|IS AR6E BY A-BANDONMIINI', AI)VEI|SE I{lSSlrlSSrON OR OTTIER MEANS. (flrrMs 11 AND 12 AI'[|BCT PARCDL 2 13. IERMS, CONDflONS AND PROVISIONS Ol'ASSTGNMIII\,IT OF DI)CI"ARANI"S RIGHTS RECORDED DDLuTBA,S, 1998 UN'DM.RELETION NO. 6It{'973. 14. DEED OF TRUST DATm DECm{BER 18, 199$, IROM RACQUET LI,UB OMr{ERS ASSOCTATTON, A COTOR^TIO NON.PROF|T CORFORATTON TO T[rE pIJRr,rC TTUSTEE OF EAGLE COUN'IY l'OR'l'HE USE Or{' GUARAN1Y BANKAND l'RUSl'COMPANY 'I0 SECURE 1I{l) suM ()F $1,80t),000.u) RElCORDED DE(a\{Bm.23, 199t}, UNDm, RECEII()N N(), 680974. SAID DEF,I) OF'TRUST WAS FURTHER SF,CURED IN ASSIGNMENT OF RFNTS RECORDFJ) DTj{EMBER 23, 199E, UND.ER RECEPTTON NO. 6El)975. ITEMNOS. l THROUGH3 OT.. TTI-E GT,T{ERALI]XCEPTIONS ARD ITE.RS.BY DEL},-IT]D. ITEM NO. 4 OI' 1TTE GfiNERAL D(CEPTIONS I.S DELI'TA) AS TO ANY L|ENS RTiSULTING FRoM WORK OR MAIBIAL CONTRAC'TED T!)R OR FTJRNI^SED AT THE REQUEST OF KIRCE EhITF,RPRISFjS t I,c, A COLORADO LII\4ITFjD LI BILITY COMPANy AS TO PARCEI,S 1 ANI) 7 I From Land T'itle (M8)f rue 06 lan 2004 01:31:56 PM MSr O Page 9 of 24 LT(i Po[cy No. CfEA263n4 f,'orm AO/CEI Our Ordcr No. V263274 Srihcdule B .H & K MANAGFMENT IJ,C, A COI,OMDO I,IMITTJD T,IARII,ITY COMPANY NOW KNOWN AS .KIRCII ENTIXPRJSII,S LrrC, A COLORADO LISIII'ED LIA-BILITY COMPANY AS TO PARCIII,S 3 TEROU(;H 5 .vArL RACQUT:T CLUB CONDOMTNTUNTS, A COT,ORADO GfiNTJRAL pARrNBrtSlilP AS TO PARCEL 6. CEICAGO TTfl,E INSURANCE COMPANY SHAIT, HAVE NO I,IABII,ITY FOR ANY T,IFNS ARISING I'ROM WORK OR MATERIAL }'URNISHED AT TTTE REQUIi9T OI' RACQUET CLUB OIVNER^S ASS0CIATION. A COII)RADO NON.PROFTT CORFORATION. LAND TITLE GUARANT.EE C()MPANY I"AURA GtslIoN OF|.IEN & HINT'MAN 1099 181r{Sr'. Sln275|) DEDIVE& CO802I'2 DFJAR CUSTOMER: I-AND TTTLE GUARANTEE, COMPANY f,S PLEA.\]D TO PRoVIDE YOU WIIE YOUR OWNER'S TTTT,E INSURANCE FOT,TCY. THXS VAI,UART,E DOCUMENT INSIJRFJS GOOD AND MARKETART,E lTl'LE TO YOUR PROPI]RTY. PT,EASE REVII]W TIIE POLICY IN IlS IINI'IRETY. wl] AT LAND TIII.,E GUARANTtsE COIIIPANY BEI.IEVE IN PROVIDING Y0U, OUR C'TJST0IVIE& WTTH A QUAI,ITY PRODUCI WHTCH WIT,I, SERVE YOUR NEFDS. IN TIm EVEI{T YOU D0 nND ANY DLSCTPANCY, (}R IF YOU HAVE AIIY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS REGARDINGYOUR F'INAT, POT,ICC, PT,FASE CONTACT TIIE FOI,I,OWING DEPARTMT]NT AND WT] WILL GT,ADLY HANDI,T] ANY REQUIiST YOU I.IAY HAVE A,S mTICIENTT Y A-t{D QUICXLY As- F$iSIBLE TITI,EDEPARTMEIIT rFr.EPrronE # 07 0\47 6.?2sr FAx #(970)476-4534 PLEA"SE REtsR T() ORDER NO. Y26WI4 SH0ULD YoU DECIDE TO SELL IIIE PROPERTT' DASCTIBM IN SCEMULE A, 0R IF YOU ARE RF,QTJIRF'];I) TO FT'RNISII A NEW TTTT,E COMMTM{FNT FOR MORTGAffi FURPOSF]S, YOU T.TAY BE ENIII'LDD 'TO A CREDTT TOWARD -K'UTUR.T] 1ITLE INSURANCE IiXPENSES. I..AND . From Land Title (M8) frue 06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O Page 10 of 24 Lfi) Po[cY No. CfEU2ffi274 Form AO/CHI Our Ordcr No. V263274 Srihcdule B Tru.,E fl]ARANITE COIVIPAFIY 1YILL REf,AIN A COPT 0F TITE ET.{CI,(NED ITTLE R)LICY, AND IN THE EVFNT YOU DO II{DED FIJTURE SETVICF:S, WE WITJ, BE IN A POSITION TO AGAIN ST:RVT] YOU PROI\IPI.LY AND I]I..I.ICII]NTLY. T.HANK YOU VT]RY MUCH I{)R GTVING LAND 'I.ITLI) GUARANTI'I' COMPAI'IY lItB OP?ORTUNNY TI) SERVEYOU. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE C()MPANY (JUARANTT BA}[KAND TRUST C0MPANY Tfti SUC(EJSOR.S AFID/ORA^SSI(;NS P.O, ROX 5847 DENVIJR, CO 80217 RE: t EtrrlDER.S TIILE F()LI(jY Ef.ICL(ND BORROWER'S NAME: RACQUET CLIJR OWNERS ASSOCIATION, A COLORADO NON-PROFTT CORFORATTON I,AND 1I'IILE GUARANTEE COMPANY IS PLEASDD 1'O PROVTD-T: YOU WNII THI' I,OAN FOLICY RH,ATWE T() lEE ABOVE MA.lfl(f'{ED BORROUffiR, PL,tsA,SE REVIT]W 'THI] I'iOLICY IN lTS ENflRETY. ru) AT LAND TIl'Lg GUARANTEE COMPAI\Y BF'T,IF']VE Nq PR0VIDING YOU., OUR CUSfi)MER, WITIIA QUALIIY PRODUCT WHICH WIIJ, SERVE YOUR NFJNDS. IN TIIE EVEDIT YOU D() FII{D ANY Df,SCRPANCY, OR M' YoU ITAVE ANY QL.'ESTIONS OR COMMENTS RFJGAM)ING YOUR r.tNAI, FOIICY, PI,F'ASE CONTACT THE FOI,I,OWING DEPARTMI]NTAND ru] WILL GI,ADLY HANDLT] ANY REQUESI' YOU IIIAY HAVI],d5 trTTICIB.{TLY AND QUICKLY AS F(XSIBLE. ITI'LI] DUPARI'MI]NT TELEPEoNE # (WO)47 6-2251 FAX# (970X764s34 PLEASE RE}'tsR TO ORDER NO V263274 THANK YOU VT)RY MUCH IOR GIVING LAND TN'LE GUARANTEI) COMPANY THD O}?ORI'UNTTY T()SERVEYOU, . From Land Title (M8) f fu" 06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O Page 11 of 24 I.AN) ]ITTE CI.TARANIE CII/PAM EIIDORSEMENE 103.1 Ca.se V263271 Policy CtI'8V263274 Loan # PEaperty Addze.ss PARCEIS 1-6 llAC Ownet BACQUET C|IUB OTfiNEBS aSSOCIAPION ' A COI'ORADO NON-PROFZT CORPORATTON The Company hereby insures against foss or damage which the Insured sllal.-l sustain as a re,suf t of any exercise of the tight of use ot maintenance of t}e ease!'ient teferred to in patagtaph (s) of Schedule B oE throuqh said l-and, The Eotal TiabiTity of the company under said policy and any endorsemente therein shaTl not exceed, in tbe aggEegate. the face amount of said policy and costs which the Company is obLigated under the Conditions and Stipulations thereof to pay, Ihis endorsement is made a part of said policy and is subject to the Sc.lreduLe.s, Conditions and Stipulations thetein, except as modified by the otovisions hereof. Qft utirg OicagoTrb lrsrre (Lqay ' From Land Tit1e (M8) fru" 06 lan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O Page L2 of 24 I.AN) IIT1EGUAFANIE 6I'FATf EI{DORSEUENT 100.31 case v263274 Po.Ticy CEEW 63274 Loan # Property Addtess PA8,CEITS 7-6 VRC Owner R.ACQWY CLW OIIfSRS ASSo€IATrON, A COIPBADO NOIT-PAOFTT CORPOHAr'ON The Conpany hereby insures the Insured against loss which the Insured saf -l ,suatain by reasan of physicaf, but not aesthetic, danage to improvement s existing on the land at Date of 'PoJ.icy ot constructed tlzereon thereaftet, resulting from the exercise subseguent to the Date of Policy of any rights Eo use the surface of the land under the minera] interest referred to in Exception No,of ScheduTe B ("the ninetal rightsn), subject, howewer, to the foTlowing terms and conditions: 7. fize fnsured shall notify the Conpany promptly in wEiting in case knowledge shalT come to an Insured hereunder of any actual ot threatened exercise of the mineraf rights, 2. The Company shal7 hawe the right, at its cost. to take any action which in its opinion may be necessa.ry oz desirable in order for the Company to avoid or minimize the extent of its liability under this endorsement, incTuding, but not linited to, any or afl of the foLlowing: (a) fn the Companyt s own right, or in the name of the fnsured for the Company's benefit, to insLitute' proseclite and pu.rsue to final determination any proceedings at law or in equityt or before any municiPaf, administrative, ot regulaEory tribunaf ot board; (b) rn the Company'a own right, or in the name of the Insured for the Company's benefit,t to conpel the giving of security bond or undeEtaking by the person ot petsons from whom the rnsuFed is entitTed by law to such security, bond ot undertaking, and in the safle anount or amoLrnts to krhich the Insuted wottTd have been so ent.itled had this endorsement not been issued; and Page L of 2 lwilg Oi€goTltle lmrre @rpy ' From Land Title (M8) frr" 06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O Page 13 of 24 LEN) TT1ECU4FANIE CI,PAI\TY EIIDORSEMEIIf 100. 31 (c) to Eet.ain or be paid out of any such security, bond or undertaking, or out of any compensation or funds recovered by the Conpany oE the rnsuted, sdch amount as will reimburse the Company for afl Pawents made to the Insured by the Conpany by reason of the insurance affotded by this endorsement, together with aLf costs and expenses incurred by the Company in connection therewith, ineluding attorneyt s fees. 3. No rigttts, benefits or defenses are intended to or 6ha71 be deemed to fTow ot be made available to any petson or entity othet than the Insuted by teason of the insurance afforded by Ehis endorse- ment' and the Insured agree, that alL of the fnsured'E rights and re.neciies against third part.ies reTaEing Eo the subjecE matter of this endorserrent shaL.I be deemed to have temained intact, in the Eame manner as if th.i.s endorsement had not been r' € c"a.t fhis endorsemerc is made a part of said poLicy and is subject to the Scbedules, Conditions and Sxipulations therein, except as modified by the prowisions hereof. Page 2 of 2 Rsl€ff fg OfcapTtle lrElae (b4ry ' From Land Title (M8) frr" 06 Jan 2004 01:31:55 PM MST O Page L4 of 24 LadTitleQ^rateeGtpny Datc: &nuary 06 2004 Re: Yorr Ref. Nunher Fnclosed flease find your lrd Tlde Gba nbe Company loan policy imuring fte Flperty at PARCDT-S 1-6 VRC und ownd try RACOTIET C'LLjB OIIAIERS AI*$OC'IATION. A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORAIION Tb following cndorscmcDls arc ircludcd in this policy: Please rcviery this policy in its entirtty. In dre event 0ral you ftnd any discrcporcy, or if you have my qrsliom or cormcnls ngardiry your policy, you rnay conln( Phor*:Fui Ple{.se rtf,cr to our Order No. V263274 Wc at Innl llllc Guarndcc Conpany bclicvc in dclivcria quatity pmducls lhat c+[ your rucdr, and our goal ie lo pmvidc tlr mo.rt efficient, retal e serricc in fte in&nfry. Ihmk you for givirg us &e opgrrtlrity to serve you! Sinerely, Ind Tifle fta'ofte Company - From Land Title (M8) frue 05 Jan 2004 0L:3L:56 PM MST O Page 15 of 24 F'Tm AUCHI OurOrdcrNo. V263271 Amount $1"E00'000.00 Schedule A PropertyAddrus: PARCELS 1-6YRC 1. Policy Datr: Decemhr23, 19911 ut 5:00 P.M 2. Nanc of In$ured: GUARANTY BANK AF.ID l'RUS1 COMPANY NS SUCCDSSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS 3. Ihe er*ate or interet in the land dscribeil {rr rtfened 1o in this Schedulc and which is urve.red by thir policy is: A I'cc Simplc 4. fitle kr thr s*ate or interrcst qrvered by thh pttltcy rt the date hererf is ve,sted in: RACIIJET CT,UB O1{b[ER.S A.\S(UAIION A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORFORATTON 5. Thc rrortgage, herein referred tr a.s fhe imured. norfgage, und the assignments lhereot if uoy are dcscribcd as follo$6: 6. The land referrcd to in this policy is dexlsibed u,r fitllttwt: sEt) AITACHED PAGE(S) rOR LEGAJ, DI]SCRTPIION This Pr icy Vultd only if Schcdule B is attrched. Land fitlc (luarantrr Compuny Repr€,sen6ng Chlcrgr Tltle Insurauce Crrmpany ' From Land Title (M8) JTr.06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O Pase 15 of 24 Lfii Po[cX No. C18TJ263274 Our Ordcr No, V263.274 EXHET"A'LgLlmmcN PARCH. 1: A TRACI OT'I,AND LOCAI'ED IN 'flln SUU4 O!'SECrrOr{ Ut, T5S, R80 WEST Or'l'ItE 61ll PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY 0F EA(;TJ, STATE OF CU,ORADO. D&9CRIBH) AS FOLLoIVS: COITEIENCING AT 1}IE SOtJIIIEAST CORNT]R OIT SAID ST]CTTON 1.1l }'ROM WHICH TIIB SOUTIJWT:ST L:ORNM.0F TTIE SEU4 0F TTIE IMU4 0F.SAID .SECTION 1iZ BEAR^S N II9 DEGREE.S 35 MINUTRS 41 SECOT.{DS WnllT CIRIJE }II',RIDIAN), 1306.39 FEEI, TI{ENCE N 64 DF;GRFiES 33 MrN UTES 19 SFCONDS W 1614.60 r'EIlI TO A NORI'HtsAST CORNER OF TRAgr [4 ',TUNlrr .SUPPLmiIEtrlT T()MAP OF VAIL RACQUET CT.UB, ACCORDING TO TIIE RECORDED PIll.T TrrF,RFjOF, THFNCE S 37 DEGRF]nS 4t MTNUTFIS 45 SBCONDS W, 2s9.13 FEET AT,ONG TrrE rJAs'frrRLY LrNrJ OI.'SArIr TRACa'M AN.D TrrD EASI]|JR|,Y r,rNE Of'l'RACl'N, 'ljr,fivriNllr SUPFLEIIEI.IT TI) MAP OF VAIL RACQUET CL,UB , ACCORDING TO TIIE REC()RDD PI"AT IIIEREIOF, TO TTIE SffJTHWTI9TERT,Y I,INE OF TIIAT TRACT OF IAFID AS DFSCRIRED IN DFJFJT) RECORDIID IN 8OOK227 ATPAGE320 Or,'THE RIICORDDS 0'COUNIY OI'EAGLE, S1ATE Ol' coLoRADO, IIIEI{CE N 37 DEGREES 31 MINUTILS 07 SECONDS W 106.79 FETALONC TIIE SOUT TWES'TERTJ T,INE OF'TIIAT TRACT OF IAND DF]SCRIRFJD IN SAID RiOOR227 AT PAGE 320 I0 A POINT Op CURVII lU 'l'HE LOra; THI)FIC!) NORI'HWES'I'IXLY, 3E.00 I'EET ALONG THE SOUTT{WHIIERLY LINE OF TEAT TRACT OF I"AND AS DESCTIBM IN .SAID B(X)K 227 AT PAGE 32,0 AND AI.ONG TIIE ARC OF SAID CURYE T0 TIIE MOST WFISTFiRLY CORNER OF SAID TRACI N AND TH!: I'RUE rSrNT O!'BECJNNTNG SAID ARC HAVTNG A RADTUS o.|i'l376,y3 EEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF l DEGRMS 34 MINUIT.S 52 SECONDS AND BEING SI,IBTEI\IDD BY A (FORD TIIAT RFARS N 38 DBGRFJRS 18 MINUTTJI$ 33 SECONDS W. 38.I[ FF,ETI THU\CE, N s2 DEGREES 28 MINUIES Uf .SECONDS E, 123.{t0 FEET ALONG TIIE NORTHWT]STERJ,Y I,INE OF. SAID TRAST N TO TTTE MOST NORTIIRRIJ CORNER TIIEREOI.AI.ID TITR SOUIHWI$TURLY IINE OI' SAID TRACT IVL TIITNCts N 52 DX.,GREFs 16 MIT\ruTF5 32 SF'CONDS W. 6.6{ FEI!I AI,ONG THE SOUTTIVYFSTERIX LINE OI' SAID TRACT M TO TTTE $IO$1' WIiSTI;RLY CORNER TTBRIi()T'; TTITNCE N 30 DEGRFJES 04 MINUTF:S ()O SFXONDS E 112.94 T'EET ATONG THE WF"STRRI,Y LINE OT' SAID TRACT M TO TITE NOIilHWEST COIINER I}I}IREOI'AND TITE, SOU'I'HI]RLY LINI] OR MAC'T L, 'EIGHTII SUPPL&MET.{T TO IIIAP OF VAIL RACTJET CLUB , ACCORDIN(; fi) TIIE RFjCONDED PI,AT TI{ER}",OF': TIIH\CE N II2 DEGREES 41 MIMIIT^S OO SECONDS W 17.82 TEET ALONG TIIE SOUTMRLY I,INE OF'SAD TMCT I, TO A SOUTTMFJST CONNER TEERROF: rrrENcE N 03 DEGRIT.S 3(f MINUIES 00 SECONDS W 11n.14 IEET AII)NG TrrE WAST LINE OF SAID TMCT I, TO TNT NORTIIWF]TT CORNER THERFOF: IIrm{cE N t}6 DE(}REE.S 30 MINUTES {Xr SECONDS & 76.32 IEET ALONG TIIE NORTHEAX,Y LrNE OF SAID TRAgr L T0 THE WBSTF',RIJ LII\IE OF TRACT D, 'f'tRST SUppr,F,NrF.NT TOM p ol' vA_lL RACQULa'CLU_B, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED pt,AT IIIERDOI'; TIIFN'{CFJ N 06 DFCREF:S 04 MII\UTFJS 17 SECONDS W 55.fi FF]ET AT,ONG TIIE WFIST I,INE OF' SATD TRACT D AND I}U] wlIST LINI] OI. TRACT C IN SAID .'I.IRST SUI?LEMI]NT 10 N.TAP OT.' VAIL RAC\)UET CLUB; From Land Title (M8) frr" 06 Jan 2004 01131:56 PM MST O Page a7 of 24 LIli Prficy No. CfBt263n4 Our OrdcrNo. V263274 DGIEJT"A'IffLIECRPI|CN TIIMICE N 41 DET}REE.S I'4 MINUTT.S 17 SF{ON'DS W. 69.52 FEETALoN(; TITE WESTENLY LINE OF SAID TRACI C AND TIIE, SOUTHWFJSTERIX I,II\IE OF'TMCT R, 'IITAP OF VAII, RACQIIET CLUB, ACCO*DING TO THT] RECORDED PI,AT IIIERJNOT'; TIIFNCE N 49 DE'CN,FJES 34 MINUTTS 17 SECONDS W 2I7,1O TEET AT,ONG TITE SOU'THru]S'TURLY LINE OT'SATD '['RACI'8. THI; SOU |IWES'I'T'RLY LTNE OI''T'RACT'A TN SAII) .IVIAP 0F VAIL RACQUET CI,Lts , AND THE S0UTIIWBSTERLY LNE OF TRACT 4 'TIEC0ND SUPFT,EMENT TO MAP OF VAII, RACQUET CI,UB , ACCORDING TO TTIR RECORDF"D PIAT ltulREoI'; TTIFNCE N 58 DEGRFJES 34 MINUTFS T7 SFTONDS W 72.14 FTET ATONG TIIR SOUTHVYFJSTF.,RIJ LINE OI' SA]D TRACT I] 1O THE MOSI' WIiSTT]RLY CoRNSR THI)REOI'AND I'IIE MOST'I]ASTT:RLY C0RNER ()F IRACT (}, 'T'IFIH SUPPT,EMENT TO IVIAP ()F VAIL RACQUET C'I,TJB, ACCoRDIN(; TO THB RECORIIFID PLzIT TIIEREOFI THEF.{CE S 31 DEGRE$ 25 MINUTF^S /A SEC'O|ID$ W. 23.(D FmT ALONG Tm SOUTEmLY I,INE OFSAID T'-RAOTCI TIIEI\Cts S 77 DEGNEE.iI 16 MINUTF^S OO SDCONDS W, X23.3I FTSIT ALONG TIM SOUTIIERLY I,INE OF'SAD TRACT G, THE SOUTHERI,Y I,INE OF TRACT II, 'T'OUKTH SUPPTJF]\{FNT TO MAP Ol,' VAIL RACQUI,-I CLUB, AC'CORDINGT0 lltE RI:COIIDED PI,AT I]IERDOI'AND Tlft) I]ASTI)RI,Y LINE ()F TRACT E 'I{INTE ITT,PPLIIVIENT fi) I\ITAP oF \/AIL RA(..(IUET CLUB , A(;C()RDIN(; fi) TIIE RFf,ORDTD PI,AT TT|EREOF': TIIB{CE S 12 DEGREES 44 MINUTES fi} SDL:ONDS E 142.IM FMT ALONG TIIE EASIMLY T,INE OF SAID TRACT K TO THE SOUTTIEAST CORNER THRRFJOFI TTIENCE S 77 DEGREE.S 16 MINUTF-S OO SECOI{DS W 18.M ffDT AU)NG IIM SOUTEMLY I,INE OF SAID TMCTKI TIIDN(I S 4$ DEGREBS 14 MINUTRS 43 SDL'ONDS W, 30.1)8 Fmr A[,ONG Tm S(XJTHmLY I,INE O[' SAII) TRACT K IO THE MOST SOUTTIERI,Y CORNER THFRFOF AND TIIE SOUTHWFJSTF,RIX LINE OT' THAT TRACT OT'I"AND AS DESCRIBDD IN SAID BOOK 227 AT PAGE 320: TTTFNCFj S 41 DFCRF,FS 45 MTNUTFS 17 STJCONDS E, 412.47 r:ggl AT,ONG TrrE SOUIIIWIISI'DRLY LINE Ori'THAT I'RACT OF T,ANI) AS DIISCRIBED IN SAID BOOK227 ATPAGll 32II T0 A POINT OF LURVE fi) TIIE RIGTIT: ftIENCI] SOUTIIT]ASITRLY 63.80 TUT,'I'AI,ONG SCIJTIIWBSIERLY LINE OI' THAT TRACT O}'I.ANT) A"S DE.SCTM IN SND BU)K /N AT PA(f 3?,1' AND AL(FIG TM ARC 0F SAID CURVE I{) TTIE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID ARC HAYING A RADIUS OF '376.93 tr'EEf, A DFJ,TA ANGIJ4 2 DDGREIIS 39 OIINUIIiS 18 SI}CONDS AND BI]ING SUBTI]NDI)D BY A CHORD THAI'BtsAIIS S 40 DFI;REES 25 1VIINUTES 3TI .SDCONDS E. 63.fl} FEET. PARCII.L 2: A PAN.CET, OF I,/\ND SrIUATE IN THE SOUTI{FAST 1/4 OF SFCTIOIT{ 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE &l WEST Ol' THr; 6rlt PITNCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY O!'EAGrJ', STA'nr Ol' C0LORADO, BHNG MORE PARTICULIXLY DE.SCTIBED A.S FOLII)WIi: ' From Land Tit1e (M8) frr" 06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O Page L8 of 24 LT(l Po[cy No, CffiIJ263274 Our Ordcr No. V?63274 E(HET'N'' LSLIECFPnCN BEGINNING AT A POINT ON TIIE SOUMWESTERI,Y RIGIIT 0F WAY OX'IVIEADOW DRIVE TR0M wIrIcH THE soUTHFisT coRNRR oF sEcrroN t2, ToWNSHTP 5 souTrr, RANGE 80 wF:sT oF IIII: 6TT PRTNCIPAL MERIDIAN BEATTS SOUTH 69 DtsGRBI]S 28 MINU'IES 58 SI]C1]ND,S T]AST A DIr-TAN(I OF 19y2.57 EEE.[, SAID POINT BEXNG Tm SAME A"S TIIE NORTIIWF^STERLY CORI{ER OF TIIE MOUNT IN MEADOW SUBDIVtsION; TIIFNCE SOUTH 48 DEGRFjES 32 MINUTTS 16 SI'CONDS WIIST AI,ONG TII!] WT6['RI,Y I,tNf] OI'SAID MOUNI'AIN IIT!]ADO\,Y SUBDIYISION A DIITANCE OF 347.67 FEEI; TIIEITICT NORTII42 DDGREES 04 MINUTTS 48 SFIIOIIDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 177.98 FFIET; TIIENCII NORTII02 DECREES 53 MTNUTTS 50 SECONDS F]AST A DISI'ANCII Or,' 121.67 I'IlLa'; TIIDNCts NORltt 47 DEGREIIS 52 MrNU'fI'lS 29 SECONDS EAS'I A Df,STANCT oF 261.65 FET T0 A F0INT ON fi) S0UIIIfi/ESTERLY RIGET OF WAY OF MEADOW DRTV& THENCE SOUTII42 DEGREFjS 04 IUINUTES 48 SECOT.{DS EAST AI,ONG THE SOUIITWESII]RLY RIGIII' Of' WAY OI'MEADOW DRIVT] A DISI'ANCT] OI.'268.00 I'EIfI', TO TTIE POINT OFBEGTNNIN(;, COUNTY OFEAGIE, STAIE OF COLORADO. PARCIL 3r CONDOMINITJM UN]T NOS. I TIIROUCH & OF BUII,DTNG NO. 4 OF VA[, RACQUET CI,UR CONDOIVIINIUMS ACCORDING 1O TIiE NINTII SUPPLEME}IT TO l'ItE IVIAP THBREO}'}'ILI)D T'OR REC'OND AND IIIECOND(NTINIT]MDEC'I,ARATION TERPOFRECORDDDELEIIIBNil}, TY'3 IN BOOK 232 AT PAGE 4&{, FnGr,E COUNTY RECORDS AND TI|E NINTTT SUPPT,Ff,UFNT TO SAII) DECLARAIION, RnCORDf,D SEPTEMB_ER 10, 1980 tN BOOK 3lB AT PAGD 881. nAGLE COUNTY RE(XIRDS, SIIBJECT TO IEE IEAMI, CONDITIONS, PROVI^SIONs^ AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID DECTARATTON AND NNTHSUPH,Tq\4FNT TrmnETO, COUNTY OF EAGT,4 STATT OF COT,ORADO. PAR(TL4: coND0\flNruM uNrT Nos, 1 TnRouGn & ol' BUTLDING No. n oF vArL RAcQuItf CLUB CONDOMINITIMS ACC'ORDING ToTEE EIGIITTI S"I,JPPI,M{ENTT() TEE MAPTflMEOT'FII,ED FOR RFjCORD AND TIIE CONDfrTTNIUI\I DECX,ARATTON TTIEREOF NECORDTD DItrEMBER 13, 1973, IN BooK232 AI'PAGE 484, EAGT E COUNTY RBCORDS AND Ttilt EtGmH SUPPLEMI)NT'Io sAIl) DELT,ARATTON, RDCORDD APRIL 16, 1980 IN B(X)K 301, AT PA(E 744, EA(;LE COIJNTY RECORDS SURIF,SII TO TIIE TF"RMS, CONDITIONS, AND ORI,IGATTONS OF'SAID DECTAMTION AND LGHTH SUPPr,EMENT rHERr,arC, COUN1Y Or EAGI4 SIAIE OF COTORADO. PARCFJ,5; CONDoIVIINIUM UNII NOfi, 1 THROUGH It OF BUILDING NO. 14 OF VAIL RAC'QUET CLUB CONDOIVIINIUMS ACCORDING TO THE TTJI{TH SUPFT,FjMF}IT TO TIIE MAP THERF,OF'F'II,ED FOR RECORD AND l'HE CONDONTINIUIII DECLARATION I'ITEREOI'RI]CORDED DT'CEMBER 13, 1Y'3, IN B{X)K 232 AT PAGE, 4It4, EA(;LE COUNTT REC(}RDS AND TEE TENIE SIJPPT,EMENT TO SAID DFjcI^1\RAfiON, RFrORDFjD NOVTXVIRER 9, 19BI IN ROOK 331 AT PAGE 825, COUNTY OF IrAGr4 STArn OI' COLORADO. PARCFJ,6: coNDoIt[NIUM UNrT N(N. 1-17, 1-1& AI{D 1-19, BUILDTN(; NO. 1-2, VArL RACQI]ET LLITB CONDOIUINIUMS. ACCORDING TO TIIE SFJVN,NTII SUPPI,FMENT TO THE l\[AP TIIEREOF F'fI,ED FOR R"BCORD AND 'r'HE CONDON{rNrUr\r DECLARATTON I'HER$OF RS,CORDED DECEMBER L3, 1y/3 rN B1XIK232 AT PAGT 4tt4. AND IHE SEVETIITII.SUPPLBVIET.IT TO SAID DELI-ARATI()N RMIORDtrD JULY 19, 1979 rN ROOK288 ATPAGEST' COUNTY OF F,1|GLE, STATE OF',COT,OR{DO. ' From Land Title (M8) frue 06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O Page L9 of 24 LI(i P<rtcy No. (-IET)63274 FoTm AUCHI Our Ordcr No. V263274 S&edule B - I This pilirry drxs urt iwun 4ainst lo.rs or &rruge (d th Compny will rrrt pry c(Ft\ Nftrtmeys' fees or expcnies) which arim by reson of: (lererul Exceplions: l. Righls or clairs ol por{ica in posscssion not ehown by 0rc puUic rtcordr. 2. Earcnrcnts, or claims of eercmenb, not shown by fte pblic rtcor*. 3. Discrtaur:ias, codicts in lxrdary lire$, shorbge in uta, encnrrhneng ad ary frcts which a coneet suncy rrrt inspeclion of fte trrmiaes would dscloce ad which ae mt shown by tlrc pudic rccods, 4. Aqy lieD, or right ftr a [cq firr services; lnlxrr, or nnterial he.retrfore or brrftr fumirhed, imptred try taw und mt shom by flrc prblic rccoda. 5. 1998 TAXF:S NOT YF,T DUE OR PAYABI,E AND ASSFJSSMENTS NOT YET CBRTTFIFX' TO TIIE I'REASURURS Otlr"lCE 6. NTGIIT OT'PROPRIUTOR Ot' A VEIN OR LoDE 10 EXTRACT ANTI IIEI,IOVE, TIIS ORE THERru'ROIVI SHOTJLD TEE SAME BE I!)UND T() PEDIEITAIE ()R INTER.SECI TIIE PREMI.SES AS RFISERVFD IN UNITFD STATES Pi\TRNT RF,OORDFD NOYEMBER 17, l9il.a, IN ROOK 48 ATPAGE492. **{'ENDOTISI4IVIIdI\1'100.31'T* lIIE C(MPANY TTERII,BY INSURES TIIT] INSURED AGAINST L(XIS WHI(H TI{E INS]I]RED STIALL SUSTAIN BY NEA"SOI.{ OF PHYSI(hI+ BUT NOT ANSTHETTC, DAMAG'E TO IMPROVEMFN'TS EXXSTING ON THE IAND AT DATE OF POIICY oR coNsl'RUCTED THBREoN 1'HERr:Al'rUR RDSULTINGT'ROM rHE E)fiiRClSl: SUBSEQUENT TO TEE DAIE OF P()LI(X OF ANY RIGIIN fi) US'E THE SUNF'ACE {)F TIIE LAND IJNDER, TTIE MINEMI, INTNREST REFF",RRFD TO IN EXCEPTTON NO. 6, OF SCHFJDUI,D B ('TEE IITINDRAL RTGHTS'), SU&IECT, HOWEVE& TO THTI FOLI,OWING 1IRMS AND CO{DIIIONS: 1. TIIE ]NSURFD SITAIT, NOTM'T THE COMPANY PROMPTTX IN WRITING IN CASR XNOWrI]DGI] SHALL C'OMI:IO AN INSURED HURT]UNDER OI'ANY A T'UAL OR -I'IIR.EA'I1]N})I) EKMCAS]E 0F THE MINEML nIGHIS. 2. TITE COMPAI{Y SIIAI,L IIAYE TIIE RIGIIT, AT ITS COST, TO TAKD ANY ACTTON WHICH rN NS OPINION MAY BENECILSSARY ORDTSIRABU' IN ORDERI'ORTI{I] COMPANY TO AVOID OR MINTIIIUE TIIE UTEI{T OF U$ LIABILITT UNDER TH[i ENDOR.SEIVM{T, INCII'DING BUT NOT T,IMIIT'D TO ANY OR At,I, OF THE FOT,I,OI{ING: (A) IN THD COMPANY'S OWN RTGHT, OR IN l'Ht: NAM!) Ot'THE INSUTID l'OR THll C0MPANY'S BEI{EX'IT, TI) INSTITUTE PR(NDLUTE AND PUR.SUE T0 FINAL DETF,RNITNATION ANY PROCEFI)INGS AT I,AW OR IN EQUITY, OR BEX'ORE ANY r\ruNtctPAl, ADMINTS'I'RA'I'IVE REGULA'rORY I'RIBUNAL OR BOARD; (B) IN Tm COMPANY'S Ou/t{ Rr(;IIT, OR IN Tm NAME OF THE IN.qURm FI)R Tt{r' COMPANY'S REhIEFTT, TO COMPEI, TTIIi, GIVING OF SFCT'RITY ROND OR UNDERTAKING RY l']IE PERSON OR PER,SONS I.'ROI}T WHOM THE TNSURT]D I,S ENTNL.F;D BY T,AW TO SUCIT From Land Title (M8) ffr. 06 lan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O Page 20 of 24 Lfii Potcy No. CIlflIJ263iL74 Frmr AL,/CHI Our Ordcr No. V263274 n Scheftrle D - I SEC[JruTT, BOND OR UNDBRTAKING, AND IN THE SAME AMOUNT OR AIVIOUNTS T0 WHICII TTIE INSURFD WOUID ITAVE BEEN SO ENTITI,FD IIAD THIS ENDORSIMFNT NOT RBET{ ISSUED; ANI) (C) TORDTAIN ORBEPAID OUT()FANY SUCH$'ECURITY, BoND (}RUNDERTAKING, ()R OUT OX' ANY COMPTNSATION OR FT'I{DS RECOT/ERED RY THE COMPANY OR TTIR INSURF"T', SUCH AMOUNT AS WILL REIMBURSI: mill C1DMPANY FORAI-LPAYMI)D{TS $IADD 10 THE INSIJRED BY TIIE CUMPANY BY REASON 0F THE INSURAN(E AIT,ORDD BY IHf,S ENDORSFJTIENT, TOGDTITER WTTII AI,I, CffiTS AND EXPENSF]|$ INCIJRRF.,I) BY TITE COMPANY lN CONNIICT'rcN THTIREWIII! INCLUDTNG AI-TORNI:Y'S r,'l]Ii],S. 3. N0 RIGIITII. BEI{EFTTII OR DM'ET{.SNS ANE INTENDH) fi) ()R SIIALL BE DEHUH) T0 FT,OW OR BE MADE AVAIIABTfi TO ANY TERSON OR ENTITY OTIIER TTIAN TIIE INSURF']D BY REASON OI. THD INSURANCI) AI.I.'ORDI]D BY TTilS T:NDOT$EMTNT, AND T}IE INSUREI) AGRM^$ THAT ALL 0F THE INSURM'S RI(;HIS A}[D RAVTDIBS AGAINST IHIRD PARTIF^S RETAT|NG TO TTTE SU&IF]CT MATTE;R OF 1116 ENDORSEMTNT SHAI,T, BE DEEMT"D TO IIAVE R"EMAINED INTACT, IN TIIII SAMII IIIANNER AS Il' IltIS ENDORSI]N1I]NI' IIAD NOI'BI]IIN $fljm. RIGEI OF WAY FOR DIT(FRS OR CANALS CONSIRU(IED BY TIIE AUTTI0RIIY 0F TEE UNITFD STATFS AS RFSERVED IN UNTIED STATTS PATENT RECORDI.D NOVEMRER 17, 1m2, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 4y2. *$*EI\DOIISEII,IEI\T'103.1**+ THT] COMPANY III:REBY TNSURTF AGAINST I,G|S OR DAMAGU WHI(H IIIE IN.SURED SIIALL SUSTAIN A.S A RESULT OF ANY H(ERCTJE OF Tffi RIGM OF USE OR MAINTENANCE OF THE FASF.,NIFNT REFTRRED TO AROVE OVER OR TIIROUGT{ SAID T"AID. RIGIITS Ol'OWNIIIIS' COVIINANTS' CO[\,IDI1'IONS' RDSTRTCIONS' RESI)RVAIIONSr EA.SAIIEI\TS, LIEI{S F'OR A.CSESSMEtr\TS, OPUON$ pOWm,S OF ATI()RNEr, AND I,IIIfITATIONS ON TTII,E CRFATED AS SET FORTH IN TTIAT CONDOMINITJM DRCIARATION RECORDET.) DECEIMBER 13, 1973 rN .BOOK232 AT PAGE 4E4 AND JANUARY 9, l9E0 IN R(XrK2n AT PA('B 170 AND SIJPPL,EVIEI{TS AND AMm.IDMmrlTS TmREfi)' AND ANY AMENDMFNTS PRFJSENT OR F-UTURE AND IN THT' RFJATF,D BYT,AIVS, RUIJ'-S ANI) REGUT,ATIONS. OR IN ANY OlIITtsR INSI'RUMEI\T CR$ATING 1'TII: ESTATT: OR INISRIiST INSUNM BY TIIf,$ FOLICY. ALL RTGTTS AND PRIVILT}GIIS OI' OT}il'R OWNERS IN flTE CONDOMINIUIII PROJECT IN AND ItO ALL GE{RAL AND LII\dIID C$MMON H,EMETITS, A"S TII(X|E TffiMS ARE DffINED BY COI,OMDO IAW WHICH PASSED AS AN APPURTENANCE TO TIIE INSURFJ;D PRF,MISFS. ALL FUTURE ASSESSMENTIi AND CTIAR($^S 0F VAIL RACQI]ET CAUB C0NDoNIINIUM ASSOCTAfiON. TXXSTING T,EASF,S AND TENANCIFJS. 8. 9. From Land Tit]e (M8) oTr" 06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O Page2Lof 24 LTO Policy No, CfET2nSn{ Form AL/CHI Our Ordcr No. V263,274 Schedule B - I (rrrMs 6 THROUGR 9 AFFEST Arr, PARCETS 10. F^SEMFNTS, RFJSERVATTONS AND RESTRICT'ONS AS SIIOWN ORRFJSRRI'FD ON TFE RECORDT:D CONDOMINIUMMAP OI- VAIL RACQUI,'T CLUB CONDOMINIUI\IS AND SUPPLT]MENTS TIIERETO. ATFECTTT PARCEI^S 3 IHR(XJGH 6 II. TIIE E'FBL'T OF D[I(EE.S. AVALANCEE EAZIRD Z4)NING AND PARXING AREA (XJTSIDE OF ROUNDARY I,INFs, AI,T, AS SHOWN ON IMPNOVETUTNT TOCAfiON CfiNTIFICATE DATFJD }TAY 1, 1998 BY !:AGI-,I] VAt.r.l{]Y SURVEYING, JOBNO 2456. t2, cr,Alrvls o!'RrGfiT, rrILE A-ltDlor rNTEJtEsl'rN TttE PROPERTY BIfl'WEEN THE FENCE B0UT\'DARY LINE AND THE FB'I(E (A,S DPICTED ON THE .SURVEY PREARED BY EA(}I.E vAr,r,EY suRYEnNG, INC., pR NUMRttrR 2450 WHETHER SAID CX,AIltdS ARTSIE RY A.BANDONMUNI., ADYtsItSE PlmStiSStON OR OTIIER MEANS. (rruMs 11 AND 12 AFEEC'I'PARCEL 2 13. rURlVtS, CONDTIIONS AND pROVtStONS O!'ASSTGNMET\T OF DECT"ARANI"S RtCHlS RECORDED DDCTMBA, 8. 1998 UNDER, REIPTI()N N(). 6IT1973. L4. DEm OF IRUST DATm DE(AVIBm. 18, 1998, E:ROM MCQUET CAUB Om{ERS ASSOCTAfiON, A COT.ORADO NON.PROFTT CORPORATTON TO TrrE PUBr,rC TTUSTEE OF EAGLE COUN1Y I'OR TIIE USE OI' GUARANTY BANKAND TRUST COMPANY 'TO SECURB'IT{E sulvl oF $1,800,tx|0.m RECORDED DECE\'BER ?3,7998, UNDm.RECETTON N(). 6ffi974. SAID DF"ED OF'TTUST WAS TURTHER SFfURED IN ASSIGFTMENT OF RFNTS RECORI)FJT) DECEMBER23, 1998, UNDUR RI:CttPrtON NO. 68075. TTEMNO6. L TIIROUGH3 Or,'ftID GD,NEIIALD(CEI'I'rONS ARE III]R"bIBY DELL-I'ED. II'EM NO. 4 OI'11t8 GENE,RAL EXCI]PTIONS IS DELIA}D AS TO ANY LTENS RI:SULTING FROM WoRKORNIATMIAL CONTRAC'TED FOR ORFT]RNI.SHED AT TIIE REQURST OFKIRCE ENTF"RPRISF]S IJ,q A COIORADO I,IM]TFX' T,IARTT,MY COMPANY AS TO PARCEIS I AND t i : From Land T:tle (ll8) OTue 06 lan 2004 01:31:s6 PM MsT O Pase 22 of 24 LTG Pofcy No, CITT]rt1274 Fonn AUCHI Our Ordcr No. Y2ffi271 Schedule B . I .H & K MANAGFjIIENT IJ.C, A COL(XADO LIMTTFD r,rABrLITy COMPANY NOlil KNOIUN AS .KIRCrr ENTIIRPIUSES rrf, A COLORADO LTMTED IIABTL,TTY COMPAI,IY AS TO PARCI:I,S 3IHROUGII5 .vaL rrACQUDI'CLU$ CONDOMTNTUMS, l| C0LOrrADO C|lNDrrAL rrArrfNDRsr|Irr 4.6 TO PAR(EL6. CIilCAGO TrTr,E INSURANCE COMPAI\IY SIIArr, HAVE NO T,I RILITY FOR ANV T,IENS ARISING I.ROM WORK OR MATERIAL T''URNISHED AT 1TIE RI]QUITST OT.. RACQUI]T CLUts ou/Nm.s Aris(xxATION, A cou)RADo NON.PROX'IT CORFORATTON. LAND TITLE GUARANT.EE C0ilIPANY I,AURA GIBSON ORTFN &HINDMAN lll99 18Tn ST. S1!:275{) DENVE& CO fi0202 DEAR CUSTOMER: LAND TITT,E GUARANTEE COMPANY f,\ P[,EA,5]H) TO PROVIDE YOU WIIE YOUR OVTI{ER'S TfiT,E INSURANCEPOT,ICY. THXS VAI,IJART,ET'OCUMENT INSI'RF]S C'OOD AND MARKETABI,E lll'[li] TO YOUR PROPERTY. PI,I;AST] REVIBW TIIS POLTCY lN I1S T]NTIR.E"IY. WB AT LA}ID IIIT,E GUARANIEE CUMPANY BELIEVE IN PROVIDING YoU, OIJR C\JST()MEB WITII A QUAT,ITY PRODUCT WIilCH WIT,L SE;RVE YOUR NFJF'DS. IN TIIE EVE{T YOU DO tr'IllD ANY DI^SCTEPANCT, OR IF YOU IIAVE AI{Y QIJESTIONS OR COMMENTS RFJGARDING YOUR F',INAI, POIICY, PI,EASE CONTASI TIIE FOIJOWING DITPAI{IMI]FII'AND WI] WILL GI"{.DLY HANDL.I] ANY REQUESTYOU II,IAY HAVE AS mFICfBliTr.Y AND QUICKLY AS F(NSIBLE. TTTL,EDPARTLIEI\T TFT,EPEONE # (y70;)47 6-2251 FAx #(970)476-4s34 PI,EA"SE REER TO ORDERNo. V26:3274 SHOULD YoU DECIDE fi) SELL TIIE PROPtsRIY DE.S(RIBM IN SCEMUT,J, A, 0R IF YOU ARE RF]QIIIRED TO FURNTSH A NEW TfiI,E COMMITMENT FOR MORTGAGE FURPOSF]S, YOU ll'IAY tsIl EI\TII'IJD TO A CREDTT TOWARD r,'UTURD 'IIILE, INSURANCE EXPENSES. l,ANl) From Land Tit]e (M8) ]r" 06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O Page23 of 24 LTGPotcyNo. CIEI2f,3274 FTxmAUCHI OurordcrNo. V263274 Schdule B - I TITL,E GT]ARANTEE COMPAI{Y WILL RETNN A COFT OF TIIEH{(IJXjED TTII,E POI.ICY. AND IN TgE EVENT YOU DO NF"ED FTJTURE SERVICFS, WE WnJ, RE IN A P(FITION TO AGAIN ST:RVE YOU PROIIIIIILY ANDI]ruTCICNTLY. rHANK YOU VI]RY MUCH IOR GIVNG T"A]\D l'ITtJ' G.I.JAXANTDI] COMPANY THD, O}I''ORN'NTTY T()SERVEYOU. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE C0MPANY GIJARANTY BANKAND IRUST C(}MPANY II$ SU(XE$SORS AND/ORA^ASIGNS P.O, ROX 5847 DENVE& CO802l7 RE: LtriDER.$ TIILE POLrcy E{CT,(XiD RORROWER'S NAME: RACQUET CI,UB OWNERS ASSOCIAfiON, A COIORADO NON.PROFIT CORFORATION 1AND TIIT,E GUARANft]T] COMPANY $ PUiASED TO PROVTDB YOU WTTII TTTT] LOAN }OLICY RH,a'-ITVE T() TEE ABOVE MENTI(}{ED BORROWER" PLEA,SE RI]VII]W TIIE I'OLICY IN ITS I]FI1'IRI]TY. wl] AT LAND 1'I1'LT] GUARAN'II]E C{X4PANY BH,IEVE IN PROVIDING YOU, OUR CTJSI()ME& WIIII A QUALITY PRoDUCT VI,IIIGI WIIT, SERVI1 YO{'R NET'DS. IN TIIE EVEI{T YOU DO FIND ANY DI,SCTEPAI{(X, OR IF YOU IIAVE ANY QUESTTONS ()R COMMFNTS REGARDING YOUR FtNAr, POIICY, P[&\SE CONTACT TIIE, FOTT,OWING DEPAI{TMENI'AND WE WILLGT,ADLY IJANDIJANY RI)QUI:STYOU MAY TIAVEAS trFIC'IMITI,Y A.I{D QUICXLY AS P(hIIIBLE, ITILD DD.PARTMEI\T TELEPH( )NE # (vt lt\ 47 6 -Zzsr FAX# (970X76.4534 PLEASE RE]'|jR TO ORD}:R NO. V263274 THANK YOU VI]RY MUCII IOR GIVING LAND TrfLI] CUARANTI]I] COMPANY THI] O}T'oRIIJNTfY fi)SERVEY(}U. . , u, From Land ritle (M8) Otr" 06 Jan 2004 01:31:56 PM MST O Pase 24 of 24 F'rm AL/CHI Our OrdcrNo. V263274 Schedule B - II In ddition tll fte nodcnr set lorft in Prt I of ftis Slcherhle, lb lifle to fte esfute or itrrust in thp lnnr described or rcfenrd to in Scheftrle A is sribject b flrc followiry matbrs, if any be showq hd flrc Compory irrurcs lhat tbc licn or chargc of lhc imured modgagc upon said cslalc or inhrtrt ir prior lo errh rullcn. NONE Novcmbcr25,Z)03 ZreDisuict I.otAr€a: Frontege: Sctbac&s: Hcigfrc Dccity: SirCovenegc Iadsc4toryt Pe*ing: POBoxl4!2 VaiL CO 81658 #EE'd,n * aaaaaartartaaaaa"t!. zmingenaryci8: /rMfu MDMF -mio: l0,fiDsqft .aiiling l7 4,ffi qft 4.O10 ecres --nia 3(I{P <r@.$e-3" -20{I'dl skles -ooe non-€mfomitY o sitePhn -mr 35'f flet oof, 38'-{F sloPiog mof -ptopoced 3615" Peekof tovet -mar 35 sqftof GRFA Po t00 sq&of tnnldable area -econLntr ?ropocce ode -mar dhryeHe 45Yo of *rc' urtz- ='45*174'ffi sqft = 7E 5f,1 sqe -sistiog: lap35 sqft building fooedry r'JGd44o q* t' tt"*Zk "'r e*hlttJ.a' 5€A+ t 4.n6,2 )5,61a -lnh rcqp&€d 3(F/c of sia erca = 3{F174'ffi = 5iifJ98 eqft -@ rpP,tox 46'0(tr sqft.cce site Plm ;;F';fu :i.ptzitq- o-t"t't - 'pp"o' 7i35o sqft Resteuermt-l tP?ce P€t tZ) sqft of seeting erca-----;rytJi zoi+ "qtJtiry | 1n scft F sl'ace = 17 opac HeelhCbb: ??? Total spaces m-sie Ob tPu"o ' tnAmfu@ttnct t&, no4l9:73r bE,97D4n-l%9 SNOW AVA]ANCHE DYNAMICS AND HAZARD ANALYSIS VAIL MCQUET CLUB Prepared For . Mr. Matt lvy Prepared By Arthur l. Mears, P.E., Inc. Gunnison, Colorado October,2@1 ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E.,INC. Natural Hazards Consultants 555 Counry Road 16 Gunnison, Colorado 81230 Teffiax:97O-641-3236 artmoarg@rmii,com October 1.2001 Mr. Matt lvy GeneralManager VailRacquet Club 4690 Vail Racquet Club Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. lvy: The enclosed analysis of snow avalanche dynamics, runout, and hazard has been completed as you requested. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, CW*{ \\totrAl Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Encl. Mass \Yasting . lyalanches . Avalanchc Connol Engineering 1 OBJECTIVES AND LIMITATIONS The enclosed analysis of design-magnitudel avalanche dynamics and hazard above the Racquet Club has the following objectives: a. Mapping of the extent of avalanche runout; b. Subdivision of hazard into red and blue zones of intensity;c. Discussion of the risk. The report also has the following limitations, which must be understood by all those relying on the results: a. The avalanchedynamics analysis assumed cunent (october, 2001) terrain and vegetation conditions in the upper portion of the avalanche path; any significant changes (e.9. through forest fire or landslides) may increase the potential size of avalanches;b. Site-specific study is required for design of buildings within the avalanche blue zone. This updated analysis uses methods not available when the original work was done in 1976. specifically statistical and dynamics models have been applied and all new modifications to the tenain in the runout zone have been considered. This report therefore superedes all previous work. 2 AVALANCHE TERRAIN AND DYNAMICS 2.1 Terrain An overview of the avalanche terain is shown on the topographic map (Figure 1). This map shows the drainage basin and the approximate bounaaiiei ot tne design avalanche which begins at approximately 10,300 feet, 1,900 feet above the Racquet club. The largest avalanches will release as dry snow slabs on east-facing slopes. They will accelerate and grow in volume as they descend the channel and possess significant destructive energy at the 9,g00-foot elevation level. Broken and damaged trees at this area attist to the potential destructive force. Even the largest avalanches will, however, deceleraie and deposit most of their mass in the channel between 8,800 and 9,200 feet and in flat area at the base of the steeper slope where the tennis courts are located. Small amounts of av.alanche debris may reach, but not block, Meadow Drive and only powder blast will travel north of Meadow Drive into the proposed development oi ine Racquet Club. These tenain and observational characteristics were used to calibrate the avalanchedynamics analysis. ' Design-magnitude avalanche - According to Vail standards, this avalanche has a retum period of 100 yeats and an annual probability ot 1o/o. lt must be considered in land-use planning and engineering. 2.2 Dynamics Design avalanche dynamics were computed in order to assess the potential loads on the proposed development and to determine the red and blue hazard zones which are discussed in section 3. A two-step procedure was used to compute the avalanche dynamics as follows: a. The runout distance was determined by comparison with other similar-sked avalanches in Colorado. b. The.velocities (and impacfpressure potentials) were then computed by applying an avalanche-dynamics model and forcing that modelto stopthe avalanche runout as determineclin ua." Details of the avalanche-dynamics modeling are provided in the Technical Appendix at the end of this report. The modeling enabled computation of the pressures at the end of the runout where the new development is planned and enabled determination of the red (high hazard) and blue (moderate hazard) zones 3 AFFECTON PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 3.1 BuiHings North of Meadow Drive only avalanche powder blast will reach the newly-proposed development on the north side of Meadow Drive. Powder blast will consist of a low density suspension of fine snow particles in air, will have a density of 10 kg/m3 (0.6 lbs/ft') be moving at 18.5 m/s (60.5 ftls), and will produce a stagnation pressure of 40 lbs/ff. such pressures can usually be resisted by tempered or laminated glass. special walf or roof design, as specified in final architectural and engineering plans, will easily accommodate these forces. 2.3 Paking Areas North of Meadow Drive conceptual plans show that some parking may be planned north of Meadow Drive. Dense debris from avalanches will stop before these parking areas are reached. Only powder blast will reach this area during unusual conditions with ]pO-year retum periods. This will not damage vehioles or endanger personnel. Mitigation is therefore not recommended in the parking area. 2.4 Parking Areas South of Meadow Drive Some parking is also planned south of Meadow Drive, closer to the tennis courts and avalanche path. During the design-rnagnitude, 1OO-year avalanche, thin avalanche debris generally tess than 1 foot deep may be deposited in portions of this area. The area will also be affected by powder blast similar to thai affecting the northern portion of the development. Because the rare 30-to-1OGyear event will be required in orderto affeot this area, the hazard will be minimal. Mitigation of the parking area (covered parking, construction of a berm) is not justified and recommended unless required by Town of Vail regulations. 2.5 Red and Blue Zones The avalanche red (high-hazard) and Blue (moderate hazard) zones are defined in Town of Vail hazard regulations as follows: Red. Hqzard Avalanche Area - Any area impacted by a snow avalanche producing a total static and dynamic pressure in excess of six hundred (600) pounds per square foot on a flat surface normal to the flow and/or a return interval of less than twenty-five (25) years. Blue Hazard Avalanche Area - An area impacted by a snow avalanche producing a total static and dynamic pressure less than six hundred (600) pounds per square foot on a flat surface norrnal to the flow and/or [sic] a return interval in excess of twenty five (25) years. Red zone areas are excluded frorn development while red zones are developable with appropriate engineered mitigation. Figure 2 is a detailed topographic map onto which the avalanche runout zone has been subdivided into red and blue zones. Because avalanche velocities will be substantially reduced at the existing outdoor tennis courts and avalanche frequency appears to be less than one event per 25 years, the terain starting at the south end of the tennis courts and extending northward to Meadow Drive is in a blue zone. Constnrction of buildings within this zsne is therefore acceptable according to Vail ordinance if appropriate mitigation is used. Mitigation cannot be specified until building design details are known, however the most appropriate type of mitigation would be special design of building walls and roofs facing in ihe avalanche direction. Such construction would be feasible as it has been used in other parts of Vail and at many locations throughout the united states and Europe. 3 AVALANCHE HAZARD Avalanche hazard is a result of persons or their property being exposed to avalanches. At the planned facilities at the Racquet club, the hazard is very small because: a. The retum period of avalanches that affect areas north of Meadow Drive, where permanent facilities are planned is long. A 1OO-year (1% annual probability) event would be required to reach the area. Even the 1O0-year event would produce pressures that are only slighfly in excess of normal uniform Building code (UBC) requirements thus can be easily accommodated in design. b. The return period south of Meadows Drive, where some parking areas may be planned, is also long (30-100 years, or 1o/o to 3% annuil probability). Deposition of thin avalanche debris would be possible at the parking area. However, parking is an intermittent activity, rather than a continuous one. Therefore persons or objects will not be continuously exposed. This reduces the hazard.c. The blue zone south of the parking area does not have cunent development plans, however hazard within this area is acceptable (with proper mitigation), according to Vail hazard regulations. Although the hazard is small, it is not zero. lt can, however, be reduced even further if users of this area heed all official avalanche warnings and advisories, edueate themselves about the avalanche phenomena, and avoid the steep ternain souttr of the development during conditione when avalancfres are likely. These steps are recommended. Report prepared by, Arthur l. Mears, p.E. Avalanche-eontrol engineer Timeline for First Phase of Redevelopment (Homeowner vote and SDD Approval) Number of days to complete Due Date Concept 14 days 08/3li0l Facilities Space requirements Members desires / needs Usage relationships for amenities and offices Requirements for SDD 09/07/01 Pre-Application Conference Package for Architects 7 days 09/07/01 Concept Background material Timetable Architect Desrgn 4 weeks 10/05/01 Concept drawings only/ 22 workdays Proposal for services (2 phases) Board Meeting/ Update Review 10/06/01 Review conceptuals Architects present proposal Choose one to proceed Allocation of space and facilities Architect Develops Concept 9 weeks lZl0TlOl Info for General Contactor/Estimator proposal 43 workdays Drawings for HOA memberpackage: include elevation and site lines Necessary drawings for SDD Submittal of SDD Package IZ/07/O| Information to General Contractors/Estimators lZ/07/Ol General Contuactors Proposals 5 weeks 0l/ll/Ol 22 workdavs Package to Homeowners prepared for BOD meeting 3 weeks OUOllOt &chitectural drawings Feasibility Comme,lrtary Package sent to homeowners for vote on the Redcvelopnent 02llS/0I . Continuation based on: l. Acceptance of Town of Vail of SDD Proposal 2. Affirmative Vote of Merrbers to Proceed .Ettl FltJ d F{ tr o e "$ .*"'- -s-" bo lt riti -lov) g- g s Eoo6 dliid E3(D=p.s E$ Rnr(Do FE ER ES BS iEbcr SE e{ R"s E$P.s q)s o os $'s. t U) 0 E e ,fl E B E .R a,g g EsI o,i g or{ d -#6ff_ / / /)' ." / ' I L--'' 'l,' .'-=\*.-'li'fr]JK ,J*q"'-_::.;) .::!:--':$.............. $\$ I TECHNICAL APPENDIX. This appendix consists of three parts: (a) a slope profile of the Racquet Club avalanche path which was used in the avalanche-dynamics analysis, (b) an avalanche-path schematic shoring r.elative velocities of the avalanche front speed (m/s) and mean speed and a schematic of the debris depth deposition, and (c) the raw printout of the results of the analysis. Data derived from this modeling were used for the mapping and land-use recommendations. Sheell Raw Data in feet X-feet Y-feet 0 350 900 't000 1230 1650 2000 2900 2995 3050 3250 338s 3485 3565 3615 3690 3710 3780 3830 3880 Avalanche Profile and )dy coordinates Racquet Club Data in meters Segment Data X-meters Y-meters L-meters Ang - Deg Sum L Avg Angle10280 010000 107 9600 2749520 305 9400 3759200 503 9080 6108800 884 8750 9138730 930 8600 9916570 1032 8560 10638540 10878522 11028520 1125E512 11318510 11528506 116E8504 1183 3134 3049 137 2927 207 2902 ? 39 2866 . 79 2EOS ' 142 2768 '" 113 2683 '' 287 2668 t 33 2e6,2 ', 1E 2622 .) 732613 422610 ',312604 '' 252598 t ' 162598 i: 232595 j:,, 72595 ''' 212593 rz 152593 11 15 38.7 36.0 3E.7 27.6 25.5 18.9 17.3 27.8 20.0 33.0 't2.5 5.7 14.0 19.8 1.5 21.8 1.6 4.6 2.3 0 137 38.7 344 37.1383 37.2 462 35.6604 33.2 717 31.01004 27.0 1037 27.11055 26.9 1127 27.31170 26.8 1200 26.31225 26.0 1242 25.91264 25.51271 zs.s1292 25.1 1308 24.9 1323 24.6 Racquet Glub Gulch Avalanche 3200 3100 2. 3000E E zsooo s 2800 (l'fr ztoo 2600 2500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 100 110 120000 Horizontal distance (m) Page 1 683 partJ.cles start trorfon segment.reSS nfcles deposited. c: \p1k\racquet club.txt Path drops: 541 mFriction mu = 0.25 Log M/D =, 2.50 Random R = 0.200 Alpha = 24.8 degrees a Front stops at )( =---.:.-.---.--Fxont speed (max =-------+{ean speed (max = -Deposition (not to L173 m 26.3 m/ s) 29.7 m/s) scale) $xit and-vfew distributionsr-n your fj.]-e c:\plk\results.txt resul-t8 Please note: alI v-variablcs dre in retens,/second.Please noter dlt t-variables Ere in seconds.Pleasc note! l{P ls number of partlclEs ln packet. AVALAIICHE ENTERIN6 SEGIIENT I{UIIBER OF PARTICLES IIOVIiI6 NUI1BER OF PARIICLES STOPPED NETERS IRAVELLE} FRON STARI Lt3 0 137 VHI6H }L. ?AvLoU 3. 00 vRAl{GE If . ?avnEAil Ia.01VSTDEV 3. ?0 tHI6H lq. 3ttlou 0. 5IIRAN6E tf. 68tnEA{ 1.3{tstDEv r. {3 vHI6t{ llrt. ?f,vLott E. ?5 VRANGE 3I.9fvnEA at. q3 vSTDEV q. a? tHI6H AE. 1AtLoU 1I.11tRAltGE lt, f?tnEA l?. '{ttSTDEV a. 13 VHI GII 3L. A?vLOt ?. tlvRAilGE 33.1L VNEAN PI. ?AVSTDEV 5. Oq IHI6H eq.3ltLoltt !e. 3ttRAilGE 11.13tnEA[ lt. ?0ts?DEv a. ar VHIGH 35.I}vLott e, lr{vRAN6E 3a.57 VII EAN A?. OAvsTtEv 5. q5 tlll N tllAx vll EAN0.51 I.10 3.001,10 3. el I, tt3,at rt.bt 5.1bq. EA E. OL ?. A5h.ob 7.rt5 5.L37,rts a.aq lI.zha.at 10,e3 Ia,?{10,P! lI.La 19.0b I1. La 13. D0 15. ?3 13 . OO lrt- 31 tL. Eh AVALAI{CHE ENIERI116 SE6NEilT IIUIIBER OF PARTICLES TI OVII{6 UNBER OF PARTICLES S TOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROII S TART l,tP t3 ??{! cq E7?l AC 1? 1D5lr3 NP t0 qb IOIltq ?6lo 103 r00 IIt3 75 NP l0 50 15 eat Erl f,0 lo0 10! I0h ht NP 6 {E a0t al0 3 alo 0 3qq q 130 0 3f,q PACKET ) 3 q 5 L 7 5I to AVALANCHE El.ITERIN6 SE6IIEI{T UNEER OF PARTICLES IIOVIN6 I{U!I8ER OF PARTTCLES STOPPED I'ETERS TRAVELLED FROII START PACKET tNI IIr 11, !1a Ia. et3 13. qt { lq. h?5 15, A5L 1?. 0'|7 16. a36 It. qe 1 a0. LoI0 at, 7q PACKET tNINr 14.3te 13. 573 Iq. ?hq 15. tLs 1?,1SL la.3q? I1. 5qr e0. 73I el. teLO e3.la tllAx vllEANIt- ?.t ea. 51 13. {t eq . a?ll . h7 a{.51 15. a5 eh. e0 t?, oq ei. t{ IA. e3 30. a3tt. qe 30. q0 ao. Lo 30 . 57el. ?t 30. aqaa,9t 30. ar tn^x vnEAilr3.5? a3. 11I{. ?b e{. 9l}s.lh aL. ar1?.ls a?. qa ll. 3{ 3I. 1l r.t . 5q 3]. e} e0 . ?3 31, t3al. 1a 31. I're3,Ia 3e. aIaq.31 3I. ?5 AVALAIICHE EI{TERING SE6hEI{T 5 flUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVING 1OO9 NUIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED O I'ETERS TRAVELLED FRON START qh3 PACKET tN INr 1q.10a lL. 133 1?. 3b 5 ta. 5-ls 11. Ae tlt ax vltEAN lL . 13 ah. re1?.31 a5. ta 18. 55 a5. gq 11. aa a5, 5! ?1. 05 a9. 3t all6H P7. e0tlott Iq. 10tRAt{68 Ia. 30urEAti aI. 3LISTDEV a. b? results 41.05 eE. aa et. e5 ?4. at 43.51 al. {rle3.51 aq.7q a9. s? aq. 7q ?5 . 1? e1, Ca e5. t? e?. a0 el.35 vllEAll 43.!L 43. c0 43. 7s aq. ee aI. q0 43. ea eq. aa AL. L3 eL.tq ah. i? V NEAT e3. tl al. b6 ao. t0 er. h3 40. {ttl. 53le.{a 16. 10 t?. r? 15. 3? vnEA 15. L{ 15. ea trt. 37lt. ?3 le. ?0II. ?Ill. 7e 10. t3 IO. 5et. 5t VNEAN IL.1? 16. ort 17. ?5 l?. ae b 6I t0 tt JAIt3 l0h {L AVALAICHE EIITERTNG SE6IIEN? IIUIIBER OF PARTICLES NOVI N6 iIUIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NEIERS TRAVELLED FROII START VHIGH 3A. TO PACKETvLou a. 00 IvRAl{6E 30.60 evltEAN aq ..s{ 3VSTDEV rt. tL :5I,HIGH 3A. A3 btLou 11. Ll 7tRAitGE 13. rq aTEAN ab.?I ItslDEv a. qt r0 AVALAI{CHE ENTERIIIG SE6NE T UNSER OF PARTICLES IIOVII{6 IIUIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPE' 'IE'ERS TRAVELLED FROII STARI b tls t 0 h05 tnlil tnaxI1.t4 aI- EO41.00 aa.3aaa.3E e3, L3 e3. h3 eq.15 aq . ls at. aL EE. AL E?. 5A a?. s6 ar. 614t..61 30. EO 30. a0 31.5?:*, R 3t, f3 ? lab {g ?15 PACKET TIIIN TIIAXt eq. ql a5. 5te 4.5.11 a7.333 a?.33 rA. ?5q Et.75 30.IL3 30.lL 3t. stL !1.56 33. O0? 33.OO 3q.{ea 3q , qe 35. trli 3s. tq 3?. ?LIO 3?. eL 3t. t6 6l5sl o t005 tnlil tnax q0. D5 q3. ls{3.15 qL. aL{L.et {5. 3?tll.3? 5a. q? 5e. q7 55.5e55.51 5t. hl sa. hl bl.601r.60 Lt.10Lq.50 La. ut ha. 0t ?1 . le I l Stq 0 1038 fltI tAXrrl.86 q5.0? rf 5.0? rtl, aLqr. aL 5r. qq 51. qq .5q . h3 l{P L qq te Iqe aq3 ar9 L73 1?7lhlt VHI6H at.3tuloLt 1. 33 VRAI{GE EI. OLvllE^l{ I!. ?1VSTDEV rt. Ll THIGH I'. hIrlor a{. ql tRAlt6E Iq. tttnEA[ 3a. 0tTSTDEV A. LO VHI6H el. 05vLou I,0LvRAl{68 lC. 1tvllEAl{ }3.55vs?DEV t,0t tHt6H ?I.}PtLou {0.05 tRAN6E 31.0?flrE^l{ sl, aqtstDEv g. a5 t{P I lt9 lq r55 a0L eal a?ttt0 h5I AVALAIICHE EIITERII{G SEGNEil? XUIIOER OF PARTICLES iOVTilG IIUIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FRON START PACKEII a 3 q h t I IO ltP 7l 400 3fo 3t{ aqa lq? raaqa 7 AVALANCHE ENTERING SE6NE T I{UIIBER OF PARTICLES TIOVI iI6 ilUNBER OF PARTICLES S?OPPED I1ETERS TRAVELLE' FROTI SIART VHI6H eq. ttvLoU a. !5vRAN6E ae.0{vllEAN rE. AtVSTDEV E. {3 PACKETI a: rr NP 93 eo? 345 3t? Page 2 results tHI6H ?3. ?Ltlou rt1.6t tRAl{GE ll. [ttnEAil s3. a?tstDEv 5. 50 AVALANCHE ENTERlN6 SE6}lENT NUNBER OF PARTICLES N OVI NG UNEER OF PARTICLES STOPPED IETERS TRAVELLED FROII STAR T e5L rqa q3 I T E L A i 10 5rr . h3 57. ta 5?. 6a bl. 0tLl. 0t Lq . e0 h{. e0 L?.31!?.36 70. 5? 70. .s? 73 . 7b lb.lt rs' 6t 15.5q ls. a0 rq. aqt{. rq l0 rboa 0 l05b VHI6H ?3. ]5vLoU 1,. 3t VRANGE EI. ?A VTEAN Ib. L5vSTDEV e. LE IHI6H ?5. IItLou rte. ?6 IRANGE 3e. 31tnEAN 5'{ . etTSTDEV 5. 5b VHI6H 30.53vlo! a.sf,VRAI6E P?.lbviEA al,3e VSTDEV .e. ?{ tHI6t{ ?i. tLtLoS q5,7b tRAlrGE 3{.11t|lEAl| 5?. SOISTDEV s. 6U VHI6H a5. 0?vLol, 0. 3qvRAl{6E P't. EavhEAN 14.51VSTIEV E. 5a tHI6H AA. {ELLotd {?.3?rRAilGE 35, ]Otf,tEAr{ tl. hatsTlEv 5. ?e ININ TNAXqa. 78 qb. 0eqL. D? tt. Pbql. at !e. 50 ga . 50 55. ?rr 55. ?'t 5t . 1A5t.96 Le. a? La. aE LS. qb L5. rth !a. 70Ll. 70 ?1. 1r ?I. tq ?5. 16 PACKETI I { b I I IO VNEAN 1?. A0 th. el ]?, L0 r?, 03 Ih, I! 15. At ts. qb 15. 35 1{.5a le. ar NP aqo 33q !84 a5Jlql qt 1I AVALAT{CHE ENTERI I'16 SEGI!EIIT I{UN8ER OF PARTICLES I'OVTIG iIUNEER OF PARTICLES S?OPPED IIETERS TRAVELLED FRON S'ART AVALAIICHE ENTERII{6 SE6IIEIIT UiBER OF PARTICLES n0VIl{6 I{UIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETEiS TRAVELLED FRON START I} rb?5 otle5 HIIN Uitax vnEA {5. ?L {1. I? IC . lltt9. 17 5A. 5t et . 0rl54.5t 55.11 a{. 03 15. tl 51. {0 a3. a0 51. rr0 Ee.6l ?3. rte La. al Lh. aa a3. \r LL. aa L1. b3 a3.11bl. L3 ?3, Ot ea. at?3.Oq ?h.qg aI.L37t. q5 ?1. AL Il , 0L le ILL'I {a I I7I t! lba7 ! a0a tnIN Utax viEAN q a.ltt 5e. !e 15.lt54.34 55.15 lq. Et55.15 51.59 lq.e? NP at ar6) 3't{) 316 ) ?qq r5hII? 3a I NP rl3 EAr) 3sr Iqrr) r5a Ia3 ta E t{P 3q aea lba PACKET a 3{ 5 b ? 6 5 10 PACKET tnIN tllAx vttEAl,lr q?. 3a 50. tl a0. 33a 50, t3 st . 3r{ }?. L?3 5q . 3{ s?. as la. arq 5?. ts El. 3L 16 . rO5 bI.3L bq. t? 1a,qhL bq. 67 ha, 3t IA. 5q? ha.36 71.ti IA,E5a 71. a! ?5.q0 l?,60I 75. q0 7t.11 I?.01l0 ?6.1I 6a. {e !q.!a AVALANCHE ENTERIN6 SEGIIENT iIUN BER OF PARTICLES NOVING NUTIEER OF PARTICLES STOPPE! I.| ETERS TRAVELLED FRON STAR? VHI6H aI. 0b v Lotl a. Zs VRAN6E IA. 30vltEAN Iq. 01 PA CKE TI 3 Page 3 vstDEv ?. rrq tHI6H 85.0ItL0u qt. t9 tRAitGE 3h. 33 TNEAN LI. 7LTSTDEV 5.73 results 55.51 L3. aa I{,3L b3. ae hb. [5 13. 5L Lb . a5 ?0. 'ra 13 . 6? ?0. qt ?tt . lE 13. Lb 7+. la 7?.75 }a.: F77.75 6r. !t Ia. a7al. :rr t5.01 7.71 { 5 L 7 6 I EEC 15?ltq eh I AVALAI{CHE ENTERING SE6IIEI{T NUNBER OF PARTICLES I.IOVI N6 NUNBER OF PARTICLES S?OPPED IIETERS TRAVELLE' FROI{ S?AR T vHIGH e0. r'lvlou 3, ?1vRAl{6E t7. 15vnEA[ 13. llvslDEV a. {0 tHr6H t?. ?!tlou 50. !5tRAN6E 3?. ?'{H|EA t3. LlrsTtEv 5. ao AVALAITCHE EI{IERII{G SE6IIENT UNBER OF PARTICLES IIOVIN6 NUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPE' NEIERS TRAVELLED FROII START !q I56L t67 IaeT tnlil lAx 50. 05 53. a} s3. a3 57. L8 5?. L0 Lt. 3atl.36 hS. t5 85. l5 E6 . te LA . te ??. ?07E.70 ?L.t7 ?L, rt? a0, a5 ao. es t{. oe rq. Ea t7,77 tlllll tnAX vnEAN50.lq g{. ?l 15. Le 5rr , ?1 56, E5 lrt , l?96.L5 ba.50 ut. qI 84.50 LL.35 M. ttLb.35 70. a0 13.5t?0.E0 ?{. D5 13, q5 ?{. 05 7?.no t!. ql ?7. t0 61. ?5 tI. i3tI, ?5 t5 . hII 13. 05 15. h0 at . qs I0. f,3 tbt7lrql I?hE tll IN tnAX vtlEAl{se.51 55. ?5 I0. qe s5. ?5 5t . 9a 6. ?q 54. 1e ba . 01 a. 0rlha.ott t5. EL t. e6 b5. ?L ht. {3 7. 'tLLt. rt3 ?1. sl L.65?1.55 ?tl.7E 7. e37rr.?L ??.13 7.0a ??. i3 61,I0 b.136l. r,0 tq. aL 5.hl l? aah 113 1473 rnIN ,tAX vhEAti53.ls 51. !E rt. t? 5b. rE 51. 5t 10. a8 VNEAI I5. a0 13. 1e 13. 3L':rr. rLl Ie. 51 ) IP. ?3 14.51 10. 51lI. ga t. 66 P ACKE TI e 3 q L ? 6t to 1{P 30 111 3?i) {ael, )41 tLI]lq eq 5 t5 r5?q alg]a{3 VHI6H 41, LTvLoLl 3. 35vRl 6E ta. atyIEAI{ Iq. 0qVSTDEV e. a0 tHr6H t1. q5 rLo&, 50. ll{ tRAt{6E 3A. 5ltnEAil hq. lttSTDEV 5, t? VHI6H 15. ?7vLoU a. 0e VRAN6E I,!. 7h AVALAT{<HE ENTERIN6 SEGNENT ilUNgER OF PARTICLES NOVIilG ilUNBER OF PARTTCLES STOPPED NETERS TRAVELLED FROII START VHI6H II{. 13 PACKETvLot/ 0. r{1 rrvRAltGE lq.qq evtrEAlt ?. bl 3VSTDEV e.77 q 5tHr6H tq. aL brLoI 5?.51 7tRAilGE 3t. L6 atnEA[ bb. ae !TSTDEV 5. ?E IO AVALANCHE EI{ TERTN6 SEGNEilT i{UI'BER OF PARTICLES fI OVIN6 ilUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED NETERS IRAVELLED FROII START NPalla{ 3Ea{!7 455 1L? llE a3 b l{P IA 70IL\ a0b aIa ra{ AO Lq AL PA CKE TI 7 3{ 5 L 7II IE PACKET a NP Page 4 vllEAil 1. qq vs?DEV a,50 tHI6H A5. a3tLot 53. l5tRAr{6E 3a. 08tNEAil LL. ?bTSTDEV 5. ?1 results 5:t.5L he. ?? t. 10h?.1? 15. lt 1. ?A Ls. 16 ht . ltl 9. 30 br. lr ?a. 35 t. !0 ?e. rq 79. L0 1.3h ?5. b0 ?e. t! 6 . 5!?t. 61 te . 0a 6. 0e6e.0P 65.a3 L.lrr VN EAN d, 3? 5.L? 5. qL L. 01 {. al 3, ta 5. h0 {.?c {. ?e 5. A0 VNEA L. 5.s 0.00 0. Do 0, 00 5. .tq 0.00 o. oo 0. 00 8, 00 a. 5t 3 q L I 1 t0 131IlI 1.'t) l0e L3 5{ I8 AVALAI{CHE ENTERING SEGNENT IA I{UIISER OF PARTICLES IIOVIIIG 35 IIUIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED IIOSIiETERS TRAVELLED FROII START IAI{ VHIGH IO. Ehvlou I. 59 VRANGE [. L7viEAt{ 5.55VSTDEV E. IA tltlcH ?A. 0'{tLou 51. 0EIRAIGE 16.1!tnEAN h7.3eISTDEV 't . Lt vHrGH ?.5avl0t e.savRAl{6E t. t'tvttEAN 5. rtoySTDEV l. ?t tHI6H ?3. 0ttL0l'l ha- L?tRA[6E 10. rtl tNEAil LL. L3tSTDEV {, ae PACKET tl| IN TIIAX1 s1.01 10.11e L0. tL La.6L3 Ea. Ah hq. ?E{ L{.7L bh.Ls5 bh. E5 tE.55b E6.55 ?0.q5? 70. rts ?a. 3sa ?a. 35 7q . ?rlI ?q . a{ ?h, tt{l0 . ?L. tq 76.0q PACKET ININ UNAXI La. h? L3. ?Ie L!. ?r Lrt. ?53 brt. ?5 L5. ?9{ h5,7l bh. t35 LE. A3 '7. E?h L?. 6? ha. la7 ha. ta L.t. lL6 ht. iE 71.00j ?1.00 ?e. 0qr0 7a. o{ ?r. 0a t{P 5 I q a rl E e ? AVALAI{GHE EI|TERII{6 sE6iE r 1.1 NUNBER OF PARTICLES IIOVIIIG q NIJIIBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED 165A NETERS TRAVELLED FROII START I3IO NP e 0 o 0 o 0 n I ilUNBER OF PARTICLES NOVING 1 iIUNBER OF PARTICLES STOPPED II55 FASTEST PAR'IGLE SPEED A? FRoIIT '2.? I/sFAS?EST PARIICLE SPEED (ANYUHERE) 3?.I ;/'ALPHA eq .l deqnses IiAX_DEPoSI T MA ne tersnlll-DEPoSIT llai netensRAI{6E-DEP0SIT traq m€tersnEAN_DEPoSIT I:b3 notersSTD-DEV_DEPoSIT Eqneters Packet tlax ( !l) nin(n) particles r ll't ? ltat atA ITLL llq? U I! ltt{ l}Lb 3Ltt ta03 !16't rts5 teet tao3 50I ta3t laer 3a? tasr Ie31 ths. }E?L IES! 7ELI lets te?L hsL10 l3l3 lErts '{b Page 5 -T To: Matt Gennett Frorn: Chad Salli Date: Ianuary 16,2004 Subject: Vail Racquet Club After reviewing the site plans for the Vail Racquet Club improvements, Public Works comments are as follows: t. provide a P.E. designed erosion and sediment control plan 2. For roadway drainage purposes, the cross-section for the roadway should be edge of pavement - 2'shoulder - 6' wide ditch (3:l slope) and then the berm can begin. The toe of the slope for the berm has to be located no closer than 8' from the edge ofpavement. Or provide curb and gutter section and the toe of the slope for the berm can begin at the back of curb. 3. Align new access with existing access across the street or relocate existing access across the street to align with the new access. Should you have any questions, feel free to give me a call,926-2169. EVELOPMENT ROUTIN t GF ORM t Coruruururrv D Routed To:Mike Vauqhn, FIRE Date Routed:01t't4t04 Routed By:Planner M fr Date Due:01t21t04 Description of work:Addition Address:4610 E Meadow Drive Legal:Lot:I Block: | | Subdivision: I Vail Racquet Club Status: I Approved I Approved with conditions I Denied Comments:Date Reviewed: Fire lssues.Need additional revtew Fire /:z Z9/, rz ?4<- .az^r- zz zez//' lttagz."r-,4r.2.:-257- iL,?_ z?/r'|/..//. :A;' - 7y'r11 u-t'tr7 0' 2/Z4ztZ, <z uJaZz4+Va.4-'t\ 7Xz 7//-t2-*tz .4 t2.z,a) 'r.r-9 Jl lrzl ,;:/( ,/14< -b,,-.4,/ /,/ * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * +*** * * * t f * * * * * * * * * + * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * *** * + * * * * * * + * * * * * * + + ** t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 01.12-2004 at 1l:30:17 0111212004 Statement * * * * * * * * * 'B * * * * * * * * * !} + +** * *'** * * + *!t + * + t f + * * *'t *,t* * *'i '* * ** * {',} * * *,} * * + + 1. * * * * * * '},1* dt * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * Stat.ement Number: R040005342 Anount: $300,00 Ot/L2/2OO4]-1 :30 AM Palrment Method: Check Ini-t: DM Notation: #7108 Permit lilo: DR8040006 Q4re: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2L0IL24OOO2L Site Addresa: 4510 E MEADOW DR \/AIL L,ocation: 4595 VAIL RAQTTET CLUB Total Fees: 5300.00 Thie Palment: $300.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 +* + *:lr * * 'l',t,i * !t'i* * * * * * * ***** +**** +**** * * * *** **** * * * {' f lr{r* * 't ** * t + ** * ** *,t * + + + !|. * + * * * * f,* *** * * * * **** * ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Curnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DES]GN REVIEW FEES 300.00 a TOWN OF VAIL Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us October 30, 2001 (revised) Mark Donaldson Victor Mark Donaldson Architects 0048 E. Beaver Creek Blvd.. Suite 207 Box 5300 Avon, CO 81620 Re: The Vail Racquet Club Mark: This letter willdummarize our recent discussion about the development review process for proposed renovations at the Vail Racquet Club. You have inquired about the feasibility of bringing in an application under "straight zoning" (no SDD) for an area of land that currently contains only the athletic club (with additional development to be considered). This is a possibilily under lwo scenarios. Scenario A: lf the property has been legally platted and you can demonstrate conformance lyith all development restrictions (setbacks, site coverage, etc.) contained within the Medium Densily Multiple Family Zone District Regulations, the review process would be limited to a Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB)/staff review.,l Scenario B: lf ihe properly has nol been legally platted and you can demonstrate conformance with all development restrictions (setbacks, site coverage, etc.) contained within the Medium Density Multiple Family Zone District Regulations, you can apply for Planning and Environmental Commission/staff review of an applicalion for a Minor Subdivision to plat the parcel(s). The review process would involye at least one public hearing with the PEC and at leasl one DRB meeting (for the physical improvements, nol necessary as part of the platting process). The review criteria lor a Minor Subdivision request are listed below for reference: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development proposals will be evaluated, and to provide information as 1o the type and extenl of improvements required. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land. {,p**,uor "o' I.l 3. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the Municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. 4. To ensure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with Town development objectives. 5. To guide public and privale policy and aclion in order lo provide adequate and efficienl transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recrealion, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sulficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. 6. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly suMivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures. The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of the Subdivision Regulations, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider ils approprialeness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrodnding land uses and olher applicable documents, effects on the aeslhetics of the Town. lf you would like lo discuss this matler in greater detail, please do not hesitate lo conlact me at (970) 479-2140. Best of luck with this project. Sincerely, /q,-*- Brent Wilson, $lCP Senior Planne? \*V.Sq-{ sNb ftvwrA/Y-'^J- \f FILE ,rlPY TOWI,I OFVAIL Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 30, 2001 Matt lvy, General Manager Vail Racquet Club Owners Association, Inc. 4690 Vail Racquet Club Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Bacquet Club Development Scenarios Matt: At its May 14, 2001 meeting, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmenlal Commission (PEC) conducted a work session to discuss redevelopment opportunities at the Vail Racquet Glub. The PEC members stated they were in favor of your proposed "Option One" plan as a Special Development District (SDD) proposal. The following is a synopsis of the PEC's comments from this meeting: . Chas Bernhardt favored the SDD. . Diane Golden favored "Option One" using the SDD process as the application vehicle. . John Schofield stated that the SDD process was likely the most appropriate, given the goals of the project. He requested upgrading of.the existing units as parl of the SDD public benefits. . Doug Cahill agreed that the SDD process was an appropriate review vehicle. He believed employee housing units needed to be provided. He felt "Option 3" had some possible merils. . Galen Aasland was in favor of the SDD process because of the total size of lhe development site. He believed the proposal was an excellent project for the Town and applicant. He expressed a concern thal the club might become too exclusive for locals as prices increase as a result of redevelopment costs. Galen suggested that as lhe plans develop, that a greater mixture of archilecture and uses be incorporaled into the design. He suggested office space, {|p**oto'uo lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, Bq+> Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll ING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, May 14,2001 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME o COMMISS MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Site Visits : 1. Yail Plaza Hotel West -'13 Vail Road2. Vail Valley Medical Center- 181 West Meadow Drive3. Strauss Subdivision - 1916 & 1936 West Gore Creek Drive4. Mentlik residence- 2437 Garmisch Drive5. Vail Racquet Club - 4695 Vail Racquet Club Drive Driver: George 12:45 pm NOTE: lf the PEC hearing exlends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break lor dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearino - Town Council Ghambers 2:00 pm 1 . A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-1 0 of the Town Code, to allow for a reduclion in the landscaping and sile development requiremenls, localed at 383 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: A2Z Holdings, LLCPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a proposed special development district, to allow for the construction of a new conference facility/hotel; and a final review of a condilional use permit, to allow for Type lll employee housing units and fractional fee club units, located at 13 Vail Road/ Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 2. Applicant: Doramar Hotels, represented by the Daymer CorporationPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of Phase I of Donovan Park improvements, generally located southeast of the interseclion of Matterhorn Circle and the South Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther roN o PLANN 11:30 am o 2. 3. 4. o A request for a variance from Title 14 (Development Standards), VailTown Code, to allow for snow storage and parking within the public right-of-way, located at2437 Garmisch Drive lLoI12, Block H, Vail das Schone 2no Filing. Applicant: William H. Mentlik, represented by John Martin, AIAPlanner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D-5 of the Town Code to alfow for lhe resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47, Vaif Vilfage West Filing No. 2, re-creating Lots 46 & 47, tocated at 1916 & 1996 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais, representing Richard StraussPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, lo allow for an addition to the Vail Valley Medical Center, located at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2nd Filing. - Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Braun AssociatesPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss a new special development district, to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Racqyet Club, located at 4695 Vail Racquet Club Drive/r'ail Racquet Club Condominiums, Bighorn 5' Addition. Applicant: Racquet Club Owners Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects.Planner: Brenl Wilson A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to Chapler 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations lo allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the VailTown Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Rulher A request lor a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a soccer field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesU A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED TO JUNE 11,2OO1 8. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), VailTown Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive I Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: David lrwinPlanner: Ann Kjerulf TABLED TO JUNE 11,2001 12. A request for a variance from Section 12-7H-10 of the Vail Town Code, to allow for a proposed addition in the rear setback, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead '1" Filing. Applicant: Lions Square Condo AssociationPlanner: Bill Gibson WITHDRAWN 13. Approval of April 23,2001minutes 14. Information Update The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for lhe Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 11, 2001 in the Vail Trail. OI--1- 6yr,o^ nt Y;< 6a. Jrp );o^. o(t,'o^ 6aa v"( 4 ^ f 0? Iti ct- .. fG cc? li vC Jof^,^ - ,DD rv ) "1ke rptrril ua{R 1 c*vt f"lk' '-' Lt-er';7 Do / 5 - con++{r ede4 tV0 of tbat e Wo l''.r,t PtI$atl|ers l^ fuv o r 4v iDD 6vc t' (c*"\i4 €Ycak'+^r 7roie of Sr /t^t Jt>na Vy 1lrlA-:1 6U aritr"'*1 re fc)c'ace t Fnf n,i5La.zif\;n loo+t'Lool< o I1r ka.Vt t MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: May 14,2001 SUBJECT: A request for a work session to discuss a new special development district (SDD) to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Racquet Club, located at 4695 Vail Racquet Club Drive/Vail Racquet Club Condominiums. Applicant: Racquet Club Owners Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects.Planner: Brent Wilson I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant, Vail Racquet Club Owner's Association, represented by Fdtden Pierce Architects, requesled this work session with the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) to discuss development opportunities within the Vail Racquet Club parcels. Specifically, the applicant has an interesl in constructing 18 additional housing units in an effort to facilitate the renovation of the existing racquet club facilities. II. BACKGROUND A. History In 1974, the Town of Vail annexed the Vail Racquet Club Condominiums and applied "Medium Family Multiple Family" (MDMF) zoning on the property (the tennis court parcel is zoned Residential Cluster). Pursuant lo the annexation agreements with Eagle County, all county records regarding construction of the property were to be forwarded lo the Town of Vail. Unfortunately, very little information was available at the time regarding development standards on the property. Since that time, the PEC has approved a number of conditional use permils and variance requests to facilitate the clubhouse conslruction and expansion of residential lacilities. These include density variance requests for additional dwelling units and employee units. Since annexation, the property has been functioning under straight MDMF zoning. B. Land Use Plan The Vail Land Use Plan places a future land use designation of "Medium Density Residenlial" on this properly. Lands within this designation are intended to provide multiple{amily housing (3 to 14 units per buildable acre), private recreation facilities, private parking facilities and institutional/public uses such as churches, fire stations and parks and open space facilities. The following policies from the Vail Land Use Plan are applicable to this project: \t 1.1 Vail should conlinue to grow in a conlrolled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recrealional uses to serve both the visitor and lhe permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.12 Vail should accommodale most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 2.5 The community should improve non-skier recrealional options to improve year- round lourism. 5.1 Additional residential groMh should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exisl. 5.3 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private etforts, assisted by limited incenlives, provided by lhe Town of Vail with appropriate restrictions. 5.4 Residential growlh should keep pace wilh the marketplace demands for a full range of housing types. 5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. Staff believes the uses proposed by the applicanl are consislent with the land use designation and applicable policies lrom the plan. C. Zoning The Medium Density Multiple-Family District is intended to provide sites for mulliple- family dwellings at densities to a maximum of eighteen (18) dwelling units per acre, together with such public facilities EIs may appropriately be located in the same District. The Medium Density Multiple-Family Dislrict is intended lo ensure adequate light, air, open space, and olher amenilies commensurate with multiple-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards. Certain nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses, and where permitted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the District. PERMITTED USES: Multiple-family residential dwellings, including attached or row dwellings and condominium dwellings. Single-family residential dwellings. Two{amily residential dwellings. o 1 2-6G-3: CONDITIONAL USES: Bed and breakfast ooerations. Dog kennel. Private clubs and civic, cultural and fraternal organizations. Public buildings, grounds, and facililies. Public or prlvate schools. Public park and recreation facililies. Public utility and public service uses. Ski lifts and tows. Type lll and Type lV employee housing units. Staff believes the applicant's proposal is in compliance with the uses prescribed for the Medium Density Multiple Family Zoning District. D. Geologic Hazards According to the Town's Official Hazard Maps and a study compiled by geotechnical consultant Bruce Collins, portions of the subject property lie wilhin rockfall, debris flow and snow avalanche hazard zones. A site-specific analysis will be required if the applicant chooses to pursue final approval of this project. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Please refer to the attached exhibil. IV. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIOS The applicant is proposing three potential redevelopment scenarios. Please refer to the attached site plans, text descriptions and isometric diagrams for details. The following is a general description of options the applicant, staff and PEC might consider for redevelopment of the property: Option A (No SDD) Pursuant to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, struclures which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged only it the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged structure does not exceed lhe total gross residential floor area of the preexisting nonconforming slruclure. The Vail Racquet Club Condominiums are non- conforming with regard to density (dwelling units per acre and GRFA). Since floor area dedicated to Type lll employee housing unils (EHU) is exempt from gross residential floor area (GRFA) calculations, any amounl of GRFA eliminated through the deed-restriction of EHUs could be added elsewhere on the site. For example, the deed-restriction of 20 units (at 450 square feet each) could provide 9,000 square feet of new GRFA elsewhere on site withoul the need to establish a special developmenl district (sDD). Since Type lll EHUs are nol counled toward density (dwelling units per acre and GRFA), additional dwelling units could be added when employee units are deed-restricted. For v. example, the deed restriction of 20 employee units could provide for the addilion of 20 new units elsewhere on the site. However, the new GRFA added could not exceed the amounl of GRFA removed through deed-restriction ol the employee units. Option B (No SDD) lf the properly were rezoned to High Density Multiple Family (HDMF), there would be ample development potential to accomplish the objectives lisled in the applicant's Option 1-3 plans (assuming 20 EHUs were deed restricted). The HDMF zone district allows a density ol25 units per buildable acre and a GRFA ratio of 60 percent. Existing parking deficiencies would be "grandfathered," but any new units or commercial space would require parking per Chapter 12-'10, Vail Town Code. The Vail Land Use Plan places a designation of "Medium Density Residential" (up to 14 units per buibable acre) on the property. Adjacent properties are zoned Low Density Mulliple Famiv and Residential Cluster. Ootion C (SDDI A special developmenl district could be used to facilitate the Option 1-3 plans. The deviations from the underlying MDMF zoning would be density, GRFA, and parking (the existing setback encroachments were eslablished legally with a variance). Pursuant to the Vail Town Code, the PEC and VailTown Council would need to make a finding that the public benefits of an SDD proposal outweigh the potential negative impacts of the zoning deviations. Club Facilities Remodel The remodel or expansion of the club facilities will require a conditional use permit. POTENTIAL PUBLIC BENEF]TS Staff has identified the following polential public benefits associated with this proposal: . The redevelopment and upgrading of quasi-public recreational facilities within Vail. . The provision of permanent updated deed restrictions for a significant number of employee housing units within Vail. . The addition of infill housing units in a previously developed neighborhood (as opposed to sprawl). . Possible slreelscape enhancements or olher public improvements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As this is a request for a work session, staff is not providing a recommendation al this time. Staff will forward a recommendalion at the time of final PEC and town council review of this item. However, lhe applicant is requesting feedback/direction from the PEC to determine the feasibility of a future application for a special development district. vt. Preliminary Approximate Zoning Analysis Vail Racquel Glub (Deviations from Medium Density Mulliple Family zoning are indicaled in bold type) Pevelopment Criteria Allowed/Reouired Existino Prooosed (W18 units) Total Lot Area: 554,911 sf or 12.739 acres no change no change "Buildable" Lol Area: 10,000 sf 469,533 sf no change GRFA: 351" or 164,337 sl 43o/o or 201,550 sf 49h or 228,550 sf Dwelfing units per acre: 18 per buildable acre 25.14 24.96 Site coverage | 45/o or 249,710 st 12Yo o165,569 sf Option 1: 16/o or 90,563 sf Option 2: 15o/" or 81,274 st Option 3: 14"/" or 76,552 sf Min. Setbacks:North: 20' 59' 59'South: 20' 22' 22'East: 20' 15' (w/ variance) 15' West: 20' 22' 22' Gore Creek: 50' 59' 59' Max. Height: 38'sloping 33'sloping 33'sloping Landscaping: 30% or 166,473 sf dna dna Parking: approx.502 spaces approx.491 spaces approx.5l8spaces Note: These figures are based upon estimates provided by the owners' association and Fitzlen Pierce Architects. They are approximations only. ASSUMPTIONS . 10O-year flood plain includes 1.06 acres.. Red Hazard Avalanche Zone is approximately .9 acres.. The association is willing to deed restrict 20 units as EHUs.. Approximate EHU size would be about 450 square feet.. The "site" includes the condo, club and tennis court parcels. A rezoning of the tennis court site may be necessary under certain scenarios. ' lt is assumed the 18 new units would be approx. 2,000 square feet in size. o March 28,2001 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Planning a Architecture o 1650 EastVail Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 . Vail,CO81657 o vailarchitects.com FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS re: The Vail Racquet Club Dear Planning Commission The Racquet Club Owners Association, current owners of The Vail Racquet Club, wishes to pursue redevelopment of the "Club" parcel by establishing a Special Development District. lncluded in our submittal package is a preliminary Site and Zoninganalysis performed by TOV Pfanning staff in December of 1997 , which will help explain the history of The Vail Racq uet Club's development. Three potential options have been generated thus far, each with the same underlyng program and principles which are the basis for our discussions. Each scheme relies on adding density in the form of CRFAy'FoT sale condominiums, retaining units formerly restricted as EHU's to remain EHU's, providing new meeting/conference facilities, a new (or remodeled/expanded) fitness center and spa facilities, combine tusociation and Club operations into one joint faciliry a new (or remodeled/expanded) restaurant. Due to the "interesting" development history of The Vail Racquet Club, it is our intention in requesting this work session to determine the feasibility of adding density to this parcel from the Town's point of view in order to help guide the Association in their next steps of pursuing this project. Sincerely, R Du Bois K:\0056 - VAIL RACQUET CLUB\OWNER CQRRESPONDENCE\LETTER-PEC.DOC PACE 1 of 1 Interio rs . faD< (97O) 476-4901 . (97O) 476-6342 ! ligiiil$giisiiiig$liitu E $I IL q) .|J rn I s .9JJo-o zl 1l 0-l HI ol 'l zl OI FILI OI o Joo o EE 1)FooP ;fO5 ;6tu tL sts E q, iJ u) I g .9 {-lo-o osrs :Jo s q)s ot) v. ttlE o xut t-l IJ o 03s s 0_ c6E ot!{, IL t-l l:l o fi.., '' F -'n Fs 6'S.r g!) t''$ zt io.: \F =O6 tr d9. 'l 3-F :'s :< g{* '5 u' E' -. E$ egi t$- 5 E* F:$ E#$ $ *s F do ioo L ,9o^, P!8 $rB i lgl ;id ii P'rt E 6;'C xUF UE- lU z:al It TI fl rOl <l 6l ol illFI utl 6lol-lrl zl olF 0-l ol tolaI-{ l0 lz IY lutHtmh Itlz "J7 o-$ 3? 6'l N I ul FTo T sr5 $mi $rilgI to l1 l6'lz lf t' IO ioI3 Irnt{til to lq IR t9 l3 oTfF 6'5 N I q. rr'olsf EE {$ $3$i$ 8$s 35 $ :-(!r -o | \ fii .is H; 3,$ s $ -[d3.sr EEEEEE Ea $ Q m I o tlrzs a I x Q o Oo; I t E $ { 8'i . u a (r G "l ndtsiudriit ,, E I $ "r SF : 0! .o n J -+, rv: F U| -u 5 r'ldd *- i d so5Forr€ \$r!>d;!roei f!)(s.rt..Q ; ,, I :i:: f'-"ol,,;', , .l lotat{ l0lz IY Iot{F l-0 ltlz,=l ost-f 6'5 ql Iq t+o as5 itiiti lllter tiiliiilggtgli T$ii X IPO :*El S=.33 oo =o *x gt o I: .?(n dg.'s s*-$i I ao ;i lotat{ t6 F t!lo totI'm ti r6 la t> lo t4 t< osti 6'5 ul I o (fo 1l !Df EgE $ {fl ig: tq 8qg dt $s; g6 P"d ollil c' s.a- ton !s9 i*, Bo mEI zo€ n(!o o,o5 s ; !!_'t oX. 3 0t o EEE mTmuxoxod'Rd'bc'iigo3 !3 0 n 9;$qil s s.ioocrinl(Eog'5gr S.tlA r:.| o It.oo oos =rS t-t t:r r5t lit am6-x(c$ >i ;(ss_l ofJ o oos1 o -0 o 7?29 ColrrNs & Lauprpls coNsuL'[Nc GEoroclfis P.O. Box23 Snr' Coroneoo81652 PHONE/FAX (970) 876-5400 (24 HoURs) PF$|CPALS Bruce A. Collins. Ph.D. Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. May 13, 1999 William F. Pierce Fritzlen-Pierce-Smith Architects 1650 E. Valley Dr. Suite C-l Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: VAtr. RACQUET CLUB REDEVELOPI"frNT, MEADOW DR]VE Dear Mr. Pierce: Per your request I have completed my geologic trazard evaluation ofthe above referenced property. For the purposes of this discussion the properfy will be divided by Meadow Drive into that portion southwest of the street, the "south tract," and that portion to the northeast, the "north tract." According to the Town ofVail geologic hazard maps about half ofthe south tract, that portion at the immediate base of the hillside, is contained with the 'high severity''rockfrll zone; a slightly larger portion of the area is within the debris flow "high hazard" zone, with the remainder in the 'tnedium hazfit' zone; and most of the center portion ofthe tract is within the snow avalanche "high hazard - Red Zone," with an envelope of "mediumhazard - Blue Zone" around it. The northtract is shown as being contained in the medium hazard debris flow zone up to but zor including the first row of tennis courts and buildings facing Meadow Drive (essentially the parktng lot and open area between the tennis courts to the northwest and the street); most of the same area is contained within the moderate hazard - Blue Zone snow avalanche classification; and most of the rernaining area to but not including the condominiums above Gore Creek are contained within the "powder blast" zone, which is exposed to 'Extremely rare flowing avalanches and/or powder blast pressures." All of these hazards are due to the locationofthe property at and below the mouth of a sma[ steep drainage containing exposed cliffs 46 ledges of Mintum Formation (Pennsylvanian) limestones or dolomites as well as obvious evidence ofpast debris avalanche, snow avalanche, or both. However, the actual topographic profile ofthe property and the drainage extending up the mountain to the southwest suggests the hazards, while certainly present, rnay not be as severe as existing mapping suggests. U.S. Geological Survey topographyt indicates a slope ofthe original (undisturH) alluvial fan below the mouth ofthe drainage of 6.67% for 600 ft from Meadow Drive southwest toward the hillside; 20.00% for 200 ft at the break in slope at the mouth of the drainage and along the base of the hillside adjacent to it; 50.00% for 400 ft ofthat part ofthe drainage containing the rock ledges rnentioned abve;28.57Yo for 700 ft that constitutes a distinct break in slope above the waterfalls; 33.33% for another 600 ft to another slope break; and an average of about 44%o for the remaining I Mosi ofthe area is within Vail East 7.5'quadrangle, with the uppermost part ofthe drainage in question in the Red Clitrquadrangle. Page2 1,500 ft to the top ofthe ridge Site observation and photographs suggest a limited distinct nearly- flat bench at the top ofthe steepest part ofthe drainage, about 200 ft above the base ofthe slope. Disregarding the obvious mitigating effects of an actual level or nearly-level bench above the ledges, and using the average slopes given above, and also recognizing the lack ofprofile detail afforded by the USGS 7.5'quadrangle maps of the are4 a preliminary rockfall analysis utilizing the Colorado Rockfall SimulationProgmrn2 indicates that no rocks smaller than five feet in diameter should reach the property, and no rocks up to 12 feet in diameter, the largest size simulated, should roll beyond the approximate boundary shown on the Town of Vail rockfall l:azarrd map. Thus there should be no rockfall hazard to redevelopment on the north side of Meadow Drive. It should be emphasized that this is a preliminary analysis, and more detailed study would be required to assess the hazard to any proposed redevelopment within the hazard zane south of the road. Considering the bare-rock nature ofthe drainage in the 200-ft interval immediately upslope from the southwest boundary ofthe property, until and unless such a detailed study is undertaken I would not recommend construction within the high-hazard zone. The debris hazard exposure north ofMeadow Drive is minimal" and for most ofthe area south ofthe road it is moderate at worst. Extrapolation of data compiled by Mears for debris flows in the Glenwood Springs area3 as well as Vail itseF zuggests that debris flows lose their ability to transport large rocks and other debris rapidly at gradients below l0% and essentially stop at gradients in the 7o/o to 8o/o range. The gradient ofthe south tract between Meadow Drive and the base ofthe hillside averages6.6TVoatdittsapproxiurrately600ftfromtheroadtotheslope. Thereforeitisunlikelyttnt a debris flow per se will reach any redevelopment north of Meadow Drive, let alone cause any significant darnage. However, it must be rerprnbered that as debris flows slow and stop they can and do release significant amounts of mud-laden water which can still carry small rocks, vegetation, and other rubble, usually in a shallow veneer spreading out over the frn As flows spread over the alluvial fan at the mouth ofdrainages they plug old drainage channels and create new ones, so existing drainages cannot necessarily be counted on to convey all such runout zone flooding out ofthe area. A wall or substantial landscaped berm at least three feet high coupled with appropriate site grading and drainage structures to convey any such shallow-water flooding that may extend as far as Meadow Drive across the north tract to Gore Creek should adequately protect the area in general. I would also recommend that any residential or occupied commercial structurcs exposed to such flooding be constructed with foundation walls extending at least tluee feet above grade, containing no significanl openings within this interval, and capable of withstanding an impact load of at least 400 pounds per square foot. Snow avalanche engineering is not my area of expertise, and the following should be considered as my observations only. I would recormnend consultation with a recognized avalanche expert for detailed hazard analysis and design specifications for proposed construction, if any, within mapped snow avalanche hazard zones. Snow avalanche presents the greatest lnzard to the property, ' Beta version 4.0. 3 Mears, A.I., 1977, Debris-flow hazard analysis and mitigation - an example fiom Glenwood Springs, Colorado: Colorado Geol. Suwey Inf Series 8, 5l p. a Mears, A.L, 1984, Debris-flow and debris-avalanche hazard analysis: unpub. report prepared for the Town ofVail. Page 3 especially that portion ofthe south tract mapped in the Red and Blue zones. The primary hazard zone is identified as "Old Muddy'' (Mears, 1979,5 p. 120), with a much-smaller track immediately northwest joining the larger drainage at the base ofthe slope at the back ofthe south tract. Although the zones are narro% the accumulation area on the slopes above is not extensive, and the likelihood ofa massive and catastrophic avalanche is therefore small" the scars on the ridge above and the significant chute irnnediately above the property demonstrate the frequency and suggest the intensity of past avalanches. No residential or occupied commercial facilities should be constructed in the rnapp€d hazfrd,areas on the south tract. Summer sports facilities such as tennis courts would be appropriate for the area" with adequate grading and drainage for shallow runout flooding. Construction of a non-occupied structure, such as a reinforced concrete parking garage, might be possible on the site, and if so could and should be desigrred in such a manner as to increase protection for proposed redevelopment on the north tract. The exposed top of such a structure could be used during the summer but should be closed in winter. A portion of the north tract is rnapped in the outer halfofthe Blue Zone, where avalanches with dynamic (inrpact) pressures of less than 600 pounds per square foot and projected reoccurrences of greater than 25 yeas are possible. A wall or ben4 higher than proposed for shallow-water flooding protection, might afford adequate protectiorq although a qualified expert should be consuhed to determine the feasibility and design requirements for such structure; a properly-designed reinforced structure on the south tract could increase protection for redevelopment on the north tract, as would construction techniques zuch as reinforced walls and roofs, sloping roofs, corners angled toward the hazard, minimal openings facing the hazard, and so on. Finally, much ofthe remaining part ofthe proposed redevelopment area is rnapped in a powder- blast zone withprojected pressures up to 65 lbvff (Mears, 1979,p.22). Pressures inthis range can be mitigated tbrough properly-designed standard construction. In summary, various portions ofthe Vail Racquet Club property are included in higtFhazard rockfalt moderate-hazard debris flow, and Red Zone, Blue Zone, and powder blast snow avalanche zones as plotted on the Town of Vail geologic bazardmaps. The high-hazard rockfall area is limited to the sout}west part ofthe property immediately below the mountainside; since this area is also in the high- hazard debris flow zone and avalanche Red Zone it is considered undevelopable. The moderate debris flow h^zard zone includes the northeastem portion of the property southwest of Meadow Drive, including the area ofthe current tennis courts, Meadow Drive itse[ and the area ofthe current parking lot and adjacent open space northeast ofthe road. Because ofthe low gradients found on this area" as well as immediately-adjacent high-hazard areas toward the hillside, almost entirely less thanTyo, true debris flow is unlikely, although shallow-water flooding, including mud, small rocks, and other debris, originating from actual uphill debris flows, is cedainly possible. This hazard can be mitigated by grading, landscaping, attention to site drainage, the construction of a low wall or bernr, and moderately-reinforced formdations for exposed structures, or appropriate combinations. The existence of a Red Zone avalanche path through the center of the property south of Meadow Drive precludes the development of residential or occupied commercial structures. It is possible that an adequately-reinforced and otherwise-protected structure such a parking garage could be erected in this area; if so, such a structure should be designed to maximize protection for structures northeast of the road. The Blue Zonehrzmd northeast ofMeadow Drive can probably be mitigated through the use of berms, walls, the potential structure on the southwest side of Meadow Drive, and - Mears, A.I., 1979, Colomdo snow-avalanche area studies and guidelines frr arralanche-hazand planning: Colorado Geol. Survey Special Pub. 7, 123). Page 4 appropriate design and construction techniques. Proper design and construction can mitigate the projected published powder blast hazard (Mears, 1979,p.22). Considering the unknowns, particularly with regard to the snow avahnche hazards, I would suggest that a conceptual site design based on this review be prepared, at which point site-specific recommendations can be rnore accurately made regarding bazard exposure and mitigation. I would also suggest at least initial contact with a knowledgeable avalanche engineer regarding the quantification of the hazard and possible mitigation designs. Alluvial fan and channel fill deposits derived from Minturn (Pennsylvanian) rocks are frequently hydrocompactive, and soil testing for foundation design should be sufficient to account for this possibility. More site-specific detail will be required for a statement complying with appropriate portions of Town of Vail Regulations Chapter 12-21-15. Nothing contained herein should be interpreted as suggesting that the zubject property is not exposed to the mapped hazards, or that mitigations recommended herein will eliminate such hazards in their entirety. If you have any questions, or ifl can be offurther service, please do not hesitate to contact me. o rfl? c0Py .. Deparmtcnt of Connrunity Developntent^ 75 Sottrh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j,657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 Dcccnrbcr i8, 1997 Matt Ivy, Ccncral Managcr' Racquct Club Owncrs Association, Inc. 4690 Vail Racquct Club Drivc Vail, Colorado 81657 Rc: Vail Racquct Club Dcvclopmcnt Qucstions Dcar Mr. Ivy: 'lhis lcttcr ploviclcs thc Racquct Club Owno's Association with a prcliminary sitc and zoning analysi.s ol" propcrtics orvncd by thc Vail Racquct Club and thc Racquct Club Orvncrs Association. Thc Conrmunity Dcvclopmcnt Dcpanrncnt has rcvicrvcd thc subrnittcd ntctnorandttm fi'om Attolncy Jcrry C.M. Ortcn to thc Racquct Club Owncrs As.sociation, datcd Augu.st 15, 1991 . Thc attachcd Prcliminary Sitc Evaluation confirrns thc attorncy'.s ntcrnorandum conclusions, lvhcrc applicablc, and providcs morc dctailcd zoning and gcologic hazard information on thc thlcc diffcrcnt sitc.s. Aclditional infonnation is nccded to pcrform a dctailed analysis of Gross Rcsidcntial Flool Arca (GRFA) and dcvelopablc alea. Dcvclopment questions such as an accuratc calculation of CRFA cannot be ansrvercd without sitc survcys, architectural plans, and a breakdorvn of cxisting building square footagcs, including squarc footagc by land usc. A topographic survey (rvith thc center linc of Gore Crcek shorvn) rvould also bc nccded to calculate "buildable arca." Thc buildablc area dictatcs, in parl, the allolvable GRFA. A memorandum from the Town to the Racquet Club dated November I I , 198 i , indicated that at that time the Club and Condominiums had an allowable GRFA of 189,923 square fect (please sec attached Planning Conespondence and Actions Chronology). Land use and building modifications have been made since since 198 I . A letter addressed to you dated Aplil I 2, I 996, regarding office addition questions, also highlighted the departments information needs. Future proposals on the site will require updated sitc information as indicated above. TOIW OF VAIL {p """""o'^u* o Thc attachcd matcrials should providc you with additional information and history of thc sitc. In addition, I havc providcd somc parccl maps showing zoning and gcologic hazard arcas. If you * havc furthcr qucstions pleasc call mc at970.479.2369. Sincercly, ,-/ // il\- Itl tt,v A- JJ-/ Rced Of,ate Town Planner Attachments: Prcliminary Site Evaluation Planning Corespondcnce and Actions Chronology Four 8.5x1I map rcductions ofthc Racquet Ctub properties showing approximate avalanche areas, rock fall arcas, dcbris areas, and town zoning. xc: Barb Schoficld Vail Racquct Club Tolvnhonrcs and Condontiniums Prcliminary Sitc Evaluation Thc following cvaluation i.s providcd to confirm and supplcnrcnt information providcd in thc August 15, 1997 mcmor?ndum rvritten by Attomcy Jcrry C.M. Oncn to thc Racquct Club Orvncrs Association. Tennis Court Property (south of Meadorv Drive) Approximatc Acreagc: 2 AC Zoning: Residential Cluster (S I 8. I 4) Mr. Ofien's conclusion.s rcgarding altowablc uscs ale corr-cct.. It should bc noted that in addition to thc notcd maximum 4 units pcr building rcquircment, thc density on thc site slrall not cxcccd 6 drvclling units pcr acrc.. Acccssoly uscs arc permittcd (c.g., toolsheds, playhouscs, srvimming pools).. Conditional Usc.s arc subjcct to Planning and Environmcntal Commis.sion (PEC) approval. GRFA Standard: 25Vo of huiklahle sitc arca ($ I 8. | 4.090). Thc codc dcfinition of "buildablc arca" is pr ovidcd bclol"($ 1 8.04.045). "Buildablc arca mcans any sitc, lot, parccl or any portion thcrcof rvhich docs not contain dcsignatcd floodplain, rcd hazard avalanchc arca, ol' arcas in cxcess of forty pcrccnt (407o) slopc." Sitc Covcragc: 25tt/o of total sitc arca (S 18.14. I l0) Sctbacks: Minimum fi'ont sctback = 20 fcct; minimum side and rear yard sctback = l5 fect. Slopc; Unknown, topographic survey ncedcd. Hazalds: Any proposcd developmcnt within thesc arcas would rcquire a site spccific gcologic invcstigation prior to developmcnt revicw. Avalanche. Thc Tennis Court property is subject to Avalanche hazards. The majority of the site i.s considered a "Higb Hazard" area (or Red Zone). No structures arc allowed within the Red Zone per Town of Vai[ Code Section $ 18.69.040. The remaining porlions of the site are within a "Moderate Hazald" area (or Blue Zone). The Blue Zone on the site is within an area between 50-100 feet adjacent to Meadow Drive's southem border. See the attached map for the approximate location of these zones. Structures built within the Bluc Zone are required to have a geologic repoft and include an avalanche mitigating desien. Dehris Fktw. An arca locatcd ju.st south of thc tcnnis coutls is rvithin a "High Hazard" dcbri.s flotv zonc (i.c., nrud.slidc.s). Thc rcmaindcr of thc tot is within a "Modcratc Hazard" dcblis florv arca. Rockfall. An area of "High Severity Rockfall" is just beyond thc boundaries of this sitc to thc south. Racquet Club and Condominiums (north of Meadorv Drive, south of Gore Creek) Approximate Acreage: l4 AC Zoning: Mcdium Density Multi-Family ($ I 8.1 6). Mr. Often's conclusions regarding allowable uses arc corfect.. l8 drvelling units pcr aclc is the maxirnurn allowcd.. Acccssoly uses arc permittcd (c.g., toolshcd.s, playhouse.s, swimming pools).. Conditional Uses alc subjcct to PEC approval. GRFA Standard: 30Y" of huildahle sitc arca ($ 18.16.090). Sec dcfinition for t'buildablc arca" abovc, Sitc Coveragc: 45Y' of tot^l.sitc arca. ($18.18.1 l0) Sctbacks: A 50'sctback is rcquircd on cach sidc of thc ccntcrlinc ol'Gorc Crcck. Minimum front, sidc, and rcaryard sctbacks = 20 fcct. Slopc: Unknown, topogtaphic survcy nccdcd. Flazards: Any proposcd dcvclopmcnt within thcsc arcas would rcquirc a sitc spccific geologic invc.stigalion prior to dcvclopmcnt rcvicw. Avalanche. Thc ccntral corc of the Racquet Club facility is within a "Porvder Blast" zone. Any proposed development rvithin this arca would rcquire a site specific geologic invcstigation prior to development approvals. Debris Flotv. Areas adiacent to Meadow Drive are within a "Moderate Hazard" debris flolv area. 100-yr. Floodplain. No structures are allowed within the 100-yr. floodplain along Gore Creek. o Itacquct Club Townhomcs Apnroximatc Acrcagc: 5 AC (south of Bighorn Rd., north of Gorc Crcck) Zoning: Low Dcn.sity Multi-Family. Mr. Ortcn's conclu.sions rcgarding allorvablc uscs arc corrcct.o ) drvclling units pcr acre is thc maximum allorvcd.. Accessory uses arc pcrmittcd (c.g., toolshcds, playhouses, swimming pools).. Conditional Uscs arc subject to PEC approval. GRFA Standard: 35% of huildaDle site area ($ 18.18.080). See definition fol' "buildable area" abovc. Sitc Covcragc: 35% oftotat sitc arca ($18.16.1l0). Sctback.s: A 50-foot sctback i.s rcquired on cach side of thc ccnterline of Gorc Creck. Minimum front, sidc, and rcar yard.sctbacks = 20 fcct. Slopc: Unknorvn, topographic sulcy necdcd. Flazards: Any proposcd dcvclopmcnt rvithin hazaldous arcas would rcquirc a sitc spccific gcologic invcstigation prior to dcvclopmcnt rcviclv. Avalanche. Town maps do not.show avalanchc risk on thc torvnhomcs sitc. Debris Flotv. Town maps do not shorv dcbris flow risk on thc townhomes sitc. 100-yr. Floodplain. No stnrctr.u'cs arc allowcd within thc 100-yr. floodplain along Gorc Crcck. o Vnil llacquct Club Torvnhonrcs and Condonriniums Thc following tablc providcs a briclhi.story of significant planning rclatcd actions ancl documentation, including cot't'cspondcncc bctrvccn thc Torvn and panies affiliatcd with thc Racquet Club. Thc tablc primarily summarizcs information on filc at thc Torvn and verifics documents notcd in thc August 15,199'1 mcmorandum rvrittcn by attorncy Jcuy C.M. Orten, Eso. Datc Corrcsnonrlcncc ancl Action Summary 9/t I t74 Racquct Club annexcd to Torvn of Vail t0/1v74 Mcnrorandunr from thc Totvn Attomcy (Ccnc A. Smith) to the Conrntunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dircctor (Janrcs F. Lanlont). Thc nrcnro idcntilies annexation dutcs and zoning application infonrration. Thc intcrprcrarion by thc Town Attomcy at that tin)c indicatcd that thc tcnnis courls wcrc allowcd as "rccrcational facilitics incidcntal to pcnnittcd rcsiclcntial uscs," pur.suant to thc prcvious Zoning Ordinancc $5.400. Thc'l'orvn Attomcy wcnr on to statc that thc ". , .Vail Racquct Club is . . . not a tcnnis club but mrhcr a condonriniun'r tlcvclopnrcnt which has tcnnis facilitics." Furthcnrrorc, thc Torvn Attomcy tnadc a "libcral" intcrprctation of ts5.4OO thilt allowcd thc inclusion of thc rcstaurant and baras part of thc "othcr rccrcational facilitics olthut typc of 'rcsidcntial-tcnnis club' dcvclopnlcnt." At this tinrc thc Torvn fblt it had litnitcd control ovcr thc projcct sincc it rvas originally dc.signccl tutdcr Eaglc County ordinanccs. t2/tu14 Mcdium Dcnsity Multi-Fanrily Zoning applicd to anncxcd propcrly (90-days iiftcr anncxatiorr). 5t75 Old Muddy and Path 5 Avalanchc Study, by Artlurl I. Mcars. 8/t2t76 PEC approvcd CUP for clubhousc usc (pcr I l/l l/8 I nrcnro fronr Pctcr Pattcn, notcd bclow). 9n7179 Vail Racquct Club Avalanclrc Dclcnsc Rcport for Proposed Clubhouse, Report rvrittcn for Waltcr Kirch by Arthur I. Mcars (enginccr with McDowell, Scott & Cox, Inc., Consulting Engincers). 5/9/77 Dcsign Revicrv Board Action Shcet. Approval of clubhouse addition. (sq.ft. unknown) o o Plunning and Environrrrcntul C<lrnnris.sion Staff Rcport. Application fora dcnsity variirncc to allow l(r cnrpl<lycc housing units. The dcnsity variancc was bc.scd lurgcly upon rionlc prcviou.s vcrtal agrccrncnt by Walrcr Kirch to rcducc thc nraxinrunr dcn.sity on thc sitc to 74 drvclling unit.s. Thc rcport iltdicatcs that 9T drvclli ng units would n0llnal ly bc allowcd on thc .sirc rvithin thc zonc. Thc adtlitional l6drvcllingunit.srvcrctobchou.scdinBuildings4andl3. (Crantcd per 12/6/79 staffrcporls notcd bclorv) Planning ancl Environnrcntal Conrnrission Staff Rcport. Application for a dcnsity variancc to allorv l0 crnployce housing units. .Thc rcport indicatcs that 97 unirs rvould nornrally bc allorvcd 0n thc sitc rvithin thc zonc. The location of thc additional | 0 unirs rvas splir, including cight units in Building 14 and nvouniLsinBuilding 15. Thestaffrcporrindicatcsthatrvithtlrcapproval,thc .sitc rvould hdvc 247 condo units and 28 cnrployce unit.s for a total of 275 units, rvhich is thrcc units ovcr thc rnaxinrrutr, Thc staffrcport also ntcntions thc sitc rvas dorvn zoncd and thct 60-70% ofthc units rvcre built prior to down zoning. (This nray bc rcfcning to thc vcrbal dorvn zonc by Waltcr Kirch.) A trventy- ycar rc.stlicti<lh rvas to bc applicd on thc cnrploycc housing units. I l/l t/81 Mcnro by Pctcl'Pattcn, Scnior Planncr', to "rvhonr it ntay conccrn." Regarding a plop<lscd addition of thc indoor pool,. l<lckcr facilitics, cxcrcisc roonr and an indoor Jacuzzi. Thc nrcnto stutcs thtt thc clubhou.sc rvas approvcd undcr a conditional usc pentrit by thc PEC on ALrgust 12, 1976. Thc nrcnto statcs that thc allorvablc ORFA at that tintc rvas calculatccl at 189,923 squarc fcct (club and condos). Lcttcr fronr Kristan Pritz, Torvn Plunncr, to Willtcr Kirch. I-cttcr notifying apJrlicant of approval by Dcsign Rcvior. Boanl of a club ad<litiorr. (Application inclu<lcd incloor pool, acrobics roonr, wcight roont, ctc.). Planning and Envirunnrcntal Corrrnrission M inutcs. Racquct Club Townhomcs variancc to approvc an cxisting cncroachnrcnt rvithirr thc sctback for Building I. Building I cncroachcs 1.6 lbct into thc 20sctb'ack along Bighorn Road. Variancc approvcd by PEC. Planning and Environnrcntal Conrmission Staff Rcport and nrinutcs. Application for a variancc to allow thc convcmion of an cmploycc housing unit to officc spacc. -l'hc variancc rvas ultinrately approvcd aftcrconvcnion of a condo unit for cnrploycc housing. t/14187 Lcftcr frorn Kristan Priu, Town Planncr, to Waltcr Kirch. Lettcr requcsting rcnroval of parking lot across from the Racquct Club. Parliing is only allowed as an acccssory use scrving a prirnary usc on the same parcel. Lcttcr frorn Arthur I. Mean, P,E. to Walter Kirch, cc: Kristan PriE, Town of Vail; regarding gcologic hazards and the clubhouse addition. A. Mears dcscribcs previous mud flows in the year 1970 and 1978, he states that "even lvhon such a thin, muddy flolv reaches the clubhouse signif rcant damage witl not occur, and stnrchrral danrage is not anticipated" --'T 9'.o 9/2/88 Lcttcr fronr Kristnn Pritz to "rvhonr it nray conccm," rcgarding rhc addition to racquct club. K. Pritz provitlcd a brcakrlorvn of club squarc footagc. that thc total allorvcd club souarc alcd .lZ.9$4sq-it- rhc addition of540 sq.ft. ncw rc.staunlnt space, sq.ft. rcstroorn, and 90 sq.ft. nrcchanical rvould crcatc a clubhousc total of 23,0 | 5 sq.ft., lcaving a surplu.s of I 4, 969 sq.ft. Thc lctrcr docurncnts thc 8/12/76 CUP for thc clubhousc. Thc club's nraxinrunr squarc footagc cquals 20Yu of rlrc total CRFA rvhich rva.s prcviou.sly calculutcd in thc ll/lll81 Pcter Pattcn lcttcr as 189,923 .sq.ft. K. Pritz notcs in thc lcttcr that "lr was dcternrincd that it rva.s not ncccssary for lValtcr to go back to thc PEC for a conditional u.$c cvcry tinrc he wants to add on to thc Club. For thesc rcasons, thc proposcd Club addition nleets thc cuncnt zoning requircncnt.s of the MDMF zonc district." 9/2/88 Projcct application rvorkslrcct. Staffapproval by K. Pritz ofa Clubhousc addition, including 540 sq.ft. nclv rcstaumnt spacc,45 sq.ft. rcstroonr, and 90 sq.ft nrcchanical. 6/21/89 Projcc t appl ication workshcct. Staff approva l by B. Rosolack o f o ffi cc spacc cxpan.sion into onc unit (unit #3, Bldg. l5) oflcntploycc housing (2 bcdruorns) ancl convcrsion of a conclonriniurn into cnrploycc housing (Bldg. 6, unit #13; thrcc bctlroonr, thlcc bath). I t/t6/89 Lcttcr li'onr Kristarr Pritz, Scrrior Plunncr', to Lucinda Brrt<lrv, Fitncss/Childcarc Dircctor'. Lcttcr notcs sia11'applovul of a childcarc facility for thc Racquct Club uscrs rvithin a coridonrinitrnt. 4/t2/96 Lcttcr fi'onr Laurcn Watcrton, Planning Lilison, to Millt Ivy, Vuil ltacquct Club. Rcgardirrg cxpansion of cxisting ollicc spilcc. L. Watcnon rcscarchcd thc possibility of an cxpansi<ln to thc cxiliting oflicc spucc for thc Vail Racquct Club. 'l'hc lcttcrstatcs that thc officcs forthc opcration of thc Racquct Club arc allorvcd in thc MDMF zonc as iln acccssory usc but idcntificd thc lollolving issuc,s f<lr rcsolvc: l) Thc uraxirrrutu sitc covcragc is 45% of thc cntirc lot, thc lcttcr rcqucst.s a plat nrall idcntifying lot arca and thc footprint of all buitdings; 2) Thc incrcasc in thc officc spacc rvill incrcasc parking spacc rcquircmcnts; and 3) any ncrv building nrust bc in confomtancc rvith 20 foot sctback (lcftcr notcs cxisting building cncroachmcnt). 9t3/96 Projcct application rvorkshect. Dcsign courts, parking, and land.scaping south rcd zonc. Rivicrv Board approval of4 ncrv tennis of meadow drivc rvithin thc avalanche Page I of2 Brent, Sorry for the delay. In response: l. Existing site coverage: -condominium buildings (15 total): -50,688 sf -club building: -14.881 sf TOTAL -65.569 sf Proposed site coverage: -option l: -39,875 sf -option 2: -30,586 sf -option 3: -25,864 sf Please note each option anticipates removal of the existing club building and replacing it within the areas noted above. 2. Parking: There appears to be approximately 491parking spaces existing. As we have discussed, it is our intention to provide new underground parking within the new development sufficient to satis! the requirements of the project. 3. Building Height: We do not anticipate exceeding the current height requirements within the MDMF zone district. It is our intent to protect existing views of the current buildings as much as possible. The condominium buildings are typically tlree stories high (not including the "garden level") +/- 33'-0" high Hope this will help. If you need anything else, please do not hesitate. Tom Fritzlen Pierce Architects Brent Wilson wrote: Hi Tom: Can you please provide the following info on the VRC SDD request? l) Existing and proposed approximate site coverage (roofed bldg footprint) calculations. 2) Number of existing and proposed parking spaces. 3) Maximum building height for residential and club buildings. Preliminary Comments l) GRIA - Based on the numbers you've submitted, the total proposed GRFA calculation would be approx. 227,200 s.f. (existing 191,200 sf + proposed 36,000 s.f.). If we assume fi le://C :\Windows\TEMP\GW) 0000 I .HTM 04/17/200r Page? of? the 16 acres on the north side of Meadow Drive can be considered "buildable" area, the proposed GRFA ratio would be about 33% (+ or -). The MDMF zoning allows a GPSA ratio of 35%. Therefore, there may be no deviation required for GRFA. Tlpe III EHU's do not count towards density or GRFA. 2) Geologic Haz.atd Mitigation - although the preliminary report submitted by Bruce Collins will suffice for the short{erm, a site specific analysis (based upon an SDD approval) will need to be submitted prior to final DRB review. Ifyou have any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2t40. Have a great weekend, Brent BrentWilson, AICP Town of Vail, Colorado Dept. of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2140 (970) 479-2452 fax bwilson@ci.vail.co.us file:/iC:\Windows\TEMP\GW) 0000 I .HTM M/17t2001 oo -$) \) )5 \)a\_) llE(, >ao c!ct ogsN@v o o C\l oq sfN@st oqo(o o) oo $(\I @$ oqo(o o) oqs<\tss gv(\los qs(\lsv sotss oo+N$t oo+ <\,lsfs o ci(o oos$ o -i ot o) E lJ- E,o o NF- C\l C\I E ttEa F- o cf CDc o =ot q)o oa El! o o o @ o o o o o o o @ N o c.)c\l n rl o .rfp ts- o--cf o := 0);o (o o (o (9 s C\I (o vN tOI {(\l (o o €\f C\I ocoo o o a.= lr) ao c N N o o= f F-ooro N C! (!NN N o E.t ,E EoIttro()o =ooE or6eoo crlotrE'- =.9GX> IJJ olt F 2gtc =o ol c)+u)G't*@ o)o F c{ct t tr) L (E oF r o .Ar (oo, (o o,(o x ll 0) .N U) J t o or(r @o) tl (D l ) c) o- oc' att ooII o att cta oz .q(, o E o() 6 oJ o =oJ o oJ .Eo = E c)J ooclf L(E oF U' \i\l\ ll o !u <Dg) oo ltti 9lxl 9l CLI cLl<l I oo+6l GO\l oqooGI oq siN @q eo(l' o, ogrt(\I @t oqo(o rl)o, ogsNtt oqt(\ @st oqt(\lss oqs(\TIr+ oc$(\ltt oqvNs!t oo c;(o o, octtrtt oco@ ct) oqoo$t E ILE(, c?o oqooNr\(\lol c, lttr(9 rs a?o (f o o @ o o ooo o o o o t\o (D(\l (0 o (o o @ c)t(DCr,l - {(\l tf(\t t6l (0 o o o ot(\l =ocoo Io(! o!,cJ rod o ()o o=cf\N E(,o o CD c) @(Y) t\oor.' (\oo(\T NN G| I o EJc Eopco(rp €6==('E !!|E9c, Eiooo.gE EE>uJ olt EazoEg fo G|G't ro (o o or o N ct t rO 6 (E 6 .i (s (o o o(0 o)d O)(o xso.o.(E tl o .N(t) oJ ,i o\t thootct O) (o tl -9-oo =I !looo CL ts(L oo6 oolt g o5C'u, 6z IE'e o E E0o o o o 'o o o c c = 6 o ooeD .Eo E gt N!t CD' tlI $ c s .g ao a J, April12,2001 Mr. Brent Wilson Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 re: The Vail Racquet Club Dear Brent, FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS As per our recent discussions, enclosed is a copy of a more recent Ceological Hazard Eval uation regardi n g the above-referenced project. Also, some additional information you may find helpful in your analysis: tr There are 247 condominium units in the Vail Racquet Club (this does not include Employee Housing Units on site or the Vail Racquet Club Townhomes, which are on a separate parcel on the north side of Core Creek). Apparently, through negotiations with Eagle County (the Authority Having Jurisdiction at the time) the areas of three parcels totaling approximately 18 acres were combined to determine the allowable densiw in terms of number of units: -an approximately 2 acre parcel on the south side Meadow Drive across from the Vail Racquet Club containing 4 tennis courts -an approximately 4 acre parcel on the north side of Meadow Drive containing The Vail Racquet Club building (with restaurant, outdoor pool and 10 tennis courts -an approximately 12 acre parcel on the north side of Meadow Drive on which allthe condominium units were built. tr Existing Club building (4 acre parcel): Per the attached area breakdown (living space as used in this instance is not CRFA but rather as a distinction from Storage/Mechanical Spaces), the total area of the exist Club building is approximately 21 ,722 sf of which approximately 3,424 sf is the restaurant (indicated by an "R" in the left margin) o Condominium Units (12 acre parcel): Per the attached area breakdown, there is approximately 191,600 sf of condominium units. Whether or not this is CRFA in the strictest definition is not clear. PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors 1650 EastVailValley Drive Fallridge C-l . Vail,CO81657 . vailarch itects.com . fax (9701476-4901 . (97O) 476-6342 al We are looking fonvard to working with you and the Planning Commission. We feel there are some exciting benefits we can offer the community with this project lf you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Matt lvy Lynn Fritzlen file Sincerely, Thomas R. Du Bois ARTTCLE G. MEDTUM DENSITY MULTTPLE-FAMILY (MDMF) DISTRICI SECTION: 12-6G-1: Purpose 'l 2-6G-2: Perm itted Uses 12-6G-3: Conditional Uses 'l 2-6G- 4: Accessory Uses 12-6G-5: Lot Area And Site Dimensions 12-6G-6: Setbacks 12-6G-7: Height 1 2-6G-8: Density Control 12-6G-9: Site Coverage '12-6G-10: Landscaping And Site Development 12-6G-11: Parking 12-6G-1: PURPOSE: The Medium Density Multiple-Family District is intended to provide sites for multiple- family dwellings at densities to a maximum of eighteen (18)dwelling units per acre, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the same Districl. The Medium Density Multiple-Family District is inlended lo ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurale with multiple-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards. Certain nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses, and where permitted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the District. (Ord. 37(1980) $ 6: Ord. 30(1977) $ 5: Ord. 8(1973) S 5.100) 12-6G-2: PERMITTED USES: OK The following uses shall be permitted in the MDMF Dislrict: Muhiple-family residential dwellings, including attached or row dwellings and condominium dwellings. Single{amily residential dwellings. Two-family residentialdwellings. (Ord. 8(1973) S 5.200) 12-6G-3:CONDITIONALUSES: OK The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the MDMF District, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Bed and breakfast as further regulated by Section 12-14-18 of this Title. Dog kennel. Private clubs and civic, cullural and fraternal organizations. Public buildings, grounds, and facililies. Public or private schools. Public park and recreation facilities. Public utility and public service uses. Ski lifls and tows. Type lll employee housing unit (EHU) as provided in Section 12-13-6 of this Title. Type fV employee housing unit (EHU) as provided in Section 12-'13-7 of this Title. (Ord. 8(1992) $ 17: Ord.31 (1989) $ 5: Ord.20(1982)$ 5: Ord.37(1980) $ 6: Ord. 17(1976) S 1: Ord. 8(1973) S 5.300) 12-6G-4:ACCESSORYUSES: OK The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the MDMF District: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-14-12 of this Title. Private greenhouses, tool sheds, playhouses, attached garages or carporls, swimming pools, patios, or recreation facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereol. (Ord. 8(1973) S 5.400) 12-6G-5: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMENSIONS:ol' The minimum lot or site area shall be len thousand (10,000) square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum lronlage of thirty feel (30'). Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area eighty feet (80') on each side within its boundaries. (Ord. 12(1978) $ 3) 12-6G-6: SETBACKS:cHEcK - €('srry'o l'l"c In the MDMF District, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setback shall be twenty feet (20'). (Ord. 50(1978) S 2) 12-6G-7:HEIGHT:CHECK ] t' tL For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty five feet (35'). For a sloping roof, the heighl of buildings shall not exceed thirty eight feet (38'). (ord. 37(1e80) $ 2) 12-6G-8: DENSITY CONTROL: ER- \EJ 'O 1 I C TJ A. Gross Residential Floor Area: Nol more than thirly five (35) square feet of gross residenlial floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each one hundred (100) square feet of buildable site area; provided, however, that singleJamily and two{amily dwelling units constructed in the Medium Density Residential District shall be enlitled to an additional two hundred twenty five (225) square feet ol gross residential floor area (GRFA) per constructed dwelling unit. Total density shall not exceed eighteen (18) dwelling units per acre of buildable site area.B. Exemptions: All projects that have received final Design Review Board approval as ol December 19, 1978, shall be exempl from the changes in this Section as long as the project commences wilhin one year from the date of final approval. lf the project is to be developed in stages, each stage shall be commenced within one year after the completion of the previous stage. (Ord. a(1996) $ 1: Ord. 16(1991) $ 3: Ord. 19(1979) S 5: Ord. 50(1978) S 18) 12-6G-9: SITE COVERAGE: ffi aF Site coverage shall not exceed fortyTive percenl (45%) of the total site area. (Ord. 17(1991) $ 5: Ord. 8(1973) S 5.507) 12-6G-10: LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: C$ffif" 0 lz At least thirty percent (30%) of the total site area shall be landscaped. The minimum width and length of any area qualifying as landscaping shall be fifleen feet (15') with a minimum area not less than three hundred (300) square feet. (Ord. 19(1976) $ 6: Ord. 8(1e73) S s.s09) r{l 12-6G-11: PARKING: CHECK D€vtA'rro) Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title. At least one-half (1/2) the required parking shall be located wilhin the main building or buildings and hidden from public view or shall be completely hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm. No parking or loading area shall be located in any required front setback area. (Ord. 19(1976) $ 6: Ord. 8(1973) $ 5.510) R, R R t, R K R VATLRACQI ET CLI,B TOWNHOMES & CONDOMINIUMS MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT RAQIJET CLUB SQFT QUANTIES ullung Koom 906 Dining Roo t?e gattway Oy Mens Room Wor.* R""*----.......-_ 99 s8 Custodial Closet l4 rutcnen 660 Club Entry JJJrrorage 35 P.o Strop A Fit Corriaor Oy S.*i"" B"t Aerobics n*| | A.r. A.robi" Sto Mech*ic 130 TOTAL 5007sqft 4672sqft 205sgft l30sqft LTVING SPACE STORAGE MECHANICALROOMS Page I I _,-. -...1-lt ( . vail raquet club square foor quanrities VAIL RACQUET CLI,'B TOWNHOMES & COI{DOMINIIJMS MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT p RAQUET CLUB SQTT R K E R Page 2 VAILRACQUET CLUB TOWNHOMES & CONDOMINIUMS MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT RAQTJET CLUB SQm QUANTTFf LOWERLEVEL Discriptionllocation Quantity(sqft) Mens l,ocker Room (includes: sauna,shwr,steam rm)810 Wgrng!,! l,ocker Room (iacludes: sauna,shwr,steam rm)920 Mechanical Room @y mens locker rm)t97 Pool Equipment Room 203 Electrlcal (In first phase next to pool equip)66 Mechanical (for Tennis Bubble)461 Kithcen Room (w/ cooler, freezer & storage)260 Massage Room & Waiting Room 200 Entry- to Tennis Bubble 2t8 Mens Room Oy bubble)91 Womens Room (by bubble)91 Indoor Whirloool JJI Whirloool Mechanical Room AA Corridor Oy main bathrooms & by whirlpool)443 Electrical Room @y squash crr)56 Squash Couq 592 Storage @y squash crt)60 I{andball Court 800 QSq4p! Ov massage rms, laundry & bathrooms)439 Massage Room I ll0 Message Room II 110 Electiical Room @y gym)102 Health Club, Weight Rm & Reception 1747 Lgqqdry @y massage I)140 Womens Room@y pool)Jt) Mens Room Oy pool)353 Mechanical Room (by outdoor spa)2ts Indoor Pool 4165 Pool Equipment Room zLo TOTAIS 13813 LIVINGSPACE 12193 STORAGE 60 MECHAMCAL & ELECTRICAL 1560 TOTALS(for entire club building) 21722 LTVING SPACE 19246 STORAGE 688 MECTIAMCAL & ELECTRICAL 1788 r' ' il *o raquet club square foot quantities 0 K Page 3 o o I r. *,1 .,t :1.';l :? ',.,i ;' I t o o7o.949'5200 nun'O'S0iDlREcr 390'5300rcELL morkd@vmdo corlr ffi ggr"t r cREE( BLvD sulrE 207 Box 5100 AvoN, C0 816 20 CxNTS D, JUERGENS PRoJ Ecr CooRDINAToR 970.9q9r5200 chrisi@vmdo com FAx'949'5205 Vail RacquetClu Townhom€s\ & condominiums to/arhW oy ttztw'e Matt IvY General Manage r cl 800-428-4840 970-476-4E4C 301-674-8026 Dcnvtr L),rrr 970-4i6-4890 F* cnrail: rvy@colorado.nct 00q I E BEAYER cREE K BLv D SUITE 207 Eox 9t00 Avoil, C0 81520 iflntttcts ANCIT lTECTS r-iLECofi Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.tts April26,2001 Matt lvy, General Manager Vail Racquet Club Owners Association, Inc. 4690 Vail Racquet Club Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vait Racquet Club Development Scenarios Matt: Based upon the preliminary information provided, I have completed an analysis of developmenl options for the association to consider. Attached please find an approximate zoning analysis indicating existing and potenlial opportunities and constraints for additional development at the site. The information contained in this analysis is the basis for the development options listed below: Option A (No SDD) Pursuanl to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, struclures which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged only if the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged structure does not exceed the total gross residential floor area of the preexisting nonconforming structure. The Vail Racquet Club Condominiums are non- conforming with regard to density. Since floor area dedicaled to Type lll employee housing units (EHU) is exempt from gross residential floor area (GRFA) calculations, any amount of GRFA eliminated through the deed-restriction of EHUs could be added elsewhere on the site. For example, the deed-restriction of 20 units (at 450 square feet each) could provide 9,000 square feet of new GRFA elsewhere on site without the need to establish a special development dislrict (SDD). Since Type lll EHUs are not counted toward density, additional dwelling units could be added when employee units are deed-restricted. For example, the deed restriction of 20 employee unils could provide for the addition of 20 new units elsewhere on the site. However, the new GRFA added could not exceed lhe amount of GRFA removed through deed-restriction of the employee units. {p "u*"n'* I Option B (No SDD) lf the property were rezoned to High Densily Multiple Family (HDMF), there would be ample development potential to accomplish the objectives listed in your Option 1-3 plans (assuming 20 EHUs were deed restricted). The HDMF zone district allows a density of 25 units per buildable acre and a GRFA ratio of 60 percent. Existing parking deficiencies would be "grandfathered," but any new units would require parking per Chapler 12-10, Vail Town Code. However, the Vail Land Use Plan places a designation of "Medium Density Residential" (up to 14 units per buildable acre) on the property. This land use designation could make rezoning to HDMF difficult. Adjacent properties are zoned Low Density Multiple Family and Residential Cluster. Option C (SDD) A special developmenl district could be used to facilitate the Option 1-3 plans. The deviations from the underlying MDMF zoning would be density, GRFA, and parking (the existing setback encroachments were established legally with a variance). Pursuant to the Vail Town Code, the VailTown Councilwould need to make a finding that the public benefils of an SDD proposal outweigh lhe potential negative impacts of the zoning deviations. Some recognizable public benefils might include: . The redevelopment and upgrading of quasi-public recreational facilities within Vail. . The provision of permanenl deed restrictions for a significant number of employee housing units within Vail. . The addition of infill housing units in a previously developed neighborhood (as opposed to sprawl). The SDD approval process typically ranges belween three months and two years. Given the fact thal the only significant deviation requesled under an SDD proposal for the association would be GRFA (parking would be close and there would be a net decrease in densily), the process should be relatively straightfonvard. However, there are no guarantees that an SDD proposal would be approved - especially outside the lown's commercial core areas. Club Facilities Remodel The remodel or expansion of the club facilities will require a conditional use permit. The application would be reviewed at a public hearing and is typically approved/denied after one meeting. The approximale timeframe for a conditional use permit application is 4-5 weeks. General lssues Square footage calculations were derived from the "Vail Racquet Club Buildings and Unit Breakdown" document received on April 12,2001. Since the calculations are for gross square footage, I believe existing GRFA calculalions have been over-assessed. However, these numbers will suffice for discussion purposes and to evaluate options. Additionally, since no square footage calculations were provided for the employee units, a rough estimate of 450 square feet per unit was used (pursuanl to our discussion last week). lf you would like to discuss this matler in grealer detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, [.qtu'n' Brent Wilson. AICP Planner ll Preliminary Approximate Zoning Analysis Vail Racquel Club (Deviations from Medium Density Multiple Family zoning are indicated in bold type) Development Criteria Allowed/Required Existino Proposed (W18 units) Tolal Lot Area: 554,911 sf or 12.739 acres no change no change "Buildable" Lot Area: 10,000 sf 469,533 sf no change GRFA: 35o/" or 1 64,337 sf 43o/o ot 201,550 sf 49o/o or 228,550 sf Dwelling units per acre: 18 per buildable acre 25.14 24.96 Site coverage: 45Y" or 249,710 sl 12o/o o( 65,569 sf Option 1: 16oh or 90,563 sl Option 2: 15oh or 81,274 sl Option 3: 14/" or 76,552 sf Min. Setbacks:North: 20' 59' 59'South: 20' 22' 22'East: 20' 15' 15'West: 20' 22' 22' Gore Creek: 50' 59' 59' Max. Height: 38'sloping 33'sloping 33'sloping Landscaping: 30% or 166,473 sf dna dna Parking: approx. 502 spaces approx.491 spaces approx. 518 spaces 'These figures are based upon estimates provided by the owners'associalion and Fritzlen Pierce Architects. They are approximations only. ASSUMPTIONS . 1O0-year flood plain includes 1 .06 acres.. Red Hazard Avalanche Zone is approximately .9 acres.. The association is willing 1o deed restrict 20 units as EHUs.. Approximate EHU size would be about 450 sl.. The "site'includes the condo, club and tennis court parcels. A rezoning of the tennis court site may be necessary under certain scenarios.. lt is assumed the 18 new units would be approx. 2000 square feet in size. IL!co >ioo CL lf AT $C\T tol@t (o O) s C\l@I o c; |r,o) '+(\l$s oo $ C\I@$ $GI\fsl \t C\,Its +ollirs +ol$I o o) vvlr, o, -i N O) oo ro Cf)o c,q ctroro o(\l ociooo) cilr) t.c) C\Io,(o (fj oqororoo6lol lt o T E l,Ltr(, n o =f CD .Eo5o-oo -9o. Eut o o @ o o o c>F.(r)(\|<! .,l o x uJ o (d a.=c s roN Itooollo o. o) o.= 5 (0 o? <.(\l o Et o =o (o o (D (o (f)sc!(o v 6.1 sN sf c\J (o <t)sc\l .=o |l)o =o oo @ CO t- ro NoO)N 6l(\ll\ 6l crltll EI5lzl u)l rrl rlEI ol c:'<l lf,(l'F @ o)o (\l e)\t lo I(E oF tloq,Dq,T Y IJJc, =0) --- ogao (E ooIL o .E5cto c, a! F'i o CL 3n .E oF olc u,'i Lll !lo oI o otl o tto fIl! Itooo CL o. .s oT.cl5 U' ll CE(5 =oz oz :' =o @ at E t! olFl<lt!lEIol =l{ulzltl(rlol OItLlotLI o. I I I I I I (d O) F. N o)\troro tl o ,N .J 6 oF O)F-F.o o (7) |r) o)(os E -o i= "lcDl(6I ololrrl q,l (gI (ua) ^l(1)lz ()l oi olol o oJ o) =oJ c, c)J .E = o oJ (l) CLo.if L(g oF <a $N\t rd ll (! v, s! v, E oN cv cc o_ q) z.oF =OJ ()m<=tL -i(I-(r; >1llEf<oz. ()>* dJcE<o-> tro C) oo- slftt rl)(\l(t (o € o lo €t)i-(\| <t6lct(0 d (t)(D c,G'ri(osf ct -t(D G'(Drf'(t)t\(r, c; ctt(tt\N r{r GOo CDqf ro!() co 0q CDo (t)a6l o)(otf,ro(o (tl aoloro al, €€(l' @00rl}ou, 1r, €otct (r' COrato(t) o)G'lolft ao c,€rt @ct(l'or(l a0ctrtctcit sfN6l @ ot(i' rout(o (tt €ot co coal)oro $(o cola,(\l 6|]f'ro(l' N oo (, |g (Eo o 6 oF C'o agto oJ ts oF oo)(! o o .=a _9 3: o (! c) o.= U) .E ..2x UJ oc,o o oo o.=(t c .9 CLo E oo o E E .o U) oc,6 q, o() o =U' .s o =oz (l) E'6 o o C) o).=(t, $t c -9 CLo o) .E axo -o oo EI (u o -o U) E(l)EE c,ctg o o(, o =o as oF =c) = o E 39 o oo o.=o et o olo '=ox 0) EI oiOI>ro E. EI o -of U' o (U oo(! o o C) o =o a6 oF =oz GJ (ooj Jtl azo F 5foJ o llJ(, TLllt ooco UJ? =o>uJ <o1O>* -4[i -r(E<(L> TETTER OF TMNSMITTAT Date: April 25, 2001 To: TOV/Dept of Community Development Aftn: Brent WilsonFrom: Thomas R Du Boifu Re: The Vail Racquet Club CC: File Aftached Please Find: _Progress Prints Specifications X Plans _Shop Drawings Other Item No. No. of Copies Description 1 1 ea of 2 Site plans w/approx flood plain info FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS The ltems listed Above Are: _For Review and Comments X ForYour Use fu Requested _Returned After Review Other Remarks: Brent, Pfease call wl?.72. o, if you require additional info. Thanks. K:\0056 - Vail Racquet Club\TOV correspondenceVminal-Iov-add site info.doc page I of l PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors 1650 EastVailValley Drive Fallridge C-l . Vail, CO81657 . vailarchitects.com . lax lgTol 476-4901 . (9701476-6342 st'll llNlf{UONUJ 8{ llJ.L:lf IOJVd lVn DO 8n.13 l3nbYr lrYA S59t Bntf rtnbfvu TV lHr JN &,lJ- rJ_r : ,1 D F O'; l"au !E$e {6P< gi3 ,'---* Ee1 l*F ;;il !1!' J t Er---"-'"- *€ a (t e(, jr '; X. E' ET or i' 6p$ g" -9 'eE? {i5's s s st .'r' /-rC J.' (ss/ T tor$s .4'I"17',, ) ''"0S,.''{// ilt' z. - .t\..'''' J \,., {i; 'J "r t./, 'o"Q"1 | ',,/; .,..\\'/'( +): fr-) $i1v-L/t/ t Ao, -1-</ K"e a o IL z tJ.t =uNs!urr; F I F I eg N 0-- q) +l in I s .9.tl o_o t=, zl{l illFI 6l 'l ,l ol trl 0-l ol t* o IL T--T >l{lul ot{l 6l ol EIlul 6lol :l zl ol trl tLl ol J- --_t_ F : I $q) L :l|($ L l:lIJ o-pLloo .octq) F \tl .s -aJ .9xlu rT IJ (51cE$ c)o 1-oo!J-t5o t-tl-l osil :5olD.rJ fo(sli d't-10)o*s'-F; ^E u- q) flsM-$s)'-9 CJI':ojfE3.ex0)xlu (L tu EEE Nd $rsO =81uo nS ts -\)sEC -j-r0) rr-Saoo e8a l3l q)L5.tl$q) ]L 5l- .|Jg lu r -.1HI q) s)$sfr ss($ >-E 86sil P'<o al ,u! gr ).9 cFF'\uo6 _,_. 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F IJ-J ,1.itE 'tt** \. 1 '*-ld ,rp \clza ITIo o o o o F - o I FI o .t I If I IIFt tl\|'r I'._f ,8:l\: l...-', 1rsll* Ij u' [o'',u* -.1 ,t Tr $t i.l \lil il II "t fI tr I,/b,- =*..*-- 1,I I LtLt \,ut \) il ,t I I ^ i""l _* *-t[ I I I I I\ ti LilL, lwtJ* *tF- I a\ \ tbt\ .iI I*'-* I 1t I -r-lrrJ :l-)NCI -JJ r- Ct- \i I .i I : u I { CJf f$IaFU F{ zo -Eo o o o o N - o I Ftr oa Eh-r EEST*IE Ii.{EI IiIrI nl*wr t;$r.Nl i t l I I -.. : a t,. &, .\ # I\ I\ t \ \ \ \?" t,ffi .,tr' ^ \ \e YIu>pc t; -li- ,. I ,t ${\ }r**l \a \ I I I \ll !.t : I 1 tt o i E \i Irf-tlItt III :It'\ I I --t I ,.*-i \ z rrl LLI |jJ'-,Ncr. trl v.:C- $tzo -Eo o a I o 00 -o I F.L o tt t ..\ a I cig .; 16L ! II {F_ II tli IIf I 1 f Il:l1\i tI Iilirtr.. rt ,l -n 5!t.FbiF- rir..rtr * t q", u5>{ I o i 1 l z LlJ IJJ --) \r"NeF LrJ MLL O- - !; I ::i IrF \.JI / {-1 t I il IJot1 I I ItIt l I : t : I Or *S,,* u{ _.-* ! i l \Qza ITIo o o I o Questions?the Planning Staff at 479-2138 APPUCATIO N FOR PLATI T{ I TIG A]I D EI{VI RO TI III ETITAL ruhtr COMMIS$OI{ APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be aaepted until all required information is submitted. The p@ect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. o Call OF APPLIC,ATION: Bed and BreaKast Conditional Use Permit Major or I Minor Subdivision Rezoning Sign Variance Special Development District Major or tr Minor Amendment to SDD TYPE tr tr tr tr tr tt tr- tr tr tr tr tr tr Employee Housing Unit (Type: Major or tr Minor Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) Major or Minor Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) Variance Zoning Code Amendment Amendment to an Approved Development Plan B. c. D. E. r. a G. H. DESCRTmON oFrHE REQUEST, sep. A-rF.A4'ltg;b LocArroN oF pRoposAL: 'or, VAL 46cfPut1 Si#P cort*.'tJrurq: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel ) ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): ADDRESS: owr{ER(s) srcilAruRE(s): NAME OF APPLICANT: FEE: Se submittal reguirements for appropriate PLEASE SUBIIIIT THIS APPLICATIOII, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREITIEI{TS AllD THE FEE TO THE DEPARTilEilT OF COtrlilUI{ITY DEVELOPMEI{T, 75 SOUTH FROIITAGE ROAD,VAII, OOLORADO 81657. RECEIVED MARz g zuOf t,fu Se nr l By;VAII BACOUET C,-UB ;9704 764890;15:12; 1,. VAIL RACqUET CLUB EUILDINGS Ar{r' rrNrT BnFAKDOWN Brilding l i 16 two bcdrorfot unib 12 @ 87a sq. ft. 4 @1084 sqriff. Approxinatc loral squarc footagc in buitding I = 14324 sq. ft. 'Buildlng2 , t0 thr€c bedniirm units I @ I,t00 s<I,,ft. 2 @1,2W sqiift. (ipprd.ximatcly) Approximate total square foolege in building 2 = t 1,200 sq. ft. Buildirg3 ij . 16 two bcdrfrnn uirr l2 @ 87a sq.fi. Approxirnatciotat sqliarc footage in building 3 - 14,t24 sq. ft. l0two 8@874q. 2 @ t084 sq, sq.fr. Gei rybI rJ<qnl Atso I Ma^-22-01 o Page 214 EHUi) uenr tsy: vAlL HAUUUE I 0!uB 97047648S0;Man - 22-01 a 15: 12;Page 3/4 r.,Jor rJcr.rraa F+lll'6,) .li BqildtES 12,i 12 @ 87,1sq. 4 @ 1084 rq; t.' 4 Sent By: VAIL RACUJ€T CLUB Man-22-01 l5rt3; o Pege 414 t 575 616t todnsl !b[r t?rl r l0l4 ./tt( DrGt t J9[, t]r(14s' E||tlt4\'-J tlor rJcr.qrr MeuJ t aft'g.J) TIf,IA/N OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAn co 81557 970479-2738 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMT fob Address.: 4690 MEADOW DR VAIL [,ocation......: 11590 MEADOWD& BLDG A,B&C ParcelNo....: 2101124260W Project No...: APPLIEA}IT SII-,VERCOOIJ SERVICE COMPANY O9/25/2OOO 3242 SOUTH PIJATTE RIVER DR. ENGIJEWOOD, CO I0110 License t 226-S Also is COI{TRACTOR CoNIRjACTOR SILVERCOOL SERVTCE COMPAIIY 09/25/2O0O 3242 SOIITH PLATTE RIVER DR. EDTGLE9{OOD, CO 8 0110 License: 226-S Also is Applicant ov{NER VArt RACQITET CLIIB ASSOCTATTOO9/T,/20'0 License: Desciption: REROOF EXSTING SHAKE, INSTALL ICE & WATER SHIELDINSTALL TOV/Comm. Dev. FIRERETARDANTMEDIUMSHAKESw/30#FELTLACING-NEwra{_@lean-Up DepOsit RefUndEDGE, VALLEY, RAKE METAL, STEP FLASHING AND JACKS INCLUDEP._ _ _ - ' . '.- J O Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $727,7M.00 Fireplace Information Restricted: Y 0 #ofGaslogs: 0 #of amount date 0Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Appliances Wood Pellet -* FEE SLJMMARY Buildlng-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> will caLl-> S828. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> S53g.20 DRBFee-> $0. 00 Recrcadon Fee-> $3 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit-> TOTAL FEES-> $0.00 $500. 00 $1, 869 . 20 Total Calcul,ated Fees-'> Additional Fees-> Total Permit Fee-> Pa)rments-> BALANCE DUE-> 91,369.20 s1,869.20 $1 , 869.20 .-" Vtt+( /t"tr7,r'*-C/"lz - {nvw&'' DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: B0G0252 Status.....: FINAL Applied...: @/2,5/2000 Issued...: 10/03/2000 Expires...: 12/73/2002 Phone: 303-761-0330 Phone:303-761-0330 Phone:970-47 5-4840 Approvals: IEe-m: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMENI 09/27 /2000 JRr4 Acrion: IEen: 05400 PLAIINING DEPARTMENI o9/27/2ooo JRII Action: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/27/2OOO JRNL APPR APPROVED APPR N/A APPR N/AAction: IEem: 05500 PI]BIJIC WORKS' og/27/2ooo JRM Action: APPR N/A See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninS and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE N 479-2149 OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 **********************rt-Jt**'tstts'ht*********iH.************ffi!B********rit************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 8004252 as of 0G1&2003 Status: FINAL *li******!H*ffi **lffi rHli*****dit*********tit*lr**ffi **ffi *********#**********li****ffi PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBLIILDPERMT Applied: 09/25/2000 Applicane SILVERCOOLSERVICECOMPANY Issued: 70/03/2000303-761.-0330 ToExpire: 12/13/2002 Job Address: 4690 MEADOW DR VAIL Location 4590 MEADOWDR, BLDG A,B&C Parcel No: 210112426000 Description: REROOF EXISTING SHAKE, INSTALL ICE & WATER SHIELD,INSTALL FIRE RETARDANT MEDITIM SHAKES W / 30# FELT LACING - NEW METAL EDGE, VALLEY, RAKE METAL, STEP FLASHING AND JACKS INCLTIDED. Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIS,CEILING$AND FLOORS To BE SEALED WTIH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL, Cond:15 @LDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIIRED IN ALL BEDROOIVISAND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF THE 1997 TIBC. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. *:1.'i+ t *****f*+'t * * *+**++{it********{rtt * ****** ** *** t f** + + +t************ * * * ** * * *** ** * ****** * * * t* t TOWNOFVAIT, COLORADO@yXrpdilcrtoOClG2llB *12z11z06 061r8/200t Statement *+l' + + **'i*** + *t *'t ** ** +*** + *t*** +*** * * * *** * t + + *a* + {r** + * * * 'lr*+* ** *** * ** * * * * + * * * | * + + * f *:t * +** + * f,* * Statenerrt Nuriber: R000000005 tunount: $1,869.20 r0/03/200003:15 PM Palment Method: Check Init: iIMN Notation: SIIJVERCOOIJ SERVTCES Permit No: BOO-0252 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMIT Parcel No: 2LOLL2426OOO Site Addregs: 4690 MEiADOW DR VAIIJ IJocation: 4590 MEjADOW DR, BLDG A,B&C Totsal Feee: 91,869.20 This Palment: $1,859.20 Total ArJL Pnts: $1,869.20 Balance: 90. OO * * * * *** * ++ t | + + * 'i +** * * * ** ** * + * + 'i + * * * '* 'i '1. * * **'i * * * * * * *** * f 't * * * * * * + * * * * * * * 'i,i * * * '|**t + ** ** + * * | * ** * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 5OO.OO BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI'{IT FEES B28.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 538.20 t.lc 001000031i2800 WILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 ? o o oooo rlio,oo.oC'I o o Hoa d8 o o o0 ..8}IEf;8 HE.HAqle8&Ago riA :< cE-Ia B EI x F o <; oo c o -q ot !,ql oo(,t{Hol{>.oFro roIA OToll,. IE Aa r{ E I 0tI(a F F EU FI A ciT E. a 6 B FIeo F o EEE|0 f,3T.E!atI F.H2'!a tlEIoa B '{ FEf,: H E IE HgE( &fi E e E It{ EHTErt) 'E ocEIEP EEE SR l.l F R !4 2 CI D H dEd az c :. ('IIo o r{ 3) craI> q-rtI'{ O.EC.e| dE9tAAlr mflfftrTrn oofrttrfi oElrELoFr- t Eesign Review Board ACTIOI{ FOR],I Department of Commun ity Dav€lopment 75 South FrontaEe Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.?452 web: www.vaiigov.com Protect l{ame: Project Description: REPTACE MUD DRIVE WITH PAVER DRBNumber: DRB000008 DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Pailicipants: Prorect Address: Legal Description: Parcel Numben Comments3 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Gonditions: owNER RACQUETCLUBOWNERSASSOC 10/03/2000 4690 VAIL MCQUET CLUB DR VAIL CO 81657 APPUCANT MCQUET CLUB OWNERS ASSOC 10/03/2000 4690 VAIL MCQUEI CLUB DR VAIL CO 81657 4560 MEADOW DR VAIL Locatlon: LoU Block Subdlvlsion: VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOM 2101-124-2001-8 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actlonl VOID Date ofApproval: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Planner: Bill Gibson 'locot-v6cl: a/27/OO 11 r47) sEP-2J-OO r 1 ,2E' FROH ' TOV-COM-DEV-DEP1 ' 97047€t2452 .> V R C MAINTENANCE; PA9A 2 lD '97@4?92452 PAGE 2/B #ffif#y project reeuiring Desigl ReYiew approval' lnv oroj!$ requiring desiqn rs/ie$/ must receit'e Design now apptuXt'it" Lit'ti"'tt't6 rq:titi|*i**ltt "::ry{: information' see the $bminal r@uir€ments fo, Ure mrticurula'ppr-f it at i, reques€d. -Theiipfiatlon Gnnot be accepted until all the rcquired- informauon is submitted. ft e proiect may atso-need. to O" t*i"i"U ntf the Town Councit and/or the Planning and EnvironrnertalCrrnrnission.OeqnRevierv-hlta:ep-""i""pifooneyearafterfinalapprovalunlessil;:tdil ;;n 15 ftrsu€d anJconstruction is started' Questions? call the Planning sraff at 479-2L38 APPUCATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL n.lD ( rrPr 08'tF- -'A DESCRItrNON OF THE REQUEST: 8. r D. E. LOCATTON OF PROPOSAL: PI-fYSICAL ADORFSS:fbo Vat ZONING: MMEOFOWNER(9: gi vsB MAIIING ADDRESS: r. G. orvilER(s) NAME OF APPUCANT: ADDRESS: FILING: PHONE: tt/E Zv-r eo e+rl ,*a* i,_a;r;;a=;U (conbctEagte co. Ass€sso6 offce at970-328-B640for parcel #) c","llto. 775 TYPE D tr H. Co l"n +tc'q#L'l Constructton of a new buildinS' il'iiti&-"i"itJoition wnerd square footage is added to anv residenUal or commercial building' i;fi;* ffioi-cttunges to uuirai-ngs anct site impo{entens' such il;;#d;;;hft;'9' t;noonu uoiitions, landscapins' rerrces and retaining walls, etc' DRB fees are to be paid at Ule tme of submiual' !?!ql, then apptying for a buibinglermrb please identiff t|e acGlrate valuation qf the p-j.ct. tt . to*n of vail wn aljui'the iee amrding to the project vah'ation' PI..EASE SUBMIT TTIIS APPUOITION' AI.I- SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENIS AND THE FEE TO T|i;E.PNNTUEXT OT COMMUNITY D6/ELOPMENT' zs sourir'iilor*rncinolo, vnrL coLoRADo 81657' OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction ' $2o0 Addition' $50 llinor AtteEtion - t20 p6 4 GENEML INFORMANON This applistion applies to changes made to a site or exterior altefttions of a builcling' Any attefttion in whicfr aoiitionir Ouiroing square footage is added will require an "additions' application. I. SUBMTTAL REQUIREMENTS I X Photos or sketches which cleartv convey tre existing conditi6ns' ',F photos or sk€tches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)' x All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be - used. 6 condominium Association approval (ir applicable)' trIrtheintentoftheproposa|isnotc{ear|yindicated'theAdministratormay. o.t -in" init loaitionar materials are necessary for the review of the application' ll6ce 1v6<li e/27lOO l1 :4n: sJ7cJ47924A2 , sEP-27-oO 1l r29 FROI4 ' TOV-COM- DEV -DEPT. ->VFCMATNTENANCE; tD,s?04?92452 Page z+ PAGE 4/E\ Lls I ul' l'KurLtJcu FrA I qKrtr'-r BUI.DINGIAIEMISI Roof Siding Ottrer Wan Materials Fascia Sotrits Wndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Raits Flues Flashing Chimnel6 Trash Enclogures Greenhouses Rebining Walb Efterior Lightino Other EPE-QEIIAIEBIAI:fo@8: RED, .^',nl &€pD * Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip H All s<EriOr lighting mrEt meet the Town=s L'ghting Ordinance 12-11-5J. ff ocetior lighting is, proposed, p|eaillnd-rcate i\e n-umber of ftftures and locatirrr on a separate nghting plan. IdentiFi eoch frolrc.type ;no pr*loJtt u height above grade, lumens outpuE luminous areB, and attadr a at sheet of $e lighting ft<tures. ->VRCMAINTENANCE; I D . 97 647924 52 Page 5 Rec€i-v€d t gt2ZlOO 11 :4€}; s7o4792452 'sEP-2\"-OO I I ,29 FROll , ToV-CoM-DEV-DEPT ' PAGE S/B PROPOSED IAilDSCAPING Common Name:Qla[Eig:5d,: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: ECSNNGTREES TO 8E REMOVED: NO^l E r.l',tinimum !€qu irements for landsaping: GROUND COVER. soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSON CONTROL deciduous tr€es - 2 incfi caliper coniferous trees ' 6 fieet in height shrubs - 5 gallons S$J3!@sc: oTHERTANDSCAPEFEATURES(reainingwatts,ferrces,swimmingpoo|s,etc.)'P|easespecity.lndicatebp and bottom eteyations of ,Jil,,i"s'ilii;: r,i"ffi1. r;'911of *uits'*hin the ffont setback is 3 ftet' t &ffi; h"6haof walls ekewhere on the propertv is 5 feet' t5r,N\ Re. .v€d: S/27/OO 1l:48i 9704792452 -> V R C MAINTENANCE; Pag€ E| ' t'P-2"-o@ ll:2s FRoH ' ToV-COM-DEV-DEPT. ID,9?@4792452 PAGE 6/E UTIUTY.LOCATION VERIFTCATION This form b to verify sen ice availability and location for nevr consbuction and should be used in coniunctbn with priparing your utility ptan and scheduling instatlatilns. The location and availahTtty of uUil'e, wheher the/ be main trunk lines or propo6ed lines, must be approved and verified by the fiollowing utilities 6or the accornpanying site plan' Atnhoridliqnahrle Date U.S. West Communicatrons 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 9494530 PuUk Service Company 949-5781(@ry Hall) HoV Go6s Elecuic Assoc. 949-5892 Oed Huslv;John BoYd) T.C.r. 949-5530 (FloYd Salzar) Eagle Ri\€r water & Sanilation District * 47G7480 (Fred Haslee) NOTES: I. * please bring a Site plan, floor plan, and elo/ah:oris whefi obtaining Upper Eagle Vallq/ Water & Sanilation srgnaturc$ Fire flo,v needs must be addressed. If the utility veriFrcation form has signaturcs fiom each of the util'rty companies, and,no comments io ."d";it€Cth/ on the form, the TOwn will preSume that there are no problerns ancl tile d eveloprnefit can Proceed. tr a utility omparry h6 concerns wi$ the propoged consEucbon, the utjlity represenffihe shall note OlreCV ,in the uulity veriFcation fom drat tfiere b a ptou€tn whidl needs b be resohred' The issue sftoufd Uret't be defii6d in an attached letter to the Town of Vail- However, please ke@ in mind iiJ:'i'" tt" r*po"sibitiry of ti; udlify company and the applicant to resoVe ilentified problems' These veriFrcations do not retisre the cDntractor of the responsibility to obGin a Publ-c Way Permit i.. tn" O#rrt"nt of Publt Works dt theTo$rn of Vail. UtliN locations q|lst he obEindbetoIe Jlqoi*]" "tV public rightd-way or easefnent within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained seoarate[' 2. J. Heceaved: 9/27/OO ' sEP-27-@@ rr t29 11:44; 9704792452 -> V R C MAINTENANCE; Page 7 FROM, TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. lD '9?@47924s2 PAGE ?/B II. m. iv. A pre-app|ication conference w?th Town qf Vai| staff b required. No app|ication can be accegted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It b the applicant=s ,*po**iitv to schedute thb meeting by calling 970'479'2128' TIME REqJIREMENTS TheDesignRg/iewBoardmeetsonthelstand3dwednesdaysofeachmond|.Acomp|eE applbtbn form and afl aaorilnfnq-materiartnust oe accepEd bv the cglmuliry Dg/elopmeit DeDartment a minimum of ti;G,an; a half (3 1/2) weeks prior m the date of the DRB public hearing. RMEWCRIIEM Yorr pmposal will be revio€d for conrplbnce wiur be Desgn GuiGlines as set fodt in sedbn 12- U d the MunkiPal Code' NOTLTO ILLAPPqEANE: A. ff a p]operty b bcated in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avdlanche, rc|da||, floodplain' debrb fhw' *"trana,itci] hi'tiJ stuov must be sub'mited and ttre owner must sign an affidavit reognizi"g'd.. f,;;;J r.eort prir to oe usuanc€ of a buiping pemit' Ap1i@n6 are encouraged o c[&'*ttt tt Jpb;ning ff prior to :ybrqt of a DRB applicatbn to determine ttre t€lationship of $e ooperty to alt nrapped hazarcls' B. tsaSiC plan sheet Format. fur all surve16, site plans, landscape plans and other site imDrovemens plans, all of the following must be shown' 1. Plan sheet sbe must be 241 36". For brge projects, larger plan stre may be allorled. icae. fne minlmum scale is 1"=20" All ptans mu$ be at tte same s@le' Graphic bar scale. North arrcw. fOe Otock pmiect name, poject address and legal description' Indication of plan preparer, addrcs and phone nurlDer' drG or oriqi;"| ptan prepantion and all rs/ision dates' voinitv tup ot tocation rnap at a scale of 1"=1'000' or larger' Sheet hbets and numbep. n UoiOer wlttr a minimum left side margin of 1'5"' Names of all adiacent roadwaYs. Plan legend. C. For nev, cofts6,.lctbn and addfions, $e appltant mu* stal€ and ape the project site to indicate property rind'p"ro"ili;'ilildid;;^d buikting comers. .All.ttEH !9 b" tetnc^/ed must be tap€d. Th;$il6m--tnr.ot gs.y5-frat staling done during the winter b not buried bv .non . rul ":#fpiigt tno etaking mu* t6 completed prior to tfie day of dre dnS rneeting' D.AppticanBwhofai|toappearb€furetheDesign,ReviewBoardonthekschedu|edmeeting da* and who have iJtTtfiO r rOrncettutOnc*on on their iem be pctponecl, will harre their w* t-ti"t nit tlt;biB agenda until such time as $e item has been rEPubl6hed. E.IftheDRBapprovestheapp|iotionwithconditionsormodifications,a|tcondifonsof ipp.uar musi're ,oov"O Blst to the issuance of a b'uildinq perrnit" 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. o 10. 11. 12. Roce1v€cr: s/27/oo 11:49; 97c4752452 -> V Ft C MAINTENANCE; F'age a iSEP-27-OO ll '3el FROM: TOV-CoM-DEV-DEPT. lDz97@4?92452 PAGE B/E V.STAFF APPROVAL The AdminiSrator may revie$/ and apprcve Design Rariary appliatiOns' apprwe wit|r crtain rpdifications, deny the appfication, or may lefur'the applica-tion to the Design RerierA, Eoard_for decision. AII sttfr ippi"-G aij *Uject O nna-appmvat by the DRB. The fotlowing types of Design Raderv applications may be staff approved: A, Any apptiotion for an adctitbn to an aisting buuing ttut b corEisten! wrth tJre architenunl design, mjteriag and colors of the building, and approrral has been r€ceiled by an authorizecl metnber of a condominium association, if applicable; B. Arry application to rcdify an e<i$ing buiHing that do€s not sfnificandy drarEe the o<istjng plane of itre 6ui6ing and e generatV coniistert witrr Ure arfiitectrral design, mat€rhb and colors d tfie building, indriding, Ur.[ not tiniiteO to scerior building finbh rEteriab (e.g. stonetork siding' roof materiab, paint or stain,1, e\terior |ight'ng, canoples or awnings, ftnces, antEnnas, sate||ite dighes, windour, slrylighb, Sdin!, minor conmerdal tacade imprcverEnts, arrd other shilar modificatbm; C. Any application for site impovemen6 or modificatiofls including, but not limited to, drivavay moOinotior,S, site grading, she walb, removal or modrfications tO O<isting lanGOping, irffillatin of accessory structur€s or recreatlonal facilities. ADDMONAL RE\[E$/ AND FEES A. If th's application rcquires a rparate revlew 4 any local, statn orfedeol agency sther than the Town oi Vait, the appl'rcation fee shall be ins€ased ry $200.00. E:<amplgs of such review, may include. Out are noi ftmieO to: Colocdo Deparunent of Highway Access PermG, Army Corps of Engineers 404, ac. B. The appliGnt shalt be r€sponsible for paying any publbhing fees which are- in excess of 5fflo of fie appticafuon fee. If, at the applicants request, any rnatter is po:tpo*d- Fr hearing, causing the nijtte. m be republbhed, then the entire'fee for such republlcaton shall be paij by tie applkant' C. Applications deerned by the Commun''ty De\€bpnEnt D@artment to have design, land Ce orc'6er isiires wtrtch may have a significant impact on the communfi may require review by consuliants in addition to Town satr. -snoud a determination be nrade by the Town s{ztr d|€lt an outsite consultant is needed, the Community Dreveloprnent Depafinent may hire the consuhant' The DepaEnert Shatl estinate tne amount of nrcney necessary tD pay -the corEultant and lfib arnount snJU Oe fiorwarded to the Town by the applicant at Ure time of filing an appliation. Expenses i"arted bry the Town in e(cess of the amount fonvarded by the application. shall be paid to the io,rrn Oy Uie appncant within 30 cta)4s of notiftcadon bry t re To\Mr' Anv errcess funds wilt be retumed to tlre applicant upon review completion' u. Kf S*EP"* \3g,* D"rn^-r*,, VRq oq-z-?-oo sFr $-o 6-Ic l,F s ? 1 $ dt $( =-oDt 99-zo f, FE x C )l [,. .-1 6 Fr 6S-t F I Ir/ 2- Tt L 'a is ? o ..o I 5 I 8 HEf froz s H r,rl tN lfta ?sq trt 3{LE' t>-trzg \z ou{= o -oD * +t,$ z sYpn LA I & n f,'l lb c T? n lFlaI -$liAIrtt! c t5 rAi\ ks#[s","1*,b &wfuzb7tafu-e September 27,2000 To whom it may concern: The Board of Directors of the Racquet Club Owners Association have discussed long range improvements to tle maintenance and enhancement of the property, Among these have been the plan to replace existing concrete sidewalks and driveways with a heated paver system. Through discussions at the Board level, the Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board of Directors approved the initial phase of this project and authorized tle installment of a heated paver system behind building l. This final was given on July 30, 1999. ce President 4690 Vail Racquet Club Drive Vail, Colorado 8165 7 800-428-4840 . 970-47 6-4840 J03-6?4-8026 Denver Di'ect . 970-476'4890 F"* email: staff@vailracquetclub.com www.vailracquetclub.com /1 Town of Vail Department of Community Development , '75 S. Frontage Road .Van,COn816q Nam a""",pr*o. f&/ o^r"2,-8,-@.Address: Project Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Gost Each Total 001 0000 3't4 1110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1 997 - Volume 1&2 Ltt o3u.vc 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 oou.o9 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998 CB $35.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 $35.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code CB $42.60 001 0000 3'141112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 314 1112 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books UE 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints,/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Copies xc $0.2s 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60),MS $40.00 001 0000 314 11'11 Studies. Master Plans, etc,MS 001 0000 3'15 3000 Pen alty Fees/Re-l nspections PN 001 0000 3'11 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/per houO PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours lnsDection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contracto16 License Fees 001 0000 3124000 Sign Application Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sign Applicaton Fee SP \ 001 0000 311 2200 Design Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR .fl.ff) 001 0000 315 3000 Building Investiqation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovement Agr€em€nt Deposit D2-DEPI 0 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.DA '001 0000201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% (State) - Tax payable TP *001 0000 310 1 100 Tarable @ 4.0% {Townl - Retail Sales Tar 17 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 3't 1 2500 Additional GRFA - '250"PV $200.00 001 0000 31't 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 3'112500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft.o\.t $s00.00 001 0000 3'11 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Special Development District - Maior Amend oV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 SubdMsion Fees PV 001 0000 3112500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Proqram Other -MS TOTAL:219-W comments: ga;/ dnCazpt Uu* I Cash _ Money Order #Received by: F /Everyone/Formdsalesact. ex6 06/0d2m0 - fh Tom efyd N? 11861 RECEIVED FROM lDonrss -?o< Tom of Vail *tr, ilir,&*JFt ffi?lr,fr,or' --^!^Esc!l?Iloi oTY ffiuiT rp fiDEsr6li_P_€!IE! FE r m,ge ron cx|IRIL RflCqET CLta TEIiI)€ft DETRIL 9{-_ _ 16587 fee.murlE: _91!8/00 TI|C: t{:tB:0Brulr utt,t( f?0. mA|ITJI'IT IB{DERED TeiI,ii TIflTfi YIIJ Ft]R YIIJR PAYEI{TI F:!r !: sttxf TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 October 26, 2000 Brian Donaldson, Director of Maintenance Vail Racquet Club 4690 Vail Racquet Club Drive Vail. CO 81657 RE: Design Review of proposed drive at 4560 Vail Racquet Club Drive Dear Brian, Per our previous phone conversation, the following items need to be addressed prior to the Town of Vail issuing Design Review approval for the proposed paver drive at the Vail Racquet Club: 1. Submit a scaled site plan identifying property lines, easements, right-of-ways, topographic lines, existing and proposed drive location, building locations, and any other relevant information needed for the proper review of this proposal. 2. Submit a scaled grading and drainage plan. 3. Submit a plan identifying the locations of all heating equipment and heating zones for the drive. 4. If any heating of the drive occurs within the street right-of-way, a Revocable Right-of-Way Permit is required from the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Any heating in the street right-of-way will also be required to be on a separate heating zone. 5. Consider methods for limiting drive access and use to pedestrian and electric maintenance cart haffic; vehicular traffic will not be allowed. Vail Racquet Club Drive is a bus route and the backing out of vehicles onto the street is not allowed, therefore, consider methods to discourage vehicles from using the drive as a tum around. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, Bill Gibson, Planner I Community Development Department {,2 o""'"'"o 'o"* TAWNOTVNL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970479-2452 COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET To: frdu, Do'-/)so" COMPAITYNAME: FAx T'LEpEOT\"E y111qsak (e,2o) t4z6 _ lggo - FROM: BI{/ GILs^ ltDAfi: /D/.26/.A TIME:l:?o 4n # oF PAGES rN DOC[]MENT (NOT TNCLTTDING COVER SHEET) Rf, SPONSE REQUIRED ? _Jas SENT BY TOWN OF VNL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEI{T FAX # g7M79AN TOWN OT'VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHOITE # IM+ZS.ATC_ SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: F:EVERYONEVORM S$axshcet 75 South Frontage Road Vaii, CO 81657 970-479-2138 FA^]{.970-479-2452 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPAITY NAME: FAX TELEPHONE ITUMBER: FROM: DATE:TIME: # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLTIDING COVER SHEET)_ RESPONSE RIQUIRED? SENTBY TOWN OF,VAIL COMMI]NTTY DEVELOPMENT F.AX # 97|'-479-7Jj52 TOWN OF VAIL COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHOI\TE #_ 9?04?94T!S- SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: F ;EVERYONE\FoRMS\Faxs hcd '1 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 97Q-479-2138 F/x.970479-2452 COMMI.IIIITY D EVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEtrT COMPAI\TY NAME:a;/ual dr'4 FAX Tf,LEPHONE NI]MBER:L/7L - 937 c,.v, DonJ4to FROM: B t // DATE://: t{ Am # oF PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLTTDING COVER SHEET) Rf,SPONSf REQTTIRED? SENT BY TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT X'AX # g7O 79-U52 TOWII OF VArL COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #- e7o-+ze-21J!- SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES:k€ ' (aor- Dc)!L, F:EVERYONE\FORMS$axSheet t, 75 South FrontageRoad Vail. CO 81657 970-479-2138 FA]{970-479-2452 TO: FROM: DATE: OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANS AL SHEET COMPANY FAX TELEPEOI\TE 607 - o39g TIME: Q:qf AA # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT rNG COVER SFEET)__Z_ RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY TOWN OFVAIL DEVELOPMENTFAX# 970479 ?/js2 TOWN OF V COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ONE #__tm<ze-2138_ SPECIAL MMENTS AtiD NorEs, 4€ t id, ^; R)n1ea.,.e- Ek (3az F:E VERYONE\FORMS\FaxShott @oF{ January 16, 2001 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs: Accompanylng this letter please find the map you requested for final design review of the driveway / walkway improvement located near Vall Racquet Club Building 1, 4550 Vall Racquet Club Drive. This is not only an aestheHc improvement but an lmprovement ln functionality as well. This drlve has ocisted since the buildlng was built In the late 1970's and has been used by motor vehicles, utillty vehicles and heavy equipment since that Hme. The previous version of thls drive was tlmber tracks wlth tlmber cross members all Installed In soll, The result was an unsightly mess for our property owners and guests as well as for surrounding property ownens and guests and passlng motorlsts. I understand the Department of Public Works has an objection to vehicles using this drive because lt would require backlng ofr or onto Meadow Drive, a Town of Vail bus route. Whlle I personally feel this may be an unreasonable objection, because buses only occupy the Eastbound lane of travel, Vall Racquet Club would agree to restrlct travel to utllity cars (modified golf cars), whlch are able to turn around at the base of the drive, and pedestrlans, Vall Racquet Club woutd further agree to post this restriction near the entrance to this drlve / walk. As this matter has been pending for a long period of Hme, I will follow up with your offfce via telephone on Monday, January 22,2OO7. Thank you in advance for your cooperatlon and assistance in bringing this matter to a rapld resolution. Sincerely, Brian A. Donaldson Director of Maintenance ks#ts,tr,n h*7ffib{zQ*ar1*z 4690 Vail Racquet Club Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 800-428.4840 . 97 0.47 6-4840 343 -67 4-8026 Denver Direct . 970-476-4890 r.,r emai l : statf@vaihacquctclub.com rr rvrr..r'irilraclltrqtcluh.cotn oLo \ CFP. ?r \\ ,.'1W i!)*. l-.9 STEEL PIN u"oo--oQ, .& ,n,I \--e N o)$sl,""O (or\ ARC = 331 A = 8o 32'oo"R. 225' Ye;!-\LS J"i $ M Vail Racquet Club Malntenance Department 4690 Vail Racquet Club Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-476-4840 phone 970-476-9334 fax email : sta@vailracouetclub.com www.vailraoouetclub. com FAX TRANSMISSION COVER TOr Judy FROII: Brlan Donaldson FAX: 970479-2452 DATE: llondly, January 29, ZOOI RE: Application for dcdgn review COpIES: NUIIBER.OF PAGES IilCLUDI]IG THIS CovER,: 11 I X ] URGENT I X ] FOR YOUR REVIEW [ ] PLEASE REPLY COMMENTS: Judy: A copy of the appllcation that was submitted in September of 2000 fullows along with a copy of the check whlch, accordlng to our accounting departmentr was cashed In late September iOOO. Your prompt attentlon to this matter witl be greatly appr€clated, Thanks and please call with anyquestions. Brlan { DATE RECETVED FROM ADDRESS I - lne lown ol viul N9 Permit Numbers How PAlD-cash-crre "k /b:EF Bv t: lO I IO l5 tqr: e lq0 5 Ll,Elooil',"OOOOO0 ?OOO',' i1 O\, cf, rft' ril- ' lfl co = . ; J=-|\ r|'t9e,2 , ,-::Fileir. I ; P; lS !-.iOC| OC tr isFFE i O .-j-It J:E. t' c2 c ilrolE58?il. 'r.r(:.i1v.t(f I ..l?'t /l'o ll t47i '17o47'r't t"tl -.#t+z - hq I | 29 FRoH Tov - coM Dr:v - DI:FT ' -:- v n C MAINT|]NANCE: Page 2 lD'9'ro47lt?4G2 PAGE 2/E ,,-ffi Questions? call the Planning Staff at 479-2L38 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEI/T' APPROVAT P^qEIEJA!ry9!Yg_9j.,,.".iio.r rpd,ririn[6ro6\W"H appro/at. Any pmjqct lquri"g.!-..jlllT1*frls apprrcatton is for anvproiect requrnn*u:al!':*": ,rii.,,i;';;it. fir'tliin, informatron, seethe $bmit'l tr'#e1}ily*TtJ,f :t#J,:,i|ffJ::J$:-n,l'aoprutioncannotbe..*ptuo,i'tnarhereQuiag infoma.on rs subm,tted. rhe prsjectnal.r,._igy_Tj1;[yxr::.yj*niT:li:H:3llH,g '*g$mg'*l$*;J""Hff '[X].1:'Jffi :#;;i ;l'U o n o v'"' a ft er nna I a pprova I u n ress ;il,il; ;;n ls ksu€daniconstnrctJon is startoi' DESGITnoNoFTHEPI{U5I; QEanc"'}'- l'tr rJD '( r:rvrAe4 - 06vE - . -.a... *,'r',.l .tFfraqJ ,_t LOT:- BLflil Vn, 'fulv.FIIJNG B. c. D. E. F. G. LOCANON OF PROPOSAL: P}IYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL*: 2\O\ I Z T.ool (Ontact E gle Co. Assesso6 Office at 970-328-86c0 for parcel #) ZONING:-Lv-r t! rr rtl NAMEOF OWNR(S):C<lw,h Ur,;G Dg.v NAME oF nPniC NT'$.q ADDRESS:aa" , CO qv TYPEoo H.Constructlon of a nc'w bulldlnq' i;;il;';itdoiuon wnerd square f@tase F adcled to anv residentiat or conrmerclal building' iffi;;;id;hangesto uuitdi"ngs and sibe lmoorenrens' stch ;il;e^r;t*i"'g, fi do''iadi6ons' landscaplne' rerccs and retaininE walls, etc. DRB ft€s are to be paid at tne tme of submital' !?.tei'{|en appving tur a buiHlnElermiL pleasc klerttff tfie accuBte varuaion ot u,e irlFl'nJirii "t vlir *m'Jolufrd'e iee according -to $re proiect \ahration' Pt.EAsEst'Btt|ITTt|IsAPPuc^Tlo}|,Al|-SuBMITTALREQUIR'EMENfS AND rllE *.. to tt'i6e'ei'nrii-Eiq or-@ltuuNrrr Da'ELoPMENT' zs sowir'iforwndi-iolo' vln- coLoRADo 416s7' OF REVIEW AND FEE: Ns, Constru.tion - t2oo Addidon ' $50 Flinor Alteration - 920 /?7IOO I r:""' t | . 2R TFToM TOV-coM-nrv-DrFT ' aoDlication. t 6 tr Photos or sketchG which cleartv convelt the exrsting conditions' Photos or sketches which d@-rlI convey the proposd building or site atteratron(s)' All retervant spctiftcattons for the propo&1t includinq colors and materials to be userJ. Condomlnium nssociation approral (lf applicable)' rr Ule intent or rheproposar rs nor crearry illl?l9"li?ir#l'fleH$Jr,ication. iirili"" tiit addrtionatmaterials a€ necessary rl PAGE Jt c' lD, g??.4'792452 4t0l GENEBAL-TNLOBUANgS This aootication applies b changes made to a-site or €xterior alterations of a builcling' Any arteouon In which ,oon,o#iii"i^e ,qrri. r*cq.f,.lJ"d*ill 'equi'e an "additions" t' tsfl 'l0| t'l , ?9 FPOH TOV-COH- BUILDINfi-MATERIAtS: Roof Sidinq Other Wall Materials Fascia Sotrils Wndows Winctow Trlm Doors Door Trlm Hand or Deck Raits Flues Flashlng chimney9 Trash Enclo6uter Greenhouses Relaining Walls Bfterlor t-ightinq other I)TV.DEFT. ui j i -.rg13gt-vt c u-E!!:-q Brll.- l.r!:E_of-l4AtrEBUt: COLQB: 9:."refr-"e Ul'l tDe.oa VO*&l 8.GD, " t^,g &&'D * Ptease specify the manttfacturer=s cDlor' numbel and attach a srnall color chip rrllslsrierriehtinsmustmeetherown-s'prr!-os#Hlrllirdiffi frS*#ffi m*jm$i*mg[ftril11ffi.,1"ffiii#;*''"'-aitactra..n fcftures. gl2TlOO 11:4u; -.";';t" r" t"o" ' rov-coH-DEv-DEPT ' qg@Eal_Nam-e: 1D ' 97@479?'abz PRoPoSf- D tAlJD6C/1.p1 NG @ooo-N?s: PROPOSED TREES ANO SHRUBS: 0u-a!ti3y:Srzei: --- EXISflNGTREES TO BE REMO/ED: ryinimum rcquircflcnts for landsctpinq : GROUND COiVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TVPE OF EROSXON CONTROL gTl,iH::Itr:e[:]fflH* shnrbs - 5 qallons SolE|le Eeglage: orHERtANDsc^$FEA}jP,SYi*:1ilx5;l,Tfrjrilffi ifl"ffi f ''^"ff J*H**ffi iff "o l#',:.s?H;,f.1ifr ',"ff litlffiffTbffi i"ffi iiinJru"'setbackbrreet #'ffiSli'H,1il'?il l"tlllil;l;on it'" poop.'v is 6re*t' ,LrP,v+C "rN 5 ,2!91"" ---'-'--NON&I -N0 ^) EI y-t5 tt ^'\ no I | . ?9 FEOI'I ' TOV - C OH - Dr\' -DtiPT 'lD ,9?O47924A?- url urY Lq}rl ON VEB'EICATIO-X Thb form b to verify seMce availability and location f91.n* cofistruction and shouH be used in coniunction with preparino v;rl *i,.v'pi., i^o "n.ouri.ii't;iiil;; The location and availabilrfl of utjftis, whether the/ be t.i" l"itiiio * ptposuo n;;;;;b" approved and verified bv the Cnr"tis utir',tte lor. ttt" accornpanying site plan' AutholgglslqlatuG Date U.S. west Communicatons l-800-922'1987 468.6850 or 949a530 Publk Service ComPanY 949'5781 (GarY Hall) HoV Cross Electic /\soc' 9ao'-5g9, (terl HuslcY;Jnhn BoYd) T.C.l. 949'5530 (FloYd Salzar) €aqle Rjver Water & Sanitation Dlstrict' 476-74Fl0 (Fred Haslee) NOTES: 1. 2. r pbase bdng a site plan, floor plan, and elerratlom w-hen obbinlng Upper Eagle Valley Water & sr;ffi;;'s'"";rel riie Ron' needs must be addr€ssed' tf the utiliv verificttlon lorm has sJqnatures from ""-tl "f-tn" utlrry cnmpaniE' and no (lmments are made directly on o" no,ro itu-io"n will presume ttt"i tti"t" are no p'fobletils and the d'irFloDmenl. can Proc€eo' ffsUtlltycornpanyh6concernswithtie{"p"fl@nfiJcthn,theut'lityrepresentatheshal|note directV on oe utirrtv veaicatil?; ;at'tt# t a poUreri-"'rria neeOt o be rtsohed' The bsue should tlren be detaired t #;fl"il;-'e; t";dr*;';;;' i;''t'e" ptease-keeo in mlnd that it k the responsibitity ;'til*;it,iii.t-or.v ano ttte apptont to resoh€ identifictt orobtetns' It.|ese ver -rcations do not relielrc tie contractor of the. rt!:ponslbility to obraln a PubTc Wry Permit io'ntneoepa,trne-ntorP"bfi'fi ;;i'riiui6"otvtnil*ymry*ffi l-'oq,oq ,"-Jiv o"bilc rirrhtof-wav or arsement wjthln tlrt ilelilrav-E o:rsd-ou$-lesblaued sen@lelv' 3. AEA,'.F",ei I I S*E P,^, \ fiA14..t D""rr"-ofrtr , V&C Kf oq'z'?-oo $,-t =vt dF t\ !o 6-If -lte s i.T t $ df rAo( \ =-|l laJ 't YET o z ,f;t t, r^l gt p$ aq3{tttr>-r?-(zr z.o 7:r1 iin =l 'ful Fq T? H irlnI -OrAllti! s tJ { 4 t |- VI ms#islvo .1.'d,vt'*,/dtlwnarbz September 27,2000 To whom it may concern: The Board of Directors of the Racquet Club Owners Association have discussed long range improvements to the maintenance and enhancement of the property. Among these have been the plan to replace existing concrete sidewalks and driveways with a heated paver system. Through discussions at the Board level, the Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board ofDirectors approved the initial phase ofthis project and authorized the installment ofa heated paver system behind building l. I was given 9n July 30, 1999. ice President 4(*)0 Vril Rucquet Cltrl' l)rivc \4ril, () 'lrt.tkr 8165? tr0rr.4:$.4840 . 9?0-4?6-4t140 Itl i-674-8026 ni'nvcr f)irco , 970'4?6'4890 F* ctnail: stirff@vnihacqtrctcltrh.'''rn wsrr'.vailrircqtt"tcltth rlnr HP OfficeJet 'Personal Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner Fax History Report for VRC Maintenance nu769334 Ian29 2CI1 3:5lpm Last Fax Date Time Jm29 3:45pm Identification 47y2452 T),pe Sent Duration Pages Remlt 6:17 11 OK Result: OK - black and whitp fax OK color - color fax FILI COPY TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road I/ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March l,2002 Mark Donaldson, AIA 0048 Beaver Creek Blvd. Suite 270 Box 5300 Avon, CO 81620 RE:Vail Racquet Club proposed drive - 4560 Racquet Club Drive Dear Mark. As you are aware, the Town of Vail will not review or approve a Design Review application for a proposed project until all of the Town's submiual requirements have been satisfied. StafPs letter to Brian Donaldson, Director of Maintenance, Vail Racquet Club, dated October 26, 2000, identified the outstanding submittal requirements which needed to be addressed for the proposed heated drive at the Vail Racquet Club. Currently items 2, 3, and 4 identified in the October 26, 20@ letter have still not been addressed: 2. Submit a scaled grading and drainage plan. 3. Submit a plan identif,ing the locations of all heating equipment and heating zones for the drive. 4. If any heating of the drive occurs within the street right-of-way, a Revocable Right-of-Way Permit is required from the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Any heating in the street right-of-way will also be required to be on a separate heating zone. Please be aware that the Town of Vail will not issue any constmction permits for this project until final Design Review approval has been granted. Ifyou have any questions or concems, please feel free to call me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerelv. l4/;4^.-lz--- Bill Gibson, AICP Plarner I Town of Vail Enclosure: Saff letter to Brain Donaldson dated October 26, 2000 {S r"no"oru"* Department oJ Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail,co.us October 26, 2000 Brian Donaldson, Director of Maintenance Vail Racquet Club 4690 Vail Racquet Club Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Design Review of proposed drive at 4560 Vail Rac4uet Club Drive Dear Brian, Per our previous phone conversation, the following items need to be addressed prior to the Town ofVail issuing Desigr Review approval for the proposed paver drive at the Vail Racquet Club: 1. Submit a scaled site plan identifing property lines, easements, right-of-ways, topographic lines, existing and proposed drive location, building locations, and any other relevant information needed for the proper review of this proposal. 2. Submit a scaled grading and drainage plan. 3. Submit a plan identiffing tbe locations of all heating equipment and heating zones for the drive. 4. If any heating of the drive occurs within the street right-of-way, a Revocable Right-of-Way Permit is required from the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Any heating in the street right-of-way will also be required to be on a separate heating zone. 5. Consider methods for limitiag drive access and use to pedestrian and electric maintenance cart traffic; vehicular traffic will not be allowed. Vail Racquet Club Drive is a bus route and the backing out ofvehicles onto the street is not allowed, therefore, consider methods to discourage vehicles from using the drive as a turn around. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerelv. Bill Gibson, Planner I Community Development Department {,7*'uo'^"'